Class. Book- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT ^ I /i-^^ STUDENTS' EDITION. ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE TO THE BIBLE ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAN CONTAINING EVERY WORD IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, ARRANGED // y UNDER ITS HEBREW OR GREEK ORIGINAL . — / . try. With the Literal Meaning of Each, and its Pronunciation EXHIBITING ABOUT THREE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN THOUSAND REFERENCES MARKING 30,000 VARIOUS READINGS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT itlj i\t latest infnrmatbn 0it ^itlirEl ^je0grap^B antr Antiquities ET ETC. ETC. ETC. DESIGNED FOR THE SIMPLEST READER OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE By ROBERT YOUNG, LL.D. AUTHOR OF A NEW LITERAL TRANSLATION OF THE HEBREW AND GREEK SCRIPTURES, CONCISE CRITICAL COMMENTS ON THE SAME, A GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MINOR PROPHETS IN HEBREW, BIBLICAL NOTES AND QUERIES, HEBREW GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY, ROOTBOOKS, VERBS, ISRAEI.ITISH GLEANER, CHRISTOLOGV OF THE TARGUMS, GUJARATI GRAMMAR, ETC., ETC. REVISED EDITION WITH AN APPENDIX New York DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 755 V Broadway. /\ .h 3^^ ^■^^A ^^' PUBLISHERS' NOTE. In preparing the present edition the publishers have spared no expense or effort to render it as complete and as accurate as possible. The text has been compared, word for word, with the latest English edition, and all corrections, and additions there found have been carefully made. In addition to this, our examination has brought to light many inaccuracies in the English Edition itself, all of which have been corrected. The many omissions which Dr. Young discovered in his work after the early editions were issued, he inserted in the plates. To gain room he cut out the text of the articles preceding or following the omitted word. He then in- serted the word, giving reference in figures only, but no text. An instance of this occurs in the word " Holy Ghost," which was wholly omitted by Dr. Young from his first edition. Here it might easily happen that it would be necessary to look out eighty-nine references before the correct one was found. In our edition the fact of such omission is noted by an asterisk ( ^ ), and the omitted matter with text in full is found in an Appendix. DODD. MEAD & COMPANY. New York, May, 1882. \ Copyright, 1882, by Dodd, Mead & Company, PEBFATOM NOTE TO THE ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE. rpHE VALUE of a CONCOEDANCE to any large work is well known and admitted, yet it can only be duly -^ appreciated by those who are really interested in the Work of which it treats. And the Sixty-six Writings of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS stand in- a very peculiar position, as I have remarked elsewhere : — " Apart altogether from the claims of the Bible to be regarded as an authentic Eecord of the revelation with which the Divine Being, from time to time, was pleased to favour the children of men, it is by far the most unique volume ever presented to the human race, whether we consider the number of its penmen, their diversified characters, positions and times, or the singular variety and intrinsi'c greatness of the topics treated of ; the astonishing amount. and degree of harmony throughout it in reference to all essential points of doctrine regarding moral truth; or the wonderful and unparalleled style and manner in which the whole is handled. These have often called forth the spontaneous and, exuberant plaudits of accomplished literary and artistic critics, whp, it ig to be feared, were content to admire the purity of the diction, the sublimity of the style, the grandeur of the thoughts, and the I excellency of the morality, without allowing themselves to be practically influenced by its divine life-giving power. " We are accustomed, and that most justly, to consider the Bible as one Book ; but we ought to remember that lit is also a collection of books (pamphlets or tracts, we might call them), not less than sixty-six in number, written Driginally in at least three separate languages — Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek (the most famous and extensively spoken of all antiquity), and composed during a period of 1600 years, between the time of Moses end that of the Apostle John. Written, too, by legislators, patriarchs, prophets, priests, kings, statesmen, physicians, shepherds, taxgatherers, tentmakers, fishermen ; ih. short, by men of every class of the community, in every stage of human progress and experience, both in poetry and in prose, on the most exalted and interesting subjects such as, the earliest origin and history of the human race, the ^providential government of God, the gradual development and exhibition of human progress and declension, and of God's ways and dealings with men, and the consummation of Divine wisdom, purity, love, and life, in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. It embraces, in short, the history and fate of nations and individuals ; an extensive and lixminous code of laws, civil, sacred, and ceremonial ; an unrivalled collection of psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs ; of prophecies, biographies, and epistolary correspondence ; of philosophical disquisitions, nuptial songs, and mournful elegies ; yet all agreeing, in the most wonderful manner, to present essentially the same sublime views : — of God, as to his nature, character, works and words ; — of Man, as to his origin, fall, depravity, hopes, and final destiny ; his duties, responsibilities, and privileges as a creature ; in all his relations of life as a superior, an inferior, or an equal. In a word, it gives all that we are to believe concerning God, and all the duty God requires of man ; yet, at the same time, in the most simple, artless, pleasing, truthful, and practical way possible. Consider all this, I say, — and remember, that it is but the barest outline of this most wonderful Volume, — and wUl you not join in saying that the Bible is its own best witness that the Intelligent Mind which planned its formation, and employed its penmen, was a^ truly Divine as that which set the sun in the ' heavens, keeps the planets in their spheres, and gives us this rational soul, those moral and mental powers, and this ;.human form, ' so fearfully and wonderfully made V " Without attempting to define minutely the doctrine of Verbal Inspiration, the present writer holds very ' decidedly that, of a full or plenary one, which gives us real veracious facts and truths in the best and most appropriate language and style, adopted originally by the Writers through their own idiosyncracies, yet so overruled as not imfrequently to convey thoughts which they themselves did at first buj; faintly apprehend, and which they were afterwards compelled laboriously to study. (See the apostolic testimony on this point in 1st Pet. i. 10-12.) With this understanding the Sacred Scriptures are fo be studied and investigated like every other human composi- tion, for, as remarked elsewhere, " the Bible was written by Men, for Men, and in the ordinary language of Men." IV PREFATORY NOTE For such a VOLTJ. E, it is not wonderful that numerous " Concordances" have been prepared, suitable either to the Original Texts, or to the various Translations. Cardinal HUGO is the first of whose work we have any account. He is said to have employed Jive hundred monks on his Concordance to the Vulgate, till its comj'jletion. (He died a.d. 1262.) Without entering into details, it is suificient to say here that at present the best Concordance to the HEBREW Text of the Old Testament is that of Julius Fukst, to the GREEK Text of the Septuagint that of Abraham Trommius, to the GREEK Text of the New Testament that of C. H. Buuder, to tlie LATIN Vulgate that of Cardinal Hugo, as edited by Lucas Brugensis, and to the ENGLISH Version that of Alexander Cuuden, who issued his third and last edition in 1763. This has been reprinted (generally abridged) in very many forms by Brown, Butterworth, Eadie, Hawker, Smith, Youngman, and others, with varied degrees of accuracy or otherwise. After CRUDEN'S work, which is truly wonderful for his day, there appeared nothmg in the English language worth mentioning in the shape of a Concordance till George V. Wigram issued the " Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldce Concordance," and the " Englishman's Greek Concordance to the New Testament." Shortly after this appeared the " Bilk Student's Guide," or an English, Hebrew, and Chaldee Lexicon and Concordance, by the Rev. William Wilson, D.D., and then the " Critical Greek and English Concordance to the New Testament," prepared by C. H. Hudson, H. L. H-vstings, and Ezra Abbot, LL.D. These works, however, can only he used with any satisfaction or safety by a Hebrew or Greek scholar ; but to such they are of very considerable value, and without their aid, to no small ex^^ent, the present Work could never have obtained the thoroughness and completeness it presents. Notwithstanding the admitted excellences of these works, as first attempts they are necessarily imperfect, and hence the present writer hopes ere long to issue a " Hebrew and Greek Concordance" on a new plan, which will also at the same time serve as an Index (or Reversed. Part) to the present Work, and annexes a "Specimen" page. The only other work that remains to be mentioned is, an " Interpreting Concordance to the New Testament^' showing the Greek original of every word, with a Glossary explaining all the Greek words of the New Testament, and giving them their varied renderings in the Authorized Version, by the Rev. James Gall. This work gives the Greek words only in Roman Letters, without any meaning attached, which the student has to ascertain by turning to the "Glossary" at the end of the work, Mr Bullinger's work on the New Testament (now completed) is also to be specially noted for its remarkably minute sub-divisions, carried, it may be, to an unnecessary extreme in this respect. The present Work is the result of very many years' labour, and is designed to lead the simplest reader to a more correct understanding of the common English Bible, by a reference to the original ivords in Hebrew and Greek, with their varied shades of meaning, as explained by the most recent critics — Flirst, Robinson, &c. Every word in the English Bible is cast into proper alphabetical order, these are then arranged under their respective original words, all in their own proper alphabetical order. To each of these the literal meaning is prefixed, and the pronuneicction appended, with certain figures which indicate the number of the Hebrew conjugation ; wliich latter sign is of great value, since each conjugation has more or less a definite signification of its own. Thus Nos. 1, 3, 5 are active, Nos, 2, 4, 6 passive, and No. 7 reflexive. So that if qatal in the first conjugation is " he kdled," the second is " he was killed," the third " he killed violently," the fourth " he was killed violently," the fifth " he caused to kill," the sixth " he was caused to kill," and the seventh " he killed himself." Though many exceptions are found, the general formula holds good very distinctly. NOUNS, ADJECTIVES, VERBS, AND ADVERBS, are here given generally at full length, with the excep- tion of the word or phrase " The Lord," which it has been deemed unnecessar}'- to insert, as it is uniformly printed in the Common Version in small capitals — "the Lord" — and is thus easily distinguished. It occurs no less than 5000 times, and, if printed in full, would alone have occupied above fifteen pages of this Concordance. THE HEBREW PARTICLES (specially those inseparable) have few or no illustrations presented, but the 'reek ones are more extended; yet in such cases as aXkd, Be, &c., they are much too numerous for a separate exhibition at length. THE ITALICS of the English Bible are enclosed witnin parenthesis ( ), while the VARIOUS READINGS of the GREEK 'NEW TESTAMENT are marked by brackets [ ], and amount to about 30,000 in aU. Unfortunately, the entire lack of ancient Hebrew MSS. prevents the same course from being followed with the Old Testament quotations ; but we are not without hopes that future excavations in the Temple Area in Jerusalem may yet provide us with MSS. of the age of Josiah, or of David, if not with the very Autographs once preserved vsdth the Ark of the tabernacle. PREFATORY NOTE. v THE PROPER NAMES of Persons and Places are, in all existing Concordances (almost without a single exception), either omitted, or put at the end under a separate alphabet ; they are here, for the first time, inserted in their proper alphabetical order, with the literal meaning of eacli, as far as can be at present ascertained. Their proper syllables are also marked and accented according to the 2"'i»tzj;/ts of Hebrew and Greek — the accent being placed only on the last or on the second last syllable of the word, never on the ante-penultimate. THE GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, and BIOGRAPHICAL remarks have been generally limited (after the first niudi/shv pages) to Diljhcal details, and the modern names of ascertained Bible sites have been given in accordance with the researches of Rohuison, Baedeker, the Palentinc Ex'ploration Soeiety, &c. The thorough veracity c" the Scriptures is thus incidentally confirmed by e.xisting facts that cannot be denied or ignored, and are of / licel-ess value. ■ / In consulting this Work, the student is to bear in mind that it is a Concordance "ofWoRDS, not bf Phrases ' save in so far as any given Hebrew or Greek word may be translated in the English Bible not by a luord merely, but by iji2yhrase; thus the word "great" will be found not only under the adjective, but also under the words "authority, deal, deliQlit, desire, do, drops, dron;jht, Jlame, forces, grassJi02Jcr, hailstones, Jioio, lion, man, mercies, noise, owl, pain, power, price, shew, so, stature, swelling, teeth, toe., very, way, what, vjhile to come, vjonders," &c., in all which cases it is not a separate word in the original, but indicates simply what the Translators deemed to be necessary to exprcs."? the full force of each of the words in question. SO WITH THE VERBS. These are arranged under separate headings, e.g., " to come, come im, cOme vpoii" &c. Yet, under the simple verb " to come," the student will find numerous cases where Come iii, come upon, &c., occur The explanation is, that in such cases the adverbs are separate particles, and are no part of the signification of the verb itself. Passives are sometimes to be found under Actives, especially in the Greek As Cruden's DEFINITIONS, though many of them interesting and good, often express too decidedly his own specific view of religious truth to be satisfactory, the present Work confines the definitions strictly to their literal or idiomatic force ; which, after all, will be found to form the best (and indeed the only safe and solid) basis for theological deductions of any kind. The present Work is thus an entirely independent one, and in no sense an edition of Criiden, either in its plan or its execution. Its great object, as Tyndale says of his New Testament, is to enable every " PLOUGli-ROY " to Know more of the Scriptures than the " ancients," by enabUng him at a glance to find out THREE DISTINCT POINTS — First, What is the qrigincd Hebrew or Greek of any ordinary Word in his English Bible : Second., What is the litercd and primitive meaning of every such original word : and- Third, What are thoroughly true and reliable parallel passages. In carrying out these three important Points, the following plan has been adopted : First, One Hundred and Eighteen Thousand references have been given, which are not found m Cruden. Second, Every passage in the New Testament which critical investigators, like Griesbach and Tischendorf, have noted as doubtful, or as having a Various Reading, has been marked by brackets. Third, The Proper Name of every Person and Place has been given, with the literal meaning. Fourth, The date or era of every Person, so as to distinguish him from every other pf the saipe name. Fifth, The location of every place in its tribe, with the modern name (if identified), so as to form a complete Scripture Geography and Gazetteer. But the predominating feature of this work is the Analytical arrangement of each English word under its own proper origincd in Hebrew or Greek, with the literal meaning of the same. By this means the reader is enabled to distinguish things that differ, which are frequently confounded in the English Bible, and for the elucidation of which Cruden offers no real help at all, and which indeed have hitherto been the exclusive property of scholars. For our Translation often renders one Greek word by ten or twenty English ones ; and on. the other hand, it sometimes employs one English word to translate ten or twenty Greek ones. In sending forth this " Analytical Concordance" for the benefit of the Christian student of Holy Writ, the Author trusts that as it is only the practical outcome of all his previous Biblical Studies, many of his readers, lay as ■well as clerical, may give themselves more to the study of the Original Scriptures, which have " God for their Author, Truth without mixture of Error for their Matter, and Salvation for their. End." HOBEET YOUNGs EWNBDRGH, Se^t. 10, 1879. HINTS AND HELPS TO BIBLE INTERPRETATION. Illustrations of iSi'ble Utiioms. . 1. Human feelings, actions, and parts are ascribed to GoD, not that tliey are really in Him, liut because such effects proceed from Him as are like those that flow from such things in Men. see — Gen. 6. j, 6 ; ii. 7 ; 18. 33 ", Psa. 60. 8; 78. 65; Isa. I. 24; .ler. 7. 13; Heb. 10. 12; 12. 6; Jas. 5. 4 ; 2 Pe. 2. 9; Deut. 8, 2; Heb. 4. 13; Luke i. 66, Psa 4 6, Josh. 7. 26; Lev..z6. 28. (b.) God is frequently spoken cf as dealing with men as they deal with Him, sec— Josli. 7. 12 , Judg. 2. 20, 21 , 2 Sa. 22. 26, 27, 2 Ch. 15. a; Matt. 6. 15 ; 18. 35 , John 15. 14. 2. Abstract and inanimate things are frequently rEKsONiFiKn, e.g. —Ears are attributed to the heavens, the earth, death, and destruction , hands to the deep , eyes to the sea and the mountains ; a voice to the deep, wisdom, and tinderstandiug ; a toiU to the flesh and mind ; witnessing to an altar, a song, a stone, blood, and water ; speaking to the ear, eye, foot, days, years, blood, law, righteousness, and blood of sprinkling ; Icnowing, rejoicing, rising, and going down to the sun ; being roused/ram sleep to the sword and aim of Jehovah ; ship- ping and leaping to mountains and hills; crying out to the heart and flesh, wis- dom and understanding; seeing and preaching to the Scripture ; judging to the word ; teaching to grace, the heaven, and the earth ; leading and guiding to light, truth, and the commandments ; dominion and enmity to death ; mastery to sin ; comforting to a rod and staff; carrying a message to auger, fear, mercy, light, and truth ; and every Christian virtue to charity or love. 3. Opposite statements are to be carefully compared, e.g. — Gen. 2 2 and John 5. 17 ;\E.\od. 24. JO and John i. i8;\ 1 Sa. 15. 11 and 29 ; i Ki. 22. 20 and Isa. 40. 14; l%a. 51 10 and Ezek. iB. 31; Prov. 6. i and Phile. 18, 19; Prov 26. 4 and 5 ; Isa. g. 21 and Luke 18. 1 ; .Ezek, 18. 32 and Rom. 9. 18 ; Matt. 5. m and John 16. 4; Matt. 5. 16 and 6. i , 5. 34 and E,ev. 10. 6 and Kom. 9. i ; Matt. 6. 34 and i Ti. 5. 8; Matt. 7. 7, 8 and John 8. 21 ; Matt. 10. 9 and Mark 6. 9, Matt. 10. 37 and Luke 14. 26 and Eph. 5. 29 ; Matt. 12. 30 and ftlark 9. 40; Matt. 2o. 29 and Mark 10. 46 and Luke 18. 35 ; Matt. 26. 52 and Luke 22. 36 ; Luke i 33 and I Co. 15. 24 ; Luke 22. 36 and 2 Co. 10. 4; Luke 16. 8 and Mark 10. 19; Luke i8. I and John g. 31 , John 5. 23 and 41 ; 8. 51 and Heb. 9. 27 ; John 9. 39 and 12. 47, in. 30 and 14. 28, Acts 16. 3 and Gal. 5. 2 ; F>.om. 3 28 and Jas. 2. 24 ; Col. 2. 20 and I I'e. 2. r 3. 4. Geni;i:a I. statements are frequently to be LIMITED, sec — Prov. 3. 16 , g. II ; 10. 27 , II 14, 15 ; 12. 28 ; 16. 7, 10 ; ry. 6 , zS. 22 ; 22. 6. 29 ; Mark 16. 17, i3; John 3. 22 ; 11. 9; Horn. 3. 10, 11 ; 9. 30; 1 Co. 7. 32. 5. Positive statements are frequently to be understood compap.a- TIVELY, see — Gen. 45. 8, Exod. 1.6. 8; i Sa. 3. 7; Prov 8. 10; Jer. 7. 22, 23-, Joel 2. 13; Uos. 6. 6, Matt. 9. 13; 11- 18, 19, 15. 24, 23. 2; Luke 14. Z2', John 5. 22, 30 ; 6. 27 ; Rom. 9. 21 ; 1 Co. i. 17 ; 3. 7 ; Col. 3. 2 ; i Ti. t. 9 , 6. 8. 6. General Rea.sonings, of various kinds,, are sometimes employed, e.g. — From the nature, attributes, and actions of God, the nature and social rela- tions of Man, for analogy, contrast, cause and effect, tiie greater and the less, the less and the greater, the truthfulness of the senses, self consciousness, the truths of testimony, the works of nature and providence, from experience, &c. 7 The language of the MES.SENGER frequently glides into that of the SENDER, e.g.— Gen. 16. 10; 18. 14, Exod. 7. 16, 17 ; 13.25,26; Deut. ji. 13-15; 29. 2-6 ; 31. 22, 23 , Isa. 10. 4. 7, 25, 26 , 50. 3, 4 ; Jer. 4. 19-27 , 6. 22-30 ; 9. 1-3 ; Zech. 2. 8-1 1. 8. What a servant says or does is ascribed to the master, e.g. — Matt. ig. 4, 5 9. Persons and things are spoken of according to what they o>'CE were, or PROFESSED (or are presently THOUGHT) to be, though not really so, either formerly or at present, e.g.—j Sa. 13. 14 ; i Ki. 13. 11 ; Jer. 28. i, 5, 10; Ezek. 21. 4 ; Matt. 5. 13 ; 9. 12, 13 ; 10. 3 , 12. 42 ; 26. 6 ; Luke 2. j, 48 ; 15. 7, 24, 29 ; 16. 15 ; ly. 22 ; Acts 2S. 2; Rom 6. 2 ; 1 Co. i. 21 ; 2. 6; Titus i. 12; 2 Pe. 2. i. 10. Words are frequently used in an ironical manner, e.g. — Judg. TO. 14; I Ki. 18. 27; 22. 15; Job 12. 2: Eccl. II. q; M&tt. 25. 26; Mark 7. 9 ; i Co. 4. 8. 11. Transposition of clauses is frequently necessary, e.g. — Matt. 7. 6, Mark 9. 13 ; ji. 13 ; 15. 21 ; 16. 3, 4 ; Luke 4. 5; 5. 15, 17, Acts 4. 27. 28 ; 5. 12, 15, 38, 39; 28. 18 ; I Ti. 1. T3, 14; Itev. 13. 8. 12. HEBRArsM. . 15. 2. 35. 2 Co. 5. I ; 13. 1 ; Eph. 5. 5; Col. 3. 6; fleb 4 3 60. The PAST tense is frequently used to express the cr.RTAiNnr of a future actiou, e.g. — .John 13. 31 , 15. 6 , 17. i3r Jude 14 , Rev. 10. 7. 61 The I'osiTivi; degree is frequently put for the cojipauative or StJPEKLATIVE, e.g —Luke 9. 48. 62 Sox zzxd DAUGHTER are frequently ustd for a desce.ndant, e.g. — Gen. 29. 5; 46. 21, 22, 2 Sa. 19. 24; Eccl. 1. i ; Matt. i. i; Luke i. 5; 3. 23; 13. 16. 63. Father and mother are frequently used for an ancestor, e.g. — Gcii. 37. 10, I Ki. 15. to; Matt. 3. 9; Mark i<. 10; Lnke i. 31, 73; John 4. 12; Acts 7. 2 ; Pwom. 4. il 64. Brother and sister arc frequently used for a relative or COMPANION, e.ff.— Gen. 14. 14; 2 Ki. 8. 26; Matt. 5.'22, 23, 24,47; 7 5; "■ a6; 23. 8 ;. 25. 40; Jolin 7. 3 ; Acts t. 14 ; 3. 22 ; 9. 30 , n. 29 , 1 Co. i. i ; 511, Gal. i. 19 ; Hob. 2. II, 72, 17 ; 7. 5 ; 8. 11 ; 2 Co. i. i ; 2. 13 ; Rev 6. 11 ; 19. 10 ; 22. g. 65. God — is used of any one (professedly) MiniiTV, whether tnily so or not, and is applied not only to the true God, but to false gods, m.agistrates. judges, angels, prophets, &c., e.g.— Exod. 7. 1 , 15. 11 , 21. 6; 22. 8, 9. 32. 8, 22, 31; Deut. 10. 17; Judg. 8. 33; 9. 9, 13, 13. 21, 22; 16. 23; I Sa. 2. 23, 28. ij, 1 Ki. II. 33 ; 2 Ki. i. 2, 3 ; ig. 37 ; Psa. 8. 5 ; 45. 6 , 82. 1^6 , 97. 7, 9 , 136 2 ; ^fatt. 1. 23 , .Tolm I. I ; 10. 33, 34, 35 , 20. 28 , Acts 7 40, 43, 59 ; 12. 22 , 14 11 ; 17. 18, 23 ; 19. 26 ; 20. 28 , 28. 6; Rom. 9. 5 , i Co. 8. 5 , Phil 3. 19 , 2 Th. 2. 4 ; i Ti. 3. 16 , Titus 2. 13; Heb. I. 8 ; 2 Pe. I i , i Jo. 3. 16 , 5. 20. 66. Spirit — is used of God himself, or the Divine Mind, His energy, influence, gifts; of the vital principle of animals, aud of breath, wind, or air in motion, ic, e.g. — Gen. 7. i ; 3. 8; 6. 3, 17; 8. i , 26. 35, Ac. 67. Angel — is used of a messenf;er (good or bad) from heaven or from men, and applied to spiritual intelligences, to the pillar of cloud and fire, to the (pestilential) winds, to priests, prophets, ministers, disembodied spirits, &c., e.g. — Gen. 16. 7 ; 32 i, 3, 6 , Ex. 14. 19 ; Judg 2. 1 . Psa. 97. 7 , 104. 4 , Eccl. 5. 6 , Hag. I. 13 ; Mai. 2. 7 , Matt. 4. 6 ; 11 ro , 13 39. 4 1, 49 , t6. 27 ; iB. 10 ; 24. 31 ; Mark i. 2; 13. 27 ; Luke 7. 24, 27 , 9. 52 ; Acts 7. 53 ; 12. 15^ i Cor. 4. 9 , 6. 3 ; 11 10; Gal. 3. 19; Col. 2. 18, 2 Thess. i. 17; i Ti. 3. 16, s- »; Heb. i. 7. Jas. 2. 25. I Pe. I. 12; Rev. I. 2o , 2. I, 3, 8, 12: 3. I, 7, 14, 14. 6. 68. Prophet — is used of one who (professedly) announces the will or celebrates the works of God, whether these relate to things past, present, or future, and it is applied to patriarchs, orators, singers, and songstresses, priests, and preachers, e.g. — Gen. 20. 7; Ex. 7 i; 15. 20; Num. ti. 29; 1 Sa. to. 5; Matt. 10. 41 , 23, 34, Luke 4. 24 ; 7. 28; John 4. 19; Acts it. 27; 13. i , 15. 33; i Cor. 12. 28, 29 , 14. 29, 32, 37 ; Epli. 2. 20; 3. 5 ; 4. II ; also Matt. 7. 22 , 26, 68 ; Mark 14. 65 ; Luke 22. 64; Acts 2. 17; 21. 19, i Cor. 11. 4, 5; 13, 9, 14. 1-6, 24, 31, jg, i Tiro. i. 18 , 4, J 4, &C- 69. NouKs are frequently (in Hebrew generally) used for adjectives, C.I/.— -John 6. 63; Rem. 3. 30., Eph. 5. 8. 70. Active verbs frequently express only an attempt to do the action, e.g. — Deut. 28. 68; E?.e. 22. 13; Matt. to. 39; 17. it; John i. 9, 29, 12. 32; Pu)in. 2. 4 ; I Co. 10. 33; Gal. 5. 4; Fhil 3. 15; i •John t. 10, 2. 26; 5. 4, 10; Rev. 12. 9. (b) Active verbs freqaiently express a permissiov. of it, e.g. — Exod. 4. 21; 5 22; 2 Sa. 24. i; Jer. 4. to , 20 7, Eze. 14, 9; Matt. 6. 13-; 11. 25; 23. 32; Mark 5. 12, John 13. 27; A-;ts 13. 29, Rom. 9. 18; it. 7, 2 Th. 2 it. (c) Active verbs frequently e.xpress an awwuiiccmenl of it, e.g. — Gen. 41. 13; Lev, 13. 6, 13; 2 Ki. 2. 24; Isa. 6. 10; .Ter i 10', Eze. 32. 2; 43. 3; Hos. 6. 5; Matt. 16. 19, John 8. 10, it ; Acts to. 15; 1 Co. 6. 2 (d) Active verbs frequently express giving' «7i occasion, for it, e.g. — Gen. 42. 38; 1 Sa. 23 7, 2 Sa. 16. 10, I Ki. 14 t6; Jer. 38. 23, Anioa3. 6; Matt. 5.32; 10. 21 ; Acts I. 18; Rom. 2. 5, 14. 15, i Co. 7. 16; Jas. 5. 20. (c) Active verbs frequently express a directicm or sanction to it, e.g. — Gen. 3. 21 ; John 4. i, &c (/) Active verbs frequently express a ^'omwe to do it, e.g. — Ezek. 13. 22, &c. (g) Active verbs frequently express a continuation of it, e.g. — 1 John 5, 13, &c. {h) Active verbs frequently express what is done by a deputy, e.g. — Gen. 16. 13, &C. 71. Paronomasia, or a play upon words, to excite attention, ia often observable in the original, «.3.— Gen. g. 6, 27 ; 18.27; 27.36; 29.34,35; 31.20,52; 3a. 24; 41. 51, 52; 42. 35; 48. 22; 49. 8, 16. 19; Exod. 23. x; 32. 18; Num. 5. 18; 18. 2; 20. I ; 24. at ; 27. 14; Judg. 10. 4; 15. 16; Ruth t. 20; i Sa. i. 27, 28; 6. 14, 15; 6. 18, 19; 25. 25; 2 Sa. 22. It, 42; I Ki. 8. 66 (2 Ch. 7. 10); t8. it. 26; Neh. <). 24; Job II. 12; 24. 18; 29. 16; 30. 3, 19; 38. 27; Psa. i3. 7, 41; 23. 16; r2. 7; 39- ii; 40. 3; 52. 6; 56. 8; 64. 4; 68. 2S; 96. 5; Prov 6.23; 12. 21; 13. 12; Eccl. i. 2, 13; 7. I. 6; Isa. I. 23; 2. 19, 21; 5. 7;' 7. 9; 10. 18, 30; 13. 4, 6 (Joel i. 15); 14. 4: 15. 8, 9; 17. I, 2; 21. 2; 22. 18; 24. 3, 4, 17, iS; 25. 6; 29. 9; 30. 16; 32. 6, 7, 8, 19; 41. s; S4- 8; s6- 1°; 57- 6; 61. 3; 65. n, 12; Jer. i. 11, 12, 17; 2. 5; 5. 23; 6. 1,28; 7. 13; 10. II ; 19.- 1, 2, 7; 2=- "'• =3- 33. 36, 37, 38, 39; 30-3; 48- 2.; 49-9; S'-s.*': Lam. 3. 47; Eze. 7.6; 12. 10; 24. 21 ; 25. 18; 39. g; Dan. 5. 26-28; Ho«. 2. 23; 8. 7; 9. 15, 16; 10. i; 12. 11; 13. 15; Amos 5. s; 8. i, 2; Jon. 4. 6; Mic. i. 10, 13, i^;- Nah. 2. 10; Hab. 2. 18; Zeph. i. 2; 2. 4; 3. i ; Zech. 9. 3, 5; Matt. j6. 18; 21. 4; ; Luke 21. 11; John 2. 23; Acts 8. 30; 24. 3; Rom. i. 20, 28, 29-31/; 3. 3 ; 5. 19; 8. 23; It. 17; 12. 3; 16. 2; I Co. 2. 13; 3. 17; 6. 2; 10. 12; II. 29, 31; 14. 10; 2 Co. .3. 2; 4. 8; 5. 4, 21 ; 8. 22; g. 8; to. 3; Gal. 4. 17; 5. 7; Eph. i. 23; 3. 14, 19; Phil. 1.4; 3.2, 12; 2T1>. 3. II ; iTl. 1.8; 2Ti.3. 4; 4-7; I"!™- ": 3 -folio 7- ANALYTICAL CONCOEDANCE. TJie asterisk {% ) denotes tliat additional references will be found under the same heading in the Appendix at the end of tJie volume. AARON AARON AA'-aON, i'nqx enlightened, illumined. He was the first high priest of Israel : of the family of Kohatli the second sou of Levi the third son of Jacob ; he had Miriam for an elder sister, and Moses for a younger brother; his father's name was Amram, and his mother's Jochebed ; he married Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab, and sister of Naashon ; and by her had four sons, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Icliamar, Exod. 6. i6-zo. He was an excellent speaker, and was appointed to be the prophet or spokesman of Moses : he was then directed by God to meet Moses, and did so at the Mount of God, and received the good news ; he went in with Moses to Pharaoh, did the sigQs foretold, and the plagues commanded, iv.-xi. He was murmured against along with Moses for the want of bread, and called on the people to come n3ar before the Xoed ; was commanded to lay up a pot full of manna before the testimony ; held up the hands of il««e3 during the battle with Amaiek ; eat bread with Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, xii.-xviii. ; was called to come up into Sinai to the Lord ; along with the elders he saw the God, of Israel ; tarried be- low with the people when Moses went up ; was set apart with his whole family to the priesthood; had sacred garments prepared for liim ; was anointed and consecrated to his office by Moses, appointed to light the lamps, and burn incense and make atonement, to wash his hands and feet, xxx. He is persuaded by the people to make a molten image, and is reproved for it by Moses, xxxi. ; he sees the sliining of Moses' face, and is afraid, xxxlv. ; holy garments are made for him, xxxix. ; he and Ms sons are sanctified, and wash their hands and feet, xl. The priestly duties of Aaron and his sons are pre- scribed in Lev. i.-ix. ; his two eldest sons being de- stroyed for offering strange fire, he is silent and sub- missive ; he receives various prohibitions and regula- tions, X. ; how he was to enter the holy place, xvt ; not to mouru for the dead, xxi. ; nor touch the holy things in uucleanness, xxiL He was commanded to numljer the people with Moses and the twelve princes of Israel, Num. i. ; he receives the tribe of Levi for helps, iii. ; numbers the Koliathites, Gershonites, and Merarites, iv. ; receives the form for blessing the people, vi. ; lights the lamps, offers the Levites before the Lord, and makes atonement for them, viii. He and Miriam speak against Moses, and are reproved by God for it, xiL ; spoken against by Korah, Dathau, and Abiram, also by the whole congregation of Israel, ho intercedes- -with God for them, xvi ; his rod flourishes, and is preserved for a memorial, xvii. ; he receives a charge from God of various duties and privileges, xviii. ; the people again murmur against him and Moses; he dies on Mouut'Hor, in the land of Edom, and is buried there, jcx. Bom B.C. 1574, he dies B.C. 145 1, aged 123 years. EsQd.4. 14 (Is) not A. the Levite thy brother ? 4- 27 the Lord said to A., Go into the wilderness 4. 28 And M. told A. all the words of the Lord 4. 29 And it and A. went and gathered together 4. 30 And A. spake all the words which the Lord B. I And afterward Moses and A. went in 5. 4 Wherefore do ye, M. and A., let the people 5. 20 And they met Moses and A., who stood m 6. 13 And the Lord spake unto M. and imto A. 6. 20 and she bare him A. and Moses 6. 23 And A. took him Elisheba, daughter of 6. 25 And Eleazar A.'8 son took him (one) of the 6. 26 These (are) that A. and M., to whom the LORD 6. 27 these^are) that Moses and A. 7. 1 and A. thy brother shall be thy prophet 7. 2 and A. thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh 7. 6 and A. did as the Lord commanded them 7. 7 A. [was] fourscore and three years old, when 7. 8 the Lord spake unto Moses and unto A. 7. 9 thou Shalt say unto A., Take thy rod, and 7- 10 And M. and A. went in unto Pharaoh 7- 10 ami A oast down his rod before Pharaoh Exod. 7. 12 but A.'s rod swallowed up their rods 7. 19 Say unto A., Take thy rod, and stretch 7. 20 And Moses and A. did so, as the Lord 8. s Say unto A., Stretch forth thine hand 8. 6 And A. stretched out liis hand over the 8. 8 Then Pharaoh called for Moses and A. and 8. 12 And M. and A. went out from Pharaoh 8. 16 Say imto A., Stretch out thy rod, and 8. 17 for A. stretched out his hand with his rod 8. 25 Pharaoh called for M. and for A., and said g. 8 the Lord said unto M. and unto A., Take 9. 27 and called for M. and A., and said imto 10. 3 And Moses and A. came in vmto Pharaoh 10. 8 And Moses and A. were brought again unto 10. 16 Then Pharaoh called for M. and A. in haste 11. 10 M. and A. did all these wonders before Ph. 12. I the Lord spake unto M. and A. in the land 12. 28 as the Lord had commanded Moses and A. 12. 31 And he called for Moses and A. by night 12. 43 the LORD said unto Moses and A., This (is) 12. 50 as the Lord commanded M. and A., so did 15. 20 the sister of A., took a timbrel in her hand 16. 2 murmured against Moses and A. in the %6. 6 and A. said unto all the children of Israel 16. 9 Moses spake unto A., Say unto all the 16. 10 asA. spake unto the whole congregation 16. 33 And Moses said unto A., Take a pot 16. 34 so A. laid it up before the Testimony 17. 10 Moses, A., and Hur went up to the top ot 17. 12 and A. and Hur stayed up his hands 18, 12 and A. came, and all the elders of Israel, to ig. 24 thou, and A. with thee : but lei not the 24. I thou, and A., Nadab, and Abihu, and 24. g Then went up Moses, and A., Nadab 24. 14 and, behold, A. and Hur (are) with you 27. 21 A. and his sons shall order it from evening 28. I take thou unto thee A. thy brother, and 28. I (even) A., Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and A, 28. 2 thou Shalt make holy garments for A. thy 28. 3 they may make A. 's garments to consecrate 28. 4 they shall make holy garments for A. thy 28. 12 A, shall bear their names before the 28. 29 A. shall bear the names of the children of 2§. 30 they shall be upon A.'s heart, when he 28. 30 A. shall bear the judgment of the children 28. 35 it shall be upon A. to minister : and his 2.8. 38 it shall be upon A.'s forehead 28. 38 that A. may bear the iniquity of the 28. 40 And for A.'s sons thou shalt make coats 28. 41 thou Shalt put them upon A. thy brother 28. 43 they shall be upon A., and upon his sons 29. 4 A. and his sons thou shalt bring unto 29. 5 and put upon A. the coat, and the robe 29. 9 thou shalt gird them with girdles, A. and 2g. 9 thou shalt consecrate A. and his sons 29. la A. and his sons shall put their hands So in V. 15, 19. 29. 20 the tip of the right ear of A., and upon 20. 21 and sprinkle (it) upon A., and upon his 29. 24 thou shalt put all in the hands of A., and 29. 26 the breast of the ram of A.'s consecration 29. 27 (even) of (that) which (is) for A., and of (that) 2g. 28 it shall be A.'s and his sons' by a statute 29. 29 the holy garments of A. shall be his sons' 29. 32 A. and his sons shall eat the flesh of 29. 35 thus shalt thon do unto A., and to his sons 29. 44 1 will sanctify also both A. and his sons 30, 7 AndA. shaUbumthereonsweetincense 30. 8 when A. lighteth the lamps at even 30. 10 A. shall make an atonement upon 30. 19^ For A. and his sons shall wash their 30. 30 thou shalt anoint A. and his sons 31. lo the holy garments for A. the priest 32. I together unto A., and said unto hira 32. 2 A. said unto them. Break off the 32. 3 in their ears, and brought (them) unto A. 32. 5 when A. saw (it), he built an altar 32. 5 and A. made proclamation, and said 32. 21 And Moses said unto A., What did 3s. 92 And A. said, Let not the anger of my lord Kxod. 32. 25 for A. had made them naked unto 32. 35 because they made the calf, which A. made 34. 30 when A. and all the children of Israel 34. 3J A. and all the rulers of the congregation 35. 19 the holy garments for A. the priest, and tka' 38. 21 by the hand of Ithamar, son to A. 39. I and made the holy garments for A. 39. 27 fine linen (of) woven work for A. 39. 41 the holy garments for A. the priest 40. 12 thou shalt bring A. and his sons imto 40. Z3 thou shalt put upon A. the holy garments 40. 31 A. and his sons washed their hands Lev. 1. 5 the priests, A.'s sons, shaU bring the blood I. 7 the sons of A. the priest shall put fire I. 8 thepriests, A.'s sons, shall lay the parts I. II the priests, A.'s sons, shall sprinkle his z. 2 he shall bring it to A.'s sons the priests a. 3,10 of the meat offering (shall be) A.'s and 3. 2 and A.'s sons the priests shall sprinkle 3. 5 And A.'s sons shall bum it on the altar 3. 8 and A.'s sons shall sprinkle the blood 3. 13 and the sons of A. shall sprinkle the blood 6. 9 Command A. and his sons, saying 6. 14 tlie sons of A. shall offer it before the LORD 6. 16 the remainder thereof shall A. and his 6. 18 among the children of A. shall eat of it 6. 20 the offering of A. and of his sons 6. 25 Speak unto A. and to his sons, saying 7. 10 shall all the sons of A. have, one (as much) 7. 31 the breast shaU be A.'s and his sons' 7. 33 He among the sons of A., thatoffereth 7. 34 and have given them unto A. tho priest 7. 35 of the anointing of A., and of tho 8. 2 Take A. and his sons with him 8. 6 iloses brought A. and his sons, and 8. 12 And he poured, .oil upon A.'s head 8. 13 Moses brought A.'s sons, and put coats 8. 14 A. and his sous laid their hands So in V. 18, 22. 8. 23 the tip of A.'s right ear, and upon the 8. 24 And he brought A.'s sons, and Moses 8. 27 he put all upon A.'s hands, and upon 8. 30 and sprinkled (it) upon A., (and) upon hia 8. 30 and sanctified A., (and) his garments 8. 31 Moses said unto A. and to his sons 8. 31 saying, A. and his sons shall eat it 8. 36 So.A. and his sons did all tilings which g. 1 (that) Moses called A. and his sons, and 9. 2 he said unto A., Take thee a young g. 7 Moses said unto A., Go unto the altar 9. 8 A. therefore went unto the altar, and g. 9 the sons of A. brought the blood unto 9. 12, 18 and A.'s sons presented unto him 9. 21 the right shoulder A. waved (for) 9. 22 And A. lifted up his hand toward the 9. 23 Moses and A. went into the tabernacle lo. I the sons of A., took either of them his 10. 3 Moses said unto A., This (is it) that the 10. 3 I will be glorified. And A. held his peace 10. 4 the uncle of A., and said unto them. Come 10. 6 Moses said unto A., and nnto Eleazar 10. 8 And the Lord spake unto A., saying 10. 12 M. spake unto A., and unto Elea2ar,an(I 10. 16 the sons of A. (which were) left (alive), 10. 19 And A", said unto M., Behold, this day 11. I the Lord spake unto M. and to A., saying 13. I the Lord spake unto SI. and A., saying 13. 2 he shall be brought unto A. the priest, or 14. 33 the Lord spake imto M. and unto A.,saying 15. I the Lord spake unto M. and to A., saying 16. I of the two sons of A., when they offered 16. 2 Speak imto A. thy brother, that he porao 16. 3 Tims shall A. come into the holy (place) 16. 6 A. shall offer his bullock of the sin 16. 8 And A. shall cast lots upon the two goats 16. 9 And A. shall bring the goat upon which 16. II And A. shall bring the bullock of the sin i5. 21 And A. shall lay both his hahds upon 16. 23 And A. shall come into the tabernacle tj. 3 Speak unto At, and uoto bis sons, and AARON ABDON Xev. ei. I the sons of A., and say imto them, Tliere 21. 17 Speak unto A., saying, Whosoever (ho be) 21. 21 o£ the seed of A. the priest shall come nigh 21. 24 Moses told (it) unto A., and to his sons, and 22. 2, 18 Speak unto A. and to his sons 22. 4 of theseedof A.(is)aleper,orhatharunning 24. 3 shall A. order it from the evening unto the 24. 9 And it shall be A.'s and his sons'; and Num. I. 3 thou and A. shall number them by their ]. 17 Moses and A. took these men which are 1. 44 which Moses and A. numbered, and the 2. I the Lord spake unto M. and unto A., saying 3. I the generations of A. and Moses in tlie day 3. 2, 3 these (are) the names of the sons of A. 3. 4 office iu tlie sight of A. their father 3. 6 and present them before A. the priest 3. 9 the Levites unto A. and to his sons 3. 10 thou Shalt appoint A. and his sons, and 3. 32 the son of A. the priest (shall be) chief over 3. 38 and A. and his sons, keeping the charge 3. 39 wliich Moses and A. numbered at the 3. 48 redeemed, unto A. and to his sons 3. 51 that were redeemed unto A. and to his sons 4. J, 17 LOKI) spake unto M.and unto A. .saying 4. 5 A. shall come, and his sons, and they shall %. IS when A. and his sons have made an end 4. 16 the sou of A. the priest (pertainetli) tlie oil 4. 19 A. and his sons shall go in, and appoint 4. 27 the appointment of A. and Iris sons shall he 4. 28 of Ithamar the son of A. the priest 4. 33 under the hand of Ithamar the son of A. 4. 34 And M. and A. and the chief of the 4. 37 which Moses and A. did number according 4. 41 whom Moses and A. dia number according 4. 45 whom Moses and A. numbered according 4. 46 whom Moses and A. and the chief of Israel 6. 23 Speak unto A. and unto his sons, saying 7. 8 the hand of Ithamar tlie son of A. the priest 8. 2 Speak unto A., and say unto him, When 8. 3 And A. did so; he lighted the lamps 8. II And A. sliall offer the Levites before 8. 13 tliou shalt set the Levites before A., and 8. 19 the Levites (as) a gift to A. and to his sons 8. 20 And M., and A., and all the congregation 8. 21 and A. offered tlicm (as) an offering before 8. 21 and A. made an atonement for thein 8. 22 before A., and before his sons: as the Lord g. 6 they came before Moses and before A. 10. 8 And the sous of A., the priests, shall 12. I Miriam and A. spake against Moses 12. 4 the LOED spake, .unto M., and unto A. 12. 5 and called A. and Miriam ; and they both 12. 10 and A. looked upon Miriam, and, behold 12. II A. said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I 13. 26 came to Moses, and to A., and to all the 14. 2 murmured against Moses and against A. 14. 5 Then Moses and A. fell on their faces 14. 26 tlie Lord spake unto Moses and unto A. 15. 33 brought him unto Moses and A., and 16. 3 against'Moses and against A., and said 16. II andwhat(is)A.,thatyemurmuragainsl!!i;n? 16. 16 thou, and they, and A., to morrow 16. 17 thou also, and A., each (of you) Iiis censer 16. iS of the congregation with Jloscs and A. 16. so .'he LoHD spake unto Moses and unto A. 16. 37 li'ie son of A. tlie priest, that lie take up tlio j6. 40 which (is) not of the seed of A., come near 16. 41 murmured against M and against A.,sayiiig 16. 42 was gathered against Mosea and against A. 16. 43 Moses and A. came before the tabeni:icle 16. 46 Moses said unto A., Take a censer, and 16. 47 And A. took as Jloses commanded, and 16. 50 And A. returned unto Moses unto the door 17. 3 thou shalt write A.'s name upon tlie rod 17. 6 and the rod of A. (was) among their rods 17. 8 the rod of A. for the house of Levi was 17. 10 Bring A.'s rod again liefore the testimony 18. I the Lord said unto A., Thou and thy 18, 8 the Lord spake unto A., Behold, I also j8. 20 the Lord spake unto A., Thou shalt have 18. 28 the Lord's heave offering to A. the priest 19. I the Lord spake unto Moses and unto A. so. 2 together against Moses and against A. ■ so. 6 And Moses and A. went from the presence so. 8 thou, and A. thy brother, and speak ye 20. 10 and A. gathered the congregation togetlier 20. 12, 23 And the Lord spake unto Moses and A. 2o. 24 A. shall be gathered unto his people 2o, 25 Take A. and Eleazar his son, and bring 20. 26 And strip A. of his garments, and put 2o. 26 A. shall be gathered (unto his people) 20. 28 Moses stripped A. of his garments, and zo. 28 and A. died there in the top of the mount 20. 29 all the congregation saw that A. was dead 20. 29 they mourned for A, thirty days, (even) all 25. 7 the son of A. the priest, saw (it), he rose 25. II the son of A. the priest, hath turned my 26. I Eleazar the son of A. the priest, saying 26. 9 against Moses and against A. in the 26. 59 she bare unto Amram A. and Moses 26. 60 And unto A. was born, Nadab, and Abihu 26. 64 whom Moses and A. the priest numbered 27. 13 thy people, as A, thy brother was gathered 33. I armies under the hand of Moses and A. 33. 38 And A. the priest went up into mount 3i- 39 And A. (was) an hundred and twenty Deut. 9. 20 the Lord was very angry with A. to 9. 20 I prayed for A. also the same time 10. 6 there A. died, and tliere he was buried ■ 32. 50 as A. thy brother died in mount Hor .Josh, 21. 4 and the cliildren of A. the priest, (which 21. 10 Which the cliildren of A., (being) of the Josh. •31. 21. 24. 24. Jndg. 20. I Sa. 12. iCh. 12. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. '5- 23. 23. 23- 23- 24. 24. 24. 24. 3Ch. 13. J3- 26. 29. 3'- 35- Ezra 7. Neh. 10. 12. Psa. 77. 99. 105. 106. 115. "5. 118. »33- ■.,. '35- Jfie. 6. Luke 1. .^cts 7. Ueb. 5, 7. 9- 13 they gave to the children of A. the priest 19 of the children of A., the priests, (were) 5 I sent Moses also and A,, and I plagued 33 Eleazar the son of A. died; and tliey buried 28 Eleazar, the son of A., stood before it 6 that advanced Moses and A., and that 8 the Lord sent Moses and A., which 3 the children of Aniram ; A., and Moses 3 The sons also of A. Nadab, and Abihu 49 But A. and his sons offered upon the 50 these (are) the sons of A.; Eleazar his son 54 of the sons of A. of the families of 57 And to the sons of A. they gave the 4 David assembled the children of A., and 13 The sons of Amram ; A. and Moses ; and 13 and A. was separated, that he should 28 on the sons of A. for the service of the 33 and the charge of the sons of A. their I the divisions of the sons of A. 1 The sons of A. ; Nadab, and Abihu 19 under A. their father, as the Lord 31 the sons of A. in the presence of David 9 the sons of A., and the Levites, and liave 10 (are) the sons of A., and the Levites (wait) 18 the sons of A., that are consecrated to 21 the sous of A. to ofier (them) on the 19 Also of the sons of A. the priests, which 14 the priests the sons of A. (were busied) 14 themselves, andforthe priests the sonsof A. 5 Eleazar, the son of A. the chief priest 38 the priest the son of A. shall be with 47 sanctified (them) unto the 20 like a flock by the hand of Moses and A. 6 Moses and A. among his priests, and 26 his servant, (and) A. whom he had chosen 16 in the camp,(and) A.the saint of the Lord 10 house of A., trust in the Lord 12 Israel ; he will bless the house of A. 3 Let the house of A. now say, that his 2 down upon the beard, (even) A.'s beard 19 bless the Lord, house of A. 4 I sent before thee Moses, A., and Miriam 5 (was)of the daughtersof A.,and]rernanie 40 Saying unto A., Jlake us gods to go before 4 but he tliat is called of God, as (was) A. 11 and not be called after the order of A? 4 and A.'s rod that budded, and the tables AA-RO-NITES, fn^vb lit. of or lelonging to Aaron. The descendants of the preceding person are so called in 1 Ch. 12. 27, where we read that Jehoiada their leader with 3700 men, also Zadok and 22 cap- tains, joined David in Ziklag; and ia 27, 17, that this Zadok was their rujer afterwards ; and in Luke i. 5, that Zacharias's wife was of the daughters of Aaron. From Josh. 21. 13-10, it appears that the Aaronites had thirteen cities assigned to them, viz., Hebron, Libnah, Jattir, Eslitemoa, Holon, Debir, Ain, Juttah, and Bcth-shemesh, outof Judah and Simeon ; Gibeon, Geba, Anathoth, and Almon, out of Benjamin; while the Kohathites had ten, viz., Shechem, Gezer, Kib- zaim, and Beth-horon, out of Epliraim; Eltekeh, Gibbotlion, Aijalon, and Gath-rimnion, out of Dan; Taanach and Gath-rimmon, out of the half tribe of Mauasseh ; and the Gcrshonites had thirteen, viz., Golan in Bashan, and Beesh-terah, out of the other half tribe of Manasseli; Kishon, Dabareh, Jarmuth, and Engannim, out of Isaachar; Mishal, Abdon, Helkath, and Rehob, out of Asher; Kedesh in Galilee, Ilammoth-dor, and Kartan, out of Naphtali; and the ilcrariUs had twelve, viz., Jokneam, Kartah, Dimnah, and Nahalal, out of Zebulun; Bezer, Jahazah, Kedemotli, and Mephaath, out of Reuben ; Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim, Heshbon, and Jazer, out of Gad. In all forty-eight cities with their suburbs. The high-priesthood continued in the family of Eleazar, the third son of Aaron, till the time of Ell, B.C. 1200-1141, who was of the family of Ithamar, the younger son, but it was restored to the liouse of Eleazar in the person of Zadok, who received it when Ahiathar was dismissed by Solomon, i Ki. z. 35, thus fulfilling tlie prediction in i Sa. 2. 30. 1 Ch. 12. 27 Jehoiada (was) the leader of the A. 27. 17 [tlie rulcrj. .of the A., Zadok A-BAD'-BON, djSaSSwj' destruction, i.e., destroyer. The king and angel (or messenger) of the abyss, whose name translated into Greek is Apollyon (which see), who was manifested after the fifth angel \or messenger) had sounded. Rev. 9. II whose name in the Hebrew tongue (is) A. A-BAG'-TEA, Kn.3?s happy, ^prosperous, felix. One of the seven chamberlains or eunuchs that served in the presence of Ahasuerus, also called Xerxes, king of Persia, B.C. 485-467. Compare other Persian names such as Bigtha, Bigthan, Bigthana, Bigvai. Esth. 1. 10 the king, .commanded. .Bigtha and A. A-BA'-NA, nj^N permanent, perennial. A river rising at a height of 1149 feet on the top of Anti-Libanus, near Zebdany, and (along with the Aviaj or Pharpar), flowng through the city and plain of Damascus, which is twenty-three miles off. It is now called Barada or Clirysorrhoas, and is the larger of the two rivers ; it loses itself in the marsh Bahret el Eibliyeh ; fourteen villages are more or less de- pendent on this river for water. 2 Ki. 5. 1 2 (Are) not A. and Phamar . . better than A-BA'-BIM, D"\:i^, passages, fords, ridges. The two sides of a range of high and rugged moun- tains E. of the Jordan, in Moab, facing Jericho, stretching from Gilead to the Arnon; its highest point is Mount Nebo, now Jebel Nebbeh, the top o£ the "Pisgah," whence Moses viewed tlie land before his death ; here Israel pitched after leaving Almon- Diblathaim. Num. 27. 12 Get thee up into this mount A. 33. 47 in the mountains of A., before Ncbo 33. 48 they departed from the mountains of A, Deut. 32. 49 Get thee up into this mountain A. ABASE, to — to make low, humble, bs^ shaphel, 5, SiJty 5. Job 40. 1 1 behold every onefthat is) proud,and abase Eze. 21. 26 exalt(him that is)low,andabase(him that Dan. 4. 37 those that walk in pride he is able to abase ABASED, to he- ro make low, humble, rmretviu tajJeinoo. Matt.23. 12 whosoever shall exalt himself shall be ab. Luke 14. II whosoever exalteth himself shall be ab. 18, 14 every one. .exalteth himself shall be ab. Phil. 4. 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know ABASING — To make low, humble, TawetvSa) tapeinou. a Co. 11. 7 Have I committed an offence in abasing ABASE one's self, to — To be humble, to suhrMt oneself, njj; anah, Isa, 31. 4(he) will not..abase himself for the noise ABATE, to — To flee, hasten aicay, D» nits. Deut. 34. 7 not dim, nor his natural force abated ABATED, to be — I.To cut off, diminish, withdraw, Jnj gara, 2. Lev. 27. 18 it shall be abated from thy "estimation 2. To be lacking, wanting, ivt} chaser. Gen. 8. 3 after the end., the waters were abate J 3. To become light, lightened, sioift, hS^^ qalal. Gen. 8. 8 to see if the waters were abated from off 8. II so Noah knew that the waters were abated 4.7b be feeble, desist, fall, nsn raphah. Judg. 8. 3 Then their anger was abated toward him AB'-BA, a^^a a Chaldee word signifijin g "father." Mark 14, 36 Abba,rather,allthings(are)possibleunto Rom, 8, IS whereby we cry, Abba, Father Gal. 4. 6 sent forth, .into [your] hearts, crying, A. AB'-DA, N'j?!; servant, slave, worshipper. 1. Father of Adoniram, Solomon's tribute officer. 1 Ki. 4. 6 Adoniram, the son of A. (was) over the 2. A chief Levite in Jerusalem after the exile, the son of Shammua, called Obadiah son of Shemaiah in 1 Ch. 9. j6. Nell. II. 17 A. the son of Shammua, the son of Ga' ;! AB-DE'-EL, W'n]i servant of God- The fatlier of Shelemiah whom Jehoiakim, Icing of Judah, ordered to apprehend Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet. Jer. 36. 26 Shelemiah the son of A., to take Earuch AB'-DI, 'T3y servant of J ah. 1. A Merarite, grandfather of Ethan, one of those whom David set over the service of song. iCh.6. 44 hand; Ethan the son of Kishi, the son of A. 2 Ch.29. 12 of the sons of Merari, Kish the son of A. 2. A descendant of one of the two Elams, who had taken a strange wife during the exile, a thing forbid- den by the law of Moses. Ezra 10. 26 of the sons of Elam . .A., and Jeremoth ABrDI'-EL, h>S"^V. servant of God. The ancestor of a family of Gadites dwelling in Gilead in Bashan, as reckoned in the days of Jotham and Jeroboam, kings of Judaii and Israel, B.C. 825-742. 1 Ch. 5. 15 AM the son of A., the son of Guni AB'-DON, jwaa service, servile. 1. A Levitical city in Asher, now called Ahdeh, at the N. of Acre, on the banks of the Wady Hum; called Hebron (Ebron) in Josh. 19. 28. Josh.21. 30 A. with her suburbs 1 Ch. 6. 74 A. with her suburbs 2. A son of Hillel the Pirathonite (perhaps the same as Bedan in i Sa. 12. 11); he judged Israel eight years, B.C. 1120-1112, had forty sons and thirty grandsons, who rode on seventy ass colts, was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim in what was called the mount of the Amaleldtes. Judg.i2. 13 A., son of Hillel, a Pirathonite, judged 12. IS A., son of Hillel the Pirathonite died 3. A Benjamite in Jerusalem. I Ch. 8. 23 And A., and Zichri, and Hanan 4. The firstborn son of Jehiel from Maachah, in Gibeon of Benjamin. I Ch. 8. 30 And his firstborn son A., and Zur, and 9. 36 And his firstborn son A., then Zur, and 5. A son of Micah, and sent with others by king Josiah to Huldah the prophetess to enquire of Jeho- vah regarding the words of the Book of the Iiaw f onnd ABBDNBGO 3 ABIDE In tho temple, B.C. 624. He la called Achbor In 2 Ki. S2 X3. a Ch. 34. 20 the Ung commanded. .A. son of llicah A-EED-NE'-GO, «'i3} nnJi servant of Nego. A name given by the prince of the eunuchs of Ke- buchadnezzaf, king of Babylon, to AZARIAH, one of the four young princes of Judah wlio were carried away B.C. 607. He was one of the tliree companions of Daniel that were cast into the burning fiery furnace for refusing to bow before the golden image set up by Nebuchadnezzar in the plain of Sura, iu thS pro- vince of Babylon. jn. I. 7 for he gave unto . . A zariah [the name]of A. 2. 49 and he set. .A., over tlie affairs of 3. iz whom thou hast set over the affairs. .A. 3. 13 Nebuchadnezzar, .commanded to bring A. 3. 14 (Is it) true, Shadrach, Meshach, and A. ■ 3. i6 Shadraoli, Mcsiiach, and A., answered and 3. 19 changed against Sliadrach, Meshach, & A. 3. 2o his army to bind Shadrach, Meshacli.&A. 3. 22 slew tliose men that toolc up. .A. 3. 23 And these three men.. A., fell down bound 3. 26 Shadrach, Meshach, and A., ye servants of 3. 26 Then Shadrach, Meshach, and A., came 3. 28 Blessed (be)theGodofShadrach,M.,andA. 3. 29 speali anything amiss against.. God of.. A. 3. 30 Then the king promoted. .A., in the A'-BEl, h'^'^ fresh, grassy, ineadoio. 1. A stony place in the field of Joshua the Eethle- hemite, in the N.W. of Judah, between Ekron and Beth-shemesh, whereon the ark was left by the Tliilistines, B.C. 11 40. 1 Sa. 6. 18 the great (stone of) A., whereon they set 2. A city in Naphtali (now called Abil, three miles N.E. of Beth-rehob), where Joab besieged Sheba, whose head was given up to him at the suggestion of a wise woman of Abel of Beth-maaohah. 2 Sa. 20. 14 And he went through, .unto A. V. 15, 16. A-BEI-BETH-MA-A'-CHAH, naj^^orr n'3 hi^ meadow oftlie house of Maachah. A city in Manasseh or Naphtali, which is mentioned along with Ijon, and Dan, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, as being taken by Tiglath-pileser B.C. 740, and the Inhabitants carried off to Assyria. 1 Ki. 15. 20 Ben-hadad. .smote. .A.,and allCinneroth 2 Ki. 15. 29 Tiglath-pileser.. took Ijon and A., and A-BEL-KE-RA'-MM, D'D-i? "rax meadow of the vineyards. A place E. of tlie Jordan beyond Aroer, and now called Abila, six or seven miles beyond Kabbah (or Philadelphia) of the Ammonites. Judg.ii. 33 smote them.. unto tho plain of the v.-y. A-BEL-MA'-IK, 0^3 ^ax meadow of the -waters. Apparently another name for Abel-beth-maachah ; it was smitten by the armies of Benhadad B.C. 940, in the days of Asa. 2 Ch. 16. 4 they smote Ijon, and Dan, and A. A-BEI-ME-HO'-LA, nVina V3N raeadow of the dance. A city in Issachar, at the N. of the Jordan Valley, and ten or twelve miles S. of Beth-shean ; the birth- place of Elisha the prophet, son of Shaphat. Judg. 7. 22 the host fled, .to the border of A., unto I Ki. 4. 12 from Beth-shean to A., (even) unto (the 19. 16 and Elisha, tlie sou of Shaphat of A. A-BEL-MIZ-BA'-IM, Dnp ^?N rneadoio or mourn- ing of the Egyptians. A place at the threshing floor at Atad, "beyond Jordan," probably on the W. between it and Hebron, at Beth-hogla, now Ain-Hajla; accwding to others, at El-Haram, near Hebron, See Atad. > Gen. 50. II wherefore the name of it was called A. A-BEIi-SHIT'-TIM, U-^-^n VpN meadow of the acacias. A place in the plains (or deserts) of Moab E. of the Jordan, about seven miles off, opposite Jericho, and nearly W. of Heshbon. It was the extreme N. border of the last encampment of Israel before passing over the Jordan, B.C. 1451. See Shittim. Num. 33. 49 pitched.. unto A., in the plains of Moab A'-BEL, ^3.7 transitoriness. The second son of Adam and Eve, and apparently the twin brother of Cain. He was a shepherd, and at the end of a certain time brought an offering to Jehovah of the best of his flock. Cain being dis- pleased, slew him " in the field," as all the ancient versions declare. His blood is represented as "crying fi'om the ground." Gen. 4. 2 And she again bare his brother A. And A. 4. 4 A., he also brought, .had respect unto A. 4. 8 And Cain talked with A. . .against A. 4. 9 said unto Cain, Wliere (is) A. thy brother ? 4. 25 another seed instead of A., whom Cain Matt 23. 35 from the blood of righteous A., unto the Luke II. 51 From the blood of A. unto the blood of Heb. II. 4 By faith A. offered unto God a more 12. 24 speaketh better things than (that of) A. A'-BEZ, {"HN white, shining. A city in Issachar, near Klshion or Remeth (perhaps the same as Thebez, now Tubas), near Eugannin and Shunem. J osh. 19. 2o [ border Wis toward ] . . Kishion and A ABHOR, to — 1. To abhor, hm hachal. Zech. II. 8 loathed them, and their soul also abhorred 2. To separate, cast away, loathe, Vyj gaal. Lev. 26. II among you: and my soul shall not abhor 26. IS orif your soul abhor my judgments, so 26. 30 1 will destroy, .and my soulshall abhor 26. 43 and because their soul abhorred my 26. 44 neither will I abhor them, to destroy 3. To nauseate, abhor, cnj zaham, 3. Job 33. 20 So that his life abhorreth bread, and his 4. To be indignant, defy, abhor, Dyi zaam. Prov. 24. 24 the people curse, nations shall abhor 5. To despise, reject, loath, DN'O 7naas. Job 42. 6 Wherefore I abhor (myself), and repent Psa. 36. 4 He deviseth. .he abhorreth not evil 7S. 59 he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel 89. 38 But thou hast cast off and abhorred, thou 6. To despise, pierce, sting, fNj naatz, 1, 3. Deut.32. 19 And when the Lord saw (it), he abhorred iSa. 2. 17 for men abhorred the offering of the Lord Psa. 10. 3 the covetous (whom) the LORD abhorreth .Ter. 14. 21 Do not abhor (us), for thy name's sake 7. To reject, cast down, nxj naar, 3. Lam. 2. 7 the Lord.. hath abhorred his sanctuary 8. To be vexed, wearied with, f'lp quts. Lev. 20. 23 these things, and therefore I abhorred 1 Ki. II. 25 he abhorred Israel, and reigned over S. Isa. 7. 16 the land that thou abhorreat siiall be 9. To have in abomination, I'l^i shaqals, 3 . Psa. 22. 24 not despised nor abhorred the affliction of 10. To contemn, abhor, reject, ^m iaab, 3. Amos 6. 8 I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate 11. To have in abomination, reject, 3yn faab, 3. Deut. 7. 26 and thou shalt utterly abhor it ; for it (is) 23. 7 Thou Shalt not abhor an Edomite ; for he 23. 7 thoushaltnotabhoranEgyptian;because Job 9. 31 and mine own clothes shall abhor me 19. 19 All my inward friends abhorred me 30. 10 They abhor me, they flee far from me Psa. 5. 6 the Lord will abhor the bloody and 106. 40 insomuch that he abhorred his own 107. 18 Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat 119. 163 I hate and abhor lying ; (but) thy law do I Isa. 49. 7 to him whom the nation abhorreth Anids 5. 10 they abhor him that speaketh uprightly Mic. 3. 9 ye.. princes of.. Israel, that abhor 12.^0 shrink from, a-rroffTvyeca apo-stuged. Rom. 12. 9 Abhor that which is evil ; cleave to that 13. To have in abomination, PSeKvcraofiai. Rom. 2. 22 thou that abhorrest idols, dost tliou ABHORRED, to be — 1. To be or become stinJcing, BiNa baash, 2. 2 Sa. 16. 21 Israel shall liear that thou art abhorred 2. To be indignant, defy, abhor, Dy 1 zaam. Prov. 22. 14 he that is abhorred of the Lord shall ABHORRED, to make to be — l.To cause to stink, >yK^ baash, 5. Exod. s. 21 ye have made our savour to be abhorred I Sa. 27. 12 He hath made, .utterly to abhor him 2. To make abominable, reject, 3j;n iaab, 3. Eze. j6. 25 hast made thy beauty to be abhon'ed ABHORRING — A71 object of abJiorrence, f^tiiya deraon. Isa. 66. 24 they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh A'-BI, '3K Jah is father. The daughter of Zechariah, wife of Ahaz, and mother of Hezekiah, kings of JXidah, (called Abijali in 2 Ch. 29. I,) B.C. 726. a Ki. 18. 2 His mother's name also (was) A. A-BI'-A, A-BI'-AH, n;5S Jah is father. 1. The second son of Samuel 'the prophet and judge of Israel; with his brother Joel or Vashni, he judged in Beersheba, and did wickedly, so that Israel desired and obtained a king. I Sa. 8. 2 and the name of his second A. . .judges in I Ch. 6. 28 of Samuel; the first-born Vashni, aud A. 2. The wife of Hezron grandson of Judah by Pharez,. and mother of Ashur father of Tekoa. 1 Ch. 2. 24 then A. Hezron's wife bare him Ashur 3. A son of Rehoboam, called Abijam, iu i Ki. 14. 31 ; IS- If 7. 8. 1 Ch. 3. 10 Solomon's son (was) Rehoboam, A. his Matt. 1. 7 and Roboam begat A.; and A. begat i. The seventh son of Becher son of Benjamin. 1 Ch. 7. 8 And the sons of Becher ; Zemira. .and A. 5. A priest in the days of David, set over a particular course of service in the Tabernacle. Luke I. 5 priest..Zacharias, of the courseof A. A-BI-Al'-BON, ju^j; '3s/aiAer of strength. One of David's mighty men, from Arabah or Beth- arabah, a city in the N. of the country of the tribe of Judah, adjacent to the territory of the tribe of Benjamin. He is called Abiel in 1 Ch. 11. 32. 2 Sa. 23. 31 A. the Arbathite A-BI-A'-SAPH, i^K'^K/a^/ier of gathering. The third son of Korah Prst-born of Jzhar, second son of Kohath, second son of Levi tliird son of Jacob. See Ebiasaph. Exod. 6. 24 And the sons of Korah ; Assir. .and A. A-BI-A'-THAR, •)T^)'^}} father of superfluity. Tho eleventh high- priest in succession from Aaron : son of Ahimelecli, sou of Ahitub, priest at Nob. Ho escaped when Doeg the Edomite slew his father and 85 priests, and fled to David in the cave of Adullam ; was sent back to Jerusalem with the ark when David fled from Absalom ; was joint high-priest with Zadok ; conspired to make Adonijah king ; was banished to his birth place, Anathoth in Benjamin: and at last was expelled, from his office by Solomon, B.C. 1014. 1 Sa. 22. 20 And. .A., escaped, and fled after David 22. 21 And A. shewed David that Saul had 22. 22 And David said unto A., I knew (it) that 23. 6 when A. . .fled to David . .he came down 23. 9 David, .said to A. the priest. Bring 30. 7 And David said to A., .bring me hither 30. 7 Aud A. brought thither the ephod to 2 Sa. 8. 17 And Zadok. .and Ahimelech the son of A. 15. 24 and A. went up, until all the people 15. 27 two SODS with you,.. and.. the son of A. 15. 29 Zadok therefore and A. carried the ark 15. 35 not there with thee Zadok and A. the 15. 35 thou Shalt tell (it) to Zadok and A. tho 15. 36 there with them, .and Jonathan A.'s 17. 15 Then said Hushai unto Zadok and to A. ig. II David sent to Zadok and to A. thepriesta . 20. 25 and Zadok and A. (were) the priests 1 Ki, 1. 7 he conferred with Joab.. and with A. 1. ig and hath called.. A. the priest, and Joab I. 25 and hath called alt. .and A. the priest 1. 42 Jonathan the son of A. the priest came 2. 22 even for him, and for A. the priest, and 2, 26 And unto A. the priest said the king 2. 27 So Solomon thrust out A. from being 2. 35 Zadok. .the king put in the room of A. 4. 4 and Zadok aud A. (were) the priests I Ch. 15. II David called for Zadok and A. tho i8. 16 Zadok. .and Ablmelech the son of A. 24. 6 before the king, and. .the son of A. 27. 34 after Ahithopliel (was) Jehoiada..and A. Mark 2. 26 into the house of God, in the days of A. A'-BIB, 3"3K sprouting, budding. Tlie first month of the sacred and seventh of the civil year of the Hebrews, on the 15th of which Israi 1 left Egypt. It commenced at the new moon of Apill or March (according to tlie Rabbis), and was consti- tuted the first month of the year in commemoration of the release from Egyptian slavery. Exod. 13. 4 This day came ye out in the month A. 23. 15 in the time appointed of the month A. 34. iB bread, .in the time of the month A. 34. 18 in the month A. thou earnest out from Deut. 16. I Observe the month of A. and keep the jfi. I for in the month of A. the Lord thy God A-BI'-DA^ A-BI'-DAH, y-y:!^ father of knowledge. The fourth son of Midian the fourth son of Keturah and Abraham. Comp. the city of Eboda, between Canaan, aud Sinai. Gen.. 25. 4 the sons of Jlidian ; Ephah. .and A. I Ch.. I. 33 the sons of Midian ; Ephah. .and A. A-BI'-BAN, JT5N fatlwr of judgment. The sou of Gideoni, a chief Benjamite, who was ap- pointed along with Moses and Aaron, and a cliief man out of every tribe, to number the people. Num. I. II Of Benjamin ; A. the son of Gideoni 2. 22 the captain of the sons of Benjamin. .A. 7. 60 On the ninth day A. the son of Gideoni 7. 65 this (was) the oftering of A. the son of 10. 24 Aud over the host, .(was) A. the son of ABIDE, to — l.To go in, enter, cojne, Ni3 bo. Num. 31. 23 that may abide the fire. .all thatabideth 2. To sojourn as a stranger, "fii gur. Psa. 15. I Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle T 61. 4 I wiU abide iu thy tabernacle for ever 3.7*0 stay, wait for, hm chul. Hos. II. 6 And the sword shall abide on his cities i.To encamp, uicline downward, riin chanah. Num. 9. 20 according to the. .they abode in their 9. 22 children of Israel abode in their tents 31. ig do ye abide without the camp seven Ezra 8. 15 and there abode we in tents three days 5. To sit, sit down, settle down, dwell, agj; yashab. Gen. 22. s Abide ye here with the ass ; and I 24. ss Let the damsel abide with us (a few) 2g. 14 And he abode with him the space of a 29. 19 And Laban said, . . abide with me 44. 33 let thy servant abide instead of the lad 49. 24 But his bow abode in strength, and Exodi6. 29 See . . abide ye every man in his place Lev. 8. 35 Therefore shall ye abide (at) the door of Numzo. I and the people abode in Kadesh 22. 5 and they abide over against me 22. 8 the princes of Moab abode with Balaam 25. I And Israel abode in Shittim 35. 25 he shall abide in it unto the death of Deut. I. 46 So ye abode in Kadesh many days • 3. 19 your wives, .shall abide in your cities , 3. 29 So we abode in the valley over agajnsfi 9. 9 then I abode iu the mount forty daya- ABIDE ABIJAH Josh. 2. 22 and abode there three days, until the 5. 8 that they abode in their places in the 8. 9 and abode between Beth-el and Ai Judg. 5. 16 Why abodest thou among the aheepfolds \i. 17 and Israel abode in Kadesh 19. 4 and he abode with hira three days 20. 47 and abode in the rock Rimmon four 21. 2 and abode there till even before God 1 Sa. I. 22 before the Lord, and there abide for I. 23 So the woman abode, and gave her son 5. 7 The ark. .shall not abide with us 7. 2 while the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim 13. 16 And Saul, .abode in Gibeahof Benjamin 19. 2 and abide in a secret (place), and hide 22. 5 the prophet Gad said . . abide not in the 22. 6 (now Saul abode in Gibeah under a tree 22. 23 Abide thou with me, fear not : for he 23. 14 And David abode in the wilderness 23. 18 and David abode in the wood, and 23. 25 and abode in the wilderness of Maon 25. 13 and two hundred abode by the stufT 26. 3 But David abode in the wilderness 2 Sa. I. I and David had abode two days in 11. II The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide II. 12 So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day 15. 8 thy servant vowed, .while I abode at 15. 19 return to thy place, and abide with the 16. -3 Behold, he abideth at Jerusalem 16. 18 and with hlra will I abide 1 Kl. 8. 13 a settled place for thee to abide in for 17. 19 carried him up into a loft, where he 2 Ki. 19. 27 But I know thy abode, and thy going 2Ch. 25. 19 abide now at home ; why shouldest 32. 10 that ye abide in the siege in Jerusalem? '' I'.zra 8. 32 we came to Jerusalem, and abode there Job 24, 13 nor abide in the paths thereof 38. 40 (and) abide in the covert to lie in wait? Psa. 55. 19 even he that abideth of old 61 7 He shall abide before God for ever J25 J (which) cannot be removed, (but) abideth Isa. 37. 28 But I know thy abode, and thy going Jur. 21. 9 He that abideth in this city shall die by 38. 28 So Jeremiah abode in the court of the 42. 10 If ye will still abide in this land 49. 18 no man shall abide there, neither shall 49 33 tbele shall no man abide there, nor 50. 40 (so) shall no man abide there, neither IIos. 3. 3 Thou Shalt abide for me many days 3. 4 the children of Israel shall abide many Mlc 5. 4 and they shall abide : for now ahall he 6. To bear, hold out, sustain, '50 kul, Sa. Mai. 3. 2 But who may abide the day of his 7. To lodge, pass the night, JiS lun, 1, la. Job 39 9 Will the unicorn . . abide by thy crib ? 39. 28 She dwelleth and abideth on the rock Psa. 49. 12 man (being) in honour abideth not 91 1 He that dwelleth. shall abide under the Prov.15. 31 The ear thatheareth. abideth among tlie 19. 23 and (he that hath it) shall abide satisfied 8. To stand, stand still, femain, ipsj amad. Josh. 18 5 Judah shall abide in their coast on the Psa, 119. 90 established the earth, and it abideth Eccl. I. 4 but the earth abideth for ever 9. To rise, rise up, stand up, he fixed. Dip qum. Nah. 1. 6 who can abide .fierceness of his anger? 10. To recline, tabernacle, 1?^ shaken Exod 24. 16 the glory of the Loud abode upon mount 40 35 because the cloud abode thereon Num. 9. 17 and In the place where the cloud abode 9. 18 as long as the cloud abode upon the 24. 2 and he saw Israel abiding (in his tents) Judg. 5. 17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan ...Ashej"...a. Prov. 7. II her feet abide not in her house •11. To be, exist, continue, .t.t hayah. Num. 9. 21 when the cloud abode from even unto 11. 35 the people journeyed, and abode at 12. To turn up and down, a,va(npe':i^, father of oxen. A son of Shammai the grandson of Jerahmeel, the great- grandson of Judah. 1 Ch, 2. 28 the sons of Shammai ; Nadab, and A. 2. 29 the name of the wife of A. (was) Abihail A-BI'-TAl, '70'5K source of dew. A wife of David' and mother of his fourth son She- phatiah. 2 Sa. 3. 4 and the fifth, Shephatiah the son of A. I Ch. 3. 3 Ihe fifth, Shephatiah of A, A-BI'-T'UB, 3?t:>5x source of good. A son of Shahariara, a descendant of Benjamin. In the common version it is Ahitub. I Ch. 8. II. And of Hushim he begat A., and Elpaal A-Br-UD, ninOK /ai;Acr of honour. A son of Zerubbabel, omitted in i Ch. 3. 19. Matt. I. 13 And Zorobabel begat A.; and A, begat ABJECTS, smitten, stricken, nsj nekeh. Psa. 35. 15 the abjects gathered themselves together ABLE — \. Sufficiency, fulness, abundance, "^ dai. Lev. 5. 7 if he be not able to bring a lamb 12. 8 if she be not able to bring a lamb 25. 26 And if. .himself be able to redeem It'*' 25. 28 if he be not able to restore (it), to him 2. Strength, might, ^"H chayil. Exod iB. 21 Shalt provide out of all the people able 18. 25 And Mo^es chosu able men out of all iCh. 9. 13 vei'v ablemen forthu workoftheservice 26. 8 able mm Inr .■=irfiigih for the scrvii c Z.Power, strength, nJ koach. 1 Ch. 29. 14 we should be able to offer so willingly 2 Ch. 2. 6 who is able to build him an house, seeing Ezra 10. 13 we are not able to stand without, neither ^.Powerful, mighty, strong, SwcltSs dunatos. Luke 14. 31 consulteth whether he be able with ten Acts 25. 5 Let them therefore, .among you are aljla Rom. 4. 21 what he had promised, he was able also II. 23 for God is able to graff them in again 14. 4 for God is able to make him stand 2 Co. 9. 8 God (is) able to make all grace abound 2 Ti. 1. 12 am persuaded that he is able to keep Tit. I. • 9 that he may be able by sound doctrine Heb. II. 19 Accounting that God (was) able to raise Jaa. 3. 2 (and) able also to bridle the whole body 5. Sufficient, iKavSs hikanos. 2 Tim 2. 2 who shall be able to teach others also ABIE, be — Oift of tlie Hand, T rma, n; nj^a inattath yad. Deut 16. 17 Every man (shall give) as he is able Eze. 46. s for the lambs as he shall be able to give ' 46. II and to the lambs as he is able to gi\'e ABLE, to be — l.To be able, Vd; yakol. Gen. 15. 5 tell the stars, if thou be able to number Exod 10. 5 that one cannot be able to see the earth 18. 18 thou art not able to perform it thyself 18. 23 thou shalt be able to endure, and all thiS 40. 35 And Moses was not able to enter into the Uum II. 14 I am not able to bear all this people 13. 30 for we are well able to overcome it 13. 31 We be notable to go up against the people 14. i5 the Lord was not able to bring this people z2. II peradventure I shall be able to overcome 22. 37 am I not able indeed to promote thee Deut. I. 9 I am not able to bear you myself alone 9. 28 Because the Lord was not able to bring 14. 24 thou art not able to carry it Judg. 8. 3 what was I able to do in comparison of iSa. 6. 20 Who is able to stand before this holy Lord 17. 9 If he be able to fight with me, and to v> 17. 33 Thou art not able to go against this ABLE ABOMINATION 1 JCi. 3. 9 who is able to judge this thy so gi-eat a 9. 21 were not able utterly to destroy 2 Ki. 18. 23 if thou be able on thy part to set riders 18. 29 he shall not be able to deliver you a Ch. 7. 7 the brasen altar.. was notable to receive 32. 13 were the gods, .any ways able to deliver 32. 14 that your God should be able to deliver 32. 15 no god. .was able to deliver his people Neh. 4. 10 so that we are not able to build the wall Psa. 18. 38 wounded them that they were not able to 21. II a mischievous device, .they are not ablo . 36. 12 cast down, and shall not be able to rise 40. 12 so that I am not able to look up Eccl. 8. 17 yet shall not he be able to find (it) Isa. 36. 8 I will give thee.. if thou be able on thy 36. 14 he shall not be able to deliver you 47. II thou Shalt not be able to put it ofli 47. 12 if so be thou shalt be able to profit Jer. II. II they shall not be able to escape 49. 10 he shall not be able to hide himself Lam. 1. 14 hands, (from whom) I am not able to rise Eze. 7. 19 their gold shall not be able to deliver 33. 12 neither shall the righteous be able to live Dan. 3. 17 our God, . .is able to deliver us from the 4.18 the wise (men) of my kingdom are not a. to 4. 37 those that walk in pride he is able to 6. 20 is thy God. .able to deliver thee from the Amos 7. 10 the land is not able to bear all his words Zeph. I. 18 nor their gold shall be able to deliver 2. To he. able, '?n3 hehal. Dan. 2. 26 Art thou able to make known unto me 4. 18 thou (art) able ; for the spirit of the holy 8. To {cause the hand to) reach, attain, ipi nasag, 5. Lev. 5. 7 if he be not able to bring a lamb 5. II if he be not able to bring two turtledoves 12. 8 if she be not able to bring a lamb 14. 22 And two turtledovesor..suchasheisable 14. 31 (Even) such as he is able to get • 14. 32 whose hand is not able to get (that which) 25. 26 And if. .himself be able to redeem it 25. 28 if he be not able to restore (it) to him 25. 49 if he be able, he may redeem himself 4. To heep in, restrain, detain, ISV atsar. , I Ch. 29. 14 we should be able to offer so willingly ? Ch. 2. 6 but who is able to build him an house 20. 37 they were not able to go to Tarshish li.Tofind, meet, corne on, nv? matsa. Lev. 12. 8 if she be not able to bring a lamb 25. 28 if he be not able to restore (it) to him [See also Bear, bring, get, go, go forth, stand.] 6. To be powerful, have power, Zivajxai dunamai. Matt. 3. 9 God is able of these stones to raise up 9. 28 Believe ye that I am able to do this ? 10. 28 but are not able to kill the soul ixo. 28 which is able to destroy both soul and ^19. 12 He that is able to receive (it), let him 20. 22 Are ye able to drink. .We are able 22. 46 And no man was able to answer him a 26. 61 I am able to destroy the temple of God Mark 4. 33 they were able to hear (it) Luke I. 20 thou shalt be dumb, and not able to 3. 8 God is able of these stones to raise up 12. 26 If ye then be not able to do that 21. 15 your adversaries shall not be able to , John 10. 29 no (man) is able to pluck (them) out of my Acts 20. 32 his grace, which is able to build you up . Eom. 8. 39 nor any other creature, shall be able to 15. 14 filled with all knowledge, able also to 1 Co. 3. 2 ye were not able., yet now are ye able 6. 5 no, not one that shall be able to judge 10. 13 you to be tempted above that ye are able 10. 13 that ye may be able to bear (it) 2 COi I. 4 that we may be able to comfort them tEpU. 3. 20 Nowunto him that is able to do exceeding . 6. II that ye may be able to stand against 6. 13 that ye may be able to withstand in the 6. 16 wherewith ye shall be able to quench Phil. 3. 21 the working whereby he is able even to .aTi. 3. 7 and never able to come to the knowledge 3. 15 scriptures, which are able to make thee ^Heb. 2. 18 he is able to succour them that are 5. 7 unto him that was able to save him from J. 25 'WTierefore he is able also to save them Jas. I. 21 engrafted word, which is able to save 4, 12 one lawgiver, who is able to save and to Jude 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you Kev. s- 3 ■^•"'^ no man . . was able to open the book 6. 17 and who shall be able to stand? 13. 4 the beast ? who is able to make war with 15. 8 and no man was able to enter into the 7. 7*0 have full power, i^icrxvai exischuo. Eph, 3. 18 [that ye] . .may be able to comprehend 8. To have, hold, possess, ix<^ echo. 3 Pe. 1. 15 that ye may be able after my decease 0. To have power, la-yvu ischud. Luke 13. 24 will seek to enter in, and shall not be able 14. 29 the foundation.and is not able to finish (it) 14. 30 to build, and was not able to finish John 21. 6 and now they were not able to draw it Acts 6. 10 And they were not able to resist the 15. 10 neither our tatiiers nor we were able to ABLE to endure, to be — ,The foot {lit. according to the foot of), hx"] regel. Gen. 33. 14 according as. .the children be' able toend. ABLE, to make — ' To maJce sufficient, iKaviw hiTcano5. 9 Co. 3. 6 Who also hath made us able ministers of AE'-NEE, {or A-bi-ner), -\-nv. failur of light. Son of Saul's uncle Ner, and captain of Saul's army. From his relationship to the king, and his force of character, he exercised great intlueuce duiing Saul's reign as well as afterwards. I Sa. 14. sothenameof thecaptainof hishost(was)A. 14. 51 and Ner the father of A. (was) the son 17. 5c Saul.. said unto A. ..A., whose son (is) 17. 55 And A. said (As) thy soul Uveth, king 17. 57 A. took him, and brought him before 2o. 25 and A. sat by Saul's side, and David's 26. 5 and A. the son of Ner, the captain of his 26. 7 but A. and the people lay round about 26. 14 David cried to the people, and to A. the 26. 14 saying, Answerest thou not. A.? Then A. 26. 15 David said to A. (Art)not thou a(valiant) Sa. 2. 8 But A. the son of Ner, captain of Saul's 2. 12 And A. the son of Ner, and the servants 2. 14 And A. said to Joab, Let the young men 2. 17 there was a very sore battle, .and A. was 2. 19 And Asahel pursued after A. ; and in 2. 19 nor to the left from following A. 2. 20 Then A. looked behind him, and said 2. 21 And A. said to him. Turn thee aside 2. 22 And A. said again to Asahel, Turn thee 2. 23 he refused to turn aside : wlierefore A. 2. 24 Joab also and Abishai pursued after A. 2. 25 gathered themselves together after A., 2. 26 Then A. called to Joab, and said. Shall 2. 29 And A. and his men walked all that a. 30 And Joab returned from following A. 2. 31 had smitten of Benjamin, and of A.'s men 3. 6 that A. made himself strong for the house 3. 7 and (Ishbosheth) said to A., Wherefore 3. 8 Then v/as A. very wroth for the words of 3. 9 So do God to A., and m.ore also, except 3. II And he could not answer A. a word again 3. 12 And A. sent messengers to David on his 3. 16 Then said Abner unto him. Go, return 3. 17 And A. had communication with the 3. 19 And A. also spake in the ears of Benjamin 3. 19 and A. went also to speak in the ears of 3. 20 So A. came to David to Hebron, and 3. 20 And David made A. and the men that 3. 21 And A. said unto David, I will arise 3. 21 And David sent A. away; and he went 3. 22 but A. (was) not with David in Hebron 3. 23 A. the son of Ner came to the king, and 3. 24 behold, A. came unto thee ; why (is) it 3. 25 Thou knowest A. the son of Ner, that he 3. 26 when Joab was come . . he sent • . after A. 3. 27 And when A., was returned to Hebron 3. 28 guiltless, .for ever from the blood of A. 3, 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother slew A. 3. 31 and gird you with sackcloth, and mourn 3. 32 And they buried A. in Hebron : and the 3. 32 the king. . wept at the grave of Abner 3. 33 And the king lamented over A., and said 3. 33 the king, .said. Died A. as a fool dieth? 3. 37 it was not of the king to slay A. the son of 4. I when Saul's son heard that A. was dead 4. 12 and buried (it) in the sepulchre of A. in 1 Ki. 2. 5 unto A. the son of Ner, and unto 2. 32 A. the son of Ner, captain of the host of 1 Ch. 26. 28 Saul the son of Kish, and A. the son of 27. 21 of Benjamin, Jaasiel the son of A. ABOAUD, to go — To go on or upon, iiri^alfto ejpibainO. Acts 21. 2 iinding a ship, .we went aboard, and set ABODE— Home, mansion, permanent place, fiovri mone. John 14. 23 will come unto him, and make our abode ABOLISH, to— 1. To change, pass On or away, ^Sn chalaph. Isa. 2. 18 And the idols he shall utterly abolish 2. To make thoroughly inactive, Karapyiw, katargeo. 2 Co. 3. 13 look to the end of that which is abolished Eph. 2. 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity 2 Ti. I. 10 Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death ABOLISHED, to be — l.Tobe broken down, cast down, nriri chathath, 2. Isa. 51. 6 my righteousness shall not be abolished 2. To wipe away, blot out, nno raachah, 2. Eze. 6. 6 and your works may be abolished ABOHTNTABLE— \. Indignation (worthy of), DjJi zaam. Mic. 6. 10 the scant measure (thatis) abominable ? ^.Abominable, impure thing, hn-i piggul. Lev. 19. 7 on the third day, (it) is abominable Isa. 65. 4 broth of abominable (things is in) their Eze. 4. 14 neither came there abominable flesh into Z. Abominable, detestable thing, ypa sheqets. Lev. 7.21 unclean beast, or any abominable unclean Eze. 8. >o behold every form of. .abominable beasts 4. To be abominable, 3yn taab, 2. Job 15. 16 Howmuchmoreabominableandfilthy(is) Isa. 14. 19 cast out of thy grave like an abominable 5. Without law, unlawful, aOi^LTos a-themitos. I Pe. 4. 3 we walked in.. abominable idolatries Q. Abominable, disgusting, 0Se\vKr(is bdeluktos. Titus 1. 16 in works, .deny (him), being abominable ABOMINABLE, to be— l.To be abominable, syn taab, 2. I Ch. 21. 6 for the king's word was abominable to 2. To have in abomination, ^'SeXiffaoixai. Rev. 21. 8 But the. .abor-iiuablo. .sliall have their ABOHHTABLE, to commit more — To do abominably, 3j;ij taab, 5. Eze. 16. 52 thou hast committed more abomiuabl3 ABOKDIAELE CTTSTOH— Abomination, nnyw toebah. Lev. iS. 30 commit not., of these abominable customs , ABOaHNASLE, to do — To do abominably, nji^ taab, 5. Psa. 14. I they have done abominable works S3. 1 and have done abon^nable iniiiuity AB03SIINABLE FILTE— Abominable, detestable thing, ppiy shiqquts. Nah. 3. 6 And I will cast abominable iuth upon ABOMINABLE IDOLS — A bominable, detestable thing, p|3^ shiqquts, 2 Ch. 15. 8 and put away the abominable Idols out of ABOBEQIAELE, to make — To act abominably, y^^ shagats, 3. Lev. II. 43 Ye shallnotmake yourselves abominable 20. 25 ye shall not make your souls abominubla ABOMINABLE thing — l.Abominable, impure thing, 7US piggul. Isa. 65. 4 and broth of abominable (things is ln)thelr 1. Abomination, nnyin toebah. Deut 14. 3 Thou shalt not eat any abominable thinf? Jer. 16. 18 carcases of their, .abominable things 44. 4 Oh, do not this abominable thing that I ABOMINABLY, to do- To do abominably, 3j;ij taab, 5. I Ki. 21. 26 And he did very abominably in following ABOMINATION— \.Abominable, impure thing, hw piggul. Lev. 7. 18 it shall be an abomination, and the i.Abomi'iiable, detestable thing, f?i3» shiqquts. Deut.29. 17 And ye have seen their abominations 1 Ki. II. 5 For Solomon went after, .the ab. of II. 7 the abomination of Moab, in the hill II. 7 the abomination of the children of A. 2 Ki. 23. 13 the abomination of the. .the abomination 23. 24 and all the abominations that were spied 66. 3 their soul del ighteth in their abominations 4. I if thou wilt put away thine abominations 7. 30 they have set their abominations in the 13. 27 thine abominations on the hills in 32. 34 But they set their abominations in the 5. n and with all thine abominations, therefore 7. 20 theimagesof their abominations (and) of 20. 7 Cast ye away every man the abominations 20. 8 every man cast away the abominations of 20. 30 and commit ye whoredom after their 9. 27 for the overspreading of abominations he 11. 31 they shall place the abomination that 12. II and theabominationthatmaketh desolate Hos. g. lo and (their) abominations were according Zech. g. 7 And I will take away . .his abominations 3. Abomination, detestation, yiW sheqets. Lev. II. 10 they (shall be) an abomination unto you II. II abomination, .ye shall have, .in abomina. II. 12 that (shall be) an abomination unto you 11. 13 and these, .ye shall have in abomination II. 20 All.. that creep .. (shall be)an abomination II. 23 But all (other) . . (shall be) an abomination II. 41 every creeping thing, .(shall be) an abom. 1 1. 42 for they (are) an abomination ■i. Abomination, na^J'in toebah. . Gen. 43. 32 for that (is) an abomination unto the 46. 34 for every shepherd (is) an abomination Exod. 8. 26 we shall sacrifice the abomination of the 8. 26 shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Lev. 18. 22 Thoushalt not lie with mankind., aboni. 18. 26 and shall not commit (any) of these ab. 18. 27 For all these abominations have the men 18. 29 whosoever shall commit any of these ab. 20. 13 both of them have committed an ab. Deut. 7. 25 for it (is) an abomination to the Loud thy 7. 26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination 12. 31 for every abomination to the Loud, which 13. 14 (that) such abomination is wrought 17. I for that (is)an abomination unto the Lord 17. 4 (that) such abomination is wrought in 18. 9 to do after the abominations of those 18. 12 all that do these things (are) an ab. 18. 12 because of these abominations the LoKD ao. 18 not to do after all their abominations 22. 5 all that do so (are) abomination unto 23. 18 these (are) abomination unto the LoHD 24. 4 for that (is) abomination before the LORD 25. 16 (are) an abomination unto the Lord thy 27. IS Cursed (be) the man that makcth. .an ab. 32. i6 with abominations provoked they him to 1 Ki. 14. 24 according to all the abominations of the 2 Ki. 16. 3 according to the abominations of the 21. 2 after the abominations of the heathen 21. II hath done these abominations, (and) hath. 23. 13 the abomination of. .the abomination of . 2 Ch. 28. 3 after the abominations of the heathen 33. 2 like unto the abominations of the heathen ' 34. 33 AndJosiahtookawayalltheabominations 36. 8 and his abominations which be did, and Isa. Jer. Eze. Dan. ABOMINATION ABOVE a Ch. 36. 14 after all the abominations of the heathen Kzra 9. t (doing) according to their abominations 9. II with their abominations, which have 9! 14 people of these abominations? wouldest Psa. 88. 8 thou hast made me an abomination unto ttov. 3. 32 For the froward (is) abomination to the ' 6. 16 seven (are) an abomination unto him 8. 7 and wickedness (is) an abomination to »i. I A false balance (is) abomination to the 1 1. 2o They, .of a froward heart (are) ab. to the 12! 22 Lying lips (are) abomination to the Lord 13. ig but (it is) atjomiuation to fools to depart 15. 8 the wicked (is) an abomination to the 15. 9 The way of the wicked (is) an abomination 15. 26 The thoughts of the wicked (are) an ab. 16. 5 one (that is) proud in heart (13) an ab. 16. 12 (It is) an abomination to kings to 17. 15 even they both (are) abomination to the 2o. 10 both of them (are) alike abomination to 20. 23 Divers weights (are) an abomination unto 21. 27 The sacrifice of the wicked (is) ab. 24. 9 the scomer (is) an abomination to men 26. 25 (there are) seven abominations in his 28. 9 even his prayer (shall be) abomination 29. 27 An unjust man (is) an abomination to the 29. 27 upright in the way (is) abomination to Isa, 1. 13 incense is an abomination unto me 41. 24 an abomination (is he that) chooseth you 44. 19 shall I make the residue thereof an ab.? Jer. 2. 7 and made mine heritage an abomination 6. 15 ashamed when they had committed ab. 7. ID We are delivered to do all these ab. 8. 12 ashamed when they had committed ab. 32. 35 that they should do this abomination 44. 22 because of the abominations which ye £ze. 5. 9 I will not.. because of all thine ab. 5. II and with all thiueabominations, therefore 6. 9 for the evils, .in all their abominations 6. II Alas for all the evil abominations of the 7. 3 will recompense upon thee all thine ab. 7. 4 and tbine abominations shall be in the 7. 8 will recompense thee for all thine ab. 7. 9 thine abominations (that) are in the 7. 20 but they made the images of their ab. 8. 6 (even) the great abominations that the 8. 6 thou shalt see greater abominations 8. 9 behold the wicked abomiuations that 8. 13 thou shalt see greater abominations 8. 15 thou shalt see greater abominations than 8. 17 a light thing, .that they commit the ab. 9. 4 cry for all the abominations that be II. 18 and all the abominations thereof from 1 1. 21 and their abominations, I will recompense 12. 16 that they may declare all their ab. 14. 6 turn away your faces from all your ab. i6. 2 cause Jerusalem to know herabominations 16. 22 And in all thine abominations and thy 16. 36 with all the idols of thy abominations 16. 43 lewdness above all thine abominations 16. 47 nor done after their abominations : but 16. 50 and committed abomination before me 16. SI thine abominations, .thine abominations 16. 58 Thou hast borne, .thine abominations »8. 12 his eyes to the idols, hath committed ab. 18. 13 heliath done all these abominations ; he j8. 24 doeth according to all the abominations BO. 4 cause them to know the abominations 22. 2 yea, thou shalt show her all her ab. 22. II And one hath committed abomination 23. 36 yea, declare unto them their abominations 33. 26 ye work abomination, and ye defile every 33. 29 because of all their abominations which 36. 31 your iniquities and for your abominations 43. 8 by their abominations that they have 44.. 6 let it suffice you of all your abominations 44. 7 they have broken .. because of all your ab. 44. 13 and their abominations which they have Mai. 2. II and an abomination is committed in 5. Abomination, fi54\vyfia Idelugma. Matt 24. 15 sball see the abomination of desolation Marki3. 14 ye shall see the abomination of lukei6. 15 esteemed among men is abomination Key. 17. 4 having a'golden cup. .fuUof abominations 17. s the mother of harlots and abominations 21. 27 that defileth, neither.. worketh abomina. ABOHINATIOK, to be had In— To be stinking, abhorred, e^ns haash 2. I Sa. 13. 4 (that) Israel also was had in abomination ABOBONATIOM', to have in — To make detestable, fj?^ shaqats, 3. Ley. 1 1. -II shall have their carcases In abomination ABOTTNI), to — 1. Many, much, enough, Virab. Prov 28. 20 A faithful man shall abound with 29. 22 and a furious man aboundeth in 2. To 6e, become,- make more, vXiovdCu pleonazd, Sam. s- 20 offence might abound. But where sin ab. 6. I continue in sin, that grace may abound ? fhll. ■ 4. 17 fruit that may abound to your account sTh. I. 3 the charity of. .toward each other ab. a Pe. I. 8 if these things be in you, and abound 8. To be nvltiplied, irXiqBivu) plelhuno. Matt. 24. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the 4. To be over and. above, ■n-epicrffevta perisseuo. Kom. s. IS the grace of God . .hatii abounded unto " 15. 13 that ye may abound in hope, through the I Co. 13. 58 always abounding in the work of the 2 Co. I. s For as the sufferings of Christ abound in I. s consolation also aboundeth by Christ 8. 2 abounded unto the riches of their 8. 7 Therefore, as ye abound in every(thing, in) 8. 7 (see) that ye abound in this grace also 9. 8 that ye .. may abound to every good work Eph. I. 8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in .PUil. I. 9 that your love may abound yet more and 4. 12 I know how to abound, .both to abound 4. iS But I have all, and abound: I am Col. 2, 7 abounding therein with thanksgiving 1 Th. 4. 1 (so) ye would abound more and more ABOTJiro, to make — To be over and above, Trepiaffeiof perisseito. 2 Co. 9. 8 God (is) able to make all grace abound 1 Th. 3. 12 make you to. .abound in love one ABOTTin), to more — To be over and above, inpiarcroia) perisseud. Rom. 3. 7 if the truth of God hath more abounded ABOUND, to much more — To be over abundant, virepirfpiffcrfiw. Eora. s- 20 sin abounded, grace did much more ab. ABOIINiiNG with — To be, or becoine heavy, ngs kdbed, 2. Prov. 3. 24 when, .no fountains abounding with ABOVT {Prep.)— 1. Unto, to, ^K el. 2 Ki. II. 7 even they shall keep the. watch, .about I.For, in behalf of , lyg Vad. Job I. loabout him, and about hishouse, and about Psa. 139. II even the night shall be light about me Z.Before, in presence of, 13J neged. Jieh. 13. 21 Why lodge ye about the wall? If ye do i. Round about, around, 3'2D sdbib. Hum. 2. 2 far off about the tabernacle of the 16. 24 Get you up from about the tabernacle of Deut.17. 14 like as all the nations that (are) about 2 .Sa. 24. 6 they came to Dan-jaan, and about to I Kt 7. 23 round all about, and his height (was) 18. 32 he made a trench about the altar, as Ezra I. 6 they that (were) about them strengthened Neh. 5. 17 from among the heathen that (are) about 6. i6 the heathen that (were) abput us saw Job 29. 5 withme,(when) mychildren(were)about Psa, 89. 7 reverence of all.. (that are) about him Song 3. 7 threescore valiant men (are) about it, of Jer. 17. 26 and from the places about Jerusalem, 32. 44 and in the places about Jerusalem, and 33. 13 and in the places about Jerusalem, and 48. 17 All ye that are about him, bemoan him 48. 39 so shall Jloab be. .to all them about him 49. s from.all those that be about thee ; and Eze. I. 4 and a brightness (was) about it, and out 5. 2 smite about it with a knife : and a 12. 14 I will scatter, .all that (are) about him 32. 22 his graves (are) about him : all of them 36. 7 Surely the heathen that (are) about you 43. 17 and the border about it (shall be) half a 43. 17 bottom thereof (shall be) a cubit about Dan. 9. 16 a reproach to all (that are) about us 5. On, upon, over, hy. al. Dan. 5. 7 and (have) a chain of gold about his neck 5. i6 and (have) a chain of gold about thy neck 5. 29 and (put) a chain of gold about his neck [See also Beset, bind, bounds, bring, carried, carry, cast, come, compass, fence, fetch, gad, give, go, go round, going, gone, lead, places, round, scatter, set, turn, turned, walk, whirl, winding, wrapped.] 6. In among, by, with, iv en, Luke 2. 49 thatlmustbeaboutmyFather'sbusiness? 7. On, upon, over, firi epi, {g. d. ac.) llatt 18. 6 a millstone were hanged about his neck a linen cloth cast about (his) naked (body) John 20. 7 the napkin, that was about his head Acts II. 19 the persecution that arose about Stephen %, About, Kara kata.. Acts 2. 10 and in the parts of Libya about CjTene 12. I Now about tiiat time Herod the king 27. 27 about midnight the shipmen deemed that 9. Around, about, irepf^jeri. (<-"•. g.) Matt. 3. 4 and a leathern girdle about his loins 8. 18 Jesus saw great multitudes about him so. 3 And he went out about the third hour 2o. 5 Again he went out about the sixth and 20. 6 And about the eleventh hour he went out 20. 9 that (were hired) about the eleventh hour 27. 45 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried . Mark i. 6 with a girdle of a skin about his loins 3. 8 and they about' Tyre and Sidon, a great 3. 32 And the multitude sat about him, and 3. 34 on them which sat about him, and said 6. 48 and about the fourth watch of the night g. 14 he saw a great multitude about them 9. 42 a millstone were hanged about his neck Xukeio. 40 Martha was cumbered about much serving 16. 41 careful and troubled about many things 13. 8 till I shall dig about it, and dung (it) 17. B a millstone were hanged about his neck John 3. 2S of John's disciples and the Jews about Acts 10. 9 went up. .to pray about the sixth hour Acts 15. 2 the apostles and elders about this questionr 19. 23 there arose no small stir about that way 22. 6 about noon . .a great light round about 25. IS About whom, when I was at Jerusalem 25. 24 about whom all the multitude of the Jew« 1 H. 6. 4 but doting about questions and strifes Judo 7 and the cities about them iu like manner 9 he disputed about the body of Moses {About, they that were, ol irfpi hoi peri). Mark 4. 10 they that were about him v/ith the twelve Luke 22. 49 When they which were about him saw 10. Towards, ■irp6s pros. (d. ac.) Mark 2. 2 not so much as about the door: and he Kev. I. 13 girt about the paps with a golden girdle 11. From round about, KvK\6eev knUothen. Rev. 4. 8 had .each of them sii wings about (him) ABOUT {adv.):— \. Somewhere, nov pou. Rom. 4. 19 when he was about an hundred years olj 2. As, so as, us hos. Mark 5.13 (they were about two thousand ;) and were 8. 9 that had eaten were about four thousand Luke 2. 37 a widow of about fourscore and four years 8. 42 only daughter, about twelve years of age John I. 39 abode, .for it was about the tenth hour 6. 19 rowed about five and twenty or thirty fur. 11. 18 Bethany was. .about fifteen furlongs off Acts I. IS together were about an hundred and ' . S. 7 about the space of three hours after, when 13. 18 And aboutthe time of forty years suffered 13. 20 about the space of four hundred and fifty 19. 34 about the space of two hours cried out Rev. 8, I silence, .about the space of half an hour >6. 21 (every stone) about the weight of a talent 3. As if, as though, iicni hosei. Matt 14. 21 were about five thousand men Mark 6. 44 that did eat were [about] five thousand Luke I. 56 Mary abode with her about three months 3. 23 began to be about thirty years of age 9. 14 they were about five thousand men. 9. 28 about an eight days after these sayings 22. 41 withdrawn from them about a stone's cast 22. s9 about the space of one hour after another 23, 44 And it was about the sixth hour, and John 4, 6 it was about the sixth hour 6. 10 the men sat down, in number about fivo 19. 14 it was., about the sixth hour, and he 19. 39 JJicodemus. .brought.. about an hundred Acts 2. 41 there were added, .about throe thousand- 4. 4 number of the men was about five 5. 36 a number of men, about four hundred 10. 3 He saw. .about the ninth hour of the day 19. 7 And all the men were about twelve IScealso under Bear, bound, carry, cast, come, com-- pass, country, gird, go, hang, lead, minister, put round, turn, walk.] ABOUT, to go— To go round about, surround, 330 sabab. 2 Ki. 3. 25 the slingers went about (it), and smote It 2 Ch. 17. 9 and went about throughout all the cities 23. 2 And they went about in Judah, and Eccl: 2. 20 Therefore I went about to cause my 12. 5 and the mourners go about the streets Song 3. 3 The watchmen that go about the city 5. 7 The watchmen that went about the city Isa. 23. 16 Take an harp, go about the city, thou ABOUT, to make — To go round about, surround, 3;d sabab, 5. 2 Ch. 14. 7 build these cities, and make about (them) ABOUT on every side, to be — To be round about, surround, 3;d sabab. J Ki. 5. 3 wars wliich were about him on -every side ABOUT, to be— To seek, desire, fTjTfoi neteo. Acts 27. 30 shipmen were about tp flee out of the ABOUT THE TIME— Upon, on, over, iiri epi. ig.) Matt. I. II about the time they were carried away to ABOUT, ahare) — Concerning this, Trepl rovrov peri toutou. ■ Luke 24. 4 they were much perplexed thereahoDt ABOUT, to be — To be on the point of, delay, p.iWoi inello. Acts 3. 3 seeing Peter and John about to go into 18. ;4 Paul was now about to open (his) mouth , 20. 3 as he was about to sail into Syria, he Heb. 8. s when he was about to make the Rev. 10. 4 1 was about to write : and Iheard a voice ; ABOVE — l.From, out of, JOraz're. Lev. 9. 10 the kidneys, and the caul above the liver 2J'rom on, or upon, Vjo me-al. Gen. 6. 16 in a cubit shalt thou finish it above Exod 20. 4 (of any thing) that (is) in heaven above _ 23.21 thou shalt put the mercy seat above 26. 14 and a covering above (of) badgers' skins 28. 27 over against the (other) coupling, .above ■ 30. 14 one. .from twenty years old and above 36. 19 a covering (of) badgers' skins above (that) 39. go over against the (other) coupling, .above ABOVE 8 ABRAHAM Exod4o. 19 put the covering of the tent above upou 40. 20 put the mercy seat above upon the ark lev. II. 21 which have legs above their feet, to leap 27. 7 And if. .from sixty years old and above Num. 4. 25 the badgers' skins, .above upou it Deut. 4. 39 he (is) God in heaven above, and upon 5. 8 (of anything) that (is) in heaven above 28. 13 thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt Josh. 2. II your God, he (is) God in heaven above I Ki. 7. 3 covered ^vlth cedar above upon the 7. II And above (were) costly stones, after the 7. 20 chapiters, .(had pomegranates) also above 7. 25 and the sea (was set) above upon them 7. 29 upon the ledges, .a base above : and 7. 31 within the chapiter and above (was) a 8. 7 covered the. .staves thereof above 8. 23 no God like thee, in heaven above, or on 3 Ch. 23. 27 from twenty years old and above aCh. 4. 4 and the sea (was set) above upon thera 5. 8 covered the . . staves thereof above 25. s from twenty years old and above Job 18. 16 and above shall his branch be cut off 31. 28 have denied the God (that is) above Prov. 8. 28 WTien he established the clouds above 15. 24 The way of life (is) above to the wise Isa. 6. 2 Above it stood the seraphims : each one 7. II in the depth, or in the height above 14. 13 I will exalt my throne above the stars of Jer. 4. 28 For this shall the . . heaven above be 31. 37 Thus saith the Lord; If heaven above 35. 4 which (was) above the chamber of M. 52. 32 spake kindly, .and set his throne above Eze. I. 22 stretched forth over their heads above I. 26 And above the firmament tliat (was) over I. 26 as the appearance ol a man above upon it 10. 19 the God of Israel (was) over them above 11. 22 the God of Israel (was) over them above 37. 8 skin covered tliem above : but (tliere was) S.More, irKelau pleiOn. Acts. 4. 22 the man was above forty years old, on 4.Above, up, upwards, auos and, John 8. 23 I am from above: ye are of this world; I Acts 2. 19 I will show wonders in heaven above Gal. 4. 26 Jerusalem which is above is free, wliich ■ Col. 3. I seek tlvose things which are above, where 3. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on h.Ahove, superior to, iwdvca epano. Jolm 3. 31 He that cometh above nil . iTiovp all 1 Co. 15. 6 seen of above five hundred oreth.. at once Q.Jligher up, avurepov anoteron. Heb. 10. 8 Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering 7. Upon, on, over, iirlein (g. d. ac.) Luke 3. 20 Added tfiis yet above all, that he shut Eph. 4. 6 who (is) above all, and through all, and 6. 16 [Above] all, taking the shield of faith Col. 3. 14 And above all these things (put on) 2 Th. 2. 4 exalteth himself above all that is called 8. Aloyigside of , beside, irapd para (ac.') Luke 13. 2 were sinners above all the Galileans 13. 4 sinners above all men that dwelt in Bom 14. 5 One man esteemeth one day above another Heb. I. 9 Goil, hath anointed thee.. above,thy ' ^.Around, irepl peri (g.) 3 Jo. 2 I wish above all things that thou .) 10. Before, TrpS pro. 2 Co. 12. 2 a man in Christ above fourteen ; Ja. 5. 12. I Pe. 4. 8 above all things have fervent charity - 11. Over, above, in behalf of , ivip huper{ac.) Matt 10. 24 disciple is not above . . the servant above Luke 6. 40 The disciple is not above his master : but Acts 26. 13 above the brightness of the sun, shining 1 Co. 4. 6 not to think (of men) above that which is 10. 13 suffer you to be tempted above that ye 2 Co. I. 8 were pressed out of measure, above 12. 6 think of me above that which he seeth Gal. I. 14 profited, .above many my equals in Eph. 3. 20 able to do . . above all that we ask or think Phil. 2. 9 a name which is above every name Phm. 16 Not now as a servant, but above a servant [See also Abundantly, far, measure.] BOVE, far — height, high place, tifO marom. Psa. lo. 5 thy judgmeuts (are) fa? above out of his ;OVE, from — l.From above, nhv.p^D, h^m milmalah, mimmaal. Josh. 3. 13 the waters that come down from above 3. 16 the waters which came down from above Job 3. 4 let not God regard it from above 31. 2 what portion of God (is there) from above? Psa. 78. 23 he had commanded the clouds from above Isa. 45. 8 Drop down, ye .heavens," from above, and Amos 2. 9 I destroyed his fruit from above, and his %A height, high place, Dha marom. 2 Sa. 22. 1 7 He sent from above, he took me : he drew Psa. i8. 16 He sent from above, he toa\ me ; he drew 144. 7 Send thine hand from above ; rid me, and Lam. 1. 13 From above hath he sent fire into iny Z.From above, &vaB(v anothen. John 3. 31 He that cometh from above is above all 19. J I except it were given thee from above Jas. I. 17 every perfect gift is from above, and 3. IS This wisdom descendeth not from above 3. 17 the wisdom that is from above is first AB-EA'HAM, Dn";?K! father of a muUitvde, The name given to Abram when the promise of a numerous progeny was renewed to' him by God. He was the youngest son of Terah, and born 1996 B.C., and died at the age of 175, B.C. 1821. A native of Ur of the Chaldees, and descended through Heber in the 9th generation from Shem the eldest son of Noah, he was the progenitor of the Hebrews, and of several cognate tribes. Gen. 17. s thy name shall be A. ; for a father of 17. 9 And God said unto A, ; Thou shalt keep 17. 15 And God said unto A., As for Sarai 17. 17 Then A. fell upon his face, and laughed 17. 18 And A. said unto God, Oh that Ishmael 17. 22 and God went up from A. 17. 23 And A. took Ishmael his son, and all that 17. 23 every male among the men of A.'s house 17. 24 And A. (was) ninety years old and nine 17. 26 In the selfsame day was A. circumcised j8. 6 A. hastened into the tent unto Sarah 18. 7 And A. ran unto the herd, and fetcht a 18. II Now A. and Sarah (were) old (and) well 18. 13 the Lord said unto A., Wherefore did Sarah 18. 16 and A. went with them to bring them on the 18. 17 Shall I hide from A. that thing which I do 18. 18 Seeing that A. shall surely become a great 18. 19 that the Lord may bring upon A. that 18. 22 the men turned their faces, .but A. stood 18. 23 And A. drew near, and said, Wilt thou 18. 27 And A. answered and said, Behold now 18. 33 as soon as he had left communing witli A. 18. 33 and A. returned unto Iiis place 19. 27 A. gat up early in the morning to the 19. 29 God remembered A., and seut Lot out of 20. I A. journeyed from thence toward the south 20. 2 A. said of Sarah his wife. She (is) my 20. 9 Then Abimelech called A,, and said unto 20. 10 And Abimelech said unto A., What sawest 20. II And A. said, Because I thought, Surely the 20. 14 Abimelech took sheep, .and gave, .unto A. 20. 17 So A. prayed unto God : and God healed 20. 18 because of Sarah A.'s wife 21. 2 and bare A. a son in his old age 21. 3 A. called the name of his son that was born 21. 4 And A. circumcised his son Isaac 21. 5 A. was an hundred years old, when his 21. 7 Who would have said unto A., that Sarah 21. 8 A. made a great feast the (same) day Ihat 21. 9 which she had born unto A., mocking 21. 10 Whei'efore she said unto A., Cast 21. II the thing was very grievous in A.'s sight 21. 12 God said unto A., Let it not be grievous 21. 14 A rose up early in the morning 21. 22 spake unto A., saying, God (is) with 21. 24 And A. said, I will swear 21. 25 And A. reproved Abimelech becausar 21. 27 A. took sheep and oxen, and gave 21. 28 And A. set seven ewe-lambs of the 21. 29 Abimelech said unto A., What (mean) 21. 33 And [A.] planted a grove in Beersheba 21. 34 A. sojourned in the Philistines' land 22. I God did tempt .^.. and said unto him, A. 22. 3 And A. rose up early in the morning 4 Then on the third day A. lifted up 5 A. said unto his young men. Abide 6 A. took the wood of the burnt-offering 22. 7 Isaac spake unto A. his father, and said 22. 8 A. said. My sou, God will provide himself 22. 9 and A, built an altar there, and laid the 22. 10 A. stretched forth hi^ hand, and took 22. II and said, A., A : and he said. Here (am) I 22. 13 And A. lifted up his eyes, and looked 22. 13 and A., took the ram, and offered him 22. 14 And A. called the name of that place 22. 15 the angel of the Lord called unto A. out of 22. 19 So A. returned unto his young men, and 22. 19 to Beersheba; and A. dwelt at Beersheba 22. 20 it was told A., saying. Behold, Milcah 22. 23 Milcah did bear to Nahor, A.'s brother 23. 2 and A. came to mourn for Sarah, and to 23. 3 And A. stood up from before his dead 23. 5 the children of Heth answered A., saying 23, 7 And A. stood up, aud bowed himself to 23, iq Ephron the Hittite answered A. in the 23. 12 And A. bowed down himself before the 23. 14 Ephron answered A., saying unto him 23. 16 And A. hearkened unto Ephron 23. 16 and A. weighed to Ephron the silver . 23. iS Unto A. for a possession in the presence of 23, 19 A. buried Sarah his wife in the cave of 23. 20 were made sure unto A, for a possession 24. I And A. was old, (and) well stricken in 24. I the Lord had blessed A. in all things 24. 2 And A. said unto his eldest servant of 24. 6 And A. said unto him. Beware thou 24. 9 put his hand under the thigh of A. his 24. 12 O Lord God of my master A., I pray 24. 12 shew kindness unto my master A. 24. 15 Milcah, the wife of Njihor, A.'s brother 24. 27 Blessed (be) the Lord God of my master A. 24. 34 Aud he said, I (am) A.'s servant 24. 42 Lord God of my master A., 24. 48 and blessed the Lord God of my master A. 24. 52 when A.'s servant heard their words, he 24. 59 they sent away Rebekah . .and A.'s servant, 25. 1 Then again A. took a wife, and her name 25. 5 And A, gave all that he had unto Isaac. 25. 6 unto the sons, .which A. had, A. gave gifts 25. 7 these (are) the days, .of A.'s life which he 25. 8 Then A. gave up the ghost, and died in a 25. 10 The field which A. purchased of the sons of 22. 22. Geu. 25- zs- 25. 25- 25. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 28. 28. 28. 28. 31- 31- 32- 35- 35- 48. 48. 49. 49- SO- SO. Exod . 2. 3- 3- 3- 4- 6. 6. 32- 33- Lev. 26. Num • 32- Deut . I. 6. 9- 9. 29. 30. 34- Josh 24. 24. I Ki. 18. 2Ki. 13- iCh. I. 1. I. 1. 16. 29. 2Ch. 20. 3°- Neh. 9' Psa. 47- 105. 105. 105. Isa. 29. 41- SI- 63.- Jer. 33- Eze. 33- Jlic. 7- Matt I. I. I. 3- 3- 8. 22. Mark 12. Luke 1. I. 3- 3- 3- '3- 13- 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 19. John 8. Acts 8. 3- 3- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- '3- 10 there was A. buried, and Sarah his wife 11 it came to pass after the death of A. 12 these (are) the generations of Ishmael, A.'s 12 son, whom Hagar. .bare unto A. 19 these (are) the generations of Isaac, A.'s I the first famine that was in the days of A. 3 I will perform the oath which I swareuntoA. 5 Because that A. obeyed my voice, and kept 15 father'sservantshaddiggedinthedaysof A. 18 which they had digged in the days of A. his 18 Philistines, .stopped, .after the death of A. - 24 I (am) the God of A. thy father : fear not 24 will bless thee, .for my servant A.'s sake 4 give thee the blessing of A., to thee, and to 4 mayest inherit the land. .God gave unto A. 9 Esau.. took.. the daughter of Ishmael A.'s 13 I (am) the Lord God of A. thy father, and 42 the God of my father, the God of A. 53 The God of A., and the God of Nahor, the 9 And Jacob said, God of my father A. 12 Aud the land which I gave A. and Isaac 27 Hebron, where A. and Isaac sojourned • 15 before whom my fathers A. and Isaac did 16 and the name of my fathers A. and Isaac 30 which A. bought with the field of Ephron 31 There they buried A. and Sarah his wife 13 which A. bought with the field for a 24 unto the land which he sware to A. 24 God remembered his covenant with A. 6 I (am) the God of thy father, the God of A. 15 The Lord God of your fathers, the God of A, , 16 the God of A. . .appeared unto me, saying 5 the God of A. . .hath appeared unto thee 3 And I appeared unto A., unto Isaac, to 8 which I did swear to give it to A. 13 Remember A., Isaac, and Israel, thy 1 unto the land which I sware unto A. 42 Then will I remember., my covenant willi A. II shall see the land which I sware unto A. 8 the Lord sware unto your fathers, A. 10 wli^ch he sware unto thy fathers, to A. 5 which tha Lord sware unto thy fathers, A. 27 Remember thy servants, A., Isaac, and 13 as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to A. 20 which the Lord swear unto thy fathers, to A. 4 This (Is) the land which I sware unto A. 2 Terah, the father of A., and the father of 3 And I took your father A. from the other 36 Elijah the prophet, .said. Lord God of A. 23 because of his covenant with A., Isaac, and • 23-27 sons of Joktan.. Abram; the same (is) A. 28 The sons of A. ; Isaac, and Ishmael 32 Now the sons of Keturah, A.'s concubine 34 And A. begat Isaac i6(Evenofthecovenant)whichhemadewithA 18 O Lord God of A., Isaac, and of Israel, out 7 and gavest it to the seed of A. thy friend 6 turn again unto the Lord God of A., 7 Thou (art), .the God who didst choose A. 9 the people of the God of A. : for the shields 6 ye seed of A. his servant, ye children of 9 Which (covenant) he made with A., and his 42 remembered his holy promise, (and) A. liis 22 thus saith the Lord, who redeemed A. 8 But thou, Israel, . .the seed of A. my friend 2 Look unto A. your father, and unto Sarah 16 Doubtless thou (art) our father, though A. 26Ijvillnot..(tobe)rulers over the seed of A. 24 A. was one, and he inherited the land 20 the mercy to A., which thou hast sworn 1 Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of A. 2 A. begat Isaac ; and Isaac begat Jacob 17 all the generations from A. to David (are) 9 We have A. to our father: for I say unto 9 God is able, .to raise up children unto A. 11 many, .shall sit down with A., and Isaac 32 I am the God of A., and the God of Isaac 26 God spake, .saying, I (am) the God of A. 55 As he spake to our fathers, to A., and to 73 The oath which he sware to our father A. 8 Wehave A. to(our)father: for I say unto you 8 God' is able.. to raise up children unto A. 23-34 Jesus .. being ., son of Joseph . . (son) of A . 16 this woman, being a daughter of A., whom 28 when ye shall see A., and Isaac, and 22 carried by the angels into A.'s bosom 23 lifted up his eyes, .and seeth A. afar off 24 he cried and said. Father A., have mercy 25 But A. said. Son, remember that thou 29 A. saith unto iiim. They have Moses and 30 And he said. Nay, father A.: but if 9 forsomuch as he also is a son of A. 37 when he calleth the Lord the God of A. 33 We be A.'s seed, and were never ia 37 I know that ye are A.'s seed ; but 39 They answered and said unto him, A. is 39 Jesus saith. .If ye were A.'s children 39 Ye would do the works of A. 40 Ye seek to kill me. .this did not A. 52 A. is dead, and the prophets; and thou 53 Art thou greater than our father A. 56 Your father A. rejoiced to see my day 57 Thou art not yet. .hast thou seen A.Y 58 Jesus said. .Before A. was, I am 13 The God of A. . .hath glorified his Son 25 covenant which God made., saying unto A. 2 God of gloi-y appeared unto our father A. 8 so [A.] begat Isaac, and circumcised him 16 the sepulchre that A. bought for 17 the promise, .which God had sworn to A. 32 the God of thy fathers, the God of A. 26 children of the stock of A., and whosoever- ABRAM ABUNDANCE JKpil^ 4. « What shall we then say that A , our father 4. 2 For if A were justified by works, he hath 4. 3 A. believed God ; and it was counted unto 4. 9 we Bay that faith was reckoned to A. 4. 12 in the steps of that faith of our father A. 4. 13 J'or the promise . . not to A , or to his seed 4 16 to that also whicli is of the faith of A. g. 7 Neither, because they are the seed of A. II I I also am an Israelite, of the seed of A. a Co. XI. 22 Are they the seed of A? so (am) I .Cal. 3, 6 Even as A. believed God, and it was ac. 3. 7 the same are the children of A. 3. 8 scripture .preached .the gospel unto A. 3. 9 which be of faith are blessed with. .A. 3. 14 That the blessing of A. might come on the 3. 16 Now to A and his seed were the promises 3. 18 but God gave (it) to A. by promise 3. 29 If ye (be) Christ's then are ye A.'s seed 4 22 it is written, that A. had two sons, the one .Hcb. 2 16 he took on (him) the seed of A. 6 13 For when God made promise to A., because 7 1 Melchisedec. met A returnmg from the 7 2 To whom also A. gave a tenth part of all 7. 4 unto whom even the patriarch A. gave the 7. s though they come out of the loins of A. 7. 6 But he. .received tithes of A., and blessed 7. 9 Levi, receiveth tithes, payed tithes in A. II 8 By faith A., when he was called to go out II 17 By faith A., when he was tried, offered up Jas. 2. 21 Was not A. our father justified by works 2.-23 A. believed God, and it was imputed unto I Fe. 3. 6 Eveu as Sarah obeyed A., calling him lord AB'-BAM, crfi^ father of height. The original name of Abraham. Gen. II. 26 Terah lived seventy years, and begat A. II. 27 Terah begat A., Nahor, and Haran II. 29 And A. aud Nahor took them wives II. 29 the name of A.'s wife (was) Sarai «i. 31 And Terah took A. his son, and Lot 11. 31 Sarai his daughter in law, his son A.'s 12. I the Lord had said unto A., Get thee 12. 4 So A departed, as the Lord had spoken j2. 4 and A (was) seventy and five years old 12 s And A took Sariii his wife, and Lot 12. 6 And A. passed through the land unto 12. 7 And the Lord appeared unto A., and 12. 9 And A journeyed, going on still toward 12. 10 and A. went down into Egypt to sojourn 12. 14 when A was come into Egypt, the 12 16 And he entreated A. well for her sake 12 17 the Lord plagued P. .because of Sarai A.'s 12 18 And rharaolrcalled A , and said. What (is) 13. I And A. went up out of Egypt, he, and '^ 13. 2 And A. (was) very rich in cattle, in silver 13. 4 and there A called on the name of the 13. s And Lot also, which went with A , had 13. 7 a strife between the herdmen of A.'s 13. 8 And A said unto Lot, Let there be no 13. 12 A dwelled in the land of Canaan, and L. 13. 14 And the Lord said unto A., after that 13, 18 Then A. removed fhis) tent, and came and 14. 12 And they took Lot, A.'s brother's son 14. 13 came one that had escaped, and told A. 14. 13 and these (were) confederate with A. 14 14 And when A heard that his brother waa 14. 19 Blessed (be) A of the most high God 14 21 the knig of Sodom sa\d unto A , Give me 14 22 And A said to the king of Sodom, I have 14. 23 lest thou shouldest say, I have made A. 15 I the word of the Lord came unto A. in a 15 I saying, Fear not, A . I (arn) thy shield IS 2 And A said. Lord God, what wilt thou IS 3 And A said. Behold, to me thou hast 15. II fowls came down upon the carcases, A. IS- 12 was going down, a deep sleep fell upon A. 15. 13 And he said unto A , Know of a surety 15 18 day the LORD made a covenant with A. 16 I Now Sarai A.'s wife bare him no children 16. 2 And Sarai said unto A., Behold now, the 16. 2 And A. hearkened to the voice of Sarai 16. 3 And Sarai A 's wife took Hagar her maid 16. 3 after A. had dwelt ten years in the land 16. 3 and gave her to her husband A. to be his 16 5 And Sarai said unto A , My wrong (be) i6. 6 But A. said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid 16. 15 And Hagar bare A a son : and A. called 16. 16 And A (was) fourscore and six years old 16. 16 when Hagar bare Ishmael to A. 17. I And when A was ninety years old and 17. I the Lord appeared to A., and said unto 17 3 And A fell on his face : and God talked 17 5 shall thy name any more be called A. I Ch. I. 27 A.; the same (is) Abraham Neh 9 7 Thou(art) the LORD . . who didst choose A. ABKOAO — 1. The outside, without, fin chuts. Gen. IS 5 And he brought him forth abroad, and 19. 17 they had brought them forth abroad Exod 12. 46 thou Shalt not carry forth ought, abroad 21 19 If he rise again, and walk abroad upon Lev. 14 8 after that he shall . tar/y abroad 18. 9 (whether she be) born at home, or born ab. Deut.23 10 then shall he go abroad out of the camp 23. 12 a place whither thou shalt go. .abroad 23. 13 when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou 24. II Thou shalt stand abroad, and the man to 24 II shall bring out the pledge abroad unto Judg 12 9 thirty daughters, (whom) he sent abroad 12. 9 and took in thirty daughters from abroad. t Sa 9. 26 went out. .he aad Samuel, abroad z Kl. 4. 3 Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy 2 Ch.29. i6 Lovites took (it), to carry (it) out abroad Psa. 41. 6 (when) he goeth abroad, he telleth (it) Prov. 5. 16 Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad Jer. 6. II upon the children abroad, and upon tho Lam. I. 20 abroad the sword bercaveth, at home Eze. 34. 21 till ye have scattered them abroad 2. To break forth, rn^ parach. Lev. 13. 12 if a leprosy break out abroad in the skin, 3. To break forth or through, \"i^ parats. iCh.13. 2 let us send abroad unto our brethren [See also AH, break out, cast, come, far, go, scattered, send, spread, walk, wander.] ^.Manifest to, (pai/ep6i/ tU phaneroneis. Mark 4. 22 but that it should come abroad Luke 8. 17 shall not be known, aud come abroad 5. To become manifest, (payep6s yivofxai. Mark 6. 14 for his name was spread abroad [See also Blaze, come, disperse, go, nolae, scatter, shed, spread.] AB-SA'-IOM, D-h^-^if father of peace. Third son of David by his wife Maacali, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur, B.C. 1000. aSa. 3. 3 and the third, A. the son of Maacah tho I A. the son of David had a fair sister 4 I love Tamar, my brother A.'s sister 20 A. her brother said unto her, Hath Am. 30 remained desolate in her brother A.'s 22 And A. spake unto his brother Amnon 22 for A. hated Amnon, because he had 23 A. had sheepshearers in Baal-hazor 23 A. invited all the king's sons j. 24 And A came to the king, and said 3. 2S the king said to A., Nay, my son, let us 3. 26 Then said A., If not, I pray thee, let my 3. 27 But A. pressed him, that he let Amnoa 3. 28 Now A. had commanded his servants 3. 29 the servants of A. did unto Amnon as A, 3. 30 A. hath slain all the king's sons, and 32 for by the appointment of A. this hath 34 But A fled 37 But A. fled, and went to Talmai, the son 38 So A. fled, and went to Geshur, and was 39 (the soul of) king David longedtogo..toA. I the king's heart (was) toward A. 4. 21 go therefore, bring the young man A. 4. 23 So Joab arose .and brought A. to 4. 24 So A. returned to his own house, and saw 4. 25 none to be so much praised as A. for 4. 27 And unto A. there were born three sons 28 So A dwelt two full years in Jerusalem 29 Therefore A. sent for Joab, to have sent 30 And A.'s servants set the field on fire 31 Joab arose, and came to A. unto (his) house 32 And A. answered Joab, Behold, I sent 33 when he had called for A., he came to 33 and the king kissed A 1 A. prepared him chariots and horses 2 And A. rose up early, and stood beside 2 then A called unto him, and said 3 And A. said unto him. See, thy matters 4 A. said moreover, Oh that 1 were made 6 And on this manner did A to all Israel 6 so A. stole the hearts of the men of Israel 7 A. said unto the king, I pray thee, let 10 But A sent spies throughout all the 10 then ye shall say, A reigneth in Hebron 11 And with A went two hundred men out 12 aud A. sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite 12 people increased continually with A. 13 hearts of the men of Israel are after A. 14 for we shall not (else) escape from A. 31 among the conspirators with A 34 say unto A., I will be thy servaut, king 37 and A came into Jerusalem 8 Lord hath delivered . into the hand of A. 15 And A , and all the people the men of 16 when Hushai. was come unto A. 16 that Hushai said unto A., God save the 17 And A said to Hushai, (Is) this thy 18 And Hushai said unto A., Nay; but 20 Then said A to Ahithophel, Give 21 And Ahithophel said unto A., Go in unto 22 So they spread A. a tent upon th? top of 22 and A went in unto his father's con. 6. 23 thecounsel of Ahithophel. .both with. .A. I Moreover Ahithophel said unto A , Let 4 And the saying pleased A well, and all 5 Then said A , Call now Hushai the Archite 6 when Hushai was come to A., A spake 7 And Hushai said unto A., The counsel 9 slaughter among the people follow A 14 And A. and all the men of Israel said 14 the Lord might bring evil upon A. 15 thus did Ahithophel counsel A. and the 18 a lad saw them, and told A . but they , 20 And when A.'s servants came to the 7. 24 And A. passed over Jordan, he and all the 7. 25 And A made Amasa captain of the host 7. 26 So Israel and A pitched in the land of 8. 5 kingcomm. Joab .(Deal) gently, .with A 8. 5 gave all the captains charge concerning A. 8. 9 And A met the servants of David 8. 9 And A rode upon a mule, and the mule 3. 10 a certain man saw (it) . and said . I saw A. ;8. 12 Beware thatnone(touch)the youngmanA. 8 14 and thrust them through the heart of A. 8. 15 young men . . compassed about . . smoto A. 2 Sa. 18. 17 And they took A., and cast him into a 18. 18 Now A. in his lifetime had taken and t8. 18 it is called unto this day, A.'s.placc 18. 29 the king said. Is the young man A. safe T 18. 32 king said.. (Is) the young man A. safe? 18. 33 O my son A., my son, my son A. ! would 18. 33 died for thee, A., my son, my son I 19. I the king v/eepeth and mounieth for A. 19. 4 cried with a loud voice, my son A.,0 A. 19. 6 this day I perceive, that if A. had lived 19. 9 now he is fled out of the land for A. 19. 10 And A., whom we anointed over us, isdcad 20. 6 shall Sheba. .do us more harm than. .A. I Kl. I. 6 and (liis mother) bare him after A. 2. 7 when I fled because of A. thy brother 2. 28 Adonijah, though he turned not after A. I Ch. 3. 2 The third, A. the son of Maachah tho 2Ch. II. 2a her he took Maachah the daughter of A. II. 21 Kehoboam loved, .the daughter of A. Ps3.3.tiWe. A Psalm of David, when he fled from A. ABSENCE — A being off from, cnrovaia apoiisia, PhiL 2. 12 but now much more in my absenco ABSEKCE of— Without, &T(p aler. Luke 22. 6 to betray him. .In tho absence of ABSENT, to be— l.To be hidden, 109 satar, 2. Gen. 31. 49 The Lord watch, .when we are abii"!nt 2, To be away from, Uneint apeimi. 1 Co. s- 3 I verily, as absent in body, but present 2 Co. 10. I but being absent am bold toward you 10. II in word by letters when we are absent 13. -2 being absent now I write to them 13. 10 I write thesa things being absent Phil . 1. 27 whether I. .see you, or else be absent CoL 2. s though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I 3. To be away from one's people, iKSjifieu ekdemed. 2 Co. s- 6 in the body, we are absent from the Lord S. 8 willing rather to be absent from the body S. 9 whether present or absent, we may be ABSTAIN, to— To hold off from, aTrexofiai apechomiai. Acts 15. 20 we write unto them, that they abstain 15. 29 That ye abstain from meats offered to iTh. 4. 3 will of God.. that ye should abstain 5. 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil 1 TL 4. 3 Forbidding to marry (and..) to abstain I Pe. 2. II I beseech, .abstain from fleshly lusts ABSTXNENCE — Want of food, a lambano. Luke2o. 21 neither acceptest thou the person(of any) Gal. 2. 6 God accepteth no man's person 9. To receive to ( oneself), npoaSsxa/j-at prosdechomai. Heb. II 35 were tortured, not accepting deliverance ACCEPTABLE — l.To be chosen, selected, "inp bachar, 2. Prov.2i. 3 To do justice.. (is) more acceptable to the ^.Pleasure, delight, {'50 chepliets. Eccl. 12. 10 sought to' find out acceptable words : and Z.Pleasure, good pleasure, J'iSt ratson. Lev. 22. 20 for it shall not be acceptable for you Psa. 6g. 13 (in) an acceptable time : God, in the Prov. 10. 32 the righteous know what is acceptable Isa. 49. 8 In an acceptable time have I heard thee s3. 5 wilt thou call this, .an acceptable day to' 61. 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Jer. 6. 2o burnt-offerings (are) not acceptable, nor ^.Acceptable, receivable from, aw6S(KTos apodeklos. I Ti. 2. 3 this (is) good and acceptable in the sight 5. 4 their parents : for that is . . acceptable h.Acccptable, receivable, Sektoj dektos. Luke 4. 19 To preach the accepta'jie year of the Ihil. 4. 18 a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to 6. Well-pleasing, evdpea-ros euareslfis. Rora.i2. I a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable 2. 2 what (is) that good, and acceptable, and '4- 18 he that.. serveth Christ (is) acceptable Eph. s. 10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord 7. Very acceptable, fvTrp6 plerofi. liUke 9. 3T his decease which he should accomplish 12. To end, complete, reXeu teleO. Luke 12. JO am I straitened till it be accomplished ! 18. 31 all things.. shall be accomplished 22. 37 thl». .must yet be accomplished in me John 19. 28 that all things were now accomplished ACCOMPLISHED, to be — l.To be, exist, a;rt hayah, 2. Prov. 13. 19 The desire accomplished is sweet to the . 2.7*0 be completed, finished, .175 kalah, 2 Ch. 36. 22 that the word, .might be accomplished Eze. 5. 13 Thus shall mine anger be accomplished I)an. II. 36 till the indignation be accomplished Z.To be full, filled out, wbo male. Esth. 2. 12 days of their purifications accomplished Isa. 40. 2 cry.. tliat her warfare is accomplished Jer. 25. 12 when seventy years are accomplished • 25. 34 days of . .dispersions are accomplished '29. 10 That after seventy years be accomplished 4.7*0 be filled, completed, nhii male, 2. Job 15. 32 It shall be accomplished before his time 6. To be perfected, consummated, Dipn tamam. Lam. 4. 22 punishment of thine. .13 accomplished ACCOMPLISHMENT — Entire fulfilment, lKTrKiipu-iib.' Josh.ig. 29 are at the sea from the coast to A. Judg. I. 31 did Asherdriveout the inhabitants.. ofA. ACKNOWLEDGE, to — l.To know, jn; yada. Psa. 51. 3 For I acknowledgs my transgressions Prov.-3. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and Isa. 33. 13 ye (that are) near, acimowledge my might Jer. 3. 13 Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that 14. 20 We acimowledge, Lord, our wickedness, 2.T0 make knoion, VT, yada, 5. Psa. 32. 5 1 aclmowledged my sin unto thee, and 3. To make knovm, discern, i?) nakar, 5. Gen. 38. 26 And Judah acknowledged (them), and Deut.2i. 17 But he sliall acknowledge the son of tho 33. 9 neither did he acknowledge his brethren Isa. 61. 9 all that see them shall acknowledge 63. 16 though . .be ignorant . . Israel acknowledge Jer. 24. 5 Like these, .so will I acknowledge them Dan. II. 39 whom he shall acknowledge (and) increasa LTo make known fully, iwiyivdxrKW epiginoslco. 1 Co. 14. 37 let him acknowledge that tlie things that 16. 18 therefore acknowledge ye them that are 2 Co. 1. 13 shall acknowledge . .or acknowledge 1. 14 As also ye have acknowledged us in pars ACKNOWLEDGING — Full knowledge, itriyvaxris epignosis. 2 Ti. 2. 2s give them repentance to the acknowled. Titus I. I the acknowledging of the truth which Phm. 6 become effectual by the acknowledging ACKNOWIEDGHENT — Full knowledge, iTrlyvwa-is epignosis. Col. 2. 2 to the acknowledgment of the mystery of ACaUAINT self, to- re make profit, )39 sakan, 5. Job 22.21 Acquaint now thyself with him, and he at ACaUAINTANCE — l.To know, yi; yada. Job 19. 13 and mine acquaintance are verily 42. II they that had been of bis acquaintance 2. To he Icnown, sn* yada, 4. Psa. 31. II and a fear to mine acquaintance : they 55. 13 But (it was) thou, a man. .acquaintance 88. 8 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance 88. i3 far from me, (and) mine acquaintance Z.One known, discerned, "i3P makkar. 2 Ki. 12. s every-mau of his acquaintance 12. 7 receive no .. money of your acquaintance i.One known, yvosarlts gnostos. Luke 2. 44 they sought him among . .acquaintance 23. 49 all liis acquaintance, and the women that ACaUAINTANCE, his — One's ovm, Kws idios. Acts 24. 23 forbid none of his acquaintance to ACaUAINTED, to be — To make useful, acquainted, pp salcan, 5. Psa. 139. 3 and art acquainted (with) all my ways ACaUATNTED -with, to be — To know, VT, yada. Isa. 53. 3 man of sorrows, and acquainted with ACGUAINTING — To lead, drive, Jnj nahag. Eccl. 2. 3 yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom ACQUIT, to — To declare innocent, cut off, n^i naqah, 3. Job 10. 14 and thou wilt not acquit me from mine Nah 1.3 The LORD . . will not at all acquit ACJIE — l.A yoke (of oxen), npy tsemed. Isa. s- 'o ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath l.A furrow, T\vs.p niaanah. I Sa. 14. 14 half acre of land, (which) a yoke (of oxen) ACT — X.Word, thing, 151 dahar. I EL 10. 6 1 heard in mine own land of thy acts and II. 4t And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and II. 41 in the book of the acts of Solomon? 14. 19 And the rest of the acts of Jeroboam 14. 29 Now the rest of the acts of Kehoboam 15. 7 Now the rest of the acts of Abijam and 15. 23 The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all 15. 31 Now the rest of the acts of Nadab, and i6. 5 Now the rest of the acts of Baasha^ and 16. 14 Now the rest of the acts of Elah, and all 16. 20 Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and 16. 27 Now the rest of the acts of Omri which 22. 39 Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all 22. 4s Now the rest of the acts of Jeboshaphat s Ki. I. 18 Now the rest of the acts of Ahaziah 8. 23 And the rest of the acts of Joram, and all 10. 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, and all 12. 19 And the rest of the acts of Joash. and all i^. 8 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoahaz 13. II And the rest of the acts of Joash. and all 14. 15 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoash 14. iS And the rest of the acts of Amaziali, (are) ACT 13 ADINO I aKi. 14. 28 Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam 15. 6 And the rest of the acta of Azariah, and 15. II And the rest of the acts of Zachariah 15, 15 And the rest of the acts of Shajliira, and 15. 21 And the rest of the acts of Menahera 15. 26 And thG rest of the acts of Pekahiah 15. 31 And the rest of the acts of Pekah, and 15. 36 Now the rest of tlie acta of Jotham, and 16. 19 Now the rest f the acts of Ahaz which 20. 20 And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah 21. 17 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh 21. 25 Now the rest of the acts of Amon which 23. 28 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and 24. 5 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakira 1 Ch. 29. 29 Now the acts of David the king, first 2 Ch. 9. 5 I heard in mine own land of thine acts 9. 29 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon 12. 15 Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and last 13. 22 And the rest of the acts of Abijah, and 16. n And, beholdj the acts of Asa, first and 20. 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat 25. 26 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah 26. 22 Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first 27. 7 Now the rest of tlie acts of Jotham, and 28. 26 Now the rest of his acts and of all hia 32. 32 Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah , 33. 18 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh 35. 26 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and 36. 8 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim 2. Work, nyj^D maaseh. Deut.ii. 3 And his miracles, and his acts, which he II. 7 But your eyes have seen all the great acts 2 Ki. 23. 19 according to all the acts that he had done 2 And all the acts of hia power and of his Z.Service, deed, 'Tiiaj; dbodah. Isa. 28. 21 and bring to pass his act, Iiis strange A.Act, action, ^'h]).. alilah. Psa.103. 7 He' made known his.. acts unto the &.Act, deed, doing, hii'a poal. 2 Sa. 23. 20 Benaiah . . who had done many acts, he 1 Ch. n. 22 Benaiah . .who had done m.iny acts Isa. sg. 6 the act of yiplence (is) in their hands ACT, in the very — Jn, the very theft, iiravro(pupa epautophOro. John 8. 4 [this woman was taken, .in the very act] ACTION — Act, action, •iT^l?. alilah. 1 Sa. 2. 3 anil by him actions are weighed ACTIVITY — Strength, force, 7'n chayil. Gen. 47. 6 if thou knowest (any) men of activity AB-A'-DAH, rxyjrvi hordering. A city in S. of Judah, near Dimonah. Josh. 15. 21, 22 the coast of Edom southward.. A. A'-DAH, f\-\\i pleasure. 1. One of the wives of Lamech, B.C. 3874. Gen. 4. 19 the name of the one (was) A., and the 4. 20 And A. bare Jabal : he was the father of 4. 23 Laraech said unto his wives, A. and 2. One of the wives of Esau, B.C. 1750. Gen. 36. 2 A. the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and 36. 4 And A. bare to Esau Eliphaz; and 36. 10 Eliphaz the son of A. the wife of Esau 36. 12 these (were) the sons of A. Esau's wife 36. 16 (are), .dukes, .these (were) the sons of A. A-DA'-IAH, n;iy^ pleasing to Jah. 1. Maternal grandfather of king Josiah, B.C. 641. 2 Ki. 22. 1 mother's name (was).. the daughter of A. 2. A Levite descended from Gershom. t Ch. 6. 41 the son of Zerah, the son of A. 3. A son of Shimhi the Benjamite. I Ch. 8. 12-21 The sons of Elpaal .A., and Beraiah i. A Levite of the family of Aaron, and head of a family 'in Jerusalem. 1 Ch. 9. 10-12 of the priests. .A. the son of Jeroham 6. The father of a captain that aided Jehoiada to put Joash on the throne of Judah. 2 Ch. 23. I Jehoiada. .took. .Maaseiah the son of A. 6. One of the family of Bani, who took a strange wife during the exile, B.C. 457. Ezra 10. 29 of the sons of Bani; Meshullam. .and A. 7. Another of a different family of Bani, who had also taken a strange wife, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 34-39 of the sons of Bani .Nathan, and A. 8. A descendant of Judah by Pharez. Neh. II. s [children of Judah] . . Maaseiah . . son of A. 0. A Levite of the family of Aaron, probably the same as No. 4. Neh. II. 12 and A. the son of Jeroham, the son of P. A-SAL'-IA, N;S'nx honour of Izcd. One of the ten sons of Haman who were hanged along with their father, B.C. 510. Eath. 9. 8 A. . .The ten sons of Haman the son of H. AD' -AM, D'lij of the ground, firm. 1 The man that God created and placed in the garden of Eden, B.C. 4004. Gen. (2. 19 the Lord Go.d . .brought (them) unto A. to Gen. 2. 19 whatsoever A. called every living creature 2. 20 And A. gave names to all cattle,and to the 2. 20 but for A. there was not found an help 2. 21 caused a deep sleep to fall upon A. 2. 23 A. said, This (is) now bone of my bones 3. 8 and A. and his wife hid themselves from 3. 9 And the Lord God called unto A., and 3. 17 And unto A. he said. Because tiiou hast 3. 20 And A. called his wife's name Eve ,3. 21 Unto A. also and to liis wife did the LoKD 4. I And A. knew Eve his wife ; and she 4. 25 And A. knew his wife again ; and she bare 5. I the book of the generations of A. ^5. 2 and called their name A., in the day when 5. 3 And A. lived an hundred and tliirty years '5. 4 And the days of A. after he had begotten , 5. 5 And all the days that A. lived were Deut32. 8 when he separated the sons of A., he set 1 Ch. I. I A., Sheth, Enosh Job 31. 33 If I covered my transgressions as A. Luke 3. 38 Seth, which was. .of A., which was. .of Kom. 5. 14 Nevertl.i'lcas death reigned from A. to 5. 14 after the similitude of A.'s transgression I Co. 15. 22 For as in A. all die, even so in Clirist 15. 45 The first man A. was made a living soul 15. 45 the last A. (was made) a quickening spirit I Tl. 2. 13 For A. was first formed, then Eve 2. 14 And A. v/as not deceived, but the woman Jude 14 And Enoch also, the seventh from A. 2. A town on the E of the Jordan, 12 miles from Zartan in Manasseh, and 36 miles N. of Jericho. In the LXX. it is called Kiriatharim, and the termination arim may be = adam. It would thus mean " the city (Kiriath) of Arim or Adam." Josh. 3. 16 waters..roseup..veryfarfromthecityA. A-DA'-MAH, noitJ ground, fortress. A fenced city in Naphtali. Josh. 19. 35, 36 And the fenced cities .. A.-, and EanJali ADAJHANT stone — Brier, diamond point, TO^ shdmir. Eze. 3. 9 As an adamant harder than flint have I Zech. 7. 12 made their hearts (as) an adamant stone A-DA'-BH, 'a-e^^ fortified. A city of Naphtali, the same as Adamah. Josh.ig. 33 their coast was romHeleph..and A. A'-DAS, Ti« fire god. The 12th month of the .Jewish sacred year, from the new moon of March till the one of Apnl, and was doubled seven times in nineteen yjars tu synchronise the lunar and the solar years. Ezra 6. 15 was finished on the third day of . . A. EstlL 3. 7 twelfth (month), that (is), the month A. 3. 13 twelfth month, which (is) the month A. 8. 12 twelfth month, which (is) the month A. g. I the twelfth month, that (is) the month A. 9. 15 the fourteenth day also of the month A. 9. 17 the thirteenth day of the month A. 9. 19 made the fourteenth day of the month A. g. 21 keep the fourteenth day of the month A. A'-DAR or AD'-DAE, TJN height, honour. 1. A city called also Hazar-Addar, in the S. of Judah, near Edom. Josh. 15. 3 and went up to A., and fetched a compass 2. Son of Bela, and grandson of Benjamin, B.C. i68o. I Ch. 8. 3 And the sons of Eela were. A., and Gera. AD-BE'-EI, '?N31S! languishing for God. Son of Ishmael, and grandson of Abraham, B.C. 1840. •Gen. 23. 13 firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth..and A. I Ch. I. 29 firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth. .and A. ADD, to — 1.7*0 add, increase, ip; yasaph. Lev 27. 13 then he shall add a fifth (part) thereof 27. 15 then he shall add the fifth (part) of tlie 27. 19 then he shall add the fifth (part) of the 27. 27 he shall redeem (it) .and shall add Deut. 5. 22 and he added no more. And he wrote them ig. g then shalt thou add three cities more for 1 Sa. 12. ig for we have added unto all our sins (this) Isa. 38. 5 behold, I viiW add unto thy days fifteen Jer. 45. 3 for the Lord hath added grief to my 2. To add, increase, continue, "ip; yasaph, 5. Gen. 30. 24 The Lord shall add to me another son Lev. 5 16 and shall add the fifth part thereto, and 6. 5 and shall add the fifth part more thereto 27. 31 shall add thereto the fifth (part) thereof Num. 5. 7 and add unto it the fifth (part) thereof, and Deut. 4. 2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I 12. 32 thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish 2 Sa. 24. 3 Now the Lord thy God add unto the 1 Ki. 12. II I will add to your yoke : my father 12. 14 and I will add to your yoke : my father 2 KI 20. 6 And I will add unto thy days fifteen years 1 Ch. 22. 14 and thou mayest add thereto 2 Ch. 10. 14 but I will add thereto: my father chastised 28. 13 ye intend to add (more) to our sins and to Job 34. 37 For he addeth rebellion unto his sin, he Prov. 3. 2 length of days., shall they add to thee 10. 22 it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow 16. 23 The heart of the ^vise . . addeth learning to 30. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he 3. To give, ]ni nathan. Num 35. 6 to them ye shall add forty arid two'cities f sa. fig. 27 Add iniijuity unto their iniquity : and i. To add, .155 saphah. fr Deut 2g. 19 though I walk in the imagination, .to add Isa. 29. I add ye year to year; let them kill sacriflce3 30. I not of my spirit, that they may add sin to 5. To hear or bring upon, (irKpepo} cpipher5. PhU. I. 16 supposing to add attliction to my bonds Q.To furnish abundantly, intxapriyiu epichoregeO. 2 Pe. I. 5 giving all diligence, add to your faith 7. To put to, or forward, irpoo'TiBTifii prostithemi. Matt. 6. 27 can add one cubit unto his stature? 6. 33 all these things shall be added unto you Luke 3. 20 Added this yet above all, that he shut up 12. 25 with taking tliought can add to his stature 12. 3t all these things shall be added unto you jg. II as they heard these things, he added and Acts 2. 41 the same day there were added (unto 247 the Lord added to the church daily such 5. 14 believers were the more added to the 11. 24 much people was added unto the Lord Gal. 3. 19 It was added because of transgressions ADD in conference, to — To add up together, irpoaavaTld-qiii prosanatithemi. Gal. 2. 6 in conference added nothing to me, but ADD (thereto), to — To arrange throughout in addition, iiri5iaTaiT exorkizS. Matt 26. 63 I adjure thee by the living God.thatthou A.To adjure, opxt^w horkizCt. Mark 5. 7 I adjure thee by God, that thou torment Acts ig. 13 We adjure you by Jesus whom I'aul AD'-LAI, "Sly lax, weary. Father of Shaphat, who was overseer of the herds in the lowlands in David's time, B.C. 1040. 1 Ch. 27. 29 overthe herds.. (wa3)Shaphat the son otA. AD'-EAH, nO"!(< earthwork, fortress. A town in the vale of Siddim wliich was destroyed with Sodom, Gomorrah, Zeboim, c.c. 1897 Gen. to 19 as thou goest unto .Gomorrah, and A. 14. 2 made war with. .Shinab king of A., and 14 8 there went out. the king of A., and tho Deut29. 23 the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, A Uos. II. 8 how shall I make thee as A. 7 AD-HA'-THA, «np"!!< God-given. One of the seven princes of Persia ond Media in (be reign of Ahasuerus, B.C. 510. £sth. I. 14 the next unto him (was) Carshena..A. ALMIKISTERED, to be — To minister, StaKoutu diakoneo. 2 Co. 8. 19 which is administered by us to the glory 8. 2o this abundance which is administered by ADBUnSTRATiOir — Ministry, SiaKovla diakonia. I Co. 12. s there are differences of administrations 3 Co. 9. 12 For the administration of this service ADMIEATIOlf — Wonder, Oav/xa thauma. Eev. 17. 6 I wondered with great adnUration ADMIKATION, to have in — To wonder, BavfidCta thaumazd. Jude 16 having men's persons in admiration ADMIEED, to be — To wonder, 6av/j.d(a) thaumaaS. 3 Th. 1. 10 and to be admired in all them that believe ASK ONISE, to — 1. To testify, say again and again, iiy ud, 5. Jer. 42. 19 know certainly that I have admonished Z.To put in mind, vovOereu noutlieteo. Bom. 15. 14 able also to admonish one another Col. 3. 16 teaching and admonishing one another 1 Th. 5, 12 we beseech you . .and admonish you 2 Th. 3. IS but admonish (him) as a brother 3. To recommend, irapaivioi paraineo. Acts 27. 9 was now already past, Paul admonished ABMOBTISHED. to be — To be shone on, nni znhar, 2. Eccl. 4 13 king, who will no more be admonished 12. 12 further, by these, my son, be admonished ADMONISHED of God. to bo — To have a divine oracle, xpVf^us, Bopv^io/xai thorubeomai, Mark 5. 39 he saith. . Why make ye this ado, and A^O-Nl-BE'-ZEK, P!3-')-W lord of lightning. A king of Bezek, captured by the men of Judah and Simeon and taken to Jerusalem, where he was mutilated, and c^ed, B.C. 1449. Judg. I. 5 And they found A. in Bezek : and they r. 6 But A. fled ; and they pursued after him t, 7 And A Eaid, Threescore and tan kings A-DO-KI'-JAH, TH.x Jah is mp lord. 1. Fourth son of David, born in Hebron, and afterwards put to death by Solomon for aspiring to the throne, li.C. loij. 3 Sa. 3. 4 [unto David were sons born) . . fourth A. I Ki. I. 5 Then A. tlie son of Haggith exalted X. 7 and they following A. helped (him) I. 8 Zadok the priest, and. .were not mth A. I. 9 And A. slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle I. 11 saying. Hast thou not heard that A. the I. 13 Solomon, .shall reign, .why then doth A. I. 18 And now, behold, A. reigneth ; and now t. 24 Nathan said .hast thou said, A. shall I. 25 behold, they . .say, God save king A. I. 41 And A. and all the guests that (were) with 1. 42 And A. said unto him. Come in ; for thou X. 43 Jonathan answered and said to A., Verily I. 49 all the guests tliat (were) with A. were I. 50 And A. feared because of Solomon and 1. 51 it was told Solomon, saj-ing, Behold, A. 3. 13 And A. the son of Haggith came to B. 3. 19 king Solomon, to speak unto him for A. 3. 21 And she said. Let Ablshag. .be given to A. 3. 22 why dost thou ask Abishag. .for A. ? ask 3. 23 God do so to me and more also, if A. lit 'e 2. 24 A. shall be put to death this day 2. 28 Joab hath turned after A., though he 1 Ch. 3. i.2Son3of David.. third Absalom.. fourths 2. One of the Levitcs sent by Jehoshaphat to teach the law, B.C. 914. 2 Ch. 17. 8 with them (he sent) Levitcs. .A., and 3. A chief of the people that with Nehemiah sealed the covenant, B.C. 445. Neli. 10. 14, 16 The chief of the people. .A., Bigavl, A-DO-Nr-KAM, CiJ'n-* my lord has risen. 1. An Israelite whose descendants Came up from Babylon after the exile, B.C. 53G. Ezra. 2. 13 the cliildreu of A, six hundred sixty and Nell. 7. 18 the children of A., six hundred threescore 2. One, some of whose posterity came up from Babylon with Ezra, B.C. 457. This may be the same as No. i. Eza. 8. 13 of the last sons of A, whose names (arej A-DO-NI'-EASI, OI'llN my lard is high. A tribute officer of Solomon's, B.C. 975. I Ki. 4. 6 and A. the son of Abda (was) over the 5. 14 and A (was) over the levy A-DO-NI-ZE-'DEK, pyr'^is! lord of justice. A king of the Canaanitcs or Amoritcs in Jerusalem, and slain by Joshua, B.C. 1452. Josh. 10. t when A. king of Jerusalem had heard 10. 3 Wherefore A king of Jerusalem sent ADOPTION — Placing as a son, oio0c m.oicheud. , John 8. 4 [Master, this woman.. taken in aduUery] A-DUM'-EIIII, D'Bix red places. A ridge of hills, W. of Gilgal, between Judah and Benjamin. Josh. IS- 7 Gilsal, that (is) 'before the goingupto A. 18. 17 Gililoth..over against the going up of A. ADVANCE, to — \.To ma/ce great, h-\) gadal, 3. Esth. 10. 2 whereunto the king advanced him, (are) 2. To lift vp, Kif J nasa.^ 3. Esth. 3. I and advanced him, and set his seat above 5. II and how he had advanced him above the 3. To do, make, n'^v. asah. 1 Sa. 12. 6 (It is) the LORD that advanced Moses and ADVANTAGE — l.Oucr arui above, superfluity, vepicrffos perissos. Rom. 3. I What advantage then hath the Jew? i.ProJit, advantage, usA.6ui upliclco. Luke 9. 25 For what is a man advantaged, I£ he gain ADVANTAGETH — ProAt, advantage, uV uts. Judg 19 30 consider of it, take advice, and speak ADVISE, to — l.To know, jn; yada. 2 Sa. 24. 13 now advise, and see what answer I shall 2. To be counselled, f y; yaats, 2. I Ki. 12. 6 How do ye advise that I may an.swer this 3.7*0 give counsel, fiov\-f]i' rlB^iit boulen tithemi. Acts 27. 12 the more part advised to depart thence ADVISE self, to — To see, nsjT raah. 1 Ch.2i. II advise thyself what word I shall bring ADVISED, weU — To be counselled, j'y; yaats, 2. Prov.13. 10 but with the well ^vlsed (Is) wi&dom ADVISEMENT — Counsel, .lyy etsah. I Ch. 12. 19 the Philistines upon ad visement sent him ADVOCATE — One called alongside (to help), irapiKXtjroi. 1 Jo. 2. I And if any man sin, we have an advocato AE-NE'-AS, hivJiv praise. A paralytic of Lydda healed by Peter. Acts 9. 33 there he found a certain man named A. 9. 34 Peter said unto him. A., Jesus Christ AE'-NON, Alvdiv {natural) fountains. A place near Salim (a little N. of it, and now called Aynum), at the head of the valley of Shecheni. Copious springs are still here, in a broad open valley called Wady-Farah. John 3. 23 John also was baptising in A. near to 3. ATAE (off) — l.A place far off, Birnp merchaq. Psa. 138. 6 but the proud he knowcth afar o(T Jer. 31. 10 nations, and declare .. in the isles afar off' 2. Far off, p\rn rachoq. Gen. 22. 4 Abraham lifted up . . saw the place afar olT 37. 18 they saw him afar off. .before he canio Exod. 2. 4 And his sister stood afar off, to wit 20. 18 the people saw (it)^ they, .stood afar off 20. 21 And the people stood afar off 24. I seventy of the elders, .worship.. afar off Num. 9. 10 If any man. (be), .in a journey afar off I Sa. 26. 13 stood on the top of an hill afar off 2^Ki. 2. 7 fifty men , . went, and stood to view afar off Ezra 3. 13 people shouted, .noise was heard afar off Neh. 12. 43 joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off Job 2. 13 when they lifted up their eyes afar off 35. 25 Every man. .may behold (it) afar off 39 25 Ha he smelleth the battle afar off 39. 29 she seeketh. her eyes behold afar off Psa. lo. I Why staudest thou afar off, Lord? 38. ji My lovers and my kinsmen stand afar off 65. s them that are afar off (upon) the aea 139. 2 thou understandest my thought afar off Isa. 23. 7 her own feet shall carry her afar off 59. 14 And justice standeth afar off 66. 19 (to) Tubal, and Javan, (to) the isles afar off Jer. 33. 23 a God at hand and not a God afar off! 46. 27 behold, I will save thee from afar off 51. 50 go away .remember the Lord afar off Mic. 4. 3 he shall .rebuke strong nations afar off Z.To put or go far off, prn rachaq, 5. Exod 33. 7 and pitched it. afar off from the camp i.Far, distant, fiaKpav makran. Acts 2. 39 and to all that are afar off, (even) as many Eph. 2. 17 peace to you which were afar off S.From fur, /laKpSdei/ inakrothen. Markii. 13 seeing a fig tree afar off, having Luke 18. 13 the publican, standing afar off, would 22. 54 And Peter followed afar off ^ 23. 49 stood afar off, beholding these things S.From afar, vSppudiV porrolhen, Luke 17. 12 that were lepers, which stood afar oft Heb. II. 13 but having seen them afar off AETAIR — 1. Word, thing, "lai dabar. I Ch. 26. 32 made rulers, .for. affairs of the king Psa.ii2. 5 he will guide his affairs with discretion 2.Service, '"lysy, abidah. Dan. 2. 49 he set over the affairs of the province 3. 12 certain thou hast set over the affairs 3. TTie things concerning, ra v(pi ta peri. Eph. 6. 32 that ye might know our affairs, and (thai ) Phil. I. 27 I may hear of your affairs, that yc stand i.The things concerning, to Kard ta kata. Eph. 6. 21 But that ye may know my affairs, 5.£vsiness, matter, npayfiarela pragmateia. zTi. 2. 4 entangleth himself with the affairs ATFECT, to — l.To roll, move, act, 77!; alaZ. Lara. 3. SI Mine eye affeeteth mine heart 2. To be or make zealous, ^Ti\iu zeloo. Gal. 4. 17 exclude you, that ye might affect them ATFECT, to zealously — To be or make zealous, (r]Kia teloo. Gat 4- 17 They zealously affect you, (but) not well 4. lE good to be zealously affected always ATFECTED, to make evil — To make evil, Kaniw kakoo. Acts 14. 2 ma4e their minds evil affected against AFFECTION — l.Feeling, passion, ■rriBrtna palhema. Gal. 5. 24 the flesh with the affections and lusts l.Feeling, passion, itiBot pathos. Rom. I. 26 God gave them up unto vile affections ATFECTXOH, inordinate — Feeling, passion, vdBot pathos. CoL 3. 5 fornication, uncleaacess, Inordi aScct(un AFFECTION 15 AFFRIGHTED ATFECTION, inward — Bowels, o-TT A.07X*'" splangchna. s Co. 7. 15 his inward attection ia more abundant ATFECTION on, to set the — To invid, think, (ppoveia phroneO. Col. 3. 2 Set your affection on things above, not 011 ATFECTION to, to set - To be pleased, nyi ratsah. 1 Ch. 29. 3 have set my affection to the house of my ATTECTION, without natural — Wiliwut affection, 6.aTopyoi astorgos. Ronv I. 31 without natural ailection ; 2 Tim. 3. 2. ATTECTIONED, kindly - Lovingly affectioned, (pi\6 4 The sons . that afflicted thee shall come ? 64. 12 wilt thou hold thy peace, and afflict us Lam. 3. 33 For he doth not afflict willingly Kah. I. 12 Though I hlive afflicted thee ^. I. 12 I will afflict thee no more «I» Zeph. 3. 19 I will undo all that afflict thee 5. To lower, afflict, njj; anah, 5. 1 Ki. 8. 35 their sin, when thou afflictest them 2 Ch. 6. 26 their sin, when thou dost afflict them 6. To straiten, Tiy tsarar. Psa. 129. I Many a time have they afflicted me 143. 12 destroy all them that afflict my soul Amos 5 12 they afflict the just, they take a bribe 7. To do evil, vyn raa, 5. Numtt. II Wherefore hastthou afflicted thy servant? Ruth I. 21 and the Almighty hath afflicted me? Fsj. 44. 2 (how) thou didst afflict the people Jer. 31. 28 and to destroy, and to afflict *"C 4. 6 and her that I have afflicted 8. To press, flAe/Sw thlebo. 2 Co. I. 6 whether we be afflicted, (it is) for your 1 Ti. 5. 10 if she have relieved the attlicted, if she Heb. II. 37 wandered about.. destitute, afflicted AFFLICT, to more grievously — • To make heavy, nj? kabad, 5. Isa. 9. I did more grievously afflict AFFLICT selves, to — ro lower, afflict oneself, njj; anah 7. Ezra 8. 21 that we might alllict ourselves before ATTLICTED -^ I. Bruised, 1^ dak. l'rov.26. 28 A lying tongue hateth (those. .) afflicted 2.Lowcred, humbled, 'ij. am. 2 Sa. 22. 28 And the afflicted people thou wilt save Job 34. 28 lie heareth the cry of the afflicted Psa. 18. 27 thou wilt save the afflicted people 22. 24 abhorred the affliction of tlie afflicted 25. 16 I (am) desolate and afflicted 82. 3 do justice to the afflicted and needy 83. 1 5 I (am) afflicted and ready to die from (my) 102. title. Prayer of the afflicted when he is 140. 12 will maintain the cause of the afflicted rrov.15. 15 all the days of the afflicted (are) evil 22. 22 neither oppress the afflicted in the gate Isa. 49. 13 will have mercy upon his afflicted 51. 21 Therefore, hear now this, thou afllictcd 54. II thou afliicted, tossed with tempest Zeph. 3. 12 I will, leave, an afflicted and poor Z. Son of affliction, 'i^']^ ben oni. , , Prov.31. 5 pervert the judgment, -of the afflicted i.Straitness, i? tsar. Isa. 63. 9 In all their affliction be was afflicted 5. To press, 8\i^w thlibs. I Tim. 5 10 if she have relieved the afflicted, AFFLICTED, to be — 1. To be afflicted, grieved, .ij; yagah, 2. Lam. I. 4 her priests sigh, her virgins are afflicted 2, To be lowered, humbled, njj; anah. Psa. 1 16. 10 I believed . . I was greatly afflicted 119. 67 Before I was afflicted I went astray Z.To be lowered, humbled, ."ijj; anah, 2. Psa. tig. 107 I am afflicted very much : quicken me Isa. 53. 7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted 58. 10 the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul i.To be lowered, humbled, .iJj/ anah, 4. Lev. 23. 29 that shall not be afflicted in that same day Psa.119. 71 good for me that I have been afflicted Isa. 53. 4 stricken, smitten of Uod, and afflicted 5. To lower or afflict oneself, njj; anah, 7. 1 Ki. 2. 26 been afflicted my father was afflicted Psa. 107. 17 because of their iniquities, are afflicted 6. To press, 6Kt0w thlibo. Cor I. 6 whether we be afflicted your consolation Heb. II. 37 being destitute, afflicted, tormented 7 .Pressure, dXtipis thlipsis. Matt 24. 9 they deliver yon up to be afflicted 8. To suffer evil, KaKoira84to kakopatheo. Jas. 5. 13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pfay 9. To bear labour, TaKamup4tt> talaiporeoj Jas. 4. g Be afflicted, aud mourn, and weep AFFLICTED, him that is — One that is melting awmj, pa mas. Job 6. 14 To hira that is afflicted pity (should be ATFLICTION — / l.Iniquity, vanity, px aven. Job 5. 6 Although affliction Cometh not forth of Jer. 4. 15 a voice publisheth aftliction from Hab. 3. 7 I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction ^.Pressure, fnS lachats. 1 Ki. 22. 27 bread of affliction and with water of a. 2 Ch. 18. 26 bread of affliction and with water of a. Isa. 30. 20 the Lord give you . . the water of affliction ^.Pressure, straitness, 'ipyiD muaqah. Psa. 66. II thou laidst affliction upon our loins i.Eye, aspect, i'y ay in. 2 Sa. 16. 12 the Lord will look on mine affliction i.To be lowered, humbled, .iJlf anah, 4. Psa. 132. I remember David, (and) all his afflictions Q. Lowered one, or state, riM\l enuth. Psa. 22. 24 nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted l.One lowered, humbled, 'JV, oni. Gen. 16. II because the Lord hath heard, affliction 29. 32 the Lord hath looked upon my affliction 31. 42 God hath seen mine affliction 41. 52 be fruitful in the land of my affliction Exod. 3. 7 I have .seen the affliction of my people 3. 17 I will bring you up out of the affliction 4.. 31 that he looked upon their affliction Deut 16. 3 seven days shalt thou eat. .bread of afflict. 26. 7 the Lord .looked on our affliction 1 Sa. I. II look on the affliction of thine handmaid 2 Ki. 14. 26 For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel Neh. 9. 9 the affliction of our fathers in Egypt Job 10. 15 of confusion ; therefore see mine afflict 30. 16 the days of affliction have taken hold . 30. 27 the days of affliction prevented me Job 36. 8 (and) be holden in cords of affliction 36. 15 He Uelivereth the poor in his affliction 36. 21 this hast thou chosen rather than afflict. Psa. 25. 18 Look upon mine affliction and my pain 44. 24 thou.-lorgettcst our affliction and our 88. 9 Mine eye mourn eth by reason of affliction 107. 10 set in darkness ..(beiiig)buund in affliction ■' 107. 41 settethhe the poor on i.ighfrcm affliction J 119. 50 This (is) my comfort in my affliction I ig. 92 should then have perished in mine afilict Jig. 153 Consider mine affliction, and deliver me Isa 48. 10 have chosen thee in the furnace of afflict. Lam. I. 3 because of affliction, and because of great I. 7 Jerusalem remembered, .her affliction I. 9 Lord, behold my affliction 3. I I (am) the man (that) hath seen affliction 3. ig Remembering mine affliction and my S.Slraitness, "is tsar. Psa.106. 44 Nevertheless he regarded their affliction Hos. 5. 15 and seek my face : in their affliction Zech. 8. 10 there any) peace., because of the afliitt. 9. Straitness, -Tiy tsarah. 2 Ch. 20. 9 we. .cry unto thee in our affliction Isa. 63. 9 In all their affliction he was afflicted Jer. 15. II entreat thee (well) in. time of affliction i6. 19 and my refuge in the day of affliction Jon. 2. 2 I cried by reason of mine affliction Nah. I. 9 affliction shall not rise up the second Zech.iQ. II he shall pass through the sea. affliction 10. £vil, m ra. Neh. I. 3 the captivity . . (are) in great affliction Psa. 34. 19 Many (are) the afflictions of the righteous 107. 39 brought low through oppression, iiffliitioa Jer. 48. 16 the calamity of Moab. his affliction Obad. 13 not have looked on their aftliction Zech. I. 15 and they helped forward the affliction 11. Breach, breaking, "OK' shcbcr. Jer. 30. IS Why criest thou for thine affliction' Amos 6 6 but they are not grieved for the altiiction I'i.Pressure, BKiipts Udipsis. Mark 4. 17 afterward, when affliction or persecution 13. 19 For (in) those days shall be affliction Acts 7. 10 delivered him out of all his afflictions 7. II Egypt and Chanaan, and gi'eat affliction 20. 23 that bonds and afflictions abide n e a Co. 2. 4 outof much affliction and anguish of heart 4. 17 our light affliction, which is but for a 6. 4 of God, in much patience, in afflictions 8. 2 that in a great trial of affliction PhiL I. 16 supposing to add aftliction to my bonds 4. 14 ye did communicate with my affliction Col. I. 24 and fill up the afflictions of Christ 1 Th. I. 6 received the word in much affliction 3. 3 no man should be moved by these afflict. 3. 7 we were comforted-, in all our aftliction Heb. 10 33 both by reproaches and afflictions; and Jas. I. 27 To visit the fatherless, .in their aftliction IS.Eml treatment, Kdnaxris kaknsis. Acts 7. 34 I have seen the affliction of my people 1 4. Suffering, feeling, KaB-nfia pa thema. 2 Ti 3. II Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto Heb. 10. 32 ye endured a great fight of afilictions 1 Pe. 5. 9 knowing that the same afliictions are AFFLICTION, to be partaker of — To suffer evil together, crvyKaKoiraBcai. 2 Ti. I. 8 be thou partaker of tlie afflictions of tlie ATTLICTION with, to suffer — To be evil treated togetlier, avyKaKOvxtoi. Heb. II. 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with ATTLICTION, suffering -- Suffering evil, KaKowdO^ia kakopatheia. Jas. 5. 10 for an example of suffering affliction, and AFTLICTION, to be in — To straiten, send distress, "ny tsarar, 5. 2Ch. 33. 12 when he was In affliction, he besought AFFLICTIONS, to endure — To suffer evil, KaKoitaBfu kakopatheo. 2 IM. 4 5 watcJi thou in all. .endure afflictions AFFORDING — To bring out, pis puq, 5. Psa. 144. 13 gamers., full, affording all manner of AFFRIGHT, to — l.To make afraid, terrify, njfj baath, 3. Isa, 21 4 My heart panted, fearfuluess affrighted 2. To -make afraid, uy, yare, 3. 2 Ch. 32. 18 to affright them, and to trouble tliera AFFRIGHTED — In fear, €fi(po0o! emphobos. Luke24. 37 they were terrified and affrighted Rev. II. 13 the remnant were affrighted, and gave AFFRIGSTED, to be — l.To be troubled, Sri3 bahal, 2. Jer. 51. 32 and the men of war are affrighted 2. To be broken down, nnn chathath, 2. Job 39. 22 He mocketh at feax, and is not affrighted Z.To be terrified, pj/ arats. Deut. 7. 21 Thou shalt not be affrighted at them i.To lay hold on fear, Typ 109 achaz soar. Job 18. 2o as they that, went before were affsighted AFOOT 17 AFTER 5. To wonder rjrcalhj, iKQaix^iu, eklhanibeO. ' JlarkiS. s und they were affrighted i6. 6 he saith uato tUem, Be not affrighted ATOOT — On foot, n-nCv P^^^' Mark 6. 33 rau afoot thither out of all cities AFOOT, to go — To be or go on foot, wE^f i/w, pezeiio. Acts 20. 13 minding himself to go afoot AFORE — l.Face, front, D*:3 panim. Isa 18. 5 For afore the harvest; when the bud is Eze. 33. 22 in the evening, afore lie tliat was escaped %Parmcr state or time, noip qadmah. Psa.iag. 6 which wither'eth afore it groweth AFORE, to promise — To tell about beforehand, irpofirayy(\\o/ Rom. I. 2 Which he had promised afore by his AFORE or aforetime, to write — To write beforehand, irpoypiipu),'i. Kph. 3. 3 as I wrote afore in few words Koni. 15. 4 whatsoever things. . written aforetime ATOREHAND, to come — To lake beforehand, irpoXaiiSivoi prolavihanu. Marki4. 8 she is come aforeliand to anoint my body AFORETIBIE — l.Face, front, C'i^ panim. Neh. 13. 5 where aforetime they laid the meat offer Job 17. 6 and aforetime I was as a tabret 2.East, former, before, on^ qedem. Jer 30. 20 Their children also shall be as aforetime Z.Once, TroTf, pole. John 9. 13 They brought, .hira that aforetime was A.From before this, ."tn naiiJ [p min qadmath denah. Dan. 6. 10 gave thanks before his God, as. .aforetime AFRAID — I. Trembling., "iin chared. Judg. 7. 3 Wliosoever (is) fearful and afraid, let him 2. Fearing, KT, yare. Deut. 7. 19 all the people of whom thou art afraid I .Sa. 23. 3 Uchold, we be afraid here in Judah Jer. 42. II lie not afraid are afraid, .be not afraid Z.Infear, ijupo&os, emphobos. Luke24. 5 as tliey were afraid, and bowed down Acts JO. 4 when he looked on him, he was afraid, and 22. 9 they . .saw indeed the light, .were afraid AFRAID, to be — l.To be troubled, '?ri3 bahal, 2. Job 21. 6 Even when I remember I am afraid Isa. 13. 8 And they shall be afraid 2.7V) be terrified, afraid, ri5;a baath, 2. J Ch, 21. 30 to enquire of God ; for he was afraid Esth. 7. 6 Haman was afraid before the king Dan. 8. 17 I was afraid, and fell upon my face 3. 7*0 be afraid, i» gur. Num22. 3 And Moab was sore afraid of the people Deut. 1. 17 ye shall not be afraid of the face of man 18. 22 thou Shalt not be afraid of him 1 Sa. 18. 15 when Saul saw. .he was afraid of hira Job 19. 29 Be ye afraid of the sword 41. 25 raiseth up himself, the mighty are afraid _A,To be grieved, incited, :B'n daag. Isa. 57. II of whom hast thou been afraid Jer. 38. xg I am afraid of the Jews that are fallen 42. 16 the famine, whereof ye were afraid 5. To be afraid, to creep, Sni zachal. Job 32. 6 ye (are) very old ; wherefore I was afraid 6. To be girded, restrained, "ijn chagar. 2 Sa. 22. 46 they shall be afraid out of their close 7. To be pained, S'n, h'in chul, chil. Fsa. 77. 16 the waters saw thee ; they were afraid 8. To be girded, restrained, Jiri charag. Psa. 18. 45 and be afraid out of their close places 9. To tremile, "nn charad. Gen. 42. 28 their heart failed . . they were afraid Ruth 3. 8 it came to pass, .the man ^vas afraid I Sa. 21. I Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting 28. s when Saul saw the host, .he was afraid I Kl. I. 49 the guests that (were) with A. were afraid Isa. 10. 29 Ramah is afraid ; Gibeah of Saul is fled ig. 16 and it shall be afraid and fear 41. 5 the ends of the earth were_ afraid Amos 3. o and the people not be afraid ? 10. To be cast down, nnn chathath. Isa. 20. 5 they shall be afraid and ashamed of E. 31. 9 his princes shall be afraid of the ensign 11. To be cc^t down, nnn chathath, 2. Isa. 31. 4 will not be afraid of their voice 51. 7 neither be ye afraid of their revilincts Mai. 2. 5 wherewith he . . was afraid before my name 12.7*0 be afraid, n?; yagar. Deat. 9. 19 For I was- afraid of the anger z3. 60 all the diseases . . thou wast afraid of Job 3. 25 that which I was afraid of is come 9. 28 I am afraid of all my sorrows Jer. 39. 17 the men of whom thou (art) afraid 12. To fear, reverence, N'l; yare. Gen. 3. 10 I was afraid, because I (was) naked 18. 15 I laughed not ; for she was afraid 20. 8 and the men were sore afraid 28. 17 he was afraid, and said, How dreadful 31. 31 and said to Laban, Because I was afraid 32. 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and 42. 35 father saw the .money, they were afraid 43. 18 And the men were afraid Exod. 3. 6 Moses hid liis face ; for he was afraid 14. 10 and they were sore afraid 34. 30 they were afraid to come nigh him Num 12. 8 then were ye not afraid to speak Deut. I. 29 Dread not, neither he afraid of them 2. 4 and they shall be afraid of you 5. 5 for ye were afraid by reason of the fire 7 18 Thou shalt not be afraid of them 20. I and seest horses, be not afraid of them 28. 10 and tliey shall be afraid of thee Josh. 9. 24 we were sore afraid of our lives II. 6 Lord said Be not afraid because of them I Sa. 4. 7 And the Philistines were afraid, for they 7. 7 Israel heard (it), they were afraid 17. II they were dismayed, and greatly afraid 17. 24 all. .fled from him, and were sore afraid j8. 12 And Saul was afraid of David 18. 29 Saul was yet the more afraid of David 21. 12 was sore afraid of Achish the Icing of 28. 5 he was afraid, and his heart greatly 28. 13 the king said unto her. Be not afraid 28. 20 was sore afraid, because of the words of S. 31. 4 would not; for he was sore afraid a Sa. 1.14 wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine 6. 9 David was afraid of the Lord that day a Ki. I. 15 Go down with him ; be not afraid of him 10. 4 But they were exceedingly afraid, and 19. 6 Be not afraid of the words which tliou 25. 26 for they were afraid of the Chaldees 1 Ch. 10, 4 would not ; for he was sore afraid 13. 12 David was afraid of God that day ' 2 Ch. 20. 15 Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason 32. 7 be not afraid nor dismayed for the king Nell. 2. 2 Then I was very sore afraid 4. 14 Be not ye afraid of them : remember the 6. 13 that I should be afraid, and do so, and sin Job 5.21 neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction 5. 22 neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts 6. 2r see (my) casting down, and are afraid Psa. 3. 6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of 49. 16 Be not thou afraid when one is made rich 56. 3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee 56. II I will not be afraid what man can do 65. B They also that dwell .are afraid at thy 91. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by 112. 7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings H2. 8 His heart (is) established, he. .be afraid 119. 120 and I am afraid of thy judgments Prov. 3. 25 Be not afraid of sudden fear 31. 21 She is not afraid of the snow for her Eccl. 12. 5 they shall be afraid of (that which is) Isa. 10. 24 my people, .be not afraid of the 37. 6 Be not afraid of the words that thou hast 40. 9 lift up thy voice, .be not afraid 51. 12 that thou shouldest be afraid of a man Jer. I. 8 Be not afraid of their faces : for I (am) 10. 5 Be not afraid of them ; for they cannot 26. 21 when Urijah heard it, he was afraid 41. 18 Chaldeans: for they were afraid of them 42. n Be not afraid of the king of Babylon 42. J I be not afraid of him, saith the Lord Eze. 2. 6 be not afraid of them , . neither be afraid 2. 6 be not afraid of their words, nor be Joel 2. 22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field Jon. 1. 5 Then the mariners were afraid, and cried I. 10 Then were the men exceedingly afraid Hab. 3. 2 I. heard thy speech, (and) was afraid 14.7'o be afi-aid, to tremble, pn; yarah. Isa. 44. 8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid : have not 15. 7*0 be affrighted, ysi arats. Deut 31. 6 fear not, nor be afraid of them Josh. I. 9 be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed 16. 7*0 declare fearful, pj; arats, 5. Isa. 8. 12 neither fear ye . . nor be afraid 17. To fear, be afraid, hasten, -\n^ pachad. Job 23. 15 when I consider, I am afraid of him Psa. 27. I of whom shall I be afraid ? Prov. 3. 24 thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid Isa. 12 2 I will trust, and not be afraid 19. 17 every one. .shall be afraid in himself 33. X4 The sinners in Zion are afraid Jer. 36. 16 they were afraid both one and other 36. 24 Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their Mie. 7. 17 they shall be afraid of the Lord our God 18. 7*0 be angry, tremble, n"i ragaz. Exod 15. 14 people shall hear, (and; be afraid 19. To be afraid, to tremble, nnn rahah. Isa. 44. 8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid : have not 20. To be whirled away, nyb' saar. Eze. 27 35 their kings shall be sore afraid, they shall 32. 10 their kings shall be horribly afraid for ■21.7'o be timid, shrinking, SeiXidw, deiliao. John 14. 27 be troubled, neither let it be afraid 22. 7*0 tremble, rpifjuii, tremo. 2 Po. 2. 10 not afraid to apeaJi arQ of dignities 23. To fear, be afraid, ^oBeofiai, pkobeomaL Matt. 2. 22 he was afraid to go thither 14. 27 Be of good cheer, .be not afraid 14. 30 ho was afraid ; and beginning to sink 17. 6 fell on their face, and were sore afraid 17. 7 Jesus, said, Arise, and be not afraid 25. 25 I was afraid, and went and hid 28. 10 Then said Jesus unto them, be not afraid Mark 5. 15 his right mind : and they were afraid 5. 36 he saith unto the ruler Be not afraid 6. 50 Be of good cheer, be not afraid 9. 32 not thatsaying, andwereafraidtoaskhim lo. 32 as they followed, they were afraid 16. 8 anything to any (man) they were afraid Luke 8. 25 And they being afraid wondered, saying 8. 35 in his right mind : and they were afraid 12. 4 Be not afraid of them that Irill the body John 6. 19 see Jesus walking .and they were afraid 6. 20 he saith unto them, be not afraid 19. 8 that saying, he was the more afraid Acts 9. 26 they were all afraid of him, and 18. 9 Be not afraid, but speak, and l;old not 22. 29 and the chief captain also was afraid Kom 13. 3 Wilt thou then not be afraid of the 13. 4 But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid Gal. 4. n I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed Heb. II. 23 and they were not afraid of the king's X Pe. 3. 6 and are not afraid with any amazement 3. 14 and be not afraid of their terror, neither ATRATD, sore — G-realh/fearinq, Uifiopo-; ekphobos. Mark 9. 6 for they were sore afraid AFRAID, to be sore — They feared a great fear,i(po0riBr] !'• 10. 7 Do ye look on things after the outward 11. 17 I speak (it) not after the Lord, but as it 11. 18 seeing that many glory after the flesh Gal. I. II was preached of me is not after man 4. 23 of the bondwoman was born after the 4. 29 born after tlie flesh . after the Spirit Eph. I.. II worketli all things after the counsel of 4. 24, after God is created in righteousness Col. 2. 8 after, .men, after the rudiments... after 2. 22 after the commandments and doctrines 3. 10 is renewed in knowledge after the image iTh. 2. 9 whose crfming is after the working 3. 6 not after the tradition which he received B Ti. 4. 3 after their own lusts shall they heap Titus I, I acknowledging of the truth ..after , I. 4 Titus, (mine) own son after the common Eeb. 5. 6 Thou (art) a priest for ever after the 5. 10 Called of God an high priest after the 6. 20 an high priest for ever after the order 7. n after the order of M. . .after the order of A. 7. 15 for that after the similitude of Melchisedec 7. 16 not after the law . .but after the power 7. 17 Thou (art) a priest for ever after the order 7. 21 Thou(art)apriestforever[afterthe order) 12. to For they verily, .after their own pleasure Jns. 3. 9 which are made after the similitude of X Pe. 3. 3 scoffers, walking after their own lusts 2 Jo. 6 this is love, that we walk after his Jude 16 These are murmurers, . walking after 18 who should walk after their own ungodly 21. After, upon, fierd (ace.) meta. Matt. I. 12 after they were brought to Babylon 17. I after six days Jesus takelh Peter, James 24. 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those 25. 19 After a long time the lord of those so. 2 Ye know that after two days is 26. j2 But after I am risen again, I will go 26. 73 And after a while came unto him 27. 53 came out of the graves after his 27. 63 After thres days I will rise again Mark i. 14 after that John v/as put in prison 8. 31 be killed, and after three days rise again g. 2 after six days Jesus takcth (with him) 13. 24 in those days, after that tribulation 14. I After two days was (the feast of) the J4. 28 after that I am risen, I will go 14. 70 And a little after, they that stood by 16. T3 [After that he appeared in another form) 16. 19 [So then after the Lord had spoken unto] buke I. 24 And after those days his wife lAisabcth Luke 2. 46 it came to pass, that after three days . S. 27 And after these things he went forth 9. 28 about an eight days after these sayings 10. I After these things the Lord appointed 12. 4 and after that have no more that they 12. 5 Fear him which after he hath killed hath 15. 13 And not many days after the younger son 22. 20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying 22. 58 after a little while another saw him John 2. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum 3. 22 After these things came Jesus and his .4. 43 after two days he departed thence, and 5. I after this there was a feast of the .Jews 5. 4 [whosoever then first after the troubling] 6. I After these things Jesus went over the 7. I After these things Jesus walked in It. 7 Then after that saith he to (his) disciples 11. It and after that he saith unto them. Our 13. 27 after the sop Satan entered into him 19. 28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things 19. 38 after this Joseph of Arimathea, being a 20. 26 after eight days again his disciples 21. I After these things Jesus shewed himself Acts I. 3 he shewed himself alive after his passion S. 37 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee 7. 5 and to his seed after him, when (as yet) 7. 7 and after that shall they come forth, and 10. 37 and began from Galilee, after the baptism 10. 41 who did eat. .after he rose from the dead 12. 4 intending after Easter to bring him forth 13. 15 And after the reading of the law and 13. 20 And after that he gave (unto them) 13. 25 But, behold, there cometh one after me 15. 13 And after they had held their peace 15. 16 After this 1 v:ill return, and will build 15. 35 And some days after Paul said unto 18. I After these things Paul departed from jg. 4 on him which should come after him 19. 21 After these things were ended, Paul 20. 1 after the uproar was ceased, Paul called 20. 6 we sailed away from Philippi after the so. 29 1 know this, that after my departing 21. 15 after those days we took up our carriages 24. I after five days Ananias the high priest 24. 24 after certain days, when Felix came with 25. I after three days he ascended from 28. IT after three months we departed in a ship 28. 13 after one day the south wind blew 28. t7 And it came to pass, that after three days dal. 1. 18 Then after three years I went up to 3. 17 was four hundred and thirty years after 'Titus 3. 10 A man that is an heretick after the first Heb. 4. 7 To day, after so long a time ; as it is said 8. to this (is) the covenant .after those days g. 3 after the second veil, the tabernacle, g. 27 but after this the judgment ■• ,10. 15 for after that he had said before 10. 16 This (is) the covenant that, after those 10. 26 if we sin wilfully after that we have a'T'e. I. 15 Moreover I will endeavour, .after my ■Rev. 4. I After this I looked, and, behold, a door 7. I after these things I saw four angels 7. g After this I beheld, and, lo, a great 11. II after three days and an half the Spirit, .15, 5 And after that I looked, and, behold 18. I after these things 1 saw another angel ig. I after these things I heard a great voice 20. 3 after that he must be loosed a Uttle 22.The next in order, l|r)j hexes. Luke 7. II and it came to pass the day after, that 2S,According to order, Ka6(^rjs katliexes. Acta 3. 24 from Samuel and those that follow after 'ii.From, after, from behind, SirtcrBev opisthcn.. Matt 15. 23 Send her way; for she crieth after us Lulfe23. 26 that he might bear (it) after Jesus 25 After, behind, oirlau opiso. Matt. 3. II he that cometh after me is mightier 10. 38 foTloweth after me, is not worthy of me 16. 24 If any (man) will come after me, let Mark i. 7 cometh one mightier than I after me t. 17 Jesus said unto them, Come ye after mo I. 20 they left their father, .and went after 8. 34 Whosoever will come after me, let him Luke 9. 23 If any (man) will come after me, let; 14. 27 bear his cross, and come after me 19. 14 and sent a message after him, saying 21. 8 go ye not therefore after them Jolm I. 15 He that cometh after me is preferred I. 27 He it is, who coming after me is preferred I. 30 After me cometh a man which is preferred 12. 19 behold, the world is gone after him Acts 5. 37 drew away much people after him . he also 20. 30 to draw away disciples after them 1 Ti 515 some are already turned aside after Satan 2 Pe. 2. to chiefly them that walk after the flesh Jude 7 going after strange flesh, are set forth Kev. 12. 15 the serpent cast out after the wo. 13. 3. 26. To be held around, wepuxonai, Actb 23. 29. 27. When, Sre hote. John 13. 12 So after he had washed their leetj and 28. yt,?, that, viheti., after that, is hos. Acts 16. 10 And after he had seen th- vision 19. 21 After I have been there, I must also see 21. I And it came to pass, that after we were 29. To come through, pass, Siaylvo/iat diaginomai. Acts 25: 13 after certain days king Agrippa and Z'i. To fdl, fulfil, ■B\t\powpleroo. Acts 24. 27 after two years Forciua Festus came into 31. To be, begin, itidpxoi huparcho. Acts 27. 21 after long abstinence Paul stood forth in [iSee Ask, come, covet, feel, follow, long, looking^ lust, manner, seek, that.] AFTEE, here — After these, fxera ravra. meta tauta. John 13. 7 not now ; but thou shalt know hereafter Rev. I. 19 and the things which shall be hereafter 4. I shew thee things which must be hereafter, g. 12 there come two woes more hereafter AFTER our ability — - According to .'ill fficlcncy, ''13 kecldai. Neh. 5. 8 We after our ability have redeemed our AFTER should, that — To be about to, pLfWio 'rnellO. Heb. II. 8 a place which he should after receive for 2 Pe. 2. 6 those that after should live ungodly AJTER that — 1. After, "inx ach&r. Gen. 13. 14 after that Lot was separated from him x8. 5 hearts ; after that ye shall pass on 24. 55 the damsel. .aiCter that she shall go Lev. 13. s5 look on the plague, after that it is 14. 43 after that he hath taken away the stones 15. 28 and after that she shall be clean 25. 48 After that he is sold he may be redeemed Num. 6. 20 after that the Nazarite may drink 12. 14 and after that let her be received in 30. IS make them void after that he hath heard Deut24. 4 may not take her. after that she is Judg 15. 7 and after that I will cease 2 Sa. J. 10 he could not live after that he was 2 Ki 14. 23 after that the king slept with his fathers 1 Ch. 2. 24 And after that Hezron was dead 2 Ch. 25. 14 after that Amaziah was come from the %cc\. g. 3 and after that (they go) to the dead Jer, 12. I.S aftar that I have plucked them out 24. I after that Nebuchadnezzar, .had carried 28. 12 after that Hananiah . had broken the 29. 2 after that Jeconiah . . and the queen , . were 31. 19 Surely after that I was turned, I 34. 8 after that the king . had made a covenant 36. 27 after that the king had burned the roll 40. I after that Nebuzar-adan. .had let him go 51. 46 and after that in (another) year (shall I.Afier tluxt, I:""|.^^t ahare-ken. Gen. 6. 4 after that, when the sons of God came iit Z.Thcn, afterwards, dra eita. Mark 4. 28 then the ear, after that the full com in 8. 25 After that he put (his) hands again upon John 13. s After that he poureth water into a bason 4. When truly, eiretS-q cpeide. 1 Co. I. 21 For after that in the wisdom of God 5. Afterward, eireiTa epeita. .J Co. 12. 28 after that miracles, then gifts of heallnj 15. 6 After tliat, he was seen of above five 15. 7 After that he was seen of James ; then Heb. 7. 2 and after that also King of Salem, which C. Yet, still, any more, en eti. Luke 20. 40 And after that they durst not ask him any l.No more, ovkcti. Mark 12. 34 Aud no man after that durst ask him 8. When, Sre hole. Matt 27. 31 And after that they had mocked Ti. 3. 4, 9. At the cominff time, eI? to jneAAoi/, Luke 13. 9. tO.As, that, when, after that, dij Aos. Acts 9. 23 after that many days were fulfilled AFTER that manner — According to, thus, np3 kakah. 2 Ch. 18. 19 and another saying after that manner AFTER the maimer of — According to, down, Kara (ace.) kata. John 2. 6 after the manner of the purifying of tho AFTER the same manner — . In the savie manner, iia^avrws hosautos. 1 Co. It. 25 After the same manner also, .the cup AFTER this manner — I. T hits, nas kakah. 2 Ch. 18. 19 one spake saying after this manner 2.7*0 hold or have around, irfpie'xa) periechn. Acts 23. 25 he wrote a letter after this manner AFTER this sort — According to this, nj*]? kidnah.. Dan. 3. 29 no other. . can deliver after this sort AFTERNOON — The declining of the day, Dvrt fiiaj nttoth hay-yom. Judgig, 8 they tarried until afternoon, and they AFTERWARD — \. After, afterward, inx achar. Gen. 10. 18 afterward were the families of the 15. 14 afterward shall they come out with great 30. 21 And afterwards she bare a daughter 32. 20 and afterward I will see his face 38. 30 And afterward came out his brother Exod. 5. I And afterward Moses and Aaron went in Lev. 14. 19 and afterward he shall kill the burnt 14. 36 afterward the priest shall go in to see 32. jts.. shall afterward eat of the holy thingl AFTERWARDS 19 AGAIN Num. 5. 56 the priest, .afterward Shall cause the 12. 16 And afterward the people removed from jg. 7 and afterward he shall come iuto the '31. 2 afterward shalt thou be gathered unto 31. 24 and afterward ye ehall come into the 32. 22 then afterward ye shall return, and be Deut24. 21 vineyard, . .shalt not glean (it) afterward Josh. 2. 16 hide yourselves and afterward may ye 24. 5 I plagued Egypt . and afterward I Judg. I. 9 And afterward the children of Judah 7. II afterward shall thine hands be strength. 19. 5 Comfort thine heart .and afterward go I Ch. 2. 21 afterward Hezron went in to the daughter a Ch. 35. 14 And afterward they made ready for Job 18. 2 mark, and afterwards we will speak I'sa. 73. 24 Thou shalt guide me and afterward 17 afterwards his mouth shall be filled with 24. 27 Prepare thy work without afterwards 28. 23 He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall H03. 3. 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel i.Last, latter, at last, jiini?! acharon. Deut 13. 9 afterwards the hand of all the people 17. 7 afterward the hands of all the people Isa. g. I afterward did more grievously aftlict her Z.After it was so, I3""i.nK acharc-ken. Gen. 15. 14 afterward shall they come out with great A.SfCond, secondly, Seirepos deuteros. Jude 5 how that the Lord . . afterward destroyed .5. Then, afterwards, ttra eita.. Mark 4. 17 afterward, when affliction or persecution 6. AJtirtoard, iirura epcita. I Co. 15. 23 afterward they that are Christ's at his 15. 46 that which is natural ; and afterward Cral. I. 21 Aitenvards I came into the regions of 7. The next in order, Kofle^TJs kathexes. Luke 8. I it came to pass afterward, that bs i.Afler these, fjiera ravra meta tauta. Luke 17. 8 afterward thou shalt eat and drink? 18. 4 afterward he said within himself. Though John 5. 14 Afterward Jesus flndeth him in the Heb. 4. 8 then would he not afterward have 9. After then, fierf-nnTa metepeila. Heb. 12. 17 ye know how that afterward, when ho \0. Afterguards, Sffrepov husteron. Matt. 4. 2 he had fasted . he was afterward an 21. 29 but afterward he repented, and went 21. 32 repented not afterward, that ye might 25. II Afterward came also the other virgins Marki6. 14 [Afterward he appeared unto the eleven] lAike 4. 2 when they were ended, he afterward John 13. 36 but thou shalt follow me afterwards Heb. 12. II nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the AmawAUDs, tiu— Behind, backwards, "I'inN ackor. Prov.29. II wise..keepeth it in till afterwards AO-AB'-TIS — 1. A prophet from Jerusalem who went to Paul at Antioch and foretold a great famine. Acts II. 28 And there stood up one of them .A. 2. A disciple who went from Judea to Ptolemais and foretold the imprisonment of FauL (Probably the same aa No. I.) Acts 21. 10 there came down, .a .prophet, named A. A'-GAG, J3N high, xoarlike. A poetic name of Anialek, derived from a particular dynasty. Num24. 7 his king shall be higher than A., and his )Sa. 15. 8 And he took A, the king of the Amalek. 15. 9 Saul and the people spared A., and the 15. 20 Saul said. I have brought A. the king 15. 32 Then said Samuel, Bring to me A. the 15. 32 And A. came unto him delicately 15. 32 And A. said. Surely the bitterness of 15. 33 And Samuel hewed A. in pieces before A-GA-GITE, 'JJK, belonging to Agag. The Agagites were an Amalekite tribe. Esth. 3. I Haraan the son of Hammedatha the A. 3. lo Haman the son of Hammedatha the A. 8. s Haman the son of Hammedatha the A 9. 24 Hainan the son of Hammedatha the A. AGAIN — 1. Behind, nn?? acTiar. ^ Deut 24. 2o thou shalt not go over the boughs again 'i.Even, also, oa gam. Eccl. 4. 1 1 Again, if two lie together, then they have d.Again, -ny od. Geo. 4. 25 And Adam knew hia wife again ^.Second, 'jw sheni. Lev. 13. 6 the priest shall look on him again 13. 7' he shall be seen of the priest again sSa. 16. 19 And again, whom should I serve? Eze. 4. 6 lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt Hag. 2. 20 again the word of the Lord came unto H Zech. 4. 12 And I answered again, and said unto him Mai. 2. 13 And this have ye done again, covering b.Second, m3;OT tinyanuth. Dan. 2. 7 They answered again and said, Let the 6. To go, ^^; yalak. Eccl. I. 7 whence the rivers come., they return again 7. To add, »1P; yasaph. Oen. 8. >z which returned not again unto him any Gen. 38. 26 And he knew her again no more •Mum 32. 15 he will yet again leave them in the wild. 1 Sa. 27. 4 and he sought no more again for him 2 Ki. 19. 30 house of Judah shall yet i\gain take root Isa. 37. 31 the remnant. '.shall again take root 8. 7*0 add, fjp; yasaph, 5. Gen. 4. 2 And she again bare his brother Abel 8. 10 and he again sent forth the dove out of 8. 21 I will not again curse, .again .smite any 18. 29 And he spake unto him yet again 25. 1 again Abraham took a wife, and her name 38. 5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a E.T0dio. 29 I will see thy face again no more 14. 13 ye shall see them again no more for ever Kum22. 15 And Balak sent yet again princes 22. 25 crushed Balaam's foot smote her again Dcut i8. 16 Let me not hear again the voice of the Judg. 3. 12 the children of Israel did evil again .4 I the children of Israel again did evil 9. 37 And Gaal spake again and said 10. 6 the children of Israel did evil again 11. 14 Jephthah sent messengers again unto the 13. I the children of Israel did evil again in 20. 22 and set their battle again in array 20. 23 Shall I go up again to battle against the 20. 28 Shall I yet again go out to battle against .iSa. 3. 6 the Lord called yet again, Samuel 3. 8 the Lord called Samuel again the thiid 3. 21 the Lord appeared again in Shiloh 9. 8 the servant answered Saul again, and ig. 8 there was war again: and David went out 19. 21 Saul sent messengers again the third time 20. 17 Jonathan caused David to swear again 23. 4 David enquired of the Lord yet again 27. 4 and he sought no more again for him eSa, 2. 22 And Abner said again to Asahel 3. 34 all the people wept again over hira ■ 5. 22 the Philistines came up yet again 18. 22 Then said . . the son of Zadok yet again 24. I again the anger of the Lord was kindled 2 Ki. 24 7 the king of Egypt came not again iCh.14. 13 the Philistines yetagainspread themselves Esth. 8. 3 Esther spake yet again before the king Prov.19. 19 if thou deliver, .thou must do it again Isa. 7. 10 Moreover the Lord spake again unto A. 8. 5 The Lord spake also unto nie again II. 11 the Lord shall set his hand again 24. 20 it shall fall, and not rise again Dan. 10. 18 Then there came again and touched me Amos 7 8 I will not again pass by them any more 7. 13 prophesy not again any more at Beth-el 8. 2 I will not again pass by them any more Jon. 2. 4 I will look again toward thy holy temple 9. To turn back, ytv shub. Gen. 26. 18 Isaac digged again the wells of water 30. 31 I will again feed (and) keep thy flock .Nura 11. 4 the children of Israel also wept again . Deut24. 4 Her.. husband, may not take her again 30. 9 the Lord will again rejoice over thee for Josh. 5. 2 circumcise again the children of Israel Judg. 19. 7 therefore he lodged there again I Sa. 3. 5 he said, I called not ; lie down again 3 6 1 called not, my son ; lie down again • iKl. 13. 33 made again of the lowest of the people 19. 6 drink, and laid him down again 19. 20 Go back again . for what have I done to aKi. I. II Again also he sent unto him ar.other I. 13 And he sent again a captain of the third 13. 25 Jehoash the son of .lehoahaz took again jg. 9 he sent messengers again unto Hezekiah 21. 3 For he built up again the high places a Ch.ig. 4 he went out again through the people 33. 3 For he built again the high places Ezra 9. 14 Should we again break thy command. Neh. g. 28 after they had rest, they did evil again Job 10. 16 again thou shewest thyself marvellous Psa. 71. 20 (Thou) shalt quicken me again 71. 20 and shalt bring me up agskin from the 85. 6 Wilt thou not revive us again Jer. 18. 4 so he made it again another vessel 36 28 Take thee again another roll Dan. g. 25 the street shall be built again, and the Zech. 8. 15 So again have 1 thought in these days 10. 7*0 cause to turn hack, yiv shub, 5. 1 Sa 17. 30 the people answered him again after the ISee also Answer, back, break, bring, brought, build, carry, circumcise, come, conceive, deli- ver, dig, doubtless, evil, feed, fetch, gathered, get, give, go, lay down, lie down, lift up, lodge, make, pay, place, pull in, put, rejoice, render, restored, return, ring, rise up, send, set, sound- ing, take, turn, turn back, vomit, weep.] 11. A second time, Zdrtpov deuteron. Eev. ig. 3 And agam they said. Alleluia. 12.A second time, in SfvTfpou ek deuterou. John g. 24 Then again called they the man that was Acts II. 9 the voice answered me again from heaven 13. Frem aiove, UvuiOeu anothe.n, Jolin 3 3 Except a man be born again, he cannot 3. 7 that I said. Ye must be bom again ILTwice, Sis dis. Phil. 4. 16 For ye sent once and again unto my I Th. 2. 18 even I Paul, once and again , but Satan 15. Again, on the other hand, vaKiv palin. Matt. 4. 7 Jesus said It is written again 4. 8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an 5. 33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been 13. 44 [Again], the kingdom of heaven is like Matt 1 3. 18. 19. 20. 31. 22. 22. 26. 26. 26. 26. 27. Mark 10. >■■ 12. 12. 14. 14. 14. >4- 14. '5- »5- »S- Luke 1 3. 23. John I. 4- 4- 4- 4- 6. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. II 11. II. 12. S2. S2. J3- 14. 16. 16. 16. 18. j8. 18. 18. 18. 19. ig. J9- 20. SO. SO. 21. 21. Acts 10. 10. 11. 17- 18 Eom. 8. II. 15- -15. >5 iCo. 3. 7- a Co. 12 GaL 45 Again, the kingdom of heaven Is like unto 47 Again, the kingdorri of heaven is like unto jg [Again], I say unto you. That If two of " 24 again I s.-iy unto you. It is easier 5 Again he went out about the sixth and 36 Again, he sent other servants more than I Jesus answered , again by parables, and 4 Again he sent forth other servants, saying 42 He went away again the second time, and 43 he came and found them asleep again 44 he left them, and went away again 72 again he denied with an oath 50 Jesus, when he had tried again with a I again he entered into Capernaum . 13 he went forth again by tlie sea side. 1 he entered .igain into the synngo^juo' 20 the multitude coinetli together again I he began again to teach by the sea-side 21 when Jesus was passed over again by 31 again, departing from the coasts of Tyro 13 entering into the ship again departed to 25 After that he put (his) hand again upon . 1 resort unto hiin again he taught agiiin! 10 his disciples asked him again of the same 24 Jesus answereth again, and saith unto 32 ho took again the twelve, and began 27 they come again to Jerusalem : and as 4 again he sent unto them another servant ' 5 And [again] he sent another , and him they 39 again he went away, and prayed 40 he found them asleep again, (for their 61 Again the high priest a;ked him, and said 69 a maid saw him again, and began 70 he denied it again said again to Peter 4 Pilate asked him again, saying -^ 12 Pilate answered and said again unto 13 they cried out again, Crucify him 20 again he said, Whereunto shall I liken 20 Pilate, .to release Jesus, spake again to 35 Again the next day after John stood 3'He left Judea, and departed [again] Into 13 Whosoever drinketh shall thirst again 46 So Jesus came again into Cana of G.iliJee 54 This (is) again the second miracle (that) IS departed [again] into a mountain himself 2 [early in the morning he came again into) 8 again he stooped down, and wrote on 12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying 21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go IS Then again the Pharisees also asked him 17 They say unto the blind man again 26 Then said they to him [again], Wliat did 27 wherefore would ye hear (it) again? will 7 Then said.Tesnsunto them again. Verily 17 my life, that I might take it again 18 I have power to take it again 19 There was a division therefore again 31 the Jews took up stones again to stone . 39 Tlierefore they sought again to take hiftr 40 And went away again beyond Jordan Into 7 Let us go into Juda;a 3f;ain 8 disciples say goest thou thither asalnt 38 Jesus therefore again groaning in hinisell 22 agulu Andrew and Philip tell Je.-ius 28 glorified (it), and will glorify (it) agvith the yoke 5. 3 For I testify again to every man that fim. I. 26 your rejoicing, .my coming to you again 2. 28 that, when ye see him again, ye may 4. 4 Eejoice in the Lord alway : (and) again I i • Beb. I. s again, I will be to him a Father , I. 6 again, when he bringeth in the first-begot. «. 13 again, I will put., trust in him. And again ' 4. 5 And in this (place) again, If they shall 4. 7 Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying 5. 12 ye have need Ijjiat one teach you again 6. I not laying agam the foundation of repent. 6. 6 to renew them again unto repentance xo. 30 again. The Lord shall judge his people Jas. s- 18 he prayed again, and the heaven gave 3 Pe. 2. 20 they are again entangled therein, and ' 1 Jo. 2. 8 Again, a new commandment I write unto Eev. 10. 8 Aid the voice, .spake unto me again 10. II Thou must prophesy again before many IS.The second time, els rb ird\iv. 2 Co. 13. 2 that, if I come again, I will not spare 17. Again anew, iraKiv &vuSiv. Gal. 4. 9 whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? AGAUT, to come — To turn back, 3iiy shu3. Qea 15. 16 But. .they shall come hither again 22. 5 I and the lad will go. .and come again to ag. 21 So that I come again to my father's house so. s Wow. .let me go up. .1 will come again Exodi4. 26 that the waters may come again upon the 24. 14 Tarry ye . .until we come again unto you Lev. 14. 39 the priest shall come again the seventh 14, 43 And if the plague come again iruni3s. 32 he should come again to dwell in the Josli 18. 8 walk through the land . .and come agaia Judg. 6. 18 1 will tan-y until thou come again 8. 9 saying. When I come again in peace 15. 19 when he had drunk, his spirit came again . EI. 14 And Benjamin came again at that time Ruth 4. 3 that is come again out of the country ' I Sa. 23. 33 come ye again to me with the certainty 30. 12 he had eaten, his spirit came again to Win tKL 2. 41 Shimei had gone, .and was come again 12. s (for) three days, then come again to ine 12. r2 Come to me again the third day 12. 20 when . . Jeroboam was come again 17. 21 let this child's soul come into him again 17. 32 the soul of the child came into him again ig. 7 And the angel of the Lord came again so. s And the messengers came again a Kl 2. 18 And when they came again to him 4. 22 run to the man of ^od, and come again 4. 38 And Elisha came again to Gilgal 5. 10 and thy flesh shall come again to thee 5. 14 and his flesh came again, .and he was 7. 8 and went and hid (it) ; and came again g. 18 came to them, but he cometh not again 9. 20 He came, .them, and cometh not again 9. 36 Wherefore they came again, and told lUnj CI1.10. 5 Come again unto me after three days 10. 12 Come again to me on the third day 30. 9 that they shall come again into this land Ezra 2. I and came again unto Jerusalem 6. 21 wliich were come again out of captivity Neh. 7. 6 came again to Jerusalem, and to Judali 8. 17 them that were come again out of the JEsth. 6. 12 And Mordecai came again to the. .gate Ps. 78. 39 paaseth away, and cometh not again Prov. 3. 28 Say not. .Go, and come again ifer. 31. 16 they shall come again from the land 31. 17 that thy children shall come again 37. 8 And the Chaldeans shall come again Zech. 4. I angel that talked with me came again AGAIN, to do, feed, speak — To repeat, ni\^ shanah, ^ib* shub. Gen. 30. 31 1 will again feed (and) keep thy flock Neh. 13. 21 if ye do (so) again, I will lay hands on you Job 29. 22 After my words they spake not again AGAIN, to send — To send besides, irpocredero r^fi-iliai. Lukeao. II again he sent another servant : and they 20. 12 again he sent a third : and they wounded [See also Alive, answer, ask, beget, bid, born, bring, build, come, deliver, flourish, foam, give, go, live, measure, put up, raise, raise to life, remembrance, restore, return, rise, rising, send, set, that, turn, word.] AGAINST (you)— 1. Unto, to, bn el. Gen. 4. 8 Cain rose up against Abel his brother 2. With, near, even, by, nK eth. 1 Ki. i6. 22 Omri prevailed against the people 3. Over against, "jiD mul. Josh. 8. 33 half of them over against mount Geijzlm g. I coasts of the great sea over against Leba. 42. 1 1 an altar over against the land of Caanan I Kl. 7. s and light (was) against light (in) three i.Before, in front of, ijj neged. Num.25. 4 hang them'up before the Loed against Judg2o. 34 there came against Gibeah ten thousand ^.Over against, n?) nokach. I Ki. 22. 35 the king, .in his charist against the Syi. 2Ch. i8. 34 the chariot against the Syr. 6. Unto, 111 ad. Gen. 43. 25 And they made ready the present against 7. On, upon, concerning, bil al, Geo. 40. 3 Pharaoh was wroth against.. hl8 officers Ezra 4. 8 the scribe wrote aletter against Jerusalem 4. 19 this city, .hath made insurrection against 7. 23 why should there be wrath against the Dan. 3. 19 form of his visage was changed against 3. 29 which speak anything amiss against the $. 23 hast lilted up thyself against the LORD 6. 5 We shall not find, .occasion against this 8. With, Dy im. Deut. 9. 7 ye have been rebellious against the Loed 9. With, ^9!/ immad. Job 23. 6 Will he plead against me vrith (his) great lO.Ofer against, near, just as, nss; ummah. I Ch. 25. 8 And they cast tots, ward against (ward) 26. 12 (having) wards one against another 26. 16 by the causeway, .ward against ward Eze. 3. 8 against their faces . . against then- f oreh. ll.Face, presence, D'J? paiiim. Deutsi. 21 this song shall testify against them 32. 49 that (is) over against Jericho 34. I tliat (is) over against Jericho 1 Sa. 15. 7 that (is) over against. Egypt 2 Ch.'2o. 12 we have no might against this great Eze. 41. 15 he measured the length, .over against 48. 15 in the breadth ovef against the live 48. 21 against the five, .against the. .against the 12.Concerning, is tsad. Dan. 7. 25 he shall speak (great) words against tho IB.Over, beyond, -ai!. eber. Exod2s. 37 they may give light over against it 14. To meet, tcjij. Gen. 15. 10 laid each piece one against another Exodi4. 27 and the Egyptians fled against it Num 20. 18 lest I come out against thee with the 20. 20 Edom came out against hun with, .people 21. 23 he came to Jahaz and fought against 21. 33 the king of Bashan went out against 22. 34 1 knew not that thou stoodest. .against Deut, 1. 44 the Amorites. .came out against you 2. 32 Then Sihon came out against us 3, I the king of Bashan came out agaittst lis 29. 7 Sihon. .came out against us unto battle ijosll. 8- s when they come out against us 8. 14 the men. .went out against Israel to 8. 22 issued out of the city against them 11. eo they should come against Israel in battle JHidg. 7. 24 Come doMTi against the Midianites 14. 5 a y.oung.lion roared against him 15. 14 the Philistines shouted against hira 2o. 2S Benjamin went forth against them 20. 31 BeiSjaminwent out against the peoplb I Sa. 4. 1 Israel went out. against the Philistines 4. 2 put themselves in array against 9. 14 Samuel came out against them 17. 2 set the battle . . against the Philistines 17. 21 Philistines had put. .army against amly 17. 55 David go forth against the Philistine 23. 28 and went against the Philistines 25, 20 David and his men came do^vn against ^Sa, 10. 9 put (them) in array against the Syiians' 10. to might put (them) in an-ay against the 10. 17 Syrians set themselves, .against David 18. 6 people went out into the field against I. t Ki. 20. 27 children of Israel, .went against them 3 Ki. 9. 21 and they went out against Jehu 23. 29 and king Josiah went out against him 1 Ch. 19. 10 put (them) in array against the Syrians 19. 11 they set. .in array against the children 19. 17 and set. .in array against them 19. 17 put the battle in array against the Syr. 2 Ch. 35. 20 and Josiah went out against hira Psa. 35. 3 and stop (the way) against them 15, In reference to, with regard to, els eis. Matti8. 15 thy brother shiiU trespuss [against] thee 18. 21 how oft shall my brother sin again.=t me Mark 3. 29 he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Luke 7. 30 rejected the counsel of God against 12. 10 against the Son . against the Holy Ghost 15. 18, 21 Father, I have sinned against heaven 17. 3 If thy brother trespass [against) thee 17. 4 if he trespass against thee seven times 22. 65 things blasphemously spake they against John 12. 7 Then said Jesus, Let her alone : against 13. 29 Buy . .that we have need of [against] thp Acts 6. II We have heard him speak, .against 9. 1 against the disciples of the Lord 2S- 8 against the . . against the . . against Caesar Eom. 8. 7 the carnal mind (is) enmity against God I Co. 6. 18 committeth fornication sinneth against 8. 12 against the brethren . . sin against Christ 1 Ti. 6. 19 a good foundation against the time to 2Ti. 1. 12 which I .committed unto him against Hob. 12. 3 such contradiction of sinners against 2 Pe. 3. 7 reserved unto fire against the day of 16.Before,in the face of, efnrpocrdev emprosthen. Matt 23. 13 shut up the kingdom of heaven against 17.1n, i,i> en. Bom. 2. s against the day of wrath, and revelation IS.On^ wpfm, iirl (dat.) epi. Luld^i2. 52 three against two, and two against throe 12. 53 against . . son . , against . . father . .against 12. S3 against, .mother, .against her. .against 19.0ji, upon, iiri {ace.) epi. Matt 10. 21 and the cliildren shall rise up against [See also Matt. 12. 26; 24. 7, 7; 26. 55; Mark 3. 24, 23, 26; 10. 11; 13. 8, 8, 12; 14. 48; Luke 9. s; 11, 17, 17, 18; 12. 53, 53; 14. 31; 21. 10, 10; 22. 12, S3; John 13. 18; Acts 4. 27 ; 8. iTiJ- 50, 5«; " )ra. t, 18 J a. a; 2 Co. 10. 2; i Pe. 3. 12.] |2, ■ Bon GaL Col. iTi.. Jas. iPe. 2Pe, Jude Eev, 2S). Against, Kard (gen.) kaia. Matt. 5. II shall say all manner of evil against you 5. 23 that thy brother hath ought against thea 10. 35 against his. .against her. .against her 12. 14 held a council against him, how they 12. 25 divided against itself.. divided against 12. 30 He that is not with me is against me 12. 32 against the Son. .against the Holy Ghost eo. II they murmured against the goodman of 26. 59 sought false witness against Jesus, to put 27. I counsel against Jesus to put him to death Mark 3. 6 took counsel with the Herodians against 9. 40 For be that is not against ns is on our 11. 25 forgive, if ye have ought against any 14. 55 sought for witness against Jesus to put 14. 56 many bare false witness against him, but 14. 57 bare false witness against him, saying Luke 9. 50 for he that is not against us is for ns 11. 23 He that is not with me is against me John 18. 29 What accusation bring ye against this 19. II couldest have no power, .against me Acts 4. 26 against the Lord, and against his Christ 6. 13 ceaseth not to speak, .against this holy 14. 2 made their minds evil affected against 16. 22 the multitude rose up together against 19. i6 overcame them, and prevailed against 21. 28 teacheth all . . every where against the 23. 9 let us not iight against God. 24. I who informed the governor against Paul 25. 2 chief of the Jews informed him against 23. 3 desired favour against him, that lie 25. 7 complaints [against Paul], which they 25. 15 desiring (to have) judgment against him 25. 27 not withal, .the crimes (laid) sigainst lain 27. 14 not long after there arose against it a Bom. 8. 31 U God (be) for us, who (can be) against It. . 2 he maketh intercession to God against 1 Co. 4.' 6 that no one of you. .one against another 2 Co. 10. 5 high thing that exalteth itself against 13. 8 For we can do nothing against the truth 3. 21 (Is) the law then against the promises of 5. 17 against the Spirit, and the Spirit against 5. 23 Meelcness, temperance : against such 2. 14 the handwriting, .that was against us 5. 19 Against an elder receive not an accusation 3. 14 and lie not against the truth S. 9 Grudge not one against another, brethren 2. II abstain from, lusts, which war against ■il It bring not railing .accusatioa against them 15 ungodly sinners have spoken against him 2. 4 Nevertheless I have (somewhat) against 2.' 14 1 have a few things against thee, because 2. 20 1 have a few things against thee, because 12. 7 Michael and his angels fought [against] 21. With, fieri' g- a.) neta. i^v. 2. 16 will llgni against them with the sword II. 7 the beast, .shall make war against them 19. 19 against him that sat . . and against his 2%Beside, alongside of, wapdpara. {dai) Bom. 1. 26. natural use into that which is against 4. 18 Who against hope believed in hope, that 23i^A'rditnd, concernin,g, irepi (gen.) peri. Matt 20. 24 were moved with indignation against t!ie Acts 25. 18 Against whom when the accusers stood U.Towards, vpSs (ace.) pros. Matt. 4. 6 thou dash thy foot against a atone' Marki2. 12 that he had spoken the parable against Luke 4. II thou dash thy foot against a stone 5. 30 scribes and Pharisees murmured- against 20. 19 that he had spoken this parable against Acts 6. I arose a murmuring of the Grecians against 9. s [hard for thee to lack against the pricks) 9. 29 disputed against the Grecians : but they 19. 38 have a matter against any man, the law 23. 30 to say before thee what (they had) against 24. 19 if they had ought against me 25. 19 But had certain questions a.^ainst him of 26. 14 hard for thee to kick against the pncks 1 Co. 6. I Dare any of you, having a matter against Eph. 6. II that ye may be able to stand against the 6. 12 against flesh . .against princ. . .against po. 6. 12 against the rulers, .against spiritual wic. Col. 3. 13 if any man have a quarrel against any 3. 19 love (your) wives, .not bitter against them ^t, Heb. 12. 4 resisted unto blood, striving against sin T» Eev. 13. 6 opened his mouth in blasphemy against 26.Contrary to, ivavrlos enantios. Acts 28. 17 though I have committed nothing against AGAINST, as — As against, Vj;? ke-al. 2 Ch. 32. 19 as against the gods of the people of the AGAINST ha come — To meet, N^iJ. Exod/^. 15 by the river's bri^jikagalnst he come AGAINST, over — l.Over against, htm mol. Neh. 12. 38 the other, .went over against (them) 2.0ver against, ViD mol. Deut 1. 1 in the plain over against the Bed (sea) S.Over against, '7fH mul. Num. 8. 2 lamps shall give light over against the 8. 3 lighted the lamps. . over against the 22. s and they abide over against me Dent. 2. 19 thou comest. .over against the children 3. 29 we abodo in the valley over against 4. 46 in the valley over against Beth-peor AGAR 21 AHAB Dcutii. 30 which dwell.. over against Gilgal 3<. 6 he buried him. .over against Beth-peor Josh.iB. 18 passed, .toward the side over against I Sa. 14. 5 overagaiiistMichmash..overagainstGib e Sa. 5. 23 come upon thenn over against the. .trees I Ki. 7. 39 tiie house eastward over against the soutli 1 Ch. 14. 14 come upon them over against the. .trees a Ch. 4. 10 set the sea. .over against the soutli ^.Before, in the presence of, iJj neged. Gen. 21. 16 and sat her down over against (him) I Ch. 8. 32 these also dwelt . . over against them NeU. 3. 28 every one over against his house Eze. 41. 16 the galleries, .over against tiie door h.SlraighlfoTWCLrd, straight before, m\ nokach. Exod26. 3S the candlestick over against the table 40. 24 put the candlestick.. over against the Josh.iS. J7 which (is) over against the going up of Judgi9. 10 and came over against Jebus 20. 43 trode them down, .over against Gibeah I Ki. 20. 29 they pitched one over against the other Esth. 5. I over against the king's . . over against the Eze. 47. 20 till aman come over against Hamath 6. Straight before, nsi nekach. lize. 46. 9 but shall go forth over against it T.Near, just as, over against, noj; v.mmah. £xod2S. 27 Over against the border shall the rings be 28. 27 over against the (other) coupling thereof 37. 14 Over against the border were the rings 39; 20 over against the (other) coupling thereof aSa. 16. 13 Shimei went along, .over against him I KI. 7. 20 over against the belly which (was) by the I Ch. 24. 31 These likewise cast lots over against 24. 31 principal fathers over against their Neh. 13. 24 David the man of God, ward over against Eccl. 7. 14 hath set the one over against the other Eze, I. 2o the wheels were lifted up over against 1. 21 the wheels were lifted up over against 3. 13 the noise of the wheels over against them 40. 18 the pavement . . over against the length of 42. 7 wall that (was) without over against the 45. 6 over against the oblation of the holy 4S. 7 the length (shall be) over against one ol 48. 13 over against the border of the priests 48. 18 over against the oblation of the holy 48. 18 over against the oblation of the holy 48. 21 over against the portions for the prince 8. Over against, avrmpv antikru. Acts 20. IS came the next (day) o*er against Chios 9.0ver beyond, avTiirepav antiperan. Luke 8. 26 Gadarenes, which is over against Galilee 10. Over against, ane'vavTi apenanti. Matt2i. 2 Go into the village [over against] you 27. 61 Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre ll.Opposile, contrary, ef ivaptlas ex enantias, Markis. 39 centurion, which stood over against him \2.Down, down by, Hard (ace.) kata. Acts 27. 7 when we had.. come over against Caidus 27. 7 we sailed under Crete, over against 13. Over against, KaTeuavri katenanli. Markii. 2 Go your way into the village over against 12. 41 Jesus sat [over against] the treasury 13. 3 mount of Olives over against the temple Luke 19. 30 Go ye into the village over against (you) [See also Beat, boast, bring, crime, cry, mad, murmur, over, prate, prevail, quarrel, rejoice, rise up, say, speakf spoken, strive, war, will.] A'-GAR, ^A-yap. Creek name of Sarah's handmaid Hagar. Gal. 4. 24 Sinai, whicUgendereth to,bondage..i3 A. 4. 25 For tills A. is mount Siuai in Arabia, and AGATE — \. Agate or rvby, "ibiS kadkod. Isa. 54. 12 I will make thy windows of agates Eze. 27. 16 fine linen, and coral, and agate 2.i4 gate, achates, \yo shebu. Exod28. 19 the third row., an agate, and an amethyst 39. 12 the third row. .anagate, and an amethyst AGE — 1. Revolution, "in dor. Job 8. 8 enquire, I pray thee, of the former age Isa. 38. 12 Mine age is departed, and is removed from i.Old age, \isi zoqen. Gen. 48. 10 the eyes of Israel were dim for age Z.Lifciivie, -hn cheled. Job II. 17 (thine) age shall be clearer than the noon Paa. 39. s mine age (is) as nothing before thee i.Day, Di' yom. Gen. 18. II (were) old.. well stricken in age 24. I Abraham was . . well stricken in age Jo3h.23. I Joshua waxed old (and) stricken in age 23. .2 I am old (and) stricken in age Zech. 8. 4 his staff in his hand for very age B.Old age, greyheadness, Tf/ seb. , I £X 14. 4 his eVes were sat by reason of his age 6./4 son, 15 hen. I Num. 8. 25 from the age of fifty years they shall I Ch. 23. 3 from t'ne age of thirty years and upward 23. 24 from the age ol twenty years and upward l.Life, existence, 'n chai. Gen. 47. 28 the. .age of Jacob was an hundred forty [See also flower, great, old, pais, stoop lor, whole.] 8. Maturity, ijKiKta helikia. Heb. II. II delivered of a child when she.. past age AGE, fuU — l.Full age, rhs kelach. Job. 5. 26 shalt come to (thy) grave lu a full age 2.Complete, perfect, tc'Ae los teleios. Heb. s. 14 strong meat. . to them that are of full age AGE, old — Full age, n^a kelach. Job 30. 2'rae, iu whom old age was perished? AGE, to be of — \.He has maturity, TjXtKlaf tx«' helikian echei, John g. 21 we know not : he is of age ; ask him 9. 23 Therefore said his parents. He is of age 2.Day, riiiipa heinera. Luke 2. 36 daughter of Phanuel. .was ol a great age AGE, whole — Days of the years of the life, 'n ^iv '5% Gen. 47. 28 the whole age oLJacoli was an hundred AGED — 1. A ged, bearded, Ji5j zaqen. Job . 12. 20 taketli. .the understanding of the aged 32. gneitherdothe aged understand judgment Jer. 6. 11 the aged, with (him that is) full ol days 2. One white, grey, old, dry, ty'i?; yashish. Job ■ 29. 8 the aged arose, (and) stood up S.Aged, advanced in days, irpeaBuTris 2'^esbutes. Phm. 9 as Paul the aged. .now also a prisoner AGED man — l.Aged, bearded, ]p] zaqen. 2 Sa. ig. 32 Barzillai was a very aged mafl 2.Aged, advanced in days, npeaBvTiqs. pre^hnfes. Titus 2. 2 aged men be sober. .in faith, lu charity AGED man, very — One white, grey, old, dry, iv-if)^ yashish. Job IS. 10 very aged meu, much elder than thy AGED woman — Aged female, ■n-pe(rBuTispresbutis. Titus 2. 3 The aged women likewise, that (they be) A'-GEE, N3K fugitive. The father of Shararaah, one of David's valiant men, B c. 1080. 2 Sa. 23. II after him (was) Shammah the sou of A. AGES — l.Age, dispensation, aldv aion. Eph. 2. 7 That in the ages to come he might shew Col. I. 26 mystery which hath been hid from ages ^.Generations, fitna. genea. Eph. 3. '5 Which in other ages was not made known 3. 21 throughout all ages, world without end AGO — I. Former time, npnjj qadmah. Ezra s- 1 1 house . . was builded these many years ago 2.{Third day of) the days, D'D'iT hayyamim. 1 Sa. 9. 20 asses that were lost three days ago S.Frovi, anS apo. Acts 10. 30 And Cornelius said. Four days ago I was 15. 7 ye know how that a good v/hile ago 2 Co. 8. 10 but also to be forward a year ago g. 2 that Achaia was ready a year ago irBefore, irpA pro. 2 Co. 12. 2 I knew a man. .above fourteen years ago AGONE — The third day, na^p d'v.t hayyom sheloshah, I Sa. 30. 13 because three days agoue I fell sick AGONY — Agony, Contest, iyuivla agonia. Luke 22. 44 And being in an agony he prayed raoro AGREE- 1.2*0 be into or for, eifii els eimi eis, I Jo. 5. 8 and these three agree in one 2.T0 be in good mind, iivoita [iifxl eimi) eunoeO. Matt. 5. 25 Agree with thine adversary quickly 3. 7*0 be the saine, ei^ii io-ot 'isos eimi. -Mark 14. 56 but their witness agreed not together 14. 59 But neither so did their witness agree i.To be like or similar, 6/xoidC(o homoiazo. Mark 14. 70 [and thy speech agreeth (thereto)] 5. To persuade, prevail upon, TrilSu peitho. Acts s- 40 And to him they agreed : and when they 6.2*0 make one opinion, 7roi?) Ch. 4. 8 And Coz begat, .the families ot A. the A-HA'-SAI,'TnN my holder, protector, A priest of the family of Iramer, some of whom dwelt in Jerusalem after the exile, B.C. 445 Neh. II. 13 Amashai the son of Azareel, theiSBof A A-HAS'-BAI, '3PDS blooming, shining. Father of one of David's valiant men, whose family had been early settled at Maachah, B.C 1080. aSa. 23. 34 [ot the thirty]. .£Uphelet .sonot A. A-HAS-U-E'-STTS, B'niK'nt! kinff. 1. A king of Persia (529-521 u.c), was the Canibyses of profane liistory Ezra 4. 6 And in the reign of A., in the beginning 2. The father of Darius the Mede, or Astyages (594 B.C.) Dan. g. I In the first year of Darius the son of A. 3. Xerxes, the son of Darius Hystaspis (485 B.C.) Esth. I. 1 came to pass in the days of A. , (this (is) A. I. 2 when the king A. sat on the throne of his I. g royal house which (belonged) to king A. 1. 10 chamberlains that served presence of A. 1.15 not performed the commandment of . .A. I. 16 in all the provinces of the king A. 1. 17 The king A commanded Vashti the 1. 19 that Vashti come no more before king A. 2. I when the wrath of king A. was appeased 2. 12 every maid's turn to go in to king A. 2 If- So Esther was taken unto king A. into 2. 21 Bigthan. .sought to lay hand on.. A. 3. I After these things did king A. promote 6 throughout the whole kingdom of king A. 7 in the twelfth year of king A., they cast 8 And Haman said unto king A., There is a 5 in the name of king A. was it written 2 who sought to lay hand on the king A. 5 Then the king A. answered and said unto J On that day did the king A. give the 7 Then the king A. said unto Esther the 8. 10 And he wrote in the king A.'s name 8 12 one day in all the provinces of. A. 9 2 throughout all the provinces of. .A. 9. 20 in all the provinces of the king A. 9. 30 to the. .provinces of the kingdom of A. 10. I And the king A. laid a tribute upon the 10. 3 Mordecai the Jew (was) next uuto king A. A-HA'-'VA, Ninst stream. A river in the' N.E. of Media near the district of Casi- phia ; some think it the same as the A diaba in Adiabene, or Hit, due E. of Damascus, on the Euplirates. On a tri- butary of this river Ezra assembled the Jews before starting on their journey to Jerusalem. Some consider the name as applying to a district in the plains of Baby- lon t Ezra 8. rs to the river that runneth to A. ; and there 8. 21 proclaimed a fast there, at the river of A. 8. 31 Then we departed from the river of A. on A'-HAZ, triN he holds. 1 Son of Jotham, king of Judah, and father of Heze- kiah. He succeeded his father as eleventh king of Judah, and reigned sixteen years (740-724 B.C.) 2 Ki. 15. 38 And Jotham slept .and A. his son reigned 16. J A. the son of Jotham king of Judah began 16. 2 Twenty years old (was) A. when he began 16. 5 ajid they besieged A., but could not 16. 7 So A. sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser 16. 8 And A took the silver and gold that was 16. ic And king A. went to Damascus to meet 16. 10 and king A. sent to Urijah the priest the 16 II an altar according to all that king A. 16. II the priest made (it) against king A. came it. 15 And king.A. commanded Urijah the priest 16. 16 according to all that king A. commanded 16. 17 And king A. cut off the borders of the 16. 19 Now the rest of the acts of A. which he 16. 20 And A. slept with his fathers, and was 17. I In the twelfth year of A king of Judah 18. I Hezekiah the son of A king of Judah 2o. II which it had gone down in the dial of A. 23. 12 on the top of the upper chamber of A. 1 Ch. 3. 13 A. his sou, Hezekiah his son, Manasseh g. 42 And A. begat Jarah ; and Jarah begat 2 Ch. 27. 9 Jotham slept and A his son reigned in 28. I A. (was) twenty years old when he began 28. 16 At that time did king A. send unto the 28 19 theLoRDbrought Judah low because of A. 28 21 For A took away a portion (out) of the 28 22 this (is that) king A 28. 24 And A. gathered together the vessels of 28. 27 And A. slept with his fathers, and they 29. 19 Moreover all the vessels, which king A. Isa. I. 1 The vision of Isaiah in the days of A. 7. I And it came to pass in the days of A. 7. 3 Go forth now to meet A., thou, and 7 10 Moreover the Lord spake again unto A. 7 12 But A said, I will not ask, neither \vill I 14. 28 In the year that king A died was this 38 8 which is jtone down in the sun dial of A. Hos. I. J The word of the Lord in the days of. A. Wic. I ) The word of the LoKD .in the days of . . A. 2. A Benjaraite, of the family of Saul. I Ch. 2 35 And the sons ot Micah (were). A. 8. 36 And A begat Jehoadah ; and Jehoadah g. 41 And the sons of Micah (were. A ) 9 \4 And A. begat Jarah , and Jarah begat A-HAZ-fAH, I'lMnK n;inN Jah holds, possesses I A son of Ahab, who succeeded as eighth king of Israel and reigned two years (896 and 895 B.C.). 1 Ki i2. 40 So Ahab slept .and A. his son reigned 22 49 Then said A. the son of Ahab unto 22 51 A. the son of Ahab began to reign over 2 Ki. 1 2 And A. fell down through a lattice I 18 Now the rest of the acts of A which he 1 Ch. 3. u Joiara his son, A hia son, Joash his 2 Ch. 20. 35 did Jehoshaphat join himself with A. 20 37 Because thou hast joined thyself with A 2. A son of Jehoram (or Joram), who succeeded as fifth king of Judah. He is also called Jehoahaz and Azariah, and reigned only one year (8B4 B.C.) 2 Ki 8. 24 And Joram slept .and A. his son reigned 8. 25 twelfth year of Joram. .did A. . .begin to 8. 26 Two and twenty years old (was) A. when 8. 29 And A. . .went down to see Joram the son 9. 16 And A. king of Judah was come down to g. 21 Joram king of Israel and A. king of Judah g. 23 Joram said to A. . treachery. A. g. 27 But when A. the king of Judan saw (this) 9. 29 in the eleventh year of Joram. .began A. 10. 13 Jehu met with the brethren of A. king of 10. 13 they answered. We (are) the brethren ot A. 11. I when Athaliah the mother of A. saw that It. 2 the. sister of A., took Joash the son of A. 12. 18 hallowed things that Jehoshaphat. andA. 13. I three and twentieth year of. .the son of A. 14. 13 Amaziah. son of Jehoash the son of A. 1 Ch. 3. II Joram his son, A. his son, Jotham his son 2 Ch. 22. I the inhabitants of Jerusalem made A. 22. 2 Forty and two years old (was) A. when he 22. 7 And the destruction of A. was of God by 22. 8 of the brethren of A., that ministered to A. 22. 9 And he sought A.: and they caught him 22. g So the house of A. had no power to keep 22. 10 when Athahah the mother of A. saw 22 ti Jehoshabeath. .took Joash the son of A. 22. II Jehoshabeath. was the sister of A AH'-BAN, HON brother of intelligence. Son of Abishur, a descendant of Jerabmeel, grandson ot Pharez, B.C. 1040. I Ch. 2. 29 Abihail. bare him A., and Molid , A'-HEE, °\n^ one that is behind. A Benjainite (perhaps the same as Ahiran), B.C. 1700. 1 eft. 7. 12 of Ir, (and) Hushim, the sons of A. A'-HI, 'HN my brother. 1. A head of the families of Gad, B.C. i3€o. I Ch. 5. 15 A. the son of Abdiel, the son of Guni 2. An Israelite of the tribe of Asher. I Ch. 7. 34 the sons of Shameri A., and Eohgab A-Hf-AH, n'm Jah 13 a brother. 1. Grandson of Phinehas son of Eli, B.^!^ 1080. I Sa. 14. 3 And A., the son of Ahitub, I-chabod'a 14. 18 And Saul said uuto A., Bring hitlier 2. One of Solomon's scribes. .,1 Ki. 4. 3 Elihoreph and A., the sons of Sbisha 3. A descendant oi Benjamin, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 8. 7 And Naaman, and A., and Gera A-HI'-AM, DX'riN a mother's brother. One of David's thirty mighty men, and son of Sharar the Hararite, who, in 1 Ch. 11. 35, is called Saear, B.C. 1048 2 Sa. 23. 33 A. the son of Sharar the Hararite 1 Ch. 11. 35 A. the son of Sacar the Hararite ' A-HI'-AN, i;nN brother of day. Son of Shemidah, a Manassehite, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 7. ig the sons of Shemidah were, A., and A-HI-EZ'-EK, i^'Of! helping brother. 1 A prince of Dan, appointed to assist Moses in nam- bering the people, B.C. 1491. Num. 1. 12 Qf Dan ; A. the son of Ammishaddal 2. 25 of Dan (shall be) A. the son of Ammisha. 7. 66 On the tenth day A. the son of Ammisha. 7. 71 this (was) the offering of A. the son of 10. 25 and over his host (was) A. the son of 2. A Danite chief who joined David when lying at Ziklag for fear of Saul. 1 Ch. 12. 3 The chief (was) A., then Joash, the sons of A-Hf-HTID, nin'rtK brother of honour. A prince of Asher, appointed to allocate the land W.of the Jordan, B.C. 1491. Num.34. 27 of Asher, A., the son of Slieloioi A-Hf-HTn), "in'nx brother of mystery. A Benjamite of the family of Elmd, B.C. 1400. I Ch. 8. 7 he removed them;"and begat Uzza, and A. A-HI'-JAH, n;nN Jah is brother This name, though variously expressed in the English version is the same in every passage in which it occurs in the original. See Ahiah. 1. A prophet, probably of Ephraim, who foretold to Jeroboam the revolt of the ten tribes, B.C. 980. 1 Ki. II. 29 the prophet A. the Shilonite found him 11. 30 And A. caught the new garment that 12. 15 which the LORD spake by A. the Shilonite 14 2 behold, there (is) A the prophet, which 14. 4 to Shiloh, and came to the house of A. 14, 4 But A. could not see ; for his eyes were 14. 5 And the Lord said unto A., Behold 14 6 And it was (so), when A. heard the sound 14. 18 by the hand of his servant A. the prophet 15. 29 which he spake by his servant A. the 2 Ch. g. 29 and in the prophecy of A the Shilonite 10. 15 which he spake by the hand of A. the 2. Father of Baasha who conspired against Nadab son of Jeroboam jud reigned in his stead, B.C. 953. I Ki. J 5. 27 And Baasha the son of A., of the house ot 15 33 began Baasha the son of A. to reign over 21. 22 like the house of Baasha the son of A. aKl. 9. 9 and like the bcuse of Baasha the son of A. AHIKAM 23 AI 3. Son of JeraUnieel, brotlicr of Caleb (or Chclubai), of the tribe of Judalu 1 Cli. 2 25 and Bimah, and Orcn, and Ozem, (and) A. 4. One of David's tliirty valiant men, B.C. 1050. iCh. II. 36 Hepherthe Jleclierathite, A. tbePelonite 6. A Levite set over tlie treasures of the house of God iu the time of David, B.C. 1015. J Ch. 26. 20 And of the Levites, A. (was) over the 6. A Levite who, with JS'ehemiah, sealed tlie covcuant B.C. 445- Neh. to. 26 And A., Hanan, Anaa A-HI'-KAM, cp'TO my brother has risen. An officer in Josiah's court, the son of Shaphan, who was one of the king's officers, B.C. 641. 3 Ki. 22. 12 and A. the sou of Shaphan, and Achbor 22. 14 So Hilkiah the priest, and A., and Achbor 25. 22 the son of A., the son of Shaphan, ruler a Ch. 34. 20 the king commanded llilkiali, and A. the Jer. 26. 24 the hand of A. the son of Shaphan was 39. 14 the son of A. the son of Shaphan, that 40. 5 the son of A. the son of Shaphan, whom 40. 6 the son of A. to Mizpah ; and dwelt with io. 7 the son of A. governor in the land, and 40. 9 the son of A. the son of Shaphan sware 40. II the son of A. the son of Shaphan 40. 14 Gedaliah the son of A. believed them not 40. x6 Gedaliah the son of A. said unto .lolianan ' 41. 1 unto Gedaliah the son of A. to Mizpah 41. 2 smote Gedaliah the son of A. the son of 41. 6 Come to Gedaliah the son of A. 41. 10 had committed to Gedaliah the son of A. 41. 16, 18 had slain Gedaliah the son of A. 43. 6 with Gedaliah the son of A. the son of A-Hl'-LUD, n^S-nx a brother born. An Israelite whose son Jehoshaphat was appointed recorder by David, B.C. 1040. 2 Sa. 8. 16 Jehoshaphat the son of A. (wasj recorder 20 24 Jehoshaphat the sou of A. (was) recorder iKi. 4. 3 Jehoshaphat tlie son of A., the recorder 4. 12 Baana the son of A.; (to him pertained) 1 Ch. 18. 15 and JeJioshaphat the son of A., recorder A-HI-MA'-AZ, fy^'ng powerful brother. 1. Father of Ahinoam, wife of king Saul, B.C. loqo, X Sa. 14. so Ahinoam, the daughter of A.: ajid 2. A son of Zadok the priest, who carried tidings to . David of the proceedings of Absalom, B.C. 1050. 3 Sa. 15. 27 your two sons ^vith you, A. thy son, and 15. 36 with them their two sons, A. Zadok's (son) 17. 17 Jonathan and A. stayed by En-rogel 17 20 "Where (is) A. and Jonathan ? And the 18. 19 Then said A. the son of Zadok, Let me 18. 22 Then said A. the son of Zadok yet again J 8. 23 Then A. ran by the way of the plain 18. 27 is like the running of A. the son of Zadok 18. 28 And A. called, and said unto the king 18. 29 And A. answered, "When Joab sent the Ch. 6. 8 begat Zadok, and Zadok begat A. 6. 9 And A. begat Azariah, and Azariah begat, 6. 51 Zadok his son, A. his son 5. One of Solomon's officers who had the charge of victualling the king's household for one month m the year. 3.c. 1015. I Ki. 4. 15 A. (was) in Naphtalt ; he also took A-HI'-MAN, la'ns; brother of Man. 1. A son of Anak, who dwelt in Hebron, B.C. 1450- Num 13. 22 where A., Sheshai, and Talmai, the Josh.ij. 14 sons of Anak, Sheshai, and A., and Judg. t. 10 and they slew Sheshai, and A., and 2. A Levite porter in the temple, B.C. 1000. I Ch. 9. 17 and Talmon, and A., and their brethren A-HI-ME'-IECH, ^^P'"!? brother of the king. 1. A priest slain in consequence of assisting David when he fled from Saul, B.C. 1060. I Sa. 21. I Tlien came David to Nob to A. the priest 21. 1 and A. was afraid at the meetingof David 21. 2 And David said unto A. the priest, The 31. 8 And David said unto A. And is there 22. 9 coming to Nob, to A. the son of Ahitub 22. II Then the king sent to call A. the priest 22. 14 Then A. answered the king, and said 22. 16 Thou Shalt surely die. A., thou, and all 22. 20 And one of the sons of A. the son of 23. 6 when Abiathar the son of A . fled to David 30. 7 David said to Abiathar the priest, A.'s 2Sa. 8. i7»and A. the son of Abiathar, (were) the I Cii. 24. 3 and A. of the sons of Ithamar 24 6*and A. the son of Abiathar, and (before) 24. 31 and Zadok, and A., and the chief of the Psa. 52. title. David is come to the house of A. * [The names in these verses are supposed to have been transposed by a copyist.] 2. A Hittite officer in the service of David, B.C. 1048. I Sa. 26. 6 Then answered David and said to A. the A-HT-MOTH, n\D'!Ttt brother of death. Son of Elkanah, a descendant of Kohath son of Levi. I Ch. 6. 25 the sons of Elkanah ; Amasai, and A. A-HI-NA'DAB, aiJ'nN brother of liberality. Son of Iddo, »a4'one of Solomon's twelve purveyors, B.C. 1015. I Ki. 4. 14 A. the son of Iddo (had) Mahanaira A-HI-KO'-AM, nyi'TN; pleasant brother. 1. Wife of Saul first king of Israel, B.C. 1090. I Sa. 14. 50 the name of Saul's wife (was) A., the 2. A woman of Jezreel who became wife of David during liis w.indci'ing, aud went with him and his other wife, Abigail, to thecourt of AcInshinGath. She wasmotlier of Arnnon, David's eldest son, B.C. 1060. 1 Sa. 25. 43 David also took A. of Jezreel ; and they 27. 3 withhistwowives, A.the Jezreelitcss.and 30. 5 were taken captives, A. the Jczreelitess 2 Sa. 2. 2 and his two wives also, A. the Jczreelitess 3. 2 his firstborn was Amuon, of A. the 1 Ch. 3. I the firstborn Aninon, of A.the Jczreelitess A-EI'-O, vn^; his brotlier. 1. Son of Abinadab, in whose house the ark of God re- mained for twenty years after being sent back by the rhilistines, B.C. 1045. 2 Sa. 6. 3 And I'zzah and A., the sons of Abinadab 6. 4 the ark of God, and A. went before the I Ch. 13. 7 of Abinadab : aud Uzza and A. drave the 2. An Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin. 1 Ch. 8. 14 And A., Shashak, and Jeremoth. 3. A Eenjamite of the Gibeon family from which Saul sprang. I Ch. 8. 31 And Gedor, and A., and Zacher 9. 37 Aud Gedor, aud A., aud Zechariah A-HI'-EA, n'nN brother of evil. A chief of Naphtali wlien .Moses took the census shortly after the exodus, B c. 1491. Num. I. 15 Of Naphtali ; A. the son of Enan 2. 29 of Naphtali (shall be) A. the son of Boan ' 7. 78 On the twelfth day A. the son of Enan 7. 83 this ( the offering of A. the son of 10. 27 the cliildrcn of Naphtali (was) A. the son A-HI-RAM, m,"n.s: exalted brother, A Eenjamite from whom family was named. He is called£/u in Gen. 46. 21, and is supposed to be the same as the Ahcr of i. Ch. 7. 12. b.c, 1680. Num 26. 38 of A., the family of the Ahiramites A-HI-RAM'-ITE, 'OTnx belonging to Ahiram. The Ahiramites were an Israelite family. Num 26. 38 Ashbelites:of Ahiram, the family of the A. A-HI-SA'-MACH, 'Tl^D'OS supporting brother. Father of Aholiab, a Dariite B.C. 1500. Exod3i. 6 with him Aholiab, the son of A., of the 35. 34 Aholiab the son of A., of tlie tribe of Dan 38. 23 Aholiab, son of A., of the tribe of Dan • A-HX-SHA'-HAR, in^'nx brother of the dawn. Son of Bilhan and grandson of Benjamin, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 7 loThesonsalsoof JediaeL.Zethan. .and A. A-HI'-SHAE, na'Tix brother of song. Controller of Solomon's household, B.C. 1015. 1 Ki. 4. 6 And A. (was) over the household • aud A-HI-THO'-PHEL, 'jErrns; /ooZw/i brother. A native of Giloh in tlie highlands of Judah, and privy counsellor to David ; but joined Absalom, and then hanged himself, B.C. 1023. 2 Sa. 15. 12 And Absalom sent for A. the Gilonite 13. 31 And(one)toldDavid,saying,A.(is)among 15. 31 turn the counsel of A. into foolishness 15. 34 niayest thou, .defeat the counsel of A. t6. 15 came to Jerusalem, and A. mth him 16. 20 Then said Absalom to A., Give counsel j6. 21 And A. said unto Absalom, Go in unto 16. 23 And the counsel of A., which he 16. 23 so (was) all the counsel of A., both with 17. I Moreover A. said unto Absalom, Let 17. 6 saying, A. hath spoken after this manner 17 7 The counsel that A. hath given (is) not 17 14 counsel . .(is) better than tlic counsel of A. 17. 14 to defeat the . . counsel of A., to tlie intent 17 15 Thus and thus did A. counsel Absalom 17 21 for thus hath A. counselled against you 17 23 And when A. saw that his counsel was 23 34 Eliam the son of A. the Gilonite 1 Ch 27 33 And A. (was) the king's counsellor ' 27. 34 And after A. (was) Jehoiada the son of A-HI'-TUB, 3?B'ns a good brother. 1. Son of Phinehas,' and grandson of Eli, B C. 1100. I Sa 14. 3 the son of A., I-chabod's brother, the son '22 9 comingtoNob.toAhimelechthesonof A. 22 II tocallAhimelechthepriest, thesonof A. 22 12 Aud Saul said. Hear nov/, thou son of A. 22. 20 of Ahimelech the son of A., named 2 Father of Zadok the high-priest in the time of David, B C. 1060. Perhaps the same as No. i. '2 Sa. 8. 17 And Zadok the son of A., and Ahimelech I Ch. 6. 7 and Amariah begat A. 6. 8 And A begat Zadok, and Zad6k begat 6 52 Amariah his son, A. his son 18 16 And Zadok the son of A., and ■ Ezra 7. 2 the son of Zadok, the son of A. 3. Another priest, in the 7th generation after No. 2, ' iCh.' 6. 11 begat Amariah, and Amariah begat A. 6 12 A. begat Zadok, and Zadok begat Shallum 4 Another priest, progenitor of Seraiah, and.ruler of the house of God iu the time of Nehemiah. ,Ch o „ son of A., the ruler of the hpuse of God Nch' II. n the son of Meraioth, the »e» of A. AH'-LAB, :ihm fruitful place. A city of Aslier from wliich the Canaauites were no* driven out. Judg. I. 31 nor the inhabitants of Zidon, nor of A. AH'-LAI, 'hr^t} Jah is staying. 1. A daughter of Sheshan, a descendant of Pharcz, B.C. 1430. I Ch. 2. 31 And the children of Sheshan ; A. 2. Father of one of David's thirty valiant men, n.C 1050. I Ch. II. 41 Criah the Hittite, Zabad the sou of A. A-HO'-AH, ninN a brother's reed. Son of Bela and'grandson of Benjamin, B.C. 1650. 1 Ch. 8. 4 Abisliua, and Naaman, and A. A-HO-HITE, "ninx belonging to Ahoah. 1. A patronymic derived from Ahoah, a grandson of Benjamin. 2 Sa. 23. 28 Ziilmon the A., Maharai the Netcphathite I Ch. II. 12 Eleazar the son of Dodo, tlie A., who II. 29 Ilai tlie A. 27. 4 the second month (was) Dodai an A. 2. This word occurs in the common version of 2 Sa. 23. 9, but in the original the expression used is Den Ahnki " son of Ahohi," whicli thus seems to be a proper name, not a patronymic. B.C. 1650. •2 Sa. 23. 9 (was) Eleazar the son of Dodo the A. A-HO'-LAH, nSns her own tent. A symbolic uanic for Samaria and the ten tribes. Eze. 23. 4 And thenamesof them(were)A. theeldcr 23. 4 'Jims (were) their names ; Samaria (is) A. 23. 5 And A. played the harlot when she was 23. 35 Son of man, wilt thou judge A. and 23. 44 went they in unto A. and untoAliolibah A-HO-II'-AS, ;!<''?n!< a father's tent. A Danite, in the time of JMoses, appointed by Cod to work with Beialeel in preparing the tabernacle, B.C. 1490. Exod3T, 6 I have given with him A., the son of 35. 34 (both) he, and A., the son of Ahisamacli 36. I 'I'hen wrought Bezaleel and A., and every 36; 2 And Moses called Bezaleel and A., and 38. 23 And with him (was) A., son of Ahisamacli A-HO-W'-BAH, n2''?n!j niy tent (is) in her. A symbolic name for judah and Jerusalem. Eze. 23. 4 A. her sister: and they were mine 23. 4 Samaria (is) Ahojah, aud Jerusaiem A. 23. II when lier sister A. saw (this), she 23. 22 Therefore, OAliolibah.thussaith the Lord 23. 36 wilt thou judge Aholah and A. ? 23. 44 so went they in unto Aholah and unto A. A-HO-U-BA'-'JUAH, hstSin tent of the high place. 1. Granddaughter of Gideon thellivite, and wife of Esau. She is called Judith iu Gcu. 26. 34. B.C. 1760. Gen. 36. 2 A. the daughter of Anah the daughter of 36. 5 And A. bare Jeush, and Jaalain, and 36. 14 these were the sons of A.,thedaugliter of 36. 18 And these (are) the sons of A. Esau's wifo 36. 18 these (were) the dukes (that) came of A. . 36. 25 Dishon, and A. the daughter of Anah 2. A chief that sprang from Esau, B.C. 1470. Gen. 36. 41 Duke A., duke Elah, duke Pinon 1 Ch. I. 52 Duke A., duke Elah, duke Pinon A-HTT'-MAI, 'D^nN heated by .Tah. Grandson of Shobal, son of Judah, B.C. 1380. I Ch. 4. 2 begat Jahath; and Jahath begat A. A-HTJ'-ZAM, Din.^ a holding fast. A son of Ashu'r) a descendant of Judah through Caleb son of Hur, B.C. 1500. 1 Ch. 4. 6 And Naarah bare tilm A., and Hepher A-HTJZ'-ZATH, n)ns' holding fast. A friend of Abimelech, king of the Pliilistinea in the time of Isaac, B.C. 1804. Gen. 26. 26 Abimelech went to him .and A. one of A'-I, 'yri -j/n the heap. A city near Bethel, and about 10 miles N. of Jerusalem, within the territory of Benjamin. S,eeAiath, Aija, and Hai, other forms of the name. Its modem name is At 'feel, " the heap." Josh. 7. 2 Joshua sent men from Jericho to A. 7. 2 And the men went up and viewed A. 7. 3 three thousand men, go up and smite A. 7. 4 they fled before the men of A. 7. 5 And the men of A. smote of them about 8. I go up to .\. . see, I have given into thy 8. I the king of A., and his people, and hia 8. 2 And thou shalt do to A. and her king 8. 3 So Joshua arose to go up against A. 8. 9 and abode between Beth-el and A. 8. 9 on the west side of A. : but Joshua 8. 10 elders of Israel, before the people to A. 8. II side of A. . a valley between them and A. 8. 12 in ambush between Bethel and A. 8. 14 when the king of A. saw (it), that they 8. i6«all the people that (were) in A. were 8. 17 there was not a man left in A. or 8. 18 spear that (is) in thy hand toward A. 8. 20 And when the men of A. looked 8. 21 turned again, and slew the men of A. 8. 23 And the king of A. they took alive, and 8. 24 slaying all the inhabitants of A. . 8. 24 all the Israelites returned unto A. [♦ The Hebrew text has " in tlie cily."\ AIAH 24 ALIKE Josh. 8. 25 twelve thousand, .all the men of A. 8. 26 destroyed all the inhabitants of A. 8. 2S And Joshua burnt A., and made it 8. 29 And the king of A. he hanged on a tree g. 3 Joshua had done unto Jericho and to A. 10! I when, .heard how Joshua had taken A. 10! I so he had done to A. and her king 10. 2 because it (was) greater than A., and all 12. 9 the king of A., which (is) beside Beth-el Ezra 2. 28 The met), of Beth-el and A., two hundred Keh 7. 32 The men of Beth-el and A., an hundred Jer.' 49. 3*Howl, O Heshbon, for A. is spoiled ; cry [* Here the article is omitted.] A'-IAH, A'-JfAH, n;x a vulture. 1. Son of Zibeon, son of Seir the Horite, B.C. 1500. Gen. 36. 24 these (are) the children of Zibeon ; both A. I Ch. I. 40 And the sons of Zibeon ; A., and Anah 2. The father of Rizpah, Saul's concubine, B.C. 1050. a Sa. 3. 7 name (was) Rizpah, the daughter of A. 21. 8 two sons of Kizpah the daughter of A. 21. 10 And Rizpah the daughter of A. took 21. II what Rizpah the daughter of A., the AI'-ATH, n;y a heap, a ruin. The feminine form of Ai, but it is not certain that it applies to the same place. Isa. 10. 28 He is come to A., he is passed to AID, to — To strengthen, pin chazeq, 3. Judg. 9. 24 men of Shechem. .aided him In the AI'-JA, n;h a hSap, a rum. One of the forms of Ai. Keh. II. 31 (dwelt) at Michmash, and A., and Beth-el AI-JA'-LON, A-JA'-LON, ]iV;N. 1. The name of a valley in Dan. Josh 10. 12 and thou, Moon, in the valley of A. 2. A Levitical town in Dan, so called from its situation i,n or near the valley of Ajalon. Josh.ig. 42 And-Shaalabbin, and A., and 21. 24 A. -with her suburbs, Gath-rimmon with Judg I. 35 Amorites. .dwell in mount Eeres in A. 8. A place in the tribe of Zebulun. Judg 12. 12 and was buried in A. in the country of 4. A town in Benjamin or Judah, or perhaps identical with Ajalon in Dan. I Sa. 14. 31 smote the Philistines that day.. to A. 1 Ch. 8. 13 fathers of the inhabitants of A. 2 Ch. ri. 10 And Zorah, and A. . . which (are) in Judah 28. 18 and had takenBeth-shemesh.andA., and 6. ALeviticalcityinEphraim, probably the same as No. 2. I Ch. 6. fig A. with her suburbs, and Gath-rimmon AI-JE-IETH SHA'-HAB — Hwd of the morning, yw n^;x ay-ye-lelh Shachar. Psa. 22. title. To the chief musician upon A. S. AIL, to — What to thee t rih'm mah-leka. Gen. 21. 17 What aileth thee, Hagar? fear Judg 18. 23 What aileth thee, that thou comest with ' ■ 1 Sa-. II. 5 What (aileth) the people that they weep ? aSa. 14. 5 What aileth thee?. .I(am)indeed awjdow I Ki. 6. 28 What aileth thee?, .she answered. .Give Tsa.114. s What (ailed) thee, O thou sea, that thou ■ Isa. 22. I What aileth thee now, that thou art A'-IBT, I^j; 111! a (natural) fountain. 1. A place in the N.E. of Caanan, between Kiblah and the Sea of Chinnereth. Kum.34. II ShephamtoRiblah, on the east side of A. 2. A Levitical city in Simeon, at first belonging to Judah. Josh.15. 32 Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and A., and 19. 7 A., Remmon, and Ether, and Ashan 21. 16 And A. with her suburbs, and Juttah I Ch. 4. 32 Etam, and A., Rimmon, and Tochen AIR — X.Air, wind, nn ruach. Job. 41. 16 no air can come between them 2. Heaven,, wav^ shamayiin. Gen. 1. 26 have dominion over the. .fowl of the air I. 28 have dominion over the. .fowl of the air 1. 30 to every fowl of the air 2. 19 Lord God formed every, .fowl of the air 2. 20 gave names to. .the fowl of the air 6. 7 I will destroy, .the fowls of the air 7. 3 fowls also of the air by sevens . . the male 9. 2 the fear .upon every fowl of the air Deut. 4. 17 winged fowl that flieth in the air 28. 26 shall be meat unto all fowls of the air 1 Sa. 17. 44 give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air 17. 46 I will give, .unto the fowls of the air 2 Sa. 21. 10 suffered neither the birds of the air to rest J Ki 14. II him that dieth. .the fowls of the air 16. 4 shall the iovila of the air eat 21. 24 Him that dieth. .the fowls of the air eat .Job 12. 7 ask. .the fowls of the air, and they shall 28. 2! it is. .kept close from the fowls of the air Psa. 8. 8 The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea Prov.30. 19 The way of an eagle in the air Eccl.10. 20 a bird of the air shall carry the volcj Z.Air, atmosphere, a.-f}p aer. Acts 22. 23 and threw dust into the [air] I Co. 9. 26 not as one that beateth the air 14. ^ are they not all. whence .all these 14. so And they did all eat, and were filled 14 35 brought unto him all that were diseased (5. 37 And they did all eat, and were filled Matt. 1 3. l3, 18. ■ 8. ig. ig. 21. 21 22. 22. 22. 23- 23. 23- 23. 24. 24. 24. 24. '24- 24. 24. ,24- 24. 25- 25- 25- 25- 26. 26. 26. .26. 26. 26. 27. 27 28. Mark I. s. 3- 4- 4 4- 5- 5 6. 6. 6. 6 6, 7- 7 7- 9- 10. 10. 10. II. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12 12. '3- «3- t3- «3 14. 14. 14. 14. 14- 14- 14. tuke I. I. I. 25 and all that he had. and payment to 26 Lord, have patience. .1 will pay thee all ig Have patience .and 1 will pay thee (all) 31 told unto their lord all that was done 20 All these things have I kept from my 27 Behold, we have forsaken all, and 12 and cast out all them that sold and 26 for all hold John as a prophet 10 and gathered together all as many as 27 And last of all the woman died also 28 in the resurrection.. for they all had 3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you 5 But all their works they do for to be seen 8 (even) Christ ; and all ye are brethren 36 All these things shall come upon this 2 See ye not all these things? verily 1 6 for (all) (these things) must come to pass 8 All these (are) the beginning of sorrows 9 and ye shall be hated of ali nations 14 this gospel, .shall be preached in all the 30 and then shall all the tribes of the earth 33 when ye shall see all these things, know 34 this generation shall not pass, till all these 47 he shall make him ruler over all his goods 5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all 7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed 31 and all the holy angles with him, then. 32 before him shall be gathered all nations I when Jesus had finished all these sayings 27 saying, Drink ye all of it 31 Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall 35 Likewise also said all the disciples 52 for all they that take the sword, shall 56 Then all the disciples forsook him. and fled 70 But he denied before (them) all, saying I Wlien the morning was come, all the chief 22 all say unto him, Let him be crucified tg Go ye therefore, and teach all nations 5 there went out unto him all the land 27 they were all amazed, insomuch that they 32 they brought unto him all that were 12 went forth before them all; insomuch.. all 28 Verily I say unto you. All sins shall be 13 how then will ye know all parables? 31 less than all the seeds that be in the earth 32 it. .becometn greater than all herbs 12 [all] the devils besought him, saying, Send 26 and had spent all that she had, and was 33 ran afoot thither out of all cities 39 he commanded them to make all sit 41 two fishes divided' he among them all 42 And they did all eat. and were filled 50 For they all saw him, and were troiibled 3 For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except ig goeth out Into the draught, purging all 23 All these evil things come from \vitliin 35 shall be last of all, and servant of all 20 all these have I observed from my youth 28 we have left all, and have followed thee 44 the chiefest, shall be servant of all 17 My house shall be called of all nations 22 last of all the woman died also 28 Which is the first commandment of all ? 29 The first (of all the commandments]. . Hear 33 all the heart, .all the. .all the soul, .all the 43 this poor widow hath cast more in than all 44 For all (they) did cast in of their abundance 4 what (shall be) the sign when all these 10 gospel must first be published among all 30 this generation shall not pass, till all these 37 what I say unto you, I say unto all 23 he tpok the cup, .and they all drank 27 And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall 2g Peter said unto hira, Although all shall 31 Likeivise also said they all 50 And they all forsook him, and fled 53 with hira were assembled all the chief 64 they all condemned him to be guilty 6 they were both righteous, .walking in all 48 behold, from henceforth all generations 63 And they marvelled all 65 on all .all these sayings, .all the hill 66 And all they that heard (them) laid (them) 71 from the hand of all that hate us 75 lu holiness, before him, all the days 3 all went to be taxed, every one into 18 all they that heard (it) wondered at 19 Mary kept all these things, and pondered 31 thou hast prepared before the face of all 38 spake of him to all them that looked 47 all that heard him were astonished 5t his mother kept all these sayings in 15 all men mused in their hearts of John ig for all the evils which Herod had done 20 Added yet this above all, that fie shut 5 the devil, .shewed unto him all the ' 7 If thou, wilt worship- me, all shall IS And he taught, .being glorified of all 20 the eyes of all them that were in 22 all bare him witness, and wondered at 28 all they in the synagogue when they 36 they were all amazed, and spake among 40 all they that had any sick with divers 9 he was astonished, and all that were 10 looking round about upon them all, he ig went virtue out, .and healed (them) all 26 Woe unto you when [all] men shall speak 1 Now when he had ended all his sayings j8 the disciples, .shewed him of all these 3S Wisdom is justified of (all) her children 40 for they were all waiting for him 45 Jesus Bald, Who touched me? When. all Luke 8, 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- Z2. 12. '3- »3- >3- »3. 13. «3- 14. 14. 14. «s. «5- »S- i6. 16. 17- t8. 18. 18. .8. ig. John 23- 23- 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. Acts 3' 3- 3- 3- 3- 3' 4 4- 4- 4- 5- S- 6 S- 5- S- 5' 7- 7 8. 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. 52 And all wept, and bewailed her: but he 54 And he (put them all out, and] took 1 gave them power and authority over ail 7 Herod the tetrarch heard of all that J 7 And they did eat, and were all filled 23 And he said to (them) all. If any 43 they were all amazed at the mighty 48 for he that is least among you all 50 That the blood of all the prophets, which 7 very hairs of your head are all numbered 18 there will I bestow all my fruits 50 all these things do the nations of 31 [all] these things shall be added 41 this parable unto us, or even to all? 44 that he will make him ruler over all 2 these Galileans were sinners above all the 3 except ye repent, ye shall all likewise 4 think ye that they were sinners above all 5 except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish 17 all his. all the people.. forall the glorious 27 depart from me, all (ye) workers of iniquity 28 when ye shall see Abraham, .and all ths 18 they all with one (consent) began to 29 all that behold (it) begin to mock him 33 whosoever he be.. that forsaketh not all I Then drew near unto him all the publicans 14 when he had spent all, there arose 31 and all that I have is thine 14 the Pharisees also, .heard all these things 26 beside all this, between us and you 10 when ye shall have done all those things 12 I give tithes of all that I possess 21 he said. All these have [ kept from 22 Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all 28 Peter said, Lo, we have left [all.] aud 37 for all the mighty works that they 32 Last [of all] the woman died also 38 for all live unto him 3 widow hath cast in more than they all 15 I will give you a mouth, .which all 24 shall be led away captive into all 29 Behold the fig tree, and all the trees 32 generation shall not pass away till all 33 as a snare shall it come on all 36 ye may be accounted worthy to escape all 70 Then said they all. Art thou then the 4" all the people that come together to 49 all his acquaintance, and the women g and told all these things. ,to all the rest 14 they talked together of all these things 21 beside all this, to-day is the third day 25 fools, and slow uf heart to believe all 27 all the prophets.. in all the scriptures the 47 repentance, .be preached, .among all 16 of his fulness have all we received 15 he drove them all out of the temple 31 He that cometh from above is above all 31 he that cometh from heaven is above all 39 He told me all that ever I did 28 the hour is coming, in the which all 45 they shall be all taught of God 21 I have done one work, and ye all marvel 8 All that ever came before me are thieves 29 My Father, is greater than all; and no 10 and ye are clean, but not all 11 Ye are not all clean 18 I speak not of you all : I know 21 all these things will they do unto 30 all mine are thine, and thine are 21 That they all may be one ; as thou 40 Then dried they all again, saying. Not thia I The former treatise have I made, .of all 14 all continued with one accor^ in prayer 18 and all his bowels gushed out 19 it was kno.wn unto all the dwellers 7 they were [all] amazed, and marvelled 7 are not all these v/hich speak Galileans? 12 they were all amazed, aud were in 32 whereof we are all v/itnesses 39 the promise is unto you. .and to all 44 all that believed were together, and had 16 this, .soundness in the presence of you all 18 had shewed by the mouth of all his 21 God hath spoken by the mouth of all 22 him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever 24 Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel, and 25 in thy seed shall all the'kindreds of 10 Be it known unto you all, and to all 16 a notable miracle . (is) manifest to all them 24 thou (art) God, which hast made.. all that 33 great grace was upon them all 5 great fear came on all them that 11 great fear came upon all the church 17 Then the high priest rose up, and all 20 Go. .stand and speak to the people all 23 The prison truly found we shut with all 36 all, as many as obeyed him. were 37 all, (even) as many as obeyed hira 10 delivered him out of all his afflictions 50 Hath not my hand made all these things? I they were all scattered abroad throughout 10 To whom they all gave heed, from the lea* 40 he preached in [all] the cities, till he came 14 here he hath authority, to bind all 21 all that heard (him) were amazed, and 26 they were all afraid of him, and 35 all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron 39 all the widows stood by him weeping 40 Peter put them all forth, and kneeled 33 Nowtherefore are weall here present before 36 Jesus Christ : (he is Lord of all) 38 healing all that were oppressed of 1 ALL 27 ALL .Itom. SI. St. 32. 24- 24. 25- 26 26. 26. b6 e?. 27- =7 27. 27- 28. Acts 10. 43 To him give all the prophets witness 10. 44 Mie Holy Ghost fell on all them which 11. 23 Who, when he came, .exhorted them all 13. 22 a man.. which shall fulfil all my will 14. j6 Who in times past. suffered all nations to 15. 3 they caused great joy uuto all 15. 17 the residue of men might seek.. all the 15 17 saitli the Lord, who doeth (all these things] 15. 18 [Known unto God are all his works), from 16. 26 immediately all the doors wore opened j6 32 and to all tliat were in fiis house 16. 33 was baptized, he and all his. straightway 17. 7 Whom Jason hath received : and these all J7. 21 all the Athenians and strangers which 17 25 seeing he giveth to all life, .and all thingo 17. 30 now commaudeth all men everywhere 17. 31 he hath given assurance unto all (men) 18. 2 that Claudius had commanded all Jews j8. 17 all the Greeks took Sosthenes, the chief 18. 23 he departed, and weut over (all) the 19. 7 Aud all the meu were about twelve 19. 10 so that all they which dwelt in Asia 19. 17 brought, .books.. and burned.. before all 19 34 all with one voice, .cried out. Great (is) so. 25 And now, behold, I know that ye all so. 26 I (am) pure from the blood of all (men) so. 32 to give you an inheritance among all so. 36 he kneeleddown. and prayed with them all 20. 37 they all wept sore, and fell on Paulc ai. 3 they all brought us on our way ai t8 and all the elders were present 21 20 and they are all zealous of the law 21 thou teachest [all] the Jews which are 24 and ^11 may know that those things 3 and was zealous toward God, as ye all 12 having a good report of all the Jews IS thou sfialt he his witness unto all men 5 a mover of sedition among all the .lews 8 thyself mayest take knowledge of all these 24 King Agiippa cud all men which are here 3 (i know) thee to be expert in all customs 4 Jly manner of life.. know all the Jews 14 when we were all fallen to the earth 29 but also all that hear me this day 24 and, lo. God hatli given thee all them 35 Rave thanks to God in presence of them all 36 Then were they all of good cheer 37 And we were in all in the ship 44 that they escaped all sate to lanil 30 received all that came in unto him 5 for obedience to the faith among all 1. 7 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God I. 8 First, I thank my God. .for you all ' 3. 9 that they are all under sin 3. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they 3. 22 unto all and upon all them that believa 3. 22 by faith of Jesus Christ unto all 3 25 all have sinned, and come short of tha 4 II that he might be the father of all 4. 16 the promise might be sure to all the seed 5. i8 upon all men to.. upon all men unto 5. 12 so death passed upon all men. for thatall 8. 32 delivered him up for us all how shall 8. 37 Nay, in all these tilings we are more 9 5 Christ (came), who is over all. God blessed 9. 6 they (are) not all Israel, which are of Israel 9. 7 Neither, .are (they all) children ; but xo 12 the same Lord over all is rich unto al! JO. 16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel iL, 32 concluded them all. .have mercy upon all »2. 4 and all members have not the same office 12. 17 Provide things honest in the sight of all 12 18 It it be possible.. live peaceably with al( 13. 7 Keuder therefore to all their dues 14 10 we shall all stand before tlie judgment 15. II Praise., all yeGentiles. .laud., all ye people 15. 33 Now the God of peace (be) with you all 16. 4 but also all the churches of the Gentiles j5. is Salute Philologu3..and all the saints which i5 24 The grace of our Lord.. (be) with you all j6. 25 made known to all nations for the obedience 1 Co, I. 10 I beseech you.. that ye all spealj 3. 22 or things to come ; all are yours 7. 7 For I would that all men were even 7. 17 And so ordain I in all churches 8. I we know that we all have knowledge 9 15 For though I oe free from all (men) 9 24 that they which run in a race run all 10. 1 how that all our fathers.. all passed 10. 2 were all baptized unto Moses in the 10. 3 did all eat the same spiritual meat JO. 4 did all drink the same spiritual drink JO. II [all] these things happened unto them 10. 17 we are all partakers of that one bread 10. 31 whatsoever ye do, doall to the glory of God 12. 6 the same God which wori;eth all in all 12. II all these worketh that one and the 12 12 and all the members of that one body 12. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized, .all 12. 19 if they were all one member, where 12. 26 all the members suffer, .all the members 12. 2y all apostles, .all prophets, .all teachers .all 12. 30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all. .do all 13. 2 understand all mysteries, and all knowledge 13. 3 though I bestow all my goods to feed 14. 5 1 would that ye all spake with tongues 14. 18 I speak with tongues more than ye all 14. 23 and all speak with tongues, and there come 14. 24 But if all prophesy, .he is judged of all .14. 31 For ye may all prophesy .. all may.. all may 14. 33 as in all churches of the saints 13. 7 he was seen of James ; then of all the [Co. ! Co. GaL Eph. Phil. CoL iTh. sTh. iTL aXi. Titus 2. 3- Phm. ^' Heb. I. , 8 And Kst of all lie was seen of me also 10 I laiioured more abundantly thaii they all 19 we are of all men most miserable 22 as in Adam all die, even so in Christ, .all 25 till he hath put all enemies under hi.^ feet 28 all things.. put all things.. be all in all SI V/e shall not all sleep, but we shall all 20 All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one 24 My love (b?) with you all in Christ 1 with all the saints which are in all Achaia 3 confidence in you all that.. joy of.. all . s that I may not overcharge you all 2 Ye are our epistle, .read of all men 18 we all, with open face beholding as in 10 we must all appear before the judgment 14 if one died for all, then were all dead 15 And (that) he died for all, that tliey 13 because his spirit was refreshed by you all 15 he remembereth the obedience of you all 18 whose praise (is).. throughout all 28 Beside, .the care of all the churches 2 and to all other, that, if I come again 13 All the saints salute you 14 The grace of the Lord.. (be) with you all 2 all the brethren which are with me 14 I said unto Peter before (them) all, If 8 In thee shall all nations bo blessed 22 the scripture hath concluded all under 26 For ye are all the children of God 28 for ye are all one in Christ Jesus I the heir, .though he be lord of all 26 which is the mother of us (allj 6 communicate unto him.. in all 15 and love unto all the saints 23 fulness of him that filleth all in all 3 Among whom also we all had our 8 who am less than the least of all saints 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints 20 exceeding abundantly above all that we ask 21 Unto him (be) glory, .throughout all ages 6 of all. .above all. .through all. .in you all 10 that he might fill all things 13 Till we all come in the unity of 16 (Above all], taking the shield of faith.. all 18 Praying always with all prayer and 24 Grace (be) with all them that love our Lord 1 to all the saints in Christ Jesus which 4 for you all making request with joy 7 of you all. .ye all are partakers of my g;race 8 how greatly I long after you all In 13 my bonds in Christ are manifest in all as I know that I shall abide. .Avith you all 17 I joy. and rejoice with you all 21 For all seek their own, not the things 26 For he longed after you all, and was 5 Let your moderation be known unto all i8 But I have all, and abound : I am 22 All the saints salute you, chiefly they that 23 The grace of our Lord, .(he) with you all 4 the love (which ye have) to all the saints 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of 13 having forgiven you all trespasses 22 Which ail are to perish with the using 8 But now ye also put off all these 11 but Christ (is) all, and in all 14 above all these things (put on; charity 17 whatsoever ye do. .(do) all in the name 7 All my state shall Tychicus declare unto 2 We give thanks to God always for you all 7 So that ye were ensamples to all that Is and are contrary to all men 13 at the comuig of our Lord.. with all 6 the Lord (is) the avenger of all such 10 indeed ye do it toward all the brethren 5 Ve are all the children of light, and 26 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss 27 that this epistle be read unto all 3 the charity of every one of you all toward 4 for your patience and iaith in all your 10 and to be admired in all them that 12 That they all might be damned who 18 The grace of our Lord.. (be) with you all 1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all. .for all 2 For kings, and (for) all that are in 4 Who will have all men to be saved 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all 10 the living God. who is the saviour of all 15 that thy profiting may appear to all 20 Them'that sin rebuke before all, that 10 the love of money is the root of all evil 15 This thou knowest, that all they which 9 for their folly shall be manifest unto all 11 but out of (them) all the Lord delivered 12 Yea and all that will live godly in 8 unto [all] them also that love his appearing 17 and (that) all the Gentiles might hear 21 Eubulus greeteth thee.. and all the 11 the grace of God. .hath appeared to all 2 shewing all meekness unto all men 15 All that are with me salute thee, .you all 5 Hearing of thy love and faith, toward all 6 let all the angels of God worship him II they all shall wax old as doth a garment 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection II For both he that sanctifieth. .(are) all of 16 howbeit not all that came out of Egypt 4 God did rest the seventh day from all 9 he became the author of ..salvation unto all 2 Abraham gave a tenth part of all ; first II for all shall know me, from the least 21 he sprinkled likewise with blood, .all the Heb. II. 13 These all died in faith, not having received' 11. 39 these all, having obtained a good report 12. 8 if ye be without chastisement, whereof all 11. 23 to God the Judge of all, and to the 13. 4 Marriage (is) honourable in all, and the 13 24 all thein that have the rule over, .and ull 13. 25 Grace (be) with you all. Ainen Jas 1. 8 A double-minded man (is) unstable in all 2. 10 he is guilty of all 1 I'o. , 2. I Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all 3. 8 Finally, (be ye) all of one mind, having- 5. 5 Yea, all (of you) be subject one to auothei 5. 14 Peace (be) with you all that are in 2 Pe. 3. 9 but that all should come to repentance 3. ji (Seeing) then (that) all these things shall 3. 16 As also in all (his) epistles, speaking in 1 J'o. 2. 19 that they were not all of iis 2 Jo. I and not I only, but also all they 3 .To. 12 Demetrius hath good repoit of all (men) Jude 2s upon all.. convince all. of all tneii ..and Rev. I 7 all kindreds of the earth snail wall a. 23 all the churches shall know that I 5 13 every creature.. all that are in 7. II all the angels stood round about 8. 3 with the prayers of all saints upon the 12. s 1 man child, who was to rule all nations 13. 8 all that .i Th. 2. 4 as we were allowed of God to be 3. To receive to oneself, TrpoffZixoi^''-^ prosdechomai. Acts 24. IS which they themselves also allow, that 4. To think well of together, (rvv€v5oKeu suneudo/ceo. Luken. 48 ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds AllOWANCE — Customari/ or usual diet, ■innx aruchah. 2 Ki. 25. 30 allowance (was) a continual allowance ALLITBE, to — I. To persuade, entice, riris palhah, 3. Hos. 2. 14 I will allure her, and bring her 2.T0 lay a bait, SeAea^u delcazO. 2 Pe. 2. 18 they allure through the lusts of the flesh ALMIGHTY — l.Siifficient, mighty, "^p shaddai. Gen. 17 I I (am) the Almighty God ; walk hefore 28. 3 God Almighty bless thee, and make thee 35. II I (am) God Almighty be fruitful and 43. 14 God Almighty give you mercy before the ^ 3 God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz 49. 25 by the Almighty, who shall bless thee Exod.e. 3 by (the name of) God Almighty Num 24. 4 which saw the vision of the Almighty 2j. 16 (which) saw the vision of the Almighty Ruth I. 20 the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly «. 21 the Almighty hath afflicted me ? Job. s- 17 despise, .the chastening of the Almighty 6. 4 the arrov/s of the Almighty (are) within 6. 14 he forsaketh the feai' of the Almighty 8. 3 doth the Almighty .pervert justice? 8. 5 make thy supplication to the Almighty II. 7 canst thou find out the Almighty 13. 3 Surely I would speak to the Almighty 15. 25 he strengtheneth against the Almighty SI. 15 What (is) the Almighty, that we should 21. 20 shall drink of the \vTath of the Almighty az. 3 (Is it) any pleasure to the Almighty 22 17 what can the Almighty do for them ? z2. 23 to the Almighty, thou shall be built up 22. 25 the Almighty shall be thy defence 22. 26 thou have thy delight in the Almighty 23. 16 and the Almighty troubleth me 24. I tiraeaare not hidden from the Almighty 27. 2 the Almighty, (who) hath vexed my soul 27. 10 Will he delight himself in the Almighty? 97- II which (is) with the Almighty will I not 27. 13 they shall receive of the Almighty 29. 5 the Almighty (was) yet vrith me 31. 2 fwhat) Inheritance of the Almighty from 31. 35 Oh. .(that) the Almighty would answer 32. 8 the Almighty giveth them understanding 33. 4 the Almighty hath given me life 34. 10 far be it. .(from) the Almighty, (that he) 34. 12 neither will the Almighty pervert 35. 13 neither will the Almighty regard it 37. 23 (Touching) the Almighty, we cannot find ■40. 2 Shall he . with the Almighty instruct Psa. 68. 14 the Almighty scattered kings m it 91. I abide under the shadow of the Almighty laa. 13. 6 come as a destruction from the Almighty Eze. t. 24 as the voice of the Almighty 10. 5 as the voice of the Almighty God Joel I. 15 as a destruction from the Almighty i^ All-powerful, nauroKpdTcap pantokralor. 3 Co. ■ 6. 18 be a Father, .saith the Lord Almighty Rev. I. 8 and which is to come, the Almighty 4. 8 saying,Holy,holy,holy,LordGodAlmighty II. 17 give thee thanks, Lord God Almighty 15. 3 marvellous . works. Lord God Almighty 16. 7 Even so. Lord God Almighty, true and 16. 14 gather thera to the battle. God Almighty 19. 15 he treadeth the winepress, .of Almighty 21. 22 the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb Alt-MO'-BAI), TiiD^N i/ie agitator. Son of Joktan, of the family of shem, B.C. 2210. Gen. 10. 26 And Joktan begat A., and Sheleph, and I Ch. I. 2o And Joktan begat A., and Sheleph, and AX-'MON. [iD^y hiding place. A Levitical town in Benjamin. Josh. 21. 18 and A. with her suburbs ; four cities AI-MON-DrB-LA-THA'-EH, na-n^2^ [ioS'y. The 39th encampment of Israel after leaving Egypt, the 28th from Sinai, and the 8th from Eziongeber It was in the territory of Sihon, and probably N. of the wi) '''>-- ness of Kedemoth. See Beth-diUalhaim. Nu. 33. 46, 47 AlHOND — Almond, "ijd?' shaqed. Gen. 43. II a little honey, .nuts, and almonds Num 1 7. 8 bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds AIMOND TREE — Almond tree, tp}^ shaqed. Eccl. 12. 5 and the almond tree shall flourish Jer. t. ri I see a rod of an almond tree ALMONDS, made after the fashion of — To be Wee almonds, "^iiW shaqad, 4. E.xod 37. 19 bowls made after the fashion of almonds ALMOIOS, made Uko — To be like almonds, "^^iff shaqad, 4. £xod25. 33 three bowls made like almonds 37. 19 three bowls made like almonds in 37. 20 four bowls made like almonds AXM0N£3, made like imto — To,be like almonds, -^iiS shaqad, 4. Exod 25. 33 Three bowls made like unto almonds ALMOST — ■ l.A little, few, ti]!6 me-at. - ' Exod 17 4 they be almost ready to stone mi Psa. 73. 2 my feet were almost gone 94. 17 my soul had almost dwelt in silence 119. 87 They had almost consumed me upon Prov.' 5. 14 I was almost in all evil 2.1n or with a little, h' oAiyw en olino. Acta 26. 28 Agrippa said imto Paul, Almost thoii 26. 29 both almost, and altogether such as I am Z. Almost, nearly, (rx^56u schedon. Acts 13. 44 the next sabbath-day came almost the ig. ;6 almost throughout all Asia, this Paul Heb. 9. 22 almost all things arc by the law purged ALMOST, to be — To be about to, jj.i\\a> melld. Acts 21. 27 when the seven days were almost ended ALMS — Kindness, kind act, i\friiio(Tivn eleemosvnS. Matt. 6. I Take heed that ye do not your [alms] 6. 2 Therefore when thou docst '(thine) alms 6. 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy 6. 4 That thine alms may be in secret Luke 1 1. 41 rather give alms of such things as ye 12. 33 Sell that ye have, and give alms Acts 3. 2 to ask alms of them that entered into 3. 3 seeing Peter and John . . asked an alms 3. 10 it was he which sat for alms at the 10. 2 devout (man), .which gave much alms fo. 4 Thy prayers and thine alms are come 10. 31 and thine alms are had in remembrance 24, 17 I came to bring alms to ray nation ALMSDEED — Kindness, kind act, iKeijfioffivTi eleemosune. Acts 9. 36 this woman was full of . .alrosdeeds ALMTJG-TREE — Almu-g-tree, D'aiDJ^x almv^gim. ' I KL 10. II from Ophir great plenty of almug trees lo. 12 the king made of the almug trees pillars 10. 12 there came no such almug trees ALOES itrees of lign) — X.Aloes, lign-aloes, n'lSnK ahaloth. Psa. 45. 8 garments rsmell) of myrrh, and aloes Song 4. 14 all trees of frankincense.. and aloes 2.Aloes, lign-aloes, D'Sin ahalim. Num 24. 6 as the tree's of lign aloes, which the LOKD Pro. 7. 17 1 have perfumed my bed with, .aloes Z.Aloe, aK6r\ aloe. John 19, 39 brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes ALONE — \.One, iriK echad. Josh. 22. 20 and that man perished not alone Isa. 51. 2 for I called him alone 2.Alone, separate, "13 bad. Num II. 14 not able to bear all this people alone Deut. I. 9 I am not able to bear you myself alone 3. 7*0 he separate, "iij hadad. Fsa.102. 7 1 watch, and am as a sparrow alone Isa. 14. 31 none (shall be) alone in his appointed Hos. 8. 9 a wild ass alone by himself i.Separate, inj badad. Lev. 13. 46 he (is) unclean ; he shall dwell alone Num 23. 9 lo, the people shall dwell alone Deut 32. 12 the Lord alone did lead him 33. 28 then shall dwell in safety alone Jer. 15. 17 I sat alone be<;ause of thy baud 49. 31 gates nor bars, (which) dwpll alone Lam. 3. 28 He sitteth alone and keepeth silence h. By itself kuB^ iavrriv kath h^auten. Jas. 2. 17 Even so faith.. is dead, being alone 6. By themselves, Kar'iSiav kat' rd.ian. Mark 4. 34 when they were alone, he expounded all 7. Apart, in private,'a': Mare 4. 10 when he was alone, they that were Luke g. i3 it came to pass, as he was alone praying 8. Alone, fi6uou monon. .John 17. 20 Neither pray I for these alone, hut for Acts 19. 26 Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone Rom. 4. 23 Now it was not \vritten for his sake alone 9.Alone, fiovos monos. Matt. 4. 4 Man shall not live by bread alone, l\ut 14. 23 the evening was come, he was there alone 18. 15 go and tell him his fault.. alone Mark 6. 47 and he alone on the land Luke 4. 4 man shall not live by bread alone 5. 21 Who can forgive sins, but God alono? 6. 4 but for the priests alone 9. 36 when the voice was past,Jesus was alone 10. 40 my sister hath left me to serve a^one t John 6. 15 again into a mountain himself aloue 6. 22 his disciples were gone away alone 8. 9 (Jesus was left alone, and the woman] 8. j6 for £ am not aloue, but I and the Father 8. 29 the Father hath not left me alone 12. 24 it abideth alone : but if it die, it 16. 32 and shall leave me alone, .yet not alone Rnm II 3 and I am loft alone, and they seek Gal. 6. 4 shall he have rejoicing in himself rione I Th. 3. I thought it good to be left at Athens alone Ueb. g. 7 into the second, .the high priest alone ALONO — 1.2! way, -i";! derek. Judg. g. 25 robbed all that came along that way 9. 37 another company come along by the plaia 2. To go on, t}?^ halak. 1 Sa. 6. 12 And the kine went along the highway 2 Sa. 3. 16 her husband went with her along weeping Jer. 41. 6 Ishmael. . went fcirth wt'eping all along S.The fulness ofhisslo.l.urr., inp'^p N*?? melo qomalho. I Sa. 28. 2o Saul fell str;iif;litway all along on the [See also All along, draw, go, lay, pas.s, run.] ALOOF — From before, ijjp minvegrd. Psa 38. II my friends stand aloof from my aoro A'-LOTH, niSy ascents, steeps. A hilly region near Asher. lint if the name is Bealulh, as some translate the original (making "in" the ( letter of the root instead of a preposition), then It would be a town in the S.E. of Judah. I Ki. 4. 16 Baanah..(was) in Asher and in A ALOUD — \.{With) the throat, I'nj garnn. Isa. 58. I Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice 2. ( With) might, S'n chayil. Dan. 3. 4 an herald cried aloud. To you It is com. 4. 14 He cried aloud, and said thus. Hew down 5. 7 king cried aloud to bilng in the astrologers ^'.Crying out, shouting, J)"! re-a. Mic. 4. 9 Now why dost thou cry out aloud ? ^.A great voice, Vna Sip kol gadol. I Ki. 18. 27 Elijah mocked them, and aaid, Cry aloud 18. 28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves 5. To lift up (the voice), on rum- Ezra 3. 12 and many shouted aloud for Joy (See also Cry, sing.] AL01TD for joy — To sing or cry aloud, JfJ ranan, 3. Paa. 132. 16 her saints shall shout aloud for Joy AL'-PHA, "h.KKpa ( letter of the Greek alphabet). A title of Christ, descriptive of his position in relation to the new economy, ' ' the beginning. ' See also Omega. Rev. I. 8 I am A. and Omega, the beginning and I. II Saying, [I am A. and Omega, the first] 21 6 1 am A. .and Omega, the beginning and 22. 13 I am A. and Omega, the beginning and AL-PHE'-US, 'h\(pa'ios leader, chief. 1. Father of James, one of the twelve apostles. Matt 10. 3 Jame3(the son)of A., and Lebbeus, whose Mark 3. 18 and James the (son) of A., and Thaddeus Luke 6. 15 James the (son) of A., and Simon called Acts J. 13 James (the son) of A., and Simon Zelotes 2. Father of Levi (or Matthew) the apostle and evangel- ist. Perhaps the same as No. i. Mark 2. 14 he saw Levi the (son) of A. sitting at the ALREADY — 1. Already, "15? kebar. £ccL 1. 10 it bath been already of old time ALSO Ecci 2. I a that which hath been already done 3. IS that which is to be hath already been 4. 2 I praised the dead which are already dead 6. 10 That wliich hath been is named already 2.N0W, at, or by this time, ^Srj ede. Matt. 5. 28 committed adultery with her already 17. 12 That Elias is come already, and they Markis. 44 Pilate marvelled if lie were already Lul Ch. 16. 15 Be ye mindful always of his covenant Jer. 20. 17 her womb (to be) always great (with me) Z. Continually, Tpn tamid, Exod27. 2o to cause the lamp to bum always 28. 38 it shall always be uprfh his forehead Deut 11. 12 the eyes of the LORD, .(are) always upoa Psa. 16. 8 1 have set the Lord always before me Prov. 5. 19 be thou ravished always v/ith her love Eze. 38. 8 mountains . whicli have been always i.All the days, D'p;n S'3 kol hay-yamin. Deut. 3. 29 keep all my commandments always 6. 24 to fear the LORD for our good always 14. 23 mayest learn to fear the Lord .always 2 Ch. 18. 7 he never prophesied good, .bat always 5.1n all time, nySja be-kol-eth. Job 27. 10 will he always call upon God? Psa. 10. 5 His ways are always grievous ; thy Prov. 8. 30 daily, delight, rejoicing always Eccl. 9. 8 Let thy garment be always white, and 6.£ver, always, aei aei. Acts 7. 51 ye do always resist the Holy Ghost : a lahouring. A descendant of Asher through Beriak his son, B.C. 1600. 1 Ch. 7. 35 And the sons of his brother Helem A. A-MA'-IEK, p'jcy. warlike, dweller in the vale. 1. Son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau, B.C. 1680. Gen. 36. 12 and she bare to Eliphaz A. : these (were) 36. 16 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, (and) duke A. I Ch. I. 36 The sons of Kliphaz; Teman .and A. 2. The name is also applied to his descendants, who are, liowever, generally called Amalekites. Exod 17. 8 Then came A., and fought with Israel 17. 9 Choose men, and go out, fight with A. 57. ID So .loshua fought with A.: and Moses 17. II when he let down his hand, A. prevailed 17. 13 Joshua discomfited A. and his people 17. 14 I will put out the remembrance of A. 17. 16 the Lord (will have) war with A. from N'um24. 2o when he looked on A., he took up his 24. 20 and said, A. (was) the first of the nations Deut25. 17 Remember what A. did unto thee by the 25. 19 thou Shalt blot out the remembrance of A. Judg. 3. (3 he gathered unto him the children of A. 5. 14 Out of Ephraim a root of them against A. I Sa, 15. 2 I remember (that) which A. did to Israel 15. 3 Now go and smite A., and utterly 15. 5 Saul came to a city of A., and laid wait 15. 20 and have brought Agag the king of A. 28. 18 nor executedst his fierce wrath upon A. 2Sa. 8. 12 of the Philistines, and of A., and of the I Ch. iB. II that he brought from .the children of A Psa. 83. 7 Gebal, and Amraon, and A ; the Philistines A-M4-IE-KITE, 'p!?sJ4 belonging to Avialek. The name of a people' and country smitten by Chedor- laomer and his confederates in the days of Abraham, • B.C. 1917 (Gen. 14. 7), erroneously supposed by some to be the descendants of Amalek, the son of Eliphaz (eldest son of Esau, Gen. 36. 10-16; i Ch. r. 36), by his concubine Timna. Without any provocation they came and at- tacked the rear of Israel as they were journeying through the wilderness, but were defeated by Joshua at Rephidim (Exod. 17. 8-16), and in consequence of this assault a perpetual war wa5 declared against them by Jehovah ; they dwelt in the land of the S. of Judah (Num. 13. 29), and in the valley (Num 14. 25); along with the Caanan- ites they defeated the rash attack of Israel, and drove them even unto Hormah (Num. 14. 43-45); they are called by Balaam " the first of the nations" (or Goyim), either from their antiquity, or their warlike character, or from their being the first to attack Israel (Num. 24.20), which was henceforth required to " remember " their treacherous attack (Deut. 25. 17-19). They, along with the children ofAmmon, joined with Eglon, kingof Moab (b.O. 1354), to attack Israel, and took Jericho, the city of palm-trees (Judg. 3. 13); they were successfully opposed by the Ephraimites in the conflict with Jabin, king of Hazor, B.C. 1296 (Judg. 5. 14) ; they joined with the iVIidianites and the children of the East (or Kedem) in the days of Gideon, the son of Joash the Abi-ezrite, .B.C. 1256 (Judg. 6. 3), but were defeated by him in the valley of Jezreel(Judg. 6. 33, 7 12-22); they are mentioned among the oppressors of Israel (Judg lo. 12) ; they had once possession of a mountain in the land of Ephraim, in v/hich Abdon, the son of Hillel tlie Pirathonite was buried, B.C. 1112 (Judg. 12. 15); they were smitten by Saul, B.C. 1086 (i Sa. 14. 48); again by him, B.C. 1079, throughout their whole country " from Havilah to Shur," on the border of Egypt, when Agag their king was cut in pieces (i Sa. 13. 2-33); they were invaded and destroyed by David (i Sa. 27 8-10) ; their previous non- destruction by Saul was the cause of his rejection (i Sa. 28. 18); in David's absence they invaded and plundered Ziglag, B.C. 1056, and carried off his two wives and others as captives, but they were pursued, overtaken, and defeated by David (i Sa. 30. 1-31); one of their nation accusing himself of Saul's death was put to death by David (2 Sa. i. 1-16), by whom their silver Cind gold was dedicated to Jehovah (2 Sa. 8. 12; i Ch. 18. 11); they were again smitten in the days of Hezekiah, B.C. 726-^93, by five hundred men of the tribe of Simeon, who there- after dwelt in their place, at the east of the valley of Gedor, or Gerar (i Ch. 4. 39-43) ; they are mentioned with Ammon and the Philistines as among the enemies of Israel (Psa. 83. 7). They are not again noticed in Scripture, except Haman the Agagite be reckoned one of their nation, which is not improbable (Esth. 3. i), with you. [Amen] I Th. s. 28 grace of our Lord (be) with you. [Amen] aTh. 3. 18 The grace, .(be) with you all. Amen I TL I. 17 and glory for ever and ever. Amen 6. 16 honour and power everlasting. Amen 6. 21 Grace (be) with thee. [Amen.] 3 TL 4. 18 (be) glory for ever and ever Amen 4. 22 Grace (be) with you. [Amen] Titns 3. IS Grace (be) with you all. [Amen] Phm. 25 grace .(be) with your spirit. [Amen] Heb. 13. 21 whom (be) glory for ever and ever. Amen 13. 25 Grace (be) with you all. [Amen] .1 Pe. 4. II to whom (be) praise and dominion. .Amen 5. 11 To whom (be) glory and dominion .Amen 5- 14 Peace (be) with you all .[Amen] ,!jPe. 3. 18 (be) glory both now and for ever. [Amen] 1 Jo. 5. 21 Little children, keep . from idols. [Amen] -s Jo. 13 children of thy . sister greet thee. [Amen] Jude 25 To. .God. .(beVlory now and ever. Amen Kev. I. 6 (be) glory and dominion for ever.. Amen I. 7 he Cometh with clouds . Even so. Amen I. 18 behold, I am alive for evermore, [Amen] .3. 14 These things saith the Amen, the faithful 5. 14 And the four beasts said. Amen 7. 12 Saying, Amen : Blessing, and glory, and 7. 12 unto our God for ever and ever. [Amen] jg. 4 the four beasts fell down .saying, Amen 22. 20 Surely I come o.ulckly ; Amen. Even so 22. 21 The grace . . (be) with you all. [Amen] AHEKD, to — l.jTo strengthen, ijirj chazeq, 3. . 2 Ch. 34. 10 gave it. .t6 repair and amend the houae 2.T0 make good, do well, no; yatab, 5. Jer. 7. 3 Amend your ways and your doings, and 7. 5 if ye throughly amend your ways and 26. 13 amend your ways and your doings 35. 15 Return ye. .and amend your doiugs AEEND, to begin to — To have oneself better, ixci Ko/j-tfidrepov. John 4. 52 Then enquired, .when he began to amend AMENDS, to make — To complete, recompense, xh^ shalam, 3. Lev. 5. 16 he shall make amends for the harm AMERCE, to — To fine, \0)si anash. Deut22. 19 they shall amerce him in. .siWer AMETHYST — 1. Amethyst, •"iD7i;i!< achlamah. Exod28. ig third row a ligurcand an amethyst 39. 12 third row, a liguro . .and an amethyst 2.Amethyst, afj.46va'Tos amethustos. Rev. 21. 20 a jacinth ; the twelfth, an amethyst A'-BH, "P!< (meani7ig uncertain.) A servant of Solomon, whose descendants came up with Zerubbabel from Babylon. In Neh. 7. 59 he is called .4mon (" steadfast "), B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 57 Pochereth of Zebaira, the children of A. AMIABLE — Beloved, Ti; yadid. Psa. 84. I How amiable (are) thy tabernacles, OLOEIX A-MIN-A'-DAB, 'A/xivaod^ my people is vnlling. Son of Aram (or Ram), son of Esrom. Matt. I. 4 Aram begat A . ; and A. begat Naasson Luke 3. 33 Which was (the son) of A., which was AMISS — l.Out of place, &roTT09 alopos. Luke 23. 41 but this man hath done nothing amiss 2. Evilly, wickedly, xaKwi kakos. Jas. 4. 3 ye ask amiss, that ye may consume (it) AMISS, to do — To do perversely, pervert, nij; avah, 5. 2 Ch. 6. 37 We have sinned, we have done amiss AMISS, thing — Error, rashness, ?7^, n^^ shalu, shalah. Dan. 3. 29 everypeoplcwhichspeakanythingamiss A-MIT'TAI, 'fips truthful. A Zebulonite, father of the prophet Jonah, B.C. 8go. 2 Ki. 14. 25 the hand of his servant Jonah, .son of A. Jon. I. I came unto Jonah the son of A., saying AM'-MAH, HEN, an aqueduct. A hill E. of Giah near Gibeoa of Benjamin, where Abner was defeated, B.C. 1053. 2 Sa. 2. 24 they were come to tlie hill of A., that AM'-MI, "BH my people. A symbolic name which theransomedpeople are directed by the Lord to use. Hos. 2. I Say ye unto your brethren. A.; aud to AM-ffil'-EL, Vx'By my people is strong. 1. One of the spies sent out by Moses, B.C. 1490. Num 13. 12 Of the tribe of Dan, A. the son of Gemalli 2. A Manassehite of Lodebar, near Mahanaim, in the time of David, B.C. 1070. 2Sa. 9. 4 the house of Machir, the son of A., in 9. 5 the house of Machir, the son of A., from 17. 27 and Machir the son of A. of Lo-debar, and 3. Father of Bathshua, a v/ife of David, B.C. 1070. I Ch. 3. 5 four, of Bathshua the daughter of A. [These names in 2 Sa. n. 2 are Bathsheba aud Eliam.] 4. A Levite, a son of Obed-edom, and a porter in the tabernacle in the time of David, B.C. 1050. 1 Ch. 26. 5 A. the sixth, Issacharthe seventh, Peulthal AM-MI'-ETID, T.TSy my people is honourable. 1. Father of Elisham, chief of Ephraim, B.C. 15 10. Num. I. 10 of Ephraim; Elisharaa the son of A. 2. 18 of Ephraim . Elishama the son of A. 7. 48 Elishama the son of A. . .(offered) 7. 53 the offering of Elisharaa the son of A. 10. 22 over his host. Elishama the son of A. 1 Ch. 7. 26 Laadan his son, A. his son, Elishama his 2. A Simeonite whose son, Shemuel, was appointed for the divison of the land, B.C. 1492. Num 34. 20 children of Simeon, Shemuel the son of A 3. A Naphtalite whose son, Pedehel, was appointed for the division of the land, B.C. 1492. Num 34. 28 of. .Naphtali, Pedahel the son of A. 4. Father of Talmai, king of Geshur, to whom Absalom fled after slaying his brother Araaon, B.C. 1045. 2 Sa. 13. 37 to Talmai, tho son of A., king of Geshur 5. A man of Judah, descended from Pharez, B.C. 536. 1 Ch. 9. 4 Uthai the son of A., the son of Omri, the AM-Mf-HtTR, "i^lTBy my people is noble. Father of Talmai. (This is the textual reading which, in the Masoretic correction, is made Ammihud.) b.o. 1045. 2 Sa. 13. 37 went to Talmai, the son of A., king ot Affi-MI-NA'-DAB, a^rsy my people is willing. 1. A Levite, Alron's father-in-law, B.C. 1520 Exod. 6, 23 Aaron took him Elisheba, daughter of A. 2. A prince of Judah (perhaps the same as No. i), B.C. 1510. Num. t. 7 Ot Judah ; Kahshon the son of A. 2. 3 and Nahshon the son of A. (shall be). . 7.,i2 hethatolfered. .v/as Nahshon the son of A. 7. 17 the offering of Nahshon the son of A. 10. 14 over his host (was) Nahshon the son of A. Ruth 4. 19 Hezron begat Ram, and Ram begat A. 4. 20 A., begat Nahshon, and Nahshon I Ch. 2. 10 Ram begat A.; and A. begat Nahshon 3. A son of Kohath, son of Levi. Perhaps the same as No. I. I Ch. 6. 22 The sons of Kohath ; A. his son, Korah 4. A Levite of the family of Kohath, who assisted in bringing up the ark out of 'be house of Obed-edom, B.C. 1045. I Ch. 13. 10 Of the sons of Uzziel ; A. the chief 15. II And David called for. .the Levites. .and A AM-MI-NA'-DIB, 3"i} 'By my people is liberal. Perhaps this is not an appellation. Song 6. 12 Or ever I was aware, .the chariots of A. AM-MI-SHAD'-DAI, •■^?''By my people is mighty. Father of Ahiezer, captain of the tiibe of Dan in the time of Moses, B.C. 1510. Num I. 12 Of Dan; Ahiezer the son of A. . 2. 25 of the children. .Ahiezer the son of A. 7. 66 On the tenth day Ahiezer the son ot A. 7. 71 (was) the offering of Ahiezer the son of A. 10. 25 over his host (was) Ahiezer the son of A. AM-MI-Za'-BAD, i^t'ea my people is endo^ved. Sou of Beuaiah, third of David's captains, B.C. 1015. iCh.27. 6 Benaiah..andinhiscourse(was)A.hissori AM'-KON, [iBy a fellow-countryman. The name of the descendants of Ben-Ammi, the younger son of Lot by his younger daughter, born in a cave of a mountain near Zoar (now called Zi'ara, a few miles from Hcshbou), B.C. 1897. Their country lay at the N.E. of Moab, and E. of the tribe of Reuben, between the Amon and the Jabbok. Their border was strong (Num. 21. 24);- they were not to be distressed or meddled with by Israel ; the original Inhabitants of their country were giants, and called Zamzummira (great, and tall, and many as the Anakim), who were destroyed by the Ammonites (Deut. 2. jg, 20, 37); their chief city was Rabbath-Ammon, and it contained the gigantic bedstead of Og, king of Bashan (Deut. 3. n); the river Jabbok was their border (Deut. 3. 16); none of their nation was to be allowed to enter the congre- gation of Jehovah to the tenth generation (Deut. 23. 3); Jabbok is again mentioned as their border (Josh. 12. 2; 13. 10, 25); they, along with Amalek, joined Eglon, kmg of Moab, B.C. 1354, and smote Israel, and took Jericho, the city of palm-trees (Judg. 3. 13); their gcda were served by the children of Israel, B.C. n6i, so that Jehovah sold the latter into their hands, and tliey served them eighteen years, on both sides of the Jordan. Israel crying to Jehovah, the Ammonites encamped ia Gilead, but were defeated by Jephthah, who drove them from Aroer to Minnith (Judg. jo. 6-18; ii. 1-33); their chief national god was Chemosh (Judg. 11. 24);'they besieged Jabesh-Gilead, when Nahash their king threat- ened its inhabitants with a severe penalty, but he was discomfited by Saul (i Sa. 11. i-n ; 12. 12); they were accordingly vexed by Saul afterwards (1 Sa. 14. 47); their silver and gold taken in battle were dedicated to Jehovah by David (2 Sa. 8. 12; 1 Ch. i8. 11); Hauun their king, the son of Nahash, having insulted the mes- sengers of DaWd, hired the Syrians to help him, but they were defeated by Joab and Abishai (2 Sa. 10. i-ig ; I Ch. 19. 1-19) ; who also besieged Rabhah his capital, and took it, whereon David went to complete the cap- ture, and took all the spoil, and humbled the inhabit- ants (2 Sa. II. 1; 12. 26-31; I Ch. 20. 1-3); Shobi, the ~ son of Nahash, and brother of Hanim, of the city of Rabbah, however, brought provisions to support David at Mahanaim when he was fleeing from Absalom (2 Sa, 17. 27); Zelek, also an Ammonite, was one of David's thirty valiant men (2 Sa. 23. 37 ; i Ch. n. 39); Solomon loved several women of that nation, and went after Milcom their abomination, and also built a high-place for Molech (i Ki. 11. i, 5, 7, 33); his wife, the mother of Rehoboam, was Naaman, an Ammonitess (1 Ki. 14. 21, 31 , 2 Ch. 12. 13); along with the Moabites and the Edomites they attacked Jehoshaphat, but were defeated, B.C. 896, and destroyed each other (2 Ch. 20. 1-23) ; Zabad, the son of Shimeath an Ammonitess, conspired with Jehozabad, the son of Shimrith a Moabitess, against Joash, king of Judah, and slew him, B.C. 839 (2 Ch. 24. 26) ; the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah; B.C. 810 (2 Ch. 26. _8) ; Jotham again reduced them to tribute, B.C. 758 (2 Ch. 27. s); Josiah, B.C. 624, defiled the high-place which Solomon had built in Jerusalem for Milcom (2 Ki. 23. 13); the Ammonites, along with others, invaded Judah in the days of Jehoiakim, B.C. 610-599. Their abominable customs still infected the Jews in the time Of Ezra, B.C. 457 (Ezra 9. i) ; Tobiah an Am- monite, along with Sanballat the Horonite, B.o. 445, mocked, reviled, and tried to hinder. Nehemlah in hia work(Neh. 2. 10, 19; 4. 3, 7); the Jews, though acquainted with the law against admitting an Ammonite to the tenth generation, nevertheless married wives of that nation (Neh. 13. i, 23); they are mentioned along with Amalek as among the enemies of Israel (Psa. 83, 7); yet AMMON 33 AMONG Bs Ijecomiiigoljeclieiit to the people of God in the latter days (Isa. ii. 14); they cruelly used the women iaGileail, aud wei-e threatened with destruction, B.C. 878 (Amos I. 13-16); and because of their revilinsJudah, and mag- nifying tliemsclvea against Jehovah, they are again threatened 'with destruction, B.C. 630 (Zeph. 2. 8-11); Itliey are descriljed as being uncircunicised in flesh, and as punished with the uncircunicised in heart of the Tiouse of Israel (Jer. 9. 26); as receiving, along with the other nations, from Jeremiah the cup of the Lord's anger (Jer. 25. 21); as having a yoke sent to their king by Jeremiah in tokea of their subjection to Nebuchad- nezzar (.Ter. 27. 3); as having afforded shelter to the Jews who feared Nebuchadnezzar (Jer. 40. 11); their king Baalis is said to have sent Ishniael, son of Netha- niah, to slay Gedaliah, son of Ahikam (Jer. 40. 14); Ish- mael tried to carry off his captives to the Ammonites (Jer. 41. 10), but being defeated escaped himself to them with only eight men (Jer. 41. 15); the destruction of Kabbah, Heshbon, and Ai, was foretold by Jeremiah, with their restoration (Jer. i. 1-6); Ezekiel foretells the coming of the sword of Nebuchadnezzar to Kabbah and the people (Eze. 21. 20, 28); also the coming of the chil- dren of the East, or of Kedem (Eze. 25. 2-10), but they were to escape from Antiochus Epiphanes (Dan. 11. 41;. Gen. 19. 38 same (is) the father of the ciiildren of A. Nunizi. 24 the children of A. ..the children of A. Deut. 2. 19 thou comest.. against the children of A. 2. 19 for I will not give thee of the land of . .A. 2. 37 Only unto the land of the children of A. 3. II (is) it not in Kabbath of the childrea|of A. 3. 16 (which is) the border of the children of A. Josh.12. 2 (which is) the border'of the children of A. 13. 10 unto the border of the children of A. 13. 25 and half the land of the children of A. Judg. 3. 13 he gathered"unto him the children of A. JO. 6 and the gods of the children of A. 10. 7 aud into the hands of the children of A. 10. 9 Moreover the children of A. passed over 10. n (Did) not (I deliver you), .children of A. 10. 17 Then the children of A. were gathered 10. 18 What man (is he) that., the children of A. 11. 4 And it came to pass, .the children of A. II. 5 that when the children of A. made war II. 6 that we may fight with the children of A. II. 8 and fight against the children of A. II. 9 Jephthahsaid. .against the children of A II. 12, 14 the king of the children of A. II. 13 the king of the children of A. answered II. 15 nor the land of the children of A. II. 27 the children of Israel, .the children of A. II. 28 Howbeit the king of the children of A. II. 29 he passed over (unto) the children of A. 11. 30 thou shalt without fail deliver the., of A II. 31 when I return in peace from the. .of A. II. 32 passed over unto the children of A. to II. 33 Thus the children of A. were subdued 11. 36 the Lord hath taken vengeance. ..of A. 12. I Wherefore passedst thou over., tlie.. of A. 12. 2 at great strife with the children of A. 12. 3 passed over against the children of A. 1 5a. 12. 12 Nahash the king of the children of A. 14, 47 So Saul took, .against the children of A. 2 Sa. 8. 12 Of Syria, .and of the children of A. 10. I that the king of the children of A. died 10. 2 David's servants. . of the children of A. 10. 3 And the princes of the children of A. said 10. 6 when the children of A. saw that they lo. 6 the children of A. sent and hired the Sy. 10. 8 And the children of A. came out 10. 10 in array against the children of A. 10. n but if the children of A. be too strong for 10. 14 when the children of A. saw that the Sy. 10. 19 So the Syrians feared to help the. .of A. 11. I and they destroyed the children of A. 12. 9 him with the sword of the children of A. 12. 26 against Kabbah of the children of A. 12. 31 unto all the cities of the children of A. 17. 27 Nahash of Kabbah of the children of A. t Ki. II. 7 the ahoraination of the children of A. II. 33 and Milcom the god ofthe children of A a Ki. 23. 13 the abomination of the children of A. 24. 2 against him bands, .of tlie children of A. I Ch. 18. irthat he brought from, .the children of A. 19. I the king of the children of A. died 19. 2 into the land of the children of A. to 19. 3 the princes of the children of A. said 19. 6 when the children of A. saw that they 19. 6 Hanum and the children of A. sent a 19. 7 the children of A. gathered themselves 19. 9 And the children of A. came out, and 19. II set (themselves) in array against.. A. 19. 12 but if the children of A. be too str. v. 15. 19. 19 Syrians help the children of A. any more 20. I wasted the country of the children of A. 20. 3 the cities of the children of A. 3 Ch. 20. 1 and the children of A. . . came against 20. 10 now, behold, the children of A. and 20. 22 ambushments against the Children of A. 20. 23 the children of A. and Moab stood up 27. 5 fought also with the king of the A. 27. 5 the children of A. . .the children of A. Neh. 13. 23 Jews (that) had married wives, .of A;. Psa. 83. 7 Gebal, aud A., and Anialek; the Philistines Isa. 11. 14 the children of A. shall obey them Jer. g. 26 Egypt, and Judah .. and the children of A. 25. 21 and the children of A. 49. 6 again the captivity of the children of A. Dan. »ij4i and the chief of thechUdren of A. Amos frVs three transgressions of the children of A. Zes*. 2. ..8-J 9t! [ iiajKheiirxi . . the revilings of . .A. .he cniTdrffi oTX. aa Gomorrah, (even) AMHO-NITE, 'jrajj. See Ammon. Deut. 2. 20 the A. call them Zamzummims 23. 3 An A. or Moabite shall not enter into 1 Sa. I J. I Then Nahash the A. came up, and II. 2 And Nahash the A. answered them II. II and slew the A. until the heat of the day 2 Sa. 23. 37 Zelek the A., Nahari the Beerothite I K.i. II. I loved many strange women, .of the. .A. II. 5 the abomination of the children of A. 14. 21 mother's name (was) Naamah an A. -ess 14. 31 mother's name (was) Naamah an A. -ess 1 Ch. II. 39 Zclek the A., Naharai the Berothite 2 Ch. 12. 13 mother's name (was) Naahiah an A. -ess 20. 1 with them (other) beside the A., came 24. 26 Zabad the son of Shimeath an A.-es3 26. 8 And the A. gave gifts to Uzziah 27. 5 lie fought also with the king of the A. Ezra 9. I according to their ab ..of the.. A.- Neh. 2. 10 and Tobiah the servant, the A., heard 2. 19 and Tobiah the servant, the A. . .heard 4. 3 Now Tobiah the A. (was) by him, and he 4. 7 and the A. heard that the walls of 13. I therein was found written, that the A. Jer. 27. 3 send them to the king of the A. 40. n that (were) in Moab, and among the A. 40. 14 that Baalis the king of the A. hath sent 41. 10 and departed to go over to the A. 41. 15 Ishmael. .escaped, and went to the A. 49. 1 Concerning the A., thus saith the Lord 49. 2 cause be heard in Kabbah of the A. Eze. 21. 20 Appoint a way. .to Kabbath of the A. 21. 28 Thus saith the Lord God concerning the A. 25. 2 set thy face against the A. 25. 3 And say unto the A., Hear the word of 25. 5 And I will make, the A. a couching 25. 10 Unto the men of the east with the A. 25. 10 that the A. may not be remembered AM'-NON, I'uax lij-DK tutelage, up-bringing, 1. Eldest son of David, by Ahinoam, and slain by Ahsa- lom, B.C. 1035. 2 Sa. 3. 2 his firstborn was A., of Ahinoam the 13. I Tamar ; and A. the son of David loved her 13. 2 And A. was so vexed, that he fell sick for 13. 2 and A. thought it hard for him to do 13. 3 But A. had a friend, whose name (was) 13. 4 And A. said unto him, I love Tamar 13. 6 So A. lay down, and made himself_sick 13. 6 A. said unto the king, I pray thee" 13. 7 saying. Go now to thy brother A.'s house 13. 8 So Tamar went to her brother A.'s house 13. 9 And A. said. Have cut all men from me 13. 10 And A. said unto Tamar, Bring the meat 13. 10 and brought (them) into the chamber to A 13. 15 Then A. hated her exceedingly 13. IS And A. said unto her. Arise, be gone 13. 20 Hath A. thy brother been with thee? 13. 22 Absalom spake unto his brother A. 13. 22 for Absalom hated A., because he had 13. 26 I pray thee, let my brother A. go with us 13. 27 that he let A. and all the king's sons go 13. 28 saying, Mark ye now when A.'s heart is 13. 28 when I say unto you, Smite A.; then kill 13. 29 the servants of Absalom did unto A. as 13. 32 A. only is dead: for by the appointment 13. 33 let not my lord, .think, .for A. only is dead 13. 39 king David, .was comforted concerning A. 1 Ch. 3. I the sons of David, .the firstborn A., of 2. Son of Shimon, of the family of Caleb, son of Jephun- neh, B.C. 1000. I Ch. 4. 20 And the sons of Shimon (were) A., and A'-MOK, pic;; deep. A priest who came up with Zerutbabel, B.C. 336. Neh. 12. 7 [these (are) the priests]. .Sallu, A.,Hilkiah 12. 20 [chief.. fathers].. Of Sallai, Kallai; of A A'-MON, JON, Ji3!< workman. 1. Governor of the city (of Samaria) in the time of Ahab, B.C. goo. 1 Ki. 22. 26 Take . . and carry him back unto A. 2 Ch. i8. 25 Take, .and carry him back to A. 2. Son of Manasseh, and fifteenth king of Judah, B.C. 643. 2Ki. 21. 18 and A. his son reigned in his stead. 31. 19 A. (was) tv/enty and two years old when 21. 23 And the .servants of A. conspired against 21. 24 that had conspired against king A. 21- '25 Now the rest of the acts of A. which ha 1 Ch. 3. !4 A. his son, Josiah his son. 2 Ch. 33. 20 and A. his son reigned in his stead 33. 21 A. (was) two and twenty years old when 33. 22 for A. sacrificed unto all the carved 33. 23 but A. trespassed more and more 33. 25 that had conspired against king A. Jer. I. 2 Josiah the son of A. king of Judah, in the 25. 3 thirteenth year of Josiah the son of A. Zeph. I. 1 in the days of Josiah the son of A., king 3. A descendant of the servants of Solomou (called AiU in Ezra2. S7). B.C. 536. Neh. 7. 59 [of Solomon's servants], .children of A. i. A son of Manasses, in Christ's ancestry. Matt. 1. 10 Manasses begat A.; and A. begat Josias AMONG — l.Unto, to, S^ el. Josh.13. 22 among them that were slain by thera 2. With, near, nn eth. Judg. 1. 16 they went and dwelt among the people 3. Between, r3 ben. Judg. 5. 16 Why aboiicst thou among the shccpfolds Dan. 7. 8 there c :une up among them another little 4. In between, ]'33 bcben. Isa. 44. 4 they shall spring up.. among the gras3 i.Frorix between, J'?.'? mibbcn. Psa.104. 12 the fowls.. sing among the branches 6. Midst, u (jev. Job 30. 5 They were driven forth from among 7. In the sufficiency of, 'i3 bcde. Job 39. 25 He saith among the trumpets, Ila, ha ! %.From, out of, \0 rain. Lev. II. 13 (which) ye shall have, .among the fowls 9. Ore, upon, in addition to, h'j_ al. Exod3o. 13 every one that passeth among thera 10. With, DV im. Josh. 22. 7 gave Joshua among their brethren W.ln the midst, heart of, 3-i|5 qrrcb. Gen. 24. 3 the Canaanites, among whom I dwell Exodi7. 7 saying, Is the Lord among us, or not? 31. 14 shall be cut off from among his people 34. 9 let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us 34. 10 all the people among which thou (art) Lev. 17. 4 shall be cut off from among his people 17. 10 the strangers that sojourn among you 18. 29 shall be cut off from among their people 20. 3 will cut him off from among his people 20. 5 willcuthimotF. .fromamongUheir people 20. 6 will cut him off from among his people 20. 18 shall be cut off from among their people 23. 30 will I destroy from among his people ITum. 5. 27 the woman shall be a curse among her II. 4 the mixt multitude that.. among them II. 20 the Lord which (is) among you, and have 11. 21 Moses said. The people, among whom I 14. II signs which I have shewed among them? 14. 13 thou broughtest up. .from among them 14. 14 that thou Lord (art) among this people 14.' 42 Go not up, for the Lord (is) not among 15. 30 shall be cut off from nmong his people Deut. :. 42 Go not up.. for I (am) not among you 2. 14 were wasted out from among the host 2. 15 to destroy them from among the host 2. 16 men. .were, .dead from among the people 4. 3 Losd. .hath destroyed them from among 6. 15 Lord thy God. .a jealous God among you 7. 21 for the Lord thy God (is) among you 13. I If there arise among you a propliet 13. II do no.. wickedness as this is among you 13. 13 men. .are gone out from among you 13. 14 (that) such abomination is. .among you 16. II and the fatherless, .that (are) among you 17. 2 If there be found among you, within 17. 7 shalt put the evil av/ay from among you 17. 15 from among thy brethren shalt thou set 18. 2 have no inheritance among their brethren 18. 18 a Prophet from among their brethren • 19. 19 shalt thou put the evil.. from among you 19. 2o henceforth commit no. .evil among you 21. 9 put away the (guilt), .from among you 21. 21 thou put evil away from among you 22. 21, 24 thou put evil away from among you 23. 16 He shall dwell with thee, .among you 24. 7 shalt put evil away from among you 26. 1 1 and the stranger that (is) among you 31. 16 whither they go. .among them, and 31. 17 because our God (is) not among us? Josh. 3. 5 the Lord will do wonders among you 3. lo know, .the living God (is) among you 4. 6 That this may be a sign among you 7. 12 ye destroy the accursed from among yon 7. 13 take away the accursed thing from among 8. 35 the strangers that were, .among them 9. 7 Peradventureyedwellamougus;andhow • 9. 16 they heard, .(that) they dwelt among them g. 22 far from you ; when ye dwell among us? 10. I inhabitants of Giheon. .were among them ■. 13. 13 Geshurites. .dwell among the Israelites 16. 10 Canaanites dwell among the Ephraimitea 18. 7 the Levites have no part among you 24. 5 according to that which I did among them 24. 23 the strange gods which (are) among you Judg. I. 29 Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among them I. 30 Canaanites dwelt among them, and I. 32 Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites I. 33 he dwelt among the Canaanites, the 3. 5 children of Israel dwelt among the 10. 16 put away the strange gods from among I Sa. 4. 3 when it cometh among us, it may save us Psa. ss- 15 for wickedness (is), .among them 82. I God. .he judgeth among the gods 31 The ear that heareth. .abideth among the Mic. 3. II and say, (Is) not the Lord among us? \2.In the midst of, '^ii? tavek. Gen. 23. 6 thou (art) a mighty prince among us 23. 10 Ephron dwelt among the children of Hetb 35. 2 Put away the strange gods, .among you 40. 20 the chief baker among his servants 42. 5 to buy. .among those that came Exod. 2. s she saw the ark among the flags 7, 5 bring out the children . . from among thein 12..3I get you forth from among my people 12. 49 the stranger that sojourneth among yoo 25. 8 that I may dwell among them 28. I take thou, .from among the children 29. 45 I will dwell among the children of 29. 46 that 1 may dwell among them Lev. 15. 31 my tahemaclB that (is) among them AMONG ,34 AMORITE ll Lev. i6. 29 a stranger tliat sojourneth among you 17. 8 the strangers which sojourn among you 17. 10, 13 of Hie strangers that sojourn among J 7. 12 any stranger that sojourneth among you i3. 26 any stranger that sojourneth among you 2o. 14 there ba no wickedness among you 22. 32 I will be hallowed among the children of 24. 10 an Egyptian, went out amoi»g the children 25. 33 their possession among the children of 26. II I will set my tabernacle among you 26. 12 I will walk among you, and vnll be your 26. 25 I will send the pestilence among you Num. I. 47 their fathers were not numbered among J. 49 the sum of them among the children oi 2. 33 Levites were not numbered among the 3. 12 I have taken the Levites from among the 4. 2 Take the. sons, .from among the sons of 4. 18 families of the Kohathites from among the 5. 21 a curse and an oath among thy people 8. 6, 14 the Levites from among the children of 8. t6 they (are) wholly, .from among the 8. 19 to his sons from among the children of 9. 7 his appointed season among the chilUreu 15, 14 whosoever (be) among you in your 15. 26, 20 the stranger that sojourneth among 16. 3 everyone, .and the Lord (is) among them j6. 21 Separate yourselves from among this 16. 33 they perished from among the congrega. 16.. 45 Get you up from among this congregation 17. 6 the rod of Aaron (was) among their rods 18. 61 have taken . . the Levites from among the 18. 2o neither shalt thou have any part among j8. 20 I (am) thy part and . .inheritance among j8. 23 that among the children of Israel they 18. 24 Aniong the children of Israel they shall 19. 10 the stranger that sojourneth among them ig. 20 shall be cut off from among the congrega. 25. 7 he rose up from among the congregation! ss. II he was zealous for my sake among them 26. 62 they were not numbered among the 26. 62 was no inheritance given them among the a;. 4 be done away from among his family 27. 4 possession amon^ the bretliren of our 27. 7 possession of an inheritance among their 32. 30 they shall have possessions among you 35. IS for the sojourner among them : that 35. 34 the Lord dwell among the children of Deut 32. 51 ye trespassed against me among the Josh. 8. 9 Joshua lodged that night among the 14. 3 he gave none inheritance among them 15. 13 hegaveapart among thechildren of Judah 16. 9 children of Ephraim (were) among the 17. 4 to give us an inheritance among our 17. 4 he gave them an inheritance among the 17. 6 Manasseh had an inheritance among his 17. 9 cities of Ephraim (are) among the cities 19. 49 to Joshua the son of Nun among them 20. 9 the stranger that sojourneth among them 22. 19 take possession among us: but rebel nut 22. 31 we perceive that the LOKD (is) among us Judg 12. 4 among the Ephraimites. .among the E. 18. 1 fallenuntothemamongthe tribes of Israel ■sSa. 7. 3 put away. .Ashtaroth from among you 10. 10 and he prophesied among them 10. 23 when he stood among the people, he was 15. 6 get youdown from amongtheAmaleUites 15. 6 Kenites departed from among the Amale. 1 Ki. 6. 13 I will dwell among the children of Israel 11. 20 Genubath was, .among the sonsof Phara. 14. 7 I exalted thee from among the people 2 KL 4. 13 I dwell among mine own people 9, 2 arise up from among his brethren II. 2 atcrle him from among the king's sons 23. 9 eat of the unleavened bread among their 1 Ch. 21. 6 Benjamin counted he not among them 2 Ch. 22. II stole him from among the king's sous Neh. 4. II we conre in the midst among them Esth. 9. 28 should not fail from among the Jews Job I. 6 and Satan came also among them 2. I Satan came also among them to present 2. 8 and he sat down among the ashes 15. 19 and no stranger passed among them 42. 15 father gave them inheritance among their Psa. 57. 4 My soul (is) among lions : (and) I lie 68. 25 among (them were) the damsels playing log. 30 I will praise him among the multitude 136. II And brought out Israel from among them Prov. 1. 14 Cast in thy lot among us ; let us all 17. 2 of the inheritance among the brethren 27. 22 bray a fool in a mortar among wheat Isa. 24. 13 in the midst of the land among the 61. 9 their seed shall be known among the Jer. 12. 14 pluck out the house of Judah from among 29. 32 a man to dwell among this people 37. 4 came in and went out among the people 39. 14 so he dwelt among the people 40. I being bound in chains among all that 40. s, 6 and dwelt with him among the people 41. 8 ten men were found among them that Eze. I. I as I (was) among the captives byitherivei 2. s there hath been a prophet among them 3. IS remained there, .among them seven days 3. 25 thou shalt not go out among them 6. 13 their slain, shall be among their idols g. 2 one man among them . clothed with linen 11. I among whom I saw Jaazaniah the son 12. 10 the house of Israel that (are) among them 12. 12 the prince that (is) among them shall bear 18. 18 did (that) which (is) not good aniong his 10. 2 she nourished her whelps among young 19. 6 he went up and down among the lions 2» 3 before tho heathen, among whom they Eze. 22. 26 a'nd I am profaned among them 29. 12 her cities among the cities, laid waste 33. 33 know that a prophet hath been among 34. 12 in the day that he is among his sheep 34. 24 my servant David a prince among them 44. 9 any stranger that is among the children 47.22 among you .among you . . among the Hag. 2. s so my spirit remaineth among you IS.'Through, by means of, Sid dia {gen.) 2 Ti. 2. 2 the things that thou hast heard, .among li.Into, toward, among, fls eis. Matt 13. 22 He. .that received seed among the thorns Mark 4. 7 some fell [among] thoms, and the thorns 4. i3 are they which are sown among thorns 8. 19 When I brake the five loaves among five 5. ao when the seven among four thousand 13. 10 gospel must first be published among iuke 8. 14 that which fell among thorns are they 10. 36 was neighbour unto him that fell among 24. 47 repentance, .should be preached, .among John 6. 9 but what are they among so many? 21. 23 Then went this saying abroad among the Acts 2. 22 a ma,n approved of God among you by 4. 17 thatkspread no furtheramongthe people 14. 14 they rent their clothes, and ran in among 20. 29 shall grievous wolves enter in among you 2 Co. I!. 6 we have been . .made manifest among I Th. 5. 15 both among yourselves, and to all (men) T Pe. 4. B above all things have . . charity among IZ.Out of, iK ek. Matti2. 11 Whatman shall there be among you, that John 12. 20 there were certain Greeks among them 12. 42 among the chief xujers also many believed Acts 6. 3 look ye out among you seven men of 27. 22 there shall be no loss of. .life among 16. In, iv en. Matt. 2. 6 thou Bethlehem . . art not the least among 4. 23 all manner of disease among the people g. 35 healing, .every disease [among] the people 11. II Verily I say unto you. Among them tJiat 16. 7 they reasoned among themselves, saying 16. 8 why reason ye among yourselves, because eo. 26 not be so among you .be great among 20. 27 whosoever will be chief among you, let 21. 38 they said among themselves, This is the 26. 5 lest there be an uproar among the people 07. 56 Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mark 5. 3 Who had (his) dwelling among the tombs- 6. 4 in his own country, and among his own 10. 43 not be among you . .be great among you 15. 40 among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Luke I. I those things which are.. believed among 1. 25 to take away my reproach [among] men ■I. 28, 42 [blessed (art) thou among women] 2. 44 they sought him among .kinsfolk and 7. 16 a great prophet is risen up among us 7. 28 Among those that are born of women 9. 46 there arose a reasoning among them 9. 48 he that is least among you all, the same 16.15 that which is highly esteemed among men 22. 24 jthere .was also a strife among them, which 22. 26 he that is greatest among you, let him be John 1. 14 Word was made flesh, juid dwelt among 7. 12 was much murmuring among the people 7. 43 So there was a division among the people g. 16 And there was a division among them 10. ig There was a division, .among the Jews 1 1. 54 Jesus . . walked no more openly among the 15. 24 If I had not done among them the works Acts 4. 12 there is none other name, .given among 4. 34 Neither was there any among them that 5. 12 signs and wonders wrought among the 6. 8 Stephen . . did great wonders . . among 12. 18 there was no small stir among the soldiers 13. 26 whosoever among you feareth God to 15. 7 God made choice among us, that the 15. 12 wonders God had wrought among the 15. 22 Silas, chief men among the brethren 17. 34 among the which (was) Dionj'sius the 18. II teaching the word of God among them 20. 25 among whom I have gone preaching the 20. 32 to give you an inheritance among all 21. 19 what things God had wrought among the 21. 34 somecried one thing, some, .among the 24. 21 that I cried standing among them 25. 5 which among you are able, go down with 25. 6 when he had tarried among them more 26. 4 which was at the first among mine own 26. 18 and inheritance among them which are 28. 29 [had great reasoning among themselves] Rom. I. 5 obedience to the faith among all nations I. 6 Among whom are ye also the called of 1. 13 fruitamongyou. .as among other Gentiles 2. 24 the name of God is blasphemed among 8. 29 that he might be the firstborn among 11. 17 wild olive tree, wert graffed in among 12. 3 I say. .to every man that is among you 15. 9 I will confess to thee among the Gentiles 16. 7 fellow-prisoners, who are of note among I Co. 1. 10 (that) there be no divisions among you 1. II that there are contentions among you 2. z I determined not to know any. .among 2. 6 we speak wisdom among them that are 3. 3 whereas (there is) among you envying 3. 18 If any man among you seemeth to be g. I fornication among you. .among the 6. s that there is not a ■vns.& man among you ? 6. 7 Now . . there is utterly a fault [among] you ti. i3 I hear tbat there be divisions among you tCo. 2 Co. Gal. Eph. Phil. Col. iTh. 2Th. Jas. iPe. aPe. 3- 4- 5- S- 2. S 5- ig heresies among you. .manifest among yoa 11. 30 many (are) weak and sickly among you 15. 12 how say some among you that there is 19 Jesus Christ, who was preached among 10. I who in presence (am) base among you ti. 46 In the sea, (in) perils among false brethren 12, 12 signs of an apostle wore wrought among 1. 6 that I might preach him among the 2. 2 that gospel which I preach aniong the 3. I Christ hath been .set forth, .[among] you 3. 5 and worketh miracles among you, (doeth) 2. 3 Among whom also we all had our 3. 8 that I should preach [among] the Gentiles 5. 3 let it not be once named among yoU, as 2. IS among whom ye shine as lights in the 1. 27 the glory of this mystery among the I. 5 men we were among you for your sake 5. 12 to know them which labour among you 5. 13 be at peace among yourselves 3. 7 we behaved not. .disorderly among you 3. 1 1 there are some which walk among you 1. 26 If any man [among] you seem to be 3. 6 so is the tongue among our members, that 18 and endued with knowledge among you? 1 whence (come) wars and fightings among 13 Is any among you afflicted ? let him 14 Is any sick among you ? let him call for 12 Having your conrersation honest among 1 The elders which are among you I e.xlioi t 2 Feed theflockof God which is among you I among the people, even as. .among you 2. 8 that righteous man dwelling among them 17.0)1, upon, iirl epi (ace.) Matt 13. 7 some fell among thoms ; and the thorns Acts I. 21 Lord Jesus weot in and out among us 2 Th. I. 10 (because our testimony among you was Kev. 7. IS sitteth on the throne shall dwell among \?).At, in, Kari [ace.) kata, Acts 21. 21 teachest all the Jews which are among 26. 3 and questions which are among the Jews 19. In the midst, fieffos, «V /xtVij; mexo.'t, en meso, Luke 8. 7 some fell among thorns ; and Mk. 13 55. 10. 3 I send you forth as lambs among wolves 22. 27 I am among you as' he that serveth 22. 55 And.. Peter sat do>iTi among them John I. 26 there standeth one among you, whom ye 1 Th. 2. 7 we were gentle among you, even as a 20. With, fieri meta [gen.) Luke 22. 37 he was reckoned among the transgressors 24. 5 Why seek ye the living among the dead? John 6. 43 Jesus, .said, .murmur not among 11. 56 sought they for JesuS/ and spake among 16. 19 Do ye enquire among yourselves of that il.AloTtgside of, vapd para (dat.) JIatt28. 15 this saying is commonly reported among Col. 4. 16 when this epistle is read among you Kev. 2. 13 my faithful martyr, .slain aniong you 22.Toioard, irpSs pros (ace.) Mark t. 27 insomuch that they qtiestioned among 8. 16 they reasoned among themselves, saying 9.33 What was it that ye disputed [among] 9. 34 by the way they had disputed among 10. 26 saying among themselves. Who then can 12. 7 those husbandmen said among themselves 15. 31 also the chief priests mocking, .among 16. 3 they said among themselves. Who shall Luke 4. 36 they were all amazed, and spake among ao. 14 they reasoned among themselves, saying 22. 23 they began to enquire among themselves John 6. 52 The Jews therefore strove among 7. 35 Then said the Jews among themselves 12. 19 The Pharisees therefore said among 16. 17 Then said (some) of his disciples among 19. 24 They said therefore among themselves Acts 4. 15 But. .they conferred among themselves 28. 4 they said among themselves. No doubt 28. 25 when they agreed not among themselves 2 Co. 12. 21 my God will humble me among you 2Z.By, under, vttS hiipo (gen.) Acts 10. 22 a just man. and of good report among all [See also Compare, dwell, fall, from, in, out, speak.) A-MO-RITi;, 'lb?? mountaineer, A race or tribe descended from Canaan, the fourth so of Ham, the younger son of Noah ; it is mentioned after the Jebusite and before the Girgashite (Gen. 10. 16; I Ch. I. 13); some of them dwelt in Hazezon-tamar, or Engedi, on the W. of the Salt Sea, and were smitten by Chedorlaomer, in the days of Abraham, B.C. 1913 (Gen. 14. 7) ; three of their chiefs, Manire, Eschol, and Aner, were confederates of Abraham (Gen. 14. 13) ; the iniquity of the tribe (as the representative of the Cana^nites generally) was not yet full (Gen. 15. 16, 21); they seem to have contended unsuccessfully with Jacob (48. 22) ;• they are mentioned between the Hittites and Perizzites, as inhabitants of Canaan (Exod. 3. 8, 17; Judg. 3. 5 ; Neh. 9. i); between the Hittites and the Hivites (E.xod. 13. 5); before the other tribes (Exod. 23, 23); between the Canaanite and the Hittite (Exod. 33. 2; Josh. II. 3); before the Canaanites and the other tribes (Exod. 34. 11); as dwelling in the mountains of .Fudah (Num. 13. 29); as having the river Amon as their, dividing line from Moab (Num. 21. 13); as having king named Silion, B.C. 1452, who not only refused tol let Israel pass, but came and attacked them at Jahaz^ when he was defeated and his land taken possession o; by Israel(Num. 21. 21-32); it was given to the two-and a,-biU tnbes (Nam. 33. 33); the c^ief city of the Eiau< ' 4 AMORITB :i3 ANANIAS portion of the tribe was Ileshbon (Deut. i. 4); the "mount of the Amorites" was apparently another name for Canaan (Deut. 1. 7, 19, 20); Isriel was afraid of them (Deut. i. 27); and was beaten by them in Seir, even unto Kormah (Deut. i. 44); their land was to be possessed by Israel (Deut. 3. 2), even from the river Amon to Mount Hermon, including the land of Og, who reigned in Edrei in Ba.shan (Deut.j. 8, 9; 4. 46, 47); mentioned between the Giraashites and the Canaanites (Deut 7. i); between the Hittites and the Canaanites (Deut. 20. 17; Josh. 9. j; 12. 8); their fate seems to have terrified the other peoples (Josh. 2. 10; g. 10); mentioned between the Girgashites and the Jebusites (Josh. 3. 10): mentioned along with the Canaanites as the sole inhabitants of tlie land W. of the Jordan (Josh. 5. i); alone mentioned as such (Josh. 7. 7); five of their kings besiege Gibeon, but are defeated (Josh. •o. 5-12}. They had a variety of gods (Josh. 24. 15 ; Judg. 6. 10): they forced the children of Dan iuto the mountain (Judg. I. 34); they were reduced to tribute by the house of Joseph (Judg. i. 35); their border was from the ascent of Akrabbim northward (Judg. i. 36); they were at peace wth Israel in the days of Samuel, B.C. 1171- 1061 (i Sa. 7. 14) ; the Gibeonites were a remnant of them (2 Sa. 21. 2) ; Geber, the son of Uri, was over their land E. of the Jordan In the days of Solomon, B.C. iot4 (i Ki. 4. 19); their remnant was reduced to servitude by Solomon (1 Ki. 9. 20, 21; 2 Chron. 8. 7); their idol worship was followed by Ahab, B.C. 899(1 Ki. 21. 26); also by Manasseh (2 Ki. at. 11); their abominations by the Jews under Ezra (9. 8). The overthrow of Og and Sihon was celebrated (Psa. '135. n; 136. 19); Judah, because of her sins, is represented as having an Aiuorite for a father, 3 Hittite for a mother, and Samaria and Sodom for sisters (Eze. 16. 3, 45) ; the Amorite is repre- Bented as tall and strong, yet destroyed before Israel, to whom his land was promised (Amos 2. 9, 10). Gen. 10. 16 [Canaan begat], .the Jebusite, and the A. 14. 7 smote all the country of. .the A., that 14. 13 he dwelt in the plain of Harare the A. 15. 16 for the iniquity of the A. (is) not yet full 15. 21 [have I given this land]. .And the A 48. 22 which I took out of the hand of the A. Exod. 3. 8 to bring them.. unto the place of the. A. 3. 17 Iv/illbringyou. . unto the landof. .the A. 13. 5 shall bring thee into the land of . . the A. 23. 23 Angel shall, .bring thee in unto the A. 33. 2 I will drive out the Caananite, the A. 34. 11 behold, I drive out before thee the A. Numi3. 29 the Jebusites, and the A., dwell in the 21. 13 that Cometh out ol the coasts of the A. ei. 13 Amon (is), .between Moab and the A. 21. 21 Israel sent, .unto Sihon king of the A. 21. 25 Israel dwelt in all the cities of the A. .21. 26 Heshbon.. the city of. .the king of the A. 21. 29 into captivity unto Sihon . .king of the A. 21. 31 Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the A. 21. 32 the villages thereof, and drove out the A. 21. 34 as thou didst unto Sihon king of the A. 32. 2 saw all that Israel had done to the A. 32. 33 the kingdom of Sihon king of the A. 32. 39 children of Machir. .dispossessed the A. Deut. I. 4 After he had slain Sihon. .king of the A. I. 7 Turn you. .and go to the mount of the A. I. 19 by the way of the mountain of the A. I. 20 Ye are come unto the mountain of the A. I. 27 to deliver us into the hand of the A., to 1. 44 And th» A., which dwelt in that mountain 2. 24 I have given into thine hand Sihon the A. 3. 2 as thou didst unto Sihon king of the A. 3. 8 out of the hand of the two kings of the A. 3. Hermon . .the A. call it Shenir 4. 46 in the land of Sihon king of the A. 4. 47 And they possessed, .two kings of the A. 7. I the Lord thy God. .hath castout. .theA. 20. 17 But thou Shalt utterly destroy, .the A. 31. 4 as. .to Sihon and to Og, kings of the A. Josh. 2. 10 what ye did unto the two kings of the A. 3. 10 he will without fail drive out. the A. 5. 1 to pass, when all the kings of the A. 7.. 7 to deliver us into the hand of the A. 9. 1 when, -the A., the Canaanite, the Perizz. 9. 10 he did to the two kings of the A. 10. 5 Therefore the five kings of the A., the 10. 6 all the kings of the A. that dwell in the 10. 12 when the Lord delivered up the A. 11. 3 ( Jabin king of Hazor . . sent to] . . the A. j2. 2 Sihon king of the A. who dwelt in 12. 8 the Hittites, the A., and the Canaanites 13. 4 unto Aphek, to the borders of the A. 13. 10 all the cities of Sihon king of the A. 13. 21 all the kingdom of Sihon king of the A. 24. 8 I brought you into the land of the A. 34. II men of Jericho fought against you, the A. 84. 12 drave them out. .the two kings of the A. 24. 15 the gods of the A., in whose land ye dwell 24. 18 the Lord drave out. .the A. which dwelt Judg. I. 34 And the A. forced the children of Dan I. 35 But the A. would dwell in mount Heres I. 36 And the coast of the A. (was) from the 3. 5 children of Israel dwelt among the. .A. 6. 10 fear not the gods of the A., in whose land JO. 8 in'the land of the A. , which (is) in Gilead 10. II (Did) not (I deliver you) from the. .A. 11. 19 messengers unto Sihon king of the A. II. 21 Israel possessed all the land of the A. II. 22 they possessed all the coasts of the A. XI. 23 Lord God of Israel, .dispossessed the A. I Sa. 7. 14 there Vi'.is peace between Israel and the A. aSa. 21. 2 Gibeonites.. of the remnant of the A. I IvL 4. 19 the country of Sihon king ol the A. , 1 Ki. 9. 20 all the people (that were) left of the A. 21. 26 the A., whom the LORD cast out before 2 Ki. 21. II abominations, .above all that the A. did 1 Ch. I. 14 The Jebusite also, and the A., and theGii 2Ch. 8. 7 (As for) all the people.. left of.. the A. Ezra 9. I according to. .abominations, .of the. .A. Neh. g. 8 a covenant, .to give the land of. .the A Psa. 13s. II Sihon king of the A., and Og king of 136. 19 Sihon king of the A. : for his mercy Eze. 16. 3 thy father (was) an A., and thy mother 16. 45 mother, .an Hittite,andyour fatheran A. Amos 2. 9 Yet destroyed I the A. before them 2. 10 led you . . to possess the land of the A. A'-MOS, oin;;; burden-bearer. 1. A native of Tekoa, a place about 6 miles S. of Beth- lehem in Judah; originally he was a shepherd and dresser of sycamore trees, but was called to be a pro- phet, and exercised his office (about 8o3 B.C.) during the reign of Uzziah, while Isaiah and Uosea also pro- phesied. Amos I. 1 The words of A., who was among the 7. 8 And the Lord said unto me, A., what 7. 10 A. hath conspired against thee in the 7. II For thus A. saith, Jeroboam shall die by 7. 12 Also Amaziah said unto A., thou seer 7. 14 Then answered A., and said to Amaziah 8. 2 And he said. A., what seest thou? And I 2. An ancestor of Joseph, husband of Mary. Luke 3. 25 (the son) of A., which was (the son) of A'-MOZ, V>DH strong. Father of the prophet Isaiah, and apparently of the tribe of Judah, B.C. 800. 2 Ki. 19. 2 sent, .to Isaiah the prophet the son of A. 19. 20 Then Isaiah the son of A. sent to Hezek, 20. I And the prophet Isaiah the son of A. 2 Ch. 26. 22 acts of Uzziah . . did Isaiah . . son of A. 32. 20 the prophet Isaiah the son of A., prayed 32. 32 vision of Isaiah the prophet, the son of A. Isa. I. I The vision of Isaiah the son of A., which 2. ■ I The word that Isaiah the eon of A. saw 13. 1 burden of. .which Isaiah the son of A. 20. 2 spake the Lord by Isaiah the son of A. 37. 2 nnto Isaiah the prophet the son of A 37. 21 Then Isaiah the son of A. sent unto 38. I And Isaiah the prophet the son of A. AM-PHI'-PO-LIS, ' A/xrhiiToMs about the city. A city of Macedonia, on the river Strymon, which Hows nearly round the tovra ; whence its name. It was called Popolia under the Byzantine empire. Its site is now occupied by a village called Neokhorla, in Turkish, Jeni Keni, literally "new town." Acts 17. 1 when they had passed through A. AM-PLT-AS, 'A/x-irXlas. A convert that dwelt at Rome. Rom. 16. 8 Greet A. my beloved in the Lord ABf-EAM, D-ioy exalted people. 1. A son of Kohath, Levi's son, and father of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. He died in Egypt, aged 137 years, B.C 1540. Exod. 6. 18 And the sons of Kohath ; A. and Izhar 6. 20 And A. took him Jockebed his father's 6. 20 and the years of the life of A. (were) an Num. 3. 19 the sous of Kohath by their families ; A. 26. 58 And Kohath begat A. 26. 59 A.nd the name of A.'s wife (was) Jockebed 26. 59 and she bare unto A. Aaron and Moses rCh. 6. 2 And the sons of Kohath ; A., Izhar, and 6. 3 And the children of A. ; Aaron, and Moses 6. 18 And the sons of Kohath^ (were), A., and 23. 12 the sons of Kohath ; A, Izhar,. and 23. 13 The sons of A. ; Aaron and Moses, and 24. 2o Of the sons of A. ; Shubael : of the sons 2. A son of Bani, who had taken a strange wife during the exile, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 34 Of the sons of Bani; Maadai, A, and AM'-RAK, pan red. A sou of Dishon, son of Anah, and great-^andson of Seir the Horite, B.C. 1709. This name should be written Hamram or Hamran. It is given to Hemdan, "desirable," in Gen. 36. 26, which is probably correct. The form adopted in the common version is manifestly incorrect. I Ch. I. 41 And the sons of Dishon ; A., and Eahban AM-RAM-ITE, "p-ipy belonging to Amram. Patronymic of the family of Amram, father of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. Num. 3. 27 of Kohath (was) the family of the A. 1 Ch. 26. 23 Of the A.,(and) the Izharites, the Hebron. AM-EA'-PHEL, ^p-pH power/id people. A king of Shinar in the time of Abraham, B.C. 1920. Gen. 14. I it came to pass in the days of A. king of 14. 9 [they joined battle with]. .Akin; of Shinar All'-ZI, '?pv jny stfenglh. 1. A descendant of Merari, son of Le^l, and progenitor of Ethan, whom David set over the service of song, B.C. 1050. J Ch. 6. 46 The son of A., the son of Bani, the son of 2. Ancestor of Adaiah, a returned exile, B.C. 44s. Neh. II. 12 Pelaliah, the son of A, the sonof Zechar. A'-NAB, 35ii a hill. A city in the S. of Canaan, Inhabited by Anakim. It Is still called Anah, and is equidistant from Sochoh and Esbtemoa, Josh II. 21 Joshua.. cut off the Anakims from.. A 15. so [in the mountains]. A., aud EshtemoU A'-NAH, njj; answering. 1. A daughter(?) of Zibeon, a Hlvite, B.C. 1760. Gen. 36. 2 Aholibamah the daughter of A. the 36. 14 sons of Aholibamah, the daughter of A, 36. i8 Aholibamah the daughter of A, Esau's 36. 25 the cliildren cf A. (were) these 36. 25 and Aholibamah the daughter of A. 2. A son of Seir the Horite, and one of the chiefs ol the land. Gen. 36. 20 The3e..the sons of Seir . . Zihoon, and A. 36. 29 These, .the dukes.. duke Zibeon, duke A. I Ch 1. 38 And the sons of Seir. .Zibeon, and A. 3. A son of Zibeon, son of Seir, B.C. 1760. Gen. 36. 24 children of Zibeon ; both AJah, and A 36. 24 this (was that) A. that found the mule* I Ch. I. 40 And the sons of Zibeon : Aiah, and A t. 4 1 The Eons of A. ; Dishon. And the sond ot A-KA-HA'-RATH, n^injK narrow way. A town in Issachar. Josh 19. 19 [border was toward]..Shihon, and A A-NA-I'AH, n;jy, Jah answers. 1. A priest or prince that stood on the right hand ot Ezra v/hile he read the law to the people, B.C. 445. Neh. 8. 4 Ezra the scribe stood.. and A... on Ilia 2. A Jew who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 44S- Neh. 10. 22 [The chief of the people]. .Hanan, and A. A'-NAK, pi)),, p'uj;. giant, long-necked. Son of Arba,'and ancestor of the Anakim. Numi3. 22 Hebron; where, .the children of A, (wefe> 13. 28 moreover we saw the children of A. thera' 13. 33 there we saw the giants, the sons of A, • Deut. g. 2 Who can stand before the children of A, Josh 15. 13 the city of Arba the father of A., which. 15. 14 Caleb drove thence the three sons of A. 15. 14 Ahiman, and Talmai, the children of A. 21. 11 the city of Arba the father of A Judg. I. 20 expelled thence the three sons of A. A-NA-KHa, D'pja, giants. The descendants of the preceding Arba, one of the "sonsof Heth"(Oeu. 23. 3); who, seven years before the building of Zoar in Egypt (Gen. 23. 2; Num. 13. 22; Josh. i5- '3i 54), built Hebron, which was hence called Kir - jath-arba, i.e., the city of Arba. Anak, his son, had three distinguished descendants in the days of Mosea and Joshua, B.C. 1490 (Num. 13. 22), whose names were Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, and who dwelt in He-. bron ; in whose presence the Israelites reckoned them- selves only as grasshoppers (Num. 13. 28, 33); this greatly disheartened Israel (Deut. i. 28); the Anakim were like the Emim, who were great, and many, and tall, but who were dispossessed by Moab (Deut. 2. 10, II, 21); it was a common saying. Who can stand before the sons of the Anakim? (Deut. 9. 2), but Joshua cut them off from the mountains, and from Hebron, Debir, and Anab, so that only a few were left in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod, cities of the Philistines (Josh. u. 21, 22); they had great and fenced cities, the chief of whipb waa Hebron, which they had called Kirjath-arba, or the city of Arba, who had been a great man among them f Josh. 14. 12, 15); aud who was also the father of Anak (Josh. 15. 13); this Anak had three leading descendants in He- bron (Josh. 15. 14), which city was afterwards assigned to the Kohathites for a possession (Josh. 21. 11). The tribclbst its separate existence among the Philistines. Deut. I. 28 we have seen the sons of the A. there 2. 10 great, and many, and tall, as the A. B. II also were accounted giants, as the A, 2. 21 great, and many, and tall as the A. g. 2 great and tall, the children of the A. Josh. 1 1. 21 time came Joshua, and cut off the A., II. 22 There was none of the A. left in the land 14. 12 heardest in that day how the A. (were) .14. IS Arba was) a great man among the A. A-NA'-MUS, a'D:ii TockmeA. A Mizraite people,' of whose locale nothing certain la known ; but it was most probably in Northern Egypt. Gen. la 13 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and A. I Ch. I. II And Mizraim begat Ludim, and A. A-NAH-ME'-IJECH, Ti^sa?, the king's rock. An idol whose worship among the Sepharvaim waa transplanted to Israel when Shalmaneser peopled the cities of Israel with the Sepharvaim. 2Ki. 17. 31 Sepharvitesburnt.. children in fire to.. A. A'-NAN, ]\^ he beclouds. An exile who, with Nebemiah, signed the covenant, B.0, 445- ■ • Neh. 10. 26 [chief of the people ;] Ahijah, Hanan, A. A-NA'-NI, 'JJSi my cloud {i.&., protector).. Son of Elioenai, of the family of David, B.C. 445. J Ch. 3. 24 sons of Elioenai (were). .Dalaiah, and A A-NAU-fAH, ^liSl, Jah is a clovd (i.e., protector). Grandfather of Azariah, a returned exile, B.C. 460. Neh. 3. 23 repaired Azariah . . the son of A. by his A-NAN-fAS, 'Avaj'fay Jah is gracioiiS. 1. A disciple virhose wife conspired with him in attempt- ing to deceive the apostles in regard to the value ob- tained for their property, a.d. 35. Acts 5. t But a certain man iumeiA..wlthSappliiia ANATH 36 AND Acts s. 3 Buf Peter said. A., why hath Satan filled S. 5 And A. tearing these words fell down, and 2. A disciple at DaTnascus to whom was made known tlie conversion of Saul ol Tarsus, a.d. 35. Acts g. 10 there was a certain disciple, .named A. 9. la to him said the Lord in a vision, A. g. 12 hath seen in a vision a man named A. g. 13 Then A. answered. Lord, I have heard by g. 17 And A. went bis way, and entered into 22. 12 And one A., a devout man according to 3. A high priest at Jerusalem, a.d. 60. Acts 23. 2 And the high priest A. commanded them 24. I And after five days A. the liigh priest A'-KATH, nj;; answer. ;. Father of Shamgar, tliird Judge after Joshua, B.C. 1360. Judg. 3. 31 after him was Shamgar the son of A. 5. 6 In the days of Shamgar the son of A. A-NA'-TEE-MA, avdOefiO. Any thing "put up" in the temple of a god, set apart or separated, consecrated, devoted. 1 Co. 16. 22 if any.. love not.. let him be A. \-WA'-THdTH, rimv. answers. 1. A Levitical city in Benjamin, 3 miles N. of Jerusalem, the birtliplace of Jeremiah, now called Anata. Josb.2i. 18 A. with her suburbs, and Almon with her 1 Ki. 2. 26 Get thee to A., unto thine own fields ; for jCh. 6. 60 out of the tribe of Benjamin .A. with her Ezra 2. 23 The men of A, an hundred twenty and Neh. 7. 27 The men of A., an hundred twenty and II. 32 [cluldren..of Benjamin .. dwelt at). .A. Isa. 10. 30 cause it to be heard unto Laish, O poor A. Jer. I. I the priests that (were) in A. in the land II. 21 thus saith the Lord of the men of A., that II. 23 I \^1 bring evil -upon the men of A. Eg. 27 hast thou not reproved Jeremiah of A. 32. 7 Buy thee my field that (is) in A. : for the 32. 8 Buy my field, I pray thee, that (is) in A. 32. g I bought the field, that (was) in A. 2. The eighth of the nine sons of Becher, son of Benja- min, B.C. 1650. I Ch. 7. 8 And the sons of Becher. . A. and Alemeth 3. One of the chiefs that signed the covenant with Nehe- iniah, B.C. 44s. Neh. 10. 19 Hariph, A., Kebai ANCESTOE — First, former, yivtn rishan. iev. 26. 45 remember the covenant of their ancestors AKCHOR — An anchor, &yicvpa anghura. Acts 27. 29 they cast four anchoM out of the stem 27. 30 they would have cast anchors out of the 27. 40 when they had taken up the anchors, they Heb. 6. 19 Which . .we have as an anchor of the soul AlfCIEKT — l.Aged, senior, ^pj zaqen. Psa. 119. loo I understand more than the SBcSenta Isa. 3. 2 mighty man., prudent, and the ancient 3. s behave himself . . against the ancient 3. 14 will enter into judgment with the ancients g. IS The ancient and honourable, he (is) the 24. 23 and before his ancients gloriously 47. 6 upon the ancient hast thou very heavily Jer. 19. 1 ancients of the people.. ancients of tho Eze. 7. 26 priest, and counsel from the ancient 8. II there stood . .seventy men of the ancients 8. 12 hast thou seen what the ancients, .do in g. 6 Then they began at the ancient mea 27. 9 The ancients of Gebal and the wise 2. White, grey, old, dry, ^Vl yashish. Job 12. 12 With liie ancient (is) vrisdom ; and in Z.Age, indefinite time, dVij; olam. R'ov.22. 28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which Isa. 44. 7 since I appointed the ancient people? Jer. 5. 15 mighty nation, it (is) an ancient nation 18. 15 stumble in their ways, .the ancient paths Eze. 36. 2 Aha, even the ancient high places are our's ^Removed, P'py a,ttiq. I Ch. 4. 22 And (these are) ancient things Daa. 7. g tlie Ancient of days did sit, whose garment 7. 13 came to the Ancient of days, and they 7. 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and ^.Ancient limes, □"On;? qedwmim. Judg. 5. 21 that ancient river, the river Eisbon G.East, that which is before, □'ig qedem. Deut33. 15 the chief things of the ancient mountains zfKL rg. 25 Hast thou not heard, .of ancient times laa. 19. II I (am) the son of. .ancient kings? 23. 7 whose antiquity (is) of ancient days? 37. 26 Hast thou not heard, .of ancient times St. 9 awake, as in the ancient days, in the T. Eastern, what is before, 'jiD^iT qadmoni. 1 Sa. 24. 13 As saith the proverb of the ancients ANCIEITTinan — Aged, senior, elder, JiJ] zaqen. Ezra 3. 12 many of the priests, .ancient men ANOIEHS'tme — l.Indefmite time, D^J) olwm. Psa. 77. 5~I have considered . . the years of ancient t. 2.£ast, what is before, D'liJ qedem. Isa. 45. 21 who . . c!eclar£d tliis from ancient time ? 46. 10 Declaring the end from . . ancient times ANCLE — Ancle, end, D3N ephes, Eze. 47. 3 he' brought me through, .to the ancles ANCiE-EOITE — Ancle-bone, cr(pvp6i> sphvron. Acts 3. 7 immediately his. .ancle bones received AKB — l.Or, IN 0. Song 2. 7 by the roes, and by the hinds of the fields 3. s l^y the roes, and by the hinds of the fields 2. Also, f\i< aph. 1 Sa. 2. 7 The LOKD bringeth low, and lifteth up 3. When, '5 ki. 1 Sa. 2. 2 1 And the LORD visited Hannah, so that she 4. Unto, ^y ad. Gen. 6. 7 I will destroy . .both man, and beast Judg 20. 48 the beast and all that came to h^nd Dan. 7. 13 and came to the Ancient of days, and they 5. On, upon, in addition to, hn al. Judg 1 5. 8 he smote them Wp and tliigh with a great 6. With, Cj; im. Judgao. 38 the men of Israel and the liers in wait ANB— X.Dut, aWd alia, allage. Luke 17. 8 And will liot rather say unto him 24. 21 and beside all^y isthe third day ^.Together with, afxa hama. ■' Acts 27. 40 to the sea, and looked the rudder bands S.jBj/ {distributively), ava. ana. Luke 10. I sent them two and two liefore his face i.For, verily then, yip gar. John 4. 37 And herein is that saying true. One Acts 8. 39 and he went on his way rejoicing 2 Ti. 2. 7 and the Lord give thee understanding 5. And, then, now, so, but, Se de. Marki2. 5 beating some, and killing some Luke 18. g And he spake this parable unto certain I Co. 15. 56 and the strength of sin (is) the law Gal. 3. 17 And this I say, (that) the covenant, that 6. Certainly, now, 5^ de. Acts 15. 36 Let us go again and visit our brethren 7. Or, than, ij e. Mark 6. 11 more tolerable for Sodora [and] Gomorrha I Co. II. 27 [and] drink (this) cup of the Lord imwor. I Pe. I. i8 with corruptible things, .silver and gold 8.A nd, also, Kai kai. Matt. I. 2 Jacob begat Judas and his brethren Q.With, a meta (gen.) John 3. 25 between. .John's disciples and the Jews 10. Whosoever, ocrris hostis. Acts 9. 35 all, .sp'v him, and turned to the Lord ll.Therefore, then, oiiv oun. Matt 18. 29 And his fellow servant fell down at his John 6. 62 and if ye shall see the Son of man zo. ti and as she wept, she stooped down Acts 15. 39 And the contention was so sharp between 25. 23 And on the morrow, when Agrippa was 12.Therefore indeed, moreover, tt.'kv oZv men oun. Luke 3. 18 And many other things in his exhortation Acts s. 41 And they departed from the presence of 8. 25 And they, when they had testified and 15. 3 And being brought on their way by the 17. 30 And the times of this ignorance God 28. 5 And he shook oflE the beast into the fire 1 Z.A rod, also, t4 te. Matt 23 6 [And] love the uppermost rooms at feasts 27. 48 a spunge, and filled (it) vrith vinegar 28. 12 and had taken counsel, they gave large Markis 36 spunge full of vinegar, [and] put (it) on Luke z. 16 came with haste, and found Mary, and 12. 45 and to eat and drink, and to be drunken 21. II And great earthquakes shall be in.divers 21. 11 and fearful sights and great signs shall 22. 66 and the chief priests and the scribes came 24. 20 And how the chief priests and our rulers John z. 15 all out of the temple, and the sheep, and 4. 42 And said unto the woman. Now we 6. 18 And the sea arose by reason of a. .wind Acts 2. 3 as of fire, and it sat upon each of them 2. g And in Judea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus 2. 10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia. .Jews and pros. a. 33 and having received of the Father the 2. 37 and said unto Peter and to the rest of the 2. 40 and with many other words did he testify 2. 43 and many wonders and signs were done 2. 46 and they, continuing., andbreaking bread 3. 10 And they knew that it was he which sat 4. 13 and they took knowledge of them, that 4. 33 and great grace wag upon them all 5. 19 and brought them forth, and said 5. 35 And said unto them. Ye men of Israel 5. 42 And daily in the temple, and in every 6. 7 and a great company of the priests were 6. 12 and they stirred up the people, and tlie 6. 13 And set up false witnesses, which said 7. 26 [And] the next day he oliawed hlmseUimto I Acts 8. 1 [and] thoy were ail scattered abroad 8. 3 and h.aling men and women, .to prison 8. C And the people with one accord gave- 8. 13 and wondered, beholding the miracles B. 25 and preached the gospel in many villages 8. 31 And lie desired Philip that he would come g. 6 [And he trembling and astonished said] g. 15 before, .kings, and the children of Israel g. 18 and he received sight forthvvitli, and arose g. 24 [And] they watchi^d thegatesday and night 10. 22 and of good report among all the nation 10. 28 And he said unto them. Ye Iniow how 10. 33 and thou hast well done that thou art 10. 48 And he commanded them to be baptized 11. 13 [And] he shewed us how he had seen an It. 21 was with them : and a great number 11. 26 And the disciples were called Christiana 12. 6 and the keepers before the door kept the 1 2. 8 [And] the angel said unto him. Gird thyself 12. 12 And when he had considered, .he came to 13. I and Manaen, which had been brought up 13. 4 and from thence they sailed to Cyprus 14. 12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and 14. 21 And when they had preached the gospel 15. 4 and they declared all things that God had 15. s and to command . . keep the law of Moses 15. 39 one from the other : and so Barnabas took i5. II we came. .to. .and the next, .to Neapolis 16. 12 [AndJfromthencetoPhilippi, whichisthe 16. 13 And on the sabbath we went out of the 16. 23 And when they had laid many stripes 16. 26 [and] immediately all .. doors were opened 16. 34 And when he had brought them into bis 17. 4 and of the devout . and of the chief 17. 4 and of the chief women not a few 17. s an uproar, and assaulted the house of 17. 19 and they took him, and brought him unto 17. 26 And hath made of one blood alt nations 18. 4 and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks 18. II [And] he continued ..ayear and six months 18. 26 And he began to speak boldly in the 19. 3 And he said unto them. Unto what then 19. 6 andfthey spake with tongues, and prophe. 19. II And God wrought special mimcles by 19. 12 and the evU spirits went out of them ■ 19. 18 And many that believed came, and 19. 29 and having caught Gains and Aristarchus 20. 3 And (there) abode three months. And 2o. 7 and continued his speech until midnight 20. II [and] talked a long while, even till break 20. 35 and to remember the words of the Lord 21. II [and] bound his own hands and feet, and 21. 18 unto James ; and all the elders were 21. 20 and said unto him, Thou seest, brother 21. 28 and further brought Greeks also into the 21. 30 And all the city was moved, and the 21. 37 And as Paul was to be led into the castle 22. 7 And I fell unto the ground, and heard a 22. 8 And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Naz, 22. 28 [And] the chief captain answered. With a 23. 10 take him. .and to bring fhim) into the 23. 24 And provide, .beasts, that they may set 23. 35 And he commanded him to be kept in 24. i and a ringleader of the sect of. . Nazarenes' 24. 23 [And]hecommanded..andtolet(him)have 24. 27 and Felix, willing to shew the Jews a 26. 10 and when they were put to death, I gave 26. II and being exceedingly mad against them 26. 16 which thou hast seen, and of those things _ 26. -20 and throughout all the coasts of Judea ■ 26. 30 thus spoken, the king rose up. .andBemice J 27. 3 And the next. . And Julius courteously 27. 5 And when we had sailed over the sea of 27. 8 And, hardly passing it, came unto a place 27. 17 and, fearing lest they should fall into the 27. 20 and no small tempest lay on (us), all hope 27. 21 and to have gained this harm and loss 27. 43 and commanded that they which could Rom. I. 27 [And] likewise also the men, leaving the 2. 19 And art confident that thou thyself art a 14. 8 and whether we die, we die unto the Lord 16. 26 and by the scriptures of the prophets I Co. 1. 30 made unto us wisdom, and Righteousness 4. 21 in love, and (in) the spirit of meekness ? Eph. 3. 19 And to know the love of Christ, v/hich Heb. I. 3 and upholding all things by the word of 4. 12 and of the joints and marrow, and (is) a 6. 2 and of laying on . . and of resurrection of 6. 4 and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and 6. s and the powers of the world to come g. I of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary 11. 32 to tell of Gideon, and (of) Barak, and (of) 12. 2 and is set down at the . . throne of God Jas. 3. 7 every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of Jude 6 And the angels which kept not their first Eev. t. 2 Christ, and of all things that he saw 21. 12 [And] had a waU great and high AND afterward — And from thence, K&,Kei9ev hakeithen. Acts 13. 21 And afterward they desired a king; and AND even — Nevertheless, '!S homos. 1 Co. 14. 7 And even things without life givingsonmf Airo from thence — And from thence, KaKs79ei' kakeitJien. Markio. i-And he arose from thence, and cometh Acts 7. 4 and from thence, when his father was 31, I Bhodes, and from thence unto Patara I AND 37 ANGEL Acts 27. 4 And wheQ we had launched from tlieuce 2S. 15 Aud from thence, when the brethren AUDI — And I, KCL-yd) kago. Il3tt:i. 28 Come unto me.. and I will giveyonrest 26. 15 What, .and I will deliver him unto you? Lnke 2. 48 father aud I have sought thee sorrowiug II 9 And I say uuto you, AsIk, and it shall be 16. 9 And I say uuto you, Make to yourselves 22. 29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as John I. 31 And I knew him not : but that he should I. 33 And! knewhim not . but he that sentme I. 34 And I saw, aud Tjare record that this is 5. 17 My Father worketh hitherto, and I work 6. 56 He that, .dwelioth iu me. and 1 in him 6. 57 and I live by the Father : so he that eateth 8. 26 and I speak to the world those things 10. 27 My sheep hearmy voice, and I know them 10. 28 And I give unto them eternal life , aud .10, 38 tliat the Father (is) in me, and I in him 12. 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth 14. 20 in my Father, and ye in rae, and I in yon 15. 4 Abide in mc, and 1 iu you As the branch ,15. 5 He that abideth in me, and 1 in him, the 17. 21 as thou. Father, (art) in me, and I in thee 17. 26 the love, .may be in them, and I in them 20 15 hast laid him, and I will take him away Acts 22. 10 And I said, 'What shall I do. Lord ? And 22. 19 And I said, Lord, they know that I Rom.ii. 3 and I am left alone, and they seek my ■I Co. 2. I And 1/ brethren, when 1 came to you 3 Co. 6. 17 touch not the unclean (thing); aud I will 12. 20 and (that) I shall bs found uuto you such Gal. 6. 14 crucified unto me, and I unto the world PhiL 2. 28 and that I may be the less sorrowful .Heb. 7. 8 And as I may so say, Levi also, who Jas. 2. 18 and I have works, .and I will shew AND if — A nd if, K&v kan. Marki6. 18 [and if they drink any deadly thing] Luke 13. 9 And if it bear fruit, (well); and if not Jas. s- 15 and if he have committed sins, they shall AKD if 30 much as — Arid if, K&v kan. Heb. 12. 2o And if so much as a beast touch the AND not, DKi veim. Gen. 14. 23 and that I will not take anything that AND so — Then, oZv oun. Acts 16. 5 And so were the churches established in AND there — And there, koke? kakei. Matt. 5. 23 aud there rememberest that thy brother 10. II and there abide till ye go thence 28. 10 go into Galilee, aud there shall they see Jfark t. 35 into a solitary place, and there prayed John II. 54 and there continued with his disciples KcU 14. 7 And there they preached the gospel 22. 10 go into Damascus, and there it shall be 23. 20 and there be judged of these matters VC 27. 6 And there the centurion found a ship of AND they — II^Ao, gfl-Tis hostis. Acts s. 16 and they were healed every one 23. 14 And they came to the cjiief priests and AND truly — Then, oZv oun. John 20. 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in AND [two AND two] — Two and huo, ava Sio ana duo. Luke :o. i sent them two and two before his face AND yet — Although, Kalvep kaiper. ' Rev. 17. 8 the beast that was, and is not, and yet Ij AN'-DEEW, 'AvSp e'as manly. Brother of Simon Peter, and one of the apostles. Matt. 4. 18 Simon called Peter, and A. his brother 10. 2 first, Simon, who is called Peter, and A. Mark i. 16 he saw Simon and A. his brother casting. I. 29 entered into the house of Simon and A. 3 18 AndA. and Philip, and Bartholomew,and 13. 3 aud A. asked him privately :luke 6. 14 Simon (whom he also named Peter) and A. John I. 40 One of the two which heard, was A, I. 44 Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of A. 6. 8 One of his disciples, A. . .saith unto him 12. 22 telleth A.: and again A. and Philip Acts 1.13 upper room, where abode . . Peter, .and A. AN-DSO'-NI-CUS, ' KvZp6viKos, conqueror, A kinsman of Paul at B,ome,-A.D. 60. Rom.i6.' 7 Salute A. and Junaa, my kinsmen A'-NEM, 0}^ double fountain. A Levitical city of Issachar. It is omitted in the lists :in Josh. 19. 21, and instead of it we find En-gannim. ■The one is probably acontraction of the other, ssKartqn for Kirjalhaim. It is now called Jenin, and is at the opening of the spreading valley into the plain. I Ch. 6. 73 Ramoth with her subarbSj and A. with A'-NEE, "I:; sprout, imterfall. l. Brother of Mamre, the Amorite, Abraham's ^y, B.C. 1913. Gen. 14. 13 brother of Eshcol, and brother of A. 14. 24 the men which went with me. A., Eshcol 2. A Levitical city in Manasseh, W. of Jordan. It is the "Taanach" of Josh. 21. 25. The modem village of Aniin, near Ta'anik, is probably the site of "Aner," which is substituted for " Taanach " in i Ch. 6. 70. as below. 1 Ch ' 6. 70 out of the half tribe of Manasseh; A. with A-NE-THO-THITE, "rihsy 'n'lfijy. A native of Anathoth, a place in Benjamin. 2 Sa. 23. 27 Abiezer the A., Mebunnai the I Ch. 27. 12 The ninth (captain, .was) Abiezer the A, ANGEL — \. Mighty, I'SX abbir. Psa. 78. 25 Man did eat angels" food: he eeut thera ^.Messenger, agent, T|N^p. Gen. 16. 7 the angel of the Loud found her by a 16. 9, 10. II the angel of the Lord said unto her 19. 1 there came two angels to Sodom at even 19. 15 when the morning arose, theu the angels 21. i7.the angel of God called to Hagar out of 2?. II the angel of the Lord called unto him 22. 15 the angel of the LoRPcalledunto Abraham 24. 7 he shall send his angel before thee, and 24. 40 The Lord .will seud his angel with thee 28. 12 and behold the angels of God. on it 31. II theangelof God spake unto me in a dream 32. I and the angels of God met him 48. 16 The Angel which redeemed me from all evil Exod. 3. 2 the angel of the Lord appeared unto him 14. 19 the angel of God, which went before the 23. 20 I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee 23. 23 mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring 32. 34 behold, mine Angel shall go before thee 33. 2 I will send an angel before thee ; and I Num. 20. 16 heard our voice, and sent an angel, and 23. 22 theangelof the Lord stood inthewayforan 22. 23, 25, 27 the ass saw the angel of the Lord 22. 24 the angel of the Lord stood in a path of the 22. 26 the angel of the Lord went further, and 22. 31 he saw the angel of the Lord atandinginthe 22. 32 And the angel of the Lord said unto him 22. 34 Balaam said unto the angel of the Lord, I 22. 35 the angel of the Lord said unto Balaam, Go Judg. 2. I an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal 2. 4 whentheangelof theLoRDspakethesewords 3. 23 Curse ye ^Meroz, said the angel of the Lord 6. II there came an angel of the Lord, and sat 6. 12 the angel of the Lord appeared unto him 6. 20 the angel of God said unto him. Take the 6. 21 the angel of the LORD put forth, .the staff 6. 21 the angel of the LOED departed out of his 6. 22 Gideon perceived . .he (was) an angel of the 6. 22 because I have seen an angel of the Lord 13. 3 the.-angel of the Lord appeared unto the 13. 6 his countenance.. like, .an angel of God 13. 9 the angel of God came again unto the 13. 13 the angel of the LORD said uuto Manoah 13. 15 Manoah said unto the angel of the LORD 13. 16 the angel of the Lord . . an angel of the Lord 13. 17 Manoah said unto the angel of tho LORD 13. 18 the angel of the Lord said unto him 13. 20 the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame 13. 21 the angel of the Lord did no more appear 13. 21 Manoah knew tliat he (v/as) an angel of the iSa. 2g. 9 thou (art) good.. as an angel of God 2 Sa. 14 17 for as an angel of God, so (is) my Lord the . 14. 20 according to the wisdom of an angel of God 19. 27 my lord the king (is) as an angel of God 24. 16 when the angel stretched out his hand 24. 16 said to the angel that desti-oyed 24. 16 the angel of the Lord was by the threshing 24. 17 he saw the angel that smote the people I KL 13 18 an angel spake unto me by the word of 19. 5 an angel touched him, and said unto him 19. 7 the angel of the LORD came again the 3KI. -I. 3 the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the 1. 15 the angel of the Lord said unto Elijah 19. 35 the angel of the Lord went out, and smote 1 Ch. 21. 12 the angel of the Lord destroying 21. 15 sent an angel, .the angel, .the airgel 21. 16 David, .saw tlie angel of the Lord stand 21. 18 the angel of the Lord commanded Gad 21 20 Oman turned back, and saw the angel 21. 27 the Lord commanded the angel; aud he 21. 30 afraid because, of the angel of the Lord 2 Ch. 32. 21 the Lord sent an angel, which cut off all Job 4. 18 his angels he charged with folly Psa. j4. 7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round 35. 5 let the angel of the LORD chase (them) 35. 6 let.the angel of the Lord persecute them 78. 49 He cast, .trouble, by sending evil angels 91. II he shall give his angels charge over Uiee 103. 20 Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that 104. 4 Wlio maketh his angels spirits ; his 148. 2 3Praise ye him, all his angels ■ praise EccL 5. 6 neither say thou before the aneel, that it Isa, 37. 36 the angel of the Lord went forth, and 63. 9 the angel of his presence saved them Dan. 3. 28 who hath sent his angel, and delivered 6. 22 My God' hath sent his angel, and hath . Ho3. j2. 4 he had power over the angel, and prevailed Zech. I. 9 the angel that talked with me said unto me I. II they answered the angel of the Lord 1. 12 the angel of the Lord answered and said J. 13 the Lord answered the angel that talked 1. 14 the angel that communed with me said 1. 19 I said unto the angel that talked with n\e a. 3 the angel that talked with me went forth Zech. 2. 3 and another angel wen{ out to meet him 3. I Joshua, .standing before the angel of the 3. 3 Now Joshua, .stood before the angel 3. 5 And the-angel ot the LORD stood by 3. 6 the angel of the Lord protested unto 4. I the angel that talked with me came again 4. 4 I answered and spake to the angel 4. 5 the angel that tallied with me answered 5. 5 the angel that talked with me went forth 5. 10 Then said I to the angel that talked with 6. 4 ] answered and said unto the angel 6. 5 the angel answered and said unto mo 12. 8 as the angel of the Lord before them Z. Messenger, agent, &yye\os anggelos. ■Matt. 1. 20 the angel of the Lord appeared unto Iiim 1. 24 Joseph, .did as the angel of the Lord had a 13 the aUgel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph 2. 19 when Herod was dead, iiehold, an angel 4.- 6 He shall give his angels charge concerning 4. II angels came and ministered unto him 13. 39 and the reapers are the angels 13. 41 Son of man shall send forth his angels 13. 49 angels shall come forth, and sever the 16. 27 Son of man shall come, with his angels 18. 10 in heaven their angels do always behold .-^2. 30 but are as the angels of God in heaven 24. 31 he shall send his angels v;ith a great sound 24. 36 not the angels of heaven, but my Father 25. 31 all the holy angels with him, then shall 25. 41 prepared for the devil and his angels 26. 53 give me more than twelve legions of angelst 28. 2 the angel Of the Lord descended from 28. 5 the angel answered and said unto Uia Mark 1. 13 and the angels ministered unto him 8. 38 when he cometh. v/ith the holy angels 12. 25 are as the angels which are in heaven 13. 27 then shall he send his angels, and shall 13. 32 not the angels which arc in heaven Luke I. II there appeared unto him an angel of tha I. 13 the angel said unto him. Fear not I. 18 Zacharias said unto the angel. Whereby 1. 19 the angel answering said unto him, I am I. 26 in the sixth month the angel Gabriel I. 28 [the angel] came in unto her, and said 1. 30 the angel said unto her. Fear not, Mary 1. 34 Then said Mary unto the angel. How shall J. 35 the angel answered and said unto her 1. 38 And the angel departed from her 2 9 the angel of the Lord came upon them 2. 10 the angel said unto them. Fear not : for 2. 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a" 2. 15 as the angels v/ere gone away from them 2. 21 Jesus.'which was so named of the angel 4. 10 He shall give his angels charge over thee 9. 26 in bis own glory . .and of the holy angels 12. 8 also confess before the angels of God 12. 9 shall be denied before the angels of God 15. 10 there is joy in the presence of the angels 16. 22 the beggar, .was carried by the angels into 22. 43 [there appeared an angel unto him from] 24. 23 they had also seen a vision of angels John I. 51 the angels of God ascending and descending 5. 4 [an augel went down at a certain season] 12. 29 others said, An angel spake to him 20. 12 seeth two angels iu white sitting, the one Acts 5. 19 the angel of the Lord by niglit opened 6. 15 as it had beeu the face of an angel 7. 30 there appeared to him .. an angel of the Lord 7. 35 by the hand of the angel which appeared 7. 38 This is he, that was. .with the angel wliich. 7. 53the law by the disposition of angels, and 8. 26 the angel of the Lord spake uuto Philip 10. 3 He saw in a vision evidently . .an angel 10. 7 when the angel which spake unto Cornelius 10 22 was warned from God by an holy angel 11. 13 how he had seen an angel in his house 12. 7 the angel of the Lord came upon (him) 12. 8 the angel said unto him, Gird thyself, and 12. 9 which was done by the angel ; but thought 12. 10 forthwith the angel departed from him 12. II that the Lord hath sent his angel, and 12. 15 Then said they. It is his angel 12. 23 immediately the angel of the Lord smote 23. 8 is no resurrection, neither angel nor spirit 23. 9 if a spirit or an angel hath spoken to him 27. 23 there stood by me this night the augel of Rom. 8. 38 1 am persuaded, that neither angels, nor 1 Co. 4. § for we are made a spectacle unto, .angels 6. 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels ? 11. 10 power on (her) head because of the angels 13. I Though I speak with the tongues, .of aiigela 2 Co. II. 14 Satan himself is transformed into an angel GaL I. 8 though we, or an angel from heaven 3. 19 ordained by angels in the hand of a 4. 14 received me as an augel of God, (eveu) as CoL 2. 18 humility and worshipping of angels 2Th. 1. 7 sliall be revealed .with his mighty angels I TL 3. 16 was manifest in the flesh .seen of angels 5. 21 I charge (thee) before, .the elect angels.that Heb. I. 4 made so much better than the angels, as he I. 5 unto which of the angels said he at any I. 6 let all the angels of God worship him I. 7 of the angels he saith. his angels a naming 1. 13 to which of the angels said he at any 2. 2 if the word spoken by angels was stedfast 2. 5 unto the angels hath he not put in subjec. 2- 7 madest him a little lower than the angels 2. 9 was made a little lower than the angels 2. 16 took not on angels , but took on the seed 12. 22 to an innumerable company of angels 13. 2 thereby 30wt have entertained angels ANGELS 38 ANGRY M Pe. sFe. Jiide Rev. 1. 12 which things the angels desire to look into 3. 22 angels and authorities and powere being 2. 4 if God spared not the angels that sinned 2. II angels, which are greater in power and 6 angels which kept not their first estate I. I he sent and signified (it) by his angel 1. 20 The seven stars are the angels of the seven 2. I Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus 2. 8 unto the angel of the church in Smyrna 2. 12 to the angel of the church in Pergamos 2. 18 unto the angel of the church in Thyatira 3. I unto the angel of the church in Sardis 3. S I will confess his name, .before his angels 3. 7 to the angel of the church in Philadelphia 3. 14 unto the angel of the church. .Laodiceans 5. 2 I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a S- 11 I heard the voice of many angels round 7. I I saw four angels standing on the four 7. 2 another angel . .cried . .to the four angeU 7. 11 all the angels stood round about the 8. 2 1 saw the seven angels which stood 8. 3 another angel came and stood at the 8. 4 up before God out of the angel's hand 8. 5 the angel took the censer, and filled 8. 6 the seven angels which had the seven 8. 7 The first [angel] sounded, and there followed 8. 8 the second angel sounded, and as it were a 8. 10 the third angel sounded, and there felly. 11. 8. 12 the fourth angel sounded, and the third 8. 13 I beheld, and heard an (angel), .saying 8. 13 voices of the trumpet of the three angels 9. I the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star g. II they had aking. .the angel of the bottomless 9. 13 the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice 9. 14 Saying to the. .angel. .Loose the four angels 9. 15 the four angels ware loosed, which were 10. 1 I saw another mighty angel come down to. s the angel which I saw stand upon the 10. 7 in the days .of the seventh angel, when 10. 8 which, is open in the hand of the angel 10. 9 I went unto the angel, and said unto 10. 10 I took the little book out of the angel's hand 11. 1 [the angel stood,] saying. Rise and measure 1 1 15 the seventh angel sounded; and there were 12. 7 his angels fought against, .his angels 12. 9 and his angels were cast out with him 14. 6 I saw another angel fly in the midst of 14. 8 there followed another angel, saying, B. 14. 9 the third angel followed them, saying v/ith 14. 10 in the presence of the holy angels, and in 14. 15, 17 another angel came out of the temple 14. 18 another angel came out from the altar 14. 19 the angel thrust in his sickle into the 15. I I saw another sign, .seven angels having 6 the seven angels came out of the temple 7 one. .gave unto the seven angels seven 8 the seven plagues of the seven angels I I heard, .saying to the seven angels 3, 4, 8, 10, 12 [angel] poured out his vial upon 5 I heard the angel of the waters say. Thou 7 the seventh [angel] poured out his vial into I there came one of the seven angels which 7 the angel said unto me. Wherefore didst I after things I saw another angel come 18. 21 a mighty angel took up a stone like a 19. 17 I saw an angel standing in the sun ; and 20. I I saw an angel come down from heaven 21. 9 there came, .one of the seven angels v/hich 21. 12 [at the gates tv/elve angels, and names] 21. 17 the measure of a man, that is, of the angel 22. 6 the Lord God. .sent his angel to shew 22. 8 to worship before the feet of the angel 22. 16 I Jepus have sent mine angel to test&y unto ANGELS -i I.God, a god, pidge, □'"'??< elohim. Psa. 8. 5 made him a little lower than the angels 2. Repetition, \t<'^t!> shinan. Psa. 68. 17 chariots of God. .thousands of angela ANGELS, equal unto the — Equal or like to the angeh, IcrdyyeXos isanggelos. Luke 20. 36 they are equal unto the augels ; aad are ANGER — \. Anger, snorting, 1^ aph. Gen. 27. 45 Until thy brother's anger turn away from 30. 2 Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel 44. 18 let not thine anger burn against thy servant 49. 6 in their anger they slew a man, and in 49. 7 Cursed (be) their anger, for. fierce; and Exod. 4. 14 the anger of the LoBP was kindled against II. 8 went out from Pharaoh in a great anger 32. 19 Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the 32. 22 Let not the anger of my lord wax hot Num. 1 1. I the Lord heard (it) ; and his anger was 11. 10 the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly 12. 9 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 22. 22 God's anger was kindled because he went 22. 27 Balaam's anger was kindled, and he smote 24. ID Balak's anger was kindled against Balaam 25. 3 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 25. 4 the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned 32. 10 the Lord's anger was kindled the same time 32. 13 the Lord's anger was kindled against Israel 32. 14 to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD 6. 15 lest the anger of the Lord thy God be 7. 4 so will the anger of the Lord be kindled g. 19 I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure 13. 17 that the Lord may turn from . .his anger 29. 20 the anger of the Lord, .shall smoke against ag. 23 which the LORD overUirew in his anger •5- »S- «5- 16. 16. 16. 16. 1 '7- •7- 18. JDeut. Ueut. 29, 29. 29. 3'' 32' Josh. 7. 1- Judg. 2. 2. 3- 6. 10. 14. I Sa. II. >7- 20. 20. 6. 12. 24. •3- 23- I Ch. 13. 2Ch. 25. 25- 25- 9- 9- 9- 18. 21. 2Sa. rKL Neh. Job Psa. Prov, Isa. Jet. Lam. 35- 6. 7- «7. 30. 37- 56. 69. 74- 77- 78. 78. 78. 78. 85. 85. 90. 90. 103. «45- ■ '5- >5- i6. 9- 21. "27- S- S- 7- 9- 10. 10. 10. 12. '3- «3- »3- 14. 30- 3°- 42. 48. 63. 63. 66. 2. A- 4- 7- 15- «7- 18. 21. 23- 25- .25. 30. 32. 32- 33- 36. 42. 44. 49. 5<- 52- 24 what, the heat of this great anger? 27 the anger of the Lord was kindled ag.iinst 28 rooted them out of their land in anger 17 my anger shall be kindled against them 22 a fire is kindled in mine anger I the anger of the Lord was kindled against 26 So the Lord turned from, .his anger 16 shall the anger of the Lord be kindled 14 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 20 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 8 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 39 Let not thine anger be hot against me 30 when Zebul. .heard, .his anger was kindled 7 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 19 his anger was kindled, and he went up 6 and his anger was kindled greatly 28 Eliab's anger was kindled against David 30 Raul's anger was kindled against Jonathan 34 Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger 7 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 5 David's anger was greatly kindled against I again the anger of the LoR0 was kindled 3 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 26 his anger was kindled against Judah 20 through the anger of the Lord it came to 10 the anger of the Lord was kindled ai^ainst 10 their auger was greatly kindled against 10 and they returned home in great anger 15 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 17 a God ready to pardon ._ slow to anger 5 which overtumeth them in his anger 13 God will not withdraw his anger 4 He teareth himself in his anger 17 distributeth sorrows in his anger 15 he hath visited in his anger; yet he I Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger 6 Arise, Lord, in thine anger, lift up 9 put not thy servant away in anger 5 his anger, .a moment ; in his favour (is) life 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath 7 in .anger cast down the people, O God 24 let thy wrathful anger take hold of them 1 doth thine anger smoke against the sheep 9 hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies ? 21 and anger also came up against Israel 38 many a time turned he his anger away 49 He cast upon them, .his anger, wrath 50 He made a way to his anger; he spared 3 thou hast turned . . from . . thine anger 5 Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? 7 we are consumed by thine anger, and by 11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? 8 The Lord (is) merciful and. .slow to anger 8 The Lord (is) gracious, .slowtoanger.andof I but grievous words stir up anger 18 (he that is) slow to anger appeaseth strife 32 slow to anger (is) better than the mighty 11 The discretion of a man deferreth his auger 14 A gift in secret pacifieth anger 4 Wrath (is) cruel, and anger (is) outrageous 25 Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled 25 For all this his anger is not turned away 4 for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria 12, 17, 21 For all this his anger is not turned 4 For all this his anger is not turned away 5 Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and 25 and mine anger in their destruction I though thou wast angry with me 3 called my mighty ones for mine anger 9 both with wrath and fierce anger 13 and in the day of his fierce anger 6 he that ruled the nations in anger 27 Behold, .burning, .hisanger.andtheburden 30 with the indignation of (liis) anger 25 poured upon him the fury of his anger 9 my name's sake will I defer mine anger 3 I will tread them in mine anger 6 I will tread down the people in mine anger 15 Lord will, .render his anger with fury 35 surely his anger shall turn from me 8 the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned 26 were broken down, .by his fierce anger 30 mine anger, shall be poured out upon this 24 Lord, correct me .not in thine anger 13 because of the fierce anger of the Lord 14 for a fire is kindled in mine anger 4 for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger 23 with them in the time of thine anger 5 I myself will fight, .even in anger 20 The anger of the Lord shall not return 37 because of the fierce anger of the Lord 38 desolate, .because of his fierce anger 24 fierce anger of the Lord shall not return 31 a provocation of mine anger and of my 37 I have driven them in mine anger, and in 5 whom I have slain in mine anger and in 7 great (is) the anger and the fury that the 18 mine anger and my £ury hath been poured 6 my fury and mine anger was poured forth 37 will bring .my fierce anger, saith the Lord 45 deliver, .from the fierce anger of the Lord 3 through the anger of the Lord it came 12 Lord hath afflicted, .in. his fierce anger I covered the daughter of Zion. .in his anger I remembered not his footstool in. .anger I 3 He hath cut off In. .fierce anger 6 hath despised, .in. .his anger the king 21 hast slain, in the day of thine anger 22 so that in the day of the Lord's anger 43 Thou hast covered vnih anger 66 Persecute and destroy them in anger II he bath poured out lus fierce anger 5- 5- 7- 7- •3- 20. Dan. Uos. Joel Amos Jon. Mic. Nah. Hab. Zcph. Zech. 3- Ezc. 5. 13 Thus shall mine anger be accomplished 15 I shall execute judgments in thee in auger 3 I will send mine anger upon thee 8 and accomplish mine anger upon thee 13 and. .an overflowing, .in mine anger 8 I will, .accomplish my anger against them 20. 21 I would, .accomplish my anger against 22. 20 so v/ill I gather, .in mine anger 25. 14 they shall do. .according to mine anger 35. II 1 will even do according to thine anger 43. 8 I have consumed them in mine anger 9. 16 let thine anger and thy fury be turned II. 20 he shall be destroyed, neither in anger 8. 5 mine anger is kindled against tliem II. 9 I will not execute the. .of mine anger 13. II I gave thee a king in mine anger 14. 4 mine anger is turned away from him 2. 13 gracious and merciful, slow to anger I. II and his anger did tear perpetually 3. 9 and turn away from his fierce anger 4. 2 gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger 5. 15 I will execute vengeance in anger 7. 18 he retaineth not his anger for ever I. 3 The Lord (is) slow to anger, and great In 1. 6 who can . . in the fierceness of his anger? 3. 8 (was) thine anger against the rivers? 3. 12 thou didst thresh the heathen in anger 2. 2 fierce anger, .before the. .anger come 2. 3 shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger 8 to pour upon tliem. all my fierce anger 3 Mine anger was kindled against the 2. Indignation, D];;! zaam. Psa. 38. 3 no soundness, .because of thine anger Z.Fury, heat, nen chcmah. Esth. 1. 12 the king, .his anger burned in him A.A nger, sadness, 0^3 kaas. Psa. 85. 4 and cause thine anger toward us to ceaso Eccl. 7. 9 for anger resteth in the bosom of fools 5. Passing over, transgression, .Ti3i; ebrah. Prov.22. 8 and the rod of his anger shall fail G.Face, countenance, D'lS panim. Psa. 21. 9 make them, .in the time of thine anger Jer. 3. 12 I will not cause mine anger to fall upon Lara. 4. 16 The anger of the LoKDhatli divided them 7. Spirit, nn ruach. Judg. 8. 3 their anger was abated toward him 8. A nger, opyrj orge. Mark 3. 5 when he had looked, .with anger, being Eph. 4. 31 I^t all bitterness, and wrath, and anger Col. 3. 8 ye also put off all these ; anger, wrath ANGEE, to — To make wroth, isij kaisaph, 5. Psa. 106. 32 They angered . .at the ifaters of strife ANGLE — Angle, hook, nrn chakkah. isa. 19. 8 all they that cast angle Into the broolts Hab. J. 15 They take up all of thera with the angle ANGR'T — \.To be indignant, Dyt zaam, 2. Prov.2s. 23 an angry countenance a backbiting tongue 2. Anger, sadness, Di'S kaas. Prov.21. 19 with a contentious and tn angry woman S.Bitter^ id mar. Judg 18. 25 lest angry fellows run upon thee ANGEY, to be — I. To snort, be angry, (];« anaph. 1 KL 8. 46 If they sin. .and thou he angry with them 2 Ch. 6. 36 If they sin . and thou be angry with thera Ezra 9. 14 wouldst not thou be angry with us till Psa. 2. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry 79. 5 How long. Lord? wilt thou be angry 8s- 5 Wilt thou be angy with us for evar? Isa, 12. I though thou wast angry with me 2. To show oneself angry, »]j!< anaph, 7. Dent. I. 37 Lord was angry with me for your sakes 21 Lord was angiy with me for your sakea 8 so that the LORD was angry with you 20 the Lord was very angry with Aaron 9 the Lord was angry with Solomon 1 8 the Lord was very angry with Israel 2. Anger, t\^ aph. Psa. 76. 7 who may stand, .when .thou art aiig»yT ^.To be angry, bJ3 benas. Dan. 2. 12 For this cause the king was angry 5. To bum, be heated, .Tin charah. Gen. 18. 30, 32 Oh let not the Lord be angry 45. 5 be not .angry with yourselves 2 Sa. 19. 42 wherefore then be ye angry for this Neh. s- 6 I w^s very angry when I heard their cry Jon. 4. I Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry 4. 4, 9 Doest thou well to be angry for tlve 4. 9 r do well to be angry, .unto death C. To be burning, burnt, -nn charar, 2. Song I. 6 my mother's children were angry with me 7. To be angry, sad, Dys kaas. ~^ EccL 7. 9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to he angry £ze. 16. 42 be quiet, and wtU be no more angry. , 4- 9- 9- : Ki. II. 1 Ki. 17. J ANGRY 39 ANOTHER 8. Ti' ST,, •ke, Y-^il ashan. Psa, 80. 4 wilt thou be angry against the prayer 9. To be wroth, is,'? qatsaph. Lev 10. 16 he was iin^ry with Eleazar and Tthamar EccL 5. 6 wherefore should God be angry at tliy 10. 7*0 be angry, opyl^u/aai orgizomai. Matt s. 22 I say unto you, That whosoever is angry Luke 14. 21 the master of the house being angry said JS- 28 And he was angry, and would not go in Epli. 4. 26 Be ye angry, and sin not let imt the Kev II j8 the nations were angry, and thy wrath IS 11. To be full of bile, xo\a.i» cholao. John 7 23 are ye angry at me, because I have made ANGRY, soon — Prone to ange'^, opylKos orgilos. Titus I 7 a bishop must be. .not soon nngry ANGUISH — X.SlraUness, anguish, pyio muiiaq. Isa 8. 22 behold trouble, .dimness of angulsl) 2.Straitness, angwsh. pviO matsoq. Psa. 1 19. 143 Trouble and anguish have taken hold on Z.Slraitness, anguish, .ipiiip mefsnqah. Job 15. 24 Trouble and anguish shall make him i.Slraitness. anguish, n|:i €.Another, 'im oclwri. Dan. 2. 39 another kingdom., anotherthird kingdom 7. 5 another beast, a second, like to a bear 7. 6 I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard 7. 8 there came up among them another Jittlo 7. Another, p,n« ochoran. Dan. 5. 17 give thy rewards to another ; yet I will 7. 24 another shall rise after them; and he &.A man, individual, ly'K ish. iSa. 2. 25 If one man sin against another, the judge Isa. 3. 5 shall be oppressed, every one by another Eze. I. 1 1 wings . . (were) joined one to another, and 22. II another hath lewdly defiled, .and another Hos. 4. 4 let no man strive, nor reprove another ^.A mortal man, v\i^ anosh. ■ Job 13. 9 as one mian mocketh another, do ye \0. Revolution, generation, iil dor. Psa. 145. 4 One generation shall praise, .to another . W.A stranger, in zur. Job ig. 27 mine eyes shall behold, and not another Jer. 18. 14 waters that come from another place be \2.New Tnoon, sabbath, v'm chodcsh. Isa. 66. 23 new moon to another, and. .to another \Z. Instrument, vessel, "b? keli. Esth. I, 7 (the vessels. ! diverse one from another) 14. Wing, 133 karcaph. I Ki 6. 27'their wings touched oue another in the ' J5. Runner, yi rats. ' Jer. 51. 31 6nc post shall rua to meet another, and IQ. Announcer, T'i^'viaggid. Jer. 51. 31 one messenger to meet another 17. Fellow countryman, n'oy amith. Lev. 19. II Ye shall not. .neither lie one to another 25. 17 YeshaUnottliereforeoppressone another 1%. Friend, yi rea. Gen. II. 3 they said one to another. Go to, let us 11. 7 may not understand one another's speech 15. 10 and laid each piece oue against another 31. 49 when we are absent one from another 43. 33 and the men marvelled one at another ExodiS. 16 I judge between one and another, and I 21.. 18 one smite another with a stone, or with 21. 35 if one man's o.x hurt another's, that he die Judg. 6. 29 said one to another. Who hath done this 10. 18 princes of Gilead said one to another Ruth 3. 14 she rose up before one could know another 1 Sa. 10. II then the people said one to another. What 20. 41 oue another, and wept one with another 2 Ki 3. 23 the kings, .have smitten one another 7. 3 said one to another, Why sit we here 7. 9 said one to another. We do not well : this s Ch. 20.23 o,n&. .everyone helped to destroy another Esth. g. 19,22 day. .sending portions me to another Isa. 13. 8 they shall be amazed one at another Jer. 46. 16 yea, one fell upon another: and they said Mai. 3. 16 feared the LORD spake, .one to another 1^. A female friend, rny; reuth, Esth. I. ly king give her royal estate unto another Zech J I. 9 rest eat every one the Uesh of another 20. Secorid, 'Jty sheni. Num. 8. 8 another young bullock shalt thou take for Neh. .3. 19 another piece over against the going up 3. 21 After him repaired Meremoth. .another 3. 24 After him repaired Binnui. .another piece . 3. 27 Aitei them the Tekoites repaired another 3. 30 After him repaired Hananiah. .another Eccl. 4. 10 alone when he falleth; for. .not another 21. Other, not the same, &\kos alios. JIatt. 2. 12 into their own country another way 8. 9 to another. Come, and he cometh; an^ to 10. 23 you in this city, flee ye into [anotherf 13. 24, 31 Another parable put he forth unto 13. 33 Another parable spake he unto them ig. 9 shall marry another,comraitteth adultery 21. 33 Hear anotherparable: There was a certain 26. 71 he was gons out. .another (maid) saw Hark 10. II shall put away his wife and marry another JO. 12 be married to another, she committeth 12. 4 again he sent unto them another servant 12. 5 again he sent another ; and him they 14. 19 [it I? and another (said. Is) it I?] 14, 58 within three days I will build another Luke 7. ■ 8 to another. Come, and he cometh ; and to 7. 19 Art thou he. .or look we for (anotherj? 7. 20 Art thou he. .or look we for another 'i John 5. 7 while I am coming, another steppeth 5. 32 There is another that beareth witness of 5. 43 if another shall come in his ovra name 14. 36 he shall give you another Comforter, that 18. 15 Peter followed Jesus .(so did) [anotherj 21, 18 another shall gird thee, and carry 1 Co. 3. 10 I have laid the foundation, and another 12. 8 to a^other the word of knowledge by the 12. 9 to another the gifts of healing by the 12. 10 To another .miracles ; to another proph. 12. 10 to another, .to another the interpretation ■ 14. 30 If. -be revealed to another thatsittethby 15. 39 another flesh, .another of. .another of 15. 41 another glory of the moon, and another 2 Co. II. 4 he that cometh preacheth another Jesus Gal, 1. 7 Which is not another ; but there be some Heb. 4. 8 would he not. .have spoken of another . Eev. 6. 4 there vvent out another horse (that was) '7- 2 I sa\v another angel ascending from the 8. 3 another angel came and stood at the 10. I I saw [another] mighty augel come down 12. 3 there appeared another wonder in heaven 13. ji I beheld another beast coming up out 14. 6 I saw [another] angel fly in the midst 14. 8 there followed another angel, saying 14. IS another angel came out of the temple 14. 17 another angel came out of the temple 14. 18 another angel came out from the altar 15. I I saw another sign in heaven, great 16. 7 I heard [another] out of the altar say 18. "i after thesethings I saw another angel 18. 4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying 20. 12 another book was opened, which ia 22. Another, the other, ^repos heteros. Matt. 8. 21 another of his disciples said unto him 11. 3 Art thou he. .or do we look for another ? Markifi. 12 [After that he appeared in another form] Luke 6. 6 it came to pass also on another sabbath 9. 56 And they went to another village 9. 59 And he said unto another, Follow me g. 61 another also said. Lord, I will follow thee 14. 19 another said, I have bought five yoke 14. 20 another said, I have married a wife, and 14. 31 going to make war against another king 16. 7 Then said he to another. And how much 16. 18 putteth away his wife, .marrieth another 19. 20 And another came, saying,Lord, behold 20. II again he sent another servant: and they 22. 58 after a little while another saw him John ig. 37 again another scripture saith, They shall Acta I. 20 and his bishopric Ipt another take 7. 18 Till another king arose, which knew not ! Acts T2. 17 he departed, and went into another 13. 55. 17. 7 saying that there is another king Rom. 2. 1 for wherein thou judgest another, thou 2. 21 Thou therefore which teachest another 7. 3 to another man. .be married to another 7. 4 tiiat ye should be married, (even) to him 7. 23 I see another law in my members, warrin^; 13. 8 Owe no man. .but to love one another 1 Co. 3. 4 another, I (am) of Apollos ; are ye not 4. 6 be puffed up for one against another 6. I Dare any. .a matter against auotin'i 10. 24 seek his own, but every man another's 12. 9 To another faith by the same Spirit 12. 10 to another (divers) kinds of tongues 2 Co. II. 4 ye receive another spirit, .or another Gal. I. 6 the grace of Christ unto another gospel 6. 4 rejoicing in himself, .not in ano. 5. 6. Heb. 7. 1 1 further need (was there) that another 7. 13 things are spoken pertaineth to another 7. 15 after the similitude of. .ariseth another Jas. 2. 25 and had sent (them) out another way ! 4. 12 who art thou that judgest [another]? [See alsso As well as, compassion, feign, justle, look, one, other, performing, see.] AlIOTHES man — \. Another, inx acher. Exod 22. 5 shall feed in another man's field ; of the Neh. 5. 5 for other men have our lands and viney. 2. A stranger, 151 zur. Prov.27. 2 Let another man praise thee, and not AKOTHES man's — BeloTiging to an/ither, aK\6Tpios alloirios. Luke 16. 12 faithful in that which is another man's Rom 14. 4 Who art thou that judgest ajiother man'a 15. 20 lest I should build upon another man's 2 Co. 10. 15 Not boasting, .of other men's labours " 10. 16 not to boast in another man's line of y^ I Ti. s. 22 neither be partaker of other men's sina &SOTSER nation, one of — Of another tribe, a\\6(pv\os allophulos. Acts 10. 28 or come unto one of another nation: but AlfOTHES place, to come from — Strange, ^^I zur. Jer. 18. 14 waters that come from another place ho AKS'WER — 1. Saying, laN aner. Judg. 5. 29 yea, she returned answer to herself 2. Word, i;t dabdr. 2 Sa. 24. 13 see what answer I shall return to him 2 Ch. 10. 6 What counsel give ye. .to return answer 10. 9 What advice give yethatwe may. .answer Prov 24. 26 kiss, .lips that giveth a right answer Jer. 44. 20 which had given him. .answer, saying [See also i Sa. 17. 30; i Ki. 12. 6, 9; Neh. 2. 20; Prov. 27. II.] S.ATiswer, njil.O maaneh. Job 32. 3 because they had found no answer, and 32. s no answer in the mouth of . .three men .1 A soft answer tumeth away wrath : but 15. 23 A man hath joy by the answer of his 16. I the answer of the tongue, (is) from the 29. 19 though he understand he will not answer Mic. 3. 7 ashamed, .for (there is) no answer of God i. flatter, word, Dina pithgaTn. Ezra 4. 17 (Then) 'sent the king an answer nnto Re. 5. II thus they returned us answer, saying. We 5.Ansvjer, response, nyiiyn teshubah. Job 21. 34 seeing in your answers there remaineth 34. 36 Job may be tried.. because of.. answers 6. Word, ilj'P millah. Job 35. 4 I will answer thee, and thy companions T.An answer, iTr^Kpttris apokrisis. Luke 2. 47 And all . . were astonished at his . . answers 20. 26 they marvelled at his answer, and held John I. 22 Whoart.thou? that we may giveananswer ig. 9 But Jesus gave him no answer ^.An apology, airo\oyta apologia. 1 Co. 9. 3' Mine answer to them that do examine 2 Ti 4. 16 At my first answer no man stood with me I Pe. 3. 15 ready always to (give) an answer to every 9. An asking about, iirep(lirt]ij.a eperotema. I Pe. 3. 21 the answer of a good conscience toward AKS"WER, to — l.To say, "WN amar. Gen. 43. 28 they answered. Thy servant our father Josh. 2. 14 the men answered her. Our life for your'a 4. 7 ye shall answer them, That the waters 15. 19 Who answered. Give me a blessing; fo» 17. 15 Joshua answered them, If thou (be) a Judg. 8. 18 they answered, As thou. so. .they ; each 8. 25 they answered. We will willingly give II. 13 the king, .answered imto the messengers 15. 6 Who hath done this ? And they answered 15. 10 they answered. To bind Sjimson are we Euth 2. 4 they answered him. The i^OED bless thee 3. g she answered, I (am) Ruth thine handm. I Sa. 2. 16 he would answer him . . but thou shalt 3. 4 Lord called Samuel : and he answered 3. 6 he answered, I called not, my son ; lie 3. 10 Samuel answered. Speak ; for thy servant 3. 16 Samuel, my son. And he answered, Hera 5. 8 they answered, Let the ark of the God ANSWER 41 ANSWER tSa. 14. «7- >7- 19. 22. 3°-. iKi. II. iS. 18. 20. 31. :i. aKi. 20. 1 3a. 6. 4 They answered, Five golden emeroda 10. 22 Lord answered, Behold, he hath liid 11. 2 Nahash the Ammonite answered them 12. 5 And they answered, (He is) witness 44 Saul answered, God do so and more also 27 the people answered him after this 58 David answered, (I am) the son of thy 17 Michal answered Saul, He said unto mo 12 And he answered. Hero I (am), my lord 8 he answered him, Pursue : for thou shalt 4 he auswered, That the people are fled 7 And I answered, Here (ami I 8 And I answered him, I (am) an Amalekite 13 he answered, I (am) the son of a stranger 20 (Art) thou Asahel? And he answered, I 6 And he answered, Behold thy servant ! 12 she answered him Nay, my brother, do 5 she answered, I (am) indeed a widow 32 Absalom answered Joab, Behold, 1 sent 3 the people answered. Thou shalt not go 29 Ahimaaz answered. When Joab sent the 32 Cushi answered. The enemies of my lord 26 he answered, My lord, king, my servant 38 the king answered, Chimham shall go 17 And he answered. .And he answered 1 the Lord answered, (It ia) for Saul, and 5 they answered the king. The man that 9 they shall answer. Because they forsook 22 he answered, Nothing: howbeit let me 8 he answered him, I (am) : go, tell thy 18 he answered, I have not troubled Israel 14 Who shall order the battle? And heans. 6 he answered, I will not give thee my 20 he answered, I have found, .because 15 he answered him. Go, and prosper; for 8 they answered him. .an hairy man, and 5 he answered. Yea, I know (it); hold ye 8 he answered, The way through the 13 she answered, I dwell among mine own 14 Gehazi answered, Verily she hath no 26 well with the child . . she answered, (It is) 2 Let us go, we pray thee . .And he answered 3 go with thy servants. And he answered 16 he answered .Fear not: for they that(lje) 22 he answered. Thou shalt not smite 28 She answered. This woman said unto me 12 he answered. Because I know the evil 13 Elisha answered. The Lord hath shewed 14 he answered. He told me. .thou shouldest 19 Jehu answered, AVhat hast thou to do 22 (Is it) peace, Jehu? And he answered 13 they answered, We fare) the brethren of 15 Jehonadab answered. It is. If it be, give 10 Uezekiah answered. It is a light thing 15 Hezekiah answered. All. .that (are) in 3 Joab answered. The Lord make his 11 Huram the king of Tyre answered in 10 Thus shalt thou answer the people that 3 he answered him, I . . as thou . . and my 9 the man of God answered. The Lord is 10 Azariah the chief priest, .answered him 23 she answered them. Thus saith the Lord 16 Memucan answered before the king and 4 Esther answered. If. .good unto the king 7 Haman answered the king. For the man 5 Ahasuerus answered and said unto Esther 11 he answered. Until the cities be wasted 4 Hezekiah answered, All that (is) in miue 19 then shalt thou answer them, Like as 9 they shall answer. Because they have 18 Baruch answered them. He pronounced 7 thou shalt answer. For the tidings 20 I answered them. The word of the LORP 3 And I answered, Lord GoD, thou 19 he answered me, Tlicse (are) the horns 13 he answered me and said, Knowest thon 2 I answered, I see a flying roll; the length 6 he shall answer, (Those) with which I 2. To speak, 157 dabar, 3. 2 Ch. 10. 14 answered them after the advice of the 3. To make knoim, Vi; yada, 5. Job 38. 3 I will demand of thee, and answer thou i. To answer, njy anah. Gen. 18. 27 Abraham answered and said. Behold now 23. 5 the children of Heth answered Abraham 23. 10 Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham E3. 14 Ephron answered Abraham, saying unto 84. 50 Laban and Bethuel answered and said 27. 37 Isaac answered and said tmto Esau 37. 39 Isaac his father answered aiid said unto 30. 33 So shall my righteousness answer for me 31. 14 Rachel and Leah answered and said unto 31. 31 Jacob answered and said unto LabaH 31. 36 Jacob answered and said unto Laban 31.43 And Laban answered and said to Jacob 34. 13 the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and 35. 3 who answered me in the day of my 40. 18 Joseph answered and said. This (is) the 41. i6 Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, (It is) 42. 22 Reuben answered them, saying, Spake I 45. 3 his brethren could not answer him ; for £xod. 4. I Moses answered and said. But, behold 15. 21 Miriam answered them,. Sing ye to the 19. 8 all the people answered together, and 19. 19 Moses spake, and God answered him by 24. 3 all the people answered with one voice Nam ti. 28 Joshua, .answered and s^d. My lord 22. 18 Balaam answered and said unto the 23. 12 he answered and said. Must I not take 33. 86 Balaam auswered and said unto Galak 2Q. I Oh. 21. 2Ch. 2. 10. 18. 25- 3«- 34- Eath. I. S- 6. 7- 6. 39- 5- 22. Eze. 21. 24. Zech. I. 4- 5- >3- Isa. J or. Num 32. Deut. I. Josh. 24. Jadg. 5. 7- 8. •8. 19. 20. Ruth 2. 2. iSa. I. I. 4- 4- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. 14. 14. 14. 14. 16. 18. 20. 20. 20. SI. 27. 2Sa. Ki. 2Ki. 3- 12. 12. '3- 18. 18. 18. 18. 20. I. I. I. 3- A- 7- 7- 7- 18. 1 Ch. 12. 21. 21. 2 Ch. 10. 29. „ 34- Ezra 10. Heh. Esth. Job 10. 8. 5- 7- t. 3. 4- S- 6. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- II. 12. 12. 13. 14. 31 the children of Gad. .answered, sajing 14 ye answered me and said. The thing 41 ye answered and said unto me. We have 7 they shall answer and say. Our hands 9 shall answer and say. So shall it be done 15 all the people shall answer and say? 16 they answered Joshua, saying. All that 20 Aclian answered Joshua, and said. Indeed 24 they answered Joshua, and said. Because 21 children of Reuben, .answered.tand said 16 the people answered and said, God forbid 29 Her wise ladies answered her, yea, she 14 his fellow answered and said. This (is) 8 the men of Penuel answered him as the 14 Then answered the five men that went to 28 Up, and. .be going. But none answered 4 the Levite. .answered and said, I came 6 the servant, .answered and said. It (is) 11 Boaz answered and said unto her. It hath 15 Hannah answered and said. No, my lord 17 Eli answered and said. Go in peace : and 17 the messenger answered and said, Israel 20 she answered not, neither did she regard 8 the servant answered Saul again, and said 12 they answered them, and said, He is 19 Samuel answered Saul, and said, I (am) 21 Saul answered andaald,(Am)notIaBer.J. 12 one of the same place answered and said 12 the men of the garrison answered 28 Then answered one of the people, and 37 But he answered him not that day 39 notj a man-among all. .people, .answered 18 Then answered one of the servants, and 7 women answered . .as they played . .Saul 10 or what (if) thy father answer thee 28 Jonathan answered Saul, David earnestly 32 Jonathan answered Saul his father, and 4 the priest answered David, and said 5 David answered the priest, and said unto 9 Then answered Doeg the Edomite v/hicli 14 Then Ahlmelech answered the king, and 4 the Lord answered him and said, Arise 10 Nabal answered David's servants, and 6 Then answered David and said to Aliim. 14 Answerest thou not. . Abner answered 22 David answered and said. Behold the 6 Lord answered him not, neither by 15 Saul auswered, I am sore distressed ; for 9 Achish answered and said to David, I 22 Then answered all the wicked men and 9 David answered Rechab and Baanah his 32 Jonadab, the son of Shtmeah. .answered i8 the king answered and said unto the 19 the woman answered and said, (As) thy 21 Ittai answered the king, and said, (As) the 21 Abishai the son of Zeruiah answered and 42 the men of Judah answered €he men of I. 43 the men of Israel answered the men of 20 Joab auswered and said. Far be it, far be ' 42 unto the LORD, but he answered them 28 king David answered and said. Call me 36 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered 43 Jonathan answered and said to Adonijah 22 Solomon answered and said unto his 30 Thus said .)oab, and thus he answered 27 the king answered and said, Give her the 7 If thou . . wilt serve them, and answer 13 the king answered the people roughly 6 king answered and said unto the man of 21 And the people answered him not a word 24 the God that answereth by fire, let him 26 but . . no voice, nor any that answered 29 that, .neither voice, nor any to answer 4,11 the king of Israel answered aSid said 10 Elijah answered and said to the captain 11 he answered and said unto him, man 12 Elijah answered and said unto them. If 11 one of the. .servants answered and said 29 if any man salute thee, answer him not 2 Then a lord, .answered the man of God 13 one of his servants answered and said 19 that lord answered the man of God, and 36 people held their peace, and answered 36 kinf 3 commandment was, saying. Answer 17 David, .answered and said unto them. If 26 he answered him from heaven by fire 28 the Lord had answered him in the 13 the king answered them roughly; and 31 Hezekiah answered and said, Now ye 15 HUkiah answered and said to Shaphan 3 Shechaniah. .answered and said unto 12 all the congregation answered and said 6 all the people answered. Amen, Amen 7 Then answered Esther, and said. My pet. 3 Esther the queen answered and said. If 7, 9 Satan answered the LORD, and said 2, 4 Satan answered the Lord, and said I Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said I if there be any that will answer thee I But Job answered and said. Oh that my I Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and I Then Job answered and said, I know 3 he cannot answer him one of a thousand 14 How much less shall I answer him 15 I were righteous, (yet) would I not answer 16 If I had called, and he had answered me 32 not a man. .(that) I should answer him I Then answered Zophar the Naamathite T And Job answered and said. No doubt 4 who calleth upon God, and he answereth 22 Then call thou, and I >vill answer : or let 15 Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee Job 15. I Tlien answered Bliphaz the Temanite 16. I Then Job answered and said, I have 16. 3 what emboldeneth. .that thou answerestj 18. 1 Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and 19. 1 Then Job answered and said. How lojig 20. I Then answered Zophar the Naamathite 21. I But Job answered and said. Hear 32. I Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and 23. 2 Then Job answered and said. Even to day 23. s know the words (which) he would answer 25. I Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and e6. 1 But Job answered and said. How hast 31. 35 my desire, .the Almighty would answer 32. I. So these three men ceased to answer Job 32. 6 Elihu . .answered and said, I (am) young 32. 12 none of you. .that answered his words 32. 15 They were amazed, they answered no 32. 16 they spake not. .answered no more 32. 17 I will answer alao my part, I also will 32. 20 I will open my lips and answer 33. 12 I will answer thee, that God is greater 34. I Furthermore Elihu answered and said 38. I Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind 40. I Moreover the Lord answered Job, and 40. 3 he that reprovcth God, let him answer it 40. 3 Then Job answered the Lord, and said 40. 5 Once have 1 spoken ; but I will not answer 40. 6 Then answered the Lord unto Joh out of 42. J Then Job answered the Lord, and said. Pea. 18. 41 They cried . .but he answered them not 27. 7 have mercy also upon me, and answer me 65. 5 wilt thon answer a8,OGcKlofour salvatioi. 81. 7 I answered thee in the secret place of 86. 7 call upon thee : for thou wilt answer rae 91. 15 shall caU upon me, and I will answer him 99. 6 called upon the LOED, and he answered 99. 8 Thon answeredst them, Lord our Gcd to2. a In the day . . I call answer me speedily 108. 6 save (with) thy right hand, and answer J 1 8. 5 the IX)RD answered me., in a large place tig. 42 So shall I have wherewith to answer him 138. 3 the' day when I cried thou answeredst mo 143. 1 in thy faithfulness answer me. .in thy Prov. t. 28 they call upon me, but I vrill not answer 15. 28 heart of the righteous studieth to answer 18. 23 but the rich answereth roughly a6. 4 Answer not a fool according to his folly 26. 5 Answer a fool according to his foUy Eccl. 10. 19 but money answereth all Isa. 14. 32 What shall (one) then answer the messen. 21. 9 he answered and said, Babylon is fallen 30. 19 when he shall hear it, he will answer 36. 31 they held their peace, and answered him 36. 21 commandment was, saying. Answer him 46. 7 shall cry unto hira, yet can he not answer 50. 3 when I called, (was there) none to answer? 58. 9 thou call, and the Lord shall answer 65. 12 when I called, ye did not answer ; when 65. 24 before they call, I will ans\ver ; and while 66. 4 because when I called, none did answer Jer. 7. 13 and I called you, but ye answered not 7. 27 also call. . but, they will not answer thee H, 5 Then answered I, and said, So be it, a3.35 What hath the Lord answered ? and 23, 37 What hath the Lord answered thee? 93. 3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee 35. 17 havs called, .but they have not answered 42. 4 whatsoever thing the Lord shall answer 44. IS all thepeople.. answered Jeremiah, sajing Joel 2. 19 Lord will answer and say nuto his people Amos 7. 14 Then answered Amos, and said to Araaz. Mic 6. s Balaam the son of Beor answered hira Hab. 2. 1 1 beam ont of the timber shall answer it Hag. 2. 12 And the priests answered and said. No 2. 13 The priests answered and said. It shall be 2. 14 Then answered Haggai, and said, So..(is) Zech. I. 10 the man.. answered and said. These 1. II they answered the angel of the Lord that 1. 12 the angel of the LORD answered and said 1. 13 the Lord answered the angel that talked 3. 4 he answered and spake unto those that 4. 4 So 1 answered and spake to the angel that 4. s the angel., answered and said unto me 4. 6 he answered and spake unto me, saying 4. II Then answered I, and said unto him,What 4. 12 I answered again, and said unto him 6. 4 1 answered and said unto the angel that 6. 5 the angel answered and said unto me S.Tohe answered, njv turn back, 3?n tub, 5. Kzra 5. 5 they returned answer byletterconcerning Uan. B. 14 Daniel answered with counsel and wisdom 3. 16 we (are) not careful to answer thee in 11. TV) answer, anoHpii/o/xai apokrinoiruii. Malt. 3. 15 Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer 4. 4 be answered and said. It ia written, Man 8. 8 The centurion answered and said, Lord II. 4 Jesus answered and said unto them. Go 11. 25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I 12. 38 the Pharisees answered, saying, Master 12. 39 he answered and said unto them. An evil 12. 48 he answered and said unto him that 13. II He answered and said unto them. Because 13. 37 He answered aud said unto them, He 44. 28 Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it -J5. 3 he answered and said unto them, Why 15. 13 he answered and said. Every plant, which 15. 15 Then answered Peter and said unto him 13. 23 But he answered her not a word. And 15. 24 he answered aud said, I am not sent but 15. 26 he answered aqd said, It is not meet to 15. 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her 16. 2 He answered and said unto them. When '■16. 16 Simon Peter answered and said. Thou art 16. 17 Jesus answered and said unto him. Blessed 17. 4 Then answered Peter, and said unto 17. II Jesus answered and said unto them 17. 17 Jesus answered and said, faithless and J9. 4 he answered and said unto them. Have 19. 37 Then answered Peter and said unto him ao. 13 But he answered one of them, and said 20. 22 Jesus answered and said, Ye know not 21.21 Jesus answered and said unto them. Verily 21. 24 And Jesus answered and said unto them .21. 27 they answered Jesus, and said. We cannot 21. 29 He answered and said, I will not; but ,ai. 30 he answered and said, I (go,) sir : and 22. I Jesus answered and spake unto them 22. 29 Jesus answered and said unto them. Ye 22. 46 no man was able to answer him a word 4 Jesus answered and said unto them 9 the wise answered, saying, (Not so ;) lest 12 he answered and said. Verily I say unto . 26 His lord answered and said unto him 37 Then shall the righteous answer him 25. 40 the King shall answer and say unto them 25. 44 Then shall they also answer him, saying 25. 45 Then shall he answer them, saying. Verily jd. 23 he answered and said, He that dippeth 26. 25 Judas, which betrayed him, answered 26. 33 Peter answered and said unto hira 26. 62 high priest arose, and said. . Answerest 26. 63 the high priest [answered and] said unto 26. 66 They answered and said, He is guilty of 27. 12 when he was accused, .he answered 27. 14 And he answered him to never a word 27. 21 The governor answered and said unto 21. 25 Then answered all the people, and said 28. 5 the angel answered ancl said unto the Mark 3. 33 he answered them, saying. Who is my 5. 9 [answered), saying. My name (is) Legion 6. 37 He answered and said unto them, Give 7. 6 He [answered and] said unto them. Well 7. 28 she answered and said unto him, Yes 8, 4 his disciples answered him, From whence 8. 38 [they answered,] John the Baptist ; but 8. 29 Pefer answereth and saith unto him 9. 5 Peter answered and said to Jea^is, Master 9. 12 he answered and told them, Elias verily 9. 17 one of the multitude answered and said 9. 19 He answereth him, and saith, O faithless 9. 38 John [answered] him, saying, Master, we 10. 3 he answered and said unto them. What 10. 5 Jesus (answered and ] said unto them, For 10. 20 he answered and said unto them, Master icj. 24 Jesus answereth again, and Baith unto 10. 29 Jesus (answered and] said. Verily I say to 51 Jesus ausweicd and said unto him. What 11. 14 Jesus answered and said unto it. No 11. 22 Jesus [answering) saith unto them. Have If. 29 Jesus [answered and] said unto them II. 29 I will also ask. one question, and answer ji. 30 The baptism. . . .from heaven, .answer »i. 33 they answered and said unto Jesus, We • II. 33 Jgsus (answering) saith unto t,hem ■13. ij J«su3[aD3werinj;J said unto them, Render 24. 25- 25- ■25. 25- Mark 1 2 >3 J3 >4 '4 14 14, 14, '3' '5. '5' »S' Luke I. 23- 23- .23- 24. John 24 Jesu^ [answering] said unto them. Do ye 28 perceiving that be had answered them 29 Jesus answered hira, The first of all the 34 when Jesus saw that he answered discre. 35 Jesus answered and said, while he taught 2 Jesus (answering) said unto him, Secst 5 Jesus (answering) them began to say 20 he [answered and) said unto them, .one of 40 neither wist they what to answer him . 48 Jesus answered and said unto them. Are 60 asked Jesus, saying, Answerest thou 61 he held his peace, and answered nothing 2 he answering said unto him. Thou sayest 4 Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest 5 Jesus yet answered nothing; so that 9 Pilate answered them, s.iying, Will ye 12 Pilate answered and said again unto 19 the angel answering said unto him, I 35 the angel answered and said unto her 60 his mother answered and said. Not (so) 11 He answereth and saith unto them, Ue >6 John answered, saying unto (them) all, I 4 Jesus answered him, saying. It is written 8 Jesus answered' and said unto him. Get 12 Jesus, answering said unto him. It is 5 Simon answering said unto him, Master 22 But when Jesus perceived, .[answering] 31 Jesus answering said unto them, ITiey 3 Jesua answering them said, Have ye not 22 Jesus answering said unto them. Go 40 Jesua answering said unto him, Simon 43 Simon answered and said, I suppose 21 he answered and said unto them. My 50 when Jesus heard (it), he answered him 19 They answering said, John the Baptist 20 Peter answering said. The Christ of 41 Jesus answering said, O faithless and . 49 John answered and said. Master, we saw . 27 he answering said, Thou shall love the . 28 he said unto him. Thou hast answered .41 Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha . 7 he from within shall answer and say 45 Then answered one of the lawyers, and i Jesus answering said unto them. Suppose 8 he answering said unto him. Lord, let 14 the ruler of the synagogue answered 15 The Lord then answered him, and said 25 he shall answer and say unto you, I 3 Jesus answering spake unto the lavryers 5 And [answered] them, saying. Which of 29 he answering said to (his) father, Lo 17 Jesus, answering said. Were there not ten 20 he answered them and said. The kingdom 37 Viey answered and said unto him. Where 40 he answered and said unto them, I tell ■ 3 he answered and said unto them, I will 7 they answered, that they could not tell 24 They answered and said, Cesar's 34 Jesus [answering] said unto them. The 39 certain of the scribes answering said 51 Jesus answered and said. Suffer ye thus 68 if I also ask (you), ye will not answer me 3 he answered hira and said, Thou sayest 9 words ; but he answered him nothing 40 the other answering rebuked him 18 Cleopas, answering said unto him. Art 21 Art thou that prophet? And he answered 26 John answered them, saying, I baptize 48 Jesus answered and said unto him. Before 49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him 50 Jesus answered and said unto him 18 Then answered the Jews and said unto 19 Jesus answered and said unto them 3 Jesus answered and said unto him 5 Jesua answered, Verily, verily, I say unto 9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him 10 Jesus answered and said unto hira. Art 27 John answered and said, A man can 10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If 13 Jesus answered and said unto her 17 The woman answered and said, I have 7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I 11 He answered thera. He that made me 17 Jesus answered them. My Father worketh 19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them 7 Philip answered him. Two hundred 26 Jesus answered them and said. Verily 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This 43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto 68 Simon Peter answered him. Lord, to 70 Jesua answered'^them. Have cot I chosen 16 Jesus answered them, and said. My 20 The people answered and said, Thou 21 Jesua answered and said unto them, T 46 The officera answered. Never man spake 47 Then answered them the Pharisees, Are 5-2 They answered and said unto him. Art 14 Jesus answered, .said unto them, Though ig .Tesus answered. Ye neither know me 33 They answered him. We be Abraham's 34 Jesus answered them. Verily, verily, I 39 They answered, .said unto hira, Abraham 48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto 49 Jesus answered, I have not a devil ; but 54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my 3 Jesus answered. Neither hath this man II He answered and said, a man that ia 20 His parents answered them and said. We 25 He answered and said, Whether he be a 27 Heanswered them, Ihavetoldyoualready 30 The man answered and said unto them 34 Tliey answered aad said uato liim. Thou Jolin 9. 36 He answered and said. Who is he, Lord ' 10. 25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye 10. 32 Jesus answered them. Many good works 10. 33 'The Jews answered him, saying. For a 10. 34 Jesus answered them. Is it not written 11. 9 Jesus answered. Are there not twelve 12. 23 Jesus answered them, saying, 'Ifie hour 12. 30 Jesus answered and said. This voice came , 12. 34 T"he people answered him. We have heard 13. 7 Jesus answered and said unto him. What 13. 8 Jesus answered him. If I wash thee not - 13. 26 Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall- 13. 36 Jesus answered him. Whither I go, thou 13. 38 Jesus answered him. Wilt thou lay down 14. 23 Jesus answered and said unto him. If a 1 6. 3 1 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe t 18. s They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth ' 18. 8 Jesus answered, I have told you that I 18. 20 Jesus answered him, I spake openly to 18. 22 Answerest thou the high priest so? 18. 23 Jesus answered him, If 1 have spoken 18. 30 They answered and said unto him, If hS J 8. 34 Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this j8. 35 Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own j8. 36 Jesus answered. My kingdom is not oJ 18. 37 Jesus answered. Thou sayest that I am a 19. 7 The Jews answered him. We have a law 19. 11 Jesus answered. Thou couldcst have no 19. 15 The chief priests answered. We have no jg. 22 Pilate answered. What I have written I 20. 28 Thomas answered and said unto him 21. 5 have ye any meat? They answered him Acts 3. 12 when Peter saw (it), he answered unto 4. 19 Peter and John answered and said 5. 8 Peter answered unto her, Tell me 5. 29 Peter and the (other) apostles answered ,8. 24 Then answered Simon, and said. Pray ye 8. 34 the eunuch answered Philip, and said 8. 37 [he answered and said, I believe that] . 9. 13 Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard 10. 46 Then answered Peter, Can any man > 11.9 the voice answered me again from heaven 15. 13 James answered, saying. Men. .brethren 19. 15 And the evil spirit answered and said ■ 21. 13 Paul answered, What mean ye to weep 22. 8 I answered. Who art thou, Lord? And 22. 28 the chief captain answered. With a great 24. 10 Paul., answered, Forasmuch as I know. 24. 25 Felix trembled, and answered. Go thy 25. 4 Festus answered, that Paul should be- 23. 9 Festus. .answered Paul, r.nd said. Wilt 25. 12 Festus. .answered, Hast thou appealed 25. 16 To whom I answered. It is not the Col. 4. 6 that yc may know how ye ought to answer^ Rev. .7. 13 one of the elders answered, saying unto 12. To speak off, anoKoyio/xai apohgcomai. Luke 12. II what thing ye shall answer, or whnt ye 21. 14 meditat" before what ye shall answpr 13. To speak, say, en-d!, flirov epo, eipon. Luke2o. 3 answer me : The baptism of John, was it 14. 7*0 take tip, viroKapfiavw hvpolambano. Luke iQ. 30 Jesus answering said, A certain (man) • ANSWER again, to — 1. To turn back a u-ord, na'J 35iy slnih, 5. I Sa. 17. 30 the people answered him again after tlio I.T0 answer in retmii, avTatroKfilvotiai. Luke 14. 6 they could not answer him again to 3.7*0 speak in return, avTiXiyu antilego. Titus 2. 9 servants . . obedient . . not answering again ANSWER for one's self, to — To speak off for himself, airoXoyfO/xat apolcgcmai. Acta 24. 10 I do the more cheerfully answer for 25. 8 While he answered for himaelf. Neither 26. I Paul stretched forth, .answered for him. 26. 2 because I shall answer for mysfelf this ANSWER for one's self — A speaking off for oneself, anuXoyla apologia. Acta 25. 16 ond have license to answer for himseU ANSWER of God — A divine oracle, y^prinar iff ^l6s chrcmatismos, Rom II. 4 what aaith the answer of God unto ANSWER, to give — To answer, n\ii anah. Gen. 41. 16 God shall give Pharaoh an answer of Job 19. 16 my servant, and he gave (me) no answer 3S. 12 There they cry, but none giveth answer Song 5. 6 I called him, but he gave me no answer Jcr. 44, 20 people which had given him (thut) answer ANSWER, to maie or cause to — \.To answer, nji; anah. Deutao. II it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace Job 20. 3 the spiiit. .causeth me to answer 2. To cause Co turn back, 2W shub, 5 Job 20. 2 do my thoughts cause me to answer ANSWER to, to — To be in the same linejttv&rotxf" suitoicheoi' Gal. 4. 25 answereth to Jerusalem which now ia. ANSWERABLE to — Companionship, ili?!^ ummah. .. JExod 38. 1 3 hanging, .answerable to the hangings or ANSWERED 43 ANY ANSWEBED, to ba — To be ansivered,- njy anah, 2. 2 Ch. 7. 22 it shall be answered. Because they Job II. 3 nut the multitude of words be aauwered? AKT — Ant, nj>aj nemalah. Prov. 6. 6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard : consider 30. 25 The ants (are) a people not strong AKTX-CHiaST — An opponent of Christ, ' Avrlxpiffro^ ahtichristoa. I Jo, 2. 18 antichrist shall come, .are there many a. 3. 22 Ue is antichrist, that denieth the Father 4. 3 this is that (spirit) of antichrist, whereof 3 Jo. 7 This is a deceiver and an antichrist AX'TI'-OCH, 'AcTiJx* '"• Meaning uncertain. 1. Antioch was founded by Seleucus Nicator, B.C. 300, who named it after his father. It remained the capital of the dynasty till Syria was conquered by Pompey, and nxjde a Uoman province, B.C. 64. Christianity was planted in Antioch by Paul and Barnabas, and here the disciples were first called Christians, A.D. 42 (Acts 1 1. 26). This city, long known as " the Queen of the East," was captured by the Persian kin^ Nushirvan, or Chosroes, A. D. 540. Chosroes II. wrested it from the empire in 61 1. Heraclius expelled the Persians, but it fell into the power of the Saracens in 638, and they degraded It to the rank of a provincial town. Niccphorus Phocas recovered it in 966 ; it was betrayed to the Turks in 1084. The crusaders laid siege to it in 1097, and cap- tured it 1038. The citadel held out, but the Saracens, who made an effort to regain the prize, were defeated in a great battle under the walls of Antioch, 1098 ; and Antioch became the capital of a Christian principality. Bibars, sultan of Egypt, captured it, destroyed its churches, and completely ruined it, 1268. It was an^ nexed to the Ottoman empire in 1516. Ibm Pasharahl seized it in 1832, but it was afterwards restored to the Porte. Antioch has frequently suffered from earth- quakes; the most disastrous occurred A.D. 115, 340, 394, 396, 458, 526, and 588. Antioch was a patriarchate third after Rome and Alexandria. Thirty -one councils were held at Antioch, the .first iu 252, aud the last in I14[. Acts 6. 5 They chose . . KIcolas a proselyte of A. II. 19 were scattered, .travelled as far as. .A. II. 20 when they were come to A., spake unto II. 22 Barnabas, that he should go as far as A. II. 26 had found him, ne brought him unto A. II. 26 disciples, .called Christians first in A. 11. 27 in these days came prophets . .unto A. 13. I there were in the church that was at A. 14. 26 And thence sailed to A., from whence 15. 22 chosen men of their own company to A. IS. 23 brethren whLch are of the Gentiles in A. 15. 30 when they were dismissed, they came to A. 15. 35 Paul also and Barnabas continued in A. 18. 22 saluted the church, he went down to A. t/al. 2. II when Peter was coilne to A., X withstood 2. A city in Pisidia, Asia Minor, W. of Iconium, now called Galobatch. Like the Syrian Antioch, this city was founded by Seleucus Kicator. Under the Romans it was called Ccesarea. Acts 13. 14 when they departed .. they came to A. 14. ig And there came thither. .Jews from A. •14. 21 preached.. they returned again.. to A. 2 Ti. 3. II afflictions, which came unto me at A. ' AH-TI'-PAS, 'Ai/t/tos. A martyr in Pergamos. The name is an abbreviation of Antipater. Rey. 2. 13 even in those days wherein A. (was) my AN-TI-PA'-TRIS, 'Avr ivarpis belonging toAntipater, A city of Palestine, not far from the Mediterranean, now called Kefr-Saba. Josephus says that the old n.-irac was Ka^a/oo-a/Ja or Xa/3ap5a/3a,''and that Herod when he rebuilt the city called it Antipatris, in honour of his father Antipater. Acts 23. 31 took Paul, and brought (him), .to A. AHTiaXJITY — Former state, MDip kadmah. laa. 23. 7 whose antiquity (is) of ancient days ? her AH-TO-THT'-JAH, n't^nvi answers of J ah. Son of Shashak, a Benjamite, B.C. 1340. iCh. S. 24 And Hananiah, and £lam, and A. AN-TO-THTTE, 'phsa belonging to Anathoth. It is sometimes written Anethothite. I Ch. 11.38 [men of the armies] . . Ablezer the A. 12. 3 Berachah, aud Jehu the A. A'-?rtIB, 2WV strong or high. A descendant of Judah through Caleb, son of Hur, B.C. 1430. I Ch. 4. 8 And Coz begat A., and Zobedah, and ANVIL — Step, stroke D^Spaam. Isa. 41. 7 (with)the hammer Mmtbat smote the anvil ANY — 1. One, inx echad. Lev. 4.' 2 If a soul shall sin. .agains. any of 4. 13'haVe done, .any of the commandments 4.22 When a ruler hath . . done . . any of the 4. 37 be doeth..any of the commandments 5. 17 if a soul sin, and commit any ol thesa 6. 3 in atiy of all these that a, man docth Nura 13. 27 if any soul sin through ignorance, then 36. 3 if they be married to any of the sons of Deuti 6. 5 within any of thy gates, which the Lord 17. 2 If there be found among you, within any 18. 6 if a Levite come from any of thy gates 28. 55 So that he will not give to any of them 2 Sa. 2. I Shall I go up into any of the citifis of 7. 7 spake I a word with any of the tribes of I Ch. 17. 6 spake I a word to any of the judges of Eze. 16. 5 Xone eye pitied thee, to do any of these 2. A man, individual, »'h ish. Exodio. 23 Theysawnotoneanother.neitherrosean) Lev. 21. 9 the daughter of any priest, if she profane Judg2o. 8 We will not any. .neither will we any 21. I There shall not any of us give his daughter 1 Sa. 30. 2 they slew not any, either great or small 2 Sa. 9. 3 (Is) there not yet any of the house of Saul I Kii 3. 13 there shall not be any among the kings 5. 6 not among us any that can skill to a Kl. 4. 29 if any (salute thee), answer him not again 10. 5 we will not make any king : do thou 10. 14 took them alive . .neither left he any of 10. 24 (If) any of the men whom I have brought 18. 33 Hath any of the gods of the nations Isa. 36. 18 Hath any of the gods of the nations Jer. 2j. 24 Can any hide himself in secret places Eze. 7 13 neither shall any strengthen himself 18. 7 hath not oppressed any .. hath restored 18. 16 Neither hath oppressed any, hath not 46. 16 If the prince give a gift unto any of his Zech 1 3. 3 to pa33,(that) when any shall yet prophesy Z.AU, any, 73 kol. Deut. 4. 23 a graven image, (or) the likeness of any Ezra 7. 24 touching any of the priests and Levites Dan. 2. 10 asked such things at any magician, or 3. 30 is not revealed to me. .more than any- 3. 28 that they might not serve nor worship any 6. 4 neither was there any error or fault found 6. 5 We shall not find any occasion against 6. 12 that shall ask . . of any God or man within 4. Who f whom t '0 mi. Gen. ig. 12 Hast thou here any besides? son in law 5. Soul, person, e'jij nephesh. Lev. X. I when any will offer a meat offering 24. 17 be that killeth any man shall surely be Ifumig. II toucheth the dead body of any man shall Deut24. 7 If a'man be found Btealing any of his 6. One, fit heis. Acts 4. 32 neither said ftny . .that ought 6t the things 7. Not, n'fi -me. Luke2o. 17 Sadducees, which deny that there is any 8. Not one, no one, jutjSc/s medeis. Acts 25.' 17 without any delay on the morrow I sat 2 Th. 2. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means 1 Pe. 3. 6 aud are not afraid with any amazement Q.ffas any one f /i'fjris metis. John 7. 48 Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees 10. Any thing, p.'fi ti me ti. John2i. 5 Jesus saith . .have ye any meat f ll.A'b^ even one, ovists oiuleis. Mark s. 4 broken . .neither could any (man) tame 16. 8 neither said they anything to any (man) Luke 8. 43 neither could be healed of any 9. 36 and told no man in those days any of 20. 40 after that they durst not ask him any Acts 4. 12 [Neither is there salvation in any other] 12. A II, any, every, was pas. Matt 18. ig as touching anything that they shall 2 Co. 1. 4 comfort them which are in any trouble Ueb. 4. 12 and sharper than any two-edged sword Bev. 7. 1 not blow.. on the sea, nor on [any] tree 7. 16 hiinger no more, neither thirst any more 9. 4 neither any green thing, neither any tree 13. Any one, any, rts iis. Mark 8. 26 nor tell (it) to any in the town ir. 25 forgive, if ye have ought against any • 16. 18 [and if they drink any deadly thing] Luke24. 41 he said.. Have ye here any meat? 1 1 11. John 1. 46 Can there any good tbing come out of 2. 25 needed not that any should testify 7. 48. Acts 4. 34 Neither was there any among them that 9. 2 If he found any of this way, whether they 25. 16 the manner of the Eomans to deliver any 27. 42 lest any of them should swim out, and 28. 21 neither any of the brethren . .spake any Bom. 8. 39 height, nor depth, nor any other creature g. II neither having done any good or evil 15. i8 1 will not dare to speak of any of I Co. 1. 15 Lest any should say that I had baptized 6. I Dare any of you, having a matter against 6. 12 itot be brought under the power of any 7. 18 Is any man called being circumcised? a Co. II. 21 Howbeit. whereinsoever any is bold, (I 12. 17 Did I make a gain of you by any. of them Eph. 5. 27 having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing Col. 2.' 23 not in any bonour to the satisfying of 3. 13 if any man have a quarrel against any 1 Th. 2. 9 we would not be chargeable unto any S. IS none render evil for evil unto any 2 Th.. 3. 8 Neither did we eat any man's bread Heb. 3. 12 Take heed . .lest there be in any of you 3. 13 lest any of you be hardened through the 4. I lest, a promise being left, .any of you 12. »S I/OOking diligently legt any man fail of 12. 16 Lest there (be) any fornicator, or profane Jas. 5; 12 sw^ar not . . neither by any oUiei oath J as. S. 13 Isanyamongyouafflicted?..Isanymerry? 5. 14 Is any sick among you? let him call for 5. 10 Brethren, if any of you do err from the a Pe. 3. 9 not willing that any should perish, but [See also Kin, longer, means, more, never, nor, not, thing, time, whether, which, wise without. J ANT at aU — 1. Pleasure, fon chaphets. Eze. 18. 23 Have I any pleasure at all that the 2. To be able, h'j) yakol Num 22. 33 have I now any power at all to say any ANY case, in — To bring back, aiw shvb, 5. Deut 22. 1 thou shalt in any case bring them again 24. 13 In any case thou shalt deliver him the ANT further — Yet, further, trt eti. Mark s- 35 whytroublest thou the Masteranyfnrther 14. 63 Wliat need we any further witnesses? Luke22. 71 What need we any further witness? ANY longer — 1, Yet, further, tri eti. Horn 6. 2 How shall we.. live any, longer therein? 2.^0 further, /xriKiTi meketi. Acts 2s. 24 that he ought not to live any longer ANT man'— i.A inan, individual, b*'!* ish. Gen. 24. 16 (was) very fair. .neitKer had any man Exod34. 3 neither let any man be seen throughout 34. ^ neither shall any man desire thy land Lev. 7. 8 the priest that offereth any man's burnt 15. 2 When any man hath a running issue 15. 16 if any man's seed of copulation go out IS. 24 if any rpan lie with her at all Num. s- 10 whatsoever any man giveth the priest S. 12 If any man's wife go aside, and commit a g. 10 If any man of you or of your posterity 21. 9 if a serpent had bitten any man, when Deut 19. II if any man hate his neighbour, and lie in 19. 16 If a false witness rise up against any man 22. 13 If any man take a wife, and go' in unto 23. 10 If there be ara'ong you any man, that is Josh. I. s There shall not any man be able to stand 2. II remain any more courage in any man Judg. 4. 20 when any man doth come and enquire ol I Sa. 4!. 13 when any man offered sacrifice, the 2. 16 if any man said unto him, Xet them not 12. 4 hast thou taken ought of any man's hand aSa. IS. 3 it was (so), that when any man that had 15. 5 it was (so), that when any man came cigh 19. 32 shall there any man be put to death this 31. 4 neither for us shalt thou kill any man^ 2 Kl. 4. 39 if thou meet any man, salute him not 2. Whoso, 'P mi. Exod24. 14 if any man have any matters to do, let 3. Each one, tKaiTTos hekastos. Eph. 6. 8 that whatsoever good thing any man i.Not one, no one, /xTjSefs medeis. Mark i. 44 See thou say nothing to any man Acts 10. 28 that I should not call any man common b.Not any thing, Twthing, uiiris metis. John 4. 33 Hath any man brought him (ought) to 6. Not even one, ovStfs oudeis Matt22. 16 neither carest thou for any. .for thou Marki6. 8 said they any thing to any. .for they were John 8. 33 and were never in bondage to any man < 18. 31 It is not lawful for us to put any man to Jas. 1. 13 neither tempteth he any man : but every 7. Any, any one, tij lis. Matt II. 27 neither knoweth any man the Father 12. ig neither shall any man liear his voice in 31. 3 if any. .say ought unto you, ye shall 22. 46 neither durst any . .from that day forth 34. 23 if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here Mark 9. 30 he would not that any man should know II. 3 if any man say unto you. Why do ye II. 16 would not suffer that any man should 13. s Take heed lest any . .deceive you- 13. 21 then if any man shall say to you, Lo Lukei4. 8 'When thou art bidden of any (man) to a 19. 8 if I have taken any thing from any man 19. 31 if any man ask you, Why do ye loose 20. 28 If any man's brother die, having a wife John 4. 33 Hath any man brought him (ought) to eat? 6. 46 Not that any man hath seen the Fatber 6. SI if any man eat of this bread, he sliall 7. 17 If any man will do his vrill, he shall 7. 37 If any man thirst, let bim come unto ma g. 22 that if any man did confess that he was 9. 31 if any man be a worshipper of God, and 9. 32 that any man opened the eyes of one that 10. g I am the door : by me if any man 10. 28 neither shall any . .pluck them out of 11. g If any man walk in the day, he stumbletb 11. 57 that, if any man knew .where be were 12. 26 If any man serve me. .if any man serve 12. 47 if any man hear my words, and believe 16. 30 and needest not that any man should Acts 10. 47 Can any man forbid water, that these ig. 38 il Demetcius. .have a matter against any 24. 12 neither found me. .disputing with any fiom. 8. g Now if any man have not the Spirit of I Co. s.ii if any man that is called a brother be a . 7. 18 Is any man^ called being circi)m«ise4 1 let )& ANY^ 44 APOSTLE 1 Co. 8, lo For if any man see tliee which hast g. 15 than that any man should make my 10. 28 if any .man say unto you, This is offered 14. s7 H any man speak in an.. tongue.. by two 2 Co. j2. 6 lest any man. should think of me above Eph. 2. 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast CoL a. 4 this I say, lest any man should baguilu 2. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you 3. J3 if any man have a quarrel against any aTh. 3. 8 Neitiierdid we eat any man's bread. for JIel>. 4. II lest any man fall after the same example c2. J5 lest any man fail of the grace of God 1 Jo, 8. 1 if any man sin, we have an advocate witl> a. IS If a»iy man love the world, the love af c. 27 ye need not that any man teach you ; but 5. 16 If any man see his brother sin a sin . .not %jpt, 3. 20 if any man hear my voice, and open tho E2. 18 If any man shall add unto these thinga 22. 19 if any man shall take away from tho [See also If, by„lesl;, neitherj not.J ANY manner -T-. '.Any, ^3 kul. Kxod22, 9 for any m.inner of lost thing wlitoTl Lev. 7. 27 soul, .that cateth any manner of blood Deut27. 21 he that lietU witU any ciiinner of bea:.t ANY maikg — )V riling, r^hj kethobeth. lev. 19. z8 nor print ;iny marlts upon you : I (am) ANY mora — 2.. To add, r\'i) yasaph. Deut. 5. 25 hear the volco o£ tlie LOUD, .any moro 2. To add, fjp; yasaph,.h. Exod. 8. 25 not Fharaoh deal deceitfully any more . 11. 6 nor shall be like it any more J'osh. 7. 12 neither; will I be with you any mora a Sa. 7. to neither shall . . afflict them any moro 14. 10 he shall not touch thee any more e Kl. 21. 8 Neither will I make . . Israel . . any more I Ch.17. 9 children of wickedness waste, .anymore a Ch. 3J. 8 Neither will I any more remove the foot Jer. 31-. 12 they shall not sorrow any more;at all Joel 2. a neither shall bo any more after it 3. Still, yet, again, n'lV od. Gen, 8. iz returned not again unto hira any moro A.(For an) indefinite time, D7'iy olam. Eze. 27. 36 and never (shalt be) any more 28. 19 and never (shalt) thou (be) any more 5. Yet, further, €ti eti. lukeao. 36 Neither can they die any more : lor they Kev. 7. 16 neither thirst any more ; neither shall 12. 8 neither was their place found any more x8. 22 no craftsman . . shall be found any more 21. 4 neither shall there be any more pain, for G.N'o vtore, (i-OKiTi rnSketi. Rom 14. 13 let us not. .judge one another any more 7 .No further, oimtrt ouketi. Matt 22. 46 from that day forth ask him any more Mark 9. 8 they no man any more, save Jesus lukei22. 16 I will not [any more] eat thereof, until Rev. 18.11 no man buycth. .merchandise any more ANYof thelr's — Them, cn ham. Eze, 7. II their multitude, nor ot any of thelr'a ANY one — Alt, any, every, TTiis 2^as. Matt 13. 19 Wien any one heareth tho word of the ANY person — Suid, person, B'53 nephesh. Kum3t. 19 whosoever hath killed any person, and 35. It which killeth any person at unawares 35. 15 everyone thatkillethanypcrson unawares 35- 30 Whoso killeth any person, tho murderer 35. 30 one., .shall not testify against any person ANY such — Mailer, word, ini dahar. Deut 13. II shall do no more any such wickedness ig. 20 heucoforch commit no more any such ANY thing — i.One, int} echad. ■ Deut, 6.' 7 it shall be forgiven him for any tiling 2. Word, thing, 13i dahar, ^ Gen. 18. 14 Is any thing too hard for tho tortD ? Numpo. 19 I will.only, without. .any thing. .go S. What andiwhat, nnj^Q meumah. Gen. 22. 1^ neither do thou any thing unto him : for 30. 31 Thou Shalt not give me any thinp; : if thou 39. 9 neither hath ho kept back any thing from 39. 23 of the prison looked not at any thing Nnm2z. 38 have 1 . .any power at all to say any thing? Deut 24, ID thou dost lend thy brother any thing 1 Sa. 20. 26 Saul spake not any thing that day : for eo. 39 theladfcnewnot anythinij: onlyJonathan ei. 2 Let no man know any thing 01 the 25. 15 neither missed wo nny thing, as long .is B Sa. 13. 2 thought it hxird for him to do any thinj 2 Oh. 9. 20 it was (not) any thing accounted of in ,Eocl. 9. 5 the dead kriow not any thing, neither Jon. 3. 7 neither, .herd nor flock, t;iste any thing 4. Not one, no one, /niSei}, medeis, Horn. 13. 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one 3 Co, 6. 3 Giving no offence In any thing, that the 5. Not even one, oi/Sels oudeis. Mark 16. 8 neither said they any thing to any (man) Q.Any, anything, ris tis,TL ti. Matt24. 17 Let him. .come down to take any thing Markii. 13 came, if haply he might Hnd any thing 13. 15 neither enter, .to take any thing out of Xukeig. 8 if I have taken any thing from any man 22. 35 when I sent you.. lacked ye any thing? John 7. 4 no man (that) doeth any thing in secret 14. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name Acta 17. 25 as though he needed any thing, seeing 19. 39 if ye enquire anything concerning otheF 25. II or have committed any thing worthy of Eomi4. 14 but to him that esteemeth any thing to I Co. 2. e For I determined not to know any thing 3. 7 neither is he that planteth any thing 8. 2 if any man think, .he fcnoweth any thing ■lo.'ig [say I then? that the idol is any thing] 10. 19 that which is offered, .idols is any thing? J4. 35 if tliey will learn any thing, let them B Co. z. 10 To whom ye forgive any tiling, I (forgive) 3. 5 to think any thing as of ourselves ; but Gal. 5. 6 neither circumcision availeth any thing 6. 15 neither circumcision availeth any thing I Th. I. 8 so that we need not to speak any thing Jas. I: 7 that he shall receive any thing of the I Jo. 5. 14 that, if we ask any thing according to ^ [See also Not, superfluous, sweat.] ANY thing at aU — Any one, any thing, rts ti9,Ti ti. Acts 25. i,8 Cosai', have I offended any tiling at all ANY wHther — Whether, njKi nax aneh va-anah. 1 Kl. 2. 36 and go not forth thence any whither 2.;42 walkest abroad any whither, that thou ANY wise, In — l.Only, T]N ak. Psa. 37. 8 fret not thyself in any wise to do evil 2. Only, surely, pn r'aq. Josh. 6. 18 ye, in any wise keep, .from the accursed [See also Exod. 22. 23; Lev. 19. n ; 27. 19; Deut. 17. 15; zi. 23; 22. 7; Josh. 23. la; iSa. 6. 3; I Ki. II. £2.] APACE — I. To go on, 'n^n luxlak. 2 Sa. 18. 25 And he came apace, and drew near 2,Refuge, flight, ti^rp manos. 36t 46. 5 ajid are fled apace, and look not back APAET — l.Apart, 13 lad. Zech.i2. 12 the land shall moum, every family apart [This participle occurs eleven times in v. 12, 13, 14.] i.By themselves, uar' cSlav kat' idian. Jlatt 14. 13 ho departed, .into a desert place apart 14. 23 went up into a mountain apart to pray 17. I bringeth. .into an high mountain apart 17. 19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart 20. 17 Jesus, .took the twelve disciples apart in Mark 6. 31 Come ye yourselves apart into a desert 9; 2 and leadeth them up . . apart by themselves APART, to put or set — Separation, mi niddah. lev. 15. 19 she shall be put apart se^"en days 18. 19 as she is put apart for her uncleanneas Eze, 22. 10 that was set apart for pollution APE — Ape, marmoset, f)ip qoph. 1 Ki. 10. 22 silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks 2 Ch. 9. 21 silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks A-PEL'-IES, 'A-KsWris. A disciple at Kome, to whom Paul sends salutation Kom.i6 10 Salute A. approved in Clirist A-PHAK-SA'-CHITES, N,'3p-)5x. Meaning uncertain. An unknown Assyrian tribe.' Ezra s. 6 Tatnai.. and his companions the A. 6. 6 Tatnai. .and your companions the A. A-PHAE-SATH'-CHITES, M.'.rnDlSK Perhaps the same as the preceding. Ezra 4. 9 Then. .Kehum the chancellor, and. .A. A-PHAR'-SITES, N.".p1E«. Meaning uncertain. Perhaps the same as the preceding. Ezra 4. 9 Then. .Rehura the chancellor, and. .A. A'-PHEK, p^^ fortress. 1. A royal city of the Canaanites, taken by Joshua and assigned to Issachar. Probably the same as the Aphe- kah of Josh. 15. 53. Josli.12. 18 [these are the kings]. .The king of A.; I Sa. 4. I and the Philistines pitched in A. 29. I Philistines gathered, .their armies to A. ' 1. A city E. of Clnneroth, whero Benhadad was de- feated by Ahab. I Ki.'zo. 26 came to pass. .Ben-hadad. .went up to A 20. 30 But the rest fled to A., into the city ? Kl. 13. 17 thou shalt smite the Syriansin A., till S. With the article " the Aphek," a place where the Philistines encamped while the Israelites were at Eben- ezer. This was N.W. and not far from Jerusalem. iSa. 4. I and the- Philistines pitched in A. i. 1 ho scene of a battle wherein Saul was defeated ami. slain. I Sa. 29. I Philistines gathered . .their armies to A. A-PHE'-KAH, .^i3^^I fortress. A city in the hill-country of Judah, near Eeth-tappuah.' Josh. 13. S3 And Janum, and Belh-tappuali, and A. A-PHI'-AH, n'DN striving. One of Saul's ancestors, li.C. 1225. 1 Sa. 9. 1 Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of A. A'-PEIK, p??? ni3EX p-^^. fortress. A city of Asher in tlie Ni of Canaan. It is the jlphalea on the river Adonis. The Capaanites kept' possession of this stronghold. '> Josh. 1 3. 4 unto A. , to the borders of the Amorites 19. 30 Ummah also, and A., and Rehob, twenty Judg. I. 31 did Asher drive nut the inhabitants of A. 2 Ki. 13. 17 for thou shalt smite the Syrians in A. APH'-RAH, rn^y hamlet. ■ A city in Benjamin, near Philistia. It is perham the same as Ophrali, but this is uncertain, as all the towns named in the context are' in the low country, while Ophrah would seem to be E, of Bethel. Mic. I. lo in the house of A. roll thyself in the dust APH'-SES, J'iSn the dispersed. A Levite chief of the i8th of the 24 courses in tho service of the temple, B.C. 1015. I cn. 24.15 seventeenth to llezlr,. eighteenth to A.. APIECE — l.The one pillar, "inNn nieyn ha-amm.ud ha-echad. I Ki. 7. 15 pillars, .of eighteen cubits high apiece 2. The spoon, »]3n hakkaph. Num. 7. 86 spoons, .(weighing) ten (shekels) apiece 3. Up to, up by, apiece, avd ana. Luke 9. 3 journey., neither have two coats [apiece] John 2. 6 containing two or three firkins apit'.e A-POL-tO-Nl'-A, 'ATToWoivia, place of Apollo. A city of Macedonia, in the district of Mygdonia, 28 miles from Amphipolis, and 35 from Thessalonica. This city must not be confounded wMi the more cele- brated ApoUonia In lUyria. Acts 17. I when they had passed through, .and A. A-POL'-LOS, 'AiroWios a destroyer. An eloquent Jew from Alexandria, who came to Ephcsus during the absence of Paul (A. D. 54), and was there moro perfectly taught in Christian doctrine by Aquila aud ■ Priscilla. Acts 1 8. 24 a certain Jew n amed A . . . came to Ephesus ig. I And it came to pass, that, while A. was I Co. 1. 12 every one of you saith, I am of . . A. 3. 4 and another, I (am) of A.; are ye not 3. s Who then is Paul, and who (is) A., but 3. 6 I have planted, A, watered; but God g;.ve 3. zz Whether Paul, or A., or Cephas, or the 4. 6 I have.. transferred to myself and to A. 16. 12 As touching (our) brother A., I greatly Titus 3. 13 Bring.. and A. oh their journey diUgeiitly A-POL-IY'-ON, 'AvoWvcov, destruction, destroyer. The Greek translation of the Hebrew "Abaddon." Rev. 9. II in the Greek tongue hath (his) name A. APOSTLE- One sent forth, air^crroXoT, apostolos. Matt 10. 2 Now the names of the twelve apostles Mark 6. 30 And tho apostles gathered themselves Luke 6. 13 chose twelve, whom.. he named apostles g. 10 the apostles, when they were returned II. 49 1 will send them prophets and apostles 17. s the apostles said unto the Lord, Incrcaso 22. 14 he sat down, and the twelve apostles 24. 10 which told these things unto the apostle Acts I. 2 given commandments unto the apostles 1. 26 was numbered with the eleven apostles 2. 37 and said, .to the rest of the apostles 2. 42 continued stedfastly in the apostles' 2. 43 many wonders.. done by the apostles 4. 33 with great power gave the apostles 4. 35 laid.. down at the apostles' feet: and 4. 36 Joses, who by the apostles was surnamcA 4. 37 sold. ..and laid (it) at the apostles' feet 5. 2 part, and laid (it^ at the apostles" feet S. 12 by the hands .of the apostles were many S. 18 laid their hands on the apostles, and put S- 29 Peter and the, .apostles answered and S. 34 commanded to put the (apostles] forth a 5. 40 when they had called the apostles, and 6. 6 Whom they set befoie the apostles : and 8. I were all scattered . . except the apostles 8. 14 when the apostles which were at Jerusa 8. 18 through laying on of the apostles' hands g. 27 took, .and brought (him) to the apostles 1 1. I the apostles and brethren were In 14. 4 with the Jews, and part with the apostles 14. 14 (which) when tho apostles, Barnabas and 15. 2 go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles 15. 4 they were received, .(of) the apostles and 15. 6 the apostles and elders came together 15. 22 Then pleased it the apostles and ciders 15 23 The apostles and elders and brethren IS. 33 '^&i:a let go in peace . .unto the apostles j6. 4 that were ordained of the apostles and R6m. I. I Paul . .called (to be) an apostle, separated II. 13 Inasmuch as I am the apostle of the j6. 7 who are of note among the apostles, who II APOSTLE 45 APPEARANCE 1 Co. I. I Paul, c:ilic(l .an apostlo of .Tusua Christ 4. 9 Gud liarli set forth us the apostles last .and the apparel 2 Sa. 14. 2 put on now mourning apparel, and Zech. 14. 14 silver, and apparel, in great abundance 2.Cluthing, ti/X2^ le.busli. 2 Sa. I. 24 onornaments of j;old upon your apparel EstU. 6. 8 the royal appurel be brought which 6.. 9 let this apparel and horse be delivered to 6. 10 Make haste .take the apparel and tho 6. 1 1 Tlien took Ilaman the apparel and the 8. 15 Mordecai v/ent out .in royal apparel of Isa. 63. I this, .glorious in his apparel, travelling 63. 2 Wherefore . . red in thine apparel, and thy Z.Clothing, »13^a malbash. 1 Ki. 10. s of his ministers, and their apparel 2 Ch. 9. 4 of his ministers, and their apparel g. 4 his cup-bearers also, and their apparel Zeph. I. 8 are clothed witli strange apparel i. Raiment, •f?.'?^ simlah. 2 Sa. 12. 20 David arose, .and changed his apparel Isa. 4. 1 We will, .wear our own apparel 5. Robe, garment, co-Otis estlies. Acts 1. 10 two men stood by them in white apparel 12. 21 Herod, an-ayed in royal apparel, sat upon Jas. 2. 2 a man witli a gold ring, in goodly apparel Q. Garment, lixartov himation. I Pe. 3. 3 or of putting on of apparel I.Qarment, l/id-rKrfiSs, kimatismns. Acts 20..33 Ihavecovetednoraan'ssilver.-orapparel B.Long robe, Karaa-roK-ri katastole. . I Ti. 2. 9 adorn themselves in modest apparel APPAREL, changeable suits of — Costly apparel, mantle, nis^na machalatsoth. isa. 3. 22 changeable suits' of apparel, and the APPAREL in -- To be clothed, c'gb lahesh, 4. . Ezra 3. to |bey'set the priests in fheir wparel nith APPAREL, rich — Rich apparel, D"ph5 beromim. Eze. 27. 24 work, ajid in chests of rich apparel APPARELLED — In apparel, iv ifj.aTta-fi 31. II Israel is come to appear before the Lord ji. 15 the Lord appeared in the tabernacle Judg. 6. 12 the angel of the LORD appeared unto him 13. 3 the angel of the Lord appeared unto the 13. 10 the man hath appeared unto me, that 13. 21 Lord did no more appear to Manoah 1 Sa. I. 22 I Avill bring him, that he may appear 3. 21 the Lord appeared again in Shiloh 2 Sa. 22. 16 the channels of the sea appeared, the 1 Ki. 3. 5 Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream 9. 2 Lord appeared to Solomon tho second II. 9 which had appeared unto him twice 2 Ch. 1. 7 that night did God appear unto Solomon 3. I appeared unto David his father, in the 7. 12 Lord appeared to Solomon by night Psa. 42. 2 when shall I come and appear before God? 84. 7 (everyone of them), .appeareth before God go. 16 Let thy work appear unto thy servants 102. 16 when. . he shall appear in his glory Song 2. 12 The flowers appear on the earth ; the . Isa. 1. 12 When ye come to appear before me 66. 5 he shall appear to your joy, and they Jer. 13. 26 upon thy face, that, .shame may appear 31, 3 Lord hath appeared of old unto me Eze. 10. I appeared over them, .a sapphire stone 10. 8 appeared .. a man's hand under their 19. II appeared in her heightwiththemultitmde 21. 24 in all your doings your sins do appear Dan. 1. 15 their countenances appeared fairer and 8. I a vision appeared unto me. .me Daniel 8. i which appeared unto me at the first Mai. 3. a who shall stand when he appeareth 7 Si.To be seen, look out, rp^ shaqaph, 2. Jer. 6. I evil appeareth out of the north, and 9.2*0 sliine again, avatpaivoixai amiphainomai. Luketg. II kingdom, .should immediately appear 10.7*0 irMnifesi (one's self), ^fjL(pavl(u emplianizij. Matt27. S3 after his resurrection .appeaj-ed unio Heb. 9. 24 now to appeal- in the presence of God for 11.7*0 shine upon, iiriharteroo. Marki6. 13 (After that he appeared in another forml 16. 14 [Afterward he appeared unto the eleven | 2 Co. 5. 10 we must all appear before the judgment 7. 12 thatourcare for you. .mightappcar unto Col. 3. 4 Christ. .shall appear. .yeshallalsoaj)pear Heb. 9. 26 he appeared to put away sin by the I Pe. 5. 4 when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye I Jo. 2. 28 that, when he shall appear, we may havu 3. 2 it doth not yet appear, he sh.dl a|ipcar Rev. 3. iS shame of thy nakedness do not appear APPEAR, made — Making bare, '"iti'n.p machsoph. Gen. 30. 37 and made the white appear, .in the red APPEARANCE.— \. Appearance, nnyi march. Num. 9. 15 upon the tabernacle.. the appearance of q, 16 and the appearance of tire by night Eze. I. 5 Aiidthis(was)t(h;irappe.'irance; Iheyhnd I. 13 their appearance like the appearance of I 14 as the appearance of a (lash of IightniiiK» I. lO the appearance of the wheels and their I. 16 their appearance and their work, .as it 1. 26 as the appearance of a sapphire stone I. 26 as the appearance of a man above upim it t. 27 appearance of fire from the appearaiuo I 27 from the appearance, the appearance of I. 28 As the appearance of the bow that is I. 28 so (was) the appearance of the brightness I. 28 This (was) the appearance of the likeness 8. 2 the app, of fire, from the app. . .the app. to. I as the appearance of the likeness of ■■» 10. 9 the appearance of the wheels, as tho 10. 10 tlieir appearances, they four had one 10. 22 their appearances and themselves : they 40. 3 whose appearance. .like the appearance 41. 21 the appearance, as the appearance 42. II the way .(was) like the appearance of tho 43. 3 according to the appearance of the vision Dan. 8. 15 there stood .the appearance of a man 10. 6 his face as the appearance of lightning la 18 like the appearance of a man, and he, Joel 2. 4 The appearance, .as the appearance 2.Sight, «T5os eidos. 1 Th. s- 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil S. Sight, oil/is apsis. John 7. 24 Judge not according to the appeAranca i.Face, countenance, irpdffonrov prosopon. 2 Co. 5. 12 them whichjgloryin appearance, and not APPEARANCE, outward — l.Rye, ]'y ayin. I. Sa. 16. 7 man looketh on the outward appearajice APPEARETH 4G APPOINTED 2.Face, countenance, vpScruirov prosopon. 2 Co. lo. 7 on things after the outward appearance ? APPEARETH — Appearance, ^'^y? mareh. Lev. 13. 43 leprosy appeareth Jn the skin of tha flesh APPEARIKO — l.Uncovering, avonaXv^is apokalupsis. I Pe. 1. 7 and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ 2.Manifcstation, iiTi"in,; yaah. Jer. 10. 7 King, .to thee doth it appertain APPETITE — '\.Life, 'n chai. Job 38, 39 or fill the appetite of the young lions 2.Soul, »53 nephesh. Prov.23. 2 if thou (be) a man given to'appetite Eccl. 6. 7 and yet the appetite is not filled APPETITE, to havB — To go or run to and fro, P13?' shaqaq. Isa. 29. 8 faint, and his soul hath appetite AP-PHI'-A, 'Aircpi'a. A female disciple to whom, with Philemon and Archip- pus, Paul wrote an epistle. Phm. a to (our) beloved A., and Archippus AF-FII FO'-RTTM, market of Appius {Claitdius). A well-known station, 43 miles from Rome, on the Ap- plan Way, the great road from Rome to the Bay of Naples. The site is near Treponti, where the forty-third mile stone is still preserved. Acts 28. 15 they came to meet us as far as A. foruiii APPLE — Apple, quinces, n'Sn tappuach. Prov. 25. II A word fitly spoken . . apples of gold in Song 2. 3 comfort me with apples : for I (am) sick 7. 8'and the smell of thy nose like apples APPLE of the eye — l.Liilleman, {the daughter), {n^)]w''Hishon{bath). Deutsz. 10 h^kept him as the apple of his eye Psa. 17. 8 Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide Prov. 7. a Keep, .ray law as the apple of thine eye 2. The pupil, or gate, "55 babah. Zech. 2. 8 toucheth you toucheth the apple of his e. ^.Daughter, ns bath. lam. 2. i8 let not the apple of thine eye ceaso APPLE TREE — Apple-tree, nlijn tappuach. Song 2. 3 As the apple-tree among the trees of the 8. 5 I raised thee up under the apple-tree Joel J. la the apple-tree, .is wthered away APPLY, to — 1, To cause to go in, nia ho, 5. Psa. 90. 12 we may apply (our) hearts unto wisdom Prov 23. 12 Apply thine heart unto instruction 2!To incline, n^j natah, 5. Prov. 2. 2 apply thine heart to understanding 3. To give, ]ni Tiathan. EccL 8. 9 AH this have 1 seen, and applied my heart 8. 16 I applied mine heart to know wisdom i. To go round, 339 sabab. Eccl. 7. 25 I applied mine heart to know, .\vi3dom 6. To set, place, pid, n'l^ shith. Prov 22. 17 apply thine lieart unto my knowledge APPOINT, to — 1. To say, "Ok amar. 1 KL 5. 6 according to all that thou shalt appoint II. 18 Pharoah .. appointed him victuals and Esth. 2. 15 Hegai. .keeper of the women, appointed 2. To choose, "inj bachar. 3 Sa. 15. 15 whatsoever, .the king shall appoint 8. To speak, nj'j dabar, 3. I Kl. 12. 12 the third day, as the king had appointed 4. To decree, engrave, pijn chaqaq. Prov. 8. 29 he appointed the foundations of the earth h.Tn cause toJcnow, VT, yada, 5. 1 Sa. 11. 2 I have appointed (my) servants to such &.To decide, manifest, n?; yakach, 5. Gen. 24. 14 thou hast appointed for thy servant 24. 44 hath appointed out for my master's son 7. To found, appoint, "ip; yasad, 3, Esth. t. 8 king had appointed to all the officers 8. To appoint, "ly; yaad. 2 Sa. zo. 5 the set time which he had appointed Jer. 47. 7 shore? there hath he appointed it Mic. 6. 9 hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed 9 To number, nji? manah, 3. Job 7. 3 wearisome nights are appointed to me Dan. I. 5 king appointed them a daily provision I. 10 the king, who hath appointed your \0. To point out, indicate, define, 3i33 naqab. Gen. 30. 28 Appoint me thy wages, and 1 will give it 11. 7*0 give, [nj nalhan. Exod30. 16 appoint it for the service of the N urn 35. 6 six cities . . which ye shall appoint for the Josh.zo. 2 Appoint.out for you cities of refuge z Ki. 8. 6 the king appointed unto her a certain I Cli. t6. 4 appointed (certain) of the Levites to Ezra 8. 20 David . .had appointed for the service Neh. 9. 17 in their rebellion appointed a captain Eze. 4. 6 I have appointed thee each day for a year 36. s the heathen . .have appointed my land 45. 6 ye shall appoint the possession of the 12. 7*0 cause to stand, n?j; amad, 5. I Ch. 15. 16 appoint their brethren, .the singers 15. 17 Levites appointed Heman the son of .Toel zCh. 8. 14 he appointed, according to the order of so. 21 he appointed singers unto the LORD, and 31. 2 llezeluah appointed the courses of the 33. 8 I have appointed for your fathers Ezra 3. 8 Zerubbabel. .appointed the Levites, from Heh. 6. 7 thou hast also appointed prophets to 7. 3 appoint watches of the inhabitants of 12. 31 I.. appointed two great (companies of 13. 30 I. .appointed the wards of the priests Esth. 4. s Hatach. whom he had appointed to 13. To do, make, n'^j; asah. Job 14. 5 thou haet appointed his bounds that he Psa. 104. 19 he appointed the moon for seasons 14. 7*0 inspect, overlook, •^a^ p(f.qad. livtxn. 3. 10 thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons 4. 27 ye shall appoint unto them in charge Jer. 15. 3 I will appoint over them four kinds 49. 19 a chosen (man, that) I may appoint over 50. 44 a chosen (man, that) I may appoint over 51. 27 Ashchenaz ; appoint a captain against 1 5. To charge, "ip? paqad, 5. Gen. 41. 34 let him appoint ofilcers over the land Lev. 26. 16 I will even appoint over you terror Num. I. 50 thou shalt appoint the Levites over the I Sa. 29. 4 thou hast appointed him, and let him not z KL 7. 17 the king appointed the lord on whose Esth. z. 3 let the king appoint officers in all the 16. To command, rivi Isavah, 3. 1 Sa. z5. 30 the Lord, .shall have appointed thee 2 Sa. 6. 21 to appoint me ruler over the people of 17. J4 the Lord had appointed to defeat the I Ki. I. 35 1 have appointed him to be ruler over Neh. 5. 14 I was appointed to be their governor in 17. To set apart, e'^S qadesh, 5. Josh 20. 7 they appointed Kedesh in Galilee in 18. To raise up, Dip qum, 5. Dan. 5. 2 1 he appointeth over it whomsoever he will 19.7'o cause lo meet, prepare, rrr^ qarah, 5. Nam 35. II ye shall appoint you cities to be cities of 2(i.To set, Dlb sum, Exod. 9. 5 Lord appointed a set time, saying 21. 13 I will appoint thee a place whither he Num. 4. 19 appoint them every one to his service 1 Sa. 8. II He will, .appoint, .for himself, for his 8. 12 he ^vill appoint hira captains over 2 Sa. 7. 10 1 will appoint a place for my people 2 Kl. 10. 24 Jehu appointed fourscore men without II. 18 the priest appointed officers over the 18. 14 king of Assyria appointed, .threehundred 2,Ch. 23. 18 Jehoiada appointed the officers of the Psa. 78. s he.. appointed a law in Israel which Isa. 44. 7 since I appointed the ancient people 61. 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Jer. 33. 25 I have not appointed the ordinances of Eze. 21. ig thou son of man, appoint thee two ways 21. 30 Appoint a way that the sword may come 21. 22 to appoint captains, .to appoint, .rams Hos. I. II the children, .appoint themselves one 21. To set, place, put, nT shith. Job 14. 13 thou wouldest appoint me a set time Isa. 26. 1 salvation will (God) appoint., walls and 22.7'o seiid, nhv s/ialach. I Ki. 5. 9 unto the place that thou shall appoint 23. To shew again, point out, avaSeiKi/vfii. Luke 10. I After these things the Lord appointed 2i.To be laid off or aside, awSK^t^Lat apokeimai. Heb. 9. 27 as it is appointed unto men once to die 25. To arrange througliout, SiaTciacrci) diatassd. Luke 3. 13 Exact do moro than that, .appointed-you Acts 7. 44 tabernacle, .as he had appointed 20. 13 for so had he appointed, minding himself Tit. I. 5 ordain elders, .as I had appointed thee 2&.T0 put throughout, SiariOrifii diatiihemi. Lukezz. zg I 27. To put, place, 'lcTTr)ni histemi. Acts I. 23 they appointed two, Joseph called M 17. 31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the I 28. To set dovyn., Ka6icrTriiJ.i kathistemi. Acts 6. 3 whom we may appoint over this business 29.7*0 do, make, iroifo) pnieS. 'Heb. 3. 2 was faithful to him that appointed him SO.T'o arrange together, vvvrdtrcru suniasso. Matt 26. 19 the disciples did as Jesus had appointed 27. 10 the potter's field, as the l.ord appoiuittl 31.7*0 arrange', set in order, rdcr dokirtutzd. Kom. 2. 18 knowest (his) will, and approveet the I Co. 16. 3 whomsoever ye shall approve by Phil. 1. 10 That ye-tnay approve things that are 5.2*0 place together, ewurrdco sunistao. a Co. 6. 4 in all (things) approving ourselves as the 7. II ye have approved yourselVes to be clear APPSOVED — Tested, tried, SSninos dokimos. Eomi4. 18 he that-.-serveth Christ (is), approved of 16. lb Salute Apelles approved in Christ t Co. II. 19 that they which are approved may be B Co. lo. is not he that commendeth. .is approved 13. 7 not that we should appear approved, but all 3. 1$ Study to shew tbyaeU approved unto God APT — To do, (IH. doers), n';/]) asah. 2 Ki. 2^. 16 all (that were) strong (and) apt for war APT to teach — Apt to teach, SiSaKriKSs didaktikos, 1 Ti. 3. 2 A bishop then must be. .apt to teach 2 Ti. 2. 24 but be gentle unto all. .apt to teach A-QUI'-LA, 'AicvKas eagle. A Jew whom Paul found at Corinth on his.arrival from Athens. Acts 18. 2 And found a certain Jew named A., bom 18. 18 sailed thence.. with him Priscilla and A. 18. 26 whom when A. and Priscilla had heard Rom. i6. 3 Greet Priscilla artd A. my helpers in Christ 1 Co. t6. 19 A. and Priscilla salute you much in the 2 Ti. 4. 19 Salute Prifica and A., and the household AH, Ij; city. The capital of Moab, on the left bank of the river Ar- non. It was in Jerome's time known as Areppolis and Rsbbath Moab. The site is still called Rabba, between Kerek and the Wady Mojeb, about 11 miles from each. Num 21. 15 brook that goeth. .to the dwelling of A, 21. 28 it hath consumed A. of Moab, (and) the Deut. 2. 9 because I have given A. unto tho children 2. 18 Thou art to pass over through A., tho 2. 29 Aa. .the Moabites which dwell in A., did Isa. 15. s Because in the night A. of Moab is laid A'-RA, «i,!? strong. Son of Jether, of tho tribe of Asher, B.C. 1540. I eh. 7. 38 And the sons of Jether.. Pispah, and A. A'-RAS, a>x a court. A city in the hill country of Judah, near Hebron. Josh. 15. 4.8;52 And in the mountains . . A., and Dumah • A-RA'-BAE, n^Tj; n the plain, wilderness. The valley on both sides of the Jordan from the Sea of Galilee to the southern extremity of the Salt Sea. This word is translated "plain" in many places, but seems to denote a particular place in Josh, xviii. The descrip- tion of an arabah is beautifully given in Jer, 51, 43, Josh.18. 18 And passed along, .over against A. 18. 18 northward, and went down unto A. A-RA-BI-A, l-ij;.!, yvi,, aiji wilderness. Generally in the Scriptures this name is applied to Arabia Petnea, or that portion of the great Arabian Peninsula which consists of that of Sinai, Idumea, and the region of Mount Seir, being bounded by Egypt and the upper part of the Red Sea, the Land of Canaan, and Northern Arabia. Its oldest inhabitants were called Horim or Horites, because of their living in "holes or caves ; " these were supplanted by the Edomites, and the Ishmaelites, and the Amalckites. The first men- tion of the name occurs in the reign of Solomon, B.C. 1014-Q75, when he is represented as receiving gold from " all the kings of Arabia," but whether as tribute or as a present is not mentioned (i Ki. 10. 15 ; 2 Ch. 9. 14); Jehoshaphat, B.C. 941, is also represented as receiving from the Arabians 7700 rams, and 7700 he-goats (3 Ch. 17. 11); the Arabians, who are represented as "near the Ethiopiane," came up against Judah in the days of Jehoram, B.C. 887, plundered his house, carried away his wives and hia sons (whom they afterwards slew) except Jehoahaz (or Ahaziah, or Azariah), his youngest son (2 Ch. 21. 17 ; 22. i); they are said to dwell in Gur- baal, a place unknown, and to have been defeated by Uzziah, B.C. 810 (2 Ch. 26. 7) ; Geshem tho Arabian, joined with Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah tl>e Ammonite, to mock and intimidate Nehemiah (Neh. a. 19 -,4. 7 ; 6. i) ; the woe denounced against Babylon was, that "neither shall the Arabian pitcli tent there" (Isa. 13. 20); a woe was denounced against Arabia itself, against a forest there, and against the travelling companies of Dedanim, the land of Tema, and the glory of Kedar (Isa. 21. 13-17) ; lust for idolatry is represented as that of the Arabian in the wilderness watching for prey (Jer.53. 2) ; their kings, distinct from those of De- dan, and Tema, and Buz, had to drink of the cup of the Lord from the hand of Jeremiah (Jer. 25. 24). Arabia and the princes of Kedar traded with Tyre, B.C. s88 (Eze. 27. 2i); some of its inhabitants were among the hearers of the Apostles on the day of Pente- cost (Acts 2. 11); and were perhaps converted, and with these Paul may have associated himself when he went to Arabia after his conversion (Gal. i. 17; 4. 25). It ig sometimes referred to as " Kedera," or " the East," as in Gen. 10. 30 ; 25. 6 ; 29. t ; Num. 23. 7, &c. This woiild seem to have been the name given to it by the Inhabitants of Egypt and Canaan, as being to the East of these countries, as "Arab," or the "West," may have been given to it by the people ol Babylonia. The principal tribes in Arabia Petra;a, with which the Bible principally deals, were the Amalekites, Edomites, Ge- shurites, Gezerites, Hagarites, Horites, Ishmaelites, Kadmonites, Kenites, Kenizzites, Kederenes, Midian- ites, Nabathaeans, with tho Moabites and Ammonites. The chief places mentioned are Almon-Diblathaim, Alush, Baal-Zephon, Bemoth, Beeroth, Bene-jaakan Beer-lahai-roi, Bozrah (in Edom), Buz, Diklah, Dinha> bah, Dizahab, Dophkah, Ebronah, Elath, Elfan, En- egUum, En-misbpat, Ezion-geber, Gebal, &c. 1 Ki. 10. 15 Beside, .of all the kings of A., and of the e Ch. 9. 14 And all the kings of A. and governors Isa. 21. 13 burden upon A. In the forest in A. Jer. 23. 24 And all the kings of A., and all the kings Eze, 27: 21 A., and all the princes of Kedar. they Gal. I. 17 but I went into A., andtetumed again 4. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in A., and A-RA-BI-ANS, D'X-a^j^. Tho Gentile appellation of the Inhabitants of Arabia. 2 Ch.17. IT and the A. brought him flocks, seven 2 1. 16 Lord stirred up . . the spirit of the . . A . 22. I for the band, .that came with the A. to 26. 7 And God helped him. .against the A. Neh. 2. 19 ButwheH..GcshemtheA.,heard(it),they 4. 7 when Sanballat, and Tobiah. and the A. 8. I Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Gesham the A. Isa. 13. ^p neither shall the A. pitch tent there Jer. 3. 4 In the ways hast thou sat. .as the A. In Acts 2. II Cretes and A., we do hear them speak A'-HAD, -rii)^ fugitive. 1. A king who attacked the Israelites near Mount Hor, ond was defeated, B.C. 1452. Num 21. I And (when) king A. the Canaanite, whicli 33. 40 And king A. the Canaanite, which dwelt 2. A Benjamite, son of Berlah, one of the principal in- habitants of AJjalon, B.C. 1400. I Ch. e. IS [sons of Elpaal], .Zebadiah, and A., and 3. A town or district in tho S. of Judah, N. of the wildernese. Josh. 12. 14 [These (are) the Idngs], .the king of A. Judg I. 16 wilderness of Judah . .in the south of A. A'-RAH, rnt} wayfarer. 1. An Asherite, and son of Ulla, B.C. 1500. I Ch. f. 39 And the sons of Ulla ; A. and Hanlel, and 2. The father of a family that came up from exile, B.c, 536. Ezr. 2. 5 Thechildrenof A.jSevenhundredseventy Neh. 7. 10 The children of A., six hundred fifty 3. A Jew whose granddaughter became the wife of Tobiah the Ammonite, who attempted to hinder Nehe- miah in the rebuilding of Jerusalem, B.C. 536. Neh. 6. 18 son in law of Shechaniah the son of A. A'-RAU, D"jx high, exalted. 1. A son of Shera, B.C. 2280. Gen. 10. 22 cliildren of Shera ; Elam. .Lud, and A. 10. 23 And the children of A.; Uz, and Hul, and I Ch. 1. 17 The sons of Shem ; Elam. .Lud, and A. 2. Son of Kemuel Abraham's nephew, B.C. 1838. Gen. 22. Bi Kemuel the father of A. 3. This terra is used to denote the whole country of Syria, but especially tho hilly districts. In such cases it is generally translated Syria or Mesopotamia. Num 23. 7 Balak. .hath brought me from A. 4. A district of the hill country N. of Canaan. I Ch. 2.-23 And he took Geshur, and A., with the 5. Son of Sbamer, of the tribe of Asher. I Ch. 7. 34 And the sons of Shamer; Aht. .and A. Matt. I. 3 Phares begat Esrom ; and Esrora begat A I. 4 And A. begat Aminadab ; and Aminadab Luke 3. 33 Aminadab, which was (the son) of A. Aram is used in the Hebrew to denote the nation oi which Aram, son of Shem, was the founder, or that dwelt in the country called Aram. In such cases the English version has It always rendered Syriam. A-RA-MX-TESS, ri;(j-ixn the female Aramile. Manaaseh's concubine. I Ch. 7. 14 his concubine the A. bare Machir the A-RAM NA-HA;RA'-IM, on^J D"3!< Aram of two rivers. Tlie country between tho Tigris and the Euphrates, called in Greek Mesopotamia. Psa. 60. title, when he strove with A. Naharaim, and A-RAM ZO'-BAH, nys crr^, Aram of Tsnbah. The land between the Oronles and the Euphrates, N.E. of Damascus, and S. of Hamath. Psa. 60. title, when he strove with. .A. Zobah A'-RAN, ]1H firmness. Son of Selr the Horite, B.C. 1700. Gen. 3S. a8 children of Dishan (are) these; Uz, and- A. 1 Ch. I. 42 The- sons of Dishan ; Uz, and A A-RA'-RAT, B"n** creation, holy land. A district of Ajraienia, between the river Arazes and tho lakes Par and Urumia, Gen. 9. 4 the ark rested . .upon the mountatos of A. Jer. s«- 127 call. .against-h?r the kingdoms of A. A-RATJ'-NAEf, njns, niry^Jah is firm. A Jebusite from whom David purchased the site of an altar to the Lord. (In i Ch. 21. 15, it is Oman.) B.C. 1040. 2 Sa. 24. 16 angel . .was by the threshing-place of A. »4. 18 an altar, .in the threshing-floor of A. 24, jio And A. looked, and saw the king and his 44. so and A. went out, and bowed himself 24. EI And-A. said. Wherefore is my lord the S4. 22 And A. said unto David. Let my lord the 24. 23 All these (things) did A., as a king, give 04. 23 And A, said unto the king, The Lord thy 04. 24 And the king said unto A., Nay ; but I Ak'-BA, PJIN strength of Baal. Father of the Anakira (Hivites) and Nephillm (giants). The name'Arba occurs in the Hebrew in connection with Kirjath "city" only, which is left untranslated in the English version, so that " Kirjath-arba" appears as.the name of the city which is elsewhere called the " City of Arba." 5j ARBATHITE 48 ARISE (Jen. 35. 27 And Jacob came,. unto the city of A. Juslus. 13 unto Ciilcb. he gave.. the city of A, the 21. II And they gave them the city of A. the AR-BA-THITE, 'ri^lV. belonging to Arabah. The patronymic of Abialbon anVJ of Abiel. 2Sa. 23. 3.1 [one of the thirty].. Abi-albon the A. 1 Ch. II. 32 liurai of the brooks of Gaaah, Abiel the A. AK-BrTE, '^IN a -native of Arab. I'aarai was one of David's guard ; in the parallel list of Chronicles it is given as Bcn-ezbai, by a change in let- ters not unfrequent. 2Sa. 23. 35 [One of the thirty]. .Paarai the A. AKCHANGEL — Chief messenger, apxayyiKoi archanggclos. I Th. 4. 16 with the voice of the archangel, and with Judo 9 Michael the arcliangel, when contending AU-CHE-LA'-trS, 'ApW^aos people's chief. A son of Herod the Great, who succeeded his father as ruler of Idumea, Judea, and Samaria. ■ Matt. 2. 22 But wlien he heard that A. did reign In ABCHEK — l.To tread a bow, rvs'^i %y\ darak qcsheth. I Ch. 8. 40 the sons of Ulam were mighty, .archers Jer. 51. 3 let the archer bend his bow, and against 2. To shout,^shool arrows, Y%n chatsats, 3. Judg. 5. II (are delivered) from the noise of archers 3. To shoot, iTi; ijarah. I Ch. 10. 3 the archers hit him, and he was wounded a Ch. 35. 23 the archers sliot at king .Josiah ; and ^.Archer, an rah. Job 16. i3*IJis archers compass me round about, he B.Bozo, nc'iT qcsheth. Isa. 21. 17 the residue of the number of archers 22. 3 they are bound by the archers : all that 6.T0 shoot, cast with a bote, nz^ij nn; yafah, 5. I Sa. 31. 3 and he was sore wounded of the archer I Ch. 10. 3 and he was wounded of the archers 7. To become an archer, nij'jj n^-j rabah. Gen. 21. 20 and he grew, .and became an archef 8. Owner of arrows, yu ''US baal chets. Gen. 49. 23 The archers have sorely grieved him AKCHES — 1. Arches, porches, D'rpTX elammim. Eze. 40. 21 the arches, .were after the measure of the 40. 22 their arches, and their palm trees, 40. 22, 26 the arches thereof Cwere) before them 40. 24, 29, 33 arches thereof ..according to those 40. 25, 29, 33 in the arches thereof roundabout 40. 31 thearchesthereof (were) toward the utter 40. 34 the arches thereof (were) toward the ^ 4Q. 36 the arches thereof, and the windows to it 2-Arches, porches, nieSx elammolh. Eze. 40, 16 And. .narrow windows, .to the arches 40. 30 the arches round about (were) five tR-CHE-VrraS,«. Meaning uncertain. The inhabitants of OrchiB in Chaldea removed to Samaria to colonise the land after the Israelites were carried away. Ezra 4. gThen. .IlehumtheclianceiIorand..theA. AR'-CHI, '^ivn the long. A city on the border of Ephraim, between Luz and Ataroth. Josh. 16. 2 passeth along unto the borders of A. to A. AUCH-IP'-PTJS, "Apxiirrros chief groom. One whom Paul exhorts to fidelity. Col. 4. 17 And say to A., Take heed to the ministry Phm. 2 to (our) beloved Apphia, and A. our AK-CHITE, "JIKn the long.^ The patronymic of Ilushai, David's friend, B.C. 1050. 2 Sa. 15. 32 Hushai the A. came to meet him with his 16. 16 And it came to pass, when Hushai the A. 17. 5 Call now Hushai the A. also, and let us 17. 14 The counsel of Hushai the A. (is) better I Ch. 27. 33 Hushai the A. (was) the king's companion ABC-TTT'-ETJS, ail, E^rv group, crowd. A constellation commonly called the Great Bear, of which the principal star is Dubbhe. Jol> 9. 9 Which maketh A., Oiion, and Pleiades 38. 32 canst thou guide A. with his sons? AKD, '^"jx sprout, descent. 1. A son of Benjamin, B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 21 sons of Benjamin (were) Belah and A. 2. A son of Eela, son of Benjamin, B.C. 1660. Niim 26. 40 the sons of Bcla were A." and Naaman Alt-DrraS, '^-)Krr the Ardile, belonging to Ard. Patronymic of the grandsons of Bela. Nnm 26. 40 (of Ard), the family of the A. AB'-BOH, I^Tix descendant Son of Caleb, son of Hezron, B.C. 1560. I Ch. 2. 18 her sons (are) these ;, Jesher. .and A. /iWF, there — l.Are there t there are or is, lyK ish. Uic. 6. Jo Arc there yet the treasures of wickedness 2. There is or arc, v; ycsh. Jer. 14. 22 Arc there (any) among the vanities of AH-E'-LI, 'SsiN valiant, heroic, A son of Gad, B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 16 And tlio sons of G.aii ; Zcpliion. .and A. J3. 4 Take the girdle, and arise, go to Euphr. 13. 6 Arise, go to Euphrates, and take the 18. 2 Arise, and go down to the potter's house 31. 6 Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto 41. 2 Then arose Ishmael the son.of Nethaniah 46. 16 Arise, and let us go agaia to our own 49. 28 Ariseye,gouptoKedar,andspoilthemen 49. 31 Arise, get you up unto the wealthy nation Lam. 2. ig Arise, cry out in the nigtt : in the ■ E2e. 3. 22 Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will 3. 23 I arose, and went forth into the plain Ko3. 10. 14 shall a tumult arise among thy people Amos 7. 2 by whom shall Jacob ai'ise? for he (ii) 7. 5 by whom shall Jacob arise? for he (ie) Obad. I Arise ye, and let us rise up against her Jon. I. 2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city 1. 6 sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so 3. 2 Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city 3. 3 So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineyeh 3. 6 he arose from his throne, and he laid MJc. 2. 10 Arise ye, and depart, .this (is) not (your) 4. 13 Arise and threshj O daughter of Zion 6. I Arise, contend thou before the mountains 7. 8 mine enemy ; whep I fall, I shall arise 6. To rise up, 01(3 qum, Dan. 2. 39 after thee shall arise another kingdom 6. 19 the king arose very early in the morning 7. 5 said thus unto it. Arise, devour much Hesh 7. 17 great beasts, .shall arise out of the earth 7. 24 the ten horns . . (are) ten kings . . shall arise 'I. To awake, J^p quts, 5. Psa. 44. 23 Awake, .arise, cast (us) not off for ever 8. To stir up, "«y v/r. Hab. 2. ig Woeuatohimthfltsaithto. .atone.. Arise 9. To (JO or come up, &.va$alva> anabaino. Luke 24. 38 said unto them . why do thoughts arise Kev. g. 2 there arose asmoke out of the pit, as the 10. To {rruzke) rise up, i.var4\\u) analello. 3 Pe. t. 19 and the day star arise in your hearts 11.2*0 make to stand up, (/.vlarrifii. anislemi. ilatt. 9. 9 And he arose, and followed him 26. 62 the high priest arose, and said unto him Mark 2. 14 And he arose and followed htm 5. 42 straightway the damsel arose, and walked 7. 24 from thence he arose, arid went into the 9. 27 But Jesus, lifted him up ; and he arose 10. I he arose from thence, and cometh into 14. 57 there arose certain, and bare false witness Luke I. 39 Mary arose in those days, and went 4. 38 he arose out of the synagogue, and 4. 39 immediately she arose and ministered 6. 8 And he arose and stood forth 8. 55 her spirit came again, and she arose 15. 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will 15. 20 And he arose, and came to his father 17. 19 he said unto him, Arise, go thy way : thy 23. J the whole multitude of them arose, and 24. 12 [Then arose Peter, and ran unto the] Acts 5. 6 the young men arose,iWound him up, and 6. 9 1 hen there arose certain of the synagogue 7. 18 Till another king arose, which knew not J. 8. 26 Arise, and go toward the south unto the 8. 27 he arose and went : and, behold, a man of 9. 6 the Lord (said^ unto him. Arise, and go 9. II the Lord (said; unto him. Arise, and go 9. 18 he received sight forthwith, and arose 9. 34 arise, and make thy bed. And he arose 9. 39 Then Peter arose and went with them 9. 40 put them all forth said, Tabitha, arise 10. 20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and 11. 7 I heard a voice saying Arise, Peter , slay 20. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise 22. 10 the Lord said unto me. Arise, and go into 22. 16 And now why tarriest thou ? arise, and be 23. 9 And there arose a great cry . and the Eph. 5. 14 Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from Heb. 7. 15 after the similitude of. .there ariseth 12.7*0 cast, pdWto ballo. Acts 27. 14 there arose against it a tempestuous 13.7*0 come, became, ylvofnai ginomai. Matt. 8. 24 there arose a great tempest in the sea 13. 21 when tribulation or persecution ariseth Mark 4. 17 when aflliction or persecution ariseth for 4. 37 there arose a great storm of wind, and Luke 6. 48 when the flood arose, the stream beat 15. 14 there arose a mighty famine in that land John 3. 25 Then there arose a question between Acts 6. I there arose a murmuring of the Grecians II. ig the persecution that arose about Stephen 19. 23 the same time there arose no small stir 23. 7 when he had so said, there arose a 23. 9 there arose a great cry : and the scribes 23. 10 when there arose a great dissension, the 14.7*0 wake up thoroughly, Steyeipio diegeiro. Mark 4. 39 he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said John 6. iS the seaarose by reason of a great wind 15.2*0 wake up, iyetpai egeiro. Alatt. 2. 13 Arise and take the young child and his 2. 14 When he arose, he took the young child 2. 20 Arise, and take the young child and his 2. 21 he sirose, and took the young child and 8. IS he touched her hand . .and she arose, and 8. 26 Then he arose, and rebuked the winds ^9. 5 forgiven thee ; ortosay, [Arise,]andw,ilk? 9. 6 [Arise,]takeup thy bed, and go unto thine 9. 7 he arose, and departed to his house 9. 19 Jesus arose, and followed him. and 9. 25 took her by tlie hand, and the maid arose 17. 7 .Tesus. .said. Arise, and be not afraid 24. 24'there shall arise false Christs, and false 25. 7 all those virgins arose, and trimmed their 27. 52 bodies of the saints which slept arose Mark 2. 9 or to say, [Arise,) and take up thy bed, and 2. II I say unto thee, [Arise,) a;nd take up thy 2. 12 immediately he arose, took up the bed 5. 41 and said. .Damsel, I say unto thee, [arise] Luke 5. 24 I say unto thee, [Arise,] and take up thy 7. 14 said. Young man, I say unto thee. Arise Luke 8. 24 ITien he [arose,] and rebuked the wind 8. 54 the hand, and called, saying, MkU, [arise J John 7. 52 look : for out of Galileo ariseth no II. 29 As soon as she heard, .she arjpse quickly •. 14. ji even sp 1 do. Arise, let us g 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4' 4- 4- 4- 4. S. 5- S- 5- S- 5- S- 5- S- I: 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 7- 7- aSa. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. IS' IS. IS' » Kl. 2. 3- 6. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. iCh. 6. " '3- ^3- 13- 13- »3- ^3- 13 13 I3- IS- IS- 15- IS- IS- IS- 15- 15- IS- IS- IS- IS- IS- IS- IS 16. 16. i6. 16. 16. 17- 22. 28. s8. aCh. I. S- S- s- s- ■ s- 5- S- I: 6. ■3 where the ark ol God (was), and Samuel 3 Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of 4 bring from thence the ark of the covenant 4 Phinehas. .there with the ark 5 the ark of the covenant, .came into the 6 they understood that the ark. .was come II And the ark of God was taken 13 his heart trembled for the ark of God 17 and the ark of God is taken 18 when he made mention of the ark 19 she heard the tidings that the ark. .was 21 because' the ark of God was taken 22 glory is departed, .for the ark. Is taken i', 2 the Philistines took the ark of God 3 upon his face to the earth before the ark 4 upon his face to the ground before the ark 7 The ark. .shallnot abide with us: for 8 What shall we do v/ith the ark of the 8 Let the ark. .be carried about unto Gath 10 Therefore they sent the ark of God to 10 83 the ark of God came to Ekron, that 10 They have brought, .the ark. '.to us, to 11 Send away the ark of the God of Israel 1 the ark of the LORD was in the country 2 What shall we do to the ark of the Lord? 3 send away the ark. .send it not empty 8 take the ark. .and lay it upon the cart II And they laid the ark, upon the cart 13 lifted up their eyes and savi the ark 15 the Levites took down the ark of the 18 whereon they set down the ark of the 19 because they had looked into the ark 21 Philistines have brought again the ark I Arid the men. .fetched up the ark of the 1 Eleazar his sou to keep the ark of the 2 the ark abode at Kirjath-jearim 18 Bring .the ark of God.. For the ark 3 bring up from thence the ark of God 3 they set the ark of God upon a new 4 the ark. .and Ahlo went before the ark 6 Uzzah put forth, .to the ark of Gpd, and 7 and there he died by the ark of God 9 How shall the ark of the Lord come 10 So David would not remove the ark of 11 the ark of the Lord continued in the 12 The Lord hath . .because of the ark of 12 David went and brought up the ark of 13 when they that bare the ark. .had gone 15. all the house of Israel brought up the ark 16 as the ark of the LORD came into the city 17 they brought in the ark of the Lord 2 the ark of God dwelleth within curtains 11 The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide iu 24 bearing the ark. .set down the ark 25 Carry back the ark of God into the city 29 Zadok . . carried the ark of God again to 26 thou barest the ark of the Lord God 15 stood before the ark of the covenant of 19 to set there the ark of the covenant of I that they might bring up the ark of the 3 came, and the priests took up the ark 4 they brought up the ark of the Lord 5 congregation, .(were^with.. before the ark 6 the priests brought m the ark of the 7 the ark, and the cherubims covered the a. 9 nothing in the ark save the two tables of 21 And I have set there a place for the ark 31 David set over, after that the ark had 3 let us bring again the ai-k of our God to 5 to bring the ark of God from Kirjath-jear 6 to bring up thence the ark of God the 7 they carried the ark of God in a new cart 9 Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark 10 because he put his hand to the ark : and 12 How shall Ibring the ark of God . to me? 13 David brought not theark. .to himself 14 the ark of God remained with the family 1 and prepared a place for the ark of God 2 None ought to carry the ark. .but the 2 hath the Lord chosen to carry the ark 3 to bring up the ark of the Lord unto his 12 that ye may bring up the ark of the Lord 14 to bring up the ark of the Lord God of 15 And the children, bare the ark of God 23 ar^d Elkanah. .doorkeepers for the ark 24 did blow with the trumpets before the ark 24 and .Tehiah (were) doorkeepers for the ark 25 David.. went to bring up the ark of the 26 the Levites that bare the ark of the 27 and all the Levites that bare the ark, and 28 Thus all Israel brought up the ark of the 29 the ark of the covenant of the Lord came t So they brought the ark of God, and set 4 to minister before the ark of the Lord 6 before the ark of the covenant of God 37 he left there before the ark of the 37 to minister before the ark continually 1 but the ark of the covenant .. under 19 to brin"the ark of the covenant of the 2 to build an house of rest for the ark 18 and covered the ark of the covenant of 4 But the ark. of God had David brought 2 to brlngup theark of the covenant of the 4 came r and the Levites took up the ark 5 And they brought up the ark, and the 6 were assembled unto him before the ark 7 And the priests brought in the ark of the 8 the ark, and the cherubims covered the ark 9 the staves were seen from the ark before 10 nothing in the ark save the two tables It And in it have I put the ark, wherein 41 arise, .thou, and the ark of thy strength a Ch. 8. 1 1 whereunto the ark of the Lord hath come 35. 3 Put the holy ark in the house which P8a.i32. 8 Arise, .thou, and the ark of thy strength Jer. 3. 16 say no more. The ark of the covenant of 2. Ark, ki$ci)t6s kibotos. Matt 24. 38 the day that Noe entered Into the ark Luke 17. 27 the day that Noe entered into the ark Heb. 9. 4 the ark of the covenant overlaid round II. 7 By faith Noah, .prepared an ark to the 1 Pe. 3. 20 while the ark was a preparing, wherein Rev. II. 19 there was seen in his temple the ark of Z.An ark, boat, vessel, n^n tebah. Gen. 6. 14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood 6. 14 rooms shalt thoii make in the aik 6. 15 length of the ark (shall be) three hundred 6. 16 window shalt thou make to the ark 6. 16 the door of the ark shalt thou 8,et in the 6. 18 thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and 6. 19 every (sort) shalt thou bring into the ark 7. 1 Come thou and all thy house into the ark 7. 7 Noah went .into the ark, because of the 7. 9 There went in two and two . . into the ark 7. 13 wives of his sons, .into the ark 7 IS they went in unto Noah into the ark, two 717 the waters increased, and bare up the ark 7. 18 the ark went upon the face of the waters 7. 23 and they that (were) v.'ith him in the ark 8. I all the cattle, .(was) witli him in the ark 8. 4 the ark rested in the seventh month, on 8. 6 Noah opened the window of the aik 8. 9 she returned unto him into the ark, for 8. 9 and pulled her in unto him into the ark 8. 10 he sent forth the dove out of the ark 8. 13 Noah removed the covering of the ark 8. 16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife 8. 19 every beast . went forth out of the ark 9. 10 from all that go out of the ark, to every 9. i8 sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark Exod. 2. 3 she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and 2. s when she saw the ark among the flags AE-KTTE, •'iny. fugitive, belonging to Arlca. The patronymic of a tribe descended from Canaan, son of Ham, residing in Area, about 12 miles N. of Tripoli in Syria. Its ruins are now called Tell Arlca. Gen. 10. 17 [Canaan begat], .the Hivite, and the A. 1 Ch. I. 15 [Canaan begat], .the Hivite, and the A. AEBI — \,Ann, J^im ezroa. Job 31. 22 let. mine arm be broken from the hone Jer. 32. 21 with a stretched out arm, and with 2. Arm, vrn dera. Dan. z. 32 his breast and his arms of silver, his S.Arm, HIT zeroa. Gen. 49. 24 the arms of his hands were made strong Exod. 6. 6 redeem you with a stretched out arm 15, 16 by th4 greatness ot thine arm they shall Deut. 4. 34 by a stretched out arm, and by great 5. 15 God brought, byastretched out arm 7. 19 hand, and the stretched out arm 9. 29 broughtest. by thy stretched out ami II. 2 hand, and his stretched out arm 26. 8 brought . . with an outstretched arm 33. zo teareth the arm with the crown of the 33. 27 underneath (are) the everlasting arms Judg 15. 14 the cords that (were) upon his arras 16. 12 he brake them from oft his arms 2. 31 I will cut otf thine arm, and the arm of I. 10 the bracelet that (was) on his arm 22. 35 a bow of steel is broken by mine arms 8. 42 shall hear . of thy stretched out arm 9. 24 Jehu, .smote Jehoram between his arms 17. 36 with great power and a stretched out arm 2 Ch. 6. 32 mighty hand, and thy stretched out arm 32. 8 With him (is) an arm of flesh , but with Job 22. 9 the arms of the fatherless, been broken 26. 2 (how) savest thou the arm (that hath) no 35. 9 they cry out by reason of the arm of the 38. IS and the high arm shall be broken 40. 9 Hast thou an arm like God? or canst Tsa. 10. 15 Break thou the arm of the wicked and 18. 34 a bow of steel is broken by mine arms 37. 17 the arms of the wicked shall be broken 44. 3 neither did their own arm save them 44. 3 but thy right hand, and thine arm 77. 15 Thou hast with (thine) arm redeemed thy €9. 10 thou hast scattered, .with thy strong arm 89. 13 Thou has a mighty arm^ str(^g is thy 89. 21 mine arm also shall strengthen him 98. 1 his right hand, and his holy alni 136. 12 strong hand, and witlj a stretched out arm Prov.31. 17 girdeth her loins, strengtheneth her arms Song 8. 6 Set me. .as a seal upon thine arm Isa. 9. 20 they shall eat. .the flesh of his own arm 17. 5 and reapeth the ears with his arm 30. 30 shall shew the lighting down of his ami 33. 2 be thou their arm every morning 40. 10 Behold, .his arm shall rule for him 40. II he shall gather the lambs with his arm 44. 12 workeih it with the strength of his arrm 48. 14 and his arm (shall be on) the Chaldeans SI. 5 and mine arms shall judge the people SI. 5 and on mine arm shall they tmst 51. 9 awake, put on strength, arm of the Lord 52. 10 The Lord hath made bare his holy arm 53. I to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ? 59. 16 therefore his arm brought salvation unto 62. 8 The Lord hath sworn by the ann of his 631 S therefore mine own arm broughtsalvaMnn ]sa. Jer. Eze. iSa. zSa. iKl. 2Ki. Dan. H03. 63. 12 led. by.. Moses with his glorious arm 17. 5 and maketh flesh his arm, and whoso 21. s I myself will fight .with a strong arm 27. 5 great power and by my outstietched arm 32. 17 thy great power and stretched out arm 48. 25 Moab is cut olt, and his arm is broken 4. 7 and thine arm . .uncovered, and thou shalt 13. 20 and I will tear them from your arms 20. 33 (As) I live, .with a stretched out arm 2o. 34 gather you. .with a stretched out arm 30. 21 I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king 30. 22 against Pharaoh . . and will break his arms I 30. 24, 25 I will strengthen the arms of the king I 30. 24 I will break Pharaoh's arms, and he 30. 25 the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down 31. 17 (they that were) his arm, (that) dwelt 10. 6 his arms and his feet like, .polished brasa| 11. 6 the power of the arm.. nor his arm II. 15 the arms of the south shall not withstand I 11. 22 with the arms of a flood shall they be II. 31 And arms shall stand on his part 7. IS Though I have, strengthened their arms II. 3 taking them by their arms; but they Zech.ii. 17 the sword (shall be) upon his arm, and 11. 17 his arm shall be clean dried up, and his i. Bosom, lap, lyn chotsen. Isa. 49. 22 shall bring thy sons in (their) arms 5. Shoulder, tjoj katheph. Job. 31. 22 let. .mine arm fall from my shoujder 6.Arm, Ppaxic^v brachiOn. Luke I. SI He hath shewed strength with his arm John 12. 38 to whom hath the arm of the Lord been Acts 13. 17 with an high arm brought he them out AKM, to — l.To clothe, trn^ labesh. I Sa. 17. 38 Saul anned David, .also be armed him 2.T0 draw out, p^"^ ruq, 5. Gen. 14. 14 he armed bis trained, .bom 4n-ht3 ABK self, to — \.To be drawn out or off, yi!) thalats, 2. Num 31. 3 Arm some of yourselves unto the war 2. To arm self, bTrKi^o/xai Iwplizomai. I Pe. 4. I ami yourselves likewise with the same AHMED — \.To arm, j'Vn chalats. Nuiait. 5 twelve thousand armed for war 32. 21 will go all of you armed over Jordan 32. 27 will pass over, every man armed for war 32. 29 every man armed to battle, before the 32. 30 will not pass over with you armed 32. 32 We will pass over armed before the LORD Deut. 3. 18 ye shall pass over armed before your Josh. 6. 7 let bira that is anr;ed pass on before the 2.By fifties, armed, D'E'Dn chamushim. Josh. 1. 14 pass before your brethren armed 4. 12 Sxanasseh, passed over armed before (he 3. To clothe oneself, t'2'7 labesh. I. Sa. 17. s lis (was) armed with a coat of mail i.Sliield, ]iO magen, Prov. 6. II and thy want as an armed man 24. 34 ai'.d thy want as an armed man 5.7*0 clasp, arm vrveself, \)iB\ nashaq. 1 Ch. 12. 2 (They were'* armed with bows, and could ]fsa. 278. a The children of Ephraini, (being) armed AEJIED, to be — To arm one's self, KadovXl^ofiat kathoplizomai. Luke II. 21 a strong man armed keepeth his palaco AiUffiED, to go — To be armed, drawn out, yi'} chalats, 2. Num 32. 17 But we ourselves will go ready armed 32. 20 if ye wiU go armed before the Lord tc Atjivrpm man — 1. Anned, drawn out, pij chalats. Josh. 6. 9 the armed men went before the priests 6. 13 and the armed men went before them 2'.Ch. 28. 14 So the armed men left the captives and 2.Armed, fifties, DVIJO chamushim, Judg. 7. II Then went he .. outside of the armed men 3. To kiss, clasp, arm, oneself, ppi nashaq, 2 Ch. 17. 17 and with him armed men with bow and i. Armour, ptsi nesheq. Job 39. 21 he goetb on to meet the armed men AHMED, ready — To be drawn out, anned J^iJ chalats. 1 Ch. 12. 23 the numbers, .ready armed to the war 12. 24 of Judah. .ready armed to the war ATHHTKD soldier — To arm, draw out, y\:) chalats. Isa. 15. 4 the armed soldiers of Moab shall cry out AH-MA-GED'-DON, 'Apyita-yeSScoy hill of Megiddo. A symbolic name (derived from 2 Ch. 35. 22) for th« scene of some great spiritual contest. Kev. 16. 16 place called In the Hebrew tongue A. AH-ME'-NI-A, the Greek form of Ararat. Armenia, according to tradition, was settled by Haik, 3on of Togarmah, and grandson of J»phet (Gen. jo. 3): ARM HOLE 51 ARPAD it is noticed in Scripture under the names Togarmah and Ararat. The country, afterwards divided into Lesser and Greater Armenia, was frequently invaded by tlie Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Jledea and Per- sians, aiid for many years remained in subjection to one or other of these empires. The accounts given by Greel< and Roman writers are at vaiiance with those of the Armenian historians. M. St Martin hag investi- gated the subject with diligence, and upon his work the following chronological table is based : — lu B.C. 2107, Haik, fleeing from Belus king of Assyria, settles in Armenia, and becomes its first ruler: 1827, accession of Aram, who carries his arms into Asia Jlinor and founds Mazaca, i.e. C'Ecsareia of Cappadocia ; 1725, Armenia becomes subject to Assyria ; 743, Baroir renders it independent ; 565, accession of Tigranes, who restores it to its ancient position ; 323, on the death of Alexander it falls under the sway of Greek governors ; 317, under Ardoates it throws off the Grecian yoke ; 149, Valarsaccs, or Wagharshag I., founds the dynasty of the Arsacida; ; 34, Antony leads its sovereign cap- tive to Alexandria ; 30, on the death of Antony, Artaxes expels the Romans, and is crowned king. In A.D. j6, Vouones, king of the Parthians, seeks shelter in Ar- menia, and is made king ; i8, Germanicus makes Zeno king under the name of Artaxias ; 62, Tiridates king, by order of Nero ; 115, invaded and conquered by Trajan , 232, subjected by Ardashir, king of Persia; 276, Tiri- ilates is converted to Christianity by Gregory ; 387, Ar- menia divided between the Romans and the Persians ; 4:8, end of the kingdom of the Arsacidae. 2 Ki. 19. 37 and they escaped into the land of A. Isa. 37. 38 and they escaped into the land of A. ARM HOL£ — Arm-hole, n; Vvf atstsil yad. Jer. 38. 12 Put now (these), .under thine armholes £ze. 13. 18 Woe to. .that sew pillows to all armholes ASQUES — Bare, open spaces, r'nsjp tnaaroth. I Sa. 17. t3 came up. .out of the armies of the hBj-TILQ'-'Sl,'p-ifi of the palace. A son of Saul, by Rizpah, B.C. 1050 aSa. 21. 8 But the king took.. A. and MepUibosUeth AKMOTTR — \. Pieces 0/ amour, pointed weapons, niji zonoth. 1 Ki. 22. 38 and they washed his armour 2.A thing to gird on, n-jijn chagorah. 2 Ki. 3. 21 all that were able to put on armour 3./! thing to draw on, n;('^n chalitsah. 2 Sa. 2. 21 young men, and take thee his armour i. fnslruinent, vessel, 'h? keli. 1 Sa. 14. I unto the yoiing man that bare his armour 14. 6 to theyrrang man that bare his armour 17. 54 but he put his armour in his tent 31. g they, .stripped off Ms armour 31. JO they put his armour in the house of Asht. 2Sa. 18. 15 ten young men that bare Joab's armour 2 Ki. 20. 13 and (all) the house of his armour 1 Ch. 10. 9 they took his head, and his armour, and 10. 10 they put his armour in the house of their Isa. 39. 2 and all the house of his armour B.Long robe, ^P mad. I Sa. 17. 38 Saul armed David with his armour 17. 39 David girded his sword upon his armour S.Armour, thing joined together, pu) nesheq. I Ki. 10. 25 brought every man his present, armour , 2Ki. 10. 2 with you. .a fenced city also, and armour Isa. 22. 8 thou didst look, .to the armour of the 7. Arms, armour, SirXo hopla. Rom 13. 12 let us put on the [armour] of light / 2 Co. i6. 7 by the armour of righteousness on the ABMOTTE, (all) — Whole armour, iravonXta panopUa. Lukeii. 22 he taketh from him all his armour wherein ARMOTni (whole) — Whole amiour, iravowXla panoplia. Eph. 6. II Put on the whole armour of God, that 6. 13 take unto you the whole armour of God AHHOTJB S£A££B — Bearer of weapon, '^? nW nose keli. Judg.g. 54 called .the young man his armourliearer I Sa. 14. 7 his armourbearer said unto him. Do all 14. 12 answered Jonathan and-his armourbearer 14. 12 Jonathan said unto his armourbearer 14. 13 climbed up. .and his armourbearer 14. 13. and his armourbearer slew after him 14. 14 which Jonathan and his armourbearer 14. 17 Jonathan and his armourbearer (were) 16. 21 and he became his armourbearer 31. 4 Then said Saul unto his armourbearer 3t. 4 his armourbearer would not ; for he was 31. s when his armourbearer saw that Saul 31. 6 So Saul died . . and his armourbearer aSa. 23. 37 Zelek. .armourbearer to Joab the son of X Ch. 10. 4 Then said Saul to his armourbearer 10. 4 his armourbearer would not ; for he was 10. 5 his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead 11. 39 Zelek. .the armoarbe&rer otf Jo^ ARHOTniY — l.Treasury, "^T^H otsar. Jer. so. 25 The LoKD hath opened hls-annoury 2. Thing joined on or together, pe^i nesheq. Keh. 3. 19 over against the going'up to the armoury 3. Armoury, heap of swords, nvg^fi talpiyyolh. Song 4. 4 Thy neck (is) like . . for an armoury ARMS — Arms (as bent or crooked), ayKd\ai angkalai. Luke 3. 28 Then took he him up in his arms ARMS, to take (up) in — Tc make the amis inclose one, ^vayKa\l^o/ JSlarb 9. 36 and when he had taken him in his arms 10. 16 took them upio bi3 arms, put (his) hands AEKT — l.Tjoop, 1M: gedud. X Ch. 25. 9 1 have given to the army of Israel ? 25. 10 the army that was come to him out of 25. 13 the sold'^rs of the army which Amaziah Job 25. 3 Is there any number of his armies zg. 25 and dwelt as a king in the army 2.Strength, might, force, h'n chayil. Exodj4. 9 Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army Deut ji. 4 what he did unto the army of Egypt 1 Ki. 20. 19 and the army which followed them 20. 25 number thee an army, like the army that 2 Ki. 25. 5 the army of the Chaldees pursued after 25. 5 all his army were scattered from him 25. 10 all the army of the Chaldees, that 25. 23 when all the captains of the armies 25. 26 all the people . the captains of the armies \ Ch. II. 26 the valiant men of the armies. .Asahel 2 Ch. 13. 3 Abijah . with an army of valiant men of 24. 8 Asa had an army, .that bare targets and 16. 4 Ben-haded, .sent the captains of. .armies 24. 24 the army of the Syrians came with a 26. 13 under their hand (was) an army, three Neh. 2. g king had sent captains of the army 4. 2 he spake before, the army of Samaria Isa. 43. 17 Which bringeth forth, the army and the Jer. 32. 2 the king of Babylon's army besieged Jer. 34. I when Nebuchadnezzar, and all his army 34. 7 king of Babylon's army fought against J. 34. 21 the hand of the king of Babylon's army 35. It for -fear of the army of the Chaldeans 35. II for fear of the army of the Syrians 37. s Pharaoh's army was come forth out of E. 37. 7 Pharaoh's army, shall return to Egypt 37. 10 though ye had smitten the. .army of the 37. II army.. for fear of Pharaoh's army 38. 3 the hand-of the king of Babylon's army 39. I came Nebuchadrezzar, and all his army 3g. 5 the Chaldeans' army pursued after them 46. 2 against the army of Pharaoh-necho king 46. 22 for they shall march with an army 52. 4 Nebuchadrezzar. . he and all his army 52. 8 the army of the Chaldeans pursued after 52. 8 all his army was scattered from hira 52. 14 all the army of the Chaldeans Eze. 17. 17 shall Pharaoh with (his) mighty army 27. 10 They of Persia, .were in thine army, thy 27. II The men of Arvad with thine array 29. 18 Nebuchadrezzar, caused his army to 29. 18 yet had he no.wages, nor his army, for ag. ig and it shall be the wages for his army 32. 31 and all his army slain by the sword 37. 10 they lived, an exceeding great army 38. 4 I will bring thee, .and all thine army 38. IS a great company, and a mighty army Dan. II. 7 which shall come with an army, and shall II. 13 shall certainly come, .with a great array II. 25 stir up his power, with a great army J I. 2s with a very great and mighty army 11. 26 destroy him, and his army shall overflow Joel 2. II shall utter his voice before his army 2. 25 ray great army which I sent among yoU 3. Might, strength, force, S'n chayil. Dan. 3 20 mighty men that (were) in his army 4. 35 doeth according to his will in the army i.Might, strength, force, Vn chel. Isa. 36. 2 unto king Hezekiah with a great army Z.Camp, .ijnD machaneh. iSa. 17. ' I Philistines gathered together thelrarmies 28. I Philistines gathered their armies together 2g. I the Philistines gathered, .all their armies Song 6. 13 As it were the company of two armies G.Arrangement, '^T'M-'S maarakah. I Sa. 4. 2 they slew of the army in the field 4. 12 a man of Benjamin out of the army 4. 16 came out of the army, .out of the army 17. 8 he. .cried unto all the armies of Israel 17. 10 I defy the armies of Israel this day ; give 17. 21 put the battle in array, army against army 17. 22 David left, and ran into the army, and 17. 33 came up the champion . . out of the armies 17. 26 should defy the armies of the living God? 17. 36 hath defied the armies of the living God 17. 45 God of the armies of Israel, whom thou 17. 48 David hasted, and ran toward the army 23. 3 if we come to Keilah against the armies 7. Thing set up, n^aP initstsabah. Zech. 9. 81 will encamp about . . becau^ of the army S.Host (as joined together), K^f tsdba. Gen. 26. 26 Phichol the chief captain of his army Exod. 6. 26 Bring out. .according to their armies 7. 4 that I may. .bring forth mine armies 12. 17 have I brought your armies out of the 12. 51 the LOBD did bring, .by their armies Num. I. 3 Aaroo shall number them by their armies Num. 3 shall, .pitch throughout their armies 2. g of Judah. .throughout their armies 2. 10 the standard . . according to their armies 2. 16 of Reuben, .throughout their armies a. 18 the standard, .according to their armies a. 24 of Ephraim . .throughout their armies 2. 25 The standard, by their armies 10. 14, 22 standard, .according to thelrarmies 10. 28 joumeyingsof. .according to thelrarmies 33. I which went forth out. .with their armies . Deut 20. g they shall make captains of the armies ' Jiidg. 4. 7 I will draw.. the captain of Jabin's ainiy 8. 6 we should give bread unto thine army'^ 9. 29 Increase thine army, and come out 1 Ch. 20. 1 Joab led forth the power of the army, and 27. 34 the general of the king's army (was) Joab 2 Ch. 2s. 7 king, let not the army of Israel go with 26. 13 under their hand (was) an army, three Psa. 44. g But thou., goest not forth with our armies • 60. 10 didst not go out with our armies? 68. 12 Kings of armies did flee apace : and she Isa. 34. 2 and. .fury upon all their armies : he hath 9. An encampment, ■napsix^oXit parembole. Heb. 11.34 turned to flight the armies of the aliens \0.Ar^na7nent, (rrptiTEVfia strateuma. Matt 22. 7 he sent forth his armies, and destroyed Acts 23. 27 then came I with an army, and rescued Rev. g. 16 the number of the army of the horsemen ig. 14 thearmies..inheavenfollowedhimupou ig. 19 and their armies, .acainst his army ll..i4 camp, army, crpaTSirfSov stratopedon, Luke 2 1, 20 ye shall see . ..compassed with armies AR'-NAN, tJ1?< strong. Patronymic of a family descended from David, B.C. soo. 1 Ch. 3. 21 the sons of Rephaiah, the sons of A., tlie AB'-HOK, ]\i-\t< rushing stream^ A river and valley forming the S. boundary of Canaan towards Moab. Rising in the mountains of Arabia, it flows into the Salt Sea, opposite Ain-gidy. Now Mojab. Num2i. 13 pitched on the other side of A., which 21. 13 for A. (is) the border of Moab, between 21. 14 and in the brook of A. 21. 24 possessed his land from A. unto Jabbolt ai. 26 taken all his land, .even unto A. 21. 28 the lords of the high places of A. 22. 36 Moab, which (is) in the border of A. Dent. 2. 24 your journey, and pass over the river A. 2. 36 Aroer. .(is) by the brink of the.river of A. 3. 8 from the river of A. unto mount Hermou 3. 12 from A., which (is) by the river A., and 3. 16 from Gilead even unto the river A. half 4. 48 Aroer, which (is) by the bank of .. river A. Josh. 1 2. 1 from the river A. unto mount Hermon 12. 2 Aroer. .upon the bank of the river A. 13. g, 16 Aroer. .upon the bank of the river A. Judgij. 13 they came up out of Egypt, from A. even II. 18 and pitched on the other side of A., but 11. 18 for A. (was) the border of Moab II. 22 from A. even unto Jabbok and from tho II, 26 cities that (be) along by the coasts of A. 2 KI. 10. 33 from Aroer, which (is) by the river A. Isa. 16. 2 Moab shall be at the fords of A. Jer. 48. 20 tell ye it in A., that Moab ia spoiled A'-EOD, n'ii« descent, posterity. One of Gad's sons, whence came the Arodi, B.C. 1700, Num. 26. 17 Of A., the family of the Arodites A-KO'-DI, 'I'nS my posterity. The Arodites, descendants of Arod. Gen. 46. 16 sons of Gad ; Ziphion. .and A., and A-RO-DITES, *insJ7 labesh, 5. Gen. 41. 42 arrayed him in vestures of fine Unen 2 Ch. 28. 15 all that were naked, .and arrayed them Esth. 6. 9 that they may array the man . whom the 6. II Then took Haman.. and arrayed Mordecaj ARRAY, in — To set, place, nv shith. Isa. 22. 7 horsemen shall set themselves in array ARRAY, put in — To array, Xi'J, arah. Jer. so. 42 (every one) put in array, likg a man ARRAY, ta put in — To array, X^Ji arak. 2 Sa. 10. 9 and put. .in array against the Syrian 10. 8 and nut the battle in array at the 10. 10 that "he might put (them) in array against I Ch. 19. 9 put the battle in array before the gate of 19, 10 and put. .in array against the Syrians 19. 17 when David Iwd put the battle in array ARRAY, to put selves in — To array, Tl^, arak. Judg 20. 20 Israel put themselves in array to ilght 20. 22 where they put themselves in array 20. 30 put themselves in array against Gibeah 20. 33 put themselves in array at Baal-tamar I Sa. 4. 2 Philistines put themselves in array Jer. 50. 14 Put yourselves in array against Babylon ARRAY, to put the battle in — To array, Ti.'4 arak. I Sa. 17. 21 For Israel, .had put the battle in array ARRAY sell', to — 1. To clothe, a-J^ lo.hesh. Job 40. 10 array thyself with glory and beauty 2. To cover, wrap up, veil, nay atah. Jer. 43. 12 he shall array himself with the land of ARRAY, set in — To array, TfJi arah. Jer. 6. 23 they ride upon horses, set in array Joel 2. 5 as a strong people set in battle array ARRAY, to set in — To array, T^ arak. Judg 20. 22 set their battle again in array in the i. Sa. 17. 2 set the battle in array against the 17. 8 come out to set. .battle in array? 1 Ch. 19. II they set. .in array against the children 10. 17 and set. .in array against them 2 Ch. 13. 3 Abijah set the battle in array with an 14. 10 they set the battle iu array in the valley ARRAY, to set selves in — To array, TW arak. 2 Sa. 10. 17 the Syrians set themselves in array Jo!) 6. 4 terrors of God do set themselves in array Jer. so. 9 they shall set themselves in array against ARRAY in, to— To cast arownd, ir^pi^iWim periballo. Luke 23. II and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, ^ad ARRAYED, to be — To he clothed, b*?^ labesh, 4. 2 Ch. 5. 12 their brethren, .arrayed in white linen ARRAYED in — To go into, put on, ipSico cndu5. Acts 12. 21 Herod, arrayed in royal apparel ARRIVE, to — 1, To sail down, learaitXfco katapled. Luke 8. 26 they arrived at the country of the (Jad, 2. To cast alongside, irapafidWo) paraballo. Acts 20. IS next (day) we arrived at Samos, and ABROflANCY — l.Pride, rising, excellency, Jikj gaon. Prov. 8. 13 pride, and arrogancy. .do I hate Isa. IJ. II cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease Jer. 48. 29 the pride of Moab .and his arrogancy 2. Stiffness, insolence, POV o^c^- I Sa. 2. 3 let^(not) arrogs&cy come out of your ARROW — 1. Arrow, yn chets. Num 24. 8 pierce . . through with his arrows Deut32. 23 I will spend mine arrows upon them 32. 42 1 will make mine arrows drunk with 1 Sa. 20. 20 I will shoot three arrows on the side 20. 21 find out the arrows. .the arrows (are) 10. 22 Behold, the arrows (are) beyond thee; go 20. 36 find out now the arrows which I shoot 20. 38 Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows 2 Sa. 22. 15 he sent out arrows, and scattered them 2 Kl. 13. IS Elisha said unto. .Take bow and arrows 13. IS And he took unto him bow and arrows 13. 17 The arrow of the Lord's deliverance 13. 17 the arrow of deliverance from Syria 13. 18 he said. Take the arrows. And he took 19. 32 He shall not. .shoot an arrow there 1 Ch. 12. 2 (hurling) stones, and. arrows out of a 2 Ch. i6, 15 to shoot arrows and great stones >vithal Job 6. 4 the arrows of the Almighty (are) within Psa. 7. 13 he ordalneth his arrows against the 11. 2 they make ready their arrow upon the 18. 14 he sent out his arrows, and scattered 38. 2 thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy 45. 5 Thine arrows (are) sharp in the heart of 57. 4 sons of men, whose teeth (are), .arrows 58. 7 he bendeth (his bow to shoot) his arrows 64. 3 bend (their bows to shoot) their arrows 64. 7 God shall shoot at them (with) an arrow gr. 5 Thou Shalt not be afraid for the . aiTow 120. 4 Sharp arrows .with coals cf juniper 127. 4 As arrows (are) in the hand of a mighty 144. 6 shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them Prov.25. 18 a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow 26. 18 As a mad (man) who casteth. .arrows Isa. s- 28 Whose arrows (are) sharp, and all their 7. 24 With arrows and with bows shall (men) 37. 33 He shall not. .shoot an arrow there Jer. 9. 8 Their tongue (is as) an arrow shot out 50. 9 their arrows, .as of a mighty expert man 50 14 shoot at hor, spare no arrows : for she 51. II Make bright the arrows; gather the lam. 3. 12 and set me as a mark for the arrow ' Eze. 5. 16 I shall send . the evil arrows of famine 21. 21 he made (his) arrows bright, he consulted 39. 3 I will, .cause thine arrows to fall out of 39. 9 shall go forth . . and bum . . the arrows.and Hab. 3. II at the light of thine arrows they went Zech. 9. 14 his arrow shall go forth as the lightning 2. Arrow, 'Jtn chetsi, 1 Sa. 20. 36 he shot an arrow beyond him 20. 37 place of the arrow which Jonathan had 20. 37 Jonathan cried . . (Is) not the arrow beyond 20. 38 Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows 2 Ki. 9. 24 the arrow went out at his heart S.'Arrow {as piercing, cutting in), nn chaisats. Psa. 77. 17 thine arrows also went abroad 4. A n-ow {as flashing, rushing forth), f)En resheph. Psa. 76. 3 There brake he the arrows of the bow 5. Son of the low, nai> ]3 hen qesheth. Job 41. 28 The arrow cannot make him flee ART — 1 . Work, rieriip maaseh. Exod 30. 25 an ointment, .after the art of the 30. 35 confection after the art of the apothecary 2 Ch. 16. 14 prepared by the apothecaries' art 2.Art, handicraft, skill, t/^i't) techne. Acts 17. 29 stone, graven by art and man's device ARTS, to use curious — To practise curious things, rh ireplfpya trpd<7. Acts 19. 19 Many of them also which used curious arts AR-TA-XER'-XES, xriPKinnnN great king. 1. A Persian king, the Longimanus of profane history. In 7th year of his reign E?ra went up to Jerusalem, B.C. 418. Ezra 7. 1 after these things, in the reign of A. king 7. 7 there went up . .in the seventh year of A. 7. II the copy of the letter that the king A. 7. 12 A., king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a 7. 21 And I, (even) I A. the king, do make a 8. 1 These, .went up with me .reign of A. Neh. 2. I to pass, .in the twentieth year of A. the 5. 14 unto the two and thirtieth year of A. 13. 6 for in the two and thirtieth year of A. 2. A king of Persia, the Cambyses of profane histoiy, B.O. 521. Ezra 4. 7 And in the days of A. the king wrote 4. 7 the rest of their companions, unto A. 4. 8 Rehum. .wrote, against Jerusalem to A. 4. II the copy of the letter unto A. the kin;; 4. 23 when the copy of king A.'s letter (was) 3. Another king of Persia, contemporary with Darius, or subsequent to liim. Ezra 5. 14 according to the commandment of. ,A. AR-TE'-MAS, 'Aprifias whole, sound. A companion of Paul at Nicopolisi Tit. 3. 12 When I . . send. A. unto thee, or Tychicns ARTIFICER — 1. Engraver, carver, &ij) charash. 1 Ch.29. 5 all manner of work, (made) by., artificers 2 C:h.34. II to the artificers and builders gave they I.Engraver, carver, Pin choresh. Gen. 4. 22 Tubal-cain,an instructer of every artificer Z. Engraving, carving, EJnn cheresh. Isa. 3. 3 The counsellor, and the cunning artificer ARTILLERY — Instrwnent, '^? keli. I Sa. 2o 40 Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad A-Rir'-BOTH, n'i3-i5 courts. The third of Solomon's commissariat districts, includ- ing Sochoh i it was therefore probably a name for tlie rich corn-growing country of the Shefelah or "plain" of Judah. I Ki. 4. 10 son of Hesed, in A,; to him (pertained) A-RTJ'-MAH, nm-^ height. A place near Shechem, in Ephraim, perhaps the same as Rumah (now called El-Ormah, N.E. of Nablus). Judg.. 9. 41 And Abimelech dwelt at A.: and Zebul AR'-VAD, -ir\H refuge. An island near Zidon, whence probably it was colonised It is now called Ruad, but formerly Antaradus. Eze. 27. 8 The inhabitants of.. A. were thy mariners 27 II The men of A. with thine army (were) AR-VAB-ITES, 'nnij inhabiting Arvad. The patronymic of the descendants of the 9th eon of Canaan, son of Ham. Gen. 10. 18 the A., and the Zemarite, and the I Ch. I. 16 the A., and the Zemarite, and the AR'-ZA, Ky^itfrm. A steward of Elah, king of Israel, B.C. 930. I Ki. 16. 9 in the house of A. steward of (his) house AS — l.Who, thai, as, l^tj asher. Gen. 22. 14 Jehovah-jireh : as it is said (to) this day 2. Even as, i^\<^ kaasher. Gen. 7. 9'the male and the female, as God had S.Also, 03 gam, Jer. SI. 49 As Babylon, .the slain of Israel to fall i.As a sufficiency, 'is Icede. Judg. 6. 5 For they came up. .as grasshoppers for 5. That, though, '? ki. Job 22. 2 as he that is wise may he profitable unto Q.Even as, in? kefiio. Exodis. s they sank, into the liottom as a stone 7. Unto, ij! ad. Judg 20. 48 the men of (every) city, as the beast, and 8. With, Dy im. Job 9. 26 They are passed away as the swift ships 9. Under, instead of, nnn tachaih. Job 34. 26 He striketh them as wicked men 10. Cm, upon, in addition to, hn a,l. Job 22. 24 Shalt thou lay up gold as dust 11. Verily, then, for, yip gar. Matt. I. 18 When [as] his jnother Mary was espoused 12. With a view to, els eis. Phil. 4. IS no church communicated with me aa 13. In, during, iv en. Luke 8. 5 and as he sowed, some fell by v. 19. etc. li.Even, as, KaBdirep kathaper. Koni 12. 4 For as we have many members in one 1 Co. 12. 12 For as the body is one, and hath many 2 Co. 3. 13 not as Moses, .put a veil over his face 8. II that as. .to will, so.. a performance 1 Th. 2. II As ye know how we exhorted, and 3. 6 desiring greatly to see us, as we also Feb. 5. i be that is called of God, [as]. . Aaron- \^. According to which, kclBA hatha. Matt 27. 10 the potter's field, as the Lord appointed \Q. According to what, Ka66 katho. Rom. 8. 26 Know not what we should pray for as wb '17. Even or according as, Ka66ri kalhoti. Acts 2.4s parted them to all .. as every man had, \?>.Even or according as, KaB(!>s hathos. Matt 21. 6 disciples went, and did as Jesus 26. 24 The Son of man goeth as it is written of 28. 6 for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the Mark 4. 33 spake he the word unto them, as they were 9. 13 whatsoever they listed, as it is written of 14. 16 his disciples wentiorth. and found as he 14. 21 The Son of man . . goeth, as it is written 15. 8 multitude, began to desire., as he had 16. 7 there shall ye see him, as he said unto Luke I. S5 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham t. 70 As he spake by the mouth of his holy 2. 20 heard and seen, as it was told unto them 2. 23 As it is written in the law of the Lord 5. 14 according as Moses commanded, for a 6. 31 as ye would that men should do to yoa 6. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father II. I teach us to pray, as John also taught his II. 30 as Jonas was a sign imto the Ninevites 17. 26 as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it ■ 22. 13 they went, and found as he had said unto 22. 29 as my Father hath appointed mito me 24. 24 found (it) even so as the women had said 24. 39 hath not flesh and bones as ye see me John I. 2.7 Make .straight the way .as said the pro. AS 53 AS Jolia 3. 14 as ife)3es lifted up the serpent in the 5. 30 as I near, I judge : and my judgment 6. 31 as it is written, He gave them bread from 6. 57 As the living Father hath sent me, and 6. 58 not as your fathers did eat manna, and 7. 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture 8. 28 as my Father hath taught me, I speak 10. 15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know 10. 26 [ycare not of my sheep, as I said unto you] 12. 14 Jesus.. sat thereou ; as it is written 13. 15 that ye should do as I have done to you 13. 33 Ye shall seek me : and as I said unto the 13. 34 ye love one another; as I have loved you 14. 27 not as the world giveth, give I unto you 14. 31 as the Father gave me commandment 15. 4 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself 15. 9 As the Father hath loved rae, so have I 15. 12 ye love one another, as I have loved you 17. 2 As thou hast given him power over all 17. n keep, .that they may be one, as we (are) :i7. 18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even 17. 21 That they all may be one; as thou. Father 17. 23 hast loved them, as thou hast loved me 19. 40 as the manner of the Jews is to bury 20. 21 Peace, .unto you : as. .Father hath sent Acts 2. 4 tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance 2. 22 midst of you, as ye yourselves also know 7. 42 as it is written in the book of the prophets 7. 44 ashe had appointed, speaking unto Moses 7. 48 most High dwelleth . . in temples . . as saith ■10. 47 received the Holy Ghost as well as we? T5. 8 giving them the Holy Ghost, even as 15. IS to this agree the words.. as it is written 22. 3 was zealous toward God, as ye all are this Bom. I. 13 you also, even as among other Gentiles I 1 7 as it is written, The just shall live by faith 2. 24 name .. is blasphemed . . as it is written 3. 4 as it is written, That thou mightest be J. 8 as we be slanderously reported, and as 3. 10 As it is written. There is none righteous 4. 17 As it is written, I have made thee a father 8. 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are 9. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but 9. 29 And as Esaias said before, Except the 9. 33 As it is written. Behold, I lay in Sion 10. 15 as it is written. How beautiful are the 11. 26 as it is written. There shalPcome out of 15. 3 but, as it is written, The reproaches of 15. 7 receive ye one another, as Christ also .15. 9 as it is written. For this cause I will 15. 21 as it is written, To whom he was not 1 Co. 2. q as it is written. Eye hath not seen, nor 4. 17 as I teach every where in every church 5. 7 maybe a new lump, as ye are unleavened 8. 2 knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know 10. 6 we should not lust after evil things, as they 10. 7 Neither be ye idolaters, as .. some of them 10. 8 Neither, .commitfomication, as some of 10. 9 Neither, .tempt Christ, as some of them 10. 10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also 10. 33 Even as 1 please all (men) in all (things) .11. 2 keep the ordinances, as I delivered.. to IB. II dividing to every man severally as he will 12. 18 set. .in the body, as it hath pleased him 14. 34 to be under obedience, as. .saith the law 15. 38 God giveth it a body as it hath pleased 15. 49 as we have borne the image of the earthy s Co. I. 5 as the sufferings of Christ abound in us I. 14 As also ye have acknowledged us in part 4. I as we have received mercy, we faint not 6. 16 as God hath said, I will dwell in them 8. 5 and . .not as we hoped, but first gave their <8. 6 Insomuch that we desired Titus, that as 8. 15 As it is written, He that (had gatheredy 9. 3 I sent., that, as I said, ye may be ready g. 9 As it is written. He hath dispersed abroad 10. 7 as he (is) Christ's, even so (are) we Christ's 11. 12 they glory, they may be found even as we Qal. 2. 7 committed unto me, as . . the circumcision 5. 21 as I have also told, .in time' past, that Eph. 3. 3 mystery ; aa I wrote afore in fey words " 4. 4 even as ye are called in one hope of your 4. 17 that ye henceforth walk not as other 4. 21 and have hRen taught by him, as the 4. 32 as God for Christ's sake, hath forgiven 5. 2 walk in love, as Christ also hath loved S- 3 let it not be once named, .as becometh 5. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ 5. 29 nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Phil. 2. 12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye havealways 3. 17 mark them which walk so as ye have us 'Col. I. 6 as.. in all the world.. as.. also in you 1. 7 As ye also learned of Epaphras our dear 2. 7 and stablished in the faith, as ye have 3. 13 as Christ forgave you, so also, .ye I Th. I. 5 as ye know what manner of men we were 2. 2 and were shamefully entreated, as ye know 2. 4 as we were allowed of God to be put in a. 5 as ye know, nor a cloak of covetousness 2. 13 ye received.. not.. theword of men, but as E. 14 countrymen, even as they. ,of the Jews 3. 4 even as it came to pass, and ye know 4. I that as ye have received of us how ye 4. 6 as we also have forewamedj^)u and 4. ji with your own hands, as we commanded 4. 13 not, even as others which have no hope zTh. I. 3 We are bound to,thank God., as it is meet 3. I and be glorified, even as . .with you I Ti. i. 3 As I besought thee to abide still at Eph. Heb. 3. 7 Whereforq as the Holy Ghost saith 4. 3 as he said I have sworn in my wrath 4. T aa it ia said. To day If ye will hear his Ueb. 5. 3 by reason hereof he ought, as for the 5. 6 As he saith also in' another (place). Thou 8. 5 as Moses was admonished of God when 10. 25 Not forsaking the assembling, .as the < 11. 12 as the stars of the sky In multitude 1 Pe. 4. 10 as every man hath received the gift, so 2 Pe. I. 14 as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me 3. 15 even as our beloved brother Paul also 1 Jo. 2. i3 as ye have heard that antichrist 3. 2 like him ; for we shall see him as he is 3. 12 Not as Cain, (who) was of that wicked one 3. 23 love one another, as he gave us 4. 17 because as he is, so are we in this v.'orld 2 Jo. 4 as we have received a commandment Willis is the commandment. That, as ye 19. Even or according to, Kard (ace.) oo-oc Luke 4. 16 as his custom was, he went into the 22. 22 truly the Son of man goeth, as it was 22. 39 he came out, and went, as he was wont Acts 17. 2 Paul, as his manner was, went in unto 23. 31 the soldiers, as it was commanded them Bom. I. 15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready 3. 5 who taketh vengeance? I speak as a man I Co. 3. 3 are ye not carnal, and walk as men ? 9. B Say 1 these things as a man? or saith not Gal. 4. 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac vraa, are the Titus I. 9 Holding fast the faithful word ashe hath Heb. 9. 27 as it is appointed unto men once to die I Pe. I. 15 as he which hath called you is holy, so be 20.0/ what kind or sort, oTot hoios. I Co. ij. 48 As (is) the earthy, .as is the heavenly 21. How much, many, long, oaos hosos. Heb. I. 4 as he hath by inheritance obtained a 10. 25 so much the more, as ye see the day ap. 22.Whosoever, '6(Tri^ hoslis. 1 Co. i5. 2 lay by him in store, as (God) hath 23. Thus, so, oUrw oulo. 2Pe. 3. 4 all things continue as.. from the 2i.What manner, w Tpcnrov hon Iropwi. Luke 13. 34 as a hen. .her brood under (her) wings Acts 7. 28 Wilt thou kill me, as thou diddest the E. 2 'Ti. 3. 8 as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses 2^. As, that, in order to, for, uis h^s. Matt. I. 24 Joseph, .did as the angel of the Lord had 6. 10 Thy will bo done in earth, as (it is) in 6. 12 forgive us our debts, as we forgive our 7. 29 as (one) having authority, and not as 8. 13 Go thy way ; and as thou hast believed 10. 16 as sheep.. wise as serpents, .as doves 10. 25 be as his master, .as his lord 13. 43 'Then shall the righteous shine forth as 14. 5 because they counted him as a prophet- 17. 2 shine as the sun. .white as the light 17. 20 If ye have faith as a grain of mustard 18. 3 Except ye be converted, and become as iB. 4 whosoever, .shall humble himself as this 18. 33 compassion . .even as I had pity on thee ? 19. 19 Thou Shalt love thy neighbour as thyself 20. 14 I will give unto this last, even as unto ?i. 26 people ; for all hold John as a prophst 22. 30 but are as the angels of God in heaven 22. 39 Thou Shalt love thy neighbour as thyself 26. 19 the disciples did as Jesus had appointed 26. 39 nevertheless not as I will, but as thou 26. 55 Are ye come out as against a thief with 27. 65 go your way, make (it) as sure as ye can 28. 9 [as they went to tell his disciples, behold] 28. 15 So they took the money, and did as they Mark i. 2 [As] it is written in the prophets. Behold I. 22 as one that had authority, and not as 3. 5 his hand was restored whole [as] the 4. 26 as if a man should cast seed into the 6. 15 it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets 6. 34 because they were as sheep not having a 7. 6 as it is written. This people honoureth me 8. 24 and said, I see men as trees, walking 9. 3 became shining, exceeding white [as] 10. 1 as he was v/ont, he taught them again 10. 15 Whosoever shall, .receive, .kingdom.. as 12. 26 as touching the dead, that they rise 12. 31 Thou Shalt love tny neighbour as thyself 12. 33 and to love (his) neighbour as himself 13. 34 For the Son cf man is) as a man taking 14. 48 Are ye come out, as against a thief, with Luke 2. 15 it came to pass, as the angels were gone 3. 4 As it is written in the book of the words 3. 23 Jesus, .being (as was supposed) the son 6. 10 [his hand was restored whole as. .other] 6. 22 cast out your name as evil, for the Son of 6. 40 every one that is perfect Mall be as his 9, 54 [and consume them, even as Elias did?) 10. 3 I send you forth as lambs among wolves 10. 18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from 10. 27 Thou Shalt love-, .thy neighbour as thyself II. 2 [Thy will be done, a? in heaven, so in] 11. 36 as when the bright shining of a candle II. 44 for ye are as graves which appear not 14. 22 Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded 13. 19 make me as one of thy hired sen-xnts 15. 25 as hevfarae and drew nigh to the house 17. 6 If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed 17. 28 Likewise also [as] it was in the days of Lot 18. 1 1 that I am not. .even as this publican j8. 17 shall not receive the kingdom, .as a 21. 36 as a snare shall it come on all them 22. 26' let him be as the youngnr. .as he that a. 27 I am among you asjie that sevvctlv John Acts Luke 22. 31 desired, .that he may sift, .as wheat 22. 52 Be ye come out, as against a thief, with 23. 14' Ye have brought this man unto me, as 23. 26 as they led him away, they laid hold 14 and we beheld his glory, the glory as of 15. 6 he is cast forth as a branch, and is 20. II and as she wept, she stooped down 15 these are not drunken, as ye suppose 3. 12 why look ye so earnestly on us, as though 7. 51 ye do always resist the Holy Ghost : [as] 8. 32 He was led as a sheep to the slaughter 8. 36 as they went on . . way, they came unto 10. 25 as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met 11. 17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the .13. 25 aa John fulfilled his course, he said 13. 33 as it is also written in the second psalm 16. 4 as tliey went through the cities, they 17. 28 For in him we live. . as certain also of your 22. 5 As also.. high priest dothhear mewitnesa 22. 25 as they bound him with thongs, Paul ■,23. II Be of good cheer, Paul : for as thou hast 23. 15 as though ye would fvouiro something 23. 20 as though they would emiaire somewhat 25. 10 to the Jews have I done uo wrong, as 27. 30 as the Bhipmen were about to flee out of Bom. 1. 21 they glorified (him) not as God, neither 3. 7 why yet am I also judged as a sinner? 4. 17 things that be not as though they were 5. 13 not as the offence, so also (is) the free 5. 16 And not as . . by otie that sinned . . the gift S- 18 Therefore, as by the offence of one 6. 13 Neitheryieldyeyourmembers. .(a3)those 8. 36 are accounted as sheep for the slaughter 9.27 the number of the children . . be as . .sand 9. 29 we had been as Sodoma, and been made 13. 9 Thou Shalt love thy neighbour as thyself 13. 13 Let US walk honestly, as in the day; not 13. 15 as puttingyou in mind, because of. .grace I Co. 3. 1 as unto spiritual, .as unto carnal, as unto 3. 10 the grace, .which is given unto me, as a 3. 15 he .. shall be saved ; yet so as by fire 4. I Let a man so account of us, as of the 4. 7 why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not 4. 13 we are made as the filth of the world 4. 14 you, but as my beloved sons I warn 4. 18 Now some are puffed up, as though I .5. 3 as absent, as though I were present .7. 7 I would that all men ware even as I -7. 8 It is good . . if they abide even as I 7. 17 as God hath, .as the Lord hath called every 7. 25 yet I give my judgment, as one that hath 7. 29 they that have wives be as. .they had none 7. 30 as though they, .as though they, .as 7. 31 they that use this world, a£ not abusing 8. 7 some . . eat (It) aa a thing offered unto an 9. 2o I became as a Jew., as under the law 9. 21 To thera that are without law, as without 9. 22 To the weak became I [as] weak, that I 9. 26 not as uncertainly, .not as one. .beateth 10. 7 Neither be ye idolaters, [as] (were) some 10. IS I speak as to wise men ; judge ye what I 13. II spake as. .understood as. .thought as 14. 33 peace, as in all churches of the saints 16. 10 he worketh the work of the Lord, as I eCo. 2. 17 not as many.. as of sincerity, .as of God 3. 1 or need we, as some, .epistles of 3. 5 to think anything as of ourselves ; but 5. 20 as though God did be.scech. .by us : we 6. 4 in all., approving ourselves as. .ministers 6. 8 evil report and good report : as deceivers 6. 9 As unknown.. as dying, .as chastened 6. 10 As sorrowful., as poor, as having nothing 6. 13 I speak as unto, .children, be ye also 7. 14 as we spake all things to you in truth '9. s ^- -bounty, and not ... covetousness 10. 2 some, which think of us as if we walked 10. 14 we are come as far as to you also in. .the 11. 3 as the serpent beguiled Eve through his II. 15 if his ministers also be transformed as the II. 16 if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me 13. 2 foretell you, as if I were present, the 13. 7 do that which is honest, though we be as Gal. I. 9 As we said before, so say I now again 3. 16 to seeds, as of many ; but as of one 4. 12 1 beseech you, be as I (am) ; for I (air!)a3 4. 14 received me as an angel of God, (even) as 5. 14 Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thysell 6. 10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us Eph. 2. 3 by nature the children of wrath, even as 3. 5 as it is now revealed unto his holy 5. I Be ye. .followers of God, as dear children 5. 8 in the Lord : walk as children of light 5. IS circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise 5. 22 Wives submit yourselves, .as unto the 'S. 23 even as Christ is the head of the church 5. 28 So ought men to love their wives as their 6. s in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ 6. 6 with eye service, as men pleasers ; but as 6. 7 With good will doing service, [as] to the 6. 20 I may speak boldly, as I ought lo speak PIlU. I. 20 but (that) with all boldness, as alwaj-s 2. 8 And being found in fashion as a man 2. 12 ye have always obeyed, not as in my 2. 15 among whom ye shine as lights in the 2. 22 that, as a son With the father, he hath 2. 6 As ye have therefore received Christ 2. 20 why, as though living in the ivorld, are 3. 12 Put on therefore, as the elect of Cod 3. 18 Wives, submit yourselves, .as it Is fit In ^3. 22, Servants, obey, .not with eye service, aa 3. 23 whatsoever ye do, do (it) heartily, as to 4. 4 I m.iy make it manifest, as J ought ta CoL AS 54 AS iTh. sTh. iTi. ; Titus ' Hel). I. 3- •3- 3- 3- 3- 4- 6. 7- II. II. II. 12. 12. 12, 12. •13. Jas. 7. iPe. aPe. I Jo. 2 Jo. Jiide Hev, I. I. I. I. I. 2. 3. 3- 3' 4- 6. 6. 6. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. 10. 12. 13- »4- 16. 1 6. 17- 18. 19. 4 not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth 7.'\ve were gentle among you, even as a II and charged everyone of you, as a father 13 (it) not (as) the word of men, but [as] it 2 the day of tlie Lord so cometh as a tliief 4 that day should overtake you as a thief 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as (do) others 2 as from us, as that the day of Christ 4 so that he [as] God sitteth in the temple 15 count not .as an enemy, but. .as a 1 as a father, .younger men as brethren 2 elder women as mothers ; the younger as 3 Thou tlierefore endure hardness, as a 9 Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer 17 their word will eat as doth a canker 9 their folly shall be manifest, .as their's 5 ordain elders in every city, as jl had 7 a bishop must bs blameless, as the 9 I rather beseech (thee), being, .as Paul 16 Not now as a servant, l)Ut above a servant 17 If thou count me. .receive him as myself 11 they all shall wax old as doth a 2 as also Moses (was faithful) in all his 5 Moses verily (was) faithful, .as a servant 6 But Christ as a son over hia own house 8 Harden not your hearts, as in the prov. 15 harden not your hearts, as in the prov. 3 As I have sworn in my wrath, if they 19 Which (hope) we have as an anchor of 9 And as I may so say, Levi also, who 9 By faith he sojourned, .as (in) a strange 27 he endured, as seeing him who is invisible 29 By faith they passed through, .as by dry 5 exhortation which speaketh unto you as 7 God dealeth with you as with sons 16 Ijest there (be), .any profane person, as 27 as of things that are made, that those 3 as bound with them, .as being yourselves 17 for they watch for your souls, as they 10 because as the flower of the grass he sliall 8 Thou Shalt love tliy neighbour as thyself 9 are convinced of tlie law as transgressors 12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that 3 shall eat your flesh as it were fire 5 ye have nourished your hearts, fas] in a 14 As obedient children, not fashioning 19 with the precious blood of Christ, as of a 24 all flesh (is) as grass, .[as] the flower of 2 As new born babes, desire the sincere 5 Ye also, .is lively stones, are built up 11 Dearly beloved, I beseech (you) as to 12 that, whereas they speak against you as 14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are 16 As free, .but as the servants of God 25 ye were as sheep going astray ; but are 7 as unto the weaker vessel, and as being 16 [whereas they speak evil of you, as of evil] 10 as pood stewards of tlie manifold grace of 11 as the oracles of God. .as ot the aliility 12 as though some strange thing happened 15 as a murderer, .or as a busybody 16 Yetif..a3aChristian, let him not be .ish. 19 in well-doing, [as] unto a faithful Creator 3 Neither as being lords over(God's) heritage 8 your adversary the devil, as a roaring 12 By Silvauus, a faithful brother, .as I 19 take heed, as unto a light that shineth 1 as there shall be false teachers among 12 these, as n.itural brute beasts, made, 8 as a thousand years, .as one day 9 The Lord is not slack . . as some men count 10 the day of the Lord will come as a thief in 16 Asalsoinall. .as., the other scriptures 7 if we walk in the light, as he is in the 27 as the same .inointing teai:heth you 5 now I beseech tliee, lady, not as though I 10 what tlicy know naturally, as brute beasts 10 behind me a groat voice, as of a trumpet 14 white as suow. .eyes. .as a flame of fire 15 as if they burned . . his voice as the sound 16 his countenance (was) as tlie sun shineth 17 when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead 24 known the deptlxs of Satan, as they speak 27 as the vessels of . .even as I received 3 I wll come on thee as a thief, and thou 21 even as I also overcame, and am set down 7 the third beast had a face [as] a man 6 a Lamb as it had been slain, having 11 their brethren, that should be killed os 12 black as sackcloth of hair, .as blood 13 even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs 14 the heaven departed as a scroll when 2 there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the 3 them was given power, as the scorpions of 5 torment, .as the torment of a scorpion 7 their faces, .as the faces of men 8 hair as the hair ot women . . teeth . .as Q ;v3 the sound of chariots of many horses 17 heads of the horses., as the heads ot lions 1 and his feet as piliars ot firo 7 as he hath declared to his servants the 9 it shall be in thy mouth .sweet as honey 10 and it was in niy mouth sweet as honey 15 the S'lrpent oast out. .water as a flood 2 were as. .of a bear, and his mouth as 11 like a lamb, and he spake .is a dragon 2 as the voice of . .as the voice of a great •3 it became as the blood of a dead (man) 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he 12 receive power as kings one hour with the 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you 6 as .. the voice ot . . [as] tlie voice .. and as 2 Co. Gal. Eph. I Th. II eb. Jas. Key. 19. 12 His eyes, .[as] a flame of fire, and 20. 8 the number of whom (is) as the sand of 21. 2 new Jerusalem.. prepared as a bride 22. I puTc river of water of life, clear as crystal 26. .4s if, iicril husei. Matt. g. 36 were scattered abroad, [as] sheep having 28. 3 and his raiment white [as] snow 28. 4 the keepers did shake, and becarae.[a3] Mark 9. 26 he was as one dead ; insomuch that Luke24. II their words seemed to them as idle tales Heb. 1. 12 as a vesture shalt thou fold them up n. 12 and [as] the sand which is, by the sea TJ.Even as, iicrirephosper. Matt. 6. 2 as the hypocrites do in the synagogues 6. 5 when thou prayest, thou shalt not be [as] 6. 7 use not vain repetitions, as the heathen 6. 16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, [as] the 12. 40 as Jonas was three days and three nights 13. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and 18. 17 let him be unto thee as an heathen man 24. 27 as the lightning comoth out of the east 24. 37 as the days of Noe. .so shall also the 24, 38 [as] in the days that were before the flood 25. 14 For. .(is) as a man travelling into a far 23. 32 he shall separate them, .as a shepherd Luke 17. 24 as the lightning, that lighteneth out of j8. II I thank thee, that I am not [as] other men John s 21 as the Father raiseth up the dead, and 5. 26 as the Father hath life in himself ; so hath Acts 2. 2 there came a sound from heaven as of a 3.17 brethren, through ignorance ye did (it,) as 11. IS fell on them, as on us at the beginning Rom. 5. 12 as by one man sin entered into the 5. 19 as by one man's disobedience many were 5. 21 That as sin hath reigned unto death 6. 19 for as ye have yielded your members II. 30 as ye in times past have not believed God I Co. 8. 5 as there be gods many, and lords many n. 12 as the woman (is) of the man, even so 15. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ 16. I as I have given order to the churches of 1. 7 knowing, that [as] ye are partakers of the 8. 7 Tlierefore, as ye abound in every . .faith g. 5 bounty, and not [as] (of) covetousness 4. 29 But as then he that was bom after the 5. 24 Therefore [as] the church is subject unto S. 3 sudden destruction cometh upon them, as 4. lb also hath ceased from his . . works, as God 7. 27 necdcth not daily, as those high priests 9. 25 as the high priest entereth into tlie holy 2. 26 as the body without the spirit is dead 28./I5 if it were, uKTTrepei hnsperei. 1 Co. 15. 8 he was seen of me also, as of one born out 29. So that, Siare hoste. Matt 15. 33 Whence should we have . .bread . . as to fill [See also, According as, becometh, concerning, crystal, even, forasmuch, friend, hurl, inas- much, light, like, long as> power, so, such.] AS... as — As., [3...? fe...tere. EzQ. 42. 1 1 as jlong as they .. as broad as they : and all AS for — l.But, truly, yet, d^ik ulam. Job 17. 10 as for you all, do ye return, and como 2. Unto, to, "^x el. 2 Ch. 34. 26 as for the king of Judah, who sent you AS ctmceming — Even nr according to, Kara kaia. Kom. g, 5 and of whom as concerning the flesh II. 28 As concerning the gospel, .for your 2 Co. II. 21 1 speak as concerning reproach, as AS conceming that— — That heca'ii.'-e, on hoti. Acts 13. 34 And as concerning that ho raised him up AS far as (to) — 1. Unto, even unto, S-xpi- nchri. Acts 28. 15 came to meet us as far as Appii forum 2 Co. 10. 14 we are come as far as to you also 2. Unto, up to, eios hcos. Luke 24. 50 he led them out as far as to Bethany Acts II. 19 Now they . .tr.avelled as far as rheiiicc II. 22 that lie sliould go as far as Antioch' AS hast served -— Hecompcnsc, deed, ^1D3 geirrnl. Psa. 137. 8 rewardcth thee as thou hast served us AS it had been — \.As, that, in order to, for, ws hiis. Acts 10. It a certain vessel descending.. as it had li. II. 5 A certain vessel descend, as it had been I.As if, iiaei kosei. Acts 6. 15 all . .saw his face as it had been the • 9. 18 there fell from his eyes [as it had been] AS it were — l.Even as, to? kcmo.- Isa. 26. 18 we have as it wore brought forth wind I.As, that, in order to, for, &s hos. John 7. 10 not openly, but as it were in secret' 21. .8 not far from land, but as it were two Acts 17. 14 brethren sent away Paul to go [.-is it were] •Eom. g. 32 not by faith, but as it were by the works 1 Co. 4, 9 the apo3tle»last,"as it were appointed to 9- 10. 13- 14- IS 19. 2 Co. II. 17 I speak (it), .as it were foolishly, in thia Phm. 14 thy beuelit should not be as it were of Jas. 5. 3 shall eat your flesh as it were Rra Rev. 4. I the first voice which I heard.. as it were 6. J 1 heard, as it were the noise of thunder 8. 8 the second angel sounded, and as it were 8. 10 a great stai-. .burning as it were a lamp g. 7 on their heads, .as it were crowns liko g they had breastplates, as it were 1 his face, .as it were the suii, and his feet 3 I saw one of his heads as it were 3 they sung [as it were] a new song 2 I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled 6 I heard as it were the voice of a great 21 the street of the city . .as it were transp. Z.As if, wtrel husei. Luke 22. 44 [his sweat was as it were great drops of] Acts. , 34 For David is not ascended into the 25. I when Festus was come, he ascended from 6 Who shall ascend into heaven? that is, to Eph. 4. 9 Now that he ascended, what is it but Rev. 7. 2 I saw another angel ascending from the II. 7 the beast that ascendeth out of the. .pit 17. 8 The beast.. shall ascend out of the ASCEND, to causa to — To cause to. go up, n^y alah, 5. Psa. 135. 7 He causeth the vapours to ascend from Jer. 10. 13 lie causeth the vapours to ascend from 51. 16 be causeth the vapours to ascend from ASCEND (up), to — I. To go up, climb, ppj Psa. 139. 8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art 2. To cause to go up, nS;/ alah. Oen. 28. 12 the angels of God ascending and descend. Exod 19. 18 the smoke thereof ascended as the smoko Nura 13. 22 they ascended by the south, and came Josh. 6. s people shall ascend up every man 8. 20 the smoke of the city ascended up to 8. 21 the smoke of the city ascended, then 10. 7 Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all 15. 3 it went out. .and ascended up on the Judgi3. 20 the Lord ascended in the flame of the 20. 40 the flame of the city ascended up to T Sa. 28. 13 I saw gods ascending out of the earth Psa. 24. 3 Who shall a.scend into the hill of the 68. 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast Prov.30. 4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or Isa. 14. 13 I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt 14. 14 I will ascend above the heights of the Eze. 38. 9 Thou Shalt ascend and come like a storm 3. To go or come up, avaQaivw anahaino. Luke 19. 28 he went before, ascending up to Jerus. John 3. 13 no man hath ascended up to heaven, but 6. 62 if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up Eph. 4. 8 When he ascended up on high, he led 4. 10 the same also that ascended up above Eev. 8. 4 the smoke.. ascended up before God out 11. 12 they ascended up to heaven in a cloud 14. II the smoke of their torment ascendeth up ASCENT — l.Going up, nhv.P maaleh^ Num 34. 4 from the south to the ascent of Akrabblm 2 Sa. 15. 30 David went up by the ascent of. .OUvct 2.Going up, {burnt) offering, nVv alah. 1 Ki. 10.. 5 his ascent by which he went up unto the 3. Uppermost place, rr^M. aliyyah. 2 Ch. g. 4 his ascent by which he went up into the ASCRIBE, to — l.To give, an; yakab. Deut 32. 3 ascribe ye greatness unto our God 2. To give, jns nalhan. I Sa. 18. 8 They have ascribed unto David ten 18. 8 and tome they have ascribed, .thousands Job 36. >3 will ascribe righteousness to my Maker Psa. '68. 34 Ascribe ye strength unto God : his A-SE'-NATH, njpij dedicated to Neit. Daughter of Poti-pherah, priest of On, and wife of Joseph, B.C. 1715. Gen. 41. 45 he gave him to wife A. the daughter of 41. 50 which A. the daughter of Poti-pherah 46. 20 which A. the daughter of Poti-pherah AS'-ER, ''A.iXTtp. The Greek form of Aslier. Luke 2. 36 the daughter of Phannel, of the tribe of A. Rev 7 6 Of the Iribo of A. (were) scaled twclvt ASH 56 ASHIMA ASH — Ash or pme, px oren. Isa. 44. 14 he planteth an ash, aa4 the rain doth ASHAMED, 1.01 1, 10 be, _ I.Shavie, rrJ^ boshelh. Jer. 3. 25 As the thief is ashamed when he is founit 2. Tn he ashamed, become, pale, i^ia hosh. Judg 3. 25 they tarried till they were ashamed a Ki. 2. 17 they urged him till he was ashamed 8. II stedfastly, until he was ashamed Ezra 8. 22 I wa9 ashamed to require of the kins a 9. 6 I am ashamed and blush to lift up my Job 19. 3 ye are not ashamed . ye make yourselves J'sa. 6. lo Let all mine enemies be ashamed and ' 6. 10 let them teturn . be ashamed suddenly 25. 2 let me not be ashamed, let not mine 25. 3 let none that wait on thee be ashamed 25. 3 let them be ashamed which transgress 25. 20 let me not be ashamed ; for I put my 31. I let me never be ashamed ; deliver me in 31. 17 Let me not be ashamed, LORD 31. 17 let the wicked be ashamed, let them be 35. 25 Let them be ashamed and brought to 37 19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil "40. 14 Let thefn be ashamed and confounded 69. 6 Let not them . be ashamed for my sake 70. 2 Let them be ashamed and confounded 86. 17 they which hate me may .be ashamed log. 28 when they arise, let them be ashamed 119. 6 Then shall I not be ashamed, when 119. 46 I will speak, .and will not be ashamed 119. 78 Let the proud be ashamed ; for they 1 19. So heart be sound . . that I be not ashamed 127. 5 they shall not bo ashamed, but they shall Isa. J. 29 they shall be ashamed of the oaks 20. s they shall be . . ashamed of Ethiopia 23. 4 Be thou ashamed, Zidon : for the sea ■24. 23 and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of 26. II they shall see, and be ashamed for 29. 22 Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither 41. II all .shall be ashamed and confounded 42. 17 they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust 44. 9 they see not . . that they may be ashamed 44. II all his fellows shall be ashamed 44. II they shail fear .they shall be ashamed 45. 16 They shall be ashamed, and also "45. 17 ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded 45. 24 all .against him shall be ashamed 49. 23 they shall not be ashamed that wait for so. 7 I know that 1 shall not be ashamed 54. 4 Fear not thou shalt not be ashamed 65. 13 shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed 66. 5 your joy, and they shall be ashamed Jcr. 2. 36 thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt 6. 15 Were they ashamed when they had 6. 15 nay, they were not at all ashamed ; 8. 12 Were they ashamed when they had 8. 12 nay, they were not at all ashamed 12. 13 they shall be ashamed of your revenues 14. 3 they were ashamed and confounded 14. 4 tlie plowmen were ashamed, they covered 15 9 she hath been ashamed and confounded 17. 13 all that forsake thee shall bu ashamed 2o. 1 1 they shall be greatly ashamed ; for they 22. 22 then shalt thou be ashamed and .31. 19 I was ashamed, yea, even confounded 48. 13 the house of Israel was ashamed of 48. 13 Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh Ezo. 32. 30 with their tenor they are ashamed of 36. 32 be ashamed and confounded for your IIos. 4 19 tliey shall be ashamed because of their TO. 6 Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel Joel 2. 26, 27 my people shall never be ashamed Mic. 3. 7 Then shall the seers lie ashamed, and the Zeph. 3. II In that day shalt thou not be ashamed Zeuh 13. 4 prophets shall be ashamed every oue of 3.7V) put to shame, ivo bnsh, Z. 119. n6 le't mc not be ashamed of my Iiopo 4.7V) he ashamed of one's self, w'la hnsh, la. Gen. 2. 25 were both naked, and were not ashamed 5. To he ashavied, becom^e red, "isn chapher. Job 6. 20 they came thither, and were ashamed I'sa. 34. 5 and their faces were not ashamed Jer. 50. 12 she that bare you shall be ashamed 6. 7V> be dried n.p, wa; yahnsh, 5. Isa. 30. 5 They sveie all ashamed of a people (that) Jer. 2. 26 so is the house of Israel ashamed 6. 15 Wore they ashamed when they had 8. 9 The wise . . are ashamed, they are 8. 12 Were they ashamed when they hatl .Toel I II Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen ! Zech. 9. 5 her expectation shall be ashamed 7. To be made ashavied, red, "isn chaplier, 5. Isa. 33. 9 Lebanon is ashamed, hewn down .8. 7*0 he ashamed, hhish, Q?5 kala-ni, 2. Niun 12. 14 should she not be ashamed seven days' 2 Sa. 10. 5 the men were greatly ashamed • and the ig. 3 people being ashamed steal away when !i Ch. 19. 5 for th« men were greatly ashamed .2Ch.3o. 15 Levites were ashamed, and aanctifled Psa. 74. 21 let not the oppressed return ashamed Jer. 3. 3 thou rcfusedst to be ashamed • Eze. 16. 27 daughters, are ashamed of thy lewd way 16. 61 shaltremember thy ways, and beashamcd 43. 10 they may be ashamed of their iiiiiiiiities 4 J. 11 if they be ashamed, shew them the form 9. 7*0 be ashamed, aiVxui'Cii.ii' aischunomai. Luke 16. 3 I cannot dig , to beg I am ashamed ^ 2 Co. 10. 8 I should boast. .1 should not be ashamed Phil. I. 20 that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but I Fe. 4. 16 if. as a Christian, let him not be ashamed 1 Jo. 2. 28 and not be ashamed before him at his 10. 7*0 be ashained of iiratirxvvonai. Mark 8. 38 shall be ashamed of. .shall, .be ashamed Luke 9. 26 shall be ashamed of .shall, .be ashamed Kom. I. 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ 6. 21 thosethings whereof ye are now ashamed; 2 Ti. I. 8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the 1. 12 nevertheless I am not ashamed : for I I. 16 and was not ashamed of my chain Heb. 2. II for which cause he is not ashamed to call II. 16 wherefore God is not ashamed to be 11.7V) be utterly ashamed, KaraKTxifofiat. Luke 13. 17 all his adversaries were ashamed : and all Rom. 9. 33 whosoever believeth shall not be asham. 10. II believeth on him shall not be ashamed 2 Co. 7. 14 U I have boasted. .1 am not ashamed ^. 9. 4 Lest. .we.. should be ashamed in this ^ I Pe. 3. 16 they may be ashamed that falsely accuse ASHAMED, to make — 1. 7V; make ashamed, pale, v\3 bosh, 5. I'rov. 12, 4 she that maketh ashamed (is) as 2.7Vi cause to blush, 073 kalam, 5. Job II. 3 shall no man make thee ashamed ? 3. To shame utterly, Karaiax'l'vio kataischund. Rom. 5. s And hope maketh not ashamed ; because ASHAJyfED, needsth not to bo — Not asha-]ned of avt-iraiarxvvTos anepaischuntos. 2 Ti, 2. IS workman thatwieedeth not to be ashamed A'-SHAW, ]V]i smoke. A Levitical city in J udah, afterwards given to Simeon. Josh. 15. 42 Libnah, and Ether, and A. 19. 7 Ain and A. ; four cities and their I Ch. 4. 32 their villages (were), Etam. .and A., five 6. 59 And A. with her suburbs, and Beth A3H-BE'-A, y^fN man of Baal. The patronymic of a family that sprang from Shelah sou of Judah, B.C. 1400. • ■ I Ch. 4. 21 that wrought fine linen, of the house of A. ASH'-BEL, Sjj/N man of Baal. A son of Benjamin, B.C. 170^. Gen. 46. 21 the sons of Benjamin (were) Belah... and A. Num 26. 38 sons of Benj. after their families, .of A. I Ch. 8. I Benjamin begat. .A. the second, and Ah. ASH-BE-LITE, ''^ZV'^n belonging to Ashbel. A family that sprang from Ashbel. Num 26. 38 of Ashbel, the family of the A. : of Ahiram ASH'-DOD, •\'\iv>< fortress, castle. One of the five chief cities of the Philistines. It was strongly fortified, and stood on the border at the N. extremity of what afterwards belonged to Simeon to- wards Egypt. It is now called Asdud, and in the New Testament and LXX. Aaotus. It is about 3omilesfrom the southern frontier of Canaan, 3 from the Mediter- ranean, and midway between Gaza and Joppa. Josh. 1 1. 22 in Gaza, in Gath, .and in A. . , remained 15. 46 all that (lay) near A., with their villages 15, 47 A. with her towns and her villages, Gaza iSa. 5. I took the ark.. and brought it. .unto A. S. 3 when they of A. arose early on the morrow 5. 5 on the threshold of Dagon in A. unto this S- 6 was heavy upon them of A., and ho 5. 6 and smote them with emerods, (even) A. 5. 7 when the men of A. saw that (it was) so 6. 17. for A. one, for Gaza one, for Askelon one 2Ch.. 26. 6 and brakedown the wallof . .A., and built 26. 6 and built cities about A., and among the Neh. 13. 23 Jews (that) had married wives of A., of 13. 24 children spake half in the speech of A. Isa. 20. I In the year that Tartan came unto A. 2o. I and fought against A., and took it Jcr. 25. 2o Azz.ah, and Ekron, and the remnant of A. Amos r. 8 I will cut off the inhabitant from A. 3. 9 Publish in the palaces at A., and in the Zeph. 2. 4 they shall drive out A. at the noon day Zech. 9. 6 a bastard shall dwell in A., and I will ASH-DO-DITES, ASHDO-THITES, 'Yn^iJ. The inhabitants of Ashdod. Jo9h.i3. 3 the Oazalhitos. .the A,, the Eshkalonites Neh. 4. 7 when, the A., heard that the walls of ASH-DOTH PIS'-GAH, nipsri miffK springs ofPisgah. The spurs and ravines nf Pisgah, the top of which is Mount Nebo. Now Ain Musa. Deut. 3. 17 of the plain, the salt sea, under A. -p 4. 40 of the plain, under the springs of P. Josh 12. 3 and from the south, under A.-p 13. ^o Beth-peor, and A.-p. and Beth-jeshimoth A'-SHER, -usiN happy. 1 Eighth son of Jacob, and second by Zilpah, Leah's maid. (See Aser, the NT. form.) B.C. 1730. Gen. 30. 13 And Leah, called his name A. 35. 26 the sons of Zilpah. Gad, and A. 46. 17 the sons of A.; Jimnah, and Ishuah, and 49. 20 Out of A. his bread ('.shall be) fat, and he j Exod. I 4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and A. Num 26. 4^ the name of the daughter of A. (was) Sar. I Josh. 17. 10 theymet together in A. on the north, and 17. 11 Manasseh had in A. Bethshean and her iCh. 2. 2 Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and A. 7. 30 sons of A.; Imnah, and Isuah, and Ishuai 7. 40 All these (were) the childi en of A., heads 2. Asher is used also as the name of the tribe descended from Asher, and of that part of Canaan in which they dwelt. Num. I. 13 Of A.; Pagiel the son of Ocran I. 40 Of the children of A., by their generations 1. 41 that were numbered of. the tribe of A. 2. 27 that encamp .(shall be) the tribe of A. 2. 27 the captain of the children of A. (shall be) 7. 72 Pagiel prince of the children of A. 10. 26 And over, .the children of A. (was) Pagiel 13. 13 Of the tribe of A., Sethur the son of M. 26. 44 (Of) the children of A. after their families 26. 47 These (are) the families . of A. according 34. 27 the prince of the tribe of A., Ahihud Deut27. 13 shall stand .to curse ; Reuben, and A. 33. 24 of A. he said, (Let) A. (be) blessed with Josh 19. 24 fifth lot came out for the tribe . .of A. 19. 31 (is) the inheritance of the tribe, .of A. 19. 34 the coast, .reacheth to A. on the west 21. 6 of Gershon (had). . out of the tribe of A. zi. 30 out of the tribe of A., Mishal with her Judg. I. 31 Neither did A. drive out the inhabitants 5. 17 A. continued on the sea shore, and abode 6. 35 he sent messengers unto A., and unto 7. 23 Israel gathered themselves, out of A. I Ki. 4. 16 Baanah the son of Hushai (was) in A. and iCh. 6. 62 to the sons of Gershom out of A. 6. 74 out of the tribe of A.; Mashal with her 12. 36 of A., such as went forth to battle, .foity 2Ch. 30. II Nevertheless divers of A. . humbled Eze. 48. 2 by the border of Dan . . a (portion for) A. 48. 3 by the border of A. . . a (portion for) N. 48. 34 one gate of Gad, one gate of A., one gate 3. A town E. of Shechem, on the road to Beth-shean, in Manasseh, W. of the Jordan. Now Asirah. Josh. 17. 7 the coast of Manasseh was from A. to M. [The following localities were in the territory of Asher: — Abdon, Accho, Achshaph, Achzib, Ahlab, Amad, Aphek, Beten, Beth-Dagon, Beth- Emek, Beth-Rehob, Carmel, Ebron, Hali, Ham- mon, Helbah, HeIlfath,Hosah, Hukkok,Jiphtah- el, Kanah, Mearah, Mishal, Neiel, Sidon, Um- mah, &c.] A-BHE-EITE, '"ie-k.t the {one of) Asher. Patronymic of the tribe of Asher. Judg. I. 32 But the A. dwelt among the Canaanites ASHES — l.Ditst, {bruised, fine), ibn epher. Gen. 18. 27 I. .(am but) iust and ashes Num 19. 9 a man. .shall gather up the ashes 19. 10 ho that gathereth the ashes, .shall wash- 2 Sa; 19. 9 Tamar put ashes on her head, and rent 1 Ki. 20. 38 prophet, .disguised himself with ashes 20. 41 he. .took the ashes away from his face Esth. 4. I Mordecai. .put on sackcloth with ashes 4. 3 great mourning . . many lay in . . ashes Job 2. 8 and he sat down among the ashes 13. 12 Your remembrances (are) like unto ashes 30. 19 and I am become like dust and ashes 42. 6 I abhor, .and repent in dust and ashes Psa. 102. 9 For I have eaten ashes like bread 147. 16 he scattereth the hoar frost like ashes Isa. 44. 20 He feedeth on ashes : a deceived heart , 58. 5 spread sackcloth and ashes (under hini)f 61. 3 give unto them beauty for ashes, the oU Jer. 6. 26 sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes Lam. 3, 16 stones, he hath covered me with ashes Eze. 27. 30 they shall wallow themselves in the ashea 28. 18 I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth Dan. 9. 3 by prayer, .with fasting.. and ashes Jon. 3. 6 covered, with sackcloth, and sat in aslics Mai. 4, 3 they shall be ashes under the soles of 2. Ashes {fat), jE'n deshen. Lev. 1. 16 the altar, .by the place of the ashes 4. 12 ashes are poured out. ashes are poured . 6. 10 take up the ashes which the fire hath 6. II carry forth the ashes without the camp 1 Kj. 13. 3 ashes that (are) upon it shall be poured 13. 5 and the ashes poured out from the altar Jer. 31. 40 valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashea 3. Dust, {bruised, fine), "iBl/ aphar. Num 19. 17 take of the ashes of the burnt heifer 2 Ki. 23. 4 carried the ashes of them unto Betlvel i.Dusi, ashes, n'S piach. Exod. 9. 8 Take to you handfuls of ashes of the 9. 10 they took ashes of the furnace, and stood 5. Ashes, embers, o-iroSJs spodos. Mattii. 21 have repented, .in sackcloth and ashes Luke 10. 13 repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes Heb. 9. 13 ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean | ASHES from, to receive or take away the turn into— To remove or cleanse from ashes^ Itjii dashen, 3. Exod 27. 3 shalt make his pans to receive his ashes ^Num. 4. 13 take away the ashes from the altar A-SHT-MA, ^{DTK heaven An idol worshipped by the people of Haniath, and in- troduced into Samaria by the colonists whom Shalma- nezer settled therein. 2 Ki. 17. 30 and the men of Itamath made A. ASHKELON 67 ASK ASH-KE'-ION, AS-KE'-LON, J'lSgif'N holm-oak. Askalon is mentioned as a city of the Philistines, Josh. 13. 3, and I Sam. 6. 17. The tribe of Judah captured tt B.C. 1425 (Judges 1. 18), but it was retalten by the Philistines, aud is frequently denounced by the pro- phets: It fell successively into the hands of the Egyp- tians, the Greeks, and the Romans. It became a bishop's see in the 4th century. It was besieged by the Crusaders in iioo, and again in 1148, without success. Baldwin HI. captured it in 1157. Saladin re-took it in 1187, and burnt it in 1191. Richard I. of England ob- tained possession the same year, and restored the fortifications in 1 192. Sultan Bibars destroyed its forti- fications and filled up its harbour In 1270. (AsktUan.) Jadg. 1. 18 Also Judah took.. A. with the coast 14. 19 he went down to A., aud slew thirty men > I Sa. 6. 17 these ^are) the golden emerods. .for A. I a Sa. I. 20 publish (it) not in the streets of A.; lest Jer. 25. 20 the land of the Philistines, and A., and 47. s A. is cut off (with^ the remnant of their 47. 7 LOBD hath given it a charge against A. Amos I. 81 will cut off . . him that holdeth . . from A. Zeph. 2. 4 Gaza shall be forsaken, and A. a desolation 2. 7 in the houses of A. shall they lie do\vn in Zech. 9. 5 A. shall see (it), and fear, .and A. shall ASH-KE'-NAZ, ASH-CHE'-NAS, Tjff X. 1. Son of Gomer, son of Japheth. Gen. lo. 3 the sons of Gomer;A., and Riphatli, and I Ch. J. 6 the sons of Gomer; A., and Riphath, and 2. The people or tribe whose original seat was in the neighbourhood of Armenia, along with the kingdoms of Ararat and Minni. Jer. St. 27 call together, .the kingdoms of. .A. ASH'-NAH, r\)yH fortification. 1. A town in W. of Judah, near Dan. Josh.15. 33 the valley, Eshtaol, and Zoreah, and A. 2. Another town in the plains of Judah. 43 And Jiphtah, and A., and Kezib ASH-PE'-NAZ, \i^V^. Meaning uncertain. I'he prince of the eunuchs under Nebuchadnezzar, B.C. 606. Dan. t. 3 the king spake unto A. the master of his ASH-TAR'-OTH, ASH-TOE'-ETH, AS-TAR'-OTH, n'nwf'y, nnnyy a wife. 1. An idol of the Philistines, Phoenicians, and Zidonians, worshipped by Israel soon after the death of Joshua, and also by Solomon. Judg. 2. 13 forsook the Lord, and served Baal and A. 10. 6 the children of Israel, .served. .A., and I Sa. 7. 3 put away . .A. from among you, and 7. 4 the children of Israel did put away. .A. X2. 10 forsaten the Lord, and have served. .A. 31. JO they put his armour in the house of A. I Ki. ti. s Solomon went after A. the goddess of 11. 33 and have worshipped A. the goddess of aKl. 23. 13 high places.. Solomon, .builded for A, 2. A city on the E. of the Jordan, in Bashan. Deut. I. 4 After he had slain. .Og.. dwelt at A. Josh. 9. 10 all that he did . .to Og. .which (was)at A. 12. 4 the giants, that dwelt at A. and at Edrei 13. 12 the kingdom of Og. .which reigned in A. 13. 31 A., and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of 8. A Levitical town of Manasseh, beyond Jordan. I Ch. 6. 71 Unto the sons of Gershom . . A. with ASH-J^EA-THITB, 'rnppM of Ashler olh. Patronymic of one of David's worthies. I Cb. II. 44 Uzza the A., Shama and Jehiel the sons .ASH-TER'-OTH KAR-NA'-IM, D':-7p ni^^Jj;. A city of the Rephaim, in the kingdom of Og, in Man- asseh beyond Jordan. It was an abode of the Rephaim at the time of Chedorlaomer, B.C. 1913. \Ashterah.) Gen.14. s ^nd smote the Rephaims In A. E., and ASH'-UR, linyK /reeware. A son of Hezron, son of .Pharez, B.C. 1560. J Ch. 2. 24 Abiah Hezron's wife bare him A. the 4. s A. the father of Tekoa had two wives. ASH-TTR-ITES, 1i!!'N helonginff to Ashur. A tribe occupying the whole country W. of the Jordan above Jezreel, the district of the plain of Esdraelon. (Asherite occurs in Judg. i. 32.) ^aSa, 2. 9 made hira kingoverGilead..over the A. Eze. 27. 6 the company of the A. have made thy ASH'-VATH, nijij? made-, wrought. A son of Japhlet, a descendant of Asher, B.C. 1660. I Ch. 7. 33 the SQIX3 of Japhlet;- Pasacb. .and A. A-Sf-A, 'Ao-fa. This name was first applied In the 4th century to the north-western peninsula of the Asiatic continent. It is also called Anatolia, although the latter term is more correctly used for a particular portion. "Asia Minor was the theatre of the earliest remarkable events re- corded in profane history ; as the Argocautic expedition, the Trojan war, in which the gods are said to have de- scended from Olympus and joined battle with mortals ; the conquests of the Persians, the overthrow of their empire by Alexander, and the settlement in this part of Asia of his successors. It subsequently fell under the Roman sway, and suffered severely in after-ages In the wars of the Saracens, Turks, Tartars, &c. It is also intimately connected with the early )Ustory of Chris- tianity, and the first Christian churches were planted here." Its chief political divisions in ancient times were Bithynia, Cappadocla, Caria, Cilicia, Galatia, Lydia, Lycaonia and Isauria, Lycia, Mysia, Pamphylia, Paphlagonia, Plirygia, Plsidia, and Pontus. Acts 2. 9 the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in. .A. 6. 9 (the synagogue) of the Libertines, .of A. 16. 6 were forbid den . . to preach the word in A . 19. 10 all they which dwell in A. heard the word 19. 22 but he himself stayed in A. for a season 19. 26 almost throughout all A., this Paul hath 19. 27 whom all A. and the world worshippeth 19.(31 certain of the chief of A., .sent unto hira Eo. 4 there accompanied him into A. Sopater 20. 4 and of A., Tychicus and Trophimus. 20. 16 because he would not spend the time in A. eo. 18 from the first day that I came into A. 21. 27 the Jews which were of A., when they 24. 18 certain Jews from A. found me purified 37. 2 we launched, meaning to sail by. .A. 1 Co. 16. ig The churches of A. salute you. Aquila a Co. 1. 8 have you ignorant of our trouble.. in A. 2 Ti. I. IS all they which are in A. be turned away I Pe. I. I the strangers scattered throughout. . A. Rev. I. 4 John to the seven churches which'are in A I. II send (it) unto the seven churches, .in A. ASIDE — By oneself, kwt' ISCav hat idian. Mark 7. 33 took him aside from the multitude [See also Carry, go, gone, lay, set, take, tiirn, turned.] ASIDE, to go or turn — To retire, withdraw, avax'^P^" anachoreo. Matt. 2. 22 he turned aside into the parts of Galilee Acts 23. 19 and went .. aside privately, and asked 26. 31 when they were gone aside, they talked A-SI'-EL, W'\p]L God is doer. A Slmeonite, grandfather of Jehti, B.C. 800, 1 Ch. 4. 35 Josibiah, the son of Seraiali, the son of A. ASK, (eirnestly), to— l.To inquire, nj;|, kj;3 beak. Dan. 6. 7 ask a petition of any God or man for 6. 12 ask. .of any God or man within thirty 7. 16 1 . . asked him the truth of all this 2.T0 seek, inquire, ep^ baqash, 3. Judg. 6. 29 when they enquired and asked, they said aCh. 20. 4 Judah gathered.. to aak..of the Lord 3. To seek, search, tni darash. I Ki. 14. 5 the wife.'.cometh to ask a thing of thee i.To ask, hi(^ shaal. Gen. 24. 47 I asked her, and said, Whose daughter 26. 7 the men.. asked, .of his wile; and he 32. 17 and asketh thee, saying. Whose (art) thouf 32. 29 Jacob asked, .and said, TeU (me) 32. :?9 Wherefore (is) it (that) thou dost ask 37. 15 the man asked hiiu . . What seekest thouf 38. 21 he asked the men of that place. .Where 40. 7 he asked Pharaoh's ofiicers tiiat (were) 43. 7 The man asked us straitly of our state 43. 27 he asked them of . .welfare, and said 44. 19 My lord asked his servants. .Have ye a' Exodi3. 14 it shall be when thy son asketh thee 18. 7 they asked each other of. .welfare Ntim27. 21 Eleazar. .shall ask.. for him Deut. 4. 32 ask now of the days that are past, which 6. 20 when thy son asketh thee in time to come 13. 14 and make search, and ask diligently 32. 7 ask thy father, and he will shew thee Josh. 4. 6, 21 when your children ask. .in time to 9. 14 the men.. asked not.. at the mouth 15. 18 she moved him to ask of her father a field 19. 50 they gave him the city which he asked Judg. I. I the children of Israel asked the Lord I. 14 she moved hira to ask of her father a field 5. 25 He asked water, .she gave (him) milk 13. 6 1 asked him not whence he (was), neither 13. 18 Why askest thou thus after my name t Sa. 1. 17 thy petition that thou hast asked of him I. 20 Because I have asked him of the Lord 1. 27 given me my petition which I asked, .him 8. 10 unto the people that asked of him a king 12. 17 which ye have done.. In asking you a king 12. 19 we have added, .evil, to ask ns a king 19. 22 asked and said. Where (are) Samuel and as. 8 Ask thy young men^ and they will shew 38. 16 Wherefore then dost thou ask of me a Sa. 14. 18 Hide not. .the thing that I shall ask thee 1 KL a. 16 I ask one petition of thee, deny me not 2. 22 whydostthouask Abishag. .forAdonijah? B. 22 ask for him the kingdom also ; for he (is) 3. s God said. Ask what I shall give thee 3. 10 Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing 3. II thou hast asked, .hast not asked, .neither 3. 13 given thee that which thou hast not asked 10. 13 kingSolomongave.-whatsoeversheasked ■ 3 KI. 2. 9 Ask what I shall do for thee, betore I be 3. 10 he said. Thou hast asked a hard thing 8. 6 when the king asked the woman, she told 3 Ch. I. 7 said unto him. Ask what I shall give thee I. II thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or I. II hast asked long life ; but hast asked 9. 12 kingSolomongave.. whatsoever sheasked Neh. 1. a I asked them concerning the Jews that Job 12. 7 ask now the beasts, and they shall teach , - 31. 39 Have ye not asked them that go by the I'ia. 2. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give., the heathen 21. 4 He asked life of thee, .thou gavest (it) 78. 18 tempted . .by asking meat for their lust 105. 40 (The people) asked, and he brought quaiU Isa. 7. II Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God 7. II ask it either in the depth, or in the height 7. 12 Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will V 30. 2 walk, .and have not asked at my mouth 41. 28 no counsellor, that, when 1 asked of them 45. II Ask me of things to come concerning my 58. 2 they ask of me the ordinances of justice 65. I I am sought of (them that) asked not Jer. 6. 16 Stand ye . . and ask for the old paths IS. 5 who shall go aside to ask how thou doest? 18. 13 Ask ye now among the heathen, who hath 23. 33 when this people, .shall ask thee, sayinjr 30. 6 Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth 36. 17 they asked Baruch, saying, Tell us now 37. 17 the king asked hftn secretly in his house 38. 14 I will ask thee a thing ; hide nothing from 38. 27 Then came all the princes, .and asked. 48. 19 ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth so. s They shall ask the way to Zion with their Lam. 4. 4 the young children ask bread . .no man Mic. 7. 3 the prince asketh, and the judge.. for a Hag. 2. II Ask now the priests ;. the law, saying Zech 10. I Ask ye of the Lord rain iu the time of tho 5. To ask (/or oneself), ^Kf- shaal, 2. iSa. 20. 6, 28 say, David earnestly asked.. of me 6.T0 ask {earnestly), ^n^ shaal, 3. 3 Sa. 20. 18 They shall surely ask. .at Abel 7. To ask {earnestly). ^Hv sKel, 3. Ezra s- 9 Then asked we those elders, (and) said 5. 10 We asked their names also, to certify Dan. 2. 10 asked such things at any magician, or 8. To ask, crave, alrew aiteo. JIatt. 5. 42 Give to hira that asketh thee, and from ■ 6. 8 what, .ye have need of, before ye ask him 7. 7 Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and 7. 8 every one that asketh receiveth ; and he 7. 9 if his son ask bread, will he give him a 7. 10 if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent 7. II give good things to them that ask him! 14. 7 to give her whatsoever she would ask 18. 19 as touching anything that they shall ask ao. 22 Jesus answered.. Ye know not whatye ask 21. 22 all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in 27. 20 that they should ask Barabbas, and Mark 6. 22 Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I 6. 23 Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will 6. 24 went forth, and said. .What shall I ask! 6. 25 she came in. .with haste, .and asked 10. 38 Jesus said. .Ye know not what ye ask Luke 1. 63 he asked for a writing-table, and wn(jte 6. 30 Give to every man that asketh of thee 11. 9 I say unto you. Ask, and it shall be given J 1. 10 every one that asketh receiveth ; and he II. 1 1 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that. II. 12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him 11. 13 givetheHolySpiritto them that ask him? 12. 48 to whom men . . committed . . they will ask John 4. g How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest 4. 10 thou wouldest have asked of him, and he 11. 22 whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God 14. 13 whatsoever ye shall ask in my name 14. 14 If ye shall ask anything in my name 15. 7 ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall 15. 16 that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father 16. 23 in that day ye shall ask nie nothing 16. 24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing, .ask, and 16. 26 At that day ye shall ask in my name : and Acts 3. 2 to ask alms of them that entered into Eph. 3. 20 to do. .above all that we ask or think Jas. I. 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask I. 6 let him ask in faith, nothing wavering 4. 2 yet ye have not, because ye ask not 4. 3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask I Pe. 3. 15 an answer to every man that asketh I Jo. 3. 22 whatsoever we ask, we receive of him 5. 14 that, if we ask anythicg according to his 5. IS whatsoever we ask, we know that we have 5. 16 he shaU ask, and he shall give him life 9. To search out, 4^eTdCo> exetazo. Jo. 21. 12 none, of the disciples durst ask him 1 0. To inquire, ask, iTrepcuraa eperotao. Matt 12. 10 they asked hira, saying, 'Is itlawfultoheal 17. 10 his disciples asked him, saying, Why then 22. 23 same day came . . Sadducees . . and asked 32. 35 Then one of them . .a lawyer, asked 22. 41 the Pharisees were . . together, Jesus asked 33. 46 neither durst any (man), .ask him more 27. II the governor asked him, saying, Art Marks. 9 he [asked] him. What (is) tliy name! And 7. 5 the Pharisees and scribes asked him. Why 7. 17 his disciples asked him concerning the 8. 5 he asked them. How many loaves have 8. 23 he asked him if he saw ought 8. 27 by the way he asked his disciples, sayiug g. II they asked him, saying, Why say the g. 16 he asked the scribes, \Yhat question ye 9. 21 he asked his father. How long is it ago 9. 28 his disciples asked him privately. Why 9. 32 understood not . . and were afraid to ask g. 33 he asked them. What was it that ye 10. 2 the Pharisees came to him, and asked 10. 10 in the house his disciples asked him again JO. 17 there came one running-. . and asked him 12. iS the Sadducees.. asked him, saying 8 ASK 53 ASSAULT I [ the I and 0(1 Marki2 =8 one of the scribes, .asked him, Which 12. 34 no man after that durst ask him 13 3 Peter and James. .Jdin. .Andrew asked 14. 60 the high priest, .asked Jesus, saying 14 61 the high priest asked him, and said 15. 2 Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of 15. 4 Pilate asked him again, saying 15. 44 calling .the centurion, he asked him Luke 3. 10 the people asked him, saying, What shall 6 9 Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you 8. 9 his disciples asked him, saying. What 8. 30 Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy g. 18 he asked them, saying. Whom say the j8. 18 a certain ruler asked him, saying. Good J 8. 40 when he was come near, he asked him 20. 21 they asked him, saying. Master, we know 20. 27certain of the Sadducees. asked him 21 7 they asked him, saying. Master, but 1:. 64 they struck him on the face, and asked 23. 3 Pilate [asked] him, saying, Art thffu tlie 23. 6 When Pilate heard of Gahlee, he asked John 18. 7 Then asked he them again, Whom seek 18. 21 Why (askest] thou me? [ask] them which Acts 5. 27 and the high priest asked them 23. 34 he asked of what province he was I Co. 14 35 let tliem ask their husbands at Lome 1 1. To ask of, 4puTiica erOtao. Matt 16. 13 he a ked his disciples, saying. Whom do 21. 24 I also will ask you one thing, which Mark 4. jo they that were about him. asked of him Luke 9. 43 they feared to [ask] him of that saying 19. 31 if any man ask you, Why do ye loose 20. 3 I will also ask you one thing ; and answer 22. 68 if I also ask (you), ye will not answer John I iQ when the Jew.s sent priests .to ask him I 21 thej asked him. What then? Art thou J 25 they asked him, and said unto him 5 12 Then asked they him. What man is that 8 )7 [So when they continued asking him) g. 2 his disciples asked him, saying. Master 9 t5 Then again the Pharisees also asked him g. «9 they asked them, saying,. Is this your 9. 21 ask him : he shall speak for himself g. 23 said his parents, lie is of age ; ask him j6 5 none of you asketh me, Whither goest 16 19 Jesus knew they were desirous to ask 16. 23 iu that day ye shall ask me nothing 16. 30 needest not that any man should ask 18. 19 The high priest then asked Jesus of his Acts 3. 3 who seeing Peter and John, asked an 12. 7*0 collect, lay together, speak, Af'7&> legO. Acts 25 20 I asked (him) whether he would go to 13. 7*0 ask i-n formation, ■trvuBavofiai punthanomai. Lukei5 36 and asked what these things meant 18 36 hearing the multitude pass by, he asked John 13. 24 [that he should ask who it should be) Acts 4 7 they asked. By what power, or by what 10. 18 And called, and. asked whether Simon 10. 29 I ask therefore for what intent ye have 23. 19 asked What ia that thou hast to tell me' ASK after or of, to — To inquire of, ask, i-ncpwraea eperHlad. Marki t. 29 I will also ask of yon one question Acts I 6 they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt Rom 10. 20 manifest unto them that asked uot after ASK again, to — To ask [back, beside), JiraiTf'cD apaiteo. Luke 6 30 of him that taketh away. ask. not again ASK counsel, to — To ask, hx'^ shaal. Judgi8 5 Ask counsel, we pray thee, of God, that 20. 18 asked counsel of God, and said. Which of 20 23 Israel asked counsel of tlie Lord J Sa 14. 37 Saul asked counsel of God, Shall I go Hos. 4. 12 My people ask counsel of their stocks ASK questions, to — I^To ask about, inepwrdai eperStau. Matt-22. 35 Then one .asked (liim a question) Luke 2. 46 him in . . temple . . asking. . questions 20. 40 they durst not ask him any (question at 2. To examine, ask questions, avaKpivu anakrino. I Co. ID. 25 asking no question for conscience sake ASK on, to — To ask, Sn^ shaal. I Ki. 2. 20 thekingsaid unto her, Ask mother ASKUfG — To ask, Sn^j shaal. I Ch. 10. 13, 27 for asking .familiar spirit, to enquire ASLEEP — 1. Asleep, sleeping, Ji?; yashen. I Sa 26. 12 no man saw . .for they (were) all asleep Song 7. 9 causing the lips of those that are asleep 2. To lie dovm to sleep, KadevSai katlieudo. ' JIatt26, 40 the disciples, and fludeth them asleep 26. 43 he came and found them asleep again Mark 4. 38 was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep 14. 40 when he returned, he found them asleep ASLEEP, to be — 1.7*0 lie down, to sleep, KaBidtu katheudn. Alatt. 8. 24 the ship was covered, .but he was asleep 2. To be laid dovm m death, koimaoinai. I Th. 4. 13 concerning them which are asleep, that 4. 15 shall not prevent them which are asleep ASLEEP, to be fast — To be in a deep sleep, wn radam. Judg. 4. 21 for he was fast asleep and weary Jon I. s Jonah wasgouedown..andwasfa3tasleep ASLEEP, to fall — \. To fall fast asleep, a 3'- 3' 3'- Deut. 5 5- 22. 7x. 4 Thou shalt not see thy In other's ass ojliis ■ 32. 10 Thou shalt not plow w itli an ox and an ass 28. 31 thine ass .violently taken away from Josh 6. 21 they utterly destroyed all. sheep, and ass 7. 34 Joshua, .took Achen and his asses 9. 4 took old sacks upon tlieir asses, an.d win 15. 18 she lighted off (her) ass; and Caleb said Judg. 1. 14 she lighted from off (her) ass , and Caleb 6. 4 left no sustenance . neither, ox, nor ass 13 «5 he found a new jawbone of an ass, and 15 16 With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon 15. 16 with the jaw of an ass lave 1 slain 19. 3 having his servant and atouple of asses 19. lo and with him two asses saddled, his jg. ig Yet there is provender for our asses 19. 21 gave provender imto the asses ; and they 19. 28 Then the man took her (up) upon an ass I Sa. 8. 16 he will take, your asses, and put.. to his 12. 3 whose ass liave 1 taken? or whom have [ 15. 3 slay man and woman, .camel and ass }6. 20 Jesse look an ass. v\ith bread, and 22. 19 smote he. both oxen, and asses, and 25. 18 Abigail took loaves, and laid, .asses 25 20 It was .she rode on the ass, that she 25. 23 she hasted, and lighted off the ass, and 25. 42 And Abigail hasted and rode upon an ai.8 27. 9 David, took, the oxen, and the asses 2Sa. 16 I Ziba. .met him, with a couple of asses 16. 2 The asses (be) for tlie king's household 17 23 he saddled (liis) ass, and arose, and gat 19. 26 I will saddle me an ass, that I may 1 Ki. 2. 40 Shimei arose, and saddled his ass, and 13. 13 said unto his sons. Saddle me the ass 13 13 So they saddled him the ass : and ho 13. 23 that he saddled for him the ass 13, 24 and the ass stood by it, the lion also 13 27 saying. Saddle me the ass. And they 13 28 and the ass and the lion standing by tl:e 13 28 the L'on had not nor torn the ass 13. 29 and laid it upon the ass, and brought 2 Ki. 6. 25 until an ass's head was. .for fourscore 7. 7 and left their tents . . and their asses 7 10 but horses tied, and asses tied, and the 1 Ch. 5. 21 they took away . of asses two thousand 12. 40 Moreover they . . brought bread on asses 2 Ch. 28 15 carried all the feeble of them upon asses Ezra 2. 67 asses, six thousand seven hundred and Heh. 7 6g thousand seven hundred, twenty asses 13. 15 bringing in sheaves, and lading asses Job 24 3 They drive away the ass of the fallicrless ITov 26. 3 A Vhip for the horse, a bridle for the ass Isa. I 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass 21 7 And he saw..a chariotofasses..acluiriot 32. 20 that send forth .the feet of. the ass Jer. 22 19 shall be buried with the burial of an ass Eze. 23. 20 whose flesh, the flesh of asses, and whose Zech. g. 9 lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon 14. IS so shall be the plague of. the ass, and of 3. An ass, {male or female), 6yos onos. Matt2t. 2 straightway ye shall find an .iss tied 21 5 thy King Cometh.. sitting upon an ass 21. 7 brought the ass. .and put on them their Luke 1 3. 15 doth not each one. loose his., ass jjV 14- 5 Which of you shall have an [ass) falh-ii. ^ Johni2. 15 thy King copieth, sitting on an ass's colt ASS colt — A young ass, Ty ayir. Judg 10. 4 thirty sons that rode on thirty ass colts J2. 14 tbirtynephews, thatrodeou..tenass colts ASS, ho — An ass, {from its ruddy colour), iten chamor. ♦ Gen. 12. 16 he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses ' ASS, young — I. A young ass, T5? aijir. Isa. 30. 6 riches upon the shoulders of young.asses 30. 24 young asses that ear the ground shall 2.A little ass, a colt, ovd.piov onarion. John 12. 14 Jesus, wh«u he had fotuid a young ass ASS, wild — 1 .A vrild or free ass, N'lS arad. Dan. 5. 21 and his dwelling with the wild asscs- 2.A wild or free ass, n'nj; arod. Job 39. 5 hatfi loosed the bands of the wild ass? 3. A free or wild ass, N"i3 pere. Job 6. 5 Doth the wild ass bray when he hath ^ II. 12 though man be born, a wild ass's co!t 9 24 5 wild asses iu the desert, go they forth 39. 5 Who hath sent out the wild ass free 't Psa.to4. II the wild asses quench their thirst Isa. 32. 14 for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses Jer. 2. 24 A wild ass. .snufTeth up the wind at her .14. 6 the wild asses did stand in the high Hos. 8. 9 a wild ass alone by liimself : Ephraim ASSATIXT — An assault, pressure, dp/x'fi hormS. Acts 14. 5 there was an assault made both of the 1 I ASSAULT 59 ASSYRIA ASSAULT, to — l.To press, ms Isur. Esth. 8. J I all the power., that would assault them 2. To place or put oiieself against, ie — l-To be gathered, added, ^px asaph, 2. Ezra g. 4 Then were assembled unto me every one Neh. 9. I the children of Israel were assembled ' Isa: 43. 9 let the people be assembled : who among 2. 7*0 be met by appointment, "ly; yaad, 2. 1 Ki. 8. 5 congregation . .that were assembled unto 2 Ch. 5. 6 that were assembled unto him before the Psa. 48. 4 kings were assembled, they passed by Z.To be called, invited, "yn^i qahal, 2. Eze. 38. 7 thy company that are assembled unto 4. To bring or lead together, awiyu sunagO. Matt 26. 57 the scribes and the elders were assembled 28. 12 whenthey were assfimblcd with tlieelders John 20. 19 the disciples [were asscmbledj for fear of 5.7'o become, be, ytyofiat ginomai. Acts 15. 25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled ASSEMBLED together -with, to be — l.To bring or lead togetlier, avvdyai sunagS. Acts 4. 31 where they yrere assembled together 2. 7*0 throng togetlier, awaXl^ofiai svMO.lizomai. Acts I. 4 being assembled together with (them) ASSEMBLED -with, to be — I'o come togetlier, cvv^pxofjLai .tunerchomai. Marki4. 53 with him were assembled all the chief ASSEMBLIES — Gatherings, nispi? as^cppoth. Eccl. 12. II fastened (by) the masters of assemblies ASSEMBLINa together — A coming (together, to, or) upon, iirKTvvaywi). Heb. 10. 25 Not forsaking the assembling, .together ASSEMBLY — l.An appointed gathering, "nito moed. Lam. I. 15 he hath called an asacmbly^alilst me Eze. 44. 24 they shall keep, .in all mine assemblies 2.Seat, 2yrj sunagoge. Jas. 2. 2 if there come unto your assembly a man ASSEMBLY, general — A whole assembly, iravfiyvpts paneguris. Heb. 12. 23 To the general assembly and church of ASSEMBLY, places of — An appointed meeting, lyiD moed. Lam. 2. 6 hath destroyed liis places of. .assembly ASSEMBLY, solemn — An appointed meeting, lyto mnei. Zeph. 3. 18 1 will gather, .for the solemn assembly ASSENT — Mouth, n^peh. 2 Ch. iS' 12 prophets (declare) good, '.\rilh one assent ASSENT, to — To put together, agree, ffwrierifn suntilhcmi. Acts 24. 9 tlie Jews also [assented], saying that AS'-SHTJE, AS'-STJH, -iWi} level plain. 1. The builder of Nine veh, - apparently one of the descendants of Hani, or Assyria itself. Gen. 10. II Out of that land went forth A., and 2. A son of Shem, and brother of Elam. Gen. lo. 22 chirarcn of Shem ; Elam, and A., and I Clfc J. 17 sons of Shem; Elam, and A., and 3. This word Is sometimes left untranslated when 1* denotes Assyria, ox the Assyrians. Num 24. 22 until A. shall carry thee away captive 24. 24 Sliii)3..BhaU allJict A., and shall altlict Ezra 4. 2 Esar-haddon king of A., which brought Pea 83. 8 A. also is joined with them: they have Eze. -37. 23 the merchants of Shcba, A., and Chilmad 32. 22 A. (is) there and all her company : his Hos. 14. 3 A. shall not save us; we will not ride AS-SHTJ'-RIM, wnjsH mighty ones. A son of Dedan, or his descendants. Gen. 25. 3 BODS of D«daA were A., and Letushim ASSIGN, to — To give, [nj naf.han. Josh2o. 8 othersideof Jordan. .they assIgnedEerer aSa. II. 16 Joab .. assigned Uriah unto a place where AS'-SIK, "V!}^ prisoner. 1. A son of Korah, grandson of Kohath, B.C. 1530. Exod. 6. 24 sons of Korah ; A. and Elkajiah, and I Ch. 6. 22 Ammiaadab his son, Korah bis sor, A. 2. A son of Ebiasaph, grandson of Assir, B.C. 1520. I Ch. 6. 23 Ebiasaph his son, and A. his son 6. 37 Tahath, thcsonotA. the sonof Ebiasaph 3. A son of Jeconiah, sou of Jehoiakim, B.C. 588. I Ch. 3. 17 sons of Jeconiah; A., Salathiel Ills son ASSIST, to — To place alongside of, iraplcrTTi/xi parist^mi. Rom. 16. 2 assist her in whatsoever business she ASSOCIATE selves, to — To rage, do evil, V]p, raa. Isa. 8. 9 Associate yourselves, ye people, and yo AS'-SOS, also called Apollonia, Aaffos. A seaport of Mysia, In Asia Minor, o miles from Troas. on the northern shore of the Gulf of Adramyttium, ana about 7 miles from the opposite coast of Lesbos, near MethjTnna. Acts 2a 13 And we. .sailed unto A., there Intending 20. 14 when he met with us at A., we took hiia ASStJBANCE — 1. Confidence, trust, (103 betach. Isa. 32. 17 theeifectof righteousness. .assurancefor 2.Faith, trust, cmiviction, ttIctis pislis. Acts 17. 31 he hath given assurance imt<5 all (men) S.Full conviction, vXTipocpopla pUrophoria, iTh. I. s the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance ASSTJEANCE, fiiU — Full conviotion, irKfipoibopia pleroplwria. Col. 2. 2 unto all riches of the full assurance of Heb. 6. II shew, .diligence te the full assurance of 10. 22 Let us draw near, .in full assurance of ASSITRANCE, to have — To hold stedfast, JOk aman, 5. Deut 28. 66 thou .. Shalt have none assurance of . . li te ASSITEE, to — To persuade, ireiBai peitho, 1 Jo. 3. 19 and shall assure our hearts before lilm ASSUUED — Truth, nCN eineth. Jer. i4.''i3 I will give yon assuredpeace in this place ASSTIEED, to be — To rise up, stand firm. Dip gum. Lev. 27. 19 he shall add. .and it shall be oasored to ASSTJEED of, to be — : To be made steady, TnariofiUt pistoomai. 2 Ti. 3. 14 hast learned and hast been assured of ASSmtEDLY— . 1. Truth, npK errieth. 3cT. 32. 411 will plant them in this land asstjredly 2. 7*0 know, vy, yada. 1 Sa. 28; I Know thou assuredly,- that thou shalt go 3.7*0 go forth, Kfl yaisa. Jer. 38. 17 thou wilt assuredly go f orthunto th? king 4. To drink, nn?' shathah. Jer. 49. 12 drink of the cup have assuredly drunkea ^.Safely, surely, certainly, acr n by slain by two of his own sons, and another king, named Ksarhaddon, assumed the Assyrian sceptre, B.C. 711 (2 Kings 19. 37). The last king of Assyria mentioned in Scripture is Xebuchadnezzar, who is supjiosed to have ascended the throne B.C. 650. It is evident that the Assyrian empire existed at a very early period in the history of the world ; that its rulers obtained extensive dominion ; and that, after a partial dismemberment. It continued to exist for many years. The theory of an Assyrian empire that terminated at the revolt of the Medes, about B.C. 711,' followed by an Assyrian mon- archy that continued till the destruction of Niueveh^ B c. 606, though supported by high authorities, is now generally rejected. Clinton (Fasti Hellenici, i. 268) remarks, with reference to thedurationof the Assyrian monarchy: The period delivered by Ctesias seems to have been 1306 years. He placed its commencement 1000 years before the Trojan war, and its termination at B.C. 876. But in assigning the termination of the Assyrian monarchy, Ctesias, and those that followed him, confounded two events,— the revolt of the Medes and the destruction of Nineveh, which they made to happen together These two events, however, were divided by a considerable interval of time, and the conclusion of the term of 1366 years assigned to that monarchy did not occur at the Median revolt, but at the final capture of Nineveh. The date of this event we are enabled to fix with precision, on the concurrent authority of Scripture and Herodotus. (B.C. 606 ) Clinton gives the following suinmary -.—Nimis, B c 2182 ; Assyrian monarchy, 1306 years before the empire, 675 years, B.C. 1912 ; during the empire, 24 kings, 526 years, B.C. 1237. Sardanajpalus, B-C. 876; after the empire, 6 kingsj 105 years, B.C. 711. Capture of Nine- veh, B.C. 606. Vaux (Nineveh and Persepolis, p. 508) gives, on the authority of Rawlinson, the following list of Assyrian monai'chs : — First Assyrian empire : Belukli, B.C. 1273; Pudil, 125s ; Phulukh I., 1240 ; Silima-Rish I., 1220 ; Sanda-pal-imat, 1200; Asshur-capal-il, 1185; Mutaggil- Nebo, 1165; Asshur-Rish-ipan, 1140; Tiglath-Pileser I., 1120; Asshur-bani-pal I., iioo; Asshur-adan-akhi, 950; Asshur-dauin-il, 925; Phulukh II., 900; Tigulti-Sanda, 880; Sardanapalus, 850; Silima-Risli II. (Asshur-danin- pal), 815 ; Shamasphul, 780; Phulukh III. (Pul), and Seniiramis, 760. Second Assyrian empire: Tiglath- Pileser II., B.C. 747; Shalmaneser, 730 ; Sargon, ysi , Sennacherib, 702 ; Esarhaddon, 680 ; Asshur-bani-pal it., 660; Asshur-Emit-Ilut, 640; final overthrow of Nineveh, 625. Gen. 2. 14 it which goeth toward the east of A. 25. i8 before Egypt, as thou goest toward A. 3 Ki, 15. 19 Pul the king of A. came against the land 15. 2o exacted the money., give to the king of A. 25. 20 the king of A. turned back, and stayed 15. 29 came Tiglath-pileser king of A,, and 15. 29 tookljon . .and carried them captive to A. 16. 7 Ahaz sent . .to Tiglath-pileser king of A. 16. 8 and 3ent..apresejit to the king of A. j6. 9 the king of A. hearkened unto him . for 16. 9 the king of A, went up against Damascus 16. 10 went, .to meet Tiglath-pileser king of A. •16. x8 the house of the LOHB for the king of A. 17. 3 Against him . .Shalmaneser king of A. 17. 4 king of A. found conspiracy in Hoshea 17. 4 brought no present to the king of A. 17. 4 therefore the king of A. shut him up, and 17. 5 the king of A. came up throughout all 17. 6 the ninth year of Hoshea the king of A. 17. 6 carried Israel away into A., and placed 17. 23 So was Israel ca.-ried away, .to A. unto 17. 24 the king of A. brought, .from Babylon 17. 26 Wherefore they spake to the king of A. 17. 27 Then the king of A. commanded, saying j8. 7 he rebelled against the king of A. 18. 9 Shalmaneser king of A. came up against j8. II the king of A. did carry away, unto A. 18. 13 did Sennacherib king of A. come up i8. 14 Hezekiah..of Judahsent tothekingof A. 18. 14 the king of A. appointed unto Hezekiah 18. 16 and gave it to the king of A. iX, tj the king of A sent Tartan and i3. 19 Thus saith the great king, the king of A. 18. 23 give pledges to my lord the king of A. 18. 28 Hear the word of the great king, .of A. 18. 30 delivered into the hand of the king of A. 2 KL 18 31 for thus saith the king of A., Make J 8 33 land out of the hand of the king of A 19 4 whom the king of A. his master hath 19. 6 servants of the king of A have 19 8 found the king of A warring against 19. 10 delivered into the hand of the king of A 19 11 heard what the kings of A. h.ave done to 19. 17 the kings of A. have destroyed the nations 19. 20 against Sennacherib king of A. I have ig. 32 concerning the king of A., He shall not 19, 36 Sennacherib, king of A. departed 20 6 out of the hand of the king of A 23. 29 went up against the king of A to the I Oh. 5. 6 whom Tilgath-pilneser king of A carried 5. 26 stirred up the spirit of Pu! king of A 5. 26 the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king of A. 2Ch.28. 16 did king Ahaz send unto the kings of A. 28. 20 I'ilgath-pilneser king of A. came unto 28. 21 gave (it) unto king of A.: but he helped 30. 6 out of the hand of the kings of A. 32. I Sennacherib king of A. came and 32. 4 Why 'should the kings of A. come, and 32. 7 nor dismayed for the king of A., noi for 32. 9 After this did Sennacherib king of A. 32. 10 Thus saith Sennacherib king of A. 32. II us out of the hand of the king of A. 32. 21 cut oft .captains in the camp of. A. 32. 22 the hand of Sennacherib the king of A. 33 II captains of the host of the king of A Kzra 6. 22 turned the heart of the king of A. unto Neh. 9. 32 since the time of the kings of A. unto Isa. 7. 17 shall bring upon thee, .the king of A. 7. 18 for the bee that (is) in the land of A. 7. 20 them beyond the river, by the king of A 8. 4 shall be taken away before the king of A. 8. 7 the king of A., and all his glory JO, 12 punish, .the stout heart of the king of A. 11. II which shall be left, from A., and from J J. 16 which shall be left, from A.; like as 19. 23 shall, .be a highway out of Egypt to A. 19. 23 and the Egyptian into A., and the Egypt, ig. 24 the third with Egypt and with A. jg. 25 Blessed (be) Egypt my people, and A. 20. I when Sargon the king of A. sent him ao. 4 So shall the king of A. lead away the 20. 6 to be delivered from the king of A. ; and 27. 13 were ready to perish in the land of A. 36. t Sennacherib king of A. came up against 36. 2 the king of A sent Rabshakeh from 36. 4 Thus saith the great king, the king of A. 36. 8 I pray thee, to my master the king of A. 36. 13 words of the great king, the king of A. 36. 15 delivered into the hand of the king of A. 36. 16 for thus saith the king of A., Make 36. 18 land out of the hand of the king of A. 37. 4 whom the king of A. his master liatli 37. 6 servants of the king of A. have 37. 8 found the king of A. warring against 37 10 be given into the hand of the king of A. 37. 11 thou hast heard what the kings of A. 37. 18 the kings of A. have laid waste all the 37. 21 hast prayed to me against . . the king of A. 37 33 saith the Lord concerning the king of A. 37. 37 Sennacherib king of A. departed, and 38 6 out of the hand of the king of A : and I Jer. 2. 18 what hast thou to do in the way of A. 2. 36 of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of A. 50. 17 first the king of A. hath devoured him 50. 18 as I have punished the king of A Eze. 23. 7 all them . .the -chosen men of A., and Hos. 7. II they call to Egypt, they go to A. 8. 9 For they are gone up to A., a wild ass g. 3 thoy shall eat unclean (things) in A. 10. 6 It shall be also carried unto A. (for) a 11. II as a dove out of the land of A. : and Mic. 5. 6 they shall waste the land of A. with 7 12 he shall come even to thee from A. Nah. 3. 18 Thy shepherds slumber, king of A. Zeph. 2. 13 he -will stretch out. .and destroy A., and 10 I vnW. gather them out of A., and I wiU 10. II the pride of A. shall be brought down AS'-STRIAN, f.-^H Ashur. The same name is used to denote both the people and the country in which they dwell. the angel . .smote in the camp of the A. ' O A., the rod of mine anger and the stafT my people, .be not afraid of the A.: he That I will break the A. in my land, and the A. shall come., shall serve -with the A. this people was not. .the A. founded it in through the voice of the LORD shall the A. Then shall the A. fall with the sword, and the angel., smote in the camp of the A. an and the A. oppressed them -without cause We have given the hand (to)\the A., to hast played the whore also with the A. and she doted on her lovers, on the A. into the hand of the A., upon- whom she She doted upon the A. (her) neighbours Shoa, and Koa, (and) all the A with them Behold, the A. (was) a cedar in Lebanon then went Ephraim to the A., and sent to the A. shall be his king, because they they do make a covenant with the A., and vhen the A. shall come into our land : and thus shall be deliver (us) from tl)e A. astonished, DC?" shamem. 1 rent, .and eat down astonied I sat astonied until the evenisg sacrifice 2Ki. 19. ?■; Isa. 10. 5 10. 24 14- 25 19. 23 23- J3 3°- V ^i- 8 37- 36 S2- 4 Lam • ■;• 6 Eze. 16. 28 '3- 5 23- 9 Z3 12 23 23 ^i. ^ Eos 5- J3 II. 5 12. 7 Mic. .S- "! s- 6 ASTOKIEI — To be silent. Ema 9- 3 9- 4 ASTONIED, to be — l.To remain diwib, tjrrn daham, 2 Jer. 14. 9 shouldest thou be as a man astonied 2.7*0 be perplexed, viy^ shebash, 2. Dan. 5. 9 Belshazzar. and his lords were astonied 3. 7*0 be silent, astonished, c.pv' shnmcni. Job 17. 8 Cpnglit (men) shall be astonied at their 4. To remain silent, astonished, dok' shamem, 2. Job 18. 20 that come after (him) shall be astonied Eze 4. 17 and be astonied one with another 5. Tu be silent, astonished, DCiy sliemani. Dan. 4. 19 Then Daniel .was astonied for one bour' 6. To be vexed, nin tevuh. Dan. 3. 24 Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied ASTONISHED — Tn make silent, astonished, DD?' shamem, 5. Eze. 3. 1; remained there astonished among tbcm ASTONISHED, to be — 1. To be silent, astonished, cc^ shamem. Lev. 26. 32 your enemies .shall be astonished at it J Ki. g. 8 one that passeth by it shall be astonishe I Isa. 52. 14 As many were astonished at thee ; hia Jer. 2. 12 Be astonished, ye heavens, at this 18. 16 that passeth thereby sliall be astonished 19. 8 that passeth thereby shall be astonished 49. 17 one that goeth by it shall be astonished so. 13 goeth by- Babylon shall be astonished Eze. 26. 16 and shall .be astonished at thee 27. 35 the isles shall be astonished at thee 28. 19 the people shall be astonished at thee 2. To he silent, astonished, DC^ shamem, 2. Jer. 4. 9 the priests shall be astonished, and the Z. To be made silent, astonished, cot^ shamem, 6. Job 21. 5 Mark me, and be astonished, and lay 4. To make silent or astonished, CC\y shamem, 5. Dan. 8. 27 and I was astonished at the vision 5. 7'o wonder, marvel, roj^ tamah. Job 26. 1 1 The pillars are astonished at his repro6» 6. Tu be greatly struck, (KirKricrffonai ekplessomai. Jlatt. 7. 28 the people were astonished at his doctrine 13. 54 he taught them, .they were astonished 22. 33 they were astonished at his doctrine Mark i. 22 they were astonished at his doctrine 6. 2 many hearing .were astonished, saying 7. 37 were beyond measure astonished, saying 10. 26 they were astonished out of measure 11.18 the people was astonished at his doctrine Luke 4. 32 they were astonished at his doctrine . for Acts 13 12 being astonished at the doctrine of the 7. Tq be placed out or away from, i^lcrr rj/xat exist. Mark 5. 42 they were astonished with a great aston. Luke 2. 47 all that heard him were astonished at hia 8. 56 her parents were astonished : but he 1 Acts 10. 45 they which believed were astonished ■ 12. 16 they had opened . .they were astonished T 8.T0 be astonished, 6a/ thamheomai, eaix^ea. Mark 10. 24 the disciples were astonished at his words Acts g. 6 [he trembling and astonished said, LordJ Q. Astonishment surrounds, 6dfj.0os Trfpiej^w. Luke 5. 9 he was astonished, and all that were with ASTONISHED, to make — To amaze, expel, ^Ji'ctttj.u: eodstemi. Liike24. 22 and certain women .made us astonished ASTONISHMENT — \. Astonishment [cause of), nswD mesliammah. Eze. 5. 15 it shall be. .an astonishment unto the 2.Aisiunish7nent, nr^w shammah. Deut 28. 37 thou shalt become an astonishment 2Ch. 29. 8 theLoiiD..deliveredthem.. astonishment Jer. 8. 21 astonishment hath taken hold on me 25. 9 and make them an astonishment 25. II thiswholelandshallbe..anastonishnient - 25. 18 a desolation, an astonishment, an hissinu zg. 18 to be a curse, and an astonishment 42. 18 be an execration, and an astonishment M. 44. 12 be an execration, (and) an astonishmentB 44. 22 therefore is your land, .an astonishment 51. 37 Babylon shall become, .an astonishment 51. 41 how is Babylon become an astonishmen Eze. 23. 33 be filled . . with the cup of astonishment 2. Astonishment, desolation, jiDGB' shimmamon. Eze. 4. 16 drink water by measure, .astonishment 12. ig shall, .drink, .water with astonishment 4. Wo^ider, jinan timmahon. '- Deut28. 28 Lord shall smite thee with, .aston ishm. Zechi2. 4 I will smite, .horse with astonishment 5. Trembling, nbij-yR tarelah. Psa. 60. 3 to drink the wine of astonishment Q.A standing out from, tKcrracrts -ekstasis. JIark 5. 42 astonished with a gi-eat astonishment ASTONISHMENT, to be an — To be silent, astonished, C.pp' shamem,. 2 Ch. 7. 21 this house, .shall be an astonishment ASTRAY, to go — 1. To err, wander, nj;ij taah. Exod 23. 4 If thou meet, .hia ass going astray, thott ASTRAY 61 AT Psa< 58. 3 they go astray as soon as they be boni 119. 176 I havri gone astray like a lost sheep Prov. 7. 25 to her ways, go not astray in her paths Isa. 53. /6 All we liJ<6 sheep have gone astray Eze. 14. II thehouse-of Israel may go no more astray 44. 10 Israel wgnt astray, which went astray 44. i=;when the children of Israel went astray 48. II went not astray. .Israel went astray 2. 7V> go astray, vXaydo/iai planaomai. jtatti«^ 12 be gone astray, .which is gone astray? 18. 13 the ninety and nine, .went not astray 1 Pe. 2. 25 ye were as sheep going astray ; but are 2 Pe. 2. 15 aro gone astray, foUowing the way o£ ASTEAT, to cause to go — To cause to go astray, err, wander, nyn taah, 5. Jer. 50. 6 shepherds have caused them to go astray ASTROLOGER — £nchantcr, magician, 1?'!< ashshaph. Dan. 2. 10 asked such things at any .astrologer 2. 27 the wise (men), the astrologers, the 4. 7 came in the magicians, the astrologers 5. 7 king cried . .to bring in the astrologers 5. II thy father, made master of. .astrologers 5. 15 the wise (men), the astrologers, have ASTROLOGERS — 1. Enchanters, magicians, D'Okn ashsliaphiin. Dan. I. 2o ten times better than all the. .astrologers 2. 2 call the magicians, and the astrologers 2. To view the heavens, D;D\y 13.1 habar shamayim. Isa. 47. 13 Let now the astrologers, the stargazers ASimDER — Between, ] "g ben. t Ki. 2. II parted them both asunder; and Elijah [See also Break, burst, cleave, cut, depart, divide, drive, pluck, put, rend, saw.] A-SUP'-PLM, D'SDNH gatherings, Tliis word, left untranslated in the English version, denotes not a proper name, but granaries, siorehouses, collections. 1 Ch. 26. 15 and to his sons the house of A. 26. 17 southward four a day, aud toward A. two A-SYN-CRI'-Tirs, 'AcrvypiTos incomparable. One to whom Paul sends salutation. Rora.i5. 14 Salute A., Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas AT (a certain)— }. After, behind, nnx achar. 2 Ki. 19. 21 the daughter, .hath shaken her head at 2. Unto, to, hx el. Gen. - 6. 6 the LORD . . and it grieved him at his heart Z.Near, by, ^w etsel. Prov. 7. 12 and lieth in wait at every corner Isa. 19. 19 a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD K.Between, J'S ben. Exod.i6. 12 At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the t>. Through, "lya bead. Gen. 26. 8 Abimelech. .looked out at a window, anil ^.lland, T yad. Prov. 8. 3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry or 7. To, for, with a view to, iD^ lemo. Job 29. 21 waited, and kept silence at my counsel S.Frovl, because of, ]Q min. Psa. 104. 7 At thy rebuke they fled ; at the voice i.Up to, till, ^V. ad. ■ ■ Neh 6 I at that time I had not set up the door3 Dan. 4. 8 But at the last Daniel came in before me 10. On, upon, by, Sy at. Gen. 24. 36 behold, he stood by the camels at the well 11. Over against, ^"pV^ummah. 2Sa 16. 13 Shiraei.. threw ston3sathim, and cast 12. From, away from, awo apo. Matt 19. 4 he which made (them) at the beginning Luke24 27 beginning at Moses and all the prophets 24 47 among all nations.beginning at Jerusalem John 8 9 [they . . went out one by one, beginning at) Acts si" 35 Then Philip . . began at the same scripture 23 23 two hundred, at the third hour of . . night ae' 4 My manner, .which was at the first I Pe. 4. 17 at the house of God : and if. .at us li.Through, by means of, Sla {gen. dia.) Matt 7 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate . for wide Lukei3. 24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate : for li.With a view to, at, eU eis. • Matt 12 4t because they repented at the preaching j8 29 his fellow servant fell down [at] lus feet Luke 8' 26 they arrived at the country Gadarenes q' 61 farewell, which are at home at my house II 32 they repented at the preaching of Jonas John II 32 she fell down at his feet, saying unto him ■Acts 4 6 w«re gathered together [at] Jerusalem 8 40 Philip was found at Azotus • and passing .8' 22 he had landed at Cesarea, and gone up ,0 14 And when he met with us at Assos. we ao' i^ and the next (day) we arrived at Samos —■ 16 to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost 21' 5 sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre 2.- A but also to die at Jerusalem for Hie name 32 II 80 must thou beai- witness also at Rome Acts 25. 15 wheni wasat Jerusalem, the chief priests 27. 3 And the next (day) we touched at Sidon 28. 12 landing at Syracuse, we tarried (there) Rom. 4. 2o staggered not at the promise of God 2. Ti. 2. 26 who are taken captive by him at his will \5.0ut of, from, iK ek. John 16. 4 these . I said not unto you at the beginning Jas. 3. II Doth a fountain send forth at the same Rev. 19. 2 avenged the blood of his servants at her 16. In front of, efxTtpocrQiv emprostlien. Rev. 19. lo And I fell at his feet to worship him 17. In, among, iv en. Matt. 8. 6 my servant lieth at home sick of the II. 22 It shall be more tolerable, .at the day of 11. 25 At that time Jesus answered and said 12. I At that time Jesus went on the sabbath 13. 49 So shall it be at the end of the world 14. I At that time Herod the tetarch heard of 18. I At the same time came the disciples unto 23. 6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts 24. 41 Two grinding at the mill ; the one shall Mark 6. 3 with us? And they were olTended at him 12. 39 and the uppermost rooms at feasts Luke 4. 18 he hath sent me .to set at liberty them 9. 31 which he should accomplish at Jerusalem 10. 14 it shall be more tolerable atthejudgnient 12. 46 at an hour when he is not aware, and will 13. I There were present at that season some 14. 14 thou shaltbe recompensed at the 19. 5 Zaccheus. .to day I must abide at thy 20. 10 [at] the season he sent a servant to the 20. 46 which, .love, the chief rooms at feasts 23. 7 himself also was at Jerusalem at that time 23. 12 before they were at enmity between John 4. 21 nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father 4. 45 things, .he did at Jerusalem at the feast 4. 46 nobleman, whose son was sick at Caper. 4. 53 the father knew that, .[at] the same hour 6. 39 but should raise it up again [at] the last 7. II the Jews sought himat the feast, and said 10. 22 it was at Jerusalem the feast of the 11. 24 rise again in the resurrection at the last 12. 20 Greeks, that came up to worship at the 14. 20 At that day ye shall know that I (am) in 16. 26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and 18. 39 I should release unto you one at the 2 1. 20 which also leaned on his breast at supper Acts I 6 wilt thou at this time restore again the 2. 5 there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews 7. 13 at the second (time) .Joseph was made 7. 29 Then (led Moses at this saying, and was 8. I at that time there was a great persecution 8. 14 the apostles which were at Jerusalem g. 10 there was a certain disciple at Damascus 9. 13 howmuchevilhehathdone. .at Jerusalem 0. 19 with, .disciples v/hich were at Damascus 9. 22 confounded the Jews which dwelt at Da. g. 27 how he had preached boldly at Damascus 9. 28 he was with them going out [at] Jerus. 9. 36 there was at Joppa a certain disciple 11. 15 Holy Ghost fell . . as on us at the beginning 13. I there were in the church that was at A. 13. 5 whenthey were at Salamis, they preached 13. 27 they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their 14. 8 there sat a. .man at Lystra, impotent 16. 2 the brethren that were at Lystra and 16. 4 of the apostles which were at Jerusalem 17. 13 the word of God was preached of Paul at 17. t6 Now whilePaul waited forthematAthens 19. I whileAppolloswasatCorinth,Paulhaving 20. 5 These going before tarried for us at Troas 20. 14 when he met with us at Assos, we took 20. 15 [tarried at Trogyllium;] and the next (day) 21. II So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the 25. 4 that Paul should be kept [at) Cesarea 25. 24 the multitude, both at Jerusalem, and 26. 4 among mine o\vn nation at Jerusalem Piom. I. 15 to preach, .to you that are at Rome also 8. 34 who is even at the right hand of God II. 5 Even so then at this present time also 15. 26 the poor saints which are at Jerusalem 16. I of the church which is at Cenchrea I Co. I. 2 the church of God which is at Corinth II. 34 it any man hunger, let him eat at home 14. 35 let them ask their husbands at home 15. 23 afterward they that are Christ's at his 15. 32 If. .1 have fought with beasts at Ephesus 15. 52 In a moment, .at the last trump : for the 16. 8 I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost ■_ Co. t I the church of God which is at Corinth 8. 14 now at this time your abundance Eph. 1 J to the saints which arc [at] Ephesus, and 2. 12 That [at] that time ye were without Christ 3. 13 desire that ye faint not at my tribulations Phil. I. 1 to all the saints .which are at Philippi 2. 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee Col. I. 2 To the saints which are at Colosse 2 I have for you, and (for) them at Laodicea 1 Th. 2. 2 were shamefully entreated.. at Philippi 2. 19 the presence of our Lord . at his coming' 3 J we thought it good to be left at Athens 3. 13 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Ti. I 3 I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus 2 Ti. I. 18 things he ministered unto me at Ephesus 3. II at Antioch, at Icoiiium, at Lystra 4 8 the Lord, .shall give me at that day 4. 13 The clo.ik that I left at Troas with 4. 16 At my first answer no man stood with 4. 20 at Corinth : but Trophimus have I left at Heb. 12. 2 Jesus, .set down at the right hand of I Pe. I. 7 glory at the appearing of Jesus Chnst 1. 13 grace, at the revelation of Jesus Christ . 5 13 The (church that is) at Babylon, elected I Jo. 2. 28 and not be ashamed, .at hia coming \S.U2)on, over, iiri (gen.) epi. Luke2o. 37 dead are raised, even Moses shewed attlia 22. 30 That ye may eat and drink at my table 22. 40 And when he was at the place, he said John 6. 21 immediately the ship was at the land 21. I shewed himself, .to the disciples at the Acts 25 10 Then said Paul, I stand at Cesar's 19. Upon, over, ivl (dat.) epi. Matt. 7. 28 people were astonished at his doctrine 22 33 they were astonished at his doctrine 24. 33 know that it is near, (even) at the doors Mark i. 22 they were astonished at his doctrine 10. 22 he was sad at that saying, and wenl 10. 24 the disciples were astonished athisworda 11. 18 people was astonished at hisdoctrine 12. 17 And they marvelled at him 13. 29 know that it is nigh, (even) at the doors Luke I 14 many shall rejoice at his birth 1 29 she saw (him), she was troubled [at] h'« 2 33 and his mother marvelled at those things 2. 47 all were astonished at hisunderstanding' 4 22 witness, and wondered at the gracious 4. 32 they were astonished at his doctrine 5 5 at thy word I will let down the net 5. 9 he was astonished, .at the draught of 5. 27 Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom 9. 43 at the mighty power of God. .at all things 20. 26 and they marvelled at his answer John 8. 7 (let him first cast a stone at her) Acts 3. 10 at the Beautiful, .at that which had 3. 12 men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? 5. 9 behold, the feet of them, .(are)at the door 13. 12 deputy, .being astonished at the doctrine 1 Co. 14. 16 Bay Amen at thy giving of thanks Rev. 21. 12 [at the gates twelv.e angels, and names) 20. Upon, over, (ace.) ivi. Matt. 9. 9 Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom Mark 2. 14 sitting at the receipt of custom, aud said Luke 5. 27 3 publican, named Levi, sitting at tlie 24. 22 women, .which were early at the. John 8. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him Acts 3. I into the temple at the hour of prayer 10. 25 Cornelius .fell down at his feet Rev 3. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock 8. 3 another angel came and stood at the 21. Down, during, Kara, {ace.) kata. Matt 27. 15 at (that) feast the governor was wont to Markis. 6 at (that) feast he released unto tlienioua Luke 10. 32 when he was at the place, came aud 23. 17 [he must release one unto them at the) John 5. 4 an angel went down at a certain season Acts 16. 25 at midnight Paul and Silas prayed Bom. 9. 9 At this time will I come, and Sarah shall 2 Ti. 4. I judge the quick and the dead at hia 22. Beside, alongside of wapd (.ace.) para. Matt 15. 30 cast them down at Jesus feet ; and h^ Luke 7. 38 sat at meat In the Pharisee's house 8. 35 sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and 8. 41 named Jairus. .fell down [at] JesUs' feet 10 39 Mary, sat (at) Jesus' feet, and heard his 17. 16 fell down on (hi.s) face at his feet, giving Acts 4. 35 laid.. down at the apostle's' feet: and 4. 37 sold (it) . andl aid (it) at the apostles' feet 5.2 a certain p;irt, and laid (it) at the apostles' 5. 10 Then fell she down straightway (at) his 7 58 laid down their clothes at a young man's 22. 3 brought up in this city at the feet of Gam. 22. Around, concerning, nfpi {gen.) pen. Luke 2. iB they that heard (it) wondered at those John 6. 41 The Jews then murmured at him, because 6 61 that his disciples murmured at it, he 2i. Towards, npSs {dat.) pros. Luke 19. 37 at the descent of the Mount of Ofives John 18. i6 Peter stood at the door without. Then 20. 12 one at the head, and the other at the 25. Towards, -rrpSs {ace.) pros. Matt 26. 18 lily time is at hand; I will keep Mark i 33 the city was gathered together at the 5. 22 when he saw him, he fell at his feet 7. 25 of him, and came and fell at his feet 11. I at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth 14 54 and warmed himself at thelire Lukei6. 20 Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full 19. 29 at the mount called, .of Olives, he sent .Tohn2o. ti l^fary stood without (at) the sepulchre Acts 3 2 whom they laid daily at the gate of Rev. I. 17 when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead [See also Any, attendance, beginning, charges come, death, dwell, dweller, ease, fall, first, hand, home, last, law, least, length, liberty, look, marvel, most, not, nough*, once, one, peace, piety, set, sit, stand, straia.ystujnbli;, time, wait, wink, wonder.] AT, to be — To do, mai-e, ^'V'J. asah. Isa. 28. 15 With death, and with hell are we at " AT, all — 1. Together, nn; ijachad. Hos. II. 7 none at all would exalt (him) 2. Still, yet, again liy od. Eze. 37. 22 into two kingdoms any more at all ^ AT 62 ATTEND AT eventide -^ At the turnmrf of tlie evening, ^"i;; nil? Gen. 24. 63 weut out.. in the field at the eventide AT least — Only, -IN ak. 1 Sa. 2 1. 4 have kept themselves at least from women AT once — at one — 1. Together, in', i/achad. Psx 74. 6 break down the carved woirk. rat once Isa. 42. 14 I will destroy and devour at once 2. To go tip, n?!/ alah. . Num. 13. 30 'Let us go up at once, and possess it A'-TAD, ipN thornhush. A spot "beyond Jordan" at' which Joseph and his brethren, in their way from Egypt to Hebron, made tlieir " seven daysgreat and very sore monrning" over tliB body of Jacol^^.c. 1689. Gen. so. 10 they came to the threshing floor of A. 50. II saw the mourning in the floor of A., they A-TA'-RAH, iTJVy, crown, ornament. One of Jerahme'el's wives. He was grandson of Pharez, son of Judah, B.C. 1520. I Ch. 2. s6 (was) A. ; she (was) the mother of Onam A-TA'-ROTH, AT'-ROTH, nitpj^ nnaj;^ crowns. 1. A city on the E. of Jordan; liaving been destroyed in the war with Sihon, it was rebuilt by the Gadites. Num32. 3 A., and Dibon, and Jazer, .ind Nimrah 32. 34 the children of Gad built Dibon, and A. 2. A city in Ephraim, perhaps the same as Ataroth- Adar, on the W. border of Benjamin. Josh. 16. 5 the border of their inheritance, .was A. 18. 13 the border descended to A., near the hill S. Ataroth, the house of Joab, occurs in the genealogy of Judah. I Ch. «. 54 sons of Salma: Beth-lehem, and. .A. 4. Atroth-Shophan, a city in Gad. Now Attarus. Num32. 35 [the children of Gad built]. .A. Sh., and A'-TEB, "laK hound, lam-C. 1. The ancestor of an exiled family.. -Ezra 2. 16 children of A. of Hezekiah, ninety and Neh. 7. 21 children of A. of Hezekiah, ninety and 2. Ancestor of a family of gatekeepers which came up with Zerubbabel, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 42 children of the porters, .children of A. Neh. 7. 45 The porters, .the cliildren of A. 3. A chief of the people that, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445. Neh. 10. i7[chief of thep6ople]..A:,Hizkijah, Azzur A'-THACH, ^cy, lodging, inn. A city in the S. of Judah. 1 Sa. 30. 30 and to (them) which (were) in A. A-THA'-IAH, ."i.'nj; Jah is helper, A Jew in Jerusalem in Nehemiah's time, B.C. 445. Neh. II. 4 Of the children of Judah ; A. the soli of A-THAL'-IAH, in;^CiJ4 'i;^?!!, -^oA is strong. 1. Daughter of Jezebel wife of Omri king of Israel, who became the wife of Jehoram, king of Judah, and ruled in Judah after the death of her son Ahaziah, B.C. 884. 2 Ki. 8. 26 his mother's name (was) A., the daughter It. I when A. the mother of Ahaziah saw that II. 3 they hid him. .in the bedchamber from A. 11. 3 A. did reign over the land H. 13 And when A. heard the'noiseof the guard II. 14 A. rent her clothes, and cried, Treason II. 2o they slew A. with the_ sword (beside) the ■ 3 Ch. 22. 2 His mother's name also (was) A. the 22. to when A. the mother of Ahaziah saw that 22. II Jehoshabeath . .hid him from A., so that ■22. 12 A. reigned over the land ,23. 12 when A. heard the noise of the people '23. 13 A. rent her clothes, and said, Treason 23. 21 was quiet, after that they had slain A. ■ 24. 7 For the sons of A., that wicked woman Z. A son of Jerohara, a Benjamite. I Ch. 8. 26 (The sons of Elpaal). .Shehariah, and A. 3. The father of Jeshiah, a returned exile. - Ezra 8. 7 the sons of Elam ; Jeshaiah the son of A. .«■ A-THE-NI-ANS, 'AflTji/aios belonging to Athens. The dwellers in Athens. Acts i^. 21 For all the A.s and strangers which were /L'-THENS, 'AOrivat. Athens, capital of Attica, and the most celebrated city of ancient Greece, is said to have been first called Cecropia, from Cecrops, an Egyptian who built the original city on the Acropolis, according to Hales, B.c 1558 ; Usher, B.C. 1556 ; and Clinton, B.C. 1433. ■" received the name of Athens from the worship of Athcnse or Minerva, said to have been established by Erechtheus, B.C. 1383. Theseus ascended the throne, (recording to Hales, B.C. 1236 ; Usher, B.C. 1235 ; and Clinton, B.C. 1234. He united intoone bo^y the twelve Slates into which Cecrops had divided Attica, and made Athens the capital, Codrus the last king of the dynasty, sacriflced himself for the safety of Athens, s.o: 1070 according to Hales, or p.c. 1044 according to Clinton. Seventeen kings reigned during the monar chical period, and they were followed by perpetual, by decennial, and finally by annual archpns. In B.C. 1069 Medon made the firet perpetual archon ; 754, Alcmaeon the last ; 752, Charops first decennial archon ; 684, Erixias, the seventh and last, dies ; 683, nine annual archons appointed, the title being given only to the first— Creou first annual archon ; 621, legis- lation of Draco ; 612, Cylon attempts to make himself master of Athens ; 594, Solon remodels the constitution ; 560, Pisistratus usurps the government — death of Solon ; 554, Pisistratus expelled ; 527, death of Pisis- tratus ; 514, assassination of Hipparchus by Harmodius and Aristogiton ; 510, Ostracism established ; 505, war between Athens and Sparta ; 490, battle of Marathon ; 483, banishment of Aristides ; 481, fleet of 200 ships built at Athens— ascendency of Themistocles ; 480, Athens taken by Xerxes; 479, Mardonius bums Athens; 478, Themistocles rebuilds it ; 477, commencement of Athenian supremacy ; 471, banishment of Themistocles ; 461, Ostracism of Cynion ; 459, Athens asserts supremacy over the other states of Greece ; 457, "long walls" of Athens commenced ; 456, Athenians defeat the The- bans at .ffinophyta ; 449, Athenians defeat the Persians; 448, Athenians assist the Phocians in the Sacred Wai- ; 447, Boeotians defeat the Athenians at Chseronea ; 445, thirty years' truce between Sparta and Athens ; 444, Pericles at the head of affairs ; 440, Samos subdued by Pericles ; 433, alliance between Athenians and the Cor- cyraeans ; 431, Peloponnesian war begins, and Attica is invaded; 429, Pericles dies of the plague; 41 5, first Athen- ian campaign in Sicily; 411, government of the "four Iiundred;" 407, second and last banishment of Alci- biades— Lysander defeats Athenians ; 404, end of tlie Peloponnesian war— rule of the " Thirty Tyrants," wlio are replaced by the "Ten;" 403, Thrasybulus overthrows "the Ten;" 399, death of Socrates; 354, Xenophoii banished from Athens; 393, Conon rebuilds the walls of Athens ; 388, Plato founds the Academy ; 37S, the Thebans and Athenians allied against Sparta; 371, general peace ; 360, war between Athenians and Olyii- thians respecting Amphipolis; 359, Philip of Macedon makespeacewithAthens; 357, commencement of Social War; 352, Philip takes Methond, and enters Thessaly— stopped at Thermopylae by the Athenians ; 346, peace between Athens and Macedou ; 339, war betv.'eeu Pliilip and the Athenians; 322, end of Saniian War— submis- sion of Athens to Jlacedon — death of Demosthenes; 317, Cassander conquers Athens; 307, Demetrius restores its ancient constitution ; 287, it revolts from Demetrius; 277, Athens, Sparta, and Egypt allied; 268, surrenders to Antigonus Gonatus, king of Sparta ; 229, Athens joins the Achaean league ; 215, Athenians and .flitolians unite against Macedon ; 21 1, a Roman fieet arrives at Athens; 200, Athens and other Greek states join Rome against Philip; 196, Romans proclaim Athens free from Jlace- donian power; 146, Romans subdue Greece; 86, Athens stormed by Sylla. In a.d. 267, Athens was besieged by the Goths ; 395, taken by Alaric ; 532, walls restored by Justinian. Acts 17. 15 tliat conducted Paul brought.. from A 17. 16 Now while Paul waited for them at A. 17. 22 Then Paul, .said, (Ye) men of A., I peic. 18. I After these things Paul departed from A. I Th. 3. I we though it good to be left at A. alone, ATHIRST, to be — I. To be thirsty, Nipy tsame. Judgi5. 18 And lie was sore athirst, and called Ruth 2. 9 when thou art athirst, go unto the vessels 2.T0 be thirsty, Sitjidai dipsad. Matt25. 44 when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst Rev. 21. 6 I will give unto him that is athirst 22. 17 Come. And let him that is athirst come ATH'-lAI, 'bl^Ji Jah is strong. One who married a strange woman, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 28 sons also of Bebai; Jehohanau..(aiul) A. ATONEMENT — 1. Coverings, D'"iS3 Hppurim. £xod29. 36 a bullock (for) a sin offering, .atonement ' 30. 10 blood of the sin offering of atonements 30. 16 thou shalt take the atonement money 30. 16 to make an atonement for your souls Lev. 23. 27 seventh month, .a day of atonement 23. ?8 for it (is) a day of atonement, to make an 25. 9 day of atonement, .make the trumpet Num. 5. 8 priest ; beside the ram of the atonement 29. n beside the sin offering of atonement 2. Reconciliation, thorough change', KaraWayfj. Rom. 5. II by whom we.. received the atonement ATONEMENT, to make — To cover, "153 Icaphar, 3. Exod29. 36 when thou hast made an atonement for 29. 37 thou shalt make an atonement for the 30. 10 Aaron shall make an atonement upon the 36. 10 once in the year shall he make atonement 30. 15, 16 to make an atonement for your souls 32. 30 I shall make an atonement for your siu Ley. t. 4 for him to make atonement for him 4. 20 the priest shall make an atonement for [So in V. 26, 31, 35; 5. 6, 10, 13, 16, 18; 6. 7] 7. 7 priest that maketh atonement therewith 8. 34 Lord, .commanded, .make an atonement 9. 7 and make an atonement for thyself g. 7 and make an atonement for them TO. 17 make atonementfor'them'bef ore theLoRD? iz. ' 7 Who shall . , make an atonement for her Lev. T2. 8 priest shall make an atonement for her 14. 18 priest shall make an atonement for liiin 14. 19, 31 and make an atonement for him tliat 14. 20 the priest shall make an atonement lor 14. 21, 29 to make an atonement for him 14. 53 and make an atonement for the house 15. 15, 30 make an atonement for him before j6. 6, II, 24 and makeanatonementforhimself 16. 10 to make an atonement with him 16. :6 make an atonement for the holy (place) 16. 17 to make an atonement in the holy (place) 16. 17 and have made an atonement for himself 16. 18 and make an atonement for it; and shall i6. 27 blood.. brought in to make atonement in 16. 30 shall, .make an atonement for you, to 16. 32 shall make the atonement, and shall put 16. 33 shall make an atonement for the holy j6. 33 shall make an atonement for the priests 16. 34 to make, an atonement for the children of 17. II to make an atonement for your souls 17. II blood, maketh an atonement for the 19. 22 priest shall make an atonement for him . 23. 28 for it (is), .to make an atonement for you Num. 5. 8 whereby an atonement shall be made for 6. II and make an atonement for him, for that 8. 12, 19 to make an atonement for the 8. 21 Aaron made an atonement for them to 15. 25 priest shall make an atonement for all 15. 28 the priest shall make an atonement for 15. 28 to make an atonement for him ; and it 16. 46 make an atonement for them : for there 16. 47 aud made an atonement for the people 25. 13 and made an atonement lor the children 28. 22, 30 to make an atonement for you' 29. skid, to make an atonement for you, 31. 50 an atonement for our souls before tho 2 Sa. 21. 3 wherewith shall I make the atonement 1 Ch. 6. 49 to make an atonement for Israel 2 Ch. 19. 24 to make an atonement for all Israel Neh. 10. 33 to make an atonement for Israel ATONEMENT, to he made — 1.7*0 cover, make a covering, 153 k'aphar, 3. Num. 5. 8 whereby an atonement shall be made for 2.T0 be covered, 153 kaphar, 4. Exod29. 33 thingswherewiththeatonemcntwasmade AT'-TAI, 'i?y, "rij; seasonable. 1. Grandson of Sheshan, descended from Pharez, b.g 1400. I Cli. 2. 35 and she bare him A. ^ 2. 36 A. begat Nathan, and Natfian begat 2. A Gadite who joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1058. 1 Ch. 12. II A. the sixth, Eliel the seventh 3. A son of Rehoboam son of Solomon, B.C. 974. 2 Ch. II. 20 he took Maachah. .which bare him. .A ATTAIN to or unto, to — l.To come, i02 bo. 2 Sa. 23. 19 he attained not unto tlie (first) three 23. 23 but he attained not to the (first) three i-Ch. II. 21 he attained not to the (first) three II. 25 but attained not to the (fhst) three 2. To be able, Sb; yakol. Hos. 8. 5 how long. ere they attain to inhocehcy? 3. To reach, cause to reach, Jii'j nasag, 5. Gen. 47. 9 have not attained unto the days of the Eze. 46. 7 according as his haud shall attain i.To get, obtain, ^li^qanah.^ Pi'ov. I. 5 a man of understanding shall attain 5To come, arrive, Karavrdcii katantao. Acts 27. 12 if by any means, .might attain toPhenicef Phil. 3. fi I might attain unto the resurrection of, Q.To receive, take, Xajx^avca lambano. Phil. 3. 12 Not as though l had already attained l.To come before another, phihano. Rom. g. 31 not attained to the law of righteousness' 8. To go alongside of, TrapaicoXovB eai parakolouiheS. I Ti. 4. 6 doctrine, whereuuto thou hast attained 9. To seize on, lay hold of, KaraXafi^dvoi. Rom. 9. 30 after righteousness, have attained to ATTAIN already, to — To come before {another], (pBduu ^ihihanCi. Phil. 3. i6 whereto we have already attained AT-TA'-LI-A "ATTixAeia. A seaport of Pamphilia, near Perga. Acts 14. 25 had preached . . they went down Into A. ATTEND, to — X.To understand, p3 bin, la. Job 32. 12 Yea, I attended unto you, and, behold 2. To give attention, riWQ qashab, 5. Psa. 17. I atteud unto my cry, give ear unto my SS. 2 Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn; 61. I Hear my cry . .attend unto my prayer 66. 19 he hath attended to the voice of my 86. 6 atteud to the voice of my supplications >42. 6 Attend unto my cry ; for I am brought Prov. 4. I and attend to know understanding 4. 20 attend to my words ; incline thine ear S- J attend unto my wisdom . bow thine ear 7. 24 attend to the words of my mouth ATTEND 63 AVOUCH Z. Well-seated toward, evirpStreSpos euproscdros. I Co. 7. 35 that ye may [attend upon] the Lord ATTEH3) ccntinually upon, to — To he itrowj tovxird anyihinrj, TrpocrKapTep^o;. Kom. 13. 6 attending continually upoa tlus very ATTEiro unto, to — To hold toward ■n-pocrix'^ prosccho. Acts i5. 14 she attended unto the things which were ATTEKDAUCE — .Standing, iDup maainad. 1 Ki. 10. 5 attendance of his ministers, and their 2 Cli. 9. 4 attendance ol his ministers, and their ATTENDANCE at, to give — To liold toward, itpoa-ix'^ pra^cho, neb. 7. 13 no man gave attendance at the altar ATTENDANCE to, to give — To hold toward, irpocrex'^ prosecJuJ. I Ti. 4. 13 Till I come, give attendance {0 reading • ATTENT — Attentive, 2w;i qashshub. 1 Ch. 6. 40 (let) tliine ears (he) attent unto the prayer 7. 15 and mine ears attent lujto the prayer ATTENTIVE — \.Aiientire, ys'?, qaslishab. Jieh. I. 6 Let thine ear now he attentive, and I. II let now thine ear he attentive to the 2.A ilentive, yep_ qashshub, Psa. J 30. 2 hear my voice ; let thine ears be attentive ATTENTIVE, to be very — To hang on exceedingly, ^Kicpefidfiat ekkremainai. LiUve 19. 48 the people were very attentive to liear ATTENTIVELY — To hear, hearken, vrs^ ghamea. Job 37. 2 Hear attentively the noise ot hig volca ATTIRE — 1. Things bound on, □H^'P qishshurim, Jer. 2. 32 her ornaments, (or) a bride her attire ? 2.Something put on, nT shith. Prov. 7. JO a womai} (with) the attire of an harlot ATTIRED, to be — To be wrapped round, 'jjy isanaph. lev. 16. 4 with the linen mitre shall he be attlrgij AXTDIENCE — l.Ear, Ijk ozen. Gen. 23. 10 in the audience ot the children of Heth. 23. 13 he spake unto Ephron in the audience 23. 16 in the audience of the sons of Hcth Exod 24. 7 read in the audience of the people J Sa. 25. 24 I pray thee, speak in thine audience I Ch. 28. 8 and in the audience of our God, keep Nell. 13. I On that day they read, .in the audience ^.Hearing, ear, aico'fi akoe. Luke 7. I had ended all Ills sayings iij the audience AXTDIENCE, to give — Tb give 'ear, a.Kova> akouo. Acts 13. 16 and ye that fear God, give audience 15. 12 multitude kept silence, and gave audience 22. 22 they gave hiru audience unto this word ATTDIENCE of, in the —^ To give ear, aKovoi akouo. Luke2o. 45 in the audience of all the people he said ATTGHT or OUGHT — \.Not even one {thing), ovSeis oudeis. Mark 7. 12 suffer hira. .to do ought for Ms father 2.AnT/ one or thing, ris tis. Matt. 5. 23 that thy brother hath ought against thee 21. 3 if any. .say ought unto you, ye shall Acts 4. 32 neither said any. .that ought of. .things 28. 19 I had ought to accuse my nation of Phm. 18 If he. .oweth. .ought, put that o^ mine AUGHT, if — J/ any {one or thing), el tis el tis. ' Mark 8. 23 upon him, he asked him it he saw ought 11. 23 forgive, if ye have ought against any Acts 24. 19 have been here,, if they had oughtagainst ATTGHT to eat — To eat, ipayuv phagein. John 4. 33 Hath any man brought him (ought) to eat 7 AUGMENT, to— . yo add, riBD saphah. Num32. 14 to augment yet. .fierce an^erof the Iord Atr-GirS'-TUS, Aljyov(TTos,'Se^a}} gaal. Num33. 12 cities for refuge from the avenger Deut 19. 6 Lest the avenger of the lilood pursue the 19. 12 deliver him into the hand of the avenger Josh 20. 3 shall bo your refuge from the avenger of 20. 5 And if the avenger of blood pursue after 2o. 9 and not die by the hand of the avenger 2. 7*0 avenge oneself. Dpi naqam, 7. Psa, 8. 2 mightest still the enemy and the avenger 44. 16 by reason of the enemy and avenger Z.Doing full justice, skZikos ekdikos. I Th. 4. 6 the Lord (is) the avenger of all such AVENGING — l.To give ease, i;pi yasha, 5. 1 Sa. 23. 26 from avenging thyself with thine own 25. 33 from avenging myself with mine own l.To free the free, niyip V^.? para peraolh. Judg. 5. . 2 Praise ye the Loed for the avenging of AVERSE — To turn back, 3liy shid). Mic. 2. 8 pass by securely as men averse fzom war AV-IM, AV-ITES, D'^y villagers. 1. A tribe destroyed before the time ot Moses. Deut. 2. 23 the A.s which dwelt in Ilazcrira. Josh 13. 3 Gittites, and the Ekronites ; also the A.s 2. A city of Benjamin, near Beth-el. (The definito article is here prefixed in the Hebrew). Now Et-teU. Josh 18. 23 A., and Parah, and Ophrah 3. A tribe transported to Samaria, B.C. 678. 2 Ki. 17. 31 the A.s made'Nibhaz and Xartal:, and A-VITH, n'li?. hut, village. The capital of Hadad, 4th Edomite king. Gen. 36. 35 and the name of his city (was) A. . I Ch. I. 46 and the name of his city (was) A, AVOID, to — l,To go round dboxd, 33p sabab, 2. I Sa. 18. II David avoided out of his presence twice 2,To be or keep free. Ti'z para. Prov. 4. IS Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it S.Throvgh, on accoxmt of, Sid dia {ace.) 1 Co. 7. 2 (to avoid) fornication, let every man havo i.To incline orbend from,^KK\iVQi, ekklinS. Rom. 16. 17 doctrine which ye have learned, .avoid 5. To turn off from, iKTpiiroiiai. ektrepomai. 1 Ti. 6. 20 avoiding profane (and) vain babblings Q.To ask off from, nrapairionai paraiteomai. 2 Ti. 2. 23 avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes 7,To bewa,re of, vepitcrTTHJ-i pai'ustemi. Titus 3. Q avoid foolish questions, and genealogies 8. To set, place, o'TeWu stello. 2 Co. 8. 20 Avoiding this, that no man should blame AVOUCH, to — To say, TDK amar, 5. Deut 26. 17 Thou hast avouched the Lord this day a6. i3 the Lobs hath avouched thee AWAIT 64 AZ ARIAB AWAIT, laying — Counsel against, iTrijSovXri epiboule. Acts 9. 24 their laying a.vait was known of Saul AWAXE — 1.7*0 wake, he stirring, {'jj; yaqats. Gen. 9. 24 Noahawoke from his wine, and knew 28. 16 Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he 41. 4 and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke 41: 7 Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, .a dream 41. 21 as at the beginning. So I awoke Judg 16. 14 he awaked out of his sleep, and went ■ 16. 20 he awoke out of his sleep, and said I Ki. 3. 75 Solomon awoke ; and, behold, (it was) a Psa. 78. 65 the Lord awaked as one out of sleep Hab. 2. 7 Shall they not.. awake that shall vex 2. To be stirring, awake, iiy tir. Judg 5. 12 Awake, awake, Deborah : awake, awake Psa. 7. 6 awake for me (to) the judgment (that) 44. 23 Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord ? arise 57. 8 .\wake np, my glory ; awake, psaltery 59. 4 without (my) fault : awake to help me 108. 2 Awake, psaltery and harp : I (myself) will Song 4. 16 Awake, north wind ; and come, thou Isa. St. g Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm 51. 9 awake, as in the ancient days, in the 52. I Awake, awake ; put on thy strength, Zech 13. 7 Awake, sword, against xpy shepherd 3. 7"^ awake, stir 7tp, liy ur, 3a.' Song 2. 7 that ye stir not up, nor awake (my) love 3. 5 that ye stir not up, nor awake (my) love 8. 4 that ye stir not up, nor awake (my) love 4. To stir up, axoake, "I'y ur, 5. Job 8. 6 surely now he would awake for thee, EUid Psa. 57. 8 I (myself) will awake early 108. 2 Awake, psaltery and harp; I., will awake h.To siir oneself up, niv ur, 7a., Isa. 51. 17 Awake, awake, stand up, Jerusalem 6. 7*0 aivake {from sleep) fip quts, 5. 1 Sa. 26. 12 no man saw (it), .neither awaked .Tob 14. 12 they shall not awake, nor be raised out Psa. 3. 5 I awaked ; for the Lord sustained nie 17. 15 I shall be satisfied, when I awake 35. 23 Stir up. a:id awake to my judgment 59. 5 God of Israel, awake to visit all the 73. 2o As a dream when (one) awaketh 139. 18 when I awake, I am still \vith thee ■Prov.23. 35 wh^n shall I awake? I will seek it yet Isa. 26. »9 Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust 29. 8 but he awaketh. but he awaketh J'er. 31. 26 I awaked, and beheld ; and my sleep was Ran. 12. 2 in the dust of the earth shall awake Joel I s Awak?, ye drunkards, and weep; and Hab. 2. 19 to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone 7. 7*0 slir up, awake TV. Psa. 73. 20 O Lord, when thou awafcest, thou ,8.7'o awake thoroughly, Sieydpoj diegeiro. Mark 4. 38 they [awake] him, and say unto him Luke 8. 24 they came to him, and awoke him 9.7*0 vjake up, iy^'ipoi egeiru. Matt. 8. 25 awoke him, saying. Lord, save us : we Rom. 1 3. ti (it is) high time to awake out of sleep Eph. 5. 14 [Awake] thou tiiat sleepest, and arise 10. 7*0 be very sober, iKVT]cpta eknepho. 1 Co. 15. 34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not A"WAKE, to be — 1 . To awake, pp quts, 5. 2 Ki. 4. 31 told him, saying. The child is notawaked 2. 7*0 wake thoroughly, SiaypTj-yopfon diagregoreo. Luke 9.32 when they v/ere awake, tliey saw his glory AWAKE out of aleep, to — l.T'o wake out 0/ sleep, i^vtrvi^o) exupnizo. John II. II I go, that I may awaks him out of sleep %To become awake out nf sleep, yivoixai t^vvvos. Acts 16. 27 the keeper of the prison awaking out of AWAKED, to be — To awake, J'p; yaqats. I KL 18. 27 Cry . .he sleepeth, and must be awaked AWARE, to be — 1.7*0 know, V}1 yada. Song 6. 12 Or ever I was aware, my soul niade me Jer. 50. 24 O Babylon, and thou wast not aw^re 2.7*0 know, have acquaintance with, yivda'Ko'. Luke 12. 46 at an hour when he is not aware 3.7*0 see, knoiu, olSa oida. Luke II. 44 men that walk over, .are not aware AWAB:E of, to be — To know, yiuudKu) ginnskii. Matt. 24. 50 and in an hour that ho is not aware of AWAY — 1. Way, road, Ten derek. 1 Sa. 24. 19 his enemy, will he let him go well away? 2.7*0 go on, ^7; yalak. Exod.19. 24 Away, get thee down, and thou shalt S.Toftee, D15 nus. 2 Sa. i8. 3 if we flee away,, they will not care for us 4. 7*0 turn aside, TiD surar. Zech. 7. 1 1 refused to hearken, and pulled away the 5. Without, outside e^ai exu. Matt 13. 48 into vessels, hut cast the bad away (Sec also Ashes, break, bring, captive, carried, carry, carrying, cast, casting, catch, chase, chased, consume, convey, departing, do, done, draw, drawn, dried, drive, driven, fade, fadeth, fall, falling, far, flee, flood, How, fly, gray, get, go, gone, haste, have, have taken, lay, lead, led, look, melt, move, pass, passed, pine, pluck, plucked, portion, purged, push, put, put far, putting, remove, roll, run, scatter, sell, sail, send, sending, slip, steal, stolen, sweep, swept, take, taken, thrust, turn, turned, turning, un- taken, utterly, vanish, vilely cast, violently take, wash, waste, wear, wipe, wiped, wither, withered.] AWAY far, to put — To put far off, pro rachaq, 5. Job II. 14 If iniquity, .put it far away, and let not AWAY from — From after, '"inKO meachare. Nura 14. 43 ye are turned away from the LOED 32. 15 if ye turn away from after liirn AWAY -with, to — 1.7*0 be able, '7b; yakot. . Isa. J. 13 calling of assemblies, I cannot away with 2. 7*0 lift up, bear away, atpui airo. Luke23. 18 Away with this (man), and release unto Johnig. 15 Awaywith(him),awaywith(him), crucify Acts 21. 36 multitude.. followed after, crying. Away 22. 22 Away with such a (fellow) from the earth AWE, to stand in — 1. 7*0 shrink, be afraid, 113 Psa. 33. 8 inhabitants of the world stand in awe 2. To fear, In^ pachad. Psa.iig. 161 my heart standethin awe of thy word 3.7*0 be angry, i:") ragaz. Psa. 4. 4 Stand in awe, and sin not : commune with AX or AXE — \.An Axe, [itj garzen. Deut 19. 5 his hand fetcheth a stroke with the ax 20. 19 the trees thereof by forcing an ax against 1 Ki. 6. 7 that there was neither hammer nor ax Isa. 10. 15 Shall the ax boast itself against him 1.A destroying weapon, sword, yvn chereb. Eze. 26. 9 with his axes he shall break down thy 3.A maul, great hammer, Viyg kashshil. Psa. 74. 6 break down the carved work, .with axes i.A cutting or sawing instrument, .Tino magzerah. 2 Sa. 12. 31 under harrows of iron, and unde.r axes of 5. Saw, cuce, ■tijo inegerah. I Ch. 2o. 3 with harrows of iron, and >vith axes 6. Ax, hatchet, if UP, maatsad. Jer. 10. 3 cuttefh.. out of the forest.. with the ax 7. Axe, Dllp qardom. Judg. g. 48 Abimelechtookanaxinhishand, and cut 1 Sa. 73. 20 to sharpen every man. .his ax, and his 13. 21 Yet they had a file, .foj the axes, and to Psa. 74. 5 according as he had lifted up axes Jer. 46. 22 come against her with axes, as hewers 8. An axe, a^ivrj axine. Matt. 3. 10 now also the ax is laid unto the root Luke 3. 9 now also the ax is laid unto the root AX HEAD — Iron, ^n? barzeL 2 Ki. is. 5 the ax head fell into the water : and avt.t: tbeE — Iron, ^; yad. 1 Ki. 7. 32 the axletrees of the wheels (were Joined) 7. 33 their axletrees, and their naves, and their A'-ZAi, SsK declivity, slope, A place near Jerusalem. Zech. 14. 5 valley of the mountains, .shall reach, . A. A-ZAL'-IAHv 5.i;!?i'« Jah is noble. Father of Shaphan the scribe, B.C. 624. 2 Ki. 22. 3 the king sent Shaphan the son of A. 2 Ch. 34. 8 h? sent Shaphan the son oX A., and ]VI. A-ZAN'-IAH, n;3it! Jah is hearer. One whose son signed the covenant, B.C. 470. Neh. 10. 9 the Levites : both Jeshua the son of A. A-ZAR'-AEI, A-ZAR'-EEl, ^K-ilJi God is helper. 1. An Aaronite of the family of Korah, who joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1058. I Ch. 12. 6 Elkanah, and Jesiah, and A., and Joezer 2. A priest appointed by lot to minister in the service of song in the sanctuary in time of David, B.C. 1015. He seema to. have been the same as Asarelah the son of Asaph. I Ch. 25. 18 The eleventh to A., (he,) his sons, and his 3. A Danite prince in the time of David, B.C. 1015. 1 Ch. 27. 22 Of Dan, A. the son of Jeroham i. One of the family of Bani, who took strange wives dur- ing the exile, B.C. 456. Erra 10. 41 [Of the sons of Bani}. .A., and Shelemiah 5. A priest of the family of Immer, B.C. 445. jS'eh. II. 13 Amashai the son of A., the son of Ah.isai 12. 36 his brethren, Shemaiah, aud A., Jlilalai A-ZAR'-IAH, nnij;. Jah is keeper. A very common name in Hebrew, and especially in the family of Eleazar, whose name has a similar meaning. It is nearly identical with Ezra, as well as with Zera- hiah and Seraiah. 1. A descendant of David's high priest, B.C. 1014. iKi. 4. 2 These (were) the princes.. A. the son of Z. 2. Son of Nathan, ruler of Solomon's officers, B.C. 1014. 1 Ki. 4. s A. the son of Nathan, .over the officers 3. Son of Amaziah, who was made king of Judah after his father, B.C. 809. 2 Ki. 14. 21 all the people of Judah took A. 15. I began A. 'son of Amaziah king of Judah 15. 6 the rest of the acts of A., and all that 15. 7 So A. slept with his fathers; and they 15. 8 In the thirty and eighth year of A. kingnf 15. 17 In the nine and thirtieth year of X. king 15. 23 In the fiftieth year of A. king of Judah 15. 27 In the two and fiftieth year of A. king of I Ch. 3. 12 Amaziah his son, A. his son, Jothaiu 4. A descendant of Judah, through Zerah, B.C. i6Co. I Ch. 2. 3 And the sons of Ethan ; A. 5. A descendant of Jerahmeel, grandson of Pharez, B.C. 1330. I Ch. 2. 38 Obed begat Jehu, and Jehu begat A. 2. 39 A. begat Helez, and Helez begat 6. A son of Ahimaz, and grandson of Zadok, B.C. 914, I Ch. 6. 9 Ahimaaz begat A., and A. begat Johanan 7. A grandson of the preceding, under Solomon, B.C. 840. I Ch. 6. 10 And Johanan begat A. 6. II A. begat Amariah, and Amariah 8. A son of Hilkiah, the high-prieat in the reign of Josiah, B.C. 641-610. I Ch. 6. 13 Shallum begat Hilkiah . . Hilkiah bejjat A. 6. 14 A. begat Seraiah, and Seraiah begat 9. II A. the son of Hilkiah, the son of Ezra 7. I Ezra the son of Seraiah, the sou of A. 9. A descendant of Kohath, from whom sprang the pro- phet Samuel, B.C. 1100. 1 Ch. 6. 36 Joel, the son of A., the son of Zephaniali 10. A prophet sent to encourage Asa to destroy the idol» in Judah, B.C. 941. 2 Ch. 15. 1 the Spirit of God came upon A. the 11. A son of king Jehoshaphat, B.C. 890. 2Ch.2i. 2 he had bretliren..A., and Jchiel 12. Another son of Jehoshaphat, B.C. 890. 2 Ch. 21. 2 he had brethren. .A. and Slichacl 13. Son of Jehoram, called also Ahaziah, B.C. 885. 2 Ch. 22. 6 A. the son of Jehoram king of 14. A captain who aided in elevating Jcash to the tlirouo of Judah, B.C. 878. 2 Ch. 23. I Jehoiada . . took . . A. the son of 15. Another who assisted in the same work. 2 Ch. 23. I Jehoiada . . took . . A. the son of Obed 16. The high priest that hindered Uzziah from burning incense on the altar, B.C. 765. ?Ch.26. 17 A. the priest went in after him 26. 26 And A. the chief priest, and all the 17. A chief of the tribe of Ephraim, B.C. 741. 2 Ch..28. 12 A. the son of Johanan, Berechiah tho 18. A Kohathite and father of Joel, B.C. 726. 2 Ch. 29. 12 the Levites arose, .and Joel the son of A. 19. A Merarite who assisted in cleansing the temple in the time o^ Hezekiah, B.C. 726, 2Ch. 29. 12 Then the Levites arose.. and A. the son 20. A priest (of the family of Zadok) who became cliief priest in Hezekiah's time, B.C. 726. 2 Ch. 31. 10 A. the chief priest of the house of Zadok 31. 13 and A. the ruler of the house of God 21. Great-grandfather of Zadok the priest, and an ancestor of Ezra. Ezra 7. 3 Amariah, thesonof A.,thesbnofMeraloth 22. One of the family of Ananiah. He repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem after the exile. B.C. 445. Neh. 3. 23 After him repaired A. the son of 3. 24 from the house of A. unto th,e turning 23. In one passage this name is given to Seraiah who came up to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel, or perhaps Seraiah is here omitted, B.C. 590. Neh. 7. 7 Nehemiah, A., Raamiah, NahamanI 24. A priest who explained the law to the people while Ezra was reading it, B.C. 445. Perhaps the same as No. 22. V Neh. 8. 7 A . .caused the people to understand the 25. A priest who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445. Neh. 10. 2 [Now those that sealed (were)). .A., Jer. 26. A prince of Judah who joined in the procession with Nehemiah, B.C. 445. Neh. 12. 33 [after them went]. .A., Ezra, and ^f. 27. A son of Hoshaiah who charged Jeremiah with prophesying falsely, B.C. 587. Jer. 43. 2 Then spake A. the son of Hoshaiah, and AZAZ 65 BAAL SHALISHA 28. A young maa, carried away to Babylon along with Daniel, B.C. 560. Dan. I. 6 of the children oM^udah, Daniel, .and A. I. 7 and to A., of Abed-nego I. II had set over Daniel, Hananifih. .and A. 1. ig among them. all was found none lil^e. . A. 2. 17 Daniel, .made the thing known to. .A., his A'-ZAZ, iiN strong. Father of a chief of Keuben, in the time of Jeroboam II., BO. I2CX). I Ch. 5. 8 Bela the son of A., the son of Shema. A-ZAZ-I'AH, m;!ty, Jah is strong. 1. A Levite appointed for the musical service when the ark was brought up from the house of Obed-edom, B.O. 1040. I Ch. 15. 21 Jeiel, andA., wathharp3onthei3heminith 2. Father of Hoshea, prince of Ephraim, in the time of David, B.C. 1040. 1 Ch. 27. 20 children of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of A. 3. A Levite who had the oversight of the dedicated things in Hezekiai^'s reign, B.C. 726. 2 Ch. 31. 13 Jehiel, and A. . .(were) overseers under AZ'-BUK, ifliLVi pardon. Father of Nehemiah who repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem after the return from Babylon, B.C. 445. Neh. 3. 16 After him repaired, .the son of A. A-ZE'-KAH, npiy. breach. A town of Judah with dependant villages lying in the Shephelah or low agricultu ral plain. Near the northern Shochoh and Beth-horon, not far from the modern Ain-shems; or the modern Tel Zakarlya on the Wady Saint, the Vale of Elah. Josh. 10. 10 smote them to A., and unto Makkedah 10. II stones from heaven upon them unto A. 15. 35 [in the valley). .Socoh, and A. 1 Sa. 17. I pitched between Shocoh and A., in 2 Ch. 1 1. 9 [He built even] . . Lachish, and A. Neh. II. 30 the fields thereof, at A., and (in) the Jer. 34. 7 king of Babylon's army fought against.. A. A'-ZEIi, Svx noble. A Benjamit'e of the family of Saul, B.C. 860. X Ch. 8. 37 Kapha (was) his son, Eleasah his son, A. 8. 38 A. had six sons, whose names (are) these 8. 38 All these (were) the sons of A. 9. 43 Rephaiah nis son, Eleasah his son, A. his g. 44 A. had six sons, whose names (are) these g. 44 Eanan : these (were) the sons of A. A'-ZEM, D-ill fortress. A city in the extreme 3. of Judah, assigned to Simeon elsewhere called Ezem. (Now El-Aujek.) Josh. 15. 29 [cities of the tribe] . , were Kabzeel . .and A. ig. 3 [in their inheritance Beersheba]. .and A.. I Ch. 4. 29 [they dwelt at]. . BiUiah, and atE.; and at AZ'-6AD, njiy loorship, supplication. l.'''One whose posterity came up with Zernbbabcl, B.C. 536- Ezra 2. 12 children of A., a thousand two hundred Neh. 7. 17 children of A., two thousand three 2. One who came up from, exile with Ezra, B.C. 458. Ezra 8. 12 of the sons of A. ; Johanan the son of 3. A chief, or the name of a family of Jews who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 536. Neh. 10. 15 [chief of the people].. Bunni, A., Bebai A-ZT-EL, '?x'!ii Ood is might. A Levite in the choral service of the tabernacle at the time the ark was brought up frqm the house of Obed- edom, B.C. 1042. In V. i3 it is Jaaziel. 1 Ch. 15. 20 Zechariah, and A. . .with psalteries on A-ZI'-ZA, xrty. strong. One of the faniUy of Zattu who had taken a strange wife, B.C. 457. Ezra 10. 27 of the sons of Zattu . . Zabad and A. AZ-MA'-VETH, niay counsel or strength of death. 1. One of David's thirty valiant men, B.C. 1050. 2 Sa. 23. 31 [one of the thirty] A. the Barhumite 1 Ch. II. 33 A.theBaharumite.EliahbatheShaalbon. 2. A descendant of Jonathan, Saul's son, B.C. g4o. 1 Ch. 8. 36 Jehoada begat Alelneth, and A., and g. 42 Jarah begat Alemeth, and A., and Zimrl 3. One whose two sons joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1050. I Ch. 12. 3 Jeziel, and Pelet, the sons of A. ; and 4. A village called also Beth-azmaveth, lying on the confines of Judah and Benjamin. (If ow Hizmel}.) Ezra 2. 24 children of A., forty and two Neh. 12, 29 out of the fields at Geba and A. : for the 6. One of David's treasury officers, B.C. 1015. I Ch. 27. 25 over the king's treasures.. A. the son of AZ'-MON, i'iO^^ fortress. A place on the S. of Canaan, near the torrent of Egypt, Wady-el-arish. Num34. 4 your border shall, .pass on to A. 34. 5 the border shall fetch a compass from A. J osh 15. 4 it passed toward A., and went out unto AZ-NOTH TA'-BOR, "li^n nijTN ears or peaks of TaJbor. A pair of hills on the border of Naphtali. Jpsii.ig. 34 the coast lurneth westward to A., and A'-ZOR, 'A^oi/j helper. Great grandson of Zorobabel.'B.C. 400. Matt. 1.13 Abiud begat Eliakim . . Eliakim begat A. 1. 14 And A. begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat A-ZO'-TTIS, 'AfwTos fortress, castle. Another form of Ashdod, now called Esdud. Acts 8. 40 Philip was found at A. : and passing AZ-ST-EL, ht<'-\]ll Ood is helper. 1. The head of a family of the half tribe of Manasseh, E. of the Jordan, B.C. 1300. I Ch. 5. 24 these.. tlie heads.. Eliel, and A., and 2.Father of the ruler of Naphtali in David's time, B.C. 1015. I Ch. 27. ig Of Naphtali, Jerimoth the son of A. 3. The father of an officer sent to take Baruch, B.C. 606. Jer. 36. 26 king commanded. .Seriah the son of A. AZ-ET-KAM, D[3'"iiy my help has risen. "1. Son of Neraiah, of the family of David, B.C. 460. I Ch. 3. 23 the sons of Neariah. .Hezekiah, and A 2. A son of Azel, of the family of Saul, B.C. 860. I Ch. 8. 38 Azel had six sona. .A., Eocheru, and g. 44 Azel had six sons. .A., Bocheru, and 3. A Levite, a descendant of Merari, B.C. 470. I Ch. 9. 14 of the Levite3..Hasshub, the sou of A. Neh. II. 15 of the Levites. .A., the son of Hashabiah i. Governor of the house of king Ahaz, B.C. 741. 2 Ch. 28. 7 Zichri. .slew. .A.thegovernorof thehouso A-ZTT'-BAH, n^iiV_ forsaken. 1. The mother of king Jehoshaphat, B.C. gi4. I Ki. 22. 42 his mother's name (was) A. the daughter - 2 Ch.2o. 31 his mother's name (was) A. the daughter 2. The wife of Caleb, son of Hezron, B.C. 1540. iCh. 2. 18 Caleb, .begat, .of A. (his) wife, and of Jer. 2. 19 when A. was dead, Caleb took unto him A'-ZTIE, "wy helper. _ Father of Jaazauiah, a prince seen in vision, B.C. 594. Eze. II. I amongwhom I saw Jaazaniah..son of A. AZ'-ZAH, ns fortress. A city of the Philistines assigned to Judah, and com- monly called Gaza, and now Gtiuzzeh. Deut. 2. 23 the Avims which dwelt, .unto A., the I Ki. 4. 24 he had dominion, .from Tiphsah. .to A. Jer. 25. 20 And all the mingled people, .and A, AZ'-ZAN, Ijy sharp. Father of P'altiel, a prince of Issachar, chosen to ap- portion the land W. of the Jordan, B.C. 1540. Num 34. 26 prince of the tribe. .Paltiel the son of A. AZ'-ZUE, T)H helper. 1. A man who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445- Neh. 10. 17 [chief of the people]. .Ater, Hizkijah, A. 2. A Gibeonite, father of Hanauiab, who withstood Jeremiah, B.C. 596. Jer. 28. 1 Hananiah the son of A. the prophet B BA'-AX, BA-A'-im, W^d master, possessor. The chief male deity of tlie Phoenicians and Canaanites, as Asht9reth was their chief female deity. Both these- names have the peculiarity of being used in the plural, and of always having the definite article prefixed, e.g. the Baalim. 1. All idol of the Phoenicians and Tyrians. Num 22^ 41 brought him up into the high places of B. Judg. 2. II And the children of Israel, .served B. 2. 13 they forsook the Lord, and served B. 3. 7 of Israel did evil, .and served B. 6. 31 Joash said. .Will ye plead tor B.? will ye 6. 32'Let B. plead against him, because he hath 8. 33 children ofIsrael..wentawhoringafterB. 10. 6 of Israel did evil . .and served B. 10. 10 have forsaken our God, and also served B. I Sa. 7. 4 children of Israel did put away B. and 12. 10 forsaken the Lord, and have served B. 1 Ki. 16. 31 went and served B., and worshipped him 16. 32 an altar for B. in the house of B. 18. 18 and thou hast followed B. 18. 19 the prophets of B. four hundred and fifty 18. 21 iftheLORD(be)God, follow him : but if B. 18. 22 B.'a4)rophets (are) four hundred and fifty 18. 25 ElijahsaiduntotheprophetspfB., Choose 18. 26 the name of B. . .saying, O B., hear us 18. 40 Elijah said . .Take the prophets of B. ig. 18 knees which have not bowed unto B. 22. 53 For he served B , and worshipped him 2. Ki. 3. 2 he put away the image of B. that his 10. 18 Ahab served B. a little. .Jehu shall serve TO. ig call uito me all the prophets of B. 10. ig for I hi. ve a great sacrifice, .to B. 10. 19 he migh : destroy the worshipj/ers of B. 10. 20 Proclaim a solemn assembly ^or B. 10. 21 worshippc rs of B. . .into the house of B. 10. 21 the house of B. was full from one end to 10. 22 vestments for all the worshippers of B. 10. 23 And Jehu vent, .into the house of B. 10. 23 said unto the worshippers of B., Search 10. 23 none, .but the worshippers of B. only 10. 25 and went to the city of the house of B, 2 Ki. 10. 26 forth the images out of the house of B. 10. 27 brake, .the image of E. . .the house of B. 10. 28 Thus Jehu destroyed B. out of Israel 11. 18 the people, .went into the house of B. II. 18 slew Mattan the priest of B. before the 17. 16 all. the host of heaven, and served B. 23:- 4all the vessels that were made for B. 23. 5 them also that burned incense unto B 2 Ch.17. 3 because he. .sought not unto B. 23. 17 all the people went to the house of B. 23. 17 slew Mattau the priest of B. before tlie 24. 7 dedicated tilings . . they bestow upon B 28. 2.^nd made also molten images for B. 34. 4 they brake down the altars of B. Jer. 2. 8 the prophets prophesied by E., and 2. 23 not polluted, I have not gone after B.? 7. 9 swear falsely, and bum incense unto B. 9. 14 But have walked, .after B.,- which their II.- 13 set up altars, .to bui-n incense unto B. II. 17 to provoke me. .offering incense unto B. 12. 16 taught my people to swear by B.; then ' 19. 5 have built also the high piaces-bf B., to 19. 5 their sons, .(for) burnt offerings unto B. 23. 13 they prophesied in B., and cpused my 32. 29 they have offered incense unto B. 32. 35 they built the high places of B., which Hos. 2. 8 silver and gold . . they prepared for B. 2. 13 I will visit upon her the days of B. 2. 17 For I will take away the names of B. out 11. 2 they sacrificed unto B., and burned inc. ' 13. I but when he offended in B., he died Zeph. I. '4 I will cut off the remnant of B. from Eom.ii. 4 who have not bowed tlie knee to. B. 2. A city in the tribe of Simeon. iCh. 4. 33 And all their villages, .unto B. 3. A descendant of Keuljen, B.C. 1300. 1 Ch. 5.' 5 [sons of Joel]. .Reaia his son, B. his son 4. A descendant of Benjamin, B.C. 1180. 1 Ch. 8. 30 his firstborn son Abdon. .and B., and q. 36 his firstborn son Abdon. .and B., and BA-AX BE'-EITH, n~!3 Syg lord of the covenant. An idol worshipped by Israel, B.C. 1200. Judg. 8. 33 children of Israel, .made B. their god g. 4 gave, .silver out of the house of B. BA-AL GAD, ^3 h])_Z lord of fortune. A place near Hermon, the northern limit of Joshua's conquests. Banias is probably on its site now. This place had long a great reputation as the sanctuary of Pan. (Now Hasbeya.) Josh. II. 17 even unto B. in the valley of Lebanon 12. 7 from B. in the valley of Lebanon even_ 13. 5 from B. under mount Hermon unto the EA-AI, HA'-MON, jion Sys lord of the multitude. A place in mount Ephraim, near Samaria. Song 8. II Solomon had a -vineyard at B.; he let out BA-Al HA'-NAN, IJn Sy3 tJie lord is gracious. 1. The seventh of the kings of Edom, B.C. 1500. Gen. 36. 38 Saul died, and B. the son of Achbor . 36. 39 B. the son of Achbor died, and Hadar iCh. t. 49 when Shual was dead, B. the son of A.. I. 50 when B. was dead, Hadad reigned in his 2. One of David's superintendents, B.C. 1015. I Ch. 27. 28 And over the oUve trees. .B. the Gederite BA-AX HA'-ZOR, lii'O 'jya lord of Hazor. A place near Ephraim where Amnon was slain, B.C. 1035. 2Sa. 13. 23 Absalom had sheepshearers in B., which BA-Al EEE'-MOir, jiD-jn S]}^ lord of Hermon. This name occurring alone denotes a tcwn near Mount Hermon. When coupled with "mount" it seems to denote the mountainous district, (iiovf Jebel-es-Sheikh.) Judg. 3. 3 from mount B. unto the entering in of I Ch. 5. 23 they increased from Bashan unto B. and BA-Al ME'-ON, pj/D bys lord of the habitation. A town built by the Reubenites. Supposed to be the same as the Beth-baal-meon of Josh. 13. 17, the Bcth- meon of Jer. 48. 23, and the Beon of Num. 32. 3. (Main.) Num 32. 38 [children of Reuben built]. . Nebo, and B. 1 Ch. 5- 8 dw.elt in Aroer, even unto Nelx) and B. Eze. 25. 9 glory of the country, Beth-jcshimoth, B. BA-AI PE'-OR, ■lij;^ '^ys lord of the opening. An idol of Moab which Israel, by the counsel of Balaam to the Midianites, was enticed to worship. In several passages it is simply Peor. Num 25. 3 Israel joined himself unto B. : and the 25. 5 Slay ye every one . .joined unto B.-p. Deut. 4. 3 what the Lord did because of B.-p. 4. 3 for all the men that followed B.-p., tha Psa. 106. 28 They joined themselves also unto B. , and Hos. 9. 10 they went to B., and separated themselves BA-Al PE-EA'-ZIM, D'yi? ''y3 lord of breaches. A place near the valley of Rephaim. 2 Sa. 5. 20 David came to B., and David smote them 5. 20 he called the name of that place B. 1 Ch. 14. II So they came up to B.; and David smote 14. II they called the name of that place B,~. • BA-Al SHA-II'-SHA, r^h^ "jys lord of Shalisha» A place near Gilgal in Ephraim. 2 Ki. 4. 42 there came a man from B., and brought 9 BAAL TAMAR 66 BABYLON BA-AL TA'-MAK, n!?i? ^y3 lord of the palm. A place near Gibeali of Benjamiu. Judg.2o. 33 Israel, .put themselves ia array at B. BA-AL ZE-'BTTB, 3531 "jya lord ofthejli/. An idol o£ the Philistines at Ekron. 2 Kl I. 2 Go, enquire of B. the god of Ekron I. 3 ye go to enquire of B. the god of Ekron? I. 6 (that) thou sendest to enquire of B. the • J. i6 thou hast sent messengers to enquire of B. BA-Al ZE'-PHON, I'lS^ hy5 lord of Typhon. A plaee near where Israel crossed the Eed Sea. Exodi4. 2 between Migdol and the sea .. against B| 14. 9 beside Pi-hahiroth, before B. Num 33. 7 again unto Pi-hahiroth, v/hich. .before B. BA-A'-LAH, n^y.3 mistress, possessor. 1. A city of Ju'dah, sometimes identical witli Kirjath- jearim or Kirjath-baal. Josh. IS. 9 the border was drawn to B., which (is) 15. 10 the border compassed from B. westward I Ch. 13. 6 David went up, and all Israel, to B. 2. A hill on the S. border of Judah. Josh. 15. II the border, .passed along to mount B. 3. A city in the S. of Judah, called Balah in Josh. 19. 3, and iu i Ch. 4. 29 Bilhah. In i Ch. 4. 33 it ia Baal. Josh. 1 5. 29 tthe uttermost cities . . were] . . B., and Ilm 3A-A'-IATH, nSy^3 belonging to Baal. A town iu Dan. 0ovf BahU.) josh. 19. 44 Eltekeh, and Gibbethon, and B. 1 Ki. 9. 18 [Solomon built] . . B., and Tadmor in 2.Ch. 3. 6 B., and all the store cities that Solomon BA-A-LATH BE'-ER, 1X5 nSj;.3 lady of the well. A town, called also Ramath-negeb (or "heights of the south "), among those in the S. of Judah given to Simeon. Josh. 19. 8 the villages, .about these cities to B.-b. BA-A'-LE (nfjiidah), "'py.a possessors of or in Judah. Another form of Baalah, how Kuriet el-Enab. 2 Sa. 6. 2 the people that (were) with him from B. BA-a'-U, '^M my lord. A title of reserve rejected by God. Hob. 2. 16 call me Ishi, and shall oallme no more B. BA-A'-US, D-hll.J lord of joy. King of the Ammonites when Jerusalem was taken by Kebuohadnezzar, B.C. 588. Jer. 40. 14 Dost thou certainly know that B. the king BA-A'-BTA, BA-A'-NAH, K}V..;s son of grief, patient. 1. Sc'vimon's commissariat officer in Jezreel and the N. of thu Jordan valley, B.C. 1015. 1 Ki. 4. 12 B. the son of Ahliud ; (to him pertained) 2.Solomon'3 commissariat officer in Asher, B.C. 1015. ■ I Ki. 4. 16 B. the son of Hushai.. in Asher and in S.The father of Zadok, who came up with Zerubbabel and helped to repair the wall, B.C. 470. Neh. 3. 4 ne-xt unto them repaired.. the son of B. BA-A'-HAH, mV.3 son of grief. l.ii'ather of Heleb, one of David s thirty valiant men, B.C. 1075. 2 Sa. 23. 29 [one of the thirty]. .Heleb the son of B. 1 Ch. II. 30 Heled the, son of B. the Netophathite 2.A captain of Ishbosheth's army, B.o. 1048. 2 Sa. 4. 2 the name of the one. .B., and the name 4. 5 Kimmon the Beerothite, Kechab and B 4. 6 Rechab and B. his brother escaped 4. 9 David answered Rechab and B.his brother S.One who came up wth Zerubbabel, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 2 [are the children].. Bigvai, Kehum, B. Ueh. 7. 7 [are the children]. .Bigvai, Nehum, B. 10. 27 [chief of the people]. .Malluch, Harim, B. BA-A'-RA, h-\V_.3 a wood, or daughter of the fresh. One of Shaharaim's wives, B.C. 1400. I Ch. 8. 8 Shaharaira . . Hushim and B. . .his wives BA-A-SE'-IAH, n;B'5;^3 Jah is hold. A Gershonite, ancestor of Asaph the musician, B.C. IIOO. I Ch. 6. 40 Michael, the son of B,., the son of BA-A'-SHA, K^y3 boldness. A man of Issachar, who conspired against Nadab son of Jeroboam I., and slew all his posterity, B.C. 953. 1 Ki. 15. 16 there was war between Asa and B. king 15. 17 B. king of Israel went up against Judah 15. 19 break thy league with B. king of Israel 15^21 when B. heard, .he left off building of 15. 22 took away . .the timber, .wherewith B. 15. 27 B. the son of Ahijah. .conspired against 15 27 and B. smote him at Gibbethon, which 15. 28 in the third year of Asa. .did B. slay him 15. 32 there was war between Asa and B. king 15. 33 In the third year of Asa. .began B. . .to 16. I the word of the XoRD came, .against B. 16. 3 I will take away the posterity of B., and 16. 4 Him that dicth of B. in the city shall the t6. 5 the rest of the acts of B. . .(are) they not 16. 6 So B. slept with his fathers, and was— 16. 7 came the word of the Lord against B. 16. 8 began Elah the son of B. to reigu over. 1 IU. 16. II he slew all the house of B. : he left him 16. 12 did Zimri destroy all the house of B. 16. 12 which he spake against B. by Jehu the 16. 13 For all the sins of B., and the sins of Elah 21. 22 like the house of B. the son of Ahijah, for 2 Ki. g. 9 like the house of B. the son of Ahijah ^Ch.i6. I B. king of Israel came up against Judah 16. 3 break thy league with B. king of Israel 16. 5 when B. heard (it), that he left, .building t6. 6 carried away, .the timber. . wherewith B. Jer. 41. 9 which Asa., had made for fear of B. BA3BLEE, — l.Master of {the) tongue, jiiy) Sys haal lashon. Eccl. 10. II enchantment; and a babbler is no better 2.A seed-picker, (riTepfin\6yos spermologos. Acts 17. 18 some said, What will this babbler say? BABBLINO — l.Meditation, r\-\? siach. Prov.23. 29 hath contentions? who hathlDabbling? 2. Empty sound, Kevo(pwviqL kenophunia. 1 Ti. 6. 20 avoiding prof dne .. vain babblings, and 2 Ti. 2. 16 shun profane, .vain babblings : for ihey BABE — l.Boy, lad, -\lil naar. Exod. 2. 6 saw the chTia : and, behold, the babe 2.Suckling, groioing, Tf^]} olel. Psa. 8. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings ' 17. 14 leave the rest of their, .to their babes Z.Bahe {new born, or unborn), Pped>os brephos. luke I. 41 it came to pass, that, .the babe leaped 1. 44 the babe leaped in my womb for joy 2. 12 Ye shall find the babe wrapped in 2. 16 and found, .the babe lying in a manger 1 Pe. 2. 2 As new born babes, desire the sincere milk i.Bdbe {without speech), viiinos nepios. Matt 1 1. 25 and hast revealed them unto babes 21. 16 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Xukeio. 21 and hast revealed them unto babes Rom. 2. 20 instructor of . .foolish, a teacher of babes 1 Cor. 3. 1 as unto carnal, .as unto babes in Christ Heb. 5. i3UsetUmUk(is)unskilful..forhei3ababe BABES — Persons causing turnings, windings, D'7(7y.Fi. Isa. 3. 4 children . . and babes ^shall rule over them BA'-B£L, confiisiori, {or Bab-il, gate of Ood.) A city in the plain of Shinar. Gen. 10. 10 the beginning of his kingdom was B., and II. 9 Therefore is the name of it called B. BABYIOW, ^53 confusion, gate of Bd, ^affvXdv. The Greek mode of spelling what in the Hebrew is uniformly Babel. Perhaps when Nimrod founded the city he gave it the name Bab-il, "gate of IL" or "gate of God." After the " confusion " of tongues, the name was connected by the Hebrews with the Tootbalal, "to confound." It was latterly the capital of the country called in Genesis Shinar, and in the later Scriptm-es "Chaldea," or the "Land of the Chaldeans." The original city was built about 2230 B.C. Erech, Ur, and Ellasar seem to have been all older than it, and were cities when Babil v/^s a village. But about 1700 B.C. the seat of government was fi.\ed at the latter. Its enormous walls, iron gates, and hanging gardens, were among the greatest artificial wonders in the world. The modern Birs-Nimrud (anciently the temple of Nebo at Borsippa), and Babil, near Hillah, have both been taken for the site of the proposed Tower. Its history is naturally mixed up with that of the state to which it gave its name. " The Babylonian and Assy- rian empires," says Sir John Stoddart, "in all historical records, are much blended together. These empires, whether distinct or united, possessed in very early times two vast cities — Babylon on the Euphrates, and Nineveh on the Tigris. The country on the Tigris was called Assyria; that on the Euphrates Babylonia; and the large intervening space was commonly termed Mesopotamia, or 'between the rivers': and this, to- gether with Babylonia, seems tQ^be meant in Scripture by the land of Shinar." In B.C. 747Babylon is independ- ent of Assyria— Nabonassar king ; 699, Esarhaddon, or Sennacherib, king of Assyria, takes Babylon ; 677 or 675, Asaridinus, king of Babylon, invades Judah, and makes prisoner its king, Manasseh ; 625, Nabopolassar asserts his independence of the king of Assyria ; 604, Nebuchadnezzar succeeds his father Nabopolassar ; during his reign the Babylonian empire attains its highest splendour; 569, Nebuchadnezzar sets up the " golden image," and becomes insane the same year ; 558, Neriglissar, the Belshazzar of Scripture, king; 538, Babylon taken, and the kingdom annexed to the Persian empire by Cyrus; 518, Babylon revolts from Darius Hystaspes ; it is besieged and taken the following year ; 33 1, Babylon surrenders to Alexander the Great ; 324, Alexander enters it, and commences the restoration of its architectural greatness ; 323, Alexander dies in Babylon ; 321, Seleucus Nicator is made governor; 315, Antigonus expels Seleucus, and establishes Python, son of Agenor, in his dignities ; 312, Seleucus returns to, Babylon, which he recovers, and founds the kingdom and dynasty of the Seleucidse ; 240, invaded by the Gauls under Hierax — they are repulsed by Seleucus II.; 64, on the conquest of Syria by Pompey, Babylon falls into the hands of thfe Romans; 62, Babylon forms •part of the Roman province of Syria, Many travel- lers, amongst whom may Le mentioned Rich, Ker Porter, Layard, Frazer, Chesney, Botta, Loftus, and Rawlinson, have, by their explorations amongst the ruins of the ancient city, thrown light upon the history of Babylon. Sir Henry Rawlinson has inter- preted many of the inscriptions found on various relics brought to this country. Babylonian sovereigns were : B.C. 747, Nabonassar ; 733, Nadius ; 731, Chinzirus; 725, JugEeus ; 721, Mardocempadus ; 709, Archiamis; 70/ (interregnum); 702, Belibus ; 699, Apronadius; 693, Regibalus ; 692, Mesesimordachus ; 688 (interregnum); 680, Asaridinus ; 667, Saosduchinus ; 647, Chinaladanus ; 625, Nabopolassar; 604, Nebuchadnezzar ; 561,' Evil Merodach ; 558, Belshazzar ; 553, Nabonadius ; 538, Cyrus takes Babylon. 2 Ki. 17. 24 king of Assyria brought, .from B. 17. 30 the men of B. made Succoth-benoth, and 20. 12 Baladan, king of B., sent letters and a, 2o. 14 They . come from a far country . . from B, 20. 17 that, .in thine house be carried into B. 20. 18 eunuchs in the palace of the king of B. 24. I Nebuchadnezzar king of B. came up, and 24. 7 for the king of B. had taken from the river 24. 10 servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of B. 24. II Nebuchadnezzar king of B. came against 24. 12 Jehoiachin. .went out to the king of B. 24. 12 the king of B. took him in the eighth 24. 15 he carried away Jehoaichin to B., and 24. 15 (those) canied he into captivity . .to B. 24. 16 them the king of B. brought captive to, B. 24. 17 the king of B. made Mattaniah. .king 24. 20 Zedekiah rebelled against the king of B.- 25. I Nebuchadnezzar king of B. came, he 25. 6 brought him up to the king of B. 25. 7 eyes of Zedekiah . . and carried him to B. 25. 8 the nineteenth year of king, .of B. 25. 8 came . . a servant of the king of B., unto J 25. II fugitives that fell away to the king of B. 25. 13 and carried the brass of them to B. 25. 20 brought them to the king of B. to Riblah 25. 21 the king of B. smote them, and slew 25. 22 whom Nebuchadnezzar king of B. had 25. 23 the captains, heard that the king of B. 25. 24 dwell in the land and serve the king of B. 25. 27 Evil-merodach king of B. in the year that 25. 28 of the kings that (were) with him in B. I Ch. 9. I were carried away to B. for their trans. 2Ch.32. 31 the ambassadors of the princes of B., who 33. II bound, .with fetters, and carried him to B. 36. 6 came up Nebuchadnezzar king of B. 36. 6 bound him in fetters, to carry him to B. 36. 7 Nebuchadnezzar.. carried of the. to B. 36. 7 and put them in his temple at B. • 36. 10 Nebuchadnezzar sent, and brought, .to B. 36. 18 his princes , all (these) he brought to B- 36. 20 that had escaped, .carried he away to H. Ezra I. II that were brought up from B. unto Jer. 2. I the king of B. had carried away unto B. 5. 12 them into the hand of. .the king of B. S. 12 who. .carried the people away into B. 5. 13 the first year of Cyrus the king of B. 5. 14 brought them into the temple of B. ' 5. 14 did Cyrus, .take out of the temple of B, 5. 17 king'streasurehouse, which!(is)thereatB. 6. 1 where the treasures were laid up in B. 6. s which Nebuchadnezzar, .brought unto B. 7. 6 This Ezra went up from B. ; and he (was) 7. 9 began he to go up from B., and on the 7. 16 all the silver, in all the province of B. 8. I them that went up with me from B. in Neh. 7. 6 whom, the king of B. had carried away 13. 6 and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of B, Esth. 2. 6 whom, .the king of B. had carried away Psa. 87. 4 I will make mention of . .B. to them that 137. I By the rivers of B., there we sat down 137. 8 daughter of B., who art to be destroyed Isa. 13. I The burden of B., which Isaiah the son of iD> 13. 19 B., the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of 14. 4 take up . . proverb against . . king of B. 14. 22 cut off from B. the name, and remnant 21. 9 he answered and said, B. is fallen, is 39. I Baladan, king of B., sent letters, .to Hez. 39. 3 They are come from a far country . .B. 39. 6 all. .shall be carried to B. : nothing shall 39. 7 eunuchs in the palace of the king of B. 43. 14 For your sake I have sent to B., and have 47. I virgin daughter of B., sit on theground 48. 14 he will do his pleasure on B., and his arm 48. 20 Go ye forth of B., flee ye from theChal. Jer. 20. 4 into the hand of the king of B., and he 2o. 4 shall carry them captive into B., and 20. 5 and take them and carry them to B. 20. 6 thou shalt come to B.. and there thou 21. 2 Nebuchadrezzar king of B. maketh war 21. 4 wherewith ye fight against the king of B. 21. 7 the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of B. 21. 10 be given into the hand of the king of B. 22. 25 the hand of Nebiu:hadrezzar king of B. 24. I Nebuchadrezzar king of B. had carried 24. I Jerusalem, and had brought them to B 25. I first year of Nebuchadrezzar king of B. 25. 9 Nebuchadrezzar the king of B., my 25. II these nations shall serve the king of B. 25. 12 I will punish the king of B., and that 27. 6 into the hand of . .the king of B., my 27. 8 which will not serve the. .king of B. 27. 8 under the yoke of the king of B., that 27. 9, 14 Ye shall not serve the king of B. 27. II, 12 under the yoke of the king of B., and 27. 13 nation that will not serve the king of B.? 27. 16 now shortly be brought again from B. 27. 17 serve the king of B., and live : wherefore 37. 18 vessels which are left, .go not to B, BABYLON 67 BACKSLIDING Jer. 27, 27 , *7 28 28, a8, 28, 28, 28, 28. 28. 20. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 32- 32. 32- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 35- 36. 37- 37- 37- 38. 38. 38- 38- 38- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 41. 41. 42. 43- 43- 44- 46. 46. 46. 49. 49. SO. I 6°- 50. SO- SO. SO- SO. SO- SO. ■ SO- SO- SO- SO- SO- SO- SO- SO- SO. 50. SI- S'- SI- S'- 5'- 5'- 5'- 5'- 5'- 5'- 5'- 5'- 51- S'- 5»- 5'- S'- 5'- 5'- 5'- 5«- 5>- 20 Which Nebuchadnezzar king of B. took 20 he carried away captive Joconiah, .to B. . 22 TheyiBhall be carried to B., and there 2 I iisjre broken the yoke of the king of B. 3 thatrNebuchadnezzar king of B. took 3 tool away, .and carried them to B, 4 the/captives of Judah, that went into B. 4 I /ill break the yoke of the king of B. 6 to/bring again the vr ssels. .from B. into . II wBl I break the yokj of. .king of B. from 14 may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of B. 1 had carried away, .from Jerusalem tc E. 3 Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto B. 3 to Nebuchadnezzar king of B. saying 4 I have caused to be carried away . . unto B. 10 after seventy years be accomplished at B. 15 Lord hath raised us up prophets in B. 20 whom I have sent from Jerusalem to B. . 21 the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of B. , 22 the captivity of Judah which (are) in B. . 22 like Aliab, whom the king of B. roasted , 28 therefore he sent unto us (in) B., saying 2 then the king of B.'s army besieged Jeru. 3, 4, 36 into the hand of the king of B,, and 5 he shall lead Zedekiah to B., and there 28 the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of B. 1 when Nebuchadnezzar king of B. . .fought 2 into the hand of the king of B., and he 3 shall behold the eyes of the king of B. 3 speak with thee .thou shalt go to B. 7 When the king of B. '3 army fought against 21 the hand of the king of B.'s army, which n when Nebuchadrezzar king of B. came up 29 The king of B, shall certainly come and I whom Nebuchadrezzar king of B. made 17 delivered into the hand of the king of B. 19 The king of B. shall not come against you 3 into the hand of the king of B.'s army 17 go forth unto the king of B.'s princes 18 go forth to the king of B.'s princes, then 22 brought forth to the king of B.'s princes 23 thou, shall be taken by. .the king of B. X Nebuchadrezzar king of B. and all his 3 all the princes of the king of B. came in 3 residue of the princes of the king of B. 5 to Nebuchadnezzar king of B. to Riblah 6 the king of B. slew the sons of Zedekiah 6 the king of B. slew all the nobles of Jud. 7 bound him with chains, to carry him to B. 9 Nebuzar-adan. .carried away captive. .B. ir .Nebuchadrezzar king of B. gave charge 13 Rab-mag, and all the king of B.'s princes 1 which were carried away captive untoB. 4 If ..good unto thee to come with me. B. 4 if . ill unto thee to come with me into B. 5 whom the king of B. hath made governor 7 the captains, heard that the king of B. ■J them that were not ^carried away, to B. 9 serve the king of B.. and it shall be well II heard that the king of B. had left a 2 whom the king of B. had made governor ' 18 whom the king of B. made governor in 11 Be not afraid of the king of B., of whom 3 might.. carry us away captives into B. 10 I will send and take, the king of B., my 30 the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of B. 2 which Nebuchadrezzar king of B. smote 13 how Nebuchadrezzar king of B. should 26 the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of B. 28 which Nebuchadrezzar king of B. shall 30 Nebuchadrezzar king of B. hath taken 1 The word that the JJoRD spake against B. 2 say, B. is taken, Bel is confounded 8 Remove out of the midst of B., and go 9 I will . .cause to come up against B. aa 73 every one that goeth by B, shall be 14 Put yourselves in array against B. round 16 Cut otf the sower from B., and him that 17 Nebuchadrezzar king of B. hath broken 18 I will punish the king of B. and his land 23 how is B. become a desolation among the 24 thou art also taken, B., and thou wast 28 flee and escape out of the land of B., to 29 Call together the archers against B. 34 may .disquiet the inhabitants of B. 35 A sword (is) upon, .the inhabitants of B. 42 against thee, O daughter cf B. 43 The king of B. hath heard the report of 45 the counsel, .he hath taken against B. 46 At the noise of the taking of B. the earth 1 Behold, I will raise up against B. and 2 will send unto B. fanners, that shall 6 Flee out of the midst of B., and deliver 7 B. (hath been) a golden cup in the L0Kl>'3 8 B, is suddenly fallen and destroyed g We would have healed B., but she is not 11 for his device (is) against B,, to destroyit 12 the standardirpon the walls of B. 12 spake against the inhabitants of B. 24 I will render unto B. and to all the 29 performed against B., to make the. .of B. 30 The mighty men of B. have forborne to 31 to shew the king of B. that his city is 33 The daughter of B. (is) like a threshing 34 Nebuchadrezzar the king of B. hath 35 The violence done to me. .(be) upon B. 37 B. shall become heaps, a dwelling place 41 how is B. become an astonishment amonj 42 The sea is come up upon B. : she^is 44 I will punish Bel in B., and I will bring 44 yea, the wall of B. shall fall 47 do judgment upon the. .images of B. Jor. 51. 48 all that (is) therein, shall sing for B. 51. 49 As B. (hath caused) the slain of Israel to 51. 49 at B. shall fall the slam of all the earth 51. 53 Though B. should mount up to heaven 51. 54 A sound of a cry .from B., and great 51. 55 Because the Lord hath spoiled B. and SI. 56 Because the spoiler is come upon .li. , and 51. 58 The broad walls of B. shall be utterly Sj. 59 when he went with Zedekiah .into B. In 51. 60 all the evil that should come upon B. St. 60 these words that are written against B. 51. 61 Wien thou comest to B , and shalt see 51. 64 Thus shall B. sink, and shall not rise from 52. 3 Zedekiali rebelled against the king of B, 52. 4 Nebuchadrezzar king of B came, lie and 52. 9 carried him up unto the king of B to Rib 52. 10 theking of B, slew the sous of Zedekiah 52. II the king of B bound him in chains, and 52. II carried hira to B. and put him in prison 52. 12 nineteenth. .Nebuchadrezzar king of B. 52. 12 served the king of E , Into Jerusalem 52. 15 that fell to the king of B., and the rest of 52. 17 Ch,ildeans. .carried all the brass to B. 52. 26 and brought them to the king of B to S2. 27 the king of B. smote them, and put them 52. 31 Evil-merodach kingof B. in the(llrst)year 52. 32 above the throne of the kings.. in B. 52. 34 a. diet given him of the king of B. Eze. 12. 13 I will bring hira to B (to) the laud of the 17. 12 Behold, the king of B, is come to Jerus. 17, 12 taken, .and led them with him to B. 17. 16 with him in the midst of B he shall die 17. 20 1 will bring him to B., and mil plead with 19. 9 they, .brought him to the king of B. 21. 19 that the sword of the kingof B. may come 21. 21 the king of B. stood at the parting of the 24. a the king of B. set himself against Jerus. 26. 7 bring .Nebuchadrezzar king of B, aking 29. 18 Nebuchadrezzarkingof B.caused hisarmy 29. 19 the land, .unto Nebuchadrezzar kingofB. 30. 10 the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of B. 30. 24 strengthen the arms of the king of B. 30. 25 strengthen the arms of the king of B. 30. 25 my sword into the hand of the king of B. 32. II The sword of the king of B. shall come Dan. I. I came Nebuchadnezzar king of B. unto Jer. 2. 12 and . .to destroy all the wise (men) of B. 2. 14 gone forth to slay the wise (men) of B. 2. 18 should not perish with the. .(men) of B. 2. 24 ordained to destroy the wise (men) of B. 2. 24 Destroy not the wise (men) of B.; bringme 2. 48 ruler over the whole province of B. 2. 48 governors over all the wise (men) of B. 2. 49 he set Shadrach . . over . . the province of B. 3. I the plain of Dura, in the province of B. 3. 1 2 thou hast set over . . the province of B. ; 3. 30 promoted Shadrach . . in the province of B. • 4. 6 bring in all the wise (men) of B. before me 4. 29 walked in the palace of the kingdom of B. 4. 30 Is not this great B., that I have built for 5. 7 spake, and said to the wise (men) of B. 7'. I the Brst year of Belshazzar king of B. Mic. 4. 10 thou shalt go. .to B. ; there shalt thou Zech. 2. 7 Zion. .dwellest (with) the daughter of B. 6. 10 Take of (them), .which are con.e from B. Matt. I. It the time they were carried away to B. I. 12 after they were brought to B., Jechonias I. 17 David until the carrying away into B. 1. 17 from the carrying awayintoB. unto Christ Acts' 7. 43 and 1 will carry you away beyond B. 1 Pe. 5. 13 The (church that is) at B., fleeted together Kev. 14. 8 followedanotherangel.saying, B. Is fallen 16. ig great B. came in remembrance before God 17. s upon her forehead . . a name . . B. the Great 18. 2 he cried . . saying, B. the great is fallen 18. 10 Alas, alas that great city B., that mighty 18. 21 with violence shall that great city B. BA-BT-LO-Nl-ANS, N.'.^33, '??? '33 smxs of Babel. The inhabitants of BaUylonia, a district of country along the Euphrates, Ezra 4. 9 Then (wrote) Kehum. .the B,, the Susan. Eze. 23. 15 after the manner of the B. of Chaldea 23. 17 the B. came to her into the bed of love 23. 23 the B,, and all the Chaldeans, Pekod BA-BY-ION-ISH, "lyj?/ belonginff to Shinar, Anything pertaining to Shinar. Josh. 7 ii I saw among the spoils agoodlyB. garment BA'-CA, Np3 vieeping. A valley near Jerusalem, and the valley of Hephaim, whose exact locality is uncertain. A valley of the same name may still be found in the Sinaitic district — the Wady-el-Baka. The Targum renders it "Gehenna," that is, the "Ge-Hinnonx" or ravine below Mount Zion. This locality accords well with the mention of Bacalm " teai-s," in 2 Sa. 5. 23. Psa. 84. 6 passing through the valley of R make BACH-RITE, 'I?? belonging to Becker. Patronymic of ihe family of Becher, son of Ephraim, B.C. 1700. Num 26.35 3013 of Ephraim. .the family of the B. BACK — l.Back, backward, behind, "lini; achor. 2 Sa. I. 22 the bow of Jonathan turned not hack Psa. 9. 3 When mine enemies are turned back 35. 4 let them be turned back and brought to 44. ID Thou makestus to turn back frum the 44. 18 Our heart is not turned back, neither s6. 9 then shall mine enemies turn back Psa.114. 3 The sea. .fled : Jordan was driven back .114. 5 tliou Jordan, (that) tliou wast driven back ^29. 5 them all be confounded and turned back Isa. 42. 17 Tliey shall-bc turned bark, they so. 5 not rebellious, neither turned away ba'ck Jer.' '33. 22 mire, (and) they are turned away bark 46. 5 dismayed (and) turned av/ay back? Lam. r. 13 hath spread a net.. hath turned me back 2. 3 he hath drawn b.ick his right hand Eze. 8. j6 with their backs toward the temple of I.Behind, "inx achar. Zeph. I. 6 And theiji that are turned back from the Z.Thc back, 33 gab^ Psa. 129. 3 The plowers plowed upon my back Eze. 10. 12 and their backs, and their hands, and their Dan. 7. 6 which had upon^he back of it four wings i.The back (of a person), 13 gav. 1 Kl. 14. 9 and hast cast me behind thy back Neh. 9. 26 and cast thy law behind their backs 13 but a rod (is) for the back of him that is rg. 29 and stripes for the back of fools 26. 3 for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back Isa. 3S. 17 hast cast all my sins behind thy back 50. 6 I gave my back to the smiters Eze. 23. 35 and cast me behind thy back f). Hence t yonder I beyond I nxj^n halah. Gen. 19. 9 And they said, Stand back. And they 6. The neck, fp^ii oreph. Exod23. 27 make all thine enemies turn (their) backs Josh. 7. 8 when Israel tiirneth their back before 7. 12 (but) turned (their) backs before their 2 Ch.29. 6 away their faces, .turned (their) backs Jer. 2. 27 for they have turned (their) back unto 18. 17 1 will shew them the back, and not the 32. 33 And they have turned unto me the back 48. 39 how hath Moab turned the back 7. The shoulder, Dzp skekem. I. 9 when he had turned his back to go from Psa. 21. 12 shalt thou.make them turn (their) back S.The back {of a person), vwtos notos. Rom.ii. 10 and bow down their back alway 9. Back, backward, behind, (£'? to) owCaui opiid. Matt24. 18 which is in the field return back to JIarki3. 16 let him that is in the field not turn back Luke g. 62 No man. .looking back, is fit for tho 17. 31 let hira likewise not return back John 6. 66 (time) many of his disciples went back 20. li she turned herself back, and saw Jesus [See also, Bring, bringing, brought, colt, carry, come, draw, drive, go, gone, hold, horseback, keep, kepj;, look, return, scroll, send, sent, slide, take, turn, turned.]. BACK again — Backward, n'JiriN achorannith. 1 Ki. 18. 37 thou bast turned their heart-back again BACK from — I'ro?)i behind, 'int'D meackare. Zeph. I. 6 And them that are turned back from the BACK part — Back part, n'inx achor. Exod.33. 23 and thou shalt see my back parts BACKBITE, to — To use ihe feel {as a talebearer), ^y-y rago.1. Psa. 15. 3 He (that) backbiteth not with his tongue BACKBITER — One who speaks dovm or against, KardkaXot. Kom. 1. 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful BACKBITING — \.A secret thing, "ffiD sether, Prov.2s. 23 (doth) an angry countenance a backbiting 2.A talking dovm or against, KaraAaKia. 2 Co. 12. 20 lest (there be) debates . . backbitings BACKBONE — Wood, .spine, firm part, r\^\i atseh. Lev. 3. 9 shall he take off hard by the backbone BACKSIDE — l.Back part, "i^nK achor. Exod 26. 12 shall hang over the backside of -the 2.Behind, back part, inx achar. Exod. 3. 1 he led the flock to the backside of the BACKSIDE, on the — From' ihe back, from behind, omtrdev opisihen. Eev. 5. I book •written within and [ou the backsidej BACKSLIDER — To go back, :!D sug. Prov.14, 14 The backslider in heart shall be filled BACKSLIDING — \.A turning back or away, n^^ep meshubah. Jer. 2. ig and thy backsliding shall reprove thee 3. 6 Hast thou seen (that) which backsliding 3. 8 whereby backsliding Israel committed 3. ti The backsliding Israel hath justified 3. 12 Return, thou backsliding Israel,saith the 3. 22 ye backsliding. .1 mil heal-.backslidings 5. 6 (and) their backslidings are increased 8. 5 slidden baok 1^ a perpetual backsliding 1 BACKWARD 68 BALAK Jer. 14. 7 for our backBlidings are many ; we have lies. II. 7 And my people are bent to backsliding 14. 4 I will heal their backsliding, I will love I.One turning back, iay shobeb. Jer. 3. 14 Turn, backsliding children, saith the 3. 22 Return, ye backsliding children, (and) I 31. 22 How long wilt thou. .0 thou backsliding 49. 4 O backsliding daughter? that trusted ia 3. To turn round, he refractory, T19 sarar. Hos. 4.16 Israel slideth back as a backsliding hel£er BACKWAUD — \.Backward,,-\^'m fichor. Gen. 49. 17 so that his rider shall fall backward Job 23. 8 and backward, but I cannot perceive him Psa. 40. 14 let them be driven backward and put to 70. 2 let thera be turned backward, and put to Isa. I. 4 a people, .they are gone away backward 28. 13 that they might go, and fall backward 44. 25 that turneth wise (men) backward, and 59. 14 And judgment is turned away backward Jer. 7. 24 and went backward, and not forward 15. 6 hast forsaken me. .art gone backward Lam. I. 8 yea, she sigheth, and turneth backward 2.Backward, n'jnhK achorannith. ■Gen. 9. 23 and went backward, and covered the 9. 23 and their faces (were) backward, and they 1 Sa. 4. i8 he fell from off the seat backward 2 Ki. 20. 10 let the shadow return backward ten 20. It brought the shadow tenjdegreea backward Isa. 38. 8 I will bring again the shadow., backward 3. To the bach parts, (Is ri otilaai eis ta opiso. John 18. 6 1 am (he), they went backward,and fell to BAD — 1. Base, bad, lyiKS biush. Ezra 4. 12 building the rebellious and the bad city 2. Evil, Ti ra. Gen. 24. 50 we cannot apeak unto thee bad or good 31. 24 that thou speak not. .either good or bad 31. 29 that thou speak not. .either good or bad Lev. 27. 10 a good for a bad, or a bad for a good 27. 12 shall value it, whither it be good or bad 27. 14 estimate it, whither it be good or bad 27. 33 shall not search whether it be good or bad Numi3. 19 the land (is), .whether it (be) good or bad 24. 13 to do (either) good or bad of mine own 2Sa. 13. 22 Absalom spake, .neither good nor bad 14. 17 so (is), .the king to discern good and bad 1 Ki. 3. 9 that I may discern between good and bad 3. Bad, kukSs kakos. 2 Co. 5. I o according to that . . whether .. good or [bad] 4. Evil, TTovTjpSs poneros. Matt 22. 10 as they found, both bad and good : and a. Rotten, put'rid, (rairpSs sapros. Matt 13. 48 good into vessels, but cast the bad away BAD, to be 80 — From badness, yi5 meroa. Jer. 24. 2 could not be eaten, they were so bad BADOER — Badger or dark red coloured object, B'nn tachash. Exod 25. 5 rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins 26. 14 and a covering above (of) badgers' skins 35. 7 rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins 35. 23 and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins 36. 19 and a covering (of) badgers' skins above 39. 34 the covering of badgers' skins, and the Num. 4. 6 put thereon. .covering of badgers' skins 4. 8 cover, .with a covering of badgers' skins 4. 10 within a covering of badgers' skins, and 4. II cover it with a covering of badgers' skins 4. 12 cover, .with a covering of badgers' skins 4. 14 spread, .a covering of badgers' skins 4. 25 the covering of the badgers' skins that (is) Eze. 16. 10 and shod thee with badgers' skin, and I BADUESS — Evil, badness, k't roa. Gen. 41. 19 such as I never saw. dor badness BAG — l.Bag, purse, c^D'nj; .charitim. 2 Ki. 5. 23 bound" two talents of silver in two bags 2.Cup, D'5 kis. Deut2s. 13 Thon shalt not have In thy bag divers' Prov.i6. II all the weights of the bag (are) his work Isa. 46. 6 They lavish gold out of the bag, and Mic. 6. II and with the bag of deceitful weights?' 3. Vessel, instrument, '"?? keli. I Sa. 17. 40 and put them in a shepherd's bag which 17. 49 And David put his hand in his bag i. Bundle, lil^ tseror. Job 14. 17 My transgression (Is) sealed up In a bag Prov. 7. 20 He hath taken a bag of money with hira Hag. 1. 6 earneth wages (to put it) into a bag with 5. T?uit into which a thing is cast, ^axAvrtov. Lukei2. 33 provide yourselves liags which wax not 6. Where the tongues of vnnd instruments are put, yKoKT a 6 Kofxou glossokomon. John 12. 6 because he was a thief, and had the bag 13. 29 some. .thought,becau8eJudaaliad the bag BAGS, to put up ia — To bind up, lis tsur. 2 Ki. 12. 10 they put up in bags, and told the money BA-HA-RTI-EITE or BAK-HTJ-iaiTE, 'Crt-inj. Patronymic of one of David's thirty valiant men. I Ch. II. 33 Azmaveth the B., Eliahba the Shaalbonite BA-HU'-EXH, Dnw3 low grounds. A village on the road leading up from the valley of the Jordan to Jerusalem. 2Sa. 3. 16 her husband went, .behind her toB. 16. s when king David came to B., behold 17. 18 they . .came to a man's house in B., which 19. 16 a Benjamite, which (was) of B., hasted I Ki. 2. 8 a Benjamite of B., which cursed me mth BA'-JITH, n:3rt hmise. ■ This word occurs frequently In the names of towns, but is in this one passage used absolutely, and left un- translated as the name of a place. In the original text it has the article, " the house," not referring to a place of this name, but to " The House " or temple of the gods of Moab, as opposed to the "high places" in the same sentence. Isa. IS. 2 He is gone up to B., and to Dibon, the BAS-BAK'-KAB, "igsp diligent searcher. A Levlte who came up from exile, B.C. 445. 1 Ch. 9. IS [of the Levites]. .B., Heresh, and Galal BAK'-BTJK, pi2i?3 waste, hollow. Ancestor of the'Wethiniras who returned from exile, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 51 children 01 'B., the children of Hakupha Neh. 7. 53 children of B., the children of Hakupha BAK-EUK'-IAH, n;i33i53 toasted by Jah. A Levite of Asaph's family, and second leader in the temple worship of the exile, B.C. 445. Neh. II. 17 B the second among his brethren, and 12. 9 B. and Unni, their brethren, (were) over 12. 25 Mattaniah, and B... porters keeping the BAKE, to — 1.2*0 bake, n^K aphah. Gen. 19. 3 and did bake unleavened bread Exodi 2. 39 they baked unleavened cakes of the dough 16. 23 bake (that) which ye will bake., and seethe -Lev. 24. s take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes 26. 26 ten women shall bake your bread in one I Sa. 28. 24 and did bake unleavened bread thereof Isa. 44. IS he kindleth (it), and baketh bread ; yea 44. 19 also X have baked bread upon the coals Eze. 46. 20 where they shall bake the meat offering 2.T0 boil, cook, W5 bashal, 3. Numii. 8 and baked (it) in pans, and made cakes of 2Sa. 13. 8 and made cakes, .and did bake the cakes 3. To bake cakes, i^y ug. Ezc. 4. 12 thou Bhalt bake it with dung that cometh BAKE MEATS — ■Food, work of a baker, nSN n\aiip V;!:;9. Gen.40. 17 of aU manner of bakemeacs for Phsurabh BAKEN-^ 1. Anything taken, np^ rruiapheh. Lev. 2. 4 an oblation, .baken in the oven 2.T0 mingle, dip, %y\rabak, 6. Lev. 6. 21 (when it is) baken, thou shalt bring it in BAKEN, to be — To be baken, n^sj aphah, 2. Lev. 6. 17 It shall not be baken with leaven: I have 7. 9 all the meat offering that is baken in the 23. 17 they shall be baken with leaven, .the first BAKEN pieces — Baken or dried pieces, □'4'9B tuphinim. Lev. 6. 21 the baken pieces of the meat offering BAKEN on the coals — Burning coals, hot stones, □'9V^ retsaphim. I Ki. 19. 6 and, behold, .a cake baken on the coals BAKEE — To bake, n^s aphah. Gen. 40. I (his) baker had offended their lord the 40. 2 waswroth..againstthechiefof thebakets 40. s the butler and the baker of the king of 40. 16 When the chief baker saw that the 40. 20 lifted up the head, .of the chief baker 40. 22 But he hanged the chief baker : as Joseph 41. 10 put me in ward, .me and the chief baker I Sa. 8. 13 will take your daughters . .(to be) bakers Jer. 37. 21 a piece of bread out of the bakers' street Hos. 7. 4 as an oven heated by the baker, (who) 7. 6 their baker sleepeth all the night ; in the BAl'-AAM, Qj;73 a pilgrim or lord of the people. Son of Beor, a Midianite prophet. He resided at Pethor, a city of Mesopotamia, as he himself tells us, he was " broughtfrom Aram out of the mountains of the East. " B.C. 1452. Num 22. s He sent messengers therefore unto B. 22. 7 they came unto B., and spake unto hhn 22. 8 the princes of Moab abode with B. 22. 9 God came unto B., and said. What men 32. 10 B. said unto God, 5alak the son of Num 22. 12 God said unto B., Tliou slialt not go 22. 13 B. rose up in the morning, and said 22. 14 the princes of Moab. .said, B. reluseth to 22. 16 they came to B,, and said to hira. Thus ■'" 22. 18 B. answered and said unto the servants 22. 20 God came unto B. at night, and said 22. 21 B. rose up in the morning, and saddled 22. 23 B. smote the ass, to turn her into the way 22. 25 crushed B.'s foot against the wall : and 22. 27 she fell down under B.: and B.'s anger; 22. 28 she said unto B., What have I done unto 22. 29 B. said unto the ass. Because thou hast 22. 30 the ass said unto B., (Am) not I thine ass 22. 31 Thenthe Lord opened the eyes of B., and 22. 34 And B. said unto the angel of the LORD, I 22. 35 the angel of the LORD said unto B., Go 22. 35 So B.weut with the princes of Balak . 22. 36 And when Balak heard that B. was come 22. 37 And Balak said unto B., Did I not 22. 38 And E. said unto Balak, Lo, I am come 22. 39 And B. went with Balak, and they came 22. 40 Balak offered oxen . .and sent to B., and 23. 41 Balak took B., and brought him up into 23. I And B. said unto Balak, Build me here 23. 2 And Balak did as B. had spoken ; and 23. 2 B. offered on (every) altar a bullock and 23. 3 B. said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt 23. 4 God met B. : and he said unto him, I have 23. s And the Lord put a word in B.'s mouth 23. II And Balak said unto B.,What hast thou 23. 16 And the LORD met B., and put a word in 23. 25 And Balak said unto B., Neither curse 23. 26 But B. answered and said unto Balak 23. 27 And Balak said unto B., Come, X pray 23. 28 And Balak brought B. unto the top of P. 23. 29 B. said unto Balak, Build me here seven 23. 30 And Balak did as B. had said, and offered 24. I when B. saw that it pleased the LORD to 24. 2 B. lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel 24. 3, 15 B. the son of Beor hath .said, and the 24. 10 Balak's anger was kindled against B. 24. 10 Balak said unto B., I called thee to curse 24. 12 B. said unto Balak, Spake I not also': 24. 25 B. rose up, and went and returned to his 31. 8 B. also the son of Beor they slew with 31. 16 caused. .Israel, through the counsel of B. Dent23. 4 because they hired against thee B. the 23. 5 Lord thy God would not he^ken unto B. Jos. 13. 22 B. also the son of Beor, the soothsayer 24. 9 Balak. .sent and called B. the son of ' 24. 10 But I would not hearken unto B. ; there Neh. 13. 2 Because they . .hired B. against them Mic. 6. 5 O my people, remember, .what B. the, 2 Pe. 2. IS are .. following the v/ay of B. (the son) ol Jude II ran greedily after the error of B. for ' Kev. z. 14 there them that hold the doctrine of B. BA'-LAC, PaKaK, the Greek form of \h'^. Eev. ,2. 14 Balaam who taught B. to cast a stumbling BA-IA'-DAN, n^/'3 having power. Father of Merodach (or Berodach) Baladan, king of Babylon in the time of Hezekiah king of Judah. 2 Ki. 20. 12 Berodach-baladan, the son of B., king ot , Isa. 39. I Merodach-baladan, the son of B., king ot BA-'LAH, ■■1^9 withered, old. A_city of Simeon, called Bilkak in i Ch. 4. 29, Josh 19. 3 [they had in their inheritance]. .B., and BA'-IAK, p^5 void, empty, waster. King ot Moab, and son of Zippor, at the time Israel were bringing their journeyings to a close. He hired Balaam to curse Israel when they were in his territory. B.C. 1452.- Num 22. 2 B. the son of Zippor saw all that 22. 4 B. the son of Zippor .. king of the Moab. ■ 22. 7 spake unto him the words of B, 22. 10 B. the son of Zippof, king of Moab, hath 22. 1'i Balaam, .said unto the princes of B. 22. 14 the princes of Moab. .went unto B., and 22 15 B. sent yet again princes, more, and 22. 16 Thus saith B. the son of Zippor, I^et 22. i8 Balaamanswered..mitotheBervantsofB. 22. 3S So Balaam went with the princes of B. 22. 36 when B. heard that Balaam was 22. 37 B. said unto Balaam, Did I not 22. 38 Balaam said unto B., Lo, X am come 22. 39 Balaam went with B., and they came 22. 40 B. offered oxen and sheep, and sent 22. 41 B. took Balaam, and brought him up 23. I Balaam said unto B. , Build me here seven 23. 2 B. did as Balaam had spoken ; and.' 23. 2 B. and Balaam offered on (eveir) altar a 23. 3 Balaam said unto B., Stand by thy 23. 5 K«turn unto B., and thus thou shalt . 23. 7 B. the king of Moab hath brought me 23. II B. said unto Balaam, What hast thou 23. 13 B. said unto him, Come, X pray thee 23. IS he said unto B., Stand here by thy burnt 23. 16 Go again unto B., and say thus 83. 17 B. said unto htm. What hath the Lokd 53. 18 Kise up, B., and hear; hearken unto me C3. 25 B. said unto Balaam, Neither cause them 23. 26 Balaam answered and said unto B. 23. 27 B. said unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee "23. 28 B. brought Balaam unto the top of Peer 23. 29 Balaam said unto B., Build me here 23.' 30 B. did as Balaam had said, and offered 24. 10 B.'s anger was kindled against Balaam 24. 10 B. said unto Balaam, I called thee to I BALANCE 69 BANQUET Num24, 12 Balaam said unto B., Spake I not also 24. 13 If B. would give me his house full of 24. 25 to his place • and B. also went his way Jo3h.24. 9 Then B, the son of Zippor, king of Moab .Tudgn. 25 Andnow(art)thouanythingbetterthanB. Mic. 6. s my people, remember now wha^ B. BALANCE — Stalk, cane, njij qaneh. Isa. 46. 6 afld weigh silver in the balance, (and) BALANCES — Pair 0/ balances, D^jmo moznayin. Lev 19. 36 Just balances, just weights, a just Job 6. 2 calamity laid in the balances together ! 31 6 Let me be weighed in an even balance Psa. 62. 9 to be laid in the balance, they (are) JProv.ii. I A false balance (is) abomination to the 16. n A just weight and balance (are) the 20. 23 and a false balance (is) not good Isa. 40. 12 weighed the mountains.. in a balance? 40. 15 counted as the small dust of the balance Jer. 32. 10 weighed, .the money in the balances Eze. 5. I then take thee balances to weigh, and 45. 10 Ye shall have just balances, and a just Dan. 5. 27 Thou art weighed in the balances, and W03. 12. 7 the balances of deceit (are) in his hand Amos 8. 5 and falsifying the balances by deceit ? Mic. 6. II couat'(lhem) pure with the. .balances BALANCES, pair of — Yuke, cross bar, ^vySs zugos. Rev, 6. 5 and he., had a pair of balances In his BALANCINGS — Poisings, balancings, bpop miphlas. Job 37. 16 Dost thou know the balancings of the BALD — l.Bald {in the back of head), nip gereach. Lev. 13. 40 hair is fallen off his head, he (is) bald Z.Baldness, nn-ii? qorchah. Jer. 48. 37 every head (shall be) bald, and every BALD forehead — Bald {in front of head), nna3 gabbaehaih. Lev. 13. 42 or bald forehead, a white reddish sore 13. 42 leprosy sprung up in. .his bald forehead 13. 43 or in his bald forehead, as the leprosy BALD head — l.Bald {in back of head), nip qereach. 3 Ki. 2. 23 thou bald head; go up, thou bald head 2. Bald spot, baldness, nniij qarachath. Lev. 13. 42 And if there be in the bald head, or 13. 42 a leprosy, sprung up in his bald head 13. 43 (be) white reddish in his bald head BALD, made — To be made bald, vn\} garach, 6. Kze. 29. 18 every head, .made bald. . every shoulder BALD, to make — To make bald, rn^ garach. Mic. I. 16 Make thee bald, and poll thee for thy BALD, to make (one's) self: — l.To become bald, niij garach, 2. Jer. 16. 6 nor make themselves bald for them 2. To be made bald, ni;? garach, 6. Eze. 27. 31 they shall make themselves utterly bald BALDNESS — Baldness {in hack of head), nrrjp qorchah. Lev. 21. 5 They shall not make baldness upon their Deut 14. I nor make any baldness between your Isa. 3. 24 and instead of well set hair baldness ■ 15. 2 on all their heads, .baldness 22. 13 and to baldness, and to girding with Jer. 47. 5 Baldness is come upon Gaza ; Ashkelon Eze. 7. i8 and b.aldness upon all their heads Amos 8. to I will bring up sackcloth, .baldness Mic. 1. 16 enlarge thy baldness as the eagle BALL — Ball, any thing round, "^ dur. Isa. 22. 18 violently turn and toss thee (like) u ball BALM — Balsam, a medicinal gum, 'ix, '"!S tsori, tseri. Gen. 37 25 their camels bearing spicery and balm 43. II carry, .the man a present, a little balm Jer. 8. 22 no balm in Gilead ; (is there) no physician 46. 1 1 Go up into Gilead, and take balm, 51. 8 howl for her ; take balm for her pain. If Eze. 27. 17 Pannag, and honey, and oil, and balm BA'-KAH, nD3 high place. Used in Ezeki'el as the name of the planes in which Israel offered sacrifices to idols. Eze. 20. 29 the name thereof (Is) called B. unlo this BA'-MOTH, nto? high places. A city on the N. side of the Amon, which had belonged to the Moabites, but was taken from them by Sihon. It is thought to be the Bamoth-iaal of Josh. 13. 17. Num 21. 19 and from Nahaliel to B. 21. 20 from B. (in) the valley, that (is) in the BA-MOTH BA'-AX, Sss niD3 high places of Baal. A town of Moab taken by Sihon, but afterwards a city of Reuben. It is probably the Bamoth of Num. 21. 19. Joah-ij. 17 Dibon, and B., and Beth-baal-meon BAND — l.Band, bond, fetter, -\\DVt esur. Judg IS. 14 and his bands loosed from off his hands Eccl. 7. 26 heart (is) snares , .her hands . . bancj* Dan. 4. IS even with a band of iron and brass 4. 23 even with a band of iron and brass 2.A troop (of men), ina gedttd. 2 Sa. 4. 2 two men (that were) captains of bands 1 Ki. II. 24 became captain over a band, when David 2 Ki. 6. 23 60 the bands of Syria came no more into 13. 2a And the bands of the Moabites invaded 13. 21 that, behold, they spied a band 24. 2 And the Loud sent against him bands of 24. a and bands of the children of Ammon, and iCh. 7. 4 And with them .bands of soldiers 12. 18 and made them captains of the band 12. 21 they helped David against the band 3. Cord, rope, V^n chehel. Psa.iig. 61 Tlie bands of the wicked have robbed me A.Thick bands, wreathen cords, niu. aboth, Job 39. 10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band Eze. 3. 2s But thou .behold, they shall put bands 4. 8 And, behold, I will lay bands upon.thee Hos. II. 4 I drew them with cords, .with bands of b.Head, detachment, VfO rosh. 1 Ch. 12. 23 these, .the numbers of the bands Job I. 17 The Chaldeans made out tlu-ee bands, and 6. Lip, edge, ri^tc saphah. Exod 39. 23 a band round about the hole 7./1 band, body of men at arms, CTnlpa speira. Matt 27.' 27 and gathered unto him the whole band Markis. 16 and they call together the whole band John 18. 12 Then the band and the captain, .took J Acts 10. I centurion of the band called the Italian 21. 31 came unto the chief captain of the band 27 I Julius, a centurion of Augustus' band BAND of men — \.A troop {of men), inj gedud. z Ch. 22. I for the band of men. .had slain all the 2. Strength, might, force, h'n chayil. I Sa. 10. 26 there went with him a band of men S.Band, body of men at arms, crwe'pa speira. John 18. 3 having received a band . .and officers BAND of soldiers — Strength, might, force, h'n chayil. Ezra 8. 22 to require of the kins a band of soldiers BAND together, to — To make a turning together, Troiio) cvtrrpocp-nv. Acts 23. j2 certain of the Jews banded together BANDS, O'^^n chobelim. Symbolic name given to one of two staves which sym- bolised the Lord's covenant with the seed of Jacob, and the brotherhood of Israel and Judah. Zech.ii. 7 onel called Beauty, .the other I called B. II. 14 I cut asunder mine other staff.. B., that I BANDS — 1. Wings, corps, D'Sjn agappim. Eze. 12. 14 I will scatter, .all his bands 17. 21 all his fugitives with all his bands shall 38. 6 Gomer, and all his bands ; the house of 38. 6 house of Togarmah. .and all his bands 38. 9 thou, and all thy bands, and many people 38. 22 I will rain upon him, and upon his bands 39. 4 thou, and all thy. bauds, and the people 2. Bands, pains, niapn chartsubbotk. Psa. 73. 4 For. .no bands in their death- but their Isa.' 58. 6 to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo Z.Bar, n^to motah. Lev. 26. 13 I have broken the bands of your yoke Eze. 34. 27 I have broken the bands of their yoke i.Band, fetter, ipiD moser. Job 39. 5 who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass? Psa. 2. 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and 107. 14 and break their bauds in sunder Isa. 28. 22 lest your bands be made strong : for I S2. 2 loose thyself from the bands of thy neck Jer. 2. 20 broken thy joke, .burst thy bands ^.Drawings together, ru^-iiia moshecholh. Job 38. 31 Canst thou . .loose the bands of Orion? Q.Camp, njnn machaneh. Gen. 32. " 7 he divided the people . . into two bands 32. 10 and now I am become two banas 7. Band, fetter, Se(rix6s desmos. Xuke 8. 29 he brake the bands, and was driven of Acts 16. 26 and everyone's bands were loosed 22. 30 he loosed hixn from (his) [bands] S.Band for yoking together, (iuKrripia zcukiiria. Acts 27 40 loosed the rudder bands, and hoised up 9.What binds together, (rvuStanos sundesinos. Col. 2. 19 the body by joints and bands having 10. To halve, divide, y^n chatsats. Prov.30. 27 yet go they forth all of them by bands BA'-NI, '}^ posterity. 1. A Gadite, and one of David's thirty valiant men, E.C 1048. aSa. !3. 36B. the Gadite 2. An Aaronlte, a descendant of Marari, B.C. 1440. 1 Ch. 6. 46 Amzi, the son of B., the son of Shamer 3. A descendant of Pharez, son of Judah, B C. 536. iCh. 9. 4 Irari, the son of B., of the children of P. 4. Father of some of those who went up from Bnhyloa with Zerubbabel, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 10 children of B., sixhundred forty and two (In K^h. 7. 15, tlis name is given as Binnui.) "Ezm 10. 29 of the sons of B., Meshullam, Malluch 5. One whose descendants had taken strange wives dur- ing tlie exile, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 34 Of the sons of B.; Maadal, Amram, and 6. A descendant of No. 5, who had taken a strange wife, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 38 And B., Binnui^ Shimel. 7. A Levile whose son repaired part of the wall of Jeru- salem, B.C. 445. Neh. 3. 17 After him repaired, .the son of B. 8. 7 Also Jeshua, and B., and Sherebiah 9. 4 Then stood up upon the stairs. B. 9. 5 the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, B. 8. A Levite who regulated the devotions of the people after Ezra had read the book of the lav/ to them, B.C. 445- Neh. 9. 4 of the Levites. Bunni, .Sherebiah, B., and 10. 13 [Andtheirbrethren]..nodijah, B.,Beninu 9. A chief man or family that, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445. Neh 10. 14 The chief of the people .Zatthu, B. 10. A Levite whose son was overseer of the Levites at Jerusalem after the exile. [The same perhaps as No. 7 or 8), B.C. 445. Neh. II. 2-; The overseer.. Uzzi the son of B. BANISHED — To be driven or forced away, nij nadach, 2. 2 Sa. 14. 13 doth not fetch home again his banished 14. 14 that his banished be not expelled from BANISHMENT — Rooting out, i&hs" shercshu. Ezra 7. 26 whether unto death, or to banishment BANISHMENT, causes of — Oaitses of being driven away, D'm'^& madduchim. Lam. 2. 14 false burdens and causes of banishment BAIiK — \. Banks or cuttings out by water, .ti3 gadah. Josh. 3. 15 Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the 4. 18 and flowed over all his banks, as. .befgra 1 Ch. 12. 15 when it had overflown all his banks Isa. 8. 7 channels!, and go over all his banks 2.Banks, cuttings, .viJ gidyah. 1 Ch. 12. IS wlien it had overflown all his banks 3. Any thing raised up mi high, nbSb solelah. 2 Sa. 20. IS they cast up a bank against the city 2 Ki. 19. 32 He shall not. .cast a bank against it Isa. 37. 33 Ue shall not. .cast a bank against it i.Lip, edge, •13;;' saphah. Gen. 41. 17 I stood upon the bank of the river Deut. 4. 48 by the bank of the river Amon Josh. 12. 2 upon the bank of the river Arnon 13. 9 upon the bank of the river Amon 13. 16 on the bank of the river Arnon 2 KI. 2. 13 and stood by the bank of Jordan Eze. 47. 7 at the bank of the river, .very many trees 47. 12 by the river upon the bank thereof Dan. 12. s the one on this side of.the bank 12. 5 the other on that side of the bank 5. Table {for dining or bujiiness), Tpdve^a irapeza. Luke ig. 23 gavest not thou my money into the bank BANNER — l. Banner, standard, Sjt degel. Song 2. 4 and his banner over me (was) love 2. Sign, ensign, Dl nes. Psa. 60. 4 Thou hast given a banner to them thai Isa. 13. 2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high BANNERS, to set up — To set up a banner, Sn dagal. Psa. 2o. 5 we will set up. .banners : the Lord BANNERS, with — To have banners, Sji dagal, 2. Song 6. 4, 10 terrible as (an army) with banners BANQUET — 1.^ shouting {for joy or sorrow),nryD maneach. Amos 6. 7 the banquet of them that stretched 2. A drinking, nwp mishteh. Esth. 5. 4 letlhe king., come., unto the banquet 5. 5 So the king . . came to the banquet that E, 5. 6 king said unto Esther at the banquet of 5. 8 let the king . . come to the banquet tho t 5. 12 come in with the king unto the banquet S' 14 t^en 6° thou in unto the banquet 6. 14 hasted to bring Haman unto the banquet 7. 2 on the second day at the banquet of wine 7. 7 And the king arising from the banquet 7. 8 into the place of the banquet of wine Dan. J. 10 the queen . . came into the banquet hoiue BANQUET 70 BARKOS BANQTTET, to — To drink, nn^ skalhah. Esth. 7. 1 Sothekiug..cametobaiiquetwithEsther BANftllET, to make a — To dig, pierce, prepare, ^"13 karah. Job 41. 6 Shall thy companions raakeabanquet of EANaXJETING — Wine, {what is pressed out, juice), |': yayiri. Song 2. 4 He brought me to the banqueting house BANftTTETINGS — A drinking, -irSros polos. t Pe. 4. 3 when we walked in. .banquetings, and BiPTISM — 1. Baptism {as a state), fiaimtrixa baptisma. Matt, 3. 7 he saw Sadducees come to his baptism 2o. B2 [to be baptized with the baptism that I) 20. 23 [and be baptized with the baptism that I] 2j. 25 The baptism of John, whence was it ? Hark I. 4 and preach the baptism of repentance 10. 38 and be baptized with the baptism that 10. 39 with the baptism that I am baptized 11. 30 The baptism of John, was (it) from Luke 3. 3 preaching the baptism of repentance 7. 29 being baptized with the baptism of John 12. 50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with 20. 4 The baptism of John, was it from heaven Acta I. 22 Beginning from he baptism of John, unto 10. 37 after the baptism which John preached 13. 24 John had first preached .the baptism of 18. 25 knowing only the baptism of John 19. 3 And they said, Unto John's baptism 19. 4 John verily baptized with the baptism of Rom. 6. 4 we are buried with him by baptism into Eph. 4. 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism Col. 2. 12 Buried with him in (baptism,) wherein I Pe. 3. 21 baptism doth also how save us, not the 2.Baplism {as an act), $anTi(Tii6s baplismos. Beb. 6. 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms BAP'-TTST, 0airri' 68. 15 the hill of B.. the hill of B. 68. 22 Lord said, I will bring again from B. 135. II Og king of B., and all the kingdoms 136. 20 Og the king of B.: for his mercy, .for BASHAN HAVOTH JAIB 72 BATTLE Isa. 2. 13 lifted up, and upon all the oaks of B. 33. 9 aad B. aud Carmel shake off (their fruits) Jer. 22. 20 lift up thy voice in B,, and cry from the 50. 19 he shall feed on Carmel and B. and his Eze. ■ 27. 6 (Of) the oaks of B. have they made thine 39. j8 of bullocks, all of them fallings of B. Amos' 4. I Hear this word, ye kine of B., that (are) Mic. 7. 14 let them feed (in) B. and Gilead, as m Nah. I. 4 B. languisheth, and Carmel, and the Zech, 11.2 howl.O ye oaks of B. ; for the forest of the BA-SHAK HA.-VOTH JA'-ra, tn; ran 1^5. A name given to Argob after its conquest by Jair, a descendant of Manasseh, B.C. 1451. Deut. 3. 14 called them after his own name, B. BA-SHE'-MAXH or BAS'-MATH, n:?^? fragrant. 1. One of the wives of Esau, and daughter of Elon the -Hittite, B. 0.1796. Gen. 26. 34 and B. the daughter of Elon the Hittite 2.,Another wife of Esau and daughter of Islimael. B.C. 17*96. Gea. 36. 3 B. Ismael'a daughter, sister of Nebajoth 36. 4 Adah bare to Esau Eliphaz ; and B. bare 36. 10 Reuel the son of B. the wife of Esau 36. 13 these were the sons of B. Esau's wife 36. 17 these (are) the sons of B. Esau's wife BASTET, BASON — l.Bason, howl, cup, \iH aggan. Exod 24. 6 half of the blood, and put (it) in basona 2.Cup, goblet, "lis? kephor. I Ch. 28. 17 golden basons, .every bason, .every bason Ezra 1. 10 Tliirty basons of gold, silver basons of a 8. 27 twenty basons of gold, of a thousand 3. Large bowl for sprinkling, jn\Q mizraq. Exod27. 3 thou Shalt make fiis pans, .his basons 38. 3 he made all the vessels, .and the basons Num. 4. 14 they sball put upon it. .the basons, aU I Ki. 7. 40 Hiram made tho lavers. .and the basons 7. 45 basons. .Hiram made, .(of ) bright brass 1 Ki. 7. 50 the basons . . and the censers (of) pure gold a Ki. 12. 13 notmade..bowl30fsilver,snufIers, basons 2 Ch. 4. 8 And he made an hundred basons of gold 4. II Huram made the pots, .and the basons 4. 22 basons, .and the censers, (of) pure gold Neh. 7. 70 The Tirshatha gave.. fifty basons A. Dish, bowl, ^n saph. Exodi2. 22 dip (it) in the blood that (is) in the bason 12. 22 witlii the blood that (is) in the bason 2 Sa. 17. 28 Brought beds, and basons, and earthen Jer. 52. 19 the basons, and the fire pans, and the 5. Large vessel or ewer, viirriip nipter. Jon. 13. 5 After that lie poureth waterinto a basin BASKET — 1, Basket, pot, kettle, nn diid. 2 Ki. 10. 7 slew . . and put their heads in baskets Jer. 24. 2 One basket (had) very good figs.. the 2. Basket, pot, kettle, 'in dudai. Jer. 24. I two baskets of figs., set before the temple Z. Basket of woven or twisted ^vork, kjo tene. Deut 26^ 2 shalt put (it) in a basket, and shalt go 26. 4 the priest shall take the basket out of 28. 5 Blessed (shall be) thy basket and thy store 28. 17 Cursed (shall be) thy basket and thy store i.Cage, basket, ai'?? keliib. Amos 8. I and behold a basket of summer fruit 8. 2 And I said, A basket of summer fruit §. Basket {luicker), '?p sal. Gen. 40. 16 (I had) three white baskets on my head 40. 17 m the uppermost basket, .of all manner of 40. 17 birds did eat them out of the basket 40. 18 The three baskets (are) three days Exod29. 3 tliou shalt put them into one basket 29. 3 bring them in the basket, with the bullock 19. 23 one wafer out of the basket of tfie 29. 32 shall eat. .the bread that (is)3n the basket Lev. 8. 2 rams, and a basket of unleavened bread 8. 26 out of the basket of unleavened bread 8. 3t with the bread that (is) in the basket Num. 6. 15 a basket of unleavened bread, cakes of 6. 17 with the basket of unleavened bread 6. 19 one unleavened cake out of the basket Judg. 6. ig the flesh he put in a basket, and he put 6. Wicker baslcet, , sgH. Luie24. 21 to day Is the third day since these things 7. To rub through, pass the time, Siarpl^co. Acts 25. 14 when they had been there many days 8.With a view to, for, els eis. Acts 13. 22 he raised up unto them David to be their ^ 13. 47 I have set thee to bo a light of ..Gentiles 10. To have, ex". John 8. 57 Xhou art not yet fifty years old, and hast 9. 21, 23 he is of age ; ask him ' - Acts 7. I Then said the high priest. Are these . . so? 12. IS she constantly affirmed that it was even so 17. ir searched . .whether those things were so 24. 9 assented, saying that these things were so 1 Tl. 5. 25 they that are otherwise cannot be hid 11. To become, ylvoixai ginomai. Matt, s- 45 That ye may be the children of your 6. 16 when ye, be not, as the hypocrites, of 8. 26 the sea ; and there ^vas a great calm g. 29 According to your faith be it unto you 10. 16 be ye therefore wise as serpents, and 10. 2S It is enough, .that ho be as his master 12. 45 the last, .of that man is worse than tho 14. 15 when it was evening, his disciples camo 15. 28 be it unto thee even as thou wilt 16. 2 said unto them. When it is evening, ye 17. 2 and his raiment was white as the light 18. 13 if so be that he find it, verily I say uuto 19. 8 but from the beginning it was not so eo. 26 whosoever will be great among you, let 23. 26 the outside of them may be clean also 24. 20 pray ye that your flight be not in the 24. 21 such as was not since the beginning 24. 21 to this time, no, nor ever shall bo C4. 32 When his branch is yet tender, and B4. 44 Therefore be ye also ready : for in such e6. 2 Ye know that after two days is. .the 26. 5 Not on the feast, .lest there bo an uproar e6. 6 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in tho e6. 54 scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must 27. 45 there was darkness over all the land 28. 2 there was a great earthquake : for the Mark 4. 10 when he was alone, they that were about 4. 39 the wind ceased, and there was a great 6. 14 for liis name was spread abroad : and he 6. 26 the king was exceeding sorry ; (yet) for 6. 35 when the day was . . far spent, his disciples g. 7 there was a cloud that overshadowed 9. 26 came out of him : and he was as one dead 9. 33 being in the house he asked them, What 10. 43 but whosoever will be great among you 10. 44 whosoever of you [wU be] the chiefest 13. 7 for (such things) must needs be ; but tho 13. t8 pray ye that your flight be not in the 13. 19 such as was not. .neither shall be 13. 28 When her branch is yet tender, and 15. 33 there was darkness over the whole land 16. 10 [went and told them that had been with) Luke I. 2 which from the beginning were eyewitness I. 5 There was in the days of Herod, the 1. 38 be it unto me according to thy word 2. 2 was firet made when Cyrtnius was \^ 2. 6 so it was, that, while they were there 2. 13 suddenly there was with the angel a e. 42 when he was twelve years old, they went 4. 25 great famine was throughout all the land 4. 36 they were all amazed, and spake among? 4. 42 when it was day, he departed and went C. 13 when it was day, he called, .his disciples 6. i6 Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor 6. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father 6. 49 it fell ; and the ruin of that house was 8. 24 and they ceased, and there was a calm g. 29 the fashion of his countenance was 10. 32 likewise a Levite, when [he was] at tho 10. 36 Which now of these. . was neigh'bour onto 11. 26 last (state) of that man is worse than the 11. 30 as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so 12. 40 Be ye therefore ready also : for the Son 12. 54 ye say. There cometh a shower ; and so it 13. 2 Suppose ye that these Galileans wero 13. 4 think ye that they were sinners above all 15. 10 there is joy in the presence of the angela 16. ji ye have not been faithful in the 16. 12 if ye have not been faitliful in that 17. 26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so 17. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot 18. 23 when he heard tliis, he was vei-y 18. 24 when Jesus saw that [he was] very 19. 17 because thou hast been faithful in a very 19. 19 And he said. .Be thou also over five BO. 14 kill him, that the inheritance [may be] BO. 33 in the resurrection whose wife, .is she? 22. 24 And there was also a strife among them 22. 26 let him be as the younger ; and he that 22. 40 v/hen he was at the place, he said unto 22. 44 [being in an agony, .his sweat was as it] 22. 66 as soon as it was day, the elders, .cams 23. 24 that it should be as they required E3. 44 there was a darkness over all the earth 24. 5 Aud as they were afraid, and bowed 54. 19 which was a prophet mighty in deed and 54. 22 women. .which were earlyatthesepulchra ■24. 37 But they were terrified and affrighted John I. 6 There was a man sent from God. whose t. IS Cometh after me is preferred before me I. 27 coming aft^r me is preferred before me I. 30 a man which is preferred before me_ B. I tiie third day there was a marriage in 3. g said unto him. How can these things bet 4. 14 shall be in him a well of water springing 6 17 it was DOW dark, and Jesus was not come 10 BE 74 BEAR John 6. 21 immediately the ship was at the land 7. 43 So there was a division among the people 8. 58 I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I 9. 22 he should be put out of the synagogue 9. 27 wherefore, .will ye also be his disciples? JO. 16 there shall be one fold,(and) one shepherd 10. 19 There was a division therefore again JO. 22 it was at Jerusalem the feast of the 12. 36 that ye may be the children of light 12. 42 lest they should be put out of the »4. 22 how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself 15. 8 much fruit ; so shall ye be my disciples 20. 27 Then saith he .. be not faithless, but , Acts 1. 16 which was guide to them that took I. 19 it was known unto all the dwellers at I. 20 Let his habitation be desolate, and let no 4. 4 the number of the men was about five th. 5. 7 it was about the space of three hours 7. 29 was a stranger in the land of Madian 7. 38 This is he, that was in the church in the 7. 52 of whom ye have been now the betrayers 8. 1 at that time there was a great persecution 8. 8 And there was great joy in that city p. 19 Then was Saul certain days with the 9. 42 it was known throughout all Joppa; and do. 4 when he looked on him, he was afraid 10. 25 Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him 12. 18 as soon as it was day, there was no small 12. 23 he was eaten of worms, and gave up the J3 5 when they were at Salamis, they preached IS. 7 when there had been much disputing 15. 39 the contention was so sharp between j6. 26 suddenly there was a great earthquake 16. 35 when it was day, the magistrates sent the »9. 17 this was known to all the Jews and Greeks 19. 21 After I have been there I must also sea ig. 28 they were full of wrath, and cried out so. 16 hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at 20. j8 I have been with you at all seasons 02. 9 with me saw. .the light, and were afraid e2. 17 I prayed in the temple,'! [was] in a trance 63. 12 it was day, certain of the Jews banded 05. 15 when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests e6. 4 which was at the first among mine own b6. 19 I was not disobedient unto the heavenly e6. 28 almost thou persuadest me [to be] a Chris. 26. 29 were both almost and altogether such as B7. 36 Then were they all of good cheer, and e;. 39 when it was day, they knew not the land 27. 4<: the soldiers' counsel was to kill the Horn. s. 4 let God he true, but every man a liar 6. 5 if we have been planted together in the 9. 29 we had been as Sodoma, and been made 11. s there is a remnant according to the II. 6 otherwise grace is no more grace. But II. 34 or who hath been his counsellor? 12. 16 Be not wise in your own conceits 13. 8 Jesus Christ was a minister of the clrcmn. 15. 16 offering up of the Gentiles might bo 15. 31 myservice. .may be accepted of the saints 16. z for she hath been a succourer of many 16. 7 who also were in Christ before me 'I Co. a. 3 I was with you in wealmess, and in fear 3. 18 let him become a fool, that he may be 4. 16 I beseech you, be ye followers of me 7. 23 with a price ; be not ye the servants of 9. 23 that I might be partaker thereof with 9. 27 lest. .1 myself should be a castaway 10. 6 Now these things were our examples, to 10. 7 Neither be ye idolaters, as . . some of them 11. 1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also, .of 14. 20 be not children in understanding . . be men 15. 10 which (was bestowed) upon me was not in 15. 37 thou sowest not that body that shall be 15. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye 16. 2 that there be no gatherings when I come 16. 10 see that he may be with you without fear aCo. 1. 18 ourword toward you[wa3]not yeaandnay 1. 19 was not yea and nay, but in him was yea 3. 7 the ministration of death, .was glorious 4. 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with 8. 14 abundance also may be. .that there may Gal 3. 17 the law, which was four hundred and 3. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster 4. 12 Brethren, I beseech you, be as I. .for I 5. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory Eph. 4. 32 be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted 5. I Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear 5. 7 Be ye not therefore partakers >vjth them 5. 17 Wherefore be ye not iinwise, but underst. 6. 3 That it may be well with thee, (ind thou Phil. 1. 13 So that my bonds in Christ are manifest 2. IS That [ye may bej Mameless and harmless 3. 17 Brethren, be followers together of me 3. 21 [that it may be fashioned like unto his] Col 3. 15 called in one body ; and be ye thankful 4. II which have been a comfort unto me t Th. I. 5 v/hzt manner of men we were among you , 1. 7 So that ye were ensamples to all that a. 1 know our entrance . .that it was not in s. 7 But we were gentle among you, even as a. 8 our own souls, because ye were dear unto 3, 5 have tempted you, and our labour be in t Tl, 2, 1-4 the woman being deceived was in the A. 12 but be thou an example of the believers 5. 9 a widow, .having been the wife of one 3TI, 1. 17 But, when he was la Rome, he sought me 3. 9 manifest unto all. .as their's also was Heb. 2, 2 if the word spoken by aogela was stedfast 2. 17 that he inight be a merciful and faithful 5, II hard to he uttered, seeing ye are dull of 6. xa That ye be not slothful, but followers of Heb. 7. 78 For there io verily a disannulling of the g. 22 without shedding of blood is no remission 11. 6 he is a rewarder of them that diligently 12. 8 all are partakers, then are ye bastards Jas. 1. 12 for when he is tried, he shall receive the 1. 22 he ye doers of the word, and not hearers 1. 25 he being not a forgetful hearer, but a 2. 10 and yet offend in one (point), he is guilty 3. 1 My brethren, be not many masters 3. lo brethren, these things ought not so to be 5. 2 and your garments are moth eaten I Pb. I. 15 be ye hol^ in all manner of conversation 1. 16 Because it is written, [Be ye] holy ; for I 3. 6 whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do 3. 13 if ye be followers of that which is good ? 4. 13 concerning the fiery trial which is to try J. 3 but being ensamples to the flock 3 Pe, I. 4 by these ye might be partakers of the 1. 16 but were eyewitnesses of his majesty I. 20 no prophecy of the scripture is of any s. I there were false prophets also among a. 20 the latter end is worse with them than 1 Jo. 2, 18 even now are there many antichrists 3 Jo. 8 that we might be fellowhelpers to the ilev. I. 9 was in the isle that is called Patmos, for I. JO I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day 1. 18 I (am) he that iiveth, and was dead ; and X. 19 and the things which shall be hereafter c. 8 the first and the last, which was dead B. 10 be thou faithful unto death, and I will 3. 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things 4. I will shew thee things which must be 4. 2 And immediately I was in the spirit 6. 12 and, lo, there was a great earthquake B. I there was silence in heaven about the 8. s there were voices, and thunderings, and II. 13 same hour there was a great earthquake zi. 13 and the remnant were affrighted, and 11. 15 there were great voices in heaven, saying zx. 19 there were lightnings, and voices, and 12. 7 And there was war in heaven : Michael 16. 10 and his kingdom was full of darkness 16. 18 there were voices, and thunders, and t6. 18 [there was] a great earthquake, such as x6. x8 not since men were upon the earth, so 12. To place down, or fast, Kadicrrrtui kaihistemi, Jas. 3. 6 so is the tongue among our members 4. 4 a friend of the world is the enemy of God 13. To lie, be laid, KfT/xai keimai. 3 Co. 3. IS Moses is read, the vail is upon their 14. To be about io ^sWo melld. Hattii. 14 This is Elias, which was for to come Lukei9. 4 to see him, for he was to pass that (way) Acts 21. 37When the seven days were almost ended Bev. 12. 5 who was to rule all nations with a rod of 15. To do, spend, iroUw poieo. 2 Co. II. 2s a night and a day I have been In the 16. To go up with, (rv/xPalva sumhaino. Acts 21. 35 so it was, that he was borne of the 1?. To hit, chance, rvyxayto tugcharw. X Co. 14. 10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of 16. 6 And it may be that I will abide, yea, and 18. To begin graduallif^ be, inripxtn huparchd. Luke 3. 41 he was a ruler of tne synagogue : and he 9. 48 he that is least among you all, the same II. 13 It ye. .being evil, know how to give good 16. 14 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous 16. 23 he lifted up his eyes, being in torments Acts a. 30 being a prophet, and knowing that God 4. 34 Neither [was there] any among them that 4. 34 for as many as were possessors of lands 5. 4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? 7. s5 But he, being full of the Holy Ghoat 6. x6 only they were baptized in the name of ID. 12 Wherein were all manner of four footed 14. 8 [being] a cripple from his mother's womb 16. 3 for they knew aU that his father was a j6. 20 These men, being Jews, do exceedingly J 6. 37 being Romans, and have cast (us) into 17. 24 seeing that he is Lord of heaven and 17. 27 though he be not far from every one of 17. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring 19. 36 ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing ig. 40 there being no cause whereby we may EI. 20 believe ; and they are all zealous of the sz. 3 was zealous toward God, as ye all are E7. 12 the haven was not commodious to winter 27. 34 for this is for your health ; for there 28. 7 In the same quarters were possessions ol a8. 18 because there was no cause of death in Bom. 4. 19 when he was about an hundred years old I Oo. 7. 26 I suppose therefore that this is good for II. 7 forasmuch as he is the image and glory 11. 18 I bear taat there be divisions among you 12. 22 the body, which seem to bo more feeble p Co, 8. 17 being more forward, of his own accord 12. 16 being crafty, I caught you with guile Gal 1. 14 being more exceedmgly zealous of the 2. 14 If thou, being a Jew, livest after the 2. 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought 3. 20 For our conversation is in heaven ; from 2. IS It a brother or sister be naked, and 1. 8 For it these things (be)ln you, and aboxmd 2. 19 they themselves are the servants of 3. IX what manner (of persons) ought ye to be B5i to le ordained to — To become, ylvo/iai ginomai. ' Acts J, 23 must one be ordained to be a witness Phil, Jas. a.Pe. BE -with, to — 1 To remain toward {a thing), Trpctr/jifveo. Maik 8. 2 because they have now been vrith me 2.7*0 be with (a thiiig), aivei/it suneimi. Luke g. 18 he was. .praying, his disciples were with Acts 22. II led by the hand of them that were with KEACON — A signal, pole, mast, ]yi ioren. Isa. 30. 17 as a beacon upon the top of a mountain BE-AL'-IAH, n;^y5 Jah is lord. A man who joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1058. i^ J Ch. 12. 5 Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and B., and BE-A'-LOTH, niSyj ladies, mistresses. A city in the S.E.' of Judah, near Salem. It Is now called Eumub, and is S. W. of Dhullam. Josh.13. 24 [uttermost cities.. were].. Telem, and B. BEAM — l.A weaver's beam, 3"JN! ereg, Judg 16. 14 went away with the pin of the beam 2.i4 board, 3| geb. I KJ. 6. 9 "and covered the house with beams 3. Cross beam, splinter, O'DI haphis. Bab. 2. II the beam out of the timber shall answer i.A weaver's beam, yoke, niJip manor. 1 Sa. 17. 7 his spear (was) like a weaver's beam 2 Sa. 21. 19 whose spear (was) like a weaver's beam X Ch. II. 23 hand (was) a spear like a weaver's beam 20. s spear-statf (was) like a weaver's beam 5.i4 rib, vhl tsela. iKi. 7.' 3 covered with cedar above npon.. beams Q.A cross beam, nyp gurah. a Ki. 6. 2 and take thence every man a beam 6. 5 as one was felling a beam, the ax head a Ch. 3. 7 the beams, the posts, and the walls Song 1. 17 The beams of our house (are) cedar, .our l.A beam, rafter, Sok^s dokos. Matt. 7. 3 the beam that is in thine own eye 1 7. 4 behold, a beam (is) in thine own eye? 7. s first past out the beam out of thine own Xuke 6. 41 the beam that is in thine own eye? 6. 42 the beam that is in thine own eye f 6. 42 first the beam out of thine own eye BEAU, thick — A thick beam, 35? ab. 1 Ki. 7. 6 the (other) pillars and the thick beam BEAMS — Hewed beams, rfm? kerulhoth. X KI. 6. 36 hewei stone, and a row of cedar beams 7. 2 with cedar beams upon the pillars 7. 12 hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams BEAMS, to lay — To cause {beams) to meet, n-jij qarah, 3. P3a.io4. 3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers Neh. 3. 3 who. .laid the beams thereof, and set 3. 6 they laid the beams Uiereof, and set up BEAMS, to make — To cause {beams) to meet, •TiiJ qarah, 3. Neh. 2. 8 he may give me timber to make beams BEAKS — Bean, pea, V\Bpol. 2 Sa. 17. 28 and flour, and parched (com), and heana Eze. 4. 9 Take, .wheat, and barley, and beans BEAB- l.A bear {hairy, shaggy animal), DM, 3^^ dob. 1 Sa. 17. 34 there came a lion, and a bear, and took 17. 36 Thy servant slew both, .lion and. .bear 17. 37 delivered me. .out of the paw of the bear a Sa. 17. 8 as a bear robbed of her whelps in the Prov.17. 12 Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a 28. IS (As) a roaring lion, and a ranging bear - Isa. II. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed so. II We roar all like bears, and mourn sore Xam. 3. 10 He (was) unto me (as) a bear lying in Dan. 7. s another beast, a second, like to a bear .Hos. 13. 8 as a bear, .bereaved, .and will rend the Amos 5. 19 As if a man did flee, .and a bear met 2. A bear, UpKTos arktos. Rev. 13. ahi8feetwereas..of abear, andhU BEABS, she — A bear, 3il dob. 2 Ki. 2. 24 there came forth two she bears out of the . BEAR, to — l.To conceive, .Tjn harah. 1 Ch. 4. 17 she bare Miriam, and Shammal, and < 2. To sow, Snj zarcu Gen. J. 29 I have given you every herb bearing seed Z.To be pained, ^^n chid, 3a. Isa. s«- a Abraham., and unto Sarah (that) bare i.To bear, yield, bring forth, beget, nS; yalad. Gen. 4. I she conceived, and bare Cain, and said 4. 2 she again bare his brother Abel And 4. 17 she conceived, and bare Enoch : and ho 4. 20 Adah bare Jabal : he was the father of 14. 22 Zillah, she also bare Tubal-cain, an 4. as she bare a son, and called his name Seta BEAR 75 BEAR Gen. 6. 4 tliey bare, .to them, the same. .mighty i6. I Sarai Abram's wife bare him no cliildren i6. 2 tlie Lord . restrained me from bearing i6. II thou (art) with child, and shalt hear a i6. 1$ Hagar bare Abrara a son : and Abram j6. 15 his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishm. 16. 16 when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram 17. 19 Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son 17. 21 which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this 38. 13 Shall I of a surety bear a child, which ig. 37 the firstborn bare a son, and called his 19. 38 she also bare a son, and called his name so. 17 wife, and. .maidservants; and they bare ai. 2 Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son 21. 3 unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac 21. 7 for I have born, .a son in his old age 21. 9 she had born unto Abraham, mocking 22. 2o she hath also born children unto thy 22. 23 these eight Milcah did bear to JJahor 02. 24 his concubine, .bare also Tebah, and 24. 24 son of Milcah, which she bare unto 24. 36 my master's wife bare a son to my 24. 47 Nahor's son, whom Milcah bare unto 25. 2 And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan 25. 12 Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham 05. 25 threescore years old when she bare them 29. 32 And Leah conceived, and bare a son B9. 33, 34, she conceived again, and bare a son 29. 34 because I have born him three sons sg. 35 she conceived again, and bare a son 29, 35 called his name Judah ; and left bearing 30. 1 Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no 30. 3 and she shall bear upon my knees, that I 30. s Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son 30. 7 Rachel's maid conceived again, and bare 30. 9 Leah saw that she had left bearing 30. 10 Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a son 30. 12 Zflpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a second 30. 17 she conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth 30. jg Leah conceived again, and bare Jacob 30. 20 because I have borij him six sons : and 30. 21 afterwards she bare a daughter, and 30. 23 she conceived, and baie a sou ; and said 30. 25 it came to pass, when Rachel had born J. 31. 8 then all the cattle bare speckled 31. 8 then bare all the cattle ringstraked 31. 43 their children which they have born t 34. I Dinah, .which she bare unto Jacob 36. 4 Adah bare to Esau.. BashemathbareRcuel 36. s Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and 36. 12 Timna. .she bare to Eliphaz Amaleic 56. 14 she bare to Esau Jeush, and Jaalam 38. 3 she conceived, and bare a sou ; and ho 38. 4 she conceived again, and bare a son 38. 5 she yet again conceived, and bare a son 38. 5 he was at Ciiezib, when she bare him 41. 50 two sons, .which Asenath. .bare unto 44. 27 Ye know that roy wife bare me two (sons) 46. IS The3e(be)thesonsotLeah, whichshebaro 46. 18 these she bare unto Jacob, (even) sixteen 46. 20 daughter of Poti-pherah priest of On bare 46. 25 and she bare these unto Jacob, .seven Exod. 2. 2 the woman conceived, and bare a son 2. 22 she bare, .a son, and he called his name 6. 20 and she bare him Aaron and Moses 6. 23 she bare him Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar 6. 25 she bare him Phinehas : these (are) the 21. 4 she have born him sons or daughters tev. x2. 2 conceived seed, and born a man child 12. s But if she bear a maid child, then she 12. 7 that hath born a male or a female Kum26. 59 bare to Levi in Egypt : and she bare Deut2i. 15 they have born him children, .the 25. 6 the first-born which she beareth shall 28. 57 toward her children which she shall bear Judg. 8. 31 she also bare him a son, whose name he 11. 2 Gilead's wife bare him sons ; and his 13. 2 Manoah. .his wife (was) barren, and bare 13. 3 now, thou (art) barren, and bearest not *3- 3> S> 7 thou shalt conceive, and bear a son 13. 24 the vromau bare a son, and called his Bath I. 12 also to night, and should also bear sons 4. 12 Pharez, whom Tamar bare unto Judah 4. 13 the Lord gave, .conception, and she bare 4. J5 thy daughter in law. .hath born him t 8a> I. 20 she bare a son, and called his name 2. s so that the barren hath born seven 2. 2 1 that she conceived, and bare three sons 4. 20 Fear not ; for thou hast born a son s Sa. Ti. 27 she became his wife, and bare him a son 12. 15 struck the child that Uriah's wife bare 12. 24 she bare a son, and he called his name S. 21. 8 the daughter of Aiah, whom she bare t Kl. I. 6 and (his mother) bare him after Absalom 3. 21 it was not my son, which I did bear II 20 the sisterofTahpenes bare him Genubath a Ki. 4. 17 the woman conceived, and bare a son « Ch. I. 32 she bare Zimram, and Jokshan, and 2. 4 Tamar his daughter in law bare him B. 17 And Abigail bare Amasa : and the o. 19 Caleb took unto him Ephrath, which bare a. 21 Hezron. .and she bare him Segub 2. 24 Abiah ; Hezron's wife bare him Ashur the 3. 29 and she bare him Ahban, and Molid. . 2. 35 gave his daughter, .she bare him Attal 2. 46 Caleb's concubine, bare Haran, and 2. 48 Caleb's concubine, bare Sheber, and 2. 49 She bare also Shaaph the father of 4. 6 And Naarah bare him Ahuzam, and 4. 9 saying, Because I bare him with sorrow 4, 18 his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father 7. 14 sons of Manasseh ; Ashriel. .she bare 1 Ch. 7. :4 his concubine the Araniites.? bare Machlr 7. 16 Maachah the wife of Machlr bare a son 7. i8 his sister Hammoleketli barelshod, and 7. 23 she conceived, and bare a eon, .ind he 2 Ch. II. 19 Which bare him children ; Jeusli and II. 20 the daughter of Absalom . bare him Job 2^. 21 He evil entreateth. .barren (that) beareth Prov.17. 25 and bitterness to her that bare nira 23. 25 and she that bare thee shall rejoice Eccl. 3. 2 A time to be born, and a time to die Song 6. 9 she (is) the choice (one) of her that bare 8. 5 she brought tlicc forth (Ihatl bare thee Isa, 7. 14 a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son 8. 3 and she conceived, and bare a son 54. I Sing, O barren, thou (that) didst not bear Jor, 15. 9 She that hath borne seven languisheth 15. 10 thou hast borne me a man of strife 16. 3 their mothers that bare them eo. 14 the day wherein my mother bare me 22. 26 thee out, and thy mother that bare thee Eg. 6 that they may bear sons and daughters 50. 12 she that bare you shall be ashamed Eze. 16. 20 thy daughters, whom thou hast borne 23. 4 and they were mine, and they bare sons 23. 37 caused their sons, whom they bare unto Hos, 1. 3 which conceived, and bare him a son r. 6 8he conceived again, and bare a daughter I. 8 Lo ruhamah, she conceived, and bare a 5. To cause to go, tiS; yalak, 5. Zech. 5. 10 Whither do these bear the ephah t 6.2*0 contain, h\3 kul, 5. Amos 7. 10 the land is not able to bear all his words 7. To lift up, Vb; natal. Lam. 3. 28 because he hath borne (it) upon hira 8. To lift up, '7b; natal, 3. Isa. 63. 9 he bare them, and carried them all the 9. To lift up, bear, hear away, N'^J nasa. Gen. 4. 13 My punishment (is) greater than I can b. 7. 17 the waters increased, and bare up the ark 13. 6 the land was not able to bear them, that 36. 7 could not bear them because of their Exod 18. 22 be easier for thyself, and they shal' bear 19. 4 I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought 25. 14 that the ark may be borne with them 25. 27 places of the staves to bear the table 25. 28 that the table may be borne with them 27. 7 and the staves shall be. .to bear it 28. 12 Aaron shall bear their names before the 28. 29 Aaron shall bear the names of the child. 28. 30 Aaron shall bear the judgment of the 28. 38 Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy 28. 43 that they bare not iniquity, and die 30. 4 places for the staves to bear it mthal 37. 5 he put the staves, .to bear the ark 37. 14 places for the staves to bear the table 37. IS he.made the staves, .to bear the table 37. 27 places for the staves to bear it withal 38. 7 he put the staves . . to bear it withal I«v. 5. I if he do not utter (it), then he shall bear 5. 17 yet is he guilty, and shall bear his 7. 18 the soul ths^t eateth of it shall bear his 10. 17 hath given it to you to bear the iniquity n. 2S whosoever beareth. .of the carcase of 11. 28 he that beareth the carcase of them shall ii. 40 he also, that beareth the carcase of it 15. 10 he that beareth (any of) those things 16. 22 And the goat shall bear upon hira all 17. 16 nor bathe, .then he shall bear his iniquity 19. 8 that eateth it shall bear his iniquity 20. 17 a, wicked thing, .he shall bear his iniquity 2o,' 19 near kin : they shall bear their iniquity 20.20 they shall bear their sin ; they shall die 22. 9 lest they bear sin for it, and die therefore 22.' 16 Or suffer them to bear the iniquity of 24. 15 Whosoever curseth his God shall bear his Num. I. 50 they shall bear the tabernacle, and all 4. 15 the sons of Kohath shall come to bear (it) 4. 25 they shall bear the curtains of the 5. 31 and this woman shall bear her iniquity 7. 9 they should bear upon their shoulders 9. 13 that man shali bear his sin II. 12 as a nursing father beareth the sucking II. 14 I am not able to bear all this people II. 17 they shall bear the burden of the people II. 17 that thou bear (it) not thyself alone 13. 23 they bare it between two upon a staff 14. 33 bearyourwhoredoms, until your carcases 14. 34 each day for a year, shall ye bear your 18.' I shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary 18. I thy sons with thee shall bear the iniquity 18. 22 Neither must, .lest they bear sin, and 18. 23 they shall bear their iniquity: (it shall be) x8. 32 ye shall bear no sin by reason of it, when 30. IS then he shall bear her iniquity Deut. I. 9 saying,! am not able to bear you myself 1. 12 How can I myself alone bear your I. 31 how that the Lord thy God bare thee, as -»■ J. 31 man doth bear his son, in all the way 10. * to bear the ark of the covenant of the 31. 9, 25 Vi'hich bare the ark of Uie covenant of 32. II As an eagle, .beareth them on her wings Josh. 3. 8 the priests that bare the ark of the 3. 13 of the priests that bear the ark of the 3. IS as they that bare the ark were come unto 3. 15 the feet of the priests that bare the ark 3. 17 the priests that bare the ark of the 4. 9 the feet of the priests which bare the ark 4. lo Tor the priests which bare the ark stood Josh. 4, 16 Command the priests that bear the ark 4. 18 when the priests that bare theark of the 6. 4 seven priests shall bear before the ark 6. 6 let seven priests bear seven trumpets of 8. 33 which bare the ark of the covenant of Judg. 3. 18 he sent away the people that bare the 1 Sa. 14. I said unto the young man that bare his 14. 6 said to the young man that bare his 17. 41 the man that bare the shield (went) before 2 Sa. 6. 13 when they that bare the ark of the Lord 18. IS ton young men that bare Joab's armour I Ki. 2. 26 because thou barest the ark of the Lord 5. 15 ten thousand that bare burdens, and 10. 2 she came, .with camels that bare spices 14. 28 that the guard bare them, and brought 2KI. 5. 23 servants: and they bare (them) before him 18. 14 that which thou puttest on me will I bear iCh. 5. 18 men able to bear buckler and sword, and 12. 24 children of Judah that bare shield and 15. IS children of the Levites bare the ark of 15. 26 God helped the Levites that bare the ark 15. 27 and all the Levites that bare the ark a Ch. 9. I and camels that bare spices, and gold in . 14. 8 an army (of men) that bare targets and 14. 8 that bare shields and drew bows, two Neh. 4. 17 and they that bare burdens, with those Job 34. 31 I have borne (chastisement), I will not Pea. 55. 12 then I could have borne (it) : neither (was) 69. 7 for thy sake I have borne reproach ; shame 89. 50 I do bear in my bosom (the reproach of) gi. 12 They shall bear thee up in (their) hands Prov. $. 12 (if) thou scomest, thou alone shalt baie 18. 14 but a wounded spirit who can bear? 30. 21 and for four (which) It cannot bear Isa. I. 14 a trouble unto me ; I am weary to bear 22. 6 Elam bare the quiver with chariots of 46. 4 I have made, aud I will bear; even I will 46. 7 They bear him upon the shoulder, they 52. II be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the 53. 4 ho hath borne our griefs, and carried our 53. 12 and he bare the sin of many, and made Jer. 10. 5 they must needs be borne, because they 10. 19 Truly this (is) a grief, and I must bear it 17. 21 bear no burden on the sabbath day, nor 77. 27 not to bear a burden, even entering in at 31. 19 I did bear the reproach of my youth 44. 22 the Lord could no longer bear, because Lam. 3. 27 good for a man that he bear the yoke in EzCj 4. 4 that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear 4. 5 so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the 4. 6 and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the 12. 6 shalt thou bear (it) upon (thy) shoulders 12. 7 I bare (it) upon (my) shoulder in their 1 2. 12 the prince that (is) among them shall bear 14. 10 they shall bear the punishment of their 16. 52 bear thine own shame for thy sins that 16. 52 yea, be thou confounded also, and bear 16. 54 That thou mayest bear thine own shame 16. 58 Thou hast borne thy lewdness and thine 17. 8 that it might bear fruit, that it might be 18. 19 doth not the son bear the iniquity of the 18. 20 The son shall not bear the iniquity of the 18. 20 shall the father bear the iniquity of the 23. 35 therefore bear thou also thy lewdness 23. 49 ye shall bear the sins of your idols": and 32. 24 yet have they borne their shame with 32. 25 yet have they borne their shame with 22. 30 and bear their shame with them that go 34. 29 neither bare the shame of the heathen 36. 6 ye have borne the shame of the heathen 36. 7 about you, they shall bear their shame 36. is-neither shalt thou bear the reproach of 39. 26 that they have borne their shame, and all 44. 10 they shall even bear their iniquity 44. 12 and they shall bear their iniquity 44. 13 they shall bear their shame, and their Joel 2, 22 the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree Amos 5. 26 ye have borne the tabernacle of your Mic. 6.. i6 ye shall bear the reproach of my people 7. 9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord Hag. 2. 12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his-* Zech. 6. 13 he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and 10. To hear, carry away, "^JD sahal. Gen. 49. IS and bowed his shoulder to bear, and Isa. 53. II many ; for he shall bear their iniquities Lam. 5. 7 and we have borne their iniquities 11. 2*0 do, make, .T^'j; asah. 2 Ki. 19. 30 take root downward, and bear fruit Isa. 37. 31 take root downward, and bear fruit Eze. 17, ?3 shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit Hos. g. 16 yeaj though they bring forth, yet will I 12. 7*0 he fruitful, rn? parah. Deut 29. 18 a root that beareth gall and wormwood 13. To cause to sprout, nD)f tsamach, 5. Deut 29. 23 burning . . it is not sown, nor beareth 14. To lift up, hear on, or away, afpw airo. Matt 27. 32 him they compelled to bear his cross Mark ». 3 sick of the palsy, which was borne of four 15. 21 the father of Alexander, .to bear his cyoss 15. Tb hear upward,; yalsa, 5. Kze. 46. 20 they bear (them) not.out into the utter BEAR, that — To lift up, S'pj natil. Zcph. I. II Howl, .all they that bear ^ilyer ^re cut BEAR up, to — l.T*o lift up, R^j nasa. Gen. 7. 17 the waters increased, and bare up the 2.7'o rectify, fix, establish, l?a lakan, 3. Psa. 75. 3 are dissolved ; I bear up the pillars of it 8.7*0 lift up, afpai airS. Matt. 4. 6 in (their) hands they shall bear thee np Luke 4, 11 in (their) hands they shall bear thee up BEAR up into, to — To look eye to eye, avro(p9a\fj.e(i) antophtholmeo. Acts 27. 15 could not bear up into the wind *' BEAR with, to — To hold up, avexofiat anechomai. Acts 18. 14 reason would that I .should bear with you 2 Co. II. I Would to God ye could bear with me II. I in (my) folly : and indeed bear with me II. 4 accepted, ye might well bear with (him) BEAR witness, to — T'o answer, respond, ."ijj; anah. Job 16. 8 leanness rising up in me beareth witness BEARD — l.The beard, ]i)i zaqan. Lev. 13. 29 a plague uprn the head or the beard . 13. 30 (even) a leprosy upon the head or beard 14. 9 his hair off his head and his beard 19. 27 Shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard 21. 5 they shave off the corner of their beard . 35 I caught, .by his beard, and smote him 13 let bis spittle fall down upon his beard 4 shaved off the one half of their beards 5 Tarry at Jericho until your b«ards be 9 Joab took by the be.ard with the 5 Tarry at Jericho until your beards be 3 plucked off the hair of. .my beard 2 the head, that ran down upon the beard 2 Aaron's beard : that went down to.. his , 20 it shall also consume the beard 2 on., their heads, .baldness.. every beard S having their beards shaven, and their. iSa. I7- aSa. 21. JO. 10. iCh Ezra Psai 20. 19. 9- Isa. '33- 7- Jcr. 15- 41. Jer. 48. 37 For every head . .bald, and every beard Eze. 5. I upon thine head and upon thy beard 2. 7'he chin or upper lip, osa sapham. 2 Sa. 19. 24 dressed his feet, nor trimmed his beard BEARING — \.To lift up, bare, carry away, H^) nasa. Gen. 37. 25 their camels bearing spicery and balm Hum 10. 17 sons of Jlerari set forward, bearing the 10. 21 Kohathites set forward, bearing the Josh. 3. 3 the priests the Levites bearing it, then 3. 14 priests bearing t)ie ark of the covenant 6. 8 seven priests bearing the seven trumpets 6. 13 seven priests bearing seven trumpets of 1 Sa. 17. 7 and one bearing a shield went before 2 Sa. 15. 24 bearing the ark of the covenant of God 2.^0 carry, fiaa-r a(w bastazO. Marki4. 13 a man bearing a pitcher of water Luke 22. iQ a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of Jolin 19. 17 he bearing his cross went forth into a 3. T'o bear, tpepu pheru.. lleb. 13. 13 without the camp, beoring his reproach BEARING about — T'o bear about, irepKpfpu periphero. 2 Co. 4. 10 Always bearing about in the body the [See also Armour, blame, burdens, children, fruit, grudge, loss, record, rule, take, testi- mony, tidings, twins, witness.] BEAST — \. Cattle, quadruped, ."ten? behemah. Gen. 6. 7 both man, and beast, and the creeping 7. 2 every clean beast thou shalt take to thee 7. 2 and of beasts that (are) not clean by two 7. 8 clean beasts, and of beasts that (are) not 8. 20 took of every clean beast, and of every 34. 23 their substance and every beast of their's , 36. 6 his cattle, and all his beasts, and all Exod. 8. 17 it became lice in man, and in beast ; all 8. 18 there were lice upon man, and upon . 9.' 9 a boil .blains upon man, and upon beast 9. 10 (with) blains upon man, and upon beast 9. 19 every man and beast which shall be found 9. 22 upon man, and upon beast, and upon 9. 25 all. .in the field, both man and beast 11. 5 shall die. and all the firstborn of beasts 11. 7 move his tongue, against man or beast 12. 12 smite all the firstborn, .man and beast 13. 2 firstborn, .of man and of beast : it (is) 13. j2 every firstling that cometh of a beast 13. 15 of man, and the fii'stborn of beast 19. 13 shot through ; whether (it be) beast or 22. lo an ox, or a sheep, or any beast to keep 22. 19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall Lev. 7. 21 uncleanness of man, or (any) unclean -7. 25 For whosoever eateth the fat of the beast 7. 26 blood, .of fowl or of beast, in any of your i I. 2 among all the beasts that (are) on J I. 3 (and) cheweth the cud, among the beasts II. 26 (The carcases) of every beast which II. 39 And if any beast, of which ye may eat II. 46 This (is) the law of the beasts, and of the 18. 23 IN either shalt thou lie with any beast 18. 23 shall any woman stand before a beast 20. 15 lie vrith a beast, .ye shall slay the beast so. 16 And if a woman approach unto any beast so; j6 thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast so. 25 therefore put difference between . .beasts 20. 25 not make your souls abominable by beast 24. 21 And he that killeth a beast, he shall 27. 9 if (it be) a beast, whereof men bring S7. 10 he shall at all change beast for beast 27. II And if. .any unclean beast, of which they 27. II he shall present the beast before the 27. 26 Only the firstling of the beasts, which 27. 27 And if. .of an unclean beast, then he 27. 28 all that he hath, (both) of man and beast Num. 3. 13 the first born in Israel.both man and beast • 8. 17 of Israel (are) mine, .man and beast : on 18. 15 of men or beasts, shall be thine 18. 15 the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou 31. II all the prey, (both) of men and of beasts 31. 26 that was taken, (both) of man and of beast 31. 30 take . of the flocks, of all manner of beasts 31. 47 one portion, .(both) of man and of beast Deut. 4. 17 The likeness of any beast that (is) on the 14. 4 These (are) the beasts which ye shall eat 14. 6 And every beast that parteth the hoof 14. 6 cheweth the cud among the beasts, that 27. 21 he that lieth with any manner of beast 28. 26 be meat., unto (hebeasts of the earth, and 32. 24 I. .send the teeth of be.ists upon them Judg 20. 48 as the beast, and all that came to hand I .Sa. 17. 44 I will give thy flesh, .to the beasts 1 Ki. 4. 33 he spake also of beasts, and of fowl 18. 5 fin d grass .. that we loose not all the beasts 2 Ki. 3. 17 ye, and your cattle, and your beasts 2 Ch. 32. 28 and stalls for all manner of beasts Ezra I. 4, 6 with gold, and with goods, .with beasts Noh. 2. 12 neither (was there any) beast with me 2. 14 for the beast (that was) under me to pass Job 12. 7 But ask now the beasts, and they shall ' 18. 3 Wherefore are we counted as beasts 35. J I Who teacheth us more than the beasta Psa. 8. 7 oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field 36. 6 Lord, thou preservest man and beast 49. 12, 20 man . .he is like the beasts (that) 73. 22 ignorant : I was (as) a beast before thee 135. 8 firstborn of Egypt, both of man and beast Psa. 147. 9 He giveth to the beast his food, (and) to Prov.i2. 10 regardeth the life of his beast: but the 30. 30 A lion, .strongest among beasts, and Eccl. 3. j8 might see that they themselves are beasts 3. 19 befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts 3. 19 man hath no preeminence above a beast 3. 21 and the spirit of the beast that gocth Isa. 18. 6 beasts of the earth . . beasts of the earth 30. 6 The burden of the beasts of the south' 63. 14 As a beast goeth down into the valley Jer. 7. 20 this place, upon man, and upon beast 7. 33 shall be meat . . for the beasts of the ' 9. 10 of the heavens and the beast are fled 12. 4 the beasts are consumed, and the birds IS. 3 of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth 26. 4 shall be meat . . for the beasts of the earth jg. 7 to be meat, .for the beasts of the earth' 21. 6 will smite, .this city, both man and beast 27. 5 the beast that (are) upon the ground . 31. 27 seed of man, and with the seed of beast 32. 43 (It is) desolate without man or beast," 33. 10 desolate without man and without beast 33. 10 without inhabitant, and without beast 33. 12 desolate without man and without beast 34. 20 be for meat, .to the beasts of the earth 36. 29 to cease from thence man and beast?' 50. 3 they shall depart, both man and beast .51. 62 shall remain in it, neither man nor beast Eze. 8. 10 every form of creeping things, and . . beasts 14. 13, 17 cut off man and beast from its 14. 19, 21 to cut off from it m.m and beast 25. 13 I. .will cut off man and beast from it 29. 8 cut off man and beast out of thee? eg. 11 nor foot of beast shall pass through tt 32. 13 the beasts thereof . .the hoofs of beasts 36. II 1 will multiply upon you man and beast 44. 31 that is dead of itself . .fowl or beast Joel I. 18 How do the beasts groan ! the herds 1. 20 The beasts of the field cry also unto thco 2. 22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field Jon. 3. 7 Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, 3. 8 let man and beast be covered with Mic. 5. 8 as a lion among the beasts of the forest Hab. 2. 17 shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasta Zeph. I. 3 1 will consume man and beast ; 1 will Zech. 8. JO hire for man, nor any hire for beast 14. 15 of all the beasts that shall be in these 2. JSeasi, brute, I'ya beir. Gen. 45. 17 This do ye ; lade your beasts, and go, get Exod22. 5 shall put in his beast, and shall feed Num2o. 8 give., congregation and their beasts drink 20. J I the congregation diank, and their beasta 3.A living creature, 'n chai. Gen. I. 24 beast of the earth after his kind I. 25 God made the beast of the earth after 1. 30 to every beast of the earth, and to every a. 19 God formed every beast of the field, and. 2. 20 to every beast of the field ; but for Adam 3. I serpent was more subtile than any beast 3. 14 above every beast of the field ; upon thy 7. 14 They, and every beast after his kind, and 7. 21 both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast 8. ig Every beast, every creeping thing, and 9. 2 of you shall be upon every beast of tho 9. 5 at the hand of every beast will I requiro 9. 10 and of every beast of the earth with you g. 10 all that go out of the ark, to every beast- 37. 20 Some evil beast hath devoured him : and 37. 33 an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph Exod23. II what they leave the beasts of the field 23. 29 the beast of the field multiply against Lev. 5. 2 whether, .a carcase of an unclean beast II. 2 These (are) the beasts which ye shall eat II. 27 all manner of beasts that go on (all) four II. 47 between the beast that may be eaten J I. 47 and the beast that may not be eaten 17. 13 which hunteth and catcheth any beast . 25. 7 for the beast that (are) in thy land, shall • 26. 6 1 will rid evil beasts out of the land 26. 22 I will also send wild beasts among you Nuni35. 3 for their goods, and for all their beasts Deut. 7. 22 lest the beasts of the field increase upon 1 Sa. 17. 46 and lo the wild beasts of the earth 2 Sa. 21. 10 nor the beasts of the field by night 2 Ki. 14. 9 and there passed by a wild beast 3 Ch. 25. 18 and there passed by a wild beast. Job 5. 22 shalt thou be afraid of the beasts 5. 23 the beasts of the field shall be at peace ■t-j. 8 Then the beasts go into dens, and rcmaia 39 15 crush them . .the wild be.-ist may break 40. 20 where all the beasts of the field play , Psa so 10 For every beast of the forest (is) mine ' 79. 2 the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts' J04 11 They give drink to every beast of tho 104 20 all the beasts of the forest do creep J04 25 wherein (are), .small and great beasts J48 10 Beasts, and all cattle, .and flying fowl Isa. 3< o No ravenous beast shall go up thercoo 40 16 beasts thereof suflicient for a burnt-off. 47 20 The beast of the field shall honour me le. I idols were upon the beasts, and upon tho Jer. 28! 14 i have gTven him the beasts of the field Ezo. s. 17 will I send upon you famine, .evil beasts 14. IS I cause noisome beasts to pass through 14. IS may pass through because of the beasta 14. 21 the famine, and the noisome beast, and 29. 5 I have given thee for meat to the beasta 31. 6 the beasts of the field bring forth their BEAST 77 BEAUTIFUL Eze. 31. J3 the beasts of the field Bhall be upon his 32. 4 I will fill the l)east3 of the whole earth 33. 2; will I give to the beasta to be devoured 34. 5 tliey became meat to all the beasts of the 34. 8 my flocli became meat to every beast of 34. 25 cause the evil beasts to cease out of the 34. 28 shall the boasts of the land devour them 38. 20 the beasts of the field, and all creeping 39. 4 (to) the beasts of the field to be devoured 39. 17 Speak unto, .every beast of the field Pan. 2. 38 the beasts of the field . .hath he given 4. 12 the beasts of the field had shadow under 4. 14 let the beasts get away from under it 4. 15 and (let) his portion (be) with the beasts 4. 16 let a beast's heart be given unto him 4. 21 under wliich the beasts of the field dwelt 4, 23 (let) his portion (be) with the beasts of 4. 25 thy dwelling shall be with the beasts 4. 32 thy dwelling, .with the beasts of the field 5. 21 his heart was made lilte the beasts, and 7. 3 four great beasts came up from the sea 7. 5 another beast, a second, like to a bear 7. 6 the beast had also four heads ; and 7. 7 behold a fourth beast, dreadful and 7. 7 it (was) diverse from all the beasts that 7. II I beheld.. till the beast was slain, and 7. 12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they 7. 17 These great beasts . . shall arise out of the 7. 19 I would know the truth of. .fourth beast 7. 23 The fourth beast shall be the fourtli 8. 4 no beasts might stand before him. Dob. 2. 12 the beasts of the field shall eat them 2. 18 A covenant for them with the beasts of 4. 3 the beasts of the field, and with the 13. 8 the wild Deast shall tear thera Zeph. 2. 14 all the beasts of the nations : both the 3. 15 a place for beasts to lie down in ! LSout, breathing creature, (nDn?) v^ mphesh. Lev. 24. 18 a beast shall make it good ; beast for b. B.Slaughlered animal, njo tehach. Prov. 9. 2 She hatli killed her beasts ; she hath 6.A living creature, (uov Doon. Hebi 13. It the bodies of those beasts, .are burned 2 Pe. 2. 12 But these, as natural brute beasts Jude 10 what they know naturally, as. .beasts Eev. 4. 6 round about the throne . . four Ijeasts 4. 7 beast (was) like a lion, and . . second beast 4. 7 third beast had a face, .the fourth beast 4. 8 the four beasta had each of them six 4. 9 wheu those beasts give glory and honour 5. 6 midst of the throne and of the four beasts 5. 8 the four beasts. , fell down before the S. II round about the throne and the beasts 5. 14 And the tour beasts said, Amen. Aud 6. I oue of the four beasts saying, Come 6. 3 I heard tlie second beast say, Come and 6. 5 I lieard the third beast say. Come and 6. 6 a voice in tlie midst of the four beasts 6. 7 1 heard the. .fourtli beast say. Come and 711 the elders and the four beasts, and fell , 14. 3 before the four beasts and the elders 15. 7 And one of the four beasts gave unto 19. 4 the four beasts fell dowii and worshipped 1.A wild least, Btjpiov therion. Acts 28. 5 And he shook off the beast into the fire Titus 1. 12 Tho Cretians (are) aUvay liars evil beasts Heb. 12. 20 so much as a beast touch the mountain Jas. 3. 7 For every kind of beasts, and of birds Kev. 6. 8 to kill, .with the beasts of the earth II. 7 the beast that ascendeth out of the 13. 1 1. ,saw a beast rise up out of the sea 13. 2 And the beast which I saw was like 13. 3 all the world wondered after the beast 13. 4 beast. .worshipped the beast. .the beast 15. II I beheld auother beast coming up 13, 12 the power of the first beast before him 13. 12 the first beast, whose deadly wound was 13. 14 he had power, .in the sight of the beast 13. 14 they should make an image to the beast 13. 15 give life unto the image of the beast 13. 15 image of the beast, .image of the beast . 13. 17 the name of the beast, or the number of 13 18 Let him. .count the number ofthe beast 14. 9 If any man worship the beast and his 14. II who worship the beast and his imago 15. 2 that had gotten the victory over the beast 16. 2 men which had tlie mark of the beast 16. 10 poured, .upon the seat of the beast 16. 13 out of tlie mouth of the beast, and out 17. 3 I saw a woman sit upon a .. beast 17. 7 mystery of the woman, and of the beast 17. 8 The beast that thou sawest was and is 17. 8 when they behold the beast that was 17. II And the beast that was, and is not 17. 12 power as kings one hour with the beast 17. 13 their power and strength unto the beast 17. 16 horns which thou sawest upon the beast 17. 17 give their kingdom unto the beast 19. 19 I saw the beast, and tlie kings of the 19. 20 And tlie beast was taken, and with him 19. 2^;ad. B. BECATTSE — l./ra regard to, hl< el. I Sa. 4. 21 because the ark ot Qod was taken, and 2.That, 1^^ asher. Gen. 30. 18 because I have gi^en my maiden to my 2Jn that, i^tts baasher. Gen. 39. g from me but thee, because thou (art) his A.Even as, leiN? kaasher. I Sa. 28. 18 Because thou obevedst not the voice of Z. Because that, n^>t ijr, yaan asher. Gen. 22. 16 for because thou hast done this thing Deut, I. 36 becau^. .bath wholly followed the U>si> QMecause that, lEif? Sy al asher. Exod32. 35 plagued the people, because they made 7.£ecause that, IK'S ijiH, eqeb asher. Gen. 22. 18 because thou hast obeyed my Voice 2 Sa. 12. 6 fourfold, because he did this thing, and a. From, the face that, -w» 'isg mippene asher. Exodig. 18 because the LORD descended upon it in Jer. 44. 23 Because ye have burned incense, and 9. Under that, Ik's nnn tachath asher. Num2s. 13 because he was zealous for his God, and Deut2i. 14 because thou hast humbled her IQ.Conc^ning the matter that, i»n "isT Sy. Deut22. 24 because she cried not. .because he hath 11. Al answer to, because, |y: yaan. Lev. 26. 43 because, even because they despised my Num It. 2o because that ye have despised the Lobd Eze. 25. 8 Because that Moab and Seir do say 12. /re answer that, '9 jy? yaan ki. 1 Ki. 21. 29 because, he humbleth himself before me Isa. 3. 16 Because the daughters of Zion are 13. The heel, end, consequence, ^Bi! eqeb. Num 14. 24 because he had another spirit with him Deut 8. 20 because ye would not be obedient unto li.The consequence that, ■? 3i5y eqeb ki. 2 Sa. i2.;io because thou hast despised me, and hast Amos 4. 12 because I will do this unto thee, prepare l5.Wholly over-against this, ''1 '51? "JJ kol qebet di, Ezra 4. 14 because we have maintenance from Dan. 2. 8 because ye see the thing is gone from me 3. 29 because there is no other God that can 6. 3 because an e.'icellent spirit (vvas) in hlra IQ.On so, over so, 13 Vj; al ken. Judg. 6. 22 because I have seen an angel of the Lord n.From that, '')")0 min di. Dan. 3. 22 because the king's commandment was X&.From the face of, '49P mippene. Jer. 44. 23 Becauseye have burned incense., because i^.For, wherefore, yap gar. John 3. 19 than light, because their deeds were evil 10. 26 because ye are not of my sheep, as I said ilom. 4. IS Because the luw worketh wrath : for 20. /re return for which things, avB' Su anth' hdn. Luke I. 2o because thou believest not my words 19. 44 because thou knewest not the time of thy Acts 12. 23 because he gave not God the glory : and 3 Th. 2. 10 because they received not the love of the 11. Through, on account of, Sia {ace.) dia. Matti3 5 because they had no deepness of earth 13. 6 because they had no root, they withered 24. 12 because iniquity shall abound, the love Mark 4. s because it had no depth of earth 4. 6 because it had no root, it withered away Luke 2. 4 because he was of the house . .of David . 8. 5 It withered away, because it lacked mois 11. 8 because he is his friend, he will rise >8. 5 because this widow troubleth me, I will 19. II spake a parable, because he was nigh to J. 43. 8 because he had heard many things of him John 2. 24 Jesus, .because he knew all (men) Acta 12. 20 because their country was nourished by 18. 3 because he was of the same craft, he 27. 4 Cyprus, because the winds were contrary 27. 9 because the fast was now already past 28. 18 because there was no cause of death in Phil. J.' 7 Even because I have you in my heart Heb. 7. 23 because they were not suffered to continue 7. 24 because he continueth ever, hath an Jas. 4. 3 yet ye have not, because ye ask not 22.F0T this reason^ SiJti dioti. Luke 2. 7 because there was no room for them in Acta 17. 31 [Because] he hath appointed a day, in Rom. 8. 7 Because the caraal mind (is) enmity I Co. 15, 9 because I persecuted the church of God I Th. 2. 8 our own souls, because ye were dear unto Heb. II. s because God . .translated him : for before II. 23because they saw (lie was) a proper child Jaa. 4. 3 and receive not, because ye ask amiss 1 Pe. I. iS Because it is written, Be ye holy ; for I 2Z.Since, gfter that, 4-irel epei. ^^tt 18. 32 all that debt, because thou desiredst me 27. 6 treasury, because it is the price of blood Markis. 42 because it was the preparation, that is John 13. 39 some., thought, because Judas had the 19. 31 The Jews therefore, because it was the Heb. 6. 13 because he could sware by no greater II. II because she judged.him faithful who had 2i. Since truly, iitfiS^ epeide. Matt2i. 46 [because] they took him for a prophet Apt^ 14. la because he was the chief speaker 35. Ore account of, tvfKa heneka. Luke 4. 18 bec*ause he hath anointed me to preach 26. /re order that, Iva hina. Matt2o. 3i-because they shonld hold their psaco 27. In as much as, KadSrt kaihoti. Acts 2. 24 because it was not possible that he should 2S.That, seeing that, on hoti. Matt. 2. 18 Rachel.. wouldnot be comforted,because 5. 36 Neither shalt thou swear, .because thou 7. 14 [Beoause] strait (is) the gat^, and narrow Matt. 9. 36 he was moved with compassion becauso II. 20 Then began he to Upbraid because they 41 The men. shall rise because they rep. 1 1 Because it is given unto you to Ijdow the 13 speak I to them in parables : because they 5 he feared the multitude, because they 32 I have compassion»,j^ecause they continue 7 (It is) because we have taken no bread 8 why reason ye among yourselves, because] 7 They say unto him. Because no man 15 Is thine eye evil, because I am good? 29 Woe unto you . because ye build.. tombs 34 suffered not the devils to speak, betausa 30 Because they said. He hath an unclean 29 he putteth in tlie sickle, because the har. 34 Jesus . moved with compassion . . becausef, 19 Because it entereth not into his heart a I have compassion . because they have 16 saying, (It is) because we have no bread 17 Why reason ya. because ye have no bread? 38 and forbad him, (because he followeth] 41 whosoever shall give you. because ye 12. 13- »3- 14. IS-; 16. t6. 23- Mark i. 8 9- Luke 8. 9- 9- 10. II. 12. >3- '5. ig. 19. IQ. I gi . 4 (because they believed not them whichj 30 because many devils were entered into 49 we forbad him, because he followeth not 53 because his face was as though he would 20 because your names are written in heav. >8 because ye say . I cast out devils through 17 What shall I do, because I have do room 2 these were sinners above all.. because 27 thy father hath killed . because he hath m 3 and could not for the press, because he ■ 17 because thou hast been faithful in a very ■ _ , 21 For I feared thee, because thou art an John I. 50 Because 1 said unto thee, I sawthee under t8 is condemned already, because he hath 23 John also was baptizing, .because there t6 sought to slay him, because he had done 18 sought, .to kill him, because he not only 27 hath given him authority because he is 30 because I seek not mine own will, but tha 2 a great multitude followed him, because 26 Ye seek me, not because ye saw the mir. 26 Ye seek me because ye did eat of the 4i Jews then murmured at him, because ho I he would not walk.. because the Jews 7 but me it hateth, because I testify of it 22 not because it is of M., butof the fathers 30 no man laid hands on him, because his 22 because he saith. Whither I go, ye 37 ye seek to kill me, because my word hath 43 because ye cannot hear my word 44 abode not in the truth, because there Is 47 ye. .hear (them) not, because ye are not 16 because he keepeth not the sabbath day 22 These (words) spake his'parents^ because 13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an 17 Therefore my Father love me, because 36 because I said, I am the Son of God ? 9 he stumbleth not, because he seeth 10 he stumbleth, because there is no light 6 but because he was a thief, and had tho 12 greater .than these shall he do because 17 whom the world cannot receive, because 19 because I live, ye shall live also 19 but because ye are not of the world 21 because they know not him that sent me 27 ye also shall bear witness, because ye 3 because they have not known the Father 4 these things I said not unto you . .because 6 But because I have said these things unto 9 Of sin, because they believe not ou me 10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Fa. 11 Of judgment, because the prince of this 16 [ye shall see me, because I go to the) 21 A woman hath sorrow, because her 27 For the Father, .loveth you, because ya 32 I am not alone, because the Father is 14 because they are not of the world 7 because he made himself the Son of God 13 Because they have taken away my Lord so. 29 Thomas, because thou hast seen me Acts 2. 27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in 6. I because their widows were neglected 8. 20 because thou hast thought that the gift 17. 18 (because he preached unto them Jesus} Horn 5. 5 because the love of God is shed abroad 6. IS because we are not under the law, but 8. 27 because he maketh intercession for the g. 7 Neither, because they are the seed of A. 9. 28 (because! a short work will the Lord make) 9. 32 Because . .not by faith, but as it were 1 Co, I. 25 Because the foolishness of God Is wiser a. 14 because they are spiritually discerned 3. 13 because it shall be revealed by fire; and 12. IS If the foot shall say. Because I am not tho 12. 16 if the ear shall say. Because I am not tha 15. IS because we have testified of God that ho sCo. 11. II Wherefore? because I love you not? God , Gal. 2. 11 I withstood him. .because he was to be 4. 6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent Eph. s- i6 Redeeming the time, because the days Phil. 2. 30 Because for the work of Christ he was 4. 17 Not because I desire a gift ; but I desire 2 Th. 1. 10 because our testimony among you was 3. 9 Not because we have not powtr, but to I Xi. I 13 I obtained mercy, because I did (it) 4. lo we both labour, .because we trust in 5. 12 Having damnation, because they have 6. 2 because they are brethren, because they Phm. 7 we have great joy. .because the bowels Heb 8. 9 because they continued not in my coven. 3 3- S 5- 5- S- 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 7. 7 7- 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. ti. 14. 14. 14. IS- IS- IS- 16. i6. 16. 16. 16. 16. t6. 16. 16. i6. 17- 19. 20. BECAUSE 79 BECOME Jas. 1 . lo because ns the flower of the grass lie shall 1 To. 2. 21 because Clirist also suffered forus, leaving 5. 8 be vigilant ; tbecause your adversary the] jJq. 2. 8 whicli tiling is true.. because the darkness a. 12 I write, .because your sins are forgiven 2.i3bccauseyo.. because ye . . because ye have 2. n because ye have, .because ye are strong " 2. 2t because ye know, .but because ye know 3. 1 the world knoweth us not, because it 3. g he cannot sin, because ho is born of God . 3. 12 Because his own works were evil, and ' 3. 14 We know that wo have passed, .because 3. 22 we receive of him, because we keep his . 4. I because many false prophets are gone out 4. 4 Ye are of God . .because greater is he that 4.18 {perfect love casteth out fear ; because fear 4. 19 We love him, because he first loved us 5. 10 hath made him a liar; because he believeth Jlev. 3. 10 Because thou liast kept the word of my 3. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and 3. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and iner. S. 4 I wept much, because no man was found ■ 8. II mendiedof the waters, because they were II. 10 shall rejoice over them, .because these 14. 8 Babylon is fallen, .[because] she made all 16. 5 which art, and wast.. because thou hast ^O.As a demonstrative, Zn hoti. ' Matt II. 25 because thou hast hid these things from Xukeii. 18 because ye say that I east out devils i3. 14 because that Jesus had healed on the x6. 8 because he had done wisely : for the 17. 9 because he did the things that were ■ 19. II because they thought that the kingdom 19. 31 Because the Lord hath need of him John 7. 23 because I liave made a man every whit 8. 45 because I tell (you) the truth, ye believe 14. 28 because I said, I go unto tlio Father : for 16. 17 he saith. .Because I go to the Father? 21. 17 because he said unto him the third time Acts 2. 6 because that every man heard them 22. 29 a Roman, and because he had bound Bom. 8. 21 Because the creature itself also shall be 14. 23 because (he eateth) not of faith : for 1 Co. 0. 7 because ye go to law one with another 3 Co. 7. 13 because his spirit was refreshed by you II. 7 because I have preached to you the iTh. 2. 13 because, when ye received the word ol 2 Th. 2. 13 because God hath from the beginning I Jo. 3. 16 because he laid down his life for us : and 4. 13 because he hath given us of the Spirit 4. T7 because as he is, so are we in this world 5. 6 beareth witness, because the Spirit is Bev. 2. 4 because thou hast left thy first love 2. 14 [because] thou hast there them that hold 2. 20 because thou suffcrest that woman Jezeb. 11. 17 because thou hast taken to thee thy 30.7n. order that, ivw^ hopos. Acts 20. 16 because he would not spend the tim BEOATTSE of — \.0n account of the caiises of, n'TN hv. al odoth. Gen. 21. II thing was very grievous, .because of his 21. 25 Abraham reproved Abimclecli because of I^umi2. I Aaronspake againstMoses because, .the 13. 24 because of tlie cluster'of grapes wliich Judg. 6. 7 Israel cried unto the Loiiu because of the %Turninrj, circumstance, opportunity, t^} galal. Gen. 12. 13 and my soul shall live because of thee DcutiS. 12 because of these i\l)Ominations the LORD I Ki. 14. if) because of the sins of Jeroboam, who Jer. 15. 4 because of JIanasseh the son of Ilezekiali Z.From, the way, ^nip middcrek. rsa.107. 17 Fools because of their transgression, and A.A word, matter, ij'j dabar. Ucn. 12. 17 with great plagues because of Sara! 20. 18 the house of Abimelech, because of Exod.8. 12 bccauseofthefrogswhich lie had brought I'sa. 45. 4 because of truth and meekness (and) C.Z)!/ tlie hand of, 1:2 he-yad. Jcr. 41. 9 whom he had slain because of Cedaliah Q.To answer lo, jyo^ lemaan. 2Ki. 13. 23 because of his covenant with Abraham T.In going over, ll3j;.3 haahur. Exodi3. 8 because of that (which) the LORD did Z.On, upon, hji al. Gen. 27. 41 because of the blessing wherewith his Q.FVom, IP min. Gen. 5. 29 becanso of the ground which the Lord lO.From, ]C mi?!,. Dan. 7. II because of the voice of the great words 11. From Uieface of, 'j?p mippenc. Gen. 7. 7 went in. .because of the waters of the 27. 46 because of the daughters of Hctb: if J.ic. 36. 7 could not bear them because of their Exod. I. 12 grieved because of the children of Israel 9. II could not stand before Moses because of N'um32. 17 because of the inhabitants of the land Dcut. 2. 25 and be in anguish because of thee 2o. 3 neither be ye terrified because of them Josh, 6. 1 because of the children of Israel : none g. 24 were sore afraid of our lives because of II. 6 Be not afraid because of them : for 23. 3 unto all these nations because of you Judg. 2. 18 because of their groanings by reason of 6. a because of the Midianites the children of £. 6 greatly impovcrisbed because of the I Sa. 8. i8 because of your king which ye slinll 1 Ki. I. 50 Adoiiijah' feared liecausc of Solomon 2. 7 1 Hcd because of Absalom tliy brollicr 8. II priests could not. .minister because of 2 Ki. g. 14 Joram had kept, .because of Hazael king s Ch.i2. 5 princes, .were gatliercd. .because of ]S'eh. 4. 9 set a watch against tliem.. because of 5. 15 so did not I, because of the fear of God Job 35. 12 noncgivcthauswcr, because of . .evilinen Psa. 38. 3 no soundness, .because of tliino anger 38. 3 neither, .rest in my bones because of my 38. 5 My wouuds stink, .because of my 60. 4 it may be displayed because of the truth 102. 10 Because of thiue indignation and thy Isa. 10. 27 the yoke shall be destroyed because of 17. 9 which they left because of the children of 19. 16 it shall beafraid..becauseof the shaking 19. 17 because of the counsel of the Lord of 19. 20 they shall cry unto the Lord because of Jer. 4. 4 because of the evil of your doings 14. 16 the people.. shall be cast out. .because of 15. 17 I sat alone because of thy liand : fur thou 21. 12 because of the evil of your doings 23. 9 I am like a drunken mau.. because of 23. lo.because of swearing tlie land mournetU 25. 16 And they shall drink.. because of the 25. 27 Drink ye. .because of the sword which 25. 37 the. .habitations are cut down because of 25.^8 their land is desolate because of . .the 26. 3 which I purpose . .because of the evil of 32. 24 and the city is given, .because of the 41. 18 Because of the Chaldeans : for they were 44. 3 Because of their wickedness which they 44. 22 because of the evil of your doings lam. s. 9 We gat our bread.. because of the sword 5. 10 Our skin was black, .because of the Eze. 16. 63 never open tliy mouth, .because of thy Uos. 10. 15 So shall Beth-el do unto you because of 12. From, air 6 apo. MattiS. 7 Woe unto the world because of offences ! 13. Through, on account of, 5'ta (ace.) dia. Marki3. 21 when tribulation, .ariseth because of the 13. 58 did not many mighty works, .because of 17. 20 Jesus said unto them. Because of your 27. ig I have suffered, .in a dream because of Mark.3. g small ship should wait on him because of 6. 6 And he marvelled because of their Luke 5. 19 they might bring him in because of the II. 8 yet because of his importunity he will John 3. 29 the friend, .re joiceth greatly because of 4. 41 And many more believed because of his 4. 42 Now we believe, not because of thy saying 7. 43 there was a division . . because of him 11. 42 because of the people which stand by 12. 30 This voice came not because of me, but 12. 42 because of the Pharisees they did not 19. 42 There laid they Jesus, .because of the Acts 4. 21 they let them go. .because of the people 16. 3 took and circumcised him because of the 28. 2 for they . . received us . . because of the Bom. 6. 19 I speak, .because of the infirmity of your 8. 10 the body (is) dead because of sin ; but 8. 10 Spiiit (is) life because of righteousness 15. 15 because of the grace that is given 1 Co. II. 10 to have power on (her) head because of Gal. 2. 4 And that because of false brethren Eph. 4. 18 because of the blindness of their heart 5. 6 because of these things cometh the Heb. 3. 19 they could not enter in because of 4. 6 they . .entered not in because of unbelief li.Outof, iK ek. Bev. 16. II because of their pains nhd their sores 16. 21 men blasphemed God because of the 15. Zn, with, if en. Matt26. 31 All ye shall bo offended because of mo 26. 33 (men) shall be offended because of theo Marki4. 27 All ye shall be offended [because ofj mo 16. On, upon, iiri (ace.) epi. Bev. I. 7 all kindreds., shall wail because of him 17. Towards, irpSs (ace.) pros. Matt 19. 8 Moses because of the hardness of your IS.For or on account of, x'»P"' charin. Gal. 3. 19 It was added because of transgressions Jude 16 persons in admiration because of BECAUSE that — l.Because, ]]ll yaan. Eze. 25. 8 Because that°Moab and Seir do say 2.Bccause, '? ki. Gen. 2. 3 because that in it he had rested from all S.For, vci'ily, then, yap gar. A<:ts 28. 20 liecause that for the hope of Israel I am j Ju. 7 Because that for his name's sake they i.'J'ltrn}ifjh, on account of, Si'a (ace.) dia. j\l ark 5. 4 Because that he had been often bound Luke y. 7 because tliat it was said of some, that J. Acts B. II because that of long time he had : 18. 2 because that Claudius had commanded a. For this reason, St6ri diuti. Bom. I. 19 Bec.-iuse that which maybe kno\viiorCod I. 21 Because that, when they knew God, they Phil. 2. 26 because that ye had heard that he had I Th. 4. 6 because that the Lord (is) the avenger of G.That, seeing that, '6ri hoti: John 7. 39 because that Jesus was not yet glorified 10. 33 and because that thou, being a man John 12. II Because by reason of him many of 12. 39 tlicy could not believe, . . Ks.iiaa ' Acts 10. 45 And tlicy..werc astonislicd.. because 2 Til. I. 3 as it is meet, because that your faith 1 Jo. 2. II because th.nt dnrkiiess liatli blinded his 4. 9 because that God sent ids only begotten 7. In as much as, Ka06Ti katholi. Luke I. 7 tliey had no child, because that Elisabeth BECAUSE uii(satiable) — From vjant of, •rt'720 mihhilti. Eze. 16. 28 because thou wast iiusatiajjle ; yea, thou BECAUSE... -would — Toxoard, in order to, irp6s (ace.) pros. I Th. 2. 9 because wo would not be chargeable BECAUSE he would not — 27ial it might not happen to him, 'dnus furi yeVijrot avT(p, Acts 20. 16 determined to saril.. because he would not BECAUSE... yet — Yet, slill, while, liy od. Gen. 46. 30 Now let me die.. because thou (art) yet BE'-CHEB, 133 youth, first-born. 1. A son of BeDjainin,«.c. 1700. Gen. 46.21 thesonsof Benjamin.. Belah, and B., and I Ch. 7. 6 of Benjamin; Bela, and B., and Jediael 7. 8 sons of B. . . All these (are) the sous of B. 2. A son of Ephraira (called Berad in 1 Ch. 7. 20), B.C. 1680. Num 26. 35 of B., the family of the Bachrites : of BE-CHO'-BATH, rm-::?. first birth. Son of Aphiah or Abiah, and gr-indson of Bccher son of Benjamin, also an ancestor of Saul the first king of Israel, B.C. 1225. 1 Sa. 9. 1 Zeror, the son of B., the son of Aphiah BECKON to or unto, to — l.To nod through, Siai/da dianeuo. Luke I. 22 he beckoned unto them, and remained 2.T0 nod downward, Karavevai kaianeuO. Luke 5. 7 they beckoned unto.. partners, which 3. To wave dovmward, Kara-\]l eres. Job 7. 13' When I say, My bed shall comfort me Psa. 41. 3 The LonD will strengthen him upon, .bed Prov. 7. 16 I have decked my bed with coverings Song 1. 16 yea, pleasant : also our bed (is) green I.Place for reclining, K\lvri /dine. Matt. 9. 2 a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed g. 6 Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine Mark 4. 21 put under a bushel, or under a bed? 7. 30 and her daughter laid upon the bed Luke 5. 18 men brought in a bed a man which was 8. 16 with a vessel, or putteth (it) under abed 17. 34 there shall be two (men) in one bed ; the Acts 5. IS laid . .on [beds] and couches, that at the Kev. 2. 22 I will cast her into a bed, and them that 8. A lying, bed, Koirrj kuite. Luke 1 1. 7 my children are with me in bed ; I Heb. 13. 4 honourable in all, and the bed undeflled 9. A matrass, icpd^fiaros hrabbatos. Mark 2. 4 they let down the bed wherein the sick 2. 9 Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk ? 2. II Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy 2. 12 he arose, took up the bed, and went 6. 55 to carry about in beds those that were 5. 8 ilise, take up thy bed, and walk 5- 9 the man. .took up his bed, and walked 5. 10 it is not lawful for thee to carry (thy)bed 5. II the same said.. Take up thy bed, and 5. 12 What man. .said.. Take up thy [bed,] and Acts 9. 33 iEneas, which had kept his bed eight BED, to make — I.To strew (a place for reposing in), yv, yatsa, 5." Psa 139. 8 If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou 2.T0 strew (a place for resting on), arpwvvvoi. Acts 9. 34 niaketh thee whole : arise . . make thy bed BED CHAMBER — 1. Inner reclining place, 33^a tin cheder mishkab. Exod. 8. 3 into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed 2 Sa. 4. 7 he lay on his bed in his bedchamber 2Ki. 6. 12 words., thou speakest in thy bedchamber 20 curse not the rich in thy bedchamber 2. Inner bed room, nui? Tin cheder miltah. 2 Ki. II. 2 hid.. him and his nurse, in. .bedchamber 2 Ch. 22. II put him and his nurse in a bedchamber BE'-DAD, 113 son of A dad. Father of the fourth king of Edom, "Hadad-ben- Bedad," B.C. 1500. Gen. 36. 35 Hadad the sou of B., who smote Midian I Ch. I. 46 Iladadthesonof B., which smote Midian BE'-DAN, I13 son ofjxidgment. 1. A judge of Israel between Jerubbaal {i.e. Gideon) and Jephthah. His name is omitted in the history of the Book of Judges. The LXX., Syriac and Arabic, have Barak. His name may be compared with that of Jael in Judg. 5. 6, who was probably also a judge, though We know nothing of him except from Deborah's song, B.C. 1112. 1 Sa. 12. II LOHB sent Jerubbaal, and B,, and 2. Descendant of Machir son of Manasseh, B.C. 1369. I Ch. 7, 17 tho sons of Ulam ; B. These (were) the BE-DE'-IAH, nng servant of Jah. One of the family of Baui who had married a str-ango wife, B.C. ^^s■ Ezra 10. 35 [Of..son3of Bani;Maadai]..B.,Chelluh BED STEAD — An arched bed,, tyiy eres. Deut. 3. II behold', bis bedstead (was) a bedstead of 32E — A bee, -Tin^ deborah. Deut. I. 44 the Amorites. .chased you, as bees do Judgi4. 8 behold, .a swarm of bees and honey in Psa 118. 12 They compassed me about like bees ; they Isa. 7. 1 8 for the bee that (is) in the land of Assyria BE-EL-IA'-DA, VtSv^^ tlie lord knows. A son of David, called Eliada in 2 Sa. v. and 1 Ch. iii., B. C. 1020. i'.Ch.;i4. 7 And Elishama, and B., and Eliphalet BE-EL-ZE'-BTJB, fietXC^^ovX. lord of the fly. A heathen deity to whom the Jews ascribed supremacy among evil spirits. The correct orthography is lieel- zebul. Matt 10. 25 they havecalled the masterof the house B. 12. 24 but by B. the prince of the devils 12. 27 if I by B. cast out devils, by whom do Mark 3. 22 He hath B,, and by the prince of the Lukeii. 15 He casteth out devils through B. the II. 18 ye say that I cast out devils through B. II. 19 if I by B. cast out devils, by whom do BE'-ER, IN? a well (artificial). 1. A station of the Israelites beyond the Arnon, and so called because of the "well" dug by the princes and nobles of the people. This is probably the Beer-EUm (" well of heroes") of Isa. 15. 8. Wum2i. 16 from thence, .to B.: that (is) the well 2. A place to which Jotham son of Gideon fled for fear of liis brother Abimelech, 8 miles W. of Hebron. Judg. g. 21 Jotham ran away, and fled, .to B., and BE-E'-BA, NiN!? expounder. Son of Zophah of the tribe of Asher, B.C. 1570. I Ch. 7. 37 [sons of Zophah,] Suah. .and B. BE-E'-RAH, n-iN| expounder. A prince of the R'eubenites, carried captive to Assyria by TiJgath-pilneser, B.C. 740. I Ch. 5. 6 [sons of Joel] . . B. his son, whom Tilgath. BE-ER E'-LIM, D'^N -itji? well of Elim. In the S. confines of Moab, Eglaim being at the N. of the Salt Sea. The name points to the well dug by tho chiefs {Elim) of Israel on their Bearing the promised land. Isa. 15. 8 and the howling thereof unto B.-e. BE-E'-RI, n!<|i expounder. 1. A Hittite, father of Judith, wife of Esau, B.C. 1810. Geu. 26. 34 took to wife Judith the daughter of B. 2. Father of Hosea the prophet, B.C. 800. Hos. I. I The word., came unto., the son of B. BE-ER lA-HAI'-EOI, 'NT 'o^ i!<3 well of the oath. One of the oldest places in Canaan at the extreme south. Gen. 21. 14 Hagar. .wandered in the wilderness of B. 21. 31 Wherefore he called that place B. 21. 32 Thus they made a covenant at B. : then ai. 33 And.. planted a grove in B., and called 22. 19 they rose up and went together to B. 22. 19 and Abraham dwelt at B. 26. 23 And he went up from thence to B. 26. 33 the name of the city (is) B. unto this day 28. 10 Jacob went out from B., and went 46. 1 Israel took his journey ...and came to B. 46. 5 Jacob rose up from B. : and the sons of Josh. 1 5. 28 Hazar-shual, and B., and Bizjothjah 19. 2 they bad in their inheritance B., and Judg 20. I congregation was gathered, .from Dan 1 Sa. 3. 20 all Israel from Dau even to B. knew that 8. 2 Joel.. Abiah. judges in Beer-sheba 2 Sa. 3. 10 throne of David . .from Dan even to E. 17. II Israel, .gathered, .from Dan even toB, 24. 2 Go now.. from Dan even to B., and 24. 7 they went out to the south of Judah 24. 15 died of the people from Dan even to B. 1 Ki. 4. 25 Israel dwelt safely . .from Dan even to B. 19. 3 when he saw . . he . . came to B. 2 Ki. 12. I his mother's name (was) Zibiah of B. 23. 8 defiled the high places, .from Geba to B t Ch. 4. 28 they dwelt at B., and Moladah, and 21. 2 Go, number Israel from B. even to Dan 2 Ch, 19. 4 he went out again, .from B. to mount 24. I His mother's name also (was) Zibiah of B. 30. 5 to make proclamation, .from B. even to Neh. n. 27 at Hazar-shual, and at B., and (in) the II. 30 they dwelt from B. unto the valley of Amos 5. 5 seek not Beth-el. .and pass not to B.: for 8. 14 and. The manner of B. liveth ; even they BE-ESH-TE'-RAH, Tnmil'i- house of A.thterah. A Levitical city in Maria'ss'eh, W. of the Jordan. It was allotted to the Gershomites, and is identical with Ash- taroth or Ashterah. Josh. 21. 27 tribe of Manasseh. .B. with her suburbs BEETLE — A beetle, biin chargol. Lev. II 22 the beetle after his kind, and tbo BEEVES 81 BEFORE BEEVES — Htrd, ox, heifer, np? haqar. lev. 22. 19 a male without blemish, of the beeves 22. 21 a freewill offering in beeves or sheep lfum3i. 28 of the persons, and of the beeves, and of 31. 30 of the persons, of the beeves, of the asses 31. 33 thrceseorc and twelve thousand beeves 31. 38 the beeves . . tljirty and six thousand ; of 31. 44 And thirty and six thousand beeves BEFAII, to — 1. To meet, fliij anah, 4. Psa. 91. 10 Tliere shall no evil befall thee, neither i.Tocome, Ni3 bo. ■2 Sa. 19. 7 worse unto thee than all the evil, .befell 2. To find, Nyo matsa. Num2o. 14 all the travail that hath befallen us Deut3i. 17 many evils and troubles shall befall them 31, 21 when many evils, .are befallen them Josh. 2. 23 told him all (things) that befell them Judg. 6. 13 why then is aU this befallen us? and i.To meet, chance, N"ir qara. Oen. 42. 4 Lest peradventuro mischief befall him 42. 38 if mischief befall him by the way in the 49. I which shall befall you in the last days lev. 10. 19 and such things have befallen me Peut3i. 29 evil will befall you iu the latter days 5.T0 meet, chance, n-jij qarah. Gen. 42. 29 told him all that befell unto them 44. 29 if ye take .from me, and mischief befall Esth. 6. 13 Hamaan told, .every (thing), .befallen Dan. 10. 14 what shall befall thy people in the latter 6. To become, come into being, yivoixai ginomai. Mark s- 16 they . .told them how it befell to hira 7. To come together, (rvfi^aivio sumbainO, Acts 20. 19 temptations, which befell me by the lying S.To meet together, cruvavrdia sunantao. Acts 20. 22 knowing the things that shall befall me O.rAe things of, t^ rHv ta ton. Matt. 8. 33 what was befallen to the possessed of the 10. Chance, occurrence, n-ipo miqreh. 1 Sa. 20. 26 Something hath befallen him, he (is) not Eccl. 3. 19 that which befalleth the sons of men 3. 19 befalleth beasts ; even one thing befalleth BEFORE (the presence of )— I. Unto, to, '?K el. Gen. 12. IS saw her, and commended her before Pha. Z.N'ose, r^K aph. Deut33. 10 they^shall put incense before thee, and 3. With, HK eth. Gen. 19. 13 is waxen great before the face of the Loed ^.Expectation, d'itj terom. Ruth 3. 14 she rose up before one could know 5. Expectation, D-iu ierem. Gen. 2. 5 before it was in-the earth, before it grew 6./)i or with expectation, D"i.Q3 beierem. Gen. 27. 4 that my soul may bless thee before I die Jer. I . s Before I f oniied thee . . before thou came. 7. In not, without, ix'ja belo. Job 15. 32 It shall be accomplished before his time S.Over against, SiD mul. Exod 34. 3 flocks nor herds feed before that mount Josh.ig. 46 and Rakkon, with the border before J. O.Over against the face, o'iS hm. Exod 28. 25 the shoulder pieces of the ephod, before 39. 18 the shoulder pieces of the ephod, before 10. Ascent, up-going, nhwi maaleh. Judg. 8. 13 returned from battle before the sun" W.The front, nJJ neged. Gen. 31. 32 before our brethren discern thou what ll.At the front, 133^ leneged. 2 Ki. 1. 13 came and fell on his knees before Elijah 13.JiVo«i the front, ^33n minneged, Dettt28. 66 thy life shall hang in doubt before thee li.The front, over-against, n?l nokach. Gen. 30. 38 the rods which he had pilled before the Josh. 15. 7 that (is) before the going up to Adummim Judg 18. 6 Go in peace : before the Lord (is) yoiu: Prov. 5. 21 the ways of man (are) before the eyes of Lam. 2. 19 like water before the face of the Lord £ze. 14. 3 stumbling block of their iniquity before 14. 4 stumbling block of his iniquity before his 14. 7 stumbling block of his iniquity before his 15.The front, naj nekach. Exod 14. 2 before it shall ye encamp by the sea l5.Until, ty ad. Gen. 48. 5 bom. .before I came unto thee into E. n.In ilie eye of, I^y? beayin. 1 Sa. 21. 13 he changed his behaviour before them li.With, Dy i7n. 1 Sa. 2. 21 the child Samuel"grew before the LOBD "l^.Faces, countenance, D'j? panim. Gen. 6. 11 The earth also was corrupt before God 6. 13 The end of all flesh is come before me 7. I for thee have I seen righteous before me Gen. 10. 9 Ho was a mighty hunter before the LoitD 10. 9 the mighty hunter before the Lord 13. 9 (Is) not tlie whole land before thee? 13. 10 well watered every where, before the Lord 17.- I walk before me, and be tliou perfect 17. 18 O that Ishmael might live before thee ! 18. 8 which he had dressed, and set (it) before 18. 22 Abraham stood yet before the Lord 19. 27 place where he stood before the Lord 20. 15 Behold, my land (is) before thee : dwell lO.On the face, D'JQ Sy al panim. Gen. II. 28 Haran'died before his father Terah In the 21. Over-against, h^n qobal. 2 Ki. 15. 10 smote him before the people, and slew 22.0ver-against, S"?;? qebel. Dan. 2. 31 brightness (was) excellent, stood before 3. 3 they stood before the image that N. 5. 1 Belshazzar. .drank wine before the 2Z.The east, what is before, Dij: qedem. Psa. 139. s Thou hast beset mV behind and before Prov. 8. 22 of his way, before his works of old Isa. 9. 12 The Syrians before, aud the Philistines 24. The east, what is before, DTf). qodam. Ezra 4. 18 Theletter.. hath been plainlyrcad before 4. 23 Now when the copy, .(was) read before 7. 19 (those) deliver thou before the God of Dan. 2. 9 speak before me, till the time be changed a. 10 The Chaldeans answered before the king 2. It none other that can show it before the 2. 24 bring me in before the king, and I will 2. 25 Arioeh brought in Daniel before the king 2. 36 the interpretation thereof before the king 3. i»3 they brought these men before the king 4. 6 the wise (men) of Babylon before me 4. 7 and 1 told the dream before them ; but 4. 8 at the last Daniel came in before me 4. 8 and bef (Jre him I told the dream, (saying) 5. 13 Then was Daniel brought in before the 5. 15 astrologers, have been brought in before 5. 17 Then Daniel answered, .before theTiing 5. 23 they have brought the vessels, .before 6. 10 he kneeled, .gave thanks before his God 6. II foundDaniel..makingsupplication before 6. 12 they, .spake before the king concerning 6. 13 Then answered they, and said before the 6. 18 instruments of musick brought before 6. 22 and also before thee, O king, have I done 6. 26 men tremble and fear before the God of 7. 7 all the beasts that (were) before it 7. 8 before whom there were three of the first 7,10 A fiery stream, .came forth from before 7. 10 ten thousand times ten thousand., before 7. 13 and they brought him near before him 25. The heart, inner part, ^"ip^ qereb. Exodio. I that I might shew these my signs before 26.First, former, ji^Ni rishon. Num. 6. 12 but the days that were before shall be Josh. 8. 33 as Moses, .had commanded before I Ki. 13. 6 the king's hand, .became as. .before iT.From, the east, Qt^ ]p. Dan. 5. 19 all people, .feared before him 6. 26 tremble and fear before the God of Daniel 7. 8 before whom there were three of the first 7. 20 and (of) the other, .before whom three fell 28. Yesterday, third day, d'ib'Jjb' ViDfi temol shilshom Gen. 31. 2 behold, it (was) not toward him as before 31. s that it (is) not toward me as before ; but Josh. 4. 18 the waters, .flowed, .as (they did) before 29.From, oTrt! apo. Acts 7. 45 whom Goddrave out before the face of 1 Jo. 2. 28 we may.. not be ashamed before him ZO. If... not first, i^v fii) irpSrepov eanme proteron. John 7. 51 Doth our law judge., man before it hear 31. 7*0, towards, cis eis. Acts 22. 30 brought Paul, .and set him before them Jas. 2. 6 rich men . . draw you before the judgment 32.70 the face, eis •np6cro!TTOv eis prosopon. 2 Co. 8. 24 Wherefore shew ye to them, and before 33.i^oTO over-against, airivavn apenanti. Matt 27. 24 Pilate, .washed (his) hands [before] the Rom. 3. 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes Zi.In front of, inirpoad^v emprosthen. Matt, s- 15 Let your light so shine before men 5. 24 Leave there thy gift before the altar 6. I that ye do not your alms before men 6. 2 do not sound a trumpet before thee 7. 6 neither cast ye your pearls before swine 10. 32 Whosoever.. shall confess me before men 10. 32 him will I confess also before my Father 10. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men 10. 33 him will I also deny before my Father 11. 10 1 send my messenger before thy face 17. 3 was transfigured before them : and his 35. 32 before him shall be gathered all nations 26. 70 he denied before (them) all, saying, I 37. II Jesus stood before the governor : and the 27. 29 they bowed the knee before him, and Mark i. 2 1 send my messenger [before] thy face 9. 2 and he was transfigured before them Luke s- 19 they . .let him down, .before Jesus 7. 27 which shall prepare thy way before thee IS. 8 Whosoever shall confess me before men 12. 8 him shall the Son . . confess before the 14. 2 there was a certain man before bin Luke 19. 4 he ran hefore, and climbed up into a 19. 27 bring hitlier, and slay (tliem) befoic m« 19. 28 he wcDtbefore,asccnclingupto Jeiusalem 21. 36 and to stand before tlie Son of man John J. 15 preferred before nie ; for he was before I. 27 coming after me is preferred before oie I. 30 Cometh a man., preferred before me 3. 28 not the Christ, but tliat I am sent before 10. 4 he putteth forth, .he goeth before them 12. 37 he had done so many miracles before Acts 18. 17 Greeks, .beat him before tlie judgment 2 Co. 5. 10 we must all appear before the judgment Gal. 2. 14 I said unto Peter before (tliem) all. If Phil. 3. 13 unto those things whicli are^ before I Th. 3. 9 we joy for your sakes before our God 3. 13 unblameable in holiness before God I Jo. 3. 19 we. .shall assure our hearts before him Kcv. 4. 6 And before the tlirone. a sea of glass 22. 8 I fell down to worsliip before the feet of 35. In the midst, iv (tw juetr^) en to mcsO. Matt 14. 6 the daughter of Herodias danced before Acts s- 27 they set. .before the council : and the 36. In before, tvavTt enanti. Luke I. 8 heexecutedthepriest'3o£Bce[before]God 57. In bifore, ivavrlov enantion. Mark 2. 12 went forth before them all ; insomuch Luke2o. 26 could not take hold . . before the people 24. 19 mighty in deed and word before God and Acts 8. 32 and like a lamb dumb before his shearer 38./n the face, ivegin BEGIN, to — 1. To begin, hhn chalal, &. Gen. 6. I when men began to multiply on the face Q. 2o And Uoah began, .an husbandman, aud 10. 8 he began to be a mighty one in the earth 11. 6 And the LOBD said, .this they begin to do 41 54 the seven years of dearth began to come 44. 12 Aud he searched, (and) began at the KaiDi6. 46 Tike a censer.. the plague is begun 16. 47 behold the plague was begun among tUe 25. I the people began to commit whoredom Deut. 2. 24 begin to possess (it), aud contend with 2. 25 Tliis day will I begin to put the dread of 2. 31 1 have begun to give . . begin to possess 3. 24 thou hast begun to show thy servant thy 16. 9 begin to number the seven weeks from Josh. 3. 7 This day will I begin to magnify thee Judgio. 18 What man (is he) that will begin to fight 13. 5 and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of 13. 25 the Spirit of the Lord began to move him 16. 19 she began to afflict him, and'his strength 16. 22 the hair of his head began to grow again 80. 31 they began to smite of the people, (and) 20. 39 Benjamin began to smite (and) kill of the 20. 40 But when the flame began to arise up t Sa. 3. 2 his eyes began to wax dim, (that) he 3. 12 when I begin, I will also make an end 23. IS Did I then begin to enquire of God for 3 Ki. iQ. 32 In those days the Lord began to cut 15. 37 In those days the Lord began to send I Ch'. I. 10 he began to be mighty upon the earth 27. S4 Joab the son of Zemiah began to number. 3 Ch. 3, 1 Then Solomon began to build the house 3.* 2 And he began to build in the second 2o. 22 And when they began to sing and to 29. 17 Now they began on the first (day) of the 29. 27 the burnt offering began, the song, .began 31. 7 In the third month they began to lay 31. 10 Since (the people) began to bring the 31. 21 And in every work that he began in the 34. 3 he began to seek after the God of David Ezra 3. 6 From the first day.. began they to offer 3. 8 Now in. .second year, .began Zerubbabel Tfeh. 4. 7 that the breaches began to be stopped £sUi. 6, 13 before whom thou hast begun to fall 9. 23 the Jews undertook to do as they. .begun Jer. 25. 29 I begin to bring evil on the city which is Eze. 9. 6 begin at my sanctuary. Then they begaft JoD. 3. 4 And Jonah began to enter into the city 2. To be begun, VSij chalal, 6. Geo. 4. 26 then began (men) to call npon the name 3. To begin, be pleased, '>>Sl yaal, 5. Deut. I. 5 On this side Jordan, .began Moses to 4. To begin, solve, loose, Kli^ sTiere, 3. Ezra 5. a Zerubbabel . . and began to build the 5.T0 begin, commence, &pxofiai archomau Matt. 4. 17 Jesus began to preach, and to say II. 7 Jesus began to say unto the multitudes It. 2o Then began he to upbraid the cities 13. I his disciples . .began to pluck the ears of 14. 30 beginning to sink, he cried. .Lord, save 16. 21 From that time forth began Jesus to 16. '22 Peter took him, and began to rebuke 18. 24 when he ]>ad begun to reckon, one was so. 8 Call the labourers, .beginning from the 34. 49 And shall begin to smite Qiia) fellow 3& 22 they . .began every one of them to say 26. 37 he. .began to be sorrowful and very 26. 74 Then began he to curse and to swear iiaxk 1. 45 he went out, and began to publish (it) 2. 23 his disciples began, as they went, to 4. I he began again to teach by the seaside 5. 17 they began to pra; him to depart oat Matt. 5. 20 he departed, and began to publish in 6. 2 he began to teacli in the synagogue 6. 7 he. .began to send them forth by two and 6. 34 he began to teach them many things 6. 55 began to carry about in beds those that 8. II the Pharisees, .began to question with 8. 31 he began to teach them, that the Son of 8. 32 Peter took him, and began to rebuke lo. 28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo 10. 32 he. .began to tell them what things 10. 41 they began to be much displeased with 10. 47 he began to cry out, and say, Jesus 11. 15 Jesus, .began to cast out them that sold 12. I he began to speak unto them by parables 13. 5 Jesus answering them began to say. Take 14. 19 they began to be sorrowful, and to say 14. 33 he. .began to be sore amazed, and 14. 65 some.begau to spit on him, and to cover 14. 69 a maid, .began to say to them that stood 14. 71 he began to curse and to swear. .1 know 15. 8 the multitude, crying aloud, began to 15. 18 began to salute him. Hail. King of ..Jews Lake 3. 8 begin not to say within yourselves, v. 23. 4. 21 he began to say unto them. This day is 5. 21 the scribes and the Pharisees begau to 7. 15 he that was dead sat up, and began to 7. 24 he began to speak unto the people 7. 38 began to wash his feet with tears, and 7. 49 they that sat. .began to say within 9. 12 when the day began to wear away, then 1 1. 29 he begau to say. This is an evil generation 11. S3 the scribes and the Pharisees began to 12. I he began to say unto his disciples first of 12. 45 shall begin to beat the men servants and 13. 25 ye begin to stand without, aud to knock 13. 26 Then shall ye begin to say. We have 14. 9 thou begiu with shame to take the lowest 14. 1.8 all with one (consent) began to make 14. 29 Lest, .all that behold (it) begin to mock 14. 30 This man began to build, and was not 15. 14 when he had spent, .he be.?an to be in 15. 24 lost. .And they began to be meiry ig. 37 the whole multitude., began to rejoice 19. 45 began to cast out them that sold therein 20. 9 Then began he to speak to the people 21. 28 when these things begin to come to pass 32. 23 they began to enquire among themselves 23. 2 they began to accuse him, saying. We 23. 5 beginning from Galilee to this place 23. 30 Then shall they begin to say to the 24, 27 beginning at Moses and all the Prophets 24. 47 among all nations, beginning. .Jerusalem John 8. 9 [they, went out one by one, beginning at) 13. 5 he. .began to wash the disciples' feet Acts I. I of all that, .began both to do and teach 1. 22 Beginning from the baptism of John 2. 4 they . .began to speak vrith other tongues 8. 35 Philip, .began at the same scripture, and 10. 37 That word.. began from Galilee, after the 11. 15 as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell t8. 26 he begau to speak boldly in the synagogue 24. 2 Tertallus began to accuse (him), saying 27, 3S when he had broken (it), he began to eat 2 Co. 3. I Do we begin again to commend ourselves? 1 Pe. 4. 17 judgment must begin at the house of God 6.T0 begin in, ivdpxofiat enarchomai. Gal. 3. 3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Phil. 1. 6 he which hath begun a good work in you 7 To begin be/ore, ■ proenarchomai, 2 Co. 8. 6 that as he had begun, so he would also 8. To be about to, fieWu melld. Rev. 10. 7 when he shall begiu to sound, the BEGUr at the first, to — To receive a beginning, JiafiPdvu apx'h''- Heb. 2. 3 which at the first began to he spoken "by BEGIN before, to — To begin before, irpoevdpxo/Jiat proenarchomai, 2 Co. 8. 10 who havejjegun before, not only to do BEGIN to be. to — Was beginning, ?ji> apxifn-fvoi en archomenos. Luke 3. 23 Jesus.himself begau to be about thirty [See also Amend, build, dark, dawn, reign, sink spring, wanton, world.) BEGINNINQ — l.Then, in az. Isa. 48. 3 declared the former things from the h. 48. 5 I have even from the beginning declared 2. Head, b-kt rosh. E'xodi2. 2 This montji. .unto you the beginning of Namio. 10 in the beginnings of your months, ye 28. II in the beginnings of your months ye shall Deut 32. 42 from the beginning of revenges upon the Judg. 7. 19 came unto, .in the beginning of the Pla 119. i6o Thy word (is) true (from) the beginuing Prov. 8. 23 I was set up from, .from the beginning Eccl. 3. II that God maketh from the beginning to Isa. 40. 21 hath it not been told you from the beg. 41. 4 calling the generations from the beg. 41. 26 Who hath declared from the beginning 48. 16 not spoken in secret from the beginuing Lam. 2. 19 in the beginning of the watches pour out Eze. 40. I in the beginning of the year, in the tenth ^.ffead, nfK-\ rishah. Eze. 36. II do better (uoto you) tlian at yoor begin. i.First, former, jiDHT rishon. Euth 3. to more kindness, .than at the beginning 1 Ch. 17. 9 waste them any more, as at tho beginning Prov.2o. 21 inlieritance. gotten hastily at the begin. Jer. 17. 12 A glorious high tlirone from the beginning S.First, former, n'vtri. reshith. Gen. I. 1 In the beginning God created the heaven 10. 10 the beginning of his kingdom was Babel 49. 3 my might, and the beginning of my Deutii. t2 from the beginning of the year even unto 2t. 17 for he (is) the beginning of his strength Job 8. 7 Though thy beginuing was small, yet thy 42. 12 latter end of Job more than his beg. Psa.iii. 10 The fear of the Lord (is) the beginning Prov. I. 7 The fear of the Lord'Os) the beginning 8. 22 The Lord possessed me in the beginuing 17. 14 The beginning of strife (is as) when one EccL 7. 8 Better (is) the end., than the beginning Isa. 46. 10 Declaring the end from the beginning Jer. 26. I In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim 27. I In the beginning of the reign of .Tehoiakim 28. I in the beginning of the reign ot Zedekiah 49. 34 in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah Mlc. 1. 13 she (is) the beginning of the sin to the ^.Beginning, Gen. 13. 3 4t. 21 Euth I. 22 a Sa. 21. 9 21. 10 2 Kl. 17. 25 Ezra 4. 6 Keh. II. 17 Prov. 9. 10 Eccl. 10. 13 Isa. 1. 25 Dan. 9. 21 9.23 Hos. I. 2 Amos 7. I commencement, •"i)n? iechillak. where his tent had been at the beginning., they (were) still ill favoured, as at the beg. came to B. in the beginning of barley the first (days) in the beginning of barley from the beginning of harvest until water it was at the beginning of their dwelling in the beginning of his reign, wrote they the principal to begin tlie thanksgiving The fear of the Lord (is) the beginning of The beginning of the words of his mouth restore, .thy counsellors as at the beg. whom I had seen in the vision at the beg. At the beginning of thy supplications tho The beginning of the word of the Lord in the beginning of the shooting up of tha 7. Beginning, apxiQ arche. Matt 19 4 he which made, .at the beginning made 19. 8 but from the beginuing it was not so 24. 8 All these (are) the beginning of sorrows 24. 21 such as was not since the beginning of Mark i. i The beginning of the gospel of Jesus to. 6 from the beginning of the creation God 13. 8 These (are) the beginnings of sorrows 13. 19 such as was not from the beginning of Luke I. 2 which from the beginning were eye witn. John I. I In the beginning was the Word, and the 1. 2 The same was in the beginning with God 2. II This beginning of miracles did Jesus 6. 64 Jesus knew from the beginning who they 8. 25 that I said unto you from the beginning 8. 44 He was a murderer from the beginning 15. 27 ye have been with me from the beginning 16. 4 these things I said not. .at the beginning Acts II. 15 fell on them, as on us at the beginning Phil. 4. 15 that in the beginning of the gospel, when Col. I. 18 who is the beginning, the firstborn from 2 Th. 2. 13 because God hath from the beginning Heb. I, 10 Thou, Lord, in the beginuing hast laid 3. 14 if we hold the beginning of our confidence 7. 3 having neither beginning of days, nor 2 Pe. 3. 4 continue as. .from the beginuing of tha 1 Jo. I I which was from the beginning, which wa 2. 7 old commandment. .from the beginuing 2. 7 word, .have heard from the Ibeginning) 2. 13, 14 ye have known him. .from the beg. 2. 24 heard from the beginning, .from the beg. 3. 8 for the devil sinneth from the beginning 3. II message ye heard from the beginning 2 Jo. 5 that which we had from the beginning 6 That, as ye have heard from the beg. Rev. I. 8 I am Alpha and Omega, [the beginuing] 3, 14 true witness, the beginuing of the 21. 6 I am Alpha aud Omega, the beginning 22. 13 beginning and the end, the first aud the ?i.First, former, irpuros protos. 2 Pe. 2. 20 the latter eud is worse. .than the beg. BEGINNING, at the — First, former, irpurov prdlon. John 2. 10 Every man at the beginning doth set BEGINNING, from the — From above, Svoiflec anilhen. Acts 26. s Which knew me from the beglnQing, If iSee also Rehearse, world.] BEGOTTEN — l.Birth, ni^iD moledelh. Lev. i8.'ii begotten of thy father, she (is) thy sister 2.T0 go out, ny; yatsa. Judg. 8. 30 Gideon bad . . sons ot his body begotteu BEGOTTEN (Son), only- Only-born, chief, nofoyevris monogenei. John 1. 14 glory as of the only begotten of tlje F. 1. 18 the only begotten Son, which is in the 3. 16 that he gave his only begotten Son, that 3. 18 in the name of the only begotten Son-of I Jo. 4. 9 that God sent his only begotten Son into U eb. 11.17 and he . . offered up hi^ oply begotten (souj BEGOTTEN 84 BEHOLD BEGOTTEN, first — First-burn, iroMTdroKOS prOtotokos. _ Hcb I 6 when he luingeth ill the first begotten into Rev.' I. 5 the first begouen o£ the dead, and the BEGOTTEN, to be — TV) he born, "iS" yalad, 2. Deut23. 8 The children that are begotten of them BEGUILE, to — l.To deceive, hji naknl, 3. Mum 25. x8 wherewith they have beguiled you in the ZTo beguile, lift up, KV} nasha, 5. Gen. 3. 13 The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat 3.T0 throw, cast down, hot ramah, 3. Oen 20 zovhcrefore then hast thou beguiled me? Josh. 9.' 22 Wherefore have ye beguiled us, saying 4.T0 entrap, SeXcdCw deleazo. 2 Pe. 2. f 4 cannot cease from sin ; beguiling unstable 5.T0 deceive greatly, ^l«"»^«" .f^"^,"'"f/_„ , v,., 2 Co. 1 1. 3 as the serpent beguiled Kve through his 6. To reason wrongly, ■^apa\oylCoi^a.i. Col. 2. 4 this Isay, lest any man should beguile you BEGUILE of one's reward, to — ^ To award the palm against one, Kara^paPevu. Col. 2. 18 Let no man beguile you of your reward BEHALF — , Fart, share, portion, tifposmeros. _ ,..„v,„^,,, 2 Co Q. 3 boasting . . should be in vain In this behalf 1 Pe! t 16 but let him glorify God on this [behalf] SEHALF of, in the — On behalf of, for, u-r^p [gen.) huper Phil. ,.29 unto you it is given in the behalf of Chnat BEHALF, on — j, , > /j , \ ■ l.Jn 'addition to, on account of, 67r< {dat)epi. Bom. 16. 19 I am glad therefore on your behalf : but %Concerning, about, -irepi (gen.) peri. iCo. I. 4 1 thank my God always on your behalf 3. On behalf of, for, fiir/p (gm.) huper. 2 Co ,., I thanks may be given.. on our behalf e 12 cive you occasion to glory on our behalf 8. 24 the proof, .of our boasting on your behalf BEHAVE, to — To compare, equal, m.«' shavah, ■!• Paa. 131. 2 I have behaved and quieted myself, as a BEHAVE self, (teemly, uncomely), to— l.To qo on for one's self, ■^r}halak, 7. Psa. 35. 14 I behaved myseU as though, .my friend 2 To turn roimd again, avaaTp( hlepo. Matt. 7. 3 why beholdest thou the mote that is in 18. 10 their angels do always behold the face of Iiuke 6. 41 why beholdest thou the mote that is in 6. 42 when thou thyself beholdest not the 24. 12 [he beheld the linen clothes laid by] Acts I. 9 while they beheld, he was taken up ; and J Co. 10. 18 Behold Israel after the flesh : are not Eev 17. 8 when they behold the beast that was, and 10. Tb see, flSew, elSov eideo, eidon. Mark 9. 15 the people, when they beheld him, were Luke 19. 41 he beheld the city, and wept over it 21. 29 Behold the fig tree, and all the trees ez. s6 a certain maid beheld him as he sat by LiiKe24. 39 r.cliold my hands and my feet, that It 19 J0I1U20. 27 Heath hither thy Hn^er, and behold my Acts 13. 41 Behold, ye despiscrs, and wonder, and Itom n. 22 Behold therefore the goodness and 1 Jo. 3. 1 Behold what manner of love tlic Kathcr Key. 5. b I beheld, and, lo, in tlie midst of the 5. II I beheld, and I heard the von* of many 6. 5 I beheld, and lo a black horse : and he 6. 12 I beheld when he had opened the sixth 7. 9 After thi» 1 bcJield, and, hi, a great 8. 13 I beheld, and heard an angel Hying 13. II I beheld another beast coming up out of 11. To look on or upon, (jifiKtiru emhlcpO. Matt 19. 26 But Jesus beheld and said unto them Luke2o. 17 he beheld them, and said. What is thii John I. 42 when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou 12. Tn look over, or upon, eVowTeua) cpopteuu. 1 Pe. 2. 12 good works, which they shall behold 3. 2 While they behold your chaste tonvcrsa. 13. To look iipnn, icpopaw, iirflhov cphnrdo, rjicidniu Acts 4. 29 now. Lord, [behold] their thrcatenings 14.7*0 view, Bedofiai ihcaomai. Luke 23. 55 the women also, beheld the sepulchre Joliu I. 14 we beheld his glory, the glory as of the 15. To view, 6(wpfoi iheCire.O. Marlci2. 41 beheld how the people ca9t money into 15. 47 Mary Magdalene, beheld where lie was Luke 10. 18 I beheld Satan as liglitning fall from 14. 29 Lest .all that behold (it) begin to mock 21. 6 these things which ye behold, the day . John 17. 24 they may behold my glory, which thou Eev II. 12 ascended. .and their enemies beheld them 16. To observe fully, Karavoeui katanoco. Acta 7. 31 as he drew near to behold (it), the voire 7. 32 Moses trembled, and durst not behold Jas. I. 24 he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way EEHOU) as in a glass, to — To see on^'s self in a mirror, KaroTTTplCopi0.i. 2 Co. 3. 18 beholding as in a glass the gloKy of tho ' BEHOLD, to cause to — To [cause to) look attentively, 1333 najbat, 5. Hab. 1. 3 Why dost' thou, .cause (me) to behold BEHOLDnro— - l.To see, Wi, raah. Psa 1 19. 37 Turn away mine eyes frora beholding i.Seeing, sight, nix"} reuth. Ecel. 5. II saving the beholding.. with their eyes? 3. To view, Betiipiw theore5. ' Matt 27. 55 many women were there beholding afar Luke 23. 35 the people stood beholding. .A.nd thOi 23. 48 all the people, .beholding *he things Acts 8. 13 beholding the miracles and signs which 4. To behold, /3A/irw blepo. Acts 4. 14 beholding the man which was healed CoL 2. 5 joying and beholding your order, and tho 5. To behold intensely, ^/j.0\eira> evihlepd. Markio. 21 Then Jesus beholding him, loved him 6. To observe fully, Karavoew katanoeo. Jas. T. 23 like unto a man beholding his natural 7. To see, bpdai horaS. Luke23. 49 his acquaintance, .stood afar.. beholding [See aleo Earnestly, steadily.] BEHOVE, to — To be binding on, Set (ace.), tlei. Luke 24. 46 thus [it behoved] Christ to suffer, and to BEHOVETH one, it — To owe, o CIi. 7. 6 of Beujainin ; B. and Becher, and Jediael 7. 7 the sons of Bela ; Ezbon. and Vizi, and 8. I Benjamin begat B. his firstborn, Ashbel 8. 3 the sous of B. were, Addar. and Gera and 4. A eon of Aza^ of the tribe of Reuben. I Ch. 5. 8 Bela the son of Azaz, the son of Shema BE-LA-ITES, -y^S belonging to Bela. Descendants of the preceding Bela. Num 25 38 of Bela, the family of the Belaites . of BELCH out, to — To cause to flow, utter, send forth., VZ} naba, 5. Psa. 59. 7 Behold, they belch out with their mouth BELf-AL, Sy:S3 worthless, reckless, lawless. This should not be regarded as a proper name. It Is generally associated with the words "man," "son," "daughter," or "chilren." Hence "sod" or "man" of Belial, simply means "a worthless person." In the New Testament the form of the word is Beliar {0€\lap not 0e\la\ as given in the common version). Deut 13. 13 men, the children of B., are gone oui Judg 19. 23 certain sons of B., beset the hou:>e round 20. 13 deliver (us) the men, the children of B- % S3. I. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a dau. of B 2. 12 Now the sons of Eli (were) sons of B. 10. 27 the children of B. said. How shall this eS. 17 for he (is such) a son of B., that (a man) jj. 25 Let not my Lord regard this man of B. 30.22 Then answered all the wicked men...of B, «Sa. 16. 7 Come out, come out thou man of B. ao. I there happened to be there a man of B. 6 But (the sons) of B. all of them as thorns . ID set two men, sons of B., before him, to . 13 there came in two men, children of U. , 13 the men of B. witnessed against him _. 7 there are gathered unto him child, of B. a Cor. 6. 1 % what concord hath Christ with B. 7 BELIE, to — To lie to, be false, lynp kachash, 3.. Jer. 5. 12 They have belied the Lord, and satd BELIEF — Confidence, trust, Ttlam pistis. a Th. 2. I J through sanctiltlcallon of the Spirit, and »3- 1KI21. 21. rCh.13. BELIEVE, to — \.To remain sledfast, ]QH aman, 5. Gen. 13. 6 he believed in the Lord ; and he counted 45. 26 Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed Exod. 4. I they will not believe me, nor hearken 4. s That they may believe that the Lord God 4. 8 it shall come to pass, if they will not be. 4. 8 they will believe the voice of the latter 4. q if they will not believe also these two 4. 31 the people believed, and when they heard 14.31 believed the Lord, and his servant Moses ig. 9 that the people may hear, and believe Nura 14. II how long will it be-ere they believe me 20. 12 Because ye believed me not, to sanctify IJeut. I. 32 in this thing ye did not believe the Lord 9. 23 ye believed him not, nor hearkened to his I Sa. 27. 12 Achish believed David, saying. He hath 1 Ki. 10. 7 Howbeit 1 believed not the words, until 2 Ki. 17. 14 that did not believe in the Lord their God a Ch. 9. 6 Howbeit I believed not their words, until 20. 20 Believe in the LORD, believe his prophets 32. 15 nor persuade you .neither yet believe Job. 9. 16 would I not believe that he. hearkened 15. 22 He believeth not that he shall return out 29. 24 (H) I laughed on them, they believed (it) 39 12 Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring 39 24 neither believeth he that (it is) the sound Psa. 27. 13 unless I had believed to see the goodness 78. 22 Because they believed not in God, and 78. 32 and believed not for his wondrous works 106. 12 Then believed they his words ; they sang 106. 24 they despised the pleasant land; they be. 116. 10 I believed, therefore have I spoken: 1 119. 66 for I have believed thy commandments Prov. 14. 1 5 The simple believeth every word but the 26 25 When he speaketh fair, believe him not Isa. 7. g If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not 28. 16 he that believeth shall not make haste 43. 10 that ye may know and believe me, and 53. 1 Who hath believed our report? and to Jer. 13. fr believe them not, though they speak fair 40. 14 Gedaliah thesonofAhikam believed not Lam. 4. 12 The kings would not have believed that Dan. 6. 33 taken up out because he believed in his Jon. 3. s So the people of Nineveh believed God Uab. I. s ye will not believe, though it be told 2. 7*0 be persuaded, n-el9ofiat peit/iomai. Acts 17 4 some of them believed, and consorted 27. II Nevertheless the centurion believed the 28. 24 some believed the things which were 3. To adhere to, trust, rely on, ■niaTeiw pisteud. Matt. 8. 1 J as thou hast believed, (so) be it done unto 9. 28 Believe ye that I am able to do this? i8. 6 one of these little ones which believe in 21. 23 whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believ. ji 35 Why did ye not then believe him? 21. 32 believed him not believed him. . might b. 24. 23 Lo, here (is) Christ, or there ; believe fit) 84. 26 (he is) in the secret chambers ; believe (it) 27. 43 let him comedown and we will believe 36 unto the ruler. .Be not afraid, only believe 23 If thou canstfbelieve).. him that believeth 24 Lord, I believe ; help thou mine unbelief 43 offend one of. little ones that (believe) in 53 shall believe that those things which ha 24 when ye pray, believe that ye receive 31 will say, Why then did ye not believe him! 21 or, lo, (he is) there , believe (him) not 33 descend that we may see and believe 16. 13 (they went and told, neither believed) 16. 14 (because they believed not them which ] 16. 16 (He that believeth shall be saved ; but) 16. 17 (these signsshallfollowthemthatbelieve) Luke I. 20 because thou believest not my words I. 45 blessed (is) she that believed : for there 8. 13 lest they should believe and be saved 8. Ig have no root, which for a while believe 8. 50 believe only, and she shall be made whole JO. 5 he will say. Why then believed ye him 22. 67 he said If I tell you. ye will not believe John I. 7 that all (men) through him might believe 1. 12 power to them that believe on his name ». so I saw thee under the fig tree, believest a. II miracles and his disciples believed on 3. 22 they believed the Stripture, and the word a. 23 many believed in his name, when they saw 3. 12 and ye believe not, how shall ye believe 3. 15 That whosoever believeth in him should 3. 16 that whosoever believeth in him should 3. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemn. 3. 18 he that believeth not is condemned al. 3. 18 because he hath not believed in the name 3. 36 He that believeth on the Son of man hath 4. 21 Woman, believe me, the hour cometh 4. 39 many of the Samaritans . . believed on him 4. 41 many more believed because of his own 4. 43 Now we believe, not because of thy saying 4. 48 Except ye see signs ye will not believe 4. 50 the man believed the word that Jesus 4. S3 and himself believed, and his. whole house 5. 24 believeth on him that sent me, hath ever. 5. 38 whom he hath sent, him ye believe not 5. 44 How can ye believe, which receive honour 5. 46 had ye believed Moses, ye would have b. 5. 47 if ye believe not his writings J. 47 how shall ye believe my words? 6. 29 that ye believe on him whom he hath 6. 30 that we may see, and believe thee? what 6. 35 he that believeth on me shall never thirst 6. 36 That y^also hav« seen me, and believe Mark 3. 9 9- 9- II. la- 's John 6. 40 which seeth the Son, and believeth on 6. 47 He that believeth on me hath everlasting 6. 64 some of you that believe not. believed 6. 69 we believe and are sure that thou art that 7. 5 For neither did his brethren believe in 7. 31 many of the people believed on him, and 7. 38 He that believeth on me, as the Scripture 7. 39 which they that believe on him should 7. 48 Have any of the rulers, believed onhimt 8. 24 if ye believe not that I am (he), ye shall 8. 30 As be spake these words many believed 8. 31 said to those Jews which believed on 8. 45 because I tell the truth, ye believe me 8. 46 if I say the truth, why do ye not believe g. 18 the Jews did not believe concerning him 9. 35 Doat thou believe on the Son of God ? 9. 36 Who is he . . that I might believe on him T g. 38 he said, Lord, (I believe.) And he 10. 25 1 told you, and ye believed not 10. 26 ye believe not, because ye are not of my 10. 37 If 1 dg not the works .believe me not 10. 38 though ye believe not me, believe the 10. 38 that ye may know and (believe,) that the JO. 42 And many believed on him there 11. 15 to the intent ye may believe ; nevertheless II. 25 he that believeth in me, though he were II. 26 whosoever, believeth in me shall never II. 27 Believest thou this? I believe that thou II. 40 if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest 11.42 that they may believe that thou hast sent II. 45 Then many of the Jews believed on him 1 1. 48 If we let him thus alone, all will believe «2. II of the Jews went away, and believed on J. 36 While ye have light, believe in the light 37 done many miracles, yet they believed 38 Lord, who hath believed our report? and 39 Therefore they could not believe, because 42 among the chief rulers also many believed 44 He that believeth on me, believeth not 46 whosoever believeth on me should not 47 if any man hear my words, and [believe) 19 that ye may believe that I am (he) 1 ye believe in God, believe also in me 10 Believest thou not that 1 am in the Father 11 Believe me that I (am) in the Father, and 11 or else believe me for the very works' 12 I say unto you. He that believeth on me 29 when it is come to pass, ye might believe 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me 27 and have believed that I came out from 30 by this we believe that thou camest forth 31 Jesus answered them. Do ye now believet 8 they have believed that thou didst send 20 which shaU believe on me through their 21 that the world may believe that thou hast 35 that he saith true, that ye might believe ao. B went in also that other and believed 20. 25 thrust, into his side, I will not believe 20. 29 thou hast believed .and have believed 120. 31 thatyemight believe, .and that believing Acts 2. 44 all that believed were together, and had 4. 4 many of them heard the word believed 4. 32 the multitude of them that believed v/ere 8. 12 when they believed Philip preaching the B. 13 Simon himself believed also : and when' 8. 37 [If thou believest. I believe) 9. 26 and believed not that he was a disciple Q. 42 it was known and many believed in the 10. 43 whosoever believeth in him.shall receive 11. 17 unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus ■ I. 21 agreat number believed, and turned unto 13. 12 when he saw what was done, believed •3- 39 hy him all that believe are justified from • 3. 41 a work which ye shall in no wise believe 13. 48 as. were ordained toeternal life believed 14. I a multitude both of the Jews, .believed 14. 23 to the Lord, on whom they believed t',. 5 there rose up certain of. which believed 15. 7 Gentiles, word of the gospel, and believe 15. II we believe that through the grace of the «6. 31 they said. Believe on the Lord Jesus 16. 34 believing in God with all his house 17. 12 Therefore many of them believed ; also 17. 34 men clave unto him, and believed 18. 8 believed on the Lord, hearing believed 18. 27 helped them much which had believed 19. 2 received the Holy Ghostsinceyc believed? 19. 4 they should believe on him lyhich should 19. 18 many that believed came, and confessed ai. 20 thousandsof Jews there are which believe 21. 25 As touching the Gentiles which believe 22. 19 beat in every synagogue, that believed 24. 14 believing all things which are written 26. 27 believest thou.. I know thou believest 27. 25 be of good cheer : for I believe God B«m. I. 16 power of Qod, every one that believeth 3. 22 unto all and upon all them that believe 4. 3 Abraham believed God, and it was - 4. 5 believeth on him that justifieth the 4. II he might be the fatherof all them that be. 4. 17 before him whom he believed, (even)God 4. 18 Who against hope believed in hope, that 4. 24 if we believe on him that raised up Jesus 6. 8 we believe that we shall also live with 9. 33 whosoever believeth on him shall not bo 10. 4 for righteousness to, one that believeth 10. 9 Shalt believe iu thine heart that God hath 10. 10 with the heart man believeth unto JO. 1 1 Whosoever believeth on him shall not be 10. 14 they have not believed. shall theybelieve 10. 16 Lord, who hath believed our report? 13. XI now (is) our siUvation . . when we believed II 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. »3- 14. 14. «4- 14- 14. 14. 16. 16. 16. 16. >7- »7- <7- ig. BELIEVE 87 BELOVED Rom 14. 2 one believeth that he may eat all things I Co. t. SI it pleased God. to save them that believe 3. s but ministers by whom ye believed II. 18 be divisions among you partly believe It 13. 7 Beareth all things, believetli all things 14. 23 not to them that believe . .that believe 15. 2 are saved unless ye have believed in 15. II they, so we preach, and so ye believed « Co. 4. 13 I believed we also believe, and therefore Oal. 2. 16 even we have believed in Jesus Christ 3. 6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it 3. 22 promise, be given to them that believe Eph. I. 13 in whom also, after that ye believed, ye 1. 19 who believe, according to. his mighty PhIL J. 29 not only to believe on him, but also to I Th. 1. 7 to all that believe in Macedonia and 2. 10 behaved ourselves among you that believe a. 13 effectually you that believe 4. 14 if we believe that Jesus died and rose a Th. 1. 10 that believe, .our testimony, believed 2. II delusion, that they should believe a lie 2. 12 might be damned who believed not the I TL I. 16 which should hereafter believe on him 3. 16 believed on in the world, received up a Tl. I. 12 I know whom I have believed, and am Titus 3. 8 they which have believed in God might Heb. 4. 3 we which have believed do enter into rest II. 6 he that cometh to God must believe that Jas. 2. 19 Thou believest. .the devils also believe 2. 23 Abraham believed God, and it was • Pe, I. 8 believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable 1. 21 Who by him do [believe) in God, that e. 6 he that believeth on him shall not be 2. 7 Onto you therefore which believe (he Is) I JO. 3. 23 Tliat we should believe on the name of 4. I believe not every spirit, but try the spirits 4. 16 we have known and believed the love 5. I Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the S. s he that believeth that .lesus is the Son Jude 5 afterward destroyed them that believed 4.7*0 remain sledfast in regard to, vtareiiD tir. 1 Jo. 5. to He that believeth on the Son of God 5. 10 he believeth not the record that God 5. 13 [that believe on . .that ye may believe on] B.To remain stedfast in, irKmiu) eV. Mark i. 15 saying, .repent ye, and believe the gospel 6. To remain sledfast on, rriaTevw iirl. Luke 24. S5 fools, and slow of heart toheUe7e all BELIEVE not, to — l.To be unpernuided, awfiBeo) apeitheS. John 3. 36 he that believeth not the Son shall not see Acts 17. 5 the Jews [which believed not,) moved 19. 9 when divers were hardened, and bell, not Rom 1 1. 30 as ye in times past have not believed God II. 31 Even so have these also now not believed 15. 3r from them that do not believe in Judea Heb. 3. i8 Bware he. .to them that believed not? It. 31 Rahab perished not with them that bet 2.70 be without trust, arrurTfoi ajyisted. Markie! 11 [they, when they had heard.. believed not] 16. 16 [he that believeth not shall be damned) Luke24. II as idle tales, and they believed them not 24. 41 while they yet believed not for Joy, and Acts 28. 24 which were spoken, and some believed n. Rot. 3. 3 what if some did not believe? shall thetr 2 Tl 2. 13 It we believe not. .he abideth faithful BEIIEVE, them that — To be of faith, elvat wlaTtais einai pisteos. Heb. 10. 39 but of them that believe to the saving of BELIEVED, most surely. — To bear, carry fully, w\i)poj3 sons of intelligence. A tribe that gave its name to several wells around the 27th station of the Israelites, and i6th from SinaL It lay between Moseroth and Horagidgad. Nam 33. 31 they departed from Moseroth, and B. 33. 32 they removed from B., and encamped at BENEVOLENCE — Good mind, eHvoia eunoia. I Co. 7. 3 render unto the wife due benevolecco BEN HA'-DAJ), T]D 13 son of Hadad. 1. A king of Syria, son of Tabrimon. He made a leagne vrith Asa, king of J udah, and invaded Israel, B.C. 951. 1 Ki. 15. 18 king Asa sent them to B., the son of 15. 20 So B. hearkened unto king Asa, and sent 2 Ch. 16. . 2 sent to B. king of Syria, that dwell at 16. 4 B., hearkened unto king Asa, and sent 2. Another king of Syria, who reigned in the time of Abab king of Israel, B.C. 901. 1 Kl. 30. I B. the king of Syria gathered .ill his 20. 2 said unto him, 'Jims said B., thy silver 20. 5 Thus speaketh B., saying, Altliough I 20. 9 he said unto the messengers of B., Tell 2o. 10 B. sent imto him, and said. The gods ao. 16 B. (was) drinking himself drunk in 2o. 17 B. sent out, and they told him, saying 20. 20 B. tlie king of Syria escaped on an 20. 26 it came to pass.. that B. numbered 20. 30 B. flud, and came into the city, into 20. 32 Thy servant B. saith, I pray thee, let mo 2o. 33 tliey said. Thy brother B. Then he said 20. 33 Then B. came forth to him ; and he a Ki. 6. 24 it came to pass after this, that B. king of 8. 7 B. the king of Syria was sick : and : 8. 9 Thy son B. king of Syria hath sent me 3. Son of Hazael, who succeeded him, B.C. 842. a Kl.;i3. 3 iutoiihe hand of B. the son of Hazael 13. 24 and B. his son reigned in his stead 13. 25 Jehoash. again out of the hand of B. Amos I. 4 which shall devour the palaces of B. 4. A general title of the kings of Damascus. Jer. 49. 27 it shall consume the palaces of B. BENH&'-IL, Vn'I3 strong, valiant. A prince of Judah under Jehoshaphat, B.C. 912. & 2 Ch. 17. 7 he sent to his princes, .to B., and to O. J BENHA'-NAN, ]:n-]^ very gracious. A son of Shimon, descended from Jephunneh.B.C. 1400, I Ch. 4. 20 the sons of Shimon.. B., and Tilon BE-NI'-NtI, 13'}3 posterity. A Levite who, with Neheraiah, sealed the covenant. Neh. 10. 13 [And their brethren]. .Hodijah, Bani, B. BEN-JA-'MIN, I'p;j3 son of the right hand. 1. The youngest son of Jacob, and the only one born ia Canaan. His birth occurred a short distance from Bethlehem, and where his mother Kachel died, naming him with her last breath Benoni "son of my sorrow." This name was changed by Jacob into Benjamin or Binyamin, B.C. 1732. Gen. 35. 18 but his father called him B. 35. 24 The sons of Rachel ; Joseph and B. 42. 4 B., Joseph's brother, Jacob sent not with 42. 36 Simeon (is) not, and ye will take B. 43. 14 may send away your other brother, andB. 43. 15 took double money in their hand, and B. 43. 16 when Joseph sav/ B. with them, he said 43. 29 he lifted up his eyes, and saw. ,B. 43. 34 B.'s mess was live times so much as any 44. 12 and the cup was found in B.'s sack 45. 12 youreyessee, andtheeyesofmybrotherB. 45. 14 he fell upon his brother B.'s neck, and 43. 14 and B. wept upon his neck 45. 22 but to B. he gave three hundred (pieces) 46. 19 of Rachel, Jacob's wife ; Joseph and B. 46. 21 the sons of B. (were) Belah, and Becher 49. 27 B. shall ravin as a wolf : in the morning Exod. 1. 3 [children of.Israel] . . Issachar, Zebulun.. B. Dent 33. 12 of B. he said. The beloved of the Lord I Ch. 2. 12 [sons of Israel]. .Dan, Joseph, and B. 7. 6 of B. ; Bela, and Becher, and Jediael 2. The tribe springing from Benjamin as well as the district occupied by it are frequently spoken of by this name. Num. I. ir of B. ; Abidan the son of Gideoni. I. 36 Of the children of B., by theirgeneratlona 1. 37 of the tribe of B. . .thirty and five thous. a. 22 the tribe of B. : and the captain of the • a. 22 sons of B. (shall be) Abidan the son ot. 7. 60 Abidan. .prince of the children of B. 10. 24 over the host of the tribe of . .B. (was) 13. 9 of the tribe of B., Palti the son of Rapliu 06. 38 The sons of B. after their families : of 26. 41 These.. the sons of B. after their families 34. 21 of the tribe of B., Elidad the son of Chis. Dent 27. 12 These shall stand. .Joseph, and B. Josh.18. 11 the lot of the tribe of the children of B. 18. 20 This . . the inheritence of the children of B. 18. 21 the cities of the tribe of the children of B. 18. 28 (is) the inheritance of the children of B. 21. 4 out of the tribe of B., thirteen cities 21. 17 out of the tribe of B., Gibeon with her Judg. I. 21 the children of B. did not drive out I. 21 Jebusites dwell with the children of B. S. 14 after thee, B., among thy people : out of lo. 9 Ammon passed . . to fight also against . . B. ag. 14 them. .byGibeah, which (belongeth) to B. eo. 3 Now the children of B. heard that the ao. 4 I.came into Gibeah that (belongeth) to P. 20. 10 may do, -when they come to Gibeah of B. ao. 12 sent men through all the tribe of B. so. I3j the children of B. would not hearken ao. 14 the children of B. gathered themselves eo. IS the children of B. were numbered at eo. 17 the men of Israel, besides B., were ao. 18 to the battle against the children of B. ? eo. 20 menofjlsrael went out to battle against B. eo. 21 the children of B. came forth out of eo. a3 shall I go . . against the children of B. eo. 24 came near against the children of B. ao. 25 B. went forth against them out of Gibeah 20. 28 shall I. .go out to battle against. .B. ao. 30 Israel went up against the children of B. ao. 31 the children of B. went out against the 20. 32 the children of B. said. They (are) smitten 20. 35 the Lord smote B. before Israel: and 20. 36 the children of B. saw that they were 20. 39 B. began to smite (and) kill of the men BENJAMIN 89 BEROTHAH Juilgzo. 41 tlie men o( B. were amazed : for tliey saw so. 44 there fell of B. eighteen thousand men BO. 46 So that all which fell that day of B. ao. 48 turned agaiu upon the children of B. 21. I There shall not any of ua give unto B. 31. 6 Israel repented them for B. their brother SI. 13 to Bpeak to the children of B. that (were) 31. 14 B. came agalu at that time , and at. IS the people repented them for B , because 31. j6 seeing the women are destroyed out of B? ai. 17 inheritance for them that be escaped of B. ai. 18 Cursed (be) he that giveth a wife to B. 31. JO they commanded the children of B. 31. 31 daughters of Shiloh, and go to land of B. sr. 33 the children of B. did ao, and took I 8a. 4. 13 there ran a man of B. out of the army 9. I there was a man of B., whose name 9. 16 send thee a man out of the land of B. 9. 31 least of all the families of the tribe of B.7 10. 3 Rachel's sepulchre, in the border of B. at 10. 30 Israel to come near, the tribe of B, was 10. 31 When he had caused the tribe of B. to 13. 2 were with Jonathan in Gibeah of B. 13. 15 gat hlra up from Gilgal unto Gibeah of B. 13. t6 Saul, and Jonathan. abode in Gibeah of B. 14. 16 the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of B. a Sa. 3. 9 made him king over Gilead and over B. 3. IS there went over by number twelve of B. 2. 35 the children of B. gathered themselves 3 3« the servants of David had smitten of B. 3. 19 Abner also spake in the ears of B. 3. 19 that seemed good to the whole house of B. 4. 3 Rimmon aBeerothite.of the children of B. 4. 3 for Beeroth also was reckoned to B. 19. t-j And .a thousand men of B. with him 31. 14 buried they in the country of B. in Zelah 23. ig Ribal out of Gibeah of the children of B. },» Kl. 4. 18 Shimei the son of Elah in B. 12. 21 Rehoboam. assembled all .with..B 12. 23 Speak, .unto all the house of JudahandB. 15. 22 king Asa built with them Geba of B. 1 Ch. 6. 60 out of the tribe of B. ; Geba with her 6. 65 they gave out of the tribe, .of B., these 8. I B. begat Bela his first born, Ashbel the 8. 40 All these (are) of the sons of B. 9. 3 in Jerusalem dwelt, .of the children of B. g. 7 of the sons of B. ; Sallu the son of Mes. ti. 31 of Gibeah. to the children of B., Benaiah 12. 2 armed with bows, of Saul's brethren of B. 12. 16 there came of the children of B. .unto 12. 29 of the children of B. . .three thousand 21. 6 Levi and B. counted he not among them 27. 21 of B. ; Jaasiel the son of Abner t CIi. II. I Rehoboam .gathered of the house of . .B. II. 3 Speak.. to all Israel in Judah and B. II. 10 which (are) in Judah and iu B. fenced II. 12 made them, .strong, having. B. on his II. 23 dispersed, .his children throughout .B. • 4. 8 out of B. . .two hundred and fourscore til. «5. 2 Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and B. • 5. 8 put av/ay the.. Idols out of . Judah and B. «5. 9 he gathered all Judah and B., and the f 7. 17 of B. , Eliada a mighty man of valour B5. 5 captains over thousands, .throughout. .B. 31. I threw down .the altars out of all. .B. 34. 9 the Levites . . had gathered . . of all . B. 34. 32 he caused all that were to stand ICzra I. sTlienroseup chief of the fathers of ..B. 4. I when the adversaries of Judah and B. 10. 9 the men of . B. gathered themselves Neh. II. 4 at Jerusalem dwelt, .of. .children of B. 11. 7 these (are) the sons of B. ; Sallu the son II. 31 The childreu also of B. .at Michmash 1 1 . 36 And of the Levites (were) divisions . in B. Psa. 68. 27 There(is)littleB...theirruler, theprinces 80. a Before Ephraiui and B. . .stir up thy Jer. I . I of the priests that (were) . . in the land of B. .6. I O ye children of B., gather yourselves to 17. 26 they shall come, from the land of B. 32. 8 Buy my field . which (is) in. .B. . for the 32. 44 and take witnesses in the land of B. 33. 13 in the land of B. . .shall the flocks pass 37. 12 Jeremiah went .into the land of B. Sze. 48. 32 the border of Judah and the border of B. 48. 23 from the east side unto the west side. B. 48. 24 by the border of B. . Simeon (shall have) 48. 32 one gate of B., one gate of Dan II09. 5. 8 cry aloud (at) Beth. aven, after thee. OB. Obad. 19 of Samaria ; and B. (shall possess) Gilead Acts 13. 21 S. the sou of C, a man of the tribe of B. Kom. II. 1 I also am an Israelite, .(of) the tribe of B. VhiL 3. 5 Circumcised the eighth day. .tribe of B. Ke». 7. 8 of the tribe of B. (were) sealed twelve The following localities were In the territory of Benja- min:— Ai, Aja, Aiath, Ajalon, Alemeth, Allon-bachuth, Almon, Ammah, Ananiah, Anathoth, Aphrah Avim' Baaltamar, Bahurim, Beeroth, Befh-Arabah, Beth- Aven, Beth-el, Beth-Haccerem, Beth-Hoglah, Beth- Horon (the lowerj, Beth-Phage, Bethany, Charashim, thepar Haamonai, Chephirah, Eleph, En-rogel Ep- Bhemesh, Emraaus, Ephraira, Gaba, Gallim, Gareb, Gehim, Oiah, Gibeah, Gibeon, Gidom. Gihon Gilgal Gittaim, Goath, Hadid, Hazor. Helkathhazzurim, Jebus. Jericho, Jerusalem, Keziz, Kirioth. Luz, Mad- men, Maktesh, Mlchmas, Migron, Millo. Mizpah. Moza, IJaioth, Neballat, Nephtoah, Nob, Ono, Ophel, Ophni, Ophrah, Parah, Ramah, Rekem, Sechu, Shaveh, Shen, fihual, Silla, Taralah, Zalmon, Zeboim. Zelah. ZeUah, Zemaraim, &c. 3 Great grandson of Benjamin. t Ch. j.ta The sons also of. . Jeasli, and B., ogfl 4. A deaceodaut of Harim. Ezra 10. 32 B., Malluch, (and) Shemariah 0. One who took part m repairing the wall, B.C. 550, Neh. 3. 23 J^ter him repaired E. and Hashub 6. One who took part in purifying the wall. B.C. 550. Neh. 12. 34 Judah, and B., and Shemaiab, and Jer.. 7. One of the gates of Jerusalem. Jer. 20. 2 the stocks that (were) in the. .gate of B. 37. 13 And when he was in the gate ol B., a 38. 7 the king then sitting in the gate of B. Zech.14. 10 from Be. gate unto the place of the first BEN-JA-MTTE, 'iV'^i']^ belonging to Benjamin. Patronymic of the tribe of Benjamin. Judg. 3. IS Ehud the son of Gera, a B., a man left 19. 16 but the men of the place (were) B. 20. 35 the children of Israel destroyea of the B. BO. 36 the men of Israel gave place to the B. 2o. 40 the B. looked behind them, and, behold 20. 43 (Thus) they inclosed the B. round about I Sa. 9. I a B., a mighty man of power 9. 4 he passed through the land of the B. g. 21 (Am) not I a B., of the smallest of the 22. 7 Hear now, ye B ; will the son of Jesse a Sa. 16. II how much more now (may this) B. (do it) ? 19. 16 Shimei the son of Gera, a B. came down Br>. I Sheba, the son of Bichri, a B. ; and he < Ki. 2. 8 Shimei the son of Gera, a B of Bahurim I Ch.27. 12 ninth. Abiezer the Anetothite, of the B. Esth. 2. 5 Shimei, the son of Kish, a B. Psa. 7. tille. concerning the words of Cush the B BE'-NO, '133 hi3 son. A descendant of Merari, son of Levi, B.C. looa. I Ch.24. 25 the sons of Jaaziah ; B. 34. 27 The sons of Merari by Jaaziah , B., and BEK O'-NI, 'iiK'ja son o/my sorrow. The name given by Rachel to her second son, B.C. 1732. Gen. 35. 18 it came to pass, .she called bis name B. BEST, to be — To, N^n tala. Hos. II. 7 my people are bent to backsliding from BEK ZO'-HETH, nnu [5 corpulent, strong. A son of Ishi, a descendant of Judah through Caleb the son of J'ephunneh, B.C. 1400. I Ch. 4. 20 the sons of Ishi (were) Zoheth, and B. BE'-ON, IVS lord or house of On. A place E. of the Jordan, doubtless a contraction of Baal^meon, Compare verse 38. Now Main. Num32. 3 Elealeh, and Shebam, and Nebo, and E. BE'-OE, liVS shepherd. 1. Father of Bela the first king of Edom, B.C. 1600. Gen. 36. 32 Bela the son of B. reigned in Edom I Ch. 1. 43 Bela the son of B.: and the name of his 2. Father of Balaam the prophet, B.C. isjo. Nuni22. 5 messengers .unto Balaam the son of B. 24. 3 Balaam the eon of B. hath said, and the 24. IS Balaam the son of B. hath said, and the 31. 8 Balaam also the son of B. they slew with Dent 23. 4 hired against thee Balaam the son of B. Josh. 1 3. 32 Balaam also the son of B. ,the soothsayer 24, g called Balaam the son of B. to curse you Mic. 6. 5 remember now what Balaam .. son of B. BE'-KA, ini gift. A king of Sodom in the time of Abram, B.C. 1917. Gen. 14. a made war with B. king of Sodom, and BE-KA'-CHAH, nyij blessing. 1. One who joined' David at Ziklag, B.C. 1040. I Ch 12. 3 The chief (was) Ahiezer, then Joash..B. 2. A valley near Tekoah, in the S. of Judah (in a Ch. 20. 26 the origin of the name " valley of blessing" is given). The name Bereihut still survives in a valley between Tekua and the main road from Bethlehem to Hebron. B Ch. 20. 26 they assembled, in the valley of B. 20. 26 the same place was called, The valley of B. BE-RA'-IAH, n;N';3 Jah is maker. A son of Shimhi, a Benjamite, B.C. 1340. I Ch. 8. 21 B., and Shimrath, the sons of Shimhi BE-BE'-A, Bfpota. A city In the S. of Macedonia, now called Vema or Kara-verria, and sitifated on the £. slope of the Olym- pian range. Acts 17. 10 brethren, sent away. .Silas by night. .B. 17. 13 thewordof God was preached of Paul at B. 20. 4 accompanied him into Asia, Sopaterof B. BEHEAVE, to — l.To cause to lack, ipn chaser, 3. EccL 4. 8 I labour, and bereave my soul of good 2. To enfeeble, cause to stumble, h^3 kashal, 3. Eze. 36. 14 neither bereave thy nations any more 3. To bereave, make childless, Vjtf shakol, 3, Gen. 42. 36 Me have ye bereaved Joseph (is) not Lam. I. 20 abroad the swowJ hereaveth, at home Eze. 5. 17 evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee 36. 12 thou Shalt no more henceforth bereave 36, 13 thou . .hast bereaved thy nations 36. 14 neither bereave thy nations any more Oos. g. 12 they bring up. .yet will I bereave BEEEA'VE of children, to — To bereave, make childless, Sb^ slialcol, 3. Jer. 15. 7 I will bereave, .of children, I will destro/ BESEA'TEB, to be — To be bereaved, ^Ztff shakol. Gen. 43. 14 If I be bereaved. .1 am bereaved BKREATED (of children) — Bereaved, 'jisg' shakkul. Jer. 18. 21 let their wives be bereaved of their child. Hos. 13. 8 abear (that is) bereaved, .and will rend BE-EECH'-IAH, n;3-i3, n;p-i3, Jah is blessing. 1. A descendant of Jehoiakim king of Judah, B.C. 520. I Ch. 3. JO And Hashubah, and Ohel, and B. 2. Father of Asaph the chief singer, B.C. 1070. I Ch. 6. 39 (even) A. the son of B., the eon of Shlmea 15. 17 of his brethren, A. the son of B. ; and of 3. A Levite who lived near Jerusalem, B.C. 445. 1 Ch. g. 16 B. the Bon of Asa, the son of Elkanah 4. A Levite, one of the tabernacle doorkeepers. 1 Ch IS. 23 B. and Elkauah (were) doorkeepers for 5. An Ephralmite in the time of Pekah, B.C. 741.. 2 Ch.28 12 certain of the heads. B. the eon ofiles. 6. Father of Meshullam who assisted in repairing the wall of Jerusalem, B.C. 520. Neh. 3. 4 next, .repaired Meshullam the son of B. 3. 30 After, .repaired Meshullam the son of IS. 6. 18 the daughter of Meshullam the son of B. BE'-EED, -rnj seed place. 1. A place in S. of Canaan, between which and Kadesh lay the well Lahauroi. The I'eshito gives Gadar=j Gerar(»); the Arabic. Yarad , Onkelos, Chagra. It U perhaps el-Ehulasah, 12 miles S. of Beersheba. Gen. 16. 14 behold, (it is) between Kadesh and B. 2. An Ephralmite, perhaps the sameasBecher, B.C. 1680. I Ch. 7. 20 the sons of Ephraim ; Shuthelah, and B. BE'-BI, "^3 expounder. A son of Zopliah, an Ashente, B.C. 1570. I Ch. 7. 36 ?ons of Zophah , Suah . . and B., and Imrah BE-ai'-AH, ni;")3 unfortunate. 1. A son of Asherj B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 17 Jimnah, and Ishuah, and Isul, and B. 46. 17 the sons of B. ; Heber, and Malchiel Num26. 44 of B., the family of the Beriites. 26. 45 Of the sons of B. ; of Heber, the family I Ch. 7. 30 Imnah, and Isuah, and Ishuai, and b. 7. 31 the sons of B. , Heber, and Malchiel 2. A son of Ephraim, B.C. 1670. J Ch. 7. 33 he railed his name B., because 3. A son of Elpaal, a Benjamite, B.C. 1400. I Ch. 8. 13 B. also, and Shema .heads of the fathers 8. 16 Michael Ispah, and.Joha the sons of B 4. A Levite, a Gershomite, B.C. 1015 1 Ch. 23. 10 the sons of Shimei Jahath, Zina and B. 23. II but Jeush and B. had not many eons BE-RI-ITE, 'V-13 unfortunate. A family of Asherites sprung from Beriah. Num 26. 44 children of. . Beriah, the family of the B. BE-ETTES, D-13 belonging to Beri. Descendants of Beri iu the N. of Canaan, visited bf Juab in hia pursuit after Sheba. 2 Sa. 20. 14 And he went through all. .the B. BE'-EITH, n")3 a covenant. An idol (Baalberith) worshipped in Shechem. Judg. 8. 33 children of Israel made B. B. their god g. 46 they entered into . . the house of the god B. BEB-NT'-CE, ^tpv'iKr). A daughter of Herod Agrippa, grandson of Berod the Great, and sister of Agrippa II., a.d. 50. Acts 25. 13 6. came unto Cesarea to salute Festus 25 23 B. . . was entered into the place of hearing 26. 30 king rose up, and the governor, and B. BE-EO-DACH BAl-A'-DAN, p^hj ^"JNIS bold. A king of Babylon, B.C. 7 '3- The name is more accurately written Merodach Baladan. 2 Ki. 20. 12 At that lime B. B. ..sent letters, .unto H. Isa. 39. 1 At that time M. B. . .sent letters . . to Her. BE-RO'-THAH, r\r\-\^ food. A city near Hamath on N. of Canaan, and considered by some as the same as Berolhai. Ezekiel places Berothah between Hamafh and Damascus; hence it cannot be Beirut f/ant(oi psomizo. 1 Co. 13. 3 though I bestow all my goods to feed BESTOW on or upon, to — 1 . To do, perform, Spj gamal. Isa. 63. 7 according to all that, .hath bestowed on 63. 7 he hath bestowed on them according to 2. To put around, irepiridrjui peritith-eird. I Co. 12. 33 upon these we bestow more abui^dan^ BE'-TAH, noa confidence. A city of Hadadezer. 2 Sa. 8. 8 from B. . .king David took exceeding BE'-TE», JD3 height. A city of Asher, 8 miles E. of Ptolemais. Josh. 19. 25 border was Helkath, and Hali, and B. BETH A-BA'-RA, BriOaSapd place of passage. A place E. of the Jordan, perhaps Eethbarah, or rather Bethany. John. I. 28 These things were done in B. beyond Jor. BETH A'-NATH, niO. n'3 house of echo. A city of Naphtall, 15 miles from Diacassarcca. (Anata.) Josh. 19. 38 Iron, and Migdal-el, Horem, and B. Judg. 1. 33 did Naphtali drive out Inhabitants of B. I. 33 the inhabitants of . .B. became tributaries BETH A'-NOTH, ruu. n'3 house of echo. A city of Judah, 4 miles from Hebron, near Maaroth. The modern Beitainun, near Ualliui and Beil-HuT, the ancient Halhul and Bethzur. Josh. 15. 59 Maarath, and B., and Eltekon BETH'-ANY, fir\Bavia house of dates or figs. A village at the Mount of Olives. Its modern name et-Azariyeh, or Lazarieh, is derived from Lazarus. It is about 2 miles E. of Jerusalem, near the road from Jericho to the city. Matt2i. 17 went out of the city Into B. ; and he 26. 6 wljeu Jesus was in B., in the house of Markii. i they came nigh to. .Bethphage and B. II. II he went out unto B. witk the twelve II. 12 when they were come from B., he was 14. 3beiDgin B.,inthehouseof Simon theleper Luke 19. 29 he was come nigh to Bethphage and B. 24. 50 he led them out as far as to B. ; and he Johnji. I a certain (man) was sick. Lazarus, of B. 11. 18 B. was nigh unto Jerusalem, aboutflfteen 12. I Jesus.. came to B., where Lazarus was BETH A-RA'-BAH, !;f:)-]i),^ n'3 house of the desert. One of the six cities of jiidah that were in the Arabah or sunk valley of the Jordan and Salt Sea, the " wilder- ness" on the N. border of tl\e tribe, and between Beth- hoglah and the high land on the W. of the Jordan. It is also included among the towns of Benjamin. Josh. 1 5. 6 passed along by the north of B. ; and the 15. 61 the wilderness, B., Middin, and Secacah 18. 22 B., and Zemaraim, and Bethel BETH A'-EAM, oin n'3 house or place of the height. A city of Gad, E. of the Jordan, between Succoth and Debir, the same as Beth-harau, and now called Beit- el-ramah. Josh. 13. 27 B. ..and Zaphon.. of.. kingdom of Sihon BETH AB'-BEL, S.V3-i^: n'3 house of Ood's court. A city destroyed by the king of Assyria, and supposed to be ttieArbela of the Maccabees and Josephus. Now Irbid. Hos. to. 14 Shalman spoiled B. in the day of battle BETH A'-'TEN, [y; n'3 lousr. vf iniquity. A town in Benjamin near Bethel. Josh. 7. 2 Joshuasentmen. .to Ai, which. .beside B. 18. 12 goings out. were at the wilderness of B. I Sa. 13. 5 they pitched. .Michmash, eastward. .B. 14. 23 the battle passed over unto B. Hos. 4. 15 neither go ye up to B., nor swear. The S. 8 cry aloud (at) B., after thee, Benjamin 10. 5 Samaria shall . . because of the calves of B. BETH AZ-BLA'-VKTH, nioiy n'3 house of Azmaveih. A village of Judah or Benjamin. In Ezra 2. 24 it is called Azmaveih. Neh. 7. 28 The men of B., forty and two BETH BA-AI. ME'-ON, Jiyo Syg n'3. A town of Moab, given to Reuben ; it was on the W. of the Arnon, not far from Jahaza. Josh. 13. 17 Dibon, and Bamothbaal, and B. BETH BA'-RAH, ttt} n'3 fording place. A place on the E. of the Jordan, in Gad. Judg. 7. 24 take before them the waters unto B. 7. 24 took the waters unto B. and Jordan BETH BIR'-EI, 'N"!3 n'3 place of the city. A town of Simeon, same as Beth-lebaoth. I Ch. 4. 31 Hazar-susim, and at B„ and at Shaaraira BETH CAR,13 n'3 place of pasture. A stronghold of the Philistines iu Judah near Mizpeh. I Sa. 7. iilsrael. .smote them, until, .under Beth-c. BBTH DA'-fiON, I'lJ^n's house of Dagon. 1. A town of Judah near Gederoth. Now B. Dejan. Josh.15. 41 Gederoth, B., and Naamah, and Mak. 2. A towa in the tribe of Asher, on the coast. Josh. 19. 27 And tunJeth toward the sun rising to B. BETH DIB-LA-THA'-IK, a:n'?3T n?. A Moabite town, elsewhere called Almon-Diblathaim. The " circles" here likely means " cakes" (of figs). Jer. 48. 22 (judgment is come] upon Nebo. and. .B. BETH'-Elj V»<"n'3 hou^e of God. A weU-khown hojy place of Central Canaan. Two accounts are given of the origin of th,', name : 1. It was Kestowod en the spot by Jacob under the awe inspired by the vision of God (Gen. 28. 19), 2. It received its name on the occasion of a blessing bestowed by Guil upon Jacob after his return from Kadau-aram, at which time his name was changed to Israel (Gen. 35. 14, 15). Luz was the ancient name. Bethel was in tr.e tribe of Benjamin. It is 12 miles N, of Jerusalem ta the way to Shechcm, and was the seat of one of Jero- boam's golden calves. It is now called Beitin. Luz was perhaps the city, and Bethel the holy place close by it. Gen. 12. 8 unto a mountain on the east of B. 12. e pitched his tent. B. on thv; west 13. 3 on his journeys from the south even to B. 13. 3 his tent had been . . between B. and Uai 28. 19 he called the name of that place B. 31. 13 I (am) the God of B., where tliou 33. I God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to B. 33. 3 let us arise, and go up to B. ; and I will 33. 6 in the land of Canaan, that (is), B. 33. 8 she was buried beneath B. under an oak 33. 15 Jacob called the name of the place.. B. 35. i6 they journeyed from B. ; and there Josh. 7. 2 Al.onthceastsldeof B. 8. 9 went to lie in ambush, and abode between 8. 12 to lie in ambuah between B. and Ai, on 8. 17 And there was not a mau left in Ai or B. 12. 9 the king of Ai, wjiich (is) beside B., one 12. 16 king of Nfakkedah, one ; the king of B. i6. I up from Jericho, throughout mount B. 16. 2 goeth out from B. to Luz, and passeth 18. 13 border went .toward Luz. which (is) D. :8. 22 (cities of the tribe). Zemaraim, and B. Judg. I. 22 house of Joseph, .went up against B. 1. 23 the house of Joseph sent to descry B. 4. 5 she dwelt.. between Kamah and B. in 21. 19 Shiloh . . which (is) on the north of B. 21. 19 the highway that goeth up from B. tb I Sa. 7. 16 he went from year to year in circuit to B. to. 3 three men going up to God to B., one 13. 2 with Saul in Michmash and iu mount H. 30. 27 which (were) in B., and to (them) whicli z Ki. 12. 29 he set the one in B., and the other 12. 32 So did he in B., sacrificing unto the 12. 32 he placed in B. the priests of the highpL 12. 33 offered upon the altar which he had 13. I out of Judah by the word of the LORD 13. 4 which had cried against the altar in B. 13. 10 returned not by the way he came to B. 13. II there dwelt an old prophet in B. ; and 13. II that the man of God had done that day 13. 32 For the saying, .against the altar in^i. a ICi. 2. 2 sent me to B. ..they went down to B 2. 3 the sons of the prophets that (were) at B. 2. 23 he went op from thence unto B. 10. 29 the golden calves that (were) in B. 17. 28 one of the priests, .came and dwelt in B. 23. 4 carried the ashes of them unto B. 23. 15 moreover the altar that (was) at B., (and) 23. 17 that thou bast done against the altar nf li. 23. 19 according to all. .that he had dene in B. 1 Ch. 7. 28 their possessions, .(were) B. and the 2 Ch.13. 19 Abijah.;took cities from him;B. with the Ezra 2. 28 The men of B. . . Ai, two hundred twenty Neh. 7. 32 The men of B. and Ai, an hundred twenty 11. 31 Children also of Benjamin , .fdwelt) at Jer. 48. 13 as the house of Israel was ashamed of B. Hos. to. 15 So shall B. do unto you because of your 12. 4 he found him (in) B., and there he spake Amos 3. 14 I will also visit the altars of B. ; and the 4. 4 Come to B., and transgress ; at Gilgal 3. 5 seek not B., nor enter into Gilgal 5. 5 B. shall come to nought 5. 6 devour (it), .none to quench (it) in B. 7. 10 Amaziah the priest of B. sent to 7. 13 But prophesy iiot agaiu any more at B. BETH-EL-ITE, '^nh n'3 belonging to Bethel. The patronymic of HieJ who rebuilt Jericho. 1 Ki. 16. 34 In his days did Hiel the B. bnild Jericho BETH E'-MEK, ppyri n'3 of the valley. A town in Asher on or near the border, on the N. sido of which was the ravine of Jiphthah-el. It is now called Amkah, in a plain at the foot of the hills. Josh.ig. 27 toward the north side of B., and Neiel BE'-THEE, "inj depth, separation. Perhaps a poetical form of Bithron in Gad, E. of the Jordan. Now Bittir. Song 2. 17 belike a roe. .upon the mo'antains of B. BETH ES'- DA, /87)9f(r5a house of mercy. A pool in Jerusalem near the sheep market gate. The large reservoir called the Birkcl-Jsrail, within flia walls of the city, close by the St Stephen's gate, ami under the N.E. wall of the Haram area, is geucrally considered the modem representative of "Bethesda. " John 5. 2 which is called in the Hebrew tongue B. BETH EZ'-EI, SxNn-n'3 place of declivity. A city near Zanaan in the N. of Judah. Ific. I. It came not forth iu the mourning of B. BETH GA'-DES, "1^3 n'3 walled place. A descendant of Caleb son of Hur. I Ch. 2. 51 Hareph the father of B. C. BETH GA'-BniL, SlDJ-n'S place of the cam-el. A town of Moab in tlie mishor or downs. Now Jemat. Jer. 48. 23 upon Kiriathaira, and upon B., and upon BETH HAC-CE'-REM, Dnsn n-;^ place uf the vineyard. A town of Judah S.E. from Jerusalem, between it and Tekoab Now .Furaideis. BETH HARAN 93 BBTONIM Nell. 3. 14 the son of Rechab, the ruler of part of B. Jer. 6. I Gather.. and set up a sign of fire in B. BETH HA'-RAII, ]>7 n'3 high or strong place. A city of Gad in the region of Uilead. Perhaps the same called in Josh. 13. 37 Betharam; in the onginal " Betli- haraiQ." Num32. 36 And Beth-nimrah, and B., fenced cities BETH HOG'-LAH, rihiQ n'3 place of magpies. A city of Benjamin s'miles from Jericho.Now Hajlah. Jo3h.i5. 6 And the border went up to B., and 18. 19 the border passed along to the side of B. i8. 21 the cities, .were Jericho, and B., and the BETH HO'-ROBT, ]nn-n'5 place 0/ hollows. Two places (Upper and Lower) in Ephraim near" Ben- jamin. The Lower was the more important. Josh 10. lo the Lord,. chased thera along.. to B. 10. II as they., were in the going down to B. 18. 14 border was drawn, .from. .hill, .before B. 2u 22 Kibzalm with her suburbs, and B. with I Sa. 13. 18 another company turned the way (to) B. 1 Ch. 6. 68 Jokmeara with her suburbs, and B. with 3 Ch.2s. 13 fell upon, .cities, .from Samaria, .unto B. Bethhoron the Upper. Josh. 16. s the border, .was. .unto B. the upper 2 Ch. 8. 5 he built B, the upper, and B, the nether Bethhoron the Nether. Josh 16. 3 goeth down. .unto. .B. the nether i3 13 border descended to.. south side of ..B. J Ki. 9. 17 Solomon built Gezer, and B. the nether 3 Ch. B. 5 he built B. the upper, and B. the nether BETHINK themaelves, to — To turn hack to the heart, sS-^N TVXi heshib el leh. 1 Ki. 8. 47 if they shall bethink themselves in the 2 Ch. 6. 37 Yet (if) they bethink themselves in the BETIHES, to rise — l.Tobe with the clavm, irr^ shachar, 3. Job 24. 5 wild asses., rising betimes for a prey: {he 2.T0 take on one's shoulder, D3^ shakam, 5. Gen. 26. 31 they rose up betimes in the morning, and 3 Ch. 36. 15 God.. sent.. risingup betimes, and sending BETIMES — To be with the dawn, in^' shachar, 3. Job 3. 5 If thou wouldest seek unto God betimes Prov.13. 24 that loveth him chasteneth him betimes BETH JE-SEI'-MOTH, ri\D!(}]ri n-3 place 0/ desolations. A city of Moab, near where the Jordan falls into the Salt Sea; Now Raiimli. Num33. 49 they pitched by Jordan, from B. . .unto Josh. 12. 3 the salt sea on the east, the way to B. 13. 20 Beth-peor, and Ashdoth-pisgah, and B.' Eze. 25. 9 the glory of the country, B., Baal-meon BETH lE-BA'-OTH, n'lNj^-n'S place of lionesses. A town in Simeon. Josh 19. 6 B,, and Sharuhen ; thirteen cities and BETH LE'-HEM, Dn^ n"3 place of food. 1. This town, about '6 miles south of Jerusalem, Is celebrated as the birthplace of the Saviour. It was called Ephrath, and is mentioned as the place at which Rachel died and was buried, B.C. 1729. Reho- toam fortified or rebuilt it, B.C. 973. David was born here (circ. B.C. 1085), and hence it was called the city of David. Helena, the mother of Constantine, A.D. 325, erected a church, which remains to this day, on the place of the Nativity. It was ceded, with other towns, to Frederick II. by the sultan of Egypt in 1229. It was called Bethlehem-Judah to distingiUsh it from Bethlehem in Zebulon (Josh. 19. 15, i6). Bethlehem was made a bish(^ric in mo. Genos- 19 buriedin the wayto Ephrath, which (is)B. .48. 7 the way of Ephrath ; the same (is) B. Judgi7. 7 there was a young man out of B.' 17. 8 And the man departed out of . .B. to 17. g he said. .1 (am) a Levite of B., and I go ig. I a . . Le vite . . took . . a concubine out of B. ig. 2 his concubine, .went away fromTiim. .toB. 19. 18 We (are) passing from B. toward, .mount 19. 18 I went to B., but I (am now) going to the Ruth I. 1 a certain man of B. went to sojourn in I 2 llahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of B. ». 19 they two went until they came to B. 1. 19 when they were come to B. . .they said J. 22 they came to B. in the beginning of . .har. 2. 4 Boaz came from B., and said unto the 4. II worthily inEphratah. .be famous in B. I Sa. 16. 4 Samuel, .came to B. . . And the elders of 17. 12 David, .sou of that Ephrathite of B. 17. 15 David went, .to feed his. .sheep at B. 20. 6 Da*-id . . asked . . that he might run to B. 2o. 28 David earnestly asked (leave.. to go) to B. 3 Sa. 2. 32 buried him in the sepulchre, .(in) B. 23. 14 the garrison of the Philistines (was .in) B. 33. IS the water of the Well of B. . .by the gate I 33. 16 and drew water out of the well of B. 23. 24 Elhanan the son of Dodo of B. I Ch. ij. j6 the Philistines' garrison (was) then at B 11. 17 the water of the well of B. .at the gate ji. 18 and drew water out of the well of B. II. «6 Elhanan the son of Dodo of B. J Oh. II. 6 He built even B., and Etam, and Tekoa Ezra 2. 21 children of B., an hundred twenty and Neb. 7. 26 of B. and Netophah, an hundred fourscore ^er. 41. 17 Chimham, which is by B., togoto..Egyp, Mic. 5. 2 But thou, B. . . (though) thou be little Matt. 2. I Jesus was bom in B. of Judea, in the 2. 5 they said unto him, In B. of Judea 2. 6 And thou, not the least among the 2. 8 he sent them to B., and said. Go and 2. 16 Then Herpd . . slew all the children . . in B. Luke 2. 4 Joseph . .went . . unto the city. , called B. 2. IS the shepherds said. .Let us now go even John 7. 42 Christ cometh. .out of the town of B. 2. A town in Zebulon. Now Beit-lahm. Josh. 19. 15 Nahallal, and Shimron, and Idalah..B. 3. The following passages refer to Nos. i or 2. Judg 12. 8 And after him Ibzan of B. judged Israel 12. 10 Then died Ibzau, and was buried at B. i. A descendant of Caleb, son of Hur. I Ch. 2. 51 Salma the father of B., Hareph the father 2. S4 sons of Salma ; B., and the Netophathites 4. 4 the firstborn of Ephratah, the father of B. BETH-LE-HE-MITE, 'pij^ri n*3 belonging to Bethk- hfm. Patronymic of an Inhabitant of Bethlehem. 1 Sa. 16. 1 1 will send thee to Jesse the B. : for 1 16. 18 I have seen a son of Jesse the B., (that is) 17. 58 (I am) the son of.. Jesse the B. 2 Sa. 21. 19 Elhanan the son of Jaare-oregim, a B. BETH MA-A'-CEAH, nay.? n'3 place of oppression. A city of Manasseh at the foot of Hermon, near Dan, E. of the Jordan. It sometimes occurs as Abel-beth- maachak, and occasionally as Abel. 2 Sa. 20. 14 he went through all. .Israel, .to B. 20. 15 And they, .besieged him in Abel of B. 20. 18 They shall surely ask. .at Abel : and so 2'Ki. 15. 29 Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, .took. .A. BETH MAE-OA'-BOTH, naj-ieri n'S place of chariots. A city of Simeon at the extreme S. of Judah, with Ziklag and Hormah. Josh. 19. s Ziklag, and B., and Hazar-snsali I Ch. 4. 31 at B., and Hazar-susim, and at Beth-blrei BETH ME'-OK, jij;? n'a place of habitation. A city of Moab, near Beth-gamiU [See Beth-baal-meon, the full form]. Jer. 48. 23 Kiriathaim, and upon.Beth-gamul, and BETH IHM'-EAH, rrmi n'3 place of/lowing water. A city of Gad, the same as ifiinrah (Num. 33. 3), and Himrim (Isa. 15. 6). Num32. 36 B., and Beth-haran, fenced cities : and Josh. 13. 27 in the valley, Belh-aram, and B., and BETH PA'-LET or BETH PHE-'LET, B^? n'g. A town in the S. of Judah. Josh.15. 27 Hazar-gaddah, and Heshmon, and B. Neh. II. 26 at Jeshua, and at Moladah, and at B. BETH PAZ'-ZEZ, {Tf9 n'3 a place of destruction. A town of Issachar. Josh. 19. 21 and En-gannim, and En-haddah, and B. BETH PE'-OR, niV5 n'3 house of the opening. A city of Moab, near mount rPeor, E. of the Jordan, opposite Jericho, and 6 miles above Libias or Beth- haran. It was in the allotment of Reuben. Deut. 3. 29 we abode in the valley over against B. 4. 46 . valley over against B. 34. eheburiedhimina valley . . over against B. Josh 13. 20 And B. and Ashdoth-pisgah, and Beth. BETH PHA'-GE, ^i)eeut22. 23 If a damsel, .a virgin be betrothed unto 22. 25 if a man find a betrothed damsel in the 22. 27 the betrothed damsel cried, and. .none 22. 28 which ia not betrothed, and lay hold on SETTER — l.Oood, a'ltj tab. Gen. ag. 19 better that I give her to thee, than that Exodi4. 12 better for us to serve the Egjfptians Numt4. 3 Were it not better for us to return into Judg. 8. 2 (Is) not the gleaning of . .better than the g. 2 Speak, I pray you rwhether (is) better 11. 23 now (art) thou anything better than Ruth 4. 15 which is better to thee than seven sons I Sa. I. 8 ^m) not I better to thee than ten sons ? 15. 22 Behold, to obey (is) better than sacrifice 15. 28 a neighbour of thine, .better than thou 27. 1 nothing better for me than that I should s Sa. 17. 14 The counsel of Hushai . ,(is) better than 18. 3 better that thou succour us out of the 1 Kl. 2. 32 two men more righteous and better than ig. 4 for I (am) not better than my fathers 21. 2 1 will give thee for it a better vineyard 3 KL. s. 12 better than all the waters of Israel ? 2 Cb.2i. 13 hast slain thy brethren, .better than Esth. I. 19 give, .unto another that is better than Psa. 63. 3 thy loving kindness (is) better than life iig. 72 TliB law of thy mouth (is) better unto me Prov. 3. 14 the merchandise of it (is) better than the 8. It wisdom (is^ better than rubies; and all the 8. 19 My fruit (is) better than gold, yea, than 12. 9 better than he that honouretb himself 15. 16 Better {is,) little with the fear of the 15. 17 Better (is) a dinner of herbs where love 16. 32 slow to anger (is) better than the mighty 17. I Better tis) a dry morsel, and quietness ig. I Better (is) the poor that walketh in his ig. 22 a poor man (is) better than a liar 25. 7 better . . that it be said unto thee. Come 25. 24 better to dwell in a comer of the house 37. 5 Open rebuke (is) better than secret love 27. 10 better (is) a neighbour, .near, than a 28. 6 Better (is) the poor that walketh in his EccL 2. 24 nothing better for a man, (than) tjiat he ■ 3. 22 I perceive that .nothing better, tban 4. 3 Yea, better, .than both they, which hath Eccl. 4. 6 Better (is) an handful (with) quietness 4. 9 Two (are) better thau one ; because they 4. 13 Better (is) a poor and a wise child than 5. 5 Better, .that thou ehouldeat not vow 6. 3 I say .an untimely birth (is) better than 6. 9 Better (is) the sight of the eyes than the 7. 1 A (good) name (Is) better than precious 7. 2 better to go to the house of mourning 7. 3 Sorrow (is) better than laughter : for by 7. 5 better to hear the rebuke of the wise 7. 8 Better (is) the end of a thing than the 7. 8 the patient in spirit (is) better than the 7. 10 the former days were better than these 1 8. IS a man hath no better thing under the g. 4 for a living dog is better than a dead Uou 9. 16 Then said I, Wisdom (is) better than 9. 18 Wisdom (is) better than weapons of war Song 1. 2 for thy love (is) better than wine Isa. 56. s name better than of sons and .daughters Lam. 4. 9 slain with the sword are better thanj Hos. 2. 7 for then (was it) better with me than now Amos 6. 2 better than these kingdoms ? or their Jon. 4. 3, 8 (it is) better for me to die than to live i.More, "C'l' y other . EccL 6. II increase vanity, what (is) man the better? ^.AdvanXage, abundance, I'nn^ yithrvn. EccL 10. II enchantment ; and a babbler Is no better i.Beautifvl, honourable, Ka\6% kalos. Matt 18. 8, g it is better for thee to enter into life Mark g. 43, 45, 47 it is better for thee to enter into ^. Good. ..than, Ka\6v...fia\\ov !calon...mallon. Mark 9. 42 it is better for him that a millstone I Co. 9. IS better for me to die, than that any man 6. Stronger, more powerful, Kpflcraui/ kreisson. I Co. 7. 9 lor it is better to marry than to bum 7. 38 he that giveth (her) not . . doeth better II. 17 ye come together not for the better, but Phil. I. 23 to be with Christ ; which is far better Heb. I. 4 Being made so much better than the 7. 7 the less is blessed of the better 7. 19 but the bringing in of a better hope, .by 7. 22 J esus made a surety of a better testament 8. 6 a better covenant, .upon better promises 9. 23 heavenly things . with better sacrifices to. 34 ye have in heaven a better end an endur. 11. 35 they might obtain a batter resurrection j^i Pe. 3. 17 better, if the will of God be so, that ye H'a Pe. 2. 21 it had been better for them not to have S.Better, kindlier, xp^^'^'^r^pos ckrestoteros. Luke 5. 39 deslreth new. .he saith. The old is better BETTER, to be — l.To be good, 3to tob. Song 4. 10 how much better Is thy love than wine I 2. To do good, or well, 3q; yatab, 5. Nah. 3. 8 Art thou better than populous No, that 3. To be different, bear diversely, Sia diapherO. Matt. 6. 26 Are ye not much better than they ? 12. 12 How much, .is a man better than a sheep? Luke 12. 24 how much more are ye better than the i.To be advantageous, KucriTeKea lusiteleo. Luke 17. 2 It were better, .that a millstone wero 6. To be profitable, (rv/iupfpta eumphero. Matt 18. 6 it were better. . that a millstone' were Q.To hold forward, orbefore, irpoixoy-a-iproechomai. Rom. 3. g What then? are we better. .No, in no BETTER, to do — To do good, 3"it5 tob, 5. Eze. 36. II will do better, .than at your beginnings BETTER, tomaio — To do or make good, y$] yatab, 5. I RL I. 47 make the name of Solomon better than BETTER, to be made — • To be good no; yatab. Eccl. 7. 3 by the saelness. .the heart Is made better BETTER, to be th« — To be over and above, izepi(r perisseuS. I Co. 8. 8 for neither, if we eat, are we the better BETTER (country or) thing — Stronger, m/yre powerful, Kpelrrcuv kreissSn. Heb. 6. 9 we are persuaded better things of you II. 16 now they desire a better (country), that 11. 40 God having provided some better thing 12. 24 that speaketh better tbinga than., Abel BETTERED, to be — To profit, a>(pe\io> opheled. Mark 5. 26 had spent ail. .and woa nothing bettered BETWEEN — 1. Between, J '3 ben. Gen. 15. 17 a burning. lamp that passed between 2.Between, n"iy3 bendth, Eze. 10.J 2 Go in between the wheels, .under the 3. On, upon, W al. I Ki. 18. 21 How long halt ye between two opinions A. Middle, midst, Tiii? tavek. ExodsS. 33 bells o'f gold between them round about 39. 25 put the bells between the pomegranates 39. 25 round about between the pomegranates | 5./« the midsl, kvi. /jteaou ana meson. I Co. 6. s no*- one. •''ble to jadge between his br ? 6. In, amcmg, iv en. Rom. I. 24 dishonour their own bodies between T.In between, /xera^v m^taxu. Matt 18. 15 tell him his fault between thee and htm 23. 35 whom ye slew between the temj)lc and Luke II. 51 which perished between the altar aud 16. 26 between us and you there is a great gulf Acts 12. 6 Peter was sleeping between two soldiers 15. 9 put no difference between us and them 8. Toward, irp6s {ace.) pros. Luke 23. 12 they were at enmity between themselves Acts 26. 31 they talked between themsehes, saying BETWEEN, to differ — To make a parting, division, fitpl^ca merizo. 1 Co. 7. 34 There is difference (also) between a wife BETWEEN (some) of... and — jb\om ihe...vrith, iK-ruv-.-inrh ek tdn...m.eta. John 3. 25 between (some) of John's disciples aud BETWIXT — 1. Between, J "3 ben. Gen. 31. 37 that they may judge betwixt aa both 2.0ut of, tK ek. Phil. t. 23 I am In a strait betwixt two, having a des. BETWIXT, to come — To strike on, V^spaga, 5. Job. 36. 32 by (the cloud) that cometh betwixt BE-TJ'-LAH, .iSiya married. A symbolic name which the land of Israel is to bear in its future prosperity. Isa. 62. 4 thou shalt be called . . and thy land B. BEWAIL self, to — To breathe one's self out, np; yaphach, 7. Jer. 4. 31 the daughter of Zion. .bewaileth herself BEWAIL, to — l.To weep, nj5 bakah. Lev. 10. 6 bewail the burning which the Lord hath Deutai. 13 bewail her father and her mother a full Judg 11. 37 I may. .bewail my virginity, I and my 11. 38 bewailed her virginity upon the mount. Isa. 16. 9 I will bewail with the weeping of Jazer 2. To wail, K\aio) klaio. Rev 18. 9 kings of the earth, .shall bewail her 3. To strike {the breast), kStttcd kopio. Lake 8. S2 all wept, and bewailed her : but he said 23. 27 which also bewailed and lamented him i.To lament, mourn, TrevBeo) pentheo. 2 Co 12. 21 I shall bewail many which have sinned BEWARE, to — 1.2*0 become subtile, DTil Oram, 5. Prov ig. 2s Smite, .and the simple will beware 2. To watch, •«V' shamar. 2 Sa. 18. 12 Beware that none, .the young man Ab. 3. To be watchful, T3^ shamar, 2. Gen. 24. 6 Beware thou that, .bring not my son Exod 23. 21 Beware of hiio, and obey his voice Deut. 6. 12 beware lest thou forget the Lord, which 8. 1 1 Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy 15. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in Judg 13. 4 beware, I pray thee, and drink not wino 13. 13 that I said unto the woman letherbewaro oKi. 6. 9 Beware that thou pass not such a place 4. 7*0 behold, /SAeVaj blep^. Aiark 8. 15 beware of the leaven of the Pharisees 12. 38 Beware of the scribes, which love to go Acts 13, 40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon Col. 2. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through 5. To guard, vKdcr(rci> phulasso. 2TI. 4. IS Of whom be thou ware also ; for he hath BEWITCH, to — 1. To smite with the eye, fiaffvalva basTcaind. Gal 3. 1 Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that 2. To cause to stand out, i^tarijfit existemi. Acts 8. 9 bewitched the people of Samaria, giving 8. II he had bewitched them with sorceries BEWRAY, to — 1. To reveal, vmcover, rhi galah, 3. Isa. 16. 3 outcasts; bewray not hira that wandereth BEYOND U BIMHAL 2. 7*0 set be/ore, IJJ nagad, 5. Prov.zg. 24 he beareth cursing, and bewrayeth (it) i.To call, N^iJ qara. Prov.27. 16 ointment of his right, .bewrayeth 4.7*0 Tjiake evident, iroUa Sr)\os poieo dslos. Matt.z6. 73 of them ; for thy speech bewrayeth thee BETOITB — l.YoTvder, heyond, henceforth, nx^n halah. Gen. 35. 21 spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar 1 Sa. 20. 22 Behold, the sfrrows (are) beyond thee ; go 20. 37 said, (Is) not the arrow beyond thee? Jer. 22. 19 cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem Amos s. 27 I cause you to go into captivity beyond 2. 7*0 cawse to pass over, "USJ abar, 5. I Sa. 20. 36 as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond 3. Over, laj; eber. Gen. 50. 10 which (is) beyond Jordan, and there they 50. n Abel-raizraim, which (is) beyond Jordan Deut. 3. 20 land . . God hath gi ven them beyond Jord. 3. 25 see the good land that (is) beypnd .Tordan 30. 13 Neither (is) it beyond the sea, that thou Josh. g. 10 that he did to the two kings, .beyond 13. 8 which Moses, gave them', beyond Jordan 18. 7 received their iriherilance beyond Jordan JuJg. 5. 17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why aSa. 10. i6 the Syrians that (were),bfiyoni^ qadash, 5. Zeph. I. 7 prepared a sacri&Ce, he hath bid hia 6. To say, elirov eipon. Matt 16. 12 Then understood they how that he bade 23. 3 All. . whatsoever they bid you observe Luke 10. 40 sister . bid her therefore that she help me Acts II. 12 the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing 22. 24 bade that he should be examined by 7. To call, Ka\4o) kaled. Matt 22. 3 call them that were bidden to the wedding •22. 4 Tell them which are bidden. Behold, I 22. 8 they which were bidden were not worthy 22. 9 as many as ye shall find, bid to the mar. Luke 7. 3g the Pharisee which had bidden him saw 14. 7 put forth a parable to those., were bidden 14. 8 When thou art bidden of any. .to a wed. 14. 8 honourable man than thou be bidden of 14. 9 he that bade thee and him come and say 14. 10 when thou art bidden, go and sit down 14. 10 when he that bade thee cometh, he may 14. 12 Then said he also to h"im that bade him 14. i5 A. .man niade a great supper, and bade 14. 17 to say to thera that were bidden. Come 14. 24 none of those men which were bidden I Co, ip. 27 If any of them that believe not bid you 8. To command, Ke\evlegd^ 3 Jo. ■ 10 receive ; . not . .neither bid him God speed II he that biddeth him God speed is 10. To put toward, TTpoar&ffffoi prostasso. Matt. I. 24 the angel of the Lord had biddea him BID again, to — To call in return, at>TiKa\eco antikaleo. Luke 14. 12 lest they also bid thee again, and a BID farewell, to — To arrange off from, aTroriffcroixat, apotassornai. Luke 9. 61 let me first go bid them farewell which Acts 18. 21 bade them farewell, saying, I must by all BIDDEII, that are — To call, torite, urm qara. I Sa. 9. 13 afterwards they eat that be bidden 9. 22 place among them that were biddc BIDDING — Hearing, hearkening, n^JKB'D mishmaath. 1 Sa. 22. 14 who (is so) faithful, .goeth at thy bidding BID'-KAIt, -ii3"!3 servant of Kar: A captain of Jehu, originally his fellpw^ofBcer, who executed the sentence on Jehoram, sqn of Ahab, B.C. 884. 2 Ki. 9. 25 Then said(Jehu)fco B.his captain, Take up BIER — l.Bier, riBD mittah. 3'Sa. 3, 31 AQd king David (liiniseU) followed the bier 2. Bier, copos soros. Luke 7. 14 he came and tcJuoheid'thO .bier ; and they BIG'-THA, Np^9 given if fortune. One of the chamberlains o^AhaSuefus, p.C. 519. Esth. 1. 10 B. .-.sei'ved in the pyeSepc© of A^^ierus SIG:-THAN, BIG-THA'-Ni, IC';??^KJP3i I A chamberlain who conspil:ea agaths^Ahasueiru^, B.C. I 519- ' Esth. 2. 21 B. . .sought to lay haiids on. .Aiiasuerua 6. 2 B. . . sought to lay hand on . . AhaSuerus BIG'-VAI, 'i;3 happy, or, of the people. X. A chief who came up with Zerubbabel, B.C. 336- Ezr£^ 2, 2 Which came with Zerubbabel.. B.,Rehu. Neh. 7. 7 Whdcame'with Zerubbabel.. B.,Nehutn 2. One whose posterity came up with Zerubbabel, b. C. 536- Ezra 2. 14 children of B., two thousand fifty and six Neh. 7. ig children of B., two thousand threescore 3. One whose descendants came up with Ezja, B.C. 536. Ezra 8, 14 Of the sons also of B.; Uthai, "and Zabbud 4. Patronymic of a family that, with Nehemiahi sealed the covenant, b.c. 445. Neh. 10. 16 Adonijah, B., Adin BII'-DAD, "T^^'lord Adad, or son of contention. One of Job's three friends, a Shuhite, descended from Shuah, Abraham's son by Keturah, and dwelling in the E. of Arabia, B.C. 1520. Job 2. n they came every one. .B. the Shuhite 8. I Then answered B. the Shuhite, and said 18. I Then answered B. the Shuhite, and said 25. I Then answered B. the Shuhite, and said 42. 9 B. the Shuhite., Zophar the Naamathlta BH'-EAM, Dj;^? place of conquest. Levitical city in Manasseh, W. of Jordan. (Bdameh.) I Ch. 6. 70 out of. .Manasseh. -B. with her suburbs BIL'-GAH, ri3^3 bursting forth, i.e., firstborn, i. A priest in David's time, the head of the 15th counse in the tabernacle service, B.C. X015. I Ch 24. 14 "The fifteenth to B. . .sixteenth to Immer 2. A priest who came up with Zerubbabel, B.C. 536. Neh. 12. s^Miamin, Maadiah, B. 12. 18 Of B., Shammua ; of Sbemalah,Jehonath. BIt'-GAI, '3^3 bursting forth. Perhaps the same as Bilgah, No. 2. Neh. 10. 8 Maaziah, B., Shemaiah : these (were) the BIL'-HAH, nn^3 tender. 1. The handmaid of Laban's younger daughter Rachel, and mother of Dan and Naphtali, B.C. 1753. Gen. 29. 29 Laban gave to Rachel. .B. .to be hermaid 30. 3 Behold my maid B., go in unto her 30. 4 she gave him B. her handmaid to wife 30. 5 B. conceived, and bai-e Jacob a son 30. 7 B., Rachel's maid, conceived again, and 35. 22 Reuben . .lay. . 8. his father's concubine 35. 25 sons of B., Rachel's handmaid ; Dan, and 37. 2 the lad (was^ with the sons of B., and 46. 2S These (are) (he sons of B., which.Laban 1 Ch. 7. 13 Gezer, and Sh'allum, the sons of B. 2. A town in Simeon, apparently that called Balah in Josh. 19. 3. I Ch. 4. 29 And at B., and at Ezem, and at BIL'-HAN, in^3 tender. from the same root as Bilhah. The final n is a Horite termination, as iii Akan, Alvan, Aran, Dishan, Eshbaii, Hemdan, &c. Compare these with the Etruscan ena, Gr. a (y)s, a, v, &c. 1. A son of Ezer, son of Seir the H,ori,te, B.C. 1680. Gen. 36. 37 children of E;^i (are) these ; B. . .Zaavaii I Cli, I. 42 sons pf Ezer ; B., ap.dZavan 2. A son of Jediael, son of Benjamin, B.C. 1650. I Ch. 7. 10 sons also of Jediael ; B.: and 7. 10 the sons of B. ; Jeush, and Benjamin BUI.— l.Book, writing, ngD sepher. Deut 24. I let him write her a bill of divorcement 34. 3 tvriteher a bill of divorcement, and Isa. so. i. Where (is) the bill of your mother's div. Jer. 3. 8 I had.. given. her a bill of divorce; yet 2. A little book or scroll, ffifiKiof^biblion, Markio. 4 Moses suffered to write a bill of divorce 3. Writing, ypd/j,na gramma. Lukei6. 6 Take thy bill, andsit down quickly, and 16. 7 he said . . Take t^j^ bill, and write f oursco. Bnxow— l.A heap, hi gal. Psa. 42. 7 thy waves and thy billows are gone over 2:A breaker', t^i^o misfibar. Jon.. 2. 3 thy billows and thy waves passed over BHi'-SHAN, ]^h9 searcher. A prince of the Jews who came up with Zerubbabel, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 2 came with Zerubbabel.. Mordecai, B. Neh. 7, 7 Who came . . Zerubbabel . . Mordecai, B. BIM'-HAIi, '?nD3 circumcised. A son of Japhlet, in the line of Asher, B 0. 1600. • iCh. 7. 33 sons of Japhlet; Pasach..B...AshvatI» BIND 95 BIRZAVITH butd, to — l.To bind, D^N alam, 3. Gen. 37. 7 we. .biuding sheaves in the field, and, 1j 2.T0 bind, gird, npx asar. Gen. 42. 24 Simeou, and bound him before theircyes 49. II JBinding his foal unto the vine, and his Nura3o. 2 swear, .oath to bind his soul with a bond 30. 3 biud. .by a bond.. in her father's house 30. 4, 5 bond wherewith she hath bound her 30. 6, 8 of her lips, wherewith she bound her 30. 7, n her bonds wherewith she bound her 30. 9 vow. .wherewith they have bound their 30. 10 or bound her soul by a bond with an oath JWdgis. 10 To bind Samson are we come up, to do to 15. 12 We are come down to bind thee, that we 15. 13 we will bind thee fast, and deliver theo 15. 13 they bound him with two new cords 16. s that we may bind hun to afflict him 16. 7 If they bind me with seven green wlths 16. 8 withs. .and she bound him with them 16. II If they bind me fast with new ropes i6. 12 Delilah.. bound him therewith, and said 16. 21 bound him with fetters of brass ; and he 3 Kl. 17. 4 king of Assyria, .bound him in prison 25. 7 bound him with fetters of brass, and 2Ch. 33. II bound him with fetters, and carried him 36. 6 bound him. .fetters, to carry him to Bab. Job 36. 13 wrath ; they cry not when he bindeth 105. 22 To bind his princes at his pleasure, and 118. 27 bind the sacrifice with cords, .unto the 149. 8 To bind their kings with chains, and Jer. 39. 7 bound him with chains, to carry him to 52. II king of Babylon bound him in cliains Eze. 3. 25 shall bind thee with them, and thou Hos. 10. 10 when they shall bind themselves in their 3. To gird, nsx aphad. Lev. 8. 7 the ephod, and bound (it) unto him 4. To wrap round, tr^n chabash. Job 40. 13 Hide them, .bind their faces in secret Kze. 24. 17 bind the tire of thine head upon thee 30. 21 to put a roller to bind it, to malie it 5.T0 wrap round, ty^n chabash, 3. Job 28. II He bindeth the floods from overflowing 6. To gird, no; yasar, 3. Hos. 7. IS I have bound (and) strengthened their 7, To bind, fetlcr, no? kcphalh, 3. Dan. 3. 20 most mighty men. .to bind ShadracU 3. 21 these men were bound in their coats 3. 23 these three men. .fell down bound into 3. 24 Did not we cast three men bound into %.To tie, bind, ir^ anad. Job 31. 36 Surely I would.. bind it.. a crown tome Q.To bind, ip;/ aqad. Gen. 22. 9 bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the \0. To press, compress, nis tsur. 2 Ki. 5. 23 bound two talents of silver in two bags Eze. s- 3 Thou shalt also., bind them in thy skirts 11. To compress, press, -rvf tsarar. Prov 26. 8 As he that bindeth a stone in a string, so 30. 4 who hath bound the waters in a garment? 12.7b bind (as a conspirator), n^fj qashar. Deut. 6. 8 bind them for a sign upon thine hand II. 18 bind them for a sign upon your hand Josh. 2. 18 biud this line of scarlet thread in the 2. 21 she bound the scarlet line in the window Job 39. 10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with, .band 41. 5 or wilt tliou bind him for thy maidens ? ftov. 3. 3 bind them about thy neck ; write them 6. 21 Bind them continually upon thine heart 7. 3 Bind tliem upon thy fingers, write them Jer. 51. 63 thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it 13. To bind, 1»q qashar, 3. Job 38. 31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Isa. 49i 18 thou shalt surely . .bind them (on thee) 14. To entangle, Und, 0?"; ralcas. Exod28. 28 they shall bind the breastplate by the 39. 21 they did bind the breastplate by his 15.7*0 yoke, hind, arn ratham. ■ Mic. I. 13 bind the chariot to the swift beast : she IG.To'feiter, Seo-^ueuw desmeuo. Matt 23. 4 they bind heavy burdens and grievoois to Acts 22. 4 binding and delivering into piisons both VI .To fetter, Setrnfu desmeo. liUke 8. 29 was kept bound with chains and. .fetters 13.7b bind, fasten, tie, Sea deo. Matt 12. 29 except he first bind the strong man? 13. 30 bind them in bundles to burn them ; but 14. 3 Herod had laid hold on John, and bound 16. 19 thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound 18. 18 ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in 22. 13 Bind him hand and foot, and take him 27. 2 when they had bound him, they led Mark 3. 27 except he will first bind the strong man 5. 3 no man could bind him, no, not with S. 4 he had been often bound with fetters 6. 17 bound him in prison for Herodias' sake 15. I bound Jesus, and carried . . away, and 15. 7 bound with them that had made insur. I,ukei3, 16 whom Satan hath bound, lo, these, .years Johnii. 44 bound hand and foot with grave clothes 18. 12 Then the band, .took Jesus, and bound z8. 24 Annas had sent him bound unto Caiaphas Acts 9. 2 might bring them bound unto Jerusalem 9. 14 authority, .to bind all tliat call on tliy 9. 21 might bring them bound unto the cliiof 12. 6 I'eter was sleeping. .bound with two 20. 22 I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem 21. II bound his own hands and feet, and said 21. II So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind tlie 21. 13 I am ready not to be bounil only, but also 21. 33 commanded be bound with . . chains 22. s to bring them.. bound unto Jerusalem 22. 29 was afraid.. because he had bound him 24. 27 Felix, willing toshow.. a. .leftFaul bound Rom. 7. 2 the woniau bound by the law to. .bus. 1 Co. 7. 27 Art thou bound unto a wife ? seek not to 7. 39 The wife is bound by the law as long as 2 Ti. 2. 9 bonds ; but the word of God is not bound Ecv. 9. 14 are bound in the great river Euphrates 20. 2 Satan, and bound him a thousand years 19.7b stretch out before, irpoTelvco proteinu. Acts 22. 25 as they bound him with thongs, Paul BIND about, to — l.To gird, 1H} azar. Job 30. 18 it bindeth me about as the collar of my 2. To bind around, TrepiSeca perideo. Johnii. 44 his face was bound about with a napkin BIND on, to — To bind under, vnoSeu hupodeO. Acts 12. 8 Gird thyself, and bind on Uiy sandals BIND sheaves, to — 7b bind, "lOj; amar, 3. Psa.i29. 7 nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom BIND up, to — 1-. 7b bind up, gird, E'jn chabash. .fob 5. iB for he maketh soi-e, and bindeth up ; he Isa. 30. 26 Lord bindeth up the breach of his people 61. I sent me to bind up the broken hearted Eze. 34. 4 have ye bound up(thatwhichwas)broken 34. 16 will bind up (that which was) broken Hos. 4. 19 The wind . . bound her up in her wings 2. 7b bind up, gird, Bijn chabash, 3. Psa.i47. 3.He healeth .. and bindeth up their wounds 3.7b straiten, compress, lis tsur. Deut 14. 25 Then shalt thou. .bind up the money in 4.7b straiten, compress, iTjt tsarar. Job 26. 8 He bindeth up tlie waters in his thick Isa. 8. 16 Bind up the testimony, sealthelawamong 5.7b bind fast, icaTaSiu katadeo. Lukeio. 34 went ..and bound up his wounds, pouring BIND with, to — 7b bind along with, ffvvSfw siindeo. Heb, 13. 3 them that are in bonds, as bound with BINDING — 1. Binding, obliging, idn, nDX issar, esar. Nura3o. 13 every binding oath to afflict tlie soul, her 2.Lip, edge, naj? saphah. Exod28. 32 it shall have a binding of woven work [See also Curse, execration, oath;] BI'-NEA, n;;;3, ,xj;|3 wanderer. A son of Moza, a descendant of Saul, B.C. 900. 1 Ch. 8. 37 Moza begat B.: Kapha (was) his son 9. 43 Moza begat B. ; and Bephaiah Im son BIN-NTJ'-I, '»3 family ship. 1. A Levite appointed to the oversight of the weighing of the gold and silver vessels that Ezra brought up from Babylon, B.C. 536. Ezra 8. 33 with them (was). .Noadiah the son ol B. 2. One of the family of Pahath-moab, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 30 of the sons of Pahath-moab; Bezaleel . . B. 3. One of the family of Bani, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 38 And Bani, and B., Shimei. 4. One of the family of Henadad, B.C. 460. Neh. 3. 24 After him repaired B. . .another piece 10. 9 B. of the sons of Henadad, Kadniiel 5. One whose descendants came up with Zerubbabel. He is called Bani in Ezra 2. 10, B.C. 536.. Neh. 7. IS Thechildrenof B. .six hundred forty and 6. A Levite who came up with Zerijbbabe], B.C. 536. Neh. 12. 8 Moreover the Levites : Jeshua, B. BIRD — l.Foiol, bird, »;iy oph. Gen. 40. 17 the birds did eat them out of the basket 40. 19 the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee 2 Sa. 21. 10 neither the birds of the air to rest on 20 a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and Isa. 16. 2 as a wandering bird cast out of the nest Jer. 4. 25 all the birds of the heavens were fled 5. 27 As a cage is full of birds, so (are) their 12. 4 the beasts are consumed, and the birds Hos. 9. II their glory shall fly away like a bird 2.A ravenous bird,, a;j;) ayit. Jer. 12. 9 heritage . .the birds round aTjout (are) 3. A sparrow, nis^ tsippor. Gen. 7. 14 every fowl after his kind, every bird of 15. 10 divided them, .the birds divided he not Ikjv. 14. 4 that is to be cleansed two birds alive 14. 5 one of the birds be killed in an . .vessel 14. 6 As for the living bii-d, he shall take it Lev. 14. 6 dip. .the living bird in the blood of the 14. 7 sliall let the living bird loose into the 14. 49 Siiall take to cleanse the house two birds 14. 50 be shall kill the one of the birds in an 14. 51 living bird, .in the blood of the slain bird 14. 52 sliall cleanse.. with the blood of the bird 14. 52 running water, and with the living bird 14. 53 sliall let go the living bird out of the city Deut 14. II (Of) all clean birds ye shall eat 22. 6 If a bird's nest chance to be. .in any tree Job 41. s Wilt thou play with him as. .a bird? I'aa. IT.. I say ye. .Flee (as) a bird to your mouutaw! 104. 17 Where the birds make their nests 124. 7 Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the Prov. 6. 5 as a bird from the hand of the fowler 7. 23 as a bird hasteth to the snare, and 26. 2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow 27. 8 As a bird that waiidcreth from her nest Eccl. 9. 12 as the bii-ds that are caught in the snare 12. 4 he shall rise up at the voice of the bird Isa. 31. 5 As birds flying, so will the LonD of hosts Lam. 3. 52 Mine enemies chased me sore, like a bird Eze. 39. 4 I will give thee unto the ravenous birds Hos. II. II They shall tremble as a bird out of Amos 3. 5 Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth 4. Bird, TSS tsephar. Dan. 4. 33 and his nails like birds' (claws) b.Oumcr of a wing, r|:3 Vjjs baal kanaph. Prov, I, 17 the net is spread in the sight of any tiid a. Bird (domestic or wild), upveov omeon. Kev. 18. 2 cage of every unclean and liateful bird 1 .Flying, winged animal, weTeivSv peteijuni. Matt. 8. 20 the birds of the air. .nests ; but the Son 13. 32 that the birds of the air come and lodge Luke 9. 58 birds of the air. .nests ; but the Son oX - llom. I. 23 to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and "'^ Jas. 3. 7 every kind of beasts, and of birds, and ^.Feathered, winged animal, iTr-l]vov ptenon. 1 Co. 15. 39 one. .flesh of men. .another of birds BIBD, speckled or ravenous — A rave7i02is bird, ('Visii) a',ii ayit tsipiJor. Isa. 46. II Calling a ravenous bird from the east Jer. 12. 9 Mine., (is) unto me (as) a speckled bird Eze. 39. 4 I will give thee unto the ravenous birds BIR'-SHA, y??-i3 thick, strong. A king of Gomorrah in the time of Abram, B.C. 1917. Ge. 14. smade war with.. B. king of Gomorrah BIRTH — 1.7b bear, bring forth, yield, "1'?; yalad. Hos. 9. II glory sliall fly away . .from the birth 2. Cutting out, rrjiDB mekurah. Eee. 16. 3 Thy birth and thy nativity (is) of the Z. Breaking forth, isif'p mashher. 2 Ki. 19. 3 for the children are come to the birth Isa. 37. 3 for the children are come to the biith 4. Generations, nnVw toledoth. Exod28. 10 their riames. .according to their birth b. Birth, a being born, yevtTy) genete. John 9. I he saw a man which was blind, .birth &. Birth, nativity, y4vvriSa. g. 8 he bowed himself, and said. What (is) thy 14. 22 Joab fell . . on his face, and bowed himseU 14. 33 bowed himself on his face to the ground 18. 21 Cushi bowed himself unto Joab, and ran 2 Sa. 24. 20 bowed himself before the king on his I Ki. I. 23 bowed himself before the king with his I. 47 the king bowed himself upon the bed 1. 53 came and bowedhimself to king Solomon . 2. jg king rose, .and bowed himself unto her a Ki. 2. IS bowed themselves to the ground before 4. 37 bowed herself to the ground, and took 5. 18 I bow myself in the house of Kimmon 17. 35 nor bow yourselves to them, nor serve 1 Ch. 21. 21 bowed himself to David with (his) face BOW the head, to — To stoop down, boio the head -n^ qadad. Exod.4. 31 they bowed their heads and worshipped 12. 27 people bowed tlie head and worshipped 34. 8 bowed his head toward the earth, and 1 Ch. 20. 18 Jehoshaphat bowed his head, .to the' 29. 30 they bowed their heads and worsliipped Neh, 8. 6 bowed their heads, and worshipped the BOW the knee, to — 1. Salute I give a blessing I ^"(3N! abrek. Gen. 41. 43 they cried before him. Bow the knee 2. To fall on the knees, yovvTmito gonupcteo. Matt 27. 29 they bowed the knee before him, an BOWED down, to be — l.To be bent double, 193 kaphaph. Psa. 57. 6 my soul is bowed down : they have J45. 14 and raiseth up all. .bowed down 146. 8 Lord raisetli'(them that are) bowed dovm 2.T0 be bent, nij/ avah, 2. Isa. 21. 3 I was bowed down at the hearing. .1 was 3. To be bowed down, m& shuach.. Psa. 44. 25 our soul is bowed down to the dust. 4. 7*0 bow dovm, nn^ shachach. Psa. 38. 6 I am troubled ; I am bowed down greatly Isa, a. II haughtiness of men shall be bowed dowa 2. 17 loftiness of man shall be bowed down BO'WED together, to be — * To bow together, avyKvirrm sugkupto. Luke 13. II there was 4 woman. .bowe4 together BO'WEIS — l.Bowels, D'iio meim. Gen. 15. 4 shall come forth out of thine own bowels 25. 23 people shall be separated from thy bowels Num.. 5. 22 this water, .shall go into thy bowels 2 Sa. 7. 12 which shall proceed out of thy bowels 16. II my son, which came forth of my bowels 20. 10 shed out his bowels to the ground, and B 15 of thy bowels, tmtil thy bowels fall out I 21. 18 Lord smote him in his bowels with an I ai. ig his bowels fell out by reason of his ' 32. 21 they that came forth of his own bowels Job 20. 14 his meat in his bowels is turned 30. 27 My bowels boiled, and rested not : the Psa. 22. 14 melted in the midst of my bowels 71. 6 took me out of my mother's bowela Song 5. 4 and my bowels were moved forhim Isa. 16. II my bowels shall sound like an haip 48. 19 the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel 49. I from the bowels of my mother hath he 63. 15 the sounding of thy bowels and of thy Jer. 4. 19 My bowels, my bowels 1 1 am pained 31. zo therefore my bowels are troubled for him Lam. I. 20 my bowels are troubled ; mine heart 2. II my bowels are troubled, my liver is Eze. 3. 3 flu thy bowels with this roll that I give 7. 19 they shall not. .fill their bowela. 2, Heart, y\iy qercb. Psa. 109. 18 let it come into his bowels like water 3. Womb, feelings of pity, D'pq"i rachamim. Gen. 43. 30 his bowels did yearn upon his brother J Ki. 3. 26 her bowels yearned upon hfir son, and A.Bowels, (T'trKayxva spla§chna. Acts I. j8 he burst.. and all his bowels gushed out 2 Cor. 6. 12 ye are straitened in your own bowels ' PhiL I. 8 I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus a. I of the Spirit, if any. bowels and mercies Col. 3. j2 Put on therefore, .bowels of mercies Phm. 7 the bowels of the saints are refreshed by 12 receive him that is mine own bowels 20 the Lord : refresh my bowela in the Lord BO'WEIS (of compassion) — Bowels, (TiT\6.yxvo. splagchna. I Jo. 3. 17 Bhutteth up his bowels (of compassion) BO'WING — To incline, .ipj natah. Psa. 62. 3 as a bowing wall., a tottering fence BOWING down — To incline, naj natah. Psa. 17. II set their eyes bowing down to the earth BO'WL- l.Bowl, calix, V'53 gabia. ^^_ Exodzs. 31 his bowls, his knops.. shall beof the ;^H | 23. 33 Three bowls made like unto almonds ^^B ' 23, 34 in the candlestick, .four bowls made liKe 27. 17 his bowls, his knops. .were of the same 27. ig Three bowls made after the fashion of 27. ig and three bowls made like almonda. • 37. 2o in the candlestick, .four bowls made like i.Cruise, hi got. Zech. 4. 2 with a bowl upon tho top of it, and hl» BOWLS 109 BEASEN S.Cruise, n^: gallak. t Ki. 7. 41 bowls of the chapiUrs that (were) on the 7. 42 to cover the two bowls of the chapiters Eccl. 12. 6 or the golden bowl be brokeu, or the Zech. 4. 3 one upon the right.. of the bowl, aud the i.Sprinkliiig pan, pyp mizraq. Num. 7. 13 OQe silver bowl of seventy shekeb, after So in V. 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49,"55, 61, 67, 73, 79. 7. 84 twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons of 7. 85 each bowl seventy : all the silrer vessels 2 Ki.2s. IS fire pans, and the bowls.. such things as 1 Ch. 28. 17 the bowls, and the cups ; and for tlie Jer. 52. 18 the bowls, and the spoons, and all the 52. 19 the bowls, and the caldrons, and the Amos 6. 6 That drinii wine in bowls, and anoint Zech. g. 15 they shall be filled lilce bowls, .as the 14. 20 shall be like the bowls before the altar 6. Basin, dish, 1P sapk. 1 Ki. 7. 50 the bowls, and the snuffers, and the 2 Ki. 12. 13 for the house of the Lord bowls of silver G.A mile cup or howl, h^a sephel, Judg.6. 38 it was so. .a bowl full of water BOWIS — Sacrificial boials, nViiija menaqqiyyoth. £xod. 25. 29 thou shall inaUe the. .bowls thereof, to 37. 16 his bowls,' and his covers to cover withal Num. 4. 7 the bowls, and covers to cover withal BOWMAN — To cast {with) the bow, ns'|5 ns-j ramah qeshcth. Jer. 4. 29 noise of the horsemen aud bowmen BOW SHOT — Stretchings of a how, n^'i'j \iqo!? metachave qesheth. Gen. 21. 16 as it were a bow allot; fpr she said. Let BOX — Cruet, flask, lis pak, 2 Ki. 9. I take this box of oil In thine hand g. 3 take the box of oil, and pour (it; on his BOX (tree) — The sherbin cedar, -wwj^ teashshiir. Isa. 41. 19 I will set in the desert, the box tree 60. 13 the pine tree, and the box together, to BOX, (alabaster) — AlabaMer box, a.Ka.$a(TTpov alahastron. Watt26. 7 a woman having an alabaster box of very Marki4. 3 a woman having an alabaster box of 14. 3 she brake the box, and poured (it) Luke 7. 37 brought an alabaster box of ointment BOY — 1.0)16 60m., "iS^ yeled. Joel 3. 3 have given a boy for an harlot., and sold Zech 8. 5 streets of the city sliall be £uU of.boys i.A youth, "ilJJ nuar. Gen. 25. 27 the boys grew ; and Esau was a cunning BO'-ZEZ, }'S'i2 height, shining. A rock near the ravine of Sficlimash, not far from Gibeah of Benjamin. It was one of the two sharp rocks ("teeth of the cliff") between which Jonathan enterea the garrison of the Philistines. It lay on the N. side, and may be the hills at the hottonj of the Wady Sineinit just below llulcmas. 1 Sa. 14. 4 and the name of the one (was) B. BOZ'-KATH, ni3?3 height. A city of Judah. in tlia Shephelah or plaii]. In 2 KL 22. I it is spelt Boscath. Josh. 15. 39 Lachish, and B., and Eglon 2 Ki. 22. I mother, .the daughter of Adaiah of B. BOZ'-KAH, fnsa fortification, restraint, 'sheepfold. 1. The city of Jobab, son of Zerah, one of the early kings of Edom. Now called el-Basaireh. Gen. 36. 33 Jobab the son of Zerah of B. reigned 1 Ch. I. 44 Jobab the son of Zerah of B. reigne4 Isa. 34. 6 for the Lord hath a sacrifice in B. 63. I cometh from Edom, with . . jrarraents . . B. 7 Jer. 49. 13 B. shall become a desolation . .and a curse 49. 22 Behold, he shall .. spread his wings over B. Amos I. 12 a fire, .shall devour the ijalaces of B. Jlic. 2. 12 I will put thera together as the sheep of B, 2. Bozrah, in the plain country of Moab. Jer. 48. 24 upon Keriotb, and upon B., and upon BRACELET- — l.Arm band, 'Tis^yK etsadah. 2 Sa. I. 10 the bracelet that (was) on.his arm, aud i.Hook, ring, nij chach. Exod 35. 22 brought bracelets, and ear rings 2.Thread,, cord, h'ns pathil. Gen. 38. 18 Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy 38. 25 these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff ^-Bracelet, td^ isamid. Gen. 24. 22 two bracelets for her hands of ten 24. 30 saw the. .bracelets upon his sister's haiids 24. 47 I put. .the bracelets upon her hands Num3i. 50 jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets Eze. 16. II I put bracelets upon thy hands 23. 42 which put bracelets upon her hands 5. Twisted omatnents, nn» sheroth. ■ Isa. 3. ig Tbe chains, and the bracelets, and Uie BRAIIBLE — I. Buck thorn, inx atad. Judg. 9. 14 Then said all the trees unto the bramble 9. IS the bramble said unto the trees. If in g. 15 let fire come out of the bramble, and 2. Thistle, thorn bush, nin choach. Isa. 34. 13 nettles and brambles in the fortresses BRAMBLE bush — The bramble bush, r) ^drot he batos. Luke 6. 44 nor of a bramble bush gathcrthey grapes BRANCH — I.Summit, TDK amir. Isa. 17. 9 an Uppermost branch, which they left 2. Branch, 13 bad. Eze. 17. 6 brought forth branches, and shot forth 19. i4Jlre is gone out of a rod of her branches H03, II. 6 shall consume bis branches, and devour 3.Son, J3 ben. Psa. 80. 15 the branch, .thou madest strong for thy i. Daughter, ng bath. Gen. 49. 22 (whose) branches nm over the wall B.Twig, shoot, ."tiidi zemorah. Num.13. 23 a branch with one cluster of grapes Eze. 8. 17 lo, they put the branch to their nose 15. 2 a branch whiqh is among the trees of 6. Twig, shoot, I'tpt zemir. Isa, 25. 5 the branch of the terrible ones shall be 7. Suckling, nipi'v yoneketh. Job 8. 16 his branch shooteth forth in hip garden 15. 30 the flame shall dry up his branches Psa. 80. II She sent out. .her branches unto the Hos. 14. 6 His branches shall spread, and.his 8. Bending branch, 1? kaph. Lev. 23. 40 ye shall take, .branches of palm trees 9. Bending branch, .nf? kippah. Job 15. 32 and his branch shall not be green Isa. 9. 14 head and tail, branch and rush 19. 15 which the head or tail, branch or rush 10. Shoot, "lyi netser. Isa. II. I a Branch shall grow out of his roots 14. 19 cast out.. like an abominable branch 60. 21 the branch of my planting, the work Dan. II. 7 out of a branch of her roots shall (one) 11. Tioig, I'j/D seiph. Isa. 27. 10 shall he. .consume the branches thereof 12. Leaf, ascending sprout, ."15^ aleh. NeK 8. 15 fetch olive branches, and pine branches, and myrtle, branches, and palm branches, and branches Prov.ii. 28 righteous shall flourish as a branch 13. Bough, branch, ^i]!, IJJi anaph. Eze. 17. 8 that it might bring forth branches 31. 3 the Assyrian, .a cedar, .with. .braccEea 36. 8 ye shall shoot forth your branches, and Ufal. 4. I shall leave them neither rout nor branch Dan. 4. 14 Hew down, .and cut off his branches 4. 14 aud the fowls from his branches 4. 21 upon vyhose branches the fowls, .had 14.^ leafy sapling, rriNS porah. Eze. 31. 5 his branches became long, because of 31. 6 under his branches did all thfr beasts of 31. 8 chesnut trees were not like his branches 31. 13 all the beasts., shall be upon bi^ branches 15. A sprout, nas tsemach. Isa. 4. 2 In that day shall the branch of the Lord Jer. 23. 5 I will raise unto . . a righteous Bitmch 33. 15 ^ill 1 cause the Branch of righteousness Zech. 3. 8 I will bring forth my servant the Branch 6. j2 Behold, .whose name (is) Tbe Branch 16.A reed, cane, nil3 qaneh. Exod25. 31 his branches, his bowls, his knops, and 2S. 32 six branches shall come out of the sides 2S. 32 three branches.. and three branches 2S. 33 a knop and a flower in one branch 25. 33 three bowls, .in the other branch 25. 33 so in the six branches that come out of 25. 35 a knop under two branches of the same 25. 35 a knop under two branches of the same 25. 35 a knop under two branches of the same 25. 35 according to the six branches that 25. 36 Their knops and their branches shall be 37. 17 his branch, his bowls, bis knops, and hia 37. i8 six branches going out of the sides 37. 18 three branches, .out of the one side 37. 18 three branches, out of the other side 37. 19 Three bowls made, in one branch 37. 19 three bowls made . . in another branch 37. 19 so throughout the six branches going out 37. 21 a knop under two branches of the same 37. 21 a knop under two branches of the same 37. 21 a knop under two branches of the same 37. 21 according to the six branches going out 37. 22 Their knops and their branches were of 17. .il cutting, branch, TVS qatsir. Job 18. 16 and above shall his branch be cut off 29. 19 dew lay all night upon my branch 18. /I tmg, rh'si? shibboleth. Zech. 4. i;\viiat.. two oUvebFaache9«bicb through 19./1 branch of a palm tree, $aioy baion. John 12. 13 Took branches of palm trees, and went 20. A young slip or shoot, kXoSoj klados. Matt 13. 32 birds.. come and lodge in the branches •21. 8 others cut down branches from the trees 24, 32 When his branch is yet tender, and Mark 4. 32 shooteth out great branches, so that the 13. 28 When her branch is yet tender, and Lukei3. 19 the fowls, .lodged in the branches of it Kom.!!. 16 if the root (be) holy, so (are) the branches II. 17 if some of the branches be broken off, and II. 18 Boast not against the branches. But it II. 19 Thou wit say then, The branches were II. 21 if God spared not the natuial branches 21. A cutting, slip, /cAij^a kUma.. John 13. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not IS- 4 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself 15. s I am the vine, ye (are) the branches 15. 6 he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered 22.Branch, leaves, ffroiBds stoiias. Markii. 8 others cut dowfi [branches] off the trees BRA17CH, Mgheit — A high branch, n^ox tsammereth. Eze. 17. 3 and took the highest branch of the cedar 17. 22 I will also take of the highest branch uf BRANCH, vine — Tivig, shoot, .Tiioj zemorah. ^ah. 2. 2 and marred their vine branches BRANCH, outmost — A branch, sprout, »]'yp seiph. Isa. 17. 6 in the outmost fruitful branches thereof BRANCH, tender — Suckling, nj^ir yoTieqeth. Job 14. 7 the tender branch thereof will not ceaso BRANCH, thick — Thick branches, n'l^y, dboth. Eze. 19. II her stature was.. among.. thick branches BRANCHES — 1. Waving branches, ni'^'i daliyyoth. Jer. II. 16 olive tree, .the branches of ft arc broken Eze. 17. 6 whose branches turned toward him, anil 17. 7 shot forth her branches toward him, that 17. 23 in the shadow of the branches thereof 19. II the multitude of her branches 31. 7 fair, .in the length of his branches 31. 9 I have made him fair by.. his branches 31. 12 in all the valleys his branches are fallea i.Tendrils, twigs, riw'ti} netishoth. Isa. 18. 5 and take away, .cut down branches 3. Tvoigs, branches, shoots, D'KE)^ ophayim. Psa 104. 12 the fowls.. sing among the branches 4. Shoots of a vine, D'jn'^ sarigim. Gen. 40. 10 And in the vine (were) three branches 40. 12 The three branches (are) three days Joel I. 7 the branches thereof are made white 5. Stretching out, sending forth, ninSy shehichoth. Isa. 16. 8 her branches ore stretched out, they are BRANCHES, full of — To abound in branches, '\yj, aneph. Eze. ig. 10 she was fruitful and full of branches BRAND — 1. Burning brand, "i^tx ud. Zech. 3. 2 not this a brand pluck&d out of tlie flrcf 2.Buming torch, ts? lappid. Judg IS. 5 when he had set the brands on fire, he BRANDISH, to — To cause to fly or move sjuiftly, 1'V vph, Sa. Eze. 32. to when I shall brandish my sword before BRASEN — Brass, copper, ndni nechosheth. Exod27. 4 make ifourbrasen rings in the fonrcomers 35. 16 The altar, .with his brasen grates, his 38. 4 he made for the altar a brasen grate of 38. 10 their brasen sockets twenty : the hooks 38. 30 the brasen altar, and the brasen grate for 39. 39 The brasen altar, and his grate of brass T,ev. 6. 28 if it be sodden in a brasen pot, it shall Nura 16. 39 Eleazarthe priest took the brasen censers t Ki. 4. 13 great- cities with walls and brasen bars 7. 30 every base had four brasen wheels, and 8. 64 thebrasenaltarthat(v/as)before the Lord 14. 27 made in their stead brasen shields, and 2 Ki. 16. 14 he brought also the brasen altar, which 16. 15 the brasen altar shall be for me to enquire 16. 17 took down the sea from off the brasen 18. 4 brake in pieces the brasen serpent that 25. 13 the brasen sea (that was) in the house of 1 Ch. 18. 8 Solomon made the brasen sea, and the 2 Ch. I. s the brasen altar, that Bezaleel the son of 1. 6 went up thither to the brasen altar 6. 13 Solomon had made a brasen scaffold, of 7. 7 the brasen altar . . was not able to receive Jer. 1. 18 brasen walls against the whole land 15- 20 I will make thee, .a feuced brasen wall 52. 17 the brasen sea that (was) in the house at 52. 20 twelve brasen bulls that (were) under the Eza "^ 3 w«at in, and stood beside.^ brasen altar BRASEN 110 BREAD SB&SEN vessel — Copper or bronze vessel, x^-^Kiov chalkion. ilark 7. 4 cups aud pots, braseu vessels, and of BRASS — Brass was much used by the anci|eDt Hebrev/s, and made into altars, bars, fetters, gates, greaves, helmets, house- hold vessels, idols, instrumeotsof music, lavers, mirrors, pillars, sacred vessels, shields, sockets for pillars. &c. \. Brass, copper, tyini nachush. Job 6. IS (Is) my strength . .(is) my flesh of brass 2. Brass, copper, nfiin) nechushah. Lev. it. ig heaven as iron, and your earth iis brass Job. 28. 2 and brass (is) molten (out of) the stone 40. 18 His loins (are as) strong pieces of brass 41. 27 He esteemeth .brass as rotten wood Isa. 45. 2 I will break in pieces the gates of brass 48. 4 an iron sinew, and thy brow brass Mic. 4. 13 I will make thy hoofs brass ; and 3. Brass, copper, lynj nechash. Pan. 2. 32 his belly and his thighs of brags 2. 35 Then was. .the brass, .broken to pieces 3 39 another third kingdom of brass, which 2. 45 It brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the 4. 15, 23 with a band of iron and brass, in the S- 4 gods, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of 5. 23 gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron , 7. iq whose teeth . . iron, aud his nails (of) brass Brass, copper, ndnj nechosheth. Geo. 4. 22 an instructor of every artificer in brass Exod25. 3 take of them ; gold, and silver, and brass 26. I J thou shalt make fifty taches of brass, and 26. 37 thou shalt cast tlve sockets of brass for 27. 2 and thou shalt overlay it with brass 27. 3 the vessels .thou shalt make (of) brass 27. 4 make for it a grate of network (of) brass 27> 6makestaves. overlay them with brass 27. 10. II and their twenty sockets (of) brass 27. 17 hooks of silver, and their sockets of brass 27. 18 twined linen, and their sockets (of) brass 27. 19 all the pins of the court, (shall be of) biass lo. iS Thou shalt also make a laver (oO brass 30. 18 his foot (also of) brass, to wash (withal) 31 4 work in gold, and in silver, and in brass 35. 5 let him bring gold, and silver, and brass 35. 24 did offer an offering of silver and brass 35. 32 work in gold, and in silver, and in brass 36. iB he made fifty taches (of) brass to couple 36. 38 but their five sockets (were of) brass 38. 2 and he overlaid it with brass 38. 3 the vessels thereof made he (oO brass 38. 5 for the four ends of the grate of brass 38. 6 and overlaid them with brass 38. 8 And he made the laver (of) brass 38. 8 and the foot of it (of) brass 38. II their sockets of brass twenty ; the hooks 38 17 the sockets for the pillars (were of) brass 38. iq their sockets (of) brass four; their hooks 38 2o all the pins of the tabernacle, brass 38. 29 the brass of the offering (was) seventy Num2i. 9 Moses made a serpent of brass, and put 21. g when he beheld the serpent of brass 31. 23 Only the gold, and the silver, the brass Deut. 8. 9 out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass • 28. 23 heaven, over thy head shall be brass :i3. 25 Thy shoes iron and brass ; and as thy Josh. 6. 19 vessels of brass and iron, (are) consecrated 6. 24 tho vessels of brass and of iron, they put 22. 8 with silver, and with gold, and with brass I Sa. 17. 5 an helmet of brass upon his head, and 17. 5 coat (was) five thousand shekels of brass 17. 6 greaves of brass upon his legs 17. 6 a target of brass between his shoulders, 17. 38 put an helmet of brass upon his head a Sa 8. 8 king David took exceeding much brass 8. 10 vessels of gold, and vessels of brass 21. 16 three hundred(shekels)ot brass in weight » Ki. 7. 14 worker in brass to work, in brass 7. 15 he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen 7. 16 he made two chapiters (of) molten brass 7. 27 he made ten bases of brass ; four cubits 7. 30 every base had wheels, plates of brass 7. 38 Then made he ten lavers of brass 7. 45 vessels for the house of the LORD .brass 7. 47 neitherwas the weight of the brass found I ICI.25. 13 the pillars of brass (that were) in the 25. 13 carried the brass of them to Babylon 25. 14 and all the vessels of brass wherewith 25. 16 the brass of all these vessels was without 25. 17 the chapiter upon it (was) brass ; and the 25. 17 the chapiter round about, all of brass 1 Ch. 15. 19 the singers to sound, cymbals of brass 18. 8 brought David very much brass 18. 8 and the pillars, and the vessels of brass 18. 10 of vessels of gold and silver and brass 22. 3 and brass in abundance without weight 22. 14 brass and iron without weight; for it is 22. 16 Of the gold, the silver, and the brass, and 29. 2 and the brass for (things) of brass, the 29. 7 of brass eighteen thousand talents, and 2 Ch. 2. 7 iu gold, and in silver, and in brass 2. 14 in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron 4. I he made an altar of brass, twenty 4. 9 overlaid the doors of them with brass 4. i6 for the house of the LORD, of bright brass 4. 18 weight of the brass could not he found 12. 10 king Rehoboam made shields of brass 24. 12 brass to mend the house of the Lord P8a.io7. i'6 he hath broken the gates of brass, and Iia. ^ 17 Tor brass I wiU bring gold, and for- Isa. 60. Jer. 6. 52- 52. 52- 52- 52- S2- Eze. I. 22. 22. 24- 27- 40. Dan 10. Zech. 6. 5. Copper, Mat 10. 1 Co n- Rev. 18. 17 and tor wood bi-ass, and for stones iron 28 brass and iron ; they (are) all corrupters 17 pillars of brass that (were) in the house 17 carried all the brass of thera to Babylon . 18 the spoons, and all the vessels of brass 2o brass of all these vessels was without 22 a chapiter of brass (was) upon it ; and the 22 the chapiters round about, all (of) brass 7 sparkled like the colourof burnished brass 18 all they (are) brass, and tin, and iron 2o they gather silver, and brass, and iron 11 that the brass of it may be hot, and may 13 aud vessels of brass in thy market 3 man . . like the appearance of brass 6 his feet like in colour to polished brass I the mountains (were) mountains of brass bronze, xoA/c($r chalkos, 9 Provide neither gold, .silver, nor brass I I am become (as) sounding brass, or a 12 vessels of . .precious wood, and of brass BRASS, fine — While copper, xa^KoKlffavov chalkolihanon. Rev. 1. 15 his feet like unto fine brass, as if the 2. 18 and his feet (are) like fiiue'brass BRASS, of — Of cupper, xo-KKeos chalkens, yo.\rou%. Rev. 9. 20 idols of gold, and silver, and brass BRASS, fetters of — Brass, copper, naJni nechosheth. Judg 16. 21 bound him with fetters of brass ; and 2 Ki. 25. 7 bound him with fetters of brass, and BRAVERY — Beauty, rn^tn rrisrri tipharah, iipliereth. Isa. 3. 18 take away the bravery of. .tinkling cm. BRAWLER, not a — Not fightiTig, not striving, &ixaxos amackos. 1 Tj. 3. 3 patient, not a brawler, not covetous Titus 3. 2 speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers BRA'VTIIKa — Contention, strife, j'liD madon, O'l;!'? ruidyanim. Prov.2i. 9 than with a brawling woman in a wide 25. 24 than with a brawling woman and in a BRAT, to — To bray, pni nahaq. Job 6. 5 Doth the wild ass bray when he hath 30. 7 Among the bushes they brayed; under BRAY (in a mortar), to — To butt, pound, e^nj kathask. Prov. 27. 22 Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a m. BREACH — 1. Breach, rent, leak, pn? hedeq. 2 Ki.i2. 5 let them repairthe breaches of the house 12. s wheresoever any breach shall be found 12. 6 the priests had not repaired the breaches 12. 7 Why repair ye not the breaches of the 12. 7 deliver it for the breaches of the house 12. 8 neither to repair the breaches of the 12.12 hewed stone to repair the breaches of the 22. 5 to repair the breaches of the house 2. Cleft, valley, yp? beqia. Isa. 22. 9 the breaches of the city of David Z.Gulf, incision, }'^5p miphrats. Judg. 5. 17 Asher. .abode in his breaches 4. To break forth, yi^ parats. 1 Ch. 15. 13 Lord our God made a breach upon us Neb. 4. 7 that the breaches began to be stopped 5. A breaking forth, yt^ perets. Gen. 38. 29 hast thou broken forth? (this) breach Judg 21. 15 the Lord had made abreach in the tribes 2 Sa. 5. 20 upon mine enemies, .as the breach of 6. 8 Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah I KI. II. 27 Solomon, repaired the breaches of the 1 Ch. 13. II Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah Neh. 6. I there was no breach left therein Job i6. 14 breaketh me with breach upon breach Psa. 106. 23 stood before him in the breach, to Isa. 30. 13 this iniquity shall be to you as a bi'each • 58. 12 be called. The repairer of the breach Amos 4. 3 ye shall go out at the breaches, every 9. II close up the breaches therijof ; and 1 will 6. Breach, ■oe* sheber Lev. 24. 20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for Psa. 60. 2 heal the breaches thereof ; for it shaketh Prov. 15. 4 perverseness therein (is) a breach in the Isa. 30. 26 Lord bindeth up the breach of his people Jer. 14. 17 great breach, with a very grievous blow Lam. 2. 13 for thy breach (is) great like the sea BREACH, to be made a — To be cleft, yp3 baqa, 4. Eze. 26. 10 into a city wherein Is made a breach BREACH, to make a — To cleave through, ypa baqa, 5. Isa. 7. 6 let us make a breach therein for us BREACH of promise — Removal, alienation, .inub teniuih. . Kum 14. 34 ye shall know my breach of promise BREACHES — Droppings, D'p'P") resisim. Amos 6. II wia amite the great house with breaches BREAD — l.Food, bread, sustenance, on? lechem. Gen. 3. 19 sweat of thy face shalt thou eat hread 14. 18 Melchizedek. .brought forth bread and :8. 5 I will fetch a morsel of bread, and 1, 14 took bread, and a bottle of water, and 25. 34 Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of 27. 17 she gave the savoury meat and the bread 28. 20 give me bread to eat, and raiment to put 31. 54 and called his brethren to eat bread 31. 54 they did eat bread, and tarried all night 37. 25 they sat down to eat bread : and they 39. 6 ought, .save the bread which he did eat 41. 54 in all the land of Egypt there was bread 41. 55 people cried to Pharoah for bread : and 43. 25 heard that they should eat bread there 43. 31 refrained himself, and said. Set on bread 43. 32 the Egyptians might not eat bread with 45. 23 laden with corn and bread and meat 47. 12 all his father's household, with bread 47. 13 no bread in all the land ; for the famine 47. 15 Give us bread : for why should we die 47. 17 Joseph gave them bread (in exchange) ' 47. 17 he fed them with bread for all their 47. 19 buy us and our land for bread, and we 49. 20 Out of Asher his bread (shall be) fat, and Exod. 2. 20 call him, that he may eat bread 16. 3 when we did eat bread to the full t 16. 4 I will rain bread from heaven for yon 16. 8 in the morning bread to the full ; for 16. 12 the morning ye shall be filled with bread 16. 15 This (is) the bread which the Lord hath 16. 22 they gathered twice as much bread j6. 29 on the sixth day the bread of two days 16. 32 they may see the bread wherewith I 18. 12 to eat bread with Moses' father-in-law 23. 15 he shall bless thy bread, and thy water 29. 2 unleavened bread, and cakes unleavened 29. 23 loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled bread 29. 32 the bread that (is) in the basket, (hy) the 29. 34 if ought, .of the bread, remain unto the 34. 28 he did neither eat bread, nor drink 40. 23 he set the bread in order upon It before Lev. 7. 13 heshall offer.. hisoffering leavened breac 8. 26 out of the basket of unleavened bread 8. 31 there eat it with the bread that (is) in 8. 32 that which remaineth . .of the bread shall 21. 6 the bread of their God, they do offer 21. 8 he offereth the bread of thy God : he shall 21. 17 approach to offer the bread of his God 21. 21 come nigh to offer the bread of his God 21. 22 He shall eat the bread of his God. .of the 22. 25 shall ye offer the bread of your God of 23. 14 ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched 23. 18 ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs 23. 20 yvith the bread of the firstfruits. .a wave 24. 7 it may be on the bread for a memorial 26. s ye shall eat your bread to the full, and 26. 26 I have broken the staff of your bread 26. 26 ten women shall bake your bread in one 26. 26 they shall deliver /you) your bread agaia Num. 4. 7 and the continual bread shall be thereon 14. 9 they (are) bread for us . their defence is 15. 19 when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye 21. s no bread, neitfier (is there any) water 21. s and our soul loatheth this light bread 28. 2 my bread for my sacrifices made by fire Deut. 8. 3 man doth not live by bread only, but by 8. 9 thou shalt eat bread without scarceness 9. 18 I did neither eat bread nor drink water 16. 3 Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it 23. 4 Because they met you not with bread 29. 6 Ye have not eaten bread, neither have Josh. g. 5 all the bread of their provision was dry 9. 12 our bread we took hot (for) our provision Judg. 7. 13 a cake of barley bread tumbled into the 8. 5 Give, I pray you, loaves of bread unto 8. 6 we should give bread unto thine army? 8. 15 give bread unto thy men (that are) weary 1 13. 16 I will not eat of thy bread : and if thou ig. 5 Comfort thine heart with a morsel of b. ig. 19 there is bread and wine also for me, and Ruth I. 6 had visited his people in giving them b. 2. J4 come thou hither, and eat of the bread I Sa. 2. 5 full have hired out themselves for bread 2. 36 a piece of silver and a morsel of bread 2. 36 that I may eat a piece of bread I 9. 7 for the bread is spent in our vessels ' 10. 3 another carrying three loaves of bread 10. 4 give thee two (loaves) of bread ; which 16. 20 an ass (laden) with bread, and a bottle 21. 3 give (me) five (loaves of) bread In mine , 21. 4 common bread . .there Is hallowed bread < 31. 6 was no bread there but the shewbread ! 21. 6 to put hot bread in the day when It } 22. 13 thou hast given him bread, and a sword ' 25. J I Shall I then take my bread, and my water 28. 20 he had eaten no bread all the day, nor all 28. 22 let me set a morsel of bread before thee 30. II gave him bread, and he did eat ; and -30. 12 for he had eaten no bread, nor drunk 3 Sa. 3. 29 falleth on the sword, or that lacketh b. 3. 35 if I taste bread, or ought else, till the 6. 19 a cake of bread, and a good piece (of flesh) 9. 7 thou shalt eat bread at my table contin. 9. 10 thy master's son shall eat bread . . at my 12. 17 neither did he eat bread with them 12. 20 they set bread before him, and he did BREAD 111 BREADTH aSa. la. j6. 16. I Kii3. »3- 13- «3- >3- ^3- 13- J3- n- »3- »7- >7- «7- 18. 31. St. sr. 33. sKi. 4. 4- 4- 6. 18. 25- I Ch.i2. 16. 3 Ch.TS. Ezra 10. .Neh. 5. S- S- 9- 13- IS- 22. 27. sS. 33- 42. M- 37- 41. S3- 78. • 80. 102. 102. 104. 105. 105. 127. 132. Prov. 4. 6. 9- 9- 12. 12. SO. SO. 22. 23. 25- 28. 28. 31- EccL 9. 9- II. ■3- 3- 4- 91. a8. 3°- 30- 33- 36- 44- 44. 51- 55- 55- 58- Job Fsa. Isa. Jer. 5 37- 37- 38. 41. 42. 52- Lam. I. 4- 5- 5- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- S- »2. 12. »3- 84- «6. £ze. 21 was dead, thou didst rise and eat bread 1 upon them two hundre(^(lo^es) of bread 2 bread and summer fruit for the young 8 neither will I eat bread nor drink water 9 Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn 15 Come home with me, and eat bread 16 neither will I eat bread nor drink water 17 Thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water j8 that he may eat bread and drink water jg he went back, .and did eat bread 22 hast eateu bread and drunk water in 22 Eat no bread, and drink no water ; thy 23 to pass, after he had eaten bread, and 6 ravens brought him bread and flesh 6 bread and flesh in the evening ; and he II Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread 4, 13 fed them with bread and water 4 turned aivay. .and would eat no bread 5 so sad, that thou eatest no bread! 7 Arise, .eat bread, and let thine heart be 27 feed him with bread of affliction, and 8 she constrained him to eat bread 8 he turned in thither to eat bread 42 brought the man of God bread of the 22 Set bread and v/ater before them, that 32 a land of bread and vineyards, a land of 3 there was no broad for the people of the 29 he did gat bread continually before him 40 brought bread on asses, and on camels 3 to every one a loaf of bread, and a good 26 feed him with bread of affliction and 6 he came thither, he did eat no bread, nor 14 my brethren have not eaten the bread of 15 had taken of them bread and wine 18 for all this required not I the bread 15 gavest them bread from heaven for 2 they met not . . with bread and with water 23 He wandereth abroad for bread, (saying) 7 thou hast withholden bread from the 14 offspring shall not be satisfied with bread 5 the earth, out of it coraeth bread ; and 20 So that his life abhorreth bread, and ri did eat bread with him in his hou^e 4 who eat up my people, .they eat bread 25 have I not seen, .his seed begging bread 9 familiar friend, .did eat of my bread 4 who eat up my people, .they eat bread 20 can ho give bread also? can he provide 5 Thou feedest them with the bread of 4 grass ; so that I forget to eat ray bread 9 I have eaten ashes like bread, and 15 bread, .strengthene til man's heart 16 land : he brake the whole staff of bread 40 satisfied them with the bread of heaven 2 sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows 15 I will satisfy her poor with bread 17 they eat the bread of wickedness, and 26 (a man is brought) to a piece of bread 5 Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the 17 and bread, in secret is pleasant 9 honoureth himself, and lacketh bread II his land shall be satisfied \yith bread 13 thou Shalt be satisfied with bread 17 Bread of deceit (is) sweet to a man ; but 9 for he giveth of his bread to the poor 6 Eat thou not the bread of . .an evil eye 21 If . .enemy be hungry, give him bread 19 He that tilletli . . land shall have . . bread 21 for a pie;e of bread, .man will 27 and eateth not the bread of idleness 7 Go thy way, Cat thy bread with joy II neither yet bread to the wise I Cast thy bread upon the waters : for thou I the staff, the whole stay of bread 7 in . .house (is) neither bread nor clothing 1 We will ea'. our own bread, and wear 14 prevented *ith their bread him that fled 28 Bread. .13 bruised ; because he will not 20 Lord give you the bread of adversity 23 bread of the increase of the earth, and 16 bread shall be given him, his waters 17 to a land, .of bread and vineyards 15 he kindleth (it), and baketh bread ; yea 19 I have baked bread upon the coals 14 not die . .nor that his bread should fail 2 do ye spend money for. .not bread ? 10 seed to the sower, and bread to the eater 7 (Is it) not to deal thy bread to the hungry 17 eat up thine harvest, and thy bread 21 should give hitn daily a piece o£ bread 21 until all the bread . .were spent 9 for (there is) no more bread in the city 1 they did eat bread together in Mizpah 14 see no war. .not have hunger of bread 6 there was no bread for the people of 33 he did continually eat bread before him 11 All her people sigh, they seek bread 4 youtg children ask bread . .no man 6 the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread 9 We gat our bread with . . our lives 9 vessel, and make thee bread thereof 13 eattheir defiled bread among the Gentiles 15 thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith 16 I will break the staff of bread in Jerus. 16 they shall eat bread by weight, and with 17 That they may want bread and water 16 and will break your staff of bread 18 Son of man, eat thy bread with quaking 19 shall eat their bread with carefulness 19 handfuls of barley and for. .bread 13 will break the staff of the bread thereof 49 fulneas'Of bread, aad ^bundasce ol idle. 44- Dan. 10. Hos. 2. 9- Amos 4. 7- 8. Obad. Hag. 2. Jfal. I. Eze. t8. 7, 16 hath given his bread to the hungry 24. 17 Forbear, .eat not the bread of men 24. 22 cover, .lips, nor eat the bread of men 44. 3 the prince, he shall sit in it to cat bread 7 ye offer my bread, the fat and the blood 3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came 5 that give (me) my bread and my water 4 unto them as the bread of mourners 4 their bread for their soul shall not come 6 want of bread in all your places : yet 12 there eat bread, and prophesy there n in the land, not a famine of bread 7 (they that eat) thy bread have laid a 12 with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage 7 Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar i.Brend, loaf {of wheat), fiproi artos. Matt. 4. 3 command that.. stones be made bread 4. 4 Man shall not live by bread alone, but 7. 9 son ask bread, williie give him a stone? IS. 2 wash not.. hands when they eat bread 15. 26 not meet to take the children's bread 15. 33 Whence should we have so much bread 16. 5 his disciples .had forgotten to take bread 16. 7 (It is) because we have taken no bread 16. 8 because ye have brought no bread? 16. II I spaka (it) not to you concerning bread 16. 12 he bade .not. of the leaven of (bread] 26. 26 Jesus took bread, and blessed (it), and Mark 3. 20 that they could not bo much as eat bread 6. 8 no scrip, DO bread, no money in.. purse 6. 36 the villages, and buy themselves (bread] 6. 37 buy two hundred pennyworth of bread 7. 2 saw some of his disciples eat bread with 7. 5 but eat bread with unwashen hands? 7. 27 not meet to take the children's bread 8. 4 with bread here in the wilderness? 8. 14 had forgotten to take bread 8. 16 saying, (It is) because we have no bread 8. 17 reason ye because ye have no bread 14. 22 Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake Luke 4. 3 command this stone that it be. .bread 4. 4 man shall .aot live by bread alone, but 7. 33 John, .came neither eating [bread] nor 9. 3 nor scrip, neither bread, neither money II. 3 Give us day by day our daily bread II. II If a son shall ask bread of any of you 14. 1 to eat bread on the sabbath day, that 14. 15 Blessed (is) he that shall eat [bread] in 15. 17 servants of my father's have bread 22. 19 he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake S4. 30 he took bread, and blessed (it), and brake 24. 3s known of them in breaking of bread John 6. s Wlience shall we buy bread, that these 6. 7 Two hundred penny worth of bread is 6. 23 the place where they did eat bread 6. 31 He gave them bread from heaven to eat 6. 32 Moses gave you not that bread from 6. 32 giveth you the true bread from heaven 6. 33 the bread of God is he which cometh down 6. 34 Lord, evermore give us this bread 6. 3s Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of 6. 41 I am the bread which came down from 6. 48 1 am that bread of lifi 6. so This is the bread which cometh down 6. 51 I am the living bread, .this bread 6. SI the bread that I will give is my flesh 6. 58 This is that bread which came down 6. 58 he that eateth of this bread shall live for 13. 18 He that eateth bread with me hath 21. 9 they .saw. .fish laid thereon, and bread 21. 13 Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread Acts 2. 42 in breaking of bread, and in prayers 2. 46 and breaking bread from house to house so. 7 disciples came together to break bread 20. II When he. .had broken bread, and eaten 27. 3s he took bread, and gave tlianks to God I Co. 10. 16 The bread which we break, is it not the IO.-I7 For we. .many are one bread, .one body 10. 17 we are all partakers of that one bread 11. 23 night in which.. betrayed took bread II. 26 as often as ye eat this bread, and drink II. 27 whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink II. 28 so let him eat of (that) bread, and drink s Co. 9. 10 the sower, both minister bread for. .food 3 Th. 3. 8 Neither did we eat any man's bread 3. 12 withquietnesathey work, and eat. .bread BKEAS, leavened — \.Any thing pungent, leavened, \pn chamets. Exodi2. 15 whosoever eateth leavened bread from 13. 3 there shall no leavened bread be eaten i:^ 7 no leavened bread be seen with thee 23. 18 of my sacrifice with leavened bread Dent 16, 3 Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it 2. Any thing leavened, in'?' seor. Deut 16. 4 there shall be no leavened bread seen BEEAD, shew — 1. Bread set in array, njTjJD on^ lecham maarekelh. I Ch. 9. 32 the shev.'bread, to prepare (it) every 23, 29 for the shewbread and for the fine flour 28. 16 gold for the tables of shewbread, for 3 Ch. 2. 4 for the continual shewbread, and for 13. II the shewbread also upon the pure table 29. 18 vessels thereof, and the shewbread table Neh. 10. 33 For the shewbread, and for the continual 2.Bread set before {God), D'J? cn^ lechem panim. Exod2s. 30 thou shalt set upon the table shewbread 3S. 13 table . . all his vessels, and the shewbread, 39. 36 the vessels thereof, and the shewbread I Sa^gi- 6.was no bread there but the shewbread 1 Kl. 7. 48 table of gold, whereupon 2 Ch. 4. 19 and the tables whereon the shewbread S.Face, presence, d-j? panim. Nam 4. 7 upon the table of shewbread they i. Loaves of tlie Presence, Sprot r^s TrpoBfO-fw? Matt 12. 4 entered, .and did eat the shewbread Mark 2. 26 went, .and did eat the shewbread Luke 6. '4 did take and eat the shewbread, and 5. Setting forth of the loaves, irp6Se Seven days ye,. eat unleavened bread Num. 6. IS a basket of unleavened bread, cakes 6. IS wafers of unleavened bread anointed 6. 17 with the basket of unleavened bread 9. II eat it with unleavened bread and 28. 17 seven days shall unleavened bread bo Dent 16. 3 shalt thou eat unleavened bread 16. 8 Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread 16. 16 in the feast of unleavened bread, and iu 1 Sa, 28. 24 and did bake unleavened bread thereof 2 Ki. 23. 9 they did eat of the unleavened bread 2 Ch. 8. 13 in the feast of unleavened bread, and in 30. 13 to keep the feast of unleavened bread 30 21 kept the feast of unleavened bread seven 35. 17 the feast of unleavened bread seven days Ezra 6. 22 kept the feast of unleavened bread seven Eze. 45. 21 days ; unleavened bread shall be eateu 2. Any thing unleavened, iCu/xos azumos. Matt 26. 17 Now the first, .of the.. unleavened bread Marki4. i two days was. .of unleavened bread 14. 12 the first day of unleavened bread, when Luke 22. I the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh 22. 7 Then came the day of unleavened bread Acta 12. 3 Then were the days of unleavened bread 20. 6 after the days of unleavened bread I Co. s- 8 with the unleavened (bread) of sincerity BBEAD, daily — Necessary or sufficient food, &pTos i-jriov(Tios Matt. 6. II Give us tliis day our daily bread BREADTH — 1. Breadth, 3rnp merchah. Hab. I. 6 march through the breadth of the land 2.0penness, '0? pethai. Ezra 6. 3 the breadth thereof threescore cubit* Dan. 3. I the breadth thereof six cubits: he set 3. Breadth, hrnad place, 3rn rachab. Job. 38. 18 Hast ihou perceived the breadth of tho i.Width, breadth, 3nT rochab. Gen. 6. IS the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the 13. 17 walk through the land, .the breadth of Ifc Exodzs. 10, 17 a cubit and a half the breadth thereof 25. 23 a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit 26. 2, 8 the breadth of one curtain four cubits 26. 16 a cubit and a half, .the breadth of one 27. 12 the breadth of the court on the west side 27. 13 the breadth of the court on the east side 27. 18 the breadth fifty everywhere, and the 28. 16 and a span, .the breadth thereof 30. 2 a cubit the breadth thereof; foursquare 36. 9 the breadth of one curtain four cubits 36. IS four cubits .the breadth of one curtaia •(6. 71 breadth of a board one cubit and a half 37. I, 6 cubit and a half the breadth of it 37. 10 a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit 37. 25 the breadth of it a cubit, .foursquare - 38. I five cubits, .breadth thereof . .foursquare 38. 18 the height in the breadth, .five cubits 39. 9 a span the breadth thereof. :doubled Deut. 3. II four cubits the breadth of it, after the 1 Ki. 6. 2 the breadth thereof twenty.. and the 6. 3 according to the breadth of the house 6. 3 ten cubits, .the breadth thereof before 6. 20 twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty 7. 2 the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the 7. 6 the breadth thereof thirty cubits: and tho 7. 27 four cubits the breadth thereof, and three 2 Cll. 3. 3 cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits 3. 4, 8 thebreadthof thehouse,twentycubit3 3. 8 the breadth thereof twenty cubits ; and 4. I twenty cubits the breadth thereof, and Job 37. 10 the breadth of the waters is straitened Isa. 8. 8 fill the breadth of thy land, Immanuel Eze. 40. s. II he measured the breadth of the 40. 13 the breadth (was) five and twenty cubits 40. 19 he measured, .breadth.from theforefront , 40. so length thereof, and the breadth thereof BREADTH 112 BREAK 41. 41- 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41 45- 45- 48. 48. £ze. 40. 21, 25, 36 the breadth five and twenty cubits 40. 48 the breadth of the gate (was) three cubits 40. 49 and the breadth eleven cubits; and 1 the breadth of the tabernacle 2 the breadth of the door (was) ten cubits a and he measured . .the breadth, twenty 3 the breadth of the door seven cubits 4 and the breadth twenty cubits, before 5 the breadth of (every) side chamber four 7 the breadth of the house, .upward II the breadth of the place that was left • 41. 14 the breadth of the face of the house, and 42. 2 and the breadth (was) fifty cubits 42. 4 a walk of ten cubits breadth inward 43. 13 the breadth a cubit.and the border thereof 43. 14 the breadth, .the breadth (one) cubit 45. I an oblation, .the breadth, .ten thousand 3 the breadth of ten thousand : and in it 5 the ten thousand ot breadth, shall also 8 five and twenty thousand, .breadth 9 The oblation, .ten thousand in breadth 48. 10 toward the west ten thousand intbreadth 48. 10 toward the east ten thousand in breadth 48. 13 and ten thousand in breadth : all the 48. 13 and the breadth ten thousand 48. x5 thousand (that are left) in the breadth Zech. 2. 2 to see what (is) the breadth tliereof S. 2 and the breadth thereof ten cubits h. Breadth, width, itKaros plaios. Eph. 3. i8 what (is) the breadth, and length, and Rev. 20. 9 they went up on the breadth of the earth 21. 16 the length is as large as the breadth 21. 16 The length, and the breadth, and the BREADTH, hand — I. Flat, spread out hand, ns^ tephach, 1 Ki. 7. 26 it (was) an handbreadth thick, and the 2 Ch 4. 5 the thickness of it (was) an handbreadth Psa. 39. 5 hast made my days (as) an handbreadth 2.Flai, spread out hand, nab tophach. Exod25. 25 make unto it a bolder of an handbreadth 37. 12 he made, .a border of an handbreadth Eze. 40. 5 by the cubit and an handbieadth : so he 43' 13 (is) ^ cubit aud an handbreadth BSEADTH, foot — Treading of Uie sole of the foot, Sit I? ""i"!©. Deut. 2. 5 no, not so much aa a foot breadth BKEAK, to — l.To break the bone or substance, wn garam, 3. Num24. 8 shall break their bones, and pierce Eze. 23. 34 thou shalt break the sherds thereof, and 2.7*0 crush, DIJ garas. Psa. Jig. 20 Sly soul breaketh for the longing (that) 3. To crush, cn.i garas, 5. Lam. 3. 16 He hath also broken ray teeth with gravel 4. To dash by treading, tyn dush. Job. 39. 15 that the wild beast may break them 5. To beat thin, KS^ daka, 3. F^a. 89. 10 Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces 6. To beat thin, npT dakah, 3. Psa. 51. 8 bones', .thou hast broken may rejoice 7. To be, happen, n;rt hayah, 2. Dan. , 2. I spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake 8. To move tumidtuously, Dcrt hamam. Isa. 28. 28 nor break (it with) the wheel of his cart 9. To destroy, pull down, a-rn haras. Psa. 58. 6 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth 10. To put down, nnn ehatkath, 5. Isa. 9. 4 thou hast broken the yoke ot his burden 11. To disallow, Kij no, 5. PBa.141. 5 shall not break my head : for yet my 12.7*0 dash, ysi naphats. Judg. 7. 19 brake the pitchers that (were) in their 13. 7*0 dash, fsj naphats, 3. Jer. 48. 12 empty his vessels, .break their bottles 1 4. 7*0 draw asunder, pm nathaq, 3. Judg 16. 9 And he brake the withs as a thread 16. J2 he brake them from off his arms like a Psa. 2. 3 Let us break their bards asunder Isa. 58. 6 and that ye break eyery yoke ? 15. 7*0 terrify, pv arats. Job 13. 25 Wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro? 16. To breathe, flow, niB puach. Song 2. 17 Until the day break, and the shadows 4. 6 Until the day break, and the shadows 17.7*0 break, violate, "ii9 pur, 5. Eze. 17 19 my covenant that he hath broken, even 18.7*0 break in pieces, u-i^ palsam. Psa. 60. 2 thou hast broken it : heal the breaches 19. 7*0 break in pieces, riiS paisach, 3. Mic. 3. 3 they break their bones, and chop them 20. 7*0 break forth, yip parats. 2 Ch. 20. 37 the LoKD hath broken thy works Job t6. 14 He breaketh me with breach upon breach Eccl, 10. 8 whoso breaketh an liedge, a-serpcnt shall 21.7*0 break, p-yf paraq. Gen. 27. 40 thou shalt break his yoke from off thy 22. 7*0 break off, -nB parar, 5. Gen. 17. 14 that soul, .hath broken my covenant Lev. 26. 15 (but) that ye break my covenant 26. 44 to break my covenant with them : for Num 15. 31 and hath broken his commandment Deut3i. 16 break my covenant which I have made 31. 20 then will they., break my covenant Judg. 2. I I will never break my covenant with you 1 Ki. 15. 19 break thy league with Baasha king of 2 Ch. 16. 3 break thy league with Baasha kiug of Isa. 24. s have, .broken the everlasting covenant 33. 8 he hath broken the covenant : he hath Jer. 11.10 house of Judah have broken my covenant 14. 21 remember, break not thy covenant with 31. 32 which my covenant they brake, although 33. 20 If ye can break my covenant of the day Eze. 16. 59 despised the oath in breaking the coven. 17. 15 shall he break the covenant, and be _ 17. 16 whose covenant he brake, (even) with him 17. 18 despised the oath by breaking the coven. 44. 7 they have broken my covenant because Zech ir. 10 I might break my covenant which I II. 14 that I might break the brotherhood 23.7*0 spread out, erns paras. Lam, 4. 4 no man breaketh (it) unto them 24.7*0 do evil, violence to, VTl raa, Psa. 2. 9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron Jer. IS. 12 Shall iron break the northern iron 25. To do evil, VJil. rea. Dan. 2. 40 as iron that breaketh all these, shall it 26. To be broken in pieces, y^l ratsais, 2. Eze. 29. 7 thou didst break, and rend all their 27. To dash in pieces, yii ratsats, 5. Judg. 9. 53 millstone, .and all to brake his skull 28. To break. Gen. 19. 9 Exodi2. 46 Lev. II. 33 e6. 13 26. 19 26. 26 Num. 9. 12 Judg. 7. 20 Psa. 10. 15 29. 5 69. 20 105. 16 Proy. 6. IS 25- '5 Isa. shiver, "13$; shabar. and came near to break the door neither shall ye brake a bone thereof shall be unclean ; and ye shall break it I have broken the bands of your yoke I will brake the pride of your power I have broken the staff of your bread leave none, .nor break any bone of it blew the trumpets, and brake, .pitchers Break thou the arm of the wicked The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars Reproach hath broken my heart he brake the whole staff of bread suddenly shall he be broken without a soft tongue breaketh the bone 14. 5 LORn hath broken the staff of the wicked 14. 25 That I will break the Assyrian 30. 14 he shall break it as the breaking 42. 3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and Jer. 2. 20 I have broken thy yoke, .burst thy bands 5. . s these have altogether broken the yoke 19. 10 Then shalt thou break the bottle 19. II will I break, .as (one) breaketh 28. 2 I have broken the yoke of the king of 28. 4 for I will break the yoke of the king of 28. 10 the prophet took the yoke, .and brake it 28. II Even so will X break the yoke of N. 28. 12 the prophet had broken the yoke from off 28. 13 Thou hast broken the yokes of wood ; but 30. 8 I will break his yoke from off thy neck 48. 38 I have broken Moab like a vessel 49. 3s I will break the bow of Elam, the chief Eze. 4. 16 I will break the staff of bread in Jerusa. 5. 16 and will break your staff of bread 14. 13 will break the staff of the bread thereof 27. 26 the east wind hath broken thee in the 30. 18 I shall break there the yokes of Egypt 30. 21 I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king 30. 22 I. .will break his arms, the strong 30. 24 I v/ill break Pharoah's arms, and he 34. 27 I have broken the bands of their yoke Hos. I. 5 Twill break the bow of Israel in the valley 2. 18 I will break the bow and the swtird Amos I. 5 I will break also the bar of Damascus Hah. 1. 13 now will I break his yoke from oft thee 29.7*0 be broken, shivered, "13^ shabar, 2. Eze. 29. 7 thou brakest, and madest all their loins shiver, fy^ shabar, 3. and brake every tree of the field cast the tables . .and brake them beneath the first tables, which thou brakest break their images, and cut down their and brake them before your eyes in the first tables which thou brakest overthrow their altars, and break their He removed the high places, and brake Pbrake the jaws of the wicked, and thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon he breaketh the bow, and cutteth. .spear Thou brakest the ships of Tarshish with an thou brakest the heads of the dragons in There brake he the arrows of the bow and brake the trees of their coasts For he hath broken the gates of brass her gods he hath broken unto the ground so will he break all my bones shall.break also the images of Beth-shem. the Chaldeans brake, and carried all the 30. 7*0 break, £xod. 9. 25 32. 19 34- I Deut. 9. 17 10. 2 a KL 18. Job Psa. 29. 17 3- 7 Z9- S 46. 9 48. 7 74-13 76. 3 105. 33 107. 16 21. 9 , 38. J3 Jer. 43. 13 52.17 Isa. Lam. 2. 9 he hath destroyed and broken her bara 3. 4 made old ; he hath broken my bones Dan. 8. 7 smote the ram, aud brake his two horns 31.7*0 bruise, ^vj) shuph. Job 9. 17 For he breaketh me with a tempest ?i2. To pierce, profane, \hn chalal, 3.. Psa. ss- 20 he hath broken his covenant 89. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not 89. 34 My covenant will I not break, nor 33.T0 pierce, profane, S^n chalal, 5. Num 30. 2 he shall not break his word, he shall 34.7*0 do evil, feed on-, nj^n raah. Jer. 2. 16 children.. have broken the crown of thy 35.7*0 break ihroughmit, Stafifiriyvvixi diarrhegnwni. Luke s- 6 multitude of fishes : and their net brake 8. 29 fetters ; and he brake the bands, and 36.7*0 breaJc dovm, KaTayvv/ii katagnumi. Matt 12. 20 A bruised reed shall he not brake John ig. 31 that their legs might be broken 13. 32 the soldiers, .brake the legs of the first 19. 33 when they came to Jesus. . they brake not 37.7*0 break dovm, KaraK\dm kataklao, t^afco. STark 6. 41 blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave i Lnke 9. 16 he blessed them, and brake, and gave tol 38. 7*0 break, KXda> klao. Matt 14. 19 he blessed, and brake, and gave the 15. 36 gave thanks, and brake (them), and gave 26. 26 Jesus took bread, .blessed (it), and brake Mark 8. 6 seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake 8. 19 when I brake the five loaves among I 14. 22 Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake 1 Luke 22. 19 took bread, and gave thanks, and brake ' 24. 30 took bread, and blessed (it), and brake Acts 2. 46 breaking bread from house to. house 20. 7 disciples came together to brake bread 20. II he. .had broken bread, and eaten, and 27. 35 when he had broken (it), he began to eat; I Co. 10. 16 The bread which we break, is it not II. 24 when he had given thanks, he brake (it) 39.7*0 loose, Kvoi luo. •^ Matt. s. 19 Whosoever, .shall break one of these 40.7*0 break or burst, ^riyvv/j-i rhegninni. Matt 9. 17 old bottles ; else the bottles.break 41. 7*0 break tog'.ther, awOpvirrw sunthrupto. Acts 21. 13 What mean ye to weep and to break 42.7*0 rub together, crvvrpi^a suntribo. Marki4. 3 she brake the box, and poured (it) on his- [See also Bones, covenant, neck, pieces, truce, wedlock.] BREAK again, to — 7*0 turn back to break, isn? yw shub lehaphcr. Ezra 9. 14 Should we again break thy commaiidm. BREAK asunder, to — 7*0 break, violate, 113 parar, 3. Job 16. 12 ease, but he hath broken me asunder BREAK a-way, to — To break forth of, or for oneself, }Tp parats, 7. 1 Sa. 25. 10 many servants, .that break away BREAK clods, to — To harrow, break up, tib" sadad, 3 a. Isa. 28. 24 doth he , .break the clods of his ground T Hos. 10. II Jacob shall break his clods BREAK down, to — 1. 7*0 beat, smite, D7rr halam. Psa. 74. 6 now they break down the carved work Isa. 16. 8 the heathen have broken down the 2. 7*0 crush, nirt haras. Job 12. 14 he breaketh down, and !t cannot be built Jer. 45. 4 that which I.. built.. will I break down Eze. 13. 14 So will I break down the wall 26. 4 they shall, .break down her towers 26. 12 they shall break down thy walls, and 3. 7*0 break dovm, yni nathals. Lev. 14. 45 he shall break down the house, the Judg. 8. 9 he spake. I will break down this tower 2 Ki. 10. 27 they brake doivn the image of Baal 10. 27 brake down the house of Baal, and 11. 18 the house of Baal, and brake it down 23. 7 he brake down the houses of the 23. 8 brake down the high places of the gates 23. 15 altar and the high place he brake down 2s. 10 brake down the walls of Jerusalem round 2 Ch. 23. 17 house of Baal, and brake it down Isa. 22. 10 houses have ye broken down to fortify Jer. 31. 28 to break down, and to throw down, and 39. 8 and brake down the walls of Jerusalem 52. 14 brake down all the walls of Jerusalem Eze. 26. 9 with his axes he shall break down thy 4.7*0 break dovm,, {'ni nathats, 3. 2 Ch. 33. 3 his father had broken down 34. 4 they brake down the altars of Baalim in 34. 7 when he had broken down the altars and 36. 19 brake down the wall of .Terusalem, and Ezra 16. 39 and shall break do%vn thy high places 5.7*0 beliead, cause to drop, 3. 33 they came to Hebron at break of day 2. Shining, aby-fi auge. Acts 20. II a long while, even till break of day BEEAK off, to — I. To break off, rend, pns paraq, 3. Exod 32. 2 Break off the golden earrings which 2.7*0 break off of themselves, py^ paraq, 7. Exod32. 3 the people brake olf the golden earrings 32. 24 hath any gold, let them ^ireak (it) off Dan. 4. 27 break off thy sms by righteousness 3.3*0 break off from, iKKKaw ekklao. Kom II. 17 if some of the branches be. broken off II. 19 The branches were broken off, that I II. 20 because of unbelief they were broken off BREAK out, to — 1.7*0 he broken up, Pi'js haqa, 2. Isa. 35. 6 in the wilderness shall waters break out 59. 5 that which is crushed breaketh out into 2.3*0 go forth, tty, yatsa. Exod22. . 6 If flre break out, and catch in thorns 3.7*0 break down or out, yiy^ nalhats. Psa, 58. 6 break out the great teetK of the young i.To break forth, flourish, rr\^, liBV. 13. 12 if a leprosy break out abroad in the skin 14. 43 il the plague come again, and break out h.T 6 prosper, nb'^ tsaleach. Amos 5. 6 lest he break out like fire in the house BREAK ranks, to — To break, embarrass, CJ]; abat, 3. Joel 2. 7 and they shall not break their ranks BREAK sore, to — 2*0 bruise, na'i dakah, 3. Psa. 44. 19 Though thou hast sore broken us BREAK (the day), to — 7*0 go up, ascend, nSj; alah. Gen. 32. 26 said. Let me go, for the day breaketh BREAK through, to — 1. 7*0 cleave, rend, VQ^ haqa. 2 Sa. 23. i6 the three mighty men brake through the 1 Ch.ii. 18 the three brake through the host of the 2.3*0 cleave through, yf23 baqa, 5. 2 Ki. 3. 26 break through,. unto the king of Edom 3.7*0 break or throw down, ay; haras.- Exod 19. 21 lest they break through unto the Lokd 19. 24 the priests and the people break through 4. To dig through, hwpicrcru diorusso. Matt. 6. 19 where thieves break through and steal 6. 20 where thieves do not break through nor " Luke 12. 39 suffered his house to be broken t&ough BREAK to shivers, to — To rub together, cuvrpi^a suntriho. ile V. 2.27 vessels . . shall they be broken to shivers BREAK up, to — 1.7*0 till, break up, TJ mr. Jer. 4. 3 Break up your fallow ground, and sow Hos. 10. 12 break up your fallow ground ; for (it is) 2.3*0 break forth, ys parats. 2 Ch. 24. 7 that wicked woman, had broken up the Mic. 2. 13 they have broken up, and have passed 3. To break, shiver, iy^ shabar. Job. 38. 10 brake up for it my decreed (place), and 4.7*0 dig through, Siopi(raio- dioritsso. Matt 24. 43 suffered his house to be broken up 5.7*0 dig out, e^opvcraa exorusso. Mark. 2. 4 when they had broken (it) up, they let 6.7*0 loose, Kva luo. Acts 13. 43 when the congregation was broken up BEEAKES. — 1.2*0 break forth, yi^ parats. Mic. 2. 13 The breaker is come up before them 2.Going beyond, trespasser, TrapaBarris parabates. Kom. 2. 25 if thou be a breaker of the law, thy BREAKER, covenant — Kot put togetlier, faithless, affipderos asswitlietos. Kom. I. 31 Without understanding, covenant break. BREAKER, truce — Not offering libation, HirirovSos aspendos. 2 It 3. 3 Without natural affection, truce breakers BEEAKHTG — l.To go up, rh]i alah. Gen. 32. 24 a man with him until the breaking of the 2.3*0 break, violate, "H.? parar, 5. Eze. 16. 59 despised the oath in breaking the coven. 17. 18 despised the oath by breaking the coven. Z.Breaking, "» sheber. Job 41. 25 by reason of breakings they purify them. Isa. 30. 13 whose breaking cometh suddenly at an 30. 14 as the breaking of the potter's vessel i.Breaking, jilts' shibbaron. £ze. 21. 6 Sigh . . with the breaiong o{ (thy) loins Z.Breaking, KAaais klasis. Luke24. 35 was known of them In breaking of bread Acts 2. 42 in breaking of bread, and in prayers G.Going beyond, trespass, -rrapdBaTis parabasis. Kom. 2. 23 through breaking the law dishonoureth BREAKDIG down — To dig down, T-p qiLr, Za. Isa. 22. s breaking down the walls, and of crying BREAKING forth — I.Breaking forth, njyp xnashber. Eos. 13. 13 stay long in. the breaking forth of child. 2. Breaking forth, pg perets. I Ch. 14. II like the breaking forth of waters BREAKING in — Breaking forth, ys perets. Job 30. 14 (upon me) as a wide breaking ia Pro.144. 14 no breaking in, nor going out ; thct BREAKING up — Digging through, rr}P,m machterelh. E.\od22. 2 If a thief be found breaking up. an BREAST — 1. Breast,, i'^ dad, Prov. 5. 19 let her breasts satisfy thee at all times Eze 23. 8 they bruised the breasts of her virginity 2.Breasts, I'ln chadm. Dan. 2. 32 his breast and his arms of silver 3. Breast, ."iin chazeh. Exodzg. 26 thou shalt take the breast of the rara of 29. 27 thou shalt sanctify the breast of the wave Lev. 7. 30 the fat with the breast, it shall he bring 7. 30 that the breast may be waved (for) a 7. 31 the breast shall be Aaron's and his son's 7. 34 the wave breast and the heave shoulder 8. 29 Moses took the breast, and waved it 9. 20 they put the fat upon the breasts, and he 9. 21 the breasts and the right shoulder 10.' 14 the wave breast and heave shoulder shall 10. 15 The heave shoulder and the wave breast Num. 6. 20 with the wave breast and heave shoulder 18. 18 as the wave breast and a? the right i.Heart, 35S lebah. Nah. 2. 7 doves, tabering upon their iireasta b. Veins, sinews, ['es; atin. Job 21. '24 His breasts are full of milk and hia bones 5. Breast, -rs shad. Gen. 49. 25 blessings of the breasts and of the womb Job 3. 12 why the breasts that I should suck':' Psa. 22. 9 make me hope, upon my mother's breasts Song I. 13 he shall lie all night betwnxt my breasts 4. 5 Thy two breasts (are) like two young roes 7. 3 'Thy two breasts (are) like two young roes 7. 7 and thy breasts to clusters (of grapes) 7. 8 thy breasts shall be as clusters of the 8. I ray brother, that Sucked the hreasis of 8. 8Wehavea. sister, and she hath no breasts 8. 10 I (am) a wall, and my breasts like towers Isa. 28. 9 from the milk, .drawn from the breasts Lara. 4. 3 Even the sea monsters draw out the b. Eze. 16. 7 breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is 23. 3 there were their breasts pressed, and 23. 34 shalt. pluck off thine own breasts Hos. 2. 2 her adulteries from between her breasts 9. 14 give, a miscarrying womb and dry breasts Joel 2. 16 and those that suck the breasts; Jet the 7. Breast, IB" shod. Job 24. 9 They pluck the fatherless from the breast Isa. 60. 16 thou, .shalt suck the breast of kings 66. II satisfied with the breasts of her S. Breast, firm part, mriflos stelhos. Luke 18. 13 smote upon his breast, saying, God he 23. 48 all. smote their breasts, and returned Johni3. 25 He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto 21. 20 which also leaned on his breast at supper Rev. 15. 6 having their breasts girded with golden BREASTPLATE — l.Bag, covering on the breast, ]dn r.hoshen. Zjod25. 7 stones to be set. in the breastplate 28. 4 a breastplate, and an cphnd, and a robo^ 28. IS make the breastplate of judgment with' 28. 22, 23 thou shalt make upon the brea'stplato 28. 23 rings on the two ends of the breastplate ?8, 24 two rings . . on the ends of the breastplate 28. 26 upon the two ends of the breastplate 28. 28 shall bind the breastplate by the rings 28. 28 breastplate be not loosed from the ephod s8. 29 breastplate of judgment upon his heart 28. 30 in the breastplate of judgment the Urim 29. 5 the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird 35, g, 27 for the ephod, and for the breastplate 39. 8 he madethebreastplate(of)cunningwork 39. 9 they made the breastplate double 39. IS they made upon the breastplate chains 39. 16 rings in the two ends of the breastplate 39. J7 two rings on the ends of the breastplate. 39. 19 on the two ends of the breastplate 39. 21 they did bind the breastplate by his 39. 21 that the breastplate might not be loosed Lev. 8. 8 he put the breastplate upon him 8. 8 he put in the breastplate the Urim and 2.Coat of mail, in?* shiryan. 1^- e9- 17 P^^ on righteousness as a breastplate 15 BREATH lU BRETHREN o.Breasliilatc, cuirass, Ocipctf thorax. liplu 0. 14 liaving on . . breastplate of righteousness 1 Th. 5. 8 on the breastplate of faith and love Re»'. g. 9 they had breastplates, .breastplates of g. 17 breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and BREATH — l.Jircalh, soul, V/S2 nephcsh. .Job 41. :i His breath kindleth coals, and a flame 2.Breath, t7j numphe. ,Tohn 3. 29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom Kev. J 8. 23 the voice of the bridegroom and of the b. 21. 2 as a bride adorned for her husband 21. 9 I will show thee [the bride), the Lamb's 22. 17 And the Spirit and the bride say. Come BRIDE CHAMBER — Uride chamber, vvfi(puiv numphSn. Alatt. 9. 15 the children of the bride chamber mourn Mark 2. 19 the children of the bride chamber fast Luke 5. 34 ye make the children of the bride cham. BRXDEGROOM — \.One who contracts affinity, jnn chathan. Psa. 19. 5 bridegroom coming out of his chamber Isa. 61. 10 as a bridegroom decketh (himselfj with 62. s the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride Jer. 7. 34 the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride 16. 9 the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride 25. 10 the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride 33. II the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride Joel 2. 16 let. .bridegroom go forth, .and the bride Z. Bridegroom, vvi/.(pios numphios. Matt. 9. IS as long as the bridegroom is with tbem ? g. IS when the bridegroom shall be taken from 25. I and went forth to meet the bridegroom 25. 5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all 25. 6 Behold, the bridegroom cometh ; go ye 25. 10 they went to buy, the bridegroom came Mark 2. 19 [fast while the bridegroom is with them?] 2. 19 as long as they have the bridegroom with 2. 20 when the bridegroom shall be taken away luke s- 34 f^st while the bridegroom is with them ? S. 35 when the bridegroom shall be taken away Jolm 2. 9 the governor., called the bridegroom 3. 29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom 3. 29 but the friend of the bridegroom, which 3. 29 rejoiceth . . because of the bridegroom's Kev. I?. 23 the voice of the bridegroom, .shall be BRIDIE — \. Muzzle, Dioria machsom. Psa. 39. 1 1 Tyill keep my mouth iflth a bridle, while 2.Bridle, bit, jnn rnetheg. 2 Ki. 19. 28 I will put . . my bridle in thy lips Prov.26. 3 for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a Isa. 37. 29 will Iput. .my bridle in thy lips 2. Rein, fo"; resen. Job 30. II they have also let loose the bridle 41. 13 come (to him) with his double bridle? Psa. 32. 9 who3emouthmustbeheldin..with..brid. Isa. 30. 28 and . . a bridle in the jaws of the people 4. Bit of a bridle, xo^^^vis chalinos. £ev. 14. 20 blood came out., unto tbe horse briiUea BRIDLE, to — To lead vrith a hit, x'^^tvayayeco chalinagogeo. Jas. I. 26 bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth 3. 2 (and) able also to bridle the whole body BRIEFLY — Through a few {words), 81 oKlyaiv di-oligon. 1 Pe. 1. 12 Isuppose, I hive written briefly, exhorting BRIEITY comprehended, to be — To be brought up into a head, a.vaKe(f) Bom 13. g it is briefly comprehended in this saying BEIEIl — 1. Brier, pin chedeq. Mic. 7. 4 The best of them (is) as a brier; the most 2.Brier, thorn, p'rp sillon. Eze. 28. 24. there shall be no more a pricking brier S. Thorn, nettle, ns"ip sirpad. Isa. s5. 13 instead of the brier shall come up the i. Brier, diamond point, adamant, i'S\y shamir. Isa. 5. 6 there shall come up briers and thorns 7. shall (even) he for briers and thorns 7. 24 the land shall become briers and thorns 7. 25 shall not come thither the fear of briers 9. 18 it shall devour the briers and thorns, and 10. 17 burn and devour his thorns and his briers 27. 4 who would set the briers, against me in 32. 13 Upon the land . . shall come up . . briers ; 5.A triple-pointed plant, rpl^oKos tribolos. Heb. 6. 8 that which beareth thorns and briers BRIERS — 1. Threshing instruments, D'JiTig barqanim. Judg.8. 7, 16 thorns of the wilderness and with briers 2.Briers, D'3"JD saraiim. Eze. 2. 6 though briers and' thorns (be) with thee BRiaAiroiNE — Coat of mail, brigandine, ]V"}p sirion. Jer. 46. 4 furbish, .(and) put on the brigandlnes SI. 3 lifteth himself up in his brigandine BRIGHT— l.Light, briijht, nix or. Job 37. 1 1 he scattereth his bright cloud 2.Bright, i"n3 bahir. Job 37. 21 see not the bright light whicll (is) in the S.Lightning, brightness, pia baraq. Eze. 21. 15 made bright, (it is) wrapped up for the i.Flame, blade, 3n^ lahab. Neh. 3. 3 The horsemen lifteth up both the bright 5.Light-giver, light-giving, lixa maor, Eze. 32. 8 All the bright lights of heaven will I make 6. To polish, t:"io marat, 4. 1 Ki. 7. 45 and all these vessels, .(were of) bright 7. To scour, polish, PID maraq. 2 Ch. 4. 16 for the house of the LoED, o£ bright brass 8. Shining, n;j nog ah. Eze. I. 13 the fire was bright, and out of the fire 9. Prepared, bright, shining, riiyj; ashoth. Eze. 27. 19 bright iron, cassia, and calamus, were in 10. Prepared, shining, rvayi esheth. Song 5. 14 hisbelly(isas)"brightivoryoverlaId(with) 11. Bright, shining, Xa/xirpSs lampros. Acts 10. 30 behold, a man stood before me In bright Kev. 22. 16 (and) the bright and morning star 12. Shining, (pwretvis photeinos. Matt 1 7. 5 While he . . spake, behold, a [bright] cloud BRIGHT cloud — Brightness, lightness, V]n chaziz. Zech. 10. I (so) the LORD shall make bright clouds BRIGHT spot — Freckled spot, n"in3 bahereth. Lev. 13. 2 a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the 13. 4 If the bright spot (be) white in the skin 13. 19 the place of the boil there be. .a bright s. 13. 23, 28 if the bright spot stay in his place 13. 24 (flesh) that bumeth have a white bright 8. 13. 25 the hair in the bright spot be turned 13. 26 (there be) no white hair in the bright spot 13. 38 skin of their flesh bright spots, .bright s. 13. 39 (if) the bright spots in the skin of their 14. 56 a rising, and for a scab, and foi a bright s. BRIGHT, to make — l.To cleanse, T15 barar, 5. Jer. 51. II Make bright the arrows; gather the 2. To make bright or sharp, SViJ galal, 3 a, Eze. 21. 21 he made (hls).arrow8 bright, be consulted BRIGHTNESS — l.Brightness, shining, ini zohar. Eze. 8. 2 as the appearance of brightness, as the Dan. 12. 3 they. . shall shine as the brightness of the 2.Clearness, appearance, V] ziv. Dan. 2. 31 This great image, whose brightness (was) 4. 36 mine booour and biigbtness leturned 3. Shining (as of a city), ny^' yiphah. Eze. 28. 7 and they shall defile thy brightness 33. 17 thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness i.Precious, rare, ip; yaqar. Job 31. 26 or the moon walking (in) brightness 5. Shining {of fire, sun, moon, spear), n^j nogah. 2 Sa. 22. 13 Through the brightness before him were Psa. i8. 12 Atthebrightness..histhickcloudspassed Isa. 60. 3 and kings to the brightness of thy rising 60. 19 for brightness shall the moon give light 62. 1 righteousness . .go forth as brightness Eze. I. 4 a brightness (was) about it, and out of the I. 27 fire, and it had brightness round about 1. 28 80 (was) the appearance of the brightness 10. 4 full of the brightness of the LORDS glory Amos 5. 20 even very dark, and no brightness in it ? Hab. 3. 4 And (his) brightness was as the light; he Q.Shinings, brightnesses, n^nJj negohoth. Isa. 59. 9 for brightness, (but) we walk in darkness 7. Reflexion, aravyaa-ixa apaugasma. Heb. 1. 3 Who being the brightness of (hi?) glory ^.Manifestation, iirt((>avfta epiphaneia. 2 Th. 2. 8 destroy with the brightness of his coming 9. Shining, brilliancy, \anirp6Trjs lamprotes. Acts 26. 13 light .above the brightness of the sun BBXH — 1. End, edge, border, nsp qatseh. Josh. 3. 15 were dipped in the brim of the water 2.Zip, HD^ saphah. 1 Ki. 7. 23 ten cubits from the one brim to the other 7 24 And under the brim of it round about 7 26 and the brim thereof was wrought 7. 26 like the brini of a cup, with flowers of 2 Ch. 4. 2 a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to b. 4. 5 (was) an handbreadth, and the brim of 4. .5 like the work of the brim of a cup, with BBUff, up to the — Up unto the upper part, ews &vci) heos and. John 2. 7 And tJiey.flUed themup, to the brim BRIMSTONE — 1. Bitumen, pitch, ni?3 gophrith. Gen. 19. 24 Then the Lord rained, brimstone and Deut 29. 23 (that) the whole land thereof (is) brimst. Job 18. 15 brimstone shall be scattered upon his Psa. II. 6 Upon the wicked he shall rain, brimstone Isa. 30. 33 breath of the Lord, like a stream of brim. 34. 9 and the dust thereof into brimstone Eze. 38. 22 and great hailstones fire, and brimstone 2.Divine fire, or sulphur, 6uoy theion. Lukei7 29 it rained fire and brimstone from heaven Kev. 9. 1 7 out of their mouths issued Are . , and brim. 9. 18 by the smoke, and by the brimstone t4. 10 he shall be tormented with .brimstone 19. 20 into a lake . burning with brimstone 20. 10 cast into the lake of fire and brimstone 21. 8 which bumeth With fire and brimstone BRIMSTONE (ofj — lAke as of sulphur, deitiSris theiodes. Kev. 9. 17 having breastplates of fire., and brimstone BRING, to — l.To add, gather, ^plj asaph. Deut 22. 2 thou Shalt bring it unto thine own house Josh. 2. 18 thou Shalt bring thy father, and thy 2. To cause to come, Kny, np« athah, 5. Isa. 21. 14 The inhabitants, .brought xvater to him Dan. 3. 13 Nebuchadnezzar, .commanded to bring 3. 13 Then they brought these men before 5. 2 commanded to bring the golden, .vessels 5. 3 Then they brought the golden vessels 5. 13 the king my father brought out of Jewry! 5. 23 they have brought the vessels of his 6. 16 the king commanded, and they brought 6. 24 brought those men which had accused 3.T0 cause to come in, Ni3 bo, 5. Gen. 2. 19 brought (them) unto Adam to see what 2. 22 made he a woman, and brought her unto 4. 3 Cain brought of the fruit of the ground 4. 4 he also brought of the firstlings of his 6. 17 I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth 6. 19 of every living thing .shalt thou bring j8. 19 the Lord may bring upon Abraham that 2o. 9 thou hast brought. . and on my kingdom 24. 67 And Isaac brought her into his mother's 26. 10 thou shouldest have brought guiltiness 27. 4 make me savoury meat, .and bring (it> 27. 5 to hunt (for) venison, (and) to bring (it) 27. 7 Bring me venison, and make me. .meat 27. 10 And thou Shalt bring (it) to thy father 27. 12 I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a 27. 14 he went, .and brought (them) to his 27. 2s and he brought him wine, and he drank 27. 31 and brought it unto his father, and said 27. 33 he that hath taken venison, and brought 29. 13 and kissed him, and brought him to his 29. 23 he took Leah his daughter, and brought 30. 14 and brought them unto his mother Leah 31. 39 was torn (of beasts) I brought not unto 37. 2 and Joseph brought unto his father their 37. 28 sold .Toseph. and they brought Joseph 37. 32 they sent the coat. and. .brought (it) to 39. 17 The Hebrew servauti wbicb thou bast b BEING 117 BRING Gca. 42 zo But brills your youngest brother unto ,2. 34 And bring your youngest brother uato 42. 37 Slay my two sons, if I bring him not to 43 2 which they had brought out of Egypt 43. g if I bring him not unto thee, and set 43. 16 Bring (these) men home, and slay, and 43. 17 the man brought the men into Joseph's 43. 24 the man brought the men into Joseph's 43. 26 they brought him the present which (was) 44. 32 If I bring him not unto thee, then I shall 46. 7 and all iiis seed, brought he with him iuto 46. 32 and they have brought their flocks, aad 47. 14 and Joseph brought the money iuto 47. 17 And they brought their cattle unto £xod 2. 10 and she brought hira unto Pharaoh's 6. 8 And I will bring you in unto the land 10. 4 to-morrow will I bring the locusts into It. I Yet will I bring one plague (more) upon 13. 5 when the Lord shall bring thee into the 13. II And it shall be, when the Lord shall 18. iq that thou mayest bring the causes unto > 8. 22 (that) every great matter they shall bring 18. 26 the hard causes they brought unto Moses 19. 4 (how) I bare you. .and brought you unto 22. 13 (then) let him bring it (for) witness 23. ig thou shall bring into the house of. .LORD 23. 20 to bring thee iuto the place which I have 32. 2 Break off the golden earrings, .and bring 32. 3 brake otf the golden earrings . and bro. 32. 21 thou hast brought so great a sin upon 34. 26 thou Shalt bring unto the house of the 35. 5 whosoever (is) of a willing heart, let him 35. 25 and brought that which they had spuu 35. 21 they brought the Loub's offering to the 35. 22 brought bracelets, and earrings, and 35. 23 every man. .whom was found .brought 35. 24 Every one that did offer .brought the 35. 24 every man with whom was. .brought (it) 35. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, aud 35. 29 The children, .brought a willing offering 36. 3 the children, .had brought for the work 36. 3 And they brought yet unto him free offer. 36. 5 The people bring much more than enough ?6. 6 the people werevestrained from bringing 39. 33 And they b.ought the tabernacle unto 40. 21 And he brought the ark into the tabernacle 2 And he shall bring it to Aaron's sons the 8 And thou shalt bring the meat offering 4 Aud he shall bring the bullock unto the 5 and briug it to the tabernacle of the 14 aud bring him before the tabernacle of 16 the priest, .shall bring of the bullock's 23 he shall bring his offering, a kid of the 28 then he shall bring his offering, a kid of 32 if he bring a lamb, .he shall bring it 6 he shall bring his trespass offering unto 7 then he shall bring for his trespass, which 8 And he shall bring them unto the priest 11 But if he be not able to bring two turtle 12 Then shall he bring it to the priest 15 then he shall bring for his trespass unto 18 And he shall bring a ram without blemish 6 And he shall bring his trespass offering 29 He. .shall bring his oblation unto the 30 His own hands shall bring the offerings 30 the fat with the breast, it shall he bring 15 shall they bring with the offerings made 6 she shall bring a lamb of the first year 23 And he shall bring them on the eighth 29 and bring them unto the priest, to the 12 sweet incense.. and bring (it) within the 13 shall he kill the goat, .and bring his blood 4 Aud briiigeth it not unto the door of the 5 maybringtheirsacrifices, which they offer 5 even that tney may bring them unto 9 And bringcth it not imto the door of tlie 3 whither I bring you, shall ye not do' 21 And he shall bring his trespass offering 22 whither I bring you to dwell therein lo then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first 14 that ye have brought an offering imto 15 ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering J7 Ve shall bring out of your habitations n And they brought him unto Moses 25 And I will bring a sword upon you, that 41 and have brought them into the laud of 15 Then shall the man bring his wife uuto 15 and he shall bring her offering for her 10 on the eighth day he shall bring two 13 he shall be brought unto the door of the 12 and shall bring a lamb of the first year 3 brought their offering before the Lord 3 hath the LORD brought us into this land 8 then he will bring us unto this land, aud 16 the Lord was not able to bring this 24 him will I bring into the land whereunto 18 \VTien ye come into the land whither I 25 and they shall bring their offering, a sac. 14 Moreover thou hast not brought us into 13 which they shall bring unto the LoRU 4 have ye brought up the congregation 5 to bring us in unto this evil place? 12 ye shall not bring this congregation into 12 And they brought the captives, and the 54 and brought it into the tabernacle of the 17 until we have brought them unto their 10 when the Lord, .shall have brought thee 23 that he might bring us in, to give us the 1 thy God shall bring thee into the land 26 Neither shalt thou bring an abominatioi 7 the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a 28 to briug thvm into the laud which he Lev. a. 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- S- 5- S- 5- 5 S- 5- 6. 7- 7- 7- 10. 12. 14. >5- 16. 16. '7. »7- >7- '7- 18, ig.' 20. 23- 23- «3- 23- 24. 26. 26. Num. 5. 5- 6. 6. 6. 7- '4- 14- 14. •4- '5- >5- 16. 18. ao. 20. 20. at- 3'- 32- Vcut. 6. 6. 7- 7- 8. 9- Deut 12. 12. 21. 23- 26. ■26. 26. sg. 3°- 31- Si- Josh. 7. 18. =3- 24. 24. Jodg. I. 2. 7- 18. >9- »9- 21. I Sa. I. I. 5- 7- 9- 9- 9- TO. '5- '5- 16. '7- >7. 18. 19. 30. 20. 21. 21. 25- 25- = 7- I. 3- 4- 7- 8. 14. «4- »7- 23- aSa. jKL 3- 3- 4- 9- 9- JO. 14. '7- sKi. iCh S- 5- 10. 30. ti. »7- »9- 23- 23- 24- 5- xo, II. II. SI. 12. '3- •3- 16. 17- J 8. iCh. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- »5- 6 thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings 11 thither shall ye bring all that I command 12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine 18 Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore 2 which thou sha-tt bring of thy land that 9 And he hath brought us into this place 10 behold, 1 have brought the first fruits of 27 to bring upon it all the curses that are 5 And the Lord thy God will bring thee 20 For when I shall have brought them 21 before I have brought them into the land 23 for thou shalt bring . . Israel into the land 7 and bring him unto his people : let his 23 they took them out. .aud. brought them 6 and bring, .hither to me, that I may cast 15 so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil 7 brought the sea upon them, and covered 8 I brought you into the land of the Amor. 7 And they brought him to Jerusalem I and have brought you uuto the land 25 and brought the heads of Oreb and Zecb 3 and said unto him, Who brought thee 3 and she brought him into her father's 21 So he brought him into his house 12 and they brought them unto the camp to 22 and (then) I will bring him, that he may 24 brought him unto the house of the Loud 25 they slew a bullock, and brought the 1 brought it from Eben-ezer uuto Asliuod 2 they brought it into the house of Dagon 1 brought it into the house of Abinadab 7 behold, (if) we go, what shall we bring 7 not a present to bring to the niau of God 22 and brought them into the parlour 27 they despised him, and brought him no 15 They have brought them from the Amal 20 and have brought Agag the king of Ania 17 Piovide me now a man. .apd bring, .to 54 And David took the head, .and brought 57 brought him before Saul, with the head 27 David brought their foreskins, and they 7 And Jonathan brought David to Saul 8 for thou hast brought thy servant into a 8 for why sliouldest thou bring me to thy 14 wherefore (then) have ye brought him to 15 that ye have brought this .to play the 27 which thine handmaid hath brought unto 35 David received, .which she had lirouglit 11 David saved neither man. .to briug 10 have brought them hither unto my lord 13 except thou first bring Michal, Saul s 8 And they brought the head of Ish boslieth 18 what (is) my house, .thou hast brought 7 took the shields.. and brought them 10 Whosoever saith (ought) unto thee, bring 23 and brought Absalom to Jerusalem 14 that the Lord might bring evil upon Ab. 16 and took (it), and brought (it) to David 3 Abishag. .and brought her to the king 40 and Shimei went, and brought his 1 and brought her into the city of David 24 And the king said, Bring me a sword 28 Barley also and straw, .brought they unto 9 The Lord brought upon them. all this evil 28 fetched, .gold, .and brought (it) to king 25 And they brought every man his present 10 I will bring evil upon the house of Jerob. 6 the ravens brought him bread and flesh 39 a man turned aside, and brought a man 21 Behold, I will bring evil upon thee 29 I will not bring the evil in his days 29 in his son's days will I bring the evil 20 when he had taken him, and brought 42 and brought the man of God bread of 6 he brought the letter to the king of Israel 20 receiving at his hands that which he 8 They have brought the heads of the king's 24 (If) any . .whom I have brought into yours 4 and brought them to him into the house 24 the king, .brought (men) from Babylon 25 have I brought it to pass, that thou 20 he made a pool, .and brought water into 12 I (am) bringing (such), .upon Jerusalem 16 Behold, I will bring evil upon this place 20 evil which I will bring upon this place 8 he brought all the priests out of the 30 his servants earned him . .and brought 16 even them the king of Babylon brought 26 and brought them unto Halah. . Habor 12 aud brought them to Jabesh, and buried 2 he that leddest out and broughtest in Is. 18 and took (it), and brought (it) to David 19 (the jeopardy of) their lives they brought 40 Moreover they, .brought bread on asses 5 bring the ark of God from Kirjath-jearim 12 How shall I bring the ark of God (home) 1 they brought the ark of God, and set 16 what (is) mine house, that thou hast 7 David took the shields, .and brought 2 bring the number of them to me, that I 4 they of Tyre, brought much cedar wood ig to briug the ark of the covenant of the 16 and we will bring it to thee in floats by 22 hath he brought all this evil upon them 18 took, .talents of gold, and brought (them) 10 the servants of Solomon, which brought 10 And the servants.. brought algum trees J 2 besides (that) which she had brought 14 Besides (that which) chapmen, brought 14 all the kings of Arabia, .brought gold and 24 And they brought every man his present 11 they offered, .of the spoil (which) they aCh. 15. >7- '7- 22. 24- 24. 25- 25- 25- 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 29, 29. 29. 3'- 32- 33- 34- 34- 36. Ezra 3. 8 Xeh. 8. 8. 9- 10. 10. 10. 10. '3- >3- '3- Esth. 1. 3- 6. 6. Job 12. 14. 42. Psa. 43. 66. 78. 73. 105. Prov.2i. 3'- Eccl. 3. II. 12. Song 1. Isa. Jer. 7- 14. 3'- 37- 43- 43- 43- 46. 43. 49- S5. S8. 60. 60. 60. 66. 66. 66. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 18 he brought into the house of God the 11 (some) of the Vhilistines brought Jehosh. II and the Arabians brought him flocks 9 they caught him. .and brought him to 11 the chest was brought unto the king's 14 they brought the rest of the money before 12 and brought.them unto the top of the 14 that he brought the gods of the children 23 and brought him to Jerusalem, and brako 5 a great multitude . .and brought (them) 8 and brought the spoil to Samaria 13 Ye shall not bring in the captives hithej 15 brought them to Jericho, the city of 27 but they brought him not into the- 21 they brought seven bullocks, and seven 31 dome near and bring sacrifices and 32 number, .which thetcongregation brought 10 Since (the people) began to bring the 23 And many brought gifts unto the Lord II the Lord brought upon them thecaptains 24 Behold I will bring evil upon this place 28 all the evil that I will bring upon this 10 Nebuchadnezzar .brought hiiu to 18 all (these) he brought to Babylon .7 to bring cedar trees from Lebanon to the 17 that they should bring unto us ministers 18 they brought us a man of understanding 30 to bring (them) to Jerusalem unto the g bring tliera unto the place that I have 1 to bring the book of the law of Moses 2 And Ezra the priest brought the law 16 the people went forth, and brought 23 children also, broughtest them into tha 31 And (if) the people of the land bring 34 to bring (it) into the house of our God 35 And to bring the first fruits of our 36 the firstborn of our sons .. to bring to tho 37 we should bring the first fruits ot our 3g the children of Israel, shall bring tho I to bVing one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem 27 they sought the Lcntcs.. to bring them to :2 Then brought all Judah the tithe of the 15 which they brought into Jerusalem on 16 which brought fish . . and all manner of 18 and did not our God bring all this evil 19 there should no burden be brought in on 11 To bring Vashti the queen before the 9 to bring (it) into the king's treasuries 1 to bring the book of records of the Chron. 14 to b.ring Haman unto the banquet that 6 whose hand God bringeth (abundantly) 3 bringest me into judgment with thee? II all the evil that the LORD had brought 3 let them bring me unto thy hill 11 Thou broughtest us into the net 54 And he brought them to the border of his 71 he brought him to feed Jacob his people 40 (The people) asked and he brought quails 27 (when) he bringeth it with a wicked mind! 14 she bringeth her food from afar 22 for who shall bring him to see whatshall 9 for all these (tilings) God will bring thee 14 God shallbring every workinto judgment 4 The King hath brought me into his 4 He brought me to the banqueting house 4 until I had brought him into my mother's 2 (and) bring thee into my mother's house II every, was to bring a thousand (pieces) 13 Bring no more vain oblations ; incense 13 17 The Lord shall bring, .upon thy people 2 the people shall take them, and bring 2 Y'et he also (is) wise, and will briug evil 26 have I brought it to pass, .thou shouldest 5 I will bring thy seed from the east, and 6 bring my sons from far, and my daughters 23 Thou hast not brought me the small II I have spoken (it), 1 will also bring it lo 15 I have brought him, and he shall make 22 they sh.all bring thy sons in (their) arms 7 Even them will I bring to my holy 7 that thou bring the poor that are cast 9 the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy II (men) may bring unto thee the forces ol 17 For brass I will bring. I will bring 4 and will bring their fears upon them 20 And they shall bring all your brethren 20 as the children of Israel bring an offering 7 And I brought you into a plentiful 14 and two of a family, and I will bring yoi^ 6 I will bring evil from the north, and a 15 Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from 19 behold, I will bring evil upon this people 8 I will bring upon them all the words o£ 11 Behold, I will bring evil upon them 23 for I will bring evil upou the men ot 8 I have brought upon them against the 18 bring upon them the day of evil, and 26 bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices 26 bringing sacrifices of praise, unto the 22 thou shalt bring a troop suddenly upon 3 Behold, I will bring evil upon this place 15 Behold, I will bring upon this city, .all 12 for I will bring evil upon them,'(even)lho ijiTid had brought them to Babylon 9 and will bring them against this land 13 And I will bring upon that land .all my 23 and brought him unto Jehoiakim the 11 the nations that bring their neck under 12 Bring your necks under the yoke of the 8 I will bringthem from the north country 42 Like as I have brought all this great evil 42 so will I bring upon them all the good BRING 118 BRING Jer. 33. ti (and) of them that shall in ins the 35. a and bring them into the house of the 35. t7 Behold, if will bfing upon Judah and upon 36. 31 I will bring upon them, and upon the 37. 14 so Irijah took Jeremiah, and brought him 39. 16 Behold, I will bring my words upou this 40. 3 Now the Lord hath brought (it), and 41. 5 to bring (them) to the house of the Lord 42. J7 from the evil that I will bring upon them 44 2 all the evil that I have brought upon ,Ier. 45- s for, behold, I will bring evil upon all 48. 44 for I will bring upon it, (even) upon 49. 5 Behold, 1 will bring a fear upon thee 49. 8 for I will bring the calamity of Esau upon 49. 32 I will bring their calamity from all sides 49. 36 And upon Elam .will I bring the four 49. 37 1 will bring evil upon them, (even) my 51. 64 from the evil that I will bring upon her Xam. 1. 21 thou wilt bring the day (that) thou hast Eze. s- »7 snd I will bring the sword upon thee 6. 3 I, (even) I, will bring a sword upon you 7. 24 1 will bring tlie worst of the heathen 8. 3 and brought me in the visions of God to 8. 7 And he brought me to the door of the 8. 14 Then he brought me to the door of the 8. 16 And he brought me into the inner court n. I the spirit lifted me up, and brought me 11. 8 I will bring a sword upon you, saith the 11. 24 the spirit took me up, and brought me 12. 13 1 will bring him to Babylon (to) the land 14. 17 Or (if) I bring a sword upon that land 14. 22 concerning the evil that I have brought 14. 22 (even) concerning all that I have brought 17. 20 he shall be taken, .and I will bring him 19. 4 they brought him with chains unto the 19. 9 and brought him to the king of Babylou 19. 9 they brought him into holds, that his 20. 10 I caused them to go forth, .and brought 2o. 15 that I would not bring them into the 2o. 28 (For) when I had brought them into the 20. 35 I will bring you into the wilderness of the 20. 37 I will bring you into the bond of the 2o. 42 when I shall bring you into the land of 23. 22 and I will bring them against thee on 26. 7 I will bring upon Tyrus N^ebuchadrezzar 27. 26 Thy rowers have brought thee into great 28. 7 Behold. .1 vrill bring strangers upon thee 29. 8 Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee 32. 9 1 shall bring thy destruction among the 33. 2 When I bring the sword upon a land 34. 13 and mil bring them to their own land 36. 24 and will bring you into your own land 37. 12 and bring you into the land of Israel 37. 21 and bring them into their own land 38. 16 and I will bring thee against my land 38. 17 which prophesied, .that I would bring 39. 2 and will bring thee upon the mountains of 40. I the hand, .was upon me, and brought me 40. 2 In the visions of God brought he me into 40. 3 And he brought me thither, and, behold 40. 17 Then brought he me into the outward 40. 28 And he brought me to the inner court 40. 32 And he brought me into the inner court 40. 35 And he brought me to the north gate 40. 48 And he brought me to the porch of the 41 I he brought me to the temple, and 42. I he brought me forth into the outer court 43. 5 the spirit took me up, and brought me 44. 4 l.'iien brouglit he me the way of the north 44, 7 In that ye. .brought (into my sanctuary) 46 19 After he brought me tl^rough the entry Dan. I. 2 he brought the vessels into the treasure I. 3 that he should bring ( of the I. i8,then the prince of the eunuchs brought 9. 12 he hathconfirmedhis words, .by bringing 9. 14 hath the Lord watched . .and brought it 9. 24 and to bring in everlasting righteousness It. 6 and they that brought her, and he that Amos 4. I which say. .Bring, and let us drink 4. 4 and bring your sacrifices every morning Mic. I. 15 Yet will I bring an heir uuto thee, O Zeph. 3. 20 At that time will I bring you (again) Hag. I. 8 Go up to the mountain, and bring wood I. 9 when ye brought (it) home, I did blow Zech. 8. 8 I will bring them, and they shall dwell 10. 10 and I will bring them into the land of 13. 9 I will bring the third part through the Mai. 1. 13 and ye brought(that which was) torn, and I. 13 thus ye brought an offering : should I 3. 10 Bring ye.all the tithes into the storehouse 4.T0 cut off, bring over, m guz. Numii. 31 and brought quails from the sea, and let 5. To carry aviay captive, rhi galah, 5. 2 Ki. 17. 27 Carry . .one of the priests whom ye bro. 6.7*0 caTise to flow or go, hy, ydbal, 5. Psa. 60. 9 Who will bring me (iuto) the strong city? 68. 29 Because of thy temple . .shall kings bring 76. II let all that be round about him bring io8. 10 Who will bring me into the strong city? Zeph 3. 10 the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring 7.7*0 coMse to flow or go, '??; yebal, 5. Ezras- 14 and brought thetn into the temple of 6. 5 and brought unto Babylon, be restored 8.7*0 give, in\ yahab. Ruth 3. 15 Bring me the veil that (thou hast) upon Job 6. 22 Did I say, Bring unto me? or, Give a 9.7*0 cause to go, ij^; yalah, 5. Deut 28. 36 The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king 1 KL 1. 38 and caused .Solomon, .and brought him 2 Ki. 6. 19 and I will bring you to the man whom 25. 20 and brought tliein lo the king of Babylon 2 Ch.135. 24 and they brought him to Jerusalem, and . Isa 42. 16 1 will bring tlie blind by a way (that) Jer 52. 26 and brought themtotne king of Babylon Lam. 3. 2 He hath led me, and brought (me into) £ze. 40. 24 After that he bi'ought me toward the 43. I Afterward he brought me to the gate 47. 6 Then he brought me, and caused me to Ho3. 2. 14 1 will allure her, and bring her into the 10.7*0 take, receive, npS laqach. Gen. 48, 9 Bring then'i, I pray thee, unto me, and I Exod25. 2 that they may bring me an offering 27. 20 that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten Lev 9. 5 brought (that) which Moses commanded 12. 8 then she shall bring two turtles, or two 24 2 that they bring unto thee pure oil olive Num II. 16 and bring them unto the tabernacle . . 13. 20 be ye of good courage, and bring of the 19. 2 that they briug thee a red heifer without 23. 14 he brought him into the field of Zophini 23.27 I pray thee. I will bring thee unto another 23. 28 And Balak brought Balaam unto the top Deut 30. 12 and bring it unto us, that we may hear it 30. 13 and bring it unto us, that we may hear it Judg 14. 11 that they brought thirty companions to I Sa. 21. 8 for I have )ieitherbi-ought my sword nor 30. II they fouud an Egyptian, .and brought 1 KL 3. 24 the king said, Briug me a sword. And 17. II Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread 20. 33 Then he said. Go ye, bring him. Then 2 Ki. 2. 20 Bring me a new cruse, .and they brought 3. 15 But now bring me a minstrel. And it 4. 41 But he said, Tlien bring meal: and he I Ch.i8. 8 Likewise from Tibhath. brought David ll.l'ofind, NVn malsa. Lev. j2. 8 And if she be not able to bring a lamb 12.7*0 touch, reach to, V\} naga, 5. Lev. 5, 7 And if he be not able to bring a lamb Isa. 25. J2 lay low, (and) bring to the ground, (even) 26. 5 he bringeth it (even) to the dust 13.7*0 drav} nigh, m} nagash, 5. Exod2i. 6 Then his master shall bring him unto 21. 6 he shall also bring him to the door Lev. 2. 8 he shall bring it unto the altar 8. 14 And he brought the bullock for the sin J Sa. 14. 34 And all the people brought every man 28. 23 And she brought (it) before Saul 1 Sa. 13. II when she had brought (them) uuto him 17. 28 Brought beds, and basins, and earthen 1 Ki. 4. 21 they brougnt presents, and served Solo. 2 Ki. 4. 5 upouhersons, whobrought(the vessels) 4. 6 she said unto her son. Bring me yet a Isa. ' 45. 21 Tell ye, and bring (them) near; yea let 14.7'o thrust, nij nadach, 5. 2 Sa. 15. 14 bring evil upon us. and smite the city 15.7*0 lead on, m nahag, 3. Exod 10. 13 and the LOKD brought an east wind Psa. 78. 26 by his power he brought in the south 16. 7*0 Lead, nn: nachuh, 5. Num 23. 7 Balak the king of Moab hath I)rought me I Sa. 22. 4-And he brought them before the king Psa 1C7. 30 he bringeth them unto their desired Prov.18. 16 and bringeth him before great men 17.7*0 coAise to journey, ypj nasa, 5. Exod 15. 22 So Afoses brought Israel from the Red I Ki. 5. 17 and they brought great stones costly Psa 80. 8 Thou haal brought a vine out of Egypt 18.7*0 lift up, iVfinasft. Gen. 45. 19 take'yoli wagons, and bring your father Exod 10. 13 when . .the east wind brought the locusts Deut 28. 49 The LouD shall bring a nation against 1 Sa. 4. 4 that they might bring from thence the 2 Sa. 6. 3 and brought it out of the house of Abin. 6. 4 they brought it out of the house of Abiu. 8. 2 (so) the Moabites.. brought gifts 8. 6 Syrians became servants, .(and) brought 1 Ki. 10. II the navy . .brought in from Ophir great 10. 22 bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes 2 Ki. 14. 20 And they brought him on horses; and he 1 Ch. 16. 29 bring an offering, and come before him 18. 2 Moabites.. servants (and) brought gifts 18. 6 the Syrians, .servants, (and) brought gifts 18. II that he brought frv..n all (these) nations 2 Ch. 9. 21 the ships of Tarshish, bringing gold, and 25. 28 Aud they brought him upon horses, and Job 40. 20 Surely the mountains bring him forth Psa. 72. 3 The mountains shall bring peace to the Psa. 96. 8 briugan ofi'ering.and comeintohiscourts 126. 6 He. .doubtless come again, .bringing his Isa. 60. 6 all they . .shall come ; they shall bring 19. 7*0 cause to bear, nVj nasa, 5. 2 Sa. 17. 1 J then shall all Israel bring ropes to that 20.7*0 give, ]n nathan. I Sa. Q. 23 Bring the portion which I gave thee 11. 12 bring the men, that we may put them to I KL 8. 32 condemning the wicked, to bringhis way 1 Ch. 14. 17 the Lord brought the fear of him upon Job 14. 4 Who can bring a clean (thing) out of an Psa. I 3 that bringeth forth his fruit in his season rrov.29. 25 The fear of man bringeth a snare : but Isa. 40. 23 That bringeth the princes to nothing Jer. 23. 40 I will bring an everlasting reproach 26. 15 ye shall surely bring innocent blood Eze. 21. 29 tohring'theeupon theneck30f(them) 28. 18 and I wiU briug thee to ashes upou the Dan. 1. 9 Now God had brought Daniel into favour Zeph. 3. 5 every morning doth.. bring his judgment 21. 7y cause to turn aside, "no sur,^ 5. 1 Ch. 13. 13 So David brought not the ark (home) 22.2*0 cause to pass over, i?;; ahar, 5. 2 Sa. 19. 41 and have brought the king and his 23. 7*0 cause to go up, n^y alah, 5. Geu. 50. 24 aud bring you out of this land unto the Exod. 32. 7 thy people, v/hich thou broughtest out of Deut.28. 61 them will tlie Lord bring upon thee Josh. 7. 24 and tliey brought them unto the valley of Judg 16. 18 the lords, .came up untoher. and brought 1 Sa. 2. 19 and brought (it) to him from year to 2 Ki. 17. 4 brought no present to the king of Assyri.'s 2Ch. 36. 17 Therefore he brought upon them the Psa. 81. la the Lord thy God, which brought thee Jer. 33. 6 I will pring it health and cure, and 1 will Hos. 12. 13 And oy a prophet the Lord brought Israel 24. 7*0 cause to step, "lyy tsaad, 5. Job 18 14 auditshailbringhimtothekingofterrors 25. 7*0 cause to draw near, T\^ qarab, 5. Exod29. 3 bringthemiuthebasket, with the bullock 29. 4 thou Shalt bring unto the door of the 79 8 thou Shalt bring his sons, and put coats 29. 10 thou shalt cause a bullock to be brought 40. 12 thou shalt briug Aaron and his sons 40. 14 thoushaltbringhissons,and clothe them Lev. I 2 If any man of you bring an offering I. 2 ye shall bring your offering of the cattle r. 5 and the priests, .shall bring the blood I. 10 he shall bring it a male without blemish r. 13 and the priests shall bring (it) all, and 1. 14 then he shall bring his oftering of turtle 1. 15 the priest shall bring it unto the altar 2. 4 if thou briugan oblation of ameatoffering X. II No meat offering, which ye shall bring 4. 3 then let him bring for his sin. .a young 8. 6 Jfoses brought Aaron and his sous 8. 13 Mosesbrought Aaron's sons, and put coata 8. i8 And he brought the ram for the burnt 8. 22 he brought the other ram, the ram of 8. 24 he brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put of g. 9 Aud the sons of Aaron brought the blooJ g. 15 And he brought the people's offering 9. iti And he brought the burnt offering 9. 17 And he brought the meat offering, and 16. 9 And Aaron shall bring the goat 16. II Aaron shall bring the bullock of the sin 16. 20 when he hath made an end. .he shall bring 27. 9 whereof men bring an offering unto the Num. 5. 9 every offering., which they bring unto the $. 16 Aud the priest shall bring her near 6. 16 the priest shall bring (them) before the 7. 3 they brought them before the tabernacle 8. 9 thou shalt bring the Levites before the 8. ID And thou shalt bring the Levites before 9. 13 because he brought not the offering of the 15. 4 bring a meat offering of a tenth deal 15. 9 Then shall he bring with a bullock a miat 15. 27 then he shall bring a she goat of the first 15. 10 thou shalt bring for a drink offering half 15. 33 they, .brought him untoMosesand Aaron 16. 17 and bring ye before the LORD every man 18. 2 bring thou with thee, that they may be 18. 15 Every thing.. which they bring unto the 25. 6 and brought unto his.. a Midianitish 27. 5 Aud ^^oses brought their cause before the 28. 26 when ye bring a new meat offering unto .31. 50 We have therefore brought an oblation Deut. 1. 17 bring (it) unto me, and I will hear it Josh. 7. 16 and brought Israel by their tribes 7. 17 And he brought, .and he brought the 7. 18 Andhebroughthishouseholdmanby man 8. 23 thekingofAi theytookalive, and brought Judg. 3. 17 And he brought the present unto Eglon 2 Ki. 16. 14 And he brought also the brasen altar 26. 7*0 cause to meet, rnj> qarah, 5. Gen. 27. 20 Because the Lord thy God brought (it) to 27. To cause to ride, 33"i rakab, 5. Esth. 6 9 bring him on horseback through the 2^. To put, place, set, Uiv sum. Exod 8. 12 frogs which he had brought against J 5. 26 which 1 have brought upon the Egyptians Deut 22. 8 that thou bring not blood upon thine Psa. 89. 40 thou liast brought his strongholds to ruin 29. 7*0 caxi^e to turn back, niE; shid), 5. Deut28. 60 he will bring upon thee all the diseases of 1 Sa. 6. 7 and bring their calves home from them 2 Ki.2o. II and he brought the shadow ten degrees 2 Ch.34. 16 and brought the king word back again Job 30. 23 For I know (that) thou wilt bring me (to) Psa. 72. 10 Th„' kings of Tarshish. .shall bring pres. 94. 23 And he shall bring upon them their Prov.2o. 26 and bringeth the wheel over them Jon. I. 13 the men rowed hard to bring (it) to. .land 20. To put, place, set, n'B* shith. Isa. 15. 9 for I will bring more upoh Dimon, lions 31.7*0 send forth or away, rb^ shalach, 3. Obad. 7 All the men.. have brought thee.. to the 32. 7*0 put, place, set, r\5P shaphath. Psa. 22. 15 and thou hast brought me into the dust [See also Desolation, distress, evil, fruit, hastily, hither, horseback, low, more, near, nought, pass, remembrance, reproach, safe, salvation, straight, tidings.] BRING 119 BRING 33. To lead on, &yui ago. Mattzi. 2 loose (them), anrt briog (them) unto me 21. 7 Aad brought the ass, and the colt, and Markii. 2 ye shall find a colt tied, .(bring) (him) II. 7 they [brought] the colt to Je.sus, and cast Xuke 4. 9 he brought hira to Jerusalem, and set 4. 40 all they that had. .brought them unto 10. 34 brought him to an inn, and took care ig. 27 But those mine enemies .. bring hither 19. 30 loose him, aud bring (him hither) 19. 35 And they brought him to Jesus John I. 42 he brought him to Jesus. And when 7. 45 they said unto them, Why have ye not 8. 3 [the scribes . . brought unto him a woman] 9. 13 They brought to the Pharisees hira that o. 16 them also I must bring, and they shall] ig. 4 Behold, I bring him forth to you, that tg. 13 he brought Jesus forth, and sat down iij Act3 5. 26 Then went the captain . .and brought 5. 27 when they had brought them, they set 6. 12 and caught him, and brought (him) to 9. 2 ho might bring them bound unto Jeruaa. 9. 21 be might bfiog them bound unto the 9. 27 Barnabas took him, and brought (him) 11. 26 when he had found him, he brought hiiq 17. s and sought to [bring] them the 17. 15 they that conducted Paul brought hira 17. rg took him and brought him unto Areop. 18. 12 and brought him to the judgment scat 19. 37 For ye have brought hither these men 20. 12 And they brought the young man alive 21. 16 and brought with them one Mnason 22. 5 to bring them which were there bound 23. 10 to take him by force, .and to bring (him) 23. 18 he took him, and brought (him) to the 23. 18 to bring this young man unto thee 23.31 took Paul, and brought (him) by night 1 Th. 4. 14 even so them also, .will God bring witll 2 'I'i. 4. n Take Mark, and bring hira with thee lleb. 2. 10 in bringing many sons unto glory, to 84. To lead up, wayia anagS, Luke 2. 22 they brought, .to Jerusalem, to present Acts 9, 39 When he was come, they brought him 16. 34 And when he had brought them into hi? 35. To lead away, aTrdyto apago. Acts 23. 17 Bring this young man unto the chief 30, To bear away, b.-iro4>epoi apophero. 1 Co, 16. 3 to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem 37. Td bear upon or unto, iTri4pio pvosphero. jMatt25. 20 he. .came and broughtother five talents Markio. 13 disciples rebuked those that brought 44. To bear, carry, ipipu phero. Matt 14, II And his head was brought in a charger 14. II and she brought (it) to her mother 14. 18 He said, Bring them hither to me 17. 17 how long shall I suffer you ! Bring him Mark i. 32 they brought unto him all that were ;; 2. 3 bringing one sick of the palsy, which ' 6. 27 and commanded his head to be brought 6. 28 And brought his head in a charger 7. 32 And they bring unto hira one that was 8. 22 and they bring a blind man unto him 9. 17 Master, I have brought unto thee my 9. 19 how long shall I suffer you? Bring him 9. 20 And they brought him unto him ; and 12. 15 Why tempt ye me ? bring me a penny 12. 16 And they brought (it). And he saith 15. 22 And they bring hira unto the place Luke 5. 18 Aud, behold, men brought in a bed a 15. 23 bring hither the fatted calf, and kiU (it) 24. I bringing the spices which they had John 4. 33 Halih any man brought, .(ought) to eat? 18. 29 What accusation bring ye against this 19. 39 Nicodemus. .brought a mixture of myrrh 21. loBringot theflshwhichyehavenowcaught 'Acts 4. 34 as many as were possessors, brought 4. 37 Having., brought the money, and laid (it) 5. 2 his vnie . . brought a certain part, and laid 5. 16 There came also a multitude, .bringing 14. 13 the priest, brought oxen and garlands a Tl. 4. 13 when thou coraest, bring (with thee), .the 2 Pe. 3. 1 1 angels . .bring not railing accusation 2 Jo. 10 bring not this doctrine, receive hira not Eev. 21. 24 the kings of the earth do bring their glory ^ SI. 26 they shall bring the glory and honour Jer. Eze. 4«. Exodis. I shub, 5. Gen. 14. 16 brought agaiu his brother Lot, and his 24. s I needs bring thy son again unto 24. 6 thou bring not my son thither again 24. 8 only bring not my son thither again b8. 15 I. .will bring thee again into this land 37. 14 Go, I pray thee, .and bring me word ag. 4?, 37 I will bring him to thee again 43, 21 we have brought it again in our hand 44. 8 we brought again unto thee out of the 21 God shall. bring you again unto the land ig the Lord brought again the waters 10 Bring Aaron's rod again before the testi. 2. 8 Lodge here. .1 will bring you word again I. 22 bring us word again by what way we 1. 25 And they, .brought us wordag:iin 22. I in any case bring them again unto 28, 68 shall bring thee into Egypt again Josh 14, 7 1 brought him word again as (it was) 22. 32 returned, ,and brought them word again Jntlgig. 3 to speak friendly, , (and) to bring her again I .'la, 6. 21 The Philistines have broiight again the 2. Sa. 3. 7.6 messengers.. brought him agaiu frora 7.|. 21 bring the young man Absalom again 15, 8 the LOKD shall bring rae again indeed 15, 25 he will bring me again, and show me.. it I Ki. 7. 30 Benaiah brought the king word again 8. 34 bring them again unto the laud 12. 21 bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam 20. 9 departed aud brought him word again a Kl 22. 9 the scribe. , brought the king word again 22. 20 And they brought the king word agaiu J Ch.2i. 12 T shall bring again to him that a Ch. 6. 25 bring them again unto the land which IT. 1 he might bring the kingdom again 12. Ti the guard, .brought them again into the 24. 19 he sent prophets, .to bring.them again 33. 13 brought him again to Jerusalem into his 34. j3 So they brought the king word again Neh. 9. 29 thou mightest bring them again unto 13. 9 thither brought I again the vessels of the Job 70. 9 and wilt thou bring me into dust again? Psa 68. 22 I will bring again from Eashan ; I will Prov iq. 24 so much as bring it to his mouth again 26. IS it grieveth him to bring it again to his 38. 8 I will bring again the sliadov.'s of the 46. 8 bring (it) again to mind, ye transg. 49. 3 formed me . to bring Jacob again to him 12. 15 and will bring them again every man IS. 19 return, then will I bring thee again j6, 15 I will bring them again into their land 03. 3 I. will bring them again to their folds 2d. 6 I will bring them again to this land b3. 3 will I bring again into this place all 28. 4 I will bring again to this place. .Jeconi^ 28. 6 bring again the vessels of the Lord's ag. 14 I will bring you again unto the place 32. 37 I will bring them again into this 41. 16 the eunuchs, .he had brought again 4Q. 6 will bring again the captivity of . .Ammon 49. 39 I will bring again the captivity of Elam 34. 4 have ye brought again that which was 34. 16 I will, bring again that which was 39. 25 I bring again the captivity of Jacob 47. I he brought me again unto the door Joel 3 I shall bring again the captivity of Judah Zech 10. 10 I will bring them again also out of tho 6. To lead up, back, or again, avdyoi anago. Heb. 13. 20 that brought again from the dead our 7. To turn away from, p,tTocTTpi apostrtpho. Matt.27. 3 brought [again] the thirty pieces oJ silver BRING against, to — To bring or bear upon, fitKpfpo) epipherd. J uda 9be.. durst not bring against him » ratting Isa, Jer. Eze. I Ki. 2Ch. Job Eze. BRING away, to — l.l'o consume avmy, n:,)^ baar, 3. Deut 26. 13 I have brought away the hallowed things I.T0 lead away, jna nahag. 1 Sa. 23. 5 brouglitaway thelrcattlc,andBmo,tcthem BRING away captive, to — To carry captive, .131;' shabuh. 2 Ki. s- 2 Syrians . , had brought away captive. .a BRING back, to — 1. To turn back to, 3?^ s]ad>. Psa. 14. 7 the Lord bringeth back the captivity of S3. 6 When God bringeth back the captivity of 85. I thou hast brought back the captivity of 2.7*0 bring hack, ^tv aJaib, 5. Gen. 14. 16 he brought back all the goods, and p.Tso Exod23. 4 Ihou shalt surely bring it back to him ^iim 13. 26 aud biought back word unto them 2 Sa. 17. 3 I will bring back all the people 19. II the last to bring the king back 19, 12 are ye tho last to bring back the king? ' 13. 18 Bring him back with thee into thine 13. 20 unto the prophet that brought him back 13. 23 the prophet whom he had brought back 13. 26 the prophet that brought him back from 13. 29 laid it upon the ass, and brought it back 14. 28 the guard . brought them back into ig. 4 brought them back unto the Lord God 33. 30 To bring back his soul from the pit 44. I he brought me back the way of the gate BRING down, to — l.To bring down, Ti; yarad, 5. Gen. 39. I Ishmeelites, which hadbronghthim down 42. 38 ye bring down my grey hairs with sorrow 43. 7 he would say, Bring your brother down t 43. 22 other money have we brought down in 44. 21 Brlug him down unto me, that I may set 44. 29 ye .shall bring down my grey hairs with 44. 31 thy servants shall bring down the grey 45. 73 ye shall haste and bring down my father Dent. I. 2s and brought (it) down unto iis, and 21. 4 bring down tlie heifer unto a rough Judg. 7. 4 bring them down unto the water, and I 7. 5 he brought down the people unto the 16. 21 the Philistines, .brought him down 4 1 Sa. 2. 6 he bringeth down to the grave, and 30. 15 Canst. . bring me down to this company? 30, js 1 will bring thee down to this company 30. 76 when he had brought him down, behold 2 Sa. 22.48 It(i3>God. .that bringeth down the people 1 Ki. I. 33 ride upon mine, and bring him down 1. S3 they brought him down from the altar 2. 9 his hoar head bring thou down to the S. 9 My servants shall bring (them) down 17. 23 Elijah, brought him dov/n out of 18. 40 Elijah brought them 'or thou wilt, .bring down high looks Isa. 25, II and he shall bring down their pride Eze. 17. 24 I the Lord have brought down the high Q.To lead down, Kardyai katago. Acts 9. 30 they brougbt him down to Cesarea, and 22. 30 the chief priests, .brought Paul down 23. 15 that he bring him down nnto you 23. ^o that thou wouldest bring down Paul Pu)m 10. ' 6 that is, to bring Christ down (from above) BRING forth, to — l.To cause to come in, Ni3 bo, 5. Zech. 3 8 will bring forth my servant The Branch 2.T0 ripen, make ready, W? bashal, 5. Gen. 40. 10 the clusters.. brought forth ripe grapes 3.7*0 cause to yield fender grass, KK'T dosha, 5. Gen. I. II God said. Let the earth bring forth grass 4. To be pained, travail in birth, 730 chabal, 3. Song 8. s there thy mother brought thee forth 8, s there she brouaht thee forth (that) bare Isa. Jer. Eze. Hos. BRING 120 BRING 5. To be pained, travail in birth, 'pin chul. Isa. 45. 10 What hast thou brought forth? 6. To beget, bear, i"?; yalad. Gen. 3. 16 in sorrow thou shalt brin-j forth children 30. 39 the flocks conceived, .and brought forth 2 Ki. 19. 3 (there is) not strength to bring forth Job 15. 35 They conceive mischief, and bring forth 39. I when the wild goats of the rock bring f. 39. 2 knowest thou the time when they bring f. Psa. 7. 14 he. .hath conceived, .and brought forth Pro V 27. I thou knowest notwhata daymaybringf. Isa. 26. 18 we have as it were brought forth wind 33. II Ye shall conceive chaff ; ye shall bring 37. 3 (there is) not strength to bring forth SI. 18 all the sons (that) she hath brought forth 65. 23 They shall not. .bring forth for trouble 66. 7 Before she travailed, she brought fortU 60. 8 .she brought forth her children Jer. 2. 27 Thou hast brought me forth : for they Hos. 9. 16 shall bear no fruit ; yea, though, .bring f. Mic. 5. 3 she which travaileth hath brought forth Zeph. 2. 2 Before the decree bring forth, (before) 7. To cause to bear or bring forth "hi yalad, 5. Isa. 59. 4 they conceive mischief, and bring forth 8. To let go out, ns; yalsa, Deuti'4. 22 the field bringeth forth year by year 9. To cause to go out, ^fX yatsa, 5. Gen. r. 12 the earth brought forth grass, (and) I. 24 Let the earth bring forth the living 8. 17 Bring forth with thee every living thing 14. 18 Melchizedek.. brought forth bread and 15. 5 he brought him forth abroad, and said 19. 16 they brought him forth, and set him 19. 17 they had brought them forth abroad 24. S3 the servant brought forth jewels of 38. 24 Bring her forth, and let her be burnt Exod. 3. 10 thou mayest bring forth my people 3. II I should bring forth the children of 3. 12 When thou hast brought forth . .people 7. 4 bring forth mine armies, (and) my people 8. 18 to bring forth lice, but they could not 12. 39 dough which they brought forth out of 13. 16 the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt 16. 3 ye have brought us forth into this 16. 32 I brought you forth from the land of 19. 17 Moses brought forth the people out of 29. 46 I (am) the Lord, .that brought them f. 32. II which thou hast brought forth out of the IiCV. 24. 14 Bring forth him that hath cursed 24. 23 they should bring forth him that had 25. 38 I (am^ the Lord, .which brought you f. 25. 42 they (are) my servants, which I brought f. 25. 55 they (are) my servants whom I brought f. 26. 10 bring forth the old because of the new 26. 13 I (am) the Lord, .which brought you f. 26. 45 their ancestors, whom I brought forth ISwcaiT. 8 house of Levi was budded. . brought forth ig. 3 bring her forth without the camp 20. 8 thou shalt bring forth to them water 20. 16 an angel, .hath brought us forth out of 24. 8 God brought him forth out of Egypt Deut. I. 27 he hath brought us forth out of the land 4. 2o the Lord, .brought you forth out of the 6. 12 the Lord, which brought thee forth out 9. 12 people, .thou hast brought forth, .have Q. 26 thou hast brought forth out of Egypt 14. 28 thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of 16. 1 thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt 17. 5 shalt thou bring forth that man or that 22. 15 bring forth (the tokens of) the damsel's 26. 8 the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt 29. 25 he brought them forth out of the land Josh 10. 23 they, .brought forth those five kings Judg. 6. 8 brought you forth out of the house of 6. 18 I come unto thee, and bring forth my 19. 22 Bring forth the man that came into 19. 25 brought her forth unto them ; and they 1 Sa. 12. 8 Moses and Aaron, which brought forth 2 Sa. 12. 30 he brought forth the spoil of the city 12. 31 he brought forth the people that (were) 22. 20 He brought me forth also into a large 22. 49 bringeth me forth, .from mine enemies 1 Ki. 8. 16 I brought forth my people, out of Egypt 8. 5 1 (be) thypeople . . which thou broughtest f. 9. 9 the Lord their God, who brought forth a KLio. 22 Bring forth vestments for all the lo. 22 And he brought them forth vestments 10. 26 they brought forth tne images out of the II. 12 he brought forth the king s son. and put 23. 4 bring forth out of the tempis . .all the 2 Ch. 1. 17 And they, .brought forth out of Egypt 6. 5 I brought forth my people out of the 7. 22 the Lord.. which brought them forth Ezra I. 7 the king brought forth the vessels of the I. 7 which Nebuchadnezzar had brought f. I. 8 Even those did Cyrus bring forth by Neh, 9. 7 the Lord., who. brnughtesthimforthout Job JO. 18 then hast thou brought me forth out of 28. II (the thing that is) hid bringeth he forth to Paa. i8. 19 He brought me forth also into a large 37. 6 he shall bring forth thy righteousness 104. 14 he may bring forth food out of the earth 103. 37 He brought them forth also with silver 105. 43 And he brought forth his people with • Prov.30. 33 Surelythechurningofmilkbringeth forth 30. 33 and the wringing of the nose bringeth f. 30. 33 so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth Isa. 42. I he Ehall bring forth judgment to Isa, 42. 3 he shall bring forth judgment unto truth 43. 8 Bring forth the blind people that have 43. 17 Which bringeth forth the chariot and 61. II as the earth bringeth forth her bud 65. 9 I \vi\\ bring forth a seed out of Jacob Jer. 10. 13 he. .bringeth forth the wind out of 11. 4 I brought them forth out of the land 20. 3 Pashur brought forth Jeremia"h out of 32. 21 And hast brought forth thy people Israiel 34. 13 I brought them forth out of the land 50. 25 The Lord, .hath brought forth the 51. 10 The Lord hath brought forth our right. 51. 16 he. .bringeth forth the.wind out of his 51. 44 I will bring forth out of his mouth 52. 31 .lehoiachin.. brought him forth out Dze. II. 7 I will bring you forth out of the midst 12; 4 shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day 12. 7 I brought forth my stuff by day 12. 7 I brought (it) forth in the twilight 20. 6 bring them forth of the land of Egypt 20. 9 made myself known.. in bringing themf. 20. 22 in whose sight I brought them forth 28. 18 I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee 38. 4 I will bring thee forth, and all thine 42. I he brought me forth into the outer court 42. 15 he brought me forth toward the gate 46. 21 he brought me forth into the outer court Dan. 9. 15 God. .hast brought thy people forth out Hos. 9. 13 Epliraim shall bring forth his children Mic. 7. 9 he will bring me forth to the light Hag. I. II (that) which the ground bringeth forth Zech. 4. 7 he shall l)ring forth the head stone 5. 4 1 will bring it forth, saith the LORD of 10. To cause to draw nigh, m} nagash, 5. 2 Ch.29. 23 they brought forth the he goats (for) the Isa. 41. 21 bring forth your strong (reasons), saith 41. 22 Let them bring (them) forth, and show us W. To sprout, bring forth, 3» nM&. Prov 10. 31 The mouth of the just bring;eth forth 12. To lift up, bear, n^j rMsa. Eze. 17. 23 it shall bring forth boughs, and hearfrult Hag. 2. 19 and the olive tree, hath not brought forth 13 yo give, \m nathan. Isa. 43. 9 let them bring forth their witnesses 14.7*0 do, make, yield, n'^j; asah. Gen. 41. 47 plenteous years the earth brought forth Lev. 25. 21 it shall bring forth fruit for three years Job 14. 9 it will bud, and bring forth boughs like Isa. 5. 2 aud it brought forth wild grapes 5. 4 brought it forth wild grapes V Jer. 12. 2 they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit Eze. 17. 6 it became a vine, and brought forth 17. 8 It was planted., that it might bring forth 15. 7*0 cleave through, nhsipalach, 3. Job 39. 3 They how themselves, they bring forth 16. To bear fruit, ."n,3 parah. Isa. 45. 8 let them bring forth salvation, and let 17. To spring up, npji tsamach. Eccl. 2. 6 to water . . the wood that bringeth forth 18.7*0 cause to spring up, noy tsamach, 5. Gen. 3. 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring f. 19. Tfe cause to draw near, yy^ qarah, 5. Judg. 5. 25 she brought forth butter in a lordly dish 20. To set, make even, ni:f shavah, 3. Hos. 10. 1 he bringeth forth fruit unto himself 21. To lead, lead on, ayco ago. Acts 25. 17 commanded the man to be brought forth 25. 23 Festus' command. Paul was broughtforth 22. To lead up or again, avayco anago. Acts 12. 4 intending after Easter to bring him forth 23. To bear forth young, atroKveu apokueo. Jas. 1. 15 when lifst hath conceived, it bringeth f. 24. To bud, sprout, ^Kacrravu blasianO. Jas. 5. 18 tlie earth brought forth her fruit 25. To give, Sidw/ii didomi. Matt ij. 8 into good ground, and broughtforth fruit 26. To cast forth, cK^aKKcn ekballo. Matti2. 35 good treasure of the heart, bringeth forth 12. 35 the evil treasure, bringeth forth evil 13. 52 bringethforth..outofhist'reasure(thirg8) 27. To beget, bear, yevvaso gen.nao. Luke 1. 57 should be delivered; and she brought f. 28. To bear or bring forth, iKipepoi ekpliero. Lukeis. 22 Bring forth the best robe, and put (it) on Acts 5. 1 5 they brought forth the sick into the streets 29. To lead out, i^dyu exago. Acts 5. 19 opened the prison doors, and brought I. 30. To lead down, Kardyaj katago. Acts 23. 28 I brought them forth into their council 31. To do, make, iroifoi poieo. Matt. 3. 8 Bring forth . .fruits meet for repentance 3. 10 every tree which bringeth not forth good 7. 17 every good tree bringeth forth good frurt 7. 17 a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit 7. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit 7. 18 neither (can) a corrupt tree bring forth Matt. 7. ig Every tree that bringeth not forth good 13. 25 (it), .also beareth fruit and bringeth forth 13. 26 the blade was sprung up, and brought f. 21. 43 a nation bringeth forth the fruits thereof Luke 3. 8 Bring forth, .fruits worthy of repentance 3. 9 every tree . . which bringeth not forth 6. 43 a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt 6. 43 doth a corrupt tree briug forth good Z2. To lead forward, npoayco proagO. Acts 12. 6 Herod would have brought him forth 25. 26 I have brought him forth before you 3Z. To bear forward, irpo(pipci> prophero^ Luke 6. 45 his heart bringeth forth that which is 6. 45 his heart bringeth forth that which is 34.7*0 bring forth, t'iktui tikto. Matt. I. 21 And she shall bring forth a son I. 23 Behold, a virgin, .shall bring forth a son 1. 25 And knew her not till she had brought f. Luke I. 31 behold, thou shalt. .bring forth a son 2. 7 she brought forth her first bom son Heb. 6. 7 the earth, bringeth forth herbs meet for Jas. I. 15 sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth Bev. 12. 5 And she brought forth a man child 12. 13 persecuted the woman which brought f. 35.7*0 bear, phero. Mark 4. 8 And other fell, .and brought forth John 12. 24 if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit 15. 2 that it may bring forth more fruit 15. 5 the same bringeth forth much fruit 15. 16 I have chosen you. .go and bring forth [See also First child, fruit, new fruit, thousands. BEING forth abundantly — 7*0 swarm, Y^^ sha.rats. Gen. I. 2Q Let the waters bring forth abundantly J. 21 the waters brought forth abundantly 9. 7 bring forth abundantly in the earth Exod. 8. 3 the river shall bring forth frogs abund. BEING forth children, to — 7*0 beget, bear, "hi yalad. Isar-^23. 4 I travail not, nor bring forth children BEING forth fruit, to — 7*0 burst forth, 3?: nub. Psa. 92. 14 They shall still bring forth fruit In old BEING forth in abundance, to — 7*0 swarm, {^b* sharats. Psa.105. 30 Their land brought forth frogs in abund. BEING forth plentifuUy, to — 7*0 bear well, ev male humble, hp'^ shaphel, 5. 1 .Sa 2. 7 The LoRD-.bringeth low and lifteth lip Prov 29 23 A man s pride shall bring him low : but BRING near lo — \,Ti> bring near, ^-rj qarab, 3. Isa 46. 13 I bring near my rigliteonsnesa ; it shall 2. To cause to draw near, 317 qarab, 5. Num 3 6 Bring the tribe of Levi near, and i5 9 bring you near to himself, to do the 16. 10 he hath brought thee near (to him), and 3. To cause to draw near, 2-ip gereb, 5. Dau. 7. 13 and they brought him near before hira BEING on the way, to — 1. To send oil, nby shalack, 3. Gen. 18. 16 Abraham went. .to bring them on the way 2. To send fonvard, irpoire'^irw propempo. Acts 15. 3 being brought on their way by the church 21. 5 they all brought us on our way, with Rom 15. 24 for I trust, .to be brought on my way 2 Co. I. 16 to be brought on my way toward Judea BRING on the journey, to — To send forioard, irpontfivai propempo. 1 Co. 16. 6 that ye may brii'.g me on my journey Titus 3. 13 Bring Zenas the lawyer.. on their journey BRING out, to — l.To cause to come forth, nv; yatsa, 5. Geo. 15. 7 I (am) the LORD that brought thee out 19. 5 bring them out unto us, that we may 19, 8 let me, 1 pray you. bring them out unto 19. 12 bring (them) out of this place 40. 14 make mention of me. .and bring me out 43. 23 And he brought Simeon out unto them 48. 12 Joseph brought them out from between Exod. 6. 6 I will bring you out from under the 6. 7 which bringeth you out from under the 6. 13 bring the children.. out of the lan brought thee out of Egypt 13. 14 the LofiD brought us out from Egvpt j6. 6 the LoRU hath brought you out from the 18. I the Lord had brought Israel out of Kgvpt 20. 2 I (am) the LORD, .which, .brought thee out 32. 12 For niiscliief did lie bring them uut Lev. 19 36 I (am) the Lord.. which brought you out 23. 43 I brought them out of the land of Egypt Kurais. 41 I (am) the Lord. .which brought you out 17. 9 And Moses brought out all the rods 23. 22 God brought them out of Egypt ; he hath Deut. 4. 37 he . . brought thee out in his sight 5. 6I(ani)the Lord. .which brought theeout 5. 15 the Lord thy God biought thee out 6. 23 he brought us out from thence, that he 6. 21 and the Lord brought us out of Egypt 7. 8 the Lord brought you out with a mighty 7. 19 whereby the L. thy God brought thetout 9. 28 the laud whence thou broughtest us out 9. 28 he hath brought them out to slay them 13, 5 the Lord, .which brought you out of 13. 10 the Lord, .which brought thee out of 21. ig shall his father, .bring him out to the 22 21 Then they shall bring out the damsel 22. 24 bring them both out unto the gale 24. II the man.. thou dost lend shall bring out Josh. 6. 22 Go. .and bring out thence the woman 6. 23 brought out Rahab, and her father, and 10. 22 bring out those five kings unto me out 10. 24 they brought out those kings unto Joshua 24. 5 them : and afterward I brought you out 24. 6 I brought your fathers out of Egypt Judg. 2. 12 forsook the Lord.. which brought out 6. 19 and brought (it) out unto him under the 6. 30 Bring out thy son, that he may die a Sa. 10. 16 Hadarezer sent, and brought out the 13. 18 his servant brought her out, and bolted 1 Ki. 8. 21 he brought them out of the land of Egypt 8 53 tliou broughtest our fathers out of Egypt 10.-29 did they bring (them) out by their means 2 Ki.23. 6 he brought out the grove from the house 1 Ch. 9. 28 they should bring in and out by tale 2o 2 he brought, .much spoil out of the city 20. 3 he brought out the people that (were) in c Ch. I. 17 so brought they out (horses) for all the g. 28 they brought unto Solomon horses out 16. 2 Then Asa brought out silver and gold out 23. 11 Then they brought out the king's son, and 23. 14 the priest brought out the captains of 29. 16 priests, .brought out all the uncleanness 34. 14 when they brought out the money that Job 12. 22 He.. bringeth out to light the shadow of Psa. 25. 17 bring thou me out of my distresses 66. 12 thou broughtest us out into a wealthy 68. 6 he bringeth out those which are hound 78. 16 He brought streams also out of the rock 107. 14 He brought them out of darkness and 107 2S he bringeth them out of their distresses 135. 7 he bringetlvthe wind out of his treasuries 136. II brought out Israel from among them for 143. II Quicken me. .bring my soul out of trouble Isa. 40. 26 these (things), that bringeth out their host 42. 7 bring out the prisoners from the prison Jer. 7 22 I brought them out of the land of Egypt 8. 1 they shall bring out the bones of the 31 32 to bring them out of the land of Egypt 38. 23 So they shall bring out all thy wives and Eze II 9 1 will bring you out of the midst thereof 20. 14 in whose sight I brought thcrn out 20. 34 I will bring you out from the peoole. and so. 41 when I bring you out from the people 34. 13 I will bring them out from the people 47. 2 Then brought he me out of the way of the Amos 6 10 bring out the bones out of the housa 2. To lead out, i^dya exago. Acts 7. 36 He brought them out, after that he had 7. 40 Moses, which brought us out of the land 12. 17 the Lord had brought them out of 13. 17 with an high arm brought he them out 16. 39 they-came. .and brought (them) out, and 3. 7*0 lead forioard, irpodyai proagH. Acts 16. 30 brought them out. and said, Sirs, what BRING over, to — \.To carry into exile, rhi gelah, 5. Ezra 4. 10 whom the great. .Asuapper brought over 2. To cause to pass over, i?y abar, 5. >'um32. 5 if we have found grace., bring us not over Jcsh. 7. 7 hast thou at all brought this people over 2 Sa. 2. 8 brought him over to Mahanaim BEINO thiough, to — To cause to pass over, "Qlf abar, 5. Eze. 47. 3, 4 he brought me through the waters ; the 47. 4 brought me through ; the waters (were) BRINGto, to — l.To bear in lo, el prospherd. Matt. 4. 24 (hey brought unto him all eick people f . 16 they brought unto him many that were 12. 22 Theu was brought unto him one possessed 14. 35 brought unto him all that were 18. 24 one was [brought unto) him which owed 19. 1 3 then were there brought unto him little 22. 19 they brought unto him a penny Lukci2 II whentheylbriugyoujunto-thesynagoguos 18. 15 they brought unto him also infants, that 23. 14 i'o have brought this man unto me, as BRING up, to — l.To be faithful, steady, a nurse, ]>?>< aman. 2 : them that brougiit up Aliab's (rhildrcn) Esth. 2. 7 he brought up iladassah, that (is), Esther 2.T0 make great, nourish, Snj gadal, 3. 6 the great men., which hrouprtit them up Isa. 49. 21 who hath brought up these? Behold, f 51. 18 of all the sons (that) she hath brought up H08. g. 12 Though they bring up their children 3. To bear, iV; yalad. 2 Sa 21. 8 two sons, .whom she brought up for 4. To cause to come- out, xy; yatsa, 5. Numi3. 32 they brought up an evil report of the . 14. 36 by bringing up a slander upon the land 14. 37 men that did bring up the evil report Deut 22. 14 bring up an evil name upon her, and 22. 19 he hath brought up an evil name upon a b.To go up, n^'j_ alah, (1), 5. Gen. 4J. 4 I will also surely bring thee up (agair!> 6. To cause to go vp, rihii alah, 5. E.\od 3. 8 come do\vn. .to bring them up 3. 17 I will bring you up out of the altliction 8. 7 brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt 17. 3 thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, lo 32. I the man that brought us up out of the 32. 4 which brought thee up out of the land of 32. 8 These, .have brought thee up out of the 32. 23 this Moses, the man that brought us up 33. 12 thousayest unto me. Bring up this people 33. I the people which thou hast brought up Kumi4. 13 thou broughtest up this people in thy 16. 13 thou hast brought us up out of a land 20. 25 Take Aaron . .and bring them up unto 2T. 5 Wherefore have ye brought us up out 22. 41 Balak. .brought him up into the high Deut 20. t God(is)with thee, which brought thee up Josh 2. 6 she had brought them up to the roof of 24 17 he (it is) that brought us up and our 24 32 the children of Israel brought up out of Judg 6. 8 I brought you up from Egypt, .out of the 6. 13 Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? 15. 13 they, .brought him up from the rock 16. 8 the lords.. brought up to her seven green 1 Sa. z. 6 he bringeth down . . and bringeth up 2. 14 all that the flesh hook brought up the 8. 8 I brought them up out of Egypt even 10. 18 I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and 12. 6 the Lord, .that brought your fathers up ig. IS Bring him up to me in the bed, that I 28. 8 bring me (liim) up whom I shall name 28. II Whom shall I bring up unto thee? 28. II An'a he said. Bring me up Samuel 28. 15 Whyhastthoudisquieted.-tobringmenp 2fia. 2. 3 David bring up, every man with hia 6. 2 to bring up from thence the ark of God 6. 12 So David . . brought up the ark of God 6. 15 So David, .brought up the ark of the 7. 6 I brought up the children of Israel out 21. 13 he brought up from thence the bones of I EL 8. I they might bring up the ark of the cove. 8. 4 they brought up the srk of the Lord 8. 4 even those did. .the Levites bring up 12. 28 thy gods, .brought thee up out of the 1 KI.17. 7 the Lord.. had brought them up out of 17. 36 the Lord, who brought you up out of the 25. 6 took the king, and brought him up to I Ch. 13. 6 David went, .to bring up thence the ark 15. 3 David gathered all Israel, .to bring up 15. 12 ye may bring up the ark of the Lord 15. x4 the priests . . bring up the ark of the rx)Ki> 15. 25 David, .went to bring up the ark ol Uie 15. 28 all Israel brought up the ark of '.he 17. 3 I brought up Israel unto this day z Ch. J, 4 the ark. .had David brought up 5. a bring op the ark of the covenant 5. 5 and they brought np the ark and the tah. 5. s these did the priests. .bring np & 11 Solomon brought up the daughter et 16 BRING- 122 BROKEN Kzra t II bring up with (them of) the captivity 4. 2 king of Assur, which brought us up Peh. 9 18 This (is) thy god that brought thee up 10. 38 bring up the tithe of the tithes unto 12. 31 I brought up the princes of Judali upon Psa. 30.. 3 thou hast brought up my soul from 40. " 2 He brought me up also out of an horrible 71. ao bring me up agaiu from the depths Isa. 8. 7 the Lord bringeth up upon them the 63. II Where (is) he that brought them up Jer. 2. 6 Where (is) the Lord that brought us up II 7 I brought them up out of tlie laud 16. 14.. 15 The Lord liveth, that brought up 23. 7 The Lord liveth, which brought up 123. 8 the Lord liveth, which brought up 27. 22 I bring them up, and restore them 39. 5 they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar JJae. 16. 40 They shall also bring up a company ig. 3 And she brought up one of her whelps 23. 46 I will bring up a company upon s6. 19 I shall bring up the deep upon thee eg. 4 I will bring thee up out of the midst 32. 3 they shall bring thee up in my net 37. 6 I will, .bring up flesh upon you 37. 13 I have. .broughtyouupoutof yourgravea Amos 2. .10 I brought you up from the land of Egypt 3. 1 1 brought up from the land of Egypt 8. 10 I will bring up sackcloth upon all •g. 7 Have not 1 brought up Israel out Jon. 2." 6 yet hast thou brought up my life Mic. 6 4 I brought thee up out of the land of Eg. 7. To make great, nourish, nai rabah, 3. Lara. 2. 22 brought up hath mine enemy consumed 8. To make high, on rum, Zn. Isa. I. 2 I have nourished and brought up 23. 4 neither do I nourish, .(nor) bring up '9. To feed or nourish vp, a.uaTpehS. Acts 22. 3 I am. .brought up in this city 10. To bear up, avacplpw anaphero. Matt 17. I Jesus.. bringeth them up into an "high 11. To nourish fully, hcTpeu) ekirephd. Eph. 6. 4 bring them up in the nurture and admo. 3 2. T(S feed or nourish, Tpeipco trepho. Luke 4. j6 Nazareth, where he had been brought up BRING up again, to — To lead up, back, again, kvayuj anagd. Rom. 10. 7 Who. '.Is, to bring up Christ again from BRING up delicately, to — To fondle, p}S panaq, 3. Prov.29. 21 He that delicately bringeth up his serva. BRING upon, to — To lead upon, firdyca epag3. Acts 5. 28 intend to bring this man's blood upon ua a Pe. 2. 1 the Lord, .bring upon themselves swift BRINGERup — To be steady, faithful, a nurse, ]>}t} aTnan. 2 Ki. 10. 5 the bringers up (of the children), sent to BRINGING — I. To bear, K'^^ nosa. 2 Ch. 9. 21 once came the ships, .bringing gold, and Psa.i26. 6 come again.. bringing his sheaves 2.7b lead, &yc» ago. Heb. 2. 10 It became him. .In bringing many so'na 3. To bear, carry, ipipw pher<'. Mark 2. 3 bringing one sick of the palsy, which was I.uke24. ' bringing the spices which they had Acts 5. 16 There came also a multitude, .bringing BRINGING in — A leading in upon, iireicrayoiyri epeisagUgS. Heb. 7. 19 the bringing in of a better hope (did) : by [See also Birth, bondage, captivity, child, contempt, desolation, honour, light, low, notliing, nought, per- fection, power, remembrance, safe, salvation, shame, 8uare, subjection, tidings, word.] BRINK — l.End, border, f^P, qatseh. Josh. 3. 8 ye are come to the brink of the water of 2. Lip, edge, n?'^ saphah. Gen. 41. 3 and stood by . .upon the brink of the Jixod. 2. 3 laid (it) ia the flags by the river's brink 7. 15 thou Shalt stand by the river's brink Dcut. 2. 36 by the brink of the river of Arnon, and Eze. 47. 6 caused me to return to the blink of the BROAD — 1. Broad, wide, ann rachah. Neh. 3. 8 they fortified J'erusalem unto the broad 12.38 tower of the furnaces even unto the broad Job II. 9 The measure.. (is).. broader than the sea Psa. 119. 96 thy commandmeut (is) exceeding broad Jer. 5x. 58 The broad walls of Babylon shall be • ^.Breadth, luidlh, 3ni rochab. Exod27. 1 five cubits long, and Ave cubits broad 1 Kl 6. 6 five cubits broad.. five cubits broad 6. 6 the third (was) seven cubits broad 2 Ch. 6. 13 of five cubits long, and five cubits broad Jlze. 40, 6 the gate, (which was) one reed broad, and .Eze. 40. 6 other, .(gate, which was) one reed broad 40 7 (every) little chamber, .one reed broad 40. 29, 33 and five and twenty cubits broad 40. 30 arches round, .(were), .five cubits broad 40. 42 a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit 40. 47 cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad 41. 1 tlie posts, six cubits broad ou the one 41. I six cubits broad on the other side, (which) 41. 12 toward, .west (was) seventy cubits broad 42. II as long as they, (and) as broad as they 42. 20 hundred(reeds)long.. five hundred broad 43. 16 the altar (shall be) twelve (cubits), .broad 43. 17 fourteen (cubits) long and fourteen broad 4S- 6 five thousand broad, and five and twenty 46. 22 joined of forty (cubits), .and thirty broad 3. Beat out plates, D'Vi^"! riqquim. Numi6. 38 let them make them broad plates (for) a i. Broad on both hands, DH; '3!T3 rachabe yadayim. Isa. 33. 21 (will be) unto us a place of broad rivers 5. Easy, uride, evpvxapos euriichoros. Matt. 7. 13 broad (is) the way, that leadeth to BROAD, to be made — To beat out, expayid, ViP, raqa, 3. Numi6. 39 they were made broad (plates for) a BROAD, to make — To make broad, wide, spacious, "TrXaTiva) platuno. Matt 23. 5 they make broad their phylacteries, and BROAD place — \. Broad or wide place, niri rachah. Job 36. 16 out of the strait (into) a broad place 2.Broad or wide place, y\n-\ rechob. Jer. 5. I seek in the broad places thereof, if ye BROAD ■way — Broad or wide place, n'ln'} rechob. Song 3. 2 in the streets, aud in the broad ways I ^ah. 2. 4 they shall justle one. .in the broad ways BROIDEEED — 1. Variegated, .leiji riqmah. Eze. 16. 18 tookest thy broidered garments, and 26. 16 put off their broidered garments : they 2.C!iequer work, tesselated stuff, pif^n iashbets. ExodiS. 4 a broidered coat, a mitre, and a girdle BROIDERED hair — Twined or plaited work, trXey fia jilegma. iTu 2.9 not with broidered hair, or gold, or BROIDERED work — Variegated work, nppn riqmah. Eze. 16. 10 I clothed thee also with broidered work 16. 13 (of) fine linen, aud silk, and broidered w. 27. 7 Fine linen with broidered work from Eg. 27. 16 with emeralds, purple, and broidered w. 27. 24 in blue clothes, and broidered work, and BROILED — Prepared by fire, oirrJs optos. Luke24. 42 they gave him a piece of broiled flsh BROKEN — l.Brought down, nri chath. 1 Sa. 2. 4 The bows of the mighty men (are) broken 2.T0 be tceak, pained, nsjs kaah, 2. Psa. log. 16 he might even .slay the broken in heart Z.Broken, bruised, n'lTi maroach. Lev. 21. 20 or scabbed, or hath his stones broken 4. Smitten, N51 nake, Prov 15. 13 sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken 17. 22 but a broken spirit drietli the bones ' 5. To snap asunder, f 53 naphats. Jer. 22. 28 (Is) this man Coniah a despised broken 6. 7*0 draw or pull asunder, pn nathaq. Lev. 22. 24 Ye shall not offer.. that which is.. broken 7. 7*0 break through, jns parats. 2 Ch.32. s he. .built up all the wall.that was broken S.Breakage, .ij;'! roah. Prov 25. 19 in time of trouble (is like) a broken tooth 9. To dash in pieces, yT', ratsats. Isa. 36. 6 in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt Hos. 5. II Ephraim (is) oppressed (and) broken in 10. 7^ shiver, shatter, 13^ shabar. Lev. 22. 22 Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having Psa 147. 3 He healeth the broken in heart, and 11. 7^ he shivered, shattered, 13^* shabar, 2. Psa. 34. 18 The Lord is nigh unto, .a broken heart 51. 17 a broken spirit : a broken and a contrite Jer. 2. 13 hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns Eze. 27. 34 lu the time (when) thou shalt be broken 30. 22 the strong, and that which was broken 34. 4 haveyebound up(that which was) broken 34. 16 I. .will bind.up (that which was) broken Dan. 8. 22 that being broken, whereas four stood Zech i;. 16 nor heal that that is broken, nor feed 12. 7^0 shiver, shatter, ij^ tcbar. JDan. 2. 42 (so) the kingdom shall be partly, .broken BROKEN (meat) — Fragment, K^-dcrfia klasma. Matt 15. 37 and tliey took up of the broken (meat) Mark. 8. 8 they took up of the broken (meat) BROKEN, to be — l.Tohe lost, destroyed, IJK ahad. , Psa. 31. 12 out of mind ; I am like a broken vessel 2.7'o be bruised, •vp'i daka, i. Job 22. g arms of the fatherless have been broken Isa. ig. 10 they shall be broken in the purposes 3.7*0 smite, strike, ohn halam. Judg 5. 22 the horse hoofs broken by tlie means of 1 4.7'o be brought doum, nnn chathath, 2. Isa. 7. 8 five years shall Ephraim be broken 5.7*0 bring down, nnn chathath, 3. Jer. 51 56 every one of their bows Is broken 6. To bring dovm, nnj nachath, 3. 2 Sa. 22. 35 a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Psa. 18. 34 a bow of steel is broken by mine arma 7.7b strike out, yra natha, 2. Job 4. 10 the teeth of the young lions are broken 8. 7b draw or pull asunder, pm nathaq, 2. Judgi6. 9 as a thread of tow is broken Eccl. 4. j2 a threefold cord is not quickly broken Isa. s- 27 nor the latchet of their shoes be broken. 33. 20 neither shall any of the cords., be broken Jer. 10. 20 and all my cords are broken : my children 9. 7b become bare, exposed, in;; arar, 7a. Jer 51. 58 The broad walls. .shall be. ^broken, 10.7b break off, p-}5 paraq, 7. Eze. ig. 12 her strong rods were broken and withered 11.7b be broken, violated, -riB parar, 6. Jer. 33. 21 (Then) may also my covenant be brokea ' Zechii. II And it was broken in that day 12.7b be excited, VT\ raga. Job 7. 5 my skin is broken, and become loathsome 13.7b break, be broken, VVr\ raa. Jer. II. 16 and the branches of it are brokea 14. To dash in pieces, n-\ ratsats. Ecci.i2. 6 or the golden bowl be broken 15.7b be dashed in pieces, y^i ratsats, 2. Eccl. 12. 6 or the wheel broken at the cistera 16.7b be shivered, shattered, "Qiy shabar, 2. Lev. 6. 28 But the . . vessel . . shall be broken 15. 12 the vessel of earth.. shall be broken I Sa. 4. j8 and his neck brake, and he died 1 Ki.22. 48 for the ships were broken at Ezion-gebT. 2 37 And the ships were broken, that they wei-e Job. 24. 20 wickedness shall be broken as a tree 31. 22 mine arm Le broken from the bone 38. IS and the high arm Shall be broken Psa. 34. 20 Hekeepethallhisbones:notone.. broken 37. IS and their bows shall be broken 37. 17 the arms of the wicked shall be broken 124. 7 the snare is broken, and we are escaped Prov 6. 15 suddenly shall he be broken without Eccl.i2. 6 or the pitcher be broken at the Isa. 8. IS many among them shall . .be broken 14. 29 the rod of him that smote thee is broken 28. 13 and fall backward, and be broken Jer. 14. 17 virgin daughter of my people is brokea . 23. 9 Mine heart within me is broken 48. 17 How is the strong staff broken 48. 25 and his arm is broken, saith the LORD 50. 23 How is the hammer, .broken ! how Is B. 51. 3Q her dwelling-places; her bars are broken Eze. 6. 4 and your images shall be broken 6. 6 and your idols may be broken 6. 9 I am broken with their whorish heart 26. 2 she is broken (that was) the gates of tlia 31. 12 his boughs are broken by all the rivers 32. 28 thou shalt be broken in the midst of Dan. 8. 8 he was strong, the great horn was brokea 8. 25 but he shall Le broken without hand ir. 4 stand up, his kingdom shall be brokea ^r II. 22 the arms of a flood shall they be., brokea T^Jon. I. 4 so that the ship was like to be jjroken 20. To be crushed together, avvexdonai sunthlaomai. Matt2i. 44 [shall fall ou this stone sliall be broken) Luke2o 1 8 shall fall upon that stone shall be brokea BROKEN down — \.A removing, keeping off, nen massach. 2 Ki. II. 6 of the house, that it be not broken dowu 2.7b break through, [ns parats. Neh. 2. 13 walls of Jerusalem, .were broken down Prov 25. 28 spirit (is like) a city (that is) broken down BROKEN down, to be — 1. 7b be broken or lorn down, Vyy haras, 2. .Prov 24. 31 the stone wall thereof was broken down Eze. 30. 4 and herfoundationsshall be broken down Joel 1. 17 the barns are broken down ; for the com 2. 7b be brought dowri, nnn chathath. Jer. 48. 20 Moab is confounded; foritisbrokendown 48. 39 shall howl, (sayingXHowisitbrokendowa 3. 7b he torn down, yni nathats, 2. Jer. 4. 26 all the cities thereof were broken down 4.7b be torn down, {'m nathats, 6. . Lev 1I.J5 And every (thing), .shall be broken down BROKEN 123 BROTHER I b. To be broken throufjk, yis parats, 4. Ji'eli. I. 3 the wall of Jerusalem also (is) broken d. 6. To break oneself to pieces, vyi raa, 7a. Isa. 24. 19 The earth is utterly broken clown, thp BEOKEN in pieces — J. To be cleaved throiujh, yjjT laqa, 2. 2 Ch.25. 12 that they all were broken in pieces 2. To be brought down, nnn chathath. Isa. 8. 9 ye people, and ye shall be broken in p. 8. 9 yourselves, and ye shall be broken in p. Jer. so- 2 Merodacli is broken in pieces ; her idols 50. 2 her images are broken in pieces Z,To'hc beaten dow?i, nns kathath. Isa. 30 14 the potter's vessel that is broken in pieces LSaiall fragments, D'53S' shebabim. Ho3. 8. 6 the calf of Samaria shall be broken in p. ' BEOKEN off, to be — l.To be draiun asunder, pr\) nathaq, 2. Job 17. II days are past, my purposes are broken off 2. To be broken, shattered, l??' shabar, 2. Isa. 27. II boughs. .withered. .shall be broken off BEOKEN out, to be — To break out, n"i3 ^jarae/i. Lev. 13. 20 a plague of leprosy broken out of the 13. 25 it(is)a leprosy broken out of the burning BEOKEN, to be sore — • To be bruised, npi dakah, 2. Psa 38. 8 I am' feeble and sore broken : I have BROKEN to pieces, to be — l.To be bruised small, pii or p^p. deqaq. Dan. z. 35 the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces 2. To be brought doxun, nnn chathath, 2. 1 §a. 2. ioTheadversarie3..shallbebrokentopieccs BEOKEN up or through, to be — l.To be cleft through, ypp baqa, 2. Gen. 7. II the fountains of the great deep broken up 2 Ki. 25. 4 the city was broken up, and all the men Prov. 3. 20 his knowledge the depths are broken up Jer. 52. 7 Then the city was broken up, and all the l.To be cleft through, j;p3 baqa, 6. Jer 39. 2 the ninth (day)., the city was broken up 3. To be gone up, n^j; alah, 2. Jer 37. II the arniy of the Chaldeans was broken UD i.To break through, Siopuacra diorussO. ]\]att24. 43 not.. suffered his house to be broken up Luke 12. 39 not. .suffered his house to be brokea tlir. BROKEN FOOTED or handed — l.yl breach of the foot, hp, -157 sheber regel. Lev. 21. 19 Or a man that is broken footed, or.a man 2..'1 breach of the hand, i; "IjE" sheber yad. Lev. 21. 19 Or a man that is. .broken handed BEOKEN HEAKTED — \. Broken of heart, s"? "13?'3 nishbar leb. Isa. 61. I sent me to bind up the broken hearted 2. Rubbed together as to the heart, avvTerptftfievos TTiv KapStau suntetrivimenos ten kardian. Luke 4. 18 [hath sent me to heal the broken hearted] BROOD — t\'cst, brood, votroia. nossia. Luke 13. 24 as a hen. .lier [brood] under (her) wings ^BROOK — Brooks were abundant in Canaan The chief of those "neiitioued are : Arnon, Besor, Gaash, Cherith, Eshcol, Xidron Kishon. Zered, the Willows •,—ichich see, I. A breaking forth, p'sx aphiq. Psa. 42. I the hart panteth after the water brooks ■2. A shining brook, lix^ yeor. Isa. 19. 6 the brooks 0! defence shall be emptied J9. 7 The paper reeds by. .brooks, .the brooks 19. 7 every thing sown by the brooks, shall jgr 8 they that cast angle into the brooks shall i.A smalt brook, "^a'p mikal. 2 ba. 17. 20 They be gone over the brook of water i.A stream (ni a valley), "^nj Tiachal. Gen. 32. 23 he took tbeni and sent them over, .brook Lev. 23. 40 of thick trees and willows of the brook 2[See also Low, nought, secretly, silence.] BBOTTGHT again or back, to be — 1. To be caused ta twrn back, l?iy shub, 6. Gen. 43. 12 the money that was broughfagain inthe Exodio. 8 Moses and Aaron were brought again Jer. 27. 16 vessels . . shall now shortly be l)rought aga. 2,To be brought back, T.v shub, 36. Eze. 38. 8 the land (that is) brought back from the BROUGHT, before it was — A removing, j;bo massa. I Ki. 6. 7 made ready before it was brought thither EEOTIGHT, to cause to be — To cause to come near, 3"ii3 qarab, 5, Exod29. 10 thou Ehalt cause a bullock to be brought BROUGHT down, to be — 1. To be caused to come down, "rv yarad, 6. Gen. 39. I Joseph was brought down to Egypt ; and Isa. 14. 11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave 14. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell Eze. 31. 18 yet shalt thou be brought down with.tho Zech 10. 11 pride of Assyria shall be brought down 2.T0 be bent, jn? kara. Psa. 20. 8 The'y areljrought down and fallen ; but 3. To become low, nnp shachach, 2. Isa. s- 15 tl>^ mean man shall be brought down 4. To be humbled, hsv shaphel. Isa. 29. 4 thou shalt be brought down, (and) shalt 5. To cause to come doum, ttoTa)3jj8«fw katabibazo. Matt II. 23 And thou, .shalt be [brought dywn] to BROUGHT before, to be — To set or place alooigside of, iraplffTifiii. Acts 27. 24 Paul ; thou must be brought before Cesar BROUGHT to be, to be — To bear, pvs ophrus. Luke 4 29 and led him unto the brow of tbe liill BEOWU — Brown, dusky, mn ehw.n. Gen. 30. 32 and all the brown cattle among the sheep 30. 33 every one that (is) not . . brown among the 30. 35 and all the brown among the sheep 30, 40 and all the brown in the fiock'of lUibaa BRTJISE — I. Stripe, (nnnn), rriiarj chabburah. Isa. I. 6 (triit) wounds, and bruises; and putrifying 2. Breach, •Dt^ sheber. Jer. 30. 12 Thybru)se(is)incurable, (and)" thy wound Nah. 3. 19 (There is) no healing o£ thy bruise BRUISE, to — l.To bruise, H3'j daka, 3. Isa. 53. 10 Yet it pleased the lonD to bruise him 2. To bruise small or thin, Pii"^ daqaq. Isa. 28. 28 nor bruise it (witfi) his horsemen 3. To do, make, n'f j; asah, 3. Eze. 23. 3 there they bruised the teats of their 23. 8 they bruised the breasts of her virginity A.To break, V\n, r'ea. Dan. 2. 40 shall it break in pieces and bruise 5. To bruise, ills' shuph. Gen. 3. 13 bruise thy head, and thotf shalt bruise 6. To break, break in pieces, Bpavu ihrauo. Luke 4. 18 to set at liberty them that are bi'uised 7. To rub together, auvrpllBoj suntribO. Jlatt 12. 20 A bruised reed shall he not break, and Luke 9. 39 and, bruising him, hardly depaiieth from Kom.i6. 2o the God of peace shall bruise Satan BRTJISED — \.To press, squeeze, crush, ^yn maak. Lev. 22. 24 i'e shall not ofl'er. .that which is bruised 2. To break in pieces, }'s"i ratsais. 2 Ki. 18. 21 trustest upon the staff of this bruised BRTJISED, to be — ■l.To be bruised, H'T} daka, 4. Isa. 53 5 (he was) bruised for our inicxuities: the 2.T'o be made thin, piJi daqaq, 6.- Isa 28. 28 Bread (corn) is bruised ; because he will BRTHSING — To do, make, .T^j; ctsah. Eze. 23. 21 in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians BRUIT — \. Hearing, report, !^]l'ti'Jf shemuah. J er. I o. 22 Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and 2.Iieport, Vri^ shema. Kah, 3. 19 all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap BRUTE — Speechless, irrational, 6.\oy6s alogos. 2 Pe. 2. 12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made J ude 10 what they know naturally, as brute beasts BRUTISH, to be, or become — l.To consume (or act like a brute), "iy3 laar. Psa. 94. 8 Understand, ye brutish among the people Jer. 10. 8 they are altogether brutish and foolish Eze. 21. 31, deliver thee into the hand of brutish 2.. To become like a brute, 15;3 baar, 2. Isa. 19 II the wise counsellors.. is become brutish Jer. 10 14 Every man is brutish in (his) knowledge 10. 21 For the pastors are become brutish, and 51 17 Every man is brutish by (his) knowledge BRUTISH person — To consume or act like a brute, ly? baar. , Psa. 49. 10 likewise the fool and the brutish person 92. 6 A brutish man knoweth not; neither Prov.i2. I but he that hateth reproof (is) bnitish. 30. 2 Surely I (am) more brutish thaii (ayy) BUCKET — • Bucket, pail, 'h'^ '^"i deli, doli. 2s'um24. 7 He shall pour the water out of his buckets Isa. 40. 15 the nations (aie) as a drop of a bucket BUCKLER — 1. Shield, ]V0 magen. 2 Sa. 22. 31 he (is) a buckler to all them that trust 1 Ch. 5. 18 men able to bear buckler and sword, and 2 Ch. 23. 9 bucklers, and shields, that (had been) Job 15. 26 upon the thick bosses of his bucklers Ps£^. i8. 2 my buckler, and the horn of my salvation 18. 30 he (is) a buckler to all those that trust in Prov. 2. 7 (he is) a buckler to them that walk Song 4. 4 whereon there hang a thousand bucklers Jer. 46. 3 Order ye the buckler and shield, and 2. Buckler, target, n-jnb socherah. Psa. 91, 4 hi3 truth (shall be.thy)shieldand buckler ^.Shield {of a larger size), niv tsinnah. Psa. 35. 2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and Eze. 23. 24 (which) shall set against thee buckler and 26. 8 and lift up the buckler against thee 38. 4 (even) a great company (with) bucklers 39. 9 both the shields and the bucklers, the i. Javelin, n.5T romuch. I Ch.i2. 8 tlijit could handle shield and butkler BTJD — l.Outgoing, outcomi, Nyb motsa. Job 38. 27 to cause the bud of the lendef herB ".Blossom, flower, nns perach. Numi?. . 8 brougbtforth buds, andbloomed blossoms Isa. 18. s ^°^ Bfore the harvest, when the bud is 'i. Sprout, shoot, ITOS tsemach. Isa. 61. II For as the earth bringcth forth her bud Eze. 16. 7 I have caused thee to multiply as the bud Hos. 8. 7 it hath no stalk; the bud shall yield uo BUD, to — l.'To cause to shine, send out buds, p: nuts, 5. .Song 6. II toseewhcther..thepomegranatesbuddcd 2. To break forth, sprout, blossom, m,3 parach. Cen. 40. 10 it (was) as though ft budded, (and) her Isa. 27. 6 Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill Ihe Eze. 7. 10 the rod. .blossomed, pride hath budded 3. To cause to sprout or break forth, rnp pararh, 5. Job 14. 9 through the scent of water it will b\id i.To cause to sprout, nsf tsamach, 5. Isa. ss. 10 maketh it bring forth and bud, that It 5. To bud, spirout, QKarrravu blastanO. Heb. 9. 4 Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables BTJD forth, to — To cause to shine, send out buds, pa nuts, 5. Song 7. i2Letu3seeif..the pomegranates bud fortli BUD (forth), to cause or make to — To cause to sprout, nny tsamach, 5. Eze. 29. 21 will I cause the horn.. to bud forth, and Psa.132. 17 will I make the horn of David to bud BUDDED, to be — To break forth, sprout, or blossom, rnp paracfi. Kum 17. 8 the rod of Aaron for. .Levi was budded BTJTFET, to — To buffet with ihe fist, KoXa5- 15- «5- 15- 16. 16 16. 16. 18. 22. a Ki. 14. 15- 16. 16. 17- iCh *Cb. 14. >7- 17- J7- »7- 17- 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 29. 29. 2Ch. 8 26. 26, 26. 26. 27, 27. 27' 27- 33- 33- 33- 33- 33- 35- £zra I. 3' 4' 4' 4' 4' Nch. t. 3' 3 3' 3- 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 4 4 4' 4' 6, 6. 12. Job 3, 20. Fsa. 28, St. 69. 78. 89. X02. 127, 127. 147. Frov. g. _ —14 24. Eccl. 2, 3- 5' Song 8. Isa. s. 9- 45. 58. 60. 61. 65. 65. 66. Jer. I. 2. 18. ig. 22. 22. 24. 29. SI- 32- 32. 33- 35- 35- 42. 45- 1.1m. 3. Eze. 4. II. 13- 16. 16. 16. 17- ex. 12 which he had built before the porch 3 and the house tliathe had built 5 Rehoboam. .built cities for defence in J. 6 He built even Beth-lehem, and Etam 6 And he built fenced cities in Judah 7 Let us build . . So tliey built and prospered 1 Baasha. .came up. .and built Ramali 5 B.iasha heard, .he left off building of R. 6 timber, .wherewith Baashav/asa-building 6 he built therewith Geba and Mizpah 12 he built in Judah castles, and cities of , 8 liave built thee a sanctuary therein for . 2 He built Eloth, and restored it to Judah . 6 built cities about Ashod, and among the , 9 Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the , 10 Also he built towers in the desert, and ,. 3 He built the high gate of the house of , 3 and on the wall of Ophel he built much , 4 he built cities in the mountains of Judah , 4 in the forests he built castles and towers . S built up all the wall that was broken , 4 Also he built altars in the house of the S he built altars for all the host of lieaven 74 after tiiis he built a wall without the 15 all the altars that he had built in the 19 the places wherein he built high places 3 the son of David king of Israel did build 23 he hath charged me to build him 2 he hath charged me to build him an 3 build the house of the Lord God of Israel 5 to go up to build the house of the Lord 2 his brethren . .builded the altar of the 1 the children, .builded the temple unto 2 Let us build with you : for we seek your 3 Ye have nothing to do with us to build an 3 but we ourselves together will build unto 4 the people, .troubled them in building 5 send me unto Judah . .that I may build it 17 let us build up the wall of Jerusalem 18 And they said. Let us rise up and build 20 we his servants will arise and build; but 1 his brethren.. builded the sheep gate 2 next unto him builded the men 2 next to them builded Zaccur the son of 3 But the fish gate did the sons, .build, who 13 they built it, and set up the doors 14 he built it, and set up the doors 15 he built it, and covered it, and set up the I Sanballat heard that we builded the wall 3 Even that which they build, if a fox go up 6 So built we the wall ; and all the wall 10 we are not able to build the wall 17 They which builded on the wall 18 sword girded by his side, and (so) builded I our enemies, heard that I had builded 6 for which cause thou buildest the wall 29 for tlie singers had builded them villages 14 With kings, which built desolate places 19 he hath, .taken away . .■which he builded 18 He buildeth his house as a moth 5 he shall destroy them, and not build them 18 build thou the walls of Jerusalem 35 For God will save Zion,and will build the 69 And he built his sanctuary like high 4 build up thy throne to all generations 16 When the LORD shall build up Zion I Except the Lord biiild the house 1 they labour in vain that build it 2 The Lord doth build up Jerusalem 1 Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath 1 Every wise woman buildeth her house 27 in the field ; and afterwards build thine 4 I builded me houses ; I planted me vine. 3 to break down, and a time to build up 14 besieged it, and built great bulwarks 9 we v/ill build upon her a palace of silver 2 and built a tower in the midst of it 10 but we will build with hewn stones 13 he shall build my city, and he shall let go 12 (they that), .shall build the old waste 10 And the sons, .shall buiM UD,thy walls 4 And they shall build the=eld wastes 21 And they shall build houses, and inhabit 22 They shall not build, and another inhabit 1 where (is) the house that ye build unto 10 to throw down, to build, and to pUnt 31 And they have built the high places 9 a kingdom, to build and to plant (it) 5 They have built also the high places of 13 Woe unto him that buildeth his house 14 I will build me a wide house 6 I will build them, and not pull 5, 28 Build ye houses, and dwell, .and plant 4 Again I will build thee, and thou shalt 28 so will I watch over them, to build, and 31 from the day that they built it even unto 35 they built the high places of Baal 7 and will build them, as at the first 7 Neithershall ye build house, nor sow seed 9 Nor to build houses for us to dwell in 10 abide in the land, then will I build you 4 (that) which I have built will I break 4 and built forts against it round r.boufc 5 He hath builded against ma, and 2 lay siege against it, and build a fort against 3 (It is) not near ;. let ub build houses : this 10 one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed 24 thou hast also built unto thee an eminent 25 Thou hast built thy high place at every 31 thou buildest thine eminent place in the 17. building forts, to cut off many persous 2? to cast a mbunt, (and) to build a fort F.ze. 28. 26 they, .shall build houses, and plant vice, 36. 36 I the Lord build the ruined (places) 9. 25 the commandment to . . build Jerusalem Hos. 8. 14 Israel hath forgotten .. and buildeth Amos 5. II ye have built houses of hewn stone 9. 6 (It is) he that buildeth his stories in the 9. II I will build it as in the days of old g. 14 aud tliey shall build the waste cities Mic. 3. 10 They build up Zion with blood Hal). 2. 12 Woe to him that buildeth a town with Zeph. I. 13 they shall also build houses, but. .inhabit Hag. T. 8 bring wood, and build the house ; and Zech. 5. II To build it an house in the land of Shiuar 6. 12 he shall build the temple of the Loud 6. 13 Even hs shall build the temple of the 6. 15 and build in the temple of the LoEl> 9. 3 Tyrus did build herself a stronghold Jlal. I. 4 we will return and build the desolate I. 4 They shall build, but I will throw dowT 2. Tn build up, np benah. Ezra 4. 12 building the rebellions and the bad city 5. 2 and began to build the house of God 5. 3 Who hath commanded you to build this 5. 9 Who comniauded y'pu to build this house 5. II which a great king of Israel builded and S. 13 Cyrus made a decree to build this house 5. 17 of Cyrus the king to build this house of 6. 7 build this house of God in his place 6. 8 for the building of this house of God 6. 14 And the elders of the Jews builded, and 6. 14 and they builded, and finished (it) Dan. 4. 30 that I have built for the house of the 9. 25 to build Jerusalem unto the Messiali 3.T0 thoroughly prepare or make ready, Kara- . (TKevd^u kata-sheiwzo. Heb. 3. 3 inasmuch as he who hath builded the 3. 4 For every house is builded by some (man) 3. 4 but he that built all things (is) God i.To Ivild a hovse, olKoSofieo} oikodonieo. Matt. 7. 24 which built his house upon a rock 7. 26 which built his house upon the sand 16^ 18 upon this rock I will build my church 21. 33 digged-a winepress in it, and built a 23. 29 because ye build the tombs of the 26. 61 I am able to. .build it in three days 27. 40 Thou that, .buildest (it) in three days Marki2. i digged, .the winefat, and built a tower 14. 58 within three days I will build another 15. 29 Ah ! thou that, buildest (it) in three days Luke 4. 29 of the hill whereon their city was built 6. 48 He is like a man which built an house 6. 49 built an house upon the earth ; against 7. 5 and he hath built us a synagogue 11. 47 forye build the sepulchres of the prophets 11. 48 they, .killed., and ye build their sepulch. 12. 18 1 will pull down my barns, and build 14. 28 For which of you, intending to build a 14. 30 Saying, This man began to build, and was 17. 28 they sold, they planted, they builded Acts 7. 47 But Solomon built him an house 7. 49 what house will ye build me? saith the Rom 15. 20 1 should build upon another, .foundation Gal. 2. i8 For if I build again the things which I BUliiD or be built ag;ain, to — 1. To return and build, nj?? 31B' shid) ubanah. 2 Ch.33. 3 For he built again the high places Dan. g. 25 the street shall be built again, and the 2.7*0 build again, ayoiKoSo^fco anoikodomeo. Acts 15. 16 will build again the tabernacl'5 of David 15. 16 and I will build again the ruins thereof BTJILD, to begin to — To build up, nj3 banah. I Ki. 6. I that he began to build the house of tho BTTIIiD thereon or thereupon, to — To build a house upon, iiroiKoSofieci) epoikodnmco. I Co. 3. 10 I have laid, and another buildeth thereon 3. 10 take heed how he buildeth thereupon 3. 14 which he hath built thereupon BTJILD together, to — To build a house together, (rvvoiKo5otJ.ea>. Eph. 2. 22 In whom ye also are buildei nasa. 2 Sa. 5. 21 and David and his men burnt them. 12. 7*0 set on fire, pwi nasaq, 6. Eze 39. 9 and shall set on fire and burn the 13. 7*0 hirn, 'iiD saraph, 3. Amos 6. 10 and he that burneth hira, to bring out 14. 7*0 set on fire, ras tsuih, 5. Isa. 27. 4 I would go through them, I would burn 15.7*0 he kindled, nnp qadach. Isa. 64. 2 As (when) the melting fire burneth, tho 16. 7*0 hum (as) incense, ^BiJ qaiaj; 3. I Sa. 2. 16 Let them not fail to bum the fat presently Jer. 44 21 The incense that ye burnt in the cities, 17.7*0 ca^ise to burn (as) incense, ipi; qatar, 5. Exodag; 13 the fat that (is) upon them, and burn 29> 18 And thou shalt burn the whole ram 29. 25 bum (them) upon the altar for a burnS 30. 7 And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet 30. 20 to burn offering made by fire unto the' 40. 27 And he burned sw'eet incense thereon lev. I. 9 and the priest shall bum all on the altar 1. 13 the priest shall bring (it) all, and bum (It) 1. 15 and wring off his head, and burn (it) 1. 17 the priest shall bum it upon the altar 2. 2 the priest shall bum the memorial of it 2. 9 shall bum (it) upon the altar, .an offerinsf 2 II for ye shall burn no leaven, nor any 2. 16 the priest shall bum the memorial of i£ 3. 5 Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar 3. 11 the priest shall burn it upon the altar 3. 16 the priest shall burn them upon the altap 4. 10 the priest shall bum them upon the altao 4 19 he shall take all his fat. .and bum (it) ' 4. 26 he shall burn all his fat upon the altar 4. 31 the priest shall bum (it) upon the altar 4. 35 the p"riest shall burn them upon the altac 5. 12 a memorial, .and burn (it) on the altai; 6. 12 and he shall burn thereon the fat 6. IS and shall burn (it) upon the altar 7. 5 the priest shall burn them upon the alfm 7. 31 the priest shall bum the fat upon the 8. 16 and Moses bumed (it) upon the altar 8. 20 and Moses burnt the head, and the pieces 8. 21 and Moses burnt the whole ram 8. 28 and burnt (them) on the altnr upon tha 9. 10 But the fat. .he burnt upon the altar 9. 13 and he burnt (them) upon the altar 9. 14 and burnt (them) upon the burnt offering Q. 17 bunit(it) upon the altar, beside the burnli BURN 129 BURNING Lev. g. 20 and he burnt the fat upon the altar i6. 2S the fat. .shall he burn upon the altar 17, 6 burn the fat for a sweet savour unto the Num. 5. 26 (evec) the memorial, .and burn (it) 18. 17 and shalt burn their fat (for) an olfering ( Sa. 2. IS before they burnt the fat, the priest's 2. 16 Let them not fail to burn the fat present. 2. 28 to burn incense, to wear an ephod before s Ki. 16. 13 he burnt his burnt offering and his 16. IS Upon the great altar burn tlie morning a Cli. 2. 4 (and) to burn before him sweet incense 13. II And they bm'n unto the Lord every 29. 7 have not burnt Incense nor offered 18. 7*0 burn, heat, i"i'y saraph. Gen. II. 3 let us make brick, and bum them tlirou. Exodi2. 10 that which remaineth. .ye shall bum with 29. 14 Shalt thou burn with fli'e without the 29. 34 thou shalt burn the remainder with fire 33. 20 and burnt (it) in the fire, and ground (it) Lev. 4. 12 and burn him on the wood with fire 4. ai and bum him as he burned the first bulL 8. 17 he burnt with fire without the camp 8. 32 that whichremaineth.. shall ye burn ivith 9. II the flesh and the hide he burnt with fire 13. 52 He shall therefore burn that garment 13. 52 it shall be burnt in the fire 13. ss thou shalt burn it in the fire ; it (is) fret 16. 27 and they shall burn in the fire theirsldns 16. 28 he that burneth them shall wash his Numig. 5 (one) shall burn the heifer in his aigiit 19. 5 her dung, shall he bum 19. She that buraeth her shall wash his clothes 31. 10 they burnt all their cities wherein they Deut. 7. 5 and burn their gj'aven images with fire 7. 25 The graven images of their gods shall ye b. 9. 21 the calf which ye had made, and burnt it 12. 3 and burn their groves with fire ; and ye 12. 31 they have burnt in the fire to their gods 13. 16 and shalt burn with fire the city Josh. 6. 24 And they burnt the city with fire 7. 2S and burned .them with fire, after they 8. 28 Joshua burnt Ai, and made it an heap for II. 6 and burn their chariots with fire II. 9 aud burnt their chariots with fire II. n and he burnt Sazor with fire II. 13 Israel burnt none of them, save Hazor only 11. 13 save Hazor only ; (that) did Joshua burn Judg. 9. 52 and went hard unto the door, .to burn it 12. I we will bum thine house upon thee with 14. 15 we burn thee and thy father's house with 15. 6 and burnt her and her father with fire 18. 27 smote them, .and burnt the city with fire I Sa. 30. ' I the Amalekites. .burnt it with fire 30. 14 and we burnt Ziklag with fire 31. 12 and came to Jabesh, and burnt them 1 Ki. 9. 16 and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire 15. 13 idol, and burnt (it) by the brook Kidron 16. 18 and burnt the king's house over him with a Ki. 10. 26 the images, .of Baal, and burned them 17. 31 and the Sepharvites burnt their i;hil Jren 23. 4 and he burned them without Jerusalem 23. 6 and burned it at the brook Kidron 23. II and burned the chariots of the sun with 23. IS burned the high place, (and), .burned the 23, 16 and burned (them) upon the altar, and 23. 20 and burned men's bones upon them 25. 9 And he burnt the house of the Lord 25. g every great fman's) house burnt he with 2 16 and burnt (it) at the brook Kidron 34. 5 And he burnt the bones of the prie3t3 36. 19 And they burnt the house of God, and 36. 19 and burnt all the palaces thereof with fire Vsa. 46. 9 he burneth the chariot in the fife Isa. 44.' 16 He burneth part thereof in the firo 44. 19 I have burnt part of it in the fire 47. 14 Behold. .the fire shall burn them Jcr. 7. 31 to burn their sons and their daughters 19. s to bum their sons with fire (for) burnt 21. 10 and he shall burn it with fire 32. 29 and burn it with the houses upon whose 34. 2 Babylon, and he shall burn it ^vith fire 34. s so siiall they burn (odours) for thea; and 34. 22 and take it, and burn it with fire 36. 2s that he would not bum the roll ; but he 36. 27 after that the king had burnt the roll 36. 28 which, .the king of Judah hath burnt 36. 29 Thus saith the Lord ; Thou hast burnt 36. 32 king of Judah had burnt in the fire 37. 8 and take it, and burn it vath fire 37. 10 they rise up. .and bum this city with fire 38. 18 and they shall burn it with fire, and thou 39. 8 And the Chaldeans burned the king's 43. 12 he shall bum them, and carry them away 43. 13 the houses of the geds. .shall he bum 51. 32 the reeds they have burned with fire 52. 13 And burned the house of the Lord 52. 13 and all the houses, .burned he with fire Ezo. 5. '4 and burn them in the fire.. thereof 16. 41 they shall burn thine houses wth fire 43. 21 and he shall burn it in the appointed Amos 2. I because he burned the bones of the king 19. yo hw"iL forth, fiame up, iKxaloi ekhai5—oiJ.M. Eom. I. 27 the men burned in their lust one 20. To bum, Katofiai haiomai, Xuke 12. 3S your loins . . and (your) lights burning 24. 32 Did not our heart burn within us, while John s- 3S He was a bumihg and a shining light Hob. 12. 18 the mount, .that burned ^vith fire UsT. 4. 5 (there were) seven lamps of fire burning Eev. 8. 8 a great mountain burning with firo was 8. 10 a great star from heaven, burning as it 19. 20 both were east.. into a lake of fire burning 21. 8 part in the lake which burnetii with fire 2\,To burn down, icaraKaiu Icatakaio. Matti3. 30 bind them in bunJles to burn them; but 13. 40 the tares are gathered and [burned] Luke 3. 17 the chaff he will burn with fire Acts 19. 19 brought their books together, and burned I Co. 3. 15 If any mans work, .be burnt, he shall Heb.13. II those beasts.. are burnt withoU; the Kev. 17. 16 and shall eat her flesh, and burn her be on fire, ■n-vpio/xai 2>uroomai. 1 Co. 7. 9 foi- it is better to marry than to bum 2 Co. II. 29 who is ofTeuded, and I burn not? Kev. I. IS fine brass, as if they burned iii a fui'uace BiniN, to cause to — To cause to go u^i, rhy^ alah, 5. Exods;. 20 to cause'the lamp to burn always Lev. 24. 2 to cause the lamps to buin continually BTIRII incense (upon) to — l.To burn (as) incense, lop qatar, 3. J Ki.22. 43 and burn incense yet in the high places 2 K1.12. 3 and burnt incense in the high places 14. 4 and burnt incense on the high places 15. 4 aud burnt incense still on the high places 15. 3s and burnt incense still in the high places 16. 4 and burnt incense in the high places 17. II they burnt incense in all the high places 18. 4 the children of Israel did burn incense 22. 17 and have burned incense unto other gods 23. s to bum incense in the high places in the 23. 5 them also that burned incense unto Baal 23. 8.where the priests had burned inceuse a Ch.2s. 14 bowed down.. and burned hicense unto 28. 4 and burnt incense in the high places 28. 2s he made high places to bum incense unto Isa. 65. 3 and burneth incense upon altars of brick 63. 7 which have burnt incense upon the Jer. 1. 16 and have burned incense unto other gods 7. . 9 and burnt incense unto' Baal, and walk II. 13 ye set up altars, .to burn incense untoB 18. 15 they have burned incense to vanity 19. 4 and have burned incense in it unto other 19. 13 they have burned incense unto all the 44. 3 to anger, in that they went to burn incense 44. 5 to burn no incense luito other gods 44. 8 burning incense unto other gods in the 44. IS their wives had burned incense unto 44. 17 burn incense ■unto the queeu of heaven 44. 18 we left off to burn incense to the queen 44. 19 we burned incense to the queen of heaven 44. 21 The incense that ye burned in the cities 44 23 Because ye have burned incense, and 44. 25 we have vowed, to burn incense to the Hos. 4. I burn incense upon the hills, under oaks II. 2 they went.. and burned incense Hah. I. 16 they sacrifice, .and burn incense 2. To cause to burn (as) incense, naij qatar, 5. Exodso. 7 Aaron shaltburn thereon sweet incense 30. 8 at even, he shall burn incense upon it 1 Ki 3. 3 he sacrificed and burnt incense 9. 2S he burnt incense upon the altar that 11. 8 allhisstrange wives, which burnt incense 12. 33 he offered upon the altar, and burnt inc. 13. I Jeroboam stood by the altar to bum inc. 15. 2 priests of the high places that burn iuc 1 Ch. 23. 13 he and his sons for ever, to burn incense a Ch. 26. 16 bum incense upon the altar of incense 26. iB priests, .are consecrated to burn incense 26. 18 Uzziah..bum incense unto the Lord 26, 19 and (had) a censer inTiis hand to burn in 28. 3 he burnt incense in the valley of the son 29. II that ye should minister, .and burn inc 32. 12 worshipbeforeone altar, andburn incense 34. 25 they have burned incense unto other gods Jer. 48. 3sTand him that burnetii incense to his gods Hos. 2. 13 visit upon her the days . . she burned inc. BTIBJT incense, to — To cause to remember, n?) zakar, 5. Isa. 66. 3 he that burneth incense, (as if) he blessed BT7BN sacrifice, to — To cause to bum {as) incense, lOi? qatar, 5. 2 Ch. 2. 6 save only to burJi sacrifice before hira ? BTTRN up, to — l.To eat, conswm-e, b^K akal, 2 Ki. 1. 14 and burnt up the two captains of the l.To cause to flame, tinS lahat, 3. Psa. 97. 3 and burnet'h up his enemies round ab. 106. 18 the flame burned up the wicked Mai. 4. I the day that cometh shall burn them up 3. To burn, f^^ saraph. Psa. 74. 8 burned up all the synagogues Eze. 23. 47 and burn up their houses vrith fire A.To blow in, bum, i/xTrpTiBot e^nprelho. Matt22. 7 the king heard . . and burned up their city 5. To burn down, KaraKaia katakaio. Matt. 3. 12 bat he will burn up the chaff with 2 Pe. 3. lo works that are therein shall be burned up Rev. 8. 7 the third part of trees was burnt up 8. 7 and all green gi-ass was burnt up * BUEN upon, to — A place for burning incense on, yfpa miqtar. E.xod3o. I make an altar to bum inceuse upon BTIEN uttedy, to — To burn down, icaraKaiu katakaio. Rev. 18. 8 she shall be utterly burned with fire BTTRNED or burnt, to be — l.To be consumed, njjj baar. Exod 3. 3 I will see why the bush is not burnt Judgi3. 14 his arms became aa flax that wab- Uunit Isa. 43. 2 through the fiie, thou shalt not be burned '2.To be hot, heated. Tin charar Job 30. 30 my bones are burned with heat Isa. 24. 6 the inhabitants of the earth are burned 3. To become hot, heated, "^y} charar, 2. Psa. 102. 3 my bones aie burned as an hearth Jer. 6. 29 The bellows are burnt, the lead Eze. IS. 4 the ends, the midst of it is burnt IS. s ■""■£ hath devoured it, and it is burned? 24. 10 spice it well, and let the bones be burnt 4. To burn, r.;;; yatsath. Isa. 33. 12 (as) thorns cut up shall they be burned Jer. 49. 2 her dauyiters shall be burnt with fire SI. 58 her high gates shall be burnt with fire 5. To be burnt, Ki; yatsalh, 2. 3\"eh. 1. 3 and the gates., are burnt with fire 2. 17 and the gates .are buint with fire Jer. 2. 15 cities are burned without inhabitant 6. To be Tiuxrked, nia kavah, 2. Prov. 6. 28 hot coals, and his feet not be burnt? Isa. 43. 2 when thou walkest. .shalt not be burned 7. To lift up, Kfi nasa. Nah. I. s and the earth is burned at his presence 8.2*0 go up, rhi) alah. Lev. 2. 12 but they shall not be burnt on the altar 9. To scorch, yjf tsarab, 2. Eze. 20.47 all faces from the south, shall be burned lO.To be made to bwm (as) incense, no;? qatar, 6. Lev. 6. 22 a statute, .it shall be wholly burnt 11. To burn, be burned, f)"i^ sara2)h. Lev. 20 14 they shall be burnt with fire, both he and I .Sa. 30. 3 came to the city, and, behold, .burnt 1 Ki. 13. 2 aud men's bones shall be burnt upon thoo Neh. 4. 2 the heaps of . .rubbish whicli are burnt? Psa. 80. 16 burnt ■with fire, .cut down ; they perish Isa. I. 7 desolate, your cities (are) burnt with be Imrnt, ^l^ saraph, 2. Gen. 38. 24 Bring her forth, and let her be burnt Lev. 4. 12 ashes are poured out shall he be burnt 6. 30 sin offering, .it shall be burnt in the fire 7. 17 thejremainderof the fiesh. shall be burnt 7. 19 the flesh .it shall be burnt with fire 13. s2 leprosy ; it shall be burnt in the fiie 19. 6 if ought remain, .it shall be burnt in the 21. 9 profaneth. .she shall be burnt with fire Josh. 7. 15 he. .shall be burnt vrit\\ fire, he and all 2 Sa. 23. 7 they shall be utterly burned with fire in I Ch.14. 12 commandment, and Ihey were burned Prov. 6. 27 take fire.. and his clothes not be burnt? Jer. 38. 17 this city shall not be burnt with fire Mic. I. 7 all the hires thereof shall be burnt with be burned, liV saraph, 4. Lev. 10. 16 Moses, .sought, .and, behold.itwas burnt 14, 7*0 burn, Kaiw kaio. John 15. 6 cast (them) into.. fire.. they are bnrned I Co 13. 3 and tnough I give my body to be burned 15.j4 burning, Kavais kaicsis. Heb. 6. 8 beareththorns, .whoseend(is)tobebumed BTTRHED, to cause to be — To bum, ffti> saraph. Jer. 38. 23 thou shalt cause this city to be burnt BTTEITED up, to be — l.To be burned, ns; yatsath, 2. Jer. g. 10 they are burnt up, 30 that none can 9. 12 the land perisheth (and) is burnt up 2.A burning, riQlfc' serephah. Isa. 64. II Our Holy . .house, .is bumt up ■with flra BTISNETH, that — A marked place, npO mikvah. Lev. 13. 24 the quick (flesh) that burneth have a B-ORNING — l.Fire, »Ni esh. Gen. 15. 17 and a burning lamp that passed between l.To pursue, bum after, ph^ dalnq. Prov.26. 23 Burning lips and a wicked heart fare) Dan. 7. 9 his wheels (as) burning fire 3. To barn steadily, ip^ yeqad. Dan. 3. 6 cast into the midst of a burning flery 3. ir oast into the midst of a burning fieiy 3. 15 cast, .into the midst of a burning fiery 3. 17 God. .is able to deliver us from, rburning 3 2Q cast (them) into the burning fiery furn. 3. 21 cast into the midst of the burning fiery 3. 23 into the midst of the buming flery fum. I. a5 to the mouth of the buming flery fumaco 17 BURNING 130 BURNT OPPERINd- i. Steadily Imrning, nip" yeqedah. Dan. 7. II hisbody destroyed. .giventcbumingfl. 5.A burning, nip: yeqod. Isa. lo. 16 sbali kindle a burning like the burning 6.Marking, n;i3 keviyyah. Exodzi. 25 Burning for burning, wound for wound t.MarJc, marking, '3 hi. Isa. 3. 24 instead . . well set hair. baldnes3 . . burning 8.Si£adi!y burning, ipiD moqed. Isa. 33. 14 shall dwell with everlasting bui-nings? 9. Steadily burning, .TiipiD moqedah. Lev. 6. 9 because of the burning upon the altar all 'i.O.Marh, map mikvah. Lev. 13. ?4 flesh, in the skin whereof ..a hot burning 13. 25 it (is) a leprosy broken out of the burning 13. 28 burning. . an inflammation of the burning 1 1. Scorching, r.yyf fsarebeth. Lev. 13. 23 (and) spread not, it (is) a burning boil Prov.16. 27 in his iips (there is) as a burning fire \2.Burning, nsiB' serephah. Lev. 10. 6 let your brethren, .bewail the burning Num 16. 37 take up the censers out of the burning 19. (5 cast (it) into the midst of the burning Deut29. 23 whole land.. brimstone.. (and) burning e Ch.i6. 14 they made a very great burning for him 21. 19 made no burning for him 21. 19 like the burning of his fathers Isa. g. s shall be with burning (and) fuel of fire Amos 4. II a firebrand plucked out of the burning \Z. Burning, ■jrvpoxTi'S purdsis. Kev. 18. 9 when . . shall see the smoke of her burning i8. 18 cried when. .saw. .smoke of her burnhig BTTRNlNGr ag-ae — Burning ague or fever, T\mp_ qaddachath. Lev. 26. 16 I will even appoint, .the bui-ning agus EtniNINGr coal — 1. Burning coal, Toni gacheleth. Prov.26. 21 (As) coals (are) to burning coals, and ^.Flavie, burning heat, '\w-\ resheph. Hab. 3. 5 burning coals went forth at his feet BUitWiNG, extreme — Extreme burning, 'vnn charchur. Deut 28. 22 Lord shall smite, .an extreme burning BiniNING heat — Flame, burning heat, '^^l- resheph. Deut 32. 24 devoured with burning heat, ahd with BTJB.NING lamp — Lamp, flame, i*S7 lappid. Job 41. 19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps STTRNINGS — Jiurnings, niB"i^a misraphoth. Isa. 33. 12 the people shall be (as) the burnings of Jcr. 34. 5 Shalt die in peace : and with, .burnings SXIEHISHED — Pohahcd, bhi^ qalal. Eze. I. 7 they sparkled like the colour of burnished BTTRNT — \. Emaciated, dried up, nia mazeh. Deut 32. 24 (They shall be) burnt with hunger 2. Burning, nsi/S' serephah. Num 19. 17 they shall take of the ashes of the burnt Jer. SI. 25 will make thee a burnt mountain BTJRNT, that vfere — To burn, ']"i>' saraph. Numi6. 39 wherewith they that were burnt had B'UB.NT OITEEING — Burnt offerings as well as " meat offerings," and " peace offerings," were mere voluntary offerings (unlike "sin " and "trespass" offerinRs, which were compulsory), -Which, however, were to be presented in a uniform systematic manner, as laid down in Lev. i.-iii. The first three express generally the idea of "homage, self- dedication, and thanksgiving," the latter two that of "propitiation." The animals that might be used for burnt offerings might be from the flock or herd, orfrom the fowls, and were to be entirely burnt, their blood sprinkled on the altar, and their skins given to the priest for clothiug. They were to be offered every morning and evening, every sabbath day, the first day t>{ every month, the seven days of unleavened bread, and the day of Atonement. They were offered at the consecration of the priests, Levites, kings, sacred places, the purification of women, Nazarites, lepers, after- mercies, before war, and v/ith sounding of trumpets at feasts. l.That which goes up, nhlt, ^Vj; olah, alah. Qen. 8. 20 and offered burnt' offerings on the altar 22. 2 and offer him there for a burnt offering 22. 3 and clave the wood for the burnt offering S2. 6 Abraham took the wood of the burnt off 52. 7 but where (is) the lamb for a burnt offer ci. 8 God will provide, .a lamb for a burnt off. Gen. 22. Exodio. 18. 20. 24. 29. 29. 29. 30. 31- 32 35- 38. 40. 40. 40. 46. Lev. 14. 14. 14. 14. 15- 16. 16. 1 6. 16- 17- 22. 23- 23- 23- Num. 6. 6. 6. 7- 7- 8. 10. IS- IS- IS- IS- 23. 23- =3- 28. 28. 28. 28. 28.- 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. •28. 28. 29- •29- 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29- 29. 29. Deut 13 and offered him up for a burnt offering 25 give us also sacrifices and burnt offerings 12 Jethro. .took a burnt offering, .sacrifices 24 and Shalt sacrifice thereon thy burntoffer. 5 sent young men . .which offered burnt off. 18 it (is) a buret offering unto the LOKB 25 burn (them) upon the altar for a burnt off. 42 a continual burnt ottering throughout 28 the altar of burut offering v/ith all his 9 And the altar of burnt offering with all 6 they rose, .and offered burnt offerings 16 The altar of burnt offering, with his 1 he made the altar of burnt offering 6 thou Shalt set the altar of the burnt offer. 10 anoint the altar of the burnt offering 29 he put the altar of burnt offering 29 and offered upon it the burnt ottering 4 put.. hand upon the head of the burnt off. 6 And he shall flay the burnt offering 7 at the bottom of the altar of. .burnt off. 30 burn them upon the altar of. .burnt off. 18 at the bottom of the altar of. .burnt off. 24 where they kill the burnt offering before 25 upou the horns of the altar of burnt off. 25 at the bottom of the altar of the burnt off. 29 slay, .sin offering.. place of the burnt off. 30 upon the horns of the altar of burnt off. 33 in the place where they kill the burnt olt. 34 upon the horns of the altar of burnt off. 7 and the other for a burnt offering 10 shall offer the second (for) a burnt offering 9 This (is) the law of the burnt offering 9 It (is) the burnt offering, because of the 10 thefirehath consumed with the burnt off. 12 and lay the burnt offering in order upon 25 In the place where the burnt offering is 2 In the place where they kill the burnt off. 8 the priest that offereth any. .burnt offer. 8 the priest shall have, .skin of.. burnt off. 37 This (is) the law of the burnt offering 18 he brought the ram for the burnt offering 28 burnt, .on the altar upon the burnt offer. 2 Take thee, .a ram for a burnt offering 3 a lamb, .without blemish, for a burnt off 7 Go. .and offer, .thy burnt offering 12 And he slew the burnt offering ; and A. 13 And they presented the burnt offering 14 and burnt (them)upon the burnt offering 16 he brought the burnt offering, and offered 22 from ottering of . .the burnt offering 24 consumed upon the altar the burntoffer. 19 Behold, .they offered, .their burnt offer. 6 she shall bring alamb. .foraburnt offer. 8 the one for the burnt offering, and the 13 where he shall kill the.. burnt offering 19 afterward he shall kill the burnt offering 20 the priest shall offer the burnt offering 22, 31 one.. sin offering.. other a burnt off. 15, 30 one.. sin offering.. other, .a burnt off. 3 offering, and a ram for a burnt offering 5 offering, and one ram for a burnt offering 24 come forth, and offer his burnt offeriug -24 and the burnt offering of the people 8 that offereth a burnt offering or sacrifice 18 which they will offer, .for a burnt offer. 12 for a burnt offering unto the Lord 18 they shall be (for) a burnt offering unto 37 a burnt offering, and a meat offering 11 one. .a sin offering, .other., a burnt offer. 14 one he lamb, .for a burnt offering 16 his sin offering, and his burnt offering 15, 21 one lamb, .for a burnt offering [So in v. 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81.] 87 All the oxen for the burnt oftering (were) 12 and the other (for) a burnt offering, unto 10 with the trumpets over your burnt offer. 3 will make an offering by fire, .a burnt off. 5 shalt tliou prepare with the burnt offer. 8 when thou preparest. .(for) a burnt offer. 24 the congregation shall offer, .a burnt off. 3 Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will 15 Stand here by thy burnt offering, while 17 he stood by his burnt offering, and the 3 two lambs, .(for) a continual burnt offer. 6 a continual burnt offering, which was 10 (This is) the burnt offering of every sabb. 10 beside the continual burnt offering, and 11 ye shall offer a burnt offering unto the 13 (for) a burnt offering of a sweet savour 14 this (is) the burnt offering of every month 15 beside the continual burnt offering, and 19 a sacrifice made by fire (for) a burnt offer. 23 Ye shall offer these beside the burnt off. 23 which (is) for a continual burnt offering 24 it shall be offered beside the. .burnt off. 27 ye shall offer the burnt offering" for a 31 Ye shall offer (them) beside.. burnt off. 2 ye shall offer a burnt offering for a sweet 6 Beside the burnt offerinj; of the month 6 and the daily burnt offering 8 But ye shall offer a burnt offering unto It and the continual burnt offering 13 ye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice 16 beside the continual burnt oftering, his ig, 22, 25, 28 beside the continual burnt off. 31, 34, 38 beside the continual burnt offeriug 36 ye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice 39 for your burnt offerings, and for your 6 thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings II your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices 13 Take heed, thou offer not thy burnt off. 14 there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings Deut 12. 27 And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings 27. 6 thou shalt offer burnt offerings thereon Josh. 8. 31 and they offered thereon burnt offerings 22. 23 or if to offer thereon burnt offering or 22. 26 not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice 22. 27 before him with our burnt offerings 22. 2S;.which our fathers made, not for burnt off. 22. 29 to build an altar for burnt offerings Judgii\ 31 and I will offer it up for a burnt offering 13. 16 and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering 13. 23 he would not have received a burnt off. 20. 26 and offered burnt offerings.. before the 21. 4 and offered burnt offerings and peace X Sa. 6. 14 and offered the kine a burnt offering 6. IS and the men . . offered burnt offerings 7. 9 and offered . . a burnt offeringwhoHy unto 7. JO Samuel was offering up the burnt offering 10. 8 I will come. . to offer burnt offerings 13. 9 Bring hither a burnt offering to me, and 13. 9 And he offered.the burnt offering 13. 10 made an end of cffering the burnt offerirg 13. 12 Iforced myself ..andofieredaburntoffer. 15. 22 Hath theLOBD. .delight in burnt offerings sSa. 6. 17 and David offered burnt offerings and 6. 18 made an end of offering burnt offerings 24. 24 neither will I offer burnt offerings unto 24. 25 and offered burnt offerings and peace I Ki. 3. 4 a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon 3. IS offered up burnt offerings, and offered 8. 64 for there he offered burnt offerings 8. 64 altar. .(was)too little to receive the 9. 2s in a year did Solomon offer burnt offering 2KJ. 3. 27 and offered him.. a burnt-offering upon . 5. 17 thy servant will, .offer neither burnt off. 10. 24 when they went in to offer, .burnt offer. 10. 25 made an end of offering the burnt offer. 16. 13 And he burnt his burnt offering and his 16. 15 burn the morning burnt offering, and the 16. 15 with the burnt offering of all the people 16. 15 upon it all the blood of the burnt offering 1 Ch. 6. 49 offered upon the altar of the burnt offer. 16. 2 made an end of offering, .burnt offering 16. 40 To offer burnt offerings unto the LORD 16. 40 upon the altar of the burnt offering 21. 23 I give, -the oxen, .for burnt offerings 21. 24 nor offer burnt offerings without cost 21. 26 and offered burnt offerings and peace 21. 26 by fire upon the altar of burnt offering 21. 29 and the altar of the burnt oft'ering 22. I this (is) the altar of the burnt offering of 29. 21 offered burnt offerings unto the LORD 2 Ch. I. 6 and offered a thousand burnt offerings 2. 4 and for the burnt offerings morning and 4. 6 things as they offered for the burnt offer. 7. I and consumed the burnt offering and the 7. 7 for there he offered burnt offerings 7. 7 was.not able to receive the burnt offerings 8. 12 Then Solomon offered burnt offerings 23. 18 to offer the burnt offerings of the Lord 24. 14 they offered burnt offerings in the house 29. 7 not burned incense nor offered burnt off. 29. 18 We have cleansed, .the altar of burnt off. 29. 24 the burnt offering and the sin offering 29. 27 to offer the burnt offering upon thealtar 29. 27 And when the burnt offering began, ther, 29. 28 (this continued) until the burnt offering 29. 31 as many as were of a free heart, burnt off. 29. 32 And the number of the burnt offerings 29. 32 all these, .for a burnt cffering 29. 34 so that could not flay all the burnt offer. 29. 35 And also the burnt offerings (were) in 29. 35 the drink offerings for. .burnt offerings 30. IS brought in the burnt offerings into the 31. 2 priests and the Levites ftjr burnt offerings 31. 3 the king's portion, .for the burnt offer. 31. 3 the morning and evening burnt offerings 31. 3 and the burnt offering for the sabbaths 35. 12 And they removed the burnt offerings 3S. 14 priests, .in offering of burnt offerings 35. 16 to offer biUTit offerings u_pon the altar of Ezra 3. 2 buildedthealtar. .to offerbumtofferings 3. 3 they offered burnt offerings thereon unto 3. 3 (even) burnt offerings morning, .evening 3. 4 and. .the Jaily burnt offerings by number 3. 5 afterward.. the continual burnt offering 3. 6 began they to offer burnt offerings unto 6. 9 for the burnt offerings of the God of 8. 3S the children, .offered burnt offerings 8. 3S all (this was) a burnt offering unto the Neh. 10. 33 for the continual burnt offering of the Job 1. s offered burnt offerings.. the number of 42. 8 offer up for yourselves a burnt offering 40. 6 burnt offering and sin offering hast thou so. 8 I will not reprove thee for., thy burnt off. SI. 16 thou delightest not in burnt offering ST. ig burnt offering and whole burnt offering 66. 13 go into thy house with burnt offerings 1. 11 I am full of the burnt offerings of 1 ams 40. 16 the beasts thereof, .for a burnt offering 43. 23 Thou hast not brought.. thy burnt offering 56. 7 their burnt offerings and their sacrifices 61. 8 I hate robbery for burnt offering ; and I 6. 20 your burnt offerings (are) not acceptable r- 21 Put your burnt offerings unto yoursacri. 7. 22 I spake not. .concerning burnt offerings 14. 12 and when they offer burnt offering and 17. 26 And they shall come., briuging burnt off. 19. 5 to burn their sonsvrith fire(for) burnt off. 33. 18 want a man before me to offer burnt off. Eze. 40. 38 where they washed the burnt offering 40. 39 to slay thereon the burnt offering and 40. 42 the four tables, .for the burnt offering Psa. Isa. Jer. BURNT OFFERING 131 BUT Eze. 40. 42 wherewith they slew the burnt offeriDg 43. t8 to offer burnt offerings thereon, and to 43. 24 they Bliail offer them up . . a burnt offering 43. 27 priests shall make your burnt offerings 44. II they shall slay the burnt offering and 45. 15 for a meat offering, and for a burnt offer 45. 17 the prince's part (to give) burnt offerings 45. 17 he shall prepare, .the burnt offering 45. 23 seven days, .he shall prepare a burnt off. 45. 25 shall he do . . according to the burnt offer. 46. 2 the priests shall prepare his burnt offer. 46. 4 And the burnt offering, .six lambs 46. 12 the prince shall prepare a .burnt offering 46. 12 he shall prepare his burnt offering 46. 13 Thou Shalt daily prepare a burnt offering 46. 15 every morning, (for) a continual burnt off. Hos. 6. 6 the knowledge, .more than burnt offer. Amos 5. 22 Though ye olfer me burnt offerings and Mic. 6. 6 come before him with burnt offerings 2. Whole burnt offering, 6\oicairo>ixa holokmUOina. Heb 10. 6 In burnt offerings and (sacrifices) for sin ID. 8 Sacriflce and offering and burnt offerings BTmNT OITEEING, whole — 1. Wliole, complete, 'j'Sa kalil. Psa. SI. 19 with burnt offering, and whole burnt off. 2. Whole burnt offering, dKoKavroi/j-a holokautoma. Marki2. 33 is more tlian all whole burnt offerings BTTENT SACRIPICE — That which goes up, nVv olah. Exod3o. 9 Ye shall offer no strange, .burnt sacrifice Lev. I. 3 If his offering (be) a burnt sacriflce of the I. 9 on the altar, (to be) a burnt sacrifice, an 1. 10 If his offering (be).. .for a burnt sacrifice 1. 13 it (is) a burnt sacriflce, an offering made I. 14 if the burnt sacrifice for his offering X. 17 it (is) a burnt sacriflce, an offering made 3. s upon the burnt sacrifice, which (is) upon 8. 21 a burnt sacrifice for a sweet savour 9. 17 beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning N'um23. 6 lo, he stood by his burnt sacrifice, he Judg. 6. 26 offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood o£ 2 Sa 24. 22 behold, .oxen for burnt sacrifice, and 1 KL 18. 33 with water, and pour (it) on. .burnt sac. 18. 38 the fire, .consumed the burnt sacrifice 2 Kl. 16. 15 the liing's burnt sacrifice, and his meat I Ch. 16. I they offered burnt sacrifices . . peace offer. 23. 31 to offer all burnt sacrifices unto the LORD z C!h.i3. II they burn, .burnt sacrifices and sweet Paa. 20. 3 Remember.. and accept thy burnt sac. 66. 15 I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of BURNT SACJEIFICE, whole — Whole, perfect, '773 kalil. Deut33. 10 whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar BTJUST, to — \.To draw as^mder, pm nathaq,%. Jer. 2. 20 1 have broken thy yoke, .burst thy bands S- 5 these have altogether, .burst the bonds 30. 8 I will break .and will burst thy bonds Nah. 1. 13 and wiU burst thy bonds in sunder 2. 7*0 rend, burst, p'fiyvvfn rhegnuini. AlarR 2. 22 else the new wine doth burst the bottles Luke 5. 37 else the new wine will burst the bottles BTTRST asunder, to — To sound,'ring,. break, \d entaphiazO. Job 19. 40 as the manner of the Jew's Is to bury 4.T0 bitrij, ddiTTa) thaplO. Matt. 8. 21 suffer me first to go and bury my father 8, 22 Follow me ; and let the dead bury their 14. 12 disciples, .took up the body, and buried liUke 9. 59 suffer me first to go and bury my father 9. 60 Jesus said. Let the dead bury their dead 16. 22 the rich man also died, and was buried Acts s. 6 and carried (him) out, and buried (him) 5. 9 the feet of them which have buried thy 5. 10 carrying, .forth, buried (her) by her hus. t Co. 15. 4 that he was buried, and that he rose BUEY in, to — Burial, Ta.3 I. 16; 2. 16, 22, 23, 43; 3. 16, 18, 21; 4. 16, 23, 30; 5. 12, 19; 7. 25; 9. 25; 10. 36; II 28, 30; 12. [9]; '4- 3; i5- 7. 12, 23, 27; 17. 10; 18. 9, 28; 19. 11; 21. 19 ; 23. 31 ; 24. 2, 2 ; 28. 25 ; Rom. i. 2, 5, 12 ; 2. 12, i6, E7; 3. 20, 22, 27, 27; 5. 2, 5, 10, ti, 12, 12, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 21 ; 6. 4, 4 ; 7. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 11, 13, 13 ; 10. 17; 12. 1; 15. 18, 28, 32; 16. 18, 26; I Co. I. 9, 10, 21, 21 ; 2. 10; 3. 5, 15 ; 6. 14; 8. 6, 6; 10. i ; 11. 12; 12. 8 ; 14. 9 ; 15. 2, 21, 21 ; 16. 3 ; 2 Co. i. i, 4, 5, 11, 16, 19, 19, 20; 2. 14 ; 4. [14] ; 5. 7, 7, 18, 20; 6. 7, 8, 8 ; 8. 5 ; 9. 12, 13 ; 10. I, 9, II ; II. 33 ; 12. 17 ; Gal. i. i, i, 12, 15 ; 2. 16, 21 ; 3. 18, ig, 26 ; 4. 23 ; 5. 6, 13 ; 6. [14] ; Eph. 1. 1, 5 ; 2. 16 ; 3. 6, (9), 10, 12, 16, 17 ; 4. 16 ; 6. 18; Phil. r. II, 20, 20, 26; Col. I. r, 16, 20, [20]; 2. 19; 3. 17 ; 1 Th. 3. 7 ; 4. 2 ; 5. 9 ; 2 Th. 2. 2, 2, 2, 14, 15 ; 3,^ [12], 14; I Ti. 4. 5, 14 ; 2 Ti. i. i, 6, 10, 14; 4. 17; Titus 3. 5 ; Phm. 7 ; Heb. i. 2, [3] ; 2. 2, 3, 10 ; 3. 16 ; 6. 18; 7. ir, 19, 21, 25; 9. II, 12, 12, 26; II. 4, 4, 7, 29; 13. II, 15 ; Jas. 2. 12 ; I Pe. i. 3, 12, 21, 23 ; 2. 5, 14 ; 3. I, 20, 21 ; 5. 12 ; 2 Pe. I 4 ; I Jo. 5. 6 ; ilev i. i. 21.Thr(mgh, on account of, Sid {ace.) dia. Mattis. 3 Why do ye also transgress . . by your 15. 6 of God of none effect by your tradition John 6. 57 I live by the Father, .he shall live by me Hom. 8. II by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Heb. 6. 7 meet for them by whom it is dressed B.ev. 12. II overcame him by the blood, and by the 13. 14 And deceiveth them, .by .those miracles 22.Z)ow>i throwgh, over against, Kard {gen.) kata. Matt 26. 63 I adjure thee by the living God, that Heb. 6. 13 he could sweai- by no greater, he sware by 6. 16 For men verUy swear by the greater ; and 2u.Doum through, according to, Kara {ace.) kata. Luke 10. 4 and salute no man by the way 10. 31 by chance there came dov/n a certain Johnio. 3 and he calleth his own sheep by name ig. 7 We have a law, and by our lav.' he ought Acts 27. 2 we launched, meaning to sail by the z8. 16 Paul was suffered to dwell by himself Rom. 2. 7 To them who by patient continuance in 4. 16 (it is) of faith, that (it might be) by grace 11. 24 the olive tree, which is wild by nature 1 Co. 7. 6 by permission, .not of commandment 12. 8 the word of knowledge by the same Spirit 14. 27 (let it be) by two, or at the most, .three 14. 31 For ye may all prophesy one by one 2 Co. 8. 8 I speak not by commandment, but by Gal. 2. 2 I went up by revelation.. communicated Eph 3. 3 by revelation he made known unto me 3. 7 given unto me by the effectual working a Th. 2. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means I Ti. I. I an apostle of Jesus Christ by . . command. $. 21 without preferring, .doing nothing by Heb. 7. 22 By so much was Jesus made a surety of 9. 22 almost all things are by the law purged 10. 8 which are offered by the law 11. 7 heir of the righteousness which is by 3 John 14 Greet the friends by name ii.Alongside of, -napd {dat.) para. Luke 9. 47 Jesus, .took a chUd, and set him by Johmg. 25 there stood by the cross of Jesus his 1 Co. 16. 2 let every one of you lay by him in store 2Z. Alongside of, trapd {ace.) para. Matt. 4. 18 Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw Mark I. 16 as he walked by the sea of Galilee Luke s- I i' came to pass, that, .he stood by the 5. 2 And saw two ships standing by the lake Heb. II. 12 as the sand which is by the sea shore 2Q. Toward, to, at, vpSs {ace.) pros. Mark 4. i multitude was by the sea on the land II. 4 found the colt tied by the door without Luke22. 56 certain maid beheld him as he sat by Acts 5. 10 carrying, .forth, buried (her) by her 27. Over, for the sake of, virip {gen.) huper, 2 Th. 2. 1 by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 2Si. Under, vv6 {gen.) hupo. Matt. 2. 17 Then was .that which was spoken [by] 3. 3 this is he that was spoken of [by] the 22. 31 that which was spoken unto you by God "7- 35 Uhat it might be. .which was spoken by] Mark 5. 4 the chains had been plucked asunder by 13. 14 [abomination of desolation, spoken of by] Luke 2. 18 things which were told them by the 2. 26 it was revealed unto him by the Holy 3. 19 being reproved by him for Herodias his Si IS to be healed (by) him of their infirmities 9. 7 Herod . . heard of all that was done [by] 13. 17 all the glorious things that were done by 16. 22 was carried by the angels into Abraham's 21. 16 ye shall be betrayed both by parents 23. 8 hoped to have seen some miracle done by John 8. 9 (being convicted by.. conscience] Acts 4. 36 Joses, who by the apostles was sumamed 10. 22 was warned from God by an holy angel 13. 4 they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost 13. 45 spake against those things, .spoken by 15. 3 being brought on their way by the church 15. 40 being recommended by the brethren nnto j6. 2 Which was well reported of by the bre. 24. 21 I am called in question [by] you this day 25. 14 There is a certain man left in bortds by 27. II those things which were spoken by Paul Kom. 3. 21 being witnessed by the Law and the 15. 24 to be brought on my way thitherward [by] 1 Co. I. II by them, .of Chloe, that there are 2 Co. 3. 3 to be the epistle of Christ ministered by 8. 19 v;hich is administered by us to the glory 8. 20 this abundance which is administered by Eph. 2. II by that which is called the circumcision 5. 13 all. .made manifest by the light Phil. I. 28 in nothing terrified by your adversaries Col. 2. i8 vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind . 2 Tim 2. 26 who are taken captive by him at his will Heb. 2. 3 confirmed unto us by them that heard ' 3. 4 For every house is builded by some (man) 2 Pe. I. 21 (as they were) moved by the Holy Ghost 3. 2 which were spoken before by the holy Kev. 9. iS [By] these thi'ee was the tliird part of BY and by — l.At once, e^ctuT^s exautes. Mark 6. 25 thou give me by and by. .the head ot 2. Straightway, evBcws euiheos. Luke 17 7 v/hich of you. .say unto him by and by 21. g but the end (is) not by and by Z. Straightway, evQis euthus. Matti3. 21 when tribulation, .ariseth. .by and by he BY selves — \. Separately, "ij^ lehad. 2 Sa. 10. 8 the Syrians, .by themselves in the field 1. Apart, X'^P^^ choris. John2o. 7 wrapped together in a place by itself 3. Alone, fi6vos monos. Mark g. 2 leadeth them up. .apart by themselves Luk024. 12 beheld., linen clbthes laid [by themselves] BY... side — Alongside of, Trapd {ace.) para. Matti3. I Jesus out of the house, arid sat by-. . sea Bi. 13. 4 when he sowed, some, .fell by the way si. 13. 19 Thisis he which received seed by.. way si. 20. 30 behold, two blind men sitting by . . way si. Mark 2. 13 he went forth again by the sea sidf^ 4. I he began again to teach by the sea aide 4. 4 as he sowed, some fell by the way side 4. 15 And these are they by the way side JO. 46 blind Bartimeus . , sat by the highway side Luke 8. 5 as he sowed, some fell by the way side 8. 12 Those by the way side are they that hear 18. 35 a certain blind man sat by the way side Acts. 10. 6 whose house is by the sea side 10. 32 in the house of (one) Simon, .by the sea sL 16. 13 we went out of the city by a river side BY reason of — l.Unto, ht< el. Eze. 21.' 12 terrors by reason of the sword shall be 2. On, upon, '?a al. Eze. 28. 17 hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of i. Through, on account of, hid {ace.) dia. Johni2. II Because that by reason of him many ot Rom. 8. 20 but by reason of him who hath Heb. s. 14 those who by reason of use have their . 2 Pe. 2. 2 by reason of whom the way of truth shall BY this time — Till, during, "tj;; ad. ^ Exod22. 26 thou Shalt deliver It unto him by that BY way of — In, by, loith, iv en. 2 Pe. 3. 1 1 stir up your pure minds by way of BY -ways — Crooked ways, ni^p?py, rfrrjK orachofh aqalqaXloth. Judg. 5 6 the travellers walked through by ways BY word — 1. Word, iiVa millah. Job 30. g am 1 their song ; yea, I am their by word 2. Similitude, h^ip mashal. ' Psa. 44. 14 Thou makest us a by word among the Z. Similitude, Vk'D meshol. Job 17. 6 He hath made me also a by word of the i. Sharp saying, nj'J?' sheninah. Deut28. 37 an astonishmeut. .and a by word 1 K). 9. 7 Israel shall be a proverb and a by word 2 Ch. 7. 20 and wiU make it (to be), .a by word [See also Called, charge, close, come, company, con- straint, course, divide, fifties, force, fraud, go, hand, hard, heel, thereof, highway, hold, hundreds, inherit- ance, interpretation, know, lay, lest, means, one, order, pass, protest, reason, roots, sail, set, sevens, side. Bit, soothsaying, space, stand, take, trade, way, year.]. CAB — Measv/re containing oEove three pints, ap qal>. 2 Ki. 6. 25 the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung CAB'-BON, Ji33, Xafipd, XaP&d circle, hamlet, hilly. A town in the low countryiOf Judah. Josh. 15. 40 And C, and Lahmam, and Kithlish CABIU — Cell, dungeon, vault, nun chanuth. Jer. 37. 16 Jeremiah was entered, .into the cablna CA'-BOT, Sua, Xa^dA dry, sandy. 1. A border city of Asher, N.E. of Canaan. Its modem name is Kabfjl, 9 miles E. of Akka, and 8 from Jefat. It is on the borders of Galilee. Josh.ig. 27 and goeth out to C. on the left hand. 2. Name given by Hiram king of Tyre to the twenty cities in the land of Galilee which Solomon gave him, B.C. icoo. I Ki. 9. 13 And he called them the land of C. CjE'-SAR, KaTa'ap. Always'In theNewTestameHt,'theE.omaheraperor. To him the Jews paid tribute, and to him those .Tews that were " Roman citizens" had the right of appeal. Matt.22. 17 Is it lawful to give tribute unto C.,ornotT 22. 21 They say unto him C.'s. Then saith he 22. 21 Render, .unto C: the things which are C.'s Marki2. 14 Is it lawful to give tribute to C, or notl 12. 16 And they said unto him, C.'s 12. 17 Render to C. theihings that are C's., and Luke 2. I there went out a decree from C. Augustus 3. I fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius C 20. 22 Is it lawful, .to give tribute unto C, or 20. 24 Whose image, .hath it? They answ. . .C.'s 20. 25 Render, .unto C.the tilings which be C's 23. 2 found this., .forbidding to give, .to C. Johnig. 12 the Jews cried, .thou art not C.'s friend jg. 12 maketh himself a. .speaketh against C. 19. 15 priests answered. We have no king but C. Acts II. 28 great dearth, .in the days of Claudius [C] 17. 7 these all do contrary to the decrees of C. 25. 8 nor >et against C, have I offended any 25. 10 Then said Paul, I stand at C.'s judgment 25". II if there be none. .1 appeal unto C. 25. 12 Festus. .answered,Hast thou ap. unto C. 25. 21 to be kept till I. .send him to C. 26. 32 if he had not appealed nnto C. 27. 24 thou must be brought before C. : and, lo 28. 19 I was constrained to appeal unto C. PMl. 4. 22 saints salute you. .they.. of C.'shousehold Cffi-SAR-E'-A, Kaiiydpeia. A seaport on tlie Mediterranean, 70 miles N.W. of Jeru- salem, on the line of the great road from Tyre to Egypt, and midway between Joppa and Dora. Now entirely desolate. Csesarea was founded by Herod the Great B.C. 10, and named in honour of C;esar Augustus. Paul appeared before Felix, and was imprisoned ?.t Csesarea A.D. 58. It was made a metropolitan see at an early period. Councils were held here in 334 and 358. It must not, however, be confounded with Csesarea Philippi, another town in Palestine. Acts 8. 40 preached in all the cities, till he came toC. • 9. 30 they brought him doivn to C.,and sent him JO. I There was a certain man in C. called Cor. 10. 24 And the morrow after they entered into C. 11. II there were three men. .sent from C. 12. 19 And he went down from Judea to C. 18. 22 And when he had landed at C, and 21. 8 company departed, and came unto C. 21. 16 There went, .of the disciples of C 23. 23 ready two hundred soldiers to go to C. 23. 33 they came to C, and , .presented Paul 25. I after three days he ascended from C. to 25. 4 Paul should be kept at C, and that he 25. 6 tarried, .ten days, he went, unto C. 25. 13 Bernice came unto C. to salute Festus CE-SAR-E-A PHIL-IP'-PI,- Kaia-dptia v rod Iahalaleel, Jered Luke 3. 37 Maleleel, which was (the son) of C. 2. A son of Arphaxad, B.C. 2000. Luke 3. 36 Which was . . of C. CAKE — l.A perforated cake, nVn chaUah. Exod29. 2 cakes unleavened tempered with oil, and 29. 23 one loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled Lev. 2. 4 (it shall be) unleavened cakes of tine flour 7. 12 he shall offer, .unleavened cakes mingleil 7. 12 cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried 7. 13 Besides the cakes, he shall offer (for) his 8. 26 he took one unleavened cake, and a cake 34. 5 take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes 24. 5 two tenth deals shall be in one cake Num.6. 15 cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, and 6. i90ne unleavened cake out of the basket 15. 20 Ye shall offer up a cake of the first of J Sa. 6. 19 to every one a cake of bread, aud a good 2. Cake baked on hot stones, Jiyo maog. I Ki 17. 12 Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake S.Cake baked on hot stones, ."ijs;, .ijy lujaJi, ugc/ah. Evodi2. 39 they baked unleavened cakes of the Numii. 8 baked (it) in pans, and made cakes of it 1 Ki. 17. 13 butmakeme thereof a little cake first, and 19. 6 and, behold, .a cake baken on the coals F.ze. 4. 12 thou shalt eat it (as) barley cakes, and Hos. 7. 8 Ephraim is a cake not turned 4. Round cake, h'S^, '^I'j^ tselul, tselil. •Judg. 7. 13 a cake of barley bread tumbled into the 5. Cake of the unleavened dough, ^^^^ p'p"i reqiq^ I Ch. 23. 29 for the unleavened cakes, and for (that) CAKE of figs — Lump of dry figs, .i??^ dehelah. 1 Sa. 25. 18 two hundred cakes of figs, and laid (them) 30. 12 they gave him a piece of a cake of figs iCh. 12 40 (and) meat, meal, cakes of figs, aud bun. CAKB upon the hearth — Cake baked on hot stones, ."tjJJ ugah. Gen. 18. 6 knead, .and make cakes upon the hearth CAKES — X.Cakes (with marks on, them), D'3i3 kavvanim. Jer. 7. 18 the women knead, .dough, to make cakes 44. 19 did we make her cakes to worship her 2. Cakes [of the shape of a heart), nb?^ lebiboth. .2 Sa.13. 6 make me a couple of cakes in my sight 13. 8 she took flour, .and did bake the cakes 13. 10 Tamar took the cakes which she had CAKES, to make — , ^0 make cakes in the shape of a heart, 33S labab, 3. 2 Sa. 13. 8 and made cakes in his sight, and did bake CAKES, unleavened — Cake pressed out, .tito malsUah. Josh. 5. II unleavened cakes, and parched (corn) ia Judg. 6. ig unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour 6. 20 Take the flesh aud the unleavened cakes 6. 21 touched the flesh and theuuleavenedcakes 6. 21 consumed the flesh and the unleavened ca, CA'-LAH, nh^firm. One of the most ancient cities of Assyria. It was founded by .^sshur. The site is marked by the Nimnid ruins, wliich have furnished a large proportion of the Assyrian remains uow in Britain. It was the capital of the Assyrian empire (B.C. 930-720), and was the resi- dence of Sardanapalus and his successors down to the time of Sargon, who built a new capital, which he called by his own name, on the site of the modern KJiorsabad. Gen. 10. II Asshur. builded. the city. .C. 10. 12 And Kesen between Nineveh and C CALAMITY — l.Cataniilif, mist, vapour, TX ed. Deut 32. 35 for the day of their calamity (Is) at l)and 2 Sa. 22. 19 prevented me in the day of my calamity Psa 18. i3 They prevented me in. .day of my calam. Prov. 1. 26 I also will laugh at your calamity ; I will 6. IS Therefore shall his calamity come sud. 17. 5 he that is glad at calamities shall not 24. 22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly 27. 10 neither go .in the day of thy calamity Jer. 18. 17 I will show them, .day of their calamity 46. 21 the day of their calamity was come upon 48. 16 The calamity of J/oab (is) near to come 49. 8 I will bring the calamity of Esau upon 49. 32 I will bring their calamity from all sides Eze. 35. 5 shed (the blood), .in the time of their cal. 01)ad. 13, i3Thoushoulde5tnot. .in. theircalamity 2. Accident, misfortune, niri, mri havvah, hayyah. Job 6. 2 my calamity laid in the balances together 30. 13 They mar my path, .set forward my cal. Psa. 57. I make my refuge, until (these)calamitie3 Prov ig. 13 A foolish son (is) the calamity of his 3. Evil, bad, m ra. Psa 141. 5 my prayer also, .in their calamities CAlAlffUS — A reed, cane, njp qaneh. Exod3o. 23 sweet calamus two hundred and fifty Song 4. 14 Spikenard and saffron ; calamus and cin. Eze. 27. ig cassia, anilcalamus, were in thy market CAL'-COL, ^373 sustaining A son of Zerah, the son of Judah by his daughter-in-law Tamar, B.c 1680. See Chalcol, which in Hebrew is identical with Calcot. 1 Ch. 2. 6 sons of Zerah. .Heman, and C, and Dara CALDRON — 1. Caldron, I'lOJX agmon. Job 41. 20 (oui) of a seething pot or caldron 2. Kettle, basket, i" dud. 2 Ch. 35. 13 in caldrons, and in pans, and divided Z.Pot, TO' sir. Jer. 52. 18 The caldrons also, and the shovels, and 52. 19 fli'e pans, and the bowls, and the caldrons Eze. II. 3 this (city is) the caldron, and we (be) the II. 7 they (are) the flesh, .(city is) the caldron II. II This (city) shall not be your caldron i. Caldron, r\rS\i qallachath. I Sa. 2. 14 And he struck (it) into the. .caldron Mic. 3. 3 for the pot, and as flesh within the cald. CA'-LEB, aba bold, impetuous. 1. A son of Jephunneh, by which patronymic he is usually designated. He is mentioned among the chiefs sent to spy out Canaan, and with Joshua brought back a favourable report (B.C. 1650). He was a prince of Judah, as chief of the Hezronites, while Nahshon was Prince of the whole tribe. When 85 years of age be claimed possession of the land of the Anakims, Kirjath- arba or Hebron ami the neighbouring hill-country, which was granted, and he courageously took possession of it, driving out the three sons of Anak, B.C. 1600. Nura 13. 6 Of the tribe of Judah, C. the son of Jeph. 13. 30 And C. stilled the people before Moses 14. 6 Joshua.. and C. their clothes 14. 24 my servant C. . .him will I bring into the 14. 30 ye shall not come into the land, .save C. 14. 38 and C. the son of Jephunneh. .lived (still) 26. 65 there was not left a man. .save C- the 32. 12 Save C. the son of Jephunneh the Kene. 34. 19 Of the tribe of Judah, C. the sou of Jeph. Dent. I. 36 Save C. the son of Jephunneh ; he shall Josh.14. 6 C. the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite 14. 13 gave unto C. the son of Jephunneh Heb. 14. 14 Hebron, .became the inheritance of C. 15. 13 unto C. the son of Jephunneh he gave a 15. 14 C. drove thence the three sons of Anak 15: 16 Aud C. said. He that smiteth Kirjath. 15. 17 the son of Kenez, the brother of C, took 15. 18 and C. said unto her. What wouldest 21. 12 gave they to C. the son of Jephunneh Judg. I. 12 And C. said. He that smiteth Kirjath. I. 13 Othniel the son of Kenaz, C.'s younger I. 14 and C. said unto her, What wilt thou? 1. 15 C. gave her the upper springs and the I. 20 they gave Hebron unto C, as Moses 3. 9 Othniel the son of Kenaz, C."s younger 1 Sa 25. 3 (was) churlish.. and he.. of. house of C. 30 14 made an invasion (upou). the south of C. I Ch. 2! 46 Ephah, C.'s concubine, bare Harau. and g. 48 Maachah, C.'s concubine, bare Sheber I Ch. 2. 49 and the daughter of C. (was) Aclisa 4. 15 suns of C. the son of Jephunneh ; Iru 6. 56 they gave to C. the son of Jephunneh 2. Son of Hezron son of Vharez son of JQdah, and father of Hur by Ephrath or Ephratah, and so grandfather of Caleb the spy (No. i.) There is some confusion about this Caleb. B.C. 1530-1430. I Ch. 2. 18 And C. the son of Hezron begat, .of Azu. 2. 19 C. took unto him Ephrath, which bare 2 42 the sons of C. the brother of Jerahmcel 3. Son of Hur son of Caleb (No. 2.) B.C. 1300. I Ch. 2. 50 These were the sons of C. the son of Hn* CA-LEB EPH-RA'-TAH, nrntK jIjti. A place near Belhlehem-Judah', supposed to have been named after Caleb and his wife Ephratah. I Cli. a. 24 after that Hezron was dead in C.-e. CALF — Calf, the young of theherd, fed on milk and the branches of trees, fattened in stalls, offered in sacrifice when a. year old, and considered a delicacy. It was worshipped in Egypt, which induced the impatient Israelites to demand that Aaron should make one that should go before them. This he did of the women's ornaments. It was molten in the fire, fashioned with a graving tool, an altar built to it, and worshipped with revelry. Jeroboam (B.C. 970) made two of gold, which he placed in Bethel and Dan, the extreme limits of his kingdom, appointed priests, built altars, and offered sacrifices. This, though denounced by a prophet, was carried on by every succeeding king of Israel, and became the great- sin of Israel, for which they were punished, carried into Assyria, and finally perished in obUv,iou. \.Son of tlie herd, ip?"!! ben baqar. Gen. 18. 7 fetched a calf tender and good, and gava 18. 8 the calf which he had dressed, and set (it) I Sa. 14. 32 took sheep, and oien, and calves, and 2. Calf, heifer, Sjy egel. Exod32. 4 afte'r he had made it a molten calf 32. 8 they have made them a molten calf, and 32. 19 as soon as he came nigh.. he saw the caU 32. 20 took the calf which they had made, and 32. 24 I cast it. .and there came out this calf 32. 35 because Ihey made the calf which Aaron Lev. 9. 3 a calf and a lamb, (both) of the first year g. 8 slew the calf of the sin-oH^cring which Deut. 9. 16 (and) had made you a molten calf 9. 21 I took your sin, the calf which ye had I Sa. 28. 24 the women had a fat calf in the house 1 K.i.12. 28 made two calves (of) gold, and said unto 12. 32 sacrificing unto the calves that he had 2 29 (to wit), the golden calves that (were) in 17. 16 made them molten images, .two calves 2 Ch. II. 15 and for the calves which he had made 13. 8 (there are) with you golden calves, which Neh. 9. 18 when tlieyhad made them a molten calf Psa. 29. 6 He maketh them also to skip like a calf 68. 30 the multitude of the bulls, with the calves' ic6. 19 They made a calf in Horeb. .worshipped Isa. II. 6 the calf and the young lion and the 27. 10 there shall the calf feed, and there shaB Jer. 34. 18 when they cut the calf in twain, and 34. 19 which passed between, .parts of the call Eze. I. 7 their feet (was) like the sole of a calf's Hos. 8. 5 Thy calf, Samaria, hath cast (thee) off 8. 6 the calf of Samaria shall be broken in 13. 2 Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves Amos 6. 4 the calves out of the midst of the stall Mic. 6. 6 shall I come before him. .with calves ol Mai. 4. 2 and grow up as calves of the stall 3. Calf, .-1^:5; eglah. Hos. 10. 5 inhabitants. .shall fear becauseof..calve3 i.A young bull, ]jrodu epikaleo. 2 Co. 1. 23 Moreover X call God for a record upon 8. To say, speak, ipZ ero. John 15. IS but I nave called you friends ; for all 9. To call, name, Ka\eti> kaleo. Matt. I. 21 thou shalt call his name Jesus ; for he I. 23 and they shall call his name Emmanuel Matt. I as her first bom son : and he called his 2. 7 when he had privily called the, wise men 2. IS Out of Egypt have I called my sou «. 21 he saw other two brethren., and he called 9. 13 for I am not come to call the rigliteoua 10. 25 If they have called the master of the 2o. 8 Call the labourers, and give them (their) 22. 3 sent forth his servants to call them that 22. 43 How then doth David in spirit call him 22. 45 If David then call him Lord, how is he 23. 9 call no (man) your father upon the earth 25. 14 (who) called his own servants, and ' Mark i. 20 straightway he called them : and they 2. 17 I came not to call the righteous, but Luke r. 13 and thou shalt call his name John I. 31 bring forth a son, and shalt call his name I. 59 they called him Zacharias, after.. his 5. 32 I came not to call the righteous, but 6. 46 why call ye me. Lord, Lord, and do not 14. 13 call the poor, the maimed, the lame, tho 19. 13 he called his ten servants, and delivered 20. 44 David therefore calleth him Lord, how is Johnio. 3 he calleth his own sheep by narae, and Acts 4. 18 they called them, and commanded thera 14. 12 they called Barnabas, Jupiter ; and Paul Bom. 4. 17 who quickeneth the dead, and calleth 8. 30 whom he did. .them he also called 8. 30 whom he called, them he also justified g. II not of works, but of him that calleth 9. 24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of 9. 23 I will call them my people, which were I Co. 7. IS but God hath called us to peace 7. 17 as the Lord hath called every one. Bo let Gal. I. 6 soon removed from him that called you 1. IS it pleased God. .and called (me) by his 5. 8 persua3iOD(cometh)notofhimthatcalIeth 1 Th. 2. 12 God, who hath called you unto his king. 4. 7 God hath not called lis unto uncleanneas 5. 24 Faithful fis) he that calleth you, who a Th. 2. 14 Whereunto he by our gospel 2 Ti. I. 9 Who hath saved us, and called (us) with. Heb. 2. II he is not ashamed to call them brethren 1 Pe. 1. 15 he which hath called you is holy, so be 2. 9 of him who hath called you out of dark. 3. 6 as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him J. 10 who hath called us unto his eternal glory 2 Pe. I. 3 him that hath called us to glory and 10. To lay out in order, collect, say, Kiya lego, Mattig. 17 he said unto him, Why callest thou me Mark JO. 18 Jesus said. .Why callest thou me good ? 12. 37 David therefore himself calleth him Lord 15. 12 (unto him) whom ye call the King of the LukeiS. 19 Jesus said. .Why callest thou me good ? 20. 37 he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham Johnis. IS Henceforth I call you not servants Acts 10. 28 that I should not call any man common 24. 14 after the way which they call heresy, so £ev. 2. 20 Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophet. 11. To call after to oneself, fieraKaKea. Acts 20. 17 and called the elders of the church I2.T0 use a name, bvoni^a onomazo. Acts ig. 13 to call over them which had evil spirits 3.3. To call toward, wpoffKaXeu proskaleo. Mattis. 10 he called the multitude, and said unto 18. 32 his lord, after that he had called hira lukeis- 26 he called one of the servants^ and asked Acts 2. 39 as many as the lord our God shall call 5. 40 when they had called the apostles, and 16. 10 the Lord had called us for to preach the 14.2b sound, cry, epikaleO. Acta 2. 21 whosoever shall call on the name of the 9. 14 to bind all that call on thy name 9. 21 which called on this name in Jerusalem 22. 16 wash away thy sins, calling on the name Kora 10. 14 they call on him in whom they have not 2 Ti. 2. 22 peace, with them that call on the Lord 1 Pe. I. 17 if ye call on the Father, who without CALL selves, to — To be called, «"!i3 qara, 2. Isa. 48. 2 For they call themselves of the holy city CALL (to mind), to — To cav^e to turn back, alB* shvb, 5. Deut 30. I and thou shalt call (them) to mli^d among CALL to, to — l.To receive, take, Ka/i$di/a lambanO. 2Ti I. 5 I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith 2.T0 sound toward, 7rpo(Tipo>vl sunatkroizd. Acts 19. 25 Whom he called together with the work. CALL unto, to — To sound toward, ir po(T(pa)ve(i> prosph6ne5. Mattii. 16 like unto children sitting, .calling unto CALL unto (one), to — I.jTo call toward, it pooKoKia proskaleo. Mattio. I when he had called unto (him) his twelve 15. 32 Then Jesus called his disciples (unto him) 18. 2 Jesus called a little child unto him 20. 2s But Jesus called them (unto him), and Mark 3. 13 goeth. .into amountain.and calleth (imto) 3. 23 he called them ^unto him), and said 6. 7 he called (unto him) the twelve, and 7. 14 when he had called aU tho people (unto) 8. I Jesus called his disciples (unto him) 8. 34 he had called the people (unto him), with 12. 43 he called (unto him) his disciples, and 15. 44 Pilate, .calling (unto him) the centurion Luke 7. 19 John calling (unto him) two. .sent (them) 16. 5 called everyione of . .lord's debtors (unto) 18. 16 But Jesus called them (unto him), and Acts 6. 2 the twelve called the multitude.. (unto) 20. I Paul called unto (hira) the disciples, and 2-i. 17 Paul called one of the centurions unto 18 CALL 138 CALM Acts 23. 18 Paul the prisoner called me iioto (him) 23. 23 he called unto (liim) two centurions 2.T0 3mnd iouiard, -npoacpuveu: prosphoneo. Luke 6. 13 when it was day, he called (uuto him) his CALL upon, to — l.Tu call, K";p qara. Psa. 3r. 17 Let me nofbe ashamed..! have called up. so. 15 call upon me in the day of trouble ; I will 55. 16 As for me, I will call upon God ; and the 86. 7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon 83. 9 Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I gi. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer 145. 18 LoRi>(is)nighunto all them thatcall upon Prov. I. 28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will Lam. 3. 57 Thoudrewestnearintheday..Icalledup. 2.T0 call upon, eTTi/caXfa) epikaleo. Acts 7. 59 they stoned Stephen, calling upon (God) ilom 10. (2 the same Lord .. unto all that call upon 10. 13 whosoever shall call upon the name of « Co. I. 2 with all that in every place call upon the CALL whereunto, to — To call toward, TrpoffKaKew proskalco. Acts 13. 2 for the work whereunto 1 have calledi CALLED — 1. Called, invited, kXtjtSs kletos. Matt2o. 16 [for many be called, but few chosen] 22. 14 For many are called, but few (are) chosen Rom, I. I Paul, a servant, .called (to be) an apostle I. 6 Among whom are yc also the called of I. 7 To all that be in Rome, .called (to be) 8. 28 to them who are the called according to I Co. I. I Paul, [called] (to be) an apostle of Jesus I. 2 that are sanctified, .called (to be) saints 1. 24 But unto them which are called, both Jude I to them that are sanctified, .(and) called Rev. tj. 14 they that are with him (are) called, and 2. Tliat is, & dcrri ho esti. Marki5. 16 soldiers ledhltn away into the hall called i.Name, oyofia onoma. Luke 24. 13 two of them went, .to a village called Acts 8. 9 there was a certain mau called Simon 9 n enquire, .for (one) called Saul, of Tarsus 10. I There was a certain man . . called Cornelius CALLED, to be — \.To he said, iDx amor, 2. Gen. 32. 28 Thy name shall be called no more Jacob Isa. 4. 3 (he that) remaineth. .shall be called "holy ig. 18 one shall be called. The city of destruo. Jer. 7. 32 that it shall no more be called Tophet ' 2. 7*0 call, K"ii3 qara. Gen. 16. 14 the well was called Beer-lahai-rol jg. 22 the name of the city was called Zoap 35. 26 and hiu-name was called Jacob 25. 30 (am) faint : therefore was his name called ag. 34 therefore was his name called Levi 31. 48 Thereforewas the name of itcalled Galeed 33. 17 the name of the place is called Succoth 35. 8 the name of it was called Allon-bachuth .38. 29 therefore his name was called Pharez 38. 30 and his name was called Zarah • 50. II the name of it was called'A bel-mizraim Exodi5. 23 therefore the name of it was called Num 13. 24 The place was called the brook Eshcol Deut.15. 2 because it is called the Lord's release Josh. 5. g the name of the place is called'Gilgal 7. 26 the name of that place was called. The Judg. I. 17 the name of the city was called Hormah 10. 4 they had thirty cities, which are called 2 Sa. 15. II two hundred men. .(that wei-e) called iCh. 13. II that place is called Perez-uzza to this aCh. 20. 26 the same place was called. The valley oJ Prov 24. 8 He that deviseth. .evil shall be called Isa. 47. I for thou shalt no more be called tender 47. 5 for thou Shalt no more be called, The Oer. 23. 6 he shall be called. The Lord our Right. 33. 16 she shall be called. The LoEDour Right. 3. To "be called, n-;^ qara, 2. Gen. 2. 23 she shall be called Woman, because she 17.. 5 Neithershall thy nameanymorebecalled 21; 12 for in Isaac shall thy seed be called 35. 10 thy name shall not be called any more J'. 48, 6 shall be called after the name of their Deut. 3. 13 ail Bashan, which was called the land 25. 10 And his name shall be called in Israel 28. 10 thou art called by the name of tl)e Lord I Sa. 9. g a Prophet was beforetime called 3 Seer a Sa. 6. 2 whose name is called by the name of The j2. 28 I take the city, and it be called after my 18. 18 it is called unto this day, Absalom's » Kl. 8. 43 that this house . . is called by thy name iCh. 13. 6 fbetweeu) the cherubim, Whose name is c. a Ch. 6. 33 this house, which I have built, is called 7. 14 Irm/people, which are called by my name Ezra 2. 61 Barzillai..v/as called after their name Neh, 7. 63 Barzillai. . was called after their name Esth. 2. 14 the king delighted .that she Were called 3. 12 the king's scribes called on the thirteenth 4. II come unto the king. . who is not called 4. II I have not been called to come in unto 8. g the king's scribes called at that time in PIWJ6. ai The wise in heart shall be called prudent laa, 1. s6 thou Shalt be called. The city of right. 4. I only let us be called by thy came, to take e/ s ^0 vUe j^ef soa ehall ^9 no mors called Isa. 35- 8 highway shall be. .and it shall be called 43. 7 every one that is called by my name 48. I Hear ye this, .which are called by the 54. 5 God of the whole earth shall he be caUed 56. 7 mine house shall be called an house 62. 4 but thou Shalt be called Hephzi-bah 62. 12 thou shalt be called. Sought out, A city .63. 19 they were not called by thy name Jer. 7.10, It, 14, 30 house, which is called by my 14. 9 we are called by thy name ; leave us not 15. 16 for I am called by thy name, Lokd 19. 6 this place shall no more be called Tophet 25. 2g on the city which is called by my name 32. 34 in the house which is called by my name 34. 15 in the house which is called by my name Eze. 20. 29 the name thereof is called Bamah uuto Dan. g. 18 the city which is called by thy name 9. 19 and thy people are called by thy name TO. I unto Daniel, whose name was called Amos 9. 12 all the heathen, which are called by my Zech. 8. 3 Jerusalem shall be called, A city of truth 4.T0 be called, xiiJ qara, 4. Isa. 48. 8 wast called a transgressor from the womb 48. 12 O Jacob and Israel, _my called ; I (am) he 58. 12 thou shalt be called. The repairer of the 61. 3 they might be called Trees of righteous. 62. 2 thou shalt be called by a new name 65. I Behold me . .nation (that) was not called 5.T0 be called, n'lp qara, 2. Dan. 5. 12 now let Daniel be called, and he v/ill 6. To be called, KaX^o/ kaleomai. Matt. 2. 23 He shall lie called a JNazarene 5. 9 they shall be called the children of God 5. 19 he shall be called . .least in the kingdom 5. 19 shall be called great in the kingdom of 21. 13 My house shall be called the house of 23. 7 and to be called of men, Eabbi, Rabbi 23. 8 But be jaot ye called Rabbi ; for one is 23. 10 Neither be ye called masters : for one is , 27. 8 that field was called. The field of blood Markii. 17 My house shall be called of all nations Luke I. 32 shall be called the Son of the Highest ■■ I. 35 that holy thing .shall becalled theSonof I. 36 sixth mouth with her, who was called I. 60 said, Not (so) ; but he shall be called John I. 61 none of thy kindred that is called by I. 62 made signs, .he would have him called 1. 76 thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet 2. 4 city of David, which is called Bethlehem 2. 21 his name was called Jesus, which was so 2. 23 Every male, .shall be called holy to the 6. 15 (son)of Alpheus,.and Simon called Zelotes 7. II that he went into a city called Nain ; and 8. 2 Mary called .Magdalene, out of whom g. 10 belonging to the city called Bethsaida 10. 39 she had a sister called Mary, which 15. ig, 21 am no more worthy to be called thy '19. 29 the mount called (the mount) of Olives 21. 37 mount that is called (the mount) of Olives 22. 25 they that exercise, .are called benefactors 23. 33 the place which is called Calvary Jphn I. 42 thou shalt be called Cephas, which 2. 2 both Jesus was called, and his disciples Acta 1. 12 from the mount called Olivet, which .1. 19 that field is called in their proper tongue I. 23 Joseph called Barsabas, who was 3. II in the porch that is called Solomon's 9. II the street which is called Straight, and 10. I a centurion of the band called the Italian 03. 1 Simeon that was called Niger, and 34. 12 they called Barnabas, Jupiter ; and 27. 8 a place which is called the Fair Havens 27. 14 a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon 27. 16 a certain island which is called Clauda 28. I knew that the island was called Melita Rom. g. 7 but. In Isaac shall thy seed be called g. 26_there shall they be called the children of I Co. I. o by whom ye were called unto the fellow. 7. 18 Is any man called being circumcised? 7. 18 Is any called in uncircumcision? let 7. 20 the same calling wherein he was called 7. 21 Art thou called (being) a servant? care 7. 22 For he that is called in the Lord, (being) 7. 22 likewise also he that is called, (being) 7. 24 wherein he is called, therein ab.'de 15. g that am not meet to be called an apostle Gal. 5. 13 ye have been called unto liberty ; only Eph. 4. . I of the vocation wherewith ye are called 4. 4 even as ye are called in one hope of your Col. 3. 15 to the v/hich also ye are called in one J Ti. 6. 12 whereunto thou art also called, and Heb. 3. 13 exhort. . while it is called To day ; lest 5. 4 he that is called of God, as (was) Aaron g. IS they which are called might receive the 11. 8 Abraham, when. he was called to go out II. 18 That in Isaac shall thy seed be called, Jas 2. 33 and he was called the Friend of God 1 Pe. 2. 21 For! .hereunto were ye called ; because 3. g knowing that ye are thereunto called I Jo. 3. I we should becalled the sons of God ! Rev. I. g was in the isle that is called Pafrmos, for 11. 8 which spiritually is called Sodom and 12. 9 that old serpent, called the Devil, and 16. 16 a place called in the Hebrew tongue ig. g Blessed (are) they which are called unto 19. II he that sat upon him (was) called ig. 13 his name ia called The Word of God T.To lay out, collect, say, \Syu lego. Matt. 1. 16 \/aa bora Jesus, wbo is called ChriaS % Matt. 2. 23 came and dwelt in a city called jVazaretli 4. 18 Simon called Peter, and Andrew his 10. 2 The first, Simon, who is called Peter 13. 55 is not his mother called Mary? and his 26. 3 the high priest, who was called Caiaphas 26. 14 one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot 26. 36 unto a place called Gethsemane, and 27. 16 a notable prisoner, called Barabbas 27. 17 Barabbas, "or Jesus which is called Christ 27. 22 I do then with Jesus which is called 27. 33 were come unto a place called Golgotha Luke22. I the feast, .which is called the Passover 22. 47 he that was called Judas, one of the John 4. 5 a city of Samaria, which is called .Sychar 4. 25 Messias cometh, which is called Christ g. iz A man that is called Jesus made clay 11. 16 said Thomas, which is called Didymus II. 54 into a city called Ephraim, and there 19. 13 in a place that is called the Pavement 19. 17 into a place called (the place) of a skull 19. 17 which is called in the Hebrew, Golgotha 21. 2 Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael Acts 3. 2 of the temple which is called Beautiful 6. g which is called (the synagogue) of the g. 36 which by interpretation is called Dorcas 1 Co. 8. 5 For though there be that are ca"lled gods Eph. 2. II who are called Uncircumcision by that 2. II which is called the Circumcision in Col. 4, II Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of 2 Th. 2. 4 himself above all that is called God Heb. 7. II not bo called after the order of Aaron? 9. 2 showbread; v/hich is called the Sanctuary g. 3 tabernacle which is called the Holiest II. 24 Moses, .refused to be called the sow of Rev. 8. II the name of the star is called Wormwood 9. To call upon, iiriKaKew epikaleo. Heb. II. 16 God is not ashamed to be called their 10. ro use a name on, e7rovo/xd(a> eponomazo. Rom. 2. 17 Behold, thou art called a Jew, andrestest 11. 7*0 use a name, ovofii^o} onomazo. I Co. 5. It if any man that is called a brother be 12. To address publicly, -irpoirayopevw prosarjnreuo. Heb. 5. 10 Called of God an High Priest after the 13. To sound, cry, (poiuicti phoneo. Mark 10. 49 and commanded him to be called Luke 19. 15 he commanded these servants to bewailed CALLED (a christian, an adulteress), to be — To declare by an oracle, xp')M='''''f'" chrematizo. Acts II. 26 the disciples were called Christians Rom. 7. 3 she shall be called an adulteress CALLED, falsely so — Falsely nartied, t^evScivv/Hos pseudonumos. I Ti. 6. 2o oppositions of science falsely so callod CALLED by, to be — To call upon, SiriKaXia epikaleo. Jas. 2. 7 worthy name by the which ye are called ? CALLED upon, to be — To call upon, 'eirtKaXed) epikaleo. Acts 15. 17 upon whom my name is called, saith th» CALLED forth, to be — l.To be called, n"1|3 qara., 2. Isa. 31. 4 a multitude of shepherds is called forth 2.T0 be called, KaXeofiai kaleomai. A^ts 24. 2 when he was called forth, Tertullus began CALLED together, to be — l.To be cried. to for help, pU] zaaq, 2. Josh. 8. 16 all the people, .in Ai were called togeth. 2. To be cried to for help, pim tsaaq, 2. 1 Sa. 13. 4 the people were called together after Saul CALLING — l.Calling, N")pp miqra. Numio. 2 thoumayestusethemforthecalliDgof tlio 2. To call, KIP qara. Isa. 1. 13 new moons and sabbaths, the calling of ^.Calling, K\fjvith great care, esteemed a valuable prize, yet liable to plagues. A coarse cloth was made of its hair and used by the poor. l.Camel, Vi?a gamal. Gen. 12. 16 maid servants, and she asses, and camels 24. 10 the servant took ten camels of the camels 04. II made his camels to kneel down without 04. 14 and I ^vill give thy camels drink also t4. 19 I will draw (water) for thy camels, also 124. 20 she hasted, .and drew for all his camels 34. 22 it came to pass, as the camels had 24. 30 behold, he stood by the camels at the 24. 31 prepared, .room for the camels 24. 32 man came. , and he ungirded his camels 34. 32 gave straw and provender for the camels 24. 35 and maid servants, and camels, and 04. 44 and I v/ill also draw for thy camels B4. 46 and I will give thy camels drink also 24. 46 and she made the camels drink also 04. 61 they rode upon the camels, and followed 04. 63 and, behold, the camels (ivere) coming 24. 64 when she saw. .she lighted off the camel 50. 43 men servants, and camels, and asses 31. 17 and set his. .wves upon camels 31. 34 Kachel. .puttheminthecamel'sfurniture 32. 7 and the flocks, and herds, and the camels 32. IS Thirty milch camels with their colts 37. 25 with their camels bearing spicei-y E.'Cod.9. 3 horses, upon the asses, upon the camels Lev. 11. 4 the camel, because he cheweth the cud Deuti4. 7 the camel, and the hare, and the coney Judg. 6. s they and their camels were without num. 7. 12 their camels (were) without number 8. 21 ornaments that (were) on tr.eir camel's 8. 26 chains that (were) about their camel's 1 Sa.15. 3 suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass 27. 9 took away the sheep . .and the camels 30. 17 hundred young men, which rode, .camels 1 Ki. 10. 2 camels bare spices, and very much 2 Ki. 8. 9 forty camels' burden.. stood before him I Ch 5. 21 they took away their, .camels fifty thou. J2. 40 brought bread on asses, and on camels e;. 30 Over the camels also (was) Obil the Ish. 2 Ch. g. 1 camels that bare spices, and gold in 14. 15 Tliey.. carried away siieep and camels Ezra 2 67 Their camels, four hundred thirty and Neh. 7. 69 camels, four hundred thirty and five Job I. 3 substance.. was.. three thousand camels 1. 17 TheChaIdean3..felluponthe camels, and 42. 12 he had. .sheep, and six thousand camels Isa. 21. 7 chariot of asses, (and) a chariot of camels 30. 6 carry .. their treasures upon . . camels 60. 6 The multitude of camels shall cover thee Jer. 49. 29 all their vessels, and their camels 49. 32 And their camels shall be a booty, and Eze. 25 s I will make Kabbah a stable for camels Zcch 14. 15 the plague of the. .camel, .shall be in 2.Caviel, Kdfi-i]\os kamilos. Matt. 3. 4 John had his raiment of camel's hair 19. 24 a camel to go through the eye of a needle 23. 24 strain at a knat, and swallow a camel Mark i. 6 John was clothed witli camel's hair, and 10. 25 a camel to go through the eye of a needle LukeiS. 25 for a camel to go through a needle's eye CAMELS — Dromedary, □•j-i^?'nN achashteranim, Esth. 8. 10 on riiule's, camels, young dromedaries 8, 14 (So) the posts that rode upon, .camels CA'-MON, JiDi'i standing place. A town in Gilead. Judg 10. 5 And Jair died, and was buried In C. CAMP — I.Camp, encampment, njno machanek. Exodi4. 19 angel, .which went before the camp 14. 20 camp of the Egyptians and the camp of 16. 13 the quails came up, and covered the camp 19. i5 all the people that (was) in the camp 19. 17 brought forth the people out of the camp eg. 14 shalltiioubiyn with fire withoutthe camp 32. 17 (There is) a noise of war in the camp 32. 19 as soou as he came nigh unto the camp 32. 26 Then Jloses stood iji the gate of the camp 32. 27 go inandout..throughoi!t the camp, and 33. 7 took, .and pitched it without the camp 33. 7 off from the camp.. without the camp 33. II And he turned again into the camp : but 36. 6 proclaimed throughout the camp, saying Lev. 4. 12 shall he carry forth without the camji 4. 21 carry forth the bullock without the camp 6 II carry forth the ashes without the camp 8. 17 he burnt with fire without the camp ; as g. 11 he burnt with Are without the camp 10. 4 from before the sanctuary out of . .camp «o. 5 and carried them.. out of the camp ; as 13. 46 without the camp (shall) his habitation 14. 3 the priest shall go forth out of the camp 14. 8 after that he shali come into the camp" 16. 26 and afterv.'ard come into the camp 16. 27 shall (one) carry forth without the camp 16. 28 afterward he shall come into the camp 17. 3 in the camp, .out of the camp 24. 10 and a man of Israel strove, .in the camp 24. 14 him that hath cursed without the camp 24. 23 him that had cursed out of the camp Num. I. 52 their teats, every man by his own camp 2. 3 the camp of -Tudah pitch, throughout a. g All. . were numberedinthecampofJudah a. 10 the south side, .the standard of the camp 2. 16 All. .were numbered in the camp of Eeub. 2. 17 set forward with the camp c. 17 the Levites in the midst of the camp-: as 2. 18 the west side, .the standard of the camp e. 24 All. .were numbered of the camp of Eph. B. 25 The standard of the camp of Dan s. 31 they that were numbered in the camp of B. 32 those that were numbered of the camps 4, 5 when the camp setteth forward, Aaron 4. 15 as the camp is to set forward ; after that 5. 2 that tliey put out of the camp every leper S. 3 without the camp shall ye put them S. 3 that they defile not their camps, in the 5. 4 and put them out without the camp : as 10. 2 trumpets.. forthejoumeyingofthecamps 10. s the camps that lie on the east parts shall 10. 6 then the camps that lie on the south side 10. 14 the first, .went the standard of the camp 10. i8 standard of the camp of Reuben set for. 10. 22 camp of the children of Ephraim set for. 10. 25 camp of the children of Dan set forward 10. 2$ all the camps throughout their hosts 10. 34 when they went out of the camp 11. I in the uttermost parts of the camp II. 9 dew fell upon the camp in the night II, 26 there remained two. .men in the camp II. 26 and they prophesied in the camp II. 27 Eldad and Medaddoprophesy in thecamp II. 30 Moses gat him into the camp, he and the It 31 and let (them) fall by the camp, as it II. 31 the other side, round about the camp 11. 32 they spread (them) all. .about the camp 12. 14 let her be chut out from the camp seven 12. 15 Miriam was shut out from the camp 14. 44 and Moses, departed not out of the camp 15. 35 stone him with stones without the camp 15. 35 congregation brought, .without the camp 19, 3 he may bring her forth without the camp 19. 7 afterward he shall com.e into the camp 19. 9 lay (them) up without the camp in a 31. 12 unto the camp at the plains of Moab 31. 13 forth, to meet them v.'ithout the camp 31. 19 do ye abide without the carap seven days 31. 24 afterward ye shall como into the camp Deut23. 10 then shall he go abroad out of the camp 23.10 he shall not come within the camp 23. 11 he shall come into the camp (ayain) 23. 12 Thou Shalt have a place, without, camp 23. 14 God walketh in the midst of thy camp 23. 14 therefore shall thy camp be holy 29. u and thy stranger that (is) in thy camp Josh. 5. 8 they abode in their places in the camp 6. II came into the camp, and lodged.. camp 6. 14 returned into the camp : so they did six 6. i3 majp the camp of Israel a curse, and 6. 23 and left them without the camp of Israel 9. 6 they went to Joshua unto the camp at 10. 6 the men. .sent unto Joshua to the camp 10. 15,43 Joshua returned.. unto the camp to 10. 21 all the people returned to the camp to Judg. 7. 17 when I come to the outside of the camp 7. 18 on every side of all the camp, and say 7. 19 came unto the outside of the camp in the 7. 21 every man in his place, .about the camp 13. 25 began to move him at times in the camp 21. B behold, there came none to the camp from 21. 12 they brought them unto the camp toS. I Sa. 4. 3 when the people were come into the camp 4. 5 the ark. .of theLORDcame into the camp 4. 6 What(meaneth)..grcatshoutin thecamp 4. 6 ark of the Lord was come into the camp 4. 7 for they said, God is come into the camp 13. 17 the spoilers came out of the camp of tha 14. 21 went up with them Into the camp (from) 17. 4 there went out a champion out of. .camp 17. 17 and run to the camp to thy brethren 26. 6 Who will go down with me. .to the campt a Sa. 1.2 a roan came out of the camp from Saul I. 3 Out of the camp of Israel ajn 1 escaped 1 KI. 16. 16 all.. made Omri..king..iu the camp 2 Ki. 3. 24 when they came to the camp of Israel 7. 5 they rose up .. to go unto the camp of tho 7. 5 come to the uttermost part of the camp 7. 7 left their tents, and., the camp as it (was) 7. 10 We came to the camp of the Syrians, and 7. 12 are they gone out of the camp to hide 19. 35 In the camp of the -Assyrians an hundred 2 Ch.22. I the Arabians to the camp had slain all 32. 21 in the camp of the king of Assyria Psa. 78. 28 he let (it) fall in the midst of their camp 106. 16 They envied Moses also in the camp Isa. 37. 36 angel of the Lord, .smote in the camp Eze. 4. 2 set the camp also against it, and set Joel 2. II his camp(is) very great : for (he is)strons Amos 4. 10 made the stink of your camps to come up 2. Place of encampment, nJnn tahanoth. 2 KL 6. 8 In such and such a place, .my camp Z.A camp, a putting in alongside, Trape/ij3o\l7. Heb. 13. II the bodies, .are burnt without the camp 13. 13 go forth, .unto him without the camp Hev. 20. 9 compassed the camp of the saints about CAMP, to- re incline, recline, settle down, mn chanak. Exodig. 2 there Israel camped before the mounfc Isa. 29. 3 I willcamp against thee round about Jer. 50. 29 camp against it round about ; let none , Kah. 3. 17 grasshoppers, which carap in the hedges CAHPHIHE — Camphire, a shrub like privet, "eii kopher. Song 1. 14 My beIoved(is)..(as)aclusterof camphiro 4. 13 pleasant fruits ; camphire.. spikenard CAN, CANNOT — 1. There is not thai, 'i "fi'N kS la ithai di. Dan. 4. 35 none can stay his hand, or say unto him 2. Not to be able, '?3; ti^ lo yakol. Gen. 13. 16 if a man can number the dust of the earth 19. 19 I cannot escape to the mountain, lest 19. 22 I cannot do any thing till thou be come 24. 50 v/e carmot speak unto thee bad or good B9. 8 We cannot, until all the flocksbe gathered 31. 35 my lord . . I cannot rise up before thee 34. 14 they said..V/e cannot do this thing, to 44. I food, as much as they can carry, and put 44. 22 The lad cannot leave his father : for 44. 26 And we said. We cannot go down : If our Exodio. 5 that one cannot be able to see the earth 19. 23 The people cannot come up. .Sinai 33. 20 he said, Thou canst not see my face : for Num22. 18 I cannot go beyond the word of the LOFD 24. 13 I cannot go beyond the commandment of Deut. 7. 17 Thesenations..howcauIdispo5sessthemt 28. 27 the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed 28. 35 with a sore botch that cannot be healed 31. 2 I can no more go out and come fna Josh. 7. 13 thou canst notstand before thine enemies 24. 19 Joshua said. .Ye cannot serve the Lord Judg 11. 35 I have opened my mouth, and I canuot 14. 13 But if ye cannot declare (it) me, then fiuth 4. 6 I cannot redeem (it) for myself, lest I 4, 6 redeem thou my right, .for I cannot 1 Sa. 17. 39 David said unto Saul, I cannot go, with z Sa. 12. 23 should I fast ? can I bring him bach again Neh. 6. 3 so that I cannot come down : why should Esth. 8. 6 how can I endure to see the evil that 8. 6 how can I endure to see the destruction Job 4. 2 whocanwithholdhimselffromspeaking? 33 s If thou canst answer me, set (thy words) 42. 2 I know that thou canst do every (thing) Fsa. 78. 19 CauGodfumish a table in the wildcrnesst 78. 20 can he give bread . . for his people 1 139. 6 it is high, I cannot (attain) unto St CAN 140 CANAAN Prov.3a 21 and for four (which) it cannot bear EccL I. 8 things (are) full of labour, man cannot 1. 13 (which is)crooked cannot be made straight I. IS that whichiswauting cannot benumbered 7. 13 who can make (that) straiglit which he 8. 17 a man cannot find out the work that is Song 8. 7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither Isa. 29. II and he saith, I cannot ; for it (is) sealed 56. JO they (are) all dumb dogs, they cannot 57. 20 like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest 59. 14 truth is fallen, .and equity cannot enter Jer. 6. 10 uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken 14. 9 as a mighty man (that) cannot save ? yet 18. 6 cannot I dowithyou asthispotter? saith ig. II a potter's vessel, that cannot be made 36. 5 I cannot go into the house of the Lord 38. 5 not (he that) can do (any) thing against 49. 23 sorrow on the sea ; it cannot be quiet Dan. lo. 17 how can the servant of this my lord talk Hab. 1. 13 (Thou art) of purer eyes, .and canst not S.To be able, S>?; yekil. Dan. 2. 10 There is not a man. .that can show the 2. 27 cannot the wise (men), .show unto the 3. 29 no other God. .can deliver after this sort 5. 16 now if thou caust read the writing, and S. 16 that thou caust make iaterpretatious 4.2*0 lem-n to know, jIvoxtkui ginosho. Matt 16. 3 ye can discern the face of the sky ; but Acts 21. 37 Who said. Canst thou speak Greek? 5.7*0 be able, have power, Svi/afxat dunamai. Matt. 5. 14 A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid 5. 36 thou canst not make one hair white or 6. 24 No man can serve two masters : for either 6. 24 Ye cannot serve God and mammon 6. 27 Whichof you, by taking thought, can add 7. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit 8. 2 Lord, if thou wilt, thou caust make me g. IS Can the children of the bride chamber 12. 29 how can one enter into a strong man's 12. 34 how can ye, being evil, speak good things? 16. 3 can ye not(discern)the signs of the times? 17. 16 I brought him. .and they could not cui'e 17. 19 and said, Why could not we cast him out ? 19. 25 amazed, saying. Who theu can be saved? 26. S3 that I cannot now pray to my Father, and 27. 42 Ho saved others ; himself he cannot save Mark i. 4a If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean 1. 45 Jesus could no more openly enter into 2. 4 they could not come nigh unto him for B. 7 who can forgive sins but God only ? 2. ig Can the children of the bride chamber 2. 19 [the bridegroom with them, they cannot] 3. 20 they could not so much as eat bread 3. 23 How can Satan cast out Satan? 3. 24 if a kingdom be divided, .cannot stand 3. 25 if a house be divided, .that house cannot 3. 26 it Satan, .be divided, he cannot stand 3. 27 No man can enter into a strong mau's 5. 3 no man could bind him, no, not with 6. s 1*^ could there do no mighty work, save 6. 19 would have killed him ; but she could 7. IS that entering into hira can defile him 7. 18 eutereth into the man, (it) cannot defile 7. 24 no mau know (it) : but he could not be 8. 4 whence can a man satisfy these (men) 9. 3 so as no fuller on earth can white them }. 23 Jesus said unto him. It thou canst believe g. 28 Why could not we cast him out ? • g. 29 Tills kind cau come forth by nothing but 9. 39 no mau . . can lightly speak evil of me 10. 26 saying among themselves. Who then can 10. 38 can ye drink of the cup that I drink of ? 10. 39 they say unto him. We can. And Jerus 15. 31 He saved others; himself he cannot save Xuke I. 23 when he came out, he could not speak 5. 12 if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean 5. 21 who can forgive sins but God alone? 5. 34 Can ye make the children, .fast while the 6. 39 Cau the blind lead the blind ? shall they 6 42 how canstthousay to thy brother. Brother 8. 19 his brethren, .could not come at him for 9. 40 to cast him out ; and they could not It. 7 in bed ; I cannot rise and give thee 12. 25 which of you. .can add to his stature 13. II and could in no wise lift up (herself) 14. 20 I have married a wife, and. .cannot come 14. 26 his own life also, he cannot be my disciple 14. 27 whosoever doth, .come after me, cannot 14. 33 all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple 16. 13 No servant can serve two masters : for j6. 13 Ye cannot serve God and mammon 16. 26 that they which would, .to you cannot 1 8.- 26 they, .said. Who then cau be saved? 19. 3 he sought to see Jesus . . and could not 20. 36 Neither can they die any more : for they J'ohn I. 46 Can there any good thing tome out of 3. a no man can do these miracles that thou 3. s Except a mau be born again, he cannot 3. 4 How can a man be born . . can he enter 3. 5 he cannot enter into the kingdom of God 3. 9 said unto him. How can these things be ? 3. 27 A man can receive nothing, except it be 5. 19 The Son pan do nothing of himself, but 5. 30 I can of mine own self do nothing : as I 5. 44 oan ye believe, which receive honour one 6. 44 No mau cau come to me, except the 6. 52 How c'an this mau give us (Ii>s) flesh to 6. 60 This is an Jiard saying ; who can hear it? 6. 63 no man cau come unto me, except it 7. 7. The world cajinot hate you ; but me it John' 7. 34,36 where I am, (thither) ye cannot come 8. 21 1 go. .whither I go, ye caunot come 8. 22 because he saith. Whither I go, ye cannot 8. 43 (even) because ye cannot hear my word g. 4 the night cometh, when no mau can 9. 16 How can a man that is a sinner do such 9. 33 man were not of God, he could do nothing 10. 21 Can a devil open the eyes of the blind? xo.'33 and the Scripture caunot be broken ji. 37 Could not this man, Avhich opened the 12. 39 they could not believe, because. .Esaias 13. 33 Whither I go, ye cannot come ; so now I 13. 36 Whither I go, thou canst not follow me 13. 37 Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? 14. 5 and how [can] we know the way? 14. 17 the world cannot receive, because it seeth 15. 4 the branch cannot bear fruit of itself 13. s for without me ye cau do nothing 16. 12 but ye cannot bear them now Acts 4. 16 dwell in Jerusalem ; and we cannot deny . 4. 20 we cannot but speak the things which we 5. 39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow 8. 31- How can I, except some mau should 10. 47 Cflu any mau forbid water, that these 13. 39 from which ye could not be justified by 15. I Except ye be circumcised . .ye cannot be 21. 34 when he could not know the certainty 24. 13 Neither can they prove, .things whereof 27. IS the ship, .could not bear up into the , 27. 31 Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot 27. 43 they which could swim should cast Rom, 8. 7 to the law of God, neither indeed can be 8. 8 they that are in the flesh cannot please I Co. 2. 14 neither can he know (them), because they 3. I I. .could not speak unto you as unto 3. II For other foundation cau no man lay 10. 21 Ye cannot drink. ,ye cannot be partakers 12. 3 no man can say that .Tesus is the Lord 12. 21 the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have 13. so flesh and blood cannot inherit the king. 2 Co, 3. 7 Israel could not stedfastly behold the Gal. 3. 21 a law given which could have given life I Th. 3. 9 what thanks cau we render to God 1 Ti. 5. 23 and they that are otherwise cannot be hid 6. 7 (it is) certain we can carry nothing out 6. 16 whom no man hath seen, nor can see 2 Ti. 2. 13 he abideth faithful : he cannot deny . Heb. 3. 19 So we see that they could not enter in\ 4. 13 an high priest which cannot be toucheA S. 2 Who can have compassion on. .ignorant 9. 9 that could not make him that did the 10. I can never with those sacrifices which 10. II sacrifices, which can never take away Jas. 2. 14 and have not works ? can faith save hfra? 3. 8 But the tongue can no man tame ; (it is) 3. 12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive 4. 2 ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot 1 Jo. 3. 9 he cannot sin, because he is born of God 4. 20 how can he love God whom he hath not Kev. 2. 2 thou canst not bear them which are evil 3. 8 an open door, and no man can shut it 7. 9 a great multitude, which no man could 9. 20 which neither can see, nor hear, nor 14. 3 no man could learn that song but the 6./< is not, ovK. ecrrC. ouk esti. Heb. 9, s the mercy seat ; of which we cannot now 7.2*0 have, epfw echo. Mark 14. 8 She hath done what she could : she is Luke 14. 14 for they cannot recompense thee Acts 4. 14 beholding, .man. .they could say nothing Heb. 6. 13 because he could swear by no greateij he 8.2*0 have strength, Icrx"'^ ischuo. Matt 26. 40 What! could ye not watch with me one Mark 5. 4 neither could any (man) tame hira g. 18 should cast hira out ; and they could not 14. 37 Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou Luke 6. 48 the stream beat, .and could not shake it 8. 43 physicians,neither coukl be healed of any 14. 6 they could not answer him again to these 16. 3 I cannot dig ; to beg I am ashamed 20. 26 they could not take hold of his words Acts 23. 7 grievous complaints, .they could not^ 9.2*0 know, see, olSa oida. Watt 27. 63 go your way, make (it) as sure as ye can Luke 12. 36 ye cau discern the face of the sky and of CAK away with — 2*0 be able, Sb; yakol. Isa. I. 13 I cannot away with ; (it is) iniiiuity, even CAW (NOT) be, it — 2*0 receive in, admit, ^vZexoiitii endechomai. Luke 13. 33 it cannot be that a prophet perish out of CAN do — l.T'o be able, have power, Sifa/ dunamai. Mark g. 22 if thou canst do anything, have compas. 2 Co. 13. 8 For we can do nothing against the truth 2. 7*0 have strength^ be strong, taxi"^ ischuo. Phil. 4. 13 I can do all things tlirough Christ which OAN have — 1.2*0 know, be acquainted with, vy, yada. Isa. 56. II greedy dogs (which) can never have 2.2*0 have, ex" echo. John 19. u Thou couldest have no power (at all) CAN 3km — 2*0 know, be acquainted with, VT, yada. » KL s. 6 not among us any that can akiU to hew 2 Ch. 2. 7 that can skill to gi'ave with the cunning 2. 8 that thy.servants cau skill to cut timber CAN tell — 1. To know, be acquainted with, VV, yada. Gen. 43. 22 we caunot tell who put our money in 1 Sa. 17. 35 thy soul liveth, king, I cannot tell 2 Sa. 12. 22 can tell (whether) GOD will be gracious Prov 30. 4 what (is) his son's name, if thou canst t. 14 a man caunot tell what shall be Jon. 3. 9 Who can tell (if) God will turn and re. 2.T0 put before, i3J nagad, 5. Eccl. 6. 12 who can tell a man what shall be after 8. 7 for who can teU him when it shall be ! ^3. To know, see, oT5a oida, Matt2i. 27 they answered.. and said,We cannot tell Markii. 33 they answered and said. .We cannot tell Luke 20. 7 they answered. That they could not tell John 3. 8 but canst not tell whence it cometh 8. 14 ye caunot tell whence I come, and whit. 16. 18 A little while? we cannot tell what he 2 Co. 12. 2 whether in the body, I cannot tell 12. 2 or whether out of the body, I cannot tell 12. 3 [whether, .out of the body, I cannot tell) [See also Approach, cease, condemn, contain, could, do, escape, find, forbear, Greek, have, lie, move, pass, receive, rejnove, see, speak, spoken, tempt, utter, wish.) CA'-NA, Kaya. Cana of Galilee (once Cana in Galilee), a village memorable as the scene of Christ's first mijacle, and ol a subsequent one (Jolin 4. 46, 34). It was also the native place of Nathanael. The name occurs in the Gospel o^John only, and in these four instances no clue is furnished as to its situation. All we can make out is that it was not far from Capernaum, and on a wore elevated situation. The traditional site is at JCefr Kenna, a small village 43 miles N.E. of Nazareth. A rival site is further N., a village about 3 miles N. of Svffurieh (Sepphoris) and g from Nazareth, near the present Jefat, the Jotapata of the Jewish wars. This village still bears the name of Kana-el-jclil, which is the exact representative of the Hebrew original— as is Eeima widely difierent from it— and it is in this fact that the superiority of the northern Kana seems to rest. ^ ' John 2. 1 there was a marriage.jn C. of Gnlilee s. II did Jesus in C. of Galilee, and manifested 4. 46 So Jesus came again into C. of Galilee 21. 2 Nathanael of Cr in Galilefe, and the (sons) CA-NA'-AN, jyj? low, fiat, Xavadv. 1. A son of Ham and grandson of Noah, B.C. 2300. Gen. 9. 18 Japheth : and Ham (is) the father of C. 9. 22 And Ham, the father of C, saw the nak. Q, 25 Cursed (be) C; a servant 01 servants g. 26 And he said. .C. shall be his servant 9. 27 God shall enlarge Japheth. .and C. shall 10. 6sonsofHam; Cush, andMizraim..andC. 10. 15 And C. begat Sidon his first born, and H. I Ch. I. 8 The sons of Ham ; Cush. .Put, and C. 1. 13 And G. begat, Zidon his first born, and H, 2. The name denotes both the people who sprang from Canaan and the country in which they dwelt, which lay chiefly in the low districts along the E. coast of ths Mediterranean, N. of the Philistines. Canaan, lit. the "low" country, was originally applied to that small stripe of flat land lying on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, extending from Egypt northward even to Sidon, but eventually it came to be applied to the possessions of the Hebrews on both sides of the Jordan, having Phoenicia, Lebanon, and Syria on the N. ; Syria, Ammon, and Moab on the E. ; Idumea and the Arabian desert on the S. ; and the Mediterranean Sea on the W. Its extreme length was about 180 miles, and its breadth varied from 20 to 120 miles, containing in all about 11,000 square miles— a little less than Belgium, a little more than Wales, or one-third the size of Scotland. Its coast Ime, from Carmel to the S. of Gaza, is little more than 100 miles. Its population never exceeded 5,000,000. The earliest inhabitants were a race of giants called Analrim, Avim, Emien, Honin, JRephaim, Suzim or Zamzummim, remnants of whom continued till at least the time of David, A.D. 1000. But they had much earlier been supplanted by the Amorites (between Hebron and the Salt Sea), the Arkites (at Arka, opposite the northern extremity of Lebanon), the Arvadites (around Arad), the Girgashites (near the sea of Tiberias), the Hamathites (around Hamath), the Hittites (around Hebron), thfc.Hivites (around Hermon), the Jebusites (at Jebus or Jerusalem), the Perizzites (in Samaria), the Sinites (south of Arka), the Sidonians (at Sidon), and the Zerarites (south of Arad). These tribes were all confined to the W. of the Jordan, save the Amorites, who possessed two kingdoms on the E. of it — that of Sihon, between the Arnon and the Jabbok^ and that of Og in Bashan, now called the fiauran. The moral state of these tribes gradually became so bad that the land is represented as '• spueing '' them out. Under Joshua they were gradually subdued, but were never wholly exterminated, so that even at the present day there are relics of them to be found in the hill country. The land, being repeatedly promised to Abraham.'received among his descendants such names as the Land'of the Hebrews, of Israel, of Judah, of Canaan, of Promise, the Holy Land, and Palestine, which latter was derived from the Philistines who dwelt in the S.W. at the sea shore. Joshua divided it by the twelve tribes, arranged in four divisions ; CANAAN Ml CANKER WORM the northern part was assigned to Asher, Nr.phtalj, ZeljuluD, and Issachar ; the middle part to Epliraini and the half tribe of Manasseh; the soiilhcrnpa.\X to Benjamin, Dan, Judah, and Simeon; and the cnsr<-in part, beyond the Jordan, to Reuben, Cad. and tlie Iialf tribe of Manasseh. Solomon's division into twelve sections for governmental purposes may be seen in i Ki. 4. 7-19. After the secession of the ten tribes under llehoboam, the territory of the tribes of Judah and Eenjamin (with the intermixed cities of Dan and Simeon) were called '• Judali,"and the others "Israel," till the captivity of the latttf, B.C. 728, after a separate existence of 250 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, B.C. 330, Creek colonists settled in Ptolemais (Acre), Pella, and Gcrasa, while the Nabataeans (au Arab tribe) settled nt Pctra, and gradually conquered Moab and Amnion in the north. ,..,,.. In New Testament times Canaan was divided into a variety of provinces. East of the Jordan were; — Itureanow Jfdnr; Gaulanitrs, now J'o/an; I'raclionitis. now Leja; Jiatanaea, now Nukra (all in the north); Auranitis (now tlauran, on the east), and Peraea, now Bdka (in the south). West of the Jordan were :— Galilee (Upper and Lower), on the north ; Samaria, in the centre, and Judea, in the south. In later times it was divided into four parts :— Pales- TINA I., PhUisUn which included Judea and Samaria, with Cajsarea for its capital r PALESTINi II. Urdun (Jordan), in7- 17 17- 17- Judg. I 30 the C dwelt among them, and became 1. 32 the Asheritea dwelt among the C. the I. 33 but he d welt among! he f:.. Iheiuhabitaut* 3 3 all the C , and the Sidooians. and the 3. 5 the children of Israel dwelt among the 2 Ra. 24. 7 to all the cities of the. C : and they went I Ki. 9. 16 and slain the C. that dwelt in the city I C'h. 2. 3 the daughter of .Shua the C. And Hr Ezra 9. 1 abomiDations,(evcn)of theC the Hitlitei Neh. 9. 8 to give the land of the C. the Hitlites 9. 24 and thou subduedst before Ihini. the C. Obad. 20 that of the 0. . .unto Zarephath ; ond Zechi4. 21 there shall bono rnorc the C in the house Mattio. 4 Simon the C, and Judas Iscariot, who Mark 3. 18 and Thaddeus. and Simon the C. CAN-DA'-CE, KavSaKV- A queen of Ethiopia, The name is not a proper namo of an individual, but of a dynasty of Ethiopiau queen»._ Acts 8. 27 an eunuch of great authority under C. CANDLE — l.A light, 13 ner. Job 18. 6 his candle shall be put out with him 21 17 How oft is the candle of the wicked put 29. 3 When his candle shined upon my head Psa. 18. 28 For thou wilt light my candle : the Lord Prov.2o. 27 The spirit of man (is) the candle of the 24. 20 the candle of the wicked shall be put out 31. 18 her candle goeth not out by night Jer. 25. 10 take from them, .the light of the candle Zeph. I. 12 I will search Jerusalem with candles 2.A lamp, Kvxvor luchnos. Matt 5. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put Mark 4. 21 Is a candle brought to be put under a Luke 8. 16 No man, when he hath lighted a caiKllo II. 33 when he hath lighted a candle, putteth II. 36 the bright shining of a candle dofh give 15. 8 doth not light a candle, and sweep the Rev. 18. 23 the light of a candle shall shine no more 22. 5 they need no candle, neither light of the CANDLESTICK — 1. Place of light, candlestick, rniiD menorah. Exod. 25. 31 thou shalt make a candlestick (of) pore ,25. 31 beaten work shall the candlestick be made 25. 32 three branches of the can(l,'estick out of 25. 32 three branches of the cannlcstick out of '25. 33 the six branches, .out of the candlestick 25. 34 in the candlestick, .four bowls made liko '25. 35 the six branches, .out of the candlestick '26. 35 the candlestick over against the table 30. 27 and the candlestick and his vessels 31. 8 the pure candlestick with all his furniture 35. 14 The candlestick also for the light and ■37. 17 he made the candlestikk (of) pure gold ■37. 17 beaten work mad« he the camllcstirk 37. 18, 18 three branches of the candlestick cut 37. ig six branches going out of the candlestick 37. 20 in the candlestick, (wci c) four bowls 39. 37 The pure candlestick, (with) the lamps 40. 4 thou shalt bring in the candlestick, and 40. 24 he put the candlestick in the tent of the Lev. 24. 4 lie shall order the, .pure candlestick Num. 3. 31 the candlestick, and the altars, and the 4. 9 take a cloth, .and cover the candlestick 8. 2 seven lamps, .over against the candlestick 8. 3 the lamps, .over against the canillestick. 8. 4 thiswork of the candlestick(wasof). .gold 8. 4 so he made the candlestick 1 Ki. 7. 49 the candlesticks of pure gold, five on the • 2 Ki. 4. JO a table, and a stool, aud a candlestick •iCh. 28. 15 the weight for the candlesticks of gold 28. 15 by weight for every candlestick, and for 28. 15 and for the candlesticks of silver by 28. 15 for the candlestick., of every candlestick 2 Ch. 4. 7 Aud he made-ten candlesticks of gold 4. 20 the candlesticks with their lamps, that 13. II the candlestick of gold with the lamps Jer. 5». 19 the caldrons, and the candlesticks, and Zech. 4. 2 I have looked, and, behold, a candlestick 4. XI upon the tight (side) of the candlestick ^.Candlestick, unEi-ipj nebrashla. Dan. s- 5 wrote over against the caudleslick upon S.Lamp stand, Ai/x''''* luchnia. Matt 5. 15 a candle, and put it. .on a candlestick Mark 4. 21 Is a candle.. not. set on a candlestick Luke 8. j6 a candle. .but3etteth(it)0Da ( andlestick II. 33 a candle. . but on a candlestick Heb. 9.^2 tabernacle.. wherein.. the candlestick Hgy.- J. 12 turned I saw seven golden candlesticks 1. «3 in the midst of the seven candlesticks fi. 20 and the seven golden candlesticks i. 20 the seven candlesticks which thon sawcst ,2. I whowalkethintheniidstlof. .candlesticks 2. 5 will come. .and. .remove thy candlestick 31. 4 two oHve trees, and the two candlesticks CAKir — Cane, reed, tmT! qaneh. Isa. 43. 24 Thou'hast bronght me no sweet eane Jer. 6. 20 and the sweet cane from » ter country! CANKER — A consumption,, ydyypaiva gafjgraina. 2 T\. 2. 17 their word will eat as doth a cankel : of CANKEE •WORM — Hedge chafer, a kind of locust, py, yeleq. Joel \. 4 locust hath left hatii the canker •worra 1. 4 that which the canker wonn hath left CANKERED 142 CAPTIVE i,?^u *■ '^ *^^® canker worm, .the caterpillar, and Nan. 3. 15 it shall eat thee up like the canker worm 3. 15 make thyself many as the canker worm 3. 16 the canker wonn spoileth, aud fleeth CANKERED, to be — To be rusted, kut 160 fiat fcatioomai Jas. 5. 3 Your gold and silver is cankered ; and CAN'-NEH, ."133 set up, distinguished. In the S. coast of Arabia, now called Canne. Eze. ■27. 23 Haran, and C, and Eden, the merchants CA-PEE-NA'-ITH, Kanepuaoifi village of N ahum. On the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, and near the northern end. It was in the land of Gennesaret, on the rich busy plain. The doom pronounced against it and the other cities has been singularly fulfilled, and in sacred topography there is no more diflicult task than to discover the site. The spots in dispute are Rhan- Minyeh and Tell-HAm; the latter .is 3 miles N. of the former, and about 3 miles from the entrance of the Jordan into the lake. Matt. 4. 13 he came and dwelt in C, which is upon 8. 5 when Jesus was entered into C, there II. 23 thou, C, which art exalted unto heaven 17. 24 when they were come to C, they that Mark i. 21 they went into C; and straightway E. I he entered into C. after (some) days 9. 33 he came to C. : and, being in the house luke 4. 23 whatsoever we have heard done in C. 4. 31 And came down to C, a city of Galilee 7. I when he had ended . .he entered into 0. 10. 15 thou, C, which art exalted to heaven John 2. 12 After this he went do>vn to C, he, and 4. 46 a certain nobleman . . son was sick at C. 6. 17 and went over the sea toward C. And It 6. 24 and came to C, seeking for Jesus 6. 59 These things said he .. as he taught in C. CAPH'-TOE, I'wsj cup. The principal seat of the Philistines, who areonce called Caphtorira, as being of the same race as the Slizraite people of that name. The position of Caphtor may have been in Egypt, or near it. From Jer. 47. 4 some think it was an island, but " isle " means, in its wider application, a maritime land whether on the coast or an island. Deut. 2. J3 Caphtorims, which came forth out of C. Jer. 47. 4 Philistines . . remnant of the country of C. Amos g. 7 and the Philistines from C, and Uie CAPH-TO'-KDa:, Dnin55. The people 6i Caphtorl The name seems to be preserved in that of the old Egyptian city Coptus. Gen. 10. 14 of whom came Philistim', and C. Deut. 2. 23 the C, which came forth out of C, destr. I Ch. 1, 12 of whom came the Philistines, and C. CAP-PA-DO-CI'-A, KainraSaKid. An elevated table-land, intersected by mountain chains in the eastern part of Asia Minor, bounded on the N. by Pontus, W. by Lycaonia, 3. by Cilicia, and E. by Syria and Armenia Mi 11 or. It was always deficient in wood. Its interest for students of scripture arises chiefly from the mention of its Jewish residents among the hearers of Peter's first sermon, and its Christian residents among the readers of his first epistle. Acts 2. 9 dwellers in . .C, in Pontus, and Asia I'Pe. X. I strangers scattered throughout. .C, Asia CAPTAIN — l.FiTst, leader, chief, ^i^X alluph. Jer. 13. 2 1 for tUou. hast taught them (to be) captains 2. Lord, ovmer, possessor, ^S^ baal. Jer. 37. 13 a captain of the ward (was) there, whose Z.Tiplvsar, (a title of honour), np?p tiphsar. Jer. 51. 27 appoint a captain against her ; cause the Nah. 3. 17 and thy captains as. .great grasshoppers 4. .4 ram, leader, -a kar. Eze. 21. 22 appoint captains, to open the mouth in ^.Leader, one before, n*3j nagid. 1 Sa. g. 16 thou shalt anoint him . . captain over my 10. 1 the Lord hath anointed thee . captain 13. 14 Lord hath commanded him . . captain 2 Sa. 5. 2 and thou shalt be a cantain over Israel 2 Kl. 20. 5 tell Hezekiah the captain of my people 2 Ch.ii. II strongholds, and put captains in them Q.Ecalted, lifted up one, K'ij'} nasi. Jf um. 2. 3 the son. of Ainminadab . . captain of the 2. 5 Zuar. .captain of the children of Issachar 2. 7 Helen . . captain of the children of Zebulun 8. 10 thetcaptaln of the children of Reuben 2. 12 the captain of the children of Simeon a. 14 the captain of the sons of Gad. .Eliasaph 2. 18 the captain of the sons of Ephraim 2. 2o the captain of the children of Manasseh 2. 22 the captain of the sons of Berfjamin 2. 25 the captain of the children of Dan...Ahi. 2. 27 the captain of the children of Asher. .P. 2. 29 the captain of the children of Naphtall T.Cfoixrnor, nijg pechah. I Ki. 20. 24 and put captains in their rooms a Ki. 18 24 wilt thou turn . .the face of one captain Isa. 36. 9 wilt thou turn . .the face of one captain Jer. SI. 33 will I break in pieces captains and rulers SI. 28 the kings of the Medes, the captains 51.57 her wise (men), her captains, and h^r Eze. 23. 6 clothed with blue, captains and rulers 23. 12 captains and rulers clothed most gorge. 23. 23 desirable young men, captainsand rulers Dan. 3. 2,3,27 princes, the governors, and. .captains 6. 7 princes, the counsellors, and the captains S.Rtiler, judge, pvi3 qatsin. Josh. 10. 24 tho captains of the men of war which Judgii. 6 they said. .Come, and be our captain It. II the people made him head and captain Q.JIead, lovh rash. Num 14. 4 Let us make a captain, and let us return Deut 29. 10 your captains of your; tribes, your elders » Ch. 4. 42 having for their captains Pelatiah, and II. 15 three of the thirty captains went down 11. 42 a captain of the Keubeuites, and thirty 12. 14 the sons of Gad, captains of the host 12. i8 and made them captains of the band 12. 20 captains of the thousands that (were) of 027. 3 Perez (was) the chief of all the captains 2 Ch.13. 12 God himself (is) with us for (our) captain 10. Great one, l"] rab. 2 Kl. 25. 8, 10, II, 12, 15, 18, 2o Ifebnzar-adan, captain Jer. 39. 9, 10, I [, 13 Nehuzar-adan the captain 40. I, 2, 5 the captain of the guard 41. 10 Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard 43. 6 Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard 52. 12 nineteenth.. came Nebuzar-adan, captain 52. 14 all the army . . with the captain of the 52. IS, 16, 10, 24, 26, 30 the captain of the guard Dan. 2. 14 Arioch the captain of the king's guard 11. Head, ife' sar. Gen. 37. 36 an officer of Pharaoh's. .captain of. .guard 39. I an ofBcer of Pharoah, captain of. .guard 40. 3 he put them . .in the house of the captain 40. 4 the captain of the guard, charged Joseph 41. 10 ward in the captain of the guard's house 41. 12 an Hebrew, servant to the captain of the Kum3i. 14 Moses was wroth with, .the captains 31. 48 captains of thousands, and captains of 31. 52 captains of thousands, and of. .captains 31. 34 the captains of thousands, .of hundreds Deut. I. 15 captains over thousands, and captains I. 15 captains over fifties, and captains over 2o. 9 make captains of the armies to lead the Josh. 5. 14 but (as) captain of the host of the LORD 5. 15 the captain of the Lord's host said unto Judg. 4. 2 the captain of whose host (was) Sisera 4. 7 I will draw unto thee . . Sisera, the captain 1 Sa. 8. 12 he will appoint him captains over thous. 12 9 sold them into the liand. .Sisera, captain 14. 50 name of the captain of his host. . Abner 17. 18 carry these ten cheeses unto the captain 17. 55 Saul, .said unto Abner, the captain of the 18. 13 Saul . .made him his captain over a thous. 22. 2 and he became a captain over them 22. 7 will the sou of Jesse . .make . . captains 26. s Abner the son of Ner, the captain of his 2 Sa. 2. 8 Abner the son of Ner, captain of Saul's 4. 2 Saul's son had two men. .captains of ba. 10. 16 Shobach the captain of the host, .(went) 10. 18 the Syrians .. smote Shobach the captain j8. I set captains of thousands and captains 18. s tl^e king gave all the captains charge 19. 13 if thou be not captains of the host 23. 19 he was their captain, .he attained not 24. 2 Joab the captain of the host, which (was) 24. 4 and against the captains of the hosts 24. 4 Joab and the captains of the host went iKl 1. 19 hath called.. Joab the captain of the host 1. 25 hath called all the. .captains of the host 2. s to the tv/o captains of the hosts of Israel 2. 32 Abner the son of Ner, captain of the host 2. 32 Amasa the son of Jether, captain of the 11. IS, 21 Joab the captain of the host was II. 24 he gathered men. .and became captain 15. 20 So Ben-hadad. .sent the captains of the 16. 9 servant Zimri, captain of half . .chariots 16. 16 all Israel made Omri, the captain of the 22. 32 captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat 22. 33 the captains of the chariots perceived 2 Kl. 1. 9 Then the king sent unto him a captain of I. lo and said to the captain of fifty, If I (be) a I. II he sent unto him another captain of fifty - I 13 he sent again a captain of the third fifty I. 13 the third captain of fifty went up, and 1. 14 and burnt up the two captains of the 4. 13 be spoken for to . . the captain of the host? S- I Naaman, captain of the host o£.lhe king 8. 21 the captains, .and the people fled into 9. s behold, the captains of the host, .sitting 9. S I have an errand to thee, captain 9. 5 And he said. To thee, O captain II. 9 the captains over the hundreds did. .all II. 10 the captains over hundreds, .that (were) 11. 15 the priest commanded the captains of ■ 25. 23 the captains of the armies, they and their 25. 26 all the people, .and, the captains of the xCh. II. 6 Jebusites first shall be chief and captain It. 21 Of the three, .he was theircaptain 12. 21 they helped David, .and were captains in 12. 28 of his father's. .twenty and two captains j2. 34 of NaphtaU a thousand captains, and 13. I And David consulted with the captains of 15. 2S the captains, .went to bring up the ark of 19. 16, 18 Shophach the captain of the host 25. I the captains of the host separated to the e6. 26 the captains over thousands and hund 26. 26 the captains of the host, had dedicated 1 27. I aud captains of thousands aud hundreds 1 Ch. 27. 3 of all the captains of the host for the first 27. 5 The third captain of the host for the third 28. I tribes, and the captains of the companies 28. I captains over the thousands and captains 29. 6 the captains of thousands, .of hundreds 2Ch. I. 2 to the captains of thousands, .hundreds 8. 9 chief of his captains, and captains of Iiis 16. 4 Ben-hadad hearkened, .sent the captains 17. 14 of Judah, the captains of thousands 17. 15 next to him. . Jehohanan the captain 18. 30, 31, 32 the king of Syria, .com. the captt 21. 9 compassed him in, and the captains of 23. I, 14, 20 took the captains of hundreds 23. 9 Jehoiada. .delivered to the captains of 25. s captains over thousands, and cap. over 26. II under the hand, .(one) of the king's capt 32. 6 he set captains of war over the people 32. 21 the leaders and captains in the can.p 33. II the Lord brought upon them the captains 33. 14 put captains of war in iill the fenced cities Job 39. 25 the thunder of the captains, and the Isa. 3. 3 The captain of fifty, and the honourable Jer. 40. 7, 13 the captains of the forces, .in the 41. II, 13, 16 captains of the forces that (were) 42. I, 8 all the captains of the forces, .came 43. 4, 5 the captains of the forces, and all the Vl.Ruler, powerful one, U'V?* shallit. Dan. 2. 15 He answered .Arioch the king's captain a.Third, one of or over three, b*'^^ shalish. Exodi4. 7 he took, .captains over every one of them 15. 4 his chosen captains also are drowned 2 Sa. 23. 8 The Tachmonite . . chief among the cap. 1 Ki. 9. 22 servants, and his princeB,and his captains 2Ki. 9. 25 Then said (Jehu) to Bidkar his captain 10. 25 Jehu said to the guard and to the capta. 10. 25 the guard and the captains cast (them) IS. 25 the son of Remaliah, a captain of his 1 Ch. 1 1. 1 1 Jashobeam .. the chief of the captains 12. 18 came upon Amasai . . chief of the captains 2 Ch. 8. 9 and captains of his chariots and horsemen \i. Chief leader, apxnyi^ archegos. Heb. 2. 10 make tJie captain of their sijvation 15. Leader of an army, crrpaTriySs strategos. Luke22. 4 communed with the chief priest and cap. 22. 52 chief priests, and captains of the temple Acts 4. I the captain ofthe temple.. came upon 5. 24 the captain of the temple, .heard these 5. 26 Tlien went the captain with the ofiicers 16. Leader of a thousand, x'^-^apX"* chiliarchos. Johni8. 12 and the captain and officers .took Jesus Rev. 19. 18 ye may eat the flesh of. .captains CAPTAIU, chief (or high) — l.JJead, Tg* sar. * Gen. 21. 22, 32 Phichol the chief captain of his host 26. 26 Phichol the chief captain of his army 2.Leader of a thousand, x'^f opX" ^ chiliarchos. Mark 6. 21 his lords, high captains, and chief Acts 21. 31 tidings came unto the chief captain 21. 32 they saw the chief captain and the soldiers 21. 33 the chief captain came near, and took hira 21. 37 he said unto the chief captain. May I 22. 24 The chief captain commanded him to be 22. 26 he v/ent and told the chief captain 22. 27 Then the chief captain came, and said 22. 28 the chief captain answered. With a great 22. 29 and the chief captain also was afraid 23. 10 the chief captain, .commanded the sold. 23. 15 signify to the chief captain that he bring 23. 17 Bring this young man unto the chief cap. 23. 18 So he , . brought (him) to the chief captain 23. 19 Then the chief captain took him by the h. 23. 22 the chief captain . . let the young man dep. 24. 7 [the chief captain Lysias came (upon us)] 24. 22 Lysias the chief captain shall come dovm 25. 23 place of hearing, with the chief captains Rev. 6. IS the rich men, and the chief captains CAPTAIN of the guard — Chief of the encampment, arparoiriZipxii^- Acts 28. 16 [delivered, .to the captain of the guard] CAPTAIN that had rule — Head, "is sar. 1 Ki.22. 31 captains that had rule over his chariots CAPTAINS — l.One ready, prepared, *13 kari. 2 Ki.ii. 4 rulers over hundi'eds, with the captains 11. 19 rulers over hundreds, and the captains • 2.Thirty, D'^iiW sheloshim, DV'^?> shalishim. 1 Ch. II. 11 Jashobeam. .the chief of the captains 12. 18 came uponAinasai..chief of the captains CAPTIVE — . LExile, one removed or remomng, mi golah. 2 Ki 24. 16 the king of Babylon brought captive to B. Eze.' I. 1 1 (was) among. the captives by the river 2.T0 remove into exile, rhi galah. 2 Ki 24 14 men of valour, .ten thousand captives Isa. 49. 21 lost my children, and am. .a captive S.Exile, removal, niS} galuth. Isa 20. 4 lead.'.the Ethiopians captives, young 45. 13 and he shall let go my captives Jer. 28. 4 with all the captives of Judah, that went 4 Son ofe^le or removal. Npi'TI? ^^'>^ galutha. ' Dan. 2. 25 I have found a man of the- captives ol CAPTIVE 143 CARCASE 5.Tu take away captive, .13^ shahah. Gen. 31. 26 carried away my dau(;hter3, as captives Isa. 61. I to pr'..';laim liberty to the captives, and 6. Oiii taken away captive, '7<^ shehi. Exodi2. 29 ttic first born of the captive that (was) Numsi. 12 they lirought the captives, and the prey 31. 19 purify (both) yourselves and your cap. 2 Ch.23. 17 the Edomites. .carried away captives Isa. 49. 24 Shall the prey . .or the lav/ful captive 49.J15 Even the captives of the mighty shall c2. ■ 2 bands of thy neck, captive daughter Jer. 48. 46 for thy sons are taken captives, and thy Dan. II. 8 shall also carry captives into Egypt "!. Company of captives, n;3B' shibyah. Deut.2i. XI And seest among the captives a. .vifoman 32. 42 the blood of the slain and of the captives a Ch.28. s carried, .a. .multitude of them captives 28. II liear me, therefore, and deliver the capt. 28. 13 Ye shall not bring in the captives hither 2^. 14 So the armed men left the captives 28. 15 the men., rose up, and took the captives Jcr. 48. 46 sons are taken . . tliy daughters captives 9,. Captivity, n'??' shebiih. Eze. 16. 53 the captivity of thy captives in the midst 9. One taken by the spear, atxh°-^'^'^'>i aichmalotos. ■ Luke 4. 18 to preach deliverance to the captives, and (See also Carried away, carry away, lead, led away.] CAPTIVE, to go — To remove into exile, npj galah. Amos 6. 7 go captive with the fijst that go captive CAPTIVE, to bring away — To take away captive, n^ifj shabah. 2 Ki. 5. 2 Syrians.. brought away captive.. a little CAPTIVE, to be carried — To be taken away captive, n^^ shabah, 2. _ 1 Ki. 8. 47 the land whither they were carried capt. 2 Ch. 6. 37 the land whither they were carried cap. Eze. 6. 9 nations whither th^ shall be carried, cap. CAPTIVE, to be carried away — l.To be exiled, rhi galah, 6. Jer. 40. I which were carried away captive unto 2. 7*0 be taken away captive, nj^ shabah, 2. Jer. 13. 1 7- the Lord's flock is carried away captive CAPTIVE, to carry — l.To take away captive, 713^ shabah. t Ki. 8. 47 land of them that carried them captives 8. 50 before them who carried them captive 2 Ch. 6. 38 whither they have carried them captives Psa 106. 46 of all those tlrnt carried them captives 2. To remove into exile, nSj galah, 5. 2 Ki.15. 29 and carried them captive to Assyria 16. 9 carried (the people of) it captive to Kir Jer. 20. 4 he shall carry them, captive into Babylon CAPTIVE, to cairy away — l.To take away captive, nv shabah. Nura24. 22 Asshur shall carry thee away captive 1 Ki. 8. 46 so that they carry them away captive.i 2 Ch. 6. 36 carry them away captives unto a land 25. 12 did the children, .carry away captive 28. 8 carried away captive of their brethren 28. 17 smitten Judah, and carried away captives Psa 137. 3 they that carried us away captive Jer. 41. 10 Ishmael carried away qaptive all the 41. 10 son of Nethaniali carried, .away captive 41. 14 Ishmael had carried away captive from 43. 12 shall burn . . and carry them away captives Obad. II. the strangers carried away captive his 2. To remove into exile, rhi galah, 5. Jer. 24. I king of Babylon had carried away captive 27. 20 carried away captive Jeconiah the son .39. 9 carried away captive into Babylon the 43. 3 carry us away captives'into Babylon 52. 15 guard carried away captive (certain) of • 52. 28 Nebuchadrezzar carried away captive 52. 29 he carried away captive from Jerusalem 52. 30 the guard carried away captive of the Jews Amos I. 6 carried away captive the whole captivity CAPTIVE, to cause to be carried away — ^ To remove into exile, ^hi galah, 5. Jer. 29. 7 I have caused you to be carried away capt. 29. 14 I caused you to be carried away captive CAPTIVE exile — ■ To be bent, bowed, riytf tsaah. Isa. SI. 14 The captive exUe hasteneth that he may CAPTIVE, to lead — 1. To take away captive, nya shahah. Judg.5. 12 lead thy captivity captive, thou son of 2 Ch 30. 9 before them that lead them captive, so Psa. 68. 18 thou hast led captivity captive : thou 2. To remove into exile, rhi galah, 5. Jer. 22. 12 place whither 'they have led him captive Z.To take by the spear,- atxiJ-a\oireva aichmaloteuo. Eph. 4. 8 he led captivity captive, and gave gifts 2 Ti. 3. 4 [lead captive] sUly women laden with CAPTIVE, to lead away — 1. To take away captive, n??! shahah. i Ki. 8. 48 their enemies whieh led them away cap. 2. To be exiled, .^S^ galah, 4. Nah. 2. 7 Huzzab shall be led away captive, she 3. To take by the spear, aixMaXwrit^w dickmalOtizC. Luke2i. 24 shall be led away captive iuto all nations CAPTIVE, to tike — To ta/ce away captive, ^3?' shabah. Gen. 34.29 little ones, .tlieir wives took they captive 31. 9 Israel took, .the women of Midiancaptivej Deut2i. 10 and thou hast taken them captive 1 Sa. 30. 2 had taken the women captives that (were) 2 Ki. 6. 22 thou hast taken captive with thy sword 2 Ch.28. It captives, .which ye have taken captive Isa. 14. 2 and they shall take them captives, whose Jer. 50. 33 all that took them captives held them CAPTIVE, to be taken — 1.2*0 be taken away captive, n^a/ sho.hah, 2. Gen. 14. 14 heard that his brother was taken captive 1 Sa. 30. 3 and their daughters, were taken captives 30. 5 David's two wives were taken captives 2.T0 catch alive, (wypioi zOgreo, 2 Ti. 2. 25 who are taken captive by him at his will CAPTIVITY — 1. Exile, removal, riSiJ golah. 2 Ki.24. 15 (tho6e)'carried he into captivity from Jtr. 1 Ch. 5. 22 dwelt in their steads until the captivity Ezra I. II bring up with, .the captivity that were 2. I children, .went up out of the captivity 4. I the childre.n of the captivity buildcd the 6. 19 the children of the captivity kept tho 6. 20 for all the children of the captivity 6. 21 which were come again out of captivity 10. 7 all the children of the captivity, that 10. 16 And the children of the captivity did so Esth. 2. 6 Who. .carried away . .with the captivity Jer. 29. 16 are not gone forth « ith you into captivity 29. 20 Hear, .the word, .all ye of the captivity 29. 31 Send to all them of the captivity, saying ■46. 19 furnish thyself to go into captivity : for 48. 7 Cheinosh shall go forth into captivity 48. II neither hath he gone into captivity 49. 3 for their king shall go into captivity Eze. 3. II go, get thee to them of the captivity 3. 15 came to them of the captivity at Tel-abib •11. 24 tn a vision, .to them of the captivity 11. 25 Then I spake unto them of the captivity 12. 4 they that go forth into captivity 12. 7 I brought forth my stuff, .for captivity 12. II they shall remove, (and) go into captivity 25. 3 Judah, when they went into captivity Amos I. 15 And their kiug shall go into captivity Zech. 6. 10 Take of . . the captivity . . of Heldai 14. 2 half of. .city shall go forth into captivity 2. To remove into exile, rhz galah. Judg 18. 30 until the day of the captivity of the land Z.Exile, removal, rn^j galuih. 2 Ki. 25. 27 seven and thirtieth year of the captivity Ezra 6. 16 the children of the captivity, kept the Jer. 29. 22 a curse by all the captivity of Judah 52. 3 1 in .. seven and thirtieth year of . . captivity Eze. I. 2 fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity 33. 21 in the twelfth year of our captivity 40. I the five, .twentieth year of our captivity Dan. s- 13 (^'■'^ thou, .of the children of . .captivity 6. 13 Daniel, which (is)of. .children. .captivity Amos I. 6 they carried, .captive, .whole captivity I. 9 they delivered up the whole captivity Obad. 20 And the captivity of this host of the 20 and the captivity of Jerusalem, which LA casting away, or up and down, npcpa taltelah. Isa. 22. 17 wiU carry., away with a mighty captivity ^.Captivity, niDW shebuth. Deut 30. 3 the Lord thy God will turn . . captivity' Job 42. 10 the Lord turned the captivity of Job Psa. 14. 7 the Lord bringcth back the captivity 1 S3- 6 God bringeth back the captivity of his 85. I thou hast brought back the captivity of 126. 4 Turn again our captivity, Lord Jer. 29. 14 I will turn away your captivity 30. 3, 18 I will bring again the captivity of my 31. 23 when I shall bring again their captivity '32. 44 I will cause their captivity £0 return 33. 7 I will cause the captivity of. .Israel, to 33. II I will cause to return the captivity of 53. 26 I will cause their captivity to return 58. 47 Yet will I bring again the captivity of M. 49. 6 I will bring again the captivity of the 49. 39 I will bring again the captivity of Elam Lam. 2. 14 iniquity, to turn away thy captivity Eze. 29. 14 I will bring again the captivity of Egypt Hos. 6. II when I returned the captivity of my • Joel 3. I I shaU bring again the captivity of Judah Amos 9. 14 I will bring again the captivity of my Zeph. 2. 7 visit them, and turn away their captivity 3. 2o I turn back 'your captivity before your Q. Captivity, captive, 'S?* shebi. Deut2i. 13 put the raiment of her captivity from off 28. 41 for they shall go into captivity Judg. 5. 12 lead thy captivity captive, thou son of A. 2 Cli. 6. 37 pray unto thee, .land of their captivity 29. 9 our wives (are) in captivity for this Ezra 2. I children, .that went up out of ..captivity 3. 8 they that were come out of the captivity 8. 35 children, .were come out of the captivity 9. 7 to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil Keh. i. 2 tl>eJewB..whicli were left of the captivity Neh. t. 3 The remnant that are left o( the captivity 7. 6 children, .went up out of the captivity 8. 17 that were come again out of the captivity Psa. 63. 18 thou hast led captivity captive : thou 78. 61 And delivered his strength into captivity Isa. 46. 2 but themselves are gone into captivity Jer. 15. 2 as (are) for the captivity, to the captivity 20. 6 all that dv/ell. .shall go into captivity 22. 22 and thy lovers shall go into captivity 30. 10 I will save thee, .land of their captivity 30. 16 every one of them, shall go into captivity 43. II such (as are) for captivity to captivity 46. 27 save thee.. from the land of their capt. Lam. t. 5 her childrenaregoneintocaptivity before 1. 18 and my young men aregone into captivity Eze. 12. II they shall remove, (and) go into captivity 30. 17 and these (cities) shall go into captivity 30. i3 and her daughters shall go into captivity Dan. II. 33 by flame, by captivity, and by spoil Amos 9. 4 they go into captivity before their enemies Nah. 3. 10 she carried away, she went into captivity Hab. I. 9 they shall gather the captivity as tho T. Captivity, (captive), ri-2v shibyah. Neh, 4. 4 for a prey in the land of captivity S.Capiivity, t\':}V sliebith. Num2i. 29 into captivity unto Sihon king of the Job 42. 10 the Lord turned the captivity of Job Psa. 85. I thou hast brought hack the captivityof 126. 4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as tho Jer. 29. 14 I will turn away your captivity, and I 49. 39 I will bring again the captivity of Elam Lam. 2. 14 not discovered, .turn away thy captivity Eze. i6. 53 When I shall bring again their captivity 16. 53 the captivity of Sodom and her daughters 16 53 captivity of Samaria and her daiiKhters 16. 53 tlien (will I bring againj the captivity of Zeph. 2. 7 God shall, turn away their captivity 9.Ca2}tivily, return, r\yv shibah. Psa. 126 t Loud turned again the captivity of Zion 10. A taking by the spear, cix/iaAw(n'a aichmalosia. Eph. 4. 8 he led captivity captive, and gave gifts CAPTIVITY, to bring into — To take by the spear, ai'xM''^'^''''!^'^ aichmalotizii. Kom. 7. 23 bringing me into captivity to the law of 2 Co. ID. 5 bringing into captivity every thought to CAPTIVITY, to cause to go into — To remove into exile, nSj galah, 5. Amos 5. 27 will I cause you to go into captivity CAPTIVITY, to cause to be led into — To remove ivto exile, npj galah, .6. Eze. 39. 28 God . . caused them to be led into captivity CAPTIVITY, to carry away into — To reviove into exile, nS; galah, 5. _ Lam. 4. 22 no more carry thee away, .into captivity CAPTIVITY, to go into — To remove into exile, nSj galah. Isa. 5. 13 my people are gone into captivity JiecausB Lam. I. 3 Judah is gone into captivity because of Eze. 39, 23 the house of Israel went into captivity Amos I. 5 Syria shall go into captivity unto Kir 5. 5 for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity 7. 17 Israel shall surely go into captivity forth Mic. 1. 16 they are gone into captivity from thee CARBUNCLE — l.Stcme of brightness, n-^px px eben eqdach. . Isa. 54. 12 i will make', .thy gates of carbuncles 2.Gliltering. stone, emerald, Ti^r^-ibareqath. Eze. 28. 13 the sapphire, the emerald . .the carbuncle ^.Glittering stone, n;?-;? bareqeth. ExodzS. 17 a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle 39. 10 a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle, CAE'-CAS, 03-1? severe. The seventh chamberlain of Ahasuerns. Esth. 1. 10 he commanded Mehuman. .and C, the CARCASE — l.Body, r]]}! geviyyah. ..!,.,(„„ Judgi4. 8 bees and heney m the carcase of the lion 14. .9 had taken the honey out of the carcase 2.Fallen thing, carcase, n^so mappeleth. Judgi4. 8 turned aside to see the carcase of the lion Z.Faded thing, carcase, n^35 nebelah. Lev ■; 2 whether . . a carcase of an undean beast ' ^ 2 a carcase of unclean cattle, or the carcase li' 8 their carcaseshall ye not touch; they(are) ji. II ye shall have their carcases m abomina. It 24 whosoever toucheth the carcase of them. T,' 2S whosoever beareth.. the carcase of them. '11' 27 whoso toucheth their carcase shall be 11' 28 he that beareththe carcase of them shall ii! 35 whereupon (any part) of tbeu- carcase 'II ^6 that which toucheth their carcase shall. '„. I7, 38 if (any part) of their carcase fall it ,1 39 he that toucheth the carcaseshall be ,1. 40 he that eateth of the carcase, .shall waaH II. 40 he also that beareth the carc^e sTiall Deut 28. 26 thy carc4tse.shall be meat unto ^1 fowMs Josh. 8. 29 they should take his carcase do*" from I Ki.13. 22 thy carcase shall not cotne "nt" 'he scp J 3 24 bis carcase (was) cast in the way , aad th» CARCASE 144 CARRIED I Ki. 13. 24 the lion also stood by the carcase 13. 25 men passed by, and saw the carcase 13. 25 and the lion standing by the carcase 13. 28 he went, and found his carcase cast in 13. 28 and the lion standing by the carcase 13. 28 the lion had not eaten the carcase, nor 13. 29 And the prophet tooli up the carcase of 13. 30 he laid his carcase in his own grave a Ki. 9. 37 the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung Isa. 5. 25 their carcases, .torn in the midst of the Jer. 7. 33 the carcases of this people shall be meat g. 22 the carcases of men shall fall as dung 16. 4 their carcases shall be meat for the fowls i6. 18 filled mine inheritance with the carcase 19. 7 their carcases will I give to be meat for A.Carcase, faint, exhausted object, -^is pegcr. Gen. 15. II the fowls came down upon the carcases Lev. 26. 30 cast your carcases upon the carcases of Nurai4. 29 Your carcases shall fall in this wilderness 14. 32 your carcases, they shall fall in this wil. 14. 33 until your carcases be wasted in the wil. 1 Sa. 17. 46 I will give the carcases, .unto the fowls of Isa. 14. 19 as a carcase trodden under feet, 34. 3 their stink shall come up out of their car. 66. 24 look upon the carcases of the men that Eze. 43. 7 the carcases of their kings in their high 43. 9 let them put away . . the carcases of their Nah. 3. 3 and a great number of carcases ; and b.IAmJb, kSiXov kolon. Heb. 3. 17 whose carcases fell in the wilderness ? ^.Fallen thing, irruna ptoma. Matt 24. 28 wheresoever the carcase is, there will the CARCASE, dead — I. Carcase, faded object, npnj nebelah. Deut 14. 8 ye shall not. .touch their dead carcase 2. Faint, exhausted, 15? peger. Eze. 6. 5 I will lay the dead carcases of the child. CAB-CHE'-MISH, E''P5'!3 citadel of Chemosh. A city on the Euphrates occupying nearly the site of Mabog or Hierapolis in later times, but not to be con- founded with the classical Circesium, which stood much further down the river. 2 Ch.35. 20 Necho. .came up to fight against C. by Isa. lo. 9 (Is) not Calno as C? (is) not Hamath Jer. 46. 2 which was by the river Euphrates in C. CARE-^ 1. Anxious ca/re, ."tjK'i deagah. Eze. 4. 16 K-ead by weight, and ■with care 2. Word, matter, ng'n dabar. 1 SiK 10. 2 thy father hath left the care of the asses 3. Trembling, fear, n'l'in charadah. 2 Ki. 4. 13 been careful for us with all this care i. Division, distraction, fiipiuva merimna. Matt 13. 22 is he that lieareth the word ; and the care Mark 4. 19 the cares of this, .and the deceitfulness Luke. 8. 14 are choked with cares and riches 21. 34 your hearts be overcharged with, .cares 2 Co. J I. 28 Besides those., care of all the churches iPe. s- 7 Casting all your care upon.. for he careth 5. Haste, speed, a-irovS'fi spoude. 2 Co. 7. 12 our care for you in the sight of God might 6. To be mindful, (ppovea phroneo. Phil. 4. 10 at . . last your care for me bath flourished CARE, earnest — Haste, speed, airovhi} spoudS, 2 Co. 8 16 put the same earnest care lato the heart CARE, to — \.To set the heart, a^ D?b sum leb. 2 Sa. 18. 3 if we flee away, they will not care for us 18. 3 neither if half of us die, will they care for 2. To he an object of care, jueAoi meld. Matt 22. 16 neither carest thou for any (man); for . Mark 4. 38 Master, carest thou not that we perish ? 12. 14 Master, we know that thou.. carest for Luke 10. 40 dost thou not care that my sister hath John 10. 13 he is an hireling, and careth not for the 12. 6 not that he cared for the poor; but because Acts 18. 17 Gallio cared for none of those things 1 Co. 7. 21 Art thou called (being) a servant? care X Pe. s. 7 all your care upon him ; for he careth 3. To become distracted,careful,fjLipiij,vp-i3 fruitful, noble. 1. Father of Achan "who troubled Israel." In 4. I the name is given as a son of Judah, but the same person is probably intended, as no such son of Judah is elsewhere mentioned, and of the five names mentioned only one is really his son, Pharez, though the other four are called "sons." Hezron is of the 2d generation. Hur of the 4th, and Shobal of the 6th. B. c. 1480. Josh. 7. 1 for Achan, the son of C, the son of Zabdt 7. 18 and Achan, the son of C. . .was taken I Ch. 2. 7 the sons of C. ; Achar the troubler of Is. 4. I sons of Judah; Pharez, Hezron,-and C. 2. One of the sons of Reuben, B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 9 sons of Reuben ; Hanoch .. Hezron, and 0. Exod.6. 14 Hezron, and C. : these(be)the families of Num26. 6 of C, the family of the Carmites I Ch. 5. 3 sons .. of Reuben . . Fallu, H ezron, and C. CARMITES, "cnjij. * Family descended from the preceding. No. 2. Nura 26. 6 of Carmi, the family of the C. CARNAL — \. Fleshly, aapKiKSs sarkikos. Rom. 7. 14 but I am [carnal], sold under sin 1 Co. 3. I I. .could not speak.. but as unto [carnal) 3. 3 ye are yet [carnal], .are ye not carnal? 3. 4. 1 (am) of ApoHos ; are ye not [carnal] ? 2 Co. 10. 4 weapons of our warfare (are; not carnal Heb. 7. 16 not after the law of a [carnal] command. 2. Flesh, (xdp^ sarx. Rom. 8. 7 the carnal mind (is) enmity against God Heb. 9. 10 drinks, and divers washings, and caru^ CARNAL things — The fleshly (things), to ffdpKiKa ta sarkika. Rom 15. 27 to minister unto them in carnal things 1 Co. 9. II if we shall reap your carnal things? CARNALLY — \. Laying of seed, copulation, yT| n3?w or fi^bi?. lev. 18. 20 Moreover thou shaltnotiie carnally with 19. 20 whosoever lieth carnally with a woman Num. 5. 13 a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid 2. Flesh, dpi sarx. Rom. 3. 6 For to be carnally minded (is) death ; hut CARPENTER — "^ ' l.Arlificer, lJ'"in charash. 2 Ki.22. 6 Unto carpenters, and builders, and mas. 2 Ch.24. 12 hired masons and carpenters to repair Ezra 3. 7 They gave money also unto.. the carpen. Isa. 41. 7 So the carpenter encouraged the goldsm. Jer. 24. 1 the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusal. 29. z the carpenters, and the smiths, were de. Zech 1. zo the Lord showed me four carpenters ^.Artificer in wood, fK E'^ri charash ets. 2 Sa. s- u cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons 2 Ki.i2. II they laid it out to the carpenters and J Ch.14. I masons and carpenters, to build him Isa. 44. 13 The carpenter stretcheth out this) rule 3. Artificer, TeKraiv tektun. _Matti3. 55 Is not this the carpenter's son ? is not Mark 6. 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary CAR'-PTTS, Kapiros fruit. A person at Troas in Mysia, with whom Paul left a 2 Ti. 4. 13 The cloak that I left at Troas with C. CARRIAGE — l.Heaviness, weight, .Tin? kebuddah, Judgi8.'2i and put .. the carnage before them 2, Vessel, instrument, -h^ keli. 1 Sa. 17. 22 left his carriage, .keeper of the carriage Isa. 10. 28 at Michmash he hath laid up his carriages Z.Thing lifted up or home, nt^iv) nesuah. Isa. 46. I carriages (were) heavy loaden : (they) CARRIAGE, to take up one's — To make ready for leaving, aTrotrKivd^ofiai. Acts 21. 15 after those days we took up our carriages CARRIED — To lift up, bear, carry, ^ftoJ nasa: Isa. 46. 3 (by me), .(which are) carried from the CARRIED, to be — 1.7b be caused to go in, K^3 ho, 6. Jer. 27. 22 They shall be carried to Babylon, and 2.2b he caused to flow or go, Vj; yabal, 6. Job 10. 19 I should have been carried from the Hos. 10. 6 It shall be also carried unto Assyria (for) 12. I and oil is carried into Egypt .3.2b tnove, he moved, b'lD mot. Psa. 46. 2 though the mountains be carried into 4.2b be lifted up, home, carried, n^j nasa, 2. 2 Ki.2o. 17 all. .in thine house, .shall be carried inta Isa. 39. 6 all. .in thine house, .shall be carried to 49. 22 daughters shall be carried upon (their) CAERTED about, to be — 2b he carried round, 33D sabab, 2. iSe. 5. 8 Let the aik.. be carried about uutoGatb CARRIED 145 CARRYING CABSIEI) away, to be — I. Exile, nbi3 golah. Nah. 3. 10 Yet (was) she carried away, she weut 2. To remove into exile, n^a gaCah. 2 Ki.17. 23 So was Israel' carried away out of their 25. 21 So Judah was carried away out of their Z.To be eaused to go into exile, xhi galah, 6. I Ch. 9. I Israel and Judah. .were carried away to Esth. 2. 6 Who had been carried away from Jerus. 2. 6 captivity which had been carried away i.A change of dwelling, neToiKe; yatsa, 5. Exod 12. 46 thou shall not carry forth ought of the 14. II hast tliou dealt thus, .to carry us forth Lev. 4. 21 he shall cany forth the bullock without 6. II Aud he shall, .carry forth the ashes 14. 45 he shall carry, .forth out of the city 16. 27 shall (one) carry forth without the camp 1 Ki. 21. 13 Then they carried, .forth out of the city 2 Ch. 29. 5 carry forth the filthiness out of the holy Jer. 17. 22 Neither carry forth a burden out of your 2.7*0 bear out, iKf\3 pMuach. 1 Ki. 6. 29 carved figures of cherubim and palm CARVED image — l.Oraven object, Sds pesel. Judg 18. i8 these went, .and fetched the carved Im. 2 Ch. 33. 7 he set a carved image, the idol which 2.Graven objects, D'Vpg pesilim. 2 Ch. 33. 22 Amon sacrificed unto all. .carved images 34. 3 began to purge . . from the carved images 34. 4 the groves, and the carved images, and CAHVED -work — \.To engrave, nijn chaqah, 4. I Ki. 6. 35 with gold fitted upon the carved work 2.Engramng, opened thing, nin? pittuach. Psa. 74. 6 now they break down the carved work CARVING — \. Artificer work, Tw- ballo. Matt. 3. 10 therefore every tree. is. .cast into the 4. 6 If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself 4. 18 Jesus, .saw two brethren, .casting a net 5. 13 it is thenceforth, .to be cast out, and 5. 25 lest at any time . . thou be cast into prison 5. 29 pluck it out, and cast (it) from thee : for 5. 29 thy whole body should be cast into hell 5. 30 cut it off, and cast (it) from thee; for it is s. 30 thy whole body (should be cast) into hell 6. 30 and tomorrow is cast into the oven 7. 6 neither cast ye your pearls before swine 7. 19 Every tree. .is.. cast into the fire 13. 42 shall cast them into a furnace of fire 13. 47 a net, that was cast into the sea, and 13. 48 and gathered the good.. but cast the bad 13. 50 shall cast them into the furnace of fire 15. 26 It is not meet. . to cast (it) to dogs 17. 27 go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and 18. 8 cut them off, and cast (them) from thee 18. 8 two feet to be cast into everlasting fire j8. 9 pluck it out, and cast ^it) from thee : it »8. 9 rather than to be cast into hell fire 18. 30 but went and cast him into prison 21. 21' and be thou cast into the sea ;it shall be 27. 35 and parted his gaiments, casting lots 27. 35 [and upon mx vesture did they cast lots] Mark 1. 16 saw Simon, and Andrew, .[casting] a net 4. 26 if a man should cast seed into the ground 7. 27 it is not meet, .to cast (it) unto the dogs 9. 22 And ofttimes it hath cast him ihto the 9. 42 and he were cast into the sea g. 4s having two feet to be cast into hell 9. 47 than having two eyes to be cast into hell 11. 23 and bo thou cast into the sea j2. 41 and beheld how the people castmoaey 12. 41 many that were rich cast in much 12. 43 this poor widow hath cast more in 12. 43 than all they which have cast into the 12. 44 (they) did cast in of their abundance 12. 44 of her want did cast in all that she had 15. 24 they parted his garments, casting lots Luke 3^ 9 every tree . . is . . cast into the fire 4. 9 If thou be the Sou of God, cast thyself 12. 28 which, .to morrow is cast into the oven 12. 58 and the officer cast thee into prisott 13. 19 which a man took, and cast into his gar. 14. 3s nor yet for the dunghiU ; (but) men cast 21. 1 looked up, and saw the rich men casting 21. 2 he Saw also a certain poor widow casting 21. 3 this poor widow hath cast in more than 21. 4 these have of their abundance cast in 21. 4 she of iier penury hath cast in all the 23. 19 Who for. . njurder, was cast into prisoti a3. ?3 released iw'tQ ihsfi IlUU that. , wa« caAti * CAST I/Uke33. 34 they parted his raiment, and cast lots John 3, 24 For John was not yet cast into prison 8. 7 [let him first cast a stone at her] 8. 50 Then took they up stones to cast at him 13. 6 he is cast forth as a branch, and is IS. 6 and men gather them, and cast (them) 19. ad for my vestures they did east lots 2>. 6 Cast the net on the right side of the ship a». fl They cast therefore, and now they were 31. 7 Peter, .did cast himself Into the sea Acts 16. a) they cast (them) Into prison, charging 1(5. 37 and have cast (us) into prison ; and now Eev. a. 10 the devil shall cast (some) of you Into a. 14 who taught Balac to cast a stumbling bl. 3. at Behold, X will cast her into a bed, and 4. 10 and cast their crowns before the throne 6. 13 even as a flg tree.casteth her untimely 8. 5 And the angel, .cast (it) into the earth e. 7 and they were cast upon the earth : and 8. 8 a gi'eat mountain.. was cast into the sea la. 4 and did cast them to the earth : and the la. ij when the dragon saw that he was cast 13. 15 the serpent cast out of his mouth water 13. 16 which the dragon cast out of his moutli 14. J9 and cast (it) into the great wine press 18. 19 And they cast dust on their heads 18. 31 a mighty angel . . cast (it) into the sea 19. 30 These both were cast alive into a lake of so. 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit ao. 10 And the devil. . was cast into the lake of ao. 14 death and hell were cast into the lake 20. IS whosoeverwas not found.. was cast into 22. To cast out, iK0A\\u ekhallo. Mattai. 39 cauglit him, and cast (him) out of the 22. 13 and cast Qtim) into outer darkness 25. 30 cast ye the unprofitable servant into Marki6. 9 out of whom he had cast seven devils Luke 20. IS So they cast him out of the vineyard 24. To hurl, ^I'lrrai rhipto. Luke 17. 2 and he cast into the sea, than that he Acts 27. 29 they cast four anchors out of the stem CAST, to be — l.To be cast away, Sin tul, 6. Vto\ 16. 33 The lot is cast into the lap ; but the 2. To caxise to fall, Ssj naphal. Psa.140. 10 let them be cast into the Are ; into 3. 7*0 he given, inj nathan, 2. Eze. 15. 4 Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel 4. To cast, KOT re>na, ID"! remah. Dan. 3. 21 were cast into the midst of the. .furnace 6. To be cast, n?") rema, n?"i remah, 2. Dan. 3. 6 shall the same hour be east into the 3. II (that) he sTiould be cast into the. .furnace 3. IS ye shall be cast the same hour into the 6. 7 he shall be cpst into the deu of lions 6. 12 shall be cast into the den of lions? 6. To be sent, nSy shalach, 4. Job -18. 8 he is cast into a net by hia own feet 7. To be sent, cast away, "^'^ shalaJc, 6. Psa. 22. 10 I was cast upon thee from the womb Isa. 14. J9 But thou art cast out of thy grave like Jer. 22. 28 aud are cast into a land which they S.To/all off, iKirlTTTco ekpiptd. Acts 27. 26 we must be cast upon a certain island C^T about, to — ■ 1. To go round, 335 sabab. Jer. 41. 14 So all the people . .cast about and return. 2. To cast around, irep^pdWco periballo. Lukei9. 43 thine enemies shall cast a trench about Acts 13. 8 Cast thy garment al?out thee, and follow 1 CAST about, to have — To cast around, irepipdWco peribcUlo. ' Marki4. 5? having a linen cloth cast about (his) t CAST abroad, to — To scatter, j-is puts, 5. Job 40. II Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath CAST away, to — l.Tothrust away, expd, rm hadaph. Provxo. 3 castoth away the substance of the wicked 2. To cast away, abandon, njj zanach, 5. 2 Ch. 29. 19 which king Ahaz...did cast away in his 2.T0 scatter, rnj. zarah. Isa. 30. 33 thou Shalt cast them away as a. .cloth i.To re/use, reject, ona maas. Lev. 26. 44 I will not cast them away, neither will I ■Job 8. 30 God will not cast away a perfect (man) Isa. 31. 7 every man shall cast away his idols of 41. 9 have chosen thee, and not cast thee away Jer. 33. 26 Then will 1 cast away the seed of Jacob i Hos. 9. 17 My (Uod will cast them away, because 5.7*0 send away, fh^ shalach, 3. Job 8. 4 and he have cast them away for their 6. To send, cause to go, %\v shalah, 5. Jud?js. 17 that he cast away the jawbone out of his a KL 7. 15 which the Syrians had cast away in their EccL Jer. U7 Psa. 2. 3 let us., cast away tlieir cords from us 51. II Cast me not away from thy presence 3. 5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to 3. 6 a time to keep, and a time to cast away Jer. 7. 29 Cut off thine hair, .and cast (it) away Eze 18.31 Castawayfromyouallyourtraosgressions 20. 7 Cast ye away every man the abominations 30. ■ 8 they did not every man cast away the 7. To cast off or away, kiroR&Wui apoballo. Markio. $0 And he, casting away his garment, rose Heb lio 35 Cast not away therefore your confidence 8.Tb thrust off from {one's self), lnru>eiaj apOtheS. Rom II. 1 1 say then, Hath God cast away his > I 2 God hath not cast away his people which OAST away, to be ^ To cause to suffer loss, Cvi^i^<^ zemiod. Luke 9. 25 if he. .lose himself, or be cast ar/rfl CAST oolf, to — To bereave, lose their young, hb^ shakol, 3. Job 21. 10 theircowcalveth.andcastethnothercalf CAST clouts — Rags, tatters, ri'iaiii? sechabothr Jer. 38. II took thence old cast clouts and old rotten 38. 12 Put now(the3e)oIdca8tclouts and rotten CAST down — Loio, huTnble, depressed, raireivSs tapcinos. 2 Co. 7. 6 that comforteth those that are cast down CAST down, to — 1. To cause to go down, place, nj; yanach, 5. Isa. 28. 2 which.. shall cast down to the earth with 2. To cause to go down, tv yarad, 5. Provai. 22 A wise (man), .castethdown the strength Eze. 31. 16 when I cast him down to hell with them 32. 18 Son of man, wail, .and cast them down 3.7b cav^e to bow down, jn? kara, 5. Psa. 17. 13 Lord, disappoint him, cast him down 4.7*0 cause to stumble, ^V's kaslial, 5. 2 611.35. 8 God hath power to help to cast down, and 5. To thrust doxon, liO magar, 3. Psa. ;8g. 44 Thou hast.. cast his throne down to the 6.7*0 separate, cast down, ni} nadach, 5. Psa. 62. 4 They only consult to cast (him) down 7. To cause to fall, Ssj naphal, 5. Job 29. 24 light of my countenance they cast not da. Psa. 37. 14 The wicked have, .cast down the poor 73. 18 thou castedst.them down into destruction Prov. 7. 26 For she hath cast down many wounded Eze. 6. 4 I will cast down your slain (men) before Dan. 8. 10 and it cast down (some) of the host II. 12 he shall cast down (many) ten thousands 8.7*0 tear down, yn nathats. Judg. 6. 30 because he hath cast down the altar 6. 31 because (one) hath cast down his altar 9.7*0 send, cause to go, "^hv shalak, 5. !Exod. 7. 10 Aaron cast down his rod before Pha. 7. 12 For they cast down every man his rod Josh 10. II the Lord cast down great stones from 2 Ch.25. 12 cast them down from the top of the Job 18. 7 his own counsel-shall cast him down Psa ^02. 10 thou hast lifted me up, and cast me down Lara. 2. I cast down from heaven unto the earth Dan. 8. 7 but he cast him doivn to the ground 8. 12 it cast, down the truth to the ground 10. 7*0 cause to be low, 'p??' shaphel, 5. Psa.147. 6 he casteth the wicked down to the ground W.To put or lift douni, KaBaipla kaihaireo. 2 Co. 10. s Casting down imaginations, and every 12. To cast down, Karapdwo) kataballo. 2 Co. 4. 9 cast down, but not destroyed Key. 12. 10 the accuser of our brethren is cast [down] 13.7*0 cast, hurl, fiiirTco rhipto. ilattis. 30 and cast them down at Jesus' feet 27. s And he cast down the pieces of silver CAST down headlong, to — To throw down a precipice, KaTa.Kpi\iJ.vl^ir, that (is), the lot before H. 9. 24 had cast Pur, that (is), the lot, to consume Psa. 22. 18 and cast lots upon my vesture Isa. 34. 17 And he hath cast the lot for them Jon. I. 7 let us cast lots ; so they cast lots CAST off, to — 1. To. cast off, abandon,ni] zanach. Psa. 43. 2 why dost thou cast me off? why go I 44. 9 thou hast cast off, and put us to shame 44. 23 arise, cast (us) not off for ever 60. I God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast 60. 10 thou, God, (which) hadst cast ns off? 74 I God, why hast thou cast (us) off for 77. 7 Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will 88. 14 LoRli, why easiest thou off my soul ? 89 38 But thou hast cast off and abhorred 108. n f\\Mlt) not (thou), God (who) hast c. off Lam. 2. 7 The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath 3. 31 For the Lord will not cast off for ever Hos. 8. 3 Israel hath cast off (the thing that is) 8. 5 Thy calf, Samaria, hath cast (thee) off Zech.KJ. 6 be as though I had not cast them o£e 2. 7*0 cast off, njj zanach, 5. I Ch.28. 9 forsake him, he will cast thee off for » Ch.ii. 14 Jeroboam and l>fe sons had cast them oB CAST 3. 7*0 refuse, Dxo maas. 2 Ki. 23. 27 will, .cast off this city Jerusalem ■which Jer. 31. 37 I will also cast oil all the seed of Israel 33. 24 he hath evea cast them ofl? then they i.To cast off, reject, leave, C'ci natash. Psa. 94. 14 For the Lord will not cast off hia people 5. To break off, n^a parar, 5. Job 15. 4 Yea, thou castest off fear, and restrainest 6. To corrupt, violate, inar, nny shachath, 3. Amos I. II because he. .did cast off all pity 7. To send off, "^h-^ shalah, 5. Job 15. 33 and shall cast off liis flower as the olive Psa. 71. 9 Cast me not off in the time of old age 8. To put aside, off, displace, aOer^w athetco. 1 Ti. s. 12 because they have cast off their first 9. To put off, aTrorlSrjfxi apotilhemi. "^Rom.i3. 12 let us therefore cast off the works of 10. To keep on throioiny, hurl, l>tirTe'oi rhipi.eo. Acts 22. 23 as they cried out, and cast oft (their) CAST on, U — To cast upon, iiri^iKXai epihallo. Markii. 7 And they . .cast their garments on him CAST out — t. Produce, what is cast forth, tfin migrash. Eze. 36. 5 with despiteful minds, to cast it out for ^Expulsion, ~\>'V^ marud. Isa. 58. 7 that thou bring the poor that are cast out 3. To he outcast, ni: nadach, 2. Neh. I. 9 though there were of you cast out unto A.To he sent away, nSy shalach, 4. Isa. 16. 2 as a wandering bird cast out of the nest CAST out, to — l.To cast out, ts""!! garash, 3. Gen. 21. 10 Cast out this bond woman and her son 2 Ch.2o. II to come to cast us out of thy possession Psa. 78. 55 He cast out the heathen also before them 80. 8 thou hast oast out the heathen, and Prov22. 10 Cast out the scorner, and contention Mic. 2. 9 The women of my people have ye cast out 2. To force or drive out, nn duach, 5. Jer. 51. 34 Nebuchadnezzar.. hath cast me out 3. To thrust away, II.7 hadaph. Deut. 6. 19 To cast out all thine enemies from before 9, 4 after that the Lord . .hath cast them out 4.7*0 cast away, Sio tul, 5. Jer. 16. 13 Therefore will I cast you out of this land 22. 26 I will cast thee out, and thy mother 5. 7*0 cast or throw, .Ti; yadah, 3. Zech. I. 21 come to fiay them, to cast out the horns 6. 7*0 drive avmy, lyv yarash, 5. .JSxod34. 24 For I will cast out the nations before Josh. 13. 12 these did Moses smite, and cast them out 1 Ki. 14. 24 which the Lord cast out before the chiL 21. 26 whom the Lord cast out before the chil. 2 Ki. i6. 3 whom the Lord cast out from before the 17. 8 whom the Lord cast out from before the 21. 2 whom the Lord cast out before the chil. 2 Ch.28. 3 whom the Lord had cast out before the 33. 2 whom the Lord had cast out before the Job 20. 15 God shall cast them out of his belly Zech. 9. 4 Behold, the Lord will cast her out, and 7. To separate, drive away {as filthy), nil nadah, 3. Isa. 66. 5 that cast you out for my name's sake 8. To cause to drive out, nil nadach, 5. 2 Ch.13. 9 Have ye not cast out the priests of the Psa. 5- 10 cast them out in the multitude of their 9. To cause to fall, Ss} naphal, 5. Isa. 26. 19 and the earth shall cast out the dead 10. To draw off, hpi nashal. Deut. 7. I hath cast out many nations before thee 1\. To face, turn the face, niS panah, 3. Zeph. 3. 15 he hath cast out thine enemy: the king 12. To dig, make deep, "flp qur, 5. Jer. 6. 7 As a fountain casteth out her watera 6. 7 80 she casteth out her wickedness 13.7*0 empty, pour out, pn rvpr} chataph. Judg2i. 21 catch you every man his wif e . .•'daughtei'B Psa. lb., 9 he lieth jn wait to catch the poor r, 10. 9 he doth catch the i)oor, when be.drswefti 7. To draw out, U^n chalat. I Ki. 20. 33 Now the men.. did hastily catch (iO ^1 CATCH 149 CAUSE I B.To tear, rend, 11? taraph. Eze. 19. 3 it learned to catch the prey ; it devoured 19. 6 learned to catch the prey, (and) devoured 9. To capture, catch, n?S lakad. Judg. 8. J 4 caught a young man of the men of Succoth 15. 4 Samson weDt and caught three hundred 5 Ch.22. 9 he sought Ahaziah : and they caught him Jer. 5. 2& they set a trap, they catch men lO.ToJind, n^? maisa. Exod22. 6 If fire break out, and catch. .thorns \l.To extort, ensnare, lypj nagash, 3. Psa. 109. 1 1 Let the extortioner catch all that be hath \2.Hunting, n:s tsayid. Lev. 17. 13 which hunteth and catcheth'any beast cr lay hold of (by the hand), (fan taphas. Gen. 39. 12 And she caught him by his garment 1 Ki II. 30 And Abijah caught the new garment that 2 Ki. 7. 12 we shall catch them alive, and get into \^.To catch, hunt {in the field), aypevco agre^iCi. Marki2. 13 they send, .to catch hira in (his) words 15. To snatch at, or away, apitdCoi harpazS. Johnio. 12 the wolf catcheth them, and scattercth 15. To take {hold) upon, iiriXa/x^dvu epilainbajiO. >fatti4. 31 Jesus stretched forth (his) hand, .caught Acts 16. 19 they caught Paul and Silas, and drew hunt {a ivild beast), erjpevw tliereup. Luke II. 54 seeking to catch something out of his 18.7b take, Kaji^avta lambano. Matt 21. 39 they caught hira, and cast (him) out of Marki2. 3 they caught (liim), and beat him, and 2 Co. 12. 16 nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you 19. To catch alive, (cuypfoi zogreo. Luke 5. 10 from henceforth thou shall catch men 20. To seize, ini(w piazd. John 21. 3 and that night they caught nothing 21. 10 Bring of the fish, .ye have now caught 21. 7*0 take together, crvWaixPdvw suLlavihand. Acts 26. 21 For these causes the Jews caught me la 22. To snatch away together, crvvapTrd^oi sunarpazo. Luke 8. 29 For oftentimes it had caught him : and Acts 6. 12 and came upon (liim), and caught hira 19. 29 and having caught Gains and Aristarchus 27. 15 when the ship was caught, and could not CATCH away — To snatch away, apirdCvj chazaq. 2 Sa. i3. 9 and his head caught bold of the oak CATCH self, to — To capture, catch, 137 lakad. ^ Psa. 35. 8 let his ne't..hehathhid catchhirasell CATCH up, to - To snatch away, apvdCa> harpazd. 3 Co. 12. 2 such an one caught up to the third 12. 4 How that he was caught up into paradise I Th. 4. 17 Then we. shall be caught up together Rev. 12. 5 and her child was caught up unto God ' CATERPILLAR — l.A devourer {a kind of locust), V'pn chasil. 1 Ki. 8. 37 If there be in the land, .caterpillar 2 Ch. 6. 28 It there be dearth, .or caterpillars Psa. 78. 46 He gave, .their increase unto the caterp. Isa. 33. 4 shall be gathered (like). . the caterpillar Joel. I. 4 that which . .hath left hath the caterpillar 2. 25 the cankerworra, and the caterpillar 2.i4 ccmkerworm, p^\yeleq. Psa.105. 34 He spaice. .locusts came, and caterpillars Jer. 51. 14 I will fill thee, .as with caterpillars 51. 27 horses to come up as the rough cater. CATTLE — \. Cattle, beast, nana hehemah. Gen. I. 24 cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of I. 25 God made the. .cattle after their kind 1. 26 let them have dominion over, .the cattle 2. 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and 3. 14 thou (art) cursed above all cattle, and 6. 20 cattle after their kind, of every creeping 7. 14 and all the cattle after thisir kind, and 7. 21 all flesh died . both of fowl, and of cattle 7. 23 both man, and cattle, and the creeping 8. I and all the cattle (that) was with him in 8. 17 and of cattle, and of every creeping thing 9. 10 of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every be. 47. 18 my lord also hath our herds of cattlo Exodi2. 29 Lord smote, .all the first born of cattle 20. 10 nor thy maid servant, nor thy cattle Ler. I. 2 shall bring your offering of the cattle 5. 2 whether (it be) a carcase . . of unclean cat. 19. 19 Thou Shalt not let thy cattle gender with :$• 7 And for thy cattle, and for the beast Lev. 26. 22 shall rob you. .and destroy your cattle Num. 3. 41 and the cattle of the Levites instead of 3. 41 firstlings among the cattle of.. Israel 3. 45 and the cattle of the Levites instead of 31. 9 and took the spoil of all tlieir cattle 32. 26 our wives, our Hogks, and all our cattle 35. 3 suburbs of thera.shaU be for their cattle Dent. 2. 35 Only the cattle we took for a prey 3. 7 all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities 5. 14 nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle 7. 14 there shall not be. .among your cattle II. 15 And I will send gi'ass. .for thy cattle 13. 15 and the cattle thereof, with tlie edge of 20. 14 and the little ones, and the cattle, and 28. 4 and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase 28. II in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the 28. 51 And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle 30. 9 in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit Josh. 8. 2 only the spoil thereof, and the cattle 8. 27 Only the cattle and the spoil of that city 11. 14 all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle 21. 2 with the suburbs thereof for our cattle 2 Ki. 3. 9 and for the cattle that followed them Neh. 9. 37 over our bodies, and over our cattle 10. 36 the first bom of our sons, and of our cattle Psa. 50. 10 (and) the cattle upon a thousand hills 104. 14 causeth the grass to grow for the cattle 107. 38 suffereth not their cattle to decrease 148. 10 Beasts, aud all cattle ; creeping things Isa. 46. I their idols were upon, .the cattlo Jun. 4. II Nineveh, .wherein are., (also) much cat. Hag. I. II upon men and upon cattle, and upon all Zcch. 2. 4 the multitude of men aud cattle therein 2.Beast, "I'ys beir. !Num2o. 4 that we and our cattle should die tljere? Psa. 78. 48 He gave up their cattle also to the hail 3..<-l possession, thing purchased, .^Jpp miqneh. Gen. 4. 20 he was the father, .(of such as have) catt. 13. 2 And Abram (was) very rich in cattle 13. 7 between the herdmen of Abram's cattle 13. 7 and the herdmen of Lot's cattle : And 29. 7 neither (is it) time that the cattle should 30. 29 Thou knowest. .how thy cattle was with 31. 9 Thus God hath taken away the cattle 31. iS And he carried away all his cattle, and 31. 18 the cattle of his getting, which he had 33. 17 And Jacob, .made booths for his cattle 34. 5 now his sons wj;re with his cattle in the 34. 23 (Shall) not their cattle and their substan. 36. 6 and his cattle, and all his beasts 36. 7 could not. .because of their cattle 46. 6 they took their cattle, and their goods 46. 32 their trade hath been to feed cattle 46. 34 Thy servants' trade hath been about catt, 47. 6 then make them rulers over my cattle 47. 16 And J'oseph said, Give your cattle ; and 47. 16 I will give you for your cattle, if money 47. 17 they brought their cattle unto Joseph 47. 17 for the cattle of the herds, and . .the asses 47. 17 for all their cattle for that year Exod.Q. 3 the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle 9. 4 the Lord shall sever between the cattle 9. 4 and the cattle of Egypt ; and there shall 9. 6 and all the cattle of Egypt died g. 6 but of thecatUeof the children of Is. died 9. 7 there was not one of the cattle of the Is. 9. 19 Send therefore now, (and) gather thy catt. g. 20 made his servants and his cattle flee into ' 9. 21 left his servants and his cattle in the field 10. 26 Our cattle also shall go with us ; there 12. 38 flocks and herds, (even; very much cattle 17. 3 thou hast brought us. .to kill, .our cattle 34. 19 and every firstling among thy cattle Numio. 19 if I and my cattle drink of thy water 32. I had a very great multitude of cattle 32. I behold, the place (was) a place for cattle 32. 4 the country .(is) a land for cattla 32. 4 and thy servants have cattle 32. 16 We will build sheep folds, .for our cattle Deut. 3. 19 your little ones, and .cattle, .shall abide 3. 19 (for) I know that ye have mucl) cattle Josh. 1. 14 Your wives, your little ones, your cattlo 14. 4 >vith their suburbs for their cattle and 22. 8 Ketui-n. .with very much cattle, with Judg. 6. s they came up with their cattle, and their 18. 21 put the little ones and the cattle .. before 1 Sa. 23. 5 brought away their cattle, and smote 30. 20 they drave before those (other) cattle 2 Ki. 3. 17 both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts I Ch. 5. 9 because their cattle were multiplied in 5. 21 they took away their cattle ; of their 7. 21 they came down to take away their cattle sCh. 14. 15 They smote also the tents of cattle, and 26. 10 he had much cattle, both in the low Job 36. 33 the cattle also concerning the vapour Isa. 30. 23 in that day shall thy cattle feed in large Jer. g. 10 can (men) hear the voice of the cattle 49. 32 and the multitude of their cattle a spoil Eze. 38. 12 people, .which have gotten cattle and 38. 13 to take away cattle and goods, to take i.Sinall cattle, sheep and goats, Jxk tson. Gen. 30. 39 brought forth cattle ringstraked, speck. 30. 40 and put them not unto Laban's cattle 30. 41 whensoever the stronger cattle did con. 30. 41 Jacob laid the rods before, .the cattle 30. 42 But when ihe cattle were feeble, he put 30. 43 and had much cattle, and maid servants 31. 8 then all the cattle bare speckled : and if I. 8 then bare all the cattle ringstraked X. 10 came to pass at the time that the cattle Ocn. 31. 10 the cattle (were) ringstraked, speckled 31. 12 all tl.^ rania which leap upon the cattlo 31. 41 1 served thee.. six years lor thy cattle 31. 43 and (these) cattle (are) my cattle, and all 5.A sheep or goat, "'^y seh. Gen. 30. 32 removing, .the speckled and spotted cat. 30. 32 all the blown cattle among the sheep Eze. 34. 17 Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle 34. 20 I, feven) I. Judge between the fat cattlo 34. 20 and Ijetween the_lean cattle 34. 22 1 will judge between cattle and catUe 6. Work, njuS? inelakah. Gen. 33. 14'according as'the cattle that goeth before 7. What is fed or nourished, dpifi/jLa thremma. John 4. 12 drank thereofi .his cliildren, and hiscat. CATTLE, fat — Fallings, n"")P ineri. 1 ICi I. 9 slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle by 19. 25 hath slain oxen and fat cattle aud sheep CATTLE, lesser — Sheep w goats, nb seh. Isa. 7. 25 and for the treading of lesser cattle CATTLE, small — LUmall caitle, sheep and goats, ]H^i tsan. Eccl. 2. 7 great possessions of great and Bmall cattlo 2. Sheep or goat, n'v seh. Isa. 43. 23 Thou iiast not brought me the small catUa CATTLE, to feed — 7'o shepherd, tend, irotfialvto poimaino. Lukci7. 7 a servant plowing or feeding cattle CAUGHT, to be — l.To be laid hold of, inn acMz, 2. Gen. 22. 13 a ram caught in a tliicket by his horns 2. 7*0 be laid hold of {by the hand), ren taphas, 2. Jer. 50. 24 thou art found, and also caught, becauM CAUL — l.Biaph/ragm or midriff, rnn- yoiheret/i. Exod29. 13 thou shalt take, .the caul (that Is) above 29. 22 thou Shalt take, .the caul (above) the Lev. 3. 4, 10, 15 the caul above the liver, with Iho 4. 9 the caul above the liver, with the kidneys 7. 4 the caul (that is) above the liver, with the 8. 16 the caul (above) the liver, and the two 8. 25 And he took, .the caul (above)thc liver 9. 10 the caul above the liver of the sin offering 9. 19 and the kidneys, and the caul (above) the 2.Caul, pericardium, "I'lJp segor. Hos. 13. 8 1.. will rend the caul of their heart, and Z.Cauls, netted caps, o-p-?^ shelisim. Isa. 3. i3 'the Lord will take away, .(their) cauls CAUSE — 1. Causes, reasons, ni'ix odoth. 2 Sa. 13. 16 she said unto him, (There Is) no cause Jer. 3. 8 I saw, when for all the causes whereby 2. Word, matter, l^'l dabar. Exod 18. 19 that thou mayest bring the causes unto 18. 26 the hard causes they brought unto Moses 22. 9 the cause of both parties shall come before Teut. 1. 17 the cause that is too hard for you, bring Josh. 5. 4 this (is) the cause why Joshua did cir.' 20. 4 shall declare his cause in the ears of the iSa. 17. 29 ■VVhathaveI..done?(Is there) not a cause 1 Ki. II. 27 this (was) the cause that he lifted up (his) Z.Word/ matter, rrni^ dibrah. Job 5. 8 and unto God would I commit my^ cause i.Plea, judgment, Jl din. Psa. 9. 4 thou hast maintained .my cause ; thon 140. 12 the Lord will maintain the cause of the Prov29. 7 The righteous considereth the cause of 31. 8 Open thy mouth, in the cause of all such Jer. 5. 28 they judge not the cause, the cause of 22. 16 He judged the cause of the poor and 30. 13 (There is) none to plead thy cause, that ^.Judgment, a^O mishpat. 2 Sa. 15. 4 every man which hath any . .cause rfiight 1 Ki. 8. 45, 49 hear thou . . and maintain their cause 8. 59 the cause of his servant, and the cause of aCh 6. 35, 39 hear thou, .and maintain their cause Job 13. 18 Behold now, I have ordered (ray) cause 21. 4 I would order (my) cause before him 31. 13 It I did despise the cause, .roan servant Lam. 3. 59 Lord, thou hast seen . .judge, .toy cause 6. Turn {of events), B^^inesibbah. 2 Ch. 10. 15 the cauie was of God, that the LoED might 1 .Turn {of events), r\-^^ sibbah. I Ki. 13. 15 unto the people; for the cause was from S. Strife, cont7Vversy, 3"! rib. Exod23. 2 neither shalt thou speak in s cause to 23 3 countenance a poor man in bis canse 23 6 the judgment of thy poor In his cause I Sa 24- 15 plead my cause, and deliver me out of 25 39 hath pleaded the cause of my reproaca sCh.ig. 10 what cause soever shall corae to you Job 29. 16 the cause (which) I knew not I searchfii CAUSE 150 CEASE fsa. 35. 23 (even) unto my cause. .God and my Lord 4> I Judge me, God, and plead my cause 74. 22 Arise, God, plead thine own cause 119. 154 Head my cause, and deliver me: quicken Prov.18. 17 (He that is) first in his own cause 22. 23 the Lord will plead their cause, and spoil 23. II he shall plead their cause with thee 25. 9 Debate thy cause with thy neighbour(lum.) Isa. I. 23 neither doth the cause of the widow 41. 21 Produce your cause, saith the Lord Jer. II. 20 for unto thee have I revealed my cause ao. 13 for unto thee have I opened my cause 50. 34 he shall throughly plead their cause 51. 36 Behold, I will plead thy cause, and take Lam. 3. 36 subvert a man in his cause, the Lord 3. 58 thou hast pleaded the causes of ray soul Mic. 7. 9 1 have sinned.. until he plead my cause 9. Because of whom, 'ip^K/g beshellemi. Jon. I. 7 for whose caiise this evil (is) upon us lO^Cause, accusation, alria aitia. Matt 19. 3 a man to put away his wife tor every cause? Luke 8. 47 for what cause she had touched him, and Acts 10. 21 whatfis) the cause wherefore ye arecome? 13. 28 though they found no cause of death 23. 28 And when I would have known the cause 28. 18 because there was nc cause of death in a8. 20 For this cause therefore have I called for 2 TI. I. 12 For the which cause I also suffer these Heb. 2. II for which cause he is not ashamed to call IX.Caicsative of, causing, asking, atriov aition. Luke 23. 22 I have found no cause of death in him Acts 19. 40 there being no cause whereby we may 12. Word, matter, \6yos logos. Matt. ,5. 32 saving for.. cause of fornication, causeth CAUSE, for the same — The same, rh airh to auto. Phil. 2. 18 For the same cause also do ye joy and CATTSE, for this (or your) — 1. WhoUt/ over against this, nn "73i?"V3 kol qebeldenak. Ban. 2. 12 For this cause the king was angry and 2. Over against this, avrl rovrov anti toutou. Eph. s. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his S.O'i account of this, Sia rovro dia iouto, Jolint2. 18 For this cause the people also met hiso, 12. 27 for this cause came I unto this hour Eom. I. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile 13. 6 For, for this cause pay ye tribute also - 15. 9 For this cause I will confess to thee among I Co. 4. 17 For this cause have I sent unto you II. 10 For this cause ought the woman to have II. 30 For this cause many (are) weak and sickly Col. I. 9 For this cause we also ^. do not cease to 1 Th. 2. 13 For this cause also thank we God without 3. s For this cause, when I could no longer 2 Th. 2. 1 1 for this cause God shall send them strong I XL I. 16 ETowbeit for this cause I obtained mercy Heb. 9. 15 And for this cause he is the Mediator ot 4. With a view to this, els rovro eis iouto. JohniS. 37 for this cause came I into the world, that 1 Pe. 4. 6 for this cause v/as the Gospel preached 5. For the sake of this, tveKev rovrovhencken toutou. Matt 19, 5 For this cause shall a man leave his father Mark'io. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father , Acts 26. 21 For these causes the Jews caught me 7^ 2 Cor. 7. 12 not for his cause . .nor for lus cause that CAUSE, fer which — l.Therefore, ]yW al ken. Neh. 6. 6 for which cause thou buildest the wall 2.0n accourd of which, ot6 dio. Rom 15. 22 For which- cause also I have been much 2 Co. 4. 16 For which cause we faint not ; but though CATTSE, -without (a) — l.Oratis, gratuitously, Djn chinnam. I Sa. 19. 5 wherefore, .slay David v/ithout a cause? Job a. 3 movedsfc me., destroy him without cause g.ij and multiplieth .. wounds without cause Ito. 35. 7 For without cause have they hid for me 35- 7 without cause they have digged for my 35. 19 let. .wink, .that hate me without a cause 69. 4 They that hate me without a cause are 109. 3 they . .fought against me without a cause iig. 161 have persecuted me without a cause Prov. I. ri lurk privily for. .innocent without cause 3. 30 Strive not with a man without cause 23. 29 who hath wounds without cause? who 24. 28 Be not a witness, .without cause ; and Lam. 3. 52 chased me sore, like a bird, without cause £ze. I*. 23 1 have not done without cause all that I . Vainly, DS'i. reqam. Psa. 7. ; 4 delivered him that without cause is 25. 3 ashamed which transgress without cause .Falsehoid, "li^^ sheqer. Psa.iig. 78 dealt perversely withme without a cause .Oratuitously, dapedp dorean. John 15. 25 They hated me without a cause i). Yieldingly, heedlessly, f'tKr; eike. Matt. 5. 22 augry with his brother without a cause OkVSZ, Paul's — The things agriinst Paul, ra Kari. rhv llavAoy. Aatg 35. 14 irestus declared Paul's cause unto the king CAUSE, to — 1. To be, n^n hayah. Num3i. r6 Behold, these caused the children of 2. To give, inj naihan. Lev. 24. 19 And if a man cause a blemish in his 24. 20 as he hath caused a blemish in a man Deut 28. 7 the Lord shall cause thine enemies 28. 25 the Lord shall cause thee to be smitten Prov 10. 10 He that wicketh with the eye causeth Jer. 15. 4 And I will cause them to be removed £ze. 16. 7 I have caused thee to multiply as the 26. 17 which cause their terror (to be) on all 32. 23 which caused terror in the land of the 32. 24, 26 caused their terror in the land of the 32. 32 For I have caused my terror in the land Z.To do, make, iroiiwpoieo. Matt. 5. 32 for the cause of fornication, causeth her John II. 37 Could not this man.. have caused that Acts 15. 3 caused gi-eat joy unto all the brethren Kom i6. 17 mark them which cause divisions and off. Col. 4. 16 cause that it be read also in the church Eev. 12. 15 that he might cause her to be carried 13. 12 causeth the earth and them which dwell 13. 15 cause that as many as would not worsnip 13. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great 4. To work thoroughly, Karepyd^ofiat katergazomai. 2 Co. g. II which causeth through us thanksgiving CAUSED, to be — To be given, ]n nathan, 2. Eze. 32. 25 though their terror was caused in the laud CAUSELESS — Gratuitously, Djn chinnam. I Sa. 25. 31 either that thou hast shed blood causeless Prov 26. 2 so the curse causeless shall not come (lAUSEWAY- Way cast up, n^p!? mesillah. 1 Ch.26. 16 by the causeway of the going up, ward 26. 18 four at the causeway, (and) two at Parbar CAVE — l.A hole, -t\n ckor. Job 30. 6Todwen..(in)cave8of the earth, and (in) 2. Exposed place, open cave, ttivo mearah. Gen. 19. 30 and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two 23. 9 That he may give me the cave of Machp. 23. II the field give I thee, and the cave that 23. 17 the field, and the cave which (was) therein 23. 19 buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the 23. 20 the field, and the cave that (is) therein 25. g his sons, .buried him in the cave of Mac. 49. 29 bury me with my fathers in the cave 49. 30 In the cave that (is) in the field of ilach. 49. 32 The purchase of the field and of the cave 50. 13 buried him in the cave of the field of M. Josh. 10. 16 hid themselves in a cave at Makkedah 10. 17 The five kings are found hid in a cave at 10. iB Roll, .stones upon the mouth of the cave lo. 22 said Joshua, Open the mouth of the cave 10. 22 bringout those five kings.. out of the cave 10. 23 brought . . those. five kings . . out of the cave . 10. 27 and cast them into the cave, wherein 10. 27 and laid, great stones in the cave's mouth Judg. 6. 2 dens which (are) in the mountains . . caves 6 the people did hide themselves in caves I David .. escaped to the cave AduIIam 3 came to the sheep cotes, .where (.was) ac. 3 his men remained in the sides of the cave 7 Saul rose up out of the cave, and went 3 Da-vid also arose, .went out of the cave 24. 10 had delivered thee to day.. in the cave 2 Sa 23. 13 came to David.. unto the cave of Adullam I Ki.18. 4 hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them 18. 13 I hid an hundred men. .by fifty in a cave 19. 9 he came thither unto a cave, and lodged 19. 13 and stood in the entering in of the cave 1 Ch.ii. 15 went down, .into the -cave of Adullam Psa. 57. title, when he fled from Saul in the cave 142. title. A Prayer when he was in the cave Eze. 33. 27 they that (be) in the forts and in the caves 3. Opening, hole, onii ope. Heb. II. 38 wandered, .(in) dens and caves of the 4. Cave, grotto, aiziiXaiov spelaion. Johnii. 38 It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it CAVES — Holes, caves, nhno mechillotK. Isa. 2. 19 they shall go. .into the caves of the earth CEASE, to — 1. To cease (from labour), ^5 batel. Eocl. t2. 3 the grinders cease, because they axt few 2. To cease, "joa betel. Ezra 4. 24 i'hcn ceased the work of the house of Gcd "^.To come to an end, "pj Psa. 12. I Help, Lord ;' for the godly man oeaacth 4.7*0 be dumb, silent, noi damah. Jer. 14. 17 Let mine eyes ran. .let them not cease Lam. 3. 49 Mine eye trickleth down, and ceaseth Z.To be dumb, silent, dot damam. Psa. 35. 15 they did tear (me), and ceased not Lam. 2. 18 let not the apple of thine eye cease 6.T0 cease, leave off, "^in chadal. , Gen. 18. n it ceased to be with Sarah after the i Sa. 13. 22, 24- . 24. 24. 24. JExod.g. ^g the thunder shall cease, neither shall 9. 33 the thunders and hail ceased, and the g. 34 the hail and the thunders were ciased Deut 15. II For the poor shall never cease out of the Judg. 5. 7 the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel 15. 7 avenged of you, and after that I will cease 20. 28 ShtU . . go out to battle . . or shall I cease! I Sa. 2. 5 and (^'they that were) hungry ceased : so 12. 23 I should sin . .in ceasing to pray for you Job 3. 17 There thf wicked cease (from) troubling 10, 20 (Are) not my days few ? cease (then, and) 14, 7 the tender branch thereof will not cease Psa. 49. 8 redemption of their soul, .ceaseth for Prov.19. 27 Cease, my son, to hear the instruction 23 4 Labour not to be rich ; cease from thine Isa. 3. 16 put away the evQ of your doings . .cease 2. 22 Cease ye fro n man, whose breath (is) in Amos 7. 5 Then said I, Lord God, cease, I beseecli 7. To be silent, snn charnsh, 5. 1 Sa. 7. 8 Cease not to cry unto the fJiUD our God 8. To add. fjp; yasaph. Numu. 25 tliey prophesied, and did not cease 9. To be compleiea, ri'pp kalah. Isa. j6. 4 the spoiier ceaseih, the opp/essors are IQ.To remove, &'iD mush, 5. Jer. .17. 8 neither shall cease from yielding fruit 11. 2*0 rest, nn nuach. I Sa. 25. 9 David's young men came, they, .ceased 12. To aause'to fall, Vsj naphal, 5. Judg.-2. 19 they ceased not from their own doings 13. To stand, iQf} amad. Jon. I. 15 and' the sea ceased from her raging 14. 7*0 be languid, 3iD p^ig. Psa. 77. 2 my sore ran iE the night, anfl ceased not Ib.To let fall, .njT raphah, 5. Psa. 37. 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret 16. To cease, keep sabbath, 113^ shabath. Gen. 8. 22 and summer and win'.er shall not cease Josh. 5. 12 And the manna ceased on the morrow Neh. 6. 3 why should the work cease, whilst I Job 32. I So these three msii ceased to answer Job Prov22. 10 yea, strife and reproach shall cease Isa. 14. 4 oppressor ceased I the go)d<=:i city ceased ! 24. 3 The mirth of tabreta ceaseth. the noise 24. 8 the joy Of the harp ceaseth 33. 8 the wayfaring man ceaseth : he hath Jer. 31. 36 the seed of Israel also shall cease from Lara. 5. 14 I'he eiders have ceased from the gate $. IS The joy of our heart is ceased ; our dance Hos. 7. 4 ceaseth from raising aJter he hath 1 7. To cease, keep sabbath, r\2:(} shabath, 2. Isa. 17. 3 The fortress, .shall cease from EphraiDi Jize. 6. 6 &r.d your idols may be broken and cease 30. iS and the pomp of her strength shall cease 33. 28 and the pomp of her strength shnll cease IB.Cessation, r\y^ shebeth. Prov.20. 3 (It is) an honour for a maij to ceas>'; from 19. 7*0 twm back, 2?e' shui. Num. 8. 25 they shall cease waiting upon the service 20. 7*0 cease, rest, he still, pn^ shathaq. Prov. 26. 20 where (there is) no tale bearer, the strife c. 21. To perfect, complete, DBP tamam, 5. Isa. 33. I when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou s?!alt 22. 7*0 leave throughout, intermit, StaXetira) dialeipo. Luke 7. 45 this woman, .hath not ceased to kiss my 23.7*0 become still, qiciet, silent, riavxd^u hesuchazo. Acts 21. 14 we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord 24.2*0 cecue thoroughly, Karanavhi kaiapauo. Beb. 4. 10 he also hath ceased from his own works 25. 7*0 make thoroughly idle, Karapyca katargeo. Gal. 5. 11 then is the uflence of the cross ceased 26. 7*0 cease, abate, Koira^a kopazo. Matti4. 32 when they were come, .the wind ceased Mark 4. 39 wind ceased, and there.was a great cslm 6. 51 the wind ceased : and they were sore 27. To pause, cease, iravojiai pa/uomai. Luke 8. 24 and they ceased, and there was a calm 11. I when he ceased, one of his disciples said Acts 5. 42 they ceased not to teach and preacli 6. 13 This man ceaseth not to speak blasphem. 13. 10 wilt thou not cease to pervert the right 20. I after the uproar was ceased, Paul called 20. 31 1 ceased not to warn every one night and I Co. 13. 8 whether, .tongues, they shall cease Eph. I. 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making Col. I. 9 For this cause \ve also, .do not cease to Heb. 10. 2 then would they not have ceased to be 1 Pe. 4. 1 he tliat hath suffered, .hath ceased from CEASE, that cannot — Not ceasing thoroughly, i.Kardiravirros ahdtapaiisto.v. 2 Pe. 2. 14 Having eye.i. .[that cannot tease] from CEASE, to cause to — 1. To cause to cease or leave off, Vks letel. Ezra 4. 21 Give ye. .to cause these men to cease 5. 5 that they could not cause them to ceate 2.7*0 break asunder, disannul, "n^ parar, 5. Psa. 85. 4 and cause thine anger toward us to ce&ss CEASE 151 CERTAIN I 2.T0 cause io cease, keep sabbath, nyf shabaih, 5. Jieh. 4. u slay them, and cause the work to cease Prov. 18. 18 The lot causeth.conteutions to cease, and Isa. 13. n cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease 30. 1 1 cause the Holy One of Israel to cease . Jer. 7. 34 Then will I cause to cease from the cities 16. 9 I will cause to cease out of tliis place in 36. 29 and shall cause to cease from thence 48. 35 I will cause to cease in iloab, saith the JEze. 16. 41 I will cause thee to cease from playing 23. 48 Thus will I cause lewdness to cease out 26. 13 will cause the noise of thy songs to cease 30. 13 I will cause (their) images to cense out of 34. 10 cause them to cease from feeding the 34. 25 will cause the evil beasts to cease out of Ban. 9. 27 cause the sacrifice and the oblation to ce. 11. 18 a prince, .shall cause the reproach., toco. H09. I. 4 will cause to cease the kingdom of the 2. 1 ( I will also cause all her mirth to cease CEASE, to let — To cause or let cease, nj;^ shabaih, 5. 2 Ch.i6. s he left off building, .and let his work ce. GEASE, t3 maie to — l.To cause io cease, So? betel. Ezra 4. 23 made them to cease by force and poTj'er 2. To cause io cease, keep sabbath, nj-^ sluibath, 5. ]L)eut32. 56 make the remembrance of them to cease Josh 22. 25 make our children cease from fearing the Psa. 46. 9 Eo maketh wars to cease unto the end of 8g. 44 Thou hast made his glory to cease Isa. 16. 10 have made (their vintage) shouting to ce. 2j. 2 the sighing thereof hare I made to cease Eze . 7. 24 make the pomp of the strong to cease 12. 23 I wiF. icake this proverb to cease, and 23. 27 Thus will I make thy lewdness to cease 30. 10 make the multitude of Egypt to cease 3. To cause io settle Sown, rQip shakak, 5. Numi7. 5 1 will make to cease from me the raunn. C2ASED — There was a cessation, N^p^ rm havath batela. Ezra 4. 24 So it ceased unto the second year cf CEASING, -wlthont — I. Not thoroughly left, uniniermtting, /iSiaXemros. 2 Ti. I. 3 that without ceasing I have remembrance 2. Unintermiitingly, aSLaXeirrTcas adialeiplos. Rom. I. 9 that without ceasing I make mention of I Th. I. 3 Remembering without ceasing your work 2. 13 cause also thank we God without ceasing S- 17 Pray without ceasing S.Exiencied, outstretched, tKT^vfis ektenes. Acts 12.5 prayer was made [without ceasing] of the CEBAH — Cedar (so called from its firmness), i^x erez. Lev. 14. 4 and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop 14. 6 he shall take it, and the cedar wood 14. 49 he shall take, .two birds, and cedar wood 14. 51 he shall take the cedar wood, and the 54. 52 shall cleanse the house, .with the cedar Numig. 6 'the priest shall take cedar wood, and Judg. g. 15 let fire come out. .and devour the cedars a Sa. 5. 1 1 And Hiram king of Tyre sent . . cedar trees 7. 2 See now, I dwell in an house of cedar 7. 7 Why build ye not me an house of cedar ? I Ki 5. 8 I will do all thy desire concerning, .cedar 5. 10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and 6. 9 covered the house vrith . . boards of cedar 6. 10 rested on the house with timber of cedar 6. 15 he built the walls, .with boards of cedar 6. 16 he built, .the walls with boards of cedar 6. 18 And the cedar of the house within (was) 6. 18 all (was) ceaar ; there was no stone seen 6. 20 covered the altar (which was of) cedar 6. 36 the inner court with, .cedar beams 7. 2 four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar 7. 3 covered with cedar above upon the beams 7. 7 covered with cedar from one side of the 7. II after the measurea of hewed stones . .ced. 7. 12 a row of cedar beams, both for the inuer 9. II king, .furnished Solomon with cedar tr. to. 27 cedars made he (to be) as the sycamore tr. t Ki.14. g The thistle, .in Lebanon sent to the cedar I Ch.14. 1 Hiram king of Tyre sent, .timber of ced. 17. I Lo, I dwell in an house of cedars 17. 6 ye not built me an house of cedars 1 22. 4 Also cedar trees in abundance ; for the 22. 4 they of Tyre brought much cedar wood a Ch. 2. 3 and didst send him cedars to build him 2. 8 Send me also cedar trees, flr trees, and 25. 18 The thistle, .in Lebanon sent to the cedar Ezra 3. 7 to bring cedar trees from L^anon to the Job 40. 17 He moveth his tail like a cedar : the Psa. 29. 5 The voice of the LOSD breaketh the ce. 29. s yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of 80. 10 boughs thereof (were like) tfie goodly ce, 92. 12 he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon 104. 16 cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted 148. 9 all hills ; fruitful trees, and all cedars Song 1. 17 The beams of our house (are) cedar, (and) S. 15 hiscounttmance(is). .e.xcellentas the cedar 8. 9 we will enclose her with boards of cedar ISO. 2. 13 And upon all the cedars of Lebanon 9. 10 but we will change (them into) cedars t4. 8 the fir trees rejoice at thee, (and) the ce. 37. 24 cut down the tall cedars thereof laa. 41. 19 I will plant la the wilderness the cedar 44. 14 He hev.'elh him down cedai-s, and taketh Jer. 2j. 7 they shall cut down thy choice cedars 22. 14 ceiled with cedar, and painted with ver. s2. 15 because thou closest (thyself) in cedar I 22. 23 that makest thy nest in the cedars Ezo. 17. 3 took the highest branch of the cedar 17. 22 of the highest branch of the high cedars 17. 23 bring forth boughs, .and be a goodly ce. 07. s they have taken cedars from Lebanon lo 31. 3 the Assyrian (was) a cedar in Lebanon 31. 8 The cedars in the garden of Qod could Amos 2. 9 height (was) like the height of the cedars Zech 11. I that the tire may devour thy cedars II. 2 Howl, flr tree; for the cedar is fallen CEDAR, made of — •■ Made of cedar, D')"ix o.ruzim. Eze. 27. 24 bound with cords, and made of cedar CEDAR tree — A cedar tree, Tix erez. Num24. 6 (and) as cedar trees beside the waters J Ki. 4. 33 from the cedar tree that (is) in Lebanon 5. 6 t!iat they hew me cedar trees out of Leb. 2 Ki.ig. 23 will cut down the tall cedar trees thereof 2 Ch. 1. 15 cedar trees made he as the sycamore 9. 27 cedar trees made he as the sycamore CEDAR work — ■Cedar work, .inx arzah. Zeph. 2. 14 for he shall uncover the cedar work CED'-RON, KeSpttff, Ke'Spot torrent. The- name of the Nahal Kidrcn or "black torrent,' which flows do\vn the ravine below the E. wall of Jeru- salem, and beyond it was the Garden of Gethsemane. It has no connection with "Cedar;" hence the rtuv Ki- Sptif, i.e., "brook of cedars," of some texts, as well as the LXX. in 2 Sa. 15. 23, is a gloss. Now fi'ady Nar Johni8. T he went, .with his disciples over. .C. CELEBRATE, to — l.To praise, hhn halal, 3. Isa. 38. 18 grave cannot. .dc!>th can (not) celebrate 2.T0 keep a festival, Jjn chagag. Lev. 23. 41 ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month Z.To keep a sabbath, nn?' shabath. Lev. 23. 32 even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath CELESTIAL — Upon, over or above the Jieaven, iirovpdvios. I Co. 15. 40 also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestr. 15. 40 but the glory of the celestial (is) one CELLAR — Treasure, treasury, i^i^ oisar. I Ch.27. 27 over the increase, .for the wine cellars 27. 28 and over the cellars of oil (was) Joash CEN-CHEE'-A, Kevxpsai. It ought to be written Cenchrece ; the eastern harbour of Corinth (9 miles off) on the Saronic Gulf, and the emporium of its trade mth Asia. Acts 18. 18 having shorn Oiis) head in C. : for he had Rom 16. 1 a servant of the church which is at C. CENSER — l.A Censer, nnnn machtah. Lev. 10. I took either of them his censer, and put i6. 12 he shall take a censer full of burning Hum. 4. 14 they minister about it, (even) the censers 16. 6 Take you censers, Koran, and all his 16. 17 take every' man his censer, and put 16. 17 and bring ye. .every man his censer 16. 17 two hundred and fifty censers 16. 17 thou also, and Aai'on, each, .his censer 16. 18 they took every man his censer, and put 16. 37 that he take up the censers out of the 16. 38 The censers of tliese sinners against their 16. 39 Eleazar tho priest took, .brasen censers j6. 46 Take a censer, and put flre therein from 1 Ki. 7. 50 the spoons, and the censers (of) pure gold 2 Ch. 4. 22 the spoons, and the censers, (of) pure gold 2.An incense censer, n"iapo rniqiereth. 2 Ch.26. 19 a censer in his hand to bum incense Eze. 8. II with every man his censer in his hand S. Incense censer, Bvniar^piov thumiaterion. Heb. 9. 4 Which had the golden censer i.Franldncense censer, Xi^avarSs libanotos. Rev. 8, 3 stood at the altar, having a golden censer 8. 5 the angel took the censer, and filled it CENTURION — \. Leader of a hundred men, iKarovrapxAi. Acts 10. I a centurion of tlie band called the Italian 10. 22 Cornelius the centurion, .was warned 24. 23 he commanded a centurion to keep Paul 27. I named Julius, a centurion of Augustus' 27. 31 Paul said to the centurion and to the 2.Leader of a hundred men, iKarSvrapxos. Matt. 8. 5 there came unto him acenturion, beseech. 8. 8 Tho centurion answered and said, Lord 8. 13 Jesus said unto the [centurion). Go fhy 37. S4 Now when the centurion.. saw the earth. Luke 7. 2 a certain centurion's servant, .was sick 7. 6 the centurion sent friends to him, saying 23. 47 when the [centurion] saw wbat was done Acts 21. 32 Wl!0..took soldiers and [centurions] 22. 25 Paul said unto the centurion that stood Acts 21. 26 When the [centurion) heard (that), Le 23. 17 Paul called one of the centuriona unto 33. 23 ha called unto (him) two centurions 27. 6 tlie[ctnturion]loundabhlpof Alexandria 27. ti Nevertheless tlie [centurion] believed the 37. 43 But the [centurion]., kept them from 28. i5 [tho centurion delivered the prisoucrs to) Z.Centurion; in Greek letters, Ktinuplaiv kenturiun. lilarkis. 39 when the centurion, .saw that he so cried 15. 4+calling(untohim)the centurion, he asked 15. 45 wlieu he knew (it) of the centurion, Uo OE-PHAS, Kn< ah. Lam. 2. 16 certain^ this (is) the day that we looked "2. Bui, surely, px aken. Jer. 8. 8 Lo, certainly in vain wadohe (it) 3. To know, VT, yada. Gen. 43. 7 could we certainly Icnow that he would I Sa. ao. 3 Thy father certainly knoweth that I have 20. 9 If I knew certainly that evU were deter. Jer. 13. 12 Do we not certainly know that every 40. 14 And said. .Dost thou certainly know 42. ig know certainly that I have admonished 42. 22 know certainly that ye shall die by the i.Thai, lecause, '3 ki. Exod.3. 12 And he said,CertainlyI will be with thee 5. Being, actually, really, uvtois ontos. Luke23. 47 glorified God, saying, Certainly this was CERTAINTY, for (a) certain — l.To know, be acquainted with, VT, yada. Josh 23. 13 Know for a certainty that the LORD your I Ki. 2. 37 thou Shalt know for certain that thou 2. 42 Know for a certain, on the day thou 26. IS But know ye for certain, that if ye put 2.Set ujp, "jixed, yi\ yatstsib. Dan. 2. 8 I know of certainty that ye would gain 3. To be established, right, p3 kun, 2. 1 Sa. 23. 23 come ye again to me with the certainty 4. Untripped up, certain, acr.To make of another form, yucTa(rx57|UaT(fa>. Phil. 3. 21 Who shall change our vile body, that it 19. To put or place afterward, /xeTaTiSriixi. Heb. 7 12 the priesthood being changed, there is- CHANGE one's mind, to — To cast over, turn about, fierafidwco metaballo. Acts 28. 6 they changed their minds, and said that CHANGE, to be given to — To alter, change, ny^ shanah. Prov24 .21 meddle not with them.. given to change CHANGED, to be — l.To be turned, ^sn haphalc, 2. Lev. 13. 16 raw flesh turn again, and be changed 2.T0 change, be changed, ^hn chalaph, 1, 5. Psa 102. 26 change them, and they shall be changed Z.To disguise oneself, w^n chaphas, 7. Job 30. 18 By. .(my disease) is my garment changed 4.7*0 be changed, ^1D mur. Jer. 48. II his taste . .and his scent Is not changed b.To be caused to turn round, 350 sabab, 6.. Num32. 38 Baal-meon, tlieir names being changed 6. To be changed, altered, nj?* shana. Lam. 4. 1 (how) is the most fine gold changed ! the 7. To he changed, altered, «r^ shana, 4. Eccl. 8. .1 the boldness of his face shall be changed 8. To be changed, altered, xjp shena. Dan. 3. 27 neither wei-e their coats changed, nor the S 6 the king's countenance was changed S. g his countenance was changed in him 6. 17 that the purpose might not be changed 9. To be changed, altered, k}P shena, 3. Dan. 4. 16 Let his heart be changed from man's 10. To be changed, altered, Kip shena. Dan 2. 9 before me, till the time be changed 3. 19 the form of his visage was changed 5. 10 nor let thy countenance be changed 11. 7*0 change, alter, Uiv shana, 5. Dan. 6. 8 sign the writing, that it be not changed 6. 15 no decree nor statute, .may bo changed 12. 7'o change one's fo^-m, fierap.opi' money, and oyer. Money changer, Kepfi.artaTyj'; Jcermatintes, Jo. 2. 14. A change, exchange, n-non temurak. , Jluth 4. 7 concerning redeeming, and. .changing CHANNEL — l.Cavity, P'DK aphiq. 2 Sa. 22. 16 And the channels of the sea appeared Psa. 18. 15 Then the channels of waters were seen Isa. 8. 7 he shall come up over all his channels 2.Flood, stream, rh'st^ shibboleth. Isa. 27. 12 the Lord shall beat off from the channel CHANT, to- re part, separate, sing aloud, B"ip paral. Amos 6. 5 Tliat chant to the sound of the viol CHAPEL— Sa.nctuary, holy place, ^^fP miqdash. Ainoa 7. rj ai Bethel- for 'it (ig the kiag'5 chapel CHAPITER — I. Crown, iTirib kothereth. 1 Ki. 7. 16 he made two chapiters (of) molten brass 7. 16 the height of the one chapiter (was) live 7. 16 the height of the other chapiter (was) five 7. 17 the chapiters which (were) upon the top 7 17 the one chapiter, .for the other chapiter 7. 18 one net work, to cover the chapiters that 7. 18 .ind so did he for the other chapiter 7. J 9 the chapiters that (were) upon the top 7 20 And the chapiters upon the two pillars J 20 rows round about upon the. .chapiter 7. 21 the mouth of it within the chapiter 7. 41 and the two bowls of the chapiters 7. 41 to cover the (two) bowls of the chapiters 7. 42 to cover the two bowls of the chapiters 8 Ki.2s 17 and the chapiter upon it (was) brass 25. 17 the height of the chapiter three cubits 25. 17 pomegranates upon the chapiter a Ch. 4 12 the chapiters (which' were) on the top of 4 12 cover the two pommels of the chapiters 4. 13 cover the two pommels of the chapiters Jer. 52 22 a chapiter of brass (was) upon it ; and 52 22 the height of one chapiter (was) five cub. 52. 22 and pomegranates upon the chapiters 2.Capital, nss tsephelh. 2 Ch. 3. 15' the chapiter that (was) on the top faf each 3. Head, top, Bi.xi rosh. Exod36. 38 he overlaid their chapiters, .with gold 38. 17 the overlaying of their chapiters (of) sil. 38. J9 the overlaying of their chapiters.. (of) sil. 38. 28 overlaid their chapiters, and filleted CHAPMAN — A travelling merchant, *ilj E'iJt? enosh tar. 2 Ch. g. Z4 Besides (that which) chapmen and merch. CHAPT, to be — To he brought down, nnn chathath. Jer. 14. 4 the ground is chapt, for there was no rain CHA-EA'-SHIM, O'^iq craftsmen. A place foutided by Joab, a man of Judah and of the family of Othniel, and reinhabited by Benjamites after the exile. It was at the back of the plain of Sharon, £. of Jaffa. The valley of Charashira consisted of Lod and Ono. I Ch. 4. 14 Joab, the father of the valley of C. Keh. II. 35 Lod, and Ono, the valley of Craftsmen CHARGE — I. Hand, i; yad. Num3i. 49 men of war which (are) under our charge 2. Charge, thing to be watched, nnp^p mishmereth. Gen. 26. 5 obeyed my voice, and kept my charge Lev. 8. 35 keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die Kum. I. 53 keep the charge of the tabernacle of test. 3. 7 shall keep his charge, and the charge'of 3. 8 theyshallksep. .tnechargeofthechildren 3. 25 the charge of the sons of Gershon in the 3. 28 keeping the charge of the sanctuary 3. 31 their ch.-irge (shall be) the ark, and the 3. 32 that kerip the charge of the sanctuary 3. 36 (under) the custody and charge of the sons 3. 38 Aaron and his sons, keeping the charge 3. 38 for the charge of the children of Israel 4. 27 appoint unto them in charge all their 4. 28 their charge (shall be) under the hand of 4. 31 And this (is) the charge of their burden 4. 32 reckon the instruments of the charge of 8. 26 to keep the charge, and shall do no serv. 8. 26 do unto the Levites touching their charge g. 19 the children of Israel kept the charge g. 23 they kept the charge of the Lord, at the j8. 3theyshallkeep thy charge, and the charge ,18. 4 keep the charge of the tabernacle of the 18. 5 keep the charge'of . .and the charge of 18. 8 I also have;given thee the charge of 31. 30 which keep the charge of the tabernacle 31. 47 which kept the charge of the tabernacle Deut II. 1 keep his charge, and his statutes, and Josh.22. 3 have kept, .charge of the commandment 1 Ki. 2. 3 And keep the charge of the Lord thy God 2 Ch. g. 27 because the charge (was) upon them, and 23. 32 And that they should keep the charge of 23. 32 and the charge of. . and the charge of 2 Ch. 8. 14 he appointed. . Levites to their charges 13. II for we keep the charge of the Lord our 31. i6 in their charges according to their courses 31. 17 in their charges by their courses 35. 2 And he set the priests' in their charges Eze. 40. 45 the keepers of the charge of the house 40. 46 the keepers of the charge of the altar 44. 8 ye have not kept the charge of mine holy 44. 8 ye have set keepers of my charge in 44. 14 I will make them keepiers of the charge of 44. 15 kept the charge of my sanctuary when 44. 16 aud they shall keep my charge 48. II which have kept my charge, which went Zech. 3. 7 and if thou wilt keep my charge, then 3. Judgment, Dfeifip mishpat. I Ki. 4. 28 every man according to his charge i. Burden, '?5P sebel. I Ki. ir. 28 lie made him ruler over all the charge of b. Oversight, n'^ii$ pequddah. Eze. 44. II (having) charge at the gates of the house 6. Provision, supplies, h^wviov opsOnion. I Cor 9. 7 Whogoeth a sv.-irfare- .athis own charges 7 .Private or extra message, TrapayyeXlaparaDgelta Acts 16. 24 Who, having received such a charge 1 Ti. 1. 18 This charge I commit unto thee, son Tim. CHARGE, to — 1 . To say, "idk amar. Neh. 13. ig and charged that they should not be l.To give, ]nj nathan. Neh. 10. 32 to charge ourselves yearly with the thir^ Job 1. 22 Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly ' 3. T'o give a testimony, -nv ud, 5. Exodig. 21 Lord said.. Go down, charge the people 19. 23 thou chargedst us, saying. Set bounds 4. T'o give an oversight, ipp paqad. Gen. 40. 4 And the captain of the guard charged 2 Sa. 3. 8 that thou chargest me to-day with a fault 2 Ch. 36. 23 he hath charged me to build him an house Ezra I. 2 he hath charged me to build him an house 5. T'o command, charge, .iiv tsavah, 3. Gen. 26. II Abimelech charged all (his) people, saying 28. I blessed him, and charged him, and said 49. 29 he charged them, and said unto them ' Exod I. 22 Pharaoh charged all his people, saying Deut. I. j6 I charged your judges at that time, say. 3. 28 But charge Joshua, and encourage him 27. 11 Moses charged the people the same daty Josh 18. 8 Joshua charged them . . went to descriqei Ruth 2. g have I not charged the young men thap aSa. II. 19 And charged the messenger, saying 18. 12 for in our hearing the king charged Ihda I Ki 2. I aud he charged Solomon his son, saying 2. 43 the commandment that I have chargea 13. g BO was it charged me by the word of thb a Ki. 17. 15 (concerning) whom the Lord had chargejd 1 Ch. 22. 6 charged him to build an house for the 22. 13 which the Lord charged Moses with 2 Ch. 19. 9 he charged them, saying. Thus shall ye Esth. 2. 10 Mordecai had charged her that sheshould 2. 20 her kindred, .as Mordecai had charged 4. 8 to charge her that she should go in unto Jer. 32. 13 And I charged Baruch before them, say. 35. 8 all that he hath charged us, to 6.T0 put, place, D\ir sum. Job 4. 18 and his angels he charged with folly 7.7*0 cause to swear, y3» shaha, 5. Song 2. 7 I charge you, ye daughters of Jerusa. 3. 5 I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusa. 5. 8 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem 5. 9 thy beloved . . that thou dost so charge us T 8. 4 I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem 8. To testify thoro-tighly, StafiapTvpo^iai diamarturo. 1 Ti. 5. 21 I charge (thee) befofe God, and the Lord 2 Ti. 2. 14 charging (them) before the Lord that they 4. 1 I charge (thee), .before God, and the Lord 9.7*0 charge thoroughly, SiacrT^Wo/iai diastellomai. Matt 1 6. 20 Then [charged) he his disciples that they Mark 5. 43 he charged them straitly that no man 7. 36 he charged them that they should tell no 7. 36 the more he charged them, so much the 8. 15 he cliarged them, saying. Take heed 9. g he charged them that they should tell no 10.7*0 charge, arrange about, eirirao-irai epitasso. Mark 9. 25 I charge thee, come out of him, and 11.7*0 put weight upon, fTnrifidai epitimao. Matt,i2. 16 charged them that they should not make Mark 3. 12 charged them that they should not make 8. 30 he charged them that they sliould tell no 10. 48 charged him that he should hold his 12.7*0 give in charge, evreWofiai entellomai. Matt 17. g Jesus charged them, saying. Tell the 13.7*0 testify, naprvpfo/xai martureomui. I Th. a. II comforted and [chai'ged] every one of yon 1 4. 7*0 adjure, SpnlCco horkizo. I Th. 5. 27 I [charge] .by the Lord that this epistle 15.7*0 tell apart, beside, Trapayy4\\u> para^gello. Luke 5. 14 he charged him to tell no man : but go 8. 56 charged them that tliey should tell no Acts 16. 23 charging the jailor to keep them safely 23. 22 and charged .. tell no man that thou hast 1 Ti. I. 3 that thou mightest charge some that they 6. 17 Charge them that are rich in this world CHARGE straitly, to — 1. 7*0 charge strictly, ififipiiido/jLai embrimaomai. Matt. 9. 30 and Jesus straitly charged them, saying Mark i. 43 he straitly charged him, and forthwith 2. To put a weight upon, ^-iriTi/iatu epitimao. Luke g. 21 straitly charged them, and commanded CHARGE, -without, to be at — 1. Without expense, idaTravos adapanos. J Co. 9. 18 I may make the gospel, .without charge 2. 7*0 spend, Sairavdw dapanao. Acts 21. 24 be at charges with them, that they may CHARGE, to appoint to have the — T*o give the oversight, ips paqad, 5. 2 K i. 7. 1 7 appointed the lord . . to have the charge ot CHARGE, to give (a) — l.To give nil oversight, ip5 paqad. Joi) 34. ij Who hath given him a charge over the CHARGE 155 CHARMER 2,To command, nyf tsavah, 3. Gen. 28. 6 as he blessed him, he gave him a charge ■Exod. 6. 13 gave them a charge unto the children of Uuni27. 19 and gave him a charge in their sight 27. 23 gavehiniacharge • as the LOBDCommand. Sent 31. 14 call Joshua, .that I may give him a charge 31. 23 he gave Joshua the son ol Nnn a charge 1 Ch.22. 12 aud give the charge concerning Israel s Sa. 14. 8 Go to thine house, and I will give charge 18. 5 when the king gave all thecaptains charge Neh. 7. 2 gave my brother., charge over Jerusalem Psa. 91. II For he shall give his angels charge over Isa. 10. 6 against the people. .1 giv^ him a charge Jer. 39. 11 Nebuchadrezzar, .gave charge concern. 47. 7 the Lord hath given it a charge against 3.3*0 give charge, ivreWoixai enlellomai. Matt. 4. 6 He shall give his angels charge concern. Luke 4. 10 He shall give his angels charge over thee A.To tell apart, beside, irapayyfWui^paraiJgeUS. 2 7i. 6. 13 1 give thee charge in the sight of God CHARGE, to give in — To tell beside, announce, irapiYyiWco parai^g&llo. I Ti. 5 7 And these things give in charge, that CH&BOE of or over, to have the — l.l'o be over, elfj.1 lire eiini epi. Acts 8 27 who had the charge of all her treasure 2.0;i, upon, over, hll al. 1 Ch. 9. 28 And (certain) of them had the chai-ge of ^.Inspectors, niiipg pequddoth. Eze. g 1 Cause them that have charge over the i.hispeclor, overseer, I'p^ jjaqid. Jer 52. 23 wliich had the charge of the men of war CHAHOE, to lay to one's — 1.7*0 givt in the heart of, 3"ji33 ]n} nalhan beqereb. Deut2i, 8 lay not., uutu thy people of Israel's charge 2. To ask, demaiul, Vn^ shaal. Psa. 35. 11 they laid to my charge, .that I knew not 3.7*0 call in against, iyKa>.ita Karh, e!)kaleo kata. Rom 8 .33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of i.A calling in {to court), charge, lyKKrj/jia eijkleina. Acts 23. 21J to have nothing laid to his charge worthy 5.7*0 set, place, 'larrtjii histemi. Acts 7. 60 Lord, lay not this sin to their charge 6,7*0 reckon, \oyi(oiJiai logtzo/nai, 2 11. 4. 16 it may not be laid to their charge CHAUGE by or with an oath, to — 7*0 cause to smear, nyp shaba, 5. Kum. 5. 19 the priest shall charge her by an oath * s- 2' priest shall charge the woman with an c. 1 Sa 14, 27 lather charged the people with the oath 14. 28 straitly charged the people with an oath CHAHOEABLE (to), to be — 1,7*0 be heavy, nip kabed. 2 Sa. 13. 25 lest we be chargeable unto thee 2.T0 make heavy, n?? kabed, 5. Seh. 5 15 the former governors.. were chargeable 8. 7*0 put a burden njJon, 4iri$apfu epibareO. 2 Til. 3. 8 that we might not be chargeable to any 4. 7*0 become torpid or heavy against, KarauapKaui. 2 Co. II 9 when I was present. . I was chargeable to CHARGEABLE unto, to be — To put a burden or weight upion, iirt0apeti>. I Xh. 2. 9 we would not be chargeable unto any of CHARGED, to be — 1. 7*0 command, niy tsavah, 3. I Ki. 13. 9 For so was it charged me by the word of 2.7*0 be weighed down, burdened, fiapfo/iai. I Ti. 5.a6 let not the church be charged ; that it CHARGER — l.IH^h, rnj^jj gearah. Ifum. 7. 13 And his offering (was) one silver charger So lu v. 19 25, 3T, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 6j, 73, 79. 7. 84 twelve chargers of silver, twelve silver 7. 85 Each charger of silver (weighing) an 2. Wooden trencher, triya^ pinax. Matt 14. 8 Give. .John Baptist's head in a charger 14. II his head was brought in a charger, and Mark 6. 25 I will that thou give me. .in a charger 6. 28 brought his head in a charger, and gave CHARGERS — Bason, boxol, '?9'73!« agartal. Ezra I. g thirty chargers of gold, a thousand char. CHARIOT — 1, Couch, sofa, t^'19i< appiryon. gong 3. 9 King Solomon made himself a chariot of 2. War chariot, ]ir\ hotsen. 'Eze. 23. 24 BhaU come against thee Ttrith chariots Z.Riding chariot, apip merkab. I Ki. 4. 26 thousand stalls of horses for his chariots A, Riding chariot, ■ijj'io merkdbah. Gen. 41. 43 he made him to ride in the second chariot 46. 29 Joseph made ready his chariot, and went Ksod.14. 25 took off their chariot wheels, that they Exod 1 5 4 Pharaoh's chariots . . hath he caat into the Jush. n. 6 thou shalt . . burn their chariots witli fire n 9 and burnt their chariots with fire Judg. 4. IS Sisera lighted down off (his) chariot 5. 28 why tarry the wheels of his chariots? 1 Sa. 8 n appoint (them) for liiniself, for.. chariots 8. n and (some) shall run before his chariots 2 Sa 15 I Absalom prepared him chariots aud 1 Ki. 7. 33 like the work of a chariot wlieel lo. 29 a chariot came up and went out of Egypt 12. 18 made speed to get him up to his chariot 20. 33 he caused him to come up into, .chariot 22. 35 the king was stayed up iji his chariot 2 Ki. 5. 21 he lighted down from tlic cliaiiot to 5. 26 the man turned again from his chariot to g. 27 Jehu.. said. Smite him also hi the chariot 10. 15 he took him up to him into the chariot 23. n burned the chariots of the sun with lire 1 Ch.28 18 gold for the paltein of the chariot of the 2 Ch. I. 17 brought foitli out of Egypt a chariot 9. 25 thousand stalls for horses and chariots 10. iB made speed to get him up to (his) chariot 14. 9 with an host of.. three hundred chariots 18. 34 king, .stayed (himself) up in (his) chariot 35. 24 servants, .took him out of that chariot Song 6. 12 my soul made me (like) the chariots of A. Isa. 2. 7 neither (is there any).. of their chariots 22. 18 the chariots of thy glory (shall be) the 66. IS and witli his chariots like a whirlwind Jer. 4 13 his chariots (shall be) as a whirlwind Joel 2. s Like the noise of chariots on the tops of Mic. I. 13 bind the chariot to the swift beast 5. 10 I will cut off.. I will destroy thy chariots Nah. 3. 2 prancing horses, and. .jumping chariots Hftb. 3. 8 ride upon thine horses (incl) thy chariots Hag. 2. 22 I will overthrow the chariots, and those Zech. 6. 1 there came four chariots out from between ■t. 2 lu the first chariot (were) red horses 6. 2 and in the second cluiriot black horses 6. 3 And in the third chariot while horses 6. 3 and in the fomth ciiariot grisled and bay 5. Waggon, cart, rhjv_agalah. Psa. 46. 9 he buriieth the chariot in the fU°e G.Chariot, ajT rekeb. Geu. 50. 9 there went up with him both chariots Exod. 14. 6 he made ready his chaiiot, and took his 14. 7 he took six hundred chosen chariots 14. 7 all the chariots of Egypt, and captains 14. 9 all the horses (and) chariots of Pharaoh 14. 17 upou all his host, upon his chariots, and 14. 18 upon his chariots, and upon his hoi-semen 14. 21 Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his 14. 26 their chariots, and upon their horsemen 14. 28 covered the chariots, and the hoi-semen 15. 19 horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots Deut II. 4 imto their horses, and to their chariots 20. I and seest horses aud chariots, (and) a Josh. II. 4 much people, .with horses and chariots 17. 16 the Canaanites. .have chariots of iron 17. 18 though they have iron chariots, (and) 24. 6 pursued after your fathers with chariots Judg. I. 19 because they had chariots of iron 4. 3 he had nine hundred chariots of iron 4. 7 with his chariots, and his multitude 4. 13 Sisera gathered together all his chariots 4. 13 nine hundred chariots of iron, and all 4. 15 discomfited Sisera, and all (his) chariots 4. 16 Barak pursued after the chariots, aud 5. 28 Why is his chariot (30) long in coming? 1 Sa. 8. 12 to make, .instruments of his chariots 13. 5 thirty thousand chariots, and six thous. 2 Sa. 1. 6 chariots and horsemen followed hard 8. 4 and David houghed all the chariot (horses) 8. 4 reserved of them (for) an hundred chariots 10. 18 slew (the meu of) seven hundred chariots I Ki. I. s he prepared him chariots and horsemen g. 19 cities for his chariots, and cities for his 9. 22 his captains, and rulers of his chariots 10. 26 Solomon gathered together chariots 10. 26 a thousaud and four hundred chariots 10. 26 he bestowed in the cities for chariots j6. 9 servant Zimri, captain of . .(his) chariots 20. 1 and .. with him . . horses and chariots 20. 21 smote the horses and chariots, and slew 2o. 25 horse for horse, and chariot for chariot 22. 31 captains, that had rule over his chariots 62. 32 captains of the chariot saw Jehoshapliat 22. 33 the captains of the chariots perceived 22. 35 and the king was stayed in his chariot 22. 38 washed the chariot in the pool of Samar. 3 KL 2. II a chariot of fire, and horses of Are, parted 2. 12 the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen 5. g Naaman came with, .his chariot, and 6. 14 Therefore sent he. .horses, and chariots 6. 15 host compassed the city. .with, .chariots 6. 17 mountaiu'(was) full of horses aud chariots 7. 6 a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses 7. 14 They took therefore two chariot horses 8. 21 Joram went over. . aud all the chariots 8. 21 compassed, .the captains of the chariots g. 21 And his chariot was made ready. And g. 21 each in his chariot, and they went out g. 24 Jehoram . .and he sunk down in his chariot fo. 2 (there are) with you chariots and horses 10. 16 So they made him ride in his chaiiot 13. 7 ten chariots, and ten thousaud footmen 13. 14 the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen 18. 24 put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and 19. 23 With the multitude of my chariots I am t Ch 18. 4 David took from him a thousaud chariots I Ch.i8. 4 David also houghed alUheiharlol(liune») j8. 4 but reserved ol them aa hundred charioia 19. ■ 6 to hire them charioia and hbrtemeu out 19. 7 hired thirty and iv.o thousand cliariota jg. 18 seven thousand (inou whicli (ought lii)cha. a Ch. I. 14 Solomon galhcitd chariots aud horscmeo I. 14 a thousand and (our hundred chariuU 1. 14 which he placed in the chariot cities, and 8. 6 all the chariot cities, and the cities of the 8. 9 captains of his chariots and horsemen g. 2s he bestowed in the chariot cities, and 12. 3 With twelve hundred charloU, and three. 16. 8 a huge host, with very many chariots and 18. JO commanded the captains of the chariots 1 18. 31 the captains of the chariot saw Jchoah. '. 18. 32 when the captains of the chariots per. 21. 9 Jehoram went forth . . and all his chariot* 21. 9 whichcoinpasECd. captains of the chariot* 35. 24 and put him In the second chariot that Psa. 20. 7 Seme (trust) in chariots, and some in ho. 68. 17 The chariots of Cod (are) tw cnty thousand 76. 6 the chariot and the horse arc cast into Bong I. 9 a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots Isa. 21. 7 saw a chariot (with) a couple of horsemeo 21. 7 a chariot of asses, (and) a chariot of cam. 21. g behold, here comcth a chariot of meu 22. 6 Elani bare the quiver with chariots of B2. 7 choicest valleys slinll be full of chariots 31. I and stay on horses, and trust in chariots 36. 9 jmt thy trust on Egypt for chariots and 37. 24 By the multitude ol my chariots am I 43. 17 biingelh forth the chariot and horso L6. 20 in chariots, and in litters, and upon Jor. 17. 25 riding in cliaiiots, and on horses, they 22. 4 kings, riding in chariots and on horses 46. 9 Come up, ye noises ; and rage, ye chariots 47. 3 at the rushing of his chariots, the nimli. £o. 37 A sword (is) upon, .their chariots, and SI. 21 will I break in pieces the chaiiot and his Eze. 26. 7 with horses, and with chariots, and with 26. 10 and of the wheels, aud of the chariots 39. 20 Thus ye shall be filled, with, .chariots Dan. 11. 40 like a whirlwind, with chariots, and Kah. 2. 3 chariots (shall be) with flaming torches 2. 4 Ihc chariots shall rage in the streets 2. 13 I will burn her chariots in the smoke Zech. g. 10 I will cut off (he chariot from EpJirolm l.Jiiding, driving, njjn rikbah. Eze. 27. 20 Dedan (was) thy merchant.. for chariots S.Cliariot, 30t rekrub. Psa 104. 3 who maketh the clouds his chariot : who 9. War chariot (vrith two wheels), ap/xa harma. Acts 8. 28 fitting in his chariot read Esaias the pro. 8. 29 Go near, and join thvself to this chariot 8. 38 he commanded the chariot to stand stlU Rev. 9. 9 the sound of chariots of many horses 10. Travelling waggon [with Jour wheels), {ifSa rhedii. Rev. 18. 13 sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves CHARIOT (man), driver of — Rider, driver, 35-1 rakkab. 1 Ki.22. 34 lie said unto the driver of his chariot 2 Ch. 18. 33 he said to the chariot man, Turn tliiM CHARITABLY — Acco'rding to love, Kori ayiirrtv kata agapin. Bom 14. IS now walkest thou not charitably CHARITT — Love, aydirri agapS. I Co. 8. I Kuowlcdge puffeth up, bnt charity cdi. 13. I the tongues of men. .and have not charity 13. 2 I have all faith, .and have not charity 13. 3 though I give my body, .and have not ch. 13. 4 Charity suffereth. .(and is) kind ; charity 13. 4 charity euvieth not : charity vaunteth not 13. 8 Charity neverfaileth : but whether (there) 13. 13 now abideth faith, hope, charity ' 13. 13 but the gieatest of these (is) charity 14. 1 Follow after charity, and desire spiritual 16. 14 Let all your things be done with charity Col. 3. 14 above all theso things (put on) charity 1 Th. 3. .6 good tidings of your faith and chanty 2 Th. I. 3 and the chaiity of evcrj- one of you all J Ti. I. s the end of the commandment is charity 2. 15 if they continue in faith and charity and ■ 4. 12 in word, in conversation, in charity, in 2 TI. 2. 22 follow righteousness, faith, charity, peaco 3. 10 purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity Titus 2. 2 sound in faith, in charity, in patience 1 Pe. 4. 8 And above all things have fervent charity 4. 8 for charity shall cover the multitude of 5. 14 Greet ye one. with a kiss of charity 2 Pe. I, 7 and to brotheily kindness charity 3 Jo. 6 Which have borne witness of thy charity Rev. 2. 19 I know thy works, and charity, and serv. CHARITT, feast of — Love, iydtrn agape. , » . v _.. Jude 12 These are spots la your feasts of chanty A charm, J^nV lachash, Jer. 8. 1 7 which (will) not (be) channed, and they CHARMER — l.Oentle ones, jugglers, DIJK iltim. Isa. ig. 3 seek to the idols, and to the charmers 2. To join a joining, fascinate, l^n "Ci^ chabar cheher, Deut 18. 1 1 Or a cnarmer, or a conauMer with (amlUar CHARMING 156 CHERAN Z.To charm, V^/ lachash, 3. Faa, 58. 5 will not hearken to the voice of charmers CHARIttING — To join ajoinuvj, i^rr ijn chabar cheber. I'sa. 58. 5 the voice of charmern, charming never so CHAR'-RAN, Xapl>dy. See llaran. Acts 7. 2 unto . . Abraham . . before he dwelt In C. 7, 4 I'hen came he out. .and dwelt in C. CHASE, to — X.Tocauxe to Jlee, n-i; barack, 5. Neh, 13 28 therefore I chased hira from me 2. To drive away, nrn daduih. ' Psa. 35 5 and let the angel of the Lord chase (them) Z.To burn, pursue, p^T dalaq. 1 Sa 17 53 children of Israel returned from chasing A.To hunt, ^1!^ tsud. Lam. 3 52 Mine enemies chased me bore.Iike a Dird b.To pursue, follow after, in radaph. Lev 25. 7 ye shall chase your enemies, and they 25. 8 five of you shall jhase an hundred, and 26. 35 sound of a shaken leaf sha'l chase thera Deut I. 44 Amorites.. came out against you., chased 32. 30 How should 009 chase a thousand, and Josh. 7. 5 they chased th'im (from) before the gate 8. 24 in the wiiderD'iSS wherein they chased 10. 10 chased them along the way that goeth up J I. 8 and chased them unto great Zidon. anil 23. JO One man of you shall chase a thousand Judg. 9. 40 Abimelech chased him,and he fled before 6. To (cause to) pursue, '\T\ radaph, 5. Judg 20. 43 inclosed the Benjamites. . chased them CHASE away, to — To cause to flee, n-}^ barach, 5. Prov 19. 26 wasteth (his) father, (and) chaseth away CHASED — To be- forced away, nni naclach, 6. Isa. 13 1 4 i t shall bo as the chas ed roe, and as a sheep CHASED, to be — l.To cause to mo-oe away, tij nadad, 5. Job 18. 18 He shall be. .chased out of the world 2.I0 be pursued, iit radaph, 4. Isa, 17. 13 shall be'cliased as the chaff of the moun. CHASED away, to be — To be caused to move away, TiJ nadad, 6. Job 23. 8 he shall be chased away as a vision of the CHASTE — Consecrated, ayi/fJi hignos. 2 Co. 1 1 . 2 that I may present (you as) a chaste virgin Titus 2, 5 discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good 1 Pe 3, 2 your chaste conversatiou (coupled) wi'Ii CHASTEN, to — \.To convict, make manifest, na; yahach, 5. 2 Sa. 7 14 I will chasten him with the rod of men 2. To instruct, np; yasar, 3. Deut. 8. 5 that, as a man chasteneth his son, (so) the 8. s (so) tlie Lord thy God chasteneth thee ?i. 18 and (that), when they have chastened him Psa. 6. I neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure 38- . I neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure 94. 12 Blessed, .the man whom thou chastenest 118. 18 The Loud hath chastened mo sore : but Prov 19. 18 Chasten thy sou while there is hope, and 3. 7*0 instruct, train up, iraidivia paideuo. 1 Co. It. 32 we are cliastened of the Lord, that we 2 Co. 6. 9 we live ; as chastened, and not killed Heb- 12. 6 For whom the Lord lovethhe chasteneth 12. 7 what son is helwhom the f atherchasteneth 12 10 they verily for a few days chastened (us) Rev. 3. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten CHASTEN self, to — To humble oneself, njV aiiah, 7. Dan. 10. 12 and to chasten thyself before thy God CHASTENED — Reproof, conviction, nnjin tokachaih. Psa. 73. 14 have I been plagued, and chastened every CHASTENED, to be — To be convicted, m) yakach, 6. Job 33. 19 He is chastened also with pain upon his CHASTENETH — Itislruciion, "1151D vitisar. Prov 13. 24 he that loveth hira chasteneth him. OHASTENINO — J. Instruction, ^51D musar. Job 5. 17 despise not thou the chastening of the Prov. 3. n despise not the chastening of the Lord Isa. 26. i6.(when) thy chastening (was) upon thera 2,Inslruclion, training, iraiSda paideia. Heb. 12. s despise not thou the chastening of the L. 12. 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with 12. It no chastening lor the present seemeth to CfHABTIBE, to — l.To instruct, chastise, "lO'. yasar. Psa, 94. to He that chastiseth the heathen, shall'not Hos. 20. 10 (It is) in m^ desire that I should chastise 2. To instruct, chastise, 15; yasar, 3. Lev. 25. 28 will chastise you seven times for your sins Deut 22. 18 the elders, .shall take.. and chastise him 1 K.i. 12. 1 1 my father hath chastised you with whips 12. II, 14 but I will chastise you with scorpions 12. 14 my father (also) chastised you with whips a Ch. -o. It, 14 my father chastised yoii with whips Jer. 31. J 8 Thoa hast chastised me, and I was 3. To cause to instruct, ip; yasar, 5. Hos.: 7. 12 Iwillchastisethem, as their congregation i.To instruct, chastise, iraiSdai paideud LukE23. 16 I will therefore chastise him, and release 23 22 I will therefore chastise him, and let. .go CHASTISED, to be — To be instructed, chastised, ip; yasar, 2. Jer. 31. 18 Thou hast chastised me, and I waSchas. CHASTISEMEyT — 1. Instruction, chastisement, "i^iD musar. Deut II. 2 which have not seen the chastisement of Isa. 53. 5 the chastisement of our peace (was) upon Jer. 30, 14 with the chastisement of a cruel one, for 2. Instruction, chastisement, iraiSiia paideia. Heb. 12. 8 BCit if ye be without chastisement, where. CHATTER, to — To chirp {as a bird), isy tsaphaph, 3 a. Isa. 38. 14 Like a. . swallow, so did I chatter CHE'-BAR, 1^? joining. A river rising near the Nisibis, an affluent of the Euphrates entering it at Carchcmosh, the Aborras cf Strabo, or Chaboras of Ptolemy, where Ezekiel saw his earlier visions. It is considered as identical with the Habor or River of Gozan to which a portion of Israel was removed by the Assyrians (3 Ki. 17. 6). But the Nahr Malcha, or Royal Canal of Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest of all the cuttings of Mesopotamia, best deserves acceptance as the Chebar. Eze. I. I among the captives by the river of C. I. 3 the land of the Chaldeans, by the river C. 3. 15 came to them, .dwelt by the river of C. 3. 23 the glory which I saw by the river of C. 10. 15 creature that 1 saw by the river of C. 10. 20 creature that I saw. .by tlie river .>f C 10. 22 faces which I saw by the river of C. 43. 3 visions that I saw by the river C. CHECK — Instruction, chastisement, ">9W mxisar. Job 20. 3 1 have heard the check of my reproach CHEOKER — Lattice work, 'i^^V sebakah. 1 Ki. 7. 17 nets of checker work, and wreaths of CHE-DOR-LA-O'-MER, navhl-}^ sheaf band. A king of Elam in the time of Abram, B.C. 191 7. Gen. 14. 1 Arioch king of EUasar, C. king of Elam 14. 4 Twelve years they served C, and in the 14. 5 And in the fourteenth year came C, and 14. 9 With C. the king of Elam, and with Tidal 14. 17 his return from the slaughter of C, and CHEEK — 1. Cheek, jaw, ^i?? lecht; 1 Ki. 22. 24 went near, and smote Af icaiah on the ch. 2 Ch. t8. 23 came near, .smote Micaiah upon the ch. Job i5. JO they have smitten me upon the cheek Song 1. 10 Thy cheeks are comely with rows (of jew. S. 13 His cheeks (are) as a bed of spices, (as) Isa. 50. 6 and my cheeks to them that plucked off Lam. I. 2 and her tears (are) on her cheeks : among 3. 30 He giveth (his) cheek to him that smiteth Mic. s. I shall smite, .with a rod upon the cheek 2.Thc cheek, jaw, aiaydu siagon. Matt. 5. 39 shall smite thee on thy right cheek Luke 6. 29 hifn that smiteth thee on the (one) cheek CHEEK bone — The cheek, jaw, 'n? lechi. Isa. 3. 7 smitten all mine enemies. .the cheek b. CHEEK teeth — Oreat teeth, grinders, lf>Vjiyi methallaoth.. Joel I. 6 he hath the cheek teeth of a great lion CHEEKS, two — Two cheeks, 0"n7 lechayayim. Deut j8. 3 the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the CHEER, to — To do or make good or glad, 3^t3 tob, 5. Eccl. II. 9 let thy heart cheer thee in the days of CHEER (up), to — To rejoice, np'^ sameach; 3. Deut 24. 5 and shall cheer up his wife which he Judg. 9. 13 which cheereth God and man, and go to CHEER, of good — Well minded or disposed, tiBvfios euthumos. Acts 27. 35 Then were tbey all of good cheer, and CHEER, to be of good — \.To be well minded, cheerful, fiidv/j-fio euthumev. Acts 27. 22 now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for .27. 25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I 2. To lake courage, Oapirioi tharseo. Matt. 9. 2 Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiv. 14. 27 saying, Bo of good cheer : it is I; be not Mark 6. 50 saith unto them, Ee of good cheer ; it is John 16. 33 but be of good cheer; 1 have overcome Acts 23. II stood l)y him, and said. Be of good cheer CHEERFUL — \.Good, glad, aio tob. 7,ech. 8. 19 to the house of Judah. .cheerful feasts 2.Cfieerful, i\ap6s hilaros. 2 Co. 9. 7 for God loveth a cheerful giver CHEERFUL, to make — l.To make good or glad, 3d; yatab, 5. Prov 15. 13 A merry heart make^ha clieerful counte 2. To grow, be fruitful {in words), 3» nvb, 3 a. Zech. 9. 17 Corn shall make the young men cheerful CHEERFULLY, more — More cheerfully, (vSvpiorfpov euthumoteron. Acts 24. 10 I do the [more clieerfuUy] answer for CHEERFULNESS— . Hilarity, cheerfulness, l\ap6TTis hilaro'es. Eom 1 2. 8 he that showeth mercy, with cheerfulnesa CHEESE — l.Curdled muk, ni'^J gebinah. Job 10 10 Hast thou not., curdled me like cheese? 2.Cheese ofkine, ns(p' shaphah. . 2 Sa. 17. 29 and sheep, and cheese of kine, for DaWil S.Cutlings or slices of cheese, ^hm 'S'lq charitse heck. 1 Sa. 17. j8 carry these ten cheeses unto the captain CHE'-LAL, hh^ completeness. One of the family of Pahath Moab that had a strange wife, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 30 sons of Pahath-nioab ; Adna, and C, B. CHEL'-LUH,ini'53 robust. One of the family of Bani that had married a strangft wife, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 35 Benaiah, Bcdeiah, C. CHE'-LUB, riS? boldness. 1. A descendant of Caleb son of Ifur, B.C. 1451. I Ch. 4. 1 1 And C. the brother of Shuah begat Mehir 2. Father of Ezri, superintendent of the tillers of the ground in the time of David, B.C. 1015. . I Ch. 27. 26 over them, .(was) Ezri the son of C. CHE-LU'-BAI, 'D^Vs, XaA€'/8. Son of Hezron, elsewhere called Caleb, B.C. 1451. I Ch. 2. .9 sons also of Hezron.. Jerahmeel, and.. the hand of the children of H. 36. 21 these (are) the dukes., the children of Seir- 36. 22 children of Lotan were Hori and Heman 36. 23 the children of Shobal (were) these; Alvan 36. 24 these (are) the children of Zibeon ; both 36. 25 the children of Anah (were) these ; Dishon 36. 26 these (are) the children of Dishon ; Hem. 36. 27 The children of Ezer (are) these ; Bilhan 36. 28 the children of Dishan (are) these ; Uz 36. 31 there reigned any king over the children 37. 3 loved Joseph more than all his children 45. 10 thy children, and thy children's children 45. 21 the children of Israel did so : and Joseph 46. 8 these (are) the names of the children of Is. 49. 8 thy father's children shall bow down 49. 33 Ihe purchase, .(was) from the cliildicn of Geu. 50. 23 And Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the 50. 23 the children also of Machir the son of so. 25 And Joseph took an oath of the children Exod. I. I Now these (are) the names of the children I. 7 the children, .were fruitful, and increased I. 9 the people of the children of Israel (are) 1. 12 were grieved because of the children of 1. 13 thesEgyptians made the children of l.srael 2. 23 the children of Israel sighed by reason 2. 25 God looked upon the children of Israel 3. 9 the cry of the children of Israel is come 3 10 mayest bring forth mypeople the children 3. II should bring forth the children of Israel 3. 13 (when) I come unto the children of Israel 3. 14, 15 Thus Shalt thou say unto the children 4. 29 Stoses. .gathered, .elders of the children 4. 31 that the LOKDhad visited the children of 5. 14, 15, 19 the officers of the children of Israel 6. 5 also heard the groaning of the ciiildren 6. 6 say unto the children of Israel, I (am) the 6. 9 Moses spake so unto the children of Israel 6. II that he let the children of Israel go out 6. 12 the children of Israel have not hearkened 6. 13 gave them a charge unto the children of 6. 13 to bring the children of Israel out of the 6. 26 Bring out the children of Israel from the 6. 27 to bring out the children of Israel from 7. 2 that he send the children of Israel out of .7. 4 I may. .bring forth . .the children of Israel 7. 5 bring out tlie children of Israel from 9. 4 nothing die of all (that is) the children's 9. 6 but of the cattle of the children of Israel 9. 26 where the children of Israel (were) was y. 35 neither would he let the children of Israel 10. 20 so that he would not let the children of 10. 23 but all the children of Israel had light 12. 26 it shall come to pass, when your children 12. 27 who passed ovep the houses of the ciiildren 12. 28 the children "of Israel went away, and 12. 31 both ye and the children of Israel; and go 12. 33 the children of Israel did according to the 12. 37 the diildren of Israel journeyed from 12. 40 the sojourning of the children of Israel 12. 42 be observed of all the children of Israel 12. 50 Thus did all the children of Israel ; as the 12. 51 the Lord did bring the children of Israel 13. 2 opeueth the womb among the children 13. 13 first born of man among thy children 13. 15 but all the first born of my ciiildren I 13. 18 the children of Israel went up harnessed 13. 19 for he had straitly sworn the children of 14. 2, 15 Speak unto the children of Israel, that 14. 3 Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel 14. 8 he pursued after the children of Israel 14. 8 and the children of Israel went out with 14. 10 when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of 14. 10 the children of Israel cried out unto the 14. 16 and the children of Israel shall go on dry 14. 22 the children of Israel went into the 14. 29 the children of Israel walked upon dry 15. I Then sang Moses and the children of Is. 15. 19 but the children of Israel went on dry »6. 1, 2, g, 10 congregation of the children of Is. 16. 3 And the children of Israel said unto 16. 12 have heard the murraurings of thechildren 16. 15 when the children of Israel saw (it), they 16 1 7 the children of Israel did so, and gathered 16. 35 the children of Israel did eat manna forty 17. I congregation of the children of Israel 17. 3 to kill us and our children and our cattle 17. 7 because of the chiding of the children of 19. I when the children of Israel were gone 19. 3 Thus shalt tliou. .tell the children of Is. ig. 6 which thou shalt speak unto the children 20. 5 iniquity of the fathers upon the children 20. 22 Thus thou shalt say uuto tlie children of 21. 5 1 love my master, my wife, and my child. 22. 24 be widows, and your children fatherless 24. 5 he sent young men of the children of Isr. 24. II upon the nobles of the children of Israel 24. 17 sight, .(was), .in the eyes of the children 25. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that 25. 22 commandment unto the children of Israel 27. 20 thou shalt command the children of Israel 27. 21 a statute, .on the behalf of the children 28. I And take thou., from among the children 28. 9, II, 21, 29 the names of the children of Isr. 28. 12 stones of memorial unto the children of 28.'2i, 29, 30 shall bear the judgment of the ch. 28. 38 which the children of Israel shall hallow 29. 28 by a statute for ever from the children of 2g. 28 heave offering from the children of Israel 29. 43 there I will meet with the children of Is. . 29. 45 I "VfiW dwell among the children of Israel 30. 12 When thou takest the sum of the children 30. :6 take the atonement money of the children 30. 16 a memorial unto the children of Israel 30. 31 thou shalt speak unto the children of Isr. 31. 13 Speak thou also unto the children of Isr. 31. 16 children of Israel shall keep the sabbath 31. 17 It (is) a sign between me and the children 32. 20 and made the children of Israel drink 32. 28 And the children of Levi did according to 33. 5 Say tmto thechildren of Israel, Ye (are) a 33. 6 the children of Israel stripped themselves 34. 7 and upon the children's children unto 34. 30 when Aaron and all the children of Israel 34. 32 afterward all the children of Israel came 34. 34 he came out and spake unto the children 34. 35 the children of Israel saw the face of Mos. 35. 1, 4, 20 the cojigregation of the children of Is. 85. 29 'ihe children of Israel brought a willing Exod. 35. 30 Moses said unto the children of Israel 36. 3 which the children of Israel had brought 39. 6, 14 the names of the children of Israel 39. 7 for a memorial to the children of Israel 39. 32 and the children of Israel did according 39. 42 so the children of Israel made all the 40. 36 the children of Israel went onward in all Lev. I. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and 4. 2 Si)eak unto the children of Israel, saving 6. 18 All the males among the children of Aaron 7. 23, 29 Speak unto the children of Israel 7. 34 shoulder luve I taken of the children of 7. 34 for ever from among the children of Israel 7. 36 to be given them of the children of Israel 7. 38 he commanded the children of Israel to g. 3 And unto the children of Israel thou 10. II And that ye may teach thechildren of la. 10. 14 out of the Bacriflces..of the children of 11. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying 12. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying 13. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say 15. 31 Thus shall ye separate thechildren of Is. 16. 5 the congregation of the ciiildren of Isr. 16. 19 from the unclcanncss of the children of 16. 21 confess . . all the iniquities of the children 16. 34 to make an atonement for the children 17. 2 Speak., unto all the children of Israel, and 17. s To tlie cud that the children of Israel 17. 12, 14 Therefore I said unto thechildren of 17. 13 whatsoever man (there be)of the children 18. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and 19. 2 all the congregation of the children of 19. 18 nor bear any grudge against the children 20. 2 thou shalt say to the children of Israel 21. 24 to his sons, and unto all the children of 22. 2, IS from the holy things of the children of 22. 3 which the children of Israel hallow unto 22. 18 to his sons, and unto all the children of 22. 32 I will be hallov.'ed among the children of 23. 2, 10, 24, 34 Speak unto the children of Israel 23. 43 that I made the children of Israel to 23. 44 declared unto the children of Israel the 24. 2 Command the children of Israel, that they 24. 8 (being taken) from the children of Israel 24. 10 went out among the children of Israel 24. 15 And thou shalt speak unto the children 24. 23 And Moses spake unto the children of Is. 24. 23 And the children of Israel did as the 25. 2 Speak unto the children of Ipracl, and 25.33 their possession among thechildren of Is. 25- 4ij S4 (both) he aud his children with him 25. 45 Moreover of the children fflf the strangers 25. 46 as an inheritance for your children after 25. 46 but over your brethren the children of Is. 25. ss unto me the children of Israel (are) serv. 26. 46 Lord made betv/een him and the children 27. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and 27. 34 for the children of Israel in mount Sinai Num. I. 2, 53 congregation of the children of Israel t. 10 Of the children of Joseph : of Ephraim I. 20 And the children of Reuben, Israel's elde st 1. 22 Of thechildren of Simeon, by their genera. I. 24 Of the children cf Gad, by their genera. I. 26 Of thechildren of Judah, by their genera. I. 28 Of the children of Is.sachar, by their gen. I. 30 Of the children of Zebulun, by their I. 32 Of the children of Joseph . . of the children I. 34 Of thechildren of JIanasseh, by their gen. I. 3(5 Of the children of Benjamin, by their geu. 1. 38 Of the children of Dan, by their genera. I. 40 Of the children of Asher, by their genera. I. 42 Of the children of Maphtali, thitjughout I. 45 were numbered of the chilclren of Israel I. 49 the sum of them among the children of I. 52 the children of Israel shall pitch their 1. s4 the children of Israel did according to 2. 2 Every man of the children of Israel shall 2. 3 Nahshon. .captainofthechildrenof Judah 2. 5 Nathaneel . . captain of the children of Iss. 2. 7 Eliab. .captain of the children of Zebulun 2. 10, 12, 20,25, 27, 29 captain of the children of 2. 32 numbered of tlie children of Israel 2. 33 were not numbered among the children 2. 34 And the children of Israel did according 3. 4 died, .and they had no children : and E. 3. 8 and the charge of tlie children of Israel 3. 9 given unto him out of the children of Is. 3. 12 the Levites from among the children of 3. 12 openoth the matrix among the children 3. 15 Number the children of Levi after the 3. 38 for the charge of the children of Israel 3. 40 first born of the males of the children 3. 41, 42, 4s first bcni among the children of 3. 41 among the cattle of the children of Israel 3. 46, 50 of the first bom of the children of Isr. 5. 2 Command the children of Israel, that S. 4 And the children of Israel did so, and 5. 4 spake unto Moses, so did the children 5. 6, 12 Speak imto the children of Israel, and 5. 9 of all the holy things of the children 6. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel and 6. 23 On this -wise ye shall bless the children 6. 27 shall put my name upon the children 7. 24 Eliab. .prince of the children of Zebu. 7. 30 Elizurof . .prinCB. .children of JKeuben 7. 36 Shelumiel. .prince of the children of 3 7. 42 Eliasaph. .prince of the children of G. 7. 48 Elishama. .prince of the children of 7. 54 Gamaliel, .prince of the children of 7. 60 Abidan. .prince of the children of B. 7. 66 Ahiezer. .prince of the children of D. 7. 72 Pagiel, .pfiuce of the children of Aa, CHILDREN 160 CHILDREN Kum. 7. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. zo. 10. JO. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. }I. IS- IS- «3- 13- »3- 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. IS- IS- IS- 15- 16. 16. 16. 16. 17- =■7- 17- 17- 17- 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 20. so. 20. 20. 20. SO. . 78 Ahira. .prince of the children of N. 6, 14 Take the Levites from among the chi. 9 the whole assembly of the children of Is. 10 the children of Israel shall put their 11 an offering of the children of Israel 16 given unto me from among the children 16 the first born of all the children of Israel 17, 18 all the first born of the children of Is. 19 to his sons from among the children of I. 19 to do the service of the children of Israel 19 to make an atonement for the children 19 there be no plague among the children 19 when the children of Israel come nigh 20 all the congregation of the children of 20 so did the children of Israel unto them 2 Let the children of Israel also keep'jthe pa. 4 And Moses spake unto the children of Isr. 5 according to., so did the children of Isr. 7 we may not offer . . among the children io Speak unto the children of Israel, saying 17 then after that the children of Israel 17 there the children of Israel pitched their 18 At the commandment., the children of Isr. 19 then the children of Israel kept the charge 22 the children of Israel abode in their tents 12 And the children of Israel took their 14 the standard of the camp of the children 15 the host of the tribe of the children of Iss. 16, 19, 20 the host of the tribe of the child. 22 the standard of the camp of the children 23, 24 the host of the tribe of the children 2$ the standard of the camp of the children 26, 27 the host of the tribe of the children 28 (were) the journeyings of the children 4 and the children of Israel also wept again 2 which I give unto the children of Israel 3 all those men (were) heads of the children 24 which the children of Israel cut down 26 to all the congregation of the children 32 they had searched unto the children 2 Andallthe children of Israel murmured 5 of the congregation of the children of Is. 7 unto all the company of the children 10 appeared . . before all the children of Israel 18 visiting the iniquity .. upon the children 27 heard the murmurings of the children of 33 your children shall wander in the wilder. 39 told these sayings unto all the children 2, 18, 38 Speak unto the children of Israel 25, 26 all the congregation of the children 29 him that i3 born among the children 32 -while the children of Israel were in the 2 with certain of the children of Israel 38 they shall be a sign unto the children 40 a memorial unto the children of Israel 41 all the congregation of the children 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and take 5 the murmurings of the children of Israel 6 And Moses spake unto the children of Is. 9 before the Lord unto all the children 12 And the children of Israel spake unto M. 5 no wrath any more upon the children 6 the Levites from among the children 8 all the hallovved things of the children 11 aU the wave offerings of the children of 19 which the children of Israel offer unto 20 tliine inheritance among the cliildren of 21 I have given the children of Levi aU the' 22 Neither must the children of Israel 23 among the children of Israel they have 24 But the tithes of the children of Israel 24 Among the children of Israel they shall 26 When ye take of the children of Israel 28 which ye receive of the children of Israel 32 pollute the holy things of the children 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that 9 for the congregation of the children of Is. to and it shall be unto the children of Israel I Then came the children of Israel, (even) 12 to sanctify me in the eyes of the children 13 because the children of Israel strove 19 And the children of Israel said unto him 22 And the children of Israel., journeyed 24 which I have given unto the children of 21. 10 And the children of Israel set forward 21. 24 even unto the children of Ammon 21. 24 the border of the children of Ammon 22. I And the children of Israel set forward 22.. 3 Moab was distressed because of the chiL 22. 5 the river, .of the children of his people 24. 17 and destroy all the children of Sheth 25. 6 one of the children of Israel pame and 25. 6 of all the congregation of the children of 25. 8 the plague was stayed from the children 25. II turned my wrath away from the children 25. n that I consumed not the children of 25. 13 made an atonement for the children 26. 2 of all the congregation of the children 26. 4 commanded Moses and the children a6. 5 the eldest son. .the children of Reuben 26. II Notwithstanding the children of Korah 26. 15 The children of Gad after their families 26. 18 These (are) the faraOies of the children 26. 44 (Of) the children of Asher after their 26. 51 These (were) the numbered of the child. 26. 62 not numbered among the children 26. 62 given them among the children of Israel 26. 63, 64 numbered the children of Israel in 27. 8 thou Shalt speak unto the children of Is. 27. I J it shall be unto the children of Israel 27. 12 which I have given unto the children 27. zo all the congreaation of the chiidrea Num. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3'- 3'- SI- S'- 3^- 31- 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. 32- 32- 32. 32. 32- 32- 32- 32- 32. 33- 33- 33- 33- 33- 33- 34.- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 3S. 35- 35- 35- 35- 36- 36. 36- 3S. 35. 36. 36- 36. 36- 36. 3O- 36- Peat. I. ^14. «7. 21. »3- 24. 24. 28. 28. 28. 29. 29. 29. 3°- SI- SI- SI- 31- 32. 32. 32- 32- 21 and all the children of Israel with him 2 Command the children of Israel, and say 40 And Moses told the children of Israel 1 Moses spake, .concerning the children 2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Mid. 9 And tlie children of Israel took (all) the 12 unto the congregation of the children 16 IJehold, these caused the children of Isr. 30, 42, 47 of the children of Israel's half 54 (for) a memorial for the children of Israel I children of Reuben and the children of G. 2, 25 The children of Gad and the children 29, 31 the children of Gad and the children 6 And Moses said unto the children of Gad 6 And Jfoses said, .to the children of Reu. 7, 9 discourage ye. .the children of Israel 17 will go ready armed before the children 18 until the children Israel have inherited 28 fathers of the tribes of the children of Is. 33 gave unto them, (even) to the children of 33 and to the children of Reuben, and unto 34 And the children of Gad built Dibon 37 And the children of Reuben built Heshbon 39 And the children of Machir. .went to Gil. 1 These (are) the journeys of the children 3 on the morrow .the children of Israel 5 And the children of Israel removed from 38 af terthe children of Israel were come out 40 heard of the coming of the children of Is. 51 Speak unto the children of Israel, and 2 Command the children of Israel, and say 13 Moses commanded the children 14 For the tribe of the children of Reuben 14 and the tribe of the children' of Gad 20 And of the tribe of the children of Simeon 22 the prince of the tribe of the children 23 The prince of the children of Joseph 23 for the tribe of the children of Manasseh 24, 2s, 26, 27, 28 of the tribe of the children 29 divide the inheritance unto the children 2 Command the children of Israel, that they 8 the possession of the children of Israel 10 Speak unto the children of Israel, and 15 for the children of Israel, and for the 34 for I the Lord dwell among the children I of the families of the children of Gilead 1 the chief fathers of the children of Israel 2 for an Inheritance by lot to the children 3 of the (other) tribes of the children of Isr. 4 when the jubilee of the children of Israel 5 Moses commanded the children of Israel 7 the inheritance of the children of Israel 7 every one of the children of Israel shall 8 in any tribe of the children of Israel 8 that the children of Israel may enjoy 9 every one of the tribes of the children 13 Moses unto the childreji of Israel 3 Moses spake unto the children of Israel 36 1 give the land . . and to his children 39 and your children, . .they shall go in 4 coast of your brethren the children of E. 8 from our brethren the children of Esau 9, 19 I have given Arunto the children of L. 12 but the children of Esau succeeded them 19 comest nigh over against the children 19, 37 the land of the children of Ammon 22 As he did to the children of Esau 29 As the children of Esau which dwelt in S. 1 1 (is) it not in Rabbath of the children of A. 16 (which is) the border of the children of A. 18 before your brethren the children of Isr. 10 and (that) they may teach their children 25 thou Shalt beget children, and children's 40 wth thee, and with thy children after 44 which Moses set before the children of I. 45 which Moses spake unto the children of 46 whom Moses and the children of Israel 9 visiting the iniquity . .upon the children 29 with them, and with their children for 7 thou shalt teach thera . . unto thy children 2 A people great and tall, the children of 2 Who can stand before the children of A. 6 And the children of Israel took their 6 from Beeroth of the children of Jaakan 2 for (I speak) not with your children 19 And ye shall teach them your children 21 and the days of your children, in the 25 with thee, and with thy children after 28 and with thy children after thee for ever 13 the children of Belial, are gone out from I Ye (are) the children of the Lord your 20 may prolong (his) days . . and his cliildren 15 and they have born him children ' 8 The children that are begotten of them 7 stealing .any of his brethrenotthechildren 16 for the children, neithershall the children 54 and toward the reranait of his children 55 to any. .of the flesh of his children 57 toward her children which she shall hear 1 to make with the children of Israel in the 22 of your children that shall rise up after 29 unto us and to our children for ever 2 thou and thy children, with all thine 13 And (that) their children . .may hear, and 19 and teach it the children of Israel 19 a witness for me against the children of 22 and taught it the children of Israel 23 for thou shalt bring the children of Isr. 5 their spot (is) not (the spot) of his children 8 according to the number of the children 20 a very froward generation, children in 45 which ye shall command your children Deut. 32. 32- 32. 32- 33- 33- 33- 34- Josh. I. 2. 3- 3- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- S- 5- 5- 6. 7- 7- 7- 7- 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- ro. IS- IS- 13- 13- ij- 13- 13- 13- 13- •S- «s- »3- 13- 14. 14- 14- 14. I-!- 14. IS- 15- 15- 15- 15- 15- 16. 16. t6. 16. 16. J 6. 17- 17- 17- '7- 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- i3. 18. 18. 18. 18. «8. >8. 18. 18. 18. 19- «9- 19. 19- 19. *S- 19. 13- 49 which I give unto the children of Israel 51 against me among the children of Israel 51 not in the midst of the children of 52 unto the land which I give the children 1 Moses the man of God blessed the child. 9 nor knew his own children : for they have 24 (Let) Asher (be) blessed with children 8 And the children of Israel wept for Moses 9 and the children of Israel hearkened unto 2 I do give to them, .to the children of Isr. 2 there came men . . of the children of Israel I to Jordan, he an d all the children of Israel 9 And Joshua said unto the children of Is. 4 whom he had prepared of the children 5, 8 according unto the number of the. .oh. 6 when your children ask (their fathers) in 7 for a memorial unto the children of Isr. 8 the children of Israel did so as Joshua 12 the children of Reuben, and (he children 12 passed over armed before the children of 21 And he spake unto the children of Israel 21 When your children shall ask their 22 Then ye shall let your children know I dried up the waters, .from before (he ch. 1 neitherwas there spirit . . because of the ch. 2 and circumcise again the children of Isr. 3 and circumcised the children of Israel 6 For the children of Israel walked forty 7 And their children . . them Joshua 10 And the children of Israel encamped in 12 neither had the children of Israel manna I becauseof the children of Israel : none I the children of Israel conmiitted a I anger of the Lord was kindled ag. the c. 12 Therefore the children of Israel could not 23 unto Joshua, and unto all the childrenot 31 Mosics.. commanded the children of Israel 32 in the presence of the children of Israel 17 And the children of Israel journeyed j8 And the children of Israel smote them 26 out of the hand of the children of Israel 4 with Joshua and with the children of Is. 11 whom the children of Israel slew ivith 12 up the Amorites before the children of L 20 Joshua and the children of Israel had 21 his tongue against any of the children 14 the children of Israel took for a prey 19 that made peace with the children of Is. 22 none.. left in the land of the children of 1 which the children of Israel smote 2 (which is) the border of the children of A. 6 Thera did Moses, .and the children of I. 7 Joshua and the children of Israel smote 6 drive out from before the children of Isra. 10 imto the border of the children of Ammon 13 Nevertheless the children of Israel expe. 15 Moses gave unto., the children cf Reubea 22 Balaam, .did the children of Israel slay 23 the border of the children of Reuben 23 This (was) the inheritance of the children 24 unto the children Of Gad according to 25 half the land of the childien of Ammon 28 .This (is) the inheritance of the children 29 of the children of Manasseh by their 31 (pertaining) unto the children of Machir 31 to the one half of the children of Machir I which the children of Israel inherited in I the heads of the fathers of the. .children 4 For the;children of Joseph were two tribes 5 so the children of Israel did, and they 6 Then the children ol Judah came unto J. 9 thine inheritance, and thy children's for I of the children of Judah by their families 12 This (is) the coast of the children of J. 13 he gave a part among the children of J. 20, 21 of the tribe of the children of Judah 63 the children of Judah could not drive thera 63 the Jebusites dwell with the children of J. 1 the lot of the children of Joseph fell from 4 So the children of Joseph, .took their 5 the border of the children of Ephraim. . 8 This (is) the inheritance, .of the children 9 the separate cities for the children of E. 9 among the inheritance of the childricn of 2 for the rest of the children of Manasseh 2 for the children of Abiezer. .the children 2 the children of Asriel. .the children of S. 2 the children of Hepher. .the children of 2 these were the male children of Jlanassclt 8 Tapjiuah . .(belonged) to the children of E. 12 the children of JIanasseh could not drive 13 when the children of Israel were waxen 14 And the children of Joseph spake unto J. 16 And the children of Joseph said. The hill 1 the whole congregation of the children 2 remained among the children of Israel 3 And Joshua said unto the children of I. 10 Joshua divided the land unto the children 11 the lot of the tribe of the children of B. II children of Judah and the children of J. 14 Kirjath-jearim, a city of the dfeildren of 20 This (was) the inheritance of the children 21 Now the cities, .of the children of Benja. 28 This (is) the inheritance of the children I, 8 of the tribe of the children of Simeon I within the inheritance of the children of 9 Out of the portion of the cliildi'en of Jud. 9 the inheritance of the children of Simeon 9 the part of the children of Judah was too 9 therefore the children, .had their inhcrL 10 the third lot c.ime up for the children 16 This (is) the inheritajice. of the children CHILDREN 161 CHILDREN Ju3h. 19. 17 for the children, .accordmg to their fam 19. 23 This (Is) the inheritance, .of the children 19. 24. 31 for the tribe of the children of Asher 19. 32 Tlie sixth lot came out to the children of 19. 32 for the children of Naphtall according to 19. 39 This is the iaheritance . . of the chlldi-eii of 19. 40, 48 tribe of the children of Dan according 19. 47 And the coast of the children of Dan went 19. 47 therefore the children of Dan went up to I9. 49 the children of Israel gave an inheritance 19. 51 the heads of the fathers . . of the children 20. 2 Speak to the children of Israel, saying 20. 9 appointed for all the children of Israel 31. I heads of the fathers, of the children of I. 21. 3 And the children of Israel gave unto the ai. 4 and the children of Aaron . .had by lot 21. 5 And the rest of the children of Kohath 21. 6 the children of Gershon (had) by lot out 21. 7 The children of Merari by their families 21. 8 the children of Israel gave by lot unto 21. 9 they gave out of the tribe of the children ai. 9 and out of the tribe of the cliiidren of 8. 21. 10 Which the children of Aaron had ai. 10 of the Kohalhites. .of the children of L. 21. 13 Thus they gave to the children of Aaron ai. 19 All the cities of the children of Aaron 31. 2o the families of the children of Kohath 21. 20 Lcvites which remained of the children 21. 26 for the families of the children of Kohath 31. 27 unto the children of Gershon, of the fam. 21. 34 unto the families of the children of Merari 31. 40 So all the cities for the children of Jlerari 21. 4t within the possession of the children 32. 9 the children of Reuben, and the children 22. 9 and departed from the children of Israel 22. 10, II, 21, 30, 34 children of Reuben, and the 22. ti the children of Israel heard say. Behold 22. 11 at the passage of the children of Israel 22. 12 And when the children of Israel heard 22. 12 the whole congregation of the children 22. 13 children of Israel sent unto the children 22. 15 children of Reuben, and to the children 82. 24 your children might speak unto our chil. 22. 25 ye children of Reuben and children of G. 22. 25 your children make our children cease 22. 27 your children may not say to our children 22. 30 the children of Gad, and the children 22. 31 Phinehas. .salij unto the children of R. 23. 31 the children of Gad, and to the children 22. 32 Phinehas. .returned from the children of 32. 32 from the children of Gad . . to the children 32. 33 And the thing pleased the children of Is. 22. 33 and the children of Israel blessed God 22. 33 wherein the children of Reuben and Gad 24. 4 Jacob and his children went down into E. 24. 32 which the children of Israel brought up 34. 32 it became the inheritance of the children Judg. I. I that the children of Israel asked the Lord 1. 8 the children of Judah had fought against J. 9 afterward the children of Judah went I. 16 thechildren. .Kenite, Moses' father-in-law 1. i6 with the children of Judah into the wilder. 1. 21 the children of Benjamin did net drive 1.21 but the Jebusites dwell with the children I. 34 the Amoritea forced the children of Dan 1. 4 when the angel, .spake, .unto all the chil. 3. 6 the children of Israel went up every man 2. II the children of Israel did evil in the sight 3. 2 generations of the children of Israel might 3. 5 the children of Israel dwelt among the C. 3. 7 the children of Israel did evil in the sight 3. 8, 14 tl>e ehildren of Israel served Chushaa 3. 9, 15 the children of Israel cried unto the 3. 9 the Lord raised up a deliverer to the chL 3. 12 the children of Israel did evil again 3. 13 he gathered unto him the children 3. 15 by him the children of Israel sent 3. 27 the children of Israel went down with him 4. I the children of Israel again did evil in 4. 3 the children of Israel cried unto the Lord 4. 3 he mightily oppressed the children of Is. 4. s the children of Israel came up to her for 4. 6 take, .ten thousand men of the children 4. II Now Heber. .of the children of Hobab 4, 23 God subdued . . J abin . . before the children 4. 24 hand of the children of Israel prospered 6. I the children of Israel did evil in the sight 6. 2 the children of Israel made them the dens 6. 3, 33 the children of the esist, even they 6. 6, 7 the children of Israel cried unto the 6. 8 the Lord sent a prophet unto the children 7. 12 all the children of the east lay along in the 8. TO all the hosts of the children of the east 8. 18 each one resembled the children of a king a. 28 Thus v/as Midian subdued before the chi. 8. 33 that the children of Israel turned again 8. 34 the children of Israel remembered not XQ. 6 And the children of Israel did evil again 10. 6 the gods of Moab, and . . of the children 10. 7 into the hands of the children of Ammon 10. 8 they vexed and oppressed the children lo. 8 eighteen years, all the children of Israel 10. 9 the children of Ammon passed over Jor. 10. 10 the children of Israel cried unto the Lord 10. II the Lord said unto the children of Israel JO. II (Did) not (I deliver you), .from the chil. lo. 15 the children of Israel said unto the Lord 10. 17 the children of Ammon were gathered lo. 17 the children of Israel assembled themse. 10. 18 will begin to fight against the children 11. 4, 5 the (Siildren of Ammon made war aga. XI. 6 that we may fight with the children of A. Jadg. 11. 8,9 fight against the children of Ammon and II. 12, 13, 14, 28 the king of the children of A. ir. 15 nor the land of the children of Ammon II. 27 the children of Israel and the children II. 29, 30 he passed over (unto) the children of II. 31 when I return in peace from the-children II. 32 Jephthah passed over unto the children II. 33 the children.. were subdued before the 11. 36 of thine enemies, (even) of thechildren of 12. 1 over to fight against the children of A. 12. 2 at great stiife wiUi the children of Amm. 12. 3 and passed over against the children 13. I the children of Israel did evil again in the 14. 16 thou *ast put forth a riddle unto the chi. 14. 17 she told the riddle to the children of her 18. 2 the childien of Dan sent of their family 18. 16 six hundred men . . which (were) of the c. 18. 22 gathered together, and overtook the ch. 18. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dau 18. 25 And the children of Dan said unto him 18. 26 And the children of Dan went their way 18. 30 And the children of Dan set up the graven 19. 12 that (is) not of the children of Israel 19. 30 the day that the children of Israel came 20. I Then all the children of Israel went out 20. 3 Now the children of Benjamin heard that 20. 3 the children of Israel were gone up to M. 20. 7 Behold, ye (are) all children o'f Israel 20. 13 Now therefore deliver (us), .the children 20. 13 the children of Benjamin would not 20. 13 to the voice of their brethren the children JO. 14 the children of Benjamin gathered them. 2o. 14 to go out to battle against the children 2o. 15 And the children of Benjamin were num. 2o. 18 the children of Israel arose, and went up 2o. 18, 23, 28 against the children of Benjamin 20. 19 the children of Israel rose up in the zo 21 the children of Benjamin came forth 20. 23 the children of Israel went up and wept 20. 24 the children of Israel came near against 20. 25 destroyed down to the ground of the chil. BO. 26 Then all the children of Israel, .went up 2o. 27 the chlldrenof Israel enquired of the Lord 20. 30 the children of Israel went up against 20. 31 the children of Benjamin went out 20. 32 the children of Benjamin said. They (are) 20. 32 the children Israel said. Let us flee 20. 35 the children of Israel destroyed of the 20. 36 the children of Benjamin saw that they 20. 48 turned again upon the children of Benja. 21. 5 the children of Israel said, Who (is there) 21. 6 the children of Israel repented them for 21. 13 sent (some) to speak to the children of B. 21. 18 for the children of Israel have sworn 21. 2'.. they commanded the children of Benja. 21. 23 And the children of Benjamin did so 21.24 ^^^ 'he children of Israel departed thence 1 Sa. 2. 5 she that hath many children is waxed a. 28 offerings made by fire of the children 7. 4 Then the children of Israel did put away 7. 6 Samuel judged the children of Israel in 7. 7 the children of Israel were gathered 7. 7 And when the children of Israel heard (it) 7. 8 And the children of Israel said to Samuel 9. 2 (there was) not among the children of Is. 10. 18 And said unto the children of Israel 10. 27 thechildren of Belial said, How shall this 11. 8 thechildren of Israel were three hundred 12. 12 the king of the children of Ammon came 14. 18 ark. .was at that time with the children 14. 47 against the children of Ammon, and 15. 6 ye showed kindness to all the children 26. 19 if (they be) the children of men, cursed 30. 22 to every man his wife and his children 2 Sa. I. 18 Also he bade them teach the children 7. 6 I brought up the children of Israel out of 7. 7 I have walked with all the children of Isr. 7. 10 neither shall the children of wickedness 7. 14 with the stripes of the children of men 8. 12 of the children of Ammon, and of the 10. I the king of the children of Ammon died 10. 2 came into the land of the children of A. 10. 3 the princes of the children of Ammon said 10. 6 And when the children of Ammon saw 10. 6 the children of Ammon sent and hired 10. 8 And the children of Ammon came out 10. 10 put (them) in array against the children 10. II if the children of Ammon be too strong 10. 14 And when the children of Ammon saw 10. 14 So Joab returned from the children of A. 10. 19 So the Syrians feared to help the children 11. I and they destroyed the children of Am. 12. 3 it grew up with him and with his children 12. 9 slain him with the sword of the children 12. 26 against Rabbah of the children of Ammon 12. 31 unto all the cities of the children of Am. 17. 27 Nahash of Rabbah of the children of A. 21. 2 the Gibeonites (were) not of the children 31. 2 the children of Israel had sworn unto them 21. 2 in his zeal to the children of Israel and J. I Kl. 2. 4 If thy children take heed to their way 4. 30 excelled the wisdom of all the children 6. I after the children of Israel were come out 6. 13 I will dwell among the children of Israel 8. I chief of the fathers of the children of Is. 8. 9 the Lord made (a covenant) with the chiL 8. 25 so that thy children take heed to their 8. 39 thou, .knowest the hearts of all the chil. 8. 63 all the children of Israel dedicated the 9. 6 from following me, ye or your children g 20 which (were) not of the children of Israel g. 21 Xheir childrea that were left alter then; 1 KL 9. 21 whom the children of I&rBcI alsoiwere not 9. 22 of the children of Israel did Solomon make II. 2 the Loud said unto thechildren of Israel II. 7 aLomiuatiou of the children of Ammon 11. 33 Milcom the god of the chlldrenof Amman 12. 17 But (as for) the children of Israel which 12. 24 against your brethren the children of I5. 12. 33 ordained a feaat unto the children of Isr. 18. 20 So Ahab sent unto all the cliiidren of Isr. 19. 10, 14 the children of Israel have forsaken 20. 3 thy wives also and thy children, (even) the 2o. 5 gold, and thy wives, and thy childrea 20. 7 he sent unto me .for my children 2o. 15 all the children of Israel, (being) seven th. 30. 27 And the children of Israel were numbered 20. 29 and the children of Israel slew of the Syr. 21. 13 there came in two men, children oJ Belial 21. 26 whom the Lord cast out before the child. a Kl. 4. 7 and live thou and thy children of the rest 8. 12 that thou wilt do unto the children of Is. 8. 19 toglve..alwayalight,fand)tohi8chlldren 9. I Elisha.. called one of the children of 10. 13 we go down to salute the children of ths 10. 30 thy children, .shall sit on the throne of Is. 13. 5 the children of Israel dwelt in thcirtent* 14. 6 the children of the murderers he slew not 14. 6 shall not be put to death for the children 16. 3 the LoRDcast out from before thechildren 17. 7 that the children of Israel had sinned 17. 8 the Lord cast out from before the child. 17 9 the children of Israel did secretly (those) 17. 22 the children of Israel walked in all the 17. 24 placed, .instead of the children of Israal 17. 31 Sepharvites burnt their children 17. 34 the Lord commanded the children of J. 17. 41 children, and their children's children: aa j8. 4 the children of Israel did bum incense to ty. 3 for the children are come to the birth, and 19. 12 children of Eden which (were) in T.? 21. 2, 9 before the children of Israel 23. 6 upon the graves of the children of the 23. 10 (.is) in the valley of the children of U. 23. 13 Milcom the abomination of thechildren 24. 2 sent, bands of the children of Ammon I Ch. I. 43 before (any) king reigned over the chil. 4. 27 but his brethren had not many children 4. 27 neither multiply, like to the children of 5. :i the children of Gad dwelt over against 5. 14 These (art) the children of Abihaifthe son 5. 23 the children of the half tribe of Manasseh 6. 3 And the children of Amram ; Aaron, and 6. 33 they that waited with their children : of 6. 64 the children of Israel gave to the Levites 6 65, 65 out of the tribe of the children of 6. 65 out of the tribe uf llie children of Benja. 7. 12 Shuppim also, and Hupi>ini,the children 7. 29 by the Ixjrders of the children of )Ianas. 7. 29 In these dwelt the children of Joseph the 7. 33 These (are) the children of Japhlet 7. 40 All these (were) the children of Asher 9. 3 in Jerusalem dwelt of the children of J. g. 3 children of Benjamin, and nl the children 9. 4 the children of I'harez the son of Judah 9. 18 in the companies ri the children of Levi 9. 23 they and their childrfn (had) the oversight II 31 (that Jiertained) to the children of Beiij. 12. 16 there came of the children uf Benjamin 12. 24 the children of Judah thst bare shield 12. 25 the children of Simeon, mighty men of 12. 26 Of the children of Levi, four thousand 12. 19 of the children of Benjamin, the kindred 12. 30 of the children of Ephraim twenty 12. 32 of the children of Issathar, (which were) 16. 13 ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones 17. 9 neither shall the children of wickedness 18. II from the children of Ammon, and from 19. I N'ahash the king of the children of A. 19. 2 came into Ihe land of the children of A. 19. 3 the princes of the children of Ammon said 19. 6 when the children of Ammon saw that jg. 6 Hanun and the children of Ammon sent 19. 7 the children of Ammon gathered them. 19. 9 thechildren of Ammon came out, and put 19. II they set. in array against the children of 19. 12 if the children of Ammon be too strong jg. 15 And when the children of Ammon saw 19. 19 neither would, .help the children of Am. 20. I wasted the country of the children of A. 20. 3 with all the cities of the children of Am. 24. 2 Nadab and Abihu died, and had no chil. 27. 1 the children of Israel after their number 27. 3 Of the children of Perez (was) the chief 27. 10, 14, 20 of the children of Ephraim 28. 8 an inheritance for your children after you 3 Ch. 5. 2 the chief of the fathers of the children of 5. 10 Lord made (a covenant) with the child. 6. II that he made with the children of Israel 6. 16 yet so that thy children take heed to 6. 30 for thou only knowest.. the children of 7. 3 when all the children of Israel saw how 8. 2 caused the children of Israel to dwell 8. 8 of their children . . whom the children of 8. 9 of the children of Isiael did Solomon 10. 17 (as for) the children of Israel that dwelt 10. i3 children of Israel stoned him with stonea 11. 19 Which bare him children : Jcush, and II. 23 dispersed of all his children throughout 13. 7 gathered unto him vain men, thechildren 13. 12 children of Israel, fight ye not against 13. 16 the children of Israel fled before Judah 13. j8 the children of Israel w ere binught under 13. 18 the childrea of Judah prevailed, bccauso 21 CHILDREN 162 CHILDREN • Ch. ao. I children of Moab, and the children of A. so. lo, -2^ the children of Aramon and Moab ao. 13 with their little ones, .and their children BO. 19 children of the Kohathites, and of the ch. 80. »2 Lord set ambushmenta against the chil. '21. 14 thy children, and thy wives, and all thy 35. 4 he slew not their children, but (did) as (it a$. 4 The fathers shall not die for the children 23. 4. neither shall the children die for the 25. 7 (to wit, with) all the children of Ephraim 25. II smote of the children of Seir ten thous. 05. x2 did the children of Judah carry away 05. 14 that he brought the gods of the children 27. s the children of Amnion gave him the 27. 5 So much did the children of Ammon pay 28. 3 burnt his children in the fire, after the 2S. 3 the Lord had cast out before the children 28. 8 the children of Israel carried away captive 28. lo ye purpose to keep under the children of 28. 12 certain of the heads of the children of E. 30. 6 Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the 30. 9 your brethren and your children (shall) 30. 21 the children of Israel . .kept the feast of 31. I Then all the children of Israel returned 31. 5 the children of Israel brought in 31. 6 (concerning) the children of Israel and J. 33. 2 whom the Lord had . . before the children 33. 6 hecauaedhischildren to pass through the 33. 9 whom the Lord had . . before the children 34. 33 that (pertained) to the children of Israel 35. 17 the children of Israel . . kept the passover Ezra 2. I these (are) the children of the province 2. 3 The children of Parosh, two thousand an 2. 4ThechildreuofShephatiah, threehundred 2. s The children of Arab, seven hundred 2. 6 children of Pahath-moab, of the children 2. 7 The children of Elam, a thousand two h. 2. 8 The children of Zattu, nine hundred forty s. 9 The children of Zaccai, seven hundred and 2. 10 The children of Bani, six hundred forty 2. II The children of Behai, six hundred twenty 2. 12 The children cf Azgad, a thousand two 2. 13 The children of Adonikam, six hundred 2. 14 The childreaof Bigvai, two thousand fifty 2. 15 The children of Adin, four hundred fifty 2. 16 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety 2. 17 The children of Bezai, three hundred 2. 18 The children of Jorah, an hundred and 2. 19 The children of Hashum, two hundred 2. JO The children of Gibbar, ninety and five 2. 21 The children of Beth-lehem, an hundred 2. 24 The children of Azraaveth, forty and two 2. 25 The children of Kirjath-arim, Chephirah 2. 26 The children of Ramah and Gaba, six h. 2. 26 The children of Nebo, fifty and two 2 30 The children of Magbish, an hundred fifty 2. 31 The children of. .Elam, a thousand two 2. 32 The children of Harim, three hundred 2. 33 The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono 2. 34 The children of Jericho, three hundred 2. 35 The children of Senaah, three thousand s. 36 the children of Jedaiah, of the house of 2. 37 The children of Imraer, a thousand fifty 2. 38 The children of Pashur, a thousand two 2. 39 The children of Harim, a thousand and 2. 40 the children of Jeshua, and Kadmiel 2. 40 of the children of Hodaviah, seventy and 2.41 the children of Asaph, an hundred twenty '2. 42 The children of the porters : the children 2. 42 children of Talmoii, the children of Ak. 2. 42 the children of Hatita, the children of 2. 43 The Nethinims : the children of Ziha children of Hasupha, the ch. of Tabbaoth a. 44 Tlie children of Keros. .children of Siaha the children of Padon 2. 45 The children of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah, the children of Akkub a. 46 The children of Hagab, the children of Slialraai, the children of Hanan a. 47 The children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children of Reaiah 2. 4B The children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam 2. 49 The children of Uzzah, the children of Paseah, the children of Besai 2. so The children of Asnah, the children of Mehunim, the children of Nephusim a. 51 The children of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the children of Harhur 2. 52 The children of Bazluth, the children of Mehida, the children of Harsha s. S3 The children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Thamah 2. 54 Tlie civildren of Neziah. .chil. of Hatipha 3. ss The children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai, the children of Sophereth, the children of Peruda 2. s6 The children of Jaalah, the children of Darkon, the children of Giddel a. S7 The ch. of Shephatiah, the ch. of Hattil ch. of Pochereth of Zebaim, the ch.of Ami 2. 58 the children of Solomon's servants, (were) 2. 60 The children of Delaiah, the children of 2. 60 tiie children of Nekoda, six hundred fifty 2. 61 the children of the priests : the children 2. 61 the children of Koz, the children of 3. 1 and the children of Israel (were) in the ■4. I the children of the captivity builded the 6. 16 the children of Israel, the priests, and the 6. 16 rest of the children of the captivity, kept 6. 19, 20 the children of the captivity 6. 21 the children of Israel.. did eat Ezra 7. 7 there went up (some) of the children 8. 35 the children of those thathad been carried g. 12 leave (it) for an inheritance to your chil. JO. 7 unto all the children of the captivity 10. 16 the children of the captivity did so 10. 44 had wives by whom they had children Neh. I. 6 forthe children of Israelthyservants,and I. 6 confess the sins of the children of Israel 2. 10 seek the welfare of the children of Israel 5 ourchildren as their children; and,lo,we 6 'These (are) the children of the province 8 The children of Parosh, two thousand an 9 The children of Shephatiah, three hun. 10 The children of Arab, six hundred fifty 1 1 of the children of Jeshua and Jokb, two 12 The children of Elam, a thousand two h. 13 The children of Zattu, eight hundred 14 The children of Zaccai, seven hundred 15 The children of Binnui, six hundred forty 16 The children of Bebai, six hundred 17 The children of Azgad, two thousand 18 The children of Adonikam, six hundred jg The children of Bigvai, two thousand 20 The children of Adin, six hundred fifty 21 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety 22 'The children of Hashum, three hundred 23 The children of Bezai, three hundred 24 The children of Hariph, an hundred and 25 The children of Gibeon, ninety and five 34 The children of the otlier Elam, a thou. 35, 42 The children of Harim, three hundred 36 The children of Jericho, three hundred 37 The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono 38 The children of Senaah, three thousand 39 the children of Jedaiah, of the house of 40 The children of Immer, a thousand fifty 41 The children of Pashur, a thousand two 43 the children of Jeshua. .of the children of 44 the children of Asaph, an hundred forty 45 the children of Shallum, the children of 45 the children of Talmon, the children of 45 the children of Hatita, the children of 46 The Nethinims : the children of Ziha 46 the children of Hashupha, the children of 47 The children of Keros, the children of Sia, the children of Padon 48 The children of Lebana, the children of 'Hagaba, the children of Shalmai 49 I'he children of Hanan, the children of Giddel, the children of Gahar 50 The children of Reaiah, the children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda 51 The children of Gazzam, the children of tizza, the children of Phaseah 52 The children of Bezai, the children of Meunlm, the children of Nephishesim 53 The children of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the children of Harhur 54 The children of Bazlith, the children of Mehida, the children of Harsha 55 The children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Tamah 56 The children of Neziah, the ch. of Hatipha 57 The children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai, the children of Bophereth, the children of Perida 58 The children of Jaala, the children of Darkon, the children of Giddel 59 The children of Shephatiah, the ch. of H. the children of Pochereth. .the ch. of A. 60 the children of Solomon's servants, (were) 62 The children of Delaiah, the children of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda 63 And of the priests : the children of Hab. 63 the children of Koz, the children of Bar. 73 the children of Israel (were) in their cities 14 that the children of Israel should dwell 17 unto that day had not the children of Is. 1 the children of Israel were assembled with 23 Their children also multipliedst thou as 24 So the children went in and possessed 39 For the children of Israel and the chil. 3 and the children of Solomon's servants 4 at Jerusalem dwelt (certain) of the chU 4 dwelt(certain). .of the children of Benja. 4 Of the children of Judah. .of the children 25 (some) of the children of Judah dwelt at 31 The children also of Benjamin from Gebai 47 Levitessanctifled(them)unto the children 2 they met not the children of Israel with 16 and sold . .unto the children of Judah 24 their children spake half in the speech of 4 His children are far from safety, and they 4 If thy children have sinned against him 5 even the eyes of his children shall fail 17 I entreated for the children's (sake) of 10 His children shall seek to please the poor 19 God layeth up his iniquity for his children 14 If his children be multiplied, (it is) for 8 (They were) children of fools, yea, chil. 34 he (is) a king over all the children of 4 behold, his eyelids try, the cliildren of 1 the faithful fail from among the children 2 The Lord looked, .upon the children of 14 they are full of children, and leave the 21. 10 their seed from among the children of 34. II Come, ye children, hearken unto' me 36. 7 therefore the children of men put their 45. 2 Thou art fairer than the children of men 45. 16 Instead of thy fathers shall be . . children 53. 2 God looked down, .upon the children of 66. 5 terrible (in his) doing toward the children 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 10. II. II. II. J I. II. II. 12. ^3- ^3- 13- S- 8. '7- 19. 27. 30. 41. Faa. ,11. '12. 14. 17- Job Psa. 69. 8 an alien unto my mother's children 72. 4 he shall save the children of the needy 73. 15 I should offend (against), .thy children 78. 4 We will not hide (them) from their chil. 78. 5 they should make, .known to their chiL 78. 6 (even) the children (which) should 78. 6 (who) should . . declare . . to their children 78. p The children of Ephraim, (being) aimed 82. 6 all of you (are) children of the Most High 83. 8 they have holpen the children of Lot B§. 30 If his children forsake my law, and walk go. 3 and sayest, Return, ye children of men 90. 16 thy glory unto their children 102. 28 I'he children of thy servants shall 103. 7 He made known his ways, .unto the chil. 103. 13 Like as a father pitieth (his) children, (so) 103. 17 his righteousness unto children's children 105. 6 ye seed of Abraham . .ye children of J. 107. 8, 15, 21, 31 his wonderful works to.. chil. log. 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his 109. 10 Let his children be continually vagabond* 113. 9 the barren woman., (be) a., mother of ch. lis. 14 The Lord shall increase, .your children 115. 16 the earth hath he given to the children ^127. 3 Lo, children (are) an heritage of the LOPD 127. 4 As arrows, .bo (are) children of the youth 128. 3 thy children like olive plants round about 128. 6 Yea, thou shalt see thy children's chil. 132. 12 If thy children will keep my covenant 132. 12 their children shall also sit upon thy 137. 7 Remember, .the children of Edom in the 144. 7, II deliver me. .from, .strange children 147. 13 he hath blessed thy children within tbeo 148. 14 He also exalteth the. .children of Israel 149. 2 let the children of Zion be joyful in their Frov. 4. I Hear, ye children, the instruction of a 5. 7 Hear nie now therefore, ye children 7. 24 Hearken unto me now. .0 ye children 8. 32 Now therefore hearken, .0 ye children 13. 22 an inheritance to his children's children 14. 26 his children shall have a place of refuge 15. II how much more, .the hearts of the chil. 17. 6 Children's children (are) the crown of old 17. 6 the glory of children (are) their fathers so. 7 his children (are) blessed after him 31. 28 Her children arise up, and call her Song I. 6 my mother's children were angry with Isa. 1, 2 1 have nourished and brought up children 1. 4 a seed of evil-doers, children that are n.'i4 the children of Ammon shall obey them 14. 21 Prepare slaughter for his children forthe 17. 3 they shall be as the glory of the children 17. 9 which they left because of the children 21. 17 the mighty men of the children of Kedar 27. 12 shall be gathered one by one, O ye chil. 30. I Woe to the rebellious children, saith the 30. 9 lying childreii, children (that) will not 31. 6 (from) whom the children of Israel 37. 3 for the children are come to the birth 37. 12 and the children cf Eden which (were) in 38. 19 the father to the children shall make 49. 17 Thy children shall make haste; thy 49. 20 The children which thou shalt have, after 49. 25 1 will contend . . I will save thy children 54. I for more (are) the children of the desolate 54. I than the children of the married wife 54. 13 all thy children (shall be) taught of the L. 54. 13 ci-eat (shall be) the peace of thy children 63. 8 (are) my people, children (that) will not lie 66. 8 Zion travailed, she brought forth . . chil. 66. 20 as the children of Israel bring an offerios Jer. 2. g with your children's children will I plead 2. 16 the children of Noph and Tahapanes have 2. 30 In vain have I smitten your children ; they 3. 14 Turn, backsliding children, saith the L. 3. 19 How shall I put thee among the children 3. 21 weeping(and)supplicationa of the children 3. 22 Return, ye backsliding children, (and) I 4. 22 they (are) sottish children, and they have s. 7 thy children have forsaken me, and sworn 6. 1 ye children of Benjamin, gather your. 7. 18 The children gather wood, and the fathers 7. 30 the children of Judah have done evil g. 26 and Edom, and the children of Ammon JO. 20 my children are gone forth of me, and 16. 14, 15 Lord liveth, that brought up the chiL J7. 2 their children rMnember their altars 17. ig stand in the gate of the children of the j8. 21 deliver up their children to the famine 23. 7 The Lord Liveth, which brought up the chi. 25. 2j Edom, and Moab, and the children of A. 30. 2o Their children also shall be as aforetime 31. IS Rachel weeping for her children 31. 15 refused to be comforted for her children 31. 17 (thy) children shall come again to their 31. 29 and the children's teeth are set on edge 32. 18 the iniquity.. into, .their children after 32. 30 the children of Israel and the children of 32. 30 the children of Israel have only provoked 32, 32 of the<;hildren of Israel, and of the child. 32. 39 for the good of . . their children aft*r them 38. 23 So they shall bring out all. .thy children 47. 3 fathers shall not look, .to (their) children 4g. 6 bring again the captivity of the children 50. 4 the children of Israel shall come SO. 4 they and the children of Judah together 50. 33 The children of Israel and the children of Eze. 2. 3 I send thee to the children of Israel, to a 2. 4 For (they are) impudent children, and 3. II CO, get thee.. unto the children of thy 4. 13 thus shall the children of Israel eat theip 6. 5 I will lay the .. carcases of the children CHILDREN 1G3 CHILION 2. Eze. i6. 21 thouhastslain mychilrtren, ,iik1 delivered i6. 36 the blood of thychildren, which thoudidst 16. 45 mother's daughter .loathethher. .childr. 16. 45 thy sisters.'which loathed their, .children 18. 2 aad the children's teeth are act on edge? so t8 I said unto their children in the wilder. to. 21 the children rebelled against nie . they X-}. 39 had slain their children to their idols 31. 14 in the midst of the children of men, with 33. 12 son of man, say unto the children of thy 33. 17 Yet the children of thy people say 33. 30 the children of thy people still are talking 35. s thou .hast shed (the blood of) the childr. 37 t6 For Judah, and for the children of Israel 37 18 the children of thy people shall speak 37. 21 I will take the children of Israel from 37. 25 their children, and their children's chil. 43. 7 I will dwell in the midstof the children of 44. 9 of any stranger that (is) among the chil. 44. 15 when the children of Israel went astray 47. 22 the strangers . . which shall beget children 47. 22 as born in the country among the children 48. ti the children of Israel went astray, as the Dan. I. 3 he should bring(certain) of the children of t. 6 Kow among these v/ere, of the children 2 38 And wheresoever the children of men 5. 13 which (art) of the children of the captiv. 6 13 which {is) of the children of the captivity 6. 24 they cast, .their children, and their wives II. 41 and the chief of the children of Ammon t2. t prince which standeth for the children of Hoa. I 10 tho number of the children., shall be as 1. II the children of Judah and the children of 2. 4 I will not have mercy upon her children 2. 4 for they (be) the children of whoredoms 3. I love of the Lord toward the children of 3. 4 the children of Israel shall abide many 3. 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel 4. I Hear the word of the LORD, ye children]of 4. 6 I will also forget thy children 5. 7 for they have begotten strange children 9. 12 Though they bring up their children, yet 9. 13 Ephraim shall bring forth his children to ta 9 battle in Gibeah against the children of 10. 14 the mother was dashed .upon (her) chil. 11. 10 then the children shall tremble from the 13. 13 (the place of) the breaking forth of chil. Joel £1. 3 'Tell ye your children of it, and (let) your " I. 3 children (tell)their children, and their ch 2 23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and 3. 6 children also of Judah and the children of 3. 8 I will sell, .into the hand of the children 3. 16 and the strength of the children of Israel 3. 19 for the violence (against) the children of Am03 1. 13 Forthree transgressions of the children of 2. II ye children of Israel? saith the Lord 3. I Lord hath spoken againstjyou, children 3. 12 so shall the children of Israel be taken 4. 5 O ye children of Israel, saith. .Lord GoD 9. 7 (Are) ye not as children of the Ethiopians Q. 7 unto me, children of Israel? saith the Obad. 12 neither, .have rejoiced over the children 20 captivity of this host of the children of Mic. I. 16 and poll thee for thy delicate children 5. 3 shall return unto the children of Israel Zeph. I. 8 I will punish .the king's children, and 2. 8 have heard . . the revilings of the children 2. 9 and the children of Aramon as Gomorrah Zech. 10. 7 their children shall see (it), and be glad 10. 9 and they shall live with their children Mai. 4. 6 children, and the heart of the children to Little one, in iapk. Exodt2. 37 six hundred, .men, besides children Numi4 3 our wives and our children should be a 31. iS all the women children, that have not Deat. 3. 6 destroying the raen,5woraen,|and children 31. 12 Gatherthepeople together, men .andch. Jadg2i. 10 with tbi» women and the children Jer 40. 7 andhad .ommitted. women,aiid children 41. 16 the women, and the children, and the 4j. 6 (Even) men, and women, and children . To beget, nS; yalad. I Ch 14. 4 Now these (are) the names of (his) chil. Lad, boy, "hi yeled. Geo. 30. 26 Give (me) my wives and my children, for 33. I he divided the children unto Leah, and 33. 2 he put the handmaids and their children 33. 2 and Leah and her children after, and 33. s he lifted up his eyes, and saw .the chil. 33. S Jhe children which God hath graciously 33. 6 the handmaidens, .they and their chiL 33. 7 Leah also with her children came near 33. 13 Wy lord knoweth that the children (are) 33. 14 according as the cattle .and the child. Exod I. 17 the mid wives, .saved the men chil. alive 1. 18 'Wliy have ye . .saved the men chil. alive? s. 6 said. This (is one) of the Hebrew's chil. ai 4 the wife and her children shall be her I Sa. 1. 2 had children, but Hannah had no children 5 Ki. 2. 24 and tare forty and two children of them Ezra 10. I a very great congregation of. children Keh.i2. 43 the wives also and the children rejoiced Job 21. n like a flock, and their children dance Isa. 2. 6 they please themselves in the children of 8. 18 the children whom the Lord hath given 29. 23 But when he seeth his children, the work 57. 4 (are) ye not children of transgression, a 57. 5 slaying the children in the valleys under Lam. 4. 10 women have sodden their own children Dan. I. 4 CMdren in whom (was) &o blemish but Dan I 10 worse liking than the children (are) of I 13 the countenance of the children that cat I 15 and fatter in flesh than all the children I. 17 As for these four children, God gave them Hos « 2 a wife of whoredoms and children of 5. Lad, boy, tS; yatid. Num 13. 22 Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of A 13. 28 moreover we saw the children of Anak I Ch.2o. 4 Sippai, (that was) of the children of the &.Vouth, yauncj man, nyj naar 1 Sa. 16. II Samuel said Are here all (thy) children? 2 Ki. 2. 23 there came forth little children out of the Job 24 s wilderness (yieldeth) food for children 29. 5 (when) my children (were) about me Psa.MS j2 Both young men and maidens, children Isa. 3. 4 I ''^■ill give children (to be) their princes Lam. 5. 13 and the children fell under the wood 7. Tn roll about, encircle, \h>i alal, 3 a Isa. 3. 12 my people, children (are) their oppres. 8. Stickling, SViy olel. 1 -Sa. 22. ig both men and women, children and suck. 2 Ki. 8. 12 wilt dash their children, and rip up their Isa. 13. 16 Their children also shall be dashed to Jer. 6. II I will pour it out upon the children g. 21 to cut off the children from without Lain. I. s her children are gone into captivity 2. II the children, swoon in the streets of the 2. 19 for the life of thy young children, that 2. 20 Shall, women eat .children of a span JoeL 2. 16 assemble the elders, gather the children Mic. 2. 9 from their children have ye taken away Q.Babe, newly born or unborn, $p4/ CHRIST 1G6 CIRCUIT I Col. 2 17 are a sliadow . .but the body (is) of C. 2. 2o it ye be dead with C. from the rudiments 3. 1 If ye then be risen with C„ seek those 3. I where C, sitteth on the right hand of God 3. 3 ye are dead, and your life is hid with C. 3. 4 When C, (who is) our life, shall appear 3. II bond (nor) free : but C. (is) all, and in all 3. 13 even as C. forgave you, so also (do) ye 3. 16 Let the word of C. dwell in you richly in 4. 3 to speak the mystery of C, for which I 4. 12 a servant of C, saluteth you, always lab. I Th. 2. 6 when, .burdensome, as the apostles of C. 3. 2 our fellow labourer in the gospel of C. 4. 16 and the dead in C. shall rise first 3 Th. 2. 2 as that the day of C. is at hand 3. 5 and into the patient waiting for C. I Ti. 2. 7 I speak the truth in C, (and) lie not 5. II when they.. wax wanton against C, they e TL 2. 19 let every one that uameth'the name of C. Phm. 8 though I might be much bold in C. to Hcb. 3. 6 But C. as a Son over his ov/n house 3. 14 we are made partakers of C, if we hold S- 5 So also C. glorified not himself to be made 6. I leaving, .principles of the doctrine of C. g. ir C. being come an High Priest of good Q. 14 How much more shall the blood of C. 9. 24 C. is not entered into the holy places made 9 28 C. was once offered to bear the sins of 11. 26 Esteeming the reproach of C. greater 1 Pe. I. II the Spirit of C. which was in them did 1. II whenittestilled. .thesufferingsof C.,and 1. 19'But with the precious blood of C, as of a 2. 21 because C. also suffered for us, leaving 3.: 1 6 that . . accuse your good conversation in C. 3. 18 For C. also hath once suffered for sins 4. I Forasmuch then as C. hath suffered for 4. 13 as ye are partakers of C.'s sufferings 4. 14 If ye be reproached for the name of C. 5. I and a witness of tlie sufferings of C. X Jo. 2, 22 "but he that deaieth that Jesus is the C. ? 5. I Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the C. s Jo. 9 WTiosoever. .not in the doctrine of C. 9 He that abideth in the doctrine of C, Ue Eev. 1 1. IS (the kingdoms) of our Lord, and of his C. 12. 10 Now is come.. the power of his C : for the 20. 4 they lived and reigned with C. a thousand 2o. 6 but they shall bo priests of God and of C CHRIST JESUS — jTAe Anointed Saviour, S Xpiffrhs 'Irjaous. Acts 19. 4 that they should believe on him. .C. Je. Kora. 3. 24 through the redemption that is in C. Je. 8. 2 the law of the Spirit of life hi C. Jesus 8. 39 from the love of God, which is in C. Jesus 16. 3 Greet helpers in C. Jesus 1 Co. I. 2 to them that are sanctified in C. Jesus 2 Co. 4. s For we preach not ourselves, but C. Jesus Gal. 2. 4 spy. .our liberty which we ha vein C. Jesus 3. 26 the children of God by faith in C. Jesus 4. 14 received me as an angol. .(even) as C. Je. Epli. 2. 6 sit.. in heavenly (places) in U. Jesus 2. 7 (his) kindness toward us through C. Jesus 2. 10 we are his workmanship, created in C. J 2. 13 But now in C. Jesus ye who sometimes 3. II eternal purpose, .he purposed in C. Je. 3. 21 LTnto him (be) glory . . by 0. Jesus through. Phil. 3. 3 which worship God.. and rejoice in C. Je. 3. 8 excellency of the knowledge of C. Jesus 3. 13 for which. .1 am apprehended of C. Jesua 3. 14 of the high calling of God in C. Jesus 4. 7 shall keep your hearts, .through C. Jesus 4. 19 according to. .riches in glory by C Jesus 4. 21 Salute every saint in C. Jesus Col; I. 4 Since we heard of your faith in C. Jesus 1. 28 may present every mau perfect in C. Je. 2. 6 As ye have therefore received C. Jesus i.Th. 2. 14 the churches of God \Vluch..are in C.J. 5. 18 for this is the will of tJod in C. Jesus I Ti. I. 12 X thank C. Jesus our Lord, who hath I. 14 with faith and love which is in C. Jesus 1. 15 that C. Jesus came into the world to save 2. 5 one mediator between God.. theman C.J. ■3. 13 boldness in the faith which is in C. Jesus 6. 13 I give thee charge.. (before) C. Jesus, who a Ti. I. I the promise of life which is in C. Jesus' I. 2 Grace, mercy, (and) peace, from. .C. Je. 1. 9 which was given us in C. Jesus before the 1. 13 in faith and love which is in C. Jesus 2. I be strong iu the grace that is in C. Jesus 2. 10 obtain tlie salvation which is in C. Jesus •3. 12 all that will live godly in C. Jesus shall 3. IS through faith which is in C. Jesus , Phm. 6 every good, .which is iti you in C. Jesus 23 salute . . my fellow prisoner in C. Jesus Heb. 3. I consider the . . High Priest. .C. Jesus I P€i 5. 10 called us uuto. .eternal glory by C. Jesus 5. 14 Peace (be) with you all that are in C. Je. OHEISIS, false — Lying Chrisls or anoi'nied 07ies, i^evSSxptcrToi. Matt 24. 24 there shall arise false C.s, and false prop. Mark 1 3. 22 For false C.s and false prophets shall rise CHEISTIAN — Belonging to Clirist, XpiffrtauSs. Acts 1 1. 26 the disciples were called C. first in Antloch 26. 28 Almost thou persuadest me to be a C. I Pe. 4. 16 yet if (any man suffer) as a C. let him not CHEOKICLES — Matters of the days, D'D-n 'ijy^ dibre hayyamim. 1 KL 14. 19 in the book ol the Chronicles ot the kings Sd in chap. ij. 7, 23, 31 , 16. s. 14. 20, 27, 22. 39. 45. 2 Ki. I. 18; 8. 23; 10. 34 ; 12. 19; 13. 8, 12; 14 IJ, 18, 28; IS. 6, : I, 15, 2 T, 26, 31, 36; lb. 19, 20 20; Ji 17, 25 ; 23. 28 ; 24. 5 ; Ksth. 10. 2 . ' I Ch. 27. 24 in the account of theChronicles of king D Esth. 2. 23 in tlie book of the Chronicles before the k. 6. 1 bring the book of records of the Chronic. CHRYSOLITE t- A golden stone, a topaz, y^pvadXiBos chrusolithos. Rev. 21. 20 the sixth, sardius ; the seventh, chrysolite CHEYSOPEASTJS — A golden leek, a, beryl, xp''<^i''^P''-o'°i chrusoprasos. Key. 21. 20 the ninth, a topaz ; the tenth, a chrysopr. CHUB, ni3. Name of a people in alliance with Egypt in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. B c. 610. Probably JSub. Eze. 30. 5 and all the mingled people, and C. CHUN, ]^'3 founding. A city in Aram-zobah on the highway to the Euphrates, and plundered by David. I Ch.i8. 8 Likewise from Tibhath, and from C CHUECH — That which is called out, iKK\7)crla ekklesia. Matt 16. 18 upon this rockl will build my church; and 18. 17 if he. .neglect, .tell (it) unto the church 18. 17 but if he neglect to hear the church, let Acts 2. 47 the Lord added (to the church] daily such 5. II And great fear came upon all the church 7. 38 that was in the church in the wilderness 8. I great persecution against the church 8. 3 As for Saul, he made havoc of the church 9. 31 Then had the churches rest throughout 31. 22 things came unto the ears of the church 11. 26 they assembled themselves with the ch. 12. I Herod, .stretched forth, to vex. .the ch. 12. 5 without ceasing of the church unto God 13. I in the church that was at Antioch certain 14. 23 had ordained them elders in every church 14. 27 they were come, and had gathered the ch. 15. 3 being brought on their way by the church 15. 4 they were received of the church, and 15. 22 apostles and elders, with the whole ch. ,15. 41 went through Syria.. confirming the chs. 16. 5 so were the churches establislied in the 18. 22 when he had . : saluted the church, he 20. 17 sent, .and called the elders of tlie church 20. 28 overseers, to feed the church of God, Ilom.i6. 1 which is a servant of the church which is 16. 4 but also all the churches of the Gentiles 16. 5 Likewise(greet)thechurchthatisin their 16. 16 The churches of Christ salute you 16. 23 Gains mine host, and of the whole church 1. 2 I'nto the church of God which is at Cor 4. 17 as I teach everywhere in every church 6. 4 who are least esteemed in the church 7. 17 And so ordain I in all churches 10. 32 Give none offence, neither, .to the church 11. 16 have no such custom, neither the churches II. 18 when ye come together in the church, I 11. 22 despise ye the church of God, and shame 12. 28 God hath set some in the church, first 4 he that prophesieth edifleth the church 5 that the church may receive edifying 12 ye may excel to the edifying of the church 19 Yet in the church I had ratlier speak five »4. 23 If therefore tlie wliole church be come ,14. 28 let him keep silence in the church ; and 33 but of peace, as in all churches of the 34 Let your women keep silence in tlie chs. 35 a shame for women to speak in the church 9 because I persecuted the church of God I as I have given order to the churches of 16. 19 The churches of Asia salute you. Aiiuila 16. 19 with the church that is in their house I untothechurcliof God which isat Corinth 8. I thegrace of God bestowed on the churches 8. 18 in the Gospel throughout all the churches 8. 19 who was also chosen of the churches to 8. 23 -the messengers of the churches, (and) the 8. 24 show ye to them, and before the churches n. 8 I robbed other churches, taking wages 11. 28 Besides, .the care of all the churches 12. 13 wherein ye were inferior to other churches I 2 all . .with me, nnto the churches of Galatia I. 13 I persecuted the church of God, and I. 22 And was unknown by face unto the chs. I. 22 the head over all (thmgs) to the church 3. TO by the church the manifold v.isdoni of God 3. 21 Unto him (be) glory in the church by C. 5. 23 even as Christ is the head ol the churdi S. 24 as the church is subject unto Christ, so 5. 25 even as Christ also loved the church, aud 5. 27 a glorious church, not having spot, or 29 but uourisheth. even as the Lord the ch. 32 I speak concerning Christ and the church 6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church Ts no church communicated with me ascou. 18 he is the head of the body, the church 24 for his body's sake, which is the church 15 Salute, .the church which is in his house 16 cause that it be read also in the church I the church of the Thessalonians (which is) 14 became followers of the churches of God I. I the church of the Thessalonians in God 4 we ourselves glory in you in the churches 3, 5 how shall he take care of the church of g. i; which is the church of the living God, the ;Co. 14. 14. ,14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 15- 16. 2 Co. Oal. Eph. Phil. Col. iTh. 2Th. I Ti. s- s- ■3 4- I. I. 4- 4- I Ti. 5. 16 and let not the church be charged J'liin. 2 and to the churcli in thy house Heb, 2. 12 in the midst of the church will I sing 12. 23 the general assembly and church Jas. S' '4 let him call for the elders of the church 3 Jo. 6 witness of thy charity before the chureb 9 I wrote unto the church 10 and casteth (them) out of the chnrcb Rev. 1 4 John to the seven churches which I. J I send (it) unto the seven churches I. 2o seven starsare lheangelsofthe..churche» 1. 20 seven candlesticks, .the seven churches 2. I Unto the augel of the church of Ephesu* 2. 7 hear what the Spirit saith unto the chs. 2. 8 the angel of the church in Smyrna 2. II what the Spirit saith unto the churches 2. 12 to the augel of the church in Pergamos 2. 17, 20 hear what the Spirit saith unto thech. 2. 18 unto the angel of the church in Thyatira 2. 23 all the churches shall know that I am he 3. 1 uuto the angel of the church in Sardis 3. 6, 13. 22 hear what, .spirit saith unto. ch. 3. 7 to the angel of the church in Philadelphia 3. 14 uuto the angel of the church of the Laod. 22. 16 testify untQ you these things in the chur. CHUnCHES, robber of — A robber of temples, Up6avXos hierosulos. Acts 19. 37 which are neither riibbers of churches CHURL — 1. Churl, avaricious, '^3 kilai. Isa. 32. 5 called liberal, nor the churl said (to be) 2.Clmrl, avaricious, 'Ss kelai. Isa. 32. 7 The instruments also of the churl (are) CHURLISH — Hard, harsh, sharp, ."ik'i'j qasheh. 1 Sa. 25. 3 the man (was) churlish and evil In his CHUMTCNG — Pressure, churning, J"p mits. Prov.30. 33 Surely the churning of milk bringeth CHU-SHAN RISH-A-THA'-IM, U\nV.V-\ JK'O. A king of Mesopotamia, defeated by Othniel, B C. (394. Judg. 3. 8 into the hand of C. king of Mesopotamia 3. 8 children of Israel served C. eight yeara- 3. 10 the Lord delivered C. ..into his hand 3. 10 and his hand prevailed against C. CHU'-ZA, XovCas. Steward of Herod Antipas son ot Herod the Great. Luke 8 3 Joanna the wife of C. Herod's steward CIEL, to — To cover, overlay, act, n^n chaphah, 3. 2 Ch. 3. s the greater house he cieled with tlr tree CIELED — To cover over, ciel, ISD saphan. Jer. 22. 14 (it is) cieled with cedar, and painted with Hag. I. 4(Isit)time to dwell in your cieled houses CIELED with — Thin board, Tnt}* shechiph. Eze. 4t. 16 cieled with wood round about, and from CIELING — A deling, ]sp sippun. 1 Ki. 6. J 5 both the floor and the walls of the deling CI-LI-CI'-A, KiAiK.'a. A province of Asia Minor, bounded on the N. by Cappa- docia, Lycaouia, and Isauria ; S. by the Mediterranean ; £. by Syria ; and W. by Pamphylia. Acts 6. 9 (the;synagogue)..otthcmof C anJotAsia IS. 23 the Gentiles in Antioch .ind Syria aud C. 15. 41 And he went through .Syria and C 21. 39 I am.. a Jew of Tarsus, (a city) in C. 22. 3 I am., a Jew, born in Tarsus, (a city) in C. 23. 34 when he understood that (he was) of C. 27. 5 when we had sailed over the sea of f. Gal. I. 21 I came into the regions of Syria and C CDTNAMOW — l.Bark of the cinnamon tree, pDJp qinnamon. £xod3o. 23 Take thou also, .of sweet cinnamon half Prov. 7 17 I have pprfumed my bed with, .cinnamon Song 4. 14 calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of 2. Cinnamon, Kirdfias/iov kinamomon. Kimaixu^ixov- Rev. 18. 13 cinnamon, and odours, and ointments CIN-NE-'EOTH, fii"i|9 See Chinnereth, I Ki. IS. 20 Ben-liadad .sent. . against .. all C. CIRCLE — Circle, arch, vault, coihpass, 3?n chug. Isa. 40. 22 that sitteth upon the circle of the earth CIRCUIT — 1. Circle, arch, vault, compass, iin chug Job 22, 14 and he walketh iu the circuit ot beaveo ^.Circuit, surrounding country, D"3p sabib. Eccl. I. 6 the wind returueth again to his circuit* ^.Revolution, circuit, nsiplji tequphah. Fsa. 19. 6 and his circuit unto the ends of it ; and CIRCUIT, in — To go round about, 230 sahah. I Sa, 1 16 And he went froro year to.year In circuit CIRCUMCISE' 167 CITIES Josh. CIRCTJMCISE, to — f-. To cut off, away, around, circumcise, 7iD mul. Gen. 17. 23 circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in 21. 4 Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being Exodi2. 44 when thou hast circumcised him, theu Deut 10. 16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your 30. e.the Lord . . will circumcise thine heart 2 circumcise again the children of Israel 3 circumcised the children of Isr.iel at the 4 (is) the cause why Joshua did circumcise 5 all the people, .they had not circumcised 7 their children . . them Joshua circumcised 7 because they had not circumcised them 2. To cut around, circumcise, ^Ji namal, or S;.'p. Oen. 17. 1 1 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your 3. To cut arouml, circumcise, irepir^fii/u perilemnO. Luke I. 59 on the eighth day they came to circumcise John 7. 22 and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a Acts 7. 83o(Abraham)begatIsaac,and circumcised 15. 5 That it was needful to circumcise them 1 6. 3 took and circumcised him becauseof the J. 21. 21 they ought not to circumcise (their) chil. CIRCTTMCISE selves, to — To be cut around, circumcised, "7)0 mul, 2. Jer. 4. 4 Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and CmCUMCISED — \. Circumcision, ireptTofxii peritome [dal.) I'hil. 3. 5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock i.To cut around, circumcise, '71D mul. .Tosh. s. 5 all. .that came out were circumcised Jer. 9. 25 circumcised with the uncircumclsed CIRCUMCISED, to be or have — 1. To he cut around, circumcised, '7?o mul, 2. Gen. 17. lo Every man child, .shall be circumcised 17. 12 he that is eight, .shall be circumcised 17. 13 he that is bought, must, .be circumcised l^. 14 the uncircumcised man child, .is not cir. 17. 24, 25 when he was circumcised in the flesh 17. 26 the selfsame day was Abraham circum. 17. 27 all the men of his house . . were circumcised 34. 15 that every male of you be circumcised 34. 17 ye will not hearken, .to be circumcised 34. 22 be circumcised, as they (are) circumcised 34. 24 every male was circumcised, all that went Exodi2. 48 let all his males be circumcised, and theu Lev. 12. 3 the flesh of his foreskin shall be circum. 2. To circumcise, irfpiTf/xvio perilemnO (dat) Acts 15. I Except ye be circumcised after the man. 15. 24 [(Ye must) be circumcised, and keep the) I Co. 7. 18 Is any man called being circumcised? 7. 18 let him not be circumcised ■2. 3 was compelled to be circumcised 5. 2 if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit 5. 3 testify, .to every man that is circumcised 6. 12 they constrain you to be circumcised 6. 1 3 they themselves who are circumcised keep 6. 13 but desire to have you circumcised, that 2. : I In whom also ye are circumcised with CiaCTTMCISED, though not — Through uncircumcision, SI aKpoQutTTlas di akrohu. Rom 4. II that believe, though they be not circum. CXRCTTMCISING — \.To be cut off, circumcised, Sffl mul, 2. Josh, s 8 when they had done circumcising all 2. To circumcise, cut around, veptrefivca peritemno. Luke 2. 21 were accomplished for the circumcising CrBCTTMCISION — \. Circumcision, n'Sio muloth. Exod 4. 26 A bloody husb. . .because of the circuraci. 2 . A cutting round, circumcision, Tr^piTofuri peritoine. John 7. 22 Moses, .gave unto you circumcision 7. 23 If a man. .receive circumcision, that . Acts 7. 8 he gave him the covenant of circumcision^ lo. 45 they of the circumcision which believed^ XI. 2 they that were of the circumcision con. Bom. 2. 25 circumcision verily proflteth, if thou keep 3. 25 thy circumcision is made uncircumcision 2. 26 uncircumcision be counted for circum.? s. 27 by the letter and circumcision dost trans. 2. 28 neither (is that) circumcisiou which is out. X. 29 and circumcision (is that) of the heart, in 3. I or what profit (is there) of circumcision ? 3. 30 which shall justify the circumcision by fa. 4. 9 (Cometh) this blessedness . . upon the cir. 4. 10 in circumcision, or in uncircumcision ? 4." 10 Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision 4. 1 1 And he received the sign of circumcision 4. 12 the father of circumcision to them who 4. 12 ace not of the circumcision only, but 15.' 8 Christ was a minister of the circumcision 7. 19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircum. a, 7 as (the gospel)" of the circumcision (was) a. 8 to the apostleship of the circumcisiou, the 2. 9 that we (should go) . . unto the circumci. 2. 12 fearing them which were of the circum. 5. 6 neither circumcision availeth anything 5. II I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision 6. 15 neither circumcision availeth anything 2. II by that which is called the Circumcision 3. 3 For we aic the circumcision, which wor. 2. 1 1 with the circumcision made without ha. 2. II in putting off the body, .by the circum. 3. II circu.-ncisioii Cir uiicircucicisioa Gal. Col. t Co. Gal. Eph. Fhil. Co!. Col. 4. II And Jesus, .who are of the circumcision Titus I. 10 many, .specially they of the circumcision CIECTJMSPECT, to be — To be Wdtch/ul, nr?' shaviar, 2. Exod23 13 I have said unto you he circumspect CIRCtJMSPECTLy — Accuratcl I/, pointedly, aKpiHOis akribCs. Eph. 5. 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly CIS, Ki's. Father of Saul, B.C. 1120. The Greek form of Kish. Acts 13. 21 God gave them .Saul, the son of Cis. CISTERN — \. Cistern, ur.ll, pit, 1^3 bor. Jer. 2. 13 (and) hewed, .cisterns, broken cisterns 2. Cistern, well, pit, 113 bor. 2 Ki. 18. 3idrinkyeevery onethewatersof hiscistern Prov 5. 15 Drink waters out of thine own cistern ■Eccl.i2. 6 or the wheel broken at the cistern Isa. 36, 16 drink ye every one the waters of his. .els. CITIES -*- 1..-1 cily {0/ busy concourse), enclosed place, Ty iV. Gen. 13. 12 Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain, and jg. 25 he overthrew those cities, and all the p. 19. 25 all the inhabitants of the cities, and 19. 29 God destroyed the cities of the plain 19. 29 when he overthrew the cities in the 35. 5 the terror of God was upon the cities that 41. 35 and let them keep food in the cities 41. 48 and laid up the food in the cities 47. 21 he removed them to cities from (one) end Exod. I. II they built for Pharaoh treasure cities Lev. 25. 32 Notwithstanding the cities of the Leviles 25. 32 houses of the cities of their possession 25. 33 the houses of the cities of the Levites 25. 34 the field of the suburbs of their cities 26. 25 when ye are gathered, .within your cities 26. 31 I will make your cities waste, and bring 26. 33 land shall be desolate, and.. cities waste yum. 13. ig what cities (they be) that they dwell in 13. 28 and the cities (are) walled, and very great 21. 2 then I will utterly destroy their cities 21. 3 they., destroyed them and their cities ai. 25 Israel took all these cities: and Israel 21. 25 Israel dwelt in all the cities of the 31. 10 they burnt all their cities wherein they 32. 16 We will build . . cities for our little ones 32. 17 our little ones shall dwell in the. .cities .32. 24 Build you cities for your little ones, and 132. 26 little ones .shall be there in the cities 32. 33 the land, with the cities thereof in the 32. 33 (even) the cities of the country round 32. 36 Beth-nimrah, and Eeth-haran. fenced c. 32. 38 gave other names unto the cities which 32. 38 that they gave unto the Levites. .cities ■ 35. 2 and ye shall give . . suburbs for the cities 35. 3 the cities shall they have to dwell in 35. 4 the suburbs of the cities, which ye shall 35. 5 shall be to them . . suburbs of the cities 35. 6 among the cities which ye shi,ll give unto 35. 6 unto the Levites there shall be six cities 35. 6 to them ye shall add forty and two cities 35. 7 cities, (shall be) forty and eight cities 35. 8 the cities, .shall he of the possession 35. 8 every one shall give of his cities unto 35. II ye shall appoint you cities to be cities 35. 12 they shall be unto you cities for refuge 35. 13 of these cities, .six cities shall ye have 35. 14 Ye shall give three cities on this side 35. 14 three cities shall ye give in the land 35. 14 (which) shall be cities of refuge 35. 15 These six cities shall be a refuge (both) Deut. I. 22 and into what cities we shall come 1. 28 the cities (are) great and walled up to h. 2. 34 we took all his cities at that time, and 2. 35 and the spoil of the cities which we took 3. 37 (nor) unto any place, .nor unto the cities 3. 4 we took all his cities at that time, there 3. 4 threescore cities, all the region of Argob 3. 5 All these cities (were) fenced with high w. 3. 7 the spoil of the cities, we took for a prey 3. 'lo All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead 3. 10 cities of the kingdom of Og in Baslian 3. 12 half mount Gilead, and the cities thereof 3. 19 But your wives, .shall abide in your cities 4. 41 Moses severed three cities on this side 4. 42 that fleeing unto one of these cities he 6. 10 to give thee great and goodly cities, which g. I cities great, and fenced up to heaven 13. 12 If thou Shalt hear..iu one of thy cities 19. I dwellest in their cities, and in their 19. 2, 7 Thou shalt separate three cities for the 19. 5 he shall flee unto one of those cities 19. 9 then shalt thou add three cities more for jg. II and fieeth into one of these cities 20. 15 Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities 2o. 15 which (are) not of the ciiies of these na. 20. 16 But of the cities of these people, which 21. a they shall measurfe unto the cities which Josh. 9. 17 came unto their cities on the third day 9. 17 Now theircities (were) Gibeon,Chephirah 10. 2 Gibeon (was), .as one of the royal cities 10. ig sufi'er them not to enter into their cities 10. 20 that the rest, .entered into fenced cities lo- 37. 39 king thereof, and all the cities thereof 11. 12 all the cities of those kings, and all the 11. 13 (as for) the cities that stood still in their II. 14 And all the spoil of these cities, and the Josh. 1 1. 2 1 Joshua ilestroycd thrm .with theircities IV 10 all the cities of SihoiikiTiRof the Amoritts 13. 17 Heshbon, and all her cities that (are) in 13. 21 all the cities of the plain, and all the 13. 23 the cities and the vilhipcs thereof 13. 35 their coast was J.izur, and all the cities 13. 28 This (is) the inheritance, the cities, and 13. 30 which (are) in liashan, threescore cities ij. 31 cities of the kingdom of Og in Hashaii 14. 4 they gave no part. ..<;ave cities to dwell 14. 12 (that) the cities (were) great and fenced 15. 9 went out to the cities of nionnt Ephrfiii 15. 21 the uttermost cities of the tribe of the 15. 32 all the cities (are) twenty and nine, with 15. 36 fourteen cities with their villages 15. 41 sixteen cities with their villages 15. 44, 54 nine cities with tlicir vill.-iges 15. 51 eleven cities with their villages 15. 57 ten cities with their vlll.-iges 15. 59, 62 six cities with their vilhiges 15. 60 two cities with their vill.nges 16. 9 the separate cities for the iliildicn of 16. 9 all the cities with their villages 17. 9 these cities of Lphralm (are) among the c. 17. 12 drive out (the inhabitants) of those cities 18. 9 described it hy cities into seven parts 18. 21 now the cities of the tritic of Ihechildrcir 18. 24 twelve cities with their villages .18. 28 fourteen cities with their villages 19. 6 thirteen cities and their villages •jg. 7 four cities and their villages 19. 8 the villages . . round about these cities ig. 15 twelve cities with their villages ig. 16 these cities with their villages ig. 22 sixteen cities with their villages 19. 23, 39 Ihis(is)lheinheritance. .thecltlcsand ig. 30 twenty and two cities with their villages 19. 31, 48 Ihis (is) the inheritance.. these cities ig. 35 the fenced cities (arc) Ziddim, Zer, and 19. 38 nineteen cities with their villages 20. 2 Appoint out for you cities of refuge 20. 4 that doth flee unto one of these cities 20. 9 lliese were the cities appointed for all 21. 2 to give lis cities to dwell in, with the 21. 3 the children of Israel gave.. these cities 21. 4 the tribe of Benjamin, thirteen cities 21. 5 of the half tribe of Wr.nasseh, ten cities 21. 6 half tribe of Mann.'iseh . . thirteen cities 21. 7 out of the trilje of Zchulun, twelve cities 21. 8 the ch.ildrcn of Israel gave, these cities 21. 9 these cities which are (lure) mentioned 21. 16 nine cities out of those two tribes 21. iS and Alnion v/ith her siiburhs ; four cities 21. 19 All the cities of the children of Aaron 21. 19 All the cities. .Avere thirteen cities with 21. 20 even they had the cities of their lot 011 21. 22 Beth-hoion with he-r suburbs ; four cities 21. 24 Catb-rimnion with her .«nl uihs ; four c. 21. 25 Cathrinimon with l;cr suburbs ; two c. 21. 26 All the cities (were) ten with their subiiihs 21. 27 Beeshterah with her suburbs ; two cities 21. 29 Engnnnim with her siilrinbs ; four cities 21. 31 and Pichob with her siihmbs ; four cities 21. 32 and Kartaii with her suburbs ; three c, 21. 33 All the cities, .were thirteen cities witli 21. 35 Nahalal with her Euburbs ; four cities 21. 39 Jazcr with her subuibs ; four cities in all 21. 40 the cities, .were (by), .lot twelve cities 21. 41 All the cities of the Levites wKliiii the 21. 41 the cities, .(were) forty .-iiid eight cities '21. 42 These cities were every one with their 21. 42 thus (were) all these cities , 24. 13 cities which ye built not, .-.nd ye dwell in Jiidg. 10. 4 they had thirty cities, whidiare called J I. 26 in all the cities that (be) along by the J I. 33 smote them frtni Aroer. (even) twenty c. 12. 7 was buried in (one of) the cities of Gilead 20. 15 at that time out of the cities twenty and 20. 42 and them which (cc'iic) out of the cities 20. 48 also they set on file all the cities that they 21. 23 and repaired the cities, and dwelt in thenv. 1 Sa. 6. 18 (according to) the number of all the c. 6. 18 to the five lords, (both) of fenced cities 7. 14 And the cities, .were restored to Israel 18. 6 that the women came out of all cities of I. 30. 2g to (them), .in the cities of the Jerahnuel. 30. 2g and to them, .in the cities of theKeniles 31, 7 they forsook the cities, and fled ; and 2 Sa. 2. T Shall 1 go up into any of the cities of our 2. 3 and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron 8. 8 and from Betah, and from Berothai, c. 10. 12 let us play the men. for the cities of our 12. 31 thus did he unto all the cities of the chi. 20. 6 lest he gel him fenced cities, and escape 24. 7 to all the cities of the Hivites, and of 1 Ki. 4. 13 threescore great cities with walls and 9. II king Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities 9. 12 Hiram came out from Tyre to see the e. 9. 13 What cities (are) these which thou liast 9. 19 all the cities of store that .Solomon had g. ig cities for his chariots, and cities for lo. 26 whom he bestowed in the cities for 12. 17 the children ..which dwelt in the cities 13. 32 places which (are) in the cities of Samar. 15. 20 which he h,id against the cities of Israel 15. 23 aud the cities which he built, (are) they 20. 34 The cities which my lather took from thy 22. 39 all that he did. .and all the cities that ha 2 KI. 3. 2s And they beat down the cities, and on 13. 25 Jehoash the son of Jehoahaztook. .the c. 13. 25 and recovered the cities of Israel 17. 6 and iu the cities of the MeUes CITIES 168 CITY 2 Ki. 17. '7- 17- 17- 17- 18. j8. 19. 23- 23- 23- iC3i. 2. 2. 4- 4- 4- 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 9- 10. '3- 18. 19. 19. 20. ^7- a Ch. I. 8. 8. Ezra Noh. «3- 14. 14. 14. 14. 15. 16. 16.. 17- I7' 17- «7- «7- 17- J7- 19. 19. 23- 24. 25- 26. 27- 28. SI- S'- SI- SI- 33- 34- 2. 2. 3- 10. 7- 7- 8. II. II. It. II. 12. Bsth. g. Job 15. Psa. 69. Isa. I. 6. 14- 17- 17- 19. 33- 36- 37- 40. 42. 44- S4- 61. Ser. I. 2. 2, 4- 4- 4- 9 built, .high places in all their cities 24 and place (them) in the cities of .Samaria 24 they possessed, .and dwelt in the cities 26 and placed iu the cities o£ Samaria 29 every nation in their cities wherein they 11 and put them, .in the cities of the Medes 13 against all the fenced cities of Judah 25 shouldest be to lay waste fenced cities 5 in the high places in the cities of Judah 8 brought all the priests out of the cities 19 the high places that (were) in the cities 22 who had three and twenty cities in the 23 the towns thereof, (even) threescore cities 31 These (were) their cities unto the reign of 32 Rimmon, and Tochen, and Ashan, five c. 33 villages that (were) round . . the same c. 57 to the sons of Aaron they gave the cities 60 All their cities, .(were) thirteen cities 61 half (tribe) of iManasseh, by lot, ten cities 62. out of. .Manasseh in Bashan, thirteen c. 63 Unto the sons of Merari. .twelve cities 64 Israel gave to the Levites (these) cities 65 they gave by lot. .these cities which are 66 (the residue) of the families, .had cities 67 And they gave unto them, (of) the cities 2 in their possessions in their cities 7 then they forsoolt their cities, and fled 2 the priests, .(which are) in their cities 8 Likewise from Tibhath. .cities of Hader 7 gathered themselves, .from their cities 13 for our people, and for tlie cities of our 3 Even so dealt David with all the cities 25 storehouses in the fields, in the cities 14 which he placed in the chariot cities 2 the cities which Huram had restored to 4 all the store cities, which he built in 5 fenced cities, with walls, gates, and bars 6 all the store cities that Solomon had, and 6 the chariot cities, and the cities of the 25 whom he bestowed in the chariot cities 17 that dwelt in the cities of Judah 5 and built cities for defence in Jiidah 19 Abijah pursued . .and took cities from him 5 he took away out of all the cities of •7 Let us build these cities, and make about 14 they smote all the cities round about 14 they spoiled all the cities ; for there was 8 out of the cities which he had taken from 4 sent the captains, .against the cities of 4 and all the store cities of Naphtali 2 he placed forces in all the fenced cities 2 in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his 7 to teach in the cities of Judah 9 went about throughout all the cities of 12 he built iu Judah castles, and cities of 13 He had much business in the cities of jg (those) whom the king put iu the cities 5 throughout all the fenced cities of Judah Jo your brethren that dwell in their cities 2 gathered the Levites out of all the cities 5 said unto them. Go out unto the cities of 13 soldiers of the army, .fell upon the cities 6 built cities about Ashdod, and among 4 he built cities in the mountains of Judah 18 Philistines also had invaded the cities I all Israel, .present went out to the cities I every man. .into their own cities 6 that dwelt in the cities of Judah 15 in the cities of the priests, iu (their) set 19 the fields of the suburbs of their cities I encamped against the fenced cities, and 29 Moreover he provided him cities 14 put captains, .in all the fenced cities 6 (so did he) iu the cities of Manasseh, and 70 the Nethiuims, dwelt In their cities 70 and all Israel in their cities I the children of Israel (were) in the cities 14 have taken strange wives in our cities 73 and all Israel, dwelt iu their cities 73 the children of Israel (were) in their cities 15 publish and proclaim in all their cities 25 they took strong cities, and a flat land 37 might have the tithes in all the cities 1 and nine parts (to dwell) iu (other) cities 3 but iu the cities of Judah dwelt every 3 iu his possession in their cities, (to wit) 20 residue of Israel, .were in all the cities 44 gather, .out of the fields of the cities 2 Jews gathered . .together in their cities 28 he dwelleth in desolate cities, and in 35 God will save Zion, and. .build the cities 7 Your country (is) desolate, your cities (are) II Until the cities be wasted without Inhab. 17 made the world . .and destroyed the cities 2 The cities of Aroer (are) forsaken ; they 9 shall his strong cities be as a forsaken 18 In that day shall five cities in the land 8 he hath despised the cities, he regardeth 1 came up against all the defenced cities 26 thou shouldest be to lay waste, .cities 9 say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your II Let the wilderness and the cities thereof 26 and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be 3 make the desolate cities to be inhabited 4 they shall repair the waste cities, the 10 thy holy cities are a wilderness, Zion is IS and against all the cities of Judah 15 his cities are burned without inhabitant 28 (according) to the number of thy citiesare 5 and let us go into the defenced cities 7 thy cities shall be laid waste, without j6 give out their voice agaiast the cities Jer. 4. 26 all the cities thereof were broken down 5. 6 a leopard shall watch over their cities 5. 17 they shall impoverish thy fenced cities 7. 17 Seest thoii not what they do in the cities 7. 34 Then will I cause to cease from the cities 8. 14 let us enter into the defenced cities 9. 1 1 I will make the cities of Judah desolate JO. 22 to make the cities of Judah desolate (and) II. 6 Proclaim all these words in the cities 11. 12 Then shall the cities of Judah and inhab. II. 13 (according to) the number of thy cities 13. 19 Tlie cities of the south shall be shut up 17. 26 they shall come from the cities of Judah 20. 16 let that man be as the cities which the 22. 6 (and) cities (which) are not inhabited 25. 18 (To wit), Jerusalem, and the cities of Jud. 26. 2 and speak unto all the cities of Judah 31. 21 virgin, .turn again to these thy cities 31. 23 in the land of Judah, and in the cities 31. 24 and in all the cities thereof together 32. 44 in the cities of Judah, and in the cities 32. 44 and in the cities of the valley 32. 44 and in the cities of the south 33. 10 in the cities of Judah, and in the streets 33. 12 in all the cities thereof, shall be an 33. 13 In the cities of the mountains, in the cities 33. 1 3 iu the cities of the south . . the cities of J. 34. I and against all the cities thereof 34. 7 against all the cities of Judah that were 34. 7 defenced cities remained of the cities 34. 22 I will make the cities of Judah a desola, 36. 6 all Judah that come out of their cities 36. 9 that came from the cities of Judah unto 40. 5 king, .hath made governor over the cities 40. lo dwell in your cities that ye have taken 44. 2 1 have brought, .upon all the cities of 44. -6, 17, 21 in the cities of Judah, and in the 48. g for the cities thereof shall be desolate 48. 15 Moab is. .gone up (out of) her cities, and 48. 24 upon all the cities of the land of Moab 48. 28 O ye that dwell in Moab, leave the cities 49. I and his people dwell in his cities 4g. 13 all the cities thereof shall be perpetual 50. 32 I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it 51. 43 Her cities are a desolation, a dry land lam. 5. 1 1 They ravished . .the maids in the cities Eze. 6. 6 in all your dwelling places the cities 12. 20 the cities that (are) inhabited shall be 19. 7 he laid waste their cities ; and the land 25. 9 from the cities, from his cities (which are 26. 19 like the cities that are not inhabited 29. 12 her cities among the cities (that are) 30. 7 cities shall be in the midst of the cities 35. 4 I will lay thy cities waste, and thou 35. 9 and thy cities shall not return 36. 4 to the desolate wastes, and to the cities 36. lo the cities shall be inhabited, and the 36. 33 will also cause (you) to dwell in the cities 36. 35 ruined cities (are become) fenced, and 36. 38 so shall the waste cities be filled with 39. 9 they that dwell in the cities of Israel Dan. II. 15 king, .shall, .take the most fenced cities Hos. 8. 14 and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities 8. 14 hut I will send a fire upon his cities II. 6 the sword shall abide on his cities, and 13. 10 where (is any other), .in all thy cities ? Amo34. 6 havegivenyoucleanness..inallyourciti6S 4. 8 So two (or) three cities wandered unto one 9. 14 and they shall build the waste cities Obad. 20 the captivity, .shall possess the cities Mic. 7. 12 he shall come, .(from) the fortified cities Zeph. I. 16 A day of alarm against the fenced cities , 3. 6 their cities are destroyed, so that there Eech. I. 12 on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah I. 17 My cities through prosperity shall yet be 7. 7 and the cities thereof round about her • 8. 20 and the inhabitants of many cities 2.A city (of busy concourse), enclosed place, nj; ar. Psa. 9. 6 and thou hast destroyed cities Isa. 14. 21 fill the face of the world with cities Mic. 5. II And I will cut off the cities of thy land 5. 14 so will I destroy thy cities 3. A city {vKth walls), n;-;p qiryah. Ezra 4. 10 brought over, and set in the cities of Sam. i.A rjate, {those assembling at it), ly?* shaar. 1 Ki. 8. 37 besiege them in the land of their cities 2 Ch. 6. 28 if their enemies besiege them in the cities ^.City {loalled), ■k6ki^ polis. Matt. 9. 35 Jesus went about all the cities and 10. 23 Ye shall not have gone over the cities 11.^1 departed thence, to teach, .in their cities 1 1. 20 Then began he to upbraid the cities where. 14. 13 followed him on foot out of the cities Mark 6. 33 ran afoot thither out of all cities, and 6. 56 into villages, or cities, or country, they Luke 4. 43 I must preach . . to other cities also 13. 22 he went through the cities and villages 19. 17 have thou authority over ten cities 19. 19 Be thou also over five cities Acta s- 16 came also a multitude (out) of the cities 8. 40 he preached iu all the cities till he came 14. 6 fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of 16. 4 they went through cities they delivered 26. n persecuted(them)evenunto strange cities 2 Pe. 2. 6 turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha Jude • 7 cities about them, in like manner giving Rev. 16. ig and the cities of the nations fell CITIES, separate — Separate places, n'l^nap mibdaloth. Josh. 16. 9 And the separate cities for the children CITIZEN — Citizen, ttoXIttis poliies. Luke 15. 15 he went and joined himself to a citizen 19. 14 his citizenshated him, andsentamessaga Acts 21. 39 a Jew of Tarsus, .a citizen of no mean c. CITIZEN, fellow — Joint citizen, (rv/j.Tro\iTrjs sumpoliies. Eph. 2. ig but fellow citizens ^vith the saints CITY — \.A city (nf busy concourse), enclosed place, yy ir Gen. 4. J 7 he builded a city . .the name of the city 10. 1 1 builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth 10. 12 between Mineveh . .the same (is)agreatci 11. 4 Goto, let us build us a city, and a tower II. 5 the Lord came do.wn to see the city II. 8 and they left off to build the city 18. 24 Peradventure there be flf ty .. within the c. 18. 26 If I find in Sodom fifty . .within the city 18. 28 wilt thou destroy all the city for (lack oO 19. 4 the men of the citj . . compassed the housa .19. 12 and whatsoever thou hast in the city 19. 14 for the Lord will destroy this city 19. 15 be consumed in the iniquity of the city 19. 16 they brought him. .without the city 19. 20 now, this city (is) near to flee unto ig. 21 I will not overthrow this city, 'or the 19. 22 the name of the city was called Zoar 23. JO, 18 that went in at the gate of his city 24. 10 and went, .unto the city of IS'ahor 24. II to kneel down ivithout the city by a well 24. 13 the daughters of the men of the city corns 26. 33 therefore the name of the city (is) Beer-sh. 28. ig but the name of that city (was called) Luz, 33. 18 Jacob came to Shalem a city of Shechem 33. 18 and pitched his tent before the city 34. 20 his son came unto the gate of their city 34. 20 and communed with the men of their city 34. 24, 24 that went out of the gate of his city 34. 25 came upon the city boldly, and slew all 34. 27 spoiled the city, because they had defiled 34. 28 that which (was) in the city, and that 36. 32 and the name of his city (was) Oinhabab 36. 35 and the name of his city (was) Avith 36. 39 and the name of his city (was) Pan 41. 48 field, which (was) round about every city 44. 4 when they were gone out of the city, (and) 44. 13 laded every man. .and returned to the c. Exod. 9. 29 As soon as I am gone out of the city, I 9. 33 Moses went out of the city froih Pharaoh Lev. 14. 40 they shall cast them . .without the city 14. 41 shall pour out the dust, .without the cil/ 14. 45 he shall carry (them) forth out of the city 14. 53 let go the living bird out of the city, 25. 29 sell a dwelling house in,a walled city . 25. 30 the house that (is) in the walled city shall 25. 33 the house that was sold, and the city of Num. 20. 16 a city in the uttermost of thy border , ■ ,21. 26 Heshbon (was) the city of-Sihon the king 21. 27 let the city of Sihon be built and prepared- 22. 36 he went out to meet him unto a city of 24. 19 destroy him that remaineth of the city 35. 4 from the wall of the city and outward 35. 5 measure from without the city on the east 35. 5 and the city (shall be) in the midst 35. 25 congregation shall restore him to the city 35. 26 without the border of the city of his 35. 27 without the borders of the city of his 35. 28 he should have remained in the city of "35. 32 for him that is fled to the city of his " Deut. 2. 34 the little ones, of every city, we left none 2. 36 (from) the city that (is) by the river, even 3. 6 utterly destroying the men . .of every city 13. 13 withdrawn the inhabitants of their city 13. 15 smite the inhabitants of that city With 13. 16 shalt bum with fire the city, and aU the 19. 12 Then the elders of his city shall send^ 20. lo When thou comest nigh unto a city to ., 2o. 14 cattle, and all that is in the city, (even) , zo. 19 When thou shalt besiege a city a long time 20. 20 shalt build bulwarks against the city 21. 3 the city (which is) next Unto the slain 21. 3 even the elders of that city shall take 21. 4 the elders of that city shall bring down ai. 6 all the elders of that city, .shall wash 21. ig bring him out unto the elders of his city ai. 20 they shall say unto the elders of his city SI. 21 all the men of his city shall stone.him 82. 15 bring, .(tokens), .unto the elders of thee. 22. 17 spread, .before the elders of the city 22. 18 the elders of that city shall take that 22. 21 the men of her city shall stone her with 22. 23 and a man find her in the city, and He 22. 24 bring, .both., unto the gate of that city 22. 24 because she cried not, (^eing) in the cits' 28. 3 Blessed (shalt) thou (be) in the city, and 28. 16 Cursed (shalt) thou (be) in the city, and 34. 3 Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar Josh. 3. 16 upon an heap, .far from the city Actam 3 ye shall compass the city, all (ye) men of 3 (and) go round about the city once 4 the seventh day ye shall compass the clt^ 5 the wall of the city shall fall down flat- 7 Pass on, and compass the city, and let 6. II the ark of the LORD compassed the city 6. 14 the second day they compassed the city 6. IS compassed the city after the same manner 6. IS on that day they compassed the city seven 6. 16 for the LORD hath given you the city 6. 17 the city shall be accursed, (evenl it, and 6. 20 went •^p into the city, .and. .took the 0. CITY .Josh. 6. ■21 they utterly destroyed all. .in the city 6. 24 they burned the city with fire, and all 6. j6 that riseth up and buikleth this city 8. I and his people, and his city, and his land 8. 2 lay thee an ambush for the city behind it 8. 4 against the city, (even) behind the city 8. 4 go not very far fron\ the city, but be ye .8. 5 the people. will approach unto the city 8. 6 till we have drawn them from the city 8. 7 Then ye shall . . seize upon the city ,8. 8 taken the city, (that) ye shall set the city ■i8. 11 came before the city, and pitched on the ;'8. 12 set them.. on the west side of the city ■S. 13 all the host, .on the north of the city ;8. 13 liei-s in wait on the west of the city ;8. 14 the men of the city went out agaiust Isr is. 14 that (there were) liers. .behind the city '8. 16 and were drawn away from the city '8. 17 they left the city open, and pursued after 8. 18 that (he had) in his hand toward the city 8. 19 they entered into the city, and took it ' 8. 19 and hasted and set the city on fire ■8. 20 the smoke o£ the city ascended up to '8. 21 saw that the ambush had taken the city '8. 21 that the smoke of the city ascended, then '8. 22 the other issued out of the city against ,18. 27 Only the cattle, and the spoil of that city 8, 29 and cast it at the entering of the. .city ;io. 2 they feared. .Gibeon (was) a great city 11. 19 There was not a city that made peace J3. 9, 16 the city that (is) in the midst of the .15. 62 Nibshan, and the c. of Salt, and En-gedi 18. 14 which (is) Kirjath-jearini, a city of the ,19. 29 the coast turneth. .to the strong city Tyre ;i9. so they gave him the city which he asked ;j9. so and he built the city, and dwelt therein .20. 4 gate of the city . .the elders of that city ao. 4 they shall take him into the city unto them 120. i6 And he shall dwell in that city, until he ■ao. 6 come unto hia own city, .unto the city ,21. 13. 21, 27, 32, 38 a city of refuge for the sla. Jadg. I. 8 and smitten it. .and set the city on ' I. 16 the children . . went up out of the city of 1. 17 the name of the city was called Hormah ■J. 23 now the name of the city before (was) -J. 24 spies saw a man come forth out of the c. IJ..24 Show us. .the entrance into the city, and •J. 25 when he showed them . . into the city, they !i. 25 smote the city with the edge of the sword iji. 26 built a city, and called the name. .Luz ,■3. i3.and possessed the city of palm trees (6. 27 because he feared.. the men of the city ;6. 28 when the men of the city arose early in ;6. 30 Then the men of the city said unto Joash .8. 16 he took the elders of the city, and thorns 8. 1 7 he beat down . . and slew the men of the c. .8. 27 and put it in his city, (even) in Ophrah 9. 30 when Zebul the ruler of the city heard 9. 31 and, behold, they fortify the city against ,9. 33 thou Shalt rise early, and set upon the city 9. 35, 44 and stood in the entering, .of the city 9. 43 the people (were) come forth out of the c. Ig. 45 Abimelech fought against the city all that '9. 45 he took the city, .and beat dovm the city 9. SI there was a strong tower within the city .9. 51 men and women, and all they of the city 14. 18 And the men of the city said unto him on 16. 2 laid wait for him all night in . .the city j6. 3 and took the doors of the gate of the city ,17. 8 the man departed out of the city from (78. 27 they smote them . . and burnt the city with 18. 28 And they built a city, and dwelt therein 18. 29 And they called the name of the city Dan J 8. 29 howbeit the name of the city (was) Laish ,19. II let us turn in into this city of the Jebu. Jig. 12 We will not turn aside hither into the c. ■-■19. 15 he sat him down in a street of the city .19. 17 a wayfaring man in the street of the city ,19. 22 the men of the city, .beset the house round ;2o. 1 1 So all the men . . gathered against the city 2o. 31 were drawn away from the city; and they 20. 32 draw them from the city unto the highw. ■.20. 37 smote all the city with the edge of the s. 120. 38 a great flame, .to rise up out of the city (2o. 40 flame began to arise up out of the city (20. 40 flame of the city ascended up to heaven 20. 48 as well the men of (every) city, as the b. .Ruth .1. 19 that all the city was moved about them 2. 18 she took (it) up, and went into the city .3. 15 laid (it) on her : and she went into the c. 4. .2 he took ten men of the elders of the city -i.Sa, .1. 3 this man went up out of his city yearly ,4. 13 And when the man came into the city 4. 13 and told (it), all the city cried out 5. 9 the hand of the LORD was against the c. 5. 9 and he smote the men of the city, both '15. II was. .destruction throughout all the city ,5. 12 and the cry of the city went up to heaven 8. 22 Samuel said. .Go ye every man unto his c. g. 6 Behold now, (there is) in this city a man ,9, 10 they went unto the city where the man 19. II as they went up the hill to the city, they ,9. 12 haste now, for he came to day to the city p. 13 As soon as ye be come into the city, ye .9. 14 And they went up into the city ,9. 14 (and) when they were come into the city Q. 25 when they were come down, .into the city .9. 27 were going down to the end of the city 10. 5 when thou art come thither to the city ,15. 5 Raul came to a city of Amaiek, and laid 20. 6 that he might run to Beth-lehem his city 20. 29 our family hath a sacrifice in the city 169 CITY .1 Sa. 20. 40 said unto him. Go, carry (them) to the c. (2o. 42 he arose . . and Jonathan went into the c. .22. 19 And Nob, the city of the priests, siiintc he ?3. 10 that .Saul seeketh. .to destroy the city for 127. '5 should thy servant dwell in the royal city 28. 3 buried him in Ramah, even in his own c 3D. 3 So David and his men came to the city 2 Sa. 5. 7 of Zion : the same (is) the city of David S- 9 t'le fort, and called it, 'I'hu city of David 6. 10 would not reniove the ark. into tlic city 6. 12 David, .brought up the ark. .into the city '6. 16 as the ark of the Loiiu came into the city ^o. 3 to search the city, aurt to spy it out, and JO. 14 then fled they .and cntcreil into the city .11. 16 came to p.ass, when Joab observed the c. 11. 17 the men of the city went out and fouyht 11. 20 approached ye so nigh unto the city when 11. 25 thy battle more strong against the city 12. I were two men in one city ; the one rich ,12. 26 And Joal) fought, .and took the royal city ;i2. 27 1 have fought and have taken the city 12. 28 encamp against the ciiy..take the city ,12. 30 he brought forth the spoil of the city lu 1x5. 2 then Absalom., said. Of what city (art) 15. 12 Absalom sent for Ahithophel. .from his c. IS- 14 smite the city with the edge of the sWord Is. 24 people had done passing out of the city 15. 25 Carry back the ark of God into the city 15. 27 return into the city in peace, and your ^5. 34 But if thou return to the city, and say 15. 37 Hushai, David's frieud, came into the city ,17. 13 Moreover if he be gotten into a city, then 17. 13 shall all Israel bring ropes to that city 17. 17 might not be seen to come into the city 17. 23 and gat him home to his house, to his city 18. 3 that thou succour us out of the city 19. 3 And the people gat them, .into the city 19. 37 that I may die in mine own city, (and be 20. 15 they cast up a bank against the city, and 20. 16 Then cried a wise woman out of the city 20. 19 thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother 20. 21 deliver him. .1 will depart from the city 20. 22 they retired from the city, every man to 24. 5 on the right side of the city that (lieth) J Ki. 2. 10 and was buried in the city of David 3. 1 brought her into the city of David, until 8. I that they might bring up. .out of the city 8. \6 I chose no city out of all the tribes of 8. 44 shall pray unto the Lord toward the city 8. 48 the city which thou hast chosen, aud the 9. 16 the Canaanites that dwelt in the city '9. 24 Pharoah's daughter came up out of the c. ji. 27 repaired the breaches of the city of David II. 32 the city which I have chosen out of all II. 36 the city which I have chosen me to put II. 43 was buried in the city of David his father .13. 25 they came and told (it) in the city where 13. 29 the old prophet came to the city, tomourn 14. n Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the city 14. I2 when thy feet enter into the city, the ch. 14. 21 the city which the Lord did choose out 14. 31 was buried with his fathers in the city IS- 8 and they buried him in the city of David 15. Z4 was buried with his fathers in the city 16. 4 Him that dieth of Baasha in the city shall 16. 18 when Zimri saw that the city was taken 16. 24 called the name of the city which he built 17. 10 when he came to the gate of the city, 20. 2 he sent messengers to Ahab. .into the c. 20. 12 set (themselves in array) against the city 20. 19 So these young men . . came out of the city 20. 30 But the rest fled to Aphek, into the city so. 30 Ben-hadad fled, and came into the city 21. 8 unto the elders, .that (were) in his city 21. II the men of his city .. in his city did as 21. 13 they carried him forth out of the city 21. 24 Him that dieth of Ahab in the city the 22. 26 carry him. .unto, .governor of the city 22. 36 Every man to his city, and every man to 22. so was buried with his fathers in the city 2 Ki, .2. ig the men of the city said unto Elisha 2. 19 the situation of this city (is) pleasant, as 2. 23 came . .little children out of the city 3. 19 every fenced city, and every choice city 6. 14 they came by night, and compassed the c. 6. 15 an host compassed the city both v/ith 6. 19 not the way, neither (is) this the city 7. 4 If we say. We will enter into the city 7. 4 then the famine (is) in the city, and we .7. 10 they, .called unto the porter of the city 7. 12 When they come out of the city ■7. 12 we shall catch them, .and get into the city 8. 24 was buried with his fathers in the city g. IS let none go forth, .out of the city to go g. 28 buried him in his sepulchre, .in the city 10. 2 (there are) with you. .a fenced city also ,10. s he that (was) over the city, the elders also 10. 6 with the great men of the city, which 10. 25 went to the city of the house of Baal 11. 20 the people, .rejoiced, and the city was in 12. 21 buried him with his fathers in the city J4. 20 he was buried . . in the city of David IS- 7. 38 buried him with his fathers in the city 35. 20 was buried with his fathers in the city 17. 9 tower of the watchmen to the fenced city 18. 8 tover of the watchmen to the fenced city 18. 30 this city shall not be delivered into the ig. 13 the king of the city of Sepharvaim. of H. .19. 32 He shall not come into this city, norshoot 19. 33 shall not come into this city, saiththe 19. 34 I will defend this city, to save it, for 20. 6 I will deliver thee and this city out of 2 K(. 20. 6 I will defend this city for mine own saim 2o. 20 and brought water Into the city 23. 8 gate of Joshua the governor of the city 23. 8 ott a man's left hand at the gate of the c. 2j. 17 the men of the city told him, (It i.i) the 23. 27 cast off this city, .whitli I have chosen 24. 10 servants, came up. .the city was bcsiegcj 24. II Nebuchadnezzar, .came against the city 25. 2 the city was besieged unto the elevemh 25. 3 the famine prevailed in the city, and there 25. 4 the city was broken up, and all tiie men 25. 4 now the C'haldecs (were) against tlic city 25. II the people (that were) left in the city, and 25. 19 out of the city he took an ollicer that 25. 19 five men, which were found in the city 25. 19 the people, (that were) found in the city I Ch. 1. 43 and the name of his city Avas) Dinhabah I 4C aud the name of his city (was) Avith I. 50 and the name of his city ^was) Pai II. 5 castle of ZIon, which (is) the city of David II. 7 therefore they called it the city of David II. 8 he built tlic city round about, even from 13.13 David brought not the ark to the city of 15. I (David) made him houses in the city ol 15. 29 the ark of the covenan!,. .came to the city 19. 9 battle in array before the gate of the city 1915 they likewise Hcd.and entered, the city 20. 2 he brought, much spoil out of the city B Ch. 5. 2 to bring up the ark. .out of the city of 6. 5 I chcse no city among all the tribes of 6. 34 they pray unto thee toward this city 6. 38 (toward) the city which thou hast choaco 8. 11 Solomon brought up. .out of the city ol 9. 31 he was buried in the city of David hia 11. 23 all his children . unto every fenced city 12. 13 the city which the Lord had chosen out 12. 16 and was hurled in the city of David 14. : and they buried him in the city of David ,16. 14 which he had made for himself in the city 18. 25 carry him back to. .governor of the city 19. 5 he set judges in the land .city by city 21. 1 was buried with his fathers in the city ot 21. 20 they buried him in the city of David, but 23. 21 all the people, rejoiced : and the city was 24. 16, 25 they buried him in the city of David 25. 28 buried him with his fathers in the city 27. 9 and they buried him in the city ot David 28. 15 the city of palm trees, to their brethren 28. 27 buried him in thecity,(even)inJcrusalem 29. 20 gathered the rulers of the city, and went 30. 10 So the posts passed from city to city 32. 3 fountains which (were) without the citv 32. s repaired Millo (in) the city of David, and 32. 6 in the street of the gate of the city .32. 18 that they might take the city •32. 30 brought it straight down to. .th£ city -33. 14 after, .he built a wall without the city 33. 15 took away, .and cast (them) out of the c. ,34. 8 aiulMaaseiahthegovernorof the city, and Ezra 2. 1 and came again.. every one unto his city 10. 14 with them the elders of every city, and Keh. 2. 3 when the city.. (litth)ivvaste, and liic gates 2. 5 unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres 2 8 for the wall of the city, and for the house 3. 15 the stairs that go down from the city ol 7. 4 the city (was) large and great; but the 7 6 and came again .every one unto his city 11. 7 to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city n. 9 and Judah (was) second over the city II. 18 All the Levites in the holy city (were) two 17. 37 they went up by the stairs of the city 13. 18 did notour God bring all. , ujion tliis city J Esth. '3. 15 but the city .Shushan was pcrp' .•."■ed 4. I went out into the midst nf the city, ano8. 10 Who will bring me into the strong city I 122. 3 Jerusalem is builded as a city that is 127. 1 except the Lord keep the city, the watch. Prov. I. 21 in the city she uttereth her words, (saying) 16. 32 he that ruleth..he that taketh a city 21. 22 A wise (man^scaleth the city of themighty 25. 28 Ho.. (is like) a city (that is) broken dowp Eccl. 7. ig teu mighty (men) which are in the city 8. JO they were forgotten in the city where they 9. 14 (There was) a little city, and few. .within 9. 15 and he by his wisdom delivered the city 10. IS he knoweth not how to go to the city Song 3. 2 I will rise now, and go about the city ia 3. 3 The watchmen that go about the city 5. 7 The watchmen that went about the city Isa. I. 8 as a lodge in a garden, .as a besieged ci.y I. 26 Shalt be called, The city of righteousnesa 22 r CITY Lsa 1^. 31 Howl, gate: cry, city; thou, whole P. 1 7. I Damascus is taken away from (being) a c. T9. 2 city against city, (and) Itingdom agaiust 19. 18 one sliall be called, The city of destruction 22. 2 that art full of stirs, a tumultuous city 22. 9 have seen also the breaches of the city 23. 16 Take an harp, go about the city, thou h. 24. 12 In tire city is left desolation, and the gate 25. 2 thou hast made.. (of) a defenced city a 25. 2 a palace of strangers to be no city; it a6. t We have a strong city ! salvation will (G ) 27. 10 Yet the defenced city (shall be) desolate 32. 14 the multitude of the city shall be left 32. 19 and the city shall be low in a low place 36. IS this city shall not be delivered into the 37. 13 tlie king of the city of Sepharvaim, Heria 37. 33 He shall not come into this city, nor 37. 34 shall not come into this city, saith the 37. 35 I will defend this city to save it, for 38. 6 I will deliver thee and this city out of 38. 6 and I will defeud this city 45. 13 he shall build my city, and he shall let 48. 2 For they call themselves of the holy city 52. I piitoH. .gurmeuts.O Jerusalem, theholyc. 60. 14 they shall call tliee. The city of the LoaD 6z. 12 thou Shalt be called. Sought oHt, A city 66. 6 A voice of noise from the city, a voice JeP. I. 18 I have made thee this day a defenced city 3 14 I will take you one of a city, and two of 4. 29 The whole city shall flee for the noise 4. 29 every city (shall be) forsaken, and not a 6. 6 this (is) the city to be visited ; she (is) 8. 16 the city, and those that dwell therein 14 18 if I enter into the city, then behold them 15. 8 caused.. to tall.. terrors upon the city 17. 24 no burden through the gates of this city 17 25 shall.. enter into the gates of this city 17. 25 and this city shall remain for ever ig. 8 I will make this city desolate, and an 19. 1 1 so will 1 break this people, and this city 19. 12 and (even) make this city as Tophet 19. 15 upon this city and upon all her towns »o. 5 I will deliver, .the strength of this city tr. 4 and I will assemble them into.. this city 2 1. 6 will smite the inhabitants of this city 21.7 and (such as are) left in this city from the 21. 9 He that abideth iu this city shall die 21. 10 I have set my face against this city - 22. 8 many nations shall pass by this city, and 22. 8 hath the Lord done thus unto this, .city? 23. 39 the city that I gave you and your fathers 25. 29 I begin to bring evil on the city which 126. 6 will make this city a curse to all the b6. 9 this city shall be desolate without an 26. II he hath prophesied against this city, as 26 12 sent me to prophesy ..against this city 25. 15 bring innocent blood.. upon this city j.'S 20 wlio prophesied against this city and 27. 17 wherefore should this city be laid waste? 27. 19 the residue.. that remain in this city 29. 7 seek the peace of the city whither I have 29. 16 all the people that dwelleth in this city 30. 18 tlie city shall be builded upon her own 31. 38 the city shall be built to the Lord, from 32. 3 I will give tills city into the hand of 32. 24 they are come unto the city to take it .32. 24, 25 the city is given into the hand of the 32. 28 I will give this city into the hand of 32. 29 Chaldeans., that fight against this city 3a. 29 Chaldeans, .shall, .set fire on this city 32. 31 this city hath been to me (as) a provoca. 32. 36 concerning this city, whereof ye say. It gj. 4 concerning the houses of this city, and 33.' 5 I have hid my face from this city 34. 2 I will give tills city iuto the hand of 34. 22 and cause them to return to this city 37. 8 fight against this city, and take it, and 37, 10 (yet) should they rise . .and burn this city 37. 21 until all the bread in the city were spent 38. 2 He that remaineth in this city shall die 38. 3 This city shall surely be given into the 38. 4 hands of.. meu.. that remain in this city 38. 9 for (there is) no more bread in the city 38. 17 this city shall not be burnt with fire 38. 18 then shall this city be given into tha 38. 23 thou Shalt cause this city to be burnt 39. 2 the ninth (day).. the city was broken up 39. 4 went forth out of the city by night, by 39. 9 the people that remained in the city, and 39. 16 I will bring my words upon this city for 41. 7 when they came into the midst of the c. 46. 8 I will destroy the city and the inhabitants 47. 2 the city, and them that dwell tlierein 48. 8 tlie spoiler shall come upon every city 49. 25 How is. .not left, tiie city of my joy 51. 31 to show the king of Babylon that his city 52. 5 So the city was besieged unto the eleventh 52. 6 the famine was sore in the city, so that 52. 7 Then the city was broken up, and all the 52. 7 went forth out of the city by night, by 52. 7 now the Chaldeans (were) by the city 52. 15 residue of. .people., remained in the city 52. 25 He took also out of the city an eunuch 52. 25 seven men . . which were found in the city 52. 25 (that were) found in the midst of the c. Lam. I. I How doth the city sit solitary (that was) 1. ig mine elders gave up the ghost in the city 2. 12 as tlie wounded in the streets of the city 2. 15 (Is) this the city that (men) call the Ferf. 3. 51 because of all tlie daughters of my city Eze. 4. I pourtray upon it the city, (even) 4. 3 (for) a wall, .between thee and the city 170 Eze. 5. 2 a third part in the midst of the city 7. IS he that (is) in the city, famine. .shall 7. 23 and the city is full of violence g. I Cause them that have charge over the c g. 4 Lord said. .Go through the midst of . .c. 9. 5 Go ye after him through the city, and , 9. 7 And they went forth, and slew in the city g. 9 the land is full of blood, and the city full 10. 2 fill thine hand, .scatter (them) over, .city 11. 2 and give wicked counsel in this city II. 6 have multiplied your slain in this city II. 23 glory., went up from the midst of the city II. 23 which (is) on the east side of the city 17. 4 he set it in a city of merchants 21. 19 choose (it) at the head of the way to., city 22. 2 wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou 22. 3 The city sheddetli blood in the midst of i24. 6, 9 saith the Lord . . Woe to . . bloody city ! .26. 10 as men enter into a city wherein is made 26. 17 the renowned city, which wast strong in 26. 19 When I shall make thee a desolate city 33. 21 (that) one. .came, .saying, The city is sm. 39. i6 the name of the city (shall be) Hamonah 40. I the fourteenth year after that the city 40. 2 which (was) as the frame of a city on the 43. 3 I saw when I came to destroy the city 45. 6 shall appoint the possession of the city 45. 7 and of the possession of the city, before the 45. 7 before the possession of the city, from 48. IS shall be a profane (place) for the city, for 48. 15 the city shall be in the midst thereof 48. 17 the suburbs of the city shall be toward 48. 18 for food unto them that serve the city 48. 19 they that serve the city shall serve it 48. 2o offer, .with the possession of the city 48. 21 of the possession of the city, over against 48. 22 from the possession of the city, (being) iu 48. 30 these (are) the goings out of the city on 48. 31 the gates of the city (shall be) after the 48. 35 the name of the city . . The Lord (is) there Dan. 9. 16 letthineanger. .be turned, .from thy city 9. 18 and the city which is called by thy name g. 19 for thy city and thy people are called 9. 24 upon thy people, and upon thy holy city 9. 26 the people, .shall destroy the city and Hos. II. 9 and I will not enter into the city Joel 2. 9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they Amo3 3. 6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and 3. 6 shall there be evil in a city, and the LOBD 4. 7 I caused it to rain upon one city 4. 7 caused it not to rain upon another city 5. 3 The city that went out (by) a thousand 6. 8 will I deliver up the city, with all that 7. 17 Thy wife shall be an harlot in the city Jon. I. 2 Arise, go to Mineveh, that great city, and 3. 2 Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city 3. 3 Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city 3. 4 Jonah began to enter into the city a day's 4. 5 So Jonah went out of the city 4. 5 and sat on the «ast side of the city 4 5 mightsee what should, become of the city 4 II And should not I spare, .that great city Mic. 6. 9 The Lord's voice crieth uuto the city, and Nah. 3. 1 Woe to the bloody city I it (is) all full Zeph. -2. 15 This (is) the rejoicing city that dwelt 3. r Woe to her. .to the oppressing city 1 2ech. 8 3 Jerusalem shall be called, A city of truth 8.' 5 the streets of the city shall be full of 14. 2 the city shall be taken, and the houses 14; 2 and half of the city shall go forth into 14. 2 people shall not be cut off from the city 2,A city {with xualls], rrnp qiryah. Num 21 28 there is.. a Hame from the city of Sihon Deut. 2. 36 there was. not one city too strong for us 3. 4 there was not a city which we took not 'i KJ. I. 41 Wherefore (is this) noise of the city being r. 45 are come up . rejoicing, so that the city Job 39. 7 He scorneth the multitude of the city Psa. 48. 2 (on) the sides of the north, the city of the Brov. 10. IS The rich man's wealth (is) his strong city II. 10 When it goeth well, .the city rejoiceth 18. It The rich mans wealth (is) his strong city 18. 19 (is harder to be won) than a strong city 29. 8 Scornful men bring a city into a snare Isa. I. 21 Howisthe faithful city become an harlot 1 1. 26 thou Shalt be called. .The faithful city 22. 2 Thou that art full of stirs, .joyous city 24. 10 The city of confusion is broken down 25. 2 For thou hast made of a city an heap ; (oO 35. 3 the city of the terrible nations shall fear 26. 5 the lofty city, he layeth it low ; he layeth 29. I Woe to Ariel . .the city (where) David 32. 13 upon all the houses, .(in) the joyous city ,33. 20 Look upon Zion, the city of our solemui. Jer. 49. 25 How is the city of praise not left, the Lanu 2. n sucklings swoon in the streets of the city Hos. 6. 8 Gilead (is) a city of them that work iui. Jlic. 4. 10 now Shalt thou go forth out of the city Hab. 2. 8, 17 Of the city, and of all that dwell therein 2. 12 Woe to him that . . stablisheth a city by Z.A city {with walls), K;-!p qirya. Ezra 4. 12 building the rebellious and the bad city 4. 13 if this city be builded, and the walk set 4. 15 know, that this city (is) a rebellious city 4. 15 for which cause was this city destroyed 4. 16 if this city be builded (again), and the w. 4. 19 it is found that this city, .hath made ins. 4. 21 that this city be not builded, until (ano.) i.A city {with walls), n"ii5 qereth. Job tg. 7 I went out to the gate through the city CITY Prov. 8. 3 She crieth at the gates, .of the city, at 9. 3 crieth upon the highest places of the city 9. 14 on a seat in the high places of the city 11. II By the blessing of the upright the city 5. A gale, the people assembling there, lyc* shaar. Kuth 3. 1 1 for all the city of my people doth know Q.A city {with walls), itoKis polis. Matt. 2. 23 he came and dwelt in a city called Naz. 4. 5 the devil taketh him . .into the holy city 5. 14 A city that is set on an hill cannot be 5. 35 for it is the city of the great King 8. 33 went their ways into the city, and told 8. 34 behold, the whole city came out to meet 9. I passed over, and came into his own city 10. 5 into (any) city of the Samaritans enter ye 10. II into whatsoever city or town ye shall 10. 14 when ye depart out of that house or city 10. 15 be more tolerable, .than for that city TO. 23 when they persecute j'ou in this city, flee 12. 25 every city, .divided against itself shall 21. 10 all the city was moved, saying. Who i» 21. 17 he left them, and went out of the city 21. 18 Now.. as he returned into the city, he 33. 7 he sent forth, .and burned up their city 23. 34 and persecute (them) from city to city 26. 18 he said. Go into the city to such a man 27. 53 went into the holy city, and appeared 28. 1 1 some of the watch came into the city, and Mark i. 33 all the city was gathered together at I. 45 Jesus could no more, .enter into the city 5. 14 told (it) in the city, and in the country 6. II [be more tolerable, .than for that city] Ti. 19 when even was come, he went out of . .c. 14. 13 and saith unto them. Go ye into the city 14. 16 his discipJes. .came into the city, and Luke I. 26 the angel . .was sent from God unto a city 1. 39 Mary arose, .and went, .into a city of J. 2. 3 all went, .every one into his own city 2. 4 Joseph also went up. .out of the city of 2. 4 uuto the city of David, which is called 2. n unto you is bom this day, in the city of 2. 39 they returned into, .their own city Naz. 4. 29 rose up, and thrust him out of the city 4. 29 of the hill whereon their city was built 4. 31 came down to Capernaum, a city of G. 5. 12 when he was in a certain city, behold a 7. II that he went into a city called Nain 7. 12 when he came nigh to the gate of the city 7. 12 and much people of tlie city was with 7. 37 a woman in the city . .brought an alaba. 8. 27 there met him out of the city a certain 8. 34 went and told (it) in the city and in the 8. 39 published throughout the whole city how g. 5 when ye go out of that city, shake off tha g. 10 into a desert place belonging to the city 10. 1 before his face into every city and place 10. 8, 10 into whatsoever city ye enter, and 10. II Even the very dust of your city, which 10. 12 be more tolerable, .than for tliat city 14. 21 Go out quickly into, .lanes of the city 18. 2 There was in a city a judge, which feared iB. 3 And there was a widow in that city ; and ig. 41 he beheld the city, and wept over it 22. ID Behold, when ye are entered into the c. 23. 19 Who for a certain sedition.. in the city 23. 51 (he was) of Aiimathea. a city of the Jews 24. 49 tarry ye jn the city of Jerusalem, until ya John I. 44 Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of A. 4. s Then cometli he to a city of Samaria 4. 8 his disciples were gone away unto thee. 4. 28 went her way into the city, and saith to 4. 30 they went out of the city, and came 4. 39 many of the Samaritans of that city 11. 54 but went thence.. into a city called E. ig. 20 place where Jesus was. .nigh to the city Acts 7. 58 cast(liim)nut of the city, audstoned (liim) 8. 5 Philip went dowu to the city of Samaria 8. 8 And there was great joy in that city 8. g which beforetime in the same city used 9. 6 Arise, aud go into the city, and it shall 10. 9 they went, .and drew nigh uuto the city 11. si was in the city of Joppa praying : and 12. 10 the iron gate that leadeth unto the city 13. 44 came almost the whole city together to 13 50 Jews stirred up. .chief men of the city 14. 4 But the multitude of the city was divided 14. 13 the priest of J.." which was before their c. 14. 19 having stoned Paul, drew (him) out of . .c. 14. 20 he rose up, and came iuto the city 14. 21 they had preached the Gospel to that city 15. 36 Let us.. visit our brethren in every city 16. 12 which is the chief city of that part of 16. 12 we were iu that city abiding certain days 16. 13 onthesabbathwewentoutof the[cityj by 16. 14 a certain woman named Lydia. .of the c. 16. 20 These men . .do exceedingly trouble our c. 16, 39 and desired (them) to depart out of the c. 17. 5 and set all the city on an uproar 17. 16 when he saw the tity wholly given to 18. 10 for I have much people in this city 19. 29 the whole city was filled with confusion ig. 35 how that the city of the Ephesians is a 21. s brought us .. till (we were) out of the city 21. 29 they had seen before with him in the city 21. 30 all the city was moved, and the people ran 21. 39 (which am) a Jew of Tarsus, (a city) iu C. 21. 3g a citizen of no mean city 22. 3 brought up ill this city at the feet of 24. 12 neither in the synagogues, nor in the city CITY 171 CLEAN Acts 25. ?? with the. .principal men of the city 27. 8 nigli wheieiinto was tho city (oH Lasea Kom 16. 23 the chamberlain of the city saluteth you 2 to. 1 1. 26 (in) perils in the city, (in) perils in the ir. 32 the governor.. kept the city of the Dam. i itus I. 5 ordam elders in every city, as I had ilob.ii, 10 looked for a city which hath foundations 11. 16 for he hath prepared for them a city 12. 22 and unto the city of the living God. the 13. 14 For here have we no continuing city, but Jiw. 4. I, To day. .we will go into such a city, anv ir va-ir. a Ch. II. ,2 in every several city (he put) shields and 28. 25 in every several city of Judah he made 31. 19 in every several city, the men that were CITY of waters, 0:)j,T 1']} ir hammayim. Jll "A'^'' ?''''^" ^^ ^°^^ '° ^^^ of Kabbah, the chief city of the Ammonites. zSa. 12.27 1 liave fought., and have taken the c.ofw-. CLAD oneself, to — To cover oneself, np^ kasah, 7. J Ki. II. 29 he had clad himself with a new gannent CLAD, to be — To wrap oneself up, npn alah. Isa. 59. 17 and was clad ivith zeal as a cloak ClAMOROUS — To hum, make a noise, ns.T hamah. Prov. 9. 13 A foolish woman (is) clamorous ; (she Is) CLAIffOUE, — Cry, outcry, Kpavy^ kraugl. £ph. 4. 31 and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking CIAP, to — \.To smite (the) hands together, Kno macha. Psa. 98. 8 Let the floods clap (their) hands : let the Isa. 55. 12 all the trees of the field shall clap (their) 2.T0 smite (the) hands together, kfid- macha, 3. £26.25. 6 Because thou hast clapped (thine) hands. 3.70 (cause to) smite, npi nakah, 5. 2 Ki.ii. 12 theyclapped their hands,and said, Godsave 4. To clap (the hands) together, psij saphaq. .Tob 34. 37 he clappeth (his hands) among us, and Lam. 2. 15 AU that pass \)y clap (their) hands at theo 5.T0 clap (the hand) together, ptip saphaq. Job 27. 23-^Men) shall clap their hands at him, and 6. To strike (the hands) together, Vijn taqa. Psa. 47. 1 clap your hands, all ye people ; shout Kah. 3. 19 all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap CLAir'-DA, KKaiSr). A small island S.W. of Crete. Jfela and Pliny call It Gaudos, and Ptolemy calls it Klaudos. It is still called Clauda-nesa or Guadnnesi by the Greeks, which the Italians have corrupted into Gozzo. Acts 27. 16 a certain island which is called C. CIATT-I»r-A, KAat^Si'a. A female disciple at Kome, supposed to be a. British maiden and daughter of king Cogidubnus. who took the name of his imperial patron Tiberius Claudius. Her. husband seems to have been Peileris, who is men- tioned in the same verse. 2 Xi. 4. 21 Eubulus greeteth thee.. and C, and all the CLATI-DI'-TTS, KAauSior. l.The successor of Caligula as emperor, .\.D. 41-M. Acts II. 23 which came to pass in the days of C. iS. 2 C. had commanded allJews to depart 2. A Roman officer, chief captain in Jerusalem, a.d. CO. Acts 23. 26 C. Lysias unto. .Feli-t (sendeth) greeting CtA-W — Cloven or parted hoof, .^p^^ parsah. ■ Deut.14. 6 and cleaveth the cleft into two claws, (and) Zech.ii. 16 but he shall, .tear their claws in pieces CLAY — 1. Clay, (frcnn its red colour), inortar, *«h cliomer. Job. 4. ig less (in) them that dwell in houses of clay 10. 9 that thou hast made me as the clay 13. 12 your bodies to bodies of clay ay. 16 Though he. .prepare rajment as the clay 33. 6 I also am formed out of the clay 38. 14 It is turned as clay (to) the seal ; and they Isa. 29. 16 shall be esteemed as the potter's clay 45. 9 Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth 64. 8 we (are) the clay, and thou our potter Jer. iS. 4 the vessel that he made of clay was marred 18. 6 as the clay (is) in the potter's hand, so (are) 2.Sumi clay of the potter, tjpn chnsaph. Dan. 2. 33 his feet part of iron and part of clay 2. 34 his feet (that were) of iron and clay, and 2. 35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the 2. 41 part of potter's clay, and part of iron e. 41. 43 sawest the iron mi.\ed with miry clay a; 42 the toes, .part of iron, and part of clay c 43 even as iron is not mixed -with clay 2. 45 the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver Z.Mire, miidi B'e tit. Psa. 40. a He brought me up. .out of the miry day Isa. 41. 25 and as the potter treadeth clay Nah. 3. 14 go into clay, and tread the mortar, make i.Mortar, (from its softness), bSo inelet. Jer. 43. 9 hide them in the olay in the brick. kUn 5. Thick clayey placet 'i?!^? maaheh. 1 Ki. 7. 46 in the clay ground between Succoth and G.Thirk clayey soil^ 3!; ab. 2 Cii. 4. 17 in the clay grouud between Suecoth and 7. Clay, mortar, 7rri\6s pelos. John 9. 6 he spat on the ground, and mad» clay of 9. 6 and ho anointed the eyes, .with the clay 9. 11 A man that 's called Jesus made clay, and 9. 14 it was the sabbath. .Jesus made the clay 9. J5 Ife put clay upon mine eyes, and! washed Kom. 9. 21 Hath not the potter power over the clay CLAY, thick — Thick mire, heavy pledge, O'Bsy nbtit. iliih. 2. 6 him that laileth himself with thick clay I CLEAN — l.Ckan^ empty, 13 bar. Job II. 4 My doctrine (is) pure, and I am clean iu Psa. 73. I (even) to such as are of a clean heart Prov. 14. 4 Where no oxen (are), the crib (is) clean 2.Purc, pious, ri], r\i zak. Job 33. 9 I am clean without transgression, I (am) Prov. 16. 2 All the ways of a man (are) clean ju 3. Leavened, yvn chamits. Isa. 30. 24 'The oxen likewise, .shall eat clean prov. 4. To make bare, ipn chasaph. Joel I. 7 he hath made it clean bare, and cast (it) 5JPure, clean, iinp tahor. Gen. 7. 2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to 7. 2 and «f beasts that (are) not clean by two 7. 8 Of clean bea.sts and of l)east8..not clean 8. 20 every clean beast, and of every clean fowl Lev. 4. 12 without tho camp unto a clean place 6. 1 1 carry forth the ashes., uuto a clean place 7. 19 as for the flesh, all that be clean shall 10. 10 and between unclean and clean ao. 14 heave shoulder, .eat in a clean place ji. 36 a fountain or pit.. shall be clean It. 37 And if (any part). .fall, it shall be clean It. 47 between the unclean and the clean, and 13. 13 (if) tho leprosy have covered., he (is) clean 13. 17 (if) the plague be tuniod..he (is) cleau •J 3- 37 the scall is healed, he (is) clean 13. 39 it (is) a freckled spot.. he (is) clean 31. 40 he (is) bald ; (yet is) he clean 13. 41 he (is) forehead bald : (yet is) he clean 14. 4 take for him .. two birds alive (and) clean 14. 57 when (it is) uncleau, and wheu (it is) cl. 15. 8 And if he . . spit upou him that is clean 20. 25 put difference between clean beasts and 20. 25 and between unclean fowls and clean Num. 5. 28 if the woman be not defiled, but be clean 9. 13 the man that (is) clean, and is not in a 18. II, 13 every one that is clean in thy house 19. 9 a man (that is) clean shall gather up the J9- 9 lay (them) up wthoutthecampin acleaa 19. i8"a cleau person shall take hyssop, and dip 19. 19 the clean (person)shall sprinkle upon the Deuti2. 15 the uncleau and the clean may eat thereof 12. 22 the unclean and the clean, shall eat (of) J4. II (Of) all clean birds ye shall eat 14. 20 (But of) all clean fowls ye may eat 15. 22 the unclean and the clean (person shall) 23. 10 any mau that is not clean, by reason of 1 Sa. 20. 26 he (is) not clean ; surely he (is) not clean 2 Ch.30. 17 passovers for. .oue (that was) not clean Job 14. 4 Whocan bringa cleaii(thing)outof anuD. Psa. 19. g The fear of the LORD (is) clean, enduring 51. JO Create in me a clean heart, God ; and Eccl. 9. 2 to the good and to the clean, and to the Isa. 66. 2o bring an offering in a clean vessel into Eze. 22. 26 between the unclean and the clean 36. 25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you 44. 23 discern between the unclean and the cl, 6. Clean, Via taJior. Job 17. 9 he that hath clean hands shall be stronger 7.70 be or become dry, ca; yabesh. Zech.ii. 17 his arm shall be clean dried up, and his ^.Innocent, 'pj naqi: Psa. 24. 4' He (hat hath clean hands, and a pure h. 9. To break, "n^ pajar. Isa. 24. ig the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is \^.Clean, clear, Ka6ap6s katharos. 3Iatt 23. 26 that the outside of therrt may be clean. 27. 59 he Avrapped it iu a clean linen cloth Lukeii. 41 and, behold, all things are clean unto you John 13. 10 He that is washed.. is clean every whit 13. 10 and ye are cleau, but not all 13. II therefore said he. Ye are not all clean 15. 3 Now ye are dean tlirough the word which Acts 18. 6 (be; upon your own heads ; I (am) cleau ilev. 19. 8 arrayed in fine linen, clean and white 19. 14 clothed iu fine linen, -wliite and clean 11. Actually, really, ivrus onlos. 2 Pe. a. 18 those that were [clean] escaped from them CLEAN, to be — l.To be purified, "it 5 barar, 2. Isa. 52. II be ye clean, that bear the vessels oflhe 2._To be or becomepure, nj; zakah. Job 15. 14 Wliat (is) man,' that he should be clean r 25. 4 how can he be clean (that is) lx>ru of a 3. 7*0 be purCj 115; zakak. Job 15. 15 the'heavens are tiot clean in his-sight 4. To be clean, cleaiiscd, T? taker. Lev. 12. 8 atonement for her, and she shall be clean jj. 6, 34 he shall wash his clothes, and be cleaiu CLEAN 172 CLEAVE 1 Lev. 13. 58 it shall be washed, .and shall be clean i^. 8 and wash himself . .that he may be clean 14. g he shall wash, .and he shall be clean 14. 2o atonement for him, and he shall be clean 14. 53 for tlie house : and it shall be clean 15. 13 and wash his clothes, .and shall be clean 15. 28 and after that she shall be clean 17. 15 he shall both wash, .then shall he he clean j6. 30 (tliat) ye may be clean from all your sins 22. 4 he shall not eat . . until he be clean 22. 7 when the sun is down, he shall be clean Num 19. 12 and on the seventh day he shall be clean ig 12 then theseventh day he shall not be clean 19, 19 aud bathe himself . .and shall be clean )( 23 ye shall make (it) . . and it shall be clean tu 24 and ye.£hall be clean, and afterward a Kl. ^ 10 Go au^" wash, .and thou shalt be clean 5. J 2 may I not wash in them, and be clean? 5. 13 whehhesaith to thee, Wash, and be clean? 5. 14 his flesh came again, .and he was clean Psa. s'- 7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean Eze 36. 25 I springle clean water, .ye shall be clean 5. To become or be made clean, "in^ taker, 7. Gen.35. 2 aud be clean, and change your garments 6. To be made clean, clear, KaSaplConai katharizom. JIatt. 8. 3 touched him, saying, I will ; be thou clean JMark I. 41 and saith unto him, I will ; be thou clean Luke 5. 13 touched him, saying, I will : be thou clean CLEAN gone, to be — ■ To be ended, closed, DSK aphes. Psa. 77, 8 Is his mercy clean gone for ever? CIEAN, to be made — l.To becoine clean, nnu taker, Jer. 13. 27 OJerusaiem I wilt thou not bemade clean? 2. To be made pure, nno taker, 7. Lev. 14. It present tlie man that Is to be made clean CLEAN, to make — 1. To make pure, npj zalcak, 3. Prov.2o. 9 Who can say, I have made my heart clean 2. 7*0 skow oneself pure, npj zakak, 7 Isa. 1. 16 Wash you, make you clean ; put away the 3.7*0 make pure, Tij; zakak, 5. Job 9. 30 and niakj my hands never so clean 4. 7*0 make or declare clean, ina taker, 3. Lev. 4. II the priest that maketh (him) clean shall Num 8. ; and (so) make themselves clean 6. To make clean, clear, KadapiCu katkarizo. Matt. 8. 2 if thou wilt, thou canst make me^ clean 23. 25 ye make clean the outside cf the cup and Mark i. 40 If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean .. Luke 5. 12 if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean u. 39 Now do ye Pharisees make clean the out. CLEAN pused, to be — To be complete, finisked, ended, Don tamam. Josh. 3. 17 the people were passed clean over Jordan 4. I when all the people were clean passed over 4. II when all the people were clean passed over CLEAN, to pronounce — To declare clean, "inp taker, 3. Lev. 13. 6 the priest shall pronounce him clean 13. 13 he shall pronounce (him) clean (that hath) • 3- I'/. 23. 28, 34, 37 shall pronounce (him) clean 13. 59 to pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it 14. 7 sliall pronounce him clean, and shall let 14. 48 priest shall pronounce the house clean CLEANNESS — \. Cleanness, clearness, emptiness, "is bor. 2 Sa. 22. 21 according to the cleanness of my hands 22. 25 according to my cleanness in his eye Psa. 18. 20 according to the cleanness of my hands 1.1 nnocency, freedom, cleanness, \y^i niqqayon. Amos 4. 6 1 also have given 'you cleanness of teeth CLEANSE — Ckansing, scouring, pIPB tamriq, plian tamruq. rrov.2o. 30 blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil CLEANSE, to — 1-. T'o 7uake clear or clean, Ti| barar, 5. Jer. 4. It A dry wind v. not to fan, nor to cleanso 2. To purify, nai zakak, 3. Psa. 73. 13 Verily I have cleansed my heart (in) vain iig. 9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse 3. T'o remove sin or defect, nan cliata, 3. Exod29. 36 thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou Lev. 14. 49 he shall take to cleanse the house two 14. 52 he shall cleanse the house with the blood Eze. 43. 2o thus shalt thou cleanse and purge it 43. 22 cleanse the altar, as they did cleanse (it) 43. 23 When thou hast made an end of cleansing 45. 18 take a young bullock, .cleanse the sanct. 4.7*0 cleanse, declare clean, ino taker, 3. Lev. i5. 19 and cleanse it, and, hallow it from 16. 30 make an atonement for you, to cleanse you Num. 8. 6 Take the Levitos, .and cleanse them 8. 7 thus shalt thou do. .to cleanse them 8. 15 thou shalt cleanse them, and offer them 8. 21 made an atonement for them to cleanSe 3 Ch. 29. 1 5 came . to cleanse the house of the Lord 29.16 went into the inner part, .to cleanse (it) 29. x8 We have cleansed all the house of. .Loed 2 Ch. 34. 5 and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem Neh. 13. 9 they cleansed the chambers ; and thither 13. 30 Thus cleansed I them from all strangers Job 37 21 tlie wind passeth, and cleanseth them Psa. 5t. 2 Wash me. .and cleanse me from my sin Jer. 33. 8 I will cleanse them from all their iniquity Kze. 36. 25 and from all your idols, will 1 cleanse you 36. 33 that I shall have cleansed you from all 37. 23 wheieiu they have sinned, and will cleanse 39. 12 seven months, .that they may cleanse the 39. 14 upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it 39. 16 Thus shall they cleanse the land 5.7*0 make or declare free, or innocent, npi naqah, 3. Psa. 19. 12 cleanse thou me from secret (faults) Joel 3 21 I will cleanse . .1 have not cleansed 6. 7*0 make clean, clear, Ka6apiC<^ katkarizo. Matt 8. 3 immediately his leprosy was cleansed 10. 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise II 5 the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed 23. 26 cleanse first that (which is) within the cup Mark i. 42 the leprosy departed, .and he was cleansed Luke 4. 27 none of them was cleansed, saving Naam. 7 22 the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed 17. 14 it came to pass, that, they were cleansed 17. 17 Were there not ten cleansed ? but where Acts 10. 15 What God hath cleansed, (that) call not 11. 9 What God hath cleansed, (that) call not 2 Co. 7. 1 let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness Eph. 5. 26 he might sanctify aud cleanse it with Jas. 4. 8 Cleanse (your) hands, (ye) sinners ; and 1 Jo. I. 7 the blood of Jesus Christ, .cleanseth us I. 9 to cleanse us from all uurighteousness CLEANSE selves, to — 7*0 cleanse oneself, in^ taker, 7. 2 Ch. 30. 18 a multitude . . had not cleansed themselves Keh. 13. 22 that they should cleanse themselves, and CLEANSED, to be — 1.7*0 be clean, cleaiised, ina taker. Lev. II. 32 be put into water, .so it shall be cleansed 12. 7 she shall be cleansed from the issue of 15. 13 when he that hath an issue is cleansed of 15. 28 But if she be cleansed of her issue, then 2. 7*0 be clean, cleansed, ^r^9 taker, 4. Eze 22. 24 Thou (art) the land that is'not cleansed 3.7*0 cleanse oneself, be cleansed, ina taker, 7. Lev. 14. 4 to take for him that is to be cleansed 14. 7 sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed 14. 8 he that is to be cleansed shall wash his 14. 17, 25, 28 right ear of him that is to be clea. 14. 18, 29 upon the head of him that is to be clea. 14. ig, 31 atonement for him that is to be clea. Josh 22. 17 from which we are not cleansed until this 4.7*0 be covered, ips kapliar, 4. Wum33. 33 the laud cannot be cleansed of the blood 5.7*0 becoine, be counted righteous, pny tsadaq, 2. Dan. 8. 14 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed CLEANSED, js — Cleansing, '"nno tokorak. Eze. 44 26 Aud after he is cleansed, they shall I 'ckoD CLEANSING— 1. Cleansing, rrjna tokorak. Lev. 13. 7 that he hath been seen . .for his cleansing 13. 35 if the scall spread .after his cleansing 14. 2 the law. .in the day of his cleansing 14. 23 he shall bring them, .for his cleansing 14., 32 (that which pertaineth) to his cleansing 15. 13 then he shall number, .for his cleansing Num. 6. 9 his head in the day of his cleansing 2. Cleansing, KaBapia/jiSs ko.tharismos. Alark I. 44 offer for thy cleansing those things which Luke 5. 14 but go. .and offer for thy cleansing CLEAH — l.Ligkt, I'lN or. Amos 8. 9 I will darken the earth in the clear day 2. Clear, 13 bar. Song 6. JO fair as the moon, clear as the sun, (and) Z.Rare, precious, ^|■J; yaqar. Zech 14. 6 the light shall not be clear, (nor) dark i.Innoeent, 'P3 naqi. Gen. 24. 41 thou shalt be clear from my oath b. Shining, wkile, ns isack. Isa. i8. 4 I will consider, .like a clear heat upon' d.Pure, ayySs ngnos. 2 Co. 7. II ye have approved yourselves to be clear 7. Clean, KaOapSi katkaros. Rev. 21. 18 the city (was) pure gold, like unto clear 8. Shining, brigkt, \ainrp6s lampros. Kev. 22. 1 pure river of water of life, clear as cry. CLEAR, to — 7*0 declare innocent, free, npj naqak, 3 . Eze. 34. 7 tiiat will by no means clear (the guiltv) CLEAE, to be — 1.7*0 be pure, ns; zakak. Psa. 51. 4 (and) be clear when thou judgest 2.7*0 be innocent, free, .tpi naqak, 2. Gen. 24. 8 then thou shalt be clear from this my 24. 41 Then shalt thou be clear from (this) my CLEAB. selves, to — To justify oneself, rs-is tsadaq'-^T. Gen. 44 16 what.. or ho^y. sliall wo clear ourselves T ' CLEAKEE, to be — 7*0 rise up, Dip qum. ^ Job II. 7 (thine) age shall be clearer than the noon. CLEARING — To declare innocent, free, npJ naqah, 3. Kumi4. 18 aud by !io means clearing (the guilty) CLEAEING of one's self — A speaking off {for cmeself), avoXoyia apologia. 2 Co. 7. 1 1 yea) (what) clearing of yourselves, yea CLEAELY — \.To be clear, ins barar. Job 33. 3 and ray lips shall utter knowledge clearly 2. Far shining, brilliantly, rriKavyHs ielaugos. JIark 8. 25 was restored, and saw every man clearly CLEAENESS — Clearness, nnb tokar. Exod24. 10 as. .the body of heaven In (his) clearness CLEAVE- Cleaving, adkering to, pn'j dabeq. Deut. 4. 4 But yc that did cleave unto the LORD CLEAVE, to — 1.7*0 cleave asunder, yp3 baqa. Judgis. 19 But God clave an hollow place that (was) Psa. 74. 15 Thou didst cleave the fountain and the 141. 7 as when one cntteth and cleaveth (woodj 9 hethatcleavethwoodshallbeendangered Isa. 48. 21 he clave the rock also, and the waters 2. 7*0 be cleft asunder, ypa baqa, 2. Zech. 14, 4 the mount of Olives shall cleave in the 3.7*0 cleave asunder, yps baqa, 3. Gen. 22. 3 clave the wood for the burnt offering 1 .Sa. 6. 14 and they clave the wood of the cai-t, and I'sa. 78. 15 He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and Hal). 3. 9 Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers 4.7*0 cleave, adhere to, P3^ dabaq. Gen. 2. 24 and shall cleave unto his wife : and they 34. 3 his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter o£ Deut 10. 20 to him shalt thou cleave, and swear by II. 22 to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto 13. 4 ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him 13. 17 there shall cleave nought of the cursed 28. 60 and they shall, cleave unto thee 30. 20 and that thou mayest cleave unto him Josh 22. 5 to cleave unto him, and to serve him with 23. 8 But cleave unto the Loud your God, as ye 23. 12 cleave unto the remnant of these nations Ruth z. 14 Orpah kissed her mother.. but Kuth'clavo 2 Sa. 20. 2 the men of Judah clave unto Oieir kiug 23. 10 and his hand clave unto the sword 1 Ki.ii. 2 Solomon clave unto these in love 2 Ki. 3. 3 he cleaved unto the sins of Jeroboam the 5. 27 The leprosy therefore .. shall cleave unto 18. 6 >'or he clave to the LollD, (and) depaited Job 19. 20 My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my 29 10 their tongue cleaved to the roof of their 31. 7 if any blot hath cleaved to mine hand^ Psa.- 44. 25 our belly cleaveth unto the earth loi. 3 hate the work of them, .(it) shall not c. 102. 5 By reason, .my bones cleave to my skin 119. 25 My soul cleaveth untothe dust : quicken 137. 6 let my tongue cleave to the roof of my Jer. 13. II as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a Lam. 4. 4 The tongue .. cleaveth to the roof of his 5, 7*0 be made to adhere, p^i dabaq, 6. Psa. 22. 15 and my tongue cleavetli to my jaws 6.7*0 cleave, adhere to, py] debaq. Dan. 2. 43 but they shall'not cleave one to another 7.7*0 strengtJien, hold fast to, pin chazaq, 5. Neh. 10. 29 They clave to their brethren, their nobles 8.7*0 be joined to, T\-h lavak, 2. Dan. II. 34 many shall cleave to them with flatteries 9.7*0 adkere, stick on, nSD sapkack, 2. Isa. 14. 1 they shall cleave to the house of Jacob 10. 7*0 sjM, till, nSs palach, 3. Job 16. 13 he cleaveth my reins asunder, and doth 11.7*0 stick fast, nsjt tsapkad. Lam. 4. 8 their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is 12. To cleave, rend, VQ^ skasa. Deut 14. 6 cleaveth the cleft Into two claws, (and) 13. 7*0 cleave, rend, VP^ skasa, 3. Lam. 1. 17 he shall cleave it with the wings thereof 14.7*0 glue, join, adkere, HoXXdai kollao. npoanaW Matt 19. 5 For this cause shall a man. .cleave to his Markio. 7 For this cause shall a man. .cleave to his Lukeio. II Even the very dust, .which cleaveth on Acts 17. 34 Howbeit certain men clave unto liim Rom 12. 9 cleave to that which is good CLEAVE unto, to — To remain toward, irpoa'fievaj prosmenO, Acts II. 23 that .they would cleave unto the Lord CLEAVE asunder, to — To be cleft asunder, j;p3 haqa, 2. KUIU16. 31 the ground clave asunder that (was) under CLEAVE 173 CLOTHED I CLEAVE, to oause to — To make to adliere, p^T dahaq. 5. Jcr. 13. II so have I caused to cleave unto me the CLEAVE fast, to — To poar out (n metal), ^s; yaLsa/j. i'sa. 41. 8 An evil disease, (say they), cleaveth fast CLEAVE fast together, to — 2'u he firmly joined together, pzy\ dahaq, 4-. Job 38. 38 and the clods cleave' fast together CLEAVE, to make — To cause to adhere, pji dabaq, 6. DeutiS. 21 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave Eze. 3. 26 1 >vill make thy tongue cleave to the roof CLEFT — \.A cleft prr rent, !j'p3 heqia. Amos 6. II will smite, .the little house with clefta %.A liollow place, r\-\Qliieqarah. Isa. 2. 51 To go into the clefts of the rocks, and S.A fissure, i)c^ sliesa. Deut 14. 6 cieaveth the cleft into two ciaws, ^and) CLEFT, to bei — To bcccnie cleft, l'|33 haqa, 7. Mic. I. 4 the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before CLEFTS — Clefts, recesses, D'ljq chagavim. Song 2. 14 my dove, (that art) in the clefts of the Jcr. 49. 16 thou that dwellest in the clefts of the Obad. 3 thou that dwellest in the clefts of thf CLEMENCY — A yiehliiigness, pliability, 4irieiKeia epieikeia. Acts 24. 4 that thou wouldest hear us of thy clem. CLE'-MENT, KA^/i7)s. A fellow labourer with Paul at Philippi. Phil. 4. 3 those Momen which laboured. .with C. CLE-O'-PAS, KKeSira;. One of the two disciples going to Emmaua when Jesus appeared to them. Luke 24. 18 C. answering said unto him. Art thou only CLEO'-PHAS, K\a>iras. Husband of one of the Marys ; half-sister of the Virgin Mary. John jg. 25 Mary the (wife) of C, and Mary Magdal. CLEEK, towa-^ U'riter, scribe, ypafi/ivrfis ffrainmaieits. Acts 19. 35 when the town clerk had appeased the CLIFF — . 1. Ascent, r\S-j_^ inaal'ch. 2 Ch.2o. 16 behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz Z. Ruined, terrible, j'iij; aruls. Job 30. 6 To dwell in the cliffs of the valleys, (in) CLIFT — l.Cleft,'hored out place, .Tii;? neqarah. E.\od 33. 22 I wiU put thee in a clift of the rock ^.A cleft, branch, "i'j;!) seijih. Isa. 57. 5 chiliUen in the valleys under the clifts CEOiB, to — To go up, rhyi alah. Joel 2. 7 they shall climb the wall like men of war CLIMB up, to — \.To go up, npj; alah. I Sa. 14. 13 Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and Jer. 4. 29 they shall, .climb up upon the rocks Joel 2. 9 they shall climb up upon the houses Amos g. 2 though they climb up to heaven, thence 2. To go up, avaPalvw anabnind. Luke 19. 4 climbed up into a sycamore tree to see John 10. I but climbethup some other way, the same CUP, to — To diminish, Jnj gara. Jer. 48. 37 every head, .bald, and every beard clipped CLOAK — \.An over covering, veil for hiding, e-mKd\vn/ I Pe. 2.. 16 not using (your) liberty for a cloak of 2.Raiinent, outer garment, ifj.d.Ttov himaiion. Matt 5. 40 take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak Luke 6. 29 him that taketh away thy cloak forbid 3. What is shoion before, pretext, ■!rpii(pa 7> 8, 10, II, 21, 22, 27 wash his clothes 16. 26, 28 shall wash his clothes, and bathe his 16. 32 put on the linen clothes, (even) the holy 17. 15 he shall both wash his clothes^ and bathe 21. 10 not uncover his head, nor rend his clothes Num. 8. 7 let them wash their clothe3,and (so) make "» 8. 21 and they washed their clotlies ; and Aaron 14. 6 them that searched.. rent their clothes jg. 7 the priest shall wash his clothes, and he 19. 8 he that burneth her shall wash his clothes 19. 10 shall wash his clothes ; and be unclean 19. 19 wash his clothes, and bathe himself in 19. 21 he that sprinkleth. .shall washhis clothes 31. 24 ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh •Tudgii. 35 he rent his clothes, and said, Alas, my 1 Sa. 19. 24 he stripped off his clothes also, and pro. B Sa. I. 2 a man came out. .with his clothes rent I. II David took hold on his clothes, and rent 3.31 Rend your clothes,and gird you ivlth sack. 13. 31 his servants stood by with their clothes 19. 24 nor washed his clothes, from the day the 1 Ki. I. 1 they covered him with clothes, but he gat 21. 27 rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon 2 Ki. s- 7 I18 rent his clothes, and said, (Am) I God S. 8 the king of Israel had rent his clothes 5. 8 Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? 6. 30 he rent his clothes, and he passed by upon II. 14 Athaliah rent her clothes, and cried iS. 37 with (their) clothes rent, and told him the ig. I he rent liis clothes, and covered himself 22.11 had heard the words . . he rent his clothes 22. 19 hast rent thy clothes, and wept before 2 Ch.23. 13 Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Trea. 34. 19 had heard the words.. he renthis clothes 34. 27 didst rend thy clothes, and weep before Neh. 4. 23 noneof us put off our clothes, (savingthat) Esth. 4. I Mordecairenthis clothes.and putonsac. Prov. 6. 27 take fire, .and his clothes not be burnt ? Isa. 36. 22 with (their).clothes rent, and told him the 37. I he rent his clothes, and covered himself Jer. 41. 5 their beards shaven, and their clothes Eze. 16. 39 they shall strip thee also of thy clothes 23. 26 shall also strip thee out of thy clothes 27. 20 Dedan (was) thy merchant in precious cl. Amos 2. 8 they lay (themselves) doivn upon clothes ^.Wrappings, clothes, Di'73 gtlom, Eze. 27. 24 in blue clothes, and broldered work, and %.Meisvire, long robe; "Vi mad. I Sa. 4. 12 with his clothes rent, and with earth upon ^.Covering, rfia suth. Gen. 49. II and his clothes in the blood of grapes 5. Outer garment, raiment, na^\!f salmah. ^■^ Deut29. 5 your clothes are not waxen old upon you ■^ Neh. g. 21 their clothes waxed not old, and their feet Job 9. 31 and mine own clothes shall abhor me ^.Outer garment, raiment, rho'v simlah. Gen. 37. 34 Jacob rent his'clothes, and put sackcloth 44. 13 they rent their clothes, and laded every Exodi2. 34 troughs being bound up in their clothes 19. 10 and let them wash their clothes 19. 14 and they washed their clothes Josh. 7. 6 Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to the 4 .Raiment, garment, l/xdrtov himoMon. Matt2i. 7 the ass. .and put on them their clothes 24. 18 Neither let him. .return, .to take his [c] 26. 6s Then the high priest renthis clothes Marlt 5. 28 If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be 5. 30 Jesus., said, Who touched ray clothes? 15. 20 put his own clothes on him, and led him Lnke 8. 27 a certain man.. ware no clothes, neither 19. 36 as he went, they spread their clothes in Acts 7. 58 the witnesses laid down their clothes at 14. 14 they'rent their clothes, and ran in among 16. 22 and the magistrates rent off their clothes 22. 23 they cried out, and cast off (their) clothes If.Coat, x'Ttuy chiton. Marki4. 63 Then the high prieet rent his clothes, and CLOTHES, grave — ' Bandages, Ketpiat keiricii. John; I. 44 bound hand and foot with grave clothes CLOTHING — 1. Garment, 152 heged. Job 22. 6 and stripped the naked ot their clotliing I.Clothing, B'!3^ lebiish. Job 24. 7 cause the naked to lodge without clothing 24. 10 cause (him) to go naked without clothing 31. 19 have seen any perish for want ot clothing Psa. 35. 13 when they were sick, my clothing (was) 45. J3 all glorious within.; her' clothing (is) of Vfo. 27. 26 The lambs (are) for thy clothing, and the 31. 22 coverings of tapestry ; her clothing (is)sUk 31. 25 strength and honour (are) her clothing Jer. 10. 9 blue and purple (is) their clothing : they 3.yl covering, .isM inekasseh. Isa. 23. iB sufficiently, and for durable clothing i.Raiinent, a cloth, r\^D\i/ siml&h. Isa. 3. 6 Thou hast clothing, be thon ourruler, and 3. 7 in my house (is) neither bread uor clothing S.Clothing, n^s'jPi tilhoslieth. Isa. 59. 17 the garments of vengeance (for) clothing Q.CloUiing, evSvfia enduiiia. ' Matt. 7. 15 which come to you in sheep's clothing 7. Robe, iirB-fis esthes. Acts 10. 30 a man stood before me in bright clothing Jas. 2. 3 to him that.weareth the gay clothing, and CLOTHING, long — - Robe, vestment, crroKri stole. Marki2. 38 the scribes^. love to go in long clothing CLOTHING, soft — • The soft things, ra /laXaKa ta malaJca. JIatt. 11 . 8 they that wear soft (clothing) are In king's CLOUD — l.Somethmg lifted up and exalted, K'Wi nasi. Prov.25. 14 a false gift (is like) cloud|S a,nd -^yind 2.A thickness, thick cloud, 3]l ab. Judg. 5. 4 the heavens dropped, the clouds also 2 Sa. 23. 4 as the light of the morning, .without c. I Ki. 18. 44 there ariseth a litle cloud out of the sea 18. 45 the heaven was black with clouds and Job 20. 6 and his head reach unto the clouds 30. 15 and my welfare passeth away as a cloud 36. 29 understand the spreading of the clouds 37. 16 know the balancings of the clouds, the 38. 34 Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds Psa. 77. 17 The clouds poured out water, the skies 104. 3 who maketh the clouds his chariot ; who 147. 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds Prov 16. 15 his favour (is) as a cloud of the latter Eccl.ii. 3 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty 11. 4 he that regardeth the clouds shall not 12. 2 nor the clouds return after the rain Isa. 5. 6 command the clouds that they rain no 14. 14 ascend above the heights of the clouds 18. 4 like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest 19. I the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud 25. 5 (even) the heat with the shadow of a cloud 60. 8 Who (are) these (that) fly as a cloud, and B.A cloud, ]iv_ anati. Gen, 9. 13 I do set ray bow in the cloud, and it shall 9. 14 when I bring a cloud over the earth, that 9. 14 that the bow shall be seen in the cloud 9. 16 the bow shall be in the cloud ; and I will Exodi3. 21 by day in a pillar of a cloud to lead them 13. 22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud 14. 19 the pillar of the cloud went from before 14. 20 it was a cloud and darkness (to them), but 14. 24 through the pillar of fire and of the cloud 16. 10. the glory of the Lord appeared in the clo. 19. 9 I come unto thee in a thick cloud 19. 16 lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the 24. 15 Moses went up. .and a cloud covered the 24. 16 and the cloud covered it six days 24. 16 he called unto Moses out of the. .clond 24. 18 Moses went unto the midst of the cloud 34. 5 the Lord descended in the clo^d, and , 40. 34 a cloud covered the tent of the congre. 40. 35 because the cloud abode thereon, and 40. 36 when the cloud was taken up from oveir 40. 37 if the cloud were not taken up, then they 40. 38 the cloud ot the Lord (was) upon the Lev. i6, a I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy 16. 13 the cloud of the incense may cover the Num. 9. 15 the cloud covered the tabernacle 9. 16 the cloud covered it (by day), and the Q. 17 when the cloud was taken up from the 9. 17 and in the place where the cloud abode 9. 18 the cloud abode upon the tabernacle g. 19 the cloud tarried long upon the tabema. 9. 20 the cloud was a few days upon the taber. 9. 21 the cloud abode from even unto the 9. 21 the cloud was taken up in the morning 9. 21 or by night that the cloud was taken up g. 22 the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle 10. II the cloud was taken up from off the taber. 10. 12 the cloud rested in the wilderness of P. 10. 34 the cloud of the Lord (was) upon them 11. 25 Lord came down in a cloud, and spake i<2. 5 came down in the pillar of the cloud 12. 10 the cloud departed from off the taber. 14. 14 (that) thy cloud standeth over Ihem 14. 14 by day time in a pillar of a cloud, and in 16. 42 behold the cloud covered it, and the Deut. I. 33 went in the way before you. .in a cloud 4. II with darkness, clouds and thick darkn. Dcut. 5. 22 out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud 31. 15 in the tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud _ 31. 15 tlie jullar of the cloud stood over the J Ki. 8. JO the cloud filled' the house of the LOSB 8. II cbuld not.. minister because of the cloud 2 Ch. 5. J 3 the hoose was filled with a cloud 5. 14 to minister by reason of the cloud Neh. 9. 19 the pillar of the cloud departed npffrom Job 7. 9 the cloud is consumed and vanisheth 26. 8 And the cloud is not rent under them 26. 9 He holdeth. .(and) spreadeth his cloud 37. II he scattereth his bright cloud 37. 15 God. .caused the light of his clond to 38. 9 When I made the cloud the garment Psa. 78. 14 he led them with a cloud, and all the 97. 2 Clouds-and darkness (are) round about 105. 39 He spread a cloud for a covering, and fire , Isa. 4. 5 upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoko 44.^22 1 have blotted out, as a. .cloud thy sins Jer. 4.' 13 he shall come up a5 clouds, and his Lam. 3. 44 Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud Eze. ii. 4 a great cloud, and a fi're infolding itself I. 28 that is in the cloud in the d.ay of rain 8. II and a thick cloud of incense went up 10. 3 and the cloud filled the inner court 30. 4 the house was filled with the cloud, and 30. 18 as for her, a cloud shall cover her, and 32. 7 I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the 38. 9 thou shatt be like a cloud to cover the ■ 38. 16 thou Shalt come, .as a cloud to cover the Eos. 6. 4 your goodness (is) as a morning cloud 13. 3 they shall be as the morning cloud, and Joel 2. 2 a day of clouds and of thick darkness Nah. 1. 3 the clouds are the dust of his feet Zepli. 1. 15 a day of clouds and thick darkness i.A cloud, ]iV_, anan. Dan. 7. 13 Son of man came with the clouds 5. .4 {Jieavy) clovd, nj:j; ananah. Job 3. 5 let a cloud dwell upon it; let the black. 6. A (thin) cloud, pna shachaq. Job 35. 5 behold the clouds, (which) are higher 36. 28 Which the clouds do drop (and) di.-itil 37. 21 bright light which (is) in the clouds 38. 37 Who can number the clouds in wisdom Psa. 36. 5 thy faithfulness, .unto the clouds 57. 10 heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds 68. 34 and his strength (is) in the clouds 78. 23 he had commanded the clouds from 108. 4 and thy truth reacheth irhto the clouds Prov. 3. 20 and the clouds drop down the dew 8. 28 When he established the clouds above /.A small or thin cloud, vf(p(\r] nephele. Matti7. 5 While he yet spake. .a bright cloud 17. 5 behold a voice out of the cloud, which 24. 30 the Son of man coming in the clouds of 26. 64 and coming in the clouds of heaven Mark g. 7 there was a cloud that overshadowed g. 7 a voice came out of the cloud, saying ) 3. 26 the Son of man coming in the clouds with 14. 62 and coming in the clouds of heaven Luke 9. 34 there came a cloud, and overshadowed 9. 34 they feared as they entered into the cloud 9. 35 there came a voice out of the cloud, saying 12. 54 When ye see a cloud rise out of the west 21. 27 the Son of man coming in a cloud Acts I. 9 a cloud received him out of their sight 1 Co. 10. I all our fathers were under the cloud 10. 2 were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud i.Th. 4. 17 caught up. '.with them in the clouds 2 Pe. 2. 17 [clouds] that are carried with a tempest Jude 12 clouds (they are) without water, carried Kev. I. 7 Behold, he cometh with clouds ; and 10. 1 another mighty angel, .clothed with a cl. 11. 12 they ascended up to heaven in a cloud 14. 14 behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud 14. 15 crying, .to him that sat on the cloud 14. 16 he that sat on the cloud thrust in lu's 8»/l cloud, ve9paKia anthrakia. JohniS. 18 the servants.. who had made a fire ^f co. 21. 9 they saw a fixe of coals there, and fish COALS, bahen on the — Hot or burning stone, lyn relseph. I KI.19. 6 (there was)a cake baken on the coals, and COALS, Use — Hut or burning stone, nps-i ritspah. Isa 6. 6 Then flew 01)6.. having a live coal in his COAST — \. Border, 7133 gebul. £xodio. 4 will I bring the locusts into thy coast 10. 14 and rested in all the coasts of Egypt JO. 19 remained not one locust in all the coasts Num 20. 23 by the cqast of the land of Edom, saying 21. 13 wilderness that Cometh outofthecoasts 22. 36 border of Arnon, . . in the utmost coast 34. 1 1 the coast shall go down from Shepham to Deut. 2. 4 Ye (are) to pass through the coast of your 2. 18 pass over through At, the coast of Moab 3. 14 the county of Argob unto the coasts of G. 3. 17 The plain also, and Jordan, and the coast 11. 24 unto the uttermost sea, shall your coast 16. 4 seen with thee in all thy coasts seven days 19. 3 and divide the coasts of thy land, which J9. S it the Lord thy God enlarge thy coast, as 28. 40 have olive treesthroughout all thy coasts Josh. I. 4 going down of the sun, shall be your coast 12. 4 And the coast of Og king of Bashan 13. 16 their coast was from Aroer, that (is) on 13 25 their coast was Jazer. and all the cities 13. 30 And their coast was from Mahanaini, alt 15. 4 thegoiugs out ofthatcoast wereat thesea IS 4 this shaU be your south coast '2 the great sea, and the coast (thereoQ 15. 12 This (is) the coast of the children of J. 13. 21 toward the coast of Edom southward 16. 3 goeth down westward to the coast of J. 17. 7 the coast of .Manasseh was from Asherto 17. 9 the coast descended uuto the river Kanah 17. 9 the coast of Manasseh also (was) on the 18. 5 Judah shall abide in their coast on the 18. 5 Joseph shall abide in their coasts on the 18. II the.coast of their lot came forth between j8. 19 end' of Jordan : this (was) the south coast 19. 22 the coast reacheth to Talior, and bhahuz. 19. 29 the coast turiieth to Kaniah, and to the 19. 29 and the coast turneth to Hosah 19. 33 their coast was from Heleph, from AUou ig. 34 the coast turneth westward to Aznoth-ta 19. 41 the coast of their inheritance was Zorah ■ 19. 47 the coast of the children of Dan went Judg. I. 18 Judah took Gaza with the coast thereof I. 18 and Askelon with the coast thereof I. 18 and Elcron with the coast thereof 1. 36 the coast of the Amorites (was) from the II. 20 trusted not Israel to pass.. his coast II. 22 possessed all the coasts of the Amorites 19. 29 and sent her into all the coasts of Israel > Sa. 5. 6 (even) Aslulod and the coasts thereof 6. 9 goeth up by the way of his own coast 7. 13 they came no more into the coast of Israel 7. 14 the coasts thereof did Israel deliver out II. 3 may send messengers unto all the coasts 1 1 7 (them) throughout all the coasts "of Isr. 27. 1 to seek me any more in any coast of Isr. 2 Sa. 21. 5 from remaining in any of the coasts 1 K-i. I. 3 they sought, .throughout all the coasts 2 Ki. 10. 32 Hazael smote them in all the coasts of I. 14. 25 He restored the coast of Israel from the 15. 16 and the coasts thereof from Tirzah J Ch. 4. 10 bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast 6. 54 throughout their castles in their coasts 6. 66 sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts 21. 12 destroying throughout all the coastsof 1. 2 Ch.ii. 13 resorted to him out of all their coasts Psa. 105. 31 of flies, (and) lice in all their coasts 105. 33 He . .brake the trees of their coasts Eze. 47. 16 Uazar-hatticon, which (is) by the coast of 2.Circuil, n7i33 gehulah. Unm^-z. 33 with the cities thereof in the coasts 34. 2 the land of Canaan, with the coasts 34. 12 with the coasts thereof round about Josh 18. 20 by the coasts thereof round about, accor 19. 49 the land for inheritance by their coasts i. Border, rh'h^ gelilah. Joel 3. 4 and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine 4. Cord,, rope, San chebel. Josh. 19. 29 at the sea from the coast to Achzib Zeph. 2. 5 Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coa. 2. 6 the sea coast shall be dwellings (and) cot. 2. 7 the coast shall be for the remnant of the 5. Shore, haven, ^I'ln choph. Josh 9. I in all the coasts of the great sea over Eze. 23. 16 I will, .destroy the remnant of the sea c. Q.Hand, X yo-d. >i'umi3. 29 the Canaanites dwell. .Tjy the coast of J. 34. 3 south quarter shall be. .along by the c. Judgii. 26 the cities that (be) along by the coasts of 7. Thigh, ni"); yarkah. Jer. 25. 3'2'shall be raised up from the coasts of the 31. 8 gather them from the coasts of the earth 50. 41 kings shall be raised up from the coasts 8. Elevated place, hdj napliah. Josh. 12. 23 The king of Dor in the coast of Dor. one 9. End, extremity, ny;; qatsah. . JudgiS. 2 of their family five men from their coasts Eze. 33. z the people, .take a man of their coasts COAST, (outmost) — I. End, extremity, ."rsij qatseh. Kum34. 3 the outiuost coast of the salt sea eastward 2.Dimsion, part, ixipos ineros. Matti5. 21 departed into the coasts of Tyre and S. 16. 13 came into the coasts of Cesarea Philippi Acts 19. I having passed through the upper coasts 3. Boundary, Hpiov horion. Matt. 2. 16 in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts 8. 34 that he would depart oiit of their coasts 15. 22 a woman.. came out of the same coasts 15. 39 he.. came into the coasts of Magdala 19. I came into the coasts of Judea beyond J. Mark 5. 17 to pray him to depart out of their coasts 7. 31 departing from the coasts of Tyre and S. 7. 31 through the midst of the c. of Decapolis 10. t cometh into the coasts of Judea by the Acts 13. 50 and expelled them out of their coasts i. Place, spot, rSiros topos. Acts 27. 2 meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia 5. Space, region, x'^pa chora. Acts 26. 20 throughout all the coasts of Judea, and COAST, sea — Coast along the sea, irapoAios paralios. Luke 6. 17 frsra the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon COAT — X. A tunic, long coal, njh?, njh? kethoneth. Gten. 3, 21 did the Loao God omke coats of skins Gen. 37. 3 he made him a coat of (many) colours 37. 23 out of his coat, (his) coat of (many) col. 37. 31 took Josephs coat.. and dipped the coat 37. 32 they seut the coat of (many) colours, and 37. 32 know now whether it (hu) thy son's coat 37. 33 he knew it, aud said, (It 13) my son s coat ExodzS. 4 a broidered coat, a niitre, and a girdle 28. 39 thou Shalt embroider the coat of fine Md. 28. 40 for Aarous sous thou shalt make coats 29. s put upou Aaron the coat, and the robe of 29. 8 thou Shalt bring his sons, and put coats 39. 27 they made coats (of) fine lincu, (of) woven 40. 14 bring his sons,aud clothe them with coats Lev. 8. 7 lie put upon him the coat, and girded him 8. 13 -Mosesbrought Aaron'ssons, andputcoats 10. 5 carried them in their coats out of the 16. 4 lie shall put ou the holy Linen coat, and 2 Sa. 15. 32 came to meet him with his coat rent Job 30. 18 bindcth me about as the collar of my c. Song 5. 3 I have put off my coat ; how shall I put 2.U)ipei- rube, S'J/a meil. 2 .Sa. 2. 19 Moreover his mother made him a little c Z. Tunic, long robe, x'twc chiton. Matt. 5. 40 if any man will.. take away thy coat JO. 10 Nor scrip for., journey, neither two coats Mark 6. 9 But (be) shod.. and not put on two coats Luke 3. ji He that bath two coats, let him impart to 6. 29 forbid not (to take thy) coat also g. 3 neither have two coats apieco Johnig. 23 and also (his) coat: now the coat waa Acts 9. 33 showing the coats aud garments which COAT, fisher's — Upper chthing, iirtvSuTrit ependutes. Jrfhn.ii. 7. he girt (his) Ushers coat (unto Wm) COAT (of mail) — Coat of mail, breast plate, Ji"!? shiryon. I Sa.17. 5 And he was armed with a coat of mad 17. 5 the weight of the coat (was) five thousand 17. 38 also he armed him with a coat of mail COATS — Mantles, upper garments, I'VjlJi sarbalin. Dan. 3. 21 these men were behind in their coats 3. 27 neither were their coats changed, nor the COCK — House cock, aXfKToip alektor. 51a'tt26. 34, 75 before the cock crow, thou shall deny 26. 74 And immediately the cock crew Marki4. 30, 72 before the cock crow twice, thou shalt 14. 63 he went out into the porch; and [thecbckj 14. 72 And the second time the cock crew Luke22. 34 the cock shall not crow this day, before 22. 60 immediately, while he yet spake, the cock 22. 61 Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny mo John 13. 38 The cock shall uot crow, till thou hast j8. 27 and immediately the cock crew COCK crowing — Sounding of the cock, third watch, a\(KTopota. Mark 1 3. 35 or at the cock crowing, or in the morning COCKATRICE — \. Cockatrice, basilisk, adder, viper, P5V tsephd, Isa. 14. 29 serpent's., shall come forth a cockatriC« 2.Adder, cockatrice, 'Jiy?V tsiphoni. Isa. It. 8 child., put his hand on the cockatrice' d. 59. 5 They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave Jer. 8 17 I will send serpents, cockatrices, among COCKLE — Useless weed, hemlock, darnel, nyxp ioshah. Job 31. 40 thistles grow instead of wheataud cockle COFFER — Coffer, box, chest, ipK argaz. 1 Sa. 6. 8 put the jewels.. in a coffer by the side 6. II and the coffer with the mice of gold, and 6. 15 aud the coffer that (was) with it, wherein COFFIW — Ark, coffin, chest, I"k aron. Gen. 50. 26 and he was put In a coffin In Egypt COGITATION — Thought, sadness, I'i'V! rayon. Dan. 7. 28 As for me Daniel, my cogitations mncb COLD — l.Cold, pot, nfi tsinnah. Prov 25. 13 As the cold of snow tn the time of harvest 2. Cold, cool, excellent', iR qar. Prov 25. 25 (As) cold waters to a thirsty soul, so (is) Jer. iB. 14 shall the cold flowing waters.. be forskk., 3.Cold, ip qor. Gen. 8. 22 cold and heat, and summer and winter i.Cold, .""5 qarah. Job 24. 7 that (they have) no covering Id the cold 37. 9 comethtbe whirlwind; and cold out of tho Psa.147. 17 who can stand before his cold? Prov 25 2o that taketh away a garment in cold weat, Nah. 3. 17 which camp in the hedges in the cold day Z.Coldness, ij/w^os psuchos. JohniS. 18 had made a fire of coals; for it was cold Acts 28. 2 the present rain, and because of the cold 3 Co. u, 27 lu fastings often, la crfd aud nakedness COLD 176 COMB 6. Cold, cool, >f/vxp6s psDxhros. Matt i'o. 42 whosoever shall give a cup of cold (wat.) Rev. 3. IS that thou art neither cold nor hot 3. IS I would thou wert cold or hot 3. 16 thou ait luke warm, and neither cold nor COU), to -wax — To breathe, hloxo, cool, ^ixoi pstwho. Matt 24. 12 because .the loved many shall wax'cold COL-HO'-ZEH, njh-'^s wholly a seer. 1. One whose son helped to repair the wall, B.C. 47°-^ Neh. 3. 15 the fountain repairedShallum .son of C 2. One whonf some think the same as No. i. B.O 470. Neh. II. s'Maaseiah.the son of Baruch, the son of C. COIIAR — Mouth, n^peh, . Job 30. 1 8 bin'deth'me about as the collar of my coat COIIABS — Drops, droppings, niS'l?) neti.photh. Judg. 8. 26 besides ornaments, and collars, and COLLECTION — 1. Burden, thing lifCed up or boriie, riK'g'D maseth. 2 Ch.24. 6 to bring in, out of Judah. .the collection 24. 9 to bring in to the Lord the collection 2.CoUection, gathering, Xoyia logia. 1 Co 16. I JSfow concerning the collection forthe COLLEGE — Second part, place of repeiiiion, college, ™^p. 2 Ki.22. 14 now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college a Ch 34. 22 now She dwelt in Jerusalem in the college COLLOPS — Fat, fatness, nO'S pimah. "Job IS 27 and maketh collops of fat on (his) flanKS COLONY — Colony {of Romans), KoKwvia kolonia {Lat.) — etn« Acts 16. 12 which is the chief city (and) a colony CO-LOS'-SE, KoXoffcrai. A city of Phrygia Pactiana, on the confines of Caria in .Asia Minor, near the conflux of the Lycus and the Mseander CoL 1. 2 brethren in Christ which are at C COLOUR — l.Eye, aspect, ]']; aijin. Lev. 13. 5s (if) the plr.gue have not changed his colour Uumii. 7 the colour thereof as the colour of hdeL Prov23. 31 when it givelh his colour in the cup Eze; I. 4 out of the midst tliereof as the colour of I.J7 they sparkled like the colour of burnished I. 16 The appearance .(was) like unto the col. I. 22 the likeness .(was) as the colour of the i.''27 And I saw as the colour of amber, as the 8. 2 appearance of brightness, as the colour lo.' 9 the appearance .(was) as the colour of a Dan. 10.' 6 his arms and his feet like in colour to 2. \yhal isshow7iforth,pretence,irp6(paaitprophasis. Acts 27. 30 under colour as though they would have COLOURS, (divers or many) — Pieces, ends (of anything), extremities, D'DS passim. Gen 37. 3 and he made him a coat of (many) colours 37. 23 (his) coat of (many) coloui-s that (was) on 37; 32 And they sent the coat of (many) colours Sa. 13^.18 (she had) a garment of divers colours 53.^19 and rent her garment of divers colours COLOUESIjfair- JPaint, '^'^5 pulh, Isa,. rs4'.;i 1,1 will lay thy stones with fair colours colours; ■witlfdiversj— To spot',- patch, H79 tala. 'Ez^.^io.^le deckedst thy places with divers colours colt;— \.Sori>,- produce,]!^ ben.^ Gen. 32.?i5 Thirty milch camels with their colts •49. II and his aos's colt unto the choice vine 2.Ass colt, (from, its restiveness,) Ty w/iV. 4 thirty sons that rode on thirty ass colts 112'; 14 rode on threescore and ten ass colts Job HI. 12 man be bom (like) a wild ass's colt Zee; g'. ",'9 and upon a colt the foal of an ass d.Fnal, iraiXos polos. Matt2i'. 2'ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with '21. ,s sittting upon an ass, and a colt the foal 31. 7 brought the ass, and the colt, and put on Markii 2 ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never II. 4 found the colt tied by the door without II. ,5 certain, .said .What do ye, loosing the c. II. 7 they brought tlie colt to Jesus, and cast Lukeig. 30 ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet '19. 33 as they were loosing the colt, the owners 19. 33 said unto them. Why loose ye the colt? 19. 3s they cast their garments upon the colt Johni2. IS thy King cometh, sitting on an ass'a colt COME} to — 1, The latter, fnnVjt dcharon. Deut29. 22 So that the generation to come of your Pea. 78.' 4 showing to the generations "to come the 78.' 6 That the generation to come might know 102. 18 be written for the generation to come Prov 31. 25 and she shall rejoice in time to come Eccl. I. 11 remembrance of (things) tliat are to come Isa. 30. 8 that it may be for the time to come for 2 To come, arrive, n^i« atliah, at^ atha. Deut33. 2 And he said, Tlie Lord came from Sinai 33. 21 and he came with the heads of the people Job 16. 22 When a few years are come, then I shall 30. 14 They came (upon me) as a wide breaking 37. 22 Fair weather cometh out of the north Psa..68. 31 Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiop- Prov! I. 27 your destruction cometh as a whirlwind Isa 21. 12 Tlie morning cometh, ^nd also the night "21 12 if ye will enquire, enquire ye : return, co. 41. 5 the ends, .were afraid, drew near, and ca. 41 2S I have raised up (one), .and he shall come 56 9 All ye beasts of the field, come to devour 56. 12 Come ye, (say they,) I will fetch wine Jer 3. 22 Behold, we come unto thee ; for thou Mic. 4. 8 unto thee shall it come, even the first Z To cause to come or arrive, .nri!;! athah, 5 Jer 12. g assemble all the beasts come to devour 4 To come, arrive, uns atha Ezra 5. 3 At the same time came to them Tatnai 5 i6 Tlien came the same Sheshbazzar, (and) Dan 3. 2 to come to the dedication of the image 3. 26 and come (liither). Then Shadrach, Mes 7 13 (one) like the Sou of man came with the 7 22 Until the Ancient of days came and 5. To come in, K'la bo. 'Gen, 6. 18 and thou shalt come into the arb,-thon 6 20 two of every (sort) shall come unto thee 7 I Come thou and all thy house into the ark 10. 19 as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza ; as 11 31 and they came unto Haran, and dwelt 12 5 and into the land of Canaan they came 13. 10 like the land of Egypt, as thou comest 13. 1 3 came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre 14. 5 in the fourteenth year came Chedorlao. 14. 7 they returned, and came to Enmishpat < 4. 1 3 there came one that had escaped, and told (16. 8 whence earnest thou? and whither wilt 18 21 according to the cry of it, which is come 19 I there came two angels to Sodom at even ig 8 therefore came they under the shadow of wo 3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream 20 13 at every place whither we shall come, 22 9 they came to the place which God had 23 2 Abraham came to mourn for Sarah 24. 30 that he came unto the man; and, behold 24. 32 And the man came into the house; and 24. 41 when thou comest to my kindred 24. 42 I came this day unto the well, and said 24. 62 Isaac came from the way of the well 24. 63 and, behold, the camels (were) coming 25. 29 Esau came from the field, and he (was) 26. 27 Wiierefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate 26. 32 that Isaac's servants came, and told him 27. 18 he came unto his father, and said 27. 33 have eaten of all before thou camest, and 27. 35 he said. Thy brother came ^vith subtilty 29. 6 Rachel his daughter cometh with the 29. 9 Rachel came witli her father's sheep ; for 30. II Leahsaid, A troop cometh: andshecalled 3c. 16 Jacob came out of the field in the evening 30. 33 my righteousness answer. .in time to 0. 30. 33 when it shall come for my hire before thy 30. 38 they should conceive Avhen they came,^ 31. 24 God came to Laban the a dream 32. 6 We came to thy brother Esau, and also he 32. 8 If Esau conig-to the one company, and_ 32 II I fear him, lest he will come and smite' 32. 13 and took of that which came to his haud 33. I and looked, aud, behold, Esau came, and 33. 14 until I come unto my lord unto Seir 33. iS Jacob came to Shalem a city of Shechem 33. 18 when he came from Padan-aram ; and 34. 7 the sons of Jacob came out of the field 34. 20 And Hamor. .came unto the gate of their 34. 2s came upon the city boldly, aud slew all 34. 27 The SODS of Jacob came upon the slain 35. 6 Jacob came to Luz, which (is) in the land 35. 9 when he came out of Padan-aram, and 3S. 16 and there was but a little way to come to 3S. 27 Jacob came unto Isaac his father unto 37. 10 indeed come to bow dowu ourselves to 37. i4hesenthim out . . and he came to Shechem 37. 19 they said. Behold, this dreamer cometh 37. 23 when Joseph was come unto his brethren 37. 25 a company of Ishmeelites came from Gil. 39. 16 laid up his garment, .until his lord came 41. 29 there come seven years of great plenty 41. 35 all the food of those good years that come 41. 50 two sons before the years of famine came 41. 54 the seven years of dearth began to come 41. 57 all countries came into Egypt to Joseph 42 5 came to buy (com) among those that came 42. 6 and Joseph's brethren camej and bowed 42. 7 and he said unto them, Whence come ye ? 42. g to see the nakedness of the land ye are c 42. 10 but to buy food are thy servants come'. 42. 12 to see the nakedness of the land ye arec. 42. IS except your youngestbrother come hither 42. 21 therefore is this distress come upon U3_ 42. 29 And they came unto Jacob their father 43. 21 it came to pass, when we came to the inn 43. 25 the present against Joseph came at noon 43. 26 when Joseph came home, they brought 44. 14 and his brethren came to Josepli's house ♦4."3o when I come to thy servant my father Gen. 45, 16 saying, Joseph's brethren are come 45. 18 take your father . . and come unto me : and 45, 19 and bring your father, and come. . 45. 25 came into the land of Canaan unto Jacot 46. I came to Beersheba, and offered sacrifices 46. 6 they took their cattle, .and came into' 46. 8 the children of Israel which cafne into '46. 26 AH the souls that came witli Jacob into 46. 26 which came out of his loins, besides . 46. 27 all the souls.. which came into Egypt; 46. 28 and they came into the land of Goshen 46 31 My brethren .. are come unto me 47 1 Joseph came and told Pharadh, and said 47 I My father and my brethren, .are come 47 4 to sojourn in the land are we come 47 5 Thy father and thy brethren are come 47 IS all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and 47. 18 they came unto him the second year 48 2 Behold, thy son Joseph cometh unto thee 48 s before I came unto thee into Egypt 48 7 for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel 48. 7 but a little way to come unto Ephrath 49. 6 my soul, come not thou into their secret 49 10 nor a lawgiver until Shiloh come' . . 50 10 they came to the threshing floor of Atad Exod I I children of Israel, which came into Egypt 1. I every man and his household came with 2. 16 they came and drew (water), aud filled 2. 17 the shepherds came and drove them aw 2. 18 when they came to Reuel their father 2. 1 8 How (is it that) ye are come so soon to day 3. 1 came to the mountain of God . .to Horeb 3. 9 the cry of the children of Israel is come 3. 13 (when) I come unto the children of Israel 3. 18 thou shalt come, thou and the elders of I 5. 15 officers of the children of Israel came 5. 23 since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy 8 3 whicli shall go up aud come into thine 8. 24 there came agrievous swarm (of flies) into 10. 26 we must serve the Lord until we come 12. 23 will not suffer the destroyer to come in 12. 25 when ye be come to the land which the 14 20 it came between the camp of the Egypt 14. 20 the one came not near the other all the 14. 28 all the host', .that came into the sea after 15. 23 when they "came to Marah, they could _ 15. 27 they came to Elim, where (were) twelve 16. .1 allthecongregation.. came unto the wild. 16. 22 all the rulers of the congregation came 16. 35 until they came to a land inhabited 16. 35 they came unto the borders of the land 17. 8.Then came Amalek, and fought with Is. 18. '5 Jethro^ .came with his sons and his wife 18. 6 I thy father in law Jethro am come unto 18. 7 Moses went but. . and they came into 18. i2_ Aaron came,'and all the elders of Israel 18 15'people come unto me to enquire of God 18. 16 When they have a matter, they come unto 19'. I the same day came they (into) the wilder 19. 2 and were come (to) the desert of Sinai 19. 7 Moses came and called for the elders of 19. 9 Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud 20. 20 Fear not: for God is come to prove you 2o. 24 I will come unto thee, and I will bless. 22 9 the cause of both parties shall come before 22. 15 if it (be) an hired (thing), it ^me for his 23. 27 all the people to whom thoU shalt come 24. 3 Moses came and told the people all the 29. 30 when he cometh into the tabernacle of 35. 10 every wise hearted among you shall come 35. 21 they came, every one whose heart stirred 3S. 22 And the^ came, both men and women 36 4 And all the wise men . came every man Lev 1 1 34 (that) on which (such) water cometh shall 12. 4 nor come into tne sanctuary, until the 13. 16 he shall come unto the priest 14. 8 after that he shall come into the camp 14. 35 he that owneth the house shall come and 14. 44 priest shall come and look, and, behold 15. 14 come before the Lord unto the door of 16. 2 that he come not at all times into the 16. 3 thusshall Aaron comeintotheholy(place) 16. 23 Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of 16. 26 and afterward come into the camp 16. 28 and afterward heshallcomeintothecamp 19. 23 And wh^n ye shall come into the land 25. a When ye come into the land which 1 give 25. as if any of his kin come to redeem it, then Num. 4 5 Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they 4. IS the sons of Kohath shall come to bear (it) 4. 47 every one that came to do the service of 6. 6 All the days . .he shall come at no dead 10. 21 set up the tabernacle against they camo <3. 21 So they went up..asmencometoHamatb 13. 22 tliey ascended by the south, and came._ 13. 23 they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and 13. 26 they went and came to Moses, and to A. 13. 27 We came unto the land whither thou_ 14. 30 Doubtless ye shall not come into the land 15 18 When ye come into the land whither I 16, 43 Moses and Aaron came before the taber 19. 7 afterward he shall come into the camp 19. 14 all that come into the tent, and all that JO. I came the children of Israel, (even) the 2o.,22 journeyed from Kadesh, and came unto ^21. I that Israel came by the way of the spies 2i; 7 the people came to Moses, and said. We jiV. 23'came to Jahaz, and fought against Israel SI. 27 Come into Heshbon, let.the city of Sihon 22 ythey'came unto Balaara.'and spake unto 22. '9 Godlcame unto Balaam, and said, .What 32. 16 tbey-cam' Balaam7aud said to him COMB 177 COMB Kum22. 22. 22. 23- 25- 3'- 3<- 32. 33- 33- DQUt. I. I 9- It. 12. 12. 14. '7- 18. 18. 21. 23- '3- 23- 26. s8. 28. 29. 29. 29. 3°- 32- 33' 33- 33- io$h. e. 3- 6. 6 8 9" 9- 10. II It. II. IS- 18. iS. 30> 22. 22. »3- 24. 24. Judg. I. 3- 3- 4- 4- S- 5- S- 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 7- 7- 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- II. ti. II. II. II. 13- 13- •3- ^3- »3- 13- »4. J5- IS- 17- 17- 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 19. 2o And God came unto Balaam at night 20 If themencometocall thee, rise up, (and) 39 and they came unto Kirjath-huzoth 17 when he came to him, behold, he stood by 6 one of the children of Israel came and 14 captains over hundreds, which came from 24 afterward ye shall come into the camp 2 the children of Reuben came and spake 9 they removed from .\Iarah, and came unto 40 heard of the coming of the children of I. 2 "Wlien ye come into the land of Canaan 19 we departed from Horeb..and we came 22 ye came near unto jne every one ofyou 22 and into what cities we shall come 24 came unto the valley of Eshcol, and 31 in all the way. .until ye came into this 7 from the day . . until ye came unto tiiis 5 until ye came into this place 5 (even) unto his habitation . . thou shalt co. g ye are not as yet come to the rest and to 29 the fatherless, and the widow . . shall come 9 thou shalt come unto the priests the Lev. 6 if a Levite come from any of thy gates 6 come with all the desire of his mind unto 10 he shall not come within the camp 11 he shall come into the camp (again) 24 when thou comest into thy ueighbour's 25 When thou comest into the standing 1 wheu thou (art) come into the land which 2 And all these blessings shall come on IS, 45 all these curses shall come upon thee 7 wheu ye came unto this place, Sihon the 22 So that the generation to come of your 22 the stranger that shall come from a far 1 when all these things are come upon thee 44 Moses came and spalie all the words of 2 The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up 2 and he came with ten thousands of saints 16 let (the blessing) come upon the head of I they went,andcaraeinto an harlot'shouse 4 There came men unto me, hut I wist not 18 (when) we come into the land, thou shalt 22 they went, and came unto the mountain 23 passed over, and came to Joshua the son 1 they removed from Shittim, and came to J. I J they came into the camp, and lodged in 19 they shall come into the treasury of the 11 drew nigh, and came before the city, and 8 Who (are) ye? and from whence come ye? 17 came unto .their cities on the third day 9 Joshua therefore came unto them sud. 5 they came and pitched together at the 7 So Joshua came and all the people of 21 And at that time came Joshua, aud cut 18 she came (unto him), that she moved him 4 and they shall come (again') to me 9 came (again) to Joshua to the host at S. 6 theu shall the slayer return, and come 10 when they came unto the borders of Jor. 15 they came unto the children of Reuben 7 That ye come not among these nations 6 I brought your fathers, .and ye came 11 ye went over Jordan, and came unto Jer. 14 when she came (to him), that she moved 20 Ehud came unto him ; and he was sitting 24 When he was gone out, his servants came 20 when any man doth come and enquire of 22 when he came into her (tent), behold. Sis. 19 The kings came (and) fought, then fought 23 they came not to the help of the Lord . 28 Why is his chariot (so) long in coming? 4 till thou come unto Gaza, and left no 5 they came as grasshoppers for multitude II And there came an angel of the Lord 18 Depart not hence.. until I come unto thee 13 came unto a tent, and smote it that it 17 when I come to the outside of the camp 19 came unto the outside of the camp in the 4 Gideon came to Jordan, (.-nd) passed over 15 he came unto the men of Succoth, and 15 (then) come (and) put your trust in my 24 That the cruelty (done), .might come, and 26 Gaal the sou of Ebed came with his bre. 31 Gaal . . and his brethren, be cometo Shech. 37 Seethere come people down by the middle 37 another company come along by the plain 52 Abimelech come unto the tower, and 57 upon them came the curee of Jotham 16 unto the Red sea, and came to Kadesh 18 came by the east side of the land of Moab t8 but came not within the border of Moab 33 from Aroer even till thou come toMinnith 34 Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house 6 the women came and told her husband 6 A man of God came unto me, and his 8 let the man of God. .eome again unto us 9 the angel of God came again unto the wo. 10 Behold, the man . . that came unto me the 11 Manoah arose, .and came to the man 5 Samson, .came to the vineyards of Tim. 14 when he came unto Lehi, the Philistines 14 the Spirit of the LORD came mightily 8 the man departed . . and he came to mount 9 Micah said unto him. Whence comest thou? 2 who when they came to mount E., to the 7 the five men departed, and came to Laish 8 they came onto their brethren to Zorah 10 When ye go, ye shall come unto a people 13 they passed, and came unto the house of 15 they turned, .and came to the house of 27 they took (the things), .and came unto L. 10 he roaft npi .and came over against Jebus Judgig. 19. ■ 19. 19. Buth I Sa. 12. 13- I3- >3- 14. 14. IS- IS- IS- IS- 16. to. 16. 16. 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 18. 19. 19. 19. 20. 20. SO. 21. 21. 22. 22. 22. 23- 23- 24. 25- = 5- 2S- 25- 25- 25- 25- 25- 25. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. H6. 16 there came an old man from his work out 17 Whither goest thou ? and whence comest 22 Bring forth the man that came into thine 26 Theu came the women in the dawning of 4 I came into Gibeah that (belongcth) to 10 when they come to Gibeah of Denjamin 26 all the children of Israel., came unto the 34 there came against Gibeah ten thousand 2 the people came to the house of God, and 8 behold, there came none to the camp from 22 wheu their fathers or their brethren come 2 they came into the country of Moal), aud 19 two went until they came to Beth-lehem 22 they came to Beth-lehem in the beginning 3 she. .came, and gleaned in the field after 4 Boazcame from Bethlehem, and said unto 7 she came, and hath continued even from 7 she came softly, and uncovered his feet 14 Let it not be known that a woman ciimo 16 when she came to her mother in Jaw, she 19 they rose up. .and came to their house to 13 the pn'est's servant came, while the flesh 14 Unto all the Israelites that came thither 15 they burnt the fat, the. .servant came 27 there came a man of God unto Ell, aud 31 the days come, that I will cut off thine 34 this (shall be) a sign., that shall come 36 that IS left in thine house shall come 10 the Lord came, and stood, and called as at 3 Let us fetch the ark. .when it comelh 5 the ark of the Lord came into the camp 12 there ran a man. .and came to Shiloh 13 when the man came into the city, and told 16 I (am) he that came out of the army, and 5 nor any that come into Dagon's house 10 it came to pass, as the ark of God came 14 the cart came into the field of Joshua I the men of Kirjath-jearim came, and 13 the Philistines, .came no more into the 4 all the elders.. came to Samuel unto R. t2 haste now, for he came to day to the city 13 for the people will not eat until he come 15 LoRDhad told Samuel.. before Saul came 3 thou shalt come to the plain of Tabor 5 thou shalt come to the hill of God, where 5 when thou art come thither to the city 8 till I come to thee, and show thee what ID when they came thitherto thehill. behold 13 he had made an end of prophesying, he 14 that (they were) no where, we came to S. 22 enquired, .if the man should yet come 4 Then came the messengers to Gibeah of 5 Saul came after the herd out of the field 9 they said unto the messengers that came 9 the messengers came and showed (it) to 11 they came into the midst of the host in 12 the king of the children of Ammon came 8 but Samuel came uot to Gilgal ; and the 10 as soon as he had made. .Samuel came 11 thou camest not within the days appoint. 20 Saul and all the people, .came to the bat. 25 all (they of) the land came to a wood 5 Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid 7 (until) thou comest to Shnr. that (is) over 12 Saul came to Carmel. and. .he set him 13 Samuel came toSaiil : and Saul said 4 And Samuel came to Beth-lehem 4 the elders.. said. Comest thdu peaceably? 5 and come with me to the sacrifice II we will not sit down till he come hither 21 David came to Saul, and stood before him 20 he came to the trench, as the host was 22 And David . .came and saluted his breth. 34 there came a lion, .and took a lamb out of 43 (Am) I a dog, that thou comest to me with 45 Tliou comest to me with a sword, and 45 I come to thee in the name of the Lord 52 until thou come to the valley, and to 6 as they came, .woniencameoutof all the 18 So David, .came to Samuel to Ramah 22 and came to a great well that (is) in S. 23 he. .prophesied until he came to ^'aioth I David, .came and said before Jonathan 9 evil were determined by my father to 19 come to the place where thou didst hide 21 come thou : for (there is) peace to thee 21 Cometh not the son of Jesse to meat 29 he Cometh not unto the king's table 38 gathered up the arrows, and came to his I Then came David to Nob to Ahimelech the 15 shall this (fellow) come into my house ? 5 David departed, and came into the forest 11 and they came all of them to the king 9 I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, to 10 come to Eeilah, to destroy the city for 27 there came a messenger unto Saul, saying 3 he came to the sheep cotes by the way 8 for we come in a good day : give, I pray 8 whatsoever cometh to thine hand unto 9 when David's young men came, they spake 12 David's young men. .came and told him all ig Go on before me; behold..! come after 26 the Lord hath withholden thee from com. 33 which hast kept me this day from coming 34 except thou hadst hasted and come to 36 Abigail came to Nabal : and, behold, he I the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah 3 he saw that Saul came after him into the 5 David arose, and came to the place where 7 So David and Abishai came to the people 10 or his day shall come to die ; or he shall 15 for there came one of the people in to I Sa. 37. 23. 28. 28. 29. 30. 30- 30. 30- 3'- 3>- 31. jSa. I. 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3' •3- 3- 4- 4- 4- 4- S- S- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 6 6. 6. & 10. 10. 10. 10. II. II. 12. 12. 12. 12. IS- IS- ^3- 13- IS- 13- 14. 14- 14. 14. 14. 14. 15. 15- IS- 15- 15- 15- IS- IS- '5- 16. 16. 16. 17- '7- 17- 17- 17- 17- 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 20. y20. 20. 23- 24. 24- 34. 24. 24. 24, iKL I. 9 David, returned, and came to AcMsli 4 the Philistines, .came and pitched in Sh. 8 and they came to the woman by night 21 the woman came unto Saul, and saw that 6 I have not found, .since the day of thy co. 3 So David and his men came to the city 9 So David, .came to.lhc brook Eesor 21 David came to the two hundred men 23 the company that came ag.iinst us into 26 when David came to Ziklag, Jje sent of 4 come and thrust me through, and abuse 7 the Philistines came and dwelt In them 8 when the Philistines came to strip the 12 All the valiant men arose, .and came to 2 behold a man came out of the camp 2 (so) it was, wheu he came to David, that 3 David said unto him. whence comest 4 the men of Judah came, and there they 23 as many as came to the place where Ast 29 and they came to Mahanalni 13 when thou comest to see my face 20 Abner came to David to Hebron, and 22 servants of David.. came from (pursuing) 23 Abner the son of Ner came to the king 24 Then Joab came to the king, and said 24 Whathastthoudonc? behold, Abncrcanio 25 Abner the son of Ner.. he came to deceive 35 the people came to cause David to eat 4 was five years old when the tidings came 5 sons of Rimmon. .came about the heat of 6 they came thither into the midst of the 7 when they came into the house, he lay on 1 Then came all the tribes of Israel to David 3 the elders of Israel came to the king to 8 The blind and the lame shall not come 18 The Philistines also came and spread 2o David came to Baal-perazlm, and David 23 come upon them over against the mulb. 25 from Geba until thou come to Gazer 6 when they came to Nachori's threshing 9 How shall the ark of the Lord come to me? i5 as the ark of the Lord came into the city 5 the Syrians of Damascus came to succour 2 And David's servants came into the land 14 So Joab returned . . and came to Jerusalem 16 Syrians that (were) beyond, .came to Hel. 17 all Israel, .passed over .Jordan, and came 10 Camest thou not from (thy) journey ? why 22 messenger went, and came and showed 1 he came unto him, and said unto him 4 there came a traveller unto the rich man 20 David arose, .and came into the house of 20 then he came to his own house ; and when 5 whcnthyfatliercometh. .let. .Tamarcome 6 I pray thee, let Tamar my sister come 11 said unto her. Come Uewith me, my sister 24 And Absalom came to the king, and said 30 while they were in th.e way. .tidings came 35 Behold, the king's sons come: as thy 36 as soon as he had . . the king's sons came. 3 come to the king, and speak on this 29 would not come, .he would not come 31 Then Joab arose, and came to Absalom 32 Come hither, that I may send thee to the 33 So Joab came to the king, and told him 33 he came to the king, and bowed himself 2 any man that had a controversy came- 4 every man which hath., cause might come 6 to all Israel that came to the king for 13 there came a messenger to David, saj-ing 18 six hundred men. .cameafterhimfromG. 2o Whereas thou comest (but) yesterday 28 I will tarry, .until there come word from 37 Hushai, David's friend, came into the 37 and Absalom came into Jerusalem 5 when king David came to Bahurim' 14 the people that (were) with him, came 15 and all the people, .came to Jerusalem 2 I will come upon him while he (is) weary 12 shall we come upon him in some place 17 they might not be seen to come into tha 18 and came to a man's house in Buhurim 20 Absalom's servants came to the woman to 24 Then David came to Mahanaim. And Ab. ty a good man. .cometh with good tidings 31 And, behold, Cushi came ; and Cushi said 5 Joab came into the house to the king, and 8 And all the people came before the king IS the king returned, and came to Jordan IS Judah came to Gilgal, to go to meet the^ 24 until the day he come (again) in peace 41 all the men of Israel came to the king 3 David came to his house at Jerusalem 12 every one that came by hira stood still 15 they came and besieged him in Abel of 13 three of the thirty, .came to David iu 6 they came to Gilead . . they came to Dan-J. 7 And came to the stronghold of Tyre, and 8 they came to Jerusalem at the end of nine. 13 Gad came to David, and told him, and 13 Shall seven years of famine come unto 18 And Gad came that day to David, and 28 And she came into the king's presence 32 And they came before the king 35 that he may come and sit upon my throno 42 the son of Abiathar the priest came 47 the king's servants came to bless our S3 he came and bowed himself to king Solo. 13 And Adonijah the son of Haggith cama 13 And she said, Comest thou peaceably? -28 Then tidings came to Joab, for Joab had 30 Benalab came to the tabernacle pf the Ji. 23 COMB 178 COMB • Ki. 8 >EL in. lO. ti- ll 12. 14. •S- '5- •5- i6. i6. <7- i8. 1 8. c8. i8. 19- 19- «9- 19. 15 he came to Jerusalem, anrl stood before 16 Then came tliere two women, .harlots 34 there came of all people to hear the wisrlora 14 He came to king Solomon, and wrought 3 all the elders of Israel came, and. took up 31 the oath come before thinealtar in this 41 Cometh out of a far country for thy name's 42 he shall come and pray toward this house 28 And they came to Ophir, and fetched, .gold 1 she came to prove him with hard questions 2 she came to Jerusalem with a very great 7 I believed not the words, until I came 10 there came no more such abundance of 12 there came no such almug trees, nor were 14 the weight of gold that came to Solomon 22 once In three years came the navy of Thar. i8 they arose out of Midian, and came to P 18 they came to Egypt unto Pharaoh, king 3 and all the congregation of Israel came 12 the people came to Rehoboam the third I there came a man of God out of Judah 7 Come home with me, and refresh thyself 10 he . . returned not by the way that he came 11 his sons came and told him all the works 12 what way the man of God. .which came 14 the man of God that earnest from Judah ' 2 1 unto the man of God that came from J 22 thy carcase shall not come unto the sep 25 they came and told (it) in the city where 29 thepld prophet came to the city, to mourn 4 Jeroboam's wife, .came to the house of 5 the wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask a 13 for he only, .shall com? to the grave 17 Jeroboam s wife arose, .and came to Tirz iQ when he came to the gate of the city 12 when I come and tell Ahab, and he cannot 3 he arose .and came to Beer-sheba, which 4 he came and sat down under a juniper 9 he came thither unto a cave, and lodged 15 when thou comest, anoint Hazael (to be) 30 Ben-hadad fled, and came into the city 32 So they.. came to the king of Israel, and 43 the king of Israel, came to Samaria 4 Ahab came into his house heavy and 5 Jezebel his wife came to him, and said 15 So he came to the king. And the king 27 with water of affliction, until I come in 13 came and fell on his knees before Elijah 4 So they came to Jericho 15 they came to meet him, and bowed them. 20 behold, there came water by the v/ay of 24 when they came to the camp of Israel I the creditor is come to take . . my two son.' 7 Then she came and told the man of God 10 it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he 1 1 it fell on a day, that he came t^iither, and 25 she went, and came unto the man of God 27 she came to the man of God to the hill 39 came and shred (them) ihto the pot of 42 there came a man from Baal-shalisha 8 let him come now to me, and he shall kno 9 Naaman came with his horses and with 15 he and all his company.. came and stood 24 when he came to the tower, he took (them) 4 when they came to Jordan, they cut 14 they came by night, and compassed the 23 So the bands of Syria came no more into 32 ere the messenger came to him, he said 32 when the messenger cometh, shut the 6 the kings of the Egyptians, .come upon 8 these lepers came to the uttermost part 8 came again, and entered into another 10 they came and called unto the porter of 10 We came to the camp of the Syrians, and 1 it shall, .come upon the laud seven years 7 Elishacame to Damascus ; and Ben-hadad 9 forty camels' burden, and came and stood 14 he departed from Elisha, and came to his 2 when thou comest thither, look out there 5 when he came, .the captains of the host 17 spied the company of Jehu, as he came 17 he came, and said, I see a company 18 The messenger came to them, but ha 19 he sent out a second . .which came to them 20 came even unto them, and cometh not 2 Now as soon as this letter cometh to you 6 come to me. .by to morrow this time 7 it came to pass, when the letter came to 8 there came a messenger, and told him 17 when he came to Samaria, he slew all 21 there was not a man left that came not 21 all the worshippers of Baal came, so that 8 he that cometh within the ranges, let him 9 and came to Jehoiada the priest 13 she came to the people into the temple of 19 he.. came hy the way of the gate of the 9 as one cometh into the house of the Lord 13 came to Jerusalem, and brake down the 14 Menahem. .came to Samaria, and smote 19 the king of Assyria came against the land 29 In the days of Pekah. .came Tiglath-pile. 6 the Syrians came to Elath,and dwelt there 11 against king Ahaz came from Damascus 28 one of the priests, .came and dwelt in 17 and they went up, and came to Jerusalem 17 they came and stood by the conduit of 32 Until I come and take you away to a 37 I'hen came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah 5 servants of king Hezekiah came to Isaiah 32 He shall not come Into this city, -Dor 32 nor come before it with shield, nor cast 33 the way that he came, by the same eliaU a Ki. 19 33 and shall not come into this city, saith 2o 1 Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and 2o 14 Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king 20 14 and from wliencecame they unto thee? 2o. 17 days come, that all that (is) in thine house 22, 9 Shaphan the scribe came to the king, and 23. 17 of the man of God, which came frora.Tu. 23. iB the bones of the prophet that came out 23. 34 and he came to Egypt, and died there' J4 1 1 king of Babylon came against the city 75. I Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came 25 8 in the fifth month, .came Nebuzar-adan 25. 23 there came to Gedaliah to Mizpah 25. 25 came, and ten men with him, and smote 25. 26 all the people, both small and great, came I Ch a. 53 These (are) the Kenites that came of 4. 41 these written by name came in the days 7 22 and his brethren came to comfort him 9. 25 their brethren . . (were) to come after 10. 4 let these uncircumcised come and abuse 10. 7 and the Philistines came and dwelt in 10. 8 when the Philistines came to strip the 1 1 3 Therefore came all the elders of Israel to 11 5 Thoushaltnotcomehither. Nevertheless 12 I Now these (are) they that. came to David 12 t6 there came of the children of Benjamin 12 19 when he came with the Philistines against 12 22 day by day there cams to David to help 12 23 came to David to Hebron, to turu the 12 31 which were expressed by name, to come 12.38 AH these men of war .came with a perfect 13. 9 when they came unto the threshing floor 14. 9 the Philistines came and spread thera 14 14 comeupou themoveragainstthemulberry 15 29 (as) the ark. .came to the city of David i5. 29 bring an offering, and come before him 16. 33 because he cometh to judge the earth 17 i6 David the king came and sat before the 18 5 when the Syrians of Damascus came to locusts came, and 109. 18 let it come into his bowels like water ii8. 26 Blessed (be) he that cometh in the name 119. 170 Let my supplication come before thee 121. J imto the hills, from whence cometh my 132. 3 Surely I will not come ihto the tabernacle Prov. 1. 26 1 will mock when your fear cometh I. 27 When your fear cometh as desolation, an^ I. 27 your destruction cometh as a Whirlwind I. 27 when distress and anguish cometh upon & 25 Be uot afraid of. .fear.. when it cometb OOMB 179 COMB Prov. 6. II So sholl thy poverty come as one that 6. 15 Therefore shall, .calamity come suddenly 7. 20 lie .. will come home at the day appointed 1 1. 2 (When) pride cometli, then cometh shame ti. 8 and the wicked cometh in his stead 13. 12 (when) the desire cometh, (it Is) a tree of 18. 3 When the wicked cometh, (then) cometh 18. 17 his neighbour cometh and searcheth hira 24. 25 a good blessing shall come upon them 24. 34 So shall thy poverty come (as) one that 26. 2 so the curse causeless shall not come Eccl. t. 4 generation passeth away, .(another), .c. 2. 12 what (can) the man (do) that cometh after 2. 16 the days to come shall all be forgotten S. 3 a dream cometh through the multitude 5. 15 As he came forth of his mother's womb 5. 15 naked shall he return to go as he came 5 16 in all points as he came, so shall he go 8 10 who had come and gone from the place g. 14 and there came a great king against it ti. 8 All that cometh (is) vanity 12. I while the evil days come not, nor the years Song 2. 8 behold, he cometh, leaping upon the 4 8 Come with me from Lebanon, (my)spouse 4. 16 come, thou south. .Let my beloved come Isa. I 12 When yc'come to appear before me, who I 23 neither doth the cause of the widow come 5. 19 the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and c. 5 26 behold, they shall come with speed 7 1 7 shall bring . . days that have not come 7 19 they shall come, and shall rest all of them 7 24 With arrows and with bows shall (men) c ; 25 there shall not come thither the fear of to. 3 thede3olation(which)shallcomefrom far 13. 5 They come from a far country, from the «3 6 it shall come as a destruction from tho 13. 9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruei 13. 22 her time (is) near to come, and her days 14. 9 moved lor thee to meet (thee) at thy com 14. 31 there shall come from the north a smoke 16. 12 that heshall come to his sanctuary to pray 19. I the Lord rideth. .shall come into Egypt 19. 23 tlie Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and 20. I In the year that Tartaucame unto Ashdod 2t. I it cometh from the desert, from a terrible 81. 9 And, behold, here cometh a chariot of ay 6 cause them that come of Jacob to take 27. II tho women come, (and) set them on fire 37. 13 tliey shall come which were ready to perish 30. 13 whose breaking cometh suddenly at an 30 27 the name of the Lord cometh from far 30. 29 to come into the mountain of the f^ORD 32. 10 shall fail, the gathering shall not come 35. 4 behold, your God will come .hewillcome 35. 10 the ransomed, .shall return, and come to 36. 17 Until I come and take you away to a land 36. 22 Then came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah 36. 5 the servants of king Hezekiah came to I 37. 29 back by the way by which thou earnest 37. 33 He shall not come into this city,|nor shoot 37-33 oo'" come before it with shields, nor cast 37. 34 fiy the way that he came, by the same 37. 34 and shall not come into this city, saith 38. I the son of Amoz, came unto him, and said 39. 3 Then came Isaiah the prophet \mto king 39. 3 and from, whence came they unto thee 39. 6 the days come, that all that (is) in thine 40. 10 the Lord God will come with a strong 41 22 or declare us things for to come 41. 25 I have raised up. .and he shall come 44, 7 and shall come, let them show unto them 43. 20 Assemble yourselves and come ; draw 45. 24 (even) to him shall (men) come ; and all 47 9 these two (things) shall come to thee in 47 9 they shall come upon thee in their perfe. 47 It Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou 47. II desolation shall come upon thee suddenly 47. 13 (these things) that shall come upon thee 49. 12 Behold, these shall come from afar ; and 49 18 all these gather themselves .(and) come so. 2 Wherefore, when I came, (was there) no 51 II come with singing unto Zion ; and ever. 52. I there shall no more come into thee the 56 I for my salvation (is) near to come, and 59. 2o And the Redeemer shall come to Ziou Do. 4 they gather themselves together, they c. 60. 4 thy sons shall come from far, and thy 60. s forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee 60. 6 all they from Sheba shall come : they Co. 13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto theq 62. II Behold, thy salvation cometh ; behold, his 63. I Who (is) this that cometh from Edom 66. 7 she brought forth ; before her pain came 66. 15 behold, the Lord will come with fire, and 66.. 18 it shall come, that I will gather all nations 65. 1 8 and they shall come, and see my glory 66. 32 shall all flesh come to worship before me JeR t. 15 For, lo, I will call .and they shall come 2, 3 evil shall come upon them, saith the L. a. 31 We are lords ; we will come nomore unto 3. 18 they shall come together out of the land 4. 12 a full wind, .shall come unto me 4., »3- 43- 43' 46. 46. 46- 46. 46. 47- 48, 48. 48. 49. 49. 49. 49 49- SO- SO. 50 50. 5' 5' SI- S'. 5'- Si 51 5"- 52- Lam Eze. '4- i6 i6. 17. 20. 21 21 21- 21. 21. 22. 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 84. 17 send for (women), they may come 25 Behold, the days come, saith the LoitD 2o and behold them that come from the north 3 they came to the pits, (and) found no 14 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith 19 Gentiles shall come unto thee from the 6 he.. shall not see when good cometh 8 he.. shall not see when heat cometh, but 15 the word of the LORD? let it come now 26 they shall come from the cities of Jndah 6 behold, the days come, saith the LORD 14 Then came Jeremiah from Tophet 6 thou Shalt come to Babylon, and there 23 how slialt thou be when pangs come 3, 7 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord 17 No evil shall come upon you 31 A noise shall come (even) to the ends of 7 speak unto all . which come to worship in 3 the hand of the messengers which come 7 until the very time of his land come 3 For, lo, the days come, saith the Lord 9 They shall come with weeping, and with 12 they shall come and sing in the height of 27, 31, 38 Behold, the days come, saith the 7 Behold, Hanameel. shall come unto thee 8 mine uncle's son, came to me into the 29 the Chaldeans, .shall come and set tire 5 They come to fight with the Chaldeans 14 Behold, the days come, saith the LoRD 1 1 Come, and let us go to Jerusalem for fear 6 of all Judah that come out of their cities 9 to all the people that came from the cities 14 took the roll in his hand, and came unto 29 The king of Babylon shall certainly come 19 Thekingof Babylon shall not come against 25 if the princes hear, and they come unto 27 Then came all the princes unto Jeremiah I In the ninth year, came Nebuchadrezzar 4 If it seem pood unto thee to come with 4 come, and I will look well unto thee ; but 4 if it seem ill tmto thee to come with me 8 Then they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah 10 to serve the Chaldeans, which will come 12 all the Jews, came to the land of Judah 13 all the captains, .came to Gedaliah to M 1 even ten men with him, came unto Geda. 5 there came certain from Shcchem, from 6 Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam 7 when they came into the midst of the city 7 So they came into the land of Egypt- for 7 Thus oame they (even) to Tahpanhes :i when he cometh, he shall smite the land 13 Nebuchadnezzar .should come(aiid)smite 18 (As) I live, saith the King, .shall he come 20 Egypt (is like), (but) destruction cometh 20 it cometh out of the north 22 come against her with axes, as hewers of 4 the day that cometh to spoil all the Ph. 8 the spoiler shall come upon every city 12 behold, the days come, saith the LORD 16 The calamity of Moab (is) near to come 2 behold, the days come, saith the LORD 4 (saying), Who shall come unto me? 9 If grape-gatherers come to thee, would 14 Gather ye together, and come against 36 the outcasts of Elam shall not come 4 the children of Israel shall come, they and 5 Come, and let us join ourselves to the j6 Come against her from the utmost border 41 Behold, a people shall come from the TO come, and let us declare in Zion the work 13 abundant in treasures, thine end is come 33 and the time of her harvest shall come 46 a rumour shall both come (one) year 47 the days come, that I will do judgment 48 the spoilers sh.ill come unto her from 52 behold, the days come, saith the LORD 53 shall spoilers come unto her, saith the 60 all the evil that should come upon Baby 61 Wheu thou coniest to Babylon, read all 4 Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came 12 in the tenth (day) of the month. .came N 4 because none come to tl:e solemn feasts 22 Let all their wickedness come before thee 4 behold, a whirlwind came out of the north 15 I came to them of the captivity at Tel-a. 14 neither came there abominable flesh into 25 Destruction coiueth ; and they shall seek 26 Mischief shall come upon mischief, and 2 six men came from the way of the higher i5 in the conntries where they shall come 18 they shall come thither, and they shall 16 among the heathen whither they come I Then came certain of the elders of Israel 4, 7 his iniquity before his face, and cometh 4, the Lord will answer him that cometh 16 (the like things) shall not come, neither 33 that they may come unto thee on every 3 A great eagle, .came unto Lebanon, and I certain of the elders of Israel came to 7 For the tidings, because it cometh : and 7 behold, it cometh, and shall be brought 19 sword of the king of Babylon may come 2Q Appoint a way, that the sword may come 27 it shall be no (more), until he come whose 3 in the midst of it, that her time may come 17 the Babylonians came to her into the bed 24 they shall come against thee with chariots 39 they came the same day into my sanctuary 40 that ye have sent for men to come from 40 they came : for whom thou didst wash 24 when thi3 cometh , ye shall know that I Eze. 24. 30 30 ?3 33- 33 33- J3 J3 i3- 33- »3- 36. 37 i7 ,8, !» )8. 38 38 39- «o 4.1 43 43- 44- 46 «7 17 47 47 Dan I 3 B- 8 -) 9 10. to. Boa. 4 Joel 3 3 ! Amos 4 4- 5 6. Obad. Jon. .Mic. nab. Zeph 2 2 Hag. t 2 2. 2 Zech. I 2. 6 6- R. 8. 9- 12. 14. 14- 14. 14. 14. 14. Mai. 3. 3- 3- 4- 4- 26 he that escapeth in that day ahull comf 4 And the sword shall come upon Egypt 9 as in the day of Egypt - (or, lo, it cooicth 3 when he socth the sword come upon the 4 if the sword come and take him away, his 6 But if the watchman see the sword come 6 if the sword come and take (any) person 21 one that had escaped out of Jerusalem c. 22 afore he that was escaped came, and had 22 until he came to me in the morning; and 30 Come.. and hear.. the word that cumeth 31 they come unto thee as the people cometh 33 loit will come, then shall they know 8 for they are at hand to come 9 Cume from the four wind.s, O breath, and 10 and the breath came into them, and they 8 in the latter years thou shalt come into Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm 13 Art thou come to take a spoil? thou 15 thou shall come from thy place out of Ih" 18 Gog sh.all come against the land of I.Hr.itl 17 Assemble yourselves, and come; gather 6 Then came he unto the gate which look 2 the glory of the God of Israel came from 3 that I sav/ when I came to destroy the c. 4 the glory of the Lord came into the house 25 they shall come at no dead person to 9 the people of the land shall come before 9 whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall 9 because these waters shall come thither 9 shall live whither the river cometh 2o till a man come over against Hamath 1 In the third year, .came Nebuchadnezzar 2 So they came and stood before the king 5 behold, an he goat came from the west 6 he came to the ram that had (two) horns 17 So he came when he came 26 the people of the prince that shall come 3 neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth 13 one of the chief princes, came to h»lp mo 20 Knowcst thou wherefore I come unto thee' 20 lo, the prince of Grecia shall come 6 king's daughter of the south shall come 7 which shall come with an army, and shall 9 the king of the south shall come 10 (one) shall certainly come, and overflow 13 shall certainly come after certain years 15 So the king of the north shall cnrtie tfi he that cometh .shall do according 29 he shall return, .and come toward tho ?i>. 30 the ships of Chittim shall come against 45 yet he shall come to his end, and none 15 come not ye nntoGilgal, neither go ye up 3 he shall come unto us as the rain, as thd 4 their bread for their soul shall not come 12 till he come and rain righteousness upon 13 'The sorrows of a.. woman shall dime 15 an e.ast wind shall come, the wind of tho 13 come, lie all nightin sackcloth, yesninis 15 destruction from the Almighty shall.. co. 1 for the day of the Lord cometh, for (it is) 31 before the great-day of the LC'RD come 11 come, all ye heathen, .gather yourselves 1 1 cause thy mighty ones to come down, O 13 come, get ye down ; for the press is full 2 lo, the days shall come upon you, that 4 Come to Belh-el,and transgress ; at Gilgal 9 the spoi-led shall come against the fortress 1 nations, to whom the house of Israel came I II the days come, saith the Lord God, that 13 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD 5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by 5 if the grape-gatherers came to thee 8 What, .thine occupa ? and whence come.'* 15 he shall come unto Adnllam the glory of 11 none evil can come upon us 8 unto thee shall it come, even the first do. 8 the kingdom shall come to the daughter 5 when the Assyrian shall come into our 6 when he cometh into our land, and when 4 the day of thy watchmen.. cometh 12 (In) that day (also) he shall come even to 8 and their horsemen shall come from far 9 They shall come all for violence : their 5 It will surely come, it will not tarry 3 God came from Teman, and the Holy 2 the fierce anger of the Lord come.upon 2 tlie day of the Lord's anger come upon 14 they came and did work in the house 7 and the desire of all nations shall como 16 (one) cametoanheapoftwenty(me.asures) i6 (one) came to the press fat for to draw 21 Then said I, What come these to do? 10 I come, and I will dwell in the midst of 10 come tliou the same day, and go into the 1 5 they (that are) far off shall come and build 20 that there shall come people, and tho 22 strong nations shall come to seek tho L. 9 behold, thy King cometh unto thee Q all the nations that come against Jcrusa I Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and 5 the Lord my God shall come, (and) all tha 16 the nations which cameagainst Jerusalem 18 the family of Egypt go not up, and come 18 the Lord will smite the heathen that come 21 all they that sacrifice shall come and t;iko I the Lord, .ye seek, shall suddenly come 1 behold, he shall come, saHh the Lord ot 2 who may abide the day of his coming? I the day cometh. .the day that cometh 5 the coming of the great and dreadful day 6 I come and smite the earth with a curse COME 180 COMB 6 To tread, piocecd, TT) darak. Num24. 17 there shall come a star out of Jacab, aud l.T') cone hastily, tji.t huk. £2i'a 5. J tu cease, till the matter came to Darius i.To be, n;rt hayah. Geo. 15. I the word of the LORD came unto Abram *. To go, proceed, go on, TiSrt halak. Geu 33 6 also he cometh to meet thee, and four h. Nuiiiij 14 and said, Baalam refuseth to come with 22. 16 Let nothing, .hinder thee from coming 22 37 wherefore earnest thou not unto me ? Deut. 2 14 the space iu which we came .(was) thirty Josh. 6. 9 and the rereward came after the ark 6. 13 tlie rereward came after the ark of the > Sa. 13. 34 there came much people by the way of I Ki 13 9 by the same way that thou earnest 13 17 again to go by the way that tliou earnest Job 2c. 25 the glittering sword cometh out of his Eccl. I. 7 the place from whence the rivers come Isa. 60. 3 the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and 60. 14 sons also of them.. shall come beuding ^^ic 4 2 And many nations shall come, and say 1 0. To be tamed, Tjsrr haphak, 2 1 Sa 4 1 9 she travailed ; for her pains came upon 1 1 To be begotten, bom, n'?* yalad, 2. Deut 15 19 All that come of thy herd and of thy . i. T'l go, proceed, 7]'?; yalo.k. Cell 19. 33 Come, let us make our father drink wine 29 1 Then Jacob .came into the land of the 31 44 come thou, let us make a covenant, I aud 37 13 come, and I will send thee unto them 37 20 Come now therefore, and let us slay him 37. 27 Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeel. Exiid. 3 10 Come now.. I will send thee unto Phara Mum 10. 29 come thou with us, and we will do thee 22. 6 Come now .1 pray thee, curse me this 2z. II come now. curse me them ; peradventure 22 17 come therefore, I pray thee, curse me 23 7 Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy I 23. 13 Come, I pray thee, witli me unto another 33. 27 Come. .1 will bring thee unto another 24. 14 come (therefore, and) I will advertise fudg 4 22 Come, and I will show thee the mauwhom 9. 10, 12. 14 Come thou (and) reign over us ji 6 Come, and be our captain, that we may 19 ri Come.. let us turn in into this city of the 19 13 Come and let us draw near to one of these ■ 8a 9. 5 Sanlsaid to hisservant..Come, andlet us 9 9 Come, and let us go to the seer . for (lie 9 10 Saul said to his servant, .come, let us go II. 14 said Samuel to the people, Come, and let 14 I Come. andletusgo overto the Philistines' 14 6 Come, and let us go over unto thegarrison 17. 41 the Philistine came on and drew near unto 17 44 Come tome, and I will give thy flesh nnto 17. 48 the Vliilistine arose, and came and drew 20 II Come, and let us go out into the field 23 3 how much more then if we come to Keilah 23. 87 Haste thee and come ; for the Philistines • KI. 1 12 come, let me, I pray thee, give thee 13 15 Come home with me. and eat bread 15. 19 come and break thy league with Baasha » Ki. 7. 4 come, and let US fall unto the host of the 7. 9 now therefore come, that we may go and 10. 16 Come with me, and see my zeal for the L 14. 8 Come, let us look one another in the face 1 Cli.ii 14 left their suburbs, .and came to Judali 25. 17 Come, let us see one another in the face Ezra 10. 6 (when) he came thither, he did eat no hr Neh. 2. 17 come, and let us build up thewall of Jer 6. 2 Come, let us meet together, iu theplaiu 6 7 Come now. .and let us take counsel Psa. 34. II Come, ye children, hearken unto me, I 46 8 Come, behold the works of the Lokd 65. s Come and see the works of God : (he is) 66. t6 Come (and) hear, all ye that fear God 80. 2 stir up thy strength, and come (and) save 83. 4 Come, andletus cut themofffrom(being) 95. I O Come. let us sing \mto the Lord ; let Prov r. n Come with us, let us lay wait for bloo(l 7. 18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the g. 5 Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the Song 7 II Come, my beloved, let us go forth into Isa, I. 18 Come now, and let us reason together 2. 3 Come ye, and let us go up to the mount. 2. 5 come ye, and let us walk in the light of 26. 20 Come, my people, enter., into thychamb. 45. 14 tliey shall be thine : they shall come after 55. 1 come ye. .come ye, buy and eat ; yea, c. 55. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me : hear /er 12. 9 come ye, assemble all the beasts of the i3 18 Then said they. Come, and let us devise 18. 18 come, and let us smite him with the 36. I.J Take in thine hand the roll, .and corao 48 2 come, and let us cut it off from (being) a Ho3. 6. z Come, and let us return unto the Lord Jon I. 7 Come, and let us cast lots, that we may Mic 4. 2 Come, and let us go up to the mountain 13. To go or come old, N'y; yatsa. Gen. 10. 14 out of whom came Philistim and Caph. 24. 5 unto the land from whence thou earnest 2 Ki.24. 7 the king of Egypt came not again any I Ch. I. 12 And Pathrusim..of whom came the P I Ch. 2. 53 of them came the Zareathites. and the Job 26. 4 and whose spirit came from thee? £cul. 4. 14 For out of prisoD be cometh to reign 1 4. To arrive, reach. Nap meta, •IB!? metak. Dan. 4. 24 the decree of the Most High, which is c 4. 28 All this came upon the king Nebnchad 6. 24 or ever they came at the bottom of the 7 13 and cams to the Ancient of days, and 7. 22-the time came that the saints possessed 15. To come upon, tjuch, V^i naga. Judg2o. 41 for they saw that evil was come upon Ezra 3. I when the seventh month was come, and Keh 7 73 when the seventh month came, the chil Esth. 9. 26 and (of that) . . which had come unto them Isa. 16. 8 they are come (even) unto Jazer, they Jon 3. 6 For word came unto the king of Nineveh Mic. 1 9 her wound (is) incurable ; for it is come 16. 7*0 cam.e upon, touch, J^:j naga, 5. I 3a 14. 9 Tarry until we come to you ; then we will Estli. 2. 12 every maid's turn was come to go in to 2. IS his daughter was come to go in unto the 4. 3 king'sicommandment andliis decree came 4. 14 who knoweth whether thou art come to 6. 14 with him, came the king's chamberlains 8 17 king'scommandmentand his decree came Song. 2. 12 the time of the singing (of birds) is come Dan 8 7 I saw him come clos_e unto the ram, and 12 12 Blessed (is) he that waiteth, and cometh 17.7*0 draw nigh, vn nagash Exodig. 15 the third day: come not at your wives 24. 14 let him come unto them Josh 14. 6 the children of Jndah came unto Joshua Ruth 2. 14 At meal time come thou hither, and eat 1 Ki. 18. 21 Elijah came unto all the people, and said 20. 22 the prophets came to the kmg of Israel 20. 28 there came a man of God, and spake unto 2 Ki. 2. 5 sons of the prophets, .at Jericho came Ezra 4 2 they came toZerubbabel, and to thechief 18. To be drawn nigh, an nagash, 2 Deut 25 I If there be a controversy, .and they come 25 9 shall his brother's wife come unto him 1 Ki.2o. 13 there came a prophet UTito Ahab king of Ezra 9. I these things were done, the princes came 19. To give, jnj nathan Prov 13. 10 Only by pride cometh contention . but 20. To ascend, come up, pho selaq. . Dan 2. 29 thy thoughts came into thy mind upon 21.J'o come over, 135; abar. Gen. 18. 5 for therefore are ye come to your servant Num. 5. 14, 14 the spirit of jealousy come upon him 5. 30 the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him 6. "s there shall no razor come upon his head Deut 29. 16 we came through the nations which ye Judg 9 25 they robbed all that came along that way 22. To go up, n^^ alah. Lev 19 19 neither shall a garment, .come upon thee Numig. 2 no blemish, (and) upon which never came Jndgi3 5 no razor shall come on his head . for J Sa. I ii'there shall no razor come upon his head 6. 7 on which there hath come no yoke, and 2 Ki. 12 4 all the money that cometh into any Job 5. 25 as a shock of corn cometh in its season Song 3. 6 Who (is) this that cometh out of the wil Isa 65. 17 former shall not beremembered.norconie Jer 7 31 I commanded (them) not, neither came ig 5 nor spake (it), neither came (it) into ray 32. 35 I commanded them not, neither came it 51 50 and let Jerusalem come into your mind Eze. 20. 32 that which cometh into your mind shall 38. to at the same time shall things come into 44. 17 no wool shall come upon them whiles 23. To go up, '?'?!;_ alal. Dan. 5. 10 the queen, by reason, .came into the ban. 24.7*0 come up or against, yJB paga. Josh. 16. 7 And it went do-vvn . . and came to Jericho 2h.To prosper, go on successfully, n^v isaleach. Judg 14. 19 the Spirit of the Lord came upon him I Sa. 10. 6 the Spirit of the Lord will come upon 10. lo and the Spirit of God came upon him. and 11. 6 the Spirit of God cameupon Saul when 16 13 And the Spirit of the LORD came upon 18. 10 that the evil spirit from God came upon 26. To come near, D^p qarab. Exod36. 2 whose heart stirred him up to come unto Nura 9. 6. they came before Sloses, and before A'. 27 I Then came the daughters of Zelophehad Deut 2. 37 Only unto the land thou camest not 22. 14 when I came to her I found her not a m. Josh 7. 14 tribe which the Lord taketh shall come 7 t4. 14 which the Lord shall take shall come J Ki. 2. 7 for so they came to me when I fled Psa. 27. 2 myjfoes came upon me to cat up my llesh Jon. I. 6 So the shipmaster came to him, and said 27. To come near, 3-ip qerab. Dan. 6. 20 when he came to the den, he cried 28. 7*0 meet, rriij qarah, 2. Num23. 3 peradventure the LoRD 'will come to meet 29. To go up, iva^aino anahainO. Acts 7. 23 it came into his heart to visit his brethren 21. 31 tidings came unto the chief captain of the 80. T'o come away, airepxaixai aperchomai. Mark 3. 13 calleth .whom be would: and they came 7. 30 when she was come to her house, she Luke23 33 they were (comej to the place called Rom 15. 28 1 will come by you mto Spai'' 31. T'o go awo.y, airo^aivoi apobamo. John 2 1 9 As soon then as they were come to land 32. To become, •ylvoixai ginomai. Matt. 8. 16 the even was come .and he cast out the 14. 23 when the evening was come, he was there 20 8 So when even was come, the lord of the 26. 20 ISow when the even was come, he sat 27 t When the morning was come, all the chief 27. 57 When the even was come, there came s Mark t n And there came a voice from heaven 4 35 the same day, when the even was come 6 2 when the sabbath day was come, he began 6 21 And when a convenient day was come 6. 47 when even was come, the ship was m the 9. 21 How long is it ago since this came unto 11 19 when even was come, he went out of the 15. 33 when the sixth hour was come, tliere was 15. 42 when the even was come .before the sab Luke J. 65 fear came on all that dwelt round about 3. 2 the word of God came unto John the son 3. 22 and a voice came from heaven, which said q 34 While he thus spake, there came a cloud 9. 35 therecamea voice out of the cloud, saying 19. 9 This day is salvation come to this house 22. 14 when the hour was come, he sat down John' I 17 grace and truth came by Jesus Christ 5. 14 sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto 6. i5 when even was (now) come, his disciples 6. 25 said Rabbi, when camest thou hither? 10. 35 unto whom the word of God came, and 12. 30 This voice came not because of me, but 13. 19 Now I tell you before it come, that, when 21. 4 when the morning was now come, Jesus Acts 2. 2 suddenly there came a sound from heaven 2 43 And fear came upou every soul : and 5. 5 great fear came on all them that heard 5. II great fear came upon all the church, and 7. 31 the voice of the Lord came unto hira 9 3 as he journeyed, he came near Damascus 10. 13 there came a voice to him, Kise, Peter 12. II when Peter was come to himself, he said 16. 29 came trembling, and fell down before Pa. 21. 17 when we were come to Jerusalem, the 21 35 when he came upon the stairs ; so it was 26. 22 Prophets and Moses did say should come 27 7 we .scarce were come over against Cnidus 27. 16 we had much work to come by the boat 27. 27 when the fourteenth night was (come,las 28. 6 after they had looked . . saw no harm come 2 Co. I. 8 of our trouble which came to us m Asia Gal. 3. 14 That the blessing, .might come on the 1 Th. I. 5 our gospel came not unto you in word 1 Ti. 6. 4 whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil 2 Ti. 3 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto Heb.ii. 24 Moses, when he was come to years refused Rev 12. 10 Now is come salvation, and strength, and S3. Hither, here, come ! S^vpo deuro. Mattig, 21 If thou wilt be perfect, .come (and) follow Afarkio 21 come, take up the cross, aud follow me LukeiS. 22 Yet lackest thou one thing.. come, follow John II. 43 hecried with aloud voice, Lazarus, come Acts 7. 3 come into the land which I shall show 7. 34 And now come I will send thee mto Eg Si.Hither, here, come! SeCre dcute Matt 1 1. 28 Come unto me, all (ye) that labour and 21. 38 This is the heir ; come, let us kill him 22. 4 all things (are) ready . come unto the m 25. 34 Come, ye blessed, .inherit the kingdom 28. 6 Come, see the place where the Lord lay Mark i 17 Jesus said unto them. Come ye after me 6. 31 Come ye yourselves apart into a desert 12. 7 This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and Luke2o. 14 This is the heir : [come,] let us kill him John 4. 29 Come, see a man which told me all thingsi 21. 12 Jesus saitn unto them. Come (and) dine Rev. 19. 17 Come and gatlier yourselves together unto 35. T'o come through, Siepxojuai dierchomai. Acts 9. 38 that he would not delay to come to them 36. To be, ei/ii eimi. Matt. 5. 37 whatsoever is more than these cometh ot Markii. 11 and now the eventide was come, he went John I. 46 Can there any good thing come out of N,' Acts 24. 25 temperance, and judgment to come 2 Ti. 4. 3 time will come when they will not endure 37. T'o come in or into, flvn what hour tie tliiei would come '3 '3 'J 'V M 14 '4 14 ■4 '4 •4 '4 '4 '4 '5 '5 '5 16 16. 9 9- 9- la 10. II. II. COMB Luke 12 40 the Son of man cometh at on hour when 12 43 his lord when he comclh shall find bo 12 49 I am come to fcml fire on the earth . and 12. 54 There cometh a shower ; and so it is 13. 6 he came and sought fruit thereon, and 13. 7 I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and 13. 14 in them, therefore come and be healed 13 35 Blessed (is) he that cometh in the name 14. 9 he that bade thee and him come and say »4. 10 when he that bade thee cometh, he may ■4. 17 Come ; for all things are now ready 14. 20 I have married . therefore I cannot como 14. 26 any (man) come to me, and hale not his 14. 27 whosoeverdoth not bear cross, and con.o 14 31 with tenthousaiid tomcethinithatcoincth 15. 6 when he cometh home, he calleth (his) 15. 17 when he came to himself, he .said, Hnw 15. 2o he arose, and came lo his father. But 15. 25 as he came and drew nigh tu the liouse 15. 30 as soon .as this thy son was come, which 16. 21 moreover the dogs came and licked his 16. 28 they also come into this place of torment 17. 1 is. impo.ssible but that offences will come 17 I woe (unto him) throngli whom the-y come' 17 2o when the kingdom of God should come 1 7. 20 The kingdom of God cometh not with 3. 25 But, behold, there cometh one after me 13 51 they shook off the dust.. and came uuto 14. 24 after they had passed. they came to P 1 5. 30 when they were dismissed, they [came] to 16. 7 After they were come to Mysia, they 16. 37 let them come themselves and fetch U3 16. 33 they came and besought them, and 17. I when they had passed.. they came to Th. 17. 13 they came thither also, and stirred up 17. 15 a commandment, .to come to him with 18. I after these things Paul departed, .and ca. 18. 2 found a certain Jew. .lately come from 18. 21 by all means keep this feast that(comethJ 19. I came to Ephesus : and finding certain 19. 6 the Holy Ghost came on them ; and they 19. 18 many that believed came, and confessed 20. 2 when he had gone over . . he came into G. 20. 6 v/e. . came unto them to Troas in five days 20. n we took him in, aud came to Mitylene ao. 15 and the next (day) we came to Miletus 21. t we came with a straight course unto C. 21. 8 And the next (day) we. .came unto Cesarea 21. II when he was come unto us, he took Paul's 21. 22 for they will hear that thou art come 22. II when I could not see. .1 came unto Dam. 22. 13 Came unto me, and stood, and said unto 24. 8 Commanding his accusers to [come] unto 25. 23 on the morrow, when Agrippa was come 27. 8 came unto a place which is called the Fair 12. 12. 12. 12. 12 12 ■3- '3 •3 «4 >4 14. «4 «4 14. '5- ■5 16. 16 16 16. 16. 16. i& 16. 16. 16 '7 ■7 »7- 18 i3 18. '9 <9- •9- <9 ly. eo. zo. 20. 20 20 20. 9 Co. Cal sumpleron. Luke g. 51 when the time was come that he should 56. To come together, (xuvepxofj-ai sunerchdmai. Acts s. 16 There came also a multitude (out) of the 25. 17 Therefore, when they were come hither 67. 7*0 make or have space, x^P^'' chSreo. 2. Pe. 3. 9 but that all should come to repeotanco 68. To go in upon, eiri^aiua) epibainS. Acts 20. 18 from the first day that I came into Asia 5Q.T0 go upon, or in succession, iirntopfiotiai. Luke 8. 4 and were come to him out of every city [See also Come— again, against, another place, be- hind, cars, end, full, hither, morning, near, nearly, nigh, nought, pass, presumptuously, remembrance, round, round about, rmi, short, straight, tid- ings, time, time to, while, wrath.] COKE (in unto, or upon), to be — \.To come, arrive, rtnx athah. Job 3. 25 thing which I greatly feared is come upon 16. 22 When ^ few years are come, tUeu I shall 2. To come, arrive, khx atha. Ezra 4. ja the Jews. '.are com* unto Jerusalem 3.7*0 go in, tv3 bo. Gen. 6. 13 Tlie end of all flesh is come before me 12. 14 when Abram was come into Egypt, the 19. 22 fori cannot do anything till thou be come 34. 5 Jacob held his peace until they were come Lev. 14. 34 When ye be come into the land of Canaan 23. 10 When ye be come into the laud which I Num IS- 2 ^Vhen ye be come into the land of your 22. 36 when Balak heard that Balaam was come 22. 38 Lo, I am come unto thee: have I now any Deut. I. 20 Ye are come unto the mountain of the A. 17. 14 When thou art come unto the land which 18. 9 When thou art come into the land which 26. 3 I am come unto the country which the L. 3t. II When all Israel is come to appear before Jottt I. 3 Bring forth the men that are corns to 2. 3 they be come to search out the.. country 3. 8 When ye are come to the brink of the 3. 15 as they that bare the ark were come unto S. 14 but (as) captain of the host, .am I, .come 9. 6 We be come from a far country ; now 9. 9 thy servaHts are come because of the name 23. 15 as all good things are come upon you Judg 7. 13 when Gideon was come, behold, (there II. 7 why are ye come unto me now when ye ir. 12 that thou art come against me to fight 16. 2 Samson is come hither. And they com. 19. 29 when he was come into his house, he took Euth 1. 19 when they were come to Beth-lehem. .all 2. 12 under whose wings thou art come to 4. II The Lord make the woman that is come t Sa. 4. 3 when the people were come into the 4, 6 they understood that the ark . .was come 4. 7 for they said, God is come into the camp g. s when they were come to the land of Zuph 9. 13 As soon as ye be come into the city, ye 9. 14 when they were come into the city g. 16 because their cry is come unto me 10. s when thou art come thither to the city 10. 7 when these signs are come unto thee I Sa. 2Sa. Ki. 14. 16. 16. "9- 20. 23. 25. 26. 29. 30. 2. 3- 5. 9- 2KI :Ch.i iCh, =3- Ezra 3. 8. y. Nell. 2. Esth. 6. Job 2. 3- 4- Psa. 52. 55- 69. 6g. 79- 102. Prov. 6. Song 5. Isa. 10. 37- 39- 44. Jer. JO. 3 2. 3'- 46. 47. 48. so. 50. 51 s>- Lam. 4. Eze. 7. 7- 7- 7 7- 7- 16. 17- 20. 39' Dan. 2 Hos. 9, Amos 8. Mic. I. Hag. I, 8 Wlicn Jacob was come into Egypt, and 26 when the people were come into the wood 2 and s.iy, I am come to sacrifice to the L. 5 I am come to sacrifice unto tlie Lono 16 wlicn the messengers v/ere come in 37 wlien the lad was come to the place of 7 it was told Saul that David was come to 40 when tJie servants of David were come to 4 understood that Saul was come in very TO master's serv.iuts that are come witli tliee 1 whenDavid and his men were come to Zdc. 24 the sun went down when they were come 23 VVhcn Joab and all the host.. were come 13 David took, .wives, .after he was come 6 whou Mephibosheth. .was come unto D. 7 when Uriah was come unto him, David 4 the wayfaring man that was come unto 4 dressed it for the man that was come to 6 and when the king was come to see him 15 Now. .that I am come to speak of this 32 to say, Wherefore am I come from Geshur? 27 when David was come to Mahanaim, that 11 the speech of all Israel is come to the 20 I am come the first this day of all the 25 when he was come to Jerusalem to meet 30 forasmuch as. .the king is come again in 21 Wherefore is my lord the king come to 23 when he was come in before the king, he 2 when she was come to Solomon, she I all Israel were come to Shechem to make 21 when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem 18 art thou come unto me to call my sin to- 4 when thou art come in, thou shalt shut 32 when El^slla was come into the house 36 when she was come in unto him, he said 6 when this letter is come unto thee 22 even now there be come to me from 5 when they were come to the uttermost 7 it was told him. .The man of God is come 30 when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel 34 when he was come in, he did eat and 12 when the king was come from Damascus 3 for the children are come to the birth 14 Hezekiah said. They are come from a far 17 If ye be come peaceably unto me to help 3 are not his servants come unto thee for 9 the kings that were come (were) by them. 33 but is come from a far country for thy 1 when she was come to Solomon, she I for to Sliecliem were all Israel come to I when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem 14 when he was come to the king, the king 22 children of Amnion.. which were come 7 when he was come, he went out with J. 15 wlien she was come to the entering of lo (to wit), the army that was come to him 21 when he was come into the house of his 8 all they that were come out of the captL 35 which were come out of the captivity 13 after all that is come upon us for our 10 there was come a man to seek tlie welfare 4 Now Haman was come into the ontward II all this evil that was come upon him 25 that which I was afraid of is come unto 5 it is come upon thee, and thou faintest title. David is come to the liouse of Ahimel. 5 Fearfulness and trembling are come upon 1 for the waters are come in unto(my)soul 2 I am come into deep waters, where the I heathen are come into thine inheritance 13 time to favour her., the set time, is come 3 when thou art come into the hand of 1 I am come into my garden, my sister 28 He is come to Aiath, he is passed to M. 3 for the children are come to the birth 3 They are come from a far country unto 7 and the things that are coming, and shall 4 and the year of my redeemed is come 22 the noise of the bruit is come, and a| 12 The spoilers are come upon all high 24 they are come unto the city to take it 21 the day of their calamity was come upon 5 Baldness is come upon Gaza; Ashkelon 21 Judgment is come upon the plain country 27 woe unto them ! for their day is come 31 for thy day is come, the time (that) I 51 strangers are come into the sanctuaries of 56 Because the spoiler is come upon her 18 our days are fulfilled ; for our end is come 2 the end is come upon the four corners of 5 An evil, an only evil, behold,;is come 6 end is come, the end is come . . it is come 7 The morning is come, .the time is come 10 Beholdthe day, behold, it is come ; the 12 The time is come, the day draweth near 7 and thou art come to excellent ornaments 12 the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem 3 Are ye come to inquire of me 1 (As) I 25, 29 whose day is come, wheutheir iniquity 4 art come (even) unto thy years ; therefore 8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, salth 23 when the transgressors are come to the 13 all this evil is come upon us ; yet made 12 thy words were heard, and I am come 14 I am come to make thee understand 7 The days, .are come, the days, .are come 2Theendiscome upon my people of Israel 9 incurable ; for It is come unto Judah 2 This people say, The time is not come 4. .7*0 meet, tn.n qara. Isa. SI 19 These two (things) are come unto thee 15. 21. Ruth 4. 1 Sa. 23. Ki. COME about — A revolution, circuit, njipri tequphah. 1 Sa. 1. 20 when the time was come about after H. COME about, to cause to — To cause to go around, 339 sabab, 5. 2 C'h. 13. 13 caused an ambushmoDt lo come about COME abroad, to — 1. To go forth, xy; yatsa. Esth. 7. 17 (this) deed of thequeen shall come abroad 2.7*0 break forth, fnp parats. 2C'h.3i. sassoonasthe commandment came abroad 3.7*0 be come or arrived, aneel, N^i3 qara, 5. Jer. 32. 23 thou hast caused all this evil to come COME down — Coming doum, nnj nacheth. 2 Ki 6. 9 for thither the Syrians are come down COME down, to — l.To come down, Ti; yarad. Gen. II. 5 the Lord came down to see the city and ,15, ii;when the fowls came down upon the car. '43. 20 we came indeed down at the flrst time 44. 23 Except your youngest brother comedown 45. 9 come down unto me, tarry not Exod. 2. 5 the daughter of Pharaoh came down to 3. 8 And I am come down to deliver them out g. 19 the hail shall come down upon them, and II. 8 thy servants shall come down unto me 19. II the third day the Lord will come down 19. 20 the Lord came down upon mount Sinai 32. I saw that Moses delayed to come down 34. 29 when Moses came down from mount 3. 34. 29 when he came down from the mount Lev. 9. 22 came down from offering of the sin offer. Num ti. 17 I will come down and talk with thee there 11. 25 the Lord came do^vn in a cloud, and 12. 5 the Lord came down in the pillar of the 14. 45 the Araalekites came down, and the C. 20. 28 Moses and Eleazar came down from the Dent. 9. IS So I turned, and came down from the ra. 10. 5 I turned myself, and came down from the 28. 24 from heaven shall it come down upon 28. 43 and thou shalt come down very low 28. 52 until thy high and fenced walls come d. Josh. 3. 13 (from) the waters that come down from 3. 16 the waters which came down from above 3. 16 those that came down toward the sea of j8. 16 the border came down to the end of the Judg. I. 34 they would not suffer them to come down 5. 14 out of Machir came down governors, and 7. 24 Come down against the Midianites, and 9. 36 there come people down from the . . mouxL g. 37 See there come people down by the 13. 12 We are come down to bind thee, that 16. 3t all the house of his father came down 1 Sa. 6. 21 come ye down (and) fetch it up to you g. 25 when they were come down from the 10. 5 thou shalt meet a company . . coming down 10. 8 I will come down unto thee, to offer 13. 12 The Philistines will come down now upon 17. 8 choose you a man . . and let him come d. 17. 28 Why camest thou down hither? and with 17. 28 thou art come down that thou raightest 23. 6 he came down (with) an ephod in his 23. II will Saul come down, as thy servant hatb 23. II and the Lord said. He will come down 23. 20 king, come down, according to all 23. 20 the desire of thy soul to come down 23. 25 wherefore he came down into a rock 25. 20 she came down by the covert of the hill 25. 20 David and his men came down against 2 Sa ig. 16 He came down with the men of Judah to ig. 31 And Barzillai. .came down from Rogelim 22. 10 He bowed the heavens also, and came do. « Kl. 3. 8 he came down to meet me at Jordan, and 22. 2 Jehoshaphat. . came down to the king of a Ki. I. 4, 6, 16 Thou shalt not come down from th. I. 9 man of God, the king hath said. Come d. 1 10, 12 let fire come down from heaven, and 1. 10 there came down fire from heaven, and I. n thus hath the king said. Come down I. 12 the fire of God came down from heaven I. 14 there came fire down from heaven, and 6. r8 when they came down to him, Elisha 6. 33 behold, the messenger came down unto 7. 17 who spake when the king came down to 9. 16 And Ahaziah . . was come down to see" J. 13. 14 Joash the king of Israel came down unto J Ch. 7. 21 because they came down to take away 3 Ch. 7. I the are came down from heaven, and 7. 3 Israel saw how the fire came down Neh. 6. 3 a great work, so that I cannot come down 6. 3 whilst I leave it, and come do wn to you? g. 13 Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai Paa. 7. 16 his violent dealing shall come down upon 18. 9 He bovred the heavens also, and came d. 72. 6 He shall come down like rain upon the 144. 5 Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come d. laa. 31. 4 so shall the Lord of hosts come down to 32. 19 When it 'shall hail, coming down on the 34. 5 it shall come down upon Idumea, and 34. 7 the unicorns shall come down with them 47. 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin 55. 10 as the rain cometh down, .from heaven 64. I Ob . . that thou v/ouldest come down 64. 3 when thou didst terrible . . thou camest d. Jer. 13. 18 for your principalities shall come down Jer 48. 18 Thou daughter, come down from thy Lam. I. 9 therefore she came down wonderfully Eie. 26. 16 the princes, .shall come down from their 27. 29 pilots . . shall come down from their ships 30. 6 the pride of her power shall come down 47. I and the waters came down from under Mic. I. 3 and will come down, and tread upon the 1. 12 but evil came down from the Lord unto Hag. 2. 22 horses and their riders shall come down Zech.ii. 2 the forest of the vintage is come down 2. To come down, nnj naclmth. Jer. 21. 13 which say, Who shall come down against Z.To come down, riD? nechath, Dan. 4. 13 an holy one came down from heaven 4. 23 an holy one coming down from heaven i.To come down, Kara^alvw kaiabaino. Matt. 8. I When he was come down from the mount 14. 29 when Peter was come down out of the 17. 9 as they came down from the mountain 24. 17 Let him . .on the house top not come down 27. 40 If thou be the Son of God, come down 27. 42 let him now come down from the cross Mark 3. 22 scribes which came down from JerusaL 9. 9 as they came down from the mountain 15. 30 Save thyself, and comedown from the Lake 6. 17 he came dov/n with them, and stood in 8. 23 there came down, a storm of wind on the 9. 54 that we command fire to come down from 10. 31 there came do^vn a certain priest that 17. 31 let him not come down to take it away 19. 5 Zaccheus, make haste, and come down 19. 6 he made haste, and came down, and John 3. 13 he that came down from heaven, (even) 4. 47 besought him that he would come down 4. 49 Sir, come down ere my child die 6. 33 is he which cometh down from heaven 6.^38 I|came down from heaven, not to do mine 6. 41 I am the bread which came down from 6. 42 how is it that he salth, I came down 6. 50 the bread which cometh down from hea. 6. 51 I am the living bread which came down 658 that bread which came down from heaven Acts 7. 34 and am come down to deliver them 8. 15 Who, when they were come down, prayed 14. It The gods are come down to us in the 16. 8 they passing by Mysia came down to T. 24 22 When Lysias the. .captain shall come d. 25. 7 the Jews which caiie down from Jeru. Jas. r. 17 and cometh down from the Father of Eev 3. 12 which cometh down out of heaven 10. I I saw another mighty angel come down 12. 12 the devil is come down unto you, having 13. 13 he maketh fire come down from heaven 18. I I saw anbtherangel come down from heav. 20. I I saw an angel come down from heaven 20. 9 fire came down from God out of heaven 21 2 coming down from God out of heaven 5.T0 come down, Karepxofiai katerchomai. Luke 4. 31 came down to Capernaum, a city of GaL g. 37 when they were come down from the Acts 9. 32 he came down also to the saints which 15. I certain men which came down from J. 21. 10 there came down from Judea a certain COKE down, to cause to — l.To cause to come down, Ti; yarad, 5. Eze. 34. 26 I vrill cause the shower to come down in Joel 2. 23 he wiU cause to come down for you the 2. To cause to come down, nni nachoJh, 5. Joel. 3.11 cause thy mighty ones to come down, O COME forth, to — 1. To come forth, hurst forth, nia guach. Eze. 32. 2 and thou camest forth with thy rivers 2. To (cause to) come or burst forth, ijia guach, 5. Judg2o. 33 the liers in wait of Israel came forth out 3. To go forth or out, v-y, yatsa. Gen. 15. 4 he that shall come forth out of thine own 24. 43 that when the virgin cometh forth to draw 24. 45 Rebekah came forth with her pitcher on Exod. 4. 14 behold, he cometh forth to meet thee 5. 20 met Moses and Aaron . . as they came forth 8. 20 lo, he cometh forth to the water ; and say J3. 8 did unto me when I came forth out of E. 16. 24 come forth, and offer his burnt offering Hum II. 20 saying. Why came ye forth out of Egypt 12. 5 called Aaron and M. : and. .both came f. Oeut. 2. 23 which came forth out of Caphtor 4. 45 which Moses spake . . afterthey came forth 4. 46 after they were come forth out of Egypt 16. 3, 3 thou camest forth out of the land of E. 16. 6 season that thou comest forth out of E. 21. 2 elders and thy judges shall come forth 23. 4 when ye came forth out of Egypt ; and 24. 9 af ter|that ye were come forth out of Egypt 25. 17 when ye were come forth out of Egypt Josh. 5. s by the way as they^eame forth out of E. 9. 12 on the day we came forth to go tmto you 18. II the coast of their lot came forth between 19. I And the second lot came forth to Simeon ^udg. I. 24 spies saw a man come forth out of the c. g. 43 the people (were) come forth out of the 11. 31 whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of «4. 14 Out of the eater came forth meat, and out 14. 14 of the strong came forth sweetness. And 20. 21 children of Benjamin came forth out of G. r Sa. II. 7 Wliosoover cometh not forth after Saul 14. n the Hebrews come forth out of the holes 22. 3 Let my father and mother, .come forth a Sa. 16. 5 he came forth, and cursed still as he 16 II Behold, my son, which came forth of my I Ki. 2. 30 saidunto him. Thus saiththeking.Comef 8. 19 that shall come forth out of thy loins, he 20. 33 Then Ben-hadad came forth to him ; and 22. 21 there came forth aspirit, and stood before a Ki. 2. 3 sons of the prophets .. came forth to E. 2. 23 there came forth little children out of the 2. 24 there came forth two she bears out of the 9. II Jehu came forth to the servants of his 10. 25 Go in (and)slay them ; let none come forth 21. IS since the day their fathers came forth out 1 Ch. 24. 7 the first lot came forth to Jehoiarib, the 23. 9 the first lot came forth for Asaph to Jos 2 Ch. 6. 9 wliich shall come forth out of thy loins Job s- ^ although affliction cometh not forth of 14. 2 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut Psa.' 17. 2 Let my sentence come forth from thy 88. 8 I (am) shut up, and I cannot come forth Prov. 7. IS Therefore came I forth to meet thee, di) 25. 4 there shall come forth a vessel for the Eccl. s- '5 As he came forth of his mother's womb 7. i3 he that feareth God shall come forth of Isa. II. 1 there shall come forth a rod out of the 14. 29 out of the serpent's root shall come forth 22. 29 This also cometh forth from the LORD of 36. 3 Then came forth unto him Eliakim, Hil 37. 9 He is come forth to make war with thee 48. I are come forth out of the waters of Judah Jer. I. s before thou camest forth out of the womb 4. 4 lest my fury come forth like Are, and burn 7. 25 Since the day that your fathers came forth 20. 18 Wherefore came I forth out of the womb 37. 5 Pharaoh's army was come forth out of 37. 7 Pharaoh's army, which is come forth to 46. 9 and let the mighty men come forth ; the 48. 45 but a fire shall come forth out of Heshbon Eze. 5. 4 thereof shall a fire come forth intoall the i4.'22 behold, they shall come forth unto you 21. jg both twain shall come forth out of one 33. 30 the word that cometh forth from the L. Dan. 8. 1 9 out of .one of them came forth a little horn 9. 22 I am nowcome forth to give thee skill and 9. 23 the commandment came forth, and I am 11. 11 and shall come forth and fight with him Joel 3. i8 a fountain shall come forth of the hbuse Mic. 1. 3 the Lord cometh forth out of his place I. II the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth 5. 2 out of thee shall he come forth unto me 4 Out of him came forth the comer, out ol 4. Outcoming, offspring, issue, N's; yatsi. 2 Ch.32. 21 they that came forth of his own bowel» 5. To come forth, pjj nephaq. Dan. 3. 26 servants of the most high God, come forth 3. 26 Then., came forth of the midst of the (Iro 5. 5 In the same hour came forth fingers of u 7. 10 A fiery stream issued and came forth 6. 7*0 com^ out of, forth, iKirnpeuo/xai ekporcvomai. Luke 3. 7 to the multitude that came forth to be John 5. 29 And shall come forth; they that have done 7. To come out of, forth, ^epxo/iat exerchomai. Matti3. 49 the angels shall come forth, and sever the 15. 18 things, .out of the mouth come forth from . Mark 1. 38 Let us go. .for therefore [came I forth] 8. II the Pharisees came forth, and began to g. 29 This kind can come forth by nothing but John 1 1. 44 And he that was dead came forth, bound 16. 28 I came forth from the Father, and am co. i6. 30 by this we believe that thou earnest forth Acts 7. 7 after that shall they come forth, and serve 8. 7*0 come alongside uf, irapipxayt-at parerchomai. Luke'i2. 37 and will come forth and serve them COME forth or out, that — Outcoming, offspring, issue, D'NyNX ise-etsaim. Isa. 34. I world, and all things that come forth of 42. s and that wliich cometh out of it ; he that COME hither — Hither, here, come I Sevpa deuro. Eev. 17. I sayingunto me, Come hither : I will show 21. 9 and talked with me, saying, Come hiUier COME in, into, or imto, to — l.To come in, nu bo. Gen. ^8. II the dove came in to him in the evening ig. s Where (are) the men which came in to ig. g This one (fellow) came in to sojourn, and ig. 31 not a man in the earth to come in unto 24. 31 he said. Come in, thou blessed of the L. 27. 30 Esau his brother came in from his hunt. 30. 16 Thou must come in imto me ; for surely I 38. 16 Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto 38. 16 What.. that thou mayestcomeinuntomef 38. 18 he gave (it) her, and came in imto her 3g. 14 he came in unto me to lie with me, and I 3g. 17 The Hebrew servant .. came in tmto me 40. 6 Joseph came in unto them in the morn. 41. 14 changed his raiment, and came in unto Exod. I. ig are delivered ere the midwives come in 10. 3 Moses and Aaron came in unto Pharoah 21. 3 If he came in by himself, he shall go out 28. 43 when they come in unto the tabernacle Lev. 14. 48 if the priest shall oome in, and look ^5. 22 until her fruits come in ye shall eat (oQ 'K'um27. 21 at his word they ^haU come in, (both) he COMB 185 COMB SeulsS. 6 Blessed (3halt)tliou(be)when..come8t In aS 19 Cursed (shall) thou (be) when, .comest in 31 si can no more go out and come in Josh J. 1 Behold, there came men in hither to night 14. (1 for war, both to go out, and come in Judg i8. 17 the five men came in, (and) took thither 19. 22 Bring forth the man that came into thine 1 Sa. 4 14 And the man came in hastily, and told E. 18. 13 he went out and came in before the peo 29. 6 thy coming in with mo in the host (is') good a 6a. 5- 6 thou shalt not come in hither, thinijug 5 6 David cannot come in hither II. 4 she came in unto him, and he lay with I XL 1. 14 I also will come in after thee, and confirm t. 22 Nathan the prophet also came in I. 42 Come in; for thou (art) a valiant man, and 3. 7 I know not (how) to go out or come in (4. s it shall be, when she cometh in, that she 14. 6 as she came in at the door, that he said 14. 6 Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam , why 15. 17 might not suffer any to go out or come in 21. 13 there came in two men, children of Belial xKl.11. 8 and be ye with the king ashecomethin II. 9 men that were to come in on the sabbath 13. 20 inv.aded the land at the coming in of the 19. 27 I know thy going out, and thy coming in 1 Ch.27 I which came in and went out month by 2 Oh. I. 10 that I may go out and come in before 15. 5 that went out, nor to him that came in 16. I that he might let none go out or come in 23. 7 whosoever (else) cometh into the house 23. 7 be ye with the king when he 'cometh in 23. 8 men that were to come in on the sabbath Xlsth. 2. 14 she came in unto the king no more, except 4. ti I have not bee& called to come in unto 6 5 And the king said. Let him come in 6. 6 So Haman came in. And the king said Job 22. 21 thereby good shall come unto thee Psa. 24 7 and the King of glory shall come In 109. 17 he loved cursing, so let it come unto hlra 119. 41 Let thy mercies corae also unto me, L. 119. 77 Let thy tender mercies come unto me 121 8 The Lord shall preserve . thy coming in Trov 1 r. 27 that seeketh mischief, H shall come unto Eccl 6. 4 he cometh in with vanity, and departeth Isa. 24. 10 every house is shut, no man may come in 28. J 5 it shall not come unto us. for we have, 37. 28 I know .thy going out and thy coming'in 59. 19 When the enemy shall come in like a flood J"er. 17. J9 whereby the kings of Judah come in, and 37 4 Jeremiah came in and went out among the 39 3 all the princes of the king, .came in, and Eze. 46. 9 shall not return by the way .he came in Dan. II. 21 he shall come in peaceably, and obtain H08 7 I the thief cometh in, (and) the troop of Jon. 2. 7 my prayer came in unto thee, into thine Zech. 8. 10 to him that went out or came In because 2. To come up or in, hhv^ alal. Dan. 4. 7 Then came in the magicians, the astrolo. 5 8 Then came in all the king's wise (men) 3. To come in or toioard, ^Icipxoiiat eiserchomai. Matt 22. II when the king came in to see the guests 22. 12 friend, how camest thou in hither not 3liark 5. 39 when he was come in, he saith unto them 6 22 the daughter of the said Herodias came in 6. 2j And she came in straightway with haste Xnko t 28 And the angel came in unto her, and said 7. 4s but tliis woman since the time 1 came in 14. 23 and compel (them) to come in, that my Acts I 13 when they were come in, they went up 5. 7 wife, r.ot knowing what was done, came in 5. 10 the young men carae in, and found her 9. 12 a man named Ananias coming in, and 10. 3 an angel of God coming in to him, and 10. 25 as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met "Rom.ti. 25 until .fulness of the Gentiles be come in I Co. 14. 23 there come in (those that are)unlearned 14. 24 and there come in one that believeth not J. Jas. a 2 and there corae in also a poor man in vile w Eev 3. 20 I will come in to him, and will sup with 5. 7*0 come in nr toward, elcTTTopeiofJ-a: eisporeiiomai. Lukeii. 33 that they which come in may see the light Acts 9. 28 he was with them coming iq and going out 28. 30 and received all that camo in unto him Q.Tn set oneself upon or over, itpicrrrijii ephistemi. Luke 2. 38 Andshecomiaginthatinstantgavetbanks COME in, to let — Z'o cause to come in, ^f^^ bo, 5. Esth 5. 12 the queen did let no man come in with COUE in privily, to — Tu corm in alongside of, or privily, wapeKTepxo/iat. Gal. 2. 4 who came in privily to spy out our liberty OOISE into one's room, to — To recei/oe a successor, Ka/j.pd.ya> StdBoxoP lambano. Acts 24. 27 Porcius Festus came into Felix'room; and COUE like a whirlwind, to — To show oneself tempestuous, lyV scuir, 7. tan. n. 40 the king .shall come .like a whirlwind COME mightuy, to — To prosper, come successfully, nTit tsaleacfi. Judg 14. 6 the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon 15. 14 theSpiritof the LOKDcamemightily upon COME no more, to — To add, 1P; yasaph. I Sa. 15. 3s ^o'l Samnel came no more to see Saul COME neat, to — l.To coinenigh, e)) nagash. Gen ig. 9 and came near to break the door 27 21 Come near, 1 pray thee, that I may (eel 27 2p Come near now, and kiss me, my son 27 2.7 And he came near, and kissed him : and 33. 3 bowed himself until he came near to hi,= 33. 6 7'hen the handmaidens came near, they 33 7 Leah also with her children came near 33 7 after came Joseph near and Rachel, and 43. 19 they came neaj'to the steward of Joseph'!; 44 18 Then Judah came near unto him, and said 45. 4 Come near to me. And they came near ExodaS 43 or when they come near unto the altai to 20 or when they come near to the altar to 16 And they came near unto him, and said I Then came near the heads of the fathers 21 and when David cam6 near to the people 30 Elijah said unto all the people, Come near 30 all the people came near unto him and 36 Elijah the prophet came near, and said 27 but Gehazi came near to thrust her away 13 his sei-vants came near, and spake unto 23 Then Zedekiah . came hear, and smoti- M 31 come near and bring sacrifices and thank I let them come near, then let them speak 8 who(is)mineadversary?lethimcomc nea; 5 Stand by thyself, come not near to ine I least even unto the greatest, came near 6 come not near any man upon whom 13 they shall not come near unto me, to do 13 to come near to any of my holy Ihintrs. 10 nigh, vi} nagash, 2. 22 let the priests also, which come near to 5 priests the sons of Levi shall come near 30. Num32 Josh. 21. I Sa. ;io. 1 KI18 i3. 18. 2 Ei 4. »Ch.i8. 29. Isa. 41 5°- 65. Jer. ,12. Eze. '9. 44. 44 2. To come Exodig Deut2i. Z.To come near, yr^ qarab. Gen. 20 4 But Abimelech had not come near her 37 18 before he camo near unto them, they Exodi2. 48 let him come near and keep it , and he 14 20 the one came not near the other all the 16. 9 Come near before the Lord for he hath 40 32 when they came near unto the altar. Lev 10 4 Come near, carry your brethren from Numi6. 40 come near to offer incense before the L 31. 48 And the officers, .came near unto Moses 36. i-came near, and spake before Moses, and Deut. 1. 22 ye came near unto me every one of you 4 J I ye carae near and stood under the moun 5. 23 that ye came near unto me (even)all the Josh. 3. 4 come not near unto it, that ye may know 10, 24 Come near, put your feet upon the necks 10. 24 they came near, and put their feet upon 17 4 they came near before Eleazar the priest Judg2o. 24 the children of Israel came near against 2 Sa. 20. 16 Come near hither, that I may speak with 20. 17 when he was come near unto her, the Psa, 32. 9 lest they come near unto thee 119. 169 Let my cry come near before thee, Lord Isa. 34. t Come near, ye nations, to hear, and 41 I let us come near together to judgment 48. 16 Come ye near unto me, hear ye this , 1 54. 14 for it shall not come near thee Eze. i8. 6 neither hath corae near to a menstruous 44. 15 t.hey shall come near to me to minister 44. 16 they shall come near to my table, to min. MaL 3. 5 And I will corae near to you to judgment 4f 5. To come near, 3"!i? qereb. Dan. 3. 8 at that time certain Chaldeans came near 3. 26 Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth 6. 12 they camo near, and spake before the k 7. 16 I came near unto one of them that stood COKE near, to be (or cause to) — Tu bring or cause to come near, S'lp qarab, 5. Gen. 12. 11 when he was come near to enter into E Numi6. 5 wiU cause (hira).to come near unto him i6. s (him), .will he cause to come near unto I Sa. lo. 20 had caused all the tribes, to come near 10. 21 caused the tribe of Benjamin to come near COMB near, which — Near, 3115 qareb. Eze. 40. 46 which come near to the Lord to minister 45. 4 which shall come near to minister unto COME nigh, to — l.To {cause to) touch, y?J naga, 5. Psa. 32. 6 in the floods they shall not come nigh 2. To come nigh, vi} nagash. Exod24. 2 they shall not come nigh, neitlter shall 34. 30 and they were afraid to come ni^'h him Lev. 21. 2t the priest shall come nigh to offer the 21. 21 he shall not come nigh to offer the bread 21. 23 nor come nigh unto the altar because he Num. 8. 19 when the children of Israel come nigb Psa. 91 7 (but) it shall not come nigh thuo 3. To come near, Ti|3 qarab. Exod 32. 19 as soon as he came nigh unto the camp Numi8 3 they shall not come nigh the vessels of 1 8. 4 a stranger shall not come nigh unto you 18. 23 come nigh the tabernacle of the congre. Deut. 2 19 (when) thou comest nigh over against 2o. 2 when ye are come nigh unto the battle 20. 10 When thou comest nigh unto a city to 2. s when any man came nigh (to him) to do Psa. 91. 10 neither shall any plague come nigh thy Pro. 5, 8 and come not nigh the door of her house ^.Neo.r, 3-!|-j qareb. Num.1, si; 3.10,38 the stranger that cometh niffh 18. 7 the stranger that cometh nigh shall be 5. To cmne nigh, iyyi^oi effgizo. Markii. i When they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Luke 7. 12 when he came nigh to the gate of the city 10. 9, II The kingdom of God is come nigh unto 18. 35 as he was come nigh unto Jericho 19. 29 when he was come nigh to iiethp'ia''e 19. 37 when he was come nigh, even now at the Acts 22. 6 was come uigU unto Damascus about COKE nigh, them that — Near, anij qarob. Lev. 10. 3 be eanctifled In them that como nigh m* COME nigh unto, to — To come nigh toward, irpoa^yyi^a proseygizO. Mark. 2. 4 when they could not come nigh unto hlro COME on — To give {help or counsel), 2.T yahab. Exod. 1. 10 Come on, let us deal wisely with them COME on (or upon), to — l.To find, meet, k)(I? matsa. Gen. 44. 34 lest. .1 see the evil that shall come on Deut3i. 17 Are not these evils come upon us, becausB Neh. 9. 32 that hath come upon us, on our kings, on 2. To face, turn tlie face, nj9 panah. Deut23. II when evening cometh on, he shall 3. To come upon, iwepxauat eperchomai. Luke2i. 35 as a snare [shall it come on] aU them that i.To receive, take, Kafi^avai Iai7iban6. Luke 7. 16 there came a fear on all : and they glorL COME out, to — l.To come forth, out of, k>; yatsa. Gen. 15. 14 afterward shall they como ont with great I?. 6 and kings shall come out of the 24. 13 daughters of the men of the city (Tome out 24. 15 Rebekah came out, who was born to B. 25. 25 the first came out red, all over like an 25. 26 after that came his brother out, and his 35. II and kings shall come out of thy loins 38. 28 scarlet thread, saying. This came out first 38. 29 behold, his brother came out:' and sho 46. 26 AU the souls., which came ont of his loins Exod. I. 5 all the souls that came out of the loins 13. 3 Remember this day, in which ye came out 13. 4 This day came ye out, in the month Abib 17. 6 there shall come water out of it, that the 23. 15 for in it thou camest out from Egypt 25. 32 six branches shall come out of the sides 25. 33 branches that come out of the candlestick 28. 35 and when he cometh out, that he die not 32. 24 cast it into the fire, and there Came out 34. 18 in the month Abib thou earnest out from 34. 34 he took the veil off, until he came out 34. 34 he came out, and spake unto the children Lev. 9. 23 and came out, and blessed the people 9. 24 there came a fire out from before the L 10. 17 until he come out, and have made au Sum. I. I the second year after they were come out 9. I the second year after they were come out 11. 20 until it come out at your nostrils, and 12. 4 Come out ye three. .And. .three came out 12. 12 ivhen he cometh out of his mother's womb 16. 27 Dathan and. ibiram came out,and stood in 16. 35 there came out a fire from the Lord, and 20. II the water came out abundantly, and the 2o. i3 lest I come out against thee wth the 20. 2o Edom came out against him with rauch 21. 13 the wilderness that cometh.out of the 22. s there is a people come out from Epj pt 22. II (there is) a people come out of Egypt 33. 38 the children of Israel were come out of Deut, I. 44 the Amorltes. . came out against you, and 2. 32 Sihon came out against us, he and all his 3. I Og the king of Bashan came out again&t II. 10 the land of Egypt, from v/hence ye cameo. 28. 7 they shall come out against thee one way e8. 57 her young one that cometh out from 29. 7 came out against us unto battle, and we Josh. 2. so for you, when ye came out of Egj-pt 5. 4 All the people that came out of Egypt 5. 5 all the people that came out were circu, 5. 6 menof war, which came outof Egypt, were 8. 5 when they came out against us, as at the 8. 6 For they will come out after us, till wa ig. 17 the fourth lot came out to Issachar, for 19. 24 the fifth lot came out for the tribe Of £9. 32 The sixth lot came out to the children of 19. 40 the seventh lot came out for the tribe of at. 4 the lot came out for the families of the Judg. 3. 22 and the dirt came out" 4. 22 Jael came out to meet him, and said unto 9. 15 let fire come out of the bramble, and 9. 20 let fire come out trom Abimelech, and 0. 20 let fire como out from the men of ShecU 9. 29 Increase thine army, and come out 9. 33 the people that (is) with him come out II, 34 his daughter came out to meet him with 21. 21 if the daughters of Shiloh come out to 21. 21 come ye out of the vineyards, and catch I Sa. 2. 3 let (not) arrogancy come out of your 9. 14 Samuel came out against them, for to go II. 3 and then.. we will come out to thee II. 7 and they came out with one consent 13. 17 the spoilers came out of the camp of the 24 COME 186 COMB 1 pa. 17. 8 Why are ye come ont to set (your) battle 18. 6 the womei} came out of all cities of Israel 31. 5 about these three days, since I came out 23. J 5 David saw that Saul was come out to 24. 14 After whom is the king of Israel come out 26. 20 the king of Israel is come out to seek a 2 Sa. 2. 23 that the spear came out behind him 3. 26 when Joab was come out from David, he 6. 20 Michal. .came out to meet David, and 10. 8 the children of Ammon'came out, and 11. 23 came out unto us into the field, and we 16. s thence came out a man of tlie family of 16. 7 Come o>it, come ont, thou bloody man, and iS. 4 all the people came out by hundreds, and 1 Ki. 8. g v/hen they came out of the land of Egypt 8. 10 when the priests were come out of the 9. 12 llirani came out from Tyre to see tlie ci.- 2o. 17 saying,There are men come out of Samaria 20. 18 Whetlierjthey be come out for peace, take 20. 18 whether they be come out for war, take 20. 19 these young men. .canie out of the city 2 Kl. 5. n He will surely come out to me, and stand 7. 12 When they come out of the city, we shall t8. 18 there came ont to tliera liliakim tlie sou 18 31 Make (an agreement).. and come out to 19. 9 he is come ont to fight against thee I Cli. 19. 9 the children of Amnion came out, ami 26. 14 they cast lots; and his lot came out north. a Ch. 5. 10 the children, .wlien theycame out of Eg. 5. II wlien the priests were come out of the 14 9 there came out against tliem Zerah the 18. 20 Then there came out a spirit, and stood Job I. 21 Naked came I out of my mother's womb 3. II give up tlie ghost wlien I came out of the 38. 29 Out of whose womb came the ice ? and tlie Psa. 19.- 5 as a bridegroom coming ont of his cham. Prov.ia. 13 but the just shall come out of trouble Isa. 26. 21 the Lord cometii out of his place to puu. 36. 16 ^^ake (an agreement).. and come out to Mic. 7. 15 According to the days of thy coming out Nail. I. 1 1 There is (one) come out of thee, that Hag. 2. 5 I covenanted with you when ye came ont Zeoh. 5. 9 behold, there came out two women, and 6. I there came four chariots out from 2.T1) come forth, out of, e^epxofxai exerchomai. Matt. 5. 26 Thou Shalt by no means come out thence 8. 28 coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce 8. 32 And when they were come out, they went 8. 34 the whole city came out to meet Jesus 12. 44 into my house from whence I came out 15. 22 a woman of Canaan came out of the same 24. 27 as the lightning cometh out of the east e6. 55 Are ye come out as agaiust a thief with sj. 52 as they came out, they found a man of 27. S3 came out of the graves afier hisresurrec. Mark 6. 34 Jesus, when he came out, saw much peo. 9. 26 And. .cried, .and came ont of him : and Luke I. 22 when he came out, he could not speak 4. 36 commandeth the. .spirits, and they come o. II. 24 return unto my house whence I came out 15. 28 therefore came his father out, and entre. 22. 39 he came out, and went, as he was wont JTohme. 27 have believed that I came ont from God 17. 8 liave known, .that I came out from thee Acts 16. 18 to come out of her. And he came out the 1 Co. 14. 36 Wliat 1 came the word of God out from 3 Co. 6. "17 come out from among them, and be ye Heb.ii. 15 that (country) from whence they came out Kev.14. 18 another angel came-out from the altar COME over, to (be) — l.To come over, n^j; abar. Kum 35. 10 When ye be come over Jordan into the Deut. 2. 14 until we were come over the brook Zered 27. 12 when ye are come over Jordan Josh. 4. 22 Israel came over this Jordan ou dryland 2 Sa. 19. 18 before the king, as he was come over Jor 19. 33 Come thou over with me, and X ^vill feed 19. 39 when the king was come over, the king Isa. 45. 14 Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over 2. To come through, SialBatpai diabainii. Acts 16. 9 Come over into Macedonia, and help us COME rdrnifl, to — To encompass, kvk\6oi kuHoO, John 10 24 Then came the Jews round about liim COME runnms together, to — • To run together to, 6Vi(n.cTpf xw episnntrechO. Mark 9. 25 saw that tlie people came running toget, COME thereout, to — l.To come forth, H^fl yatsa. Judg 15. 19 and there came water thereout 2. To come forth, out of, e^(pxoiiat exerchoinai. John 1 9. 34 forthwith came thereout blood and water COME thither, to — To come upon, eVf'pxoMat eperchoviai. Acts 14. 19 there came thitiier (certain) Jews from A. (SOME, things to — X.To come, arrive., n^^ athah. Isa. 41. 23 Showthethingsthataretocomehereafter 44. 7 things that are coming and shall come 45. ir Ask me of things to come concerning my 2.T0 come in, Ni3 io. Isa. 41. 22 or declare us things for to come 3.T0 be about to he, /xeAAw melto. Eom. 8. 38 nor things present ; uor things to come I Co. 3. 22 or things present, or things to come Col. 2. 17 Whicli are a shadow of things to come Heb. II. 20 Jacob and Esau concerning things to come COME, things that — A going tiij, n^y.o maalah. Eze. II. 5 1 know tlie things that come into your COME, things that shall — Ready, prepared, Tny^ aihid. Deut.32. 35 things that shall come upon them make COME, time to — l.To morroio, hereafter, inD tnachar. Gen. 30. 33 answer for me in time to come, when it Exod 13. 14 when thy son asketh thee in time to come Deut. 6. 20 when thy son asketh thee in time to come ■ Josh. 4. 6 ask (their fathers) in time to come, saying 4. 21 your children shall ask. .in time to come 22. 24 In time to come your children might 22. 27 children may not say. .in time to come 22. 28 say to. .our generations in time to come 2. To he about to he, fiiww. I Ti. 6 ig good foundation against the time to come COME to (or unto), to — 1. To find, .KVa matsa. 1 Sa. 25. Swhatsoever cometh to thine hand unto Esth. 8. 6 the evil that shall come unto my peopleV 2.T0 he found, M^n viatsa, 2. Judg. 20. 48 set on fire all the cities, .they came to Z.To come toward, irpoo'epxofiai proserchomai. Matt.4. 3 when the tempter came to him, he said 8. 25 his disciples came to (him), and awoke g. 14 Then came to him the disciples of John 9. 28 the blind men came to him : and Jesus 14. 15 his disciples came to him, saying. This 15. I Then came to Jesus scribes and I'harisees 17. 14 there came to him a (certain) man, kneel. 17. 19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart 17. 24 came to Peter, and said. Doth not your 18 21 Then came Teter to him, and said. Lord 20. 20 Then came to him the mother of Zeb. 21. 14 the blind and the lame came to him in 21. 28 he came to the fir.5t, and said. Son, go 21. 30 he came to the second, and said likewise 22. 23 The same day came to him the Sadducees 24. 1 his disciples came to (him) for to show 26. 17 the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto 26. 49 forthwith he caiiVe to Jesus, and said Markio. 2 the Pharisees came to him, and asked Luke 8. 24 they came to him, and awoke him, saying 20. 27 Then came to (him) certain of the Sadd. 23. 36 coming to him, an^fO matsa. Exod 18. 8 all the travail that had come upon tliem Deut. 4. 30 and all these things are come upon thee 2 Ki. 7. 9 some mischief will come upon us 6 To ineel, trip_ qara. Job 4. 14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, which 7 To come upon, eirfpxoixai eperchomai. Luke I. 35 The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee 11. 22 a stronger than he shall come upon him Acts 8. 24 thatnone of these things come upon me. 13. 40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon Jas. 5. I for your miseries that shall come upon 8" To place tipon or over, irplaTqui ejyhislemi. Luke 2. 9 the angel of the Lord came upon them 20. J chief priests and the scribes came upon 21. 34 and (so) that day come upou youunawarca Acts 4. I and the Sadducees, came upou thcni 6. 12 came upon (liim), and caught him, and 12. 7 the angel of the Lord came upon (him) I Th. 5. 3 sudden destruction cometh upon them 9. To take utterly, or ftdbj, KaraXaptlidyw kalalam. Johni2. 35 lest darkness come upon you . for he COME with, to — To covie together, {rucc'pxoA"" sunerchovtai . Luke 23. 55 the worhen also, which came with him John II. 2i the Jews also weeping which came with Acts 10. 45 astonished, as many as came with Peter COME without, to — To covie out, Nv; yatsa. Num 35. 26 if the slayer shall. . come without the COME, to be fully — To fill up fully, av/jLTr\rip6u sumpleroo. Acts 2. J when the day of Pentecost was fully come COME, to be to — To be about to be, fiiKKui mellu. Rom. 5 14 who is tlie figure of him that was tocome Eph [. 21 but also in that which is to come I Ti. 4 8 promise of the life .which is to ceme COSIE, he that shall or should — He ichj is coming, (he Coming One,' b ipxilifvos. Jlatti I. 3 Art thou he that should come? Luke 7. 19, 23 Art thou he that should come ? or John 6. J4 that prophet that should come into the II. 27 Christ. .which should come into the Acts 19. 4 believe on him whifch should come after Heb to. 37 he that shall come will cojne, and will COMB 188 COMFORT ED COME, he ttat is to — Uc who is coming, the Coming One, S ipx6fievos. Rev. I. 4 him. .which was, autl which is to come I. 8 the Lord . . which was, anil which is to co. 4. 8 the Lord . . which was, and is, and is to co. II. 17 which art aud v/ast, and art to come COSH!, he that was for to — He who is about to come, 6 jj-eWav epx^cdat. Jtatt II 14 this is Elia.3, which was for to come COMETH, he that — He who is comviig, the Coming One, 6 ipxiii^^vos. Matt 3. n he that conieth after me is mightier than 21. 9 Blessed (is) he that cometh in the name 23. 30 Blessed (is) he that comelli iu the name Lukeig. 38 the King that cometh in the name of the Johu I. 15 He that cometh after me is preferred .^. 31 He that cometh from above is above all 3. 3( he that cometh from heaven is above all 12.13 Blessed (is) the King of Israel that cometh C01SIE7H upon, that which — The crowding, standing together upon, ^ iTriffitrra- CTis he ejnsustasi'!. 2 Co. II, 28 thatwhich [cometh upon] me daily, the COMETH any thing near — Near, 3113 qareb. ' Nura, 1713 Whosoever cometh any thing near unto COMETH, as — Coming in, entrance, iC^^ri mabo. . Eze. 33 31 they come unto thee as the people cometh COMETH from or out, that which -~ Excrement, ."lijs tseah. Deut23 13 and cover that which cometh from thee Kze 4. 12 bake it with dung that cometh out of man CbMETH nigh, that — Near, 3n|3 qareb. Kum I St the stranger that cometh nigh shall be 3 10 38 the stranger that cometh nigh shall he 18. 7 the stranger that cometh nigh shall be COMETH of, that — Young mie, offspring, 13?' sheger. Exod 13 12 every firstiiug that cometh of a beast COMETH out. that which — Offspring, D'! parakaleo. s Co. 13. II Be perfect, [be of good comfortL be of one iCh Job Psa. Isa COMFORT, to — \.To brighten vp, encourage, A? balag, 5 Job 9, 27 I will leave off my heaviness, and comfort 2.T0 comfort, give forth sighs, nnj -nacham, 3. Gen. 5. 29 This (same) shall comfort us concerning 37. 33 all his sons, .rose up to comfort him 50. 21 he comforted them, and spake kindly unto Ruth 2. 13 for that thou hast comforted me, aud for 2 Sa. 10. ,_2 David sent to comfort him by the baud 10. 3 that he hath sent comforters unto theev 12. 24 David comforted Bath-shebahiswife, and 7. 22 .ind his brethren came to comfort him ig. 2 David sent messengers to comfort him 19. 2 the servants of David came.. to comfort 2. II to mourn with him and to comfort him 7. 13 When I say, My bedshall comfort me, mj 21. 34 How then comfort ye me in vain, seeing 59. 25 as one (that) comforteth the mourners 42. II they bemoaned him, and comforted him 23. 4 thy rod and thy stalT they comfort me 71. 21 Thou shall., com fort me on every side 86. 17 thou, LoKD, hast holpen me, and.comfor. 119. 82 saying. When wilt thou comfort me? 12. I I will praise thee, .thou comfortedst mo 22. 4 labour not to comfort me, because of tho 40. I Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith 49. 13 the Lord hath comforted his people, and 51. 3 Lord shall comfort Zion : he will comfort 51, 12 I, (even) I, (am) he that comforteth you 51. 19 and the sword by whom shall I comfort 52. 9 for the LoKD hath comforted his people 61. 2 To proclaim . to comfort all that mourn 66. 13 mother comforteth, so will I comfort you Jer. 16. 7 Neither shall (men), , comfort them for 31, 13 will comfort them, and make them rejoice Lam, I, 2 3mongall,,shehathnonetocomfoit(her> 1. 17 (there is) none to comfort her : the LoRr I 21 (there is) none to comfort me : all mine 2. J3 that I may comfortthee, O virgin daugh Eze. 14. 23 they shall comfort you, when ye see thel^ Zech. 1. 17 the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and 10. 2 have told false dreams ; they comfort In Z.To support, refresh, ly? saad. Gen. 18. s comfort ye your hearts ; after that ye Judgig. 5 Comfort thine heart with a morsel of 19. 8 Comfort thine heart, I pray thee 4. To support, -\xri raphad, 3. Song 2. s Stay me with flagons, comfort me with 5.T0 call alongside, help, ■napaKaKtu parakaleA. Acts 16. 40 they comforted them, and depaited = Ca I. 4 Who comforteth us. .that.we may. .comt 2. 7 (ought) rather to forgive, .and comfort 7. 6 that comforteth those that are cast 7. 6 comforted us by the coming of Titus Eph. Col iTh. 6 22 and (that) he might comfort your hearts ithat he might.. comfort your hearts II comforted and charged every one of you 3. 2 and to comfort you concerning your faith 4. 18 comfort one another with these words 5. J I comfort yourselves together, and edify 1 Th. 2. 17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in 6. To speoJi kindly to one, ■ paramuths John II. 19 to comfort them concerning their brothei II. 31 The Jews then which., comforted her I Th, 2. II As ye know how «e exhorted and comf. 5- 14 comfort the feeble minded, support the COMFORT, to receive — To be sighed toith, comforted, oni nacham, 2. Isa. 57. 6 Should I receive comfort in these 1 COMFORT, to take — To brighten up, ih^ balag, 5. Job 10. 20 let mo alone, that I may take comfort a COMFORT self, to — l.A brightening up, n'?'!>3D mabligith. Jer. 8. >8 I would comfort myself agaipst sorrow 2. To comfort self, give vent to sighs, Drrl nacham,7 Gen. 27.42 Esau, .doth comfort liimself.. to kill thee Psa. J 19. s2 1 remembered., and have comforted my COMFORTABLE — l.Rest, quietness, .imjp menuchah. 2 Sa. 14. 17 The word.'. shall now be comfortablo 2. Comforts, sighs, D'pinj nichumlm. Zech, 1.13 (with) good words (and) comfortable wor. COMFORTABLY — 1. Upon or unto the heart, aV'^S! al-leb. 2 Sa. ig. 7 go forth, and speak comfortably unto thy 2 Ch, 30. 22 jiezekiah spake comfortably unto all the Isa. 40. 2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and Hos. 2. 14 I will . . speak comfortably unto her 2". Upon or unto the heart, ^^h'Sii al-lebcd). 2 Ch. 32. 6 and spake comfortably to them, saying: COMFORTED, tobe — l.To be sighed with, comforted, cni nacham, 2. Gen. 24. 67 Isaac was comforted after his mother's 38. 12 Judah was comforted, and went up unto 2 Sa. 13. 39 he was comforted concerning Amnon Psa. 77. 2 my soul refused to be comforted Jer. 31. 15 refused to be comforted for her children Eze. 14. 22 ye shall be comforted concerning the 31. 16 shall be comforted in the nether parts of 32. 31 shall be comforted overall his multitude COMPORTED 1^89 COMMAND 2. Tn be sighed xpith, comforied, Dn; nacham, 4. Isa. 54. II O thou afflicted, .(and) not comforted '. 65. 13 and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem &.To give vent to oiie's sighs, Dnj nachain, 7. Gen. 37. 35 but he refused to be comforted : and he Eze. 5. 13 I will be comforted : and they shall know i.To call to one's side, or near, helip, irapaKaKico. Matt. 2. j8 Rachel, .would not be comforted, because 5. 4 that mourn : for they shall be comforted Lukei6. 25 now he is comforted, and thou arttorme Acts 20. 12 and were not a little comforted t Co. 14. 31 all may learn, and all may be comforted s Co. I. 4 we ourselves are comforted of God t. 6 whether we be comforted, (it Is) for your 7. 7 consolation wherewith he was comforted 7. 13 we were comforted in your comfort Col. 2. 2 That their hearts might be comforted t Th 3 7 we were comforted over you in all our fiOMFOETED together, to be — To comfort or help together, avixTtapaKaXiui suinpa. Rom. I. 12 that I may be comforted together with COMFOETEE — Comforter, orij nacham, 3. 2 Sa. 10. 3 that he hath sent comforters rinto thee ? I Ch.ig. 3 that he hath sent comforters unto thee ? Job 16. 2 miserable comforters (are) ye all Psa 69. 20 I looked . . for comforters, but I found none Eccl. 4. I oppressed, and they had no comforter Lam. I. 9 she came down, .she hath no comforter I i6 because the comforter that should relie. Nah. 3 7 whence shall I seek comforters for thee ? i.One called alongside of for help, irapaKXriros- JohUi4. 16 he shallgiveyouanother Comforter, that .14. 26 But the Comforter, .the Holy Ghost ,15. 26 when the Comforter is come, whom I will i5. 7 the Comforter will not come unto you COHFORTIESS — A n orphan, bereaved, bp(f>av&i orpli/inos. Johui4. 18 I will not leave you comiortless: I will COBCFOETS — 1. Comforts, o'pinj niclaimim. Isa. 57. 18 restore comforts un£b him, and to his I.Coinforis, O'CTH))? tanchumim. Psa. 94. 19 withia me thy comforts delight my soul COlOIAin) — The mouth, np peh. Job 39. 27 Doth thb ieagle mount up at thy command COMMAND, to— . I.To say, lift up the voice, "QV. "Ci!* amar. ^ Exod. 8. 27 sacrifice to.. God, as he shall command us I Sa. 16. 16 Let our lord now command thy servants I Ch.2i. 17 (Is it) not I (that) commanded the people ,21. 18 the angel of the LOKP commanded Gad 21. 27 the Lord commanded the angel, and he ■22. 3 David commanded to gather together the «.Ch.i4. 4 commanded Judah to seek the Lord God 29. 21 he commanded the priests the sons of A 29. 24 the king commanded (that) the burnt 29. 27 Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt '29 30 the king and the princes commanded the 31. 4 he commanded the people that dwelt in 31. II Hezekiah commanded to prepare cham. 32. 12 commanded Judah and Jerusalem, saying 33. 16 commanded Judah to serve the Lord 35. 21 for God commanded me to make haste Neh. 13. 9 I commanded, and they cleansed the 13. 19 I commanded that the gates should be 13. 22 I comminded the Levites that they Esth. 1. 10 commanded Mehuman, Biztha. Harbona 1. 17 Ahasuerus commanded Vashti the queen ' 4. 13 Mordecai commanded to answer Esther 6. I commanded to bring the book of records .9. 14 the king commanded it so to be dona 9. 25 he commanded by letters, that his wicked Job 9. 7 Which commandeth the sun, and it 36. TO commandeth that they return from iniq. Psa. 106. 34 concerning whom the LORD commanded 107. 25 he commandeth, and raisetli the stormy Oaa. 2. 2 the king commanded to call the magici. 2. 12 and commanded to destroy all the wise 2. 46 commanded that they should offer an 3. 13 Nebuchadnezzar.. commanded to bring 3. 19 commanded that they should heat the 3. 20 he commanded the most mighty men 4. 26 they commanded to leave the stump of 5. 2 Belshazzar .commanded to bring the 5. 19 Then commanded Belshazzar, and they 6. 16 the king commanded, and they brought 6. 23 commanded that they should take Daniel 6 24 the king commanded, and they brought 2. To speak, lead forth words, -ar\ dahar, 3. Num.16. 47 Aaron took as Moses commanded, and 27. 23 as the Lord commanded by the hand of J'ob 42. 9 went and did according as the LORU com. Z.To set up (a precept or eommand), niv isavah, 3. Gen. 2. 16 the Lord God commanded the man, say. 3. II I commanded thee that thou shouldest .3. 17 the tree, of which I commanded thee 6. 22 according to all that God commanded 7. s according unto all that the Lord com. 7. 9 went.. into the ark. .as God had comman. 7. 16 went in. .as God had commanded him u- 30 Pharaob eomnm&ded.<]iis) mea concern. Lev. Gen. 18. 19 he will command his children and his 21. 4 circumcised.. as God had commanded •27. 8 according to that which I command tlieo 32. 4 ho commanded them, saying, Tluin shall 32 17 he commanded the foremost, saying 32. 19 so commanded he the second, and the 42. 25 Joseph commanded to fill their sacks 44. I lie commanded the steward of his house 47. II Joseph.. gave, .as Pharaoh had comman. 50. 2 Joseph commanded his servants tlie 50. 12 did. .according as he commanded them 50. i6 Thy father did command before he died Exod. 4. 28 told., the signs which he had commanded "5. 6 Pharaoh commanded the same day the 7. 2 Thou shaltspeakall that I command thee 7. 6 Moses and Aaron did as the Lord comm. 7. 10 they did so as the Lord had commanded 7 20 and Aaron did so, as tiio Lord command. t2. 28 did as the Lord had commanded Moses 12. 50 as the Lord commanded Moses and i6. i6 thing v/hich the Lord hath commanded 16. 32 This (is) the thing which the Lord comm. i.6. 34 Asthe LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron t8. 23 If thou, .do this thing, and God comm. 19. 7 these v/ords which the Lord commanded 23. 15 Shalt keep the feast, .as I commanded 27. 20 thou Shalt command the children of I. 29. 35 according to all. . which I have command. 2 . 6 they may make all that I have command. II according to all that I have commanded 8 out of the way which I commanded them 4 went up.. as the Lord had commanded II Observe thou that which I command tlice 18 as I commanded thee, in thetime of the I the words which the Lord hath comm. 4 This (is) the thing which the Lord comm. 10 and make all that the Lord hath comm. 29 which the Lord had commanded to bo I according to all that the Lord had com. 5 for. .the work which the Lord command. 22 made all that the Lord commanded M. I, 5, 7, 21, 26, 29, 31 as the Lord command. 32 42, according to all that the Lord com. 43 they had done it as ihe Lord had comm. 16 according to all that the Lord command. 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 32 as the Lord commanded 23 he set. .as the Lord had commanded M. 9 Command Aaron and his sons, saying 36 Which the Lord commanded to be given 38 Which the Lord commanded Moses in 38 in the day that he commanded the chiL 4 And Moses did as the Lord commanded 5 This (is) the thing which the Lord comm. 9, 13, 17, 21, 29 as the Lord commanded M. 31 and there eat it. .as I commanded, saying 34 the Lord hath commanded to do, to make 36 which the Lord commanded by the hand 5 they brought (that) which Moses comm. 6 This (is) the thing which the Lord comm. 7 make an atonement, .as the Lord comm. 10 he burnt, .as the Lord commanded M. 21 wave offering, .as Moses commanded 1 fire.. which he commanded them not 15 shall be thine, .as the LORD hath comm. 18 should indeed have eaten.. as I comman. 54 the priest shall command that they wash 4 Then shall the priest command to take 5, 36, 40 the priest shall command that one 34 And he did as the Lord commanded M. z the thing which the LORD hath comman. 2 Command the children of Israel, that 23 children of Israel did as the LORD com. 21 I will command my blessing upon you in 34 which the Lord commanded Moses for 19 As the Lord commanded Moses, so he S4 according to all that the Lord comman. 33 not numbered, .as the Lord commanded 34 according to all that the Lord command. 42 Moses numbered, as the Lord command. Sj Moses gave, .as the Lord commanded M 49 were numbered . . as the LORD commanded 2 Command the children of Israel, that they 3 Aaron did seas the Lord commanded 20 according unto all that the Lord com. 22 as the Lord had commanded Moses con. 5 according to all that the Lord command. 8 I will hear what the LORD will command 23 all that the LORD hath commanded you 23 from the day that the LORD commanded 36 stoned him.. as the Lord commanded M. ti Moses did (so) : as the Lord commanded 2 ordinance, .which the Lord hath com. 9 Moses took the rod . .as he commanded 27 Moses did as the LORD commanded 4 as the Lord commanded Moses and the 11 a statute, .as the Lord commanded Mo. 22 Moses did as the Lord commanded him 2 Command, the children of Israel, and say 40 according to all that the Lord command. 1 the thing which the Lord hath command. 16 statutes which the Lord commanded M. 7, 31, 41, 47 as the Lord commanded Moses 21 ordinance, .which the LORD commanded 25 Thy servants will do as my lord command. 28 concerning them Moses commanded Ele. 38 went up the commandment of the L 2 Command the children of .Israel, and say 13 Moses commanded the children of Isr. 13 the land, .which the LORD commanded 29 These (are they) whom the LORD com. 2 Command the children of Israel, that th&y 3 13ie LOKS commanded my lord to give tlie Num. 31- 32- 34- 34- 34- 35. 35- 35- 35- 36. 36. 38. 39- 39- 39- 40. 40. 40. 6. 7- 7- 7- 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9- 9- 't 19- JO. 10. to. '3- 14. 14. 16. «7. 24. 14. ^5- 27. 3- 3- 4- 5- 8. 8. '8. 9- 9- 45. '5- >5- '7- tg. 20. 20. 26. 27- =7- 28. 29. 30. 30. SI- 32- 32. 33- 34- 34- 34- 34- 35- S6. Num36. 5 Moses commanded the children of Israel 36. 6 the LORD doth command concerning tho 35 10 as the Lord commanded Moses, BO did tho 36. 13 which tlie Lord commanded by the hand Deut, I. 18 I commanded you at that time all tho I. 19 wc went, .as the LORD our God command. t. 41 to all that the Lord our God commanded ,2. 4 command thou the people, Eaying, Yo 3. 18 I commanded you at that time, saying 3. 21 I commanded Joshua at that time. Baying 4. 2 not add unto the word which 1 command 4. 2 the commandments, .which I command 4. 5 even as the Lord my God commanded mo 4. 13 his covenant, which he commanded you 4. 14 the Lord commanded me at that time to 4. 40 his commandments, which I command 5. 12, 16 as the Lord thy God hath commanded 5. 15 the Lord thy God commanded thee to 5. 32 as the Lord your God hath commanded 5. 33 which the Lord, .hath commanded you 6. I which the Lord your God commanded to 6. 2 which I command thee, thou, and thy son 6. 6 these words, which I command thee this 6. 17 his statutes, which lie hath commanded 6. 20 which the Lord our God hath commanded 6. 24 the Lord commanded us to do all these 6. 25 we observe to do. .as he hath commanded 7. II which I command thee this day, to do 8. I the commandments which I command 8. IT his statutes, which I command thee this 9. 12 outof the way which! commanded thera 9. 16 the way ^vhich the LORD had commanded lo. 5 there they be, as the Lord commanded 10. 13 which I command thee this day for thy II. 8 kcepall thcconimandmcntswhichl com. TI. 13 which I command you this day, to love 11. 22 these commandments which I command II 27 A blessing, .which I command you this 1 1. 28 out of the way which I command you this 12. II thither shall ye bring all that I command 12. 14 there thou shalt do all that I command 12. 21 thou shalt kill, .as I have commanded 12. 28 hear all tliese words which I command «2. 32 What thing soever I command you,obse. 13. 5 which the Lord thy God commanded thee 13. i8 his commandments vdiich I command 15. 5 these commandments which I command 15. II therefore I command thee, saying, Thou 15. 15 therefore I command thee this thing to. 17. 3 served.. gods, .which I have not com. 18. 18 he shall speak, .all thatl shall command 18. 2o which I have not commanded him to 19. 7 Wherefore I command thee, saying. Then 19. 9 which I command thee this day, to love 20. 17 as the Lord thy God hath commanded 24. 8 as I commanded them, (so) ye shall 24. 18 22 therefore I command thee to do this 26. 13, 14 according to all . .thou hast command 26. i6 This day the Lord thy God hath com. 27. I Moses with the elders of Israel com. 27. I the commandments which I command '27. 4 which 1 command you this day, in mount 27. 10 his statutes, which I command thee this 28. I his commandments which I command 28. S.The Lord shall command the blessing 28. i3"which I command thee this day, to obser. 28 14 from any of the words which I commaml 28. 15 his statutes, which I command thee this 28 45 and his statutes which he comiiiandcd 29. I which the Lord commanded Moses to 30. 2 according to all that I command thee thl» 30. 8 his commandments, which I command 30. II For this commandment which I com. 30 16 I command thee to love the LoBB 31. 5 according unto all.. I have commanded 31. 10 Moses commanded them, saying, At tho 31. 25 Moses commanded the Levites, which 31. 29 from the way which I have commanded 32. 46 ye shall command your children to observe 33. 4 Moses commanded us a law, (even) the 34. 9 and did as the Lord commanded Moses Josh. I. 7 which Moses my servant commanded t. 9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong t. 10 Then Joshua commanded the officers of 1. II Pass through the host, and command the I. 13 Wosesthesenrantof theLoRDcommanded J. 16 All that thou commandest us we will do J. 18 thy words in all that thou commandest 3. 3 they commanded the people, saying 3. 8 thou shalt command the priests that beai 4. 3 And command ye them, saying. Take yon 4. 8 Israel did so as Joshua commanded, and 4. 10 every thing, .that the LORD commanded 4. 10 according to all that Moses commanded 4. 16 Command the priests that bear the ark of 4. 17 Joshua therefore commanded the priests 6. 10 Joshua had commanded the people, sajing 7. II my covenant which I commanded them 8. 4 he commanded them, saying. Behold, ye 5. 8 See, I have commanded yoa 8. 27 unto the word.. which he commanded 3. 8. 29 Joshua commanded that they should t«ke 8. 31 As Moses the servant of the Lord com. S. 33 the servant of the Lord had commanded 8- 35 not a word of all that Moses commanded 9. 24 how that the Lord thy God commanded 10. 27 Joshua commanded, and they took thesn 10. 40 as the Lord God of Israel commanded 11. 12 as Moses the servant of the Lord com. II. 15 As the Lord commanded Moses his ser. II. 15 so did Moses command Joshua, and so. II. IS of &U that the LosD coQUBaaded Uoiea COMMAND 190 COMMANDMENT iRi. Josh II 2C. destroy them, as the Lord commanded ly 6 tor ao inheritance, as I liave commanded i^. X as the LORD commanded by the hand of t4 s As the Lord commanded Moses, so the 17. 4 The Lord commanded iloses to give ua 21. 2, 8 The Lord commanded by the hand of 22. 2 iMosestlie servant of the Lord commanded 22 2 obeyed my voice in all that I commanded t6 which he commanded you, and have gone 20 covenant which 1 commanded their fatlier 4 which he commanded tlieir fathers by the 6 Hatli not the LORD God of Israel com 14 all that I commanded her let her observe 10 thousand men. .commanded them, saying 20 Therefore tliey commanded the cllildrea 15 Boaz commanded his young men, saying 29 v/hich I have commanded (in my) habita. 13 which he commanded thee : for now 14 and the Lord hatli commanded him (to 14 kept (that) which the Lord commanded 20 and went, as .Jesse had commanded him 22 Saul commanded his servants, (saying) 29 and my brother, he hath commanded me a The king hath commanded me a business 21 2 and what 1 have commanded thee: and I 1 8a ,, 12 And David commanded his young men 25 did so, as the Lord had commanded him 7 whom I commanded to feed my people i> I commanded judge3(to be) over my peo. 11 my lord the king hath commanded his ;8 Now Absalom had commanded hia serv 28 fear not : have not I commanded you? -be 29 did unto Amnon as Absalom had com. 5 the king commanded Joab and Ablshai 14 they performed all that the king com 19 David, .went lip, as the Lord commanded 46 So the king commanded Benaiah the son 6 Now therefore command thou that they 17 the king commanded, and they brought 58 judgments, which he commanded our fa. 4 according to all that 1 have commanded 10 had commanded him concerning this 10 he kept not that which the Lord com 1 > ray statutes, which I have commanded 38 hearken unto all that I command thee 21 whichthe Lord thy God commanded thee 5 from ainy (thing) that he commanded hiro 4 Lhavecoramanded the ravens to feed thee 9 I have commanded a widow woman there 31 the king of Syria commanded his thirty 5 he commanded them, saying. This (is) 9 (things) that Jehoiada the priest com. 15 Jehoiada the priest commanded the cap. 6 tlie law of Moses, wherein the Lord com 15 king Ahaz commanded Urijah the priest i5 according to all that king Ahaz fommand. 13 according to all the law which I cornman. 27 Then the king of Assyria commanded' 34 whicli the Lord commanded the children 6 which the Lord commanded Moses 12 Moses the servant of the LoRPi cornraand. 8 according to all that I have commanded 8 the law that my servant Moaes command. 12 the king commanded Hilkiali the priest 4 the king commanded Hilkia)! the high 21 the king commanded all the people.saying 49 according to aU that Moses, .h^d com. 16 David therefore did as God commanded 15 as Moses commanded according to the 15 the word (which) he commanded to a 40 law of the Lord, which he comnianded 6 the judges of Israel, whom I commanded JO I commanded judges (to be) over my peo. 17 David also commanded all the princes of 19 as the Lord God of Israel had commanded 13 if I command the locusts to devour the 17 according to all that I have commandeci 30 the king of Syria had commanded the 8 allthingsthat Jehoiada. .had commanded 4 book of Moses, where the Lord command 8 I have commanded them, according to 20 the king commanded Hilkiah, and Ahik 3 Cyrus the king of Persia hath command. 9. II thou hast commanded by thy servants Neh. I. 7 which thou commandedst thy servant Mo. I. 8 the word that thou commandedst thy eer 8. I, 14 which the Lord had commanded to I. 9. 14 commandedst them precepts,statutes,and Esth. 3. 2 the king had so commanded concerning 3. 12 according to all that Haman had com. 4. 17 according to all that Esther had com. 8. Q according to all that Mordecai command. Job 36. 32 he .commandethit(not toshins)by (the) 37. 12 he commandeth them upon the face of 38. 12 Hast thou commanded the morning since Paa. 7. 6 the judgment (that) thou hast command. 33. 9 he commanded, and it stood fast 42. 8 the Lord will command his loving kind 44. 4 God : command deliverances for Jacob 68. 28 Thy God hath commanded thy strength 78. 5 which he commanded our fathers, that 78. 23 Though he had commanded the clouds 105. 8 the word (which) he commanded to a « 1 1. 9 he hath commanded his covenant for ever iig. 4 Thou hast commanded (us) to keep thy «ig. 138 Thy testimonies (that) thou hast com. «33- 3 for there the Lord commanded the bless. 148. 5 for he commanded, and they were created Isa. 5. 6 I will also command the clopds that they 13. J I have commanded my sanctified ones 34. 16 my mouth it hath commanded, and hia «. I J concerning the work of my hands com- S3- Jodg. 2 3 4- «3- 21. 21. Kuth 2 I Sa. a. '3- '3- '3- »7- 18. eo 21 5 7 7 9- J3- »3- 13 t8 21. *4- 2. S- 5 8 9- ii II 11. zi. '3- 15 «7- «7- 22 t El ct. II. II 14. j6. 16. 17 17- 17 18. aS. 21. 21. 22. =3- • Ch. 6. 14. 'S- ,6. 16. »7- 17- 22. 24. aCh. 7 J- 18. 23- =5- 33- 34- Ezra 4. '3 13 Isa 45 13 and all llieir Host have I cuinnianded 48 s and my molten image, hath commanded Jer I ; whatsoever I command thee thou shtit 1 1 7 speak unto them all that I command thee 7 11 nor commanded them in tlie day that I 7 23 But this thing commanded 1 them, say 7 23 in all the ways that I have commanded 7 31 1 commanded (them) not, neither came II 4 Which I commanded your fathers in the 11 4 according to all which I command you ti e I commanded (them) to do, but they did 5 So 1 went, .as the Lord commanded me 6 which I commanded thee to hide there 14 14 neither have I commanded them, neither ' t? i2 hallowyethe sabbath day, as I command ly ; which I commanded not, nor spake (it) J3 32 yet I sent them not, nor commanded 26 2 all the words that I command thee to 26 8 all that the Lord had commanded (him) 27 4 command them to say unto their masters 29. 23 which I have not commanded them 32 23 nothing of all that thou commandedst ;32. 35 unto Molech ; which I commanded them 34 22 Beliold, 1 will command, saith the Lord 35. 6 tlie son of Rechab our father commanded 35. 10 all tiiat Jonadab our father commanded 35. 14 he commanded his sons not todrink wine 35 16 which he commanded them , but this 35. 18 unto all that he hath comnianded you 36 s Jeremiah commanded Baruch, saying, t 36 8 all that Jeremiah the prophet command 36 26 the king commanded Jerahmeel the son -37. 21 Zedekiah the king commanded that they 38. 10 the king commanded Ebedmelech the B. 38. 27 these words that the king had command 50 21 according to all that I have commanded SI. 59 which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Lam. I 10 thou didst command (that) they should t J7 the Lord hath commanded concerning 2 17 his word that he had commanded in the 3. 37 (when) the Lord commandeth (it) not? £ze 9. 1 1 I have done as thou hast commanded me 10. 6 he had commanded the man clothed with 37 10 I prophesied, as he commanded me, and Amos 2 12 But ye. .commanded the prophets, saying 6. II For, behold, the Lord commandeth, and 9 3 I command the serpent, and he shall bite 9. 4 thence will I command the sword, and it 9 9 I wU command, and I will sift the house Zech t 6 I commanded my servants the prophets Mai. 4. 4 wliich I commanded unto him in Jioreb i. Tn arrange, thoroughly, SiaTa diaiasso. Luke 8 55 and he commanded to give her meat 17 9 he did the things that were commanded 17 10 ail those things which are commanded Acts 18 2 Claudius had commanded all Jews to 23. 31 the soldiers, as it v/as commanded them 24 23 he commanded a centurion to keep Paul 5. Tn say, speak, clirov eipon. Matt. 4. 3 If thou be the Son of God, command that Mark 5 43 commanded that something should be 8 7 commanded to set them also before(them) TO. 49 Jesus stood still, and commanded him to Luke 4. 3 If thou be the Son of God, command '9. 54 wilt thou that we command fire to come ig. 13 he commanded these servants to be 2 Co. 4 6 who commanded the light to shine out 6. To give i.n charge, evreWo/xai entellomai. Matt 15. 4 God [commanded,] saying. Honour thy 19. 7 Why did Moses then command to give a 28. 20 all things whatsoever 1 have commanded Markio 3 and said What did Moses comaiand you? 11 6 theysaid .evenas Jesus (had comm.aaded] 13. 34 and commanded the porter to watch John 8. s [Moses in the law commanded us, that] 15. 14 if ye do whatsoever I command you 15. 17 These things I command you, that ye Acts 13. 47 For so hath the Lord commanded us 1 To put upon, or over, iirnacraia epitasso. Mark 1. 27 with authority commandeth he even the 6. 27 and commanded his head to be brought 6. 39 he commanded them to make all sit down Luke 4. 36 with authority.. he commandeth the 8. 25 he commandeth even the winds and 8. 31 he would not command them to go out • «. 22 Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded Acts ^3. 2 the high priest Ananias commanded them 8. To call to, urge on, command, Ke\eica keieuo Matt 14. 9 nevertheless, .he commanded (it) to be 14. J9 he commanded the multitude to sit down 15. 35 [commanded] the multitude to sit down i8. 25 his lord commanded him to be sold, and 27. 58 Pilate commanded the body to be deliver 27. 64 Command therefore that the sepulclire be Luke 18. 40 and commanded him to be brought unto Acts 4. IS when they had commanded them to go 5. 34 commanded to put the apostles forth a 8. 38 he commanded the chariot to stand still 12 19 commanded that (they) should he put to 16 22 and the magistrates commanded to beat 21. 33 commanded (him) to be bound with two 21. 34 he commanded hira to be carried into the 22. 24 The chief captain commanded him to be 32 30 commanded the chief priests and all their 23. 3 commandest me to be smitten contrary 23, 10 commanded the soldiers to go down, and 23. 3s he commanded him to be kept in Herod's 25. 6 and the next day. commanded Paul to 25. 17 and commanded Uie man to be brought Matt I Marli Luke Acts To Th Ih ll ctj 15 21 1 commanded him to be Kept till I might 27 43 commanded that they which could swi 9 Tn announce aloiigside of, vapayyeWtu paraggel J Jesus sent forth, and comnianded them 8 commanded them that they should take 6 he commanded the people to sit down on 29 he had commanded the unclean spirit to 21 commanded (them) to tell no man that 4 commanded them they should not (8 commanded them not to speak at all nor 28 Did not we straitly command you, that ye 40 they comnianded that they should not 10 42 he commanded us to preach unto the 15 5 to command (them) to keep the law of M in 18 I command thee in the name of Jesus C 30 but now commandeth all men everywhere 10 And unto the married 1 command, (yet) 1 1 work with your own hands, as we com. 4 and will do the things which we command 6 we command you, brethren, in the name 10 this v/e commanded you, that it any 12 Now them that are such we command 11 These things command and teach 1 0. To arrange, set in order, -Trpoa-Tdaa-inproslassA Matt 8 4 ofTerthe gift that Moses commanded, for 21 6 the disciples went, and did as Jesus com Mark i. 44 which Moses commanded, for a testimony Luke 5. 14 according as Moses commanded, for a Acts 10 33 to hear all things that are commanded 10. 48 he commanded them to be baptized id n To say, announce, pia> rheo. Rev 9. 4 it was commanded them that they should \2.To set or give a reason, or law, Djro D^lff sum leein. . Ezra 4 19 I commanded, and search hath been made 5 3 Wlio hath commanded you to build this 5. 9 Who commanded you to build this house comnaifiiED — Precept, thing set up, .nisD mitsvak. 2 Ch 8. 14 so had David the man ol God cotnmaiided COIOtAlTDEI), to be — l.Tn say, "CN amar Dan. 3 4 To you it is commanded, O people 2. To he set up, receive a precept, .lis tsavah, i Gen. 45. 19 thou art commanded, this do ye; take E.Kod34. 34 and spake, .(that) which he was comman. Lev 8. 35 that ye die not : for so I am commanded 10. 13 And ye shall eat .for so I am commanded Num. 3. 16 the v/ord of the Lord, as he was comman 36 2 my lord was commanded by the Lord to Eze. 12. 7 I did so as I was commanded • I brought 24. 18 I did in the morning as I was commanded 37 7 1 prophesied as I was commanded and .3. Taste, reason, law, Dyo iaam Ezra 7 23 Whatsoever is commanded by the God of 4.7*0 set throughout, SiacrrfAAto diasteUo. Heb. 12. 20 could not endure that which was comman. COHMANDED, which was — Precept, thing set uji, nisa mitsvak. Neh. 13. s which was commanded (to be given) to COJOIAIIDEE — One who sets up, gives precepts, njv tsavah, .3. Isa. 55. 4 1 have given him (for), a commander to COMKAOTJING — \.To set lip, give precepts, niV tsavah, 3. Gen. 49. 33 when Jacob had made an end of com. 2. Tn arrange thoroughly, Siaraaaai diatassn. Matt II I when Jesus had made an end of com. 3. To call to, urge on, KeXivio keieuo. Acts 24. 8 Commanding his accusers to come unto COMMAinJMENT — I.yl saying, -tidn rmrah. Psa.147. 15 He sendeth forth his commandment 2.A word, "in'j dabar. E iod 34 28 wrote upon the tables the ten comman. Deut. 4 13 ten commandments , and he wrote them 10. 4 ^vrote on the tables .the ten command Josh 8 8 according to the commandment of the U 1 Sa. 15 II for he. .hath not performed my com IS 13 I have performed the commandment of 2 Sa. 12. 9 Wherefore hast thou despised the com. I Cli 28. 21 the people (will be) wholly at thy com 2Ch. 31 5 as soon as the commandment came abr. Estli 1 12 Vashti refused to come at the king's co. I ig let there go a royal commandment from 2. 8 when the king's commandment and his 3. 15 being hastened by the king's command. 4. 3 whitliersoever the king's commandment 8 14 pressed on by the king's commandment 8. 17 whithersoever the king's commandment 9. I when the king's commandment and his Psa 103 2o that do his commandments, hearkening Dan. 9. 23 the commandment came forth, and I am g. 2s from the going forth of the command. 3. Thing given, a law, judgm^ent, m dath. Esth 3 14 for a commandment to be given in every 8. 13 The copy of the \vriting for a command. 4. Statute, pn choq AmuB 2 4 they have not kept his commandments COMMANDMENT 191 COMMANDMENT t t I C. Taste, reason, law, oytj taavi,. Ezra s, SI until (another) commandment shall be 0. 14 they builded. .according to tlie commaa. 6 Taste, reason, law, Dya teem. Ezra 4. 21 Give ye now commandment to cause 6 14 according to the commandment of Cyrus 7 Saying, 'Dm rw.amar. Esth. t. IS she hath not performed the command. 2. 20 Esther did the commandment of ilorde. 8 Word, n-jp millah. Dan. 3. 22 because the king's commandment was 0. Charge, command, ni3.'}P miphqad. 2Ch. 31 i3'at the commandment of Hezeldah the 10. Precept, nixp mitsvah. Gen. 26. 5 Because that Abraham . .kept, .nly com. Exodis. 26 If thou v/ilt. .give ear to his command. 16. 28 How long refuse ye to keep my comman. 20 6 them that love me, and keep my comm. 24 12 I will give thee . . commandments which I Lev. 4. 2, 13, 22, 27 the commandments of theLonD 5 17 forbidden to be done by the command. «2. 31 Therefore shall ye keep ray command. 26. 3 If ye.. keep my commandments, and do a6. 14 if ye will not . . do all these commandme. j6. is so that ye will nut do all my command. 27. 34 These (are) the commandments, which the 3Jmni5. 22 and not observed all these command. 15. 31 Because he hath . . broken his command. 15. 39 that ye may. .remember all the comma. 15. 40 That ye may.. do all my commandments 36. 13 These (are) the commandments and the Deut 4. 2 that ye may keep the commandments of 4 40 Thou shalt keep . . his commandments 5. 10 them that love me, and keep my comma. 5. 29 that they would . .keep all my command 5. 31 I will speak unto thee all the command. 6. I these (are) the commandments, the stat. 6. 2 to keep all his statutes, and his comma. 6. 17 Ye shall diligently keep the command. 6. 25 if we observe to do all these command. 7 9 that love him, and keep his command. 7. 1 1 Thou shalt therefore keep the command. 8 t All the commandments which I comma. 8. 2 whether thou wouldest keep his comma. 8. 6 Therefore thou shalt keep the command. 8. II in not keeping his commandments, and 10. 13 To keep the commandments of the LORD 11. t thou shalt . . keep . . his commandments II 8 Therefore shall ye keep all the command. It 13 ye shall hearken . . unto my command. II. 22 if ye shall . .keep all these commandme. f I. 27, 28 obey the commandments of the Lord 13. 4 Ye shall, .keep his commandments, and 13. 18 to keep all his commandments which Ico. 15 5 to observe to do all these commandments 17. 20 he turn not aside from the commandme 19. 9 If thou shalt keep all these command. «6. 13 accordingtoallthycommandments.whicll z6. 13 I have not transgressed thy command. 26. 17 to keep his statutes, and his command. 26. 18 that (thou) shouldest keep allhiscomma. 27 I Keepallthe commandments which I com. 27. 10 do his commandments and his statutes 28. I to observe (and) to do all his command. e8. 9 if thou shalt keep the commandments «8 13 if that thou hearken unto the command. 28. 15 to observe to do all his commandments 28. 45 to keep his commandments and his statu. 30. 8 to do all his commandments which I com. 30. 10 If thou shalt. .keep his commandments 30. II this commandment which I command 30. i5 to keep his commandments and his stat. 31. 5 do. .according unto all the command. Josli.22. 3 have kept the charge of the command. 22 5 take diligent heed to do the command. 22. 5 chargedyou. .to keep his commandments Jadg. 2. 17 obeying the commandments of the Lord 3. 4 they would hearken unto the command, t Sa. 13. 13 thou hast not kept the commandment of 1 Ki 2. 3 to keep his statutes, and his command. 2. 43 Why tlienhast thou not kept, .the comm. 3. 14 to keep my statutes and my command. 6. 12 if thou wilt, .keep all my commandments 8. 58 incline our hearts . . to keep his command. 8. 61 to keep his commandments, as at this day g. 6 if ye . .will not keep my commandments 11. 34 'because he kept ray comraandments and ti. 38 to keep my statutes and my command. 13. 21 thou hast, .not kept the commandment 14. 8 my servant David, who kept my comman. t8. 18 ye have forsaken the commandments of e Kl 17. 13 and keep my commandments (and) my 17. 16 they left aU the commandments of the L. 17. ig Judah kept not the commandments of 17. 34 or after the law and commandment which 17. 37 the law, and the commandment, which 18. 6 but kept his commandments, which the 18. 36 for the king's commandment was, saying 53. 3 made a covenant, .to keep his command. I CI1.28. 7 if he be constant to do my command. 28. 8 keep and seek for all the commandments 29. 19 to keep thy commandments, thytesti. a Ch. 7. 19 if ye . . forsake . . my commandments 8. 13 offering according to the commandment 8. 15 they departed not from the eomraand. 14. 4 and to do the law and the commandment 17. 4 But. .walked in his commandments, and . 19. 10 betwe^B Uw and eommandgiftnt, statutes J Ch. 24 2o VVTiy transgress ye the commandments of 24. 2 1 stoned him with stones at the command. 19 15 came, according to the commandment of .19 25 according to the commandment of David 29. 25 (so was) the commandment of the Lord 30. 6 according to the commandment of the 30 12 one lieart to do the commandment of the 31 21 in tlie law, and in the commandments 34. 31 to keep his commandments and his tcstL 35. 10 according to the king's commandment 35. 15 according to the commandment of David 33. i6 according to the commandment of king J Ezra 7. II a scribe of the words of the command. 9 10 for we have forsaken thy commandments 9. 14 Should we again break thy commandme. 10. 3 of those that tremble at the command. Neh- I. 5 for them that.. observe his command. I 7 We. have not kept the commandments 1 9 (if) ye turn unto me, and keep my comm 9 13 gavest. .good statutes and command. g. 16 they .hearkened not to thy command. 9. 29 they . .hearkened not unto thy command, g. 34 nor hearkened unto thy commandments 10. 29 to observe and do all the commandments 11.23 (it was) the king's commandment concern. 12. 24, 45 according to the commandment of D. Esth. 3, 3 Why transgressest thou the king's com. Job 23. 12 have I gone back from the command. Psa. ig. 8 the commandment of the Lord (is) pure 78. 7 That they might keep his command. 8g. 31 If they break . and keep not my comman 112. I delighteth greatly in his commandments 119. 6 when I have respect unto all thy com. 119. 10 let me not wander from thy command, iig. ig hide not thy commandments from me 119. 21 which do err from thy commandments 119. 32 I will run the way of thy commandments 119. 35 to go in the path of thy commandments I ig. 47 I will delight myself in thy command, iig. 48 will I lift up unto thy commandments 119. 60 I.. delayed not to keep thy command. 119. 66 for I have believed thy commandments 119. 73 understanding, that I may learn thy com. iig. 86 All thy commandments (are) faithful 119. 96 (but) thy commandment (is) exceeding fig. gS Thou through thy commandment.i hast 119. 115 I will keep the commandments of my G. 119. 127 1 love thy commandments above gold iig. 131 for I longed for thy commandments 1 tg. 143 (yet) thy commandments (are) my delig. iig. 151 and all thy commandments (are) truth iig. 166 I have hoped, .and done thy command, iig. 172 all thy commandments (are) righteous. I ig. 176 for I do not forget thy commandments Prov 2 I My son . .hide my commandments with 5 I but let thine heart keep my command. 4 4 Let thine heart, .keep my commandment 6. 20 My son, keep thy father's commandment 6. 23 the commandment (is) a lamp; and the 7 I and lay up my commandments with thee 7 2 Keep ray commandments, and live ; and to. 8 The wise in heart will receive command. 13 13 he that feareth the commandment shall 19. 16 He that keepeth the commaudment Eccl. 8. 5 Whoso keepeth the commandment shall 12. 13 Fear God, and keep his commandments laa. 36. 21 for the king's commandment was, saying 48. 18 that thou hadst hearkened to my com.! Jer. 35. 14 unto this day, but obey their father's co. 35. j6 the son's . .have performed the command. 35. 18 Because ye have obeyed the command. Dan. 9. 4 and to them that keep his command. IkLal. 2. 1 ye priests, this commandment (is) for 2 4 know that I have sent this command ] 1. The mouth, ns peh. Gen. 45. 21 gave them wagons according to the com Kxodi7. I according to the commandment of the L 3S. 21 according to the commandment of Moses Num. 3. 39 Aaron numbered at the commandment of 4. 37, 41, 49 did number, according to the com. 9. 18, 18, 23, 23 At the commandment of the 9. 20, 20 according to the commandment of the 10. t3 according to the commandment of the L. 13. 3 Moses by the commandment of the Lord 14. 41 do ye transgress the commandment of the 24. 13 I cannot go beyond the commandment 27. 14 ye rebelled against my commandment 33. 2 Moses wrote tlieir goings, .by the com. 33. 38 Aaron, .went, .at the commandment of Deut. I. 26, 43 rebelled against the commandment 9. 23 ye rebelled against the commandment of Josh. I. 18 that doth rebel against thy command. 15. 13 According to the commandment of the L. 17. 4 according to the commandment of the L. 21. 3 at the commandment of the Lord, these 1 Sa. 12. 14, IS rebel against the commandment of. 15. 24 I have transgressed the commandment 2 Ei.23. 35 according to the commandment of Phar. 24. 3 Surely at the commandment of the Lord I Ch. 12. 32 their brethren (were) at their command. Prov. 8. 2g the waters should not pass his command. EccL 8. 2 (counsel thee) to keep the king's com. Lam. I. 18 1 have rebelled against his command H.ThiTig set up, precept, is, is tsav. Hos. 5. :i he \riUingly walked after the command. XZ.Thing thorovghly arranged, Sidray/ia diatag. Heb. II. 23 were not afraid of the king's [command. 14. Thing given in charge, ivraXna entalma. Matt 15. g teaching (for) doctrines the command. Mark 7. 7 te.iching (for) doctrines the command. Col 2. 22 after the commandments and doctrine* lb. Thing given in charge, ivroXi) enlole. Matt. 5. ig shall break one of these least command. 15. 3 Wliy do ye also transgress tlie command. 1 5. 6 Thus have ye made [the commandment) 19. 17 enter into life, keep the commandments 22. 36 which (is) the gr»at commandment in the 22. 38 This is the first and great commandment 22. 40 On these two commandments hang all Mark 7 8 laying aside the commandment of God 7. 9 Kull well ye reject the commandment ot to. ig Thou knowest the commandments. Do 1 2. 23 Which is the first commandment of all ? 12 2g (The first of all the commandments (is)] 12. 30 [This (is) the first commandment] 12. 31 There is none othercommandment great. Luke 1. 6 walking in all the commandments and 13. 29 neither transgressed I. .thy command. 18. 20 Thou knowest the commandments, and 23. 56 and rested, .according to the command. John 10. i3 This commandment have I received of ■ 11. 57 and the Pharisees had given a command. 12. 49 he gave me a commandment, what I 12. 50 I know that his commandment is life 13 34 A new commandment I give unto you 14 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments .14 21 Ue that hath my commandments, and 15 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall 15. 10 as I have kept my Father's command. 13. 12 fhis is my commandment. That ye lovo Acts 17. 15 receiving a commandment unto Silas and Eoin. 7. 8 But sin, taking occasion by the command. 7. 9 whenthecominandmentcame.slnrcvived 7. 10 the commandment, which (was ordained) 7 1 1 For sin, taking occasion by the command. 7. 12 and the commandment holy, and just 7 13 that sin by the commandment might 13. 9 if (there be)any other commandment, it Is I Co. 7 ig but the keeping of the comraandments of 14. 37 things that 1 write, .are (the command.] Eph. 2. 15 (even) the law of commandments (con.) 6. 2 which is the first commandment with' Col. 4. 10 touching whom ye received command. 1 Ti. 6. 14 That thou keep (this)commandment with. Titus I 14 Not giving heed to. .commandments of Heb. 7. 5 verily they, .have a commandment to 7 16 not after the law of a carnal command. 7. i3 there is. .a disannulling of the command 2 Pe. 2. 21 to turn from the holy commandment 3.. 2 be mindful, .of the commandment of xa 1 Jo 2 3 we do know, .if we keep his command. 2 4 and keepeth not his comraandments, is a » 7 no new commandment, .but an old com. 2- 7 The old commandment is the word which 28a new commandment 1 ■write unto you 3 22 because we keep his commandments, and 3 23 Tliisishi3commandment,That we 3hould 3. 23 love one another, as he gave us command. 3. 24 he that keepeth his commandments 4. 21 this commandment have we from him 5. 2 when we love God, and keep his com. 5. 3 love of God, that we keep his command. 5. 3 and his comraandments are not grievous 2 Jo 4 as we have received acommandment from 5 as though I wrote a new commandment 6 that we walk after his commandments 6 This is the commandment. That, as ye Rev 12 17 which keep the commandments of God 14. 12 here (are) they that keep the command. 22. 14 Blessed (are) they that do his command. \&.Comincmd, arrangem,ent, (iriTayn epitage. E.oni.16. 26 the commandment of the everlasting God t Co 7. 6 by permission, ^and) not of command. 7. 2s concerning virgins I have no command. 2 Co. 8. 8 I speak not by commandment, but by I Ti. I. I an apostle.. by the commandment of God Titus I. 3 according to the commandment of God 17 .Announcement {open or public), -n-apayyeXla. I Th. 4 2 ye know what commandments we gave 1 Ti I. s the end of the commandment is charitjr' COEMAITDMENT, at the — 1 To say, ipx aviar. 2 Ch. 24. 8 at the king's commandment they made 2. To urge on, command, KiXtiu helem. Acts 25. 33 at Festus' commandment Paul was bro. COMMAUDMENT, to give (a) — 1 To set vp, give a precept, njy tsavah, 3. Exod36. 6 Moses gave commandment, and they Esth 4. 5, 10 gave him a commandment to Mordecal Psa. 71. 3 thou hast given commandment to save Isa. 23. II the Lord hath given a comraandraent • Nah I 14 the Lord hath given a commandment 2. To set out thoroughly, Siaa-T^Wofiai diastellomai. Acts 15. 24 to whom we gave no (such) commandment 3. 2*0 give in charge, ivTeWofiai entellomai. Johni4. 31 as the Father (gave me commandment) Acts I. 2 he. .had given commandments tin to the* Heb. II 22 and gave commandment concerning his 4.7*0 call to, urge on, command, KeXdvco keleuo. Matt. 8 18 he gave commandment to depart onto 5. To announce alongside of, -rapaYyiXXa parang. Acts 23. ^ I sent, .to thee, and gave cnmrnnndmcnt COMMANDMENT 192 COMMUNE COMMANDBtENT, to give in — To set up, give a precept, n;^ tsavak, 3. Exod25. 22 which I will give thee in commandment 34. 33 he gave them in commandment all that Deut t. 3 the Loud had given him in command. COMMANDHENT, to send with — To cause to go forth, KT, yatsa, 5. Ezra 8. 17 I sent them with. commandment unto Id COMMANDMENTS — Things committed to one's care, O'lip? piqqudim. Psa. 103. 18 to those that remember his command. Ill 7 all his commandments (are) sure COHIMENl), to — I To praise, SS.n halal. 3. Gen. 12. 15 Tlie princes also of Pharaoh .commend. 3. To glorify, ny^ shabach, 3. Eccl. 8. IS I commended mirth, because a man hath 3. yo give praise to, inaivetv epaineO. Lukei6. 8 the lord commended the unjust steward 4 To put along or over to, TrapaTidTuxt paralilhemi. Luke23. 46 Father, into thy hands 1 commend my Acts 14. 23 they commended them to the Lord, on 20. 33 I commend you to God, and to the word 5. To set (one thing) beside (another), irapio-Tij/ii. I Co. 8. 8 But meat commeadeth us not to God 6. To set together, o-ucio-tt?^! sunistemi. Rum. 3. 5 But if our righteousness commend the J. 8 But God commendeth his love toward us 16. 1 I commend unto you Phebe our sister a Co. 3. I Do we begin again to commend ourselves 4. 2 by manifestation of the truth commend. 5. 12 we commend not ourselves again unto 10 iz compare ourselves with some that com 10 x8 not he that commendeth himself is appr 10 18 but when the Lord commendeth li II for I ought to have been commended oJ COlffMENDATIOH. of — Setting together, commendatory, o-vcrraTiKSt sust. 3 Co. 3. I need we. .epistles of commendation to 3. 1 or (letters) of commendation from you » COMMENDED, to be — To be praised, SSrr halal, 4. Prov 12. 8 A man shall be commended according to COMMISSION — X.Law, judgment, rn dath. Ezra 8. 36 they delivered the kiijg's commissions 2. What is turned over upon one. iiriTpoTr-fi epitropS Acts 26. 12 with authority and commission from the COMMIT, to — 1. To roll, hhi galal. Psa. 37. 5 Commit thy way unto the LOED . trust Prov. 16. 3 Commit thy worlcs unto the Lord, and 2. To be in, 3 ^'n hayah be. Deut2i. 22 if a man have committed a sin worthy of 3. To deliver, give occasion, npa mccsar. Num3i. t6 caused the children of Israel, to commit 4. To give, \ni nathan. Gen. 3g. 8 he hath committed all that he hath to 39. 22 the Iteeper of the prison committed to Isa. 22. 21 I will commit thy government into his Jer 39. 14 committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Eze. 23. 7 Thus she committed her whoredoms 6. To do, nyy asdh. Lev. 5 17 if a soul sin, and commit any of theso 18. 26 Ye shall . .hot commit (any) of these i3. 29 whosoever shall commit any of these 18. 29 the souls that commit (them) shall be cut 18. 30 commit not (any one) of these abomina. 2o. 13 both of them have committed an abomi. 2o. 23 for they committed all these things, and Num. 5. 6 When a man or a woman shall commit Deuti7. 5 which have committed that wicked thing 1 9. zo shall henceforth commit no more any such Judg 20. 6 they have committed lewdness and folly Prov 16. 12 abomination to kings to commit wicked. Jep 2. 13 For my people have committed two evils 6. 15 Were they ashamed when they had com 8 13 when they had committed abomination 29 23 they have committed villany in Israel 44. 3 their wickedness which they have com. 44. 9 wliich they have committed in the land 44. 22 the abominations which ye have com. 44 7 Wherefore commit ye (this) great evil SzcL 3. so When a righteous (man) doth . . commit 6. 9 for the evils which they have commit. 8 6 abominations, .house of Israel commit 8. 17 the abominations which they commit i6. 43 thou Shalt not commit the lewdness t6. 50 and committed abomination before me 18. 12 and hath.. committed abomination 18. 21 from all his sins that he hath committed 18. 22 his transgressions that he hath commit 18. 24 committeth iniquity, (and) doeth accor. t8. 26 and committeth iniquity, and dieth in 18. 27 that he hath committed, apd doeth that 18 28 his transgressions that he hath committed ao. 43 for all your evils that ye have committed 32. 9 in the midst of thee they commit lewd, as. 1 1 one hath committed abomination with 33. 13 trust to his own rigirtoouaness, and com. Eze 33 ij but for his iniquity that he hath commit 33. 15 walk in his statutes, .witlioutcommitting 33. 18 and committeth iniquity, he shall even 33. 29 abominations which they have commit. 43. 8 their abominations that they have com. 44. 13 their abominations which they have com. Hos. 6 9 by consent : for they commit lewdness 6. To work, Sys paal. Hos. 7 I they commit falsehood : and the thief 7 To give m charge or trust, ipp paqad, 5. 1 Ki. 14. 27 committed (them) unto the hauds of the 2 Ch 12. lO committed (them^ to the hands of the Psa. 31. s Into thine hand I commit my spirit Jer 37. 21 that they should commit Jeremiah into 40. 7 had committed unto him men, and 41. to whom Is'ebiizar-adaa. .had committed to 8. To put, place,a''v sim. Job 5. 8 and unto God woal4 I commit my cause 9. To give, SiSwiii didomi. John 5. 22 hath committed all judgment unto the 10. To let, lei he, idoj eao. Acts 27. 40 they committed (themselves) unto the 11.7V) work, practise, ipyd^o/jiat ergazomai Jas 2 9 ye commit sin, and are convinced of the 12. To give over, napaSlSai/j.i paradidomi. Acts 8. 3 haling men and women, committed (them 1 Pe.2. 23 but committed (himself) to him that judg. 1 3. To put alongside of, irapariBrtfii paratithemi. Lukei2. 48 to whom men have committed much of 1 Ti. I. 18 This charge I commit unto thee, son T 3 Ti. 2 2 the same commit thou to faithful men \i.To do, iroiiio poieo Markis. 7 ■^^ho had committed murder in the insur. Lukej2. 48 he that knew not, and did commit things John 8. 34 Whosoever committeth sin is the servant Acts 28. 17 though 1 have committed nothing against 2 Co. II. 7 Have I committed an offence in abasing Jas. 5. 15 if he have committed sins, they shall be 1 Jo. 3. 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth v|, 3 8 He that committeth sin is of the devil "T^ 39 Whosoever is born of God doth not com 16. To practise, do, irpda-crco prasso. Acts 25. II if I be an offender, or have committed 25. 35 when I found that he had committed Eom. I. 32 they which commit such things are a a against them which commit such things J Co «a. 21 lasciviousness, which they have cozmnit. 17. To place, put, set, -riernjn tithemi. 3 Co 5. 19 hath committed unto us the word of rec. [See also Abominable, adultery, fornication, iniquity, sacrilege, trust, ungodly, whoredom, wickedness.] COMMIT self, to — To leave, 3]j; azab. Psa 10. 14 the poor committeth himself unto thee COMMIT (sin), to — To sin, miss the mark, fall short, N^n ctiata. Lev 4. 35 for his sin that he hath committed, and 5. 7 which he hath committed, two turtle do. 1 Ki.14. 22 with their sins which they had commit. Jer i6. to what (is) our sin that we have committed Eze 16. 51 Neither hath Samaria committed half of 33. 16 None of his sins that lie hath committed COMMIT trespass or transgression, to — To trespass, go beyond, '?i!0 mual. Lev 5. 15 If a soul commit a trespass, and sin 6 2 If a soul sin, and commit a trespass Nnra 5 12 If any man's wife, .commit a trespass Josh. 7 t the children of Israel committed a tres. 22. 16 What trespass (is) this that ye have com. 32. 20 Did not Achan . . commit a trespass in the 22. 31 because ye have not committed this tres. 1 Ch 10. 13 forhis transgression which he committed Eze 15. 8 because they have committed a trespass 2o. 37 in that they have committed a trespass COMMIT the keeping of — • To put alongside, napariBTifit paratithemi. I Pe. 4. 19 let them .commit the keeping of their COMMIT to one's trust, to — To trust, confide, VKmiai pisteuo. Luke 16. II who will commit to your trust the true COMMIT unto, to — To trust, confide, imrreuca pisteuO. Eorn. 3. 2 unto them were committed the Jo. 2. 24. 1 Co g. 17 a dispensation (of the gospel) is com. nn.' Gal. 3. 7 gospelof theunclrcumcision'wascom. un. COMMIT (whoredom), to — To go a whoring, n:? zanah. Eze. 23. 43 Will they now commit whoredoms irith COMMITTED, to be — \.To be, happen, come to pass, '^',!^ hayah, 2. Jer. 5. 30 A wonderful and horrible thing is com 2. To be given, ira nathan, 2. 2 Ch. 34. 16 All that was committed to thy servants 3. To be done, nj'j^ asah, 2. Lev. 18. 30 abominable customs which were com. Num. 15. 24 it shall be, if (ought) be committed by Mai. 3 II on abomination is committed in Israel 4. Tn be trusted, entrusted vjith, Tntrreiofiai pisten, Titus 1. 3 which is committed unto me according COMMITTED to or unto, that which is — What is put down to one, ■7!apaKaradi)Kri, paraka 1 Ti. 6. 20 keep (that which is committed to] thy 2 Ti. I 14 [good thing which was committed unto) COllMITTED unto him, that which is — What is put alongside of any one, irapaBriKn pn.ra. 2 Ti. I. 12 that wliich I have committed unto hiro COMMODIOUS, not — Not well placed, avevderos aneuihetos. Acts 27. 12 because the haven was not commodiona COMMON — I. Profane, common, '^n.chol. t Sa. 21. 4 no common bread under mine hand, but 21. s (the bread is) in a manner common, yea 2.Land, earth, fnx erets. Lev. 4, 27 if any one of the common people sId Z.A son, 13 ben. J er. 26. 23 cast . into the graves of the common i. Multitude, of men, onx 3i rob cudann. Eze 33. 42 with the men of the common sort (were) 5. Many, nwne.rous, yi rab. Eccl. 6. I Xhereis an evil, and it (is) common ^.Belonging to the public, Srj/JiSarios demosios. Acts 3. 18 and put them in the common prison 7. Common, KotvSs koinos. Acts 2. 44 aU that believed . . had all things common 4. 32 but they had all things common 10. 14 I have never eaten anything that is com. 10. 28 that I should not call any man common 11. 8 nothingcommonoruncleanhath.. entered Titus I. 4 Titus, (mine) own son after the common Juda 3 to write unto you of the common salva 8. Much, many, great, ttoKvs polus. Markiz. 37 And the common people heard htm COMMON, to call — To make (or regard as) common, KoivSa koinod. Acts 10. 13 WTiat God hath cleansed . call not thou o II. 9 What God hath cleansed., call not thou a COMMON death — Death, did mdveth. Num.iK 29 If these men die the common death ot COMMON things, to eat as — To make common, '?'pn chalal, 3. Jer. 31. sThoushalt .eat (them) as common things COMMONLY — Wholly, fully, '6\q)S holos. I Co. 5. I It is reported commonly (that fnere is) COMMONLY reported, to be — To ruviour throughout, Siacprini^ai diaphemiz/i Matt.28. 15 this saying is commonly reported among COMMONWEALTH — Polity, community, Tro\iTeia polileia. Eph. 2. 13 being aliens from the commonwealth ot COMMOTION — \. Shaking, trembling, wyn raash. Jer. 10. 22 a great commotion out of the north 2. Instability, unsettled state of things, hKaraffraala. Luke 21. 9 when ye shall hear of wars and commo COMMUNE, to — 1. To say, lOij amar. Psa. 4. 4 commune with yotir own heart upon your 2. To speak, •q'^ dabar. Zech. 1. 14 the angel that communed with me said 3. To speak, nj'j dabar, 3. Gen. i8. 33 as soon as he had left communing with A 23. 8 he communed with them, saying. If it 34. 6 Hainor. .went out unto Jacob to com. 34. 8 Hamor communed with them, saying 34. 20 communed with the men of their city 42. 24 returned to them again, and communed 43. 19 they communed with him at the doorot Exodas. 22 I will commune with thee from above 31. 18 when he had made an endof communinj Judg. 9. I Abimelech. went.. and communed with • I Sa". g. 25 (Samuel) communed with Saul upon the 18. 22 Commune with David secretly, and say 19. 3 and I will commune with my father of 25. 39 David sent and communed with Abigail T 3 wlven she was come to Solomon, she com 1 Ki.23. 14 she dwelt in Jerusalem .. and they com 3 Ch 9. 1 when she was come to Solomon , she com. Eccl, I. 16 I communed with mine own heart, saying Dan. I. 19 the king communed with them ; and i. To count, rehearse, 150 saphar, 3 Psa. 64. 5 they commune of laying snares privily 5.7*0 meditate, talk, n'v siach. Psa. 77. 6 I commune with mine own heart , and 6. To talk thoroughly or diversely, SmAa\e'iu dial. Luke 6 IT communed one with another what they COMMUNE 193 COMPARISON I l.A loord, ■i;j'i dabar. Job 4. a (If) we assay to comimme mth thee COlOnmE (together) or -with, to — l.Ti) he in a crowd tof/ethcr, o^iAeu homilco. Luke 24. 15 uliilc [liey communed (togciher) and Acis 24. 26 he sent lor liim.aud communed with 2. To talk togciher, wWaXiia xullaUo. Luke 22. < ho went his way, aud communed with coHsnn'ncATE, to — 1. To place up again, avarlBeixai analithemai. Gal. 2. 2 And I.. communicated unto them that 2. To inake or use as commmi, Koivavita koinOned. Gal. 6. 6 Let him that is taught in the word com. Phil. 4. IS no church communicated with me as Z.The act of using a thing as common, koivoiAo. Heb. 13. 16 to do good and to communicate foreet COMUnnnCATE, -wiUing to — Inclined to use things in common, KotvoiifiKS^ koin. 1 Ti. 6. 18 that they be. .willing to communicate COMMTnnCATE with, to — To use as common along with others, (rvyKotvwvea. Phil. 4. 14 that ye did communicate with myafflic COMMUNICATION — l.A word, l^i dabar. 2 Sa. 3. 17 Abner had communication with the ^.Meditation, talking, n'ij' siach. 3 Kj. 9. II Ye know the man, and his communication 2. Act 0/ using a thing as common, Koivavia. Phra. 6 That the communication of thy faith A. A word, \6yos. Matt, s- 37 let your communication be, Yea, ySa Luke 24. 17 AVliat manner of communications (are) Eph. 4. 29 Let no corrupt communication proceed 5.A being crowded together, dfiiXia homilia. I Co. 15. 33 Be not deceived : evil commxuiicationa COHMTJNION — Act of using a thing in common, kqivuvIo. kornonia. 1 Co. 10. 16 is it not the communion of the blood of 10. 16 is it not the communion of the body of 2 Co. 6. 14 whatcommunionhathlightwithdarknes. 13. 14 the love of God, and the communion of COMPACT, to be — To be joined, "ijn chabar, 4. Psa. 122. 3 Jerusalem is hmlded as a city that UfXJM. COMPACTED, to be — To raise up together, cru/tjSiySo^o sumbibazo. Eph. 4. 16 From whom the whole body fitly, .comp. COMPANIES, by — A drinking together, "party, avfx.-x&aiov sumposion. Mark 6. 39 sit down by companies upon the green COMPANION — l.Companion, inn chdber. Psa. 119. 63 I (am) a companion of all (them) that Prov.28. 24 the same (is) the companion of a destroy Song I. 7 turneth aside by the flocks of thy com. 8. 13 the companions hearken to thy voice Isa. I. 23 Thy princes (are) rebellious, and com. Eze. 37. 16 for the children of Israel his companions 37. 16 (for) all the house of Israel his compan. 2. Companion, lart chabbar. Job 41. 6 Shall thy companioiis make a banquet S.Companion, ipn chabar. Dan. 2. 17 Mishael, and Azariah, his companions 4. Companion (female), iri^n chaberelh. Mat 2. 14 yet (is) she thy companion, and the wife 5./1 n. intimate, nja kenath. „ Ezra 4. 7 Tabeel, and the rest of their companions 4. 9 and the rest of their companions 4. 17 (to) the rest of their companions that 4, 23 Shimshai the scribe, and their corcpaa, 5. 3 Shethar-boznai, and their companions 5. 6 his companions the Apharsachites, which 6. 6 your companions the Apharsachites 6. 13 their companions, according to that 6./4 friend, yiD merea. Judgi4. II they brought thirty companions to be 14. 20 Samson's wife was (given) to his compan. 15. 2 therefore I gave her to thy companion 15. 6 because he had., given her to his compan. T. A friend, Si rea. Exod.32 27 every man his companion, and every 1 Ch.27. 33 Hushai the Archite (was) the king's com. Job 30. 29 I am a brother to dragons, and a compa. 35. 4 I will answer thee, and thy companions Psa. 122. SJFor my brethren and my companions' ^.To feed, enjoy, hf^ve delight, nyj raah. Prov.13. 20 a companion of fools shall be destroyed 28. 7 he that is ^ companion of riotous (men) 9. .4 friend, nyi reah. Judg.ii. 38 she, went with her companions, and Psa. 45. 14 her companions that follow her shall be 10. One who has something in common, KotvcevSs- Heb. tok 33 wbilet ye became oompamooB of them ll.A joint companion, tTvyKoiva)i>6s suijkoinimos. Rev. I. 9 who also am your brother, and [compan.] COMPANION in labour — Fellow worker, avvcpySs sunergos. PhiL 2. 25 companion in labour, and fellow soldier COMPANION in travel — Out from one's people viith others, a-vveicSrifios. Acts 19. 29 having caught. .Paul's companions in tra. COMPANY — l.To travel, be a wanderer, wayfarer,rnv: arach. Gen. 37. 25 a company of Ishmeelites came from G. 2. Daughter, ng bath. Eze. 27. 6 the company of the Ashiuites have made 3.A troop, nnj gedud. 1 Sa. 30. 15 Canst thon bring me down to this com. ? 30. 15 I will bring thee down to this company 30. 23 the Lord, .delivered the company that 2 Ki. 5. 2 the Syrians had gone out by companies 4. A going, way, company, ^'^'hvt halikak. Job 6. 19 the companies of Sheba waited for them b.A midlitude, jiDn hamon. 2 Ch.20. 12 this great company that comcth against 6.A cord, company, 72n chebel. 1 Sa. 10. 5 thou Shalt meet a company of prophets 10. 10 behold, a company of prophets met him l.A company, "an clicber. Hos. 6. 9 the company of priests murder in the 8. A company, n-ian chehrah. Job. 3«. 8 Which goeth in company with the work. 9. What is alive, living, active, n;n dhayyah. Psa, 68. 30 Rebuke the company of spearmen, the IQ. Strength, force, i'n chayil. 2 Ch. 9. I a very great company, and camels that 11. yl congregation, what is called together, ri^irh. I Sa. 19. 20 when they saw the company of the prop. 12. .ri chorus, dance, nVinp mecholak. Song 6. 13 As it were' the company of two armies 13. .(4 course, division, porticm, r^ipuo machaloqelh. 1 Ch.28. I the captains of the companies that 14. A camp, n:oP machaneh. Gen. 32. 8 If Esau come to the one company, and 32. 8 then the other company which is left 32. 21 himself lodged that night in the company 50. 9 horsemen : and it was a very great com. 2 Ki. 5. 15 he and all his company . .came and stood s Ch. 9. j8 they (were) porters in the companies of 15. A company met by appointment, .Tiy edah. Numi4. 7 they spake unto aU the company of the 16. s spake unto Korah, and unto all his com. 16. 6 Take you censers, Korah, and all his c. 16. II For which cause (both) thou and. .thy c. 16. 16 Be thou and all thy company before the 16. 40 be not as Korah, and as his company 26. 9 against Aaron in the company of Korah 26. 10 with Korah, when that company died 27. 3 he was not in the company of them that 27. 3 against the Lord in the company of Ko. Job 16. 7 tnou hast made desolate all my company Psa.io6. 17 and covered the company of Abiram 106. i3 And a fire was kindled in their company IQ.A host, «2y isaba. Psa. 68. II great (was) the company of those that 17. WTiat is pressed or gathered together, pap qibb. Isa. 57. 13 When thou criest, let thy companies 18. A congregation, what is called together, hri^. Gen. 35. II a company of nations, shall be of thee Num22. 4 Now shall this company lick up all (that) Jer. 31. 8 a great company shall return thither Eze. 16. 40 They shall also bring up a company aga. 17. 17 with (his) mighty army and great com. 23. 46 I will bring up a company upon them 23. 47 the company shall stone them with stones a6. 7 with horsemen, and companies, and 27. 27 all thy company which (is) in the midst 27. 34 aU thy company in the midst of thee 32. 3 spread out my net over thee with a com. 32. 22 Asshur(is) there, and all her company 32. 23 her company is round about her grave 38. 4 a great company (with) bucklers and sh. 38. 7 all thy company that are assemtled unto 38. 13 hast thou gathered thy company to take 38. 15 a great company, and a mighty army 19..^ head, detachment, pki rosh. Judg. 7. 16 he divided the. .men (into) three com. 7. 20 the three companies blew the trumpets 9. 34 laid wait against Shechem in. .companies c). 37 another company come along by the pL 9. 43 divided them into three companies, and 9. 44 the company that (was) with him, rushed g. 44 the two (other) companies ran upon all ■ Sa. t'l. II Saul put the people in three companies 13. 17 the spoilers came out. .in three compan. 13. 17 one company turned unto the way (that 13. 18 another company turned the way (to) B. 13. 18 another company turned (to) the way of 20.A tumultuous crowd, vp, regejsh. Psa. ss- '4 walked unto the house of God in com. 21. Abundance, multitude, r\)^tv shiphah. 2 Ki. 9. 17 spied the company., and Baid,I see a com. 22. yl crowding together, a throng, H/iiXos homilos. Eev. 18. 17 [every ship master, and all the company] 23. A crowd, iiyXor ochlos. Luke 5. 29 there was a great company of pnbliqans 6. 17 he came down with, the company of his 9. 33 a man of the company cried out, s-iying 11. 37 a certain woman of the company lifted 12. 13 one of the company said unto him, Mas. John 6. 5 Jesus . . saw a great company come unto Acts 6. 7 a great company of the priests were obed. 24.Fulness, trXriBos pUthos. Luke23. 27 there followed him a great company of 25. A joumeyir.g together, auvoila sunodia. Luke 2. 44 supposing him to have been in the com. COMPANY, an innmnerable — A myriad, ten thousand, fivpiii murias. Ileb. 12. 23 and to an innumerable company of aogeli COMPANY, travellijig — To travel, be a wanderer, rnx arach. Isa. 21. 13 ye travelling companies of Sedaniia COMPANY, to gather a — To 7naks a crowd, uYKo-rrotiu ochlopoiev. Act3i7. s gathered a company, and set all the dty COMPANY, in a — A company reclining at meals, K\ia(a klisia. Luke 9. 14 Make them sit down by flftiea In a com. COMPANY, one's own — One's ovm, "Cows idios. Acts 4. 23 they went to their own company, and COMPANY, our — Out of us, i\ i)fj.C:v ex hhru/n,. Luke24. 22 certain women also of our compan; mad* COMPANY, Paul and his — Those around Paul, 01 ircpl rbv UavKhf. Actsi3. 13 when Paul and his company loosed from COMPANY, we that were of Paul's — T/iose around Paul, ot X€pl rhu XlavKhv. ActS2i. 8 [we that were of Paul's company departed) COMPANY, to come with such a — To be called together, pyi zaag, 2. Judg. 18. 23 that thou comest with such a compasy ? COMPANY with, to keep — 1. To feed, enjoy, liave delight, n;;-; raah. Prov.2g. 3 buthethatkeepethcompanywithharlots 2. To glue or cement together, KoWau kollaH. Actsio. 28 for a man that is a Jew to keep company w 3. To mix up together, o'vycwa/jLlyvuiit sunanamign I Co. 5. II I have written, not to keep company w COMPANY with, to (have) — l.To mix up together, myavaiiiyyvij.i .tuiiatiamignu. 1 Co. 5. 9 1 wrote.. not to conipany with fornicators 2 Th. 3. i4note that man, and have no company v.'ith 2. To come or go with, avvipxoinai. ssunerclimnai. Acts I. 21 these men which have companied with r.s COMPABAELE — To be weighed, kSj sala, 4. Lam. 4. 2 precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine COMPARE, to — l.To be like, .lo-j damah, 3. Song I. 9 X have compared thee, my love, to a 2. To compart, used proverb, S»o 'inashal, 5. Isa 46. 5 'To whom will ye .compare me, that we 3. To set in array, compare, Tl'J, arak. Isa, 40. 18 or what likeness will ye compare unto 4. To cast alongside, irapa/SoA.Acu paraiallo. Mark 4. 30 with what comparison shall we [comp 1 COMPARE among or with, to — To judge or sift together, avyKplvu sugkrind. I Co. 2. 13 comparing spiritual things with spiritual 3 Co. 10. 12 compare ourselres with some that com 10. 12 comparing themselvesamong themselves COMPARED, to be — 1. To set in array, compare, %-iJl arak. Psa. 8g. 6 who in the heaven can be compared unto 2. To equal, niy shavah. Prov. 3. 15 all the things, .are not to be compared 8. II all the things, .are not to be compared COBTPARISON — A placing alongside, parable, irapaPoXi) parabole. Mark 4. 30 with what comparison shall we compara COMPARISON of, in — As, even as, 3, iD3 ke, kemo. Judg. 8. 2 What have I done now in comparison of 8. 3 what was I able to do In comparison of Eac. 2. 3 inycftireyesiDcompar. oiit as Dothingt 23 COMPASS 194 CONCEAL COMPASS — I. A circle, sphere, 3in chiff. I'rov. 8. =7 set a compass upon the face of the depth 2.Compass, circuit, margin, asi? karkdb. Exod27. s thou slialt put it under the compass of 38. 4 brazen grate of network under the com. 8./4 circuit, circle, compass, njino mechugah. Isa. 44. 13 he marketh It out with the compass, and A.'iVhat is round about, 3'5D sabib. 1 Ki. 7 35 a round compass of half a cuhit high COMPASS, to — \.Tn encompass, f]?!; aphaph. 2 Sa. 22. 5 When the waves of death compassed mn Psa. 18 4 The sorrows of death compassed me, and 40. 12 innumerable evils have compassed me 116. 3 The sorrows of death compassed me, and •Ton. 2. 5 The waters compassed raeabout,^even) to 2. T>i surround, .tit zarah. Psa 139. 3 Thou'compassest my path and hiy lying Z.Tt) encircle, J5n chug. .?i)b 26. 10 He hath compassed the waters with 4. To go round, compass, 1p3 naqaph, 5. 1 Ki. 7. 24 roimd aljout (there were) knops compa.'i. 7. 24 ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round 3 Ki. II. 8 ye shall compass the king round about J Ch. 4, 3 ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round 23. 7 the Levitessliall compass the king roimd .IoI> 19. 6 Ood. .hath compassed me with his net Lam 3. 5 lie hath.. compassed (me) with gall and 5. To he or g/i round about, 330 sabab. Cen. 2. II which compasseth the whole land of Hav, 2. 13 the same (is) it that compasseth the N'uin 21. 4 journeyed from mount Hor. .to compass l>cut. 2. I and we compassed mount Seir many days 2 3 Ye have compassed this mountain long .Iiisli. 6. 3 ye shall compass the city, all (ye) men of 6. 4 the seventh day ye shall compass the city 6. 7 said uuto the people, Pass on, and com. fi. 14 the second day they compassed the city 6. 15 compassed, .city after the same manner 6 15 tliat day they compassed the city seven Judgri. 18 tliey went along, .and compassed the t6. 2 tliey compassed (him) in, and laid wait t Ki. 7. 15 a Hue of twelve cubits did compass 7 23 a line of thirty cubits did compass it 7. 24 under the brim.. (there were) knops com. 2 Ki. 6. 15 an host compassed the city both with 8. 2r smote the Edomites which compassed a Ch. 4. 2 a line of thirty cubits did compass it 4. 3 which did compass it round about ; ten 18. 31 tliey compassed abont him to fight 21. 9 smote the Edomites which compassed 33. 14 compassed about Ophel, and raised it up Psa. 17. II They have now compassed us in our steps 22. 12 Jinny bulls have compassed me : strong 22. i5 dogs have compassed me : the assembly 109. 3 They compassed me about also with Jer. 52. 21 a fillet of twelve cubits did compass it G.To be or go round about, 230 sabab, 2. Jo3h.i5. 10 the border compassed from Baalah west 18. 14 the border was drawn (thence'), and com. 19. 14 the border compasseth it on the north 7. To go rowid about, 339 sabab, Za. Psa. 26. 6 So will I compass thine altar, O XORD Jer. 31. 22 a new thing.. A woman shall compass a 8. 7'r) go round about, 339 sabab, 5- Josh. 6 II So the ark of the Lord compassed the c. 9. To compass,^aV, alar. 1 Sa. 23. 26 Saul and his men compassed David and Psa. 5. 12 with favour wilt thou compass him as lO.To compass, encircle, kvk\6 peiiho. Phil. 1. 14 many of the brethren, waxing confident CONFIRM, to — l.To harden, you amats, 3. Isa. 35. 3 Strengthen . . and confirm the feeble knees 2.70 strengthen, 133 gabar, 5. Dan. 9. 27 he shall.confirm the covenant with many 3. To keep hold on, piri chazaq, 5. 2 Ki. 15. 19 his hand might be with him to confirm Dan. II. I I, stood to confirm and to strengthen lUm 4. To establish, make ready, ps kun, Sa. 2 Sa. 7. 24 thou hast confirmed to thyself thy peopla Psa. 68. g whereby thou didst confirm thine inher 5. To establish, pa kun, 5. I Ch. 14. 2 that the Lord had comflrmed him king 6. To fill up or out, Kbo male, S. I ki. I. 14 I also will come in. .and confirm thy. 7. To cause to stand, set up, settle, nnjj amad, 5. I Ch. 16. 17 hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a Psa. 105. 10 confirmed the same imto Jacob for a lawr 8. To establish, confirm. Dip qum, 3. Ruth 4. 7 concerning changing, for to confirm all Esth. 9. 29 to confirm this second letter of Purira 9. 31 To confirm these days of Purim in their 9. 32 the decree of Esther confirmed these Eze. 13. 6 to hope that they v/ould confirm the word 9. To establish, confirm. Dip qum, 5. !Num3o. 14 he confirmeth them, because he held hia Deut 27. 26 Cursed (be) he that confirmeth not (all) Isa 44. 26 That confirmeth the word of his servant Dan. 9. 12 he hath confirmed his words, which he 10. 7*0 make firm, strong or sure, PfffaiSoi bebaioo, Marki6. 20 [confirming the word with signs follow.) Kom 15. 8 to confirm the promises (made) unto the CONFIRM 197 CONGREGATION 1 Co. I. 6 as the testimony of Christ was conllrmed I 3 Who shall also confinii you uuto the cud Hcb. 2. 3 was couflrmed unto us by them that 11. 2*0 confirm fully, iiriaT-npiCu) epislerizo. Acts 14. 22 Confirming the sou Is of the disciples, (and) 15. 32 exhorted the hretlucn . and confirmed 15. 41 he went through Syria, .confirming the I.2.T0 give power or validity, uvpoo) kuroo. ■2 Co. 2. 8 that ye v/ould confirm (your) love toward Gal. 3. 15 (if it be) confirmed, no man disaunuUeth 13. To be or act as a mediator, ixeffirevio mcsiieuo. Heb. 6. 17 Wherein God. .confirmed (it) by an oath CONJETRM before, to — To give power or validity beforehand, irpoKvpSia. Gal. 3. 17 that was confirmed before of UodiuCliriat CONFIRMATION — Steadfast or firm establishment, ffc^alaiffts bebaivsis. Phil. I. 7 in the defence and confirmation of the Heb. 6. 16 an oath for confirmation (is) to them an CONFIUMED, to be — JTo be strong, held fast, pin chazaJc. 2 Ki.14. 5 as soon as the kingdom was confirmed In CONFISCATION — Ji'ine, oppression, C'jy, anash. Ezra 7. 26 to banishment, or to confiscation of goods CONFLICT — Contest, struggle, dyuv agon. rhiL I. 30 Uaving the same conflict which ye saw Col. 2. I I would that ye knew what great conflict CONFORMABLE unto, to make — To make of the same form, (rviJ.fji.op, v/y, yabash, 5. Jer. 10. 14 every founder is confounded by the grav. 46. 24 The daughter of Egypt shall be eoufoun. 48. I Kiriathaim is confounded (and) taken 48 3 Misgab is confounded and dismayed 48 20 lloab is confounded ; for it is broken 50. 2 Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken so. 2 her idols are confounded, her images are 51. 17 every founder is confounded by the gra., s the riders on horses shall be confounded 4.2'o be put to shame, blush, chs kalam, 2. Psa; 69. 6 let not those that se«k thee be confoun. Isa. 41. II all they, .shall be ashamed and confoun. 45. 16 They shall be ashamed, and also confou. 45. 17 ye shall not be ash.imed nor confounded 50. 7 therefore shall I not be confounded S4. 4 not be ashamed : neither be thou confo. Jer 22. 22 tlien shalt thou be ashamed and confou. 31. 19 I was aslianicil, yea, even confounded Eze. 16. 54 and mayest be confounded in all that 36. 32 be asliamed and confounded for your 5. To be made or caused to blush, chs kalam, 6. Jer. 14. 3 tliey were ashamed and confounded, and CONFUSE, to — To pour out together, confuse, avyx^'^o sui}chuno. Acts 19. 32 for the assembly was confused ; and the CONFUSED noise — Shaking, trembling, cJjn raash. Isa. 9. 5 For every battle (is) with confused noise CONFUSION ; — l.Skame, paleness, rz'a bnsheth. I Sa. 20. 30 thou hast chosen., to thine own confusion 20. 30 and uuto the confusion of thy mother's Ezra 9V 7 to a spoil, aud to confusion of face, as (It Psa. 109. 29 cover themselves with their own confus Jer. 7. 19 not (provoke) tliumselves to the confusion Dan. 9. 7 unto us confusion of faces, as at this day 9. 8 Lord, to us (bclongcth) confusion of 2. Shame, blushing, noSg kclimmah. Psa. 44. IS My confusion (is) continually before me Isa. 30. 3 trust in the sh.adow. .(your) confusion 45. 16 they shall go to confusion together (that) 61. 7 (for) confusion they shall rejoice in tlieir Jer. 3. 25 We lie down in our shame, and our conf. 20. II (their) everlasting confusion shall never 2. Lightness, contempt, I'lS"! qalon. Job 10. 15 (I am) full of confusion; therefore see i.Confusion, '^nn tebel. Lev. 18. 23 neither., stand before a beast., it (is) conf 20. 12 they have wrought confusion ; their blood 5. Emptiness, wastencss, vnh tohu. Isa. 24. 10 Tlie city of confusion is broken down 34. II stretch out upon it the line of confusion 41. 29 their molten images (arc) wind and conf 6. Instability, aKaraiXTacria akatcLstasia. I Co. 14. 33 Cod is not (the author) of confusion, but Jas. 3. 16 there (is) confusion and every evil work 7. Confusion, a pouri^ig out together, cvyxvcris. Acts iq. 29 the whole city was filled with confusioii CONFUSION, to be brought to — To be ashaincd, become red, ngn chapher. Psa. 35. 4, 26 Let them be brought to confusion CONFUSION, to be put to— 1. To be ashamed, p>ale, iyi3 huth. Psa. 71. I let me never be put to confusion 2.T0 be made to blush, d"?! kalam, 2. Psa. 70. 3 Let tliem be put to confusion, that dcs CONGEALED, to be — To be congealed, hardened. KCi5 gapha. Exodis- 8 the depths were cougealed in tl)o heart CONGRATULATE, to — To declare blessed, ^"ia barak, 3. I Ch.18. 10 enquire of liis vyelfare, and to congratu- CONGREGATION — l.One dumb or bound, Djx elem. Psa. 58. I Do ye. .speak righteousness, congrega. 2.0ne living, or alive, 'n char. Psa. 68. 10 Thy congregation hath dwelt therein 74. 19 forget not the congregation of thy poor Z.A meeting place ; the meeting itself , lyiD moed. Exod27. 21 the tabernacle of the congregation So in 28. 43 ; 29. 4, 10, 11, 30, 32, 42, 44 ; 30. 16, 18, 20. 26, 36 ; 31. 7 ; 33. 7. 7 ; 35- 21 i 38. 8, 30 ; 39. 32, 40 ; 40. 12 ; Lev. I. I, 3, 3 ; 3. 2, 8, 13 ; 4. 4. 5- 7. 7. M. ifi. 18, 18 . 6. 16, 26, 30 ; 8. 3, 4. 3'. 33. 35 ; 9- 5. 23 ; lo- 7, 9 : 12- « . 14. II, 23 ; 15. 14, 29 ; 16. 7, 16, 17 ; 17- 4> 5. 0. 9 ; 19- 2' . 24. 3 ; Num. i. i; 2. 2, 17 ; 3. 7. 8, 25, 25, 38 ; 4. 3, 4, 15, 23, 25, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 33, 37. 39. 41. 43. 47 ! 6. 10, 13, 18 ; 7- 5. 89 ; 8. 9, IS, 19, 22, 24, 26 ; 10. 3 ; II. i6 ; 12. 4 , 16. 18, 19, 42, 43, 50 ; 17. 4 ; 18. 4, 6, 21, 22, 23, 31 ; 19. 4; 20. 6 ; 25. 6 ; 27. 2 ; 31. 5 ; Deut. 31. 14, 14 ; Josh. i3. 1 . 19. SI ; I Sa. 2. 22 ; I Ki. 8. 4 ; i Ch. 6. 32 ; 9. 21 ; 23. 33 , 2 Ch. I. 3, 6, 13 ; 5. 5. , ^^ ,. Exod4o. 2 the tent of the congregation [3o in verses d, 7, 22, 24, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36.] Numi4. 10 the congregation bade stone them with 16. 2 famous in the congregation, men of ren. Psa. 74. 4 roar in the midst of thy congregatious 75. 2 When 1 shall receive the congregation I Isa. 14. 13 also upon the mount of the congregation i.An appointed meeting, .Tij; edaJi. Exodi2. 3 Speak ye uuto all the congregation of Is. 12. 6 the whole assembly of the congregation 12. 19 shall be cut off from the congregation 12. 47 the congregation of Israel shall keep it 16. I the cbTigrcgation of the children of Israel 16. 2 the whole congregation of the children 16. 9 Say unto all the congregation of the chil. 16. 10 Aaron spake unto the whole congregation 16. 22 the rulers of the congregation came and 17. I all the congregation of '.he children of L 34. 31 the rulers of the congregation returned 35. I gathered all the congregation of the chil. 35. 4, 20 the congregation of the children of I. 38. 25 that were numbered of the congregation Lev 4 13 if the wliolc congregation of Israel sin 4. 15 the ciders of the i:oii;;rtgalioii sliall lay 8 3 gather lliMi all the cou^j igalinn together 8. s .Moses saiil unto the congrcguliun, ilils 9. s all the coiigrcgati'in drew near and stood ta 17 to bear the inliiuity of the congregation 16. 5 he shall take oi the congregation of the ■9. 2 Spenk unto all the cuiiKi'igation of the 24. 14 and let all the cnngrcgation stone him 24. 16 tlie congregation shall cortainly stone him Num I 2 Take ye the sum of all the coiiijri gallon 1. i5 These (v/ere) the renowued of the coogro. I 18 they assembled all the congregation log. 1 53 there be no wrath upon the congregation 3 7 and the charge of the whole congregation 4. 34 the chief of the congregation niimlnrcd 8. 20 the congregation of the children of Israel 13. 26 the congregation of thechildrenof Israel 14. I the congregation lifted up their voice 14 2 and the whole congregation said unto 14. 5 all the assembly of the congregation 14. lo all the congreg.iMon bade stone them 14. 27 (shall I bear with) this evil congregatloo ■ 4. 35 ao It unto all this evil congregation 14. 36 made all the congregation to murmur 15. 24 without the knowledge of the congrega. 15. 24 the congregation shall offer one young 15 25 an atonemeut for all the congTegation' 15. 2fi it shall be forgiven all the congregation 15. 33 brought him. .unto all the congregation 15. 35 the congregation shall stone him with 13. 36 the coiigngation brought him without 16, 3 all the congregation (are) holy, every ono 16. g hath separated you from the congregation 16. 9 to stand before the congregation to min. 16. 19 Korah gathered all the congregation i6. 21 Separate, .from among this congregation 16. 22 wilt thou be wroth with.. the congrega.? i6. 24 Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get' x6. 26 he spake uuto the congregation, saying 16. 41 the congregation of the children of Israel 16. 42 when the congregation was gathered ' 16. 45 Oct you up from among this congregation 16. 46 go quickly unto the congregation, and 19. 9 it shall be kept for the congregation of 20. I Then came . . the whole congregation, into 2o. 2 there was no water for the congregation 2o. 8 thou shalt give the congregation and 20 II the congregation drauk, and their beasts 20. 22 the whole congregation, jounieyed;from 20. 27 went up.. in the sight of allthe congrega. 2o. 29 all the congregation saw that Aaron 25. 6 in the sight of all the coi.gregation of Iha. 23. 7 rose up from among the congregation 26. 2 Take the sum of all the congregation of 26. 9 (which were) famous in the congrcgatioi^ 27. 2 before the princes and all the congrega. 27. 14 rebelled, .in the sliife of the congregalioii 27. 16 tlie LoKD. .set a man over the congrega. 27. 17 the congregation of the Lord be not 27 ig And lie set him. .before all the congrega. 27 20 all the congregation of the children, .may 27. 21 Israel with him, even all the congrega. 27. 22 and set him. .before all the congregation 31. 12 unto the congregation of the children ot 31. 13 all the princes of the congregation, went 31. 16 there was a plague among the congrega. 31 26 and the chief fathers of the congregation 31. 27 between them., and., all the congrcEation 31. 43 half (that pert.iined unto) the congrega. 32. 2 unto the piinces of the congregation 32. 4 tlie LonD smote before the congregation 35. 12 until he stand before the congregation 35. 24 the congregation shall judge between tho 35. 25 the congregation shall deliver the slayer 35. 25 the congregation shall restore him to Ul() Joah. 9. 15 the princes of the congregation 3«aro 9. 18 the princes of the congregation had 9. 18 the congregation murmured against the 9. 19 princes said unto all the congregation 9. 21 drawers of water unto all the congrega. 9. 27 and drawers of water for the congrega. 18. I the whole congregation, .assembled logo. so. 6 until he stand before the congregation fof 20. 9 until he stood before the congregation 22. 12 the whole congregation.. gathered them. 22. 16 Thus saith the whole congregation of the 22. 17 there a plagiie in the congregation 22. 18 will be wroth with the whole congrega. 22. 20 wrath tell on all the congregation of Isr. 22. 30 the princes of the congregation, and heads Judg.2o: I the congregation was gathered together 21. 10 the congregation sent thither twelve tho. 21. 13 the whole congregation sent (some) to 21. 16 Then the elders of the congregation said I KL 8. 5 king Solomon, and all tho congregation 12. 20 sent and called him unto the congrega. s Ch. 5. 6 king Solomon, and all the congregation Job 15. 34 the congregation of hypocrites (shall be) Psa. I. 5 nor sinners in the congregation of the 7. 7 So shall the congregation, .compass theo 74. -2 Remember thy congregation, (which) 82. I God standeth in the congregation of the -III. I in the assembly . .and (in) the congrega. Jer. 6. 18 hear, ye nations, and know, congrega. 30. 20 their congregation shall be established Hos. 7. 12 will chastise them, as their congregation h.An assembly called together, " qahal. Lev. 4. 14 then the congregation shall offer a young 4. 21 it (is) a sin offering for tlie congregation 16. 17 and for all the congregation of Israel COITGEEIGATIONS 198 CONSIDER Lev. r6. 33 lor all the people of the congregation Kuni 10. 7 when the congregation is to be gathered 15. 15 Oueordinance(shaUbe)..tor..thecongre. 16. 3 yourselves above the congregation oi the 16. 33 they perished from among the congrega. x6. 47 ran into the midst of the congregation 19. 20 shall be cut off from, .the congregation 20. 4 why have ye brought up the congregation 20. 10 Moses and Aaron gathered the congrega. 20. 12 ye shall not bring this congregation into Deut.23. I, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 not enter into the congrega. 31. 30 spake in the ears of all the congregation Josh. 8. 35 Joshua read not before all the congrega. Judg.2i. 5 that came not up with the congregation 1 Ki. 8. 14 tdessed all the congregation of Israel 6. 14 and all the congregation of Israel stood 8. 22 in the presence of all the congregation 8. 55 ho stood, and blessed all the congregation 8. 65 all Israel with him, a great congregation 12. 3 Jeroboam and all the congregation of Is. X Ch. 13. 2 David said unto all the congregation of 13. 4'all the congregation said that they would 28. 8 the sight of all Israel the congregation 29. I the king said unto all the congregation 29. 10 blessed the Lord before all the congrega. .29. 20 And David said to all the congregation . 29. 2o the congregation blessed the Lord God 2 Ch. I. 3 So Solomon, and all the congregation I. 5 Solomon and the congregation sought 6. 3 blessed the whole congregation of Israel [6. 3 and all the congregation of Israel stood .6. 12 in the presence of all the congregation 6. 13 kneeled down . .before all the congrega. .7. 8 Israel v/ith him, a very great congrega. so. 5 Jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of 20. 14 Spirit of the Lord in the. .congregation 23. 3 all the congregation made a covenant " 24. 6 servant of.. the congregation of Israel 28. 14 before the princes and all the congrega. 29. 23 before the king and the congregation 29. 28 all the congregation worshipped, and the 29. 31 the congregation brought in sacrifices 29. 32 offerings, which the congregation brought 30. 2 all the congregation in Jerusalem, to keep -30. 4 the thing pleased, .all the congregation 30. 13 there assembled, .a very great congrega. 30. 17 For (there were) many in the congregation 30. 24 Hezekiah. .did give to the congregation 30. 24 the princes gave to the congregation 30. 25 all the congregation of Judah, with the 30. 25 all the congregation that came out of Is. 31. 18 their daughters, through all the congre. Ezra 2. 64 The whole congregation together (was) 10. 1 assembled unto him . . a very great congre. 10. 8 and himself separated from the congre. JO. 12 all the congregation answered and said 10. 14 Let now our rulers of all the congregation Keh. 5. 13 all the cdngregation said, Amen, and 7. 66 TJie whole congregation together (was) 8. 2 Ezra . , brought the law before the congre. 8. 17 And all the congregation, .made booths 13. t Jloabite should not corae into the congre. Job 30. 28 I stood up, (and) I cried in the congrega. Psa. 22. 22 in the midst of the congregation will I 22. 25 My praise, .of thee in the great congrega. 26. 5 I have hated the congregation of evil 35. 18 I will give thee thanks in the great con. 40. 9 preached righteousness in the great con. 40. 10 thy truth from the great congregation • 89. 5 thy faithfulness also in the congregation 107. 32 Lot them exalt him also in the congrega. 149. I his praise in, the congregation of saints Prov. 5. 14 in all evil in the midst of the congrega. . 21. 16 shall remain in the congregation of the 26. 26 shall be showed before the (whole) con. Lam. I. 10 tliey should npt enter into thy congrega. Joel 2. 16 Gataer the people, sanctify the congregia.. Jlic. s. 5 cast a cord by lot \n the congregation 6. An assembly called togetlier, 'i^'7i7 qchillah. Deut33. 4 the inheritance of the congregation of J. T.An assembly led together, trwaywyi) sunagoge. Acts 13. 43 when the congregatioa was broken up COKGEEGATIONS — \. Assemblies called together, nibnjpa maqheloth. Psa. 63. 26 Bless ye God in the congregations, (even) 2. Assemblies called together, C'hnpo maqhelim. Psa. 26. 12 in the congregations will I bless the LOED COH'-IAH, in;w Jah is creating. A name given to Johoiachin, king of Judah, who was carried captive by Nebuchadnezzar. B.C. 599. Jer. 22. 24 C. the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah 22. 28 (Is) this man C. a despised broken idol ? 37. I Josiah reigned instead of C. the son of J. CO-KON'-IAH, ''"ij^Ji Jah is creating. A Levite overseer in the days of Hezekiah, B.C. 726. 2 Ch. 31. 12 over which C. the Levite (was) ruler, and 31. Z3 Hahatii. .Benaiab. .under tns hand of C. COHaUEE, to — To hrive the victorij, viKdca nihan. Kev. 6. 2 he went forth conquering, and to conquer COlTaTTEROE, to be more than — To have m,ore than victory, vTrtpuiKdia huperniJcao. Kom. 8. 37 ill alt these . , wo are more tiuut conquerors CONSCIENCE — A knoioing with oneself, (rvveiSri(ns smieidesis. John 8. 9 being convicted by (their own) conscience Acts 23. I I have lived in all good conscience before 24. 16 have always a conscience void of offence Kom. 2. 15 their conscience also bearing witness, and g. I my conscience also bearing me witness in 13. 5 not only for wrath, but also for conscience' 1 Co. 8. 7 for some with conscience of the idol unto 8. 7 their conscience being weak is defiled 8. 10 shall not the conscience of him which is 8. 12 when ye. .wound their weak conscience lo. 25, 27 asking no question for conscience' sake 10. 28 not for his sake . . and for conscience' sake to. 29 Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of 2 Co. 1. 12 is this, the testimony of our conscience 4. 2 commendingourselves to every. .conscL 5, II also are made manifest in your consciences 'l.Tl. X. 5 a good couscience, and (of) faith unfeig. .1. 19 Holding faith, and a good conscience 3. 9 mystery of the faith in a pure conscience 4. 2 having their conscience seared with a hot 2 Ti. I. .3 God, whom I serve . .with pure conscience Titus 1. 15 even their mind and conscience is defiled Heb. 9. 9 perfect, as pertaining to the conscience 9. 14 purge your conscience from dead works jo. 2 should have had no more conscience of 10. 22 hearts sprinkled from an evO conscience ■13. i3 we trust we have a good conscience,in all 1 Ve. 2. 19 if amanfor conscience towardGod endure 3. 16 Having a good conscience ; that, whereas 3. 21 the answer of a good conscience toward COKSECRATE, to — 1. To devote, tnn cJiai-am, 5'. Mic. 4. 13 I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord 2. To separate, "itj nazar, 5. Num. 6. 12 he shall consecrate unto the Lord the days 3. To set apart, wij) qadesh, 3. Exod28. 3 make Aaron's garments to consecrate him 30. 30 anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate 4. To fill the hand, i; N^a mala, yad, 3. Exod28. 41 shalt anoint them, and consecrate them 29. 9 thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons 29. 29 to be anointed therein, and to be consec. 29. 33 made to consecrate (and) to sanctify them 29. 35 seven days shalt thou consecrate them 32. 29 Consecrate yourselves to-day to the Lord Lev. 8. 33 until the days of your consecration be at 8. 33 for seven days shall he consecrate you 16. 32 whom he shall consecrate to minister in 2x.. 10 and that is consecrated to put on the Num. 3. 3 whonj he consecrated to minister in the Judg 17. 5 consecrated one of his sons, who became 17. 12 And Micah consecrated the Levite ; and 1 Ki. 13. 33 whosoever would, he consecrated him 1 Ch. 29. 5 who (then) is willing to consecrate his 2 Ch. 13. 9 whosoever cometh to consecrate himself 29. 31 ye have consecrated yourselves unto the Eze. 43. 26 and they shall consecrate themselves 5.T0 dedicate, inake new, iyicaivi(a> epkainizo. Heb. iQ. 20 and living way, which he liath consecrated 6. To make perfect, TeXfiSai teleioo. Heb. 7. 28 the Son, who is consecrated for evermore CONSECRATED things — Thing set apart, B'^p qodesh. Josh. 6. 19 vessels of . .iron,(are) consecrated things 2 Ch. 29. 33 the consecrated things (v,'ere) six hundred CONSECRATED, to be — To be set apart, Tt^fP, qadesh, 4. 2 Ch. 26. 18 that are consecrated to burn incense '31. 6 of holy things which were consecrated Ezra 3. 5 feasts of the Lord that were consecrated CONSECiRATION— 1. Fillings in or up, D'xVp milluim. E3(od29. 22 for it (is) a ram of consecration 29. 26 breast of the ram of Aaron's consecration ig. 27 heaved up, of the ram of the consecration 29. 31 shalt take the ram of the consecration 29. 34 if ought of the flesh of the consecrations Lev. 7. 37 trespass offering, and of the consecrations 8. 22 brought the other ram, the ram of conse. 8. 28 they (were) consecrations for a sweet sav 8. 29 of the ram of consecration it was Sfoses 8.31 that (Ls) in the basket of consecrations 8. 33 until the days of your consecration be at 2. Separation, "iji nezer. Num. 6. 7 the consecration of his God (is) upon his 6. 9 hath defiled the head of his consecration CONSENT — l.Heart, aS leb. Psa. 83. s have consulted together with one consent 2. A man, ej'n ish. I Sa. II. 7 and they came out with one consent 3. Shoulder, D2i? shekem. Hos. 6. 9 priests murder in the way by consent Zeph. 3. 9 to serve him with one consent CONSENT, with— . ,. From united voice, t« (rviicovov ek sumphOnou. I Co. 7. 5 except (it be) with consent for a time CONSENT, to — ITo be willing, n^ij abah. Deut 13. 8 'I'hou slialt not consent unto him, nor 1 Ki. 20. 8 Hearken not (unto him),.nor consent Prov. I 10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent 2. To be inclined to, nix oth, 2. Gen. 34. 15 But in this will we consent unto you- 34. 22 herein will the men consent unto us for 34. 23 let us consent unto them, and they will 2 Ki. 12. 3 the priests consented to receive no (more) 3. To hearken, VW shama. Dan. 1. 14 he consented to them in this matter, and 4. To nod over {a thing), assent, i-mv€voj epineuo. Acts 1 8. 20 When they desired^. he consented not CONSENT to, to — X.To come toward, ■npacrepxojiai proserchomMi. I Ti. 6. 3 If any man.. consent not to wholesome 2.T0 put down {a vote) with, cruyKaTarlOrifit. Luke 23. SI The same had not consented to the cott. CONSENT unto, to — l.To say with, (Tvfi(prifj.t sumphimA. Bom. 7. 16 I consent unto the law that (it Is) good 2.T0 think well {of a thing) vjith, avvev^oKeai. Acts 8. I And Saul was consenting unto his death 22. 20 I. .was standing by. and consenting unto CONSENT with, to — To be pleased with, ny) ratsah. Psa. 50. i8 thou consentedst with him, and hast CONSIDER, to — l.To say, tl$t( amar. Hos. 7. 2 they consider not in their hearts (that) 2.T0 consider, understand, pa bin. Deut 32. 7 consider the years of many generations 32. 29 (that) they would consider their latter Psa. 5. 1 Lord ; consider my meditation so. 22 consider this, ye that forget God, lest T Prov 23. I consider diligently what (is) before tliee 24. 12 doth not he that ponderetli.. consider (it) 3.7*0 {cause to) consider, distinguish, J'3 bin, 5. Psa. 33. 15 He fashioneth their hearts, he consid. Isa. 57. I none considering that the righteous is Dan. 8. 5 as I was considering, behold, an he goat g. 23 understand the matter, and consider tho i.To consider {for oneself), distinguish, ['3 bin, 7a. 1 Ki. 3. 21 when I had considered it in the morning Job II. II will he not then consider (it)? 23. 15 when I consider, I am afraid of him 37. 14 and consider the wondrous works of Go(> Psa. 1 19. 95 (but) I will consider thy testimonies Isa. I. 3 doth not know, my people doth not con. 14. 16 They that see thee shall, .consider thee 43. 18 Remember ye not. .neither consider the 52. 15 they had not heard shall they consider Jer. 2. 10 send unto Kedar, and consider diligently 9. 17 Consider ye, and call for the mourning 23. 20 in the latter days ye shall consider it 30. 24 in the latter days ye shall consider it 5.7*0 devise, design, purpose. Dpi zamam. Prov.31. 16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it 6. 7*0 thinky devise, reckon, og'n chashab, 3. Psa. 77. 5 I have considered the days of old, tho 7. 7*0 know, VT, yada. Deut. 8. 5 Thou shalt also consider in thine heart Judg.i8. 14 now therefore consider what ye have to 2 Ki. 5. 7 wherefore consider, I pray you, and see Prov.28. 22 considereth not that poverty shall com^' 29. 7 The righteous considereth the cause of Eccl. 5. I for they consider not tliat they do evil 8. 7*0 look, regard, 1:31 nabat, 5. Psa. 13. 3 Consider (and) hear me, Lord my God Isa. 18. 4 I will consider in my dwelling place like Lam. I. II see, O Lord, and consider ; for I am bee. 3. 2o Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom 5. I LORD. .consider, and behold our repr. 9. 7*0 give, )m nathan. Eccl. 9. I all this I considered in my heart, even 10.7*0 cut up and divide, consider, Jps pasag, 3. Psa. 48. 13 Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her 11.7*0 see, behold, n\p, raah. Exod33. 13 consider that this nation (is) thy people Lev, 13. 13 the priest shall consider : and, behold I Sa. 12. 24 consider how great (things) he hath done 25. 17 know and consider what thou wilt do Psa. 8. 3 When I consider thy heavens, the work 9. 13 consider my trouble (which I suffer) of 25. 19 Consider mine enemies, for they axe many 31. 7 thou hast considered piy trouble; thou 45. 10 Hearken, daughter, and consider, and 1 19. IS3 Consider mine affliction, and deliver me' 119. 159 Consider how I love thy precepts Prov. 6. 6 Go. .consider her ways, and be wise Eccl. 4. I considered all the oppressions that are 4. 4 I considered all travail, and every right 4. IS I considered all the living which walk 7. 13 Consider the work of God: for who can 7. 14 but in the day of adversity consider Isa, s- 12 neither consider the operation of his Jer. 33. 24 Considerest thou not what this people CONSIDER 199 CONSUME I Eze. 12. 3 they will consider, though they (be) a i8. 14 seeth all his father's sioa . . and consider. iS. 28 Because he considereth, and turneth away I2.T0 place, put, set, Dib sum. Judg 19. 30 consider of it, take advice, and speak Job I. 8 Hast thou considered my servant Job 2. 3 Hast thou considered my servant Job Isa. 41. 20 That they may see, and know, and consi. 41. 22 we may consider them, and know the Hag. I. 5, 7thussaiththeLoRD..Consideryour 2. 15 I pray you, consider from this day and 2. 18 Consider now from this day and upwr.rd 2. i8 day that the foundation, .was laid, con. 1 3. To consider or Act vnsely, hi^ sakal, 5. Job 34. 27 they . . would not consider .iny of his ways Psa. 4t. I Blessed (is) he that considereth the poor 64. 9 they shall wisely consider of his doing Prov.21. 12 The righteous (man) wisely considereth 1 i.Tn consider wisely, V^'b' sckal, 2. Dan. 7. 8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there 15. To set, place, put, n'^ shith. Prov24. 32 I saw, (and) considered (it) well ; Hooked hearken, vpy shcuna. 1 Ki. 5. 8 I have considered the things which thou 17. To cause to turn hack, 3W shuh, 5. Deut. 4. 39 consider (it) in thine heart, that the Lord Isa. 44. 19 none considereth in his heart, neither 18. To view ihoroughhj, looking up to, avaOeapeu. Heb. 13. 7 considering the end of (their) uonversa. 19. To reckon up or thoroughly, avaXoyi^oiiai. Heb. 12. 3 consider him that endured such contra. 20. To reckon th.oroughly, StaXoyiCoaai dialogizomai. Johnii 50 consider that it is expedient for us, that 21. To see, eTSov eidon. Acts 13. 6 and elders came together for to consider 22.7'o view, look, Beaipiio ihcSreO. Heb. 7. 4 consider how great this man (was), unto 23. To learn thoroughly, KaTafiavQavukatamanihano. Matt 6. 28 Consider the lilies of the field, how they 24. To perceive thoroughly (tuith themind), Karavoioi. Matt 7. 3 but considerest not the beam that is in Lukei2. 24 Consider the ravens: for they neither sow 12. 27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they Acts II. 6 1 considered, and saw four footed be.asts Rom. 4. 19 he considered not his own body now dead Heb. 3. I consider the Apostle and High Priest of 10. 24 let us consider one another to provoke "25. To perceive {with the mind), voioi noeo. 2 Ti. 2. 7 Consider what I say; and the Lord give 26. To look, watch, fficovdu skopeo. Gal. 6. I considering thyself, lest thou also be 27. To see or perceive with {self), crvvelSov suneidon Acts 12. 12 when he had considered .. he came to the 28. To send or put together, is beauty to consume away CONSUME, to utterly — To be completed, finished, consumed, n^j kalah. Neh. Q. 31 thou didst not utterly consume them, nor CONSTTHED, be — To be completed, finished, consumed, n^3 kalah. Dan. 1 1. 16 which by his hand shall be consumed CONSUMED, to be — 1. To be eaten, consT-imed, 73N1 ahal, 2. Exod22. 6 If., the field, be consumed (therewith); he Mumi2. 12 uf whom the flesh is half consumed when I.To be eaten, consumed, 73!j akal, 4. E.\od. 3. 2 and the bush (was) not consumed Neh. 2. 3 the gates thereof are consumed with fire? 2. 13 the gates thereof were consumed with fire 3. To be extinguished, vanish, Tiyn daak, 2. Job 6. 17 they are consumed out of their place 4. To be completed, finished, consumed, 1175 kalah. Job 4. q by the breath of his nostrils are they con. 7. 9 (As) the cloud is consumed and vanisheth 19. 27 (thousb) my reins be consumed within me Psa. 39. 10 I am consumed by the blow of thine hand 71. 13 Let them be confounded and consumed 90. 7 we are consumed by thine anger, and by 102. 3 my days are consumed like smoke, and Prov. 5. II when thy flesh and thy body are con Isa. I. 28 they that forsake the Lobd shall be con. 29. 20 the scorner is consumed, and all that Jer. 16. 4 they shall be consumed by the sword 20. 18 that my days should be consumed with Eze. 5. 12 with famine shall they be consumed, in 13. 14 ye shall be consumed in the midst there. Mai. 3. 6 therefore ye sons of Jacob are not con. a. To be ended, consumed, I'D suph. Isa. 66. 17 abomination, and the mouse, shall be con. 6. 7*0 end, consume, HDD saphah. Jer. 12. 4 the beasts are consumed, and the birds 7. To be ended, cojisumed, noD saphah, 2. Gen. 19. 15 lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of 19. 17 escape to the mountain, lest thou be con. Ifumi6. 26 lest ye be consumed in all their sins 1 Sa. 12. 25 ye shall be consumed, both ye and you- 8, To be old, apii ashcsh. I'sa 6. 7 Mine eye is consumed because of grief 31. 9 mine eye is consumed with grief, (yea) 31. 10 strength faileth. .my bones are consumed 9. 7*0 be perfect, finished, consumed DCn tamam. Num 17. 13 shall we be consumed with dying? 32. 13 until all the generation was consumed Deut. 2. 15 to destroy them, .until they were consu 2. 16 when all the men of war were consumed Josh. 5. 6 men of war. .were consumed, because 8. 24 were all fallen, .until they were consumed 10. 20 slaying them. . till they were consumed 2 Ki. 7. 13 multitude of the Israelites that are con. Psa. 73. 19 they are utterly consumed with terrors Isa. 16. 4 the oppressors are consumed out of the Jor. 6. 29 The bellows are burnt, the lead is con. 24. 10 among them, until they be consumed 36. 23 until all the wall was consumed in the 44. 12 they shall all be consumed, (and) fall in 44. i3 have been consumed by the aword and by 44. 27 all the men of Judah. .shall be consumed Lam. 3. 22 the Lord's mercies that we are not con. .Eze. 24. II (that) the scum of it may be consumed 47. 12 neither shall the fruit thereof be con. lO.Tobe finished, consumed, Dpn tamam, 2. Num 14. 35 in this wilderness they shall be consumed Psa. 104. 35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the Jer. 14. 15 By sword, .shall those prophets be con. 44. 12 shall all be consumed, .(even) be con. CONSUMED with, to be — To be gathered, IPs; asaph, Eze. 34. 29 they shall be no more consumed with CONSUMMiTION — Completion, consumption, nSa kalah. Dan. g. 27 even until the consummation, and that CONSUMPTION — 1. Completion, consumption, nps kalah. Isa. 10. 23 the Lord God of hosts shall make a con, 28. 22 from the LORDGod of hosts a consumption 2. Completion, consumption, j'l'?? killayon. Isa. 10. 22 tho consumption decreed shall overflow 3. Consumption, wasting away, nsn?" shachepheth. Lev. 26. 16 I will even appoint over you terror, con. Deut 28. 22 shall smite thee with a consumption, and CONTAIN, to — l.To contain, '?13 kul, 3a. I K.i. 8. 27 the. .heaven of heavens cannot contain aCh. 2. 6 the. .heaven of heavens cannot contain 6. 18 the heaven of heavens cannot contain 2. To contain, Sis kul, 5. 1 Kl. 7. 26 with flowers of lilies : it contained two 7. 38 one laver contained forty baths : (and) Eze. 23. 32 thou shalt be . . had in derision ; it contain. 3. To bear, contain, N^a nasa. Eze. 45. II that the bath may contain the tenth part i.To have space for, x'^P^<^ choreo. John 2. 6 containing two or three firkins apiece CONTAIN, can — \.To have space for, ■x^aip4 arkeo. Luke 3. 14 and be content with your wages 1 Ti. 6. 8 having food and raiment let us be., cent. Heb. 13. s be content with such things as ye have 3 Jo. 10 prating against us . . and not content ther& i.Self sufficient, ain&pKris autarkes, Phil. 4. II in whatsoever state I am.. to b6 content 5.7*0 make sufficient, to satisfy, iroieca rh iKayhv. Markis. 15 Pilate, willing to content the people 6. To be good in the eyes of, 'ryg 3b; yatab beene. Lev. 10. 20 And when Moses heard (that), he was con. CONTENTION — 1. Strife, contention, ]'no madon. Prov.22. 10 Cast out the scorner, and contention Jer. 15. 10 a man of strife and a man of contention Hab. I. 3 are (that) raise up strife and contention 2.Debale, nyo matstsah. Prov 13. 10 Only by pride cometh contention: but 3. Contention, strife, pleading, cause, 3'"! rib. Prov 17. 14 leave off contention, before it be meddled 18. 6 A fool's lips enter into contention, and i.Contest, aydiv agon. I Th. 2. 2 to speak unto you. .with much contention b.Strife, contetition, wrangling, 4pi6ela eritheia. Phil. I. 16 The one preach Christ of contention, not 6. Strife, contention, wrangling, epis eris. I Co. I. II that there are contentions among you Tit. 3. 9 avoidfoolishquestions. and contentions 1 .Paroxysm, sharp dispute, irapo^ucrfi6sparoxusmx)s. Acts 15. 39 the contention was so sharp between CONTENTIONS — Strifes, contentions, D*j;"tp midyanim. Prov 18. 18 The lot causeth contentions to cease, and 18. 19 (their) contentions (are) like the bars of 19. 13 the contentions of a wife (are) a continual 23. 29 who hath aon-ow? who hath contentions? CONTENTIOUS — 1. Strife, contention, Ct^yo midyanim, Jiip m/idorw Proy.2i. 19 than with a contentious and an angry 26. 21 so (is) a contentious man to kindle strife 27. IS A continual dropping, .and a contentious 2.Loving strife, '°"'='''"''^^o"l'uuethuotin lieD. s 9 they contiuutd not in my covenant, and 2. T'l remain on, iiriuiuu epivienu. Acts 13. 43 persuaded them to continue in the grace ivom. 6. I shall we continue in sin, that grace may 11.22 toward thee, eooduess, if thou continue in '■ ^^ \. ,y<=/^^0"t'nri epistrophe.' Acts 15, 3 declaring the conversion of the Gentiles CONVERT, to — 1. To bring back, refresh, niB* shub, 5. Psa. 19. 7 The law of the Lord (is) perfect, convert. 2.7*0 turn about or upon, i-irt> ele^chd. John 8. 9 being convicted by (their own) conscience CONVINCE, to — l.To make manifest or prominent, na; yakach, 5. Job 32. 12 (there was) none of you that convinced J. 2. To con'idct, i\4yxa> ele§cha. John 8. 46 Which of you convinceth me of sin 7 I Co. 14. 24 he is convinced of all, he is judged of all Titus J. 9 to exhort and to convince the gainsayers Jas. 2. 9 are convinced of the law as transgressors S.T'o convict utterly, i^e\4yxoi exelegcho. Jude 15 to convince all that are ungodly among 4. 7*0 convict thoroughly, SiaKareXeyxof'.ai- Acts 18. 28 for he mightily convinced the Jews CONVOCATION — A calling {together), convocation, N";i?p miqra. Exodi2. 16 (there shall be) an holy convocation, and 12. 16 there shall be an holy convocation to you Lev. 3. 2 ye shall proclaim (to be) holy convocations 23. 3 the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation 23. 4 holy convocations, which ye shall procl. 23. 7 ye shall have an holy convocation 23. 8 in the seventh day (is) an holy convoca. 23. 21 it may be an holy convocation untoyoi) 23. 24 blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation 23. 27 it shall be an holy convocation unto you 23. 35 the first day (shall be) an holy convoca. 23. 36 on the eighth day shall be an holy convo 23. 37 which ye shall proclaim (to be) holy con. Num28. 18 In the first day (shall be) an holy convo. 28. 25, 26 ye shall have an holy convocation 29. I, 12 ye shall have an holy convocation 29. 7 ye shall have, .an holy convocation COOK — A slaughterer, cook, n3B tabbach. I Sa. 9 23 Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the 9. 24 the cook took up the shoulder, and (that) COOKS — Female cooks, n'lnaa tabbachoth. I Sa. 8. 13 he will take your daughters . .(to be) cooks COOL — Wind, nn ruaeh. Gen. 3. 8 in the garden in the coo! of the day COOL, to — To cool down, Karaypix"' katapsucho. Luke 1 6. 24 dip the tip of his linger, .and cool my COOS, Kwi. A small island on the coast of Carta, near Myndos and Cnidos ; N.W. from Rhodes; now called Stanchio or Stanko ; it was the birth place of H ippocrates, Apelles, and Simonides. Acts 21. I we came with a straight course unto C. COPING — Open palm {of the hand), projecting stone, njo. 7 Ki. 7. 9 even from the foundation unto the coping COPPER — Copper, brass, ne-n^ nechosheth. Ezra 8. 27 vessels of fine copper, precious as gold COPPERSMITH — Brazier, coppersmith, xaA/ctus chalkeus. 2 Ti. 4. 1 4 Alexander the coppersmith did me much COPintATION — Effusion, "5??' shekabah. Lev. 15. 16 if any man's seed of copulation go out 15. 17 every skin, whereonis the seed of copula. IS. 18 whom man shall lie (with) seed of copu. COPY — l.A second, double, nj^9 mishneh. Deut 17. 18 he shall write him a copy of this law in Josh. 8. 32 he wrote there upon the stones a copy of 2.Copy, trcmscript, UW~\$ parshegen. Ezrfi 4. II This (isythe copy of the letter that they 4. 23 when the copy . . (was) read before Rehum 5. 6 The copy of the letter that Tatnai, gov. 7. n Now this (is) the copy of the letter that 3. Copy, transcript, ]i^'?S pathshegen. Esth. 3. 14 The copy of the writing, for a command. 4. 8 gave him the copy of the writing of the 8. 13 The copy of the writing for a command. COPY out, to — 7*0 remove, transcribe, PW. athaq, 0. Ptov 25. I which the men of Hezekiah. . copied out COR — Cor {a measure of dry and liquid things), lb kor. Eze. 45. 14 the tenth part ot a bath out of the cor CORAi — Med coral, nSaifi ramoth. Job 28. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or ot Eze. 27. i5 they occupied iu thy fairs with, .coral CORBAN — Anything brought near to Ood, Kopfiav korban. Mark 7. II If a man shall say. .(It is) Corban, that CORD — l.Rope, cord, '?3ri chebel. Josh. 2. IS she let them down by a cord through the Esth. I. 6 fastened with cords of fine linen and Job 36. 8 And. .be holden iu cords of attiictlon 41. I or his tongue with a cord . .thou lettest Psa.140. 5 The proud have hid a snare, .and cords I^ov. 5. 22 he shall be holden with the cords of his Eccl. 12. 6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the Isa. s- 18 that draw iniquity with cords of vanity Jer. 38. 6 and they let down Jeremiah vrith cords 38, II let them down by cords into the dungeon 38 12 under thine arm holes under the cords 38. 13 So they drew up Jeremiah with cords, and Eze. 27. 24 in chests of rich apparel, bound with cords Hos. II. 4 I drew them with cords of a man, with Mic. 2. 5 cast a cord by lot in the congregation of l.A thread, cord, Bin chut. Eccl. 4. 12 and a threefold cord is not quickly broken Z.A pin {of a tent), '\niy ether. Job 30. II he hath loosed my cord, and afflicted me i.Cord, string, in'D methar. Exod35. 18 and the pins of the court, and their cords 39. 40 the hanging for the court gate, his cords Num. 3. 26 the cords of it, for all the service thereof 3. 37 the pillars of the court, .and their cords 4. 26 their cords, and all the instruments of 4. 32 the pillars of the court, .and their cords Isa. 54. 2 lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy Jer. JO. 20 My tabernacleis spoiled, and all my cords 5.Thick cord, n'a;?. abolh. Judgis. 13 they bound him with two new cords, and 15. 14 the cords that (were) upon his arms beca. Psa. 2. 3, Let us. .cast away their cords from us 118. 27 bind the sacrifice with cords, (even)unto 129. 4 he hath cut asunder the cords of the CORDS, smaU — A cord made of bulrushes, ay^^vlov schmnion. John 2. 15 when he had made a scourge of small co CO-RE, Kop\. The Greek form of Korah. Jude II for they., perished in the gainsaying of C. CORIANDER — A round aromatic seed, ii gad. Exodi6. 31 and it (was) like coriander seed, white Num It. 7 the manna (was) as coriander seed, and CORINTH, KSptveos. Capital of Achaia Proper, on the isthmus between tha Peloponnesus and the mainland between the gulfs of Lepanto and iEgina. Here Paul dwelt eighteen months. Acts 18. I After these things Paul . .came to C. 19. 1 while Apollos was at C, Paul having 1 Co. I. 2 the church of God which is at C. 2 Co. I. 1 the church of God which is at C. 1. 23 to spare you I came not as yet unto C. 2 Ti. 4. 20 Erastus abode at C. : but Trophimus have CORINTHIAN, KoplvOws. A native or inhabitant of Corinth. Acts 18. 8 and many of the C. hearing believed, and 2 Co. 6. II O (ye) C, our mouth is open unto you CORMORANT — 1. Pelican, nNp qaath. Isa. 34. II the cormorant and the bittern shall pos. Zeph. 2. 14 the cormorant and the bittern shall Jodge 2. Cormorant, 1)^^ shalak. Lev. II. 17 the little owl, and the cormorant, and the Deut 14. 17 pelican, and the gier. .and the cormorant CORN — \. Mixed produce, "^'fj? belil. Job. 24. 6 They reap . /his com in the field ; and I CORN 203 CORRUPT 2. Wheat, com, grain, 19,13 ^«^- Gen. 41. 3s lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh 41. 49 Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the 42. 3 ten brethren went down to buy corn inE. 42. 25 commanded to till their sacks with corn 45. 23 ten she asses laden with corn and bread Job 39. 4 Their young ones., they grow up with corn Psa. 65. 13 valleys also are covered over mth corn 72. 16 There shall be an handful of corn in the Prov ir. 26 He that withholdeth corn, the people 3. v4 threshing floor, ]ii goren. Deuti6. 13 aft6r that thou hast gathered is thy corn i.Com, grain, [ji dagan. Gen. 27. 28 God give thee, .plenty of corn and wine 27. 37 with corn and wine have I sustained him NuraiS. 27 as though.. the corn of the threshing-flo. Deut. 7. 13 he will also bless, .thy corn, and thy wine II. 14 that thou mayesfc gather in thy corn, and «2. 17 within thy gates the tithe of thy corn 14. 23 thou shalt eat.. the tithe of thy corn 18. 4 The first fruit (also) of thy corn, of thy 28. 51 which (also) shall not leave thee, .corn 33. 28 fountain of Jacob .upon a laud of com a Ki.i8. 32 Until I. .take you away to., a land of corn 3 Ch. 3t. 5 the first fruits of corn, wine, and oil, and 32. 28 Storehouses also for tlie increase of corn Neb. s. 2 we take up corn . . that we may eat, and S. 3 have mortgaged . , that we might buy corn 5. 10 might exact oMhem money and corn : I 5. II also the hundredth (part) of the. .corn 10. 39 Levi shall bring the olfering of the corn 13. 5 the tithes of the corn, the new wine, and 13. 12 Then brought all.. the tithe of the corn Paa. 4. 7 more than in the time.. their corn and 65. 9 thou preparest them corn, when thou 78 24 and had given them of the corn of heaven Isa. 36. 17 a land of corn and wine, a land of bread 6i. 8 I will no more give thy corn (to be) meat Lam. 2. i2They;say to theirmothers, Where (is) corn Eze. 36. 29 I will call for the corn, and will increase ilos. 2. 8 she did not know that I gave her corn 2. 9 take away my corn in the time thereof 2. 22 the earth shall hear the corn, and the 7. 14 they assemble themselves for corn and 14. 7 they shall revive (as) the corn, and grow Joel I. 10 the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted 1. 17 the barns are broken down ; for the corn 2. 19 1 will send you corn, and wine, aud oil Hag. I. II upon the corn, and upon the new wine Zee. 9. 17 Corn shall make the young men cheer 5. Standing corn, na^ qamah. Deut 16. 9 beginnest (to put) the sickle to the corn Isa. 17. 5 as when the harvest man gathereth the CO. O.Grain, corn, 15!? sheber. Gen. 42 I Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt 42. 2 I have heard that there is corn in Egypt 42. 19 go ye, carry corn for the famine of your 42. 26 they laded their asses with the corn, and 43. 2 when they had eaten up the corn which 44. 2 put . . in the sack's mouth .. his com money 47. 14 gathered up all the money, for the corn Amos 8. s new moon be gone, that we may sell corn? 7. Son, produce, ]3 ben. Isa. 21. JO O my threshing, and the corn of my floor 8. A kernel, a grain, seed, k6kko9 kokkos. Johni2. 24 Exceptacornof wheat fall into the grou. 9. Wheat, corn, grain, a'nos sitos. Mark 4. 28 then the ear, after that the full corn in Acts 7. 12 when Jacob heard that there was corn in \Q.Sown fields of grain, a-irSfiifia spurima. Matti2. 1 began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat COKN, beaten — Corn beaten or bruised, fc*!? geres. Lev. 2. 14 offer, .(even) corn beaten out of full ears 2. 1 6 of the beaten com thereof, and (part) of CORN fieWa — Soum fields of grain, (rnSpifia sporima. Mark 2. 23 he went through the corn fields on the Luke 6. 1 that he went through the corn fields CORN, ears of — l.An ear of grain, ro'3p Gen. 41 5 seven ears of corn came up upon one Ruth 2. 2 glean ears of corn after (him) in whose Job 24. 24 cut off as the tops of the ears of corn %An ear of grain, ffrdx^^ slachus. Matti2. 1 began to pluck the ears of corn, and to Mark 2. 23 disciples began, .to pluck the ears of com Luke 6. I his disciples plucked the ears of corn COBH, full ears of — Garden land, grain, '7015 karmel. 2 Ki. 4. 42 brought. .fuU ears of corn in the husk CORN, ground — Pounded corn or grain, grits, nis-i riphoth. 2 Sa. 17. 19 the woman, .spread ground corn thereon COKIT, heap of-- A heap nf grain, np-y; aremah. Huth 3. 7 lie down at the end of the lieap of eom OOEH, old — Old corn nr prodvM, lOJ/ abur. Josh. s. II they dirt eat of the old com of the land S. 12 after they had eaten of the old com of COKN, paxched — Parched or roasted ears, -^i), K'l?i5 qali. Lev. 23. 14 shall eat neither bread, nor narched com Ruth 2. 14 he reached her parched (corn), and she 1 Sa. 17. 17 T:ikenow,.anephahof this parched (corn) 25. 18 took, .five measures of parched (corn) 2 Sa. 17. 28 Brought., flour, and parched (corn), and CORN, standing — What stands up, iicp qamah. Exod22. 6 so that, .the standing corn, op the field I>eut23. 25 When thou conicst into the standing com 23. 25 a sickle unto thy neighbour's standing co. Judg 15. 5 he let (them) go into the standing corn of 15. 5 both the shocks, and also the standing co. COR-NE'-LrtTS, Kopvi)Mos. A converted Roman centurion at Ccesarea. Acts 10. I Tliere was a certain man . .called C. 10. 3 an angel of God. .saying unto him, C. 10. 7 when the angel which spake unto C. was 10. 17 the men which were sent from C. had 10. 21 men which were sent unto him from C. 10. 22 C.. .was warned from God by an holy angel 10. 24 C. waited for them, and. .called together 10. 25 as Peter v/as coming in, C. met him, and 10. 30 C. said, four days ago I was fasting 10. 31 C., thy prayer is heard, and thine alms CORNER— I. Wing, f)i3 kanaph. Isa. 11.12 gather .. from the four comers of the earth Eze. 7. 2 the end is come upon the four comers of 2.Shoulder, fjrij katheph. 2 K.i.11. II about the king, from the right comer of 11. II to the left corner of the temple, (along) Z. Angle, yiX|?p miqtsoa. Exod26. 24 both ; they shall be for the two comera 36. 29 thus he did to both, .in both the corners Eze. 41. 22 the corners thereof, aud the length there. 46, 21 caused me to pass by the four corners of 46. 2: inevery comer of the court, .(was) a court 46. 22 In the four corners of the court, .courts 4. Side, qiMrter, nx? peah. Exod25. 26 put the rings in the four comers that 36. 25 the other side, .toward the north corner 37. 13 put the rings upon the four corners that Lev 19. 9 thou shalt not wholly reap the comers of 19. 27 Ye shall not round the corners of your 19. 27 neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy 21. s neither shall they shave off the corner of 23. 22 the corners of thy field when thoureapest Num24. 17 shall smite the corners of Moab, and Josh. 18, 14 compassed the corner of the sea southw; Neh. g. 22 didst divide them into corners : so they Jer. 9. 26 Moab, aud all. .in the utmost corners 25. 23 Buz, and all. .in the utmost corners 48. 45 shall devour the corner of Moab, and the 49. 32 them (that are) in the utmost corners Amos 3. 12 that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a 5. Comer, (S 2}en. Prov. 7. 8 Passing through the street near her cor, Zech.14. 10 unto the corner gate, and (from) the 6. Comer, front, a chief man, nia pinnah. Exod27. 2 make the horns, .upon the four corners 38. 2 made the horns thereof on the four corn. 1 Ki. 7. 34 undersetters to the four corners of one 2 Ki. 14. 13 the gate of Ephraim unto the corner 2 Ch. 26. 9 Uzziah built towers, .at the comer gate 28. 24 he made him altars in every comer of Keh. 3. 24 from the house of Azariah . .unto the cor. 3. 31 Miphkad, and to the going up of the cor. 3. 32 between the going up of the comer unto Job 1.19 a great wind . . smote the four corners of 38. 6 or who laid the corner stone thereof Psa. 118. 22 is become the head (stone) of the corner Prov. 7. 12 without, .and lieth in wait at every cor. 21. 9 better to dwell in a comer of the house 25. 24 better to dwell in a corner of the house Isa. 28. 16 I lay in Zion . .a precious comer (stone) Jer. 31. 38 from the tower, .unto the gate of the cor. 31. 40 unto the corner of the horse gate toward 51. 26 shall not take of thee a stone for a com. Eze. 43. 20 put (it), .on the four corners of the settle 45. 19 upon the four comers of the settle of the 4 Out of him came forth the corner, out of 7. Tread, foot, D]iB paam. Exodss. 12 and put (them) in the four corners 37. 3 rings, .(to b- set) by the four corners of 1 Ki. 7. 30 the four corners thereof (h2d)undersetters 8. Rib, yVs tsela. Esods'o. 4 under the crown of it, by the two comers 37. 27 under the crown thereof, by the two cor. 9. End, extreonity, T\-ip, qatsah. Exod27. 4 four brasen rings in the four corners 10. Tb he scraped, cornered, Vip. qatsa, 6. Eze. 46. 22 these four corners (were) of one measure II. To twn the face, front, ma panah. 2 Ch. 25. 23 from the gate of Ephraim to the comer Vi.A beginning;, apxv arche. Acts 10. II as. .a great sheet knit at the four Comers II. 5 let down from heaven by four comers IS. Angle, corner, yavia gonia. Matt. 6. s they love to pray standing . . in the comers ei. 42 the same is become the head of the cor. Marki2. 10 stone., b become the head of the comer I Lukeao. 17 the same is become the head 'of the cor. Acts 4. II stone. Is become the head of the comer 26. a6 for this thing was not done in a comer 1 Pe. a. 7 the same is rnade the head of the corner Key. 7. I four angels standing on tho four corner* CORNER, chief — At the extreme angle, itKpoyuvtatos akrogOniaioa. Eph. 2. ao Jesus Christ himself being the chief cor. I Pe. 2. 6 I lay in Sion a chief comer stone, elect CORNER Btones — Corner stoTies, rh")] zaviyyoth. Psa. 144. 12 our daughters (may be) as comer stonet CORNERS — l.Corner stories, rt'!; zaviyyoth. Zech. 9. 15 they shall be tUled. .as the comers of the 2. Angles, corners, nyxijp mequtsoth. Exod26. 23 two boards shalt thou make for the com. 36. 28 two boards made he for the comers of CORNET — \.Uorn, cornet, pfj qeren. Dan. 3. 5, 1 5 what time ye hear the sound of the oor. 3. 7 the people heard the sound of the comet 3. 10 man that shall hear the sound of the cor. 2. Trumpet, "i.jiB' shophar. 1 28 shouting, and with sound of the comet 2 Ch.15. 14 they Bware unto the Lord, .with comets Psa. 98. 6 With trumpets and sound of comet make Hos. 5. 8 Blow yo the cornet in Gibeah. .the tnun. CORNETS — Comets, sistra, O'VjyjD inenaanim, 2 Sa. 6. 5 all the house of Israel played .-. on comets CORNELOOR — Cornfioor, [ji Jii goren dagan, Hos. 9. I hast loved a reward upon every cornfloor CORPSE — \.Body, .T13 geviyyah. Nah. 3. '3 and (there Is) none end of (their) corpse* 3. 3 they stumble upon their corpses ^.Carcase, lispeger. 2 Ki. 19. 35 behold, they (were) all dead corpses Isa. 37. 36 behold, they (were) all dead coi^ses 3.A fallen object, carcase, wraJ^a ptOma. IMark 6. 29 they came and took up his corpse, and CORRECT, to — l.To manifest, reason with, repirove, nj; yakach, 5. Job 5. 17 happy (is) the man whom God corrccteUl Psa. 94. 10 He that chastjseth. .shall not he correct Prov. 3. 12 For whom the Lord loveth he correctetb i.To instruct, chastise, ip; yasar, 3. Psa. 39. 11 When thou Avith rebukes dost correct map Prov 29. 17 Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest Jer. 2. 19 Thine own wickedness shall correct thee 10. 24 O Lord, correct me, but with judgment Jer. 30. II I will correct thee in measure, and will 46. 28 but correct thee in measure: yet will 1 not CORRECTED, to be — To be instructed, ip; yasar, 2. Prov 2g. 19 A servant will not be corrected by words CORRECTED, which — Instructor, TraiSevrris paideutes. Eeb. 12. 9 had fathers of our flesh which corrected CORRECTION — 1 . To manifest, reason im'th, reprove, n?; yakach, 5. flab. 1. 12 thou hast established them for correction ^.Instruction, correction, -t^^a musar. Prov. 7. 22 as a fool to the correction of the stocks 15. 10 Correction (is) grievous unto him that. 22. IS the rod of correction shall drive it far Jer. 23- '3 Withhold not correction from the child 2. 30 your children ; they received no correc. 5. 3 they have refused to receive correction 7. z8 nor receiveth conection : truth is perish Zeph. 3. 2 obeyed not.. she received not correction Z.Reproof, reasoning, nns'in tokachath. Prov. 3. II neither be weary of his correction i.A setting aright, i-navSpducns epanorthosis. 2 Ti. 3. 16 profitable for doctrine, .for correction Z.A rod, t53» shebct. Job 37.|ii3 whether for correction, or for his land CORRUPT — l.To be corrupt, nntp sliachath, 2. Eze. 20. 44 nor according to your corrupt doings, O 2.T0 be corrupted, nw shachath, 6. Prov25. 26 a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring Z.To corrupt, nirv shechath. Dan. 2. 9 ye have prepared Iring and cormpt words 4. To corrupt thoroughly, 5ta diaphtheirS. I Ti 6. 5 Perverse disputings of men of cormpt 5. To corrupt utterly, KaraipBeipa kataphtheirS. 3 Ti. 3. 8 men of cormpt minds, reprobate concern. Q.Bad, putrid, rotten, cranpSs sapros. Matt. 7. 17 a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil frmt CORRUPT 204 COUNCIL Matt. 7. 18 neither (can) a corrupt tree bring forth 12.33 make the tree corrupt, and his fruit cor. IiUlce 6. 43 a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt J 6. 43 dotli a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit Eph. 4. 29 Let no corrupt communication proceed OOEHTJBT, to — l.To rebuke^ lya gaar. Mai. 2. 3 I wUl corrupt your seed, and spread dung ^,Tp profane, iJrj chaneph, 5. Dan. II. 32 And such, .shall he corrupt by flatteries 9. To corrupt, nn^ shachath, 3. Exod32. 7 for thy people, .have corrupted (them.) Deut. 9. 12 for thy people...have corrupted (them.) 32. 5 They have corrupted themselves, their Eze. 28. 17 thouhast corrupted thy vfisdom by reason Hos. 9. 9 They harve deeply corrupted (themselves) Mai. 2. 8 ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi 4.70 he or become corrupt, htya shachath, 5. Gen. 6. 12 all flesh had corrupted his way upon the Peut. 4. 16 Lest ye corrupt (yourselves), and make 4. 25 shall corrupt (yourselves), and make a 31. 29 after my death ye will utterly corrupt Jndg. 2. 19 corrupted (themselves) more than their Zeph 3. 7 they rose early, (and) corrupted all their 6.T0 cause to disappear, h.lC phtheiro. Eph. 4. 22 which is corrupt according to the deceit. GOUimPT thins — To be corrupt, nn^ shachath, 6. Mai. 1. 14 sacriflceth unto the LOBD a corrupt thing OOSETTPT one's self, to — To corrupt, act corruptly, cpBflpca phtheiro, Juda 10 in those things they corrupt themselves OOEHUPTED, to be — l.To become corrupt, nnE* shachath, 2. Exod 8. 24 the land was corrupted by reason of the 2. To make corrupt, act corruptly, nij^ shachath, 5. Eze. 16. 47 thou was corrupted more than they in COERTJPTER — To ma/ce corrupt, act corruptly nn^ shachath, 5. Isa. I. 4 evil doers, children that are corrupters Jer. 6. 28 brass and iron ; they (are) aU corrupters OORRTJPTIBLE — Corruptible, (pOaprSs phthartos. Bom. I. 23 an image made like to corruptible man , I. Go. 9. 25 Now they (do ifc^ to obtain a corruptible 15. 53 For this corruptible must put on incor. 15. 54 So when this corruptible shall have put 1 Pe. I. 23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed COHETTPTIBLE things — Corruptible, ipOapr 6s phthartos. X Pe. 1. 18 ye were not redeemed with corruptible th. COERTTPTIBLE, not — Incorruptible, HfdaprSs aphthartos. X Pe. 3. 4 heart, in that which is not corruptible OOEBTTPTIHG — To make corrupt, act corruptly, nn^ shachath, 5. Dan. II. 17 give him the daughter of women, corru. COKRTJPTION — 1. Wasting, fading away, ''?? heli. Isa. 38. 17 ray soul (delivered it) from the pltof cor. 2. Corruption, n'ri?;!? mashchith. 2 Ki 23. 13 on the right hand of the mount of Corru. Dan. 10. 8 ray cbraeliness was turned . . into corrupt. 8. Corrupt, corrupt thing, nr^vi? moshchath. Lev. 22. 25 because their corruption (is) in them 4. Corruption, place or state of, r\Tsa shachath. Job 17. 14 I have said to corruption, Thou (art) my Psa. 16. 10 wilt thou suffer tliine Holy One to see cor. 49. 9 still Jive for ever, (and) not see corruption John 2. 6 hast thou brought up my life from cor. ^.Thorough corruption, Sta^dopd diaphthora. Acts 2. 27 wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see cor. 2. 31 left in hell, neither liis flesh did see cor. 13. 34 (now) no more to return to corruption 13. 35 not suffer thine Holy One to see corxup. 13. 36 laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption 13. 37 he, whom God raised again, saw no cor. ^.Corruption, (pdopA, phthora. Kom. 8. 21 delivered from the bondage of corruption 1 Co. 15. 42 It is sown in corruption ; it is raised in 15. 50 neither doth corruption inherit incorrup. Gal. 6. 8 he. .shall of the flesh reap corruption 2 Pe. I. 4 the corruption that is in the world 2. 12 utterly perish in their own corruption 2. 19 they, .are the servants of corruption COBHTJPTLY, to deal — To act wickedly, '7511 chabal. Keh. I. 7 We have dealt very corruptly against thee CORRUPTLY, to do — To make corrupt, act corruptly, t«y^ shachath, 5. 2 Ch.27. a And the people did yet corruptly CO-SAH, KoKTajj.. A son of Elmodam, and the 5th before Zorobabel In the line of Joseph, husband of Mary. Luke 3. 28 of C, which was (the son) of Elmodam COST — Expense, SairduT], dapane, Luke 14. 28 sitteth not down .andcoimteth the cost COST nothing, to — Gratis, gratuitous, Djn chinnam. 2 Sa. 24. 24 of that which doth cost me nothing COST, without — '■ Gratis, gratuitous, D^tj chinnam. I Ch.2i. 24 nor offer burnt offerings without cost COSTLINESS — Preciousness, rijxiSrri^ timiotes. Rev. 18. rg made rich, .by reason of her costliness 1 COSTLY — \. Precious, rare, "lij; yaqar. 1 Ki 5. 17 they brought great stones, costly stones 7. 9 these (were of) costly stones, according to 7. lo the foundation (was of) costly stones, even 7. II above (were) costly stones, after the mea.. 2. High priced, Tro\vTe\T)s poluteles. 1 Ti. 2. 9 not with.. gold, or pearls, or costly array COSTLY, very — High priced, iroXirifios, poluiimos. Jolini2. 3 took,.ointft)ent of soikenard, very costly COTES — Cribs, stalls, n'niN averoth. 2 Ch.32. 28 all manner of beasts, and cotes for flocks COTTAGE — l.A^lodge, niv?i^ melunah. Isa. 24. 20 and shall be removed like a cottage 2. A booth, n|p sukkah. Isa. I. Sdaughter of Zion is left as a cottage in COTTAGES — Places cut out (of the rocks or earth), nns karoth. Zeph. 2. 6 sea coast shall be dwellings (and) cottages COtrCH — 1. Anything spread out, l)5!i; yatsua. Gen. 49. 4 Unstable as water, .he went up to my co. 2. Place for lying doxvn, asifJo mishkab. Job 7. 13 my couch shall ease my complaint 3. Couch, bTS? eres. Psa. 6. 6 I water my couch with my tears Amos 3. 12 that dwell, .in Damascus (in)a couch 6. 4 stretch themselves upon their couches i.A small couch for reclining on, uKiviSiov Mini. Luke 5. rg with (his) couch into the midst before 5. 24 take up thy couch, and go unto thine 5.A mattress, Kpdfi^aros kroMatos Kpa^^(lTTos Acts 5. 15 laid (them) on beds and couches, that at COUCH, to — \.To bend down, Vl^kara. Num 24. 9 He couched, he lay down as a lion, and 2. To crouch, fgi rabats. Gen. 49. 9 he couched as a lion, and as an old lion Deut 33. 13 and for the deep that coucheth beneath 3. To bow dovm, nrya shachath. Job 38. 40 When they couch in (their) dens, (and) COUCH down, to — To crouch, p") rahats. Gen. 49. 14 a strong ass couching down between two COUCHES G place — Place for couching, fain marbets. Eze. as. 5 the Ammonites a couching place (or flo. COULD — l.To be able, '?b; yakol. Gen. 13. 6 so that they could not dwell together 36. 7 the land, .could not bear them because 37. 4 and could not speak peacebly unto him 45. I Joseph could not retrain himself before 45. 3 his brethren could not answer him ; for Exod. 2. 3 when she could not longer hide him, she 7. 21, 24 could not drink of the water of the 8. 18 to bring forth lice, but they could not 9. 11 the magicians could not stand before M. 12. 39 they were thrust out of. .and could not 15. 23 they could not drink of the waters of M. Num. 9. 6 they could not keep the passover on that Josh. 7. 12 the children of Israel could not stand 15. 63 the children of Judah could not drive 17. J2 the children of Manasseh could not drive Judg. 2. 14 they could not any longer stand before 14. 14 they could not in three days expound the 1 Sa. 3. 2 eyes began to wax dim, (that) he could not 4. 15 eyes were dim, tliat he could not see 2 Sa, 3. II he could not answer Abner a word again I KL 5, 3 David my father could not build an house 8. u the priests could not stand to minister 13. 4 that he could could not pull it in again 14. 4 Ahijah could not see ; for his eyes were 2Ki. 3. 26 to break through, .but they could not 4. 40 And they could not eat (thereof) 16. 5 they besieged Ahaz, but could not overc. 1 Ch. 21. 30 David could not go before it to enquire 2 Ch. 5. 14 the priests could not stand to minister 7. 2 the priests could not enter into the house 29. 34 they could not flay all the burnt offerings 30. 3 they could not keep it at that time, beca. 32. 14 that could deliver his people out of mine Ezra 2. 59 they could not show their father's house Neh. 7. 61 they could not show their father's house Job 31. 23 by reason of his highness I could not Isa, 7. I Jerusalem . .but could not prevdil against 46. 2 they could not deliver the burden, but Jer 3. 5 hast, .done evil thingsas thou couldest 20. 9 weary with forbearing/ and I could not 44. 22 the Lord could no longer bear, because Lam. 4. 14 that men could not touch their garments Eze. 47. 5 a river that I could not pass over for the Hos. 5. 13 yet could he not heal you, nor cure you Jon. 1. 13 bring (it) to the land , but they could not 2. To be able, V?^ yekil. Dan. 6. 4 they could find none occasion nor fault 3. To be able, ^n| kehal. Dan. 5. 8 they could not read the writing, nor 5. 15 they could not show the interpretation i.To know, distinguish, -Qi nakar, 5. Neh. 13. 24 could not speak in the J«ws' language COULD not — To move away, wander, "f'^inadad. Esth. 6. 1 that night could not the king sleep ; and COULD not do, what the law — The imjMssible of the law, rh aSivarov rov v6/iov, Rom. 8. 3 what the law could not do, in that it was COULD they — To knoiu, be acquainted with, W, yada. Jer. 6. 15 not at all ashamed, neither could they COULD, that I — Able, SvvarSs dunatos. Acts II. 17 what was I, that I could withstand Ctodt COULDEST — To be able, hp] yekil. Dan. 2. 47 seeing thou couldest reveal this secret ISee also under Can,] COULTER — An agricultural instrument, nx eth. 1 Sa. 13. 20 his coulter, and his ax, and his mattocic 13. 21 for the coulters, and for the forks, and COUNCH. — l.An assembly, noj"! rigmah. Psa. 68. 27 the princes of Judah (and) their council 2.A Joint counsel, a council, ffvfi^ovMov sumbouU. Matt 12. 14 held a council against him, how they Acts 25. 12 when he had conferred with the council ^.Sanhedrim, a^siiting together, crvviZpiov suned. Matt. 5, 22 shall be in danger of the council : but 10. 17 they will deliver you up to the councils 26. 59 priests, and elders, and all the council Mark 13. 9 they shall deliver you up to councils 14. 55 the chief priests and all the council 15. I elders and scribes and the whole council Luke22. 66 came, .and led him into their council Johnii. 47 Then gathered the chief priests . .a council Acts 4. 15 commanded them to go. .out of the coun. S. 21 called the council together, and all the 5. 27 they set (them) before the council : and 5. 34 Then stood there up one in the council Acts 3. 41 departed from the presence of the council 6. 12 caught him.,andbrought(him) to the coun. 6. 15 all that sat in the council, .saw his face 22. 30 the chief priests and all their council to 23. I Paul, earnestly beholding the council 23. 6 Paul. . cried out in the council. .1 am a 23. 15 ye with the council signify to the chief 23. 20 bring down Paul tomorrow into the coun. 23. 28 I brought him forth into their council i4. 20 in me, while I stood before the council COUNSEL 205 COUNTENANCE cotrssEi — 1. Word, i;^ dabar. IVum3i. 16 Behold, .through the counsel of Balaam 2. To counsel, yT, yaaCs. 3 Ch 25. 16 Art thou made of the king's counsel 7 S. Counsel, TjVa rticlak. Dan. 4. 27 king, let my counsel be acceptable unto 4. A silting, session, assembly, "v.D sod. Psa. 55 14 We took sweet counsel together, fand) 83. 3 They have taken crafty counsel against Prov 18 22 Without counsel purposes aredisappoin Jer. 2v 18 who hath stood iu the counsel 0/ the Lord 23. 22 But if they had stood in my counsel, and B.Counsel, oxlvice, nay eta. Dan. 2. 14 Then Daniel answered with counsel and (^.Counsel, advice, nyy elsah. Deut32 28 they(are) a nation void of counsel, neither Judg 20. 7 give here your advice and counsel 2 ba. 15. 31 turn the counsel of Ahithophelinto fool. t$. 34 for me defeat the counsel of Ahithophel >6. eo Give counsel among you what we shall do 16. 23 the counsel of Ahithophel, which he colin. 16. 23 so (was) all the counsel of Ahithophel 17. 7 The counsel that Ahithophel hath given 17. 14 counsel of Qushai. .betterthan the coun. 17. 14 to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel 17. 23 when .\hithophel saw that his counsel 1 Ki. I 12 let me, I pray thee, give thee counsel, that 12. She forsook the counsel of the old men 12. 13 the king .forsook tlie old mens counsel 12. 14 spake to them after the counsel of the a Kl 18. 20 Thou sayest. .(I have) counsel and stren. 2 8 he forsook the counsel which the old men 10. 13 Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the old . 22. 5 He walked also after their counsel, and 25. 16 and hast not hearkened unto my;couusel Ezra 10. 3 according to the counsel of my lord, and 10. 8 according to the counsel of the princes Neh. 4 15 God had brought their counsel to nought Job 5 1 3 the counsel of the froward is carried It 3 andshineupouthecoUDSelof the wicked? 12. 13 With him (is) wisdom, .he hath counsel 18. 7 and his o\va counsel shall cast him down 21. t6 the counsel of the v/icked is far from me 22. i8 the counsel of the wicked is far from me 2g. 21, gave ear. .and kept silence at my counsel 38. 2 Who (isl this that darkeneth couneel by 42. 3 Who (is) he that hideth counsel without Psa. I. 1 walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly 13. 2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul 14. 6 Ve have shamed the counsel of the poor 20. 4 Grant thee, .and fullll all thy counsel 33. 10 Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen 33. II The counsel of the Lord standeth for 73. 24 Thou Shalt guide me with thy counsel 106. 13 they waited not for his counsel 106. 43 they provoked (him) with their counsel 107. It contemned the counsel of the Most High Prov. I. 25 ye have set at nought all my counsel I. 30 They would none of my counsel ; they 8.'i4 Counsel (is) mine, and sound wisdom 12. 15 he that hearkeneth unto counsel (is) 19. 20 Hear counsel, and receive instruction 19. 21 the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand ao. 5 Counsel in the heart of man (is like) deep 30. x8 (Every) purpose is established by counsel 21. 30 (There is) no wisdom . .nor counsel against 27. 9 so (doth) the sweetness . .by hearty couu. Isa. 5. 19 let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel 8. 10 Take counsel together, and it shall come 11. 2 the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit 16. 3 Take counsel, execute judgment ; make 19. 3 I will destroy the counsel thereof :■ and 19. II the counsel of the wise counsellors of 19. 17 because of the counsel of the Lord of 25. I (thy) counsels of old (are) faithfulness 28. 29 wonderful in counsel, (and) excellent in 29. IS them that seek deep to hide their counsel 30. I rebellious children . .that take counsel 36. s (» have) counsel and strength for war 44. 26 performeth the counsel of his messengers 46. 10 My counsel shall stand, and I will do all 46. II the man that execute^h my counsel from 47. 13 wearied in the multitude of thy counsels Jer, 18. 18 nor counsel from the wise, nor the word 18. 23 thou knosvest all their counsel against me 19. 7 I will make void the counsel of J udah 32. 19 Great in counsel, and mighty in work 49. 7 is counsel perished from the prudent? 49. 20 hear the counsel of the LORD that he hath 49. 30 king of Babylon hath taken counsel so. 45 hear ye the counsel of the Lord, that he Eze. 7. 26 law shall perish . . and counsel from the n. 2 these (are) the men that.. give wicked co. Hos. 10. 6 Israel shall be ashamed of his own coun. llic. 4. 12 neither understand they his counsel Zech. 6. 13 the counsel of peace shall be between T.Counsel, purpose, will, fiovX-q boule. Luke 7. 30 Pharisees andlawyers rejected the counsel 23. 51 The same had not consented to the coun. Acts 2. 23 delivered by the determinate counsel and 4. 28 to do whatsoever thy hand and thy coun. S- 38 forif this counsel or this work beof men 20. 2 I have not shunned to declare, .all the c. 27. 42 the soldiers' counsel was to kill the pris. » Co. 4. s make manifest the counsels of the heart Eph. I. II aU things after the counsel of his own Heb. 6. J7 the immutability of his counsel, confirmed 8.^1 joint counsel, crvfi0oi\io}/ sitmboidion . Matt22. 15 took counsel how they might entangle 27. I elders of the people took counsel against 27. 7 they took counsel, and bought with them 28. 12 when they.. bad taken counstl. they gave Mark 3. 6 the Pliarisces went forth, aud. .took co COTTNSEI, to — l.To give counsel, yV'. yaals. 2 Sa 16. 23 which he couuselled in those days, as if 17. 11 I counsel that all Israel be. .gathered 17. 15 Thus and thus did Ahithophel counsel 17 15 and thus and thus have 1 counselled 17. 21 tiius hath Ahithophel counselled against Job. 26. 3 How hast thou couuselled (him that hath) 2.70 give full counsel, auaBouKiCu sumhouleuO. Kev. 3. iB I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in COITNSEL, to give — 1 To give counsel, YT, yaals. £.\odiS 19 Hearken now .1 will give thee counsel Psa. 16. 7 bless the Uird, who hath given me coun. Jer. 38. 15 if I give thee counsel, wiit thou not 2. To be counselled, fy; yaais, 2. 1 Ki 12. 9 What counsel give ye that we may answer 2 Ch. 10. 6 What counsel give ye (me) to return 3. 7*0 counsel together or fully, avi^BovKfiu snmbou. John 18. 14 Caiaphas was lie which gave counsel to COUKSEL, to take — l.To have a foundation laid, td; yasad, 2. Psa, 2. 2 the rulers take counsel together 31. 13 they took counsel together against me 2. To give counsel, j'y; yaaXs. Isa. 7. 3 have taken eril counsel against thee, say 23. 8 Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre 3. 7*0 be counselled, receive counsel, vy; yaats, 2. 1 Ki. 12. 28 the king took counsel, and made two 2 Ki. 6. 8 the king of Syria.. took counsel with his 2 Ch. 10. 6 king Rehoboam took counsel with the 10. 8 and took counsel with the young men 30 2 the king had taken counsel, and the 30. 2 3 the whole assembly took counsel to keep 32. 3 He took counsel with his princes and his Neh. 6. 7 Come now.. let us take counsel together Psa. 71. 10 they that lay wait for my soul take coun. Isa. 40. 14 With whom took he counsel, and (-.vho) 45. 21 yea, let them take counsel together: who i.To take counsel, consult, Sov\(i'OtJiaibmdeuomai. Acts 5- 33 When they heard, .[they took counsel] to 5. To take counsel with, fully, or together, ffvfi^ou- Kfiio) sumboideuo. Acts 9. 23 And. .the Jews took counsel to kill him COTTNSEI together, to take — To lake counsel together, or fully, avixQovXeva. John II S3 t'latday forth theytcokcouiisel[togetherj COimSELLOE — l.K lawyer, judge, na^'^ detliabar. Dan. 3. 2 the counsellors, the sheriffs, and ail the 3. 3 the counsellors, the sheriils, and all the 2.T0 give counsel, YT. yaats. a Sa. 15. 12 Absalom sent for. .Darid's counsellor 1 Ch.26. 14 for Zechariah his son, a wise counsellor 27. 32 Also Jonathan, David's uncle, was a coun. 27. 33 And Ahithophel (was) the king's counsel. 2 Ch.22. 3 his mother was his counsellor to do 22. 4 they were his counsellors, after the Ezra 4. 5 hired counsellors against them, to 7. 28 before the king, and his counsellors 8. 2s which the king, and his counsellors, and Job 3. 14 With kings and counsellors of the earth , 12. 17 He leadeth counsellors awayspoiled, and Prov II. 14 but in the multitude of counsellors 12. 20 but to the counsellors of peace (is) joy IS. 22 but in the multitude of counsellors they 24. 6 in multitude of counsellors (there is) Isa. I. 26 will restore thy judges, .and thy counseL 3. 3 the honourable man, and the counsellor 9. 6 came shall be called, V.'onderful, Coun. 19. II the counsel of the wise counsellors of 41. 28 For I beheld, and.. no counsellor, that Mic. 4. 9 (is therc)no king in thee ? is thy counsel. Nah. 1. 11 evil against the Lord, a wicked counsellor ^.Counsel, nyy etsa.h. Psa. 119. 24 thy testimonies also (are) my .counsellors Isa. 40. 13 or (being) bis counsellor, hath taught 4. Counsellor, /SouAc-urVjs bouleutes. Markij. 43 Joseph of Arimathea, an honourable co. Luke 23. so behold . . a man named Joseph, a counsel. b.A joint counsellor, aiifi.Bov\os smnboulos. Rom. II. 34 or who hath been his counsellor? OOimSELIOES — 1. Viceroys, counsellors, 1'^3'nn haddabrin. Dan. 3 24 Nebuchadnezzar, .said unto his counsel. 3. 27 the king's counsellors, being gathered 4. '36 my counsellors and my lords sought unto t. 7 the counsellors, and the captains, have 2.T0 give counsel, ey^ yeat. Eaa 7. 14 thou art sent, .of his seven counsellors 7. 15 the king and his co'unsellors liave freely COITNSELS — l.Counsels, nisyio hioctr.oth. Psa. 5 10 God ; let them fall by their own coun. 8i. 12 (and) they walked iu their own counsels Prov 22. 20 Have not I written to thee, .things iuco. Jer. 7. 24 hut walked in the counsels (and; in the Hos ji. 6 devour (them), because of their own CO. Mie. 6 16 ye walk in their counsels ; that I should i.Cumhinatwns, plans, niSsnn tuclibuloth. .lob 37. 12 It is turned round about by his counsels Prov 1 1 14 Where no counsel (is), the people fall 12 5 (but) the counsels 01 the wicked (are) COITNSELS, •wise — Combinations, plans, niSann (achbulolh. Prov I. sand a (man), shall attain unto wise coun. 24. b by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war COUNT, to — l.To think, devise, reckon, apn chashab. Gen. 15. 6 he counted it to him for righteousness Job 19. II he counteth me unto him as (one oQ his 19. 15 and my maids count me for a stranger 33 10 Behold. .he counteth me for his eoeny 2.70 think, devise, reckon, ivn chashab, 3. Lev 25 27 let him count the years of the sale thereof 2s. 32 unto the year of jubilee, .he shall count 3. To number, .*iiQ manah. Nura23. 10 Who can count the dust ol Jacob, and 4.7'o give, IDj nalhan. I Sa*. I 16 Count not thine handmaid fora daughter 5. To number, 15? saphar. Lev 23. 15 ye shall count unto you from the morrow Job 31. 4 Doth not he see my ways, and count all Psa 87 6 The LoBD shall count, when he writeth 139. 18 (10 I should count them, they are more Isa. 33. 18 where (is) he that counted the towers? 6. 7*0 visit, inspect, number, iji^ paqad. 1 Ch 21. 6 But Levi and Benjamin counted he not 7. To have, Iwld, ex&i echo. Matt 14. 5 because they counted him as a prophet Markii. 32 all (men) counted John, that he was a Acts 20. 24 neither[count I] my life dear unto myself Phm. 17 If thou count me thereiorc a partner 8. 7*0 lead out, account, Tj-yfo/iai lugeomai. . Phil. 3. 7 what things were gain .those I counted 3. 8 Yea doubtless, and I couut all things 3. 8 do count them (but) dung, that I may 2 Th. 3- IS Yet count Oiinj) not as an enemy, but I Ti. I. 12 he counted me faithful, putting me into 6. .1 Let as many servants.. count their own Heb. 10. 29 and hath counted the blood of the cove. Jas. I. 2 count it all joy when ye fall into divers a Pe. 2. 13 they that count it pleasure to riot in 3. 9 The Lord isnotslack. . as some men count 9. To reckon, numier, account, \oyiCo/iai logizomai, Rom. 2. 26 shall not his uncircumcision be counted 4. 3 it was counted untohim for righteousness 4. s I'is faith is counted for righteousness 9. 8 the children of the promise are counted PhiL 3. 13 I count not myself to have apprehended 10. 7*0 use pebbles together, calculate together, i(u psephizH. Lukei4. 28 sitteth not down first, and counteth the Rev. 13. 18 Let him that hath understauding count [See also Descent, happy, pure, uncircumcised. worthy.] COUNT, to make — To count, apportion, 003 kasas. Exodi2. 4 shall make your count for the lamb COUNTED, to be — l.To be thought, reckoned, 3!rn chashab, 2. Gen. 31. 15 Are we not counted of him strangers? Lev. 2s. 3J the bouses, shall be counted as the fields Numi8. 30 it shall be counted unto the Levitts as Josh.13. 3 F.kron northward, (which) is counted to Neh. 13. 13 I made treasurers, .for they were counted Job 18. 3 are we counted as beasts, .in your sight 41. 29 Darts are counted as stubble : he laugh. Psa. 44. 22 we are counted as sheep for the slaughter 88. 4 I am counted with them that go down 106. 31 that was counted unto him for righteous. Prov 17. 28 whenihe'Jioldeth his peace, is counted wise 27. 14 it shall be counted a curse to him Isa. 5. 23 horses' hoofs shall be counted like flint 32. IS fruitful field be counted for a forest 40. 15 counted as the small dust of the balance 40. 17 All nations, .are counted to him less than Hos, 8. 1 2 (but) they were counted as a strange thing 2. To visit, inspect, count, ~p| paqad. I Ch.23. 24 they were counted by number .of names 3. To be counted, numiered, nps paqad, 4. Exod38. 21 tabernacle of itwas counted COUNTENAITGE — l.Face, anger, 'jx aph. Psa. 10. 4 through the pride of his countenance 2.Brightness, countenance, vi ziv. Dan. 5. 6 the king's countenance was changed, and 5. g his countenance was changed in him, and COUNTENANCE 206 COUPLE Dan. 5. 10 nor let thy countenance be changed 7. 28 my countenance changed in me : but I S.Appearance, -"iXIP viareh. Judgi3. 6 hia countenance (was) like the counte. 1 Sa. 16. 7 Look not on his countenance, or on tlie 17. 42 a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair counte. 2 Sa. 14. 27 she was a woman of a fair countenance Song 2. 14 let me see thy countenance, let me liear 2. 14 tliy voice, and thy countenance (is) come. 5. IS his countenance (is) as Lebanon, excellent Dan. «. 13 Then let our countenances be looised upon 1. 13 the countenance of the children that eat 1. IS their countenances appeared fairer and i.Eye, ]:« ayi-n. I Sa. 16. 12 Now he (was) . . of a beautiful countenance i.Face, countenance, O'i^ panim. Oen. 4. 5 Cain was very wroth, and his countenance 4. 6 and why is thy countenance fallen ? 31. 2 Jacob beheld the countenance of Lal)ai» 31. s I see your father's countenance, that it Nunx 6. 26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon 1 Sa. I. 18 and her countenance was no more (sad) 2 KL 8. II he sfettied his countenance stedfastly Neh 2. 2 Why (is) thy countenance sad, seeing 2. 3 why should not my countenance be sad Job 14. 20 tiiou changest his countenance, and send. 29 24 light of my countenance tiiey cast not Psa. 4. 6 lift thou up the light of thy countenance It. 7 his countenance doth behold the upright at. 6 exceeding glad with thy countenance 42. s praise him (for) the help of his counte. 4j>. 1/ the health of my countenance, and my 43. 5 the health of my countenance, and my 44. 3 thine arm, and the light of thy counte. 80. 16 perish at the rebuke of thy countenance 89. 15 walk, .in the light of thy countenance 90 8 secret (sins) in the light of thy counte. ProV. 75 1 3. A merry heart maketh a cheerful counte 3.6. IS In the light of the king's countenance (is) 25. 2i so (doth) an angry countenance a back. 27. 17 so a man sharpeneth the countenance of Eccl. 7. 3 for by the sadness of the countenance the Isa. 3. 9 The show of their countenance doth Eze. 27 35 shall be troubled in (their) countenance Dan. 8. 23 a king of fierce countenance .. shall 6. Form, "tm toar. 1 Sa.25 3 (was) a woman of . .beautiful countenance 7. Aspect, appearance, IStaidea eiSeaddea. MattiSv 3 His countenance was like lightning, and 6. Sight, appearance, oif-js opsis. Rey. 1. 16 his countenance (was) as the sun shineth Q. Front, face, ■Kpoo'onrov prosopon. Luke 9. 29 f asliion of his countenance was altered Acts 2. 28 make me full of joy with thy countenance 2 Co. 3. 7 for the glory of his countenance; which COIOTTENANCE, of a sad — Of a scowling face, (TKvdpwirSs shuthropos. Slatt 6. 16 not, as the hypocrites, of a sad counte. comrrEsrANCE, to — To honour, -m hadar. Exod23. 3 Neither Shalt thou countenance a poor COtTOTERVAn, to — To he equal, nip shavah. £sth 7. 4 enemy could not countervail the king's OOtmTET — l.Oround, land, nnnK adamah. Jon. 4. 2 my saying when I v/as yet in my country ^.Island, '« i. Jer. 47. 4 the remnant of. tbe country ofCaphtor Z.Land, country, fi« erets. Oen. «o. 20 in their countries, (and) in their nations •12. I Get thee out of thy country, and from iq. 28 the smoke of the country went up as the ^o. I Abraham journeyed., toward the south c. 04. 4 thou shalt go unto my country, and to B4. 62 And Isaac, .dwelt in the south country a;. 6 sent them away, .unto the east country 26. 3 unto thy seed, I \vill give all these coun. 26. 4 give unto thy seed all these countries 30. 25 unto mine own place, and to my countrj 32 9 Return unto thy country, and to thy kin. 34. 2 when Shechem. .prince of the country 36. 6 Esau, .went into the country from the 41. 57 all countries came into Egypt to Joseph 42. 3D The man. .took us for spies of the coun. 42. 33 the man, the lord of the country, said lev. as 31 be counted as the fields of the country Mum 20. 17 Let US' pass, I pray thee, through thy cO. 32. 4 the country 'wljich the LoRB smote before 32. 33 (even) the cities of the country round Dent. 4. 43 in the wilderness, in the plain country 26. 3 I am come unto the country which the Josh. 2. 2 there came men. .to search out the conn. 2. 3 they be come to search out all the country 2. 24 even all the inhabitants of the country 6. 22 tlie two men that had spied out the coun. 6. 27 fame was (noised) throughoutall the coun. 7. 2 Go up and view the country 9. 6 We be come from a far country : now 9. g From a very far country thy servants are 9. II the inhabitants of our country spake to 10. 40 So Joshua smote all the couutry of the 10. 41 all the country of Goshen, even unto Q. Josh. 12. 13- 19. 22. Jadg. 8. II. 12. 16. 18. 2 Sa. 15. 21. iKi 4. 4- 8. 10, SI. ZI. 20. 22. aKi. 3. i8. 20. 1 Ch.20. 22. 2CI1. 6 9- II. Z2. IS- 20. 30- Y, 34- Ezra 3. Psa. 1 10. Prov 25. Isa. I. '3- 22* 37- 39- 46. 2. 4- 6. 6. 8. 10. Jer. 7 these (are) the kings of the country which 21 dukes of Sihon, dwelling in the country 51 they made an end of "dividing the country 9 to go unto the country of Gilead, to the 28 the country was in quietness forty years 2z Amorites, the inhabitants of that country 12 Elon.. was buried in.. the country of Zeh 24 the destroyer of our country, which slew 14 men that went to spy out the country of 23 all the country wept with a loud voice 14 in the country of Benjamin in Zelah, in 19 the son of Uri (was) in the country of G. 19 the country of Sihon king of the Amorites 41 stranger, that, .cometh out of a far coun. 13 she turned, and went to herown country 15 kings, .and of the governors of the coun. 21 that I may go to mine own country 22 tliou seekest to go to thine own couutry? 27 kids r but the Syrians filled the couutry 36 JSveryman tohis city, and.. his owncouu. 20 and the country was filled with water 35 gods of the countries . . delivered their co. 14 They are come from a far country, .from I Joah. .wasted the country of the children S and of glory throughout all countries 30 and over all the kingdoms of the countries 32 but is come from a far country for thy 14 governors of the country, brought gold 23 dispersed, .throughout all the countries 8 service of the kingdoms of the countries 5 upon all the inhabitants of the countries 29 on all the kingdoms of (those) countries 10 theposts passed, .through thecountry of 33 the abominations out of all the countries 3 because of the people of those countries 6 shall wound the heads over many coun. as so (is) good news from a far country 7 Your country (is) desolate, your cities 9 give ear, all ye of far countries : gird 5 They come from a far country, from the 18 toss thee (like) aball into a large country 18 all the nations, and their countries 3 They are come from a far country unto 11 executeth my counsel from a far country 7 I broughtyou into a plentiful country 16 watchers come from a far country, and zo and the sweet cane from a far country? 22 a people cometh from the north country 19 because of them that dwell in a far coun. 22 great commotion out of the north country 22. lo return no more, nor see his native country 22. 26 v/ill cast thee out. .into another country 23. 3 will gather, .my flock out of all countries 23. 8 the north country, and from all countries 28. 8 prophesied both against many countries 31. 8 1 will bring them from the north coilntry 32. 8 which (is) in the country of Benjamin 32. 37 I will gather them out of all countries 40. II the Jews., in all the countries, heard that 44. I at Noph, and in the country of Pathros 46. 10 hath a sacrifice in the north country by 48. 21 judgment is come upon the plain country 50. 9 of great nations from the north country St. 9 let us go every one into his own country Eze. 5. 5 and countries (that are) round about her 5. 6 my statutes more than the countries that 6. 8 shall be scattered through the countries II. i5 have scattered them amongthe countries Ti. 16 as a little sanctuary in the countries n. 17 assemble you out of the countries where 12. 15 I shall, .disperse them in the countries 2o. 23 and disperse them through the countries 2a. 32 We will be as. .families of the countries 20. 34 I. .will gather you out of the countries 20. 38 will bring them forth out of the country 20 41 the countries wherein ye have been 20. 42 thecountry(for)the which I lifted upfmine 22. 4 I made thee, .a mocking to all countries B2. 15 I will, .disperse thee in the countries 25. 7 cause thee to perish out of the countries 25. 9 the glory of the country. Beth-jeshimoth 29. 12 desolate in the midst of the countries 29. 12 will disperse them through the countries 30. 7 desolate in the midst of the countries 30. 23 seatter..willdispersethem through thee. 30. 26 and disperse them among the countries 32. 9 the countries which thou hast not known 32. ts the country shall be destitute of that 34. 13 1 will.. gather them from the countries 34. 13 all the inhabited places of the country 35. 10 these two countries shall be mine, and we 36. 19 they were dispersed through the coun. 36. 24 I will, .gather you out of all countries tan. 9. 7 through all the countries whither thou II. 40 he shall enter into the countries, and II. 4? stretch forth his hand, .upon the countri, Jon. I. 8 Viihat (is) thy country? and of what peo? Zech. 6. 6 horses.. go forth into the north country 6. 6 grisled go forth toward the south country 6. 8 these that go toward the north country 6. S quieted my spirit in the north cduntry 8, 7 east country, and from the west country i.Circxdt, th-h^ gelilah. Eze. 47. 8 waters issue out tow-ard the east country 5.A cord, land measured off, Vnn cli^il. Dent. 3. 14 Jair. . took all the country of Argob unto" Q. Place, DipD maqom. Gen. 29. 26 It must not be so dene in oar country, to 1. Elevation, height, nsj nephetJL Josh.17. II Megiddo and her towns, (even) three ecu. 8. An open village, '!"i9 perazi. 1 Sa. 6. 28 (both) of fenced cities, and of country viL 9. A field, expanse, level place, rrn'^ sadeh. Gen. 14. 7 smote all the country of the Amalekitea 32. 23 sentmessengers. .unto.. thecountry of K Num2i. 20 the valley that (is) in the country of M. Judg2o. 6 I. .sent her throughout all the country Buth I. I went to sojourn in the country of Moab 1. 2 they came into the country of Moab, and I. 6 she might return from the country of M. I. 6 she had heard in the country of Moab 1. 22 which returned out of the country of M. 2. 6 with Naomi out of the country of Moab 4. 3 that is come again out of the country of I Sa. 6. I the ark of the Lord was in the country ot 27. 5 a place in some town in the country, that 27. 7 the time that David dwelt in the country 'in. n all the while he dwelleth in the country iCh. B. 8 Shaharaim begat (children) in the count. Hos. lA 12 And Jacob fled into the country of Syria 10. i4 (cultivated) field, aypSs agros. Mark 5. 14 told (it) in the city, and in the country 6. 36 they may go into the country round 6. s6 whithersoever, .into villages, or. .country 15. 21 Simon, .passed by, coming out of the co. 16. 12 as they walked, and went into the[count.] Luke 8. 34 told (it) in the city and in the country g. 12 go into the towns aud country round 23. 26 Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the co, W.Genus, race, yivos genos. Acts 4. 36 a Levite, (and) of the country of Cyprus 12. Earth, land, country, yrj ge. Matt. 9. 3t spead abroad his fame in all that country Acts 7. 3 said unto him. Get thee out of thy count. 13. Falher-land, irarpU patris. Luke 4. 23 heard done, .do also here in thy country John 4. 44 prophet hath no honour in his own cou. Heb. II. 14 declare plainly that they seek a country 14.-Space, place, x»pa chora. Matt. 2. 12 they departed into their own country 8. 28 when he was come.. into the country of Mark 5. 1 they came . . into the country of the Gads. 5. to would not send them away out of the c. Luke 2. 8 there were in the same country shepherds 8. 26 they arrived at the country of the Gada. IS. 13 took his journey into a far country, and IS. TS joined himself to a citizen of that coun. 19. 12 certain nobleman went into a far country 21. 21 let not them that are in the countries Johnii. 54 Jesus. .went thence unto a country near II. 55 many went out of the country up to Jer. Acts 12. 20 their country was nourished by the king's i8. 23 went over (all) the country of Galatia 27. 27 deemed that they drew near to some c. [See also Better, far, hill, king, low, south.] \D.Country (round) about, Trepixcupos perichdros. Matt 14. 35 sent out into all that country round abo. Luke 3. 3 he came into all the country about Jor. 4. 37 the fame oiihim went out into, .the coun. 8. 37 the country of the Gadarenes round about COUNTRY, to go or travel ijito a f ai — To be away from one's people, anoSriixico opodemeo. Matt2i. 33 let it out. .and went into a far country 25, 14 as a man travelling into a far country Marki2. i let it out. .and went into a far country Luke 20. 9 went into a far country for a long time COUNTRY, bom in or of the — Native, indigenous, irnjN ezrach. Num IS. 13 All that are bom of the country shall do Eze. 47. 22 shall be unto you as born in the country COUNTRY, one of your own — NoXive, indigenous, rrilN ezrach. Lev. 16. 29 one of your own country, or a stranger 17. IS one of your own country, or a stranger 24. 22 one. .law. .for one of your own country COUNTRY, one's own — Fatherland, Trarpls patris. Matt 13. 54 when he was come into his own country 13. 57 without honour, save in his own country Marks. 1 went out. .and came into his own count. 6. 4 not without honour, but in his own cou. Luke 4. 24 No prophet is accepted In his own coun. COUNTRYMAN — l.One of the same tribe, hold, I.C3tablish my covenant 'n-ith 9. II Arfd I will establish iny covenant Vith 9. 12, 17 This (is) the token of the covenant 9. 13 and it shall be for a token of a covenant 9. 15 And I will remember my covenant, which 9. 16 I may remember the everlasting covenant 15. 18 In that same day the Lord made a cove COVENANT 208 COVER Gen. 17. 2 1 will make my covenant between me «7. 4 As for me, behold, my covenai^t (is) with 17. 7 I v/ill establish my covenant betv/eenme 27. 7 and thy seed . . for an everlasting covenant 37. 9 Thou Shalt keep my covenant therefore , 17. 10 ThlsQs) my covenant, which ye shall keep 17. II it shall be a token of the covenant 17. 13 covenant shall be. .for an everlasting coy. 17. 14 he hath broken my covenant 17. 19 and I will establish my covenant with 17. 19 for an everlasting covenant, (and) with 17. 21 But my covenant will I establish with 21. 27 and both of them made a covenant 21. 32 Thus they made a covenant atBeer-sheba a6. 28 and let us make a covenant with thee, 31. 44 Now . . come thou, let us make a covenant Exod. 2. 24 and God remembered his covenant vrith 6. 4 have also established my covenant with 6.. s and I have remembered my covenant! 19. 5i£yewlllobey..andkeepniy co venan t -03. 32 Thou Shalt make nocovenant with them B4. 7 he took the book of the covenant, and 24. 8 and said, Behold the blood of the cove. .31. 16 keep the sabbath . .(for) a perpetual cov. 34. 10 And he said, Behold, I make a covenant 34. 12, 15 lest thou make a covenant with thea 34. 27 I have made a covenant with thee and 34. aS He wrote, .the words of the covenant ley. 2. 13 Shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant 84. 8 children, .by an everlasting covenant 26. 9 and establish my covenant with you 26. 15 (but) that ye break my covenant a6. 25 shall avenge the quarrel of (my)'covenanl =6. 42 Then will I remember my covenant with 26. 42 3,nd also my covenant with Isaac 26. 42 and also my covenant with Abraham will 26. 44 to break my covenant with them ; for I 26. 45 will for their sakes remember the coven. Nttm lo. 33 the ark of the covenant of the lORD went 14. 4+ the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and 18. 19 it (is) a covenant of salt for ever before ^5. 12 I give unto him my covenant of peace 25. 13 the covenant of an everlasting priesthood Deut. 4. 13 he declared unto you his covenant, which 4. 23 lest ye forget the covenant of the Lord 4. 31 not forget the covenant of thy fathers SI- S'- - 31. 31- 33- 'OSb. 3. i- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 4- 2 The Lord our God made a covenant with 5. 3 The Lord made not this covenant with 7. 2 thou Shalt make no covenant with them ^. 9 which keepeth covenant and mercy with ,7. 12 thy God shall keep unto thee the covena. 8. 18 that he may establish his covenant which 9. 9 the tables of the covenant which the L. 9. II of stone, (even) the tables of the covenant 9. IS tables of the covenant (were) in my two 10. 8 to bear the ark of the covenant of the L. 2 wickedness . .in transgressing his coven. I These (are) the words of the covenant I the covenant which he made with them 9 Keep therefore the words of this covenant eg. la enter into covenant with the Lord thy G. eg. 14 with you only do I make this covenant 29. 21 the curses of the covenant that are writt. gg. 23 they have forsaken the covenant of the L. 31. 9 bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord 16 break my covenant which I have made 20 and provoke me, and break my covenant as bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the ark of the covenant of the Lord 17- B9. 99- ig. 9 observed thy word, and kept thy coven. 3 the ark of the covenant of the Lord your 6 Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass 6 they took up the ark of the covenant, and 8 priests that bare the ark of the covenant It the ark of the covenant of the Lord of 14 the priests bearing the ark of the coven, 17 priests that bear the ark of the covenant ,7 before the ark of the covenant of the L. 4. 9 priests which bai-e the ark of the coven. 4. 18 priests that bare the ark of the covenant 6. 6 Take up the ark of the covenant, and let 6. 8 ark of the covenant of the Lord followed ■J. 11 transgressed my covenant which I comm. 7. 15 hath transgressed the covenant of the L. 8. 33 bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord 3. 16 When ye have transgressed the covenant 24. 25 Joshua made a covenant vrith the people Tadg. 2. 1 1 will never break my covenant with you a. ao this people hath transgressed my coven, ao. 27 the ark of the covenant of God (was) there 1 Sa, 4. 3 fetch the ark of the covenant of the Lord 4 bring from thence the ark of the covenant 4 there with the ark of the covenant 5 the ark of the covenant of the Lord came I Make a covenant with us, 'and we wiU 3 Then .Tonathan aad David made a core. 8 hast brought thy servant into a oavenant a3. i8 they two made a covenant before the L. 8 83.15. 24 bearing the ark of the covenant of God 23. 5 hath made with me an everlasting coven. sKi. 3. 15 before the ark of the covenant of the L. 6. 19 set there the ark of the covenant of the 8. I might bring up the ark of the coyenant 8. 6 priests brought in the ark of the coven. 8. 21 the ark, wherein (is) the covenant of the 8. 23 who keepest covenant and mercy with II. II hast not kept my covenant and my stat. 19. 10, 14 the children . . have forsaken thy coven. ao. 34 I will send thee away with this covenant ao. 34 he made a covenant with him, and sent 2 Ki. II. 4 made a covenant with them, and took an sx, 17 Jeboiada made acoveu^t between theL. 4- 4- 4- II. I? 20. E Ki. 13. 23 because of his covenant with Abraham 17. 15 his covenant that he made v/ith their 17. 35 With whom the Lord had made a covena. 17. 39the covenant that I have made with you 18. 12 obeyed not.. but fecansgressed his coven. 23. 2 the book of the covenant (which was) 23. 3 made a covenant before the Lord, to 23. -3 to perform the words of this covenant 23. 3 and all tlie people stood to the covenant 23. 21 as. .written in the book of this covenant I Ch.ii. 3 David made a covenant with them in E. 15. 25, 26, 28, 29 ark of the covenant of the Lord 16. 6 before the ark of the covenant of God x6, 15 Be ye mindful always of his covenant j6. 17 (and) to Israel (for) an everlasting coven. ■16. 37 left there, before the ark of the covenant ■17. I ark of the covenant of the Lord (remain. 22.19 bring the ark of the covenant of the L. 28. 2 for the ark of the covenant of the Lord a Ch. 5. 2, 7 the ark of the covenant\of the Lord 6. II the ark, wherein (is) the covenant of the 6. 14 which keepest covenant, and (showest) 13. 5 and to his sons by a covenant of salt 15. 32 they entered into a covenant to Seek the ai. 7 because of the covenanfc^thathehad made 23. I took the captains . . into.covenant with him 23. 3 the congregation made a covenant with 23. 16 Jehoiada mac^e a covenant between him 29. lo (it is) in m.ine heart to make a covenant 34. .30 all the words of the book of the covenant 34. 31 the king, .and made a covenant before 34. 31 to perform the words of the covenant 34. 32 inhabitants, .did according to the cove. Ezra 10. 3 let us make a covenant with our God to Ifeh. 1. s that keepet(i covenant and mercy for them 9. 8 madest a^oovenant with him, to give the 9. 32 the terrlBleGod, who keepest covenant 13. 29 the covenant of the priesthood, and of Job 31. 1 1 made a covenant with mine eyes ; why 41. 4 Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt Pea. 25. 10 unto such as keep his covenant and his 25. 14 and he will show them his covenant 44. 17 have we dealt falsely in thy covenant so. s those that have made a covenant with me 50. 16 shouldest takemy covenant in thy mouth? 55. 20 his hands, .he hath broken his covenant ,74. 20 Have respect unto the covenant : for the 78. 10 They kept not the covenant o( God, and 78. 37 neither were they stedfastinhis covenant 89. 3 I have made a covenant with my chosen 89. 28 and my covenant shall stand fast with 89. 34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter 8g. 39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy 18 To such as keep his covenant, and to 8 He hath remembered his covenant for 10 (and) to Israel (for) an everlasting cove. 4S he remembered for them his covenant S he will ever be mindful of his covenant , 9 he hath commanded his covenant for 12 If thy children will keep my covenant 17 and I'orgetteth the covenant of her God 5 they have, .broken the everlasting cove. 15 We have made a covenant with death 18 your covenant vrith death shall be disan. 8 he hath broken the covenant, he hath 6 giv^e thee for a covenant of the people 8 give thee for a covenant of the people 10 neither shall the covenant of my peace be 3 I will make an everlasting covenant with 4 the eunuchs that, .take hold of my cove. 6 every one that, .taketh hold of my cove. 21 this (is) my covenant with them saith 8 make an everlasting covenant with them 16 The arlc of the covenant of the Lord 2, 6 Hear ye the words of tliis covenant 3 obeyeth not the words of this covenant 8 upon them all the words of this covenant 10 Israel and . . Judah have broken my cove. 21 remember, break not thy covenant with 9 they have forsaken the covenant of the 31 1 will make a new covenant with the 32 Not according to the covenant that I 32 which my covenant they brake, although 33 this (shall be) the covenant that. I will 40 I will make an everlasting covenant with 20 my covenant of the day, and my covenant 21 (Then) may also my covenant be broken 25 If my covenant (be) not with day and 8 the king Zedekiah had made a covenant 10 people, which had entered into the cove. 13 I made a covenant with your fathers in IS ye had made a covenant before me in the 18 men that have transgressed my covenant 18 not performed the v/ords of the covenant 5 in a perpetual covenant (that) shall not 8 1 sware . . and entered into a covenant 59 despised the oath in breaking the cove. 60 I will remember my covenant with thee 60 establish unto thee an everlasting cove. 61 1 wOl give them, .but not by thy cove. 62 I will establish my covenant vrith thee 13 made a covenant with him, and hath 14 by keeping of his covenant it might stand 15 shall he break the Covenant, and be deli.? 16 whose oath he despised, and whose cove. 18 despised the oath by breaking the cove. 19 my covenant that he hath broken, even 37 bring you into the bond of the covenant 34. 25 will make with them a covenant of peace 37. 26 will make a covenant of peace with them 37. 26shall be an everlasting covenant with them 44. 7 they have broken my covenant because of Jer. Z03. 103. 105. 106. III. III. 332- Prov. 2. Isa. 24. 28. 28. 33- 42- 49. 54- SS- 56. 56- 59- 61. 3- II. III. II. ai. -14. 22. 31- 31- 31. 31- 32. 33- ■33- 33- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- Sze. 16. 16. 16. 16. '16. 16. «7- -17. 17. 17- 17- 17. 20. Dan. Hos. Gal. Eph. leb. 9. 4 keeping the covenant and mercy to.them 9. 27 he sliall confirm the covenant with many II. 22 yea, also the prince of the covenant II. 28 heart (shall be) against the holy covenant II. 30 have indignation against the holy coven. II. 30 with them that forsake the holy coveaant 11. 32 such as do wickedly against the covenant 2. 18 will I make a covenant for them with the 6. 7 But they. . have transgressed the covenant 8. X they have transgressed my covenant, and 10. 4 swearing falsely in making a covenant 12. I they do make a covenant with the Assyr. Amos I. 9 and remembered not the brotherly cove. Zech. 9. II by the blood of thy covenant I have sent 11. iQ might break my covenant which I had Mai. 2. 4 that my covenant might be with Levi 2. 5 My covenant was with him of life and 2. 8 ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi 2. 10 by profaning thecovenantof ourfatherst 2. 14 yet (is) she. .the wife of thy covenant 3. I even the messenger of the covenant 2.Arrangement, covenant, SiaOfiitn diatheke. Luke I. 72 and to remember his holy covenant Acts 3. 25 of the covenant which God made with 7. 8 he gave him the covenant of circumcis. Kom. 9. 4 the covenants, and the giving of the law 27 this (is) my covenant unto them, when I 15 Though (it be) but a man's covenant, yet 17 the covenant that was confirmed before 24 these are the two covenants ; the one 13 strangws from the covenants of promise 6 he is the Mediator of a better covenant 8. 8 Iwillmakeanewcovenantwith thehouso 8. 9 Not accordingto the covenant thatlmade 8. 9 they continued not in my covenant, and 8. lo this (is) the covenant that I will make 9. 4 the ark of the covenant overlaid round 9. 4 Aaron's rod. .and the tables of the cove. 10. i6 This (is) the covenant that I will make 10. 29 hath counted the blood of the covenant 12. 24 to Jesus the mediator of the new coven, 13. 20 the blood of the ererlastiiig covenant COVENANT, to — 1.2*0 cut, make or prepare a covenant, n'^5 n"i3. 2 Ch. 7. 18 according as I have covenanted with' Da. Hag. 2. s (According to) the word that I covenanted 2. To setjput, arrange together, (TvvTi0riixisunfithem,i. Luke 22. s they were glad, and covenanted to give COVENANT breaier — JVot bound hy covenant, atrvvOeros asunthetos. Kom. I. 31 Without understanding, covenant brea. COVENANT -with for, to , — To set, establish, appoint, Iittijiii Msterfbi. Ilatt26. IS they covenanted with him for thirty pieces COVER — 1. Cup, jug, can, niUfp, n'g'p, qasvah, qasah. Exod2s. 29 spoons thereof, and covers thereof, and 37. 16 spoons, and his bowls, and his covers to Num. 4. 7 and the bowls, and covers to cover withal 2.T0 hed,ge in, enclose, IIPV sakak. Exod33. 22 will cover thee with my liand while I COVER, to — \,To swallow up, y^3 hala, 3. Num. 4. 20 to see when the holy things are covered 2.T0 cover, nsn chaphah. 2 Sa. 13. 30 the people that (was) with him covered Esth. 7. 8 As the word went out. .they covered H. Jer. 14. 3 they were ashamed . . and covered their 14. 4 the plowmen . .covered their heads 3. To cover, overlay, protect, ^sri chaphaph. Deut. 33. 13 (the) Lord shall coverhimallthe day long 4. To shade, conceal, protect, hh^ talal, 3. Neh. 3. 15 he built it, and covered it, and set np the 5. To clothe, cover, wrap up in, ej); yaat. Isa. 61. 10 covered me withtherobeof righteousness 6. To cover, conceal, noa kasah. Prov 12. 16 but a prudent (man) covereth shame- 7. To cover, conceal, nop kasah, 3. Gen. 9. 23 and covered the nakedness of theirfathec 38. 14 covered her with a veil, and wrapped 38. 15 an harlot.; because she had covered hep Exod. 8. 6 frogs cam.e up, and covered the land of E. 10. 5 tliey shall cover the face, of the earth 10. IS they covered the face of the whole earth 14. 28 waters returned and covered the chariota 15. 5 The depths have covered them : they 15. 10 Thou didst blow, .the sea covered them 16. 13 the quails came up, and covered the 21. 33 if a man shall dig a pit, and not cover it 24. 15 Moses went up. .and a cloud covered the 24. 16 and the cloud covered it six days 26. 13 on this side and on that side, to cover If 28. 42 shalt make them linen breeches to cover 29. 13 take aH the fat thatcovereth the iiiwards 29. 22 the fat that covereth the inwards, and 40. 34 a cloud covered the tent of the congrega. Let. 3. 3, 9, 14 the fat that covereth the inwards 4. 8 the fat that covereth the inwards, and 7. 3 and the fat that covereth the inwards 13. 12 if. .the leprosy cover all the skin of (hira) 13. 13 (if) the leprosy have covered all his flesh 16. 13 the cloud of the incense may cover tha COVER 209 COVET F33. Isa. Lev. 17. 13 he shall even cover it with dust Num. 4. 5 and cover the ark of testimony with it 4. 8 cover the same with a covering of badg. 4. 9 cover the candlestick of the light, and 4, II cover it with a covering of badger's skins 4. 12 cover them'with a covering of badger's 4. IS have made an end of covering the sane. 9, 15 tliecloudcovered the tabernacle, (namely) g. 16 So it was alway : the cloud covered it 16. 42 the cloud covered it, and the glory of the 22. 5 they cover the face of the earth, and they . 22. 11 which covereth the face of the earth Deut22. 12 vesture, wherewith thou co^erest(thyse.) 23. 13 and cover that which coraeth from thee Josh. 24. 7 brought the sea upon them, and covered Judg. 4. 18 when he had turned in. .shecovered him 4. ig and gave him drink, and covered him I Sa. 19. 13 Michal took an image, and covered (it) I KL I. I they covered him with clothes, but he .7 18 to cover the chapiters that (were) upon 7. 41 to cover the two bowls of the chapiters 7. 42 to cover the two bowls of the chapiters a Ch. 4. 12 and the two wreaths to cover the two 4. 13 to cover the two pommels of the chapiters 5. 8 the cherubims covered the ark and the Neh. 4. 5 cover not their inifiuity, and let not their Job 9. 24 he covereth the faces of the judges 15. 27 Because he covereth his face with his fat. 16. 18 cover not thou my blood, and let my cry 21. 26 They shall lie down .worms shall cover 22. II and abundance of waters cover thee 23. 17 (neither) hath he covered the darkness 31. 33 If I covered my transgressions as Adam 36. 30 Behold, he. .covereth the bottom of the 36. 32 'With clouds he covereth the light ; and 38. 34 that abundance of waters may cover 32. I Blessed (is he whose) . . sin (is) covered 44. 15 and the shame of my face hath covered 44. 19 and covered us ■with the shadow of death 60. 7 I have borne reproach ; shtime hath cov. 85. 2 Thou hast forgiven .. thou hast covered 104- 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as (with) 104. 9 they turn not again to cover the earth 106. II the waters covered their enemies ; there io§. 17 and covered the company of Abiram 140. 9 let the mischief of their own lips cover 147. 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds 6, II violence covereth the mouth of the 10. 12 Hatred stirreth up.. love covereth all shis 17. 9 He that covereth a transgression seeketh 24. 31 nettles had covered the face thereof, and 28. 13 He that-jcoverethhis sinsshallnotprosper 6 2 he covered his face, and withtwain he co. 11. 9 shall be full . .as the waters cover the 26. 21 the earth also, .shall no more cover her 20. 10 and your rulers, the seers hath he cover. 51. 16 I .have covered thee in the shadow of 58. 7 thou seest the naked, that thou coverhira 60. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the 60! 6 The multitude of camels shall cover 3 25 'We lie down, .and our confusion cover. 46. 8 I will go up, (and) will cover the earth SI. 51 'We are confounded, .shame hath cover. I. II two (were) joined . .and two covered I. 23 and every one had two, which covered 7. 18 and horror shall cover them ; and shame 12. 6 thou Shalt cover thy face, that thou see 12. 12 he shall cover his face that he see not 16. 8 I spread my skirt over thee, and covered 16. 10 I girded thee, .and I covered thee with 16. 18 tookest thy. .garments, and coveredst 18. 7, 16 and hath covered the naked with a 24 7 she poured it not. .to cover it with dust z6. 10 By reason of. .horjes their dust shall co. 26 19 and great waters shall cover thee 30. 18 as for her, a cloud shall cover her, and 31. IS I covered the deep for hira, and I 32. 7 I will cover the heaven, and make the 32. 7 I will cover the sun with a cloud, and 38. 9 thou Shalt be like a cloud to cover the 38. 16 thou Shalt come up. .as a cloud to cover 9 and my flax (given) to cover hernakedness 10. 8. Cover us ; and to the hills, Fall on us Obad. 10 For (thy) violence . . shame shall cover _ Jon. 3. 6 covered (him) with sackcloth, and sat in 7. lo shame shall cover her which said unto 2. 14 earth shall be filled . .as the waters cover 2. 17 the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee 3. 3 His glory covered the heavens, and the 2. 13 covering the altar of the Lord with tears 2. 16 (one) covereth violence with his garment 6.T0 press dovm, e'SS kaphash, 5. liam. 3. 16 he hath covered me with ashes 9.T0 muMe up, ux*? huit. 3 Sa. 19. 4 the king covered his face, and the king IO..1I covering, coverlet, nMO Tnehasseh Lev. g. \g the rump, and that which covereth (the Isa. 14. I J worm is spread, .and the worms cover Eze.' 27. 7 blue and purple . . was that which covered four out, cover, weave together, ^DJ nasak. Isa. 30. I that cover with a covering, but not of my 12. To be poured out, i\d} nasak, 6 Exod.2s. 29 and bowls thereof, to cover withal 3 7. 16 his bowls .. to cover withal, (of) pure gold IZ.To cover, hedge in, ti3D sakak. Exodas. 20 covering the mercy seat 'with their wings 37. 9 covered with their wings over the mercy 40. 3 and cover the ark ■srtth the veil Jer. Eze. Hos. Mic. Hab. MaL I Ki. 8. 7 the cherubims covei'cd the ark and the I Ch.sS. 18 covered the ark of the covenant of the Job 40. 22 The shady trees cover him (with) their Psa.139. 13 thou hast covered me in my mother's 140. 7 thou hast covered my head in the da.y Lam. 3. 43 Thou hast covered with anger, and pcrs. 3. 44 Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud Ezo. 28. 14 Thou (art) the anointed cherub that cov. 28. 16 1 will destroy thee, covering cherub 14. 7*0 cover, hedge iyi, T|?d sakak, 5. Exod4o. 21 and covered the ark of the testimony Judg. 3. 24 Surely he covereth his feet in his sum. I Sa. 24. 3 Saul went ia to cover his feet : and Da. Psa. 91. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers 15. 2o cover, ceil, overlay, [9? saphayi. I Ki. 6. 9 covered the house with beams and boards 16. To wrap up in, array, cover, .19^; atah. Psa. 104. 2 Who coverest(thyself)with light as (with) 109. 19 Let it be. .as the garment (which) cover. Isa. 22. 17 the Loud will carry, .and will surely cover Eze. 24. 17 cover not (thy) lips, and eat not the bread 24. 22 ye shall not cover (your) lips, nor eat the Mic. 3. 7 yea, they shall all cover their lips : for 17. 7*0 UTup up in, array, cover, nay aiah, 5. Psa. 8g. 4s thou hast covered him with shame 18. To cover, clothe, f[Q>l aiaph. Psa. 73. 6 violence covereth them (as) a garment 19. Tb overlay, cover, spreo.d out, nDy tsaphah, 3. I Ki. 6 15 he covered (them) on the inside with 6. IS covered the floor of the house with planks 6. 20 (so) covered the altar (which was of) cedar 6. 35 covered (them) with gold fitted upon the 20. To cover, overlay, tn^i qaram. 5ze. 37. 6 cover you with skin, and put breath in 37. 8 the skin covered them above : but (there) 21.7*0 bruise, or cover, ^W shuph. Psa. 139. II Surely the darkness shall cover me ; even 22. To cover over, iiviKa\vTrTij> epikahipid. Rom. 4. 7 Blessed(are)they .whose sins are covered 23. 7*0 cover, KaAvirTw kalupio. JIatt. 8. 24 insomuch that the ship was covered 'with 10. 26 nothing covered, that shall not Luke 8. 16 No man. .covereth it with a vessel, or 23. 30 Fall on us ; and to the hills. Cover us I Pe. 4. 8 charity shall cover the multitude of sins 24.7*0 cover fidhj, KaraKaKitrTu katakalupto. 1 Co. II. 7 a man indeed ought not to cover (his) 25.7*0 cover round about, ■K^pLKa.XviTTw pierikalupto, Marki4. 65 to cover his face, and to buffet him, and 26.7*0 cover ■iogether, avynaKiirToi sugkcdupto. Lukei2. 2 nothing covered,thatshallnotbereyealed CO'VEK self, to — 1.7*0 cover self, no? kasah, 7. Gen. 24. 6s she took a veil, and covered herself 2 Ki. ig. I covered himself with sackcloth, and went Isa. 37. I he rent his clothes, and covced himself 59. 6 neither shall they cover tliemselves with 2.2*0 vyrap self tip, -av, atah. Psa.109. 29 cover themselves with their own confns. COVEKED — 1.7*0 cover, nsri chaphah. 2 Sa IS- 30 he went up, and had his head covered Esth. 6. 12 but Haman hasted, .having his head cov. 2.7*0 he covered, nsn chaphah, 2. Psa. 68. 13 the wings of a dove covered with silver 3.2*0 cover, ceil, overlay, Jsp saphan. J Ki 7 3 covered with cedar above upon the beams 7. 7 covered with cedar from one side of the i.A roof, cover, ny isai. Hum 7. 3 brought their offering, .six covered wag. 5.2*0 spread out, cover, overlay, nsv tsaplmh, 4. Prov 26. 23 (like) apotsherd covered with sUver dross CO'VEKED, to bo — 1.7*0 be covered, concealed, np? kasah, 2. Jer SI- 42 she is covered with the multitude of the Eze. 24. 8 that it should not be covered 2.2*0 be covered, concealed, nos kasah, 4. Gen 7. 19 and all the high hills., were covered 7 20 and the mountains were covered Psa 80 10 The hills were covered with the shadow Ecci 6. 4 and his name shall be covered with dark Eze. 41. 16 and the -windows (were) covered Z.To cover self, nos kasah, 7. 2 Ki. ig. 2 he sent Eliakim. .covered with sackcloth Prov 26 26 (Whose) hatred is covered by deceit, his Isa 57 2 he sent Eliakim . . covered with sackcloth Joii. 3. 8 let man and beast be covered with sack. 4.2*0 be thick, covered, ni?3 ka^ah. Deutl32. IS thou art grown thick, thou art covered 5.7*0 wrap up in, array, naj; atah. I Sa 28. 14 An old man . .he (is) covered with amantle Psa. 71. 13 let them be covered (with) reproach and 6 2*0 cover fully, KaraKoXivTa katakahtpto. ' I Co II. 6 woman be not covered, let her also be 11. 6 but if it be a shame.. let her be covered COVERED, to have one's head — 2*0 on the head, icara Ke, the crib (is) clean Isa. T. 3 and the ass his master's crib CRIES, to be — To be called, aii} qara, 2. Jer. 4. 20 Destruction upon destruction ts cried Eze. 10. 13 it was cried unto them In my hearing CRIKE — Cause, case, alrla aitia. Acts 25. 27 to signify the crimes (laid) against him CRIME laid against — Indictment, charge, fyKXrifxa ef/klema. Acts 23. 16 concerning the crime laid against him CRIMES — Jud;/ment, BSpo mishpat. Eze 7. 23 the land is full of bloody crimes, and the CRIMSON — l.Carminc colour, S'p-ip karmrl. 2 Ch. 2. 7 in purple,' and crimson, and blue, and 2. 14 in blue, and in tine linen, and in crhnson 3. 14 the veil (of) blue, and purple, and crimson 2.Scarlet colour, "jw sham. Jer. 4. 30 Though thou clothest thyself with crim. Z.Crimson colour, y'p'in tola. Isa. I. 18 though they be red like crimson, they CRIPPLE, teing a — Lanie, cripple, lialt, x«A(5j chulos. Acts 14. 8 being a cripple from his mother's womb CRISPING pin — Pockets, bags, D'ann charitim. Isa. 3 22 and the wimples, and the crisping pins CRIS-PTTS, Kpio-TTor. A convert at Corinth, baptised by Paul. Acts 18. 8 C. . chief ruler of the synagogue, believed I Co. I. 14 I baptised none of you but C and Gaius CROOK BACKT — Hump backed, j3J gihben. Lev. 21. 20 Or crook-backt, or 3 dwarf, or that hath a CTBOOKED — \. Fleeing, shooting, nna hanach. Job 26. 13 his hand hath formed the crooked serpent 2. To be perverse or perverted, nis; avath, 4. Eccl. I. IS (That which is) crooked cannot be made ^.Deceitful, inscrutable, 3pj; aqob. Isa. 40. 4 the (jrooked shaU be made straight, and i.Tivisted, crooked, jinVpy. aqallathon. Isa. 27. I even leviatlaah that crooked serpent h.Froward, perverse, E'ijy iqqesh. Prov. 2. IS Wliose ways (are) crooked, and (they) fro 6. Wrestling, 'jnSn? pethaltol. Deut 32. 5 (they are) a perverse and crooked gener 7. Crooked, perverse, cicoKiis skolios. Luke 3. 5 the crooked'shall be made straight, and Phil. 2 15 midst of a crooked and perverse nation CROOKED, to make — \.To overturn, pervert, .iij; avah, 3. Lam. 3. 9 he hath made my patlis crooked 2.T0 pervert, ny; avath, 3. Eccl. 7 13 make (that) straight which he .made cr Z.To make froward, perverse, v^]l aqash, 3. Isa. sg. 8 they have maile tliem crooked patlis CROOKED place, thing, way — I. To be high, elevated, ti.t hadar. Isa. 45. 2 I will . make the crooked places straight 2.Froward, perverse, OViS?.? maaqashshiin. Isa. 42. 16 I will make, .crooked things straight 3. Twisted, crooked, hjih^V^ aqalqal. Psa. 125. 5 such as turn aside unto their crooked \v CROP — Crop (of a bird), ^^!^D murah. Lev I. 16 he shall pluck away his crop with hi;" CROP off, to — To crop off, pluck, ia|? qataph Eze. 17. 4 He cropped off the top of his young twijis 17. 22 1 will crop off from the top of his young CROSS - Cross, (rravpos stauros. Mattio. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and 16. 24 let him .take up his cross, and follow me 27. 32 him they compelled to bear his 27. 40 thou be the Sou .come down from the c 27. 42 let him now cojne down from the cross Mark 8. 34 let him .[take uphis cross, and) follow 10. 21 and come, take up the cross, and follow (5. 21 they compel one Simon . .to bear his cross 15. 30 Save tliyself, and come down from the c 15. 32 Let Christ, descend now from the cross Luke 9. 23 [and take up his cross daily, and follow] 14. 27 whosoever doth not bear his cross, and 23. 26 on him they laid the cross, that he might John ig. 17 he bearing his cross went forth into a 19. 19 wrote a title, and put (it) on the cross ig. 25 there stood by the cross of Jesus his 19. 31 bodies should not remain upon the cross 1 Co. I. 17 lest the cross of Christ should be made I 18 preaching of the cross is to them that Gal. 5. II then is the offence of the cross ceased 0. 12 suffer persecution for the cross of Christ 6. 14 save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 2. 16 both unto God in one body by the cross Phil; 2. 8 unto death, even the death of the cross 3. i8 (they are) the enemies of the cross of Ch CoL I. 20 made peace through the blood of his cr ^' 2. 14 out of the way, nailing it to his cross Heb 12'. a endured the cross, despising the shame CR0S8WAY — Crossway, pis pereq. Obad. 14 ahouldest thou have stood in the cross CROUCH, to — 1. Tu be cast down, bruise self, .nji do.kah, Psa 10. 10 He ciouchelh, (and) liiimbleth himself 2.T0 bov) self down, m\^ shachuh, 7. 1 Sa. 2. 36 crouch to him for a piece of silver and CROW, to — To give forth the voice, sound, crovi, (paivdu phoneO. Matt 26. 34 before the cock crow, thou shall deny me 2b. 74 And immediately the cock crew 26. 75 Before the cock crow, thou shaltdcny me Maiki4. 30 before the cock crow twice, thou shall 14. 68 wentoul into the porch ; [and the cock c.I 14. 72 the second time the cock crew. And Fo 14. 72 Before the cock crow twice, thou shall Luke22. 34 the cock shall not crow this day, before 72. 60 while he yet spake, the cock crew 22. 6 1 Hefore the cock crow, thou shall deny roo John 13. 38 The cock shall not crow, till Uiou hast 18. 27 and immediately the cock crew CROWN — l.Croum, border, ring, edge, ledge, "ii zer Exod25. II make upon it a crown of jroUl round 25. 24 make thereto a crown of pold round 25. 23 thou Shalt make a golden crown to the ?o. 3 make unto it a crown of gold round JO. 4 shall thou make to it under the crcwn 37 2 made a crown of gold to it round about 37. II made thereunto a crown of gold round 37. 12 he. .made a crown of gold for the border 37. 26 made unto it a crown of gold round 37, 27 two rings of gold for it under the croKTi 2. Croion, diadem, iria kether. Esth. t. If To bring Vashti. with the crown royal 2. 17 that he set the royal crown upon her 6. 8 the crown royal which is set upon his i.Chaplet, iij nexr. Exodzg. 6 and put the holy crown npon the mitro 39. 30 the plate of the holy crown (of) pure Lev 8. 9 he put the golden plate, the holy crown 21. 12 the crown of the anointing oil of his (Jod 2 Sa. I. 10 I took the crown that(was) upon his head 2 Ki.ii. 12 put the crown upon him, and (gave him) 2 Ch.23. 1 1 put upon him the crown, aud (gave him) Psa. 89 39 thou hast profaned his crown (\>y casting) 132. j8 but upon himself shall his crown flourish Prov 27. 24 doth the crown (endure) to everygenera, t Zecli. 9 16 (they shall be as) the stoucs of a crown i. Croion, ■"'"!?y. atarnh. ■> Sa. 12. 30 took their king's crown from off his heart I Ch 20. 2 took the crown of their king from off his Esth 8. 15 Mordecai went out, with a great crown of Job 19 He hath, .taken the crown (from^ my ji 36 Surely 1 would bind it (as) a crown to Psa 21 3 settest a crown of pure gold on his head Prov 4 9 a crown of glory shall she deliver to then c3 1 A virtuous woman ^is) a crown to her t4 24 The crown of the (nsc (is) their riches t6 31 The hoary head (is) a crown of glory, (ifl 17. 6 Children's children (arc) the croivn of old Song 3. II behold king Solomon with the crown Isa 28 I Woe to the crown of priilc, to the dnink 28 3 The crown of pride, the drunkards of E 28 5 shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown 62. 3 Thou Shalt also be a crown of glory in Jer 13. 18 shall come down, (even) the crown of Lam 5. 16 The crown is fallen (from) our head . woe Kze. 16. i2lput a beautiful crown upon thine head 21 26 Remove the diadem, and takeoff thecro 23 42 and beautiful crowns upon their heads 7cch. 6. 11 take silver and gold, and make crowns 6. 14 the croivns shall betoHelem, and toToU b.Croiori or top of the head, ipiij qodqod. Job 2. 7 from the sole of his foot unto his crown 6 Diadcrn, SidSTifia diadema. Rev. 12. 3 ten horns, and seven crowns upon Ills 13. I upon his horns ten crowns, and upon 19. 12 and on his head (were) many crowns l.Crijvm, a-retpayos Stephanos. Matt 27 29 when they bad platted a crown of thorn* Markis. 17 platted a crown of thorns, and put it John 19. 2 the soldiers platted a crown of thorns jj. 5 Then came Jesus forth, wearing the cro t Co. 9. 25 they (do it) to obtain a corruptible crown Phil. 4. I beloved and longed for, ray joy and crown 1 Th. 2. 19 what (is) our hope., or crown of rejoicing' 2 TL 4. 8 laid up for me a croivn of righteousness Jas. I. 12 he shaU receive the crown of life, which I Pe. 5. 4 ye shall receive a crown of glory that Eev 2. 10 and I will give thee a crown of life 3 II hold. .fast.. that no man take thy crown 4 4 they had on their heads crowns of gold 4. 10 and cast their crowns before the throna 62a crown was given unto him : and he 9 7 on their heads (were) as it were crowns 12 I and upon ber head a crown of twelve 14. 14 having on his head a golden crown, and CRO'WN, to — \.To compass, crovm, "av, atar, 3. Psa. 8. 5 hast crowned him with glory and hononr 65 II Thou crownest the year with thy goodneai GROWN 212 CRY Psa.103. 4 who crowneth thee with loving kindness Song 3. II his mother crowned him in the day of i.To crown, (m, qashah. Gen. 49. 7 Cursed (be), .their wrath, for it was cruel CRTIEL man — Violent, j'cn chomets. Psa. 71.4 the hand of the unrighteous and cruel m. CRTTEl one — Fierce, 'ijsx ahzari. Jer. 30.' 14 with the chastisemeut of a cruel one CKTJELLY — Oppression, p^V osheq. Eze. 18. 18 because he cruelly oppressed, spoiled his CHUIXTY — 1. Violence, DCri chamas. Gen. 49. 5 instruments of cruelty (are in) their habi. Judg. 9. 24 the cruelty (done) to the three score and Psa. 27. 12 and such as breathe out cruelty 74. 20 are full of the habitations of cruelty 2. Breach, burglary, "m^s perek. Eze. 34. 4 and with cruelty have ye ruled them CRUMB — A little bit or crumb, <|/ix'oi' psichion. Matt 15. 27 the crumbs which fall from their master's Mark 7. 28 yet the dogs . . eat of the children's crumbs Lukei6. 21 desiring to be fed with [the crumbs] which CRTTSE — \. Bottle, gunlet, p^apa baqbuq. 1 Ki. 14. 3 take with thee . . a cruse of honey, and go 2. Dish, pan, cruse, n'n''?^ tselochith. 2 Ki. 2. 20 Bring mo a new cruse, and put salt there. S.Dish, cruse, flask, nnss tsappachath. I Sa. 26. II take thou now. .the cruse of water, and 26. 12 David took the spear and the cruse of 26. 16 cruse of water that (was) at his bolster 1 Eli. 17. 12 and a little oil in a cruse : and, behold 17. 14 neither sliall the cruse of oil fail, until 17. 16 neither did the cruse of oil fail, accord. 19. 6 and a cruse of water at his head : and he CiroSK, to — I.To bruise, Np'j daka, 3. Lam. 3. 34 crush under his feet all the prisoners of 2.T0 trouble, crush, destroy, Dcn hamam. Jer. SI. 34 he hath crushed me, he hath made me Z. To press, ^1J zur. Job 39. IS forgettetli that the foot may crush them 4. To oppress, press, crush, yrh lachats. Num. 22. 25 and crushed Balaam's foot against the b.To break, oppress, bruise, J'^'T raisats. Amos 4. 1 oppijess the poor, which crush the needy &.To break in pieces, destroy, 15^ shabar. Lam. 1. 15 called an assembly, .to crush my young CETISHED — l.To beat down or out, nns kaihath. Lev. 22. 24 that which is bruised, or crushed, op 2. To break, oppress, bruise, y^l ratsats. Deut 28. 33 thou Shalt be only oppressed and crushed CRTISHEI), to be — 1.2*0 bruise, ^«3■^ daka, 3. Job 4. i9them..(which)arecrushedbeforethemoth 2.T0 bruise self, ^37 daka, 7. Job 5. 4 they are crushed in the gate, neither (is CRUSHED, that which is — What is pressed, ■Tin zureh. Isa. 59. s that which is crushed breaketh out into CRY — l.To cry out, call, pj); zaaq. Isa. 30. 19 very gracious . . at the voice of thy cry 2.Cry, crying out, niJj;) zeaqah. Gen. 18. 20 the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great Neh. 5. 6 I was very angry when I heard their cry 9. 9 and heardest their cry by the Red sea Esth. 4. I and cried with a loud and a bitter cry 9. 31 the matters of the fastings and their cry Job 16. 18 and let my cry have no place Prov 21. 13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the Eccl. 9. 17 more than tlie cry of ■him that ruleth Isa. 15. 5 they shall raise up a cry of destruction 15. 8 the cry is gone round about the borders Jer. 18. 22 Let a cry be heard from their houses 20. 16 let him hear the cry in the morning, and 48. 4 little ones have caused a cry to be heard 48. 34 From the cry of Heshbon (even) unto E. so. 46 and the cry is heard among the nations 51. 54 A sound of a cry (cometh) from Babylon Eze. 27. 28 shall shake at the sound of the cry of Z.Cry, crying, nijjs tsevachah. Jer. 14. 2 and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up 45. 12 thy cry hath filled the land: for the 4. Cry, crying out, nj^j;!! tseaqah. Gen. 18. 21 according to the cry of it, which is come 19. 13 the cry of them is waxen great before the' 27. 34 with a great and exceeding bitter cry Exod.'3. 7 have heard their cry by reason of their 3. Q the cry of the children of Israel is come II. 6 there shall be a great cr.v throughout all Bxodi2. 30 there was a great cr;' in Egypt; for (there 22. 23 I will surely hear their cry 1 Sa. 9. 16 because their cry is come unto me Keh. 5. I there was a great cry of the people, and Job 27. 9 Will God hear his cry when trouble com. 34. 28 they cause the cry of the poor to come 34. 28 and he heareth the cry of the afflicted Psa. 9. 12 he forgctteth not the cry of the humble Isa. 5. 7 for rigliteousness, but beiiold a cry Jer. 25. 36 A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and 48. 5 the enemies have heard a cry of destrua 49. 21 at the cry, the noise thereof was heard Zeph. 1. 10 the noise of a cry from the fish gate 5. Voice, Vip qol. Kuraie. 34 And all Israel, .fled at the cry of them Q.Loud cry, proclamation, nfi rinnah. 1 Ki. 8. 28 to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer 2 Ch. 6. 19 to hearken unto the cry and the prayer Psa. 17. I Lord, attend \mto my cry, gine ear ' 61. 1 Hear my cry, O God ; attend imto my pra. 88. 2 incline thine ear unto my cry 106. 44 their affliction, when he heard their cry 119. 169 Let my cry come near before thee, L. 142. 6 Attend unto my cry; for I am brought Isa. 43. 14 the Chaldeans, whose cry (is) lu the shjia Jer. 7. 16 neither lift up cry nor prayer for them 11. 14 neither lift up cry nor prayer for them 14. 12 When they fast, I will not hear their cry 7. Crying aloud, sheva. Psa. 5. 2 Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my K. S.Loud cry, crying, r\}j\a sliavah. Exod. 2. 23 their cry came up unto God by reason of 1 Sa. 5. 12 the cry of the city went up to heaven 2 Sa. 22. 7 and my cry (did enter) into his ears Psa. i8. 6 my cry came before him, (even) into his 34. IS and his ears (are open) unto their cry 39. 12 Hear. .0 Lord, and give ear unto my cry 40. I and he inclined unto me, and heard my c. 102. 1 Hear. .0 Lord, and let my cry come unto 145. 19 he also will hear their cry, and will save Jer. 8. 19 of the cry of the daughter of my people Lam. 3. 56 hide not thine ear. .at my ciy ^.A cry, Pori boe. Jas. 5. 4 the cries of them which have reaped are 10. .4 crying, cry, Kpavyii krauge. Matt2s. 6 at midnight there was a cry made. Behold Acts 23. 9 there arose a great cry: and the scribes Piev. 14. 18 with a loud cry to him that had the sharp CRT, to — \.To groan, pJX anaq. Eze. 26. IS when the wounded cry, when the slaug. 2. To groan together, p3« ancui, 2. Eze. 9. 4 that cry for all the abominations that 24. 17 Forbear to cry, make no mourning for Z.To cry out, py; zaaq. ' Exod. 2. 23 and the children of Israel, .cried ; and Judg. 3. 9, 15 the children of Israel cried unto the 6. 6, 7 children of Israel cried unto the Lord 10. 10 children of Israel cried unto the Lord 10. 14 Go and cry unto the gods wliich ye have f Sa. 7. 8 Cease not to cry unto the LORDour God 7. 9 and Samuel cried unto the Lord for Israel 12. 8 your fathers cried unto the Lord, then 12. 10 they cried unto the Lord, and said. Wo 15. II it grieved Samuel ; and he cried unto the 28. 12 she cried with a loud voice : and the ? Sa. 13. 19 her hand on her head, and went on crying> 19. 4 the king cried with a loud voice, my son 19. 28 what right therefore have I yet to cry •J Ch. 5. 20 they cried to God in the battle, and he 2 Ch.2o. 9 cry unto thee in our affliction, then thou 32. 20 the prophet Isaiah, .prayed and cried to ITeb. 9. 4 cried with a loud voice unto tlie Lord 9. 28 when they returned, and cried unto thee Esth. 4. I and cried with a loud and a bitter cry Job 31. 38 If my land cry against me, or that the Psa. 22. s They cried unto thee, and were delivered 107. 13 th.ey cried unto the Lord in their trouble T07. 19 they cry unto the Lord in their trouble 142. 1 1 cried unto the Lord with my voice 142. 5 I cried unto thee, O Lord : I said. Thou Isa. 14. 31 cry, city ; thou, whole Palestina, (art) 15. 4 Heshbon shall cry, and Elealeh : their 57. 13 Wlien thou criest, let thy companies Jer. ir. II though they shall cry unto me, I will not II. 12 cry unto the gods unto whom tliey offer 25. 34 Howl, ye shepherds, and cry ; and wallow 30. 15 Why criest thou for thine affliction ? 47. 2 the men shall cry, and all the inhabitants 48. 20 howl and cry ; tell ye it in Amon, that lam. 3. 8 when I cry and shout, he shutteth Eze. 9. 8 I fell upon my face, and cried, and said II. 13 cried with a loud voice, and said, Ah SI. 12 Cry and howl, son of man ; for it shall bo 27. 30 shall cry bitterly, and shall cast up dust Hos. 7. 14 they have not cried unto me with their 8. 2 Israel shall cry unto me. My God, we Joel I. 14 Sanctify ye a fast . . and cry uijto the LORD Jon. 1. 5 mariners, .cried every man unto his god Mic. 3. 4 shall they cry unto the LOED, but he win A.To cry out, PJJi zaaq, 5. Zech. 6. 8 Tlien cried he upon me, and spake unto 5.T0 cry out, pyt zeaq. Dan. 6. 20 cried vriih a lamentable voice unto Daniel CRY 213 CRY I 6.T0 cry out (painfvJly), Ds; yabab, 3. Jadg. $. 28 The mother of Sisera.. cried through the 7. To answer, respond, nij; anah. Exod32. 18 ueitiier (is It) the voice of (them that) cry laa. 13. 22 the wild beasts of the islands shall cry 8. To pant, long for, Jiy arac;. Joel I. 20 The beasts of the field cry also unto thee 0. To cry, scream, nj,'3 paah. Isa. 42. 14 (now) will 1 cry like a travailing woman 10. Tb cry out, pyy tsaaq. Gen. 4. 10 the voice of thy brother's blood crieth 27. 34 when Esau heard the words, .he cried 41. 55 the people cried to Pharaoh for bread Exod. 5. 8 they cry, saying, Let us go (and) sacrifice 5. 15 the officers.. came and cried unto Phara. 8. 12 Moses cried unto the Lord because of the 14. 15 t.ieLoRD said.. Wherefore criest thou un.? 15. 25 he cried unto the Lord ; and the Lord 17. 4 Moses cried unto the Lord, saying. What 22. 23 If thou afflict them, .and they cry at all 22. 27 it shall come to pass, when he crieth unto Jfumii. 2 the people cried unto Moses ; and when 12. 13 Moses cried unto the Lord, saying. Heal 20. 16 when we cried unto the Lord he heard Deut 22. 24 the damsel, because she cried not, (being) 22. 27 the betrothed damsel cried, and (there 26. 7 we cried imto the Lord God of our fathers Josh.24. 7 when they cried unto the Lord, he put Judg. 4. 3 the children of Israel cried unto the L. 10. 12 ye cried to me, and I delivered you out 1 Ki.2o. 39 as the Iting passed by, he cried unto the a Ki. -4. I there cried a certain woman of the wives 6. 5 he cried, and said, Alas, master ! for it 6. 26 there cried a woman unto him, saying 8. 3 she went forth to cry untathe king for 8. 5 the woman, the Icing for her 2 Ch.13. 14 tliey cried unto the LORD, arid the priests Neh. 9. 27 they cried unto thee, thou heardest Job 19. 7 I cry aloud, but (there is) no judgment 35, 12 they cry, but none giveth answer, because Psa. 34. 17 (The righteous) cry. and the LORD heareth 77. I I cried unto God with my voice, (even) 88. I I have cried day (and) night before thee 107. 6 they cried unto the Lord in their trouble 107. 28 they cry uuto the Lord in their trouble :Isa. 19. 20 they shall cry unto the Lord because of 33. 7 Behold, their valiant ones shall cry with. 42. 2 He shall not cry . .nor cause his voice to 46. 7 shall cry unto him, yet can he not answer 65. 14 but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and Jer. 22. 20 Go up to Lebanon, and <^^y ; ^ud lift up 22. 20 cry from the passages : for all thy lovers 49. 3 cry, ye daughters of Kabbah, gird you Lam. 2. 18 Their heart cried unto the Lord, wall cry. out, pyv tsaaq, 3. 2 Ki. 2. 12 And Elisha saw (it), and he cried, My fa. 12. To shriek, roar, tni isarach. Zeph. I. 14 the mighty man shall cry there bitterly 13. To call, «-!i3 qara. Gen. 39. J 4 he came in . . and I cried with a loud voice 39- 15, t8 I lifted up my voice and cried, that 41. 43 and they cried before him. Bow the knee 45. I he cried, Cause every man to go out from Lev."i3. 45 covering upon his upper Up, and shall cry Deut 15. 9 and he cry imto the Lord against thee 24. IS lest he cry against thee unto the Lord Jndg. 7. 20 and they cried. The sv/ord of the Lord g. 7 lifted up his voice and cried, and said 18. 23 And they cried unto the chUdren of Dan X Sa. 17. 8 he stood and cried unto the armies of Is. 20. 37 Jonathan cried ffter the lad, and said 20. 38 Jonathan cried after the lad. Make speed 24. 8 cried after Saul, saying. My lord the king 26. 14 David cried to the people, and to Abner 26. 14 Who (art) thou (that) criest to the king? aSa. 18. 25 And the watchman cried, and told the 20. 16 Then cried a ivise v.'oman out of the city 22. 7 I called upon the Lord, and cried to my I Kl 13. 2 he cried against the altar in the word of 13. 4 the man of God, which had cried against 13. 21 he cried unto the man of God that came 1.3. 32 which he cried by the word of the Lord 17. 20, 21 cried unto the Lord, and said, Lord 18. 27 Elijah mocked them, and ^aid, Cry aloud 18. 28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves a El It. 14 Athaliah rent her clothes, and cried 18. 28 Kab-shakeh stood, and cried with a loud 20. II Isaiah the prophet cried unto the Lord aCh. 14. II Asa cried unto the Lord his God,andsaid 32. 18 they cried with a loud voice in the Jew's Paa. 3. 4 1 cried unto the Lord with my voice, and 32. 2 I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not 27. 7 Hear, Lord, (when) I cry with my voice s8. I Unto thee -ivill I cry, O LORDtmy rock 30. 8 I cried to thee, Lord; and unto the L. 34. 6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard 56. 9 When I Cry funto thee), then shall mine 57. 2 1 will cry unto God most high ; unto God ■Bi. 2 From the end of the earth will I cry unto 66. 17 I cried unto him with my mouth, and he 86. 3 Be merciful . . Lord : for I cry unto thee 119. 145 I cried with (my) whole heart ; hear me 120. 1 1 cried unto the Lord, and he heard me 138. 3 In the day when I cried thou answeredst 141. 1 1 cry unto thee : make haste unto ma 147. 9 (and) to tiie young lavens which cry Isa. Jer. 21. : 6. & 8. 21. 3°- 34- 40. 40. 40. 58. 2. 3- 4. Lam. Eze. ■Joel (Jon.. 3- 3- 3- 6. Zech. r. Mc. Prov. I. 21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse 2. 3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge 8. I Doth not wisdom cry ? and understanding 9. 3 she crieth upon the highest places of the 21. 13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the 13 he also shall cry himself, but shall not 3 And one cried unto anotlaer, and said 4 moved at the voiceof him that cried, and 4 the child shall have knowledge to cry 8 he cried, A lion : My lord, 1 stand contl. 7 therefore have I cried concerning this 14 and the satyr shall cry to his fellow 36. 13 Rabshakeh stood, and cried with a loud 40. 2 cry unto her, that Iier warfare is accom. 3 voice of him that crieth in the wilderness 6 The voice said. Cry, And he said 6 What shall I cry ? All flesh (is) grass, and 1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice 2 Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem 4 Wilt thou not from this time cry unto 5 cry, gather together. .Assemble yourseL 4. 20 Destruction upon destruction is cried II. 14 neither lift up a cry or prayer for them u. 14 not hear (them) in the time that they cry 20. 8 I cried violence and spoil; because the w. 31. 6 the watchmen upon the mount Ephraira 46. 17 They did cry there, Pharaoh king of Eg. 49. 29 shall cry unto them. Fear (is) on every 4. 15 They cried unto them, Depart ye ; (it is) 8. 18 though they cry in mine cars with a loud g. I He cried also in mine ears with a loud 1. 19 Lord, to thee will I cry : for the fire I. 2 go to Nineveh, that great city, .and cry 1. 14 they cried unto the Lord, and said. We 2. 2 I cried by reason of mine affliction unto 4 Jonah. .cried, and said, Yet forty days 8 But let man . . cry mightily unto God ; yea 5 that bite with their teeth, and cry. Peace 9 The Lord's voice crieth unto the city, and 4 unto whom the former prophets have cri. 14 th'6 angel, .said unto me. Cry thou, saying I. 17 Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of 7. 7 v/hich the Lord hath cried by the former 7. 13 (that) as he cried, and they would not 7. 13 So they cried, and I would not hear, saith call, tqp qera. Dan. 3. 4 an herald cried dloud. To you it is com. 4. 14 He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down 5. 7 The king cried_aloud_to bring in the astro. 15. To shout, yn rua, 5. Judg. 7. 2t and all the host ran, and cried, and fled Job 30. 5 they cried after them as (after) a thief Isa. 42. 13 he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail 16. To cry aloud,- W^ shava, 3. Job 29. 12 I delivered the poor that cried, and the 30. 20 I cry unto thee, and thou dost not hear 30. 28 I stood up, (and) I cried in the congrega. 36. 13 they cry not when he bindeth them 38. 41 his young ones cry unto God, they wander Paa. 18. 61 called upon the Lord, and cried unto 18. 41 They cried, but (there was) none to save 22. 24 but when he cried unto him, he heard 28. 2 when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my 30. 2 I crie4 unto thee, and thou hast healed 31. 22 thou heardest the voice, .when I cried 72. 12 shall deliver the needy when he crieth 88. 13 But unto thee have I cried, O Lord iig. 147 I prevented che dawning, .and cried Isa. 58. 9 thou Shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I Jon. 2. 2 out.. of hell cried I, (andj thou Eab. I. 2 how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not IT.To cry out, play, delight, VUV shacf,. Isa. 29. 9 Stay yourselves, and wonder, .and cry 18. Cry, crying out, yw shua. Job 30. 24 though they cry in his destruction 19. To give forth the voice, hSp ]T\i nathan qol. Kum. 14. I congregation lifted up their voice, and cr. Amos 3. 4 wiU a young lion cry out of his deu if 20. To cry out, avaBoda anaboao. Matt 27. 46 about the ninth hour Jesus [cried] with a 21.^0 let go, send away, avea. Acts 22. 24 might know wherefore they cried so ag. CRY aloud, to — l.To make a noise, ncn hamah. Psa. 55. 17 and at noon, will I t)ray, and cry aloud 2. To cry aloud, rejoice, Vny tsahal. Isa. 24. 14 they shaU cry aloud from the sea 3. To cry aloud, rejoice, hsrf tsahal, 3. Isa. 54. I break forth into singing, and cry alond i.To shout, ipi rv.a, 5. Hos. 5. 8 cry aloud (at) Beth-aven, after thee, 5. 7*0 cry out, V«y shava, 3. Job 19. 7 I cry aloud, but (there is) no judgment Q.To cry out, avaBodu anaboao. '■ Markis. 8 the multitude, [crying aloud,] began to CE.Y, to make to — To cause to cry out, PUJ zcuzg, 5. Job 35. 9 they make (the oppressed) to cry CE. Y out, to — l.To cry alovd, rejoice, Srrf tsahal, 3. Isa. 12. 6 Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Z. 2. To cry out, pyi zaak. 1 Sa. 4. 13 came, .and told(it). .aUthecity cried out 5. 10 the Ekronites cried out, saying. They have 8. 18 cry out in that day because of your king 1 3K1. 22. 32 they turned, .and Jehoshaphat cried out 2 Ch,i8. 31 Jehoshaphat cried out, and the Lord ISa, 15. 5 My heart shall cry out for Moab 26. 17 as a woman with, .child crieth out In her Jer. 20. 8 For since I spake, I cried out, 1 48. 31 wiU I howl for Moab, and I wUl cry out Eab. 1. 2 cry out unto thee (of) violence, and thou 2. li the stone shall cry out of the wall Z.To cry out, pKV tsoMq. Exodi4. 10 children of Israel cried oirt unto the L. 2 Ki. 4. 40 it came to pass . . that they cried out, and Job 19. 7 I cry out of wrong, but I ^m not heard 4. To shout, 5)51 rua, 5. Isa. 15. 4 the armed soldiers of Moab shall cry out Mic. 4. 9 why dost thou cry out aloud ? (is there) no 5. To sing, cry aloud, ]t\ ranan. Lam. 2. ig cry out in the night ; in the beginning of &.To sing, cry aloud, ]P, ranan, 3. Psa. 84. 2 my flesh crieth out for the living God 7. To cry aloud, viv shava, 3. Job 24. 12 the soul of the wjimded crieth out: yet 35. 9 cry out by reascE of the arm of the 8. To cry out for self, play, delight, VHV shcut, 7a. Isa. 29. 9 Stay yourselves, and wonder ; cry ye oat CRY 214 CUMBEB 9',To cry out, ava^oaw anaboao. Luke g. 38 a man of the company [cried out,] saying cry out, avaKpa^^o} anakrazo. Mark i. 23 a man with an unclean spirit, .cried out 6. 49 they supposed it. .a spirit, and cried out Iilike 4. 33 there was a man. .and cried out with 3 8. 28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell 23. 18 they cried out all at once, saying. Away 11, To cry, Kpd^co krazo. Matt. 8. 29 they cried out, saying, WTiat have we to 14. 26 It is a spirit : and they cried out for 20. 30 two l)lind men sitting, .cried out, and 27. 23 tliey cried out the more, saying. Let liim Mark 9. 24 the father of the child cried out, saying lo. 47 he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, (thou) 15. 13 And they cried out again. Crucify him 15. 14 they cried out the more exceedingly iS.'39 the centurion, .saw tliat he so [cried out] Iiuke 4. 41 devils also came out of many, [crying out] g, 39 a spirit taketh him, and he. .crieth out ig. 40 I tell you. .the stones would, .cry out John 19. 12 the Jews [cried out,] saying. If thou let Acta 7. 67 they cried out with a loud voice, and 14. 14 and ran in among the people, crying out 19. 28 they were full of wrath, and cried out 19. 34 aU with one voice, .cried out. Great (is) 21. 28 Crying out. Men of Israel, help : This is 23. 6 he cried out in the council. Men (and) 12. To make an caitcry, Kpavy&(a) kraugazG. Jolmig. 6 they cried out, saying. Crucify (hira) 19. IS they cried out, Away with (him), away Acts 22. 23 as they cried out, and cast off (their) 13.2ci give forth the voice, Vip jra nathan qol. Jer. 12. 8 it crieth out against me : therefore have CRY unto, to — To call, tnp, qara. Psa. 89. 26 He shall cry unto me, Tliou (art) ray ug. 146 I cried unto thee, save me, and I shall 130. I Out of the depths have I cried unto thee 141. I give ear unto my voice, when.:]: cry unto CRYING — l.Cry, crying out, n^^\ zeaqah. Isa. 65. 19 be no more heard, .the Voice of crying 2. Cry, crying, nrii¥ zevachah. Isa. 24. II (There is) a crying for wine in the streets B.Cry, crying out, ."iRJ/it tseaqah. I Sa. 4. 14 when Eli heard the noise of the crying Jer. 48. 3 A voice of crying (shall be) from Horon. i.To call, K"ii? qara. Psa. 69. 3 1 ara weary olmy crying ; my throat is B.Crying, Kit:' shoa. Isa. 22. 5 (it is) a day.. of crying to the mountains &.Cry, crying, noise, n'lNE'J^ teshuotli. Job 39. 7 neither regardeth he the crying of tho I.To put to death, niD muth, 5. Prov 19. 18 and let not thy soul spare for his crying S.A crying out, Kpaxry-fi krauge. Heb. s. 7 offered up prayers, .with strong crying Kev. 21. 4 there shall be no more death, .nor crying CRYING out — Groan, groaning, ."iiJjN anaqah. Mai 2. 13 v/ith weeping and with crying out CRYSTAL — l.Glass, crystal, D'JID] zeJcuhith. Job 28. 17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal 2./ce, nip, qerach. Eze. I. 22 (was) as the colour cf the terrible crystal S.Crysial, KpvcrTaWos krustallos. Eev. 4. 6 (there was) a sea of glass like unto cryst. 22. I river of water of life, clear as crystal CRYSTAL, cleax as — To he as crystal, KpyaraXKl^oi krustallizo. Kev. 21, II even like a jasper stone, clear as a crystal CUBIT — J.Cubit, nox ammah. Gen. 6.'i5 length of the ark. .tliree hundred cubits 6. 15 the breadth of it fifty cubits 6. 15 and the height of it thirty cubits 6. 16 and in a cubit shall thou finish it above 7. 20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters Exod25. 10 two cubits and a half (shall be) the length 25. 10, 17 a cubit and a half the breadth thereof 25. 10 and a cubit and a half the height thereof 25. 17 two cubits and a half (sliall be) the length ■2$. 23 two cubits (shall be) the length thereof 25. 23 a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit s6. 2 curtain (shall be) eight and twenty cubits 26. 2, 8 the breadth of one curtain four cubits e6. 8 Tho length of one curtain, .thirty cubits 26. 13 a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on 26. 16 Ten cubits (shall be) the length of a boa. 26. 16 a cubit and a half (shall be) the breadth 27. I five cubits long, and five cubits broad 27. I the height thereof (shall be) three cubits 27. 9 of an hundred cubits long for one side 27. 12 (shall be) hangings of fifty cubits 27. 13 the breadth of the court, .fifty cubits 27. 14 The hangings-, .(shall be) fifteen cubits S7. ifl (shall be) aa hanging of twenty cubits £xod27. 27. so- so- 36- 36- 36- as- se- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37. 37- 37- 38. 38. 38. 38. 38- 38. 38. 38- 38. . 38- 35- 35- 35- Deut. 3. Josh. 3. I Sa. 17. tEi. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7: 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- a*Lii4- lCh.11. sCh, 3. 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3' 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 6. 6. 25. Keh. 3. Estb. s. Jer. 52. Eze. 40- 40. 18 The length of the court .an hundred cu. 18 the height five cubits (of) fine twined 2 A cubit (shall be) the length, .and a cubit 2 two cubits (shall be) the height thereof 9 The length, .(was)twentyandeight cubits g the breadth of one curtain four cubits IS length of one curtain (was) thirty cubits IS four cubits (was) the breadth of one cm- 21 The length of a board (was) ten cubits 2t the breadth of a board one cubit and a I two cubits and a half (was) the length of I and a cubit and a half the breadth of it I and a cubit and a half the height of it 6 two cubits and a half (was) the length 6 one cubit and a half the breadth thereof 10 two cubits (was) the length thereof, and 10 a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit 25 altar, .the length of it (was) a cubit '25 and the breadth of it a cubit 25 (it was) four square ; and two cubits (was) I five cubits (was) the length thereof, and 1 five cubits tlie breadth .and three cubits g hangings of the court, .an hundred cubits I J (the hangings were) an hundred cubits 12 west side (were) hangings of fifty cubits 13 for the east side eastward fifty cubits 14 hangings of the one side, .fifteen cubits 15 on this hand, .hangings of fifteen cubits 18 and twenty cubits (was) the length, and 18 the height in the breadth (was) five cub. 31 two cubits (high) upon the face of the 4 (shall reach), .outward a thousand cubits 5 and on the south side twolthousand cubits S and on the west side two thousand cubits 5 and on the north side two thousand cub. 11 nine cubits (was) the length thereof, and II four cubits the breadth .. after the cubit 4 about two thousand cubits by measure 4 Goliath . . whose height (was) six cubits and 2 the length thereof (was) threescore cubits 2 and the height thereof thirty cubits 3 twenty cubits (was) the length tliereofj 3 ten cubits (was) the breadth thereof 6 The nethermost chamber (was) five cubits 6 and the middle (was) si.x cubits broad 6 and the third (was) seven cubits broad 10 (then) he built chambers, .five cubits high 16 he built twenty cubits on the sides of 17 the temple before it, was forty cubits (long) 20 oracle in the fore part (was) twenty cubits 20 twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cu. 23 two cherubims (of) olive tree, .ten oibits 24 five cubits (was) the one wingof the cher. 24 five cubits the other wing of tlie cherub 24 from tiie uttermost part .. (were) ten cub. 25 the other cherub (was) ten cubits 26 height of the one cherub (was) ten cubits 2 the length thereof (was) an hundred cub. 2 and the breadth thereof fifty cubits 2 and the height thereof thirty cubits 6 the length thereof (was) fifty cubits 6 and the breadth thereof thirty cubits 10 stones of ten cubits, and. .of eight cubits 15 two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits 15 a line of twelve cubits did compass either 16 height of the one chapiter (was) five cub. i6 height of the other chapiter, .five cubits ig the chapiters.. In the porch, four cubits 23 ten cubits from the one brim to the other 23 and his height (was) five cubits 23 a line of thirty cubits did compass it 24 ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round 27 four cubits (was) the length of one base 27 four cubits the breadth, .and three cub. 31 within the chapiter and above (was) a c. 31 the mouth thereof . .a cubit and an half 32 the height, .(v/as) a cubit and half a cu. 35 a round compass of half a cubit high 38 (and) every laver was four cubits 13 unto the corner gate, four hundred cubits . 17 height of tho one .(was) eighteen cubits . 17 the height of the chapiter tliree cubits , 23 And he slew an Egyptian, .five cubits hi. 3 length by cubits . . (was) threescore cubits 3 and the breadth twenty cubits 8 according to the breadth, .twenty cubits 8 and the breadth thereof twenty cubits 11 the wings, .(were) twenty cubits 11 wing (of the one cherub was) five cubits 11 the other wing (was likewise) five cubits 12 (one) wing of the other cherub (was) five 12 and the other wing (was) five cubits (also) 13 The wings . . spread . . forth twenty cubits 15 two pillars of thirty and five cubits high , IS the chapiter, .on the top. .(was) five cub. I altar, .twenty cubits the length thereof 1 twenty cubits the breadth, .and ten cub. 2 he made a molten sea of ten cubits from 2 and five cubits the height thereof 2 a line of tliirty cubits did compass it 3 ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round 13 a brasen scaffold, of five cubits long 13 five cubits broad, and three cubits high 23 to the corner gate, four hundred cubits 13 a thousand cubits on the wall unto the 14 Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high 9 the gallows fifty cubits high, which Ha. 21 height of one pillar (was) eighteen cubits 21 a fillet of twelve cubits did compass it 22 height of one chapiter (was) five cubits 5 reed of six cubits (long) by the cubit and 7 between the . . chambers (were) five cubits Eze. 40. 9 Then measured he the porch, .eight cub. 40. g and the posts thereof, two cubits 40. 11 the breadth of the entry, .ten cubits 40 1 1 the length of the gate, thirteen cubits 40. 12 one cubit (00 this side)., one cubit on that 40. 12 six cubits on this side, and six cubits 40. 13 the breadth (was) five and twenty cubits 40. 14 He made also posts of threescore cubits 40. 15 from the face of the gate, .fifty cubits 40. ig an hundred cubits eastward and northw 40. 21 the length thereof (was) fifty cubits 40. 21 and the breadth five and twenty cubits 40. 23 from gate to gate an hundi-ed cubits 40. 25, 36 the length (was) fifty cubits 40. 2s and the breadth five and twenty cubits 40. 27 toward the south an hundred cubits 40. 29, 33 fifty cubits long, .five and twenty cu. 40. 30 twenty cubits long, and five cubits broad 40. 36 and the breadth five and twenty cubits 40. 42 four tables (were) . . a cubit and an half 40 42 a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit 40. 47 he measured the court, an hundred cub. 40 47 and an hundred cubits broad, four square 40. 48 five cubits on this side, and five cubits 40. 48 three cubits on this side, and three cub. 40. 49 The length of the porch (was) twenty cu. 40. 49 and the breadth eleven cubits 41. I six cubits .on the one side, and six cub. 41. 2 the breadth of the door (was) ten cubits 41. 2 the sides of the doors (were) five cubits 41. 2 and five cubits on the other side 41. 2 forty cubits, and the breadth, twenty cu. 41. 3 post, .two cubits, and the door six cubits 41. 3 and the breadth of the door seven cubits 41. 4 he measured thelength thereof, twenty c. 41. 4 twenty cubits, and the breadtli, twenty c. 41. s measured the wall of the house, six cub 41. 5 breadth of (every) side chamber four cub. 41. 8 a full reed of six great cubits 41. g thickness of the wall, .(was) five cubits 41. 10 between the chambers (was), .twenty cu. 41. II the breadth of the place, .(was) five cub. 41. 12 the building, .(was) seventy culjits broad 41. 12 the wall of the building (svas) five cubits 41. 12 and the length thereof ninety cubits 41. 13 measured the house, an hundred cubits 41. 14 place toward the east, an hundred cubits 41. 15 tlie galleries thereof, .an hundred cubits 41. 22 three cubits high, and the length, two c. 42. 2 Before the length of an hundred cubits 42. 2 and the breadtli (was) fifty cubits 42. 4 ten cubits breadth a way of one cubit 42. 7 the length thereof (was) fifty cubits 42. 8 the length of the chambers, .fifty cubits 43. 13 the measures of the altar after the cubits 43. 13 The cubit (is) a cubit and an handbreadth 43. 13 (shall be) a cubit, and the breadth a cubit 43. 14 two cubits, and the breadth one cubit 43. 14 four cubits, and the breadth (one) cubit 43. IS So the altar (shall be) four cubits 43. 17 the border about it (shall be) half a cubit 43. 17 the bottom thereof (shall be)about a cubis 45. 2 fifty cubits round about for the suburbs . 47. 3 he measured a thousand cubits, and he Zech. s- 2 the length thereof (is) twenty cubits 5. 2 and the breadth thereof ten cubits I.Span, ins gomed. Judg 3.^16 Ehud made him a dagger .of a cubit len. 3. The fore arm, a cubit, itrixv^ pechus Matt 6. 27 Which of you. .can add one cubit unto Lukei2. 2S can add to his stature one cubit? John2i. 8 but as it were two hundred cubits Kev. 21. 17 an hundred (and) forty (and) four cubits C0BITS — Cubits, I'SK ammin. 6. 3 the height thereof threescore cubits 6. Dan. Ezra 6. 3 (and) the breadth thereof threescore cub. 3. 1 whose height (was) threescore cubits 3. 1 (and) the breadth thereof six cubits CUCKOO — Sea maio, sea gull, in?' shachaph. Lev. II. 16 the cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind Dent 14. IS the cuckoo, and the hawk after bis kind CrCTTMBER — Place of water 'melon, n?'pO miqshah. Isa. I. 8 as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a CTJCTJMBERS — Water melons, cucumbers, gourd, D'KiS'P qishshuim. Num ii. s the cucumbers, and the melons, and the CUD — Chewed food, n-ij gerali. Lev. II. 3 Whatsoever., cheweth the cud, amongtha II. 4 these shall ye not eat. .that chew the cud II. 4 the camel, because he cheweth the cud jti. 5 the coney, because he cheweth the cud II. 6 the hare, because he cheweth the cud II. 7 the swine. . yet he cheweth not the cud II. 26 (is) not cloven footed, nor cheweth the cud Deut 14. 6 (and) cheweth the cud among the beasts 14. 7 shall not eat of them that chew the cud 14. 7 they chew the cud, but divide not the 14. 8 the swine, .cheweth not the cud, it ^s) CTTKBER — l.To make useless, work against, Karapyew katargeS. Xulteij. 2 cut it down; why cumberetb it the ground OUMBRANOB 215 OUBSB I 2. To draw around, distract, irepia-irdo) perispao. Xukeio. 40 Martha waa cumbered about much serv, CTnttBEAKOE — Burden, pressure, rriti iorach. Deut. 1. 12 can I myseli alone bear your cnmbranoe cnna — Arise, {the imperative of the Hebrew word D?p gum), Kovfii koumi. Mark 5. 41 Tabitha [cumi], which is.. Damsel.. ariso OTJIOIIN — l.Cummin, {from tlie sharp smell), [feg hammon, Isa. 28. 25 doth he not. .scatter the cummin, and 28. 27 cartwheel txuTied aboutupon the cummin 28. 27 with a staff, and the cummin with a rod Z. Cummin, Kvfiivov huminon, Matt23. 23 pay tithe of mint and anise and cummia CVTSrsxSG — \. Knowledge, niiT- daaih. 1 KU- 7. 14 and cunning to work all workg In brass 2. Wise, skilfnl, npn chakam. 2 Ch. 2. 7 Send me. .a man cunning to work In gold 2. 13! have sent a cunning man, endued with Isa. 3. 3 the cunning artificer, and the eloquent 40. 20 he seeketh unto him a cunning workman Jer. Q. 17 send for cunning (women), that they may 10. 9 they (are) all the work of cunning (men) 8. To think, devise, design, a^ij chaahab. £xod26. I (with) cherubim of cunning work shalt 26. 31 and fine twined linen, of cunning work 28. 6 and fine twined linen, with cunning work 28. 15 make the breastplate, .with cunning work 36. 35 (with) cherubim made he it of cunning wo. 39. 3 and in the fine linen, (with) cunning work 39. 8 he made the breastplate (of) cunning w. A.To knoio, be acquainted iirith, ini yada. Dan. I. 4 cunning in knowledge and understautjing 5. Thought, device, design, T\yanD machashebeth, K.Kod35. 33 to make any manner of cunning work CUNNING, to bs ^• To be intelligent, give understanding, {'3 bin. I Ch.2s. 7 number of them, .all that were cunning CTTNNING man — 1. Wise, skilful, Opij chakam,. 1 Ch. 22. 15 all manner of cunning men for every z Ch. 2. 7 can skill to grave with the cunning men 2. 14 thy cunningmen, and with the cunning m. 2,To think, devise, design, :ian cliashab. 2 Ch.26. 15 he made., engines, invented by cunnlngm. CTJNNINa work — \.To think, devise, design, 2wn chashab. Exod36. 8 (with) cherubim of cunning work made 2. Thought, device, design, naa'nD machashebeth. Exod3i. 4 To devise cunning works, to work in gold 35. 35 and of those that devisg cunning work CTTNNING -workman — \. Artificer, JOn oman. Song 7. I work of the hands of a cunning workman 2. To think, devise, design, yvn chashab. Exod35. 35 theengraver, and of the cunning workman 38. 23 an engraver, and a cunning workman, and CTJP — 1. Basin, bason, }3X aggan. Isa. 22. 2^ from the vessels of cups, even to atl the Z.Goblet, cup, caVyx, 5)'33 gabia. Gen. 44. 2 put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's 44. 12 and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack 44. 16 and (he) also with whom the cup is found 44. 17 the man in whose hand the cup is found 3. Cup, Di3 kos. Gen. 40. iL Pharaoh's cup (was) in my hand : and I 40. 1 1 into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave tlie cup 40. 13 thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his 40. 21 and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand 3 Sa. 12. 3 drank of his o\vn cup, and lay in his bosom 1 Ki. 7. 2S brim . . was wrought like the brim of a cup 2 Ch. 4. s brim, .like the work of the brim of a cup Psa. II. 6 (this shall be) the portion of their cup 16. s portion of mine inheritance and of my cup 23. 5 thou anointest,jny head . . my cup runneth 75. 8 in the hand of the Lord (there is) a cup 116. 13 I win take the cup of salvation, and caU Psa. SI- 17 which hasf Brunk. .the cup of his fury SI. 17 thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup SI. 22 I have taken out of thine hand the cup Sr. 22 (even) the dregs of the cup of my fury Jer. 16. 7 neither shall (men) give them the cup of 25. 15 Take the wine cup of this fury at my 23. 17 Then took I the cup at the Lo^siys hand 25. 28 if they refuse to take the cup at thine 35. si set.. pots fuU of wine, and cups, and I 49. 12 whoseiudgment(was)nottodrinkof thee. SI. 7 Babylon (hath been) a golden cup in the Lata. 4. 21 thecup also shall pass through unto thee Eze. 23. 31 will I give her cup into thine hand 23. 32 Thou Shalt drink of thy sister's cup deep 23. 33 the cup of astonishment and desolation 23. 33 with the cup of thy sister.Samaria Eab. 2. 16 the cap of the Lobd'b right hand shall be 4. Cup, D'? kis. Prov.23. 31 when it giveth^is colour In the cup 5. Basin, cup, >]D saph. Zech. 12. 2 I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling 6. Cup, dish, bowl, ni^^'ij rl'^p quasah, qasvah. I Ch.28. 17 pure gold for the flesh hooks, .and the 0. 7. Drinking vessel, ■Koriipiov poterion. Matt 10. 42 a cup of cold (water) only in the name of 20. 22 Are ye able to drink of the cup that zo. 23 Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be- 23. 25 ye make clean the outside of the cup and 23. 26 cleanse. ,that (which is) within thecup 26. 27 he took the cup, and gave thanks, ana 26. 39 if it be possible, let this cup pass from 26. 42 if this [cup] may not pass away from me Mark 7. 4 [the waslilng of cups, and pots, brazen] 7. 8 (as) the washing of pots and cups g. 41 whosoever shall give you a cup of water 10. 38 can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? 10. 39 Yo shall indeed drink of the cup that I X4. 23 he took the cup, and when he had given 14. 36 all things (are) possible . . take away this c. liUkeii. 39 make clean the outside of the cup and 22. 17 he took the cup, and gave thanks, and 22. 20 Likewise also the cup after supper 22. zo This cup (is) the new testament in my . 22. 42 If thou be ^villing, remove this cup from John 18. II the cup which my Father hath given me I Co. lo. i6 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it 10. 21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the LonD 11.25 After the same manner, .(he took)thecup 11. 25 This cup is the new testament in my II. 26 For as often as ye. .drink this cup, ye do II. 27 shall eat this bread, and driuk (this) cup 11. 28 eat of (that) bread, and drink of (tliat) c. Rev. 14. 10 poured out without mixture into the cup 16. 19 to give unto her the cup of the wine of 17. 4 having a golden cup in her hand full of 18. 6 in the cup which she hath filled flU to CTJP bearer — To give to drink, nij^ shaqah, 5. 1 5 the attendance, .his cup bearers, and 2 Ch. 9. 4 his cup bearers also, and their apparel Neh. I. It For I was the king s cup bgarer CURDLE, to — To congeal, harden, curdle, Nop qapha, 5. Job 10. 10 Hast thou not . . curdled me like cheese ? CURE — 1. Healing, cure, t!3"jD marpe. Jer. 33. 6 I will bring it health and cure, and I will 2. Healing, cure, "iacris iasis. Lukei3. 32 1 do cures to day and to morrow, and the CtTRE, to — l.To remove, cure, nni gahah. Hos. 3. 13 yet could he not heal yon, nor cure yon 2.T0 heal, ND"3 ruphah. Jer. 33. 6 1 will cure them, and will re zeal unto 3. To cherish, cure, attend, BepaTreico therapeuS. Matti7. 16 I brought him. .and they could not cure ■ 17. 18 the child was cured from that very hour Luke 7. 21 he cured many of (their') infirmities-and 9. I and gave them power, .to cure diseases John 5. 10 The Jews, .said unto him that was cured CURED — A bandage, n^j;fi tealah. Jer. 46. II in vain. . (for) thou shalt not be cared CURIOUS arts, used — Working round about, trepUpyos periergos. Acts 19. 19 Many of them also which used curious a. CURIOUS works — ^hoTu/ht, device, design, nagino rnachashebeth. Exod 35. 32 to devise curious works, to work in gold CURIOUSLY wrought — To be embroidered, Dp"i raqam, 4. Psa. 1 39. 15 curiously wrought in the lowest parts CURRENT — To pass over, igv abar. Gen. 23. 16 silver, current (money) with the merchant CURSE — l.Oath, execration, imprecation, nSx alah. Num. s. 21 The Lord make thee a curse and an oath 5. 23 the priest shall write these.curses in a 5. 27 the.,woman shall be a curse among her Deut29. 19 when he heareth the words of this curse 29. 20 all the curses that are written in this 29". 21 according to all the curses of the covenant 30. 7 Lord thy God wiU pnt all these curses 5 Ch.34. 24 all the curses that are written in the Neh. JO. 29 entered into a curse, and into an oath Job 31. 30 Neither, .by wishing a curse to his soul' Isa. 24. 6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the Jer. 29. 1 3 to be a curse, and an astonishment, and Dan. 9. II the curse is poured upon us, and the Zech. s. 3 This (is) the curse that goeth forth over 2. A devoted thing. Din cherem. Josh. 6. 18 make the camp of Israel a curse, and Isa. 34. s come down . . upon the people of my cnrse 43. 28 have given Jacob to the curse, and Israel Hal. 4. 6 I come and smite the earth with a cnrse S.Cu/rse, execration, TTitirj meerak. Prov. 3. 33 The curse of the Lord (is) In the house- a8. 27 hideth his eyes shall have many a curse Mai. 2. 2 I will even send a curse upon you, and 3. 9 Ye (are) cursed with a curs^ : for ye i.A reviling, thing lightly eiteeined,' n)hr) qelalah. Gen. 27. 12 bring a curse upon me, and not a blessinff 27. 13 Upon me(be) thy curse, my son : only ob. Deut II. 26 I set.. this day a blessiug and a curse 11.28 a curse, if ye -will not obey the command II. 29 thou Shalt put. .the curse upon mount E. 23. s the Lord thy God turned the curse into 27. 13 these shall stand upon mount Ebal to cur. 28. 15, 45 aU these curses sluiU come upon thee' 29. 27 to bring upon it all the curses that are 30. I the curse, which I have set before thee Judg. 9. 57 upon them came the curse of Jotham 1 Ki, 2. 8 with a grievous curse in the day when 2 Ki. 22, ig should become a desolation and a curse Neh. 13. 2 our God turned the curse into a blessing Prov.26. 2 so the curse causeless shall not come 27. 14 it shall be counted a curse to him Jer. 24. 9 reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a en. 25 18 to make them a desolation, .and a curse 26. 6 will make this city a curse to all the zg. 22 of them shall be taken up a curse by all 42. 18 ye shall be an execration, .and a curse 44. 8 that ye might be a curse and a reproach 44. 12 they shall be an execration, .and a curse 44. 22 therefore is your land .. a curse, without 49. 13 shall become a desolation . .and a oirse 1 Zech. 8. 13 as ye were a curse among the heathen, ! S.Sicearing, oath, r\ii-i2y shebuah. Isa. 65. IS ye shall leave your name for a curse unto 6. Oath, imprecation, execration, .i^nfi taalah. Lam. 3. 65 Give tliem sorrow of heart, thy curse 7. A thing put rip for execration, KaravaBtfia. Rev. 22. 3 there shall be no more [curse] : but the 8..^ thorough curse, Kardpa kalara. GaL 3. 10 the works of the law are under the curse 3. 13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of 3. 13 being made a curse for us : for it la writ. CURSE, to bind under a — To place under an anathema, ivaOe/xarl^u. Acts 23. 12 bound themselves under a curse, saying CURSE, to bind under a great — To place under anathema, awddefiart, ivaBe/iari^co. Acts 23. 14 have bound ourselves under a great curse, CURSE, to — l.To swear, take oath, execrate, nhn alah. Judgi7. a about which thou curse'd'st, and spakest 2. To curse, make bitter, Ti!< arar. Gen. 12. 3 bless them that bless thee, and curse hini 37. 29 cursed (be) every one that curseth theo Exod22. 28 nor curse the ruler of thy people Num22. 6 Come. .1 pray thee, curse me this people 22. 6 for I ivot that, .he whom thou cursest 22. 12 thou shalt not curse the people : for they 23. 7 Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy I. 24. 9 and cursed (is) he that curseth thee Judg. 5. 23 Curse ye Meroz. .curse ye bitterly the Job 3. 8 Let them, .that curse the day, who are Wal. 2. 2 and I -will curse your blessings ; yea 2. 2 I have cursed them already, because ye 3. To curse, make bitter, t^x arar, 3. Gen. 5. 29 the ground wliich the LORD hath cursed i.To bless, {bid farewell to Tj, tn? barak, 3. Job I. 5 sinned, and cursed God in their hearts 1. II and he -will curse thee to thy face 2. 5 and he -will curse thee to thy face 2. 9 retain thine integrity 1 curse God, and 5. To pierce, execrate, ^fji naqab. Num23. 8 How shaU I curse, whom God hath not c. 23. 25 Neither cfirse them at all, nor bless them- Job 3. 8 Let them curso it. .who are ready to raise S. 3 but suddenly I cursed his habitation Prov.ii. 26 He that withholdeth. .people shall curse 24. 24 him shall the people curse, nations shall 6.T0 pierce, execrate, 35p qabab. Num22. II (there is) a people come out. .curse me 22. 17 come..! pray thee, curse me this people 23. 8 How shall I . .whom God hath not cursed^T 23. II I took thee to curse mine enemies, and ' 23 13 and curse me them from thence 23. 27 that thou mayest curse me them from 24. 10 1 caUed thee to curse mine enemies, and 7. To lightly esteem, vilify, revile, '7^5 qalal, 3. Gen. 8. 21 1 will not again curse the ground any 12. 3 him that curseth thee : and in thee shall Exodji. 17 he that curseth his father or his mother Iiev, 19. 14 Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a 20. 9 every one that curseth his father or his 20. 9 he hath cursed his father or his mother 14. n the. .woman's son blasphemed, .and cur. 24. 14 Bring forth him that hath cursed without 24. IS Whosoever curseth his God shaU bear his 24. 23 should bring forth him that had cursed Dent 23. 4 hired against thee Balaam, .to curse thee Josh.24. 9 called Balaam the son of Beorto curse you Judg 9. 27 did eat and drink, and cursed Abimelecli I Sa. 17. 43 the Philistine cursed David by Ids gods 3 Sa. 16. 5 he came forth, and cursed still as lie ca. CURSE 216 CUT 1 aSa. i6. 7 thus said Shimei when he curaed, Come i6. 9 Why should this dead dog curse my lord i6. lo What have I to do with you. .let him cu. i6. lo the Lord hath said unto him, curse Da. i6. II let him curse ; for the Lord hath bidden i6. 13 Shimei went along, .and cursed as he 19. 21 because he cursed the Lord's anointed? 1 Ki. 2. 8 Shimei the son of Gera. .which cursed me 2 Ki. 2. 24 and cursed them in the name of the Lord Neh. 13. 2 hired Balaam . that he should curse them 13. 25 I contended with them, and cursed thera Job 3. I After this opened Job his mouth, and cu. Psa. 37. 22 fthey that be) cursed off him shall be cut 62. 4 they blesswith their mouth, but they cur. 109. 28 Let them curse, but bless thou : when Prov 20. 20 Whoso curseth his father or his mother 30 10 lest he curse thee, and thou be found 30 II (There is) a generation (that) curseth Eccl. 7. 21 lest thou hear thy servant curse thee 7. 22 thou thyself likewise hast cursed others 10 20 Curse not the king, .and curse not the Isa. 8. 21 they shall, .curse their king and their G. Jer 15. 10 (yet) every one of thera doth curse me 8.T0 anatheinatizc, avade/xart^a} anathematize) Marki4. 71 he began to curse and to swear, (saying) 9. To speak evil of, KaKuKoyio) kakologeo. Matti5. 4 Ue thatcurseth father or mother, let him Mark 7. 10 Whoso curseth father or mother, let him 10. To anathematize thoroughly, KaravaBe^iaTi^ta. Matt 26. 74 Then began he [to curse] and to swear 11. To wish a curse against {one), Karapdo/xat. Matt 5. 44 [Love your enemies, bless them that curse] Markii. 21 the fig tree which thou cursedst is withe. Luke 6. 28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for Rom 12. 14 Bless them which persecute you. curse Jas. 3. 9 therewith curse we men, which are made CTTRSE, to cause the — To curse, make bitter, nix arar, 3 Num. 5 18, 19, 24 bitter water that causeth the curse 5. 22, 24, 27 v/ater that causeth the curse shall CTJESED — 1. To curse, nialce bitter, "nsj arar. Gen. 3. 14 thou (art) cursed above all cattle, and 3. 17 cursed (is) the ground for thy sake 4. II now(art)thou cursed from the earth,which 9. 25 Cursed (be) Canaan, a servant of servants 27. 2g cursed (be) every one that curseth thee 49. 7 Cursed (be) their anger, for it (was) fierce Num24. 9 Blessed (is) he that blesseth. .and cursed Deut27. 13 Cursed (be) the man that maketh(any) 27. 16 Cursed (be) he that setteth light by his 27. 17 Cursed (be) he that reraoveth his neighb. 27. 18 Cursed (be) he that maketh the blind to 27. 19 Cursed (be) he that perverteth the judg. 27 20, 21, 22, 23 Cursed (be) he that lieth with 27 24 Cursed (be) he that smiteth his neighbour 27 25 Cursed fbe) he that taketli reward to slay 27. 26 Cursed (be) he that confirmeth not (all) 28. 16 Cursed (shalt) thou (be)iu the city, andcii. 28 17 Cursed (shall be) thy basket and thy store 28. 18 Cursed (shall be) the fruit of thybody, and 28. 19 Cursed (shalt) thou (be) when thou comest 28. 19 cursed (shalt) thou (be) when thou goesfc Josh. 6. 26 Cursed (be) the man before the Lord that 9. 23 therefore ye (are) cursed ; and there shall Judg2i 18 Cursed (be) he that giveth a wife to Benja. 1 Sa. 14. 24, 28 Cursed (be) the man that eateth(any) 26. 19 if (they be) the children of men, cursed 2 Ki 9. 34 Go, see noiv this cursed (v^oman), and Psa.iig. 21 hast rebuked the proud (that are) cursed Jer. II. 3 Cursed (be) the man that obeyeth not 17. 5 Cursed (be) the man that trusteth in man 20. 14 Cursed (be) the day wherein I was born 20. 15 Cursed (be) the man who brought tidings 48.->io Cursed (be) he that doeth the v/ork of the 48. 10 cursed (be) hethatkeepeth backhissword Mai. I. 14 cursed (be) the deceiver, which hath in 2. One upon whoin a curse lies, iiriKaTixpaTos. John 7. 49 people who knoweth not the law [are cur.] Gat 3. 10 Cursed (is) every one tliat continueth not 3. 13 Cursed is every one that hangeth on a S.A curse, nardpa katara. 2 Pe. 2. 14 beguiling unstable souls, .cursed children OTTRSED, to be — 1. To be cursed, made bitter, tin arar, 2. Mai. 3. 9 Ye (are) cursed with a curse . for ye have 2. To be made cursed or hitter, tin arar, 6. M'um22. 6 and he whom thou cursest is cursed Z.To be lightly esteemed, vilified, "p^iT qalo.l, 4. Job 24. 18 their portion is cursed in the earth A. To wish a curse against one, Karapdoixai katara. Matt 25. 41 Depart from me, ye cursed, into ever. CUnSED thing — A devoted thing, wm cherem. Deut. 7. 26 lest tho'u be a cursed thing like It 7. 26 \itterly abhor it; for it (is) a cursed thing 13. 17 shall cleave nought at the ciirsed thing OTTESING —, execration, imprecation, npN alah. Num. s. 21 charge the woman with an oath of cnrsing Psa. 10. 7 His mouth is full ef cjirsing and deceit 59. 12 for ottrsing and lying (which) they speak Prov 29. 24 he heBOretJi cursing, and bewrayeth (it) %A curse, hitter thing, rrixp meerah. Deut 28. 20 The LORD-shall send upon thee cursing ^.Reviling, thing lightly esteemed, njSi? qelalah. Deut3o. 19 have set before you. .blessing and cursing Josh. 8. 34 he read all the. blessings and cursings 2 Sa. 16. 12 the Lord will requite me good for his cu. Psa.iog. 17 As he loved cursiug, so let it come unto 109. 18 he clothed himself with cursing like as i.A curse, cursing, apd ara. Rom. 3. 14 Whose mouth (is) full of cursing, .bitter. 5.Full cursing, Kardpa kato.ra. Heb. 6. 8 whichbeareth thorns. .(is)nighuDtocurs. Jas. 3. 10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth .cur CURTAIN — l.Thin veil, pT doq. Isa 40. 22 stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain ^.Curtain, veil, nj;n^ yeriah. Exod26. I make the tabernacle (with) ten curtains 26. 2, 8 The length of one curtain (shall be) 20. 2, 8 the breadth of one curtain four cubits 26. 2 every one of the curtains shall have one 26. 3 The five curtains shall be coupled togeth 26. 3 (other) five curtains (shall be) coupled one 26. 4 of blue upon the edge of the one curtain 26. 4 in the uttermost edge of (another) curtain 26. 5 Fifty loops, .make in the one curtain, and 26. s shalt thou make in the edge of the curtain 26. 6 couple the curtains together with the 26. 7 thou shalt make curtains (of) goats' (hair) 26. 7 eleven curtains shalt thou make 26. 8 the eleven curtains Tshall be all) of one 26. 9 shalt couple five curtains . . and six cur. by 26. 9 shalt double the sixth curtain in the fore 26. 10 fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain 26. 10 fifty loops in the edge of the curtain 26. 12 the remnant that remaineth of the curtai. 26. 13 remaineth in the length of the curtains 36 8 made ten curtains (of) fine twined linen 36. 9 The length of one curtain (was) twenty 36. 9 the breadth of one curtain four cubits 36. 9 the curtains (were) all of one size 36. 10 he coupled the five curtains one unto 36, 10 (the other) five curtains he coupled one 36. II loops of blue on the edge of one curtain 36. II in the uttermost side of (another) curtain 36. 12 Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and 36. 12 loops made he in the edge of the curtain 36. 13 coupled the curtains one unto another 36. 14 he made curtains (of) goats' (hair) for the 36. 14 eleven curtains he made them 36. IS The length of one curtain (was) thirty cu. 36. 15 fourcubits(was)the breadth of onecurtain 36. 16 he coupled five curtains. . and si.x curtains 36. 17 fifty loops upon the. .edge of the curtain 36. 17 fifty loops, .upon the edge of the curtain Kum 4. 25 shall bear the curtains of the tabernacle 2 Sa. 7. 2 the ark of God dwelleth within curtains i.Ch.17. I ark. .of the Lord (remaineth) under cur Psa.io4. 2 who stretohest out the heavens like a cu. Song I. s the tents of Kedar, as tlie curtains of So. Isa. 54. 2 and let them stretch forth the curtains of Jer. 4. 20 suddenly are my tents spoiled, (and) my c. 10. 20 (there is) none .to set up my curtains 49. 29 they shall take to themselves their cur. Hab. 3. 7 (and) the curtains of the land of Midian 3.Veil, httnging, TiDD masak. Num 3. 2S and the curtain for the door. TYhich (Is) by CTTSH,'. «yi3 black. 1. Eldest son of Ham and grandson of Noah, B.C. 2250. Gen. 10 6 sons of Ham ; C, and Mizraim, and Phut 10, 7 sons of C; Seba, and Havilah, andSabtah 10 8 And C. begat Nimrod ; he began to be a 1 Oh. I 8 The sons of Ham ; C, and Mizraim, Put I. 9 sons of C. ; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabta I 10 C. begat Nimrod : he began to be mighty 2. This title was of great antiquity. It is applied in the Hebrew original to the people that sprang from Cush ; but in the common version is translated " Ethiopian." 3. It is also used to denote the land in which the descendants of Cush dwelt, Ethiopia or Abyssinia. Isa. II. II from Pathros, and from C, and from E. i. A Eenjamite, and enemy of David. Psa. 7. CUT 3. To he made, ijy. abaci, 4. Dan. 2. 5 ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses 3. 29 Tliat every peopTe .. shall be cut in pieces CUT (to the heart), to be — To saw through, Bianpicc chaprio. Act? 5. 33. they were cut (to the heart), and took COT asunder, to — l.To cut down, off, asunder, VlJ gada. Zechii. 10 1 took my staff.. and cut it asunder II. 14 I cut asuudcr mine other staff, (even)_3a. 2. Jb cut asunder or of, y%\l qatsats, 3. Psa. 129. 4 hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked 3. 7*0 cut in two, Sixoto^usw dichotomeS. Mat, 24. 51 shall cut him asunder, and appoint (him) CUT asunder, to be — To lie cut down, off, asunder, yij gada, 2. Jer. 50. 23 How is the hammer. !cut asunder and CUT do-wB, to — 1. To prepare, form, make, cut-down, «^3 hara, 3. Josh. 17. 15 to the wood (country), and cut down for 17. 18 it (is) a wood, and thou shalt cut it down 2. To cut dovm, off, asurder, vnj gada, 3. Deut. 7. 5 break dowi their images, and cut down 2 Ch. 14. 3 brake down the images, and cut down the 31. 1 brake the images in pieces, and cut down 34. 4 the images that (were) on high, .he cut d. 34. 7 cut down all the idols throughout all the 3. To cut down or off, ita gazar. 2 Ki. 6. 4 when they came to Jordan, they cut down i.To cut, hew, nan chatab. Eze. 39. 10 neither cut down (any) out of the foVests b.To cut off or doivn, nro karath. Mumi3. 23 and cut down from thence a branch. with 13. 24 which the children of Israel cut down Deutig. 5 liis hand fetcheth a cut down 20. 19 and thou shalt not cut them down, .to 20. 20 thou shalt destroy and cut them down Judg. 6. 25 and cut doira the grove that (is) by it 6. 26 with the wood, .which thou shalt cut do. 6. 30 he hath cut down the grove that (was) by g. 48 Abimelech..cut down a bough from the Q. 49 the people, .cut down every man his bou. 2 Kit 8. 4 brake the images, and cut do%vn the groves 19. 23 will cut do^vn the tall cedar trees thereof 23. 14 brake in pieces the images, and cut down 2 16 Asa cut down her Idol, and stamped (it) Isa. 37. 24 I will cut down the tall cedars thereof Jer. 22. 7 they shall cut down thy choice cedai-s 46. 23 Tliey shall cut down her forest, saith the C. To {cause to) cut doion, ma karath, 5. Lev. 26. 30 cut do^vn your images, and cast your car. 7 To go rowad, compass, ii3j naqaph, 3. Isa. 10. 34 he shall cut down the tliickets of the i>.To cut, shear, n^ij qatsab. 2 Ki. 6. 6 he cut down a stick, and cast (it) in 9. To slwrten, reap, "isjj qatsar. Deut24. 19 When thou cuttest down thine harvest in 10. To (cause to) cut down, itr tazaz, 5. Isa. 18. s ^'^d take away (and) cut down the branchr 11. To cut off or out, kKKdnTu ekkopto. Luke 13. 7 cut it do^vn ; why cumbereth it the gr.? 13. 9 (then) after that thou shalt cut it down 12.70 cut, KOTTTOl ko]}tS. Matt 2T. 8 others cut down branches from the trees Mark 11. 8 others cut down branches off the trees CCJT down, to be — \.To he cut down, off, asunder, J/'tJ gada, 2. Isa. 14. 12 (liow) art thou cut down to the ground 22. 25 In that day. .shall the nail, .be cut down Eze. 6. 6 your images may be cut dowia, and your 2. To be cut down, off, asunder, VIJ gada, 4. Isa. 9. 10 the sycamores are cut down, but we will 3. To be cut off, shaven, shorn, V3 nazaz, 2. Nah. 1. 12 yet thus shall they be' cut dowu^ when he 4. To he cut off, silent, cease, ."idt da/tnah, 2, Zeph. I. II for all the merchanVpeople are cut down 6. To he silent, cease, dot damam, 2. Jer. 25. 37 the peaceable habitatiohs are cut down 48. 2 Also thou shalt be cut down, O lladjnen Q.To be hid, cut off, nns kachad, 2. Job 22. 20 our substance is not cut down, but flie 7. To cut down, nps kasach. Psa. 80. 16 (It is) burnt with fire ; (it is) cut down 8, To be cut down, ni3 karath, 2. Job 14. 7 there is hope of a tree if it be cut down -Q.To he cut down, ri3 karath, 4. Judg. 6. 28 the grove was cut doivn that (was) by it 10. To cut off, SiD mul, 3a. Psa. 90. 6 in the evening it is ctit down, and wither. \l.To he cut off, hha vmlal. Job 14. 2 Cometh forth like a flower, and is cat do, Psa. 37. 2 they shall soon be cut down like the grass I2.T0 he cropt, plucked, laj^ qataph, 2. . ifob 8. 12 (is) yet in his greenness, (and) not cut d. 217 13. To be laid hold on, asij qamat, 4. Job 22. 16 Wliich were cut down out of time, whose CUT in pieces, to — l.To cut inpieces, nnj nathach, 3. Judg2o. 6 I took my concubine, and cut her in pie. 1 Ki.i8. 23 choose one bullock, .and cut it in pieces 18. 33 cut the buUock in pieces, and laid (liim) 2.T0 cut off, asunder, Y^\i qatsats, 3. 2 KI.24. 13 cut in pieces all the vessels of gold 2 Ch. 28. 24 cut in pieces the vessels of the house of CUT inpieces, to be — l.To be cut off', h'-a mul, la. Psa. 58. 7 let them be as cut in pieces l.To be cv,t, an;j' sarat, 2. Zech 12. 3 burden themselves, .shall bo cut Inpieces CUT in sunder, to — l.To met down, off, asunder, in.i gada, 3. Isa. 45, 2 I will., cut in sunder the bars of iron 2.T0 cut off, asunder, pij qatsats, 3. Psa. 46. gbreakeththebow.andcutteth. .In sunder 3. 7*0 cut in two, Sixoroixeoi dichoiomeo. Lukei2. 46 wDl come, .will cut liim in sunder CUT off — To be cut off, asunder, f^u qatsats, 4. Judg. I. 7 their thumbs and their great toes cut off CUT off, to — l.To cut off {dislwnesily), Vsj hatsa, 3. Job 6. 9 would let loose his hand, and cut me off Isa. 38. 12 lie will cut me off with pining sickness 2. To gather, cut off, n?3 batsar. Psa. 76. 12 He shall cut oft the spirit of princes 3. To cut off, dovm, asunder, V1^ gada. I Sa. 2. 31 the days come, that I will cut off thine Psa. 75. lo horns of the wicked also will I cut off lam. 2. 3 He hath cut off in (his) fierce anger all Isa. 15. 2 (shall be) baldness . . every beard cut off 4. To cut off, shave, shear, its gazaz. Jer. 7. 29 Cut off thine hair, (0 Jerusalem,) and 5. To pass on, I'jn chalaph. Job II. 10 If he cut off, and shut up, or gather 6. To hide, cut off, id? kachad, 5. *Exod 23. 23 and the Jebusites ; and I will cut them o. 1 Ki. 13. 34 this thing became sin . . even to cut (it) off 2 C'h.32. 21 the Lord seut an angel, which cut oft all Psa. 83. 4 let us cut them off from (being) a nation Zech II. 8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one T.To cut down, off, nni karath. Exod. 4. 23 Zipporah. .cut off the foreskin of her 1 Sa. 17. 51 slew him, and cut off his head therewith 24. 4 David arose, and cut off the skirt of 24. 5 because he liad cut oft Saul's skirt 24.11 for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe 31. 9 they cut off his head, and stripped off 2 Sa. to. 4 Hanun. .cut off their garments in the 20. 22 they cut off the head of Sheba the son of 1 Ch. 19. 4 Hanun . . cut off their garments in the Isa. 18. 5 he shall both cut off the sprigs ivlth Jer. II. 19 let us cut him off from the land of 50. 16 Cut off the sower from Babylon, and Eze. 31. 12 terrible of the nations, have cut liim off 9>.To {cause to) cut down, off, n"i3 karaih, 5. Lev. 17. 10 I will, .cut him off from amonghispeople 20. 3 I ivill . . cut him off from among his people zo. s I ■will, .cut him off, and all that go 20. 6 I will . . cut him off from among his people Num. 4. J 8 Cut ye not off the tribe of the families Deuti2. 29 When the Lord thy God shall cut off the 19. I ^^Tien the Lord thy God hath cut off the Josh. 7. 9 shaU environ us round, and cut off our II. 21 at that time came Joshua, and cut off the 23. 4 with all the nations that I have cut off 1 Sa. 2. 33 man 01 thine, (whom) I shall not cut off 20. 15 thou shalt not cut off thy kindness from ao. 15 not when the LORD hath cut off the 24. 21 that thou wilt not cut off my seed after 28. 9 he hath cut off those that have familiar 2 Sa. 7. 9 have cut off all thine enemies out of thy 1 Ki. 9. 7 Then will I cut off Israel out of the land II. 16 until he had cut off every male in Edom 14. 10 I wUl. .cut off from Jereboam him that 14. 14 who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam 18. 4 when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the 21. 21 1. .wiU cut off from Ahab him that 2 Ki. g. 8 I will- cut off- from Ahab him thatpisseth 1 Ch.17. 8 I have, .cut off all thine enemies from 2 Ch.22. 7 whom the LORD had anointed to cut off Psa. 12. 3 The I/)RD shall cut off all flattering lips 34. 16 to cut off the remembrance of them from loi. 8 that I may cut off all Wicked doers trom tog. 13 Let his posterity be cut off^;^ (and) in the rog. IS that he may cut off the memory of them Isa. 9. 14 the Lord will cut off from Israel head 10. 7 to destroy and cut off nations not a few 14. 22 cut off from Babylon the name, and 48. g refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off Jer. g. 21 to cut off the children from without 44. 7 to cut off from you man and woman 44, 8 that ye might cut yourselves off, and 44. II I will set my face, .to cut off all Judah 47. 4 the day that cometh . . to cilt off from 48. 3 and let us cut it off from (being) a nfttion CUT Jer. 51 62 Bpoken .igainst this place, to cut it off Eze. 14. 8 1 will cut him off from the midst of my 14. 13 and «ill cut off man and beast from it 14. 17 so t'lat I cut off man and beast from it 14. 19, 21 to cut off from it man and beast 17. 17 building forts, to cut off many persons 21. 3, 4 will cut off from thee the righteous and 2Sr 7 I will cut thee off from the people, and 25. 13 and will cut off man and beast from it 25. 16 I will cut off theCheretliims,anddu5troy 29 8 aud cut off man and beast out of thee 30. IS and I will cut off tlie multitude of No 35. 7 cut off from it liim that passtth out and Amos I. 5 I will, cutoff the inhabitant from the t. 8 I will cut off the inhabitant from Aslidod 2. 3 I will cut off the .fudge from the midst ilic. 5. 10 that I will cut off tliy horses out of the 5. II I will cut o(t the cities of thy land, and 5. 12 I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine S. 13 Thy graven images also will I cut ott Nah. I. 14 will I cut off the graven image and the 2. 13 I will cut off thy prey from the earth 3. 15 the sword shall cut thee off, it shall eat Obad. 14 to cut off those of liis that did escape Zeph. I. 3 1 will cut off man from off the land I 4 I will cut off the remnant of Baal from 3. 6 I have cut off the nations : tlicir towers Zech. 9, 6 I will cut off the pride of the Philistines 9. JO I will cut olf the chariot from Ephraira 13. 2 (thai) I v/ill cut off the names of the Idols Mai. 2. 12 The Lord will cut off the man tlip.t doeth 9.7*0 cut off, destroTj, silence, ncjt isavMlh. Lam. 3. S3 They have cut off my life in the dungeon 10.7*0 cut off, destroy, silence, nr^f tsaraoth, 3a. Psa. 83. 16 over me ; thy terrors have cut me off 11. 7*0 {cajcse to) cut off, destroy, nay tsamalh, 5. Psa. 54. s He shall reward evil . . cut them off in thy 94. 23 shall cut them off in theirown wickedness 94. 23 the Lord our God sliaLl cut them off loi. 5 slandereth his neighb., him will I cut off 143. 12 of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and 12. To cut or ptluck off, opij qasas, 3a. Eze. 17. 9 cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither* 13. 7*0 cut off, draw together, 15Q qnphad, 3. Isa, 38. 12 I have cut off like a weaver my life 14.7*0 crit off, end, rrsQ qatsah, 3. Prov 26. 6 He that sendeth a message, .cutteth oil 15.7*0 cu.t off or asunder, fsP qaLtals. Deut.25. 12 thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eyo 16. 7*0 C2it off, asunder, {'Kp qatsats, 3. Judg. I. 6 and cut off his thumbs and his great toes 2 Sa. 4. 12 cut off their hands and their feet, and 2 KL16. 17 king Ahaz cut off the borders of the bases 18. 16 tliat time did Hezekiah cut off (the gold) 17.7*0 cut off, asunder, yi^ qetsals, 3. Dan. 4. 14 Hew down the tree, and cut off his bran 18.7*0 take away, a. 38 Whosoever compoundeth . . be cut off 31. 14 that soul shall be cut off from among lev. 7. 20, 21, 27 even that soul shall be cut off from 7. 25 the soul that eateth (it) shall be cut off 37. 4, 9 that man shall be cut off from among 17. 14 whosoever eateth it shall be cut off a8. 23 souls that commit (them) shall be cut off ■ 19. 8 that soul shall be cut off from among his 20. 17 they shall be cut off in the sight of their 20. 18 both of them shall be cut off from among 22. 3 that soul shall be cut off from my pres. . 23. 29 he shall be cut off from among his people Ifum. g. 13 the same soul shaUbe cut off from among 15. 30 that soul shall be cut off from among his 15. 31 that soul shall utterly be cut off 19. 13 that soul shall be cut off from Israel 19. 20 that soul>hall be cut off from among the , Josh. 3. 13 the waters of Jordan shall be cut off 3. 16 those that came down, .were cut off 4. 7 That the waters of Jordan were cut o£E 4. 7 the waters of Jordan w«re cut off Kuth 4. 10 that the name of the dead be not cut off' Psa. 37. 9 evil doers shall be cutoff : but those that 37. 22 (that be) cursed of him shall be cut off 37. 28 the seed of the wicked shall be cut off 37. 34 when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt 37. 38 the end of the wicked shall be cut off Prov. 2. 22 the wicked shall be cut off from the earth 23. 18 and thine expectation shall not be cut off 24. 14 and thy expectation shaUnotbe cut off Isa II. 13 the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off 22. 25 burden that (was) upon it shall be cut off 29. 20 all that watch for iniquity are cut off 48. 19 his name should not have been cut off nor 55. 13 everlasting sign (that) shall not be cut off 56. 5 everasting name, that shall not be cut off Jer. 7. 28 truth is . . cut off from their mouth Dan. 9. 26 shall Messiah be cut off, but not for JIos. 8. 4 made them idols, that they may be cut off Joel. I. s for it is cut off from your mouth 1. 16 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes Obad. 9 every one. .may be cut off by slaughter 10 and thou shalt be cut off for ever Mic. 5. 9 and all thine enemies shall be cut off Nah. 1. 15 wicked shall no more pass, .he is. .cut off Zeph. I. T I all they that bear silver are cut off 3. 7 so their dwelling should not be cut off Zech. 9. 10 and the battle bow shall be cut off 13. 8 two parts therein shall be cut off (and) 14. 2 residue of the people shall not be cut off 10. 7*0 he cut down, off, 'asunder, ni3 harath, 6. Joel I. 9 the drink offering is cut off from 11. To he nut off, hhr^ nialal, 2. Job 18. 16 and above shall his branch be cut off 24. 24 cut off as the tops of the ears of corn 12. To he free, acquitted, n^\ naqah, 2. Zech. 5. 3 every one that stealeth shall be cut off 5. 3 every one that sweareth shall be cut off 13. To gn up, n^j; alah. Job 36. 20 when people are cut off. in their place 14. To he cut off, destroyed, silenced, nay isamath, 2. Job 23. 17 i was not cut off before the darkness 15. To be loathed, cut off, ' Dip got. Job 8. 14 AVltose hope shall be ,cut off, and whose CUT out, to — J. To cleave, rend, rip up, j;pa haqa, 3. Job 28. 10 He cutteth out rivers among the rocks 2. To rend away, cut out, Tl?, c[arCL. Jer. 22. 14 will build . . and cutteth him out windows 3. To cut off or out, iKKima ekhopt't. B-omii. 24 thou wert cut out of the olive tree CUT out, to be — To he cut off, niJ gezar, 2. Dan. 2. 34 Thou sawest till that a stone was ciit out 2. 45 the stone was cut out of the mountain CUT selves, to — To cut self, T]| gadad, la. Deuti4. I Ye shall not cut yourselves, normake any 1 Ki. 18. 28 they cried aloud, and cut themselves Jer. 16. 6 nor cut themselves, nor make themselves 41. 5 clothes rent, and having cut themselves 47. 5 how long wilt thou cut thyself? CUT short, to — • I..T0 end, .iilij qatsah, 3. 2 Ki. 10. 32 the Lord began to cut Israel short 2. To cut together, avvr^/xfoi suntemnd. RoiiL 9. 28 i;he will finish the work, and cut (it) short] CTTT up, to — To crop, pluclced, ^au qataph. Job 30. 4 Who cut up mallows by the busheL, and , CUT up, to be — To cut dovm, n^^^asctch. Isa. 33. 12 (as) thorns cut up shall they be burned in CU-THAH, or CTJTH, nn;3, n53. J osephus tixes the residence of the Cutheans in the in- te/ior of Media and Persia. There was a district and town between the Tigris and the Euphrates, after which the 4th canal of Xenophon was named. The site of tlie to \vn has been identified with the ruins of Tovtibah, adjacent to Babylon ; the canal may be the river to which Josephus refers. The other locality corresponds with the statement that the Cutheans came from the interior of Persia and Media. They have been identified •with the Cosscci, a warlike and tovless tribe that occupied the mountain ranges dividing those two countries. Alexander the Great subdued them wholly. 2 Ki. 17. 24 king of Assyria brought"(men). .from C. • 17. 30 and the men of C. made Nergal, and the CTJTTrNG — l.A cutting, furrow, nnj gedud. Jer. 48. 37 upon all the hands (shall be) cuttings, and '2. Engraving, carving,' na-\n charosheth. Exod3i. 5 in cutting of stones, to set (them), and in 35. 33 in the cutting of stones, to set (them) CTTTTIKG off — \. Silence, cutting off, 'OT demi. Isa. 38. 10 1 said in the cutting off of my days, I 2.T0 cut off, end, nxij qatsah. Hab. 2. loThouhast consultedshame..bycuttir'?o. CUTTINGS — \.A cutting, incision, trvo seret. Lev. 19. 28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your 2. A cutting, incision, ncnj' sareteth. Lev. 21. 5 They shall hot. .make any cuttings in CYMBAL — l.Pair of cymbals, D^nbsp inetsiltayim. 1 Ch. 13. 8 with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with .15. 16 psalteries and harps and cymbals, soim. 15. 19 (appointed) to sound with cymbals of 15. 28 with trumpets, and with cyrnbals, making 16. 5 but Asaph made a sound with cymbals 16. 42 with trumpets and cymbals for those 25. I vrith psalteries, and with cymbals 25. 6 with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for ■ 2 Cli. 5. 12 arrayed in white linen, having cymbals 5. 13 lifted up (theirl voice with the. .cymbals 29. 25 he set the Levites . . with cymbals Ezra 3.10 Levites . . with cymbals, to praise the LORD Neh. 12. 27 with singing, (with) cymbals, psalteries I.Cymhals, O'h^h'i tseltselim. 2 Sa. 6. 5 timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals Psa.150. 5 Praise him upon the loud cymbals 150. 5 praise him upon the high sounding cym. 3. Cymhcd, RvjifiaXov Jcumbalon. J Co. 1 3. 1 1 am become (as) . . a tinkling cymbal CYPRESS, — Cypress, holm, oak, ilex, ninfi tirzah. Isa. 44. 14 He. .taketh the cypress and the oak, which CY'-PKUS, K.57rpoj, Ki-Kpios. An island of the 15. cOast of Cilicia in the Mediterranean. It was closely connected with Phcenicia, and seems to be referred to in Eze. 27. S. It was colonised by the Phoenicians at a very early period, and passed under the.supremacy of the Syrians, the Greeks, the Egyptians, ind the Persians. On the death of Alexander the Great it was incorporated with Egypt. It was made a Koman province, B.C. 58. Caesar gave it to Arsinoe and Ptolemy, the sister and brother of Cleopatra, B.C. 47. It was made an imperial province B.C. 27, but v/as given up to the senate B.C. 22. Paul and Barnabas visited the island A.D. 44. Acts 4. 36 Barnabas., a Levite.. of the country of C. II. ig Stephen travelled as far as Phenice, and C. II. 20 some of them were men of C. andCyrene 13. 4 and from thence they sailed to C. 15. 39 Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto C. 21. ' 3 Now when we had discovered C, we left 21. 16 and brought with them one Mnason of C. 27 4 from thence, we sailed under C. CY-RE'-NE, KvpT)UT]. A city of Libya in Cyrenaica, N. Africa. It was the chief of the five cities called Pentapolitana. The pro- jecting portion of the, coast called Tripoli corresponds to the Cyrenaica of classical v/riters ; though on the African coast Cyrene was a Greek city, in which Jews settled in large numbers. Under the Romans it was connected with Crete. ITie Greek colonisation began B.C. 631. Matt 27. 32 as they came out, they found a man of C. Acts 2. lo and in the parts of Libya about C, and II. 20 some of them were men of Cyprus and C. 13. I Niger, and Lucius of C, and Manaen CY-EE-NI-AN, Kvp-nvaws. A native or Inhabitant of Cyrene. Marki;. 21 And they compel one Simoii a C. ' Luke23. 26 they laid hold upon one Simon, a' C. Acts 6. 9 which is called (the synagogue) of the . . C. CY-RE-OT-TTS, Kvprivios. Governor of Syria A.D. 6. His full name was Publius Sulpicius Quirinus. B.C. 12 he was made consul. His special mission to Syria was to make the census, both there andin Judaea, Luke apparently makes the census at the birih of Christ, when Syria was under the governorship of Sehtii;s Saturninus; but perhaps the reference is to the' conclusion of the census, not its beginning. Luke 2. 2 this taxing v/as. .made when C. was gov. CY'-ETTS, tv-i'is sun, throne. The founder of the Persian empire, who conquered Babylon, and assisted the Jews, B.C. 536. 2 Ch.36. 22 in the first year of C. . the spirit of C. 36. 23 Thus saith C. king of Persia, All the Ezra I. 1 in the first year of C. long of Persia I. I the Lord stirred up the spirit of C. king 1. 2 Thus saith C. king of Persia, The Lord I. 7 C. the king brought forth the vessels I. 8 Even those did C. king of Persia bring 3. 7 the grant . .they had of C. king of Persia 4. 3 C. the king of Persia hath commanded us 4. 5 all the days of C. king of Persia, even 5. 13 in the first year of C. the king of Babylon 5. J3 king C. made a decree to build 5. 14 those did C. the king take out of the 5. 17 a decree was made of C. the king to build 6. 3 In tjie first year of C. the king 6. 3 C. . .inade a decree (concerning) the house 6. 14 according to the commandment of C. Isa. 44. 28 That saith of C, (He is) my shepherd 45. I Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to C. Dan. I. 21 continued, .unto the first year of king C. 6. 28 Daniel prospered . . reign of C. the Persian 10. 1 In the third year of C. king of Persia a DA-BA,'-REH, nnaT pasture. A Le\!itic^l city 'of Issachar, on the bordef. Now SuTnirieh. Josh 21, 28 of the tribe of Issachar. .D. with her sub. DAB-BA'-SHETH, ?i»2^ height. A border c|ty of Zebulon and Issachar. Josh i^ ii'And their border, .reached to D., and DA-BE'-RATH, vnv\ pasture. See .Sabareh, which is erroneously given for Daberath. /josh 19. 12 and then goeth out to D., and goeth up ; Ch. 6. 72 of the tribe of Issachar.. D. -svithhersub. dagg!ee — Destroying weapon, nnrj cJiereh. Judg. 3. 16 Ehud made him a dagger which had two 3. 21 took the dagger from his right thigh, and 3. 22 he could not draw the dagger out ol his BA'-GON, ]mfish. The national god of the Philistines, whose most famous temples were at Gaza and Ashdod. Its form had the face and hands of a man, and the tail of a fish. Judgi6. 23 to offer a great sacrifice unto D. their god I Sa. 5. 2 into the house of D., and set it by D. S. 3 D. (was) fallen upon his face to the earth 5. 3 they took D., and set him in his place 5. 4 D. (was) fallen upon his face to the ground 5. 4 head of D. and both., his hands (were) cut S. 4 only (the stump of) D. was left to him S. 5 Therefore neither the priests of D. 5. 5 nor any that come into D.'s house S. s tread on the threshold of D. . . unto this 5. 7 for his hand is sore, .upon D. our god I 10 fastened his head in the temple of D. DAILY — I.Day hy day, D'r|i Di' yom beyom. Exod. s. 13 Fulfil your works, (your) daily tasks, as 5. 19 (oiight) from your bricks of your daily tasB 16. 's be twice as much as they gather daily ]S'um28. 24 After this manner ye shall offer daily Judgi6. 16 wl>en she pressed him daily with her 2Ki. 25. 30 a daily rate for every day, all the days 2Ch.3i. 16 unto every one. .his daily portion for Ezra 3. 4 (offered) the daily burnt offerings by num. Esth. 3. 4 when they spake daily unto him, and he Psa. 42. 10 theysaydailyuntome,'Where(is)thyGod? 56. I he lighting daily oppresseth me 56. 2 Jline enemies v.'ould daily swallow(me)Up 61. 8 that I may daily perform my vows 68. 19 (who) daily loadeth us (with benefits) 72. IS he shall live, .daily shall he be praised 74. 22 the foolish man reproacheth thee daily 86. 3 Be merciful . . for I cry unto thee daily 88. 9 I have called daily upon thee, I have 88. 17 They came round about me daily like Prov. 8. 30 I was daily (his) deiight, rejoicing -always 8. 34 the man that heareth me, watching daily Isa. 58. 2 they seek me daily, and delight to know Jer. 7. 25 daily rising up early and sending (them) 20. 7 I am in derision daily, every one mocketh 20. 8 a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily Eze. 45. 23 seven rams without blemish daily the 45. 23 a kid of the goats daDy (for) a sin offering 46. 13 Thou shalt daily prepare a burnt offering Dan. I. s the king appointed them a daily provision Hos. 12. I he daily increaseth lies and desolation 2. Daily, hy d,ay, Dai' yomam. Psa. 13. 2 (having) sorrow in my heart daily Eze. 30, 16 and Noph (shall have) distresses daily ^.Continual, tdfi tamid. Num. 4. 16 the daily meat offering, and the anomt. 29. 6 the daDy burnt offering, and his meat DAINTIES 219 DAN Dan. 8. II hy him the daily (sacrifice) was taken 8. 12 vvasgiven(him)againsttliedaily(sacriflce) 8. 13 tlie vision (conceruing) the daily (sacri.) 11. 31 sliall talco away tlie daily (sacrifice), aud 12. II from the time (that) tiie daily (sacriUce) A.For ane day, nnx ci'? leyom echad. Neh. $. 18 (that) which was prepared (for me) daily 5. Sufficient, appointed, iirioixno! epiousios. Matt. 6. II Give us this day our daily bread Luke 1 1. 3 Give us day by day our daily bread ^.Daihj, for the day, icj)7]fj.epos ephevieros. Jas. 2. 15 If a brother. . be. .destitute of daily food "J.Every day, daily, Ka6rifieptv6s Icathemerinos. Acts 6. I were neglected in the daily ministration ^.According to each day, kuB' iK&(m]v Tifxepav. Heb. 3. 13 exhort one another daily, while it is 9. According to the day, each day, icad' fifiepav Matt 26. 55 I sat daily with you teaching in the Marki4. 49 I was daUy with you in the temple teac. Luke 9. 23 [let him . . take up his cross daily, and fol.] 19. 47 And he taught daily in the temple 22. 53 When I was daily with you in the temple Acta a. 46 continuing daily with one accord in the 2. 47 the Lord added to the church daily such 3. 2 whom they laid daily at the gate of the 16. 5 the churches . . increased in number daily 17. II These, .searched the Scriptures daily 19. 9 disputing daily in the school of one iCo. 15. 31 I protest by your rejoicing. .1 die daily 2C0. 11. 28 that which comcth upon me daily, the Heb. 7. 27 Who ueedcth not daily, as those high pr. 10. II every priest standeth daily ministering 10. Through every day, Kara iracrav Tifj-epav. Acts 17. 17 in the market daDy with them that met 11. Every day, iruaav i\jxipav, pasai\ hemeran. Acts 5. 42 daily in the tempte, and in every house DAINTIES, dainty (meats) — 1. Things full of taste, nisiapp matammoth. I'rov.23. 3 Be not desirous of his dainties ; for they 23. 6 neither desire thou his dainty meats '2. Pleasant things, d'SjjjD manavimivi. Psa.141. 4 and let me hot eat of their dainties 2. Dainty'^ delight, \1liO maadMn. Gen. 49. 20 and he shall yield royal dainties 4. Object of desire, niNi? iaavah. Job 33. 20 abhorretii bread, and his soul dainty meat 5. Fat, shining , .\i.Trap6s liparos. Kev. 18. 14 all things which were dainty and goodly DA-LA'-IAH, n;S'n Jah is deliverer, A descendant of Shechaniah. In the original this name is the same as that of several persons who are called Delaiah in the common version. 1 Ch. 3. 24 Johanan, and D., and Ananl, seven DALE — Deep place, vcdley, pDy emeq. Gen. 14. 17 valley of Shaveh,which(is)theking's dale 2 Sa. 18. 18 a pillar, wliich (is) in the king's dale DAi-MA-NTJ'-THA, AaX/xavoved. A village or small town on the W. side of the s6a of Galileo, near Magdala, close to the shore, at the south end of the i)lain of Gennesaret. It is now called Ain- el-Bdridch Mark 8. 10 he. .came into the parts of D. LAI-MA'-TIA, AaXp-aria. A province on the E. coast of the Adriatic Sea, extendi ing from the Naro in tlie S. to the Savus in the N. It became a part of (or another name for) the Roman province of lUyricum after the e.xpedition of Tiberius (A.D. 9), 2 Ti. 4. 10 Crescens to Galatla, Titus vmto D. BAL'-PHOII, i'idS'i Persian WGrd.; otherwise drqp^iTijr. The second of tlie ten sons of Haman, B.C. 510. Eslh g. 9 And Parshandatha, .•\nd D., and Aspatha DAM — Mother, DN em, Exod22. 30 seven days it shall be with his dam Lev. 22. 27 then it shall be seven days under the dam Deut 22. 6 the dam sitting upon the young, or upon 22. 6 thou Shalt not take the dam with the 22. 7 (But) thou Shalt in any wise let the dam DAMAGE — 1 . Violence, hurt, Van chahal. Ezra 4. 22 why should damage grow to the hurt of 2. Vinlence, Dsn chamas. P10V26. 6 cutteth off the feet,(and)driaketh damage 3. Loss, pnnezek. Esth. 7. 4 could not countervail the king's damage i.Damage, f-)7|Uia zemia Acts 27.10 voyage mil be with hurt and much dam. DAMAGE, to have — To suffer loss, pn nezak. Dan. 6. 2 and the king should have no damage DAMAGE, to receive — To cause loss, (rnj.t6w zeiniod. 2 Co. 7. 9 ye might receive damage byus in nothing DA-MA'-RIS, Adfiapis. A woman in Athens converted by Paul, A.B. 54. Acts 17. 34 a woman named D., and others with them DA-MAS-CENES, AafjLaa-Krjvoi, belonging toBamasc. The people of Damascus. 2 Co. 1 1 . 32 the king kept the city of the D. with a gar. DAM-AS'-CTJS, P^E-n, pb'p-i'n, pBian, AafiaarKos. The most ancient and important city in Syria. It stands in a plain of great fertility E. of "the great chain of Autilibanus, on the edge of the desert. The modern Barada (the Amana of Scripture) waters this plain, which is 30 miles in diameter and nearly circular According to Josephus Damascus was founded by Vz, son of Aram and grandson of Shem. It is apparently first mentioned in the time of Abraham, B.C. 1912. It was taken by David B.C. 1040 and was the capital of Syriaduring thercignof Ben-hadad, 15.0.930. Jeroboam restored it to Israel B.C. 822, but Tiglath-Pilcser, king of Assyria, took it B.C. 740, and carried its inliabitants captive to Kir. It afterwards remained subject to the Assyrians and Persians till B.C. 333, wlien it was taken by Parmer io, the general of Alexander the Great. Pompey effected its capture B.C. 64. Paul commenced his miuistr; at Damascus A.I». 33. Gen. 14. 15 Hobah, which (is) on the left hand of D. 15. 2 steward of my house (is) this Eliezer of D. ? 2 Sa. 8. s And when the Syrians of D. came to sue. 8. 6 Then David put garrisons in Syria of D. 1 Ki. II. 24 he gathered men . .and they went to D. II. 24 dwelt therein, and reigned in D. 15. iS Hezion, king of SjTia, that dwelt at D. 19. 15 rctuin on thy way to the \vil(lerness of D. 20. 34 thou shaft make streets for thee in D. 2 Ki. 5. 12 (Are) not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of D. 8. 7 And Elisha came to D. ; and. .the king 8. 9 even of every good thing of D., forty ca. 14. 28 how he warred, and hov/ he recovered D. 16. 9 the king of Assyria went up against D 16. 10 And king Ahaz went to D. to meet 36. JO and saw an altar that (was) at D 16. 11 all that king Ahaz had sent from D. 16. II made (it) against lung Ahaz came fromD. 16. 12 when the king was come from D. 1 Ch. 18. 5 Syrians of D. came to help Hadarezer 18. 6 David put (garrisons) in Syria-d. 2 Ch.i6. 2 Ben-hadad king of Syria, that dwelt at D. 24. 23 aud sent all the spoil, .unto the king of D. 28. 5 and they . .brought them to D 28. 23 For he sacrificed unto the gods of D. Song 7. 4 the tower.. which looketh toward D. Isa. 7. 8 For the head of Syria (is) D. 7. 8 and the head of D. (is) Rezin 8. 4 the riches of D. .shall be taken away 10 9 (is) not Samaria as D. 1 17. I D. is taken away from (being) a city 17. 3 Ephraim, and the Idngdom from D., and Jer. 49. 23 Concerning D. Hamath is confounded 49. 24 D. is waxed feeble, (and) turneth. .to flee 49. 27 I will kindle a fire in the wall of D. Eze. 27. 18 D. (was) thy merchant in the. .wares of 47. 16 between the border of D. and the border 47. 17 the border .shall be. .the border of D. 47. iS the east side ye shall measure from. .D. 48. I the border of D. northward, to the coast Amos I. 3 ForthreetransgressionsofD.,andforfour I. 5 I wUl break also the bar of D., and cut off 3. 12 corner of a bed, and in D. (in) a couch 5. 27 to go into captivity beyond D., saith the Zech. 9. I and D. (shall be) the rest thereof Acts 9. 2 And desired of him letters to D. g. 3 as he journeyed, he came near D. 9. 8 led lum . . and brought (him) into D. 9. 10 there was a certain disciple at D. g. 19 Then was Saul certain days, .at D. 9. 22 confounded the Jev/s which dwelt at D g. 27 and how he had preached boldly at D. 22. 5 whom .1 received letters, .and went to D. 22. 6 and was come nigh unto D. about noon 22. 10 the Lord said. .Ai'ise, and go into D. 22. II led by the hand .1 came into D. 26. 12 Whereupon, as I went to D. with author. 26. 20 showed first ^nto them of D., and at Jer. 2 Co. 1 1. 32 In D. the governor wider Arctas. .kept GaL I. 17 I went, .and returned again unto D. DAMNABLE — Destruction, loosing aieay, airdX^ia apoleia. 2 Pe. 2. I privily shall bring in damnable heresies DAMNATION — l.Destruction, loosing away, airdiXeia apoleia. 2 Pe. 2. 3 and their damnation sUimbereth not 2.J'>Klgm-ent, condemnation, Kpiaa hrima, 5Iatt.23. 14 ye shall receive the greater damnation SIarki2. 40 these shall receive greater damnation Luke 20. 47 the same shall receive greater damnation Horn. 3 8 Let us do evil, .v.-liose damnation is just 13. 2 shall receive to themselves damnation I Co. II. 29 eateth and drinketh danmation to him. I Ti. s. 12 Having damnation, because they have S.Jicdgmentf npiais Jcrisis. Matt.23. 33 how can ye escape the danmation of Mark 3. 29 but is in danger of eternal [damnation] John 5. sg unto tbe resurrection of damnation DAJSNED, to be — 1. To judge one down, KaraKpii/ii) hatakrind. Marki6. 16 [but he that believeth not shall be dam.] Rom. 14. 23 he that doubtcth is damned if he cat 2. To judge, icplvu krino. 2 Til. 2. 12 That they all might be damned who beli DAMSEL — l.Lass, girl, rn^: yaldah. Gen. 34. 4 saying. Get me this damsel to wife 2.Damsel, young woman, n"y;.j nuarah. Gen. 24. 14 that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let 24. 16 the damsel (was) very fair to look upon 24. 28 the damsel ran, and told (them of) her 24. 55 Let the damsel abide with us (a few) day* 24. 57 We will call the damtel, and enquire al 24. 61 licbekah arose, and her damsels, and 34. 3 his soul clave .and he loved the damsel 34. 3 and spake kindly unto the damsel 34. 12 but give me the damsel to wife Deut22, 15 Then shall the father of the damsel, and 22. IS take .(the tokcn3of)thedamscrsvirginl. 22 16 the damsel's father shall say unto the 22, 19 give (them) unto the father of the dam. 22. 20 virginity be not found for the damsel 22. 21 they shall bring out the damsel to the 22. 23 If adamsel(thati3) a virgin he betrothed 22. 24 the damsel, because she cried not, (being 22. 25 if a man find a betrothed damsel in the 22. 26 But unto the damsel thou shalt do noth. 22. 26 (there is) in the damsel no sin (worthy) o( 22. 27 the betrothed damsel cried, and (there 22. 28 If a man find a damsel (that is) a virgin 22. 29 shall give unto the damsel's father fifty Judg.ig. 3 when the father of the damsel saw him 19. 4 the damsel's father, retained him ig. 5 damsel's father said unto his son in law jg. 6 the damsel's father had said unto the man 19. 8 the damsel's father said, Comfort thine 19. g the damsel's father, said unto him. Behold Ruth 2. s Then said Boaz. Whose damsel (is) this'f 2. 6 It (is) the Moabitish damsel that came I Sa. 25. 42 with five damsels of hers that went after X Ki. I. 3 they sought for a fair damsel throughout I. 4 the damsel (was) very fair, and cherished Z.Young woman, virgin, no^y ahnah Psa. 68. 25 among (them were) the damsels playing 4. Womh, orn racham. Judg. 5. 30 to every man a damsel (or) two ; to Sisera 5. A little girl, Kopaaiov koraswn. Matt 14. II his head was .given to the damsel Mark 5. 41 and said. .Damsel, I say unto thee, arise 5. 42 straightway the damsel arose, and 6. 22 the king said unto the damsel, Ask of 6. 28 brought his head.. and pave it io the dam. 6. 28 and the damsel gave it to her mother Q.A yo'>'.ng or Utile child, TtaiSiov paidion. •Mark 5. 39 the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth 5. 40 the father and the mother of the damsel 5. 40 entereth in where the damsel was lying 5. 41 he took the damsel by the hand, and T.A young damsel, xoiSiVkt; paidiske. Matt26. 69 a damsel came unto him, saj-ing. Thou JohniS. 17 Then saith the damsel that kept the door Acts 12. 13 a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda 16. 16 a certain damsel possessed with a spirit DAN, \^ judge. 1. Fifth son of Jacob, and first of Bilhali, Rachel's maid. Dan was the own brother of Naphtali. B.C. 1747 Gen. 30. 6 a son . therefore called she bis name D. 35. 25 sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid ; D. 46. 23 And the sons of D ; Hushim 49- 16 D. shall ju^ge his people, as one of the 49 17 D. shall be a serpent by the way Exod. I. 4 D., and Kaphtali, Gad, and Asher Num26. 42 These (are) the sons of D. after their faml. 26. 42 These (are) the families of D. after their Josh. 19. 47 children of D. went up to fight s^-ainstL. I Ch. 2. 2 D., Joseph, and Benjamin, Kaphtali 2. The most northern city of Canaan, as seen in the common expression "from Dan even to Beersheba." The name was originally Laish or Lcshcin (Josh. 19. 47). The inhabitants lived like the Zidonians, engaged in commerce, and without defence. Hence the Danitea easily conquered the place, and named it Dan. Tell-el- Kadi, its modern name, is the western and smaller of the two sources of the Jordan, 4 miles from Vancas, on the road to Tyre. The long level top of the Tell is strewed with ruins, and is probably the site of the town and citadel of Dan. The spring is called El- Leddun, aud the stream from it liahr-cd-dhan. Gen. 14. 14 armedhis..(servts.)and pursued.. unto D. Deut.34. I Lord showed him. landofGilead,untoD. Josh. 19. 47 called Leshero, D., after the name of Dan Judgi8 29 called the name D., after the name of D. 20. I the congregation was gathered .from D. I Sa. 3. 20 all Israel, from D. even to Beersheba a Sa. 3. 10 to set up the throne of David, .from D. 17. II all Israel be .gathered, .from D. even to 24. 2 through all the tribes of Israel, from V. 24. IS there died .from D. . .to Beer-sheba ser. I Ki. 4. 25 from D. . .to Beer-sheba, all the days of H. 12. 29 set. .one in Bethel, and the other, .in D. 12. 30 people went (to worship), .(even) unto IX ij. 20 Ben-hadad. .sent, .and smote Ijon, andD. DANCE 220 DARE H Ki. lo. 29 departed not from, .golden calves, .in D. 1 Ch zi. 2 number Isiaelfrom Beer-sheba even to D. 2 Ch.i6. 4 and they smote Ijon, and D., and Abel-m. 30. 5 established a decree. .Beer-sheba. .to D. Jer. 4 ;s Fora voice declarethfrom D.,andpubli. 8. 16 snorting of his horses was heard from D. Eze 27. 19 D . . going to and fro occupied in thy fairs Amos 8. 14 They that swear., and say, Thy God, OD. S. The name is used to denote the tribe that sprang from Dan, as well as their territory. J!xod3i. 6 I have given. .Aholiab. .of the tribe of D. " 35- 34 iii^y teach. .Aholiab. .of the tribe of D. 38. 23 with him (was)!Aholiab . . of the tribe of D. lev. 24. II daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of D. Hum. I. 12 Of D. ; Ahiezer the son of Ammi-shaddai I. 38 Of the children of D., by their generations 1. 39 that were numbered, .of the tribe of D. 2. 25 The standard of the camp of D. (shall be) 2. 23 the captain of the children of D. (shall be) 2. 31 they that were numbered in. .camp of D. 7. 65 Ahiezer. .prince of the children of D. 10. 25 the standard of the camp . . of D. set for. 13. 12 Of the tribe of D., Ammiel the son of G. 26. 42 These (are) the sons of D. after their fa. 26. 42 These (are.) the families of D. after their 34. 22 prince of the tribe of the children of D. Deut27. 13 Reuben, Gad, and Asher, Zebulun, D. 33. 22 of D. he said, D. (is) a lion's whelp Josh.ig. 40 the seventh lofcame. .for the tribe, .of D. 19. 47 the children of D. went, .to fight against 19. 47 called Leshem, D., after.. Dan their f a th. 19. 48 inheritance of. .the children of D. 27. s and out of the tribe of D., and out of the 21. 23 And out of the tribe of D., Eltekeh Jujdg. I. 34 the Amorites forced the children of D. S. 17 and why did D. remain in ships ? 13. 25 in the camp of D. between Zorah and Esh. 18. 2 the children of D. sent of their family five 18. 16 six hundred men. .of the children of D. 18. 22 the men. .overtooli the children of D. 18. 23 And,they cried unto the children of D. 18. 25 And the children of D. said unto hirji i3. 26 And the children of D. went their way 18. 30 the children of D. set up the graven image 18. 30 his sons were priests to the tribe of D. 1 Ch.27. 22 Of D. ; Azareel the son of Jeroham 2 Ch. 2. 14 son of a woman of the daughters of D. Eze. 48. I -sides east (and) west ; a (portion for) D. 48. 2 And by the border of D., from the east 48. 32 one gate of Benjamin, one gate of D. The following localities were in the terrritory of Dan: — A jalon. Eaalath, JBene-barak, Dan, Elon, Eltekeh, Esh- taol,Gath-rimmon,Gibbethon, Ir-shemesh, Japho, Jeth- lah. Laish, Leshem, Me-jarkon, Kakkon, Sha^labin, Timnah, Zorah, &c. DANCfE — Dance, danci'rig, chorus, S'lriD machol. Psa.i4g. 3 Let him praise his name in the dance 150. 4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance Jer. 31. 4 in the dances of them that make merry 31. 13 shall the virgin rejoice in the dance Lam. 5. 15 our dance is turned into mourning DANCE, to — ■ \.To keep festival, Jjn chagag. i« I Sa. 30. i6 (they were) .. drinking, and dancing 2. To dance, turn, tioist, '?W chul. Judg2i. 21 daughters of Shiloh eome out to danct. 8. To dance, turn, tvnst,-h'm chul, 'ia. Judg2i. 23 of them that danced, whom they caught 4. 7*0 dance, move round, ti3 Ica.rar, 3a. a Sa. 6. 14 David danced before the Lord with all (his) 5. To dance, sleip, npl raqad. Eccl. 3. 4 a time to mourn, and a time to dance 6. To dance, skip, npT raqad, 8. I 29 saw king David dancing and playing Job 21. 11 They send forth, .and their children dance Isa. 13. 21 dwell-there, and satyrs shall dwell there T.To lift lip {tliefeet), dance, opx^ofj-o-i- ofcheomai. Matt II. 17 piped unto you, and ye have not danced 14. 6 the daughter of Herodias danced before Mark 6. 22 when the daughter of . .Herodias. .danced Luke 7. 33 piped uuto you, and ye have not danced DANCES — Hance, dancing, chorus, nVino meoholah. Exodis. 20 after her with 'timbrels and with dances Jndgii. 34 to meet him with timbrels and. .dances 91.21 the daughters . . come out to dance in dan. 1 Sa. 21. II singone to another «f him in dances ag, 5 they sang one to.another in dances, saying DANCING — 1. To doMx, m6ve roiind, "n^ Ica/rar, 2a. 2 Sa. 6. 1 5 saw king David leaping and dancing Bef. 2. Dance, dc^ncing, chorus. Vino mdohol. Psa. 30i II turned for me my mourning into dancing 2tDance, darling, chorus, nVini? mecJiolah. Exod32. 19 that he saw the calf] and the dancing •' 1 Sa. i8. 6 singing and dancing, to meet.;king Saul i.A chorus, company of dancers, xopis choros. lAilte 15. 25 as he came, .he heard musiD and dancing DANDLED, to Be — To play with, delight in, dandle, )1)W shaa, 4S. Isa. 66. 12 be borne upon (her) sides, and be dandled DANGER, to he in — To incur danger, KivSweiai kiruluneuo. Acts ig. 27 craft is in danger to be set at nonghfe= 19. 40 we are in danger to be called in question DANGER of, in — Held in, liable to, evoyos enochos. Matt. 5. 21, 22 shall be in danger of the judgment 5. 22 shall be in danger of the coiincil 5. 22 shall say. Thou fool ! shall be in danger of Mark 3. 29 but is in danger of eternal damnation DANGEROUS — Insecure, perilous, iTricrvltlK)ut man and with. 6. Dryness, waste, ft^'jrj chorbah. Jer. 7. 34 Then . .for the land shall be desolate . £ze. 25. 13 and I will make it desolate from Teman 7. Only, lonely, singly, Tn; yachid. Psa. 25. 16 have mercy upon me; for 1 (am) desolate 8. To be cut off, hidden, ins kachad, 2. Job 15. 28 he dwelJeth in'desolate cities, (and) in ^.Desolation, astonishment, waste, rvpiiD mesliarn. Isa. 15. 6 the waters of Nirarim shall be desolate Jer. 48. 34 waters also of Nirarim shall be desolate Eze. 6. 14 niore desolate than the wilderness toward 10. Wasting, desolation, nt(-w shoah. Job 36. 3 the wilderness in former time desolate 38. i7 To satisfy the desolate and waste (ground) ll.Desolation, astonishment, xoaste, naa' shammah. Isa. g. 9 many houses shall be desolate, (even) 13. 9 and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate Jet. 4. 7 from his place to make thy land desolate 18. 16 make their land desolate, (and) a perpet. 19. 8 make this city desolate, and an hissing 25. 38 their land is desolate because of the 48. 9 for the cities thereof shall be desolate so. 3 which shall make her land desolate, and Itos. s- 9 Kphraira shall be desolate in the day of Zech. 7. J 4 for they laid the pleasant land desolate 12. To be desolate, oo^ shamem. 2 Sa. 13. 20 Tamar remained desolate in her brother Isa. 49. 8 cause to inherit the desolate heritages 54. I more (are) the children of the desolate Lam. . 1. 4 her gates are desolate ; her priests sigh ■ 1. 13 he hath made me desolate (and) faint all I. 16 my children are desolate, because the 3. II He hath turned., he hath made me desol. Eze. 36. 4 to the desolate wastes, and to the cities Dan. 9. 27 that, .shall be poured upon the desolate 13. To be or become desolate, ddv' shamem, 2. Psa. 69. 25 Let their habitation be desolate ; (and) let Isa. 54. 3 make the desolate cities to be inhabited Jer. 33. 10 streets of Jerusalem, (that are) desolate Eze. 29. 12 midst of the countries (that are) desolate 30. 7 the midst ot the countries (that are) des. 36. 34 the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas 36. 35 This land that was desolate is become 36: 35 the waste and desolate and ruined cities li. Desolate, dd^ shamem. Ser. 12. II (and being) desolate it moumeth unto Dan, 9. 17 shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate 15i Desolation, nao-^ shemamah. Exod23. 29 lest the land become desolate, and the Lev. 26. 33 your land shall be desolate, and your Isa. 1. 7 Your country (is) desolate, your 1. 7 (it is) desolate, as overthroivn bystrangers 6. II and the land be utterly desolate Jer. 4, 27 The whole land shall be desolate ; yet 6. .8 lest I make thee desolate; a land not 9. 11 1 will make the cities of Judah desolate 10. 22 to make the cities of Judah desolate, (and) 12. 10 my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness 12. II They have made it desolate, (and being)d. 32. 43 (It is) desolate without man or beast 44. 6 they are wasted (and) desolate, as at this 49. 2 and it shall be a desolate heap, and her so. 13 but it shall be wholly desolate; everyone 51. 26 thou Shalt be desolate for ever, saiththe 51. 62 but that it shall be desolate for ever Eze, 6. 14 and make the land desolate ; yea, more 12. 20 laid waste, and the land shall be desolate 14. 15 they spoil it, so that it be desolate, that 14. 16 but the land shall be desolate 15. 8 I will make the land desolate, because 29. 9 land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste 29. 10 make the land of Egypt, .waste (and) des. 29. 12 I will make the land of Egypt desolate 29. 12 the cities, .laid waste shall be desolate 32. 1 5 I shall make the land of Egypt desolate 33. 28 I will lay the laud most desolate, and the 33. 29 when I have laid the land most desolate 35. 3 I will make thee most desolate 35. 4 lay thy cities waste, and thou shalt be d. 35. 7 Thus will I make mount Seir most des. 35. 14 saith the Lord.. I will make thee desolate 35. 15 thou shalt be desolate, mount Seir 36. 34 whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all Joel 2. 3 behind them a desolate wilderness 2. 20 will drive him into a land . . desolate 3. 19 Edom shall be a desolate wilderness Mlo. I. 7 all the idols thereof will I lay desolate 7. 13 Notwithstanding the land shall be des. \Q.Desirted, epTjuos eremos. Matt 23. 38 your house is left unto you [desolate] Lukei3. 35 your house is left unto you [desolate] Acts I. 20 Let his habitation be desolate, and let no Gal. 4. 27 the desolate hath many more children 17.70 make a desert, iprmSia eremoo. Rev. 17. 16 shall make her desolate and naked 18. To leave alone, fiov6co monod: I Ti. 5. 5 Now she that is a widow, and desolate DESOLATE, to be — 1^. To be or become desolate, □?'!< ashem. Psa. 34. 21 that hate the righteous shall be desolate 34. 22 none, that trust in him shall be desolate Isa. 24. 6 they that dwell therein are desolate :ther. 2. To be or become dried up, wasted, 310 chareb. SsT. 2. 12 and be horribly afraid, be ye very deso. 26. 9 city shall be desolate without an inhabit, t Z.To be burned, nx; yatsath, 2. Jer. 46. 19 Noph shall be waste and desolate witbo i.To be desolate, uo] yasham. Gen. 47. 19 give (us) seed, .that the land be not des. Eze. 6. 6 the high places shall be desolate 12. 19 her land may be desolate from all 19. 7 the land was desolate, and the fulness 5. To be empty, free, acquitted, n[;i naqah, 2. Isa. 3. 26 and she, (being) desolate, shall sit upon 6. To be wasted, desolate, nocv hk^ sliaah ^hema. 2 Isa.' 6. II and the land be utterly desolate 7. To be desolate, ddb' shamem. Psa. 40. 15 Let them be desolate for a reward Lam. 5. 18 the mountain of Zion, which is desolate Eze. 33. 28 the mountains shall be desolate 35. 15 Israel, because it was desolate 8. To be or become desolate, DO^ shamem, 2. Lev. 26. 22 your (high) ways shall be desolate Lam. 4. 5 They that did feed, .are desolate In the Eze. 6. 4 And your altars shall be desolate 25. 3 the land of Israel, when it was desolate 30. 7 they shall be desolate in the midst 36. 36 (and) plant that that was desolate Amos 7. 9 And the high places, .shall be desolate Zeph. 3. 6 I have cut. . their towers are desolate Zech. 7. 14 the land was desolate after them 9. To feel self desolate, aa<^ shainem, la. Psa.143. 4 my heart within me is desolate DESOLATE, to become — To be or become desolate, C»'n ashem. Hos. 13. 16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she DESOLATE houses — Forsaken habitations, ^^jppNt almanoth. Isa. 13. 22 shall cry in their desolate housca DESOLATE, to be laid — \. Desolation, be desolate, ncr^p or Dp(^ sliamem. Eze. 35. 12 They are laid desolate, tliey are given 2. To be or become desolate, ddb' shamem, 2. Joel 1. 17 The seed, .the gamers are laid desolate DESOLATE, to Ue — To be made desolate, Dpff shamem, 6. Lev. 26. 34 as long as it lieth desolate, and ye (be) la 26. 35 As long as it lieth desolate it shall 26. 43 while she lieth desolate without them 2 Ch.36. 21 as long as she lay desolate she kept aab. DESOLATE, to be made — l.To be desolate, owx ashem. Eze. 6. 6 that your altars may be.. made desolate 2.T0 be or become desolate, dij'x ashem, 2. Joel 1. 18 the flocks of sheep are made desolate ^.To be or become desolate, ccy shaviem, 2. Jer. 12. II the whole land is made desolate DESOLATE, to make — l.To desolate, DO:^' shamem. Eze. 36. 3 Because they have made (you) desolate Dan. 12. II abomination that maketh desolate ' 2. To desolate, dd?' shamem, 3a. Dan. 9. 27 he shall make (it) desolate, even until II. 31 they shall place.. that maketh desolate 3. To niake desolate, dd'^ shamem, 5. Job 16. 7 thou hast made desolate all my company Jer. 10. 25 and have made his habitation desolate ■ 49. 20 he shall make their habitations desolate 50. 45 he shall make (their) habitatiou^ desolate Eze. 20. 26 that I might make them desolate ■ 30. 14 And I will make Pathros desolate* i.To leave desolate, ipt^fiiw eremoo. Rev. 18. 19 for in one hour is she made desolate DESOLATE, making — To make desolate, ddj) shamem, 5. Mic. 6. 13 in making (thee) desolate because of thy DESOLATE palaces — Forsaken habitations, rfjD^Sj! almanoth. Eze 19. 7 And he knew their desolate palaces DESOLATE place — 1. Desolate places, D'jspx ashmannitn. Isa. 59. 10 (we are) in desolate places as dead (men) 2. Dry or waste plaxe, rt^-in chorbah. Job 3. 14 which bulli; desolate places for themselves Psa. 109. 10 bread) also out of their desolate places Eze. 26. 20 in places desolate of old, with them that 38. 12 turn thine hand upon the desolate places Mai. I. 4 will return and build the desolate places $.To be desolate, □1??' shamem. Isa. 49. 19 thy waste and thy desolate places, and DESOLATION — LDrought, dry, waste place, anh choreb. Zeph. 2. 14 desolation (shall be) in the thresholds 2. Drought, dry or waste place, .I3"irr chorbah.' Ezra 9. 9 to repair the desolations thereof, and to Jer. 22 s that this house shall become a desolation 2s. 9 and an hissing, and perpetual desolations DESOLATION 249 DESTROY Jer. I 25. J I this whole land shall be a desolation ?5. 18 (To wit), .to make them a desolation, >an 4^. .zihis.diU' they (are) a de30latioa, 'and 44. 22 therefore is your land a desolation, and Dan. 9. 2 seventy years in the desolations of Z. Desolation, waste, mpwri} meshoali. Zeph. I. IS a day o£ wasteness and desolatipn, a day i.Desolalwns, vMstes, n'^HWa mashshuoth. Psa. 74. 3 thy feet unto the perpetual desolations ^.Desolation, wasting, niNW shaavah. Prov. 1. 27 When your fear Cometh, as desolafioa fl Desolation, waiting, nNW sheth. Lam. 3. 47 Fear, .is come upon us, desolation and 7:Destruction, spoiling, •)'& shod. Isa. 51. 19 These two (thing^) are come.. desolation h;o8. 12. 1 he daily iucreaseth lies and desolation 8. Desolation) wasting, nt<\& shoah. Job 30. 14 in the desolation they rolled themselves Prov. 3. 25 neither of the desolation of the wiclie4 Isa. 10. 3 the desolation (whiclv) shall come from 47. II desolation shall comc^upon thee suddenly 9. Desolation, nsK? shammah. j 2 Ki. 22. ig that they should bc/come a desolation 2 Ch. 30. 7 therefore gave them up to desolation Psa. 46. 8 what desolations he hath made in the 73. 19 How- are they (brought) into desolation Isa. 24. 12 In the city ia left desolation, and the Jer. 49. x3J3ozrah shall become a desolation 49. 17 Edom shall be a desolation : every one 50. 23 how is Babjilon become a desolation 51. 29 to make the land of Babylon a desolation 51. 43 Her cities are a desolation, a dry land Mic. 6. 16 that I should make thee a desolation Zeph. ir. 15 how is she become a desolation, a place 10. To be desoldte, oojsf shameni. Isa. fii. 4 they shall raise up the former desolations 61. 4 the desolations of many generations Dan. 8. 13 and the transgression of desolation Q. 18 behold our desolations, and the city 9. 26 end of the war desolations are determined ill. Desolation, !V}dvi shemamah. Josh. 8, 28 made it an heap , .(even) a desolation Isa. 17. 9 and there shall be desolation , 64. ic is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation Jer. 23'. 12 and will make it perpetual desolations 34 22 make the cities of Judah a desolation 49 33 a dwelling for dragons, (and)a desolation Eze. 7. 27 prince shall be clothed with desolation 23. 33 the cu^p of astonishment and desolation Joe) 3. 19 Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom Zeph. I, 13 and their houses a desolation : they shaU 2. 4 be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation e. 9 and saltpits, and a perpetual desolation 2. 13 wUl make Nineveh a desolation, (and) dry 12. Desolation, ■noDij' shemamah.' Eze. 35. 9 I wm make thee a perpetual desolation 13. /I making desolate or desert, eprj/xoKris eremosis. ■Matt 24 15 shall see the abomination of desolation Marki3. 14 shall see the abomination of desolation Luke2i. 20 know that the desolation thereof is nigh DESOLATION, to bring into — l.To make desolate, np?' shamem, 5. Lev. 26. 31 bring your sanctuaries unto desolation 26. 32 And I will bring the land into desolation 2. To make a desert, ip7]fJL6oi eremoo. Matti2. 25 against itself is brouglit to desolation Lukeii. 17 against itself is brought to desolation DESPAm, to — l.To despair, 'VUi yaash, 2. 1 Sa. 37. I Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any S. To have no outlet whatever, i^aivopSofiai exapor. 2 Co. I. 8 insomuch that we despaired even of life DESPAIR, to be in — To have no outlet, whatever, i^a:irop4ofiai exaporeo. 2 Cu. 4. 8 (we are) perplexed, but not in despair DESPAIR, to causa to — ^ 7'o cause to despdiTr^^l yaash, 3. Eccl. 2. 20 went about to cause my heart to despair UESPEPATE — S'o be or become sickly, tyjK anash. Isa. 1 7. 1 1 the day of grief and of desperate sorrow DESPERATE, one that Is — To be despairing, n/Ki^yaash, 2. Job 6. 26 and the speeches of one that is desperate DESPERATELT wioked — To be sick, E'iij anash. Jer. 17. 9 above all (things), p.nd desperately wicked DESPISE, to — l.To despise, contemn,, tfead on, 113 hv,z. PrOT. I. 7 (but)foo!sdespisewisdomandinstruction 6. 30 rafen) do not despise a thief, if he steal n. 12 He that is void of wisdom despiseth his 13. 13 Whoso despiseth the word shall be dest. 14. 21 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth 23. 9 he will despise the wisdom of thy words 23. 22 despise not thy mother when she is old 30. 17 and despiseth to obey (his) mother 6ong 8. I yea, I should not be despised Zech, 4. tb who hath despised the day of small . 2. To despise, conlenjin, nip hazah. Gen. 25. 34 thus EsaU despised (his) birthright J^umiS- 31 lie l>ath despised the word of the Lord 1 Sa. 2. 30 they that despise me shall be'lightly 10. 27 they despised him, and brought 2 Sa. 6. 16 and she despised him in her heart 12. 9 Wlierefore iast tiau despised the com. 12. 10 thoiLJiast despised me, and liast taken 2-Ki.ig. 21 the daughter of Zion, hath despised thee I Ch.j5. 29 and she despised him in her heart ■^ CJi-36- 16 despised Ins words, and misused his Neh. 2. 19 they laughed us to scorn, and despised Psa. 22. 24 he hath not despised nor abhorred the 51. 17 contrite heart, O God. thou wilt not des. 69. .33 and despiseth not his prisoners 73. 20 when thou awakest, thou shalt despise »o2. 17 He wUl regard, .and not despise their Prov.14. 2 Che that is)perverse in his ways despiseth- 15. 20 but a foolish man despiseth his mother «9. 16 (l)Ut) he that despiseth his ways shall die Isa.^ 37. 22 the dauglrter of Zion, hath despised thee Eze. 16. 59 which hast despised the oath in breaking 17. 16 whose oath he despised, and whose cov. 17. 18 he despised the oath by hrealdng the 17. 19 surely mine oath that he hath despised 22. 8 Thou hast despised mine holy thiugs, and MaL I. 6 unto you, priests, that despise my name I. 6 Wherein have we despised thy name ? 3. To despise, render contemptible, ni:^ bazah, 5. Esth. I. 17 they shall despise theirhusbands in their i:. Despised one, nia bazoh. Isa. 49. 7 to him whom man despiseth, to Mm 5.2*0 lightly esteem, h^l zid, 5. Lam. I, 8 aU that honoured her despise her, because Q.To loathe, despise, reject, Di^~ l.To be despised, nt? bazaJi, 2. Psa. -22. 6 reproach of men, and despised of the 119. 141 I (am) small and despised ; (yet) do not I Eccl. 9. 16 the poor man's wisdom (is) despised, and ^^^- 53- 3 He is despised and rejected of men ; a 53. 3 he was despised, and we esteemed liinx Jer. 22. 28 (Is) this man Coniah a despised broken _ 49. IS lo, I will make thee, .despised among Obad. 2 thou art greatly despised 2.T0 be or become, light, n^j qalah, 2. Prov 12. 9 (He that is) dc'spised, and hath a sen'ant 3. To bear become light, Viii qalal. Gen. 16. 4 her mistress was despised in her eyes 16. 5 when, .she had conceived, I was despised DESPISER — One who thinks dovm uponXanother), KaTatppovrjTiis. Acts 13. 41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and DESPISEE of those that are good — Not friendly tojhe good, a(pt\d.ya6os aphilagathoa. ■2 Ti. -3. 3 fierce, despisers of those that are good DESPITE — Despite, BN^ sheat. Eze. 25. 's rejoiced In heart wltlt all thy despite DESPITE unto, to do — To v^e despilefulbj, iw^p'i^m envhrlz^. Heb. 10. 29 done despite unto the Spirit of grace i DESPITEFUL — 1. Despite, bn?* s?ieat. Eze. 25. 15 taken vengeance with a despiteful heart ■ 36. 5 with despiteful minds, to cast it out for 2. Despiteful, vfipia-rrjs hubristes. Rom. 1. 30 despiteful, proud, boasters, Inventors ot DESPlTKt'ULLT, to usa — 1. To iise spitefully, iTrripea^ai epereazd. Matt. J. 44 [pray for them which despitefully use} Luke 6. 28 pray for them which despitefully use yon 2. To use despitefully, v0pi(co hubrizo. Acts 14. 5 to use (tliem) despitefully, and to stone DESTITUTE —■■ ' 1. Lacldng, "ipij chaser. Prov 15. 2 joy to (him that is) destitute of wisdom 2.Nalced, destitute, n^l^ arar. Psa. 102. 17 will regard the prayer of the destitute 3. To dxprive ofa-aoffr^piu aposiereS. 1 Ti. 6. s corrupt minds,and destitute Of the truth 4. To leave, lack, xdvco leipO. Jas. 2. IS be naked, and destitute of daily food DESTITUTE, to be — 1. To be or become desolale, DO^ slut/mem, 2. Eze. ^2. IS the country shall be destitute" of that 2. To be last', behind, utrT^pea hustereo. Heb. II. 37 being destitute, affiicted, tormented DESTITUTE, to leave — l.To,, 3ij; azab. Gen. 24. 27 who hath.not left destitute my master 2. To nidke nalced, expose, .Tij; arah, 3. Psa. 141. 8 leave not my soul destitute DESTROY, to — l.To destroy, ^3(^ dbad, 3. Deut II. 4 (how) the Lord had destroyed them 12. 2 Ye shall utterly destroy all the places 12. 3 destroy the names of them out otlhat H'um.33. 52 destroy all their pictures, and destroy 2 Ki. II. I arose and destroyed all tlie seed royal 13. 7 for the king of Syria had destroyed them 19. 18 therefore they have destroyed them 21. 3 which Hezekiah his father had destroyed Esth. 3. 9 let it be ••written that they, .be destroyed 4. 7 the money .. for the Jews, to destroy tSiem 6. s which he wrote to destroy Ihe Jews 5. 6 Jews slew and destroyed five hundred 9. 12 have slain and destroyed five hundred g. 24 devised against the Jews to destroy '' 9. 24 to consume them, and to destroy them Job 12. 23 increaseth the nations, and dfistroyeth Psa. 5. 6-Tliou shalt destroy them that speak 9. s thou hast destroyed the wicked^ thou 21. 10 Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the iig. 95"wicked have waited forme to destroy m^ Prov. i. 32 prosperity of fools shall destroy them Eccl. 7. 7 and a gift destroyeth the heart 9. iS but one sinner destroyeth much good Isa. 37. 19 therefore they have destroyed them JcT. 12. 17 utterly pluck up and destroy that nation 35. 7 I- will bereave.. I wUl destroy my people 32 DESTROY 250 DESTROY Jer 23 I Woe be unto the pastors that destroy 51. 55 and destroyed out of her the great voice Xam. 2, 9 he h&th destroyed and broken her bars Dze. 6. 3 and I will destroy your high places 22. 27 to shed blood, (and) to destroy douIs 28. i6 I will destroy thee, covering cherub Zeph. 2. 13 stretch out his hand, and destroy Asayr. 2 To destroy, iJN abad, 5. LeTT. 23. 30 the same soul will I destroy from among Num24. ig destroy him that remaioeth of the city Deut. 7. 10 repayeth them that hate.. to destroy 7. 24 shalfc destroy their name from under 9. 3 drive them oat, and destroy them quickly 28. 51 until he have destroyed thee DeutaS. 63 Lord vrill rejoice over you to destroy you j:o9h. 7. 7 the hand of the Araorites, to destroy us? 9 Ki. to. iQ he might destroy the worshippers of B. 24. 2 sent them against Judah to destroy it Job 14. ig and thou destroyest the hope of man Psa.143 12 and destroy all them that afflict my soul Jer. 1. to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy 18. 7 and to pull down, and to destroy (it) 31. 28 to throw dovra, aud to destroy, and to 46. 8 will destroy the city and tho inhabitants 49. 38 will destroy from thenco the king and Eze. 25. 16 and destroy the remnant of the sea coast 30. 13 I will also destroy the idols, and I will 32. 13 I will destroy also all the beasts thereof Obad. 8 destroy the w-iso (men) out of Edom, and Mic. 5. 10 and I will destroy thy chariots Zeph. 2. 5 I will even destroy thee, that there shall S. To destroy, ijx abad, 5. Dan. 2. 12 commanded to destroy all the wise (men) 2. 24 ordained to destroy the wise (men) of B. 2. 24 Destroy not the wise (men) of Babylon 7. 2v destroy 24. 16 said to the angel. tliat desUt>ycd the 2 Ki. 8. 19 the Lord would not destroy Judah for D- 13. 23 and would not destroy them, neither 18. 25 Am I now come up. .to destroy it? 18. 25 Go up against this land, and destroy it 1 Ch.2t. 12 angel of the LORD destroying throughout 2t. IS said to the ange! that destroyed. It is 2 Ch.i2. 7 I win not destroy them, but I v/i\\ grant 12. 12 that hewouldnotdestroy(him)altogether 21. 7 the Lord would not destroy the house of 24. 23 destroyed all the princes of the people 25. 16 that God hath determined to destroy thee 34. II which the kings of Judah had destroyed 35. 21 forbear thee, that he destroy thee not 36. ig destroyed all the goodly vessels thereof Psa. 78. 38 forgave (their) iniquity, and destroyed 78. 45 He sent, .frogs, which destroyed them 106. 23 turn away his v/rath, lest he. .destroy Prov. 6. 32 he (that) doeth it destroyeth his own soul It. 9 vrith(his) mouth destroyeth his neighbour Isa. ji. g hurt nor destroy in all my holy moimtain 36. to am I now come up. to destroy it ? 36. 10 Go up against this land, and destroy it 37. 12 them wiiich my fathers have destroyed 51. 13 as if he were ready to destroy 1 65. 8 Destroy it not ; for a blessing (is) in it 65. 8 that I may not destroy them all 6s. 25 hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain Jer. 2. 30 hath devoured, .like a destroying lion 6. '5 by night, and let us destroy her palaces II. 19 Let us destroy the tree with the fruit 13. 14 nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy 15. 3 beasts of the earth , to devour and destroy 15. 6 my hand against thee, and destroy thee 36. 29 shall certainly come and destroy this 49. g they will destroy till they have enough 51. 1 Behold, I willraiseup..adestroying wind 51. II device (is) against Babylon, to destroy it 5:. 20 and with thee Willi destroy kingdoms SI. 25 which destroyest all the earth Lam. 2. 8 The Loed hat'n purposed to destroy the Eze. g. 8 wilt thou destroy all the residue, of Dan. 8. 24 he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall '8. 24 destroy the mighty and the holy people 8. 2s and by peace shall destroy many 9. 26 shall destroy the city and the sanctuary Mai. 3. It he shall not destroy the fruits of your 44. T'o bereave, '7b?' shakol, 3. Deut 32. ?5 shall destroy both the young man and the 45. T'o destroy, cut off, waste, ip^ shmnad, 5. Lev. 26. 30 I will destroy your high places, and cut Deut. I. 27 to deliver us. to destroy us 2. 12 they had destroyed them from before 2. 21 but the Lord destroyed them before them 2. 22 he destroyed the Horims from before 2. 23 destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead 4. 3 God hath destroyed them from among 6. IS destroy thee from off the face of the earth 7. 4 be kindled against you, and destroy thee 7. 24 until thou have destroyed them 9. 3 (as) a consuming, fire he shall destroy g. 8 was ang^y with you, to have destroyed 9. 14 Let me alone, that I raay destroy them g. ig Lord was wroth against ybu to destroy 9. 20 angry with Aaron to have destroyed him g. 25 the Lord had said he would destroy you 28. 48 put a yoke, unta he have destroyed thee 31. 3 he will destroy these nations from before 31. 4 unto the land of them, whom he destroyed 33. 27 and shall say. Destroy (them) Josh, 7. 12 except ye destroy the accm-sed from 9. 24 to destroy aU the inhabitants of the land 11. 14 until they had destroyed them, neither ij. 20 that he might destroy them, as the Lord 23. 13 until he have destroyed you from off this 24. 8 and I destroyed them from before you 1 Sa. 24. 21 thou wilt not destroy my name out of my 2 Sa. 14. 7 wewalldcstroy theheir also : and so they 14. II lest they destroy my son 34. 16 the hand of the man (that Vould) destroy 22. 38 pursued mine enemies, and destroyed 1 KI 13. 34 destroy (it) from off the face of the earth JS. 29 until he had destroyed him, according 16. 12 Tlius did Zimri destroy all the house of 2 Ki. 10. 17 til) he had de.stroyed him, according to 10. 28 Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel' 21. 9 nations whom the Lord destroyed before 1 Ch. s. 23 v/hom God destroyed before them 2 Ch.2o. 10 turned from them, and destroyed them 20. 23 utterly to slay aud destroy (them) 33. g whom the Lord had destroyed before the Esth. 3. 6 Haman sought to destroy all the Jews 3. 13 to destroy, to kill, arid to cause to perish 4. 8 decree that was given at Shushan to dep 8. II to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay Psa. 106. 23 he said that he would destroy them, had 106. 34 They did not destroy the nations, con. 145. 20 but all the wicked >vin he destroy Isa. 10. 7 (it is) in his heart to destroy and cut ojl 13. 9 destroy the sinners thereof out of it 23. II to destroy the strongholds thereof 26. 14 therefore hast thou visited and destroyed lAm.3, 66 and destroy them in anger from under EzS. 14. g will destroy hira from the midst of my 25. 7 I mil destroy thee ; and ihou shalt know 34. 16 but I will destroy the fat and the strong Dan. II. 44 shall go forth with great fury to destroy Amoa 2. 9 Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them 2. 9 yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and 9. 8 I will destroy it from off the face of the 9. 8 not utterly destroy the hous6 of Jacob DESTROY 251 DBSTRTJCTION Mio. J. 14 80. will I destroy thy cities Hag. 2. 22 will destroy the strength of the kingdoms Zech 12. 9 I will seeli to destroy all the pations 46. To makR desolate, ud^ shamem. 5. I Sa. s. 6,he destroyed them, and smote them with Eos. 2. r2 I will destroy her vines, and her Jig trees 47. To desolate, dd^ shamem. Isa. 43. r4 I wiii destroy and devour at once 48. To loose off or away, destroy, hiT6xXvfii apollu. Matt. 2. 13 will seek the young cliild to destroy him to. 28 tear him w-hich is able to destroy both 12. 14 against liim, how they mighJ destroy him 21. 41 He will miserably destroy those v/ioked 22. 7 destroyed those murderers, and burned 27. 20 they should ask Barabbas, and destroy J. Mark i. 24 art thou come to destroy us? I know thee 3. 6 took counsel. .]iow they might destroy g. 22 the fire, and into the waters, to destroy 11. 1 8 and sought how they might destroy him 12. 9 Ee will come and destroy the husbandra. Xake 4. 34 art thou come to destroy us? I know thee 6. 9 la it lawful . . to save life or to [destroy] it ? g. 56 Son of man is not come to [destroy] men's 17. 27 and the fiood came, and destroyed them 17. 29 brimstone from heaven, and destroyed 19 47 chief of the people sought to destroy him 2o. 16 shallcome ^nd destroy these husbandmen John 10. 10 for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy Rom 14.15 Destroy not hirti with thy meat for whom 3 Co. 1. 19 I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and .Tas. 4. 12 who is able to save and to destroy Jude 5 afterward destroyed them that believed 49. To mar or corrupt thoroughly, S'ia(l>6eipm diaph. Rev. 8. 9 third part of the ships were destroyed II. iS destroy them which destroy tho earth 50. To destroy utterly, i^oXoBpeia exololhrnto Acts 3.23 every soul . . shall be destroyed from amo. . 51. To takedown, icadaipiai kathaireo. Acts 13. 19 when he had destroyed seven natloas in 19. 27 her magniflcenoe Should be destroyed , 52. To loose down, KaraXia kataluo.' Matt, s- 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the 5. 17 I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil s6. 61 1 am able tOTlestroy the temple of God 27. 40 Thou that destroyest the temple, and Mafki.j. 58 I will destroy this temple that is made ij. 29 Thou that destroyest the temple, and Acts 6. 14 Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place Kom.14. 20 For meat destroy not the work of God Gal. 2. 18 build again the things which I destroyed 52. To make of none effect, ica-rapyioi hatargeo. Rom. 6. 6 that the body of sin might be destroyed ■ 1 Co: 6. 13 but God shall destroy both it and thein ■ 15. 26 enemy (that) shall be destroyed 2 Th. 2. 3 shall destroy with the brightness-Of his — ^ Heb. 2. 14 through death he paight destroy him that Bi.To-loose, Xuci) Iwo. John 2. 19 Destroy this temple, and in three days I •— 1 Jo. 3. 8 lie might destroy thff v/orks of the davU B5.To destroy, oXoOpeioi olothraico. Heb. II. 28 lest he that destroyed the first bora 66, To lay waste, irooSiai portheo. Acts 9. 21 Is not tiiis he that destroyed them Gal. I. 23 i)reacheth the faith which once he destr, 57. To mar, corrupt, ^hdetpa phthsiro. I Co. 3. 17 defile the teniple . .him eliall God destroy EESTSOY self, to — l.To mar, corrupt, destroy (self), nn;^ shachath, 3. Hos. 13. 9 Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself 2. To desolate {self), DDw sha,mem, la. Eccl. 7. 16 why shouldest thou, destroy thyself ? II33TE0Y, to utterly — l.To devote (to God or destrtictvm), tanrt charam, 5. Num2i!» 2 then I will utterly destroy their cities 21. 3 utterly destroyed them and their cities Deut.'S. 34 utterlydestroyedthamea., and the women 3. 6 we utterly destroyed taem, as we did 3 6 utterly destroying the men, women, and y. 2 Shalt smite them, (and) utterly destroy 33. 15 destroying it utterly, and all that (is) ■eo. 17 thoushalt utterly destroy them ; (namely) Josh,, a. 10 Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed e. 21 they utterly destroyed all that (vt'as) in 8. 26 jintil he had utterly destroyed all the 10. I had taken Ai, and had. utterly destroyed 10. 28 the king thereof he utterly destroyed 10. 35 that (were) therein he utterly destroyed j;o. 37 destroyed it utterly, and all the souls 10. 39 utterly destroyed all the souls that (were) 10. 40 "atterly destroyed all that breathed, as 11. I r they smote all . . utterly destroying (them) It. 12 he utterly destroyed them, as Moses the II. 20 that lie mighPdestroy them utterly, (and) II. 21 Joshua destroyed them utterly with their Judg. I. 17 that inhabited . . and utterly destroyed it 21. II ye shall utterly destroy every male, and t Sa. IS. 3 utterly destroy all that they have, and ,,15. 8 utterly destroyed all the people with the IS. 9 could refuse, that they destroyed utterly 15. 9 would not utterly destroy them : but 15. 15 and the rest we- have utterly destroyed 15. 18 utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites 15. 20 have-utterly destroyedthe Amalekites J Ki. 9. 21 Israel also were not able utterly to destroy 2 Ki.19. II to all lands, by destroying them utterly - 1 Oh. 4. 41 destroyed them utterly nnto this d.ay, and B Ch.32. 14 cations that my father utterly destroyed isa. 11.15 the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue 34. 2 ho hath utterly destroyed them 37. II to all lands by destroying them utterly Jer. 25. 9 will utterly destroy them, and make so. 21 waste and utterly destroy after them so. 26 cast her up as heaps .. destroy her utterly 51. 3 destroy ye utterly aU her host 2. To finish, consume, rh^lcalah, 3, Lev. 26. 44 win I abhor them, to destroy them utterly 2 Ch.31. I until they haij utterly destroyed them all DESTROYED — One cut off, .ta-j duriimah. Eze. 27. 33 like the destroyed in the aiidst of BESTROYED, to fco — l.To he Zo5!!,"i3«' ahad. ffixodio. 7 k^o^vest thou not. .that Egypt is destro. Ceut. 7. 20 until they that are left, .be destroyed Esth. 4. 14 and thy father's house Bh.all be destroyed Eze. 26. 17 How art thou destroyed (that wast) iniia. 2. To he destroyed, isn ahad, 6. Dan. 7. It beast was slain, and his body dcs'Toycd 3. To he. sviaVMwed up, vh"^ bala, 4. Isa. 9. i6.(they that are) led of them (are) destroyed d. To be bruised, bruise self, rst daka, 7. Job 34. 25 in the night, so that they are destroyed 5. To he cut off, nc'n damah, 2. lios. 4. 6 My people are destroyed for lack o£ 6. To be or became marredor corrupted, ^jn chabal, 2. Prov 13. 33 despiseth tho word shall bs destroyed l.To bo marred or corrupted,' h^r, chabal, i. Isa. 10. 27 the yoke shall be destroyed because of 8. To he marred or con-upted, '730 chabal, 4. Ban. 2. 44 a kingdom, v/ltish shall never be destroy. . 6. 26 kingdom (that) which shall not be destr. -7. 14 kingdom (that) which shall not destroyed 9. To he dried up or wasted, Tm charah, 6. Ezra 4. is for which cause was this city destroyed 10. To he beaten down, nnj kathalh, 4. 2 Ch.15. 6 nation was destroyed of nation, and city 11. To be beaten down, nn^ Icathath, 6, Job 4. 20 are destroyed from morning to evening 12. To be blotted out or wiped away, nno machah, 2. Gen. 7. 23 every living substance was destroyed 7. 23 and they were destroyed from the earth Judg2i. 17 a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel 13. To be end-ed, consumed, .150 saphah, 2. 1 Cli. 21. 12 three months to be destroyed before thy ProT 13. 23 (that is) destroyed for want of judgment 14.2*0 be hunted, destroyed, niy isadah, 2. Zeph. 3. 6 none -paoseth by; their cities are destroy. 15. 70 shout, suffer evil, be wronged, yn rua, 2. Proyi3. 20 a companion of fools shall 'be destroyed 16. To he broken, shivered,,- "O.^ shabar, 2. 2 Ch.14. 13 they were destroyed before theLORD, and Pro? 29.. 2 shall suddenly bs destroyed, and that Jer. 22. 20 for all thy lovers are destroyed 4S. 4 Moab is destroyed ; her little ones have 51. .8 Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed Eze. 30. 8 (when) all her helpers shall be destroyed Ban. II. 20 but within few days he shall be destroyed 17. To he spoiled, destroyed, "nij' slwxLad,. Psa. 137. 8 daughter of Babylon, who art to be dest. 18. To be cut off,laid%uaste, destroyed, icfshamad, 2. Gen. 34. 30 and I shall be destroyed, I and my house Deut. 4. 2(5 but shall-utterly be destroyed ' 7. 23 unta they be destroyed 12. 30 that they be destroyed from before thee 28. 20 until thou be destroyed, and untU thou 28. 24 down upon thee, until thou bs destroyed 23. 51 eat. .the fruit. untU thou be destroyed 28. 45 and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed 28. 61 bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed Judg2i. 16 seeing the women are destroyed out 2 Sa. 21. s '"'e should be destroyed from remaining Psa. 37. 38 transgressors shall be destroyed together 92. 7 that they shall be destroyed for ever Isa. 48. 19 his name should nothavebeen. .destroy. Jer. 48. 8 the plain shall be destroyed, as the Lceo 48, AS Moab shall be destroyed from (being) a Eze. 32. 12 the multitude thereof shall be destroyed Eos.-io. 8 the sin o.f Israel, shall be destroyed : the 19. yo destroy, ^DP shamad, 5,. Esth. 7. 4 are soW, I and my people, to be destroy. 20. To loose off or away, destroy, c.it6xXvjj.i. 1 Co. 10. 9 as some of them . . were destroyed, of serp. 10. 10 as some . . were destroyed of the destroyer 2 Co. 4. 9 Persecuted . . cast do-wn, but not destroyed 21.For marring or corruption, eis a muth, 5. Job 33. 22 soul draweth. .and his life to tJie destroy. i. Burglar, one who breaks in ar forth, V'-ip i^arits. Psa. 17. 4 kei)t (me from) the paths of Uie destroyer 5. To destroy, spoil, it^ shadad. Job 15. 21 in prosperity the destroyer shall coma 0. To mar, corrupt, destroy, nr^ shachath. Exodi2. 23 the LonD . .will not suITer the destroyer Prov 23. 24 the same (is) the companion of a destroyer Jer. 4, 7 the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way 22. 7 1 will prepare destroyers against tlieo 7. To spoil, take spoil, nt}}y shasah. Jer. 50, II ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine hcrL 8. /I destroyer, oXoGpcur-fis ololhreulSs.' I Co. zo. 10 someoi. them, .were destroyed of the des. DE3TR0YIi:S — 1. Marring, destroying, n'n^a mashchith. Jer. SI. 25 I (am) against thee, O destroyirfg moun. 2. Marring, destroying, nn^'O mashchcth. Eze. g. I every man (with) Ms destroying ^7capon Z.Destnxtion, ~B|"3 qeteb. Isa. 28. 2 a destrojlng storm, as a flood ol mighty DESTRTfCTIOlT — l.To be lost, 13« abad. Chad. 12 children, .in tha day of tho^r destruction 2. Destruction, i'linx, ."riss ahaddon, abaddoh. Prov 27. 20 HeU and destruction are never full ; so Z^Destrv,ction, j'n3N ahaddon. Job 26. 6 Hell (is) naked.. and destruction hath no 28. 22 Destruction and death s.iy, \Vehave heard 31. 12 it (is) a fire (that) cousumeth to destruc. Psa. 88. II (or) thy faithfulness in destruction? Prov 15. 31 Hell and destruction (are) before the L. 4i. Destruction, fpx, jpt? abdan. Esth. 8. 6 hov/ can I endure to see the destruction g. 5 Jews smote all their enemies -with. .dea. 5. Vapour, calamity, tk cd. Joh 18. 12 destruction (shall be) ready at his side • 21. 17 (how, eft) Cometh their destruction upon 21. 30 -wricked is reserved to tlie day of destruc. 30. 12 they raise up . .the ways of tlieir destruc. 31. 3 (I.s) not destruction to tlis wicked? and a 31. 23 For destruction (from) God (was) a terror Prov. I. 27 your destruction corceth as a whirlwind 'QJ)estruction, contrition, NSi dakha. Psa. 90. 3 Thou tumest man to destruction ; and 7. Ruin, breaking or throwing dovm, n'0'"!n harisuih, Isa. 49. 39 the land of thy destruction, shall even now &.Brea7dng or throzoing dovm, ruin, D"in h-eres. Isa. 19. iS one shall be called. The city of destruoUon Q. Destruction, /^n chebsl. Jlio. 2.10 destroy (you), oven with a sore destruction 10. Waste,, drought, n^i-i^ chorbah. Psa. g. 6 destructions are come to 3 perpetual end 11. Destruction, mlsforturx, t? kid. Job '21. 2Q His eyes shall see his destruction, and he 12.Tro^cble,'destru/:tion, n^ino mehujiiah. De;it. 7. 23 destroy them -ivJtf! a mighty destruction I Sa. 5. 9 witii a very great destruction : and he 5. 11 there was a deadly destruction throughout 13. Downfall, ruin, "t^va mcchiitah. Prov 10. 14 month of the foolish (is) near destruction 10. IS tiie destruction of the poor (is) their . JO. 29 but destrur-.tion (shall be) to the workers 53. 3 he that opcr.eth -svide. .shall have dcstru. 14. 28. in the want of people (is) the destruction 18. 7 AiOol'a mouth (is) his destruction, and ii. 15 but. destruction (shall be) to the workers li. Wastes, 'desolaiions, riin\^a maslishuoih. Psa. 73. iS tiioucaatedBt them do-wn into destruction IZ.Ma^rririg,, ccrntpiion, destruction, n'nrJo mashc. ■ 2 Ch. 22. 4 tlie death of his father to his destruction Eze. 5. 10 shill be for (theii-) destruction, (and) 16;i?-2a?f, calamity, "J^a pid. Job 30. 24 though they cry in his destruction 31. 29 I rejoiced at the destruction of hiiT' that 17. Destruction, sjj;? qeteb. Deut 32. 24 burning heat, and with bitter destruction Psa. 91. 6 destraetion (that) wasteth at noon-day 18. Dest'rwction, ydp qotel). Hos, 13. 14 grave, I will be thy destruction . repe. 1 9. Cutting off, destruction, map qephadahr. Eze. 7. 25 Destruction comelh'; ajid they shall seek DESTRUGTION 252 DEVIL 80, Destruction, rapid moving, \ip. qerets. 'Szi. 46. 2o destruction cometh ; it cometla out oJ tl: Wasting, desolation, n;t.22. 7 the destrtiction of Ahazioh was of 32. /I wearying out, n-^DPi tabhth. Isa. 10. 25 and mine anger, in their destruction 33.Passing on, change, ^iSn chaloph. Prov 31. 8 all such as are appointed to destruotion Bi.Loss, diriuAeia apoLeia. Matt.. 7. 13 (is) the way, that leadeth to destruction Rom. 9, 22 vessels of wrath iitted to destruction ■Phil. 3. 19 Whose end (is) destruction, whose god (is Pe. 2. I bring upon themselves swift destruction 3. 16 as (they do) unto their own destruction 35. /I taking doKn, icaOaipecrts kathairesis. 2 Co to. 8 edification, and not for your destruction t3. 10 to edification, and not to destruction ZQ. Destruction, uK^dpos olelhros. J Co. 5, 5 unto Satan for the destruction of the fiesh 1 Th, 5. 3 sudden destruction cometh upon them e Tfi. I. g be punished with everlasting [destruction! I Ti. 6. 9 which drown men in destruction and 37. .,4 breaking together, (jii'Tpifi/j.a sunlrimjna. Rom. 3 16 Destruction and misery(are) in their ways DESTRUCnOH, appointed to utter — Devotion {to Ood or destruction), 0"in cherem. I K.i.20. 42 whom I appointed to utter destruction DETAIN, to — Ts keep in, restrain, detain, "v^y atsar. J'idgi3. 15 let us detain tliee, until we shall have 13. 16 Though thou detain me, I will not eat of DETAnrED — To be kept in, restrained, detained, ij^ atsar, 2. 1 Sa. 21 7 there that day, detained before the LOKD 0ETEEMINATE — To mark out, Spi^oj horizd Acts 2 23 delivered by ths determinate counsel and DETEEMINATIOH - Judgment, osoo mishpat Zeph 3. S my det(;iminatlon % To take Counsel, $ovK^ bouleuomai. Acts 15. 37 Barnabas (determined] to take with them f). To loose there^ipon, decide, iiriAvo} epiluo. Acts 19. 39 shall be determined in a lawful assembly ^.To judge, decide, uplvoy krino. Acts 3. 13 when he was determined to let fhim) go 20. 16 Paul had determined to sail by Ephesua 25. 25 to Augustus, I have determined to send 27. I when it was determined that we should 1 Ca 2. 2 I determined not to know any thing. 2 Co. 2. I 1 determined this with myself, that 1 Titus 3. 12 for I have determined ther« to winter "t.To mark out, 6pi((t> horizo. Luke22. 22 the Son of man goeth, as it was determ Acts It. 29 determined to send relief unto the breth. 17. 26 and hath determined the times before 6. To arrange, rdirffo) tasso. Acts 1 5. 2 they determined that Paul and Barnabas DETERMINE before, to — 715 mark out be/orehand., irpoop(fa) proorizd. Acts 4. 28 thy counsel determined before to be done DETERMINED — ^ 1'. To determine, move sharply, be cut off, pn char. ^ Job 14. 5 Seeing his days (are) determined, the ■ 2. To place, set, put, Q'v, D'B' sum, sim. 2 Sa.13. 32 this hath been determined from the day DETERMINED, to be — 1. To be determined, [nri charats, 2. Isa. 10. 23 shall make aconsumption, even determin. 28. 22 even determined upon the whole earth Dan-, g. 26 end of the war desolations are determined 9. 27 that determined shall be poured upon the II. 36 for that that is determined shaU be done '%. To ccmiplete, finish, determine, n?3 kalah. 1 Sa. 20. 7 be sure that evil is determined by him 20. 9 knew certainly that evil were determined 20. 33 was determined of his father to slay David 25 17 for evil is determined against our master Esth. 7. 7 therg was evil determined against him by DETEST, to — To have in abcnnination, \\i^ shakats, 3 Deut. 7. 26 thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou ■^DETESTABLE — -Abominable thing, ppV shiqquls. Jer i6. 18 with the carcases of their detestable and Eze 5. II with all thy detestable things, and with 7. 20 (and) of their detestable things therein II. 18 shall take away all the detestable things 11.21 after the heart of their detestable things 37. 23 nor with their detestable things, nor with D.E-ir-EL, hwv] God IS knowing. Father of Eliasaph, prince of Gad, B.C. 151a Num. I. 14 Of Gad , Eliasaph, the son of D. 2. 14 of Gad . Eliasaph the son of D.[or Reuel) 7. 42 D, prmce of the children of Gad, (offered) 7. 47 the offering of Eliasaph the sou of D. 10. 20 children of Gad . . Eliasaph the son of D. DEVICE - \. Meditation, [i'jn higgayon. Lam. 3. 62 and their device against me aU the day '%. Reason, device, reckoning, I'lai^n cheshbon. ' Eccl. 9. 10 I there is) no work, nor _device, nor know. '&. Wicked device, nsip mezimmah. Job 21. 27 the devices (which) ye wrongfully imagine Psa. lo a in the devices that they have imagined Jer. 51. 11 his devic Ijev. 10. 2 out fire from the Lord, and devoured them Numafi. 10 flre devoured two hundred and fifty men Deut3i. 17 they shall be devoured, and many evils 32. 42 and my sword shall devour flesh Judg. g. IS let fire . . devour the cedars of Lebanon 9. 20 devour the men of Shechem, and the house 9. 20 the house of Millo, and devour Abimelech »3a. 2. 26 Shall the sword devour for ever? knowest ri. 2$ sword devoureth one as well as another 18. 8 devoured niore . . than the sword devoured 82. 9 and fire out of his mouth devoured 2 Ch. 7. 13 1 command the locusts to devour the land Job 18. 13 It shall devour the strength of his skin 3(8. 13 first bom of death shall devour hJs stren. Paa. 18. 8 and fire out of his jnouth devoured at. 9 hia wrath, and the flie shall devour them Psa. 50. 3 a flre shall devour before him, and it 78. 45 flies among them, which devoured them 79. 7 they have devoured Jacob, and laid wastp., 105. 35 and devoured tlie fruit of their ground /' Prov, 30. 14 to devour the poor from olf the eai-th Isa. I. 7 land, strangersdevbur it In your presence S. 24 as the flre devoureth the stubble, and th^ 9. 12 they shall dtvour laiacl with open mouth 9. 1 8 it shall devour the briers and thorns, and 10. 17 devour his thorns and his briers in ono 24. 6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the 26. II fire of thine enemies shall devour them 31. 8 sword, not of a mean man, shall devour 33. II your breath, (as) lire, shall devour you 56. 9 All ye boasts of the field, come to dovoiir Jer. 2. 3 all that devour him shall offend 2. 30 your own sword hath devoured your pro. 3. 24 shame hath devoured the fabour of our 5. 14 thy mouth flre. .and it shall devour them 8. 16 have devoured the land, and aU that is 10. 25 they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured 12. 12 sword of the Lord shall devour from the 15. 3 the beasts of the earth, to devour and do. 17. 27 it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem- Bi. 14 shall devour aU things round about it 30. 16 they that devour thee shaU be devoured 46. 10 the Bword shall devour, and it shall bo 46. 14 the sword shaU devour round about thee- 4S. 45 shall devour the comer of Moab, and the.- 50. 7 AU that" found them have devoured themr 50. 17 the king of Assyria hatli devoured him ■, ■■ 50. 32 and it shall devour all round about hlin 51. 34 the king of Babylon hath devoured me Lam. 2. 3 flaming flre, (which) devoureth round, 4. II it hath devoured the foundations thereof Eze. 7. IS famine and pestilence shall devour him 15. 4 the fire devoureth both the ends of it 15. 5 when the flre hath devoured it, and it is 15. 7 and (another) Hre shall devour them 16. 20 thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured 19, 3 learned to catch the prey ; it devoured m. 19. 6 learned to catch the prey, (and) devoured 19. 14 hath devoured her fruit, so that she 20. 47 it shall devour every green tree in thee 82, 25 they have devoured Bouls; they have taken 28. 18 it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee 33, 27 wiU I give to the beasts to be devoured - 34. 28 shall the beast of the land devour thera 36. 14 thou Shalt devour men no more, neither Eos. s. 7 nowahaU a month devour them with their 7. 7 and have devoured their judges 7. 9 Strangers have devoured his strength B. 14 and it shall devour the palaces thereof ■ XI. 6 devour (them), because of their own cou. 13. 8 and there will I devour them like a lion Joel I. 19, 20 the fire hath devoured the pastures e. 3 A flre devoureth before them, and beliind 2. 5 flame of flre that devoureth the stubble Amps t. 4 shall devour the palades of Ben-hadad I. 7, 10 whichishaU devour the palaces thereof 1. 12 which shaU devour the palaces of Bozrah- T. 14 it shall devour the palaces thereof, with s. 2 it shall devour the palaces of Kirioth 3. 5 it sliall devour the palaces of Jerusalem 4. 9 the palmer worm devoured (them) 5. 6 fire in the house of Joseph, and devour (it) f. 4 it devoured the great deep, and did eat Obad. 18 they shall kindle in them,, apd devour Nah. 3. 13 the sword shall devour thy Joung lions : 3. 13 the flre shall devour thy bars 3. 15 There shall the fire devour thee ; the Eab. 3. 14 rejoicing (was) as to devour the poor see. Zech. g. 15 they shall devour, and subdue with slicg' ri. I that the fire may devour thy cedars ' . 12. 6 they shall devour aU the people round 2. To eat, consuine, devour, Sjs? aJcal. Daa. 7. 5 said thus unto it. Arise, devour much fi. 7. 7 it devoured and brake in pieces, and 7. 19 (which) devoured, brake id pieces, and 7. 23 shall devotir the whole earth, and sh^ Z. Eating, food, n^?x oklah, Jer. 12.' 9 the beasts of the field; come to devour Eze. 23.' 37 for them through (the flre), to devour 39. 4 the beasts of the field to be devoured 4. To swallow up, y^5 bala. Gen. -41. 7 the seven thin ears devotered tlie seven 41. 24 thin ears devoured the seven good ears 5.T0 swallow v.p, v'2^ bala, 3. Prov 19. 28 mquth of the wicked devoureth iniquity. Hab. 1. 13 when the wicked devoureth (the man th^t) 6.T0 swallow, devour, retain, s>V, yala. Stoi so. ?s the niian (who) devoureth (that which Is) 1. To eat, consume, unh lacham. Deut32. 24 devoured with Jbuming heal, and with ht 8. To feed, conswme, ni^"? raah. Psa. 80. 13 wild beast of the field doth devoni It 9. To pant after, svxUlow up, wp sluzaph, Isa. 42. 14 1 wiU destroy and devour at oijce lO.To eat, eat up, iffBio) esthiS. Heb. la 37 which shall devour the adversaries .11. To drink down, swallow up, RaTax(vo> katapino; iPe. J. 8 walketh about, seeking whom he may d. eat down, Koracpdya katapkagd. Matt 23, 14 ye devour widows' houses, and for a pr©. Marki2. 40 Which devour widows' hoxises, and for a Iiuke 8. 5 antt the fowls of the air devoured it Luke 1 5, 30 which hath devoured thy living wlthhar. 20, 47 Which devour widows' houses, and for a 2 Co, II. 20 if a man devour (you), If a mixsi take (of Gal. 5. 15 If ye bite and devour one another, tal^e Bov. 11. 5 flre proceedeth . . and devoureth their 12, 4 to devour her child aa BOOD as It waa born ao, 9 from Qod out of bearei), and devouieil DEVCTJE up, to — I. To cat, consume, deroowr, "?5^< ahal. Eze. 36. 13 Thou (land) devourest up men, and hast 2,7'o eat down, Karatpdyu katajihano. Matt 13, 4 and the fowls came and ilevoured them up Mark 4. 4 fowls of the air came and devoured it up DEVOTTRED, to be — l.To be eaten up, con.ncmcd, Vjw akal, 2. Jer. 30. 16 Therefore all they . .'shall be devoured Eze. 23. 25 thy residue shall be devoured by the fire Zeph. I. 18 the whole land shall be devoured by the 3. 8 the earth shall be devoured with the flro Zech g. 4 and alio shall bo devoured with fim 2.7*0 be eaten up, consurwd, Saw akal, 4. Isa. I, 20 ye shall be devoured with the sword Nah. 1. 10 shall be devoured as stubble fully dry DEVOtraEE — To eat, consume, devovT, ''JK akal. Mai. 3. 1 1 J will rebuke ^e devourer for jatu eakoa DEVOXrEBJa — l.,7o eat, consume, devow. Sjk akal. l^ix, 29. 6 tempest, and the (lanie of devouring fire 30. 27 and his tongue as a devouring fire 30. 30 the flame of a devouriiig flro, , scattering 33. 14 shall dwell with the devouring flre 1 who . 2. Swallowing up, vS^ hela, Psa. 52. 4 Thou lovegt all devouring words, (thou) DEVOira (persons) — l.Taking or receiving iPell, devout, ev\a$-fis eulabis. Luke 21 25 the same tnan (was) fust and devout Acts 2. s devout men, out of every nation under 8. 3 devout men carrledStcphen(to hlsburlal) 2. Reverejiiial, ev(TfPi)s eusebes. Acts 10. 2 (A) devout fman), and ono that feared Go4 JO. 7 a devout soldier of them that waited on S3. j2 Ananias, a devout man according to the Z.To worsMp, be devout, reverential, a^ Acts 13. so Jews stirred up the devout and honour, j}. 4 and of the devout Greeks o great multit, 17. 17 withtheJew9,andwlththedevoutjjersons DEW — Deio, htjlal. Gen. 27. a? God give theo of the dew of hetwen, ard 27. 39 and of the dew of heaven from above EX01J16. J3 in the morning the dew lay round about j6. 14 when the dew that lay was gone up Nnm II. g dew fell ujxjn the camp in the night P€Ut32. 2 my speech shall distil as the dew, as the 33, 13 the precious things of heaven, for the d. 33. 28 also his heavens shall drop down dew Judg. 6. 37 if the dew be on the fleece only, and 6. 38 wrtnged the dew out of the fleece, a bOwl 6. 39 upon all the ground let there be dew 6. 40 and there was dew on all the ground 2.8a. 1. 21 Get there be) no dew, neither (let there 17. 12 we will light upotj him as the dew falleth J Ki. 17. I there shall not be dew nor rain these Job, 29. 19 the dew lay all night upon my branch 38. 28 or who hath begotten^ tne drone of dewT Psa. 1 10. 3 morning : tpon liast the dew of thy youth 133. 3 As the dew of Herroon. .that deacende4 Prov. 3. 20 and the clouda drop down the dew 19. i5 but his favour fis) as dew upon the grass Bong 5. 2 for my head is nlred with dew,' (and) my Isa. 18. 4 like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest 26. 19 for thy dew (is as) the dew of herbs, and Dan. 4. 15, 23 let it be wet with the dew of heaven 4. 25 shall wet thee vrith the dew of heaven 4. 33 his body was wet with the dew of heaven 5: 21 his body was wet with the dew of heave^ Eos. 6. 4 for your goodness (is) ae. .the early dew . 13. 3 and as the early dew that passeth away 14. 5 1 WiU be as the dew unto Israel : hi shall MIo. 5. 7 in the midst of many people as a dew Hag. I. 10 the heaven over yon la stayed from dew Zech. 8. 13 the heavens ehaU give their dew ; and I DIADEM — I. Mitre, njJ^O mitsnepheth. Eze. 21. 26 Eemove the diadem, and take oB the or. 1. Diadem, «)'3y, I^JJJ tsanoph, tsaniph, Isa. 62. 3 Thou shalt also be , . a royal dladervi In ^.Diadem, hood, I'jy tsaniph. Job 29. 14 my judgment (was) as a robe aod,a dlad. 'i.IHadem., tiara, rtjov tsephirah. Isa. 28. 5 for a diadem of beauty, onto the resldofi DIAL — Going up,. ascent, step, "^£0 maalah. 2 KJ.20. II by wlilch it had gone down in the dtel Of Isa. 38. 8 is gone down in the sun-dial of Ahaz, ten DIAHOITD — 1. Diamond, adamant, emerald, D^rj: yahctlom, Exod28. 18 the second row (shall be), a diamond 39. II an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond Eze. 28. 13 the sardiua, topaz, and the diamond, the DIANA 254 DIB 2. Brier, diaviond, point, TPji shainir. Jer. 17. I The sin., (ia) written., tha point of a dia. DI-A'-NA, "Aprefiis, A rtemis. One of the principal goddesses of the Greeks and JEloraans. Artemis is (jer Greek name. Acts 19. 24 a silversmith, .made silver shrines for D. jg. 27 the temple o£ the great goddess D. should 19. 28 saying. Great (is) D. of the Ephesians . 19. 34 cried out, Great (is) D. of the Ephesians \g. 35 city of. .Ephesians is a worshipper of D. DIS-LA'-IM, D:'?3'n double embi-ace. Father of Gomer'wife of Hosea the prophet, B.C. 800. IIos. t. 3 went and took Gomer the daughter of D. DIB'LATH, n^3T circle. A place in the N. of Canaan, which should be spelled Diblah, or rather Riblah. Eze. 6. 14 desolate than the vTildemess toward D. DI'-BOK, JU'^iPT river course. 1. A city N. of the Amon, S.W. of Heshbon, rebuilt by Gad, given to Eeuben, and retaken by Moab. Num2il 30 Heshbon is perished even unto D., and 32. 3 Ataroth, and D., and Jazer, and Nimrah 32. 34 And the children of Gad built D., and A. Isa. 15. 2 He is gone up to Bajith, and to D. 2. A city, perhaps the same as No. i. Josh. 13. 9 and all the plain of Medeba xinto D. 13. 17 D., and Bamoth-baal, and Beth-baal-meon Jer. 48. 18 Thou daughter that dost inhabit D. 48. 22 And upon D., and upon Nebo, and upon 3. A town in Judah, perhaps the same as (Dimonah) Dibon. Neh. II. 2s and at D., and (in) the villages thereof EI'-BON GAD, 13 pi. A halting place of the Israelites after leaving EgsTjt, and was in Moab between Ije-Abarim and Atiiion- diblalhaim, and ia no doubt the same place called Dibon. Num33. 45 departed from lim and pitched in D.-g. 33 46 they removed from D.-g., and encamped DIB'-III, 'l?'! on the pasture born. A Danite, whose daughter had married an Egyptian and whose son was stoned for blasphemy, B.C. 1490,^,, Lev. 24. II Shelomith, the.daughter of D., of the tribe DID, ho — Vaheb, {a place in Suph,) ir\] vakeb. Numji. 14 What he did in the Red sea, and in the DI-DT'-MXT3, Aiov/xos a twin. U'he surname of the apostle Thomas. John II. 16 Then said Thomas, which is called D 20. 24 Thomas, one of the tv/elve, called D. 21. 2 together Simon Peter, and '^ called D DIE — \, Death, nio maveth. Num. 6. '7 not make himself unclean, .when they d. I Sa. 20. 31 fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die 26. 16 (As) the Lord liveth, ye (are) worthy to d. s Sa. 3. 33 the king lamented . .and said . .as a fool d. 12. 5 tlie Lord liveth, the man . . shall surely die Psa. 49. 17 For when he dieth he shall carry nothing Provii. 7 When a wicked man dieth, (his) expecta. Eccl. 3. 19 as the one dieth, so dieth the other ; yea Jer. 26. II saying. This man (is) worthy to die ; for 26. 16 This man (is) not worthy to die : for he Eze. 18. 23 pleasure at all that the wicked should d. ? Jon. 4. 3,8 (It is) better for me to die than to live 2. Death, dying, mvon temutliah. Psa. 79. II preserve, .those that are appointed to die DIE, to — l.To expire, gasp, breathe out, jni gava. Gen. 6. 17 everything that (is) in the earth shall die 7. 21 all flesh died that moved upon tlie earth Numi7. 12 Behold, we die, we perish, weallperish 17. 13 shall we be consumed with dying? 20. 3 spake, saying, Would God that we had d. 2o. 3 when our brethren died before the Lord Job 27. 5 till I die I will not remove mine integrity 29. 18 I shall die in my nest, and I shall multi. 36. 12 and they shall die without knowledge Paa. 88. 15 afflicted and ready to die from (ray) youth 104. 29 they die, and return to their dust Zech 13. 8 parts therein shall be -cut off (and) die 2. To die, niD inuth. Gen. 2. 17 thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die 3. 3 neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die 3. 4 unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die J. 5 nine hundred and thirty years : and he d. 5. 8 nine hundred and twelve years : and he'd. 5. II nine hundred and five years: and he died 5. 14 nine hundred and ten years : and he died 5. 17 hundred ninety and five years : and he d. 5. 20 hundred sixty and two years : and he died 5.27 hundred sixty and nine years ; and he died 5. 31 seventy and seven years : and he died 7. 22 of all that (was) in the dry (land,) died 9. 29 nine hundred and fifty years : and he died II. 28 Haran died before his father Terah in the It. 32 twohundred and five years: and Terah d. 19. 19 lest some evil take me, and I die 20. 7 know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou J3. 2 Sarah died in Kirjath-arba ; the same (is) 3$. 8 Abraham gave up the ghost, and died m Gen. 25. 25- 26. 27. 30. 33- BB- 35- 35- 36. 36- 36. 36. 36. 36- 56. 38; 33. 42. 42. 43- 44- 44. 44- 45- 46. 46. 47- 47- 47- 47- Exod! SO- SO. 50- 7- 7- 8 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. II 14. 14. 16. 20. SI. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 22. 22. 22 28. 28. 30. 30. Lev. 8 10. 10. 10. 10. II. 15- s6. 16. 16. 20. 22. Num. 3. 4- 4- 4- 6. 14. 14. 14. '4- <5- 16. 16- l6. 17- 17- 18. 18. 18. 19. 17 he gave up the ghost and died, and was 32 I (am) at the point to die ; and what profit 9 Because I said, Lest I die for her 4 that my- soul may bless thee before I die 1 vmto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die 13 overdrive them one day . .flock will die 8 Kebekah's nurse, died, and she was buried 18 her soul was in departing, for she died 19 Rachel died, and was buried in the way 29 Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, and 33 Bela died, and Jobab the son of. .reigned 34 And Jobab died, and Hu3ham;of the land 35 Husham died, and Hadad the son of B. 36 Hadad died,andSaralah of Masrekahreig. 37 Saralah died, and Saul of Rehoboth (by) 38 Saul died, and Baalhanan the son of A. 39Baal-hanan the son of Achbor died, and 11 peradventure he die also, as his brethren 12 the daughter of Shuah, Judah's wife, died 2 buy for us. .that we may live, and not die 20 words be verified, and ye shall not die 8 that we may live, and not die, both we 9 both let him die, and we also v/ill be my 22 leave his father, .(liis father) would die 31 the lad (is) not (with us), that he will die 28 I will go and see him before I die 12 Er and Onan died in tlie land of Canaan 30 Now let me die, since I have seen thy face 1 5 why should we die in thy presence ? for the 19 Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes 19 give (us) seed, that we may live, and not d. 29 the time drew nigh that Israel must die 7 Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan 21 I die; but God shall be with you, and 5 Lo, I die : in my grave which I have dig. 24 I die : and God will surely visit you, and 26 Joseph died, (being) an hundred and ten 6 Joseph died, and all his bretliren, and 23 it came to pass, .the king of Egypt died 18 the fish that (is) in the river shall dia 21 fish that (was) m the river died 13 the frogs died out of the houses, out of 4 there shall nothing die of all (that is) • 6 and all the cattle of Egypt died 6 but of the cattle of . .Israel died not 19 come down upon them, and they shall die 28 day thou seest my face thou shalt die 5 first born in the land of Egypt shall die 11 taken us away to die in the wilderness 12 than that we should die in the v/ilderness 3 Would to God we had died by the 19 but let not God speak with us, lest we die 12 He that smiteth a man so that he die 14 take him from mine altar, that he may die 18 and he die not, but keepeth (his) bed 20 if a man smite his servant, .and he die 28 ox gore a man or a woman, that they die 35 if one man's ox hurt another's, that he die 2 If a thief, .be smitten that he dia 10 it die, or be hurt, or driven away, no man 14 it be Iiurt, or die, the owner (thereof) 35 and when he cometh out, that he die not 43 that they bear not iniquity, and die 20 shall wash with water, that they die not 21 shall wash their hands, .that they die not 35 keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die 2 devoured them ; and they died before the 6 neither rend your clothes, lest ye die, and 7 ye shall not go out. .lest ye die 9 Do not drink wine. . lest ye die 39 And if any beast of which ye may eat die 31 that they die not in their uncleanness 1 when they offered before the Lord, and d. 2 he come not at aU times, .that he die not 13 he shall put the incense, .that he die not 20 bear their sin ; they shall die childless 9 lest they bear sin for it, and die therefore 4 Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord 15 not touch (any) holy thing, lest they die 19 that they may Uve, and not die, when they 20 they shall not go in. .lest they die 9 if any man die very suddenly by him, and 2 Would God that we had died in the land 2 or would God we had died in this 35 in this wilderness, .there they shall die 37 died by the plague before the Lord 36 and stoned htm with stones, and he died' 29 these men die the common death of. .men 49 they that died in the plague were fourteen 49 them that died about the matter of Korah- 10 their murmurings from ine, that they die 13 unto the tabernacle of the LoRD shall die 3 that neither they, nor ye also, die, 22 lest they bear sin, and die 32 neither shall ye pollute, .lest ye die 14 This (is) the law, when a man dieth in a I Miriam died there, and was buried there 4' that we and our cattle should die there? 26 gathered (unto his people,) and shall die 28 Apron died there in the top of the mount 5. up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness 6 and much people of Israel died lo Let me die the death of the righteous 9 those that died in the plague were twenty , II the children of Korah died not , 19 Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan , 61 Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered . 65 They shall surely die in the wDdemess , 3 Our father died in the wilderness, and he . 3 but died in his own sin, and had no sons . 8 If a man die, and have no son, then ye . 38 Aaron the priest went up. .and died thera Kum35. 35- 35- 35- 35- 35- 35- Deut. 5. 5- 10. 13- 17- 17- 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 20. 22. 24. 24- 25- 3=- 32- 33- Josh. 5. 10. 10. 20. 24. 24. Judg..i. 2. 2. 3- 4- 6. 6. 8. 9- 9- 10. 10. 12. 12. 12. 13- 15- 16. Ruth. I. 1 Sa. iSa. 4- 5- 12. 14- 14. 14. 14. 20. 20. 22. 25- 25- 35. 26, 31- iKi. 3- 3- 6. 10. 10. II. II. 12. 14. '7- 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 20. 24. 12 that the manslayer die not, until he stand 16 virith an instrument of iron, so that he die 17, 18 wherewith he may die, and he die, he 20 hurl at htm by laying of wait, that he die 21 smite him with his hand, that he die 23 with any stone, wherewith a man may dia 23 cast (it) upon him, that he die, and (was) 30 against any person (to cause him) to die 25 why should we die? for this great fire 25 if we hear the voice, .then we shall die 6 there Aaron died, and there he was buried 10 shalt stone him with stones, that he die 5 stone them with stones, till they die 12 the man that will, .not hearken. .shall d. 16 neither let me see this, .that I die not 20 prophet which shall presume . . shall die 5 lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die 1 1 smite htm mortally that he die, and fleetb 12 and fetch him thence, .that he may die 5, 6, 7 lest he die in the battle, and another 21 shall stone him with stones, that he die 21 shall stone her wiUi stones that she die . 22 they shall both of them die, (both) the m. 24 stone them with stones that they die 25 the man only that lay with her shall die 3 if the latter husband die, which took her 7 that thief shall die; and thou shalt put 5 one of them die, and have no child, the 50 die in the mount whither thou goest up 50 as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor 6 Let Reuben live, and not die ; and let 5 So Moses . . died there in the land of Moab 4 tlie men of war, died in the wilderness by 1 1 Lord cast down great stones . . and they d. II (they were) more which died with hailst. 9 not die by the hind of the avenger of 29 it came to pass, .that Joshua, .died 33 Eleazar the son of Aaron died ; and they 7 brought him to Jerusalem, and there he d. 8 Joshua, .the servant of the Lord, died 21 nations which Joshua left when he died 11 And Othniel the son of Kenaz died 21 he was fast asleep and weary : so he 'died 23 Peace (be) unto thee .. thou shalt not di^' 30 Bring out thy son, that he may die 32 Gideon the son of Joash died in a good 49 the men of the tower of Shechem died 54 young man thi-iist him through, and he d. 2 he judged Israel, .afid died, and v/as 5 And Jair died, and was buried in Camor- 7 Then died Jephthah the Gileadite, and 10 Then died Ibzan, and was buried at Beth. 15 Abdon the son of HillelthePirathonited, 22 We shall surely die, because wo have 18 now shall I die for thirst, and fall into 30 Samson said. Let me die with the Philis. 3 Eliraelech, Naomi's husband, died; and 5 Mahlon and Chiliondiedalsobothofthem 17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there 33 all the increase of thine house shall die 34 in one day they shall die both of them 18 he died ; for he was an old man, and 12 men that died not were smitten with tha 19 Fray for thy servants, .that we die not 39 be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely d. 44 answered, .thou shalt surely die, Jonat. 45 Shall Jonathan die, who hath wrought 45 the people rescued Jonathan, that he died 2 God forbid; thou shalt not die: behold 14 show me the kindness, .that I die not 16 Thou shalt surely die, Ahimelech, thou I Samuel died; and all the Israelites were 37 his heart died within him, and he became 38 that the Lord smote Nab^l, that he died 10 smite him; or his day shaiu come to die 5 "he fell likewise upjjn his sword, and died 6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and his 15 And he smotfe him that he died 23 fell down there, and died in the same 23 place where Asahel fell down and died 31 three hundred and threescore men died 27 smote him there, .that he died, for the 33 the king lamented, .and said. Died Abner 7 God smote him . .and there he died by the I the king of the children of Ammon died 18 and smote Shobach the captain, .who died IS that he may be smitten, and die 17 and Uriah the Hittite died also 21 cast a piece of a millstone, .that he died 13 hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die 14 child also (that is) bom. .shall sxu-ely die 18 And it came to pass, .that the child died 14 we must needs die, and (are) as water 23 and hanged himself, and died, and was 3 neither if half of us die, will they care 33 would God I had died for thee, O Absalom 6 if Absalom had Uved, and all we had died 23 king said unto Shimei, Thou shalt not die 37 that I may die in mine own city, (and be) 10 and struck him not again ; and he died 15 there died of the people from Dan even 52 if wickedness, .be found, .he shall die I days of David drew nigh, .he should die 25 and he fell upon him that he died 30 And he said. Nay; but I mil die here 37 for certain that thou shalt surely die 42 day thou goest out . .thou shalt surely die 46 went out, and fell upon liim, that he died ig And this woman's child died in the night 18 all Israel stoned him. .that he died 11 Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the city II him that dieth ia the field shall the. DIE 255 DIFFERENCE I Ki. 14. 12 enter into the city, the child shall die 14. 17 came to the threshold, .the child died ■j6. 4 Him that dieth of Baasha in the city 16. 4 liira that dieth of his in the fields shall 16. i8 burnt the king's house over him. .and died 16. 22 so Tibni died, and Orari reigned 17. 12 and my son, that we may eat it, and die jg. 4 requested tor himself that he might die 21. 10 carryihim out, and stone him, that he. .d. 21. 13 and stoned hira with stones, that he died 21. 24 Sim that dieth of Ahab in the city the 21. 24 Mm that dieth in the field shall the fowls 22. 35 was stayed up in his chariot, .and died 22. 37 the king died, and was brought to Sama. 3 Ki. I. 4, 6, 16 Thou Shalt not come., but shalt.. die 1. 17 he died according to the word of the Lord , 4. 20 he sat on her knees till noon, and . . died 7. 3 they said.. Wliy sit we h,ere until we die? 7. 4 famine (is) in the city, and we shall die 7. 4 and if we sit still here, we die also 7. 4 and if they kill us, we shall but die 7. 20 trode upon him in the gate, and he died 8. 10 hath showed me that he shall surely die 8. 15 and spread (it) on his face, so that he died 9. 27 And he fled to ATegiddo, and died there 12. 21 his servants, smote hira, and he died 13. 14 sick of his sickness whereof he died 13. 20 And Elisha died, and they buried him 13. 24 Hazael king of Syria died ; and Ben-hadad 18. 32 take you a^yay. .ye may live, and not die 20. I for thou shalt die, and not live 23. 34 and he came to Egypt, and died there 25. 25 smote Gedaliah, that he died, and the 1 Ch. I. 51 Hadad died also. _And the dukes of Ed. 2. 30 but Seled died without children 2. 32 and J ether died without children 10. s he fell likewise on the sword, and died 10. 6 So Saul died, and his three soris 10. 6 and all his house died together 10. 13 Saul died for his transgression which he 13. 10 smote him. .and there he died before God 19. I the king of the children of Ammou died 23. 22 And Eleazar died, and had no sons, but 24. 2 Nadab and Abihu died before their father 29. 28 he died in a good old age, full of days 2 J 8 and. .stoned him with stones, that he died 13. 20 and the Lord struck him, and heidied 16. 13 died in the one and fortieth year of his 18. 34 the time of the sun going down he- died 21. 19 bowels fell out : so he died of sore diseases 24. 15 and was full of days when he died 24. 25 slew him on his bed, and he died : and 25. 4 The fathers shall not die for the children 25. 4 neither shall the children die forthe fath. 25. 4 but every man shall die for his own Sin 32. 1 1 persuade you to give over yourselves to d. 35. 24 they brought him to Jerusalem, and he d. Job 2. 9 Then said his wife . . curse God, and die 3. II Why died I not from the womb? (why) 4. 21 go away? they die, even without wisdom 12. 2 No doubt . . and \yisdom shall die with you 14. 8 and the stock thereof die in the ground 14. 10 But man dieth, and wasteth away , yea 14. 14 If a man die, shall he live (again)? all 21. 23 One dieth in his full strength, being 21. 25 another dieth in the bitterness of his soul 34. 20 In a moment shall they die, and the peo. 36. 14 They die in youth, and their life (is) 42. 17 So Job died, (being) old and full of days Psa. 41. 5 When shall he die, and his name perish? 49. 10 For he seeth (that) wise men die, likewise 82. 7 ye shall die like men, and fall lilce one of 118. 17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the Prov. 5. 23 He shall die without instruction ; and in io. 21 feed many: but fools die f or want of wisd. 15. 10 (and) he that hateth reproof shall die 19.16 (but) he that despiseth his ways shall die 23. 13 for (if) thou beatest. .he shall not die 30. 7 Two (things) deny me. .not before I die Eccl. 2., 16 And how dieth the wise (man)? as the fool 3. 2 A time to be bom, and a time to die 7. 17 why shouldest thou die before thy tune? 9. 5 For the living know that they shall die : Isa. 22. 13 eat and drink, for to morrow we shall die 22. 14 shall not be purged from you till ye die 22. 18 there shalt thou die, and there the char. 38. I Set . .in order: for thou shalt die, and not 50. 2 their flsU stinketh . . and dieth for thirst 51. 6 they that dwell therein shall die in like 51. 12 be afraid of a man (that) shall die, and 51. 14 that he should not die in the pit, nor that 59. 5 he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and 65- 20 the child ahaU die an hundred years old 66. 24 tor their worm shall not die, neither ahaU Jer. II. 21 Prophesy not. .that thou die not by our' 11. 22 the young men shall die by the sword II. 22 their sons and their daughters shall die 16. 4 They shall die of grievous deaths ; they 16. 6 Both the great and the small shall die in BO. 6 there thou shalt die, and shalt be bmied 31. 6 both man and beast : they shall die of a 21. 9 He that abideth in this city shall die by 22. 12 But he shall die in the place whither they 22. 26 into another country . . and there'ahall ye d. 26. B took him, saying. Thou shalt surely die 17. 13 Why will ye die, thou and thy people by z8. 16 this year thou shalt die, because thou hast 28. 17 Hananiah the prophet died the same year 31. 30 every one shall die for his ovm iniquity 34. 4 Thus saith the Lord. .Thou shalt not die 34. 5 (But) thou shalt die in peace : and with 87- w cauae me not to retura. .lest I die there Jer. 38. 2 He that remaineth in this city shall dio 38. 10 take up Jeremiah the prophet . . before he d. 38. 24 Let no man know, .and thou shalt not dio 38. 26 he would not cause rae to return, .to die 42. 16 famine., shall follow., and there ye shall d 42. 17 they shall die by the sword, by t!ie famine 42. 22 know certainly that ye shall die by the 44. 12 shall die, fr^tn the least, .unto the great. 3. 18 Thou shalt : urely die ; and thou givest Eze. 3. 18 the same wicked (man) shall die in his 3. 19 he shalldie in his iniquity; but thou 3. 20 a stumbling block before him, ho shall d. 3. 20 he shall flie in liis sin, and his righteous. 5. 12 A third part of thee shall die with the 6. 12 He that is far oft shall die of the pestilence 6. 12 he that, .is besieged shall die by the 7. 15 he that (is) in the field shall die,with tho 11. 13 that Palatiah the son of Benaiah died 12. 13 shall not see it, though he shall die there 13. 19 to slay the souls that should not die, and 17. 16 (even) with him in the midst, .he shall die iB. 4, .20 the soul that sinneth, it shall die 18. 13 he shall surely die ; his blood sh.iU be 18. 17 he shall not die for tho iniquity of his 18. j8 lo, even he shall die in his iniquity 18. 21, 28 he shall surely live, he shall not die 18. 24 in his sin. .he hath sinned . .shall he dio 18. 26 committeth iniquity, and dieth in them 18. 26 iniquity that ho hath done shall he die j8. 31 for why willtj-e die, house of Israel ? 18. 32 no pleasure in the death of him that dio. 24. 18 at even my ^vife died ; and I did in the 28. 8 thou Shalt die the deaths of (them that 28. 10 Thou shalt die. the deaths of the 33. 8 \vieked (man), thou shalt surely die 33. 8 that wicked (man) shall die in his iniquity 33. 9 if he do not turn . .he shall die in his 33. II for why will ye die, house of Israel 1 33. 13 but for his im'quity . . he shall die for it 33. 14 I say unto the wicked. Thou shalt surely d. 33. 15 he shall surely live, he shall not die 33. 18 committeth iniquity, he shall even die . 33. 27 they . .in the caves shall die of the Hos. 13. I but when he offended in Baal, he died Amos 2. 2 Moab shall die' with tumult, with 6. 9 if there remain ten men. .they shall dio 7. II Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and 7. 17 and thou shalt die in a polluted land 9. JO the sinners of my people shall die by the Jon. 4. 8 he!fainted, and wished in himself to die Hab. 1. 12 my God, mine Holy One?- we shall not d. Zeoh.ii. 9 that that dieth, let it die ; and that that 3. To be put io death, ren mut'h, 6. Eze. 18. 13 he shall surely die; his blood shall be 4. To fall, hs} naphal. Gen. 25. 18 he died in the presefic© of all his breth. 6. To die off or away, a-Koevriffkco apothnesko. Matt. 22. 24 Moses said. If a man die, having no 22. 27 And last of all the woman died also 26. 35 Though I should die with thee, yet Marki2. 19 If a man's brother die, and leave (his) 12. 20 first took a ^vife, and dying left no seed 12. 21 the second took her, and died, neither 12. 22 last of all the woman died also Lukei6. 22 the beggar died, and was carried by 16. 22 the rich man also died, and was buried 20. 28 If any man's brother die, having a wife 20. 28 he die without children, that his brother 20. 29 took a wife, and died without children 2o. 30 the second took her to Mfe, and he died 2o. 31 and they left no cliildren, and died 20. 32 Last of all the woman died also " 20. 36 Neither can they die any more : for John 4. 49 Sir, come down ere my child die 6. 50 that a man may eat thereof, and not die 8. 21 ye shall seek me, and shall die in your 8. £4, 24 ye shall die in your sins II. 16 Let us also go, that we may die with him n. 26 And whosoeverliveth. .shall never die II. 32 hadsl bean here, my brother had not died II. 37 that even this maTrshonid nothave died ? II. 50 that one man should die for the people 11. 51 that Jesus should die for that nation 12. 24 Except a corn of wheat fall, .and die 12. 24 but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit 12. 33 signifjdng what death he should dio 18. 32 signifying what death he should die 19. 7 We have, a law . by our law he ought to d. 21. 23 that that disciple should hot die 21. 23 Jesus said not unto him. He shall not d. Acts -9. 37 it came to pass . . that she was sick, and d. 21. 13 but also to die at Jerusalem for the 25. II thing worthy of death, I refuse not to d. Bom. 5. 6 in due time Christ died for the ungodly 5. 7 scarcely for a righteous man will one die S. 7 a good man some would even dare to die 5. 8 while we were yet sinners, ChriBt died for 6. 9 Christ being raised from the dead dieth 6. 10 in that he died, he died imto sin once 7. 9 when the commandment came. .1 died 8. 13 For it ye live after the flesh, ye shall die 8. 34 (It is) Christ that died, yea rather 14. 7 For none, .and no man dieth to himself 14. 8 whether we die, we die unto the Lord 14. 8 whether'we live .. or die, we are the Lord's 14. 9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose 14. 15 Destroy not hira. .for whom Christ died I Co. 8. II weak brother perish, for whom Christ d. ? 9. 15 for (it were) better for me to die 15. 3 how that COJrist died for our sins accord. I Co. Phil. I Th. Heb. I Co. IS. 22 For as In Adam all die, even BoinChriit 15. 31 which 1 have in Christ Jesus. .1 dio dally 15. 32 cat and drink ; for tomorrow wo die 15. 36 that, .is not quickoned, except It di sunapothnesh'. Marki4. 31 If I should die v.'ith thee, 1 will not deny 2 Co. 7. 3 yc are in oiu: hearts to die and live with DIED — Death, mip maveth. Gen. 50. 16 Thy father did command before he died Num26. 10 with Korah, when that company died 33- 39 hundred and twenty three, .when he died Deut 34. 7 hundred and twenty years old when he d. 2 Ch. 24. 15 hundred and thirty years, .when he died 24. 22 when he died, he said, The LORD look Isx 6. I the year that king Uzziah died I saw 14. 28 In the year that king Ahaz died was this DIED, which — Fallen thing, co.Tcase, nSai nchclah. Lev. 17. 15 that eateth that v;hich died (of itselQ DIET — Usual or ctcstonary diet or a llowance, ^n-iv. aruchafi, Jer. 52. 34 (for) his diet, there was a continual diet DIETH of itself, (beast that) — Fallen thing, carcase, npnj nebelah. . I/OV. • 7. 24 the fat of the be.-ist that dieth of itself 22. 8 That which dieth of itself, or is torn- Deut 14. 21 not eat (of) any thing that dieth of itself Eze. 4. 14 not eaten of that which dieth of itself DrFFEE from, to — To bear or co.rry diversely, Siacji/poj diapherS. I 41 (one) star difTereth from (another) star Gal. 4. I differeth nothing from a servant, though DIFFES, to make to — To judge diversely, SioKpivta diakrino. I Co. 4. 7 who maketh thee to differ (from another)} Dli'i'EREHCE — l.Dii'ision, act of dividing, Siaiparis diairesis. t Co. 12. 5 there are differences of administrations 2.A sending apart, distinction, SiatrroK'fi diastoll. Horn. 3. 22 and upon all them . .there ia no difference 10. 12 there is no difference between the Je.w DUTERENCE between — To divide into parts, fifp'i(a) merizo. I Co. 7. 34 There is difference (also) between a wife Dit'i'LKENCE, to make a — 1. To separate, Sns badal, 5. Lev. 1 1. 47 To make a difference between the unclean 2.T0 judge diversely, SioKpivw diakrino. Jude 22 of some have compassion, making a diS. DIFFERENCE, to put (a) — ,.. l.To separate, Si^ badal, 5. Lev. 10. 10 that ye may put difTerence between holy 20. 2S therefore put difference between clean Eze. 22. 26 tliey have put no difference between tho DIFFERING- 256 DIPPED 2. To inahe a separation, rh^ palah, 5. Exodii. 7 the Lord doth put a difference between 3. To judge diversely, SiaKplvo) diakrino. Acts IS. 9 put no difference between U3 and them DUTEEING — BefLring diversely, differetit, Sid(popos diapkoros. Rom J 2. 6 Having then gifts differing according to DIG, to — 1. To seek, dig, search, isn ehaphar. Gen. 21. 30 witness unto me, that I have digged this 26. 15 which his father's servants had digged z6. 18 Isaac digged again the wells of water 26. 18 which they had digged in the days of 26. 19 Isaac's servants digged in the valley, ana - 26. 21 they digged another well, and strove for 26. 22 removed from thence, and digged another 26. 32 concerning the well v.'hich they had dig. "Exod. 7. 24 the Egyptians digged round about the Nura2i. 18 Tlie princes digged the well, the nobles of Deut.23. 13 thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn Job 3. 21 and dig for it more than for hid treasures 11. 18 yea, thou shalt dig (about thee, and) thou Psa. 7. IS He made apit, and digged il, and Is fallen 35., 7 (which) without cause they have digged 8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it Jer. 13. 7 I went to Euphrates, and digged, and 2. To hew,, dig, nsri chatsab. Deut. 6. II and wells digged, which thou diggedst 8. 9 out of whose hills thou iriayest dig brass 2 Ch.26. 10 he built towers, .and digged many wells Neh. 9. 26 houses full of all goods, wells digged 3. To dig through, "inn chathar. E«e. 8. 8 dig now in the wqU : and when I had digged 12. 5 Dig thou through the wall in their sight 12. 7 I digged,'through the wall with mine hand 12. 12 they shall dig through the wall to carry Amos 9. 2 Though they dig into hell, thence shall 4. To dig, 'prepare, .T13 karah. Gen. 26. 25 and there Isaac's servants digged a w^ll 50. 5 in my grave which I have digged for me Exod2i. 33 if a man shall dig a pit, and not cover Nnm2i. 18 the nobles of the people digged it, by (the) Job 6. 27 ye overwhelm the fatherless, and ye dig a Psa. 57. 6 they havejdigged a pit before me, into the 119. 85 The proud have digged pitstorme, which Prov 16. 27 An ungodly man diggeth up evil 26. 27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein Jer. 18. 20 for they have digged a pit for my soul 1 8. 22 for they have digged a pit to take me 5.2V} dig, Tp qur. 2 Ki, ig. 24 I have digged and drunk strange waters Isa. 37. 25 I have digged, and drunlc water ; and \vith 6. To dig] hpvaata orusso. Matt2i.33 digged a wine press in it, and built a 25. 18 digged in the earth, and hid his lord's Marki2. i digged (a place for) the winefat, and built 7. To^ delve, scoop, hollow out, ffKairrcc skapto, Luke 6. 48 man which built an house, and digged 13. 8 till I shall dig about it, and d'Ung (it) 16. 3 I cannot dig ; to heg I am ashamed DIG down, to — 1. To root out, "ipy aqar, 3. Gen. 49. 6 in their self will they digged down a wall I.T0 delve beneath, undermine, Karaa-KdirTw kata. Horn II. 3 killed thy prophets, and digged down DIG through, to — To dig through, -m chathar. Job 24. 16 they dig through houses (which) they DIGGED, to be — 1. To be prepared, digged, rri? karah, 2. Psa. 94. 13 iintil the pit be digged for the wicked 2. To be picked out, npj naqar, i. Isa. 51. I the hole of the pit (whence) ye are digged Z.To be set in order,-arranged, siy, adar, 2. Isa. 5. 6 it shaU not be pruned' nor digged 7. 25 (on) all hills that shall be digged DIGNITY — l.Oreatness, n^nj, npnj gedullah, gedulah. Esth, 6. 3 What honour and dignity hath been done 2.High place, d'iid marom. EccLio. 6 Folly' is set in great dignity, and the 'i.A lifting up, exaltation, mit) seeth. Gen. 49. 3 excellency of dignity, and the excellency Hab. 1. 7 their dignity shall proceed of themselves 'i.QloT^ esteem, reputation, ZS^a doxa. •X Pe. 2. 10 not afraid to sppak evil of dignities Juda 8 despise dominiou . . speak evil of dignities . ' BIE'-IAH, nJipT palm grove, A son of Joktan of the family of Shem, whose offspring inhabited aldistrict in Arabia, B.C. 2240. Gen. 10. 27 And Hadoram, and Uzal, and D. J Ch. z. 21 Hadoram also, and Uzal, and D, 1>II,'-EAN, Vtn gourd, A city in the plains of Jnjdah. Jogb 15. 38 And D„ and Mizpeh, and Joktheei IHLIGEKCS — \.Ouard, charge, no?'.'? mishmar. Prov. 4. 23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out 2. Wor/c, ipyaala ergasia. Lukei2. 58 give diligence tliat thou mayest be deliv Z.Haste, speed, cnrovl^ spoude. Rom. 1 2. 8 he that ruleth, with diligence ; he that 2 Co. 8. 7 (in) all diligence, and (in) your love to us Heb. 6. II do ahov/ the same dlligende to the fuU 2 Pe. 1. 5 giving all diligence, add to your faith Jude 3 when I gave all diligence to write unto DILIGENCE, to do or give — To use haste or speed, a-KovSa^a spoudazd. 2 Ti. 4. 9 Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me 4. 21 Do thy diligence to come before winter 2 Pe. 1. 0,0 give diligence to make your calling and DILIGENT — \.To be searched out, '&zn chaplias, 4. Psa. 64. 6 they accomplish a diligent search 2.Dihgent, sharp pointed, determined, rnn charuts. Prov 10. 4 the hand of the diligent maketh rich 12. 24 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule 12. 27 substance of a diligent man (is) precious 13. 4 soul of the dUigent shall be made fat 21. 5 The thoughts of the diligent (tend) only 3.T0 do good or well, 3a; yatab, 5. Deut 1 3. 14 enquire, and make search, and ask dilig. 17. 4 hast heard (of it,) and enquired diligently 19. 18 judges shall make diligent inquisition A. Might, INI? 3 I spake to thy disciples that they should 9. 23 his disciples asked him privately. Why 9. 31 he taught his disciples, and said unto 10. 10 in the house his disciples asked him again 10. 13 disciples rebuked these that brought >o. 23 Jesus looked, .and saith unto liis discip. 10. 24 the;disciples were astonished at his words 10. 46 he went out of Jericho with his disciples 11. 1 he sendeth forth two of his disciples 11. 14 Nomancatfruit. .Andhisdiscipleshcard 12. 43 ho called (unto him) his disciples, and 13. I one of his disciples saith unto him, JIas. 14. 12 killed the passover, iiis disciples said 14. 13 And he sondeth forth two of his disciples 14. 14 I shall eat the passover with my disciples 14. j6 his disciples went forth, and came into 14. 32 he saith to his disciriles, Sitye here, while i5. 7 go youi- way, tell his disciples and Peter Luke 5. 30 Pharisees murmured against his disciples 5. 33 Why do the disciples of John fast often 6. I Ills disciples plucked the cars of corn, and 6. 13 he called (unto him) his disciples : and of 6. 17 and the company of'his disciples, and a 6. 20 he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and 6. 40 The disciple is not above his master : but 7. II many of his disciples went with him, and J. iB the disciples of John showed him of all 7. 19 John calling (unto him) two of his disci. 8. 9 his disciples asked him, saying. What 8. 22 be went into a ship with his disciples 9. 1 Then he called his twelve [disciples] toge. g. 14 he said to his disciples. Make them sit 9. 16 gave to the disciples to set before the g. 18 his disciples were with him : and he 9. 40 I besought thy disciples to cast him out 9. 43 while they wondered.. he said unto his d. g. 54 when liis disciples James and John saw 10. 23 he turned him unto (his) disciples, and II I one of his disciples said unto him. Lord 11. J to pray, as John also taught his disciples 12. I he began to say unto his disciples first of 12. 22 he said unto his disciples. Therefore I 14. a6 hate not his father, .he cannot be my dl. 14. 27 whosoeverdoth not bear, .cannotbemyjd. 14. 33 that foTsaketh not all. .cannot be my a. 16. I he said also unto his disciples. There was 17.. I Then said he unto the disciples. It is im. 17. 22 he said unto the disciples, The days willi 18. 15 when (his) disciples saw (it), they rebuked 19. 29 came to pass, .he sent two of his disciples 19. 37 the whole multitude of thedisciplesbegan 19. 39 said tmto him, Jlaster, rebuke thy disci. 20. 45 [in the audience, .he said unto his disci.] 22. II I shall eat the passover with my disciples 22. 39 came out., and his disciples also followed 22. 45 when he. .was come to his disciples John t. 35 Again. .John stood, and two of his disci, t. 37 the two disciples heard lum speak, and 2. 2 both Jesus was called, and his disciples 2. 11 manifested forth his gloiy; and his disc 2. 12 his mother, and his brethren, and his d. 2 17 his disciples remembered that it was^vrit. 2. 22 his disciples remembered thathehad said 3. 22 After these things came Jesus and his d 3. 25 a question between (some) of John's dis. 4 I Jesus made and baptized more disciples 4 I Jesus himself baptized not, but his dis. 4. 8 For his disciples were gone away unto 4. 27 upon this came his disciples, and marv. 4. 31 In the meanwhile his disciples prayed him 4. 33 Therefore said the disciples one to another 6. 3 went, .and there he sat with his disciples 6. 8 One of his cfisciples, Andrew, Simon P. '3 6. II [to the disciples, and the discip. to them) 6. 12 he said unto his disciples, Gather up the 6. 16 when even was (now) come, his disciples 6. 22 [save that one whereinto his disciples] 6. 22 Jesus went not with his disciples into the 6. 22 but (that) his disciples were gone away 6. 24 that Jesus was not there, neither his dis. 6. 60 Many therefore of hia disciples, wlwn 33 DISCIPLE 258 DISGUISE John 6. 6i When Jesus knew in himself that his di. 6. 66 From that (time) many of his disciples 7. 3 that thy disciples also may see the works 8. 31 If ye continue . .(then) are ye my discip. g. 2 his disciples asked him, saying, Master 9. 27 He answered them, .will ye also be his d. 9. 28 art his disciple ; but we are Moses' dis. II. 7 after that saith he to (liis) disciples. Let ■ II. 8 (His) disciples say unto him, Master, the II. 12 Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep 11. 54 and there continued with his disciples • 12. 4 Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Is. 12. 16 These things Ujiaerstood not his disciples 13. 5 began to wash the disciples' feet, and to 13. 22 Then the disciples looked one on another 13. 23 there was leaning, .one of his disciples 13. 35 know that ye are my disciples, if ye have 15. 8 bear much fruit; so shall ye be my dis. 16. 17 Tlien said (some) of his disciples among j6. 29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now 18. I he went forth with his disciples over the i8. I into the v/hich he entered, and his dis. 18. 2 oftimes resorted thither with his disci. 18. 15 Peter followed Jesus, and, .another disci. 18. 16 Then went out that other disciple, which 18. 17, -25 Art not thou, .(one) of this man's dis. s8. 19 high priest, .asked Jesus of his disciples 19. 26 the disciple standing by whom he loved 19. 27 Then saith he to the disciple. Behold thy 19. 27 from that hour that disciple took her ig. 38 Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of 20. 2 to the other disciple whom Jesus loved 20. 3 Peter . . went forth, and that other disci. 20. 4 the other disciple did outrun Peter, and so. 8 Then went in also that other disciple ■ 20. 10 the disciples went away again unto their eo. 18 Magdalene came and told the disciples 20. 19 where the disciples were assembled for 20. 20 Then were the disciples glad when they 20. 25 The other disciples therefore said, unto 20. 26 again his disciples were within, and Th. 20. 30 did Jesus In the presence of his disciples 21. I showed himself again to the disciples 21. 2 of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples 21. ' 4 the disciples knew not that it was Jesus 21. 7 that disciple whom Jesus loved saith 21, 8 the other disciples came in a little ship 21. 12 none of the disciples durst ask him 21. 14 that Jesus showed himself to his disciples 21. 20 seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved 21. 23 that that disciple should not die : yet 21. 24 This is the disciple which testifleth of AcU 1. 15 stood up in the midst of the [disciples] 6. I when the nuinber of the disciples was 6. 2 C3,lled the multitude of the disciples- 6. 7 the number of the disciples multiplied 9. 1 slaughter against the disciples ot the g. 10 there was a certain disciple at Damascus 9. 19 was Saul certain days with the disciples 9. 25 the disciples took him by night, and let 9. 26 assayed to joiii himself to the disciples 9. 26 and believed not that he was a disciple 9. 38 the disciples had heard that Peter was II. 26 the disciples were called Christians first II. 29 the disciples, every man according to his 13. 52 the disciples were filled with joy, and 14. 20 as the disciples stood round about him 14. 22 Confirming the souls of the disciples 14. 28 they abode .long time with the disciples 15. 10 put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples iS. 1 certain disciple was there, named Timot. 18. 23 in order, strengthening all the disciples 18. 27 exhorting the disciples to receive him 19. I Paul, .to Ephesus: and finding certain di. 19. 9 separated the disciples, disputing daily ig.30 the disciples suffered him not 20. 1 Paul called unto (him) the disciples, and 20. 7 when [the disciples] came together to 20. 30 to draw away disciples after them 21. 4 finding disciples, we tarried there seven 21. 16 also (certain) ot the disciples of Cesarea 21. 16 an old disciple, with whom we should 3.A female pupil or disciple, fiad-firpia mathetria. Acts 9. 36 at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabit. DISCTPLE, to be a — To make or he a disciple, ixaO-qreixa matheteuo. Matt 27. 57 who also himself [was Jesus' disciple] DISCIPLE, feUow — A fellow pupil, (TvfMtiadTjT^is summathetes. Jolm II. 16 said Thomas, .unto his fellow disciples DISCaPLIHE Chastise'imrif, instrvxiion, 1510 musar. Job 36. 10 He openeth also their ear to discipline DISCLOSE, to — To ' remove, vncover, reveal, rhi galaJh, 3. Isa. 26. 21 the earth also shall disclose her blood DISCOKFIT, to — l.To trouble, crush, destroy, DDri ham/tm. n the LOBD discomfited them before Israel Judg. 4. 15 the Lord discomfited Sisera, and all (his) 1 Sa. 7. 10 upon the Philistines, and discomfited 2 Sa. 22. IS sent out ,. lightning, and discomfited Psa. 18. 14 shot out lightnings, and discomfited them 2. To weaken, whr^ chalo,sh. llxodi7. 13 Joshua discomfited Amalek and Ms peo 3. To caicse to tremble or trouble. Tin char ad, 5, Judg. 8. 12 he piirsued. .and discomfited all the host 4. To beat doion, niD|) kathatii, 5. Niimi4. 45 and smote them, and discomfited them sisqOiffFrrsB — Tribute, tributary, DD mas. Isa. 31. 8 and his young men shall be discom'flted DISCOMFITITilE — Trouble, desinictiorn, nmni? mehumah. I Sa. 14. 20 (and there was) a veiy great discomfiture DISCOITTEHTED — Bitter, ^gj in mar nephesh. I Sa. 22. 2 every one (that was) discontented, gath. DISCOKTnnTE, to — To let go, release, aDaJ sharruit. Jer. 17. 4 Shalt discontinue from thine heritagb DISCORD — \. Strife, contention, JiiD madon. Prov. 6. 14 he deviseth mischief, .he'soweth discord 2.Strifes, contentions, D'J'ip medanim. Prov. 6. 19 and he that soweth discord among breth. DISCOUEAGE, to — \.To melt, Dpn masccs, 5. Dent. I. 28 our brethren have dlscoTiraged our heart 2. To break, H\i no. Num32. 7 wherefore discourage ye the heaxt of the 3. To break, K\i no, 5. Num32. 9 they discouraged the heart of the children DISCOTJBAGED, to be — 1. To be cast or broken dovm, nnrt chatliath, 2. Deut. 1. 21 possess, .fear not, neither be discouraged 2. To be broken, fST ratsats. Isa.' 42. 4 He shall not fall nor be discouraged, till 3. To be disheartened, lose heart, aBv/x^a athumeo. Col. 3. 21 Fathers, provoke not. .lest they be disc. DISCOITRAGED, to he much — To be or become shortened, "i?p qatsar. Num2i. 4 soul of the people was much discouraged DISCOVER, to — l.To remove, uncover, reveal^ ri^igalah, 3. Deut 22. 30 A man shall not. .discover Ms father's Job 12. 22 He discovereth deep things out of dark. 41. 13 Who can discover the face of his garment? Prov 25. 9 and discover not a secret to another Isa. 22. 8 And he discovered the covering of Judah 57. 8 for thou hast discovered (thyself to) Lam. 2. 14 they have not discovered thine iniquity 4. 22 daughter of Edom ; he will discover thy Eze. 16. 37 and will discover thy nakedness unto 22. 10 In thee have they discovered their fath. 23. 10 These discovered her nakedness : they 23. 58 discoveredherwhoredoms.and discovered Hos. 2. 10 now will I discover her lewdness in the Mic. 1. 6 1 will discover the foundations thereof Nah. 3. 5 I will discover thy skirts upon thy face 2. To make bare, f]'»n chasaph. Psa. 29. 9 The voice of the Lord. . discovereth the Jer. 13. 26 Therefore will I discover thy skirts upon 3.7b maJke bare or naked, n-ij; arah, 3. Isa. 3. 17 the Lord win discover their secret parts i.To malce bare or naked, n-ij; arah, 5. Lev. 20. 18 he hath discovered her fountain, and she Z.To be shown up, avacpaluofiat anaphainomai. Acts 21. 3 Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we Q. To perceive thoroughly, KaTavoioi katanoeo. Acts 27, 39 they discovered a certain creek with a DISCO'TEK self, to — l.To be removed, uncovered, revealed, rhi galah, 2. 1 Sa. 14. 8 and we will discover ourselves unto them 14. II both of them discovered themselves unto 2. To show self uncovered, revealed, .173 galoJi, 7 Prov 18. 2 but that his heart may discover itself DISCOVEEED, to be — l.To be removed, uncovered, revealed, rhi galah, 2. Exodzo. 26 that thy nakedness be not discovered 2 Sa. 22. 16 foundations of the world were discovered Psa. 18. 15 foundations of the world were discovered Jer. 13. 22 For the greatness, .are thy skirts discov. Eze. 13. 14 the foundation thereof shall be discovered 16. 36 and thy nakedness discovered through 16. 57 Before thy wickedness was discovered, as 21. 24 in that your transgressions are discovered 23. 29 nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be dis. Hos. 7. I the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered 2.713 be or become known, VII yada, 2. • I Sa. 22. 6 Saul heard that David was discovered DISCO'VEEING — To make naked, nij; arah, 3. Hab. 3. t3 by discovering the foundation TUito the DISCEEET — l.To be intelligent, have imderstamding, ]'3 bin, 2. Gen. 41. 33 let fharaoh look out a man discieet and Gen. 41. 39 none so discreet and wise as thou (art) 2.0f sound mind, (rdxppwv sophron. Titus 2. 5 discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good DISCEEEXLY — With understanding, vovve^Sis nounechos. Marki2. 34 Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he DISCSETIOH — \. Taste, discretion, sense, djjb taam. Prov 11.22 a fair woman which is without discretion 2. Device, discretion, thoughtfulness, nstp inezimmah Prov. I. 4 to the young man knowledge and discre. 2. II Discretion shall preserve thee, understa. 3. 21 My son. .keep sound wisdom and discre. 5. 2 That thou mayest regard discretion, and Z.Judgment, u^tjip mishpat. Psa.ii2. 5 he wiU guide his affairs with discretion Isa. 28. 26 For his God doth instruct him to discra. 4. Understanding, wisdom, meaning, '?3^ sekel. Prov 19. II The discretion of a man deferreth his 5. Understanding, skilfulness, njun tebunah. Jer. lo. 12 stretchedouttheheavensbyhisdiscretion DISDAIK, to — 1.2*0 despise, contemn, nta bazah. 1 Sa. 17. 42 when the Philistine, .saw David, he dia. 2.To. loathe, despise, reject, dno inaas. Job 30. I whose fathers I would have disdained to DISEASE — 1. Sickness, weakness, '^n choli. 2 Ki. I. 2 whether I shall recover of this disease 8. 8, 9 saying. Shall I recover of this disease ? 2 Ch.i6. 12 until his disease (was) exceeding (great) 16. 12 in his disease he sought not to the LojiD 21. 18 the Lord smote him .. with an incurable d. Eocl. 6. 2 this (is) vanity, and it (is) an evil disease 2. Disease, sickness, nna madveh. Deut. 7. 15 wiU put none of the evil diseases of Egypt 28. 60 he will bring upon thee all the diseases 3. Sickness, disease, nbna machaleh. 2 Ch.2i. 15 thou (shalthave)great sickness by disease i. Sickness, disease, n/OP machalah. ■ Exodi5. 26 I will put none of these diseases upon 5. Thing, matter, 127 dabar. Psa. 41. 8 An evil disease, (say they), cleaveth fast 6. Want of strength, weakness, affSeveia astlieneia. Acts 28. 9 which had diseases in the island, came 7. Softness, fiaAan'ia malakia. . Matt. 4. 23 and all manner of disease among the peo. 9. 35 healing every sickness and every disease 10. I to heal . . all manner of disease 8. Sickness, unsoundness, vScrrj/xa nosema. •, John, 5. 4 [made whole . . whatsoever disease he had] '^.Sickness, unsoundness, v6cros nosos. Matt. 4. 24 people that were taken with divers disea. Mark i. 34 healed many that were sick of divers dis. Luke 4. 40 they that had any sick with divers disea. 6. 17 which came., to be healed of their diseas. 9. I authority over all devils, and to cure dis. Acts 19. 12 the diseases departed from them, andtho DISEASED, (to be) — l.To be diseased, sick, thn cliala. Eze. 34. 4 The diseased have ye not strengthened 34. 21 pushed all the diseased with your horns 2. To be or become sick, or diseased, n'yn chalah. 2 Oh. 16. 12 Asa. .was diseased in his feet, imtil his 3. To be or become sick, or diseased, n^n chalah, 2. I Ki. 15. 23 in the time of his old age he was diseased 4. To lack strength, acrBeveaj astheneo. John 6. 2 v/hich he did on them that were diseased 5. To have badly, be ill, ey^oo kolkSis echokakSs. Matti4. 35 brought unto him all that were diseased Mark i. 32_brought unto him all that were diseased DISEASES— 1. Sicknesses, diseases, D';Vnp machaluyim. 2 Ch.24. 25 for they left him in great diseases, his 2. Sicknesses, diseases, O'K^nn tachaluim. 2 Ch.2i. ig bowelsfeU out .'. so he died of sore diseases Psa. 103. 3 Who £orgiveth..whohealeth'aUniy dis. DISFIGTTEIE to — To cause to disappear, hide, a aphamzo. Matt. 6. 16 for they disfigure their faces, that they DISGRACE, to- re dishonour, cause to fade, make foolish, ^gj, 3. Jer. 14. 21 do not disgrace the throne of thy glory DISGUISE, to — l.To change or disguise self, nj?? shanah, 7. I Ki. 14. 2 Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself 2.T0 put in secret, "inp D^iy sum sether. Job 24. 15 No eye shall see me; and disgniaeth ^a) DISGUISE self, to — To hide or disguise self, tysij chaphas, 7. 1 Sa. 28. 8 Saul disguised himself, and put on other I Ei.20. 38 disguised himself with ashes upoa his face DISH 259 DISPOSSESS 1 Ki.22. 30 I will disguise myself, and ^nter into the 22. 30 and the king of Israel dis^ised himself 2 Ch.18. 29 I will disguise myself, and will go to the 18. 29 So the king of Israel disguised himself 35.22 Josiah would not turn . . but disguised h, DISH — l.Dish, cup, Utile lowl, %u sepJiel. Judg. 5. 23 she brought forth butter in 3 lordly' dish 2. Dish, pan, cruise, nrh-i tsallachath. 2 Ki.2i. 13 wipe Jerusalem as (a man) wipeth a dish S.Dish, saucer, .1"ij;i? qearah. 3Sxod2s. 29 And thou ehalt malse the dishes thereof 37. 1 6 his dishes, and his spoons, and his bowla Ifum. 4. 7 put thereon the dishes and the spoona 4.A dish, tureen, rpv,8\iov trublion. Matt 26. 23 He that dippeth . . with mo in the dish Mrarki4. 20 twelve, that dippeth ivith me in the dish Dr-SHAJr, JV'T leaping. Xho youngest son of Seir the Horif e. B.C. 1780. Gen. 36. 21 And Dishon, and Ezer, and D. : these are 36. 28 The children of D. (are) these ; Uz, and A, 36. 30 Doke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke I». 1 Ch. I. 38 the sons of Seir . . Dishon, and Ezer, and D. 1. 42 The sons of D. ; Uz, and Araa HI'-SHON or IISHAB", jiEi'l, J^^, Jk'^, JIb-'^. 1. 3Fifth son of Seir the Horite. B.C. 1780. Gen. 36. 21 And D., and Ezer, and Disiian 36. 26 And these (are) the children of D. 36. 30 Duke D., duke Ezer, duke Dfshan I Ch. I. 38 the sons of Seir. .D., and Ezer, and Dish. 2. Son of Anah and grandson of Seir. Gea. 36. 2S And the children of Anah (were) these ; I>. 1 Ch. 1. 38 the sons of Seir. .D., and, Ezer, and Dish. I. 41 The sons of Anah ; D. And the sons of D. I. 41 And the sons of D, j Am ram, and Eahban BISHONEST gain — Dishonest gain, a cutting off, Jfs| hetsa.. Eze. 22. 13 thy dishonest gain wMoh thou hast mad'e 22. 27 (and) to destroy souis, to get dishonest g. DISEONESTT -— Shame, alirx^v-/) aischune. 2 Co. 4. 2 renounced the Mdden tilings of dishonesty DISHONOUR — l.Blushing, shame, na73 Tcelimmali. ?sa. 35. 26 let them be clothed with, .dishonour that 6g. 19 Thou hast known . . my shame, and my dia. 71. 13 let them be covered (with), .dishonour ^Bareness, nahed/ness, n\-i]i arvah. Ezra- 4. 14 not meet for us to see the king's dishonour S.Idghtness, shame, confusion, \h^, qalon. ProY. 6. 33 A wound and dishonour shall he get i.Bishonowr, without honour, aTi/iic atimia. llom.'g. 21 unto honour, .another unto dishonour? 1 Co. 15. 43 It is sown i]i dishonour ; it is raised in 2 Co. 6. 8 By honour and dishonour, by evil report 2 Ti. 2. 20 and some to honour, and some to dishonour DISHONOim, to — 1. To dishonour, malce foolish, ^35 nahel, 3. 5Iic. 7. 6 For the son dishonoureth the father, the 2. To dishonour, aTi/j-d^o! aiimazo. John 8. 49 1 honour my Father, and ye do dishonour Horn. 1. 24 to dishonour their own bodies between 2. 23 through breaking the law dishonouresfc 5..T0 put thoroughly to shame, KaTaiiTxvvai katais. 1 Co. ir. 4 having (his) head covered, dishonouVeth II. 5 But every vroman that prayeth . . dishon. DISOTHERrr, to To take possession, enj yarash, 5. Numi4. 12 disinherit them, and will make of thee BISMATED — Broken down thing, nrj chath. Jer. 46. 5 'Wlierefore have I seen them dismayed DISHATED, toba — 1. To be troubled, hastened, !?n3 baJiel, 2. Isa. 21. 3 I was dismayed at the seeing (of it) 2. To be broken or cast dovm, affrighted, nnn chath. 2 Ki 19. 26 they wei-e dismayed and confounded Isa. 37. 27 they were dismayed and confounded : they J"er. 8. 9 wise (men) are ashamed, they are dismay. 48. I Misgab is confounded and disniayed 50. 36 mighty men; and they shall be dismayed Ohad. 9 thy mighty (men), .shall be dismayed, to 3. To be, become broken, cast dovm, nnn ehathath, 2. Deut 31. 8 fear not, neither be dismayed Josh. I. 9 be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed 8. I Eear not, neither be thou dismayed : take 10. 23 Pear not, nor be dismayed ; be strong I Sa. 17. II they were dismayed, and greatly afraid X Ch.22. 13 be strong, .dread not, nor be dismayed 28. 20 feai not, nor be dismayed ; for the Lord a Ch.2o. 15 Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of 20. 17 fear not, nor be disicfayed : to morrow go 32. 7 Be strong . .be not afraid nor dismayed for Jer. 1. 17 be not dismayed at their faces, lest I con. 10. 2 be not dismayed at the signs of heaven 10. 2 for the heathen are dismayed at them 17. 18 them be dismayed, but let not me he dis. Jer. 23. 4 they Bhallfearnoinore, norbedismayed •30. 10 neither bo dismayed, O Israel : for, lo, I 46. 27 be not dismayed, O Israel : for, behold, I Eze. 2. 6 nor be dismayed at their looks, though 3. ^9 fear them not, neither be dismayed at LTo look out for oneself, he dazzled, n)i^ shaah, 7. Isa. 41. 10 be not dismayed; for I (am) thy God : I 41. 23 do evil, that we may be dismayed, and. DISMAYED, to cause to bo — To break or cast do^m, nnn ehathath, 5. Jer. 49. 37 For I wiU cause Elam to be dismayed , DISMAYING — A casting doiun, terror, cause of ruin, njjno mechi. Jer. . 48. 39 so shall Moab be . . a dismaying to'all them DISifillSSt he dismiased, to 1. To free, open, let away, -las patar. 2 Ch. 23. 8 for Jehoiada the p'ricst dismissed not the 2. To loose away, airoxiia apoluo. Acts 15. 30 when they were dismissed, they came to 19. 41 when he had thus spoken, he dismissed DISOBEDIEITCE — \- Disobedience, airdSeia apeitheia. Eph 2. 2, now worketh in the children of disobed. 5. 6 wrath of God upon the children of disob. Col. 3. 6 Cometh on the children of disobedience 2.A hearing amiss, lack of attention, -irapaKoi]. J3x)m. $. 19 by one man's disobedience many were 2 , 6 a readiness to revenge all disobedience Heb. 2. 2 disobedience received a just recompense DISOBEDIENT — 1. Insubordinate, avvTrSraKT.os anup'htaktSs. 1 Ti. I. 9 but for the lawless and disobedient, for I.Disobedient, not persuaded, inreiO-fis apeithes. Xuke I. 17 the disobedient to the wisdom of the just Acts 26. 19 Whereupon. .1 was not disobedient unto Eom. 1. 30 inventors of evil things, disobedient to 2 Ti. 3. 2 blasphemers, disobedient to parents Titus 1. 16 deny (hira), being abominable, and disob. 3. 3 we ourselves also were sometimes . . dis. Z.To be unpersuaded, atr^idita-apeitheo. Komio. 21 1 have stretched forth, .unto a disobedient DISOBEDIENT, tohe — l.To be or become bitter, rebel, niD marah. 1 Kj.13. 26 the man of God, who was disobedient unto Neh. g.;26 were disobedient, and rebelled against 2.T0 be unpersuaded, a-n-eideco apeiilied. I Pe. 2. 7 but imto them which be disobedient, the 2. 8 whicli stumble at the word, being disob. 3. 20 V/hich sometimes were disobedient, when DISOBEY, to — To be or become bitter, rebel, rrip marah. 1 Ki.13. 21 thou hast disobeyed the mouth of. the L. DISOHDEHXY — Disorderly,. not in order, dirdKrais ataktos. 2 Th. 3. 6 from every brother that walkethdisocder. 3. II are some which walk among you disordo. DISOBDEELY, to behave oaeself — To be disorderly, out of order, araKTeoj ataMeiJ. 2 Th. 3. 7 for we behaved not ourselves disorderly DISPATCH, to— • To cut off or dovm, K"]3 lara, 3. Eze. 23. 47 the company shall, .dispatch them with DISPENSATION — Law or arrumgeinent of a house, snKovofxia oikon. 1 Co. 9. 17 it against my will, a dii^pensation . . is com. Eph. 1. 10 Tliat in the dispensation of the fulness of 3. 2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of Col. ■ I. 25 according to the dispensation of God which DISPESSE, to — l.To scatter, spread, winnow, rrftzarah, 3. Prov 15. 7 The lips of the wise disperse knowledge Eze. 12. IS when I shall, .disperse them in the coun. 20. 23 I would scatter them, .and disperse them 22. IS disperse thee in the countries, and \vilL 29. 12 I will scatter, .and will disperse them 30. 23 I will scatter . . and will disperse them 30. 26 I will scatter . . and disperse them among 2.T0 scatter, -\\^ pazar, 3. P3a.ii2. 9 He hath dispersed, he hath given to the Z.To break, spread, or burst forth, Y^_5 parafs. 2 Ch. II. 23 he dealt wisely, and dispersed of all his DISPEESS abroad, to — To scalier, eKOfnrl^o) s'korpizo. 2 Co. g. 9 As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad DISPERSE selves, to To he or become scattered, Y\5 puts. iSa. 14. 34 Disperse yourselvesamongthepeople, and DISPERSED — 1. To spreaA out, scatter, 1*53 naphats. Isa. II. 12 gather together the dispersed of Judah 2. To be or become scattered, y.Q puts. Prov. 5. 16 Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad Zeph. 3. 10 the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring 3. What is sown or scattered throughout, Stacnropd. John 7. 35 will he go unto the dispersed among the ti-utb DISPERSED, to be — l.To be scattered, spread, .-ni zarah, 2. Ezo. 36. 19 they were dispersed through thecomitriea 2. To be separated, T39 parad, 4. Esth. 3. 8 dispersed among the people in all the . 3. To scatter thoroughly, oiaa-Kopwi^u) diaskorjnzd. Acts 5. 37 (even) as many as obeyed him, were disp. DISPEESIOir — Scattering, n^i£3ri tephotsah. Jer. 25. 34 day's of your. . di.^porsiona are accomplJB, DISPLAYED, to be — To show selffkeing, he displayed, 013 m/s, 7a. Psa. 60. 4 it may be displayed because of the I DISPLEASE, to — l.To grieve, n-ii! atsab. I Ki. I. 6 his father had not displeased him at any 2. Evil in the ears, 0;j7j,'3 in ra beoznnyim. Hum 1 1." I (when) the people complained, it displeaa. 3.T0 be evil in the eyes, D?j';^3 jn; yara beenayim. Gen. 38. 10 thing which he did displeased the Lord 48. 17 it displeased him; and he held up his I Sa. 8. 6 the thing displeased Samuel, when tliey 18. 8 very wroth, and the saying displeased hira 2Sa. II. 25 Let not this thing displease thee, for tlie II. 27 thing that David had done displeased the Isa. 59. 15 displeased hun tiiat (there was) no Judg. Jon. 4. I it oispleaEed Jonah exceedingly, and he 4. To do evil in the eye, I^ys j;t riyii asah ra heyaiit. I Sa. 29. 7 that thou displease not the lords of the DISPLEASED — iVroth, sad, morose, lyt zaeph. 1 Ki. 20. 43 went to his house heai^ and displeased 21. 4 came ioto liis house heavy and displeased DISPLEASED, to be — l.l'o be angry, njK Psa. 60. I scattered us, thou hast been displeased 2.T0 be or become stinking, tyxs leesh. Dan. 6. 14 the king. .v,-as sore displeased with him. Z.To burn, be wroth, displeasing, n^rj charah. Gen. 31. 35 Let it not displease my lord that I cannot 2 Sa. 6. 8 David was displeiised, because the Lord 1 CIi. 13. II David was displeased, because the Lord Hab. 3. 8 "Was the LORD displeased against the ri.? i.To he evil in the eyes, CM'y3 )j-\) yara heenayim. I Ch. 21. 7 And God was displeased with this thing 5.T0 he wroth, r^-i^) qatsaph. Zech. I. 2 The Lord hath been sore displeased with I. 15 I am verys.ore displeased with the heath. 1. 15 I was but a little displeased, and they Q.To he evil, wrong, displeasing, V]n ra.a. Numii. 10 anger, .waskindled. .Moses also was disp. 22. 34 if it displease thee, I will get me back Prov 24. 18 Lest the Lord see (it), and it displease DISPLEASED, to be much or sore — To be rauch loeighed dovm, ayavaKTeco aganiaked. 3Tatt2i. 15 saying, Hosanna. .they were sore displ. Markio. 14 v/hen Jesus saw (it), he was much displ. 10. 41 they began to be much displeased with J. DISPLEASED with, to be highly -«- To fight with or in the mind, 0u^o,uax*'" thumoma. ' Acts 12, 20 Herod wasliighly displeased with them DISPLEASTJEE, (hot or sore) — l.Heat, fury, poiso'/i, ncn chemah. Deut. 9. 19 afraid of the anger and hot displeasure Psa. 6. I neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure . 38. I neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure 2.Fiercepiess, heat, v/rath, I'nn char on. Psa. 2. 5 and vex them in his sore displeasure 3. Evil, in ra. Judg 15. 3 blameless, .though I do them a displeas. DISPOSE, to — To put, place, set, QIB" savi. Job 34. 13 or who hath disposed the whole world? 37. 15 Dost thou knov/ when Cod disposed thom DISPOSED, to be — l.To wish, desire, ^oiKop-ai houloviai. Acts 18. 27 when he was disposed to pass onto Acba. 2.2*0 wish, 6f\co thelo. I Co. 10. 27 bid you (to a feast), and ye be disposed DISPOSING — Judgment, B2»p mishpat. Prov 16. 33 whole disposing thereof (is) of the LOBO DISPOSITION — Arramgement, oiarayri dialage. Acts 7. S3 received the law by the dispoaition of DISPOSSESS, to — To take possession, ch; yarash, 5. Uum32. 39 dispossessedtheAmorite which (was)in' 33. S3 ye shall dispossess (the inhabitants oi) Deut. 7. 17 (are) more than I ; how can I dispossesi Judgii. 23 the Lord God of Israel hath dispossesscr DISPUTATION 260 DIVERS DISPUTATION — \. Diverse judgirtg, SiaKpiais diakrisis. Bom i^. I (but) not to doubtful disputations 2.Joint seeJiing, (rvC^Tvcris suzetesis. Acts 15. 2 had no small dissension and [disputation) DISPUTE, to — \.To reason unth one another, na; yakach, 2. Job 23. 7 There the righteous might dispute with 2.T0 sxieak diversely, SiaKeyofiat dialegomai. Mark 9. 34 for by the way they had disputed among Acts 17. 17 Therefore disputed he in the synagogue 19. 8 for the space of three months, disputing 19. 9 disputing daily in the school of one 24. 12 neither found me. .disputing with any Jude • 9 when contending with the devil, be dis. 3. To reckon diversely, SiaXoyi^ dialogizomai. Mark 9. 33 What^was it: that ye disputed among 4. To seek together or jointly, avpir^a suzeteo. Acts 9. 29 spoke boldly . .and disputed against the DISPUTE Tsrilth, to — To seek together or jointly, crvC^rirecu suzeteo. Acts 6. 9 Then there arose certain disputing with DIBPUTER — A joint-seeker, disputer, cv^riTriTfis suzUetes,. I Co. I. sowhere (is) the disputer of this world? DISPUTING — \.A joint seeking, cv^iirriais suzetesis. Acts 15. 7 when there had been much disputing ^.Diverse reckoning, BiaXoyiffuSs dialogismos. Phil. 2. 14 Do all things without, disputings DISPUTXNGS, perverse — Misplaced contentions, TrapaStarpi^di paradiatritr. J Ti. 6 5 [Perverse disputings] of men of corrupt DIsaUTET, to — To give trouble., cause to be angry, iJT ragaz, 5 1 Sa. 28. 15 Why hast thou disquietedme, to bring Jer. so. 34 may give rest to the land, and disquiet DISQUIETED, to be — \.To roar, move, sound, make a noise, nipn hamak Psa. 39. 6 surelytheyaredisquietedinvain:heheap. 42. 5 and (why) art thou disquieted in me? hope 42. II why art thou disquieted withiu me? hope 43. 5 why art thou diaquieted within me ? hope 2. T,o be troubled, Tii, ragaz. Prov 30. 21 For tliree (things) the earth is disquieted DISauIETNESS — Jfowling, disquietude, ■isn} nehamah Psa. 38. 8 I have roared iy reason of the disquiet. DISSEMBLE, to - \.To lie, deny, feign, vtm kachash, 3 Jos. 7 II dissembled also, and they havfe put (it) 2. To dissemble ; be known, "lai nakar', 2. Prov 26. 24 He that hateth dissembleth with his lips 3. To cause to err, wander, T\'jT\ iaah, 5 Jer. 42. 20 For ye dissembled in your hearts, when DISSEMBLE with, to — To act hypocritically with, (rvvvvoKpivo/jLai sunup. Gal 2. 13 other Jews dissembled likewise with him DISSEMBLER — To he hidden, corucealed, ohll alam, 2. Psa. 26. 4 neither will I go in with dissemblers DISSENSION — A standing up, crrdcns stasis. Acts 15. 2 Paul and Barnabas had no small dissen 23. 7 there arose a dissension between the 23. 10 when there arose a great dissension, the DISSIMULATION — Hypocrisy, vTrSuptais hupokrisis. Gal. 2. 13 was carried away with their dissimulation DISSIMULATION, without — Not hypocritical, afurrd/fpiTOj anupokritos. Rom 12. 9 (Let) love be without dissimulation DISSOLVE, to — I. To melt, dissolve, so/ten, 3iD mug, 36- Job 30. 22 Thou liftest me up and dissolvest my 2. To solve, loose, kIV shere. Dan. 5. 16 canst make interpretations, and dissolve 3. To solve, loose, Nl.ij' shere, 3. Dan. 5. 12 dissolving of doubts, were found in the DISSOLVED, to bo — 1. To he melted, 3iD mug, n Psa. 75. 3 all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved Isa. 14. 31 thou, whole Palestina, (art) dissolved: for Nah. 2. 6 and the palace shall be dissolved 2. To become corrupted, wasted, conswmed, ppD. Isa. 34. 4 all the host of heaven shall be dissolved 3. To break self, be broken, ^^9 parar, la. Isa. 24. 19 the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is 4. To loose down, ko/toXvui katoluo. 2 Co. 5. 1 that if our earthly house . . were disaolred 5. To loose, \{iia luo 3 P& 3. II (that) aU these things shall be dissolved 3. 12 the heavens being on fire shall be dissoL DISTATF — Circuit, staff, distaff, %bs pelek. Prov 31. 19 thespindle.'and her hands hold the distaff DISTANT, equally — To he joined, zh'^ shaldb, 4. Exod36. 22 two teaoas, equally distant one from DISTIL, to — \. To flow, S\} nazal. Deut 32. 2 my speech shall distil as the dew, as the I.Todrop, distil, ^j;'] raapli. Job 36. 28 Which the clouds do drop (and) distU DISTINCTION — Distinction, a sending forth diversely, StaaroK'fi. I Co. 14. 7 except they give a distinction in the sou DISTINCTLY — To be explained, e'19 parash, 4. Neh. 8. 8 So they read in the book., distinctly, and DISTRACTED, to be— To be distracted, cold, numb, wearied, ]?3 pun. Psa. 88. 15 1 suffer thy terrors I am distracted DISTRACTION, without — Not drawn around about, aTrfptaTriiffTus aperispas. I Co. 7 35 attend upon the Lord without distraction DISTRESS — l.Slraitness, distress, piiiD matsoq. 1 Sa. 22 2 every one (that was) in distress gathered 'l.Slraitness, distress, npisn metsuqah. Psa. 25. 17 O bring thou me out of my distresses 107. 6 he delivered them out of their distresses 107. 13 cried, .(and) he saved them out of theird 107. 19 cry .(and) he saveth them out of their d. 107. 28 cry . . and he bringeth them out of their d. Zeph. 1. 15 a day of wrath, a day of trouble and dis. Z.Straitness, distress, isd metsar. Psa. n8. 5 I called upon the Loed In distress : the i.Strail, distress, n?, l^ tsar. 2 Sa. 22. 7 In my distress I called upon the Lord Psa. 4. 1 hast enlarged me (when 1 was) in distress 18. 6 In my I called upon the Lord Isa. 25. 4 a strength to the needy in his distress Eze. 30. 16 and Noph (shall have) distresses daily 6 Slraitness, distress, nnx isarah. Gen. 35. 3 answered me in the day of my distress 42. 21 would not hear; therefore is this distress 1 Ki. I. 29 hath redeemed my soul out of all distress Neh. g. 37 have dominion, .and we (are) in great dis. Psa. 1 20. I In my distress I cried unto the Lord Prov. 1. 27 when distress and anguish cometh upon Obad 12 have spoken proudly in the day of distr 14 that did remain in the day of distress 6. 7*0 straiten, send distress, TJS tsarar, 5 2 Ch.28. 22 in the time of his distress did he trespass l.Evil, )n ra. Neh. 2. 17 Ye see the distress that we (are) in di.Necessity, constraint, avdyicrt anagke. Luke2i. 23 for there shall be great distress in the I Co. 7. 26 that this is good for the present distress 1 Th. 3. 7 we were comforted. . in all our. . distress Q. Strait place or state, (mvoxupia stenochoria. Rom. 8. 35 (shall) tribulation, or distress, or persecu. 2 Co. 6 4 m much patience, in afHictions.. in distr 12. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in. .distresses lO.yl Iwlding fast together, cvvox'^ sunoche. Luke2i. 25 upon the earth distress of nations, with DISTRESS, ta — \.To distress, oppress, straiten,. p^^ tsuq, 5. Deut 28. 53, 55, 57 wherewith thine enemies shall dis. Isa. 29. 2 Yet I will distress Ariel, and there shall 29. 7 even all that . . distress her, shall be as a 2. To bind, distress, besiege, "HS tsur Deut. 2. 9 the Lord said unto me. Distress not the 2. 19 distress them not, nor meddle with them 2 Ch.28. 20 king of Assyria came .. and distressed him 3. To straiten, send distress, Tif tsarar, 5. Jer. 10. 18 wUl distress them, that they may And (it) DISTRESS, to bring — To straiten., send distress, Tis tsarar, 5. Zeph. I. 17 I will bring distress upon men, that they DISTRESS, to be in — To be distressed, "in? tsarar Judg,ii. 7 why are ye come., when ye are in distress? Lam. I. 20 Behold, LOKD, for I (am) in distress DISTRESSED, to be — l.To be distressed, straitened, is; yatsar. Gen. 32. 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distr. Judg. 2. IS had sworn, .and they were greatly distr. 10. 9 to fight. .80 that Israel was sore distres. I Sa. 30. 6 David was greatly distressed ; for the 2.T0 be exacted, wrged on, \>\\ nagas, 2. I Sa. 13. 6 for the people were distressed, then the I Sa. 14. 24 the men of Israel were distressed that day 3. To be distrtssed, Tny tsarar 1 Sa. 28. IS Saul answered, I am sore distressed ; for 2 Sa. I. 26 I am distressed for thee, Jon. 4. To be vexed, weary, pp quts. Num22. 3 Moab was distressed because of the chil. 5. To put in a strait space, ffrevox'>>P^'^ stenochoreo. 2 Co. 4. 8 troubled on every side, yet not distressed DISTfilBUTE, to — \.To apportion, distribute, share, ppn chalaq. 2 Ch.23. 18 David had distributed in the house of the Neh. 13. 13 their office (was) to distribute imto theii 2. To be apportioned, distributed, pSn chalaq, 2. 1 Ch.24. 3 David distributed them, both Zadok of 3. To apportion, distribute, share, p?ri chalaq, 3 Job 21. 17 (God) distributeth sorrows in his auger 4. To give, jnj nathan. 2 Ch.31. 14 to distribute the oblations of the Lord 5. To deal throughout, give out, SiaSlSaifudiadiddmi. LukeiS. 22 sell all that thou hast, and [distribute] John 6. 1 1 when he had given thanks, he distributed &.To make comrnon, Koivuveca koinoneo. Rom 12. 13 Distributing to the necessity of saiata 7. To divide into parts, /xepl^u merizo. 1 Co. 7. 17 But as God hath distributed to every man 2 Co. 10. 13 the rule which God hath distributed to ns DISTRIBUTE, ready to — Willing to impart or give away, ev/xeTdSoros. 1 Ti. 6. 18 be rich in good works, ready to distribute DISTRIBUTION- A sharing, participation, Kowavla koinonia. 2 Co. 9. 13 and fo"r (your) liberal distribution unto DISTRIBUTIOK, to mate — To deal out, give throughout, StaSi'Sai^ui diadidomi. Acts 4. 35 and distribution was made unto every DITCH — \. Ditch, 33 geb. 2 Ki 3. 16 saith the LOUD, Make this valley full of d. 2. Ditch, collection of water, nipp migvah, Isa. 22. II Ye made also a ditch between the two S.Pit, ditch, nriiB' shuchah. Prov.23. 27 For a whore (is) a deep ditch; and a ^.Corruption, pit, ditch, mw shachath. Job 9. 31 Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and Psa. 7. IS He. .is fallen into the ditch (which) he 5. Deep place, pit, p66vvos bothunos. Matt 15. 14 both shall fall into the ditch Luke 6. 39 shall they not both fall into the ditch DIVERS — I.Man , some, certain, Bi'UN enosh. 2 Ch.30. II Nevertheless divers of Asher and Man. 2. Differing, Si&^opos diaphoros, Heb. 9. 10 in ipeats and drinks, and divers washings 3. Variegated, spotted, various, different, woikiKqs. Matt. 4. 24 sick people that were taken with divers Mark i. 34 he healed many tliat were sick of divers Luke 4. 40 all they that had any sick with divers dis. 2 Ti. 3. 6 silly women . .led away with divers lusts Titus 3. 3 disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts Heb. 2. 4 signs and wonders, and with divers mir. 13. 9 Be not carried about with divers and Jas. I. 2 joy when ye fall into divers temptations 4. A certain one, some one, ris fe. Mark 8. 3 will faint by the way: for divers of them Acts 19. 9 when divers were hardened, and believed DIVERS colours — X.Finger or painted work, Vjy tseba. Judg. 5. 30 of divers colours, a prey of divers colours 5. 30 of divers colours of needlework on both I.Emhroidery, nnpT riqnah. I Ch.29. 2 divers colours, and all manner of precious Eze. 17. 3 full of feathers, which had divers colours DIVERS manners, in — In many ways or turns, iToKvTpSiTtas polutropos. Heb. I. I at sundry times and in divers manners DIVERS measures — An ephah and an ephah, ns'Ni ng'H ephah ve-ephak. Deut 25. 14 Thou Shalt not have, divers measures, a Prov 20. 10 (and) divers measures, both of them (are) DJVERS places, in — Down through (divers) places, narh rSirovs kata. Matt 24. 7 there shall be . . earthquakes, in divers pi. Marki3. 8 shall be earthquakes m divers places Luke 21. II earthquakes shall be in divers places DIVERS seeds — Two different kinds, 0^N!^3 hilayim. Deut 22. 9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with d.s, DIVERS weights — A stone and a stone, j^Ni J3K eben va-eben. Deut 25. 13 Thou shalt not have, .divers weights, a Prov 20. 10 Divers weights, .both of them (are) alike so. 2.3 Divers weights (are) an abomination unto DIVERSE 261 DIVISION DIVEESE — 1. To be.changcd^, different, 11)1^ shanak. Esth. 3. 8 and their laws (are) diverse from aU peo. 2. To be changed, different, Kj?" shena. Dan. 7. 3 four great beasts . .'diverse one from 7. 19 the fourth beast which was diverse from 3. To change, be different, n:^ shena, 3. Dan. 7. 7 it (w£>s) diverse from all the beasts that, to be — l.To be changed, different, Kl?? shena. Dan. 7. 23 fourth kingdom upon earth . ."shall be di. 7. 24 he shall be diverse from the first, and lie %To be changed, different, n^i? shanah. Esth. I. 7 the vesselsbeing diverseonefromanother DIVERSE kind^— Two different kinds, p*N?3 kilayim. I/ev. 19. 19 not let thy cattle-gender with a diverse k. ' DIVEBSITT — l.Gemts, race, sort, y^vos^genos. I Co. 12. 28 helps, governments, diversities of ton. 2. Diverse parting, distribution, Sialpeo'if diairesis. I Co. 12. 4 there are diversities of gifts, but the same 12. 6 there ^e diversities of operations, but DIVIDE, to — l.To separate, 715 badal, 5. Gen. I. 4 (it was) good: and God divided the light 1. 6 let it divide the waters from the waters I. 7 God . . divided the waters which (were) 1. 14 divide the day from the night; and let r. 18 and to divide the light from the darkness Exod26. 33 the veil shall divide uiito you between the 2. To cleave, rend, j;p3 baqa. Exodi4. 16 stretch out thine hand.. and\livide it; and Neh. g.ii thou didst divide the sea before them Psa. 78. 13 He divided the sea, and caused them to Isa. 63. 12 led (them) by the right hand . .dividing ■Z.To dissect, part, separate, "153 baihar. Gen. 15. 10 against another: but the birds divided he 4.7b dissect, .part, separate, "in^ bathar, 3. - Gen. IS. 10 he took unto him all these, and divliJed 5. To cut doion, njJ gazar. 1 Ei 3. 25 Divide the living two, and give 3. 26 Let it be neither mine nor thine, (but) div. Psa.136. 13 To him which divided the Ked sea into 6. To apportion, pSri chaZaq. Deut. 4. 19 which the Lord thy God hath divided Jo3h.i4. 5 chUdreu of Israel did, and they divided 22, 8 divide the spoil of your enemies -svith yplir 2 Sa, 19. 29 I have said. Thou and Ziba divide the Neh. 9. 22. nations, and didst divide them into cor. Job 27. 17 and the innocent shall divide the silver l.To he apportioned, phn chalaq, 2. ■ I Ch. 23. 6 David divided them into eoUrses among 8.T0 apportion, phn chalaq, 3. Gen. 49. 7 I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter ^ 49. 27 and at night he shall divide the spoil -JErodis. 9 I wiU overtake, I will divide the spoil * Josh 13. 7 divide this land for an inheritance unto 18. 10 Joshua divided the land imto the children 19. 51 divided for an inheritance by lot in Shi. 19. 51 they made an end of dividing the country Jndg. 5. 30 Have they not sped ? have they (not) divi. I Ki. 18. 6 they divided the land between them, to Psa. 60. 6 I will divide Shechem, and mete oiit the 68. 12 she that tarried at home divided the spoil 108. 7 I will divide Shechem, and mete out the Prov 16. 19 than to divide the spoil with the'proud Isa. g. 3 as (men) rejoice when they divide the 34. 17 his hand hath divided it unto them by 53. 12 Therefore mtU I divide liuji (a portion) 53. 12 he shall divide the spoU vrith the strong Lam. 4. 16 The anger of the Lokd hath divided them Eze, 5. 1 balances to weigh, and divide the (hair) 47. '21 So shall ye divide, this land unto you Dan. II. 39 and shall divide tfie land for gain iUc. 2. 4 turning away he hath divided our fleldfl ^.To apportion for self, ^)\ chalaq, 7. JosltiS. 5 And they shall divide it into seven parts 10. To hew, dig through, 3!fn chatseb, Psa. 29, 7 voice of the Lokd divideth the flames halve, divide, n^n chaisah. G«n. 32. 7 lie divided the people that (was) with him 33. I he divided the children unto Leah, and Exod2i. 35 sell the live ox, and divide the money '21. 35 and the dead (ox) also they shall divide Mum 31. 27 divide the prey into two part?, between 31. 42 Moses divided from the men that warred Judg. 7. 1.6 divided them into three companies, and 9. 43 he "divided the three hundred men "(into) l^Tb give for inheritance, "jn^ nachal. Nuin34. 17 the men which shall divide the land unto 13. To cause to fall, ^53 naphal, 5. Psa. 78. 55 He. .divided them an inheritance by line 14. yo cut in pieces, nra nathach, 3. Judgig. 29 laid hold oa his Qoncubine, and divided 15. Tb divide, 'hp palag, ?,. Job 38. 25 Who hath divided a watercourse for the Psa. 55. 9 Destroy, Lord, (and) divide their tong. divide, cleave, o-t^ paras, 5. Lev. I r. 4 not cat. .of them that divide the hoof II. 4, 5 cheweth the cud, but divideth not the II. 7 the swne, though he divide the hoof, and 11. 26 every beast which divideth .the hoof Deut 14. 7 or of them that divide the cloven hoof 14. 7 chew the cud, but divide not the hoot 14. 8 the swine, because it divideth the ho(?f IT. To break, divide, -n^ parar, 2a. Psa. 74. 13 Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength 1 8. To quiet, vn raga. Job 25. 12 He divideth the sea with his power, and Isa. SI. IS I (am) the Lord thy God, that divided - Jcr. 31. 3s wliich divideth the sea wlien the waves 19. Tb mark off, a(j>opi(ui aphorizij. Matt2s. 32 shepherd divideth (his) sheep from the 20. To give through, deal out, StaSiSw/xi diadidomi. Lukeii. 22 taketh. .his armour, .and divideth hia 21. To take diversely or apart, Staipeai diaireo. Lukeis. 12 And he divided unto them (liis) living 1 Co. 12. II dividing to every man severally as he DIVIDE by lot, to — l.T" cause to fall, apportion, hsi naphal, 5. Josh. 1 3. 6 divide thou it by lot unto the Israelites 23. 4 have divided unto you by lot these Eze. 4s. I when ye shall divide by lot the land for 47. 22 shall divide it by lot for an inheritance 48. 29 the land which ye shall divide by lot unto 2. To give by lot thoroughly, KaraKKripoSoTfu kata. Acts 13. 19 [he divided their land to ihem by lot] DIVIDE asunder, to — To sepiarale, '7']3 badal, 5, Lev. 1. 17 (but) shall not divide (it) asunder: and 5. 8 wring off . .but shall not divide (it) asun. DIVIDE self — To apportion, divide, distribute, phn chalaq, 2. Gen. 14. 15 he divided himself against them, he and DIVIDE speedily, to — To cause to run, pn ruts, 5. 2 Ch.35. 13 divided (them) speedily among all the DIVIDE rightly, to, — To cut straight or right, opOorofieio orthototned. 2 Ti. 2. 15 a workman.. rightly dividing the word of DIVIDED — To be divided, 375 pelag. Dan. 2. 41 the Idngdom shall be divided ; but there DIVIDED, to be -»- I. To be cleft, vps baqa, 2. Exodi4. 21 dry, and the waters were divided 2.T0 be apportioned, divided, pSn chalaq. I Ch.24. 4 more chief men. .and (thus) were they d. Hos. 10. 2 Their heart is divided ; now shall they be 3. To be or becomeapportioned, divided, pin chalaq,2. Num26. S3 Unto these the land shall be divided for 26. 55 Notwithstanding the land shall be divi. 26. 56 the possession thereof be divided 1 Ki. 16. 21 Then Vi'ere the people of Israel divided 4. To be or become apportioned, pSn chalaq, 4. Isa. 33. 23 then is the prey of a great spoil divided Amos 7. 17 thy land shall be divided by line ; and Zech.14. I thy spoil shall be divided in the midst 5. To he halved, nyn chatsah, 2. 2 Ki. 2. 8 and they were divided hither and Eze. 37. 22 neither shall they be divided into two Dan. II. 4 shall be broken, and shall be divided 6.T0 be divided, cleaved, separated, h^palag, 2. Gen.,-io. 25 for in his days was the earth divided 1 Ch! 1. 19 because in his days'the earth was dirided , l.To be separated, nnn parad, 2. ' Gen. 10. 5 By these were the isles.. -divided in their 10. 32 by these were the nations divided in the 2 Sa. 1. 23 in their death they were not divided 8. To be dealtout, divided, Dn? peras. Dan. 5. 28 Thy kingdom is divided, and given to 9, To become, yivo/xai ginomxii. Bev. i5. 19 the great city was divided into three parts XQ.To divide into parts throv.ghout, Sia;xeplCJum23 23 neitlier(i3 there) any divinallon against DeutiS. 10 that useth divination, (or) an observer of 2 Ki. 17. 17 and used divination and enchantmenta Jer. 14. 14 they prophesy a false vision and divlna. Eze. 13. 6 They have scon vanity and lying divinat. 13. 23 see no more vanity, nor divine divinations 21. 21 head of the two ways, to use divination 21. 22 At his right hand was the divination for i.Python, ■nvBciiv puthon. *Acts 16. 16 possessed with a spirit of divination met DIVINATION, reward of — Divination, DOij qesem. Num.22. 7 departed with the rewards of divination DIVINE — Divine, godly, god-like, 0f7os Uieios. 2 Pe. I. 3 as his divine power hath given unio na I. 4 might be partakers of the divine nature DIVINE sentence — Divination, Cpp qesem. Prov.16. 10 A divine sentence (is)_in the lips of tho DIVUTE service — Pidilic worship, \arpeta latreia. Heb. 9. I had also ordinances of divine service- DIVINE, to — l.To divine, use enchantment, vn; nachash, 3. Gen. 44. 5 and whereby indeed he divineth 7 Ye 44. 15 that sach a man as I can certainly divlno 2. To cut off, divine, use divinations, ocp qasam. I Sa. 28. 8 I pray thee, divihe unto me by the Eze. 13. 9 that see vanity, and that divine lies 13. 23 seenomore vanity, nor divine divinationa 21. 29 whiles they divine a lie unto thee, to Mic. 3. 6 it shall be dark, .that ye .shall not divino 3. 11 the prophets thereof divine for money DIVINEE. — To cut off, divine, □Di'j qasam. DeutiS. 14 hearkened unto obsen'ers..and unto div 1 Sa. 6. 2 Philistines called for the .. diviners Isa. 44. 25 Tliat frustrateth . .and maketh diviners Jer. 27. 9 hearken not. .to yourdiviners.. dreamers 29. 8 Let not. .your diviners, .deceive you Mic. 3. 7 seers be ashamed, and the di^-iuers Zechio. 2 diviners have seen a lie, and; have tokl DIVINING — To cut off, divine, Dpp qasam. Eze. 22. 28 divining lies unto them, saying, Thns DIVISION — I. Apportioning, division, .iljSn chaluqqah. 2 Ch. 3s. s diWsion of the families of the Levites 2.Cotirse, division, ni57np machcUoqelh. Josh 1 1. 23 according to their di-visions by their 12. 7posses£ion according to their divisions 18. 10 the children . .aecordingto thcirdivisiona 1 Ch.24. I (these arc) the divisions of the sons of 26. I Concerning the divisions of the porter* 26. 12 these (were) the divisions of the porters 26. 19 These (are) the divisions of the porters Neh. II. 36 of the Levites (were) divisions (in) Judah ^.Separation, n>i$ peduth. Eixod. 8. 23 I will put a division between mj people 4. Division, nj^? pelaggah. Judg. 5. 15, 16 the divisidhs of EeTSben-Cthere were) Z. Division, ni^s peluggak: 2 CI1.35. 5 according to the di-visions of the famlliea Ezra 6. 18 they set the priests in their divisions 6. A division into parts thro^tghcnit, Siafieptir/iSs. Lukei2. 51 i tell you. Nay ; but rather division 7. A tioofold upslo.nding, SixoCTairta dichoslasia T-om 16. 17 mark them which cause divisions and I Co. 3. 3 (there is)among you envying.. and [divia.] 8.A rentj deft, schism, o'x'O'ixa schisma. John 7. 43 there was a division among the people 9. 16 And there was a division among them lo. 19 There was a division therefore agalo DIVISIONS 262 DO 1 Co. I. JO and (that) there be no divisions among II. i8 I hear that there be divisions among you DIVISIONS — Divisions, n'n^so mivhlaggoth. 2 Ch.35. 12 might give according to the divisiona DIVOECS — A catting off, ninnj heriihuth. Jer. 3. 8 put her away, and given., a bill ol divorce SnrOECED, to te — To loose off or away, diroXiw apoluo. Matt. 5. 32 whosoever shall many her that is divorced DIVOaClSD, woman — To cast out, divorce, 1^13 garash. lev. 21. 14 a divor. woman, or profane, (or) an harlot !Lev. 22. 13 priest's daughter be a v/idow, or divorced Hum 30. 9 of a widow, and of her that Is divorced DIVOECEEENT, (writing of) — l.A cutting off, rmr"!? kerithuth. Deut24. I let him write her a bill of divorcement 24. 3 and write her a bill of divorcement, and Isa. 50. 1 the bill of your mother's divorcement 2. A setting or standing off or away, atrocr-riaiov. Matt. 5. 31 let him give her a writing of divorcement 19. 7 command to give a writingj of divorce. Markio. 4 suffered to write a bill of divorcement DI-2A'-HAB, 3^1 '■=! golden, lord of gold. A place in the wilderness of Sinai, not far from ths Red Sea, over against Suph ; the modern Dahab, a cape en the W. shore of the Oulf 0/ Alcabah, about two thirds down its length. Gold was most likely found here. Deut. I. I Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and D. 1. Work, n'^U-D maaseh. Judgi3. 12 iiow shall we order. .(how) shall wa do 2. Peace, completeness, o'l V shalom. aSa. II. 7 how Joab did, and how the people did Esth, 2. ij to know how Esther did, and wiiat should BO, to — 1. To do, n;n hay ah. 1 Sa, 2. II the child did minister unto the LOED 2. To serve, do, 135; abad. Hum. 3. 7, 8 to do the service of the tabernacle 4. 23, 30 to do the work in the tabernacle of 4. 41 that might do service in the tabernacle 4. 47 came to do the service of the ministry 7. 5 that they may be to do the service of the 8. 15 to do the service of the tabernacle of 8. 19 to do the service of the children of Israel 8. 22 to do their service in the tabernacle of 8. 26 to keep the charge, and shall do no ser. 16. 9 to do the service of the tabernacle of 18. 6 to do the service of the tabernacle of Jo3h22. 27 that we might do the service of the Ix>£S Isa. 19. 21, and shall do sacrifice and oblation 3. To do, serve, i35i abad. Ezra 4. 22 Take heed now that ye fall not to do this 7. 18 to do with the rest of the silver and the 7. iB that do after the will of your God 7. 26 whosoever will not do the law of thy God l>!>a. 4. 35 he doeth according to his will in tha 4. 35 or say unto him. What doest thou? 6. 10 and gave thanks before his God, as he did 6. 22 before thee, kiog, have I done no hurt Ezra 6. 8 I make a decree what ye shall do to the 4.T0 do, act, hhu alal, 3a;. Lam. I. 22 do unto them as thou hast done unto me 2. 20 and consider to whom thou hast done 5. To 6L0, n'^V asah. Gen. 3. 13 V/hat (is) this (that) thou hast done ? 3. 14 Because thou hast done this, thou (art) 4. 10 What hast thou done ? the voice of thy 6. 22 Thus did Noah ; according to all . bo did 7. 5 Tfoah did all according unto all that the 8. 21 neither will I again smite . .as I have done 9. 24 what Ms younger son had done unto him II. 6 this they begin to do : and now nothing II. 6 which they have imagined to do 12. 18 \'/hat (is) this (that) thou hast done unto »6. 6 Behold, thy maid . . do to her as it pleaseth 18. 5 and they said, So do, as thou hast said 18. 77 Shall I hide . .that thing which I do 18. 19 keep the way of the Lord, to do justice 18. 21 see whetiier they have done altogether 18. 25 be far from thee to do after this manner 18. 25 Shall not the Judge of all the earth do ri. j3. 29 he said, I will not do (it) for forty's sake iS. 30 I will not do (it) if 1 find thiity there sg. 8 do ye to them as (is) good in your eyes 19. 8 imto these men do nothing ; for therefore jg. 22 I cannot do any thing till thou be come 20. 5 in. .incocency of my hands, have 1 done no. 6 didst this in the integrity of thy heart eo. 9 What hast thou done unto us? and what 20. 9 thou hast done deeds unto me that ought 20. 10 What sa'.vest thou, that thOu hast done ei. I the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken as. 22 God (is) viiih thee in all that thou doest 21. 23 have done unto thee, thou shalt do unto 21. 26 said, I wot not v/ho hath done this • 2. 8 not do after all (the things) that we do 12. 14 thou shalt do all that I command thee J2. 25 when thou shalt do (that which is) right 12. 28 when thou doest (that which is) good 12. 30 even so %vi)l I do likewise 12. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy 12. 31 every abomination, .have they done unto 12. 32 What thing. .1 command .observe to do 13. II shall do no. more any such v/ickedness as 13. 18 to do (that which is) right in the eyes of 14. 29 the work of thine hand which thou doest 15. 5 to observe to do all these commandmen. 13. 17 unto thy maid servant thou shalt do 15. 18 shall bless thee in all that thou doest 16. 8 thou shalt do no v.'ork (therein) 16. 12 thou shalt observe and do these statutes 17. 10 thou shalt do according to the sentence 17. 10 thou Shalt observe to do according to 17. II which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do 17. 12 the man that vrill do presumptuously, and 17. 13 and fear, and do no more presumptuously i'7. 19 this law and these statutes, to do them 18. 9 thou shalt not leam to do after the 18. 12 all that do these thiugs (are) an abomina. ig. 9 keep all these commandments to do them 19. 19 do unto him as he thought to have done 20. 15 Tlrus shalt thou do unto all the cities 20. 18 not to do after all their abominations 20. i8 which they have done unto their gods ' 21. 9 when thou shalt do (that v/hich is) right 22. 3 In like manner shalt thou do with his ass 23. 3 and so shalt thou do with his raiment 22. 3 with all lost thing .shalt thou do likewise 22. 3 all that do so (are) abomination unto the 22. 26 But unto the damsel thou shalt do 24. 8 do according to all that the priests the 24. 8 as I commanded ye shall observe to do 24. 9 what the Lord thy God did unto Miriam 24. 18, 22 therefore I command thee to do this 25. 16 all that do such things, (and) all that do 25 17 what Amalek did unto thee by the way 26. 14 have done according to all that thou hast 26. 16 to do. these statutes and judgments 26, 16 keep and do them with all thine heart 27. 10 and do his commandments and his statu. 27. 26 coniirmeth not. v/ords to do them 28. I to do all his commandments which I com. 28. 13 hearken unto the commandments, .to do 28. 15 to do all his commandments and his 28. 20 thou settest tliine hand unto for to do 28. 2o because of the wickedness of thy doings 28. 38 It thou wilt not observe to do all the 2Q. 2 Ye have seen all that the Lord did before ag. 9 Keep words of tills covenant, and do Deut 29. 29. 29. BO- SO- 3'- SI- S'- 32- 34- S4- Josh. I. 14. 23- 23- 23 24. 24. 24- 24. Judg. I. Ruth 1 253 9 tliat ye may prosper in all that ye do 24 Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto 29 that (vvc) may do all the words of this law 8 do all hi.s commandments v/hich I comm. 12, 13 bring it., that wc may hear it, and do 14 and in thy heart, .that thou mayest do 4 the Lord shall do unto them as he did to 5 that ye may do unto them accordmg 12 observe to. do all the words of this law 29 ye will do evil in the sight of the LORD 46 command your children to observe to do, 9 and did as the Lord commanded ir wonders which the Lord scut him to do B that thou mayest observe to do according 16 All that thou commandest us we will do 10 what ye did unto the two kings of 5 to morrow the Lord will do wonders 8 the children of Israel did so as Joshua 23 as the Lord your God did to the Eed sea 15 Loose thy shoe And Joshua did so 3 Thus shalt thou do six days 14 compassed the city .so they did six days 9 and what wilt thou do unto thy great 19 tell me now what thou hast done; hide 20 I have sinned, .thus and thus have I done 2 shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst 8 accor. to the commandment, shall ye do 3 what Joshua had done unto Jericho and 9 heard the fame of him, and all that he d. 'lo all that he did to the two kings of the 20 This we will do to them , we will even let 24 we were sore afraid, .and have done 25 good and right unto thee to do unto us 26 so did he unto them, and delivered them 1 as he .had done to Jericho and her king 1 so he had done to Ai and her Idng 23 they did so, and brought forth those five 25 thus shall the Lord do to all youx cncm. 28 he did to the king of Makkedah as he d. 30 did unto the king thereof as he did unto 32, 35, 37 according to all that he had done 39 left none remaining . as he had done to 39 so he did to Debir. .as he had done 9 Joshua did unto them as the Lord bade 13 so did Moses command Joshua, and so 5 As the Lord commanded so Israel did 5 take diligent heed to do the command. 24 And il we have not .done it for fear of 3 ye haveseen allthatthe Lord hath done 6 and to do all that is written in the book 8 But cleave .as ye have done unto this 3 according to that which I did among them 7 your eyes have seen what I have done in 17 which did those great signs in our sight 31 the works ,ot the Lord, that he hath done 7 as I have done, so God hath requited me 2 ye have not obeyed why have ye done 7 the great works of the Lord that he did 10 nor yet the works which he had done for 1 1 the children of Israel did evil in the sight 17 obsyingthecommandments (but)theyd. 7 the children of Israel did evil m the sight 12 And the children of Israel did evil again 12 they had done evil in the sight of the L. 1 the c hildren of Israel again did evil 1 the children ot Israel did evil in the sight 20 pour out the broth And he did so 27 and did as the LOKD had said unto him. 27 he could not do (it) by day, that he did 29 they said Who hatli done this thing? 29 Gideon the son of Joash hath done this 40 And God did so that night . for it was dry 17 he said Look on me, and do likewise 17 it shall be, (that) as I do, so shall ye do 2 What have I done now in comparison of 3 what was I able to do in comparison ot 16 if ye have done truly and sincerely i6 and have done uiito him according to the 33 then mayest thou do to them as thou 48 What ye have seen me do. haste do 36 rendered the wickedness, which he did 6 the children of Israel did evil again in 15 do thou unto ua whatsoever seemeth good 10 if we do not so according to thy words 27 thou doest me wrong to war against me 36 do to me according to that which hath 39 who did with her (according) to his vow I And the children of Israel did evil again 8 teach us what we shall do unto the JO and (the angel) did wondrously ; and M. 6 but tie told not. .what he had done xo for so used the young men to do 3 though I do them a displeasure 6 the Philistines said. Who hath done 7 Though ye have done this, yet v/ill 1 be 10 to do to hurt as he hath done to us 11 what (is) tins thou ha;t done unto us? II As they did unto me, so have I done unto 6 every man did (that v/hich was) right in 14 therefore consider what ye have to do 18 Then said the priest unto them, What do 23 seeing that this man is come .do not 24 do v/ith them what seemeth good unto 24 but unto this man do not so vile a thing 9 the thing which we ■will do to Gibeah 10 that they may do, when they come to G. 7, 16 How shall we do for wives for them 11 And this (is) the thing that ye shall do 23 And the children of Benjamin did so, and 23 every man did (that v/hich was) right in 17 the Lord do so to me, and more also II all that thou hast done unto thy mother Ruth I Sa. 2Sa 24- 24- 24. 25- 25- 25- 26. 26. 26. 27- 28. =8. 28. 28. 28. 29. 30. 3'- 2. 3 3 3- 3 3 3- 3- 3- 5- 7 7- 7- 7- 9- !0. 1 1. tl. IS- IS '3- »3- '4- '4 15- ■5- 16. 1 6. 17- 18. ■9- 19. 19. ig. ig. '9- 21. 21 21. 23- »3- DO 4 he will tell thee what thou shall do 5 All that thou sayest unto me I will do 6 slie went dotvu. and diil according to II I will do to thee all that thou reiiuirest 16 she told her all that the man had done to II do thou worthily in Epliratah, and be 7 And (as) he did so year by year, when sho 23 her husband said . Do what seemeth Ihce 14 So they did in Slilloh unto all the Israelii. 22 heard all that his sons did unto all Israel 23 said unto Uicm, Why do ye such things? 35 shall do according to (that) which (is) in 11 Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at 17 God do so to thcc, and more also, if thou iB lot him do what seemeth him good 8 What .shall v/e do with theark of the God 2 What shall we do to the ark of the Lord? 9 (then) he hath done us this great evil 10 the men did so ; and took two milch kinc 8 which they have done since the day that 8 served other gods, so do they also unto 2 sajdng, WTiat shall I do for my son ? 7 (that) tliou do as occasion serve thee; for 8 till I shew thee what thou shalt do 10 ye shall do with us all tliat seemeth good 7 which he did to you and to your fathers 16 which the Lord will do before your eyes 17 which ye have done in the sight of the L 20 Fear not . ye have done all thiswickedn, 11 And Samuel said. What hast thou done? 7 Do all that (is) in thine heart : turn thee 36 they said. Do whatsoever seemeth good 40 the people said . Do v/hat seemeth good 43 Saul said Tell nie what thou hast done'' 44 Saul answered, God do so and more 2 I remember (that) which Amalek did to 19 and didst evil m the sight of the Lord? 3 I will shew thee what thou shalt do 4 Samuel did that which the Lord spake 29 David said, Wliat have I now done? 18 t(]ld him all that Saul had done to him 1 What have 1 done? what (is) mine iniq ? 2 my father will do nothing either great or 4 Whatsoever thy soul desireth, 1 will do 13 The Lord do so and much more to Jooa. 32 shall he be slain ? what hath he done? 3 till I know v/hat God v/ill do for me 4 that thou mayest do to hiin as it shall 6 The Loud forbid that 1 should do this 19 for that thou hast done unto me this day 17 know and consider what thou wilt do 22 So and more also do God unto theencnuea 30 when the Lord shall have done to my 16 This (is) not good that thou hast done 18 for wh."t have I done? or what evil 25 thou shalt both do great (things), and II So did David, and so (will be) his manner 2 thou shalt know what thy servant can do 9 Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath d. 15 thou mayest make known, what I shall do 17 the Lord hath done to him, as he spake 18 therefore hath the Lord done this thing 3 And David said But what have 1 done? 23 Then said David, Ye shall not do so, my II of that which the Philistines liad done to 6 because ye have done this thing 9 So do God to Abner, and more also, except 9 as the Lord hath sworn even so I do to i3 Now then do (it) , for the Lord hath f pok 24 What hast thou done? behold, Aboer ca. 23 Abner came to know all that thou do 35 So do God to me, and more also, if I 36 as whatsoever the king did pleased all 39 the Lord shall reward the doer of evil 25 David did so, as the Lord had commanded 3 Go, do all that (is) in thine heart ; for the 21 For thy v.ord's sake hast thou done all 23 to do for you great things and terrible 25 establish (it) for ever, and do as thou 11 According to all so shall thy servant do 12 the Lord do that which seemeth him. 11 thy soul liveth, 1 will uot do this thing 27 the thing that David had done displeased 5 the man lhs.t hath done this (thing) shall 6 he did this thing, and because he had no 9 to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed 12 thou didst (it) secretly . but I will do thia 21 WTiat thing (is) this that thou hast dom: ? 31 thus did he unto all the cities of the chil 2 hard for him to do any Hiing to her 12 my brother do not thou this folly 16 greater than the other that thou didst 29 the servants did as Absalom had com. 20 hath thy servant Joab done this thing .2 1 Behold now, 1 have done this thing : go 6 on this manner did Absalom to all Israel 26 let him do to me as seemeth good unto 10 Wherefore hast thou done eo? 20 Give counsel among you what we shall do 6 shall we do (after) his sajdng? if not 4 What seemeth you best I will do 13 God do so to me, and more also, if thou 18 and to do what he thought good 27 do therefore (what is) good in thine eyes 37 do to him what shall seem good unto thee 38 I will do to him that which shall seem 38 and whatsoever .(that) will I do for thee 3 David said What shall I do for you ? 4 V.Tiat ye shall say, (that) will I do for ynu 11 it was told David, what Rizpah had done 17 L - it far from me • that I should do this 17 iiiese things did these three mighty men DO 8 Sa, 23.22 These (things) did Becaiah the son- of 24. 10 1 have sinned greatly in that I have done 24. 17 I liave sinned, and I have done wickedly 24. 17 but these sheep, what have they done? 1 Ki I. 6 saying, Why hast thou done so 1 and he 1. 30 even so will I certainly do this day 2. 3 raayest prosper in all that thou doest 2. 5 thou knowest also what Joab. .did to me 2. 5 what he did to the two captains of the 2. 6 Do therefore according to thy wisdom 2. g and knowest what thou oughtest to do 2. 23 saying, God do so to me, and more also 2. 31 Do as he hath said, and fall upon him 2. 38 ray lord . hath said, so will thy servant do 2. 44 that thou didst to David my father 3. 12 I have done according to thy words 3. 28 the wisdom of God (was) in him to do ju. 5. 8 I will do all thy desire concerning timber 7. 18 and so did he for the other chapiter 7. 40 Hiram made an end of doing all the work 8. "32 Then hear thou in heaven, and do, and 8. 39 and forgive, and do, and give to every 8. 43 do according to all that the stranger- 8. 66 all the goodness that the Lord had done g. I Solomon's desire . .he was pleased to do 9. 4 to do according to all that I have comma. 9. 8 Why hath the Lord done thus unto this 10. 9 therefore made he thee king, to do judg. 11. 6 Solomon did evil in the sight of the LOED II. S likewise did he for all his strange wives II. 12 I will not do it for David thy father's II. 33 to do (that which is) right in mine eyes II. 38 and wilt walk in my ways, and do(thatis) 1 1. 38 keep my statutes . . as David . . did 11. 41 and all that he did, and his wisdom 12. 27 If this people go up to do sacrifice in 12. 32 So did he in Beth-el, sacrificing unto 13. II that the man of God had done that day 14. 4 And Jeroboam's wife did so, and arose 14. 8 to do (that) only (which was) right in 14. 9 But hast done evU above all that were 14. 22 And Judah did evil in the sight of the L. 14. 22 above all that their fathers had done 14. 24 they did according to all the abominations 14. 29 rest of the acts, .and all that he did 15. 3 all the sins . .which he had done before 25. s, II did (that which was) right in the 15. 7, 31 rest of the acts, .all that he did 15. 23 and all his might, and all that he did 15. 26, 34 And he did evil in the sight of the L. 16. 5 and what he did, and his might 16. 7 all the evil that he did in the sight of the z6. 14 rest of the acts, .and all that he did 16. 19 in doing evil in the sight of the Lord 16. 19 in his sin which he did, to make Israel to 16. 27 the rest of the acts of Omri which he did 16. 30 Ahab. .did evil in the sight of the Lord 16. 33 Ahab did more to provoke the Lord 17. 5 did according unto the word of the Lord 17. 13 Fear not ; go (and) do as thou hast said 17. 1-5 she went, and did according to the saying zB. 13 what I did when Jezebel slew t)ie proph. 18. 36 I have done all these things at thy word 19. 1 Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done 19. 2 So let the gods do (to me), and more also ig. 20 Go back again : for v/hat have I done to 20. 9 All . . I will do : but this . . I may not do 20. 10 The gods do so unto me, and more also 20. 22 and mark, and see what thou doest CO. 24 And do this thing ; Take the kings away zo. 25 he hearkened unto their voice, and did so 21. II the men. .did as Jezebel had sent unto 21. 26 he did. .according to all (things) as did 22. 22 Thou shalt persuade, .go forth, and do so 22. 39 rest of the acts . . and all that he did 22. 43 doing (that which was) right in the eyes 22. 52 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord 22. 53 according to all that his father had done 2 El. I. 18 rest of the acts of Ahaziah which he did 2. 9 Ask what I shall do for thee, before I 4. 2 Eliaha said unto her, What shall I do 4. 13 what (is) to be done for thee? wouldest 5. 13 wouldest thou not have done (it) 2 6. IS Alas, my master 1 how shall we do ? 6. 31 he said, God do so and more also to me 7. 9 they said one to another. We do not well J, 12 what the Syrians have done to us 8. 2 did after the saying of the man of God 8. 4 the great things that Elisha hath done 8. 12 Because I know the evil that thou wilt do 8. 13 that he should do this great thing ? 8. 1 B And he walked .. as did the house of Ahab 8. 18, 27 did evil in the sight of the Lord 8, 83 rest of the acts . . and all that he did 10. 5 and will do all that thou shalt bid us 10. s do thou (that which is) good in thine eyes ' 10. 10 the Lord hath done (that) which he spafte 10. 19 But Jehu did (it) in subtilty, to the intent 10. 30 Because thou nast done well in executing 10. 30 hast done unto the house of Ahab accsr. 10. 34. rest of the acts of Jehu, and all. .he did 11. 5 This (is) the thing that ye shall do 11. 9 the captains over the himdreds did accor. 12. 2 And Jehoash did (that which was) right 12. II into the hands of them that did the work 12. 19 rest of the acts, .all that he did 13. 2, II he did (that which was) evil in the 13. 8, 12 rest of the acts, .all that he did 14. 3 ha did (that v/hich was) right in the sight 14. 3 he did . . as Joash his father did 14. IS rest of the acts of Jehoash which he did i^ 94 And ho did (that which was) evil la 264 2 Kt 14. 28 all that he did, and his might, how IS- 3, 34 And he did (that which was) right in 13. 3, 34 according to aU . . his father . . had done IS. 6 rest of the acts, .all that he did 15. 9, 18, 24, 28 he did (that which was) evil in 15. 9 a's his fathers had done : he departed not 15. 21, 26, 31, 36 rest of the acts, .all that he did 15. 34 did according to all that. .Uzziah haddone 16. 2 and did not (that which was) right in 16. 16 Thus did Urijah the priest, according to 16. 19 rest of the acts of Aliaz which he did 17. 2 And he did (that which was) evil in the 17. 12 Lord had said. .Ye shall not do tliis 17. 15 that they should not do like them 17. 17 and sold themselves to do evil in the 17. 22 in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did 17. 34 Unto this day they do after the fonner 17. 34 neither do they after their statutes 17. 37 ye shall observe to do for evermore 17. 40 but they did after their former manner 17. 41 as did their fathers, so do they unto this 18. 3 did '. . according to all that David . . did x8. 12 and would not hear (therj), nor do (them) ig. II what the kings of Assyria have done to -.ig. 25 Hast thou not heard, .(how) I have done 19. 31 the zeal of the Lord (of hosts) shall do Eo. cf and have done (that which is) good in zo. 9 the Lord will do the thing that he hath 21. 2 And he did (that which was) evil in the 21. 3 and made a grove, as did Aliab king of I. 21. 8 only if they will observe to do according ei. 9 seduced the.m to do more evil than did 21. II done, .above all that the Amorites did ei. 15 they have done (that which was) evil in EI. 16 in doing (that which was) evil in the sight ei. 17 rest of the acts, .all that ne did zi. ao And He did. .as his father Manasseh did 21. 2S rest of the- acts of Amon which he did 22. 2 And he did (that which was) right in 22. 9 into the hand of them that do the work 22. 13 to do according unto all that which is 23. 17 proclaimed these.things that thou hast d. 23. ig Josiah took away, and did to them acco. 23. ig to all the acts that he had done in Beth. 23. 28 rest of the acts, .all that he did 23. 32, 37 did. .according to all. . his fathers had d. 24. 3 ManaSsoh, according to all that he did 24. 5 rest of the acts.. all that he did 24. 9 did. .according to all. .his father had d. 24. 19 did. .according to all. .Jehoiakimhad do 1 Ch. 10. II heard all that the Philistines had done II. 19 God forbid it me, that I should do this II. ig These things did these three mightiest 11. 24 These (things") did Benaiah the sontif Je. 12. 32 to know what Israel ought to do 13. 4 the congregation said that they would do 14. 16 David therefore did as God commanded 16; 12 his marvellous works that he hath done 17. 2 Do all that (is) in thine heart ; for God . 17. ig according to thine own heart, hast thou d. 17. 23 be established .. and do as thou hast said ig. 13 let tlie LORD do (that which is) good in 21. 8 I have sinned . .because I have done this 21. 10 choose thee one of them, that I may do 21. 17 (as for) these shreep, what have they done? 21. 23 let my lord the king do (that which is) 22. 16 be doing, and the Lord be with thee 23. 24 that did the work for the service of the 27. z6 over them that did the work of the field 28. 7 be constant to do my commandments e8. 10 Take heed now. .be strong, and do (it) 28. 20 Be strong and of good courage and do 29. 19 to do all (these things), and. to build the 2 Ch. 6. 23 and do, and judge thy servants, by 6. 33 do according to all that the stranger 7. '17 do according to aU that I have command. 7. 21 Why hath the Lord done thus'unto this 9. 8 made he thee king, .to do judgment and 12. 14 he did evil, because he prepared not his 141 2 Asa did (that which was) good and right 14. 4 to do the law a'nd the commandment 18. 21 thou shalt also'prevail: go out, and do ig. 6 said to the judges. Take heed what ye do 19. 7 take heed, and do (it): for (there is) no ig. 9 Thus shall ye de in the fear of the Lord ig. 10 this do, and ye shall not trespass 2Q. 12 neither know we what to do: but our EO. 32 doing (that which was) right in the sight 20. 3S king of Israel, who did very wickedly 21. 6 he walked . .like as did the house of Ahab 22. 4 Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the 23. 4 This (is) Uie thing that ye shall do 23. 8 So the Levites and all Judah did accord. 24. 2 And Joash did (that which was) right 24. II Thus they did day by day, and gathered 24. 12 to such as did the work of tho service '24. 16 because he had done good in Israel, both 24. 22 which Jehoiada his father had done to 25. 2 And he did (that which was) right in 25. 8 if thou wilt go, do (it), be strong for the 25. 9 what shaU we do for the hundred talents 25. 16 to destroy thee, because thou hast done 26. 4 did . . according to all that . . Amaziah did 27. 2 he did . . according to all that . . Uzziah did z8. I he did not (that which was) right in the 29. 2 did . . according to all . . David .. had done Eg. 6 done (that which was) evil in the eyes of 30. 5 they had done (it) of a long (time in) 30. 12 to do the commandment of the king and 31. 20 thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah 31. 21 did (it) with all his heart, and prospered 32. 13 Know ye. .what I and my fathers have d. DO o Ch- 32. 33 inhabitants of Jerusalem did him honour 33. 2 did (that which was) evil in the sight of 33. 8 to do all that T have commanded them 33. 9 to do worse than the heathen, whom the 33. 22 did (that which was) evil, .as did Manasseh 34. 2 he did (that which was) right in the sight 34. 12 -And the men did the work faithfully 34. 16 All. committed to thy servants, they do 34. 21 to do after all that is written in this 34. 32 the inhabitants oi Jerusalem did accor 35. 6 that (they) may do according to the word 36. s, 9, 12 he did (that which wasVevil in the 3C. 8 his abominations which he did, and that Ezra 7. 10 to seek the law of the Lord, and to do 10. 4 be of good courage, and do (it) 10. 5 they should do according to this word 10. II make confession . .and do his pleasure 10. 12 As thou hast said, so must we do 10. 16 -And the children of the captivity did so Neh. I. 9 keep my commandments, and do them 2. 12 had put ih my heart to do at Jerusalem z. 16 knew,not whither I went, or what I did 2. 16 nor to the rulers, nor to the rest that did 2. 19 What (is) this thing that ye do? will ye 4. a What do these feeble Jews ? will they ^ 5. 9 It (is) not good that ye do : ought ye not 5. 12 so will we do as thou sayest g. 12 they should do according to this promise 5. 13 the people did according to this promise 5. IS so did not I, because of the fear of God 519 (according) to all that I have done for 6. 2 But they thought \o do me mischief 6. 3 I (am) doing a great work, so that I can. 6. 13 that I should be afraid, and do so, and 8. 17 had not the children of Israel done so ,9. 17 thy v/onders that thou didst among them 9. 24 they might do with them as they would 9. 28 after they had rest, they did evil again 9. 29 which if a man do, he shall live in them 9. 33 hast done right, but we have done wick. 10. 29 to observe and do all the commandments 11. 12 their brethren that didthe work ofJ;he 13. "7 the evil that Eliashib did for Tobiah 13. '10 Levites and the singers, that did the work 13. 14 my good deeds that I havq done for the 13. 17 What evil thing (is) this that ye do, and 13. 18 Did not your fathers thus, and 13. 27 then hearken unto you to do all this ESth. I. 8 should do according to every man's plea. .1. 15 What shall we do unto the queen Vashti 1 21 king did according to the word of Mem. 2. I remembered Vashti, and what she had d- 2. 4 the thing pleased the king ; and he did so 2. 20 Esther Old the commandment of Morde. 3. II do with them as it seemeth good to thee 4. 17 and did according to all that Esther had 5. 5 haste, that he may do as Esther hath 5. 8 will do to morrow, as the king hath said 6. 6 What shall be done unto the man whom 6. 6 delight to dohonour more than to myself 6. 10 and do even so to Mordecai the Jew, that 7. s that durst presume in his heart to do so? 9. 5 did what they would untd- those that ha. 9. 12 what have they done in the rest of the 9. 12 what (is) thy request, .and it shail be do. g. 13 to do to morrow also according unto thl3 g. 23 Jews undertook io do as they haa begun Job I. 5 Thus did Job continually I. 9 and said, Doth Job fear God for nought! 5. 9 Wliich doeth great things and unsearch. 9. 10 Which doeth great things past finding g. 12 who will say unto him. What doest thou? 13. 20 do not two (things) imto me ; then will 21. 31 who shall repay him (what) he hath done 23. 13 (what) his soul desireth, even (that) he d. 31. 14 What then shall I do when God risetli 3S. 6 transgressions be multiplied, what does* 37. s great things doeth he, which we carmot 42. 9 did according as the Lord commanded Psa. I. 3 and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper 7. 3 Lord my God, if I have done this 14. I, 3 (there is) none that doeth good IS 3 nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor 15. 5 He that doeth these, .shallnever be . 22. 31 shall declare, .that he hath done (this) 31. 23 and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer 34. 14 Depart from evil, and do good ; seek 34. 16 the Lord (is) against them that do evil 37. 3 Trust in the Lord, and do good ; (so) 37. 27 Depart from evil, and do good ; and dwell 39. 9 opened not my mouth; because thou di. 40. 5 thy Wonderful works (which) thou hast d. r4o. 8 I delight to do thy will, Q my God 50. 21 These, .hast thou done', and I kept silen. 51. 4 and done (this) evil in thy sight ; that '52. 9 I will praise thee . . because thou hast do. S3. I, 3 (there is) none that doeth good IsS. 4 I will not tear what flesh can do unto "56. II I will not be afraid wiiat man can do 60. 12 fhrough God we shall do valiantly 66. r6 I will declare what he hafth done for mf 71. 19 God. .who hast done great things : 72. 18 the God of Israel, who only doeth 77. 14 Thou (art) the God that doest wonders 78. 4 his wonderful works that he hath done ■ 78. 12 Marvellous things did he in the sight of 83. 9 Do unto them as (unto) the Midianites 86. 10 For thou (art) great, and doest wondrous . 98. I for he hath done marvellous things 103. 18 that remember his commandment to do 103. 20 that excel in strength, that do his com. 103. 21 (ye) ministers of his, that do his pleasure DO 205 DO Psaios. 5 his marvellous works that ha hath done io6. 3 he that doeth righteousness at all times io6. 6 We have sinned .we have done wickedly io6. 21 which had done great things in Egypt 107. 23 that do business in great waters )o8. 13 Through God we shall do valiantly 409. 21 But do thou for me, O God the Lord 109. 27 may know that, .thou, Lord, hast done III. 10 good understanding have all they that do jiS. 3 he hath done whatsoever he hath 118. 6 1 will not fear : what can man do unto 118. 15, 16 the right hand of fhe Lokd doeth iig. 121 I have done judgment and justice 119. 166 Lord, I have., done thy commandments 126. 2, 3 The Lord hath done great things for 135. 6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased, (that) did 136. 4 To him who alone doeth great wonders 143. 10 Teach me to do thy will ; for thou (art) Prov 2. 14 Who rejoice to do evjl, (and) delight in 3. 27 when, .in the power of thine handto do 6 3 Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself 6. 32 he (that) doeth it destroyeth his own 10. 23 (It is) as sport to a fool to do mischief at. 3 Xo do justice and judgment (is) more 21. 7 because they refuse to do judgment 21. 15 (It is) joy to the just to do judgment 24. 29 I will do so to him as he hath done to me 25. 8 lest (thou know not) what to do in the 31. 29 JIany daughters have done virtuously Eccl. 2. 2 I said, .of mirth. What doeth it ? 2. 3 which they should do under the heaven 2. II the labour that I had laboured to do 3. 12 for (a man) to rejoice, and to do good in 3. 14 whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for 3. 14 God doeth (it), that (men) should fear 5. I for they consider not that they do evil 7. 20 not a just man upon the earth, that do. 8. 3 tor he doeth whatsoever pleaseth 8. 4 who may say,unto him. What doegt thou ? 8. 10 were forgotten, .where they had so done 8. 1 1 the heart . . Is fully set in them to do evil 8. 12 Though a sinner do evil an hundred 9. 10 Whatsoever thy hand flndeth ^o do, do Song 8. 8 what shall we do for our sistei m the Isa. 5. 4 What., more., that I have not done in it? 5. 5 I will tell you what I will do to my vine. 10. 3 what will ye do in the day of visitation 10. II as I have done unto Samaria and her 10. It Shall I not .so do to Jerusalem and her 10. 13 By the strength of my hand I have done 12. 5 for he hath done excellent things : Um 19. 15 which the head or tail, .may do 20. 2 And he did so, walking naked and 25. I for thou hast done wonderful (things) 28. 21 that he may do his work, his strange 33. 13 Hear, ye (that are) far off, what I have d. 37. II what the kings of Assyria have done to 37. 26 Hast thou not heard . .(how) I have done 37. 32 the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do 38. 3 and have done.. good in thy sight 38. 7 the Lord will do this thing that he hath 38. 15 he hath both spoken . . and . . hath done 41. 4 Who hath wrought and done (it), calling 41. 20 that the hand of the Lord hath done 42. 16 These things will I do unto them, and 43. 19 1 will do a new thing ; now it shall 44. 23 Sing, O ye heavens ; for the Lord hath d. 45. 7 create evil : I the Lord do all these 46. 10 Declaring . . (the things) that are not (yet)d. 46. 10 My counsel shall stand, and I will do all 46. II I have purposed (it), I will aJso do it 48. 3 I did (them) suddenly, and they came 48. s thou shouldest say. Mine idol hath done 48. II for mine own sake, will I do (it) : for 48. 14 he will do his pleasure on Babylon, and 53. 9 because he hath donfe no violence 56. I Keep ye judgment, and do justice 56. 2 Blessed (is) the man (that) doeth this 56. 2 and keepeth his hand from doing any 58. 2 as a nation that did righteousness, and 58. 13 (from) doingthy pleasure on my holy day 58. 13 and snalt honour him, not doing thane 64. 3 When thou didst terrible things 65. 8 so will I do for my servant's sakes, that 65. 12 did evil before mine eyes, and did choose 66. 4 they did evU before mine eyes, and chose Jer. 2. 23 See thy way. .know what thou hast done 3. 5 thou hast spoken and done evil things 3. 6 Hast thou seen (that) . . Israel hath done ? 3. 7 And I said after she had done all these 4..30 thou (art) spoiled, what wilt thou do ? 5. 19 Wherefore doeth the LORD our God all S. 31 and what will ye do in the end thereof ? 7. 10 We are delivered to do all these abomin. 7. 12 see what I did to it for the wickedness of 7. 13 now, because ye have done all these 7. 14 Therefore will I do unto (this) house 7. 14 and to your fathers, as I have done to S. 7. 17 Seest thou not what they do in the cities 7. 30 the children of Judah have done evil in 8. 6 What have I done ? every one turned to 9. 7 how shall I do for the daughter of my 11. 4 Obey my voice, and do them, according 1 1. 6 Hear ye the words of this covenant, and do II. 8 which I commanded . . to do . . butjthey did 11. 17 the evil, .which they have done against 12. 5 how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jor.? 14. 7 Lord . . do thou (it) for thy name's sake 15. 4 for (that) which he did in Jerusalem 16. 12 ye have done worse than your fathers 17. 22 neither do ye any work ; but hallow ye tj. 24 haUow the sabbath day, to do no work Jer. 18. 6 cannot I do with you as this potter < 18. 8 will repent of the evil that I thought to do 18. 10 If it do evil in my sight, that it obey uot 18. 12 we will every one do the imaginatiun of 18. 13 the virgin of Israel hath done a very 19. 12 Thus wu; I do unto this place, saith 22. 4 For if ye do this thing indeed, then 22. 8 Wherefore hath the Lord doce thus unto 22. 15 Did not thy father, .do judgment and 22, 17 for oppression, and for violence, to do (it) 26. 3 to do . .because of the evil of their doings 26. 14 do with me as seemeth good unto you 28. 6 the Lord do so : the Lord perfoi-m thy 29. 32 shall he behold the good that I will do for 30. 15 I have done these things unto thee 30. 24 shall not return, until he have done (it) 31. 37 for all that they have done, saith the L, 32. 23 they have done nothing of all that tliou 32. 23 that thou comraandest them to do: ther 32. 30 the children of Judah have only done 32. 32 which they have done to provoke me to 32. 35 that they should do this abomination 33. 9 which shall hear all the good that I do 33. 18 meat offerings, and to do sacriiJco cont. 34. 15 ye were now turned, and had done right 35. 10 Bat we have, .done according to all that 35. 18 kept all his precepts, and done according 36. 3 all the evil which I pui-pose to do unto 36. 8 Baruch the son of Neriah did according 38. 9 in all that they have done to Jeremiah 38. 12 under the cords. And Jeremiah did so 39. 12 look well to him, and do hira no liarm 39. 12 but do unto him even as he shall say 40. 3 the Lord, .hath done according as he 40. 16 Thou shalt not do this tiling ; for thou 41. II all the evU that Ishmael .had done 42. sGodmayshow. the tiling; that we may do 42. 5 if we do not even according to all things 42. 10 I repent mo of the evil that I have done 42. 20 so declare unto us, and we will do (it) 44. 4 Oh, do not this abominable thing that 44. 17 we wiU certainly do whatsoever thing 48. 10 Cursed (be) he that doeth the work of the 50. 15 Shout, .as she hath done, do unto her so. 21 do according to all that I have comman 50. 29 according to all that she hath done, do 51. 12 the Lord hath both devised and done 51. 24 all their e^^l that they have done in Zion 52. 2 he did (that which was) evil in the eyes 52. 2 according to all that Jeihoiakim had done Lam. 1. 21 they are glad that thou hast done (it) 2. 17 The Lord hath done (that) which he had Eze. 3. 20 his righteousness which he hath done S. 7 neither have done according to the judg. S. 9 I will do. .that which I have not done 5. 9 whereunto I will not do any more the 6. 10 not said in vain that I would do this evU 7. 27 I will do unto them after their way, and 8. 6 Son of man, seest thou what they do ? 8. 9 behold the . . abominations that they do 8. 12 the ancients of the house of Israel do in 8. 13 Bee greater abominations that they do 9. II I have done as thou hast commanded 11. 12 but have done after the manner, of the 11. 20 keep mine ordinances, and do them 12. 7 And I did so as I was commanded 12. 9 the rebellious house, said. .What doest 12. li Uke as I have done, so it shall be done 14. 23 and ye shall know that I have cSt done 14. 23 all that I have done in it, saith the LORD 15. 3 Shall wood be taken thereof to do 16. 5 None eye pitied thee, to do any of these 16. 30 seeing thou doest all these (things) 16. 47 not walked after their ways, nor done 16. 48 sister hath not done, .as thou hast done 16. SI all thine abominations which thou hast d. 16. 54 be confounded in all that thou -hast done 16. 59 will even deal with thee as thou hast done 16. 63 pacified . .for all that thou hast done, saith 17. 15 shaU he escape that doeth such (things)? 17. 18 when, lo, ho. .hath done all these (tilings) 17. 24 I the Lord have spoken and have done 18. s if 3. man be just, and do that which is ig. 10 (that) doeth the like to (any) one of these 18. n that doeth not any of those (duties), but 18. 13 he shall not live : he hath done all these 18. 14 all his father's sins which he hath done i8. 14 and considereth, and doeth not such like 18. 18 did (that) which (is) not good among his 18. 19 the son hath done that which is lawful 18. 19 and hath done them, he shall surely live 18. 21 the wicked wiU turn, .and do that which 18. 22 in his righteousness that he hath done he 18. 24 doeth according to aU the abominations 18. 24 that the wicked(man)doeth, shall helive? 18. 24 AU has righteousness that he hath done 18. 26 for his iniquity that he done shall 18. 27 and doeth that which is lawful and right Eo. II vAich (if) a man do, he shall even live in 20. 13 which (if) a man do, he shall even live in 20. 19 and keep my judgments, and do them EC. 21 neither kept my judgments to do them 2o. 21 which (if) a man do, he shall even live in 22. 14 1 the Lord have spoken (it), and will do 23. 30 I wUl do these (things) unto thee, because 23. 38 Moreover this they have done unto me 23. 39 lo, thus have they done in the midst of 23. 48 aU women may be taught not to do after 24. 14 it shall come to pass, and I will do (it) ; I 2i. 18 1 did in the morning as I was com. 24. 19 Wilt thou not tell us .that thou doest 84. 22 ye shall do as I have dcae • ye shall not Eze. 24. 24 all that he hath done shall ye ao ; and 25. 14 they shall do in Edom according to mirm 33 14, 19 do that which is lawful and right 33. lO he hath done that which is lawful and 33. 31 hear thy words, but they will not do thera 33. 32 they hear thy words, but they do them not 35, II I will even do according to thino 35. 15 so will I do unto thee : thou shalt be 36. 22 I do not (this) for your Bakes, O house ol 36. 27 ye shall keep my judgments, and do 36. 32 Not for your sakes do I (this), saith the 36. 36 I the Lord have spoken (it), and 1 will do 36. 37 to do (it) for them ; I will increaee them 37. 24 and observe my statutes, and do them 39. 24 have I done unto them, and hid 43. n be ashamed of all that they have done 43. II all the ordinances thereof, and do them 45. 20 so thou Shalt do the seventh (day) of Iho 45. 25 shall he do the like in the least oj tho 46. 12 prepare, as ho did on the sabljath day Dan. 8. 4 he did according to his wUl, and became 8. 27 I rose up, and did the king's business . 9. 14 righteous hi all his works which he doeth 9. 19 Lord, forgive ; Lord, hearken and do II 3 that shall rule, and do according to hia II. 16 he that cometh against him shall do II 17 thus shall he do : and he shall give him It. 24 He shall enter, and he shall do(tliat) II. 24 wliich his fathers have not done, nor hi* II 28 he shall do (exploits), and return to his II 30 so shall ; he shall even return, and II. 32 people, shall be strong, and do (exploits) n. 36 the king shall do according to his will II. 39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds Hos 6. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? 6. 4 O Judah, what shall I do unto thee ? 9. s What v.ill ye do in the solemn day, and 10. 3 what then should a king do to us? 10. 15 So shall Beth-el do unto you because of Joel 2. 20 come up, because he hath done great 2, 21 be glad . . for the Lord will do great thing* Amoa 3. 6 and the Lord hath not done (it '/) 3. 7 Surely the Lord God wUl do nothing, but 3. 10 For they know not to do right, saith the 4. 12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O 4. -2 because I wUl do this unto thee, prepare 9. 12 saith the Lord that doeth this Obad 15 as thou hast done, it shall be done unto Jon. I. 10 said unto him, Why hast thou done this? I II What shall we do unto thee, that the sea I 14 for thou, Lord, hast done as it pleased 3. 10 that he would do unto them ; ancf hcjlid Mic. 6. 3 my people, what have I done unto thee f 6. 8 to do justly, and to love mercy, and to Zeph. 3. s he wUl not do iniquity ; every morning d 3. 13 remnant of Israel shaU not do iniquity Hag. I. 14 they came and did work in the house of Zech t. 6 did they not take hold of your fathers ? I. 6 Like as the Lord of hosts thought to do 1. 21 Then said I, What come these to do? And 7. 3 as I have done these so many years? 8. 16 These (are) the things that ye shall do Mai. 2. 12 The Lord will cutoff the mant'nat doeth 2. 13 this have ye done again, covering the 2. 17 Every one that doeth evil (is) good in the 4. I all the proud, yea, and all that do 4. 3 that I shaU do (this), saith the LORD of 6. To act, work, do, make, '?V9 paal. 'Deut32. 37 and the Lord hath not done all this Job 7. 20 what shall I do unto thee, thou 11. 8 as high as heaven ; what canst thou dot 22. 17 and what can the Almighty do for themT 34. 32 if I have done iniquity, I will do no more 35. 6 If thou sinnest, what doest thou against Psa. II. 3 be destroyed, what can the righteous do T 44. I fathers have told us, (whatj work thou d. 119. 3 They also do no iniquity : they walk In Prov. 30. 20 and saith, I have done no wickedness 7. A ct, work, deed, doing, '>ii3 poal. Job 37. 12 that they may do whatsoever he command. 8. To set, put, place, a\a sum. Exod 10. 2 my signs which I have done among them 9. To do, recompence, Spa gamal. Gen. 50. 15 requite us aU the evil which we did unto so. 17 forgive, .their sin ; for they did unto thee Pl'ov. 3. 30 S'aive not. .if he have done thee no harm 31. 12 She will do him good and not evil all the IQ.Td work in, Svepy4a energeo. Phil. 2. 13 both to will and to do of (his) good ll.To end thoroughly, iiriTcXioi epileleo. Lukei3. 32 I cast out devils, and 1 [do] cures to day work, labour, perform, ipyd( ergazomai. Gal. 6. 10 let us do good unto all (men), especially Col. 3. 23 do (it) heartily as unto the Lord, and not 3 John 5 whatsoever thou doest to the brethren IS.To have, hold, %%" ^^o. Acts IS. 36 Let us go again and. .see how they do 14. To put or lay damn, KaruTlOriui kataXitheird. Acts 25. 9 Festus, willing to do the Jews a pleasure Ih. To work out thoroughly, Rar^pya^ofiaikatergaz. Eom. 2. 9 upon every soul of man that doeth evil 7. IS For that which I do I allow not : for 7.17 Now then it ts no more 1 that do it 7. 20 I would not, it is no more 1 that do it I Co. s. 3 him that hath so done this deed ^ Eph. 6. 13 in the evU day, and having done all, to 34 DO 17. To do, rroleo) poieo. Matt t. 34 being raised from sleep, did^as the angel 5. 1 9 but whosoever shall do and teach (them) J. 44 do good to them that hate you, ana pray 5. 46 do not even the publicans the same 1 S- 47 what do ye more . . do not even the 6. 1 Take heed that ye do not your alms 6. 2 thou doest .. alms . . as the hypocrites do 6. 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy 6. 3 know what thy right hand doeth 7. 12 men should do to you, do ye even so to 7. 21 but he that doeth the wiU ot my Father 7. 22 in thy name done many wonderful works? 7. 24 whosoever, .doeth them, I will liken him 7. 26 doeth them not, shall be likened unto a 8. 9 to my servant, Do this, and he doeth (it) 9. 38 Believe ye that I am ablo to do this? 12. 2 do that which is not lawful to do upon 12. 3 Have ye not read what David did 12. 12 it is lawful to do weU on the sabbath days 12. 50 whosoever shall do the will ot my Father . 13. 28 He aaid . . An enemy hath done this 13. 41 all things that offend, and them which do 13. 58 he did not many mighty works there 17. 12 they . .have done unto him whatsoever 18. 35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do 19. 16 Master, what good thing shall I do ao. s went out about the sixth . .hour, and did so. 15 Is it not la%vful for me to do what I will aa 32 What will ye that I shall do unto you ? ai. 6 the disciples went, and did as Jesus ai. 15 saw the wonderful things that he did ai. 21 ye shall not only do this, .to the fig-tree at. 23 By what authority doest thou these 31. 24, 27 by what authority I do these things 21. 31 Whether of them twain did the will of 21. 36 Again, they did unto them likewise 21. 40 what will he do unto those husbandmen 23. 3 whatsoever they bid you ohserve . . do 23. 3 do not ye after their works : for they do 23. s ^U their works they do for to be Seen of 23. S3 these ought ye to have done, and not 24. 46 whom his lord . . shall find so doing 25. 40 as ye have done (it), .ye have done (it) as. 45 ye did (it) not. .ye did (it) not to me a6. It in that, she did (it) for my hurial 26. 13 also this, that this woman hath done 26. 19 the disciples did as Jesus had appointed aj. 22 Wliat shall I do then with Jesus which 37 33 governor said, Why,.what evil hath he d, 28. IS So they took the money, and did as they Mark 2. 24 why do they on the sabbath day that 2. 25 Have ye never read what David did 3. 8 had heard v/hat great things he did 3. 35 For whosoever shall do the will of God 5. 19 how great things the Lord hath done for 5. 20 how great things Jesus had done for 5. 32 looked, .about to see her that had dona 6. 5 And he could there do no mighty work 6. 2o when he heard him, he did many tilings 6. 30 what they had done, and what they had 7. 8 [and many other such like things ye do] 7. 12 ye suffer him no more to do ouglit for 7. 13 and many such like things do j'e 7. 37 saying, He hath done all things weQ 9. 13 they have done unto him whatsoever they 9. 39 there is no man which shall do a miracle 10. 17 what shall I do that I may inherit eternal 10. 35 we would that thou shouldest do for us 10. 36 What would ye that I should do for you? 10. 51 What wilt thou that I should do unto 11. 3 [If any man say unto you. Why do ye this?] II. 5 certain said. .What do ye, loosing the II. 28 Bywhatauthoritydoestthou these things? 11. 28 who gave thee this authority to do these II. 29 I will tell you by what authority I do 1 1. 33 do I teU you by what authority I do these 12. 9 What shall, .the lord of the vineyard do? 14. 7 whensoever ye will ye may do them good 14. 8 She hath done what she could : she is 14. 9 (this) also that she hath done shall be 15. 8 to (desire him to do) as he had ever done 15. 12 What will ye then that I shall do (unto) 15. 14 Pilate said . . Why, what evil hath he done? Znke I. 49 For he that is mighty hath done to me a. 27 to do for him after the custom of the law 3. 10 the people asked . .What shall we do then? 3. II he that hath meat, let him do likewise 3. 12 publicans, .said, .what shall we do? 3. 14 soldiers likewise. .And what shall we do? 3. 19 for all the evUs which Herod had done 4. 23 whatsoever We have heard, .do also here S- 6 t'l^y had this done, they inclosed a great 6. 2 Why do ye that which is not lawful [to do] 6. 3 Have ye not read . .what David did, when 6. 10 And [he did] so: and his hand was restor. 6. II communed . . what they might do to Jesus 6. 23 for In the like manner did their fathers 6 26 so did their fathers to the false prophets 6. 27 Love your enemies, do good to them 6. 31 that men should do to you, do ye alou 6. 33 for sinners also do even the same 6. 46 why call ye me, Lord, .and do not the 6. 47 heareth my sayings, and doeth them 6. 49 But he that hoareth, and doeth not, is 7. 8 to my servant, Do this, and he doeth (it) 8. 27 these which hear the word, .and do it 8. 39 show how great things God hath done 8. 39 how great things Jesus had done imto 9. to told him all that they had done g. ts they did so, and made them all sit down 9. 43 every one at all things which Jesus did 266 lake o. S4 [and consume them, even as Ellas did ?) 10. 2S what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 10. 28 he said, .this do, and thou shalt live 10. 37 then said Jesus. .Go, anddothoujikewise XI. 42 these ought ye to have done, and not to 12. 4 after that have no more that they can do 12 17 What shall 1 do, because I have no room 12. t8 This will I do: I will puU down my bams T2. 43 whom his lord, .shall find so doing 12. 47 prepared not (himself), neither did acco. 16. 3 the steward said . What shall I do? 16. 4 I am resolved what to do, that, when I am i5. 8 because he had done wisely : for the 17. 9 because he did the things that were com. 17. 10 when ye shall have done all those things 17. 10 have done that which was our duty to do 18. 18 what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 18. 41 What wQt thou that I shall do unto thee! 19. 48 could not find what they might do 20. 2 TeU us, by what authority doest thou these 2o. 8 KeitherteU I. .by what authority i do 20. 13 Then said the lord . . What shall I do ? 20. IS What, .shall the lord of the vineyard do 22. 19 for you ■ this do in remembrance of me 23. 22 he said . .Why, what evil hath he done? 23. 31 if they do these things in a green tree 23. 34 forgive . . for they know not what [they do] John 2. 5 Wiiatsoever he saith unto you, do (it) 2. II This beginning of miracles did Jesus in 2. 18 seeing that thou doest these things? 2. 23 v/hen they saw the miracles which he did 3. 2 can do these miracles that thou doest 3. 21 he that doeth truth cometh to the light 4. 29 which told me all things that ever I did 4. 34 My meat is to do the will of him 4. 39 He told me all that ever I did 4. 45 having seen all the things that he did 4. S4 This (is), .the second miracle. .Jesus did 5. 16 because he had done these things on 5. 19 The Son can do nothing of himself 5. «9 but wliat he seeth the Father do 5. 19 whaf . .he doeth, then also doeth the Son 5. 20 showeth him all things th at himself doeth 5. 29 shall come forth ; they that have done g. 5. 30 I w n of mine own seU do nothing 5. 36 til,- same works that I do, bear witness 6. 2 they saw his miracles which he did on 6. 6 for he himself knew what he would do 6. 14 they had seen the miracle that Jesus did 6. 28 What shall we do, that we might work 6. 38 I came down from heaven, not to do 7. 3 also may see the works that thou doest 7. 4 doeth any thing In secret, and he himself 7. 4 If thou do these things, show thyself to 7. 17 If any man vvUl do his wiU, he shall know 7. 21 1 have done one work, and ye all marvel 7. 31 When Christ cometh, wUl he do more 7. 51 before it hear him and know, .he doeth 8. 28 I am (he), and (that) I do nothing of myself 8. -39 for I do always those things that please 8. 38 ye do that which ye have seen with 8. 39 ye would do the works of Abraham 8. 40 which I have heard of God : this did 8. 41 Ye do the deeds of your father 8. 44 and the lusts of your father ye will do 9. 16 How can o man that is a sinner do such 9. 26 What did he to thee 1 how opened he 9. 31 be a worshipper of God, and doeth his 9. 33 If this man were not of God, he could do 10. 25 the works that I do in my Father's name 10. 37 If I do not the works of my Father lo. 38 But If I do, though ye believe not me 10. 41 many resorted . . and said, John did mir 11. 45 had seen the things which Jesus did II. 46 told them what things Jesus had done 11. 47 What do we 1 for this man doeth many 12. 16 they had done these things unto him 12. 18 they heard that he had done this miracle 12. 37 though he had done so many miracles 13. 7 What I do thou knowest not now ; but 13. 12 Know ye what I have done to you ? 13. IS that ye should do as I have done to you 13. 17 If ye know, .happy are ye if ye do them 13. 27 Then said Jesus. .That thou doest, do 14. 10 the Father, that dwelletb in me, he doeth 14. 12 the works that I do shall he do also 14. 12 greater (works) than these shall he do 14. 13 whatsoever ye shall ask. .that will I do 14. 14 If ye shall ask anything. .1 will do (it) 14. 31 gave me commandment, even so I do 15. s for without me ye can do nothing 15. 14 Ye are my friend's, if ye do whatsoever 15. 15 servant knoweth not what his lord doeth 15. 21 all these thmga will they do unto you IS- 24 If I had not done among them 15. 24 the works which none other man did 16. 3 These things will they do unto you 17 4 work which thou gavest me to do 18. 35 Am I a Jew ?. .what hast thou done ? 19. 24 these things'therefore the soldiers did ao. 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus 21. as also many other things which Jesus did Acts I. I of all that Jesus began both to do and 2. 82 wonders and signs, which God did by 2. 37 Men (and) brethren, what shall we do ? 4. 7 By what power.. have ye done this? 4. 16 What shall we do to these men ? for that 4. 28 to do whatsoever thy hand and thy coun. €. 8 Stephen, full of faith and power, did 8. 6 hearing and seeing the miracles, .he did 9. 6 [Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?] 9. 6 it shall be told thee what then must do DO Acta 9. 13 how much evil he hath done to thy saint* 9. 36 was full of good works . which she did 10. 6 [shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do) 10. 33 thou hast well done that thou art come 10. 39 we are witnesses ot all things which he d. 11. 30 Which also they did, and sent it to the 12. 8 bind on thy sandals. And bo he did 14. 11 when the people saw what Paul had done 14. IS saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? 14. 27 they rehearsed all that God had done 15. 4 they declared all things that God had d. 15. 17 saith the Lord, who doeth all these things 16. 18 And this did she many days 16. 30 Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 19. 14 chief of the priests, which did so 21. 23 Do therefore this that we eay to thee 21. 33 who he was, and what he had done 22. 10 And I said. What shall I do. Lord? 22. 10 things which are appointed for thee to do 22. 26 Take heed what thou doest: for this man 26. 10 Which thing I also did in Jerusalem Bom. I. 28 to do those things wMch are not conven 1. 32 not only do the same, but have pleasure 2. 3 and doest the same, that thou shalt 2 14 do by nature the things contained in the 3. 8 Let us do evil, that good may come 1 3. 12 there is none that doeth good, no, not 7. 15 but what I hate, that do I 7. 16 If then I do that which I would not 7. 19 For the good that I would I do not 7. 2o if I do that I would not, it is no more 7. 21 when I would do good, evU is present 10. 5 That the man which doeth these things 12 20 in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire 13. 3 Do that which is good, and thou shalt 13. 4 if thou do that which is evil, be afraid ! Co. 5. 2 [he that hath done] this deed might 6 18 Every sin that a man doeth is without 7. 36 let him do what he will, he sinneth not 7. 37 that he will keep his virgin, doeth well 7 38 that giveth (her) in marriage doeth well 7. 38 giveth (her) not in marriage doeth better 9. 23 And this I do for the gospel's sake 10. 31 whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory ot 11. 24 l^ke, eat. .this do in remembrance of me 11. 25 tiiis do ye, as oft as ye drink (it), in rem. IS. 29 Else what shall they do which are bap. i5 I as I have given order, .even so do ye a Co 8. to not only to do, but also to be forward II. 12 what I do, that I will do, that I may 13. 7 that ye do no evil, .that ye should do Gal 2. to the same which I also was forward to do 3. 10 continueth not in all things, .to do them 3. 12 The man that doeth them shall live in 5 3 that he is a debtor to do the whole law Eph 3. 2o Now unto him that is able to do 6. 6 doing the will of God from the heart 6 8 whatsoever good thing any man doeth 6. 9 And, ye masters, do the same things onto 2 14 Do all things without murmurings and 4. 14 ye have well done that ye did commun. 3. 17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed 3. 23 And whatsoever ye do. .as to the Lord 4. 10 And indeed ye do it toward all the bre. 5. II edify one another, even as also ye do S. 24 Faithful (is) he . .who also will do (it) 3. 4 ye both do and will do the things whicli 1. 13 obtained mercy, because I did (it) ignor 5. 21 preferring one before another, doing 4. 5 endure afflictions, do the work of an Titus 3. s Not by works, which we have done, but Phm. 14 But withoutthy mind would I do nothing 21 knowing that thou wilt also do more than 6. 3 And this will we do, if God permit 727 this he did once, when he offered up him. 10. 7 Then said I, Lo, I come . . to do thy will 10. 9 Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O 10. 36 after ye have done the will of God, ye 13. 6 I vrill not fear what man shall do unto 13 17 that they may do it with joy, and not 13. 19 But I beseech (you) the rather to do this 13. 21 perfect in every good work to do his will Jafl. 2. 8 If ye fulfil the royal law. .ye do well 2. 12 so do, as they that shall be judged by the 2. 19 Thou bellevest . . thou doest well : the dev 4, 15 If the Lord will, we shaU live, and do 4. 17 to him that knoweth to do goodj, and do. 1 Pe. 2. 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found 3. 11 Let him eschew evil, and do good ; let 3. 12 face of the Lord (is) against them that do 2 Po. 1. 10 if ye do these things, ye shall never fail 1. 19 whereunto ye do well that ye take heed I Jo. I. 6 If we say . . we lie, and do not the truth 2. 17 he that doeth the will of God abideth for 2. 29 every one that doeth righteousness is bom 3. 7 he that doeth righteousness is righteous 3. 10 [whosoever doeth not righteousness is not] 3. 22 do those things that are pleasing in his 3 Jo. 5 doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest 6 if thou bring forward . . thou shalt do well 10 I will remember his deeds which he doeUi Eev. 2. 5 do the first works; or else I will come 13. T3 he doeth great wonders, so that he maketli 13. 14 which he had power to do in the sight of 22. 14 Blessed (are) they that [do] his command. 18. To practice, do, irpiaa-o) prasso. Luke22 23 which of them it was that should do 23. IS nothing worthy of death is done unto 23. 41 but this man hath done nothing amiss John 3. 20 every one that doeth evil hateth the J. 29 and they that have done evil, unto the Phil. Col .Th 2 Th. iTi iXI. Heb. DO Acts 3 17 through ignorance ye did (it), as (did) also 5. 35 what ye intend to do as touching these 15. 39 if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well 16. 28 Do thyself no harm, for we are all here 17. 7 these all do contrary to the decrees xg. 36 ye ought to he quiet, and to do nothing 26. 9 1 oiight to do many things contrary to s6. 20 they should, .do works meet for repent. 25. 26 for this thing was not done in a corner 26. 31 This man doeth nothing worthy of death Bora. I. 32 hut have pleasure in them that do them 2. « for thou that judgest doest the same 2. 3 judgest them which do such things 7. 15 what I would, that do 1 not ; but what I 7. ^9 the evil which I would not, that I do 9. II neither having done any good or evil 13, 4 to (execute) wrath upon him that dueth 1 Co g. 17 if I do this thing willingly, I have a » Co. 5 10 according to that he hath done, whether Gal. 5. 21 they which do such things shall not Eph. 6. 21 also may know my affairs, (and) how 1 do Phil. 4. 9 Those things, .do: and the God of peace < Th." 4. 1 1 to be quiet, and to do your own business 18. 7*0 bear totuard, ■jrpocr ischuO. Phil. 4. J3 1 can do all things through Christ which I.To dn, TToiew pouC). Gal. 5. 17 ye cannot do the things that ye would DO for, to — 2'o hold alongside of, offer, iraptx^ parechd. Luke 7. 4 was worthy for whom he should do this DO, with whom wc have to — 0/ whom we are speaking, irphs hv 7]fili/ 6 \0y67. Heb. 4. 13 the eyes of him with whom we have to do DO, have any matters to — Owner 0/ matters, D'^ni ^ya baal deharim. Jixod24. 14 if any man have any matters to do, let DO good, to — \.Tii do, recompense, hoi gamal. Prov n. 17 The merciful man doeth good to his own 2. 7*0 do good, Dio tob, 5. Nuni 10. 29 come thou with us, and we will do thee g. Jer. }2. 41 I will rejoice over them to do them good Psa. ug 68 Thou (art) good, and doest good : teach 123. 4 Do good, O Lord, unto (those that be)g. DO (goodness), to — To do good, 3c; yatab, 5. Num. 10. 32 what goodness the LoBD shall do unto DO (a trespass), to — To trespass, SyD m/ial. Num 5. 6 to do a trespass against the Lord, and DOCTOR — Teacher, SiSdiTKaXos didanhalos. Luke 2. 46 sitting in the midst of the doctors, both DOCTOR of the law — Teacher of law, vofioSiSaa-KaKos nomodidaskalos. Luke 517 Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting Acts 5. 34 named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law DOCTRDTE — 1. The receiving, what is (to be) received, np^ leqach. Deut32. 2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain Job ir. 4 My doctrine (is) pure, and I am clean in Prov. 4. 2 I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not Isa. 29. 24 they that murmured shall learn doctrine ^.Chastisement, instruction, id?d musar. Jet. to. 8 But.. the stock (is) a doctrine of vanities 3. What is heard, nyiDif' shemuah. Isa. 28. 9 whom shall he make to understand doct. ^.Teaching, {the substance), dtSacTKaXladidaskalia. Matt 15. 9 teaching (for) doctrines the command. Mark 7. 7 teaching (for) doctrines the command. Eph. 4. 14 carried about with every vAnd of doctr. Col. 2. «2 after the commandments and doctrines I Ti. 1. 10 thing that is contrary to sound doctrine 4. 1 giving heed to seducing spirits, and doc. 4. 6 in the words of faith and of good doctrine 4. 13 Till I come, give attendance . . to doctrine 4. 16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the do. S- 17 they who labour in the Word and doctri. 6. I that the name of God and (his) doctrine 6. 3 the doctrine which is according to godli. 9 Ti. 3. 10 But thou hast fully known my ductrine I 267 3 Ti. 3. 16 All scripture (is) profitable for doctrine 4. 3 when they vnU not endure sound doctr. Titus I. 9 that he may be able by sound doctrine 2. I things which become sound doctrine 2. 7 ill doctrine (showing) uncorruptness 2. 10 that they may adorn the doctrine of God b.Teaching, (the act), SiSaxTJ didache. Matt. 7. 28 the people were ostonished at his doctr. 16. 12 but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and =2- 33 they were astonished at his doctrine Mark i. 22 And they were astonished at his doctri. 1. 27 What thing is this ? what new doctrine 4. 2 and said unto them in his doctrine 1 1. 18 all the penple was astonished at his doc. 12. 38 And lie said unto them in his doctrine Luke 4. 32 And they were astonished at his doctri. John 7. 16 My doctrine is not mine, but his that 7. 17 he shall know of the doctrine, whether iS. 19 The liiKh priest then asked his doctrino Acts 2. 43 continued stedtastly in the apostles' do. 5. 28 ye have lillud Jerusalem with your doct. 13. 12 lieiuf,' astouished at the doctriue of the 17. 19 May we know what this new doctrine Rom. 6. 17 obuyed from tlio heart that form of doc. 16. 17 contrary to tiie doctrine which ye have 1 Co. 14. 6 except I shall speak to you by doctrine 14. 26 every one of you hath a psalm, hath a d. 2 Ti. 4. 2 exhort, with all long suffering and doctr. Heb. 6. 2 Of the doctrine of bajitisms, and of 13. 9 Be not carried about with divers, .doctr. 2 Jo. 9 abideth not in the doctrine of Christ 9 He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ 10 If there come, .and bring not this doctr Eev. 2. 14 thou hast there them that hold the doct. 2. 15 So hast thou also tlieni tliat hold the do. 2. 24 But .as many as have not this doctrine 6. Word, \oy6s logos. Heb. 6. I leaving the principles of the doctrine of DO'-DAI, "I'll beloved of Jah. As\ Ahohlte, one of David's captains. I Ch. 27 4 over . course of the second month (was) D. DO-DA'-NIM, or EO-DA'-NIM, Ciii, D'Jiii. A race descended from Javan sou of Japfiet. Authori- ties vary as to the form of the name ; the Hebrew text has both ; but the weight of autliority is in favour of Dodanim, which is regarded as identical -with Dardani. Gen. 10. 4 the sons of Javan Tarshish, Kittim..D. 1 Ch. I. 7 the sons of Javan.. Tarshish, Kittim..D. DO-DA'- VAH, ?r!iiT Jah is loving. Father of one who prophesied to Jehoshaphat. B.C. 960. 2 Ch. 20. 37 Then EUezer the sou of D. of Mareshah DO'-DO, iiii. 1. Grandfather of the judge Tolah ot the tribe of Issachar. B.C. 1206. Judgio. I Tola the sou of Puab, the son of D. 2. Father of the second of David's thirty valiant men. B.C. 1070. 2 Sa. 23. 9 And after him (%vas) Eleazar the son of T>. 1 Ch.ii. 12 And after him (was) Kleazar the son of D. 3. Father of one of David's thirty mighty men. B.C. 1070. 2 Sa. 23. 24 Elhanan the son of D. of Beth-lehem I Ch. II. 26 Elhanan the son of D. of Beth-lehem DO'-EG, i\n, :XT^, ySi, fearful. Chief of Saul's herdsmen, an Edomite who informed Saul of Ahimelech's having assisted David. B.C. 1062. 1 Sa 2:^ 7 and his name (was) D. , an Edomite, the 22. 9 Then answered D. the Edomite, which was 22. 18 And the king said to D., Turn thou, and 22. 18 D. the Edomite turned, and he fell upon 22. 22 I knew (it), .when D. the Edomite (was) Psa, 52. title. Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul DOER — l.To do, nj7!; asah. Gen. 39. 22 whatsoever they did there, he was the d. 2 Ki. 22. 5 the doers of the work, .doera.of the work 2. To act, work, do, make, Sys paal. Psa.ioi. 8 that I may cut off all wicked doers S.A maker, performer, TroiTjT-i)? poieles. Rom. 2. 13 but the doers of the law shall be justifl. Jas. I. 22 be ye doers of tlie word, and not hearers T. 23 a hearer of the word, and not a doer 1. 25 not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the 4. II thou art not a doer of the law, but a DOG — l.Dog, 3)5 keleb. Exodri. 7 shall not a dog move his tongue, against 22. 31 torn of beasts, .ye shall cast ittotiiedogs Deut23. i8 Thou shaft not bring, .the price of a dog Judg. 7. s Every one that lappeth .as a dog lappe. 1 Sa. 17. 43 (Am) I a dog. that thou comest to me 24. 14 after whom dost thou pursue ?. .a dead d. 2 Sa. 3. 8 (Am) I a dog's head, which against 9. 8 shouldest look upon such a dead dog 16. 9 'Why should this dead dog curse my lord 1 Kl. 14. II of Jeroboam in the city shall the dogs 16. 4 of Baasha in the city shall the dogs eat 21 19 where the dogs licked, .shall dogs lick 21. 23 The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall 21. 24 dieth of Ahab in the city the dogs shall zz. 38 and tlie dogs licked up his blood ; and DOING a Ki. 8 13 But what' (is) thy servant a dog, that bo 9. 10 the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion 9. 36 In the portion of Jezruel shall dogs eat Job 30. I disdained to have set with the dogs of my Psa. 22. 16 For dogs have compassed me; thea«8«in. 22. 20 my darling from the power of the dog 59. 5 they make a noise like a dog, and go 59. 14 let them make a noise like a dog and go 68. 23 (and) ttie tongue of thy dogs in the same ITOV26. II As a dog returneth to his vomit, (so) a 26. 17 (13 like) one that taketh adog by the ears Eccl. 9. 4 for a living dog is better than a dead li( n Isa. 56. 10 they (are) all dumb dogs, they cannot 56. II (they arc) greedy dogs (which) can never 66. 3 sacrifketh a lamb, (as if) he cutoff a doc '• JcF. 15. 3 the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the 2. A little dog, Kvuapiov kunarion. Matt 15. 26 It is not meet .to cast (it) to dogs 'S- 27 Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the Mark 7. 27 It IS not meet.. to cast (a) unto the dogs 7. 28 the dogs under the table eat of the cliiL Z.A dog, hound, kvuv kuon. Matt. 7. 6 Give not that which is holyunto the dog« Lukei6. 21 moreover the dogs came and licked his Phil. 3. 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers 2 Pe. 2. 22 The dog (is) turned to his own vomit Rev. 22. 15 for williout (are) dogs, and sorcerers, and DOING — \. Doing, h'hu.J? maalil. Zech. I. 4 Turn ye now from your evil . . doings : but l.hoing, SSyp maalal. Dent 28. 20 because of the wickedness of thy dolnga Judg. 2. 19 they ceased not from their own doings I Sa. 25. 3 man (was) churlish, and evil in his doing* lYov 20. II Even a child is known by his doings Isa. I. 16 put away the evil of your doings from 3. 8 their tongue and theirdoing3(are) against 3. 10 for they shall cat the fruit of their doings Jer. 4. 4 because of the evil of your doings 4. iS thy doings have procured these (things) 7. 3 Amend your ways and your doings, and 7 5 if ye throughly amend . .your doings 11. 18 then thou showedst me their doings 17. 10 to give, according to the fruit of hLs do 18. II make your ways and your doings good 21. 12 because of the evil of your doings 21. 14 according to the fruit of your doings 23. 2 visit upon you the evil of your doings 23. 22 have turned . .from the evil of their do. 25. 5 Turn ye. from the evil of your doings 26. 3 because of the evil of their doings 26. 13 now amend your ways and your doinga 32. ig to give, according to the fruit of his do. 35. 15 Return ye now. .and amend your doings 44. 22 because of the evil of your doings Eze. 36. 31 Then shall ye remember your, .doings Hos. 4. 9 I will punish, .and reward them theirdo. 5. 4 They will not frame their doings to turn 7. 2 now their own doings have beset them 9. 15 for the wickedness of their doings I will 12. 2 according to his doings will he recompe. Mic. 2. 7 (are) these his doings? do not my words 3. 4 have behaved themselves ill in their do. 7. 13 be desolate, for the fruit of their doinga Zech. I. 6 according to our doings, so hath he 3. Work, occupation, ni^y o maasch. Lev. 18. 3 After the doings of the land of Egypt 18. 3 and after the doings of the land of Can. 2 Ch.17. 4 and walked, .not after the doings of Isr. Psa. 64. 9 for they shall wisely consider of his do. i.Doing, ^h'hv_. alilah. Psa. 9. 11 declare among the people his doings ' 66. 5 terrible (in his) doing toward the child. 77. 12 I will meditate, .and talk of thy doinga Isa. 12. 4 call upon his name, declare his doings Eze. 14. 22 ye shall see their way and their doinga <4. 23 when ye see their ways and their doings 20. 43 there shall ye remember . . all your doings 20. 44 nor according to your corrupt doings, O 21. 24 in all your doings your sins do appear 24. 14 according to thy doings, shall they judge 36. 17 by their own way and by their doinga "36. 19 according to their doings I judged them Zeph. 3. 7 rose early, (and) corrupted all their doings 3. II thou not be ashamed for all thy doings 5. To do, nj^'y asah. Exodi5. ir glorious in holiness, fearful praises, do. 1 Ch.22. 16 Arise, .and be doing, and the Lord be Isa. 58. 13 If thou turn . .(fromj doing thy pleasure 58. 13 honour him, not doing tliine own ways 6. Tl'or^, (pyov ergon. Rom. 2. 7 who by patient continuance in well doing 7. To do, iroiii^ poieo. 2 Co 8. II Now therefore perform the doing (of It) DOING, in — To do, TToieai poieo. Gal. 6. 9 let us not be weary In well doing: for In I Ti. 4. 16 for in doing this thou shalt. .save thyself DOINQ, J» be one's — To beconne, yifo/iai ginomai. Matt 21. 42 this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvel Marki2. 11 the Lord's doing, and it is marvelloui DOLEFUL 268 DOOR DOLEFTO, doleful oreaturas — 1. Wailing, n;nj nihyah, Mlc. 2. 4 and lament with a doleful lamentation 2.Hoiolings, 0'nl« ochim. Isa. 13. 21 houses eiiall be full of doleful creatures DOHINIOK — l.ffand, X yad. Jar. 34. I all tho kingdoms of the earth of his dom. 2. Rule, dominion, Vp*? Tnimskal. Dan. II. 3 a mighty king, .with great domlsiion It. 5 his . . (shall he) a great dominion Z.Rule, dominion, nh'^DO memshcdah. 1 Ki. 9. 19 and in all the land of his dominion 2 Ki. 20. 13 there was nothing, .in all his dominion 2 CIl 8. 6 throughout all the land of his dominion Psa.jos. 22 all his works in all places of his dorain. 114. a Judah was his sanctuary . Israel liis do. 145. 13 thy dominion .throughout all gcneratl. Isa. 39. 2 there was nothing, .in all his dominion Jer. 34. I all the kingdoms of the earth of his dom. 51. 28 Preparo .all the land of his dominion Dan. n. 5 and his dominion (shall be) a great Mic. 4. 8 unto thee shall it come, even Wie first A, 4. Dominion, auihority, "ipij'n 'mishtar. Job 38. 33 canst thou set the dominion thereof Id 6. To cause to rule, Sb'D mashal, 5. Job 25. 2 Dominion and fear (are) with him ; ha 6. Rule, hiffD 7rMshel. Dan. II. 4 nor according to his dominion which he Zech. 9. 10 his dominion (shall be) from sea (even) 7. Rule, dominion, \n7f{f sholtan, Dan. 4. 3 his dominion (is) from generation to gen. 4. 22 and thy dominion to the end of the earth 4. 34 whose dominion is an everlasting domin. 6. 26 That in every dominion of my kingdom 6. 26 his dominion (shall be even) unto the end 7. 6 the beast, .dominion was given to it 7. 12 they had their dominion taken away 7. 14 there was given him dominion and glory 7. 14 his dominion (is) an everlasting dominion 7. 26 and they shall take away his dominion 7. 27 the kingdom and dominion, and the 7. 27 all dominions shall serve and obey him ^.Strength, power, Kpdros kratos. t Pe. 4. II to whom be praise and dominion for ever 5. II To him (be) glory and dominion for ever Jude 25 dominion and power, both now and ever Rev. I. 6 to him (I'e) glory and dominion for ever 9. Lordship, Kvpidrris kuriotes. Eph. J. 21 might, and dominion, and every name Col. I. 16 thrones, or dominions, or principalities Jude I. 8 despise dominion, and speak evil of dig. DOKINTON, to come to have — To rule, tread dovm, nnn radah. Num24. 19 shall come he that shall have dominion DOMINIOK, to have — \. To rule, possess, have, marry, Vyj haal. I Ch. 4. 22 who had the dominion in Moab, and J'aa. Isa. 26. 13 lords besides thee have had dominion 2. To rule, '??'D tnashal. Gen. 37. 8 s'halt thou indeed have dominion over us? Judg 14. 4 the Philistines had dominion over Israel Neh. 9. 37 also they have dominion over our bodies Psa. 19. 13 let them not have dominion over me Dan. II. 5 shall be strong above him, and have do. 3. To rule, tread dovm, n-n radah. Gen. 1. 26 let them have dominion over the flsh I. 28 have dominion over the fish of the sea I Kl. 4. 24 For he had dominion over all (the region) >reh. 9. 28 that thev had the dominion over them Psa. 49. 14 the upright shall liave dommion 72. 8. 4.7b rule, TH riid, 5. Geu. 27. 40 when ihou shalt have the dominion, that S.Tvhe sultan, a~!jO shalat. Psa.iig. 133 let not any iniquity have dominion over DOMINION, to make to have — I. To cause to rule, Vl? mashal, 5. Psa. 8. 6 Thou madest him tojhave dominion over 2. To rule, tread dovm, .ti"j radah, 3. Judg. s. 13 he made him'that remaineth have doml. 5. 15 the Lord made me have dominion over DOMNIOH over, to have — To have or exercise lordship, Kvpie6o> kwrieuS. Bom. 6. 9 death hath no more dominion over him 6. 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you 7. 1 the law hath dominion over a man as a Co. 1.24 Not for that we have dominion over your DOHINION over, to exercise — To have or exercise lordship against, Karoucvpieiw. Matt2o. 25 princes of the Gentiles exercise dom. over DONE, to be — l.To be prepared, done, KTg bara, 2. Exod34. 10 as have not been done in all the earth ' 2. To be, n;,T haya.h, 2. Judg2o. 12 What wickedness (is) this that Is done i Ki. I. 27 la this thing done by ray lord the king » Ch. II. 4 Ye shall not . . for this thing Is done of me Neh 6 8 There are no such thioga done as thou Jer. 48. ig inhabitant of Aroer say, What is done I Eze. 39. 8 Behold, it ia come, and it is done, saith 3.7*0 be completed, finished, ."ipj kalah. Isa. 24. 13 gleaning grapes when the vintage Is done A.To be given, [OJ nathaju, 2-. Lev. 24. 20 as be hath caused, .so shall it be done 5. To be done, i7il, abad, i. £zrs 6. 12 have made a decree ; let it be done with 7. 21 shall require of you. it be dono speedily 7. 2j let it be diligently done lor the house of Q.Toberolied, done, V?]) alal, ia. Lam. I. 12- unto my sorrow, which is done unto me 7. To do, make, n^y asah. Ezod 3. t5 1 have, .(seen) that whlch.Is done to you 8. To be done, made, nj^j; asah, 2. Gaa. 2o 9 deeds unto me that ought not to be done 29. 26 It must not be so done in oar country, to 34. 7 folly . . which thing ought not to be done Exod. 2. 4 stood afar off, to wit what would be done 12. 16 no manner of work shall be done in them 12. 16 man must eat, that only may be done of 21. 31 according to this judgment shall it be d. 31. 15 Six days may work be done , but in the 35. 2 Six days shall wort be done, but on the Lev, 4. 2, 27 (c. things) which ought not to be done 4 13, 22 (c. things) which should not be done 3. 17 which are forbidden to be done by the 11. 32 wherein (any) work is done, it must be 23. 3 Six days shall work be done : but the 24. 19 cause a blemish . . so shall it be done Nuraij. II Thus shall it be done lor one bullock, or 15, 34 was not declared what should be done Deut25. 9 So shall it be done unto that man Judgii. 37 Let this thing be done for me : let me I Sa. II. 7 so shall it be done unto his oxen. And 17. 26 What shall be done to the man that 17. 27 So shall it be done to the man that 2Sa. 13. 12 no such thing ought to be done in Israel Ezra 10^ 3 and let it be done according to the law Neh. 6. 9 shall be weakened .. that it be not done Esth. 6. 9, 1 1 Thus shall it be done to the man whom 9. 12 what (is) thy request, it shall be done Eccl. 1. 9 which ia done (is) that which shall be d. 1. 13 concerning all (things) that are done 1. 14 I have seen all the works that are done 4. I all the oppressions that are done under 4. 3 hath not seen the evil work that is done 8. 9 unto every work that is done under the 8. 14 There is a vanity which is done upon the 8. 16 to see the business that is done upon the 8. 17 cannot find out the work that is done un. 9. 3 evil among all(things)thataredoneunder g. 6 in any (thing) that is done under the sun Isa. 46. 10 Declaring, (the things) that are not. .d. Jer. 3. 16 neither shall (that) be done any more 5. 13 thus shall it be done unto them Eze. 9. 4 for all the abominations that be done in 12. 11 so shall it be done unto them : they shall 12. 28 word v/hich I have spoken shall be done 44. 14 and for all that shall he done therein Dan. g. 12 hath not been done as hath been done II. 36 for that that is determined shall be done Chad. 15 it shall be done unto thee . thy reward 9. To become, •yivofiat ginomai. Matt. I. 22 Now all this was done, that it might be 6. ID Thy kingdom come ; thy will be done in 8. 13 as thou hast believed, (so) be it done 11. 20 wherein most of his. .'works were done 11.21 which were done in you had beesrdonein II. 23 which have been done in thee, had been d. 18. 19 it shall bo done for them of my Father 18. 31 when his fellow servants saw what was d. 18. 31 told unto their lord all that was done ai. 4 All this was done, that it might be ful. 21. 21 be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done 26. 42 if. .except I drink it, thy will be done 26. 56 But all this was done, that the scriptures 27. 54 centurion .. saw . .those things that were d. 28. 11 and showed. .aU the things that were d. Mark 4. 11 aU (these) things are done in parables 5. 14 went out to see what it was that was d. S. 33 knowing what was done in her, came 13. 30 shall not pass, till all these things be d. Luke 4. 23 whatsoever we have heard done in 8. 34 they that fed (them) saw what was done 8. 35 Then they went out to see what was done 8. 56 they should tell no man what was done 9. 7 the tetrarch heard of all that was done 10. 13 if the mighty works had been done in 10. 13 which have been done in you, they had f I. 2 Thy will be done, aa in heaven, so in 13. 17 for all the glorious things that were done 14. 22 Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded 22. 42 nevertheless not my will, but thine, be d. 23. 8 hoped to have seen some miracle done by 23. 31 if . .in a green, .what shall be done in 53. 47 when the centurion saw what was done 23. 48 beholding the things which were done 24. 21 third day since these things were done John I. 28 Theae things were done in Bethabara 15. 7 ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto rg. 36 these things were done, that the scripture Acta 2. 43 many wonders and signs were done by 4. i6 that, .a notable miracle hath been done 4. 21 glorified God for that which was done 4. s8 thy counsel determined before to be done 4. 30 wonders may be done by the name of 5. 7 his Wife, not knovmig what was done Acts 8. 13 the miracles and signs which wete done 10. i6 This was done thrice; and the vessel was 11. 10 this was done three times : and all were 12. 9 wist not that it was true which was dona 13. 12 the deputy, when he saw what was done 14. 3 granted signs and wonders to be done 21. 14 saying. The will of the Lord be done 24. 2 worthy deeds are done unto this nation <^ 28. 9 So when this was done, others also SONE away, to ba — l.To be withdraum., ]n.)gara, 2. Num 27. 4 the name of our father be done away from 2.2*0 make useless, Karapyiai katargeo. 1 Co. 13. 10 that which is in part shall be done away 2 Co. 3.' 7 which (gloryj was to be done away 3. SI For it that, .is done away (was) glorious 3.14 v/hlch (veil) is done away ia Christ DOKE, deed to be — To be, tappen, come to pass, befall, n;.T hayah, 2. Judgjg. 30 There was no such deed done nor seen DONE, to have — \. To finish, ?i^5 kalah, 3. . Gen. 24. IS It came to pass, before he had done spea. 24. 19 when she had done giving him drink 24. 19 camels also, uutU they have done drink. 24. 22 it came to pass, as the camels had done 24. 45 before I had done speaking in mine heart Exod34. 33 And (till) Moses had done speaking with Ruth 3. 3 until he shall have done eating and dri 'Z.To perfect, finish, DOij tamam. Josh. 5. 8 when they had done circumcising all the 2 Sa. 15. 24 until all the people had done passing out DONE, when . . . were — To finish, .1^5 kalah, 3. Ezra 9. I when these things were done, the princes DOOR — i. House, n;3 bayith. t Ki. 14. 17 when she came to the threshold of the J 2.Door, h"^ dal. Psa.141. 3 Set a watch, .keep the door of my lips 3. Door, .npT dalah. Isa. 26! 20 Come, my people, .shut thy doors about i.Door, nSn deleth. Gea. 19.' '6 Lot went out. and shnt the door after 19. 9 they .came near to break the door 19. 10 pulled Lot into, and shut to the door Exod2i. .6 lie shall also bring him to the door Deutis. 37 thrust (it) through his ear unto the door Josh. 2. 19 whosoever shall go out of the doors of Judg. 3. 23 Ehud.. shut thedoorsof the parlourupon 3. 24 the doors of the parlour (were) locked 3. ig he opened not the doors of the parlour n. 31 whatsoever coraeth forth of the doors 16. 3 Samson, took the doors of the gate of 19. 22 certain sona of Belial, beat at the door 19. 27 her lord, opened the doors of the house 1 Sa. 3. 15 Samuel, opened the doors of the house 21. 13 and scrabbled on the doors of the gate 2 Sa. 13. 17 Put. .out. .and bolt the door after her 23: 18 brought her out, and bolted the door after 1 Kt 6. 31 And for the entering, he made doors 6. 32 The two doors also {were of) olive tree 6. 34 And the tw6,doors (were of) fir tree 6. 34 leaves of the one door, .of the other door 7; so for the doors of . .for the doors of the 2 KL 4 . 4 thou shalt shut the door upon thee 4. 5 she went from him, and shut the door 4. 33 He went in therefore, and shut the door 6. 32 when the messenger cometh, shut the d. 6. 32 and hold him fast at the door : (is) not 9. 3 open the door, and flee, and tarry not 9. 10 And he opened the door, and fled i8. 16 Hezekiah cutoff (the gold froin) the doors 1 Ch.22. 3 for the nails for the doors of the gates 2 Ch. 3. 7 He overlaid also the., doors thereof, with 4. 9 he made, .the great court, and doors for 4. 9 overlaid the doors of them with brass 4. 22 the inner doors thereof for the moat holy 4. 22 the doors of the houae of the temple 28. 24 shut up the doors of the house of, the L. 29. 3 opened the doors of the house of the 29. 7 they have shut up the doors of the porch Neh. 3. I they sancti&ed it, and set up the doors of 3- -3. 6. 13, 14, 15 set up the doors thereof, tho 6. I I had not set up the doors upon the gates 6. 10 and let us shut the doors of the temple 7. 1 1 had set up the doors, and the porters 7. 3 let them shut the doors, and bar (them) Job 3. 10 Because it shut not up the doors of my 31. 32 (hut) I opened my doora to the traveller 38. 8 Or (who) shut up the sea with doora 38. 10 brake up for it. '.and set bars and doors 41. 14 Who can open the doors of his face! Psa. 78. 23 Though he had . . opened the doors of hea. ProV26. 24 the door turneth upon his hinges, so Eccl. 12. 4 the doors shall be shut in the streets Song 8. 9 if she (be) a door, we will inclose her Isa. 26. 20 Come, my people, .shut thy doors about S7. 3 Behind tlie doors also and the pests hast Eze. 41. 23 temple and the sanctuary had two doors 41. 24 And the doors had two leaves (apiece) 41, 24 two (leaves) for the one door, and two 41. 23 on the doors of the temple, cherubim DOOR Zcchii. 1 Open thy doors, Lebanon, that the fire MaU I. lo even among you that would shut the d. 6. Threshold, lintel, ^^ saph. s JCi. 12. 9 the priests that kept the door put therein 23. 4 the keepers of the door have gathered of 23. 4 the keepers of the door, to bring forth 25. 18 took, .the three keepers of the door 2 Ch.23. 4 third part . . (shall be) porters of the doors 34. 9 which the Levites that kept the doors Esth. 2. 21 two. .of those which kept the door, were 6. 2 chamberlains, the keepers of the door Isa. 6. 4 the posts of the door moved at the voice Jer. 35. 4 Maaseiah. .the keeper of the door 52. 24 took, .the three keepers of the door Eze. 41. 16 over against tlie door, ceiled with wood ^.Opening, entrance of a door, nna pethach. Gen. 4. 7 if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the d. 6. i5 the door of the ark shalt thou set in the 18. I he sat in the tent door in the heat of the 18. 2 he ran to meet them from the tent door 18. JO Sarah heard (it) in the tent door, which J9. 6 Lot went out at the door unto them ig. II they smote the men that(were) at the door 19. II they wearied themselves to -find the door 43. 19 they communed mth him at the door of Exodi2. 22 none of you shall go out at the door of 12. 23 the Lord will pass over the door, and 26. 36 thou shalt make an hanging for the door 29. 4, 32 the door of the tabernacle of the zg. II kill the bullock, .by the door 33. 8 and stood every man (at) his tent door 33. 9 the cloudy pillar, .stood (at) the door of 33. 10 the cloudy pillar stand (at) the. .door 33. 10 worshipped, every man (in) his tent door 35. IS incense, and the hanging for the door at 36. 37 made an hanging for the tabernacle door 38. 8, 30 the door of the tabernacle of the con. 39. 38 tne hanging 'for the tabernacle door 40. 5 put the hanging of the door to the taber. 40. 6 altar of the burnt offering before the door 40. 12 thou shalt bring A.aron . .unto the door 40. 28 he set up the hanging (at) the door of 40. 2g put the altar of burnt offering (by) the d. Ijev. I. 3 offer it of his own voluntary will at the d. ,1. 5 upon the altar that (is by) the door of the 3. 2 shall, .kill it (at) the door of the tabcrna. 4. 4 he shall bring the bullock unto the door 4. 7, 18 the door of the tabernacle of the con. 8. 3 the congregation together unto the door 8. 4 the assembly was gathered . .unto the d. 8. 31 Boil the flesh (at) the door of the tabern. 8. 33 ye shall not go out of the door of the 8. 35 Therefore shaU ye abide (at) the door of 10. 7 ye shall not go out from the door of the 12. 6 unto the door of the tabernacle of the c. jt4. 11, 23 the door of the tabernacle of the con. 14. 38 shall go out of the house to the door 15. 14 come before the Lord unto the door of T5. 29 bring them, .to the door of the tabema. 16. 7 present them before the Lord (at) the d. 17. 4, 9 bringetli it not unto the door of the ta. 17. 5 unto the door of the tabernacle of the 17. 6 altar of the Lord (at) the door of the ta. 19. 21 bring his trespass offering . . unto the do. Num. 3. 25 the hanging for the door of the tabema. 3. 26 the curtain for the door of the court 4. 25, 26 the hanging for the door of the 6 10 to the door of the tabernacle of the con. 6. 13 he shall be brought unto the door of 6. 18 the head of his separation (at) the door 10. 3 assemble themselves to thee at the door 11. 10 every man in the door of his tent 12. s the Lord, .stood (in) the door of the tab. j6. 18 every man. .stood in the door of the tab. 16. 19 Korah gathered all. .unto the door of 16. 27 Dathan and Abiram . . stood in the door 16. 50 Aaron returned unto Moses unto the d. 20. 6 Moses and Aaron went out.. unto the d. 25. 6 weeping (before) the door of the tabema.' 27. a they stood . .(by) the door of the tabema. Deut22. 21 shall bring out the damsel to the door 31. 15 pillar of the cloud stood over the door Josh. ig. 51 divided . . at the door of the tabernacle of Judg. 4. 20 Stand in the door of the tent; and it g. 52 Abiraelecb. .went hard unto the door ig. 26 the woman.. fell down at the door of 19. 27 was fallen dovni (at) the door of the 1 Sa. 2. 22 the women that assembled (at) the door 2 Sa. II. 9 Uriah slept at the door of the king's I Ki. 6. 8 The door for the middle chamber (was) 6. 33 So also made he for the door of the tera. 7. s And aU the doors and posts (were) square 14. 6 as she came in at the door, that he said 14. 27 .chief of the guard, which kept the door a Ki. 4. 15 he had called her, she stood in the door 5. 9 Naaman .. stood at the door of the house 1 Ch. g. 21 Zechariah. .(was) porter of the door of Ueh. 3. 2o the turning (of the wall) unto the door 3.21 another piece, from the door of the house Job 31. 9 1 have laid wait at my neighbour's door 31. 34 kept silence, (and) went not out of the d. JPsa. 24. 7 be-ye lift up, ye everlasting doors 24. Q lift (them) up, ye everlasting doors, and Prov. s. 8 come not nigh the door of her house 8. 3 She crieth . . at the coming in at the doo. 8. 34 waiting at the posts of my doors 9. 14 she sitteth at the door of her house Sze. 8. 3 to the door of the inner gate that looketh 8. 7 he brought me to the door of the court & 8 J liad digged in the wall, behold, a door 269 Eze. 8. 14 Then bo Ijrought me to tlie door of the 8. 16 at the door of the temple of the Lord 10. 19 stood at the door of the east gate of the II. J at the door of the gate five and twenty 33. 30 by the walls, and in the doors of the 40. 13 five and twenty cubita, door againt door 41. 2 the breadth of the door (was) ten cubita 41. 2 the sides of the door (were) five cubits 41. 3 and measTired the post of the door 41. 3 the door, .tlie breadth of the door seven 41. II And the doors of the side chambers 41. II one door toward., and another door tow. 41. 17 To that above the door, even unto the 41. 20 From the ground unto above the door 42. 2 Before the length.. (was) the north door 42. 4 and their doors toward the north 42. II their fashions, and according to their d. 42. 12 according to the doors of the chambers 42. 12 toward the south (was) a door in the 46. 3 shall worship at the door of this gate 47. I he brought rae again unto the door of Hos. 2. 15 the valley of Achor for a door of hope Mic. 7. 5 keep the doors of thy mouth from her 7. A gate, yfp shaar. Exod35. 17 the hanging for the door of the court Job 38. 17 hast thou seen the doors of the shadow 8. Door, Bvpa ihura. Ma-tt. 6. 6 when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy 24. 33 know that it is near, (evenj at the doors 25. 10 while they went to buy. .tne door was sh. 27. 60 he rolled agreat stone to the door of the 28. 2 (and rolled back the stone from the door] Mark i. 33 all the city was gathered . . at the door 2. 2 no room . . not so much as about the door 11. 4 they . .found the colt tied by the door 1 3. 29 know that it is nigh, (even) at the doors 15. 46 and rolled a stone untothedoorof the 16. 3 shall roll us av/ay the stone from the door Lukeii. 7 Trouble me not : the door is now shut 13. 25 hath shut to the door..knockatthe door Johnio. I He that entereth not by the door into 10. 2 he that entereth in by the door is the 10. 7 I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep 10. g I am the door : by me if any man enter 18. 16 But Peter stood at the door without 20. 19 doors were shut where the disciples were 20. 26 (Then) came Jesus, the doors being shut Acts 5. 9 (are) at the door, and shall carrj' thee S. ig opened the prison doors, and brought 5. 23 standing without before the doors : but 12. 6 the keepers before the door kept the 12. 13 as Peter knocked at the door of the gate 14. 27 how he had opened the door of faith unto 16. 26 immediately all the doors were opened 16. 27 seeing the prison doors open, he drew out 21. 30 drew him out. .forthwith the doors were 1 C0.16. 9 a great door and effectual is opened unto 2 Co. 2. 12 a door was opened unto me of the Lord Col. 4. 3 God would open unto us a door of utter. Jas. 5. 9 behold, the judgestandethbeforethedoor Rev. 3. 8 I have set before thee an open door, and 3. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock 3. 20 open the door, I will come into him, and 4. 1 behold, a door (was) opened m heaven DOOR keeper, or keeper of the door — l.Gate keeper, "lySa* s/wer. I Ch.15. 23 Berechiah and Elkanali (were) door kee. 15. 24 Obed-edomand Jehiah(v/ere)ttoor keep. 2.A door keeper, 6vpap6s thurdros. John 18. 16 spake unto her that kept the door, and 18. 17 Then saith the damsel that kept the door DOOR keeper, to be a — To keep self at the threshold, 150 saphaph, la. Psa. 84. 10 I had rather be a door keeperin the house DOOR post — Threshold, lintel, door, f|p saph. Eze. 41. 16 The door posts, and the narrow windows DOOR post, upper — Lintel, upper door post, I'lpS'B mashqoph. Exodi2. 7 and on the upper door post of the houses DOPH'-KAH, npsT cattle driving. Eighth station of Israel, between Sin and Sinai. Kum33. 12 took their journey . .and encamped In D. 33. 13 And they departed from D., and encamped DOR, I'n, in't circle. An ancient royal city of the Canaanites, whose ruler was an ally of Jabin king of Hazor against Joshua. It was the most southern settlement .tif the Phoenicians on the coast of Syria, and a maritime city on the 'W. border of Manasseh and the N. border of Dan. Josh II. 2 and in the borders of D. on the west 12. 23 The king of D. in the coast of D., one 17. II and the inhabitants of D. and her towns Judg. I. 27 nor the inhabitants of D. and her towns I Ki. 4. II The son of Abinadab, in all. .region of D. I Ch. 7. 2g Megiddo and her towns, D. and her towns DOR'-CAS, AopKds, doe, gazelle. A female disciple restored to life at Joppa. Acts 9. 36 Tabitha. .by interpretation is callea D. 9. 39 showing the coats and garments which D. DOUBT DOTE, to — l.To become foolish, htf/yaal, 2. Jer. 50. 36 upon the ii'ars ; and Ihey shall dote : a 2. To dote on, love, 3:;; agab. Eie. 23. s she doted' on her lovers, on the Assyriani 23. 7 with all on whom she doted : with all 23. 9 hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she do 23. 12 She doted upon the As3yrian8(hcr) neigh. 23. 16 she doted upon them, and sent racssen. 23. 20 For she dotted upon their paramours 3. To be sick, vocriw noseo. 1 Ti. 6. 4 doting about questions and strifes of DO'-THAN, jrn'i^ jn'i, dovlle feast. A city of Manasseh, \V. of the Jordan, near Mount Gilboa, N.E. of Samaria, and still called Dothan. Gen. 37. 17 I heard them say. Let us go to D. 37- 17 And Joseph went, .and found them in D. 2 Ki. 6. 13 was told him, saying. Behold, (he is) In D. DOITBLE — 1. Double, fold, h^2 kephel. Job M. 6 tliat'(they are) double to that which Ib I 41. 13 who can come (to him) with his double Isa. 40. 2 she hath received . .double for all her sins 2.T0 double, hs3 ka2)hal. Exod3g. g they made the breastplate double : a span 3. A second, repetition, .njB'p mishneh. Gen. 43. 12 take double nioney in your hand: and the 43. IS they took double money in their hand Deut IS. i3 he hath been worth a double hired eerva. Isa. 61. ■ 7 For your shame (ye shall have) double 61. 7 in theirlandthey shallpossess thedoublo Jer. 16. 18I wUrecompense.. their sindouble 17. 18 destroy them with double destruction Zech. g. 12 I will render double unto thee i.Two, twofold, c;iv shenayim. Exod22. 4 whether it be ox, or ass. .shall restore d. 22. 7 if the thief be found, let him pay doubl. 22. 9 he shall pay double unto his neighbour Deut 21. 17 by giving liim a double portion of all that 2 Ki. 2. 9 let a double portion of thy spirit be upon 5. Double, twofold, SiirXovs diplous. I Ti. 5. 17 Let the elders, .be counted worthy of do. Rev. 18. 6 unto her double according to her works 18. 6 cup which she hath filled fill to her dou. DO'OBLE, to — l.To double, '555 kaphal. Exod26. 9 thou Shalt, .double the sixth curtain In 2. To double, Zmx6(o diplco. Bcv. 18. 6 even as she rewarded you, and double DOUBLE heart — Heart and lieart, 3S1 3^ leb va-leb. I Ch.i2. 33 such as went forth, .not of double heart Psa. 12. 2 (and) with a, double heart, do they speak DOITBLE minded - Ttvo soided, Slipuxus dipsjtchos. Jas. I. 8 A double minded man (is) unstable in all 4. 8 purify (your) hearts, (ye) double minded DOTTBLE tongued — Double worded, S'lKoyos dilogos. I Ti. 3. 8 not double tongued, not given to much DO'CTBLED, to be — l.To be doubled, Vpp kaphal,. 2. Eze. 21. 14 let the sword be doubled the third tlmo 2.T0 be repeated, done a second time, .IJ^* shanah, 2. Gen. 41. 32 the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh DOUBLED — To dmilU, h53 kaphal. Exod28. i6 Four square It shall be, (being) doubled 39. g a span the breadth thereof, (being) doub. DOTJBT — A knot, doubt, joint, lap getar. Dan. 5. 12 Forasmuch as., dissolving of doubts, were 5. 16 that thou canst, .dissolve doubts : now U D01TBT, to — l.To be witho^U resource, iiirop4oixai aporeomai. Johni3. 22 the disciples looked . .doubting of whom Acts 25. 20 because I doubted of such manner of 2. To judge diversely, ZiaKplvai diakrino. Matt2i. 21 If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall Markii. 23 shall not doubt in his heart, but shall Acts 10. 20 go with them, doubting nothing: for I II. 12 bade me go with them, nothing [doubt.] Rom 14. 23 he'that doubteth is damned if he eat Z.To be without any resource, SiaTopfw diaporeS. Acts. 5. 24 doubted of them whereunto this would 10. 17 while Peter doubted in himself what thit i.To stand divided, Sia-rdCia distazo. AIatti4. 31 thou, .wherefore didst thou doubt? 28. 17 they worshipped him : but some doubted DOUBT, to be in — To be without any resource, iiairopia. diaporeo. Acts. 2. 12 they were all amazed, and were in donbt DO'OBT, to make to — To lift tip the soul, aXpu ^vxvv airo psiichen. John 10. 24 How long dost thou make us to doubl? If DOUBT 270 DRAW DOUBT, to stand in — To be without resoiirce, anopiiofiai aporenmai. Gal. 4. 20 change my voice, for I stand la doubt of DOUBT, no — \. Truly, indeed, Oipx omnam,. Job 12. 2 No doubt but ye (are) the people, and wla 2. Then, therefore, &pa ara. Lukeii. 20 no doubt the kingdom of God Is come 3. Verily then, for, yap gar. I Co. 9. 10 For our sakes, no doubt, (this) is wrritten ^.Altogether, by all means, irdurois pantos. Acts 28. 4 No doubt this man is a murderer, whom DOUBT, without — To tear, <]np taraph. Gen. 37. 33 Joseph is without doubt rent In pieces DOUBTPUL — Reasoning, SiaKoyt out of the mouth of the dra. 20. 2 he laid hold on the dragon, that old serp. DRAGON WELL, j'jnn j'y/o«ntam of jackals. A fountain near the S. walls of Jerusalem. Neh. 2. 13 I went out. .even before the dragon well DRAMS- l.Darics, [Persian coin), □'32";'iS adarkonim. I Ch.29. 7 five thousand talents and ten thousand d. Ezra 8.. 27 twenty basins of gold of a thousand dra. l.Darics (Persian coin), n'JbjiT darkemonim,. Ezra 2. 69 threescore and one thousand drams of Neh. 7. 70 gave to the treasure a thousand drams of 7. 7 treasure of the work twenty thousand dr. 7. 72 the people gave (was) twenty thousand d. DRANK — Drinldng, banquet, nn^p mishteh. Dan. I. 5 provision of the wine which he drank I. 8 nor with the wine which he drank DRAUGHT — \.A catch, draught, &ypa agra. Luke 5. 4 and let down your nets for a draught 5. 9 he was astonished, .at the draught of the 2. A privy, seat imihouf, c<}>i5ptiv apkedron. Mattis. 17 whatsoever, .is cast out into the draught Mark 7. 19 goeth o'dt into the diaught, purging all DRAUGHT house — Ooings out, or place of refuse, nlNyiD motsaotk, or nW-inp macharaoth. 2 kTio. 27 made it a draught house unto this day DRAW, to — \.To draw up, nS'J dalah. Exod. 2. j6 they came and drew (water), and filled 2. 19 also drew (water) enough for us, and 2.T0 tread (the bow), in^ darak. 3 Ch.14. 8 had an army (of men) that, .drew bows 3.7V) draw out, n^p mashah. Exod. 2. 10 Because I drew him out of the water 4.2*0 draio out, tiwd mashak. Gen. 37. 28 they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the Deut. 21. 3 heifer., which hath not drawn in the yoke Judg. 4. 6 Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and 4. 7 I will draw unto thee, to the river Kishon 20. 37 the liers in wait drew (themselves) along c Ki. 22. 34 a (certain) man drew a bow at a venture 2 Ch.i8. 33 a (certain) man drew a bow at a venture Job 21. 33 and every man shall draw after him 24. 22 He draweth also the mighty with his Psa. 10. 9 when he draweth him into his net 28. 3 Draw me not away with the wicked Song I. 4 Draw me, we will run after thee. The Isa. 5. 18 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with 66. J9 Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, (to) Jer. 31. 3 with loving Idndness have I drawn thee 38. 13 So they drew up Jeremiah with cords Eze. 32. 20 draw her and all her multitudes Hos. II. 4 I drew them with cords of a man, with 5. To draw away or off, pn) naihaq. Judg2o. 32 Let us flee, and draw them from the city 6. To draw away or out, pnj nathaq, 5. Josh. 8. 6 till we have drawn them from the city 7. To draw about or along, nn^ sachab. 2 Sa. 17. 13 and we will draw It into the river, until 8. To draw out, empty, p^i ruq, 5. Exodis. 9 I will draw my sword, my hand shall Eze. 28. 7 they shall draw their swords agai'jst 30. II they shall draw their swords agjauat 9, To draw out or off, <]h^ shalaph. Judg. 3. 22 he could not draw tbedagger out ol his 8. 10 and twenty thousandTteen that drew 8. 20 but the youth drew not his sword ; for 9. 54 Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men ao. 2 hundred thousand footmen that drew 20. 15 twenty and six thousand men that drew 20. 17 four hundred thousand men that drew 20. 25 eighteen thousand men ; all these drew 20. 35 and an hundred men : all these drew the ao. 46 twenty and five thousand men that drew 1 Sa. 17. SI and drew it out of the sheath thereof 31. 4 Draw thy sword, and thrust me through a Sa. 24. 9 valiant men that drew the sword 2 Ki. 3. 26 with him seven hundred men that drew 1 Ch. 10. 4 Draw thy sword, and thrust me through 21. 5 an hundred thousand men that drew 21. 5 ten thousand men that drew sword lO.To cause to go up (or land), acajSijSa^o) anabib. Matti3; 48 Which, when it was full, they drew to 11. 7*0 draw or bale out, avr\iai antleo. John a. 9 the servants which drew the water knew 4. 7 There cometh a woman, .to draw water 4. 15 I thirst not, neither come hither to draw 12. To draw away or out, a-jroctrau} apospao. Matt. 26. 51 stretched out (his) hand, and drew his 13. To become, begin to be, yivo/iat ginomai. John 6. 19 see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing 14.2o draw, draw out or towards, e\Kvu helkud. John 6. 44 the Father which.. sent me draw him 12. 32 And I. will draw all (men) imto me 18. 10 Then Simon Peter hiving a sword drew 21. 6 now they were not able to draw it for ai. II Simon Peter went up, and drew the net Acts 16. 19 drew (them) into the market place unto 15. To draw out or towards, eA/coi helko. Acts 21. 30 they took Paul, and drew him out of tho Jas. 2. 6 and draw you before the judgment seatsT 16.7*0 draw, draw out, ffirdcaspao. Marki4. 47 one of them that stood by drew a sword 17.7*0 draw, drag, irvpai surd. Acts 14. 19 having stoned Paul, drew (him) out of 17. 6 they drew .Tason and certam brethren Rev. 12. 4 his tail drew the third part of the stars 18.7*0 cause to advance, irpo^iPdCco probibazo. Acts 19. 33 [they drew Alexander out ot the multit.l DRAW away, f» — 1. 7*0 draw off or away, airotrirdco apospaJS. Acts 20. 30 speaking perverse things, to draw away 2.2*0 set off or aioay, apicrrrjut aphistemi. Acts 5. 37 and drew away much people after him DRAW back, to — 1 . 7*0 Iwni or draw back, 3W shub, 5. Gen. 38. 29 it came to pass, as he drew back his hand Josh. 8. 26 For Joshua drew not his hand back Lam. 2. 3 he hath drawn back bis right hand from DRAW 271 DREAM 2 To send back, viro; yatsa, 5. I Ch 19. «5 drew forth the SjTians that (werel beyond Eze. 21. 3 draw forth my sword out of his sneath 21 5 I the LORD have drawn forth my sword DRAW near, to — 1. To come on, ll^naga, 5. Esth. g. I his decree drew near to be put In execution Psa.107. 18 they draw near unto the Rates of death Eze. 7. 12 The time is come, the day draweth near 2. To come near, 31 ;; qarab. Lev g. 5 all the congregation drew near and stood Deut.25. It the wife of the one draweth near for to Judg. ig. 13 Come, and let us draw near to one of these 1 Sa. 14. 36 Let us draw near hither unto God Esth. 5. 2 Esther drew near, and touched the top of Job 33. 22 his soul draweth near unto the grave, and laa. 41 s ends of the earth were afraid, drejv near 57. 3 draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress Lam. 3. 57 Thou drewest near in the day (that) I ca. Zeph. 3. 2 she trusted not . . she dre w not near to her 8. To cause lo cone near, yrQ qarab, 5. Isa. 26. 17 (that) draweth near the time of her dell. 4. Coming near, .n^ip qerabah. Psa. 73, 28 But (it is) good for me to draw near to 0. 6. To draw nigh, eyylCii) eggizo. Matt 21. 34 when the time of the fruit drew near, he Luke 1 5. I Then drew near unto him all the publi. 21. 8 and the time draweth near: go ye not 22. 47 went before them, and drew near unto 24. 15 Jesus himself drew near, and "went with &.To lead toward, irpotrayin prosago. Acts 27 27 that they drew near to some country 7. To come toward, Trpoa-epxaiJ-at proserchomai. Acts 7. 31 as he drew near to behold (it), the voice Heb 10. 22 Let us draw near with a true heart, in DRAW near, to cause to — To cause to come near, y^^ qarab, 5. Jer. 30. 21 I will cause him to draw near, and he Eze. 9. I Cause them that have charge.. to draw n. 22. 4 thou hast caused thy days to draw near DHAW nigh, to — l.To come on, V35 naga, 5. Psa. 83. 3 and my life draweth nigh onto the grave Eccl. 12. I nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt 2.T0 come near, aiij qarab. Gen. 47 29 the time drew nigh that Israel must die Exod. 3 5 Draw not nigh hither : put off thy shoes 1 Sa. 17. 48 came and drew nigh to meet David, that 1 Ki. 2 I days of David drew nigh that he should Psa. 69. 18 Draw nigh unto my soul, (and) redeem it iig. 150 They draw nigh that follow after misch. Isa. 5. 19 the counsel of the Holy One .draw nigh 3. To {cause to) come near, 3113 qarab, 5. Exodi4. 10 when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of 4. To become, yivofiai ginomai. John 6. 19 Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing n. 6. To draw nigh, iyyi^w eijgizo. Matt 15. 8 This people draweth nigh tmto me with 21. I when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem Luke IS 25 as he came and drew nigh to the house 21. 28 look .for your redemption draweth n. 22. 1 the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh 24. 28 they drew nigh unto the village whither Acts 7. 17 when the time of the promise drew nigh 10. 9 went on their journey, and drew nigh Heb. 7. 19 by the which we draw nigh unto God Jas. 4. 8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh 5. 8 for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh DRAW off,- to — To draw off, >]hv shalaph. Ruth 4. 8 Buy (it) for thee. So he drew off his shoe DRAW out, to — 1. To make long, lengthen, rnx arak, 5. 1 KL 8. 8 they drew out the staves, that the ends 2 Ch. 5. 9 And they drew out the staves (of the ark) Isa. 57. 4 make ye a wide mouth, (and) draw out 2. To draw up, nS-j dalah. Prov2o. s a man of understanding will draw it ont 3. To draw out, f'pn chalais. Lam. 4. 3 Even the sea monsters draw out the 4. To draw up or out, f|en chasaph. Hag. 2. 16 (one) came to the press fat for to draw o. 6.7*0 draw out, n^D nashaJi, 5. 2 Sa. 22. 17 he took me ; he drew me out of many Psa. 18. 16 he took me, he drew me out of many t.To draw out, "^^Vii mxishak. Exod 12. 21 Draw out and take you a Iamb according Job 41. I Canst thou draw out leviathan with an Psa. 85. s draw out thine anger to all generations? 7-70 draw about or along, ino saxhab. * Jer. 49. 2o least of the flock shall draw them out 50. 4S the least o£ the Bock shall draw them out 8. Tn cause to go out or forth, p?3 ptuj. Isa. 58. 10 (if) thou draw out thy soul to the hungry 9. Tn open, nns pathach. Psa. 37. 14 The wicked have drawn out the sword 10. Tb draw out, y)V\ ruq, 5. Lev. 26. 33 and will draw out a sword after you Psa. 35. 3 Draw out also the spear, and stop (the) Eze. s. 2, 12 and I willdrawoutasword after them 12. 14 and I will draw out the sword after them 11. To draw out, avrXeui antleO. John 2. 8 Draw out now, and bear unto the gover. 12. 7*0 draw, draw out or forth, o-iraw spaO. Acts 16. 27 he drew out hia sword, and would have DRAW on, to — To shine or dawn iipon, iviaepei). Acts 27. 27 we were driven up and down in Adria DEIVE, to let — To give over to be driven, iirtMSmni (pepe7v. Acts 27. IS bear up into the wind, we let (her) drive DEIVEU' — 1. To be driven or forced away, rn; nadach, 4. Isa. 8. 22 and (they shall be) driven to. darkness 2.T0 be driven or thrust away, ^ij nadaph, 2, Isa. 41. 2 gave (them)., as driven stubble to his bow DBIVEN, to he — . l.To thrust out or away, f]"irt kadapk. Job 18. 18 He shall be driven from light into dark: 2. To drive away, ina terad. Dan. 4. 33 he was driven from men, and did eat S. 21 he was driven from the sons of men 3. To be driven or forced away, nil nadach, 2. Deut. 4. 19 shouldest be driven to worship them' /er. 40. 12 out of all places whither they were driv. 43. s nations Whither they had been driven Eze. 34. 4 brought again that which was driven 34. 16 bring again that which was driven away 4. To be turned round about, 335 sabab, 2. Psa. 1 14. 3 sea saw (it), and fled : Jordan was driven 114. 5 thou Jordan, (that) thou wast driven 5. To be turned back, 3iD sug, 2. Psa. 40.14 let them be driven backward and put to 6. To drive, iKaivco elauno. Luke 8. 29 and was driven of the devil into the wil. Jas. 3. 4 Behold also the ships. .driven of fierce 7. To be borne or carried, ^epofiai pheromai. Acts 27. 17 f earing.. strake sail, and so were driven DEXVEN away, to be — l.To be thrust or driven away or down, nrf^dachah, 2. Prov 1 4. 32 The wicked is driven away iu his wicked. 2. To be driven or thrust away, r\-\^ nadaph, 2. Psa. 68. 2 As smoke is driven away., as wax melteth Isa. 19. 7 shall wither, be driven away, and be no 3. To be taken captive, n^j' shabah, 2. Exod22. 10 be hurt, or driven away, no man seeing DKTVEN forth, to he — To be cast out or driven away, una garash, 4. Job 30. 5 They were driven forth from among DEIVEN on, to be — : To be thrust or driven away or down, ni^rn dachah, 2. Jer. 23. 12 they shall be driven on, and fall therein DEIVEN oiiit, to bo — To be driven or forced away, rni nadach, 2. Deut 30. 4 If (any) of thine be driven out unto the Jer. 49. 5 shall be driven out every man right forth Mfc.' 4. 6 I will gather her that is driven out Zeph. 3. 19 I will, .gather her that was driven out DBIVEN quite, to be — To be driven or forced aicay, rrij nadach, 2. Job 6. 13 and is wisdom driven quite from me? DEIVEN to and fro — To be driven or thrnist away, Tii nadaph, 2. Job 13. 25 Wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro? DEIVEU — To exact, k'Jj nagas. Job 39. 7 neither regardeth he the crying of the d. DETVER of a chariot — Rider, charioteer, 2^ rakkab. 1 Ki. 22. 34 he said unto the driver of hia chariot DETTIKrG — Leading on, Jrrjp nvinhag. 2 Eli. g. 20 the driving is like the driving of Jehu DEIVING out — To (cause to) possess, dispossess, v-,", yarash, 5. Judg. 2. 23 left those nations, without driving.. out DE0ICED1E.Y — l.A young camel, dromedary, ■'n??, "133 heker, hik. Isa. ,60. 6 the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah Jer. 2. 23 (thou art) a swift dromedary traversing i.Swift beast, courser, e'st rekesh. I Ki 4. 28 straw for the horses and dromedaries Z.Mare, mule, %^-y rammak. Esth. 8. 10 riders on mules, camels, (and) young dio. DEOP — A drop, y? mnr. Isa. 40. 15 Behold the iLations (are) as a drop of a DEOP, to — l.To flow, f?T3 naml. Job 36. 28 Which the clouds do drop (and) distil 2. To drop, 103 nataph. Judg. s. 4 the heavens dropped, the clouds also dr.- Job 29. 22 they spake not again, and my speech dr. Psa. 68. 8 the heavens also dropped at the presence Prov. 5. 3 the lips of a strange woman drop (as) an Song 4. II Thy Ups,0 (my) spouse, drop (as) the hon. 5. S I rose up. .and my hands dropped (with) 3. To (cause to) drop, IBj nataph, 5. Eze. 20. 46 set thy face toward the south, and drop 21. 2 set thy face toward Jerusalem, aud drop Amos 7. 16 drop not (thy word) against the house of 9. 13 the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and 4.7*0 he poured out, tinj nathak, 2. 2 Sa. 21. 10 beginning of hai-vest until water dropped 5. To drop, be abundant, fpji araph. Deut. 32. 2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my 6.2*0 drop, distil, lin raaph. Psa. 65. II Thou crownest. .and thy paths drop fat. 63. 12 They drop (upon) the pastures of the wil. DEOF down, to — 1.2*0 drop, 1M nataph. Joel 3. 18 the mountains shall drop down new wine 2.2*0 drop, be abundant, f\ill araph. Deut33. 28 also his heavens shall drop down dew 3. 2*0 drop, distil, IJ)"] raaph. Prov. 3. 2o and the clouds drop down the dew 4. To (cause to) drop, distil, isrj raaph, 5. Isa. 4s. 8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, aud DEOP through, to — 2*0 drop, lV^ dalaph. Eccl.10. iS through idleness, .the house droppetb tb. DEOPPED — Flow, stream, 'nhn helek. I Sa.'i4. 26 when the people were come, .boney drop. DROPPING — l.Dropping, 'j^'j deleph. Prov 19. 13 contentions of a wife(are)a continual dr. 27. 15 A continual dropping in a very rainy day 2.2*0 drop, 1BJ nataph. Song 5. 13 his U;ps. .dropping s^eet smelling myrrh DEOPS — 1. Drops, D'^3« agalim. Job 38. 28'or who hath begotten the drops of dew? 2. Drop, tjoj nataph. Job 36. 27 Eor he maketh small the drops of water 3.Drop'ping, D"!?'?"] resisim. Song s- 2 (and) my locks vrith the drops of the night DEOPS, great — A clot, drop, BpSfiPos thromhos. Luke22. 44 [great drops of blood falling down to the] DROPSY, having the — Dropsical, full of water, {iSptairiKSs hudropikos, Luke 14. 2 a certaifi man . . which had the dropsy DROSS — 1 .Dross, KO sug. Eze. 22. 18 the house of Israel is to me become dross 2.Dross, i'p sig. Psa. 1 19. 119 Then puttest away all the wicked, .dross Prov.25. 4 Take away the dross from the silver, and 26. 23 a potsherd covered with silver dross Isa. I. 22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mix. • 1. 25 I will . . purely purge away thy dross, and Eze. 22. 18 all they (are) brass, .the dross of silver 22. ig Because ye are all become dross, behold DROITGHT — 1. Restraint, dearth, rriisz hitstsoreth. 3eT. 17. 8 and shall not be careful in the year of d. 2. Drought, waste, yin choreb. Gen. 31. 40 in the day the drought consumed me Jer. 50. 38 A drought (is) upon her waters, and they Hag. I. II And I called for a drought upon the land 3. Drought, I'lain charabon. Pea. 32, 4 is turned into the drought of sunmer i.Drought, ninyns tsachtsachoth. Isa. 58. iitheLoBDBhall..Batisfythysoi]lindroT]gh> S.Drought, n.'s tsiyyah. Job 24. 19 Drought and heat consume the snow w. Jer. 2. 6 through a land of drought, and of the G.Thirst, I'lN'SS tsimmaon. Deut. 8. 15 fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought DROUGHT, great — Droughts, ria^K^g taluhoth. Hos. 13. s know thee . .in the land of great drought DEOVE — I.Camp, njnn machaneh. Gen. 33. ' S What (meanest) then by all tUs drove DROWN 275 DUB 2. Drove, flotk, herd, order, liy eder. Geo. 33. j5 he delivered, .every drove by themselves 32. 16 and put a space betHTxt drove and drove 32. 19 and all that (oUowid the droves DROWH, to — 1. To overflow, wash away, '\p^ shMaph. Song 8. 7 neither can the floods drown It 2. To make to sink, $o6i(a> bothizo. J Tl. 6. 9 drowTi men in destruction and perdition 8. To drink down, swallow up, KaraTrivo) katapind. Heb. II. 29 Egyptians assaying to do wera drowned DEOWKED, to be — l.To be sunk, yjip laba, 4. Exod 15. 4 captains also are drowned In the Red eea 2. To be watered, to sink, ypy*, 2, or nfj^ shaqah, 2. Amos 8. 8 it shall be cast out and drowned, as (by) Z.Tn si.nk, water, yt}!^ shaqa. Amos 9. 5 shall be drowned, as (by) the flood of E. 4, To be made to sink dovm, KaTairovrl^o/iai. Matt 18. 6 he were drowned in the depth ot the sea DROWSINESS — Slumber, drowsiness, nsiJ numah. Prov.23. 21 drowsiness shall clothe (a man) with rags DBTJNK — Satiated, merry, -WTXf shikkur. J Ki. 16. 9 drinking himself drunk In the house of 2o. 16 drinking himselt drunk in the pavilions DRTOK, to bo — l.To be drunk, nnf shathah, 2. Lev. II. 34 and all drink that may be drunk In every 2.7*0 begin to be softened, ixeSiaKot methusko. Eph. 5. 18 be not drunk with wine, wherein iaexcess DRIINK, to be made — 1.2*0 be filled, satisfied, ni-] ravah. Jer. 46. 10 be satiate and made drunk with their 2. To be softened {ivith drink), fiiSvw metkuo. Rev. 17. 2 have been made drunk with the wine of DRUNK, to make — 1. To satiate, make merry, -a^ shakar, 3. s Sa. II. 13 he made him dnink : and at even he Isa. 63. 6 make them drunk in my fury, and I will 2. To satiate, make merry, IS^i shakar, 5. Deut32. 42 I will make mine arrows drunk with bl. Jer. 51. 57 I will make drunk her princes, and her SETTNK, to have well — To be softened with drink, ftfOiu methuo. John 2. 10 when men have well drunk, then that DRTTNKARD — 1.7*0 suck up, be satiated, R59 saba. Deut2i. 2o This our son (is), a glutton and a dmn. Prov.23. 21 drunkard and the glutton shall come to Nah. I 10 while they are drunken (as) drunkards ^Satiated, merry, ■nap shikkur. Prov.26. 9 thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunk. Isa. 24. 30 earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard 28. I Woe to the crown . . to the drunkards of E. a8. 3 the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trod. Joel. X. s Awake, ye drunkards, and weep ; and 3. To drink sweet drink, ipg* nn^ shathah shekar. Psa. 69. 12 and 1 (Tvas) the song of the drunkards 4. Softened with drink, fi.eBu4i;unkard3 ^.Satiated, merry, lis?" shikkur. ^ 1 Sa. 1. 13 therefore Eli thought she had been dmn. 25. 36 merry within him, for he (was) very drun. Job 12. 25 maketh them to stagger Uke (a) drunken Isa. 19. 14 err. .asadrunken (man) staggerethjin his Jer. 23. 9 I am like a drunken man, and like a man 8.3*0 be satiated, merry, -09 shakar. Isa. SI. 2i"hearnow this, thou aflBicted, and drunken 4. 7*0 be softened, soaked with drink, fiedvta methu6. Matt 24. 49 and to eat and drink with the drunken Acts 2. 15 For these are not drunken as ye suppose J Co.ij.2i and one is hungry, and another is drunken I Th. 5. 7 and they that, .are drunken in the night Rev. 17. 61 saw the woman drunken with the blood DEUNKKN, be — Satiety, m^riment, 1^13?' shikkaron. Eze. 39. 19 and drink blood till ye be drunken, ot DRUNKEN, to be — 1.7*0 6e satiated, merry, 1J^ shakar. Gen. 9. 21 And he drank of the wine, and was dru. Isa. 29 9 they are drunken, but not with wine ; they 49. 26 they shall be drunken with their own bl. Jer. 25. 27 be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise Lara. 4. 21 Shalt be drunken, and shaltmake thyself Nah. 3. II Thou also shalt be drunken ; thou shall 2. To be {shoto self) drunken, merry, ipv* shakar, 7. X Sa. I. 14 How long wUi thou be drunken ? put 3. 7*0 begin to be softened, fiedvuKoi m^thuskd. Lukei2. 45 and to eat and drink, and to be drunken I Th. 5. 7 and they that be drunken, in the night DRUNKEN, to maie — 1.7*0 b« filled, satisfied, ."in ravah, 5. Lam. 3. 15 he hath made me drunien with wonnw. 2. T'o satiate, make merry, •0» shakar, 3. Jer. 51. 7 cup., that made all the earth drunken Hab. 2. 1 5 and makest (him) drunken also, that thou 3. 7*0 satiate^ Tnake merry, -a^ shakar, 5. Jer. 48. 26 Make ye him drunken ; for he magnified 51. 39 I will make them drunken, that they may DRUNKEN man — Satiated, merry, ni3K' shikkur. Psa. 107. 27 They reel . . and stagger like a drunken m. DRUNKENNESS — 1. Fulness, satiety, n^raveh. Deut29. 19 though t walk, to add drunkonneas to 2.Satieiy, merriment, Jin^i? shiklcaron. Jer. 13. 13 I will All all. Jerusalem, with drunken. Eze 23. 33 Thou shalt bo filled with drunkenness Z.Drinking, carousing, 'nij; shethi. Ecnl. lo. 17 eat. .for strength, and not. .drunkemjessl i.Drink, mulled drink, /xfO-q tnetlie. Lukeai. 34 overcharged with surfeiting, and drunk. Rom 13. 13 Let us walk, .not in rioting and drunken. Gal. 5. 21 drunkenness, revellings, and such like DRU-SIL'LA, ApouaiWcc A daughter of Herod Agrippa I. She became wife of Felix governor ot Judea. Acts 24. 24 when Felix came with his wife D. DRY — l.Dry, airj chareb. Lev. 7. 10 meat offering ningled with oil, and dry Prov.17 I Better (is) a dry morsel, and quietness 2. Dry, drought, nnn choreb. •'^udg. 6. 37 and (it be) dry upon all the earth (beside) 6. 39 let it now be dry only upon the fleece 6. 40 for it was dry upon the fleece only -'?. A dry place, njiri charabah. Eze. 30. 12 I vrtU make the rivers dry, and sell the 4. D-ry, dried up, vrithered, VJ', yabesh. Job 13. 25 and wilt thou pursue the dry stubble? Isa. 56. 3 neither let the eunuch say. .1 (am) a dry Eze. 17. 24 and have made the dry tree to flourish 2o. 47 and it shall devour every .. dry tree in 37. 2 very many, .and, lo, (they were) very dry 37. 4 O ye dry bones, hear the word of the L. Nah. 1. 10 shall be devoured as stubble fully dry 5.i4 dry place, n^j; yabbashah. Gen. I. 9 let the dry (land) appear : and'it was so t. 10 And God called the dry (land) Earth Exod. 4. 9 it upon the dry (land), .blood upon the 14. 16 the chOdren of Israel shall go on dry 14. 22 children of Israel went, .upon the dry 14. 29 the children of Israel walked upon dry 13. ig but the children of Israel went on dry Psa. 66. 6 He turned the sea into dry (land) Jon. I. 9 which hath made the sea and the dry 2. 10 and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry Q.A dry place, na^; yabbesheth. Exod. 4. 9 shall become blood upon the dry fland) Psa. 95. 5 and his hands formed the dry (land) T.Clear, shining, n^ tsach. Jer. 4. 1 1 A dry wind of the high places in the wiL S.A dry place, glowing, burning, ."i.-v tsiyyah. Psa. 63. I my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and 107. 35 He tumeth. .dry ground, .water-springs Isa. 41. 18 I will make, .the dry land springs of 53. 2 grow up .. as a root out of a dry ground Jer. 51. 43 Her cities are a desolation, a dry land Eze. 19. 13 planted, .in a dry and thirsty ground Hos. 2. 3 Lest I . . set her like a dry laud, and slay Zeph. 2. 13 win make Nineveh .dry like a wilderness 9. 2*0 be dry, dried up, pressed, pn;; tsamaq. Hos. 9. 14 give them a miscarrying womb and dry 10. Waterless, without water, iuvSpos anudros. Matt 12. 43 he walketh through dry places, seeking Lukeii. 24 he walketh through dry places, seeking 11. Dry, withered, i,-npis xeros. I Luke23. 3 1 in a green., what shall be done in Hie dry t DRY, to — To dry up, wither, d?; yabesh, 3. Prov 17. 22 but a broken spirit drietb the bonea DRY, to be — 1. 7*0 6e dry, a-irj chareb. Gen. 8. 13 behold, the face of the ground was dry Isa. 44. 27 That saith to the deep. Be dry, and I will 2. 7*0 be or become dry, withered, vy, yabesh. Josh. 9. s all the bread of their provision was dry 9. 12 now, behold, it is dry, and it is mouldy DRY, to become — 7*0 he dried up, ashM,med, ^3 bosh. Hos. 13. 13 and his sprlog shall become dry, and bis DRY, peloid — l.vt dry place, n;i";ri cimraljah. Josh. 3. 17 the priests .stood firm on dry ground In 3. 17 the Itraelltes passed over on dry ground 2 Ki. 2. 8 so that they two went over on dry ground 2. A dry 2^1 J ce, ^V7'. yabhasha.h. Isa. 44. 3 I will poor, .floods upon the dry ground Z.A thirsty place, pcoy tsimmaon. Psa 107. 33 He tumeth .water-springs Into itf gxo. DRY land — l.A dry place, .i^'in charahah. Gen. 7. 22 of all that (was) in the dry (land), died E.xodi4. 21 and made the sea dry (land), and the Josh. 4. j8 priests' feet were lifteaup \mtothe dryl. Hag. 2. 6 I will shake the heavens, .and the dry (1.) 2. A dry place, ri^y. yabbashah. Josh. 4. 22 Israel came over this Jordan on dryland Neh. 9. 1 1 went through . . the sea on the dry land 3. A clear, shining place, '^l^'^¥ tsechiehah. Psa. 68. 6 but the rebellions dwell in a dry (land) 4 A dry place, glowing, bwrning, ^')! tsiyyah. Jer. 50. 1 2 nations (shall be) a wilderness, a dry land 5 Dry, witliered, ^ripSs x^ros. Heb. II. 29 passed tlirough the Red sea as Ijy dry ) DRY, to make — 1.7*0 tiry up, vnther, tyq; yabesh, 3. Nah. I. 4 He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it Ar$ 2.7*r caujie to dry up, dz\ yabesh, 5. Jer. 51 36 dry up her sea, and make her springs dr» DRY place — l.A dry place, glowing, burning, j'l'V tsayon. Isa 23. 5 33 the heat in a dry place ; (even) the 32. J as rivers of water in a dry place ; as tha 2.A dry place, glowing, burning, n;s tsiyyah.^ Psa. 105. 41 thej ran in the dry places (like) a tire* DRY BcaU — Scall, scurf, scab, inange, pnj netheq. Lev 13. 30 it (is) a dry scali, (even) a leprosy apoD DRY up, to — 1.7*0 dry up, ym ch/irab, 5. 2 Ki. ig. 24 with the sole of my feet have 1 dried up Isa. 37 25 with the sole of my feet have I dried uj, 50. 2 at my rebuke 1 dry up the sea, I make Jer. 51. 36 will dry up her sea, and make her springs Nah. I. 4 rebuketh the sea. . drieth up all the river* 2.7*0 be or become dry, witliered, ejq; yabesh. I Ki. 1 3. 4 his hand, which he put forth . . dried up 17. 7 after a while, that the brook dried up Job 12. 15 withholdelh the waters, and they dry up 14. n and the flood decayeth and drieth up 3.7*0 dry v.p, wither, ts"?; yabesh, 3. Job 13. 30 the flame shall dry up his branches ; and 4.7*0 {cause to) dry, 'up, eJ?; yabesh, 5. Josh. 2. 10 how th6 Lord dried up the water of the 4. 23 the Lord j'oui; God dried up the waters 4. 23 which he dried up from before us, until 3. 1 that the Lord had dried up the waters of Psa. 74. IS thou driedst up mighty rivers Isa. 42 13 I will, dry up aU their herbs 42. 15 make the rivers islands, and I wUl dry up 44. 27 That saith . 1 will dry up thy rivers Eze. 17. 24 have dried up the green tree, and have 19. 12 and the east wind dried up her fruit Zech lo. 1 1 all the deeps of the river shall dry up 5. 7*0 dry up, ^ripalvta oxraiTW. Mark 5. 29 the fountain of her blood was dried Op 1 1. 2D saw the fig tree dried up from the rodts Rev. i5. 12 the water thereof was dried up, that ttw DRY shod — With shoes, sandals, D''?S33 bannealim. Isa. II. IS and shall, .make (men) go over dry-shod DUE — 1. Thing, matter, -g^ dabar. Neh. 11. 23 a certain portion . .due for every day 2.Statute, portion, limit, p'n choq. Lev. 10. 13 it (is) thy due, and thy sons' due, of the 10. 14 (they be) thy due, and thy sons' due ^.Judgment, o^PP mishpat. DeutiS. 3 shall be the priesfs due from the peoide 4. Wh/it is due, a debt, o^xiKv opheili. Rom 13. 7 Render therefore to all their dues 5.0tOTi, proper, ISios idios. GaL 6. 9 in due season we shall reap, If we faint I TL 2. 6 ransom for all, to be testified in due time Titus I. 3 hath in due times manifested lua word 6. 7*0 awe, he due, hi7' Num. 5. 23- Deut. 9. 28. .32. Josh. 7. 1 Sa. 2. 2 Sa. j6. 22. 1 Ki. 16. 18. 20. 2 Ki. 13. 23- jCh. I. Job 2. 4 5- 7- 7- 10. 14. 16. •7- 20 Psa. 27 28. 30 34- 38. 39- 40 42. 7 18. 22. 22. 30. 44. 72- 78 102. 103, 104. 113. 119. I*rov. 8. Eccl. 3. 32. Isa. 2, 2S- 26. 26. 29. 29. 34- 34- 40. 4»- 47 49 = 2 65. Lam Eze 3- . 24. 26, 26 =7 Dan. J2. Amos 2. Mic. 1 7 Hab I /eph. I. Zech. 9. 16 Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust 17 smote the dust of the earth, and it became 17 all the dust of the land became lice 41 they shall pour out the dust that they 13 potir out the blood, .and cover it with d. 17 and of the dust that is in the floor of the JO Who can count the dust of Jacob, and 21 was as small as dust- and I cast the d. 24 the rain of thy land powder and dust 24 with the poison of serpents of the dust 6 and the elders . . put dust upon their heads 8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust 13 and threw stones at him, and cast dust 43 Then did 1 beat them as small as the du. 2 as I exalted thee out of the dust, and 38 fire fell, and consumed the dust, and 10 if the dust of Samaria shall .suffice for 7 had made them Uke the dust by threshing 12 cast the dust of them unto the brook 9 king over a people like the dust of the 12 they sprinkled dust upon their heads 19 whose foundation (is^in the dust, (which) 6 affliction cometh not forth of the dust 5 is clothed with worms and clods of dust 21 for now shall I sleep in the dust ; and 9 and wilt thou bring me into dust again f 19 things which grow (out) of the dust of 15 1 have, deflled my horn in the dust 16 when (our) rest together (is) in the dust 11 His bones shall lie down.. in the dust 26 They shall lie down .alike in the dust 24 Then shalt thou lay np fold as dust 16 Though he heap up silver as the dust 6 The stones of it .hath dust of gold 19 and I am become Uke dust and ashes IS and man shall turn again unto dust 38 When the dust groweth into hardness 14 her eggs and warmeth them in dust 13 Hide them in the dust together; (and) 6 I abhor (myself), and repent in dust and 5 Let the enemy . . lay mine honour in the d 42 Then did I beat them small as the dust 15 thou hast brought me into the dust of 29 all they that go down to the dust shall 9 Shall the dust praise thee ? shall it declare 2s For our soul is bowed down to the dust 9 and his enemies shall lick the dust 27 He rained flesh also upon them as dust 14 For thy servants .favour the dust thereof 14 For he . . remembereth that we (are) dust 29 they die, and return to their dust .7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust 25 My soul cleaveth unto the dust ,■ quicken 26 nor the highest part of the dust of the 20 all are of the dust, and all turn to dust 7 shall the dust return to the earth as it 10 hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD 1 2 (and) bring to the ground, (even) to the d. 5 ground . he bringcth it (even) to the du. i5 Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust 4 thy speeeh shall be low out of the 4 thy sfveech shall wTiisper out of the dust 7 and their dust made tat with fatness 9 the dust thereof into brimstone, and tlie 12 comprehended the dust of the earth in 2 he gave (them) as the dust to his sword 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, virgin 23 they shall . lick up the dust of thy feet 2 Shake thyself from the dust ; arise, (and) 25 and dust (shall be) the serpent's meat 10 they have cast up dust upon their heads 29 He putteth his mouth in the dust; if so 7 she poured it not .to cover it with dust 4 I Mill also scrape her dust from her, and 12 they shall lay. .thy dust in the nudst of 30 and shall cast up dust upon their heads.. 2 many of them that sleep in the dust of 7 That pant after the dust of the earth on 10 in the house of Aphrah roll .In the dust 17 They shall lick the dust like a serpent 10 for they shall heap dust, and take it 17 their blood shall be poured out as dust 3 Tyrus. .heaped up sUver as the dust 3. Du.'il, KoviopTis koniortos., 14 v/hen ye depart shake off the dust of Luke 9. 5 shake ofi' the very dust from your feet 10. n Even the very dust of your city, which Acts 13. 51 they shook off the dust of their feet 22. 23 And as they cried out. .and threw dust i.Clay, earth, x'^"^ choos. Mark 6. 11 shake off the dust under your feet for a Rev. 18. 19 they cast dust on their heads, and cried DUST, to make — To beat small, thin, ppi daqaq, 5. 2 Ch.34. 4 he brake in pieces, and made dust (of DUST, small — X.Dust {pounded small), pjN abaq. Exod. 9. 9 it shall become small dust in all the land 2. Small, thin, or fine dust, pnp shachaq. Isa. 40. 15 are counted as the small dust of the bal. DUTY — Matter, 151 dabar. 2 Ch 8. 14 to praise .as the duty of every day requ. Ezra 3 4 according . .as the duty of every day req. DUTY 277 DWELL Paa. Isa. Jet. X)VTY, to be one's — To owe, be due, derlast. 43. s returned, .to dwell in the land of Judah 44. 8 whither ye be gone to dwell, that ye 49. 18 neither shall a son of man dwell in it 49. 33 nor (any) son of man dwell in it so. 40 neither shall any son of man dwell there. 2.T0 dwell. 111 dur. Psa. 84. 10 than to dwell in the tents of wickedness 3. To dwell, IP dur. Dan. 2. 38 And wheresoever the children of men d. 4. I unto all people, . .that dwell in all the 4. 12 the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the 4. 21 under which the beasts of the field dwelt 6. 25 all people, .that dwell in all the earth 4.7*0 camp, njn clmnah. Isa, 29. I to Ariel, the city (where) David dwelt! S.Tb sit down or still, a?*; yashah. Gen. 4. 16 Cain went out. .and dwelt in the land of 4. 20 tlio father of such as dwell in.tents II. 2 tliey found a plain . . and they dwelt there II. 31 they came unto Haran, and dwelt there 13. 6 that they might dwell together 13. 6 so that they could not dwell together 13. 7 the Canaanite and the Perezite dwelt 13. 12 Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan 13. 12 Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain- 13. 18 came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre 14. 7 also the Amorites, that dwelt in HazezoD. 14. 12 And they took Lot. .who dwelt in Sodom 16. 3 after Abram had dwelt ten years in the 19. 29 overthrew the cities in the which Lot d. 19. 30 Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the 19. 30 feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt 20. I and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur so. 15 Abimelech said, .dwell where it pleaseth 21. 20 and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness 21. 21 And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran 22. 19 and Abraham dwelt at Beer-sheba 23. 10 Ephron dwelt among the children of H. 24. 3 of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell 24. 37 of the Canaanites, in whoso land I dwell 24. 62 And Isaac . . dwelt in the south country 25. II and Isaac dwelt by the weU Lahai-roi 26. 6 And Isaac dwelt in Gerar 26. 17 in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there 34 10 ye shall dwell with us . . dwell and trade 34. 16 we will dwell with you, and we will 34. 21 let them dwell in the land, and trade 34. 22 men consent unto us for to dwell with tw 34. 23 consent unto them, and they will dwell 35. I Arise, go up to Beth-el, and dwell there 36. 7 more than that they might dwell togeth. 36. 8 Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir : Esau 37. I Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his 38. II Tamarwent and dwelt in her father's 45. 10 thou Shalt dv/ell in the land of Goshen 46. 34 that ye may dwell in the land of Goshen 47. 4 thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen 47. 6 make thy father and brethren to dwell 47. 6 in the land of Goshen let them dwell 47. 27 Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the 50. 22 dwelt in Egypt, he and his father's house Exod. 2. 15 Moses fled . .and dwelt in the land of M. 2. 21 Moses was content to dwell with the J 2. 40 the children of Israel, who dwelt in Eg. 13. 17 thou hast made for thee to dwell in 23. 33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest Lev. 13. 46 he (is) unclean : he shall dwell alone 18. 3 the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt 20. 22 land, whither I bring you to dwell 23. 42 Ye shall dwell in booths seven days 23. 42 Israelites born shall dwell in booths 25. 18 and ye shall dwell in the land in safety 25. 19 eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety 26. 5 and ye shall . . dwell in your land safely 26. 32 your enemies which dwell therein shall 26. 35 it did not rest, .when ye dwelt upon it Kuiai3. 18 and the people that dwelleth therein 13. 19 And what the land (is) that they dwell 13. 19 what cities (they be) that they dwell in 13. 28 people (be) strong that dwell in the land 13. 29 Amalelates dwell in the land of the • - 13. 29 and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains 13. 29 the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by 14. 25.and the Canaanites dwelt in the valley 14. 45 the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill so. 15 and we have dwelt in Egypt a long time 1 the Canaanite, wliich dwelt in the south Num2i. 25 dwelt in aU the cities of the Amorites 21. 31 Lsrael dwelt in the land of the Amorites 21. 34 king of tlie Amorites, which dwelt at H. 32. 17 our little ones shall dwell in the fenced 32. 40 gave Gilead unto Machir. .he dwelt 33. 40 Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the 33. 53 dispossess, .the land, and dwell therein 33. 55 vex you in the land wherein ye dwell 35. 2 give unto the Levites. .cities to dwell In 33. 3 the cities shall they have to dwell in 33- 32 should come again to dwell in the land Dent. 1. 4 king of the Amorites, which dwelt in I. 4 the king of Bashau, which dwelt at Ast. 1. 6 Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount 1. 44 the Amorites, which dwelt in that moun. 2. 4 the cliildren of Esau, which dwell in Se. 2. 8, 22 children of Esau, which dwelt in Seir 2. 10 The Emims dwelt therein in times past 2. 12 The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime 2. 12 succeeded them, .and dwelt in their 2. 20 giants dwelt' therein in old time 2. 21, 22 succeeded them, and dwelt in their 2. 23 the.Avims which dwelt in Hazcrim s. 23 destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead 2. 29 dwell in Seir, and the Moabites which d. 3. 2 king of the Amorites, which dwelt at H. 4. 46 king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Hes. 8. 12 built goodly houses, and dwelt (therein) II. 30 which dwell in the champaign over 11. 31 and ye shall possess it, and dwell therein 12. 10 dwell in the land which the Lord your 12. 10 giveth you rest, .that ye dwell in safety 12. 29 succeedest them, and dwellest in their 13. 12 thy God hath given thee to dwell there 17. 14 Shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein 19. I dwellest in their cities, and in their 23. 16 He shall dwell with thee, (even) among 23. 5 If brethren dweU together, and one of 26. I and possessest it, and dwellest therein 28. 30 and thou shalt not dwell therein 29. 16 how we have dwelt in the land of Egypt 30. 20 that thou mayest dwell in the land Josh. 2. 15 and she dwelt upon the wall c. 6. 23 she dwelleth in Israel (even) unto this 7-. 7 been content and dwelt on the other side 9. 7 Peradventure ye dwell among us ; and 9. 16 they heard, .(that) they dwelt among 9. 22 very far from-you ; when ye dwell among 10. 6 kings of the Amorites that dwell in the 12. 2 king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Hes. 12. 4 that dwell at Ashtaroth and at Edrei 13. 13 Maachathites dwell among the Israelites 13. 21 dukes of Sihon, dwelling in the country 14. 4 save cities to dwell (in), with their subu. 15. 63 the Jebusites dwell with the chJdren 16. 10 the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer 16. 10 Canaanites dwell among the Ephraimites 17. 12 the Canaanites would dwell in that land 17. 16 the Canaanites that dwell in the land of 19. 47 possessed it, and dwelt therein, and 19. 50 and he built the city, and dwelt therein 20. 4 give him a place, that he may dwell 20. 6 he shall dwell in that city, until he stand ¥1. B to give us cities to dwell in, with the Bi. 43 and they possessed it, and dwelt therein 02. 33 the land wherein the children of. .Gad d. 24. 2 Your fathers dwelt on the other side of 24. 7 and ye dwelt in the wilderness a long 24. 8 which dwelt on the other side Jordan 24. 13 cities which ye built not, and ye dwell •24. 15 of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell 24. 18 the Amorites which dwelt in the land Jadg. I. 9 to fight against the Canaanites, that dwelt 1. 10 against tihe Canaanites that dwelt in Heb. 1. 16 and they went and dv/elt among the peo. I. 21 the Jebusites dwell with, the children of I. 27 the Canaanites would dwell in that land 1. 29 the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among I. 30 the Canaanites dwelt among them, an4 I.- 32 the Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites I. 33 but he dwelt among the Canaanites 1. 33 the Amorites would dwell in mount Heres 3. 3 the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon 3. s.the children of Israel dwelt among the 0. 4. 2 which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles 4. 5 she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah 6. lo gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye d. 8. 29 the son of Joash. .dwelt in his own house 9, 21 Jotham. . went to Beer, and dwelt there 9. 41 And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah 9. 41 that they should not dwell in Shechem to. I he dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim 11. 3 Then Jephthah fled. . and dwelt in the 11. 26 Wlule Israel dwelt in Heshbon and her 15. 8 he went down and dwelt in the top of the 17. 10 DweU with me, and be unto me a father 17. II the Levite was content to dwell with the 18. 1 Danites sought them an inheritance to d. i8. 7 the five men . .saw. .how they dwelt care. 18. 28 And they built a city, and dwelt therein 21. 23 they, .repaired the cities, .and dwelt In Ruth I. 4 they dwelt there about ten years 2. 23 So she. .dwelt with her mother-in-law I Sa. 4. 4 of the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth 12. II enemies on every side, and ye dwelled 19. 18 And he and Samuel went and dwelt in 22. 4 and they dwelt \rith him all the while 23. 29 And David . . dwelt in strong holds at En. 27. 3 And David dwelt vrith Achlsh at Gath 27. s some toivu in the country, that I may dw. 27. s why should thy servant dwell in the royal 37. 7 the time that David dwelt la the country I Sa. 27. I J ,'ill the M'hile he dwelleth in the country 31. 7 the Philistines came and dwelt in tlic-m aSa. 2. 3 and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron 5. 9 David dwelt in the fort, and called it. The 6. 2 name of The Lof.D.of hosts, that dwelleth 7. 2 See now, I dwell in an house of cedar, but 7. 2 the ark of God dwelleth within curtains 7. 5 Shalt thou build me an house, .to dwell 7. 6 I have not dwelt in (any) house since the 9. 13 So Mephiboshcth dwelt in Jci-usalem ; for 14. 23 .So Absalom dwelt tv/o full years in Jeru. s Ki. 2. 36 Build thee an house, .and dwell there 2. 38 And Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem many ds. 3. 17 I and tlijs woman dwell in one house 4. 2s And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every 7. 8 And his house where he dwelt (had) ano. 8. 27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth » \g. 16 Pliaraoh.. had.. slain the Canaanites that 11. 24 they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein 12. 2 fled . . and Jeroboam dwelt in Egypt 12. 17 the cliildren of Israel which dwelt in the 12. 25 Jeroboam built Shechem. .and dwelt 73. II Now there dwelt an old prophet in Beth. 13. 23 in the city where the old prophet dwelt 15. iB the son of Hezion. .that dwelt at Damas. 13. 21 he left off building, .and dwelt in Tirzah 17. 3 he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith 17. 9 get thee to Zarcphath. .and dwell there a Kt 4. 13 she answered, 1 dwell among mine own 6. I the place where we dwell with thee is too 6. 2 make ns a place the're, where we may dw. 13. 5 the children of Israel dwelt in their tents 13. 5 so that he was a leper, .and dwelt In a 16. 6 the Syrians . . dwelt there unto this day ^^ 17. 24 they possessed Samaria, and dwelt In the 17. 27 let them go and dwell there, and let him 17. 28 one of the priests. ..came and dwelt In B. 17. 29 every nation in.. cities, .wherein they d, 19. 13 Lord God of Israel, which dwellest 19. 36 So Sennacherib king of Assyiia.. dwelt at 22. 14 she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college 25. 24 dwell in the land, and serve the king of B. I Ch. 2. 35 the families of the scribes which dwelt at 4. 23 those thatdwelt among plants and hedges 4. 23 there they dwelt witii the king for his 4. 28 And they dwelt at Beer-sheba, and Mol. 4. 40 for (they) of Ham had dwelt there of old 4. 41 these written by name, .dwelt in their 4. 43 they smote the rest, .and dwelt there unto 5. 8 the son of Joel, who dwelt in Arocr 5. 10 tliey d«elt in their tents throughout all 5. II And the children of Gad dwelt over aga. S. 16 And they dwelt in Gilead in Basban S. 22 And they dwelt in their steads until the 5. 23 the children of the half tribe, .dwelt in 7. 29 In these dwelt the children of Joseph the 8. 28 These (were) heads. .These dweltin Jeru. 8. 29 And at Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon 8. 32 And these also dwelt with their brethren 9. 3 in Jerusalem dwelt of the children of Ju. 9. 16 the son of Elkanah, that dwelt in the vil. 9. 34 These chief fathers of the Levites. .dwelt 9. 35 And in Gibeon dwelt the fatherof Gibeon g. 38 they also dwelt ivith their brethren at J. 10. 7 the Philistines came and dwelt in them 11. 7 David dwelt in the castle.; therefore they 13. 6 the ark of God the Lord, that dwelleth 17. 1 I dwell in an house of cedars, but the arlj 17. 4 Thou shalt not build me an house to dw. 17. 5 I have not dweltin anhou.se6ince the day a Ch. 2. 3 to build him an house to dwell therein 6. i3 will God in very deed dwell with men 8. II My wife shall not dwell in the house of 10. 17 the children of Israel that dwell in the II. 5 Eehoboam dwelt in Jerusalem, dnd 2 to Benhadad king of Syria, that dwelt at 4 Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusalem; and ho 10 of your brethren that dwell in their cities 8 they dwelt therein, and have built thee 7 against the Arabiana that dwelt in Gur 21 the king was a leper, .and dwelt in a 18 had invaded the cities.. and they dwelt 23 the strangers, .that dwelt in JudaU 4 he commanded the people that dwelt In 6 the children of Israel, .that dwelt in the 22 she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college 70 and the Nethinims, dwelt in their cities 26 Moreover the Sethiniras dwelt in Ophel 12 when the Jews which dwelt by them cam© 73 the Nethinims, and all Israel, dwelt in 14 the children of Israel should dwell in . 1 And the rulers of the people dwelt at J. 1 to biin" one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem 2 willingly offered themselves to dwell at 3 the chief of the province that dwelt in J. 3 in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in 4 at Jerusalem dwelt (certain) of the child. 6 All the sons of Perez tliat dv/elt at Jeru. 21 But the Netliinims dwelt in Ophel 25 the children of Judah dwelt at Kirjath. 16 There dwelt men of Tyre also therein 19 the Jews, .that dwelt in the unwalled 8 and the honourable man dwelt in it 11 Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelletb 6 I will dwell in the house of the Lord for 1 the world, and they that dwell therein 4 that I may dwell in the house of the L. 8 They^also that dwell in the uttermost 10 Thy congregation hath dwelt therein 16 the hill (which) God desireth to dwell in 25 (and) let none dwell in their tents 33 that they may dwejl there, 'and have it 16. 19. 19. 20. 26. 26. 28. 30- 31- 31- Ezra 2. Neh. 3. 4- 7- 8. II. II. II. II. II. II. 11. II. II. 13- Esth, g. Job 22. Psa. 9. 23. 24. 27. 6s. 68. 68! 69. 69. DWELL 278 DWELL VtA. 80. 1 thou that dwellest (between) the cherub. 84. 4 Blessed (are) they that dwell in thy house 91. 2 He that dwelleth in the secret place of 98. 7 the world, and they that dwell therein loi. 6 the faithful .. that they may dwell with loi 7 He that worketh deceit shall not dwell 107. 34 for the wickedness of them that dwell 113. s the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high 123. I O thou that dwellest in the heavens 132. 14 here will I dwell; for I have desired it 133. I how pleasant (it is) for brethren to dweH 140. 13 the upright shall dwell in thy presence Frov. 3. 29 seeing he dwelleth securely by thee 21. 9 (It is) better to dwell in a corner of the 21. 19 (It is) better to dwell in the wilderness 2S. 24 (It is) better to dwell in the corner of the Sons 8. 13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the Isa. 6, s I dwell in the midst of a people of g. 2 they that dwell in the land of the shadow 10. 24 O my people that dwellest in Zion, be 23. 18 merchandise shall be for them that dwell 24. 6 they that dwell therein are desolate x6. s he b^ingeth down them that dwell on 30. 19 the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusa. 32. 18 And my people shall dwell in a peaceable 33. 24 the people that dwell therein (shall be) 37. 16 O Lord of hosts . . that dwellest (between) 37. 37 So Sennacherib king of Assyria, .dwelt at 40. 22 spreadeth thera out as a tent to dwell in 47. 8 Therefoi^ hear now this, .that dwellest 49. 20 give place to me that I may dwell 51. 6 they that dwell therein shall die in like 58. 12 The restorer of paths to dwell in Jer. 2. 6 through a land, .where no man dwelt? 4. 29 every city .. forsaken, and not a man dwell 8. 16 the city, and those that dwell therein 9. 26 and all. .that dwell in the wilderness 12. 4 for the wickedness of them that dwell so. 6 all that dwell in thine house, shall go 23. 8 and they shall dwell in their own land 24. 8 and them that dwell in the land of Egypt as- 5 dwell in the land that the Lord hath 27. II and they shall till it, and dwell therein ag. 5, 28 Build ye houses, and dwell (in thera) 29. 16 of all the people that dwelleth in this city eg. 32 he shall not have a man to dwell among 31. 24 there shall dwell in Judah itself, and in 33. 7 but all your days ye shall dwell in tents 35. 10 we have dwelt in tents, and have obeyed 35. 9 Nor to build houses for us to dwell in 35. ii for fear of the army, .so we dwell at Jer. 35. 15 ye shall dwell in the land which I have 39. 14 Even they sent, .so he dwelt among the 40. 5 dwell with him among the people, orgo 40. 6 dwelt with him among the people that 40. 9 dwell in the laud, and serve the king of 40. 10 As for me, behold, I will dwell at Mizpall 49. 10 dwell in your cities that ye have taken 41. J7 and dwelt in the habitation of Chimham 42. 13 But if ye say. We will not dwell in this 42. 14 but we will go . .and there will we dwell 43. 4 obeyed not the voice, to dwell in the 1. 44. I all the Jews which dwell in the land of 44. I which dwell at Migdol, and Taphanhes 44. 2 desolation, and no man dwelleth therein 44. 13 I will punish them that dwell in the land 44. 14 they have a desire to return to dwell 44. 15 even all the people that dwelt in the land 44. 26 all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt 47. 2 the city, and them that dwell therein 48. 9 shall be desolate, without any to dwell 48. 28 ye that dwell in Moab, leave the cities 49. I why (then) doth, .his people dwell in his 49. 8 turn back, dwell deep, inhabitants of 49. 30 dwell deep, j^e inhabitants of Hazor 49. 31 the wealthy nation, that dwelleth without 50. 3 none shall dwell therein : they shall 50. 39 the v/ild beasts of the islands shall dwell 50. 39 the owls shall dwell therein ; and it shall 51. I against them that dwell in the midst of 51. 43 a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither Lam. I. 3 she dwelleth among the heathen, she 4. 21 daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the 'Sze. 2. 6 and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be 3. 15 that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and 7. 7 thou that dwellest in the land : the (2. 2 thou dwellest in the midst qf a rebellious 12. 19 violence of all them that dwell therein 16. 46 she and her daughters that dwell at thy 16. 46 thy younger sister, that dwelleth at thy 28. 25 then shall they dwell in their land that 28. 26 they shall dwell safely therein, and shall a8. 26 yea, they shall dwell with confidence 3 J. 6 under his shadow dwelt all great nations 31. 17 dwelt under his shadow in the midst of 32. 15 when I shall smite all them that dwell 34. 25 they shall dwell safely in the wilderness 34. 28 they shall dwell safely, and none shall 36. 17 when the house of Israel dwelt in their 36. 28 ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to 37. 25 they shall dwell iathe land that I have 17. ?5 fathers have dwelt ; and they shall dwell 58. 8 and they shall dwell safely all of them 38. II that dwell safely, all of them dwelling ^8. 12 that dwelt in the midst of the land 38. 14 when my people of Israel dwelleth safely 39. 6 among them that dwell carelessly in the 3§. 9 they that dwell in the cities of Israel 39. 26 when they dwelt safely in their land, and Hoe. 4. 3 every one that dwelleth therein shall 9. 3 They shall not dwell in the Lord's land i^ 7 They that dwell under his shadow Bhall Joel 3. 20 Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem Amos 3. 12 that dwell in Samaria in the corner of 5. J I ye have built houses ye shall not dwell 8. 8 and every one mourn that dwelleth g. 5 and all that dwell therein shall mourn Mic. 7. 13 because of them that dwell therein, for Nah. I. 5 yea, the world, and all that dwell therein Hab. 2. 8, 17 of the city, and of all that dwell ther. Zeph. I. 18 a speedy riddance of all them that dwell 2. 15 This (is) the rejoicing tity that dwelt Hag. I. 4 (Is it) time., to dwell in your ceiled hou. Zech. 2. 7 that dwellest (with) the daughter of B. 8. 4 old women dwell in the streets of Jerus. 9. 6 And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and 14. II (men) shall dwell in it, and there shall be 6. To sit dovm or still, 2r\] yethah. Ezra 4. 17 and (to) the rest, .that dwell in Samaria 7.2*0 lodge, pass the night, yh, p'? lun, lin. Psn. 25. 13 His soul shall dwell at ease ; and his seed 8. To stand up or still, laj; amad. Exod. 8. 22 land of Goshen, in which tny people dw. 9.2*0 tahernacle, [3^ shaken. Gen. 9. 27 he shall dwell in the tents of Shem ; and 14. 13 for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the 16. 12 he shall dwell in the presence of all his 25. 18 And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur 26. a dwell in the land which I shall tell thee 33. 22 it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in that 49. 13 Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the Exod25. 8 make me a sanctuary; thatflmaydwellam. 29. 45 1 will dwell among the children of Israel 29. 46 that I may dwell among them Num. 5. 3 their camps, in the midst whereof I dwell 23. 9 the people shall dwell alone, and shall 35. 34 land, .ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell 35. 34 I the Lord dwell among the children Deut33. 12 The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in 33. 12 and he shall dwell between his shoulders 33. i6 goodwill of him that dwelt in the bush • 33. 20 he dwelleth as a lion, and teareth the arm 33. 28 Israel then shall dwell in safety aldne Josh 22. 19 wherein the Lord's tabernacle dwelleth 2 Sa. 7. 10 they may dwell in a place of their own 1 Ki. 6. 13 I will dvi^ell among the children of Israel 8. 12 The Lord said that he would dwell in t CI1.17. 9 they shall dwell in their place, and shall 23. 25 that they may dwell in Jerusalem for 2 Ch. 6. I thathe would dwell in the thick darkness Job 3. 5 let a cloud dwell upon it ; let the black. 4. 19 much less (in) them that dwell in houses 15. 23 he dwelleth in desolate cities, (jnd) in 18. 1-5 It shall dwell in his tabernacle, because eg. 25 sat chief, and dwelt as a king in the army 30 6 To dwell in the cliffs of the valleys 38. 19 Where(is) the way (where) light dwelleth? 39. 28 She dwelleth and abideth on the rock Psa. 15. I who shall dwell in thy holy liill? 37. 3 (so) shalt thou dwell in the land, and 37. 27 and do good ; and dwell for evermore 37. 29 inherit the land, and dwell therein for 65. 4 (that) he may dwell in thy courts 68. 6 but the rebellious dwell in a dry (land) 68. 16 yea, the Lord will dwell (in it) for ever 68. 18 that the Lord God might dwell (among 69. 36 they that love his name shall dwell 74. 3 this niouut Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt 85. 9 that glory may dwell in our land 94. 17 my soul had almost dwelt in silence 120. 5 Woe . .(that) I dwell in the tents of Kedar ! 120. 6 My soul hath long dwelt v/ith him that 135. 21 Blessed be the Lord, .which dwelleth at 139. 9 dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea Frov. I. 33 hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely 2. 21 the upright shall dwell in the land, and 8. 12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find Isa. 8. 18 Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Z. 13. 20 neither shall it be dwelt in from genera. 13. 21 owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall a6. 19 Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust 32. 16 judgment shall dwell in the wilderness 33. 5 The Lord is exalted ; for he dwelleth ou 33. 16 He shall dwell on high : his place of 34. II the owl also and the raven shall dwell 34. 17 generation to generation shall they dwell 57. 15 I dwell in the high and holy (place), with 65. 9 and my servants shall dwell there Jer. 23. 6 In his days.. Israel shall dwell safely 35. 24 mingled people that dwell in the desert 33. 16 those days. .Jerusalem shall dwell safely 48. 28 leave the cities, and dwell in the rock 49. 16 that dwellest in the clefts of the rock 49. 31 neither gates nor bars, (which) dwell 51. 13 O thou that dwellest upon many waters Eze. 17. 23 under it shall dwell all fowl of every 17. 23 shadowof the branches, .shall they dwell 43. 7 where I will dwell in the midst of the 43. 9 will dwell in the midst of them for ever Joel 3. 17 ]*(am) the Lord your God dwelling in 3. 21 for the Lord dwelleth in Zion Obad 3 that dwellest in the clefts of the rock Mic. 4. 10 thou Shalt dwell in the field, and thou 7. 14 which dwell solitarily (in) the wood Nah. 3. 18 thy nobles shall dwell (in the dust); thy Zech. 2. 10 I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith 2. II I will dwell in the midst of thee 8. 3 and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem 8. 8 shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem 10.7*0 cause to tahernacle, ysf shaken, 5. Judg. 8, II by the way of them that dwelt In tents Job {1. 14 let not wickedness dwell in thy taberoacJ 11.7*0 dwell, K"i^ sliere. Dan. 2. 22 and the light dwelleth with him 12. To sit down, Kd.Qr] kathemai. Luke 21. 35 that dwell on the face of the whole earth 13.7't> settle doiun, KaToiKeta katoikeo. Matt. 2. 23 came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth 4. 13 he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which 12. 45 and they enter in and dwell there Lukeii. 26 and they enter in, and dwell there 13. 4 above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? Acts I. 20 be desolate, and let no man dwell there. 2. 5 there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews 7. 2 Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran 7. 4 Then came he out. and dwelt in Charran 7. 4 into this land, wherein ye now dwell 7. 48 the Most High dwelleth not in temples 9. 22 confounded the Jews which dwelt at D. I J. 29 unto the brethren which dwelt in Judasa 13. 27 they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their 1 7. 24 God . . dwelleth not in temples made with 17. 26 for to dwell on all the face of the earth 22. 12 good report of all the Jews which dwelt Eph. 3. 17 Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith Col. I. 19 that in him should all fulness dwell 2. 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of Heb. II. 9 dwelling in tabernacles with IsaacandJ. Jas. 4. 5 The spirit that [dwelleth) in us a Pc. 3. 13. Rev. 2. 13 where thou dwellest. where Satan dwel. 3. 10 to try them that dwell upon the earth 6. 10 avenge our blood on them that dwell on II. 10 they that dwell upon the earth shall rej. 11. 10 two prophets tormented them that dwelt 13. 8 all that dwell upon the earth shall 13. 12 the earth and them that dwell therein 13. 14, 14 them that dwell on the earth 14. 6 to preach unto [them that dwell] on the 17. 8 they that dwell on the earth shall %vonder 14. 2*0 remain, fxivoi vieno. John 1 . 38 They said unto him . . Where dwellest th. t J. 39 They came and saw where he dwelt 6. 56 He that eatethmy flesh, .dwelleth in me 14. 10 the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth 14. 17 he dwelleth with you, and shall be in Acta 28. 16 Paul was suffered to dwell by himselt 28. 30 Paul dwelt two whole years in his own 1 Jo. 3. 17 how dwelleth the love of God in him 1 . 3. 24 And he that keepeth. .dwelleth in him" 4. 12 God dwelleth in us, and his love is perf. 4. 13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him 4. 15 God dwelleth in him, and he in God 4. 16 he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God 2 Jo. 2 For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in 15.7*0 use or have a house, otKeca oikeo. Bom. 7. J7, 20 no more I. .but sin that dwelleth in 7. 18 I know that in me. dwelleth no good 8. 9 if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in 8. II But if the Spirit of him. dwell in you ■ Co. 3. i6 (that) the Spirit of God dwelleth in yout 7. 12 and she be pleased to dwell with him 7. 13 and if he be pleased to dwell vrith her t Tl. 6. 16 dwelling'in the light which no man can 16 7*0 tent, tabernacle, (TKr)v6(a skmoo. John I. 14 the Word was made flesh, and dwelt Rev. 7. 15 he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell 12. 12 rejoice, (ye) heavens, and ye that dwell 1 3. 6 to blaspheme . . them that dwell in heaven 21. 3 he will dwell with them, and they shall D'WEIX, to cause to — 1.7*0 cav^e to sit down or still, 3E',' yashah, 5. a Ch. 8. 2 caused the children of Israel to dwell Jer. 32. 37 and I will cause them to dwell safely Eze. 36. 33 I will also cause (you) to dwell iii the 2. 2*0 make to tabernacle, 15^ shaken, 3. Deuti2. II choose to cause his name to dwell there Jer. 7. 3 and I will cause you to dwell in this 7. 7 Then will I cause you to dwell in this 3.2*0 make to tabernacle, ]'39 shekan, 3. Ezra 6. 22 that hath caused his name to dwell there DWELL among, to — 2*0 settle dovm among, iyKaTotKfiii epkatoiked. 2 Pe, 2. 8 For that righteous man dwelling among DWELL at, to — 7*0 settle dovm, Karoikica katoiked. Acts 2. 14 all (ye) that dwell at Jerusalem, be this 9. 32 also to the saints which dwelt at Lydda ig. 17 the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at E. SWELL in, to — \.A habitation, 73), Siat zebid. 1 Ki. 8. 13 I have surely built, an house to dw. in 2. A seat, n^'^D moshab. Psa.107. 4 wandered, .they found no city to dwell in 3. To be in a house, ivoiKfio enoikeo. Rom. 8. II by his spirit that dwelleth m you 2 Co. 6. 16 God hath said, I will dwell in them, and Col. 3. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you a Ti. 1. 5 which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois I 14 keep by the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in 4.7*0 settle down, KarotKfca katoikeo. Matt23. 21 sweareth. by him that dwelleth therein Acts 4. 16 manifest to all them that dwell in Jerus. 9. 35 all that dwelt in Lydda and Saron saw 19. 10 all they which ''welt in Asia heard the DWELL 279 EAR DWELL, to make (to) — 1. To cause to s-it doton nr still, 2^1 yashab, 5 Gen. 47. 6 make thy father and brethren to dwell Lev. 33. 43 that I made .Israel to dwell in bootlia I Sa. 12. 8 and made them dwell in thia place Psa. 4. 8 thou, Lord, only maketb me dwell In T07. 36 there he maketh the hungry to dwell 143. 3 he hath made me to dwell in darkness Hos. 12. 9 I . will yet make thee to dwell in tabem. 2. 7*0 Ttiake to tabernacle, \2p shaken, 3. Nimii4. 30 which I swaie to make you dwell therein 3. To cause to tabernacle, \yf shaken, 5 Psa. 78. 55 and made the tribes to dwell in their DWELL roand about, to — To dwell round about,. ireptotKco) perioikeO Luke I. 65 fear came on all that iwelt round about DWELL with, to — I. To dwell, 73J zabal. Geri. 30. 2o now will my husband awell with me 2.70 dwell along with, avvoLKetji sunoilceo. I Pe. 3. 7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with(them) DWELLERS — 1.7*0 tabernacle, ]yy skalcen. Isa. 18. 3 All ye dwellers on the earth, see yo 2.7*0 settle down, KaroiKia katoiked Acta I 19 it was known unto all the dwellers at 2. 9 Mamites, and the dwellers in Mesopo. DWELLETH — Tabernacle, dwelling, H'^O mishkan. Psa. 26. 8 the place where thine honour dwelleth DWELLING — I. Tent, Sntt okel. Psa. gt'io shall any plague come ntgh thy dwelling ^.Habitation, dwelling, S^j, h^2] zebul Psa. 49. 14 consume in the grave from their dwelling 3. 7*0 sit down or still, 3?*; yashab. Gen. 25. 27 Jacob (was) a plain man, dwelUngin tents Num.2i. 15 that goeth down to the dwelling of Ar 1 KL 8. 30, 39, 43, 49 hear thou in heaven thy dwell. ji 8 the nobles that (were) in his city, dwelling 2 Kl 17 25 it was at the beginning of their dwelling a Ch. 6. 2 and a place for thy dwelling forever 6. 21 hear thou from thy dwelling place 6. 30 hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place 6. 33, 39 hear thou from. . thy awelling place Jer 46. 19 thou daughter dwelling In Egypt i. Place 0/ sojourn, -i^mmagur Job 18. 19 nor any remaming in his dwellings fta. 55 15 for wickeduess (is) in their dwellings b.Place of dxoelling, inp medor Dan. 4. 25, 32 thy dwelling shall be vrith the beasts 5. 21 ma dwelling (was) with the wUd assea 6. Dwelling-place, "i"iO inedar Dan. 2. II except the gods, whose dnrelling is not T.A seat, sitting, dwelling, 3(^iD moshab Gen. 10. 30 And their dwelling was from Meaha 27. 39 thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the Exod 10. 23 children of Israel had light in their d. Lev 3. 17 aperpetualstatute throughout .yourd. 7. 26 of fowl, or of beast, in any of your dwell. 23. 3 sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings 23. 14, 21, 31 a statute for ever .in all your d. 25. 29 if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled Num35. 29 shall be for a statute, in all your dwell. Eze. 48. 1 5 be a profane (place) for the city, for dwel. i. Habitation, Jivp maon. Jer. 49. 33 Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons Nah 2. II Where (is) the dwelling of the lions Zeph 3. 7 so their dwelling ahould not be cut oft 9 Taiernacle, H^P mishkan. Job 18. 21 Surely such (are) the dwellings of the 21. 28. where (arej the dwelling places of the 39. 6 I have made the barren land his dwell Paa, 87. 2 more than all the dwellings of Jacob Isa. 32, 18 my people shall dwell in sure dwellings Jer. 9. 19 because our dwellings have cast (us) out Kze. 25. 4 they shall . make their dwelUnga in thee lO.Home, habitation, fold, nij naveh. Prov.2i. 20 and oil in the dwelling of the wise 24. IS against the dwelling of the righteous Zeph. a. 6 And the sea coast shall be dwellings 11. A settled house or dioelhng, KaroiK-ritnt katoikSs. Mark 5 3 Who had (his) dwelling among the tombs DWELLING place — \.Tenl,hT^vt ohel. Job 8. 22 the dwelling place of the wicked shall Psa. 52. 5 pluck thee out of (thy) dwelling place 2. 'A seat, ajiio moshab. Num. 24. 21 Strong is thy dwelling place, and thou I Ch. 6. 54 Now these (are) their dwelling places Eze. 6. 6 In all your dwelling places the cities 37 23 will save them out of ail their dwelling p. fi.Fixed place, (■^^a makvn. Isa. 4. 5 Lord will crsate upon every dwelling p. 18. 4 I will consider iu a;y dwelling place like i. Habitation, ]S]1D maon. 2 Ch. 30. 27 prayer came (up) tohJs holy dwelling p. 36. 1 5 he had compassion . . on his dwellmg place Paa. go. I Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place Jer. 51. 37 Babylon shall become, .a dwelling place o. Habitation, njiya meonah. Psa. 76. 2 tabernacle, and his dwelling place In Zlon Q.Tabernacle, |3ifa mishkan. I Ch. 6. 32 they ministered before the dwelling place Psa. 49. II (and) their dwelling places to all genera. 74. 7 they have defUed .the dwelling place Jer 30. 18 I will . .have mercy on his dwelling places 51. 30 they have burned her dwelling places Hab. I. 6 march .. to possess the dwelling places l.Hovie, habitation, fold, nij naveh. Psa. 79. 7 they have . . laid waste his dwelling place DWELLING place, to have to certain — 7*0 be unsettled, kararlte asta.te5. 1 Co. 4. II buffeted, and have no certain dwelling p. DWELT in, t» be — 7*0 tabernacle, [3^ shaken. Jer. 50. 39 neither shall it be dwelt In from genera. DWELT in (that)i or wherein they dwelt — Sitting, seat, sitter, n^iD moshdb. Num3i 10 burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt 2 Sa. 9. 12 all that dwelt in the house of Ziba (were) DYED — Leavened,, brightened, yDi^-chamets. Isa. 63. f Wio is this that cometh. .with dyed gar. DYED attire — Turbans, dyed attire, D"^i30 tebulim. Eze. 23. 15 e-xoeeding in dyed attire upon their heads DYED red, to be ^ 7*0 be made red, Dis adam, 4. Exodzs. 5 rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins 26. 14 cov. for the tent (of) rams' skins dyed red 35. 7 rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins 36. 19 cov. for the tent (of) rams' skins dyed red 39. 34 And the covering of rams' 6kir.B dyed red DYING — A putting to death, veitpcca'is nekrosis. 2 Co. 4. 10 bearing abont in the body the dying of DYING, to be or lie a — 7*0 die off, airoBvfjaKa) apothneskd. Luke 8. 42 one only daughter, .and she lay a dying Heb. II. 21 Jacob, when be wasadying, blessed both E EACH — l.One, nnx echad. Num. 7' II They shall offer their offering, each prince 7.85 Each charger of silver each bowl seventy 29. 14 two tenth deals to each ram of the two 29, 15 a several tenth deal to each lamb of the Josh 22. 14 with him ten princes, of each chief house 2 Ki.15. 20 of each man fifty shekels of silver, to give 2 Ch. 4. 13 two rows;of pomegranates on each vio-eatb 2. A man, each one, ty'x ish. Gen. 15. 10 and laid each piece one against another Num. I. 44 each one was for the house of his fathers 16. 17 thou also, and Aaron, each, .his censer 1 Ki.22. 10 sat each on his throne, having put on 2 Ki 9. 21 each in his chariot, and they went out 3. A woman, each one, Wi<. ishshah. Kuth I. 8 Go, return each to her mother's house I. 9 Lord grant you that ye may find rest, each 4. One by one, apiece, %v kuB^ eavrh hen kath heauto. Rev 4. 8 [the four beasts had each of them six] 5. Each, each one, ?<■". J^io-Tor hePnxton. Acts 2. 3 cloven tongues, .sat upon each of them EACIE, a like of — Part by part, 13? i? bad bebad. E.xod3o. 34 sweet spices . . of each shall there be a like EACH T""" — l.One, each one, nnx echad. I Ki. 4. 7 each man his month in a year made pro. 2. A man, each one, v'k ish. Gen. 34. 25 Dinah's brethren.took each man hissword 40. 5 each man his dream . each man according 41 II we dreamed each man according to the 41. 12 to each man according to his dream he 45. 22 he gave each man changes of raiment Judg2i. 22 wereserved not to each man his wife in EACH one — l.One, each o^ie, "nx echad. Num. 7 3 for two of the princes, and for each one Isa. 6. 2 Above it stood the seraphims : each one 2. Bach, each one, e/catrTot hekastos. Lukei3. 15 doth not each one of you on the sabbath EAGLE — l.An eagle, nwj nesher. Exodig. 4 i bare you on eagles' wings, and brought Lev. II. 13 the eagle, and the OBslfrage, and the osp. Deut I^.*I2 the eaglu, and the ossiirage, and the osp- 28. 49 from the end of the earth as the eagle 32. II Asan eaglestirreth up her nest, fluttcreth 2 Sa. I. 23 swifter Uian eagles, they were stronger Job 9. 26 as the eagle (that) hasteth to the prey 39. 27 Doth the eagle mount up at thy command Psa. 103. 5 thy youth la renewed like the eagle's Prov 23. 5 they fly away as an eagle toward heaven 30. 17 shall pick it out, and the young eagles 30. 19 The way of an eagle in the air ; the «ay Isa. 40. 31 they shall mount up with wings as eoglo» Jer. 4. 13 Behold, his horses are swifter than eag es 48. 40 he shall fly as an eagle, and shall spread 49. 16 shouldest make thy nest as liigh as the e. 49. 22 he shall come up and fly as the eagle Lam. 4. 19 Our persecutors are swifter than the eag. Eze I. 10 they four also had the face of an eaglo 10. 14 and the fourth the face of an eagle 17. 3 A great eagle vrith great wings, long 17 7 There was also another great eagle with Hoa. 8. I as an eagle against the house of the LORD Obad. 4 Though thou exalt (thyself) as the eagle Mio. I. 16 enlarge thy baldness aa the eagle; for Hab. I. 8 they shall fly as the eagle (that) hasteth 2. An eagle, n?*; neshar Dan. 4. 33 till his hairs were grown like eagle's 7. 4 The first (was) like a lion, and had eagle's Z.An eagle, aer6s aetos. Matt 24. 28 there will the eagles be gathered together Lukei7. 37 thither will the eagles be gathered toget. Eev 4. 7 the fourth beast (was) like a flying eagle 12. 14 woman were given two wings of a great e. EAR — l.Ear, Ji« otcn Gen. 20. 8 and told all these things In their ears 35 4 the. ear rings which (were) in their ears 44. i8 let. .apeak a word in my lord's ears 50. 4 speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh Exod 10. 2 thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son II 2 Speak now in the ears of the people 17 14 and rehearse (it) in the ears of Joshua 21 6 his master shall bore his ear through with 29. 20 put (it) upon the tip of the right car of 29. 20 upon the tip of the right ear of his sons 32. 2 golden earrings, which (are) in the cars 32 3 golden ear rings, wlii ch (were) in,their ear» Lev 8. 23 put (it) upon the tip of Aaron's right car 8. 24 put of the blood upon, .their right ear 14. 14, 17, 25, d8 upon the tip of the right ear Num 11 18 for ye have wept in the ears of the Lord 14. 28 as ye have spcken in mine ears, so will I Deut 5. I judgments which I speak in your .cars 15. 17 and thrust (it) through his ear unto the 29. 4 the LOKD hath not given you ears to 31. 28 I may speak these words in their ears 31 30 spake in the ears of all the congregation 32. 44 Moses, .spake all the words in the ears Josh. 20. 4 declare his cause in the eai's of the elders Judg. 7. 3 go to, proclaim in the ears of the people 9. 2 Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the 9. 3 brethren spake of him in the ears of all 17. 2 which thou .spakest of also in mine cars I Sa. 3. II both the ears of every one that heareth 8. 21 he rehearsed them in the ears of the LoiiD 9. 15 the Lord had told Samuel in his ear a day IT 4 told the tidings in the ears of the people 15. 14 What (meaneth) then this .in mine ears 18. 23 servants spake those words in the ears of s Sa 3. 19 Abner also spake in the ears of Benjamin 3. 19 Abner went also to speak in the ears of D. 7. 22 to all that we have heard with our ears 22. 7 hear and my cry (did enter) into his ears a KI. 18. 26 m the ears of the people that (arc) on the 19. i6 Lord, bow down thine ear. and hear 19. 28 and thy tumult is come up into mine ears 21. 12 whosoever heareth of it, both lus ears 23. 2 he read in their ears aU the words of the 1 C!h. 17. 'io to all that we have heard with our ears 3 Ch. 6. 40 (let) thine ears (be) attent unto the prayer 7. 15 and mine ears attent unto the prayer 34. 30 he read in their ears all the words of the Neh. I. 6 Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine I. II let now thine car be attentive to the 8. 3 ears of all.the people (were attentive) unto Job 4. 12 and mine'ear received a little thereof 12. II Doth not the ear try words? and the 13. I mine ear hath heard and understood It 13. 17 Hear my declaration with your ears 15. 21 A dreadful sound (is) in his ears : in pro*. 28. 22 have heard the fame thereof with our ear» 29. II When the ear heard (me), then it blessed 33. x6 he openeth the ears of men, and sealetb 34. 3 the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth 36. 10 He openeth also their ear to discipline 36. 15 and openeth their ears in oppression 42. 5 heard of thee by the hearing of the ear Fsa. 10. 17 thou wilt caiise thine ear to hear 17 6 incline thine ear unto me, (and hear) my 18. 6 cry came before liim, (even) into his ear» 31. 2 Bow Aovra thine ear , deliver me 34. IS iJid his ears (are open) unto their cry 40. 6 mine ears hast thou opened : burnt offer. 44. I We have heard with our ears, O God, our 45 10 consider, incline thine ear; forget also 49 4 I will incline mine ear to a parable : I will 58. 4 like the deaf adder (that) stoppeth her ear 71. 2 incline thine ear unto me, and save me 78. I incline your ears to the words of my 86. 1 Bow down thine ear, LOEJ), hear me lAR 280 EARTH Psa. 88. 2 incline tliLne ear unto my cry 92. II mine ears shall hear (my desire) of the 94. 9 He that planted the ear, shall he not h. ? 102. 2 I am in trouble ; incline thine ear unto • 15. 6 They have ears, hut they hear not j noses 116. 2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto 130. 2 let thine ears be attentive to the voice of 133. 17 They have ears, but they hear not ; neit. Prov. 2. 2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wis. 4. 20 My son. .incline thine ear unto my sayings 5. I bow thine ear to my understanding 5. 13 nor inclined mine ear to them that inst. 15. 31 The ear that heareth the repi-oof of life 18. 1 5 and the aar of the wise seeketh knowledge 2o. 12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the 21. 13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the 22. 17 Bow down thine ear, and hear the words 23. 9 Speak not in the ears of a fool ; for he 23. 12 Apply . .thine ears to the words of know. 25. 12 a wise reprover upon an obedient ear s6. 17 (is like) one that taketh a dog by the ears 28. 9 turncth away his car from hearing the Eccl. I. 8 the eye is not satisfied.. nor the ear flUed Isa. 5. 9 In rame ears (said) the Lord of hosts. Of 6. 10 maketheirears heavy, andshut theireyes 6. 10 hear with their ears, and understand with 11. 3 reprove after the hearing of his ears 22. 14 it was revealed in mine ears by the LORD 30. 21 thine ears shall hear a word behind thee 32. 3 the ears of them that hear sliall hearken 33. 15 he that, .stoppeth his ears from hearing 35. 5 the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped 36. II in the ears of the people that (are) "on the 37. 17 Incline thine ear, Lord, and hear 37. 29 thy tumult, is come up into mine eara 42. 20 opening the ears, but he heareth not 43. 8 Bring forth . .the deaf that have ears 48. 8 that time (that) thine ear was not opened 49. 2-5 children, .shall say again in thine ears 50. 4 he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the 50. 5 The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and 55. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear 59. ! neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear Jer. 2. 2 Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem $. 21 O foolish people . . which have ears, and 6. to their ear (is) uncircumeised, and they 7. 24 hearkened not, nor inclined their ear 7. 26 hearkened not. .nor inclined their par 9. 20 let your ear receive the word of his 11. 8 they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear 17. 23 obeyed not, neither inclined their ear 19. 3 the which whosoever heareth, his ears 25. 4 have not hearkened, nor inclined your e. 26. 1 1 as ye have heard with your ears s6. 15 to speak all these words in your ears 28. 7 in thine ears, and in the ears of all the 29. 29 the priest read this letter in the ears of 34. 14 hearkened not . . neither inclined their ear 35. 15 ye have not inclined your ear, nor heark. 36. 6 read, .in the ears of the people, in the L. 36. 6 thou shalt read them in the ears of all 36. to at the entry, .in the ears of all the people 36. t3 Baruch read the book in the ears of the ■ 36. 14 wherein thou hast read in the ears of the 36. 15 Sit down now, and read it in our ears 36. 15 So Baruch read (it) in their ears 36. 2o told all the words in the ears of the king 36. 21 in the ears of the king, and in the ears of 44. 5 hearkened not, nor inclined their ear Lam. 3. 56 hide not thine ear at my breathing, at my Eze. 3. to all my vrords . . hear with thine ears 8. 18 they cry in mine ears with a loud voice g. I He cried also in mine ears with a loud 12. 2 they have ears to hear, and hear not 16. 12 And I put. .ear rings in thine ears 23. 25 shall take away thy nose and thine ears 24. 26 to cause (thee) to hear (it) with (thine) e? 40. 4 with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears 44. 5 with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears Dan. 9. t8 my God, incline thine ear, and hear Amos 3. 12 As the shepherd taketh . .a piece of an ear Mic. 7. 16 (their) hand upon (their) mouth, their ears Zech. 7. II they..stopped their ears, that they should 2. Hearing, aKori alcoe. Mark 7. 35 And straightway his ears were opened Acts 17. 20 thou bringest. .strange things to our ears 2 Tl. 4. 3 heap to themselves, .having itching ears 4. 4 they shall turn away (their) ears from the 3. The ear, o3r ous. Matt 10. 27 v/hat ye hear in the ear, (that) preach ye 11. 15 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear 13. 9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear 13. 15 and (their) ears are dull of hearing 13. 15 lest, .they sliould. .hear with (their) ears 13. 16 But blessed (are) your, .ears, fortheyhear 13. 43 Wlio hath ears to hear, let him hear Mark 4. 9 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear 4. 23 If any man have ears to hear, let him 7. 16. If any man have ears. let him hear ■/• 33 put his fingers into his ears, and he spit 8. 18 having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not Luke I. 44 of thy salutation sounded in mine ears 4. 21 day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears 8. 8 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear 9. 44 Let these sayings sink down into your e. 12. 3 that which ye have spoken in the ear 14. 35 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear 22. 50 And one of them, .cut off his right ear 4£ta 7. 51 Ye. .uncircumeised in heart and ears 7. 57 they cried out. .and stopped their ears Acts It. 22 tidings of these things came unto the ears 28. 27 their ears are dull, .hear with, .ears Eom II. 8 God hath given thera . . ears that they I Co. 2. 9 written. Eye hathjnot seen, nor ear heard 12. 16 if the ear shall say. Because I am not the Jas. 5. 4 cries of them. .are entered into the ears I Pe. 3. 12 his ears (are open) unto their prayers Eev. 2. 7, II, 17, 29 He that hath an ear, let hira 3. 6, 13, 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear 13. 9 If any man have an ear, let him hear i. The ear, its external lobe, wrlov, otion. Matt26. 53 drew, .and struck, .and smote off his ear Marki4. 47 And one of them, .cut oft his [ear] Luke22. 31 And he touched his ear, and healed hira JohniS. 10 Then Simon Peter, .cut off his right [ear] 18. 26 being (his) kinsman, .whose ear Peter cut 5. Budding, sprout, ear, a'ax abib. Exod. g. 31 the barley (was) in the ear, and the flax 6. An ear of grain or corn, araxvs stachus. Mark 4. 28 the ear, after that the full com in the e. EAR of com - An ear of grain or corn, crjdxvs stachus. Ma,tti2. I disciples, .began to pluck the ears of c. Mark 2. 23 disciples began, .to pluck the ears of c. Luke 6. I his disciples plucked the eara of corn EAR, to — l.To plowgh, ei-in charash. 1 Sa. 8. 12 he wUl. .(set them) to ear his groimd 2. To serve, njj; abad. Isa. 30. 24 the young asses that ear the ground EAB, to give — l.To give ear, ]ix azan, 5. Exod 15. 26 and wilt give ear to Ills commandmenta Deut. t. 45 hearken to your voice, nor give ear unto' 32. I Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak Judg. 5. 3 give ear, O ye princes ; I, (even) I, will 2 Ch.24. 19 testified.^ they would not give ear Neh. g. 30 many years . .yet would they not give ear Job 32. It I gave ear to your reasons, whilst yel 34. 2 give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge Psa. 5. I Give ear to my words, Lohd ; consider 17. I give ear unto my prayer,(that goeth) not 39. 12 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear 49. I give ear, all (ye) inhabitants of the world 54. 2 O God ; give ear to the words of my mouth 55. I Give ear to my prayer, O God ; and hide 77. 1 1 cried unto God. .and he gave ear unto 78. I Give ear, my people, (to) my law ; iucl. 80. I Give ear, Shepherd of Israel, thou that 84. 8 hear my prayer : give ear, God of Jacob 86. 6 Give ear, Lord, unto my prayer ; and 141. I give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto 143. I O Lord, give ear to my supplications Prov 17. I (and) a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue Isa. I. 2 Hear, heavens, and give ear, earth 1. 10 give ear unto the law of our God, ye pe. 8. 9 and give ear, all ye of far countries 28. 23 Give ye ear, and hear my voice ; hearken 32. 9 careless daughters ; give ear unto my sp. 42. 23 Who among you will give ear to this? SI. 4 give ear unto me, my nation : for a law Jer. 13. 15 Hear ye, and give ear; be not proud : for Hos. 5. I and give ye ear, house of the king Joel I, z give ear, aU ye inhabitants of the land 2. To hear, hearken, ya?* shama. Job 29. 21 Unto me (men) gave ear, and waited, and EAR, to perceive by tlie — To give ear, Jin azan, 5. Isa. 64. 4 have not heard, nor perceived by the ear EARED, to be — To be served, 15;; abad, 2. Deut2i. 4 a rough valley, wlilch is neither eared EARING (time) — Ploughing, exciting, w^-tn charish. Gen. 45. 6 (there shall) neither (be) earing nor harv. Exod34. 21 m earing time and in harvest thou Shalt EARLY — 1. Morning, ip)i boqer. Psa. 46. s God shall help her, (and that) right early go. 14 satisfy us early with thy mercy ; that we loi. 8 will early destroy ail the wicked of the 2. Dawn, "in» shachar. Psa. 57. 8 Awake up.. I (myself) will awake early 108. 2 Awake, psaltery . .1 (myself) wiUawake e. 3 . To rise or go early, 03^ shakam, 5. Psa. 127 2 (It is) vain for you to rise up early Hos. 6. 4 and as the early dew it goeth away 13. 3 and as the early dew that passeth away 4. A I early daion, op9pios orthrios. Luke 24. 22 women. . which were [early] at the sepul. 5. Early, before, irpai proi. Markifi. g [when(Jesus)wasrisenearlythefirst(d.)] John 20. I first day of the week cometh Mary . . ear. 6. Early {rain), Trpio'ifios proimos, 7rpoi>o9 Jas. 5. 7 he receive the early and latter rain 7. Early, vpdia proia. John 18. 28 it was early ; and they themselves went [See also Arise, depart, inquire, morning, rise, rise up, rising, rising up, sqek.j EARLY, fB be up — To rise or go early, DDy shaka,m, 5. 1 Sa. 29. 10 as soon as ye be up early in the morning EARLY, to get (oneself) — To rise or go early, n;^ shakam, 5. J udg 19. 9 to morrow get you early on your way, tliat EARLY, to get up — To rise or go early, D?'^ shakam, 5. Gen. 19. 27 Abraham gat lip early in the morning to Song 7. 12 Let us get up early to the vineyards EARLY in the morning, very — Early, k"i^5^ shepharpara,. Dan. 6. 19 the king arosa very early in the morning EARN' wages, to — To hire self out, ^^i^^ sakar, 7. Hag. I. 6 he that eameth wages, eameth wages (to) EARKEST — Surety, pledge, earnest, ai&aP^iv arrhabUn. 2 Co. I. 22 the earnest 01 the spirit in our hearts 5. 5 given unto us the earnest of the spirit Eph. 1. 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance EAEiraiSTLY — With prayer, wpoirevxv proscuche. Jas. 5. 17 prayed eamebtly that it might not rain EARKESTLT, to behold—^ To look stedfasily, arwl^u aienizo. Acts 23. I And Paul,eamestly beholding the coan. EARKESILY on or upon, to look — To look stedfastly, arevl^o) atenizo. Luke 22. 56 and earnestly looked upon him, and said Acts 3. 12 why look ye so earnestly on us, aa though EARHESTIT, more — More fervently, stretched out, iKT^viffrepov eklene. Lukezz. 44 being in an agony, he prayed . . more earn. T.A-R. -RTTTO — \. Charm, whisper, amulet, B^n^ lachash. Isa. 3. 2o head bands, and the tablets, and the ear r. 2. Ring for ear or nose, DU nezem. Gen. 24. 22 the man took a golden ear ring of half 24. 30 when he saw the ear ring, and bracelets 24. 47 and I put the ear ring upon her face 35. 4 And they gave unto Jacob all the . . ear r. Exod32. 2 Break off the golden ear rings which 32. 3 all the people brake off the golden ear r. 35.22 many as were willing., brought., ear rings Judg. 8. 24 ye would give me every man the ear rings 8. 24 they had golden ear rings, because they 8. 25 did cast therein every man the ear rings 8. 26 the weight of the golden ear rings that Job 42. II every man also gave him. .an ear ring of Prov 25. 12 an ear ring of gold, and an ornament of Hos. 2. 13 she decked lierself with her ear rings and 3. A ring, S'jj; agil. Num3i. so what every man hath gotten,.of. .ear rings Eze. 16. 12 And I put. .ear rings in thine ears, and EARS — l.Ear of corn, sprout, nVVp melilah. Deut23. 25 thou mayestpliick the ears ivith thine 2. Ear of corn, branch, sprout, nVs-^ shibboleth. Gen. 41. 5 seven ears of corn came up upon one - 41. 6 seven thin ears, .sprung up after them 41. 7 seven thin ears devoured the. .full ears 41. 22 seven ears came up in one stalk, full and 41. 23 seven ears, .sprung up after them 41. 24 thin ears devoured the seven good ears 41. 26 and the seven good ears (are) seven years 41. 27 the seven empty eai's, blasted with the Ruth 2. 2 Let me now go. .and glean ears of corn Job 24. 24 cut off as the tops of the, pars of corn Isa. 17. 5 the harvest man. .reapeth the ears with 17. 5 as he that gathereth ears in the valley of EARS (of com), full or green — l.Grain, {for garden land), San? karmel. Lev. 2. 14 green ears of corn dried by the firo 2. 14 (even) com beaten out of full ears 2 Ki. 4. 42 full ears of com in the husk thereof 2.Budding, sprout, ear, 3'5i< abib. Lev. 23. 14 ye shall eat neither bread.. nor green ears EARS, to come to one's — To hear about, ctKoiia iirl akoud epi. Matt 28. 14 And if this come [to] the governor's ears EARTH — l.Ground, soil, land, nniK adamah. Gen. I. 25 every thing that creepeth upon the earth 4. II now (art) thou cursed from the earth 4. 14 driven me out . .from the face of the earth 6. I began to multiply on the face of the earth 6. 7 destroy man . . from the face of the earth 6. 20 of every creeping thing of the earth after 7. 4 I destroy from off the face of the earth 7. 8 of every thing that creepeth upon the ea. g. 2 upon all that moveth (upon) the earth 12. 3 in thee shall all families of the earth be :8. 14 shall all the families of the earth A EARTH 281 EARTH Exodio. 6 the day that they were upon the earth so. 24 An altar of earth thou shalt make unto 32. 12 consume them from the face of the earth? 3j. 16 from all the people .upon .the earth Numi2. 3 all the men which (were) upon thcearth r6. 30 But if the eartli open ner mouth, and Deut. 4. lo the days they shall live upon the earth 4. 40 mayest prolong (thy) days upon tlie earth 6. 15 destroy thee from off the face of the earth 7. 6 all people that (are) upon . the eaith 12. I all the days that ye live uion the earth 12. 19 as long as thou livest upon the earth 14. 2 all the nations that (are) upon the earth 26. 2 of the first of all the fruit of the earth I Sa. 4. 12 ran a man with earth upon his head 20. 15 every one from the face of the earth a Sa. I. 2 clothes rent, and earth upon his head 14. 7 name nor remainder upon the earth 15. 32 his coat rent, and earth upon his head 1 Ki. 13. 34 destroy (it) from off the face of the earth 17. 14 the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth 18. I Go I will send rain upon the earth 2 Ki. 5. 17 thy servant two mules' burden of earth ? Neh. g. I With sackclothes, and earth upon them Psa. 83. 10 they became (as) dung for the earth 104. 30 thou renewest the face of the eartli 146 4 His breath .he returneth to his earth Isa. 23. 17 all the kingdoms, .upon the earth 24. 21 the kings of the earth upon the earth 30. 23 give bread of the increase of the earth 45. 9 potsherd . with the potsherds of the earth Jer. 16. 4 they shall be as dung upon.. the earth 25. 26 and all the kingdoms, upon .the earth Eze. 38. 20 creeping things that creep upon the earth 38. 2o all the men that (are) upon, .the earth Dan. 12. 2 them that sleep in the dust of the earth Amos 3. 2 You only have I krtown of all. .the earth 3. s shall (one) take up a snare from the earth 9. 8 I will destroy it from off. .the earth XJSarth, land, Ti^ ara. Ezra 5. II servants of the God of heaven and earth Jer. 10. It they shall perish from the earth, and Dan. 3. 35 became a. .mountain, and flUed the. .ea. 2. 39 which shall bear rule over all the earth 4. I all people, .that dwell in all the earth 4. 10 behold a tree in the midst of the earth 4. It sight thereof to the end of all the earth 4. 15 leave the stump of his roots in the earth 4. 15 with the beasts in the grass of the earth 4. 20 and the sight thereof to all the earth 4. 22 and thy dominion to the end of the earth 4. 23 leave the stump of the roots, .in the ear. 4. 35 inhabitants of the earth (are) reputed as 4. 35 and (among) the inhabitants of the earth 6. 25 all people, .that dwell in all the earth 6. 27 signs and wonders in heaven and in earth 7. 4 it was lifted up from the earth, and made 7. 17 kings, (which) shaU arise out of the earth 7. 23 shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth 7. 23 shall devour the whole earth, and shall Q.Barth, land, l'"ix erets. Gen Gen. I God created the heaven and the earth J. 2 And the earth was without form and I. 10 And God called the dry (land) Earth 1. II God said, Let the earth bring forth I. II whose seed (is) in Itself, upon the earth I. 12 the earth brought forth grass, (and) herb 1. 15 for lights, .to give liglit upon the earth I. 17 set them, .to give light upon the earth I. 20 fowl (that) may fly above the earth in the J. 22 and let fowl multiply in the earth 1. 24 Let the earth bring forth the living crea. I. 24 and beast of the earth after his kind t. 25 God made the beast of the earth after I. 26 over the cattle, and over all the earth 1.26 creeping thing that creepeth upon . . earth X. 28 and multiply, and replenish the" earth I. 28 living thing that moveth upon the earth 1. ag which (is) upon the face of all the earth 1. 30 to every beast of the earth, and to every 1. 30 every thing that creepeth upon the earth 3. I the heavens and the earth were finished 2. 4 generations of the heavens and of the earth 2. 4 Lord God made the earth and the heavens 2. 5 every plant . before it was in the eai-th a. s had not caused it to rain upon the earth 2. 6 there went up a mist from the earth, and 4. 12 snd a vagabond shalt thou beintheearth 4. 14 a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth 6. 4 There were giants in the earth in those 6. 5 \vickednes9 of man (was) great in the ea. 6. 6 that he had mads maa on the earth 6 IS The earth also was coreupS before God 6. II and tho earth wm £U«d with violence 6. 12 God looked upon the earth,, end, behold 6. 12 all flesh, .corrupted Siis way upon the ea. 6. 13 the earth iz fiiisd wilih violence through 6. 13 behold, I will destitoy Siem with the ea. 6. 17 do bring a flood of waters upon the earth 6. 17 every thing that (is) in tho earth shall die 7. 3 seed alive upon the face of all the earth 7. 4 I will cause it to rain upon the earth 7. 6 the flood of waters was upon the earth 7. 10 waters of the flood were upon the earth 7. 12 the rain was upon the earth forty days 7. 14, 21 tiling that creepeth upon the earth 7. 17 the flood was forty days upon the earth 7. 17 and it was lift up above the earth 7. j8 and were increased greatly upon the ea. 7. 19 waters prevailed, .upon the earth 8. 9' 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9' 9' 9- 9- 9- to. 10. 10. II. II. II. XI. II. »3- I3- 14. 14. 18. 18. 19. ig. 19. 22. 24. 24- 26. 27. a?- 28. 28. 37 41. 42. 43- 45- 48. 48. Exod. 9. 9- 9- 9- 9. 10. lo. 10. IS. 19. 20. 20. 20. 34- lev. II. II. II II. II. 26. Numi4. 16. 16. 16. 22. 22. 26. Ceut. 3. 4- »• 4- <• 4- 4- S- S- 10. II. 11. 12. >3- 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 3°- 3'- 32. 32- 32. 21 all flesh died that moved upon the earth 23 and they were destroyed from tlie earth 24 the waters prevailed upon the earth an I God made a wind to pass over the earth 3 returned from off the earth continually 7 waters were dried up-from off the earth 9 waters (were) on the face of tlie whole e. 1 1 the waters were abated from off the earth 13 waters were dried up from off the earth 14 in the second month was the earth drl. 17 creeping thing that creepeth upon the c 17 they may breed abundantly in the eartli 17 be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth 19 whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after 22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime 1 and multiply, and replenish the earth 2 shall be upon every beast of the earth 7 bring forth abundantly in the earth, and 10 and of every beast of the earth with you, 10 all that go .to every beast of the earth 1 1 any more be a flood to destroy the earth 13 of a covenant between me and the earth 14 when I bring a cloud over the earth 16 of all flesh that (is) upon the earth 17 and all flesh that (is) upon the eartli 19 of them was the whole earth overspread 8 he began to be a mighty one in the earth 25 for in his days was the earth divided 32 vVere the nations divided in the earth 1 the whole earth was of one language, and 4 abroad upon the face of the whole earth 8 thence upon the face of all the earth 9 cofafound the language of all the earth 9 abroad upon the face of all the eartli make thy seed as the dust of the earth t6 a man can number the dust of the earth 19 high God, possessor of heaven and earth 22 God, the possessor of heaven and earth 18 all tho nations of the earth shall be bless. 25 Shall not the Judge of all the earth do 23 The sun was risen upon the earth when 31 and (there is) not a man in the earth 31 tocome .after the manner of aU the earth 18 shall all the nations of the earth be blea. 3 swear by the God of the earth, that 52 worshipped the LOKD . to the earth 4 shall all the nations of the earth be bles. 28 give thee of . . the fatness ot-the earth, and 39 dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth 12 and behold. a ladder set up on the earth 14 thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth 10 to bow down ourselves to thee to the ea.? 56 famine was over all the face of the earth 6 Joseph's brethren .bowed down to thee. 26 and bowed themselves to him to the ear 7 to preserve you a posterity in the earth 12 he bowed himself with his face to the ea. 16 into a multitude in the midst of the ear 14 (there is) none like me in all'the earth 15 thou shalt be cut off from the earth 16 may be declared throughout all the earth 29 mayest know how that the earth (is) the 33 the rain was not poured upon the earth 5 they shall cover the face of the earth S one cannot be able to see the earth 15 they covered the face of the whole earth 12 Thou stretchedst out. .earth swallowed 5 above all people : for all the earth (is) 4 above, or that (is) in the earth beneath 4 or that (is) in the water under the earth 11 six days the Lord made heaven and earth 8 and bowed his head toward the earth 10 as have not been done in all the earth 2 among all the beasts that (are) on the e. 21 legs, .to leap withal' upon the earth 29, 42 creeping things that creep upon the e. 41, 44 thing that creepeth upon the earth 46 creature that creepeth upon the earth 19 and I wUl make your .earth as brass 21 all the earth shall be filled with the glory 32 the earth opened her mouth, and swall. 33 the earth closed upon them ; and they 34 for they said. Lest the earth swallow us 5 behold, they cover the face of the earth 11 which covereth the face of the earth 10 the earth opened her mouth, and swall. 24 what God (is there) in heaven or in earth 17 of any beast that (is) on the earth 18 that (is) in the waters beneath the earth 26 I call heaven and earth to witness against 32 that God created man upon the earth 36 upon earth he shewed thee his great fire 39 he (is) God. .upon the earth beneath 8 above, or that (is) in the earth beneath 8 or that fis) in the waters beneath the earth 14 the earth (also), with all that therein (is) 6 how the earth opened her mouth, and 21 as the days of heaven upon the earth 16, 24 shall pour it upon the earth as water 7 end of the earth . .(other) end of the earth t on high above aU nations of the earth 10 all people of the earth shall see that 23 the earth that (is) under thee (shall be) 25 removed into all the kingdoms of the e. 26 shall be meat, .unto the beasts of the ea. 49 bring a nation" from the end of the earth 64 from the one end of the earth even unto 19 I call heaven and earth to record this day e8 1 may call heaven and earth to record t hear, earth, the words Oi my mouth 13 ride on the high places of the earth 22 shall consume the earth with herincrcaso Deutjj. Josh. 2 3- 4- 7- 7 7 23. Judg. 5 6. 6. I Sa iS^ 4. 5- I4- «7- '7- «7- 24. 25- 26 26. »8. 28. 23 30. I 4' 7- 7- I?. 12. 12. »3- 14- 14. 18. 18. 22. El. iKl I Ch. aCh. I, 2. 6, 6, 6, 9. 9 16. 20. 3=- r. 36. Ezra 1 Neh, 9 Job I 24 16 tor tho precious things of the earth and 17 push the people, to the ends of the earth 1 1 he (is) God in heaven above, and in earth 11,13 the ark. of the Lonu of all the earth 24 That all the people of the earth mi«ht 6 Joshua, .fell to the earth upon his face 9 and cut off our name from the earth . 21 they (are) hid In the earth in the midstof 14 I (am) going the way of all the earth 4 the earth trembled, and the heavens dr. 4 and destroyed the increase of tho earth 37 and (it be) dry upon all the earth (beside) 10 tho Lord shall Judge the ends of the car. 5 great shout, so that the earth rang again 3 Dagon. .fallen upon his face to the earth 15 the earth quaked so it was a very great 46 will give.. to the wild beastsof the earth 46 that all the earth may know that there 49 and he fell upon his face to the earth 8 David stooped with his face to the earth 41 bowed herself on (her) face to the earth 8 with the spear even to the earth at ouco 20 let not my blood fall to the earth before 13 I saw gods ascending out of the earth 20 Saul fell straightway all along on the ea. 23 So he arose from the earth, and sat upon 16 spread abroad upon all tho earth, eating 2 he fell to the earth, and did obeisance I : shall I not . . take yoaa.w.aji liota ths; earth 9 of the great (men) tliat (are) in the earth 23 what one nation in the earth (is) like thy lO went in, and lay all night upon the earth 17 to r.iise him up from the earth : but he 20 Then David arose from the earth, and 31 the king arose, .and lay on the earth ti there shall not one hair, fall to the earth 20 to know all (things) that (are) in the eartli 9 taken up between the heaven and the e 28 he fell down to the earth upon his face 8 Then the eart.h shook and trembled ; the 43 beat as small as the dust of the earth 4 the tender gTa3s(.|f } n,asa. Job 713 bed shall comfort me, my bonch shall ease a To make light, f^SiJ qalal, 5. » Ch 10. 4 ease thou somewhat the grlevons servl. 10. 9 Saae somewhat the yoke that thy father EASE, at — l.Oood, 3165 lob. Psa. 55. 13 Hii soul shall dwell ftl ease ; and hia seed t Rest, quiet, safe, secure, i"?^, i"|j5> shalev. Job sG. 12 J was at ease, but he hath broken me EASE, to be at — To he quiet, at ease, secure, ]H<^ shaan, 3a, Jer. 46. 27 be in rest and at ease, and none shall 48. II Moab hath been at ease from hia youth E&fiS, being at — X.Siafe, at ease, iS?* shalev. Kae. 23. 43 voice of a multitude being at ease (was) 2 Quick, at ease, secure, \y^hv shalanan. Job 21. 33 in ills full strength, being wholly at ease £AS£, to Hsd — To cause, give, or let rest, vn raga, 6. DeutaS 65 among these nations . thou And no ease EA8£, to take — To cause to cease, ttpairavo) anapauO. Lukeia. ig take thine ease. eat. drink, (and) be merry EABS (one's solf), to — To hf comforted, get breath again, onj nacham, 2, Isa. I. 24 I will ease tne of mine adversaries, and EASE self, to — To sit down, 2^^ yashab. Deut 23. 13 when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou EASE, (that is) at — Ease, q^iiet, at rest, {jsg* shaanan. Job t2. 5 in the thought of him that Is at ease P3a.i23. 4 the scorning of those that are at ease Isa. )2. 9 Rise up, ye women that are at ease ; hear 32. II Tremble, ye women that are at ease Amos 6. I Woe to them (that are) at ease in ffion Zech. 1:15 displeased with heaUien (that are) at o. EASES, to be — I. To go, go on, ijSri lialak. Job 16. 6 and (though) I forbear, what am 1 eased ? 8. /I sending back, release, fiyetris anesis. tCo 813 that other men be eased, and ye burdened EASTER — Cess wea/risome or Idboriotos, thKOvdrepos eukop9. Matt. 9. 5 For whether is easier to say, (Thy) sins be 19. 24 It Is easier for a camel to go through Mark 2. 9 Whether is it easier to say to the sick 10. 25 It is easier for a camel to go through Uike 3. 23 Whether is easier, to say. Thy sins be 16. 17 It is easier for heaven and earth to pass 18. 25 it is easier for a camel to go through a EABIEE, to be — To ruake light, bSlJ qalal, 5. EiodjS, 22 eo ahaU it be easier for thyself, and they EAST — 1. Pottery, n'p")n, n'CTjn charsith, charsuth- Ser ig. 2 which (is) by the entry of the east gate '^.Outgoing {of the swn), KJlto motsa. Psn. 75. 6 promotion (cometh) neither from the east 8. Rising (of tlie sun), m.ip mizrach. Josh. 4, 19 in Gilgal ; in the east border of Jericho 11. 3 the Canaanite on the east and on the w 12 I Eermon, and all the plain on the east 12. 3 to the sea of Chinneroth on the east I2-. 3 (even) the salt sea op the east, the way «6. I unto the water of Jericho on the cast, to 16. 5 of their inheritance on the east side 16. 6 and passed by it on the east to Janohah 17. 10 on the north, and in Issachar on the east 18. 7 inheritance beyond Jordan on the east 19. 13 on along on the east to Gittah-hepher I Ki. J. 2$ and three looking toward the east 1 Ch. 5. 10 throughout all the east (land) of Gilead 9. 24 toward the east, west, north, and south 12. IS toward the east, and toward the west 8 Ch. 4. 4 and three looking toward the east 5. 13 stood at the east end of the altar, and eg. 4 gathefed them together Into the east 31. 14 porter toward the east, (was) over tho Neh. 3, 26 against the water gate toward the east 3, 29 of Shechaniah, the keeper of the east gate Paa.103. 12 As far as the oast is from the west, (bo) far 107. 3 from the east, and from the west, from Isa, 41. a raised up the righteous (man) from the e 43. 5 1 will bring thy seed from the cast, and 46 II Calling a ravenous bird from tlie cast Ten 31. 40 comer of tlie horse gate toward the east Dan. 8. g toward the east, and toward the pleasant 1 1. 44 But tidings out of the east and out of the Amos 8. 12 fromthe north even to the east, they shall Zech. 8. 7 will save my people from the east country 14. 4 in tlie midst thereof toward the east 4, East, wha( is before, □"'[3 qadim. Exodio. 13 brought an east wind, the east wind 14. 21 caused the sea to go (back) by a strong e. Psa. 48. 7 Thou breakest the ships.. with an east Jer. 18. 17 I will scatter them as '.vith an east vrind Eze. 17. 10 wither, when the east wind toucheth it? 19. 12 the east wind dried up her fruit; her aj. 26 east-wind hath broken thee in the iliidst 40. 6 the gate which looketh toward the east 40. 22 of the gate that looketh toward the east 40. 23 over against the gate, .toward the east 40. 32 into the inner court toward the east : and 40. 44 one at the side of the east gate (having) 41. 14 and of the separate place toward the east 42. 10 of the wall of the court toward the east 42. 12 directly before the wall toward the east 42. 15 the gate whose prospect (is) toward the e. 42. 16 He measured the east side with the rae. 43. I (even) tlu: gate that looketh toward the e. 43. 2 the glory . . came from the way of the east 43. 4 the gate whose prospect (is) toward the e. 43. 17 and his stairs shall look toward the east 44. I sanctuary which looketh toward the east 45. 7 from the west border unto the east bor. 46. I inner court that looketh toward the east 46. 12 the gate that looKeth toward the east 47 I froutof the house (stood toward) the east 47. 18 the east side ye shall measure from Hau. 47. 18 from the border. .And (this is) the east 48. I for tiiese are his sides east (and) west 48. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 from the east 48. 3, 6 from the east side even unto the west 48. 10 toward the east ten thousand in breadth 48. 16, 32 on the cast side four thousand and five 48. 17 toward the east two hundred and fifty 48. 21 of the oblation toward the east border Hos. 13. 15 an east wind shall come, the wind of the Jon. 4. 8 that God prepared a vehement east wind 5. East, 0115 qcdem. . Gen. 3' 24 he placed at tlie east of the garden of E. 10. 30 goest unto Sephar a mount of the east 11. 2 as they journeyed from the east, that 12. 8 from thence unto a mountain on the east 12. 8 Beth-el on the west ; and Hai on the east 13. n Lot journeyed east: and they separated 25. 6 and sent them away, .unto the east coun. 29. I into the land of the people of the east N'uni23. 7 out of the mountains of the east, (saying) Judg. 6. 3 the children of the east, even they came 6. 33 children of the east were gathered togeth. 7. 12 ail the children of the east lay along in 8. 10 all the hosts of the children of the east 8. II them that dwelt in tents on the east of 1 Ki. 4. 30 the wisdom of all the children of the east .Tob I. 3 was the greatest of all the men of the ea. Isa. 2. 6 because they be replenished from the ea. )i. 14 they shall spoil them of the east togeth. Jer. 49. 28 Arise ye, go. .and spoil the men of the e. Kze. 25. 4 I will deliver thee to the men of the east 25. 10 Unto the men of the east with the Amm. Zech 14. 4 which (is) before Jerusalem ou the east 6. East, Dfi?. qedem. Oen. 28. 14 and thou shalt spread abroad, .to the east Exod27. 13 the breadth of the court on the cast side 38. 13 And for the east side eastward fifty cubi. Num. 3. 38 encamp before the tabernadetowardthee. 34. 10 ye shall point out your east border from 35. 5 from without the city on the east side two Josh. 15. 5 the east border (was) the salt sea, (even) 18. 20 Jordan was the border of it on the east 19. 13 from thence passeth on along on the east Eze. 8. 16 the temple, .and their faces toward the e. 8. 16 they worshipped the sun toward the east 45. 7 from tlie west, .and from the east side 7. East, eastward, ■is'ip qidinah. Gen. 2. 14 that (is) ii which goeth toward the east of 4. 16 dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of E. Eze. 39. II valley of the passengers on the east of the S.Easl, eastern, JiDnp qadmon. Eze. 47. 8 waters issue out toward the east country 9. East, eastern, 'jiD"!!? qadmoni. Eze. 10. 19 stood at the door of the east gate of the II. I brought me unto the east gate of the L. 47. 18 from the border unto the east sea Joel 2. 20 with his face toward the east sea, and 10. East, uprising (of the sun), avaroXT] anatoU. Matt 2. I came wise men from the east to Jems. ■2. 2 we have seen his star in the east, and B. 9 the star, which they saw in the east, went 8. I J many shall come from the east and west 24. 27 as the lightening cometh out of the east l*ikei3. 29 they shall come from the east, and (from) fiev. 7. 2 I'saw another angel ascending from the e. 16. 12 the way of the kings of the east might 21. 13 On the east, three gates ; on the nortb EAST end or part — The east, oiij qcdem. l/sv. 1. 16 cast it beside the altar on the east part >fum 10. 5 camps that lie on the east parts shall 2 Ch. 4. 10 the sea on the light side of the east end EAST Bide — l.JRising {of the sun), (vny^Ynnm mizrach-{shemesk.) Judgii. 18 came by the" east side of the land of Moab- 21. 19 on the east side of the highway that goetlij I Ch. 4. 39 unto the east side of the valley, to seek 6. 78 by Jericho, on the east side ofJordan 2.East, what is before, D'li; qadim. Eze. 42. g'the entry on the east side, as one goeth S.East, DTjJ qedem. Num 34. II Shepham to Kiblah, on the east side of Josh. 7. 2 Beth-aven, on the east side of Bethel Eze. II. 23 which (is) on the east side of the city Jon. 4. 5 and sat on the east side of the city i.East, Dip qedem. Num. 2! 3 on the east side toward the rising of EAST wind — East (wind), D'"ii5 qadim. Gen. 41. 6 thin ears and blasted with the east wind 41. 23 thin, (and) blasted with the east wind 41. 27 empty ears, blasted with the east wind Job 15. 2 and fill his beUy with the east wind.? 27. 21 The east wind carrieth him away, and he 38. 24 scattereth the east wind upon the earth ? Psa. 78. 26 caused aneast wind to blow in the heaven Isa. 27. 8 rough wind in the day of the east wind Hos. 12. I Ephraim. .folio weth after the east wind Hal). I. 9 their faces shall sup up (as) the east wind EASTE3.— Passover (from ffeb. noa a passing ovei-); vaaxa- Acts 12. 4 intending after Easter to bring him forth EASTWABD — l.Ris-ing (of the sun), rr;in mizrach. Exod27. 13 the court on the east side eastward 38. 13 for the east side eastward fifty cubits Hum. 3. 38 tabernacle of the congregation eastward 32. 19 fallen to us on this side Jordan eastwurd Deut. 3. 17 the saltsea, under Ashdoth-pisgah east^'. 3. 27 northward, and southward, and e.istw.-xid 4. 49 the plain on this side Jordan eastward Josh. II. 8 and unto the valley of Mizpeh eastwanl 13. 8 Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastw. 13. 27 on the other side Jordan eastward 13. 32 the other side Jordan, by Jericho, eastw. 16. 6 went about eastward unto Taanathsliiloli 20. 8 the other side Jordan by Jericho eastw. 2 Ki. 10. 33 From Jordan eastward, all the land of I Ch. 5. g eastward he inhabited unto the entering 7. 28 eastward Naaran, and westward Gezer 9. 1 8 hitherto (waited) in the king's gate eastw. 26. 14 And the lot eastward fell to Shelemiah 26. 17 Eastward (were) six Levites, northward Neh. 12. 37 even unto the water gate eastward i.East, eastward. Dip qadim. Eze. II. 1 the east gate, .which looketh eastward 40. 19 an hundred cubits eastward and north. 45. 7 westward, and from the east side eastw. 47. I under the threshold of the house eastw. 47. 2 gate by the way that looketh eastward 47. 3 the line in his hand went forth eastward 48. 18 (portion shall be) ten thousand eastward S.East, eastward, Dip^ qedem. Gen. 2. 8 God planted a garden eastward in Eden i.East, eastward. Dip qedem. Gen. 13. 14 art northward, and southward, and eastw. 25. 6 sent them away from Isaac .. eastward Lev. 16. 14 his finger upon the mercy seat eastward Num 34. 3 outmost coast of the salt sea eastward 34. II side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward 34. 15 on this side Jordan (near) Jericho eastw. Josh. 19. 12 turned from Saiid eastward toward the 1 Ki. 7. .39 on the right side of the house eastward 17. 3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward 2 Ki. 13. 17 he said. Open the window eastward : and 5.The east, nDlP qidmah. 1 Sa. 13. 5 in Michmash, eostward from Eeth-aven EASY — Useful, good, kind, xfiVCT^s chrestos. Mattii. 30 my yoke (is) easy, and my burden is liglit EASY, to be — To be light, hh;^ qalal, 2. Prov. 14. 6 knowledge (is) easy unto him that under. EAT, to — l.To eat, ^5K akal. Gen. 2. 16 Of every tree, .thon mayesS freely eat _ 2. 17 But of the troe. .tbou shalt not eat of it 2. 17 in the day that tliou eateet thereof thou 3. J shall not eat of every tree of the garden ? 3. 2 We may eat of the fruit of the trees of 3. 3 Ye shall not eat cf it, neither shall ye 3. 5 God doth know that in the day ye eat 3. 6 aha took of the fruit thereof, and did eat 3. 6 gave, .unto fcer liusband. .and he did eat 3. SI Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof 3. II commanded, .that thou shouldest not e. ? 3. 12 she gave me of the tree, and I did eat 3. 13 The serpent beguiled me, and I did cat 3. 14 dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy 3. 17 Because thou hast, .eaten of the tree, of 3. 17 Thou shalt not eat of it : cursed (is) the 3. 17 shalt thou eat (of) it all the days of thy 3. 18 and thou shalt eat the herb of the field 3. 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat 3. 22 take also, .and eat, and live for ever g. i flesh with the life . .shall ye not ea,i % EAT 285 EAT Gen. 14 18. jg. 24. 24. 25. a6. »7- 27. 27. 27. 27. 27- 27- 27. 28. SI- S' 3»- 3>- 32- 37- 39 46. 40 43 43- 43 43- 45- 47. Exoa.2 so. 12 12. 12 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. '3- t6 16. 16. J 6. 16. 16. t8. 22. 23. 23- 23- 24- 29 29. 29 32 34 34- 34- Lev 3, 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 7 7- 7- 7' 7- 7 7- 7- 7- 7 8. 24 only that which the young men have ea. 8 stood. . under the tree, ana tliey did eat 3 bake unleavened bread, and they did eat 33 And there was sot (meat) before him to eat 33 I will not eat, until I have told mino 54 they did eat and drink, he and the men 34 he did eat and drink, and rose up, and 30 he made them a feast, and they did eat 4 and bring (it) to me, that I may eat 7 make me eavoury meat, that I may eat 10 bring (it) to thy father, that he may eat 19 arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venL 25 Bring (it) near to me, and I will eat of 25 he brought (it) near to him, and he did e. 31 Let my father arise, and eat of his son's 33 I have eaten of all before thou earnest 20 and will give me bread to eat, and raim. 38 the rams of thy fiock have I not eaten 46 and they did eat there upon the heap 54 .Tacob. .called his brethren to eat bread 54 they did eat bread, and tarried all niglit 32 the children of Israel eat not (of) the 25 And they sat down to eat bread : and 6 ought .save the bread which.he did eat 17 the birds did eat them out of the basket 19 the birds shall eat thy flesh from ott' thee 2 when they had eaten up the com which 25 they heard that they should eat bread 32 for the Egyptians which did eat with 32 because the Egyptians might not eat br. 18 and ye shall eat the fat of the land 22 for the priests did eat their portion 20 he said call him, that he may eat bread 5 they shall eat. and shall eat every tree 12 and eat every herb of the land,(even)all 15 and they did eat every herb of the land 4 every man according to his eating shall 7 the houses, wherein they shall eat it 8 they shall eat the flesh in that night 8 (and) with bitter (herbs) they shall eat 9 Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with n thus shall ye eat it ; (with) your loins n eat it in h.iste ; it (is) the Lord's passov. IS Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread IS whosoever eateth leavened bread from 18 ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the 19 whosoever eateth that which is leavened 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened 20 in all your habitations shall ye eat unle. 43 There shall no stranger eat thereof 44 hast circumcised him, then shall he pat 45 an hired servant shall not eat thereof 48 no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof 6 Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened t>. 3 when we did eat bread to the full I for ye 8 shall give you in the evening flesh to eat 12 At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the mo 25 Eat that to day , for to day(is) a sabbath 35 the children of Israel did eat manna forty 35 they did eat manna, Until they came unto 12 Aaron came to eat bread with Moses' 31 neither shall ye eat (any) flesh (that is) 11 that the poor of thy people may eat n and what they leave the beasts shall e. 15 thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven d. n also they saw God, and did eat and dri. 32 Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of 33 they shall eat those things wherewith 33 a stranger shall not eat because 6 the people sat down to eat and to drink rs call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice 18 Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened 28 he did neither eat bread, nor drink water 17 statute .that ye eat neither fat nor blood 16 remainder shall Aaron and his sons eat 16 in the congregation they shall eat it j8 males among the children .shall eat of it 26 The priest that offereth it shall eat it 29 All the males among the priests shall e. 6 Every male among the priests shalj eat 18 the soul that eateth of it shall bear his 19 as for the flesh, all that be clean shall e. 20 the soul that eateth (of) the flesh of the 21 eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace 23 Ye shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or 24 be used but ye shall in no wise eat of it 25 For whosoever eateth the fat of the beast 25 the soul that eateth (it) shall be cut off 26 Moreover ye shall eat no manner of blood 27 Whatsoever soul (it be) that eateth any 31 there eat it with the bread that (is) in 31 saying, Aaron and his sons shall eat it 10. 12 and eat it without leaven beside the 10. 13 And ye shall eat it in the holy place 10. 14 wave breast, .shall ye eat in a clean place lo 17 Wherefore have ye not eaten the sin off. 10. 18 ye should indeed have eaten it in (he holy 10. 19 (if) I had eaten the sin offering to day 11. 2 These (are) the beasts which ye shall eat II. 3 Wliatsoeverparteththehoof shallyeeat II. 4 Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them II. 8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and then- II. 9 These shall ye eat of all that (are) in the IX. 9 whatsoever hath fins them shall ye eat II. n ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall II. 21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying cree. II. 22 these of them ye may eat ; the locust II. 40 he that eateth of the carcase of it shall II. 42 them ye shall not eat , for they (are) an 14. 47 he that eateth in the house shall wash his 17. lo that eateth any manner of blood 17. 10 set my face against that soul that eateth 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. »3 23- i4- 25. 2S 25- 23- 25- 25. 26. 26. j6. 26. 26. 26. Nam. 6. 6. 9' II. ti. II. 11. '3 >5 18. 18. 18. 18. 23. .25- Oeut Lev. 17. 12 I Raid No soul of you shall eat blood 17. 12 neither shall any stranger, eat blood 17. 14 Ve sliiiU eat the blood of no manner of 17. 14 whosoever eateth it shall be cut off 17. IS every soul that eateth that which died ig. 8 that eateth it shall bear hia iniquity 19. 25 in the flfth year shall ye eat of the fruit 19. 26 Ye shall not eat(any thing) with the 21. 22 He shall eat the bread of his God 22 4 he. shall not eat of the holy things, until 22. 6 shall not eat of the holy things, unless 7 ho shall . . afterward eat of the holy things 8 he shall not eat to defile himself thereivUh 10 There shall no stranger eat (of) the holy 10 an hired servant, shall not eat (of) tho 11 if the priest buy. .he shall cat of it 11 he that is bom in hia house, .shall eat of 12 she may not eat of an offering of the holy 13 she shall eat of her father's meat 13 but there shall no stranger eat thereof 14 if a man eat (of) the holy things unwitt. 16 when they eat their holy things ; for I 6 seven days ye must eat unleavened bread 14 ye shMl eat neither bread, nor parched 9 and they shall eat it in the holy place 15 ye shall eat the increase thereof out o! 19 ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein 20 What shall we eat the seventh year? 22 eat (yet) of old fruit until the ninth year 22 until her fruits come in ye shall eat (oO 5 and ye shall eat your bread to tho full 10 ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the 16 sow. .in vain, for your enemies shall eat 26 and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied 29 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons 29 the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat 38 the land of your enemies shall eat younp 3 neither shall he moist grapes, or 4 shall he eat nothing that is made of the 11 at even.they shall keep It, (and) eat it with 5 We remember the fish which we did eat 13 saying. Give us flesh, that we may eat 18 Sanctify yourselves . .ye shall eat flesh 18 Lord will give you flesh, and ye shall eat 19 Ye shall not eat one day, nor two days 21 I will give them flesh, that they may eata 32 a land that eateth up the inhabitants 19 when ye eat of the bread of the land 10 In the most holy, .shalt thou eat it 10 every male shall eat it : it shall be holy . 11,13 ''hat is clean in thy house shall eat 31 And ye shall eat it- in every place 24 he shallhiot lie down until he eat (oQ the 2 the people did eat, and bowed down to 6 shall buy meat of them, .that ye may eat 28 sell me meat for money, that I may eat 28 ye shall serve gods which neither eat 11 when thou shalt have eaten, and be full 9 A land wherein thou shalt eat bread 10, 12 When thou hast eaten and art full 9, 18 neither did eat bread nor drink water 15 And I sviil send, that thou mayest eat 7 there ye shaU eat before the Lord your 15 thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all thy 15, 22 the unclean and the clean may eat j6 Only ye shall not eat the blood ; ye shall 17 Thou mayest not eatwithin thy gates the 18 thou must eat them before the Lord thy 20 and thou shalt say, I will eat flesh 20 because thy soul longeth to eat flesh 20 Uiou mayest eat flesh, whatsoever thy 21 thou shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever 2? shalt eat them .the clean shall eat 23 Only be sure that thou eat not the blood 23 thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh 24 Thou shalt not eat it ; thou shalt pour'jit 25 Thou shalt not eat it, that it may go 27 thou shalt offer, .and thou shalt eat the 3 Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing 4 These (are) the beasts which ye shall eat 6 among the beasts, that ye shall eat 7 shall not eat of thera that chew the cud 8 ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch 9 shall eat of all that (are) in the waters 9 that have fins and scales shall ye eat 10 hath not fins and scales ye may not eat 11 (Of) all clean birds ye shall eat 12 these (are they) of which ye shall not eat 20 (But of) all clean fowls ye may eat 21 not eat (of) anytliing that dieth of itsell 21 unto the stranger, .that he may eat it 23 thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God 26 shalt eat there before the LORD thy God 29 shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied 20 Thou shalt eat (it) before the Lord thy 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof 3 Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with 3 seven days shalt thou eat unleavened 7 thou shalt roast and eat (it) in the place 8 Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread I they shall eat the offerings of the LORD 8 They shall have like portions to eat 14 thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies 19 thou mayest eat of them, and thou slialt 24 thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at 12 may eat within thy gates, and be filled 14 I have not eaten thereof in my mourning 7 offer peace offerings, and shalt eat there 31 Thine ox. .thou shalt not eat thereof 39 (the grapes) ; for the worms shall eat them S> be shall eat the truit of thy cattle, and 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 14. 14- 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. «S- «5- «S- 16. 16. I6. 16. 18. 18. 20. 20. 23- 26. 26. 27- 28. 28. 28. Deut23. 53 thou elialt eat the fruit of thine own I)fKjy 28. 55 flcBli of his children whom he shall eat 28. 57 sho shall cat them for want of all (things) 29. 6 Yo have not eaten bread, neither have yo 31. 20 shall have eaten and filled themselves 32. 13 ho might tat the increase of the fields 32. 38 Which did eat the fat of their Kacriflces loah. s- " they did eat of the old com of the land 5. 12 had eaten of tho old com of the land 5. 12 they did eat of the fmit of tho land of 24. 13 oliveyards which ye planted not do ye cat Jadg. 9. 27 did eat and drink, and cursed Abimcloch 13. 4 drink not wine . and eat not any unclean 13. 7 drink no Wine, .neither cat any unclean 13. 14 eat of any (thing) that comcth of the vine 13. 14 neither let her. .eat any unclean (thing) 13. j6 lliough thou detain me, I will not cat of 14. 9 took thereof in his hands . . went on eating 14. g and he gave thera, and they did eat 19. 4 they did eat and drink, and lodged there 19. 6 did eat and drink both of them together 19. 8 tarried until afternoon, and they aid cat 19. 21 washed their feet, and did eat and drink Ruth 2. 14 eat of tho bread, and dip thy morsel lu 2. 14 and she did cat, and was sufficed, and 3. 3 he shall have done eating and drinklnH 3. 7 when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and fils • Sa. 1. 7 therefore she wept, and did rot eat I. 8 why weepest thou? and why eatest thou I. 9 Hannah rose up after they had eaten In I. iS tho woman went her way, and did eat e. 36 that I may eat a piece of bread 9. 13 before ho go up to the high place to cat 9. 13 for the people will not eat until he corao 9. 13 (and) afterwards they eat that be bidden 9. 19 ye shall eat with me to day; and to morrow 0. 24 which is left I set(itl before thee, (and) cat 9. 24 So Saul did eat with Samuel that day 14. 24, 28 Cursed (be) tho man that eateth (any) 14. 30 if haply the people had eaten freely 14. 32 the people did eat (them) with the blood 14. 33 in that they eat with the blood 14. 34 his sheep, and slay (them) here, and cat 14. 34 sin not against the Lord m eating with so. 24 the king sat him down to eat meat so. 34 did eat no meat the second day of the cS. 20 eaten no bread all the day, nor all the 28. 22 cat, that thou mayest have strcngtii wbeo 28. 23 But he refused, and said, I will not eat 28. 25 And she brought (it), and they did cat 30. II and gave him bread, and he did eat 30. 12 when he had eaten, hia spirit came again 30. 12 be had eaten no bread, nor drunk (any) 30. 16 eating and drinking, and dancing, beca 3 8a. g. 7 shalt eat bread at my table continually g. 10 that thy master's son may havelood to cat 9. to master's son shall eat bread alway at my 9. II cat at my table, as one of the king's sons 9. 13 he did eat continually at the king's table 11. II go into mine house, to eat and to driak n. 13 when David had called him, he did cat i«. 3 it did eat of hia own meat, and drank of 12. 20 they set bread before him, and he did eat 12. zi child was dead, thou didst rise and ett 13. s that I may see (ft), and eat (it) at her haad 13. 9 poured (them) out. .but he refused to ^t 13. n when she had brought. . unto him to eat' 16. 2 summer fruit for the young men to cat 17. 29 for the people that (were) with him, to tst 19. 28 them that did eat at thine own table 19. 35 can thy servant taste what 1 eat or what 19. 42 have wo eaten at all of the king's (cost) f I KL t. 25 thoy eat and drink before him, and say 1. 41 heard (it) as they bad made an end of eat. 2. 7 let them be of those that eat at thy table 4. 2o eating and drinking, and making mtrry 13. 8, i5 neither will I eat bread nor drink 13. 9 Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn 13. 15 Come home with me, and eat bread 13. 17 Thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water 13. t8 Bring him back, .that be may eat breai) 13. 19 80 he went back with him, and did e»i 13. 22 But earnest back, and hast eaten bread 13. 22 Eat DO bread, and drink no water 13. 23 it came to pass, after he had eaten bread 13. 28 the lion had not eaten the carcase, dot 14. II dieth. .in the city shall the dogs eat 14. ti dieth in the field shall the fowls, .eat t6. 4 dieth. .in the city shall the dogs eat 16. 4 dieth. .in the fields shall the fowls, .eat 17. 12 of meal, .that we may eat it, and die 17. IS and she, and be, and ber bouse, did cat 18. 19 theprophets. .which eat at Jezebel'stable t8. 41 Elijah said G^t thee up, ea' and drink 18. 42 So Ahab went up to eat and .0 drink 19. s angel touched him, and said. .Arise, .eat 19. 6 he did eat and drink, and laid him down 19. 8 And he arose, and did eat and drink 19. 21 he. .gave unto the people, and they did e. 21. 4 he .turned away, .and would eat no bra. 21. s Why is thy spirit so. sad, that thou eatest 21. 7 Arise .eat bread, and let thine heart bo SI 23 The do^ shall eat Jezebel by the waU ol 21. 24 dieth. .m the city the dogs shall eat 21. 24 dieth in the field shall the fowls .eat a Kl 4. 8 and she constrained him to eat bread 4. 8 as he passed by, he turned in to eat 4. 40 So they poured nut for the men to eat 4. 40 as they were eating of the pottage, that 4. 40 And they could not eat (thereof) 4. 41 he said, Pour out .that they may eat 4. 42 Give unto the people, that they may eat EAT 286 EAT 2 Ki. 4. 43 Give the people, that they may eat . 4.43 They shall eat, and shall leave (tliereoO 4. 44 he set (it) before them, and they did eat 6. 22 set bread and watev. .that they may eat 6. 23 and when they had eaten and drunk 6. 28, 29 Give thy son, that we may eat him 6. 28 and we will eat my son to morrow ' 6. 29 So we boiled my son, and did eat him 7. 2, ig thou shalt see.. but Shalt not eat 7. 8 they went into one tent, and did eat 9. 10 the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion 9. 34 he was come in, he did eat and drink g. 36 In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat 18. 27 that they may eat their own dung, and 18. 31 eat yo every man of his own vine 19. 29 Ye shall eat this year such things as grow 19. 29 plant vineyards, and oat the fruits there. 23. g they did eat of the unleavened bread 25. 29 he did eat bread continually before him 1 Ch.i2. 39 they wei-e ivith David, .eating and drink. 29. 22 And did eat and drink before the Loud 2 Ch.30. 18 yet did they eat the pa^sover otherwise 30. 22 they did eat throughout the feast seven 31. 10 we have had enough to eat, and have Ezra 2. 63 th^Tirshatha said, .they should not eat 6. 21 all.. as had separated themselves, .did e. g. 12 that ye may be strong, and eat the good iQ. 6 he did eat no bread, nor drink water Neh 5. 2 we take up com. .that we may eat, and 5, 14 I and my brethren have not eaten the 7. 65 the Tirshatha said, .they should not eat 8. 10 Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the 8. 12 all the people, went their way to eat g. 25 so they did eat, and were filled, and 9. 36 thou gavesf unto our fathers to eat the Esth. 4. i5 neither eat nor drink three days, night Job J. 4 called for their three sisters to eat r. 13 his sons and his daughters (were) eating 1. 18 Thy sons and thy daughters (v/ere) eating 21. 25 And another, .never eateth with pleasure 3t. 8 let me sow, and let another eat; yea 3x 17 Or have eaten my morsel myself alone 31. 17 and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof 31. 39 If I have eaten the fruits'ther;;of wilholit 40 15 Behold now behemoth.. he eateth grass 42. 1 1 they .did eat bread with him in his hou. Psa 14. 4 who eat up my people. . they eat bread 22 26 The meek shali eat and be satisfied 22. 20 All., fat upon earth shall eat and worship 27. 2 When, my foes, came upon me to eat up 41. 9 mine own. .friend, .which did eat of my 50. 13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the 53. 4 who eat up ray people, .they eat bread 78. 24 had rained down manna upon them to e. 78. 25 Man did eat angels' food; he sent them 78. 29 So they did cat, and were well lUled 102. 4 heart is smitten, .so that I forget to cat 102. 9 For I have eaten ashes like bread, and 105. 35 And did eat up all the herbs in tlieir 106. 2a the similitude of an ox that eateth grass 106. 28 They joined . . and ate the sacrifices of the 127. 2 vain for you . . to eat the bread of sorrows 128. 2 thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands Prov I. 31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of 13. " 2 A roan shall eat good by the fruit of (his) 13. 25 righteous eateth to the satisfying of his 18. 21 they that love it shall eat the fruit 23. 7 Eat and drink, saith he to thee ; but hia .23. 8 morsel (which) thou hast eateu shalt thou 24. 13 My son, eat thou honey, because (it is) 25. 16 eat so much as is sufficient for thee 25. 37 (It is) Dot good to eat much honey ; so ■ 27. 18 Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the 30. 17 and the yoimg eagles shall eat it 30. 20 she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and 31. 27 and eateth not the bread of idleness Eccl. 2. 24 that he should eat and drink, and (that) 2. 25 For who can eat, or who else can hasten 3. 13 also that every man should eat and driuk 4. 5 The fool . . eateth his own flesh J. II increase, they are increased that eat them 5. 12 (is) sweet, whether he eat little or much 5. 17 All his days also he eateth in darkness 5. 18 (it is) good and comely (for one) to eat 5. 19 hath given him power to eat thereof, and 6. a to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it 8. 15 no better thing under the sun, than to e. 9. 7 eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy JO. 16 and thy princes eat in the morning! 10. 17 thy princes eat indue season, for strength Song 4. i5 hia garden, and eat his pleasant fruits 5. I I have eaten my honey comb with my h. 5. I eat, O friends ; drink, yea, drink abun. Isa. I 19 obedient, ye shall eat the good of the 3. 10 they shall eat the fruit of their doings 4. I We vn\l eat our own bread, and wear our 5. 17 and- the vfaste places .shall strangers eat 7. 15 Butter and honey shall ho eat, that he 7. 22 for the abundance of milk, .he shall eat 7. 22 butter and honey shall evei^ one eat 9. 2o he shall eat on the left hand, and they' 9. 20 eat every man the flesh of his own arm J I. 7 and the lion shall eat straw like the ox 21. 5 watch in the watch tower, eat, drink «2. 13 killing sheep, gating flesh, and drinking 22. 13 eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die 23. 18 eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing 29. 8 hungry (man) dreameth, and, behold, he e. 30. 24 young asse?. .shall eat clean provender. 36. 12 they may eat their own dung" and drink 36. 76 eat ye every one of his vine, and every 37. 30 eat (this) year such as groweth of itself Isa. 37. 30 plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof 44. 16 with part thereof he eateth Hesh 4). 19 I have roasted flesh, and eaten (it) 51. 8 and the worm shall eat them like wool 55. I come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine 55. 2 eat ye (that which is) good, and let your 59. 5 he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and 61. 6 ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles 62. 9 they that have gathered it shall eat it 65. 4 eatswine's flesh, and broth of abominable 65. J 3 servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry 65. 21 plant vhieyards, and eat the fruit of them 6$. 22 they shall not plant, and another eat 65. 25 the lion shall eat straw like the bullock 66. 17 eating swine's flesh, and the abomination Jer. 2. 7 to eat the fruit thereof, and the goodness 5. 17 thy sons aud thy daughters should eat 7. 21 put. .offerings unto.. sacrifices, and eat 15. 16 Thy words were found, and 1 did eat them 16. 8 to sit v/ith them to eat and to drink ig. 9 shall eat every one the flesh of his friend 22. 15 Did not thy father eat and drink, and do 29. 5, 28 plant gardens, and eat the fruit of 31. 2g The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and 31. 30 every man that eateth the sour grape 41. I they did eat bread together in Mizpah 52. 33 he did continually eat bread before him Lam. 2. 20 Shall the women eat their fruit, (and) Eze. 2. 8 open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee 1. 1 Son of man, eat that thou flndest; eat 3. 3 Then did I cat (it) ; and it was in my mo. 4. 9 hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat 4. 10 meat which thou shalt eat (shall be) by 4. 10 from time to tune shalt thou eat it 4. 12 thou shalt eat it (as) barley cakes, and 4. 13 the children of Israel eat their defiled 4. 14 have I not eaten of that which dieth of 4. 16 they shall eat bread by weight, and with 5. 10 fathers shall eat the sons in the midst 5. 10 and the sons shall eat their fathers 12. 18 eat thy bread with quaking, and drink 12. 19 shall eat their bread witli carefulness 16. 13 didst cat fine flour, and honey, and oil 18. 2 The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and 18. 6 hath not eaten upon the mo\intains 18. II hath eaten upon the mountains, and de. 18. 15 (That) hath not eaten upon the mount. 22. 9 and in thee they eat upon the mountains 24. 17 cover not (thy) lips, and eat rot the bread 24. 22 cover your lips, nor eat the bread of men 25. 4 they shall eat thy fruit, and they shall 33. 25 Ye eat with the blood, and lift up your 34. 3 Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with 39. 17 that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood 39. 18 Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and 39. 19 ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink 42. 13 priests, shall eat the most holy things 44. 3 he shall sit in it to eat bread before the 44. 29 They shall eat the meat offering, and the 44. 31 The priests shall not eat of any thing Dan. I. 12 let them give us pulse to eat, and water I. 13 the countenance of the children that eat 1. 15 than all the children which did eat the 10. 3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came Hos. 2. 12 and the beasts of the field shall eat them 4. 10 For they shall eat, and not have enough 8. 1 3 They sacrifice flesh . . offerings . . and cat 9. 3 they shall eat unclean (things) in Assyria 9. 4 all that eat thereof shall be polluted 10. 13 ye have eaten the fruit of lies : because Joel 1. 4 locust eaten, cankerworm eaten, .eaten 2. 25 the years that the locust hath eaten 2. 26 ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied Amos 6. 4 'That, .eat the lambs out of the flock, and 7. .2 when they had made an end of eating the 7. 12 there eat bread, and prophesy there g. 14 they shall also make gardens, and eat Mic. 3. 3 Wlio also eat the flesh of my people 6. 14 Thou shalt eat, but not be satisfied 7. 1 DO cluster to eat ; ray soul desired the Nah. 3. IS it shall cat thee up like the cankerworm Hah. I. 8 shall fly as the eagle (that) hasteth to eat Hag. I. 6 ye eat, but ye have not enough Zech. 7. 6 when ye did eat, aud when ye did drink 7. 6 did ye not eat. .and drink (for yourselves) 11. g let the rest eat every one the flesh of J 1. 16 but he shall eat the flesh of the fat 2. To be eaten, '?3k akal, 2. Kxodi2. 16 save (that) which every man, must eat 3. To eat, hst akal. Dan. 4. 33'did eat grass as oxen, and hia body was i. Eating, food, ri^?!< oMah. Exodio. 15 whicii the Lord hath giveayouto eat •Lev. II. 39 And if any beast, of which ye may eat 5. To eat, nourish, fdl, .tjii barah. 2 Sa. 12. 17 neither did he eat bread with them 13. 6 in my sight, thp-t I may eat at her hand 13. 10 Bring the meat, .that I way eat of thine Q.To eat {bread), dpiS lacMm. Psa. 141. 4 and let me not eat of their dainties Prov. 4. 17 For they eat the bread of wickedness 9. 'um2i. 33 he, and all his people, to the battle at E. Deut I. 4 and Og. .which dwelt at Astaroth in E. 3. I he and all his people, to the battle at E. 3. 10 Salchah and E., cities of tlie kingdom of Josh. 12. 4 Og. .that dwelt at Ashtaroth and at E. 13. 12 Og. .which reigned in Ashtaroth and in E. 13. 31 Ashtaroth, and E., cities of the kingdom. 2. A city of the tribe of Kaphtali. Josh. 19. 37 And Kedesh, and E., and En-hazor EFFECT — \. Matter, "i^'i dabar. Eze 12. 23 The days are at hand, and the effect of 2. Service,, n'i^'^yi. o.hodak. Isa. 32. 17' tlie effect of righteousness quietness and EFFECT, to become of no — To he made useless, icarapyeofjiai katargeomai. Gal. 5. 4 Christ is become of no effect unto you EFFECT, to make of none — \.7'o break, discourage, disallow, NiJ no, 5. Psa. 33. 10 he maketh the devices, .of none effect 2.T0 break, make void, -np parar, 5. Num3o. 8 he shall make her vow. .of noue effect 3. To make powerless, lordless, aKvpSco alcuroo. Matt. 15. 6 Thus have ye made . . of none effect by Mark 7. 13 making the word of God of none effect i.To malce useless, Karapyeoi kaiargeo. Rom. 4. 14 and the promise made of none effeet Gal. 3. 17 it should make the promise of none effect 5. To make vain, empty, k^vSu kenoo, 1 Co. 1. 17 the cross, .should be made of none effect EFFECT, to maie without — To make useless, icarap-yiio kaiargeo. Rom. 3. 3 make the faith of God without effect ? EFFECT, to take none — To fall out of, iKTilirroi ekpipto. Rom. 9. 6 the word of God hath taken none effect EFFECT, to (prosperously) — \.To do, -\y^ asah. Jer. 48. 30 saith the Lord . . his lies shall not so edfect 2. To cause to prosper, nSy isaleach, 5. 2 Ch. 7. II all that came, .he prosperously effected EFFECTUAL — In working, iv^py^s energes. 1 Co. 16. 9 For a great door and effectual is opene.-) Phm. 6 That the communication, .may become e. EFFECrtJAL, to be — To luork in, eVep^ew cnergco. 2 Co. I. 6 which is effectual in the enduring of the EFFECTUAL fervent — To work in, fVf pyew energeo. Jas. 5.16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous EFFECTITAX working — Inworldng, iuepyda energeia. Eph. 3. 7 given unto me by the effectual workir^ 4. 16 according to tlie effectual working in the EFFECTUALLY in, to work — To work in, iu^pyeoi energeo. Gal. 2. 8 For he that wrought effectually in Petcrf I Th. 2. 13 which eft'ectuallyworketh also in you that EFFEMINATE — Soft, iJ.a\aK6s inalakos. 1 Co. 6. 9 nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves EGG — l.Egg, yolM, Curdled milk, niD^n cTiallamuth. Job 6. 6 is there (any) taste in the white of an egg> 2.Eggs, D'X'3 beisim. Deut 22. 6 young ones, or eggs, and the dam 22. 6 and the darn sitting upon . .the eggs Job 39. i4JWhich leaveth her eggs inthe earth, and Isa. 10. 14 and as one gathereth eggs (that are) left 59. 5 They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave 59. 5 he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that 3. Egg, oi6v don. Lukeii. 12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer EG'-LAH, nh:il calf. One of David's mves, and mother of his 6th son, B.C. 1050. 2 Sa. 3. s And the sixth, Ithream, by E., David's I Ch. 3. 3 tlie sixth, Ithream by £., his wife EG-IA'-Uff, 0-hi^ double spring. A city of Moab, eight miles S. of Areopolis. Isa. 15. 8 the howling thereof unto E., and . .Beer. EG'-LON, ]\hji! circle. 1. An Amorite city in N.W. of Judah (now Ajtan), in the Shefelah or "low country." King Debir was its ruler when Joshua conquered it and its four confederate cities. Josh. 10. 3 sent, .unto Debir king of E., saying 10. 5 king of Lachjsh, the king of E., gathered 10. 23 the king of Lachish, (and) the king of E. 10. 34 from Lachish Joshua passed unto E. 10. 35 Joshua went up from E., and all Israel 10. 37 according to all that he had done to E. 12. 12 The king of E., one ; the king of Oezer 15. 39 Lachish, uad Bozkath and E. 1 EGYPT 289 EGYPT fi 2. A king of the Moabitca who, aided by the Araraooites and Anialekites, crosscd-tlie Jordan aud took "the city of Paliu-treea," or Jericho, where he built a palace and continued for eighteen years to oppress the Israelites. He was slain by Ehud, son of Gera, a Benjamite, b.o. *3J6 Judg 3. 12 the Lord strengthened E. the king ol 3. 14 So the children of Israel served E. the 3. 15 Israel sent a present unto E. the king of 3. 17 E. king of Moab : and E. (was) a very fat E'-GYPT, on^o, AiyvTTTOi, Vleapaiv. A country at the N.E. angle of Africa, and lying between ,1" 37' and 24' i' N. , and 27° 13' and 34° 12' E. Its imits appear to have been almost always the same. Ill Eze. 29. 10 and 30. 6 the whole country is epKikenof as extending from Riigdol to Syene, which indicates the same limits to the E. and S. as at present. The tract irrigated by the Nile was, in ancient times, the real extent of Egypt. In modem times alone has the name been used in a more extended sense. In the Bible the common name is 'VVt'sraim " or " the land of Mitsraim " It was colonised by the descendants of Ham. The word Mitsraim is dual, and indicates tha natural division of tlie country into an upper and lower region — the plain of the Delta, and the narrow valley above, as it has been commonly called at all times. ViTien the singular form Uatsor occurs, some suppose it points out Lower Egypt only Matsor meim " red mud." The "land of Haui," is also poetically used in the Bible for Egypt. The following table has beencompiled from the works ofthe best authorities :— InB.C. 2717 Menes,the first king of Egypt, and founder of the Tlimite dynasty, begins to reign; 2280 Thebes founded, 2188 Memphis founded, 2126 Egypt divided into Egypt proper. Lower Egypt, This, and Memphis, 2122 Jiieroglyp"hiC3 invented by Athotes , 2120 Suphis and his brother Sensuphis build pyramids to the north of Memphis, which still exist; 2IOO Osyinandyas extends his conquests into Asia; the worship of Osiris, Isis, Vhtha, and Aramon introduced, 2080 Memphis taken by the shepherd kings of Phoenicia, who establish their dynasty ; 1938 lake Mooris con- structed , 1920 arrival of Abriahani, and expulsion of t)ie shepherd kings , 1891 Syphoas introduces common lelters, 1828 tlie Phoenicians expelled from Lower Egypt ; 1822 Memnon invents the Egyptian alphabet , 1S21 Amenophis I. becomes king of all Egypt, 1728 Joseph sold into Egypt; 1706 settlement of Jacob and his family in Goshen; 1635 death of Joseph; 1618 accession of Sesostris; 1615 the Etluopians obtain a footing in Egypt; 1491 the ten plagues are suffered by the Egyptians, and the exodus of the Israelites is accomplislied ; 14B5 reign of Egyptus, from whom the country is named Egypt instead of Mi2raim , 1322 com- mencement of first Sotliic cycle ; 1308 reign of Sethos, who builds the temple of Vulcan at Memphis, and other works; 1214 reign of Thuoris, or Proteus; 1183 Menelaus arrives in Egypt after the Trojan war, and receives Helen from Thuoris ; 1082 reigu of Cheops . 1004 alliance between Shishak, king of Egypt, and Solomon ; 972 Shishak invades Judea, and takes Jeru salera , 825 accession of Peterbastes, founder of the Tanaite dynasty , 786 Egypt establishes her supremacy over the Mediterranean ; 781 commencement of the Saite dynasty , 769 So, the Ethiopian, deposes Anysis ; 722 alliance with Hosea kingof Israel; 719 Soabdicates and returns to Ethiopia ; 711 invaded by Seimacherib king of Assyria , 685 Egypt divided between twelve kings . 660 Psainmetichus I. obtains the sovereignty of the whole of Egypt , 630 siege of Azotus, or Ashdod, by Psammetichus— it lasts twenty years; 610 Pharaoh Necho attempts to connect the Mediterranean and Red Seas by a canal , but, after losing 120,000 men, com- pelled to relinquish the undertaking; 605 Pharaoh Necho defeated by Nebuchadnezzar ; 600 Psammis, kingof Egypt, invades Ethiopia; 581 Nebuchadnezzar deposes Pharaoh Hophra, or Apries ; 572 he ravages Egypt . 569 makes Amasis king, during whose reign Egypt contains 20,000 cities ; 554 Solon visits it ; 536 Pythagoras visits it ; 535 Cyrus renders Egypt tributary; 525 Cambyses invades Egypt, and abolishes the empire of the Pharaohs ; 484 Xerxes suppresses an insurrection of the Egyptians; 460 Inarus rebels against the Persians ; 418 Herodotus visits Egypt ; 413 Amyi'tseus restores it to independence ; 330 it is again subjected to Persia by Ochus ; 332 Alexandria foanded by Alexander the Great, 322 Ptolemy I. (Soter) restores the inde- pendence of Egypt, and transfers the seat of govern- ment to Alexandria, 320 revolt of Phoenicia, and immigration of about 100,000 Jews ; 314 Phoenicia is wrested from Egypt by Antigonus, king of Phrygia, joi battle of Ipsus, which secures the independence of IDgypt, and final restoration of Phoenicia ; 273 an Egyptian embassy arrives at Rome ; 272 Memphis is made capital, 246 Ptolemy III. invades Syria; 217 battle of Raphia, which subjects Coele-Syria and Palestine to the Egyptian yoke ; 203 alliance concluded with Rome— Judea is lost; 198 Syria regains its inde- pendence , 183 an insurrection quelled by Polycrates ; 171 Antiochus Epiphanes defeats Eulaeus, regent of Egypt, and makes him prisoner ; 164 kingdom divided between Ptolemy VI. and his brother Physcon , 146 Ptolemy falls in battle, and Physcon usurps the throne, 131 Physcon (Ptolemy VII.) puts away his wife Cleopatra and marries her daughter by his own brother; 129 is compelled to flee to Cyprus; 128 a pestilence, caused by swarms of locusts, carries off 800,000 of the population, 107 Cleopatra compels Ptolemy VIII. to retire to Cyprus, and governs Egypt ; 88 civil war between Ptolemy VIII. and Alexander I. ; 82 capture and destruction of Thebes ; So abdication of Alexander III., and election of Ptolemy X., who renders hjs country tributary to the Ronir.ns ; 58 the Egyptians expei Ptolemy X , and establish Uerenico and Tryphcena ; 51 death of Ptolemy., who leaves his kingdom to Ptolemy XI. and Cleopatra, 49 Ptolemy expels Cleopatra, and civil war~eusues. Gen. 12. 10 Abram went down into E to sojourn there 12. II when he was come near to enter into E. 12. 14 it came to pass .Abram was come into E. 13. I Abram went up out of E., he, and hia 13. 10 like the land of E., as thou coraest unto 15. 18 from the river of E. unto the great river 21. 2j took him a wife out of the land of E. 2$- «8 from HavUah unto Shur, that (is)before E. s6. aAndtheLoRD .said. Go not down into E 37. 25 bearing . . myrrh . . to carry (it) down to £. 37. 28 and tliey brought Joseph into £. 37. 36 the fiUdianites sold him into E. unto P 39. I And Joseph was brought down to E 40. I the butler of the king of E. and (his) ba 40. I had offended their lord the king of E 40. 5 the butler and the baker of the liing of E 41. 8 sent and called for all the magicians of E 41. 19 such as I never saw in all the land of E 41. 29 great plenty throughout all the land of E 41. 30 plenty shall be forgotten in the land of E 41. 33man. wise, and set him over the land of E. 41. 34 take up the fifth part of the land of E 41. 36 of famine, which shall be in the land of E. 4',. 41 I have set thee over all the land of E. 41. 43 made liim (ruler) over all the land of E 41. 44 shall no man lift up his hand. in. E 41. 45 Joseph went out over, .the land of E, 41. 46 when he stood before Pharaoh kingof E 41. 46 Jos. . .went throughout all the land of E. 41. 48 seven years, which were in the land of E. 41. 53sevettyearsof pleutcousness. .in..E., were 41. 54 in all the land of E. there was bread 41 53 And when aU the land of E. was famished 41. 56 the famine waxed sore in the land of E. 41. 57 all countries came into E. .to buy (corn) 42. 1 Jacob saw that there was com in E 42. 2 1 have heard that there is com in E 42. 3 ten brethren went down to biiy com in E. 43. 2 com which they had brought out of E 43. 15 rose up, and went down to E., and stood 45. 4 Jos. your brother, whom ye sold into E. 45. 8 and a ruler throughout all the land of E. 45. 9 God hath made me lord of all E. 45. 13 shall tell my father of all my glory in E 45. 18 will give you the good of the land of .! 45. 19 take you wagons out of the land of E. 4S. 2o for the good of all the land of E. (is) 45. 23 asses laden with the good thmgs of E. 45. 25 they went up out of E., and came into 45. 26 he (is) governor over all the laud of E. 46. 3 fear not to go down into E.; for I will there 46. 4 I ^nll go down with thee into E 46. 6 they took their cattle, .and came into E. 46. 7 all his seed, brought he with him into E. 46. 8 the children of Israel which came into E. 46. 2o unto Joseph in the land of E were bora 46. 26 the souls that came with Jacob into E. 46. 27 sons of Joseph, which were bom him in E 46. 27 souls of the house of Jacob . . came into E 47.. 6 The land of E. (is) before thee : in the 47.11 gave them a possession in the land of E. 47. 13 the land of E. . .fainted by reason of the 47. 14 the raoneythat was found in the land of E 47. 15 And when money failed in the land of E 47 20 Joseph bought all the land of E for Ph 47. 21 removed them .from (one) end of E. 47. 26 Joseph made it a law over the land of E 47. 27 And Israel dwelt in the land of E 47. 28 Jacob lived in the land of E. seventeen 47. 29 bury me not, I pray thee, in E. 47. 30 thou shalt carry me out of E., and bury 48. 5 Ephr. and Manasseh . . were bom .in . E. 48. 5 before I came unto thee into E., (are) 50. 7 and all the elders of the land of E. 50. 14 Joseph returned intoE., he, and his 50. 22 Joseph dwelt in E., he and his father's 50. 26 and he was put in a coffin in E. Exod. I. I children of Israel, which came into E 1. 5 for Joseph was in E. (already) I. 8 Now there arose up a new king over E. I. 15 And the king of E. spake to the Hebrew I. 17 midwives .did not as the king of E. co. 1. 18 And the king o£E. called for themidwives 2. 23 in process of time . -the Idng of E. died 7 affliction of my people which (are) in E. 10 mayest bring forth my people, .out of E. 11 I should bring f orth .. Israel out of E.? 12 hast brought forth the people out of E i6 have. .(seen)thatwhichisdonetoyouinE. 17 willbringyouupoutof the affliction of E. 18 and thou shalt come .unto the king of E. 3. rg the king of E. will not let you go, no 3. 20 I will stretch out my hand, and smite E. 18 return unto my brethren which (are) in E. 19 And the LORD said. .60, return into E 20 and he returned to the land of E. 21 When thou goest to return into E., see 4 the king of E. said unto them. Wherefore 12 scattered .throughout all the land of E. - II Go in, speak unto Pharaoh king of E. 6. 13 them a charge unto .Pharaoh king of E. 6. 13 to briLg the children of Israel out of E. 6. 26 Bring out the children of Israel from E. 6. 27 they which spake to Paraoh king of E 6. 27 to bring out the children of Israel from E. 6. 28 Lord spake unto Moses in the land of E 6. 29 speak thou unto Pharaoh king of E. aU Eiod. 7 3 multiply my wonders In the laud of £ 7 4 tlut I may lay my hand upon E. 7. 4 out of the land of great judgmenta 7. 5 when I Btretch forth mine hand upon E 7. II the magicians of E., they also dul in likv 7 19 stretch . . thine baud upon the watere of E. 7. 19 may bo blood tliroughout all the land of " 7. 22 the magicians of E. did eo with theirv.21 8. 5 cause frogs to come up upon the laud of Hi. 8. 6 stretched hia hand over the waters of E. 8. 6 frogs came up, and covered the h^nd of S. 8. 7 and brought up froc3 upon the land of E 8. 16 become lice throughout all the land of E. 8. 17 became lieu throughout all the land of E. 8. 24 there came .(flies) into all the land of E. 9. 4 the cattle of Israel and the cattle of E. 9. 6 and all the cattle of E died . but of 9. 9 become email dust in all the land of E. g. 9 upon beast, throughout all the land of B. 9. 18 such as bath not been in E. since the fou 9. 22 there may be hail in all the land of E 9. 22 every herb throughout the land of E. g. 23 the Lord rained hail upon the land of E. g. 24 there was none like it in all the land of E. g. 25 bail smote throughout all the land of E. JO. 2 v/liat things 1 have wrought In E.,and my 10. 7 knowest thou not yet that E. is destroyedt 10. 12 Stretch out thine hand over the land of E. 10. 12 they may come up upon the land of E. to. 13 stretched forth his rod over the land of E. lo. 1 4 the locusts went up over all the land of E. 10. 14 and rested in all the coasts of E. 10. 15 not any green thing .through E. 10. 19 not one locust in aU the coasts of E. 10. 21 there may be darkness over the land of R 10. 22 there was. .darkness in all the land of E. It I will I bring one plague (more) upon . E. 11. 3 Moses (was) very great in the land of E. u. 4 midnight will I go out into the midst of E. 11 5 all the first boni in the land of E. shall 11. 6 shall be a great crj' throughout all . E. n 9 wonders may be multip. in the land of E. 12. I Lord spake unto Moses .In the land of E. 12. 12 I will pass through the land of E. this 12. 12 will smite all the first bom in the land of E. 12. 12 against all the gods of E. 1 will execute 12 13 when I smite the land of E. 12. 17 I brought your armies out of the land of E. 12. 27 passed over the houses of. Israel in £ 12. 29 smote all the first boro In the land of E. 12. 30 and there was a great cry in E. ; for 12 39 dough which they brought forth out of E. 12. 39 because they were thrust out of E., and 12. 40 of the children of Israel, who dwelt in B. 12. 41 all the hosts of the Lord went out of E. 12. 42 for bringing them out from the land of E. 51 the Lord did bring Israel out of E. 3 this day. In which ye came out from E. 8 unto me when I came forth out of E 9 hath the Lord brought thee out of E. 14 the Lord brought us out from E., from 15 slew all the first bom iu the land of E. 16 strength Lord brought us out of E. 17 the people repent and return to E. 18 went up harnessed out of the land of E. 5 it was told the king of E. that the people 7 And he took, all the chariots of E., and 8 the Lord hardened. .Pharaoh king of E. 1 1 Because (there were) no graves in E. , hast 11 dealt thus to carry us forth out of E 't 12 (Is) not this that we did tell thee in E I month after their departing out of .E. 3 had died by the hand of the Lord in. . E 6 hath brought you out from the land ot E. 32 I brought you forth from the land of E. 3 thou hast brought us up out of E. . to kill I the Lord had brought Israel out of E. 1 when. Israel were gone forth out of. E. 2 which have brought thee out of . .E. 21 for ye were strangers in the land of E g seeing ye were strangers in the land of E. IS for in it thou earnest out from E. 46 brought them forth out of the land of E I that brought us up out of the land of E 4 brought thee up out of the land of E. 7 which thou broughtest out of the land of E. 8 brought thee up out of the land of E. n hast brought forth out of the land of S. 23 that brought us up out of the land of E. I hast brought up out ofthe land of E. 18 the montli Abib thou earnest out from E. 45 the Lord that bringeth you up out of. .E. 3 After the doings of the land of E. 34 for ye were strangers in the land of E. 36 which brought you out of the land of E. 33 That brought you out of the land of E. 43 when I brought them out of the land of E. 38 brought you forth out of the laud of E. 42 servants, whichi brought forth out of. E. 55 servants whom I brought forth out of . .E. 13 God, which brought you forth out of E. 45 ancestors, whomlbroughtforthontlof E. 1 after they were come out of the land of E. 13 I smote all the first bom in the land of E. 17 I smote eyery first bom in the land of E 1 after they were come out of the land of E. 5 We remember the fish .we did eat in E. 18 flesh to eat ? for (it was) well with us in E. . 20 saying, Why came we forth out of, E. 7 . 22 Hebron was built, .before Zoan in E. 2 Would God that we had died in E. ! 3 Were it not better for UB to return into B. 37 12. '3- ■3- 13- '3- «3- »3 >3- '3- 14. 14. ■4 14 14- 14. 16. 16. 16. 15. \l. ig. 20. 22 23- 23- 29. 32- 32- 32- 32- 32. 32. 33- Lev. II. 18. 19. 19. 22. 23- 25- 25- 25 26. 26. t^um. I. 3- 8. 9- 11 11 Tl 13 »4 14' EGYPT 290 EGYPT Num 14. 4 maKe a captain, and let us return into E. 14. 19 forgiven this people, from E. even until 14. 22 my miraolES, wliich I did in E. and in 15. 41 ivhlch brought you out of the land of E. 20. 5 have ye made us to come up out of E., to so. IS How our fathers went down into E. 20. 15 and we have dwelt in S. a long time 2o 16 and hatli brought us forth out of E. 21. 5 have ye brought us up out of E. to die 22 5, II Behold, .a people come out from E. 23. 22 God brought them out of E. ; he hath 24. 8 God brought him forth out of E. ; he hath 26. 4 which went forth out of the land of S. 26. 59 whom (her mother) bare to Levi in E. 32. 11 none of the men that came up out of E. 33. I which went forth out of the laud of E. 33. 38 Israel were come out of the land of E. 34. 5 compass from Azmon unto the river of E. Deut. I. 27 hath brought us ferth out of the land of E. I. 30 according to all that he did for you iii E. 4. 20 the Loud hath taken you. .out of fl. 4. 34 according to all. .God did for you in E. 4. 37«thee. .with his miglity power out of E. 4. 45 spake, .after they came forth out of E. 4. 46 after they were come forth cut of E. 5. 6 v/hich brought thee out of the land of E. 5. 15 thou wast a servant in the land of E. 6. 12 brought thee forth out of the land of B. 6. 21 We were Pharaoh's bondmen in E. 6. 21 LOED brought us out.of E. with a mighty 6. 22 LoRDshowed signs and wonders. .uponE. 7. 8 from the hand of Pharaoh king of E. 7. 15 will put none of the evil diseases of E. 7. 18 remember what. .God did. .unto aU B. 8. 14 brought thee forth out of the land of E. 9. 7 thou didst depart out of the land of E. g. 12, aowhichthouhastbroughtforthoutofE. 10. 19 for ye were strangers in the land of E. to. 22 Thy fathers went down into E. with three. II. 3 miracles . . wliich he did in the midst of E. II. 3 unto Pharaoh the king of E., and unto II. 4 what he did unto the army of E., imtd II. 10 land, .(ia) not as the land of E., from 13. s, 10 v/hich brought you out of the land of E. 15. 15 thou wast a bondman in the land of E. 16. I God brought thee forth out of E. by night 16. 3, 3 thou earnest forth out of the land of E. 16. 6 season that thou camest forth out of E. 16. 12 remember that thou wast a bondman in E. 17. 16 shall not . . cause the people to return to E. 20. I brought thee up out of the land of E. 23. 4 met you not. .when ye came fo. out of E. 24. 9 after that ye were come forth out of E. 24. 18, 22 remember.. thou v/astabondmaninE. 25 17 v/heu ye were come forth out of E. 26. 5 he went down into E,, and sojourned 26 8 And the LORD brought us forth out of E. 28. 27 I.OKD v/ill smite thee with the botch of B. 28. 60 bring upon tliee all the diseases of E. 28. 68 the Lord, .shall bring thee Into E. again 29. 2 all that the Loed did. .In the land of E. eg. 16 know how we have dwelt in the land of E. 20. 25 brought them forth out of the land of E. 34. II which the Lord sent him to do in. .E. Josh. 2. 10 dried up the . . sea . . when yc came outof E. 5. 4 All the people that came out of E. 5. 4 of war, died, .after they came out of E. S. s by the way as they came forth out of E. 5. 6 men of war, v/hich came out of E., were 5. 9 I rolled away the reproach of B. from off 9. q we have heard, .all that he did in E. 13. 3 lYom Sihor, which (is) before E., even 15. 4 Azmon, and went out unto the river of B. 15. 47 unto the river of E., and the great sea 24. 4 Jacob and his children went down into E. 24. si sent Moses also . . and I plagued E. 24. 6 And I brought your fathers out of E. 24. 7 eyes have seen what I have done in E. 24. 14 gods which your fathers served, .in E. 24. 1 7 brought . . our fathers out of the land of E. 24. 32 children of Israel brought up out of E. Judg. 2. I and said, I made you to go up out of E. 2. IE which brought them out of the land of E. 6. 8 saith tlie Lord . . I brought you up from E. 6. 13 Did not the Lord bring us up from E. ? II. 13 my land, when they came up out of E. 11. 16 But v/hen Israel came up from E. ig. 30 that . . Israel came up out of the land of B. ( Sa. 2, 27 when they were in E. in Pharaoh's house? 8. 8 day tliat I brought them up out of E. 10. 18 saith the Lord. .1 brought up. .out of E. 12. 6 Lord., brought your fathers up out of.. E. 12. 8 V/hen Jacob was come into B., and your 12. 8 v/hich brought forth your fathers out of E. IS. 2 I remember, .when he came up from E. 15. 6 kindness, .when they came up out of E. IS. 7 comest to Shnr, that (is) over against E. 27. 8 goest to Shur, even unto the land of E. 30. 13 he said, I (am) a young man of E., servant a Sa. 7. 6 since the time . . I brought . . Isr. out of E. 7. 23 which thou redeemedst to thee from E. I Kl. 3. I made affinity with Pharaoh king of E. 4. 21 Solomon reigned, .imto the border of E. 4. 30 Solomon's vrtsdom excelled . . wisdom of E. 6. I cliildren of Israel were come out of. .B. 8. 9 when they came out of the land of E. 8. 16 I brought forth my people, .out of E. 8. 21 he brought them out of the land of E. 8. 51 which thou broughtest forth out of B. 8. 53 thou broughtest our fathers out of E. 8. 65 from. .Hamath unto the river of E. 9. 9 brought foith their fathers out of . .E. 1 Ki. g. t6 (For) Pharaoh king of E. had gone up and 10. 28 Solomon had horses brought out of B. 10. 29 a chariot came up and went out of E.for 11. 17 That Hadad fled, .to go into E. II. 18 came to E., tinto Pharaoh king of E. II. '21 Hadad heard in E. that David slept with II. 40 fled into E., unto Shishak king of E. 11. 40 and was in E. until the death of Solomon 12. 2 when Jeroboam . .who was yet in E. 12. 2 was fled from . . Solomon, and . . dwelt in E. 12. 28 which brought thee . ;out of the land of E. 14. 25 Shishak king of B. came up against Jer. 2 Ki. 17. 4 he had sent messengers to So king of E. 17. i brought them up out of the land of E. 17. 7 fromunderthehandof PbaraohkingofE. 17. 36 the Lord, who brought you up out of. .E. 18. 21 the staff of this bruised reed; .upon E. 18. 21 so (is) Pharaoh Idng of E. unto all that 18. 24 put thy trust on E. for chariots and for 21. 15 the day their ^thers came forth out of E«^ 23. 29 In his days Pharaoh-nechoh king of E. 23. 34 and he came to E., and died there 24. 7 And the king of E. came not again any 24. 7 king . . had taken from the river of E. unto 24. 7 all that pertained to the king of E. 25. 26 the captains of the armies, .came to E. 1 Ch. 13. s from ShUior of E. even unto the entei-ing 17. 21 people, .thou hast redeemed out of E.? 2 eh. 1. 16 Solomon had horses brought out of E. 1. 17 And they, .brought forth out of E.,acha. 5. 10 children of Israel, when they ca. out of E. 6. 5 I brought forth my people out of . .E. 7. 8 from . . Hamath unto the river of E. 7. 22 brought them forth out of the land of E. 9. 26 reigned over all. .to the border of E. g. 28 brought unto Solomon horses out of E. 10. 2 Jeroboam . . in E. . . returned out of E_ 12. 2 Shishak king of E. came up against Jer. 12. 3 without number that came, .out of B. 12. g So Shishak king of E. came up against so. 10 when they came out of the land of E. 26. 8 name spread . .to the entering in of B. 35. 20 Wecho king of E. came up to flght against 36. 3 the king of E. put him down at Jerusalem 36. 4 tlie king of B. made Eliakim his brother 36. 4 Kecho took Jehoahaz . . and carried . . to E. Neh g. g didst see the afHiction of our fathers in E. 9. 18 God that brought thee up oat of E. Jsa. 68. 31 Princes shall come out of E, ; Ethiopia 78. 12 Marvellous things did he. . in the land of E. 78. 43 How lie had wrought his signs in E. 78. SI And smote all the first bom in E. 80. 8 Thou hast brought a vine out of E. 81. s when he went out through the land of E. 81. 10 which brought thee out of the land of E. 105. 23 Israel also came into E. ; and Jacob 105. 38 E. was glad when they departed : for the 106. 7 fathers understood not thy wonders in E. 106. 21 saviour, which had done great things in B. 214. I When Israel went out of E., th& house of 135. 8 Who smote the first born of B., both of- 135. g sent, .wondersintothemidstofthee, OB. 136. 10 To him that smote E. in their first born Prov. 7. 16 have decked my bed . .with fine linen of E. lea. 7. 18 in the uttermost part of the rivers of E. 10. 24 lift up his staff, .after the manner of B. 10. 26 shall he lift it up after the manner of B. 11. II recover the remnant of his peo. . .from B. II. 16 day that he came up out of theiand of E. ig. I The burden of B . .Sehold, the^RD rideth 19. I Behold, the Lord. .shaU conTe into B. 19. I the idols of B. shallbe moved at his pre. 19. I the heart of B. shall melt in the midst of 19. 3 the spirit of B. shall faU in the midst 19. 12 what the Lord of hosts . .purposedupon E. 19. 13 they have also seduced E., (even they 19. 14 they have caused E. to err in every work 19. IS Neither shall there be (any) work for E. 19. 16 that day shall E. be like imto women 19. 17 land of Judah shall be a terror unto" E. 19. 18 In that day. .five cities in the land of E. 19. ig an altar to the LOKD in the midst of . .E. ig. 20 witness unto the Lord, .in the land of E. ig. 21 And the IX)RD-shaU be known to E. 19. 22 the Lord thall smite B.: he shall smite 19. 23 In that day shaU . . be a highway out of E, 19. 23 and the AsSjrian shall come into E. ig, 24 In that day shall Israel be. .with B. and ig. 25 Blessed (be) E. my people, and Assyria 20. 3 a sign and wonder upon B. and upon Eth, so. 4 buttocks uncovered, to the shame of E 20. 5 they shall be . . ashamed of . . E. their 23. s As at the report concerning E., (so) shall 27. 12 from the channel, .unto the stream of E. 27. 13 and the outcasts in the land of E.. .shaU 30. 2 That walk to go dawn into E., and have 30. 2 and to trust in the shadow of E. I 30. 3 the trust in the shadow of B. (your) con. 31. I Woe to them that go down to E. for help 36, 6 thou trustest in . . this broken reed, on E. 36. 6 so (is) Pharaoh king of E. to all that trust 36. 9 put thy trust on E. for chariots and for 43. 3 1 gave E. (foiO thy ransom, Ethiopia and 45. 14 The labour of E. . .shall come over unto 52. 4 My people went down aforetime into E. Jer 2. 6 Lord . .brought us up out of the land of E. 2, 18 what hast thou to do in the way of E, 2. 36 thou also Shalt be ashamed of E., r», thou 7. 22 the day that I brought them out of . .E. 7, 25 day. .your fathers came forth out of . .E. 9. 26 E., and Judah, and Edom, and the chil. II. 4 1 brought them forth out of the land of K Jer. II. 7 I brought them up out of the land of E 16. 14 brought up the child, of Israel out of. .E. 23. 7 brought up the children of Is. out of . . E . 24. 8 and them that dwell in the land of E. 25. ig Pharaoh king of B. . .and all his people 26. 21 he was afraid, and fled, and went into E, 26. 22 Jehoiakini the king sent men into E, 26. 22 and (certain) men with him into E. 26. 23 And they fetched forth Urijah out of E. 31. 32 to bring them out of the land of E. 32. 20 Wliich hast set signs, .in the land of E. 32. 21 hast brought forth thy people, .out of. .E. 34. 13 1 brought them forth out of the land of E. 37. 5 Pharaoh's army was come forth out of E. 37. 7 Pharaoh's army, .shall return to E. into 41. 17 And they departed, .to go to enter into K 42. 14 No ; but we will go into the land of E. 42. IS ye wholly set your faces to enter into E. 42. 16 sword, .shall overtake you there in. .E. 42. 16 shall follow close after you there in E. 42. 17 the men that set their faces to go into K 42. 18 upon you, when ye shall enter into E. 42. 19 ye remnant of Judah ; Go ye not into E. 43. 2 to say, Go not into E. to sojourn there 43. 7 So they came into the land of E. ; for they 43. 11 he Cometh, he shall smite the land of E. 43. 12 kindle a fire in., houses of the gods of E. 43. 12 shall array himseK with the land of E. 43. 13 Beth-shemesh, that (is) in the land of E. 44. I the Jews which dwell in the land of E. 44. 8 incense unto other gods in the land of K 44. 12 set their faces to go into the land of E. 44. 12 they shall all . .fall in the land of E. 44. 13 punish them that dwell in the land of K 44. 14 which are gone into the land of E., to 44. 15 the people that dwelt in the land of E. 44. 24 all Judah that (are) in the land of E. 44. 26'all Judah that dwell in the land of E. 44. 26 any man of Judah in all the land of E. 44. 27 men of Judah that (are) in the land of E. 44. 28 number, .shall return out of the la. of E, 44. 28 that are gone into the land of E. 44. 30 1 v/Ul give Pharaoh-hophra king of E. 46. 2 Against E., against the army of . .E. 46. 8 E. riseth up liie a flood, and (his) waters 46. II take balm, virgin, the daughter of E. 46. 13 Nebuchadrezzar.. come (and) smite.. E. 4.6. 14 Declare ye in B., and publish in Migdoi 46. 17 Pharaoh king of E. (is but) a noise 46. ig O thou daughter dwelling in E., furnish 46. 20 E. (is like) a very fair heifer, (but) destf. 46. 24 The daughter of E. shall be confounded 46. 2S I win punish . .Pharaoh, and E., with Eze 17. 15 rebelled against him in.ssnding. .into K 19. 4 brought.. with chains unto the land of E, 20. s made myself known unto them in . .E.; 20. 6 to bring them forth of the land of E. 20. 7 defile not yourselves with the idols of E. 20. 8 neither did they forsake the idols of B. 20. 8 acoompUah my anger, .in the midst of.. E. 20. g bringing them forth out of the land of E. 20. 10 1 caused them to go . . out of the land of B. 20. 36 as. .with your fathers in the. .land of E. 23. 3 And they committed whoredoms in E. 23. 8 Neither left she her whoredoms . . from E. 23. ig she had playedtheharlot in the land of E. 23. 27 and thy whoredom . .from the land of E. 23. 27 thou Shalt not. .remember E. any more 27, 7 Bine linen with broidered v/ork from E. 29. 2 set thy face against Pharaoh king of E. 29. 2 prophesy against him, and against all E. Eg. 3 I (am) against thee, Pharaoh king of E. 29. 6 inhabitants of E. shall know that I (am) 29.. 9 the land of E. shall be deso]ate;and waste 29. 10 1 will make the land of E. utterly waste 29. 12 And I will make the land of E. desolate 89. 14 And I will bring again the captivity of E. 29. 19 I will give the land of B. unto Nebucha. 2g. 20 1 have given him the land of E. (for) his 30. 4 And the sword shall come upon E., and 30. 4 when the slain shall fall in E., and they 30. 6 They also that uphoM E. shall fall 30. 8 when I have set a fire in E., and (when) 30. g great pain Shall come, .asin the day of B. 30. 10 I will also make the multitude of E. to; 30. II they shall draw their swords against K 30. 13 there shall be no more a prince of. .E. 30. 13 and I will put a fear in tire land of E. 30. IS pour my fury upon, .the strength of B. 3P. 16 And I will set fire in B. : Sin shall have 30. 18 when I shall break there the yokes of E. 30. 19 Thus will I execute judgments in E. 30. 21 1 have broken the arm of Pha. king of E. 30. 22 Behold, I (am) against Pharaoh king of E. 30. 25 shall stretch it out upon the land of E. 31. 2 speak unto Pharaoh king of E., and to 32. 2 take up a lamentation for Pharaoh . . of E, 32. 12 and they shall spoU the pomp of E., and 32. 15 When I shall make the land of B. deso. 32. 16 thfey shall lament for her. .for E., and 32. 18 Son of man, wail for the multitude of E. Dan. 9. 15 hast brought thy people forth out of. ."B. II. 8 And shall also carry captives into E. their II. 42 and the land of E. shall not escape II. 43 power, .over all the precious things of 'Et Hos, 2. 15 when she came up out of the land of E, 7. II they call to B., they go to Assyria 7. -16 (shall be) their derision in the land of E. 8. i3 and visit their sins: they shall return to B. g. -5 Ephraiin shall return to E., and they g. '6 E. shall gather them up, Memphis shall II. 1 1 loved him, and called my sou out ol B. EGYPTIAN 291 EIGHTH HoS. II. s He shall not return into the land of E. 11. II They shall tremble as a bird out of E. 12. 1 and oil is carried into E. 12. 9 I.. the Lord thy God from the land of E. 12. 13 by a prophet the Lord brought, .out of E. 13. 4 I . .the Lord thy God from the land of E. Joel 3. 19 E. shall be a desolation, and Edom shall Amos 2. 10 I brought you up from the land ol E. 3. 1 which 1 brought up from the land of E. 3. 9 Publish . . in the palaces in the land of E. 4. 10 have sent among you the pestilenco. .of E. . 8. 8 and drowned, as (by) the flood of E. 9. s shall be drowned, as (by) the Hood of E. g. 7 I brought up Israel out of the land of E.? Mic. 6. 4 I brought thee up out of the land of E. ? 7. 15 days of thy coming out of the land of E. Nah. 3. 9 Ethiopia and E. (were) her strength, and Hag. 3. 5 I covenanted with you . . ye came out of E. ZecH 10. 10 I will bring them, .out of the land of E. 10. II and the sceptre of E.shaU depart away 14. i8 if the family of E. go not up, and corae 14. ig This shall be the punishment of E., and Matt. 2. 13 and take the youngchild. .and flee into E. 2. 14 When he arose, .and departed into E. 2. 15 Out of E. have I called my son 2. 19 LORD.appearethlnadreamto JosephinK Acts 2. 10 Phrygia, and Pamphilia, in E., and in 7. 9 And the patriarchs, .sold .Toseph into E. 7 10 favour, .in the siglit of Pha. king of E. 7. 10 he made him governor overE. and all his 7. II came a dearth over all the land of E. 7. 12 Jacob heard that there was corn in E. 7. IS So Jacob went down into E., and died 7. 17 the people grew and multiplied in E. 7, 34 I have seen the affliction . .which is in E. 7. 34jlnd now come, I will send thee into E. 7. 36 he had showed wonders, .in the land of E. 7. 39 their hearts turned back ag.iin into E. 7. 40 which brought us out of the laud of E, 13. 17 they dwelt .as strangers in the land of E. Heb. 3. 16 howbeit notall that came out of E. by Mo. 8. 9 hand to lead them out of the land of E. 11. 26 greater riches than the treasures in E. 11. 27 By faith he forsook E., not fearing the Jude 5 saved the pcojile out of the land of E. Kev. II. 8 which spiritually is called Sodom and E. EGYPTIAIT, EGYPTIAKS, D'lxp, Dnp, AlyinrtoT- 1. The inhabitants of Egypt— descendants of Mitsraim the son of Ham. Gen. 12. 12 when the'E. shall see thee, that they shall 12. 14 the E. beheld the woman that she (was) 16. 1 she had an handmaid, an E., whose name 16. 3 And Sarai..took Hagarher maid, the E. 21. 9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the E. 25. iz Ishmael.. whom Hagar the E.. .bare unto 39. I an E., bought him of the hands of tiie Is. 39. 2 he was in the house of his master the E. 39. 5 the Lord blessed the E.'s house for Jose. 4t. 55 Pharaoh said unto all the E., Go unto J. 41. 56 Joseph., sold unto the E. ; and the famine 43. 32 and for the E. which did eat with him 43. 32 because the E. might not eat bread with 43. 32 that (is) an abomination unto the E. 45. 2 the E. and the house of Pharaoh heard 46. 34 shepherd (is) an abomination unto the E. 47. IS all the E. came unto Joseph, and said 47. 20 for the E. sold every man his field, beca. ■;o. 3 the E. mourned for him threescore and 50. II This (is) a grievous mourning to the E. Exod. 1. 13 the E. made the children of Israel 10 1. 19 the Hebrew women (are^ not as the E. 2. II and he spied an E, smitmg an Hebrew 2. 12 he slew the E., and hid him in the sand E. 14 thou to kill me, as thou killedst the E. ? e. 19 An E. delivered us out of the hand of the 3. 8 to deliver them out of the hand of the E. 3. 9 the oppression wherewith the E. oppress 3. 21 I v/ill give, .favour in the sight of theE. 3. 22 and ye shall spoil the E. 6. 5 the children of Israel, whom the E. keep 6. 6, 7 out from under the burdens of the E. 7. 5 the E. shall know that I (am) the Lord 7. 18 the E. shall loathe to drink of tfte water 7. 21 the E. could not drink of the water of the 7. 24 all the E. digged round about the river 8. 21 the houses of the E. shall be full., (of flies) 8. 26 shall sacrifice the abomination of the E. B. 26 shall we sacrifice the abomination of theE. 9. It for the boil v/as upon, .all the E. to. 6 they shall fill . .the houses of all the E. ,1. 3 the people favour in the sight of the E. 11. 7 Lord dothput a difference between theE. 12. 23 tho Lord will pass through to smite the E. 12. 27 when he smote the E., and delivered our -2. 30 he, and all his servants, and all the E. 12. 33 And the E. were urgent upon the people 12. 35 they borrowed of the E. jewels of silver 12. 36 sight of the E. . .and they spoiled the E. 14. 4 that the E. may know that I (am) the L. 14. 9 But the E. pursued after them, all the 14. 10 and, behold, the E. marched after them 14. 12 Let us alone, that we may serve the E. ? 14 12 (it had been) better for us to'ierve the E. 14. 13 for the E. whom ye have seen to day, ye 14. 17 I will harden the hearts of the E. 14. 18 the E. shall know that I (am) the Lord 14. 20 H came between the camp of the E. and 14. 23 And the E. pursued, and went in after 14. 24 the Lord looked unto the host of the E. 14. 24 and troubled tho host of the E. 14. 23 the E. said, Let us floe from the face or 33- Deut23. 26. Josh 24. 24. Judg. 6. £xodi4. 25 the Lord flghleth for them .igainst the E. 14. 26 the waters may come again upon the E. 14. 27 and the E. fled against it 14. 27 the Lord overthrew the E. in the midst 14. 30 saved Israel, .out of the hand of the E. 14. 30 Israel saw the E. dead upon the sea shore 14. 31 work which the Lord did upon the E. 15. z6 diseases. .1 have brought upon the K. 18. 8 all that the LORD had done unto, .the E. 18. 9 had delivered out of the iiaud of the E. 18. 10 delivered you out of the hand of the E. iS. 10 delivered the people from under the. .E. 19. 4 Ye have seen what I did unto the E. 32. 12 Wherefore should the E. speak, and say Lev. 24. 10 Israelitish woman, whose tather(wa8)anE. Numi4. 13 Then the E. shall hear (it), for thou bro. 20. 15 and the E. vexed us and our fathers 3^. 3 Israel went out . . in thj sight of all the E. 4 For the E. buried all.. first bom, which 7 thou shalt not abhor an E., because thou 6 And the E. evil entre.-.ted us, and afflicted 6 tlie E. pursued after your fathers v/ith 7 he put darkness between you and tho E. g I delivered you out of the hand of tho E. lo. II (Did) not (I deliver you) from tho E. 1 S3. 4. 8 these (are) the Gods that smote the E. 6. 6 as the E. and Pharaoh hardened their h. ? 10. 18 delivered you out of the nand of tho E. 30. 1 1 And they found an E. in the field, and 2 Sa. 23. 21 Anl he slew an E., a goodly man 23. 21 and the E. had a spear in his hand 23. 21 and plucked the spear out of the E.'s 2 Ki. 7. 6 the kings of tiie E., to corae upon us I Ch. 2. 34 And Shesham had a servant, an E., whose It. 23 he slew an E., a man of (great) stature 11. 23 in tho E.'s hand (was) a spear like a wea. 1 1. 23 and plucked the spearout of the E.'s hand Ezra 9. I the Mcabitcs, the E., and the Amorites Isa. ig. 2 I will set the E. against the E. 19. 4 the E. will I give over into the hand of 19. 21 the E. shall know the LORD in that day 19. 23 and the E. into Assyria ; and the E. shall 20. 4 So shall the king, .lead away the E. pris. 30. 7 the E. shall help in vain, and to no purp. 31. 3 Now the E. (are) men, and not God Jer. 43. 13 the houses of the gods of the E. shall he Lam. 5. 6 Wehavegiventhehand(to)theE.,(andto) Eze. 16. 26 hast, .committed fornication with tlie E. 23. 21 in bruising thy teats by the E. for the 29. 12 and I will scatter the E. among the nati. 29. 13 I gather the E. from the people whither 30. 23, 26I will scatter theE. among the nations Acts 7. 22 was learned in all the wisdom of the E. 7. 24 him that was oppressed, and smote the E. 7. 28 kill me, as thou diddest the E. yesterday ? 21. 38 Art not thou that E., which, .madest an Heb 1 1. 29 which the E. assaying to do were drow. 2. As an adjective, an epithet applied to the whole or only the uorthera part of the Fi,ed Sea. Isa. II. IS LORD shall, .destroy the tongue of the E. E'-HI, 'nx urdty. Son of Benjamin, same as Ehud in t Ch. 8. 6. B.C. 1690. Gen. 46. 21 sons of Benjamin (were)..Naiman, £. E'-HUD, mN strong. 1. Ehud the great-grandson of Benjamin. B.C. 1690. I Ch. 7. 10 sons of BiUian. .Benjamin, and E., and 8. 6 these (are) the sons of E.; these are the 2. The son of Gera, tho second judge (or deliverer) of the Israelites, B.C. 1336. He slew Eglon, who had established himself in Jericho, which was within the boundaries of Benjamin. Judg 3. 15 E. the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man 3. 16 E. made him a dagger which had two ed. 3. 20 E. came unto him ; and he was sitting in 3. 20 E. said, I have a message from God unto 3. 21 E. put forth his left hand, and took the 3. 23 E. went forth through the porch, and 3. 26 E. escaped while they tarried, and passed 4. I Israel again did evil, .when E. was dead EIGHT — 1. Eight, nibip, njb?* shemonek, shemonah. Gen. $.' 4' the days of Adam . . were eight hundred 5. 7 Seth lived . . eight hundred and seven S. io'Euos lived, eight hundred and fifteen 5. 13 Cainan lived . . eight hundred and forty 5. 16 Mahalaleel lived, .eight hundred and th. 5. T7 all the days of Mahalaleel were eight S. 19 Jared lived, .eight hundred years, and 17. 12 he that is eight days old shall be circura. 21. 4 circumcised his son Isaac being eight 22. 23 these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor Exod26. 2 The length of one curtain . .eight and 26. 25 they shall be eight boards, and their soc. 36. 9 The length of one . .(was) twenty and eig. 36. 30 there were eight boards ; and their sock. Num. 2. 24 an hundred thousand and eight thousand 3. 28 eight thousand and six hundred, keeping 4. 48 eight thousand and five hundred and 7. 8 four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto 29. 29 on the sixth day eight buUocks, two rams 35. 7 give to the Levites . . forty and eight cities Deut. 2. 14 the space, .(was) thirty and eight years Josh 21. 41 AIlthecitie3..(were)fortyandeightcities Judg. 3. 8 the children of Israel served . . eight years 12. 14 and he judged Israel eight years 1 Sa. 4. ts Now Eli was ninety and eight years old 17. 12 he had eight sons : and the man went 2 Sa. 23. 8 (he lift up his spear) against eight hxmd. I Ch.i2. 16. 23- 24. 25- iCh.i Ezra Neh. 7. 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 2 Ha. 24. 9 there were in Israel eight limidred (hou 1 KJ. 7. 10 of ten cubits, and stoues of eiglit cuhils 2 Ki. 8. 17 he reigned eight years in Jorui.ilcm 10. 36 And the time .(\va3) twenty and eight I .losiah (was) eight yoar.-i old when ho 24 £ix thousand and tight hundred, r>:aily 30 twenty thousand and eight hmidrcd 35 of the Daoites.. twenty and eight tli/jus. 38 with their brethren, threescore and eight 3 man by man, was tliirty and eight thou. 4 and eight among the auDS of llhamar 7 was two hundred fourscore and tight 21 Re'noboam. . begat twenty and eight sons 13. 3 with eight hundred thousand chosen ra. 21. 5, 20 he reigned eight years in Jerusalem 29. 17 sanctiUcd the houjje of the Lord in eight 34. 1 Josiah (was) eight years old when ho 36. 9 Jehoiachin (was) eight years old whcnlio 2. 6 two thousand eight hundred and twelve 2. 16 The children of Ater.. ninety and eight 2. 23 of Anathoth, an hundred twenty and eig. 2. 41 of Asaph, an hundred twenty and eight II and with him twenty and eight males II two thousand and cighfc liimdred (and)o. 13 of Zattu, eight hundred forty and five 15 of Binnui, six hundred forty and eight i6 of Bebai, six hundred twenty and eight 21 of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety and eight 22 of Hashuni, three hundred twenty and e. 26 of Bethlehem, .hundred fourscore and e. 27 of Anathoth, an hundred twenty and ei. 44 of Asaph, an hundred forty and eight 45 The porters, .nuudred thirty and eight 11. 6 of Perez, .four hundred threescore and e. II. 8 Sallai, nine hundred twenty and eight II. 12 their bretlrcn. .eight hundred twenty II. 14 their brethren, .hundred twenty and ei. Eccl. II. 2 Give a portion to seven, and also to eight Jer. 41. IS escaped from Johanan with eight men 52. 29 he carried away captive, .eight hundred Eze. 40. 9 the porch of the gate, eight cubits 40. 31, 34, 37 the going up to it Oiad) eight steps 40. 41 eight tables, whereupon they slow (their Mic. 5. 5 shall we raise against him. .eight, .men i.Eighl, uicru oklii. Luke 2. 21 when eight days were accomplished for 9. 28 it came to pass, about an eight days alter John 5. 5 had an infinnity thirty and eight years 20. 26 after eight days, again his discfples were Acts 9. 33 which had kept his bed eight years 1 Pe. 3. 20 few, that is, eight so.uls, were saved by EIGHTEEN — l.Eight (and) ten, "i'f)!, njb;^ ahcmonah asar. Gen. 14. 14 own house, three hundred and eighteen Judg. 3. 14 the children of Israel served, .eighteen 10. 8 they vexed, .the children, .eighteen years 20. 25 eighteen. thousand men ; all these drew 20. 44 there fell of Benjamin eighteen thousand 2 Sa. S. 13 smiting of the Syrians, .eighteen thousa. I Ki. 7. IS he two pillars, .eighteen cubits higlj 3 Ki. 24. 8 Jehoi.ichin (was) eighteen years old 25. 17 The height of the one pillar (was) eight. 1 Ch.i2. 31 half tribe of Manasseh eighteen thousand 18. 12 slew, .in the valley of salt eighteen tho. 26. 9 Meshelemiah had. .strongmen, eighteen- 2 Ch.ii. 21 he'took eighteen wives, and threescore Ezra 3. 9 with him two hundred and eighteen 8. 18 with his sonsaud his brethren, eighteen Neh. 7. It thousand and eight hundred (and) eight; Jer. 52. 21 the height of one jjillar (was) eighteen Eze. 48. 35 (It was) round about eighteen thousand 2. Ten and eight, SfKa Ka\ oktco deka kai oklo. Lukei3. 4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the toweu 13. II which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen 13. 16 whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eight. EIGHTEEN thousand — A myriad and 8,000, D'a^K njinyi i3->. I Ch.29. 7 and of brass eighteen thousand talent* EIGHTEEKTH — Eight (and) ten, iVii ™D?' shemonah asar. 1 Ki. 15. I in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboatr 2 Ki. 3. I the eighteenth year of Jchoshaphat king 22. 3 in the eighteenth year of king Josiah 23. 23 in the eighteenth year of king Josiah 1 Ch.'24. IS seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to 25. 25 Tlie eighteenth to Hanani, (he), his sons 2 Ch.13. I in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam 34. 8 in the eighteenth year of his reign, when 35. 19 In the eighteenth year of the reign of J. Jer. 32. I the eighteenthlyear of Nebuchadrezzar 52. 29 the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar EIGHTH — l.Eighih, 'J'D?' sliemini. Exod22. 30 on the eighth day thon shalt give it me Lev. 9. I it came to pass on the eighth day, (that) 12. 3 the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin 14. 10 on the eighth day he shall take two he 14. 23 he shall bring th-m on the eighth day for 15: 14 on the eighth day he shall take to him 13. 29 on the eighth day she shall take unto her 22. 27 from the eighth day and thenceforth it 23. 36 on the eighth day shall be an holy 23. 39 and on the eighth day (shall be) a sabbath 25. 22 ye shaU sow the eighth year, and eat(yet) Num. 6. 10 on the eighth day he shall bring two 7. 54 On the eighth day (offered) Gamaiia! the 29. 35 On tho eighth day ye shall have a solemn EIGHTH 292 ELDER 1 Kl. 6. 38 the mouth 'Bui, which (Is) the eighth mom 8. 66 On the eighth day he sent the people away, ■ 12. 32 ordained a feast in the eighth month, on 12. 33 the fifteenth day of the eighth month ' I CI1.12. 12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth 24. 10 seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijali 25. IS The eighth to Jeshaiah, (he), his sons, and 26. s Issacharthe seventh, Peullhaithe eighth 27. II The eighth (captain) for the eighth month z Ch. 7. 9 eighth day they made a solemn assembly Neh. 8. 18 on the eighth day (was) a solemn assembly Eze. 43. 27 upon the eighth day, aud(so)fonvard, the Zech. I. I In the eighth mouth, in the second year % Eight, npy, nibs' shemonah, shemoneh. 1 Ki.ifi. 29 in the thirty and eighth year of Asa king 2 KJ.15. 8 In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah 24. 12 took him in the eighth year of his reign a Ch.29. 17 on the eighth day of themonth, came they 34. 3 in the eighth year of his reign, while ho S.Eighih, oySoos ogdoos. Luke I. 59 on the eighth day they came to circumcise Acts 7. 8 (Abraham) . . circumcised him the eighth d. 2 (Pe. 2. s saved Noah, the eighth (person), a prea. Kev. 17. II he, is the eighth, and is of tho ssven, and 21. 20 the eighth, beryl ; the ninth, a topaz EIGHTH day, the — Eighth day, aKTafn^epos oktaemeros. Phil. 3, 5 Circumcised the eighth dayj faf the Stock EIGHTIETH — Eighty, a'ib^ sfiewUnnm. I Ki. 6. I in the fQiir hundred and eightieth year KIGHTY — Eighty, O'jb?' shemonim. Gen. 5. 25 Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and S. 26 seven hundred eighty and two years S. 28 Lamech Ijved an hundred eighty and two EITHER — l.Or, IK 0. Lev 13. 49, S3, either in the warp, or Sn the woof. Or 2.T/, UK im. I Ch.2i. 12 Either three years' famine ; or three mo. Z.And, 1 v&. Deuti7. 3 either the sun, or moon; or any of the 4. That, '3 U. I Ki.i8. 2/ either he is talking, or he is pursuing b. Either, ^ e. Matt. 6. 24 either he will hate the one, and lovo the 12. 33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit Luke 6. 42 Either bow canst thou say to thy brother 15. 8 Either what woman, having ten pieces of 16. 13 either he will hate the one, and love the Acts 17. 21 either to tell, or to hear some new thing I Co. 14. 6 shall speak to you either by revelation Phil 3. 12 as though I had already attained, either Jas. 3. 12 Can the fig tree. .bear, .berries J either ElTHEE side, on — Hence and hence, ivrevdev Ko^ tvrevBev. JohniQ. 18 and two other with him, on either side Rev.22. i on either side of the river, (wasthere)the EITHER of them — 1. A man, £)"!< ish. Lev. 10. 1 took either of them his Censer, and put 2. Two, both, '4?? sheni. I Ki. 7. 15 a line . did compass either of them about EITEEK. . .or — Even. ..even, □3...03 gam., gam. Eccl. 9. I no man knoweth either love or hatred (by) E'-^EE, -i3H root. Descendant of Judah through Hezron and Jerahmeel. B.C. 1421. I Ch. 2. 27 of Ram . . were Maaz, and'Jamin,^and E. EK'-EON, jh;?;; naturalisation. The most northerly of the five cities belonging to the Philistines. It was in the low country or Shefelah, as well as the other four, and fell to the lot of Judah, and then to Dan. It is now called Akvr and lies five miles 8.W. of P^amleh, and three due E. of Jabneh {Yebna), on the N. side of the Wady Surar. Josh 13. 3 From Sihor. .unto the borders of E. nort. 15. II the border went out unto the side of E. 13. 45 E., with her towns and her villages 15. 46 From E. even unto the sea, all that (lay) ig. 43 And Elon, and Thimnathah, and E. Judg. I. 18 Askelon. .and E. with the coast thereof 1 Sa. 5. 10 Therefore they sent the ark of God to E. 5. 10 as the ark of God came to E. 6. 16 they returned to E. the same day 6. 17 for Askelon one, for Gath one, for E. one 7. 14 cities . . were restored . . from E. even- unto 7. 52 until thou come, .to the gates of E. 1 7. 52 Philistines fell down by the way . . unto E. 2 Ki. I. 2 Go, enquire of BaAl-zebub the god of E. I. 3, 6, i5 enquireof Baal-zebubthegodof E.? Jer. 25. 20 all the kings of the land of . .E., and Amoa I. S and I will turn mine hand against E. Zeph. 2. 4 at the noon day, and E. shall be rooted Zech. 9. 5 Gaza also, .and be very sorrowful, and E. 9. 7 as a governor in Judah, and-E. as a Jeb. EK-KON-ITE M}d EKrBOltilTSa, ■>4'ni?j;. The inhabii^nts of Bkron. Josh, 13. 13 Eshkalofittes; the Oittites, and the E. I Sa. 5. lotae K cried.-. I'hejr have brought ^Ijout EL-A'-BAH, n-m)^ Qod is^omament. Bescendant of Epluraimin the fourth degree. B.C. 1370. I Ch. 7. zo.and £. his eon, and Tahath bis son E'-LAE, rhn, K^K oaJs. 1. A duke, cliief, or prince of Sdom. B.C. 1470. Gen. 36. 41 Duke Aholibamah, duke E., duke Pinon I Ch. 1. 52 Duke Aholibamah, duke E., duke Pinon 2. A valley in Judah where David slew Goliath. ' Now called Wady Sumt. 1 Sa. 17. 2 And Saul, .pitched by the valley of E. 17. 19 Saul, and they, .(were) in the valley of E. 21. 9 whom thou slewest in the valley of E. 3. Father of a Benjamite commissariat officer under Solonjpn. B.C. lois-' I Ki. 4. 18 Shimel the son- of E. in Benjamin i. Son and successor of Baasha king of Israel. He reigned little more than a year, being killed (while drunk) by Zimii while his army Was absent at the siege of Gibbathon. B.C. 930. 1 Ki. 16. 6 and E. his son reigned in his stead 16. 8 began E. the son of Baasha to reign over 16. 13 For all the sins of Baasha, and. .of E. his 16. 14 Now the rest of the acts of E., and all 6. Father of Hoshea, last king of Israel. B.C. 739. 2 Ki.15. 30 Hoshea the son of E. made a conspiracy 17. 1 began Hoshea tho son of E. to reign in 18. I in the third year of Hoshea son of E. 18. 9 the seventh year of Hoshea son of E. king 6. A eon of Caleb son of Jephunneh. B.C. 1450. I Ch. 4. 15 Iru, E., and Naam : and the sons of E. 7. One of the tribe of Benjamin. B.C. 44s. 1 Ch. 9. 8 E. the son of Uzzi, the son of MichrJ, and E'-IAM, Dh% dVij; youth. 1. A son of Shem, whose family gave his name to a district which lay S. of Assyria and E. of Persia Proper. B.C. 2300. (Jen. 10. 22 children of -Shem ; E., and Asshur, and I Ch, 1. 17 sons of Shem ; E., and Asshur, and Arp. 2. Country inhabited by the descendants of Elam, i.e., Persia. Gen. 14. I Chedorlaoraer king of E., and Tidal king 14. 9 yvith Chedorlaomer the king of E., and Isa. II. II from E., and from Shinar, and from H. 21. 2 Go up, O E.: besiege, O Media : all the 22. 6 E. bare the quiver with chariots of men Jer. 25. 25 all the kings of E., and all the kings of 49. 34 came to Jeremiah the prophet against E. 49. 35 I will break the bow of B., the chief of 49. 36 upon E. will I "bring the four winds from 49. 36 no nation whither the outcasts of E. shall 49. 37 I wYll cause E. to be dismayed before 49. 38 I wU set my throne in E., and will dest. 49. 39 I will bring again the captivity of E. Eze. 32. 24 There (is) E. and all her multitude round Dan. 8. 2 Shusham . . wiiich (is) in the province of E 3. Son of Shashak, a Benjamite. B.C. 1340. I Ch. 8. 24 And Hananiah, and E., and Antothijah 4. A son of Meshelemiah, a Sohathite. B.C. 1015. I Ch.26. 3 E. the fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Elloe. 5. Progenitor of a family that came up from exile. B.C. 536. Ezra a. 7 children of E., a thousand two hundred Neh. 7. 12 children of E., a thousand two hundred 6. Another whose posterity returned from exile. B.C. 536- Ezra 2. 31 children of the other E., a thousand two Neh. 7. 34.^hildren of the other E., a thousand two 7. One whose descendants came up with Ezra. B.C. 457. Ezra 8. 7 of the sons of E. ; Jeshaiah the son of 8. An ancestor of Shechaniah, who made confession of the people having trespassed in taking strange wives. B.C. 457. Ezra 10. 2 Jehiel. .of the sons of E., answered and 10. 26 of the sons of E.; Mattanlah, Zechariah 9. A chief that, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 457. Neh. 10. 14 chief of the people. .E., Zatthu, Bani 10. A priest who took part in the ceremonial of purify- ing the wall of .ferusalem after it had been rebuilt. B.C. 445- Neh. 12. 42 and Malchijah, and E., and Ezer E-IAM-ITES, Kohv., 'E\afi7Tai. The inhabitants of Elam carried to Samaria. B.C. 721. Ezra 4. g Susanchites, the Dehavites, (and) the E. Acts 2. 9 Parthians, and Modes, and E., and the E-IA'-SAH, E-LEA'-SAH, n'^V^K God is doer. 1. A priest who had married a strange wife. B.C. 445. Ezra 10, 22 of the sons of Pashur. . Jozabad, and E. 2. An ambassador whom Zedekiah sent to Nebuchad- nezzar. B.C. 599. Jer. 29. 3 By the hand of E. the son of Shaphan E'-LATH, E'-LOTH, nV(< palm groiie. An Elamite port now called Byleh, on the E. orElanitio gulf of the Red Sea, near Eziongeber,. and now called Oelana. Deut. 2. 8 through the way of the plain from E. s Ki.14. 22 He built E., and restored it to Judah 16. 6 recovered E... and drave.the Jews from E. 16. 6 and the Syiians came to E., and dwelt EI BErH'-.EL, Vf<-n'3 *?« god of the house of God. The name given to the place where God appeared to Jacob when flying from his brother Esau. B.C. 1739. Gen. 35. 7 built, .an altar, and called the place E. EI-DA'-AH. 'i^/i^K whom God called. The last in order of the sons of Midian. B.C. 1800. Gen. 25. 4 the sons of Midian. .Abidah, and E. I Ch. I. 33 the sons of Midian. .Abida, aiid E. EL'-DAD, "rh^ God is a friend. One of two elders to whom was given the prophetic power of Moses. B.C. 1492. Numii. 26 name of the one (was) E., and the name- 11. 27 E. and Mcdad do prophesy in the camp ELDEE — l.Great, h^ii gadol. Gen. 10. 21 Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder 27. 42 these words of Esau her elder son were 29. 16 the name of the elder (was) Leah, asd tha I Sa. 18. 17 Behold my elder daughter Merab, her I Ki. 2. 22 kingdom also ; for he (is) mine elder broth. Eze. 16. 46 thine elder sister (is) Samaria, she and 16. 61 thy sisters, thine elder and thy younger 23. 4 Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister 2,0ld, aged, bearded, \p.i zaqen. Gen. so. 7 elders of his houses, and all the elders Exod. 3. 16 gather the elders of Israel together, and 3. 18 Shalt come, thou and the elders of Israel 4. 29 gathered together all the elders of the 12. 21 Moses called for all the elders of Israel 17. 5 and take with thee of the elders of Israel 17. 6 did so in the sight of the elders of Israel ExodiS. 12 Aaron came, and all the elders of Israel 19. 7 and called for the elders of the people 24. I, 9 Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Is. 24. 14 he said unto the elders. Tarry ye here for lev. 4. 15 the elders of the congregation shall lay 9. I Aaron and his sous, and the elders of Numii. t6 seventy men of the elders of Israel II. 16 knowest to be the elders of the people II. 24 seventy men of the elders of the people II. 25 and gave (it) imto the seyenty elders II. 30 gat him into the camp, he and the elders 16. 25 the elders of. Israel followed him 22. 4 And Moab said unto the elders of Midian 22. 7 elders of Moab and the elders of Midian Deut. s- 23 the heads of your tribes, and your elders 19. 12 the elders of his city shall send and 21. 2 thy elders and thy judges shall come SI. 3 elders of that city shall take an heifer 21. 4 the eiders of that city shall bring down 21. 6 the elders of that city, (that are) next 21. ig bring him out unto the elders of his city 21. 20 shall say unto the elders of his city 22. 15 unto the elders of the city in the gate 22. j6 damsel's father shall say unto the elders 22. 17 the cloth before the elders of the city 22. 18 the elders of that city shall take that 25. 7 wife go up to the gate unto the elders 25. 8 the elders of his city shall call him 25. 9 unto him in the presenge of the elders 27. I Moses with the elders of Israel comman. zg. 10 your captains of your tribes, your elders 31. 9 and imto all the elders of Israel 31. 28"Gather unto me all the elders of your 32. 7 thy elders, and they will tell thee Josh. 7. 6 he and the elders of Israel, and put dust 8. 10 and went up, he and the eiders of Israel, 8. 33 all Israel, and their elders, and officers 9. II our elders, and all the inJiabitants of 20. 4 in the ears of the 'elders of that city 23. 2 called for all Israel, (and) for their elders 24. I called for the elders of Israel, and for 24. 31 days of the elders that overlived Joshua Judg. 2. 7 days of the elders that outlived Joshua 8. 14 princes of Succoth, and the elders 8. 16 he took the elders of the city, and thorns II. s elders of Gilead went to fetch Jephthah ti. 7, 9 Jephthah said unto the elders of Gil. II. 8, 10 elders of Gilead said unto Jephthah II, II Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead 21. 16 Then the elders of the congregation said Ruth 4. 2 he took ten men of the elders of the city 4 Buy (it), .before the elders of my people 9 Boaz said unto the elders, ami (unto) all II and the elders, said, (We are) witnesses 3 people were come, .elders of Israel said 4 the elders of Israel gathered themselves .». 3 the elders of Jabesh said unto him : Giva. 15. 30 before the elders of my people, and 16. 4 the elders of the town trembled at his 30. 26 he sent of the spoil unto the elders of J. 2 Sa. 3. 17 communication with the elders of Israel 5. 3 tlie elders of Israel came to the king to 12. 17 the elders of his house arose, (and went) 17. 4 pleased Absalom well, and all the elders 17. 15 counsel Absalom and the elders of Israel 19. II Speak unto the elders of Judab, saying I Ki. 8. I Solomon assembled the elders of Israel iSa. 4- 4- 4- 4. 8. II. ELDER 293 ELEVEN eKi 6. 6. JO. JO. 19 at- iCh .11. 15- ■21. aCh .■;• 5- ^4- iizra JO. lo. Fsa. 07 ■ Prov .^l. Isa. 17- Jer. 26. 20. Lam 1. 2. 4- 5- >;• Kze. 8. '4- ■<;o. 20. Joel I. I Kl. 8. 3 the elilers of Israel came, and tlie priests 20. 7 king, .called all the elders of tlic land 20 8 the elders, and all the people, said unto 21. 8 sent tlie lettei'S unto the elders and to 21. II the elders and the nobles who were the 32 in his, and the elders sat with him 32 he said to the elders. See ye how this J unto the rulers of Jezreel, to the ciders 5 he that (was) over the city, the ciders 2 the scribe, and the ciders of the priests 1 they gathered unto him all the elders of 3 Therefore came all the elders of Israel 25 David, and the elders of Isiael, and 16 David and the elders, .fell upon theix 2 Solomon assembled the elders of Israel 4 the elders of Israel came ; and the Lev. 29 gathered together all the elders of Judah 8 the counsel of the princes and the elders 14 with them the elders of every city, and 32 praise him in the assembly of the elders 23 he sittcth among the elders of the land 2 the scribes, and the elders of the priests 17 rose up certain of the elders of tlie land I unto the residue of the elders which jg my priests and mine elders gave up the 10 The ciders of the daughter of Zion sit 16 tlie priests, they favom'ed. not the elders 12 the faces of elders were not honoured 14 The ciders have ceased from the gate I and the elders of Judah sat before me I Then came certain of the elders of Israel 1 certain of the elders of Israel came to *3 speak unto the elders of Israel, and say 14 gather the elders(and) all the inhabitants 2. i6 assemble the elders, gather the children S. Great, Ti rah. Gen. 25 23 and the elder shall serve the younger ^.Orcy headed, 3'^ sah. l^a. ;. s eye of their God was upon the elders of 5. 9 Then asked we those elders, (and) said 6. 7 the governor of the Jews, and the elders 6. 8 ye shall do to the elders of these Jews 6. 14 the elders of the Jews builded, and they GAf/ed as to days, D'o;? o'ipi zeqeniin leyandm. Job 32. 4 because they (were) elder than he (j.Orealcr, n^l^wv meizon. Rom. 9. 12 The elder shall serve the younger T.Elder, aged person, "rpea^vTepos presbuleros. Mattij. 2 transgress the tradition of the elders? 16. 21 and suffer many things of the elders and 21. 23 chief priests and the elders of the people 26. 3 the scribes, and the elders of the people 26. 47 chief priests and elders of the people 26. 57 the scribes and the elders were assembled s6. 59 the chief priests, and elders, and all the 27. I chief priests and elders of the people 27. 3 silver to the chief priests and elders 27. 12 accused of the chief priests and elderg 27. 20 the chief priests and elders persuaded 27. 41 mocking (him), with the scribes and elders 28. 12 when they were assembled with the elders Stark 7. 3 holding the tradition of the elders 7. 5 according to the tradition of the elders 8. 31 and be rejected of the elders, and (of) the J I. 27 priests, and the scribes, and the elders 14, 43 priests and the scribes and the ciders 14. 53 aU the chief priests and the elders and 15. I held a consultation with the elders and I-ulco 7. 3 he sent unto him the elders of the .Jews g. 22 and be rejected of the elders and chief so. I the scribes came upon (him) with the eld. ■22. 52 and captains of the temple, and the elders Acts. 4. s that their rulers, and elders, and scribes 4. 8 rulers of the people, and elders of Israel 4. 23 all that the chief priests and elders had 6. 12 they stirred up the people, and the elflers II. 30 sent it to the elders by the hands of 14. 23 had ordained them elders in every church 15. 2 to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders 15. 4 church, and (of) the apostles and elders 15. 6 the apostles and elders came together 15. 22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders 15. 23 The apostles and elders and brethren 16. 4 were ordained of the apostles and elders 20. 17 and called the elders of the chuich 21. i3 and all the elders were present 33. 14 they came to the chief priests and elders 84. I the high priest descended with the elders 23. IS *^e chief priests and the elders of the xT3i-> s- * IBehuke not an elder, but entreat (him) as 5. 17 Let the elders that rule well be counted 5.19 Against an elder receive not an accusation Titus I. 5 and ordain elders in every city, as I had Heb. II. 2 by it the elders obtained a good report Jas. 5. 14 let Mm call for the eiders of the church 1 Pe. 5. I The elders which are among you I exhort 2 Jo. 1 The eider imto the elect lady and her r' Jo. 1 The elder unto the well beloved Gaius ev. 4. 4 1 8a,w lour and twenty elders sitting 4. 10 The f^ God is doet . 1. A son of Helezof the family of Hezron. B.C. 1305 I Ch. 2. 39 Azariah begat Helez, and Helcz begnt E. 2. 40 E. begat Sisamai, and Sisamai bcgiit Sha. 2. A son of Kapha or Raphaiah, a descendant of Saul. B.C. 960. 1 Ch. 8. 37 Kapha, .his son, E. his son, Azel his son 9. 43 Rephaiah his son, E. his son, Azel liis EZ-EA'-SAR, ilj;'?N, 'EAeofop God is helper. 1. Third son of Aaron by Elisheba, daughter of Ammina- dab, a descendant of Judah through Pharez. B.C. i4'52. Exod. 6. 23 she bare him Nadab, and Abihu, E., .and 6. 25 E., Aaron's son, took., of the daughters of e8. 1 Nadab and Abihu, E. and Ithamar Lev. 10. 6 Moses said unto Aaron, and unto E. 10. 12 Moses spake unto Aaron, and unto E. 10. 16 he was angry with E. and Ithamar, the Num. 3. 2 Nadab the first born, and Abiliu, E., .and 3. 4 E. and Ithamar ministered in the priest's 3. 32 E. . .(shall be) chief over the chief of the 4. 16 And to the ofBce of E. . .the oil for the 16. 37 Speak unto E. the son of Aaron the pri 16. 39 E. the priest took the brasen censers 19. 3 ye shall give her unto E. the priest, that 19. 4 E. the priest shall take of her blood with 30. 25 Take Aaron and E. his son, and bring 20. 26, z8 and put them upon E. his son 25. 7 when Phinehas, the son of E. . . saw (it) 25. II Phinehas, the son of E. . .hath turned my 26. J LORD spake unto Moses and unto E. the 26. 3 Moses and E. the priest spake with them 26. 60 unto Aaron born Nadab,and Abihu,E. e6. 63 that were numbered by Moses and E. 27. a they stood before Moses, and before E. 27. 19 set him before E. the priest, and before 27. 21 he shall stand before E. the priest, who 27. 22 he took Joshua, and set him before E. the 31. 6 them and Phinehas the son of E. the pr. 31. 12 they brought the captives .. unto .. E. the 31. 13 Moses, and E. the priest, .went forth to 31. 21 E. the priest said unto the men of war 31. 26 Take the sum of the prey, .thou, and E. 31. 29 Take (it) of their half, and give (it) unto E. 31. 31 Moses and E. the priest did as the Lord 31. 41 Moses gave the tribute, .unto E. the pri. 31. 51, S4 And Moses and E. the priest took the 32. 2 the children of Reuben . . spake unto . E. 32. 28 So concerning them Moses commanded E. 34. 17 E. the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun Dent 10. 6 E. his son ministered in the priest's office Josh 14. I which E, the priest, .distributed for inh. 17. 4 they came near before E. the priest, and ,19. 51 These (are) the inheritances, which E. 21. 1 Then came, .the Levites unto E. the 22. 13 Phinehas the son of E. the piiest Jobh.z2. 31 Phinehas the Bon of E. the priest said 12. 32 Phinehas the son of E. the prieat. .rctu. 24. ^3 E. the eon of Aaron died ; .and they bur Judg2o. 28 Phinehas, the son of E. . .stood before It I Ch. 6. 3 The sons alsoof Aaron, i:.. and Ithamar 6. 4 E. begat Phirchas, Phintlu'.s begat Abisli. 6. 50 E. his son, Phinehas his sou, Abishiia 9. 2o Phinehas the son of E. was the ruler over 24 I sons of Aaron. Abihu, E., and Ithamar 24. 2 E. and Ithamar executed the pricEt's oHIco 24. 3 both Zadok of the sons of E., and Ahim. 24. 4 more chief men found of the sons of E. 24. 4 Among the sons of E. . .sixteen chief men 24. 5 governors, .were of the sons of E., and 24. 6 principal household being taken for E. Ezra 7. 5 Abishua. .sou of Phinehas. son of E. 2.'Sonof Amniinadabof Kirjath-jearim, set apart to take care of the ark after it was sent back bjrthe Plulistines. B.C. II 20. 1 Sa 7. 1 sanctified E. his son to keep the ark of 3 A son of Dodo the Ahohitc, one of the three chief captains of David's army. B.C. 1048. i Sa. 23 9 after him (was) E. the son of Dodo the A. I Ch. II. 12 after him (was) E. the son of Dodo, tlie A. 4. A Merarite and son of Mahli. Ho had daughters only, who weremarncd to their cousins. B.C. 1015. 1 Ch.23. 21 The sons of of Mahli ; E. and Kish 23. 22 E. died, and had no sons, but daughters 24. 28 Of JlaliU (came) E., who had no sons 5. A priest who participated in the of the dedica- tion of the wall under JVehemi.ih. B.C. 44c. Neh. 12. 42 Maaseiah, and Sheniai.ah, and E.. and U. 6. A son of Phinehas, a Levite. B.C. 457 Ezra 8. 33 and with him .E. the son of Phinehas 7 Son of Eliud, three generations above Joseph the husband of Jlary. Matt. I. 15 Eliud begat E. ; and E. begat Matthaa ELECT — \.Chcsen, choice, thd bachir. Isa. 42 I my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect 45. 4 For Israel mine elect, 1 have even called 65. 9 mine elect shall inherit it, and my ser. 65. 22 mine elect shall long enjoy the work of 2. Laid out, chosen, choice, (kK(kt6s ekleklos. Matt 24 22 for the elect's sake those days th-all bo 24. 24 if. possible, they shall deceive tlie verve. 24. 31 andythey shall gather together his elect Marki3. 20 no flesh should be saved : but for the el 13. 22 to seduce, if (it were) possible, even the e. 13. 27 and shall gather together his elect from Luke 18. 7 And shall not Cod avenge his own elect P^om. 8. 33 lay anything to the charge of God's elect f Col. 3. 12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy t Ti. 5. 21 1 charge, before God .and the elect 2 Ti. 2 10 I endure all things for the elect's sake Titus I. J according to the faith of God's elect, and 1 Pe. 1 2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of 2. 6 I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect 2 Jo I The elder unto the elect Lady and her 13 Tlie children of thy elect sister greet thee ELECTED together with — Chosem along with, avv^KheicTds suncklcklos. 1 Pe. 5. n at Babylon, elected together with ELECTION — Clioice, a laying ovt, fKAoyli ekloge. Kom. 9. II according to election might stand, not II 5 there is a remnant according tu the ela. II. 7 the election hath obtained it, and the II. 28 but as touching the election, (they arc) 1 Th. I. 4 Knowing, brethren beloved, ycui- clcc. 2 Pe. 1. 10 to make your calling and election sui'e EL ELO-HE IS-EA'-SL, 'J^'JS': '0'7« ^t< God, the God of Israel. The name given by Jacob to the altar he erected near Shechem, where he pitched his tent arid afterwards purchased from the sons of Hamor. B.C. 1732. Gen. 33. 20 he erected .an altar, and called it E. ELEMENTS — Elements, rudimcvls, first siep,(nnix^'Lov sloichcion. Gal. 4. 3 were in bondage under the elements of 4. 9 to the weak and beggarly elements 2 Pe. 3. 10, 12 the elements shall melt with fervent E'.LEPH, I^N union, ox. A town of Benjamin, and named next to Jenisalem. Josh.iS. 28 Zelah, E., and Jebusi, which (is) Jerusa, ELEVEN — 1. Eleven, one {and) ten, •ei'li "inx aelicd asar. Gen. 32. 22 his two women, servants, .and his eleven 37. 9 the eleven stars, mjde obeisance to me 2 Ki. 23. 36 Jehoiakim. .reigned eleven years in Jer. 24. 18 Zedekiah. .reigned eleven years in Jeru. 2Ch.36. 5 Jehoiakim.. reigned eleven yesrs in Jer 36. II Zedekiah.. reigned eleven years in Jeru. Jer 52. I Zedekiah. reigned eleven years in Jeru. 2. Eleven, (^'}.V'il) Vi? "F^V. ashte asar. Exod26.' 7 upon the tabernacle ; eleven curtains 26. 8 the eleven ctirtains (shall be all) of one 36. 14 over the tabernacle : eleven curtains he 36. 15 the eleven curtains (were) of one size ^um29. 20 on the third day eleven bullocks, two Eze. 40. 49 and the breadth eleven cubits ; and Z. Eleven, one (and) ten, evSaca Jwiidelia. Matt.28. 16 'Than the eleven disciples went away ELEVENTH 294 BLIEZBB I.Iarki6. 14 he appeared unto the eleven as they sat liUke 24. 9 and told all these things vinto the eleven 24. 3j they rose up . .and found the eleven Acts 1. 26 he was numbered with the eleven apoat. 3. Id Peter, standing up with the eleven EEEVEKTH— . 1. Eleven, (nnfe*^) i^j; 'ntpg ashte asar. Num. 7. 72 On the eleventh day Pagiel. .(offered) Deut. I. 3 in the eleventh month, on the first (day) 1 Ki. 6. 38 in the eleventh year, in the month Bui 2 Ki. 9. 29 in the eleventh year of Joram the son of 25. 2 the city was besieged unto the eleventh 1 Ch. 12. 13 Jeremiah the tenth, Machbanal the elev. 24. 12 The eleventh to Eliashib, the twelfth to 23. 18 The eleventh to Azareel, (he), his sons 27. T4 The eleventh (captain) tor the eleventh Jer. I. 3 unto the end of the eleventh year of Zed. 39. 2 (And) in the eleventh year of Zedekiah 52. s the city ■visa besieged unto the eleventh Eze. 26. I And it came to pass in the eleventh year 30. 20 it came to pass in the eleventh year, in 31. t it came to pass in the eleventh year, in Zech. I. 7 and twentieth day of the eleventh month ^.Eleventh, evS^Karoi hendikatos. Matt 20. 6 And about the eleventh hour he went 20. 9 they came that (v/ere hired) about the eL Eev. 21. 20 the eleventh, a jacinth ; the tv/elfth, an EL-HA'-ITAK', Jjn^t God is gracious. 1. Son of Jalr, Who slew iahn^ the b?otIjer of Goliath the Glttite. B.C. 1048. 1 Ch. 20. 5 E. the son of Jair slew lahmi the brother 2 Sa. 21. 19 E. the son of Jaare-oregim. .slew (the br.) 2. A son of Dodo the Bethlehemite, and one of the thirty oj David's chief men. B.C. 1048. 2 Sa. 23. 24 E. the son of Dodo of Beth-lehe^ I Ch.ii. 26 E. the son of Dodo of Beth-lehem E'-LI, »^j; Jah is high. High priest and judge of Israel, who immediately pre- ceded Samuel. His descent was tlirough Ithamar the younger of Aaron's two surviving sons. I Sa. I. 3 And the two sons of E. . .(were) there 1. 9 E. the priest sat upon a seat by a post of 1. 12 it came to pass, .that E. marked her mo. J. 13 therefore E. thought she had been drunk. I. 34 E. said unto her, How long wilt thou be . 1. 17 H. answered and said, Go in peace : and 1. 25 slew a bullock, and brought the child to E. a. II child did minister unto the Lord before E 2. 12 Now the sons of E. (were) sons of Belial s. 20 E. blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said E. 23 E. was very old, and heard all that his 2. 27 And there came a man of God unto E. 3. I Samuel ministered unto the L. before E. 3. 2 when B. (was) laid down in his place, and 3. 5 And he ran unto E., and said. Here (am) 3. 6 Samuel arose and went to E., and said 3. 8 ho arose and went to E.-, and said, Hera 3. 8 E. perceived that the Lord had called 3. 9 E. said unto Samuel, Go, lie down : and 3. 12 I will perform against E. all. .which I 3. 14 I have sworn unto the house of E., that 3. 14 the iniquity of E.'s, house shall not be 3. 15 And Samuel feared to show E. the vision 3. 16 IS. called Samuel, and said, Samuel, my 4 4 the two SODS of E. . .(vrere) there vrith the 4. II the two sons of E., Hophni and Phinehas 4. 13 E. sat upon a seat by the v/ayside watch. 4. 14 when E. heard the noise of the crying, he 4. 14 And the man came in hastily, and told E. 4. 15 Now E. was ninety and eight years old 4. 16 the man said untoB. I (am) he that came 14. 3 Phinehas, the son of E., the LORD'a priest I Ki. 2. 27 he spake concerning the house of E. in E-M, 'H\j . in Eeb. 'V>? eli, my Ood. Matt. 27. 46 cried with a loud voice, saying. Ell ! Ell !■ E-M'-AB, nn'Sx God is father. \. A son of Heioh, and leader of the tribe of Zebulun at the time of the census in the wilderness. B.C. 1490. Num. 1. 9 Of Zebulun ; E, the son of Helen 2. 7 E. the son of Helen . . captain of the chiL 7. 24 On the third day E. the son of Helon 7. 29 this (was) the offering of E. the son of H. 10. i6 over the host . . of Zebulun , . B. the son of 2. A Eeubenito, son of Pallu or Phallu, and father of Dathan and Abiram. B.C. 1490. Numi6. I Dathan and Abiram the sons of E. . .took 16. 12 to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of E. 26. 8 And the sons of Pallu ; E. 26. 9 the sons of E.; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Dent n. 6 did unto Dathan and Abiram . .sons of E. 3. The eldest son of Jesse and brother of David, He. iB called Elihu in i Ch. 27. iB. B.C. 1065. I Sa. 16. 6 it came to pass . .that he looked on E. 17. 13 threesonsthatwenttothebatt!e(were)E, 17. 28 E. his eld est brother heard when he spake 17. 28 E.'s anger was-ktndled against D., and ha 1 Ch. 2. 13 Jesse begat his first bom E., and Abina. 2 Ch.ii. 18 Abiliail the daughter of E. the son of Je. 4. A Levite in the time of David, and was both a porter and a musician on the psaltery. B.C. 1015. I 18 Jehiel, and TJnni, E., and Benaiah, and IS- 20 Jehiel, and Unni, and E., and Maasciah iS. 5 Jehiel, and Mattithiah, and E., and Ben. 6. A Gadite warlike leader who with others came over to David in the wilderness. B.C. 1058. I Ch.12. g Ezer the first, Obadiah the second, E. tha 6. An ancestor of Samuel_ the prophet ; a Kohathito IJevite, son of Nahath. m other statements of the genealogy he is called Elihu (i Sa, i. i); and Eliel (i Ch. 6. 34). I Ch. 6. 27 E. his son, Jeroham liisson, Elkanah hia Elr-IA'-BA, Viyh'^< God is Iffiwwing. 1. One of the sons of David. B.C. 1030. a Sa. 5. 16 And Elishama, and E., and Eliphalef; 1 Ch. 3. 8 And Elishama, and E., and Eliphalet 2. A Benjamite mighty warrior who led 200,000 of his tribe to the army of Jehoshaphat. B.C. 941. 2 Ch. 17. 17 of Benjamin ; E. a mighty man of vslonr El-IA'-DAH, Vjh^ God is Icncwing. An Aramite of Zobah, father of Kezon, the captain of a marauding band that annoyed Solomon. B.C. 1025. I Kj.ii. 23 Rezon the son of E., which fled from his E-U'-AH, .T^K God is Jah. 1. A son of Jeroham the Benjamite, and head of hia tribe. B.C. 1300. 1 Ch. a. 27 Jareslah, and E., and Zichri, the sons of 2. One of the Bene-Elam that married a strange wife. B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 26 Jehiel, and Abdi, and Jeremoth, and E. Et-IAH'-BA, N5ri!^« God hides. A Shaalbonite, one of David's famous gnard of thirty. B.C. 1048. 2 Sa. 23. 32 E. the Shaalbonite, of the sons of Jashen 1 Ch.ii. 33 Azmaveth the Bahai-umite, E. the Shaal, EI-IA'-KEJI, Q'i?;^^!, 'EkiaKslfj. God is setting up. 1. A son of Hilkiah, successor of Shebna as master of Hezekiah's household. B.C- 710, a ICi.18. 18 there came out to them E. the son of H. 18. 26 Then said E. the son of Hil'idaJji, ftiid Sh. 18. 37 Then camo E. the son of Hillciah, which 19. 2 And he sent E., which (was) over the ho. Isa. 22. 20 I will call my servant E. the son of Hilk. 36. 3 Then came forth unto him B., HUkiah's 36. II Then said E. and Shebna and Joah imto 36. 22 Then came E. . .that(wa3) over the house. 37. 2 And hesentE., who (was) over the house. 2. Original name of king Jehoiakim. B.C. 599. 2 Ki.23. 34 Pharaoh-nechoh made E. the son of Josiah 2 Ch.36. 4 the king of Egypt made E. his brother 3. A priest that assisted at the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah. B.C. 445. Neh. 12. 41 the priests ; E., Maaseiah, Miniamin, Mi. i. Eldest son of Abiud or Judah ; brother of Joseph, and father of Azor in the genealogy of Clirist. Matt. 1. 13 Abiud begat E. ; and E. begat Azor Luke 3. 30 (son) of Jonan, which was (the son) of E. B-LI'-AK, Cj;'^!!? God, is founder of the people^ 1. FatherofBath-sheba, wife of David, B.a 1060. Called also ATumiel. 2 Sa. II. 3 not this Bath-sheba, the daughter of B. 3. One of David's thirty miglity men. B.C. 1048. 2 Sa. 23. 34 £. the son of Ahithophel the GUonite E-LI'-AS, 'UXlas, tlie Greek form of Elijah. Matt J I. 14 if ye will receive (it), this is E., which 16. 14 Some.. John the Baptist; some, E. . 17. 3 there appeared imto them Moses and E. 17. 4 thee, and one for Moses, and one forE. 17. 10 Why then say the scribes that E. must 17. II E. truly shall first come, and restore all 17. 12 E. is come already, and they knew him 27. 47 Some, .said, This (man) calleth for E. 27. 49 let us see whether E. \7ill come to save Mark 6. 15 Others said. That it is B. And others said 8. 23 but some. .B. ; and others, One of the pr. g. 4 there appeared imto them E. with Moses 9. s thee^ and one for Moses, and one for E. 9. II Why say the scribes that B. must first c? 9, 13 E. verily cometh first, and restoreth all 9. 13 E. is indeed qome, and they have done 15. 35 some of them, .said. Behold, he calleth E, 15. 36 let us see v/hether i). will come to take Luke I. 17 shall go before him in the spirit, .of E. 4. 25 many widows . .in Israel in the daj-s of E, 4. 26 unto none of them was E. sent, save unto 9. 8 And of some, that E, had appeared ; and g. 19 They answering said . .but some (say), E. 9. 30 talked with him two men. .Moses and E. 9. 33 thee, and one for Moses, and one for E. 9i 54 and consume them, even as' E. did ? John I. 21 they asked. Mm, Wh'at then? Art thou E. ! 1. 25 Why baptizest thou, -if thou be not. .E. Rom It. 2 Wot ye not what the Scripture saith of E. ? Jas. 5. 17 E. was a man subject to Uke passions as EX-ifl.'-SAPK, 1d;^x God is gatlterer. 1. Son of Deuel arid head of the tribe of Dan at the (jensus in the wilderness. B.C. 1490. Num. 1. 14 Of Gad ; E. the son of Denel 2. 14 the captain of the sons of Gad;. .E. 7. 42 On the sixth day E. the son of Denel 7. 47 this, -the offering of E. the. sou of Deuel ip. 20 over, .the children of Gad. ."E. the son of 2. Sott of Lael a chief of the house of the father of the Gershonites at the census in the wilderness, B.C. 1490, Num. 3. 24 the chief, .of the Gershonites. ,E. the son EL-Ii'-5HIB, a'U';^Ni God is requifer. 1. A priest in the tiine of David. B.C. 1015. I Ch.24, 12 The eleventh to E-, the tv/ejfth to Jaklm 2. A descendant of the royal family of Judah. B.C. 445 i.Ch. 3. 24 the sons of Elioenal. .Hodaiah, and E. 3. The high priest at the time of the rebuilding of the wall under Nehemiah. B.C. 445. Neh. 3. I E. the high priest rose up, with his breth. 3. 20 unto the door of the house of E. the high 3. 21 house of E. . .to the end of thehouse of E. 13. 4 B. the priest . . (was) allied unto Tobiah 13. 7 I . . understood . . the evil that E. did for 13. 28 Joiada, the son of E. the high priest 4. A singer who married a strange wife in the esUe. B.C. 445- Ezra 10, 24 Of the singers also : E. : and of the 5. A son of Zattu, whose wife was a stranger, B,C. 44s. Ezra 10. 27 of the sons of Zattu'; Elioenai, E., Matt. 6. A son of Bani, who married a strange wife, B.C. 44s. Ezra 10, 36 Vaniah, Meremoth, E, 7. An ancestor of Johanan who assisted Ezra in the as- sembly about strange vaves, B.C. 445. Ezra iQ. 6 into the chamber of Johanan the son of E, Neh. 12. 10 J. begat Joiakim, Joiakim also begat K 12. 22 The levites, in the days of E. . .(were) 12. 23 until the days of Johanan the son of E. E'LI-A'-^HAH, ."jpx'^K God is come. A son of Heman appointed by lot for the service song in the sanctuary. B.C. 1015. I Ch.25. 4 TIem. : the sons of Heman ; Bukkiah..B, 25. 27 The twentieth to E., (he), his sons, and E-LX'-DAB, Ti'^K God is a friend. A chief of Benjamin chosen to represent his tribe Sn the allotment of Canaan. B.C. 1452. Num.34. 21 Of the tribe of Benjamin, E. the son of E-n'-El, "rx'^g God is God, 1. Great-grandfather of Samuel the prophet : in i Ch. 6. 27 it is Blidb. I Ch. 6. 34 Jeroham, the son of E., the son of Toah 2. Head of the house of Manasseh in Bashan. B.C. 8oo» I Ch. s. 24 E. , .heads of the house of their fathers 3. A son of Shimhi the Benjamite. B.C. 1340. 1 Ch. 8. 20 And Elienai, and ZUthai, and E. i. A son of Shashak, a Benjamite, B.C. 1340. I Ch. 8. 22 And Ishpan, and Heber, and E, 5. A captain of David's army, B.C. 1048. I Ch.ii. 45 E. the Mahavite, and Jeribai and Jo^ 6. Another of David's valiant men. B.C. 1048. I Ch.ii, 47 E., and Obed, and Jasiel the Mesofcaito 7. A Gadite that joined Eavid at Ziklag ; perhaps the game as No, 5. or 6. I Ch.12, II Altai the sisih, E. the seventh 8. A chief of Judah is. David's time ; perhaps the same as No. 5. I Ch.13. 9 Of the sons of Hebron ; E. the chief 9. A chief Levite whom David called on to assist in bringing up the Ark from the house of Obed-edom, B.C. 1042. 1 Ch.15. II David called for.. the priests, and..E. 10. A Levite, overseer of the dedicated things in the time of Hezeklah. B.C. 726, 2 Ch.31. 13 B., and I^machiah, and Mahath. .overs. ErII-E'-NAI, Ty^N unto God are m,ine eyes. A son of Shimhi, a iJenjamite. 33.C. 1340. I Ch. 8. 20 And E., and Zilthai, and EUel E-U-E'-ZER, "ii^'^n, 'EXieXep God is help. 1. Abraham's chief 'servant, called by liinj '< Eliezer of Damascus," (or rather Damascus Eliezer). The com. mon version makes him bom in Abraham's house ; but the original is. simply "son of my house" (Gen. 15. 3), which imports no mbre than that he was one of the household. B.C. 1913. Gen. 15. 2 the steward of my house (is) this E. of D. 2. Second son of Moses and Zipporah, to ■whom hia father gave this name as a memento of iiis gratitude to God. B.C. 1500. Exod. 18. 4 the name of the other (was) E. ; for the 1 Cli.23. 15 The sons of Moses(were) Gershom and E. 23. 17 the sons of E. (were) Eehabiah the chief 23. 17 And E. had none other sons 26. 25 And his brethren by E, ; Eehabiah his 3. A grandson of Benjamin. B.C. 1650.. 1 Ch. 7. 8 And the sons of Becher ; Zemira, and. .E. 4. A priest who assisted in bringing up the ark from the house of Obed-edom. B.C. 1042. 1 Ch.15. 24 Benaiah, andE., the priests, did blow 5. A ruler of Keuben in the time of David. B.C. loij. J, Ch,27. 16 the ruler of the Eeubenites (was) E. 6. A prophet that rebuked Jehoshaphat for joining with Ahaziah king of Israel in an expedition to Opbir. B.C. 896. 2 Ch.2o. 37 E. the son of Dodavah.. prophesied agai. 7. A chief sent with others to induce come Xevltes and others to accompany Ezra to Jerusalem. B.C. 457. Ezra 8. 16 Then sent I for E., for Ariel, for ShemaL 8. A priest who had taken a strange wife. B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 1 8 Maaseiah, and E. , and Jarib, 8Jid Gedaliali 9. A Levite who had trespassed like No. 8. Ezra 10. 23 Levites ; Jozabad, acd Sliliitei..and £. i 11 ELIHORBPH 295 ELISHAMA 10. One of the sons of Harlm who had done likewise.. Ezra lo. 31 And (of) the sons of Harlm ; E., Ishijah tl. An ancestor of Joseph husband of Mary in the line traced by Luke. Luke 3. 29 (the sonj of Joae.which was (the son) of E. E-II-HO'-BEPH, Tih'JiK GoO, of harvest rain. A Bcribe or secretary of Solomon. B.C. 1015. I Ki. 4. 3 E. and Ahiah, the sons of Shisha, scribes E-LI'-Htr, n>^N Ood himself. 1. Great-grandfather of Samuel the prophet, and son of Tohu. Both Bliel and Miab are used of this man in k Ch. vi B.C. 1230. 1 Sa. I. I the son of Jerohara, the son of B. 2. Manassehite who joined David at Ziglag. B.C. 1058. I Ch.i2. 20 E., and Zilthai, captains of tlie thousands 3. A Kohathite of the family of Korah, and a porter at the tabernacle in the time of David. B.o. 1022. I Ch. 26, 7 whose brethren (were) strong men, E. 4. A brother of David (same as Eliab), made ruler over Judah. B.C. 1060. _ - I Ch.27. 18 Of Judah^ E., (one) of the brethren of D. 6. Youngest of Job's three.friend3. B.C. 1320. Job 32. 2 Then was kindled the wrath of E. the son 32. 4 Now E. had waited till Job had spoken 32. 5 When E. saw that (there was) no answer 32. 6 E. . .said, I (am) young, and ye (are) very 34. 1 Furthermore, E. answered and said, Hear 35. I E. spake moreover, and said, Thinkest 36. I E. also proceeded, and said. Suffer mo E-ll'-JAH, ?n;'?s; my Ood is Jah, or God himself. 1. The grandest and most romantic character that Israel ever produced. " Elijah the Tlshbite of the inhabitants of GUead," ia literally all we know of his Darentage. B.O. 897. I Bli, 17. I And E. the Tishbite. .said unto Ahab 17. 13 And E, said unto her. Fear not ; go I 17. 15 she. .did according to the saying of E. 17. 16 word of the Lord, which he spake by E. 17. 18 she said unto E., What have I to do with 17. 22 the Lord heard the voice 01 E.; and tlie 17. 23 E. took the child, and brought him down 17. 23 and E. said. See, thy son liveth 17. 24 the woman said to B., Now by this I know 18. I the word of the Lord came to E. in the 18. 2 And E. went to show himself unto Aliab 18. 7 as Obadiah was in the way, behold, E. 18. 7 and said, (Art) thou that my lord E.? t8. ^, ii,i4go, tellthylord,Behold,E.(i3here) 18. 15 E. said, (As) the LOKD of hosta liveth 18. 16 and Ahab went to meet E. t8. 17 it came to pass, when Ahab sa'w E., that 18. 21 E. came unto all the people, and said 18. 22 Then said E. unto the people, I. .1 only 18. 25 And E. said unto the prophets of Baal 18. ^7 E. mocked them, and said. Cry aloud 18. 30 E. said imto all the people, Come near 18. 31 E. took twelve stones, according to the 18. 36 E. came near, and said, lonD God of Ab. 18. 40 E. said mito them, Take the prophets of 18. 40 E. brought them down to the brook K. 18. 41 E. said unto Ahab, Get the up, eat and 18. 42 and E. went up to the top of Carmel 18. 46 And the hand of the Lord was on E. 19. I Ahab told Jezebel all that E. had done 19. 2 Jezeljel sent a messenger unto E., saying 19. g said unto him, Whatdoest thoufnere, £.? jg. 13 And it was (30), when E. heard (it,) that 19. 19 E. passed by him, and cast liis mantle »g. 20 And he left the oxen, and ran after E. 19. 2t ^e arose, and went after E., and ministe. ai. 17 the word of the LORD came to E. the T. 21. 20 Ahab said to E., Hast thou found me, O 2t. 28 the word of the Lord came to E., the T. a KI. I. 3 the angel of the Lord said to E. the Ti. I. 4 Thou.. Shalt surely die. And E. departed 1. 8 And he said. It (is) E. the Tishbite 1. 10 E. answered and said to the captain of 1. 12 E. answered and said unto them. If I (be) 1. 13 third captain, .fell onhis knees before E. 1. 15 the angel of the Lord said unto E., Go J. 17 died'jaccordingtotheword..whichE.:had 2. I .the Lord would take up E. into heaven 2. I that E. went with Elisha from Gilgal a. 2 E. said unto Elisha, Tany here, I pray 2. 4 E. said unto him, Elisha, Tany here a. 6 B. said unto him. Tarry, I pray thee 2. 8 S. toek hi^mantle, and wrapped (it) 2. 9 E. said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do 2. II E. went up by a whirlwind into heaven 2. 13 He took up also the mantle of E. that 2. 14 he took the mantle of E. . .and smote the 2. 14 and said. Where (is) the Lord God of E.? a. 15 The spirit of E. doth rest on Elisha 3. II Elisha. .poured water on the hands of B. 9. 36 which he spake by his servant E. the 10. 10 Lord hath done., which he spake by..E. lo. 17 saying of the Lord, which he spake to E. a Ch.21. 12 there came a writing to him from E. Mai. 4. 5 Behold, I will send you E. the prophet E, One who took a strange wife during the exUe. s.C. ^jSzra ID. 2t of the sons of Earim ; ilaaseiah, and E. U-IiI'-EA, t37P mnlku/h. Esth. I. 20 shall be published throughout all his em. EMPLOY, to — To fjo ui frinn before, Casp K'la bo mippanim. Deut2o. ig not cut them, .to employ (them) in the EMPLOYED, to be — 3^0 stand, stand still, laj; araad. Ezra 10. 15 Jonathan .andJahaziah wereemployed EMPTIED — Empty, vain, pi, p'l req. Nell. 5. T 3 even thus be lie shaken out, and emptied EMPTIED, to be — \.To be emptied, pps haqnq, 2. Isa. 24. 3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and 2.7*0 be or become lean, poor, low, weak, hh^ dalal. Isa. 19. 6 the brooks of defence shall be emptied 3. TV) be drawn out, eonptied, P'>t rii^, 6. Jer. 48. II Moab.. hath not been emptied from ves. EMPTIER — To empty, malce, ppi baqaq. Nah. 2. 2 for the emptiers have emptied them out EMPTINESS — Emptiness, vi3 hohu. Isa. 34. 1 1 line of confusion, and the stones of empt. EMPTY — I.T0 [be) enipti/, PP5 baqaq. Hos. 10. I Israel (is) an empty vine, he bringeth fo. ^.Emptiness, voidness, np?3 buqah. Nah. 2. 10 She is empty, and void, and waste Z.Em.pty, vain, p"}., p'l req. Gen. 37. 24 the pit (was) empty, (there was) no water 41. 27 the seven empty ears, blasted with thee. Judg. 7. 16 Nvith empty pitchers, and lamps within 2 Ki. 4. 3 borrow . . empty vessels ; borrow not a few Isa. 29. 8 but he awaketh, and his soul is empty £ze. 24. II Then set it empty upon the coals thereof 4. Empty, vain, p"i riq. .■. Jer. 51. 34 he hath made me an empty vessel, he a.Empty, in vain, Dp"i regain. Gen. 31. 42 surely thou hadst sent me away now em. Exod. 3. 21 when ye go. ye shall not go empty 23. 15 and none shall appear before me empty 34. 20 And none shall appear beiore me empty Deut 15. 13 thou Shalt not let him go away empty 16. i6 shall not appear before the LOBD empty ■Rutli 1. 21 LjRD hath brought me home again empty 3. 17 Go not empty unto thy mother in law 3 Sa. 6. 3 If ye send away.. send it not empty 2 Sa. I. 22 and the sv,-ord of Sa«l returned not empty Job 22. 9 Thou hast sent widows away empty Jer. 14. 3 they returned with their vessels empty 6. Empty, Kft/6s kenos. Marki2. 3 they., beat him, and sent (him) away em Luke I. 53 and the rich he hath sent empty away 20. 10 but. beat him, and sent (him) away emp. 20. II beat him also, .and sent (him) away emp. I.To be free, at leisure, unoccupied, (rxoKd^ai. Matt 12. 44 when he is come, he Cadeth (il^ puipty EMPTY, to — 1. To empty, pp; baqaq, 3a. Jer. SI. 2 fanners, that., shall empty her land: for 2. To exp>ose, malx naked, empty out, n-ij; arah, 3. Gen. 24. 20 and emptied her pitcher into the trough 2 Ch.24. II the high priest's officer came and emptied 3.T0 prepare, >.i5 panah, 3. Lev. 14. 36 that they empty the house, before the 4. To draw out, empty out, Ji^i ruq, 5. Gen. 42. 35 as they emptied their sacks, that, behold Eccl.ii. 3 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty Jer. 48. 12 and shall empty his vessels, and break Hab. I. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and Zech. 4. 12 which through the two golden pipes eran EMPTY, to be — To be inspected, looked after, ips paqa.d, 2. I Sa. 20. 18 shalt be missed, bee' thy seat vvill be«m. 20. 25 Abner sat. .and David's place was empty 2o. 27 the second (day) . David's place was cm. EMPTY, to make — \.To empty, make void, pps baqaq. Isa. 24. I Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty I.To draw out, empty out, pn ruq, 5. Isa. 32 6 to make empty the soul of the hungry EMPTY out, to — To empty, make void, ppa baqaq. Nah. 2. 2 for the emptiers have emptied them ou EMPTY place — Emptiness, 5"h lohu. Job 26. 7 stretchethcuttheDort overtheemptyp. EMULATION — Zeal, ^f;Aoj zelos. Gal. 5. 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, e. EMULATION, to provoke to — To make one zealous, Trapa^-qXio) parazeloo. Eom II 14 If by any means I may provoke to emu. ENABLE, to — To put strength in, ivSwafi-ia endunamoo. I Ti. I. 12 I thank Christ, who hath enabled me E'-NAM, ory double fountains. A city in the lowlands of Judah. Josh 15. 34 Zauoah, and En-gannim, Tappuah, and E. E'-NAN, ]yxj fountain. Father of Ahira, of tlic tribe of Naphtali, appointed to assist Moses in taking the census at Sinai. Num. I. IS Of Naphtali ; Ahira the son of E. 2. 29 captain . . of Naphtali . . Ahira the son of E. 7. 78 On the twelfth day Ahira the son of E. 7. 83 this, the offering of Ahura the son of E. 10. 27 And over the host. .Ahira the son of E. ENCAMP, to — To encamp, settle dovjn, njn chanah. £xodi3. 2o they took their journey.. and encamped 14. 2 Speak unto . . Israel, that they turn and e. 14. 2 before it shall ye encamp by the sea 14 9 overtook them encamping by the sea 15. 27 and they encamped there by the waters 18. 5 where he encamped at the mount of God Num. I. 50 and shall encamp round about the taber. 2. 17 ae they encamp, .so shall they set forward 2. 27 And those that encamp by him (shall be) 3. 38 those that encamp before the tabernacle 10. 31 thou knowest how we are to encamp in 33. 10 they removed from Elim, and encamped 33. II removed frorn the Red Sea, and encamp. 33. 12 they took their journey . .and encamped 33. 13 they departed, .and encamped in Alush 33. 14 they removed from Alush, and encamped 33. 17 they departed., and encamped at Hazero. 33. 24 they removed, .and encamped in Harad. 33. 26 they removed, .and encamped at Tahath 33. 30 they departed . and encamped at Mosero. 33. 32 they removed, .and encamped at Hor-ha. 33. 34 they removed . . and encamped at Ebronah 33. 35 departed,. and encamped at Ezjon-gaber 33. 46 removed, .and encamped in Almon-dib Josh. 4. 19 the people came, .and encamped in Gil. S. 10 the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal 10. 5 they and all their hosts, encamped before 10. 31, 34 encamped against it, and fought Judg. 6. 4 they encamped against them, and destr 9. 50 Then went Abimelech. .and encamped 10. 17 encamped in Gilead. encamped in >riz. 20. 19 the children of Israel, .encamped agamst X Sa. 1 1. J Nahash . . came up, and encamped against 13. i5 but the Philistines encamped inMichmash 2 Sa. II. II servants., are encamped in theopen fields 12. 28 therefore gather the rest, .and encamp I Ki. 16. 15 the jieople (were) encamped against Gibb. 16. 16 the people (that were) encamped heard 1 Ch.ii. 15 the host of the Philistines encamped in 2 Ch.32. I and encamped against the fenced cities Job 19. 12 and encamp round about my tabernacle Psa. v7 3 Though an host should encamp again8t 34 7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round 53. 5 scattered the bones of him that encamp. Zech. ;. 8 And I will encamp about mine bouse ENCHANTER — X.To whisper, use enchantment, oni Tiachash, 3. " DcutiE. 10 an observer of times, or an enchanter, or 2. To observe the clouds, (JV anan, 3a. Jer. 27. 9 hearken not ye .. to your enchanters, nor ENCHANTMENT — l.Joinino, charm, "ijn chebcr. Isa. 47 9 for the great abundance of thine enchant, ^■|. 12 Stand now with thine enchantmenta, and i.A whisper, charm, amulet, vrh lachash. Eccl. 13. II Surely the serpent will bite without en. 3. Secret, tnc)iantm^Mt, gentleness, n) tat. Exod. 7 22 magicians did so with the'lrenchantmcnts 8 7, 18 magicians did so with their cuchant. 4. Whisper, enchantment, vn) nachash. Num23 23 Surely (there is) no enchantment againrt 24. I went not, as at other times, to seek for e. 5. To Khis-per, use enchantment, v-i nachash, 3. 2 Ki.17. 17 pass through the fire, and used, .tnchan. ENCHANTMENT, to use — To whisper, tise enchantment, e'rj iiachash, 3. Lev. 19. :i6 neither shall ye use enchantment, nor 2 Ki.2i. 6 observed times, and used enchantmenta 2 Ch.33. 6 he observed times, and used encbantme. ENCHANTMENTS — Flashings, corh Ifhatim. Exod 7 II did in like manner with their enchantm. ENCOUNTER, to — To throw [scIvch) togeHutr, crun^aWai sumJballO. Acts 17 18 Then certain philosophers .encountered ENCOURAGE, to — To strengthen, harden, fix, p\n chazcuj, 3. Deut. I. 38 encourage him ; for he shall cause Israel 3. 28 encourage him, and strengthen him : for 2 Sa. II. 2s overthrow it; and encourage thou hinr> 2 Oh. 35. 2 he .encouraged them to the service of Psa 64. 5 They encourage themselves (in) an evil Is:i. 41. 7 So the carpenter encouraged the goldsm. ENCO'ORAGE self, to — To stretigthen self, pin diazak, 7. Judg2o. 22 the men of Israel, encouraged themselves 1 Sa. 30. 6 David encouraged himself in the LORD ENCOURAGED, to be — To be or become strong, pirr chazak. 2 Ch.31. 4 that they might be encouraged in the law END — 1. Latter end, hinder part, ITlnkt acharith. Deut II. 12 from the beginning', .unto the end of the 32. 20 he said. I will see what their end (shall Psa. 37. 37 Mark, .behold, for the end of (that) mail 37. 38 the end of the wicked shall be cut off 73. 17 Until I went, (then) understood I their e. Prov S' 4 her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as 14. 12 the end thereof (are) the ways of death J4. 13 and the end of that mirth (is) heaviness >6. 25 the end thereof (are) the ways of death so. 21 but the end thereof shall not be blessed 23. 18 For surely there is an end ; and thino 25 8 lest (thou know not) what to do in the end Eccl. 7. 8 Better (is) the end of a thing than the 10. 13 eni of his talk (is) mischievous madness Isa. 46. ic Declaring the ena from the beginning Jer. 5. 31 and what will ye do in; the end thereof? 17. II not by right, .at his end shall be a fool 29. II not of evil, to give you an expected enef 31. 17 there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD Dan. 12. 8 what (shall be) the end of these (things)? Amos 8. 10 I will make, the end thereof as a bitter 2. End, cessation, ancle, dsn ephes. Deut 33. 17 he shall push the people to the ends of I Sa 2 10 the Lord shall judge the ends of the Psa. 22. 27 All the ends of the world shall remember 59. 13 God ruleth. unto the ends of the earth 67 7 and all the ends of the earth shall fear 72. 8 from the river unto the ends of the earth 98. 3 all the ends of the earth have seen the Prov 30. 4 who hath established all the ends of the Isa. 45. 22 be ye saved, all the, ends of the earth 52 10 all the ends of the earth shall see the Jer 16. 19 Gentiles shall come, from the ends ot Min. s- 4 he be great unto the ends of the earth Zech. 9. 10 from the river .to the end.s of the earth 3. Borders, rvh^i gabluth. ExodsS 22 make upon the breastplate chains aflhee. 39. 15 made upon the breastplate chains at thee. 4. Intent, .Tin'i dibrah. Eccl. 7. 14 to the end that man should find nothing 5. To he completed, finished, consumed, nb? kalah. Ruth 2 23 to glean unto the end of barley harvest ^.Completion, consumption, end, "75 kalah. 'Eze. 20. 17 neither did 'I make an end of them In this 38 END 298 END 7. Wing, iJi kanaph. Job 37. 3 his Lightning unto the ends of the earth 38. 13 That it might take hold of the ends of 8, Pre-eminence, perpetuity, n?j, njj netsach. Job 34. 36 Job may be tried unto the end, because Jer. 3. 5 will he lieep (it) to the end t Behold, thou 9. End, rear^ last, fjia soph. 2 16 ye shall ftnd them at the end of the brook Eccl. 3. II maketh from the beginning to the end 7. 2 that (is) the end of all men; and the living Pan. 4. II the sight thereof to the end of all the ea. 4. 22 and thy dominion to the end of the earth 6. 26 his dominion (shall be even) unto the end 7. 26 consume and to destroy (it) unto the end 7. 28 Hitherto (is) the end of the matter. As 10. Heel, rear, 3i5K eqeb. Psa.iig. 33 the way. .and I shall keep it (unto) the e. itg. 112 perform thy statutes, .even (unto) the e. 11. Comer, side, nn^ peak. Eze. 41. 12 before the separate place at the end 12.M(nith, ns peh. s 21 the house of Baal was full from one end 21. i6 till he had filled Jerusalem from one end Ezra g. II have filled it from one end to another 12. End, extremity, ya gets. Gen. 6. 13 Theendof allfleshiscome before me; for 8. 6 it came to pass at the end of forty days 41. i it came to pass at the end of two full ye. Exodi2. 41 it came to pass at tlie end of the four Deut. g. II it came to pass, at the end of forty days 15. I At the end of (every) seven years thou 31. 10 At the end of every seven years, in the Judgii. 3g it came to pass, at theend of two months 2 Sa. 14. 26 it was at every year's end that he polled 1 Ki. 2. 39 it came to pass at the end of three years 2 Ch. 8. I And it came to pass at the end of twenty 21. 19 after the end of two ye.irs, his bowels Job 6. II what (is) mine end, tliat I should prolong 16. 3 Shall vain words have an end 1 or what 18. 2 How long (will it be ere) ye make an end 28. 3 He setteth an end to darkness, and sear. Psa. 39. 4 LoKD, make me to know mine end, and iig. g6 I have seen an end of all perfection Eccl. 4. ' 8 yet (Is there) no end of all his labour 4. i6 no end of all the people, .of all that have 12. I? of making many books (there is) no end Isa. 9. 7 no end, upon the throne of David, and 23. 15 after the end of seventy years shall Tyre 23. 17 it shall come to pass, after the end of Jer. 34. 14 At the end of seven years let ye go every 51. 13 thine end is come, .the measure of thy Lam. 4. 18 our end is near, .for our end is come Eze. 7. 2 An end, the end is come upon the four 7. 3 Now (is) the end (come) upon thee, and 7. 6 An end is come, the end is come : itwat. 21. 25 is come, when iniquity (shall have) an end 21. 29 when their iniquity (shall have) an end 29. 13 At the end of forty years will I gather 35. 5 the time (that their) iniquity (liad) an end Dan. 8. 17 at the time of the end (shall be) the vision 8. 19 at the time appointed the end (shall be) 9. 26 and the end thereof (shall be) with a flood 9. 26 unto the end of the war desolations are II. 6 in the end of years they sliall join them. 1 1. 27 yet the end (shall be) at the time appoin. II. 35 make, .white, .to the time of the end II. 40 at the time of the end shall the king of 11. 45 he shall come to his end, and none shall 12. 4 seal the book . .to the time of the end 12. 6 How long (shall it be') to the end of these 12. 9 closed up and sealed till the time of the e. 12. 13 But go thou thy way till the end (be) 12. 13 and stand in thy lot at the end of the Amos 8. 2 The end is come upon my people of Isra. Eab. 3. 3 but at the end it sliall speak, and not lie li.End, extremily, .lyfj qatsah. Exod2s. 18 make, .in the two ends of the mercy-seat 25. 19 on the one end, and. .on the other end 25. ig make the cherubim on the two ends 28. 23 Shalt put the two rings on the two ends b8. 24 two rings. ,on the ends of the breastpi-te 28. 25 (the other) two ends of the two wreathea 28. 26 thou Shalt put them upon the two ends 37. 7 made, .on the two ends of the mercy 37. 8 One cherub on the end on this side- 37. 8 another cherub on the . . end on that side 37. 8 made he the cherubim on the two ends 39. i6 put the two rings in the two ends of the 3g. 17 in the two rings on the ends of the breast. 39.. 18 And the two ends of the two wreathen 39. 19 put (them) on the two ends of the breast. Job 28. 24 Vor he lookelh to the ends of the earth Psa. 19. 6 and his circuit unto the ends of it Isa. 40. 28 the Creator of the ends of the earth 41. 5 the ends of the earth were afraid, dfew 41. 9 (Thou) whom I have taken from the ends Eze. 15. 4 the fire devoureth both the ends of it 15. End, extremity, .l^i; qatseh. Gen. 8. 3 after the' end of the hundred and fifty 23. g the cave., which (is) in theend of his field 47. 21 he removed them to cities from (one) end 47.21 the borders of Egypt even to the (other) e. Exod26. 28 the boards shall reach from end to end 36. 33 through the boards from the one end Peuti3. 7 from thee,.f rom the (one) end of the earth i> 7 even unto the (other) end of the earth 14. zS At the end of tluree years thou shalt bring Deut28. 49 bring a nation., from theend of theearth 28. 64 the one endof the earth even unto the Joah. 9. 16 it came to pass, at the end of three days 13. 5 (was) the salt sea, (even) unto the end 15. 8 at the end of the valley of the giants 18. 15 And the south quarter (was) from the end 18. 16 the border came down to the end of the 18. 19 the salt sea at the south end of Jordan Judg. 6. 21 the angel of the Lord put forth the end Euth 3. 7 he went to lie down at the end of the heap 1 Sa 9. 27 they were going'down to the end of the 14. 27 wherefore he put forth the endof the rod 14. 43 taste a little honey vrith the end of the rod 2 Sa. 24. 8 they came to Jerusalem at tho end of nine 1 Ki. g. 10 it came to pass at the end of twenty years 2 KL 8. 3 it came to pass at the seven years' end 18. 10 at tho end of three years they took it Psa. ig. 4 Their line is gone., their words to the end ig. 6 His going forth (is) from the end of tho 46. 9 He maketh wars to cease urito the end 61. 2 From the end of the earth will I cry unto 135. 7 to ascend from the ends of the earth Prov 17. 24 the eyes of a fool (are) in the ends of the e. Isa. s. 26 he will . .hiss, .from the end of the earth 7. 3 at the end of the conduit of the upper 13. 5 from a far country, from the end of hea. 42. 10 Sing, .his praise from the end of the earth 43. 6 bring my . .daughters from the ends of 48. 20 utter it (even) to the eud of the earth 49. '6 be my salvation unto the end of the earth 62. II the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end Jer. 10. 13 causcth the vapours to ascend from the e. 1 2. 12 the sword . . shall devour from the (one) e. 12. 12 even to the (other) end of the land 25. 31 A noise shall come (even) to the ends 25. 33 at that day from (one) end of the earth 25. 33 even unto the (other) end of the earth 51. 16 the vapours to ascend from the ends 51. 31 show the king. .his city is taken at(one)e. Eze. 3. 16 it came to pass at the end of seven days 39. 14 after the end of seven months shall they 48. 2 From the north end to the coast of tho \Q.End, extremity, nxp qetseh. Isa. 2. 7 neither (is there any) end of their treasures 2. 7 neither (is there any) end of their chariots Nah. 2. 9 (there is) none end of the store (and) glory 3. 3 and (there is) none end of (their) corpses 17. End, extremity, iViD qetsev. Psa. 48. 10 so (is) thy praise unto the ends of the ea. 6s. s the confidence of all the ends of the earth Isa. 26. I J thou hast removed (it) far (unto) all the e. 18. End, extremity, nixp qitsvah. Exod37. 8 made, .cherubim on the two ends thereof 38. 5 he cast four rings for the four ends of the l^.End, extremity, nvp qeisatk. Dan. I. 5 at the end thereof they might stand be. 1. 15 at the end of ten days their countenances I. 18 at the end of the days, .he should bring 4. 29 At the end of twelve months he walked 4. 34 at the end of the days I . . lifted up mine 20. Head, &tn rosh. 1 Ki. 8. 8 the ends of the staves were seen out in 2 Ch. 5. 9 the ends of the staves were seen from the 21. Perfection, end, n'^sn iaklith. Neh. 3. 21 even to the end of the house of Eliashib Job 26. 10 uafil the day and night come to an end 22. To be perfect, finished, complete, DDi? tamam. Jer. I. 3 unto the end of the eleventh year of Zed. 2Z. Revolution, circuit, end, nsipip tequphah. Exod34. 22 the feast of ingathering at the year's end 2 Ch.24. 23 it came to pass at the end of the year 2i.0utgoing, eKfiaeris elcbasis. Heb. 13. 7 whose faith follow, consideiing the end 25. Extremily, vioas peras. Eora 10. 18 and their words unto the ends of the wo. Hcb. 6. 16 an oath for confirmation (is) to them an e. 26. Full end, cvvreKeta suntelcia. Matt 13. 39 the harvest is the end Of the world 13. 40 so shall it be in the end of this world 13. 49 So shall it be at the end of the world 24. 3 what (shall be) the sign . .of the end 28. 2o I am with you alway, (even)ilntb the end Heb. 9. 26 once in the end o£ the world hath he an. 27. End, r4\os telos. Matt 10. 22 he that endureth to the end shall be 24. 6 all these things must come, .but the end 24. 13 he that shall endure unto the end. .shall 04. 14 in all the world, .and then shall the end 26. 58 Peter, .sat with the servants, to see the e. Mark 3 26 he cannot stand, but hath an end 13. 7 needs be ; but the end (shall) not (be) yet 13. 13 he that shall endure unto the end Luke I. 33 of his kingdom there shall be no end 21. 9 these things must come fltst.. the end (is) 22. 37 for the things concerning me have an end .fohn 13. I his own. .he loved them unto the end Kom. 6. 21 for tlie end of those things (is) death' 6. 22 unto holiness, and the end everlasting lo. 4 Christ (is) the end of the law for righteo. 1 Co. I. 8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end 10. II upon whom the ends of the world are co. 15. 24 the end, when he shall have delivered 2 Co. I. 13 ye shall acknowledge even to the end 3. 13 to the end of that which is abolished • It. 15 whose end shall be according to their Phil. 3. 19 Whose end (is) destruction, whose god I li. I. 5 Now the end of the commandment iach. Heb. 3. 6 rejoicing of the hope ftrm unto the end 3. 14 of our confidence stedfast imto the end 6. 8 nigh unto cursing ; whose end (is) 6. II to the full assurance of hope unto the e. 7. 3 neither beginning of days, norendof Hfe Jas. 5. 1 J Ye. .have seen the end of the Lord ; that 1 Pe. I. 9 Eeceiving the end of your faith, .the saL 4. 7 But the end of all things is at h.and : be 4. 17 what shall the end (be) of them that Eev. 2. .-6 he that, .keepeth my works imtothe end 21. 6 I am Alpha, .the beginning and the end 22. 13 I am . . the beginning and the end, the first [See also cast, Come to, grow to, hinder, what, world.) END, to — l.To cease, leave off, forbear, !?in chadal. Isa. 24. 8 the noise of them that rejoice endeth 2.T0 be complete, finished, n^3 kalah. Gen. 2. z on the seventh day God ended his work jRuth 2. 21 until they have ended all my harvest Eze. 4. 8 till thou hast ended the days of thy siege, Z.To perfect, finish, ar^^ tamam, 5. 2 Sa. 20. iB surely ask. .at Abel : and so they ended 4. To fill up or out, TtXripSca pleroO. Luke 7. I when he had ended all his sayings in the Acts ig. 21 After these things were ended, Paul pun 5. To end together or fully, avvre\io} sunteleo. Matt. 7. 28 it came to pass, when Jesus had ended Luke 4. 2 when they were ended, he afterward hu. 4. 13 v/hen the devil had ended all the tempt. Acts 21. 27 when the seven days were almost ended END, to be at an — l.To cease, fail, have an end, dsn aphes. Isa. 16. 4 the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler 2. To be swallowed up, y'pa bala, 7. Psa.107. 27 They., stagger., and are at their wit's end ^.To fill in, complete, be full, xSd male. Lev. 8. 33 until . . your consecration be at an end END, to come to an — To be perfected, finished, DSn tamam. Psa. 9. 6 destructions are come to a perpetual end END, full — Completimi, consumption, n'72 kalah. Jer. 4. 27 desolate ; yet will I not make a full end 5. 10 make not a full end ; take away her bat. 5. 18 I will not make a full end with you 30. II though I make a full end of all nations 30. 1 1 yet will I not make a full end of thee . . 46. 28 1 will make a full end of all the nations 46. 28 but I will not make a full end of thee Eze. II. 13 wilt thou make a full end of the remnant END, to have an — l.To be ended, consumed, f]?D suph. Amos3. IS and the great houses shall have an end 2.T0 be perfected, Dcn tamam, 2. Psa. 102! 27 But thou, .thy years shall have no end END, to make an — l.To finish,- seal up, cnn chatlucm.. Dan. g. 24 transgression, and to make an end of sina 2. To finish, consume, determine, npi kalah, 3. Gen, 27. 30 as soon as Isaac had made an end of 49. 33 when Jacob had made an end of comma. Exod3i. 18 when he had made an end of communing Lev. 16. 20 when he hath made an end of reconciling Hum. 4. 15 Aaioa and his sons have made an end of i6. 31 as Tie had made an end of speaking all Ceut.2o. 9 when the officers have made an end of 26.- 12 When thou hast made an end of tithinff ;i. 24 when Moses had made an end of writing 32. 45 And .Moses made an end of speaking all Josh. 8. 24 v.'hen Israel had made an end of slaying 10. 20 when. .Israel had made an endof slaying jg. 49 When they had made an end of dividing ig. 51 So they made v %o>s 6.Kpwv Matt 24. 31 from one end of heaven to the other END, world without — Unto ages of dwration, ly 'pbiy ly ad olme ad, Isa. 45. 17 shaU not be ashamed, .world withoutend ENDAMAGE, to — To cause loss, pii nszaq, 5. Ezra 4. 13 thoii shalt endamage the revenue of the ENDANGEE, to maie — 2'u endanger, forfeit, cause to owe, 35n chuh, 3. Dan. I. 10 then shall ye make (me) endanger my ENDANGERED, to be — To he endangered, ]?d sakan, 2. Eccl. 10. 9 he that cleaveth Avood shall be endang. ENDEAVOITR, to — \.Td seek, ^r\Tiw zeteo. Acts 16. 10 immediately we endeavoured to go into ".To make speed or haste, a-wovSa^ai spoudazo. Eph. 4. 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the 1 Th. 2. 17 we. .endeavoured the more, .to see your '2 Pe. I. 15 I will endeavour that ye may be able ENDEAYOTTRS — Doing, acting, hhi;jp maalal. Psa. 28. 4 acco'rdins to the wickedness of their en. ENDED, to be — l.To be completed, finished, n^3 kalah. Gen. 41. 53 seven yearsof plen'teousness. .were ended 2 Ch.29. 34 I-evites did help., till the work was ended Jer. B. 20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended i.To he completed, finished, nSa kalah, 4. Psa. 72. 20 The prayers of., the son of Jesse are ended 3. To be finished, complete, ^v shalam. I Ki. 7. 51 So was ended all the work that king Sol. Isa. 60. 20 the days of thy mourning shall be ended 4. To be perfected, finished, as:} tamam. ■ Gen. 47. 18 When that year was ended, they came Deut 31. 30 words of this song, until they were ended 34. 8 days of v.-eeping . for Moses were ended Job 31. 40 The words of Job are ended 5.70 become, yivo/xai ginomai. Johni3. 2 And supper being ended, the devil having ENDING — £nd, t4\os ielos. Kev. I. 8 beginning and the ending, saith the LOED ENDLESS — I. Not loosed down, aKaraKuros akatalutos. Heb. 7. 16 made, .after the power of an endless life 2.Endless, unpierced through, aircpauros aperantos. I Ti. 1. 4 Neither give heed to fables and endless EN'-DOE, -liT or 1K^ ]'i!. fountain of Dor. A city of Manasseh, four miles S. of Tairor, or at the S. of the sea of Gablee in Is.sachar. It is now called Endur, and the rock on which it stands is hollowed into caves. From the slopes of Gilboa to Endor is seven or eight mUes over rugged ground. Joshi;. II the inhabitants of E. and her towns 1 Sa. 28. 7 a woman that hath a familiar spirit at E. Psa. 83. 10 perished at E. : they became (as) dung ENDOW, to — To endow, purchase, "ino mahar. Exod22. i6 he shall surely endow her to be his wife ENDS — 1. Borders, nSjap mighaloth. E.xod28. 14 And two chains (of) pure gold at the ends 2. Last or extreme point, icrxaros eschatns. Acts 13. 47 shouldest be for salvation unto the ends ENDXTE, to — To endoio, endti.e, "ijt zabo.d. Gen. 30. 20 God hath endued me (with) a good dowry ENDTTED with — X.To know, be acquainted with, jn; yada. 2 Ch. 2. 12 endued with prudence and understanding 2. 13 a cunniagraan, endued with understand. 2.Tn go in, be clothed with, eviiia enduo. Luke24. 49 until ye be endued with power from on Jas 3. 13 Who (is) a wise man and endued with ENDTJKE, to (can) — 1 To be, n;ri hayah. Psa. 72. 17 His name shall endure for ever- his name 81 15 their time should have endured for ever 89. 36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his 104. 31 The glory of the Lord shall endure for 2. To be able, enrlure, Sb; yakol. Esth. 8. 6 how can I endure, how can I endure to Job 31. 23 by reason of his highness I could not en. 3. To sit down or still, 3w; yashab. Psa. 9. 7 the I/iRD shall endure for ever : he hath 102. 12 thou. Loud, slialt endure forever, and 4.7*0 lodge, p)ass Lite night, \h lun. Psa. 30. 5 weeping may eudure for a night, but Joy Z. Until not, 'Sa ny ad heti. Psa. 72. 7 peace so long as the moon endureth Qi.Wilh. .and before, "iijSi. .cy ira. .veUphne. Psa. 72. 5 as long as the sun and moon enduro 7. To stand, stand still, ncy amad. ExodiS. 23 thou shalt be able to endure, and all this Psa. 19. 9 fear of the Lord (is), enduring for 102. 26 They shall perish, but thou shalt endure lit. 3 and his righteousness endureth for ever III. 10 of the Lord .his praise endureth for ever 112 3, 9 his righteousness endureth for ever Eze. 22. 14 Can thine heart endure, or can thine S.To rise up, stand still, C'p quin. Job 8. 15 shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure 9. To hold up, avexoiJ-ai aneclwmai. 2 Th. I. 4 in all your .tribulations that ye endure 2 Ti. 4. 3 when they wiii i:ot endure sound doctr. 10. To he strong, firm, KapTipeui kartereo. Heb. II. 27 he endured, as seeing him who is Invisl. 11. To remain, jxevw menn. John 6. 27 meat which endureth unto everlasting Heb. 10. 34 a better and an enduring substance 1 Pe. I. 25 the word of the Lord endureth for ever 12. To bear, cany, hutos. Jas. I. 2t receive with meekness the engrafted ENGEAVE, to— I.To open up, nn^ pathach, 3. Exod28. II ehalt thou engrave the two stones with Zech. 3. 9 behold, I will engrave the graving there. 2. To strike, carve, or cut in, ifTvirSoi entupoo. 2 Co. 3. 7 if the ministration of death, .engraven ENGRAVER — Opener up, engraver, carver, vin charash. ExodzS. II With the work of an engraver in stone 35. 35 to work all manner of work of the eng. 38. 23 Aholiab. .an engraver, and a cunning wo. ENGRAVING — A graving, carving, nin? pittuach. Exod28. II, 21, 36 (like) the engravings of a signet 39. 14, 30 (like) the engravings of a signet EN HAD'-DAH, .Tin J'y swift fountain. A city on the border of Issachar, near Engannim. Van de Velde.identifles it with Ain-haud on the W. side of Carmel and about two miles from the sea. Josh.ig. 21 Remeth, and En-gannim, and E.. and B EN HAK-KO'-RE, NT.p'f VH. fountain of the crier. The spring that burst forth. in inswer to the "cry" of Samson. The name is a pun on the word yikra (" he called") in verse i8. Lechi, "jaw," is the name of a place as well as Maktesh, the "hoUow place." Judgi5. ig wherefore he called the name thereof E. EN HA'-ZOR, nian \'i! fountain of the village. A fenced city in Naphtali, distinct from Razor, and near Kedesh. Josh 19. 37 And Kedesh, and Edrei, and E. ENJOIN, to — \.To charge, look after, "^ii^ paqad. Job. 36. 23 Who hath enjoined hira his way? or who 2,To raise up, cause to stand. Dip qujn, 3. Esth. 9. 31 and Esther the queen had enjoined them Z.To enjoiii on, evreKKofiai entellomai. Heb. 9. 20 the testament which God hath enjoined 4. To arrange over or about, imr ao'crui epitasso. Phm. 8 bold, .to enjoin thee that which is conv. ENJOY, to — l.To be, come, belong to, 7n;n, n'^;i hayahU. Deut28. 41 thou shalt not enjoy them; for they 2. To possess, isy, yarash. Num 36. 8 that the children of Israel may enjoy Josh. I. 15 ye shall return unto the land, and enjoy Z.To see, nxn raah. Eccl. 2. 'I'l will prove thee withmirth; therefore e 3. 13 that every man should.. enjoy the good 5. 18 and to enjoy the good of all his labour 4.T0 he pleased with, enjoy, .^y"l raisah. Lev. 26. 34 Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths 26. 43 The land also, .shall enjoy h.;°f sabbatlis 2 Ch.36. 21 until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths 5. To be pleased with, enjoy, ny-i ratsah, 5. Lev. 26. 34 then shall the land rest, and enjoy her G.With a view to full enjoyment, ds an6\av(Ttv I Ti. 6: 17 God, who giveth us richly all things to e. 7. To happen, Tvyx''->"^ luychano. Acts 24. 2 Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quia. .8. To have a full enjoyment, tx"' a.vo'Kavaiu. Heb. II. 25 than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a ENJOY long, to — To wekr out, ros balah, 3. Isa. 65. 22 mine elect shall long enjoy the work of ENJOY, to make — To cause to see or enjoy, ntp, raah, 5. Eccl. 2. 34 he should make his soul enjoy good in ENI,ARGE, to — l.To open, extend, etitice, }jersuade, nj\Q pathah, 5. Gen. g. 27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall 2.T0 make large, great, ny^ rabah, 5. 1 Ch. 4. 10 Oh that thou wouldest. .enlarge my coast make broad, wide, 3rn rachab, 5. Exod34. 24 For I will .. enlarge thy borders : neither Deut 12. 20 When the Lord thy God shall enlarge 19. 8 if the Lord thy God enlarge thy coast 33. 20 he said, Blessed (be) he that enlargeth 2 Sa. 22. 37 Thou hast enlarged ray steps dnder me Psa. 4. I thou hast enlarged me.. in distress 18. 36 Thou hast enlarged my steps under me iig. 32 I will run. .when thou shalt enlarge my Isa. 5. 14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself 54. 2 Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let 57. 8 thou hast enlarged thy bed, and made Amos I. 13 ripped up. .that they might enlarge their Mic. I. 16 enlarge thy baldness as the eagle ; for Eab. 2. s a proud man.. who enlargeth his desire 4. To spread out, na^ shatach. Job 12. 23 he enlargeth the nations, and straitenetb 5. To make great, iicyaXiuci} megabmo. Matt23. 5 they, .enlarge the borders of their gar. 2 Co. 10. 15 that we shall be enlarged by you accord. 6. 7*0 make broad, wide, TrKarivu platuno. 1 Co. 6. 11 our mouth is open . . om- heart is-cnlarged 6. 13 for a recompence. .be ye also enlarged' ENLARGED, to be — To be enlarged, broad, wide, 2n-j rachab. I Sa. 2. 1 my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies Isa 60. 5 thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged ENLARGEBIENT — Space, respite, nn revach. Esth. 4. 14 (then) shall there enlargement and deliv. ENLARGING, (to be) an — To be enlarged, broad, wide, 3rn racliab. Eze. 41. 7 And (there was) an enlarging and a wind. ENLIGHTEN, to — 1. To cause {to give) light, shine, ^iN or, 5. Psa. 19. 8 commandment, (is) pure, enlightening 97. 4 His lightnings enlightened ihe world. 2. To cause to shine, enlighten, ajj nagah, 5. Psa. 18. 28 Lord my God will enlighten my darknt. Z.To give light, (pwrl^u pholizO. Eph. I. 18 The eyes of your understanding being en. Heb. 6. 4 impossible lor those who were once en. ENLIGHTENED, to be — l.To be or become light, shining, "I'lN or. I Sa. 14. 27 hand to his mouth ; and his eyes were en. 14. 2g see., how mine eyes have been enlighten, 2. To become light, shining, n'lN or, 2. Job 33. 30 to be enlightened with the lightof the EN BUSH'-PAT t:S9P py fountain of judgment. A place called Kadesh in the wilderness ol Paran (not in Zin). Gen. 14. 7 they returned, and came to E., which (is) ENBirrY — 1. Enmity, nj'N ebah. Gen. 3. IS I will put enmity between thee and the Num35. 21 Or in enmity smite him with his hand 35. 22 if he thrust him suddenly without enmity 1,. Enmity, eyOpa echthra. Luke23. 12 for before they were at enmity between Kom. 8. 7 Because the carnal mind (is) enmity Eph. 2. 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity 2. 16 the cross, having slain the enmity thereby Jas. 4. 4 friendship of the world is enmity with Q. E'-NOCH, HE'-NOCH, liiir!, ''Evwx tuition, teacher. l.Eldest son of Cain. B.C. 3875. Gen. 4. 17 she conceived, and bare E. : and he' bull. 4. 18 unto E. was born Irad : and Irad begat 2. A city built by Cain and called after his son's name. Gen. 4. 17 builded a city, and called the name. .E. 3. A son of Jared a descendent of Seth. B.C. 3382-3017 Gen. 5. 18 hundred sixty and two. .and he begat E. 5. ig Jared lived after he begat E. eight hund. 5. 21 And E. lived sixty and five years 5. 22 E. walked with God . .three hundred ye. 5. 23 the days of E. were tliree hundred sixty 1 Ch. I. 3 Henock, Methuselah, Lamech Luke 3. 37 Mathusala, which was (the son) of E. Heb. II. 5 By faith E. was translated that he should Jude 14 And E. also, the seventh from Adam, pro. ENOS, EJUN, 'Ej/wj mortal. Son of Setli and grandson of Adam. B.C. 3874-2764. Gen. 4, 26 And to Seth. .and he called his name E. 5. 6 an hundred and five years, and begat E. S. 7 And Seth lived after he begat E. eight 5. 9 E. lived ninty years, and begat Cainan 5. 10 E. lived after he begat Cainan eight hun. 5. II the days of E. were nine hundited and I. I Adam, Sheth, E. 3. 38 Which was (the son);of E. . .(the son) of S. ENOUGH — 1. Sufficiency, 'i Pi-ov 27. 27 And . .goats' milk enough for thy food, for Nah. 2. 12 The lion did tear in pieces enough forhia Mai. 3. 10 that (there shall) not (be room) enough 2. To draw {up) water, n^n dalah . Exod. 2. 19 An Egyptian, .d^ew. .enough for us, and 3. Wealth, substance, sufficiency, I'ln hon. ProV3o. 15 (yea), four (things) say not, (It is) enough 30. 16 and the fire (that) saitii not, (It is) enougb LAll, '73 kol. Gen. 33. II God hath dealt graciously.. and. .Ihavee. b. Abundant, much, 3"] rob. Gen. 24. 25 We have both straw and provender eno. 33. 9 I have enough, my brother ; keep that 45. 28 (It is) enough ; Joseph my son (is) yet JSxod.g. 28 Entreat the LORD for (it is) enough 2 Sa. 24. 16 It is enough ; stay now thine hand I Ki.ig. 4 It is enough; now, OLORD, take away my I Ch.2i. 15 said to the angel. .It is enough, stay now 6. Satiety, fulness, nj;?^ sobaJi. Isa! 56. II greedy dogs (which) can never have eno. 7. If and, X yad. Gen. 34. 21 behold, (itris) large enougb for tbem iCh. Luke %. Sufficient, eiiovxjh, apKfrSi.arlutos. Mattio. 25 It Is enough for the disciple that he bo ^.Enough, sufficient, iKav6s hikanot. Lukc22. 38 And he said unto tbem, It is enough ENOUGH, to be — l.To be found, met, come upon, K^D matsa, 2. Josh. 17. 16 The liill is -not enough for us: and all the 2.T0 be enough, i.pic(u arlceo. Matt25. g lest there be not enough for us and you ENOUGH, to have — 1. Sufficiency, '^,dai. Jer. 49. 9 they will destroy till they have enough' Obad. 5 would they not have. . till they had eno. 2. To be satisfied, satiated, ViV saba. 2 Ch.31. 10 we have had enough to eat, and have left Prov28. 19 he that foUoweth.. shall have poverty en. Hos. 4. 10 For they shall eat, and not have enough 3. Satiety, fulness, n;;3^ sobah. Hag. I. 6 ye eat, but ye have not enough ; ye drink ENOUGH, it is — To hold off, 6.Tr(x<^ apecJio. Marki4. 41 take.. rest: it is enough, the hour ia come ENOUGH, more than — Sufficiency, "J dai. Exod36. 5 llie people bring much more than enough ENQUIRE, to — l.To enquire, .1^? baah. Isa. 21. 12 if ye will enquire, enquire ye : return 2.T0 seek, enquire, "ip? bagar, 3. 2 Ki. 16. IS the brasen altar shall bo for me to enqnl Psa. 27. 4 behold the beauty of the LORD, and to e 3. To seek, enquire, "ip? beqar. Ezra 7.. 14 of his seven counsellors, to enquire cone. 4.7*0 seek, enquire, require, request, wpj baqash, 3 2 Sa. 21. I year after year; and David enquired of Job 10. 6 That thou enquircst after mine iniquity Dan. I. 20 that the king enquired of them, he found 5. To seek, enquire, require, vy} darash. Gen. 25. 22 And she went to enquire of the LORT> Exodt8. 15 Because the people come unto me to en Deuti2. 30 Take heed, .that thou enquire not aiter 13. 14 Then shalt thou enquire, and make search 17. 4 thoif hast heard (of it), and enquired dll 17. 9 thou shalt come unto the priest, .and en Judg. 6. 29 when they enquired and asked, they said 1 Sa. 9. 9 when a man went to enquire of God 28. 7 that I may go to her, and enquire of her 2 Sa. II. 3 David sent and enquired after the worn iKl 22. 5 Enquire, I pray thee, at the word of the 22. 7 not here a prophet.. that we mightenqu. 22. 8 by whom we may enquire of tlie Lord a Ki. I. 2, 3, 6, 16 enquire of~Baal-zebub the god of 1. 16 no God in Israel to enquire of his word 3. n not here a prophet.. that we may enquire 8. 8 meet the man of God, and enquire of 22. 13 Go ye, enquire of the Lord for me, and 22. 18 the king of Judah, which sent you to en 1 CIlio. 13 of (one that had) a familiar spirit, to enq. 10, 14 And enquired not of the Lord : therefore 13. 3 we enquired not at it in the days of Saul 21. 30 David could not go before it to enquire 2 Cb,i8. 4 Enquire, I pray thee, at the word of the 18. 6 not here a prophet, .that we might enqu. i8. 7 by whom we may enquire of the Loud 32. 3 c who sent unto hira to enquire of the wo 34. 21 Go, enquire of the Lord for me, and 34. 26 who sent you to enquire of the Lord Jer. 21. 2 Enquire, I pray thee, of the Lord for ua 37. 7 that sent you unto me to enquire of me Eze. 14. 7 and cometh to a prophet to enquire of 20. I certain of the elders, .came to enquire of 20. 3 Are ye come to enquire of me ? Zepb. I. 6 that have not sought, .nor enquired for 6. To cmk, demand, beg, desire, Skv shaal. Gen. 24. S7 T^e will call the damsel, and enquire at Judg. 4. 20 when any man doth come and enquire 8. 14 And caught a young man . .and enquired 20. 27 the children of Israel enquired of the 1 Sa. 10. 22 Therefore they enquired of the Lord 17. 56 Enquire thou whose son the stripling (is) 22. 10 And he enquired of the Lord for him 22. 13 that thou hast, .enquired of God for him 22. IS Did I then begin to enquire of God for 23. 2 David enquired of the Lord, saying. Shall 23. 4 David enquired of the Lord yet again 28. 6 when Saul enquired at the Lord, the 30. 8 David enquired of the Lord, saying 2 Sa. 2. I that DaWd enquired of the Lord, saying 5. 19 David enquired of the Lord, saying. Shall 5. 23 when David enquired of the Lord, he 16. 23 as If a man had enquired at the oracle of I Ch.j4. 10 David enquired of God, saying. Shall I go 14. 14 Therefore David enquired again of God 18. 10 to enquire of his welfare, and to congrS. Job 8. 8 For enquire, I pray "thee, of the former Ecol. 7. lO thou dost not enquire wisely concerning 7. To 7cnow thoroughly, Siayiyda-Ka diaginosko. Acts 23. IS as though ye would enquire something 8 To seek after, eVi^Te'cu epizeteo. Acts ig. 39 But if ye enquire any thing concerning 9. To search out, iCerdCoo ezetazS. Matt. 10. It enquire who in it is wortliy ; and there ENQUIRE 303 ENTER 10. To seek, (rireu seieS. Johni6. 19 Do ye enquire among yourselves c( that Acts 9. ti enquire in the house of Judas for (one) 11. To ask, enquire, irvVdauofiat punthanomai. John 4. 52 Then enquired he of them the hour when Acts 23. 20 as tliough they ivould enquire somewhat 12. 7*0 seek together, ffvCvreoi suziteo. Luke22. 23 they began to enquire among themselves ENaTJIEE or search diligently, to — 1. To enquire exactly, aKpi^6a) akribod. Matt. 2. 7 Then Herod, .enquired of them'diligently 2. 16 which be had diligently enquired of the Z.To seek out, 4KCnreo> ekzeted. I Pe. 1. 10 prophets have enquired and searched di. laiaUniK early, to — To seek early, -m^ shachar, 3. Psa. 73. 34 they returned and eoqu'jed early after. ENttXriRED of, to be — To be sought, wyj darash, % Eze. 14. 3 should I be enquired of at all by them t 20 ,3 (As) I live. .1 will not be enqnired of by 20. 31 shall I be enquired of by you, house of 36. 37',I will yet (for) this be enquired of by the' ENaTTISY (for), to'make — I.To seek, enquire, 1135 haqar, 3. Prov2o. 25 holy, and after vows to make enquiry ' 2. To ask or enquire thoroughly, Stepairda) dierotao. Acts 10. 17 the men which were sent, .made enq. for ENKICH, to — \.To enrich, IS'V ashar, 5. I Sa. 17. 25 the king will enrich him with great riches Psa. 65,^-9 thou greatly enrichest it with the river Eze. 27. 33 thou didst enrich the kings of the earth 2. To make rich, TrXovriCai plouiizo. 1 Co. I. 5 That in every thing ye are enriched by 2 Co. 9. II Being enriched in everything to all EN RIM'-MdjI, jiST \y, fountain of Rimmon. A city of Judah, the same as Ain and Rimmon (Josh. 'S^-a^); Ain, Kemndon (19. 7-: and see iCh. 4, 32). Neh. 11. 29 at E., and at Zareah, and at Jarmuth EN RO'-GEL, '73T i'j; the fullers' s fountain. A fountain near Jerusalem on the boundan' line between Judah and Benjamin. It was tlie point next to Jerusalem and at a lower level. Its modern name is Ain-UmTned-Daraj, "fountain of the virgin." Josh 15. 7 and the goings out thereof were at E.-r." 18. 16 And the border, descended to E.-r. 2 Sa.'i7. 17 Jonathan and Ahimaaz stayed by E.-r. iKi. I. 9 the stone of Zoheleth, which (is) by E.-r. ENSAMPLE — l.A type, TUTTos tupos. I Co. 10. It things happened unto them [for ensam.] Phil. 3. 17 which walk so as ye have us for an ensa. 1 Th. I. 7 So that ye were ensamples to all that 2 Th. 3. 9 to make ourselves an ensample unto you 1 Pe. 5. 3 Neither as being lords, but being ensam. 2. A wider or secret sign, virSSay/ia hupodeigma. 2 Pe. 2. 6 an ensample unto those tlxat after should EN SHE'-MESH, EioKJ pH fouiiiain of the sun. A spring forming one of the landmarks between the tribe of Judah and Benjamin, at the E. of Jerusalem and thellounfof Olives. Now called Ain Haud, about a mile from Betliany, the first halting-plape on tlie road to Jericho. Josb.i;. 7 border passed toward the waters of E. 18. 17 drawnfrom the north, and wentforth to E. ENSIGN — I.Sign, ensign, token, signal, nin oth. Num. 2. 2 witli the ensign of their father's house Psa. 74. 4 Thine enemies, .set up their. ensigns (for) 2. Sign, ensign, banner, sail, D3 nes. Isa. 5. 26 he will lift up an ensign to the nations II. 10 which shall stand for an .ensign of the II. 12 he shall set up an ensign for the nations j8. 3 see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the 30. 17 till ye be left, .as au ensign on an hill 31. 9 his princes shall be afraid of the ensign ENSIGN, to lift up OS an — To lift self up, display self, ODl nasas, la. Zech. 9. t6 lifted-up as an ensigii upon his land ENSNABED, tobo — Snare, wji^a moqesh. Job 34. 30 reign not, lest the people be ensnared ENSUE, to — To cause to flee, pursue, Si dioko. 1 Pe. 3. 1 1 let him seek peace, and ensae It ENTANGLE, to — To entrap, ens'aare, irayiSiiu pagideua. Matt 22. IS took counsel how they mighteiitangle ENTANGLE in, to — To entangle {self) in, 4fnr\fKCi) emplekd. 2 Pe. 2. 20 For if, .they'are again entangled therein ENTANGLE one's self with, to — To entangle {self) iw.^H/iTrXeKo) empleko. 2 Ti 2 4 No man tlut warretb euUtogletb himsell ENTANGLED with, to be — \.To be perplexed, entangled, ^1*3 hak, 2. £xodi4. 3 They (are) entangled in the land, the wild. 2.70 hold'in, ayex") enecho. Gal. s- ' be not entangled again with the yoke of EN TAP-PU'-AH, n?Bn j'y fountain of TappvMh. The boundary of Manasseh went from facing Shechem "to the inhabitants of En-tappuah." Probally iden- tical with Tappuah, but not to be confounded with Beth-tappuah in the mountains of Judah. Josh. 17. 7 the right hand unto the inhabitants of E. ENTEE, to — li-To go in, enter, N13 h5. Gen. 7. 13 In the selfsame day entered Noah, and 19. 3 and they turned in unto him, and entered 19. 23 The sun was risen, .when Lot entered 31. 33 Then went he out. .and entered into E. 43. 3ohe entered into (his) chamber, and wept Exod33. 9 as Moses entered into the tabernacle 40. 35 Moses was not able to enter into tlie tent Num 4. 3 all that enter into the host, to do the 4. 30, 35, 39, 43 every one that entereth into 5. 24, 27 the water that causeth the curse shall 20. 24 he shall not enter into the land which Deut23; 1, 2, 3 shall not enter into'the congregation 23. a to his tenth generation shall he not enter 23. 3 their tenth generation shall they not en. 23. 8 children that are begotten of them shall e. Josh. 2. 3 Bring forth the men . .which are entered 8. 19 they entered into the city, and took it 10. 19 suffer them not to enter into their cities 10. 2o the rest (which) remained of them enter. Judg. 6. 5 they entered into the land to destroy it 9. 46 they entered into the hold of the house 18. 9 be not slothful to go. .to enter to possess 2 Sa. 10. 14 the children of Ammon . . entered into the 1 Ki. 14. 12 when thy feet enter into the city, the 22. 30 I will disguise myself, and enter into the a ICi. 7. 4 If we say. We will enter into the city 7. 8 they, .came again and entered another 19. 23 I will enter into the lodgings of his bord. 1 Ch. 19. 15 they likewise fled, .and entered into the 2 Ch. 7. 2 the priests could not enter into the house 12. II when the king entered into the house of 15. 12 they entered into a covenant to seek the 27. 2 he entered not into the temple of the L. ^o. 8 enter into his sanctuary, which he hath 31.16 unto every one that entereth into the 32. I Sennacherib . . entered into Judah, and Nell. 2. 8 and for the house that I shall enter into 2. 15 Then went I up. .and entered by the gate 10. 29 They clave to their brethren . .and entered Esth. 4. 2 none (might) enter into the king's gate Job 22. 4 wiU he enter with thee into judgment? 38 16 Hast thou entered into the springs of the 38. 22 Hast thou entered into the treasures of Psa. 37. 15 Their sword shall enter into their own 45. 15 they shall enter into the king's palace 95. n that they should not enter into my rest 100. 4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving n8. 20 gate, .into which the righteous shall enter 143. 2 enter not into judgment with thy servant Prov. 2. 10 When wisdom entereth into thine heart 4. 14 Enter not into the path of the wicked rS. 6 A fool's lips enter into contfintion, and 23. 10 enter not into the fields of the fatherless Isa. 2. 10 Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the 3. 14 The Lord will enter into judgment with 26. 20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy 37. 24 I will enter into the height of his border 57. 2 He shall enter into peace : they shall rest 59. 14 truth is fallen . .and equity cannot enter Jer. 2. 7 but when ye entered, ye defiled my land 7. 2 that enter in at these gates to worship 8. 14 and let us enter into the defenced cities 9. 21' For death, .is entered into our palaces 14. 18 if I enter into the city, then behold them 16. 5 Enter not into the house of mourning 17. 25 Then shall there enter into the gates of 21. 13 or who shall enter into our habitations? 34. 10 which had entered into the covenant 37. 16 When Jeremiah was entered into the .du. 4t. 17 they departed.. to go to enter into Egypt Lam: 1. 10 she hath seen . .the heathen entered into I. 10 they should not enter into thy congrega. 4. 12 the enemy should have entered into the Eze. 2. 2 the spirit entered into me wlren he spake 3. 24 the spirit entered into me, and set me 7. 22 the robbers shall enter into it, and defile 13. 9 neither shall they enter into the land of 16, 8 1 sware unto thee, and entered into a cov. za 38 they shall not enter into the land of Isr. 26. 10 when he shall enter into thy gates, as 36. 20 when they entered unto the heathen 41. 6 they entered into the wall which (was)ot 44. 3 he shall enter by the way of the porch 44. 9 Nostranger..shallenterintomysanctaa. 44. i5 They shall enter into my sanctuary 44. 21 when they enter into the inner court 46. 2 the prince shall enter by the way of the 46. 8 And when the prince shall enter, he shall 46. 9 he that entereth by the way of the south Dan. 1 1. 7 and shall enter into the fortress of the II. 17 He shall also set his face to enter with II. 24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the II. 40 and he shall enter into the countries It. 41 He shall enter also into the glorious land Hos. It. 9 I (am) God . . I will not enter iato the city Amos 5. s But seek not Beth-el,nor enter into GUg^ Obad. 13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the Jon. 3. 4 Jonah began to enter into the city a day's Hab. 3. 16 rottenness entered into my bones, and Zech. 5. 4 it shall enter into the house of the thief 2. To go on, proceed, ^^n halak. Job 34. 23 he should enter into judgment with God 3. To come down, nnj nachath. Prov.T7. 10 A reproof.entereth more into awiseman 4. To go or pass over, 'oj; abar. Deut29. 12 That thou shouldest enter into covenant 5. To go up into, ava^aivai anabaino. John2i. 3 Tliey went forth, and [entered] into a ship I Co. 2. 9 neither ha,ve'entered into the heart of m. 6. To come or go into, elcrepxonai eiserchomai. Matt. 5. 2o ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom 6. 6 when thou prayest, enter into thy closet 7. 21 Not every one. .shall enter into the king. 8. 5 when Jesus was entered into Capernaum 10. 5 into (any) city of the Samaritans enter ye JO. II into whatsoever city or town ye shall en. 12. 4 How he entered into the house of God 12. 29 how can one enter into a strongman's 18. 3 ye shall not enter into the kingdom of 18. 8, 9 it is better for thee to enter into Ufe 19. 17 if thou wilt enter into life keep the com. 19. 23 a rich man shall hardly enter into the 19. 24 than for a rich man [to enter] into the 23. 13 neither suffer ye them that are entering 24. 38 until the day that Noah entered into t& 25. 21, 23 enter thoU into the joy of thy lord 26. 41 pray, that ye enter not into temptation Mark i. 21 [entered] into the synagogue, and taught J. 45 JesuB could no more openly enter into 2. 1 again he entered into Capernaum after 3. I And he entered again into the synagogue 3. 27 No man can enter into a strong man's 5. 12 Send us into the swine, that we may enter 5. 13 the unclean spirits went out, and entered D. 10 In what place soever ye enter into an ho. 7. 17 when he was entered into the house from 7. 24 from thence he arose, .and entered into 9. 25 come out of him, and enter no more into 9. 43, 45, 47 it is better for thee to enter, .into 10. 15 as a little child, he shall not enter therein 10. 23 hardly shall they that have riches enter 10. 24 for them that trust in riches to enterinto 10. 25 than for a rich man to enter into the kin. 11. II Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into. 13. IS neither enter, .to take anything out of 14. 38 pray, lest ye [enter] into temptation 16. 5 and [entering] into the sepulchre, they saw Luke I. 40 And entered into the house of Zacharias 4. 38 he arose outof the synagogue, and entered 6. 6 he entered into the synagogue and taught 7. 3 when he had ended-, .he entered into' Cap. 7i 6 1 am not worthy that thou shouldest enter 7. 44 I entered into thinehouse, thou gavest me 8. 30 because many devils were entered into 8. 32 that he would suffer them to enter into 8. 33 Then went the devils out. .and entered 9. 4 whatsoever house ye enter into, there ab. g. 34 they feared as they entered into the cloud 9. 52 and entered into a village of the Samar. ID. 5 into whatsoever house ye enter, first 10. 8, 10 into whatsoever city ye enter, and they 10, 38 that he entered into a certain village 17. 12 as he entered into a certain village, there 17. 27 until the day that Noe entered into the 18. 17 as a little child shall in no wise enterinto j8. 24 hardly shall they that have riches [enter] ■"iS. 25 than for a rich man to enter into the kin. 19. I And (Jesus) entered and passed through 21.21 let not them., in the countries enter the. 22. 3 Then entered Satan into Judas sumamed 82. 10 when ye are entered into the city 22. 40 Pray that ye enter not into temptation 22. 46 rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptafc 24. 26 Ought not Christ . . to enter into his glory ? Jobo 3. 4 can he enter the second time into his mo.- 3. s he cannot enter into the kingdom of God 4. 38 other men laboured, and ye are entered 10. I He that entereth not by the door into the 13. 27 And after the sop Satan entered into him 18. 1 a garden, into the which heentered, and 18. 33 Then Pilate entered into the judgment Acts 3. 8 And he . . entered with them into the tem. 5. 21 when they heard (that), they entered into 9. 17 Ananias went his way, and entered into 10. 24 the morrow after they entered into Cesa. 11. 8 nothing, .un'cleanhathat any time enter. 1 1. 12 and we entered into the man's house 14. 22 we must through much tribulation enter j6. 40 they went out of the prison, and entered 18. 19 but he himself entered into the synagogue 21. 8 we entered into the house of Philip the 23. 16 he went and entered into the castle, and 25. 23 and wasentered into the place of bearing Bom. s. 12 as by one man sin entered into the world Heb. 3. II Isware-.Theyshallnotenterintomy rest 3. i8 that they should not enter into his rest 4. I a promise being left (us) of entering into 4. 3 For we which have believed do enterinto 4. 3, s if they shall enter into my rest 4. 6 Seeing it remaineth that some must ent. 4. 10 For he that is entered into his rest 4. II Let us labour therefore to enter into that 6. 19 which entereth Into that within the veil . 6. 20 Whither the forerunner is for us entered g. 24 For Christ is not entered into the holy i ENTER 303 ENVYING Heb -9. 25 as thehigh priest entereth into the holy Ja3 5. 4-,cries of them which have reaped are en. 2 Jo. 7 many deceivers [are entered] into tfte wo. Rav It. II tlie Spirit of life from God entered into 15. 8 no man was able to enter into the temple 21. ^^ there shall in no wise enter into it any T.To pass over into, ela-n-opei/ouat eisporeuomai. Mark 6. 56 whithersoever he entered .-.they laid the 7. 15 There is nothing, .entering into him can 11. 2 as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall Lukeig. 30 at your entering ye shall find a colt tied Acts 3. 2 to ask alms of them that entered into the S.To go into, ifi^aivai embdino. Matt 8. 23 when he was entered into a ship, his dis. 9. I And he entered into a ship, and passed Mark 4. i ho entered into a ship, and sat in the sea 8. 10 he entered into a sliip v/ith his disciples 8. 13 and, entering into the ship again, departed Luke 5. 3 And he entered into one of the ships ' John 6. 17 And entered into a ship, and went over 6. 22 [that one whereinto his disciples were en.l 9 To go into, e'Casi/j.i eiseimi. Acts 21. 26 Paul, .the next day. .entered Into the 10. Way in, elftroSos dsodos. Heb. 10. 19 Having, .boldness to enter into the hoi. W. To go or come, ^pxo/ erchomai. Mark i. 29 they entered into the house of Simon and Acts 18. _ 7 he departed thence, and [entered] into a I2.T0 come into sideways, irapfKrepxofiai pareis. Rom. s. 20 the law entered, that the offence might ENTER, to cause to. — To caitse to go or come in, N'la ho, 5. Eze. 37. 5 I will cause breath to enter into you • Lam. 3. 13 He hath caus&d the arrows, .to enter Into ENTER in, to — \.To go or come in, Ki3 ho. Num. 4. 23 all that enter in to perform the service 2 Ki. g. 31 as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said I J. 5 A tliird part of you that enter in on the 2 Ch.23. ig none, .unelean in any thing should en. in Jer. 17. 20 all the inhabitants .. that enter in by 22. 2 and thy people that enter in by these 22. 4 then shall there enter in by the gates of ' JSze. 44- 2 This gate.. no man shall enter in by it 44. 17 when tbey enter in at the gates of the 46. 9 he that entereth in by the way of the Joel 2, 9 they shall enter in at the windows like a 2. To go or cotm into, ela-fpxo/J-at etserchomai. Matt. 7. 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate : for wide 12. 45 they enter in and dwell there : and the Lukeii. 26 [they enter in,] and dwell there : and the II. 52 lawyers, .ye enter hot in yourselves II. 52 them that were entering in ye hindered 13. 24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate 13. 24*rill seek to enter in, and shall not be 24. 3 they entered in, and found not the body John 10. 2 But he that entereth in by the door is 10. 9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in Acts ig. 30 when Paul would have entered in unto 20. 29 shall grievous wolves enter in among you 28. 8 to whom Paul entered in, and prayed Heb. 3. 19 So we see that they could not enter in 4. 6 they . .entered not in because of unbelief 9. 12 he entered in once into the holy place Rev. 22. 14 and may enter in through the gates into 3. To pass over into, eia tushiyyah. Job s- »= their. hands cannot perform (their) enter. ENTERTAIN, to — To receive strangers, ^evi^oo xenizo. tHeb. 13. 2 thereby some have entertained angels ENTICE, to — l.To 'inove, persuade, fUD suth, 5. Deut 13. 6 If thy brother, .entice thee secretly, say. 2. To entice, persuade, nn^ pathah, 3. Exod22. 16 if a man entice a maid that is not betro. Judg 14 15 Entice thy husband, that he may declare 16. 5 Entice him, and see wherein his great 2 Ch.i8. 19 Who shall entice Ahab king of Israel 18. 20 a spirit, .stood . .and said, I will entice 18. 21 Thou shalt entice (him), and thou shalt Prov. I. 10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent 16. 29 A violent man entioeth his neighbour ^. To bait or entice, 5eAet{fpos A fellow-labourer of the apostle PauL Col I. 7 As ye also learned of E. our dear fellow. 4. 12 E., who is (one) of you, a servant of Christ Phm. 23 There salute thee E., my fellow prisoner EP-A-PHBO-DI'-TirS, "Evap6StTos. A messenger "between Paul and the churches Phil. 2. 25 I supposed it necessary to send to you £ 4. 18 having received of E. the things fi-om EP-E-NE'-TUS, 'Errafi/ETos A native of Asia or Achaia. Eom.iS. 5 Salute my well beloved E., who is theflrst E'-PHAH, iS']l nbscuniy 1. A coacubine of Caleb in the line of Judah B.C. 1500 I Ch. z. 46 E., Caleb's concubine, bare Haran, and 2. A son of Jahdai. also in the line of Judah. B.C. 145s I Ch. 2. 47 And the sons of Jahdai ; Regem and E 3. A SOD of Midian son of Abraham by Keturah. The name I3 also used of his posterity and their laud B.c 1800. Gen 25. 4 And the sons of Midian , E., and Epher I Ch. I 33 And the sons of Midian . E., and Epher Isa. 60. 6 the dromedaries of Midian and E EPHAH — Ephah, a measure, three seah, .IS'X ephah, Exodi6. 35 an omer (is) the tenth (part) of an ephah Lev 5. II the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour 6 20 the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour 19. 36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah Num. 5. 15 the tenth (part) of an ephah of barley 28 5 And a tenth (part) of an ephah of flour Judg 6. 19 unleavened cakes of an epiiah of flour Kuth 2. 17 and it was about an ephah of barley I Sa. I. 24 one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine 17. 17 Take now for thy brethren an ephah of Isa 5. 10 the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah Eze 45. 10 just balances, and a just ephah, and a 45. II The ephah and the bath shall be of one 45. 11 and the ephah the tenth part of an homer 45. 13, 13 the sixth part of an ephah of an homer 45. 24 shaU prepare a meat offering of an ephah 45. 24 an ephah for a ram . .of oil for an ephah 46. 5 an ephah for a ram . .oil to an ephah 46. 7 an ephah for. .an ephah for. .an ephah 46. II an ephah to. .an ephah to. .to an ephah 46. 14 an ephah, and the third part ot an iiin Amos 8. 5 making the ephah small, and the shekel Zech. 5. 6 said. This (is) an ephah that goeth forth 5. 7 woipan that sitteth in the midst of the e. 5. 8 And he cast it into the midst of theeph.ih 5. q they lifted upthe ephali between the ea. 5. lo said I . . Whitlier do these bear the ephah ? E'-PHAI, /"Sy. obscuring. Onewhose sons were among "the captains of the forces'' left in Judah after the carrying away to Babylon. They submitted themselves to Gedaliah the governor, and seem to have been murdered with him by Ishmael {Jer. 41. 3, compare 40. 13). B.C. 620. Jer. 40. 8 the sons of E the Netophathite, and Jez. E' -PHER, isy young deer or calf. 1. Second son of Midian son of Abraham. B.C. 1800. Gen. 25. 4 And the sons of Midian ; Ephah, and E. I Oh. I. 33 And the sons of Midian ; Ephah, and E 2. One of the descendants of Judah, and possibly of the family of Caleb son of Jephunneh. B.C. 1400. I Ch. 4. 17 the sons of Ezra (were) Jether. .and E. 8. A chief of Manasseh E. of the Jordan. B.C. 800. I Ch. 5. 24 heads of the house of their fathers, even E. E-PHES DAM'-MTNT, dw Ddn extension of brooks, A place between Shochoh and A^ekah, now called Damim. I Sa. 17. I pitched betw. Shochoh and Azekah, in E. E-PHE-SI-AN, 'E^ecrws belongingXo Ephesus. Acts ig. 28 cried, .saying. Great (is) Diana of the E.s 19. 34 cried out, Great (is) Diana of the E.s 19. 35 the city of the E.s is a worshipper of . .D. 21. 29 For they had seen before with him . . an E. -E-PHE'-STIS, ''■E ^Iri^ ftrtihty. X. The ancient name of Bethlehem-Judah. Ruth 4. II do thou -worthily in B., and be famous in Psa 132. 6 Lo, we heard of it at E.; we found it in Mic. 5. 2 But thou, Beth-lehem E., (though) thou 2 Second wile of Caleb son of Hezron. Shg was the mother of Hur, and grandmother of Caleb son of Je- phunneh. B.C. 1540. I Ch 2 50 the son of Hur, the first bom of E. 4. 4 the sons of Hur, the first bom of E. E?H'-RATH, n-iSN. 1. A city of Judah ; the same as Ephratah. Gen 3? 16 there was but a little way to come to S. ii ig R died, and was buried in the way to E. 48 7 (there was), .a little way to come unto E. 48. 7 and I buried her there in the way of B. 2. Caleb's second wife. See Ephratah (No. 2.) I Ch. 2. i9 Caleb-took unto him E., which bare him; EPH-RA-THITE, 'n-JSK. 1. An inhabitant of Bethlehem-Judah. Ruth I 2 his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, E.s of I Sa. 17. 12 David (was) the son of that E. of Beth. 2. A certain Epliraimite, twice so designated. t Sa I. I the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an E. J Kl. II. 26 Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an E. of Ze, EPH'-EON, jney strong. 1 Son of Zohar a Hittite, from whom Abraham pur- chased a field (opposite Harare or Hebron), contaming a cave, and buried Sarah therein. B.C. 1B60. Gen -2' 8 hear me, and entreat for me to E. the son ' 23 10 B. dwelt among the children of Heth .23' 10 E the Hittite answered Abraham in the 23 13 he spake unto E. in the audience of the 23 14 E. answered Abraharji, saying unto him 23 16 And Abraham hearkened unto E. 23! 16 Abraham weighed to E. the silver 23. 17 the field of E., which (was) luMachpelah A. Q in the field of E. the son of Zohar the H. "A 29 in the cave that (is) in the field of E. the 49. 30 Abraham bought with the field of R 50. 13 v/hich Abraham bought, .of E. the Hit. 2 A mountain between Judah and Benjamin, between the water of Ncphtoah and Kirjath-jearim. Josh. 13. 9 and went out to the cities of momit B EPH-PEA'-THA — Be opened, icb^aOi from Chald. nn? tooj^n. Mark 7. 34 and saith. .Ephphatha, thatis.Ee opened E-PI-CU-EE'-AH', 'ETTircoi^peios. A sect of philosophers that derived its name from whose garden at Athens rivalled the Porch and the "Acadimy." His aim was to discover a practical guide to happiness ; his search was for pleasure not absolute truth ; and he relied on experience as the test, not on reason. Acts i^ 18 Then certain philosophers of the b. EPISTIE — EpistU, Utter, iirtffroX'fi epistole. ■ Acts I ■; 30 multitude together, they delivered the e. 23' 33 ^d deUvered the epistle to the governor Rom 16. 22 I Tertius, who wrote (this) epistle salute 1 Co ■;. I wrote unto you in an epistle not to 2 Co ' ^ I need we . . epistles of commendation to 3 2 Ye are our epistle written m our hearts 3 3 manifestly declared to be the epistle of C. 7 8 I perceive that the same epistle hath Col 1 16 Aid when this epistle is read among you I Th t 27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle I Th i IS been taught, whether by word, or our ep. Ill & any man obey not our word by this ep. 1 17 which is the token in every epistle 2Pe I I This second epistle, beloved, I now wn.« i. i6 la also in all (his) epistles, speakmg in EftTIAI.— , - l.Valmtwn, arrangement, r]V. erele. ^^,„^ Psa. 55. 13 But (it was) thou, a man mine equal, my 2. One of the same age-, < length, size. One of the cities of Nimrod'g kingdom In the land ot ftliinar. It is the same as Orchoe, eighty-two miles 8. and forty-three E. of Babylon, and ig now Warkb, Irka,. and Irak. It was the nccropoUs of the Assyrian kJngB, the whole neighbourhood being covered With mounds,, and strev/ed \v\tti bricks and coCBns. Gen. 10. 10 the beginning of hia kingdom was. .E. ERECT, to — To set up, 3yj nalsab, 5. Gen. 33. 20 he erected there an altar, and called it E'-EI, '")V my watcher. A son of Gad. B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 16 And the sons of Gad ; Ziphion, and. .E. Nurazfi. 16 of E., the family of the Erites E'-RmS, '-ty belonging to Er. The descendents of Eri son of Gad. Nura=6. 16 of Eri, the family of the E. ERR, to — l.To err, go astray, 33?' shagag. Lev. 5.18 concerning his ignorance wherein ho erred 2. To err, go astray, nvf shagah. Numis. 22 if ye liave erred, and not observed all I Sa. 26. 21 I have played tiie fool, and have erred er. Job 6. 24 me to understand wherein I have erred 19. 4 And be it indeed (that) I have erred Psa.ijg. 21 which do en- from thy commandments 119. 118 Thou hast trodden . .all them that err Prov 19. 27 hear the instruction (that causeth) to err Isa. 28. 7 But they also have erred through wine 28. 7 the priest and the prophet have erred 28. 7 they err in vision, they stumble (in)judg. Eze. 45. 2o thou Shalt do. .for every one that erreth 3. To err, wander, go astray, nj^f? iaah. Psa. 95. 10 It (is) a people that do err in their heart 119. no yet I erred not from thy precepts Prov.14. 22 Do they not err that devise evil? but Isa. 29. 24 They also that erred in spirit shaB come 35. 8 wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err i.To cause to err, wander, go astray, nj/n taah, 5. Prov 10. 17 but he that rcfuseth reproof erreth 5. To wander off, aTiOirkavaofiat apoplanaomai. I Ti. 6. 10 while some coveted after, they have erred 6. To miss tlie mark, swerve, ainox^'^ astocheO. 1 Ti. 6. 21 \^^^ich some professing have erred concer 2 Ti. 2. 18 Who concerning the truth have erred '}.To wander, ■nKaviojiai pilanaomai. Matt22. 29 Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures Marki2. 24 Do ye not tlierefore err, because yo know 12. 27 God of the living : ye therefore do. .err Heb. 3. 10 They do alway err in (their) heart; and Jas. I. 16 Do not err, my beloved. brethren 5. 19 if any of you do err from the truth ERR, to cause to — To cause to err, viander, go astray, .nj.'!? taah, 5. Isa 5. 12 they which lead thee caus'e (thee> to err 9. 16 leaders of the people cimse (them) to err 19. 14 they hav&caused Eg>'pt to err In every 30 28 in the jaws of the people, causing, .to err Jer 23. i3prophesied..andcausedmypeople..toerr 23. 32 and cause my people to err by their lies Hos. 4. 12 siJirit of whoredoms have caused, .to err Amos 2. 4 their lies caused them to err, after the ERE, to make (to) — To cause to err, wander, go astray, nj;n taah, 5. 2 Ch 33. 9S0 Manasseh made Judah,.to err Isa 63 17 O Lord, why hast thou made us to err Mic. 3! 5 the prophets that make my people err ERRAND — Wo'rd, matter, nni dahar. Gen 24 33 I will not eat, until I have told mine err. Judg 3 19 I have a secret errand unto thee, O king 2 Ki! 9. 5 said, I have an errand to thee, captam EEEOR — l.Error, over-Hght, wandering, r:iWD meshugah. Job 19. 4 I have erred ; mine error remaineth with 2.Error, wandering, nji^' shegagah. Eccl. ■;. 6 neither say thou, .that it (was) an error 10. 5 as an error (which) proceedeth from the 3. Error, rashness, hv shal. ^, x„„„, 2 Sa. 6. 7 and God smote him there for (his) error LError, rashness, mistake, x'y-y shalu. Dan. 6. 4 neither was there any error or fault found b. Err or, injury, nv^T^toah. _ .♦v„t/,^t. Isa. 32. 6 utter erroragainst the Lord 6. Ignorance, &.yv6rifia agnoema. .,^„„„„„ Heb. 9. 7 he offered for hunself, and (for) the errors 7 Wandering, irXav-fi plane Matt 27. 6^ so the last error shall be worse than .he Rom. I. 27 that recompence of their error which was Jas s. 20 which converteth the sinner from the e. a Pe. 2. 18 clean escaped from those who hve "1 e. 3 17 being led away with the error of the wi. I Jo 4 6 the spirit of truth, and the spmt of error Jude II a^ran greedily after the error of Balaam 89 ERRORS 306 BSHBAAL EEEORS — \. Errors, rfK'Je" shegioth. Psa. ig. 12 Who caa understand (his) errors? cleanse 1. Errors, D'yWi? iatuim. Jer. lo. 15 They (are) vanity, (and) the work of errors 51. 18 They (are) vanity, the work of errors B-SA-f-AS, 'Ko-aias, 'ilffalas the Oreek form of Isaiah. Matt. 3. 3 And this is he that was spoken of by. .E. 4. 14 be fulfilled which was spoken by E. tho 8. 17 be fulfilled which was spoken by E. the 12. 17 be fulfilled which was spoken by E. the 13. 14 in them is fulfilled the prophecy of E. 15- 7 hypocrites, well did E. prophesy of you Mark 7. 6 Well hath E. prophesied of you hypocrit. liUke 3. 4 is written in the book of the words of E. 4. 17 was delivered unto him the book of. .E. John I. 23 Make straight the way. .as said. .E. 12. 38 the saying of E. the prophet might be 12. 39 they could not believe, because that E. 12. 41 These things said E., when he saw his Acts 8. 28 sitting in his chariot read E. the prophet 8. 30 and heard him read the prophet E. 28. 25 Well spake tlie Holy Ghost by E. the Kom. 9. 27 E. also crietli concerning Israel, Though Q. 29 as E. said before. Except the I^ord of S. 10 i6;E. saith. Lord, who hath believed our 10. 20 E. is very bold, and saith, I was found of ts. 12 E. saitli. There shall be a root of Jesso E-SAR-HAD'-DON, ji'Tn-ipK victorious, conqueror. One of the greatestof the kings of Assyria. He was son of Sennacherib and grandson of Sargon, who succeeded Shalmaneser B.C. 698. 2 Ki. jg. 37 And E. his son reigned in his stead Ezra 4. 2 do sacrifice unto him since the days of E. Isa. 37. 38 and E, his son reigned in his stead E'-SATT, I'^y 'HtraG hirsute, hairy. I. Eldest sou of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob by Eebekah B.C. 1837. Gen. 25. as first came, .and they called his name E. 25. 26 and his hand took hold on E.'s heel 25. 27 E. was a cunning hunter, a man of the 25. 28 Isaac loved E., because he did eat of (his) 25. 29 E. carae from the field, and he (was) faint 25. 30 E. said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee 25. 32 E. said. Behold, I (am) at the point to die 25. 34 Jacob gave E. bread and pottage of lenti. 25. 34 thus E. despised (his) birtliright 26. 34 E. was forty years old wlieu he took to 47. I when Isaac was old . he called E. his 27 5 Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to E. 27 5 E went to tlie field to hunt (for) venison 27. 6 1 heard thy father speak unto E. thy 27.11 Behold, E. my brother (is) an hairy man 27. 15 Ee. took goodly raiment of her. .son E. 27. 19 Jacob said unto his father, I (am) E 27. 21 whether thou (be) my very son E. or not 27. 22 Jacob's voice, but the hands (are) the 27. 23 his hands were hairy, as his brother E.'s 27. 24 he said, (Art) thou my very son E.? 27. 30 E. his brother came in from his hunting 27. 32 he said, I (am) thy son, thy first born E. 57. 34 when E. heard tho words of his father, he 27. 37 Isaac answered and said unto E., Behold 27. 38 E. said unto his father, Hast thou but one 27. 38 And E. lifted up his voice, and wept 27. 41 E. hated Jacob because of the blessing w. 27, 41 E. said in his heart. The days of mourn. 27. 42 these words of E. . were told to Rebekah 27. 42 Behold, thy brother E. . .doth comfort 28. 5 the brother of Bebekah, Jacob's and E.'s e8. 6 When E. saw that Isaac had blessed Jac. 28. 8 E. seeing that the daughters of Canaan 28. 9 Then went E. unto Ishmael, and took 32. 3 Jacob sent messengers before him to B. 32. 4 Thus shall ye speak unto my lord E. 32. 6 We came to thy brother E., and also he 32. 8 If E. come to the one company, and 32, 1 1 Deliver . . I pray thee, from the hand of E. 32. 13 and took, .a present for E. his brother 32. 17 When E. my brother meeteth thee, and 32. 18 it (is) a present sent unto ray lord E. 32. 19 On this manner shall ye speak unto E. 33. I E. came, and vrith him four hundred 33. 4 E. ran to meet him, and embraced him 33. 9 And E. said, I have enough, my brother 33. 15 E, said. Let me now leave with thee 33. 16 So E. returned that day on his way unto 35. I thou fleddest from the face of E. thy 35. 29 and his sons E. and Jacob buried him 36. I Now these, .the generations of E., who 36. . 2 E. took his wives of the daughters of C. 36. 4 Adah bare to E. Eliphaz , and Bashem. 36. 5 these, .the sons of E., wWch were born 36. 6 E. took his wives, and his sous, and his 36. 8 Thus dwelt E, In mount Seir : E. (is) Ed. 36. 9 these, .the generations of E. the father 36. 10 of E.'s sons, .of Adah the wile of E. 36. 10 Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of E. 36. 12 Eliphaz, E.'s son. .the eons of Adah, E.'s 36. 13 these were the sons of Bashemath, E.'s 36. 14 daughter of Zibeon, E.'s wife, .bare to E. 36. 1 5 sons of E. . . Eliphaz the first bom . . of E. 36. 17 of BenelE.'sson. .of Bashemath, E.'s wife 36. 18 of Aholibaraah, E.'s wife. .Anah, E.'s wife 36. 19 These (are) the sons of E,, who (is) Edom 36. 40 these. , the names of the dukes, .of E. 36- 43 be (is) £. the father of the Edomites Josh 24. 4 And I gave unto Isaac Jacob and E. 24. 4 I gave unto E. mount Seir, to possess 1 Ch. I. 34 The sons of Isaac ; E. and Israel I. 35 sons of E. , Eliphaz, Beuel, and Jeush Mai. I. 2 (Was) not IS. Jacob's brother ? saith the 1. 3 I hated E., and laid his mountains 2. The name Esau is sometimes, (not often) used as a patronymic to denote the descendants of Esau or the country they dwelt in. Deut. 2. 5 I have given mount Seir unto E. . .a poss. Jer. 49. 8 I v/ill bring the calamity of E. upon him 49. 10 I have made E. bare, I have uncovered Chad. 6 How are (the things) of E. searched out ! So also in such elliptical expressions as these : — Deut. 2. - 4 Ye (are) to pass through the coast of . .E. 2. 8 our brethren the children of E. , which 2. 12 but the children of E. succeeded them 2. 22 As he did to the children of E., which 2. 29 As the children ot E. which dwell in Seir Obad. 8 and understanding out of the mountofE.? 9 every one of the mount of E. may be cut 18 and the house of E. for stubble, and i8 there shall not be. .of the house of E. 19 the south shall possess the mount of E. 21 ; Kom. 9. 13 ; Heb. 11. 20 ; 12. 16. ESCAPE — 1. Place of escape, B^SP miphlat. Psa. 55. 8 I would hasten my escape from the windy ^.Escaped one, ahppalet. Jer. 44. 14 none shall return but such as shall escape 50. 28 The voice of them that flee and escape out 51. 50 Ye that have escaped the sword, go away 3. Escape, n'^s pallet Psa. 56. 7 Shall they escape by iniquity f in (thine) i.One escaped, o''?9 palit. Josh. 8. 22 that they let none of them remain or es. 2 Ki. 9. 15 let none go forth (nor) escape out of the Jer. 42. 17 none of them shall remain or escape from 44. 14 none of the remnant, .shall escape or re. 5. Escape, .19'^? peletah. Gen. 32. 8 the other company which is left shall es. 2 Sa. 15. 14 for we shall not (else) escape from Absal. Jer. 50. 29 that bend the bow. .let none thereof es. Dan. II. 42 and the land of Egypt shall not escape Joel 2. 3 yea, and nothing shall escape them ESCAPE, to — 1. To go out or forth, kv; yatsa. I Sa.14. 41 Jonathan were taken . but the people es. Jer. II. II which they shall not be able to escape 2. To escape, slip away, tsSa malat, 2. Gen. 19. 17 Escape for thy lite ; look not behind thee 19. 17 escape to the mountain, lest thou be con. 19. 19 I cannot escape to the mountain, lest tg. 20 let me escape thither, (is) it not a little ig. 22 escape thither ; for I cannot do any thing Judg. 3. 26 And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and 3. 26 and passed beyond the quarries, and esc. 3. 29 men ot valour ; and there escaped not a 1 Sa 19. 10 and David fled, and escaped that night 79. 12 and he went, and fled, and escaped 19. 18 So David fled, and escaped, and came to 22. I David . .escaped to the cave AduUam : and 22. 20 Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David 27. I escape into the land of the Philistines 27. I so shall I escape out of his hand 30. 17 there escaped nut a man of them, save 2 Sa, 4. 6 Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped 1 Ki.i8. 40 Elijah said, .let not one of theai escape 19. 17 him that escapeth the sword of Hazael 19. 17 him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu 20. 20 king of Syria escaped on an horse with 2 Ei. 10. 24 any . men . . whom I have brought . . escape ig. 37 and they escaped into the land of Arm. 2 Ch.i6. 7 king of Syria escaped out of thine hand Esth. 4. 13 that thou shalt escape in the king's house Prov ig. 5 (he that) speaketh lies shall not escape Eccl. 7. 26 whoso pleaseth God shall escape from Isa. 20. 6 we flee for help . .and how shall we esc. f 37. 38 they escaped into the land ot Armenia Jer. 32. 4 Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape 34. 3 thou shalt not escape out of his hand 38. 18, 23 thou shalt not escape out of their hand 41. 15 the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johan. 46. 6Let not.. the mighty man escape 48. 8 upon every city, and no city shall escape 48. ig ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth Eze. 17. 15 shall he escape that doeth such (things) ? 17. 18 done all these (things), she shall not esc. Dan. II. 41 these shall escape out of his hand, (even) 3. To pass over, "ijy cibar. Psa. 141. 10 whilst that I withal escape 4. To escape, slip away, ohspalat. Eze. 7. 16 they that escape of them shall escape 5.T0 deliver oneself, h^i natsal, 5. 2 Sa. 20. 6 he get him fenced cities, and escape us Q.Toflee away, a.iro(pevya) apopheugo. 2 Pe. I 4 having- escaped the corruption that is in 2. 18 those that were clean escaped from them 2. 20 after they have escaped the pollutions 7. To save thoroughly, hiaffdi^w diasonzo. Acts 28. I when they were escaped, then they knew 28. 4 though he bath escaped the sea, yet 8. To flee different ways, hia diaplieugO. Acts 27. 42 lest any of them shculd swim out and es. ^.To flee out or forth, iKip^vyu ekpJieugo. Luke2i. 36 ye may be accounted worthy to escape Kom. 2. 3 thou shalt escape the judgment of God ? 2 Co. 1 1. 33 in a basket was I let down., and escaped I Th. 5. 3 destruction Cometh., they shall not escape Heb. 2. 3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so 10. To cor)ie out or forth, i^( exerchomai John 10. 39 to take him : but he escaped out of their W.To flee, tp^vyco pheucjo. Heb. J I. 34 escaped the edge of the sword, out of 12. 25 ifthey [e3caped]notwhorefusedhimffaat ESCAPE, can — To flee from, ipevya) IlttS pheugo apo. Matt 23. 33 ho w can ye escape the damnation of hell t ESCAPE, to cause to — To let to escape, ahp palat, 3. Psa. 71. 2 cause me to escape : incline thine ear ESCAPE, not — Refuge has perished, dwa ijij abad manos. Job II. 20 wicked shall fail, and they shall not esr. ESCAPE, that — One that escapes or slips away, B'S? palet Isa. 66. 19 I v/ill send those that escape of them Jer. 44 28 Yet a small number that escape the sword Eze 6. 8 that ye may have (some) that shall escape 6. 9 they that escape of you shall remember 7 t6 But they that escape of them shall escape ESCAPE safe, to — To save thoroughly, Siao-eufoj diasozo Acts 27. 44 came to pass, that they escaped all sate ESCAPE, way to — A going up out of, ^K^aats ekbasis. 1 Co. 10. 13 but will, .also make a way to escape ESCAPED, to be — l.To be slipped away, Bte malat, 2. 1 Sa. 19. 17 sent awaymlne enemy, that he is escaped 23. 13 it was told Saul that David was escaped 2 Sa. I. 3 Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped Job I. ts, 16, 17, 19 I only am escaped alone to tell Psa.124. 7 Our soul is escaped, .and we are escaped ^.To slip away for oneself, oSc malat, 7 Job 19. 20 1 am escaped with the skin of ffly teeth 3. To he snatched or slipt away, %2 natsal, 2. Deut 23. IS the servant which is escaped from his ESCAPED, that — l.One that escapes or slips away, O'h^ palet. Num2i. 29 Moab. .he hath given his sons that escap. 2. Qne thai escapes or slips away, B'Ss palit. Gen. 14. 13 And there came one that had escaped Judgi2. 5 those Ephraimites which were escaped Isa. 43. 20 draw near together, ye (that are) escaped Eze. 33. 21 one that had escaped out of Jerusalem 33. 22 evening, afore he that was escaped came ESCAPED, that had — Remnant, residue, nn><¥' sheeriih. 2 Ch.36. 20 And them that had escaped from the Ewo. ESCAPED, that have — One that slips away or escapes, c'js palet. Jer. 51. so Ye that have escaped the sword, go awa; ESCAPED, that is — Escape, escaped party, ntj'bs peletah. Exodio. 5 eat the residue of that which is escaped Judg2 1. 17 an inheritance for them that be escaped 2 Ki. 19. 30 the remnant that is escaped of the house 1 Ch. 4. 43 the rest of the Amalekites that were esc 2 Ch.30. 6 that are escaped out of the hand of the Neh. i._ 2 asked . concerning the Jews that had es. Isa. 4. 2 comely for them that are escaped of Israel 10. 20 such as are escaped of the house of Jacob ESCAPETH, that-- One that escapes or slips away, tJ'S^ palit. Eze. 24. 26 he that escapeth in that day shall come Amos 9. I he that escapeth of them shall not be ESCAPING — Escape, escaped party, .lO'Sf peletah. Ezra 9. 14 (thereshouldbe)ho remnant norescapingT ESCHEW, to — l.To turn aside, l^D ««r Job I. I one that feared God, and eschewed evil I. 8 one that f eareth God, and escheweth evil ? 2^ 3 one that f eareth God , and escheweth evil 7 2. To incline or bend out of, ^KKXivco ekklino. I Pe. 3. II Let him eschew evil, and do good ; let E'-SEK, p'^y contention. A well in the valley of Gezar, dug by the servants of Isaac, and striven for by the servants of Abimelech. Gep. 26. 20 and he called the name of the well £. ESH-BA'-AL, Vs?3¥'K a man of Baal. Fourth son of Saiil according to i Ch. 8. 33 and 9. 39. He is no Boubt identical with Ishbosheth ("man of shame.") I Ch. 8. 33 and Malchi-shua, and Ablnadab, and E. 9. 39 and Malchl-shua, and Abinadab, and E> ESHBAN 307 ESTEEMED ESH'-BAH, Ips'N man of understanding. A son of DishoD or Dishan, son of Seir. Gen. 36. 26 Hemdan, and E., and Ithran, and Cheran I Ch. I. 41 Amram, and E., and Ithran, and Cheraa ESH'-COL, "^sif'i^, Sis-^N cluster of grapes. 1. Brother of Mamre and Aiier the Ainorites, allies of Abraham in pursuing the four kings wlio liad carried off Lot. B C. 1918 Gen. i+. 13 of Mamre the Amorite, brother of E. 14. 24 the men which went with me, Aner, E. 2. Valley or brook of Eshcol in the neighbourhood of Hebron, and explored by the spies sent out by Moses. In the valley that crosses the vale of Hebron N.E. and 8.W. and about two miles N. of the town there is a fine spring now called Ain-Eshkali. Numi3. 23 they came unto the brook of E., and cut 13. 24 The place was called the brook E. 32. 9 they went up unto the valley of E., and Deut. I. 24 And they . .came unto the valley of E ESH-E'-AN, ]V,-^K slope. A city in the mountains of Judah. .Tosh. 15. 52 Arab, and Dumah, and E. E'-S^K, ;3-a]i, strife A descendant of Saul through Jonathan. 1 Ch. 8. 39 the sons of E. his brother Ulam his ESH-KA-LO-HTTES, 'JiVf?"'?'*? belonging to Ashkelon. The inhabitants of Ashkelon. Jo3h.i3. 3 Ashdothites, the E., the Gittites, and ESH-TA'-OL, ViNP^px hollow vjay. A towii in the country of Judah, grouped with Zorah. It is now called Stual and is west of Zorah, which is aow called Surah Josh. 15. 33 in the valley, E., and Zoreah, and Ashnah 19. 41 coast of their inheritance was. .E., and Judgi3. 25 the camp of Dan between Zorah and E. 16. 31 buried him between Zorah and E., in the 18. 2 men of valour, from Zorah, and from E. iS. 8 came unto their brethren to Zorah and E. 18. II there went out from thence. outofK.six ESHrTA-TJl-ITES, '^xn.f'x belonging to Eshtaol. The inhabitants of Eshtaol, descendants of Shobal son of Caleb son of Hur. I Ch. 2. 53 of them came the Zareathites. .the E. 'ESH-TE-MO'-A, ESH-TE'-MOH, sjiDipij'N. 1. A Levitical town in the mountains of Judah. It is now called Seirtwa, a village seven miles S. of Hebron. Josh.15. so And Anab, and E., and Anim 21. 14 Jattir. .and E. with her suburbs I Sa. 30. 28 and to (them) which were in E. I Ch. 6. s7 to the sons of Aaron they gave. .E. with 2. A Maachathite, a descendant of Ezra. I Cl^. 4. 17 she bare..Ishbah the father of E. 4. 19 Keilab the Garmite, and'£). the Maacha. ESH'-TON, fw^N rest. Grandson of Chelub, through Caleb. I Ch. 4. II Mehir, which (was) the father of E. 4. 12 E. begat Betb-rapna, and Faseab, and ES-'LI, 'E(r\f, -Eo-Aff. This was probably Azaliah in the genealogy of Christ ; the name occurs in the line of the ancestors of Joseph husband of Mary. " Luke 3. 25 Naum, which was (the son) of E., which ESPECIALLY — l.Might, IND meod. Psa. 31. II I was a reproach.. especially among my 2,Most of all, ix6.\i. to espy out the land ES'-ROM, 'E(rpun. Son of I'hares in the genealogy of Jesus. Matt I. 3 rharcs begat E.; and E. begat Aram I-i'lie 3. 33 Aram, which was (the son) of E., wliich ESTABUSH, to -^ l.To strength, harden, fOK amals, 3. Prov 8. 28 When he esta'bhshed the clouds above 2. To found, lay a foundation, no; yasad. Psa. 78. 69 like the earth which he hath established Hab. I. 12 thou hast established them for correction 3. To set up, place, slay, iv, yatsag, 5. Amos 5, 15 love the good, and establish judgment 4. To cause to dwell or sit, settle, au*; yashab, 5. Job 36. 7 he doth establish them for ever, and they ^.To form,, prrepare, establish, [53 kiin, 3a. Exodis. 17 the sanctuary, thy hands have cstablis. Deut 32. 6 hath he not made thee, and estabhshed Psa 24. 2 and established it upon the floods 40. 2 He brought me up . . (and) established my 48. 8 God will establish it tor ever .Selah 87. s the Highest himself shall establish her 90. 17 establish thou the work of our hands 90. 17 the work of our hands establish thou it 99. 4 thou dost establish equity, thou executest 119. go thou hast established the earth, and it Prov 3. 19 by understanding hath he established the loa. 45. 18 he hath established it, he created it not 62. 7 And give him no rest, till he establish 6. To prepare, establish, [13 kun, 5. 1 Sa. 13. 13 now would the Lokd have established 2 Sa. 5. 12 the Lord had established hira king over 7. 12 will set up. .and I will establish his kin. f Ki. 2. 24 the Lord liveth, which hath established 1 Ch.17. II raise up.. and I will establish his kingd. 22. 10 I will establish the throne of his kingdom 28. 7 I will establish his kingdom for ever 2 Ch. 12. J when Eehoboam had established the kin. Psa. 8g. 2 thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in 89. 4 Thy seed will I establish for ever, and Jei 10. 12 he hath established the world by his wis. 33. 2 the Lord that formed it, to establish it 51. 15 he hath established the world by his wis. 7.7*0 set up, 3^3 natsah, 5. Prov. 15. 25 he will establish the border of the widow 8. To suppo^-t, stay, nyo saad. Isa. 9. 7 to establish it with judgment and with 9. To cause to stand, set up, establish, npj; amad, 5. 1 Ki.15. 4 set up his son after him; and to establish 2 Ch. 9. 8 loved Israel, to establish them for ever 30. s So they established a decree to make Prov. 29. 4 king by judgment establisheth the land Dan. II. 14 exalt themselves to establish the vision 10. To raise up, establish, confirm. Dip kum, 5. Gen. 6. 18 with thee will 1 establish my covenant 9. 9 I establish my covenant wth you, and 9. II And I will establish my covenaut with 9. 17 which I have established between me and 17. 7 I will establish my covenant between me 17. 19 I will establish my covenant with him 17. 21 my covenant will I establish with Isaac Exod. 6. 4 I have also established my covenant with Lev. 26. 9 and establish my covenant with you Num30. 13 Every vow. .her husband may establish it 30. 14 he establisheth all her vows, or all her Deut. 8. 18 he may establish liis covenant which he 28. 9 The Lord shall establish thee an holy 29. 13 That he may establish thee to day for a » Sa. I. 23 only the Lord establish liis word 2 Sa. 7. 25 establish (it) for ever, and do as thou hast I KLj 9. 5 1 will establish the tlorone of thy kingdom Psa. 78. 5 he established a testimony in Jacob, and Prov 30. 4 established all the ends of the earth Isa. 49. 8 to establish the earth, to cause to inherit Eze. 16. 60 I will establish unto thee an everlasting 16. 62 I will establish ray covenant with thee 11. To establish, dp qum, 3. Dan. 6. 7 consulted together to establish a royal 12. To raise up, establish, D?p qum., 5. Dan. 6. 8 establish the decree, and sign the writing 6. IS nor statute which the king estabUsheth IS.Tb make firm, establish, ^e^aiSiu bebaioo. ileb. 13. 9 that the heart be established with grace 14. To place, set, cause to stand, 'icrrTifii histemi. Rom. 3. 31 God forbid : yea, we establish the law 10. 3 to establish their own righteousness Heb. 10. 9 that he may establish the second 15. To appoint a law, vo/xo8erea nomotlieteo. Heb. 8. (5 which was established upon better pro. 16. To make stable, or strong, ar^pcSu stereoo. Acts i5. 5 30 were the churches established in the 17.7*0 set or make fast, fix, arripi^i^ sterizd. Kom. 1. II to the end ye may be established 1 Th. 3. 2 to establish you, and to comfort you 2 Pe. 1. 12 and be established in the present truth ESTABLISHED — To sustain, s^ipport, "do samak. Psa.i 12. 8 His heart (is) established, he shall not be ESTABLISHED, to be — l.To he or become steady or firm, Jpx aman, 2. I SSl 3. ao established (to be) a prophet of the LORD 1 Ch.17. =3 concerning hla house, be established for 17. 24 Ix:t it even be established, that thynafflo 2 Ch. I. glet thyjiromise unto David. .becstabliah. 20. 20 Believe so shall ye be established Isa. 7. 9 surely ye sliall not be cstablislicd 2. T'o be or become strrnig, pin cha.z(w. 2 Ch.2s. 3 when the kingdom was established to hJm 3. 7'o be formed, prepared, established, Jia !nm, 2. Gen. 41. 32 because tlie thing (is) established by God 1 .Sa. 20. 31 shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom 2 Sa. 7. 16 shall be established for ever before thee 7. 26 house of thy seri'ant David be cstablbhcd I Kl. 2. 12 and his kingdom was established greatly 2. 45 the throne of David shall be cstablislicd 2. 46 kingdom was cstablislicd in the hand of I Ch.17. 14 throne shall be established for evermore 17. 24 house of David thy servant be estalilishcd Job 21. 8 Their seed is cstablislicd in their fil,i;lit Pea. 89. 21 Witli whom my hand shall (be)establlshed 89. 37 It shall be established for ever as the 93. 2 Thy throne (is) established of old : thou 96. 10 world also sliall bo established that it 102. 28 seed shall be established before thee 140. II Let not an evil speaker be established in Prov. 4. 26 and let all thy ways be established 12. 3 man shall not be established by wicked j2. J9 lip of truth shall be established for 16. 3 and thy thoughts shall be established 16. 12 throne is established by righteousness 20. 18 (Every) purpose is cstablislicd by counseJ 25. s Ihrone sliall be established in righteous. 29. 14 his throne shall be established for ever Isa. 2. 2 the mountain, shall be established in the Jer. 30. 20 congregation shall be established beforo Mic. 4. I the mountain . . shall be established in tho 4. 7*0 be prepared, established, JO kun, 6. I.?a. 16. 5 in mercy shall the throne be established Zech. 5. II it shall be established, and set there 5.7'o establish self, p3 kun, 7a. Prov 24. 3 and by understanding it is established Isa. 54 14 Inriglitcousnessshalt tlioubeestablished 6. To up, stand up, be esto.blislied. Dip /;«)«,. Lev 25. 30 the house, .shall be established for ever 1 Sa. 24. 20 kingdom ^.f Israel shall be establi.=;lied Job 22. 28 and it shall be established unto thee Prov 15. 22 in the multitude, .they are established 7.7'o be made straight or right, |i3ri leqan, 6. Dan. 4. 36 and I ivas established iii my kingdom, and 8. 7*0 cause to stand, 'larrtfn histemi. Matti8. 16 that.. every word may be established 2 Co. 13. I In the mouth . .every word be establisheo ESTABLISHMENT — Truth, failhful'tiess, steadfastness, nOR emeth. 2 Ch.32. I After these things, and the establislancns ESTATE — l.Order, condition, .Via'n dibrah. Eccl. 3. 18 concerning the estate of the sons of men ".Station, }3 ken. Dan. II. 7 shall (one) stand up in his estate, which II. 20 Then shall stand up in his estate a II. 21 in his estate shall stand up a vile person 21. 38 in his estate shall he honour the God of Z.Form, turn, I'w tor. I Ch.17. '7 according to the estate of a man of high ESTATE, your — The things concerning you, to. Trepl viiwv ta peri CoL 4. 8 that he might know [jour] estate, and ESTEEM, to — l.T'o think, reckon, "Z^n chashab. Job 41. 27 He estcemeth iron as straw, (and) brass Isa. 53. 3 he was despised, and we esteemed lilm 53. 4 we did esteem him stricken, smitten of 2. 7*0 set in array, value, ^ly arak. Job 36. 19 WiU he esteem thy riches ? (no), not gold 3. 7*0 lay up, hide, conceal, ]pt tsaphan. Job 23. 12 I have esteemed the words of his mouth 4. 7*0 lead, lead out, Tiyfo/j-ai Jiigeomai. Phil. 2. 3 each esteem other better than themselves I Th. 5. 13 to esteem them very highly in love for Heb i9 (part) of^ the money of thy estimation 27. 16 thy estimation shall be according to the 07. 17 according to thy estimation it shall stand 27. 18 it shall be abated from thy estimation 27. 23 shall reckon . . the worth of thy estimation 27. 23 he shall give thine estimation in that 27. 25 thy estimations shall be according-to the 27. 27 redeem (it) according to thine estimation 27. 27 shall be sold according to thy estimation Numi8. 16 thou redeem, .according to thine estima. ESTEAITGE, to — To make unknown, 13J nakar, 3. Jer. 19. 4 forsaken me, and have estranged this pla. ESTEAHGED, tote— ' 1.7b he strange, estranged, W zwr Job 19. 13 mine acquaintance are verily estranged ,Psa. 58. 3 The wicked are estranged from the womb 78. 30 They were not estranged from their hist 2, To become strange, estranged, nil zur, 2. 3Eze. 14. 5 they are all estranged from me through E'-TAEt, cp'i! -uAld beasts' lair. 1. A village of the triba of Simeon, now called Urtas. 1 CIi. 4. 32 their villages. .B., and Ain, Eimmcn, and 2. A place la Judah rebuilt by Rehoboam. 2 Ch.n. 6 He built even Beth-lehem, and E., and 3. A name occurring In the list of Judah's descendants, but probably referring to the place named in No. 2. I Ch. 4. 3 And these (were of) the father of E. 4. A rocky district in the W of Judah. Judgis. 8 went , . and dwelt in the top of the rock E 15. II Judah went to the top of the rock E ETERNAE— l.Age lasting, D^^V olam. Isa. 60. IS I will make thee an eternal excellency 2. What is before in time or place, cn^ qedem. Deut 33. 27 eternal God (is thy) refuge, and under S.'Perpetual, afSios aidios. Kom. 1. 20 (even) his eternal power and Godhead i.Age, aldv aion (pi.) Eph. 3. u According to the eternal purpose which I Ti. I, 17 unto the King eternal, immortal, invisi. 5. Age lasting, aldivios aidnios. Mattig. 16 shall 1 do, that I may have eternal Ufe 25. 46 but the righteous into life eternal Mark 3. 29 but is in danger of eternal damnation 10. 17 what shall I do that I inherit eternal 10. 30 and in the world to come eternal life tukeio. 23 what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 18. 18 what shall I do to inherit eternal life ? John 3. IS should not perish, but have eternal life 4. 36 and gathereth fruit unto life eternal 5. 39 for in them ye think ye have eternal life (>. 54 Whoso eateth my flesh . . bath eternal life 6. 63 thou hast the words of eternal life 10. 28 And 1 give unto them eternal life 12. 25 and he . . shall keep it unto life eternal 17. 2 that he should give eternal life to as 17. 3 this ia life eternal, that they might know Acts 13. 48 as many as were ordained to eternal life Kom. 2. 7 To them who . seek for glory. . eternal Ufe 5. 21 tlirough righteousness unto eternal life 6. 23 the gift of God (is) eternal life through 4. 17 more exceeding (and) eternal -weight of 4. 18 things which are not seen (are) eternal 5. 1 not made 'with hands, eternal in the 6. 12 lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thoir 6. 19 that they may lay hold on [eternal] life 2. 10 obtatri the salvation, .with eternal glory I. 2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that 3. 7 according to the hope of etem&l life 5. 9 he became the author of eternal salvation 6. 2 of resurrection . .and of eternal judgment 9. 12 having obtained eternal redemption (for 9. 14 who through the eternal Spiritoffered 9. 15 receive the promise of eternal inheritan. S. 10 who hath caUed us unto his eternal glory 1. 2 show unto you that eternal life which 2. 25 he hath promised us, (even) eternal life 3. IS no murderer hath eternal Ufe abiding in 5. II God hath given to us eternal life, ana 5. 13 ye may loiow that ye have eternal Ufe S. 20 Tliis ia the true God, and eternal Ufe 7 suffering the vengeance of eternal fire 21 the mercy of our Lord, unto etenlal Ufe ETESNITY — Duration, continuity, n^ ad. Isa. 57. IS and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity E'-TEAjr, opx. The second station of Israel after leaving Egypt. It is said to be in the edge of the wUdemess near the present Seba Biar, or " seven wells," about three miles from the western side of the ancient head of the gulf. Exodi3. 20 took their journey, .and encamped in E. Numss. 6 they departed, .and pitched in B., which 33. 7 they removed from E., and turned again 33. 8 went three days' journey in the wildern. E'-THAN, lO'N amcient. 1. A sage' renowned in the time of Solomon. I Kl. 4. 31 he was wiser than all men ; than E. the Psa. 89. title. Haschil of B. the Ezrahite 2. A son of Zerah son of Judah. I Ch. 2. 6 Zlmri, and B., and Heman, and Calcol 2. 8 And the sons of E. ; Azariah 3. A descendant of Gershon son of Levi. I Ch. 6. 42 The son of E.,the son of Zimmah, the son 4. A descendant of Merari the son of Levi. 1 Ch. 6. 44 E. the son of Kishi, the son of Abdi IS. 77 their brethren, E. the son of Kushaiah 15. 19 Asaph, and E. . . to sound with cymbals of E-TEA'-NIHt, D'Wt!? the perennial. The seventh month of the sacred year of the Hebrews, from the last new moon of October till the first one of November. I Ki. 8. 4 the month E„ whicS (is) the seventh ETH-BA'-AL, "jMnx with Baal or BaaVs man. A king of Sidon, father of Jezebel wife of Ahab. He was king of the Tyrians as well, and is the same as Sithobalus (a priest of Astarte), who, after having murdered Pheles, held the throne of Tjto for thirty- I two years. I Ki. i6. 31 took to wife J'ezebel, the daughter of E. I 2 Co. iTi. 2Ti. Titus Heb. I Pe. I Jo. Jude E'-THEE, inj; riches, fulness. A city in the lowlands of Judah, afterwards allotted to Simeon, now Athar In i Ch. 4. 32 TocAen is substituted for Ether. Josh.15. 42 Libnah, and E., and Ashan 19. 7 Am, Eemmon, and E., aad Ashan, fout E-THI-0-PI-A, »53, Alelcaxf/. 1. This is the word used by the Greeks and Bonians for the Hebrew name Cush. Cush was the son of Ham, and his descendants occupied the country to the S. of Egypt, and comprehended, in its widest sense, the modern Nubia, Sennar, Kordofan, and northern Abys- sinia, but in its more Umited sense, only the kingdom of Meroe, from the junction of the 'White and Blue branches of the KUe to the S. border of Egypt. Syene was the di'vision between both countries. Gen. 2. 13 it that compasseth the whole land of E: Esth. I. I Ahasu.. .reigned from India even unto E. 8. 9 rulers of . .provinces, .from India unto B. Job 28. 19 The topaz of E. shall not equal it . Psa. 87. 4 Tyre, with E.; this (man) was bom there Isa. 18. ^hmd. which (is) beyond the rivers of B. Eze. 29. 10 tower of Syene even unto the border of E. Zeph.3. 10 From beyond the rivers of E. my sappli Acts 8. 27 and, behold, a man of E., an eumich 2. This name is also used to denote the people who occupied the land of Cicsli. 2 Kt 19. 9 when he heard say of Tirhakah king of E. Psa. 68. 31 E. shall soon stretch out her hands unto Isa. 20. 3 sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon E. 20. 5 they shaU be afraid and ashamed of E. 37. 9 heard say concerning Tirhakah king of E. 43. 3 Egypt (lor) thy ransom, E. and Seba for 45. 14 labour of Egypt, and merchandise of E. Eze. 30. 4 upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in E 30. 5 E.. .and Lydia, and aU the mingled peo 38. s Persia, B,, and Libya 'with them Nah. 3 9 E. and Egypt, .her strength, and (it was) E-THI-0-PI-AlT, and S-THI-0-PI-ANS, V», ^3, Alelai'4/ The name generally given in the English Bible to the descendants of Cush son of Ham. It ia used both as a noun and an adjective. Ifmni2. I because of the E. woman whom he had 12. I for he had married an E. woman 3 Ch.i2. 3 the Lubims, the Sukkiims, and the E.s 14. 9 there came out against them Zsrah the E 14. 12 the Lord smote the E. . .and the E. fled 14. 13 the E. were overthrown, that they could i6. 8 'Were not the E. and the Lubims a huge 21. 16 of the Arabians, that (were) near the E. Isa. 20. 4 and the E. captives, young and old Jer. 13. 23 Can the E. change his skin, or the leop. 38. 7 Ebed-meleoh the E., one of the eunuchs 38. 10 the king commanded Ebed-melech the B, 38. 12 Ebed-melech the E. said unto Jeremiah 39. 16 Go and speak to Ebed-melech the E., say 46. 9 the B. and the Libyans, that handle the ^ Eze. 30. 9 in ships to make the careless E. afraid Dan. II. 43 and the E. (shaU be) at his steps Amos 9. 7 (Are) ye not as children of the E. onto me Zeph. 2. 12 Ye E. also, ye (shall be) slain by my sword Acts 8 27 authority under Candace queen of the E. ETH'-NAKT, Jjrix gift. Grandson of Ashur through Caleb son of Hnr. B C. 1500 ^ Ch. 4. 7 the sons of Helah Zereth .and E. ETH'-NI, 'WX my gift. Ancestor of Asaph whom David set over the service ol song. B.C. 1020. 1 Ch. 6. 41 The son of E., the son of Zerah EU-BIT'-L'trS, ECjSouAos. A disciple at E.ome who saluted Timothy 2 Ti. 4. 2< E. greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linns ET7-Iin'-(3E, EvvIktj. Timothy's mother ; in Acts 16. i she is spoken of as a "Jewess that beUeved." 2 Ti. I. s grandmother Lois, and thy mother E. ETJUTrCH — l.Eunuch, officer, ong saris. 2 Ki 9. 32 looked out to liim two (or) three eunuchs zo. 18 they shall be eunuchs in the palace of Isa 39. 7 they shaU be eunuchs in the palace of S6. 3 neither let the eunuch say. Behold, I (am) 56. 4 unto the eimuchs that keep my sabbaths Jer. 29. 2 the king, and the queen, and the eunuchs 34. 19 the princes of Jerusalem, the eunuchs 38. 7 one of the eunuchs which was in the 41. 16 women, and the children, and the eunu. 52. 2s He took also out of the city an eimuch Dan. I. 3 Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs I. 7 whom the prince of the eunuchs gave I. 8 he requested of the prince of the eunuch I 9 love with the prince of the eunuchs 1. 10 prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel I. II whom the prince of the eunuchs had set 1. 18 prince of the eunuchs brought them in 1. Eunuch, evvovxos eunouchos. Matt. 19. 12 there are some eunuchs, .are some eua 19. 12 there be eunuchs, which have made Acts 8. 27 an eunuch of great authority under 8. 34 the eunuch answered Phjlip, and said 8. 36 the eunuch said. See, (here is) water 8. 38 Into the water, both Phuip and the eunuch 8.' 39 that the eunuch saw more I EUNUCH 309 EVEN EXTNTJCH, to make — To malce a eunuch, evi'ovxiC'^ eunouchizS. Mattxg. 13 which were made eunuchs of men 19. 12 which have made themselves eunuchs ETJ-O-DI'-AS, EvaiSla, ^hoSla. This name is more accurately Euodia ; a Christian woman at Philippi. The two persons here mentioned by Paul are both women. Phil. 4. 2 I beseech 2L» oad beseech Syntyche, that ETT-PHRi'-TES, rrva, Zi^fdirji bursting, sweet. The River (IXa-na-kar in Heb. often), as pre-eminently the river of Asia in contrast to the short-lived torrents of Canaan. Its modern name is Frat, which is nearly tho Hebrew spelling. It rises in Armenia, flows 3. like the Tigris, and falls into the Persian Gulf, Geii. 2. 14 And the fourth river (is) E. 15. 18 from the river of Egypt unto., the river E. Deut. I. 7 Lebanon, unto the. .river, the river E. II. 24 from, .the river E., even unto the utter. Josh. I. 4 From the wilderness.. unto the.. river E. 2 Sa. 8. 3 to recover his border at the river E. 2 Ki.23. 29 against the king of Assyria to the. .E. 24. 7 from the river of Egypt unto the river E. t Oh. 5. 9 of the wilderness from the river E. 18. 3 to stablish his dominion by the river E. 2 Ch.35. 20 up to fight against Carchemish by E. Jer. 13. 4 arise, go to E., and hide it there in a hole 13. s So I went, and hid it by E., as the LoED 13. 6 Arise, go to E., and take the girdle from 13. 7 Then I went to E., and digged, and took 46. 2 against the array . . which was by the . . E. 46. 6 and fall toward the north by the river E. 46. 10 a sacrifice in the north, .by the river E. 51. 63 and cast it into the midst of E. Rev. 9. 14 angels which are bound in the great. .E. ■ 16. 12 poured out his vial upon the. .river E. Etr-B.0-CLT'-D01T, lE.vpoK\iSwv, EvpukXvSoiv, EiipaKvXov, A tempestuous ivind often experienced by navigators In the Levant; it blows from N.E. or E.N.E. The name really means the united winds Euros and Aquilo. Acts 27. 14 there arose, .a tempestuous wind.called.E. ETI-TT'-CHUS, Eiruxos. A young man of Troas restored to life. Acts 20. 9 in a v/ijidow a certain youcgmannamedE. EVANGEUST — One who announces good tidings, evayyeXtarT-t)?. Acts 21. 8 into the house of Philip the evangelist Eph. 4. II and some, prophets ; and 8ome,ovangel. 2 Ti. 4. 5 do the work of an evangelist, make f uU EVE, nin, Eua life, life-giving. The name of the first woman. Gen. 3. 20 And Adam called his wife's name E. 4. 1 Adam knew E. Ws wife; and she coucel. 2 Co. II. 3 as the serpent beguiled E. through his 1 TL 2. 13 For Adam was fli'st formed, then E.„ EVEN — l.Only, %>< ak. Exod.12. IS even the first day ye shall put away 2. Also, IN aph. lief. 26. 28 I, even I, will chastise you seven times S.Even, also, 03 gam. Gen. 2o. 5 even she herself said. He (is) my brother 4. Lo, lo as, K.T he. Dan. 2. 43 even as iron is not mixed with cjay 5. That, when, because, '3 ki. Exod.32. 29 even every man upon his son, and upon 6. Till, unto, during, which, ly ad. Lev. 23. 16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh I.Only, surely, nevertheless, P1 raq. 2 Ch.28. 10 (are there) not with you, even with you ^.For, verily then, yap ga/r. Jas. 4. 14 It is [even] a vapour, tijafc oppeareth for a 9. But, moreover. Si de. Eom. 3. 22 Even the righteousness of God (which is) 9. 30 even the righteousness which is of faith Phil. 2. 8 unto death, even the death of the cross lO.Any more, any longer, yet, still, en e'A. Luke I. IS the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's 11. Unto, up to, fas heds. Mark 1 4. 54 even into the palace of the high priest 12 And, even, Kai kai. Matt. s. 46 do not even the publicans the same ? 5. 47 do not even the publicans so ? 7. 12 should do to you, do ye even so to them 8. 27 that even the winds and the sea obey 12. 8 Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath 13. 12 shall be taken away even that he hath 18. 33 compassion . . [even] as I had pity on thee ? 20. 14 give unto this last even as unto thee 25. 29' be taken away even that which be hath Mark i. 27 commandeth he even the unclean spirits 4. 23 shall be taken even that which he hath 4. 41 that oven tho wind and the sea obey him ? 6. 2 even such mighty works are wrought by 13. 22 seduce, if (it were) possible, even tjie Luke 8. 18 taken even that which he seeraeth to 8. 25 lie commandeth even the winds and 9. 54 and consume them, even as Eliaa did IP. n Even the very dust of your city, which 12. 41 this parable unto us, or even to all 12. 57 why even of yourselves judge ye not 18. II unjust, adulterers, or even as this publl. 19. 26 even that he hath shall be taken away ig. 42 known, even thou, at least in tliis thy day 20. 37 even Moses showed at the bush, when he 24- 24 foun4 (it)[even]so as the women had said John s. 21 even so the Son quickeaeth whom he will 8. 25 Even (the same) that I said unto you from 11. 22 even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of II. 37 that even this man should not have died Acts 15. 8 the Holy Ghost, even as (he did) unto us 26. II persecuted (them) even unto strange cit. Kom. 1. 13 you also, even as among other Gentiles 5. 14 even over them that had not sinned after 5. 18 even so by the righteousness of one (the) S. 21 even so might grace reign through 8. 23 even we ourselves groan within ourselves 8. 34 who is [even] at the right hand of God 9. 24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the 11. s Even so- then at this present time also 15. 3 even Christ pleased not himself ; but, as 15. 6 even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Co. 2. II even so the things of God knoweth no 3. 5 even as the Lord gave to every man 7 7. 7 would that all men were even as I myself 9. 14 Even so hath the Lord ordained that 14. 12 Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous 15. 22 even so in Christ shall all be made aUve 15. 24 the kingdom to God, even the Father 16. I as I have given order, .even so do ye . a Co. X. 3 even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ I. 8 insomuch that we despaired even of lite 1. 13 ye shall acknowledge [even] to the end 7. 14 even so our boasting, which (I made) be. 10. 7 as he (is) Christ's, even so (are) we Christ's 10. 13 a measure to reach even unto you 11. 12 wherein they glorj* they may be. .even as GaL 2. 16 even we have believed in Jesus Christ 4. 3 Even- so we, when we werechildren, were 4. 29 (born) after the Spirit, even so (it is) now •5. 12 would they were even cut off which tro. Eph. 2. 3 the children of wrath, even as others 4. 4 even as ye are called in one hope of your 4. 32 even as God for Christ's sake hath forgi. 5. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of these 5. 23 even as Christ is the head of the church S. 29 clierisheth it, even as the Lord the church Phil. I. IS preach Christ even of enyj' and strifa 3. 15 God shall reveal even this unto you 3. 18 and now tell you even weeping, (that they) 4. i6 even in Thessalonica ye sent once and 3. 13 even as Christ forgave you, so also (do) ! Th. 2, 14 suffered .. even as they (have) of the Jews 2. 19 (Are) not even ye in the presence of our 3. 4 even as it came to pass, and ye know 3. 12 toward all (men), even as we (do) toward 3. 13 in holiness before God, even our Father 4. 5 even as the Gentiles wliich know not God 4. 13 even as others wliich have no hope 2 Th. 2. 16 [even] our Father, which hath loved us 3. I and be gloriiied, even as (it is) with you Phm. 19 owest unto rne even thine own self besides Heb. 7. 4 [even] the patriarch Abraham gave the 11. 12 sprang there even of one and him as good II. 19 able to raise (him) up, even from the de. Jas. 2. 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is 3. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member 2 Pe. I. 14 even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath show. 2. I even denying the Lord that bought them Judo 23 hating even the garment spotted by the Bev. 2. 13 [even] in those days wherein Antipas 17. II even he is the eighth, and is of tho seven s8. 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you IS. Indeed, truly, iiev men, I Th. 2. i3 come unto you, even I Paul, one? and li. Thus, so, ourea, ouTtos kouto, houtos. Acts 27. 25 that it shall be even as it was told me 15. And, also, re te. Rom. 1. 26 even their women did change the natural 16. Right', righteousness, just, p^v tsedeq. Job 31. 6 Let me be weighed in an even balance EVEN— • 1. Evening, yya ercb. ExodiC. 12 At even ye shall eat fiesh, and in the 18. 14 stand by thso from morning unto even 29. 39, 41 other lamb thou shalt offer at even 30. . 8 when Aaron lighteth the lamps at even Lev. II. 24, 27, 31, 32, 39 be unclean until the even II. 2s, 28, 40, 40 and be unclean until the even 14. 46 shall be unclean until the even IS- S> 6> 7' 8, 10, II, 16, 17 unclean until the e. 15. 10, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27 unclean until the.e. 17. IS bathe, .and be unclean until the even 22. 6 any such shall be unclean until even 23. s fourteenth (day) of the first month at even Nnm 9- 3 at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed " 9. 5 fourteenth day of the first month at even g. II fourteenth day of the second month at e. 9, 21 cloud abode from even unto the morning ig. 7 priest shall be unclean until the even 19. 8, 10 be unclean until the even 19. 21, 22 shall be unclean until even 28 4, 8 the other lamb shalt thou offer at even Deut;8. 67 thou shalt say Would God it were even ! Judg2o. 23 and wept before the Lord until even, and 20. 26 lasted lliat day until even, and offered 21. 2 and abode there till even before God Ruth 2. 17 she gleaned in the field until even, and 2 Sa. I. 12 and fasted until even, for Saul, and for a Ch.)8. 34 stayed (himself) up. .until the even Eze. 12. 7 in tho even I digged through tho wall ".Late {in the evening), oij/e apse. Markii. 19 when even was come, he went oat of Ui» 3. Evening, otf/ia opsia. Matt. 8. 16 When the even was come, they brought 20. 8 So when even was come, the lord of tho 26. 20 when the even was come, he sat down 27. 57 When the even was come, there came a Mark 4. 35 when the even was come, he saith unto 6. 47 when even was come, the ship was in thq 15. 42 when the even was come, because it was John 6. 16 when even was (now) come, his disciplca EVEN, at — 1. Evening, ytil ereb. Gen 19. I ttiere came two angels to Sodom at even Eiodi2. j3 the fourteenth day of the month at even 12. 18 and twentieth day of the month at even 56. 6 At even.thcn ye shall know that the Lord 16. 13 at even the quails came up, and covered Lev. 23. 32 in the ninth (day) of the month at even Num. 9. 15 at even there was upon the taberuaclc as 19. 19 bathe him.self . .and shall be clean at even Deut 16. 4 thou sacriflcedst the first day at even 16. 6 thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even 28. 67 at even thou shalt say, Would God it Josh. 5. 10 the fourteenth day of the month at even Judgig. 16 from his work out of the field at even 1 Sa. 20. s in the field unto the third (dav) at even 2 Sa. II. 13 at even he went out to lie on his bed z Ki.22. 35 the king was stayed up. .and died at even 1 Ch.23. 30 every morning to thask. .likewise at even ^ Eze. 12. 4 thou shalt go forth at even ip their sight S.Late {in the evening), iyfie opse. Mark 1 3, 35 at even, or at midnight, or at the cock EVEN as — l.Evcii as, KaOairtp katho.per. Rom. 4. 6 Even as David also describcth the bless. 2 Co. 1.14 even as ye also (are) ours in the day of I.According as, KaOiis kathos. Markii. 6 said unto them evcaas .fesus had comm. Luke 1. 2 Even as they delivered them unto us 19. 32 and found even as he had said unto then John 5. 23 the Son, even as they honour the Vather 12. 50 even as the Father said unto me, so I 15. 10 even as I have kept my Father's comraan. 17. 14, 16 even as I am not of the world 17. 22 that they may be one, even as wc are one Rom. I. 28 even as they did not like to retain God iCo. I. 6 Even as the testimony of Christ was II. I followersof me, evcnasIalso(am)ofChr. 13. 12 then shall I know even as also I am Gal. 3. 6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it Phil. I. 7 Even as it is meet for me to think this I Th. 5. II and edify one another, even as also ye do I Jo. 2. 6 ought, .also so to walk, cvenashe walked 2. 27 even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide 3. 3 purifieth himself, even as he is pure 3. 7 is righteous, even as he is righteous 3 Jo. 2 be in health, even as thy soul prospereth ■3 even as thou walkest in the truth 3.7)1 what tiirn or manner, hv Tp6vov hon Iropotx. Matt.23. 37 even as a hen gathereth her chickens i.So, according to what manner, (outws) koS' iv rp6irov. Acts 15. ji believe, .we ah.all be saved, even as tney 27. 25 that it shall be even as it was told me 5. As, i)s has. JIattis. 28 be it unto thee even as thou wilt Mark 4. 36 they took him even as he was in the ship I Co. 12. 2 Gentiles, carried away . .even as ye were Eph. s- 33 every one. .love his wife even as himseK I Pe. 3. 6 Even as .Sara obeyed Abraham, calling Jude 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the Q.Even as, fitrirep liosper. Matt. 5. 48 (even as] your Father which is in heaVea 20. 28 Even as the Son of man came not to bo EVEN like — As, according as, S>s hds. Rev. 21. II even like a jasper Btone, dear aa crystal EVEN.., not — ff'ot even, ouSi oude. John2i. 25 even the world itself could not contain EVEN new — l.^o day, c'vn hayyom, Deut.31. 2j even now, before I have brought them 2.JV0W, &pTt arii. _ Matt. 9. iS My daughter is even now dead : but 3. Now, already, ^Sv ede. Lukerg. 37 even now at the descent of the mount o£ EVEN place — Uprioktness, a plain, '\\v'D misTior. Psa. 26. 12 My foot standeth in an even place : in EVEK so — l.As thus, .133 kakah. Jer. jg. II Even so will I break this people, and this EVEN SIO EVBB 2. So, thus, |3 ken. Exod39. 43 LOBD. commanded, even bo had they 3. Yes, yea, vai nai. Matt 1 1. 26 Even so, Father ; for it Seemed good in Lukeio. 21 even so, Father ; for so it seemed good Kev. I. 7 shall wail because of hira. Even so. A. 16. 17 Ev«n so, Lord -God Almighty, true and 22. 20 come quickly. Amen. (Even so], come 4. Thus, so, ovToi, oSrais hout5, houlos. Matt. 7. 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth 12. 45 Even 60 shall it be also unto this wicked 18. 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father 23. 28 Even so ye also outwardly appear right John 3. 14 even so must the Son of mau be lifted 14. 31 Father gave me commandment, even so Acts 12. 15 constantly affirmed that it was even so Rom. 6. 4 even so we also should walk in newness 6. 19 even so now yield your members servants II. 31 Even so have these also now not believed I Co. II. 12 even so (is) the man also by the woman I Th. 2. 4 But as we were allowed, even so we 4. 14 even so them also which sleep in Jesus 5. Even so, axrairoii hosautos. I Ti. 3. II Even so (must their) wives (be) grave EVEN to, unto, until — I. Unto, ny ad. Exod27. 5 may be eyen to the midst of the altar 2.Unlo, up to, etas heos. Matt26. 38 is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death a Co. 3. 15 even unto this day, when Moses is read J Jo. • 2. 9 hateth his. .is in darkness even until now Z. Until, as far as, Svpi achri. Acts 11. 5 a great sheet, .and it came even to me Beb. 4. 12 piercing even to the dividing asunder of EVEN thus — According to these things, Kara ravra kata tauta. Lukeiy. 30 Even thus shaU it be in the day when the EVEN... very — And, Kal kai. Luke 1 2. 7 even the very hairs of your head are all EVEN, also — And, Kai kai. Luke 6. 33 have ye? for sinners also do even the same EVEN, and — I. And, Kdl kai I J o. 4. 3 and even now already is it In the world 2 yet even, a,t tlie same time, 3/iws homos. 1 Co. 14. 7 even things without life giving sound EVENING — \.To do (it) in the evening, yvf arab, 5. I Sa. 17. 16 Philistine drew neai- morning and evening i. Evening, 3"ij; ereb. Gen. I. 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31 evening and tne morning 8. II the dove came in to him in the evening 24. II at the time of the evening, (even) the time 29. 23 it came to pass in the evening, that he 30. 16 Jacob came out of the field in the even. Exodi2. 6 Israel shall kill it in the evening 16 8 shall give you in the evening flesh to eat 18 13 stood . .from the m-orning unto the even. 27. 21 shall order it from evening to moniing l«v. 24. 3 order it from the evening unto the mom. Deut23. II when evening cometh on, he shall wash Josh 10. 26 hanging upon the trees until the evening 1 Sa. 14. 24 man that eateth (any) food until evening 30. 17 even unto the evening of the next day t Ki.17. 6 and bread and flesh in the evening 2 Ki. 16. 15 the evening offering, and the king's 1 Ch.i6. 40 offering continually morningand evening 2 Ch. 2. 4 the burnt offerings morning and evening 13. II every morning and every evening burnt 13. II the lamps thereof, to burn every evening 31. 3 the morning and evening burnt offerings Ezra 3. 3 (even) burnt offerings morning and even, 9. 4 sat astonied until the evening sacrifice g. 5 at the evening sacrifice I arose up from Esth. 2. 14 In the evening she went, and on the mor. Job 4. 20 They are destroyed from morning to ev. Psa. 55. 17 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will 59. 6 They return at evening ; they make a 59. 14 at evening let them return ; (and) 65. 8 outgoings of the moniing and evening go. 6 in the evening it is cut down, and with. 104. 23 and to his labour until the evening 141. 2 lifting up of my hands (as) the evening Prov. 7. 9 in the evening, in the black and dark Eccl.ii. 6 in the evening withhold not tliine hand Jer. 6. 4 ehadov/s of the evening are stretched out Eze. 33. 22 hand of the LoBD. .upon me in the even. 46. 2 gate shall not be shut until the evening Dan. 8. 26 the vision of the evening and the morn. 9. 21 about the time of the evening oblation Hab. I. 8 are more fierce than the evening wolves Zeph. 2, 7 shall they lie down in the evening 3. 3 her judges (are) evening wolves ; they Zech 14. 7 (that) at evening time it shall be light 2. A plain, wilderness, Ardhah, na-;]/, arabah. Jer. 56a wolf of the evening shall spoil them A.Eixning, eventide, ecirepa hespera. Luke24. 29 it is toward evening, and the day Is far Acts 88. 23 persuading, .from morning till evening S.Eevening, Vylia opsia. Matt 14. is'when it was evening, his disciples came 16. 2 When it is evening, ye say, (It will be) EVENINCJ, at — It being late, ovarii o^ias ouses opsias. John2o. 19 the same day at evening, being the first EVENING, in the — Evening having cnnie, 6\\/las yevo/iivris opsias gen. Mark 14. 17 in the evening he cometh with the twelve EVENING, toward — To be late, yiilih laarob. Judg 19, 9 tlie day draweth toward evening. I pray EVENING tide, or eventide — l.Tiine of evening, 3^y ny eth ereb. 2 Sa. ir. 2 it came to'pass in ap evening tide, that Isa.' 17. 14 behold at evening tide trouble; (and) 2.Evening, Icirepa hespera. Acts 4. -3 unto the nex* day : for it was now even. 3. The hour being late, o-^'ias trji S>pai Markii. li the eventide was come, he went out unto EVENT — Chance, occurrence, event, -Tipo miqreh. Eccl. 2. 14 also that one event happeneth to them all 9. 2 (there is) one event to tlie righteous, and 9. 3;tihat (there is) one event unto all EVENTIDE—- l.Evening^ tni) ereb. Josh. 7 6 and fell to the earth, .until the eventide 2. Time of. 'evening, 3"ij; nj; eth ereb. Gen. Ml 63 to meditate in the field at the eventide Josh. S.-2a of Ai he hanged on a tree untU eventide EVEK — . X.Pre^eminence, perpetuity, nsj netsach. Isa. 28. 28 he will not ever be threshing it, nor 33.' 20 not one of the stakes, .ever be removed 2.Age, age-lasting, nViy olam,. Gen. 13. 15 will I give it, and to thy seed for ever Exodi2. 24 ordinance to thee and. .thy sons for ever 27. 21 (It shall be) a statute for ever unto their 28. 43 (It shall be) a statute for ever unto him 29. 28 a statute for ever from the chDdren of 30. 21 it shall be a statute for ever to them Lev. 6. 18 (It shall be) a statute for ever in your 6. 22 (it is) a statute for ever unto the Lord 7. 34 by a statute for ever from among the 7. 36 (by) 3 statute for ever throughout their 10. 9 (it shall be) a statute forever througliout 10. 15 it shall be thine, .by a statute for ever 16. 29 (this) shall be a statute for ever unto you j6. 31 aiflict your souls, by a statute for ever J7. 7 Tliis shaU be a statute for ever unto them 33. 14, 21, 31, 41 (it shaU he) a statute for ever 24, 3 (it shall be) a statute for ever in your Numio. 8 shall he to you for an ordinance for ever 15. 15 an ordinance for ever in your generations 18. 8 and to thy sons, by an ordinance for ever 18. I J, ig, daughters with thee,by a statute fore. sS. 23 (It shairbe) a statute for ever through. 19. 10 unto the stranger, .for a statute for ever Deuti2. 28 and with thy children after thee for ever 13. 16 it shall he an heap for ever; it shall not 15. 17 and he shall be thy servant for ever 23. 3 not enter into the congregation . . for ever 28. 46 bs upon thee, .and upon thy seed for ever 29. 29 unto us and to our children for ever Josh. 4. 7 unto the children of Israel for ever 8. 28 made it an heap for ever, (even)a desola. 14. Q inheritance, and thy children's for ever I Sa. I. 22 before the Lord, and there abide for ever 2. 30 thy house.. should walk before me tor e. 3. 13 that I will judge his house for ever for 3. 14 not be purged \vith sacrifice, .for ever 13. 13 established . .kingdom upon Israel for ev. 20. 15 cut. .thy kindness from my house forev. 20. 23 the Lord (be) between thee and me for e. 20. 42 and between my seed and thy seed for ev. 27. 12 therefore he shall be my servant for ever z Sa. 3. 28 (are) guiltless before the Lord for ever 7, 13 establish, throne of his kingdom forever 7, 16 shall be established for ever before thee 7. 16 thy throne shall be established for ever 7. 24 Israel (to be) a people unto thee for ever 7, 25 concerning his house, establish (it) for ev. 7. 26 let thy name be magnified for ever I Ki. 2. 33 there be peace for ever from the LORD 2. 45 be established before the Lord for ever 8. 13 settled place for. .to abide in for ever g. 3 thishouse. .toputmy namethereforevei- 1 Ch.15. 2 chosen . .to minister unto him for ever 16. 36 Blessed (be)the LOEDGod. .for ever and e. 17. 12 and I will establish his throne for ever 17. 14 in mine house and in my kingdom forever 17. 22 didst thou make thine ovm people for ev 17. 23 let the thing .be established for ever 17. 24 that thy name may be magnified for ever 22. 10 and I will establish the throne, .for ever 23. 13 he and his sons for ever, to burn incense 23. 13 and to bless in his name for ever 28. 8 for your children after you for ever 2 Ch. 6. 2 and a place for thy dwelling for ever 7. 16 house, that my name may be there for e. Ezra 9. 12 nor seek their peace or their wealth for e. 9. 12 an inheritance to your children for ever Neh. 9. 5 bless the Loud your God for everand ever Neh. 13. 1 not come into the congregation, .for ever Job 41. 4 wilt thou take him for a servant for ever 1 Psa. 5. II let them ever shout for joy, because thou 10. 16 The Lord (is) King for ever and 21. 4 (even) length of days for ever and 28. 9 feed them also, and lift them up for ever 45. 6 Thy throne, O God, (is) for ever and 48. 8 God wUl establish it for ever 48. 14 For this God (is) our God for ever and S2. 8 1 trust in the mercy of God for ever and 61. 4 I mil abide in thy tabernacle for ever 61. 7 He shall abide before God for ever 66. 7 He ruleth by his power for ever ; his 89. I sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever 8q. 2 said, Mercy shall be built up for ever 89. 4 Thy seed will I establish for ever, and 89. 37 It shall be established for ever as the 104. 5 (that) it should not be removed for ever III. 5 he will ever be mindful of his covenant III. 8 They stand fast for. .ever, (and are) iig. 98 mine enemies ; for they (are) ever wit»i 125. 2 his people from henceforth, even for ever J31. 3 in the Lord from henceforth and forever 148. 6 also estabUshed them for. .ever Isa. 9. 7 justice from henceforth even for ever 30. 8 for the time to come for. . ever 32. 14 and towers shall be for dens for ever 32. 17 quietness and assurance for ever 34. 17 they shall possess it for ever, from gener. 59. 21 saitli the Lord, .henceforth and for ever Jer. 7. 7 I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever 17. 4 kindled a fire.. (which) shall bum for ever 25. 5 you and to your fathers for ever and ever 35. 6 drink novrine. .ye, nor your sons for ever 49. 33 And Hazor shall be . . a desolation for ever 51. 26 thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the 51. 62 but that it shall be desolate for ever Eze. 37. 25 and their children's children, for ever Dan. 12. 7 sware by him that liveth for ever, that Joel 2. 2 there hath not been ever the like, neither Mic. 4. 7 the Lord shall reign over them . .for ever Mai. I. 4 whom the Lord hath indignation for ever 3.7*0 strive, 2") rib. Judg ji. 25 did he ever strive against Israel, or did 4. Continually, Tp!j tamid. Psa. 25. 35 Mine eyes (are)ever toward the LoBD; for 51. 3 and my sin (is) ever before me 5. What is before {in time or place), C^P, qedem. Prov. 8. 23 from the beginning, or ever the earth was 6. Always, aye, acl aei. Markis. 8 (him to do) as he had ever done unto 7. To the age, els rhv alS>va eis ton aiS'iia. Heb. 7. 24 this (man), because he continueth ever S.To all the ages, els irivras rovs atS>vai eis pantos. Jude 25 domiuion and power, both now and ever 9.Alway, at all time, iravTore pantote. Luke 15. 31 Son, thou art ever with me, and all that John 1 8. 2o I ever taught in the synagogue, and in 1 Th. 4. 17 so shall we ever he with the Lord 5. 15 ever follow that which is good, both 2 Ti. 3. 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to Heb. 7. 25 he ever liveth to make intercession for EVEE, for — \.To pre-eminence, perpetuity, nsjb lanetsach, nyj netsach. 2 Sa. 2. 26 ShaU the sword devovu- for ever? knowest Job 4. 20 perish for ever v/ithout any regal'ding 14. 20 Thou prevailest for ever against him, and 20. 7 shall perish for ever like his own dung 23. 7 should I be delivered for ever from my 36. 7 he doth establish them for ever, and they Psa. 13. I Howlongwiltthouforget..OLoRD?fore.? 44. 23 O Lord ? arise, cast (us) not ofif for ever 49. 9 he should still live for ever, (and) not sea 52. 5 God shall likewise destroy thee for ever 68. jC yea, the Lord wiU dwell (in it) for ever 74. I God, why "hast thou cast (us) off for e.J 74. 10 the enemy blaspheme thy name forever? 74 19 forget not the congregation, .for ever 77. 8 Is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth 79. 5 wilt thou be angry for ever ? shall thy 89. 46 wilt thou hide .thyself for ever ? shall thy Jer. so. 39 it shall be no more inhabited for ever Lam. 5. 20 Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever Amos I. II and he kept his wrath for ever 2.Duration, continuity, ly ad. Num24. 20 end (shall be) that he perish for ever 24. ?4 Eber, and he also shall perish for ever I Ch.28. 9 forsake him, he will cast thee cff for ever Job 19. 24 they were graven . .in the rock for ever Psa. 9. i8 expectation . .shall (not) perish for ever 19. 9 The fear of the LoRD. enduring for ever 21. 6 thou hast made him most blessed forever 22. 26 your heart shall live for ever 37. 29 righteous shall, .dwell therein for ever 6r. 8 Avill I sing praise unto thy name for ever 83. 17 them be confounded and troubled forever 89. 29 seed also will I make (to endure) for ever 92. 7 that they shall be destroyed for ever 111, 3 and his righteousness endurethfor ever III. 8 They stand fast for ever and 111. ID his praise endureth for ever 112. 3, 9 his righteousness endureth for ever 132. 14 "This (is) my rest for ever : liere will I 148. 6 also stablished them for ever and ever Prov 12 V lip of truth shall be established for ever EVER 311 EVERLASTING Provjg. 14 his throne shall be established for ever Isa 26 4 Trilst ye in the Lord for ever: for ia the 64. 9 Lord, neither remember ioiquity for eVer 65. 18 rejoice for ever (in that) which I create Mlc 7 18 heretainethnotliisangerforcver.becauso Z.Acie-lastiwj, q)\]1, D^iyiy, c^iy^ Geo. 3 22 take also of thb tree, and live for ever l)xo(l 3 15 tliis (is) my n/,me lor ever, and tliis (is) li. 14 keep it a feast hy m ordinance for ever i». 17 ye observe, .by *a ordinance for ever 14 13 ye shall see them a^ain no more for ever ig. 9 people may hear, and believe thee for ev jt 6 and he shall serve him forever 31 17 i. sign between me and. .Israel for ever 32. 13 seed, and they shall inherit (it) for ever Lev 25 46 they shall be your bondmen for ever: but N 11m 18 19 it (is) a covenant of alt for ever before Dsut 5. 2g with them, and with their children for e. J 3 5 nor their prosperity all thy days for eve« I 32. 40 lift up my hand, .and say, I live for ever 2 Ba. 7. 2q that it may continue for ever before thee ;. 29 house of thy servant be blessed for ever « Kl. I. 31 said, Let my lord king David live for ever 2 33 and upon the head of his seed for ever J. 33 shall there be peace for ever from the 9 . 5 Then I will establish the throne . . for ever 10. 9 because the Lord loved Israel for ever 9 Kl 5. 27 unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever 31. 7 In this house, will I put my name for ever 1 Ch. 16. 34 (he is) good . . his mercy (endureth) for ever 16. 41 because his mercy (endureth) for ever 17. 27 that it may be before thee for ever 23. 2s that they'may dwell in Jerusalem for ever a8. 4 chose me. .to be king over Israel for ever a8. 7 I will establish his kingdom for ever, if ag. x8 keep this for ever in the imagination of aCh 2. 4 Thi3(i3anK)rdinance) for ever to Israel 5. 13 (he is) good . . his mercy (endureth) for e. 7. 3 (he is)good.. his mercy (endureth) for ever 7. 6 because his mercy (endureth) for ever g. 8 loved Israel, to establish them for ever 13. 5 gave the kingdom . .t.o David for ever 20. 7 gavest it to the seed of Abraham . . tor ever 20. 21 Praise the LORD, .mercy (endureth) for e. 30. 8 which he hath sanctified for ever 33. 4 In Jerusalem shall my name be for ever Ezra 3. 11 his mercy (endureth) for ever toward Te. Neh 2. 3 Let the king live for ever : why should.'; Psa. g. 7 the Lord shall eudulre for ever : he hath j3. 7 preserve, .from this generation for ever 29. 10 yea, the Lord sitteth King for ever 30. 12 God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever 33. II The counsel of the Lord standeth for e. 37. 18 and their inheritance shall be for ever 37. 28 they are preserved for ever : but the seed 4t. 12 and settest me before thy face for ever 44. 8 we boast, .and praise thy name for ever 45. 2 therefore God hath blessed thee for ever 49. 8 For the redemption . . ceaseth for ever 49. II (that) their houses (shall continue) for e. 52. 9 I will praise thee for ever, because thou 72. 17 His name shall endure for ever : his name 72. ig And blessed (be) his glorious name for e. 73. 26 of ray heart, and ray portion for over 75. 9 I will declare for ever ; I mil sing praises 77. 7 Will theiord cast off for ever? and will 78. 69 earth which he h:ith established for ever 79. 13 So we. .will give thee thanks for ever 81. 15 their time should have endured for ever 85. 5 Wilt thou be angry with us for ever ? wilt Kg. 36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his to2. 12 thou, Lord, shalt endure for ever, and

mouthdestroyeth Ifla. 9- 17 everyQne(fs)aaliypocriteandanevildoer 33. J4 fearf uUtess hath surprised the hypocrJAes 7,^profaiu man, «nn o-ilj adam dharuRph. Job 34. jD That tbely^crite re^not. lest the peo. Z.Uypocrits, actor, uTroKpir'fis hupokrites. Matt. 6. 2 as the hypocrites do in the synagogues an4 6. 5 thou Shalt not be as the hypocrites (are) 6. i5 when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of 7. 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out «S- 7 hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of 16. 3 [hypocrites], ye can discern the face of the 32. 18 Jesus.. said, Wliy tempt ye me.. hypocr.? *3' '3i 1 5, 23, 26, 27, 29 woe unto you .hypocrites 23. 14 [Woe unto you. .Pharisees, hypocrites!] 24. 51 appoint, .his portion with thehypocrites Mark 7. 6 Well hath Esaias prophesiedof you hypo. Luke 6. 42 Thou hypocrite, cast out iirstthe beam 11. 44 [Woe unto you. . Pharisees, hypocrites, for] 12. 56 hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the 13. 15 hypocrite, dothnot each one of you on the HTPOCiaST, without — Without hypocrisy or dissimulation, hmviicpniKOi. Jas. 3 17 without partiality, and withouthypocrisy HYPOCRITICAL — Profaiie, ''{in chaneph. Psa. 35. 16 With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they Isa 10. 6 I will send him against an hypocrijiicai HYSSOP — 1. Hyssop, organy, 311N ezoh. E.>;odi2 22 ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip Lev 14. 4, 4gandcedarwood,andscarlet,andhyssop 14. 6 cedar wood . and the scarlet, and the hyssop 14 51 cedarwood, and the hyssop, and the scar. 14. 52 with the cedarwood, and with the hyssop Uumig. 6 take cedar wood, and hys5op,a,nd scarlet ig. 18 shall take hyssop, and dip (it) in the water I Ki.. 4. 33 the hyssop that springeth out of the waU Psa. 51. 7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean 2. Hyssop, vffca-nos hussopas, Johnjg. 2g a sponge with viQegar,andput(it)uponh. Heb. g. 19 hs took .. hyssop, and sprinkled . . the book I — 1./, I myself , njN, rjn ana, anah. Ezra 6. 12 I Dariushavemadeadecree; letitbedone 7. 21 I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree Dan. 2. 8 I knowofcertaintythat yewouldgainthe 2. 23 I thank thee, and praise thee, thou God j. 25 He answered and said, Lo, I see fourmen 4. 4 I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in mine ho. 4. 7 and I told the dream before them ; but 4. 9 I know that the spirit of the holy gods(is) 4. 18 This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have 4. 30 Is not this great Babylon, that I have buUt 4. 34 at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar 4. 37 Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol 1 5. 16 I have heard of thee, thatthou canst make 7. 15 I Daniel was grieved ia my spirit in the 2.1, I myself, ':« am. Gen. 6. 17 I. .do bring a flood of waters upon the ea. 9. 12 Tills (is) the token of the covenant which I i f, I myself, '33!< anoki. Gen. 3. 10 because I (was) naked, and.. hid myself i.I, I myself, iyd} ego. Matt, 3. II I indeed baptize you with water unto re. [This word occurs 350 times so translated.] 5. Me, i/ie erne. John 3. 30 He must increase, but I (must) decrease 9. 4 I must work the works of him that sent 6. To me, i/xol eTnoi. Acts 21. 37 And. .he said. .May I speak imto thee t 22 6 as I made my journey, and was come nigh Rom. 7. 21 that, when I would do good, evil is pre. Gal. 6. 14 But God forbid that I should glory, save 7. And I, I also, Kayd kago. Acts 22. 19 And I said. Lord, they know that, .beat 2 Co. 1 1. 16 as a fool receive me, that I may boast Gal. 4. 12 for I (am) as ye (are) : ye have not injured I 1 Th. 3. 5 For this cause, when I could no longer ?>.Me, /j.e ine. Matt 16. 13 Whom do men say that I the Son ol man 16. 15 He saith unto them, .whom say ye that I 26. 32, 35; Mark 8. 27, 29; 10. [36]; 14. 28, 31 ■ Luke 2 49; 4. 43; g. 18, 20; 10. 35; 11. 18; 13. 33; 19 5, 27; 22. 15 ; John 10.16 ; Acts 11. 15 ; 13. [25]; 16. 30; 18 [21]: 19. 21, 21 ; 22. 17; 25. 10; Rom. 15. 16, 19; 2 Co. 2. 3, 13 , 7- 7 ■ 12. 21 ; Gal 4. 18 . Eph, 6. 20 ; Phil. 1. 7 . Col. 4, 4 9- To me, noi mm Acts 3. 6 Peter said, Silver and gold have I none t8. 10 to hurt thee : for I have much people in SI. 37 he said unto the chief captain, May I sp. 22. 6 as I made my journey, and was come ni. 22. 17 that, when I was come again to Jerusalem 26. 29 altogeth. such as I am, except these bonds Eom. 7. 10 the commandment. .1 found (to be) unto 9. 2 That I have great heaviness and continual I Co. 5. 12 For what have I to do to judge them also 9. 16 I have nothing to glory of : for necessity 10, Of me, nov man. M att 3. n that cometh after me fs mightier than I Mark i. 7 There cometh one mightier than I after Luke 3, 16 one mightier than I eometh, fjie latchet 22. 53 When I was daily with you in the temple John 14. zS rejoice, for ms Father is gieater than I Acts 22 17 while I prayed in the temple, I was in 8 24, 20 any evU . while 1 stood before the council 25 15 About whom, when I was at Jerusalem t Co 4. iS some are puffed up, as though I would not 2 Ti, I 12 able to keep that which I have commit Heb. 8. 9 when I took them by the hand to 11. My heart, •s'p libbi. Neh. 5 7 Then I consulted with myself, and. .ret> 12. Before me, 'iii^t, qodamai. Dan 4. 2 I thought it good to show the signs and 6. 26 I make a decree. That in every dominion [See ffiiso And, even, so.) I also — And I, I also, Kayti kago. Matt. 2. 8 that I may come and worship him also [See also to. 32, 33 ; 16. 18 ; 21. 24 , Mark. n. [29] ; Luke zo. 3; Kom. 3. 7; 2 Co. n. t8, 22; Eph. 1. 15; PhU. a 19 , Rev. 2. 6 1 3. 10.] {See Even.1 I AE THAT 1 ASi, or I AM, .i^riH lEiN n'ntf or n^riH. A name indicating rather the unsearcKablenesa, of God than his mere existence, as commonly supposed. Exod. 3. 14 God said imto Moses, I AM THAT I AM. 3. 14 Thus Shalt thou say . .1 AM hath sent me I in like'wiBB — And I, I also, Kaydi kago. Matt 21. 24 I in likewise will tell you by nhatautho. I have — There is, there are, u*: yesh. Gen. 33. 9 Esau said, 1 have enough, my brother 33. II Take, I pray thee . because I have enough- Ruth. I. 12 If I should say, I have hope, (if) I should I Ki. 17. 12 I have not a cake, but an handful of meal 1 Ch.29. 3 1 have of mine own proper good, of gold I would — //, O that, (Si lu. Gen. 30, 34 1 would it might be according to thy word Num22. 29 I would there were a sword in mine hand IB'-HAE, in?; chooser. A son of David, bom in Jerusalem. B.C. 1030. 2 Sa. 5. 15 I. also, and Elishua, and Nepheg, and Ja. I Ch, 3 6 1. also, and Elishama, and Eliphelet 14. 5 And I., and Elishua, and Elpalet rS-LE'-AJK, Dv'ja' place of victory. A city of Manasseh, but in the territory of cither Issa- char or Asher (Josh. 17. 11). It was near the modern Jenim, at the place to the N. of it, now called Jelama Josh. 17. II Manasseh had . . I. and her towns, and the Jud^, I. 27 nor the inhabitants of I. and her towns , 2 Ki. g. 27 at the going up to Gur, which (is) by I. IB-NE'-IAH, n;p: Jah is builder. A son of Jerohain a Benjamite and a chief man of the tribe in the first settlement in Jerusalem. B.C. 480. I Ch. g. 8 1. the son ol Jeroham, and Elah the son IB-KI'-JAH, .t;3' Jahis builder. A Benjamite whose offspring dwelt In Jerusalem u.o. 480. 1 Ch. 9. 8 Shephathiah. .son of Reuel, the son of 1. IS-RI, ••i?y passer over, Hebrew. ' A Merarite in the time of David B.C. 1015. I Ch.24. 27 Beno, and Shoham, and Zaccur, and I. IB'-ZAUr, JV3X splendid. A native of Bethlehem and a judge of Israel for seven years, after Jephthah. He had thirty sons and thirty daughters ; and having taken home thirty wives for his sons, he sent out his daughters to as many husbands His Bethlehem was that in the tribe of Zebulon, Judg 12. 8 after him I. of Beth-lehem Judged Israel 12. 10 Then died I., and was buried at Beth-le ICE — Cold, frost, tee, chrystal, rnj?, nn'p qorach, qerach Job. 6. 16 Which are blackish by reason of the ice 38. 29 Out of whose womb came the ice ? and Psa. 147. 17 He casteth forth his ice like morsels ; who l-CHA'-BOD, ni33"*x where{is) the honour, inglorioics. Son of Pliinehas and grandson of Eli. B.C. 1141. I Sa. 4. 21 she named the child I. saying. The glory 14. 3 Ahiah, the son of AMtub, I.'s brother, the I-CO-NI'-tJlt, 'iKoviov. The modem Konieh, on the central plateau of Asia Minor, towards the W. and not far ]to the N. of the Taurus chain. This level district was -anciently called Lycaonia (or " domain of Jove"X Acts 13.51 they shook off the dust., and came tmto I. 14. I it came to pass in I., that they went both 14. 19 there came .Jews from Antioch and I. 14. 21 they returned again to Lystra, and (to) I. 16. 2 by the brethren that were at Lystra and I. I TL 3. II wliich came unto me at Antioch, at I., at ID-A'-LAH, rf^tri) memorial of God. A town of Zebulun ; probably Keilah-al-chire, six miles S. W. of Semuniyeh, about three miles S. of Beit-lahm. Josh.ig. 15 Nahallal, and Shimron,and 1,, and Beth. IB'-BASH, tyji; stout, corpulent. One of the three sons of Aln-etam, among the families of Judah BX 1400. I Ch. 4, 3 fatber of Etant ; Jezreel, and lalima. i. IDDO TD' SO, NT festal, opportune. Father of Ahinadub, one of Solomon's commissariat otlicers B.C. 1014. I K) 4. 14 Ahinadab the Eon of 1. (had) Mahanaim ID'-DO, n: favourite. 1. A descendant of Gershoro, aon of Levi. In verse 41 the name is Adaiah, where it is seen that he was an ancestor of Asaph the seer. B.C. 1300. I Ch. 6 21 Joah his son, I. his son, Zerah his eon, ,f 2. A son of Zechariali of the tribe of Manasseh £. of Jordan, in the time of David. B.C. 1015. I Ch.27. 21 Of thehalf (tribe)of ilanasseh .1 the son ED'-DO, '^y;, iiy;, 'f^i; festal, opportune. A seer that denounced the wrath of God against Jero- boam the son of Nebat. B.C. g6o ■2 Ch. g. 29 and in the visions of I. the seer against 12. IS in the book . of I. the seer concerning ge.? 1 3. 22 (are) written in the story of the prophet I. ID'-DO, N'nv, i'ny festal, opportune. 1 Ancestor of Zechariah the prophet. B c. 600. Ezra 5. 1 Zechariah the son of I., prophesied unto 6. 14 the prophet and Zechariah the son of I. Zech. I. I, 7 Barachiah, the son of I., the prophet Z. A priest who returned from Babylon. B.C. 576. Neh. 12. 4 I., Giunetho, Abijah 12. 16 Of I., Zechariah ; of Ginnethon, Meshul. ID'-DO, Wn honourable. Chief of those that assembled at Casiphia at the time of the 2nd migration from Babylon in the reign o£ Artaxerxes Longimanua. B.C. 458. He was a Netlunini. Ezra 8. 17 I sent them with commandment unto I. 8. 17 I told them what they should say unto I IDLE — \. Deceit, sloth, ri'ryyremiyyah. Prov 19. 15 sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger 2. Tobe feeble, idle, remiss, nji raphah, 2. Exod. 5. 8 they (be) idle ; therefore they cry, saying 5. 17 Ye (are) idle, idle : therefore ye say, Let 3. Idle, unprofitable, i,py6s argus. Matti2. 36 idle word that men shall speak, they shall 20. 3 saw others standing idle in the market 20. 6 wentout, and found others standing [idle] 20. 6 9aith..\Vhy stand yeliere all the day idle ? I Ti. s- '3 tliey learn (to be) idle and not only idle IDLE tale — Idle talk, Kripos leros. LuUe24. II their words seemed to them as idle tales IDLENESS — 1. Sloth, mWy atsluth. Prov.31. 27 She. eateth not the bread of idleness i.Lowness, idleness, n'^hstj) shiphluth. Eccl. 10. 18 through idleness of the hands the house Z.To cause to rest or be quiet, tsi^y shaqat, 5. Eze. 16. 49 abundance of idleness waa in her and in h. IDOL — 1. Iniquity, vanity, ]1N aven. Isa. 66. 3 burnoth'incense, (aa if)heblessed anidol 2.Terror, object of terror, .^D'^< email. Jer. 50. 38 graven images, and they are mad upon Z. Mighty one, a god, hn el. Isa. 57 5 Enflaming yourselves with idols under A.Nought, a tiling of nought, idol, Vi>g elil. Lev. 19. 4 Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to your. 26. I Ye shall make you no idols nor graven J Ch. 16. 26 For all the gods of the people (are) idols Psa. 96. 5 For all the gods of the nations (are) idols 97. 7 that boast themselves of idols: worsliip Isa. 2. 8 Their land also is full of idols ; they wor . 3. 18 And the idols he shall utterly abolish 2. 20 his idols of silver, and his idols of gold 10. 10 hand hath found the kingdoms of the id. 10. II as I have done untoSamariaandheridols 19. I the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his 19. 3 they shall seek to the idols, and to the 31. 7 his idols of silver, and his idols of gold Eze. 30. 13 I will also destroy the idols.'and I will Hab. 2. 18 that, .trusteth therein, to make dumb id. f Zech. I r. 17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the Horror, a cause of trembling, horror, fright, n^^sp. < SX 15. 13 because she had made an idol in a grove 15. 13 Asa destroyed her idol, and burnt (it) by 2 Ch.15. 16 because she had made an idol in a grove 15. 16 Asa cut down her idol, and stamped (it) ^.Figure, idol, "rDp, '?pD semel. 1 Ch.33. 7 he set a carved image, the idol which he 33. IS he took away, .the idol out of the house 7. Chief, a cause of grief , 3V5^ atsab. 1 Sa. 3T. 9 to publish (it in) the house of their idols 1 9 to carry tidings unto their idols, and to 2 Ch.24. 18 served groves and idols : and wrath came Psa. 106. 36 they served their idols which were a snare 106. 38 whom they sacrificed imto the idols of C 115. 4 Their idols (are) silver and gold, the work I35- '5 The idols of the heathen (are) silver and Isa. 10. II Shall I not., do to Jerusalem and her idols 46. I their idols were upon the beasts, and upon Jer. 50. 2 her idols are confounded, her images are Hos. 4. 17 Ephraim (is) joined to idols : let him alone S. 4 of . .their gold have they made them idols 507 Hos. 1 3. 2 have made them . Idols acconling to their 14. 8 What have I to do any more with idolaV Mic. I. 7 all the idols thereof will J lay desolate: for Zech.13 2 I "ill cut off the names of the idols out of 8. Qricf, a cause of grief, 3x5; elseb. Jer 22. 28 this man Coniali.'a despised broken idol ? 9 Grief, a cause of grief, ayy otseb. Isa. 48. 5 Mine idol hath done them, and my graven 10. Fcfrm, idol, "I's tsir Isa. 4S. 16 go to confusion . .(that are)maL-cr8of idols 11 Idol, image, fISwKov eidolon. Acts 7.41 offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoice. 15. 20 that they abstam from pollutions of idols Rom, 2. 22 thou that abhorest idols, dost thou com. 1 Co. a. 4 we know that an idol (is) nothing in the 8. 7 for some with conscience of the idol unto CO. 19 (What say I then? that the idol isany th.) 12. 2 carried away uuto tliese dumb idols, even 2 Co. 6. i6 what, .hath the temple of God with idols? I Th. t. g how ye turned to God from idols to serve I Jo. 5,21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols Rev. 9. 20 they should not worship devils, and idols IDOL, tiring offered (in eacriiice) to or unto an — iVhai issacriftced to anidol, (lZa>K6BuToveid6lothu. Acts 15. 29 ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and 21. 25 keep themselves from (things)offered to i. I Co, S i Now as touching things offered unto idols 8. 4 things that are offered in sacriHce unto i. 8, 7 some., eat (it)a3 a thing offered unto ani! 8. 10 to eat those tilings which are offered to (. 10. ig that which is offered in sacrifice to idols 10, 28 This is [offered in sacrifice unto idols], eat Rev. 2, 14 to eat tfungs sacrificed unto idols, and to 2. 20 and to eat things sacrificed unto idols rOOLATEB, — Worshipper of idols, dSoiAaiKarpTis eidololatres. 1 Co, 5, 10 covetous, or extortioners, or with idolat. 5. II if any,, that is called a brother be. , an id. 6, 9 neither fornicators, nor idolaters, no ad 10 7 Neither be ye idolaters, as , , some of them £ph. 5. 5 nor covetous man, who is an idolater, h. Kev. 21. 8 idolaters, and all liars, shall have their 22. 13 without (are) dogs .and idolaters, and mOLATEOUS priests — Servants, ascetics, cnos kcf.iarim. 2 Ki, 23. 5 he put down the idolatrons priests, whom IDOLATEY — \.Healers,nourUhers,hoV:Seholdidolf, J'D'in teraph. 1 5a, IS, 23 stubbornness (is as) iniquity and idolatry 2. Worship of idols, eiSuKuKarpela eidslolatreia. I Co, 10, 14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from i. Gal 5. 2o Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance Col. 3, 5 evil. , and coveteousness, which is idolatry I Pe. 4. 3 banquetings, and abominable idolatries IDOLATET, wholly given to — Full of idols, KaTelSoi\os kateidolos. Acts 17. 16 when he saw the city wholly given to id.. IDOL'S temple — Place of an idol, elSuXeTou eidoleion. I Co 8 10 see thee, .sit at meat in the idol's temple IDOLS — 1. What are rolled about, large idols, D^h'f^i gillulim. Lev. 26. 30 cast, .upon the carcases of your idols, and Deut2g, 17 seen their abominations, and their idols 1 Ki, !S. 12 removed all the idols that his fathers had 21. 26 he did very abominably in followuig idols e Ki 17. 12 they served idols, whereof the LoKD had 21. II hath made Judah also to sin with his idols 21. 21 served the idols that hisfatherserved, and 23. 24 the idols, and all the abominations that Jer, 50. 2 her idola are confounded, her images are Eze. 6, 4 will cast down your slain, .before your i. 6. s l!iy the dead carcases. , before their idols 6, 6 and your idols may be broken and cease 6. 9 eyes, which go a whoring after their idols 6. 13 when their slain . .shall be among their i. 6. 13 they did offer Sweet savour to all then- i, 8, 10 all the idols of the house of Israel, pour. 14. 3 these men have set up their idols in their 14. 4 settethupbisidol3..multitudeof hisidols 14. s all estranged from me through their idols 14. 6 Repent, and turn .from your idols; and 14. 7 setteth up his idols in his heart, and put. 16. 36 with all the idols of thy abominations, and lU. 6, 15 eyes to the idols of the house of Israel t8, 12 hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath 20. 7 defile not yourselves with the idols of Eg. 20. 8 neither did f.iey forsake the idols of Egypt 20. 16 sabbaths: for their heart went after their i, 20, 18 I said, .nor defile yourselves with their i. 20. 24 and their eyes were after their fathers' i. 20. 31 ye pollute yourselves with aU your idols 20. 39 everyone his idols, .and with your idols 22, 3 maketh idols against herself to defile her. 22, 4 hast defiled thyself in thine idols which 23. 7 with all their idols she defiled herself 23. 30 because thou art polluted with their idols 23. 37 with their idols have they committed ad, 23, 39 they had slain their children to their idols 23. 49 and ye shall bear the sins of your idols 30. 13 I will also destroy the idols, and I will 33, 25 Ye , , lift up your eyes towards your idols 36. 18 for their idols (wherewith) they had poll. 36 25 and from all your idols, will I cleanse yuu IF Eze. 37. 23 any more with their idols, uor with their 44. 10 went astray away from me after their id. 44. 12 they ministered t->to thera before their L 2. Images {of tlie sun), D'jorj /u»mmanim . 2 Ch.34. 7 cut down all the Idols Ihrougboutall the Z. Healers, nourishcrs, household jods, D'j-ia teraph, Zech, 10. 2 For the idols have spoken vanity, and tha IDOLS, abominable — Abominable or detestable thing, yr^ shigquts. 2 Ch. IS, 8 put away the abominable Idols out of eU IDU-BIE'-A, onK, 'ISovfiaia territory of Edon. The Greek form of the name of Edom. the •' field ol Edom," or Mount .Seir (■• rugged ") whose original Inha- bitants were called i/orifcs from Hon the grandson of Seir, also because that name {Hori) was descriptive of their name as troglodites or dwellera in caves. Sea Edom, Isa. 34. 5 behold, it shall come down upon T., and 34. 6 hath,. a great slaughter lu the land of I. Eze. 35. 15 Shalt be desolate, O mount .Seir, and tU I. 36, 5 have I spoken against.. all I,, which htfva Mark 3. a from I., and (from) boyond Jordan ; and IF- l.Or,if, 'iNo. Lev. 26. 41 if then their uncircnmclsed hearts bo hn. '2. If, CJ< im. Geu. 4. 7 If thon doest well, shalt thou not be acc.t 43. 9 if I bring him not unto thee, and set him 3.yl ccording as, wlien, TsiKj lutashcr. Gen. 43. 14 If I be bereaved (of. .children), lam ber. i.If, lo, though, ichelher, or, surely, in her.. 2 Ch. 7. 13 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain 7. 13 or If I command the locusts todevour tlio Ezra 5. 17 if.. good to the king, let there be search Dan. 2 5 if ye will not make known unto me the 3. 15 if ye be ready that at what time ye hear 3. 17 If it be (so), our God whom we serve b 4. 27 if it may be a lengthening of Uiy tranqu. 5. 16 DOW if thou canst read the writing, and 5.That, because, '3 ki. Gen. 4. 24 If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly 6. Though, if, that, nh lu. 2 Sa. 19. 61 psrceive,'th3t if Absalom had Uved, end 7. that, if, -h lu. Judg. 8. 19 if ye had saved them alive, I would not 13. 23 If the LOKD were pleased to kill us, he Job 16. 4 if your soul were in my soul's stead, I Eze. 14. IS If I cause noisome beasts to pass through Mic, 2. II If a man walking in the spirit and fake. Z. If not, unless, 'ViS lule. Psa 124. 1, 2 If (it had not been) the LOBD who was on ^.Heel, consequence, because, seeing, ajsy eqeb. Deut. 7. 12 if ye hearken to these judgments, and 10.//; dei. Matt. 4. 3 If thou be the Son of God, command that 4. 6 If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself d. 5. 29 if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out S 30 if thy right hand offend thee, cut it of? 6- 23, 30; 7. 11; 8. 31 ; 10. 25; II, 14, 21, 23; 12. 7, 26, 27, 28; 14. 28; 17. 4; i8. 8, 9; ig. JO, 17, 21 ; 22. 45 ; '3- 30 ■ 24- 24, 43 ; 26. 24, 39, 42 ; 27. 40, [42,) 43. Mark 3. 26; 9. 23; 11. 13, 2s, (26]; 13. 22; 14. 21, 35; IS- 44- Luke 4. 3, 9; 6. 32; 7. 39; 9. 23; 10. 13; II. 13, ig, 20, 36; 12. 26, 28, 39, 49 ; 16. II, 12, 31; 17. 6; 19.42; 22. 4=; 23- 31. 35. [37, 39]- John 1.25; 3. r2 ; 4. 10 ; s- 47; 7- 4. 23 : 8. 19, 39, 42 46; 9. 41; 10. 24, 35, 37, 38; II. 12 ; 21, I32); 13. 14, 17 32; 14. 7, 28; IS. 18, 19, 20, 20; 18. 8, 23, 23, 36; 20. ij. Acts 4. 9; 5. 39; 8. 22, (37], 13, 15; 16. is; 17. 27; 18. 14, 15; ig. 38, 3g; 20. 16; 23. 9; 2s, 11. 11; 27. 3g. Rom. 3, 3, 5, 7; 4. 2, 14; 5. 10, IS, 17; 6. s. 8; 7. l6, 20; 8. 9, 10, II ; 13. 13, 17, 25, 31 ; 9. 22; II. 6, [6,] 12, 15, 16, 16, 17, iS, 21, 24 ; 12. 18 ; :4. 13 ; 15, 27. 1 Co. 3. 12; 6. 2:7. 9, IS, 36; 8. 2, 3, 13; 9. 2, II, IX, T2, 17, 17; 10. 27, 30; II, 6, 6, 16, 31, 34; 12. 17, 17, 19; 14- 35. 38; 15- 2, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, ig, 29, 32, 32. 2 Co. 2. 2, s; 3- 7. 9. n; 5- ImJ; s. 12; n. 4, 30. Gal, I. 10; 2. 14, 17, 18, 21; 3, 18, 21, 29; 4. 7, 15; 5. 11, 15, 18, 25 : 6. 3 : Phil. I. 22; Col, 2. 2c; 3. I ; I Th. ^ 14 ; 2 Th. 3. 14; I Ti. 3. 5; 5. 4, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10; s'O. 2. II, 12, 12, 13: Phile. 17, 18. Heb. 2. 2; 4. 3, 5, 8; 7. 11; 8. 4, 7; g, 13; 11.-15: "• (7,] 8, 25; Jas. I. 5, 26; 2. 8, 9, II ; 3, 14; 4. 11; I Pe. i, 6, 17, 19, 20, 20, 22; 3. 17; 4. 14, 16, 17, 18; 2 Pe, 2. 4. 26; I Jo, 2. 19; 3. 13; 4. 11; 5. 9, 11'. If indeed, tXyc eige. Eph. 3, 2 If yehave heard of the dispensation of the CoL I. 23 If ye continue in the faith gronnded and 12. If also, even if, el xaXei kai. Luke II. 18 If Satan also be divided against himsell 1 Co. 4. 7 now if thou didst receive (it), why dost 7. 21 but if thou mayest be made free, use (it) 2 Co. 4, 3 if otir gospel be hid, it is hid to them thu II. IS no great thing if his ministers also be tra. 13.//, etre eite. I Co. 14. 27 If any man speak In an (onknown) tongue li. If, iavean. Matt. 4. 9 it thon wilt faU down and worship me 5, 13 if the salt have losthissavci;r, wherewith s. 23 thou brjhg thy gift to the altar, and there IP 508 IMAGE Matt. J. 46 if ye love them which love you. what rewa. 5: 47 if ye salute your brethren only, what do 6. 14, IS, 22, 23; 7.[9, 10]; 8. 2; 9. 21; 10. 13; 13; 12. 11; 15. 14; 16. 26; 17. 20; 18. 12, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17, 19, 35; 21. 3, ai, 24, 25, 26; 22. 24; 24. 23, 26, 48; 28. 14. Mark I. 40; 3. 24, 25; 4. [26]; 7. II ; S. 3, [36]; g. 43, 45, 47, 50; 10. 12; II. 3, 31, [32]; 12. 19; 13. 21; 14. 31. I,uke4.7; J. 12; 6. 33, [34]; 10.6; II. [12]; 12. [38]; 14. 34; X5.8; 16.30; 17.3,3.4 ;i9- 3i- [+0] ; 20' 5>28; 22.67,68; John 3. jj; s- 3i» 43; 6-. 5' ; 7- i7j 375 8. 16, 24, 31, 36, S'. 52. 54. [55]; 9- 22. 31; >°- <3; "-9. 10. 40. 48, ST, 12. 24, 26, 26; 32, 47; 13.8, 17, 35; 14. 3, 14, 15, 23; 15.6, 7, 10, 14; r6. 7, 7; 19. 12; 21. 22, 23, 25. Acts 5. 38 ; 9. 2 ; 26. 5 ; Rem. 2. 25, 23, 26 ; 7. 2, 3, 3 ; 10. 9; II. 22, 23; 12. 20, 20; 13. 4; 14. 23; 15. 24; I Co. 4. ig; 5. 11; 6. 4; 7. 8, II, 28, 28, 36, 39, 40; 8. 8, 8, 10; 9, 16; 10. 28; II. 14, 15; 12. 15, 16; 14. 6, 8, II, 14, 23, 24, 28, 30; 16. 4, 7, 10; 2 Co. s- 1 ; 9- 4 ; 13- 2. „, „ Gal. s- 2; 6. i; Col j. 13; 4. 10; i Th. 3. [8]; 1 Ti. i. 8; 2. 15; 2 Ti. 2. s. 21; Heb. 3. 6, 7, 14, 15; ^. 7; 6. 3; 10. 38; 13. 23; Jaa. 2. 2, IS, 17; 4. 15; s- 19; I J?e. 3. 13; i Jo. I. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 2. I, 3, 15, 24, 29; 3. 20, 21; 4. 12, 20; s- fi4.] i5» i5; 3 -I^- 1°; S«V. 3- 3. 2°; 22- 18, 19. , 15.1/ also, iav Kai ean kai. GaL 6. I Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fa. IQ.If, iavirep eanper. Heb. 3. 6 [if] we hold fast the confidence and the 3. 14 made partakers of Christ, if we hold the 6. 3 And this yiill we do, if God permit [See also Also, and.] IP a or any (nian, thing) ought — 1/ any one, el tis ei Us. Matt 16. 24'If any (man) will come after me, let him Mark 4. 23 ; 7. 16 ; 8. 23 ; g. 22, 35 ; Luke 14. cS ; 19. 8 ; Acts 24. 19, [20] ; 25. 5 ; Kom. 13. 9 ; i Co. 3. 14^ 15, 17, 18; 7. 12; 14. 37; iS. 22; 2 Co. 2. 10; 5. 17; 7. 14; lo. 7, 11, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20; Gal. I. 9 ; Phil. 2. i, i, 1,1; 3. 4, 15; 4. 8, 8; 2 Th. 3. 10; I Ti. i. 10, 3. i ; 5. 16; 6. 3; Tit. 1.6; Jas. I. 23 ; 3. 2 ; I Fe. 3. i ; 4. 11, 11 ; 2 Jo. 10; Eev. II. 5, [5] ; 13. 9 ; 14- 9 ; Luke 9. 23 ; Eom. 8. 9 ; 1 Co. 3. 12 ; 7. 36 ; 8. 2, 3 ; 10. 27 ; 11. 16, 34 ; 14. 38 ; 2 Co. 2. 5 ; Gal. 6. 3 ; 2 Th. 3. 14 ; i Ti. 3. 5 ; 5. 4, 8; Jas. i. 5, 26. IF ty any means — Jf any how, ei iroicr ei post. Acts 27. 12 If by any means they might attain to Ph. Kom. 1. 10; II. 14; Phil. 3. II. IP, and — If, ibt.v ean. John 6. 62 and if ye Bhall see the Son of man ascend U also, also if — 1. If also, but if also, el Kai, or e? Se Kai ei-de kai. Lukeii. 18 If Satan also be divided against himself 2 Co. n. 15 if his ministers also be transformed as the Z.Also if, even if, Kav han. Matt 21. 21 but also if ye shall say unto this moontalo tP...ljut — If, even if, kclv kan. Mark 5. 28 If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be 6. 56 if it were but the border of his garment IF haply'— O that, if, iV lu. 1 Sa. 14. 30 if haply the people had eaten freely to day IP, moreover — //; DK im. 2 Sa. 17. 13 Moreover if he be gotten into a city, then IF not, (and) — 1. If not, unless, t^'h lule. Judgi4. 18 If ye had not ploughed with my heifer 2 Biit if not, ei 5e iJ.i\ or fj.'fiyf ei de mege. Liikeio. 6 rest upon it : if not, it shall turn to you 13.-9 and if not . . after that thou shalt cut It ,Johni4. 2 many mansions: if (it were) not (so), I w. Z.If not, cj p.^ ei me. John g. 33 If this man were not of God, he could do [See also 15. 22, 24; 18. 30; Acts z6. 32.] 4:. If not, ihi ixi] ean me. Matt. 6. 15 But it ye forgive not men their trespasses l&ee also Matt. 10. 13 ; 18. 16, 35 ; John 8. 24 ; 13. 8 ; 15. 6 ; x6. 7; Rom. II. 22 ; J Co. 8. 8; 9. 16; 14. 11, 28; JaB.2. ir; I Jo. 3- 21 ; £ev. 3. 3.] IP otherwise — But if not, el Se n^ye ei de mege. Luke 5. 36 i£ otherwise, then both the newmaketh a 2 Co. II. 16 if otherwise, yetasa fool receive me, that IF peradventtiTB — Lest at any time, iiAtnore mepote. 2 Ti. 2. 25 if God peradventure will ^ve them repe. IF so — If, iav ean. Matt. 18. 13 If so be that he find it, verily I say unto IF go be — If so be, it mxiy be, unless, '^i«, -hif ula. Jo3h.i4. 12 if so be the Lord (wilYbe) with me, then Hos. 8. 7 if so be it yield, the strangers shall swalL IF so be (that) — l.If, if indeed, if at least, ttye eige. 2 Co. 5. 3 (If 80 be that] being clothed we shall Eph. 4. 21 if 80 be that ye have heard him, and have 2. If so be, eiffsp eiper (ara). Rom. 8. 9 if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you 8. 17 if BO be that we suffer with (him), that we I Co. 15. 15 whom he raised not up, if so be that the 1 Pe. 2. 3 [if BO bej ye have tasted that the Iiord A town in the extreme 8. of Judah. , Josh. 15. 29 Baalah, and I., and Azem I-OE A-BA'-RIK, nn^a.? '^M heaps of the fu/riher region One of the later halting-places of Israel as they were approaching Palestine. It was on the S. S. boundary of the territory of the Midbar,i.e., the uncul- tivated wilderness. See Abakim. Num2i. II journeyed from Oboth.and pitched atl., in 33. 44 they departed from Oboth,andpitchedinI. I-'JON, jVy heap. A town of Naphtali in the N. of Palestine. It is now called Merj AyHn, and is a few miles N.W. of the site of Dan. 1 Ki.13, 20 Ben-hadad hearkened, .and smote I., and' a 29 came Tiglath-pileser. .and took I., and A. 2 Ch.i6. 4 they smote I., and Dan, and Abel-maim IK'-KEBH, »(5: subtile. Father of Ira the Tekoita, one of David's thirty valiant men. B.C. 1070. 2 Sa.23. 26 Helez the Paltite, Ira the son of I. the T. z Ch.ii. 28 Ira the son of I. the Tekoite, Abi-ezerthe 27. 9 The sixth (captain . . was) Ira the son of I . i-JJJ, 'Vs elevated. An Ahohite and one of the heroes of David's guard. B.C. 1048. In 2 Sam. 23. 28 he 1b called Zailmon. I Ch.ii. 29 Sibbecai the Huahathite, I. the Ahohite TT.T. — l.Evil, VI ra. Gen. 41. 3 other kine. .ill favoured and lean fleshed 41. 4 the ill favoured and lean fleshed kine did 41. 19 poor and veryillfavouredandleanfleshed 41. 21 they (were) still ill favoured, as at tb^ be. Deut 13. 21 if. .lame, or bUnd, (or have) acy ill blem. Isa. 3. ir Woe unto the wicked I (it shall be) ill 2.5r» be evil, VVTi raa. •ler. 40. 4 if it seem ill unto thee to come with me Z.Evil, KatcSs kakos. Rom 13. 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour : th. HX, to deal or behave self — To do or suffer evil, treat ill, VU1 raa, 5. Gen. 4. 6 Wherefore dealt ye (so) ill with me, (as) Mic. 3. 4 as they have behaved the^nselves ill in TT.T. favoured — JSvil, in ra. Gen. 41. 20 the lean and ill favoured kine did eat up 41. 27 the seven thin and Ul favoured kine that HX, to go — To be evil, VT, yara. Job 20. 26 it shall go ill with him that is left in hist. Psa.106. 32 60 that it went ill with Moses for their sake nX savour — Stench, njns tsachanah. Joel 2. 20 his ill savour shall comfe up, because he h. nXTJMINATE, to — To make or give light, ^wri^w photizo, Heb. lo. 32 after ye were illuminated, ye endured a gr. HrlT-RI'.CnJM, 'IXWoikSv. An extensive district lying along the E. coast of the Adriatic, from Italy on the N. to Spirust)n the S., and contiguous to Mcesia and Macedonia on the E. Tlie Drilo divided it into lllyris Barbara on the N. and niyris Grseca on the S. Within these limits was included Dalmatia, which name was ultimately used for the whole' district. Bom. 15. 19 unto L; Ihavefully preached the gospel IMAGE — l.Any filing set up, pillar or idol, n^SfO, matstsebah. Exod23. 24 Thou shalt. .quite break down their Imag. 34. 13 ye shall destroy their altarSj break their i. Deut. 7. 3 break dovm their images, and cut down t. 16. 22 Neither shalt thou set" up (any) image I KL14. 23 high places, and images, and groves, on s Ei, ,3. 2he put away the image of Baal that his f, 10. 26 they brought forth the images outof the h. 10. 27 they brake down the image of Baal, andb. 17. 10 they set up images and groves in every h. 18. 4 brake the images, and cut down the grov. 23. 14 he brake in piecesthe images, and cut d. . 9 Ch. 14. 3 brake down the im ages, and cut down the 31. I brake the images in pieces, I cut down Jer. 43. 23 He shall break also the images of Beth-s. Hos. 3. 4 Trithout an image, and without an ephod 10. I of his land they have made goodly images xo. ' 2 he shall break down, .shall spoil their im. ^Imagery, n'?'ifO mashith. Lev. 26. I neither shall ye set up (any) imager of st. S.Figti/re, idol, ^pp, Vpp seinel. Eze. 8. 3 the seat of the image of Jealousy, which 8. 5 behold . . this image of jealousy in the eo. i^Orief, a cigus_e of grief, ayj; atsab. s'S^. 5.2Z there tbe!yi£ftUieiriuiageB,andD&vidand IMAGE 509 IMPOSSIBLE 6. Image, oSv tsekm.. Oen. 1. a6 Let us make man in our image, after ourl. t. 37 man in his .image, in tlie image of God c. 5. 3 begat., in his own likeness, after his imago 9. 6 slicd • for in the image of God made he m. Nura33, 32 destroy all their molten images, and quite 1 3a. 6. 5 make images of your emeroda, and images 6. II the mice, and the images of their eraerods s Ki. II. 18 his altars and his images brake they in p. 2 Ch. 23 r7 brake his altars and his images in "piscea Psa 73 20 Lord thou shall despise their image Eze 7. 2o they made images of their abominations t6 17 madest to thyself images of men, and di. 23 14 images of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with Amos 5. 26 your images, the star of your god, which 6. Image, Di'i, dSs tselcni. Dan. 2. 31 Thou sawest, nnd, behold, a great image 2. 31 This great image, whose brightness (was) 2. 32 This image's head (was) of flrie gold, his b 2. 34 a stone smote the image upon his feet 2. 35 stone that smote the image became a g. 3. 1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image 3. 2 to come to the dedication of the image 3. 3 unto the dedication of the image that N 3. 3 they stood before the iiinage that Nehuc. 3. 5 ye fall down and worship the golden im. 3. 7 fell down (and) worshipped the golden i. 3. JO shall fall down and worship the golden i. 3. 12, 14, iSnor worship thegoldeninaage which 3. 15 ye fall down and worship the image which 7. Simililvde, form, Ulceness, .njiDn teumtnah Job 4. 16 an image (was) before mine eyes eilence Z. Image, likeness, e'tKuv eikun. Matt 22. 20 Whose (is) this image and superscription ? Marki2 16 Whose (is) this image and superecription? Luke2o. 24 Whose image and superscription hath it? Eom. T. 23 into an image raadellike to corruptible man 8. 29 conformed to the image of his Son, that t Co. ti. 7 forasnauch as he is the image and gloi7 15. 49 the image of the earthy image of the h. 2 Co. 3. 18 are changed Into the same image from g. 4. 4 Christ, who is the image of God, should Col. 1. 15 Who is the image of the invisible God. the 3. to after the image of hiin that created him Heb. 10. ■ I not the very image of the things, can Rev 13. 14 that they should make an image to the b. 13. 15 unto the image of the beast, that the im. 13. <5 as many as would not worship the image 14. 9 If any man worship the beast and his iin.. ■4 1 1 who worship the beast and his image, and 15. 2 the victory over the beast, and over his i. 16. 2 and (upon) thera which worshipped his i. tg. 20 and thera that worshipped his image 2o. 4 not worshipped the beast, neither hia inj [Se^aiso Graven,. molten.) IHA8E, cajved — I. Graven object, SpSjoescZ. Judg [8. 18 fetched the carved image, the cpliod.and 2 Ch 33, 7 he set a carved image, the idol which he 2. Graven objects, D'h'O!} pesilim. 2 Ch.33. 22 Amon sacrificed unto all the carved im 34. 3, 4 groves, aud the carved images, and the ISL&GE, express — Impressed character, xapo-itTrip charakler. Heb. I 3 Who being the express image of his pars IMAGE, standing — Anything set up, niiia maistsehah. Lev 26. I neither rear you up a standing image Mic. 5. 1 3 and thy standing images out of the midst IMAGE (work) — Movable work, D'ysjiif Isaatsuim. 2 Ch. 3. 10 he made two cherubim of image work noAGEay — Imagery, n*51fP maskith. Eze. 8. j2 every man in the chambers of his imagery IMAGES — \. Images [of the sun), D'JBn chammanim. Lev. 26. 30 I will .cut down your images, and cast 2Ch.i4. 5 took away .the high places and the images 34. 4 theiraage3that(were)on high above thera laa. 17. 8 have made, either the groves or the im 27 9 the groves and images shall not stand up Eze. 6. 4 your images shall be broken; and I will 6. 6 your images may be cut down, and your 2. Healers, nourishcrs, household gods, D'ain ierap. Gen. 31. 19 Rachel had stolen the images that (were) 31 34 Rachelhad taken the images, andput thera 31. 35 he searched, but found not the images 1 Sa. 19. 13 Michal took an image, and laid (it) in the 19 16 behold, an image in the bed, with a pil. 2 Ki. 23. 24 the images, and the idols, and all the ab. Eze. 21. zi he consulted with images, he looked in XMAGrHATION — \. Formation, imagination, is- yetser. Gen. 6. 5 every imagination of the thoughts of his 8. 21 the imagination of man's heart (is) evil Deut3i. 2 J I know their imagination which they go I Ch.28. 9 understandeth all the im.aginations of the 29. jS keep this for ever in tlie imagination o£ Z. Stubbornness, nnn?' sheriruth. Dent 29. 19 I walk in the imagination of mine heart Jer. 3. 17 after the imagination of their evil heart ; 24 in the imagination of their evil heart, and Jer 9. 14 after the imagination cf their own heart 1 1 every one in the imagination of their evil 13. 10 walk in the imagination of their heart i& 12 ye walk every one after the imagination j8, 12 we will every one do the imagination of 23. 17 after the imagination of his own heart 3. Thought, device, ng^np machashebelh. Prov 6 rf An heart that deviseth wicked Imaginat. Lam 3. 60, 5i (and) all their imaginations against me i. Reasoning. 5ia\oyiiTfi6s dialogismos. Rom I. 21 became vaiu in their imaginations, and 5. Mind, understanding, Sidvoia dianoia Luke I 51 he hath scattered the proud in the irnag. 6. Reasoning, \oyicriJ.6s logi.imos. 2 Co 10 5 Casting down imaginations, and every IMAGINE, to — l.To meditate, utter, mutter, n;.^ hagah. Psa. 2. I Wliydo the people imagine a vain thing? 38 12 and they imagine deceits all the day lo I.Tn devise, purpose, Opt zamam. Gen. II. 6 nothing which they have imagined to do 3. To grave, devise, work, {ihr) charash. Prov 12 20 Deceit (is) in the heart of them that ima. 4. 7'o think, devise, reckon, 2Vr} chashab. Job 6. 26 Do ye imagine to reprove words, and the Psa. JO. 2 taken in the devices that they have ima. 21. II For they imagined a mischievous device 140. 2 Which imagine mischiefs in. .heart: con. Nah. I. I! There is. .come out of thee, that imagin Zech. 7. 10 let none of you imagine evil against his b 8. 17 let none of you imagine evil in your hearts 5. To think, devise, reckon, 3ori chashali, 3. Hos. 7. 15 yet do they imagine miscliief against mo Nah. I. 9 What do ye imagine against the LoED? 6.7*0 care for, meditate, fif\(r6.u meletaB. Acts 4 25\VTiydld the people imagine vain things? (See also Mischief, wrongfully.) Etf-LA, nr-LAH, Hha\ .-i^o- fulfilling. Progenitor of Micha'iah, who was consulted by Ahab and Jehosliaphat before their expedition to Ramoth- gilead. B.o. 930 I Ki.22. 8(Therei3)yetoneman,MicaiahthesoaofI. 22. 9 said, Hasten (hither)Micaialitheson of 1 a Ch. 18. 7 the same (is) Michaiah the son of I. And 18 8 said, Fetchquickly Micaiah the son of I. IM-MA-WTT'-EL, '^Niiisy God [is) iirith us. A symbolic name given to the child who was announced to Ahaz and the people of Judah as the sign that God would give them deliverance from their enemies. Mat- thew applies it similarly to Jesus the Messiah. See Emmanuel (Matt. i. 23) Isa. 7. 14 virgin shall conceive, and call his name I. 8. 8 wings shallfilUhebreadthofthylaud.OI. IMMEDIATELY — I. From that very (hour), ^fauT^y exautes Acts lo 33 Immediately therefore 1 sent to thee ; and 11. II immediately there were threemeii already 21 32 Who immediately took soldiers and cen. 2. Directly, straightway, (u6(c!>s eutheos. Matt. 4. 22 they immediately left the ship and their 8 3 And immediately his leprosy was cleansed 14. 31 immediately Jesus stretched forth (his) h 20. 34 immediatelytlieir eyes received sight, and 34. 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those 26. 74 began he to curse Aud (immediately] the Mark « '31 (immediately) the fever left her, and she I 42 (immediately) theleprosy departed from 2. 3 [iramediatelyj when Jesus perceived in liis X 12 immediately he arose, took up the bed, and 4. 5 [immediately) it sprang'up, because it had 4. 15 Satan cometh (immediately), and taUeth 4, 16 (immediately) receive it with gladness 4. 17 affliction.. ariseth (immediately) they are 4. 29 [immediately) he putteth in the sickle, be 5. 2 (immediately) there met him out of the 5. 30 Jesus, (immediately! knowing in himself 6 27 [immediately)thekingsentan executioner 6. 50 [immediately] he talked with themf and 10. 52 [immediately] he received his sight, and 14. 43 [immediately], while he yet spake, come J. Luke 5. !3 immediately the leprosy departed from 6. 49limmediately] it fell; and the ruin of that 12. 36 that, they may open unto him immedia. John 5. 9 immediately the man was made whole, and 6 21 immediately the ship was at the land 13. 30 He .went (immediately] out : and it was 18. 27 Peter then denied again: and immediately Acts 9 18 Immediately there fell from his eyes as it g. 34 makethybed. And hearose immediately 16 10 immediately we endeavoured to go into 17. 10 the brethren immediately sent away Paul 17. 14 then immediately the brethren sentaway Gal • I. 16 immediately I conferred not with flesh Rev. 4. 2 immediately I was in the Spirit: and, be Z. Directly, straightway, (vSvs euthus. Mark i. 12 immediately the spirit driveth him into I. 28 (immediately] his fame spread abroad thr John2i. 3 They .entered into a ship (immediately) i. Presently, along with the matter, irapaxpvi^a- liOke I. 64 his mouth was opened immedlat<>iy, and 4. 39 immediately she arose and ministered unto 5. 25 immediately he rose up before them, and Luke 8. 44 immediately her Issue of blood stanched 8. 47 declared how slie was healed iinmediate 13. ij immediately she ivas made straight, and 18 43 Immediately he received hU sight, mid 19. II the kingdom of God should immediately 22. 60 immediately, while heyetspake, thecocli Acts 3. 7 immediately his feet aod ancle bouesrec. 12. 23 immediately the angel of the Lord emote 13. II immediately there fell on him a mistand 16. 26 uuniediately all the doors were opened TSS-WER, "nn projecting ; prominent. 1. Name of a family of priests who gave their name to the >6th course of the temple service. B.c 556. See Emmeb I Ch. g. 12 the son of Mcshillemith, the son of I. Ezra 2. 37 The children of I., a thousand fifty and 10 20 of the sons of I.; Hanani aud Zcbadiah Neh. 7. 40 The children of I., a thousand fifty and 11 13 the son of MeshiUemoth, the son of L 2. A priest in the time of David to whom the chargeaof the sanctuary were assigned by lot. B.C. 1015 I Ch.24. 14 The fifteenth to Bilgah,thc6lxteenthto I 3 One who returned without a gcnealogylfrom Babylon B.C. 536. But it may be the name of a place. Ezra 1. 59 they which went up from Tclmclah I Neh. 7. 61 Telharesha, Cherub, Addon, and I 4. The father of Zadok. B.C. 536 Neh. 3. 29 After them repaired Zadok the son of I. 5. A priest In Jeremiah's time. B.C. 630. Jer. 20. 1 Now Pashur the son of I the priest, who nmORTAL — Incorruptible, &(p6apros aphtkartos. t Tl. 1, 17 Now unto the king eternal, immortal, to IMMORTALITY — l.Deathlessness, a8ai>a(r{a athanasta. I C0.15. 53 and tiiis mortal (must) put onimniortallty 15. 54 this mortal shall have puton immortality 1 Ti. 6. 16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in 2.Incorrv,ption, acpdapcrta aphtharsiq. Rom. 2. 7 seek for glory and honour and immortality 2 Ti. I. 10 hath broughtlife andtimuortality toligbt naanjTABniTY, immiitable — Unchangeable, immutable, i/ierdOfrof ametaihelos. Heb. 6. 17 to show the immutability of his counsel 6. 18 That by two immutable things, in which IM'-NA, VP' withdrawing. A son of Eelem, an Asherite and prince of the tribe B.C. 1690. I Ch. 7.35 sons of his brother Helem : Zophah. and L IM'-NAH, .1)0' prosperity. 1 The first born of Asher. In Gen. 46 17 the name i> given .13 Jimruih in the Common Version, though iden tical with the present. B.C. 1600. 1 Ch. 7 30 The sons of Asher ; I., and iBuah, and 1 2. Kore Benlmnah assisted in the reformation effected by Hezekiah. B.C. 740 2 Ch.31. 14 And Kore the son of I. the Levite, the p IMPART, to — 1.7*0 apportion, pSrr chalaq. Job 39. 17 neither hath he imparted to herundersta 2.7*0 give a share of, metadidOmi. Luke 3 II let him impart to him that hath none: and Rora. I. II thati raayimpartunloyoUBomespiritual 1 Th 2 8 we were willing to have imparted uiito IMPEDIMENT in his speech, having an — One w/w speaks with difficulty, ^oYiActAos m/)gilalos M..rk 7. 32 [one that, bad an impediment in Iii8e|>. | IMPENITENT — Without a change nf mind, A^f tociJtjtoi amelanoe Rom. 2 5 after thy hardness and impenitent heart IMPERIOUS — Ruling, domineering, t\qj\^ .ihcdlctelh Eze. 16 30 the work of an imperious whorish woman IMPLACABLE — Implacable, irrrconcileable, &ly glory (was) fresh in me. and my bow 9. A ccording in the mouth of, 'D? lephi Hos. 10 12 reap in mercy , break up your fallow gr. \0. Inner part, within, no'J9 penimah a Ch.2g. 18 they went irt to Hezekiah the king, and 11. In the heart, 7nidsp; 31P,^ heqereb. Gen. 45 6 For these two years the famine, in the Exod23 21 Beware of him. for my name (is) in him Deut 19. 10 That innocent blood be not shed in thy L 29. II thy stranger that (is) In thy camp, from Josh. 6. 25 she dwellethin Israel (even) unto this day 1 Ki. 3. 28 saw that the wisdom of God (was) in him Isa. 7. 22 shall every one eat (that is), .in the land 12. Under, nnri tachath. Job 30. 14 in the desolation they rolled themselves IZ. Between, )'3 ben E3todi2. 6 congregation .shall loll it in the evening li.ln the hand of, i;? beyad Neh. g. 30 testifleds't by thy spirit in thy prophets 15 Over against, lip leneged. 2 Sa. 22. 25 according to my cleanness in his eye sight 16./u the middle, middle, Tjinj bethavek. Gen. 37. 7 we (were) binding sheaves in the fleld.and 41 48 round about every city, laid he up in the Exodsg. 3 to work (it) in the blue, and in the purple 39. 3 and in the scarlet, and in the flue linen Lev. 11.33 whatsoever f is) in it shall be unclean , and Humi3. 32 the people that we saw in it (are) men of I Ki,, 6. 19 the oracle he prepared in the house irithin I Ch.ii. 22 also he went down and slewa lion in a pit Eze. 14. 14 Though. .Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in 14, i6 (Though) these three men (were) in it, (asl 14. 18 Though these three men (were) in it, (as) 14. 2o Though Noah, Daniel, and Job (were) In n.Up in, among, avd ana. Bev. 7. 17 the Lamb which is in the midst of the th. 18.Frovi, airS apo. 3 Th. 2. 2 That ye be not soon shaken In mind, or 19. Until, &XP'> ^XP's achri, achris Acts.2o. 6 and came unto them to Troas in five days IQ.Through, Sla {gen.) dia. Matt26. 61 able to destroy . .and to build it in three Acts 16. 9 Andavision appeared to Paul in the night 2 Co. 5. to every one may receive the things [in] > Th. 4. 14 them also which sleep in Jesus will God 1 Tl. 2. 15 she shall be saved in child bearing, if Heb. 7. 5 Levi, .who receiveth tithes, payed 13. 22 for I have written, unto you in few words 2 Pe. 3. 5 standing out of the water and in the wa. 21. Into, to, at, ils eis. Msktt. 2. 23 he came and dwelt tn a city called Nazar. 4. 13 he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which 10. 9 Provide neither gold, .nor brass in your 10. 27 what ye hear in the ear. .preach ye upon 10. 41 in the name of a prophet, .in the name of 10. 42 whosoever shall give in the name of a 12. 18 my beloved, [in] whom my soul is well pi 13. 30 and bind them [in] bundles to bum them 13. 33 which a woman took and hid in three nv 18. 6 one of these little ones which believe in 18. 20 are gathered together in ray name, there 26. 67 Then did they'spit in his face, and buffet 27. 31 the veil of the temple was rent in twain 28. 19 teach all nations, baptizing them in the Mark J. 9 Jesus .was baptized of John in Jordan 2 I auditwasnolsed thathewa3[in]thehouse 5. 14 and told (it) tn the city, and in the coun. 5. 34 Daughter, .go in peace, and be whole of 6. 8 that they should take . . no money in . . pu. g. 42 one of (these) little ones that believe [in] ri. 8 garments [in] the way .strawed..(in]thew. 13. 9 and in the syuagogues ye shall be beaten 13. 16 let him that is in the field not turn back 14. 20 (It is) one .that dlppeth with me in the 14. 60 the high priest stood up in the midst, and 15. 38 the VeU of the temple was rent in twain Inks 1. 20 words, which shall be fulfilled in their s. 1. 44 thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the 2. 28 Then took he him up in his arms, and bL 4. 35 when the devil had thrown him in the m. 6. 8 Else up, and stand forth in the midst 7. 1 ended all his sayings in the audience of 7. 50 Thy faith hath saved thee ; go in peace 8. 34 and toid (it^ in the city and in the country 8. 48 thyfaithhath made thee whole; goin peace 11. 7 my children are with me in bed : I cannot II. 33 No man putteth (it) in a secret place 13. 21 which a woman took and hid tn three mea. 14. 8 sit not down in the highest room ; lest a 14. 10 go and sit down in the lowest room ; that i6. 8 the children of this world are in their g. Bi. 14 Settle (it)(therefore [in] your hearts, not to 21. 37 at night he went out, and abode in the m. 22. 19 is given .. this do in remembrance of me John X. 18 the only begotten Son, which is in the b. 2. 23 many believed in his name, when they s. 3. IS, 16 whosoever believeth [in] him should not John 3 18 he hath not beUeved in the name of the 5 45 there is (one) .(even)Moses, in whom ye 7. 5 For neither did his brethren believe in h. 9. 7 Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, whicli is II. 25 he that believeth in me, though he were 11. 26 whosoever believeth in me shall never 11. 52 that also he should gather together in one 12. 36 believe in the light, that ye may be the c. 14. I ye believe in God, believe also in me 1723 that they may be made perfect in one; and jg. 13 in a place that is called the Pavement, but 2o. 7 but wrapped together in a place by itself 20. 19 came Jesus and stood in the midst, and 2o. 26 came Jesus .and stood in the midst, and Acts 2. 27 thou will not leave my soul in hell, neit. 2. 31 that his soul was not left in hell, neither 4. 3 laid hands on them, and put in hold unto 8. 16 they were baptized in the name of the Lo. 8. 23 that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and 10. 43 whosoever believeth in hirj shall receive 12. 4 he put (him) in prison, and delivered fliim) 13. 29 they took, .and laid (liim) in a sepulchre 16. 24 tlirust. and made their feet iast in the s 17 21 the Athenians .spent their time in nothing 18. 21 [keep this feast that cometh in Jemsalem] 19. 5 they were baptized in the name of the L. ig. 22 but he himself stayed in Asia for a season 23. II as thou hast testified of^e in Jerusalem 24. 24 and heard him concerning the faith in Ch. 26. 18 which are sanctified by faith that is in me Bom. 8. 18 with the glory which shall be revealed in 10. 14 call on him in whom they have not beli.? tl 32 God hath concluded them all in unbelief I Co I 13 or were ye baptized in the name of Paul ? I 15 say that I had. baptized in mine own name 8. 6 of whom (are) all things, and we tn hira 11. 24 Take, eat .this do in remembrance of me II. 25 as oft as ye drink ^it), tn remembrance of 15. 54 is written. Death is swallowed up in vict. 3 Co. I. 5 as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so I 10 in whom we trust that he will yet deliver 1. 21 he which stablisheth us with you in Christ 8. 6 he would also finish rn you the same grace 8. 22 the great confidence which (I have) in you 10. 16 To preach the gospel in the (regions) bey 11. 3 corrupted from the simplicity that is in C GaL 2. 16 even we have believed in Jesus Christ 3. 17 thatwas confirmed beforeofGod [in JChrist 5. 10 I have confidence tn you through the Lord 6. 4 rejoicing in himself alone, and not in an. Eph. 1. 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness 3. 16 with might by his Spirit in the inner man 4. 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith Phil I. 5 For your fellowship in the gospel from the 2. 16 I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I 2. 16 not run in vain, neither laboured tn vain 2. 22 as a son he hath served with me in the Col. I 10 and increasing [in] the knowledge of God 2. 5 and the steadfastness of your faith tn C. 10 is renewed in knowledge after the image 17 to meet the Lord in the air ; and so shall 4 so that he as God sitteth tn the temple of 9 lusts, which drown men in destruction and 6 good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus 9 By faith he sojourned in the land of pro 3 put bits in the horses' mouths, that they I. 8 m whom, though now ye see (litm) not 1 21 Who. dobelieveinGod . hope might be in t. 8 in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ I. 17 This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well 5. 8 and the blood . and these three agree in 1. II What thou seest, v/rite in a book, and send 6. 15 themselves in the dens and in the rocks II. 9 not suffer their dead bodies to be put in 13. 6 he opened his rnouth inblasphemy against 17. 17 God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his 22. Out of, iK ek Lukeii. 6 a friend of mine in his journey is come to Kev. 3. 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in 23. In, iv en. Matt. 1. 2o which is conceived in her is of the Holy G. 2. I when Jesus was bom in Bethlehem of J. 2 2 we have seen his star in the east, and are 2. 5 they said unto him. In Bethlehem of Ju. 2. 9 the star, which they saw in the east, went 2. 16 children that were in Bethlehem, and in 2. 18 In Eama vras there a voice hea?d, lamen. 2. ig angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in 3. 1 In those days came John preaching in 3. 3, 6, 12, 17; 4. 13, 16, 16, 2T, 23; 5. 12, 15, t6, 19, ig, 25 28, 4S, [48]; 6. t, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 9, 10, 18, 18, 20, 23, 29, 7. 3, 3, 4, II, 15, 21. 22; 8, 10, II, [13,] 24, 32; g. 4i 10, 3f, 33, 35; 10. II, 15, 16, 17, ig, 20, 23, 27, 27, 28, 32, 33; 11. I, 2, 6, 8, 8, II, 16, 21, 21, 21, 23, 23, 24; 12. s, 5, ig, (21,] 32, 32, 36, 40, 40, 41, 42. 50 ; 13. 3, 10, 13, ig, 21, 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35. 40. 43. 44. 54. 57. 57. 57 ; '4- 2. 3. »o. 33 ; i5- 32. 33 ; i6- 17. '9. 19. 27. 28 ; 17. 5, 22; 18. I, 2, 4, 6, to, to, 14, 18, 18, 19, 20; ig. 21, 28, 20. 3, 17, 21 ; 21. 8, 8, g, 9, 12, 14,15, 22, 28, 32, 33, 41,42, 42; 22. 13, 16, 28, 30, 30, 36, 43; 23. 6 7, [g,] 30, 30, 34, 39; 24. 14, 15, 16, 18, ig, 26, 26, 30, 38, 40, 45, 48, 50, 50; 25. 4. '3. [»8,1 25. 3'. 36. 39. 43. 44! 26. 6, 6, 13,23, 29, 55, 55, 69 ; 27. [5,] 40, 60, 60 ; 28. 18. Mark i. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 19, 20, 23, [39, 45] ; 2. 6, 8 15, 20: 3. 23; 4. 1, 2, II, [15,] 17,28, 36; 5. s 5, 13, 20, 27, 30, 30; 6. 2, 4, 4, [11,] 14, 17, 27, 29, 47, 48, 51, 56; 8. I 14, 26, 38, 38 ; 9. 33, 36, 41, 50 ; 10. [10,] 2:. 30, 30, 32, 37, 52; II. 9, [10,] ic, 15, 23, 25, [26,] 27; 12. 11,23, 5. 2S. 3Si 38, 38, 38, 39 ; 13. II, 14, 17, 24, 2S, 26, J2 ; 14. 3, 3, 25, [30.] 49> 66 ; IS- 7. [291] 4t. 46 ; 16. ti=. I'J 1 Th. 4. 2 Th. 2. I Ti. 6. Phra. Heb. II. Jas. 3. 1 Pe. 2Pe. J Jo. Bev. TN 511. IN Luke t. 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, t8, 21, 22,25, 26, 31, 36, 39, 41, 14, 66, 69, 75, 79, 80 ; 2. 1, 7, 7, 8, ir, 12, 14, :6, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25.29. 34. [38,]43. 44. 46,46, 5': 3- '. 2. 4. 4. '5. '7. 20,22; 4. 2, 5, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, [23,) 24, 25, 25, 27, 28, 33, (44]; 5. 7. 12, 22, 29, 35 ; 6. 12, 12, 23, 23, 41, 41, 42, 42, 42 ; 7. 9, 21, 23, 25, 25, 28, 32, 37, 37 ; 8. 10, 13, 15, 27, 27 ; 9. 12, 36, 31, 36, 57 ; xo. 7, 9, 12, 13, 13, 13, 20, 20, 21, 20 ; 11. 1, [2, 2,] 21, 31, 32, 35, 43, 43 ; 12. I. 3, 3, 3, 12, IS, 27. 28, 33. 38. 38j 42, 45. 46, 52. 58 ; I3'4. M 6, 10, 14, '4, '9. 26. 28, 29, 35 ; 14. 15 ; 15, 4, 7, 25 ; 16. 10, 10, lo, 10, n, 12, «3. 23. 23. 24, 25; 17. 6, [24,) 26, 26, 28, 31, 31,3 I, [36] ; iB. 2, 3, 22, 30, 30 ; 19. 17, 20, 30, 36, 38. 38, 38, 42, 44, 45, 47 ; 20. I, 33, 42, 46, 46, 46 ; 21. 6, i9i 21, 21, 21, 23, 25, 27, 37, 38 ; 2i. 16, 20, 28, 30, 37, [44,] 53, 55 ; 23. 4, 9, 14, 19, 22, 29, 31, 31, 40, 43, 53; 24. 4, 6, [18,] 18, 19, 27, 35, 35, 36, 38, 44, 49. 53- John I. I, 2, 4, 5, 10, 23, 28, 45, 47; 2. t, ti, 14, jg, 20, ^3. (23.1 25 ; 3- ['3.1 '4> 21, 23 ; 4. 14, 20, 20, 21. 23, 24, 31, 37. 44. 53; 5- 3. 13. «4> 26. 26. 28, 35, 38, 39, 42, 43, 43 ; 6- 10, 31, 45, 49, 53, 56, 56, 59, 59, 61 ; 7. I, I, 4, 9, 10, 18 28, 37 ; 8. [3, 3, 5, 9], 12, 17, 20, 20, 21, 24, 24, 31, 35, 37, 44. 44 ; 9- 3. 5. 30. 34 ". 'o. 23, 23, 25, 34, 38, 38 ; it. 6, 9, 10, 10, 17, 20, 24, 30, 31, 38, 56 ; 12. 13, 25, 35, 46, 48 ; 13. I. 31, [32,] 32 ; '4- 2, 10, 10, 10, II, II, 13, 13, 14, 14, 17, 2o, 20,20,26, 30; 15.2,4,4, 4,4,5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8,9, 10, 10, II, 16, 25; 16.23,23,24,25,25,26,33,33; 17. 10, II, II, [12,] 12,13, 13, 21, 21, 21, 23, 23, 26, 26 ; 18. 20, 20, 20, 26, 38 ; 19. 4, 6, 41, 41, 41 ; 20. 12, 25, 30. Acts I. 7, 8, [8,] 10, 15, 15, 20, 20: 2. 17, i3, ig, 22, 46; 3, 6, 26; 4. 7. [i2,]24; 5. 4, 4, 12, 18, 2o, 22, 25, 25, 34, 37, 42; 6. 1, I, 7, 15 ; 7. 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7> ['2,1 16, 17, 20, 20, 22, [22,] 29, 30, 30, 34, 35, 36, 36, 36, 38, 38, 38, 41, 41, 42, 42, 44, 48 ; 8. 8, 9, 21, 33 ; 9. lo^ II, [12,] 17, 20, 21, 25, 27, 27, 29, 37, 37, 43; 10. I, 3, 12, 17, 30, 30, 32, 35, 39, [39,] 48; ir. 5. 5. 13, 22, 26, 27, 29; 12. 5, 7 ; 13. 5, 17, 18, 19, 33, 35, 40, 41 ; 14. I, 15, 16, 25 ; 15. 21, 35; 16. 3, 6, 12, 18, 32, 36 ; 17. 11, 16, 17, 17, 32, 24, 24, 28, 31, 31 ; 18. 4, 9, 10, 18, 24, 26 ; ig. g, 16, zf, 3g ; 20. 8, 10, 16 ; 21, 27, 29 ; 22. 3, 3, 17, 17; 23. 6, g, 35; 24. 12, 12, [14,] 18, [20I; 25. 5; 26. lo, 21, 26 ; 27. 21, 27, 31, 37 ; 28. 7, 9, II, II, 18, 30. Kom. I. a, 7r 9, 17, t8, 19, 21, 27, ?7, [28]; 2. i, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 28, 29 ; 3. 4, 16, 24, 25 ; 4. 10, 10, ID, 10 ; 5. z, 3, 5, II, 13, 17; 6.2,4, 12, [12]; 7. 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 17, 18, 18, 20, 23, 23 ; 8. I, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, II, II, 37, 3g ; 9. I, I, 7, 17, 25, 26, [28,] 33 ; 10. 6, 8, 8, g ; 12. 4, 5 ; 13. 9, 13 ; H- S, J7. i8, 22 ; 15. 13, 13, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31 ; i6. 2, a, 3. 7. 8, g, f.o, II, 12, [12,) 13, 22. 1 Co. I. 2, 4, s, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10, 21, 30, 31 ; 2. 3, 3, 3; 4, 5, 5, 7, II, 13; 3- I, l6, 18, 19, 21, 4. 2, 6, 10, 15, 15, 17, 17, 17, ",20, 20, 2j; 5. 4,5, g; 6.4,11,19, 20, [20]; 7. 15, 17, 18, 20, 20,22,24,24,37, 37,39; 8.4,5, 7, 10; 9- I. 2, 9, 18, 24; 10. 2, 2, 5, 8, 25; II. II, 13, 18, 2«, 22, 25; 12. 6, 18, 25, 28; 14. 10, 19, 19, 21,- 25, 28, 33, 34, 35; 15. 1, 17, 18, 19, 19, 22, 22, 23, 28, 31, 41, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 43, 52, 52, 58 ; 16. II, 13, 19- 24- 2 Co. 1. I, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 12, 14, 19, 20, [20,] 2z; 2. I, 10, 14, 14, 15, 15, 17; 3. 2, 3, 3, [7, 9,] 10, 14 ; 4- 2. 4, 6. 6. 7. 10. 10, II, 12, 12; 5. I, 2,4,6, II, 12, 17, ig, 21 ; 6. 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4.4. 5. 5. 5.5. 5. 5. '2. 12, 16; 7. i, 3,9, 11, [11,] 14, 16, 16; 8. a. 7, 7, 10, 18, 20, 22; 9. 3, 4, 8, n ; 10. 3, 6, 14, 16, 17; 11. 5 9, 10, 10, 12, 17, 23, 23, 23, 23, 25, 26, e6, 26, [27,] 27, 27, 27, 87, 32, 33 ; 12. 2, 2, 3, 5, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, !p, 14, (12,) f9 ; 13- 3. 3, [4.] 5. S- Gal. I. 13, 14, 14, 16, 22, 24 ; 2. 4, zo, 20 ; 3. 8, 10, 10, 12, 19, 26, 28; 4. 14, 18, 19, 25; -5. 6, 14, 14: 6. I, I, 6, 12, 13, 14, [15.] '7- „ , , Eph. 1. 1, 3, [3,] 4, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, [10,] 10, II, 12, 13, T3, 15,17, 18, 20,20, 21, 21, 23; 2. 2, 2, 3, 4, 6,6, 7, 7, lo, 10, SI, II, 12, 13,15,15,15,16,21, 21 22; 3. 3, 4. [5.3 6. 9. '°. ii, 12, 15, 17, 17, 20, 21 ; 4. 2, 3, 4, 6, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 21, 24; 5. 2, 5, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24; 6. [i,] 4, 5, 9, 10, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20, 20, 21, 24. Phil. 1. 1, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 13, 13, 14, 18, 20, 20, 22, [24,] 26, 27, 28, 30, 30; 2. I, 5, 5,6, 7, 12, 12, 13, [is,] is, 19, 24, 29; 3- 1. 3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 9, 14. 19, 20; 4- ". 2, 3. 3. 4. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, ig, 21. Col. I. 2, 4, s, 5. 6, 6, 6, B, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 24, 27, 28, 28, 2g; 2. I, 2, 3, 6, 7, [7,] 9, 10, ii, II, 12, 12, [13,] 15, 16, 16, 16, 18, 20, 23, 23; 3. 3, 4, 7, 7, II, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 22; 4. I, 2, 5, 7, 12, 12, 13, 13, IS, 16, 17. 1 Th. I. I, 5, 5j 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 ; 2. 2, 3, 13, 14, 14 '< 3- 2. 8, 13; 4. 4, 5, 6, 10, 16, 17; 5. 2, 4, 12, 13, 18, z8. 2 Th. I. I, 4, 4, 4, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12; 2. 6, [10, 13,] 17 ; 3. 4, 6, 17. 1 Ti.i. 2, 4, 13, 14, i6;,2. 2, 2, [7,]7.9, II, 12, 14,15; 3. 4. o, II, 13. 13, 15, 16, 16, 16; 4. 1, 2, 12, 12, 12, [12,] 12, 12, 14; 5. 17; 6. 17, [17,] 18. 2 Ti. 1. 1, 3. 5, 5, 5, 6, g, 13, 13, 14, 15. 17. " ; 2. 1, 1 7< 9, 10, 20, 25 ; 3. 1, 12, 14, 15, 16 ; 4. 5. Titus I. s, 13; 2. 3, 7, 9, 10, 12; 3. 3, 13. J?iim. 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 16, 20, 20, 23. Heb. 2. 8, 12, i8; 3. 2, s, 8, 8, 11, 12, 12, 15, 17; 4. 3, 5, 7 ; S- 6, 7 ; 6. 17. 18 ; 7. 10 ; 8. i, 5, 9, g, 13 ; g. 2, 4, 23 : 10, 3, 7, 22, 32, [34, 34,] 38 ; II. 9, 18, 19, [26,] 37, 37, [38] ; 12. 23 ; 13. 3, 4, 9. 18, 21, 21. Jas.^1. 6, 8, g, 10, II, 23, 25, 27; 2. a, 2, 4, s, 10. 16 ! 3- 2, 14, 18; 4. I, 5, 16; 5. 5, M- 1 Pet. I. 4, s, 6, II, 14, IS, 17, 22 ; 2. [6,] 6, 12, 22, 24 ; 3. 4, 15, IS, 16, 19, 20; 4. [1,] 2, 3, 4, II, 19; s. 6, 9, 14. 2 Pet. 1.4,12,13,18, 19, 19; 2.10. 12, 13, 18; 3. I, [10,] 10, 10, II, 13, 14, 16, 16, 16, 18. 1 John I. 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10; 2. 4, 5. s> 6, 8, 8, 9, g, 10, 10, 11, 11, 14, 15, IS, 16, 24, 24, 24, [24,] 27, 27, 28; 3. s, 6,'9, 10, 14, 13, 17, 24, 24, 24; 4. 2, [3,]3,4, 4, 9, 10, 12, 12, 13, 13, 15, IS. 16, 16, 16, 17, I7,'i7, 18, 18 ; 5. [7, 8,] 10, II, 19, 20, 20. 2 Johu I. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, g ; 3 John i, 3, 4 ; Jude 10, 12, [18,] 20, 23. Kev. I. 6, 4, 5, 9, [9,] 9, 10, [n,] 13, 15,16,16; 2. 1, 1, 7, 12, [13,] 18, 24 ; 3. 1, 4, 4. 5, 7. 12, 21.21; 4. 1,2, 2, 4,6; S. 3. 6, 6, 13, 13 ; 6. 5, 6 ; 7.9,14,15; S.i,gn 9.6,10, xi,X7,i9, [i9];io.'2,6,6,6, 7, 8, 9, lo; 11, i, [6,] iz, 13, iSi [19,1 19:12. I, 3. 7, 8, !o, 12; 13. 6, 8, 12; 14.. s, 6, 13,14,17; 15.1,1,5; '63:17.3,4; 18. 6, 7, 8, [10,] 19, 19, 22, 22, E2, {23,1 23, 24 ; 19. I, II, 14, 17, 17 ; 20. 6, 8, 12, 13, 13, 15; 21. 8, 10, [14,] 22, [23, 24,] 27; 22. 2,3, 18, 19. 24. On, upon, over, i-ni (gen.) epi. Matt. 2. 22 ho heard that Archelana did reign [in] Jn. 4. 6 and in (their) hands they shall bear theo 6. lo Tliy kingdom come. Thy will be done in 18. 16 that in the mouth of two or three witn. 19. 28 when the Son of man shall sit in the thr. 21. 19 when he saw a fig tree in the way, he come 23. 2 The scribes and the Pharisees sitin Moses' 24. 30 coming in the clouds of heaven with po. 26. 64 sitting, .and coming in the clouds of Uca. 28. 18 power is given unto mo in heaven and in Mark 4. 31 seed, which when it is sown in the earth 4. 31 [is less than all the seeds that be in the] 8. 4 satisfy. . with bread here in the wilderness? 12. 14 but teachest the v/ay of God in truth : la 12. 26 howin the bush God spake unto him, say. Luke 4. 1 1 And in (their) hands they shall bear theo 5. 18 men brought in a bed a man which was 6. 1 7 he came down with them, and stood in the II. 2 [Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in ea.] 17. 34 that night shall be two (men) In one bed 21. 23 there shall be great distress m the land Johnig. 13 brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the Acts 8. 28 sitting in his chariot read Esaias the pr. 20. 9 there sat in a window a certain young m. Rom. 1. 9 make mention of you always in my pray. 1 Co, 8. 5 called gods, whether in heaven or in earth 2 C0.13. 1 In the mouth of two or three witnesses Eph. 1. 16 thanks, .making mention of you in my p. Col. I. 16 that are in heaven, and that are in eai-th I. 20 whether, .things in earth, or things in h. I Ta. X. 2 making mention of you in our prayers 1 Ti. 6. 17 nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the Plim. 4 making mention of tliee. .in my prayers Heb. I. 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by 8. 10 write them in their hearts : and I will bo «o. 16 mylaw3..[m) their minds will I write them r Pe. I. 20 was manifest in these last times for you 2 Pe. 3. 3 there shall come in the last days scoffers Rev. I. 20 8tar3v/hichthousawest[in]myrighthand 5. 13 under the earth, and such as are in the 9. 4 have not the seal of God in their forehe. «i. 8 there dead bodies (shall lie) in the street 13. 16 in their right hand, or [in] their foreheads 14. I Father's name written in their foreheads 14. 9 and receive (his) mark in his forehead, or iS. 17 aU the company in ships, and sailors, and 22. 4 and his name (shall be) in their foreheads 25. On, v.pon, over, iirl (dat.) epi. Matt 13. 14 [in] them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esa. 14. 8 Give me. .John Baptist's head in a char. 14. II his head was brought in a chaiger, and 18 5 shall receive one such little child in my 24. 5 many shall come in my name, saying, I Mark 4. 38 he was [in] the liinder part of the ship, asl. 5.33 knowing what was done [in] her, came and 6. 25 give me by and by in a charger the head 6. 28 brouglit his head in a charger, and gave 6. 55 began to carry about in beds those that g. 37 shall receive one of such children in my g. 39 no man which shall do a miracle in my 10. 24 how hard is it for them that trust in riches 13. 6 many shall come in my name, saying, 1 Luke I. 47 my spirit hath rejoiced in God my saviour g. 48 Whosoever shall receive this child in my g. 49 we saw one casting out devUs in thy name 18. 9 certain which trusted in themselves that 21. 8 many shaU comeiumyname, saying, lam 24. 47i that repentance, .should be preached in Acts 2. 26 inoreover also my flesh shall Test in hope '~ 2. 38 be baptised every one of you [in] the name '3. II the people ran together unto them in the 4. 17 apeak henceforth to no man in this name 4. 18 they, .commanded them not to. .teach in S. 28 that ye should not teach in this name? and 5. 40 commanded that they shoiUd not speak in 14. 3 therefore abode they speaking boldly in Kom. 4. 18 Who against hope believed in hope, that 5. 2 By whom also we . . rejoice in hope of the 8. 20 him who hath subjected (the same)in hope 15. 12 aroot of Jesse., in him shall the Gentiles 1 Co. 9 loploughiahopchethatthrashethinjiope 13 6 Reioiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth 2 Co. 1. 4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation • I. 9 not trust in ourselves, but in God which 3. 14 the same veil untaken av.ay in the read. 7. 4 I am exceeding joyful in aU our tribulat. 7. 7 wheremth he was comforted in you, when 7. 13 we were comforted in your comfort: yea 9. 14 lo.ig. .for the exceeding grace of God m I Th. 3. 7 we were comforted over you in all our I Ti. 4. 10 suffer reproach, because we trnst in the Titus I. 2 In hope of eternal life, which God. that Phm. 7. we have great joy and consolation in thy Heb. I2. 13 And again, I will put ray trust in him Ani* 9. 10 only in meats and drinks, and divers wa. 9. 26 but no w once in the end of the world hath I Jo. 3. 3 every man tliat hath this hope in him Rev.. 22. 16 to testify unto you these things [m] g, 4. 26. On, upon, over, inl {ace.) epi. Matt 27. 29 they put . . a reed [in] Ids right hand : and 27. 43 He trusted [in] God ; let him deliver him JTark 15. I [in] the morning the chief priests held a c. Acts 9. 42 was knov/n. .and many believed in the L. - 27. 20 when neither sun nor stars in many days a Co. 3. 3 1 ought to rejoice; having confidence in. 1 TI. 5. 5 Bhe that)Bawidowlndced..trustethInO. 1 Pe. 3. s the holy women also, v^-ho trusted [inJGot! Rev. 2. 17 in the stone a new name written, which 5. I I saw ill the right hand of him that sat on 14. g If anymanreccive(hiB)mark..lnhishanct 17. ■§ names were not wrlttcai in the book of Ufa 2o. I an angel., having., a great chain in his b. 20. 4 neither had received (his) mark . . in their 27.7%roujjk, throughout, over against, Kard (occ.). Matt I. 2o angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a. 12, 22 being warned of God in a dream' 2. 13, 19 of the Lord apt^eareth to Joseph in a d. 27. 19 I have suffered many things this day in ad. Luke 6. 23 inthelikemanncrdid theirfathersunto 15. 14 there arose a mighty famine in that lancl Acts 3. 13 denied him in the presence of Pilate, when 3. 22 him shall ye hear m all things wbatsoever II. I the apostles and brethren that were in J. 13. I Now there were in the church that was 15. 23 bretliren ■which are of the Gentiles in An. 15. 36 Let us po again and visit our brethren in 17. 22 Iperccive that in all things ye are too aup. 24. 12 neither raising up the people, .nor in the 24. 14 all tilings which are written in the law and 25. 3 And. .laying wait in the way to kill him 26. II I punished them oft in every synagogue 26. 13 I saw in the way a light from heaven, ab. Bom. 5. 6 in due time Christ died for the ungodly 16. s Likewise . . the church that is in their ho. 1 Co. 14. 40 Let all things be done decently and in or. 16. 19 Aquilla. .with the church that is in their 2 I whoinpresence(am)base among you, but Col. 3. 20 Children, obey . . parents in all things : for 3. 22 Servants, obey in all things .. masters ac. 4. 15 Salute, .the church which is in his house Phm. 2 Archippus. .and to the church in thy ho. Heb. 1. 10 Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the 2. 17 in all things it behoved him to bs made 3. 8 Harden not your hearts, as. .in the day 4. IS but was in all points tempted like as (wo 9. 9 in which were offered both gifts and sac. II. 13 These all died in faith, not having received 28. With, among, f/.eTd (gen. ) Tneta. Marki4. 62 sitting, .and coming in the clouds of he. Acts 15. 33 they were let go in peace from the bret. 29. Bt/, with, irapd (dat.) para. Rom. 1 1. 25 lest ye should be wiaein your own conceU 12. 16 Mind not. .Be not wise iii your own con. ZO. Around, round dbom, Ttepi {ace") peri. Titus 2. 7 In all things showing thyBclI a pattern of 'Sl.Toward, vp6s {ace.) pros. Lukei2. 3 and that which yo havo spoken in the ear 24. 12 [wondering in himself at that which waj) 1 Jo. 5. 14 this is the confidence that wo have in Ixlm 32. Under, {nr6 {ace.) hupo. Acts 5. 21 entered into the temple e^ly in the mom. 33. Within, fira esu. Matt26. 58 But Peter, .went in, and satwiLb the ser. [See also Abide, abundance, act, admiration. Adultery, affliction, arms, array, awe, behalf, bondage, bonds, break, breaking, bring, bringing, brought, caU, cast, charge, clothed, come, conference, continue, cut, danger, derision, distress, end, entangle., enter, cntcjuig, en- trance, execution, fear, gather, go, graff, hedge, held, holding, keep, lie, lodge, more, no, order, ' pool, pour, put, rend, rejoice, ride, run, shut, ileep, sport, spring, step, straight, swim, take, tear, too)^ thrust, trouble, turn, vain, walk, wrap, write.] IN, all that is-— Fulness, k'Sd mclo. Isa. 34. 4 let the earth hear, and all that is therein 42. 10 go down to the sea, and aU that is therein Jer. 8. 16 devoured the land, and all that is in it 47. 2 overflow the land, and all that is therein Eze. 12. 19 may be desolate from all that is therein 30. 12 all that is therein, by the hand of Strang. Amos 6. 8 deliver up the city with all that is therein Mic. I. 2 hearken, earth, and ail that therein is UT a. place — On, upon, over, 4irl (gen.) epi. Markii. 4 a colt tied by the door without in a placp m among — Into, to, at, eh eis. Acts 14. 14 Paul, .ran in among the people, crjringont 20. 29 shall griovoua wolves enter in among you INat — Into, to, at, eU eis. Matt 15. 17 whatsoever enterelb in at the mouth go. IN every — Through, throughout, over against, narit (ace.) kaia. Acts 14. 23 had ordained them elders in every church 15.' 21 For Moses of old time hath in eveo' city 20. 23 that the Holy Ghost witnesscth in every DTit — There, D?> sTiara. 2 Ch. 6. II in it have I put the ark, wherein (is) the IN (no) wise-^ To put to death, TAt muth, 5. I KL 3. 26, 27 give her the living child, and in no w. IN presence, (to be) — .• \. To see, nx-i raah. a Ki.2s. 19 of them that were in tlie king's presence IN 512 INCREASE ^.Before, ffiTpoa-Oev emprosthen. 1 Th. 2. 19 in the presence ol our Lord Jesus Christ HI reapect of — Through, throughout, over against, Kar& {ace.) kata. Phii. 4. 11 Not that I speak in respect of want • fori IN sight of - Before, fiMvpoffOev emprosthen. 'iTh. I. 3 in the sight of G.; Matt. II. z6; Lu. 10. 21. nr. .stead — Jn behalf of, (nrip {gen.) huper 2 C0.5. 20 we pray in Christ's stead, be ye reconcll. Phm. 13 tliat in thy stead he might have ministered [See also Instead.] HI that — I. Because, '5 ki. Deut3i. 18 in that they are turned unto other gods i.On, upon, because, hu at. Gen. 31. 20 unawares, in that he told him not that 3 That, because, tin holi. Rom. 5. a in tliat, while we were yet sinners, Christ IN that they — Whosoever, '6) inasmuchashewhohathbuUdedthehouse 7. 20 And inasmuch as not without an oath INCENSE — X. Frankincense, •ij'ia^ lebonah, Isa. 43, 23 an offering, nor wearied thee with incense 60. 6 they shall bring gold and incense ; and 65. 3 he that burneth incense, (as if) he blessed Jer. 6. 2o To what purpose cometh there to me in. 17 26 bringing burnt offerings .and incense 41 5 with offerings and incense in their hand 2.1ncense, perfume, '"iTiOi?, getorah. Deut33. 10 they shall put incense before thee, and 3. To be perfumed, iq;; gatar, 6. Mai. 1. II in every place incense (shall be) offered ^.Incense, perfume, tap gitter. Jer. 44. 21 The incense that ye burnt in the cities b. Incense, perfume, n"ibi? getoreth. Exod 25 6 spices for anointing oil, an(^ for sweet in. 30. I thou Shalt make an altar to burn incense 3a 7 Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense 30 8 a perpetual incense before the LORD thr. 30. 9 Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon 30. 27 and his vessels, and the altar of incense 31. 8 all his furniture, and the altar of incense 35. 8 for anointing oil. and for the sweet ince. 35. 15 the incense altar, .and the sweet incense 35 28 the anointing oil, and for the sweet ince. 37. 25 he made the incense altar(of) shittim wo. 37. 29 he made . the pure incense of sweet spices 39 38 the anointing oil, and the sweet incense 40. s Shalt set the altar of gold for the incense 40.' 27 he burned sweet incense thereon , as the lev. 10. 1 put incense thereon, and offered strange 16. 12 hapds full of sweet incense beaten smaU 16. 13 he shall put the incense upon the fire be. 16. 13 that the cloud of the incense may cover Num. 4. 16 sweet incense, and the daily meat off ering 7. 14 spoon of ten (shekels) of gold, full of inc. 7. 20 spoon of gold of ten (shekels), full of inc. 7. 26 golden spoon of ten (shekels), full of Inc. [So also V. 32, 38, 44, so, 56, 62, 68, 74, Bo J 7. 86 golden spoons (were) twelve, full of incense 16, 7 and put incense in them before the Lord 16. 17 put incense in them, and bring ye before' 10. 18 laid incense thereon, and stood In t^e door 16. 35 consumed the. .men that offered Incense »6. 40 come near to offer incense before the Lo. 16. 46 put on incer>6e, and go quickly unto the 26. 47 put on incanae, wd made an tttonemeot I Sa 2. 28 to burn incense, to wear an ephod before 1 Ch. 6. 49 his sons offered . on the altar of incense 28. 16 the altar of incense refined gold by weight 9 Ch. 2. 4 to bum before him sweet incense, and 13 II bum burnt sacrifices and sweet incense 26. 16 to burn incense upon the altar of incense 26. 19 the priests from beside the incense altar 29. 7 they, have not burnt incense nor offered Psa 66. 15 I willpfferTinto thee the incense of rams 141 2 Let my prayer be set forth (as) incense Isa I 13 incense is an abomination unto me ; the Eze 8. II censer, anda thick cloud of incense went i6. 18 thou hast set mine oil and mine incense 23. 41 whereupon thou hast set mine incense 6 Incense, perfume, Ou/ilafia thumiama. Luke 1. lo people were praying at the time of inc J. 11 angel, on the right side of the altar of i. Rev. 8 3 there was given unto him much incense 8 4 the smoke of the incense .ascended up INCENSE, altars for — Incense altars, nneija meqatteroih. 2 Ch. 30. 14 and all the altars for incense took they [See also Bum. burning offer, offering, sweet.] INCENSED, to be — To be displeased, heated, .Tiri charah, 2. Isa. 41 1 1 all th^ey that were incensed against thee 45. 24 all tHat are incensed against him shall INCLINE, to — 1 To stretch out, turn aside, way, doion, na^ natah. Judg. 9. their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech Psa. 40. I and he inclined unto me, and heard my 119. 112 1 have inclined my heart to perform thy 2.7*0 stretch out, turn aside, away, n^j natah, 5. Josh.24. 23 incline your heart unto the Lord God of I Ki 8. 58 That ye may incline our hearts unto him Psa. 17. 6 thou wilt hear me, God : incline thine 45. 10 Hearken, O daughter and incline thine 4Q. 4 I will incline mine ear to a parable ; I 71. a Deliver, incline thine ear unto me, and 78. I incline your ears to the words ol my mo. 88. 2 Let my prayer come before thee : Incline 102. 2 Hide not thy face from me incline thine 116. 2 he hath incUned his ear unto me, theref. 119. 36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies 141. 4 Incline not my heart to (anyj evil thing Prov 4. 2o My son . incline thine ear unto my saying 5. 13 nor inclined mine ear to them that instr. Isa 37.' 17 Incline tliine ear, Lord, and hear; open 55. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me : hear Jer. 7. 24 they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear 7. 26 they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined II 8 they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear 17. 23 they obeyed not, neither inclined their 25. 4 ye have not hearkened, nor inclined your 34. 14 fathers hearkened not unto me neither in 35. IS ye have not inclined your ear, nor hear. 44. 5 they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear Dan. 9. 18 O my God, incline thine ear, and hear 3. To cause to attend, z^^i qashab, 5 Prov 2. 2 So that thou incline thine ear into wisd. 4i.,To be bowed doum, incline, TVi& shvuch, Prov. 2. 18 her house incUneth unto death, and her INCLOSE, to — l.To make a hedge or vmll, ti3 gadar. Lam. 3. 9 BTe hath inclosed my ways with hewn St. 2. To set round,, compass, Ipi naqaph, 5. Psa. 22. 16 the assembly of the wicked have inclosed Z.To bind, fashion, 1!s tsur. Song 8. 9 we will inclose her with boards of cedar 4. To enclose together, shut up, avyK\elco sugkleio. Luke 5. 6 they inclosed a great multitude of fishes INCLOSE round, to — To compass, encircle, nris kathar, 0. Judg2o. 43 they inclosed the Benjamites round about INCL-OSED — 1. To nail, bolt, ''KJ naal. Song 4. 12 A garden inclosed (is) my sis*'>r, (my)8p. 2. To be turned round, surrounded, 359 sabab, 6. Exod39. 6 they wrought onyx stones inclosed in oua 39. 13 inclosed in ouches of gold in their iuclos. 3. 7*0 sh2it up or in, "ug sagar, Psa. 17. 10 they are incloBed in their own fat : with INCLOSrffG — Fillings, settings, D^Va milluaJb._ Exod28. 20 theyshalfbe settjn gold in their Inclosings 39. 13 inclosed in OTlchea of gold in their inclos. meONTlHENCS — Incontinence, want of authority, aKpacla akrasia. 1 Co. 7. 5 that Satan tempt you not for your incon. INCDHTINEIIT ^- Incontinent, without sirengiJi, huparits ahratSs. 2 Ti. 3. 3 truce breakers, false accusers, incontin. INCOERTTPTEBLS — Incorruptible, &(l>9apros aphthartos. I Co. 9. 23 obtain a corruptiblei crown, but we an in. IS. 52 the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and X Pe. I. 4 To an inheritance incortruptible, and und. 1. 23 not of corruptible seed, but of incorrupt. mCOEEin'TION — Incorruption, li(pdapa'ia aphtharsia. I Co. 15. 42 It is sown in corruption, .raised in incor 15. so neither doth corruption inherit tncorrup. 15. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorru. ■ S. 34 when this corruptible shall haveput on in. rNCREASE — \. Increase, produce, Sn* yebul. Lev 16 4 the land shall yield her increase, and the 26. 20 for your land shall not yield her increase Deut 32. 22 shall consume the earth with her increase Judg 6 4 destroyed the increase of the earth,till thou Job 20. 28 The increase of his house shall depart, (and Psa. 67 6 (Then) shall the earth yield her increase 78. 46 He gave alsotheir increase unto the cater. 83. 12 and OUT land shall yield her increase Eze. 34 27 the earth shall yield her increase, and Zech. 8. 12 thegroundshallgiveherlncrease, and the 2.1ncrease, abundance, ■i3"jo marbeh, Isa. g. 7 Of the increase of (his) government and B.Increase, abundance, inultitude, greatness, n'?*!P. Lev 23. 37 Thou shalt not .lend him.. victuals fori. I Sa. 2. 33 all the increase of thy house shall die in i.Fcetus, what is cast forth, -\i& sheger, Deut. 7 13 he wiU also bless . .the increase of thy kino 28. 4, 18 the increase of thy kine, and the flocks 28. 51 the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy 5. Increase, fruit, .ixuri tebuah. Gen. 47. 24 it shall come to pass in the increase, that Lev. 19. 25 that it may yield unto you the increase 23. 7 for thy cattle .shall all the Increase ther. 23. 12 ye shall eat the increase thereof outof the 25. 20 we shall not sow, nor gather in our incr. Numi8. 30 the increase of the. .floor, .the increase ot Deut 14. 22 Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of 14. 28 bring forth aU the tithe of thine increase 16. IS God shall bless thee in all thine increase 26. 12 of tithing all the tithes of thine increase a Ch.31. 5 first fruits. , of all the increase ofLthe field 32. 28 Storehouses also for the increase of com Neh. 9. 37 it yieldeth much increase unto the kings Job 31 12 (is)a flre(thatj. .wouldroot outallmincl. Psa. 107. 37 vineyards, which may yield fruits of inc. Prov. 3. g with the first fruits of aU thine increase 14.: 4 much increase (is) by the strength of tho j8. 20 with the increase of his life shall he be f. Eccl. 5. 10 nor he that loveth abundance with incr. Isa. 30. 23 and bread of the increase of the earth Jer. 2. 3 Israel (was) . . the first fruits of his increase Eze. 48. 18 the increase thereof shall be for food unto ^.Increase, fruit, n3?:n ienubah. Deut 32. 1 3 that he might eat the increase of the fields Eze 36. 30 I will multiply .the increase of the field 1. Increase, rn3"]n tarbuth. Num 32. 14 ye are risen up . . an increase of sinful men S.Increase, n'^'iri tarbiih. Lev. 25. 36TakethQunou3uryofhim,crincrease:bnt Eze. 18. 8 neither hath taken any increase, (tliat) i8. 13 forth upon usury, and hath taken increase 18. 17 hath not received usury nor increase, hath 22. 12 thou hast taken usury and increase, and ^.Increase, ah^rjais auxesis. Eph. 4. 16 maketh increase of the body unto the ed. Col. 2. 19 the body, .increaseth with the increase [See Vineyards.] INCREASE, to — \.To strengthen, harden, TOK amafs, 3. Prov,24. 5 yea, a man of knowledge increaseth stra 2. To rise, triumph, r)Hi gaah. Job 10. 16 For it increaseth. Thou hnntSst me (as) 3. To make great, hni gadal, 5. Isa. 9. 3 Thou bast . . not increased tfie joj : they i.To add, increase, 1?; yasaph. Isa. 26. 13 Thou hast increased., thon hast increased 29. 19 The meek also shall increase, .joy in the 5. To be added, id; yasaph, 2 Prov.ii. 24 There is that scattcreth, and yet increas. 6. To add, increase, «]p; yasaph, 5. Ezraio. 10 taken, .to increase the trespass of Israel , Prov. I. s A wise (man) will hear, and will increasa 9. 9 teach . .and he will increase in learning 9. II and the years of thy life shall be increas. 16. 21 the sweetness of the lips increaseth leas, 23. 28 and increaseth the transgressors amcai^ EccL 1. 18 he that increaseth knowledge ijicreaseth 2. 9 I was ^eat, and increased more than all Eze. 5. 16 I will increase the famine upoij you, and 23, 14 she increased her whoredoms : for when 7.7*0 bring forth, increase, 3M niib. Psa. 62. 10 if riches increase, set nati5onil)earKup(9 8. To go up, nhii alah, 1 Kj.22. 35 tfie battle increased that day; and tli6k. B Cb.i8. 34 the battle increased that, day ^ howbeit Psa. 74. 23 the tumult . .Against thee increaseth. cotu Eze. 41. 7 and so increased (from) the lowest* .to 9. 7*0 make or cause to he fruitful, n*]? joarakt 5. Psa. 103. 24 he increased Ills people greatly; ^nilaz^ 10,Many, much, abundant, great; mighty, 3j 9^61 I Sa. 14. J9 the nois&. .went otS and increased : a)ad 3. 3 80.15. 19 the people increased continaiiUj; ^aih A.. INCREASE 613 INFINITE 11. To break forth, up, m, pi3 parals Gen. 30. 43 the man moreased exceedingly, and had 1 Ch. 4. 38 the house of their fathers increased grea Hos. 4. 10 tliey shaU not increase , because they li. 12. To be or become many, fy\ rabah. Gen. 7. 17 the waters increased, and bare up the ark Deut. 6. 3 that ye may increase mightily, as the L. 7 2z lest the beasts of the field increase upon I Ch. 5. 23 they increased from Bashan unto Baal-h Prov 28. 28 but when they perish, the righteous incr 29. 16 wicked are multiplied, transgression inc. Bccl. 5. 1 1 When goods increase whatigood (is there) Jer 23. 3 and they shall be fruitful and increase Eze. 16. 7 thou hast Increased and waxen great, and 36. It they shall increase and bring fruit and I Dan. 12. 4 shall run .and knowledge shall be incre. Zech 10. 8 they shall Increase as they have increased 13- To multiply, make abundant, n^-i- rabah, 3. Judg. 9. 29 he said to Abimelech, Increase thine army Pea. 44. 12 Thou sellest and dost not increase by 1 4. To cause to muUiply, make abound, "15"; rabah, 5. Lev 25. 16 thou Shalt increase the price thereof, and I Ch.27 23 Lord had said he would increase Israel Job to. 17 and increasest thine indignation upon mo Psa. 7t. 21 Thou shaft increase~my greatness, and Prov 13. 1 1 he that gathereth by labour shall increase 22 16 He that oppresseth the poor to increase 28. 8 Hethatbyusury.increasethhlssubstance Eccl 6 II there be many things that increase vanity Isa. 40. 29 to(them thathave) no might he increaseth 51. 2 for I called him alone and increased him 57 g didst increase thy perfumes, and didst Lam. a 5 hath increased in the daughter of .ludah Eze. 16. 26 hast increased thy whoredoms, to provoke 28. 5 by thy traffic hast thou increased thy ric. 35. 29 I wUl call for the com, and will increase 36. 37 I will increase them with men like a Hock Dan. II 39 whom he shall acknowledge (and)increase Hos. 10. I he hath increased the altars , according 12. ■ he daily increaseth Ues and desolation Amos 4. 9 yourflgtreesandyourolivetreesincreased Hab. 2 6 Woe to him that increaseth (that which is) 15. To make great, macpufy, NJy saga, 5. Job 12. 23 He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth 16. To be or become great, .13^ sag ah. .fob 8 7 yet thy latter end should greatly increase 17. 7*0 become great, '^if sagah, 5. Psa. 73. 12 prosper in the world , they increase (in) 18. To increase, grow, av^ivco auxano. Mark 4. 8 yield fruit that sprang up and [increased] John 3. 30 He muft Increase, but I (mustj decrease Acta 6. 7 word of God increased , and the number B Co 9. 10 increase the fruits of your righteousness 10. IS having hope, waen your faith is increased CoL t 10 and increasing in the knowledge of God 2. 19 body Increaseth with the increase of God 19. T( ana^h. Job 34. 6 my wound (is^ incurabletw'ithouttrani'gre. Jer. 15. tS Whyis ray pam. andmy wound incurable 30. 12 Thy bruise (is) incurable thy wound (ia) 30. 15 thy sorrow (is)incurableforthe multitude Mic. I. 9 wound (is) incurable; for It is comeuntoL 2.There is no healing, N9")d ]'h en marpe 2 Ch.2i. 18 Lord smote him with an Incurabledise INDEBTEI), to be — To be indebted, d opheilo. Lukeu. 4 we also forgive everyone that ia mdebted INDEED — l.Jiut, verily, h:}^ dbal. Gen 17 19 Saralithy wife shallbearthee asontndeed 2 Sa. 14. 5 (am) indeed a widow woman, and mine h. 2.Surety, truly, indeed, .ijaK omnaA Gen, 20. 12 indeed (she is) iny sister , she (is) the da. Josh. 7. 20 Indeed I have sinned against tne Loud Q 3. Surely, truly, indeed, o^s^ omnam. Job 19 4 be it indeed (that) I have erred, mine er. 19. 5 If mdeed ye will magnify against me, and i.Surely, truly, indeed, D;ipK umnam. Num22. 37 am 1 not ableindeedtopromotetheetoh. 1 Ki. 8. 27 But will God indeed dwell on theearth? Psa. 58 1 Do ye indeed speak righteousness. O con.? 5. Truly, aK-qOios alHhos John t 47 Beholdan Israelite indeed, in -whom isno 4. 42 we know that this is indeed the Christ 6. 55 is meat [indeed,) and my blood is drink in 7. 26 Do the rulers Icnow indeed that this is the 8. 31 continue (then) are ye my disciples ind. 6. Bui, awd. alia. 2 Co . 1 1 1 bear with me . . and indeed bear wfth me 7. For, yap gar Eom. 8. 7 for It is not subject neither Indeed can I Th. 4. to indeed ye do it toward all the brethren ^.Indeed, nfv men. Matt. 3. ti I indeed baptize you with wateruntorep. 13. 32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds ; but 20. 23 Ye shall drink indeed of ray cup, and be 23. 27 like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed 26. 41 spirit indeed (is) willing, but the flesh (is) Mark 1 8 1 [indeed] have baptized you with water to. 39 Ye shall [indeed] drink of the cup that I d. 14. 21 The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is wr Luke 3. 16 I indeed baptize you with water, but one It 48 they indeed killed them, and ye build th. 23. 41 we mdeed justly . for we receive the due Acts 4. 16 that indeed a notable miracle hath been 1 1 i5 John indeed baptized'with water , but ye 22. 9 they that were with me saw indeed the Eom 6. II to be dead mdeed mitosin, but alive nnto 14. 2o All things indeed (are) pure ; but (it isl I 7 a man indeed ought not to cover {his) n 8. 17 indeed he accepted the exhortation . but 115 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy 3 I me indeed (is) not grievous, but for you (it .^ uoi 2 23 Which things have indeed a show of wis. 'l^ I Pe 2. 4 a living stone, disallowed tadeed of men d.Certamly, ovrws onins Marku 32 counted John, that he was a prophet ind Luke 24. 34 The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appe John 8. 36 shall make you free, ye shall be free ind I Ti. 5 3 Honour widows that are widows indeed J. 5 she that is a widow indeed, and desolate S 16 it may relieve them that are widows md. [See also Neither.) IN-DI-A, nh This country was the limit of the territories of Ahasuerus in the east, as was Ethiopia in the west. The names in Herodotus are similarly connected The Hebrew form Uoddu is an abbreviation of Bnnarhi, which is identi- cal with the names of the Indies. Hindu, or Sindhii, as well as with the ancient name of the country Hapta- Bendu, as it appears in the Vendidad. The India of the book of Esther is the Punjab, and perhaps Sind, i.e., the India which Herodotus described as forming part of the Persian empire under Darius, and the India con- quered by Alexander the Great Esth I J Ahasuems which reigned from I even 8. 9 provinces wliicb (are) from I. unto EtUio. INDIGNATION — 1, Indignation, msol^nce, oyi zaarn. Psa. -6g. 24 Pourout thine indignation upon them, and 78 49 the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and in 102. 10 Because of thine indignation and thy wt. Isa. 10. 5 the staff in their hand is mine indignation 10. 2j the indignatioD shall cease, and mine an. t Co 2 Co Phil .Col Pe Isa. 13. s IxjRD, and the weapons of his indignation 26. 20 hide thyself until the indignation be over 30 27 his lips are full of indignation, and his t. Jer 10. 10 nations shall not be able to al)ide his ind. 15. 17 for thou hast filled me with indignalion 50. 25 hath brought forth the weapons of his in. Lam 2 6 hath despised in the Indignation of his a Eze. 21 31 I will pour out mine indignation upon 22. 24 nor rained upon in the day of indignation 22 31 have I poured out mine indigiiaiion upon Dan. 8 19 what sh.ill be in the last end of theindig. It j6 shall prosper till the indignation be aeco. Nah. I 6 Who can stand before his Indignation? and. Hab 3 12 Thou didst march througli'tlie land iu in. Zeph. 3. 8 to pour upon them mine indignation, .all 2. To be indignant, insolent, ovj zaam. Isa. 66. 14 and (liis) indignation toward his encmiea 3. Wrath, rage, raging, lyi zaaph. Isa. 30 30 show with tlip indignation of (his) anger filic 9 9 1 will bear the indignation of the LORD ^. Heat, fury, .nipn r.hemah Esth 5 9 he was full of indignation against Morde. &. Anger, sadness, prnvocatitm, lyy; kaas. Job 10 17 and increasest thine Indignation upon me 6. Wrath, lyp qetseph Deutjg 28 I.ORD rooted them out in great Indigna. 2 Ki 3 27 there was great indignation against Israel Isa. 34 2 the indignation of the LoUD (is) upon all 1 .Indignatioii, ayavaKr-nats agann/Uesis. 2 Co 7 II indignation,yca..fcar,yea..vohcmcnldo 8.2eal, (i)Koi zclns Acts 5. 17 rose up and were filled with Indignation 27 Bery indignation, which shall devour tho 9. Wrath, eufjioi thumos Eom. 2 8 obey unrigbteoosness, indignation .ani) \0. Anger, opyr\ orgii. Rev 14. 10 without mlituro into thf cup of his lodJgi INDIGHATION, to have, be moved with — l.To have indignation, kyavaKriw uganakleo. Matt 20. 24 they were moved with indignation against 26 8 when his disciples saw (it), they had ind. Marki4. 4 there were some that had indignation with I.Tn be mdigruint, insolent, D]i\ zaam Dan II 30 have indignation against the holy coven. Zech. I. 12 against which thou hast h.-id indignation Mai. I 4 people against whom the LORD hath md. INDIGNATION, to take — To be angry, sad, oyj kaas. Neh. 4. I he was wroth, and took great indignation INDIGNATION, with — T(i have nidignation, ayai/aKTfd) cujanaldeH. Lukei3. 14 ruler of the synagogue answered within INDITE, to — To bubble up, bnng forth, indite, tyrn racluish. Psa 45 I My heart is inditmg a good matter I sp INDUSTRIOUS — A doer of work, ■"lanbp n^P osch melakah. I Ki. 1 1 28 seeing the young man that he was Indus INEXCUSABLE — Without apology or,i.uaito\6yriros anapolog. Bom. 2. I thou art mexcusable. O man, whosoever INFAKOUS — Unclean or defiled of name, Osn riNp? ttmeath hash. Eze. 22. 5 near .shall mock thee .infamous .much nfPAMT — Evil account or report, .13^ dibbah Prov 25. to put theo to shame, and thine infamy turn Eze. 36. 3 taken up in the lips .and (are) an infamy INFANT — I. Suckling infant, h^v nl Isa. 63. 20 There shall be no more thence an Infant 2. Suckling, infant, ■h'y,7i'iv nlel, olal. 1 Sa. 15. 3 slay both man and woman, infant and sm Job 3. 16 not been . as infants (which) never saw Hos. 13. 16 their infants shall be dashed in pieces 3. Babe, infant, ^pecpos brephos Luke 18 15 they brought onto him also Infants, that INFERIOR — l.Lmn, lower. m.H ara. Dan. 2. 39 after shall arise another kingdom inlerior 2. To fall, Ssj naphal Job 12 3 I (am) not inferior to yon . yea, whokno 13 2 do I know also I (am) not inferior unto INFERIOR, to be — To be less, worse, inferior, Tirrioficu hettaomai. 2 Co 12 13 what is it wherem ye were mferior to INFIDEL — Not believing, &iricTrot apistos 2 Co 6. 15 or what .he that believeth with an infld. I TL 5.8 denied the faith, and U worse than an in. INFINITE — y.No number, "i?PD J'N en mispar Psa. 447. s ot great power ; his understanding (is) la 65 INFIRMITY 514 INHABITED 2. No end; yjf. ]'^ en qets. Job 22. 5 wickednessgreat .thineiniquitiesinfiiute? S.iVo end, n^ii V^ eh qetssh. Nah. 3. g'EtmopiaandEgypi.. strength and.. iman. l.To be sick, mensiruous, n-n davah. Lev. 12. 2 to the days of the separation for her infl. 2. To sicken, appease, vjeaTcen, T\br) chaiah, 3. Psa. 77. 10 And I said, This (is) my inflrmity. .the Z.Sickness, disease, n?nQ machaleh. Prov 18. 14 The spirit of a man will sustain his inflr. 4. Weakness, &. shaken. Job 26. s from under the waters, tind the inhabit. Isa. 33. 24 the inhabitant shall not say, I am pick Eos. 10. s inhabitants of Samaria shaU fear because h. Sitter, inhabitant, dweller, 3?'^n toshab. 1 Ki 17. I EUjah the Tisbite. .of the inhabitants of 6. To settle down, dwell, karoiKia katoikeo. Kev. 17. 2 the iiihabitants of the earth have been HTFTABina), to ber- l.To sit still or down, inhabit, dwell, yB) yashab. Isa. 13. 20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall Isa. 45. i3 he formed it to be inhabited : I (am) the INHABITED 516 inherita:ncb Jer. 17. 6 parched places., a salt land and not inh. 50. 13 ft shall not be inhabited, but It shall bS 50. 39 and it shall be no more inhabited for ever Eze. 26. so bring thee down, .that thou be not inhab. 29. II neither shall it be inhabited forty years 36. 35 desolate and ruined cities, .are inhabited Zech. 2. 4 Jerusalem shaU be inhabited (as) towns g. 5 Gaza, and AsUkelon shall not be inhabited 12. 6 shall be inhabited again in her own place 14, 10 it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her 14. II but Jerusalem shall bo safely Inhabited 2. To be dwelt in, inhabited, 3w; yashab, 2. Exodi6. 35 manna.. until they came to alandinhabl. Jer. 6. 8 1 make thee desolate, a land not Inhabit. 22. 6 a wilderness . . cities (which) are not inha. Eze. 12. 20 the cities (that are) inhabited shall be laid 26. 17 How art thou destroyed (that wast) inhab. 26. 19 city, like the cities that are not inhabited 36. 10 tho cities shall be inhabited, and the wa. 38. 12 the desolate places (that are now) inhab. 3. To be caused to be dwelt in, Dg*; yashab, 6. Isa. 44. 26 saith to Jerusalem, Thou shall be inhab. 4. To rest, tabernacle, ]2^ shaken. Jer. 46. 26 afterward it shall be" inii^bited, as in the IHEABITED, to ma^e to be — To cause to inhabit, or be inhabited, a??; yashab, 5. Isa. 54. 3 and make the desolate cities to be inhab. UTEABITED, not — Separation, a cutting off, nnn gezerah. Lev. 16. 22 an their Iclquities unto a land not tnlia. II?HABITi;S place — Heai, site, s^to moshah. Eze. 34. 13 in all the inhabited places of the country XKHABITEBS — To settle down, dwell, Karotxia Jcatoikeo. Hev. 8. 13 V/oe, woe, woe, to the [inhabiters] ol the 12. 12 Woe to thb inhabiters of the earth and of JSBJSSIDUG the wildemssa — Inhabitants of the dry places, D'V^f tsiyyim. Psa. 74. 14 meat to the people inhabiting the wilder. IHHHRIT, to — J. To occupy, possess, bH; yarash. Gen. 15. 7 brought thee . .to give thee this i. 15. 8 whereby shall I know that I shall inherit 28. 4 that thou mayest inherit the land wherein lev. 2o. 24 Ye shall inherit their land.and I ^vill give 25. 46 take them, .to inherit (them for) a posse. Dent. 2. 31 begin to possess, that thou mayest inherit 16. 20 that thou mayest live and inherit the land Psa. 25. 13 dwell., and his seed shall inherit the earth 37. 9 those that wait, .shall inherit the earth 37. II the meek shall inherit the earth, and sh. 37. 22 blessed of him shall inherit the earth ; and 37. 29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and 37. 34 he shall exalt thee to inherit the land 103. 44 and they inherited the labour of the peo. Isa. 54. 3 thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and 57. 13 possess, .and shall inherit my holy mou. 60. 21 they shall inherit the land for ever, the 6s. Q mine gleet shall inherit it, and my serva. Jer. 8. 16 their fields to them that shallinherit .45. I why. .doth their king inherit Gad, and Eze. 33. 34 Abraham was one, and he inherited the 2. To have, take or give inheritance, bni nachal. £xod23. 30 until thou be increased, and inherit the 32. 13 all this land, .and they shall inherit (it) Num 26. ss according to the names . . they shall inh. 32. 19 we will not inherit with them on yonder 35, 8 according, to his inheritance which he in. Deut 19. 14 which thou slialt inherit in the land that Josh 14. I which the children of Israel inherited in Judgii. sf Thoushaltnotinherit..ourfather'8 house Psa. 69. 36 The seed also of his servants shaU inherit 82. 8 Arise, .for thou shalt inherit all nations Kov. 3. 35 The wise shall inherit glory : but shame 11. 29 He that troubleth his. .house shallinherit 14. 18 The simple inherit folly : but the prudent Jer. 16. 19 Surely our fathers have inherited lies Eze. 47. 14 ye shall inherit it, one as well as another . Zeclu 2.'i2 Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in • 3. To take or leave an inheritance, ^na nachal, 7. Hum 32. 18 until the children of Israel have inherited 33. 34 to the tribes of your fathers ye shall inh. 34. 13 This (is) the land which ye shall inherit Eze. '47. 13 This., the border whereby ye shaU inherit ' ^.Inheritance, rhni nachalah. Num 18. 24 tithes'. Jl have given to the Levites toin. Josh ^7. J4 Eiven me . . one lot aftd one portion to inh. i.To obtain by lot, icKyipovofiiw kleronomeo. Matt. 5. s Blessed . .for they shall inherit the earth ig. 29 receive . .and shall inherit everlasting life 25. 34 inh*it the Idngdompreparedforyoufrom Maikio. 17 what shall I do that I may inherit eternal lilkeio. 25 what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 18. i8 what shall I do to inherit eternal life? I Co. 6. 9 that tho unrighteous shall not inherit the 6. 10 Nor thieves, .shall inherit the kingdom 15. 50 flesh and -blood cannot inherit the king. 15. 50 neither doth corruption inherit incorrup. Gal. Si ai they .'. shall not inherit the kingdom of God Heb. 6. le who through faith and patience inherit 12. 17 whenhewpuld have inherited the blessing 1 Pe. 3. 9 knowing.. thatyeshouldinheritablcBsing Kev. 21. 7 He that overcometh [shall inherit] all thi. INHEEIT, to cause, give, or make to — l.To cause to occupy or possess, vy, yarash, 5. 2 Ch.2o. II possession, which thou hast given us to Id. 2. To cause to inherit, give inheritance, Snj nachal, 5. Deut. I. 38 Joshua, .he shall cause Israel to inherit 3. '28 he shall cause them to inherit the land 12. 10 land.. Lord your God giveth j'ou to inh. 19. 3 laud. .Lord thy God giveth thee to inhe. 21. 16 when he maketh his sons to inherit (tliat) 31. 7 and thou Shalt cause them to inherit it I Sa. 2. 8 to make them inherit the throne of glory Prov. 8. 21 cause those that love me to inherit subst. Isa. 49. 8 to cause to inherit the desolate heritages Jer. 12. 14 I have caused ray people Israel to inherit UniEEITAirCE — l.Portion, phn chelch. Psa. 16. s'Lord (is) the portion of mine Inheritance 2.Possession,thingorplaceoccupied,n'^-f'.yerushshah. Judg2i. 17 an inheritance for them that be escaped Jer. 32. 8 tho right of inheritance (is) thine, and the S.A possession, thing or place occupied, n^-jto mor. Deut 33. 4 a law. .the inheritance of the congregat. Eze. 33. 24 saying, .the land is given for Inheritance i.Inheritance, nhui nachalah. Gen. 31. 14 yet any portion or inheritance for us in 48. 6 name of their brethren in their inherita. Exodis. 17 plant them in thS mountain of thine inh. Numi6. 14 or given us inheritance of fields and vine. 18. 20 1 (am) thy part and thine inheritance 18. 21 all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance 18, 23, 24 the children of I. they have no inhe. 18. 26 which I have given you . . for your inheri. b6. 53 the land shall be divided for an inherita. a6. 54 give the more inheritance, .the less inh. s6 54 to every one shall his inheritance be given 86. 62 because vhere was no inheritance given 27. 7 give them a possession of an inheritance 37. .7 thou shalt cause the inheritance of their 27. 8 cause his inheritance, .imto his daughter 27. 9, 10, II ye shall give his inheritance unto 32. 18 have inherited every man his inheritance 32. ig because our inheritance is fallen to us on 32. 32 that the possession of our inheritance on 33. 54 the more inheritance, .give the less inhe. 34. 2 land that shall fall unto you for an inhe. 34. 14, i5thehalftribe..have received their inh. 35. 2 that they give imto the Levites, of the in. 35. 8 give, .unto the Levites' accordingtohisln. 36. 2 to give the land or an inheritance by lot 36. 2 to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our 36. 3 their inheritance be taken from the inhe. 36. 3 shallbe put to the inheritance ofthe tribe 36. 3 shall it be taken from the lot of our inher. 36. 4 their inheritance beput vmto the inherit. 36. 4 inheritance be taken away fiom the inh. 36. 7 Soshallnottheinheritance. .removefrom 36. 7 shall keep himself to the inheritance of 36. 8 every daughter, that possesseth an inherit. 36. 8 may enjoy every man the inheritance of 36. 9 Neithershalltheinheritanceremovefrom 36. 9 shall keep himself to his own inheritance 36. 12 their inheritance remained in the tribe of Deut. 4. 20 to be unto him apeople of inheritance, as 4. 21 the Lord thy God giveth thee (for) an in. 4. 38 to give thee their land (for) an inheritance 9. 26, 29 people and thine inhentance, which 10. 9 Levi hath no part nor inheritance with 10. 9 LORD(is) hisinheritance, according as the 12. 9 to the inheritance which the Loed your .12. 12 as he hath no part nor inheritance with 14. 27, 29 he hath no part nor inheritance with xs. 4 God giveth thee (for) an inheritance to 18. I shall have no part nor inheritance with 18. I they shall eat the offerings, .and his inh. 18, 2 shall they have no inheritance among 18. 2 LORD(is) their inheritance, as he hath said 19. 10 Lord thy God giveth thee (for) an inner. 19. 14 they of old time have set in thme inherit. so. 16 thy God doth give thee (for) an inheritance 21. 23 Lord tUy God giveth thee (for) an inheri. [So in 24. 4 ; 25 19 ; 26. i.] 29. 8 we took their land, and gave it for an inh. 32. 9 For. .Jacob (is) the lot of hisinheritance Josh. II. 23 Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto I. 13. 6 only divide thou it by lot. .for an inherit. 13. 7 divide this land for an ioheritance unto 13. 8 and the Gadites have received their inher. 13. 14 unto the tribe of Levi he gave none inher. 13. 14 sacrifices . .made by fire (are) their inherit. 13. 23 This(was) the inheritance of the children 13. 28 This (is) the inheritanceof the children of 13. 33 vmto. .Levi Moses gave not (any) inherit. 13. 33 Lord God of Israel (was) their Inheritance 14. 2 By lot (was) their inheritance, as the Lord 14. 3 For Moses had given the inheritance of H. 3 unto the Levites he gave noF.e inheritance 14. 9 the land .. shall be thine inheritance, and 14. 13 gave unto Caleb. .Hebron for an inherit. 14. 14 Hebron . . became the inheritance of Caleb 15. 20 This (is) the.inheritance of the tribe of the 16. s even the border of their inheritance on 16. 8 This (is) the Inheritance of the tribe of the 16. 9 among the inheritance of the children oi 17. 4 to give us an ichsritanoe among our br. Josh. 17. 4 he gave them an inlieritance among the 18. 2 wliich had not yet received their inherit. i3. 4 describe it according to the inheritance 18. 7 the priesthood of the Lord (is) their inhe. 18. 7 havereceivcd their inheritance beyond J. 18. 20 This (was) the inheritance ofthe cliildren 18. 28 This (is) the inheritance of the children of 19. I their inheritance was within the inherit. 19. 2 they had in their inheritance Becr-Sheba 19. 8 This (is) the inlieritance of the tribe of tho 19. 9 the inheritance of the children of Simeon 19. 9 Simeon had . . within the inheritance of the 19. 10 the border of their inheritance was unto 19. 16 This (is) the inheritance of the children of 19. 23, 31, 39, 48, This (is) the inheritance of tho 19. 41 the coast of their mhcritance was Zorah 19. 49 the children of Israel gave an inheritance 19. SI These(arc) the inheritances, which Eleazor 21. 3 gave unto theLevites out of their inherit. 23. 4 to be an inheritance f nryour tribes, from J. 24. 28 let tho people.. every man unto his inlier . 24. 30 they buried him in the border of his inh.. 24. 32 it became the inheritance of the children Judg, 2. 6 went every man unto his inheritance to 2. 9 they buried him in the border of his inh. 18. I Danites sought them an inheritance to 18. 1 inheritance had not fallen unto them am. 20. 6 all the country of the inheritance of Israel 21. 23 they went end returned unto their inher. 21. 24 Iheywentat. .everyman to his inheritance Ruth 4. 5, 10 to the name of the dead upon his inheri. 4. 6 I cannot . . lest I mar mine own inlieritance 1 Sa. 10. I anointed thee, .captain over his inherit.? 26. 19 from abiding in the inheritance of the L. 2 Sa. 14. 16 destroy me and my son., out of the inher. 20. 1 neither have we inheritance in the son of J. 20. ig why wilt thou swallow up the inlieritance 21. 3 that ye may bless the ioheritance of the L. 1 Ki. 8. 36 thou hast given to thy people for an inh. 8. 51 For they (be) thy people, and thine inhe. 8. 53 separate them, .(to be) tnine inheritanco 12. 16 neither, .inheritance in the son of Jesse 21. 3 that I should give the inheritance of my f. 21. 4 I will not give thee the inheritance of my 2 Ki. 21. 14 I will forsake the remnant of mine inhe. 1 Ch.i6. 18 the land of Canaan, the lot of your inhe. 2 Ch. 6. 27 thou hast given unto thy people for an in. 10. 16 and. .none inheritance in the son of Jesse Keh. J I. 20 all the cities in Judah, everyone in his in J ob 31. 2 inheritance of the Almighty from on high ? 42. IS their father gave them inheritance among Psa. 2. 8 I shall give., the heath en., thine inherit. 28. 9 Save thy people, and bless thine inherit. 33. 12 people, .he hath chosen for his own inhe. 37. 18 and their inheritince shall be for ever 47. 4 Heehall choose our inheritance forus, the 68. 9 wliereby thou didst confirm thine inheri. 74. 2 the rod of thine inheritance, .thou hast 78. 55 divided them an inlieritance by line, and 78. 62 He. .was wroth with his inheritance 78. 71 feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inh. 79. 1 God, the heathen are come into thine in. 94. 14 neither will ha forsake his inheritance 105. II the landof Canaan, the lot of your inheri. 106. 5 that I may glory with thine inheritance 106. 40 insomuch that he abhorred his omi inhe. Pro V 17. 2 shall have part of the inheritance among 19. 14 House and riches (are) tlie ihheritance of 20.2s An inheritance, .gotten hastily at the be. Eccl. 7. 1 1 Wisdom (is) good v/ith an inlieritance ; and Isa. 19. 25 saying, Blessed (be). .Israel mine inheri. 47. 6 I have polluted mine inheritance, and g. 63. 17 thy servant's sake, the tribes of thine inh. Jer. 10. 16 and Israel (is) the rod of his inheritance 12. 14 mine evil neighbours, that touch the inhe. 16. 18 they have flUed mine inheritance with the 51. 19 aud (Israel is) the rod of his inheritance Lam. 5. 2 Ourinhcritancelstumed tostrangers.our Eze. 35. 15 As thou didst rejoice at the inheritance 36. 12 thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou 44. 28 it shall be unto them for an inheritance 44. 28 I (am) their inheritance : and ye shall give 45. I ye shall divide by lot the land for inheri. 46. 16 the inheritance thereof shall be his sons' 46. 16 it(shallbe)theirpos6es6ionbyinheritance 46. 17 if he give a gift of his inheritance to one 46. 17 his Inheritance shaU be his sons' for them 46. 18 prince shall not take of the people's inh. 47. 14 and this land shall fall unto you for inh. 47. 22 ye shall divide it by lot for an toheritanco 47. 22 they shall have inheritance with you am. 47. 23 there shall ye give (him) his inheritance. 48. 29 ye shall divide by lot imto. .Israel for in. S.TVhat is obtained by lot, possession, KXripovojila. Matt2i. 38 come.. and let us seize on hisinheritance Marki2. 7 let us kill him, and the inheritance shall Lukei2. 13 speak, .that he divide the inheritance 20. 14 let us kill him, that the inheritance may Acts 7. 5 he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not 20. 32 to give you an inheritance among aU them Gal. 3. 18 For if the inheritance (be) of. .law, (it is) Eph. I. 14 Whichis the earnest of our inheritance 1. 18 what the riches of the glory of his inher. 5. 5 hath any inheritance in the kingdojn of _ Col. 3. 24 ye shall receive the reward of the inheri Heb. 9. 15 might receive the promise of eternal inh. II. 8 which he should after receive for an inh. t Pe. I. 4 To an inheritance incorruptible, end und. Q.A lot, possession, K\rjpos kleros. Acta 26, 18 inheritance among them which are sane CoL 1. 12 made us meet to be partakers of tho iD^ INHERITANCE 516 INIQUITY 3NHEBITAK0E, to distxibute far — To give inheritancei '?nj nachal, 3. Josh 13. 32 whichMosesdiddisttibuteforlnheritaQca 14. 1 Joshua, .distributed for inlieritaoica to INEEEtTAKCE, to divide (by 01 for) — l.To have or give iriheritance, hr^i nachoH. Nura34. 18 of every trlbej to divicle the land by inhe. Josh. 19. 49 made an end of diyiding the loud for inb. 2. To give inheritance, i?OJ nachal, 3. Num34. 29 tlis LOED commaDded to divide the inhe. Josh 19. 51 divided for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh 3. To caiise to inherit, Snj nachal, 5. Deut 32. 8 Most High divided to the nations their in. Josh. 1. 6 Shalt thou divide -for an inheritance the 4.T0 take or leave an inheritance, *7n\ nachaZ, 7. Num 33. 54 ye shall divide the land by lot for an inh. INHEBITAIICE, to ei'® (for) — To cause to inherit, hr\i nachal, 5. Jer. 3. 18 to the land that I have given for an inhe. E^e. 46. 18 he shall give his sons inheritance out of niHEBITAKCE, to have ^- To have or give inheritance, Srtj nachal. Num 18. 20 Thou Shalt have no inheritance in their 18. 23 that among. .Israel they have no inheri. 18. 24 among. . Israel they shall have no inheri. Jo3h.i7. 6 the daughters of Manasseh had an inhe. 19. 9 the children of Simeon had their inheri. mHHRTTANCE, to leave (for) — 1. Tc cav^eto occupy, possessor succeed, V'S^yarash, 5. Ezra 9. 12 leave (it) for an inheritance to your chU. 2. To cause to inherit, give inheritance, "jnj nachal,5. 1 Ch.28. 8 leave (It) for an inheritance for your chil. Prov,i3. 22 A good (man) leaveth an inheritance to his IHKESITANOE, to obtain (by) — To obtain by lot, possess, KMipovoixiu] Meronomeo. Eph. I. II In whom also [we have obtained an inh.] Heb. I. 4 as he hath by inheritance obtained a more INHEBITiJf CE, to take (as or for an) — 1. To have or give inheritance, Snj nachal. Exod34. 9 pardon . . our sin, and take us for thine in. Josh. 16. 4 Manasseh and Ephraim, took their inhex". 2. To give inheritance, hm nachal, 3; Eze. 22. 16 thou shalt take thine inheritance in thy, Z.To take or leave an inheritance, ^rjj nachal, 7. Xev. 25. 46 ye shall take them as an inheritance for INHEBirOR — To occupy, possess, eH; yarash, 5, Isa. 65. 9 out of Judah an inheritor of my mount. INiauiTY — l.Iniquity, vanity, }1K aven, N'um23. 21 He hath not beheld- iniquity in Jacob, ne. I Sa. 15. 23 stubbornness (is as)iniquity and idolatry Job 4. 8 Even . .they that plow iniquity . . reap the It. 14 If iniquity (be) in thine hand, put it far 2t. 19 God layeth up his iniquity for his children 31. 3 strange (punishment) to the workers of in.? 34. 8 gOeth in company with the workers of in. 34. 22 where the workers of iniquity may hide 36. locommandeth that they return from iniq. 36. 21 Take heed, regard not iniquity: for this Psa. s. 5 not stand, .thou hatest all workers of in. 6. 8 Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity 7. 14 hetravailetli with iniquity, and hath con. 14, 4 Have all the workers of iniquity no kngv^ 88, 3 with the workers of iniquity, which speak 36. 3 The words of his mouth(are) iniquity and 36. la There ai'e the workers of iniquity fallen 41. 6 heart gathereth iniquity to itself ; (when) S3. 4Havetheworker8ofiniquitynoknowledge? 55. 3 they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath 56. 7 Shall they escape by iniquity? in. .anger 59. a Deliver me from the workers of iniquity 64. a from tho insurrection of the woriiers of in. 66. 18 If I regard iniqultyin my heart, the Loan g2. 7 when all the workers of iniquity do flourish 92. 9 the workers of iniquity shall be scattered 94. 4 the workefsof Iniquity boastthemselves? 94. 16 will stand. . against the workers of iuiquity 94. 23 he shall bring upon them their own iniq. 119. 133 let not any iniquity have dominion over 125. 5 lead them forth with the workers of iniq. 141. 4 wicked works with men that work iniquity 141. 9 and the gins of the workers of iniquity Prov. XQ. 29 but destruction . . to the workers of iniqu. 19. 38 the mouth of the wicked de voureth iniqu. 21. 15 but destruction. ,to the workers of iniqu. Isa. 1. 13 (it is) iniquity, even the solemn meeting 29. 2o and all that watch for iniquity are cut off 31. 2 against the help of them that work iniqu- 3a. 6 his heart will work iniquity, to practise 59. 4 conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity 59. 6 their works (are) works of iniquity, and 59. 7 their thoughts (are) thoughts of iniquity Hob, 6. 8 Gilead (is) a city of them that work iniq. 12. II iniquity (in) Gilead ? surely they are van. Mic. 2. 1 Woe to them that devise Iniquity, .work Hab, I, 3 Why dost thou show me iniquity, and 2.Mischi^, calamity, desire, rnn hanivah. Psa 94. 20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellows, 3.Perversity, perverseness, hiJl, hvi avel, evel. Deat 33. 4 a (}od of truth, and without iniquity, Just Job 34. 10 Far be it from, .the Almighty, .iniquity 34. 32 If I have done iniquity, I will do no more Paa. 7. 3 Lord my God . . if there be iniquity in my 53, 1 corrupt, .and have done abominable iniq. Jer, 2. 5 What iniquity have your fathers found in Eze, 3. 2o WhenarighteouB(man)doth. .commitin. 18, v8 hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity i8."24 when the righteous . . committeth iniquity 18. 26 committeth iniquity, and dieth in them 18. 26 for his iniquity that he hath done shall he 28. 18 hast defiled thy sanctuaries, .by the iniq. 33. 13 if he. .commit iniquity, all his righteous. 33. 13 for his iniquity that he hath committed 33. IS walk, .without committing iniquity ; he 33. 18 When the righteous . .conunitteth iniquL i.J'&rversity, {<;ij) ivya. Dan. 4. 27 break off. .thine iniquities by showing 5,PerverseTiess, perversity, nVij; avlah. 2 Ch.ig. 7 for (there is) no Iniquity with the Ioed Job 6. 29 S-eturn, I pray you, let it not be iniquity 6. 30 Is there iniquity in my tongue ? cannot 15. 16 man, which drinketh iniquity like water? 22. 23 thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy 36. 23 or who can say. Thou hast wrought iniq.? Psa. 37. I envious against the workers of iniquity 107. 42 and all iniquity shall stop her mouth 119. 3 They also do no iniquity : they walk in 125. 3 righteous put forth their hands unto ini. Prov 22. 8 He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity Eze. 28. IS Thou (v/ast) perfect. .tiU iniquity is found Hos, 10. 13 ye have reaped iniquity ; ye have eaten Mic. 3. 10 They build up. .Jerusalem with iniquity Hab. z. 12 Woetohimthat..stablishethacitybyin.! Zeph. 3. 5 The just LORD . .not do iniquity : every 3. 13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniq Mai, 2. 6 iniquity was not found in his Ups : be Q. Perverseness, perversity, nViy olah. Job s- 16 So the poor hatli hope, and iniquity stop. Psa. 64. 6 They search out iniquities ; they'accom. 7. Perversity, \\)), avon. Gen. IS- 16 iniquity of the Amorites (is) not yet full 19. IS lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of 44. 16 God hath found out the Iniquity of thy Exod2o. s visiting the Iniquity of the fathers upon 38. 38 may bear the iniquity of the holy things a8. 43 that they bear not iniquity, and die 34. 7 forgiving iniquity and transgression and 2i. 7 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon 34. 9 pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take Lev, 5. I if he do not utter., he shall bear his iniq. S. 17 yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniq. 7. 18 the soul that eateth of it shall bear his in. 10. 17 hath given it you to bear the iniquity 16. 21 confess over him all the iniquities of the j6, 22 the goat shall bear upon him all their in. 17. 16 nor bathe his flesh .. siiall bear his iniqu. 18, 25 I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and 19. 8 that eateth it shall bear his iniquity, be. 20. 17 sister's nakedness; he shall bear his iniq. 20. 19 his near kin : they diall bear their iniq. B3. 16 or suffer them to bear the iniquity of tr. 26. 39 shall pine away in their iniquity in your e6. 39 in the iniquities of their fathers shall they 26. 40 shaU confess their iniquity, and the iniq, 26. 41, 43 accept of the punishment of their in. NUHLs. 15 offering, .bringiog iniquity to remembra. 5, 31 ITien shaU the man be guiltless from ini. 5. 31 and this woman shall bear her iniquity 14. 18 forgiving iniquity and transgiession, and 14. 18 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon 14. 19 Pardon, I beseech thee,iftie iniquity of tliis 14. 34 day for a year, shaU ye bear your iniqu. 15. 31 that soul shall utterly be cut off ; his ini 18. I shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary 18. I shall bear the iniquit.y of your priesthood 18. 23 the Levites. .they shallhear their iniquity 30. 15 if he shall, .then he shall bear her Iniqu. Deut. 5. 9 visiting the Iniquity of the fathers upon 19. IS shall not rise up against a man for any in. Josh. 22. 17 (Is) the iniquity of Peor too little for us 22. 20 that man perished not alone in his Iniqu. 1 Sa. 3. 13 wiU judge . .for the iniquity v/hich he to. 3. 14 the iniquity of EU's house shall not be p, 80. I What have I done? what (is) mine iniquity? so, 6 if there be in me iniquity, slay me thyself s$. 24 Upon me, my lord, .me (let this) iniquity 2 Sa. 14. 9 My lord, king, the iniquity (be) on ms 14. 32 if there be (any) iniquity in me, let him xq. 19 Let not my loM impute iniquity unto me 22. 24 and have kept myself from mine iniquity 24. 10 Lord, take away the iniquity of thy serv. 1, 8 do away ihe iniquity of thy servant ; for Ezra 9, 6 our iniquities are increased over (ou^ he, 9. 7 for our iniquities have we, our kings, (and) 9. 13 God hast punished us less than our iniqu. Neh. 4. 5 cover not their iniquity, and let not their . g. 2 confessed their sins, and the iniquities of Job 7. ei why dost thou not. .take away mine in. 10. 6 That thou enquirest after mine Iniquity 10. 14 thou wilt not acqmt me from mine inlqu. 11. 6 God exacteth of thee (less) than thine in, 13. 23 How many (are) mine iniquities and sins? 13. 26 makest me to possess the iniquities of my 14. 17 transgression . .thou sewest up mine iniq. is. 5 thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity, and 20. 27 The heaven shall reveal his iniquity ; and 22i 5 (Is) not thy wickedness great.. thine iniq. 31. II this (is) a heinous crime ; yea, it (is) an in. 31. a8 This also (were) an iniquity (to be punis. 31. 33 covered, ,Dy biding mine iniquity in m/ Job 33, 9 1 (am) innocent ; neither (is there) iniqu. Psa. i8. 23 upright. .1 kept myself from mine iniqu. 25, II Lord, pardon mine iniquity ; for it (is) 31, lo my strength f aileth because of mine iniq. 32. 2 unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniqu, 32. 5 mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I 32. 5 and thou f orga,vest the iniquity of my sia 36. 2 until his iniquity be found to be hateful 38. 4 inine iniquities are gone over mine head 38, 18 1 will declare mine ioiquity ; I will be 39. II When thou, .dost correct man for tniqui. 40. 12 mine iniquities have taken hold upon me 49. 5 the iniquity of my heels shall compass me 51. 2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquity SI. sBeholdjIwasshapenlniniquity; andinsin 51. 9 Hide thy face. '.blot out all mine iniquities 65. 3 Iniquitiesprevailagainstme. .ourtransg. 69. 27 Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let 78. 38 But he . . full of compassion, forgave . . ini. 79. 8 remember not against us former iniqu. 85. 2 Xhou hast f or^ven the iniquity of thy pe. 89. 32 Then wUlI visit., their iniquity with stri. 90. 8 Thou hast set our iniquites before thee 103. 3 Who foi^veth all thine iniquities ; who 103. 10 nor rewarded us according to our iniquL 106. 43 and were brought low for theiriniquity 107. 17 and because of their iniquities, are afiUc. 109. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remem. 130. 3 If thou. Lord, shouldest mark- iniquities 130. 8 he shall redeem Israel from all his Inlq. IjTOV. s. 22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked 16. 6 By mercy and ti-uth iniquity is purged Isa. I. 4 Ah sinfiU nation, a people laden with in. 5. 18 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with ■ 6. 7 thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin 13. II I will punish, .the Avicked for their inlq. 14. 2t slaiighter. .for the iniquity of their fatfc' 22. 14 Surely this iniquity shall not be purged 26. 21 punish the inhabitants of the earth for. .1. 27. 9 this, .shall the iniquity of Jacob bepurg. 30. 13 Therefore this iniquity shall be to yon as 33. 24 dweU therein (shall be) forgiven (their) in. 40. 2 cry unto her. .that her iniquity is pardo. 43. 24 thou hast wearied me with thine iniquit. 50. I for your iniquities have ye sold yourself 53» 5 bruised for our iniquities: the chastisem. 53. '6 Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us S3, n Justify many; for he shall bear their uiiq. 57. 17 Eor the iniquity of his covetousness was 59. 2 your iniquities have separated between 59. 3 your fingers vrith iniquities ; your lips 59, 12 and (as for) our iniquities, we know them 64. 6 iniqiiities, like the wind, have taken us 64. 7 hast consumed us, because of our iniqn. 64, 9 neither remember itiiquity for ever: beh. 65. 7 Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your Jer. 2, 22- thtue iniquity is marked before me, saith 3. 13 Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that S. 25 Your iniquities have turned away these II, 10 They are turned back to the iniquities of 13. 22 For the greatness of thine iniquity arethy 14. 7 Lord, though our iniquities testify against 14. 10 he will now remember their iniquity, and 14. 20 We acknowledge-;. the iniquity of our fa. 16. 10 or what (is) ^our iniquity ? or what (is) our 16. 17 neither is their iniquity hid from mine 16. 18 first I will recompense their iniquity and 18. 23 forgive not theu' iniquity, neither blot ou6 25. 12 that nation, saith the' Lord, for their ini. 30, 14, IS for the multitude of thjne iniquity 31. 30 every one shall die for his own iniquity 31, 34 1 will forgive their iniquity, and I wiU 32. 18 recompensest the iniquity of the fathers 33. 8 1 Will cleanse them from all their iniqui. 33. 8 1 will pardon all their iniquities, whereby 36. 3 I may forgive their iniquity and their sin 36. 31 his seed and his servants for their Iniquity 50. 20 the iniquity ol Israel shall be sought for 51. 6 be not cut off In her iniquity; forthis(is> Iiam. 2. 14 and they have not discovered thine iniq. 4. 6 the punishment of the iniquity of the d. 4. 13 the iniquities of her priests, that have 4. 22 The punishment of thine iniquity is' ace. 4. 23 he will visit thine iniquity, O daughter 5. 7 our fathers . . we have born their iniquities Eze. 3. 18 the same wicked (man) shall die in his i. 3. 19 he shall die In his iniquity ; but thou hast 4. 4 lay the iniquity of the house otisrael upon 4. 4 shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their in. 4. 5 1 have laid upon thee the yeai's of their t 4. 5 so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the 4. 6 thou shalt bear the iniquityof the house of 4. 17 Thatthey may. .consume away for their i. 7, 13 strengthen htmaeU in the iniquity of his 7. i5 aU. .mourning, every one for his iniquity 7. 19 it is the stumbling block of theiriniquity g. 9 The Iniquity of the house of Israel and J. X4. 3 put the stumbling block of their iniquity 14. 4, 7 the stumbling block of his iniquity 14. lo shaU bear the punishment of theiriniquity j6. 49 this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom 18. 17 he shall not die for the iniquity of his fa. j8. 18 his father.. even he shall die In hisiniquity 18. 19 doth not the son bear the iniquity of the 18. 20 The son shall not bear the Iniquity of the 18. 2o neither shall the father bear the iniquity x8. 30 Bepent , , so iniquity shall not be your ruin 31. 23 he will call to remembrance the iniquity 21. 24 ye have made your iniquity to be remem. 21. 25 day Is come, when iniquity (shall have) 21. 29 come, when their iniquity (shall have) an 24. 23 but ye shall pine away for your iniquitiea INIQUITY 517 INSTANTLY Dan. 44. 44- 44- 9- 9- Hos. Eze z8. i8 by the multitude of thine the sg. i6 whichibringeth. .iniquity to remembrance 32. 27 theii' iniquities shall lie upon their bones 33. 6 he is taken away in his iniquity; but liis 33. 8 that wicked (man)shall die in his iniquity 33. Q he shall die in his iniquity ■, but thou h 35. 5 in the time (that their) iniquity (had) an 36. 31 for your iniquities and for your abomina. 36. 33 I ahalipiave cleansed you from all your^in. 39. 23 Israel went into captivity for their iniq. 43. 10 they may be ashamed of their iniquities 10 the Levites. .they shall even bear their i, 12 and caused. .Israel to fall into iniquity , 12 therefore, .they shall bear their iniquity 13 thatwemighttum from our iniquities.and 16 for our Bins, and for the iniquities of our 9. 24 to make reconciliation for iniquity, s nd to (. 8 and they set their heart on their iniquity 5. s Bhall Israel and Ephraim fall in their ini. 7. I the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered 8. 13 now will he remember their iniquity, and 9. 7 for the multitude of thine iniquity, and 9. 9 he will remember their iniquity, he will 12. 8 all my labours they shall find none iniqu. ij. 12 The iniquity of Ephraim (is) bound up ; his 14. I return, .for thou hast fallen by thine ini. 14. 2 Take away all iniquity, and receive, .gra. Amos 3. 2 I wUl punish you for all your iniquities Mic. 7. 18 a God like unto thee, that pardone'th ini. 7. 19 he will subdue our iniquities ; and thou Zech. 3. 4 I have caused thine iniquity to pass from 3. 9 I v/ill remove the iniquity of that land in Slal 2. 6 and did turn many away from iniquity 8. Perversity, ni^y alvah. Hos. 10. 9 the battle, .against the children of inlqa. 9. Labour, mistry, "j^j; omial. Hab. I. 13 and canst not look on Iniquity : wherefore \^.\Vrong, wickedness, VW~i resha. EccL 3. 16 the place of righteousness, (that) iniquity 11. Word or matter qf perversity, jij; ty] debar avon. Psa. 65. 3 Iniquities prevail against me . . our trans. 12. Unrighteousness, vyrov.g doing, aSlKr}iJ.a adikema. Kev. 18. 5 and God hath remembered her iniquities X^Mnrighteousness, wrong, aSiKla adikia. I/ukei3. 27 depart from me, all (ye) workers of Inlqt Acts I. i8 purchased a field with the reward of ini. 8. 23 1 perceive, .thou art in.. the bond of ini 1 Co. 13. 6 Rcjoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth ijQ 2 Ti 2. 19 And, let every one. .depart from iniquity Jas. 3. 6 the tongue (is) a fire, a world of iniquity li.LawlessTiess, avofxia anomia. Matt. 7. 23 depart from rae, ye that work iniquity 13. 41 things that offend, and them which do in. 23. 28 within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniqu. 24. 12 because iniquity shall abound, the love of Bom. 4. 7 Blessed (are) they whose iniquities are 6. 19 to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniq. 2 Th. 2. 7 the mystery of iniquity doth already work Titus 2. 14 that he might redeem us from all iniquity Heb I. 9 hast loved righteousness, and hated iniq. 8. 12 their iniquities will I remember no more 10. 17 sins and iniquities will I remember no 15. Transgression of la\o, irapavofj-la paranomia. 2 Pe. 2. 16 was rebuked tor his iniquity : the dumb 16. Evil, wickedness, rrnvripia ponena. Acts 3. 26 turning away every one of you 'rom his i, INiaTJITY, punishment of — Iniquity, punishment of iniquity, ps; avon. Lev. 26. 41, 43 accept of the punishment of their Ini. Lam. 4. 6 the punishment of the iniquity of the da. 4. 22 the punishment of thine iniquity is acco. Eze. 14. 10 they shall bear the punishment of their i. ima'lJIT'?, to commit — l.To do perversely, n)^ avah. Dan. 9. 5 We have sinned, and ha «e committed La. i.To do perversely, cause perversity, nil? ctvah, 5. 2 8a. 7. 14 If he commit iniquity, I wiU chasten him Psa.iofi 6 wehavecommittediniquity, wehavedone Jer 9. 5 (and) weary themselves to commit iniqu. IHJOIH, to — 1. To give in charge, ivr^Wo/jLcu entellomai. Heb. 9. 20 testament which God hath injoined unto 2. To set in order upcm, iTrtrdcrcria epitassd. Plun. S bold, .to injoin thee that which iaconven. IKJTJEE, to — To do injustice, wrong, injury, AJSmiai adikeO. Gsa. 4, 12 Brethren, .ye nave not injured me at all nutiBiotJs — Despiteful, insulting, vppiffr'fis hubrisUs I Ti. J. 13 Who was before..injurionfl: butloblaln INJTOTICE — Viotemce, vrrorng, infwry, aon chamas. Sob 16. 17 Not for. .injustice in mine bands, also CSS.— Jer. 3&. 18 answered..! wrote (them) with ink In the iJiik, (if\dv melan. 9 Co. 3. , 3 wiitten not with ink, hut with the spirit a John 3, r2 I would not (write) with paper and ink 3 John 13 I mU not with ink and pen write unto INK HO;aM — Ink horn, npp. qeseth. Eze. g. 2 clothed with linen, with a writer's Inkhom 9. 3 which (had) the writer's inkhom by his 9. II clothed with linen, which (had) iheinkb nro — \. Lodging, place for passing the night, l^"?o makm. Geo. 42. 27 opened, .to give hisass provender in theL 43. 21 it came to pass, when we came to the imi Exod. 4. 24 it came to pass by the way in the inn, that 2.Ghtest chamber, icaTaXvua katahima. Luke 2. 7 there was no room for them in the Inn B.Inn, general receiving house, tuvSox^^oi' pnndo. Lukeio. 34 brought him toan inn, and took care of XSNER- l.Iniier, '!$■'}$ penimi, I Kl. 6. 27 he set the cherubim within the Inner 6. 36 he built the inner court with three rows 7. 12 both for the inner court of the house of 7. so for the doors of the inner house, the most 1 Ca.28. II pattern, .oftheiunerparioursthereof.and 2 Ch. 4. 22 the iimer doors thereof for the most holy Esth. 4. II shall come unto the king into the inner 5. I stood in the inner court of the king's ho. EzB 8. 3 to the door of the inner gate that looketh 8.16 " brought me into the inner court of the 10. 3 and the cloud ftUed the inner court 40. 15 unto the face of the porch of the inner 40. 19 unto the forefront of the inner court with. 40. 23 the gate of tho inner court (was) over ag. 40. 27 a gate in the inner court toward the south 40. 28 he brought me to the inner court by the 40. 32 brought me into the inner coui't toward 40. 44 And without the inner gate (v/ere) the 40. 44 chambers of tho singers in the tuner court 41. IS with the inner temple and the porches of 41. 17 To that above the door, even unto the in. 42. 3 twenty (cubits) which (were) for the inner 42. 15 he had made an end of measuring the in. 43. 5 So the spirit .. brought me into the inner 44. 17 when they enter in at the gates of the in. 44, 17 they minister in the gates of the inner 44. 21 drink, .when they enter into the inner 44. 27 unto the inncy conrt, to minister in the 45. 19 the posts of the gate of the inner court 46. I The gate of the inner court that looketh 2.Within, inner, (j-ca eso. Eph. 3. 16 strengthened with might, .in the Inner S.In7ier, innermost, iadnspos esoteros. Acts 16. 24 thrust them into the inner prison, and nTKEE chamber — Inner charaber, Tin cheder. 1 Ki.2o. 30 came into the city,"Into an Inner chamber 22. 25 when thou shalt go into an inner chamber 2 Kl. g. 2 go in. .and carry him to an inner chamber 2 Oh.i8. 24 when thou shalt go into an inner chamber INNEEpart— Inner part, D'i^ panim. 2 Ch. 29. 1 6 the priests went Into the inner part of the rNITEEEOST part — Inner part, i"in cheder. Prov 18. . 8 down into the innermost parts ofthe belly 26. 22 go down into the innermost parts of the TSmOCESCY — l.Puriiy, >2\ zaku. Dan. 6. 22' as before him Innooency was fonnd in me 2. Innocence, cleanness, I'l'i?? mqqayon. Gen. 2o. 5 and innocenry of my hands, have I done Psa. 26. 6 I will wash niiue hands in innocency : ao 73. 13 vain, and v/ashed ray hands in innocency Hos. 8. 5 how long, ere they attain to innocency ? nrarocEirr — l.Oratuitous, Q\n chinnarn. I Ki w 31 thou mayest take away the Innocent blood i.Safe, covered, '\n chaph. Job 33- 9 I (am) innocent ; neither .. iniquity in me ^.Innocent, clean, free, acquitted, 'pynagi. Exod 23. 7 the innocent and righteous slay thou not Deut 19. 10 That innocent blood be not shed in thy 1. 1 9. 1 3 thou shalt put away innocent blood from 21. 8 lay not innocent blood unto thy peopleof 21. 9 shalt thou put away the . . innocent blood 27. 25 taketh reward to slay an innocent person I Sa. 19. 5 wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to e Ki2i. 16 Manasseh shed innocent blood very much 24. 4 also for the innocent blood that he shed £4. 4 he flUed Jerusalem with innocent blood Job 4. 7 who (ever) perished, being innocent? or 0. 23 he will laugh at thetrial of the mnocent tj. 8 the innocent shall stir up himself against 22. jg and the innocent laugh them to scorn 02. 30 He shall deliver the island of the innocent 27. 17 and the innocent shall divide the silver Pea. 10, e in the secret places doth he murder the in. 15. 5 nor taketh reward against the innocent 04. 21 righteous, and condemn the innocent bl. 106. 38 And shed innocent blood, .the blood of Erov. X. II let us lurk privily for the innocent with. 6. 17 a lying tongue, and bands that shed inno. Isa. S9 7 they make haste to shed innocent blood Jer. 2. 34 the Wood of the souls of the poor mnoc 7. 6 and shed not innocent blood in Om place 19. 4liaTeflBeatlri3place with-theHcodorin. Jer 22 3 neither shed innocent blood In this place 23. 17 for to shed innocent blood, and foroppr. 26 1 5 ye shall surely bring Innocent blood upon Jon I 14 lay not upon us Innocent blood : tor tnou i. Innocent, clean, n'pj ruuji. Joel 3. J 9 they have shed innocent blood in their 1» 5. Innocent, guiltless, &.6uios atluios. Matt27 4 [in that I have betrayed the innocent bl.) 27. 24 I am innocent of the blood of this just INNOOENT, to 06 — To be innocent, clean, free, acquitted, "pj naqah, 'Z. Psa. 19. 13 I shall be innocent from the great trans. Prov. 6. 29 whosoever toucheth her shall not be inuo 28. 20 maketh haste to be rich shall not be inno Jer. 2. 35 Yet thou sayest, Because 7 am Innocent nfNOCENT, to hold — To declare innocent, n.'jj naqah, 3 Job 9. 28 I know that thou wUt not hold me inno nnnjMEILABLE — \.No number, vnthoul number, l^DP ('N en mispar Job 21. 33 draw, .as (there are) Innumerable before Psa. 40. 12 For innumerable evils have compassed me 104. 25 sea, wherein (are) things creeping innurn Jer. 46. 23 more thim the grasshoppers, and. .innu. 2.A^ot to be numbered, ayapiBurtros anarithTnetoa. Heb. II. 12 as the eand which is by the sea shore In. [.See also Company, multitude.) mOEDINATE lovo or affection — 1. Doting love, !^^i^ agabah. Eze. 23. II she was more corrupt In ber inordinate L 2. Affection, suffering, lust, ttdBos pathos. Col. 3. 5 uncleanuosa, inordinate affection, evUca rNatnsmON to ba made — To be sought or searched out, ts'pp baqath, 4. Esth. 2. 23 when inquisition was made of the matter rsainSITION, to maio — To seek, inquire, require, &T} darash. Devitig. i8 the judges shall make diligent Inqnlsftloo Psa. 9. 12 "WLen he maketh inquisition for blood, he INSCSIPTION — A wriiing above, ivtypdibu) epigrapkd. kcts.iy. 23 For. .1 found an altar with this inacript. DfSIDE - House, mthin, r\',5 bayiih. 1 Kj. 6. 15 covered (them) on the Inside with wood DTSOlffTJCH OS — So that, SxTTC hoste. Acts. I. 19 insomuch as that field Is called In their msoanjcH that — 1. With a view to which, tls eis. 2 Co. 8. 6 Insomuch that we desired litos, that as 2. So that, Siffre hoste. Matt. 8. 24 insomuch that the ship was covered with 12. 22 he healed him, insomuch that the bUnd 13. 54 insomuch that they were astonished, and 15. 31 Insomuch that the multitude wondered 24. 24 insomuch that, if (it were) possible, they 27. 14 insomuch that the governor marvelled Mark i. 27 insomuch that they questioned among 1. 4s insomuch that Jesus could no more open 2. 2 insomuch that there was no room to rec 2. 12 insomuch that they were all amazed, and 3 10 insomuch that they pressed upon him for 9. 26 insomuch that many said, He is dead Lukei2. I insomuch that they trode one upon anot Acts 5. IS Insomuch that they brought forth thesick 2 Co. I. 8 insomuch that we despaired even of life Gal. 2. 13 insomuch that Barnabas also was carried rNS?rBAT10N - Breath, nrj^i ncshamah Job 32. 8 the inspiration of the Almighty giveth INSPIRATION of God, given by — Ood-brealhed, BeSTrffvaros theopneustoa 2 Ti. 3. 16 AU scripture . . given by inspiration of God INSTJtNT — 1, Moment, instant, vn rega, Jer. 18. 7, 9 (At what) instant 1 shall speak conceml 2. Hour, Sspa hora. Luke 2. 3S she coming in that Instant gave thanks HTSTAira, at an — An instant, iir^ petha, Isft. 29. 5 yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly 30. 13 bre&Mag cometh suddenly at aninstant INSIANT, to be — l.To lie upon, eTTlxttfua epikeimai Luke23. 23 they frere instant with load voices, requ. 2. To place upon, i iierifeia en ekteneia Acts 26. 7 Unto which, .our twelve-tribeB, tnstaotly INSTEAD 518 INTERCBSSIOM %Hastil'^, speedily, o-ttovSuus spoudaios. Luke 7. 4 when they came., they besought him ins. INSTEAD, in the Btead of — 1. Under, instead of, nnn tachath. Gea. 2. zi and closed up the flesh instead thereof 4. 25 another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain 22. 13 a burnt offeriiig in the stead of his son. 30. 2 (Am) I in God's stead, who hath withheld 44. 33 let thy servant abide instead of the lad Exod29. 30 that son that is priest in his stead shall lev. 16. 32 priest, .to minister, .iri his father's stead Hum. 3. 12 instead of all the first born that openeth 3. 41, 45 instead of all the flrs\ born among the 3. 41, 45 the cattle of the Levites instead of 5. 19 (with another) instead of thy husband 5. 20, 29 aside (to another) instead of thy husb. 5. 20, 29 aside (to another) instead of her husb. 8. 16 iijsiead of such as open every womb, (even 32. 14 ye,are risen up in your father's stead, an Deat. 2. 12, '23 destroyed . . and dwelt in their stead 2. 21, 22 succeeded them, and dwelt in their b. 10. 6 Eleazar his son ministered, .in his stead Josh. 5. 7 chUdren,(whom)heraisedupintheirste. 2 take her, I pray thee, instead of her 3 Sa. 16. 8 of whose stead thouhast reigned 17. 25 Aiaasa captain of the host instead of Joab t Ki. 1. 30 he shall sit upon my throne in my stead I. 35 he shall be hang in my stead : and I have 3. 7 servant long instead of David my father 14. 27 flehoboam made in their stead brasen sh. a Ki.17. 24 in the cities of Samaria instead of the r Ch. 5. 22 dwelt in theii' steads until the captivity Esth. 2. 4 the maiden, .be queen instead of Vashti 2. 17 and made her queen instead of Vashti Job 16. 4 if your soul were in my soul's stead, I 31. 40 grow instead of wheat, and cockle instead 34. 24 He shall, .set others in then' stead Psa. 45. 16 Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children Prov.ii. 8 and the wicked cometh in his stead EcoL 4. 15 child that shall stand up in his stead Isa. 3. 24 instead of sweet smell there shall be stink 3. 24 instead of a girdle a rent ; and instead of 3. 24 and instead of a stomacher a girding of 3. 24 sackcloth ; (and) burning instead of bea. 55. 13 Instead of the thorn . . instead of the brier Eze. 16. 32 taketh strangers instead of her husband 2.For, in behalf of, inr4p {gen.) huper. 2 Co. 5. 20 we pray (you), iu Christ's stead, be ye re. Phm. 13 that in. thy stead he might have minister. HfSTIlTJCT, to — l.To consider, discern, attend, ["3 bin, 5. Isa. do. 14 instructed him, and taught him in the Dan. ii. 33theythatimderstand..shaUinstructmany 2.T0 caiise to understand, J '3 bin, 8a. Deut.32. 10 he led him about, he instructed him, he S.Reprover, instructor, niD; yissor Job 40. 2 Shall he that contendeth-.. instruct (him)? ^,To chasten, instruct, lo; yasar, 3. Deut. 4. 36 to hear his voice, that he might instruct Job 4. 3 thou hast instructed ."nany, and thou hast Psa. 16. 7 my reins also instruct me in the night Isa. 8. 1 1 instructed me that I should walk in the 28. 26 his God doth instruct him to discretion 6. To show, direct, rri; yarah, 5 2 Ki. 12. 2 his days wherein Jehoiada. .instructed 6.T0 teach, iD^ lamad, 3. Prov. 5. 13 nor inclined mine ear to them that instr. Song 8. 2 my mother's house, (who) would instruct 7. To cause to act wisely, S?'^ saJeal, 5. Neh. 9. 20 Thou ga vest, .thy good spirit tojnstruct Psa. 32. 8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the 8.T0 sound throughout, instruct, Karrix^o} katecheo. Luke I. 4 those things, wherein thou hast been ins. Acts 18. 25 This man was instructed in the way of the Eom. 2. xS excellent, beinginstructed out of the law ^.Tomakeadiscipleor learner, ^laQijTeva matheteuo. Matti3. 52 instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, is 10. To nurture as a child, instruct, Trait^vta paideuS. 2 Ti- 2. 25 In meekness instructing those thatoppose 11. To cause to go up or unite together, (rv/j.$i^d(oi. 1 Co. 2. 16 mind of the Lord, that he may instruct IIISTE,TICT before, to — To cause to go up before, jrpojSj/SaCw probibazo. Matt 14. 8 she, being before instructed of her mother mSTBTJCTED, to te — l.To become known, VT, yada, 2. Jer. 31. 19 after that I was instructed, I smote upon 2.T0 be founded, instructed, np; yasad, 6. 2 Ch. 3. 3 Solomon was instructed for the building be chastised, instructed, "ip; yasar,. 2. Pea. 2. 10 be instructed, ye judges of the e^rth Jer. 6. 8 Be thou instructed, O Jerusalem, lest my 4. To bt taught, -vah lamad, i. I Ch.25. 7 their brethren that were instructed in the 5. To cause to act wisely, h^-f sakal, 5 Prov.2i. n when the wise is instructed, he receiveth 6. To initiate into mysteries, /ivfco mueo. Phil. 4. 13 in all things I am instructed both to be IKSTRTTCTIOK — 1. Chastisement, instruction, lom musar Psa. 50. 17 Seeing thou hatest instruction, and cast. Prov. I. 2 To know-wisdom and instruction ; toper. I. 3 To receive the instruction of Vifisdom, jus. I. 7 (but) fools despise wisdom and instruction 8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father I Hear, ye children, the instruction of a f. 13 Take fast hold of instruction ; let (her) not 12 How have I hated instruction, and myh. 23 He shall die without instruction ; and in 23 reproofs of instruction (are) the way of life laileceive my instruction.and not silver; and 8. 33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse 10. 17 He., the way of life that keepeth instruc. 12. I Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowled. 13. I Awiseson(heareth)hisfather'sinstruction 13. 18 Poverty . .to him that refuseth instruction 15. 5 A fool despiseth his father's instruction 15.32 He that refuseth instruction despiseth his 15. 33 The fear of the Lord (is) the instruction 16. 22 well spring, but the instruction of fools ig. 20 Hearoounsel, and receive instruction, that 19. 27 Cease, my son, to hear the instruction 23. 12 Apply thine heart unto instruction, and 23. 23 wisdom, and instruction, and understand. 24. 32 I looked upon (it, and) received instruction Jer. 17. 23 that they might not near, nor receive ins. 32. 33 they have not hearkened to receive inst. 35. 13 Will ye not receive instruction to hearken Eze. 5. 15 an instruction and an astonishment unto Zeph. 3. 7 I said, Surely . .thou wilt receive iustruc. 2. Instruction, "lob mosar. Job 33. 16 openeth the ears of men . . sealeth their in. 3. Nurture, instruction, vaiS^ia paideia. 2 Ti. 3. 16 profitable . Jor instruction in righteous. INSTItTTCTOE — 1. To whet, sharpen, »»7 latash. Gen. 4. 22 an instructor of every artificer in brass 2.Child conductor, vaiSaytoySs paidagogos. 1 Co. 4. 15 though ye have ten thousand instructors 3. One who nurtures or instructs, rraiSeur^s paideut. Rom. 2. 20 An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of msTRriaENT — 1. Vessel, instrument, 'V| keli. Gen. 49. 5 instruments' of cruelty . . their habitations Exod25. 9 the pattern of all the instruments thereof Num. 3. 8 they shall keep all the instruments of the 4. 12 shall take all the instruments of minis. 4. 26 and all the instruments of their service 4. 32 with all their instruments, and witli all 4. 32 by name ye shall reckon the instruments 7. I and all the instruments thereof, both the 31. 6 with the holy instruments, and the trum. 35. 16 if he smite him with an instrumentof iron 1 Sa. 8. 12 his instruments of war, and instruments 2 Sa. 24. 22 and (other^ instruments of the oxen for I Ki.ig. 21 boiled their flesh with the instruments I Ch. 9. 29 to oversee the vessels and alltheinstrum. 12. 33 expert in war, with all instrunientsof war 12. 37 with all manner of instruments of war for 15. 16 the singers with instruments of music 16. 42 and with musical instruments of God 23, 5 praised the LORD with the instruments 28. 14 all instruments of all manner of service 28. 14 for all instruments of silver by weight 28. 14 all instruments of every kind of service e Ch. 4. 16 the flesh hooks, and all their instruments 5. J all the instruments, put he among the 5. 13 with the trumpets, and cymbals, and ins. 7. 6 Levites also with instruments of music of 23. 13 also the singers with instruments of mu. 29. 26 the Levites stood with the instruments of 29. 27 with the instruments (ordained) by David 30. 21 (singing) with loud instruments unto the L, 34. 12 all that could skill of instruments of mu. Neh. 12. 36 with the musical instruments of David the Psa. 7. 13 He hath also prepared for him the instr. Isa. 32. 7 instruments also of the churl (are) evil 54. 16 bringeth forth an instrument for his work Eze. 40. 42 whereupon also they laid the instruments Amos 6. 5 invent to themselves instruments of music Zech II. 15 Take, .the instruments of afoolish sheph. 2. Weapons, armour, SirAa hopla. Bom. 6. 13 instrimients of unrighteousness unto sin 6. 13 instruments of righteousness unto God [See also Musical, threshing, ten strings.] mSTETJICENT of musio — 1.^ trichord, ty'^^ shalish. I Sa. 18. 6 came out. .with instruments of musio 2. Things for driving away care, food, table, Jirn Dan. 6. 18 neither were instruments of music brou. rNSTEtJlOaTT, to sing to the stringsd — To play on a stringed instrument, ];i nagan, 3. Isa. 38. 20 we will sing my songs to the stringed in. rNSTETTKETrr, stringed - l.Music or song for a stringed instrument, nj'JJ. Hab. 3. 19 To the chief singer on my stringed instr, 2. Stringed instrument, D'JD minnim. Psa ISO 4 praise him witii stringed instruments and nrSTHOTEENTS, player on — 1. To pipe, play_ on instruments, hh^ chalal. Psa. 87. 7 As' well the singers as the players on ins. l.To pla.y on a stringed instrument, JjJ nagan. Psa. 68. 25 the players oninstruments (followed) after rNSUEEECTION — 1. Assembly, company, .i^jt rigshah. Psa. 64. 2 from the insurrection of the workers of 2. A standing up, uprising, ffrdo'is stasis. Markis. 7 who had committed murder in the insur mSTJEBECTION against, to maie — l.To lift up self, N^4 nesa, i. Ezra 4. 19 of old time hath made insurrection against 2.T0 place on against, ua.Te^la'rqiJLt katephistemi. Acts 18. 12 the Jews made insurrection, against Paul rUSURSECTION with, to make — An aider or abetter, ffvcraaiairrijs sustasiastes. >Iarki5. 7 them that [had made insurrection withj INTEGEITY — 1. Perfection, integrity, simplicity, Dh torn. Gen. 20. 5 in the integrity of my heart, .have I done 20. 6 I know that thou didst this in the integ. 1 Ki. 9. 4 in integrity of heart, and in uprightness Psa. 7. 8 and according to mine integrity . . in me 25. 21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me 26. I I have walked in mine integrity : I have 26. II as for me, I will walk in mine integrity 41. 12 as for me, thou upholdest me in mine in. 78. 72 So he fed them according to the integrity Prov 19. I Better, .the poor that walketh in his int 20. 7 The just (man) waiketh in his integrity ^.Perfection, integrity, nsn tummah. Job 2. 3 stillheholdethfasthisintegrity,althongh 2. 9 said. .Dost thou still retain thinfe integ.? 27. 5 till I die I will not remove mine integrity 31. 6 weighed . .that God may know mine inte. Prov II. 3 The integrity of the upright shall guide ETTELLKJEUCE, to have.— To cause to understand, pg bin, 5. Dan. II. 30 have intelligence with them that forsake DTTENI), to — 1. To say, lox amar. Exod 2. 14 Intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst Josh 22. 33 did not intend to go up against them in 2 Ch.28. 13 ye intend to add. .to our sins and to our 2.7*0 stretch out, turn aside, nnj natah. Psa. 21. II they intended evil against thee ; they im 3. To will, be minded, counselled, fioiKofxat boulomai. Acts s. 28 intend to bring this man's blOQd upon us 12. 4 intending after Easter to bring him forth i.To will, wish, SeKco thelo. Luke 14. 28 which of you, intending to build a tower 5.T0 be about, /jl^Ww mello. Acts 5. 35 take heed to yourselves what ye intend to 20 13 unto Asses, there intending to take in P INTEirr — \. Order, condition, intent, sake, n"ig'=! dihrah. Dan. 4. 17 to the intent that the living may know 2.Device, nsja mezimmah. Jer. 30. 24 until he have performed the intents of his ^.Intent, intention, mind, ewota ennoia. Heb. 4. 12 a disaenier of the thoughts and intents 4. Word, matter, thing, \6yosjogos. Acts 10. 29 I ask. .for what intbnt ye 'have sent for UrTENT (that), to the or for that — l.Iri, order to, lyo^ lemaan. Eze. 40. 4 for to the intent that I might show (them) 2. For the purpose of, nu^s^ lebaaMr. 2 Sa. 17. 14 to the intent that the Lord might bring Z.To this thing, eJs touto eis touto. Acts 9. 21 camehitherior that intent, that he might 4. With a view to, eis eis. 1 Co. 10. 6 to the intent we should not lust after evil b.That, so that, 'Iva hina. Johnii. 15 I was not there, to the intent ye may bel. Eph. 3. 10 To the intent that now unto the princip S.For what i irphs rl pros ti, John 13. 28 no man. .knew for what intent he spake XNTEKCESSION — A meeting between, intercession, evrtvlis enteuxis. I Ti. 2. I that . . intercessions . .be made for all men ETTEECESSION, to make — l.To come or fall upon, meet, Vi^paga. Jer. 7. 16 neither make intercession to me : fwr I 27. 18 let them now make intercession toothe L. 2. To caTXse to ccne or fall upon, meet, V^spaga, 5. Isa. 53. 12 made intercession for the transgressors Jer. 36. 25 had made intercession to the king that he S^To wieet with, come between, intercede, ivTvyx^vto. Kom. 8. 27 because he maketh intercession for the 8. 34 Christ .who also maketh intercession for ti. 2 how he maketh intercession to God agai Heb 7 25 everliveth tomake interoe''"*'--:?"^^^--.! INTERCESSION 519 INVENTED IHTER0E33I0N for, to maie — To meet vnth,in behaf/ofone, vtrepevrvyxavo) kuper Kom. 8. 26 the spirit itself maketh iatercession tor INTEllOESSOK — To cause te come or fall U2wn, meet, yis paga, 5. Isa. 59- t6 wondered that (there was) no iutercessor INTEKI4E0DLE, to — I.To iivietmeddle, mix up self, y^a gala, 1. yrov i8. I seeketh (and) intei-me'ddleth with all wl 2. To mix up self with something, 3-ij; arah, 7 Pro V. i^ lo a stranger doth not intermeddle with his INTERffilSSION — Cessation, rij^sn haphugah. Lam. 3. 49 ceaseth not, without any intermission IKTERPBET, to — l.To interpret, explain, 'tn^pathar Gen. 40. 22 hanged . . as Joseph had interpreted to th. 41. 8 none that could interpret them unto Ph. 41. 12 and he interpreted to us. .he did interpret 41. 13 as he interpreted to us, so it was ; me he 4t. 15 none that can interpret it., to interpret it 2. 7*0 interpret or explain thoroughly/, Siep/xriveia). 1 Co. 12. 30 all speak with tongues ? do all interpret? 14. 5 except he interpret, that the church may 14. 13 Wherefore let hira pray that he may in. 14. 27 and (that) by course; and let one interpr 3 To interpret or explain, epixT)vevoi hermeneuo. John J 38 whichistosay,[beingiiiterpreted,]Master INTKRPHETATION — 1. Sweetness, moral, interpretation, nf^'}'? melitsah. Prov. I. 6 To imderstand a proverb, and the interp. ' 2. Interpretation, explanation, "ib'Q pesher. Eccl. 8. I who knoweth the interpretation of a thing ^.Interpretation, explanation, -\p^ peshar Dan, 2. tell . . the dream, and we will show the in. 2. 5 the dream, withjthe interpretation'thereot 2. 6 if ye show the dream, and the interpveta. 2. 6 showme the dream, and theinterpretation 2. 7 and we will show the interpretation of it a. 9 that ye can show me the interpretation 2. 16 that he would show the king the interpr. a, 24 I ^vill show unto the king the interpreta. 2. 25 that will make known . .the intei-pretation a. 26 the dream which I have seen, and the in. a. 30 that shall make known the interpretation 2. 36 we will tell the interpretation thereof be. a. 4 3 the dream (is) certain, and the interpret. 4.. 6 they might make known unto me the int. 4. 7 they did not make known unto me the in. 4. 9 my dream and the interpretation thereof 4. 18 declare the interpretation thereof, foras. 4. 18 not able to make known unto me the int. 4. 19 let not the dream, or the interpretation 4. J 9 the interpretation thereof to thine enem. 4. 24 This (is) the interpretation, king, and 5. 7 and show me the interpretation thereof S. 8 nor make known to the king the interpr. 5. 12 let Daniel be called, .he will showthein. 5 15 and make known unto me the interpreta. 5. rs but they could notshow the interpretation 5. 16 that thou canst make interpretations S- 16 and make known to me the interpretation 5. x7 and make known to him the interpretation S. 26 This (is) the intei-pretation of the thing 7. 16 So he told me, and made me know the in. i.To interpret, explain, in3 pathar. Gen. 40. 16 When the chief baker saw that the inter. G.Interpretaiion, explanation, jii^s pithron. Gea 40. 5 each man according to the interpretation 40. 8 (Do)not interpretations (belong) to God? 40. 12, 18 This (is) theinterpretation. The three 41. II dreamed each man according to the inte. 6.Afracture,ireaking,interpretation,'^^,-)^t^sheber. Judg. 7. 15 heard the telling of the dream, and the ia. 7 Unloosing, ^TrlXvais epilusis. 2 Pe. i: 20 no prophecy, .is of any private interpret ^.Interpretation, explanation, ipfirivda h^rmeneia. 1 C0.12. 10 to another the [interpretation] of tongues 14. 26 every one of you. .hath an interpretation INTERPEETATIOir, to ho by — 1. To interpret, explain, epfiTivevu hermeneuo. .Toha I. 42 Cephas, which is by interpretation, A 9. 7 SUoam, which is by interpretation. Sent Deb. 7. 2 first being by interpretation King of righ. 2. To he interpreted, explained, iieBepinrtv^ioixai. Acts 13. 8 sorcerer, lor so is his name by interpreta. 3.2*0 interpret or expla/in fvlly, ^lepfirivevw dierm. Acts 9. 36 Tabitha, which by interpretation ia called DTTEEPaETE), to ha — l.To cast over, interpret, explain, DJin targem. Ezra 4. 7 written .andinterpretedin the Syrian a.To be interpreted, or explained, /ie9epfj.r)ve{iofiai. JMatt. I. 23 Emmanuel, which being interpreted, is.G. Mark 5. 41 Talitha cumi, which is, being interpireted 15. 22 Golgotha, which is, beinginterpreted, The 15. 34 Eloi . . which is, being interpreted. My God John I. 41 Me3sias,which is, being interpreted, the C. Acts 4. 36 Bamahas, which is, being interpreted. The DTTEaPRETEIl — 1. To treat as a scomer or foreigner, fiV luis, 5. Gsn. 42. 23 for he spake unto them by an interpreter Job 33. 23 au interpreter, one among a thousand, to 2. To interpret, explain, in^ pathar. Gen. 40. 8 a dream, and (there is) no interpreter of S.One who interprets or ex2)lainsfully, 5iepiJ.ijvevT-fi j. 1 Co. 14. 28 if there be no [intei-preter], let him keep INTEIIPRETIITG — To interpret, explain, n?'? peshar, 3. Dan. 5. 12 interpreting of dreams, and showing of INTO — l.To, unto, Vk el. Gen. 6. i8 thou shalt come into the ark, then, and 2. With, near, at, even, by, nx eth. Exod39. 3 they did beat the gold into thin plates, and 2). Into, to3 bemo. Job 37.' 8 Then the beasts go Into dens, and remain 4. XJnio, ^^ ad. Judg ij. ig Let US pass .through thy land into my 5.3Iiddle, midst, Tjin tavsh. Deut 23. II sun is down, he shall come into the camp 6. Unto, up to, Sxp« achri. Acts 20, 4 thereaccompanied him into Asia, Sopater 7. Into, to, at, CIS eis. Matt. 2. II when they were come into the house,they 2. 12 they departed into tfteir own country an. a. 13 flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I 14 When he arose he took . . and departed into a. 20 Arise . .and go into the land of Israel : for 2. 21 he arose, .and came into thelandof Israel a. 22 he turned aside into the parts of Galilee Matt. 3* 10, 12 ; 4. I, 5, 8, 12, 18 ; 5. i, 20, 25, 29, 30 ; 6. 6, 13, 26, 30; 7. 19, 21 ; 8. 5, 12, 14, 23, 28, 31, 32, 32, 33 ; 9. 1, I, 17, if; 23, 26, 28, 38; 10. 5, 5, II, 12, 23; ji. 7 ; 12. 4, 9, II, 29, 44 ; 13. 2, 30, 36, 42, 47, 48, 50, 54 ; 14. 13, 15, 22, 23, 32, (34], 35; 15. II, 14, 17, 17, 21,29, 39; 16. 13 ; 17. I, 15, 15, 22, 25; 18. 3, 8, 8, 9, 9, 30; 19. 1, 17, 23, 24 , 20. I, 2, 4, 7 ; 21. 2, 10, 12, 17, 18, 21, 23, 31 ; 22. 10, 13; 24- 38; 25- 21.23. 3°. 41. 46, 46; 26. 18, 30, 32, 41, 45. 52. 71 J 27. 6, 27, 53 ; 28. 7, 10, II, 16, 16. Mark 1. 12, 14, 21, 21, 29, 35, 38, 45 ; 2. i, 11, 22, [22,] 26 ; 3. 1, 13, ig, 27 ; 4. i, 37 ; 5. i, 12, 12, 13, 13, 18 ; 6. t, io, 31, 32, 36, 45, 46, SI, 56; 7. IS, 17, iS, 19, 19, 19, 24, 24, 33 ; 8. 10, 10, [13,] 26, 27 ; 9. 2, 22, 22, 25, 28, 31, 42, 43, [43.343. 45. [45.] 45. 47. 47; IO- 1. 17. 23. 24. 25 ; II. 2, 2, II, II, 23; 12. 41, 43, 13. [15]; 14. 13, 1$, 26, 28, 38, 41, 54, 63 , 15. 41 ; 16. s, 7. [12, IS, 19.] Luke I. 9, 39, 39, 40, 79; 2. 3, 4, IS, 27, 39 ; 3. 3, 9, 17; 4- [1, 5.] 14. 16. 37. 38, 42 ; 5- 3. 4> 19. 37. 38 ; 6. 4, 6, 12, 38, 39; 7. I, II, 24, 36, 44; 8. 22, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 33, 37, 41, SI ; 9- lo. 12, 28, 34, 44, 44, 52 ; 10. I, 2, 5, 8, 10, 10, 38, 38; II. 4; 12. 5, 28, s8; 13- 19; 14' I. 5. 21, 23; 15. 13, 15, 16. 4, 9, 16, 22, 28; 17. 2, 12, 27; 18. JO, 24, 2s; 19. 12, 30, 4s ; 21. I, 21, 24 ; 22. 3, 10, 10, 33, 40, 46, 54, 66 ; 23. [19,] 25, 46; 24. 7, 26, [si]. John I. 9, 43, 3. 4, s. 17. 19. 22, 24; 4. 3, 14, 28, 38, 43, 45. 46, 47. 54 . 5- 7. 24 ; 6. 3, 14. 15. 17. 21, 22, 22 ; 7. 3, 14 ; 8. [2]; 9. 39; IO. I, 36, 40; II. 7, 27, 30, 54; 12. 24, 46; 13- 2, 3, 5, 27; IS- 6, 16. [13,] 20, 2T, 28 : 17. 18, 18; i3. I, 11, 15, 28, 33, 37; 19. 9, 17; 20. 6, II, 25, 25, 27; 21. 3, 7, Acts 1. II, II, II, 13 ; 2. 20, 20, 34 ; 3. i, 2, 3, 8 ; s- 21 ; 7 3> 4. 9. ['5.] '6, 34, 39. 55 I 8. 38 ; 9. 6, 8, 17, 39; 10. 16, 22, 24; II. 8, 10, 12; 12. 17 ; 13. 14; 14. I, 20, 22, 25; 16. 9, 10, 15, 19, 23, 24, 34, 37, [40]; 17. 10; 18. 7, 18, 19,27; 19. 8, 22, 29, 31, 20. I, 2, 3, 18; 21. 3, 8, II, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37, 38 ; 22. 4, IO, 1 J, 23, 24 ; 23. 10, 16, 20, 28 ; 25. 23 ; 27. I. 6, 17, 30, 38, 39, 41 ; 28. s. 17. 23- Kom. I. 26 , 5. 2, 12 ; 6. 3, 3. 4 ; 8. 21 ; 10. 6, 7, 18 ; 11. 24 ; 15. 24, 28. 1 Co. 12. 13, [13] , 14 9 „ , 2 Co. 1. 16; 2. 13; 7. s; !!• 13.14; 12-4 ; Gal. 1. 17, 21 ; 3. 27 ; 4. 6; Eph. 4. 9, 15 ; Col. i. 13 ; 2 Th. 3. 5, s ; i Ti. I. 3, 12, 15 ; 3. 6, 7 ; 6. 7, 9 ; 2 Ti. 3. 6 ; Heb. i. 6 ; 3. 11, 18 ; 4. 1, 3, 3, 5, 10, II ; 6. 19 ; 8. 10 ; 9. 6, 7, 12, 24, 24, 23 ; 10. s, 31 ; II. 8 ; 13. 11; Jas. i. 25 ; 4. 13 ; s- 4. 12 ; i Pe. I. 12; 2. 9 ; 3. 22 ; 2 Pe. i. 11 ; i Jo. 4. i, 9 : 2 Jo. 7, 10; Jude4; Rev. 2. 10, 22, 22; 5. 6; 8. 5, 8; 12. 6, 9, 14, 14 ; 13. 10 ; 14. 19, 19 ; IS- 8 ; 16. 16, [17,] 19 ; 17. 3, 8, n; 18. 21 ; 19. 20 ; 20. 3, 10, 14, 15; 21. 24, 26, 27 ; 22. 14. 8.1n, into, iv en. Mark 1. 16 he saw Simon, .casting a net into the sea Luke 5. 16 he withdrew himself into the wilderness 23. 42 rememberme when thou comest [into] thy John 3. 35 and hath given all things into his hand 5. 4 [angel went down at a certain season into] Acts 7. 45 into the possession of the Gentiles, whom £om. I. 23 intoanimagemadeliketocormptibleman I. 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie 2 Co. S. 16 put the same earnest care into the heart Gal. I. 6 removed from him that caUed you into 1 Ti. 3. 16 believed on in the world, received up into 9. On, upon, over, iirl (yen.) epi. Mark 4. 26 as if a man should cast seed into the gro. Heb. 10. 16 I will put my laws into their hearts, and 10. On, upon, over, ivi (ace.) epi. Matt 13. 8 other fell into good ground, and brought 13. 20 that received the seed into stony places 13. 23 he thatreceived seed into the good ground 18. 12 goethintothe mountains, and seeketh that 22. 9 Go ye therefore into the liighways, and 24. 16 let them which be in'Judea flee [into] the Mark 6. 53 they came into the land ofGennesaret, and Lukeig. 4 climbed up into a gycamore tree to see Lukeig. 23 gavest not thou ray money Into the bank Acts 7. 23 it came Into his heart to visit his brethren 9. II Arise, and go into the street which is 1 Co. 2. gneitherhavoenteredintotheheartof man It. 20 When ye come together therefore into one 14. 23 the v/hole church be come together into Eev. II. II life from God entered [into] them 11. Down, down ih/roughmit, Kara, (ace.) kata. Acts s- 15 brought forth the sick (Into) the streets 16. 7 they assayed to go [into] Bithynia: but the 1 2. Within, tiTU) csO. Marki4. 54 even into the palace of the high priest 15. 16 the soldiers led him away into the ball 13. Under, {nr6 (ace.) hupo. Jas. 5. 12 Swear not. . lest ye fall Into condemnacion [See aleo, Ashes, bear, beat, bondage, bring, captivity, carrying,"ea8t, come, contempt, desolation, enter, enter- ing, entrance, fall, foolishness, get, go, gralT, joy, lead, look, scatter, sleep, snare, spread, subjection, take.] INTEEAT or EITTEEAT, to — l.To smooth down, ajipease, weaken, nyi} chalah, 3. I Ki. 13. 6 Intreat now the face of the Lor.Dthy God Psa. 45. 12 rich among the people shall intreat thy 1 19. 58 I intreated thy favour with (my) whole Prov 19. 6 M any will intreat the favour of the prince 2.Tobe gracious, entreat grace or favour, ]ir} chanan. ■ Job 19. i7thoughI intreatedf or the chUdren's (sake) 3. To shov) self gracious, Ijn chanan, 7. Job 19. 16 1 called . .Intreated him with my mouth 4.7*0 entreat abundantly, "iny athar. Gen. 25. 21 Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife Exod. 8. 50 Moses went out from Pharaoh, and intre. 10. 18 ho went but from Pharaoh, and intreated Judg 13. 8 Then Manoah intreated the Lord, and 5.7*0 malie abundant intreaty, inj; athar, 5. Exod. 8. 8 Entreat the LoED, that he may take away 8. 9 Glory over me : when shall 1 entreat for 8. 28 I will let you go. .only, .entreat forme 8. 29 1 v/ill entieat the Lord that the swarms 9. 28 Entreat the Lord, for (it is) enough, that 10. 17 entreat the LORD your God, that ho may 6.7*0 come or fall upon, meet, Vi^paga. Gen. 23. 8 intreat for me to Ephron the son of Zohar Kuth 1. 16 Intreat me not to leave thee, (or) to rctu. 7. To cause to corae or fall upon, meet, il^.? paga, 5. Jer. 15. II verily I will cause the enemy to entreat 8.T0 cast self down, hha palal, 7. I Sa. 2. 25 If a man sin. .who shall intreat for himf 9. 7*0 aslc, EpoTttw erolao. Phil. 4. 3 I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help 10. 7*0 ash, craxe a little, vapaiTeofiai paraiteornaL Heb. 12. 19 they that heard intreated that the word 11. To call for, entreat, irapaKaKeca parakulco. Lukeis. 28 therefore came his father out, and intre. 1 Co. 4.13 Being defamed, we intreat : v/e are made iTi. 5. t Eebuke not an elder, but intreat (liini) as INTEJEATED, to be — 7*0 be abundantly intreated, "in;; athar, 2. Gen. 23. 21 the Lord was intreated of him, and Keb. 2 Sa. 21. 14 after that God was intreated for the land 24. 2s So the Lord was intreated for the land, and 1 Cli. 5. 20 he was intreated of tlitm; because they 2 Ch.33. 13 he was intreated of him, and heard his s. 33. 19 (how God) was intreated of him, and all Ezra 8. 23 besought. .God. .and he was intreated oj Isa. 19. 22 he shall be intreated of tUcm, and shall INTEEATED, easy to he — Easily persuaded, euTreifi^s eupeithes. Jas. 3. 17 easy to be intreated, full of mercy and INTEEATT — 1. Supplication for grace, D'Jiinn iachanunim. Prov 18. 23 The poor useth intreaties ; but the rich 2..i4 calling for, alongside of, entreaty, itapaKXTiaii. 2 Co. 8. 4 Praying us with much intreaty that we MTETTDE into, to — To go or tread in upon, e/u^areuo) emtiaieud. Col. 2. 18 intruding into those things which he hath INVADE, to — 1.7b cut, assault, n» gud. Hab. 3. 16 when he cometh up. .he will invade them 2.7*0 strip, m^pashat. 1 Sa. 23. 27 for the Philistines have invaded the land 27. 8 Da\id. .invaded the Geshurites, and the 30. 1 that the Amalekites had invaded the south 2 Ch.28. 18 The Philistines also had invaded the cities 3.7*0 corm or go in, 103 bo. 3 Kj. 13. 20 bands of the Moabites invaded the land 2 Ch.2o. 10 whom thou wouldest not let Israel invad* INVASION, to make an — To strip, aws pashat. I Sa. 3o.'i4''We made an invasion (upon) the south ot i INVENT, to — 7*0 think, devise, design, 2m chashdb. Amos 6. sinventtothemselvesinstrumentsofmusio • INVENTED — Device, design, nawna ma/Jiashebetk. 3 Ch.26. 15 engines, invented by cunning men, to be INVENTIONS 520 ISAAC INTENTIONS — 1. Devices, designs, nijiipn chishshebanoth. Eccl. 7. 29 they have sought out many inventions 2. A doing, deed, ^hv..o viaalal. Psa.io6. 29 they provoked, .to anger with their inve. 106. 39 went a whoring with their own inventions S. Doing, deed, n^'Si;. alilah. Fsa. 99. 8 though iliou tookest vengeance of their i. INVENTIONS, witty — Device, nsip mezi^nmah. Prov. 8.' 12 and find outknowledge of witty inventions INVDNTOK^ 07ie who finds out {something) more, i

. 3. 9 muchmorcjdoth the ministration.. exceed BXCEEDINO — l.JExcellent, abundant, "iw yattir. Dan. 3. 22 the furnace exceeding hot, the flamo of 7. 19 exceeding dreadful, whoso teeth (were of) i. Super abundance, excellency, "in.; yether. Pan. 8. 9 a little horn, which waxed exceeding gr. 5. Might, ^ND meod. Gen. 15. 1 1 (am) thy shield, (and) thy exceedingg. 17. 6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful 37. 34 he cried with a great and exceeding bitter Exod. I. 7 multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty 19, j6 the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud B'umi4. 7 The land, .(is) an exceeding good land s Sa, 8. 8 from Betah . , king David took exceeding 13. 2 The rich (man) had exceeding many iloc. X Kl. 4. 29 God gave Solomon wisdom, .exceeding 7. 47 because they were exceeding many 1 Ch 20. 2 he brought also exceeding much spoil out 9 Ch, 32. 27 Hezekiah had exceeding much riches and Psa. 1 19. 96 (but) thy commandment (is) exceeding Jer. 48. 29 the pride of Moab, he is exceeding proud Eze. 9. 9 The iniquity of the house . . (is) exceeding 16. 13 thou wast exceeding beautiful, and tliou 37. 10 and stood up. .an exceeding great army 47. 10 as the fish of the great sea, exceeding i. Above, upward, onward, nbyep lemalah. a Ch. 22. 5 the house . . (must be) exceeding magnWcal •3 Ch. 16. 12 until hia disease (was) exceeding (great) 6. To spread out, rn? sarach. ilze. 23. IS exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads 6. Many, mitch, enough, abundant, 3n rab. a Ch. 14. 14 for there was exceeding much spoil In 7. To make great or abundant, ixs n^n rabah meod, 5. 2 Ch. II. 12 (ho put) shields., and made them exceed. S.Greaf, N'si? saggi. Dan. 6. 23 Then was the king exceeding glad for 9.Beyo7id surpassing, Ka9' tw^p^oX^v kath huper. Kom. 7. 13 that sin. .might become exceeding sinful 10. Very, greatly, Xtav lian. Matt. 2. 16 Then Herod, .was exceeding wroth, and 4. 8 taketh him up into an exceeding high 8. 28 two possessed with devils, .exceeding Mark 9. 3 became shining, exceeding white as snow I;Uke23. 8 when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding 11. 7*0 Ood, T^ 0«y to ilieo. Acts I7. 20 Moses was bom, and was exceeding fair 12. Oreatly, veheinently, cripSSpa sphodra. Matt 2. 10 they rejoiced with exceeding great Joy 17. 23 And they were exceeding sorry 26. 22 they were exceeding so^^o^vf ul, and began Bev. 16. 21 for the plague thereof was exceeding 13. Over, above, (nrip huper. Eph. 3. 2o Now unto Imn that is able to do exceed. 14. To cast beyond, surpass, iTrep^dWca huperballo. 2 Co. 9. 14 which long after you for the exceeding Eph. I. 19 the exceeding greatness of his power to 3. 7 he might show the exceeding riches of his 15. To be over and above, vwepirepta'(r4vw huperper. 2 Co. 7. 4 am exceeding joyful in all our tribulatioo 16. To Ood, D-r)*?t6$oy niyav plwbon jnegan. Mark 4. 41 they feared exceedingly, and said pne to EXCEEDDf GLT, the moro — More abundantly, -TrepiirtroTspwr perissoteros. Markis. 14 they cried out [the more exceedingly] Gal. 1. 14 being [more exceediuglyj zealous of the EXCEL, to — l.Mighty, ^'l^3 gibbor. Psa. 103. 20 ye his angels, that excel in strength, that 2.T0 make abundant, in; yathar, 5. Gen. 49. 4 Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel 3.2*0 be pre-eminent, excel, ns) natsach, 3. I Ch. 15. 21 with harps on the Sheminith to excel 4. To go up, nSj; cdah. Prov.31. 29 done virtuously, but thou excellcst them h.To be abundant, T\qr\ rabah. I Ba. 4. 30 Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom 6. To be over and above, irepKTinvw perisseuo. 1 Co. 14. 12 seek that ye may excel to the edifying 7. To cast beyond, surpass, vTrepPd\\a huperballo, 2 Co. 3. 10 by reason of the glory that oxcelleth EXCELLEKCT — 1. Rising, excellency, niNJ gaavah. Deut 33.26 (who) rideth . . in his excellency on the sky 33. 29 and who (is) the sword of thy eEcellency ) Psa. 68. 34 his excellency (is) over Israel, and his 2. Rising, excellency, fiNJ gaon. Exodi5. 7 in the greatness of thin* excellency thou Job 37 4 thimdereth with, .voice of his excellency Psa. 47. 4 the excellency of Jacob, whom he loved Isa. 13. 19 the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency 60. 15 I will make thee an eternal excellency, a Eze. 24. 21 excellency of your strength, the desire Amos 6. 8 I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate 8. 7 LoKD hath sworn by the excellency of Jac. nth.. 2. 2 excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Z.Height, loftiness, njS gobah. Job 40. 10 Deck thyself, .(^vith) majesty and exc«ll, i.Sonour, beauty, majesty. Tin hadair. Isa. 35. 2 the excellency of Cannel and Sharon 35. 2 shall see . . the excellency of our God 5. Superabundance, excellency, -in; yether. Gen. 49. 3 excellency of dignity, and the excellency Job : 4. 21 Doth not their excellency (which is) in ^.Advantage, l"nri: yithron. Eccl. 7. 12 excellency of knowledge (is, that) wisdom T. Excellence, rising, nVin seeth. Job 13. II Shall not his excellency make you afraid! Psa. 62. 4 to cast (him) down from hia excellency %. Excellency, h-'V si. Job 20. 6 his excellency mount up to the heavens 9.A casting beyond, surpassing, wttp^oXi) huperb. a Co. 4. 7 the excellency of the powerTnay be of God 10. The pre-eminence,. rh Inttpixov to huperechon. Phil. 3. 8 tho excellency of Die knowledge of ChrM 11. yl Iwlding over or beyond, intepoxfl huperochl. 1 Co. 2. I with excellency of spcocb or of wisdom EXOEIiElfT — 1. Honourable, tin addir. Psa. 8. I, 9 how excellent (is) thy name In all the oa. 16. 3 the excellent, in whom (is) all my delight 76. 4 Thou (art) more glorious (and) excellent 2. 7*0 choose, try, fix on, no? bachar. Song 5. 15 (is) as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars 3.Rising, excellency, pride, I^K3 gaon. Isa. 4. 2 the fruit of the earth (shall be) excellent 4. To make or become great, ^-li gadal, 5. Isa. 28. 29 wonderful in comuicl. .excellent in wor. h. Precious, nij; yakar. Psa. 36. 7 How excellent (Is) thy loving kindness, Q. Excellent, abundant, tr; yattir. Dan. 2. 31 great image, whose brightness (was) ex. 4. 36 and excellent majesty was added unto me 5. 12 as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and 5. 14 and excellent wLsdom is found in thco 6. 3 because an excellent spirit (was) in him 7 . Superabundance, excelleiicy, in; yellier. Prov 17. 7 Excellent speech becometb not a fool 9i. Excellent, cool, 13 qar. Prov 17. 27 man of miderstauding is. .excellent spirit ^.Ahmdance, 3"i rob. Psa 150. 2 praise him. .to his excellent ereatne^s 10. Oreat, WiV/ saggi. Job 37. 23 (he is) excellent in power, and In Judgment 11. Ornaments, "ill adi. Eze. 16. 7 and thou art come to excellent ornaments 12. Beauty, nii laJien. Dan. 2. II except the gods, whose dwelling Is not 6. 5 except we find (rt) against him coucemlnff Q.If not, kSi'7 lule. Gen. 43. 10 except we had lingered surely now wo 7, If not, 'Si*? lule. I Sa. 25. 34 except thou hadst hasted and come to Isa. I. 9 Except the Lokd of hosts had left unto EXCEPT 318 EXPECTATION <4 B.OMt/, surely, nevertheless, pi raq. Gsn. 47. 26 except the land of . . priests only, (w'tlich) ^.JJ'...not, eav-./iTi ean.'.me. ■ Matt. J. 20 except your righteousness shall exceed la. 29 except he first bind the strong man? ■18. ■ 3 Except ye be converted, and become as 26. 4.2 not pass away from me, except I drink ■Mark 3. 27 except he will first bind the strong man 7. 3 except they wash (their) hands oft, eat ■jr. 4 except they w sh, they eat not Lu. 13.3,5 .Sohn 3. 2 do these miracles .. except God be with 3. 3 Except a man be born again, he cannot 3. 5 Except a man be born of water and (of) 3. 27 except it be given him from heaven 4. 48 Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will 6. 44 except the Father which hath sent me 6. 53 Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man 6. 65 except it were given unto him of my 12. 24 Except a com of wheat fall into the 15. 4 bear f ruit .. except it abide in the vine 15. 4 no more can ye, except ye abide in me jdcts 8. 31 How can I, except some man should 15. I Except ye be circumcised after the 27. 31 Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot 15 howshall they preach except they bo 1 Co. 14. 6 except I shall speak to you either by 14. 7 except they give a distinction in the 14. 9 except ye utter by the tongue vvords easy 15. 36 that, .is not quickened, except it die s Th. 2. 3 except there come a falling away first 2 Ti. 2. 5 not crowned, except he strive lawfully Rev. 2. 5 remove thy candlestick . . except thou re. 2. 22 except they repent of their deeds 10.1/ not, al ixi] ei me. Matt 19. 9 [except (it be) for fornication, and shall] 24. 22 And except those days should be shorte. John 19. II except it were given thee from abovo Rom. 7. 7 except the law had said. Thou shalt not 9.'29 Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left u;3 2 Co. 12. 13 except (it be) that I. .was not burdenso ll./f not, ei ix'l] Ti ei tm ti. I/Uke 9. 13 except we should go and buy meat for 1 Co. 7. 5 except (it be) with consent for a time 2 Co. 13. 5 Clirist is in you, except ye be reprobates 12. // not, except, qkt6s el fj-i) ektos ei me. 1 Co. 14. 5 except he interpret, that the church IZ.Near hy, without, outside of, irapeKTSs parekios. Acts 26. 29 altogether such as I am. except these li.More than, except, ttK-^v plen. Acts 8. I were all scattered . . except the apostles "Lh.Rut if, except, dk 'g ki im. Gen. 32. 26 wUlnot let thee go, except thou bless mo l^.lf not, th DX ini la. Gon. 44. 23 Except your youngest brother come doivn Josh. 7. 12 except ye destroy the accursed from Deut 32. 30 except their Rock had sold them and EXCEPT it be — Either, or, fi e. Acts 24. 21 Except it bo for this one voles, that 1 EXCEPT that — If not, 61 fi.-'i] ei m^. Marki3. 20 except that the lordhad shortened those Excepted, to be — Without, outside, cktJs ektos. I Co. 15. 27 he is excepted v/hich did put all things EXCESS — X.Ineontinenee, aKpa(rla akrasia. Matt 23. 23 they are full of extortion and [excess] %A pouring out upon, dvax^ffts anachusis. I Pe. 4. 4 not with (them) to the same excess of Z.Pvodirjality, acraria asotia. Eph. s. 18 bo not drunk with wine, wherein is oxc. EXCESS of wine — Overflowing of vnne, oXvoipKvyla oinophlugia. 1 Pe, 4. 3 in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine EXCHAHGE — Change, exchange, nnion temurah. Lev. 27. 10 it and the exchange thereof shall be holy Job 28. 17 exchange of it (shall not be for) jewels of EXCHANGE, in — An equivalent, fair exchange, avrdWayixa OMtall. Matt x6. 26 ■ft'hat shall a man give in exchange for Mark 8. 37 what shall a man give in exchange for EXOHAITGE, to — To change, exchange, 11D mur, 5. ' Eze. 48. 14 neither exchange, nor alienata the flrat EXCHANGES — One who sits at a table, exchanger, TpoTre^iTijy. Matt25. 27 to have put my money to the exchangers EXCLUDE, to — ^ To shut out, iKKXilo) ekkleio. Rom. 3. 27 Wliere (is) boasting then ? It Is excluded Gal. 4. 17 they would exclude you, that ye might EXCUSE, to make — To ask off from., or away,TrapanloiiouparaHeoitmi, lukei4 j8 all with one (conseut) began to maka ex. 149. 149. Isa. 16. Jer. Ilze. S- 7- 22. 23- 23- EXCUSE, without — Without apology, ava-n-o\6yriro5 anapologetos. Ilom. I. 2o D^ iluil iiitiy are Vfit-hout excuse EXCUSE one's self, to — To speak self off, apologise, h, apologeo. Rom. 2. 15 accusing or else excusing one another 2 Co. 12. 19 think ye that we excuse ourselves unto EXCUSED, to be — To ask off from, irapanioixat paraiteomai. Lukei4. 18 go and see it : I pray thee have me exc. 14. 19 to prove them : I pray thee have me ex. EXECRATION — Execration, oath, curse, rh^ alah. Jer. 42. 18 shall be an execration, and an astonish, 44. 12 shall be an execration, (and) an astonish. EXECUTE, to — 1. To do, ^3J; abaa. Num. 8. II they may execute the service of the LORD 2.T0 do, rtfV, asah. Exodi2. 12 the gods of Egypt I will execute Judgment Num. 5. 30 priest shall execute upon her all this 33. 4 gods al.9o the Lord executed judgments Deut 10. 18 execute the judgment of the fatherless 33. 21 he executed the justice of the Lord, and 1 Sa. 28. 18 executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek 2 Sa. 8. 15 David executed judgment and justice 1 Ki. 6. 12 and execute my judgments, and keep all J Ch.i8. 14 executed judgment and justice among all 2 Ch.24. 24 So they executed judgment against Joash Psa 9. 16 known (by) the judgment (Vifhich) he exe. 99. 4 thou executest judgment and righteous. 103. 6 LojiD exeouteth righteousness and judg. 119. 84 execute judgment on them that persecute 146. 7 Which cxecuteth judgment for the oppr. 7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen 9 To execute upon them the judgment 3 execute judgment ; make thy shadow as I if there be (any) that executeth judgment 5 if ye throughly e::ecute judgment betw. 3 Execute ye judgment and righteousness 5 execute judgment and justice in the earth 20 until ho liave executed, and till he have 33. IS shall execute judgment and righteousness 5. 8 v/Ul execute judgments in the midst of 5. 10 I will execute judgments in thee, and the 5. 15 1 shall execute judgments in thee in anger li. 9 and will execute judgments among you 11. 12 neither executed my judgments, but have 16. 41 execute judgments upon thee in the sight 18. 8 executed true judgmentbetween man and 18. 17 hath e.xecuted my judgments, hath walked 20. 24 they had not executed my judgments, but 23. io for they had executed judgment upon her 25. II I will execute judgments upon Moab 25. 17 I will execute great vengeance upon them 28. 22 I shall have executed judgments in her 28. 26 I have executed judgments upon all those 30. 14 and wiU execute judgments in No 20. 19 Thus will I execute judgments in Egypt 39. 21 see my judgment that I have executed 45. 9 execute judgment and justice, take away Hos. ii. 9 not execute the fierceness of mine anger Joel 2. II for (lie is) strong that executeth his word Mic. 5. 15 will execute vengeanceiin anger and fury 7. 9 plead nfy cause, .oxccuce judgment for 3. To judge, act as magistrate, csy shaphat. Zech. 7. 9 Execute true judgment, and show mercy 8. 16 execute the judgment of truth and peace LTo do, ■KQiiio poieO. John 5. 27 given him authority t-,-' execute judgment Jude 15 To execute judgment upon all. and to EXECUTE (judgment), to — To judge, decide, jT din. Jer. 21. 12 Execute judgment in the morning, and EXECUTED, to be — 1. To be done, performed, "13J? abad, 4. Ezra 7. 26 let judgment be executed speedily upon 2. To be done, performed, ntyj; a.iah, 2. EccL 8. II an evil work is not executed speedily EXECUTING — To do, iTf'j; asah. 2 30 executing (that which is) right in mine EXECUTIOl?, to be put in — To be d^one, n'tyii asah, 2. Esth. 9. I decree drev/ near to be put in execution EXECUTIOiraTR — A spearman (from LaA. speculator), trireKovXdTup. Mark 6. 27 king sent an executioner, and commanded^ EXEHPTED — Free, acquitted, exempt, 'p3 naqi. 1 Ki.15. 22 throughout all Judah; none (was)exem. EXERCISE — Q-ymnastic exercise, yvfivaarla gwmnasia. 1 Ti. 4. 8 For bodily exercise proflteth little ; but EXERCISE, to — l.To do, n'^j; asah. Jer. 9. 24 (he Lord which exercise loving kindness 8, To •■Dorh up, a(rid(a askeo. Acta 24, 16 herein do I exercise myself, to haM^alw. 3. To use exercise, train up, yvfivi^w gumnazo. 1 Ti. 4. 7 exercise thyself (rather) unto godliness Heb. 5. 14 exercised to discern both good and evil 12. II unto them which are exercised thereby 2 Pe. 2. 14 have exercised with covetous nractices i.To do, ■aoUti) poieo. Rev. 13. 12 he exerciseth all the power ol the flist, EXERCISE (robbery), to — To take away violently, '?!3 gazal. Eze. 22. 29 exercised robbery, and have vexed thft EXERCISE self, to — To go, walk, proceed, 'ii'pn halah, 3. Psa.131. I neither do I exercise myself in great EXERCISED, to be — To be afflicted, humbled, f^V, anah. Eccl. I. 13 hath God given, .to be exercised thereTT 3. 10 to the sons of men to be exercised in U EXHORT, to — l.To exhort, recommend, irapatvia parained. Acts 27. 22 I exhort you to be of good cheer : for 2. To call near, or for, irapaKaXioi parakaled. Acts 2. 40 other v/ords did ho testify and exhort II. 23 exhorted them all, that with purpose 14. 22 exhorting them to continue in the faith 15. 32 exhorted the brethren with many words E.omi2. 8 he that exhorteth, on exhortation : he 2 Co. 9. 5 thought.. necessary to exhort the breth. 1 Th. 2. II As ye know how we exhorted and eomf o. 4. I exhort (you) by the Lord Jesus, that as ye 5. 14 we exliort you, brethren, warn them that 2 Th. 3. 12 exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with 1 Ti. 2. 1 1 exhort therefore, that, first of all 6. 2 These things teach and exhort 2 TI. 4. 2 exhort, with . . long suffering and doctri. Titus I. 9 to exhort and to convince the gamsayera 2. 6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober 2. 13 and exhort, and rebuke with all author. Heb. 3. 13 But exhort one another daily, while it is I Pe. 5. I The elders which are among you I exh. 5. 12 exhorting, and testifying that this is the Jude 3 and exhort (you) that ye should earnestly 3. To turn forward, propel, irpoTpeiro} protrepo. Acts 18. 27 exhorting the disciples to receive him EXHORT (one another), to — To call near or for, wapaKaKea parakaleo. Heb. 10. 25 exhorting (one another) : and so mnclk EXHORTATION — A calling near or for, irapa.KA-rjs'ts paraklesis. Acts 13. 15 if ye have any word of exhortation for Rom 12. 8 he that exhorteth, on exhortation : ha 1 Co. 14. 3 edification, and exhortation, and comfort 2 Co. 8. 17 he accepted the exhortation ; but being 1 Th. 2. 3 our exhortation (was) not of deceit, nor 1 Ti. 4. 13 to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine Heb. 12. 5 ye have forgotten the. exhortation whicl. 13. 22 brethren, suffer the word of exhortation EXHORTATION, to give much — To call near with much discourse, irapaKoXiw \6yif ■noK\p, raah. Eccl. 1. 16 had great experience ol wisdom and kno. EXPERIENCE, to leaxn by — To observe diligently, wr\i nachash, 3. Gen. 30. 27 I have learned by experience that the EXPERnVTKMT — Proof, trying, hoKiii'h dokiiru:. 2 Co. 9. 13 by the experiment of this ministration EXPERT — l.To he taught, accustomed, 107 lamad, 4. Song 3. 8 They all hold swords, (being) expert in 2. To cause to act wisely, SaV sakal, 5. Jer. 50. 9 arrows (shall be) as of a mighty expert Z.One that knows, yviin-qs gnostes. Acts 26. 3 I know) thee to be expert in all customs EXPEST in — To set in array, T3V arak. J Ch. 12. 33 experi; in war, with all instruments of 12. 35 of the Danites expert in war twenty and 12. 36 went forth to battle, expert in war, forty EXPIRE, to — 1. Tofll out, -irXripoa) pleroo. Acts 7. 30 And when forty years were expired, there 2. To end, reK^a teleo. Kev. 20. 7 [when the thousand years are expired] EXPIRED, be — Return, revolution, nii^fi teshubah. 2 Sa. II. I after the year was expired, at the time 1 Ch. 20. I after the year was expired, at the time 2 Ch. 36. ID the year was expired, king Mebuchadne. EXPIRED, tobe— . l.To finish, consume, 1173 kalah, 2. Eze. 43. 27 when these days are expired, It shall be %To be full, vhamale. I Sa. 18. 26 and the days were not expired I Ch.17. 11 when thy days be expired that thou must Esth.i . 5 when these days were. expired, the king Expouin), to — 1.2*0 put or bring before, 1?) nagad, 5. Judg 14. 14 could not in three days expound the rid. 14. 19 unto them which expounded the riddle 2. To interpret thoroughly, Siepurtvevo) diermenem. Luke 24. 27 expounded unto them in aU the Scriptures 5, To put forth, iKrlQrifit ektithemi. Acts II. 4 expounded(it)by orderunto them, saying 28. 26 expounded unto htm the way of God more 28. 23 to whom he expounded and testified the 4.T0 loose further, solve, iirtkioi epiluo. Mark 4. 34 he expounded aU things to his disciples EXPRESSED, to be -^ To be pierced, defined, marked out, 3p3 naqab, 2. Num 1. 17 men whichare expressed by (their) names X Ch. 12. 31 half tribe, .which were expressed by na. 16. 41 were chosen, who were expressed by name 2 Ch.:S. 15 men whicli were expressed by nomc rose 31. 19 the men Ihat were expressed by name, to Ezra. 8. 20 all of them were expressed by name EXPRESSLY — l.To say, TDK amar. 1 Sa. 20. 21 If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold 2./71 express words, (iriTus rhetOs. I Ti. 4. I the Spirit speakcth expressly, that in the EXTEND, to — l.To draw out, Ti»D mashak. Psa. 109. 12 there be none to extend mercy unto him 2.7*0 stretch out, npj nalah. Isa. 66. 12 I wUl extend peace to her liko a river 3.7*0 stretch oni.t, nnj natah, 5. Ezra 7. 28 hath extended mercy unto mc l«forc (ho 9. 9 hath extended mercy unto us in the sight EXTINCT, to bo — l.T'o he extinguished, ^jn dac.h. Isa. 43, 17 they arc c.xtirsct, they arc quenched as 2. 7*0 become extinguished, TJ.V; zaak, 2. Job 17. I ray days are extinct; the graves (arc ready) EXTOL, to — l.T'o exalt, raise up, VSn ca.l::l. Psa, 08. 4 extol him that rideth upon the heavens 2. 7*0 lift up, exalt, DIT rum, 3a. Psa. 30. 1 I will extol thee, Lord; for ihou hast 145. I I v.lll extol thoc, my God, king ; and I 3.7*0 lift up, exalt, nn rum, 'ia. Dan. 4. 37 and e.xtol and honour the King of heaven EXTOLLED, to bo — 1.7*0 be lifted up, Nyj nasa, 2. Isa. 52. 13 he shall be c.Kaltcd and extolled, and bo 2. Lifting up, exaltation, DSn romn.m. Psa. 66. 17 and he was extolled witli my tongue EXTORTION — l.Oppression, strife, p^y oshcq. Eze. 22. 12 thoii hast greedily gained, .by extortion ^.Snatching away, apirayT} harpagS. JIatt23. 25 witliin tiiey are full of extortion and ox. EXTORTIONER — 1.7*0 wrhig out, extol, ps muts. Isa. 16. 4 the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler 2.7*0 bite, lend on usury, nyj nashah. Psa. 109. II Let the extortioner catcii all that he 3. One that snatches away, apira^ harpax. Lnkei8. 11 I am not as other men (are), extortioners 1 Co. 5. 10 with the covetous, or extortioners, or 5. II or a railer, or a drunkaid, or an extortion. 6. 10 nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingd. EXTREHITT — Extremity, V3 posh. Job 35. 15 yet lie knoweth (it) not in great extrem. EYE — l.Eye, pv ayin. Gen. 3. 5 then your eyes shall be opened, and yo 3. 6 and that it (was) pieasant to tlie eyes 3. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened 6. 8 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord 13. 10 Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the 13. 14 Lift up now thine eyes, and look from 16. 4 her mistress was despised in her eyes 16. 5 when she saw , , I was despised in her eyes 18. 2 And he lift up his eyes and looked 19. 8 and do ye to them as (is) good in your ey. 20. 16 behold he (is) to thee a covering of the ey. 21. 19 God opened her eyes, and she saw a well 22. 4 the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes 22. 13 Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked 24. 63 he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, beh. 24. 64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and 27. I his eyes were dim, so that he could not 30. 27 if I have found favour in thine eyes,(tarry) 30. 41 Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of 31. 10 I liftedup mine eyes, and saw in a dream 31. 12 he said, Lift up how thine eyes and see 31. 40 and my sleep departed from mine eyes 33. I Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and 33. 5 he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women 34. II Let me find grace in yoiu- eyes, and what 37. 25 and they lifted up their eyes and looked 39. 7 his master's wife cast her eyes upon Jos. 41. 37 in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of 42. 24 Simeon, and bound him before their eyes 43. 29 he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother 44. 21 that I may set mine eyes upon him 45. 12 your eyes see. and the eyes of my brother 46. 4 Joseph shall put his hand upon thine ey. 47. 19 'Vlierefore shall we die before thine eyes 48. 10 Now the eyes of Israel were dim for age 49. 12 His eyes . . red with wine, and liis teeth 50. 4 If now I have found grace in your eyes Exod. 3. 21 in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes 8. 26 shall we sacrifice, .before their eyes, and 13. 9 and for a memorial between thine eyes 13. 16 and for frontlets between thine eyes 14. 10 the children of Israel lifted up their eyes 21. 24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for 21. 26 if a man smite the eye of his servant 21. 26 or the eye of his maid, that it perish Exod 21. 26 lie BhslI let Iiim go free for his eye's sako 24. 17 fire, .in tlie eyes 0/ tlic children of Israel Lev. 4. 13 the thing be hid from the eyes of the 20. 4 if the people, .hide their eyes from the 31. 20 or tliat hath a blemish in his eye, or bo 24. 20 Breacli for breach, eye for eye, tooth for 26. 16 burning ague, tliat shall consume the ey. Num. 5. 13 and it be liid from the eyes of her hUBba* JO. 31 and thou mayest be to us instead of eye* ji. 6 (there is) notliingatall. . (before) our eyes 15. 39 after your own Iieart and your own eyes 16 14 wilt thou put out the eyes of these men 7 so. 8 speak ye unto tlie rock before their eyes BO. 12 to sanctify me in the eyes of the children 22. 31 Then the Lord opened tlic eyes of Balaam 24. 2 Bahiam lifted up his eyes, and he saw 24. 3, IS tlie man whose eyes are open hath 24. 4, j6 falling, .but having his eyes open 27. J4 sanctify me at the water before their ey. 33. 55 that those, .(shall be) jiricks in your eyes Deut. I. 30 according to all. .he did. .before your ey. 3. 21 Tliine eyes have seen all that the Lord 3. 27 lift up thine eyes westward, and northw. 3. 27 and behold (it) with thine eyes : for thou 4. 3 Your eyes have seen what the Lord did 4. 9 forget the things .. thine eyes liave seen 4. 19 lest tliou lift up thine eyes unto heaven 4. 34 to all that the Lord. .did. , before, youre.? C. 8 shall be as frontlets between thine eyes 6. 22 the Lord showed signs .. before our eyes 7. 16 thine eye shall have no pity upon them 7. 19 The LToat temptations which thine eyea 9. 17 I tooK. .and brake tliem before your eyea 10. 21 ten'ible things which tliine eyes have 11. 7 But your eyes have seen all the great acti II. 12 Uieeyes of the Lord tliy God (are) always 11. 18 they may be as frontlets between your c. 12. 8 every man whatso. (is) riglit in his own ey. 13. 8 neither shall thine eye pity him, neither 13. 18 to do. .riglit in the eyes of the Lord 14. I nor make any baldness between your eyes 15. 9 and thine eye be evil against thy poor br. 16. 19 for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wiso 19. 13 Thine eye shall not pity him : but thou 19. 21 And thine eye shall not pity 19. 21 life, .for life, eye for eye, tooth for 21. 7 and say. .neither have our eyes seea 24. I tliat she find no favour in his eyes 25. 12 Then, .tliine eye sliall not pity (her) 28. 31 Thine ox. .slain before thine eyes, and 28. 32 thine eyes shall look, and fail, .for them 28. 34 Shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes . 28. 54 his eye shall be evil toward his brother 28. 5O her eye shall be evil toward the husban.l 28. 65 and failing of eyes, and sorro\v of mind 28. 67 for the sight of thine eyes which thou 29. 2 all that the Lord did before your eyes 29. 3 nie great temptations which thine eyes 29. 4 and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto. 32. 10 he kept him as the apple of his eye 34. 4 I have caused thee to sec .with thine ey, 34, 7 his eye was not dim, nor his natural force Josh. 5. 13 he lifted up his eyes and looked, and 23. 13 but they shall be. .thorns in your eyes 24. ; your eyes have seen what I have done In Judg 16. 21 Philistines took him, and put out his eyes 16. 28 I may be at once avenged, .for my two 0. 17. 6 every man did . .right in his own eyea 19. 17 v/hen he had lifted up his eyes, he saw 21. 25 every man . .did right li; his own eyes Euth 2. 9 (Let) thine eyes (be) on the field that they 2. 10 Wiy have I found grace in thine eyes 1 Sa. 2. 33 the man . . (shall be) to consume thine eyes 3. 2 his eyes began to wax dim, (that) he could 4. 15 his eyes were dim, that he could not see 6. 13 they lifted up their eyes, and saw the ark 11. 2 tliat I may thrust out all your right eyes 12. 3 (any) bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? z2. j6 which the LORD wiU do before your eycg 14. 27 and his eyes were enlightened 14. 29 how mine eyes have been enlightened 20. 3 that I have found grace in thine eyes 20. 29 now, if I have found favour in thine eyes 24. 10 Behold, this day thine eyes have seen how 25. 8 let the young men find favour in thine ey 26. 21 mj soul was precious in thine eyes this 26. 24 thy life was much set by. .in mine eyes 26. 24 let my life be much set by in the eyes of 27. 5 If I have now found grace in thine eyes 2 Sa. 6. 20 who unco\ered himself to day in the eyes j2. II and I will take thy wives before thine 0. 13. 34 And the young man . , lifted up his eyes 15. 25 if I shall find favour in the eyes of the 18. 24 lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold 22. 28 but thine eyes (are) upon the haughty 24. 3 that the eyes of my lord the king may see 1 Ki. I. 20 And thou , . the eyes of all Israel (are) upon J. 48 to sit on my throne this day, mine eyes 8. 29 That thine eyes fciay be open toward this 8. 52 That thine eyes may be open unto the 9. 3 mine eyes and mine heart shall be there 10. 7 until I came, and mine eyes had seen (it) 11. 33 not walked, .to do. .right in mine eyes 14. 4 for his eyes were set by reason of his age 14. 8 who followed, .to do. .right in mine eyes 15. s. I' did. -right in the eyes of the Lord 16. 25 Omri wrought evil in the eyes of the LORD 20. 6 whatsoever is pleasant in thine eyes 22. 43 doing, .right in the eyes of the Lord 2 Ki 4. 34 his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands 4. 35 seven times, and the child opened his cj. 6. j 7 I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may ge« BYE 32Q EYE n ' .6. 6. .7.- lo. lo. 19. 19. 23. '»Ch.z3. 17- 31. 31. S.Ch. 6. 6. 7- 7- 9- 14- 16. 20. SI. sg. Ezra 3 •s- . 9- Neh I. > 6. £sth. I. Job 2. 3- 4- 7- 7- 7-. 10. 10. fsa. 24. 24. 24, 27. 28, 28. 23, 29, ,'9- 3i. 3i. SI- 32' 34. 36. 39- 40- 41. 42. 6. '3- 15- 17- 17- 17- 19. 83- 26. SI- 32- 33- 34- 35- 35- 36- 3«- 33. 50, 54- 66. 69. 69. 73- 77. 88. 91. 92. «4. ZOl. lOI. 115- 116. 118. • 19. 119. 17 And the Lord opened the eyes of the 20 open the eyes of these, .that they may 20 the Lord opened their eyes, and they 2, 19 Behold, thou Shalt see. .with thino ey. ■ 5 do thou (that which is) good in thine eyes 30 in executing, .right in mine eyea 16 and hear; open. Lord, thino eyes, and see 22 against whom has t thou .. lifted up thine e. 2o thine eyes shall not see a!! the evil 7 Blew the sons of Zedokiah before his eyes . 7 put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound 4 the thing was right in the eyes of all the 17 this was a small thing In thine eyes, G. 16 David lifted up his eyes, and saw the an. 23 let my lord. .do. .good in his eyea 20 That thine eyes may be open upon this 40 let, I beseech thee, thme eyes be open 15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine 16 mine eyes and mine heart shall bo there 6 until I came, and mine eyes had seen (it) 2 Asa did .. good .ind right in the eyes of the 9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro 13 our God. .our eyes (are) upon theo; 6 he wrought, .evil in the eyes of the l,OED 6 ail"! done, .evil .a the eyes of the Lord 8 and to hissing, as yo see with your eyes 12 the foundation, .v/as laid before their ey. 5 But the eye of their God was upon the 8 that our God may lighten our eyes, and 6 Let thine ear. .be attentive, and thine e. 16 wore much cast do^vn in their own eyes 17 shall despise their husbands in theu- eyes 12 v/hen they lifted up their eyes afar off 10 not shut .. nor hid sorrow from mine eyes 16 an ima;e (was) before mine eyes, .silence 7 mine eye shall no more see good 8 The eye of him that hath seen me shall 8 thine eyes (are) upon me, and I (am) not ' 4 Hast thou eyes of fiesh ? or seest thou as 18 I had given up the ghost, and no eye had 4 thou hast said. .1 am clean in thine eyes 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail 1 Lo, mine eye hath seen all. .mine ear 3 dost thou open thino eyes upon such an 12 carry thee away ? and what do thy eyes 9 mine enemy sharpeneth his eyes upon me 20 mine eye poureth out (tears) unto God 2 doth not mine eye continue in their pro. 5 even the eyes of his children shall fail 7 Mine eye also is- dim by reason of sorrow 27 Whom I shall see.. and mine eyes shall 9 The eye also (which) saw him. shall (see 8 and their offspring before their eyes eo His eyes shall see his destruction, and. . IS The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for 15 No eye shall see me : "and disguisetli (his) 23 safety, .yet his eyes (are) upon their ways 19 The rich, .openeth his eyes, and lie (is) - 7 and which the ^^^lture's eye hath not seen JO and his eye seeth every precious thing i.' ■ 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living 11 when the eye saw (me), it gave witness to 15 I was eyes to the blind, and feet .(was) I i I I made a covenant with mine eyes ; why , 7 and mine heart wallr.ed after mine eyes -i 16 have caused the eyes of the widow to fail 1 because he (was) rigliteous in his own e. 2i J?or his eyes (are) upon the ways of man 7 He withdraweth not his eyes from the 29 From thence .'.her eyes b.ehold afar off 24 He taketh it v/ith his eyes ; (Iiis) nose 18 his eyes (are) like the eyelids of the 3 I have heard, .but now mine eye seeth 7 Mine eye is consumed because of grief 8 his eyes are privily set against the poor - 4 his eyes behold, his eyelids try, t!ie chil. ' 3 lighten mine eyes,-lest I sleep the. .death- 4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned 2 let thino eyes behold the things that are 8 Keep me as the apple of the eye ; hide II tliey have set their eyes boiving down to 8 rejoicing the heart, .enlighttning the e. IS Iviine eyes (are) ever toward the Lord 3 thy loving kindness (is) before mine eyea 9 mine eye is consumed with grief . . ray . 22 I am out off from before thine eyes 8 I will guide thee with mine eye i3 the eye of the Lord (is) upon them that 15 The eyes of the Lord (arc) upon the righ. ig let them ^vink with the eye that hate me 21 (and) said. Aha, aha! our eye hatli seen 1 (there is) no fear of God before his eyes 2 For he flattereth himself in his own eyes 10 as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone 21 and set. .In order before thine eyes 7 mine eye hath seen (his desii'c)upon mine 7 his eyes behold the nations : let not the 3 mine eyes fail while I wait for my God 23 Let their eyes bo d.-vrkened, that they see 7 Their eyes stand out with fatness 4 Thou holdost mine eyes waking : I am so 9 "Mine eye mourneth by reason of affliction 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold 11 llino eye also shall see (my desire) on 9 he that formed the eye, shall ho not see 1 3 I will set no wicked thing before mine 0. 6 Mine eyes (shall bo) upon the faithful of 5 they speak not; eyes have tlioy, but tliey 8 mine eyea from tears , .my feet from 23 Ix)RD's doing-; It (is) marvellous In our e. 18 Open thou mine eyes, thnt I may behold 37 Turn away mine eyes from buliolding va. Psa.iig. 119. 119. 119. 121. 123. 123. 123. 123. 131. 132. 135- 139. l.)i. 145- Prov. 3. 3- 4- ■»- 5- 6. 6. 7- 10. 10. Eccl. Song Isa. Jer. 3- 3- C. 5- 6. 6. 6. II. 13- 13- 17- £9. 29. 30. 3^.. 33- 33- 33- 35- 37- 37- 33. 40. 42. 43- 4-:- 49- Sl- 52. 52- 59- Co. 64. 65- 65- 66, 3- S- 5- 7- 9- 83 Jlino eyes fall for thy v?ord, saying 123 Mine eyes fail for thy s.ilvation, and 136 Rivers of waters run dov/n mine eyes 148 Mine eyes prevent the '.night) watches I I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills 1 Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou 2 as the eyes of servants, .unto the hand 2 as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand 2 so our eyes. .'Upon the Lord our God 1 my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyea 4 I will not give sleep to mine eyes, (or) 16 they speak not ; eyes have they, but they 16 Thino eyes did see my substance, yet y 8 mine eyes (are) imto thee, O GoD the _ 15 The eyes of all wait upon theo ; and thou 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes : fear the 21 son, let not them depart from thino eyes 21 Let them not depai't from thine eyes - 25 Let thine eyes look right on, and let - 21 the ways of man (are) before the eyes of 4 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber 13 He winketh with his eyes, he speakoth 2 Keep, .my law as the apple of thine eye 10 He that winketh with the eye causeth ' 26 as smoke to the eyes, so (is) the sluggard 15 The way of a fool(is) right in his own eyes 3 Tlio eyes of the Lord (are) in every place 30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart 2 the ways of a man (are) clean in his own e. 30 He shutteth his eyes to devise frowardj 8 A gift (is as) a precious stone in the eyes 24 but the eyes of a fool (are) in the ends of 8 A king, .scattereth away all evil with his e. 12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the 13 open thine eyes, .thou -halt be satisfied 2 way of a man (is) right in his own eyea * 10 bis neighbour flndeth no favour in his e. 9 He that riath a bountiful eye shall be • 12 The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge 5 Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which 6 Eat thou not the bread of .an evil eye 26 My son. .let thine eyes observe my. ways 29 without cause 1 who hath redness of eyes ? 33 Tliine eyes shall behold strange women 7 presence of the prince whom thine eyes 20 so the eyes of mau are never satisfied 22 that hasteth to be rich (liath) an evil eye 27 he that hideth his eyes shall have many 13 the Lord lighteueth both their eyes 12a generation . . piire in their own eyes 13 a generation, O how lofty are their eyes ! 17 The eye (that) mocketh at (his) father 8 the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor 10 whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not 14 The wise man's eyes (are) in his head 8 neither is his eye satisfied with riches 11 saving the beholding, .with their eyes ? 9 Better (is) the sight of the eyes than the 16 neither day nor night seeth. .with his e. 7 ijleasant...for the eyes to behold the sun 9 of thine heart, and in the sight of thine e. 15 thou (art) fair; thou (liast) doves' eyes I thou (hast) doves' eyes within thy locks 9 ravished my heart with one of thine eyes 12 His eyes (are) as. .of doves by the rivers 5 Turn away thine eyes from me, for they 4 tliine eyes, .the flshpools in Heshbon, by 10 then w.'^ I in his eyes as one that found 15 spread ::your hands, I will hide mine eyes 16 the evil of your doings from before mine e. 8 against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of 16 with stretched forth necks, and wanton e. 15 and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled 21 AVoe unto.. wise in their own eyes, and - 5 mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord 10 make their ears heavy, and shut their e. 10 lest they see with their eyes, and hear 3 he shall not judge after the sight of his e. 16 shall be dashed to pieces before their e. 18 nopity. .their eye shall not spare children 7 his eyes sliail Iiave respect to the Holy 10 of deep sleep, and hatli closed your eyes jS the eyes of the blind shall see out of ob. 20 but tiiinc eyes shall see thy teachers i the eyes of them that see shall not bo 15 and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil 17 Thine eyes shall see tiio King m his beauty 20 thino eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet 5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened 17 .Incline thino ear. .open tliino eyes, O 23 against whom hast thou, .lifted up thine e. 14 mino eyes fail (with IoaI:ing) upward 26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold 7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the Bring forth the blind, .that have eyes i3 ho hath shut their eyes, that they cannot 5 yot shall I be glorious in the eyes of the 18 Lift up thino eyes round about, and beh. 6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look 8 thoy shall ^cc eye to eye, wiion the LORD ID made bare his holy arm in the eyci of all 10 and v^e gropo as if no eyea : we ctumblo 4 Lift up thino eyes round about, and cee ■ 4 perceived by tiio car, neither hath the eye 12 did not iicar ; but did ovU before mino 0. 16 and bocauso thoy are hid from mino eyes 4 not hoar: but thoy did evil before mino 0. 2 Lift up thino oyes unto tho high pl.-icos 3 O Lord, (aro) not thine eyes upon tho 21 which have eyes, and eoo not; which 11 become a don of robbers In your eyea ? 1 and mluo eyes a fountain of tcar-j. that I Ezo. Jer. 9. 1 3 that our eyes may run do\, a with tears 13. 17 mine. eye shall weep soro, and run down 13. 20 Lift up your eyes, and behold them that 14. 6 their dyes did fail, because, .no grass 14. 17 Let mine eyes run dov.'n v.ith tears night 16. 9 to cease out of this place in your eyes 16. 17 For mino eyes (are) upon all their ways 16. 17 neither is. .Iniquity liid from mine eyea 20. 4 thoy shall fall . . and thine eyes shall be. 22. 17 But thino eyes and thino heart (are) not 24. 6 For I will set mine eyes upon them for 29. 21 and ho shall slay them before your eyes 31. 16 Uofrain. .thino eyes fi-om tears : for thy 33. 4 and his eyes shaU behold his eyea 32. 19 thine eyes (iire) open upon all the ways 34. 3 thino eyes shall behold tho eyes of tho 39. 6 slow tho sons of Zedekiah. .before his ey. 39. 7 Moreover ho put out Zodekiah's eyes 42. 2 a few of many, as thine eyes do behold 52. 2 he did .. evil in tho eyes of the Lord 52. 10 clew the sons of Zedekiah before Iiis eyea 52. II Tlien he put out tho eyes of Zedekiah Lam. I. 16 mine eye, mino eye runneth down witli 2. 4 and slow all. .pleasant to tho eye in the 2. II Mine eyes do fail with tears, my bov/ola 2. 18 let not tho apple of tliino eye ceas» 3. 48 J] ine eye runneth down with rivers 0? 17. 3. 49 Mine eye trickleth down, and ceasoth noS 3. 51 Mine eye affecteth mine heart because oi 4. 17 Our eyes as yot failed for our vain help' 17 heart is faint; f or theso . . our eyes are dim. 18 their rings . . full of eyes round about them 5. 11 neither shall mine eye spare, neither will 6. 9 with their eyes, which go a whoring after 7. 4, 9 mine eye shall not spare, .neither wib 8. 5 lilt up thino eyes now tho way toward 8. 5 I lifted up mino eyes the way toward tha 8. 18 mine eye shall not spare, neither will 1 9, 5 let not your eye spare, neither have ye 9. 10 as for me also, mine eye shaU not spare 10. 12 and the wheels. .full of eyes round about 12. 2 which have eyes to see, and ace not 12. 12 that he see not the ground with (his) eyes 16. 5 None eye pitied thee, to do any of those 18. 6, 12, 15 hath lifted up his eyes to tho idols 20. 7 every man the abominations of his eyes 20. 8 cast away the abominations of their eyes so'. 17 mine eye spared them from destroying 20. 24 their eyes were after their fathei-s' iduls 21. 6 and with bitterness sigh before their eyea 22. 26 and have hid their eyes from my sabbatlis 23. 16 as soon as she s.-av them vrith her eyes 23. 27 so that, thou shalt not lift up thino eyes 23. 40 thou dlrtst wash thyself, paintedst tluno e. 24. 16 I take away . . the desire of thine eyes v.'ith 24. 21 the excellency. ,tlie desire of your eyes 24. 25 joy of their glory, the desire of their cyca 33. 25 and lift up your eyes tov.-ard your idols 36. 23 I shall be canctiflod. .before their eyes 37. 2o the sticks, .in tliino hand before their c. 38. 16 I shall be sanctified, .before their <;yc3 38. 23 I v/ill be knov.'u in tho eyes oi many nat. 40. 4 behold with thine eyes, and hoar with 44. 5 behold with thine eyes, and hoar witli ' Dan. 4. 34 I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes 7. 8 in this horn (v/ere) eyes like tho eyes of 7. 20 even (of) that horn that had eyes, and a 8. 3 I lifted up mino eyes, and saw, and, bell 8. 5 goat (had) a notable horn bctvceon his e. 8. 21 the great horn that (is) between his eye» 9. 18 open thine eyes, and behold our desola. 10. 5 I lifted up mino eyes, and looked, and 10. 6 his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms Hos. 13. 14 repentance shall bo hid froip mino eyea Joel I. 16 Is not the meat cut off bcfc\o our eyea Amos 9. 4 I v/Ul set mino eyes upon t.'iom for evU 9. 8 the eyes of tho Lord GoD (Lrc) upon tho Mic 4. II Let her be defiled, and let .jur eyo look 7. 10 mine eyes shall behold her ; now shall Hab. . 1, 13 oi purer eyes than to behold evil, and Zeph. 3. 20 turn back your captivity br„foro your oyoa Hag. 2. 5 in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing! Zech. I. 18 Then lifted I up mino eyes, and saw 2. I I lifted up mino eyes again, and looked 2. S touchoth you touoheth the applo of his c. 3. 9 For . . upon one stone (shall bo) seven eyes I 4. 10 they (arc) tho eyes of tho Lord, which 5. 1 Tlicn I turned, and lifted up mino eyes 5. 5 caid unto mo, Lift up now thine eyes 5. 9 Then lifted I up mine eyos, and looked 6. I I turned, and lifted up mino eyes, and 8. 6 If it be marvellous in tho eyes of tho 8. 6 should it also bo marvellous in r\'.ino eyes? 9. I when tho eyes of man, as of all tho tribso 9. 8 for noT^ have I seen with mino eyes 11. i73V/ord. .upon his arm, anduponhis right e. 11. 17 his right eye shall be utterly darkened 12, 4 I vriU open mine eyes upon tho house of 14. 12 their eyes shall consume away in their • Mai. I. 5 And your eyes shall see. and yo shall say 2. The eye; sight, o/n/ia omir.u. ■' Mark S. 23 Vr-hon lie had spit on his' eyes, .he asked Z.Thc eye, ocpOaKfios ophthalmos. Matt. J. 29 if thy right eye offend thee, pluck It out 5. 38 An eye for an eyo, and a tooth lor a toeth 6. 23 The light of tho body is the eye 6. 22 if therefore thino eye be single, thy whole 6. 23 But if thino eye bo evil, thy whole body 7. 3 boholdest..the mote. . in thy brotheru eye 7, 3 considerest not the beam . . in thine ow^i .«^ 7. 4 Let mo puU. -.tho mote out of thine eyo BYE Hatt. 7. 4 and, bahold, a beam (Is) IntMno own eye? 7. 5 first cast, .the beam out o' thine own cyo 7. 5 to cast . . the mote out of thy brother's eye 9. 29 Then touched ho their eyes, saying, Ace. 9. 30 their eyes were opened : and Jesusstraitly 13. IS and their eyes they have closed ; lest 13. 15 any time they slu)uld see witli (iheir)eye3 13. i6.But blessed (are) your eyes, for they see 17. 8 And wlicn tliey had lifted up tlicir eyes 18. 9 if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out 18. 9 rather than having two eyes to be cast 23. 15 Is thine eye evil, because I am good? 20. 33 Lord, tliat our eyes may he opened 20. 34 had compassion, .and touched their eyes 20. 34 immediately [their eyes] received sight 21. 42 doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? 26. 43 asleep again : for their eyes were heavy Slark 7. 22 an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness 8. 18 Having eyes, see ye not ? and having ears 8. 25 he put (his) hands again upon his eyes 9. 47 if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out g. 47 than having two eyes to be cast into 12. II domg, and it is marvellous in our eyes? 14. 40 asleep again, for their eyes were hea\'y Xuke 2. 30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation 4. 20 And the eyes of all. .were fastened on 6. 20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples 6. 41 beholdest.. the mote., in thy brother's eye 6. 41 perceivest not the beam .. in thine own e. 1 6. 42 let me pull out the mote, .in thine eye 6. 42 beholdest not the beam. . in thine o\vn eye? 6. 42 out of thine own eye . .in thy brother's eye 10. 23 Blessed (are) the eyes which see the things 11. 34 The light of the body is the eye II. 34 therefore when thine eye is single, thy 16. 23 in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in tor. 18. 13 would not lift up so much as (his) eyes 19. 42 but now they are hid from thine eyes 24. 16 their eyes were holden that they should 24. 31 their eyes were opened, and they knew Jdm 4. 35 Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields 6. 5 When Jesus then lifted up (his) eyes, and 9. 6 he anointed the eyes of the blind man 9. 10 said they. .How were thine eyes opened? 9. II Jesus made elay, and anointed mine eyes 9. 14 Jesus made the clay, and opeiied his eyes 9. IS He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed g. 17 thou of him, that he hath opened thine c.? g. 21 or who hath opened his eyes, we know 9. 26 AVliat did he. .how opened he thine eyes? 9. 30 he is, and (yet) he. hath oponea mine eyes 9. 32 that any man opened the eyes of one that 10. 21 Can a devil open the eyes of the blind? ji. 37 man, which opened the eyes of the blind 11. 41 Jesus lifted up Oiis) eyes, and said, Father 12. 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened 12. 40 that they should not see with (their) eyes 17. I and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and Acts 9. 8 when his eyes were opened, he saw no 9. 18 there fell from his eyes as it had been 9. 40 she opened her eyes : and when she saw 26. 18 To open their eyes. , to turn, .from dark. 28. 27 their ears are dull, .their eyes have they 28. 27 lest they should see ivitli (their) eyes Eom. 3. 18 Their is no fear of God before their eyes Ti. 8 God hath given them . . eyes that they 11. 10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they X Co. 2. 9 as it is written. Eye hath not seen, nor 12. 16 Because I am not the eye, I am not of 12. 17 If the whole body (were) an eye, where 12. 21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand 15. 52 In a moment, in the tv/mkling of an eye- Gal. 3. I before whose eyes Jesus Cluist h.ith been 4. 15 ye would have plucked out your o^va eyes Eph. I. j8 The eyes of your understanding being Eeb. 4. 13 unto the eyes of him with wliom we have 1 Pe. 3. 12 For the eyes of the Lord (are) over the 2 Pe. 2. 14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that I Jo. I. I That. . wlilch we have seen ivith our eyes 2. II because that darkness hath blinded his e. 2. 16 the lust of the eyes, .is not of the Father Hev. I. 7 and every eye shall see him, and they 1. 14 and his eyes (were) as a flame of fire 2. j8 who hath his eyes like unto a flame of 3. j8 anoint thine eyes ■with eyesalve, that 4. 6 four beasts, f uU of oyes before and behind 4. 8 full of eyes within : and they rest not 5. 6 having seven horns 'and seven eyes 7. 17 shall wipe away all tears from their eyes 19. 12 His eyes (were) as a flame of Are, and , 21. 4 shall wipe away all tears from their eyes A.Bole, a boring, Tpv/xaXia trumalia. Markio. 25 It is easier, .to go thiough the eye of an. liUkeiS. 25 it is easier. .tD go through a needle's [e.] H.Hole, a horing, fpiTT'i^fia frupSma. Matt.19. 24 It is easier, .to go thrcugh the eye of a EYE, with one — One-eyed, fi.ov6(t>6a\iJ.os monophthalmos. Matt. 18. 9 better.. to enter into life with one eye Mark 9. 47 to enter Into the kingdom . . with one eyo EYE, to — To eye, ]-s,, ]iv avan, ayan. i Sa. i3. 9 Saul eyed David from that day and for. EYE trows — 2Jie arch of the eyes, D!J'i! nil a gabboth enayim. Lev. i^ . 9 shall share all his hair off his . . eyebrows 321 PACE EYEUda — Eyelids, D'Sva!? aphappim. Job 16. 16 and on my eyelids (is) the BhaQow of death 41. i3 his exes (are) like the eyelids of tlic morn Psa. II. 4 his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the child 132. 4 sleep to mine eyes., slumber to mine eye Prov. 4. 25 let thine eyelids look straight before 6. 4 thme eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids 6. 25 neither let her take thee with her eyelids 30. 13 hov,' lofty arc theireyes! and their eyelids J«r. 9. 1 8 and our eyelids gush out with waters EYE salvo — Collyrium, a small cake, koWovoiov KoWvpiov. Kev. 3. 18 anoint tliine eyes with eve salve, that EYE service — £ye service, d(pea\noSov\ela oplithalmodouleia. Eph. 6. 6 Not with eye-service, as men plcasers ; but Col. 3. 22 not with eye-aervicc, as men pleasera ; but E'YE sight — -Sye, Y.v. ay in. 2 Sa. 22. IS according to my cleanness In his eyesight Psa. 18. 24 according to the cleanness, .in his evesi. EYE witness — l.One who beholds for himself, aurJTrTijs attloptes. Jsaisr: I. 2 which from the beginning were eycwitn. 2. A looker on, iirdirrris opoptes. 2 Pe I. 16 but were eyewitnesses of his majesty EZ'-SAl, '3|^ shining, beautiful. The father of one of David's thirty mighty men. In 2 Sa. 23. 33, the words are "Paarai the Arbite." B.C. 1048. I Ch, 1 1. 37 Hezro the Carmelite, Naarai the son of E. EZ'-30N, }'i3¥!< splendour. 1. Son of Gad' and founder of a Gadite family. In Nu. 26. 16, the name is written " Ozui." B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 16 Shuni, and E., Eri, and Arodi, and Arcll 2. Son of Bela son of Benjamin. It is strange that while Ezbon is not elsewhere mentioned among the children of Bela or of Benjamin he appears here with Iri, which was not a Benjamite family, but which is found with Ezbon fOznl) among Gadite families, botli in Gen. 46. 16, ("Eri ) and Num. 26. 16. B.C. 1670. I Ch. 7. 7 the sons of Bela ; E., and Uzzi, and Uzz. E-ZE-KI'-AS, 'E"f€K(ay, the Greek form of Eczekiah. Matt. I. 9 Joatham begat Achaz ; and Achaz begat E. I. 10 E. begat Manasses ; and Manasses begat E-ZE-EI'-EL, Vxpin? God is strong. A pi-iest who prophesied to the exiles in Mesopotamia, by the river Chebar, (the Nahr Malcha) and ^vrote the book in the Old Testament which bears his name. He is one of the four so called "greater prophets," but he rarely alludes to himself. He prophesied from the fifth year (B.C. 595) of Jehoiachin. Eze. I. 3 word of the Lord came expressly unto E. 24. 24 Thus E. is unto you a sign : according to E'-ZEl, '?)« division, separation. A memorial stone near Saul's residence, the scene of the final parting of David and Jonathan. The place or " Heap of Stones " was between P^ama and Nob. I Sa. 20. ig'.thou. .shalt remain by the stone E. E'-ZEM, DSj; strength. A city of Simeon. The name appears ia Joshua (15. 29. and 19. 3) as Azem. I Ch. 4. 29 And at Bilhah, and at E., and at Tolad E'-ZER, "ity help. 1. A son of Ephraim slain by the Inhabitants of Gath while carrying off their cattle. B.C. 1680. I Ch. 7. 21 and Shuthelah his son, andE., and Elead 2. A priest noticed in the book of -Nehemiah. B.C. 445. Neh. 12. 42 Jeh., and Malchijah, and Elam, and E. 3. A descendant of Judah through Caleb son of Hnr. Perhaps the same as Ezra in i Ch. 4. 17. I Ch. 4. 4 Penuel the father of Gedor, and E. the 4. A valiant Gadite whe joined David at Ziklag. B.C. 1048. I Ch.i2. 9 K the first, Obadiah the second, Eliab 5. A Levite who assisted in repairing the wail of Jeru- salem in the time of Nehemiah. B.C. 443. Neh. 3. 19 next to him repaired E. the son of Jeshua E'-ZEE,, ixy ^mion. A son of Selr the Horite. B.C. 1780. Gen. 36. 21 Dishon, and E., and Dishan: these (are) 36. 27 children of E. . .these ; BiUian, and Za. 36. 30 Duke Dishon, duke E., duko Dishan I Ch. I. 33 Anah, and Dishon, and E., and Dishan I. 42 sons of E.; BUhan, and Zavan, (and) J. EZ-ION GA'-SES, 'n^J jv^-ij; bcckbom of a mighty one. The last station of tio Israelites before coming to the " wilderness of Zin, which is Kadesh." It was subse- quently the station of Solomon's navy ; that at which Jehoshaphat's ships were broken. This port is at the Modern Ain-el Qhudyan about ten miles up the dry bed of the Arabah, and near Elath or Berenice: Num33. 35 And they departed .. and encamped at E. 33. 36 And they removed from E., and pitched Deut. 2. 8 the plain from Elath, and i^om £. 8. 8. 8. 1 Kt 9. 26 king Solomon made a navy of ships In E. n^ -V •'^ ^v^' ""' ■' ^"^ "'" "'"Ps «ero brok. at E. 2 Ch. 8. 17 Then went .Solomon to E., and to Eloth ^o- 3raschil of Hcniaa the E. 89. title. Maschil of Ethan the E. EZ'-EI, nij; my help. One of the superintendents of David. B.C. 1015. 1 Ch.27. 26 And over them . .E. the son of Chelub P FABLE — Talk, tale, legend, myth, ixZBoi mutJws. 1 Ti. I. 4 Neither give heed to fables and endless 4. 7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables 2 TI. 4. 4 turn away.. and shall be turned unto fa. Titus 1. 14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and 2 Pe. I. 16 have not followed cunningly dc\'ised fa. FACE — l.Face, ]^S}i< anpin. Dan. • 2. 46 the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his t 2.Face, nose, ^jK aph. Gen. 3. 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thon eat 19. I bowed hira.self with hi'; face toward the 24. 47 and I put the car ring upon her face, and 42. 6 and bowed down . .(with) their faces to 48. 12 he bowed himself with liis face to the Num22. 31 he bowed down, .and fell flat on his face I Sa. 20. 41 fell on his face to the ground, and bowed 24. 8 David stooped with his face to the earth 25. 41 and bowed herself on O'er) face to the e. 28. 14 and he stooped with (liis) face to the gr. a Sa. 14. 4 she fell on her face to the ground, and 14. 33 and bowed himself on his face to the gr. 18. 28 he fell down to the earth upon his face 24. 20 bowed himself before the king on his faco I'Ki. I. 23 he bowed himself . .with his faco to the g. I. 31 Then Bath-sheba bowed with (her) face I Ch.oi. 21 and bowed himself . .with (his) f?.ce to 5 Ch. 7. 3 they bowed themselves with their faces 20. iS JcliOshr.p;iat bov.-cd his head with (his)f. Neh. 8. 6 worshipped ihe Lord with (their) faces Ezc. 38. 18 (that) my fury shall come up in my face 3. Eye, aspect, y.n ayin. Exodio. 5 And they shall cover the face of the eartb 10. 15 they covered the face of the whole earth Numi4. 14 that thou. Lord, art seen face to face 22. 5 behold, they cover the face of the earth 22. II (there is) a people, .which covereth tlie f. 1 Ki. 20. 38 disguised himself with ashes upon his face 20. 41 and took the ashes away from his face 2 Ki 9. 30 she painted her face, and tired her head i.Face, D'i^ panim. Gen. I. 2 and darkness (was) upon the face of the 1. 2 the Spirit of God moved upon the face of 1. 29 which (is) upon the face of all the earth 2. 6 and waterod the whole face of the ground 11 PACE 322 FACE Ges. 4. 4- 6. 6. 7- 7- 7- 7- 8. 8. 8. 9- II. II. II. i5. 16. 17- 17- 19. SO- SO- 32- 32. BB- SS- P: 38. 41- 43- 43- 44- 44- 46. 46. 48. SO. 50. £zod.2. 10. 14. 16. 19. so. 25- as- se- 33- 53- 33- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 37- -r 27- ^3- 37. =6. 'Bam. 6. XI. 12. 12. £4. j6. t6. 16. so. ^4- Dent. I. 5- 6. 7- 7- 7- 8. ^5- =S- 28. eS. SI- S'- 31- 32- Josn. s. 7- Jodg. 6. «3- 18. F.uth 2. X Sa. 5. 17- ao. es- se. aSa. '3- 3- 9- 14. 14 thou hast driven me out. .from the face 14 and from thy face shall I be hid ; and I I Tvhea men bcg?.n to multiply upon the {. 7 I will destroy man. .from the face of the 3 io keep seed alive upon the face of all 4 -ffill I destroy from off the face of the 18 apd the ark went upon the face of the 23 wMoh was upon the face of the ground 8 the -waters were abated from off the face 9 for f he waters (were) on the face of the 13 and, behold, the face of the ground was 23 their faces (were) backward, and they saw 4 scattered abroad upon the face of the. .e. 8 the XoBD scattered them . . upon the face 9 scatter them abroad upon the face of all 6 Sarai dealt hardly . . she fled from her face 8 I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai 3 Abram fell on his face : and God talked 17 Then Abcsham fell upon hia face, and la. 13 cry of them is waxen great before the fa. 33 it shall come for my hire before thy face 40 set the faces of the flocks toward the ri. 21 and set his face (toward) the mount Giload 20 afterward I will see his face ; peradven. 30 1 have seen God face to face, and my 10 seen thy face, as though I had coon the f. I when thou fleddest from the face of Esau 7 when he fled from the face of his brother 6 went into the country from the face of 15 an harlot ; because she had covered her f. 56 the famine was over all the face of the 3, 5 Ye shall not see my face, except your 31 And he washed his face, and went out 23 Excupt. .ye shall see my face no more 26 for we may not see the man's face, except 28 he sent Judah. .to direct his face unto 30 Now let me die, since I have seen thy f. Ill had not thought to see thy face ; and, lo 1 And Joseph fell upon his father's face, and 18 also went and fell down before his face 15 But Moses fled from tho face of Pharaoh 6 Moses hid his f acel; for ho v^as afraid to 28 Get thee from me . . see my face no more 28 for in (that) day thou sccst my face thou 29 Thou hast spoken well, I vrtll see thy face 23 Let us flee from the face of Israel ; for 14 behold, upon the face of the wilderness 7 and laid before their faces all these words eo that his fear may be before your faces 20 and thoir faces (shall look) one to another 2o toward the mercy seat shall tho faces of 12 consume them from tho lace of tho earth ? 11 the Lord spake unto Koscs face to face 16 all the people that (aro) upon tho face of 20 And he said. Thou canst not sco my face 23 back parts ; but my faco shall not bo seen 29 the skin of his faco shono v/hile he talked 30 skin of his faco shone ; and they wore 33 Moses had done . .ho put a veil on his face 35 the children of Israel caw tho faco of M. 35 that the skin of Moses' face shone : and 35 Moses put the veil upon hia face again 9 cherubim, .with their faces ono to anot. 9 to tho mercy seatward v/ere the facc3 of. 2-4 they shouted, and fell on their faces 41 from the part of hrls head toward his face 10 I ATlll even set ray faco against that coul 3, S I will sot my faco against that man, and 6 r will even Ect my faco against that coul 17 I will set my face against you, and ye 25 The LoED make his faco shiao upon theo 31 two cubits (high) upon tho faco of the 3 all the men which (were) upon the face 14 If her father had but spit in her face 5 Moses and Aaron fell on theii" faces before 4 when Moaes heard (it), he fell upon hia f. 22 they fell upon their faces, and Bald, O God 45 Get you up . . And they fell upon their fa. 6 they fell upon their faces : and tho glory a but he set his face toward the v,41dernes3 17 shall not be afraid of the faco of man 4 The Lord talked with you face to face In 15 destroy thee from off the face of tho earth 6 above all people that (are) upon the face 10 rcpayeth them that hate him to their face 10 not be slack . . he will repay him to his face 20 which the Lord destroyoth before your t 2 to be beaten before hia face, according to 9 spit in his face, and shall answer and say 7 thine enemies, .to be smitten before thyt 31 violently taken away from before thy face 5 Lord shaU give them up before your face 17 I vrill hide my faco from them, and they 18 And I will surely hide my face in that day 20 And he said, I will hide my face from 10 Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face 14 Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and 6 fell to the earth upon his face before the 22 have seen an angel of the Lord face to f. 20 Manoah and hia wife . . fell on their faces 23 they turned their faces, and said unto 10 Then oho fell on her face, and bowed 3, 4, Dagon (was) fallen upon his face to the 49 and he fell upon hia face to the earth 15 cut off .. every ono from the face of the 23 fell before David on her face, and bowed 20 let not my blood fall, .before the face of 22 how then should I hold up my face to J. 13 Thou ahalt not see my face, except tjiou 13 Mlchal . .when thou comest to see my face ■ 6 he fell on hia face, and did reverence 24 And the king said. ,let him not boo my t 2 Sa. 1^. 14. 18. 19. 19. iKi 2. 8. IS- IS- 18. 18. 18. 19. iKl 12. '3- 14. 14. 20. I CI1.12. 16. 2Ch. Ezra Esth. Job 21. B- 6. 6. SS- =5- 29. 30. Be- ss- Psa. 9- 9- 7- I. 3. 4- 9- II. J3- 16. 16. ei. so. 24. 26. 30. 33- 34- 37- 38. 40. 41. 41- 5- 10. IB- 17- 24. 27. =7- 3°- 31- 34- 34- 41. 44- 44. SI- 67. 69. 69. 80. 83. 84. 89. X02. 104. 104. 104. 105. 119. »32- 143. Prov. 7. 8. 21. 24. 27- EccL 8. 8. 3- 6. 8. 13- 14. 16. as- as- 25- 27. 29. 36. Isa. 24, 23 So Absalom, .saw not the king's face 3a now therefore let mo see the king's face 8 battle v«is there scattered over the face 4 the king covered his face, and tho king 5 Thou hast shamed this day tho faces of 15 set their faces on me, that I should reign 14 the king tumedhisfaco about, and blessed 6 Entreat now the face of" the LORD thy 34 to destroy (it) from off the face of the 7 he knew him, and fell on his face, and 39 they fell on thefr faces ; and they said 42 and put his face between his knees 13 when Elijah heard (it) . .ho ^Trapped his f. 4 he laid him down . . and turned away his 1 29 and lay my staff upon the face of the eh. 31 and laid the staff upon the face of the 15 and spread (it) on his faco, so that he 32 he lifted up his face to the window, and 37 the carcase . . shall bo as dung upon the f . 17 Hazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem 14 Joash. .came dovm. .and wept over hia f. 8 Come, let ua look one another in the face II looked ono another in the face at Beth-s. 2 he turned his face to the waU, and prayed 8 whose faces (were like) the faces of lions II Seek the Lord, .seek his face continually 16 David and the elders . . fell upon thefr faces 13 they stood on thefr feet, and thefr faces 3 king turned his face, and blessed . . Israel 42 turn not away the face of thine anointed 17 Come, let ua see one another in the face 21 they saw one another in the face, (both) 6 turned away thefr faces from the habita. 9 will not turn away (his) face from you. If 21 So he returned with shame of face to hia 22 Joaiah would not turn his face from him 6 I am ashamed and blush to lift up my t 7 and to confusion of face, as (it is) this day 8 the word went, .they covered Haman's i. 11 put forth . . and he will curee thee to thy f. 5 put forth . . and he will curse thee to thy i. 15 Then a spfrit passed before my face ; the 24 he covereth tho faces of the judges there. 15 For then ahalt thou lift up thy face 24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and 8 my leanness, .beareth witness to my 'ace 16 My face is foul with weeping, and on my 31 Who ehall declare his way to his face? 25 For then shalt thou, .lift up thy face IS shall see me ; and disguiseth (Iiis) face 9 He holdeth back tho faco of hia throne 10 abhor, .and spare not to spit in my face 26 he shall see hia faco with joy : for ho will 29 when he hideth (hia) face, who then can 12 commanded them upon the faco of tho 30 The waters are hid . . and tho faco of tho 13 them in the dust, .(and) bind thefr faces 13 Wlio can discover the face of his garment ? 14 Vrtio can open tho doom of hia face 1 his 8 make thy way straight before my faco 11 he liideth his face ; ho -ivill never sec (it) I how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? 15 I wUl behold thy face in righteousness ~ 12 upon thy strings against the faco of them 24 neither hath ho hid his face from him 6 This (is) the generation . .that seek thy f. 8 Seek ye my f ace . . Thy lace. Lord, wUl I 9 Hide not thy face (far) from me ; put not 7 thou didst hide thy face, (and) I was i6 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant 5 They looked, .and their faces were not 16 The face of the Lord fis) against them 12 upholdest. .and settest mo before thy fa. 15 and tho shame of my face hath covered 24 ^TI1e^oforo hidest thou thy face, (and) 9 Hide thy faco from my sins, and blot out 1 bless ua ; (and) cause hia face to shine 7 for thy sake . . shame hath covered my face 17 hide not thy face from thy servant ; for 3, 7, 19 cause thy face to shine ; and we 16 Fill their faces with ehame ; that they 9 and look upon the lace ol thine anointed 14 Lord, .(why) hidest thou thy lace from 14 mercy and truth shall go before thy face 23 I will beat down hia foea before his face 2 Hide not thy face from me in tlie day 15 oil to make (his) lace to shine, and bread 29 Thou liidest thy lace, they are troubled 30 and thou renowest the face ol the earth 4 Seek the LORD, .seek his lace- evermore 135 Make thy lace to shine upon thy servant 10 turn not away the face ol thine anointed 7 hide not thy lace from me, lest I be like IS came I .. diligently to seek thy laco 27 when he set a compass upon the face of 29 A wicked man hardeneth his lace: but (as) 31 (and) nettles had covered the lace thereol 19 Aa in water lace (answereth) to lace, so I man's wisdom maketh his lace to shine I the boldnesa ol his lace ahall bo changed 15 What mean ye (that) ye ; . grind the laces 3 with twain he covered hia lace, and -with 17 that hideth hia face from the house ol 8 be amazed one at another ; their laces 21 nor fill the lace of the world with cities 4 be thou a covert to them from the face 17 of the world upon the face of the earth 7 face of tho covering east over all people 8 God will %vlpe away tears from off all fa. 6 and fill the face of the world with fruit 32 neither shall his face now wax pale 5 How then wilt thou turn away the face of Isa. 38. so- 53- 54- 59- 64. 6s. Jer. I. I. I. 3. 5- 7- 8. «3- 16. 16. 18. 25. 28. 30. 32- 32. 33- 42. 42. 44- 44- SO. Lam 2. 3- S- Eze. I. I. I. 10. 10. ^o. 12. 13- 14- 14- 14. 14. IS- IS. 21. 2S- 28. 29. 34- 35- 38- 38. 39- 39- 39- 39- 40. 40. 41. 41. 41. 41. 43- 44- Dan. I. 8. 9- 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. II. II. II. Hos. 5. 5, 7- Joel 2. 8. 2 Ho.":okiah turned hia face to-^ard tho '.7all 6 I hid not my face from diamo and spitting 7 therefore have I cot my faco like a flint 3 and we hid as it were (our) faces from ; 8 I hid my lace from thee lor a momenS , f 2 your sina have hid (hia) lace from you 1 7 for thou hast hid thy lace from us, and 3 A people that provoketh nje. .to my laco 8 Be not afraid ol thefr laces : lor I (am) 13 and the lace thereof (ia) toward the nortfi 17 be not dismayed at their faces, lest I con. 27 (thefr) back unto me, and not (thefr) face 3 they have made thefr faces harder than a 19 to tho eonluslon ol thefr own faces? 2 they shall be lor dung upon the face of 26 wall 1 discover thy akfrts upon thy faco 4 they shall be as dung upon the face of 17 they are not hid from my face, neither Is 17 I will show them the back, and not the f. 10 I have set my face againat this city for 25 the hand of (them) whose face thou 26 which (are) upon the face ol tho earth 16 I will cast thee from off the lace ol tha 6 and all faces are turned into paleness ? 31 I should remove it from belore my lacs 33 turned unto me the back, and not the tsk 5 I have hid my face from thia city 15 If ye wholly aet your laces to enter Into 17 be with all the men that set thefr laces III will aet my lace against you for evil 12 that have set thefr lacea to go into ^he 5 shaU ask the way tq Zion, with thefr face* 51 shame hath covered our faces ; for 19 pour out. . like water before the laoe o£ 3S To turn aside . .belore the lace ol the 12 the laces ol elders were not honoured 6 every one had lour faces, and every one 8 they lour had thefr f acea and thefr winga 10 Aa lor the likeness of thefr faces, they 10 had the lace ol a man, and the laco of 10 they four had the face of an ox on the 10 they four also had the face of an eagle 11 Thus (were) their facea : and thefr winga 15 behold one wheel, .with his four facea 28 I fell upon my face, and I heard a voico 8 made thy face strong against thefr facea 23 arose, and went forth . . and I fell on my f, 3 set thy face againat it, and it 8h,all be 7 Therefore thou ahalt aet thy face toward 2 aet thy face toward the moontaina ol lar. 18 and shame (shall be) upon all faces, aBi) 22 My face will I turn also from them, and 16 thefr faces toward the east ; and they 8 I fell upon my face, and cried, and said 14 every one had lour faces : the first face 14 the face of a eherub, and the second faca 14 face of a man, and the thfrd the face oJ 14 and the. fourth the lace ol an eagle 21 Every one had lour laces apiece, and 22 likeness ol thefr laces (was) tho same fa. 13 Then lell I down upon my face, and cried 6 thou shalt cover thy lace, that thou aee 12 he shall cover hia lace, that he see not 17 set thy lace against the daughters ol thy 3 the stumblingblock. .belore thefr face 4, 7 the stumblingblock . . belore hia laea 6 turn away your laces from aU your abo. 8 And I will set my face against that man 7 I wUl set my lace againat them ; they 7 ye shaU know . . when I set my faco 35 there vrill I plead with you laco to face 46 Son ol man, aet thy face towartl the aouth 47 all faces from the south to the north 2 Son of man, set thy face toward JerusaL 16 Go thee, .whithersoever thy lace (is) set 2 Son ol man, aet thy lace againat the Am. 21 Son ol man, set thy lace against Zidon 2 Son ol man, set thy lace against Fharaob 6 my flock was scattered upon all the lace 2 Son of man, set thy face against mount 2 Son of man, set thy face againat Gog, tha 20 aU the men that (are) upon tho lace ot 14 those that remain upon the faco ol tho 23 therefore hid I my lace from them, and 24 According, .have I done, .and hid my fa. 29 H either will I hide my lace any more 15 Irom the lace of the gate ol the entrance 15 unto the lac8 ol the porch ol the inner 19 So that the lace of a man (was) toward the 19 face ol a young Hon toward the palm tree 21 (and) the lace ol tho sanctuary ; the 25 thick planks upon the lace ol the porch 3 like the vision, .and I lell upon my face 4 and I looked . . and I lell upon my lace 10 lor why should he see your faces worse 5 an he goat came from the west, on the f. 17 I was afraid, and fell upon my face : but 18 I was in a deep sleep on my laco toward 3 I set my lace unto the Lord God, to seek 7 but unto us confusion ol faces, as at this 8 to us (belongeth) confusion ol lace, to 6 his lace aa the appearance ol lightning 9 in a deep sleep on my lace, and my lace 15 I set my lace toward the ground, and I 17 He shall also set his lace to enter with 18 Alter this shaU he turn his lace unto the 19 Then he shall turn his lace toward the 5 the pride of Israel doth testily to his lace 15 till they acknowledge, .and seek my face 10 And the pride ol Israel testifleth to his 1^ 6 Belore their face the people shall he so with his lace toward the east sea, and PACE 323 PAINT , Amos s. 8 poureth Ihem out upon tlie face of tho 9. 6 poureth them out upon ll;e face of the 9. 8 I will destroy it from off the face of the Mic. 3. 4 he mil even hide liis faco from them at Nah. 2. I lie that dasheth . . is come up before thy t. 2. 10 tlie faces of them all gather blackness 3. 5 I v/ill discover thy skirts upon thy face Hab. 1. 9 their faces shall sup up (as) the east wind Zecb. s- 3 curse that goeth forth over the face of Mai. 2. 3 and spread dung upon your faces, (even) 5. Face, S\^is opsis. Jolrnii. 44 and his face was bound about with a nap. C.Face, TrpSa-a-roy prosopon. Matt. 6. 16 for they disfigure their faces, that they 6. 17 anoint thine head, and wash thy faco 11. 10 I send my messenger before thy faco 16. 3 ye can discern the face of the sky ; but 17. 2 and his face did shine as the sun, and 17. 6 they fell on their face, and were sore 18. 10 their angels do always oehold the faco 26, 39 fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my 26. 67 Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted Hark i. 2 I send my messenger before thy face 14. 65 to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to Inke I. 76 for thou shalt go before the face of the 2. 31 Which thou hast prepared before the face 5. 12 seeing Jesus, fell on (his) face, and besou. 7. 27,1 send my messenger before thy face 9. 51 he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusa. g. 52 sent messengers before his face ; and 9. 53 his face was as though he would go to J. JO. 1 sent them two and two before his face 12. 56 ye can discern the face of the sky and of 17. 16 fell down on (his) face at his feet, giving 21. 35 all them that dwell on the face of the 22. 64 they struck him on the face, and asked 34. 5 bowed down (their) faces to the earth Acts 6. 15 saw his face as it had been the faco of an 7. 45 whom God drave out before theface of our J7. 26 for to dwell on all the face of the earth 20. 25 I know that ye all. .shall see my face no 20. 33 that they should see his face no moro I C0.13. 12 For now we see. .but then face to face 14. 25 falling down on (his) face he will worship 8 Co. 3. 7 could not stedfastly behold the face of M. 3. 13 as Moses, (which) put a veO over his face 3. i8 we all, with open face beholding as in a 4. 6 to (give) the light., in the face of Jesus 11. 20 ye suffer, .if a man smite you on the face • GaL 1. 22 was unknown by.face unto the churches 2. II I withstood him to the face, because be \ CoL 2. I and (for) as many as have not seen my f. ^ I Th. 2. 17 endeavoured, .to see your face with great 3. 10 praying, .that we might see your face Jas. I. 23 a man beholding his natural face in a 1 Pe. 3. 12 the face of the Lord (is) against them Eoy. 4. 7 and the third beast had a face as a man 6. 16 hide us from the face of liim that sitteth 7. II and fell before the throne on their faces 9. 7 and their faces (were) as the faces of men JO. I and liis face (was) as it were the sun, and ji. 16 fell upon their faces, and worshipped 12. 14 half a time, from the face of the serpent 2o. II from whose face the earth and the heaven 22. 4 And they shall see his face ; and his name TACE to face — . l.Face to face, xarh irpScrcoirov hata prosopoTu Acts 25. 16 he wliich. .have the accusers face to face i.MoiUh to mouth, arSixa irphs (rro/ia. 2 John ' 12 but I trust to come, .and speak face to f. 3 John 14 and we shall speak face to face. Peace PADS (awayl , to — \. To fade, ''hj. lalal, 5. Isa. C4. 6 aiu do fade as a leaf ; and our iniquities %To fade or loear away, h^i nabel. 2 Sa. 22. 46 Strangers shall fade away, and they shall Paa. 18. 45 The strangers shall fade away, and be Isa. 1. 30 ye shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth 24. 4 The earth mourneth (and) fadeth away 24. 4 the world languisheth (and) fadeth away 28. I whose glorious beauty (is) a fading flower 28. 4 the glorious beauty, .shall be a fading 40. 7, 8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth Jer. 8. 13 the leaf shall fade ; and (the things that) Eze. 47. 12 whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall 2iTo cause to fade, fj.apa.iyco maraino. Jas. . I. II BO also shaU the rich man fade away in FADETH not s.v?s.-y, that — i, Unfading, ajxapavrivos amarantiiMS. I Pe. 5. 4 a crown of glory that fadeth not away Z.Unfading, afidpavros amarantos. I Pe. I. 4 To an inheritance . .that fsdeth not away JAIL — 1.7s not, i;k ayin. Isa. 44. 12 yea, he is hungry, and hia strength faileth i.To sit, sw; yashab. I Sa. 20. 5 I should not fail to sit -with the king at ZJ'ailing, coTisxi.mption, n'^s halch. ; Deut28. 32 and fail (with longing) for them all the ^To perish, ha lost, lax adad. Psa.142. 4 refuge failed me ; no man cared for my Eze. 12. 22 days ara prolonged, and every vision fail. 5,To go away, *?!!< azal. Sola 14. II (As) the waters fsil from the sea, and the Q.To cease, fail, have an end, DEN aphcs. Gen. 47. 15 why should we die. .for the money faileth 47. 16 -mO. give you for your cattle, if money fail 7. To he emptied, made void, p^iz haqaq, 2. Isa. 19. 3 the spirit of Egypt shall fail in tho midst S.Tofail, "ai gamar^^ Pea. 77. 8 doth (Ills) promise fail for evermore ? 9. To loathe, cast away, h'ji gaal, 5. Job 21. 10 Their bull gendcreth, and faileth not ha lean, poor, low, wcaJc, S^i dalal. Isx 38. 14 mine eyes fail (witli looking) upward ; 11. To cease, leave off, forbear, S-mchcdal. Job iQ. 14 My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar Vl.To lack, abate, ncn chaser. I Kti7. 14 neither shall the cruise of oil fail, until Isa. 51. 14 not die . .nor that his bread should fail 13.Lac!cing, -iOn chaser. 1 Ki. 17. iS neither did the cruise of oil fail, accord. 3 a fool walketh by the way, his wisdom f. li.To go out or forth, tiy, yatsa. Gen. 42. 28 their heart tailed, .and they were afraid Song 5. 6 my soul failed when he spake : I sought \h.To he or become weak, dim, nri3 kahah. Isa. 42. 4 He shall not fail nor bo discouraged, till 16. 7*0 lie, deceive, 313 kazab, 3. Isa. 58. 11 like a spring of water, whose waters fail 17. To fail, oris kachash. Psa. 109. 24 are weak . . and my flesh faileth of fatness \?>.To fail, lie, deceive, c'.'j? kachash, 3. Hos. 9. 2 not feed . . tlie new wine shall fail in her Hab. 3. 17 the labour of the olive shall faU, and the X^.To he completed, consuined, ended, nS| kalah. Job II. 20 tho eyes of tho wicked shall fail, and 17. 5 even the eyes of his children shall fail Psa. 69. 3 mine eyes fail while I wait for my God 71. 9 forsake me not when my strength faileth 73. 26 My flesh and my heart faileth. .God 119. 82 Mine eyes fail for thy word, sajing 119. 123 ilino eyes fail for thy salvation, and for 143. 7 my spirit faileth : hide not thy face from Prov 22. 8 and the rod of his anger shall fail Isa. 15. 6 tho grass faileth, there is no green thing 21. 16 and aU the glory of Kcdar shall fail 31. 3 fall down, and they all shall fail together 32. 10 for the \Tntage shall fail, the gathering Jer. 14. 6 their eyes did fail because, .no grass Lam. 2. II nine eyes do faU with tears, my bowels 3. 22 consumed, because his compassions faU 4. 17 our eyes as yet failed for our vain help he cut off, rnj karath, 2. 2 Sa. 3. 29 let there not fail from the house of Joab 1 KL 2. 4 there shall not fail thee, .a man on tho 8. 25 There shall not fail tlico a man in my 9. 5 There shall not fail theo a man upon tho 2 Ch. 6. 16 There shall not fail thco a man, in my 7. 18 There shall not fail thee a man (to be) 21. To siumhla, be feeble, Wa kashal. Psa. 31. 10 strength faileth, because of mine iniquity 22. To fall, h}} naphal. Josh 21. 45 There failed not ought of any good thing 23. 14 not one tiling hath faUed of all the good 23. 14 (and) not one thing hath failed thereof I Sa. 17. 32 Let no man's heart fail because of him I Ki. 8. 56 there hath not faUed one word of all his 2S. To he dried up, ndi nashath. Isa, 41. 17 their tongue faileth for thirst, 1 the Lord Jer. 51. 30 in (their) holds ; their might hath failed 2i.To become dried up, nz') nashath, 2. Isa. 19. 5 the waters shall fail from the sea, and 25. To pass over, away, by, "05? abar. Esth. g. 27 BO as it should not fail, that they would 9. 28 these days of Purim should not faU from 26. 7*0 be lacking, inj; adar, 2. Isa. 34. 16 no one of these shall fail, none shall want 40. 26 for that (he is) strong in power ; not one f. 59. 15 Yea, truth faileth. .the lORD saw (it), and Zeph. 3. s he faileth not ; but the unjust knoweth 27. To leave, forsake, abandon, z.s( azab. Psa. 38. 10 My heart panteth, my strength faileth 40. 12 they are more . . therefore my heart faileth 28. Tb be feeble, covered, ']0i) ataph. Isa. 57. 16 for the spiiit should fail before me, and 29. 7*0^055 away, ecnae to an end, dob pasas. Psa., 12. I forlhe faithful fail from among, .men 30. 7*0 break, mxike void, fail, tiD parar, 5. Eccl.i2. 5 they shall be .ifraid. .desire shall fall Sl.T'o make feeble, let be feeble, njl raphah, 5. Deut.31. 6 he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee 31. 8 he will not faU thee, neither forsake thee Josh. I. 5 I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee I Ch.28. 20 he will not faU thee, nor forsake theo 32..Brror, mistake, iVj' shalu. Ezra. 4. 22 Take heed now that ye fail not to do this 6. 9 it be given them day by day without fall 33. 7*0 lie, deceive, niJ?* shakar, 3. fsa Sp. 33^oiuhijn, noreufior myfaithtuliieastot. 34. To be finished, consumed, c?j? tamam. Clen. 47. 15 when money failed iu the land of Egypt Josh. 3. 16 those that came down toward the sea. .£. ZB.Not to he steadfast, JPK kV lo aman, 2. Jer. 15. 18 be. .as a liar, (and as) waters (that) fallf 36. 7*0 leave out, cease, iKKdira ekleipS. Lukeifi. 9 when ye fail, the;4ciay receive you Into 22. 32 But I have prayed., that thy faith faU not Hob. 1.12 thou art the same . . thy years shall not in. 37. 7*0 fall off or away, iKvivTu ekjnpls. I Co. 13. 8 Charity never [faUcth]; but whcther(theitt 38.7*0 leave upon or besides, iiriKitiru epileipO. Heb.ii. 32 for tho time would fail me to tell of O. 39. T'o mafx useless, Karapy4ia kaiargeO. 1 Co. 13. 8 propliecics.tuey shall fail; whether f there 40. 7*0 fall, Trlirrai pipto. Lukei6. 17 to pass, than one tittle of the law to faU 41. To be behind, lack, vcrepeo) huslereS. Ueb 12. 15 lest any man [fail] of the grace ot Ood FAIL, to cause to — 1.7*0 cause to be lacking, ~.pri chaser, 5. Isa. 32. 6 will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail 2.T0 finish, consume, .175 kalah, 3. Job 31. iS have caused the eyes of the widow to fail Z.To cause to cease, r\yf shabaih, 5. Jer. 43. 33 I have caused wine to fail from the wine. FAIL, to let — To cav^e or let fall, hs) naphal, 5. Esth. 6. 10 let nothing faU of all that thou hast ipo. FAIL, to make to — T'o cause to cease, njy shabaih, 5. Amos 8. 4 even to make the poor of the Umd to fail FAILETH not, that — JVot leaving off, unfailing, iv«/cAeiirToj aruMeiptoa. Lukci2. 33 a treasure in the heavens that faileth not FAELrNG — Consumption, failing, )^'^^ killayon. Dcut2S. C5 and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind FAmNG, hearts — To swoon away, (:-o^vxf vwsas, % Deatso, 81esthisbrothiea'iheut£uut3SweiLaa PAINT 324 FAITH 12. To slww self feeble, fp]i ataph, 7. T3a.io7. 5 Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted Jon. 2. 7 When my soul fainted within me I re. 13. yo he covered, wrapped up, faint, "jSj; alaph, 4. Isa. SI- 2o Tliy sons have fainted, they lie at the head \i.To cover or v;rap self up, faint, f]?V alaph, 7. Amos 8. 13 In that day shall the fair virgins, .faint Jon. 4. 8 he fainted, and wished in himself to die 15. To he feeble, cease, faint, nspug. Gen. 45. 26 Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed 16. To be tender, soft, timid, tjjt rakah, 2. Deut 20. 3 let not your hearts faint, fear not, and .do Isa. 7. 4 fear not, neither be faint hearted for the Jer. 51. 46 lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the n.To shovj self feeble, nni-raphah, 7. Prov 24. 10 (If) thou faint in the day of adversity 18. To turn out badly, cave in, iKKaKeoi ekkakeo. Iukei8. 1 ought always to pray, and not to faint 2 Co. 4. I as we have received mercy, we faint not 4. 16 For v.'hich cause we faint not: but though Eph. 3. 13 Wherefore I desiie that ye faint not at 19, 7*0 loose out, relax, iKXvw ckhio. Matt. 9. 36 because [they fainted], and were scattered 15. 32 I vail not send them, .lest they faint in Mark 8. 3 if 1 send them away, .they will faint by Gal. 6. 9 in due season we shall reap, if we faint Heb. 12. 3 lost ye be wearied and faint in your 12. 5 nor faint when thou art rebuked of liim 20. To toil, work oxd, weary, icajuct) kamno. Hev. 2. 3 And hact borne . . and hast not fainted FAn^T, to be — \.To be xoeary, '^'J uph. I Sa. 14. 28 And the people were faint 14.' 31 and the people were very faini 2. To be or become faint, "1:9 pa^gar, 3. 1 Ba. 30. 10 two hundred, .v^hich were so faint that 30. 21 two hundred men, wliich were so faint 3. To be feeble, ns"! raphati. Isa. 13. 7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and FAIIfT, that — To be feeble, fjBj; ataph. Lam. 2. 19 thy youpg children, that faint lor hunger FalNT, to waz -^ To he weary, '\>V uph. 2 Sa. 21. 15 David went down., and David waxed taint FAINT hearted — Tender of heart, 35I? Xi rah lebah. Deut2o. 8 Wliat man. .fearful and faint hearted? FAINT hearted, to be — To be melted, Jm mug, 2. Jer. 49. 23 they are faint hearted. .sorroV on the sea FAIWTED — Faintness, nspj; ulpeh. Eze. 31. 15 all the trees of the field fainted for him FAINTNESS — Faintness, Tj-ib morek. Lev. 26. 36 i >vill send a faintness into their hearts FAIR, fairer — "hClean, pure, "lins iahor. Zech. 3. 5 Let them set a fair mitre upon his head 3. 5 So they set a fair mitre upon his head 2.Good,fair, 310 tob. Gen. 6. 2 the daughters of men that they ^were)falr 24. 16 And the damsel (was) very fair to look 26. 7 because she (was) fair to look upon Tudg 15. 2 (is) not her . . sister fairer than she ? Esth. I. II the queen, .for she (was) fair to look on Isa. 5. 9 many houses . . great and fair, without in. Dan. 1. 15 their countenances appeared fairer and Z.Ooodness, 3?a tub. Hos. 10. II but I passed over upon her fair neck 4.Fair, beautiful, ns; yapheh. Gen.i2. II I know that thou (art) a fair woman to 12. 14 beheld the woman, that she (was) very fair 1 Sa. 17. 42 a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair counte. 2 Sa. 13. 1 Absalom the son of David, had a fair sis. 14. 27 she was a woman of a fair countenance 1 Ei- I. 3 they sought for a fair damsel througnout 1.4 the damsel (was) very fair, and cherished Job 42. IS no women found (so) fair as the daughters Prov II. 22 a fair women which is without discretion Song I. rs thou fart) fair, my love, .thou art fair 1. ifi thou (art) fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant 4. I thou art fair, my love, .thou art fair 4. 7 Thou (art) all fair, my love . .no spot in 6. 10 fair as the-moon, clear as the sun Jer. n. 16 A green olive tree, fair, .of goodly fruit Eze. 31. 3 a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches 31. ■ 9 I have made him fair by the multitude of Amos 8. 13 In that day shall the fair virgins, .faint %Chod in appearance,' ft^j^ 3ia tob march. Esth. 2. 2 Let there be fair young virgins sought 2. 3 gather together all the fair young virgins fiJFatr, heavliful, "I'S?' shappir. Daa. 4. -22 The leaves thereof (were~i fair, and tho 4. 21 Whose leaves (were) fair, and the f niit T.Traffic, market, I'ojj; izzabon. Eze. 27. 12 with silver, .they traded in thy fairs 27. 14 thehouEe of Togarmah traded in thy fairs 27. 16, 22 they occupied in thy fairs with 27. 19 going to and fro occupied in thy fairs 27. 27 Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy merchandise 8. To be or act graciously, un chanan, 3. Prov.26. 25 When he speaketh fair, believe him not Q.Fair of form, TNh ris; yejjJieh toar. Esth. 2. 7 and the maid (was) fair and beautiful lO.Bclonging to the town, agreeable, acrreTos. Acts 7. 20 Moses was born, and was exceeding fair FAIR, to be — To be fair, beauteous, MS; yaphah. Song 4. 10 How fair is tliy love, my sister 7. 6 How fair and how pleasant art thou, Eze. 31. 7 Thus v.'as he fair in his greatness, in the FAIR, to niai:e self — To make or show self fair, no; yaphah, 7. Jer. 4. 30 in vain shalt thou make thyself fair FAIR, very — Very fair, njs'ns? yepheh-phiyyah. Jer. 46. 20 Egypt, .a very fair heifer, .destruction FAIR colours — Red ore, stibium, ruby, ll?S puk. Isa. s4- " 1 ^^ lay thy stone, with fair colours FAIR one — Fair, beauteous ane, ns; yapheh. Song 2. 10 my love, niy fair one, and come away FAIR show, to make a — To make a fair face, einrpoffmirea euprosSpeo. Gal. 6. 12 As many as desire to make a fair show in FAIR speech — l.A talcing, reception, doctrine, niih leqack. Prov, 7, 21 With her muchfair speech she causedhlm 2. Easy discourse, ebXo-yia eulogia. Bom 16. 18 by good words and fair speeches deceive FAER -weather — l.Oold, shining, foAr weather, 3nt zahah. Job 37. 22 Eair weather cometh out of the north "i.Fine weather, evSla eudia. Matti6. 2 ye say, (It will be) fair weather ; tor the FAIR word — Good, nia tob. Jer, 12, 6 though they speak fair words unto thee FAIRER, to be — To become fair, be made fair, ns; yaphah, 4. Psa, 45. 2 Thou art fairer than the children of men FAIREST — Fair, beoMteous one, ns; yapheh. Song I. 8 thou fairest among women, go thy way 5, 9 thou fairest among women ? what (is) 6, I thou fairest among women ? whither FAIR HAVENS, Ka\o\ Atfieves kaloi limenes. A harbour in the island of Crete, not mentioned in any other ancient writing. It was on the S. and was prac- tically the harbour of Lasa:a, about five miles to the E. of Cape Matala, the m katapherd. Acts 20. 9 EutychuS, being fallen into a deep Sleep ■ 22. To fall, ■Trhru pipto. Matt. 7. 2s beat upon that house ; and It fell not 7. 27 and beat upon that house; and It fell 10. 29 one of them shall not fall on the ground 13. 4 some .fell by the wayside, and the fowls 13. 5 Some fell upon stony places, where 13. 7 some fell among thorns ; and the thoma 13. 8 other tell into the good ground, and bro, 13. 14 Let them alone, both shall tall into tho 13. 27 crumbs which tell from their masters' 17. 6 they fell on their face, and v/cre sore afr 17. IS ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft 21. 44 whosoever shall fall on the stono 21. 44 on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind 24. 29 and tho stars shall tall from heaven 26. 39 he went a little farther, and fell on his Mark 4. 4 as he sowed, some fell by tho way sido 4. 5 some fell on stony ground, where it had 4. 7 some fell among thorns, and the thorns 4. 8 other fell on good ground, and did yield 5. 22 and when he saw him, he fell at his feet 9. 20 tell on the ground, and wallowed foaming 14. 35 fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it Luke 5. 12 a man full of lejirosy .fell on (his) faco 6. 39 shall they not both fall into the ditch ? 6. 49 stream did beat . . and immediately [it fell] 8. 5 and as he sowed, some [fell] by the way 8. 6 some fell upon a rock ; and as soon as it 8. 7 some fell among thorns ; and the thorns 8. 8 otlier fell on good ground, and sprang up 8. 14 And that which fell among thorns are they 10. 18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from he. 11. 17 a house (divided) against a house falleth 13. 4 upon r^hom the tower in Siloam fell, and 16. 21 crumbs which fell from tho rich man's 20. 18 Whosoever shall tall, .shall be broken 20. 18 on whomsoever it shall tall, it will grind 21. 24 they shall fall by the edge of the sword 23. 30 begin to say. .Fall on us ; and to the hilla Johm 2. 24 Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground 18. 6 they went backward, and fell to tho gro. Acts I. 26 the lot fell upon Matthias ; and he was 9. 4 ho fell to the earth, and heard a voico 22. 7 I fell unto the ground, and heard a voico 27. 34 there shall not an hair [fall] from the head Romii. II Have they stumbled that they should tall f 11.22 on them which fell, severity; but toward 14. 4 to his own master he standeth or falleth I Co. 10. 8 fell in one day three and twenty thousand 10. 12 Wherefore let him . . take heed lest'he fall Heb. 3. 17 whose carcases tell in the wilderness? 4. II lest any man fall after the same example Jas. 5. 12 let your yea be yea. .lest ye fall into con. Rov. 1. 17 when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead 2. s Remember . . from whence [thou art f .illen] 6. 13 the stars of heaven fell unto tho earth 6. 16 Fall on us, and hide us from tho face of 7. II and fell before the throne on their faces 8. 10 and there fell a great star from heaven- 8. 10 it fell upon the third part of the rivers 9. I and I saw a star fall from heaven unto 11. II great fear [fell] upon them which sawthem II. 13 the tenth part of the city tell, and in the II. 16 fell upon their faces, and worshipped God 14. 8 Babyloni3fallen,[is.falIcn],thatgrea.tcjti^ 16. 19 cities of tho nations fcU : and great Bab. PALL »• — — - — ■ . — _ — Eev. 17. lo five are fallen, and one is, (and) the other 18. 2 Babylon the great is fallen, [is fallen], and 19. lo I fell at hia feet to worship him. And ho 23.T0 stumble, -nraiw ptaiu. 2 Pe. I. 10 if ye do these tilings, ye shall never fall FAIL among, to — To fall around, TrepnriirTai pcripiptS. Lukeio. 30 Acestain(man). . fell among thieves, which FAIL at, to — To fall toward, Trpoa-iriirTci) prospiptS. Mark 7. 25 a (certain) woman, .came and foil at hl3 FALL away, to — l.Tofall, '?5i naphal. 2 Ki.2s. II fugitives that fell away to the king of Jer. 37. 13 saying, Thou fallest away to the Chaldeans 37. 14 (It is) false ; I fall not away to the Chal. 39. 9 those that fell away, .with the rest of tho 52. 15 those that fell away . .and tho rest of tho 2. To place away, a qara. Exod. 1. 10 when there falleth out any war, they Join 3. To be angry, n"i ragaz. Gen. 45. 24 See that ye fall not out by the way i.To come, ipyofiai crchomai.. Phil I. 12 things (which happened), .have fallen out FALL, ready to — To fall, h^} naphal. Isa. 30. 13 shall be to you as a breach ready to fall FALL upon, to — l.To fall upon, yi^ paga. Exod. 5. 3 lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or I Ki. 2. 32 who fell upon two men more righteous 2. To push mit, strip, w^ pashat. a Ch.2s. 13 the soldiers, .fell upon the cities of Judali Job 1 . 1 7 The Chaldeans . . f eU upon the camels, and FALL with pain, to — To revolve, Vn, '?in chul, chil. 3ffr. 3a 93 It shall fall with pain upon the head of FALLEN, to bo l.To come in, mV^i ho. Numsj. 19 ourinherltanc9 I9 faUeu to ue on this slda 2. To stumble, ^^ h'^hxi.l. Isa. 59, ,4 for truth la faUen In tho direct, and oqui 3. To fall, '?5j nap/ial. Jn„"h ■•■ ^^."'^.'^''y is thy countcnMCo fallen f Josh. 2. 9 that your ten-or is fallen upon us, anfl T.ulr. "• M "^ T'^'"! *" '""^" "■» the edge of the Judg. 3. 25 their lord (was) fallen down dca.l on tb« 19. 27 tho woman his concubine was fallen down « -Ja- 5- 3. 4 Dagon(wa3) fallen upon his face to the ao. 12 becauijeadecp Bleep, .was fallen upon 31- 8 found Saul and his three sous fUlen in 2 sa. 1. 4 many of the people also arc fallen and I. 10 could not live after that he w.-is fal'en I. 12 because they were fallen by the aword I. 19 high places : how arc the ciighty fallen I 1. 25 How aro tho mighty fallen in the midst I. 27 How arc the mighty fallen, and tho weap. 3. 38 and a great man fallen this day ta Israel t 22. 39 yea, tlicy arc fallen under niy feet 1 8 tlicy fomid Saul and his sons fallen In 2 Ch.20. 34 they (were) dead bodies fallen to the earth Ksth. 7. 8 llaman was fallen upon the bed whereon Job I. 16 aiie fire of Cod Is fallen from heaven, and Psa. 7. 15 and is fallen into the ditch (which) ha 16. 6 Tlio lines !iro fallen unto me in pleaiant 18. 33 were not able to rise : they are fallen 20. 8 Tlicy are brought down and fallen : but 36. 12 There are tho workers of iniquity fallen 35- 4 and the terrors of death aro fallen uooa 57.1 6 Into the midst whereof they are fallen 69. 9 the reproaches of them, .are fallen upon Isa. 3. 8 Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah la fallca 14. 12 IIov/ art thou fallen from heaven, O LucL 16. 9 for the shouting . . for thy harvest b fallen 21. 9 and caid, Baliylon is fallen, is fallen ; and Jer. 38. 19 I am afraid of the Jcv.'s tliat aro fallen to 46. 12 mighty, (and) they are fallen both togeth. 48. 32 the cpoilcr is fallen upon thy . .fruits and so. 15 her foundations arc fallen, her walls are 51. 8 Babylon is cuddenly fallen and destroyed Laii. 2. 21 my young men are fallen by the sword 5. 16 The crown is fallen (from) our head : woo Ezo. 13. 12 Lo, when tho wall is fallen, shall It not 31. 12 in all the valleys his branches aro fallen 32. 22, 23, 24 all of them slain, fallen by the »w. 32. 27 not lie with the mighty (that ore) fallen IIos. 7. 7; Amos 5. a; 9. II ; Zech. ji. 2. 4. To fall out of, iK-niirm ekpipto. Kev. a. 5 Kemtmber. .from whence thou hast fall. FALLHrO " l.Overthrow, falling, ^mdecM. Psa. 56. 13 (wUt) not (thou deliver) my feet from faL 116. 8thounastdelivered..myfcctfrom f allinit 2. To fall, S^napihal. Niun24. 4, 16 falling (into a trance), but having his Job 14. 18 the mountain falling comcth to nought 3. To stumble, hy^ kashal. Job 4. 4 words have upholden him that was falUns i.To fade, wear away, "jn: r.abcl. Isa, 34. 4 and as a falling (Qjj) from tho flg troo FALLUTG C-UZ.J — The falling avjay, rj L-rocTcaic lie apodasia. 2 Th. 2. 3 except thcro ccn'o a falling av.ay Cmt FALLHTO down To inove, slip, fail, D'c jTisi. Ptov.25. 26 A righlcoiu i:.;aa falling do73 before tho FALLING, from — Unfailing, v:iihout falling, airraiaros aptaistos. Jude =4 him that is able to keep you from falling FALLOW deer - Fallow deer, brown goat or gazelle, "ncn: yachmur. Deut. 14. 5 tho roebuck, and the fallow deer, and I KI 4. 23 harts, and roebucks, and fallow deer FALLOW ETOund — Brolccn up ground, tillage, Tj nir. Jer. 4. 3 Break up your faUov? ground, and sow Hos. 10. 12 reap in mercy; break up your fallow gr* FA1S3 — 1. Vanity, iniquity, Jis avcn. Prov. 17. 4 A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips 2. Violence, DOn chamas. Psa. 35. II False witnesses did rise np ; they laid to 3. A lie, deceit, 315 kazdb. 28 A false witness shall perish: but tho man ^.Deceit, ■■ID"|P mirmah. Prov. 1 1. I A false balance (is) abomination to tho 20. 23 Divers weights, .and a false balance (is) 5. Deceit, n,'D"j remiyyah. Psa.iao. 3 what shall be done unto thee, thou false 6.Fmptiness, vanity, falsehood, Ki?" shav. Exod.23. I Tliou shalt not raise a false report ; put Deut. 5. ao Neither shalt thou bear false witness Lam. a. 14 but have seen for thee false burdens and Eze. ai. a3 it shall be unto them as a fsdse dlvinatl. Bech. to. 3 and the diviners . . have told ialse dreami FALSEHOOD 328 FAMILY 1. Falsehood, tr^ sheqer. Exodso. 18 Thou Shalt not bear false ivitness 23. J Keep thee far from a false matter Dent jp. 18 behold (if) the witness (bo) a false witness 2 Ki. 9. 12 And they said, (It is) false ; tell us now Job 36. 4 For truly ray words (shall) not (be) false Psa. 27. 12 false witnesses are risen up against me 119. 104 I get. .therefore I hate every false way 1T9. 128 Therefore. .1 hate every false way rrovi2. 17 showeth.. righteousness, but a false wit. 14. 5 A faithful witness will not lie : but a fal. igi s 9 A false witness shall not be unpunish. 2S". 14 Whoso boastcth himself of a false gift 25. 18 A man that beareth false witness against Jer. 14. 34 they prophesy unto you a false visionand 23. 32 I (am) against tliem that prophesy false 37. 14 (It is) false; I fall not away to the Chald. Zech. 8. 1 7 let none . . imagine evil . . love'no false oath Mai. 3. 5 And I will come near to.. false swearers 8. False, lying, ^pevSiis pseudes. Acts 6. 13 And sot up false witnesses, which Eaid [Sec also Accusation, accuser, apostle, bretliren, christs, prophet, witness.] FALSEHOOD — I.Transgression, 9j;5 maal. Job 21. 34 in your answers thero rcmaineth falseho. 2. Falsehood, "i^z' sheqer. 2 Sa. 18. 13 OthiTwise I should have wrought falseh. Psa. 7. 14 Behold, Le. .brought forth falsehood 119. 118 them thai err. .for their deceit (is) fals. 144. 8, II right hand (is) a right hand of falseh. Isa. 28. 15 under falsthood have ^ic hid ourselves 57. 4 (are) ye not. a seed of falsehood ? 59. 13 uttering from the heart words of falseh. Jer. 10. 14 for his molten i.nago (is) falsehood, and 13. 25 thou hast forp:<.ittca me, and trusted in f. SI. 17 for his molten ia^ago (is) falsehood, and Hos. 7. I for they commit falsehood, and the thief Jlic. 2. II If a man walking >n the spirit and falseh. FALSELY — l.Emptiness, iMiiity, ayf .-hav. Hoa. 10. 4 swearing falsely in making a covenant ^.Falsehood, liJBi sheqer. Lev. 6. 5 all that about which he hath sworn fals. 19. 12 ye shall not sv.' by my name falsely Doutig. 18 hath testified falsely against his brother Jer. 5. 2 The Lord liveth ; surely they swear fals. 5. 31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the 6. 13 unto the priest every one dealeth falsely 7. 9 Will ye . . swear falsely, and burn incense 8. 10 from the prophet . . every one dealeth fal. 29. 9 For they prophesy falsely unto you in my 40. 16 for thou speakcst falsely of Ishmael 43. 2 saying imto Jeremiah, Thou speakest fa. Zech. 5. 4 the house of him that sweareth falsely Q.Over a falsehood, ^pw'"7J; al-sheqcr. Lev. 6. 3 lieth concerning it, and sweareth falsely 4,To speah falsely, lie, i|/6uS&) pscudo. Matt. 5. II say all manner of evil against you falsely FALSELY, so called — Falsdy named, ypivSiivvixos pseudonumos. I Ti. 6. 20 opposiiions of science falsely so called FALSELY, to deal — ■ l.To lie, act deceitfully, tynj kachash. Lev. 19, II ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely S.Tb lie, utter falsehood, ip'y' shaqar. Gen. 21. 23 that thou wilt not deal falsely vrfth me S.To lie, deal falsely, "i;:^ shaqar, 3. Psa. 44. 17 neither have v/e dealt falsely in thy coy. FALSIFYING — To pervert, ny; avath, 3. Amos 8. 5 and falsifying the balances by deceit ! FAHE — 1. Voice, Vip qol. Gen. 45. 16 the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's 2.N'ame, DV shem. 1 Ki. 4. 31 his fame was In all nations round about J Ch.14, 17 the farae of David went out into all 22. s the house . . exceeding magnillcal, of fame Zeph 3. 19 and 1 will get them praise and fame In Z.IIearing, fame, report, nj^lDS" sJiemuah. I Ki. 10. 7 prosperity excecdcth the fame which -2 Ch. 9. 6 (for) thou exceedest the fame that I heard ^.Hearing, fame, report, V^P shema. Num'14. 15 the nations which have heard the fame of 1 Ki. 10. I the queen of Shcba heard of the fame 2 Ch. 9. I the queen of Shcba heard of the fame Job 28. 22 We have heard the fame thereof with Isa. 66. 19 that have not heard my fame, neither 6 Hearing, fame, V^v shonia. Josh. 6. 27 and his fame was (noised) throughout all 9, 9 for we have heard the fame of him, and Eath. 9. 4 For Mordecai (was) great . . and his fame Jer. 6. 24 We have heard the fame thereof ; our 6. Hearing, i,Koii akol Matt. 4. 24 And his fame went throughout all Syria 14. I Herod the tetraroh heard of the fame of Maris I. s8 And Immediatsly hla f c^a spread abroad 7. A sound, noise, ^x°^ echos. Luke 4. 37 And the faij^e of him went out into every 8. Word, A070S logos. Luke 5.15 But so much the more went there a fame Q.Fame, saying, (pri/xT) pheme. Matt. 9. 26 Aud the fame hereof went abroad into Luke 4. 14 there went out a fame of him through FATVT!, to spread abroad one's — To say througlumt, everywhere, oia.iJid there was a great famine in Samaria 7. 4 then the famine (is) in the city, and we 3. I for the Lord hath called for a faiiiine 25. 3 And on the ninth . .the famine prevailed 1 Ch.2i. 12 Either tiiree years' famine ; or tlirce mo. 2 Ch.2o. 9 If. .evil Cometh upon us. .or famine, we 32. 1 1 Hezekiah persuade you . . to die by famine Job 5. 20 In famine he shall redeem thee from Psa. 33. 19 and to keep them alive in famine 105. 16 Moreover he called for a famine upon the" Isa. 14. 30 I will kill thy root with famine, and he 51. 19 the famine, and the sword ; by whom Jer. 5. 12 neither shall we see sword nor famine II. 22 sons and their daughters shall die by fa. 14. 12 but I will consume them, .by the famiBe 14. 13 neither shall ye have famine ; but I will 14. 15 say. Sword and famine shall not be in this 14. 15 By sword and famine shall those prophets 14. 16 because of the famine and the sword 14. 18 behold them tliat are sick with famine ! 15. 2 such as (are) for the famine, to the famine 16. 4 and they shall be consumed, .by famine 18. 21 deliver up their children to the famine 21. 7 I will deliver Zedekiah . .from the famine 21. 9 He that abideth . . shall die . . by the famine 24. 10 I will send the sword, the famine, and 27. 8 that nation will I punish, .with the fam. 27. ij Why wUl ye die. .by the famine, and by 29. 17 will send upon them the sword, the fam. 29. 18 I w;il persecute them, .with the famine 32. 24 because of the sword, and of the famine 32. 36 It shall be delivered .. by the famine, and 34. 17 liberty, .to the pestilence, and to the fa. 38. 2 He that remaineth . . shall dio . . by the fa. 42. 16 the famine, whereof ye were afraid, shall 42. 17 they shall die by tlie sword, by the famine 42. 22 know, .that ye shall die_, .by the famine 44. 12 they shall, .be consumed, .by the famini 44. 12 they shall die.. by the sword and. .famine 44. 13 I have punished Jerusalem, .by the fam. 44. 18 and have been consumed, .by the famine 44. 27 menof Judah. .shall be consumed. .bj'..f. 52. 6 the famine was sore in the city, so that Lam. 5. 10 Our skin was 'ulack. .because of the. .fa. Eze. 5. 12 with famine shall they be consumed in 5. 16 I shall send, .the evil arrows of famine 5. 16 I will increase the famine upon you 5. 17 So will I send upon you famine and evil 6. II they shall fall by the sword, by the fam. 6. 12 he that, .is besieged shall die by the fam. 7. 15 and the pestilence and the famine within 7. 15 he that (is) in the city, famine and pestil. 12. 16 I will leave a few men. .from the famine 14. 13 and will send famine upon it, and will 14. 21 send my four sore judgments, .famine 36. 29 I will also save you. .and lay no famine 36. 30 ye shall receive no more reproach of fam. Amos 8. II that I will send a famine in the land 8. II not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for v/. Z.Hunger, famine, )i3Jf; reabon. Gen. 42. 19 carry com for the famine of your houses 42. 33 take (food for) the famine of your house. Psn. 37. ig in the days of famine they shall be satis. ^.Exmger, famine, \ifiis liriws. Matt 24. 7 there shall be famines, and pestilences Marki3. 8 and there shall be fa.mines and troubles Luke 4. 25 widows were in Israel. ,v.'hen great fam. 15. 14 there arose a miglity famine in that land 21. II great earthquakes shall bs. .and famines Kom. 8. 35 famine, or nakedness, 01 peiil, or ivfovi 1 Rev. 18. 8 shall her plagues come in one day . .fam. FAMISH, to — To riiake lean, famish, nn razah. Zeph. 2. II for ho ivill famish all the gods of the eaith TAHISE, to suffer to — To caiise to hunger, 3!;"i raeh, 5. 3 Lord will not suffer the soul, .to famish JAHISHED — Hunger, 3j;"i raab. Isa. 5. 13 and their hononrable men (are) famished TAjnSHED, to be — To he hungry, yai raeh. Gen. 41. 55 when all the land of Egypt was famished FAaEOTJS — 1. Honourable, ilK addir. rsa.136. 18 And slew famous Mngs : for his mercy Eze. 32. 18 and the daughters of the famous nationa' i.Called, N";i5 qara. Num 26. 9 Dathan and Abiram . .famous in the con. Z.Called, K'lP qari. Num 16. 2 famous in the congregation, men of ren. i.A naine, CE' shem. Kuth 4. II do thou worthily, .and he famous In Bet. 1 Ch. 5. 24 mighty men of valour, famous men 12. 30 the children of Ephraim. famous throu. Eze. 23. 10 and she became faiuous amongst womea FAMOTTS, to be — X.To he knovm, jn; yada, 2. I'sa. 74. 5 was famous according as he had liftod 2. To he called, k^t} qara, 2. Kutli 4. 14 that his name may be famous In Isrtiel FAS — l.Fan, .Ti)!j mizreh. Isa. 30. '24 winnowed with the shovel and . .the fan Jer. 15. 7 I will fan them with a fan iu the gates 2.Fan, tttvov ptuon. Matt. 3. 12 WlioEC fan (ia) in his hand, .ind he will Luke 3. 17 Whose fan (is) in his hand, uud he wiU FAN, to — 1. To scatter, fan, winnow, rrvt zarah. Isa. 41. 16 Thou Shalt fan the'ni, and the wind shall Jer. 4. II A dry wind, .not to fan, nor to cltanso 15. 7 1 will fan them with a fan iu the gates 2.T0 scatter, icinnuw, .t^; zarah, 3.- Jer. 51. 2 Bend unto Babylon faovcrs, that shall fan FANNEE — To be strange, -at zur. Jer. 51. 2 And will send unto Babylon fanners, that FAE — I. Might, exceedingly, IKD meod, Judgig. II wlien they (were) by Jebns.theday wasf. Fsa. 97. 9 Lord., thou art exalted far above all gods Jer. 49. 30 Flee, get you far off, dwell deep, O ye In. 2. Far off, prnp merch-aq. 2 Sa. 15. 17 and tarried in a place that was far off Tiov.25. 25 BO (is) good news from a far country Isa. 3. 9 and give ear, all ye of far countries : gird 10. 3 desolation (which) shall come from far? t;. 13 they shall flee far off, and shall be chased 30. 27the name of the Lord comcth from far 46. II man that expcutethmy counsel from a far Jer. 41 16 watchers come from a far country, and 5. 15 I will bring a nation upon you from far 6. 20 and the sweet came from a far country} Eze. 23. 40 ye have sent for men to come from far Z.Far, far off, afar, p'lir; rachoq. Dent 23. 49 bring a nation against thee from far, from 29. 22 the stranger that shall come from a far Josh. 9. 6 We be come from a far country ; now 9. 9 From a very far coujitry thy servants are g. 22 We (are) very far from you ; when ye dw. JudgiS. 7 and they (were) far from the Zidonions 18. 28 no deliverer, because it (was) far from Z. 1 Ei. 8. 41 a stranger, that, .cometh out of a far co. 8. 46 they carry them away captives.'. far or 2 Ki.2o. 14 Hczekiali said, They are come from a i&i 2 Ch. 6. 32 stranger, .is come from a far country for Neh. 4. 19 we are separated, .one far from another Esth. 9. 20 sent letters unto all. .(both) nigh and far Fsa. 22. I (why art thou so) far from helping mo iig. 155 Salvation (is) far from the wicked : for Prov.15. 2g The LORD (is) far from tlic wicked : but 31. 10 virtuous woman ? for her price fis) far Eccl. 7. 23 I will be wise ; but it (was) far from nie Isa. 5. 26 lift up an ensign to the nations from far 22. 3 bound together, f which).. fled from far 39. 3 Hezekiah said, Tney are come from a far 43. 6 bring my sons from far, and my daught. 46. 12 ye stout hearted, that (are) far from rigt. 49. I hearken, ye people, from far ; I'he Lord 49. 12 Behold, these shall come from far ; and 60. 4 thy sons shall come from far, and thy da. 60. 9 to briiig thy sons from far, their silver Jer. 12. 2 thou (art) near in their month, and fiir 25. 26 all the kings of the north, far and near 48. 24 upon all the cities, .of Moab, far or near Eze. 22. 5 (Those that be) near, and (those that be) t. Hab. I. 8 and their horsemen shall come from far i. Far, far off, afar, p'rn rachiq. Ezra 6. 6 Now (therefore)., be ye far from thenco 5.1*0 he far, pro rachak.' Josh. 3. i6 upon an heap very far from the city Adsua PBa.103. 12 As far as the east is from the west, (so) Q.Far off, a long way off, (laKpiv makran. Mar. 12. 34 Thou art not far from the kingdom of God Luke 7. 6 when he was now not far from the house johD2i. 8 they were not far from land, but as it Acts 17. 27 though he be not fir from every one of us 7. Far, far off, fiaiepis nakros. Lukei5. 13 took his journey into a far coimtry, and 19. 12 certain nobleman went into a far country B.Fortoards, far off, iripta porrM. Alattis. 8 This people, .but their heart Is far from Mark 7. 6 This people, .but tLeir heart is far from ^.Much more, iroWC- naXKov polls mallon. PliiL I. 23 and to lie with Christ ; which is far bette* lO.From before, "Ml"? minn^aed.' Judg. 9. 17 iidveiil'ired hla life far, aad deUrarod ll.Separatioii, impurity, ffj} niddah, Eze, 7. 20 therefore have I Bet it far from them [See alM Above, away, drive, flee;O0, Weep, put, remove, thu.3, withdraw. J 4 a FAR 350 FASTEN riS. atovo •'— Oner above, virepava huperand. Epli. ' 1. 21 Far above all principality, acd po^^o^ 4. 10 tbe eame also that: ascended up far above PAR abroad — " Afar,- far, far off, p\m^ rachca. 2 Ch.26. J5 his namo spread fa; abroad; io he vas FAK away, to te — 2'o be far off, prn, rachaq. Isa. 49. 19 they that shallowed thee Op. .be far away FAR ft-way, to. pat — To put far off, piTi rachaq, 5. Job II. 14 iniquity(be)inthinoliand, pnt Stfara-vTay Eaa. '88. 8 put away mine acquaintance tax from me PAB, Tea — li Profanation, riV^n chalildh. Gen. 18. 25 That be far from thee to do after this 18. 25 be aa the wicked, that be far from thee % Sx} 2. 30 Be it far from mo ; for them that honour 20. 9 Far be it from thee : for if I knew 22. IS enquire of God for him ? be it far from me s Sa. 20. 20 Far be it, far be it from thee, that I sh. C3. 17 Be it far from me, O Lord, that I should Job 34. 10 Fur be it from God, (that ho should do) 2. Be kind to thyself, ?Xca)j (rot hileos soi. Matti6. 22 Bo it far from thee, Xord : thia shall not FAE, to be '— To be far off, piTi rachaq. Job 5. 4 His children arc far from safety, and they 21. 16 the counsel of the wicked is far from mo 22. 18 the counsel of the wicked is far from mo 4to. 22. II Be not far from me; for trouble (is) near 22. 19 But be not thou far from me, O l)oED 35.22 keep not silence . . Lord, be not far from 38. 21 Forsake me not. .my God, be not far from 71. 12 be not far from me : O my God, make »o9. 17 delighted not in blessing, so let it be far 119. 150 They draw nigli. .thoy are far from thy iprov 22. 5 he that doth keep his soul shall be far isa. 54. 14 thou shalt be far from oppression; for 59. 9 Therefore is judgment far from us, neither 3Jam. 1. 16 because the comforter.. is fcx from mo Par country — -^/"""i /*'■ off', pryy^ merchaq. ZQch. 10. 9 they shall remember mo la far countrloi JAE, dwell in — Afar, far off, pnnp merchaq. Jer. 8. 19 becauseof them that dwell In alar coantry FAR, to get — To be far off, prn rachaq. Eze. n _i5 Get you far from tho Loan j tmto na la Far henoe — A long wiy,-far off, fiaicpav mahran. Acts 22. 21 I. .send thee far hence imto Iho Gcntilea FAR off — X.Afar, far off, prpp merchaq. Isa. 17. 13 and they shall flee far oS, and shall bo %. Far, far off, pirri rachoq. Deut. 13. 7 nigh unto thee, or far ofi from thoe, Crom 20. 15 cities (which are) very far off from thee 30. II it (is) not hidden, .neither (is) it far off c Ch. 6. 36 away captives imto a land far off or near rrov27. 10 a neighbour.. near., than a brother far o£C Eecl. 7. 24 That which is far off, and exceeding deep Isa. 33. .13 Hear, ye (that are) far off, what I have 57. 9 didst send thy messengers far off, and didst 57. 19 Peace, peace to (him that Is) far off, and £ze. 6. 12 He that is far off shall die of the pestiL 12. 27 prophesieth of the times (that are) far ofif Dan. 9. 7 unto all Israel, .(that are) far off, through Joel 3. 8 sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off Zcch. 6. 15 they (that are) far oS shall corns and buUd 6.jFVo»i before, njsa minneged. ■ Num. 2. 2 far off about, the tabemade of the cofigvs. A, To put far off, prn rachaq, 6. Gen. 44. 4 gone out of the city, (and) not (yet) far off t.A long way, far off, ftaKpAv mahran. Eph. 2. 13 ye who sometime were far off are made i'AE, from — W'romfar off, fiaKpSdtv mamrotnen. Mark 8. 3 faint. Jor divers ef thoja came from far iPAB, thus'^ Up to this, «»j vsitov Ji^i toutcru iuke22. SI And Jeaui anaweredi. .Suflar ye fhns far PAR off, to bo — ' Far off, to be, prri rachaq. Isa. 46. 13 It shall not bo far off, and my salvation 59. II for salvation, (but) Ifls far off from ua FAR off, to cast — To put far off, pirj rachaq, 5. Eze. i:. 16 1 have cast them fa; oS among tbs beat. FAP off, veiy ■ — ^far, fa/r off, POTD merchaq, Ua. 33, zj shall b^old the land Q^iHt (i very &r oB PAR off, to (wander) — To put far off, pnT racliaq, 5. Psa. 55. 7 ho, (then) would I wandor for off, (and) FAR j5a.-,sod — Much, many, ■xoXhs polus. Mark 6. 35 disciples, .said., now the time (is) far pa. FAS, put — To put far off, pfyi rachaq, 5. Job 19. 13 He hath put my brethren far from mo Psa. 88. 18 Lover and friend hast thou put far from Prov. 4. 24 and perverse lips put far from thco FAR removed, to be — To be far off, prn rachaq. Mic. 7. II that day shall the decree be far removed FAB richer, to be — TomakegreatweaUk,^'Y\^^ -ypy TWX" asahoshergad. Dan. II. 2 fourth shall be far richer than (they) all FAR spent — Mark 6. 35 Vr-hen the day waa cow far spent, hia dla. FAR, that are — Far off, afar, prn raclicq. Psa. 73. 27 tliey that ere far Item thco nhaH jxirtsli FAR, to bo too— To be far off, prn rachaq. Deut 12. 21 If the place, .thcro bo too far from thco 14. 24 if the place bsi,tooCa: from thoe, which FAES — Peace, propriety, completeness, D'lhy sJialovu 1 Sa. 17. 18 ioc-'; how thy trcthrc;af:3B, and talto their FARE — Hire, rewcrd, -(^t' sahar. Jon. I. 3 Eo he paid Iho faro CicrcoS, and xtcaU FARE, to — To make merry, ev^pals/a euphrainO. Lukei6. 19 clothed, .andfaredsumptuously everyday FAEilVViXL, or FARE TE WELI. — l.To make strong, pdivvvfii rhonnumi. Acts 15. 29 abstain, .ye shall do well. Faro jTO well 23. 30 what they had against hia. [Farewell] 2. To rejoice, xciipa chairu. 2 Co. 13. II Finally, brethren, farowelL Be perfoci FAEEWEIi, to bid — To arrange off from, avordcrcrofiat apotassomai. Luke 9. 61 bid them farewell, which are at homo ai Acts iS. 21 bade them farewell, saying, I must by all FARM — Field {cultivated), is.yp6s agros. Matt22. s one to liis farm, another to liia merchan. FARTEER side, the — The other side, hcyond, tJ> vipav to peram,. Jlarkio. 1 tho coasts . .by the farther side of Jordan FARTSDIG — . l.Assarion, {1-tenth of a denarius), icnrdptov. M.att io. 29 Are not two aparrowa sold for a farthing? Lukci2. 6 Are not Ave sparrows, .for two farthings ? 2.Qu,adrans, (1-fourth of an as.), KoSpavrris hodra. Malt. 5. 26 tUl thou hast paid the uttermost farthing Mark 1 2. 42 threv/ in tv/o mites, which make a farth. FASHION — l.Likeness, noi demuth. 2 Ki. 16. 10 the fashion of tho altar, aad tho pattern ^.Judgment, rule, a^^^s mishpat. Exod26. 30 the tabernaclo according to tho fa.shlon 'i Ki. 6. 38 and according to all the fashion of it Eze. 4a. 11 (were) both according to their fashions ^.Preparation, establishment, njiari techunah. Eze. 43. II form of the house, and the fashion thereof i.Thing seen, sight, appearance, elSos eidos. Luke 9. 29 fashion of his countenance was altered h.Facc, countenance, irpSarareov prosopon, Jas. I. II the grace of tho fashion of it perishetb Q.Scheme, arxvi^a schSina. 1 Co. 7. 31 the fashion of this world passeth away Phil. 2. 8 being found in fashion as a man. ho hum. 7. Type, model, tuttos tupos. Acts 7. 44 according to the fashion that ho had seen FASHIOK, on thia — Thus, ovTas hxyiitSs, Mark a. la saying, 'VT'e hever saw It on this fashion FASEIOJJ, to — l.To form, frame, is) yatsar. Psa. 33. 15 Ho fashioaeth their hearts al&e; he con. Isa. 22. II respect unto him that fashioned it long 44. 12 fashioneth it with hammers, and worketh 45. 9 Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth 2.T0 prepare, set up, |?3 kun, Sa. Job 31. 15 and did not one fashion as In the womb ? Psa. 1 19. 73 Thy hands have made me and fashioned S.To do, «!?« asah. Job EO. 8 Thine hands have made me. and fashioned 4.T0 fashion, compress, !« ts^ir. Exod32. 4 fashioned it with a graving tool, after FASHIOIT one's self aoc 8 the fat that covereth . . and all the fat that 4. 9 two kidneys, and the fat that (is) upon 4. 19 he shall take all his fat from him, and b. 4. 26 he shall burn all his fat upon the altar 4. 25 as the fat of the sacriflce of psace offer. 4. 31, 35 he shall take away all the fat thereof 4. 31 as tho fat is taken av/ay from off the 4, 35 as tho fat of the lamb is taken away . 6. iJ burn thereou tho mt of ifltj yMtiC oifei'- Lev. 7. 3 ho shall olTcr of it all tho fat thereof 7. 3 the rump, and the fat that covereth tho J. 4 two kidneys, and the fat tliat (is) on thorn 7. 23 Ye shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or 7. 24 tlio fat of the beast, .and the fat of that 7. 25 For whosoever eateth tho fat of the beast 7. 30 tlie fat with the breast, it shall he bring 7. 31 priest shall burn the fat )ipon the altar 7. 33 tho sous of Aaron that ollereth. .the fat 8. 16, 25 all tho fat that (was) upon tho inwards 6. 16, 2S and the two kidneys, and their fat 8. 25 And he took tho fat, and tho rump, and 8. 26 put fthora) on the fat, and upon the right 9. 10 Cut \\\o fat, and tho kidneys, and the ca. 9. ; ; Aiid the fat of the bullock and of the ram 9. -. 3 ;i." 1 they put the fat . . and ho burnt the f . 9. 24 c:~.d consumed upon tho altar, .the fat 10. 15 tho offerings made by fire of the fat, to 16. 25 fat of tho sin offering shall ho bum upon 17. 6 bum the fat for a sweet savour unto the ITumiS. 17 shalt bum their fat (for) an offering made Deut 32. 14 with fat of lambs, and . . fat of kidneys of 32. 38 ^Vhich did cat the fat of their sacrifices Judg. 3. 22 tho fat closed upon tho blade, so that ho I Sa. 2. 15 Also before they burnt tho fat, the pricr.fs 2. 16 Let them not fail to bum the fat presently 15. 22 (and) to hearken than the fat of rams a Sa. I. 22 from the fat of the mighty, the bov/ of I Ki. 8. O4, 64 and tlie fat of the peace offerings 8 Ch, 7. 7 ho offered burnt offerings, and the fat of 7. 7 to receive the burnt offerings, .and the f. 29. 35 offerings (v/ere) in abundance, with tho f. 35. 14 in offering of burnt oiTerings and the fat Psa. 17. 10 They arc incloced in their own fat : with Isa. I. II I am full of the. .fat of fed boasts ; and 34. 6 with tho fat of the kidneys of rams : for 43. 24 neither hast thou filled me with tho fat Eze. 34. 3 ye cat tho fat, and yo clothe you with t lie 39. 19 ye shall cat fat till yo be full, and drin); 44. 7 when yo offer my broad, tho fat rnd tlio 44. 15 they shall stand, .to olTcr unto rr.o the fat S.Preciousness, n.rj; yagar. Tsa. 37. 20 enemies of tho LORD (shall be) as t!io fat QJ'ai oily substance, D'S^PQ inashmannia. Neh. 8. 10 ho said unto them, Go your way, cattlu) t T .Orcase, fat, -n^ pcdcr. Lov. I. 8 the priests, Aaron'D sons, shall lay., the f. I. 12 he shall cut it. .with liio head and his fat 8. 20 and Moses burnt the lioad. .smd tho fat S.Oily, ]D}^ shamen. Gen. 4g. 20 Out of Asher his bread (sh.all he) fat, and Numi3. 20 what the land (is), whether it (be) fat or I Ch. 4. 40 And they found fatpasturo and good, and Jfeh. 9. 23 And they took strong cities, and a fat la. 9. 35 and in the large and fat land which thou Eze. 34. 14 and fm) a fat pasture shall they feed upon 34. 16 but I will destroy the fat and tho strong Hab. i.-i6 because by them their portion (is) fat, txnd 9./1 stall, fattening, P3"1P marbcq. I Sa. 28. 24 And tho woman had a fat calf In the lio. 10.Oj;7, IDy sJiemen. Isa . 28. I which (are) on the head of the fnt valleys 28. 4 beauty, which (is) on tho hccxl cJ the fai FAT, to be — To be fat, inscnsiate, c'SP taphash. Psa. 119. 70 Their hcait is as fat aa greaso ; (but) I FAT beast or cattle — Falling, K'"!9 meri. I Ki. I. 9 Adouijah slew sheep and orcn ai.d fat ca. 1. 19, 25 hath siain oxen and fat cattle and sheep Amos 5. 22 regaid tlie peace offerings of your fat be. FAT, to become — To ■jnake or become fat, \r^ shaman, 5. Neh. 9. as and became fat, and delighted thcmsolvca FAT, to be made — ■ l.To be made fat, i^'n dashen, 4. Provii. 2sThe Uboral soul shall bem.adc fat; and he 13 4 tho soul of tho diligent shall bo made fat 28. 25 that putteth his trust, .shall bo made fat Isa, 34. 7 and their dust made fat with fatness 2:To be rrwMfai, i^T dasheii, 76. Isa. 34. 6 it is made fat with fatness, (and) witli tho FAT, to make — \.To fatten, vi-\dashcn,'i. Prov.15. 30 (and) a good report maketh tne bones fat 2. To arm, vhT\ chalats, 5. Isa. 58. li And the Lord shall, .make fiU thy bonea ■3. To make fat or oily, icy shaman, 5. Isa. 6. 10 Make tho heart of this people fat, and FAT, to make selves — To make fat, Nia bara, 5. v. . . I Sa. 2. 29 to maie yourselves fat with the ehlefest FAT ones — l.Fat c-ncs, DTO mechim. Isa. 5. 17 and the waste places of the fat ones shall 2.Fatness, fat one, li?!f^D mis^iman. Isa. 10. 16 send among his fat ones leanness ; and FAT things — Oil, fatness, la^ sherr^n. laa 25. 6 make unto all people a feast of fat things 25 5 fat liuugo iuU ci rjorrjw, o: wines on the FAT, to wax — l.To be or become fat, Js't dashen. Deut 31. 20 and they shall have eaten ..and waxen lal 2. 7*0 be or become fat, oily, ]c^ shaman. Veut 32. 15 But Jeshurus waxed fat, and kicke^l. FAT, to be wox^ — To be or become fat, oily, Jl?(7 shaman. . Deut 32 15 thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thiol} Jer. 5. 28 They are waxen fat, they shine : yco, tbcy FAT fleeted — Fat in flesh, -\-f^ K-ia leri lasar. Gen. 41. 2 seven well favoured kino and fat fleshed FATHER — I. Father, ancestor, source, inventor, 3H; ab. Qen. 2. 24 ITierefore shall a man leave his father an^ 4. 20 And Adah bare Jabal : he was the father 4. 21 he was the father of all such as handle 9. 18 Japheth : and flam (is) the father of C 9. 22 the fatherof Canaan, saw. .his father,an4 9. 23 and covered the nakedness of their father 9. 23 and they saw not their father's nakcdnca 10. 21 Unto .Shem also, the father of all the chiJ, 11. 28 Ilaran died before his father Terah in 11. 29 father oi Milcah, and the father of Iscah 12. I Get thee out. .from thy father's houso 17. 4 and thou shalt be a father of many no. 17. 5 a father of many nations have I raado xg. 31 Our father (Ls) old, and (there is) not a 19. 32 Come, let us make our father dnnk wlno 19. 33 they made their father drink wine that 19. 34 Behold, I lay yestemight with my fathc* ig. 35 they made their father drink wino that 19. 36 the daughters, .with child by their fathc» 19. 37 tho same (is) the father of tho Moabitcs 19. 38 the same (is) the father of the children at eo. 12 she (is) the daughter of my father, but eo. 13 God caused me to wander from ray fath. 02. 7 Abraham his father, and said, Jly father 02. 21 Huz. .and Kemuel tho father of Aram 04. 7 God. .which took me from my father's h. 04. 23 is there room (in) thy father's house for 04. 38 But thou shalt go unto my father's houso e4. 40 thou shalt take a wife, .of my father's b, b6. 3 oath which I swarc unto Abraham tliyJL e6. 15 For all the wells which his father's sor^ e6. 15 digged In the days of Abraham his fatlit* 06. 18 they had digged in the days of . .hisfathe* e6. 18 after the names by which his father had e6. 24 I (am) tho God of Abraham thy lather C7. 6 I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy C7. 9 I will make . . savoury meat for thy father 27. 10 thou shalt bring (it) to thy father, that 27. 12 My father peradventure will feel me, and 07. 14 savoury meat, such as his father loved 27. i3 came unto his father, and said, My fath. 27. jg Jacob said unto his father, I (am) Esau 27. 22 And Jacob went near unto Isaac his fathef 07. :6 his father Isaac said unto him, Come near 27. 30 Jacob was.. scarce gone out from.. bis t. 27. 31 savoury meat, and brought it unto his f. C7. 31 and said unto his father, Let my father 27. 32 Isaac his father said unto him, Vtho (r.rl) 07. 34 when Esau heard the words of fathc* cj. 34 and said unto his father. .O my father 1 27. 38 And Esau s.aid unto his father 27. 38 Hast thou but ono blessing, my father! 27. 38 bless me, (even) me also, O my father I 27. 39 Isaac his father answered and said unto 27. 41 because of the blessing wherewith his fa. 27. 41 The days of mourning for my father are 28. 2 the houso of Bethuel, thy mother's fathc» 28. 7 And that Jacob obeyed his father and his 28. 8 daughters of Canaan pleased not. .his fa. 28. 13 I (am) the Lord God of Abraliam thy fa. 28. 21 So that I come again to my father's house c;). 9 Rachel came with her father's sheep ; fot 29. 12 Jacob told E.-.chel that he (was) her fatli. 23. 12 and she ran and told her father 31. I Jacob hath taken, .all that (was) our fa. 31. I of (that) which (was) our f.ithcr's hath ha 31. 5 saia unto them, I see your fathi r'o coun. 3T. 5 the God of my father hath been with me 31. 6 with all my power I have served your f. 31. 7 yourfatherhathdeceivedme.andcbanced 31. 9 God hath taken, .the cattle of your father 31. 14 (Is thcrc)yetany portion .. in our fathers 31. 16 the riches. .God hath taken from our fa. 31. 18 to go to Isaac his father in the land of C 31. 19 had stolen the images that (were) htr fai 31. 29 but the God of your father spake unto mo 31. 30 because thou sore longcdst after thy fath. 31. 35 she said to her father, Let it not difpleasa 31. 42 Except the God of my father, the God of 31. 53 the God of their father, judge bet-nixt ua ■ -,i. 53 Jacob sware by the Fear cf his father l3.i 32. 9 God of my father.. God of my father I.' 33. 19 at the handof..Hamor, Shcchem's falhe't 34. 4 Shechem spake unto his father Hamor ^4. 6 Hamor the father of Shechem went out 34. II Shechem said unto her father and unto 34. 13 sons of Jacob answered . . Hamor his fath. 34. 19 honourable than all the house of his fatlu 05. 18 Ren-onl : but his father railed him Benj. 35. 22 Keuben went and lay with Bilhah his fa. 35. 27 Jacob came unto Isaac his father unto 36. 9 Esau the father of the Edomites In mount 36. 24 as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father io. 4' he (is) Esau tho father of tho Edomites FATHER 333 FATHER Cka. 37. 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 38. 33. 41- 42. ■iZ- 42- 42- 42. 42. 42. 43- 43- 43- 43- 43- 43- 43- 44- 44- <4- 44. 44. 44- 44. 44. 44- 44. 44. 44. 44. 44. 44. 45- 45- 45- 45- 45- 45- 45 45- 4S- 45- 4O. 46. 4G. 46. 46. 46. 47- 47- 47- 47- 47- 47- 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 49- 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. SO- SO- SO- SO. SO. SO. 50. SO- SO. 50. SO. SO. E=0CL2. a. 3- 13- 18. 22. 40. i27. -16. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. i3. iS. 18. J8. SO. 1 dwelt in the land wherein his father was 2 and with tlio sons of Zilpah, his fathcr'3 2 J osepli brought unto bis f atlicr tlicir evil 4 when his brethren -saw that their father 10 ho told (it) to his father, and to his brcth. 10 his father rebuked him, and said luito h. 11 but his father observed the saying 12. his brethren went to feed their father's 22 to deliver him to his father again 32 they brought (it) to their father ; and said 35 Thus his father wept for liim 1 1 Remain a widow at thy father's houso II Tamar went and dwelt in her father's h. 51 God. .hath made me forget ail. .my fath. 13 the youngest (is) this day with our father 29 they came unto Jacob their father unto 32 We. .twelve brethren, sons of our father 32 the youngest (is) this day with our father 35 they and their father saw the bundles of 36 Jacob their father said unto them, Me 37 Reuben spake unto his father, saying 2 their father said unto them. Go again 7 (Is) your father yet alive 1 have ye 8 Judah said unto Israel his father. Send II And their father Israel said unto them 23 the God of your father, hath given you 27 (Is) your father well, the old man of 28 And they answered. Thy servant our fat. 17 get you up in peace unto your father 19 saying. Have ye 2 father, or a brother t 20 We have a father, an old man, and a 20 he alone is left . . and his father lovotlihim 22 we said . . The lad cannot leave his father 22 for (if) he should leave his father, (his f.) 24 we caine up unto thy servant my father 25 our father said. Go again, .buy us a little 27 And thy servant my father said unto us 30 when I come to thy servant my father 31 the gray hairs of thy servant our father 32 became surety for the lad unto my father 32 I shall bear the blame to my father for 34 For how shall I go up to my father 34 I see the evil that shall come on my fat. 3 I (am) Joseph : doth my father yet live ? 8 he hath made me a father to Pharaoh 9 Haste ye, and go up to my father, and 13 ye shall tell my father of all my glory in 18 take your father, and your households 19 this do ye. .bring your father, and come 23 And to his father he sent after this 23 bread and meat for his father by the way 25 and came into. .Canaan unto. .their fat. 27 the Bpirit of Jacob their father revived I sacrifices unto the God of hisfatherJsaae 3 I (am) God, the God of thy father : fear 5 sons of Israel carried .Tacob their father 29 Joseph, .went up to meet Israel his father 31 And Joseph said, .unto his father'f house 31 My brethren, and my father's house I Ivly father and ray brethren . . are como 5 Thy father and tliy brethren are come 6 in the best of the land make thy father 7 And Joseph brought in Jacob his father 11 Joseph placed Ills father and his brethren 12 And Joseph nomished his father, and 1 told Joseph, Behold, thy father (is) sick 9 Joseph said unto his father, They (are) 17 when Joseph saw that his father laid his 17 he hold up his father^s hand, to remove 18 Joseph said unto his father, Kotso, my f. 19 his father refused, and said, I know (it) 2 and hearken unto Israel your father 4 because thou v^-entest up to thy father's 8 thy father's children shall bo'v down bef . 25 by the God of thy father, who shall help 26 The blessings of thy father have prevail. 28 this (is it) that their father spake unto 1 Joseph fell upon his father's face, and 2 commanded, .physicians to embalmhis f. 5 My father made me swear, saying, Lo, I 5 tlieref ore let me go up . . and bury my fa. 6 Pharaoh said. Go up and bury thy father 7 Joseph v.'ent up to bury his father : and 8 the house of Joseph, .and his father's h. 10 he made a mourning for his father seven 14 returned . . after he had buried his father 15 when Joseph's brethren saw that their f. 16 Thy father did command before he died 17 forgive the . . servants of the God of thy fa. 22 Joseph dwelt in Egj-pt, he. .his father's 16 fllled the troughs to water their father's 18 And when they came to Reuel their fat. 6 he said, I (am) the God of thy father, the 2 my father's God, and I will exalt him 4 for the God of my father . . (was) mine 12 Honour thy father and thy mother : that IS he that stniteth his father, or his mother 17 he that curscth his father, or his mother 17 If her father utterly refuse to give her 15 as thou didst anoint their father, that 32 to minister in the priest's office in his f. 7 The nakedness of thy father, or the nak. 8 The nakedness of thy father's v/ife shalt 8 it (is) thy father's nakedness 9 nakedness of . .the daughter of thy fath. 11 The nakedness of thy father's wife's dau. 11 bogottea of thy father, she (is) thy sister 12 not uncover the nakedness of thy fathe. 12 she (is) thy father's near kinswoman 14 not uncover the nakedness of thy father's 3 Te shall fear every man hia. .father g every one that curaeth his f atier or his m. lisv. 20. 2Z. 22. 22. Num. 3. 3- 6. 12. 17- 18. 18. 27- 27. 27. 27. S7- 27. 27. 30. SO- SO. 30. SO- SO. 36. 36- 36- Deat. 5. 21. 21. 21- 22.' ez. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 26. "?■ =7- 27. 27. 32- 32. Josh. 2. 6. 6. 15- '5- 17- 17- 19. 21. 24. 24. 24. 24. Judg. I. 6. 6. 6. 6. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- II. 14. 14. 14- 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 15. J5- 15- 16. 16. »7- 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. Buth a. 9 he hath cursed his father or his mother II the man that lieth with his father's wifo II hath uncovered his father's nakedness 17 if a man shall take his sister, his father's 19 not uncover the nakedness, .of thy fath 2 for his mother, and for his father, and 9 she profaneth her father : she shall be II Neither shall ho. .defile himself for his i. 13 and is returned unto her father's house 13 she shall eat of her father's meat 4 ministered, .in the sight of . .their father 24, 30, 35 the chief of the house of the fatli. 7 not make himself unclean for his father 14 If her father had but spit in her face 6 gave, .according to their fathers' houses 1 Thou and thy sons and thy father's houso 2 the tribe of thy father, bring thou with 3 Our father died in the ivildemess, and he 4 Why should the name of our father be 4 possession among the brethren of our fa. 7 inheritance among their father's brethren 7 Shalt cause the inheritance of their father 10 shall give his inheritance unto his father's 11 if his father have no brethren, then yo 3 (being) in her father's house in her youth 4 And her father hear her vow, and her 4 and her father shall hold his peace at her 5 But if her father disallow her in the day 5 Loud shall forgive her, because her father 16 between the father and his daughter 6 to the family of the tribe of their father 8 01)0 of the family of the tribe of her fath. 12 in the tribe of the family of their father 16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as 13 bewail her father and her mother a full iS which ivill not obey the voice of his fath. 19 Then shall his father and hia mother lay ^ 15 Then shall the father of the damsel, and iB the damsel's father shall say unto the eld. 19 and give, .unto the' father of the damsel 21 the damsel to the door of her father's h. 21 to play the whore in her father's house 29 man. .shall give unto the damsel's father 30 A man shall not take his father's wifo 30 nor discover his father's skirt 5 A Syrian ready to peri,sh (was) my father 16 Cursed fbe) he that setteth light by his i 20 Cursed (be) he that lieth with his father's so because he uncovereth his fatlier's skiit 22 lieth with, .the daughter of his father 6 (is) not he thy father (that) hath bought 7 ask thy father, and he will show thee 9 Who said unto his father and to his moth. 12 ye will, .show kindness unto my father's 13 ye %vill save alive my father, and my moth. 18 tljou shalt bring thy father, and thy 1 8 all thy father's household, home unto thee 23 men. .brought out Rahab, and herfather 25 Joshua saved Rahab . .and her father's h. 13 the city of Arba the father of Anak, which 18 she moved him to ask of her father a field 1 Machir the first born of Manasseh, the fa. 4 gave . . among the brethren of their father 47 Dan, after the name of Dan their father 1 1 they gave them the city of Arba the father 2 Your fathers dwelt on the other side of 2 Terah, the father of Abraham, and the f. 3 I took your father Abraham from the 32 sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for 14 she moved him to ask of her father a field 15 and I (am) the least in my father's house 25 Take thy father's young bullock, even the 25 the altar of Baal that thy father hath 27 because he feared his father's household 32 buried in the sepulchre of Joasli his fat. 1 family of the house of his mother's father 5 he went unto his fatiier's house at Oplirah 17 my father fought for you, and adventured 18 ye are risen up against my father's h. 28 serve the men of Hamor the father of S. 56 which he did unto his father, in slaying 36 And she said unto him, My father 37 she said unto her father, Let this thing 39 she returned unto her father, who did 2 he came up, and told his father and his 3 his father and his mother said ujto him 3 .Samson said unto his father. Get her for 4 his father and his mother knew not that 5 Then went Samson down, and his father 6 he told not his father or his mother wliat 9 went, .and came to his father and mother 10 So his father went dovm unto the woman 15 lest we bum thee and thy father's house 16 I have not told (it) my father nor my mo. 19 and he went up to his father's louse 1 her father would not suffer him to go in 2 her father said, I verily thought that thou 6 came up, and burned her and her father 31 brethren, and all the house of his father 31 in the burying place of Manoah liis father 10 Dwell with me, and be unto mo a father ig go. .and be to us a father and a priest 29 Ban, after the name of Dan their father 2 went away from him unto her father's 3 she brought him unto her father's house 3 when the fath^^r of the damsel saw him 4 and his father in law, the d.imscl's father 5 the damsel's father said unto his son in 6 the damsel's father had said unto the man 8 the damsel's father said. Comfort thine 9 his father in law, the dameol's father, said XI thou hast left thy fatiw? end thy mother 19. 19. 19. 20. 20. 20. 20. a Sa. Ruth 4. 17 he (is) the father of Jesse, the father of D. I Sa. 2. 25 they hearkened not unto, .their father 2. 27 Did I. .appearunto the house of thy fath. 2. 28 did I give unto the house of thy father 2. 30 thy house, and the house of thy father 2. 31 1 will cut off . .the arm of thy father's h. g. 3 And the asses of Kish Saul's father were 10. 2 thy father hath left the care of the asses 10. 12 But who (is) their father ? Therefore it 14. I let us go over. .But he told not his father 14. 27 Jonathan heard not when his father ch. 14. 28 Thy father straitly charged the people 14. 29 Then said Jonathan, My father hath tro. 34. 51 Kish (was) the father of Raul'. .Ner the f. 17. 15 David went, .to feed his father's sheep at 17. 25 and make his father's house free in Israel 17. 34 Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and i8. 2 would let him go no more . . to his father's 18. 18 what (is) my life, (or) my father's family 19. 2 Saul my father seeketh to kill thee : now 3 I will go out and stand beside my father 3 I wiU commune with my father of thee 4 spake good of David unto Saul his father 1 and what (is) my sin before thy father 2 behold, my father will do nothing either 2 why should my father hide this thing 3 Thy father certainly knoweth that I have 20. 6 If thy father at all miss me, then say 20. 8 why shouldest thou bring me to thy fat.? 2o. 9 that evil were determined by my father 20. 10 what (if) thy father answer thee roughly? 20. 12 when I nave soimded my father about 20. 13 but if it please my father (to do) thee evil 20. 13 v/ith thee, as ho hath been with my father 20. 32 Jonathan answered Saul his father, and 20. 33 knew that it was determined of his father 20. 34 was grieved for David, because his father 22. I when . . all his father's house heard (it) 22. 3 Let my father and my mother, I pray 22. II Ahimelcch . . and all his father's houso . 22. 15 (nor) to all the houso of my father : for E2. 16 Thou shalt surely die . . and all thy father's 22. 22 of all the persons of thy father's houso 23. 17 Fear not : for the hand of Saul my father 23. 17 and that also Saul my father knoweth 24. 11 Moreover, my father, see, yea, see tho 24. 21 v/ilt act destroy my name out of my fat. E. 32 buried him in the sepulchre of his father 3. 7 Vifhcrefore hast thou cone in unto my f. 3. 8 !dndncs3 this day unto the houso of . . thy i. 3. 29 Lot it rest . . on all Ms fatiier's house 6. 21 tho LoiiD, T/hich chose mo before thy fa. 7. 14 I will bo his father, and he shall be my 9. 7 I v/Hl . . show . . kindness for . . thy fatlier'3 7 will restore . . all the land of Saul thy fa. 2 as his father showed kindness unto mo 2 David '•ent to comfort him. .for his father 3, thou that David doth honour thy father 5 r/hon thy father cometh to see thea, say 9 the iniquity (be) oil me, and on my father's 15. 34 (as) I (have been) thy father's servant hi. i6. 3 shall . . restore . . tho kingdom of my father :6. ig aa I have served in thy father's presenco 16. 21 Go in imtothy father's concubines, which 16. 22 Absalom went in unto his father's concu. 17. 8 For, said Eushai, thou ioiowest thy father 17. 8 thy father (is) a man of war, and will not 17. 10 for all Israel knoweth that thy father (is) 17. 23 was buripd in tho sepulcliro of his father 19. 28 For all (of) my father's house were but 19. 37 by the grave of my father, and of my 21. 14 Zeiah, m the sepulchre of Kish his father 24. 17 Let thine hand, .be against, .my father's 2. 6 his father had not displeased him at any 2. 12 Solomon upon the throne of . .his father 2. 24 setme on the throne of David my father 2. 26 barest the ark. .before David my father 2. 26 been afflicted in all wherein my father 2. 31 from me, and from the house of my fat. 2. 32 and slew them with the sword, my father s. 44 tliat thou didst to David ray father 3. 3 walking in tho statutes of David his fat. 3. 6 Thou . . showed unto thy sei-vant . . my fa. 3. 7 thy servant king instead of . .my father 3. 14 as thy father David did walk, then I will S. I anointed him long in the room of his fa. 5. 3 Thou knowest how that David my father J. 5 as the Lord spake imto David my father 6. 12 which I spake unto David Ihy father 7. 14 his father (v;as) a man of Tyre, a worker 7. 51 brought in the things which D. his father 8. 15 spake with bis mouth imto David my fa. 8. 17 it was in the heart of David my father to 8. 18 A_nd the Lord said unto David my father 8.- 20 I am risen up in the room of D. my father 8. 24 Who hast kept with thy servant D. my f. 8. 25 God. .keep with thy servant Daiid my t 8. 26 thou spakest unto thy servant D. my fa. 9. 4 as David thy father walked, in integrity 9. 5 as I promised to David thy father, saying 11. 4 aa (was) the heart of David his father XI. 6 went not fully after the Lord, as. .his fa. XX. 12 I will not do it for David thy father's sako XX. 17 cfertain Edomites of his father's servanta XI. 27 repaired the breaches of the city of. .his f. 11. 33 have not v^^.alked . . as (did) David hisfather 11. 43 slept with his fathers . . of David liis fat. 12. 4 Thy father made our yoke grievous : now 12. 4 make tiiou the grievous service of thy f. 12. 6 men, that stood before Solomon his father 12. 9 Make the yoke v/hlch thy father did put 12. -0 Thy ffctfleiJiaada our yo&o heavy, but malcw 9. to. 10. 10. 13- 14. iKJ. FATHER FATHER X Ki. 12. lo shall be thicker than my father's loins 12. II now whereas my father did lade you with 12. II my father hatli chastised you with whips 12. 14 My father made your yoke hoa\;y, and I 12. 14 my father (also) chastised you with whips 13. II them they told also to their father 13. 12 their father said unto them, What way 15. 3 he walked in all tlie sins of his father 15. 3 not perfect, .as the heart of David his f. 15. II Asa did. .right, .as (did) David his father 15. 15 he brought in the things which his father 15. 19 (and) between my father and thy father 15. 24 Asa slept with his fathers, and was buried 15. 26 and walked in the way of his father, and 18. 18 but thou, and thy father's house, in that 19. 2 4. 21 in a ship with Zcbedce their father 4. 22 immediately left the ship and their fath. 5. 16 and glorify your Father which ia hi beav. S. 45 That ye may be the children of your Fat 5. 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Fa. 6. I otherwise ye have no reward of your Fa. 6. 4 thy Father which seeth in secret himself 6. 6 pray to thy Father which is in secret 6. 5 and thy Father v/hich seeth in secret 6. 8 for your Father knoweth what things ye 6. 9 pray ye, Our Father which art in heaven 6. 14 your heavenly Father will also forgive 6. 15 neither will your Father forgive your 6. i3 but unto thy Father which is in secret 6. iB and thy Father, which seeth in secret 6. 26 yet your heavenly Father feedeth them 6. 32 for your heavenly Father knoweth that 7. II how much more shall your Father which 7. 21 but he that doeth the will of my Father 8. 21 Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my t 10. 20 but tlie Spirit of your Father which spca 10. 21 brother shall deliver up. .and the father 10. 29 not fall on the ground without your Fat 10. 32 him will I canfcss also before my Father 10. 33 him will I also deny before my Father 10. 35 I am come to set a man. .agamst his fat. 10. 37 He that loveth father or mother more I J. 23 said. .0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth 1 1. 26 Even so. Father ; for so it seemed gooin. I. 7 Grace to you and peace from God our F. 4. I What shall we then say that . .• our [father] 4. II that he might be the father of all them 4. 12 the father of circumcision to them who 4. 12 in the steps of that faith of oiu' father 4. 16 of Abraham ; v/ho is the father of us all 4. 17 I have made thoe a father of many natio. 4. 18 might become the father of many nations 6. 4 from the dead by the glory of the Father 8. 13 the spirit. . whereby we cry, Abba, Father 9. 10 Rebecca .. conceived .. by our father Isaac 13. 6 even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ r Co. I. 3 Grace . . and peace, from God our Father 5. I that one should have his father's wife 8. 6 But to us . . one God, the Father, of whom 15. 24 delivered up the kingdom to. .the Father B Co. I. 2 Grace, .and peace from God our Father I. 3 Blessed (be) God, even the Father of our I. 3 tlie Father of mercies, and the God of all 6. 18 And ^^^ll be a Father unto you, and ye II. 31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus C. Gal. I. I but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father I. 3 Grace, .and peace from God the Father I. 4 according to the will of God and our Fa. 4. 2 until the time appointed of the father 4. 6 sent forth the spirit . . crying, Abba, Fath. Eph. I. 2 Grace, .and peace, from God our Father 1. 3 Blessed (be) the God and F..ther of our L. 1. 17 the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Fa. 2. 18 have access by one Spirit imto the Fath. 3. 14 I bow my knees unto the Father of ourL. 4. 6 One God and Father of all, who (is) above 5. 20 Giving thanks , .unto God and the Father 5. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his fat. 6. - Honour thy f.ither and mother ; which 6. 23 love with faith, from God the Father and Phil. I. 2 Grace, .and peace, from God our Father 2. II confess, .to the glory of God the Father 2. 22 as a son with the father, he hath served 4. 20 Now unto God and our Father (be) glory Col. I. 2 Grace, .and peace, from God our Father I. 3 We give tlianks to God aud the Father of 1. 12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which Col. iTh 2. 2 [of God, and of the Father, and of Christ! 3. 17 giving thanks to God and the Father by 2Th. iTi. 5 2 Ti. I Titus I rhm. Eeb. 1 Jos. tPe Jo. Jude Rev. i of thoThessaionians. .in God the Father I. I Grace .. and peace, from God [our Father] 1. 3 in the sight of God and our Father 2. II wc exliorted. .as a father (doth) his chil. 3. II Now God himself and our Father, and our 3. 13 God, even our Father, at the coming of I. I God our Father and the Lord Jesus Chr. I. 2 Grace, .and peace, from God our Father 2. 16 God, even our Father, which hath loved I. 2 peace, from God our Father and Jeaus 3. I llebuke not an elder, but entreat, .as afo. I. 2 peace, from God the Father and Christ) 4 peace, from God the i'ather and the 3 peace, from God our Father and the L. I. 5 I will be to him a Father, and he shall bo 7. 10 he was yet in the loins of his father when 12. 7 what son is he whom the father chasten. 12. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our 1. 17 Every good gif t .. cometh down from the F. 1. 27 Pure religion, .before God and the Fath. 2. 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by 3. 9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father 1 . 2 according to the foreknowledge of . . the F. I. 3 Blessed (be) the God and Father of our L 1. 17 if ye call on the Father, who without e Pe. 1. 17 For he received from God the Father ho I Jo. I. 2 that eternal life which was with the fath. 1. 3 truly our fellowship (is) with the Father B. I we have an advocate with the Father 2. 13 because ye have known the Father 2. 13 world, the love of the Father is not in him 2. 16 the pride of life, is not of the Father, but 2. 22 he is antichrist, that denieth the Father 2. 23 denieth the Son, the same hath not the F. 2. 24 shall continue in the Son, and in the Fat. 3. I Behold what manner of love the Father 4. 14 do testify that the Father sent the Son 5. 7 in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the 3 peace, from God the Father, and from the 3 Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in 4 havereceivcd acommandmentfromthoF. 9 he hath both the Father and the. Son I them that are sanctified by God the Fath. I. 6 made us . . priests unto God and his Fath. 2.27 rule . . even as I received of my Father 3. 5 I will confess his name before my Father 3. 21 and am set down \vith my Father in his 14. I having liis Father's name v/ritten in their FATHEE, -whose — Son of a man, U"'!*"!! hen ish. Lev. 24. 10 whose father (was) an Egyptian, went out FATHER, murderer of a — Smiier of a fatlier, warpaXiaTis patraloes. I Ti. I. 9 for murderers of fathers aud murderers FATHER, -without — Witlwut a father, a-rrdroip apatdr. Heb. 7. 3 Withoutlathcr, without mother, without FATHER (in) la-w — l.Husband's father, en cham. Gen. 38. 13 Behold, thy father in law goeth up to 38. 23 she sent to her father in law, saying. By I Sa. 4. 19 and that her father in law and her husb. 4. 21 because of her father in law and her hus. 2.. Wife's father, jrin chaihan. JExod.3. I Moses kept the flock of..hisfptherinla'W ■ 4. 18 Moses . .returned to Jcthro his father in 1. 18. I When Jethro . . Moses' father in law, heard 18. 2 Then Jethro, Moses' father in law, took 18. 5 Moses' father in law, came with his sons 18. 6 1 thy father in law Jethro am come unto 18. 7 Moses went out to meet his father in law 18. 8 Moses told his father in law all that the J 8. 12 Moses" father inlaw, took a burnt offering 18. 12 came, .to eat.. with Moses' father in law 18. 14 when Moses' father in law saw all that he 18. 13 Moses said unto his father inlaw, Becaaso 18. 17 Moses' father in law said unto him. The 18. 24 Moses hearkened to.. his father in law 18. 27 And Moses let his father in law depart Num 10, 29 said unto Hobab. .Moses' father in law Judg, 1. 16 children of the Kenite, Moses' father in 1. 4. II of the children of Hobab, the father in law 19. 4 And his father In lav/, the damsel's father 19. 7 when the man rose up . .his father in law 19. 9 his father in law, the damsel's father, said Z. Father in law, Tr^vB^pos penthcros. JohniS. 13 to Annas first : for he was father in law FATHERLESS — 1. Orphan, fatherless. Din; yathcm. Exod22. 24 shall be widov.-s, and your children fath. Deut io. 18 He doth execute the judgment of the fa. 14. 29 the fatherless, and the widov/, which (are) 16. II, 14 the fatherless, and the widow, that 24. 17 Thou shalt not pervert, .the fatherless 24. 19, 20, 21 shall be for the stranger, for the f. 26. 12 and hast given (it) unto, .the fatherless 26. 13 also have given them . .to the fatherless 27. 19 Cursed (be) he that perverteth. .the fath. Job 6. 27 Yea, ye overwhelm the fatherless, and yo 22. 9 the arms of the fatherless have been 24. 3 They drive away the ass of the fatherless 24. 9 They pluck the fatherless from the breast 29. 12 Because I delivered the.. fatherless 31.- 17 aij<3' the fatherless fcatli^n thereof 31. az If I have lifted up. .against the fatherless FATHERLESS Paa. lo. 14 for. .thou art the helper of the fatherless 10, 18 To jmlge the fatherless nnj the oppressed 68. 5 A father of the fRtherless, and a jiiilgo of 8a. 3 Defend the poor and fiUherless ; do just. 9«. 6 They slay, .and murder t'le fatheilcss 109. 9 Let his children be fatherless, and liis 109. 12 neither let there be any to favour his fa. 146. 9 The Lord, .relic vcth the fatherless and VToy'33. 'o enter not into the fields of the fatherless Isa. 1. 17 jud^e the fatherless, plead for the widow I. 23 they judge not the fatherless, neither 9. 17 neither shall have mercy on their fatlier. JO. 2 and (that) they may rob the fatherless I Jer. s- a8 they judge hot the cause . . of the f atlieil. 7. 6 (10 yo oppress not the stranger, tlie fath. 32. 3 do no violence to the stranger, the fath. 49. II Leave thy fatherless children, I will i)ie. EiO. 22. 7 in thee have they vexed tlic fatherless Hos. 14. 3 for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy Zoeh. 7. 10 And oppress not the widow, nor the f.itli. Ual. 3. 5 against those that oppress., the fatheilcss Z.There is nut a father, 3N j\s! en ah. l^am. 5. 3 We are orphans and fatherless, our mot. Z. Orphan, optpavis orphanos. ,j, Jas. I. 27 To visit the fatherless and widows lu thcU- TATHESLESS child — Orphan, fallierless. Din; yathom. E.\od22. 22 shall not afflict any. .fatherless child TATHER'S brother — J''athcr's brother, uncle, "in clod. TJumje. II were married unto their father's hrnthcrs' a Ki.24. 17 made Mattaniah his father's brother king IFATHEE'S sister — ^Father's sister, aunt, nVii dodah. Exod. 6. 20 And Amram took, .hi.-i father's sister, to TATHERS — i. Fathers, ancestors, n'nx ahoth. Gen. 15. 15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace 31. 3 Return unto the land of thy fathers, and 46. 34 even until now, both we. .also our fathers 47. 3 Thy servants (are) shepherds, .also our f. 47. 9 the years of the hfe of my fathers in the 47. 30 I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt 48. J5 God, before whom my fathers Abraliam 48. 16 and the name of my f.-ithers Abraham and ■48. 21 bring you again unto tlic land of your fa. Exdd. 3. 13 The God of your fathers hath sent me 3. 15, 16 The Lord God of your fathers, the G. 4. 5 believe that the Lord God of their fatliers 6. 14 These (be) the heads of their fathers' ho. 6. 25 these (are) the heads of the fathers of tlio 10. 6 neither thy fathers, nor thy father's fat. 12. 3 according to the house of (their) fathers 13. 5 which he sware unto thy fathers to give 13. II as he sware unto thee and to thy fathers 20. 5 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon , 34. 7 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon , lev. 23. 41 unto the possessions of his fathers shall 26. 39 in the iniquities of their fathers shall 26. 40 confess, .the iniquity of their. fathers Num. I. . 2 by the house of their fathers, with the I. • 4 every one head of the house of his fathers 1. 16 princesof the tribes of their fathers, heads 1. 18 their families, by the house of their fath. [So in V. 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42,] I. 44 each one was for the house of his fathers I. 45 by the house of their fathers, from twenty I. 47 the Levites after the tribe of their fathers fe. 2 Every man. .with the ensign of their fa. a. 32 numbered, .by the house of their fathers e. 34 according to the house of their fathers 3. 15 Number, .atterthe house of their fathers 3. 20 Levites according to the house of their f. 4. 2, 29, 38, 40, 42 by the house of their fathers 4. 22 tlu-ougbout the houses of their fathers, by .j4. 34, 46 and after the house of their fathers 7. 2 heads of the house of their fathers XI. 12 land which thou swarest unto their fath. 13. 2 of every tribe of their fathers shall ye 14. 18 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon 14. 23 the land which I sware unto their fathers 17. 2 according to the house of (their) fathers 17. . 3 for the head of the house of their fathers 17. 6 according to their fathers' houses, (eveni 2o. 15 How our fathers went down into Egypt so. 15 and the Egyptians vexed us and our fat. 26. 2 throughout their fathers' house, all that 26. s5 the names of the tribes of their fathers 31. 26 and the chief fathers of the congregation 32. 8 Thus did your fathers, when I sent them 32. 14 ye are risen up in your fathers' stead, an 32. 28 chief fathers of the tribes of the children 33. 54 according to the tribes of your fathers 34. 14, 14 according to the house of their fathe. 36. I And the chief fathers of the families of 36. I the chief fathers of the children of Israel 36. 3 taken from the inheritance of our fathe. 36. 4, 7 inheritance of the tribe of our fathers Ueut. I. B land, .the Lord sware unto your fathe. I. II The Lord God of your fathers make you I. 21 as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said I. 35 which I sware to give unto your fathers 4. 1 which the Lord God of your fathers giv. 4. 31 nor forget the covenant of thy fathers 4. 37 because he loved thy fathers, therefore he 5. 3 made not this covenant with our fathers 5. 9 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon 83.^ FATHERS' Dout. 6. 3 as the Lord God of thy fathers hath pro 6. 10 the land ivhicli lie aware unto thy fathers 6. 18 whicli the Lo]:L> sunrc unto thy fatliers 6. 23 tlie land whicli he sware unto our fuHiers 7. 8 oath which he had sworn unto your fath 7. 12 the mercy which he sware unto thy fat 7. 13 the land which he swaic unto thy fathe. 8. I the land . . tlic Loim sware unto your fat 8. 3 liumhled thee.. neither did thy fathers 8. 16 with mniiiia, which tliy f.ithers knew not e. 18 covenant which lie sware unto thy fathe. 9. 5 the word, .the I.oi;D sware unto thy fat 10. M the land, which I swaic unto their fathe 10. 15 tlic Loiiij had a delight in thy f.ith. rs to 10. 22 Thy fathcis went down into Kgyjit with 11. 9, 21 which the LoKD sware unto your fat 12. I the land which the LoiiD God of thy fat 13. 6 thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fath «3. 17 as he hath sworn unto thy fathers jg. 8 as he hath sworn unto thy fatliois, and 19. 8 land which heproniised.. unto thy fathers B4. 16 The f.athcrs shall not be put to death for 64. 16 neither shall the children, .for the fathe e6. 3 which the Lord sware unto our fatherj e6. 7 wc cried unto the Lord God of our fath e6. 15 as thou swarest iiiitq our fatheis, aland ij. 3 the Lord God of thy f.ithcrs bath promi e8. II thcland. .the LoRDswarc unto thy f,-itlie. e8. 36, 64 which neither thou nor tliy fa'tlicrs 89. 13 and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers eg. 25 covenant of the Lord God of their f.-itho 30. 5 into the land which thy fathers possessed 30. 5 and multiply thee above thy fathers 30. 9 rejoice, .as he rejoiced over thy fathers 30. 2o the land, .the I/ORD sware unto thy fath. 31. 7 the Lord hath .worn unto their fathers 31. 16 Heboid, thou shalt sleep with thy fathers 31. 20 the land which I sware unto their fathers 32. 17 to new (gods that) came, .whom your fa. Josli. I. 6 the land which I sware unto their f.ithcrs 4. 21 When your children shall ask their fath. 5. 6 which the Lord sware unto their fathers 84. I and the heads of the fathers of the tribes 18. 3 land, which the Loud God of your fathers 19. 51 the heads of the fathers of the tribes of ei. I Then came near the heads of the fathers 21. I unto the heads of the fathers of the trib. ei. 43 which he sware to give unto their fathers 21. 44 to all that he sware unto their fathers «2. 14 .an head of the house of their fathers B2. 28 Behold the pattern, .which our fathers «4. 2 Thus-saith the Lord. .Your fathers dwelt £4. 6 And I brought your fathers out of Egypt 24. 6 Egyptians pursued after your fathers 24. 14 and put away the gods which your fath. ' 24. 15 whether the gods which your father ser. 24. 17 the Lord, .brought us up and our fathe. Judg. 2. 10 generation were gathered unto their fat. 2. 12 they forsook the Lord God of their fath. s. 17 turned, .out of the way which their fath. «. 19 corrupted (themselves) more than their f. 1. 20 my covenant. .1 commanded their fathers e. 22 they will keep the way. .as their fathers ■ 3. 4 which he commanded their lathers by , • 6. 13 where (be) all his miracles which our fa.^ 21. 22 And it shall be, when their fathers or J S.a. 12.' 6 brought your fathers up out of the land 12. 7 which he did to you and to your fathers 12. 8 and your fathers cried unto the Lord 12. 8 Moses, .which brought forth yoiu- fathers 12. IS against you, as (it was) against your fat. c Sa. 7. 12 and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers 1 Ki. I. 21 when my lord, .shall sleep with his fath. 2. 10 So David slept with his fathers, and was B. I the chief of the fathers of the children E. 21 covenant, .which he made with our fath. 8. 34, 48 land which thou gavest unto their f. 8. 40 the land which thou gavest unto our 8. 53 when thou broughtest our fathers out of 6. 57 as he was with our fathers : let him not 6. 58 statutes . . which he commanded our fath. 9. 9 God, who brought forth their fathers out II. 21 he.ird. .that David slept mth his fathers «i. 43 Solomon slept with his fathers, and was 13. 22 not come unto the sepulchre of thy fath. 14. 15 good land, which he gave to their fathers 14. 20 and he slept with his fathers, and Nadab 14. 22 above all that their fathers had done 14. 31 And Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and 14. 31 was buried with his fathers in the city of 15. 8 Abijam slept with his fathers ; and they 15. 12 removed all the idols that his fathers 15. 24 And Asa slept with his fathers, and was 15. 24 buried with his fathers in the city of Da. 16. 6 B.aasha slept with his fathers, and was 16. 28 Omri slept with his fathers, and was bu. 19. 4 for I (am) not better than my fathers 21. 3 give the inheritance of my fathers unto 21. 4 give thee the inheritance of my fathers 22. 40 So Ahab slept with his fathers; and Ah. 22. 50 And Jehosaphat slept with his fathers 22. 50 and was buried with his fathers in the » Ki. 8. 24 And Joram slept with his fathers, and 8. 24 was buried with his fathers in the city of g. 28 buried him in his sepulchre with his fat. 10. 35 Jehu slept with his fathers : and they b. j2. 18 his fathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated X2. 21 they buried hun with his fathers in the 13. 9 Jehoahaz slept with his fathers ; and. they 13. 13 Joash slept with his fathers ; and Jerob. 14. 6 The fathtrs shall not be put to death for 14. 6 nor the cluli^ea. .for the lathers ; but 2 XI. 14. ,6 Jchoash slept with his fathem, and was 14. 20 and he was bin ied. .with his fathers in 14. 22 alter that the king slept with his fathers >4. 29 Jeroboam slept with Ins fathers, (even) 15. 7 he Azanah slci.t with his fathers; and IS- 7 they buried him with |,is fathers iu the »S- 9 ne did. .evil, .as his fathers had done 15. 22 And Menahem slept with his fathers »3. 38 And Jotham skiit with his fathcm, and 15. 38 was buried with his fathers in the city of 16. 20 And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and was «6. 2o buried with his fathers in the city of Do »7. 13 the law which I commanded your fatlicri 17. 14 like to the neck of their fathers, that 9- 22. 14. 37- 39- 64. 65 2. 3 3 3- 6. 7- 7 7- 7- 7- 7- 9- 9 13. 14- j6. 16. i5 16. 16. lO. 17. 19. 23- =3- 24. 25 30- 3'- 3'- 3'. 32- be ye not stiffiieckeJ, as your fathers to seek God, tlie Lonn God of liis fathers confession to the. .God of then- fathers priests by the house of their fathers Know ye not what I and my fathers have the gods of those nations that my fathers and out of the hand of my fathers Hezekiah slept with his fatliers, and they land which I . . appointed for your fathers humbled himself, .before the God of hisf. Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they because our fathers have not kept the Behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers covenant of God, the God of their fathers following the L0RI>, the God of their fat. And prepare .by the houses of your fath. of the fathers of your brethren the people buried in. .the sepulchres of his fathers the Lord God of their fathers sent to Then rose up the chief of the fathers of they could not show their fathers' house And . . of the chief of the fathers, when of the priests . . and chief of the fathers they came, .to the chief of the fathers and the rest of the chief of the fathers of Blessed (be) the Lord God of our fathers These (are) now the chief of their fathers offering unto the Lord God of your fath. before the . . chief of the fathers of Israel Since the days of our fathers (have) we confession unto the .. God of your fathers And Ezra, .(with) certain chief of the fat. after the house of their fathers, and all when . . the place of my fathers' sepulchres unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres they could not show their fathers' house , 71 some of the chief of the fathers gave the chief of the fathers of all the people confessed . . the iniquities of their fathers didst see the affliction of our fathers in But they and our fathers dealt proudly v/hich thou hadst promised to their fath. come . .on our fathers, and on all thy peo. Neither have . . our fathers, kept thy Ir.v,' the land that thou gavest unto our fath. after the houses of our fathers, r^t times And his brethren, chief of the fathers were priests, the chief of the fathers The Levitos . . recorded chief of the fathers sons of Levi, the chief of the fathers Did not your fathers thus, and did not \ prepare thyself to the search of their fa. Which wise men have told from their fa. have mo in derision, v/hose fathers I Our fathers trusted in thee : they trusted a stranger, .a sojourner, as all my fathers God, our fathers have told us, (v/h-t) Instead of thy fathers shall bo thy child. He shall ,-0 to the generation of his fath. which . our fathers have told us which he commanded our fathers, that And might not be as their fathers, a stub, things did he in the sight of their fathers and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers When your fathers tempted me, proved We have sinned with our fathers, we ha. Our fathers understood not thy wonders Let the iniquity of his fathers be rerao. the glory of children (are) their fathers House and riches, .the inheritance of fa. the ancient landmark, v/hich thy fathers for the Iniquity of their fathers ; that delivered thera which m.y fathers havo v/hich thy fathers have laid up ia store Our holy, .house, v/here our fathers pral. and the iniquities ot your fathers togeth. What iniquity have your fathers found given for an inheritance unto your fathe. shame hath devoured the labour of our f. we have sinned, .we and our fathers the fathers and the sons together shall in the land that I gave to your fathers which I gave to you and to your fathers The children gather wood, and the fathe. For I spake not unto your fathers, nor Since the day that your fathers came for. Yet. .they did worse than their fathers - 'ter Baalim, which their fathers taught whom neither they nor their fathers hav. Wliich I commanded yom- fathers in the oath which I ha e sworn unto your fath. 1 earnestly protested unto your fathers covenant which I made with their fathe. And I will dash . . the fathers and the so. We acknowledge . . the iniquity of our fa. concerning their fathers that begat thera Because your fathers have forsaken me And ye have done worse than your fathe. ye know not, (neither) ye nor your fathe. their land that I gave unto their fathers Surely our fathers have inherited lies the sabbath day, as I commanded your f. whom neither they nor their fathers ha. as their fathers have forgotten my name the city that I gave you and your father, that I gave unto them and to their fathe. and to your fathers for ever and ever to the land that I gave to their fathers The fathers have eaten a sour grape, an. the covenant that I made with their fat. recompensest the iniquity of the fathers which thou did^t 3v,car to thjir fathers Jer. 34. 5 and with the burnings of tliy fatliers 34. 13 I made a covenant with your fatliers in 34. 14 but your fathers hearkened not unto me 35. 15 I have given to you and to your fathers 44. 3 whom they knew not .. nor your fathers 44. 9 forgotten the wickedness of your fathers 44. lo that I set before you and before your fa. 44. 17 our fathers, our kings, and our princes 44. 21 ye, and your fathers, your kingSj and you. 47. 3 f .ithers shall not look back to . . children 50. 7 even the Lord, the hope of their fathers Lain. 5. 7 Our fathers have sinned, (and arc) not lite. 2. 3 they and their fathers have transgressed 5. lo Xherefoio the lathers shall eat the sons 5. 10 and the sons shall eat their fathers j8. 2 The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and 20. 4 to know the abominations of their fathe. 20. 1 8 Walk ye not in the statutes of your fath. 20. 24 their eyes were after their fathers' idols 20. 27 Yet in this your fathers have blaspheme. . 20. jO polluted after the manner of your fathers? 20. 36 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in 20. 42 lifted up mine hand to give it to your fa. 36. 28 in tho land that I gave to your fathers 37. 25 dwell ia tlio land .. wherein your fathers 47. 14 lifted up mine hand to give it unto your f. Dan. 9. 6 which spake in thy name to . . our father. 9. 8 to uS . . confusion of face . . and to our fat. 9. 16 and for the iniquities of our fathers II. 24 he shall do (that) which his fathers have II. 37 Neither shall ho regard the God of his fa. n. 38 a god whom his fathers Icnov/ not shall Hos. 9. 10 I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the Joel I. 2 Hath this been., in the days of your fat. ? Amos 2. 4 after the which their fathers have walk.' Mio. 7. 20 which thou hast cv/orn unto our fathers Zee. 1. 2 hath been sore displeased with your fat. I. 4 Bo yo not as your fathers, unto v/homf I. 5 Your fathers, v/hero (are) they? and thej 1. 6 did they not take hold of your fathers ? 8. 14 v/hen your fathers provoked me to wrath Mai. 2. 10 profaning tho covenant of our fathers ? 1 Even fi;om the days of your fathers ye \ he shall turn tho heart of the fathers to^ 7 6 6 the heart of tho children to their fathers 2.Fathcrs, ancestors, n'uN ahoth. Ezra 4. 15 tho book of the records of thy fctiiors n 5.' 12 But after our fathc^a had provoked 1 Dan."r2. 23 I thank thee. .0 thou God of my fathers , ancestors, irar^pcs pateres. 30 If v/e hid been in the days of our fatheT . 32 Fill ye up. .the measure of your fathers . 17 to turn the hearts of the fathers to the . 55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham . 72 To perform the mercy . . to our fathers Y . 23 for in tho like manner did their fathers . :6 for so did their fathers to the false pro.' . 47 yo build, .and your fathers killed them . 48 that ye allow the deeds of your fathers . 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mounta 31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilde. 58 not as your fathers did eat manna,and 13 the God of our fathers, hath glorified his 22 [For Hoses truly said unto the fathers] 25 covenant v/hich God made wi'oh our fath. 30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus 2 And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers 11 and our fathers found no sustenanco 12 Jacob heard, .he sent out our fathers first 15 So Jacob, .died, he, and our fathers 19 The same, .evil entreated our fathers, so 32 I (am) the God of thy fathers, the God of 39 To wncm our fathers would not obcy,but 44 Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness 45 Which also our fathers that came after 45 God drave out bofOTe the fi.ce of our fat. 51 ye do alw.ys . . as your fathers (did), so (do) 52 Which of the prophets have not your fat. 17 TheGodof this people, .chose our fathers 32 the promise which was made unto the fa. 36 David . . was laid unto his fathers, and sav/ 10 which neither our fathers nor we were 1 Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my 14 And he said. The God of our fathers hath 6 of the promise made of God unto our fa. 25 Well spake the Holy Ghost . . unto our fa. 5 Whose (are) the fathers, and of v/hora as 28 (they are) beloved for the fathers' sakes 8 to confirm the promises . . unto the fathers 15 yet (liavo ye) not many fathers : for in Ch. I how that all our fathers v/ero under tho 4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children 21 Fathers, provoke not your children (to a.) 9 When your fathers tempted me, proved 9 the covenant that I made with their fat. 9 Furthermore wo have had fathers of our 4 for since the fathers fell asleep, all things 13 I write unto you, fathers, because yo havo 14 I have written unto you, fathers, because FATHERS, of the, or of one's — \. Paternal, ancestral, warpiKSi patrikos. Gal. 1. 14 zealous of the traditions of my fathers 2. Paternal, varpifos patroos. Acta 22. 3 the perfect manner of the law of the fat. 24. 14 Eo worship I the God of my fathers, boli. s8. :? fijn::!!;'; tiio people cr customs of oui' fa. S.Fathers. Matt 23, Luke John 4. 6. 6. 6. Acts 3. 3* 3- 5- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7* 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 13- 13- 13- 15- 22. 22. 26. 28. Ron. 9. II. IS- I Co. 4. 10. Eph. 6. Col. 3. Hob. 3. 2 Pe. I Jo. FATHERS, by tradition from the — Given over by ancestors, iraTpoirapiiSoTos patropcL 1 Pe. I. 18 conversation, .by traditi'^.a from your fa. FATHOM — Fathom, {length of outstretched arriis), opyvid. Acts 27. 28 sounded, and liund-(it) twenty fathoms 27. 28 sounded again,3nd found (it) fllteen fath. FATLIKG — l.Fat ones, D'np mechim.. Psa. 66. IS I will offer, .burnt sacrifices of fatlings 2.Fat..firm, n'IP tneri. 2 Sa. 6. 13 had gone, .ha sacrificed oxen and fatlings Isa. II. 6 the young lion and the fatling together Eze. 39. 18 bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan 3. Second, {younger a/nd later), "jyp mishneh. I Sa. 15. 9 spared..of thefatling3,andthelambs,and ^.Fattened, fed up, (TirKTris sitistos. Matt 22. 4 my oxen and (my) fatlings (are) killed , FATITESS — \.Fatncss,ya-^ deshen. Judg. g. 9 Should I leave my fatness, wherewith by Job 36. 16 should be set on thy table . .full of fatuesa Psa. 36. 8 They shall be. .satisfied with the fatness 63. ■ 5 My soul shall be satisfied as (^vith). .fatn. 65. II goodness, and thy paths drop fatness lea." 55. 2 and let your soul delight itself in fatnoBS Jer. 31. 14 And I will satiate the soul, .with fatness 2.Fat, best part, marrow, 3^n clieleb. Job^j 15. 27 he covereth his face with his fatness Psa." 73. 7 Their eyes stand out v/ith fatpcss : they Isa.^ 34. 6 it is made fat with fatness . . with the blood ^ 34. 7 and their dust made fat with fatness STFatness, fat one, JS?'P mishman.' ' Gen. 27. 28 the fatness ot the earth, and plenty of com 27. 39 thy dwelling shall be the fatnees of tho Isa.^ 17. 4 and the fatness of liis flesh shall v/as lean i.Fatness, oil, JDE" shemem' ,. Psa. 105. 24 v/eak . . and my flesh faileth of fatness ^.Fatness, fat, ttiSttis pioies. ^Bom II. 17 v/ith them partakest of tho root and fat! FATS — ■ Press or vat for oil or wine,'^iil yeqeb. Joel ^ 2. 2.} tho fats shall ovcrflov/ v/lth V/ine and oil ^ 3. 13 for the press is full, tho fats overflow FATTED ^ \.To h^. fattened, D3« abas. ( J'l lil. 4. 23 roebucks, and fallow deer, 'and fatted foivl ,2, Fattened, stall, p31P marbeq^ Jer. 46. 21 her hired men (arc).. like fatted bullocks Z.Fattened, fed up, o'lravrSs siteutos. Lukei5. 23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill "15. 27 thy father hath killed tho fatted calf 15. 30 thou hast killed for him tho fatted calf FATTEU — Fast,fim, K'-ia ban. Dan. 1. 15 countenances appeared fairer and falter FATTEST (places) — Fatness, fat one, ]Giyo mishman. Psa. 78. 31 sl?w the fattest of them, and caoto down ■ Dan. II. 24 He shall enter, .oven upon tho fattoat j;!. FAULT — \. Error, failure, sin, xari chata. Exod. 5. 16 but the fault (is) in thine own poopio 2. Error, failure, sin, Npn chet. Gen. 41. 9 saying, I do remember my faults thio day 3. What and wluxt, whatever, n05t:a mcumah, 1 Sa. 29. 3 I have found no fault in him cinco ho ^.Perversity, iniquity, ]i;/ avon. 2 Sa. 3. 8 that thou chargest mo today with a fault Psa. 59. 4 prepare themselves without (my) fault 5. Wrongness, wickedness, •il.'i;'"! rinhah. Dout25. 2 and to be beaten. '.according to his fault C. Corruption, nn?* shechath. Dan. 6. 4 they'eould find none occasion nor fault 6. 4 neither was there any error or fault found 7. Cause, case, ahla aitia. John 1 8. 3 8 Pilate saith .. I find in him no fault (at all) 19. 4 that ye may know that I find no fault in- 19. 6 Pilate saith .. I find no fault in him S.Cause, case, alriof aition. Luke 23. 4 Then said Pilate .. I find no fault in this 23. 14 I. .have found no fault in tliis man • ^.Laek, failure, defect, I'lTTrj/ia hettema. 1 Co. 6. 7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault am. 'iO.A falling aside, mishap, irapdirTcaixaparaptomji, Gai. 6. I if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye whieN Jas. 5.16 Confess . . [faults] one to another, and pray' FAULT, to find — To blame, yue'yu^o/uai memphomat. Mark 7. 2 with unwashen hands, they found fault Eoni. 9, ig Thou wilt say.. Why doth he yet find fault? lieb. 8. 8 For, finding fault with them, he saita. FAULT 337 FEAR FATTLT, to ten one's — To convict, i\4yxt^ eleijcho. Matt. 18. 15 go and tell him his fault between thco TATJIT, without — Without blemish, blame, spot, &fj.ixos amSmm. Rev. 14. s they are without fault before the throne FATJITLESS - 1. Vt'ithout blame, &fi€ft.irTos ainernptos. Heh. 8. 7 For if that first (covenant)had been fault. •2. Withoui blemish, blame, spot, ifiu/xos amomos. Jude 24 to present, .faultless before the presence rAvilTS, for your — i'y miss, err, sin, aftapTdvoj hamartand. I Pe. 2. zo if, when yo be bu£Eoted for your faults, ye TAULTY, one which is — Cuilty, D»!< asli^m. a Sa. 14. 13 the king doth speak . .as one which is fau. TATHiTT, to bo found — To be or become guilty, □s'Wl asham. llos. 10. 2 now shall they be found faulty : ho ohall FAVOUH — l.Orace, favour, jn chen. Oen. 18. 3 My Lord, if now I have found favour in 30. 27 I pray thee, if I have found favour in 39. 21 gave him favour in the sight of the keeper Exod. 3. 21 I will give this people favour in the sight 11. 3 the Lord gave the people favour in the si. 12. 36 the Lord gave the people favour in the Numii. II wherefore have I not found favour in thy II. 15 if I have found favour in thy sight X>eut 24. I it come to pass that she find no favour P.uth 2. 13 she said, Let mo fhid favour in thy sight 1 Sa. 16. 22 for he hath found favour in my sight 20. 29 now, if I have found favour in thine eyes 25. 8 Wherefore let the young men find favour a Sa. 15. 25 If I shall find favour in the eyes of the L. I Ki, II. 19 Hadad found great favour in tho sight of l^th. 2. IS Esther obtained favour in the sight of all S. 2 the king saw Esther . . she obtained favour S. 8 If I have found favour in the eight of the 7. 3 If I have found favour in thy sight, 8. s and if I have found favour in his sight I^ov. 3. 4 So Shalt thou find favour and good und. 13. 13 Good understanding giveth favour : but 22. I loving favour rather than silver and gold a8. 23 He that rebuketh . . shall find more favour 31. 30 Favour (is) deceitful, and beauty (is) vain 'Ecc!, 9. II nor yet favour to men of skill ; but time %Orace, favour, r\^''in chaninah. Jer. 16. 13 a land, .where I will not show youfavour Z.Kindness, npn chesed. Esth. 2.17 she obtained grace and favour in his oight Job 10. 12 Thou hast granted me life and favour Dan. 1. 9 Now God had brought Daniel into favour i,Delighting, j'gri cluzpheis. Psa. 35. 27 let them, .he glad, that favour my righ. H.Face, D'i^ panim. Psa. 45. 12 (even) the rich.. shall entreat thy favour 119. 58 I entreated thy favour with (my) whole Prov 19. 6 Many will entreat the favour of the prince 29. 26 Many seek the ruler's favour ; but ^very) 6. Pleasure, good will, pyi ratson. Dout33. 23 O Naphtall, satisfied with favour, and f. Psa. 5. 12 with favour wilt thou compass him as 30. 5 in his favour (is) life : weeping may endure 30. 7 Lord, by thy favour thou hast made my 89. 17 in thy favour our horn shall be exalted 106. 4 Remember me, O Lord, with the favour Prov. 8. 35 and shall obtain favour of the Lord 11, 27 He that, .seeketh good procureth favour 12. 2 A good (man) obtaineth favour of the Lord 14. 9 but among the righteous (there is) favour 14. 35 The king's favour (is) toward a wise serv. 16. 15 his favour (is) as a cloud of the latter ra. 18. 22 (Whoso) flndeth a vrtfe .. obtaineth favour 19. 12 but his favour (is) as dew upon the grass Isa. Co. 10 in my favour have I had mercy on thee t.Peace, prosperity, completeness, D'lVf shalom. Song 8. 10 then was I. .as one that found favour B.Grace, favour, rann iechinnah. Josh.ii. 20 that they might have no favour, but that Q.Grace, xapLs charis. Luke I. 30 Fear not, Mary ; for thou hast found fav. 2. 52 Jesus increased, .in favour with God and Acts 2. 47 Praising God, and having favour with all 7. 10 gave him favour and wisdom in the sight 7. 46 Wiio found favour before God, and deslr. 25. 3 And desired favour against him, that he JAVOTTB, to — J. To incliTie or be gracious to, J ^17 chanan. Psa. 102. 13 the time to favour her, yea, the set tbne log. 12 neither let there be any to favour his fa. Xam. 4. 16 they respected not. .they favoured not 2. To incline or be gracious to, ]in chanan, Za. Psa. 102. 14 For thy servants, .favour the dust thereof Z.To have delight in, Y^T) chaphats. ,^ ^ ,. , 2 Ba. 2o. II He that favoureth Joah, and he that (if) Pe3. 41 II By this X linow tliat thou favourest me i.Good m the eyes of, ',!"y3 j.Sa tob beene. 1 Sa. 2. 26 was u\ favour both with the LOED, and 29. 6 nevertheless the lords favour thee not FAVOTJE, to find — I. To find grace or favour, Jjr) chanan, 6. Prov.2i. 10 his neighbour nndeth no favour in his 2. To be or become good, .:ia' yatah. Neh. 2. 5 if thy servant have found favour In thy PA"70TJK, to have a — To be pleased with, ny] rcUsah, Psa. 44. 3 because thou hadst a favour unto them FAVOTJB, to show — To incline or be gracious to, ;jri chanan. Deut.28. 50 shall not regard, .nor show favour to tho Psa.ii2. 5 A good man shov/oth favour, aiidlendcth Isa. 27. II he that formed, .will show them no lavo. FAVOTO, to be showed — To find grace or favour, ] jri chanan, 6. Isa. 26. 10 Let favour be showed to the wicked FAVOTJEABLE, to bo — 1. To incline or be gracious to, JJn chanan. Judg.2i. 22 Be favourable unto thorn for our aakcs 2. To be pleased with, nyi ratsah. Job 33. 26 he wHl be favourable unto him ; and ho Psa. 77. 7 and will ho be favoui-able no more ? 85. I Lord, thou hast been favourable unto FAVOUEED, woU — l.Fair of appearance, hnhstib? ycphath march. Gen. 29. 17 but Rachel was beautiful and well favou. 39. 6 And Joseph was. .goodly, .and well favo. 41. 2 there came up. .seven well favoured kino 41. 4 did eat up the seven well favoured and f. Dan. I. 4 in whom (was) no blemish, but weU favo. l.Fair of form, nN'n-ns; ycphath toar. Gen. 41. 18 seven kino, fat fleshed and well favoured FAVOTJBED, highly — To give grace to, treat graciously, xo-ptTOai charitoo. Luke I. 28 Hail. . highly favoured, tho Lord (is) with FEAK — 1. Terror, n^'x cmah. Exodis- iS Fear and dread shall fall upon them 23. 27 I v/ill send my fear before thee, and will Ezra 3. 3 fear (was) upon them because of the peo. Job 9. 34 from me, and let not his fear terrify mo Prov 20. 2 The fear of a king (is) as the roaring of a 2.Fear, sorrow, njNi deagah. Josh.22. 24 if we' have not. .done it for fear of (this) 3. Trernbling, ni"in charadah. Prov.29. 25 Thelear of man bringeth a snare : but Isa. 21. 4 my pleasure hath he turned into fear i. Fright, terror, nn chath. Job 41. 33 not his like, who Is made without fear fi.Fear, reverence, nK"!; yirah. Gen. 20. II Surely, the fear of God (is) not In this Exod2o. 20 and that his fear may be before your fa. Deut. 2. 25 This day will I begin to put. .the fear 2 Sa. 23. 3 (must be) just, ruling in the fear of God 2 Ch.19. 9 Thus shall ye do in the fear of tho Lord Heh. 5. 9 ought ye not to walk in the fear of our 5. 15 so did not I, because of the fear of God Job 4. 6 (Is) not (this) thy fear, thy confidence 14 he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty 4 Yea, thou easiest off fear, and restraino. 22 4 Will he reprove thee for fear of thee ? 28. 28 the fear of the Lord, that (is) msdom Psa. 2. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice 5. 7 in thy fear will I worship toward thy 19. 9 The fear of the Lord (is) clean, enduring 34. II I will teach you the fear of the Lord 90. II even according to thy fear, (so is) thy wr. III. 10 The fear of tho Lord (is) the beginning of no. 38 thy servant, who (is devoted) to thy fear Prov. I. 7 The fear of the IX)RD (is) the beginning of 1. 29 and did not choose the fear of the Lord 2. 5 Then Shalt thou understand the fear of 8 13 The fear of the Lord (is) to hate evil : pr. Q. 10 The fear of the Lord (is) the beginning 0! 10. 27 The fearof the Lord prolongeth days : but 14. 26 In the' fear of the Lord (is) strong confld. 14 27 The fear of the Lord (is) a fountain of me 13. 16 Better (is)Iittle with the fear of the Lord IS. 33 The fear of the Lord (is) the instruction 16 6 by the fear of tho Lord (men) depart from TO 23 The fear of the LORD(tendeth) to life ; and 22 4 By humility, (and) the fear of the Lord 23. 17 in the fear of the Lord all the day long Isa. 7. 2S there shall not come thither the fear of II.' 2 the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of 11. 3 of quick understanding in the fear of the 20' 13 their fear toward me is taught by the 33. 6 the fear of the Lord (is) his treasure 63 17 hardened our heart from thy fear ? T»r 32 40 I will put my fear in their hearts, that Eze' 30 13 I will put a fear in the land of Egypt Jon. 1. 16 Then the men feared the Lord exceed. Q.Fcar,•\^ir}magor. ^., ,^ » ^ Psa 31. 13 fear (was) on every side : while they took Isa 31. 9 shall pass over to hia strong hold for fear Jer 6. 25 the sword of the enemy (and) fear (is) on sa 10 I heard the defaming of many, fear on 4- 6. Jer. 46. 5 fear (was) rowid about, sftith the Lord 49. 29 they shall cry . .Fear Cis) on every Bide 7. Fear, •TiUQ megorah. Prov 10. 24 The fear of tho wicked, it shall come upon S.Fear, 'TJ'JD megurah. Psa. 34. 4 and delivered me from all my fears Isa. 66. 4 will bring their fears upon them; because 'i.Fear, reverence, Ki/a mora. Gen. g. 2 tho fear of you and tho dread of yon shall Isa. 8. 12 neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid 8. 13 (let> him (be) your fear, and (let) him (he) MaL I. 6 and if I (Ije) a master, where (is) my {car ! 2. s I g!ive them to him (for) the fear v/bercw. XQl.Fcar, rnia mo'rah. Psa. g. 20 Put them in iear, O Lord ; (that) tho W. Dread, fear, "VJi pachad. Gen. 31. 42 Except, .the Fearof Isaac, had been with 31. 53 Jacob Bwaie by the Fearof tiis father Isaac Deutii. 25 the Lord your God shall lay the fear of 28. 67 for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou I Sa. II. 7 the fear of the Lord fell on the people 1 Ch.14. 17 the Lord brought the fear of him upon 2 Ch. 14. 14 for the fear of the Lord came upon thcni 17. 10 the fear of the LORD fell upon all the ig. 7 now let the fear of the Lord be upon you 20. 29 the fear of God was on all the klngdoma Esth, 8. 17 for the fear of the Jews fell upon them 9. 2 for the fear of them fell upon all peopio 9. 3 because the fear of Mordecai fell upon Job 4. 14 Fear came upon me, and trembling 21. g Their houses (are) safe from fear, neither 22. 10 snares, .and sudden fear troubleth theo 25. 2 Dominion and fear (are) with h im ; be 39. i5 her labour is in vain without fear 39. 22 He mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted Psa, 31. II I v/as. .a fear to mine acquaintance 36. I (that there is) no fear of God before Ids 53. 5 were they, (where) no fear was : for God 64. I preserve my life from fear of the enemy 105. 38 for the fear of them fell upon them 119. J20 ify flesh trcmblcth for fear of thee ; and Prov. 1. 16 I will mock when your fear cometh > I. 27 When your fear cometh as desolatioa 1. 33 and shall be quiet from fear of evil 3. 2s Be not Eifraid of sudden fear, neither of Rong 3. £ievcry man. .his sword, .because of fear Isa. 2. 10 hide tliee in the dust, for fearof the Lord 2, 19 they shall go into the holes, .for fear of 2. 21 for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of 24. 17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, (are) 24. 18 he who fiecth from the noise of the fear '. Jer . 30. s ^'•'c have heard a voice cf . .fear, and not 48. 43 Fear, and the pit, and tho snare, .upon ; 48. 44 He th«t tlceth from the fear shall fall into . 49. 5 Behold, I v/iU bring a fear upon thco Lam. 3. 47 Fear and a snare is como upon us. lies. 12.Dread, fear, rrv?) paclidah. Jer. 2. 19 and that ray fear (is) not In thco, calth. IZ. liage, anger, trembling, tyi rogez. Isa. 14. 3 Lord shall give thee rest., from thy fear li. Fear, terror, trembling, bbt retec. Jer. 49. 24 Damascus is waxed feeble . fear hath Ih.Trerribling, my') readah. Psa. 48. 6 Fear took hold upon them there, (and) IQ.Timidity, Sei\(a dcilia. 2 Ti. I. 7 God hath not given ua tho scirit ol fear 17. Fear, terror, . To fear, reverence, Ni; yare. Gen. 15. I Fear not, Abram: I (am) thy shield, (and) 19. 30 he feared to dwell in Zoar : and he dwelt SI. 17 What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not ; for 26. 7 for he feared to say, (She is) my wife ; lest b6. 24 I (am) the God of Abraham thy father : f. 35. 17 the midwife said unto her, Fear not^ 43. 23 And ho said. Peace (bej) to you, fear not 46. 3 fear not to go down iiito 'Zsjpk ; for I so. 19 And Joseph said unto them. Fear not 50. 21 Now therefore fear ye not : I will nour. Bxod, I. 17 the midwives feared God, and did not 1. 21 came to pass, because the midwives fea. 2. 14 Moses feared, and said. Surely this thing 9. 30 I know that ye v.'Ul not yet fear tho LoitD 14. 13 Moses said unto the people. Fear yo not 14. 31 the people feared the Lord, and believ. 20. 20 Moses said unto the people. Fear not Jjev. 19. 3 Ye shall fear every man his mother and 19. 14 but shalt fear thy God: I (am) tho LoKD 19. 32 Thou Shalt rise up . .and fear thy God 05. 17 but thou shalt fear thy God : for I (am) S5. 36 Take thou no usury of him. .but fear 25. 43 Thou shalt not rule, .but shalt fear thy Nnmi4. 9 neither fear ye the people, .fear them 21. 34 the Lord said unto Moses, Fear him not Dent. J. 21 possess, .fear not, neitiier be discouraged 3. 2 the Lord said unto me. Fear him not 3. 22 Ye shall not. fear them : for the Lord 4. 10 that they may learn to fear me all tho 5. 29 an heart in them, that they would fear «.. 2 that thou mightest fear the Lord thy God 6. 13 Thou shalt fear the lord thy God, and 6. 24 these statutes, to fear tho Lord our God B. 6 to walk in his ways, and to fear him . 10. 12 to fear the Lord thy God, to waUc in all 10. 20 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God ; him 13. 4 Ye shall walk after the Lord, .and fear 13. II all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall 14. 23 that thou mayest learn to fear the Lord 17. 13 And all the people shall hear, and fear 17. 19 that ho may learn to fear tho Lord his xg. 20 those which remain shall hear, and fear Eo. 3 let not your hearts faint; fear not, and do 21. 21 and all Israel shall hear, and fear b8. 58 that thou mayest fear this glorious and 31. 6 Be strong, and of a good courage, fear 31. 8 he will not fail thee, .fear not, neither 31. 12 fear tho Lord your God, and observe to 31. 13 hear, and learn to fear the Lord your Josh. 4. 14 they feared him, as they feared Moses 4. 24 that ye might fear the Lord your God 8. I the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear not 10. 2 That they feared greatly, because Gibeon xo. 8 the Lord said imto Joshua, Fear them 10. 25 Joshua said unto them. Fear not, nor bo 04. 14 fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity Judg. 4. 18 Turn in, my lord, turn in to me ; fear not 6. 10 fear not the gods of the Amorites, in 0. 23 Peace (be) unto thee ; fear hot : thou C. 27 because he feared his father's household 8. 20 youth drew not his sword ; for he feared E.uth 3. II now, my daughter, fear not; I ^vill do to I S.a- 3-15 And Samuel feared to show Eli the vision 4. 20 said . .Fear not ; for thou hast bom a son 12. 14 If ye wDl fear tho Lord, and serve him 12. 18 all the people greatly feared tho Lord 12. 20 Samuel said unto the people. Fear not 12. 24 Only fear the Lord, and servo him in 14. 26 no man put . . for the people feared tho 15. 24 because I feared tho people, and obeyed 62. 23 Abide thou with me, fear not ; for ho ' S3. 17 he said unto him. Fear not ; for the hand s Ba. 3. II could not answer, .becauso he feared him : 9. 7 David said unto him. Fear not : for I will 10. 19" So the Syrians feared to help the children 12. 18 the servants of David feared to tell him 13. 28 I say unto you. Smite Ammon. .fear not 1 Kl. I. 50 And Adonijah feared because of Solomon 1. 51 Behold, Adonijah feareth king Solomon f. 28 and they feared the king : for they saw . 40 That they may fear thee all the days that 8. 43 to fear thee, as (do) thy people Israel 17. 13 And Elijah said unto her, Fear not ; go i8. 12 Ithyservantfearthe Lord from myyouth a KL 6. 16 And he answered. Fear not ; for they that 17. 7 the children of Israel, .had feared other 17. 25 they feared not the Lord : therefore tho 17. 28 taught them how they should fear the l. 17. 35 Ye shall not fear other gods, nor bow X7. 36 the Lord, .him shall ye fear, and him J7. 37 and ye shall not fear other gods 17. 38 not forget; neither shall yo fear other 2Ki. 17. 39 r.utthc LORD yoiu- God yo shall fear; and 25. 24 Fee>r not to l:o the servants of the Chald. 1 Ch.28. 20 fear not, nor be dismayed ; for the Lord 2 Ch. 6. 31 That they may fear thee, to walk in thy 6. 33 know, .and f^ar thee, as. .thy people Isr. 20. 3 Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to 20. 17 fear not, nor be dismayed ; to moiTOW Ifeh. I. II thy servants, who desire to fear thy name 7. 2 a faithful man, and feared God above Job I. 9 said. Doth Job fear God for nought ? 9. 35"(Theu) would I speak, and not fear him II. 15 thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear 37. 24 Men do therefore fear him : he respecteth Psa. 23. 4 I will fear no evil: for thou (art) with me 27. I The LORD(is)my light, .whom shall I fe.J S7. 3 my heart shall not fear : though war 33. 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord : let all 34. 9 O fear the Lord, ye his saints : for (there 40. 3 many shall see (it), and fear, and shall 46. 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the 49. 5 Wherefore should I fear in the days of 52. 6 The righteous also shall see, and fear, and 55. 19 they have no changes, therefore they fear 56. 4 I will not tear wliat flesh can do unto mo 64. 4 suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear 64. 9 all men shall fear, and shall declare the 67. 7 all the ends of the earth shall fear him 72. 5 They shall fear thes as long as the sun 76. 8 to be heard, .the earth feared, and was 86. II Lord, .unite my heart to fear thy namo 102. IS So the heathen shall fear the name of tho 112. I Blessed (is) the man (that) feareth the L. 118. 6 The Lord (is) on my side ; I vnO. not fear 119. 63 I (am) a companion of all. .that fear thee Prov. 3. 7 fear the Lord, and depart from evil 24. 21 My son, fear thou the Lord and the king EccL 3. 14 God dooth (it), that (men) should fear S. 7 also (divers) vanities : but fear thou God >8. 12 well with them, .which fear before him 12. 13 Fear God, and keep his commandments Isa. 7. 4 Take heed, and be quiet ; fear not, neither e. 12 A confederacy ; neither tear ye their fear 23. 3 the city of the terrible nations shall tear 35. 4 Be strong, fear not : behold, your God 41. 5 The isles saw (it), and feared ; tho ends 41. lo Fear thou not ; for I (am) withthco ; bo 41. 13 saying unto thee. Fear not ; I will helR 41. 14 Fear not, thou worm Jacob, (and)yo men 43. 1 O Israel, Fear not : for I have redeemed 43. 5 Fear not ; for I (am) with thee : I will 44. 2 Fear not, Jacob, my servant ; and thou 51. 7 fear ye not the reproach of men, neither S4. 4 Fear not ; for thou shalt not be ashamed 54. 14 far from oppression ; for thou shalt notf. 57. II of whom hast thou been afraid or feared 57. II even of old, and thou fearest me not ? 59. 19 So shall they fear the name of the Lord •Ter. 3- 8 yet her treacherous sister Judah feared 5. 22 Fear ye not mo ? saith tho Lord : will yo 5. 24 Let us now fear tho Lord our God, that 10. 7 Who would not fear thee, O king of 53. 4 they shall fear no more, nor be diaiaayed 30. 10 Therefore fear thou not, my servant 32. 39 that they may fear me for ever, for tho 40. 9 Fear not to serve the Chaldeans : dwell 44. 10 neither have they feared, nor walked in 46. 27 But fear not thou, my servant Jacob 46. 28 Fear thou not, O Jacol) my servant, saith 51. 46 lest your heart faint, and ye fear for tlio . Lam. 3. 57 I called upon thee, .thou saidst. Fear no' Eze. 3.. 9 fear them not, neither be dismayed at 11. 8 Ye have feared the sword ; and I will Dan. 10. 12 Then said he unto me. Fear not, Daniel 10. 19 O man greatly beloved, fear not : peace Hos. 10. 3 We have no king, because we feared not Joel 2. 21 Fear not, O land ; be glad aud rejoico Amos 3. 8 The lion hath roared, who Avill not fear t Jon. I. iC Then the men feared the Lord exceedin. Mic. 7. 17 oiu^ God, and shall fear because of theo Zeph. 3. 7 I said, Surely thou wilt fear mo, thou 3. 16 it shall be said to Jerusalem, thou Hag. 1. 12 and the people did fear before the Lord 2. 5 my spirit remaineth among you : fear ye Zech. 8. 13 fear not, (but) let your hands be strong 8. 15 and to the house of Judah : fear ye not 9. 5 Ashkelon shall see (it), and fear ; Gaza MaL 2. 5 wherewith he feared me, and was afraid 3. 5 and fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts 6. Fearing, reverencing. Hi) yare. Gen. 22. 12 now I know that thou fearest God, seeing 33. II I fear him, lest he will come and smite mo 42. t8 This do, and live ; (for) I fear God Exod. 9. 20 Ho that feared the word of the Lord am. 18. 21 provide, .able men, such as fear God Deut25. 18 How he met thee, .and he feared not God Judg. 7. 10 Cut if thou fear to go down, go thou with 1 Ki.i8. 3 Now Obadiah feared tho Lord greatly 2 Ki. 4. I thou knowest that thy servant did fear 17. 32 So they feared the Lord, and made unto 17. 33 They feared the Lord, and served their 17. 34 they fear not the Lord, neither do they 17. 41 So these nations feared the Lord, and se. Job I. I one that feared God, and eschewed evil 1. 8 an upright man, one that feareth God, and 2. 3 an upright man, one that feareth God, and Psa. 15. 4 but he honoureth them that fear the Lord 22. 23 Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye 22. 25 I will pay my vows before them that fear 25. 12 Wliat man (is> he that feareth the Lord ? 25. 14 secret of the Lord (is) with them that f.> 31. 19 which thou hast laid up for them that i. Psa. 33. .34- 34- 60. 61. 66. 85- 103. 103. 103. III. "5- "5- 118. 119. 119. 12S. 128. »3S. 145- _, 147- Prov. 13. 14. 14. 31- EccL 7. 8. 8. isa, 50. Jer. 26. v> '*''• Dan. I. Jon. I. MaL 3. 3- 4- Job Psa. Isa. Jer. Hos. 18 the eye of the Lord (is) upon them that f. 7 oicampeth round about the;;) that fear 9 for. .no want to them that fear him 4 Thou hast given a banner to them that f. 5 given (me) the heritage of those that fear 16 Come, .hear, all ye that fear God, and I 9 his salvation (is) nigh them that fear him II great is his mercy toward them that fear 13 the Lord pitieth them that fear him 1 7 the mercy .. is .. upon them that fear him 5 He hath given meat unto them that fear II Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the LoEl> 13 He will bless them that fear the Lord , 4 Let them now that fear the Lord say, that 74 They that fear thee wUl be glad when they 79 Let those that fear thee turn unto me, and 1 Blessed (is) every one that feareth tho L> 4 thus shall the man be blessed that fear> 20 ye that fear the Lord, bless the Lord ' 19 will f ulfU the desire of them that fear him 11 Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear- 13 he that feareth the commandment shall 2 He that walketh in his uprightness fear. 16 A wise (man) feareth, and departeth from 30 a woman (that) feareth the Lord, she shi t8 he that feareth God shall come forth oj 12 shall be well with them that fear God 13 because he feareth not before God 2 he that sweareth, as (he) that feareth aa 10 Who (is) among you that feareth the L. 19 did he not fear the Lord, and besought 16 the sword, which ye feared, shall over. 10 And the prince, .said unto Daniel, I feat 9 I (and) an Hebrew; and I fear the LORD 16 Then they that feared the LOKD spake 16 abook. .was written, .for them that feared 2 But unto you that fear my name shall l.To fear, be afraid, terrified, pv arats. Job 31. 34 Did I fear a great multitude, or did tho Isa. 29. 23 sanctify, .and shall featLtUe God of Israel 8. To fear, be afraid, ^^9 pachad'y.^^ Dcut 28. 66 thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt 28. 67 of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear 3. 25 For the thing which J greatly feared is 78. 53 led them on safely, so thai they feared 19. 16 it shall be afraid sad I, because of tha 44. 8 Fear ye not, neUheLte afraid : have not 44. II they shall fear. they saall be ashamed 60. 5 thine heart sliail fe&r, and bo enlarged 33. 9 they shall sear and iremblc for all thp 3. 5 shall fear the ioBB and his goodness iu, 0. To fear, be afraidf*iT\^pajhad, 3. Prov 28. 14 Happy '(5b) tlss aian that feareth alway Isa. 51. 13 an4 Hast feared continually every day IQ. To fear, he., afraid, frightened, ijJi? saar. Dent 32. 1? as\7 (gods), .whom your fathers feared not 11.7V) be^rciimspect, cautioTis, ev\afie6fiat eulabeo. Acts 5f3." 10 the chief captain, [fearing] lest Paul should 12. Toysaute fear,' terrify, 6fiov exai i^Aoion. echo. I I'i 5. 20 that sin rebuke . . that others also mayf ear FEAS exceedingly, to — , To be greatly a/raid, terrified, HxipoPo! elvat. Hob. 12. 21 Mo303 said, I csceedingly foar and quake rEAE, to bo in — To fear, be afraid, in^ pachad. Tsa. 14. 5 There wore they in groat forir : for God S3, s There woro they in great fear, ('.vtcrc) no FEAU, -without — Fearlessly, ^oithout fear, &.^6ffas apTwbos. Luke I. 74 we, being delivered, .servo him -without f. I Co. 16. 10 ace that he may be vdih you without fear Phil. 1. 14 more bold to speak tlio word -without fe. Judo ,; 12 feeding tliCmsclvca -(vithout fsar : clouds P33AE of — Face of , ''i-f penc. Judg. 9. 21 Jotham ran away, .for fear of AbSmclech I Sa. 21. 10 David arose, and Cod that day for fear of 23. 26 David made haste to p;ct av/ay for fear of Jer. 35. II Corae,and let UD go to Jerusalem for fear of 35. II and for fear of the army of the Syritins '37. II was broken up from Jerusalem for fear of 41. 9 which Asa the king had made for fear of 50. 16 for fear of the oppressing aword they shall FEAU, to put in — To make afraid, K"V yarc, 3. KbhJ' 6. 14 the rest, .that would have put rio in fear 6. 19 Tobiah sent letters to put mo in teas FEAESD, to bo — 1. To be feared, reverenced, ny, yare, 2. I Ch.iS. =5 he also (jp) to bo feared abovo all gods I'sa. 76. 7 Thou, .thou, (art) to be feared : and who 96. 4 the LOKD . . he (is^ to be feared abovo all 130. 4 forgiveness . . that thou mayest bo feared %To fear, be afraid, terrified, fny arats. Psa. 89. 7 God is greatly to bo feared in tho cssom. JjJAEED, that ought to bo — Fear cr; reucrence, [an object of), Nl'iD mora. Psa. VS- " presents unto him thatoUglit to bofocrcd FEAESTH, in that (one) — From or on account of his cautioxisnas, ctJi rgs £u\c;8eicj apo tcs eulaheias. Ecb. 5. 7 to save . . and waa heard ia he feared rEABFXnCi — \.To be feared, reverenced, S'l; ycrx, 2. E::od.i5. 11 Lord, .foari'iil (in) praises, dcinj -wond. t Deut.:8. 53 mayest fear this glorious and fearful na. ^.Fcxri'iv;, Hi) yare. 8 What man. .fearful and faint hearted? Judg. 7. 3 Whosoever (is) fearful and afraid, let 8. To be hastyj hastened, "ina mahar, 2. Isa. 35- 4 Sry to them, .of a fearful heart, Be strong ^Timid, Sei\6s deilos. Matt. 8. 26 Why are ye fearful, ye of little faith t Hark 4. 40 he said unto them. Why are ye so fear. T Eev. 21. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and Z.Fearful, terrible, oPep6s phoberos. Heb. 10. 27 But a certain fearful looking for of Judg. JEASnn. sight — What is fearful or terrible, tj,6pv,'pov, (jiopTiSpov. Lukeai. II fearful sights and great signs shall there rEAaSTJl thing — Fearful, terrible, (^o^cp6s phoberos. Heb. 10. 31 a fearful thing to fall into tho hands of PEASFULLY — To be feared, reverenced, si; yttre, 2. Psa.139.14 1 wiU praise thee; for I am fearfully (and) FEilUTJLKESS — l.'Fear, reverence, nx-i: yirah. Psa. 55. si'earfulness and trembling are come upon ^.Trtnibling, horror, fright, TWm^s pallatsiith. Isa. 21. 4 My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted Z.Trembling, n-iyi readah. Isa. 33. 14 fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites TEABIKG — Fearing, reverencing, Ki; yare, - JoBh.22. 25 make our children cease from fearing the FEARS — Terrors, Cf POTO chathchattim. EccLiz. s fears (shaJl be) in the way, and the almon. FEAST — \. Festival, in, an chart. Eiodio. 9 lor we (niirt hnlc)a feast unto the LoKD 12. 14 and ye slinll keep it a feast to the Lokd 13. 6 in the seventh day . .a feast to the Lord S3. 15 Thou Bli.'iH keep 'lie feast of unleavened 23. 16 the feast of harvest, the first fruits of thy 23. 16 tlie feast of ingathering, .in tlie end of the 32. 5 said, To morrow (is) a feast to the Lord 34. 18 The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou 34. 22 thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of 34. 22 the feast of ingathering at the year's end 34. 25 neither shall tho sacrillce of the feast of Lev. 23. 6 on the fifteenth day . . (is) the feast of unl. 23. 34 The fifteenth day. .(shall be) the feast of 23. 39 ye shall keep a feast unto the Lord seven 23. 41 ye shall keep it a feast unto the Lord Nuin23. 17 the fifteenth day of tliis month (is) the fo. 29. 12 ye shall keep a feast unto the Lord seven Deut 16. 10 tliou shalt keep tho feast of weeks unto 16. 13 TIiou shalt observe tho feast of tabercae. 16. 14 thou shalt rejoice in thy fe.ast, tliou, and 16. 16 Three times, .in the feast of unleavened 16. 16 in the feast of weeks, and in the feast 31. 10 seven years, .in the feast of tabernacles Jud^2i. 19 a of the Lord in Shiloh yearly I Ki. 8. 2 all tho men of Israel, .at the feast in 8. 65 And at that time Solomon lield a feast 12. 32 Jeroboam ordained a feast ia the eighth 12. 32 like unto the feast that (is) in Judah, and j2. 33 ordained a feast unto the cliildren of 8 Ch. Si 3 tliG M01 of Israel ussombled . .in tho feast 7. 8 at the same time Solomon kept tho feast 7. 9 for they kept, .the feast seven days 8. 13 in the feast of unleavened bread 8. 13 in the foast of weeks, and in tlio feast of 30. 13 assembled, .much people to keep the fo. 30. 21 children of Israel, .kept the feast of 35. 17 the feast of unleavened bread seven Ezra 3. 4 They kept also the feast of tabernacles 6. 22 kept tho feast of unleavened bread seven Neh. 8. 14 should dv/ell in booths in the feast of 8. 18 they kept tho feast seven days ; and on Ifci. 45. 17 in the feasts, and in tho new moons, and 45. 21 ye shall have the passovcr, a feast of 45. 23 seven days of the feast he shall prepare 43. 23 shall he do the like in the feast of the so. 46. 11 in tho feasts and in the solemnities, tho Hos. 9. 5 Wliat will ye do. .iu the day of the feast Amos 8. 10 And I will turn your feasts into mourning Zech 14. 16 and to keep the fcact of tabernacles 14. i3, 19 not up to keep thqfea^t ol tabernacles 2. Bread, eating, Dn^ Icchcm. Dan. s. I Belshazzar tuo king made a C7cat izzzt to Z.Ax^ appointed meeting, iji'in moed. Lev. 23. 2 feasts of tho Lord . . thc^o (.".re) my f cr.sta 23. 4, 37 These (are) tho feasts cf tho Lor.D 23. 44 Jloses declared, .the fc=ct3 of tho LORD a Ch.30. 22 they did cat thrc-jcliout t!;o fcait ccvea Zeeh. 8. 19 joy and gladness, acd c!;ccrful feasts . ^.Contortion, perversion, ^ij'? mcog. Psa., 35. 16 With hypocriticrj mochcra -In 'caEt3, lh:y h.Fea^t, drinking, 'ri^ misliich. Gen. ig. 3 ho made't'hcm a fca:5, ar.d cid bato 21. 8 Abraham m.ado a grcit fc:::t the. .day s6. 30 he made them a feast, and they did eat 29. 22 Laban gathered, .the men. .andmade af. 4c. 2o ho made a feast unto all his servants Judgi4. 10 Samson made there a feast ; for so used 14. 12 declare, .within tlie seven days of Uio fo. 14. 17 And sho wept, .while their feast lasted t Sa. 25. 36 held a feast in his house, like tho feast of e Sa. 3. 20 David mado Abner, and the men. .a feast I Ki. I3. 13 Solomon, .made a feast to all his servants Esth. I. 3 third year of his reign, he made a feast I. 5 the king made a fca:;t unto all the peoplo 1. 9 Also Vashti t!io queen made a feast for c. i3 made a great feast, .(even) Esther's' feast 8. 17 the Jev/s had joy. .a feast and a good day rror.15. 15 a merry heart (hath) a continual feast Isa. 5. 12 tho harp, .and wine, are in their feasts 23. 6 injthis mountain shall . . make .. a feast 23. 6 a feast of wines on the lees, of fat tilings Jor. 51. 39 In their heat I will make their feasts G, Supper, Se7irvov deipnon. Matt 23. 6 love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and Marki2. 39 seats, .and the uppermost rooms at feasts Luke2c. 46 tho scribes, .lovo. .the chief rooms at fo. 7. Reception, Sox^ doclie. Luke 3. 29 Levi made him a great feast in his own 14. 13 when thou makest a feast, call tho poor i.Fcast, festival, iopTl) htortc. Matt 26. 5 Not on the feast .. lest there be an uproar 27. 15 at (that) feast the governor was wont to Markis. 6 at (that) feast he released unto them one Luka 2. 41 to Jerusalem evei-y at the feast of 2. 42 to Jcrnsalem after the custom of the feast 22. I the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh 23. 17 [must release one unto them at the feast] John 4. 43 at thc'feast: for they, .went unto the feast 3. I After this there was a feast of the Jews 6. 4 the passover, a feast of the Jews, was 7. 2 the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at hand 7. 8 this feast : I go not up. .unto this feast 7. TO then went he also up unto the feast, not 7. II the Jews sought him at the feast, and 7. 14 about the midst of the feast, Jesus went John 7. 37 In. .that prcat (day) of tho fea:t, Jccus 1:. 56 that ho will not come to tho feast? 12. wi much people l.'iat wero come to ti'.o feast 12. 20 that came up to worsliip at the feast 13. I before tlie fcas'u of the paisovcr, v.lica ij. 29 that v.-e have need of a<7ainst the f^S'jt Acts 18. 21 [I must by all cieaas keep this foabtthat) FEAST of the dedication — Dedications, iyKalyia e!)kainia. John 10. 22 at Jerusalem the 'cast of tho dedication FEAST, to — To makA a feast, n.^ipp nW asah mishteh. Job I. 4 hia sons went and feasted (ia their) houses FEAST (day5 — 1. Festival, :n, :n chag. Hos. 2. II I will ., cause . .to cease, her feast days Amos 5. 21 1 hate, I despise your feast days, and I 2. Feast, festival, iopr-fi heortS. Marki4. s Kct on tho feast (day), lest there bo ca John 2. 23 in tho feast (day), many believed la hia FEAST, to hold or keep (a colcnia) — \.To hold, keep or observe a festival, :jri chagag, Exod. 5. I tliat tliey may hold a feast unto me in tho 12. 14 ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinonco 23. 14 Three times thou Ehalt keep a feast unto Lev. 23. 39 ye shall keep a feast unto tho fxiRD cevcn Deut;6. 13 Seven daj-s shalt thou keep a Eolcmn feast 2.T0 hold a feast, ioprd^oj heoTta-,'i. 1 Co. 3. 8 let lu keep the feast, not with old Icavca FEAST, EEt — Appointed •meeting, ly'iD mocd. Num>9. 39 ycjzliall do . . in yoiu- set feasts, beside yocr J Ch.23. 31 all bxn-nt saerillees . . on tho set feasts 2 Ch.31. 3 for tb.o new rnoons, and for tho set feasta Ezra 3. 5 set feasts of tho Lord (hat were consecr. Neh. 10. 33 for the set leasts, .and (for) all tho v.-orlr FEAET, colcnm — \.A festival, Jn, JiJ chag. P^a. 81. 3 Blow r.p the trumpet.. on our solemn fo. Nail. I. 13 keep thy colcra:i feasts, perform thy vows JIal. 2. 3 (oven) tlio dung of your solemn feasts i.Ajipointed meeting, nyio mocd. Kiiniis. 3 or in your sclcn:n f car.t3, to make a cwcet 2 Ch. 2. 4 the Bolemn foacts of the Lord our Cod Lam. I. 4 because none come to tho solemn fcacts 2. 6 the Lord hath caused tho solemn fcacts 2, 7 a noise. , as in tho day of n solemn fcar,t E20. 36. 38 the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn fcx 46. 9 before tho Lord in the solemn feasts Eos. 2. II I will.. cause.. to cease. .her solemn foo. 12. 9 dwell, .as in the days of tho solemn feasta Z.Appointcd '.r.ccti'dg, .Tjj^io moadah. t Ch. 0. 13 on the Eolemn feasta, three times In taa FZAS7 triOi, to — To held i^cll icith, cv"cvax^'^ suneuochc^. 2 Pc. 2. 13 sporting, .with, .while they fesct with you Judo 12 Uiay foa:t -ivith j'oa, feeding thcm^clvco FKASTIITG — Feast, drirJdng, nriyp mishteh. Esth. 5. 17, 1 3 made it a day cf feasting and gladness " 9. li) gladness and feasting, and a gooQ day 9. 22 that they chcnld make ther.-i days ol feaa. Jclj t. 5 v.-hen the days of.. feasting were gone ab. Ecci. 7. 2 mourning t!:an.. to the house of feasting Jcr. iCJ. 8 Thou shalt not.. go into tho house of lea. I'^A'iiiZIl — 1. Wing, m,?s clrah. Psa. 63. 13 dove . . and her feathers with yellow gold 91. 4 He shall cover thee w-ith his leathers 2.Fecihcr, n-;i3 iiolsah. Ezo. 17. 3 f -all of feathers, which had divers colours 17. 7 another great eagle with., many feathers Z. Feather, nyj notsah. Lev. I. 16 shall pluck away Ms crop -with his feath. LStork, ostrich, 'jcn chasidah. Job 39. 13 or wings and fealhcrB unto tho ostricht FEATHESED — Wing, ^^ kanaph. Psa. 78. 27 He rained, .feathered fovrls liie as tho Eze. 39. 17 Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to FED (beast) — \.Fat,fi-i-m, .VI5 bari. , Eze. 34. 3 Yo cat the fat.. km them that are fed 2. To be fed, ]-n zjin, or ]V yazan, 6. Jcr. 5. 8 They were (as) fed horses in the morning Z. Falling, N'lO meri. . Isa. I. II lam fuB of. .tho fat of fed boasts; and 1 FED, to be — pt zun, 2. to bej^d. Dan. 4. 12 boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed ol iJ 1. To feed, nyi, raah. Psa. 37. 3 I'rust In tha LORD., verily thou shalt he 1. 2.T0 fatten, satisfy, xopr^Ca ehortaso. Lukei6. 21 desiring to befed -with theeruinbswhlcht FEEBLE — 1. Weak, ^hcn amelal. Nell. 4.' 2 What da theso feeble Jews? will the/ £. FEEBLE 340 FBBT 2. To hefecible, ViJ chashal, 2. Deut 25 . i8 he . . smote . . tU . . feeble behind thee, when B. To lend or how the knee, jn? kara. Job 4. 4 thou hast strengthened the feeble knees i.To stumble, V| kashal. 2 Ch.28. 15 carried all the feeble of them upon asses Psa.ios. 37 not one feeble (p6ison)amoTigtheirtribes Isa. 3s. 3 weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees 5. To lie stumbled, b^3 kashai, 2. Zech. 12. 8 he that is feeble among them at that day 6.iVo< abundant, great, mighty, T33 KiV lo Icabbir, Isa. 16. 14 and the remnant, .very small, .feeble T.Not strong or bony, msj^-x''? lo atsuni. Provso. 26 The conies, .a feeble folk, yet make they 8. Without strength, aadev-fis asthenes. 1 Co. 12. 22 members, .which seem to be more feeble 9. 7*1 loose, disjoin, irapaXvai paraluo. Iivb. 12. 12 Wherefore lift up. .the feeble knees TEEELEi to be — 1. To be feeble, covered, ^BJJ ataph, 5. Gen. 30. 42 But when the cattle were feeble, he put 2.T0 faint, cease, be feeble, i^B pug, 2. Psa. 30. 8 1 am feeble and sore broken : I have roar. 3. To be or become feeble, njT raphah. 2 Sa. 4. I his hands were feeble,, and all the Israel; Bze. 7. 17 AH hands shall be feeble, and all knees . 21. 7 all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit SEEBIJEI, to wax — To be or become feeble, fiDT raphah. Jer. 6. 24 our hands wax feeble : anguish hath tak. 49. 24 Damascus is waxed feeble, (and) tumeth 50. 43 hath heard, .and his handk waxed feeble WHMHT.Ti, to be waxed — To be or become weak, bo)} amal, 46. 1 Sa. z. ' s she that hath . . children ia wased feeble VU!MHT.T! minded — Of a Utile soul, faint-hearted, oMyS^l/vxos oligops. X Th. 5. 14 comfort the feebleminded, support the JEEBISNESS — Feebleness, \v^•^ riphyon. Jer. 47. 3notlookbaok..forfee'DleneB38of hands JEEBIEE — To be feeble, I^V ataph. Gen. 30. 42 so the feebler were laban's, and the lEED, to (testow to) — 1. To eat, ^3X akal. Xam. 4. 5 They that did feed delicately are desolate Dan. II. 26 they that feed.. of his meat shaU destroy 2. To cause to bum, consume, "13^5 baar, 3. !Exod22. 5 and shall feed in another man's field; of 8.T0 taste, njKi team. Dan. 5. 21 tho/ fed him with grass like oxen, and 4.710 cause to tear, feed, ^JQ taraph, 5. Prov.30. 8 feed me with food convenient for me B. To sustain, nourish, 7?3 kul, Sa. 2 Sa. 19. 33 Come thou over with me, and I will feed so. 3 tie king . . put them in ward, and fed them I Kl. 17. 4 1 have commanded the ravens to feed 18. 4 took an hundred prophets . . and fed them 18. 13 I hid anhundredmen. .and fed them with Zech n. 16 nor feed that that standeth still ; but he d.Tofeed, give to eat, ay^ laat, 5. Gen, 25. 30 Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee 7. To lead, tend, feed, br\\ nahal, 3, Gen. 47. 17 he fed them vrith bread for all their cattle B.Tofeed, n);r^raah. Gen. 29. 7 water ye tho sheep, and go (and) feed 30. 31 1 will again feed (and) keep thy flock 30. 36 Jacob fed the rest of Labau's flocks 36. 24 as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father 37. 12 his brethren went to feed their father's fl. 37. 13 Do not thy brethren feed, .in Shechelnt 37. 16 tell me, I pray thee, where they feed 41. 2 well favoured klne.. fed in a meadow 41. 18 seven kine . .and they fed in a meadow 48. 15 the God which fed me all my life long Exod34. 3 neither let the flocks nor herds feed befo. I Sa. 17. IS David went, to feed his father's sheep at a Sa. 5. 2 Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and 7. 7 whom I commanded to feed my people X. I Ch.11. 2 Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and J 7. 6 whom I commanded to feed my people 27. 29 And over the herds that fed in Sharon Job 24. 2 they violently take away flocks, and feed Paa. 28. 9 Save thy people, .feed them also, and lift 49. 14 laid in the grave ; death shall feed on 78 71 he brought him to feed Jacob his people 78. 72 So he fed them according -to the integrity Prov 10. 21 The lips of the righteous feed many: but 15. 14 tho mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness Bong I. 7 Tell me . .where thou feedest, where thou I. 8 thou fairest among women, .feed thy 2. 16 My beloved, .feedeth among the lilies Isa. 4. s young roes, .which feed among the lilies 6. 2 My beloved Is gone down, .to feed in the 6. 3 my beloved (is) mine : he feedeth among 5. 17 Then shall the lambs feed'after their man. Hos. Jon. Mic. Zeph. isa. II. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed 14. 30 the first bom of tlie poor shall feed, and 27. 10 there shall the calf feed, and there shall 30. 23 in that day shall thy cattle feed in large 40. II He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he 44. 20 Ee feedeth on ashes : a deceived heart 49. 9 They shall feed in the ways, and their 61. 5 strangers shall stand and feed your flocks 65. 25 the woU and the lamb shall feed together Jer. 3. 15 pastors. .whichshallfeedyouwithknow. C. 3 they shall feed every one in his place 23. 2 against the pastors that feed my people 23. 4 set up shepherds . . which shall feed them so. 19 he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, and Kze. 34. 2 Woe (be) to the shepherds, .that do feed 34. 2 should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 34. 3 Ye eat the fat . . (but) ye feed not the flock 34. 8 the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not 34. 10 ;ause them to cease from feeding the flock 34. 10 neither shall the shepherds feedthemsel. 34. 13 I will . . feed them upon the mountains of 34. 14 I will feed them in a good pasture, and 34. 14 a fat pasture shall they feed upon the 34. IS I will feed my flock, and I will cause hem 34 . 16 the fat., I will feed them with judgpient 34. 23 one Shepherd, .and he shall feed them 34. 23 he shall feed them, and he shall be their 4. 16 now the Lord will feed them as a lamb 9. 2 floor and the wine press shall not feed 12. I Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth 3. 7 flock, .let them not feed, nor drink wzlter S. 4 he BhaU stand and feed in the strength of 7. 14 Feed thy people with thy rod, the flock of 7. 14 let them feed (in) Bashan and Gilead, as , 7 they shall feed thereupon : in the houses 3. 13 they shall feed and lie down, and none Zechii. 4 saith. .Feed the flock of the slaughter II. 7 I will feed the flock of slaughter, .you, II. 7 And I took ...two staves, .and I fed the II. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you : tliat 9. To feed, pastv/re, ^dcKta-boslm. Matt. 8. 30 there was. .an herd of many swine feed. Mark s- n there was. .a great herd of swine feeding S. 14 they that fed the swine lied, and told (it) Xuko 8. 3a there was. .an herd of many swine feed. 8. 34 When they that fed . . saw what was done 15. :s he sent him into his fields to feed swine J'olm2i. IS He saith unto him. Feed my lamb^ 21. 17 Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep 10. To tend as a shepherd, Troinaivw poimaino. John2i. 16 He saith unto him. Feed my sheep Acts 20. 28 Take heed, .to feed the church of (Jod I Co. 9. 7 or who feedeth a flock, and cateth not of 1 Pe. 5. 2 Feed the flock of God which is among Jude 12 they feast . . feeding themselves without f. Kev. 7. 17 For the Lamb . . shall feed them, and shall ll.To nourish, rpe^u trepho. Matt. 6. 26 yet your heavenly Father feedeth them 25. 37 Lord, when saw wo thee . . and fed (thee)? I,ukei2. 24 Consider the ravens. .God feedeth them Bev. 12. 6 that they should feed her there a thousand 12. To feed with hits as a child, ^paixl^o) psomizo. Eom 12. 20 if thine enemy hunger, feed him ; if he I Co. 13. 3 though I bestow all my goods to feed FEED cattle, to — To tend as a shepherd, -Koiiialvai poimaind. Lukei7. 7 havinga servant. .feeding cattle, will say FEED to the full, to — To satisfy, fill, sii^ saba, 5. Jer. 5. 7 when I had fed them to the full, they FEED with, to — l.Tp cause or give to eat, ^2H akal, 5. Exodi6. 32 see the bread wherewith I have fed you Deut. 8. 3 he humbled thee . . and fed thee with m. 8. 16 Who fed thee in the wilderness with ra. 1 KJ."22. 27 feed him with bread of affliction,and with s Ch.i8. 26 feed him with bread of affliction and with Psa 80. 5 Thou feedest them with the bread of tears 81. 16 He should have fed them also with the Isa. 49. 26 I will feed them, .with their own flesh 58. 14 I will . . feed thee with the heritage of Jac. Jer. 9. IS I will feed them . . with wormwood, and 23. IS I will feed them with wormwood, and Eze. 16. 19 oil, and honey, (wherewith) I fed thee 2. To give to drink, to water, votI^u potizo. I Co. 3. 2 I have fed you with mUk, and not with FEEDING — To feed, f\j(i raah. Gen. 37. 2 Joseph . . was feeding the flock with his Job 1. 14 oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding FEEDIKG place — Feeding place, nyy? mireh. Nah. 2. II Where (is)., the feeding place of thoyoung FEEL, to — l.To understand, feel, J"? bin. Psa. s8- 9 Before your pots can feel the thorns, ho 2. To know, jn; yada. Job 20. 20 Surely he shall not feel quietness in his Prov 23. 3S they have beaten me, (and) I felt (it) not Eccl. 8. 5 keepeth the commandment shall feel no 3. To feel, touch, grope, ma mush 6, or VDiyamash,5. Jadg iS, 36 Suffer mo that I ma; feel the piUars where. 4. To feel, touch, eiiD mush. Gen. 27. 21 Come near, I pray thee, that I may feel h. To feel, search, grope, t>tpa masliash. Gen.27. 12 My father peradventure will feel me, and 27. 22 Jacob went near, .and he felt him, and 6 To begin to know, ytvJxTKu ginosko. Mark s. 29 she felt in .. body that she was healed of I'.To suffer, ■ paschO. Acts 28. s he shook otL the beast, .and felt no harm FEEL after, to — To touch, handle, fxl after, jl/ijXafda pselaphad. Acts 17. 27 if haply they might feel after him, and FEELING, to be past — To put away pain, aitoKyia apalgeo. Eph. 4. 19 Who being past feeling have given them. FEELING of, to be touched with the — To suffer along with, avfiiraOeto sumpatheH. Heb. 4. IS cannot be.touched with the feeling of our FEET — l.Fcet (place of the), n'i'??"iD margeloth. Kuth. 3. 4 thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet, and 3. 7 she came softly, and uncovered his feet 3. 8 and, behold, a woman lay at his feet 3. 14 And she lay at his feet until the motning Dan. 10. 6 his feet Hke in colour to polished brass 2.A ncles, joints {of the feet), D^^'pip qarsuUayim. 2Sa. 22. 37 my steps, .so that my feet did not slip Psa. 18 36 enlarged my steps . . that my feet did not 3. Feet, D'^JT raglayim. Gen. 18. ' 4 wash your feet, and rest yourselves under 19. 2 tarry all night, and wash your feet, and 24. 32 to wash his feet, and the men's feet'that 43. 24 gave . . water, and they washed their feet 49. 10 nor a lawgiver from between his feet, un. 49. 33 he gathered up his feet into the bed, and Exod. 3. s put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for 4. 2S cast (it) at his feet, and said, Surely a bL 12. II loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and 24. :o under liis feet as it were a paved work of 25. 26 four corners that (are) on the four feet 30. ig his sons shall wash, .their feet thereat 30. 21 ti.ey sliall wash their hands and their feet 37. 13 the four corners that (were) in the four t 40. 31 and his sons washed, .their feet theleat Lev. 8. 24 upon the great toes of theirright feet ; and II. 21 which have legs above their feet, to leaj II. 23 creeping things, which have four feet II. 42 whatsoever hath more feet among all cT. Numio. 1951 will only, .go through on my feet . Deut. 2. 28'only I will pass through on my feet II. 24 whereon the soles of your feet shall tread 28. 57 one that cometh out from between her f. 33. 3 they sat down at thy feet ; (every one) sh. Josh. 3. 13, 15 the feet of the priests that bare the 4. 3 place where the priest's feet stoo3 flrm 4. 9 in the place where the feet of the priests 4. 18 the soles of the priests' feet were fifted 9. 5 old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and 10. 24 put your feet upon the necks of these kl. 10. 24 they, .put their feet upon the necks of 14. 9 land whereon thy feet have trodden shall Judg. 3. 24 Surely he covereth his feet in his siunmer 4. 10 with ten thousnd men at his feet : and 4. IS so that Sisera. .fled -way on his feet 4. 17 Sisera fled ..way on his feet to the tent of 5. 27 At her feet he bowed, .at her feet he b(?. 19; 31 they washed their feet, and did eat and I Sa, 2. 9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and 14. 13 Jonathan climbed up upon, .his feet, and 24. 3 Saul went in to cover ms feet : and David 25. 24 fell at his feet, and said. Upon me, my 25. 41 handmaid (be) a servant to wash the feet 3 Sa. 3. 34 Thy hands (were) not bound, nor thy feet 4. 4 Jonathan . . had a son . . lame 6f (his) feet 4. 12 they, .cut off their hands and their feet g. 3 hath yet a son, (which is) lame on (his) f. 9. 13 Mephibosheth. .was lame on both his feet 11. 8 Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet 19. 24 had neither dressed his feet, nor trimmed 22. 10 camedown;anddarkness(was)underhiBf. 22. 34 He maketh my feet like hinds' (feet) ; and 22. 39 yea, they are fallen under my feet 1 Kl. 2. s aud in his shoes that (were) on his feet 5. 3 until the Lord put them under, .his feet 14. 6 when Ahijah heard the sound of her feet 14. 12 when thy feet enter into the city, the cli. IS- 23 Nevertheless, .he was diseased in his feet 2 Kl. 4. 27 when she came . . she caught him by the f. 4. 37 Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and 6. 32 (is) not the sound Of his master's feet be. 9. 35 they found no more of her than . .the feet 13. 21 he revived, and stood upon his feet 21. 8 Neither will I riiake the feet of Israel mo. 1 Ch.28. 2 Then David the king stood up upon hia f. 2 Ch. 3. 13 and they stood on their feet, and their f. 16. 12 And Asa. .was diseased in his feet, until Neh. 9. 21 waxed not old, and their feet swelled not Esth. 8. 3 Esther spake., and fell down at his feet Job 12. 5 He that is ready to slip with (his) feet Qs 13. 27 Thou puttest my feet also in the stocks 13. 27 settest a print upon the heels of my feet 18. 8 For he is cast into a net by his own feet 18. II Terrors, .shall drive him to his feet 29. 15 I was eyes to the blind, and feet-Cwas) I 30. 12 they push away my feet, and they raise ' PBET .14! PENOB Job 33. II He putteth my feet in the stocks, he tna. JPaa. 8. 6 thou liast put all (things) under his feet 18. 9 came clown, .darkness (was) under his f. ■ j8. 33 He maketh my feet like hinds' (feet), and i3, 38 not able, .they are fallen under my feet 22. 16 they pierced my hands and my feet 25. 15 for he shall pluck my feet out of the net 31. 8 thou hast sot my feet in a largo room 40. 2 He . . set my feet upon a rock, (and) estao. 47. 3 He shall subdue, .the nations under our f, 56. ij (wilt) not (thou deliver) my feet from fal. 66. 9 and suHeretli not our feel to be moved 73. 2 my feet were almost gone ; my steps had 105. 18 Whose feet they hurt with fetters ; he 115. 7 feet have they, but they walk not ; neith. 116. 8 eyesfromtears, (and) my feet from falling 119. 59 and turned my feet unto thy testimonies J 19. loi refrained my feet from every evil way J 19. 105 Thy word (is) a lamp unto my feet, and 122. 2 Our feet shall stand witliin thy gates, O Irov. I. 16 their feet run to evil, and make haste to 4. 26 Ponder f'e path of thy feet, and let all 5. 5 Her feet po down to death ; her steps ta. 6. 13 he speaketh with his feet, ho tcachcth 6. 18 feet that be swift in running to .mischief 6. 28 upon hot coals, and his feet not be burn.? 7. II her feet abide not in her house 19. 2 and he that hasteth with (his) feet sinno. 26. 6 sendeth a message .. euttetli off the feet Song 5. 3 I have washed my feet ; how shall I defl. Isa. 3. 16 and making a tinkling with their feet 6. 2 with twain he covered Tiis feet,' and with 7. 20 shave, .the head, and the hair of the feet 23. 7 own feet shall carry her afar off to sojou. 26. 6 foot shall tread it down, (even) the feet 28. 3 The cro\vii. .shall be trodden under feet 32. 20 (thither) the feet of the o.t and the ass 41. 3 way (that) he had not gone with his feet 49. 23 and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou 52. 7 feet of him that bringeth good tidings 59. 7 feet run to evil, and they make haste to 60. 13 will make the place of my feet glorious 60. 14 themselves down at the soles of thy feet Jer. 13. 16 before your feet stumble upon th.e dark [4. 10 they have not refrained their feet 18. 22 pit to take me, and hid snares for my f. 38. 22 thy feet are sunk in the mire, (and) thsy Lam. 1. 13 he hath spread a net for my feet; he hath 3. 34 crush under his feet all the prisoners of Eze, I. 7 their feet (were) straight feet ; and the 1. 7 sole of their feet (was) like, .calf's foot 2. I stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto 2. 2 set me upon my feet, that I heard him 3. 24 set me upon my feet, and spake with me 16. 25 hast opened thy feet to every one that 24. 17 p-it on thy shoes upon thy feet, and cover 24. 23 and your shoes upou your feet : ye shall 25. 6 stamped with the feet, and rejoiced in 32. 2 troul)ledst tlie waters with thy feet, and 34. 18 tread down witli your feet the residue of 34. 18 ye must foul the residue vnlh your feet? 34. ig that which ye have trodden with your feet 34. 19 that wliich ye have fouled with your feet 37. 10 stood up upon their feet, an exceeding 43. 7 the place of the soles of my feet, where Nah. 1. 3 and the clouds (are) the dust of his feet 1. 15 feet of him that bringeth good tidings Hab. 3. 5 and burning coals went forth at his feet 3. 19 and he will m.ake my feet like hinds' Zech.14. 4 his feet shall stand in that day upou 14. 12 consume . .while they stand upon their f. MaL 4. 3 ashes under the soles of your feet in the 4. Foot, ^n resjal. Dan. 2.33 his feet part of iron and part of clay 2. 3^ upon his feet (that were) of iron and clay 2. 41 thou sawest the feet and toes, part of 2. 42 (as) the toes of the feet (were) part of iron 7. 4 made stand upon the feet as a man, and a ' 7. 7 stamped the residue with the feet of it 7. 19 and stamped the resHua with his feet 5. Foot, irois pons. Matt. 7. 6 lest they trample them under their feet 10. 14 depart . . shake oft the dust of your feet 15. 30 came, .and cast them doivn at Je'sus' feec 18. 8 two feet to be cast into everlasting fire 18. 29 [his fellow servant fell down at liis feet] 28. 9 they came and held him by the feet, and Mark 3. 22 and when he saw him, he fell at his feet 6. u shake off the dust under your feet for a 7. 25 heard of him. .came and fell at his feet g. 45 than having two feet to be cast into hell lute I. 79 to guide our feet into the way of peace 7. 38 stood at his feet, .began to wash his feet 7. 38 kissed his feet, and anointed (them) with 7. 44 thou gavest me no water for my feet 7. 44 she hath washed my feet with tears, and 7. 45 woman, .hath not ceased to kiss my feet 7. 46 woman hath anointed [my feet] with oint. 8. 35 sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and 8. 41 he fell do-Nvn'at Jesus' feet, and besought 9. 5 shake off the very dust from your feet 10. 39 Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and IS. 22 ring on his hand, and shoes on (his) feet 17. i5 fell down on (his) face at his feet, giving . 24. 39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I 24. 40 [showed them (liis) hands and (his) feet] Johnii. 2 and wiped his feet with her hair, whose 11. 32 she fell down at his feet, saying unto him 12. 3 anointed the feet . . and vriped his feet ji. 5 began to wash the disciples feet, and to 13. 6 Peter saith. .Lord, dost thou v.-aah my i. t John 13. 8 saith. .Thou sh.alt never w.ish my feet 13. 9 not my feet only, but also (my) hands and 13. 10 Ho. .needcth not save to Wiu>'' (his) (fectj 13. 12 after he had washed their feet, and had 13. 14 If I then, (yo\ir) Lord, .washed your feet 13. 14 ye also ought to wash one another's feet 20. 12 one at the head, and the other at the feet Acts 4. 35 And laid(thcni) down at the apostles' feet 4. 37 money, and laid (it) at the apostles' feet 5. 2 a. .part, and laid (it) at the .apostles' feet 5. 9 the feet of them which have burfbd thy ^ 5. 10 fell she down straightway at his feet 7. 33 Put off thy shoes from thy feet: for the 7. 58 laid, .their clotlics at a young man's feet 10. 25 fell down atlas feet, and worshipped (him) 13. 25 whose shoes of (liis) feet I am not worthy 13. 51 shook oir the dust of their feet against 14. 8 impotent in his feet, being a cripple from 14. 10 Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped 76. 24 and made tlicir feet fast in the stocks 21. II and bound his own hands and feet, and 22. 3 yet brought up. .at the feet of Camaliel 26. 16 stand upon thy feet : for I liavc appeared Kom. 3. 15 Their feet (are) swift to shed blood 10. 15 feet of them that preach the gosjiel of 16. 20 bruise under your feet shortly I Co. 12. 21 nor again the head to the feet, I have no 15. 25 he hath put all enemies under his feet 15. 27 I'or he hath put all things under his feet Eph. I. '22 hath put all (things) under his feet, and 6. 15 your feet shod with the preparation of I Ti. 5. 10 if sho have washed the saints' feet, if she Heb. 2. 8 all things in subjection under his feet 12. 13 m.ikc straight paths for your feet, lost 'Rey. 1. 15 his feet liko unto fine brass, as if they t. 17 when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead 2. 18 and his feet (.are) like fine brass 3. 9 them to come and worsliip before thy feet 10. I the sun, and his feet as i)illars of fire 11. II into them, and they stood upon their feet 12. I a woman., with, .the moon under her feet 13. 2 was like unto a leopard, and his feet were 19. JO I fell at his feet to worship him. And he 22. 8 to worship before the feet of the angel Qi. Stepping, foot, basis, ^dcis basis. Acts 3. 7 feet and ancle bones received strength FEEGK, to — l.To devise, feign, KTp bada. Neh. 6. 8 thou f cignest them out of thino ovvn heart 2. To pretend, be judged under a mask, vnoKpivo- fxai hupokrinomai. luke2o. 20 which should feign themselves Just men FEIGN self to be another, to — To make self a stranger, -oi nakar, 7. 1 Ki. 14. 5 shall feign herself (to be) another (woman) 14. 6 why feignest thou thyself (to be)auother? FEIGN self to be a mourner, to — : To skoiv self a mourner, "jix abal, 7. 2 Sa. 14. 2 I pray . .feign thyself to bo a mourner FEIGNED — I. Deceit, nai? mirmah. I'sa. 17. 'I'prayer, (that gooth) not out of feigned I.Shaped, formed, ■7r\a^\i| phelix, {from Latin felix), happy. A cruel Roman procurator of Judrea, appointed (after Curaanus) by the emperor Claudius, whose frecdman he was. A.D. 51-58. Acts 23. 24 and bring (him) s.afe unto F. the governor 23. 26 Claudius Lysias unto the. .governor F. 24. 3 We accept (it) always, .most noble F. 24. 22 When F. heard these thinss. .he deferred 24. 24 after certain days, when F. came wth 24. 25 as he reasoned of righteousness. .F. 24. 27 after two years P. Festus came into F. 25. 14 There is a certain man left la bonds by F FELL, to — To caitse to fall, 753 naphal, 5. 2 Ki. 3. 19 shall fell every good tree, and stop all 3. 23 and they . .felled all the good trees : only FELLER — To cut of, n-;|i karath. Isa. 14.- 8 Since thou, .no feller is come up agamst us FELLING — To cause to fall, S53 naphal, 5. 2 Ki. 6.- 5 as one was felling a beam, the axheadf. FEU.OES — Spokes {of a wheel), D'pwn chishsnugim. I Ki. 7. 33 felloes, and their spokes, (vrere) all molten FELLOW — 1.^ man, individual, »>!< ish. t Sa. 29. 4 Make this fellow return, that he may go 2.A man, tyiiN enosh. JudgiS. 25 lest angry fellows run upon thee, and thou ^.Companion, 155 chabcr. Tsa. 45. 7 God. -hath anointed thcc above thy f el. Keel. 4. 10 they fall, the one v/ill lift up hla fellow 44. II all hi.-i fcllov/s sliiill be .ashamed ; and lize. 37. 19 and tlie tribes of Israel hi» '<'lltiw«. aiul ^.Companion, l;n chabar. Dan. , 2. 13 sought Daniel and his fellows lo be slain 1. 18 that D.aniel and his fellnwn should not 5. Companion, rriiij chal/rah. Dan. 7. 20 whoso look, .more stout than his fellow* 5. Fellow, fcllowshin, n'Oi; amith. Zechi3. 7 Awako- .against the manCthat ia)iny fell. 7. Friend, yn rea. Exod. 2. 13 Wherefore smitest thou (hy fellow f Judg. 7. 13 a man that told a dream unto his fcllow 7. 14 And his fellow answered and said. This 7. 22 set every man's sword against his fellow 1 Sa. 14. 20 every man's sword was against his fellow 2 Sa. 2. 16 cau(:at every one his fellow by the head 2. 16 and (thrust) his sword in his fellow's tido Isa. 34. 14 and the satyr sliall cry to his fellow . Jon. I. 7 they said every one to his fellow, Como Zech. 3. 8 thou, and thy fellows that sit before thco 8. Friend, nj/n reuh or nyi rayah. Judgi 1.37 and bewail my virginity. I and my fellowj 9..1I man, iyfip aner. Acts 17. 5 certain lewd tcUo\P3 of the baser sort lO.C'ompanion, comrade, era'pos helairus. Matt.ii. 16 like.. children.. calling unto their [fell.] 11. Partner, Iwlding with others, /ifToxos melochoj. Heb. I. 9 God. .hath anointed thee.. above thy fcl. FELLO'WSHIP — \. Fellowship, deposit, "V, TK.\b1^ lesumcth yad. Lev. 6. 2 commit a trespass .. in f cUowBhip, or la 2. Fellowship, communion, Koivwvla koinonia. Acts 2. 42 in the apostles' doctrine and fellowthrp 1 Co. I. 9 by whom ye were called unto the fellovr. 2 Co. 8. 4 the fcllov.ship of the rainiEtering to tJi Gal. 2. 9 they gave, .the right li.and» of fellowship Eph. 3. g see v.'hat (is) the [fellowship] of the mys. PhU. I. 5 For your fellowship in the Gospel fro:.i 2. I if any fellowship of tlie .Spirit, if any 3. 10 That I may know, .the fellowship of hla 1 Jo. I. 3 that ye also may have fellowship with ua I. 3 truly our fellowship (is) with the Father I. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with I. 7 we have fellowship one with another, and i. Partnership, a with, fieroxh mctoche. 2 Co. 6. 14 what fellowship hath righteousness with [See also Base, citizen, disciple, heir, helper, labourer, pestilent, prisoner, servant, soldier, such, this, v/nrk. worker, yoke.) FELLOWSHI? with, to have — l.To be joined, IJIJ chabar, 4. Psa. 94. 20 Shall, .iniquity have fellowship with 2.7*0 become a partaker, Koivdvos ylvonai koinmosg. I Co. 10. 20 that ye should have fellowship vrith dev. S.To be a joint partaker ivilh, zed. Acts 18. 25 being fervent in thg spirit, he spake and FEBV'EiiT mind — Zeal, fervour, ^'fi\os zelos. 2 Co. 7. 7 told U3. .yoty' fervent mind toward me 3PEEVKSTLT — In an outstretched '^avjoer, iicrevZs ektends. I Po. I. 22 love^cno another with a pure heart ferv. PES'-TU'S, ^rja-Tos (from Latin festus). Porcius Festus, the successor of l''clix as proonrator ot Jndaa. A.D. 58-62. .Acts 24. 27 after two years Porcius i". came Into F.' 25. I when F. v/aa come into tho province 05. 4 F. answered, that Paul should be kept at S3 . 9 F., willing to do the Jews a ploasuro 05. 12 F., when he had conferred with the cou. 05. 13 Bemice came unto Ceaarea to salute F. 03. 14 F. declared Paul's cause unto the king e$. 22 Then Agrippa said unto F., I would also 05. 23 at F.'a commandment Paul was brought 25.-24 V. said. King Agrippa, and all men v/hich e6, 24 F. said with a loud voice, Paul, thou ari c6. 25 But he said, I am not mad, most noble F. 06. 32 Then said Agrippa unto F., This man MTCH, to — l.To gather, »1P« asaph. 3 So. II. 27 David sent and fetched her to his house %To cause to come in, bring in, Ki3 bo, 5, Neh. 8. 15 Go forth imto the mount, and fetch olive 3. To take, receive, r\ph laqach. Gen. 18. 5 I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comf. 18. 7 . . fetched a calf tender and good .27. 9 Go now to tho flock, and fetch me from 27. 13 only obey my voice, and go fetch me 27. T4 And ho v/ent, end fetched, and brought 27. 45 1 will eend and fetch thee from thence 43. 16 Sand ona of ycv, end i«t him letoh your Sxod. 2. 5 saw the ark . . she sent her maid to fetch Deut 19. 12 the elders of his city shall send and fetch 24. 19 thou Shalt not go again to fetch it : it 30. 4 and from thence will he fetch thee Judgi I. 5 the elders of Gilead went to fetch Jcph, 18. 18 these, .fetched the carved image, tho 20. 10 to fetch victual for the people, that they 1 Sa. 4. 3 Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of 10. 23 And they ran and fetched him thence 16. ij Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch , 20. 31 novr' send and fetch him unto me, for ho 26. 22 one of the young men come, .and fetch it 2 Sa. 4. 6 (as though) they would have fetched wh. 9. 5 Wavid. .fetched him out of the house of 14. 2 Joab sent to Tckoah, and fetched thence 1 Ki. 7. 13 Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of g. 28 they came to Ophir, and fetched from 1 7. 10 Fetch me .. a little water in a vessel, that 17. 11 as she was going to fetch (it), he:called to a KI. 6. 13 spy where he (is), that I may send and f. 11. 4 Jehoiada sent and fetched the rulers over Isa. 56. 12 I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves Jer. 36. 21 So the king sent Jehudi tg fet?h the roll 4. To lift up, N'^j nasa. 2 CI1.12. II the guard came and fetched them, and J ob 36. 3 I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and FETCH (a pledge), to — To obtain a pledge, t33j; aMat, Deut 24. 10 not go into his house to fetch his pledge FETCH a stroke, to — To be driven away, nil nadach, 2. Cent 19. 5 his hand fctcheth a stroke with the axe to FETCH about, to — To go or bring round about, 339 sabah, 3. 2 Sa. 14. 20 i'o fetch about this form of speech haSh FETCH forth, to — To cause to come out, bring out, K5f; yatsa, 5. Jer. 26. 23 they fetched forth Urijah out of Egypt YEZC3. home again, to — To cause to come back, yi^ shub, 5. 2 Sa. 14, 13 in that the king doth not fetch bomo again FETCH out — 1. To cause to come out, RV^ yatsa, 5. Num2o. 10 must wo fetch you water out of this rock? 2.T0 lead out, i^dya exago. Acts 16. 37 let thein come themseL and fetch va ont FETCH up, to — l.To go or come up, nV^ alah. 2 Ch.1. 17 they fetched up, and brought forth aat 2. To cause to comi up, nVj; alah, 5. I Sa. 6. 2: come ye down,!(and) fetch It up to yen 7. I the men .. fetched up the ark of the Lobs FETCHED, to bo — To be taken, nph laqach, 6. Gen. 18. 4 Lei a little water, I pray you, be fetched JETTES — • I. Fetter, h^3 kebel. Psa. 103. iS' Whose feet they hurt with fetters : he 149. 8 To bind . . their nobles ^yith f «{*? "^s of iron 2,Ohai7is, fetters, D'i?! ziqqim. Job 36. 8 And if. .bound in fetters, .be holden In 2. Brass, n^nj nechosheth. a Sa. 3, 34 not bound, nor thy feet put Into fetters a Ch.33. II fiBd bound him ^vith fetters, and carried 36. 6 Nebuchadnezzar . . bound him in fetters i.Fetter (for the feet), t^Sti pede. Mark 5. 4 he had been often bound with fetters and J. 4 and the fetters broken in pieces : neither Luke 8. 29 was kept bound with chains and In fetters FETTEE of brass — Brass, ne^nj nehosheth. Judg. 1 6. 2 1 took . . and bound him with fetters of biasa 3 Ki.2s. 7 and bound him with fetters of brass SEVEB — \.Fever, burning heat, nijip qaddachath. Deut 28. 22 The LoED shall smite thee.. with a feve? I.Fiery heat, fever, ■n-vper6s ptiretos. Matt. 8. 13 ho touched her hand, and tho fever left Mark i. 31 the fever left her, and she ministered Luke 4. 38 wife's mother was taken with agrcatfev. 4. 39 he stood over her, and rebuked the fever John 4. 52 at the seventh hour tho fevor left him Acts 28. 8 the father o£ Pttblius lay siek of a fever i'iSVJSjS, to be Eiclc of a — I'o be in a fever, irvptiraa puressd. Matt. S. 14 he saw his m tie's mother, .sick of a fever Mark i. 30 Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever FEW — 1. Single ones, D'lnK achadim. Con. 27. 44 tarry with him a fewdays, msttl thy broth. 29. 20 and they seemed unto him. .a few days Dan. 1 1. 20 but within few days he shall bo destro. 2.Fcw, a small company, lijp mixar. Isa. 2,]. 6 inhabitants.. are burned, and few men 3. A little, fd'j, 0^9 meat. UsB. 47. oJe'Wjmdevll£KH:Bfeeday3ol..myllfeboen Lev. 23. 32 if there remain but few years unto the ' Numi3. 18 whether they . .strong or weak, few or m. e6. 34 to'iew thou shalt give the less Inheritance 26. 36 shall, .be divided between many and fev 35. 8 from (them that have) few ye shall give Deut 26. 5 sojourned there with a few, and becamo 28. 62 ye shall bf left few in number, whereas Josh. 7. 3 make not ' through) short space, Sih ^pax^av dia bracTta, Heb. 13. 22 I have written a letter, .in a few words 2,/n a little, briefly,, iv h\lyif> en oligo. Eph. 3. 3 the mystery; as I wrpte afore in few wok FEW, to be, borrow, or give -■— l.To be or become few, bjjd maat. Jer. 30. 19 multiply them, and they ahaH not be few 2.T6 become few, tiWD maat, 3. Eccl. 12. 3 the grinders cease, because they are few Z.Tomakefew,ti'Tum2i. 6 the Lord sent fiery serpents among the ^eut. 8. 13 flery serpents, and scorpions, and drought A. Fire, irvp pu/r. 27 But a certain fearful looking for of. .fiery 6. To be set on fire, irvpoofxai pur-"y>nai. Eph. 6. 16 ye shall be able to quench all the flery FURY serpent — liurning one, fyr}/ saraph. lfum.2i. 8 Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon jsa. 14. 29 his fruit (shall be) a fiery flying serpent ^. 6 whence., the viper and fiery flying serpent ' FIERY trial — A burning, Trvpatris purdsis. I Pe. 4. 12 concerning the fiery trial v/hich 13 to try riFTEEH — l.Five {and) Gen. 5. 10 7. 20 Exod27. 14 27- 15 38.14 38.15 Lev. 27. 7 Judg. 8. 10 z Sa. Q. 10 19 t7 1 Ki. 7. 3 2 Ki.14. 17 20. 6 2 Ch. 15. 25 Isa. 38. 5 Ezc. 45. 12 Hos. 3. 2 ten, -iW-i! naJcq or n-pi} tyaq chamesh. Enos lived, .eight hundred and fifteen yo. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters pre. The hangings of one side, .fifteen cubits on the other side, .hangings fifteen (cubi.) The hatigings of the one side, .fifteen cu. on tills, .andtliat. .hangings of fifteen cub. then tliy estimation sliall bo fifteen she. their hosts witli tlicm, about fifteen tho. Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants Ziba. .his fifteen sons and his twenty (lay) on forty five pillars, fifteen (in) a row Amaziali . . lived after . . Jehoash . . fifteen y. And I will add unto thy days fifteen yea. of Jehoahaz. king of Israel, fifteen years I will add unto thy days fifteen years five and twenty eliekels, fifteen shekels So I bought liei' to mo for fifteen, .of sil. I.Five and ten ,Tv'j;i t'an chainesh -eeasar. Gen. 2S. 7 an hundred threescore and fifteen yeai'S Exod38. 25 seven hundred and threescore and fifteen Num3i. 37 six hundred and threescore and fifteen 3. Ten {and) five, Sf /caireVrc dekapente. Johaii. 18 Bethany was. .about fifteen furlongs off ' Acts 27. 28 they sounded again, and found (it) fifteen Gal. J. 18 to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen A. Seventy five, ip^oixi]KovTa TreVre. Acts 7. 14 all ills kindred, threescore and fifteen FITTEENTIl — l.Five (and) ten, "pll nfcn chamishshah asar. Exodi6. I on tho fifteenth day of the second month Lev. 23. 6 on the Cfteentli day. .the feast of unleav. 23. 34 The fifteenth day of the seventh month 23. 39 Also in the fifteenth day . .yo shall keep a N'um28. 17 in the fifteenth day of this month (is) tlio f . 29. 12 on the fifteenth day . .ye shall h.avo an 33. 3 they departed . . on the fifteenth day of 1 Ki.i2. 32 ordained a feast, .on tho fifteenth d.ny of 12. 33 the fifteenth day of the eighth month 2 Ki.14. 23 In the fifteenth year of Aniaziah the son 1 Ch.24. 14 The fifteenth to Bilgah, the sixteenth to 25. 22 Tho fifteenth to Jeremoth. .his sons, and 2 Ch.15. 10 they gatliered. .together, .in the fifteenth Esth. 9. 18 on the fifteenth, .of the sam.e they rested 9. 21 and the fifteenth day of tho same, yearly Eze. 32. 17. in the fifteenth . . of the month . . tho word 43. 25 in the fifteenth day of the mouth, shall 2,Five and tenth, ireyreKaiSeKaTos pentckaidekatos. Luke 3. I in tho fif teeutir year of the roign of Tiber. FTFTH — ^ l.Fifth, 'e'en, '!f''pn chamishshi,'cha7niohi. Gen. I. 23 the evening and . .morning were the fitth ' 30. 17 she conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth 47.- 24 that ye shall give the fifth . .unto Pharaoh Lev. 19. 25 in the fifth year shall ye eat of the fruit 22. 14 he shall put the fifth, .thereof unto it 27. 13 he shall add a fifth .. thereof unto tliy . 27. IS, 19 he shall add the fifth, .of the money 27. 27 he. .shall add a fifth (part) of it thereto' 27. 31 he shall add thereto the fifth, .thereof Num. 5. 7 he shall, .add unto it the fifth .. thereof 7. 36 On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Z. 29. 26 on the fifth day nine bullocks, two rams . 33. 38 died . .in the first (daj-) of the fifth month Josh. 19. 24 the fifth lot came cut for the tribe . . of A. Judg. 19. 8 he arose early, .on the fifth day to depart 2 Sa. 3. 4 tho fifth, Ehcphatiah the son of Abitat 1 KI. 14. 25 it came to pass, in the fifth year of king R. 2 Ki. 25. 8 in tho fifth month, .came Nebuzar-adan 1 Ch.. 2. 14 Nethancel the fourth, Kaddai the fifth 3. 3 The fifth, "hephatiah of Abital ; the sixth 8. 2 Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fifth 12. 10 Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah, .fifth 24. ■ 9 The fifth to llalchijah, the sixth to Mij. 25. 12 The fifth to JScthani.ah. .his sons, and his 26. 3 Elam the fifth, Jchohanan thff sixth, Eli. 26. 4 Sacar the fouiih, and Ncthaneel the fifth 27. 8 The fifth (captain) for the fifth month 2 CIj. 12. 2 in the fifth year .. Shishak .. came up Ezra 7. 8 he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month 7. 9 on the first . . of the fifth month came ho Jer. I. 3 of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month 28. I it came to pass . .in the fifth month, (that) 36. 9 it came to pass in the fifth year of Jehoi. 52. 12 in the fifth month, .came Nebuzar-adan Eze. 1. .2 fifth . .of the month, which (was) the fifth 20. I it came to pass. .In tho fifth (month) Zech. 7. 3 Should I weep in the fifth montli . .as I 7. s Wlien ye fasted and mourned in the fifth 8. 19 the fast of the fifth, .shall be. .joy and 2.Five, n^pn, i^cij chamesh, chamishshah. 2 KI. 8. 16 in the fifth year. .Jehoram. .began to Neh. 6. IS t'lfi "''I'l '^^^ finishcil in the twenty and fl. Eze. I. I in the fifth.. of the month.. the heavens I. 2-in the fifth, .of the month, .the fifth yea. 8. 1 in the sixth.^month), in the fifth, .of the 33. 21 in the tenth (month), in the fifth, .of the 3. Fifth, ir^fjTTTos pemptos. Rev. 6. 9 when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw . 9. I the fifth angel sounded, and X saw u start. Rev. 16. 10 the fifth angel poured out lus vial upon 21. 20 The fifth, sardonyx ; tho sixth, sardiua FIFTH part — Fifth, 'i?PD, V'l^U chamishshi, cliamisM. Lev. 3. 16 he . .'shall add the fifth part thereto, arid 6. 5 ho . . shall add the fifth part more thereto 1 Ki, 6. 31 tho lintel (and) side posts (were) a fifth p. FIFTH part, to take up the — ' To take fifth part, rank or place, e'en chamesh, 3.' Gen. 41. 34 Let Pharaoh, .take up the fifth part of FIFTH (rib) — Fifth (part or rib), tych chomesh. 2 Sa. 2. 23 Abner. .smote him under the fifth (rib) '3. 27 Joab . . smote him there under the fifth (r.) 4. 6 and they smote him under the fifth (rib) 20. 10 so he smote him therewith in.the fifth (r.) FIFTH time — Fifth, 'P'!?n, 'i^'an chamishshi, chamishi. Neh. 6, 5 Then aeni .gaub'ifllat . . the fifth time with FIFTIES, by — By fifty, ava TrevTi]KovTa ana pentekonta. Mark 6. 40 And they sat down in ranks, .by fifties Luke 9. 14 Make them sit down by fifties in a conip, FIFTIETH — Fifty, D'^pq chamishshim. , Lev. 25. 10 yo shall hallow tho fiftieth year, and proc. 25. II A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto a KI. 15. 23 In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of J. 15. 27 lu the two and fiftieth year of Azariah FIFTY — 1. Fifty, D'tJ'pn chamishshim. Gcu. 6. 15 tiie breadth of it fifty cubits, and the'^ ' ;7. 24 upon the earth an hundred and fifty days 8. 3 after the end of the hundred and fifty da. 9.28 Noah lived . . three hundred and fifty years g. 29 days . . were nine hundred and fifty years J 8. 24 Perad venture tliere be fifty righteous • iS. 24 for the fifty righteous that (are) therein! 18. 26 If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within 18. 28 there shall lack five of the fifty righteous TsodiS. 21, 25 rulers of fifties,' and rulers of tens 26. 5 Fifty loops shalt thou make in the ono 26. 5 fifty loops shalt thou make in the cdgo' 26. 6 And thou shalt make fifty taclies of gold 26. 10 thou shalt make fifty loops on the edge 26. 10 fifty loops in the edge of tho curtain 26. II thou slialt make fifty taches of brass, and 27. 12 on the west side, .hangings of fifty cubits 27. 13 tho breadth of the court, .(shall be) fifty 30. 23 Take . . cinnamon . . two hundred and fifty 30. 23 sweet calamus two hundred and fifty ,~ 36. 12 Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and il: 36. 13 he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled 36. 17 fifty loops upon, .and fifty loops made he 36. 18 he made fifty taches (of^ brass to couple.' 33. 12 for tlic west side, .hangings of fifty cubits 38. 13 for the east side eastward fifty cubits 38. 26 three thousand and five hundred and fifty lev. 23. 16 unto the morrow, .shall ye number fifty .27. 3 thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of si. 27. i6 an homer of barley seed, .at fifty shekels Kum. I. 23 Those, .numbered of them, .(were) fifty I. 25 forty, .five thousand six kund. and fifty I. 29 fifty and four thousand and four liuhdrcd I. 31 fifty and seven thousand and four hundred 1. 43 fifty aad three thousand and four hundred 1. 46 three thousand, .five hundred and fifty 2. 6 fifty and four thousand and four hundred 2. 8 fifty and seven thousand and four hundred 2. 13 fifty and nine thousand and three hundred 2. 13 five thousand and six hundred and fifty 2. 16 fifty and one thousand, .four bund. andf. 2. 30 fifty and three thousand and four hundred 2. 31 an hundred thousand and fifty and seven 2. 32 three thousand and five hundred and fifty 4. 3, 23, 30, 33, 39, 43, 47 From, .until fifty years 4. 36 were two thousand seven hundred and fl. 8. 23 from the age of fifty years they shall cease 16. 2 two hundred and fifty princes of the ass. 16. 17 two hundred and fifty censers; thou also j6. 35 consumed the two hundred and fifty men 26. 10 fire devoured two hundred and fifty men 26. 34 flftyand two thousand and seven hundred 26. 47 fifty and three thousand and four hundred 31. 30 tliou shalt take oneportion of fifty, of the 31. 47 Jloses took one portion of fifty. .of man 31. 32 sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Deut. I. 15 captains over fifties, and captains over 22. 29 Then the man. .shall give, .fifty.. of silver Josh. 7. 21 a wedge of gold cf fifty shekels weight 1 Sa. 6. 19 he smote of the people fifty thousand and' 8. 12 he will appoint, .captains over fifties 283.13. I Absalomprepared..fiftymentorunbeforo 24. 24 David bought., the oxen for fifty shekels of 1 Ki. I. 3 he prepared.. fifty men to run before him- 7. 2 the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and tho 7. 6 the length thereof, .fifty cubits, and -tho- 9. 23 five hundred and fifty, which bare rulo 10. 29 and an horse for an hundred and fifty 18. 19 prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty i3. 22 Baal's prophets, .four hundred and flity 2 Ki, I. 9 king sent, .a captain of fifty with his fifty I. lo Elijah answered . .the captain of fifty. If I t. 10 then let fire, .consume thee and thy fifty I. 10 came . . fire . . and ccnsiuaed him arid his fl. 1. n another captain of fifty with his fifty FIFTY 2 KJ. I. 12 Jet fire, .consume thee and thy fifty 1. 12 fire, .came, .and consumed him and his fl. I. 13 he sent, .a captain of. .fifty with his fifty I. 13 And the third captain ot fifty went up I. 13 let. .the life of these fifty thy servants 1. 14 captains of the. .fifties with their fifties 2. 7 fifty men of the sons of the prophets went 2. 16 there he with tliy servants fifty strong 2. 17 Send. They sent therefore fifty men 13. 7 Neither did ho leave, .but fifty horsemen 15. 2 he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem 15. 20 Mcnahem exacted, .of each man fifty sh. 15. 25 and with him fifty men ot the Gileadites 21. I Manasseh. .reitcned fifty and five j-ears in « Ch. 5. 21 they took, .of their camels fifty thousand 5. 21 sheep two hundred and fifty thousand B. 40 sons, and sons' sons, an hundred and fifty 9. 9 brethren, .nine hundred and fifty and six 12. 33 Of Zebulun. .fifty thousand, which could « Ch. I. 17 and an horse for an hundred and fifty 2. 17 they were found an hundred and fifty th. 3. 9 the weight of the nails (was) fifty shekels 8. lo two hundred and fifty, that bare rule over 8. i8 took, .four hundred and fifty talents of s6. 3 he reigned fifty and two years in Jerusa. 33. I he reig)ied fifty and five years in Jerusa. 2lia 2. 7 a thousand two hundred fifty and four 2. 14 children of Bigvai, two thousand fifty and 2. 15 children of Adin, four hundred fifty and f . 2. 22 The men of Netophah, fifty and six 2. 29 The children of Nebo, fifty and two 2. 30 children of Magbish, an hundred fifty and 2. 31 Elam, a thousand two hundred fifty and E. 37 children of Immer, a thousand fifty and a. 60 children of Nekoda, six hundred fifty and 8. 3 with him . . of the males an hundred and f. 5. 6 the son of Jonathan, and witli him fifty B. 26 si.\ liundred and fifty talents of silver tteb. s. 17 an hundred and fifty of the Jews and ru. 6. 15 So the wall was finished, .in fifty and two 7. 10 The children of Arab, six hundred fifty 7. 12 a thousand two hundred fifty and foilr 7. 20 children of Adin, six hundred fifty and fl. 7. 33 The men of the otlier Nebo, fifty and two 7. 34 a thousand two hundred fifty and four 7. 40 children of Immer, a thousand fifty and _7. 70 The Tirshatha gave, .fifty basons, five h. Esth." 5. 14 Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high 7. 9 Behold also, the gallows, fifty cubits high Isa. 3. 3 The captain of fifty, and the honourable Eze. 40. 15 from the. .gate, .unto the. .porch, .fifty 40. 21, 25, 36 the length, .fifty cubits, and the 40. 29, 33 &l'fy cubits long, and five and twenty 42. 2 north door, and the breadth, .fifty cubits 42. 7 chambers, the length thereof . . fifty cub. 42. 8 the length of the chambers, .(was) fifty 45. 2 fifty cubits round about for the suburbs 48. 17 toward the north two hundred and fifty 48. 17 toward the south two hundred and fifty 48. 17 toward the east two hundred and fifty 48. 17 toward the west two hundred and fifty Hag. 2. 16 for to di'aw out fifty, .out of the press I.Flfty Tr:-VTT)KOVTa penteconta XiUke 7. 41 five hundred pence, and .the other fifty 16. 6 Take thy bill, and sit do\TO . .write fifty John 8. 57 Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast 21. II great fishes, an hundred and fifty and th. Acts 13. 20 about the space of four hundred and fifty FIFTY every where — Fifty by fifty, Q'^pna n'a'sn chaniishshimhacham. Exod27. 18 and the breadtli fifty every where, and FIFTY, by — Fifty vien (i.e. each), t^'x Q'tstpn chamishshim ish. 1 Ki. 18. 4 Obadiah.. hid them byfiftyinacave.andf. 18. 13 I hid an hundred men . . by fifty in a cave no — l.Fig, fig tree, njKp teenah. Gen. 3. 7 they sewed fig leaves together, and made Numi3. 23 and., of the pomegranates, and of the figs 20. 5 it (is) no place ot seed, or of figs, or of vi. 2 Ki. 20. 7 Isaiah said. Take a lump of figs. And Neh. 13. 15 as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all Isa. 38. 21 Isaiah .. said, Let them take a lump of fl. Jer. 24. I two baskets of figs., set before the temple 24. ■ 2 very good Bgs .. figs . .first ripe., naughty fi. 24. 3 And I said, Figs ; the good figs, very good 24. 5 Like these good figs, so will I acknowled. 24. 8 a.3 the evil figs, which cannot be eaten 29. 17 I will., make them like vile figs, that ca. i.Fig, ffvKov sukon. Matt. 7. 16 Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of Markii. 13 nothing but leaves; for the time of figs Luke 6. 44 For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor Jas. 3. 12 either a vine, figs f so (can) no fountain KG, green — Creen, hard, unripe fig, is pag. Song. 2. 13 The fig tree puttetU forth her green flgs HG, untimely - — Unripe fig, oKvvBas olunthas. Rev. 6. 13 as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs FIG tree — . l.Fig free, fig, ni\(n(eenah. Dent. 8. 8 A land of wheat . . and fig trees, and pom. Judg. 9. 10 the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou 9. II But the fig tree said unto them, Should X El 4, 25 iftaa under hia vine and under his fig tree 345 2 Ki. 18. 31 eat ye. .every one of his fig tree, and dr. Tsa.ios. 33 He smote their vines.. and their fig trees Piov 27. 18 Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the f. Song 2. 13 The fig tree putt^th forth her green fifs Isa. 34. 4- down.. as a falling (fig) from tlie fig tree 36. 16 eat ye. .every one of Ins fig tree, ind dr. Jer. s. 17 shall eat up thy vines and thy iig trees 8. 13 nor figs on the fig tree, and the lenf shall II08. I. 12 I will destroy her vines and her fig trees 9. 10 as the first ripe in the flg tree at her first Joel I. 7 He hath.. barked my fig tree : he hath 1. 12 The vine is dried up, and the fig tree la. 2. 22 the fig tree and the nne do yield their Amos 4. 9yourfigtrecsandyourolivetreesincrea8ed Mic. 4. 4 shaU Bit every man .. imder his fig tree Nah. 3. 12 All thy strongholds (shall be like) fig trees Hab. 3. 17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom Hag. 2. 19 the vine, and tlie fig tree, and the pome. Zech. 3. 10 call . . under the vine and under the flg tree ^■Fig, fig tree, (TvKea, " isaba. Isa. 29. 7 the multitude of all the natioivs that flghl 29. 8 so shall, .the nations be thatfightagainsl 31. 4 so shall the Lord, .come down to fight Zech 14. 12 all the people that have fought against 4. 7*0 loar, n^V tsabah. Isa. 29. 7 even all that flght against her and her S.TFar, warfare, battU, ri^n?? milchajnah. Deut. 2. 32 Sihon came out against us. .to flght at J. Judg2o. 20 Israel put themselves in array to flght 1 Ki.2o. 26 went up to Aphek, to fight against Israel" 2 Ch.32. 2 that he was purposed to flght against J. Psa. 144. I my hands to war, (and) my fingers to flght 6. To agonize, contest publicly, iydivi^ofiai agonizo. JohmS. 36 then.Svould my servants fight, that I shou. 1 Ti. 6. 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on 2 Tt 4. 7 I have fought a good flght, 1 have finished 1 .To fight, strive, fxixofiai. ma.chomai. Jas. 4. 2 ye fight and war, yet ye have not, becaHM 8. To ivar, battle, fight, iro\(ij.4a> poleme5. Eev. 2, 16 I . . wiU fight against them with tbe ivacd 44 FIGHT 34G FILLET Rev. 12. 7 Mich.'iel aad his angels fo'jght agaiiist 12. 7 and the dragon fought and his angcla 9. To iox, irvKTevcii puktcuO. I Co. 9. 26 80 flght I, not as ono that beatcth the air riGHT against God, to — \.To fight with God,^vith the dead bodies of men .51. 9 Ishmael the son of Kethaniah filled it SI. 14 Sui'cly I will fill thee v/ith men, as with SI. 34 he hath filled his belly with my dclicates Eze. 3. 3 fill thy bowels with this roll that I give 7. 19 shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill 9. 7 Defile the house, and fill tho courts with 10. 2 and fill thine hand with coals of fire from 11. 6 ye have filled the streets thereof with the 24. 4 Gather the pieces . .fill (it) with the choice 32. s I toU. .fill the valleys with thy height 33. 8 I will fUl his mountains with his slain Nah. 2. 12 The lion, .filled liis holes with prey, and Zeph. I. 9 vifhich fill their master's houses with vio. Hag. 2. 7 I will fill this house with glory, saith tlio Zech. s- 13 When I have . .filled the bovif with Ephr, S. To fill, nho mela. Dan. 2. 3's' the stone that smote the lavage .. filled tlw i. To cover, nai) atah. Psa. 84. 6 make it a well ; tho rain also fUloth tho 5. To fill, satisfy, water, nin ravah, 5. Isa. 43. 24 neither hast thou filled me with the fat 6. To satisfy, satiate, fill, Viy saba, 5. Job 9. 18 He will not suffer, .but filleth me with Psa. 147. 14 filleth thee with the finest of the wheat Lam. 3. 15 He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath B^e. 27. 33 thou fiUedst many people ; thou didst 32. 4 1 vrill fill the beasts of the whole earth 7. To fill, load, yeixi^oj gemizo. Lukei4. 23 to come in, that my house may be filled 15. 16 he would fain have filled Ins belly with John 2. 7 Kll the waterpots . . And they filled 6. 13 they, .filled tv/elvc baskets with the fraj;. Sev. 8. s the angel, .filled it with fire of the altar 15. 8 temple v/as filled ivith smoke from tho Z.To fill in, make quite full, iixTiiirX-mj-i eiirpiplPnn.. Luke I. S3 He hath filled the hungry with good tUi. John 6. 12 \Vhen they were filled, he said imto his Eom 15. 24 if first I bo somewhat filled with youi- 9. To fill in, ifiinirXda empiplao. Acts 14. 17 filling our hearts with food and gladness 10. To mingle, mix, Kepdvpu/ii keranmimi, — u'w. Pvcv. 18. 6 cup which she hath filled fill to her double ll.Tofdl, make full, tt^uttAtj/ii, ttXt^Oo) plSiho. lilatt 27. 48 took a sponge, and filled (it) with vinegar - Lnko 1. 15 he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost I. 41 Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost I. 67 Zacharias was filled witlithe Holy Ghost 4. 28 all they in the synagogue . . wei'e filled 5. 7 filled both the ships, so that they began 5. 26 they were all amazed . . and were filled 6. II were filled with madness ; and communed Johnig. 29 they filled a sponge with vinegar, and Acts 2. 4 they were all filled with the Holy Ghost 3. lo they were filled with wonder and amaze. 4. 8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost 4. 31 and they were all filled with the Holy G. 5. 17 and aU they., were filled with indignation 9. 17 that thou mightest. .be filled with the 13. 9 Saul. .iUled with the Holy Ghost, set his 13. 4s they were filled with envy, and spake ig. 29 the whole city was filled with confusion I2.T0 fill, make full, irKripSo) pleroo. Luke 2. 40 waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom 3. s Every valley shall be filled, and every John 12. 3 was filled with the odour of the ointment 16. 6 because I have said . . sorrow hath filled Acts 2. 2 and it filled all the house v.'here they 5. 3 why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie S. 28 have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine 13. s2 the disciples were filled with joy, and Horn. I. 29 Being filled wth all unrighteousness 15. 13 the God of hope fill you with all joy and 15. 14 ye also are. .filled with all knowledge 2 Co. 7. 4 I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding Eph. 1. 23 the fulness of him that filleth all in all 3. 19 might be filled with all the fulness of God 4. JO ascended up., that hemiglitfill all things 5. 18 be not drunk . .but be filled with the Spirit Col. 1. 9 that ye might be lUled with the knowledge 2 Ti. I. 4 desiring to see thee, .that I may be filled 13. To fill together or thoioughly, iTvfjLv\rip6u sumpL Luke 8. 23 they were filled, .and were in jeopardy li. To feed, xoprd(w chortazo. Matt. s. 6 Ble«sed (are) they . . for they shall be filled 14. 20 they did all eat, and were filled : and they jj. 33 so much bread . . as to fill so great a mul.? 15. 37 they did all eat, and were filled : and they Mark 6. 43 And they did all oat, and were filled Mark 7. 27 Jesus said . . Let the children first be filled 8. 8 So they did eat, and were filled : and they Luke 6. 21. Blessed are (ye), .for ye shall be filled 9. 17 And they did eat, and were all filled : and John 6. 26 y« did oat of the loaves, and were filled Jas. 2. 16 Depart in peace, be (ye) warmed and filled llev. 19. 21 all the fowls-were filled with their flesh ITLl full, to — To fill, load, ye/A^ca ffemizo. llarkis. 36 one ranand filled aspongofullofvinegas jTILI, selves, to- — I.To suck in, eaiiate, nj.0 saha. Isa. 56. 12 v.'o wUl fill ourselves v/ith strong drink "LTo satisfy, satiate, V$V saba. Deut 31. 20 they shall have eaten and filled themseL FtLl, to tate tie — To be filed, satisfied, watered, nn ravah. Prov. 7. 18 let us take our fill of love uutil tho mor. Fm. or be filled up, to — 1. To fill up, ayair\-iTp6o} anaplcroo. 1 Th. 2. 16 might be saved, to fdl up their sins alway 2. To fill 'dp instead of, avravairXripSia antanapler. Col. 1. 24 Who . . fiU up that which is behind of tha 3. To fill, ir-cJx full,: irX-qpSa 2'l^rod. Matt23. 32 J?ill ye up then the measure of your fath. 4. To end, TcXeco tcleo. Rev. IS. I for in them is filled up tho \vrath of Cod FILL up, vrHch is pat ia to — That u-hich fills up, TcXiipajxa plerSma. Matt g. 16 that which is put in to fill it up laliolli fuled — Full, vho male. Isa. 6. I lifted up, and his train filled tho tompio nr.T.ED, to be — l.Tobefull, iiht;i male. Gen. C. 13 the earth is filled with violence tlirough 2 Ch. s- 13 the house was filled with a cloud, (even) Zech. g. 15 they shall be filled like bowls, (and) as 2. To be filled, mho male, 2. EccJ. 6. 7 and yet the appetite is not filled Hab. 2. 14 earth shall be filled with the knowledge 3. To fill, tha male, 3. 2 Ch. 16. 14 in the bed which was filled with sweet 4. To be satisfied, satiated, yni^ saba. Deut:26. 12 may eat wit'iin thy gates, and be filled Keh. 9. 25 so they did cat, and were fiUed, and Psa. 78. 29 So they did eat, and wore well filled : for Prov. I. 31 and be filled with their o^vn devices 14. 14 Tho backslider, .shall bo filled ivith his Eccl. 6. 3 If.. his soul be not filled with good, and Eze. 39. 20 yo shall be filled . . with horses and char. Hos. 13. 6 so were they filled ; they were filled, and FILLED full, to be — To be satisfied, satiated, SJ3V sciba. Lam. 3. 30H0 giveth.-heliCllodfuIlwithreproacli HT.T.Tm vrith — Full, Khg male. Eze. 36. 38 the . . cities be filled vrith flocks of men IXLLED -with, to be — l.To be full, k'jo male. Psa. 38. 7 For my loins are filled with a loathsome Prov 12. 21 but the wicked shail be filled with misc. Isa. 2x. 3 Therefore are my loins filled with pain 34. 6 The sword of the Lord is filled with bio. Jer. SI". 5 their land was filled with sin against tha 2.T0 be full, Kha male, 2. Gen. 6. 11 and the earth was filled with violence Exod. I. 7 and the land was filled with them Numi4. 21 all the earth shall be filled with the v I Ki. 7. 14 was filled with wisdom and understand, p Ki. 3. 17 yet that valley shall be filled with water 3, 20 and the country was filled with water Psa.126. 2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter Prov. 3. 10 So shall thy bams be filled with plenty 20. 17 his mouth shall be filled with gravel 24. 4 be filled with all precious and pleasant EccL I. 8 net satisfied . . nor the ear filled with hea. Song s. 2 for my head is filled with dew, (and) my Isa. 6. 4 and the house was filled with smoke' Jer. 13. 12, 12 Every bottle shall be filled with wino Eze. 10. 4 the house was filled with the cloud, and 23. 33 Thou shalt be filled with drunkenness 3. To be satisfied, satiated, j;;^ saba. Exodi6. 12 in the morning ye shall be filled with br. Psa. 104. 28 openest thine hand, they are filled with 123. 3 we are exceedingly filled with contempt 123. 4 Our soul is exceedingly filled with the Pi-ov. 5. 10 Let strangers be filled with thy wealth 18. 20 (and) with the increase .. shaii ite be filled 25. 16 lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit 30. t6 the earth (that) is not filled with water 30. 22 and a fool when he is filled with meat Hab. 2. 16 Thou art filled with shame for glory i. To fill up, make full, irXnpSa) pleroS. Pliil. I. II Being filled with tho fruits of righteous,, FILLET — Thread, cord, Bin chut. Jer. S2. 21 a fillet of t^relve cubits diS comuass it « FILLET 347 FIND HXIET, to — To fillet or fasten, pv;!} chashaq, 3. Exod}B. 28 overlaid their chapiters, and filleted them FHIETED, to be — To be filleted or fastened, p»ri chashaq, 4. Exod27. 17 the pillars. . (shall be) filleted with silver 38. 17 pillam of the court (were) filleted with nXLED up, piece that — That xvhich fills up, ■wA'fipdifxa pleroma. Hark 2. 21 alse the newpieCe that filled it up tatelh mXETS — Fillets, fastenings, D'ptyq chashuqivii. Exod27. 10 the hooks . . and their flUets (shall be ol) s. 27. n the Jiooks of the pillars and their fillets 36. 38 overlaid their chapiters and their fillets 38. 10, II, 12, 17 hooks of the pillars and. .fillets 38. 19 the overlaying of. .their fillets (of) silver nXTH — l.Filth, excrement, nvtii; tsoah. Isa. 4.4 Lord shall ha /o washed away the filth of 2. Cleanings, offscourings, nepLKiOapfia, K6.9app.a.. I Co. 4. 13 we are made as the fllth of the wond Z.Filth, dirt, hinros rhupos. 1 Pe. 3. 21 the putting away of the filth of tho flesh niTHIHESS — 1. Uncleanncss, nNOa itimah. Ezra 6. 21 from the fllthiness of the heathen of tho Xam. I. 9 Her fllthiness (is) in her skirts ; she rem. Eze. 22. IS I .. v/ill consume thy fllthiness out of thco 24. 'II the fllthiness of it may bo molten in it 24. 13 In thy fllthiness (is) lewdness : bcco.uso 1 24. 13 Shalt not be purged from thy fllthiness 36. 25 from all your fllthiness. .will I cleanso 2.Tmpurity, n^i niddah. 2 Ch.29. 5 carry forth tho fllthiness out of tho holy Ezra g.ii unclean., with the fllthiness of tho people 3. Brass, impudence, n^'na ncchosheth. Eze. 16. 36 BecauBO thy fllthiness was poured out ^.Excrement, filth, nxii' tsoah. Prov.30. 12 and (yet) is not ^7ashed from their fllthl. Isa. 28. 8 tables arc full of vomit (and) fljthiness 5.JBaseness, obscenity, alffxporris aischrotes. Eph. 5. 4 Neither fllthiness, nor-foolish talking 6. Uncleanncss, aKaOdpr-qs akaihartes. Rev. 17. 4 having a golden cup. .full of. .Qltliinecj 7. A soiling, defilement, ficAtxr^Ji molusmos. , 2 Co. 7. I cleanso ourselves from all fllthiness cf &.Dirt, filth, ^vTapia mparia^ Jas. I. 21 lay apart all fllthincES and EUperfluity of "ESLTKI — 1 To be filthy, rht} alach, 2. Job 15. 16 much more abominable and filthy (is)mmi i.Things passing away, D^y iddim. Isa. 647 6 all our righteousnesses (are) as filthy rag3 Z. Filth, Nis tso. Zech. 3. 3 Joshua wag clothed with filthy garments 3. 4 Take away the fllthy garments from him i. Shameful, altrxp^s aischros. Titus I. It teaching things, .for fllthy lucre's sako Z-Lasciido^isness, atreXyeia aselgda. 2 Pe. 2. 7 vexed with the fllthy conversation of tho HLTHY communication — Shameful discourse, alcrxpoXoyla aischrologia. Col. 3. 8. put off.. blasphemy, fllthy communicat. ITLTHY, to bo — I.To he rebellious, Kio mara. Zeph. 3. I Woe to her that is fllthy and polluted, to 2. To make filthy, act filthily, ^vttSco rhupoo. Rev. 22. II ho which is [fllthy], lethim[befilthy] still FILTHY, to become — To be filthy, nSx dlach,]2. Psa. 14. 3 they are (aU) together become filthy S3. 3 they are altogether become fllthy ; (there FIN — ' Fin, T9J5 senappir. lev. II. 9 whatsoever hath fins and scales in the w. II. 10 that have not fins and scales in the seas II. 12 hath no fins nor scales in the waters Deuti4. 9 all that have fins and scales shall ye 14. 10 whatsoever iath not Uns and scales ya nNAIIY — 1. Vfliat is left, remaining, Xoiiriv loipon. 2 Co. 13. 11 Einally, brothren, farewell. Be perfect Eph. 6. 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the L. Phil 3. I Mnally, my brethren, rejoice in the lord 4. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are 2 Th. 3. I Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the 2.Fnd, completion, Te\os telos: I Pe. 3. 8 Finally, (be ye) all of one mind, having FIND, to — l.Tofind, Kyo matsa. Gen. 4. 14 every one that flndeth me shall slay mo, 6. 8 Noah found'grace la the eyes ol tho Lord Gen. 8. 9 dovo found no rest fortlic solo of her fooi ji. 2 they found a plain in the land of Shinar 16. 7 angel of the Lord found hcrby a fount.".in j8. 3 if now I have found favour in thy siglit i8. 26 If I find in Sodom fifty righteous withia 18. 28 If I find there forty and five, I will not 18. 30 I will not do (it), if I find thirty there II they wearied themselves to find the doo? 19 thy servant hath found grace in thy eiglii 19 and found there a well of springing water 32 and said unto him, Wo have found water 20 How (ij it) . . thou hast found (it) so quici:. 14 found mandrakes in tho field, and brou. 27 if I have found favour in thine eyes 32 With whomsoDvor thou flndcst thy god 1 33 went into Jacob's tent, .he found (them) 34 searched all the tent, but found (them) 35 And he searched, but found not the ini.i. 37 what hast thou found of all thy household 5 sent, .that I may find grace in thy sight 19 shall ye speak unto Esau, when ye find 8 to find grace in the sight of my lord 10 if now I have found grace in thy sight 15 let me find grace in tho sight of my lord 11 Let rne find grace in your eyes, and wh:.t 24 that found the mules in the v.'ildemcss 15 a certain man found him, and, behold, ho 17 went after his brethren, and found thc.i 32 This have we found : know now whether 20 from tho woman's hand ; but he found 22 he returned, .and said, I cannot find her 23 I sent this kid, and thou hast not found 4 Joseph found grace in his sight, and ho ■38 Can wc find (such a one) as this (is), a man 8 tho money which we touud in our sack'; 16 found out tho iniquity of thy servants 2% let us find grace in the sight of my lord 29 If now I have found grace in thy sight 4 If now I havo found grace in your eycn 11 Go ye, get you straw where ye can find it 22 they went three days . , and found no v;^.. 25 to day ye shall not find It iu the field 27 went, .for to gather, and they found ncnc 12 thou hast also found grace in my ciglit 13 if' I have found grace in thy sight, sliov/ j6 thy people have found grace in thy sight ? 17 thou hast found grace iu my sight, and I 9 If nov,- 1 have found grace in thy ."light, 3 have foiind that which was lost, and licth 4 restore, .the losi tiling which he found 1 1 have 1 not found favour in thy sight 15 kill me. .if I have found f.ivom- in thy 32 they found a man that gathered sticks 33 And they that found him gathering sti. 5 if we have found grace in thy sight, let 27 the revenger of blood find him %vithout 29 thou Shalt find (him), if thou seek him w. 3 wliich he hath lost, and thou hast found 14 when I came to her, I found her not a m. 17 saying, I found not thy daughter a maid 23 a man find her in the city, and lie with 25 man find a betrothed damsel in tho field , 27 found her in the field, (and) the betrothed 28 If a man find a damsel (that is) a virgin I it come to pass that she find no favoiu- in 1 he hath found some uncleanncss in her 10 He found him in a desert land, and in tho 22 throughout all the way, but found (them) 5 they found Adoni-bezek in Bezek : and 17 If now I have found gi-ace in thy sight 15 he found a, new jawbone of an ass, and 8 to sojourn where he could find a (place) 9 go to sojourn where I may find a (place) 12 they found among the inhabitants of 9 The Lord grant you that ye may find rest 2 (him) in whose sight I shall find grr>30 10 'WTiy have I found grace in thine eyes 13 Let me find favour in thy sight, my lord i3 Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sig. 4 land of Shalisha, but they found (them) 4 through the land . . but they found (them) II found young maidens going out to draw 13 ye shall straightway find him, before he 13 for about this time ye shall find hira 2 Shalt flaid two men by Rachel's sepulchre 5 that ye have not found ought in my hand 30 spoil of their enemies which they found ? 22 for he hath foimd favour in my sight 3 that I have found grace in tliine eyes 29 If I have found favour in thine eyes, let 17 for the hand of Saul, .shall not find thee 19 if a man find his enemy, will he let him , 8 let the young men find favour in thine ey. 5 If I have now found grace in thine eyes 3 have f oimd no fault in him since he fell 6 I have not found evil iu thee since tho 8 what hast thou found in thy servant so 11 they found an Egyptian in the field, and 8 they found Saul and his three sons fallen 27 therefore hath thy servant found iu his 22 I have found grace in thy sight, my lord 25 shall find favour in the eyes of the Lord 4 I may find grace in thy sight, my lord, O 20 when they had sought and could not find 3 found Abishag a Shunammite, and brou. , 19 Hadad found great favour iu tho sight of , 29 Ahijah the ShUonite found him in tho , 14 and found him sitting under an oak . 28 found his carcase cast in the way, and , 5 find grass to save the horses and mules , 10 took aa oath, .that they found thee not , 12 and he cannot find thcc. he shall slay me 19. 19. 26. 26. 27. SO- SO- S'- 31- 31- 31- 32- 32- 33- 33- 33- 34- 36- 37- 37- 37- 38: 33. 38- 39- 41. 44. 44. 47- 47- SO. Exod. 5. '5- 16. 16. 33- 33- 33- 33- 34- Lev, 6. 6. Numii. II. 15- »s- 32. 3S- Deut. 4. 22. 22. 22. 24. 24. 3=- Josh. 2. judg. I. 6. 13- 17- 17- 21. Kuth 1. 14. 16. 20. 20. 23- 24. =3- 27. 29. 29. 29. 30. 31- aSa. 7- 14- 15- 16. '17- I El. I. J Oh. tCh. 4- 10. J7- 20. 20. 20. 22. 1 ICl. 19. 19 found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who 20. 36 departed from him, a lion found him 20. 37 he found another man, and said, bmite 21. 20 Hnct thoir found me, O mine enemy'/ 21. 20 I have found (thee); because thou halt 2 Kl, 2. 17 they souglit three days, but found him 4. 39 found ;'. wild vine, and gathered thereof 9. 33 they found no more of her than tlie skull 17. 4 And the king, .found conspiracy in Hosh. 19. 8 found the king of Assyria warring against 22. 8 I have found the book of the law in tho 24 book that Uilklah the priest found in tho 40 they found fat pasture and good, and tho 8 found .Saul and his sons fallen in mount 23 found (in his heart) to pray before thee 2 found it to weigh a talent of gold, and 16 shall find them at the end of tlie brook 25 they found among them in abundance 8 found the princes of Judah, aud the sons 25. 5 found Ihnm three hundred thoutand ch. 29. 16 uncleanncss that they found in the temp. 32. 4 kings of .\s3yria come, and find much wat. 34. 14 ililkiah the priest found a book of tho 34. 15 I have found the book of the law in tho Ezra 8. 15 and found there none of the sons of Levi Neh. 5. 8 their pjaefc, and found nothing (to answer) 7. 5 I found a register., and found written ther. 8. 14 they found written in the law which the 9. 8 foundcst his heart faithful before theo Esth. 5. 8 found favour in tho sight of the king 7. 3 If I have found favour in thy sight, O 8. s ^ii'i >f I have found favour in his sight Job 3. 22 are glad, when they can find the grave ? 17. lo for 1 cannot find (one) wise (man) among 23. 3 Oh that I knew where I might fliul him I 31. 29 or lifted up myself when evil found him 32. 3 found no answer, and (yet) had condemn. 32: 13 ye should say. We have found out wisdom 33. 10 flndeth occasions against mc, hecountcth. 33. 24 saith, Deliver hira. .1 have found a ran3, 37. 23 (Touching) the Almighty, wo cannot find Psa. 10. 15 seek, .his wickedness (till) thou flnd nono 3 thou hast tried me, (and) shalt flnd noth, 20 I looked, .for comforters, but I found no. 5 nono of tho men. .have found their hands 3 the sparrow hath found an house, and 20 I have found David ray servant ; with my 4 They wandered . . they found no city to dv^. 3 hold upon me : I found trouble and sorr. 162 rejoice, .as one that flndeth great spoil 6 we found it in the fields of the wood 13 Wc shall find all precious substance, wo 1. 28 seek me early, but they shall not find mc 2. 5 Then Shalt thou, .find the knowledge of 3. 4 So shalt thou find favour and good 3. 13 Happy (is) the man (that) flndeth wisdom. 4. 22 they (are) life unto those that find them 7. 15 to seek thy face, and I have found thee 8. 9 and right to them that find knowledge 8. 17 those that seek me early shall find me n. 33 whoso flndeth me flndeth life, and shall 16. 20 that hanfUeth a matter wisely shall flnd 17. 20 tiiat hath a froward heart flndeth no good i3. 22 (Whoso) flndeth a wife flndeth agood(th.) 19. 8 he that kcepcth understanding shall flnd 20. 6 but a faithful man who can flnd ? 21. 21 He that followeth. .mercy flndeth lifo 24. 14 when thou hast foimd (it), then there 25. 16 Hast thou found honey? eat so much aa 2S. 23 shall find more favom- than he that 31. 10 Wlio can fhid a virtuous woman ? for her Eccl. 7. 14 that man should find nothing after him 7. 26 I find more bitter than death the woman 7. 27 this have I found, saith the Preacher 7. 28 Which yet my soul sceketh, but I find not 7. 2S one man among a thousand have I found 7. 28 a woman among all those h.ave I not found 7. 20 this only have I found, that God hath 8. ij man caimot find out the work that is done 8. 17 yet he shall not flnd. .not be able to flnd g. ID Whatsoever thy hand flndeth to do, do II. I for thou shalt flnd it after many days Song 3. I, 2 I sought him, but I found him not 3. 3 v/atchmen that go about the city found 3. 4 but I found him whom my soul loveth 5. 6 I sought him, but I could not find him 5. 7 watchmen that went about the city found 5. 8 if ye flnd my beloved, that ye tell him 8. 1 1 should find thee without, I would klsa » 10 then was I in his eyes as one that found 10 hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols 14 h.ath found as a nest the riches of the pe. 14 and find for herself a place of rest 8 found the king of AssjTia warring against 12 shalt seek them, and shalt not flnd them 10 thou hast found the lite of thine hand 3 in the day of your fast ye find pleasure 5 Wliat iniquity have your fathers found tn 2. 24 in her month.they shall flnd her ' 2. 34 I have not found it by secret search, bnt 5. I if ye can find a man, if there be (any) that 6. 16 and ye shall find rest for your souls 10. 18 distress them, that they may find (it so) 14. 3 they came to the pits, (and) foimd no vr. 23. II in my house havo I found their wicked, 29. 13 And ye shall seek me, and find (me) 31. 2 Tlie people., found grace in the wildem. 41. 12 found him by the great waters that (arel 4S. 3 fainted in my sighing, and I flnd no rent 50, 7 All that found them have devoured tbeni ijjD. I. 3 among the heathen, ihe findeth no rest J 6 becoma like harts (that) find oa oaature 17- 69. 76. S4. 89. 107. 1 16. 119. 132. Prov. I. Isa. Jer. 10. 34- 37- 41- 57- 58- FIND 348 PINE lUun. 2. 9 prophets also find no vision from the Lone 2. i6 looked foi- ; we have found, we have seen Eze. 3. 1 eat that thou flndest; eat •this roll, and go 22. 30 And I sought for a^ man . . but I found Dan. I. 20 he found them ten times better than all Hos. 2. 6 make a wall, that she shall not find her 2. 7 shall seek them, but shall not find (them) 5. 6 they shall not find (him) ; he hath withd. 9. 10 found Israel like grapes in the wilderness 12. 4 found him (in) Beth-el, and there he spa. 12, 8 I have found me out substance ; (in) all 12. 8 find none iniquity in me that (were) sin Amos 8. 12 word of the Loed, and shall not find (it) Jon. I. 3 he found a ship going to Xarsliish : bo he 2.Tofi>id, na-.f' shelcach, 5. Ezra 4. 15 so shalt thou find in the book of tho rec. 7. 16 that thou canst find in all the province Dan. 2. 25 I have found a man of the captives of 6. 4 sought to find occasion against Daniel 6. 4 they could find none occasion nor fault 6. 5 not find any occasion against this Daniel 6. 5 we find (it) against hira concerning the 6. II found Daniel praying and making suppll. Z.Tofind out, huevpiaKoi aneiirisko. Luke 2. 16 found Mary and Joseph, and the babe Acts 21. 4 finding disciples, we tarried there seven ^.To find, evpiffica heurisko. Matt. 1. 18 was found with child of the Holy Ghost s. 8 when ye have found (him), bring me word 7. 7 seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it 7. 8 he that seoketh findeth ; and to him 7. 14 the way , .and few there be that find it 8. 10 I have not found so great faith, no, not 10. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it 10. 39 loseth his life for my sake shall find it 11. 29 and ye shall find rest unto your eoula 12. 43 dry places, seeking rest, and flndeth none I2.;44 he flndeth (it) empty, sv/ept, and garnish. 13. '44 which when a man hath found, he hidoth 13. 46 when he had found one pearl of groat 16. 25 lose his life for my sake shall find it 17. 27 thou shalt find a piece of money : that 18. 13 if it so be that he find it, verily I say 18. 28 found one of his fellow-servants, which BO. 6 found others standing idle, and saith unto 21. 2 shall find an ass tied, and a colt v/ith her 21. 19 found nothing thereon, but leaves only 22. 9 as many as ye . . find, bid to the marriage 22. 10 as many as they found, both bad and good - 24. 46 lord when he cometh shall find so doing 26. 40 findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter 2i. 43 And he came and found them asleep again a6. 60 found none : yea, though many false 26. 60 false witnesses came, (yet) [found they] 27. 32 they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by Mark 1. 37 when they had found him, they said unto 7. 30 she found the devil gone out, and her II. 2 find a colt tied, whereon never man sat II. 4 and found the colt tied by the door with. 11. 13 haply he might find any thing thereon II. 13 came to it, he found nothing but leaves 13. 36 Lest coming suddenly ho find you sleeping 14. 16 came., and found as he had said unto them 14. 37 and flndeth them sleeping, and saith unto 14. 40 he found them asleep again; for their eyes 14.55 sought for v/itness .and found none Iittke I, 30 for thou hast found favour v/ith Qod 2. 12 shall find the babo ivrapped in swaddling 2. 45 when they found him not, they turned 2. 46 they found him in the temple, sitting in 4. 17 he found the place where it was written 5. 19 when they could not find by what (way) 6. 7 they might find an accusation against him 7. 9 I have not found so great faith, no, not 7. 10 found the servant whole that had been 8. 35 foimd the man, out of whom the devils g. 36 the voice was past, Jesus was found alone II. 9 seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it , II. 10 he that seeketh flndeth ; and to him that i II. 24 finding none, he saith, I wUl return unto 11. 25 cometh, heflDdeth(itX3weptandgarnished 12. 37 lord when he cometh shall find watching 12. 38 find (them) so, blessed are those servants 12. 43 lord when he cometh shall find so doing 13. 6 and sought fruit thereon, and found noile 13. 7 seekiog fruit on this flg tree, and flnd nono 15. 4 after that which is lost, until he flnd it? 15. 5 when he hath found (it), he layeth (it) on 15. 6 for I have found my sheep which was lost 15. -8 and seek diligently till she find (it) ? 15. . 9 when she hath found (it), she calleth (her) '15. 9 I have foimd the piece which I had lost .15. 24 he was lost, and is found. And they began ■15. 32 is alive again ; and was lost, and is found 17. 18 There are not found that returned to give 18. 8 cometh, shall he find faith on the earth ? 19. 30 t'hall flnd a colt tied, whereon yet never 19. 32 and found even as he had said unto thc;n «s. 13 went, and found as he had said unto them 92. 45 he found them sleeping for sorrow 23. 2 found this (fellow) perverting the nation 23. 4 said Pilate .. I find no fault in this man 33, 14 have found no fault in this man touching »3. 22 I have found no cause of death in him 34, 2 they found the r.tone rolled away from 04. 3 and found not the body of the Lord Jesus •4. «3 wheE they found not his body, they camo •4. 24 found (it) even no as tlie woman had said «4. 33 found the clevcu jjoihered Logatber. and John 1. 41 He first findeth his own brother Simon I. 41 We have found the Messias, which is 1. 43 findeth Pliilip, and saith unto him ; Fol. 1. 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto I 45 We have found him, of whom Moses in 2. 14 found in the temple those that sold oxen 5. 14 Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said 6. 25 found him on the other side of the sea 7. 34, 36 Ye shall seek me, and shall not find 7. 35 Whither will he go, that we shall not find 9. 35 when he had found him, he said unto him 10. 9 and shall go in and out, and flnd pasture 11. 17 he found that he had (lain) in the grave 12. 14 when he had found a young ass, sat the. 18. 38 and saith. .1 Qnd in him no fault (at all) 19. 4 ye may know that I flnd no fault in him 19. 6 crucify (him) : for I find no fault in him 21. 6 right,side of the ship, and ye shall find Acts 4. 21 finding nothing liow they might punish 5. 10 and found her dead, and, carrying (her) 5. 22 found them not in the prison, they retu. 5. 23 prison truly found we shut with all safety 5. 23 when we had opened, we found no man 5. 39 yo be found even to fight against God 7. 1 1 and our fathers found no sustenance 7. 46 Who found favour before God,and desired 7. 46 to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob 8. 40 Philip was found at A2otus : and passing 9. 2 if he found any of this way, whether they 9. 33 found a certain man named Jineas, which 10. 27 and found many that were come together 11. 26 when he had found him, he brought hira l^. 19 found him not, he examined the keepers 13. 6 they found a certain sorcerer, a false 13. 22 I have found David the (son) of Jesse, a 13. 28 they found no cause of death (in him), yet 17. 6 when they found them not, they drew J. 17. 23 I found an altar with this inscription. To 17. 27 if haply they might, .find him, though he 18. 2 found a certain Jew named Aquila, born 19. 1 came to Ephesus : and fmding certain d. 19. 19 counted the price, .and found (it) fifty 21. 2 finding a ship sailing over unto Phcnicia 23. 9 We find no evil in this man: but if a 24. 5 wehave found this man (a) pestilent (f el. ) 24. 12 neither found me in the temple disputing 24. 18 Jews, .found me purifled in the temple 24. 20 if they have found aoy evil doing in me 27. 6 found a ship of Alexandria sailing into 27. 28 And sounded, and found (it) twenty fath. 27. 28 they sounded again, and found (it) fUteen 28. 14 Where we found brethren, and were de. Kom. 4. 1 What shall we say. .Abraham, .hath f. ? 7. 10 (ordained) to lite, I found (to be) unto U. 7. 18 to perform that which is good [I flnd] 7. 21 I flnd them a law, that, when I would do 10. 20 I was found of them that sought me not 1 Co. 4. 2 in stewards, that a man be found faitliful 15. 15 and we are found false witnesses of God 2 Co. 2. 13 I found not Titus my brother : but taking S. 3 being clothed we shall not he found naked 9. 4 flnd you unprepared, we . . should be ash. 11. 12 that, .they may be found even as we 12. 20 I shall not find you such as I would, and 12". 20 (that) I shall be found unto you such as Gal. 2. 17 we ourselves also are found sinners Phil, 2. 8 being found in fashion as a man, he hn. 3. 9 And be found in him, not having mine 2 Ti. 1. 17 sought me out very diligently, and found 1. 18 he may find mercy of the Lord In that d. Heb, 4. 16 and flnd grace to help in time of need 11. 5 was not found, because God had transla. 12. 17 he found no place of repentance, though 1 Pe. I. 7 the trial., might he found unto praise and 2. 22 Who did no sin, neither was guUe found 2 Pe. 3. 14 ye may be found of him in peace, without 2 John 4 I found of thy children walking in truth Key. 2. 2 hast tried . . and hast found them liars 3. 2 not found thy works perfect before God 5. 4 no man was found worthy to open and g. 6 men seek death, and shall not flnd it 12. 8 neither was their place found any more 14. 5 And in their mouth was found no guile 16. 20 and the mountains were not found 18. 14 and thou shalt find them no more at all 18. 21 Babylon, .shall be found no more at all 18. 22 shall be found any more in thee 18. 24 in her was found the blood of prophets 20. II and there was found no place for them 20. 15 whosoever was not found written in the b.To take thoroughly, KaTaKafiffdya katalamband. Acta 25. 25 I found that ho had committed nothing FIND, can — To find, tvpla-Kco heuriskd. Luke 19. 48 could not find what they might do ; for riND, to cause to — To cause to find, N^n matsa, 5. Job 34. II cause every man to find accor. to (his) ways mro occasion, to — To find, KVO matsa. Judg. 9. 33 do to them as thou shalt find occasion "EWH out, to — 1.2V> think out, ^^i} chashab. 2 Ch. 2. 14 to find out every device which shall be %Tofind, Nyo matsa. Gen. 44. 16 God hath found out the iniquity of thy lfum32. 2->. and bo sure your sia will find you out Judgi4. 14. I Sa. 20. 20. Job II. II. Psa. 21. 21. 232. Prov. 8. Eccl. 3. 7- 7- 8. 12. FnraiNG l.Tofind, Gen. 4. Isa. 58. 2.Search, Job 9. 12 certainly declare it me. .and flnd (it) out 18 If ye not ploughed., ye had not fo. cut 21 send a lad, (saying). Go, flnd out the arr. 36 Run, find out now the arrows which I sh. 7 Canst thou by searching find out God? 7 canst thou find out the Almighty unto 8 Tliine hand shall find out all thine enem, 8 right hand shall find out those that hata 5 Until I find out a place for the Lord . 12 and find out knowledge of witty invenfi II no man can find out the work that God 24 That which is far . . who can find it out ? . 27 (counting).. to find out the account 17 .1 man cannot find out tho work that is 10 Preacher sought to find out acceptable (out) — NjJD matsa. 15 lest any finding him should kill him 13 nor finding thine own pleasure, nor spo. sea/rching, '\^n cheqer. 10 \Vliich doetii great things past findmg o. ITKDrff G out, past — Not to be traced out, ixef ixi"'ao'To? anexiclmiastos. 33 judgments, and his ways past finding out 1 [Sea also Ease, favour, mercy.] FnrE, finest — \. Fatness, 3^n cheleb. Psa. 81. iCJ should have fed them also with the finest 147. 14 filleth thee with the finest of tho wheat 2.Good, 3Q tab. Dan. 2. 32 image's head (was) of iln,e gold, his breast Z.Good, n'lD iob. 2 Ch. 3. 5 wliich he overlaid with fine gold, and set 3. 8 ho overlaid it with fine gold, (amounting) i.Fine combed, p'"!i^ sariq. Isa. 19. 9 they that work in flne flax, and they that b.To be made to shine, 2n^ tsahah, 6. Ezra 8. 27 vessels of fino copper, precious as cold FINE, to — To refme, ppl zaqaq. Job 28. I and a place tor gold (where) they fine (i{"> Flira: flour — 1. Fine flour Lev. 2. I 2- 4 2- 5 2. 7 5- " 6. 20 7. 12 14. 10 14. 21 23. 13 23- 17 S4- 5 Num. 6. 15 7- I3i 7-43. 7-67, [rolled or crushed small), rhb soleth. his offering shall be (of) fine fl'our; and he cakes of fine flour mingled with oil flne flour unleavened, mingled \vith oil it shall be made (of) fine fiour mtli oil of an cphah of flne flour for a sin offering fine flour for a meat offering perpetual cSikcs mingled with oil, of fine flour, filed deals of fine flour (for) a meat offering fincflourmlngled with oilfor a meat offer tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil they shall be of fine Cour ; they shall ha shalt take fine flour, and bake twclvo cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, and 19, 25, 31, 37 fine flour mingled with oil 49> S5> 61 fine flom' mingled with oil 73, 79 of fine flour mingled nitlioil fino flour mingled with oil, and another 1 Kl. 4. 22 v/as thirty measures cf flne flour, and 2 Ki. 7. 1 measure of fineflour(be sold) forashetel 7. 16 a measure of flne flour was (sold) for a 7. 18 and a measure of fine flour for a shekel I Ch. 9. 29 the fine flom-, and the wine, and the oil 23. 29 for the flne flour for meat offering, and. Eze. 16. 13 thou didst eat flne flour, and honey, and 16. ig fine flour, and oil, and honey (wherewith) 46. 14 bin of oil, to temper with the fine flour 2.Fine /tour, crefitSa\is semidalis. Rev. 18. 13 Sue fiour, and wheat, and boasts, and FISE brass - Fine frankincense or brass, x^-^KoXlfiavov chalk. Rev. I. IS h'3 feet like unto fine brass, as if they 2. 18 flame of flre, and his feet (are) like fine b. FrNE gold — Fine gold, flin charv.ti. Prov. 3. 14 end tho gain thereof than fine gold Zech. 9. 3 and flne gold as the mire of the streets FUTE linen — l.Fine linen, braiaed or fmsted yarn, J'.BN etun. Prov. 7. 16 carved (works), with fine linen of Egypt l.Fine xohite linen, byssus, fi3 buts. 1 Ch. 4. 21 the house of them that wrought flne linen 15. 27 (was) clothed with a robe of flne linen 2 Ch. 2. 14 in blue, and in flne linen, and in crimson 3. 14 flne linen, and wrought cherubim thereon Esth. 1. 6 fastened with cords of flne linen and 8. 15 with a garment of flne linen and purple Eze. 27. 16 pui-ple, and broidered work, and flne li. Z.Byssus, fine white linen, pifffftvos bussinos. Ilov. ^S:\6 that was clothed in flne linen, and pnrpla 19. 8 be arrayed in flne linen, clean and white ig. 8 flne linen is the righteousness of sainia 19. 14 clothed in tine linen, white and clean i.Fine linen, muslin, crivZdv sindon. Marki5. 4C he bought fine lineu, and took him dova FINER J49 FIRE h.Byssus,fine v>Mtc linen, fivffaos hvsaos. tukeiC. 19 v/as clothed in purple and fine lincu, and Kev. 18. 12 flue lineu, and puiple, and silk, and scar. TI1IE2.— To refine, ^^ tsaraph. Prov.25. 4 there shall cornea vessel for the finer FDfGEE — l.Finger, ya^x cUla. Exod. 8. ig niasiciiins said. .Tills (Is)thcflngerof God 29. 12 put (it) upon the horns, .with thy finger 31. 18 tables, .written with the linger of God Xev. 4. 6 priest shall dip his finger in the blood 4. 17 shall dip his linger (in some) ot the blood 4. 25, 34 shall take of the blood, .with his flng. 4. 30 take ot the blood thereof with his finger 8. 15 put (it) upon the horns, .with his finger g. 9 he dipped his finger in the blood, and 14. 16 the priest shall dip his right finger in 14. 16 shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger 14. 27 priest shall sprinkle with, .right finger 16. 14 and sprinkle (it) with his finger upon the 16. 14 sprinkle of the blood with his finger 16. 19 sprinkle of the blood, .with his finger Kiimig. 4 shall take of her blood with his finger Deut. 9. 10 tables, .written with the finger of God 2 Sa. 21. 20 that had on every hand six fingers, and r. Ch.20. 6 whose fingers and toes (were) four and Sask. 8. 3 consider . . heavens, the work of thy fingers 144. 1 the Lord which teaeheth. .my fingers to ]Prov. 6. 13 with his feet, he teaeheth with his fingers 7. 3 Bend them upon thy fingers, ■vvrite them Song s. 5 and my fingers (with) sweet smelling Isa. 2. 8 that which their own fingers have made 17. 8 respect (that) which his fingers have made 58. 9 the yoke, the putting forth of the finger 59. 3 with blood, and your fingers with iniquity Jer. 52. 21 the thickness thereof (was) four fing ers 2.Fingcr$, IViV^ etsbean. Dan. 5. 5 in the same hour came forth ilngers of a Z.Finger, ddK-rvAos dahlulos. Ilatt23. 4 will not move, .with one of their fingers Mark 7. 33 put his fingers into his ears, and he spit Lukeii. 20 I with the finger of God cast out devils ,11. 46 touch sot the bui-dens with, .your fingers 35. 24 he may dip the tip of his finger in water John 8. 6 [and witn(hi3) finger wrote on the ground] 20. 25 put my finger into the print of the nails 20. 27 Reach hither thy fingfir, and behold my FINING pot — Rfifini7ig vessel, 11.?5 matsreph. Prov.17. 3 The fining pot (is) for silver, and the fur. 27. 21 (As) the fining pot for silver, and the fur. FINISH, to — l.To cut off, y?5 latsa, 3. Zech. 4. 9 his hands shall also finish it ; and then . 2. 7*0 shut, restrain, finish, ihs hala, 3. Dan. 9. 24 to finish the transgression, and to make 3. To complete, fmish, nSs kalah. I Ch.28. 20 until thou hast finished all the work for 4.T0 finish, complete, nbs kalah, 3. Gen. 6. 16 and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above Exod4o. 33 So Moses finished the work Kuth 3, 18 until he have finished the thing this day I Ki 6. 9 So he built the house, and finished it 6. 14 Solomon built the liouse, and finished it 7. J and he finished all his house 9. I finished the building of the house of the I Ch.27. 24 he finished not, because there fell wrath a 6h. 7. II Solomon finished the house of the Lord 24. 14 when they had finished (it), they brought 31. 7 and finished (them) in the seventh mouth 5.T0 complete, finish, 772 kelal, 5a. Ezra 6. 14 finished (it), according to the commandm. 6. To finish, complete, ohiy shalam, 3. 1 Ki. 9. 25 before the Lord. So he finished tlio house 7. To finish, complete, oh'^ shelam, 5. Dan. 5. 26 numbered thy kingdom, ana finished it 8.T0 end fxdly, airoTeXio} apoteleo. Jas. J. 15 when it is finished, bringeth forth death Q. To finish throiighout, Siayico dianuo. Acts 21. 7 when we had finished (our) course from 10. TV) end fully, eKTeKew ekteleo. I.ukei4. 29 foundation, and fs not able to finish (it) 14. 30 began to build, and was not able to finish 11. To end besides or upon, iiriTeX^a epiteled. 2 Co. 8. 6 would also finish in you the same grace 12. Zb end together or wholly, cvvreXea sunteleo. Kom. 9. 28 he iviU finish the work, and cut (it) short 13. TV) end, finish, re\si6a teleioo. John 4. 34 IS to do the will . . and to finish his work 5. 36 v/hicJi the Father hath eiven me to finish 17. 4 I have finished the work which thou gav. Acts 20. 24 I might finish my course with joy, and l^Tlhs things toward com^yletimi, to irphs airap- •nffjiiv ta pros apariismon. I.ukei4. 28 whether he have (suflicientyto [finish] end, finish, reKea teleo. Matt 13. 53 when Jesus had finished theie parables 19, I when JcauB had fiiiishGd thssa Boylngs Matt 2(3. I when Jesus had finished all these sayings Johuig. 30 he said, It i.i fiiiislicd : and he bowed 2 Ti. 4. 7 I have finished (my) course, 1 have kept Eev. 10. 7 the mystery of God should be finished ji. 7 they shall have finished their testimony 20. 5 until the thousand years were finished 16.7o complete, to do, ri\vub. n^3 kalah laasolh. 2 Ch. 4. II lluram finished the work that he was to FINISILED, to be — l.To cause to go out, «;(; yetsa, 5a. Ezra 6. 15 this house was finished on the third day %To he complete, finished, nS;) kalah. Exod3g. 32 Thus was all the work, .finished; and the 1 KL 6. 38 was the house finished throughout all 2 Ch. 8. 16 was prepared, .and until it was finished 29. 28 until tile burnt offering was finished Dan. 12. 7 when, .all these (things) shall be finished Z.To be completed, finished, nSs kalah, 4. Gen. 2. I the heavens and the earth were finished 2 Ch.31. 1 when all this was finished, all Israel ^.To be finished, complete, xhv^ shalam. 2 Ch. 5. 1 all the work, .for the house, .was finished Neh. 6. IS the wall was finished in the twenty and Z.To be finished, complete, vhv shelam. Ezra 5. 16 in building, and (j-et) it is not finished &.To become, happen, ylvajxai ginomai. ilcb. 4. 3 worlcs were finished from the foundation FINISHE3 — Finisher, ender, compileter, TcXciwTrjr teleioles. Heb. 12. 2 the author and flijisher of (our) faith FIR— \ l.Fir, cypress, pine, t^ng beroish. 2 Sa. 6. 5 all manner of (instruments . . of) fir wood 1 KL 5. 8 of cedar, and concerning timber of fir 5. 10 gave Solomon cedat trees and fir trees 6. 15 the floor of the house with planks of fu- 6. 34 the two doors (were of) fir tree ; the two 9. II with cedar trees and fir trees, and with 2 Ch. 3. 5 the greater house he ceUed with fir tree 2. Cypresses, firs, pines, D'n'na bcroihira. Song I. 17 beams, .(are) cedai, (and) our rafters of FIE tree — Fir, cypress, or 2nnc tree, B'115 herosh. 2 Ki.19. 23 cut down.. the choice fir trees thereof 2 Ch. 2. 8 fir trees, and algiun trees, out of Lebanon r5a.io4. 17 (as for) the stork, the fir trees (are) her Isa. 14. 8 the fir trees rejoice at thee, (and) tho 37. 24 cut down, .the choice fir trees thereof 41. 19 I will set in the desert the fir tree, .pine 35. 13 Instead of the thorn shall come, .fir tree 60. 13 the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box Eze. 27. 5 all thy (ship) boards of fir trees of Senir 31. 8 the fir trees were not like his boughs Eos. 14. 8 I. (am) like a green fir tree. From me is J^ah. 2. 3 and tne fir trees shall be terribly shaken Zechii. 2 Howl, fir tree ; for the cedar is fallen FIEi; — \. Light, fire, "VM ur. Isa. 24. 15 Wliereforo glorify ye the Lord in the fires 51. 9 whose fire (is) in Zion, and his furnace in 44. 16 saith. Aha, I am warm, I have seen the f. 47. 14 coal to warm at, (nor) fire to sit before it Eze. 5. 2 Tliou shalt bum with fire a thard part in 2. Fire, E'X esh. Gen. 19. 24 and fire from the Lord out of heaven 22. 6 he took the fire in his hand, and a knife 22. 7 Behold the fire and the wood : butwhere Exod. 3. 2 a flame ot fire out ot the midst of a bush 3. 2 the bush burned with fire, and the bush 9. 23 and the fire ran along upon the ground 9. 24 fire mingled mth the hail, very grievous 12. 8 eat tho flesh in that night, roast with fire 12. 9 nor sodden at all. .but roast (with) fire 12. 10 which remaineth. .ye shall bum with fire f 13. 21 in a pillar of fire, to give them light 13. 22 by day, nor the pillar of fire by night 14. 24 the pillar ot fire and of the cloud, and 19. 18 because the Lord descended, .in fire 22. 6 If fire breakout, and catch in thorns, so 24. 17 glory of the 1.0RD (was) like devouring fire 29. 14 thou burn with fire without the camp 19. 34 thou shalt bum the remainder ^vitli fire 32. 20 and burnt (it) in the fire, and ground (it) 32. 24 I east it into the fire, and there came out 35. 3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your 40. 38 fire was on it by night, in the sight of all Lev. T. 7 the priest shall put fire upon the altar I. 7 and lay the wood in order upon the fire I. 12 that (is) on the fire which (is) upou the al. 1. 17 upon the wood that (is) upon the fire 2. 14 green ears of corn dried by the fire, (even) 3. 5 wliich (is) upon, .wood that (is) on the fi. 4. 12 burn him on the wood with fire : where 6. 9 the fire of the altar shall be burning in it 6. 10 and take up the ashes which the fire hath 6. 12 fire upon the altar shall be burning in it 6. 13 fire shall ever be burning upon the altar 6. 30 sin oflering. .it shall be burnt in the fire 7. 17 the remainder, .shall bo burnt with fire 7. 19 it shall be burnt with fire : and as for 8. 17 dung, he burnt with fire without the camp 8. 3a that which remaineth. .ye bum >vith fire g, n hide he burnt with fire without the camp 9. 24 tJiorii cttao afire out from before the Lokd lyOT. Num. 3. 6, Deut. 14. 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 18. 21. 26. 26. SI- 3'- 31- , I. 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 5- 5- S- 5- 5- 5- 5- 7- 7- 9- 9- 9- 9- 13- 18. Josh. 6. 7- 7- S. 8. II. Judg. I. 6. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 12. 14. 15- 15- 15- 16. i3. 20. z Sa. 30. 3°- o 30- 2 Sa. 14. 14. 14. 22. 22. =3- iKi. 9. 16. 18. 19. 2Ki I. 16. J7- 17- 19. 21. I took. .Ills censer, and put fire (liersln, am] 1 offered dtrange fire before thoLoKD, wlijch 2 went out fire from tlic Lord, and devoured 52 garment, .it Bhall be bunit in the fire 55 thou shalt burn it in the fire ; it (is) fret 57 burn that wherein the plague (is) witli flr» >2 take a censcrfull of liuining coals of flr» 13 the incense upon the fire ijcfore the Lord 27 they shall burn in the fire tlieir skins fi the third day, it sliall be burnt in the flro 14 shall be burnt with fire, both he and tliejr 9 she profaneth . .shesh.all be burnt with flro 4 they oftered strange fire before the LouD 18 and put (it) in the fire which (is) under 15 as it were the appearance of fire, untt j6 and the appearance of fire by night 1 tlie fire of tho Lord burnt among tliem 2 prayed unto tlic Lord, the fire was qucn 3 the fire of the Lord burnt among them 14 gocst before, .in a pillar of fire by uiglit 7 put fire therein, and put incense in them 18 put fire in them, and laid incense thereon 35 there came out a tire from tlie Lord, and 37 scatter thou the fire yonder ; for they are 46 put fire therein from off the altar, and 9 most holy things, (reserved) from the flr» 28 For there is a fire gone out of Iloshbon, & 10 fire devoured two hundred and fifty men 61 they offered strange fire before the LORD 10 burnt, .all their goodly castles, with flxB 23 Every thing that may abide the fire 23 ye shall make (it) go through the fire, ani 23 all that abidetli not the fire ye shall niako 33 in fire by night, to show you by what way 11 the mountain burned with fire unto the 12 spake unto you out of the midst of the fire 15 spake in Horeb out of the niidstof the tire 24 the Lord thy God (is) a consuming flro 33 God speaking out of the midst of the fire 36 upon earth he showed thee Ills great fire 36 his words out of the midst of the fire 4 Lord talked, .out of the midst of the flro 5 ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and 22 Lord spake, .out of the midst of the Ur» 23 for the mountain did burn with fire 24 heard his voice out of the midst of the fire 25 for this great fire will consume us : if w« 26 God speaking out of the midst of the fir« 5 and burn their gi'aven images with flro 25 images of their gods, .ye burn with fire 3 (as) a consuming fire he shall destroy them 10 out of the midst of the Are in the day of 15 the mount bm'ned with fire : and the two 21 and burnt it with fire, and stamped It 4 out of the midst of the fire in the day of 3 bm-n their groves with fire ; and ye shall 31 they have burnt in the fire to their gods 16 shalt bum with fire the city, and all the JO or his daughter to pass through the fire 16 neither let me see this great fire any " 22 fue is kindled in mine anger, and shall 24 they burnt the city with fire, and all| 15 accursed thing shall be burnt with fire 25 and burned them with fire, after they had 8 (that) ye shall set the city on tire 19 and hasted and set the city on fire 6 thou shalt. .burn their chariots with fire 9 and burnt then- chariots with fire 11 smote all. .and he burnt Hazor with Are 8 and smitten it. .and set the city on flro 21 there rose up fh-e out of the rock, and 15 let fire come out of the bramble, and 20 if not, let fire come out from Abimelech 20 let fire come out from the men of Shech. 49 and set the hold on fire upon them 52 hard unto the door, .to bum it with fire I w ill bum thine house upon thee with fire 15 burn thee and thy father's house with fi. 5 And when he had set the brands on fire 6 and burnt her and her father with flro 14 became as flax that was burnt with flro 9 tow is broken when it toucheth the flre 27 they smote, .and burnt the city with flie 48 also they set on fire all the cities that I smitten Ziklag, and burnt it with firo 3 and, behold, (it was) burned with firo 14 of Caleb ; and we burned Ziklag with flro 30 Sec, Joab's field, .go and set it on flro 30 Absalom's servants set the fleld on flro 31 have thy servants set my field on fire ! 9 fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were 13 before him w ere coals of fire kindled 7 they shaU be utterly burned with flre in 16 and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire 18 Ziniri. .burnt the king's house, .with flro 23, 23 lay (it) on wood, and put no fire 24 and the God that answcreih by fire, let 25 and call on. .your gods, but put no fire 38 the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed 12 And after the earthquake a fire 12 not in the fire : and after the fire a still 10, 12 let fire come down from heaven, and 10, 14 there came fire down from heaven 12 the flre of God came down from heaven 11 a chariot of fire, and horses of flre, and 17 full of horses and chariots of fire round 12 their stronghold wilt thou set on flre 3 made his son to pass tlirough the flre 17 caused their sons, .to pass through.. fSro 31 Sepharvites burnt their children in flro 18 And have cast their gods into the flre 6 be made bis eod pass tlirougb the fiie FIRE 350 FIRE Job fsa. p ICi.23. 10 make liis son. .to-pass through the-flre 23. II burned the chariots of the sun with Are es- 9 every great', ihouse burnt he with fire I Ch.14.iB And. .their gods, .were burned with fire 21.26 he answered him from heaven by fire 3 Ch. 7. - 1 Are came down from heaven, and consu. 7., ■ .3 all . . Israel saw how the Are came down s8. 3 and burnt his thUdren in the fire, after 33. 6 to pass through the fire in the valley of 33. 13 A.nd they roasted the passover with fire" 36. 19 burnt all the palaces thereof with fire Neh. I. 3 the gates "thereof are burned with fire 2- 3> i3i 17 gates thereof, .consumed with fire! j2 in the night by a pillar of fire, to give 19 neither the pillar of fire by night, to shew 16 The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and 34 fire shall consume the tabernacles of brib. 5 and the spark of his fire shall not shine 26 a fire not blown shall consume him ; it 20 the remnant ol them the fire consumeth 5 and under it is turned up as it were fire 12 a fire (that) consumeth to destruction 19 go burning lamps, .sparks of fire leap out ! 6 he shall rain, .fire and brimstone, and an 8 fire out of his mouth devoured : coals 12 clouds passed, hail, .and coals of fire 13 gave his yoice ; hail . . and coals of fire 9 in his wrath, and the fire shall devour ■J voice of the Lord divideth . . flames of flre 3 while I was musing the flre burned 9 he bumeth the chariot in the fire. 3_a fire shall devour before him, ancl It i2"we went through flre and through water 2 as wax melteth before the flre, (.so) let 7 They have cast lire into thy sanctuary 14 and all the night with a light of fire 21 a Are was Idndled against Jacob, and 63 Tiie fire consumed their young men ; and 5 lORD?. .shall thy jealousy burn like flre ! 16 burnediwith fire, fit is) cut down : they 14 As the flre burnetii a wood, and as the 46 Lord ?. .shall thy wrath burn like firs? 3 A fire goeth before him, and bumeth up 4 Who maketh his ministers . . a flaming flre 32 He gave them, .flaming flre in their land 39 and flre to give light in the night 18 And a fire was kindled in their company 12 they are quenched as the fire of thorns 10 let them be cast into the flre ; into deep 8 Fire, and hail ; snow, and vapours ; stormy 27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his 27 and in his lips (there is) as a burning fire 20 Where no wood is. .the flre goeth out 21 (As), .wood to flre ; so (is) a contentious 16 and the flre (that) saith not, (It is) enough 6 the coals thereof (are) coals of fire 7 your cities (are) burned with flre : your 5 and the shining of a flaming flre by night 24 as the fire devoureth the stubble, and 5 but. .shall bo with burning, .fuel of flre 18 For wickedness burneth as the flre : it 19 people shall be as the fuel of the fire 16 a burning like the burning of a flre 17 the light of Israel shall be for a fire 11 fire of thine enemies shall devour them 6 tempest, and the flame of devouring flre 14 a sherd to take fire from the hearth 27 and his tongue as a devouring flre ■ 30 and (with) the flame of a devouring' flre 33 the pile thereof (is) fire and much wood 11 your breath, (as) /ire, shall devour you 12 (as) thorns, .shall they bo burned in the fi. 14 who . . shall dwell with the devouring fire? 19 And haVe cast their gods into the flre 2 when thou Walkest through the flre, thou 16 He bumeth part thereof in the fire ; with 19 I have burned part of it in the fire ; yea 14 Behold, .the flre shall bum them ; they II Behold, all ye that kindle a flre, that II walk in the light of your fire, and in the 16 smith that bloweth the coals in the flre 2 As (when) the melting flre bumeth, the fl. 11 our beautiful house . .is burnt up ivith flre 5 These (are) a smoke in my nose, a fire 15 behold, the Lord will come with fire 15 to render.. his rebuke with flames of flre 16 For by flre. .will the Lord plead with all 24 ireither shalt their fire be quenched ; and 4 lest my fury come forth like flre, and 14 I v/ill make my words in thy mouth flre 29 lead is consumed of the fire; the founder 18 the fathers kindle the fire, and the wom. 31 to bum . . their daughters in the fire 16 he hath kindled fire upon it, and the 14 for a fire is kindled in mine anger, (which) 4 for ye have kindled a fire in mine angi;r 27 then will I kindle afire in the gates there. 5 burn their sons vnth fire (for) burnt offe. 9 as a burning flre shut up m my bones 10 this city, .he shall burn it with flre 12 lest my fury go out like flre, and bum 14 I will kindle a flre in the forest thereof fee. 7 and they shall . . cast (them) into the flre 23. 59 (Is) not my word like as a fire 7 saith tho 29. 22 the king of Babylon roasted in the ftro 32. 29 Chaldeans . . shall come and set fire on this 34. 2 this city, .he shall burn it v/ith fire 34. 22 and they shall . . bum it with flre : and I 36. 23 he cut it. .and cast (it) in to the fire that 36. 23 until all the roll was consumed in the fl. 36. 32 which Jehoiakim . .had burnt in the fire 37. 8 Chald. shall come . . and bum it with firs 9- 9- I. 15- 18. 20. 22. 28. 31- /41. II. 18. 18. 18. 21. 29. 39- 46. SO. 66. 68. 74- 78. 78. 78. 79- 80. 83. 89. 97- 304. 105. 105. 106. 118. Z40. 148. Prov. 6. 16. 26. 26. 3°- Song 8. Isa. X. 4- 5- 9- 9- 9- 10. ID. 26. 29. SO- . SO- 33- 33- 33- 37- 43 44- <4- 47- 50. 50- 54- 64. 64. 65- 66- 6i>. 66- 66. Jer. 4- 5- 6. 7- 7- II. 15- 17- 17- 19- so. 21. 21. |SI- Jer. 37. 38. 38- 38. 39- 43- 43- 48. 49. 49- 50. SI- 51- Lam- I. Eze. 22. 23- 23. 24. 24. 28. 28. 28, so- so- so. sfi- 33- 38- 39- 39- .1^ 39- I>an. 10. Eos. 7. 8. Joel I. Amos I. 2. 5- Obad. ''■ Mxc. I. Nah. i'. 3- 3- Hab. 2. Zeph. I. 3- Zcch. s. 3- 9- IS- Mai. 3. 10 (yet) should they, .burn this city with flre 17 this city shall not be burned with flre 18 they shall burn it with fire, and thou 23~cause this city to be burned with fire 8 Chaldeans burned . . the houses . . with flre 12 I will kindle a fire in the houses of the 13 and the houses .. shall he burn with fire 45 a fire shall cohie forth out of Heshbon 2 and her daughters shall be burnt with fi. 27 will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus 32 I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it 32 the reeds they have burned with fire, and 58 her high gates shall be burned with flre 58 folk in the fire, and they shall be weary 13 and all the houses, .burned he with fire 13 From above hath he sent fire into my bo. 3 burned against Jacob like a flaming flro 4 he stood, .he poured out his fury like fl. 11 hath kindled a fire in Zion, and it hath 4 a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself 4 of amber, out of the midst of the fire 13 like burning coals of flre, (and) like the 13 the flre was bright, and out of the flre 27 I saw. .the appearance of flre round 27 I saw, as it were the appearance of fire 4 cast them into the midst of the flre, and 4 burn them in the flre ; (for) thereof shall 4 flre come forth into.all the house of Israel 2 lo, a likeness as the appearance of fire 2 from the appearance of his loins . . fire 2 and flU thine hand with coals of fire from 6 Take fire from between the wheels, from 7 the fire that (was) between tho cherubim 4 it is cast into the fire, .the flre devoureth 5 when the flre hath devoured it, and it is 6 which I have given to the flre for fuel 7 go out from (one) flre, and (another) flre 41 they shall bum thine houses with flre 12 and withered ; the fire consumed them 14 flre is gone out of a rod of her branches 31 make your sons to pass through the flre 47 Behold, I will kindle a flre in thee, and 31 I will blow against thes in the flre of my 32 Thou Shalt be for fuel to the flre ; thy 20 to blow the fire upon it, to melt (it) ; so 21 blow upon you in the flre of my wrath 31 1 have consumed them with the fire of 25 thy residue shall be devoured by the flre 47 and bum up their houses with fire 10 Heap on wood, kindle the flre, consume 12 wearied, .her scum (shall be) in the flre 14 walked, .in the midst of the stones of flre 16 from the midst of the stones of fire 18 therefore will I bring forth a flre from 8 when I have set a flre in Egypt, and 14 -ivill set fire in Zoan, and will execute 16 I vrill set flre in Egypt : Sin shall have 5 in the fii'e of my jealousy have I spoken 19 in the flre of my wrath have I spoken 22 and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone 6 I will send a fire on Magog, and among 9 shall set on flre and bum the weapons 10 they shall burn the weapons with firo 6 his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms 6 the morning it burneth as a flaming fire 14 but I will send a fire upon his cities 19, 20 the fire hath devoured the pastures of 3 A fire devoureth before them ; and behind 5 a flame of flre that devoureth the stubble 30 show, .blood, and fire, and pillars of sm. 4 I will send a fire into the house of Hazael 7, 10 1 will send a flre on the wall of 12 I will send a flre upon Teman, which 14 I will kindle a flre in the wall of Kabbah 2, 5 But I ■\vill send a fire, .and it shall dev. 6 lest he break out like fire in the house of 4 the Lord God called to contend by fire 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a flre 4 as wax before the fire, (and) as the waters 7 the hires, .shall be burned with the flre 6 his fury is poured out like fire, and the 13 Behold, .the flre shall devour thy bars 15 There shall the fire devour thee ; the sw. 13 the people shall labour in the very fire 18 shall be devoured by the flre of his jealo. 8 shall be devoured with the fire of my jea. 5 For I . . will be . . a wall of fire round about 2 not this a brand plucked cut of the flre ? 4 Behold, .she shall be devoured ivith fire 1 Open thy doors, .that the fire may devour 6 like an hearth of fire .among the wood 6 like a torch of fire in a sheaf ; and they 9 I will bring the third part through the fi. 2 like a refiner's flre, and like fullers' soap S.Fire, n^t< eshshah.- Jer. 6. 29 the lead is consumed of the flre ; the fo. i. Burning, rriy? heerah. Exod22. 6 he that kindled tho flre shall surely make h.Fire, "i» nur.- Dan. 3. 22 the flame of the flre slew those men that 3- 24 Did not we cast three men. .into, .the fl.? 3. 25 four men. .walking in the midst of the fl. 3. 26 came forth of the midst of the fire 3. 27 upon whose bodies the fire had no power 3. 27 nor the smell of firo had passed on them 7. 9 fiery flame.. his wheels (as) burning fire G.Mre, mp pur. Matt. 3. 10 tree. .13 hewn down, and cast into the flre. 3. 11 baptize youVith the Holy Ghost, and. .fire Matt- 3. 12 burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire 5- 22 Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire 7. 19 tree, .is hewn down, and cast Ji^to 13. 40 As. .the tares are. .burned in the flre; so 13. 42 shall cast them into a furnace of fire 13. 50 shall cast them into the furnace of fire 17. 15 for oft times he falleth into the fire, and 18. 8 two feet to be cast into everlas'ing fire 18. 9 haWng two eyes to be cast into hell fiie 25.41 Depart from me., into everlasting flre Mark 9. 22 oft times it hath cast him into the fire 9- 43. 45 [tbe flLre that shall never be q-uenched) 9. 44, 46, 48 [and the flre is not quenched] 9. 47 having two eyes to be cast intohell[flre] 9. 49 For every one shall be salted with fire Luke 3. 9 tree, .is hewn down, and cast into the flre 3. 16 baptize . .with the Holy Ghost and with fl. 3. 17 tho chaff ho will bum with fireunquench. 9. 54 that we command fire to come down from 12- 49 I am come to send flre on the earth 17. 29 it rained flre and brimstone from heaven 22. 55 when they had kindled a flre in the midst Johms- 6 men. .cast..intothefire, and they are bur. icts 2. 3 cloven tongues like as of flre, and it sat 2. 19 blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke 7. 30 an angel . . in a fiame of fire in a bush 28. 5 he shook off the beast into the fire, and Horn. 12. 20 thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head 1 Co. 3. 13 because it shall be revealed by flre 3. 13 the fire shall try every man's work of 3. 15 himself shall be saved ; yet so as by flre 2 Th. I. 8 In flaming flre taking vengeance on them Heb. I. 7 Who maketh . .his ministers a flame of fL 11. 34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped f2. 18 the mount, .that burned with flre, nor 12. 29 For our God (is) a consuming fire Jas. 3. 5 how great a matter a little fire kindleth ! 3. 6 the tongue (is) a fire, a world of iniquity S. 3 and shall eat your flesh were flre 1 Pe. I. 7 your faith.. though it be tried with flre 2 Pe. 3. 7 reserved unto fire against the day of Jude 7 suft'ering the vengeance of eternal fire 23 pulling, .out of the fire ; hating even .the Pev. I. 14 and his eyes (were) as a flame of fire 2. 18 who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire 3. 18 to buy of me gold tried in the flre 4. s seven lamps of fire burning before the 8. 5 filled it with fire of the altar, and cast 8. 7 there followed hail and fire mingle.d with 8- 8 a great mountain burning [with fire] was 9. 17 out of their mouths issued flre and smoko 9. 18 by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the 10. I mighty angel . . his feet as- pillars of fire 11. 5 fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and 13. 13 so that he maketh fire come down from h. 14- 10 he shall be tormented with flre and brim. 14. 18 another angel., which had power over fire IS- 2 as it were a sea of glass mingled with flrs 16. 8 given unto him to scorch men with flre 17. 16 shall cat her flesh, and bum her withfira 18- 8 she shall be utterly burned with fire 19. 12 His ej'es. .as a flame of fire, and on his 19. 20 both were cast alive into a lake of fire 20. 9 flre came down from God out of heaven 20. 10 the devO. .was cast into the lake of .fire zo. 14 And death and hell were cast into . . fire 20. 15 not found., was cast into the lake of fire 21. 8 in the lake which burneth with flre and 7. Fire, pyre, irvpd pura. Acts 28. 2 for they kindled a fire, and received U3 28. 3 And when Paul, .laid (them) on the firo S.Zight, (pZs pJios. Marki4. 54 he sat. .and warmed himself at the fira Luke 22.56 maid beheld him as he sat by the firo FIRE, to be en — To be set on fire, puroomat. 2 Pe. 3. 12 wherein the heavens being on flre shall FIRE, of — Offire,fiexy, iripivot purinos. Kev. g. 17 having breastplates ol fire, and of jacintli FIRE, to set or be set on — \.To kindle, burn, n^; yatsath, 5. 2 Sa. 14. 31 have thy servants set my field on fire? 2.T0 set on fire, bum, an^ lahat, 3. Deut 32. 22 and set on fire the foundations of the m Psa. 57. 4 (even among) them that are set on firo 83. 14 the fiame setteth the mountains on fire Isa. 42. 25 and it hath set him on fire round about 8. To set in a blaze, Kum u. 22 or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered 1 Ki 4. 33 he spake also of beasts, .and of fishes 2 Ch. 33. 14 even to the entering in at the fish gate Neh. 3. 3 the fish gate did the sons of Hassenaali 12. 39 And from . . above the fish gate . . even unto Job 12. 8 the fishes of the sea shall declare unto 41. 7 Canst thou fill. .his head with fish spears? Psa. 8. 8 The fowl of the air, and the fish of tlie 9. 12 as the fishes that are taken in an evil net 38. 20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls 4. 3 the fishes of the sea also shall be taken I. 17 Lord had prepared a great fish to swaUow 1. 17 Jonah was in the belly of the fish three 2. 10 Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited I. 14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea I.- 3 I will consume, .the fishes of the sea, and I. 10 the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and 3, Fish, nji dagah. Gen. I. 26, 28 have dominion over the fish of the sea Eiod 7. 18 And the fish that (is) in the river shall 7. 21 And the fish that (was) in the river died Numii. 5 We remember the fish which we did eat Deut. 4. 18 likeness of any fish that (is) in the waters Tsa. 105. 29 turned . . waters into bipod, and slew .. fish Isa. 50. 2 their fishstinketh, because, .no water, and Eze. 29. 4 I will cause the fish of the rivers to stick 29. 4 all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto 29. 5 leave, ithee and all the fish of thy rivers 47. 9 there shall be a. .great multitude of fish 47. 10 their fish shall be according to their kinds 47. 10 as the fish of the great sea, exceeding Jon. 2. I Then Jonah prayed., out of the fish's belly A. Soul, breathing creature, K'JJ nephcsh. Isa. ig. 10 all that makg sluices (and) ponds for fish 6. Fish, IxSis ichthus. , Watt. 7. 10 if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpe.? 14. 17 We have here, .five loaves, and two fishes 14. 19 took the five loaves, and the two fishes 15. 36 he took the seven loaves and the fishes 17. 27 and take up the fish that first cometh up Uark 6. 38 they knew, they say. Five, and two fishes 6. 41 had taken the five loaves and the tv/o fish. 6. 41 the two fishes divided he among them all 6. 43 lull of the fragments, and of the fishes 5. 6 they inclosed a great multitude of fishes 5. 9 draught of the fishes which they had taken g. 13 We have, .but five loaves and two fishes g. 16 he took the five loaves and the two fishes II. II or If . .a fish, will he for a fish give him 24. 42 they gave him a piece of a broiled fish John2i. 6 able to draw it for the multitude of fishes 21. 8 came, .dragging the net with fishes 21. II drew the net to land full of great fishes I Co. 15. 39 another of fishes (and) another of birds 6.v4 little or small fish, o'^ipiov opsarion. John 6. II likewise of the fishes as much as they 21. 9 they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid 21. 10 Bring of the fish which ye have now can. 21. 13 cometh, and taketh brtsd. . and fish like w. nSH, little or small — l..<4 little or small fish, IxBvStov ichtkudion. Matt 15. 34 they said. Seven, and a few little fishes Mark 8. 7 they had a few small fishes : and he bles. 2.4 little or small fish, o^apiov opsarion. John 6. 9 five barley loaves, and two small fishes riSH, to — To fish, y^, dig Jer. 16. 16 for many fishers, .and they shall fish them riSH hook — Fish hook, thorn, njn Tp sir dugah. Amos 4. 2 will take . . your posterity with fl^h hooks nSHER — I.Fisher, :n davi'ag. Jer. '16. 16 I will send for many fishers, saith the L. Eze. 47. 10 the fishers shall stand upon it from E.-g. ^.Fisher, 3;^ dayyag. . Isa. 19. 'i The fishers also shall mourn, and all they i.Fisher, a\ievs halieus. Matt. 4. 18 a net into the sea ; for they Tvere fishers 353 FIVE Luke Mait. 4. 19 and I will make you fishers cf men Slark I. 16 a uct into the sea : for tliey were fisherg I. 17 and I will make you. .fishers o. meu FISHER'S coat — A lunic, cloak, (ireySvTris cpcndutts. John2i. 7 he girt (his) fisher's coat, .for he was naked FISHERMAN — Fisher, aKiivs halieus. Luke 5. 2 but the fishermen were gone out of tliera FISHING, a — To fish, aKieiu haliev.o. John2i. 3 Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing FISHPOOL — Blessing, pool, pona, .13-13 bcrckah. Song 7. 4 thine eyes.! the flshpools in Heshbon nsT — I. Fist, I^JN egroph. Exod2i. 18 and one smite another.. with (his) fist Isa. 58. 4 and to smite with the fist of wickedness 2. Two hands, fists, DUtn chojihnayim. Prov.30. 4 who hath gatliercd the wind in his fists ? FIT — \. Ready, fit, opportune, 'ny Mi. Lev. 16. 21 by the hand of a fit man Into the wilder. i.Well or conveniently placed, eCOfros euilLctos. Luke 9. 62 Neman, .looking back, is fit for the kin. 14. 3S It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for 3. Coming down, becoming, suitable, KaB-OKoy kath. Acts 22. 22 Away with such, .for it is not [fit] that he FIT, to — 1. To do, .Ty;; asah. Isa. 44. 13 ho flttoth it with planes, and he maxketh 2. To make fillly ready, KaTapTiC<^ katartizo. Rom. 9. 22 the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction FIT, to be — To come up, .he becoming, suitable, avriKw aneko. Col. 3. 18 submit yourselves., as it is fit in the Lord FIT, to make — To make ready, iny alhad, 3. Prov 24. 27 and make it fit for thyself in the field FITCHES — \. Prickly, spelt, nj03 kussemcth. Eze. 4. 9 Take thou also unto thee . . fitches, and put "i,. Black cumin, n^^ qetsach. Isa. 28. 25 doth he not cast .abroad the fitches, and 28. 27 the fitches are not threshed with a thres. 28. 27 the fitches are beaten out with a staff FITLY — \,At fit times or circumstances, D^JflK"?!) al ophna,. Prov 25. II Awordfltly spoken (is like) apples of gold 2. On the fillings up, n^.^P^by al milleeth. Song 5. 12 His eyes, .washed with milk., fitly set FITTED — To be made straight, T^; yashar, 4. I Ki. 6. 35 with gold fitted upon the carved work FITTED, to be — To be prepared, set tip, establislied, Jia hun, 2. Prov 22. 18 they shall withal be fitted in thy lips FIVE — l.Five, •is'.pn, dan chamishshah, ckamcsh. Gen. 5. 6 Seth lived an hundred and five years 5. II days of Enos were nine hundred and five S. 15 And Mahalaleel lived si.xty and five years S. 17 were eight hundred ninety and five years 5. 21 Enoch lived sixty and five years, and ^ 5. 23 were three hundred sixty and five years 5. 30 five hundred ninety and five years 5. 32 And Noah was five hundred years old II. II Shem lived, .five hundred j'ears, and II. 12 Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and 11. 32 were two hundred and five years : and T. 12. 4 Abram. .seventy and five years old when 14. 9 king of EUasar ; four kings with five 18. 28 Peradventure there shall lack five of the 18. 28 wilt thou destroy all. .for (lack of) five t 18. 28 If I find there forty and five, I will not ♦3- 34 ^'^5 fi^^ times so much as any of theirs 45. 6 yet. .five years, in the which, .neither 45. II for yet. .five years of famine; lest thou 45. 22 to Benjamin, .five changes of raiment 47, 2 he took some of his bretlircn. .five men E.xod22. I he shall restore five oxen for an ass 26. 3 The curtains shall be coupled toge. 26. 3 and.. five curtains .. coupled one to anot. 26. 9 thou shalt couple five curtains by thems. 26. 26 five for the boards of the one side of the 26. 27, 27 five bars for the boards of the 26. 37 make . . five pillars . . and . . cast five sockets 27. I five cubits long, and five cubits broad 27. 18 the height five cubits (of) fine twined Un. 30. 23 Take, .of pure myrrh five hundred 30. 24 And of cassia five hundred, .after the 36. 10 he coupled the five curtains one unto 36. 10 five curtains he coupled one unto anot. 36. 16 he coupled five curtains by themselves 36- 31 five for the boards of the one side of the 36 3S, 32 five bars for the boards of th« £xod36. 36- 38. 38. 33- 38. 26. 27- =7- Num. I. Lev. 3- 3- 4- 7- [So In 8. II. 18. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 3«- 3'- 31- 3'- 3'- 3'- 3'- Josh. 8. 10. 10. 10. 10. '3- 14. Judg. 3. )8. 18. 18. I Sa. 6. 6. 6. 17- 17- 21. 32. = 5- »S- > Sa. 4. 21. =4- iKi. 4. 6. 6. 6. 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 9- 3Ki. ;Ch. 2Ch. 3- 4- 4- 7- 7- 11. 20. J- 3- 3- 3- 4- 4- 6. '3- 33 the five pillars of it with Hieir hooka 38 l)ut their five sockets (were of) brass 1 five cubits.. the length.. and live cubits 18 the height in the brcadtli (was) D\e cuB 26 tlirce tliousand and five hundred and flf. 23 of tlie..five..he made hooks for the pill.' 8 five of you shall chase an liundred, and 5 from five years old even unto Iwcuy )ea, 6 from a month old even unto five years 6 shall be of the m;ile five shekels of 21 forty and six thousand and five hundred 25 of Gad, (were) forty and five thfiusaud 33 of Ephraim.. forty thousand and five liu. 37 of Benjamin, .thirty and five thousand 41 forty and cue thousand and five hundred 46 tlu-ee thousand and five hundred and fit. 11 forty and six thousand and five hundred 15 forty and five tliou-sand and six liundied ig his host, forty thousand and five hui'd. 23 thirty and five thousand and four hunj. 28 forty and one thousand and five hnndi.,''. 32 three thousand and five hundred ainl f.f 22 (were) seven thousand and five hu'idrcl 50 three hundred and threcscoie and five 48 were eight thousand and five liumlrcd 17 five rams, five he goats, Ave Jambs of tho V. 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83 ] 24 from twenty and five years old and 19 Ye shall not cat one day. .nor five d.-iys 16 for the money of five shekels, after the 18 of Gad . . forty thousand and five hundred 22 and sixteen thousand and five hundred 27 threescore thousand and five hundred 37 thirty and two thousand and five hund. 41 forty and five thousand and six hundred 50 forty and five thousand and four hundred 8 and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midlan 28 one soul of five hundred, .of the persona 32 seventy thousand and five thousand she. 36 thirty thousand and five hundred sheep 39 (were) thiity thousand and five hundred 43 seven thousand and five hundred sheep 45 thirty thousimd asses and five hundred 12 And he took about five thousand men 5 Therefore the five kings of the Amorites 16 these five kings fled, and hid theniselvea 17 The five kings are found hid in a cave at 22 bring out those five kings unto me out ot 23 brought forth those five kings unto hira 26 slew them, and hanged them on five trees 3 five lords of the Pliilistines ; the Gazat. 10 forty and five years, fourscore and flvo 3 five lords of the Philistines, and all tho 2 Dan sent of their family five men from 7 the five men departed, and came to Laish 14 Then answered the five men that went to 17 the five men that went to spy out the 35 twenty and five thousand and an hundred 45 they gleaned of them, .five thousand mea 46 twenty and five thousand men that drew 4 Five golden emerods, and five golden mi. i6 when the five lords of the I'hilislines had 18 all th» cities., (belonging) to the flvelord^ 5 the weight, .(was) five thousand shekels 40 And he.. chose him five smooth stonea 3 give (me) five (loaves of) bread in niiua 1 3 slew on that day fourscore and five per. i3 five slieep ready dressed, and five measu. 42 with five damsels of lieri that went alter 4 He was five years old v.-licn the tidings 8 five sons of Slichal the daughter of Saul g of Judah..fivehun'.bed thousand men 32 and his songs were a thousand and fi^o 6 The neithermost chamber (was) fi\e cu. 10 he built chambers.. five cubits high 24 five cubits, .the one. and five cubits Iha 3 (lay) on forty five pillars, fifteen (in) a 16 the height. .five cubits, .height.. five 23 his heiglit (was) five cubits; and a line of 3g he put five bases on the right side of tho 3g and five on the left side of the house 49 five on the right, .and five on the left 23 five hundred and fifty, which bare rulo 42 Jehoshaphat (was) thirty and fi>e years 42 he reigned twenty and five years in Jer 25 fourth part of a cab. .for five (pieces) of 13 take, I pray thee, five of the horses that ig Thou shouldest have smitten five or six 3 He was twenty and five years old when 33 Five and twenty years old was he when 2 Twenty and five years old was he when 35 an hundred fourscore and five thousand 1 and reigned fifty and five years in Jems. 36 Jehoiakim (was) twenty and five jears old ig five men of them that were in tbe king's 4 AH the sons of Judah (were) five 6 and Calcol, and Dara : five of them In 20 OheL.and Hasadiah, Jushab-hescd, I've 32 Rimmon, and Tochen, and Ashan, five el. 42 five hundred men, went to mount Seir 3 Joel, Ishiah, five : all of them chief men 7 and Vzziei, and Jerimoth, and Iri, five 23 he slew an Egypti.-in..five cubits high 7 And gave, .of gold five thousand talents 11 one wng. .five cubits, .other wing, .five 12 wing of the other, live cubits, .five cub. 15 two pill.irs ef thirty and five cubits high 15 the chapiter, .of each, (was) five cubits 2 a molten sea. .five cubits the height ther, 6, 7, 8 fire on the right hand, and live on 13 of fire cubits long, and five cuhits broad 17 fell five hundred thousand chosen m^i 45 FIVE 354 FLiBD » Ch.T5. 19 the Ave and tliirtieth year of the reign of 20, 31 thirty aiul five years old wlien he began so. 31 he reigned twenty and Ave years in Jer. 25. I Amaziah (was) twenty and five years oii 26. 13 and seven thousand and five hundred 27. 1 Jotliara (was) twenty and five years old 27. 8 He was Ave and twenty years old when 29. I Hezekiah. .(was) five and twenty years 33. I he reigned llfty and five years in Jer. 35. 9 five thousand, .and live hundred oxen 36. 5 Jehoiakira (was) twenty and five years old Ezra I. II vessels, .flvo thousand and four hundred 2. 5 of Arah, seven hundred seventy and five 2. 8 of Zattu, nine hundred forty and five 2. 20 The children of Gibbar, ninety and five 2. 33 of Lod. .seven hundred twenty and five 2. 34 of Jericho, three hundred forty and five 2. 66 their mules, two hundred forty and five 2. 67 camels, four hundred thirty and five 2. 69 five thousand pounds of silver, and one Weh. 7. 13 of Zattu, eight hundred forty and five 7. 20 of Adin, six hundred fifty and five 7. 25 The children of Gibeou, ninety and five 7. 36 Jericho, three hundred forty and five 7. 67 two hundred forty and five singing men 7, 68 their mules, two hundred forty and five 7. 69 camels, four hundred thirty and five 7. 70 five hundred and thirty priests' garments Esth. 9. 6 th.e Jews . . destroyed five hundred men 9. 12 Jews have, .destroyed five hundred men 9. 16 of their foes seventy and five thousand Job I. 3 and five hundred yoke of oxen, and I. • 3 five hundred she asses, and a very great Isa. 7. 8 withiu threescore and five years shall 17. 6 five in the outmost fruitful branches 19. 18 In that day shall five cities in the land of 30. 17 at the rebuke of five shall ye flee : till 37. 36 a hundred and fourscore and five thous. Jer. 52. 22 and the height of one. .(was) five cubits 52. 30 seven hundred forty and five persons 52. 31 in the five and twentieth .. of the month Eze. 8. 16 about five and twenty men, with their 11. I at the door of the gate five and twenty 40. I In the five and twentieth year of our cap. 40. 7 between the little chambers, .five cubits 40. 13 the breadth (was) five and twenty cubits 40. 21, 25 and the breadth five and twenty cubits 40. 29 fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cu. 40. 30 five and twenty cubits long, and five cub. 40. 33 fifty cubits long, and five and (wenty cub. 40. 36 and the breadth five and twenty cubits 40. 48 five cubits on this side, and five cubits on 41. 2 five cubits on the one side, and five cubits 41. 9 The thickness of the wall, .(was) five cub. 41. II breadth of the place, .(was) five cubits 41. 12 the wall of the building (was) five cubits 42. 16, 17, 18, 19 He measured, .five hundred re. 42. 20 five hundred, .long, and five hundred br. 45. I the length of five and twenty thousand 45. 2 five hundred, .with five hundred .. square 45. 3 the length of five and twenty thousand, 45. 5 the five and twenty thousand of length 43. 6 possession of the city five thousand broad 45. 6 and five and twenty thousand long 45. 12 twenty shekels, 'five and twenty shekels 48. 8, 9, 10, 13, 15 five and twenty thousand 48. 15 Andtheflve thousand (that are) left in the 48. 16, 16, 16, 16, 30, 33, 34 four thousand and flvo 48. 20 five and twenty thousand by five and 48. 21, 21 over against the five and twenty thou. Dan. 12. 12 three hundred and five and thirty days 2. Five, ireVre pente. Matti4. 17 AVe have here but five loaves, and two fl. 19 took the five loaves, and the two fishes 9 remember the five loaves of the five thou. 2 five of them were wise, and five . . foolish 15 unto one he gave five talents, to another 16 he that had received the five talents went 16 traded, .and made, .other five talents 20 And so he that had received five talents 20 came and brought other five talents 20 thou deliveredst. .five, .have gained, .flvft 38 when they knew, they say. Five, and two 41 when he had taken the five loaves and the 8. 19 When I brake the five loaves among five Luke I. 24 his wife . . hid herself five months, saying 9. 13 We have no more but five loaves and two 9. 16 Then he took the five loaves and the two 12. 6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farth.? 12. 52 there shaH be five in one house divided 19 I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go 28 I have five brethren ; that he may testify i8 Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds ig And he said. .Be thou also over five cities 18 thou hast had five husbands; and he 2 is called . . Betheada, having five porches g which hath five barley loaves, and two 13 the fragments of the five barley loaves 19 Sp when they had rowed about five and 4 and the number, .was about five thousand 6 and came unto them to Troas in five days 24. I after five days Ananias . . descended with I C0.14. 19 Yet. .1 had rather speak five words with Kev. 9. 5 they should be tormented five months 9. 10 their power (was) to hurt men five months 17. 10 there are seven kings : five are fallen, and TiYE aprieee — /■'tee fivt, JiB'pn riK'pn chamesheth chamesheth. Ifum 3. 47 xiiou sh!alt. .take five shekels apiece by 14- 16. =5- 25. 25- as- 25- 25- 25- Mark 6. 6. 14. j6. 19. 19 John 4. 5- 6. 6. 6. 4- Acts ITVE times — Five times, ir^vrdKH pentalds. 2 Co. II. 24 Of the Jews five times received I forty FIX, to — To set fast, crTT)piXt5 r.atsa. Jer. 48. 9 Give wings untc lloab, that It may fico I.Toflxe out, it: but will fiee from JO. 12 he that is an hireling, .fleeth: and the 10. 13 The hireling fleeth, because he. .cartth Acts 7. 29 Then fled Moses at this sijing, and was 27. 30 as the shipmen wers about to flee out of I Co. 6. i3 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man xu 14 my deai'ly beloved, flee from idolatry 1 TL 6. II tVou. O man of God, flee these things sTL a. :;.' vouthful lusts : but follow Ja.?, 4. - wCviL and he will flee from you Eev. 9. c - , i death shall flee from them 13. ' 6 tile rt'oman fled into the wUdcraees, where FLEB apace, to — To move, -,cc-.dcr, fix away, "nj nadad. Psa. 63. 13 Kinga ci csmloa did fle« apacs ; cod sba FITS c-^rcy, to — 1. To flee, n^:) iaracA, Gen. 31. 27 Vvtcreforo didst thon flee ewaj secretly Job J. 25i2y d3y3..th3yC;eaway,they seenoBOod Am33 7. ij Lice thee away into tho land of Juda^ 2. To move, 'j:zr.dcr, fl^ away, "n j nadad, 36. Kab. 3. 17 whan the cun ariseth tiiey flee away, and 2. To move tzlf off, tij nadad, 7a. Psa. 64. 8 all ihat sec them shall flee away 4. To fl^e, nj nua. Judg. 4. 17 Siicra fled away on his feet to the tent of Song 2. 17 Vnt!l..the shadowj flco away, tarn, my 4. fi Until, .the shadows flee away, I will get Isa. 33. to and sorrow and sighing shall flee away 51. II sorrow and mourning shall flee away Jer 46. 6 Let not tho swiit flee &*ay, nor the 46. 21 they also are tamed. .are fled away tog. Amos 2. 16 among the mighty shall flee away n&ked 9. I of i±cm shall not See away, and he that Tfah. 2. S yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand 5. To fl£S fc-rth, pj n^iis. l.'r->. 4. 15 when they fled away and wandered, they G.Toflee, be Kcaiy, fj^p upK Nah. 3. 16 the cinkerworm spoflcth.and fleeth away 7. To flee, ^tiya pheugS. Eev. j6. 2o every island fled away, and the moun. 2C. II from whose face, .the heaven Scd away FIES tcfcre, to — To gc ar ojotc be/ore, t:"S qadam, 3. Jon. 4. 2 Therefore I fied before onto Tarshish IXE3 lar, to — To he far off, iSn\ Toehaq, Job 33. 10 They abhor me, they flee (arfrom me, and FIES to tlic, to — To ccrccT cclf, n-j hacch, 3. Pca.143. 9 Lc:il)..Ifiec cato thco tohiflama PLUS, to mska — 1. To cause iof^cs, rr.:} barach, 5. Job 41. 23 T~i: crrcw cannot make him flee : sling 2. To cauzz to flc:, m nus, 5. Exod. 9. 2o lie. .made his servants and his cattle flee FLEE, \7Zj to — Refuge (pZccs of), flight, biin manes. Jer. 25. 35 the siSB^herds shall have no way to flee TT.T-RfTg — 1. Fleece, morcings of grass, 15 gez. Deut 18. 4 the flrst of the fleece of thy sheep, shall Job 31. 20 (not) warmed with the fleece of my sheep 2.ncece, TTuncings of grass, nj3 gizzah. Judg. 6. 37 I will put a fleece of wool in the floor 6. 37 if the dew be on the fleece only, and< 6. 38 for he. .thrust the fleece together, and 6. 38wTingeJ the dew out of the fleece, a bowl 6. 39 let me prove . . this once with the fleece 6. 39 let it now be dry snly upon the fleece 6. 40 for it was dry upon the fleece only, and FLE3IHG — 1. night, ncrtM mer.nsaTi. Lev. 26. 36 ttey shall flee, as Seeing from a sword 2.T0, DJ nus. Deut. 4. 42 and that fleeing tmio one. .he might live Z.TofUe, ft; c-raq. Job 30. 3 fleeing into the wilderness in former time iXKETH, that — One fleeing, C"? nis. Jer. 43. 44 He that fleeth frt)m the fear shall fall int« IXESH — \. Flesh, "^J basar. Gen. 2. 21 he. .closed nc the flesh instead thcrcol 2. 23 said. This (is) now. .fleahfof my flesh!: she 2. 24 unto his wife: and they snail b; one flesh 6. 3 strive with man, for that he aleo (is) Sesh 6. 12 for a^ flesh had corrupted his way upon 6. 13 The end of all flesh is come before me 6. 17 waters upon tho earth, to destroy all flesh 6. iq .^d of every living thing of aU flesh, two 7. 13 of aU ficsh, wherein (is) the breath of lif» 7 16 went in male and female of all flesh, aa 7 31 all flesh died that moved upon the eartb 8. 17 all fiesh. (both) cf fowl, and of cattle, and q. 4 fisiii with the :if 3 . shall ye not eat 9. II neither shall all flesh be cut off any more g. 13 you and every living creature of all flesh 9. 15 no mere become s flood to destroy all fle. 9. -6 and ever\- living creature O! lil flesh that 9. 17 ms and ail fiesh that 4- 16. £8. -32. JuQg. 6. 6. 6. 6, 8. ,9. iSa 11 ciroiimoiae the fiesh of your foreskin; and 13 my covenant shall be in your flesh for an 14 man child whose fiesh . . is not circuincised 23 circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in 24, 25 when he was circumcised in the flesh 14 Surely thou (art) my bone.and my flesh 27 for he (is) our brother (and) our flesh 19 the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee 7 it was turned again as his (other) Hesh 8 they shall eat the flesh in that mght 46 thou Shalt not carry forth, .flesh abroad 3 when we sat by the flesh pots, (and) when 8 the Lord shall give you . . flesh to eat, and 12 saying. At even ye shall eat flesh, and in 28 and his flesh shall not be eaten ; but the 31 neither shall ye eat (any) flesh (that is) 14 fiesh of the bullock . . ahalt thou burn with 31 and seethe his flesh in the holy place 32 Aaron and Ms sons shall eat the flesh of 34 And if ought of the flesh . . remain unto the 32 Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured II and all his flesh, with his head, and with 10 breeches shall he put upon his flesh, and 27 Whatsoever shall touch the flesh thereof 15, 18 the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace 17 remainder of the flesh, .shall be burnt 19 the flesh that-toucheth anyunclean (thing) 19 as for the flesh, all that be clean shall eat 20, 21 flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings 17 But the bullock, and his hide, his flesh 31 Boil the flesh (at) the door of the tabem. 32 And that which remaineth of the flesh 11 the flesh and the hide he burnt with fire 8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their II ye shall not eat of then- flesh, but ye shall 3 flesh of liis foreskin shall be circumcised 2 shall have in the skin of his fiesh a rising 2 and it be in the skin of hisilesh (like) the 3 on the plague in the skin of the flesh 3 (be) deeper than the skin of his flesh, it 4 spot (be) white in the skin of his flesh 10 (there be) quick raw flesh in the rising 11 an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh 13 the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he 14 But when raw flesh appeareth in him, he 15 And the priest shall see the raw flesh, and 15 the raw flesh (is) unclean : it (is) a leprosy 16 Or if the raw flesh turn again, .he shall 18 The flesh also, in which, .was a boil, and 24 Or if there be (any) flesh, in the skin 38 in the skin of their flesh bright spots 39 bright spots in the skin of their flesh 43 the leprosy, .in the skin of the flesh 9 also he shall wash his flesh in water, and 2 hath a running issue out of his flesh 3 whether his flesh run. .or his flesh be 7 he that toucheth the flesh of him that 13 shall, .bathe his flesh in running water 16 then he shall wash all his flesh in water 19 if. .her issue in her flesh be blood 4 have the linen breeches upon his flesh 4 therefore shall he wash his fiesJi in water 24 he shall wash his flesh with water in the 26. 28 And he . shall . »bathe his flesh in wat. 27' tlieyi shall burn in the fire, .their flesh ' 11 For the life of the flesh (is) in the blood 14 For (it is) the life of all flesh ; the blood 14 shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh 14 for the life of all flesh (is) the blood the. 16 if he wash (them) not, nor bathe his flesh 28 any cuttings in your flesh for the dead 5 nor make any cuttings in their flesh 6 unless he wash his flesh with water 29 eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh 7 and let them shave all their flesh, and -4 and said, Wlio shall give us flesh to eat ? 13 Whence should 1 have flesh to give unto 13 saying. Give us flesh, that we may eat 18 ye shall eat flesh : for ye have wept in 18 saying, Who shall give us fiesh to eat? 18 therefore the Lord v/ill give you flesh, and 21 thou hast said, I will give them flesh 33 the flesh (was) yet between their teeth 12 of whom the flesh is half consumed when 22 the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall 15 that openeth the matrix in all flesh 18 the flesh of them shall be thine, as the 5 her skin, and her flesh, and her blood 7 and he shall bathe his flesh in water 8 And he . . shall . . bathe his flesh in water i5 God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man 26 who (is there of) all flesh, that hath heard 1 c tliou mayest . . eat fiesh in all thy gates 20 thou Shalt say, I will eat flesh, (because 20 longeth to eat flesh,) thou mayest eat flesh 23 mayest not eat the life with the flesh 27 thou Shalt offer, .the flesh and. .blood 27 thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh 8 ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch 4 neither shaU. .flesh, .remain all night 53 thou shalt eat. .the flesh of thy sons an(f 55 that ho will not give, .of the flesh of his 42 and my sword shall devour flesh ; (and 19 the flesh he put in a basket, and he 20 Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes 21 Then the angel, .touched the flesh and 21 flre. .consumed the flesh and the unleav. 7 I will tear your flesh with the thorns 2 also that I (am) your bone and your flesh i3"while the flesh was 'in seething, with a IS said. -Give flesh to roast for the priest 13 he will not have soddeu flesh of thoe, but I 1 Sa. 17. a Sa. 5. 19. X K1.17. 17- 19. 21. 2Ki. 4. 5- 5- 6 ^ 5- z Ch.ii. 2 Ch.32. Neh. 5. Job 2. 4- 6. 7- 10. 10. 13- 14. 19. 19. 19. 21. 31- 33- 33- 34- Psa. 16. 27- 38. BO- 63- 65. 78. 79- 84. 109. 119. 136. '45- Prov. 4. 5- 14. 23- Eccl. 4. 5- II. 12. Isa 9. 17- Jer. 17- 19. 19. 19. 25- 32. Lam. 3. £ze. 4 16. Dan. Hos. 8. Joel 2. Mio. 3. Hag. 2. Zech. 2. 44 I vrill give thy flesh unto the fowls of tio I Behold, we (are) thy bone and thy flesh 12 my brethren, ye (are) my bones and my fl. 13 (Art) thou not of rny bone, and of my fl.? 6 the ravens brought him bread and flesh 6 bread and flesh in the evening ; and he 21 boiled their flesh . . and gave unto the pe. 27 ,that he . . put sackcloth upon his flesh, and 34 and the flesh of the child waxed waim 10 and thy;.fle3h shall come again to thee 14 his flesh came again like unto the flesh of 30 (he had) sackcloth within upon his flesh 36 shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel 1 Behold, we (are) thy bone and thy flesh 8 With him (is) an arm of flesh ; b-'t with 5 our flesh (is) as the flesh of our brethren 5 touch his bone and his fiesh, and he will 15 passed before my face ; the hair of my fl. 12 strength of stones? or (is) my flesh of br.7 5 My flesh is clothed with worms and clods 4 Hast thou eyes of flesh ? or seest thou as 11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh 14 Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth 22 But his fleshupon him shall have pain 20 My bone cleaveth. .to my flesh, and I am 22 and are not satisfied with my flesh ? 26 destroy this (body), yet in my flesh shall 6 and trembling taketh hold on my flesh 3: said not, Oh that we had of his flesh ! we 21 His flesh is consnmed av/ay, that it cannot 23 His flesh shall be fresher than a child's 15 All flesh shall perish together, and man 23 The flakes of his flesh are joined together 9 my flesh also shall rest in hope 2 came upon me to eat up my flesh, they 3, 7 (There is) no soundness in my flesh 13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the 4 I will not fear what fiesh can do unto me 1 my flesh longeth for thee in a dry . . land 2 hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh 39 he remembered that they (were b-dt) flesh 2 the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of 2 and my fiesh criethout for the living God 24 My knees are weak . .my flesh faileth of 120 My flesh tretnbleth for fear of thee ; and 25 Who giveth food to all flesh : for his me. 21 let all flesh bless his holy name for ever 22 For they (are) . . health to all their flesh II when thy flesh and thy body are consu 30 A sound heart (is) the life of the iiesh 20 Be not . . among riotous eaters of flesh 5 The fool., eateth his own flesh 6 Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh 10 Therefore, .put away evil from thy flesh 12 and much study (is) a weariness of the fl. 20 they shall eat every man the flesh of liis 4 and the fatness of his flesh shall wax 13 lulling sheep, eating flesh, and drinking 3 and their horses flesh, and not spirit 5 and all flesh shall see (it) together : for 6 All flesh (is) grass, and all the goodliness 16 with part thereof he eateth flesh ; he 19 1 have roasted flesh, and eaten (it): and 26 that oppress thee with their own flesh 26 and all flesh shall know that I the Lord 7 thou hide not thyself from thine ovra fl.? 4 which eat swine's flesh, and broth of ab. 16 sword will the Lord plead with aU flesh 17 eating swine's flesh, and the abomination 23 shall all flesh come to worship before me 24 they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh 21 Put ..unto your sacrifices, and eat flesh 15 and the holy flesh is passed from thee? 12 end of the land : no fiesh shall have peace 5 trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his 9 I vrill cause them to eat the flesh of their 9 sons, and the flesh of their daughters 9 they shall eat every one the flesh of his 31 for the Lord, .will plead with all flesh 27 I (am) the LOED, the God of all flesh : is 5 I will bring evU upon all flesh, saith the 4 My flesh and ray skin hath he made old 14 neither came there abominable flesh into 3 (city is) the caldron, and we (be) the fiesh 7 they (are) the flesh, and this (city is) the 11 neither snail ye be the flesh in the midst 19 will take the stony heart out of their fie. 19 and will give them an heart of fiesh 26 Egyptians thy neighbours, great of flesh 48 all flesh shall see that I the Lord have 4 shall my sword go forth . . against all flesh 5 That all flesh may know that I the Lord 20 whose flesh (is as) the flesh of asses, and 10 consume the flesh, and spice it well, and 5 I will lay thy flesh upon the mountains 26 take . . the stony heart out of your flesh 2C andl will give you an heart of flesh 6 And I will, .bring up fiesh upon you 8 the sinews and the flesh came up upon 17 That ye may eat flesh, and drink blood 18 Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty 43 upon the tables (was) the flesh of the off. 7 uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sane. 9 No stranger, .uncircumcised in flesh 15 fatter in than all the children which 3 neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth 13 They sacrifice flesh (for) the sacrifices of 28 I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh 3 and as flesh within the caldron 12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his 13 Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord 9 let the rest eat every cue tho flesh of Zech II. 16 he shall eat tho flesh of the fat, and 14. 12 Their flesh shall consume away while they 2.Flesh, lii'a besar. Dan. 2. ii the gods, whose dwelling is not with fle 4. J2 meat for all . .and all flesh was fed of it 7. 5 and they said. .Arise, devour much flesh 3. Slaughtered food, nnaa tibchah. I Sa.25. II my flesh that I have killed for my shear. i.Flesh, meat, food, u>rh lechum. Zeph. 1. 17 blood . .as dust, and their flesh as the d. B.Flesh, {remainder, remains), ix?' sheer. Psa. 73. 26 My flesh and my heart fail-^th. .God (is) 78. 20 Behold . . can he provide flesh for his pe. t 78. 27 He rained flesh also upon them as dust Prov.ii. 17 but (he thatis)cruel troubleth his own Jer. 51.35 The violence d one to me and to my flesh Mic. 3. 2 and their flesh from off their bones 3. 3 Who also eat the flesh of my people, and Q.Flesh, meat, Kp4as hreas. Kom.14. 21 good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink w. 1 Co. 8. 13 I vriU eat no fiesh whUe the world stand. 7. Flesh, adp^ sarx. Matt 16. 17 fiesh and blood hath not revealed (it) 19. 5 And said, .and theytwain shallbeonefl.? 19. 6 they are no more twain, but one flesh 24. 22 there should no flesh be saved : but for 26; 41 the spirit, .(is) willing, but the flesh (is) Markio. 8 And they twain shall be one flesh : so 10. 8 they are no more twain, but one flesh 13. 20 no flesh should be saved : but for the 14. 38 The spirit, .(is) ready, but the flesh (is) Luke 3. 6 all flesh shall see the salvation of God 24. 39 for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as John 1. 13 nor of the willjof the flesh, nor of the will 1. 14 the Word was made fiesh, and dwelt 3. 6 That which is bom of the flesh is flesh 6. SI the bread that I will give is my flesh 6. 52 How can this man give us (his) flesh to 6. S3 Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man 6. s4 Whoso eateth my flesh . .hath eternal life 6. 55 my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is 6. 56 He that eateth my flesh . .dweUeth in me 6. 63 the flesh profiteth nothing : the words 8. 15 "JTe judge after the flesh ; I judge no man 17. 2 thou hast given him power over all flesh Acta 2. 17 I will pour out of my Spirit upon all fle. 2. 26 moreover also my fiesh shall rest in hopo 2. 30 [according to the flesh, he would raise] 2. 31 neither his flesh did see corruption Bom. I. 3 of the seed of David according to the fle. 2. 28 circumcisfon which is outward in the fl. 3. 20 there shall no flesh be justified in his 4. I our father, as pertaining to the flesh 6. 19 because of the inflrmity of your flesh 7. s when we were in the flesh, the motions of 7. 18 that in me that is, in my flesh, dwelleth 7. 25 but with the flesh the law of sin 8. i-[to them, .who walk not after the flesh] 8. 3 in that it was weak through the flesh 8. 3 likeness of sinful flesh, .sin m the flesh 8. 4 in us, who walk not after the flesh, but 8. 5 after the flesh do mind . . things of the fle. 8. 8 they that are in the flesh cannot please 8. 9 ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit 8. 12 not to the flesh, to live after the flesh 8. 13 it ye live alter the flesh, ye shall die 9. 3 for. .my kinsmen according to the flesh 9. s of whom as concerning the flesh Christ 9. 8 They which are the children of the flesh II 14 I may provoke to emulation . .my flesh 13. 14 and make not provision for the flesh I Co. 1. 26 that not many wise men after the flesh 1. 29 That no flesh should glory in his presence 5. 5 for the destruction of the flesh, that the 6. 16 for two, saith he, shall be one flesh 7. 28 such shall have trouble in the flesh : but 10. 18 Behold Israel after the flesh : are not; 15. 39 All flesh (is) not the same flesh : but 15. 39 but. .one. .[flesh] of men, another [flesh] IS. 50 fiesh and blood cannot inherit the kingd. 3 Co. I. 17 do X purpose according to the flesh, that 4., 1 1 might be made manifest in our mortal fl. 5. 16 henceforth know we no man after the fl. S. 16 we have known Christ after thejflesh 7. 1 from all fUthiness of the flesh and spirit 7. 5 whep we were come . . our flesh had no 10. 2 as If we walked according to the flesh 10. 3 the flesh, we do not war after the flesh ,11. 18 Seeing that many glory after the flesh 12. 7 there was given -to me a thorn in the fle. Gal. 1. 16 X conferred not with flesh and blood 2. 16 for by. .the law shall no flesh be justified 2. 20 the life which I now live in the flesh X 3. 3 are ye now made perfect by the flesh ? 4. 13 through infirmity' of the flesh X preached 4. 14 my temptation which was in my flesh ye 4. 23 was born after the flesh ; but he of the 4. 29 as then he that was bom after the flesh 5. 13 not liberty for an occasion to the flesh 5. 16 ye shall not fulfll the lust of the flesh 5. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spiri* 5. 17 and the Spirit against the flesh : and 5. 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest 5. 24 have crucified the flesh with the affect. 6. 8 that soweth to his flesh' shall of the flesh 6. 12 as desire to make a fair show in the flesh 6. 13 but. .that they may glory in your fiesh £ph. 2. 3 conversation , , in the lusts of our flesh FLEBH 357 PliOOD Eph. a. 3 fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of 3. II (being) in time past* Gentiles in the flesh a. II the Circumcision lathe flesh made by 2. IS Haring abolished in hia flesh the enmity S. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh 5. 30 [For we are members, .of his fleah] 5. 31 his wife,'anu they two shall be one flesh 6. 5 that are. .masters according to the flesh 6. 12 we wrestle not against flesh and blood Phil. I. 22 if I live in the flesh, this (is) the fruit of I. 24 Nevertheless to abide in the flesh (is) 3. 3 For we. .have no confldcnce in the flesh 3. 4 I might, .have confldenco in the flesh 3. 4 hath whereof he might trust in the flesh CoL I. 22 In the body of his flesh thrcragh death, to 1. 24 afllictions. .in my flesh for his body's 2. I as have not seen my face in the flesh 2. 5 For though I be absent in the flesh, yet ; 2. J I in putting off. .the sins of the flesh by 2. 13 and the uncircaiacision of your flesh 2. 23 any honour to the satisfying of the flesh 3. 22 obey, .masters according to the flesh 1 TL 3. 16 God was manifest in tho fiesh, justified Phm. 16 a brother, .in the flesh, and in the Lord? Eeb. 2. 14 as the children are partakers of flesh" and 5. 7 ^VTio in the days cf "his fle-jh, when he 9. 13 sanctifleth to the puriilying of the fiesh 10. 20 through the veil, that is to say, his flesh 12. 9 we have had fathers of our flesh vyhic'a Jas. 5. 3 and shall eat your flesh as-it were flie I Pe. I. 24 For all flesh (is) as srass, and all the glo. 3. iS Christ, .being put to in the flesh 3. 21 the putting av.'ay of the fllth of the flesh 4. I Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh 4. I for he that hath suflered in the flesh 4. 2 live the rest of (his) time in the flesh 4. 6 be judged according to men ia the flesh a Pe. 2. 10 chiefly them that walk after the flesh in 2. 18 they allure through the lust3 of tho flesh 1 Jo. 2. 16 the lust of the flesh, and tho lust of the 4. 2, 3 that Jesus Christ is come in the flosl^ 2 Jo. 7 that Jesus Christ is como in the flesh Jude 7 and the cities, .going after strange flesh 8 these (filthy) dreamers dcnle the flesh 23 even the garment spotted by the flesh Eav. 17. 16 shall eat her flesh, and bam her with 19. 18 flesh of Idngs, and the fiesh 0! eaptalna 19. i3 the fiesh of mighty men, and the flesh of ig. 18 the flesh of all (men, both) freo and bond 19. 21 aU the fowls were filled -.Tith their flesh riESH hook — 1. Hook, fork, 37ID mazier;. I Sa. 2. 13 a flesh hook of three teeth in his hand 2. 14 all that the flesh hook brought up the Z.Hooks, forks, niJ7jP mizlagoih. Exoda?. 3 and his flesh hooks, and his fire pans 38. 3 (and) the flesh hooks, and tl:e fli'e pans Ifum. 4. 14 the flesh hooks, and the shovels, and the 1 Ch. 28. 17 gold for the flesh hooks, and the bowls 2 Ch. 4. 16 the flesh hooks, and all their instruments TLESHLT, fleshy — I.Fleshly, fUshliks, capKiKSs sarkikos. 2 Co. I. 12 not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace 1 Pe. 2. II abstain from fleshy lusts, which war aga. ^Of flesh, aapKivos sorhinos. 2 Co. 3. 3 not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tabiss 5. Mesh, cfap^ sarx. CoL 2. 18 vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind rLEES, divers sorts of — Beetle, dog fly, aij; arob. Psa. 78. 45 Be sent divers sorts of fljos among them 105. 31 there came divers sorts of 2ie3, (and) lice FLESXH, that — Flying fowl or bird, fjiV oph. Oeut 14. 19 And every creeping thing that flieth (is) niGHT — J. Flight, D'ljo manos. Amos 2. 14 the flight shall perish from the swift "i. Flight, HDi:? menusak. Isa. 52. 12 not go ont with haste, nor go by flight Z. Flight, ^pvyij phtige. 3fatt 24. 28 ttat your flight be not fci the winter llarki3. 18 that [your flight] be not in the winter TLIGHT, to put to — \.To cai^e to flee, rns barcch, 5. t Ch.i2. 15 put to flight all (them) cf the valleys 2. 7*0 cause to flee, Di: nits, 6. Deut32. 30 two put ten thou:ar;d to flight, except 3. To pursue, 1"t"j radap/i. lev. 26. 8 you shall put ten thousand to flight IXINT — I.Flint, &V^n challamisk. Dent. 8. 15 brought. . water oul cf the rock of flint Psa. 1 14. 8 turned, .the flint into a fountain of waters Isa. 50. 7 therefore have I set mj face like a flint i.Hock, "\S isor. Eze. 3. 9 harder than flint have I made thy Icrehe. FUHTT — Flir.t, E^^pVfj challamisk. X):TLt2=. 13 to CHck. .oil oat of the flinty rook FLOATS — Floats or rafts {of timber), rfiai dohroth. I Ki. s- 9 I will convey them by s^a in floata unto FLOCK — 1. Cattle, acquisition, njpl? miqrieh. Num32. 26 our flocks, and all our catUe, shall be 2. Flock, drove, herd, "iiy eder. Gen. 29. 2 (were) three flocks of sheep lying by It 29. 2 out of tliat well they watered tho flocks 29. 3 And thither were all the Hocks gathered 29. 8 unto all the flocks be gathered together 30. 40 he put his own flocks by themselves, and Judg. 5. 16 to hear the bleatiugs of the flocks ? 1 Sa. 17. 34 a bear, and took a lamb out of the floc![; 2 Ch.32. 28 all manner of beasts, and cotes for flocks Job 24. 2 they violently take away flocks, and feed Psa. 78. 52 guided them in., wilderness like a Cock Eong I. 7 tnmeth. .by the flocks of thy companions 4. I thy hair (is) as a flock of goats, that 4. 2 like a flock (of sheep that are even) shorn 6. 5 thy hair (is) as a floclc of goats that 6. 6 as a flock of sheep which go up from tho Isa. 17. 2 they shall be for flocks, which shall lie 32. 14 a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks 40. II He shall feed his flock lilce a shenherd Jer. 6. 3 shepherds with their flocks shalTcome 13. 17 the Lord's flock is carried away captive 13. 20 v/here (is) the flock (that) was given thee 51. 10 keep him, as a shepherd (doth) his flock 31. 24 and they (that) go forth with flocks 51. 23 also -break, .the shepherd and his flock Ezs. 34. 12 A^ a shepherd seeketh out his flock in Joel I. 18 yea, the flocks of sheep are made desolate Mic. 2. 12 as the flock in the midst of their fold 4. 8 O tower of the flock, the strong hold of 5. 8 as a younfr lion among the flocks of sheep Zeph. 2. 14 floclcs shrill lie down in the midst of hT 3 hath %i3!tcd his flock the house of Judah Mai. I. 14 which hath in his flock a male, and vow. Z.SJieep, /lock, ]H^ isaa. Gen. 4. 4 brought of the firstlings of his flock 13. 5 Lot also, .had flocks, and herds, and tents 21. 28 set seven ewe lambs of the flock by thems. 24. 33 he hath given him flocks, and herds, and 26. 14 he had possession of flocks, and possession 27. 9 Go now to the flock, and fetch me from 29. 2 there (were) three flocks of sheep lying by 29. 10 the flock of Laban his mother's brother 30. 31 I will again feed (and) keep thy flock 30. 32 I will pass through all thy flock to day 30. 36 and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks 30. 38 which he had pilled before the flocks in 30. 38 when the fiocks came to drink, that they 30, 39 the flocks conceived before the rods, and 30. 40 set the faces of the flocks toward the 30. 40 and all the brown in the flock of Laban 31. 4 called Eac'nel and Leah, .unto his flock 31. 38 the rams of thy flock have I not eaten 32. 5 I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and men 32. 7 the flocks, and the herds, and the camels 33. 13 fiocks and herds \vith young (are) with 33. 13 overdrive them, all the flock will die 37. 2 was feeding the flock with his brethren 37. 12 to feed their father's flock in .Shechera 37. 14 see whether it be well, .with the flocks 38. 17 I will send (thee) a kid from the flock 45. 10 thy flocks, and thy herds and all that 46. 32 they have brought their flocks, and their 47. I and their flocks, and their herds, and all 47. 4 servants have no pasture for their flocks 47. 17 for horses, and for the flocks, and for the 50. 8 their flocks, and their herds, they left Exod. 2. 16 the troughs to v/ater their father's flock 2. 17 and helped them, and watered their flock 2. 19 (water) enough for us, and watered the fl. 3. I the flock of Jethro his father in law 3. I the flock to tho backside of the desert 10. ■ 9 We will go. .with our fl-^cks and with 10. 24 let your flocks and your herds be stayed 12. 32 Also take your flocks and your herds, as 12. 38 flocks, and herds, .very much cattle 34. 3 neither let the flocks nor herds feed bef. Lev I. 2 the cattle.. of the herd, and of the flock I. 10 And if his offering (be) cf the flocks 3. 6 And if his offering.. (be) of the flock J. 6 a female from the flock, a lamb or a kid 5. 15, 18 a ram vrithout blemish out of the flo. 6. 6 a ram without blemish out cf the flock 27. 32 And concerning the tithe cf. .the flock Xum II. 22 Shall the flocks and the herds be slain 15. 3 to make a sweet savour, .of the flock 31. 30 take one portion of fifty, of the flocks Dent. 8. 13 And. .thy herds and thy fiocks multiply 12. 6 firstlings of your herds and of your fiocks 12. 17 firstlings of thy herds, or of thy flock 12. 21 then thou shalt kill, .of thy flock, which 14. 23 firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks 15. 14 Thou shalt furnish him. .out of thy flock 15. 19 and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify imto 16. 2 'Thou shalt. .sacrifice, .of the flock and 1 Sa. 30. 20 David took all the flocks and the herds 2 Sa. 12. 2 The rich, .had exceeding many flocks and 12. 4 he spared to take of his own flock, and of 1 Ch. 4. 39 they went, .to seek pasture for their flo. 4. 41 (their was) pasture there for their flocks 27. 3r over the flocks (was) Jaziz the Hagarite a Ch.17. II and the Arabians brought him flocks 32. 29 and txJssessioDS of flocks and herds in 33. 7 Josia'h gave to the people, of the flock Ezra :o. 19 a ram of tlie flock for their tresspass lich. 10. 36 firstlings of our herds and of our^ flocks Job 21. II send forth their llttl:. ones likti a flock 33. I to have set with the dogs of my flock Poa. 65. 13 Tfhe F.-».sture3 ero clothed with flocks 77. 20 Thou Icddst tliy people like a flock by 80. 1 thou that Icadcst Joseph like a flock 107. 41 and makcth (him) families like a floc'i rtov 27. 23 diligent to know iho state of thy flocki Song I. 8 go..forth by the footstoDs of the flock Isa. 60. 7 the flocks, .shall be gathered tofecUi',.- 61. 5 -Vnd strangers shall. Jced your flocks 63. II of the sea wi'kh the shepherd of his CockF 65. 10 And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks Jer. 3. 24 their flocks and their herds, t! cir sens 5. 17 they shall eat up thy flocks and thino 13. 20 where (is), .thy beautiful flock? 23. 2 Ye have scattered my flock, and driven 23. 3 I will gather tho remnant of my flock 25. 34 wallow yourselves, ye principal of the fl, 25. 35 nor the principal of the flock to escape 25. 36 an howling of tho principal of the flock 31. 12 for the young of the flock and of the herd 33. 12 shepherds causing (their) fiocks to lie do. 33. 13 shall the flocks pass again under the ha. 49. 20 Surely the least of the flock shall draw 49. 29 and their flocks shall they tske away so. 8 and be as tho he gcats before the flocks so. 45 Surely the least of the flock shall draw Ere. 24. 5 Take the choice of the flock, and burn 2j. s the Ammonites a couching place for flo. 34. 2 should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 34. 3 ye eat the fat . . ye feed not the flock 34. 6 my flock was scattered upon all the face 34. 8 my flock became a prey, and my flock b. 34. 8 search for my flock, .fed not my flock 34. 10 I will require my flock at their ha'nd 34. 10 cause, .to cea.-.c frcm feeding the flock 34. 10 1 will deliver my flock from their month 34. 15 I will feed my flock, and I will cause 34. 17 my flock, thus saith the 1/iRD God 34. 19 my flock, they eat that which ye have 34. 22 Therefore will I save my flock, and they 34. 3: And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture 36. 37 I will increase them with men hke a flock 36. 38 As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem 36. 38 so shall, .waste cities be filled with flocks 43. 23, 25 a ram out of the flock, without blem. 45. 15 one lamb out of the flock, out of two hu. Eos. 5. 6 They shall go with their flocks and with Araos 6. 4 and eat the lambs out of the flock 7. IS the Lord took me as I followed the floci Jon. 3. 7 Let neither, .herd nor flock, taste any Mic. 7. 14 Feed, .the flock of thine heritage, whi'^li Hab. 3. 17 the flock shall be cut off from the fold Zeph. 2. 6 the sea coast shall be. .folds for flocks Zech. 9. i5 save them, .as the flock of hia people 10. 2 therefore they went their way as a flock 11. 4 siith. .Feed the flock cf the slaughter II. 7 And I wUl feed the flock of slaughter It. 7 poor of the flock. .And I fed the flock II. II the poor of the flock that waited upon mo II. 17 the idol shepherd that Icaveth the flock .' i.A flock, vol/ivrt poimn?. Matt26. 31 the sheep of the flock shall be scittered Luke 2. 8 keeping watch over their flock by night I Co. 9. 7 a flock, and eateth not of. .the flock? 5..^ little flock, irolfjiyiov poimnion. Lukei2. 32 Fear not, little flock; for 11 is your Acts 20. 28 Take heed therefore, .to all the flock 20. 29 grievous wolves, .not sparing the flock I Pe. s- 2 Feed the floe!: of God which is among you 5. 3 lords, bx-u being ensamples to the flock FLOCK, Uftle — A bare or exposed fleck, lirD chnsiph. I Ki.20. 27 pitched, .like tvvo little flocks of kids FLOCZS — I. Pasturing, feeling flock, n'yia irM'.ith. Jer. 10. 21 and all their flocks shall be scattered 2.MuUiplicaiions, niiPwy ashtaroth. Deut. 7. 13 he will, .bless, .the flocks of thy sheep 28. 4 Blessed (shall be), .the fiocks of thy shsep 28. 18 Cursed (shall be), .the flocks of thy sheep 28. SI shall not leave thee, .flocks of thy sheeo FLOOD - I.A brook, flood, •y^nr. Amos S. 8 and it shall rise up wholly as a flood 2. Inundation, flood, storm, D-v r^rerr^ Isa. 20. 2 2-; a flood of mighty watcre ovorCowliig 3. A brook, flood, iik: yeor. Jer. 46. 7 'WTio (is) this (tha') cometh up as a flood 46. 8 Egypt nseth up like a flood, End Qob) w. Amos 8. 8 it shall be . . drcr-ned, 23 (by) the Eocd ot a. 5 and it zhzM rise ii-> \^ holly like a flood 9. s and shaU be drov.-ned, as (by) ths Seed at i.A flood, deluge, h'\2D n~bbuL Gen. 6. 17 behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of wa. 7. 6 when the flood of waters was upon tae e. 7. 7 ark, becan^ of the ■'waters of the fiood 7. 10 waters of the flood were upon the earth 7. 17 the flood was forty d:.ys upon the earth 9. II cut off any more by the waters of a flood 9. 1 1 neithM shall there any more be a flood to Q. 13 the waters shall no more become a flood 9. 28 And Noah Uved after the flood three JO, sa unto them were sons bom after the flood FLOOD 358 PLY Gen. lo. 32 diWdecl in the earth after the flood II. 10 begat Arphaxad two years after the ficod Psa. 29. 10 The Lord sitteth upon the flood ; yea B.A river, inj iiakar. Josh. 24. 2 dwelt on the other side of the flood in 24. 3 Abraham from the other side of the flood 24. 14 served on the other side of the flood 24. 15 that (were) on the other side of the flood Job 14. n and the flood decayeth and drieth up 20. 17 He shall not see the rivers, the floods 22. 16 foundation was overflown with a flood 28. II He bindeth the floods from overflowing Ps*. 24. 2 For he. .established it upon the floods 66. 6 they went through the flood on foot 93. 3 The floods have lifted up, O LoED 93. 3 the floods have lifted up their voice 93. 3 the floods lift up their waves 98. 8 Let the floods clap, .hands : let the hills Song 8. 7 neither can the floods drown it : if a man Isa. 59. 19 When the enemy shall come in like a flood Eze. 31. 15 I restrained the floods thereof, and the Jon. 2. 3 the floods comnassed me about : all thy f>. To flow, ;n nazal. E;;od. 15. 3 the floods stood upright as an heap Psa. 78. 44 their floods, that they could not drink Isa. 44. 3 I will pour.. floods uoon the dry ground 1.A hrook, Vnj nachal. 2 Sa. 22. s floods of ungodly men made me afraid Job 28. 4 The flood broakcth out from the inhabit Psa. 18. 4 floods of ungodly men made mo afraid 74. IS didst cleave the fountain and tho'floo<3 Jer. 47. 2 waters .. shall be an overUowiag flood 8. Flood, stream, nhii^ shibboleth. Psa. 69. 2 waters, where the floods overflow me 69. 15 Let not the water flood overflow mo 9. Overflowing, flood, la'^, ^ap shcteph. Psa. 32. 6 surely in the floods of groat waters they Dan. 9. 25 and the end thereof, .v/ith a flood, and 11. 22 with the arms of a flood shall they bo ov. Nah. I. 8 with an overrunning flood he will make 10. Deluge, vjoshing down, KaTanKvcr/iSs katalclu. Matt 24. 38 in the days that v/ore before the flood 24. 39 knew not until the flood came, and took !Lukei7. 27 the flood came, and destroyed them all 2 Pe. 2. 5 bringing in the flood upon the world of 11. Flood tide, full flovjing, wXijiiiivpa plemmura. Luke 6. 48 when tlie flood arose, the stream beat il.River flood, stream, ■iT0Tajx6s potamos. Matt. 7. 25 the rain descended, and the floods came 7. 27 the rain descended, and the floods came Uev. 12. 15 tho serpent cast out. .water as a flood 12. 16 the flood wliioh the dragon cast out of his ITLOOB, carried away of the — ■ Dome on by the stream, TroTafio(p6priTos potamoph. Uev. 12. IS cause hei to be carried away of the flood rLOOB — l.'J^kreshing floor, forum, J"i!i gnren. Gon. so. II saw the mourning in the floor of Atad Deut IS. 14 Thou shalt furnish him. .out of thy floor Judg. 6. 37 I ivill put a fleece of wool in the floor Buth 3. 3 Wash . . and get thee down to tho floor 3. 6 And she went down unto the floor, and 3. 14 known that a woman camo into tho floor Isa. 21. 10 my threshing, and the com of ray floor Ho3. 9. I hast loved a reward upon ev-ery'com Qo. 9. 2 The floor, .shall not feed them, and the 13. 3 chaff (that) is driven . , out of tho floo' , and Joel 2. 24 floors shall be full of whoat, and the fats Mio. 4. IS for he shall gather them, .tntothe floor Z. Floor, bottom, VPIP qarqa. Hum. 5. 17 of the dust that is in the floor of the J Ki. 6. IS ho bv-ilt. .both tho floor of tho house, and 6. 15 covered the floor of the house with planka 6. 16 he built, .both the floor and the walls 6. 30 tho floor of the house he overlaid with Z. Floor, barn, ui\wv halon. Matt. 3. 12 andhe will throughly purge his floor Luko 3. 17 ho will throughly purge his floor, and ISco also Bam floor, corn floor, threshing floor.] FLOOS, to — To join, cause fo Tncct, iTifj qarati, 3. 2 Ch. 34. II and to floor tho houses v/hich tho kings rLOOE, one cido of tho — Floor, bottom, j;pip qcrqa. 1 Ki. 7. 7 with cedar from one smo 01 the floor to 3?1,0TES — Floats, rafts, rfibsn raphscdoth. 2 Ch. 2. 16 we will bring it to thee m flolea by sea to ZTLOTJE — l.Douffh, p5J5 hatseq. 2 Sa. 13. e she took flour, and knoadod(it), and mado 2. Fine cruslied flour, nhb solcth. Esod-9. 2 (of) v/heaten flour shalt thou make them 29. 40 a tenth deal of flour mingled with tho fo. Lev. '2. 2 and he shall take . . of the flour thereof 6. IS he shall take, .of the flour of the meat Num IS. 4 a tenth deal of flour mingled with tho 15. 6, 9 tenth deals of flour mingled with 28 s a tenth (part) of an ephah of flour for a 23 9 two tenth deals of flour, .mingled with 281 12, 13 tenth deals ol flour (for) a meat offer. Num 28. 13 a Severn.! tenth deal of flour mingled with 28. 20 meat offering (shall be of) flour mingled 28. 28 their meat offering of flour mingled with 29. 3, 9, 14 meat oflering (shall be of) iloxir mi. Z. Rubbed grain, meal, n.'Ji^ qcrnach. Judg. 6. 19 unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour 1 Sa. I. 24 she took, .one ephah of flour, and a bottle 28. 24 and she. .took flour, and kneaded (it), and 2 Sa. 17. 28 Brought beds, .and barley, and flour, and FIOTJK, fine — . Fine flour, {Lat. simila, similago,) cre/ufSctAis. Rev. 18. 13 and fins flour, and wheat, and beasts, and FLOTJEISH, to — 1. To flourish {become despised?) ]'M naats, 5. Uccl. 12. 5 the almond tree shall flourish, and the 2. To break forth, flourish, rnB parach. Psa. 72. 7 In his days shall the righteous flourish 92. 12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm Prov II. 28 the righteous shall flourish as a branch Song 6. II (and) to see whether tho vine flourished 7. 12 let us see if the vine flourish, (whether) Isa. 66. 14 your bones shall flourish like an herb 3. To {cause to) flourish, n"i3 parach, 5. Psa. 92. 13 Those. . shall flourish in the courts of our Prov. 14, II tabernacle of the upright shall flourish 4. To blossom, flourish, J'« tsuts, 5. Psa. 72. 16 (they), .shall flourish like grass of the ca. 90. 6 In the morning it flourisheth, and growe. 92. 7 all the workers of iniquity do flourish 103. 15 as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth 132. 18 upon himself shall his crown flourish FLOTJTJSH, to make to — To cause to break forth or flourish, Tr\^ parach, 5. Isa. 17. II shalt thou make thy seed to flourish Eze. 17. 24 and have made the dry tree to flourish FLOTiaiSH: a^aia, to — To flourish, or shoot up agaAn, avoBdWca anathal. Phil. 4. 10 your care of me hath flourished again FLOtraiSHrMG — l.Fresh, flourishing, ]iir^ raanan. Psa. 92. 14 they shail iJe fat and flourishing l.Fresh, flourishing, "I tot raanan, Dan. 4. 4 ITobuohadn'ozzar was., flourishing in my FL0T7, to — l.Tofl.ow, issue, 3^T zvh. E::od. 3. 8, 17 land flowing with milk and honey [So in 13^ 5 ; 33. 3 ; Lov. 20. 24 ; Num. 13. 27 ; 14. 8 ; 16. 13, 14 ; Deut. 6. 3 ; 11. 9 ; 26. 9, 15 ; 27. 3 ; 31. 20; Josh, 5. 6, Jcr. II. s ; 32. 22 ; Ezck. 20. 6, is.] Jer. 49. 4 'Wheroforo cloricst thou in. .thy flowing 2. To go on, TiS; yalak^ Joch. 4. 18 the v/atcrs. .flowed over all his banks, us Joel 3. 18 'the hills shall flow with milk, and all the 3. 18 rivers of Judah shall flow with waters Z. To flow, become bright, inj na,har. Isa. 2. 2 above the hills ; and all nations shall flow .Mio. 4. T above the hills ; and people shall Cow i.To flow, Sn nazal. PEa.147. 18 causeth. .to blow, (and) the waters flow ^. To flow, overflow, f)ls tsuph. Lam. 3. S4 Waters flowed over mine head ; (then) I Qi.To flow, ^eoi rheo. John 7. 38 out of Ilia belly shall flow rivers of living PLOY/ away, to — To be poured out, spread out, n.^j nagar, 2. Job 20. 28 shall flow av,'ay in tho day of his v/ratU FLOW, to cause to — To cause tofloio, Vi3 nazal, 5. Isa. 48. 21 caused the waters to Cow out of tnc rock FLOV/ doTira, to — To flow, tremble, "ir^ zalal, 2. Isa. 64. I that tiio mountainr; might flow dovra at 64. 3 mountains flov/od dovo at thy prcscnco FLOW out, to To flow, flow on, hn nazal. Song 4. 16 (that) tho spioos thereof may flcu o"t FLOW together, to — To flow, become bright, "vys nahar. Isa. Co. 5 Then thou ahait coo, and flow together Jcr. 31. 12 they chall corjc. .and rhall flow together 51. 44 nations shaU nc i fl jw tcgether any moro FLOWEE — \. Tower, towering plant, V"p migdal. Song 5. 13 His cheeks (arc)', .(as) sv^-eet flowers ; his ".Blossom, flower, r\)!l nitstsah. Job IS. 33 and shall cast o(I his flov/er as the olive lea. 18. 5 the sour grape is ripening in tho flower 3. Blossom, flower, ]'^i nitstsan. Song 2. 12 The flowers appear on the eari;h ; tho ti. 4. Flower, flourishing, nns peraf^i. E-xodzs. 31 and his flov/ers, shall be of the same 25. 33 (with) a knop and a flower in one branch 25. 33 and three bowls, .(with) a knop and a fl. 25. 34 bowls. .Cwith) their knops oud t&eii &ovf. Exod37. 17 knops, and his flowers, were of the same 37. 19 in one branch, a knop and a flower 37. 19 and three bowls, .a knop and a flower : ao 37. 20 four bowls, .his knops, and hte flowers Num. 8. 4 unto the flowers thereof, (was) beaten ( Ki. 7.26 brim . . was wrought . . with flowers of lilies 7. 49 with the flmvers, and the lamps, and the 2 C!h. 4. s and the brim, .with flowers of lilies 4. 21 the flowers, and the lamps, and the tonga Nah. I. 4 and the flower of Lebanon lanRuisheth 5. Blossom, flower, ^'••i isits. I Ki. 6. 18 carved with knops and open flowers : all 6, 29 palm trees and open flowers, within and 6. 32 carved upon them carvings of. .flowers 6. 3S And he carved (thereon), .open flowers Job 14. 2 He Cometh forth like a flower, and is cut Psa. 103. IS as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth Isa. 28. I whose glorious beauty (is) a fading flov/er 40. 6 all tho goodliness thereof (i£)a3 the flower 40. 7, 8 Tho grass withereth, the flower fadeth 6, Blossom, flower, nyi tsitsah. Isa. 28. 4 glorious beauty.. shall be a fading flower I. A flower, &vOos anthos. Jas. 1. 10 because as the flower, .he shall passaway I. II and the flower thereof falloth, and the 1 Pe. I. 24 the glory of man as the flower of grass I. 24 and the flower thereof falleth away FLOWER of one's age, to pass the — To be beyond the point, flfil virepaKfios. I Co. 7. 36 if she pass the flower of (her) age, and FLOWER of their age, in the — Jlijen, cmJX enoshim. 1 Sa. 2. 33 all. .shall die in the flower of their age ■ FLOWERS — Impurity, separation, rm niddah. Lev. 15. 24 lie with her., and her flowers be upon him IS. 33 of her that is sick of her flowers, and of FLOWING — l.To send or flovj forth, V5i naba. Provi8. 4 wellspring of wisdom (as) a flowing brooic l.To flow, Sn nazal. Jer. 18. 14 shall the cold flowing waters that come Z.To ovafloio, '|»y' sliataph. Isa. 65. 12 the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing FLTTTS — Flute, pipe, reed, ^tn'p'^^p mashroqitlia. Dan. 3. 5, IS ye hear the sound of the cornet, fluta 3. 7 tho people heard the sound of the. .Cuto 3. 10 that shall hear the sound of the. .fluto PLTTTTEB, to — To move, flutter, shake, icrj racliaph, 3. Deut. 32. II As an eagle, .fluttcreth over her young FLTT2 — Dysentery, Sva-cyTepic. diisentcria. Acts 28. 8 the father . . lay cick . . of a bloody flux FLY — Fly, nni zebub. 1 Dead flies cause the ointment, .to send Isa. 7. 18 the Lord shall hiss for the fly that (is) in FLY, to — l.Fo use the wing, "i^y a5ar,'5. .rob 39. 26 Doth the hawk fly by thy v/isdom 2. To fly, nx^ daah. Dent 28. 49 the end of the earth, .as the eagle flieth Psa. 18. 10 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly Jer. 48. 40 ho shall fly as an eagle, and shall spread. 49. 22 he shall come up and fly as the eagle Z,Tofly, r^rj uph. Deut. 4. 17 cf any winged fowl that flieth in the air 2 Sa. 22. II And ho rode upon a cherub, and did fly Job s. 7 unto trouble,- as the sparks fly upward Psa. 18. 10 he did fly upon the wings of the wind 91. 5 (nor) for the arrow (that) flieth by day Isa. 6. 6 Then flew one of tl)e seraphim unto me II. 14 thoy shall fly upon the shoulders of the P. 60. 8 TV'ho (are) these (that) fly as a cloud, and nab. I. 8 they shall fly as the eagle (that) hasteth i.Tofly, f\^V uph, Sa. Gen, I. 20 and fowl, .may fly above the earth in the . Isa. 6. 2 covered his feet, .with twain he did fly 6. To be ravenous, e'J? it. I Sa. 15. 19 didst fly upon the spoil, and didat evil in 6. To do, make, ~\yii asah. I Sa. 14. 32 the people flew upon the spoil, and took 7. To fly, expand the wings, v^Taofiai petaomai. Rev. 4. 7 the fourth beast.. like a [flying] eagle 8. 13 And I beheld, and heard an angel [flying] 14. 6 I saw another angel [fly] in the midst ol 19. 17 all the fowls that [fly] in the midst of h. 8. To fly, expand the loings, irerouai petomai. Kev. 12. 14 that she might fly into the wilderness FLY away, to — l.To fly, rf\!! uph. Job 20. 8 He shall fly away as a dream,-and shall Pea. ss- 6 then) would i fly away, and be at rest 90, I* f 0? i^ is soon cut off, aad w« fly away FLY 359 FOLLOW 2. To {cause to) fly, I'V uph, 5. Prov.j3. 5 they fly away as an eagle toward heaven 3. To show self flying, l^y uph, la. Hos. g. 1 1 their glory shall fly away like a bird, from FLY, to be caused to — To be caxised to fly, '\T, yaaph, 6. Dan. 9. 21 being caused to fly swiftly, touched me FLY, to make — To cause to break out, rriB parach. Kze. 13. 20 ye. .hunt the souls to make (them) fly 13. 20 souls that ye hunt to make (them) fly FLViKG — 1. Wing {with), 1i| icanaph. Psa. 148. 10 cattle ; creeping things, and flying fowl 2.Tofly, '\lliuph. Prov 26. 2 as the swallow by flying, so the curse Isa. 31. 5 As birds flying, so will the LoP.D of liosts Zech. 5, I Then I. .looked, and, behold, a flying roll 5. 2 And 1 answered, I see a flying roll ; the 2. To fly, liy uph, 3a. Isa, 14. 29 and his fruit, .a flery flying serpent 30. 6 whence (come) the . . fiery flying serpent 4. Fowl, "I'ly oph. Lev. II. 21 of every flying creeping thing that goeth II. 23 all. .flying creeping thinga, which have FOAl — l.Son, ]3 ben. Zech. 9. 9 riding, .upon a colt the foal of an as3 2. Foal, colt 0/ an ass, ">;y ayir. ■ Gen. 32. 15 ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals 49. II Binding his foal unto the vine, and his 2.Son, vl6s huios. Matt. 21. 5 upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass FOAM — Chip, foam, >l!ii5 qetseph. Hos. 10. 7 her king is cut off as the foam upon the FOAM, to — To foam, froth, apl(a> aphrizo. Mark 9. 18 he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth 9. »o fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming FOAM out, to — To foam upon, or. about, iittvppi^oy'epaphrizo. Jude 13 waves . . foaming out their own shame FOAMETH again, that he — With foam, fiera a.(ppou irieta apnrm. Luke 9. 39 it teareth him that he foameth again FODDEE, — Provender, 'j'Sa belil. Job 6. 5 grass ? or loweth the ox over his fodder ? FOE — 1. Enemy, 3:k ayab. Psa. 27. 2 mine enemies and my foes, came upon 30. I hast not made my foes to rejoice over me 2. Adversary, straitener, distresser, is, "ly tsar. I Ch.2i. 12 months to be destroyed before thy foes Psa. 89. 23 I wiU beat down his foes before his face 3.T0 hate, t6((i) exakolouthco. 2 Pe. I. 16 we have not followed cunningly devised 2. 2 many shall follow their pernicious ways 2. 15 following the way of Balaam, .of Bozor \Q. To follow upon i-raKoKovSlci epakoloutheo. Uarki6. 20 [confirming the words with signs follow.] I Ti. 5. 10 if she have diligently followed every good 1 Pe. 2. 21 example, that ye should foUow his steps 11. Tu folknv down or thoroughly, KaraKoKovBloi. Acts 16. 17 The same foUowed Paul and us, and 12. To mimic, imitate, /iifxeo/iai mimeomai. 2 Th. 3. 7 yourselves know how ye ought to follow 3. 9 make, an ensample unto you to follow Heb. 13. 7 whose faith foUov^, considering the end 3 Jo. II follow not that which is evil, but that; IZ.To folloxo aloiitjside of, -napaKoXov^iu parcukol. Marki6. 17 [signs shall foUow them that believe] li. To follow along with, sunakolo. Mark 5. 37 he suffered no man (to follow] him, save Luke23. 49 the women that foUowed him from GalL 15. To go in after, im Kia to achar. Exodi4, 17 they shall follow them : and I will get 2 Ki.ii. 15 him that foUoweth her kill with the 2 Ch.23. 14 whoEo foUoweth her, let him be slain 16. 7*0 be after, inw n;ri hay ah achar. Exod23. 2 Thou shalt not foUow a multitude to 1 Sa.i2. 14 continue foUo\ving the Lord your God 2 Sa. 2. 10 But the house of judah followed David I Ki.i6. 21 half of the people foUowed Tibni the 17. 7*0 go on after, "nx TiSn halak achar. Gen. 32. 19 60 commanded he..aU that foUowed the Deut. 4. 3 for all the men that foUowed Baal-peor Josh. 6. 8 the ark of the covenant of the Lord foil 1 Sa. 17. 13, 14 and the three eldest, .followed Saul 2 Sa. 3. 31 And king David (himself) foUov/cd the I Ki.14. 8 and who foUowed me with aU his heart l^.Togo on habitually after,iji< ^Sn halak achar, 7. I Sa. 25. 27 unto the yoimg men that foUow my lord go on after, "inK "?}>) yalak achar. Gen. 24. s, 8 the woman wUl not be wUling to foUow 24. 39 Peradventure the woman will not follow 24. 61 And Eebekah arose, .and followed the Numi6. 25 and the elders of Israel followed him Judg. 2. 12 And they forsook, .and foUowed other g. 9. 4 vain and light persons, which foUowed 9. 49 aU the people, .followed Abimelech Euth 3. 10 inasmuch as thou followedst not young I Sa. 30. 21 faint that they could not follow David 1 Ki. 18. 18 forsaken . .and thou hast followed Baalim 18. 21 God, f oUow him : but if Baal . . foUov him 19. 20 Kiis. .my mother, and. .1 will foUow thea FOLLOW SGO POO L - 2 Kj. 4. 30 leave thee. And he arose, and followed 6. 19 neither (13) this tlie city : follow me, and , 13. 2 he. .followed the sinsof Jeroboam the ' 17. 15 they followed vanity, and became vain T!ze. 10. II whither the head looked they followed it 13. 3 that follow their own spii-it, and have go ouU »T, yatsa. 2 Sa. 1 1. 8 there followed him a mess, . . from the kl XOIXOW after, to — 1. To pursue, r\-nradaph. Psa.iig. 150 i'hey draw nigh that follow after misch. Prov 21. 21 He that f oUoweth after righteousness and Isa. I. 23 everyjone loveth gifts and foUoweth after .51. I ye that follow after righteousness, ye Ho3. 12. I Ephraim..followeth after the east wind 2.T0 pursue, 173 radaph, 3. J?rov 15. 9 he loveth him. .that followeth after righ. 28. 19 he that followeth after vain (persons) H03. 2. 7 she shaU follow after her lovers, but she S. To pursue, SidiKoi dioko, 9. 30 which followed not after righteousness 9. 31 Israel, which followed after..righteousn. 14. ig Let us therefore follow after the tilings I Co. 14. I Follow after charity, and desire spiritual PhU. 3. 12 I follow after, if tliat I may apprehend I Ti. 6. II But thou, .follow after righteousness 4. To follow upon, iTraKoKovB^o) epakoloutheO, I Ti. 5. 24 and some (men) they follow after 5.1n order, KaBf^yjs kaihexes. Acts 3. 24 from Samuel and those that follow after G. To pursue thoroughly, KaraStd!>Kvu eyes 12. 16 A fool's Avrath is presently known : but a 14. 9 Fools make a mock at sin : but among 15. 5 A fool despiseth his father's instruction 16. 22 but the instruction of fools (is) folly 17. 28 Even a fool, when he holdeth liis peace 20. 3 strife : but every fool will be meddling 24. 7 Wisdom (is) too high for a fool : he open. 27. 3 a fool's wrath (is) heavier than them both 27. 22 Though thou shouldest bray a fool iu a Isa. 19. II Surely the princes of Zoan (are)fools, the 35. 8 wayfaring men, though'fools, shall not err Hob. 9. 7 the prophet (is) a fool, the spiritual man 2. Boaster, Shn halal. Psa. 75. 4 1 said imto the fools. Deal not foolishlj Z. Self confident, "j'ps kesil. Psa. 49. 10 the fool' and the brutish person perish 92. 6 neither doth a fool understand this 94. 8 and (ye) fools, when will ye be wise ? Prov, I. 22 scorning, and fools hate knowledge ? I. 32 the prosperity of fools shall destroy ther« 3.35 but shame shall be the promotion of fools 8. 5 ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart 10. 18 and he that uttereth a slander, (is) a fool 10. 23 (It is) as sport to a fool to do mischief 12. 23 the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness 13. 16 dealeth with knowledge : but a fool lay. 13. 19 abomination to fools to depart from evil 13. 2o a companion of fools shall be destroyed 14. 8 his way : but the folly of fools (is) deceit 14. 16 but the fool rageth, and is confident, 14. 24 (but) the foolishness of fools (is) folly 14. 33 but (that which is) in the midst of fools 15, 2 mouth of fools poureth out foolishness 15. 14 the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness 17. 10 more than an hundred stripes into a fool 17. 12 meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly 17. 16 price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom 17. 21 He that begetteth a fool (doetn it) to his 17. 24 eyes of a fool (are) in the ends of the j8. 2 A fool hath no delight in imderstanding 18. 6 A fool's lips enter into contention, and 18. 7 A fool's mouth (is) his destruction, and 19. I perverse in his lips, and is a fool 19. 10 Delight is not seemly for a fool ; much 19. 29 and stripes for the back of fools 23. 9 Speak not in the ears of a fool ; for ho 26. I so honour is not seemly for a fool 26. 3 for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back 26. 4 Answer not a fool according to his folly 26. 5 Answer a fool according to his foUy, lest 26. 6 sendeth a message by the hand of a fool 26. 7, 9 so (is) a parable in the mouth of fools 26. 8 so (is) he that giveth honour to a fool 26. 10 The gieat (God), .both rewardeth tho fool 26. II As a dog. .(so) a fool returneth to his 26. 12 (there is) more hope of a fool than of him 28. 26 that trusteth in his own heart is a fool 29. II A fool uttereth all his mind : but a wise 29. 20 (there is) more hope of a fool than of him Eccl. 2. 14 the fool walketh in darkness : and 1 my. 2. 15 As it happeneth to the fool, so it hap. 2. 16 of the wise more than of the fool for oTef 2. 16 And how dieth the wise (man) ? as the f.' 4. 5 foolfoldethhi3h-Qndstpgfth(?r,andeateth 5. I to hear than to give tlio sicriflce of fools FOOL 361 FOOTMAN Eccl. 5. 3 and a fool's voice (i3 kuov^n) by . .words 5. 4 pay it ; for (he hath) no pleasure in fools 6. 8 what hath the wise more than the fool? 7. 4 the heart of fools (is) 'ji the house of 7. 5 than for a man t» hea r the song of fools 7. 6 crackling, .ao (is) the laughter of the fo. 7. 9 fur anger reatcth in the bosora of foola 9. 17 the cry of him that ruleth among fools 10. 2 right hand ; but a fool's heart at hia left 10. fj the lips of a fool will swallow up himself ^.Empty person, fool, V5J nahal. 3 Sa. 3. 33 and said, Died Abner as a fool dieth ? } 13. 13 thou Shalt be as one of the fools in Israel Job 30. 8 (They were) children of fools, yea, child, Psa. 14. I The fool hath said in his heart, (There Is^ S3. I The fool hath said in his heart, ('There is) Prov 17. 7 Excellent speech becometh not a fool 17. 21 and the father of a fool hath no joy 30. 22 and a fool when he is filled with meat Jer. 17. II leave them, .and at liis end shall be a f. b. Thickheaded. 730 sakal. Eccl. 2. 19 whether he shall be a wlge (man) or a f . ? JO. 3 when he that is a fool walketh by the 10. 3 he saith to every one (that) he (is) a fool 10. 14 A fool also is full of words : a man can. 6. Thoughtless, av6r\ros anceios. Luke 24. 25 fools, and Blow of heart to believe all 7. Unvnse, iip6s moras. Matt. 5. 22 whosoever shall say, Tliou fool I shall 23. 17, 19 (Ye) fools, and blind I for whether la 1 Co. 3. 18 let him become a fool, that he may be 4. 10 We (are) fools for Christ's sake, but yo FOOL, to be as a — To think amiss or lurongly, Trapaippoysci) paraphr. 2 Co. II. 23 I speak as a fool, I (am) mora : in labours FOOL, to tecome a — To make foolish, fiaipaivu mOraino, Bom. I. 22 Professing, .to be Vr^ise, they tecame foob FOOL, to play tho — To act foolishly, 730 sakal, 5. 1 Sa. 26. 21 behold, I have played the fool, and hav,-; FOOLISH — I. Fool, foolish, S'lK ew'?. Job 5. a wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy 5. 3 I have seen the foolish taking root : but ■ProT 10. 14 the mouth of the foolish (is) near destm. 14. 3 In the mouth of the foolish (is) a rod of 29. 9 a wise man contendeth Tvith a f ooUsh man Jer. 4. 22 my people (is) fooUjh, they have not kn. % Foolish, '7IN emli. Zech II. 15 the instrumecta of a foolish shtpherd Z.Brutish, lya baar. Psa. 73. 22 So foolish (was) l, and ignorant : I was i.To boast, hhn halal. Psa. 5. 5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight 73. 3 For I was envious at the foolish, (when) 5. Self confident, TP? Scsi7. Prov 10. I but a foolish son (is) the heaviness of his 14. 7 Go from the presence of a foolish man 15. 7 the heart of the foolish (doeth) not so IS. 20 but a f oliah man despiseth his mother 17. 2S A foolish son (is)a grief to his father, and ig. 13 foolish son (is) the calamity of hia father 31. 20 but a foolish man spendeth it up EccL 4. 13 an old and foolish king, who will no more 10. 15 The labour of the foolish wearieth every ^.Self confidence. roV p? kesiluth. Prov. 9. 13 foolish woman (is) clamorous ; (she is) si. T, Empty, foolish, '75: nahal. Deut32. 6 foolish people and unwise ? (is) not he 32. 21 provoke them to anger with a foolish na. Psa. 39. 8 make me not the reproach of the foolish 74. i8 foolish people have blasphemed thy name 74. 22 the foolish man reproacheth thee daily Eze. 13. 3 Woe unto the foolish prophets, that ^.Thickheaded, ^3p sakal. Eccl. 7. 17 neither be thou foolish : why shouldest Jer. 5. 21 Hear now this, O foolish people, and 9. Simple, "fi9 pethi. ProT. 9. 6 Forsake the foolish, and live ; and go in lO.Thoughiless, av6riTo^ anoUos. QsX. 3. 1 foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched 3. 3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the S. I TI. 6. 9(into)many foolish and hurtful lusts, wh. Titus 3. 3 For we ourselves also were, .foolish, dis. II. Unintelligent, io'vueros asv.neios. Bom. I. 21 and their foolish heart was darkened 10. 19 (and) by a foolish nation I will anger you 12, Heedless, senseless, dcppujv aphron. Rom. 2. 20 Au instructor of the foolish, a teacher of 1 Pe. 2. 15 put to silence the ignorance of foolish 13. Foolish, dull, sloia, /iwpos moras. Matt. 7. 26 shall be likened unto a foolish man 25. 2 live . . were wise, and live (were) foolish 25. 3 They that (were) foolish took their lamps 35. 8 the foolish said unto the wise. Give us of 2 Tl. 2. 23 But foolish and unlearned questions ev. Titus 3. 9 avoid foolish questions^and genealogies FOOUSH, to be — l.To be or becovie foolish, *?»<; ycuxl, 2. Jer. 5. 4 Surely these (are) poor ; they are foolbh 2'.To be self confident, foolish, Vps kasal. Jer. 10. 8 But they arc. .brutish and foolish; tho FOOUSH, to make — l.Ta make foolish, '739 sakal, 3. Isa. 44. 25 and maketh tiieir knowledge foolish 2. To make foolish, /iupaiva moraino. I Co. 1. 20 hath not God made foolish the wisdom of FOOLISH talking or things — 1. Insipid, unlempercd, hw^ taphel. lam. 2. 14 Thy prophets have accn. .foolish thinc^ 2. Foolish discourse, fiaipoXoyia moroiogia. Eph. 5. 4 Neither fUthiness, nor foolish talking Z. Foolish, /xapos moroc. 1 Co. I. 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things FOOLISH woman — Empty, foolish woman n^^j nebalah. Job 2. 10 as one of the foolish women speakoth FOOLISHLY — 1. Folly, n^3« iwelsth. Prov.i4.'i7 (He that is) soon angry dealeth fool::h!y 2.Folly, n^rn iiphlah. Job I. 22 Job sinned not, nor charged Godfocii^hly S.In senselessness, 4v cKpoocriyri en aphrosuno. 2 Co. II. 17 That which I speak, I apeak, .foolishly II. 21 is bold, I speak foolishly, I am bold alio FOOLISHLY, to deal — To boast, VVrt halal. Psa. 75. 4 I said unto the foola, Deal not foolishly FOOLISHLY, to do — l.To be or become foolish, Vn; yaal, 2. Kmni2. II wherein wo have done foolishly, and 2. To be empty, foolish, Ssj ndbel. Prov 30. 32 If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up Z.To act foolishly, 7:^0 sakal, 2. 1 Sa. 13. 13 Samuel said. .Thou hast done foolishly 2 Sa. 24. 10 take away . . for I have done very foolishly 1 Ch.2i. 8 do away, .for I have done very foolishly 2 Ch. 16. 9 Herein thou hast done foolishly : therefore i.To act foolishly, 73D sakal, 5. Gen. 31. 28 Thou hast now done foolishly in (so) doing FOOLISHSrSSS — 1. Folly, nVjN ivveleth. Psa. 38. ' 5 are corrupt because of my foolishness 69. s O God, thou knowest my foolishness Prov 12. 23 the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness 14. 24 (but) the foolishness of fools (is) folly 15. 2 mouth of fools poureth out foolishness 15. 14 the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishnes; ig. 3 foolishness of man perverteth his way 22. IS Foolishness (is) bound in the heart of a 24. 9 The thought of foolishness (isj sin : and 27. ^2 (yet) will not his foolishness depart from 2. Folly, mhip sikluth. Eccl. 7. 25 of folly, even of foolishness (and) madness 10. 13 The beginning, .(is) foolishness ; and the 3. Senselessness, a.if az. 2 Ki 5. 3 for he would recover him of his leprosy 2. Unto, •?« el. Eiod. 8. 25 Pharaoh called for Moses and for Aaron S.Because, for', "laJN? haasher. Eccl. 7. 2 for that (is) the end of all men ; and the i.The, thrt, at, with, m. eth. Lev. 5. 7 then he shall bring for his trespass., two 5. /re {that which), ''D3 oemo. Isa. 25. 10 straw is trodden down for the dunghill Q.For, through, up, over, hy, in behalf of, lys head. Gen. 20. 7 ho shall pray for thee, and thou shalt Exod 8. 28 sliall not go very far away : entreat for 32. 30 I shall make an atonement for your sin Lev. 16. 6 and make an atonement for himself, and Jer. 7. 16 neither lift up cry nor prayer for them 21. 2 Enquire, I pray thee, of the Lord for us 1. Because of, for the sake of, '?^3 galal. Jer. II. 17 for the evil of the house of Israel, and of 8. Be cause, for, ^ di. Ezra 7. 23 for why should there be wraih against 9. Because, for, '? Id. Gen. 2. 5 for .God had not caused it to rain upon 29. 32 for she said, Surely the Lono hath looked Exodi3. 17 for God said, Lest perad venture the peop. 10. To, for, in^ lemo. Job 27. 14 be multiplied, (it is) for the sword : and 11. From, 1 1? min. Dan. 2. 20 Blessed be the name of God for cvcrand 5. 19 for the majesty that he gave him, all li.For the sake of, ]l!ah lemaan. Gen. 18. 24 for the fifty righteous that (are) therein? IZ.Over against, n?J nokach. Gen. 25. 21 And Isaac entreated the LORD for his H.For the purpose of, iny^s baabur. Exod. 9. i5 have I raised thee up, for to show (in) 15. Unto, till, la ad. Gen. 13. 15 to thee will I give It, and to thy seed for Dan, 6. 7 ask a petition of any god or man for 7. 12 yet their lives were prolonged for a sea. 7. 18 possess the kingdom for ever, even for 16.1n reference to, for, hn al. Gen. ig. r 7 that he said. Escape for thy life; look not Ezra 4. Ts for which cause was this city destroyed 6. 1 1 let'his house be made a dunghill for this 6. 17 and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve 6. 18 in their courses, for the service of God Dan. 6. 23 Then was the king exceeding glad for 17. /re consequence of, ajsy eqeb. Isa. s. 23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and 18. /re exchange for, q^n cheleph. Niun 18. 21 all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance 18. 31 it (is) your reward for your service in 19. Over against, in behalf of , h.vrl anti. Matt. 5. 38 An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth 17. 27 take, and give unto them for me and thee 20. 28 and to give his life a ransom for many Markio. 45 and to give his life a ransom for many Lukoii. II vrill he for a fish givo him a serpent? John 1. 16 have all wo received, and grace for grace Eom la 17 Kecompenae to no man evil for ovil I Co, ii4 15 for (her) hair is given her for a covering I Th. 5. 15 See that none render evil for evil imto Heb.l2. 2 who for the Joy that was set before him 12. 16 who-for one morsel of meat sold his birth. Jas. 4. 15 For that ye (ought) to say. If the Lord I Pe. 3. 9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for 20. From, on account of, 6,7r6 apo. Matt 13. 44 for joy thereof gccth and selleth all that 14. 26 is a spirit : and they cried, out for fear 28. 4 for fear of him the keepers didf shako Lukeig. 3 could not for the press, because he was 21. 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and 22. 45 he found them sleeping for sorrow 24. 41 while they yet believed not for joy, and John2i. 6 were not able to draw it for the multitude Acts 12. 14 she opened not the gate for gladness, but 22. II when I could not see for theglory of ^l.During, until, Sxp« achri. Luke 4. 13 he departed from him for a season Acts 13. z I be blind, not seeing the sun for a season 22. Verily, therefore, y&p gar. Matt. I. 20 for that ivhich is conceived in her Is of 1. 21 for he shall save his people from their 2. 2 for we have seen his star in the east, and 2. 5 for thus it is wjitten by the prophet 2. 6 for out otthee shall come a Governor 2. 13 for Herod will seek the young child to 2. 20 for they are dead which sought the young 3- 2i3. 9. 'S; 4-6. 10,17,18 ; 5. 12, 18,20, 29, 30, 46; 6. 7, 8, 14, 16, 21, 24, 32, 34 ; 7. 2, 8, i^ 25, 29 ; g. 5, 13, 16, 21, 24 ; 10. 10, 17, [19], 20, [23], 26, 35 ; 11. [10], 13, 18, 30 ; 12. 8, 33. 34. 37. 4°. 5° ; I3- 12. 15. 17 ". I4- 3. 4; 24 1 iS- z, 4. 19; 16. 2, 3, 25, 26, 27 ; 17. 15, 20 ; 18. 7, 10, [11], 20; 19. 12, 14, 22 ; 20. 1, [16] ; 21. 26, 32 ; 22. 14, 16, 28, 30 ; 23. 3, [4], 8, 9, [10], 13, 17, 29, 39 ; 24. 5, 6, 7, 21, 24, 27, [28], 38 ; 25. 14. 29. 35. 42 ; 26. 9, 10, II, 12, 28, 31, 43, 52; 27. 18, 19, 43; 28 2, 5, 6. Mark 1. 16, 22, 38; 2. 15 ; 3. 10, 21, [35] ; 4. 22, 25, [28] ; 5. 8, 28, 42 ; 6. 14, 17, 18, 20, 31, [36], 48, 50, 52, [32] ; 7. 3, [8], lo, 21, [25], 27; 8. [3], 35, 36; 9. 6, 6, 31, 34, 39, 40, 41, 49 ; 10. 14, 22, [27] ; II. 13, 18, [23], 32 ; 12. la, 14, 23. 25. [36]. 44 ; 13- [6]. [7]. 8. [9]. II. 19. 22, 33, 35 ; 14- 5. Ii. 40, 56 ; 15. 10 ; 16. 4, 8. Luke I. IS, 18, 30, 44, 48, 76 ; 2. 10; 3 8:4. [8], 10; 5. g, 39 ; 6. 23, 23, 26, 38, 43, 44, 44, 45, [48] ; 7. s, 6, [28], 33 ; 8. 17, 18, 29, 29, 40, 46 ; 9. 14, 24, 25, 26, 44, 48, 50, [56} ; 10. 7, 24 ; 11. 10, 30; 12. 12, 30, 34, 52, 58 ; 14. 14, 24, 28 ; 16. 2, 13, 28 ; 17. 21, 24 ; 18. 16, 23, 25, 32 ; ig. 5, 10, 21, [26], 48 ; 20. 6, 19. 33. 36. 38 ; 21. 4, 8, 9, 15, 23, 26, 35 ; f,2. 2, 16, i8, 27, 37,71; 23.8,12,15,34,41. Jonn 2. 25 ; 3. 2, i6, 17, 20, 24, 34, 34 ; 4. 8, g, 18, 42, 44, 45. 47 ; S- [4]. '3. 19. 20, 21, 22, 26, 36, 46, 46 ; 6. 6, 27, 33. 55. 64, 71 ; 7. I, 4, 5, 39; 8. 24, 42; g. 22; II. 39; 12. 8, 43, 47 ; 13. II, 13, 15, 29 ; 14, 30 ; 16. 7, 13, 27 ; i3. 13; ig. 6, 31, 36; 20. g, 17; 21. 7, 8. Acts i. 20 ; 2. 15, 25. 34. 39 ; 3 [22] ; 4. 3, 12, 16, 20, 22, 27, 34 ; 5. 26, 36 ; 6- 14 ! 7- 33. 40 ; 8. 7, 16, 21, 23 ; g. 11, 16 ; 10. 46 ; 13. 8, 27, 36, 47; 15. 21, 28; 16. 3, 28; 17. 20, 23, 28, 28; 18. [3]. [15]. 18, 28 ; ig. 24, 32, 37 ; 20. 10, 13, 16, 16, 27, [29]; 21. 3, 13, 22, 29, 36; 22. 22, 26; 23. 5, 8, II, 17, 21 ; 24. 5; 25- [11]. 27; 26. 16, 26, 26, 26; 27. 22, 23, 25, 34, 34; 28. 2, 22, 27. Kom, I. 9, II, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2o,"26; 2. i, 1, ti, 12, 13. 14. 24. 25. 28 ; 3. 3, 7, 9, 20, 22, 23 ; 4. 2, 3, g, 13, 14. [15]; 5- 6. 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19; 6. s, 7. 10. 14. 14. 19, 20, 21, 23-; 7. t, 2, 5, 7, 8, II, [14], IS, 15, 18, 18, 19, 22 ; 8. 2, 3, s, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 18, ig, 20, 22, 24, 24, 26, 38; 9. 3, 6, 9, II, 15, 17, ig, 28, [32] ; 10. 2, 3, 4, s. 10, II, 12, 12. 13. 16; "• I. [13]. '5. 21, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 34; 12. 3, 4, 19, 20; 13. 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, e, 6, 8 9, II ; 14. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 17, i8 ; 15. 3, 4, 18, [24], 26, 27 ; 16. 18, jg. I Co. I. 11, 17, 18, ig, 21, 26; 2. 2, 8, 10, II, 14, ifi ; 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 9. "t 13. 17, 19. 19. 21 ; 4- 4. 7. 9. I5. I5. 20; S- 3, 12 ; 6 16, 20; 7. [7], g, 14, 16, 22, 31 ; 8. [8], 10 ; 9 2, 9, 15, 16, 16, 17, 19; 10. 4, 5, 17, 26, [28], 29 ; II. s, 6, 7, 8, 12, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, [31] ; 12. 8, 12 ; 13 [9], [12] ; 14. 2, 2, [5], 9, [14], 17, 31 33, 34, 35 ; 15. 3, 9, 16, 21, 22, 25, 27. 32. 34. 41 52. 53; i6- 5. 7. 9. '°. II. 18. 2 Co. I. 8, 12, 13, 19, 20, 24; 2. 2, 4, 9, II, 17 ; 3. 6, g, 11, 14; 4. 5, II, IS, 17. 18; 5. I, 2, 7, 10, [12], 13, 14, [21] ; 6. 2, 14, 16; 7. 3, [8], g, 10, II ; 8. g, 10, 12, 13 ; 9. i, 2. 7; 10. 3, 4, 8, 12, 14, 14, 18; II. 2, 2, 4, [5], g, 13, 14, ig, 20; 12. 6, 6, p, 10, II, II, 13, 14, 14, 20; 13. 4, 8, g. Gal. X. 10, [10], 12, 13 ; 2. 6, 8, 12, 18, ig, ai ; 3. 10, 10, [13], 18, 21, 26, 27, 28 ; 4. 15, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30 ; 5. 5, 6, 13. 14. 17 ; 6- 3. 5. 7. 9' 13. IS. 17- Eph. 2. 8, 10, 14 ; 5. 5, 6, 8, g, 12, 13, 2g ; 6. i. PhU. i. 8, 19, 21, [23] ; 2. 13, 20, 21, 27 ; 3. 3, 18, 20; 4. II. Col. 2. 1, 5 ; 3. 3, 20, [24]; 4. 13. 1 Th. I. 8, g ; 2. i, 3, 5, g, [9], 14, 19, 20 ; 3. 3, 4, 9 : 4-2. 3. 7. 9. 14. 15 ; 5- 2, [3]. 7. 18- 2 Th. 2. 7 ; 3. 2, 7, 10, II. I Ti. 2. [3], s, 13; 3. 13; 4. s, 8. 10, 16; 5. 4, II, IS, 18; 6. 7, 10. 2 Ti. 1, 7, 12; 2. II, 16; 3. 2, 6, g; 4. 3, 6, 10, II. 15. Titus I. 7, 10; 2. II ; 3, g, 13. Phm. 7, 15, 22. Heb. ;. 5 ; 2. 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, 18 ; 3. 3, 4, 14, 16 ; 4. 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, IS ; s- 1, 13. 13 ; 6- 4. 7. io> 13. i<5 ; 7- '. lo. n. 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. 21, 26, 27, 28 ; 8. 3, [4], 5, 7. 8 ; g. 2, 13, 16, 17. 19. 24 ; lo. I. 4. 14. 15. 23, 26, 30, 36, 37 J II. 2, 5, 6, 10, 14, 16, 26, 27, 32 ; 12. 3, 6. 7, 10, 17, 17, 18, 20, 25 ; 13. 2, 5, 9, II, 14, 16, 17, 17, 18. Jas.'i. 6, 7, II, 13, 20, 24 ; 2. 2, 10, It, 13, 26 ; 3. 2, 7, 16; 4. 14. I Pe. 2. 19, 20, II, 25 ; 3. s, 10, 17 ; 4. 3, 6. 2 Pe. 1. 8, 10, II, 16, 17, 21 ; 2. 4, 8,18, ig, 20, 21 ; 3. 4, s.!i Jo. 2. ig ; 4. 2o;s.3. 2 Jo. II. 3 Jo. 3. Jude 4. Bev. i. .3; 3. 2 ; 9. 19, 19 ; 13- 13 ; 14. 4, [5] ; 16. [6], 14 ; 17. 17 ; 19. 8, 10 ; 21. I, 22, 23, 25 ; 22, [g], [18]. 23. Throu{/h, by means of, Sla {gen.) dia. Itoni 15, 30 Now I beseech you bretlircn, for the L. 2i. Because of this, Stdrt dioti. Luke I. 13 Fear not, Zacharias : for thy prayer is 21. 28 lift up your heads ; for your redemption Acta 10. 20 doubting nothing : for I have sent tlem i8. 10 For I am with thee . . for I have much 22. 18 for they will not receive thy testimony Gal. 2. 16 for by the works of the law shall no flesh I Pe. 1. 24 For all flesh (is) as grass, and all the glory 25. But, now, moreover, Se de. Marki6. 8 for they trembled and were amazed Luke23. 17 For of necessity he must release one unto 26. With a inew to, els eis. Matt. 5. 13 it is thenceforth good for nothing, hut to 6. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morr. 8. 4 offer the gift . . f or a testimony unto Hiem 10. 10 Nor scrip for (your) journey, neither two 10. 18 for a testimony against them and the Gr. 24. 14 gospel .. shall be preached, .for a witness 26. 13 shall also this, .be told for a memorial of 26. 28 which is shed, .for the remission of sins 27. ifl gave them for the potter's field, as the L Mark i. 4 preach the baptism of repentance for the 1. 44 offer, .those ihings. .for a testimony unto 6. 8 they should take nothing for (their) jour. 6. II shake off the dust, .for a testimony agai. 13. 9 brought, .for a testimony against them 14. 9 shall be spoken of for a memorial of her Luke 2. 34 set for the fall and rising again of many 2. 34 for a sign wliich shall be spoken against 3. 3 preaching the baptism of repentance for S. 4 and let down your nets for a draught 5. 14 and offer, .for a testimony unto them 9. 3 Take nothing for (your) journey, neither g. s shake off the very dust, .for a testimony 9. 1 3, we should go and buy meat for all this p 9. 62 No man. .looking back, is fit [for] the 12. 19 thou hast . . goods laid up for many years 14, 35 It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for 21. 13 And it shall turn to you for a testimony John I. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear 9. 39 For judgment I am come into this world ~ Acts 2. 38 be baptized . .for the remission of sins 7. 5 he would give it to him for a possession 7. 21 took him up, and nourished him for her 10. 4 are come up for a memorial before God 53. 2 for the work whefeunto I have called 13. 47 for salvation unto the ends of the earth 14. sfi recommended, .for the work which they 23. 30 how that the Jews laid wait for the man Horn. I 5 for obedience to the faith among all nat. 2. 26 uncircumcision be counted for circumcL 4. 3 was counted unto him for righteousness 4. s his faith is counted for righteousness 4. 9 that faith was reckoned to Abraham for 4. 22 it was imputed to him for righteousness 8. 28 that all tilings work together for good to g. 8 tlie children . . are counted for the seed 10. 4 the end of the law for righteousness to 13. 4 is the minister of God to thee for good 15. 2 please (his) neighbour for (his) good to e. 15. 4 were written for our learning ; that we 15. 26 for the poor saints vv-hich are at Jerusal. 15. 31 my service which (I have) [for] Jerusalem 16. 26 made known, .for the obedience of faith 1 Co. 5. 5 to deliver, .for the destruction of the fl. 11. 17 not for the better, but for the worse 14. 22 ^Vherefore tongues are for a sign, not to 16. I the collection for the saints, as I have gi. 2 Co. 5. s he that hatli ■WTOiight us for the selfsame 8. 14 abundance (may be a supply) for their 8. 14 abundance also may be (a supply) for your 9. 10 both minister bread for (your) food, and M. 8 for edification, and not for your destruc. Gal. 3. 6 it was accounted to him for righteousness 5. 13 only (use) not liberty for an occasion to Eph. 2. 22 are builded together for an habitation of 4. 12 for the work of the ministry, for the edi. 5. 2 a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling 6. 22 I have sent unto you for the same purp. Phil. I. 17 I am set for the defence •f the Gospel I. 25 for your furtherance and joy of faith Col. 1. 16 things were created by him, and for him 1. 25 which is given to me for you, to fulfil 2 Ti. 4. II he is profitable to me for the ministry Titus 3. 14 maintain good vrorks for necessary uses Heb. 3. 5 for a testimony of those things which 6. 16 an oath for confirraa tiou (is) to them an g. g Which (was) a figure for the time then 9. 15 for the redemption of the transgressions II. 8 should after receive for an inheritance Jas. 2. 23 it was imputed untol.'lm for rightousness I Pe. I. 4 inheritance, .resened in heaven for you 2. 14 by him for the punishment of evil doers Eev. g. 15 which were prepared for an hour, and a ^ 22. 3 leaves of tne tree (wtee) for the healing 28, Out of, from, ix elc. Matt2o. 2 agreed with the labuurers for a penny a Rev. 16. 10 and they gnawed their tongues for pain 29.Tn, iv en. Matt 6. ,7 shall be heard for theh- much speaking Luke i. 44 the babe leaped iti luy womb for joy Phil. 1. 26 be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me I Ti. s- 10 Well reported of (or good works ; if she Jas. 5. 3 treasure together for the last days I Pe. 4. 14 yo be reproached for the name of Christ ^.Because of, on account of, tveica heneka. Acts 28. 2o for the hope uf Israel I am bound with Horn 14. 20 For meat dbdtroy not the work of God i FOR 363 FOR ZO. Since Imly, inasmuch as, 4-rreio-!] eneide. Lateii. 6 For a friend of mine in liis journey is I Co. I. 22 For the Jews reciuiro a sign, and the Phil. 2. 26 For he longed after you all, aad was full 81. Upon, about, for, iiri {dat^ epi. Mattxj. 9 put away . . except fit be) for fornication Slark 3. s being gi-ieved for the hardness of their Lulse 2. 20 for all the things tliat they had heard 13. 17 rejoiced for all the glorious tilings that Actsl 4. 21 glorified God for that which was done 15. 14 to talce out of them a people [for] his name 15. 31 they rejoiced for the consolation 20. 38 most of all for the words wiiich he spake 26. 6 for the hope of the promise made of God 1 Co. I. 4 for the grace of God which is given you 2 Co. 7. 13 the more joyed we for the joy of Titus 9. 13 glorify God for your professed subjection 9.- 15 Thanks, .unto God for his unspeakable PhiL I. 5 For your fellowship in the Gospel from 3. 12 that for which also I am apprehended of J Th. 3. 9 render, .for all the joy wherewith we joy Jas 5. I howl for j'our miseries tliat shall come 5. 7 and hath long patience for it, until he Key. 18. 9 lament [for] her, when they shall see the 32. Upon, for, i-ni (ace.) epi. Luke 7. 44 thou gavest me no water for my feet 18. 4 he would not for a while : but afterward 23. 28 for mo, but weep for yourselves, and for Johnig. 24 and for my vesture they did cast lots PhiL 3. 14 [for] the prize of the high calling of God Heb. 12. lo but he for (our) profit, that (v/e) might be I Pe. 1. 13 for the grace that is to be brought unto Si.A7id, Kallcai. Xuke 6. 32 For if ye love them that love you, what Kora II. 27 For this (is) my.covpnant unto them, when I Jo. 3. 4 for sin is the transgression of the law Si.And verily indeed, koL yip hai gar. Matt. 8. 9 For I am a man lindor authority, having 26. 73 jSurely thou, .for thy speech bc%'iTayeth Harki4. 70 for thou art a Galilaian, and thy speech Luke 6. 32 for sinners also love those that love 6.'33 for sinners also do even the same 22. 59 also was with him ; for he is a Galilaian John 4. 23 for the Father seckcth such to worship Acts 19. 40 For wo are in danger to be called in Kom.i6. 2 for she hath been a snccourer of many X Co. 8. 5 For though there be th;".t are called gods 12. 13 For by one Spirit are wo all baptized 12. 14 Forthe body is not ono member, but many 14. 8 For if the trumpet givo an uncertain a Co. 2. 10 for if I forgave anything, to whom I 3. 10 For oven that v/hich vras made glorious 5. 4 For we that are in (this) tabernacle do 7. s For, when we were come into Macedonia 13. 4 For though he was crucified through Heb. 4. 2 For unto us was the Gospel preached, as 5. 12 For when, .the time ye ought to be teach. JO. 34 For ye had compassion of me in my bonds 12. 29 For our God (is) a consuming firo 13. 22 for I have written a letter unto you in 35./)oJO)i upon, or along, Kara (ace.) kata. Matti9. 3 man to put av/ay liis wife for every cause 36.0/ the, rov tou. Luko 2. 21 for the circumcising of the child, his name 37. That, because, on hoii. Matt. 6. 26 for they sov/ not, neither do they reap Mark r. 27 [for -with authority commandeth he even] 12. 32 for there is one God ; and there is none Luke I. 45 for there shall be a performance of those I. 4$ for, behold, from henceforth all generat. 4. 36 for with authority and power he coram. 7. 39 what manner of woman, .for she is a sin. 8. 25 for he commandeth even the winds and 12. 24 the ravens : for they neither sov/ nor reap 15. 6 for I have found my sheep which was lost 13. 9 for I have found the piece which I liad John 4. 35 for they are white already to harvest S- 28 for the hour is coming, in the which all 7. 52 for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet 14. 17 for he dwelleth with you, and shall be m Acts 8. 33 for his life is taken from the earth 22. 15 For thou shalt bo his witness unto all 1 Co. 16. 17 for that which was lacking on your part 2 Co. I. 5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound .. 2. 15 For we are unto Cod a sweet savour of 7. 14 For if I have boasted anything to him 8. 3 For to (their) power, I bear record, yea Gal. 4.27 for the desolate hath many more 3. 11. Eph. 2. 18 For through him we both have access by Phil. 4. 16 For even in Tliessalonica ye sent once and 1 Th. I. s For our gospel came not unto you in word 9 Th. 3. 7 for we behaved not ourselves disorderly 1 Jo. 3. 2 like him ; for we shall see him as ho is 3. 20 [For] if our heart condemn us, God is 4. 8 [loveth not knoweth not God ; for God 's] Rev. 12. 12 for the devil is come down unto you 18. 20 Rejoice, .for God hath avenged you on 19. , 7 for the marriage of the Lamb is come, end 21. 5 for these words are true and faitliful S6. Becaiise, Zti lioti (causal). Matt. 5. 3, 10 for their's is the Idngdom of heaven 5. 4 that mourn : for they shall be comforted 5. 5 meek : for they shall Inherit the earth ■' 5. 6 which do hunger, .for they shall be filled 5. 7 the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy 5. 8 the pure in heart: for they shall see God S. 9 for tliey shall be called the children v. 10, Matt. 5 S' 5' i: 6. 7- II. IS- IS- 16. 16. 17- 23- 23- 23- =3- 23- 23- 24. 24. 25- 25- Mark 5. 6. 8. 14. Luke I. s. 4- 4- 4- 4- S- 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 8. 8. 9- 9- 10. 10. II. II. II. II. 12. 12. 12. 13- 13- 13- 14. 14. 14. IS \i: 16. »6. 16. 18. 19. 19. 21. 23- 23- 24. 24. John I. I. 4- 5- S- 6. 7- 7- 12 for great (is) your reward in heaven 34 neither by heaven ; for it is God's throne 35 Nor by the earth ; for it is his footstool 35 for it is the city of the great King 45 for he maketh his sun to rise on the evU 5 for they love to pray standing in the 13 [For thine is the kingdom, and the power] 13 for wide (is) the gate, and broad (is) t)ie 21 for if the mighty works, v/hich were done 23 for if the mighty works, which have been 26 for so it seeined good in thy sigiit 29 for I am meek and lowly in heart : and 42 for she came from the uttermost parts of 16 for they see : and your ears, for they hear 23 Send her away ; for she crieth after us 17 for flesh and blood haUi not revealed (it) 23 for thou savourest not the things that be 15 have mercy on my son ; for he is lunatic 13 for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven 14 [for ye devour widows' hou-ses, and for a] 15 for ye compass sea and land to make one 23 for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and 25 for ye make clean the outside of the cup 27 for ye are like unto whlted sepulchres 42 for ye kno's; not what hour your Lord dot>. 44 for in such an hour as ye think not the S. 8 Give UB of your oil ; for our lamps are 13 for ye know neither the day nor the hour 9 My name (is) Legion : for we are many 17 Philip's wife ; for he had married her 33 for thou savourest not the things that be 27 for it is written, I will smite the Shepheri' 37 For with God nothing shall be inapossible 49 For he that is mighty hath done to me 68 for he hath visited and redeemed his 11 For unto you is bom this day. .a Saviour 30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation 6 for that is delivered unto me ; and to wh. 32 his doctrine : for his word was with 41 speak : for they knew that he was Christ 43 other cities also : for therefore am I sent 8 Depart from me ; for I am a sinful raau 19 for there went virtue out of him, and 20 Blessed, .for your's is the kingdom of God 21 for ye shall be filled, .for ye shall laugh 24 for ye have received your consolation 25 for ye shall hunger, .for ye sh.ill mourn 35 f orhe is kind unto the unthankful and (to) 47 sins . . are forgiven ; for she loved much 37 for they were taken with great fear. And 42 For he had one only daughter, about twel. 12 get -s-ictuals : for we are' here in a desert 38 look upon my son ; for he is mine only ch. 13 for if the mighty works had been done in 21 Father ; for so it seemed good in thy sight 31 for she came from the utmost parts of 32 for they repented at the preaching of J. 42 for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner 43 for ye love the uppermost seats in the 44 for ye are as graves which appear not 46 for ye lade men with burdens giievous to 47 for ye build the sepulchres of the proph. 48 for they indeed killed them, and ye build 52 for ye have taken aw-ay the key of know. 15 for a man's life consisteth noi- in the 32 for it is yom- Father's good pleasure to 40 for the Son of man conieth at an hour 24 for many, .will seek to enter in, and shall 31 depart hence : for Herod will kill tliee 33 for it cannot be that a prophet perisli out II For whosoever exalteth himself shall be 14 for they cannot recompense thee, .thou 17 Come ; for all things nre now ready 24 For this my son was dead, and is alive 32 for this thy brotlier was dead, and is alive 3 for my lord takcth away from me the 8 for the children of this wcrld are. .wiser 15 for that which is highly esteemed among 24 tongue ; for 1 am tormented in this flame 14 for every one that exalteth himself shall 4 to see him : for he was to pass that (way) 43 For the days shall come upon thee, tliat 22 For these be the days of vengeance, that 29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the 31 For if they do these things in a green tree 29 for it is toward evening, and the day is f. 39 for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as 15, 30 preferred before me : for he was befo. 17 For the law was given by Moses, (hut) 22 we know what we worship : for salvation 38 for whom he hath sent, him ye believe 39 for hi them ye think ye have eternal life 3S For I came down from heaven, not to do 8 I go not up yet. .for my time is not yet 29 for I am from him, and he hath sent me 14 for I know whence I came, and whither 16 For I am not alone, but I and the Father 20 no man laid hands on him ; for his hour 29 for I do always those things that please 44 for he is a liar, and the father of it 4 sheep follow him : for they know his voi. 5 for they know not the voice of strangers 47 What do we 1 for this man docth many 49 For I have not spoken of myself ; but 28 I go unto the Father ; for my Father is S for without me ye can do nothing 15 for the servant knoweth not what his lord 15 for all things that I have heard of my F. 14 for he shall receive of mine, and shall 8 For I have given unto them the w-ords 9 which thou hast given me ; for they are 24 for thou lovedst me before the fouiidaliou John 1 3. 2 for Jesus oft times resorted thither with 18. 18 had made a fire of coals; for it was cold ig. 20 for the place, .was uigb to the city : and 19. 42 for the sepulchre was nigh at band Acts I. 5 For John truly baptized with water: but 1. 17 For he was numbered with us, and had s. 25 for he is on my right hand, that I should 4. 21 for all (men) glorified God for that which 5. 38 for if this counsel or this work be of men 9. 15 for he is a chosen veecel unto me, tobetr 10. 14 for I have never eaten anything that is 10. 38 went about doiug good . .for God was with 11. 8 for nothing common, .hath, .entered into II. 24 For he was a good man, and full of the 13. 41 for I work a work In your days, a work 22. 21 Depart : for I will send tliee far hence ftom. 8. 29 For wliom he did foreknow, he albo did II. 36 For of him, and through him, and tobira J Co. 4. 9 for.we are made a spectacle unto the 10. 17 For we (being) many are one bread, (and) 11. 15 for (her) hair is given her for a covering 2 Co. 4. 6 For God . .hath slilned in our hearts, to 7. 8 For though I made you sorry with a lettci 8. 17 For indeed he accepted the exhortation 10. ID For (his) letters, (are) weighty and pow. CaJ 3. II evident : for. The juet shall live by faitli 4. 12 bo as I (am) ; for I (am) as ye (are) : ye 4. 20 desire to be present, .for I stand in doubt 6. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall ol Fph 4. 25 for we are members one of anothei 5. 23 For the husband is the head of the wifo 5. 30 For we are members of his body, of lila 6. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and bio. FhiL I. 29 For unto you it is given iii the beJinlf of Col. I. 16 For by him were c U things created, that 1. 19 For it pleased (the Father) that ia hmi 2. 9 For in him dweUeth all the fulness of tlio 2 Zh. 2. 14 for ye also have Buffered like things of 1 3. 8 For now we live, if ye stand fast in the 4. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from 5. 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath 2 Th. 2. 3 for (that day shall not come), except there 1 Ti. 4. 4 For every creature of God (is) good, and 2 Ti. I. 16 for he oft refreshed me, and was not Hcb 8. 10 For this(is) the covenant that I will make 8. II for all shall know me, from the least to 8. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrlght. Jas. I. 12 for when he is tried, he shall receive tho I. 23 Fot if any be ahearer of the word, and not 5. 8 for the coming of tho Lord draweth nigh I Pc I 16 it is written. Be ye holy ; for I am holy 2 15 For so is the will of God, that with well 3. 12 For the eves of the Lord (are) over tho 3. lb For Christ also hath once suffered for 4. t for he that hath suffered in the flesh hatli 4 3 for charity shall cover the multitude of 4 .4 for the Spirit of glory . .resteth upou you , 17 For the time (is come) that judgment .,. 5 for God resistcth the proud, and giveth \. 7 Casting all your care upon him ; for he I Jo 2. t6 For all that (is) in the world, the lust of 8 for the devil sinnctli from the beginning 9 for his seed reniaineth in him -. and lie II For thisisthemessage tliatye heard from 7 love one another : for love is of God ; and 4 For whatsoever is boi-n of God ovcrcometh 7 For there are three that bear record in 9 for this is tlie witness of God which ho 7 For many deceivers are entered into tlio II for they have gone in tlie way of Cain 4 walk with me in white ; for they are wor. 3 8 for thou hast a little strength, and liast 4. II for thou bast created all things, and 5. 9 for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed 617 For the great day of his wrath is come 7' 17 For the lamb, .shall feed them, and shall 11. 2 for it is given unto the Gentiles : and the 12. 10 for the accuser, .is cast down, whiih 12 12 for the devil is come down unto you 14. 7 for the hour of his judgment is come : and 14. 15 for the time is come for thee to reap ; for 14.18 gather the clusters . . for her grapes are IS I for in them is filled up the wiaih of God 15. 4 for (thou) only (art) holy : for all nations 15. 4 for thy judgments are made manifest 16. 6 For they have shed the blood of saints 16. 21 for the plague thereof was. .great 17 14 for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings i3. 3 For all nations have dnink of the wine 18. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven t8. 7 for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen 18. 8 for strong (is) the Lord . . who judgeth lier 18. 10 for in one hour is thy judgment come 18. II for no manbuyeth their merchandise any 18. 17 For in one hour so great riches is come to j8. 19 for in one hour is she made desolate 18. 23 for thy merchants were the great men of 18. 23 for by thy sorceries were . . nations deceiv. 19. 2 For true and righteous(are)his judgments 19. 2 for he hath judged the great whore, which 19 6 for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth 21 4 neither . . any more pain : [for] the former 2- s for the Lord God giveth them light : and 22. 10 prophecy of this book : [for] the tune is Z9.Concemi>:cf, about, vepi {gen.) pcre. Matt. 2. 8 and search diligently for the young child 6. 28 And why take ye thought for raiment? "2. 16 Master, .neither carest thou for any 26 28 this is my blood . . which is shed for many Mark 1 44 offer for thy cleansing those things wliieh 12 14 we know that thou., carest for no man • 2 .To. Jude Kev. POTl 364 FOR Marki4. 24 blood of the new testament, .shed [for] luke 2. 27 to do for him after the custom of the law 3. 19 reproved by him for Herodias. .and for 4. 38 mother . . and they besought him for her 5. 14 offer for thy cleansing, according as M. 12. 26 is least, why take ye thought for the rest? ig. 37 praise God . . for all the mighty works that 22. 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy John 9. 21 ask him : he shall speak for himself JO. 13 The hireling, .careth not for the sheep JO. 33 For a good work wc stone thoe not 10. 33 but for blasphemy; and because that thou 12. 6 This, .not that he cared for the poor; but 15. 22 now they have no cloak for their sin 36. 26 I say not. .1 will pray the Father for you 17. 9 I pray for them, .not for the world, but 17. 20 JJ either pray I for these alone, but for 19. 24 but cast lots for it, whose it shall be Acts 8. 15 Who. .prayed for them, that they might 19. 40 be called in question for this day's uproar 24. 21 Except it be for this one voice, that I Rom. 8. 3 and for sin, condemed sin in the flesh Eph. 6. 18 Praying always, .in the spirit, .for all . Col. I, 3 Wo give thanks., praying always [for J you 2. I what great conflict I have [for] you, and 4. 3 praying also for us, that God v/ou!d open 1 Th. I. 2 We give thanks to God always for you all 3. gfwhat thanks can we render to God . .for 5. 25 Brethren, pray for us s Ih. I. 3 We are bound to thank God always for I. II Wherefore also we pray always for you 2. 13 to give thanks alway to God for you 3. I Finally, brethrei), pray for us, that tho Kim. 10 I beseech thee for my son Onesimus Eeb. /-s. 3 he ought, as for the people, so also for 10. 6 In burnt offerings . .for sin thou hasi. had 10. 8 burnt offerings . . for sin thou wouldest not JO. 18 these (is, there is) ijo more offering for sin 10. 26 there remaineth no more aacrifloe for sins 11. 4 J God. .provided some better thing for U3 13. J I is brought into the sanctiisry. .[for] sin 13. 18 Pray for us : for we trust we have a good t Pe. 3. 18 Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the 5. 7 Casting all. .upon him ; for ho careth for I Jo. 2. 2 for our sins, .for oar's only, but also for 4. 10 his Son. .the propitiation for our sins 5. i5 I do not say that he shall pray for it 40. Toward, leading to, irpSs (gen.) pros. Acta 27. 34 take, .meat ; for this is for your health il. Toward, in consideration of, irpSs (ace.) pros. Matt 26. 12 on my body, she did (it) for my bui-ial Markio. 5 For the hardness of your heart he wrote Luke 8. 13 have no root, which for a while believe John 5. 35 ye were filling for a season to rejoice in Acta 3. 10 they knew that it was he which sat for) 13. 15 any,word of exhortation for the people I Co. 7. 5 except. , with consent for a time, that ye 7. 35 And this I speak for your own profit 7. 35 but for tljat vfhich i? oonjely, and that 10. II and they are written for our admonition s Co. 2. 16 And who (is) sjifBcient for these things? 7. 8 made you sorry, though .. but for a season Gal. 2. s we Z!iy& place. .i>o, not for an hour Eph* 4. 12 For the perfecting of the saints, .the wo. I Th. 2. 17 being taken from you for a short time in 1 Ti. I. 16 for a pattern to tljem which should 2 Ti. 3. 16 for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, f. Phm. IS perhaps he. .departed for a season, that Heb. 12. 10 they verily for a few days chastened 12. II no chastening for the present seemeth i.2.rn hekalf of, mip (gen.) huper. Matt. 5. 44 pray for them which . .persecute you IjUke 6. 28 pray [for] them v/hich dcspitcfally use 9. 50 said, .he that is not against us is for us 22. 19 This is my body, which is given for you 82. 20 in my blood, which is shed for you John 6. 51 which I will give for the life of the world 10. II good shepherd giveth his life for the she. 10. 15 and I lay down my life for the sheep 11. 4 but for the glory of God, that the Son of 11. so that one man should die for the people II. SI that Jesus should die for that nation 11. 52 not for that nation only, but that also IS. 13 that aman lay dovm his life for his friends 18. 14 that one man should die for the peopla Acts 5. 41 counted worthy to suffer shame for his 8. 24 Pray ye to the Lord for me, that none of 12. s but prayer yjzs, made . . unto God [for] him IS. 26 have hazarded their lives for the name of ai. 13 to die. .for the name of the Lord Jesus SI. 26 should be offered for every one of them 26. 1 Thou art permitted to speak [for] thyself Itom. I. 5 obedience . . among all nations, for his na. I. 8 First, I thank my God . . [for] you all, that J. 6 in due time Christ died for the ungodly S. 7 scarcely for a righteous man will one die 5. 7 for a good taan some would even dare 5. 8 while, .yet sinners, Chriiit died for us 8. 26 the SpiritlitseU maketh intercession [for] 8. 27 he maketh intercession for the saints ace. 8. 31 If God (be) for us, who (can be) against 8. 32 but delivered him up for us all, how shall 8. 34 Chiist. .who also maketh intercession for 9. 3 were accursed from Christ for ray breth. 10. I Brethren, my. .prayer to God for Israel 14. Ts Destroy not him. .for whom Christ died 15. 8 was a minister of the circumcision for the 15. 9 Gentiles might glorify God for (his) mercy 15. 36 with me in (your) prayers to God for me 16. 4 Who have for my lif a laid down their o^vn 1 Co. I. 13 was Paul crucified [for] you? or were ye 4. 6 that no one of you be puffed up for one 5. 7 For even Christ, .is sacrificed [for] us 10. 30 evil spoken of. .for which I give thanks? 11. 24 this is my body, which is broken for you 12. 2S should have the same care one for anoth. 15. 3 how that Christ died for our sins accord. IS. 29 they do v.'hich are baptized for the dead 15. 29 why are they then baptized for the dead? 2 Co. I. 6 for your consolation, .for your consola. 1. II also helping together by prayer for u"! 5. 14 if one died for all, then were all dead 5. 15 And. .he died for all, that they which S. 15 unto him which died for them, and rose S. 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ 5. 21 he hath made him. .sin for us, who knew 7- 12 but that our care for you in the sight of 8. 16 put. .care into the he.irt of Titus for you g. 14 by their prayer for you, which long after 12. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice 12. IS I will very gladly, .be spent for you 12. ig all things, dearly beloved, for your edify. ■13. .8 nothing against the truth, but for the Gal. I. 4 Who gave himself [for] our sins, that ho 2. 20 Son of God, who. .gave himself for me 3. 13 Christ, .being made a curse for us : for it Eph. 1. 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making 3. I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you 3. 13 ye faint not at my tribulations for you 5. 2 hath given himselifor us an offering and 5. 20 Giving thanks always for all things imto 5. 2S even as Christ also, .gave himself for it 6; 19 And iay me, that utterance may be given 6. 20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds Phil. I. _ 4 in every prayer of mine for you all making CoL 1." 7 who is for you a faithful minister of Chr. I. ■' 9 do not cease to pray for you, and to desire I 24 Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you 4. 12 labouring fervently for you in prayers 4. 13 that he hath a great zeal for you, and them 1 Th. 5. 10 Who died for us, that, v/hether wo wako a Th I. 4 v.'B . . glory in you . . for your patience and 1. 5 kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer I Ti. 2. J giving of thanks, be made for all men 2. 2 For kings, and . . all . . in authority 2. 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be Titus 2. 14 Who gave himself for us, that he might Heb. 2. 9 that he . . should taste death for every man 5, I every high priest . . Is ordained for men in 5. I that he may offer. . sacrifices for sins 5. 3And..heought..tooffer [for] sins 6. 20 Whither the forerunner is for us entered 7. 2S ever liyeth to make intercession for them 7. 27 offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins 9. 7 not -without blood, which he offered for 9. 24 to appear in the presence of God for us JO. 12 after he had offered one sacrifice for sins 13. 17 they watch for your souls, as they that Jas. s- ifi ^is hos. Matt2i. 46 because they took Mm for a prophet I Pe. 2. 16 and not using, .liberty for a cloak of [See also Aloud, as, call, care, shout, sing, wait, waited, why.] FOE an — hHven, 03 gam. Lev. 26. 44 And yet for all that, when they be in the 2. With, Dj; im. Neh. 5. 18 yet for all this required not I the bread of FOE all that — Thus, so, oSra Jwuto. I Co. 14. 21 yet for all that will they not hear me FOE... cause — I.Over against this, hyrX tovtov anti ioutou. Eph. s- 3! S'or this cause shall a man leave his t. ^.Through this, on account of this, Sia tovto. John 12. 18 For this cause the people also met him 12. 27 but for this cause came I unto this hour Acts 28. 20 For this cause, .have I called for you, to Kom. I. 26 tor this cause God gave them up unto 13. 6 For, for this cause pay ye tribuito also IS- 9 For this cause I will confess to thee 1 Co. 4. 17 For thia cause have I sent unto you Tim. II. 10 For this cause ought the woman to have II. 30 For this cause many (are) weak and sick. Col. I. 9 For this cause we also, smce the day we f Th. 2. 13 For this cause also thank we God without 3. 5 For this cause, when I could no longer 2 Th. '2. 1 1 for this causa God shall send them strong I Ti. I. 16 Howbelt for this cause I obtained mercy Heb. 9. 15 for this cause he is the mediator of the 3. With a mev) to this, els rovro eis toxdo. Johnii8. 37 and for this cause came I into the world 1 Pe. 4. 6 for this cause was the gospel preached ^.Because of, on account of, 'iv^Ka heneka. Mattjig. s For this cause shall a man leave father Markio. 7 For this cause shall a man leave.his fa. Acta 26. 21 For these causes the Jews caught me in 2 Co. 7. 12 not for his cause that had done the wrong 7. 12 aor for hla cause that sufforcd wrong, but b.For the salce of this, tovtov x^p'" toutou charin, Eph. 3. I For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of J. 3. 14 For this cause I bow my knees unto tho Titus I. 5 For this caiise left I thee iu Crete, that 6. For you, vtuv (dat.) humin. 2 Co. 5. 13 whether we be sober, Xit is] for yonr cause FOE ever — All the days, D'K>;n-'?5 Jcol-hayyamim. Gen. 43. 9 then let me bear the blame for ever 44. 32 shall bear the blame to my father for ev. Deut. 4. 40 prolong (thy) days upon the earth, .for a j8. 5 minister in the name of the Lord, .for e. Josh. 4. 24 ye might fear the Lord your God for ev. 1 Sa. 28. 2 make thee keeper of mine head for ever 1 Ki. 12. 7 then they will be thy servants for ever 2 Ch.2i. 7 a light to him and to his sons for ever Psa. 23. 6 will dv.'cU in the house of the Lord for e. Jer. 31. 36 from being a nation before me for ever 32. 39 that they may fear me for ever, for the 3S. 19 want a man to stand before me for ever FOE. ..sake — 1. Because of, for the salce of, hhi galal. Gen. 30. 27 the Lord hath blessed mo for thy sake 39. s Lord blessed the . .house for Joseph's sa. Deut. I. 37 Lord was angry with me for your sakea Mlo. 3. 12 shall Zion for your plowed, .a fi i'.On account of, Sid (ace.) dia.. Mattio. 22 shall be hated of all. .fcr my name's sake 14. 3 and put. .in prison for Herodias' sake 14. 9 nevertheless for the oath's sake, and' 19. 12 eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sa. 24. 9 hated of all nations for my name's sake 24. 22 for the elect's sake those days shall be Marlj 4. 17 persecution ariseth for the word's sake 6. 17 bound him in prison for Herodias' sake 6. z6 sorry ; (yet) for his oath's sake, and for 13. 13 be hated of all. .for my name's sake 13. 20 for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen Luke2i. 17 ye shall be hated, .for my name'f sake Johni2. 9 they capie not for Jesus' sake only, but 14. II or else believe jme for the very work's sake 15. 21 will they do unto you for my name's sake Horn. 4. 23 Now it was not written for bis sake alone 13. 5 for wrath, but also for conscience' sake 15. 30 for . . Christ's sake, and for the love of the 1 Co. 4. 10 We (are) fools for Christ's sake, but ye 9. 23 And this I do for the Gospel's sake, that 10. 25, 27 askingjio question for conscience" sake 2 Co. 4. s ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake 4. II alway deliveredjunto death for Jesus' sake Col. 3. 6 [For v/hich things' sake] the wrath of I Th. 5.13 esteem them .. in love for their work's sak, 1 Ti. s- 23 'ise a little wine for thy stomach's sake 2 Ti. 2. 10 I endure all things for the elect's sakes Phm. 9 Yet forlove'ssakelratherbeseech. .being I Pe. 2. 13 Submit yourselves, .for the Lord's sake 3. 14 and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake 1 Jo. 2. 12 sins are forgiven you for his name's sake 2 Jo. 2 For the truth's sake, which dweUeth in 3. On accovnt of us, St fifias di hemas. I Co. 9. JO Or saitji he (it) altogether for our sakes 1 9. 10 For our sakes, no doubt, (this) ia written 4. On account of you. Si' vnas di humas. Johnii. 15 I am glad for your sakes that I was not 12. 30 This voice came not. .but for your sakes Kom. 1 1. 28 for yom- sakes . . beloved for the fathers' ea, 1 Co. 4. 6 transferred to myself ..for your sakes 2 Co. 2. 10 for your sakes. .in the person of Christ 4. IS For all things (are) for your sakes, that 8. 9 yet for your sakes he became poor, that 1 Th. I. 5 what manner of men we were . . fori your s. 3. 9 we joy for your sakea before our God 5. Ore accoimt of that one. Si iK^'ivov di ekeincn, 1 Co. 10. 28 eat not for his sake that showed it, and 6. In, Iv en. Eph. 4. 32 God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you T. Because of, on account of, eyeKa henelca. Matt. 5. 10 arc persecuted for righteousness' sake 5. II say all. .evil against you. .for my sake 10. 18 brought before governors, .for my sake 10. 39 he that loseth his life for my sake shall 16. 2S whosoever will lose liis life for my sake ig. 29 hath forsaken houses, .for my name's sa. Mark 8. 35 whosoever shall lose his life for my sake 10. 2g left house, .for my sake, and the gospel's 13. 9 shall be brought before . . kings for my sa. Luke 6. 22 shall reproach, .for the Son of man's sake 9. 24 whosoever will lose his life for my sake ,j8, 29 left house., for the kingdom of God's sake ei. 12 brought before kings, .for my name's sake Eom. 8. 36 For thy sake we are killed all the daylong S.Around, about, concerning, irepl peri (gen.). Acts 26. 7 For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I 9.771 'behalf of , \ntip huper. Jolmi3. 37 Lord. .1 wiU lay down my life for thy sake 13. 38 Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake ? 17. 19 for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they Acts 9. 16 things he must suffer for my name's sake 2 C0.12, 10 pleasure, .in distresses, for Christ's sake Phil. j. 29 not only, .but also to suffer for his sake Col.- I. 24 for his body's sake, which is the church 3 Jo. 7 that for his's sake they went forth 10. For the sake of, X"P'>' charin. Titus I. II teaching tilings, .for filthy lucre's eaVa FOR 365 FOREFRONT rOE that — 1. If, since, «< ei. Heb. 7. 15 for that Jfter the similitude of Melchised. 2. Since, seeing that, iinl epei. Heb. 3. 2 for that Ije himself .also is compassed with Z.Since truly, 4veiS^ epeidS. 2 Co. 5. 4 not [for that] we v/ould ba imclothed 4. Upon, ahout, for, M {dat.) epi. Rom. i. 12 60 deatli passed upon all men, [for that]- 5. .Because, 3ti hoti. Johni2. i3 the people . .met Iiim, for tliat they heard 2 Co. I. 24 Not for that wo have dominion over your I Ti; 1. 12 for that he counted m£ faithful, putting rOR that... ought to say — Instead of saying, h.vT\ rod \4ystv, and toil lc(jein, Jas, 4. 15 For that ye (ought) to say. If the Lord FOR then — 1. Since, seeing that, iwei epei. Jlom. 3. 6 for then how shall God judge the world? Heb. 9. 26 For then must he often have suffered 10. 2 For tlien would they not have ceased to 2. Seeing that then, i-rrel &pa epei ara. I Co. s. 10 for then must ye needs go out of the wor. TOR to — \.ln order to, jyo? lemaan. Jer. 43. 3 for to deliver us into the hand of the % With a view to, els rh eis to. Romii. II Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy S./'/i order that, to the end that, so that, 'Iva hina. Maris 3. 10 they pressed upon him for to touch him Johnio. 10 The thief coraeth not, but for to steal 11. 53 tooic counsel.. for to put him to death Acts 17. 15 receiving a commandment, .for to come .22. 5 to bring them.. bound, .for to be punish. J!ph. 2. 15 for to malce in himself of twain one new Eey. 9. 15 loosed . .for to slay the third part of men 12. 4 the dragon stood., for to devour her child A.Toward the, irphs rh pros to. Matt,23. 5 all their worlcs they do for to be seen of [See also Call, cause, ever, evermore, hope, intent, lay, lie. little, loolc, malce, purpose, season, seeli, send, tarry, time, wait.] FORASMTICH as — 1. After, iriN achar. Gen. 41. 39 Forasmuch as God hath showed thee all 2. After that, "i^f? '"i.nx achare asher. . Judglii. 36 forasmuch as the Lord hath taken veng. E Sa. 19. 30 forasmuch as my lord the king is come Z. Because, )y; yaan. Amos 5. ij Forasmuch therefore as yovr treading (is) i.Because that, "y^v. [j;; yaan asher. I Ki.14. 7 Forasmuch as I exalted thee from among d.Bccause that, '•3 [j;: yaan Id. I Ki.;i3. 21 Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed the Isa. 8. 6 Forasmuch as this people refuseth the 29. 12 Forasmuch as this people draw near (me) 6.Tkat, because, '? ki. Deuti2. 12 forasmuch as he hath no part nor inher. 7. Because that, I3"'?J! "3 Id al-ken. Num. 10. 31 forasmuch as thou knowest how we are S.Becaxise thai, ^ '^np''?! kol-qehel di. Ezi'a 7. 14 Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king Dan. 2. 46 forasmuch as iron breaketh . . and subdueth 2. 41 forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed 2. 45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone 4. 18 forasmuch as all the wise (men) of my 5. 12 Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and 6. 4 forasmuch as he (was) faithful, neitlier 6. 22 forasmuch as. .innocency was found in 8. Till, IV ad. Josh.17. 14 forasmuch as the Ioed hath blessed me lO.If, since, ei ei. Acts II. 17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the ^1. Since, seeing that, ivei epei. 3 Co. 14. 12 Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous Heb. 2. 14 Forasmuch tlien as the children are pai-. li.Since indeed, ineiSriTv^p, (TreiSri epeideper. Luke I. I Forasmucli as many have taken in hand Acts 15. 24 Forasmuch as wehavehearJ, thatcertain FORASMTICH as. ..was — Ueing, Hv on. Acts 9. 38 forasmuch as lydda was nigh to Joppa FORBEAR, to — 1. To be silent, cease, stand still, D3i damam. Eze. 24. 17 Forbear to cry, make no mourning for 2. To cease, leave off, forbear, "jin chadal Exod23. 5 and wouldest forbear to help him; thou Num. 9. 13 and forbeai-eth to keep the passover. ej-en DSut 23. 22 if thou Shalt forbear to vow, it shall be 1 Sa. 23. 13 told Saul . . and he f orbare to go forth t Ki. 22. 6 Shall I go . .to battle, or shall 1 forbear ? > 22. 15 shall we go . .to battle, or sliall we forb!? e Ch. 18. 5, 14 Shall we go . . to battle, or shall 1 for.? 25. 16 forbear ; why shouldest thou be smitten? Ssi t6 Then the prophet forbarc, and said, I 2 Cli. 35. 21 forbear thee from . .God, who (is) \i\Xh me Job j6. 6 and (though) I forbear, what am I cased? Jer. 40. 4 but if it seem ill unto thee, .forbear 41. 8 So he forbare, fnd slew them not among 5 J. 30 The mighty men of Babylon have forborne Eze. 2. 5, 7 they will hear, or whether they will fo. 3. II they will hear, or whether they will forb. 3. 27 let him forbear: for they (are) a rebellious Zechii. 12 give (me) my price ; and if not, forbear 3.7V) keep back, spare, widihold, Tjifn cliasak. Prov24. I) It thou forbear to deliver.. drawn unto 4.7*0 draw or stretch out, ripg mashak. Neh. 9. 30 Yet many years didst thou forbear them 5. To hold self back or up, hvexonat ancchomai. Eph. 4. 2 with long suffering, forbearing one anot. Col. 3. 13 Forbearing, .and forgiving one anotlier 6. To send back, let away, ai/lri/jii aniemi. Eph. 6. 9 forbearing threatening : knowing that 7. To spare, 2 kul, 3a. Jer. 20. 9 I v/as weary with forbearing, and I could FORSn) — Profanation, np'^n chalilah. I Sa. 24. 6 The LoKD forbid that I should do this 016. II The Lord forbid that I should stretch fo. I ICi. 21.. '3 Naboth said to Aliab, The LORD forbid I Ch. 1 1.' 19 And said. My God forbid it me, that I FORBID (to take), to — \.To restrain, shut up, n^3 kaloL. Nuraii. 28 Joshua, .said, My lord Moses, forbid the. I.T0 set up, cormnand, lay a charge, niy tsavah, 3. Deut. 2. 37 whatsoever the Lord our God forbade us 4. 23 the Lord thy God Iiath forbidden thee 3. To cut short, thoroughly, restrain, StaicwXvw. Jlatt 3. 14 John forbade him, saying, I have need to 4. To cut short, restrain, Kia?~ iai kuluo. Matt 19. 14 and forbid them not, to come unto mo Mark 9. 38 he followeth not us : and we forbade liim g. 39 Jesus said, Forbid him not : for there is 10. 14 and forbid them n.ot : for of such is the k. Luke 6. 29 him that taketh away thy cloak forbid 9. 49 we forbade him, because he followeth not 9. 50 And Jesus said unto him, Forbid, .not 18. i6 forbid them not : for of such is the king. 23. 2 forbidding to give tribute to Cesar, say. Acts 10. 47 Can any man forbid water, tliat these j6. 6 forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the 24. 23 should forbid none of his acquaintance to I Co. 14. 39 and forbid not to speak with tongues I Th. 2. 16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles 1 Ti. 4. 3 Forbidding to marry . .to abstain from m. 2 Pe. 2. i6 voice forbade the madness of the prophet 3 Jo. 10 forbiddeth them that would, and casteth FORBID, God — 1. Profanation, fh'hn chalilah. Geu. 41. 7 God forbid tliat thy servants should do 44. 17 he said, God forbid that I should do so Josh 22. 29 God forbid that we should rebel against 24. 16 God forbid that we should forsake the I Sa. 12. 23 God forbid that I should sin against the 14. 45 Shall Jonathan die. .Go., forbid: (as) the 2o. 2 God forbid ; thou shalt not diej: behold Job 27. 5 God forbid that I should justify you: till 2.Let it not be, fiii yivoiro me genoilo. Luke2o. i6wlien they heard (it), they said, God for. Rom, 3. 4 God forbid : yea, let God be true, but ev. 3. 6 God forbid : for then how shall God jud. 3. 31 God forbid : yea, we establish the law 6. 2 God forbid. How shall we, that.'arc dead 6. 15 What tlien? shall we sin. .God forbid 7. 7 (Is) the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had 7. 13 Was. .good made death unto me? God f. 9. 14 (Is), .unrighteousness with God ? God fo. 11. I Hath God cast away his peopIe7i.God fo. II. II God forbid : but. .through their fall salv. J Co. 6. 15 make, .members of an harlot? God forbid Gal. 2. 17 (is). .Christ the minister of sin? God for. 3. 21 God forbid : for it there had been a law 6. 14 God forbid that I should e!ory> save in FORBIDDEN, to be — Not, N7 lo. Lev. 5. 17 aniy of tiiese things which are forbidden FORBIDDING, no man — Uncut off, uiirestraiiied, aKuKvTus alc'dulos. Acts 28. 31 and teaching, .no man forbidding him FORCE — \. Arm, force, yy\^ cdra, Ezra 4. 23 made them to cease by force and power 2. Strength, j'ik on. Job 40. 16 and liis force (is) in the navel of his belly Z. Might, n-ffii geburah. Jer. 23. 10 course is evil, and their force (i3),not i.Slrength, npin chozkah. , I Sa. 2. 16 give . .and if not, I will take (it) by force ■ Eze. 34. 4 with force and with cruelty have ye ruled B.Iland, T yad. Jer. 18. 21 pour out. .(blood) by tht force of the 8w. Eze. 35. 5 by the force of the aword in the time ol Q.Power, nb koach. Job 30. 18 By the great force. .Is my garment chan. Jer. 48.4s They that fledstood.. because of theforco Amos 2. 14 the strong shall not strengthen his forco FORCE, of — Steadfast, frm, fiifiv.ios Ichaios. Heb. 9. 17 For a testament (is) of forco after mea FORCE, to — \.To talcc hold, piri cha~ah, 5. Deut 22. 25 theman force her, and he with her 2. To svhdue, 1^35 kalash. Esth. 7. 8 Will he force the queen also before roe in Z.To press, crush, fn^ lachaCs. Judg. I. 34 the Amo'ritcs forced the children of Dan i.To drive or force away, nnj nadach, 5. Prov. 7. 21 vfith tho flattering of lier lips she forced 5. To afflict, humble, nj!; anah, 3. Judg 20. 5 my concubine have they forced, that sho 2 Sa.'i3. 12 Nay, my brother, do not force'me ; for no 13. 14 but, being stronger than she, forced her 13. 22 because ho had forced his sister Tamar 13. 32 from the day. .he forced Ills sister Tamar FORCE self, to — To refrain or force self, PS!< apliaq, 7.' 1 Sa. 13. 12 I forced myself therefore, and offered a FORCE, to taie by — To snatch away, seize, apirdCa harpazo. Matt II. 12 kingdom . .and the violent take itby forco John 6. 15 they would come and take\liim by force Acts 23. 10 to take hir> by force from among them FORCES — I.Slrength, force, army, Vn chayil. 2 Ch. 17. 2 he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Isa. 60. 5 the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto 60. II may bring, .the forces of tlie Gentiles Jer. 40. 7, 13 all the captains of the forces 41. II, 13, 16 tho captains of the forces that 42. I Then all the captains of the forces, and 42. 8 and all the captains of the forces whicii 43. 4, 5 and all the captains of the forces Obad. II strangers carried away captive his forces 2. Strong ones, forces. D'V~tee, neither 44. 20 If we have forgotten the nam^ of our God 44. 24 forgettest our affliction and our oppred.? 45. 10 forget also thine own people, and thy. fa. 50. 22 Now consider this, ye that forget God 59. II Slay them not, lest my people forgot 74. 19 forget not the congregation of thy peer 74. 23 Forget not the voice of thine enemies 77. 9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious? 78. 7 and not forget the works of God, but 78. II And forgat his works, and his wonders 102. 4 My heart is smitten . . bo that I forget to 103. 2 Bless the Lord . .forget not all his benefit* 106. 13 They soon forgat his works ; they waited. io5. 21 They forgat God their Savloiu-, which 1 19. 16 thy statutes : I will not forget thy word 119. 61 robbed me . .1 have not forgotten thy law 1 19. 83 like a bottle . . do I not forget thy statutes 119. 93 I v/ill never forget thy prefiepts : for with J19. 109 in my hand : y.etd" I not forget thy law 119. 139 mine enemies have forgotten thy words 119. 141 despised; (yet) do not I forget thyprec. iig. 153 Consider, .for I do not forget thy law 119. 176 for I do not forget thy commandments 137. 5 If I forget, .let my right hand forget Prov. 2-. 17 and forgetteth the covenant of her Goi 3. 1 My son, forget not my law ; but let thino 4. 5 get understanding: forget fit) not ; neitb. 31. 5 Lest they drink, and forget the law, and. 31. 7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty Isa. 17. 10 Because thou hast forgotten the God ol 49. i4,Zion said, .my Lord hath forgotten mo 49. 15 Can a v/oman forget her sucking child 49. 15 they may forgot, yet will I not forget 51. 13 forgettest the Lord thy Maker, that hath 54. 4 thou Shalt forget the shame of thy youtli Jer. 2. 32 Can a maid forget her ornaments 2. 32 yet my people have forgotten me dayy 3. 21 they have forgotten the Lord their God 13. 25 thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in 18. 15 my people hath forgotten me, they have 23. 27 as their fa'^ners ni\c forgotten my name 30. 14 All thy lovers have forgoUen thee 44. 9 Have ye forgotten the wickedness of so. 6 they have forgotten their resting place Lam. 5. 20 Ayherefore dost thou forget us for ever Eze. 22. 12 and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord G. 23. 35 Because thou hast forgotten me, and Hos. 2. 13 she went after her lovers, and forgat me 4. 6 thou hast forgotten the law of thy God 4. 6 I will also forget thy children 8. 14 For Israel hath forgotten his Maker 13. 6 filled . .therefore have they forgotten mi Amos 8. 7 I wUl never forget any of their works ^.To forget about, iin\ cpilanthanoniai, Matti6. 5 his discii)les . .had forgotten to take bread Mark 8. 14 (the disciples) had forgotten to take bre. Lukei2. 6 not one of them is forgotten before Gcd Phil. 3. 13 forgetting those things which^re behind Heb. 6. 10 God (is) not unrighteous to forget your 13. 16 to do good and to communicate forgets Jas. I. 24 forgetteth what manner of man he was 5.T0 forget utterly, iKXavddvoiJLai eklanthanomai. Heb. 12. s ye have forgotten the exhortation whicft Q.To receive forgetfulness, Xa/j.^aua xiidTjv lamianS, 2 Pe. I. 9 hath forgotten that he was purged from FOEGET, to cause to — To cause io forget, nsj' shakach, 5. Jer. 23. 27 Which think tocause mypeopletoforget FOEGET, to m=Lk9 — To cause io forget, n^ij nashah, 3. Gen. 41. 51 God. .hath made me lorget all my toil FOEGETFUl — ForgHfulness, iTTiXiiff/iovfj epilesmzmi^ _ Jas. 1. 25 Jie being not a forgetful htaset. but a FORGETFUL 3G7 FORMER aCh. rOEOETFTJX, to be — To forget also or besides, iiriXavBavo/iai epilanthd. Heb. 13. 2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangera FOHGETITJLMESS — Forgelfulnecs, r\'Vi ncshiyyah. Psa. 88. 12 thy righteousness in the land o( forget. ? FOEGIYE, to — 1.7*0 cover, "ids kaphar, 3. Psa. 78. 38 But he., full of compassion, forgave (their) Jer. i8. 23 forgive not their iniquity, neither blot out 3.T0 lift up or away, tCy^ nasa. Gen 50. 17 Forgive, .the trespass, .forgive the tresp. fxodio. 17 Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, ray 32. 32 Yetipow, if thou wilt forgive theii- sin Kumi4. 19 and as thou hast forgiven this people Josh 24. 19 he will not forgive your transgressions I 8a. 25. 28 forgive the trespass of thine handmaid fsa. 25. 18 Look upon, .and fori^ive all my sins 32. 5 and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin 85. 2 Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy p. 99. 8 thou wast a God that forgavest them ■ Isa. 2. 9 hum lileth. .therefore forgive them not 8. To send axoay, let go, nSo salach. Num3o 5, 8, 12 and the Lord shall forgive her I Ki 8. 30 liear thou, .and.whenthouhearest.forgive 8. 34 forgive the sin of thy people Israel 8. 36 forgive the sin of thy servants, and of thy 8. 39 in heaven thy dwelling-place, and forgive 8. 50 And forgive thy people that have sinned e. 21 hear, .and when thou hearest forgive 6. 25 hear thou from the heavens, and forgive 6. 27 hear. .and forgive the sin o( thy servants 6. 30 forgive, and render unto every man acco. 6. 39 and forgive thy people which have sinned 7. 14 svUl forgive their sin, and wiU heal their Psa.103.' 3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities ; who Jer. 3t. 34 I wUl forgive their iniquity, and I will re. 36. 3 that I may forgive their iniquity and Dan. 9. tg Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken and Amos 7. 2 Lord God, forgive, I beseech thee: by A.To loose away, airoKvu apoluo. Luke 6. 37, 37 forgive, and ye shall be forgiven 5. To be graciotis to, x^api^ofxai charizomai. Luke 7. 43 I suppose . . (he) to whom he forgave most 3 Co. 2. 7 So that . . ye (ought) rather to forgive (him) 2. to To whom ye forgive, .for if I forgave 2. to any thing, to whom I forgave (it), for your X2. 13 not burdensome to you? forgive me this Eph. 4. 32 tender-hearted, forgiving one another 4. 32 as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven CoL 2. 13 quickened . .having forgiven you all tres. 3. 13 forgiving one another, .as Claist forgave \To send or let off or away, aiplrjui aphiemi. llatt. 6. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive 6. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses 6. 14 your heavenly Father will, .forgive you 6. 15 if ye forgive not men their trespasses 6. 15 neither will your Father forgive your tr. 9. 2 Son, be of good cheer ; thy sins be forgL 9. 5 sins be forgiven theej or to say. Arise I Q. 6 hath power on earth "to -forgive sins i2.'3i All manner of sin . . shall be forgiven '12. 31 the blasphemy. .shaUnot be forgiven unto 12. 32the'Son of man, it foi^ven hin 12. 32 it shall not be forgiven him, neither in i3. 21 Lord, how oft shall. .1 forgive him ? till 18. 27 loosed him, and forgave him the debt " 18. 32 I forgave thee all that debt, because thou 18. 35 [if ye from your hearts forgive not every] JSaik 2. 5 he said, .Son, thy sins be forgiven thee rz. 7 who can forgive sins but God only? 2. 9 sins be forgiven thee ; or to say. Arise 2. 10 hath power on earth to forgive sins 3. 28 All sma shall be forgiven unto the sons 4. 12 and (their) sins should be forgiven them II. 25 forgive . .that your Father . .may forgive 11. 26 [dornot forgive, neither wUl your Father] IiOke 5. 20 said . .Man, thy sins are forgiven thee S- 21 ^^0 can forgive sins, but God alone? 5. 23 Thy sins be forgiven thee ; or to say _ 5. 24 Son of man hath power . . to forgive sins 7. 47 Her sins, which are many, are forgiven 7. 47 but to whom little is forgiven, .loveth 7. 48 ho said unto her. Thy sins are forgiven 7. 49 Who is this that forgiveth sins also? n. 4 forgive us onr sins : for we also forgive 12. 10 shall be forgiven him. .it shall not be fo. 17. 3 Take heed.. if he repent, forgive him 17. 4 sajring, I repent : thou shalt forgive him 23'. 34 [Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them] Acts 8. 22 if perhips the thought . . may be forgiven Ilom. 4. 7 Blessed, .they whose iniquities are forgi. Jas. 5. 15 committed sins, they shall be forgiven I Jo. I. 9 he is faithful and just to forgive us 2. 12 because your sins are forgiven you for FCSGITE frankly, to To be gracioiis to, x^-pKof"-^^ charizomai. Luke 7. 42 nothing, .he frankly forgave them both FOEGlVi:, ready to — Sending away, letting go, ti'fQ sallacTi, Psa. 86. 5 thou, LOBB, (art) good, and ready to fcrg. POBGIVEfr — To lift up or away, Kj?; nasa. Psa. 32. I (is he whose) transgression (is) forgiven Isa. 33. 24 the people . , (shall be) forgiven . . iniquity FOEGrVST, to be — \.To be covered, 155 kaplmr, 7. ■ Deut2i. 8 And the blood shall bo forgiven thom 2. To be sent away, let go, n^i; salach, 2. Lev. 4. 20, 26, 31, 35 and it shall be forgiven 5. 10, 13, 16, 18 and it shall be forgiven him 6. .7 it shall be forgiven him for any thing 19. 22 the sin. .he hath done shall be forgiven Numi5. 25, 26, 28, and it shall bo forgiven FOEGIVENESS — \.A sending away, letting go, .iiJ'Vp sdichah. Psa.130. 4 But .forgiveness with thee, that then Dan. 9. 9 To the Lord our God . . forgivenesses 2. A sending away, letting go, S<^€ be inhabited : 1 (am) the. 49. 5 And now, saith the Lord that formed me Jer. I. s Before I formed thee in the belly I kney 10. 16 he (Is) the former of all. .and Israel (is) 33. 2 the Lord that formed it, to establish It Amos 4. 13 For, lo, he that formeth the mountains 7. I ho formed grasshoppers in the beginning Zcch.12. I formeth the spirit of man wiihin him d.To form, /xopipSa morphoo. OaL 4. 19 I travail In birth. .untO Christ be formed 4. To shape, mould, TtXaaaui plasso. Eom. 9. 20 say to him that formed (lt),!W]iy hast thou 1 Ti. 2. 13 For Adam was Urst formed, then Eve FOEU, -wiUumt — A ruin, viLcartcy, inn tohu. Gen. I. 2 And the earth was without form, and Jer. 4. 23 and, lo, (it was) without form and void FOEMED, thing — Thing moulded or shaped, irXdcrfia plasma. Eom. 9. 20 Shall the thing formed say. .Why hast FOEMED, to be — 1. To form, {cause to writhe with pain), Vn, ^n, 3a. Job 26. s Dead (things) aie formed from under 2. To be formed, fashioned, framed, ii', yatsar, 2. Isa. 43. 10 before me there was no God formed 3. To be formed, fashioned, framed, is; yatsar, 6. Isa. 54. 17 No weapon-that is formed against theo 4. To be moved, kneaded, formed, p;j qarats, 4. .Tob 33. 6Behold..I also amfonued out of thecUf FOEHEE — "i. To form, constitute, fashion, fram^, ti) yatsar. Jer. 51. 19 for he (is) the former of all things , and 2.Before, eastern, ancient, 'JiD-ip qadmoni. Zech 14. 8 halt of them toward the former sea MaL 3. 4 pleasant unto the Lord.. as in former yo. 5. First, former, foremost, pPK"} rishon. Gen. 40. 13 after the former manner when thou wast Num2i. 26 who had fought against the former king Deut 24. 4 Her former husband, which sent her 1 Sa. 17. 30 answered him. .after the former manner 2 Kl I. 14 the two captains of the former fifties with 17. 34 Unto this day they do after the former 17. 40 but they did after their former manner Iseh. 5. 15 But the former governors that (had been) Psa. 79. 8 remember not against us former Iniqul. 89. 49 where (are) thy former loving kindnesses EccL I. II (There is) no remembrance of former 7. 10 that the former daj-s were better than Isa. 41. 22 let them show the former things, »ha< 42. 9 the former things are come to pass 43. 9 who.. can. show us former things 7 let 43. 18 Remember ye not the former things 46. 9 Eemember the former things of old- for 48. 3 I have declared the former things from 61. 4 shall raise up the former desolations 63. 7 therefore wiU I measure their former 65. 16 because the former troubles are forgot. 65. 17 and the former shall not be remembered Jer. 34. 5 the former kings which were before thee 36. 28 and write in it all the former words that Dan. II. 29 but it shall not be as the former, or as the Hag. 2. 9 shall be greater than of the former, saith Zcch. I. 4 unto whom the former prophets have 7. 7 Lord hath cried by the former prophets 7. 12 spnt in his Spirit by the former prophet* 8. II I (will) not (be), .as in the former days i. First, former, JiE'"! rishon. Job 8. 8 enquire, I pray thee, of the former age 5.Before, first, irpttrepos proteros. Eph. 4. 22 concerning the former conversation, the Eeb. 10. 32 call to remembrance the former days, in I Pe. I. 14 according to the former lusts in your ig. S. First, foremost, irptiTo^ proios. Acta I. I The former treatise have I made, The Eev. 21. 4 for the former things are phased away FOEMEE estate - Former state en- condition^ ^iryu qadman. Eze. 16. 55, 55 shall return to their former estate 16. 55 shall return to your former estate FOEMEE (rain) — 1. Sprinkling rain, .TniD m.oreh. Joel 2. S3 given you the former rain, .former rtln FORMER 368 FORTH .'i.Spnnkling rain, rrii' yoreh. Set. $. 24 glveth rain, both che former and the latter 8. To be abwndant, flow over, rxy^ yarah. Hos. 6. 3 as the latter (and) former rain unto the YOaHEEE things — First, former, foremost, ]'wtn, nshon. Isa. 41. 22 let them show the former things, what 43. 9 Behold, the former things are come to p. 43. 9 who. .can. .show us former things? let 43. 18 Remember ye not the former things 46. 9 Remember the former things of old : for 48. 3 I have declared the former things from FORMER ttmo — Tace, front, d'js panim. Ruth 4. 7 Now this (was the manner) in former time FOBHER time, In — Yesternight, former time, ^dk emesh. Job 30. "3 wilderness in former time desolate and TOKinOATION — \. Fornication, whoredom, nHTB taznuth. Eze. 16. 15 poiiredat out t!iy fornications on every 16. 29 Thou hast, .multiplied thy fornication 2. Fornication, whoredom, iropveia pomeia. Matt, s- 32 saving for the cause of fornication, cause. 15. 19 For out of the heart proceed . .fornicatio. 19. 9 put away his wife, except, .for fomica. Mark 7. 21 from within, .proceed, .fornications, mn. John 8. 41 We be not born of fornication ; wo have Acts 45. 20 that they abstain from, .fornication, and 15. 29 that ye abstain . .from fornication : from 21. 25 only that they keep themselves . .from fo. Rom. I. 29 Being filled with, .[fornication], wicked, I Co. s. I (that there is) fornication among you 5. I fornication as is not so much as named 6. 13 Now the body (is) not for fornication, but 6. 18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man 7. 2 (to avoid) fornication, let every man have e Co. 12. 21 have not repented of the. .fornication Gal. 5. 19 Now the works of the flesh, .are. .fomic. Eph. 5. 3 But fornication.. let it not be once named Col. 3. 5 fornication. .Inordinate affection, evil 1 Th. 4. 3 that ye should abstain from fornication Rev. 2. 21 space to repent of her fornication ; and 9. 21 Neither repented, .of their fornication 14. 8 the wine of the wrath of her fornication J7. 2 drunk with the wine of her fornication 17. 4 abominations and fllthiness ofTier fomL 18. 3 the wine of the wrath of her fornication \g. 2 did corrupt the earth with her fornicatL FORNICATION, to cause to commit — To cause to commit fornication, nj; zanah, 5 . 2 Ch.2i. II caused the inhabitants, .to commit fora. JORBICATION, to commit — l.To commit fornication, n:; zanah. Isa. 23. 17 and shall commit fornication with all Eze. 16. 26 Thou hast alsb- committed fornication 2. To commit fornication, Tcopvoiai porneuS. I Co. 6. 18 but he that committeth fornication sin. 10. 8 Neither let us commit fornication, as Rev. '2. 14 sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fom. 2. 20 to teach, .to commit fornication, and to 17. 2 With whom the Icings . . have committed f. i3. 3 have committed fornication with her, and 18. 9 kings . . who have ccrmmitted fornication TOEKICATIOK, to give one's self over to ■:— To commit much fornication, eKTopveia) ekporneu^. Jude 7 giving themselves over to fornication FOSinOATOR — Fornicator, irSpvos pornos. I Co. 5. 9 I WTotcnoltocompanywithfomicators 5. 10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators 5. II if any man. .be a fornicator, or covetous 6. 9 neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor Hob. 12. 16 Lest there (be) any fornicator, or profane TOSSAEE, to — l.To cease, leave off, forbear, hirj chadal. Judg 9. II Should 1 forsake my sweetness, and my 2. To leave, spread out, e'M natash. Deut32. 15 then ho forsook God (which) made him Judg. 6. 13 but now the Lord hath forsaken us, and I Sa. 12. 22 the Lord will not forsake his people for 1 Kl 8. 57 let him not leave us, nor forsake us 2 Ki. 21. 14 And I will forsake the remnant of mine Psa. 78. 60 So that he forsook the tabernacle of S. Prov. I. 8 and forsake not the law of thy mother 6. 20 and forrake not the law of thy mother Isa. 2. 6 Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people Jer. 7. 29 the Lord hath rejected and forsaken the 15. 6 Thou hast forsaken me, saith the Lord 23. 33 I will even forsake you, saith the Ix)RD 23. 39 I wiU forsake you, and the city that I Z.To forsake, leave, leave off, 3iy azab. Deut 12. 19 Take heed to thyself that thou forsake n. ■^^. 27 the Levite. .thou shalt not forsake him 28. 20 doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me 39. 25 Because they have forsaken the covenant 31. 6 he will not fail thee, nor forsake theo 3iv 8 he wiU not fail thee, neither forsake thee 31. 16 will forsake me, and break my covenant 31, 17 I vrill forsake them, and I will hide my f. Josli. Judg. ; lO. 10. 10. I Sa. 8. 3i- I KL 6. 12. 18. 19. 3 Ki.2i. 22. I 28. 28. 2Ch. 7. 7- 10. 10. 12. 12. »3- 13- IS- 21. 24. 34. 28. 29. 34- 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- Ezrai Neh. Job 6. Fsa. 27, 27. 37- 37- 38. 71- 71- 71- 89. ■ 94- 119. 119. 1.9. Prov. 2. 3- 4 4- 9- IS- 27. 28. 28, Isa. 41. 42. 49. 54- 55- 58. 65- Jer. S- S- 9- 9- 12. .14. 16. 16. 17- 17- 19- 22. 25- lam. 5. Eze. 8. 9- 20. Dan. Ti. Jon. 2. 5 I will not fail thee, nor forsake tnee 16 God forbid that we should forsake tlie 20 If ye forsake the Lord, and serve strange 12 forsook the Lord God of their fathers 13 they forsook the Lord, and served Baal 6 forsook the Lord, and served not him 10 we have forsaken our God, and also served 13 Yet ye have forsaken me, and served ot. 8 wherewith they have forsaken me, and 10 because we have forsaken the Lord, ana 7 they forsook the cities, and fied ; and the 13 and will not forsake my people Israel 9 Because they forsook the Lord their God 33 Because that they have forsaken me, and 8 But he forsook the counsel of the old m. 13 the king, .forsook the old men's counsel 18 in that ye have forsaken the commandm. 10, 14 the children ot Israel have forsaken 22 he forsook the Lord God of his fathers 17 Because they have forsaken me, and have 7 then they forsook their cities, and fled 9 if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off 20 will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, imtil 19 But if ye turn away, and forsake my 22 Because they forsook the Lord God ot ■" 8 he forsook the counsel which the old men 13 king Behoboam forsook the counsel of I he forsook the law of the Lord, and all 5 Thus saith the Lord, Ye have forsaken me 10 we have not forsaken him ; and the priests 1 1 we keep the charge . . but ye have forsaken •2 if ye forsake him, he wiU forsake you 10 because he had forsaken the Lord God of 20 forsaken the Lord, he hath also forsaken 24 because they had forsaken the Lord God 6 because they had forsaken the Lord God 6 For our fathers .. have forsaken him, and 25 Because they have forsaken me, and have 22 his wrath (is) against all them that forsake 9 yet our God hath not forsaken us in our 10 for we have forsaken thy commandments 17 ready to pardon, .and forsookest them 19 thou, .forsookest them not in the wilder. 31 thou didst not utterly, .forsake thenj ; for 39 we wiU not forsake the house of our God 14 he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty 13 (Though) he spare it, and forsake it not 19 he hath oppressed (and) forsaken the poor 10 for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them 1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken 9 leave me not, neither forsake me, God 10 ^Vhen my father and my mother forsake 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath ; fret 28 For the Lord, .forsaketh not his saints 21 Forsake me not, Lord : mjtGod, be 9 forsake me not when my strength faileth 11 Saying, God hath forsaken him : persecute 18 forsake me not, untU I have showed thy 30 If his children forsake my law, and wallc 14 neither will he forsake his inheritance 8 I will keep thy statutes: forsake me 53 because of the wicked that forsake thy 87 had almost consumed, .but I forsook not 17 Which forsaketh the guide of her youth 3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee 2 good doctrine, forsake ye not my law 6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve 6 Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in ID grievoiis unto him that forsaketh the way 10 thy father's friend, forsake not ; neither. 4 They that forsake the law praise the wi. 13 whoso contesseth and forsaketh (them) 4 forsaken the Lord, they have provoked 28 and they that forsake the Lord shall be 17 the God of Israel will not forsake them 16 will I do unto them, and not forsake them 14 The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord 7 For a small moment have I forsaken thee 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the 2 forsook not the ordinance of their God 11 But ye (are) they that forsake the Lord 16 against them . . who have forsaken me, and 13 they have forsaken me, the fountain of 17 in that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy 19 thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and 7 thy children have forsaken me, and eyfom 19 Like as ye have forsaken me, and served 13 the Lord saith. Because they have foraa. 19 because we have forsaken the laud 7 t have forsaken inine house, I have left 5 and forsook (it), because there was no II Because your fathers have forsaken me 11 have forsaken me, and have not kept my 13 all that forsake thee shall bo ashamed 13 because they have forsaken the Lord, the 4 Because they have forsaken me, and have 9 Because they have forsaken the covenant 38 He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion 9 forsake her, and let us go every one into 3o Whtrefore dost thou, .forsake us so long 12 the Lord hath forsaken the earth o The Lord hath forsaken the earth, and § neither did they forsake the idols of Eg. 30 intelligence with them that forsake the 8 They that observe -lying vanities forsake ^..To fail, let alone, desist, fiD'i raphah, 5. Deut. 4. 31 he will not forsake thoo, neither destroy P3a.i38. 8 forsake not the works of thine own hands b.Apostacy from, airotrr atria airo apostasia apn. Acts 2!. 21 thou tcachcElalltljoJewu.. to forsake II. 6. To arrange {self) off cr away, arroTdtTao/nat apotas. Lukei4 33 whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not 7. To send or let away, afiTj/xt aphiemi. Mattig. 27 we have forsaken all, and followed thee 19. 29 And every one that hath forsaken houses 26. 56 Then all the disciples forsook him, and Mark i. i8 And straightway they forsook their nets 14. 50 And they all forsook him, and fled Luke 5. II they forsook all, and followed him 8. 7*0 leave down in, ^yKaTaKdira egkataleipo. I)latt27. 46 My God ! my God I why hast thou iorsa. Markii;. 34 My God ! my God I wliy hast Jhou forsa. 2 Co. 4. 9 Persecuted, but not forsaken ; cast down 2 Ti. 4. 10 For Demas liath forsaken me, having lev . 4. 16 but ail (men) forsook me : (1 pray God) 3:eb. 10. 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves 13. 5 J will never leave thee, nor forsake thee 9. To leave down or thoroughly, KaTa\€iira katale. Eeb. II. 27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing 2 Pe. 2. 15 Which have forsaken the right way, and FORSAKEN — 1. Widow, forsaken one, |l??!>! alman. Jer. SI. 5 For Israel (liath) net' (been) forsaken, nor 2.T0 forsake, leave, nij; azah. Isa. 17. 2 cities of Arc or (are) forsaken: they'shall 17. 9 his strong cities be as a forsaken bough 54. 6 hath called thee as a woman forsaken 60. 15 thou hast been forsaken and hated, so 62. 4 Thou shalt be no more termed Forsaken Jer. 4 29 every city (shall be) forsaken, and not a Zeph. 2. 4 For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon Z.To be sent away,- let alone, nb^ shalach, 4. Isa. 27. 10 (and) the habitation forsaken, and left like FORSAKEN, to be — l.To be left, spread out, wm natash, 2. Amos 5. 2 she is forsaken upon her land ; (there is) 2.7*0 be left, spread out, \pai natash, i Isa. 32. 14 Because the palaces shall be forsaken Z.To fail, be plucked away, vn nathash, 2. Jer. 18. 14 shall the cold flowing waters, .be forsak.' 4. To be forsaken, left, Dtj; azah, 2. Neh. 13. II said. Why is the house of God forsaken 7 Job 18. 4 shall the earth be forsaken^ for thee? and Psa. 37. 25 yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken Isa.- 7. 16 land, .shall be forsaken of both her kings 62. 12 be called. Sought out, A city not forsaken Eze. 36. 4 saith.. to the cities that are forsaken FORSAKINO — ForsaJdng, abandonment, rt;ing azubah. Isa 6. 12 and (there be) a gi-eat forsaking.ln the FORSOIiTOOH as — Because that, Ka.B6ti kathnti. Lukeig. 9 forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham FORS'WEAE oneself, to — To sioear against or falsely, 4iTiopK(to epiorkeo. Matt. 5. 33 Thou shaltnot forsweai' thyself, but shall POUT — l.Fort, fortification, pVi dayeq, 2 E-i.2i. 1 they built forts against it round about Jer. 52. 4 and built forts against it round about Eze. 4. 2 build- a fort against it, and cast a mount 17. 17 and building forts, to cut off many pers 21. 22 to cast a mount, (and) to build a fort 26. 8 and he shall make a fort against thee 2 Stronghold, liyn maoz. Dan.ii. 19 he shall turn his face toward the fort of 2. Stronghold, fortress, lyp meisad. Eze. 33. 27 they thaf(be) in the forts and in the caves i. Stronghold, fortress, n-ma metsudah. 2 Sa. 5. 9 So David dwelt in the fort, and called It 5. Bulwark, n-iiap metsurah. Isa. 29. 3 and I ■will raise forts against thee G.Fort, high or secret place, brfa cphcl. Isa. 32. 14 the forts and towers shaU be for dans for FORT, high — High place, tower, misgah. Isa. 25. 12 the fortress of the high fort of thy walls FOB.TH — .l.To go on, Tl^rj halak. P3a.i26. 6 Ho that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing 2. Withoat, outside, pn chuts. Gen. 39. 13 garment in her hand, and was fled forth Judg ig. 25 so the man took, .and brought her forth i.A breach, breaking forth, Y~i^ perets. Gen. 38. 29 and she said. How hast thou broken f o ? 5. Into t?ie midst, els tJ» /xco'ov eis to meson. Mark 3. 3 And he saith unto the man. .Stand forth 6. Without, forth, efw ex5. Johmi. 43 cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come fo. 15. 6 abide not in me, he is cast forth as a bra. 19. 4 Pilate therefore went forth again, and ig. 4 I bring him forth to you, that ye may k. 19. 5 Then came Jesus forth, wearing the cro. jg. 13 he brought Jesus forth, and cat do^vn ia FORTH 369 FOULED Acta s- 34 'I"'! commanded to put tho apostles forth 9. 40 Peter put them all forth, and kneeled [See also Break, breaking, bring, brought, bud, call, called, carry, cast, come, conduct, draw, driven, fetch, fruit, get, give, go, going, have, hold, joy, launch, lead, led, let, look, manifest, order, pass, proceed, poured, put, putting, reach, send, sending, set, setter, shed, shew, shine, shoot, show, sing, speak, spread, spreadest spring, stand, stretch, stretched, take, thousands, write.] FOKTH of or without — 1. Unto from the house of, n'sp-^x el-mibheth. 2 Ki. II. 15 Have her forth without tho ranges : and 2 Ch.23. 14 Have her forth of the ranges : and whoao 2. From on, '?5)0 meal. Amos 7. ij Israel shall, .go into captivity forth of FOETHWITH — \. Speedily, diligently, carefully, n)")B9« osparna. Ezra 6. 8 forthwith expenees be given unto theso 1. Straightway, euffscos eutheos. Alatt 13. 5 and forthwith they sprung up, because 26. 49 forthwith he came to ^esus, and said. Ha Mark i. 29 forthwith, when they were come out of I. 43 charged him, and [forthwith] sent liir' 5- 13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leavo Acts 12. 10 forthwith tlie angel departed from him 21. 30 and forthwith the doora were shut 3. Straightway, ev0vs euthtes. Johnig. 34 forthwith came thereout blood and wat. 4. With the thing itself, theremth, napaxprifia par. Acts 9. 18 he received sight [forth withl and arose FORTIETH — Forty, D'V91!< arhaim,. Num 33. 38 in the fortieth year after the children of Deut. I. 3 it came to pass in the fortieth year, in I Ch.26. 31 In the fortieth year of the reign of David 1 Ch.i6. 13 died in the one and fortieth year of hia FonTiFrEi) — JiiUwark, "lisa inatsor. Jlic. 7. 12 the fortified cities, and from the fortress FORTIFY, to — l.To strengthen, harden, TOK amats, 3. Jfah. 2. I make, .loins strong, fortify.. powermlgh, 2. To fence, ns3 oatsar, 3. isa. 22. 10 the houses have ye broken down to fortl. Jer. 51. 53 and though she should fortify the height S. To strengthen, pin ckazak, 3. 2 Ch.ii. II he fortified the strongholds, and put 26. 9 Uzziah built towers , . and fortified them Nah. 3. 14 fortify thy strongholds : go into clay 4. To leave, 3)3; azab. Neh. 3. ' 8 they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad 4. 2 will they fortify themselves ? will they 5. To hind together, fortify, lis tsur. Judg. 9. 31 behold, they fortify the city against tl-ee rORTRESS — 1. Fenced place, ^yap mibtsar. Isa. 17. 3 The fortress also shall cease from Ephra. 25. 12 the fortress of the hig:h fort of thy walls 34. 13 nettles and brambles in the fortresses Jer. 6. 27 I have set thee, .a tower, .a fortress am. flos. 10. 14 all thy fortresses shall be spoUed, as Sh. Amos 5. 9 spoiled shall come against the fortress 2. Stronghold, liyo 7naoz. Jer. 16. 19 Lord, my strength, and my fortress Dan. II. 7 and shall enter into the fortress of the II. 10 return, and be stirred up. .to his fortress S. Fortress, bulwark, 1T31S5 metsudah. 2 Sa. 22. 2 The Lord (is) my rock, and my fortress Psa. 18. 2 the Lord (is) my rock and my fortress 31. 3 For thou (art) my rock and my fortress 71. 3 for thou (art) my rock and my fortress 91. 2 (He is) my refuge and my fortress 144. 2 My goodness, and my fortress ; my high 4, Culwarh, iWd matsor. .ler. 10, 17 Gather up. .0 inhabit?nt -of the fortress Mic. 7. 12 and from the fortress even to the river FOE-TTJ-NA'-TTTS, '^oprovva.Tos {from Latin), for- tunate. A Corinthian Christian mentioned by Paul. I Co. 16. 17 I am glad of tho coming of . .F. and Ach. FOETT — l.Forty, a"j;5-;K arbaiin. Gen, s- 13 Cainan lived . . eight hundred and forty 7. 4, 12 upon the earth forty days and forty 7. 17 the flood was forty days upon the earth 8. 6 it came to pass at the end of forty days 18. 28 And he said, If I find there forty end five 18. 20 Peradventure there shall bs forty found 18. 29 he said, I will pot do (it) for forty's sake 05. 20 Isaac was forty years old vrhen he took s6. 34 Esau was forty years old when he took 32. 15 forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses 47. 28 age of Jacob \r&^ an hundred forty and se. 50. 3 forty days were fulfilled for him^; for so E20di6. 35 children of Israel did eat manna forty 24. 18 in the mount forty days and forty nights 26. 19 thou Shalt make forty sockets of silver 26. 21 their forty sockets (of) silvet; twosocketa E3:od34. =3 with tho Lord forty days and forty nights 36. 24 forty sockets of silver he made under 36. 26 their forty sockets of silver ; tv/o sockets Lev. 25. 8 shall be unto tliee forty and nine ycara Num. I. 21 of the tribe of Reuben, .forty and eii I. 25 of tho tribe of Gad. .forty and five I. 33 of tlie tribe of Ephraim. .forty thousand;^ 1. 41 of the tribe of Asher. .forty and one tho.' 2. II And his host, .forty and si.x thousand 2. 15 And his host, .forty and five thousand 2. 19 And his host, .forty thousand and five 2. 28 And his host, .forty and one thousand 13. 25 And they returned . .after forty days *4- 33 your children shall wander, .forty joars 14. 34 in which ye sesirched the land, .forty d.iy^ 14. 34 shall ye bear your iniquities, .forty yc.irs 26. 7 of them were forty and three thousand e6. 18 of them, forty thousand and five hundred 26. 41, 50 were numbered of them, .forty and 34 13 ho made them wander, .forty years, until 35- 6 to them ye shall add forty and two cities 35- 7 E'^c to the Lovites.. forty and cioht cities Deut. 2. 7 these forty yc.nrs the LORD thy Cod (hath 8. 2 Lord thy God led thee these forty years 8. 4 neither did thy foot swell, theso forty yc. 9. 9 then I abode, .forty days and foci y nights 9. II at the end of forty days and forty nights 9. 18, 25 fell dov/n. .forty days and forty nights 9 they drink that which ye have fouled 47 FOUND 370 FOUNTAIN FOinn), to — X.Tofouiid, lay a foundation, td; yasad. "SjPsa. 24. 2 For lie hath founded it upon the seas, and » 89. II the fulness thereof, thou hast founded '•104. 8 unto the place which thou hast founded £mg. 152 that thou hast founded them for ever Trov. 3. 19 The Lokd hy wisdom hath founded the ilsa. 14. 32 Lord hath founded Zion, and the poor of & 23-13 the Assyrian founded it for them that 'Amos 9. 6 and haUx founded his troop in the earth 2.T0 found, 6efie\t6ti) themeUoS. Matt. 7. 23 it fell not : for it was founded upon a r. Luke. 6. 48 not shake it., [f or Jt.was founded upon a r.] FOUND, to,be — \. To find, be found, Ki^amatsa. Gen. 2. 20 but for Adam there was not found an h. Job 20. 8 He shall fly away.. and.. not be found Psa. 32. 6 in a time when thou niayest be found 36. 2 until his iniquity be found to be hateful ■Eccl. 9. 15 Now there was found in it a poor wise 2.T0 be found, N^P matsa, 2. Gen. 18. 29, 30, 31 Peradventure there shall be., fou. iS. 32 Peradventure ten shall be found there 44. 9 whomsoever of thy servants it be found. 44. 10 he with whom it is found shall be my 44. 12 the cup was found in Benjamin's sack 44. 16 and (he) also with whom the cup is found 44. 17 the man in whose hand the cnp is found 47. 14 gathered up all the money that was found ExoJ. 9. ig every man and beast wliich shall be found 12. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found 21. 16 or if he be found in his hand, he shall 22. 2 If a thief be found breaking up, and be 22. 4 If the theft be certainly found in his h. 22. 7 if the thief be found, let him pay double . 22. 8 If the thief be not found, then the master 35. 23 And every man, with whom was found 35. 24 every man, with whom was found ahittim Deut 17. 2 If there be found among yon, within any t8. to There shall not be found among you 20. It all the people, .found therein shall be tri. .J I. I If (one) be found slain in the land which 22. 20 virginity be not found for the daqisel 22. 22 If a man be found lying with a woman 22. 28 and lie with her, and they be found 24. 7 If a man be found stealing any of his Josh. 10. 17 The flv« kings are found liid in a cave at I Sa. 9. 20 ret not thy mind on them .they are found 10. 2 The asses, .thou yventest to seek are fou. 10. t6 He told us . .that the asses were found 10. 21 they sought him, he could not be found 13. 19 Now there was no smith found through. 13. 22 there was neither sword nor spear found 13. 22 and with Jonathan his son was there fo. 25. 28 and evil hath not been found in theo s Sa. 17 12 in some place where he shall be found 17. 13 until there be not one small stone found 1 Ki. I. 52 but if wickedness shall be found in him 14. 13 because in him there is found (some) good 2 Ki. 12. 5 wheresoever any breach shall be found 12. lo told the money that was found in the ho. 12. 18 all the gold(that was) found in the treasu. H. 14 all the vessels that were found in the ho. 26. 8 silver and gold that was found in the ho. 18. 15 Hezekiah gave. .all. .(that was) found 20. 13 and all that was found in his treasures 22. 9 gathered the money that was found in 22. 13 concerning, .this book that is found : for 23. 2 book of the covenant which was found in 25.19 and five men . . which were found in the 25. 19 and threescore men of the people, .found ,j Ch. 4. 41 the habitations that were found there 24. 4 there were more chief men found of the 26. 31 there were found among them mighty 28. 9 if thou seek him, he ^vill be found of thee 29. 8 they vrith whom . .stones were found gave s Ch. 2. 17 they were found an hundred and fifty 15. 2 if ye seek him, he wiU be foimd of you 15. 4 and sought him, he was found of them 15. 15 Judah.. sought, .and he was found of th. 19. 3 Nevertheless there are good things found 21. 17 all the substance that was found in the 25. 24 all the vessels that were found in the 34. 17 gathered, .the money that was found in 34. 21 the words of the book that is found 34. 30 the book of the covenant that was found 36. 8 that which was found in him, behold they Bzia 2. 62 their register . . but they were not found lo. 18 among, .sons of the priest thfere were £0. Neh. 7. 64 their register, .but it was not found 13. I and therein was found v,Titten, that the Eoth. 6. 2 it v/as found written, that Mordecai had Job 19.28 seeing the root of the matter is found in 28. 12 But where shall wisdom be found ? 28.13 neither is it found in the land of the living 42. 15 in all the land were no women found Psa. 37. 36 I sought him, but he could not be found Prov. 6. 31 But (if) he be found, he shall restore sev. 10. 13 In the lips of him. .wisdom is found . 16. 31 (if) it be found in the way of righteous. lea. 13. 15 Every one that is found shall be thrust 22. 3 all that are found in thee are bound 30. 14 so that there shall not be found in the 35. 9 it shall not be found there ; but the 39. 2 and all that was found in his treasures SI. 3 joy and gladness shall be found therein 55. 6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found 65. 1 1 am foimd of (them that) sought me not 65. 8 As the new wine is fouud in the cluster Jer. 2. 26 Ao the thief is ashamed when he is found 2. 34 Also ta tny skuts is found the blood of a. 34 I liave not found it by secret scarcli, but s. 26 For among my people are fouud wicked It. 9 A conspiracy is found among the men of 15. 16 Thy words were found, and I did eat them ag. 14 And I will be found of you, saith the L, 41. 3 and the Chaldeans that were fouud there 41. 8 But ten men were found among them that 48. 27 Israel . . was he found among thieves ? for 50. 2o sins of Judah, and they shall not be found 50. 24 Babylon . . thou art found, and also can. 52. 25 seven men . . whioh were found in the city 52. 25 that were found in the midst of the city Eze. 26. 21 yet shalt thou never be found again 28. 15 perfect, .till iniquity was fouud in thee Dan. I. 19 among them all was found none like Da. 11. ig shall stumble and fall, and not be found 12. I every one that shall be found written in Hos. 14. 8 Ephraim. .From me is thy fruit found Mic. ii 13 the transgressions of Israel were fouud iu Zeph. 3. 13 neither shall a deceitful tongue be found 10 and (place) shall not be found for them Mai. 2. 6 and iniquity was not found in his lips S.To be found, nsifj shekach, 5. Ezra 4. iq it is found that tins city of old time hath i.To he found, mv shekach, 2. E2xa 6. 2 there was found at Achmetha, In the pa. Dan. 2. 35 that no place was found for them : and S. II light, and wisdom, .was found in him 5. 12 of doubts, were found in the same Daniel S. 14 and excellent wisdom is found in thee 5. 27 Thou art weighed, .and art found wanting 6. 4 neither v/as there any . . fault found in him 6. 22 before him innocency was found in me 6. 23 no manner of hurt was found upon him 5. To become, ylfofiai giiiomai. 2 Co. 7. 14 our boasting, .before Titus, is found a FOUHD out, to bo - 1.7b 66 searched out, Ijjn chaqar, 2. 1 Ki. 7. 47 neither was the weight of the brass f. out 2 Ch. 4. 18 the weight of the brass could not be i. out 2. To be found, Kjp matsa, 2. Esth. 2. 23 inquisition was made, .it was found out FOTTNDATION — \. Socket, ]-y^ eden. Job 38. 6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof ^.Foundation, w^w ashish. Isa. . 16. 7 for the foundations of Kir-hareseth shall 3. To be founded, ipv yasad, 2. Exod 9. 18 since the foundation thereof even nntil 4. To be founded, "ip; yasad, 4. 1 Ki. 7. 10 the foundation , . costly stones, even great 5. Foundation, "VD] yesod. 2 Ch. 23. 5 a third part at the gate of the foundation Job 4. ig them, .whose foundation (is) in the dust 22. 16 v/hose foundation was overflown with a 'Psa.137. 7 Sase (it), rase . . to the foundation thereof Prov. 10. 25 the righteous (is) an everlasting founda. tam. 4. II it hath devoured the foundations thereof Eze. 13. 14 so that the foundation thereof shall be 30. 4 her foundations shall be broken down Mic. I. 6 I will discover the foundations thereof Hab. 3. 13 by discovering the foundation imto the Q.Foundaiion, n-nc\ yesudah. Psa. 87. I His foundation (is) in the holy mountains 1 .Foundation, IDID musad. 2 Ch. 8. 16 prepared unto the day of the foundation Isa. 28. 16 Behold, I lay in Zion. .a sure foimdatiou 8. Foundation, nnom musadah. Eze. 41. 8 the foundations of the side chambers 9. Base, jiDD makon. Psa. 104. 5 (Who) laid the foundations of the earth lO.Formdation, 150 massad. I Ki. 7. 9 even from the foundation imto the coping IX. Foundation, prince, column, T\vf shath. Psa. II. 3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can Vi.Fmmdation, anything laid, 0efi^\ios themelios. Luke 6. 48 digged deep, and laid the foundation on 6. 49 is like a man that without a foundation 14. 29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the founda. Acts 16. 26 so that the foundations of the prison were 15. 20 I should build upon another man's foun. I Co. 3. 10 I have laid the foundation, and another 3. II For other foundation can no man lay 3. 12 if any man build upon this foundation Eph. 2. 20 are built upon the foundation of the ap. 1 Ti. 6. 19 Laying up. .a good foundation against 2 Ti. 2. 19 the foundation of God gtandeth sure Eeb. 6. I not laying again the foundation of repe. II. 10 he looked for a city whichhath foundations Eev. 21. 14 the wall of the city had twelve founda. 21. 19 the foundations of the wall of the city 21. 19 The first foundation (was) jasper ; the IZ.A casting or laying dovm, founding, Kora- PoX'fi katabule. Matt 13. 35 kept secret from the foundation of the 25. 34 prepared for you from the foundation of Lukeii. so T-hich was shod from the foundation of Johni7. 24 thou lovcdst me before the foundation of Eph. I.' 4 in himbefore the foundation of the world Heb. 4. 3 were finished from the foundations of the 9. 26 suffered since the foundation of the world I Pe. I. ao foreordained before the foundation of the Eev. 13. 8 slain from the foundation of the world 17. 8 not written, .from the foundation of the FbUNDATIOW to be laid — ^ l.To be founded, np; yasad, 2. Isa. 44. 28 even saying. .Thy foundation shall be laid 2. To be founded, np; yasad, 4:. 1 Ki. 6. 37 fourth year was the foundation. .laid Ezra 3. 6 But the foundation . .was not. .laid Hag. 2. 18 the foundation of the. .temple was laid Zech. 8. 9 the foundation of the house.. was laid Z.To bcfoimded, np; yasad, 6. Ezra 3. It, 12 the foundation of the house was. laid FOtTNTATIOlT, to lay for a -^ To found, lay as a foundation, ^p; yasad, 3. Isa. 28. 16 1 lay iqZion for a foundation a stone FOTOTDATIOir, to lay the"— ' l.To found, lay a foundation, np; yasad. 2 Ch.31. 7 they began to lay the foundation of the Job '38. 4 when I laid the foundations of the earthf Psa.io2. 25 Of old hast {hou laid the foundation of Isa. 48. 13 Mine hasdjalso hath laid the foundation Si. 13 and laid the foundations of the earth SI. 16 and lay the foundations of the eai-th 54. II and lay thy foundations with sapphires Zee. 12. I and layeth the foundation of the earth 2.T0 found, lay a foimdation, ip; yasad, 3. Josh. 6. 26 he shall lay the foundation, thereof in his 1 Ki. 5. 17 stones, to lay the foundation of the house 16. 34 he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram Ezra 3. 10 when the builders laid the foundation of 3. 12 when the foundation of this house was Zech. 4. 9 have laid the foundation of tiiis house FOtraDATIOBT of, to lay the — To found, lay foundation of, 6i/jie\iSio ihemelioS. Heb. 1. 10 Thou .-.hast laid the foundation of the es. F0TJKDATI0N3 — \. Foundations, nvp*; oshyotn. Jer. 50. 15 her foundations are fallen, her walls are ^.Foundations, J'^'N ushshin. Ezra 4. 12 have set up. .and joined the foundatfona 5. 16 laid the foundation of the house of God 6. 3 let the foundations thereof be strongly ^.Foundations, nno'iD inosadoth. Dout32. 22 and set on fire the foundations of the 2 Sa. 22. 8 the foundations of heaven moved and 22. 16 the foundations of the v/orld were disco. Psa. iS. 7 the foundations also of the hills moved 18. 15 the foundations of the world were disco. 82. 5 all the foundations of the earth are out Prov. 8. 29 when he appointed the foundations of the Isa. 24. 18 the foundations of the earth do shako 40. 21 have ye not understood from the founda. Sg. 12 thou shalt raise up the foundations of Jer. 31. 37 and the foundations of the earth searched 51. 26 for a comer, nor a stone for foundations Mic. 6. 2 Hear., ye strong foundations of the earth FOUHDES — To refine, purify, liy tsarajjh. Judgi7. 4 and gave them to the founder, v ho made Jer. 6. 29 the founder melteth in vain : for the wic, 10. 9 the work . . of the hands of the f oimder 10. 14 every founder is confounded by thegrav, 51. 17 every founder is confounded by the grav. FOTraTAOT — 1. Well, cistern, li3, V3 bor, bayir. Jci. 6. 7 As a fountain casteth out her waters, so 9~. Fountain, ;;i3D mabbua. Eccl.i2. 6 or the pitcher be broken at the fountain Z. Spring, fountain, |;yB mayan. Gen. 7. II the same day weie all the fountains of 8. 2 The fountains also of the deep and the Lev. II. 36 Nevertheless a fountain or pit, (wherein Josh. 15. 9 unto the fountain of the water of Nepht. 1 Ki. 18. 5 Go . . unto all fountains Of water, and unto 2 Ch. 32. 4 who stopped all the fountains, and the Psa. 74. 15 Thou didst cleave the fountain and the fl. 114., 8 turned .. the flint into a fountain of waters Prov. 5.' 16 Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad 8. 24 when . . no fountains abounding v/ith wa. 25. 26 a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring Song 4. 12 a spring shut up, a fountain pealed 4. 15 A fountain of gardens, a well of living w. Isa. 41. 18 and fountains in the midst of the valleys Hcs. 13. 15 and his fountain shall be dried up ; he Joel 3. 18 a fountain shall come forth of the house ^.Fountain, "lipD magor. Lev. 20. 18 he hath discovered her fountain, and so. 18 sue hath uncovered the fountain of her Psa. 36. 9 For with thee (is) the fountain of life 68. 26 Blsc3. .the Lord, from the fountain of Is, Prov. 5. 18 Let thy fountain be blessed : and rejoice 13. 14 The law of the wise (is) a fountain of life 14. ?7 The fear of the LORD (is) a fountain of life Jev .2. 13 they have forsaken me, the foimtain of 9. ;i and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that 17. 13 the Lord, the fountain of living waters TTos, T3. 15 his fountain shall be dried up : he shall Zech. 1 3. I In that day there shaU be a fountain FOUR 371 FOURSCORE ^.Spring, fountain, ]:a ayin. Gen, i6. 7 angel, .found her by a fountain of water 16. 7 by the fountain in the way to Shur Knna33. 9 and in Elira. .twelve fountains of waters JDeat. 8. 7 a land of brooks of water, of fountains 33. 28 the fountain of Jacob . .upon a land of I Sa. 29. I the Israelites pitched by a^ountain wliich a Ch.32. 3 to stop the waters of the fountains which Heh. 2. 14 Then I went on to the gate of the fount. 3. IS But the gate of the fountain repaired 12. 37 at the fountain gate, which was over aga. Krov.'a. 28 when he strengthened the fountains of tJ'wsni, source, tr-qyi] pegS. Waric 5. 29 straightway the fountain of her blood Jas. 3. II Doth a fountain send forth at the same Jas. 3. 12 [so (can) no fountain both yield salt water) Rev. 7. 17 shall lead them unto living fountains of 8. 10 and upon the fountains of waters 14. 7 made heaven . . and the fountains of waters 16. 4 poured out his vial upon the . . fountains of 21. 6 o? the fountain of the water of life freely loira, — IJFour, nj;?"i)<, VVy^ aria, arlaah. Gen. 2. 10 it was parted, and became into four heads II. 13, IS lived, .four hundred and three years 11. 16 Eber lived four and thirty years, and be. 11. 17 Eber lived, .four hundred and thirty yer. 14. 9 king of EUasar ; four kings with Ave 15. 13 they shall afflict them four hundred years 23. 15 the land (is worth) four hundred shekels 23. 16 four hundred shekels of silver, current 32. 6 to meet thee, and four hundred men with 33. I Esau came, and with him four hundred 47. 24 four parts shall be your own, for seed of Eiodi2. 40 sojourning, .(was)four hundred and thirty 12. 41 it came to pass at the end of the four hu. 22. I he shall restore, .four sheep for a sheep 25. 12 thou Shalt cast four rings of gold for it 25. 12 and put (them) in the four corners there. 25. 26 thou Shalt malce for it four rings of gold 25. 26 four corners that (are) on the four feet 25. 34 in the candlestick (shall bo) four bowls 26. 2, 8 the breadth of one curiam four cubits 26. 32 thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of 26. 32 gold, upon the four sockets of silver 27. 2 horns of it upon the four corners thereof 27. 4 make four brasen rings in the four corners 07. 16 their pillars., four, and their sockets four 28. 17 thou shalt set in it. .four rows of stones 36. 9 the breadth of one curtain four cubits 36. IS and four cubits (was) the breadth of one 36. 36' made thereunto four pillars (of) sliittim 36. 36 and he cast for them four sockets of silv. 37. 3, 13 And he cast for it four rings of gold '37. 3 (to be set) by the four corners of it ; even 37. 13 put the rings upon the four corners that 37. 20 in the candlestick (were) four bowls made 38. 2 he made the horns . . on the four comers 38. s ^^ cast four rings for the four ends of the 38. 19 pillars (were) four,, and their sockets., four 38. 29 and two thousand and four hundred che. 39. 10 And they set in it four rows of stones lev. II. 20 All fowls that creep, going upon (al!) four II. 21 creeping thing that goeth upon (all) four II. 23 creeping things, which have four feet II. 27 all manner of beasts that go on (all) four II. 42 whatsoever goeth upon (all) four, or what. Num. 1. 29 fifty and four thousand and four hund. I. 31 fifty and seven thousand and four hund. I. 37 thirty and five thousand and four hund. 1. 43 fifty and three thousand and four hund. 2. 6 fifty and four thousand and four hund. 2. 8 fifty and seven thousand and four hund. a. 9 six thousand and four hundred, through. 2. 16 fifty and one thousand and four hund. E. 23 (were) thirty and five thousand and four a. 30 fifty and three thousand and four himd. 7. 7 Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto 7. 8 four wagons and eight oxen ho gave unto 7. 85 two thousand and four hundred (shekels) 7, 88 peace offerings, (were) twenty and foiu' 25. 9 those that died, .were twenty and four 20. 25, 43 threescore and four thousand and 26. 47 fifty and three thousand and four hund. 26. 50 forty and five thousand and four hund. Deut. 3. 1 1 four cubits the breadth of it, after the 22. 12 make thee fringes upon the four quarters Josh 19. 7 Ether, and Ashan ; four cities and their 2). 18 and Almon with her suburbs ; four cities 21. 22 Beth-horon with her suburbs ; four cities 21. 24 Gath-rlmmcn with her suburbs; four cit. 21. 29 En-gannira with her suburbs ; four cities 21. 31 and Kehob with her suburbs ; four cities 21. 33 Nahalal with her suburbs ; four cities 21. 39 Jazer with her suburbs ; four cities in all Judg. 9. 34 they laid wait against Shechem in four II. 40 went yearly to lament, .four days in a ye. 19. 2 and was there four whole months 20. 2 four hundred thousand footmen that 20. 17 were numbered four hundred thousand 20. 47 abode in the rock Rimnaon four months 21. 12 they found, .four hundred young virgins I Sa. 4. 2 and they slew . . about four thousand men 22. 2 there were with him about four hundred 25. 13 there went up after David about four h. 27. 7 David dwelt . . a full year and f o»ir months 30, 10 David pursued, he and four hundred men 30. 17 save four hundred young men, which rode a Sa. 21. 2o four and twenty in number ; and he also 21. 22 These four were born to the giant in Gath X Kl. 6. 1 And it came to pass, in'the four hundred 7. 2 upon four rows of cedar pillars, with ce. 7. 19 (were) of lily work in tlu' prrch, four cil 7. 27 four cubits (was) the length of one base 7. 27 and four cubits the breadth thereof, and 7. 30 And every base had four brasen wheels 7. 30 the four corners thereof had ucdersetters 7. 32 And under the borders (were) four' wheels 7. 34 four undersetters to the four comers of 7. 38 every laver was four cubits, .upon every 7. 42 four hundred pomegranates for the two 9. 28 gold, four hundred and twenty talents 10. 26 he had a thousand and four hundred 15. 33 to reign over all Israel, .twenty and four 18. 19 the prophets of Baal four hundred and 18. 19 the prophets of tlie groves four luindred 18. 22 but Baal's prophets (are) four hundred 18. 33 Till four barrels with water, and pour 22. 6 abo\it four hundred men, and said unto a Ki. 7. 3 And there were four leprous men at the 14. 13 unto the corner gate, fear Imndred cubits I Cai. 3. s four, of Bath-shua the daughter of Araraon 5. 18 four and forty thousand seven hundred 7. I Tola, and Puah, Jashub, and Shimrom, fo. 7. 7 and two thousand and thirty and four 9. 24 In four quarters were the porters, toward 9. 26 For these Levites, the four chief porters 12. 26 Of the children of Levi, four thousand 20. 6 whose fingers and toes, .four and twenty 21. 5 Judah (was) four hundred threescore and 21. 20 his four sons with him hid themselves 23. 4 Of which, twenty and four thousand 23. s Jloreover, four thousand (were) porters 23. s s'^'l four thousand praised the LojiD with 23. 10 There (four) were the sons of Shimel 23. 12 Air.ram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel, four 24. 18 the four and twentieth to Maaziah 25. 31 Tiie four and twentieth to Romanti-ezer 26. 17 northward four a day, southward foiu' a 26. iS At Parbar westward, four at the causeway 27. I of every course, .twenty and four thous. 27. 2, 4, s, 7, i, 9 hiscourse (vt'ere) twenty and f. 27.10, II, ;:. 13, 14, 15 his course.. twenty and f. a Ch. 1. 14 he had a thousand and four hundred 4. 13 four hundred pomegranates on the two 8. 18 took thence four hundred and fifty talents 9. 2s Solomon had four thousand stalls for 13. 3 with., four hundred thousand chosen men 18. s gathered . . of prophets four hundred men 25. 23 to the comer gate, four hundred cubits Ezra 1. 10 basons of a second . . four hundred and 1. II All. .five thousand and four hundred a. 7 a thousand two hundred fifty and four 2. IS of Adin, four hundred fifty and four 2. 31 a thousand two hundred fifty and four 2. 40 Levites. .of Hodaviah, seventy and four 2. 67 Their camels, four hundred thirty and Neh, 6. 4 they sent unto me four times after this 7. 12 a thousand two hundred fifty and four 7. 23 of Bezai, three hundred twenty and four 7. 34 a thousand two hundred f.fty and four 7. 43 Levites. .of Ilodevah, severity and four 7. 6g camels, four hundred thirty f.nd five 11. 6 four hundred threescore and eight valiant II. 18 Levitea..two hundred fourscore and four Job I. ig and smote the four comers 'A the house 42. 16 Job. .saw. .his sons' sons, .four generati. ProV3o. IS (yea), four (things) say net, (It is) enough 30. 18 too wonderful fir me, yea, four which I 30. 21 disquieted, and for four, .it cannot bear 30. 24 There be four, .little upon the earth, but 30. 29 three . . which go well, yea, four are comely Isa. II. 12 gather, .from the four corners of the earth 17. 6 four . . five in the outmost fruitful branches Jer. IS. 3 I will appoint over them four kinds, saith 36. 23 when Jehudi had read three or four leaves 49. 36 the four winds from the four quarters of 52. 21 the thickness thereof (was) four fingers 52. 30 all the persons (were) four thousand and Eze. I. 5 the likeness of four liilng creatures I. 6 And every one had four faces I. 6 and every one had four wings I. 8 under their wings on their four sides I. 8 they four had their faces and their \ving3 t. 10 they four had the face of a man, and I. 10 they four had the face of an ok on the I. 10 they four also had the face of an eagle I. 15 by fne living creatures, with his four f. 1. 16 they four had one likeness : and their I. 17 they went upon their four sides .they I. 18 rings, .full of eyes round about them four 7. 2 the end is come upon the four comers of 10. 9 when I looked, behold the four wheels 10. 10 they four had one likeness, as if a wheel 10. II they went upon their four sides; they to. 12 wheels, .the wheels that they four had 10. 14 And every one had four faces : the first t 10. 21 Every one had four faces . .four wrings. 14. 21 when I send myfour sore judgmentsupon 37. 9 Come from the four winds, breath, and 40. 41 Four tables (.were) on this side, and four 40. 42 And the fotir tables (were) cf hewn stone 41. s the breadth cf . . side chamber, f o'ir cubits 42. 20 He measured it by the four sides : it had 43. 14 to the greater settle (shall be) four cubits 43. Ts So the altar (shall be) four cubits ; and 43. 15 from the altar and upward, .four horns 43. 16 altar, .square in the four squares thereof 43. 17 and fourteen broad in the four squares 43. 20 on the four horns, .and on the four corn. 4^^. 19 upon the four comers of the settle cf the 46. 21 caused me to pais by the four oomsrs of Eze. 46. 22 In the four comers of the court, .courts 46. 22 tliesc four comers (were) of one measure 46. 23 And. a row. .round about them four 48. if, 16, j6, 16, 30, 32, 33, 34 four thousand and Dan. I. 17 As for these four children, God gave them 8. 8 for it came up four notable ones toward 8. 22 whereas four stood up for it, fcur klngd. 10. 4 in the four and twentieth day of the tlr»t 11. 4 shall be divided toward the four winds of Amos I. 3, 6, 9, II, 13 For three trans. . .and for four 2. I, 4, 6 Forthree transgressions. . and forfour Hag. I. 15 In the four and twentieth day of the sixth 2. 10 In the four and twentieth (day) of the 2. 18 from the four and twentieth day of tho 2. 20 the word, .came unto Haggai in the four Zcch. I. 7 Upon the four and twentieth day of tho I. 18 Then..!.. saw, and behold four homs 1. 20 And the Lord showed me four carpenters 2. 6 I have spread you abroad as the four wi. 6. I there came four chariots out from betw. 6. s T'hcse (are) the four spiiits of the heavt.ns 2.Four, nv?1!<, WIK arba, arhaah. Ezra 6. 17 two hundred rams, four hundred lamha Uan. 3. 2s I see four men loose, walking in the midst 7. 2 the four winds of the heaven strove upon 7. 3 four great beasts came up from the sea 7. 6 upon the back of it four wings of a fowl 7. 6 the beast had also four heads ; and dom. 7. 17 These, .beasts, which are four, (are) four Z.Four, -riffffapfs tessares. Matt24. 31 shall gathertogether.. from thefour winds Mark 2. 3 sick of the palsy, which was borne of four 13. 27 shall gather together, .from the four wnds Luke 2. 37 a widow of about fourscore and four years Johnii. 17 he had (lain) in the grave four days already 19. 23 made foui- parts, to every, soldier a pait Acts 10. II a great sheet knit at the four comers 11. s I'^t down from heaven by four comers 12. 4 delivered (him) to four quaternions of 21. 9 the same man had four daughters, virgins 21. 23 Wo have four men which have a vow on 27. 29 they cast four anchors out of the stem Bev. 4. 4 round about the throne (were) four and 4. 4 and upon the seats I saw four and twenty 4. 6 round about the throne, (were) four bea. 4. 8 the four beasts had each of them six wl. 4. 10 The four and twenty elders fall down be. 5. 6 in the midst, .of the four beasts, and in J. 8 when he had tak'-u the book, the four 5. 8 and four (and) twenty elders fell down 5. 14 And the four beasts said. Amen. And 5 14 the four (and) twenty elders fell down 6. I I heard, .one of the four beasts saying 6. 6 I heard a voice in the midst of the four 7. I after these things I saw four angfls stan- 7. I holding the four winds of the earth 7. 2 cried with a loud voice to the four angels 7. 4 scaled an hundred, forty, fourthousand 7. 11 and (about) the elders, and the fourbeas. 9. 13 I heard a voice from the [four] homs of 9. 14 Loose the four angels which are bound In g. IS the four angels were loosed, which were II. 16 the four and twenty elders which sat 14. I with him an hundred forty, .four thousa. 14. 3 and before the four beasts, and the elders 14. 3 but the hundred, forty.. four thousand 15. 7 one of the fcur beasts gave unto the seven 19. 4 the four and twenty elders, and the four 20. 8 the nations which are in the four quarters 21. 17 measured.. an hundred.. forty, four cub. ^.Fourth, TtVapTot Utartos. Acts 10. 30 Four days ago I was fasting until this h, FOTJR (days, months, hwidred, thousand) — I.Four months, (the space of), TtTpiwiji't"'. — <><:■ John 4. 3S Say not ye. There are yet four months ^-Belonging to fourth day, TtrapToToy tetartaios. Johnii. 39 hestinketh: forhehathbeen(dead)tourd. S.Four thousand, TfTpaKtirxi>^toi tetrakischilioi. Uattis. 38 they that did eat were four thousand men 16. TO Neither the seven loaves of the four tho. Mark 8. 9 they that had eaten were about four tho. 8. 20 when the seven among four thousand Acts 21. 38 leddest out. .four thousand men that LFmir hundred, TerpaKoatoi tetrakosioi. Acts 5. 36 to whom a number of men, about four h. 7. 6 and entreat (them) evil four hundred ye. 13. 2o about the space of lour hundred andflfty Gal. 3. 17 the law, which was four hundred and th. FOTJE and twenty — Twenty fov.r, eiKoo-iTeVo-opcs eikositessares. Rev. s- 14 tlie [four (and) twenty elders] feU down FOUK fold — l.Fourfold, D'nysiN arbatayi-irc. 2 Sa. 12. 6 he shall restore the lamb four fold, beca. 2. Four fold, TfTpaTr\6os tetraploos. Luke 19, 8 by false accusation, I restore . .lour fold FOTTR footed beast — Four footed, quadruped, rerpairovs tetrapous. Acta lo. 12 Wherein . all manner of four footed bea, II. 6 I considered, and saw four footed beasts Rom. I. 23 and four footed beasts, and creeping roirasooEE — 1, Eighty, C';bif' skemonim, Gea. 16. 16 Atrain (was) fcurssoie and six years old FOUESQUARB 372 FRAGMENT Gen. 35. 28 Isaac were an hundred and fourscore j'. 'J!3£od. 7. 7 Moses (was) fourscore . . Aaron fourscore Num. 2. 9 an hundred thousand and fourscore tho. 4. 48 eight thousand and Ave hundred and fou. Josh 14. 10 I (am) this day fourscore and five years Judg. 3. 30 And the land had rest fourscore years T Sa. 22. iS slew on that day fourscore and five per. zSa» 19. 32 Barzillai was a very aged man. .fourscore 19. 35 I (am) this day fourscore years old . . can iXL 5. 15 fourscore thousand hewers in the moun. 12. 21 hundred and fourscore thousand chosen sKi. 6. 25 until an ass's head was (sold) tor fourscore 10. 24 Jehu appointed fourscore men without 19. 35 an hundred fom'score and five thousand I Ch. 7. s reckoned in all . .fourscore and seven th. 15. 9 Eliel the chief, and his brethren fourscore 25. 7 all . . was two hundred fourscore and eight aCh. 2. 2 fourscore thousand to hew in the moun. 2. 18 fourscore thousand (to be) hewers In the 11. I hundred and fourscore thousand chosen 14. 8 two hundred and fourscore thousand 17. IS two hundred and fourscore thousand 17. 18 an hundred and fourscore thousand 26. 17 with him fourscore priests of the LOKD ■Ezra 8. 8 Zebadiah . . and mth him fourscore males Ueh. 7. 26 Wetophah, an hundred fourscore and 11. 18 Levites. .two hundred fourscore and four Esth. I. 4 many days., an hundred and fourscore Psa, go. 10 and if by reason of strength . .fourscore Song 6. 8 There are threescore queens, and foursc. Isa. 37. 36 a hundred and fourscore and five thou. Jer. 41. 5 there came, .from Samaria.. fourscore %Eighty, oyZoiycovTo, ogdoekonta. Xuke 2. 37 And she (was) a widow of about fourscore 16. 7 he said. .Take thy billj and write fours. rOtmSQUARE — l.Fourth, 'j;'a-| rebii. Eze. 48." 20 ye shall offer tho holy oblation foursquare 2. To he foursquare, VST rala. Exod 27. I the altar shall bo foursquare : and the 28. 16 Foursquare it shall be, (being) doubled 30. 2 foursquare shall it be ; and two cubits 37. 25 he made the incense altar, .foursquare 38. I And ho made the altar, .foursquare 39. 9 It was foursquare ; they made the beast S.To he foursquare, V5T raha, 4. I Ki. 7. 31 gravings with their borders, foursquare Eze. 40. 47 and an hundred cubits broad, foursquare 4:.Four cornered, TeTpdyoivos tetro.gSnos. Bev. 21. 16 tho city lieth foursquare^ and the length JOiniTEEN — l.Four {and) ten, I'-^'J, !TJ,3-!i} VT]i< aria arhaah asar. Gen. 31. 41 I served thee foiu'teen years for thy two -46. 22 sons of Rachel, .all the souls (were) fou. Num. I. 27 threescore and fourteen thousand and 2. 4 threescore and fourteen thousand and 16. 49 Now they that died, .were fourteen tho. 29. 13, 17, 20, 23,'26, 29, 32 fourteen lambs of the 29. 15 tenth, .to each lamb of the fourteen lambs Josh 15, 36 of Judah. .fourteen cities with their vil. 18. 28 of Benjamin, .fourteen cities with their 3 Kj. 8. 65 seven days and seven days . . fourteen days 1 Ch. 25. s God gave to Ileman fom-teen sons and 2 Ch. 13 21 Abijah. .married fourteen wives, and Job 42. 12 for he had fourteen thousand sheep Eze. 43. 17 settle, .fourteen, .long and fourteen br. %Fourteen, SeKarsffaapes dekatessares. Matt. I. 17 from Abraham to David, .fourteen gener. I. 17 away into Babylon (are) fourteen genera. I. 17 unto Christ (are) fourteen generations E Co. 12. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen Gal. 2. I Then fourteen years after I went up agaii. ?OiniTEEHTH — l.Four{and) ten, 1^^ "j;?!??, 'T^'J! VSl,i< aroaah asar. Gen. r4. 5 in the fourteenth year canieChedorlaomer Exodi2. 6 shall keep it up until the fourteenth day 12. 18 In the first (month), on tho fourteenth day Xev. 23. 5 In the fourteenth . . of the first month at Num. 9. 3 In the fourteenth day of this month, at 9. 5 they kept the tiassover on the fourteenth g. II The fourteenth day of the second month 28, 16 In the fourteenth day of the first month Josh. s. 10 kept the passover on the fourteenth day 2 Ki. 18. 13 in thi fourteenth year of king Hezekiah I Ch. 24. 13 to Huppah, the fourteenth to Jeshebeab 25. 21 The fourteenth to Mattithiah. .his sons sCh. 30. 15 they killed the passover on the fourteenth 35. 1 theykilledthepassoveronthe fourteenth Ezra 6. 19 kept the passover upon the fourteenth Esth. 9. 15 •en tbe fourteenth day also of the month 9. 17 on the fourteenth day of the same rested 9. 18 Jews, .assembled, .on the fourteenth th. 9. 19 made the fourteenth day of the month 9. 21 they should keep the fourteenth day of Isa. 35. I Now it came to pass in the fourteenth ye. Eze.. 40. I in the fourteenth year after that the city 45. 21 in the fourteenth day of the month, ye 2,Four and tenth, recrrrapefficaiS^KaTos tessareska. Acts 27. 27 But when the fourteenth night was come 27. 33 This day is the fourteenth day that ye rOTJETH — 1. Four, ysiN aroa. 1 Ki. 22. 41 in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel 2 Ch.- 3. 2 he began to build ., in the fourth year of Neh. 9. 1 Now in the twenty and fourth day of this Zech. 7. I it came to pass in the fourth year of 7. I in the fourth (day) of the ninth mouth i.Fourth, 'JJ'n-i rehii. Gen. I. 19 the evening and tho morning were the f. 2. 14 And the fourth river (is) Euphrates 15. 16 But in the fourth generation they shall Exod28. 20 And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx 39. 13 And the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and Lev. 19. 24 But in the fourth year all the fruit ther. Num. 7. 30 On the fourth day Elizur tho son of She. 29. 23 And on the fourtli day ten bullocks, two Josh.19. 17 the fourth lot came out to Jssachar, for Judg ig. 5 it came to pass on the fourth day, when 2 Sa. 3. 4 the fourth, Adonijali the son Df Haggith 1 Ki. 0. I in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over 6. 33 posts (of) olive tree, a fourth part (of the C. 37 In the lourth year was the foundation of 2 Ki. 10. 30 thy children of the fourth (generation) 15. 12 saying. Thy sons shall sit., unto the fourth i3. 9 And it came to pass in the fourth year of 1 Ch. 2. 14 Nethaneel the fourth, Raddai the fifth 3. 2 the fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith 3. IS the third Zedekiah, the fourth Shallum 8. 2 Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fifth 12. 10 Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fi. 23. 19 Jahaziel the third, and Jekameamthe fo. 24. 8 Tlie third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim 24. 23 Jahaziel the third, Jekameam the fourth 25. II The fourtii to Izri, (he), his sons, and his 26. 2 Zebadiah the third, Jathniel the fourth 26. 4 Sacar the fourth, and Nethaneel the fifth 26. II Tebaliah the thu-d, Zechariah the fourth 27. 7 The fourth (captain) for the fourth month 2 Ch.2o. 26 And on the fourth day they assembled Ezra 8. 33 Now en the fourth day was the silver and Jer. 2S. 1 in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son 28. I in the fourth year, (and) in the fifth mo. 36. I it came to pass, in the fourth year of 39. 2 in the fourth month, the ninth (day) of 45. I in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son 46. 2 in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son 51. S9 into Babylon in the fourth year of his re. 52. 6 And in the fourth month, in the ninth Eze. I. I it came to pass, .in the fourth (month) 10. 14 and the fourth the face of an eagle Dan. ir. 2 and the fourth shall be far richer thaa Zech. 6. 3 in the fourth chariot grisled and bay 8. ig The fast of the fourtli (month), and tho Z.Fourth, 'j/'^l rcUL Dan 2. 40 And tho fourth kingdom shall be strong 3. 25 form of the fourth is like tho Son of God 7. 7 and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and 7. 19 I Ytfould know the truth of the fourth b. 7. 23 said. The fourth beast BhaU be the fourth i. Fourth, {those of the), D'];a-) rihhdm. Exod2o. 5 unto the third and fourth (generation) of 34. 7 unto the third and to the fourth (goner.) Numi4. i3 unto the third and fourth (generation) Deut. 5. 9 unto the third and fourth feneration) of I). Fourth, rerapros tctartos. Matt 14. 25 in tho fourth watch of the night Jesus Mark. 6. 48 and about the fourth watch of the night Rev. 4. 7 the fourth beast (was) like a flying eagle 6. 7 And when he had opened the fourth seal 6. 7 I hoard the voice of the fourth beast say 8. 12 And the fourth angel sounded, and tho t. 16. 8 tho fourth angel poured out his vial upon 2 1. 19 third, a chalcedony ; tho fourth, an emer. FOITETH (pait) — l.Fourth, '^'51 rcUi. Exodag. 40 and the fourth part of an hin of wine (for) liCV. 23. 13 (shall bo) of vans, tho fourth- (part) of an Numis. 4 ^vith the fourth (part) of an hin of oil 15. s tlie fourth (part) of an hin of ^vine for a 28. s mingled with the fourth (part) of an hin 28. 7 And the drink . . (shall be) the fourth (pa.) 28. 14 and a fourth (part) of an hin unto a lamb Neh. 9. 3 read in the book . . (one) fourth part of the 9. 3 and (another) fourth part they confessed 2.Fourth, VJ-i reba. Exodsg. 40 the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil 1 Sa. 9. 8 1 have here at hand the fourth part of a Z.Fourth, VT^ rdba. Num 23. 10 the number of tho fourth (part) of Israel ? 2 Ki. 6. 25 the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung LFourth, TerapTos tetartos. Rev. 6. 8 power was given . . over the fourth part of F0V7X — 1. Choice or fat geese, nnang harburim. I Ki. '4. 23 roebucks, and fallow deer, and fatted fowl 2. Fowl, >]ij; oph. Gen. I. 20 fowl (that) may fly above the earth in the I. 21 and every ivinged fowl after his kind : and 1. 22 fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl I. 26, 28 and over the fowl of the air, and over 1. 30 to every fowl of the air, and to every 2. 19 the Lord God formed, .every fowl of the 2. 20 gave names, .to the fowl of the air, and 6. 7 I will destroy, .the fowls of the air ; for 6. 20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle 7. 3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the m. 7. 8 of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth 7. 14 every fowl after his kind, every bird of 7. 21 And all flesh died, .both Qf fowl, and of 1. 23 creeping thinigiBi dnd tHO fowl di th^ ho. Gen. 8. 17 Bringforth v^ith thee, .(both) of fowl 8. 19 every creeping thing, and every fowl 8. 2o took . . of every clean fowl, and offered 9. 2 upon every fowl of the air, upon all that 9. 10 of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every Lev. 1. 14 And if the burnt sacrifice, .(be) of JEowls 7. 26 ye shall eat no manner, .of fowl or of II. 13 shall have in abomination among the fo. II. 20 All fowls that creep, going upon (all) 11. 46 of the fowl, and of every living creaturs 17. 13 catcheth any beast or fowl that may be 20. 2s and between unclean fowls and clean 20. 2S abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by Deut>i4. 20 (But of) aU clean fowls ye may eat 28. 26 thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls I Sa. 17. 44 1 will give thy flesh unto the fowls of th» 17. '46 give the carcases., this day unto thefowia I Ki. 4. 33 he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and 14. II him that dieth. .shall the fowls of the air 16. 4 him that dieth . . shall the .fowls of the 21. 24 and him that dieth. .shall the fowls, .eat Job 12. 7 But ask no «7.. the fowls of the air, and 28. 21 and kept close from the fowls of the air 35. II maketh us wiser than the fowls of heav.? Psa. 50. II I know .all the fowls of the mountams 78. 27 feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea 79. 2 given (to be) meat unto the fowls of the 104. 12 By them shall the fowls of the heaven Jer. 7. 33 carcases . . shall be meat for the fowls o£ 9. 10 both the fowl of the heavens and the 15. 3 the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts 16. 4 carcases shall be meat for the fowls of 19. 7 will I give to be meat for the fowls of 34. 20 bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls Eze. 29. s I have given thee for meat, .to tho fowls 31. 6 All the fowls of heaven made their nests 31. 13 Upon his ruin shall all the fowls of the 32. 4 will cause all the fowls of the heaven to 38. 20 fowls of "the heaven, and the beasts of 44. 31 shall not eat. .whether it be fowl or beasd Ho3. 2. 18 ^vith the fowls of heaven, and (v/ith) the 4, 3 shall languish, .with the fowls of heaven 7. 12 I will bring them down as the fowls b£ Zeph. 1.3! will consume the fowls of the heaven Z.Fowl, fjiy oph. Dan. 2. 38 and the fowls of the heaven hath ho 7. 6 had upon the back of it four v/inga of a £ i. Ravenous fovjl, Q^y ayif. Gen. 15. II the fowls came down upon the circases Job 28. 7 (There is) a path v/hich no fov/1 tnowetli Isa. 18. 61eft..unto tho fowls.. and tho fowls 5. Bird, sparrow, fowl, niss tsippor. Deut. 4. 17 likeness of any winged fowl that flieth. Neh. 5. 18 also fowls were prepared for me, and. Psa. 8. 8 The fowl of the air, and tho fish of the 148. 10 cattle ; creeping things, and flying fowl Eze. 17. 23 under it shall dwell all fowl of every wi. 39. 17 Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to G.Bird, sparrow, fovjl, 15X tsippar. Dan. 4. 12 fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs 4. 14 and the fowls from his branches 4. 21 upon whose branches the fowls of the 7. Bird, fowl, Spveov orneon. Rev. ig. 17 Saying to all the fowls that fly ia the 19. 21 all the fowls were filled with their flesh. 8. Winged fowl, ireTeivSy peteinon. Matt. 6. 26 Behold the fowls of the air : for they sow 13. 4 and the fowls came and devoured them Mark 4. 4 fowls of the air came and,devourcd it up 4. 32 so that the fowls of the air may lodge Luke 8. 5 and the fowls of the air devoured it 12. 24 much more are ye better than tho fowls? 13. ig the fowls of the air lodged in the bran. Acts 10. 12 and creeping tilings, and fowls of the air II. 6 and creeping things, and fowls of the air FOVTIEIl — 1. Fowler, ensnarer, trip; yaqosh. Hos. 9. 8 tho prophet (is) a snare of a fowler in all 2.Fowler, ensnarer, mpi yaqush. Psa. 91. 3 he shall deliver thea from.. tho fowler Prov. 6. s ana as a bird from the hand of the fowler Z.To lay a snare, ensnare, »i3; yaqash. Psa. 124. 7 as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers FOX — l.Fox, jackal, ^im shiml. Judgis. 4 Samson . . caught three hundred foxes, and Neh. 4." 3 if a fox go up, he shall even break down Psa. 63. 10 they shall be a portion for foxes Song 2. IS Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that Lam. s- 18 which is desolate, the foxes walk upon Eze, 13. 4 thy prophets are like the foxes in the 2.F0X, hxiirni, alopex. Matt. 8. 20 The foxes have holes, and the birds of Luke 9. 58 Foxes have holes, and birds of the air 13. 32 Go ye, and tell that fox. Behold, I cast FEAGMENT — Fragment, broken piece, KKaa-ixa, Tdasma. Matt 14. 20 and they took up of the fragments tha4 Mark 6. 43 twelve baskets full of the fragments, and 8. 19, 20 how many baskets full of fragments Luke g. 17 and there was taken up of fragments John 6. 12 Gatjier up the fragnjent? that remain & 13 filled twelve baskets «ath the fraemeats FRAIL o/ J FRIEND I feah — Left, forbearing, frail, h-\n chadel. Psa. 39. 4Lor.ri..(thal)imriykno-v7lio-\TfraUI(am) FEAME — 1. Frame, formation, imagination, is:", yetser. Psa. 103. 14 For he knoweth our frame ; he rememb. 2.Building, frame, nno mibneh. Eze. 40. 2 by which (was) as the frame of a city on FRABEE, to — \.To frame, constitute, ns; yaisar. Psa. 94, 20 iniquity, .which framctli mischief by a Isa. 29. 16 Eliall. .say of him tliat framed it. Ho liatli Jer. 18. II Behold, I frame evil against you, and ■2 To prepare, establish, pa kiin, 5. Judg.i2. 6 for he coald not frame to pronounce (it) Z.To give, \r\i nathan. Hos. 5. 4 They will not frame their doings to turn i.To couple, join together, ii?V tsamad, 5. Psa. 50. 19 to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit t.To make thoro^tghly right or fit, Karaprl^o) kata. Heb. II, 3 that the worlds ivere framed by the ivord FEAME togetlier, to fitly — 7t lay out fitly together, c-vvapiioXoyiu sunarmol. Eph. 2. 21 whom all the building, fitly framed toge. FRAMED, tMng — " Frame, form, iviaginalion, yj' yetser. Isa. 29. 16 or shall the thing framed say of him that FRANKINCENSE — \.Frankincense, n:i3^ lebonah. £xod3o. 34 sweet spices with pure frankincense Lev. 2. I and he shall, .put frankincense thereon 2. 15 And thou Shalt., lay frankincense thereon 2. 16 with all the frankincense thereof S.'ti neither shall he put (any) frankincense 6. 15 and all the frankincense which (is) upon 24. 7 thou shalt put pure frankincense upon Num. 5. 15 nor put frankincense thereon ; for it (is) 1 Ch. 9. 29 and the frankincense, and the apices Neh. 13. 5 they laid, .the frankincense, and the ve. 13. 9 with the meat offering and the frankin. Song 3. 6 perfumed with myrrh and frankincense 4. 6 I will get me. .to the hill of frankincense 4. 14 cinnamon, v.'ith all trees of frankincense 2. Frankincense, xi^avos libanos. Matt 2. II they presented unto him. .frankincense Pvev. 18. 13 ointments., and frankincense, and wine FEATJD — Fraud, oppression, ^n tok. Psa. 10. 7 His mouth is full of cursing, .and fraud FEATJD, to keep back by — To deprive of, airoo'repfO) apostereo. Jas. 5. 4 hiie.. which is of you kept bact by fraud FRAY (a-way), to — To cause to tremble, trouble. Tin charad, 5. I>eut28. 26 the beasts . . and no man shall fray . . away Jer. 7. 33 the beasts, .and none shall fray., away Zech. I. 21 but these are come to fray them, to cast FREE — 1. Gratis, for nought, Djn chinnam. E.'cod2i. II then sliall she go out free without money 2.Free, ''Z'En choplishi. Exod 21. 2 in the seventh he shall go out freeforno. 21. 5 I love . .my children; I will not go out free 21. 26 he shall let him go free for his eye's sake 21. 27 he shall let him go free for his tooth's Deut 15. 12 seventh year thou shalt let him go free 15. 13 And when thou sendest him out free from 13. 18 when thou sendest him away free from . 25 and make his father's house free in Isra. . 19 and the servant (is) free from his master 5 Who hath sent out the wild ass free ? or 5 Free among the dead, like the slain that 6 (Is) not this, .to let the oppressed go free 9 man should let his msn servant, .go free 34. 10 and every one his maid servant, go free 34. II whom they had let go free, to return 34. 14 thou shalt let him go free from thee 3. Willing, liberal, noble, Tfi nadib. 2 Ch.29. 31 and as many as were of a free heart P.^. SI- 12 Restore, .and uphold me (mth thy) free ^.Acquititd, 'P5 naqi. Deut 24. 5 he shall be free at home one year, and 5. Open, let away, free, ncs, xa^ patar, patir. I Ch. 9. 33 (who remaining) in the chambers (were) f . G.Free, at liberty, iA^vBepos eleutheros. Matti7. 26 Jesus saith. .Then are the children free John 8. 33 hpw sayest thou. Ye shall be made free? 8. 36 If the Son. .ye shall be free indeed Rom. 6. 20 ye were the servants of sin, ye were free '7. 3 she is free from that law ; so that she is I Co. 7. 21 if thou mayest be made free, use (it) 7. 22 he that is called, (being) free, is Christ's g. I Am I not an apostle ? am I not free 1 9. 19 For though I be free from aU (men), yet 12. 13 whether (we) be bond or free ; and have 3. 28 there is neither bond nor free, there is <^. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free 4. 31 So then brethren., we are. .of the free Eph. Col. 6. 8 receive of the Lord whether, .bond or fr. 3. II Barbarian, .Scythian, bond (uor) free : but I Sa 17. Job 1- ^Q. P.ia. 88. Isa. ,S8. Jer. 34- Oal. I Pe. 2. lO As free, and not using, .liberty for a Rev. 13. j6 And he caused all. .free and bond, to 19. 18 and the flesh of all. .free and bond, both FREE, to be — \.To be or become free, vtn chaphash, i. Lev. 19. 20 not put to death, because she was not fr. 2. To be or become acquitted, npj naqah, 2. Num. 5. 19 be thou free from this bitter water that 5. 28 then she shall be free, and ehall conceive FREE, to let go — I'o open, loose, nn9 pathach, 3. i'sa.ios- =0 the ruler of the people, and let him go t. TREE, to make — To free, make free, i\(vB(p6as eleutlieroo. John 8. 32 know, .and the truth shall make you frco 8. 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free Rom. 6. 18 Being then made free from sin, yc.bcca. 6. 22 But now being made free from sin,' and 8. 2 in Clu-ist Jesus hath made me free from Gal. 5. I wherewith Christ hath made us free, and FREE gift — A grace, gift, xi\-q phile. Luke 15. 9. Those beside him, ol Trapd airov Iwi para autou. Mark 3. 21 when Ms friends heard., they wont out FRIENDS, thy — Tliose belonging to, or with thee, ol 21 plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them 2. 7 to eat the fruit, .and the goodness there. 6. 19 the fruit of their thoughts, because they 7. 20 poured out upon, .the fruit of the ground II. 16 A green olive tree, fair, (and) of goodly f. •12. 2 they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit 17. 8 neither shall cease from yielding fruit 17. 10 (and) according to the fruit of his doings 2j. 14 will punisli you according to the fruit of 29. 5, 28 plant gardens, and eat the fruit of 32. 19 and according to tlie fruit of his doings lam. 2. 20 Shall the women cat their fruit, (and) Kze. 17. 8 It was planted . . that it might bear fruit 17. 9 shall he not. .cut off the fruit thereof 17. 23 and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar : and ig. 12 the east wind dried up her fruit ; her 19. 14 fire, .hath devoured her fruit, so that es. 4 they Shall eat thy fruit, and. .drink thy 34. 27 the tree of the field shall yield her fruit 96. 8 yield your fruit to my people of Israel 36. 30 I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and 47. 12 neitlier shall the fruit, .be consumed : It 47. 12 the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and Hos. 9. 16 root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit JO. 1 he bringeth forth fruit unto himself 10. I according to the multitude of his fruit 10. 13 ye have eaten the fruit of lies : because 14. 8 From me is thy fruit found Joel 2. 22 for the tree beareth her fruit, the flg tree Amos 2. 9 yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and 6. 12 the fruit of righteousness Into hemlock 9, 14 make gardens, and eat the fruit of them Mlo. 6. 7 fruit of my body (for) the sin of my soul f 7. 13 be desolate, .for the fruit of their doings Zech. 8. 1 2 the vino shall give her fruit, and the I Mai. 3. II not destroy the fruits of your ground ll.Tncominff, fruit, nxun iebuah. Exodi3. 10 and shalt gather in the fruits thereof lev. 23. 39 when ye have gathered in the fruit of the 25. 3 and gather in the fruit thereof as. IS unto the number of years of the fruits he 05. 16 number, .of the fruits doth he sell ent22. 9 and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled 33. 14 for the precious fruits, .by the sun Josh. s. 12 they did eat of the fruit of the land of a El 8. 6 Restore all., the fruits of the field since Frov 10. 16 to life : the fruit of the wicked to aia 12.Fruit, increase, nyjfi tenubah. Judg. 9. II Should I forsake, .my good fruit, and go Isa. 27. 6 and fill the face of the world with fruit Lam. 4. 9 stricken through for. .the fruits of the fl. 13. Prodzice, yewrifia gennenia. Matt 26. 29 I will not drink henceforth of this fruit Marki4. 25 I >viU drink no more of the fruit of the v. Xuke 12. 18 there will I bestow all my [fruits] andmy 22. 18 I will not drink of the fruit of the vino 2 Co. 9. 10 increase tho fruits of your righteousness 1 4. Fruit, Kap7r6s karpos. Matt. 3. 8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for t. 10 7. id Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do 7. 17 every good tree bringeth forth good fruit 7. 17 a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit 7. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit 7. 18 neither (can) a corrupt tree, .good fruit 7. 19 tree that bringeth not forth good fruit 7. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know 12. 33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit 12. 33 fruit corrupt : for the tree is known by . .f. (3. 8 brought forth fruit, some an hundred fold 13. 26 was sprung up, and brought forth fruit a 1. 19 Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward ai. 34 And when the time of the fruit drew near ai. 34 that they might receive the fruits of it Bi. 41 which shall render him the fruits in their at. 43 given to a nation bringing forth the fruits Slsdc 4. 7 thorns, .choked it, and It yielded no fruit 4. 8 did yield fruit that sprang up and incre. 4. 39 But when the fruit is brought forth 11. 14 No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ev. ta. 2 might receive . . of tho fruit of the vineya. Lake I. 42 and blessed (is) the fruit of thy womb 3. 8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of re. 3. 9 which bringeth not forth good fruit is 6. 43 good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit 6. 43 neither doth a corrupt tree, .good fruit : 6. 44 For every tree is Icnown by his own fruit 8. 8 sprang up, and bare fruit an hundred fold 12. 17 I have no room where to bestow my fru.t 13. 6 he came and sought fruit thereon, and 13. 7 these three years I come seeking fruit on 13. 9 And if it bear fruit, .and if not. .after th. , ao. 10 that they should give him of the fruit of /ohn 4. 36 and gatliereth fruit unto life eternal 12. 24 but If it die, it bringeth forth much fruit JS. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fru. 15. 2 purgeth it, that it may bring forth more f. 15. 4 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself IS. 5 the same bringeth forth much fruit : for IS. 8 that ye bear much fruit ; so shall ye be 15. 16 that ye should go and bring forth fruit 15. 16 and (that) your fruit should remain Acts 2. 30 that of the fruit of his loins, according to Kom. I. 13 that I might Tiave some fruit among you 6. 21 What fruit had ye then in those things 6. 22 ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the 15. 28 and have sealed to them this fruit, I will > Co. g. 7 and eateth not of the fruit thereof! or Gal. 5. 12 But the fruit of tlie Spirit is love, Joy Eph. 5. 9 the fruit of tlie Spirit (U) in all goodness Phil. I. II Bemg filled with tho fruits of righteous I. 22 But if I live in the flesh, this (is) tho fruit 4. 17 I desire fruit that may abound to your ac. 2 Ti. 2. 6 htisbandm. . .must be . . partaker of the fr. Heb. 12. II it lieldeth the peaceable fruit of riglitc. 13- 15 ' O fruit of (our) lips giving thanks to his Jas, 3. 17 gcn'le. .full of mercy and good fruits 3. 18 tlie ruitof righteousness is sown in peace 5. 7 wait' th for the precious fruit of tho ea. S- 18 and vne earth brought fortli her fruit Kev. 22. 2 which bare twelve (manner of) fruits 22. 2 (and) yielded her fruit every month [See also Cast, fli_t ripe, hasty, new, summer, sycamore.] FBIHT, best — What is praised, .Tjp] zimrah. Gen. 43. 1 1 take of the best fruits In tho land in your FETJIT, to bear — To bear fruit, Kapirotpopiw karpophoreO. Matt 13. 23 wlilch also beareth fruit, and bringeth fo. FSriT, to bring — To be fruitful, rry^ parah. EzS. 36. 1 1 and they shall Inoreaoo and bring fnilt FRTJEp, to bring forth — l.To bring forth, increase, ZM nub. Psa. 92. 14 They sliall still bring forth fruH hi old 2. 7*0 bear fruit, Kaptro. Judo 12 trees whose fruit withercth. .twice dead FRTTITFUL — l.Seed, y-v zera. Eze. 17. s took, .and planted it in a frultfal field 2.T0 be fruitful, m,9 parah. Gen. 49. 22 a fruitful bough, .a fruitful bough by a Psa. 128. 3 Thy wife, .as a fruitful vine by the sides Isa. 17. 6 four (or) five in the outmost fruitful bra. 32. 12 T.hcy shall lament, .for the fruitful vino Eze. 19. 10 she was fruitful and full of branches by Z. Fruit, '^p peri. Psa. 107. 34 A fruitful land into barrenness, for tho 148. 9 and all hills ; fruitful trees, and all cod, i. Fruit bearing, Kapiro^ipos karpophoros. Acts 14. 17 gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful PEUITFUL, to bo — l.To produce fruit, H'i,^para, 5. Hos. 13. 15 Though he be fruitful among, .brethren 2. To be fruitful, rn^ parah. Gen. I. 22 Bo fruitful, and multiply, and fill the I. 28 God said unto them. Be fruitful, and mu. 8. 17 that they may breed, .and bo fruitful 9. I Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish 9. 7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply 26. 22 and we shall be fruitful in tho land 35. II And God said, .be fruitful and multiply Exod. I. 7 And the children of Israel were fruitful Jer. 23. 3 and they shall bo fruitful and increase S.To bear fruit, Kapvoud L To fall, '?5) naplial. 2 Ki.25. II tho fugitives that fell away to the king ol 5. One who slips out, a'hp palit. Judg 12. 4 Ye Gilcaditcs (are) fugitives of Ephralm FULl'lL, to — l.To cut off, ys? batsa, 3. Lam. 2. 17 ho hath fulfilled his word that be boil 2. To complete, finish, rh^ kalah, 3. Kxod. 5. 13 Fulfil your works, .dally tasks, as when 5. 14 Wherefore have ye not lulfliled your tasJc Z. To fill up or in, 1*79 male. Job 36. 17 thou hast fulfilled tho Judgment of ihe w. i. To fill in or up, kSij male, 3. Gen. 29. 27 Fulfil her week, anu we will give thea 29. 28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her we«< Exod23. 26 the number of thy days I wiU fulfil ~i Ki. 2. 27 that he might fulfil the word of tho LoUD 8. 15 and hath with his hand fulfilled (it), say. 8. 24 and hast fulfilled (it) with thine hand, as a fTh. 6. 4 who hath with his hands fulfilled (that) 6. 15 and hast fulfilled (it) wth thine hand, as 36. 21 To fulfil the word of the LoKD by the m. 36. 21 desolate, .to fulfil threescore and ton y«. Psa. 20. 5 banners : the Lord fulfil all thy potitioua Jer. 44. 25 and fulfilled with your hand, sayyig 5. 7*0 do, nj^y asah. 2 Sa. 14. 22 in that the king hath fulfilled the request 1 Ch.22. 13 if thou takest heed to fulfil the statutes Psa. 145. 19 He will fulfil the desii-e of them thot fear 148. 8 vapour; stormy .wind fulfilling his word 5.Tofill up, i.vair\T\pia anaplerod. Matt 13. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy o> Ool. 6. 2 Bear ye. .and so fulfil the law of Clirist 7. To fill out, iKv\-np6w ekplerod. Acts 13. 33 God hath fulfilled the some onto as their 8. To fill, 7nake full, vKrjp6a) plero6. Matt. 3. 15 for thus it becomcth us to fulfil all rtgb 4. 14 That it might bo fulfilled which was sp. 5. 17 I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil Acts 12. 25 returned, .when they Iiad f ulfiUed . . ml>. 13. 25 And as John fulfilled his course, he said 13. 27 voices, .they have fulfilled, .in condemn. 14. 26 recommended.. for tho work wkich they t Uom.13. 8 he that loveth another hath fullUed Phil. 2. 2 Fulfil yo my Joy, that ye be like minded Col. I. 25 made a minister.. to fulfil the word of G. 4. 17 And say. Take heed, .that thou fulfil It 2 Th. I. II fulfil all the good pleasure of (his) good. 9. TV do, make, woUa poied. Acts 13. 22 a man. .which shall fulfil all my will Eph. 2. 3 fulfilling the desires of the i»eh and c2 Rev. 17. 17 in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to 10.7*0 accomplish, end, r(\ftSt> teleiod. Luke 2. 43 And when they had fulfilled tha days, «■ Johni9. 28 that the Scripture might be fulfilled, salth 11. T'o end, rtXiu teleS. Acts 13. 29 when they had fulfilled all that was wrL Rom. a. 27 if it fulfil the law. Judge thee, who by Gal. 5. 16 ye shall not fulfil tho lust of tho flesh Jas. 3. 8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to tb* Rev. 15. 8 till the seven plagues .. were fulfilled 17. 17 until the words of God shall be fulfilled ao. 3 tin the thousand years should be (ulflUed 12. To end together, avvnxiu aunteleS. Marlci3. 4 sign when all these things shall Mt hUflL 48 FULFILLED 378 FULL TOUILLED, to be — l.To be complete, finished, n?^ halah. Ezra I. 1 that the word ol'the LOKD . .might bo ful. 2, To he fuU, n'?o male. Gen. 2j. 24 wiien her dayB to bo delivered were fill. »9. 21 Give, .my wife, lor my days aro fulfilled 50. 3 And forty days were fulfilled for him 50. 3 for so aro fulfilled the days of those that IiBV. 12. 4 the days of her purifying bo fulfilled 12. 6 when the days of her purifying are ful. - Kum. 6. 5 until the days bo fulfilled, in the which 6. 13 when the days of his separation are ful. 3 Sa. 7. 13 when thy days be fulfilled, and thou Lara. 4. 18 our end is near, our days are fulfilled Eze. 5. 2 when the days of the siege are fulfilled Dan. 10. 3 till three whole weeks were fulfilled %,To be filled, completed, vha male, 2. E.xod. 7. 25 And seven days were fulfilled, after that i.To he ended, f)iD suph. Dan. 4. 33 Xho same hour was the thing fulfilled h.To become, come to pass, ylvo/xai ginoiiMi. Alatt. 5. 18 shall in no wise pass, .till all bo fulfilled 24. 34 shall not pass, till all these things be t. Xuko2i. j2 shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled CTofll, make full, Tr\r]p6a) pleroo. ^att I. 22 this was done, that it might bo fulfilled 2. 15 it might be fulfilled which was spoken of 2. 17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken 2. 23 that It might be fulfilled which was spo. 8. 17 That It might bo fulfilled which was spo. . 12. 17 That it might bo fulfilled which was spo. 13. 35 That it might be fulfilled that was spoken 51. 4 All this was done, that it might bo ful. 26. 54 how then shall tho scriptures bo fulfilled 26. 56 scriptures of tho prophets might bo ful. 27. 9 Tlicn was fulfilled that which was spoken 27. 35 [that it might be fulfilled which was sp.j Mark i. 15 Tho time is fulfilled, and tho kingdom of 14. 49 but tho scriptures must bo fulfilled 15. 28 [And tho scripture was fulfilled, which] Xuko I. 20 my words, which [shall bo fulfilled] in 4. 21 This day is this scripture fulfilled in your 21. =2 all things., written [m.ay be fulfilled] 21. 24 until the times of tho Gentilesbo fulfilled 22. 16 until it be fulfilled in tho Icingdom of God 24. 44 that all things must bo fulfilled, which John 3. 29 voice ; this my joy thereforeijs fulfilled 12. 38 Tliat the saying, .might bo fulfilled, which 13. 18 but that tho scripture may bo fulfilled 15. 23 that the wcJrd might bo fulfilled that is 17. 12 that the scripture might be fulfilled 17. 13 that they might have my joy fulfilled j8. 9 That tho saying might bo fulfilled, which J 8. 32 That tho saying of Jesus might bo fulfil. 19. 24 that tho scripture might bo fulfilled 19. 36 done, that the scripture should bo ful. Acta I. 16 this scripture must needs have been ful. 3. 18 But those things, .ho hath so fulfilled 9. 23 And after that many days were fulfilled Kom. 8. 4 righteousness . . might be fulfilled in us 2 Co. 10. disobedience, when your obedience is fa. Gal. 5. 14 For all th.o lav/ is fulfilled in one v/ord ■ Jas. 2..23 the scripturo was fulfilled which s.'.ith Rev. 6. II and their brethren, .should bo fulfilled TxsjiTnjjrsQ — fulness, irX'fipaifia pleroma. Rom. 1 3. 10 therefore love (is) tho luinUiufj of tho FULL (be) — l.FuU, t6^ male. 'Gen. 41. 7 cars devoured tho seven rank and full 41. 22 seven cars came' up in one stalk, full aud Num. 7. 13 both of them . .full of flno flour mingled 7. 14, 20 One spoon of . .gold, full of incenso 7> 19 full of flno flour mingled with oil, for a [So in V. 25, 31, 37, 43, 49. 55, 61, 67, 73, 79]. 7- 26. 32> 38, 44. 50 golden spoon, .full of inco. 7. 56, 62, 68, 74, 80 golden spoon, .full cf ineon. 7. 86 Tho golden spoons, .twelve, full of inocn. iJent. 6. II houses fuU of all good, .which thou fllle. 33. 23 and full with tho blessing of the Loed 34. 9 Joshua, .was full of tho spirit of wisdom Euth.i. 21 I went out full, and tho Loud hath brou. 2 Sa. 23. II whore was apiece of ground full of lenti. a Kl. 4. 4 and thou shalt set aside that which is full 7., 15 all tho way (was) full of garments and v. X CK.ii. 13 where was a parcel of ground full of bar. 21. 22 thou Shalt grant it mo for tho full price •«• ,. "■ '•* ''"'' ^ ^'"^ verily buy it for the full price lifeh. 9. 25 and possessed houses full of all goods Pea. 73. 10 waters of a full (cup) aro wrung out to 75. 8 a cup, and tho wmo is red ; it is full of ml. 144. 13 our garners, .full, affording all manner Prov.17, 1 than an house full of sacrifices, .strife EccL I. 7 run into tho sea ; yet tho sea (is) not full Isa. I. 21 tho faitlif ul city . , it was full of judgment 22. 2 Thou that art full of stirs, a tumultuous 51. 20 they are full of tho fury of tho Lord, the Jer. 4. 12 a full wind from thoso . .shall come unto 5. 27 cage Is full of birds, so (are) their houses f. 6. II I am full of tho fury of the Lord; I am 35. 5 And I Bot. .pots full of wine, and cups ^e. I. 18 rings . .full of eyes round about them four 10. 12 and the wheels, .full of eyes round about 17. 3 full of feathers, which had divers colours «8. >e Thou, .full of wisdom, and perfect in bo. 17. I midst of tllo velley'which (was) lull ol b. Amos 2. 13 as a cart is pressed (that is) lull of sheaves Nah. 3. I it (is) all full ol lies', .robbery ; the prey 2. Fulness, H'\b6, i6jp iTielo. Exodi6. 33 Take a pot, and put an omer full of man. Lev. 16. 12 he shall take a censer full of burning 16. 12 hands full of sweet incenso beaten small Num22. 18 If Balak would give me his house full of 24. 13 If Balak would give his house full of Judg. 6. 38 wringed the dew. .a bowl full of water 2 Sa. 8. 2 measured, .with one full line to keep all. 2 Ki. 4. 39 gathered^horeof wild gourds his lap lull Eccl. 4. 6 than botn the hands full (with) travail Isa. 6. 3 Holy, .the whole earth (is) full of his glo. Eze. 32. 15 bo destitute of that whereof it was full 41. 8 foundations, .a full reedof six great cub. 3. Many, much, great, 3t rah. Lam. I. I How doth the city sit solitary (that was) 1. ^ i. Satisfied, satiated, yaV sabea. Gen. 2 5. 8 Then Abraham . . died . , an old man, and 1. I Sa. 2. s full have hired out themselves for bread Prov 27. 7 The full soul loathcth an honey comb: b, h.Satiety, Mis' soba. Exodi6. 3 when we did eat broad to the lull ; »or Lev. 26. 5 ye shall cat your bread to tho full, and Psa. 78. 25 angels' food : ho scat them meat to tho 1. C. To complete, D7ts' shalam, 3, £xod22. 3 he should make lull restitution : 11 he 7. Finished, perfect, th^ shalem. Gen. IS. 16 the Iniquity of tho Amorites (is) not yet f. Euth 2. 12 a full revi'ard bo given thee ol the LoED Z.Pcrfeciion, Ch torn. Job 21. 23 One dioth in his lull strength, being wli, ^.Perfect, complete, D'Olj tamim. Lev. 25. 30 not redeemed within tho space ol a lull 10. Days, D'l?; yamim. Dan. 10. 2 I Daniel was mourning three lull wccka 11. To satiate, satisfy, Kopeyyv/si korennumi. 1 Co. 4. 8 Now ye are lull, now ye aro rich, ye have 12. Replete, stored, full, /x^ffrSs mestos. Matt 23. 28 within ye aro full of hypocrisy and Inl. Johni9. 29 Kow there was set a vessel full of vinegar 21. II drew the net to land full of great fishes Eom. I. 29 full of envy, murder, dobato, deceit, ma. 15. 14 that yo also are full of goodness, filled Jas. 3. 8 (it is) an unruly evil, full of deadly poison 3. 17 full of mercy and good fruits, without 2 Po. 2. 14 Having eyes full of adiiltery, and that 13. To replete, store, fill, yuccTo'ci) mestoB. Acts 2. 13 Others . . said, These men are full ol new li. Full, -nXiipris pleres. Matti4. 2o up of tho fragments, .twelve baskets lull ij. 37 broken (meat), .was left seven baskets 1. Mark 4. 28 ear, after that tho full corn in tho ear 6. 43 And they took up twelve baskets full ol 8. 19 how many baskets full of fragments took Luke 4. I And Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost 5. 12 behold a man full ol leprosy ; who seeing John 1. 14 dwelt among us. .full of grace and truth Acts 6. 3 men . . full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom 0. 5 they choso Stephen, a man full of faith 6. 8 Stephen, fuH'of faith and power, did 7. 55 he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked 9. 36 this woman was full of good works and II. 24 ho was a good man, and full of tho Holy 13. 10 fuU of all subtilty and all mischief 19. 28 they were full of v/rath, and cried out 2 John 8 lose not. .but that wo receive a lull row. make full, wKrjpSo) pleroo. Johni6. 24 yo shall receive, that your joy may bo lull 1 Jo. I. 4 write wo unto you that your joy may bo 1. 2 John 12 speak faco to face, that ova' joy may be 1. 16. Fulness, irhijpaiiJi.a plerOma. Mark 8. 20 how many baskets full of fragments took [See also Ago, branches, ears, end, iced, filled, weight.] FULL, to bo (or have) — l.To be full, nha male. Exod. 8. 21 houses ol the Egyptians shall bo full of Judg 16. 27 Now tho house was full ol men and wo. 2 Ki. 4. 6 came to pass, when the vessels were full 6. 17 tho mountain (was) full ol horses and cli. Job 20. II His bones are full, .of his youth, which 21. 24 His breasts are full ol milk, and his bones 32. 18 For I am full of matter che spirit within 36. 16 should be set on thy/'j.Dlo . .full of fatness Pea, 10. 7 His mouth Is full ck cursing aud deceit 26. 10 and their right hand is full ol bribes 3^ 5 earth is full of tho goodness of tho Loud 48. 10 thy right hand is full of righteousness 65. 9 the river of God .. is full of water : thou 74. 20 dark places, .aro full of the habitations 104. 24 O Lord . . tho earth is full of thy riches 119. 64 Tho earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy Eccl. 9. 3 also the heart .. is full of ovil, and mad. Isa. I. 15 wUl not hoar : your hands aro full of bl. II. 9 the earth shall bo full of the knowledge 13. 21 houses shall bo full of doleful creatures 15. 9 tho waters of Diraon shall bo full of blood 22. 7 thy choicest valleys shall bo full of char. »H. 8 For all tablee-aro full ol vomit, .fllthincaa Tsai lo. 27 his lips are full of indignation, and his Jer. 6. 11 I am full of the fury ol the Lord ; I am 23. 10 For the land is full of adulterers ; lor Ezo. 7. 23 is full of bloody crimes, and the city is f. 9. 9 land is full of blood, and the city full of 10. 4 the court was lull ol the brightness of th3 Joel 2. 24 the floors shall be full of wheat, and tho 3. 13 for the press is full, the fats overflow Mic. 3. 8 truly I am full of power by the spirit of 6. 12 For tho rich men thereof aro full of vio. Hah. 3. 3 God came, .the earth was full ol his pra.' 2. To be filled, nha male, 2. 2 Ki. 10. 21 the house ol Baal was full from oneend Esth. 3. 5 bowed not. then was Haman full ol wra. 5. 9 ho was full of indignation against Mordc. Eccl. 1 1. 3 If the clouds be fuU of rain, they empty Isa.- 2. 7 Their land also is full of silver and gold 2. 7 their land is also full ol horses, neither 2. 8 Their land also is lull ol idols ; they wor. Eze. g. 9 the land is full ol blood, and the city full 32. 6 thy blood . . and the rivers shall be full c° Zeoh. 8. 5 the streets ol tho city shall be lull of boy» S. To fill in or up, aha male, 3. Psa. 127. 5 Happy, .the man that hath his qnivers 1 4. To he filled, nha mela, 4. Dan. 3. 19 Tlien was Nebuchadnezzar full olfory Z.To he satisfied, satiated, M\f saha. Deut. 6. 1 1 when thou shalt have eaten and bo lull 8. 10 When thou hast eaten and art lull, then 8. 12 Lest, .thou hast eaten and art lull, and 11. 15 grass, .that thou mayest eat, and be lull 1 Ch.23. I So when David was old and lull of days Psa. 104. 16 Tho trees of the Lord aro fuU . . the cedars Prov 27. CO Hell and destruction are never full ; so i^ 30. 9 Lest I bo full, and deny . . and say. Who T, To fill, load, freight, ye/xl^o) gemizo. Mark 4. 37 beat Into the ship, so that it was now full S.Tofill in, malce full, d/xTriirXTjfiL empipUmi. Luke 6. 25 Woo unto you that are lull ! lor ye shall 9,To make fidl, irAripScij pleroo. Matt 13. 43 Which, when it was lull, they drew to sh. Johnis. II miglit remain, .and. .your joy might bo 1. Acts 7. 23 And when ho was full lorty years old Phil. 4. i3 I am full, having received ol Epaphrodi. FULL, to beoomo — To be or become full, tiho male. Lev. 19. 29 and the land become lull ol wickcdncsB FTJLL, to bo ccmo to tho — To perfect', finish, Di?;j iamam, 5, Dan. 8. 23 v/hcn. .transgressors aro como to tho luU FULL, to dra-w — To fill up, t;hg male, 3, 2 Ki. 9. 24 Jehu drew a bow r.-ith his lull strength FULL of — 1. Satisfied, satiated, I.'?V sdbca. Gen. 33. 29 Isaae gave up tho ghost, .old and lull of 1 Oh. 29. 28 ho died, .lull of days, riches and honour Job 10. 15 (I am) full of contusion ; therefore sco 14. I Man . .(13) ol low days, and full of troubla 42. 17 So Job died, .old, aud full ol days 2.T0 ho full, replete, loaded, yQ/ioi gemo. Eov. 4. 6 lour beasts full of eyes before and behind S. 8 golden vials lull of odours, which are tho 13. 7 golden vials full of the wrath of God 17. 3 fuU of names of blasphemy, having seven 17. 4 having a golden cup iu her hand full ol 21. 9 seven vials lull ol tho seven last phigues FULL of, to be — l.To make many, nijri rahah, 5. Eccl. 10. 14 A lool also is full ol words : a man cannot l.To he satiated, VSiv saha. 2 Ch.24. 15 Jchoiada. .was lull ol days when he died Job 7. 4 end I am lull ol tossings to and Iro untj Psa. 17. 14 they aro lull ol children, and leave tho 83. 3 For my soul is lull ol troubles : and my Isa. I. II I am full ol the burnt offerings ol rams S.To he full, replete, ye/j.o) gemo. Matt 23. 23 within they are full of extortion and 23. 27 but are within full of dead, .bones, and Lukeii. 39 your inward part is full of ravening and Rom. 3. 14 Whoso mouth (is) full of cursing and Rev. 4. 8 And tho four bc.aats.. full of eyes within ISee also Compassion, heaviness, labour, marrow.) FULL, to mako — To make full, ■n-XTjpico pleroo. Acts 2. 28 thou shalt make me lull ol joy with thy FULL como, to bo — To make full, ir\TjpSa pileroo. John 7. 8 not up yet. for my time Is Dot yet fnll c FULL tale, to, give in — To fill up, nSi? male, 3. 1 Sa. 18. 27 they cavo thorn In full talo to the king FULL, till bo — Satiety, nv.^^ sohali. "Eizo. 39. ig yo shall cat fat till ye be full, and drinks PULL 379 FURY ITJXL, to the — To be satiijied, satiated, ViV saha. Exodifi. 8 give you. .in the morniug bread to the t. FULL (time) came — To fill full, -irX-ltOio pletho. Luke I. 57 Now Elizabeth's full time came that she FULL year — Days, d"d; yamim. Lev. 25. 29 within a. .full year may he redeem it FULLER — \,To ioash, D55 hahas. 2 Ki. 18. 17 ^7hicll (is) in tlic high way of the fuller's f. Isa. 7. 3 pool in the liigh way of tlie filler's lield 36. 2 stood . .in tlie liigh way of the fuller's Held 2. To wash, 053 kabas, 3. Mai. 3. 2 like a refmer's fire, and like fuller's soap Z.A fuller, cloth dresser, yva^ev^ r/ndpheus. Mark 9. 3 so as no fuller on earth can white them FuLLY — I.To finish, n^3 kalah, 3. Num. 7. I on the day that Moaes had fully set up 2. Full, x!?n male. Nah. I. 10 they shall be devoured as stubble fully S. To fill in or up, kSo male, 3. Numi4. 24 because he; .liath followed mo fully, him 4. 7*0 he put before, 131 vagad, 6. Euth 2. rr It hath fully been showed mo all that riTLLY preach, to — To malce full, irAi^pot) pleroo. Eora 15. 19 I have fully preached tho gospel of Christ FULLY, to go — To fill up, complete, k^d male, 3. I Ki.zi. 6 Solomon, .wont not fully after the LoBS FULLY set, to be — To be full, fill ill, nVb male. Eccl. 8. n the heart, .of men is fuUy set in them FULNESS — . I..T0 be full, fill in, complete, N70 mala. Job 20. 22 In the fulness of his sufficiency he shall 2. Fulness, K 70 melo. Deut33. 16 the precious things of tho »arth and ful. I Ch. 16. 32 Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof Psa. 24. I The earth (is) the LORD'S, and tho fulness 50. 12 the world (is) mine, and the fulness ther. 89. J I the >vorld and the fulness thereof, thou 96. 11 let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof 98. 7 Let the sea roar, and tho fulness thereof Eze. 19. 7 the land was desolate, and the fiilness S.Fidness, nxS.'? mcleah. Numi8. 27 as though, .the fulness of the ■(vine press A.Satiety, lljar soba. Psa. 16. II in thy presence (is) fulness of joy ; at thy 5. Satiety, rt'il'^p sibah. Eze. 16. 49 fulness of bread, and abundance of idlen. 6.Fullnoss, irXiipaifia pleroma. John I. 16 And of his fulness have all we receired 12 if the fall, .how much more their fulness! II. 25 untU the fulness of the Gentiles be come 15. 29 I shall come in tho fulness of the blessing 1 Co. 10. 26, 28 the earth (is) the Lord's, and the ful. Gal. 4. 4 But when the fulness of the time was Eph. 1. 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness 1. 23 the fulness of him that filleth all in all 3. 19 that ye might, bo fllled'withaU the fulness 4. 13 the measure of the stature of the fulness Col. I. 19 pleased, .that in him should all fulness 2. 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of [See also Assured, come, know, known, persuaded, ripe.] FURBISH, to — 1. To polish, t^yp marat. Eze. 21. 9 a sword is sharpened, and also furbished 21. II he hath given it to be furbished, that it 21. 28 swor<*. .for the slaughter (it is) furbished 2.T0 scour, polish, pio marac[. Jer. 46. 4furbi3h the spears.. put on the brigan. FURBISHED — To be polished, B"in marat, 4. Eze. 21. 10 it is furbished that it may glitter 21. II and it is furbished,'to give it into the FURIOUS l.Ueat, fury, nan chemah. Prov 22. 24 and' with a furious man thou shalt not go 29. 22 and a fui'ious man aboundeth in trans. Eze. 5. 15 execute judgments, .in furious rebukeo 25. 17 vengeance upon them with furious rebu. i. Possessor of heat, .ion Vi^a baal chemah. Nah. I. 2 God. .the LoBD revengeth, and (is) fuP. FURIOUS, to he — To he v»-oth, nsp qetsaph. Dan. 2, 12 For this cause the king was. .very fur. TUEI0US:.T— l.ln heat, nona lecliemah. ' Eze. 23. 2s and thoy shall deal furiously with thea 2. With madness, fitry, l'iV3^3 bcshiffi/aon. 2 Ki. 9. 20 driving of Jehu, .'for he driveth furiously FURLONG — A stade, {one i-ith of English mile, one eighth of Roman), ai ' hov stadion. Luke24, 13 w aS from Jerus.ilcm . .threescore furlongs John 6. 19 abou'o five and twenty or thirty furlongs 11. 18 lieth.-iiiy was ni^h. .alrout (Ifteoii furluugs Rev. 14. 20 of a thousand. .sUc hundred furlo. 21. 16 with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs FURNACE — \. Furnace, oven, ]\m attun. Dan, 3. 6, II, 15 tho midst of a bumiug fiery furn.ico 3. 17 to deliver us frorti the Inirning tiery fur. 3. 19 should heat the furnace one seven times 3. 20 to cast, .into the burniuf,' fiery furnace 3. 21, 23 the midst of the burning fiery furnace 3. 22 and the furnace exceeding hot, the li.iuie 3. 26 to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace 2.Furnace, smelling oven, I?'?? hibsUan. Gen. 19. 28 smoke ;-Avent up as the smoke of a far. Exod. 9. 8 Take to you haudfuls of ashes of the fur. 9. 10 they took ashes of the furnace, and stood 19 iS smoke, .ascended as the smoke of a fur. Z. Furnace, a crucible, "113 hur. Dent. 4. 20 brought you forth out of the iron furnace I Ki. 8. 51 from the midst of the fuiiiacc of iron Prov 17. 3 pot (is) for silver, and the furnace for gold 27. 21 the fining pot lor silver, and the furnace Isa. 48. 10 I have chosen thee in the furnace of Jer. II. 4 I brought them, .from the iron furnace Eze. 22. 18 they (arc) brass, .in the midst of the fur. 22. 20 they gather, .into the midst of the fur. 22. 22 As silver is melted in the. .furnace, so ^.Furnace, '?'bj;. alii. Psa. 12. 6 silver tried in a furnace of earth, puri. hjin oven, "Win tannur. Oen. 15. 17 a smoking furnace, and a buminf; lamp Nell. 3. II Hashub. .repaired, .the tov.-er of the lur. 12. 38 from beyond tho tower of the furiL-ccs Isa. 31. 9 LoKD, whose fli'c (is) in Zi&n, and hie fur. Q.Furnace, Ka/iivos Jcaminos. Matt 13. 42 shall east them into a furnace of fire 13. 50 shall cast them into the fiiriiace of fire Rev. I. 15 his feet, .as if they burned in a furnaco 9. 2 smoke, .as the smoke of a gi'cat furnace FURNISH, to -!- l.Tofdl in or up, complete, upli male, 3. Isa. 65. II furnish the drink olferinr; unto that num. 2. To lift uj}, t<'Vi nasa, 3. 1 Ki. 9. II Hiram, .had furnished Solomon v/ith 3.7*0 encircle as vnlh a chain, piv, anaq, 5. Deut.15. 14 Thou Shalt fui-nish him liberally out of 4. To set in array, ^i-iy aralc. Psa. 78. 19 Can God furnish a table .n thewildcmcss? Prov. 9. 2 wine ; she hath also furnished icr table 5. 7*0 make a vessel, 'h'^ n'^V asah keli. Jer. 46. 19 furnish thyself to go into captivity ; for Q.To be filled in or up, ?rAr;9o/xai plHhomai. Matt22. 10 and the wedding was furnished v/itli 7. 7*0 spread out, ffTpiivvvixi stronnumi. Marki4. 15 he will show you a large upper room 1. Luke22. 12 ho shall show you a lai-ge upper room f. FURNISH thoroughly, to — 7*0 fit out, i^apri^ai exariizo. 2 Ti. 3. 17 tlirouglily furnished unto all good works FURNITURE — l.Vessel, implement, ''73 keli. Exod3i. 7 and all the furniture of the tabernacle 31. 8 And tho table and his funiiture, and the 31. 8 pure candlestick with all his fm-niture 31. 9 altar of burnt offering with all his furni. 35. 14 The candlestick also, .and his finnituro 39. 33 the tent, and all his furnitiue, his taehea Nah. ' 2. 9 glory out of all the pleasant furniture '2,.BoUter,-\'5 har. Gen. 31. 34 Rachel, .put them in tho camera furni, FURRO'W — \. Cutting, furrmo, -\V\i gcdud. Psa. 65. 10 thou settlest the furrows thereof : thou 2.Furrow, njyo, n'ja.0 maanah, maaniih. Psa.129. 3' iiie piowers. .they made long thek fur. 2. Furrow, iniquity, ]\li, njiy onah, ayin. Hos. 10. 10 shall bind themselves In their two fur. i.Bed, furrow, njny amgah. Eze '17 7 that he 'might water it by the furrows ■ 17. 10 it shall wither in the furrows where it Z.Furroio, ridge, D.'pn teleni. Job 31. 38 or that the furrows likewise .. compl ain 39. 10 Canst thou bind the unicorn, .in the f.? Hos. 10. 4 springeth up as hemlock in the furrows 12. II their altars (are) as heaps in tho furrows FURTHER— I. Further, moreover, "^l^' yothcr. Eccl. 12. 12 And further, by Uiese, my son, bo atoo. 2. Again, yet, anymore, liy od. Esth. 9. IS what(i6)thyrcque8tfurthcr?amlHghal 3, Vet, further, tri eti. Matt 26. 63 what further need haro we of witnesact' Acta 21.28 and further brought Greeks also into th . Hob. 7. It what further need, .that another priest, i. Vet further, c-tt! -kKqIov ctl pleion. Acts 4. 17 But that it spread no further among th' 24. 4 that I l;e not further tedious unto theo . 2 Ti. 3. g But they shall proceed no further, for B.Further, -wopliurfpu) porr'hOtcrO. Luke 24. 28 made as though he would have gone fur. 6.7*0 add, f\^\ yasajih. Dcutio. 8' (he officers shall speak further unto tho 7.7*0 add, rfi< yusaph, 5. Num22. 26 tlie angel of the Lop.i) went further, an(*i Job 38. II Hitherto shalt thou come, but no furtlk; FURTHER, any — Yet, still, further, en eti. M.irk 5. 35 why troublcst thou tho Slastcr any fur.J 14. G3 What need wo any further witnesses t Luke22. 71 What need we any further wiliicsB ? for FXFRTHER, to (go) — 1.7*0 lift U2>, Nif'J nnsn, 3. Ezra 8. 36 they furthered tho people, and tho.bouar ' 2.7*0 bring out, pin pug, 5. Psa. 140. 8 further not his wicked dcvlco, Ocst) they 3.7*0 set apart, SdarTjfii diistcmi. Acts 77. cS wlieii they had gone a little further, thoy FURTHERANCE — A slrikhig forward, advance, -rrpoKc-n',) prokope. Phil. I. 12 have fallen out ratlicr unto thc'furthera. I. 25 abide, .for your furtherance and Joy of U FURTHERMORE — ' 1. Again, yd, anymore, "iiv od. Exod. 4. 6 And the LORD said furthermore unto I:Iia I.Then, so then, elra eita. Heb. 12. 9 Furthermore wo have had fathers of ouT; Z.As to what is left, rh Xonrhv to loiijon. I Th. 4. I Furthermore then wo beseech you, hret i.And, 1 11a. Eze. 8. e He said furthermore unto me; Soirof m, FURTHERMORE, and — Alco, ']X aph. Eze. 23."4o And furthermoro, that yo have Beat for FURY — 1. Ileal, fury, Win chema. Dan. II. 44 he shall go forth with great fury to dost 2. Heat, fury, NCq chama. Dan. 3. 13 Then Nebuchadnezzar in. .rage and fury Dan. 3. 19 Then was Nebuclmdnezzar fuU of fury Z.IIcat, fury, chemaii. Gen. 27. 44 tarry, .imtil thy brother's fifry turn .'iway Lev. 26. 28 1 will walk contrary unto you. .in fury Isa. 27. 4 Fury (is) not in me : who would set the 34. 2 and. .fury upon all their armies : he halA 42. 25 he hath poured upon hhn the fury of hii SI. 13 because of the fury of the oppressor, aa 51. 13 and where (is) the fury of the oppressor? 51. 17 which hast drunk, .the cup of his fury SI. 20 they are full of the fury of the Lord, tho 51. 22 the dregs of the cup of my fury ; thou 59. 18 he will repay, fury to his adversaries 63. 3 f or I ^vi!l . . trample them in my fury ; and 63. 5 therefore.. my fury, it upheld mo 63. 6 I will, .make them drunk in my fury, and 66. 15 to render his anger mlli fury, and his Jor. 4. 4 lest my fury come forth like fire, and 6. II I am full of the fury of the Lord ; I am 7. 20 1111110 anger and my fury shall be poured 10. 25 Pour out thy fury upon the heathen tha* 21. 5 in auger, and in fury, and in great wrath 21. 12 lest my fury go out like fkc, and bum 23. 19 whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth In f, 25. 15 Take the wine cup of this fury at my 30. 23 the whirlwind, .goeth forth with fujy 32. 31 city hath been.. aprovocation.. of my fn. 32. 37 whither I have driven them, .in my fury 3^. 5 of men, whom I have slain, .in my fury 3(5. 7 for great (is) the anger and tho fury thr.^ 42. 18 As. .my fury hath been poured forth 42. 18 so shall my fiu-y be poured forth upon,^ 44. 6 my fm-y and mine anger was poured for. Lam. 2. 4 he stood . .he poured out his fury like Are 4. II The Lord hath iccomplished his fury Eze. s- 13 I '"^1 cause my fury to rest upon them 5. 13 when I have accomplished my fury in 5. 15 in anger and in fury and in furious "refc", 6. 12 thus will I accomplish my fury upon 7. 8 Now ^vUl I shortly pour out my fury 8. 18 Therefore will I also deal in fury : min« 9. 8 in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jer.t 13. 13 rend (it) with a stormy -wind in my fi^y 13. 13 great hailstones in (my) fury, to consumo 14. 19 and pour out my fury upon it in bloda 16. 53 I will give thee blood in fury and jealo. 16. 42 So vriU I make my furj- toward thee to . ig. 12 she was plucked up in fury, she was cael 2c. 81 said, I wiU poiar.out my fury upon 20. 13; =1 i said, I woittd pour out my fury GAA1» 880 GALATIA Sae. ao. 33 with lury poured out, will I rule over so. 34 I will bring you. .with fury poured out SI. 17 I will cause my fury to rest : I the Lord t2. lo so will I gather (you), .in my fury, and I *j. 32 that I the LORU liave poured out my fury ja4. 8 That It might cause fury to come up to ■4. 13 till I have caused my fury to rest upon es. 14 according to mine anger and . . to my fury 30. 15 1 will pour out my fury upon Sin, the q6. 6 I have spoken, .in my fury, because yo 36. 18 X poured my fury upon them for the Wo. s8. j8 It shall come to pass.. my fury shall come Xkm, 8. ' 6 and ran unto him in the fury of his pow. 9. 16 let. .thy fury be turned away from thy Jlio, 5. 15 in anger and fury upon the heathen Jfah, I. 6 his fury is pouied out like Are, and the Zoch. 8. 2 and I was jealous for her with great fury A.neat, fierceness, wrath, ]\t} charoiu Job sisi, 93 shall cast the fury of hia wrath nx>on him OA'-ill, hsi refection, A sonof Ebed who aided, tha ghechomttes ogalnBt JUdraoIech, P.O." 1309. Juds. 9. 26 G.i the son of Ebcd cnme with his brcth, - 9,28 O.tho sou'of Ebedfeiid,-..Whoi[ls^ Abim. .' 8- 3(*wheu Zebul .-. hoard the Vvords of G. tho g^ 3t Behold, G. . . and his' brethren be corae to c- 35' And G. tho son of E.' went out, and stood p.- 36 And when G. saw the people, he said p. 37 G. spake again and said. See there come 9. 39 And G. went out before the men of She. t). 41 and Zebul tlttust outG, and his brethren OA'-ASa, vsii quaking. - Wore accurately Mount Gaash in tho district of Jlonnt llphralm. On tho N. side of the liill was Timnath-scrach (pr chores), the city given to Joshua. Josh 24. 30 buried, .on the north, .of the hill of C^ Judg. 2. 9 buried. .on the north. .of the hill G, e Sa. 23. 30 Benaiah. .Hiddai of tlie brooks of G. t Ch. II. 32 Hurai of tho brooks of G., Abiel tho Ar. : OA'-BA, WJ height^ ■ ^ Levitioal city in Benjamin BearEamaTi, five miles from Oofna (now called Gifna), towards Kcapolis.- It was the IS. border of Judah, as Rimmon was the southern. Josh 18. 24 Chephar-haamraonai, and Ophni, and G. Ezra 2. 26 The children of Ramah and G., six liun.- Heh. 7. 30 The men of Ramah aud G., six hundred 6AB'-3AI, '3(3 ingaiherer. A. chief among tho Bcnjamites after the xcttuu from exile. . B. 0. 445. Neh. II. ■ 8 after him 0.,Sallai, nine hundred twenty OAB-BA'-TUA, TaPpaOa, [from Jlch. ), elevated place. ffho tribunal or place of judgment in Jerusalem, called In Greek AidScrToioTov, the "pavement." Johnip. 13 called. .Pavement, but in the Hebrew, G. GAB-EI'-IX, Vxn^s, Ta^pi^)\ Ood is mighiij. A divine messenger sent to Daniel, to llai-y, and to Zecharias. • Dan. ' 8. 16 G., make this (rnau) to understand tha 9. 21 the man G.,whora I had seen in the vision Xuko 1. 19 I am G., that stand in the presence of G. I. 26 in the sixth month tho uugel G. Mas sent OAD, 11, rJS, the seer, lot, forttcne. 1. Jacob's seventh son, firstborn of Zilpah, Leah's maid, nod uterine brother of Asher. B.C. 1749. den. 30. II troop cometh : and she called his name.G. 35. 26 sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid ; G. and 46. i5 sons of G.; Ziphion, and Haggi, Shunl 49. 19 G., a troop shall overcome him : but ho Exod. I. 4 Dan, and Naphtali, G., and Asher 1 Ch. 5. 1 1 tho children of G. dwelt over against th. fi.The tribe that sprang from Gad and the territory they Inhabited. '; Num. 7. 14 Of G. ; Eliasaph the son of Deuel I. 24 Of the children of G., by their genera, a. 25 of the tribe of G. . .forty and live thou. a. 14 tribe of G. . .the captain of the sons of G. 7. 42 son of Deuel, prince of the children of G. to. 20 over the host of the tribe of . .G. (was) E. »3. IS Of the tribe of G., Geuel the son of MachL e6. 15 The children of G. after their families eS. 18 These, .the families of the children of G. 02. I the children of G. had a very great mul. 02. a The children of G. . . came and spake unto 32. 6 And Moses said unto the children of G. 02. 25 And the children of G. . . spake unto M. fe2. 29 If the children of G. . .will pass with you e*. 31 the children of G. . .answered, saying. As §t. 33 Mosos gave . . to the children of G. . . the 32, 34 the children of G. built Dibon, and Atar. 34. 14 the tribe of the children of G. according I>eut27. 13 Reuben, G., and Asher, and Zebulun, D. 33. 20 of G. . .Blessed (be) he that enlargeth G. Josh. 4. 12 the children of G. . .passed over armed 13. 24 unto the tribe of G. . .the children of G. 13. 28 This. .Inheritance of the children of G. 18. 7 G., and Reuben, and haU the tribe of M. 20. 8 Raraoth in Gileaxl out of the tribe of G. 21. 7 out of the tribe of G„ and out of the tribe 01. 38 out of the tribe of G., Ramoth in Gilead •a. 9 children ot 0... returned, and departed ,Jo8h.22. JO children of G. . .built there an altar by J. 22. 1 1 children of G. . . built an altai- over against 22. 13 sent, .to the children of G. . .Phinehas ^2. IS And they came unto, .the children of G. fe2. 2 1 the children of G. . . said unto the heads of 22. 2S yo children of Reuben and children of G. 62. 30 the words that the children . . of G. . . spake 22. 31 Phinehas. .said u»to the children, .of G. «2. 32 returned from the children, .of G., out 22. 33 to destroy the laud wlierein . . G. dwelt 22. 34 the children of G. called the altar (Ed) 1 Sa. 13. 7 the Hebrews went over., to the land of O. 2Sa. 24. 5 the city, .in the midst of the river of G. I Ch. 2. 2 and Benjamin, Naphtali, G., and Asher £. 63 out of the tribe of G., and out of the tribe 6. 80 out of the tribe of G.; Ramoth in Gilead «2. 14 These, .of the sons of G., captains of the STcr. 49. I why (then) doth their king inherit G. JSze. 48. 27 from the east side unto the west side G. 48. 28 by the border of G., at the south side 48. 34 one gate of G., one gate of Asher, one Rev. 7. 5 Of the tribe of G. (were) sealed twelve The following localities were in the territory of Gad: Aroer, Ataroth, Atroth, Shophan, Bcth-aram or Ilaran, Beth-nimrah, Betonim, Debir, Dibon, Jogbethah, Karkor, Magdala, Zaphon, Minnith, Pcniel, Ramoth- Gilead, &c. 3. A prophet who joined David when In " the hold," and by whose advice ho quitted it for the Forest of Hareth. i Sa. 22. s And the prophet G. said unto David o Sa. 24. II the word of the Lord came unto . . G. 24. 13 So G. came to David, and told him, and C4. 14 David said unto G., I am in a great strait 24. 18 G. came that day to David, and said unto 24. 19 David, according to the saying of G., went t Cai.2i. 9 the Lord spake unto G., David's seer 21. II So G. came to David, and said unto him Bi. 13 David said unto G., I am in a great strait ci. 18 the angel of the Lord commanded G. to ei. 19 And David went up at tlic saying of G. 29. 29 v/rittcn in the book of O. the seer a Ch. 29. 25 according to the commandment of . .0. ^GAD about, to — To go away or about, ^'JX azal. jer. 2. 36 Why gaddcst thou atout Eo anch to ch. GA-DA-RE-NES,\voL The people of Gadara, the capital of Penca ; E. of the Jordan opposite Tiberias and Scj'thopolis (now called Om-teis);; S.E. from S. end of the Sea of Tiberias, and near the river Hieromax Mark 5. i came over.. Into the country of the [O.] Luke 8. 26 they arrived at tho country of the [O.] 8. 37 the [G.] round about besought him to do. GAD'-DI, ^3 lelonging to fortune. Son of Susi, and a chief of Manasseh, sent with others to spy out the land. B.o. 1490. Num 13. II Of tho tribe of Joseph. .G. the son of Susi GAD-DI'-EL, Vn'^J Gad is fortune bringer. Son of Sodi, and a chief of Zebulun sept out with othe-a to spy the land. B.C. 1490. Num 13. 10 Of tho tribe of ZobiUim, G. tho son of S. GA'-DI, '-li fortunate. Father of Meuahem who killed Sh.illum, and succeeded him as king of Israel. B.C. 772. a KI. IS. 14 Menahcm, the son of G. went up from T. IS. 17 began Menahem the sou of Q. to reign OAD-ITE (the), "lart haggadi. Patronymic of the tribe of Gad. Deut. 3. 12 the cities thereof, gave I mito. .tho G. 3. 16 unto the G. I gave from Gilead. .uuto tho 4. 43 and Ramoth in Gilead, of the 0.; and 29. 8 took their land, and gave, .to the G. Josh. 1. 12 to the Reubenites, and to the G. . .spake 12. Lord gave it. .a possession unto the. .G. 13. 8 With whom, .the G. have received their 22. I J oshua called the Reubenites, and the G. a Sa. 23. 36 the son of Nathan of Zobah, Banl the G. a Ki. 10. 33 Jordan eastward, all the land of . .the G. f Ch. 5. 18 The sons of Reuben, and the G., and half 5. 26 he carried them away, even, .the G., and 12. 8 of theG. there separated themselves unto 12. 37 on the other side of Jordan, of the. .G. 26. 32 made rulers over the Reubenites, the G. GA'-HAM, oni hlackness. A son of Nahor by his concubine Reumah. B.O. i860. Gen. 22. 24 she bare also Tebah, and G., andThahash GA'-HAE, in? prostration, concealment. One of the Nethinim whose posterity came up with Zenibbabel to Jerusalem. B.C. 447. Ezra 2. 47 children of Glddel, the children of G. Neh. 7. 49 children of Giddel< the children of G> GATW — \. Dishonest gain, S;s3 hetsa. Judg 5. 19 then fought the kings . . they took no gain Job 22. 3 (is it) gain (to him), that thou makest thy Proy. I. 19 ways of every one that is greedy of gain IS. 27 He that is greedy of gain troubleth his Isa. 33. IS he that despiseth the gain of oppressions 56. II every one for his gain, from his quarter Mlo. 4. 13 I wiU consecrate their gain unto tho Ji. 2.Priee, hire, Trej mechir. - Dan. ti. 39 and shall divide the land for gala Z.Increase, fruit, nwafi tehuah. I'rov. 3. 14 and the' gain thereof than fine gold 4. Work, ipyacrla ergasia. Acts 16. 16 brought her masters much' gain by sooths. 16. 19 saw that tlie hope of their gains was gon» 19. 24 brought no small gain unto the craftsmen 5.Gain, KepSos kerdos. Pliil. 1. 21 to me to live (is) Clirist, and to die (is) g. 3. 7 But what things were gain to me, those I 6.A providing, getting, iroptirfids porismos. I Ti. 6. 5 supposing that gain is godliness : from 6. 6 godliness with contentment is great gain GAIN, dishonest — Dishonest gain, i'?? hctsa, Eze. 22. 13 smitten tinne hand at thy dishonest gala 22. 27 to destroy S0UI3, to get dishonest gain GAIN, to — \.To gain dishonestly, yj? hatsa. Job 27. 8 what (is) the hope.. though ho hath gal. 2. To gain, buy, pj zehan. Dan. 2. 8 ye would gain the time, because ye aoa 3. To gain, make gain, KepSalva kerdainS. Matt 16. 26 if he shall gain the whole world, and lose 18. 15 it he shall hear thee, thou hast gained 25. 17 he that (had received) two, he also gained 25. 20 behold, I have gained, .five talents moro 2S. 22 behold, I have gained two other talents Mark 8. 36 if he shall gain the whole world, and lose Luke. 9. 25 if he gain the whole world, and lose him. Acts 27. 21 and to have gained this harm and loss z Co. 9. 19 made myself servant, .that I might gain 9. 20 became as a Jew, that I might gain the 9. 20 might gain them that are under the law g. 21 I might gain them that are without law 9. 22 became I as weak, that I might gain the i.Todo, make, TroUca poieS. Lukeig. i3 Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds 5. To work toward, trpoa'(pyd( proscrgazomai. Lukeig. 16 Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds GAIN, to get — To make gain, KepSaiyu kerdaind. ~ Jas. ■; 4. 13 continue.. and buy and sell, and get gala GAIN of, to mako a — To get advantage of, ■K\eoveKtcoi pleonekicS. 2 Co. 12. 17 Did I make a gain of you by any of them 12. iS Did Titus make a gain of you ? walked we GAIN greedily, to — To gain dishonestly, ys? balsa,- 3. Eze. 22. 12 thou hast greedily gained, .by extortion GAIN by trading, to — To do in business, StaTpaytiartvofiai diapragma(e._ Luke 19. 15 how much every man had gained by tra. GAINSAT, to — 1. To say against, hvTciirov anteipon. Luke 21. IS shall not be able to gainsay liOr resist 2.T0 speak over against, avriKiya antilegS. Rom 10. 21 unto a disobedient and gainsaying people OAINSATnER — To speak over against, avTiKiya antilegS. Titus I. 9 to cxliort and to convince the gainsaycn GAINSAYING — A speech over against, i.vri\oyla antilogia. Jude II and perished in the gainsaying of Core GAINSAYING, without — Without objection, avavTi^prjTtas ananlirrhetSs. Acts 10. 29 Therefore came I. .without gainsaying GAI'-TTS, Taioj {from Latin) Caius. 1. A native of Macedonia, and companion of Paul. Acts 19. 29 having caught G. and Aristarchus . . they 2. A man of Derbe in Lycaonia, and companion of Paul Acts 20. 4 G. of Derbe, and Timotheus ; and of Asfa 3. A Corinthian whom Paul baptised. Rom 16. 23 G. mine host, and of the whole church I Co. I. 14 that I baptised none . .but Crispus and O. 4. Person to whom .Tohn's third Epistle was written. 3 John I Tlio elder unto tho wall beloved G., whom. GA'-LAI, hhi great, rolling. 1. A Levite who came up from exile. B.O. 449. I Ch. 9. 15 Bakbakkar, Hercsh, and G., and Mattan, 2. A Levite who came up from exile. B.C. 445. I Ch. g. 16 Obadiah .son of Shemalah, the son of O. Neh. 11. 17 Shammua, the eon of G., the son of Jed. GA-LA-TIA, TaXaria. The Gallia of the East; Roman writers call its Inhabi- tants Gain, just as Greek writers call the people ot ancient France Galatia. Galatia, the Roman province, was the central region of the peninsula of Asia Minor, with the provinces of Asia on the W., Cappadocia on tho E., Pamphylia and Cilicia on the S., and Bithynia and Pontua on the N. The exact limits were frequently changing. Acta t6. 6 had gone throughout .. the region ot O. 18. 23 went over (all) tho country of G. and Phr. t Co. 16. 1 1 have given order to the churches ot O. GALATIANS 381 GARMENT Gal. I. 2 which are with mo, unto the churches.. G. a Ti. 4, lo Cresccns to G., lltus unto Dalmatia I Fe. I. I the strangers Bcattercd throughout. .G. QA-LA-TI-AKS, FaXdrai. Inhabitants of Galatia. GaL 3. I foolisK G., who hath bewitched you OALBAinrJU — Galbanum, a Syrian 'gum, njgpn cfielbenah. £xod3o. 34 Take unto thcc sweet spices, .galbanum OAl'-EED, ny^l ?ieap of witness. A name given by Jacob to the heap that he and Laban made on Mount Gilead as an evidence of the covenant between them. ' Qea, 31. 47 Jegar-sahadutha : but Jacob called it O. 31. 48 Therefore was tho name of it tailed G. OAl-l-lE-ABTS, TaXiAoToj. Inhabitants of Galilee. Harki4. 70 for thou art a G., and thy speech agreeth {iUkei3. I There were, .some that told him of tho G. .^3. 2 these G. were sinners above all the G. 02. 59 this, .also was with him ; for he is a G. «3. 6 he asked whether the man were a G. '7ohn 4. 45 the G. received him, having seen all thq Acta 2. 7 Behold, are not all. .which speak G. ? CA-Lf-UEE, '?''73n, n^'Sw, Ta\i\aia, the circle. A district of Naphtali ; after the captivity it embraced all Canaan N. of Samaria and W. of tho Jordan, and was spoken of as Upper or N. and Lower or S. Galilee. Josh.20. 7 they appointed Kedcsh in G. in mount 21. 32 Kedesh in G. with, her sulmrbs, (to be) a t KL 9. II gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of G. s 29 Hazor, and Gilead, and G., all the land 1 Cli, 6. 76 Kedesh in G. with her suburbs, and Ha. Isa. 9. 1 beyond Jordan, in G. of the nations ilatb e. 22 he turned aside into the parts of 6. 3. 13 Tlien Cometh Jesus from G. to Jordan un. '4. 12 when Jesus hadheard. .he departed into G. 4- IS (l>y) tlie way of the sea . . G. of the G entiles 4. 18 Jesus, walking by the sea of G., saw two 4. 23 Jesus went about all G., teaching jin their 4. 25 there followed him. .multitudes, .from G. IS- 29 departed, .and came, .unto the sea of G. t7. 22 while they abode in G., Jesus said unto 19. I Jesus had finished, .he departed from G. •01. II This is. .the prophet of Nazareth of G. «6. 32 But . . again, I will go before you unto Q 26. 69 saying. Thou also wast with Jesus of G. 37. 55 women, .which followed Jesus from G. •28. 7 and, behold, he goeth before you into G. 28. 10 go toll my brethren that they go into G. 28. 16 the eleven disciples went away into G. Uark I. 9 came to pass, .that Jesus came from. .G. 1. 14 Jesus came into G., preaching the gospel J. 16 Now as he walked by the sea of G., he -I. 28 throughout all the region round about O. f. 39 preached in . .synagogues throughout . . G, 3. 7 a great multitude from G. followed him 6. 31 his lords, high captains, and chief . .of G. >1. 31 he came unto the sea of G., through tho ' 9. 30 departed thence, and passed through O. 14. 28 I am risen, I will go before you into G. 15. 41 Who also, when lie was in G., followed j6. 7tell. .disciples, .he goeth before you into G. IxiKe 1. 26 Gabriel was sent from G. unto a city of O. 2. 4 Joseph also went up from G., out of the c. 39 had performed .ill things . . returned into G. 3. I Herod being tetrarch of G., and his brotli. 4. 14 returned in the power of tho spirit into G 4. 31 came down to Capernaum, a city of G. 4. 44 And he preached in the synagogues of O. 5- 17 which were come out of every town of G. : e. 26 the Gadarencs, which is over against G. ' «7. II passed through the midst of Sam. and G. 63. 5 throughout all Jewry, beginning from G. 83. 6 When Pilate heard of G., he asked whet. e3. 49 the women that followed him from G. ■' B3. 55 women also, which came with him from G. 24. 6 he spake unto you when he was yet in G.' tdba 1.43 day following Jesus would go . . into G. " 2. I there was a marriage in Cana of Q. . 1 s. II beginning of miracles did Jesus in . .O, ' 4. 3 He left Judea, and departed .. into G. 4. 43 Now after two days he. .went into 6. 4. 45 Then when he was come into G., the Ga. '4. 46 So Jesus came again into Cana of G. ■4. 47 Jesus was come out of Judea into G. % 14. 54 when he was come out of Judea into G.' '6. I Jesus went over the sea of G., which is 7. I After these things Jesus walked in G. 7. 9 had said these words, .he abode, .in G. , 7. 41 some said, Shall Christ come out of G.f ' 7. 52 Art thou also of G.? Search, and look ' 7. 52 for out of G. ariseth no prophet «2. 21 Philip, which was of Bethsaida of G., and at. 2 Didymus, and Nathauael of Cana in G. Acts I. II Ye men of G., why stand ye gazing up , S. 37 After this man rose up Judas of G. 9. 31 the churches rest throughout all . . G. and %o. 37 That word, (I say), ye know .from G. 13. 31 which came up with him from G. to Jer. OAIX — I. Gall, bitter thing, bitterness, n-iio rnerorah. Job 20. 14 turned, (it is) the gall of asps >vithin him ,so. 25 glittering sword cometh out of his gall ^.OaU, bladder, .tjid merer ah. _ 'Job . i6. 13 he poureth out my gall upon tho ground . %.Vendm,'iipoisonotis herb, btki rosh. Daut 29, 18 a root that bcareth gall and wormwood Psa. 6g. 21 They gave me also gall for my meat ; and Jer. 8. 14 God hath, .given us water of gall to dri. 9. 15 and give them water of gall to drink 23. 15 and make them drink tho Water of gall Lam. 3. 5 and compassed (me) with gall and travail 3. 19 Remembering, .the wormwood and the g. Amos 6. 12 for ye have turned judgment into gall 4. Gall, venom, pn rosh. Deut32. 33 their grapes (are) grapes of gall, their clu. O.Gall, bile, anything bitter, xo^'fl clioie. Matt 27. 34 vinegar to drink mingled with gall : and Acts 8. 23 that thou art in tho gall of bittomesa GALLAHT — Honourable, gloriotis, "i^N addit. Isa. 33. 21 neither shall gallant ship pass Qterciby GAT.T.-FRY — 1. Gallery, portico, pinx attuq. Eze. 41. 15 and tlie galleries thereof on the one side 2. Gallery, portico, p'nx atliq. Eze. 41. 16 the gallcrica round about on their three 42. 3 gallery against gallery in three (stories) 42. 5 for the galleries '.vcre higher than these d.Flowings, ringlet, urn rahal. Song 7. 5 the king (is) held In the galleries GALLEY — Ship, navy, •;« oni> Isa. 33. 21 wherein shall go no galley with oara, ne. GAL'-LDI, G^jy fountains or heapis. A city of Benjamin. N. of Jerusalem. I Sa. 25. 44 rhalti the eon of Laish, which.. of O. Isa. 10. 30 Lift up thy voice, daughter of 0. GAL-Li-O, TaWlav. Seneca's younger brother, a careless Roman proconsul of Achaia. His full name was Junius Annceus Oallio. There is no authority for his being put to death by Nero. Acts j8. 12 And when G. was the deputy of Achaia 18.14 G. said unto the Jews, If it were a matter %S. 17 And G. cared for none of those things GALLOWS — Wood, tree, yn. efs. Estk 5. 14 Let a gallows be mide of fifty cubits high 5. 14 and he caused the gallows to be made 6. 4 to hang Mordecai on the gallows that ho y. 9 Behold also, the gallows, fifty cubits high f. 10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows 8. 7 and him they have hanged upon the gal. 9. 13 Haman's. .sons be hanged upon the gall. 9. 25 he and his sous . . be hanged ou the gaUowc GA-HA-LI'-EL, Sn'^OJ Tafia\i{i\ God is recompcnscr. 1. A chief of Manasseh chosen to aid in taking the cen- sus in the wilderness. B.C. 1490. Jfum. 1. 10 of Manasseh ; G. the son of Pedahzur «. 2o the captain, .of Manasseh. .G. the son of ff. 54 On the eighth day. .G. tho son of Pcdali 7. 59 this, .the offering of G. tho son of Pcdah. o. 23 And over the host. .G. the son of Pcdah. i. A celebrated teacher among the Jews. Acts 5. 34 a Pharisee, named G., a doctor of the law 22. 3 brought up in tliis city at tho feet of G. GAM-MA'-Dm, □'-!??. This word occurs only once, and has been said to mean " pigmies, warriors, giants, Cappadocians," &c The LXX. has " guards or watchmen." Eze. 27. II the G. were in thy towers : they hanged GA'-MTJL, hmi iBcaned, matured. A priest, the leader of the twenty second course In the service of the Sanctuary. B.C. 1015. I Ch. 24. 17 to Jachin, the two and twentieth to G. GAP — Breach, yfa pcrcts. Eze. 13. '5 Ye have not gone up Into tho gaps, nclt. 22. 30 stjjid in the gap before me for the land GAPE, to — 1. To open, gape, ly? paar. Job 16. 10 They have gaped upon mo with their mo. 2.2*0 open wide, gape, n>9 patsaJi. Psa. 22. 13 They gaped ui>on mo (with) their mouths GAEDEN — l.Gardcnj ]i gan. Gen. 2. 8 God planted ft garden eastward in Edeq 2. 9 tree of life . .in the midst of the garden 2. 10 And a river -went out. .to water the gar. 2. 15 and put him into the garden of Eden 2. 16 Of every tree of the garden thou mayesl 3. I shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 3. 2 We may eat . . of the trees of the garden 3. 3 -tree which (is) in the midst of the garden 3. 8 heard, .the LORB God walking in the ga, 3. 8 hid. .amongst the trees of the garden 3. 10 he said, I heard thy voice in the garden 3. 23 sent him forth from the garden of Eden 3. 24 he placed at the east of the garden of E. 13. 10 well watered, .as the garden of the Lord ■Dent II. 10 and wateredst (it), .as a garden of herbs I Ki. 21. 2 that I may have it for a garden of herbs s Si > 27 he fled by the way of the garden house 21. 18 garden of his own house, in the garden 21. 36 ui his, sepulchre in the garden, of Vzz ^o e K1.25. 4 the gate, .which (is) by the king's garden Nch. 3. 15 of tlio pool of Siloah by the king's garden oong 4. 12 A garden inclosed (is) my Bister, (my) sp. 4. 15 A fountain of gardens, a well of. .water* 4. 16 Awake, O north wind, .blow upon my g. 4. 16 Let my beloved come Into his garden, and 5. I I am come Into my garden, my slater, (my) 6. 2 My beloved is gone down into his gardeo f. 2 to feed in the gardens, .to gather lilies 8. 13 Thou tliat dwcllest fn the gardens, tho Isa. 51. 3 her desert like the garden of the Ixibd 58. II thou Shalt be like a watered garden, an4 Jer. '31. 12 their soul shall be as a watered garden 39. 4 went, .by the way of the king's garden ' 52. 7 the gate, which (was^ by tho king's gar. Ijim. 2. 6 his tabernacle, as (if it were of) a gardcq Eze. 28. 13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of G^ 31. R The cedars in the garden of God could 31. 8 nor any tree in the garden of God was U, 31. 9 the trees, .in the garden of God, envied* 36. 35 land, .is become like the garden of Edco Joel 2. 3 the land (is) as the garden of Eden befofa 2. Garden, nj3 gannah. Num 24. 6 spread forth, as g.irdcns by the river's »5 Job 8. 16 his branch shooteth forth in his garden Eccl. 2. 5 I made mo gardens and orchards, and ) Isa. I. 29 yo shall bo confounded for the garden* 1. 30 and as a garden that hatli no water , 61. II as the garden causcth the things that art 65. 3 A people . . that sacritlceth in gardens, and C6. 17 purify themselves in the gardens bchlD4 iJer. 29. 5, 28 plant gardens, and eat the fruit of Ames 4. 9 when your gardens and your vineyards 9. 14 they shall also make gardens, and eat tbS ZfOarden, nj: ginnah. Esth. I. 5 court of the garden of the king's palactf 7. 7 the king, .(went) into the palace garden 7. 8 the king returned out ol the palace gay. Song 6. ji I went down into the garden of nuts to i. Garden, orchard, plantation, ktjitoj kepos. Luke 13. 19 which a man took, and cast Into his gaf. John 18. I over the brook Cedron, where was a gar. 18. 26 Did I not see thee in the garden with himf 19. 41 there was a garden ; and in the garden a GARDENEE — Gardener, KriiroupSs kcpouros. John 20. 15 She, supposing Uim to be tbc garden^ GA'-EEB, 2"i3 rcvikr, despiscr. 1. One of David's worthies, tho son of Jcther, or alk Inhabitant of Jatlilr, in the mountainous district ol Judah. B.C. 1048. 2 Sa. 23. 38 Ira an Itlirite, O. an Ithrlte I Ch.n. 40 Irfi an Ithrite, G. tho Ithrita 2. A hill near Jerusalem. Jer. 31. 39 go forth over against it upon the Un 0; GARLAND — Garland, wreath, chapUt, ariyifia stemma. Acts 14. 13 brought oseo and garlands unto the ga. GARLIC? — ^ Garliek, D'b' shur/i. Numii. 5 (be leekB, and tho onions, and the garIL GARMENT — (" l.I/o7iourable, glorious mantle, rrnn addereth. Gen. 23. 25 came out red, all over like an hairy gaf; Josh, 7. 21 When I saw. .a goodly Babylonish gar. 7. 24 silver, and tho garment, and the wedge Zech 13. 4 neither shall they wear a rough ganneul 2. Cloak, garment, covering, "iJ? beged. Gen. 38. 14 she put her widow's garments off froni 38. 19 put on the garments of her widowhooa 39. 12 And she caught h:m by his garment, sa, 39. 12 and he left his garment in her hand, and 39. 13 when she saw that he had left his garm. 39. 15 he left his garment with me, and fled 39. 16 she laid up his garment by her until hll 39. 18 he left his garment with mc, and flei4 out Exod28. 2 thou Shalt make holy garments for Aaron 28. 3 that they may make Aaron's garments to 28. 4 these, .the garments which they shall 28. 4 they shall make holy garments for Aaron 29. 5 thou Shalt take the garments, and put 29. 21 take.. oil, and sprinkle .upon his garmcB 29. 21 upon the garments of his sons with hiln 29. 21 he shall be hallowed, and his garment! ■ 29. 21 his sons, and his sons' garments with him 29. 29 the holy garments of Aaron shall be hia 31. 10 the holy garments for Aaron tho prieit 31. 10 the garments of his sons, to minister la 35. 19 the holy garments for Aaron the priert 35. 19 the garments of his sons, to minister In 35. 21 for all his service, and for the holy gam 39. I and made the holy garments for Aaron 39. 41 the holy garments for Aaron the priest 39. 41 and his sons' garments, to minister in 40. 13 thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy gar. liCV. 6. II And he shall put off his garments 6. II and put on other garments, and carry fo. 6. 27 of the blood thereof upon any garment "8. 2 the garments, and the anointing oil, and ~^- 8. 30 sprinkled (it) ntion Aaron . .upon his gar. 8. 30 and upon his sons' garments with him 8. 30 and sanctiJied Aaron, (and) his garmentl 8. 30 his sons, and his sons' garments with him /3. 47 The garment also that the plague of lep. GARMENT 382 GAS'S? Xev. 13. 47 a woollen garment, or a linoii garment.. 13. 49 if tho plague be. in the garment 13. 51 If the plague be spread in the garment 13. 52 He shall therefore burn that garment J3. 53 the plague be not spread in the garment 13. 56 then he shall rend it out of the garment 13. 57 And if it appear still in the garment 13. 58 And tho garment, either warp or woof 13. 59 leprosy in a garment of woollen or linen 14. 55 for the leprosy of a garment, and of a 15. 17 every garment, and every skin, whereon 16. 4 these (are) holy garments ; therefore shall i5. 23 xVaron . .shall put off the linen garments J 6. 24 and put on his garments, and come forth 16. 32 put on the linen clothes, .the holy gar. 19. 19 neither shall a garment mingled of linen 21. lo that is consecrated to put on the garments Num 15. 38 fringes in the borders of their garments 20. 26 strip Aaron of his garments, and put 20. 28 Moses stripped Aaron of his garments Judg 14. 12 I will give you. .thirty change of garments ' 14. 13 shall ye give, .thirty change of garments 2 Sa. 13. 31 Then the king arose, and tare his gar. e Ki. 5. 22 give them, I pray, .two changes of gar. 5. 23 two bags, with two changes of garments > 5. 26 (Is it) a time to receive money, and. .gar. 7. 15 all ttie way (was) full of garments and 9. 13 they hasted, and took every man his gar. 25. 29 And changed his prison garments : and Ezra 9. 3 I rent my garment and my mantle, and g. 5 having rent my garment and my mantle Job 13. 28 consumeth, as a garment that is moth-ea. 37. 17 How thy garments (are) warm, when ho Isa. 22. i8 They part my garments among them, and 45. 8 All thy garments, .of myrrh, and aloes 102. 26 all of them shall wax old like a garment 109. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment Prov 20. 16 Take his garment that is surety (for) a 25. 20 (As) he that taketh away a garment in 27. 13 Take his garment that is surety for a Bocl, 9. 8 Let thy garments be always white ; and Isa. 50. 9 lo, they all shall wax old as a garment 51. 6 the earth shall wax old like a garment 51. 8 the moth shall eat them up like a garm. 52. I put on thy beautiful garments, Jeru. 59. C Their webs shall not become garments 59. 17 he put on the garments of vengeance 6i. 10 clothed me with the garments of salva. 63. I Cometh, .with dyed garments from Bo.? 63. 2 thy garments like him that treadeth in 63. 3 blood shall be sprinkled upon my gar. Jer. 36. 24 they were not afraid, nor rent their gar. , ■ 43. 12 as a shepherd putteth on his garment 52. 33 And changed his prison garments ; and Eze. i5. j6 of thy garments thou didst take, and 16. 18 tookest thy broidered garments, and 18. 7, 16 hath covered the naked vi'ith a gar. 26. 1 6 princes .. put off their broidered garments 42. 14 but there they .shall l.T.y their garments 42. 14 and shall put on other garments, and 44. 17 they shall be clothed with Imen garments 44. J9 they shall put off their garments wherein 44. 19 and they shall put on other garmeuts 44. 19 not sanctify the people with their garm. Joel 2. 13 rend your heart, and not your garments flag. 2. 12 one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his gar. Zech. 3. 3 Joshua was clothed with filthy garments 3. 4 Take away the filthy garments from him 3. 5 So they . . clothed hun with garmeuts 8. A coat, nJhs, njhs kethoneth. huttnncih. 2 Sa. 13. 18 And (she had) agarmontof diverscolours 13. 19 and rent her garment of divers colours Ezra 2. 69 They gave, .one hundred priests' gai-ments Kch. 7. 70 five hundred and thirty priests' garments . 7. 72 threesotwe and seven priests' garments 4..Clothing, wn? lehush. Gen. 49. II he washed his g.arments in wine, and his Job 30. 18 is my garment changed : it bindeth me 38. 9 When I made the cloud the garment tho. 38. 14 It isturned..and thcystandas agarment 41. 13 Who can discover the face of his garment? Psa. C9. II I made sackcloth also my garment; and 104. 6 Thou coveredst it. .as (with) a garment Lam. 4. 14 that men could not touch their garmeuts llal. 2. 16 for (one) covereth violence with his gar. ^..Clothing, tvil^ lehush. Dan. 3. 21 bound in. .their hats, and their, .garme. J. 9 whose garment . . whits as snow, and tho Q.Ijong robe, "lO 'nxad. Lev. 6. 10 the priest shall put on his linen garment 1 Sa. 18. 4 stripped himself of., his garments, even to 2 Sa. 20. 8 And Joab's garment that he had put on Psa. 109. 18 with cursing like as with his garment l.Long robe, .tj^ middah Psa. 133. E that went down to tno skirts of his gar. ^.Long robe, !'](? medev. 2 Sa, 10. 4 and cYit oft their garments in the middle 1 Chi 19. 4 and cut off their garments in the midst ^.Covaring, xorapping, ."iKij;a maaic.h. Isa. Ci. 3 the garment of praise for the spirit of ho \^. Outer garment, nry}0 salmah. Josh. g. 5 old shoes. '.and old garments upon them 9. 13 our garments and our shoes arc become r 25 And they brought, .garments, and armour ■ II. 29 he had clad himself with a nev/ garment II, 30 And Aliijah caught the new garment that Pua.104. a Who coverest (thyself) with light aj. .a a. Snug 4, !i the sincil of thy garments (is) like tho Mic. 2, 3 yc pull oil the robe with the g.ivnieut 11. GuliT garvieni, raiment, nh^'a simlah. Gen. g. 23 And Shem and Japlieth took a garment 35. 2 and be clean, and change your garments I)eiit22. 5 neither, .a man put on a woman's garment Judg. 8. 23 they spread a garment, and did cast ther. l'rov.30. 4 who hath bound the waters in agarment? Isa. g. 5 with .. noise, and garments rolled in blood ll.Covering, dress, fiv sliith. Psa. 73. 6 violence covereth them (as) a garment IZ. Garment, 'n'1?n takrik. Esth. 8. 15 witli a garment of fine linen and purple li.Aiiy thing put on, ffSvfj.a enduma. Matt22. II which had not on a wedding garment 22. 12 camest thou, .not having a wedding gar.? 15. Clothing, eaBrjO-Ls esthesis. Luke24. 4 two men stood by them in shining gar. 1^. Garment, t/xaTiov himation. Matt. 9. 16 a piece of new clotli unto an old garment 9. 16 for that, .put in. .taketh from the garm. 9. 20 came, .and touched the hem of his garm. 9. 21 If I may but touch his garment, I shall 14. 36 might only touch the hem of his garment 21. 8 a very great multitude spread their gar. 23. 5 and enlarge the borders [of their garme.] 27. 35 [and parted his garments, casting lots] 27. 35 [They parted my garments among them] Mark 2. 21 a piece of new cloth on an old gannent 5. 27 came, .behind, and touched his garment 6. 55 touch if it were but the border of his g. 10. 50 And he, casting away his garment, rose J I. 7 brought the colt .. and cast their garmeuts 11. 8 many spread their garments in the way 13. 16 not turn back, .to take up his garment 15. 24 they parted his garments, casting lots Luke 5. 36 No man putteth apiece of a new garment 8. 44 Came . . and touched the border of his g. ig. 35 they cast their garments upon the colt 22. 36 1st him sell his garment, and buy one John 13. 4 He riseth. .and laid aside his garment 13. 12 So after he had. .taken his garments, and 19. 23 Then the soldiers, .took his garments, and Acts 9. 39 showing the coats and garments which D. 12. 8 Cast thy garment about thee, and follow neb. 1. 11 and they all shall wax old as doth a gar. Jas. 5. 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your gar.| Ke V. 3. 4 a f e w . . wliich have not defiled their gar. 16. 15 Blessed (is) he that . . keepeth his garme. n.Coat, inner vest, xtrdv chiton. Jude 23 hating even the garment spotted by the GAKMEITT do-wn to the foot — Joining or touching the feet, TroS-'ipris poderes. Rev. 1. 13 clothed with a garment down, to the foot GAKMEWT, long — Long robe, stole, (TtoA'^ stole. Marki6. 5 yomig man.. clothed in along white gar. GAUMEKT of divers sorts — A mixed clolh, npyj^ shaatnez. Dent 22. II Shalt not wear a garment of divers sons GAja-MITE, 'Pijn the strong or bony one. Patronymic of Keilah, son of Nahum of the tribe of, Judah through Caleb the son of Jephuneh. B.C. 1400 1 Ch. 4. ig father of Keilah tho G., and Eshtemoa GARKEE — 1. Treasury, t^M< otsar. Joel 1. 17 the garners are laid desolate, the bams 2. Garner, va mezev. Psa. 144. 13 our garners, .full, affording all manner of Z.Barn, repository, i.TtoOi\K-ri apothike. Matt. 3. 12 and gather his wheat into the gamer Luke 3. 17 and will gather the wheat into his garner GAENISH, to — l.To overlay, cover, nay tsaphah, 3. 2 Ch. 3. C And he garnished the house with precious 2. Splendour n'lEif' shiphrah. Job 26. 13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heav. Z.To set in order, adorn, heaulify, Ko 35 in the entering of the gate of the city 9. 40 chased hhn. .unto the entering of the ga. GATE 383 OATH Jud^ 9. 44 stood in the entering of tlio g.ite of t):o 16. 2 laid wait for liira all night in the gate of 16. 3 Samson. .tool< the doors of the gate of j8. i5 And. .stood by tlie entering of the gate 18. 17 priest stood iu the entering of the gate fiayi 4. I Then went Boaz up to the gate, and sat 4. 10 be not cut off. .from the gate of his placo 4. II And all the people that (were) in the ga. ■ Sa. 4. 18 fell, .backward by the side of the gate g. 18 Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate 17. 52 until thou come to. .the gates of Ekron ai. 13 and scrabbled on the doors of the gate a 8a. 3. 27 Joab took him aside in the gate to speak 10. 8 in array at the entering in of the gate >i. 23 them even unto the entering of the gate 15. 2 Absalom, .stood beside the way of the g. 18. 4 the king stood by the gate side, and all 18. 24 And David sat between the two gates 24 went up to the roof over the gate unto 33 went up to the chamber over the gate 8 Then the king arose, and sat in the gate 8 Behold, the king doth sit in the gate 15, 16 well of Beth-lehem,which(is)bytheg. 10 in the entrance of the gate of Samaria 1 two . . of barley for a shekel, in the gate of 3 leprous men at the entering in of the ga. 17 the lord, .to have the charge of the gate 17 the people trode upon him iu the gate 18 to morrow about this time in the gate of 20 the people trode upon him in the gate 31 And as Jehu entered in at the gate, sho 8 two heaps at the entering in of the gate 6 And a third part, .at the gate of Sur 6 a third part at the gate behind the guard 19 came by the way of the gate of the guard 13 the gate of Ephraim unto the comer gate 35 He built the higher gate of ihe house of 8 brake down the high places of the gates 8 in the entering in of the gate of Joshua 8 on a man's left hand at the gate of the 4 by the way of the gate between two walls 18 Who hitherto, .in the king's gate eastw. 23 the oversight of the gates of the house of 17, 18 well of Beth-lehem, that (is) at the ga. 3 for the nails for the doors of the gates 13 And they cast lots, .for every gate 16 westward, with the gate Shallecheth, by 14 porters also by their courses at every ga. 9 at the entering in of the gate of Samaria 5 a third part at the gate of the foundation 15 to the entering of the horse gate by the 19 And he set the porters at the gates of the 20 through the high gate into the king's ho. 8 at the gate of the house of the Lord 23 the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate 9 at the comer gate, and at the valley gate 3 He built the high gate of the house of 2 to praise in the gates of the tents of the 6 in the street of the gate of the city 14 even to the entering in at the fish gate 15 and the porters (waited) at every gato 3 and the gates thereof are burnt with fire 3 the gates thereof are consumed with ih-c t 8 timber to make beams for the gates of the 13 I went ont by. night by the gate of the 13 and the gates, .were consumed with Are 14 I went ou to the gate of the fountain, and 15 and entered by the gate of the valley 17 and the gates thereof are burnt with fire I they builded the sheep gate ; they sanct. 3 But the fish gate did the sons of Hassen. 6 Moreover the old gate repaired Jehoiada 13 The valley gate repaired Hanun, and the 13 cubits on the wall unto the dung gate 14 the dung gate repaired ilalchiah the son 15 the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun 26 over against the water gate toward the 28 From above the horse gate repaired the 29 also Shemaiah . .the keeper of the east g. 31 repaired. . over against the gate Mipl iad 32 unto the^sheep gate repaired the goldsmi. I had not set up the doors^ upon the gates 3 Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened 1 the street that (was) before the water gato 3 the street that (was) before the water gate 16 and in the street of the water gate 16 and in the street of the gate of Ephr ai m 19 and their brethren that kept the gates 25 the ward at the thresholds of the gates 30 and purified the people, and the gates 31 upon the wall toward the dung gate 37 Aid at the fountain gate, which was 37'went up. .unto the water gate eastward 39 And from above the gate of Ephraim 39 above the old gate, .above the fish gate 39 unto the sheep gate . .in the prison gate 19 when the gates of Jerusalem began to be 19 and (some) of my servants set I at the g. 2! and. .they should come (and) keep the g. 19 then Mordecai sat in the king's gate 21 while Mordecai sat in the king's gate 2, 3 servants, that (were) in the king's gate 2 And came even before the king's gate 2 for none (might) enter into the king's ga. 6 street, .which (was) before the king's gate 9 Haman saw Mordecai in the king's gate 13 Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king's g. 10 the Jew, that eitteth at the king's gate 12 Mordecai came again to the king's gate 4 His children .. are crushed in the gate 7 When I went out to the gate through the n II I have. . whea I saw my help in the g. J 8. j8. 19. 19. 23- I KI.22. aKi. 7. 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 9- 10. II. II. II. 14. 15- 33. »3- 23- xCh 9. 9- II. 22. 36. 26. aCh. 8. 18. 23- 23- 23- 23- =4- 35- 26. 27- 31- 32- 33- Kelj.V.' 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 6. 7- 8. 8. 8. 8. II. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 13- >3- 13- Esth. 2. 2. - 3- 4- 4- 4- £• S- 6. «. 5- 30. /Ob Jcr. Job 33. 17 Have the gates of death been opened P»a. 9. 13 that liXtest me up from the gates of death 9. 14 may show forth all thy j-rui.^e in the ga. 2.(. 7, 9 Lift up your hcr.d.i, ye gates 69. 12 ]hey that sit in the gate speak against 8;. 2 Olie LoKD loveth the gates of Ziou more 100. 4 Enter into liis gates with tlianksgiviug 107. 18 they draw near unto the gates of death 118. 19 Open to me the gates of rigliteousuess 118. 20 This gate of the Lord, into which the 122. 2 Our feet shall stand within thy gates, J. 127. s shall speak with the enemies m tho gate 147. 13 hath strengthened the bars of thy gates Prov. I. 21 She crieth. .in the opemngs of the gates 8. 3 She crieth at the gates, at tho entry of 14. 19 the wicked at the gates of tho righteous 82. 22 neither oppress the afflicted in the gate 34. 7 he openeth not lus mouth in the gate 31. 23 Her husband is known in the gates, when 31. 31 let her own works praise her in the gates Song 7. 4 in Heshbon, by the gate of Bath-rabbim Isa. 14. 31 Howl, gate; crj', city ; thou, whole P. 22. 7 shall set themselves in array at the gate 12 and the gate is smitten with destruction 2 Open ye the gates, that the righteous 6 to them that turn the battle to the gate 21 a snare for him that reproveth in the g. 10 I said . . I shall go to the gates ol the grave 1 to open, .and the gates shall not be shut 12 1 will make, .thy gates of carbuncles 11 Therefore thy gates shall bo open contL 18 but thou Shalt call, .thy gates Praise 10 Go through, go tlirough the gates ; pre. 15 at tho entering of the gates of Jerusalem 2 Stand in the gate of the Lord's house 2 that enter in at these gates to worship 2 Jud.'ih moumeth, and the gates thereof 7 I Virill fan them mth a fan in the gates of 19 Go and stand iu the gate of the children 19 and in all the gates of Jerusalem 20 Hear ye. .all. .that enter in by these gatCD 21 nor bring (it) in by the gates of Jerusa. 24 to bring in no burden tlirough the gates 25 Then shall there enter into the gates of 27 entering iu at the gates of Jerusalem on 27 then will I kindle a fire in the gates th. a which (is) by the entry of the east gate 2 in the stocks that (were) in the high gato a thy people that enter in by these gates 4 then shall there enter in by the gates of 19 cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem 10 sat down in the entry of the new gate of 38 from the tower of Hananeel unto the gate 40 unto the comer of the horse gate tov.-ard 10 at the entry of the new gate of the Lord's 13 And when ho was in the gate of Benja. 7 the king, .rittir.g in the gate of Benjamin 3 princes, .came in, and sat in the middle g. 4 fled . .by the gato bctv/ixt the two w-alls 58 her high gates shall be btimt with Cro 7 by the way of the gate between tlio two 4 all her gates are desolate : her priests 9 Her gates are sunk into the ground ; he 12 have entered into the gates of Jerusalem 14 The elders have ceased from the gate 3 to the door of the inner gate that looketli 5 northward at the gate of the altar this 14 he brought me to the door of the gate of 2 came from the vray of the higher gate 19 stood at the door of the east gate of tho I the spirit . . brought me unto the east gate I at the door of the gate five and twenty 15 have set . . the sword against all their gates 22 to appoint, .rams against the gates, to 10 when he shall enter into thy gates, as 3 behold . . a man . . and he stood in the gato 6 Then came he unto the gate which look. 6 and measured the threshold of the gate 7 of the gate by the porch of the gate 8 He measured also the porch of the gato 9 Then measured he the porch of the gato 9 and the porch of the gate (was) inward 10 And the little chambers of the gate east. 11 the breadth of the entry of the gato II the length of the gate, thirteen cubits 13 He measured then the gate from the roof 14 the post of the court round about the gate 15 And from the face of the gato of the ent. 15 the face of the porch of the inner gate 16 and to their posts within the gate round 1 3 And the pavement byrthe side of the gates 18 over against the length of the gates, (was) 19 from the fore-front of the lower gate unto 20 And the gate of the outward court that 21 were after the measure of the first gate 22 after the measure of the gate that looketh 23 And the gate of the inner court (was) 23 over against the gate toward the north 23 and he measured from gate to gate an 24 and, behold, a gate toward the south 27 And . . a gate in the inner court toward 27 he measured from gate to gate toward 28 to the inner court by the south gate 28 he measured the south gate according to 32 and he measmed the gate according to 35 And he brought me to the north gate 38 by the posts of the gates, where they 39 in the porch of the gate (were) two tablet 40 goeth up to the entry of the north gat« 40 which (was) at the porch of the gate 41 by the side of the gate ; eight tables 44 'Hithont the iimar gate (were) the chain. Lam. 24. s6. 28. 29. 33. 45- 54- 60. 60. 62. I. 7- 7- 14. 15- 17- 17- 17- 17. 17- 17- 17- 17- ip- sa 32. 32. 32. 26. 31- 31- 36. 3'' 38- 39- 39- 51- 52- z. 2. 4- Eza. 8. c. s. 9- 19. II. II. 31. 31. 36. 40. 40, 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 4°- 40. 40. 40. 40. 4°- 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 4?' 4* Eze. 40. 44 which (was) at the side of tho north gata 40. 44 one at tlic side of the cast gate (haviug) 40. 48 the breadth of the gate (was) three cubiU 42. 15 he brought me forth toward the ^tc 43. I he brought me to tlie gate . . the gate that 43. 4 by the way of the gate whoso prorpect 44. I brought me back the way of the fate of 44. 2 Tliis gate shall be shut, it ehall not be 44. 3 enter by the way of the porch of (that) g. 44. 4 brought he me the way of the north gate 44. II (having) charge at the gates of the house 44. 17 when they enter in at the gates of the 44. 17 whiles they minister in the gates of the 45. 19 upon the posts of the gate of the inner 46. I The gate of tho inner court that looketh 46 2 by the way of the porch of (that) gate 46. 2 and shall stand by the post of the gato 46. 2 shall worship at the threshold of the gate 46. 3 the gate shall not be shut until the eve: 46. 3 shall worship at the door of this gate 46. 8 go in by tho way of the porch of (that) g. 46. 9 entereth in by tho way of the north piSj 46. 9 shall go out by the way of the louth gate 46. 9 that entereth by the way of the south g. 46. 9 go forth by the way of the north gato 46. 9 be shall not return by the way of the g. <6. 12 BhaU then open him the gate that looketh 46. 12 after his going forth, .shall shut the gate 46. 19 through the entry . .at the iide of the ga. 47. 2 out of the way of the gate northward 47. 2 and led me. .unto the utter gate by the 48. 31 the gates of the city, .after the names of 4S. 31 three gates northward ; one gate of Hon. 48. 31 one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi 43. 32 and three gates; and one gate of Joseph 48. 32 one gate of Benjamin, one gate of Daa 48. 33 and three gates ; one gate of Simeon 40. 33 one gate of Issachar, one gate of Zebultm 48. 34 (with) their three gates ; one gate of Gad 48. 34 one gate of Asher, one gate of >i'aphtall Amos 5. 10 They hate him that rebuketh in the gate 5. 12 and they turn aside the poor in tho gate J. 15 establish judgment in the gate : it may Chad. II foreigners entered into his gates, and cast 13 not have entered into the gate of my p. Mic. I. 9 he is come unto the gate of my people 1. 12 came down from the Lord unto the gat« 2. 13 have passed through the gate, and are Nah. 2. 6 The gates of the rivers shall bo opened 3. 13 the gates of thy land shall be set wido Zeph. I. 10 the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and Zecli. 8. iG judgment of truth and peace inyour gates 14. 10 from Benjamin's gate unto, .the first gate 14. 10 unto the corner gate, and (from) the tower 5.0atc, vy? tera. Dan. 2. 49 but Daniel (sat) In the gate of the king (j.A door, Ovpa tkura. Acts 3. 2 at the gate ol the temple which U called 7. A gate, (wing of a dottble gate), TrvXri puH- Matt. 7. 13 Enter ye In at the straight gate : lor 7. 13 wide (is) (the gate}, and broad (is) tho 7. 14 Because strait (is) the [gate], and narrow 16. 18 the gates ol hell shall not prevail against Luke 7. 12 when he came nigh to the gate ol the city 13. 24 Strive to enter in at the straight [gate] Acts 3. 10 sat. .at the Beautiful of the temple 9. 24 they watehed the gates day and night to 12. 10 they came unto the iron gats that Icadeth Heb. 13. 12 Jesus also, .suffered without the gato 8. Oate, gateway, wXdtv jndOn. Lukei6. 20 which was laid at his gate, full of sores Acts 10. 17 behold, the men.. stood before the gato 12. 13 as Peter knocked at the door of the gato 12. 14 she opened not the gate lor gladness 12. 14 and told how, Peter stood before the gate 14. 13 brought oxen and garlands unto the gates Eev. 21. j2 a wall great and high (and), .twelve gates SI. 12 [at thegates twelve angels, and names) 2t. 13 east, three gates; on the north, three ga. 21. 13 south, three gates, .the west, three galea 21. 15 to measure the city, and the gates thereof II. 21 And the twelve gates (w^re) twelve pearls 31. 21 every several gate was of one pearl 21. 25 the gates of it shall not be shut at all by 22. 14 enter in through the gates into tho city GATES, two leaved — Double door, D:ri^-n dcMhayim. Isa. 45. 1 to op'eh before him the two leaved gatea OATH, n3 mne press, fortune. One of the five royal cities of the Philistines and natlre place of Goliath. It stood upon the conspicuous hill now called Tell-es-SafUh. This hill is at the loot of the raotmtains of Judah, ten miles E. of Aehdqd and ten S. by E. of Ekron. The ruins are very extensive. Josh II. 22 only in G. and in Ashdod, there remained I Sa. 5. 8 Let the ark of.. God., be carried., unto O. 6. 17 a trespass offering unto the Lord, .for G. 7. 14 restored to Israel, from Ekron. .unto O. 17. 4 went out a champion. .Goliath, of G. 17. 23 there came up. the Philistine olG. 17. 52 Israel. .pursued th"e Philistines. .unto O. 21. 10 D. arose, .and v.ent to Achish.. king ol Q. 31. 12 D.. .was'sore alraid of Achish the kingofO. 27. 2D... passed over . . unto Achish . . king ol a> 27. 3 And Darid dwelt with Achish at G., he 37. 4 it was told Saul that David was fled to O. 27. II to bring (tidings) to G., eajing, L** they a Sa. I. ao Tell (It) not in S. publish (it) not in the GATHER 384 GATHER 'aSa. 15. 18 six Iiuudred men wlilch came.. from G. 41. 20 Ami there was yet a battle in Q. II. 22 These four were bom to the giant in G. 1 KL 2. 39 servants of Shimei ran.. unto a... of G. 2. 39 they told Sliimei. .thy servants (be) in G. a. 40 Jtnd Shlmei arose, .and went to G.^ a. 40' went, and brought his servants from G. '2. 41 told Solomon. .Shimei had gone, .to G. fl KI.12. 17 Hazael king of Syria, .fought against G. I Ch. .7. 21 Shuthelah. .whom the men of O. .'.slew 8. 13 Shema. .drove away the inhabitants of G. 18. I David smote the Philistines, .and took G. 20. 6 And yet again there was war at O. aa 8 niese were born unto the giant in O. s Ch.ii. 8 And G., and Mareshah, and Ziph 26. 6 he went, .and brake down the wall of Q. If sa, 56. titie Michtara . .the Philistines took him in G. Amos 6. 2 then go down to G. of the Philistines ■ Mic. 1. 10 Ueclaro ye (it) not at O., weep yo not at OATHEB — A 'gathering, ."iv?i? qebutsah, Eze. 2 2. 30 they gather silver, tmd brass, and Iron GATHER, to — \.To gather, "tit} agar. Deut.38. 39 Shalt neither drink (of) the wine, nor ga. Prov. 6. 8 fend) gathereth her food in the harvest 10. s He that gathereth in summer (is) a wise 2.T0 gather together or up, ipx asaph. . Gen. 6. 21 food that is eaten, and thou shall gather Exod33. 10 and shalt gather in the fruits thereof JLe v. 25. 3 shalt prune . . and gather in the fruit ther. Kumti. t6 Gather unto me seventy men of the eld. 1 1. 24'gathered the seventy men of the elders II. 32 stood up. .and they gathered the quails II. 32 he that gathered least gathered ten 19. 9 shall gather up the ashes of the heifer 19. 10 he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer Josh.24. I Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel Judg. 3. 13 he gathered unto him the children of A. Kuth 2. 7 let me glean and gather after the reapers I Sa, s- 8 They sent therefore, and gathered all the s Sa. 2 1. 13 they gathered the bones of them that were . ■ Ki. 22. 4 which the keepers., have gathered of the S2. 2o I will gather thee unto thy fathers, and . 23. I they gathered unto him all the elders of t Ch. 19. 17 he gathered all Israel, and passed over c Ch, 1. 14 Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen 24. II Thus they., gathered money in abundance S9. 15 they gathered their brethren, and sanct. 29. 20 the king rose early, and gathered the ml. 34. 9 money . . which the Levltes . . had gathered 34T28 I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou Job 34. 14 (if) he gather unto himself his spirit and 39. 12 he will bring home thy seed, and gather Psa. 26. Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my 39. 6 and knoweth not who shall gather them EroV3p. 4 who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Eccl. 3. 26 giveth travail, to gather and to heap up Istt. 10. 14 as one gathereth eggs, .have I gathered 17. 5 when the harvest man gathereth the com 3eT. 10. 17 Gather up thy wares out of the land 40. 10 gather ye wine, and summer fruits, and j|o. 12 gathered wine and summer fruits very Eze. 24. 4 Gather the pieces thereof Into it. .every Joel 1. 14 gather the elders, .all the inhabitants of 2. 16 Gather the people, .gather the children Sab. I. 9 they shall gather the captivity as the sand 1. 15 and gather them in their drag : therefore a. 5 but gathereth unto him all nations, and Zeph. 3. 8 to gather the nations, that I may assem. 3. 18 I will gather (them that are) sorrowful Zech-i4' 2 For I will gather all nations against Jer. t^To gather, fipN asaph, 3, Isa. 62. 9 they that have gathered it shall eat it Jer. 9. 32 as the handful, .none shall gather (them) 4. Gathering, IDN oseph. Mic' 7. 1 as when they have gathered the summer i.To pluck, ."HK arah. Song 5. 1 1 tave gathered my myrrh with my spice 6. To take the spoil, ijji bazaz. a Ch.20. 25 they were three days In gathering of the 7. To cut off, ns? h'atsar. Ifiv. 25. 5 neither gather the grapes of thy vine un. 25. II Eor gather, .in it of thy vine undressed Deut 24. 21 When thou gatherest the grapes of thy Judg. 9. 27 they went out into the fields, and gathe. 8. To hatch, brood, nji dagar. Isa. 34. 15 and hatch, and gather under her shadow 9. To heap up, Dj^ kamas. Neh. 12. 44 to gather into them, out of the fields of Psa. 33. 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea toge. £c£l. 2. 8 I gathered me also silver and gold, and 10. To heap up, DJJ kanas, 3. Eze. 22. 21 Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon 39. 28 I have gathered them unto their own la. l.\. To glean, op^ laqat. Gen. 31. 46 Jacob said . . Gather stones ; and they took £!Codi6. 4 and gather a certain rate every day, that j6. 5 it shall be twice as much as they gather 16. 16 Gather of it every man according to his 16. 17 the children of Israel did so, and gathered 16. 18 they gathered every man according to 16. 21 And thejr gathered it every morning . «6. 22 on the sixth day they gathered twice as 16. 26 Stx,days ye shall gatherit; but on the 16. 27 went, .on the wventh day for to gath«c Numn. 8 gathered (it), and ground (it) in mills, or Psa. 104. 28 (That) thou givest them they gather Song 6. 2 My beloved is gone down., to gather lilies 12. To glean, tsp^ laqat, 3. ^ 'lev. 19. 9 neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of 19. 10 neither shalt thou gather (every) grape of 23. 22 neither shalt thou gather any gleaning Judg. I. 7 kings, .gathered (their meat) under my a Ki 4. 39 one went out into the field to gather herbs 4. 39 and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap ; Isa, 17. 5 it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the Jer. 7. 18 The children gather wood, and the fathers 13. To glean, E'p^ laqash, 3. Job 24. 6 they gather the vintage of the -wicked li.To/Ul in, nhf male. Jer. 51. II gather the shields: tho lOJlD hath raised, 15. To pour out, Tinj nathak, 6. 2 Ki. 22. 9 Thy servants have gathered the money IG. To cause to flee, ny uz, 5. Exod. 9. 19 Send therefore now. .gather thy cattld 17. To do, make, n'^j; asah. i Sa. 14. 48 he gathered an host, and smote the A. 18. To heap up, ijy tsabar. Gen. 41. 49 Joseph gathered com as the sand of the 19. To cry or call together, ps^ tsaaq, 2. 2 KI. 3. 21 they gathered all that were able to put 20. To gather, assemile, collect, fjp qabats. Gen. 41. 35 let them gather all the food of those good Deut 13. 16 thou shalt gather all the spoil of it into I Sa. 7. 5 Samuel said. Gather all Israel to Mlzpeh a Sa. 3. 21 will gather all Israel unto my lord the k. I Ki. II. 24 he gathered men unto him, and became 18. 19 gather to me all Israel unto mount Camiel a KI. 6. 24 Ben-hadad. .gathered all his host, and a Ch. IS. 9 And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin 23. 2 gathered the Levites out of all the cities a4, 5 gather of all Israel money to repair the Psa. 41. 6 his heart gathereth Iniquity to Itself Prov 13. n he that gathereth by labourshall increase Ezo. 22. 19 I will gather yon into the midst of Jem. 22 2o so will i gather (you) in mine anger and 21. Tb gather, assemble, collect, yz^ qabats, 3. Deut3o. 3 and gather thee from all the nations 30. 4 thence will the LOED thy God gather thee Neh. 1. 9 (yet) will I gather them from Mienee, and Psa. 106. 47 and gather us from among the heathen 107, 3 gathered them out of the lands, from the Prov 28. 8 he shall gather it for him that will pity Isa. 34. 16 and his spirit It hath gathered them ' 40. II he shall gather the Iambs with his arm 43. 5 I wlU . . gather thee from the west S4. 7 but with great mercies wiU I gather thee 56. 8 The Lord GOD which gathereth the outc. 56. 8 Yet will I gather, .to him, besides those 66. i3 that I will gather all nations and tongues Jor. 23, 3 1 will gather the remnant of my flock out 29. 14 1 will gather youtrom all the nations, and 31. 8 I will . .gather them from the coasts of 31. JO He that scattered Israel will gather him 32. 37 I will gather them out of all countries 17 I will even gather you from the people 16. 37 therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with 16. 37 I will even gather them round about ag. so. 34 I will, .gather you out of the countries eo. 41 when I. .gather you out of the countries b8. 25 When I shall have gathered the house of 29. 13 At the end of forty years will I gather the 34. 13 I will, .gather them from the countries 36. 24 I will, .gather you out of all countries 37. 21 1 will, .gather them on every side, and 39. 27 gathered them out of their enemies' la. 8. 10 now will I gather them, and they shall 2. 6 pained ; all faces shall gather blackness 3. 2 I will also gather all nations, and will I. 7 for she gathered (it) of the hire of an ha. 2. 12 I will surely gather the remnant of Israel 4. 6 1 will gather her that is driven out 4. 1 a he shall gather them as tho sheaves Into 2. 10 and the faces of them all gather blackness 3. 18 people is scattered, .and no man gathere. Zeph. 3. 19 I will, .gather her that was driven out 3. 20 even in the time that I gather you : for Zech 10. 8 I will hiss for them, and gather them ; for 10. 10 I will, .gather them out of Assyria ; and 22.7b catise to congregate, convene, hnj} qahal, 5. Num i6. 19 Korah gathered all the congregation aga. Deut3i. 28 Gather unto me all theelders of your tri. 2 Ch.ii. I he gathered of the house of Judah and B. Eze. 38. 13 hast thou gathered thy company to take 23. To gather, B'8'p qashash, Sa. Exods. 7 let them go and gather straw for them. 5. 12 scattered, .to gather stubble instead ol Kum 15. 32 they found a man that gathered sticks 24. To acquire, gain, b'3"J rakash. Gen. 12. 5 all their substance that they had gath. 35. To lead together aho, eTrio-ui/ayw epiiunago. Matt. 23. 37 even as a hen gathereth her chickens. 26. To lay together; wwiya sullegd. Matt. 7. 16 Do men gather grapes of thoms, or Bgs 13. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and 13. 41 they shall gather 9ut of his kingdom all > 13. 48 gathered the good into vessels, but cast Lake 6. 44 for of thorns men do not gather flga, nor Ezo. Eos. Joel Mic. Nah. lead together, (rvvayia sunago. Matt. 3. 12 and gather his wheat into the gamer ; buj 6. 26 neither do they reap, nor gather into bar. 12. 30 he that gathereth not with me scattereth 13. 30 but gather the Wheat into my bam 13. 47 unto a net, that . .gathered of eveiy kind E5. 24 gathering where thou hast not strawed •25. 26 and gather where I have not strawed 27. 27 and gathered unto him the whole band Mark 5. 21 much people gathered imto him : and he luke 3. 17 and will gather the wheat into his gamer f- II. 23 he that gathereth not with me scattcreth John 4. 36 and gathereth fruit unto life eternal II. 47 Then gathered the chief priests and thd 15. 6 men gather them, and cast.. into the fire jftev. 16. 14 to gather them to the battle of that great 2Si.T(^roll or tioist together, crva-Tpfcpu) sustrepho. • JActs 28. 3 when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks 29. To gatlier in ripe fruit, Tovyaa trugao. Luke 6. 44 nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes Eev..i4. 18 gather the clusters of thovineof theearlllt V14. 13 and gathered the vino of the earth, and SOlTo' cause to come iogetlier, infer, (rvfi0ipd(o>. Acts 16, 10 assuredly gathering that the Lord bod GATHEB in, to — , To gather together or -up, r^Q^ asaph. Exod23. i5 when thou hast gathered in thy labours Lev. 23. 39 when ye have gathered in the fmit of the 25. 20 we shall not sow, nor gather in our incre. Dent II. 14 that thou mayest gather in thy com, and 16. 13 after that thoU hast gathered in thy com 28. 38 and shalt gather, .little in ; for the locust GATHER out (stones), to — To cast out stones, Tpg saqal, 3. Isa. 5. 2 he fenced it, and gathered out the stones 62. ID gather out tho stones ; lilt up a standard GATHER self in troops, to — To gather self together, Ti3 gadad, 7a. Mic. 5, 1 Now gather thyself in troops, daughter GATHER selves, to — l.To gather together or up, ^px asaph. 2 Sa. 10. istheSyrians. .gathered themselves togetheB Ezo. 39. 17 gather yourselves on every side to my 2. To be met by appointment, "i^, yaad, 2. Numio. 4 then the princes., shall gather themselves Z.Tofill or set self, njd male, 7. Job 16. 10 they have gathered themselves togetnci' 4. To cause to flee, strengthen self, hasten, HV uz, 5. Jer. 6. I gather yourselves to flee out of the midst 5. To bo gathered, assembled, fsfi qoibats, 2. I Ch.ii. I Then all Israel gathered themselves to D. 13. 2 that they may gather themselves unto us 6. To press, gat/ier or assemble self, fap qabats, 7* Josh. 9. 2 they gathered themselves together, to J Sa.22. 2 gathered themselves unto him : and ho GATHER selves to flee, to — To cause to flee, strengthen self, hasten, 11V uz, o, Isa. 10. 31 inhabitants, .gather themselves to Ilea GATHER selves together, to -^ l.To be gathered, npN asaph, 2. Gen. 34. 30 they shall gather themselves t"i%«the» 49. I Gather yourselves together, that I may Exod32. 26 the sons of Levi gathered themselves tog. 5 five kings., gathered themselves together Judg 20. 14 children of Benj. gathered themselv. tog 1 Sa. 13. s gathered themselves together to fight 13. II gathered themselves together at Michm. 1 CI1.19. 7 of Ammon gathered themselves together 2 Ch.30. 3 the people gathered themselves together Ezra 3. I gathered themselves together as one man Neh. 8. I the people gathered themselves together 12. 28 the singers gathered themselves together Psa. 35. 15 and gathered themselves together 35. IS theabjectsgathered themselves together 104. 22 they gather themselves together, and lay 2. To gatJier together, decree, i-tigadadi Psa. 94. 21 They gather themselves together against 3. To assemble, "fla gur. Psa. 56. 6 They gather themselves together, they i.To be met by appointment, IK yaad, 2. Num27. 3 of them thatgathered themselves togcwier 5.T0 he cried or called together, pyy tsaaq, 2. Judg. 7. 23, 24 the men. .gathered themselves togctlh 12. ' I gathered themselves together, and went 6.T0 he pressed togetlur, gathered, assembled, pp, 2. Gen. 49. 2 Gather yourselves together, and hear 1 Sa. 28. 4 gathered themselves together, and came 3 Ch.15. 10 So they gathered themselves together at 20. 4 Judah gathered themselves together, to Ezra 10. 7 should gather themselves together unto JO. 9 gathered themselves together unto Jems. Isa. 49. 18 all these gather themselves together 60. 4 all they gather themselves together, they Joel 3. II gather yourselves together round about 7.T0 press^ {or gather) .lelf together, pp qabats. 7. i Sa. 8, 4'pathered themselveStogethcr, and camo 3 8a. 2. is gathered themselves together after Abnei GATHER 385 GATHERING 8- To be congregated, ^np qahal, 2. Eiodjz. 1 the people gathered themselves together Kujni6. 3 they gatnered themselves together against 20. 2 they gathered themselves together agaiust Josh 2?. 12 gathered themselves together at ShUoh Esth. 8 II to gather themselves together, and to g. 2 The Jews gathered themselves together 9. 15 the Jews, .gathered themselves together ^ 9. 16 gathered themselves together, and stood IO.T0 gather self together, VVH qashash, 7a: Zeph. 2. I Gatheiyoarselves togetlier. .0 nation not •ATHEK the grape thereof, to -=— To make common, 777 chalal, 3. Deut 28. 30 and shalt not gather the grapes fltereof 6ATHEB together, to — \.To gather together or up, flOK aaapk. Gen. 29. 22 Laban gathered together all the men of Exod. 3. iS Go, and gather the elders of Israel toget. 4. 29 gathered together all the elders of the Knin2i. 16 Gather the people together, and I will 21. 23 Sihon gathered all his people together Judg. 9. 6 all the men of Sbechem gathered together 11. 20 but Sihon gathered all his people together 16. 23 lords of the Philiattces gathered them to. f Sa, , 5. 11 and ^thered together all the lords of 17. I the Philistines gathered together their ar. c Sa. 10. 17 he gathered all Israel together, and pas, 12. 28 gather the rest of the people together 12. 29 David gathered all the people together I Ki. 10. 26 Solomon gathered together chariots and I Ch.23. 2 he gathered together all the princes of I. s Ch.28. 24 Ahaz gathered together the vessels of the 29. 4 gathered them together into the east 34. 29 sent and gathered together all the elders Fsa. 50. 5 Gather my saints together unto ma 2.7*0 assemble, "flJ gur. Ti"i i 54. 15 they shall surely gather together.. not 54. IS whosoever shall gather together against 8.7*0 {cause to) cry or call together, PUT zaaq, 6. Judg. 4. 13 Sisera gathered together ah. his chariots i.To heap up, gather, Djj kanas. I Ch.22. 2 commanded to gather together the stra. Esth. 4. 16 Go, gather together all the Jews (that are) Eccl. 3. 5 and a time to gather stones together (>.To Jieap up, gather, Djj kanas, 3. Paa.147. a he gathereth together the outcasts of la, 6.7*0 gather, heap up, i^j? kenash. Dan: 3. a king sent to gather together the princes 7.7*0 fill in or up, complete, nJh? male, 3. Jer. 4. 5 gather together, and say, A.ssemble your. 8. 7*0 draw away or out, pnj nathaq, 5. a Ch.34. 17 they have gathered together the money 9.7*0 heap up, TSy tsabar. Exod. 8. 14 they gathered them together upon heaps la.To press together, gather, assemble, fSi} qabats. Judg. 12, 4 Jephthah gathered together all the men X Sa. 28. I gathered their armies together for warf. e8. 4 and Saul gathered all Israel together sg. I gathered together all their armies to A. a Sa, «. 30 when he had gathered all the people tog I Ki.18. 20 gathered the prophets together imto mo ao. I Ben-hadad. .gathered all his host togeth. 22. 6 gathered the prophets together, about a 18 Jehu gathered all the people together a Ch. 18. J gathered together of prophets four hun. 24. 5 he gathered together the priests and the 25. s Amaziah gathered Judah together, and " 32. 6 and gathered them together to him in Ezra 7. 28 I gathered together out of Israel chief 8. 15 I gathered them together to the river Neh. 7. 5 tcvgather together the nobles, and the rm Esth. 2. 3 that they may gather together all the 11.7*0 be gathered, assembled, f3p qabats, 2. I Sa. 7. 6 they gathered together to llizpeh, and 12. To press, gather or collect together, pij qabats, 3. I Ch.i6. 3S gather us together, and deliver us from Heh.13. II I gathered them together, and set them Isa. ir. 13 gather together tho dispersed of Judah 82. 9 ye gathered together tho waters of tho \Z.To press or gather self together, {"s;; qabats, 7. Jer. 49. 14 Gather ye together, and come against 14.7*0 cau^e to bongregate, convene, 7rji5 qahal, 5. Eiod35. 1 gathered all the congregation, .together Lev. 8. 3 gather thou all the congregation together Num. 8. 9 Shalt gather the whole assembly, .toget. ' 20. 8 gather thou the assembly together, thon 20. 10 gathered tho congregation togethcrbef ore Deut. 4. 10 Gather me the people together, and I vrlU 31. 12 Gather the people together, men, and X Ch. 13. s So David gathered all Israel together 15. 3 And David gathered all Israel tofcether Job II. 10 If he cut ofif. .or gather together, then 15. 7*0 gather, efj?i> qashash. Zeph. 2. 1 gather together, nation not desired •16.7*0 cause to.hear, summon, yp?" shamea, 3.^ I Sa. 15. 4 Saul gathered the people together, and 17.7*0 lead or bring iogethor, kwicrvvdyo} episunagd, ■ Matt.24. 31 they shall gather together his 2;.. 37. Mark i. 33 ail the city was gathered together at the Marl£i3. 27 shall gather together his elect from the Lukei2. I when there were gatliered together an 13- 34 gathered thy children together, as a hen 18.7*0 lay together, trvWiyu suUegO. Matt. 13. 30 Gather ye together Ilrst the tares, and 19.7*0 lead together, avvdya sunagS. Matt. 2. 4 gathered all tho chief priests . . together,lie 22. 10 gathered together all as many as they 25. 32 before him shaU bo gathered all 22. 34. Mark 4. 1 there was gathered unto him a great 6. 30 the apostles gathered themselves toget. I-ukei5. 13 the younger son gathered all together John 6. 13 Therefore they gathered, .together, and II. 52 but that also ho should gather together Acts 14. 27 and had gathered the church together 15. 30 they had gathered the multitude togoth. Eev. 16. 16 he gathered them together into a place 20. 8 nations, .to gather ^em together to bat. 20. To crowd or assemble together, (rvvaSpoi^a sun. Iiuke24. 33 and found tho eleven [gathered together] Acta 12. la where many were gathered together pr. " 21.7*0 add, increase, continue, ip; yasaph, 6. a Sa. 6, I David gathered together all (the) chosen OATHEE together hi one, to — To make up under one head, iyaK«pa\ai6onau Eph. !. 10 he might gather together in one all OATHEE np, to — 1. 7*0 gather together or up, io>! asapk. Gen. 49. 33 he gathered up his feet into the bed s2.7'o glean, gather, BpS laqat, 3. Gen. 47. 14 Joseph gathered up all the money that 'i Sa. 20. 38 Jonathan's lad gatnered ap the arrows S.To press or gather togetlier, f*3p qabats. Gen. 41. 48 he gathered np all the food of the seven i.To'press, gather or collect together, pp qabats, 3. Jer. 49. 5 none shaU gather up him that wandereth Hos. 9. 6 Egypt shall gather them up, Memphis 5. 7*0 lay together, ovWeya svllegO. Matt.13. 28 Wilt thou then that wo. .gather them npt 13. 29 Nay ; lest, while yo gather up tho tares 6.7*0 lead together, avvdyta sunagS. John 6. 12, Gather np tho fragments that remain OATHEBEO, to be — 1.7*0 be gathered {together or up,) 1P>ji asaph, 2, Gen. 25. 8 Then Abraham . . was gathered to his e$. 17 Ishmael. .was gathered unto his people ag. 3 And thither were all the floclts gathered 35. 29 Isaac . . died, and was gathered unto his 49. 39 I am to be gathered unto my people 49. 33 Jacob . . was gathered unto his people Kmnao. 24 Aaron shall be gathered unto his people ao. 26 Aaron sliall bo gathered . . and shaU die t7. 13 thou also shalt be gathered unto thy pe. B7. 13 as Aaron thy brother was gathered 31. 3 afterward shalt thou be gathered unto Dent 32. 50 die. .and be gathered unto thy people 32. 50 as Aaron . . was gathered unto his people Judg. 2. 10 all. .were gathered unto their fathers 6. 33 the children of the east were gathered ao. 1 1 So all the men of Israel wero gathered a Sa. 17. II I counsel that all Israel bo. .gathered a Ki.22. 20 thou shalt bo gathered into thy grave in a Ch.34. 28 thou shalt be gathered to thy grave in Job 27. 19 The rich man. .shall not be gathered: he ■Prov 27. 25 and herbs of the mountains are gatherdd Isa. 49. 5 Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall Jer. 8. 2 they shall not be gathered, nor be buried 25. 33 they shall not bo. .gathered, nor buried Mlc. 4, II many nations are gathered against thee 2.7*0 be gtdhered [togeth^ or up), ipx asaph, i. Isa. 241 23 And they shall be gathered together 33. 4 your .spoil shall bo gathered, .the gather, Eze. 3S. 12 the people . .gathered out of tho nations Hos. la 10 tlie people shaU be gathered against them 3.7*0 assonble, -m gur. Pea. 59. 3 tho mighty are gathered against me ; not 14a 2 continually are they gathered together 4.7*0 be cried or called together, pn] axaq, 2. Judg. 6. 34 and Abi-ezcr was gathered after him 6. 35 Manasseh ; who also was gathered alter 6.7*0 be gleaned, gathered, Bp7 laqat, 4> Isa. 27. 12 yo shall bo gathered one by one, yo ch. 6. 7*0 gather self together, epji laqat, 7. Judg. II. 3 there were gathered vain men to Jeph. 7. To press, gather, assemble, fjp qabats. Neh. 5. 16 all my servants, .gathered thither unto 8.2*0 be pressed, gathered, assembled, r^i} qabats, 2. 3 Chi 13. 7 And there are gathered unto him vain Isa. 34. IS there shall the vultures also bo gathered t-A.w 56. 8 besides those that are gathered xmto Mm Jer. 40. IS that all the Jews which are gathered unto Eze. 29. 5 shalt not bo brought together, nor g.\th. 9.7*0 bepressed, gathered or assembled, pp qabats, 4. Eze. 38. 8 gathered out of many people, against 10. To be congregated, "jcp qahal, 2. • Numi6. 42 the congregatton was gathered against , Jer. 26. 9 all the people were gathered against Je, Itl To be gathered or bound together, niP qavah, 2, Jer. 3. 17 all tho nations shall be gathered unto it . GATHERED together, to bo — l.To be gathered, rpK asaph, 2. Gen. 29. 7 that the cattle should be gathered toget. 29. 8 until all the flocks be gathered together Lev. 26. 33 when ye are gathered together within Nuraii. 32 shall all tho flsh of tho sea be gathered t. I Ba. 17. 1 and were gathered together at Shochoh 17. 2 Saul and. .Israel were gathered together 1 8a. 33. 9 wero there gathered together to battle 23. II were gathered together into a troop I Ch.11. 13 there the Philistines wero gathered togo. 3 Ch.13. 5 princes, .that were gathered together to Neh. 8. 13 on the second day were gathered togeth, Psa. 47. 9 princes of the people are gathered toget. lea. 13. 4 of the kingdoms of nations gathered tog. Zech.i3. 3 though.*ll the people .. be gathered toge. 2. 2*0 be gathered, i]0^ asaph, 4. Zcch.14. 14 tho wealth .. shall be gathered together 3.7*0 gather self together, icx asaph, 7. Dout 33. 5 tho tribes of Israel were gathered toget. 4. 7*0 6e cried or called together, pyt xaaq, 2. Judg j8. 22 tho men . . were gathered together, and 5.7*0 be met together by appointment, iv) yaad, 2. Numi4- 35 that are gathered together against me 16. 1 1 ail thy company (arc) gathered together 6. 7*0 be heaped up, gathered together, t'jj kenash, 4. Dan. 3. 3 TTcro gathered together unto the dcdfca. 3. 27 .find the princes, .being gathered togeth. 7.7*0 be dd GATHERER — To cultivate, gather, or seen out figs, 075 balas. Amos 7. 14 but I (was), .a gatherer of sycamore &ult GATHERING — \. Gathering, fp^ oseph-. Isa, 32. 10 shall fall, the gathering shall not c&CM 33. 4 gathered . . the gathering of the caterpiUa^ 2.0bedienee, expectation, hope, nnp; yigqhah. ■ Gen. 49. 10 andtmtohim. .the gathering of the people 3.7*0 gather, v^a qashash, 3a. Nnm 15. 33 And they that found him gatherllig sticks J Kl. 17. 10 the widow woman (was) there gathering 17. 12 and, behold, I (am) gathering two lUck* i.Laying aside, collection, \oyla logic. 1 Co, i& a that tbare be no gatheringa when I eon>» 4d GATHERING 386 GENEALOGY OATHEEIWO together — I.Collection, nipa iniqvch. Gen. I. lo tia gathering together of the waters ^.Lec^di7ig together urJo, iiriffwayuyl^ cpisunagoge. a Th. 2. I and (by) our gathering together unto him GATH HE'-PHEB, nsn n| wine press of the well. A city of Zebulun, not far from Japhia (now called Yafa) • the naiive place of the prophet Jonah, whose repufed tomb is shown at the village of Bl-Meehhad on the top of a hill, two miles E. of Sufwieh. It is called Gittak-hepher, In Josh. 19. 13. 3 Ki.14. 25 which he spake by . .Jonah, .of G. H. GATH BIM'-HON, jiaT m wine press of Rimmon. 1. A Xevitical city of J)an on th^ plain of Philistia near Joppa. Josh 19. 45 And Jehud, and Beneberak, and G. 2. A Levitical town of the half tribe of M anasseh W- of the Jordon. In i Ch. 6. 70, it is called Bilcam. Josh 21. 25 Taanach with her suburbs, and G. with I Ch. 6. 69 Aijalon with her suburbs, and G. with GAY — Bright, XanrrpSs lampros. Jas. 2. 3 to him that weareth the gay clothing GA'-ZA, njH, Vd^a, the strong place. 1. One of the five chief cities of the Philistines, and still called Ghuzzeh or Azzah. lake Damascus it is remark- able for its existence from the remotest times. It is Btill a place of importance, and even yet larger than Jerusalem. Gen. 10. 19 the border of the Canaanites was.. untoG. Josh. 10. 41 smote them fromKadesh-bamea.. unto G. 11. 22 only in G. . .and in Ashdod, there rema. 15. 47 G. with her towns and her villages Judg. 1. 18 Also Judah took G. with the coast thereof 16. I Then went Samson to G., and saw there 16. 21 the Philistines .. brought him down to G. 1 Sa. 6. 17 trespass offering unto the Lord, .ior G. 2 K. j. 18. 8 He smote the Philistines . . unto G. Jer. 47. I that came . . before that Pharoah smote 6. 47. 5 Baldness is come upon G. ; Ashkelon is .Amos I. 6 For three transgressions of G. . . I will not I. 7 I will send a fire on the wall of G., which Zeph. 1. 4 G. shaU be forsaken, and Ashkelon a des Zech. 9. 5 G. also, .and be .. sorrowful, and Ekron 9. 5 the king shall perish from G., and Ashk. Acts 8. 26 that goeth down from Jerusalem unto G. f . A city of Ephraim. Judg. 6. 4 increase of. .earth, till thou eome unto G. 1 Ch. 7. 28 Shechem also and the towns, .unto G. I'AZ'-ZAM, DJ? devour er, swaggerer ; he sens of Gazzam were among the families of the ; Tethinim who returned from the exile with Zerubbabel. Uo. 536. Ezra 2. 48 children of Nekoda, the children of G. Keh. 7. 51 The children of G., tho children of Uzza nA-ZA-THITE8, GA-ZITES, D^njH. Lhe inhabitants of Gaza or Azzah. Josh. 13. 3 five lords of the Philistines ; the G., and Jndg lO, 2 (And it was told) tho G., saying, Samson Gaze, to — \.To see, look, behold, hnt raah. Exodig. 21 lest they break through, .to gaze, and % To look into, in^Xiira eniblepo. Acts I. II why stand ye gazing up into heaven ! this OA'-ZEE, "ija precipice^ See Gezer. The difference in the orthography arises from the Helirew accent being hero attended to, though neglected in other places where the same form occurs. 2 Sa. 5. 25 smote . .from Geba until thou come toG. 1 Ch. 14. 16 smote. .Philistines from Gibeon. .to G. GA'-ZEZ, li| shearer. 1. A son of Caleb by Ephah his concubine. B.C. 1520. I Ch. 2. 46 Ephah. .bare Haran, and Moza, and G. i2i Grandson of Caleb son of Jephunnch. B.C. 1500. 1 Ch. 2. 46 bare Haran. . and Haran begat G. GAZING stock — Sight, appearance, 'N^ roi. Nah. 3. 6 And I . .will set thee as a gazing stock GAZING stoct , to make a — To make a sjectacU, Bearpl^ta theatrizo. Heb. 10. 3j whilst ye were made a gazing stock both 6E'-BA, wa, Va^aa, height, hill. A Levitical city of Benjamin. In the cities along the N. boundary the name is given as Gaba (a change due to- the emphasis in Hebrew before a pause), and the same change occurs in Ezra 2. 26 ; Neh. 7. 30 and 11. 31 ; 2 Sa. 5. 25.; 2 Ki. 23. 8; the last three of the»« being in the Common Version Geba. In one place the name Geba is used as the northern landmark of the kingdom of Judah and Beqjamin, in the expression " from Geba to Benja- min" (2 j£i. 23. 8.); and also asan eastern limit to Gazer (2 Sa. 5. 25). Josh 21. 17 Gibeon with her suburbs, O. with her » Sa. 13. 3 the garrison of the Philistines, .in G. 2 Sa. s. 25 and smote the Pliilistines from G. . . to I Kl. 15. 22 king Aaa built with them G. of Benjamin 9 Ki. 23. 8 the priests had burnt incenae, from G. t Ob. 6. ^ out of the tribe of Benjamin ; 0. 1 Ch. 8. 6 of tho fathers of tho inhabitants of G. 2 Ch. 16. 6 and ho built therewith G. and iMizpah Keh. 11. 31 Tiio children also of Benjamin from G. 12. 29 out of the flelds of G. and Azmaveth Isa. 10. 29 they have taken up their lodging at G. Zech 14. 10 a plain from G. to Rimmon south of Jer. GE'-S.^, '?3a border, hilly. 1. The city Bihylus, S. of Sidon, near tho sea. Eze. 27. 9 The ancients of G. . .were in thee thy 2. A district between the S. end of the Salt Sea and Petra, inhabited by Edom, Psa. 83. 7 G., and Ammou, and Amalck ; the Phili. GE'-BEE, -153 strcnig. 1. "The son of Geber," who had charge of Havoth-Jalr and the district of Argob for Solomon. B.C. 1014. I KX 4. 13 The son of G., in Ramoth-gUead ; to hiin 2. Geber, the son of Uri, had " the land of Gilead," a district S. of the former — the country originally pos- sessed by Sihon and Og — probably the modern Bellca, the great pasture lands of the tribes E. of the Jordan. I Ki. 4. 19 G. the son of Uri. .in the country of Gil. OE'-BUI, D"a3 springs, cisterns, ditches. A city of Benjamin, between Anathoth and the ridge on which Nob was s.ituated. Compare Gob. Isa. 10. 31 tho inhabitants of G. gather themselves GE-DAL'-IAH, ?n;^n3, n;^i3 Jah is great. 1. Son of Ahikam and grandson of Shapiian king josiah's secretary. After the destruction of the temple (B.C. 588) Nebuchadnezzar left Gedaliah with a Chaldiean guard at Mizpeh, six miles N. of Jerusalem, to govern the vine- dressers and husbandmen loft in the land. 3 Ki. 25. 22 over them he made G. the son of Ahikam 25. 23 the king of Babylon had made G. gover. 25. 23 there came to G. to Mizpah, even Ish. 25. 24 G. sware to them, and to their men, and 25.25 Ishmael the son of Nethaniah . . smote G. Jer. 39. 14 Even they sent, .committed him unto G. 40. 5 Go back also to G. the son of Ahikam 40. 6 Then went Jeremiah unto G. the son of 40. 7 the king of Babylon had made G. . .gover. 40. 8 Then they came to G. to Mizpah, even Is. 40. 9 And G. the son of Ahikam. .sware unto 40. II he had set over them G. the son of Ahi. ' 40. 12 Jews, .came to the land of Judah, to G. 40. 13 and all the captains .. came to G. to M. 40. 14 But G. the son of Ahikam believed them 40. 15 Then J'ohanan. .spake to G. in Mizpah 40. 16 But G. the son of Ahikam said unto Jo. 41. I Ishmael . . came unto G. the son of Ahi. 42. 2 Then arose Ishmael . . and smote G.the son 41. 3 also slew all the Jews that were., with G. 41. 4 And it came to pass . . after he had slain G. 41. 6 he said. .Come to G. the son of Ahikam 41. 9 tho men, whom he had slain because of G. 41. 10 Nebuzar-adan . .had committed to G. 41. 16 after (that) he had slain G. the son of A. 41. 18 because Ishmael. .had slain G. the son 43. 6every person.. Nebuzar-adan . . left with G. 2. A Levite, one of the six sons of Jeduthun. I Ch.2s. 3 the sons of Jeduthun ; G., and Zeri, and 23. 9 the second to G., who with his brethren 3. A priest that bad taken a strange wife in,the exile. B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 18 Maaseiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib, andG. i. Grandfather of Zephaniah the prophet. B.C. 700. Zeph. I. I Cushi, the son of G., the son of Amariah 5. A prince who caused Jeremiah to be imprisoned. B.C. 590. Jer. 38. I G. the son of Pashur... heard the words GE-DE'-ON, TfZedv, Oreek form of the Heb. Gideon: Heb. II. 32 for the time would fail me to tell of G. GE'-DEE, T]3 walled. A royal city of the Canaanites taken by Joshua. It was on the W. of the Jordan, in the extreme ;S. It was not the same as Gedor which was between Hebron and Bethlehem ; nor was it Gederah in the low country but may be the Gedor named in i Ch. 4. 39, la connection with the Simeonites. Josh. 12. 13 king of Debir, one ; the king of G., one GE-DE'-BAH, n-ji?ii sheep cote. A city in the lowlands of Judah. Josh. 15. 36 Sharaim, and Adithaim, and G., andGed. GE-DE-EA-THITE, 'Jiina. Inhabitant of Gfederah. I Ch.i2, 4 Jahaziel, aiid Johanan, and Jozabad tho G. GE-DE-KITE, 'nia. An inhabitant of Geder. 1 Ch.27. 28 in the low plains. .Baal-hanan the G. GE-DE-EOTH, nnia sheepcotes- A town in the lowlands of Judah. Josh.15. 41 6., Beth-dagon, and Naamah, and Mak. 2 Ch.28. 18 G., and Shocho with the villages thereof' GE-DE-KO-THA-IH, D^o'Ti? tivo sheep/olds. A town in the pastureland of Judah. Josh. 15. 36 Sha., and Adhitaim, and Gederah, and G. GE'-DOE, in?, 113. 1. A city in the mountainous part of Judah a few miles N. of Hebron. It is now called JedUr, and half- way between Bethlehem and Hebron ; but the Gmdur of Eusebius is more likely, and is ten miles S. of Dlospolls (now called I/ddd), Josh. IS. 58 BaUiul, Be(}i-2ur, and Q. 2. The town of Jcroham whoso soja were among tho mighty men of Benjamin who joined David at Ziklag. I Ch.i2. 7 Joelah, and Zeb tho sons of Jeroham of O. 3. The son of Jehlel father of Gibeon, and an ancestor of Saul. B.C. 1 100 I Ch. ,8. 31 And G., and Ahio, and Zacher 9. 37 G., and Ahio, and Zechariah, apd Mikloth 4. This name occurs twice in the genealogies of Judah, — in the former Penuel is called tho father of Gedor, and in the latter Jered is in the same relation. In tho Targum both these names (with others) are given to Moses by Jehudijah, who is identified with the daughter of Pharaoh. I Ch. 4. 4 Penuel the father of G., and Ezer the fa. 4. 18 Jehudijah bare Jered the father of G. . 6. A place in the tribe of Simeon, in the extreme S. of Judah, and different from that named under No. i. It was between the S. of Judah and Mount Selr, i.e. Petra. 1 Ch. 4. 39 And they went to the entrance of Q. GE-HA'-ZI, Mn'a denier, diminisher. The servant of the prophet Elisha. B.C. 894. 2 Ki. 4. 12 And he said to G. his servant. Call this 4. 14 G. answered. Verily she hath no child 4. 25 to G. his servant. Behold . . that Shima. 4. 27 but G. came near to thrust her away 4. 29 Then he said to G., Gird up thy loins 4. 31 G. passed on before them, and laid the 4. 36 he called G., and said. Call this Shunam. 5. 20 G., the servant of Elisha the man of God 5. 21 So G. followed after Naaman 5. 25 And Elisha said unto him. Whence. .G.? 8. 4 the kSng talked with G., the servant of the 8. 5 G. said. .0 king, this (is) the woman, and GE-lf-IOTH, nh'hi^ circles. A place named among the points marking the S. boundary line of Benjamin. This boundary went from Enshemesh towards Geliloth over against the ascent of Adummin. In Josh. 15. 7, GUgal is substituted for Geliloth. Josh 18. 17 G., which (is) over against the going np of GE-EAL'-U, 'Vq3 camel owner. A Danite, father of Ammiel, ruler of his tribe, and one of the twelve men sent out to explore the land. B.C. 1490. Numi3. 12 Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the son of G. GE-MAR'-IAH, .T")5^, ''innf 1. Son of Shaphan and fatlier of Micaiah. B.C. S99- Jer. 36. 10 in the chamber of Q. the son of Shaphan 36. 1 1 When Michaiah the son of G. . .had heard 36. 12 all the princes sat there, (even). .G., the 36. 25 G., had made intercession to the king.that 2. Son of Hilkiah, sent (B.C. 597) by king Zedekiah as ambassador to Nebuchadnezzar, and the bearer of Jeremiah's letter to the captive Jews Jer. 29. 3 By the hand of . .G. the son of Hilkiah GENDES, to — ■ \.To beget, ^^; yalad. Job 38. 29 the hoary frost, .who hath gendered Itt 2. 2*0 cause to pass through, "13 j; ahar, 3. Job 21. 10 Their bull gendereth, and faileth not 3. To beget, •yivvdu gennao. Gal. 4. 24 which gendereth t<) bondage, which is A. 2 Ti. 2. 23 knowing that they dcfgender strifes 6ENDEE, to let — To cause to lie down, J731 raba, 5. Lev. 19. 19 Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with GENEALOGIES — Genealogy, yeveaXoyia gencalogia. I Ti. I. 4 Neither give heed to . . endless genealogies GENEALOGIES, to be reckoned by — To reckon by genealogy, ts-ri; yachas, I Ch. 5. 17 All these ivere reckoned by genealogies 9. I So all Israel were reckoned by genealo. GENEAIOGY — \.To be reckoned by genealogy, bn; yachai, 7. I Ch. 4. 33 These . . their habitations, and their gene. 7. 5 reckoned in all by their genealogies four. 7. 7 were reckoned bytheir genealogies twenty 7. 9 after their genealogy by their generations 7. 40 the number throughout the genealogy of a Ch. 12. 15 written in the book .. concerning genea.? 31. 16 Besides their genealogy of males, from 31. 17 Both to the genealogy of the priests by 31. 18 And to the genealogy of all their littlo 31. 19 to all that were reckoned by genealogies Ezra 2. 62 those that were reckoned by genealogy 8. I the genealogy of them that went up with Neh. 7. 64 those that were reckoned by genealogy 2.Genealogy, 'wry yachas. Neh. 7. 5 I found a register of the genealogy of ^.Genealogy, yeveakoyla genealogia. Titus 3. 9 But avoid, .genealogies, and contentions 6ENEAL06T, to be reckoned — To be reckoned by genealogy, lyn; yachas, 7. I Ch. 5. I the genealogy is not to be reckoned after .5. 7 families, when the genealogy . .was reck, 9. 22 These were reckoned by their gencalogyin Ezra 8. 3 were reckoned by genealogy of the males Neh. 7. .5 that they might be reolwned by gcnea. iGENEJRAL I- 387 GENTILE GENERAX — prince, head, chief, captain, "i'S sar. I i Ch. 27. 34 the general of the king's army (was) J. GENERALLT — .2*0 be gathered, qox asaph, 2. >' 2 Sa. :7. II Israel bo generally gathered unto thee GENEEATIOH — . , 1. Circle, generation, "v^ dor. Gen. 6. 9 a just man (and) perfect in his generations \.7. I righteous before nie in this generation /g. T2 which I make, .for perpetual generations 15. 16 But in the fourth generation they shall 17. 7, 9 thy seed after thee in their generations 17. 12 every man child in your generations, he 'Exod. I. 6 And Joseph died . . and all that generation 3. 15 this (is) my memorial unto all generations 2. 14 a feast, .throughout your generations 12. 17 observe tliis day in your generations by 12. 42 to be observed, .in their generations 16. 32, 33 an omer. .to be kept for your genera. 17. j6 war with Araalek from generation to gen. 27. 21 a statute for ever unto their generations 29. 42 olf ering throughout your generations, (at) 30. 8 perpetual incense, .tliroughoutyour gen. 30. lo atonement, .tiu-oughout your generations 30. 21 to his seed throughout their generations 30. 31 oil unto me throughout your generations 31. i3asign.. throughout yourgeneraticns; that 31. 16 observe the sabbath throughout their ge. '40. IS priesthood throughout their generations liOT. 3. 17 a perpetual statute for your generations 6. iS a statute for ever in your generations 7. 36 for ever throughout their generations 10. 9 a statute .. throughout your generations 17. 7 unto them throughout their generations EI. 17 tliy seed in their generations that hath £2. 3 of all your seed among your generations 23. 14, 31 for ever throughout your generations 23. 21 a statute. .tliTougiiout yoiu- generations 23. 41 a statute for ever in your generations : ye E3. 43 That your generations may know that I 24." 3 a statute for ever in your generations .' 25. 30 established, .throughout his generations ^omio. 8 ordinance for ever throughout your gen. ' IS. 14 whosoever (be) among you in your gener. 15. 15 an ordinance for ever in your generations 15. 21 an heave offering in your generations 15. 23 henceforward among your generations 15. 38 fringes, .throughout their generations 18. 23 for ever throughout your generations 32. 13 forty years, until all the generation, that 35. 29 unto you throughout your generations. Deat. I. 35 not one of these men of this evil genera. 2. 14 until all the generation of the men of war 7. 9 keepeth covenant, .to a thousand genera. 23. 2 even to his tenth generation shall lie not 23. 3 even to their tenth generation shall they 23. 8 children, .shall enter, .in their third gen. 2g. 22 So that the generation to come., shall say 32. 5 a perverse ac.l crooked generation 32. 7 consider the years of many generations 32. 20 for they (are) a very froward generation '.Josh 22. 27 our generations after us, that we might 22. 2S say . .to our generations in time to come Judg. 2. 10 all that generation were gathered unto 2. to and there arose another generation after 3. 2 Only that the generations . .might know ii ChiiO. 15 he commanded to a thousand generations Esth. 9. 28 and kept tlvroughout every generation Job 42. 16 lived Job. .and saw. .(even) four genera. iPsJL 12. 7 preserve them from generation for 14. 5 God (is) in the generation of the righteous 22. 30 it shall be aciTouuted . . f or a generation 24. 6 tlie generation of them that seek liim 33. II the thoughts of his heart to all gener.i. 45. 17 name to beremembcrcdinallgenerations 48. 13 ye may tell (it) to the generation follow. 49. II their dwelling places to pU generations 49. 19 He shall go to the generation of his fath. 61. 6 wilt prolong, .his years as many genera. 71. 18 showed thy strength unto (this) genera. 72. 5 They shall fear thee . . throughout all gen. 73. 15 I should offend (against) the generation 78. ' 4 showing to the generation to come the 78. 6 That the generation to come might know 78. 8 rebellious generation; a generation (that) 79. 13 show forth thy praise to all generations 8s. 5 draw out thine anger to all generations? Eg. I make known thy faithfulness to all gen. 89. 4 build up thy throne to all generations 90. I been our d v/elling place in all generations 95. 10 long was I grieved vr-jth (tliis) generation loo. 5 and Ms truth (endure th) to all generations 102. T2andthyremembranceunto all generations ' 102. 18 be ^vritten for the generation to come 102. 24 thy years (are) throughout all generations 105. 8 he commanded to a 'thousand generations 106. 31 for righteousness unto all generations for log. 13 in the generation follomng let their name 112. 2 the generation of the upright shall be 119. 90 Thy faithfulness (is) unto all generations 135. 13 thy memorial., throughout all generations 14s. 4 One generation shall praise thy works to 14s. 13 dominion (endureth) throughout all gen. 146. 10 The Lord shaU reign ...unto all genera. ■Prov 27. 24 doth the crown (endure) to every gener. ? 30. II a generation (that) curseth their father 30. 12 generation (that are) pure in their own 3<5. 13 a generation, O how lofty are their eyes ! ap. 14 a generation, whose teeth (are as) swords Kcol. T. /, gencntnnpa.-sethaway.and.. generation Isa. 13, 10 dwelt i!i fr ^ni g.^ncration to generation 34. 10 from generation to generation it shall lio 34. 17 from generation to generation shall they 41. 4 calling the generations from the beginn ? 51. 8 my salvation from generation to genera. 51. 9 awake, as in the ancient days, in the gtn. 53. £ and who shall decl.-ire his generation? 58. 12 Shalt raise up the foundations of many g. 60. 15 I will make thee.. a joy of many genera.? 61. 4 repair, .the desolations of many general. Jer. 2. 31 O generation, see ye the word of the Lord 7. 29 .-ind forsaken the generation of his wrath so. 39 dwelt in from generation to generation Lam. 5. 19 thy throne from generation to generation Joel 1. 3 and their children another generation 2. 2 any more . .to the years of many generat. . 3. 20 Jerusalem from generation to generation 2.Circle, generation, tj dar. Dan. 4. 3 his dominion (is) from generation to gen. 4. 34 his kingdom (is) from generation to gene. Z.Oenerativii, y^veti genca. Matt. I. 17 all the generations, .(arc) fourteen gene. 1. 17 into Babylon (arc) fourteen generations 1. 17 unto Clirist (are) fourteen generations 11. 16 whereunto shall 1 liken this generation ? 12. 39 An e\'il. .generation sceketh after a sign 12. 41 shall rise hi judgment with this generat. 12. 42 rise up in the judgment with this gener. 12. 45 Even so. .also unto this ivicked generation 16. 4 A wicked and adulterous generation seek. 17. 17 Ofaithless and perverse generation, how 23. 36 All . .shall come upon this generation 24. 34 This generation shall not pass, till all Hai'k 8. 12 Why doth thisgenerationseekafterasign? 8. 12 There siiall no sign be given unto this ge. ■' 8. 38 in this adulterous and sinful generation / 9. 19 faithless generation, how long shall I 13. 30 this generation shall not pass, till all luUe I. 48 henceforth all generations shall call me 7. 31 shall I liken the men of this generation ? • 9. 41 faithless and perverse generation, how II. 29 This is an evil generation : they seek a II. 30 so shall, .the Son of man be to this gene. 11. 31 rise up. .with the men of this generation II. 32 rise up in the judgment with this gener. J I. 50 blood, .may be required of this generat. 11. 51 It shall be required of this generation 16. 8 are in their generation wiser than the 17. 25 first must he. .be rejected of this genera. • 21. 32 This generation shall not pass away Acts 2. 40 Save yourselves from this, .generation ~ 8. 33 and who shall declare his generation ? 13. 36 David, after he had served his own gen. Col. I. 26 mystery, hid from ages and from genera. Eeb. 3. 10 1 was grieved with that generation, and ^. Birth, origin, yivecri^ genesis. Matt. I. I The book of the generation of Jesus Chr! h. Progeny, produce, yivvT]fxa gennema. Matt. 3. 7 generation of v-pers, who hath warned 12. 34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being 23. 33 serpents, .generation of vipers, how can Luke 3. 7 O generation of vipers, who hath warned G.Race, kind, yivos genos. I Pe. 2. 9 But ye . . a chosen generation, a royal GENERATION to generation, from — To generations of generations, els •yececky yfyeHv. Luke I. 50 that fear him [from generation to gener.] GENERATIONS — Generations, Krilis, r'nVin tolcdoih. . . Gen. 2. 4 These (are) the generations of the heav. 5. T Tills Os) the book of the generations of 6. 9 These (are) the generations of Noah : No. 10. I the generations of the sons of Noah 10. 32 after their generations, in their nations 11. 10 These (are) the generations of Shem II. 27 Now these (are) the generations of Terah 25. 12 Now these (are) the generations oMshm. 25. 13 by thch' names, according to their gener. 25. 19 And these (are) the generations of Isaac 36. I Now these (are) the genera-.ions of Esau 36. 9 these (are) the generations of Esau the 37. 2 These ^are) the generations of Jacob Ezod 6. 16 the names .according to their generatl. 6. 19 the families , . according to the.'r generat. Num. I. 20 by their generations, attertheir families [So in v. 22, 24, 26. 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40.] I. 42 throughout their generations, after their 3. I These also (are) the generations of Aaron Ruth 4. 18 Now these (are) the generations of Pharez I Ch. I. 29 These (are) their generations : The first b. S. 7 when the genealogy of their generations 7. 2 valiant men (JT might in theis- generations 7. 4 And with them, by their generations 7. 9 after their genealogy by their generations 8. 28 heads of the fathers, by their generations 9. 9 their brethren, accoi ding to their gener. 9. 34 These, .(were) chief throughout their ge. 26. 31 chief . .according to the generations of GEN-NE-SA'-RET, (Sea, of), Tevvr\t near the end of David's reign. B.o. lOCX). ' ' I 20 the sister of Tahpenes bare him G. his 1 1 . 2o and G. was in Pharaoh's household among GE'-EA, VTQ enmity. A son of JBela. The text of i Ch. 8. 3 is corrupt, and the different Geras there named may be reduced to one, the son of Bela. The Gera of Judges 3. 15, as the ancestor of Ehud, and in 2 Sa. 16. 5 as the ancestor of fihlmei, la probably also this same person. B.O. 1650. ' Gen. 46. 21 the sons of Benjamin. .G., and Naaman Judg. 3. 15 a deliverer, Ehud the son of G;, a Benja. a Sa. 16. 5 whose name (was) Sheraei, the son of G. 19. t6 Shimei the son of G., a Benjamite, which 19. 18 Shimei the son of G. fell down before the % Kt 2. 8 behold. '.with thee Shimei the son of G. I Ch. 8. 3 the sons of Bela were, Addar, and G., and 8. 5 And G., and Shephuphan, and Huram ' 8, 7 ]}[aaman, and Ahiabj and G,, he removed GE'-EAH^ Oerah, a small coin, n"i3 gerah. Exod3o. 13 a shekel (Is) twenty gerahs : an half sfce.' Lev. 27. 25 shekel, .twenty gerahs shall be the shekel Num. 3. 47 shekel, .the shekel (is) twenty gerahs :; i8. j6 after the shekel., which (is) twenty gerahs Eze. 45. 13 And the shekel (shall be) twenty gerahs ' GE'-EAR, -Tfi circle, A ancient city 3. of Gaza, probably the birthplace of Isaac. Joorf-el-Oerar, as now existing, is three hours S.S.E. of Gaza, and limits the northern boundary of the territory, if not the actual site of the town. The Wady-el-Ain, is perhaps the site of the ancient Gerar where the wells were digged by Abraham and reopened by Isaac (Gen. 26. 18. 22.) Gen. 10. 19 from Sidon, as thou comest to Q., unto 20. I Abraham journeyed . . and sojourned in G, 2o. 2 Abimelech king of G. sent, and took S. a6. I And Isaac went unto Abimelech. .unto G. e6. 6 And Isaac dwelt in G. 26. 17 Isaac . . pitched his tent in the valley of Q. 26. 20 the herdmen of G. did strive with Isaac's 26. 26 Then Abimelech went to him from G. a Oh.14. 13 Asa and the people., pursued them unto G. 14. 14 they ^ote all the cities revrad about Q, OEE-OE-8EK'-E8, Tepyetfr)vot. The Inhabitants of a district S.E. of the lAko of Tlbcfla3, In some MSS. the reading is Gadarenoi. Matt. 8. 28 he was come . .into the coiatry of thotG.l OS-BI'-ZIH, D'>"!3 waste places. A mountain of the Gerizzitos, or dwellers In a " pfinrri" land (" a desert "), possibly the tribe subdued by David. Id conjunction with Mount Ebal it was the scene of a grat solemnity upon the entrance of Israel Into Dout II. 29 shalt put the blessing upon mount G. 27. 12 These shall stand upon mount G. to bless Josh. 8. 33 half of them over against moimt G., and Judg. 9. 7 he went and stood in the top of mount G. GEE'-SHODI, DiBiis a stranger there. 1. First bom son of Moses and Zipporah. B.C. 1500. Exod.2. 22 bare, .a son, and he called his name G. 18. 3 sons ; of which the name of the one . . .G. I Ch.23. 15 The sons of Moses. .G., and Eliezer 23. 16 Of the sons of G., Shebuel (was) the chief 26. 24 the son of G. . .(was) ruler of the treasures 2. Gershon eldest son of LevL B.o. 1700. I Ch. 6. 16 The sons of Levi ; O., Kohath, and llerarl 6. 17 these (be) the names of the sons of G.; L. 6. 20 Of G.; Libni his son, Jahath his son 6. 43 son of Jahath, the son of G., the son of 6. 62 AUd to the sons of G. . .thirteen cities B. 71 Unto the sons of G. . . out of the family of 15. 7 Of the sons of G.; Joel the chief, and his i. One of the family of Phinehas. B.g. 536. Ezra. 8. 2 Of the sons of Phinehas ; G. : of the sons 4.'Fathcr of Jonathan, a Levite that became piiest to the Danites that settled at Laish in the time of the Judges. Judg. 18. 30 Jonathan, the son ot G. . .he and Us sons GEE'-SHON, I'lenj. Another form of Gershom, son of Levi, found in the following passages : — Gen. 46. II tiie sons of Levi ; G., Kohath, and Mora. Esod. 6. 16 G., and Kohath, and Merari : and the €.17 sons of G. ; Libni, and Shimi, according tSxxci. 3. 17 sons of Levi. .G., and Kohath, and Mera. 3. 18 these (are) the names of the sons of G. 3. 21 Of G. . .the family of the Libnites, and the 3. 25 And the charge of the sons of G. in the 4. 32 Take also the sum of the sons of Ct. 4. 28 This (is) the service . . of the sons of Q. 4. 38 those that were numbered of the sons of G. 7. 7 four oxen he gave unto the sons of G. 10. 17 the sons of G. and the sons of Merari a6. 57 of G ., the family of the Gershonites : of Josh. 21. 6 the children of G. rtiad) by lot. .thirteen I Cb. 6. I The sons of Levi ; G., Kohath, and Mer. 33. 6 the sons of Levi, (namely), G., Kohath GEa-SHON-ITES, '3^13. Patronymic of the descendants of Gershon son of Levi Num. 3. 21 Shlmites: these (are) the families of the G. 3. 23 The families of the Q. shall pitch behind 3. 24 the chief . .of the G. . .Eliasaph the son: of 4. 24 the service of the families of the G. 4. 27 be all the service of the sons of the G. 26. 57 family of the G. : of Kohath, the family Josh. 21. 33 All the cities of the G. . .(were) thirteen I Ch.23. 7 Of the G. (were), Laadan, and Shimei 26. 21 the sons of the G. Laadan. .(were) Jehieli b6. 31 chief fathers, (even) of Laadan the G. 29. 8 treasure., by the hand of J ehlel the G. a Ch.2c. 12 of the G. ; Joah the son of Zinunab GE'-SHAK, ]f''i {prop. Geshan), firm, strong. A son of Jahdai of the family of Caleb. B.C. 1470. I Ch, 2. 47 Kegem, and Jothasi, and G., and Polat GE'-SHEM, D?'j corporealness. An Arabian who -with others opposed Nehemlab. B.C. 445. Net. 2. 19 But when. .G. the Arabian, heard (it) 6. I G. the Arabian . . heard that I had builded 6. a That Sanballat and G. sent unto me, say. GE'-BUUK, ■fle'j bridge-land. A kingdom in the.N.E. of Bashan adjoining Argob and Aram, and on the eastern slope of Hcrmon. ' \a Sa. 3. 3 Maacah the daughter of Talmai king of G. .13. 37 But Absalom fled, .to Talmai. .king of G. "13. 38 So Absalom fled, and wpnt to 6., and 14. 23 80 Joab arose and went to G., and brou. 14. 32 to say. Wherefore am I come from G. ? '?S. 8 thy servant vowed.. while I G. . I Cli 2. 23 he took G., and Aram, with the towns ot ' 3. 2 Maachah the daughter of Talmai k. of G. 6E-SHTI'-ia and GESHTJUITES, ^^Vi. \. The inhabitants of Geshur. Deut. 3. 14 took all the country . . unto the coasts of Q. Josh. 12. 5 And reigned, .unto the border of the G. 13. II Gilead^ and the border of the G. and Ma. 13. 13 the children of Israel expelled not the G. y 13. 13 but the G. . . dwell among the Israelites 2. A tribe dwelling between Arabia and Philistia. Josh. I J. 2 the borders of the Philistines, and all 6. I Sa. 27. 8 David and his men. .invaded the G., and GET (into), to — l.To come or go in, r'i3 ho. Gen. 45, 17 and go, get you Into the land of Canaan 1 Sa. 22. 5 depart;, and get thee into the land of Ju. 2 Sa. ig. 3 the people gat them by stealth that day 1 KI. 1. 13 Go and get thee in unto king David, and 2 Ki. 7. 12 catch them alive, and get into the city Isa. 22. 15 Gb, get thee unto this treasurer, .unto 8, 47. s Sit thou silent, and get thee Into dark. Eze. 3. 4 go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and 3. ii go, get thee to them of the captivity, tmto 2.T0 cOMae to come, ■K'la bo, 5. . lAm. s- We gat our bread with 7. oorlives becauae 3.T0 cut off, gain dishonestly, Jfls? batsa^ Eze. 22. 27 to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain 4. To seek, wp? baqash, 3. Eccl. 3. 6 A time to get, and a^time to lose ; a timo 5. To go on, ^b; yalak. Gen, 12. I Get thee out of thy country, and from 22. 2 and get thee into the land of Moriah Num 22. 13 Get yon into your land ; for the Lokd Josh. 2. 16 Get you to the mountain, lest the pursu. 22. 4 return ye, and get you into yoiir tents 2 Sa. 17. 23 arose, and gat him home to his house I Ki. 3. 26 Get thee to Anathoth, unto thine own 11. 14. 13 Arise thou therefore, get thee to thine 17. 3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward 17. 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which a KL 3. 13 get thee to the prophets of thy father Jer. 5. 5 I will get me unto the great men, and ' Z.To take, receive, np^ lagach. Gen. 34. 4 Shechem spake. .Get me this damsel to, Exod. 5. II Go ye, get you straw where ye can find H Judg 14. 2 now therefore get her for me to wife 14. 3 Get her for me ; for she pleaseth me well Prov. 9. 7 He that rcproveth a scomer getteth to 22. 25 Lest thou leafn. .and get a snare to thy 7.ToJind, Hfl} mataa. Num 31. 50 what every man hath gotten, of JeweU of a Sa. 20. 6 lest he get him fenced,cities,and escape us Job 31. 2S and because mine hand had gotten much Prov. 6. 33 A wound and dishonour shall be get ; and 8.T0 iTkwe {off), "na nvd. Jer. 49. 30 Flee, get you far off, dwell deep, ye in 9. To remove, jour-ney, yp} naaa. Num 14. 25 ^um you, and get you into the wilderness 10. To {cause to) reach, attain, overtakt, JtT} ncua.g,&. Num. C. ai beside (that) that bis band shaj{ get 11. To do, make, n'f^S o^o^h. 06n. 12. 5 the souls that they had gotten in Earan 31. I of. .our father's hath he gotten all this Deut. 8. 17 My power, .hath gotten me this wealth 8. 18 he that giveth thee power to get wealth aSa. 8. 13 David gat. .a name when he returned fr. Neb. 9. 10 So didst thou get thee a name, as (it is) EccL 2. 8 I gat me men singers and women slngcn> Isa. 15. 7 Therefore the abundance they have got Jer. 17. n he that getteth riches, and not by right 48. 36 the riches, .he bath gotten are perished Eze. 28. 4 With . . wisdom .. thou hast gotten thee 28. 4 and hast gotten gold and silver into thy 38. 12 people . . which have gotten cattle and Dan. 9. 1$ hast gotten thee renown, as at this day 12.2*0 caiwe to come out, bring out, p\spuq,h. Prov. 3. 13 and the man (that) getteth understanding 13. 7*0 get, obtain, n:ij qanah. Geu. 4. I said, I fiave gotten a man from the Lord Prov. 4. 5 Gret wisdom, get xmderstanding : forget 4, 7 get wisdom: and with all. .get understa. 15. 32 he that hearetb reproof getteth understa. t6. 16 How much better . . to get wisdom than g.t ifi. 16 to get understanding rather to be chosen 17. 16 a price in the hand of a fool to get wisd. 18. 15 The heart of the prudent getteth know^ 19. 8 He that getteth wisdom loveth his own, EccL 2. 7 I got. .servants and maidens, and had Jer. 13. I 60, and get thee a linen girdle, and put 13. a So I got a girdle, according to the word of 13. 4 Take the rirdle that thou hast got, which 19. I Go and get a potter's earthen bottle, and 14. To acquire, gain, ^Ti rakash. Gen. 31. 18 and all his goods which be bad gotten 31. 18 which he had gotten in Padan-aram 36. 6 which he had got in the land of Canaan 46. 6 which they had gotten in the land of Ca, 1$. To place, set, put, appoint, D'tf, av dm, sum. ZepiL 3. 19 1 wiU get them praise and fame in ever; 16. To go up into, iii^alva embainS. Matt 14. 22 to get into a ship, and to go before blm JIark 6. 45 constrained-,bis disciples to get into the 17. To go out or forth, f|ci/(i exeimi. Acts 27. 43 cast, .first (into the sea), and get to land 18. To begin to find, tiipiaKa heurisks. ^ Luke 9. 12 that they may go. .and get victuals : fop [See alBo Deceitful ly, early, far, beat, possessiop, stealth, understanding, victory.] GET, to bo able to — To cause to reach, attain, overtake, Jfj nasag, 6. Lev. 14. 23, 31 such as be Is able to get. .the one 14. 33 whose band is not able to get. .to bis cle. GET away, to — I.Togo on, "^l yalak. 1 ^ 23. 26 Davidmadehaste to get away for fear of 3. 36. 12 and they gat them away, and no man saw a Sa. 4. 7 gat them away through the plain all -night 2.T0 go out, Hlfl yatsa. Jer. 48. 9 unto Moab, that It may flee and get Awaj Z.To move {off), n» nud. Dan. 4. 14 let the beasts get away from tinder It GET, can — To cause to 'reach, attain, overtake, iVi nnsag, 6. Lev. 14. 21 if he (be) poor, and cannot pet so much 14. 30 And be shall offer, .suoh as he can get GET 3sa QIBEON OST down, to — l.To go down, "n; yaraA. Gea! 42. a get you down thither, and buy for ns Exodig. 24 Away, get thee down, and thou shalt 32. 7 Go, get thee down ; for thy people, which Deut. 9. 12 Arise, get thee down quickly from henco Judg. 7. 9 Arise, get thee down unto the host ; for Kuth J. 3 anoint thee, .and get thee down to the fl. I Sa. T%. 6 get you down from among the Amalekiips I Ki. 18. 44 get tlieo down, that the rain stop theen. Joel 3. 13 come, get you down ; forthc press la fiffl i.To go down, KaraPahw katabainS. Acts 10. 20 Arise therefore, and get theo aown, and GET thee, to — To go away or wider, iirayat hupagd. Matt 1 6. 23 Get thee behind me, Satan : tnou art an Mark 8. 33 Get thee behind me, Satan : for thou sa. luke 4. 8 [said. .Get thee bcMod me, Satan] OET forth, to — To go out, Ky; yaisa. Bxodi2. 31 Bise up., get yon forth from among my p. GET hence, to — l.Toyo on, T|^; yalak. Zech. 6. 7 Get you hence, walk to and fro through 2. To go out, Kv; yatsa. Isa. 30. 22 thou Shalt say nnto It, Get thco hence 3. To go away or under, virdya hupagd. Matt. 4. 10 Get theo henco, Satan : tor it la written GET (hi-n), to — 1. To be gathered, 1D« asaph, 2. Nam II. 30 Moses gat him into the camp, ho and the 2. 7*0 go on, Xil yalak. ' Judg 19. 28 man rose np, and gat him unto his place 1 Sa. 17. 23 arose, and gat him home to bia hou£e DIT hold upon, to — To find, Kyij matsa. Psa.iie. 3 the pains of hell gat hold npon mo : I fa GET honour, to — To he or become honoured, weighty, 135 kabed, 2. Bxodi4. 17 and I will get me honour upon Phai-aoh 14. iS when I have gotten me honour upon Ph. GET more, to — To add, ID' yasaph, 5. Eccl. 1. 16 and have gotten more wisdom than all GET (self bSM)k) again, to — To turn hack, aiB* shub. ' Num22. 34 now therefore. .1 will get me back again Deut. 5. 30 Go say. .Get you into your tents again OET (self) — \.To ride, 33T rakah. a Sa. 13. 29 every man gat him up npon Ms mule 2. To he gone up, nij-j ramam, 2. Numi6. 43 Get you up from among thU craigregatlon OET out, to — \.To go out, «>; yatsa. Gen. 19. 14 Up, get you out of this plaoo ; for the 31. 13 arise, get thee out from this land, and Exodii. 8 Get thee out, and all the people that foL 2. To go out or forth, i^dpxonat exerchmiKd. I. 20 That also was accounted a land of giants a. 2o giants dwelt therein in old time : and ' 3. II only Og. .remained of the remnant of g. 3. J3 Bashan, which was called the land of ^a. JoslLia. 4 Og.. of the remnant of the giants, that 13. 12 who remained of the remnant of the gia.. 15, 8 the end of the valley of the giants north. 17. 15 land of the Perizzites and of the giants i8. 16 in the valley of the giants on the north I Ch so. 4 Sippai.. of the children of the giant TO. 6 he also was the son x>f the giant to. 8 These were bom onto the giant JaJlath . Z.A fearful one, giant, ."ij-; raphah. s Sa. ai. 16 Ishbi-benob. .of the sons of tho giant 31. 18 Saph, which (was) of the sons of the giant ai. ao and he also was bom to the giant ai. 33 These four were bom to the giant In Gatb i.FaUen ones, fellers, w^'!)} nephilim. Gen. 6. 4 There were giants in the earth in thoso Numi3. 33 And there we taw the giants, the i^. 33 sons of Anak, (which come) of the guinta OIB'-BAE, nj^ high, m.ighty. One who came up with Zerubbabel. B.C. 536. Ezra. a. ao Tho children of G., ninety and Dva OIB-BE'-THON, j'ln^ height. A, town of Dan given to the Kohalhitea. Josh 19. 44 And Eltekeh, and G., and Baalath ai. 23 of the tribe of Dan. .Q. with her subnrbii I Ki IS. 37 and Baasha smote him at G., which 15. 37 for Nadab and all Israel laid siege to G. 16. 15 the people (w«ro) encamped against G. 16. 17 Omri went up from G., and all Israel with OIB'-EA, K^3} highlander. Soil of Sheva, a descendant of Judah. But perhaps th« city Gibcah in Judah la meant. X Ch, a. 49 Sheva. .and tho father of G. : and tho da, OrB'-EAH, GIB'-EATH, njaj, pja, V3|, n^?} height. A. city in tho mountains of Judah, now el-Ful, Josh, 15. S7 Cain, G., and Tlmnah ; ten cities with 18. 28 Jebuai, which (is) Jerusalem, Q., (and) K Judg 19. la city . .of Israel ; we will pass over to G. xg. 13 draw near to one of these places, .in O 19. 14 the' sun went down, .by G., which ig. IS turned aside.. to go In.. to lodge In O. 19. 16 and he sojourned in G.: but the men of so, 4 I came Into G. that (belongeth)to Benja, ao. 5 And tho men of G. rose against me ao. 9 this . . the thing which we will do to O. eo, 10 when they come to G. of Benjamin, ace, «o. 13 the chUdren of Belial, which (are) in O. «o. 14 gathered .. tog. out of the cities unto O. CO. 15 beside the inlAbitants of G., which wera so. 19 chiloren of Israel, .encamped against O. BO. 20 put . . in array to fight against them at O. eo. 31 childreii of Benjamin came forth out of O. EO. as Benjamin went forth, .out of G. the sec ao. 29 Israel set llers in wait round about O. fio. 30 and put themselves in array against (J. EO. 31 and the other to O. in the field, about an. 33 the liers .. came . .out of the meadows of O. ao. 34 there came against G. ten thousand so. 36 the iiers in wait, .they had set beside O. so. 37 Iiers in wait hasted, and rushed upon O. 20. 43 trode them down with ease over against Q. I Sa. 10. 26 Saul also went home to G.; and there 11. 4 Then came the messengers to O. of Saul 13. 2 and a thousand were with Jonathan Jo O, 13. IS and gat him up from Gilgal unto G. 13. 16 And Saul, .abode In G. of Benjamin 14, 2 Saul tarried in the uttermost part of O 14. 5 and the other southward over against 9. 14. 16 watchmen of Saul in G. of Benjamin look, IS- 34 Saul went up to his house to G. of Saul 12. 6 Saul abode ir G. under a tree in Ramah 23. 19 Then came up the Zlphites to Saul to O. 26. I And the Ziphites came unto Saul to G. * Ba. 6. 3, 4 the house of Abmadab that (was) In O. 21. . 6 wiU hang them up unto the LORD in G. 33. 29 Ittal the son of Ribol out of G. of the I Ch.ii. 31 Ithai the son of Eibai of G., (that pertaL) e Ch.13. 2 Michaiah the daughter of Uriel of G Isa. 10. 29 Ramah Is afraid ; G. of Saul is fled H08. 5. 8 Blow ye the comet in G. . the trumpet 9. 9 corrupted (themselves), as in the days of O. 10. 9 thou hast sinned from the days of G. 10. 9 the battle in O. . .did not overtake them OrB-EA-THlTE, 'fij;??. 'An inhchilant of Oibeah, I CI1.12. 3 then Joash, the sons of Sbemaah the G. GIB-E'-OIT, !'iy33 hill, height One of the four' cities of the Hivites that made a league with Joshua to escape the fate of Jericho and Ai. it was given to Benjamin and made a Levitlca) city. It is now called El^ib, on the northern camel rond from Jerusalem to Jaffa, and stands on the more northern of two mamelons, Just at the spot where the road to the sea parts into two branches. The road passes to the N. of the base of the hill El-Jib, four miles from Bethel. Josh. 9. 3 when the inhabitants of G. heard what J 9. 17 Now their cities (were) G., and Chephirafc 10. I the inhabitants of G. had made peace 10. 2 they feared greatly, because G. (was) ft ta 4 Come, .and help mc, that we may smite Oi. lo. s and all their hosts . . encamped before O. 10. 6 the men of G. sent unto Jcebua. .saying 10. 10 slew them with a great slaughter at Q, 10. 72 he said. .Sun, stand thou stiU upon B. 10. 41 And Joshua smote them . . even unUwft. 11. 19 save the Hivites, the inhabitants cf Qu 18. 25 G., and Eamob, and Beeroth 21. 17 out of the tribe of Benjamin, Q. with hef a Sa. 2.12 servants . . went out from Mahanalm to Q a. 13 went., and met together by the pool of Q. a. 16 was called Helkatb-hazzurim. .in G. 2. 24 Giah by the way of the wilderness of O. 3. 30 he had slain their brother Asahel at O. 90, 8 When . . at the great atone which (is) in Q I Ki. 3. 4 the king went to G, to sacrifice there ' J. 5 In Q. the Loed appeared to Solomon ill QIBEONITES 390 GILEAB I Ki. 9. 2 time, as he had appeared unto him:at O. I Ch. 8. 29 And at G. dwelt the father of G. ; whose g. 35 And in G. dwelt the father of G., Jehiel 14. 16 smote the host of the PhiUstines from G. x6. 39 tabernacle, .in the high place, .at G. 21. 29 For . . at that season in the high place at G. e'.Ch. I. 3 Solomon, .went to the high place, .at G. I. 13 Solomon came (from), .the high pi. . .at G. Ifeh. 3. 7 repaired, .the men of G., and of Mizpah 7. 25 The children of G. ninety and Ave Isa. 28. 21 he shall be wroth as (in) the valley of G. Jer. 28. 1 Azur the prophet, which (y/as,) of G. 41. 12 found him by the great waters, .in G. 41. iS eunuchs, whom he had brought .. from G. OIBEONITES, 'JVja. The inhabitants of Gihemi. a Sa. 21. 1 (It is) for Saul, .because he slew the G. 21. 2 the Iting called the G., and said unto 21. 2 the G. (wore) not of the children of Israel 21. 3 Wherefore David said unto the G., What 21. 4 the G. said unto him. We will have no sil. 21. 9 delivered them into the hands of the G. X Ch.i2. 4 Ismaiah the G., a mighty man among the Neh. 3. 7 next unto them repaired Melatiah the G. GIB-LITES, '^33. The inhabitants of Gebal, a people of Bibylus, a city and district at the N. of Canaan and S. of Sidon, near the sea shore. Josh. 13. 5 the land of the G., and all Lebanoa GID-DAL'-TI, '.9^15 / have ma-gnified. One of the sons of Heman, " theking's seer," andhence a Kohathite. His office was, with thirteen of his brethren, to s«und the horn in the service of the taber- nacle. He had also charge of the twenty-second course. B.C. 1015. I Ch.25. 4 Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani. Eliath., G. 25. 29 The two and twentieth to G., (he), hi3 GID'-DEL, Vi3 very great. 1. One whose children came up with ZerubbabeL B.o. 536- Ezra 2. 47 the children of G., the children of Gahar Neh. 7. 49 children of Banan, the children of G. 2. Sons of Glddel; were also among the servants of Solo- moh who came up in the same company with No. i. Ezra 2. 56 children of Darken, the chiltffen of G. Neh. 7. 58 children of Darken, the children of G. GID'-EON, Jijna feller, sucker, hewer, i.e. great warr. A sou of Joash a Manassehite. He delivered Israel from Midian. He is also called Jeruhbael, and judged Israel forty years as the fifth judge. B.o. 1256. Judg. 6. II his son G. threshed wheat by the wine p. 6. 13 G. said unto him. Oh my Lord, it the Lo. 6. 19 And G. went in, and made ready a kid 6. 22 when G. perceived that he (was) an angel 6. 22 G. said, Alas, O Lord God 1 for because I 6. 24 Then G. built an altar there unto the L. 6. 27 Then G. took ten men of his servants 6. 29 G. the son of Joash hath done this thing 6. 34 But the Spirit of the Lord came upon 6. 6. 36 G. said unto God, If thou wilt save Isra. 6. 39 G. said . . Let not thine anger be hot aga. 7. I G., and all the people, .rose up early, and 7. 2 the Lord said unto G., The people that 7. 4 the Lord said unto G., The people (are) 7. 5 the Lord said unto G., Every one th;it 7. 7 the Lord said unto G., By the three hun. 7. 13 when G. was come, behold, (there was) 7. 14 This (is) nothing else save the sword of G. 7. 15 when G. heard the telling of the dream 7. 18 say, (The sword) of the Lord, and of G. 7. 19 So G., and the hundred men that (were) 7. 20 cried. The sword of the Lord, and of G. 7. 24 G. sent messengers throughout all mount 7. 25 brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to G. 8. 4 G. came to Jordan, (and) passed over, he 8. 7 G. said, Therefore, when the Lord hath 8. II G. went up by the way of them that 8. 13 G. the son of Joash returned from battle 8. 21 G. arose, and slew Zebah and Zalmunna 8. 22 Then the men of Israel said unto G. 8. 23 G. said unto them, I will not rule over 8. 24 G. said . . I would desire a request of you E. 27 G. made an ephod thereof, and put it in 8. 27 which thing became a snaw unto G., and 8. 28 country was in quietness, .in. .days of G. 8. 30 G. had tlireescore and ten sons of his 8. 32 G. the son of Joash died in a good old a. 8. 33 it came to pass, as soon as G. was dead 8. 35 showed they kindness to the house of . .G. GID-EO'-NI, 'Jyna. Father'of Abldan, aprlnce of Benjamin, and one of those appointed to take the census at Sinai. B.C. 1490. Num. I. II Of Benjamin ; Abidan the son of G. 2. 22 and the captain . . Abidan the son of G. 7. 60 On the ninth day Abidan the son of G. 7. 6s this . . the offering of Abidan the son of G. «o. 24 over the host. .Abidan the son of G. GID'.Oa, DVi? desolation. A place named as the limit to which the pursuit of Benjamin extended after the battle of Gibeah. Hence it was between Gibeah and the cliff Rimmon(now called Rwmmon), about three rnUes E. of Bethel. Judg2o. 45 pursued hard after them unto G., and slew GIBS EAGLE — X. Parti-coloured indlure, gier eagle, D171 rachatn. Lev. II. 18 owia^ anj th. poMcn, and tho gier eagle %Parti-coloured vulture, gier eagle, ~an~irachamah. Deut,i4. 17 the pelican, and the gier eagle, and tho GIFT — 1 .A reward, IJ^K eshkar. Psa. 72. 10 kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts ^.Offering, present, nnjp minchah. 2 Sa. 8. 2 became D, '3 servants, (and) brought gifts 8. 6 became servants to D., (and) brought gifts 1 Ch.i8. 2, 6 became D.'s servants, (and) brought gifts 2 Ch.26. 8 And tho Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah 32. 23 many brought gifts unto tho Lord to Jer. Psa. 45. 12 the daughter, .(shall be there) v/ith a gift Z. Lifting up, gift, hvrden, fiNt^a maseth. Esth. 2. 18 Then the king, .gave gifts, according to ^.Qift, JIJQ riiattan. Gen. 34. 12 Ask me never to much dowry and gift Nura 18. II the heave cScring of their gift, with all Prov 18. 16 A man's gift maketh room for him 21. 14 A gift in secret pacifleth anger, and a ro. h.Oift, KJ^o Tnattena. Dan. 2. 6 ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards 2. 48 the king, .gave him many great gifts 5. 17 Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy 6. Oift, nJljn mattanah. Gen. 25. 6 Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away Es:od28.' 38 Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts Lev. 23. 38 beside yourgifts, and beside allyourvows NurniS. 6 to you (they are) given . .a gift for the L. 18. 7 given your priest's office . .a service of gift 18. 29 Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every 2 Ch.2i. 3 their father gave them greatgifts of silver Esth. 9. 22 days, .of sending, .gifts to the poor Psa. 68. 18 thou hast received gifts for men ; yea Prov 13. 27 troubleth. .but he that hateth gifts shall Eccl. 7. 7 and a gift destroyeth the heart Eze. 20. 26 I polluted them in their own gifts, in 20. 31 For when ye oiler your gifts, when yo 20. 39 no more v/ith your gifts, and with your 46. 16 If the prince give a gift unto any of his 46. 17 But if he give a gift of his inheritance l.Oift, nso mattath. Prov 25. 14 Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift EccL 3. 13 of all his labour, it (is) the gift of God 5. 19 in his labour; this (is) the gift of God 8. .4 separation or impure gift, nij nedeh. Ezo. 16. 33 They give gifts to all whores; but thou 9.^4 separating or impure gift, fij nadan. Szo.i6. 33 but thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers 10. Gift, thing lifted up, n^f^} nisseth. 2 Sa. 19. 42 have we eaten . . or hath he given us any g. ? W. Bribe, hrihery, reward, nny shochad. Exod23. 8 And thou shalt take no gift : for the gift Deut 16. 19 neither take a gift : for a gift doth blind 2 Ch.19. 7 nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts Prov. 6. 35 rest content, though thou givest many g. 17. 8 A gift (is as) a precious stone in the eyes 17. 23 A v/icked (man) taketh a gift out of the Isa. 1.23 every one loveth gifts, and f oUov/eth after Eze. 22. 12 In thee have they taken gifts to shed bl. lli.Gift, tribe, thing lifted -Up, nMifi terumah. Prov.29. 4 ho that receiveth gifts overthroweth it 13.^ thing put up or devoted to Obd, i.vA9-r]ixa. Luk02i. s how it vras adorned with goodly . .gifts \i.A gift, SSfia doma. Matt. 7. II know how to give good gifts unto your Lukeii. 13 know how to give good gifts, unto your Eph. 4. 8 ho led captivity captive, and gave gifts Phil. 4. 17 Not because I desire a gift : but I desii-e 15. A giving, the act of giving, S6a-is dosis. Jas. I. 1 7 Every good gift . . oometh down from the f. 16.^ free gift, present, Suped dorea. John 4. 10 If thou knewest the gift of God, and who Acts ,2. 38 ye shall receive tho ^t of the Holy Ghost 8. 20 thou hast thought that the gift of God 10. 45 was poured out the gifts of the Holy Ghost 11. 17 as God gave them the like gift as. .unto Eom. 5. IS the grace of God, and the gift by grace 5. 17 they which receive, .['the gift] of righteo. 2 Co. Q. IS Thanks, .unto God for his unspeakable g. Eph. 3. 7 according to the gift of the grace of God 4. 7 according to the measure of the gift of C. Heb. 6. 4 tasted of the heavenly gift, and were 17. .4 free gift, what is given, 59 and Benjamin (shall possess) G. Mie 7. 14 let them feed (in) Baslian and G., as in Zeoh. 10. 10 I will bring them into the land of G. 2. Perhaps the name of a mountain AV. of the Jordan near Jcrreel, but the true reading may bo Oilboa. Gideon encamped at the " Spring of Herod," which is at the base of Gilboa. Judg. 7. 3 let him . . depart early from mount 0. 5. Son of Machir, grandson of Manasseh. B.C. 1620. Num.26. 29 Macliir begat G. : of O. (come) the family a6 30 These (are) the sons of G. : (of) Jeczer 27. I the son of Hepher, the son of G., the son 16. I chief fathers of the families of . .O. Josh. 17. I a lot for . . Machir . . the father of G. 17. 3 Zelophehad. .son of Eepher, the son of G. I Ch. 2. 21 the daughter of Machir the father of G. 2. 23 these . . the sons of Machir, the father of G. 7. 14 concubine, .bare Machir the father of G. ,7. T7 These (were) the sons of G., the son of M. 4. Father of Jephthah, judge of Israel, n.c. 1200. Judg. 1 1. I the son of an harlot : and G. begat Jeph. 11. 2 G.'s wife bare him sons : and his wife's 6. A cntef of a family of Gad. B.C. 1300. 1 Ch. 5. 14 Huri, the son of Jaroah, the son of 0. OH-EAD-ITES, '"i^^??- Descendants of Oilead. Num.26. 29 of Giiead (come) the family of the G. Judg. 10. 3 after him arose Jair, a G., and judged II. I Now Jephthah the G. was a mighty mva. 11. 40 lament the daughter of Jephthah the G. 12. 5 And the G. took the passages of Jordan 12. 7 Then died Jephthah the G., and was a Sa. 17. 27 Sliobi. .and Barzillai the G. of Rogelim 19. 31 Barzillai the G. came down from Rogcl i,Ki. 2. 7 kindness unto the sons of Barzillai the G. 2 Ki.15. 25 Pekali. .and with him fifty men of the Q. Ezra 2. 61 wife of the daughters of Barzillai the G. Neh. 7. 63 of the daughters of Barzillai the Q. to wife GIL'-GAZ, '?a^J circle, wheel. 1. A place Vf. of the Jordan, near Jericho, in Benjamiu, where Israel spent the first night after crossing the Jordan. Deut.ii. 36 dwell in the champaign over against G. Josh. 4. 19 the people came up. .and encamped in G. 4. 20 those twelve stones. .Joshua pitch in G. 5. 9 'WTieref. the name of the place is called G. 5. 10 And the children of Israel encamped in G, g. 6 they went to Joshua unto the camp at G, JO. 6 men . . sent unto Joshua to the camp to G. 10. 7 So Joshua ascended from G., he, and all. 10. 9 Joshua . . went up from G. all night 10. 15 Joshua returned. .unLo the camp to 6. 10. 43 And Josh, returned . . unto the camp to G. 14. 6 children of Judah came unto Joshua in 0. 15. 7 toward G., that (is) before the going up Judg. 2. I an anzel of the Lord came up from G. 3. 19 turned again from the quarries .. by G. « Sa. 7. 16 wentfrom year to year in circuit to. .G. 10. 8 And thou shalt go do>vn before me to (3t, 11. 14 said Samuel. .Come, and let us go to G. II. IS And all the people went to G. ; and II. IS they Made Saul king before the Lord in G. »3. 4 the people were called together, .to G: 13. 7 Saul, .(was) yet in G., ,ind all the people 13. 8 but Samuel came not to G. ; and the pe, 13. 12 Philistines will come down now. .to G. 13. IS And Samuelarose, and gat liimup from G. 15, 12 he set him up a place, and is gone. .toG. 15. 2 1 to sacriflceunto the Lord thy God in G. «5. 33 And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces G. 9 Sa. 19. 15 Judah came to G., to go to meet the king 19. 40 Then the king went on to G., and Chim. a Ki a. 1 that Elijah went with Elisha from G. 4. 38 And Elisha came again to G. : aud Nch.i2. 20 Also from the house of G., and out of the Dus. 4. rs and come oot ye unto G., neither go ye 9. (s Ml ihiiix v,'ichodii.:E3 (is) la G. : for tlieir Hos. 12. II are vanity : they sacrillce bullocks inG. Amos 4. 4 at G. multiply transgression ; and bring 5. s But seek not Bcth-cl, nor enter mto G. 5. 5 for G. shall surely go into captivity, aud Mie. 6. 5 answered him from Shiitim unto G. 2. A city between Dor and firsa. ' Josh. 12. 23 the king of the nations of G., ono 3. A city N. of Joppa, near the sea (now called Jtdjulah), near Autipatris. Josh. 9. 6 they went to Joshua unto the camp at G 10. 6 scut unto Joshua to the camp to G. 10. 7 So Joahua ascended from G., ho, and all 10. 9 Joshua iherefore. .went up from G. all 10. 15, 43 Jos. returned, .unto the camp to G. 4. A place twelve miles S. of Kliol and Gcrizim (now called JUjiliah). 2 Ki. 2. I that Elijah went with Elisha from 0. 4. 38 And Elisha came again to G. : ana (there GI-LOH, nhi circle. A town in the mountains of Judah near Ucbron, and Ahithophel's native place. Josh. IS. SI Goshen, and Ilolon, and G.; eleven cities 2 Sa. 15. 12 Absalom sent for Ahithophol. .from G. GI-LO'-NITE, 'jSj, -i^-i. A inhabitant of Giloh. B.C. 1023. 2 Sa. 15. 12 And Absalom sent for Ahithophcl the O. 23. 34 lUiam tlie son of Ahithophei the G. GIM'-ZO, ilea sycamore. A city in the N. of Judah, two or three miles S.W. of Lydda and S. of the road between Jerusalem and Jaffa. Hero is Jimzu a large village ou an eraiucnco aud well surrounded with trees. 2 Ch.23. i3 G. also aud the villages thereof: and they om — l.yl snare, V^y\n mnqesh. PEa.140. s The proud, .they have set gins for me. S. 141. 9 and the gins of the workers of iniquity Amos 3. 5 Can a bird fall . . were no gin (is) for him ? 2.Gin, snare, n3 padi. Job 18. 9 The gin shall take (hiin) by the heel, (and) Isa. 8. 14 for a gin aud for a snaie to the iuli.ibi. GI -NATH, nr? proteclion. The father of Tibni who disputed the throne of Israel with Qmri after the death of Zirari. B.C. 926. I Ki. 16. 21 half, .followed Tibni the son of G. 16. 22 people that foUov/ed Tibni the sou of G. GUT-NH'-THON, jinja, inja great protection. Or Ginnetho, a prince or priest who, with Nehemiali, scaled the covenant. B.C. 445. Neh. 10. 6 Daniel, G., Baru<;h 12. 4 Iddo, G., Abijah 12. 16 Of Iddo, Zechariah ; of G., Meshullam GIRD, to — l.To fjird, "vt} azar, 3. Psa. 18. 32 God that girdeth mo with strength, and Isa. 4s. s I girded thee, though thou hast not 2.T0 hind,'V)^ asar. Job 12. 18 and girdeth their loins with a girdle 3. To put on, "15X aphad. Exod29. 5 gird him with' the curious girdle of the 4. Girdle, .Tiian chagorah. . Isa. 32. II make you bare, and gird. .upon, .loins 5. To gird, restrain, -\in chagar. Exod29. 9 And thou shalt gird them with girdles Lev. 8, 7 girded him witlj the girdle, and clothed 8. 7 he girded him with the curious girdle" of 8. 13 girded them with girdles, and put bonnets Judg. 3. 16 he did gird it under his raiment upon his 1 Sa. 17. 39 David girded his sword upon his armour 2 Sa. 3. 31 gird you with sackcloth, and mourn be. I KL 20. 32 So they girded sackcloth on their loins Psa. 45. 3 Gird thy sword upon (thy)thigh, O (Most) Prov 31. 17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and Isa. 22. 12 to baldness, and to girding with sack. Jer. 4. 8 For this gird you with sackcloth, lament 6. 26 gird (thee) with sackcloth, and wallow 49. 3 gird you with sackcloth ; lament, and jTin Eze. 7. 18 They shall also gird (themselves) with s. 27. 31 gird them with sackcloth, and they shall 44. 18 they shall not gird (themselves) Avith any 6. To gird, iuvwixi. zonmitni, ^Jivvvui zOnnuo. John2i. 18 AVhen thou wast young, thou girdedst ■21. 18 another shall gird thee, and carry . .whL 7. To f/ird, StaCuyuiJ-h C'^vva diazonmimi, zdnnuo. Joiini3. 4 He riseth. .took a towel, and girded him. 13. 5 with the towel wherewith he was girded GIRD about, to — To bind, bind up, ujn chahash. Eze. 16. 10 and I girded thee about with fine linen GIRD on, to — To gird, "ijri chagar. Deut. I. ii when ye had girded on every man his w. 1 Sa, 25. 13 said. Gird ye on every man his sword 2s. 13 And they girded on every man his sword 23. 13 and David also girded on his sword Ki. 20. II Let not Wra that girdeth on. .boast him. GIRD lelf, to — ' l.To gird self, niHi azar, 7. Psa. 93. I he hath girded himself; the world also U Isa. 8. 9, 9 gird yourselves, and ye shall bo brokcj 2. To gird, he restrained, ijn chagar. Isa. 15. 3 In their atreetfltiicy shall gird theinselvci Lam. 2. 10 they have girded thomsclvts with sack. Joel I. 13 Gird yourselves, aud lament, ye priests 3. Tn gird around, nept^wyvvfit pcrizonnumi. Lukei2. 37 he will r;ird himself, and make them to 17. 8 gird thyticlf, and serve mc, till I have Acts 12. 8 Gird thyself, aud bind ou thy saudala OniD up — 1. To gird, im azar. Job 38. 3 (iird up now thy loins like a man ; for f 40. 7 Gird up tliy loins now like a man. I will Jer. I. 17 Thou tlierefore gird up thy loins, and 2. To gird, be restrained, l:n chagar. 2 Ki. 4. 29 Gird up thy loins, and take my staff hi 9. I Gird up thy loin.s, and take this box of 3. To gird up, compress, oyf shanas, 3. I Ki. 18. 46 he gilded up his loins, and ran before A. i.To gird up, aua((iyfu/xi anazOnnutni. 1 Pc. I. 13 gird up the loins of your mlud, bo sobce GIRD unto one s self, to — To gird thoronghh/, SiaCwi/yu/n diazonnumi. John2i. 7 he girt (liis) flshcr's coat, .for he waa ra. GtRD with, to — To gird, -ijn azar, 3. 2 Sa. 22. 40 For thou hast girded me with strcngtli Psa. 18. 39 For thou girded me with strength 30. II thou hast put oil .. and girded mo with g, GIRDED, to be — X.To be girded, "i.m azar. I Sa. 2. 4 they tljat stumbled are girded with str. 2.7*0 become girded, -\w azar, 2. Psa. 65. 6 sctteth fast the mountains.. gir(! azar. 2 Ki. I. 8 an hairy man, and girt with a cirdle of 1. GIRT, to be — To gird round aoout, ■vepi^iivuviit perizonnumi. Kev. 1. 13 girt about the paps with a golden girdle DIET about, to have — To gird round about, itept^^vtru/ii pertzonnumi. Eph. 6. 14 having your loins girt about with truth OIS'-FA (or GISH'-FA), KJifa listening, attentive. An overseer of the Nethinim in "the Ophcl," after the exile. B.C. 445. I^eh. II. 31 Ziha and O. (were) over the Ifethinlms OIT-TAH HE'-PHEE, "isn nn3. A town in Zebulim, also called Gath-hcpher. Josh.iQ. 13 passeth on along on the cast to Q. CIT-TA'-m, D^ja tzco wine presses. 1. A place of refuge near Bceroth. I Sa. 4. 3 And the Beerothitcs fled to 0., and were 2. A place near Oath inhabited by Benjamites after the return from exile. This and Ifo. i. may bo tlio same place, as this latter is N.W. of Jerusalem. Heh. II. 33 Hazor, Bamah, O, OIT-TTTES, D'pi, 'p3. Inhabitants of Oath, six hundred of whom followed David as a body guard under Ittai. Gittite may also be an inhabitant of Gittalm, or of Gath-rimmon. Josh.13. 3 the Eslikalonites, the G., and the Ekron. s Sa. 6. 10 into the house of Obed-edom the G. 6. It cent, in the house of Obed-cdom the G. 15. 18 and all the G. . .passed on before the Idiig 15. 19 Then said the king to Ittai the G. 15. 22 Ittai the G. passed over, and all his men 18. 3 third part under tho hand of Ittai the O. 31. 19 EUianan. .slew(tIiebro. of) Goliath tbeG. I Ch.13. 13 into the house of Obed-edom the G. 20. 5 slew Lahml tho brother of Goliath tho G. GIT'-TITH, n'fiJn from or of Oath, A musical instrument manufactured at Gath. When David was in exile there lieprobably became acquainted ■with it and adopted it in the musical part of tho service of the tabernacle. Psa. 8. title. To tho chief musician upon O. , A Psalm 81. „ To the chief musician upon G., (A Pa.) 84. „ To tho chief musician upon G., A I'sa. GIVE, to — \.To cause to come in, «i3 bo, 6. . Psa. 78. 29 they did eat . . for ho gavo tliora their own 2. To speak, "137 dahar, 3. I KJL 35. 6 So they took '. and they gave Judgment Jer, 4. 12 nowalso will I give sentence against them 39. 5 Kiblah. .where lie gave .Ifcdgmcnt upon 52. 9 Riblah . . where ho gavo "judgment upon S.To turn, tjs.t haphah. I Sa. 10. 9 when he had turned. .God gave him ano. 4. To apportion, p^ cluxlaq. Deut 29. 2C gods whom, .ho had not given unto them 5. To give, an; yahab. Oen. 29. 21 Jacob said unto Laban, Give, .my wife 30. I Bachel . . said . . Give me children, or else 47. 15 all the Egyptians, said. Give us bread 47. 16 And Joseph said, Give your cattle ; and I Jogfi 18. 4 Give out from among you three men for Judg. 1. 15 she said unto him. Give me a blessing 30. 7 Behold, .give here your advice and coun. rSa. 14. ^i Therefore Saul said. .Give a perfect (lot) c Sa. lb. 30 Give counsel among you what we shall do 1 28 Give unto tlie LonD, ye kindreds oj th.e 16. 28 give unto the Lord glory and strength j6. 39 Give unto the LoiiD the glory (due) unto Psa. 29. I Give unto the Iord, O yo mighty, give 19. 3 Give imto the Lord tho glory due unto 60. II Give us help from trouble : for vain (is) 96. 7 Give unto tho Lord, ye Idudreds of tho 96. 7 give unto the LORD'glory and strength 96. 8 Give unto the Lord the glory (due unto) loS. 12 Give us help from trouble : for vain (is) ProV3o. 15 hath two daughters, (crying), Give, give Hos. 4. 18 her rulers (with) shame do love, Give ye Zech'ii. 12 If yo think good, give. .my pric&j and if 6. To give, 2Pi; yashab. Ezra 5. 12 ho gavo them into tho hand of Nebncha. Dan. 2. 21 he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and 2. 23 who hast given mo wisdom and might 2. 37 God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom s. 38 the fowls of tho heaven hath ho given s. 48 the king, .gave him many, .gilts, and 5. 17 give thy rewards to another ; yet 1 will 5. 18 God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a 5. 19 And for tho majesty that lie gave him, all 6. 2 tliat the princes might give accounts unto T.To do good, benefit, aa; yalcd), 5. 1 i5a. 2. 32 (tho wealth) which (God) shall give Israel 8. To a man of gifts, jnp b-'k Icish mattan. Prov 19. 6 every man (Is) a friend to him that glvclh D.jTo lift up, Kf} nasa, 3. 2 Sa. 19^42 have we eaten .-.or hath ho given xa any 10.2b give, Jt)} nathan. Geu. I. 29 I have given you every herb bearing seed 3. 6 and gave also unto her husband with her 3. 12 The woman whom thou gavest. .with mo 3. 12 she gave me of the tree, and I did eat e. 3 as the green herb have I given you all 12. 7 said. Unto thy seed will I eive this land 13. 15 to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for 13. 17 the land, .for I will give it unto theo 14. 30 And he gave him tithes of all 14. 21 Give me the persons, and take the goods 15. 3 Lord God, what \vilt thou give me, seeing 15. 3 Behold, to mo thou hast given no seed IS. 7 brought thee, .to give thee this land to 15. 18 Unto thy seed have I given this land, from 16. 3 gave her to her husband Abram to be his 16. 5. 1 have given my maid hito thy bosom 17.. 8 I will give unto thee, and to thy seed af. 17. 16 I \ii\l bless her, and give theo a son also 18. 7 fetched a caU tender and good, and gave ao. 14 and gave, .unto Abraham, and restored 20. 16 1 have given thy brother a thousand 2 1. 14 and took bread . . and gave (it) unto Hagar ei. 27 Abraham took sheep and oxen, and gavo 23. 4 give me a possession. of a burying place 83. 9 That he may give me the cave of Machp S3, 9 he shall give it me for a possession of a 23. II Nay. .hear me : the field give I thee 23. II the cave that (is) therein, I give it theo 23. II in the presence of. .my people give I it 23. 13 I will give theo money for the field ; take 24. 7 Unto tliy seed will I give this land ; ho 04. 32 gave straw and provender for the camels 24. 35 ho hath given him flocks, and herds, and C4. 36 unto him hath he given all that he hath 24. 41 if they give not theo (one), thou shalt be «4- S3 gold, and raiment, and gave, .to Sebekah C4. S3 he gave also to her brother and to her 05. s Abiaham gave all that he had unto Isaac as. 6 Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away as. 34 Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of le. b6. 3 unto thee. .1 will give all these countries e6. 4 will give unto thy seed all these countries 87. 17 she gave the savoury meat and the bread e7. 28 God give thee of the dew of heaven, and 37. 37 all his brethren have I given to him for s8. 4 And give thee the blessing of s8. 4 the land . . which God gave unto Abraluun 28. 13 to thee will I give it/ and to thy seed 28. 20 and will give me bread to eat, and rahn. s8. 22 of aU that thou shnlt give me I will sure, eg. 19 fit is) better that I givo her to theo > 29. 19 than that I should give her to another ^9. 24 Laban gave unto his daughter Leah Zilp. 09. 26 to give the younger before the first bom 29. 27 Fuml her week, and we will give thee 29. 28 he gavo him Rachel hia daughter to wife 29. 29 Laban gavo to Hachel his daughter Billi. sg. 33 he hath therefore given me this (son) also jo; 4 she gave him Eilhah her handmaid to w. 30. 6 God. .heard my voice, and hath given me so. 9 she took Zilpah . . and gavo her Jacob to 30. 14 Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mand. so. 18 Leah said, God hath given me my hire 30. 18 because I have given my maiden to lay 30. 36 Give, .my wives and ray children, for 30. 28 Appoint me thy wages, and I will givo 30. 31 And ho said. What shall I give thee? 30. 31 Jacob said. Thou' shalt not givo me any .30. 33 and gave. .Into the hand of his sons ji. 9 liatli tak'jn away the cattle, .and given 34. 8 saying . . I pray you give her him to wife 34. 9 givo your daughters unto us, and take 34. 1 1 and what ye shall say unto me I will give 34. 12 I will give according as ye shall aay unto 34. 12 but give me the damsel to wife 34. 14 We cannot do this, .to give our sister to ' 34. 16 Then will we gjva our daughters unto yon 34. 21 andlet usglvetbem our dau^ters I Geu. 35. 4 they gavo unto Jacob all the strange g«d« 35. 12 the land which I gave, .to thee I will givo 35. 12 to thy seed after thee will I give the land 38. 9 lest that he should give seed to his broth. 38. 16 What wilt thou give me, that tboa Biay. 38. 17 Wilb^hou givo. .a pledge till thou send 38. 18 he saH, What pledge shall I give theef 38. 18 he gave (it) hf r, and came in unto her 38. 36 because . . I gave her not to Shelah my son 39. 21 gave him favour in the sight of the keeper 40. II and I gave tho cup into Pharaoh's hand 40. 21 and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand «i. 45 he gavo him to ^vifo Asenath the daughter 42. 25 and to give them provision for the way 42. 27 to give his ass provender in the inn, ho 43. 14 God Almighty gave you mercy before tho 43. 23 your God. .hath given you treasiu-e in 43. 24 and gave. .water, a{id they washed their 43. 24 and he gave their asses provender 45. 18 I will give you the good of the land of E. 45. 21 Joseph gave them wagons, according to 45. 21 and gave them provision for the way 45. 22 To all of them he gavo each man changes 45. 32 but to Benjamin he gave three hundred 46. 18 whom Laban gave to Leali his daughter 46. 25 which Laban gave unto Rachel his daug. 47. II gave them a possession In the land of K 47. 16 your cattle ; and I will give you for your 47. 17 Joseph gavo them bread, .for horses, and 47. 19 and give. .Becd,'that we may Uve, and 47. 22 cat their portion which Pliaraoh gavo 47. 24 that ye shall give tho fifth . . unto Pharaoli 48. 4 and will give this land to thy seed after 48. 9 They, .my sons, whom God liath given 48. 22 Moreover I have given to thee one portl. 49. 21 a hind let loose : he giveth goodly words £zod. 2. 9 nurse it for me, and I will give . . thy wages a. 21 and he gavo Moses Zipporah Ids dauglitor 3. 21 1 will give this people favour in the sight £. 7 Ye shall no more give the people straw to J. 10 Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give you 6. 4 to give them the land of Canaan, the land 6. 8 I did swear to give it to Abraham, to I. 6. 8 and I will give it you for an hcritiige 10. 2s Moses said. Thou must givo us also sacrl. 11. 3 the Lord gave the people favour in tho 12. 25 to the land which the Lord will give you 12. 36 the Lord gave the people favour in tho 13.". 5 which he sware unto thy fathers to givo (3. II bring thee into the land . . and shall give 11 16. 8 when the Lord shall give you In the evo. t6. 15 the bread which the Lord hath given you 16. 29 for tnat the Lord hath given you the sa. 16. 29 he giveth you on the sixth day the bread »7. 2 said, Givo us water that we may drink eo. 12 the land which the Lord thy God giveth Gi. 4 If his master have given him a wife, and 21. 23 if. .mischief follow, then thou shalt glVQ ei. 30 he shall give for the ransom of his life 81. 32 he shall givo imto their master tliirty sb. C2. J 7 If her father utterly refuse to give her e2 29 tho first bom of thy sons shalt thou givo 32. 30 on the eighth daythou shalt givo it mo e4. 12 I will give thee tables of stone, and a law cs. i6, 21 the testimony. .1 shall give thee so. J 2 then shall they give every man a ransom so. 13 This they shall give, evc-y one that passe. 80. 14 every one . . shall give an offering unto the 30. 15 The rich shall not give more, and 30. IS tho poor shall not give less, than half go. IS when (they) give an offering vmto thcLa 31. 6 I have given with him Aholiab tho son 31. 18 he gave unto Moses.. two tables of testL 32. 13 this land that I have spoken of will I givo 32. 24 So they gave (it) me : then I cast it into 33. I saying. Unto thy seed will J give it loT. s. 16 givo it unto thiJ priest : and the priest 6. s givo it unto him to whom it appertaincth 6. 17 J have given it. .their portion of my offer 7. 32 the right shoulder shall ye give unto tho 7. 34 have given them unto Aaron the priest 10. 17 and CGod) hath given it you to bear tho 14. 34 into the land of Canaan, which I give to 15. 14 and come . .and give them unto the priest 17. 11 1 have given it to you upon the altar to eo. 3 that giveth. .of his seed imto Molech, ho so. 3 because he hath given of his s&ed upto M. BO. 4 when he giveth of his seed unto Molecb eo. 24 and I will ^ve it unto you to possess it B3. 14 and shall give (it) unto the priest with 63. 10 When ye be come into the land which I 63. 38 all your freewill offerings, which ye givo Es. 2 AVhen ye come into the land which I givo 85. 37 Thou shalt not give him thy money upon S5. 38 to give you the land of Canaan, .to bo s6. 4 Then I AvUl give you rain in due season 66. 6 I will give peace in the land, and ye shall C7. 9 all that (any man) giveth of such unto tho 27. 23 he shall give thino estimation In that day 'JTum. 3. 9 thou shalt give the Levltes unto Aaron 3. 48 thou shalt give the money, wherewith 3. 51 Moses gave the money of them that wero J. 7 give (it) unto (him) against whom he hatU , 10 whatsoever any man giveth the priest, it 5 thou shalt give them unto the Levltes, to 6 took the wagons and the oxen, and gav 7 Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto 8 four wagons and eight oxen be gave unto 9 Bat unto the sons of Kohath he gave nou 6. 19 1 have given the Levites. .a gift to AaAn xo. 29 of which the Lord said, I will give it ron XI. 13 Whence should ! have flesh to givo auto GIVE Numii. 13 saying, Give us flesh, that we may eat II. 18 therefore the Lord will give you flesh II. 21 and thou hast said, I will give them flesh 11. 25 and gave (it) unto the seventy elders : and 13. 2 which I give unto the children of Israel 14. 8 he will bring us into this land, and give 15. 2 When ye be come into the land, .1 give 13. 21 Of the fli-st of your dough yo shall give 16. 14 or given ub inheritance of tiolds and vin. 17. 6 every one of their princes gave him a rod 18. 7 I have given your priest's office, .a serv. 18. 8 I also havT given thee the charge of mine 18. '8 unto thee have I given them, by reason 18. II I have given them unto thee, and to thy 18. 12 the flrst fruits of them . .have I given tliee 18.19 All the heave offerings . . have I given 18. 21 I have given the chUdreu of Levi aU the 18. 24 tithes. .1 have given to the Levites to in. 18. 26 tho tithes which I have given you from 18. 28 y-i shall give thereof the Lord's heave 0. i9- 3 /6 shall give her unto Eleazar the priest so. '2 into the land which I have given them 20. 21 Edom refused to give Israel passage so. 24 into the land which I have given unto Bi. 16 Gather the people together, and I will g. Bi. 29 he hath givan his sons that escaped, and E2. 13 the Lord ref useth to give me leave to go B2. 18 If Balak would give me his house fuU of 24. 13 If Balak would give me his house full of 25. 12 I give unto him my covenant of peace 37. 4 Give unto us. .a possession among the b. 37. 7 thou shalt surely give them a possession 37. 9 ye shall give his inheritance imto hia br. 37. 10 ye shall give his inheritance unto his fat. 37. II ye shall give his inheritance unto his ki. 37. 12 and see the land which I have given unto 31. 29 Take . . and give (it) unto Eleazar the prL 31. 30 give them unto the Levites, which keep 31. 41 Mosesjgave the tribute, .the Lord's hea. 31. 47 gave them unto the Levites, which kept 32. 7, 9 the land which the Lord hath given 32. 29 ye shall give them the land of Gilead for 32. 33 Moses gave unto them, .to the children 32. 40 Moses gave Gilead unto Machir the son 33. 53 I have given you the land to possess it 34. 13 commanded to give imto the nine tribes 35. 2 Command, .that they give unto the Lev. 35. 2 ye shall give, .unto the Levites suburbs 35. 4 which ye shall give unto the Levites 35. 6 which yo shall give unto the Levites 35. 7 all the cities which ye shall give to the 35. 8 And the cities which ye shall give (shall 35. 8 every one shaU give of his cities unto the 35. 13 of these cities which ye shall give, six 35. 14 Ye Shall give three cities on ttiis side Jo. 35. 14 tliroe cities shall ye give in the land of C. 36. a Lord commanded my lord to give the la. 36. 2 to give the inheritance of Zelophehad 3DDUt. 1. 8 to give unto them and to their seed after I. 20 which the Lord our God doth give 3. 25 which the Lord our God doth give I. 35 which I sware to give unto your fathers I. 36 to him will I give the land that he hath 1. 39 unto them will I give it, and they shall. a. 5 for I wUl not give you of their land, no a. 5 because I have given mount Seir unto E. 3. 9 for I will not give thee of their land a. 9 I have given Ax unto the children of Lot a. 12 the land, .which the Lord gave unto a. 19 for I will not give thee of the land of the 2. 19 I have given it unto the children of Lot a. 24 I have given into thine hand Sihon the 2. 28 give me water for money, that I may dr. 2. 29 the land which the Lord our God giveth 2. 31 1 have begun to give Sihoa and his land 3. 12 gave I unto the Beubenites and to the G. 3. 13 gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh 3. 15 And I gave Gilead unto Machir 3. 16 unto the Gadites I gave from Gilead even 3. 18 The Lord your God hath given you this 3. 19 abide in your cities which I have given 3. 20 Until the Lord have given rest unto your 3. 20 your God hath given them beyond Jor. 3. 20 unto his possession, which I have given 4. I the land which the Lord God . .giveth 4. 21 thy God giveth thee, .an inheritance 4. 38 to give thee their land . . an inheritance 4. 40 which the Lord thy God giveth thee, for 5. 16 in the land which the Lord thy God giv. 5. 31 in the land which I give them to possess 6. 10 to give thee great and goodly cities 6. 23 to give us the land whiohjhe sware unto 7. 3 thy daughter thou shalt not give unto 7. 13 which he sware unto thy fathers to give 8. 10 for the good land which he hath given 8. 18 he that giveth thee power to get wealth 9. 6 God giveth thee not this good land to 19. II the Lord gave me the two tables of stone I9. 23 possess the land which I have given you io. 4 tables, .and the Lord gave them unto me 10. II the land which I sware, .to give unto 11. 9 to ^ve unto them, and to their seed II. 14 1 wiU give (you) the rain of your land II. 17 the good land which the Lord giveth you 11. 21 sware unto your fathers to give them, as 11. 31 the land, .the Lord your God giveth ycu 12. 1 land, .the Lord, .giveth thee to possess it 12. 9 to the inheritance, .the Lord, .giveth you 12. IS the blessing, .which he hath given thee 12. 21 thy flock, which the LORD hath given thee »3. 1 K . . a prophet . , giveth thee a sign or a w. f\. 12 cities, which the Lord thy God hath given 393 Deuti4. 21 tl'O" shalt give it unto the str.inycr that 15. 4 which . , God giveth thoo . . an inheritance 15. 7 thy land which the Lord thy God giveth 15. 9 and thou givest him nought ; and he cry 15. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine 15. 10 shall not be grieved when thou givest 15. 14 of thy flock, .thou shalt give unto him 16. s gates, which the Lord thy God givttli 16. 10 thou shalt give, .according as the I.oni 16. 17 the ble.ssing. .which he hath given thee 16. 18 gates, which the Lord thy 'iod giveth 16. 20 the land which the Lord thy Clod giveth 17. 2 which the Lord thy God giveth thee 17. 14 which the Lord thy God givetli thco 18. 3 they shall give unto the priest the shoul. 18. 4 first of the fleece, .shalt thou give him 18. 9 land which the Lord tliy God giveth thee 19. I whose land the Lord thy God giveth thee 19. 2 land, which the Lord thy God giveth 19. 8 and give thee all the land wliich Jie 19. 8 he promised to give unto thy fathers 19. 10 land, which the Lord thy God giveth 19. 14 that the Lord thy God giveth thee to JO. 14 which the Lord thy God hath given thee BO. 16 which the Lord thy God doth give thee 21. I the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess ?i. 23 the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess 22. 16 I gave my daughter unto this man to wife a2. 19 give, .unto the father of the damsel 22. 29 man. .shall give unto the damsel's father 24. 1 give (it) in her hand, and send her out of 24. 3 giveth (it) in her hand, and sendeth her 24. 4 which the Lord thy God giveth thee (for) 24. IS At his day thou shalt give (him) his hiro 25. 15, 19 in the land which the Lord, .giveth 25. 19 when the Lord, .hath given thee rest 26. I which the Lord thy God giveth thee (for) 26. 2 land that the Lord thy God giveth thee 26. 3 Lord sware unto our fathers for to give us 26. 9 hath given us this land, .a land that flo. 36. 10 the laud which thou, Lord, hast given x6. II which the Lord thy God hath given unto 26. 12 hast given (it) unto the Levite, the stra. 26. 13 and also have given them unto the Lcvito 26. 14 nor given (ought) thereof for the dead 26. 15 and the land which thou hast given us 27. 2, 3 land which the Lord thy God giveth 28. 8 in the land which the Lord, .giveth theo 28. II Lord sware unto thy fathers to give theo 28. 12 the heaven to give ^ho rain unto thy land 28. 52, 53 which the LoRDlthy God hath given 28. 55 So that he will not give to any of tlicni of 28. 65 the Lord shall give thee there a trcmbL 29. 4 Yet the Lord hath not given you an heart 29. 8 we took their land, and gave it for an in. -30. 20 land which the Lord sware. .to give them 31. 7 which the Lord hath sworn, .to give thenj 32. 49, 52 which I give, .the children of Israel 34. 4 saying, I will give it unto- thy seed Josh. I. 2 unto the land which I do give to them I. 3 have I given unto you, as I said unto M. 1. 6 the land which I sware , .to give them r. II "irhich the Lord, .giveth you to possess it r. 13 God hath given you rest, and hath given 1. 14 remain in the land which Moses gave you 1. 15 Until the Lord have given your bretlu-en 1. 15 land which the Lord your God giveth 1. 15 which Moses the Lord's servant gave you 2. 9 I know that the Lord hath given you the 2. 12 show kindness .. and give me a true token 2. 14 when the Lord hath given us the land 5. 6 which the Lord sware . .he would give lis 6. 2 I have given into thine hand Jericho, and 6. 16 Shout ; for the Lord hath given you the 8. 1 1 have given into thy hand the king of Al 8. 18 for I will give it into thine hand 9. 24 to give you all the land, and to destroy 11. 23 Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto I. 12. 6 Moses the servant of the Lord gave it 12. 7 which 3 oshua gave unto the tribes of Is. 13. 8 their inheritance, which Moses gave them 13. 8 as Sloses the servant of the Lord gave 13. 14 Only unto the tribe of Levi he gave none 13. 15 Moses gave unto . . the children of Reuben 13. 24 Moses gave, .unto the tribe of Gad. .unto 13. 29 Moses gave, .unto the half tribe of JIan. 13. 33 But unto the tribe of Levi Moses gave not J4, 3 For Moses had given the inheritance of 14. 3 unto the Levites he gave none inherit. 14. 4 they gave no part unto the Levites in tho 14. 12 Now therefore give me this mountain 14. 13 Joshua, .gave unto Caleb. .Hebron for an 15. 13 And unto Caleb, .he gave a part among 15. 16 to him will I give Achsah my daughter 15. 17 he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife 15. 19 Give me a blessing; for thou hast given me 15. 19 give me also springs of water. And he g. 17. 4 to give us an inheritance among our bret, 17. 4 he gave them an inheritance among the 17. 14 Why hast thou given me (but) one lot and 18. 3 the land, which tho Lord, .hath given 18. 7 which Moses the servant of the Lord ga. %g, 49 gave an inheritance to Joshua the son of j^. 50 they gave him the city which he asked 20. 4 give him a place, that he may dwell amo. 31. 2 commanled. .to give U3 cities to dwell in 21. 3 children of Israel gave unto the Levites BI. 8 gave by lot unto the Levites these cities 21. 9 they gave out Of the tribe of the child. ai. II they gave them the city of Arba the fath. BI. I* But the fields., gave they to Caleb the son 21. 13 Thus they gave to t'le children of Aarou GIVE 22. 22. 32. 23- 23- 23- 24. 24- 24, 24, 24. Judg, I, I. 9' 14, 14- 14. 14. IS- IS- IS- 16. »7- 17- 18. 21. 21. 21. Josh 21. 21 they gave them Shechem with her subur. 21. 43 the Lord gave unto Israel all the land 21. 43 which he sware to give unto their fathers 22. 4 God hath given rest unto your bretliren 4 which -Moses the servant of the LORD ga. 7 Moses had given (possession) in Bashan 7 unto the (other) half thereof gave Joshua; 13 this good land, .the Loud-, .hath given 15 this good land, .the Lord, hath given 16 the good land which he hath given unto 3 muUiphcd his seed, and gave him Isaac 4 And 1 gave unto Isaac Jacob and Esau 4 1 gave unto Esau mount .Seir, to possess 8 I gave them into your hand, that ye mig, 13 I have given you a land for which ye did 12 to him will I give Achsah my daugliter 13 he gave him Achsah his daughter to wifa 15 me a blessing': for thou hast given me a 15 give me alsospriiigs. .And Caleb gave ho 20 they gave Hebron unto Caleb, as Moses 6 and gave their daughters to tlicir sons 25 lie asked water, .she gave, .milk ; sliebr. 9 drave them out. .and gave you their laud 2 to give tho Jlidianites into their hands 5 Give, I pray you, loaves of bread unto tho 6 that we should give bread unto thine ar 7 15 that we should givq bread unto thy men 24 that ye would give me every maji the 25 they answered. Wo will willingly give 4 And they gave him threescore and ten 9 and he gave them, and they did eat : hut 12 I will gve you thirty sheets and thirty 13 then shall ye give me thirty sheets and 19 and gave change of garments unto them 2 therefore I gave her to thy compa:iion 6 because he had, .given herto his compan. 18 Thou hast given this great deliverance 5 we will give thee, every one of us, eleven 4 and gave them to the founder, who made 10 I will give thee ten. .of silver by the year 10 for God hath given it into your hands 36 Israel gave place to the Benjamltea I there shall not any of us give his daugh. 7 we will not give them of our daughters 14 they gave them wives which they had 18 we may not give them mves of our daugr. 21. 18 Cursed (be) he that giveth a wife to Ben. 21. 22 ye did not give unto them at this time Kuth 2. 18 gave to her that she had reserved after 3, 17 These six (measures) of barley gave he mu 4. 7 plucked off liis shoe, and gave (it) to his 4. 12 of the seed which the Lord shall give 4. 13 Lor.D gave her conception, and she bare I Sa. I. 4 he g.ive to Teninnah his wife, and to all I. 5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy por. I. II wilt give unto thine handmaid a man ch. I. II then I will give him unto the Lord all 1. 27 Lord hath'given me my petition wliich I z. 10 he shall give strength unto his king, and 2. IS Give flesh to roast for the priest ; for he 2. 16 thou Shalt give, .now -. and if not, I will 2. 28 did I give unto tho house of thy father all 6. s ye shall give glory unto the God of Israel 8. 6 Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel 8. 14 take, .the best, .and give, .to his ser^'ants 8. 13 take. , of your vineyards, and give to his ■ 8 will I give to the man of God to tell us 23 Bring the portion which I gave thee, of 4 they will salute thee, and give thee two 28 hath given it to a neighbour of thine 10 give me a man, that we may fight together 25 the king, .will give him his daughter, and 44 T will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the 46 I will give the carcases of the host of the 47 and he will give you into oiu- hands 4 Jonathan, .gave it to David, and his gar. 17 my elder daughter Merab, her will I give 21 I will give him her, that she may be a 27 Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wf. 40 Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad 3 give (me) five (loaves of) broad in mine 6 So the priest gave him nallov.ed (bread) 9 said, (There is) none likecthat ; give it me 7 wni the son of Jesse give every one of you 10 And he, , gave him victuals, and gave 13 in that thou hast given him bread, and a 8 give, I pray thee, whatsoever cometh to n and give (it) unto men whom I know not 4.J But Saul had given Michal his daughter 5 let them give me a place in some town 6 Then Achish gave liim Ziklag that day 17 and given it to thy neighbour, .to David. II and gave him bread, and he did eat 12 they gave him a piece of a cake of figs 22 we will not give them . . of the spoil that 23 with that which the LORD hath given u» 10 tliat I would have given him a reward 9 I have given unto thy master's son aU 8 And I gave thee thy master's house -'. ^ 12. 8 and gave thee the house of Israel and ol 12, II I will., give,, unto thy neighbour, and he •'" 18. II I would have given thee ten (shekels) o£ 21. 6 And the king said, I wUl give (them) 22. 36 Thou hast also given me the shield of thy 22. 41 Thou hast also given me the necks of 24, 9 Joab gave up the sum of the number of 24, 23 All these, .did Araunah. .give unto the I Kl. I. 48 which hath given(one)tosit on mythrona 2. 17 give me Abishag the Shunammit* to wife 3. s and God said. Ask what I shall give thee 3. 6 that thou hast given him a son to sit on 3. 9 Give . .thy servant an undci'staudlng hea. 2Sa. 22. 22. 25- 25- 25- 27- 27. 28. 3°- 30. 30- 30- 4- 9- / GIVE 394 (i^VB I Ki a El 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 4- 5- 5- S- 5- 5- 5- 8. 8. 8. 8. S. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9- 5- 9- 9- 9- lo. lo. lo. lO. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. ^3- »3- 13- »3- 14. 14. 14. IS- »7- 18. 19. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21, 21. 4- 4- S- s- 6. 6. 8. 8. 10. :Ch, 12. 13- 14. 15- IS- 18. 18. 21. 23- 23- 23. 23- 2. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. j6. 21. 21, 21. 21. ■ Ch 12 lo, I have given thee a wise . .heart; bo that 13 I have also given thee that which thou 25 give halt" to the one, and half to the other 26 O my lord, give her the living child, and 27 Give her tlie living child, and in no wise 29 God gave Solomon ivisdom and imder. 6 unto thee will I give hire for thy servants 7 which hath given unto David a 'Nvise son 10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and 11 Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand 11 thus gave Solomon to Hirim year by year 12 the Lord gave Solomon wisdom, as he had 32 to give him according to his righteous. 34 which thou gavest unto their fathers 36 and give rain upon thy land, which thou 36 hast given to thy people for an inheritan 39 give to every man according to his ways 40 the land which thou gavest unto oiu- fat. 48 land which thou gavest unto their fath. 50 give them compassion before them who 56 Blessed (be) the Lord, that hath given 7 out of the land which I have given them 11 liing Solomon gave Hirim twenty cities 12 to see the cities whicli Solomon had given 13 What, .(are) these which thou hast given 16 and given It . . a present unto his daughter 10 she gave the king an hxmdred and twenty 10 the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon 13 king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sh. 13 besides (that) which Solomon gave her of 11 rend, .from thee, and wi\l give it to thy 13 will give one tribe to thy son for David 18 gave him an house, .and gave him land 19 so that he gave him to wife the sister of 31 Behold, I will, .give ten tribes to thee 35 and will give it in\to tliee. .ten tribes 36 unto his son will I give one tribe, that D. 38 be with tliee . . and will give Israel unto 3 And he gave a sign the same day, saying 5 tlie sign which the man of God had given 7 refresh thyself, and I will give thee a rew. 8 If thou wilt give me halt thine house, I 8 And rent the kingdom . . and gave it thee 15 good land, which he gave to their fathers 16 he shall give Israel up because of the sins 4 for David's sake did tlie Lord, .give him 19 And he said unto her. Give me thy son 23 Let them therefore give us two bullocks 21 gave unto the people, and they did eat 2 Give me thy vineyard, that I may have 2 I will give tliee for it a better vineyard 2 I will give tliec tlie worth of it in money 3 Lord forbid it me, that I sliould give the 4 1 wU not give thee the inheritance of my 6 said . . Give me thyj vineyard for money 6 or else if it please thee, I will give thoe 6 answered, I ^vill not give thee my vineya. 7 I ivill give tliee the vineyard of Naboth 15 wliich he refused to give thee for money 42 Give unto the people, that they may eat 43 Give tlie people, tliat tliey may eat : tor I by him the Lord hath given deliverance 22 give tlieni, I pray thee, a talent of silver 28 This woman said unto me. Give thy son 29 Give thy son, that we may eat him ; and 19 as he promised him to give him alway a 29 wounds which the Syrians had given him 15 give (me) thine hand. And he gave (him) 10 did the priest give Icing David's spears 11 tliey gave tlic money, being told, into the 14 they gave that 10 the worlcmen, and rep. 5 Lord gave Israel a saviour, so that they 9 Give tiiy daughter to my son to wife 19 Menahem gave Tul a thousand talents of 20 of silver, to give to the king of Assyria 15 Hezekiah gave, .all the silver (that was) 16 cut oft . . and gave it to the king of Assyr. 8 out of the land which I gave iheir fathers 5 let them give it to the doers of the work 8 And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan 11 that the kings of Judah had given to the 35 Jelioiakim gave the silver and the gold 3S but he taxed the land to give the money 35 exacted the silver and the gold, .to give 35 Sheshan gave his daughter to Jarha his 55 they gave them Hebron in the land of J. 56 the fields of tlie city, .they gave to Caleb 57 to the sons of Aaron they gave tlie cities 64 the children of Israel gave to the Levites 65 they gave by lot out of the tribe of the 67 they gave unto them, (of) tlie cities of re. iB Unto thee mil I give the land of Canaan 5 Joab gave the sum of the number of the 23 I give (thee) the oxen (also) for burnt off. 23 wheat for the meat offering ; I give it all 25 So David gave to Oman for the place six 9 I will give him rest from all his enemies 9. will give peace and quietness unto Israel 12 Only the Lord give thee %visdom and 18 hath lie (not) given you rest on every side? 18 for he batli given tlie inhabitants of the 5 God gave to Heman fom-teen sons and 5 for the Lord hath given me many sons 11 David gave to Solomon his son the patt. 3 (which) I have given to the house of my 7 gave for the service of the house of God 8 they, .gave (them) to the treasure of the 14 and of thine own have we given thee 19 give unto Solomon my son a perfect hea. 7 said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee 10 Give ma now wisdom and knowledge 12 I will give thee riclic.-s, and wealth, and iCh. Ezra" 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 9- 9- 9- II. 13- 20. 21. 21. 21. 24. =5- as- =5- 26. 27- 28. 30. 30. 31- 31- 31- 32- 32- 32. 34- 34- 34- 35- 35- 36. 36. Neh. 3- 7- 7- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- jto. 4- 7- 7- 7- 7- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. Esth. ; Job 1. 2. s- 35- 35- 36- 36. 38. 39- 42. 42. Psa. 2. 18. 18. 18. 21. 21. 28. 29. 37- 37- 44- . 49- 6j> 10 I will give to thy servants, the hewers 12 who hath given to David the king a wise 25 which thou gavest to them and to their 27 which thou hast given unto thy people 31 the land which tliou gavest unto our fat, 3S which thou gavest unto their fathers, and 20 out of my land which 1 have given them 9 she gave the king an hundred and twen. 9 as the queen of Slieba gave king Solomon 12 king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba 23 and he gave them victual in abimdance 5 gave the kingdom over Israel to David 7 gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy frl. 3 their father gave them great gifts of silver 3 the kingdom gave he to Jehoram, because 7 as lie promised to give a light to him and 12 Jchoiada gave it to such as did the work 9 which I have given to the army of Israeli? 9 The Lord is able to give thee much more 18 Give thy daughter to my son to wife : and 8 tlie Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah : and 5 the children of Ammon gave him the same 21 gave (it) unto the king of AssjTia : but he 7 (who) therefore gave them up to desolat. 12 the hand of God was to give them one h. 4 to give the portion of the priests and the 15 to give to their brethren by courses, as 19 to give portions to all the males among 11 Doth not Hezekiah persuade you to give 24 he spake unto him, and he gave him a 29 God had given him substance very much 10 they ^ve it to the workmen that wrought 11 to the artiflcei-s and builders gave they 18 Hilkiah the priest hath given me a book 8 gave unto the priests for the passover off. 12 that they might give according to the 17 had no compassion, .he gave (them) all 23 hath the Lord God of heaven given me 2 The Lord God of heaven hath given me 69 They gave after their ability unto the tre. 7 They gave money also unto the masons 6 which the Lord God of Israel had given 11 king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezi-a the pri. 8 to give us a nail in his holy place, that 8 God ni.ay . .give us a little reviving in our 9 to give us a reviving, to set up the house 9 to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusa. 12 give not your daugliters unto their sons 13 and hast given us (such) deliverance as 19 they gave their hands that they would 1 I took up the wine, and gave (it) unto the 7 let letters be given me to the governors 8 that he may give me timber to make be. 9 I came . . and gave them the king's letters 4 give them for a prey in tlie land of capti. 70 some of tlie chief of the fathers gave unto 70 The Tirshatha gave to the treasure a th. 71 the chief of the fathers gave to the trea. 72 (that) which the rest of the people gave 8 a covenant with him, to give the land of 8 give . . to his seed, and hast performed thy 13 gavest them right judgments, and true 15 gavest them bread from heaven for their 15 land which thou hadst sworn to give them 20 gavest also thy good Spirit . . and gavest 22 gavest them kingdoms and nations, and 24 gavest them into their hands, with their 27 tliou gavest them saviours, wlio saved 30 therefore gavest thou them into the hand 35 thy great goodness that thou gavest them 35 fat land which thou gavest before them 36 the land that thou gavest unto our fath. 30 that we, would not give our daughters un. 47 all Israel, .gave the portions of the sing. 25 Ye shall not give your daughters unto 19 let the king give her royal estate unto 20 all the wives shall give to their husbands 3 let their things for purification be given 9 speedily gave her her things for puriflca. 9 meet to be given her, out of the king's h. 18 Tlien the king, .gave gifts, according to 10 gave it unto Haman the son of Hammed. 8 he gave him the copy of the writing of 1 give the house of Haman, the Jews' ene. 2 And the king, .gave it unto Uordecai 7 I have given Esther the house of Haman 21 the Lord gave, and the Lord hath talten 4 all that a man hath wiU he give for his 10 Who giveth rain upon the earth, and 7 If thou be righteous, what givest thou h.? 10 Where (is) God my maker, who giveth 6 preserveth not . . but giveth right to tlie 31 For by them . .he giveth meat in abunda. 36 who hatli given understanding to the h.? 19 Hast thou given the horse strength ? hast 11 every man also gave him a piece of mon. 15 tlieir father gave them inheritance among 8 Ask of me, and I shall give (thee) tlie he. 13 the Highest gave his voice ; hail (stones) 35 Thou hast also given me the shield of thy 40 Thou hast also given me the necks of 2 ITiou hast given him his heart's desire 4 He asked life of tliee, (and) thou gavest 4 Give them according . . gi ve them after II The Lord will give strength unto his pe. 4 shall give thee the desires of thine heart 21 the righteous showeth mercy, and giveth II Thou hast given us like sheep, .for meat 7 nor give to God a ransom for him s6 desirest not sacrifice, else would I give ' 4 Thou hast given a banner to them that 5 Qiou host given (me) the heritage of those Psa. 68. 68. 69. 72. 72. 74- 78. -— 78. 78. 79- 84. 8S. 86. 99- 104. 104. 105. 105. 105. 106. 106. III. III. 112. IIS- IIS- 124- 127. 132. I3S- J36. 136- 144- 14s- 146. 147. 147. Prov. I. 2. 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 6. 6. 9- 13- =3 23- 26, 28 29, eg, 29. 30' 31' 31 3i' Eccl. J. 3- 5- 5- 5- S- 6. 8. 9- II. 12. Song 2. 7- 7- 8. Isa. 3. 7- 8. 30. 30- 36. 36- 40. 41. 41- 4'- 42. 42. 42. 42- 43- 43- 43- 43- 4S- 47- 48. 49- 49- 50. 50. 55- SS- 56. II Lord gave the word ; gi-eat (was) the 35 the God of Israel (is) he that giveth stre. 21 They gave me also gall for my meat ; and 1 Give the king thy judgments, O God, and 15 to him sliall be given of the gold of Sheba 14 gavest him (to be) meat to the people inh. 20 can he give bread also ? can he provide 24 and had given them of the corn of heav. 46 gave also their increase unto the caterp. 2 given (to be) meat unto the fowls of the 11 the Lord will give grace and glory : no 12 Lord shall give (that which is) good ; and 16 give thy strength unto thy servant, and 7 they kept, .the ordinance (that) he gave 27 that thou mayest give (them) their meat 28 (That) tliou givest them they gather : thou/ 11 Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan 32 He gave tham hail for rain. .Haming 44 And gave them the lands of the heathen 15 he gave them their request ; but sent 41 he gave them into the hand of thf heath. 5 He hath given meat unto them that fear 6 may give them the heritage of the heath. 9 He hath dispersed, he hath given to tho 1 but unto thy name give glory, for thy m. 16 the earth hath he given to the children 6 who hath not given us (as) a prey to Itheir 2 (for) so he giveth his beloved sleep 4 will not give sleep to mine eyes, (or) slu. 12 gave tlieir land (for) an heritage, an her. 21 gave their land for an heritage : for his 25 Wlio giveth food to all flesh : far his me. 10 (It is he) that giveth salvation unto kings 15 thou givest them their meat in due sea. 7 which giveth food to the hungi'y. Tho 9 He giveth to the beast his food, (and) to 16 He giveth snow like wool : he scatteretU 4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the yo. 6 For the Lord giveth wisdom : out of liis 28 come again, and to morrow I will give 34 scorneth the scomers : but he giveth gr. 2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake 30 9 She shall give to thine head an ornament 9 Lest thou give thine honour unto others 4 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber 31 shall give all the substance of his house 9 Give (instruction) to a wise (man), and he 15 Good understanding giyeth favour : but 26 but the righteous giveth and sparetli not 9 for he giveth of his bread to the poor 16 he that giveth to the rich, (shall) surely 26 My son, give me thine heart, and let 31 when it giveth his colour in the cup 8 so (is) he that giveth honour to a fool 27 He that giveth unto the poor shall not 15 The rod and reproof give wisdom : but 17 Correct thy son, and he shall give tlico 17 yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul 8 give me neitlier poverty nor riches ; feed 3 Give not thy strength unto women, nor 6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready IS and giveth meat to her household, and 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands ; and 13 I gave my heart to seek and searcli out 13 this sore travail hath God given to the 17 I gave my heart to know wisdom, and 26 For(God)giveth to a man that (is) good in 26 to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather 26 he may give to (him that is) good before 10 which God hath given to the sons of men 1 more ready to hear than to give the sac. 18 which God giveth him ; for it (is) his po. 19 Every man also to whom God hath given 19 and hath given him power to eat thereof 2 God hath given . .yet God giveth him not 15 life, which God giveth him under the sui> 9 which he hath given thee under the sun 2 Give a portion to seven, and also to eiglit 7 spirit shall return unto God who gave it 13 vines (witli) tlie tender grape give a (good) 12 vineyards, .there will I give thee my loves 13 mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates 7 if a man would give all the substance of 4 I will give children (to be) their princes 14 the Lord himself shall give you a sign 18 the children whom the Lord hath given 20 the Lord give you the bread of adversity 23 Then shall he give the rain of thy seed 8 Now therefore give pledges, I pray theo 8 and I will give thee two thousand horso» 29 He giveth power to the faint ; and to 2 Wlio. .gave the nations before him, and 2 he gave (them) as the dust to his sword 27 I will give to Jerusalem one that bruig. 5 he that giveth bread unto the people 6 give thee for a covenant of tlie people 8 and my glory wiU I not give to another 24 Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel 3 I gave Egypt (for) thy ransom, Ethiopia 4 therefore will I give men for thee, and 20 because I give waters in the wilderness 28 have given Jacob to the curse, and Ismel 3 I will give thee the treasures of darkness 6 I have . . given them into thine hand : thou 11 and I ^^'ill not give my glory unto another 6 I AviU also give thee for a light to the G. 8 I will . . give tlicc for a covenant of the 4 The Lord GoD hath given me the tonguo 6 I gave my back to the smiters, and my 4 I have given him (for) a witness to the 10 that it may give seed to tho sower, and 5 Even uuto them will I give in mine ho. GIVE Isa. 56. 5 I will give them an everlasting nanio 6r. 3 to give unto them beauty for ashes, the 62. 7 give him uo rest, till he establish, and 62. 8 Surely I will no more give thy corn (to Jer. 3. 8 I had. .given h:r a bill of divorce ; yut 3. 15 I will give you pastors according to mine 3. 18 to tlie land that I have given for an ■3. 19 give thee a pleasant land, a goodly hci it. 4. 16 give out their voice against the cities of J. 5. 24 fear the Lord our God, that givcth ruin 7. 7 in the land that I gave to your fathers 7. 14 unto the place which I gave to you and 8. 10 Therefore v/111 1 give their wives unto 8. 13 (tlie things that) I have given them II. 5 to give tliem a land flowing with milk 13. 7 I have given the dearly beloved of my 13. i5 Give glory to the Lord your God, before 14. 13 will give you assured peace in tliis place 14. 22 can the heavens give sliowcrs ? (Art) not 15. 13 thy treasures will I give to the spoil with. 16. 15 their land that I gave unto their fathers 17. 3 1 will give thy substance (and) all thy 17. 4 from thine heritage that I gave thee ; and 17. 10 even to give every man according to his 19. 7 their carcases will I give to be meat for ao. 4 I win give all Judah into tlie hand of 20. s all the treasures, .will I give into the 22. 13 without wages, and giveth him not tor 22. 25 I will give thee into the liand of them 23. 39 the city that I gave you and your fathers 24. 7 I will give them an heart to know me 24. 8 So will I give Zedckiah tho king of Judah 24. 10 from oti the land that I gave unto them 25. 5 in the land that the Lord hath given 25. 31 he will give them (that are) wicked to 26. 24 that they should not give him into the 27. 5 have given it unto whom it seemed meet 27. 6 now have I given all these lands into the 07. 6 the beasts of the field have I given him 28. 14 I have given him tho beasts of the field 29. 6 give your daughters to husbands, that 29. II not of evil, to give you an expected cud 30. 3 to the land that I gave to their fathers 30. 16 all that prey upon thee will I give for a 31. 35 which giveth the sun for a light by day 32. 3, 28 I will give this city into the hand of 32. 12 I gave the evidence of the purchase unto 32. 19 to give every one according to his ways 32. 22 hast given them this land, which thou 32. 22 to give them, a land flowing with milk 32. 39 I will give them one heart, and ore way 34. 2 1 will give this city into the hand of the 34. 18 I will give the men that have transgress. 34. 20 I will even give them into the hand of 34. 21 princes, will I give into the hand of their 35. 15 dwell in the land which I have given to 36. 32 gave it to Baruch tho scribe, the sou of 37. 21 that they should give him daily a picco 38. 16 neither will I give thee into the hand of 39. 10 land of Judah, and gave them vineyards 40. 5 captain of the guard gave him victuals 44. 30 1 will give Pharaoh-hophra king of Egypt 44. 30 as I gave Zedckiah king of Judah into tho 45. 5 but thy life will I give unto thee for a pr. 48. 9 Give wings unto Moab, that it may flee 50. 15 she hath given her hand : her foundations lAm. I. II they have given their pleasant things for 2. 18 give thyself no rest ; let not the apple of 3. 30 He giveth (his) cheek to him that smiteth 3. 65 Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto 5. (> We have given the hand (to) tho Egyp. Bml 2. 8 open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee 3. 3 with this roll that I give thee. Then did 4. 15 Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given 7. 21 I will give it into the hands of tho stra. II. 17 and I will give you the land of Israel II. 19 I will give them one heart, and I ^vill II. 19 and will give them an heart of flesh 15. 6 which I have given to the fire for fuel, so 15. 6 vfill I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem 16. 17 which I had given thee, and madest to 16. 19 My meat also which I gave thee, fine fl. 16. 33 give gifts to all whores ; but thou givest 16. 34 in that thou givest a reward, and no re. 16. 36 children, which thou didst give unto 16. 38 I will give thee blood in fury and jealo. 16. 39 I will also give thee into their hand, and i6. 41 thou also Shalt give no hire any more 16. 61 I will give them unto thee for daughters 17. 15 that they might give him horses and 17. 18 he had given his hand, and hath done all 18. 7 hath given his bread to the hungry, and 18. 8 He (that) hath not given forth upon usury 18. 13 Hath given forth upon usury, and hath 18. 16 hath given his bread to the hungry, and 20. II I gave them my statutes, and showed 20. 12 also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign 20. 15 the land v/hich I had given (them), flow. 20. 25 I gave them also statutes, .not good, and BO. 28, 42 I lifted up mine hand to give it to 21. 11 he hath given it to be furbished, that it 21. II to give it into the hand of the slayer 21. 27 whoso right it is ; and I will give it Qxim) 23. 31 therefore nill I give her cup into thine 23. 46 will give them to be removed and spoiled 23. 10 ivill give them in possession, that tha 28. 23 that I have given to my servant Jacob 29. 5 I have given thee for meat to the beasts *9. 19 I mil give the land of Eg}T>t unto Nobu. 29. 20 I have given him the land of ^gypt (for^ Of. ai I will give thee the opening of the mouth '§3. 07 will I give to the heaets to be devoured 395 aiVE I^e. 36, 26 A new heart also will I give you, and a 36. 26 and I will give you an heart of llesli 36. 28 that I gave to your fathers; and yc shall 37. 25 that I have given unto Jacob my servant 39. 4 I will give thee unto the ravenous birds 39. II I will give unto Gog a place there of gra. 39. 23 gave them into the hand of their enemies 43. 19 thou Shalt give to the priests the Lcvites 44. 28 ye shall give them no possession in Israel 44. 30 ye shall also give unto the priest the 45. 8 shall they give to the house of Israel 46. 16 If tlie prince give a gift unto any of his 46. 17 if he give a gift of his inheritance to one 47. 14 to give it unto your fathers : and tliis 47. 23 there shall ye give O'im) his inheritance Dan. I. 2 the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah I. 12 let them give us pulse to eat, and water I. 16 they should drink, and gave them pulse 1. 17 God gave tliem knowledge and skill in 8. 13 to give botli the sanctuary and tlie host II. 17 he sliall give him the daughter of women II. 21 shall not give the honour of the kingdom Uos. 2. 5 that give (me) my liread and my water 2. 8 did not know that 1 gave her com, and 2. 12 that my lovers have given me : and I will 2. 15 I will give her her vineyards from thence 9. 14 Give them.. what wilt thou give? give 13. 10 thou saidst. Give me a king and princes? 13. ;i I gave thee a king in mine anger, and Joel 2. 17 give not thine heritage to reproach, that 2. 23 for he hath given you the former rain 3. 3 have given a boy for an harlot, and sold Amos 4. 6 I also have given you cleanness of teetli 9. 15 their land which I have given them, eaith Mio. I. 14 Shalt thou give presents to Moresheth-g. 6. 7 shall I give my first born (for) my transg. Hag. 2. 9 in this place will I give peace, saith tho Zech. 3. 7 I will give thee places to walk among 8. 12 vine shall give . . shall give her. . shall give 10. I give them showers of rain, to every one Mai. 2. 2 lay (it) to heart, to give glory unto my 2. 5 I gave them to him (for) the fear where. 11. To give, ]n^ nethan. Dan. 2. 16 desired of the king that he would give 4. 17 giveth it to whomsoever he will, and 4. 25, 32 the Most High, .giveth it to whomco. 12. To U/t up, exalt, Dnrwrn, 5. 2 Ch.30. 24 Hezekiah king of Judah did give to the 30. 24 and the princes gave to tlie congregation 35. 7 Josiah gave to the pebple, of the flock 35. 8 his princes gave willingly unto the pco. 3S. 9 gave unto the Levites tor the passover off. IZ.To put, place, Dity sum. Num. 6. 26 Lord lift up his countfinance. .give thee Deut22. 14 give occasions of speech against her, and 22. 17 he hath given occasions of speech (against Josh. 7. 19 My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the L. 1 Sa. 2. 20 Lord give thee seed of this, for Ezra 4. 21 Give ye now commandment to cause Neh. 8. 8 gave the sense, and caused, .to undcrst. 9. 7 and gavcst him the name of Abraham Prov. 8. 29 When he gave to the sea his decree, that Isa. 42. 12 Let tliem give glory uuto the Lord, and Ban. t. 7 Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs g. I. 7 for he gave unto Daniel (the name) of 13. 14. 7*0 (jive away {from oiieself), aTroSiSa/j.t apodid. Matti2. 36 they shall give account thereof in the d. 20. 8 give them (their) hire, beginning from Lukei6. 2 give an account of thy stewardship ; for Acts 4. 33 witli great power gave the apostles wit. 19. 40 nocause whereby [we may give] an account 2 Ti. 4. 8 tho righteous Judge, shall give me at that Heb. 13. 17 as they that must give account, that they I Pe. 4. 5 Who shall give account to him that is Rev. 22. 12 to give every man according as liis v.'ork 15. 7*0 apportion, portion off, oiroi'e/iw aponemo. I Pc. 3. 7 giving honour unto the v.'ife, as unto the ICi.To t/ive throufjhout, StaSlStnui diadidOmi, , E.CV. 17. 13 [shall give] tJieir power and £trons;th unto VJ.To (jive, oiow^i didOmi. Matt. 4. 9 All these things will I give thee, if thou 5. 31 let him give her a WTiting of divorcement 5. 42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from 6. II Give us this day our daily bread 7. 6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs 7. 7 Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and 7. II know how to give good gifts unto your 7. II give good things to them that ask him 9. 8 which had given such power unto men 10. I he gave them power (against) unclean 10. 8 freely ye have received, freely give 10. 19 [it shall be given you in that same hour] 12. 39 tliore shall no sign be given to it, but tho 13. II Because it is given unto you to know the 13. II but to them it is not given 13. 12 whosoever hath, to him shall be given 14. 7 he promised, .to give her whatsoever she 14. 8 Give me hero John Baptist's head in a 14. 9 the king . . commanded (it) to bo given 14. II was brought in a charger, and given to 14. 16 They need not depart ; give ye them to 14. 19 gave the loaves to Ous) disciples, and the 15. 36 gave to his disciples, and the disciples to 16. 4 there shall no sign be given unto it, but 16. 19 I will give unto thee the keys of the king. 16. 26 what shall a man give in exchange for his Matt 17. 27 that take, and give unto them for nie 19. 7 command to give a writing of divorconi. 19. II cannot receive.. «ave.. to wliom it is given 19. 21 give to the poor, and thou shalt have 20. 4 and whatsoever is riglit I will give you 20. 14 I will give unto tliis last even as unto , . 20. 23 to sit on my right, .is not mine to give 20. 28 and to give his life a ransom for many 21. 23 and who gave thee this authority? 21. 43 given to a nation bringing forth the fru. 22. 17 Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cesar 24. 29 the moon shall not give Jitr light, and 24. 45 to give them meat in due season 25. 8 Give us of your oil ; for our lamps are 25. IS unto one lie gave five talents, to another 25. 28 give (it) unto him which hath ten talcots es. 29 For unto every one tliat hath shall be ^. =5- 35 Eor I was an liungered, and yc gave mo 25. 42 For I was an hungered, and ye gave mo no 26. 9 miglit have been sold for much, and giv. 26. 15 What will ye give ine, and I will deliver 26. 26 and gave (it) to the disciples, and said 26. 27 and gave (it) to them, saying, Drink yo a6. 48 he that betrayed him gave them a sign 27. 10 gave them for the potter's field, as the 27. 34 They gave him vinegar to drink mingled 28. 12 they gave large money unto the soldiers 28. 18 All power is given unto me In heaven Mark 2. 26 gave also to them which wer6 with him 4. II Unto you it is given to know the mystery 4. 25 For lie that hath, to him shall be given 5. 43 that something should be given her to 6. 2 what wisdom (is) this which Is given unto 6. 7 and gave them power over unclean spirits 6. 22 whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give (it) 6. 23 I will give (it) thee, unto the half of my 6. 25 I will that thou give me by and by In a 6. 28 brought his head in a charger, and gavB 6. 28 and the damsel gave it to her mother 6. 37 said unto them. Give ye them to eat 6. 37 Shall we go and buy . .and give them to 6. 41 gave (them) to his disciples to set before 8. 6 and gave to his disciples to set before 8. 12 There shall no sign be given unto this g. 8. 37 Or what shall a man give in exchange 10. 21 sell whatsoever thou hast, andgive to tha 10. 40 to sit on ray right, .is not mine to givo 10. 45 and to give his life a ransom for many 11. 28 who gave thee this authority to do these 12. 9 and will give tho vineyard unto others 12. 14 Is it lawful to give tribute to Cesar, or 12. 15 Shall wo give, or shall we not give? But 13. II whatsoever shall be given you In that 13. 24 and the moon shall not givo her light 13. 34 gave authority to his servants, and to 14. 5 might have been sold, .and have been gl. 14. II they were glad, and promised to givo 14. 22 gave to them, and said. Take, cat : this 14. 23 he gave (it) to them ; and they all drank 14. 44 he that betrayed him had given them a 15. 23 they gave him to drink wine mixed with Luke I. 32 the Lord God shall give unto him the I. 77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his 4. 6 All this power will I give thee, and tho 4. 6 and to whomsoever I will I give it 6. 4 gave also to them that were with Idm 6. 30 Give to every man that asketh of thee 6. 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you 6. 38 good measure, .shall men give into your 7. 44 thou gavest me no water for ray feet : but 7. 45 Thou gavest me no kiss : but this woman 8. 10 Unto you it is given to know tlie mystcr. 8. 18 whosoever hath, to him shall be given 8. 55 and he commanded to give her meat 9. I gave them power and authority over all 9. 13 he said imto them. Give ye them to eat 9. 16 and gave to the disciples to set before 10. 19 I give unto you power to tread on serpe. 10. 35 gave, .to the host, and said unto him 11. 3 Give us day by day our daily bread II. 7 Trouble me not. .1 cannot rise and give II. 7 Though he will not rise and give him II. 8 because of. .he will rise and give him as II. 9 Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and II. 13 know how to give good gifts unto your II. 13 give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? II. 29 there shall no sign be given it, but the 11. 41 But rather give alms of such things as yo 12. 32 your Father's good pleasure to give you 12. 33 Sell that ye have, and give alms ; prov. 12. 42 to give, .portion of meat in due season f 12. 48 For unto whomsoever mac* is given, of 12. 51 Suppose ye that I am come to give pea;e 12. 58 give diligence that thou niayest be dcliv. 14. 9 Give this man place ; and thou begin 15. 12 Father, give me the portion of goods 15. 16 the husks, .and no man gave unto him 15. 29 yet thou never gavest nie a kid, that I 16. 12 who shall giveyou that which is yourown ? 17. 18 are not found that returned to give glory i3. 43 all the people, .gave praise unto God 19. 8 the half of my goods I give to the poor 19. 15 these servants, .to whom he had given 19. 23 ^^^lerefore then gavest not thou my mo. 19. 24 and give (it) to him that hath ten pounds 19. 26 unto every one which hath shall be given 20. 2 or who is he that gave thee this authority 20. 10 that they should give him of the fruit 20. 16 and shall give the vineyard to others 20. 22 Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto C. 21. 15 I \vill give you a mouth and wisdom 22. 5 they were glad, and covenanted to give GIVE GIVE Lukezz. 19 and trake. .and gave unto them, saying 22. 19 This is my body, which is given for you 23. 2 forbidding to give tribute to Cesar John 1. 12 to them gave he power to become the 17 For the law was given by Moses, (but) 22 that we may give an answer to them 16 that he gave his only begotten Son, that 27 can receive nothing, except it be given 34 for Godgiveth not the spirit by measure 35 and hath given all things into his hand 5 ground that Jacob gave to liis sou Josepll 7 Jesus saith unto her. Give me to drink 10 who it is that saith to thee. Give me to 10 he would have given thee Uving water 12 our father Jacob, which gave us the well 14 drinketh of the water that I shall give 14 [but the water that I shall give him shall)) 15 Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not 26 so hath he given to the Son to have life In 27 hath given him authority to e.xecute 36 works which thfe Father hath given me to 27 which the Son of man shall giveunto you 31 He gave tliem bread from heaven to eat . 32 Moses gave you not that bread from heav. 32 but my Fatlier giveth you the true bread 33 the bread .giveth life unto the world ^4 Lord, evermore give us this bread 37 All that the Father giveth me shall come 39 that of all which he hath given me I should 51 and the bread that I will give is my flebh 51 which I will give for the life of the world 52 How can this man give us. .flesh to eat? 65 except it were given unto him of my Fat. 19 Did not Moses give you the law, and 22 Moses therefore gave unto you circumci. . 24 said unto him. Give God the praise : ■H'e 28 I give unto them eternal life ; and they 29 My Father, which gave . .me, is greater 22 thou wilt ask of God, God will give (it) 57 Pharisees had given a commandment, tliat 5 three hundred pence, and given to the 49 he gave me a commandment, what I 3 the Father had given all things into hfa 15 I have given you an example, that ye ' 26 when he had dipped the sop, he gave (it) 29 he should give something to the poor . 34 A new commandment I give unto you 16 he shall give you another Comforter, that 27 my peace I give unto you : not as the 27 giveth, give I unto you. Let not your 16 the Father in my name, he may give it 23 the Father in my name, he will give (it) 2 thou hast given him power over all fleuh 2 that he should give, .to as many as thou 4 the work which thou gavest me to do 6 men which thou gavest me out of the 6 thou gavest them me ; and they have 7 whatsoever thou hast given me are of 8 I have given unto, .which thou gavest me . 9 which thou hast given me ; for they are . n whom thou hast given me, that they may . 12 those that thou gavest me I have kept . 14 I have given them thy word ; and the . 22 glory which thou gavest me I have given . 24 they also whom thou hast given me, be . 24 my glory, which thou hast given me : for 9 them which thou gavest me have I lost II Father hath given me, shall I not drink 9 TVhence art thou ? But Jesus gave him 11 except it were given thee from above 13 Cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth 4 as the spirit gave them utterance 6 such as 1 have give I thee : In the name 16 hath given him this perfect soundness 12 other name under heaven given among 31 for to give repentance to Israel, and 32 whom God hath given to them that obey 5 he gave him none inheritance in it, no • 5 would give it to him for a possession, and 8 he gave him the covenant of circumcis. 10 gave him favour and wisdom in the sight 38 the lively oracles to give unto us 18 Holy Ghost was given, he offered them 19 Saying, Give me also this power, that on 41 he givfe her (his) hand, and lifted her up' 17 as God gave them th&like gift as (he did) 23 he gave not God the glory : and he was 20 [he gave . . judges about the space of four] 21 God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis 34 I will give you the sure mercies of David 17 did good, and gave us rain from heaven 8 giving them the Holy Ghost, even as (he 25 he giveth to all life, and breath, and aU 32 and to give you an inheritance among 35 It is more blessed to give than to receive 26 money should have been given him' of P. 20 was strong in faith, giving glory to God ^ by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us a God hath given them the spirit of slumber 2 'For I say, through the grace given unto 6 according to the grace that is given to us 19 give place unto wrath : for it is written 14. 12 every one of us shall give an account of 15. 15 of the grace that is given to me of God I to. I. 4 grace of God which is given you by J. 0. 3. 5 even as the Lord gave to every man ? 3. 10 the grace of God which is given unto me 7. 25 yet I give my judgment, as one that hath 11. 15 for (her) hair is given her for a covering 12. 7 is given to every man to profit withal 12. 8 is given by the spirit the word of wisdom 12. 24 having given more abundant honour to 32. 13 13' »3 I3' 13 14 14. 14. IS- 16. 17. ^7- I7' I7' I7' 17- I7' 17 t?' 1 7' ■«7' 17 ^7 ■«7 ^S. IB. 19. 19. 21. Acts 2. 3- 3- <■ 5- 5- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- S. 8. 9- II. 12. »3- IS- 14. 15- 17- 20. 20. ]tom. 4. 5- XI. 12. 12. 12. I Co. 14. 14. 14. IS- a Co. I. S- 5- 5- 6. S. 8. 9- 10, Gal, 13- Eph, Col. iXh. sTh. iTi sTt Titus Heb. 2. 2. Jas. I. T. 2. iPe. 4-. 4- 5- I. 2Pe. I Jo. b- 3- .1- 3- 4- 5- S- Pvev. I. 2. 4- 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7- 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 10. II. II. II. II. 51. 12. IS- »3- 13- 13- J3- IS- IS- 14. 15- 16. 16. 16. 16. 17- 18. 19. IS.To give Mark 1 5, zPe. I. 7 giving sound, whether pipe or harp 7 give a distinction in the sounds, hoff 8 If the trumpet give an uncertain sound 38 God giveth it a body as it hath pleased 57 which giveth us the victory through our 22 and given the earnest of the spirit in our 5 hath given unto us the earnest of the 12 but give you occasion to glory on our 18 and hath given to us the ministry of 3 Giving no offence in anything, that the 5 first gave tlieir own selves to the Lord 10 1 give (my) advice : for this is expedient 9 hath given to the poor -. his righteousness 8 the Lord hath given us for edification 7 there was given to me a thorn in the fl. 10 hath given, me to edification, and not to 4 gave liimself for our sins, that he might 9 that was given unto me, they gave to me 21 if there had been a law given which could 22 might be given to them that believe 15 out your own ejes, and have given them 17 may give unto you the spitit of wisdom 22 gave him (to be) the head over all (things) 2 grace of God which is given me to you 7 grace of God given unto mc by the effoc. 8 is tliis grace given, that I should preach 7 is given grace according to the measure 8 captivity captive, and gave gifts unto 11 gave some, apostles ; and some, prophets 27 Neither give place to the devil 19 may be given unto me, that I may open 25 dispensation of God which is given to me z what commandments we gave you by the 8 who hatn also given unto us his Holy Sp. 16 and hath given (us) everlasting consolat. 16 give you peace always by all means 6 Who gave him.seU a ransom for all, to be 14 gift, .which was given thee by prophecy 14 give none occasion to the adversary to 7 God hath not given us tho spirit of fear 9 grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus 16 The Lord give mercy unto the house of 7 the Lord give thee understanding in all 25 if God peradventure will give them 14 Who gave himself for us, that he might 13 the children which God hath given me 4 even. .Abraham gave the tenth of the sp. 5 ask of God, that giveth to all (men) liber. 5 upbraideth not ; and it shall be given him 16 notwithstanding ye give them not those 6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he 6 but giveth grace unto the humble i3 prayed again, and the heaven gave rain 21 gave him glory ; that your faith and hone 5 for God . . giveth grace to the humble 15 according to the wisdom given unto him 23 and love one another, as he gave us com. 24 in us, by the spirit which he hath given 13 because he hath given us of his spirit II that God hath given to us eternal life 16 ho shall give him life for them that sin 20 hath given us an imderstanding, that 1 v/hich God gave unto him, to show unto 7, 17 To him that overcometh will I give to and I will give thee a crov/u of life ^ 17 will give him a white stone, and in the 21 1 gave her space to repent df her fornica. 23 I will give unto every one of you accord. 26 to him will I give power over the nations 28 And I will give him the morning star 9 when those beasts give glory and honour 2 and a crown was given imto him : and ho 4 was given to him that sat thereon to take 4 there was given unto him a great sword 8 po^yer was given unto them over the fou. II white robes were given unto every one of 2 to whom it was given to hurt the earth 2 and to them were given seven trumpets 3 there was given unto him much incenso 1 to him was given the key of the bottom. 3 unto them was given power, as the scor. 5 to them it was given that they should not 9 said unto him. Give me tho little book 1 there was given me a reed like unto a rod 2 for it is given unto the Gentiles : and the 3 I will giveunto my two witnesses, and 13 and gave gloiy to the God of heaven 18 that thou shouldest give reward unto thy 14 to the woman were g iven two wings of a 2 the dragon gave him liis power, and his 4 the dragon which gave power unto the b. 5 there was given unto him a mouth 5 and power was given unto him to con. 7 [it was given unto him to make war with] 7 power was given him over all kindreds 15 he had power to give life unto the image 7 Fear God, and give glory to him ; for the 7 one of the four beasts gave unto the seven 6 thou hast given them blood to drink ; for 8 power was given unto him to scorch men 9 and they repented not to give him glory 19 to give unto her the cup of the wine of 17 give their kingdom unto the beast, until 7 so much torment and sorrow give her 7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give hon. 4 and judgment was given unto them : and 6 1 will give unto him that is athirst of the as a gift, Sapdofxai doreomai. 45 when they knew, .they gave the body to .3 as his divine power hath given unto us ( Whereby are given unto us exceeding give . .fon or over to iirthiiam epididomu Matt. 7. 9 if his son ask bread, will he give him a s.1 7. 10 if he ask a fish, will he give him a serp. ? Luke II. II If a son shall ask. .will he give him a Bt.t 11. II a fish, will he for a fish give him a serp. 1 24. 30 and blessed (it), and brake, and gave to 24. 42 they gave him a piece of a broiled flsll Johni3. 26 [He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when] 20. To give testimony or vHtness, naprvpita martur, I Jo. 5. 10 believeth not the record that God gave of 21. yo give a share, /itTaSlSuifii inetadidomi. Eom 12. 8 he that giveth, (let him do it) with simp. Eph. 4. 28 that he may have to give to him that 2% Along side of, irapd para. ' Lukeio. 7 eating and drinlcing such things as they g. give over to, irapaSiSuiii paradidomi. 1 Co. 13. 3 though I give my body to be bumea, and Gal. 2. 20 Son of God, who loved me, and gave him. Eph. s- 2 hath given himself for us an offering and, 5. 25 even as Christ also, .gave himself foi it ^ii.To bear into leside, iraptia' pareispherd. 2 Pe. I. 5 giving all diligence, add to your faith vir. 25. To hold alongside of, irape'xw parechd. Acts 17. 31 he hath given assurance unto all (men) Col. 4. I give unto (yom-) servants that which is 1 Ti. 6. 17 who giveth us richly all things to enjoy 26. To do, make, iroUoi poied. ' Jude 3 when I gave all diligence to write unto yoo. 27. To put, set, place, rlBriixi iiihemi. Johnio. II shepherd giveth his life for the sheep 28. To grant as a favour, p^apf^oyiiai charizomai. Luke 7. 21 and unto many. . blind he gave sight Acts 27. 24 hath given thee all them that sail with Gal. 3. 18 but God gave (it) to Abraham by promisg Phil. I. 29 is given in the behalf of Christ, not only 2. 9 given him a name which is above every Phm. 22 through your prayers I shall be given 29. To be chorus leader, to supply, xopvy^'^ chm\ 1 Pe. 4. II ability which God giveth : that God in all 30. To draw out, prolong, ^gin nashah. Eccl. 2. 3 to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting 31. Tb cause to turn bach, y\v shut, 5. 2 Ki.17. 3 became his servant, and gave him prese 32. 7*0 send forth, out or away, rh^ shalach. Psa. 50. 19 Thou gavest thy mouth to evil, and thy [See also Account, answer, charge, commandment; counsel, drink, ear, eat, few, flattering tittles, heat, in herit, knowledge, law, leave, less, life, MghtJ many, marriage, more, name, passages, pledge?, possess, power, praise, provender, quietness, respite, rest, reward, shout, sixth part, skill, speedily, stripes, such, thanks, imderstanding, warning, witness.] GIVE again, to — l.To cause to twrn back, y\vf shub, 5. Lev. 25. SI lie shall give again tho price of his 25.52 accord, unto his years siiall he give Mm r 2.T0 finish, complete, recompense, tshv shalam, 3, Eze. 33. 15 give again that he had robbed, walkbi 3.T0 give aioay, airoZiZwixi apodidomi. Luke 4. 20 gave (it) again to the minister, and sat GIVE against, to — ■'. To bear against or down, KaraTep4is for inheritance 35. 12 desolate, they are given us to consume 47. II not be healed ; they shall be given to salt Dan. 8. 12 And an host was given, .against the daily It. 13 multitude shall be given into his hand 5.7*0 he given, put, jra nathan, 6. Num26. 54 shall his inheri.ance be given according 32. 5 let this land be given unto thy servants 1 Ki. 2. 21 Let Abishag the Shimammite be given to 2 Ki. s. 17 Shall there not then, I pray thee, be giv. 6.7*0 be placed, appointed, die' sum, 2. Ezra 4, 21 commandment shall be given from me GrVEN, that which he hath — Recompense, deserving, benefit, deed, 7?ca gemid. Prov 19. 17 that which he hath given willlie pay lilm GIVEN to — 1. 7*0 enslave, Sov\6oi doidoo. Titus 2. 3 not given to much wine, teachers ol good 2. To pursue, 5(w/cw dioko. Rom 12. 13 the necessity of saints; given to hospita. GIVEN to, to be — :' To hold ioivard, vpoo'ex'" prosecho. - 1 Ti. 3. 8 not given to much wine, not greedy of fl. GIVEN, the things that are freely — ? The things granted as a favour, to xapfrBfyra. 1 Co. 2. 12 the things that are freely given to us ol GIVEN to covetonsness — ' To cut off, gain dishonestly, y;s3 hatsa. Jer. 6. 13 For. .every one (is) given to covetonsness 8. 10 the greatest is given to covetouaness, from GIVEN to it, those that are — Master, owner, '?y3 baal. EccL 8. 8 neither..deliverthosethatareglven toit GIVEN up, to be — 1 7*0 be given, \t\\ nathan, 2. Dan. II. 6 but she shall be given up, and they that GIVEN (whoUy) — To give, jru nathan. . ifum. 3. 9 they (are) wholly given unto him out of 8. 16 they (are) wholly given unto me from am. 18. 6 to you (they are) given (as) a gift for the Dent 28. 31 thy sheep (shall be) given unto thine ene. GIVEN, (wounds) to be — i. To (cause to) smite, npi nahah, 5. 2 Ki. 8. 29 which the' Syrians had given him at Ram. 9. 15 which the SjTicns had given him, when 8 Ch.z2. 6 which were given him- at &amah, when GLAD' — — * orvEE — Giver, Z6ri)t dotls. ■. a Co. 9. 7 necessity : lor God loveth a cheerful jjter OrVETH GIFTS — A man of gifts, [TO Bi'N ish mattan. " Prov 19. 6 man (is) a friend to him that glyetb giftf GTVTNO — 1. 7*0 give, |n) nathan. .^ Deut 10. 18 stranger, in giving him food and raiment 21.17 ''y giving him a double portion of all that Ruth I. 6 visited his people la giving them bread 1 Ki. 5. 9 my desire, in giving food (or my househ. 2 Ch. 6. 23 by giving him according to his righteous. I.A giving, a gift, SJcrir dosis. Phil. 4. 15 concerning giving and receiving, but ye OrVINO up — Breathing out, puff', n^o mappach. Job 1 1. 20 hope (shall be as) the giving up of the g. GI-ZO-NITE, 'ji?. Patronymic of one whose sons were among Davld'i guard. B.C. 1048. I Ch.ii. 34 sons of Hashcm the G., Jonathan the loa GLAD — l.Good, 3'it3 iob. 1 Ki. 8. 66 glad of heart, for all the poodncaa that Esth. 5. 9 that day joyful and with c glad heart ^.Rejoicing, nti-f sameach.'- 2 Ch. 7. 10 glad and merry in heart for the goodness Esth. 8. 15 the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad Psa. 126. 3 hath done great things (or us, .we are gL Prov 17. 5 he that is glad at calamities shall not bo GLAD, to bo — 1.7*0 rejoice, joy, V'3, "713 gul, gil. Psa. 31. 7 I will be glad and rejoice in thy merfy . 48. II let..Judah be glad, because of thy juUg. 96. II let the earth be glad ; let the sea roar Prov 24. 17 let not thine heart be glad when he stu. Song I. 4 we will be glad and rejoice in thee ; wo Isa. 25. 9 we will bo glad and rejoice in his salva. 66. 10 and be glad with her, all ye that love her Joel 2. 21 bo glad and rejoice : for the Lord will do 2. 23 Be glad then, ye children o( Zion, and Hab. 1. IS catch .. therefore they rejoice and are gl. 2. To be good, 3no teeb. Dan. 6. 23 Then was the king exceeding glad for 3. 7*0 be or become good, 3a; yatab. Judg 18. 20 the priest's heart was glaa; and he took i.To enjoy, rejoice, t>''v, biiy sus, sis. Job 3. 22 are glad, when they can find the grave T Isa, 35. I the solitary place shall be glad for them 65. 18 But be ye glad and rejoice (or ever (in Lam. I. 21 they are glad tliat thou hast done (it) 5. 7*0 rejoice, ncV sameach. Exod. 4. 14 when he seeth thee, he will be glad In 1 Sa. II. 9 to the men of Jabesh ; and they were gL 1 Ch. 16. 31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the ea. Job 22. 19 The righteous sec. .and are ; and Psa. 9. 2 I will be glad and rejoice in thcc : 1 will 14. 7 shall rejoice, (and) Israel shall be glad 16. 9 my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth 32. II Be glad'in the Lord, and rejoice, ye right. 34. 2 the humble shall hear, .and be glad 35. 27 Let them shout (or joy, and be glad 40. 16 that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thco 53. 6 Jacob shall rejoice. .Israel shall be glad 64. 10 The righteous shall be glad in the LORD 67. 4 let the nations be glad, and sing for joy 68. 3 But let the righteous be glad : let them 69. 32 llie humble shall see (this, and) be glad 70. 4 that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thco 90. 14 that we may rejoice and be glad all our 97. I rejoice ; let the multitude of isles be glad 97. 8 Zion heard, and was glad ; and the daug. 104. 34 shall be sweet : I will be glad iu the I/>. 105. 38 Egypt was glad when they departed ; for 107. 30 Then are they glad because they be quiet 118. 24 hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad 119. 74 They that fear thee will be glad when 122. I I was glad when they said unto me, Let Prov 23. 25 thy mother shall be glad, and she that Isa. 39. 2 Uezekiah was glad of them, and showed Jer. 41. 13 that (were) with him, then they were glad 50. II Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced Lam. 4. 21 Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom Jon. 4. 6 So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd Zeph. 3. 14 bo glad and rejoice witli all the heart, O Zech 10. 7 yea, their children shall see . . and be glad 6.7*0 leap much, be glad, ayaXXiiofiai agalliaomat. Acts 2. 26 my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad 7.7'o rejoice, he of good cheer, xoipc chairO. Marki4. 11 when they heard . .they were glad, and Lukeis. 32 It was meet that we should, .be glad : for 22. s they were glad, and covenanted to give 23. 8 Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad John 8.56(0 see my day ; and he saw . . and was glad II. IS I am glad for your sakes that I was not 20. 20 Then were the disciples glad when they Actsii. 23 and had seen the grace of God, was glad 13. 48 the Gentiles heard this, they were glad Rom 16. 19 I am glad therefore on your behalf : but 1 Co. 16. 17 I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and 2 Co. 13. 9 For wo are glad when we are weak, and GLAD 398 GLORIOUS I Pe. 4. 13 ye may be glad also with exceeding Joy Rev. 19. 7 I.«t us be glad and rejoice, and give hon. GLAD, to be exceeding — To leap much, be glad, aya\\ agalliaomai. Matt. 5. 12 Kejoice. and be exceeding glad ; for gi'eat GLAD, to maka — l.To make joy ful, nin chadah, 3. i. Psa. 21. 6thou hast made him exceeding glad with %To make joyful or glad, np'^ sameach, 3. Psa. 4S. 8 palaces, wherehy they have made thee g. 46. 4 the streams whereof shall make glad the Qo. 15 Make us glad according to the days, .thou 92. 4 For thou, LOKD, hast made, me glad thro. 104. 15 wine, .raakethglad the heart of man,{and) Prov 10. I A wise son maketh a glad fathe? : but a 12. 25 it stoop : but a good word maketh it glad IS. 20 A wise son maketh a glad father : but a 27. II My son, bo wise, and make my heart glad Jer. 20. 15 is bom unto thee, making him very glad Hos. 7. 3 They make the king glad with their wick. 8. To make glad, cheer, evcppalvco euphraino. ■ ■ a Co. 2. 2 who is he then that maketh me glad, but OTiAT) tidinga, to bring, declare, show — 219 tell good news, evayyeXi^onai euapgehzomai. Luke 1. 19 am sent, .to show thee these glad tidinga 8. J showing the glad tidings of the kingdom Acts 13. 32 we declare unto you glad tidings, how Eom lo. 15 and bring glad tidings of good things GLADLY — X.Oladly, readily, joyfully, a.a-/ievais asmenos. Acts 2. 41 they that [gladly] received his word were 21. 17 were come.. the bretliren received us gl. i.Sweetly, vnth relish, rjSeas hedeSs, Mark 6. 20 he did many things, and heard him gladly 12. 37 And the common people heard him gladly 2 Co.ii. ig For yo suffer fools gladly, seeing ye. .are GLADLY, most or very — lifost sweetly, '/jSiffTa hedista. 3 Co. 12. 9 Most gladly thercforo will I rather glory 12. 15 1 will very gladly spend and be spent for GLADKESS — l.Joy, V'a gil. Joel 1. 16 joy end gladness from the house of our Z.Oladhcss,' nyin chedvah. I Ch.i6. 27 strength and gladness (are) to Ms place d.Goodness, 31b tilb. DeutaS. 47 with gladness of heart, for the abundance i.Loud cry, proclamation, singing, np rinnah, Psa. 105. 43 brought forth his. .chosen with gladness ^.Rejoicing, joy, gladness, mirth, nnp^ simchah. Numio. 10 in the day of your gladness, and in your a Sa. 6. 12 ark.. into the city of David with gladness I Ch.29. 22 the Lord on that day with great gladness a Ch.29. 3° tlisy sang praises with gladness, and they 30. 21 kept the feast . . seven days with great^l. 30. 23 and they tept. .seven days with gladness Neh. 8. 17 And there was very great gladness 12. 27 to keep the dedication with gladness, both Estli. 8. 16 The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy 9. 17, 18 made it a day of feasting and gladness 9. 19 gladness and feasting, and a good day, and Psa. 4. 7 Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more 30. II sackcloth, and girded me with gladness 45. 15 With gladness and rejoicing (shall) they SI. 8 Make me to hear joy and gladness ; (that) 97. II and gladness for the upright in heart 100. 2 Serve the LORB with gladness : come bef . 106. 5 that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy. Prov 10. 28 The hope of the righteous . . gladness ; but Bong 3. n in the day of the gladness of his heart Isa. 16. 10 gladness is taken away, and joy out of 22. 13 joy and gladness, slaying oxen and killing 30. 29 and gladness of heart, as when one goeth 3S. lathey shall obtain joy and gladness, and 5i- 3 joy and gladness shall be found therein Jer. 7. 34 the voice of gladness, the voice of the br. 16. 9 the voice of' gladness, the voice of the br. 2S. 10 the voice of gladness, the voice of the br. 31. 7 Sing with gladness for .Tacob, and shout 33. II the voice of gladness ; the voice of the br. Zech. 8. 19 be to the house of Judah joy and gladness S.Joy, rejoicing, gladness, J'liy'^ sason. Esth. 8. 17 the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast Psa. 45. 7 with the oil of gladness above thy feljows Isa. 51. II they shall obtain gladness and joy : (and) I.Much leaping, gladness, hyoLKXlaais agalliasis. Luke 1. 14 thou shalt have joy and gladness ; and Acts 2. 46 eat. .with gladness and singleness of h. Heb^ I. 9 with the oil of gladness above thy fellows '8. Cheer, gladness, fixppoaivri euph/rosu/ne. Acts 14. 17 filling our hearts with food and gladness 9.Joy, vapd charo). Mart 4. 16 immediately receive it wifh gladness Acts 12. 14 she opened not the gate for gladness, but PhU. 2. 29 in the Lord with all gladness ; and hold GLASS — LZloll, tablet, mirror, JV)"? gUlayon. Is». ^ 33 The glasses, a^ the flue linen, and the I.Mirror, looking glass, effowrpov esopira-n, I Co, 13. 12 For now we see through a glass, darlfly Jas. I. 23 man beholding his natural face in a glass Z.Olass, anything transparent, Sa^os hualos. Rev. 21. 18 and the city (was), .like imto clear glass 21. 21 pure gold, as it were transparent glass GLASS, of — Made of glass, vdXtvof hualinos. Rev. 4. 6 before the throne.. a sea of glass liko 15. 2 I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled 15. 2 stand on the sea of glass, having theharps GLASS, looking — Vision, looking glass, HNnn viarah.- Exod38. 8 the foot of it ([of)brass, of the looktog g. GLEAK, to — l.To gather, glean, Bp^ laqat." Ruth 2. 8 Go not to glean in another field, neither go %To gather, glean, Bp^ laqat, 3. Ruth 2. 2 and glean 'ears of com after (him) In B. 3 came, and gleaned in the field after the 2. 7 I pray you, let me glean and gather after 2. 15 And when she was risen up to glean, B. 2. IS Let her glean even among the sheaves 2. 16 that she ipay glean . . and rebuke her not 2. 17 So she gleaned in the field untU even 2. 17 and beat out that she had gleaned 2. 18 her mother in law saw what she had gle. 2. 19 Where hast thou gleaned to day? and 2. 23 by the maidens of Boaz to glean unto the 3. To roll, glean, suck, "7^5; alah, 3a. Lev. iq. 10 And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard Dent 24. 21 thou shalt not glean (it) afterward : it i udg 20. 45 and they gleaned of them In the highways Jer. ' 6. 9 They shall througlily glean the remnant GLEAUING — Gleaning, op? leqet. Lev. 19. 9 neitlier shalt thou gather the gleanings of 23. 22 neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of GLEANHTG (of the) grapes — Gleanings, nthh]! oleloth. Judg. 8. 2 (Is) not the gleaning of the grapes of E. Isa. 17. 6 Yet gleaning grapes shall be left In it 24. 13 as the gleaning grapes when the vintage Jer. 49. g would they not leave.. gleaning grapes? ulio. 7. 1 1 am .. as the grapo gleanings of the vin. GLEDE — Vulture, hawk, glede, n^j"! raah. Deut.14. 13 the glede, aai the Mte, and tho TUltura GLISTER, to — To flash as lightning, i^atrTpdirra ex.asiraptd. Luke 9. 29 and his raiment (was) white (and) gUst. GLISTEEIKG — Lead ere, stibium, rtAy, ips puk. 1 Ch. 29. 2 and (stones) to be set, glistering stones GLITTER — Brightness, lightning, P13 baraq. Eze. 21. 10 it is fui-bished that it may glitter: should GLITTERING — 1. Brightness, lightning, pn^ baraq. Deut 32. 41 If I whet my glittering sword, and mine Job 20. 25 the glittering sword cometh out of his g. Eze. 21. 28 to consume because of the glittering Nah. 3. 3 the bright sword and the glittering spear Hab. 3. II at the shining of thy glittering spear % Flame, blade, 3n^ lahdb. Job 39. 23 the glittering spear and the shield GLOOMINESS — Thick darkness, gloominess, npss aphelah. Joel 2. 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a Zeph. I. 15 a day of darkness and gloominesa a day GLORIFIED, to bo — l.To be weighty, heavy, honoured, njj kahed, Isa. t&. 5 Let the LoED be glorified : but he shall 'ii.Tobe or become heavy, honoured, 155 kahed, 2. Lev. 10. 3 hefore all the people I will be glorified Isa. 26. 15 Lord, thou art glorified : thou hast Eze. 28. 22 and I will be glorified in the midst of 39. 13 a renown, the day that I shall be glorified riag. I. 8 and I will be glorified, saith the Lord 3. To beautify self, "iKp paar, 7. Isa. 49. 3 my servant, .in whom I will be glorified 60. 21 work of my hands, that I may be glori. 61. 3 of tho Lord, that he might be glorified 4. To be glorified, ivZo^d^onat endoxaaomai. 2 Th. 1. 10 When he shall come to be gloriHed in 1. 12 That tho name, .may be glorified in you GLORIFIED together, to be — To glorify together, (rvvSo^dCta sundoxc'^. Rom. 8. 17 that we may be also glorified together GLORIFY, to — l.To honour, adorn, "iin hadar, 3. Dan. 5. 23 and the God. .hast thou n )( .g'orified 2. To make heavy, give honour, n?p kabei", 3. Psa. 22. 23 all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him ; and 50. IS I will deliver thoc and thou shalt glorifv so. 23 Whoso cffereth praise glorifielis me : and Psa. 86. 9 Lord ; and shall glorify thy name 86. 12 and I will glorify thy name for evermora Isa. 24. IS Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fir. 23. 3 Therefore shall the strong people glorify 3. To malce heavy, give honour, 135 kabed, 5. Jer. 30. 19 I will also glorify them, and they shall 4. To beautify, if*? paar, 3. Isa. 55. s for the Holy One., for he hath glorified 60. 7 and I will glorify the house of my glory 60. 9 Holy One . . because i hath glorified thee 5. To glorify, honour, So^d^a doxazO. Matt, s- 16 and glorify your Father which is in heav. g. 8 they marvelled, and glorified God, which IS. 31 and they glorified the God of Israel Mark 2. 12 all amazed, and glorified God, saying Luke 2. 20 the shepherds returned, glorifying and 4. 15 And he taught, .being glorified of all 5. 25 departed to his own. house, glorifying God S. 26 they glorified God, and were flUfed with 7. 16 they glorified God, saying, Th»t a great 13. 13 she was made straight, and glorified God 17. IS turned, .and with a loud voice glorified 18. 43 and followed him, glorifying God : and 23. 47 he glorified God, saying. Certainly this John 7. 39 because that Jesus was not yet'glorified 11. 4 that the Son. of God might be glorified 12. 16 but when Jesus was glorified, then rem. 12. 23 that the Son of man should be glorified 12. 28 Father, glorify thy name. Then came 12. 28 1 have both glorified, .and will glorify (it 13. 31 Now is the Son. .[glorified]. .God is glori. 13. 32 If God be glorified. .God shall .. glorify 13. 32 and shall straightway glorify him 14. 13 that the Father may be glorified in tho 15. 8 Herein is my Father glonfied, that ye bear 16. 14 He shall glorify me ; for he shall receive 17. I Father, the hour is come ; glorify thy Son 17. I that thy Son also may glorify thee 17. 4 I have glorified thee on the earth : I have 17. 5 Father, glorify thou me with thine own 17. 10 thine are mine ; and I am glorified in 21. 19 signifying by what death he should glorify Acts 3. 13 God . .hath glorified his Son Jesus ; whom 4. 21 for all. .glorified God for that which was II. 18 they held their peace, and glorified God 13. 48 and glorified the word of the Lord : and 21. 20 v/hen theyjheard (it), they glorified the L. Rom. I. 21 they glorified (him) not as God, neither 8. 30 vrhom he justified, them he also glorified 15. 6 ThatyemayTrith..cne|mouth glorify Go4 15. 9 that the Gentiles might glorify God for I Co. 6. 20 therefore glorify God in your body, and in 9. 13 they glorify God for your professed sub. I. 24 And they glorified God in me 3. I and be glorified, even as (it is) with you S. 5 So also Christ glorified not himself to be 2. 12 glorify God in the day of risitation 4. II that God in aU things may be glorified 4. 14 [evil spoken of, but on your part he is g.] 4. 16 but let him glorify God on this behalf Rev 15. 4 Who shall not fear thee, .and glorify thy 18. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and GLORIFY self, to — To beautify self, iK? paar, 7. Isa. 44. 23 for tho Lord, .glorified himself to Israel GLORIOUS — l.Honov/rable, T'llS! addir. Isa. 33. 21 But there the glorious LoRB (will he) 2. To become honourable, nix adar, 2. Exodis. II who (is) like thee, glorious to holtoess i Z.To beeomji light, "I'lN or, 2. Psa. 76. 4 Thou (art) more glorious (andl excellent 4. To honour, adorn, "iirt hadar. Isa. 63. I Who (is), .this (that is) glorious to hla B.Honour, beauty, majesty, adornment, ly) hadar. Psa. 1 1 1. 3 His work (is) honourable and glorious 14s. 12 and the glorious majesty of his kingdom G.Honour, beauty, majesty, -nn hod. Isa. 30. 30 the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to 7. To be or become heavy, honoured, IJS kabed, 2. Deut.28. 58 that thou mayost fear this -glorious and Psa. 87. 3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, 5. Honour, heaviness, wealth, li3| kabod. Neh. 9. s 3»d blessed be thy glorious name, which Esth. I. 4 When he showed the riches of his glorio. Psa. 66. 2 Sing forth, .make his praise glorious 72.' ig And blessed (be) his glorious name for ev. 14s. s I will speak of the glorious honour of thy 145. 12 and the glorious majesty of his ktogdpm Isa. 4. 2 shall the branch of the Lord be . . glorious II. 10 a root of Jesse, .his rest shall be glorious 22. 23 he shall be for a glorious throne to his Jer. 17. 12 A glorious high throne from the beginnL 9. Beauty, desire, '3;: tsebi. Isa. 28. I whose glorious heauty (is)a fading flower 28. 4 And the glorious beauty, v/hich (is) on Dan. II. 16 and he shall stand in the gh.rious land II. 41 He shall enter also into the glorious lacd II. 45 between the seas to the glorious holy m. 10. Beauty, glory, ri'iNDfi, rnHB^ tiph^reth, iiphdrah. I Ch/2g. 13 we thank thee, and praise thy glorious n. Isa, 63. 12 righthand of Moses vrith his glorious arm 63. 14 so didst thou, .to make thyself a glorious. 2 Co. Gal. 2Th, Eeb. iPe GLORIOUS 399 GLORY i U.Glorious, of glory, t^s SJfijs Ui doxes. Kom. 8. 21 into the glorious liberty of the children J Co. 4. 4 lest the light of the glorious gospel of C. Phil. 3. 21 be fashioued like unto his glorious body Col. I. II according to his glorious power, unto all 1 Ti. I. n According to the glorious gospel of the Titus a. 13 Looking for. .the glorious appearing of \i.Thrcmgh glory, Z\.a. 5({|7)i dia doxes. 2 Co. 3. II if that which is doue away (was) glorious 13. /ti glory, iv 8(5f») en doxe. 9 Co. 3. 7 if the ministration of death, .was glorious 3. 8 the ministration of the spirit be rather g. ? 3. li much more that which reniaincth (is) gL \i.Glorioiis, in glory, iv^o^os endoxos, Lukoi3. 17 rejoiced for all the glorious things that Eph. 5. 27 That he might present it to hiniselX a gL GIOEIOTJS, to he- ro be or hecome heavy, honoured, 135 hahcd, 2. 2 Sa. 6. 20 How glorious was the king of Israel to. Isa. 49. 5 yet shall I be glo: lous in the eyes of tho 610RI0US, aU — Heaviness, honour, fTJi^? Tcehxiddah. Psa. 45. 13 The king's daughter (is) all glorious with. OLOEIOUS, to become — To become honourable, adomea, "iiK adar, 2. Exod.15. 6 Thy right hand, .is become glorious In 6L0BI0TTS, to he made — l.To be heavy, honoured, 155 kabed. Eze. 27. 25 made very glorious in the midst of the 2. To be glorified, SoftJ^o/toi doxazomai. 2 Co. 3. 10 For oven that which was made glorious OL0BI01TS, to ma&e — To make heavy, give hoTWur, 155 hahed, 3. Isa. 60. 13 I will make the place of my feet glorious OLOSIOTTS things — To become heavy, honoured, 135 kabed, 2. Psa. 87. 3 Glorious tilings are spoken of tlice, city GLOEIOTJSLT — l.To rise, triumph, nxa gaah. Ezod.15. I, 21 for he hath triumphed gloriously ^.Heaviness, hoyiour, 1135 hahod. Isa. 24. 23 shall reign . . before his ancients gloriously GLOBY — X.AdommeiU, n"iiK addereth. Zech.ii. 3 for their glory is spoiled : a voice of th i.Honour, adornment, "ii.l hadar. Deut33. 17 His glory (is like) the firstling of his bul. Psa. 90. 16 and thy glory unto their children Isa. 2. 10, 19, 21 and for the glory of his majesty 5. 14 their glory, and their multitude, and Mlo. 2. 9 have ye taken away my glory for ever Z.Honour, adornment. Tin heder. Dan. II. 20 a raiser of ta.'ces (in) the glory of tho i.Honour, beauty, majesty, tin hod. I Ch.i6. 27 Glory and honour (are) in his presence Job 39. 20 the glory of his nostrils (is) terrible 40. 10 and array thyself with glory and beauty Psa. 8. I who hast set thy glory above the heavens 45. 3 thy sword, .with thy glory and thy maj. 148. 13 his glory (is) above the earth and heaven Jer. 22. 18 shall not lament for him . . Ah his glory ! Hab. 3. 3 His glory covered the heavens, and tho Zech. 6. 13 he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and h. Cleanness, purity, "^n^ tohar. Psa. 89. 44 Thou hast made his glory to cease, and 6.Preciousness, rarity, lij' yeqar. Dan. 2. 37 a kingdom, power, and strength, and gl. 4. 36 for the glory of my kingdom, mine hono. 5. 18 a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and 5. 20 was deposed, .and they took his glory 7. 14 there was given him dominion, and glory "t. Weight, heaviness, horvour, t'0| hahod. .Gen. 31. I of . .our fathers hath he.gotten all this g. 45. 13 ye »hall tell my father of nil my glory Exodi6. 7 then ye shall see the glory of the Lord 16. 10 the glory of the Lokd appeared in the 24. i5 the glory of the Lord abode upon mount 24. 17 And the sight of the glory of the Lord 28. 2 holy garments . .for glory and for beauty 28. 40 and bonnets, .for glory and for be.iuty 29. 43 and. .shall be sanctified by my glory 33. 18 said, I beseech thee, show mc thy glory 33. 22 it shall come to pass, while my glory 40- 34. 33 the glory of the Lord filled the tab. Lev. 9. 6 the gloi-y of the Lord shall appear unto 9. 23 the glory of the Lord appeared unto all K^um.14. ro the glory of the Lord appeared in the 14. 21 the earth shall be filled with the glory 14. 22 all those men which have seen my glory 16. 19, 42 and the glory of the Lord appeared 20. 6 the glory of the Lord appeared imto Dent. 5. 24 Lord our God hath showed us his glory Josh. 7. 19 give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord God I Sa. 2. 8 to make them Inherit the throne of glory 4. 21, 22 The glory is departed from Israel 6. 5 ye shall give glory unto the God of Israel 1 Ki. 8. n for the glory of the Lord had filled the I Ch. 16. 24 Declare liis glory among the heathen 16. 28 give unto tho Lqbd glory and strength I Ch.i6. aCh. 5. 7- 7- Eath. s' Job 19. Psa. 3. 4- 8. 16. 19. 21. 24. 24. 24- 29. 29. 29. 29. 3°- 49- 49- 57- 57- 62. 63- 72. 73- 79- 84. 85 96. 96. 96. 97- 102. 102. 104. io5. loS. io3. 113. 115. 138. 145. 149. Prov. 3. 25- T *5- Isa. 3. 4- 6. Jer. 14. 16. 17- 17- 21. 22. 40. 42. 4=- 43- 48. 58. 59- 60. 60. 60. 61. 62. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. Eze. ■3- 14. 48. I. 3- 3- 3- 10. 10. It. II. 39- 43- 43- 43- 43- 44. Dan. II. Hob. 4. 9- le. Mic. I. 29 Give unto the Lord tho glory (due) unto 14 for the glory of the Lord had filled the 1 and the glory of the Lord tilled tho house a because the glory of tho LORD had filled 3 the glory of the Lord upon the house 11 Haman toldtliem of the tlory of his riches 9 He hath stripped me of my glory, and 20 lly glory (was) fresh ift me, and my bow 3 my glory, and the lifter up of mine head 2 how long (will ye turn) my glory into 5 hast crowned him with glory and honour 9 my glory rejoiceth : my flesh also shall I ITie heavens declare the glory of God 5 His glory (is) great in thy salvation : hon. 7, 9 and the King of glory shall come in 8, 10 Who (is) this King of glory t Tho Lo. 10 The Lord of hosts, he (is) the King of g. 1 give unto the Lord glory and strength 2 Give unto tho Ix)RD the glory due unto 3 the God of glory thundcrclh : the LORD 9 his temple doth every one speak of. .glo. 12 To tho end that, .glory may sing praise 16 when tho glory of his house is increased 17 For. .his glory shall not descend after 5, II (let) thy glory (be) above aU the earth 8 Awako up, my glory ; awake, psaltery 7 In God (is) my salvation and my gloiy 2 To SCO thy power and thy glory, so (as) 19 let the whole earth be filled (v.ith) his g. 24 Thou shalt. .afterward receive mo (to) g. 9 Help us; .for the glory of thy name ; and 11 For. .tho Lord v\-ill give grace and glory 9 salvation (is) nigh, .that glory may dwell 3 Declare his glory among the heathen, his 7 give unto the Lord glory and strength 8 Give unto the LORD the glory (due unto) 6 and all the people see his glory 15 and all tho kings of the earth thy glory 16 the Lord, .shall appear in his glory 31 The glory of the Lord shall endure for 0. 20 Thus they changed their glory .'nto tho I I will, .give praise, even with ray glory 5 and thy glory above all the earth 4 The Lord (is) high . .his glory above" tho 1 but unto thy name give glory, for thy 5 they shall sing, .for great (is) the glory 11 They shall speak of the glory of thy kin. 5 Let the saints be joyful in glory : let 35 The wise shall inherit glory : but shnrao 2 (It is) the glory of God to conceal a tiling 27 to search their own glory (is not) glory 8 to provoke the eyes of his glory 5 for upon all tho glory (shall be) a defence 3 Uoly. .the whole earth (is) full of his glo. 7 the king of Assyria, and all his glory 3 and where will ye leave your glory ? 16 under his glory he shall kindle a burnbig iB And shall consume the glory of his forest 18 all of them, lie in glory, every one in his 14 and the glory of Jloab shall be contemned 3 they shall be as the glory of the children 4 the glory of Jacob shall be made thin 16 and all the glory of Kedar Ehal! fail 18 the chariots of thy glory, .the shame of 24 they shall hang upon him all the glory of 2 tlio glory of Lebanon shall be given unto 2 they shall see the glory of tho LORD, (and) 5 the glory of the LoRD shall be revealed 8 my glory Avill I not give to another 12 Let them give glory unto tlj'e Lord, and 7 for I have created him for my glory II I will not give my glory unto another 8 the glory of the Lord shall be thy rerew. jg and his glory from the rising of the sun 1 the glory of tho Lord i,s risen upon thee 2 and his glory shall ho seen upon thee 13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto 6 in their glory shall ye boast yourselves 2 and all kings thy glory : and thou shalt 11 he delighted ^vith the abundance of her g. 12 the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing s. i8 and they shall come, and see my glcry 19 nor heard, .neither have seen my glory 19 they shall declare my glory among the G. 11 my people have changed their glory for 16 Give glory to the Lord your God, before 21 do not disgrace the tlirone -'i thy glory 18 come down from, .glory, and sit in thirst 20 of the likeness of the glory of the Lord 12 Blessed (be) the glory of the LORD from 23 behold, the glory of the Lord stood there 23 as the glory which I saw by the river of 4 behold, the glory of the God of Israel 3 the glory of the God of Israel was gone 4 Then the glory of the LORD went up from 4 full of tho brightness of the Lord's glory 18 Then the glory of the LORD departed 19 the glory of the God of Israel (was) over 22 the glory of the God of Israel (was) over 23 the glory of the Lord wert up from tho 18 To whom art thou thus like in glory 21 1 will set my glory among the heathen 2 the glory of tho God of Israel came from 2 and the earth sliined with his glory 4 the glory of the Lord came into the house 5 the glory of the LoKD filled the house 4 the glory of the LORD filled the house of 39 whom he shall . . increase with glory 7 will I change their glory into shame II Ephraim, their glory sh.all fly av,'ay like a 5 for the glory thereof, because It is depar. 15 he shall come unto AduUam the glory of Kah. 2. 9 none end of.. glory out of all the pleasant Uab. 2. 14 the knowledge of the glory of the Lord 2. 16 Thou art filled with shame for glory 2. 16 shameful spewing (shall be) on thy glorj Hag. 2. 3 Who. .that saw this house in her first gl.r 2. 7 and I will flu this house with glory, saith 2. 9 The glory of this latter house shall bo Zech. 2. 5 For I . .will be the glory In the midst of 3. 8 After the glory hath he sent me unto tho MaL 2. 2 to give glory unto my name, saith the Lo. Z.Beauty, desire, '3^ tsebi. Isa. 13. 19 Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the bca. 23. 9 to stain the pride of all glory . .to bring 24. 16 hare we heard songs, .glory to the right. 23. 5 Lord oI hosts be for a crown of glory £zc. 20. 6, 1 5 a land . . which (is) the glory of all lands 25. 9 on his frontiers, the glory of the country 26. 20 I shall set glory in the land of the living O.Bcatily, glory, rntinn, .-nxtn tiphcrelh, tipharah. 1 Ch.22. s of fame and of glory throughout all conn. 29. II the power, and the glory, and the victory Psa. 78. 61 delivered, .hi" Tlory into the enemy's hand 89. 17 For thou (art) the glory of their strength Prov. 4. 9' a crown of glory shall she deliver to thoo 16. 31 llie hoary head (is) a croivn of glory, (IfJ it 17. 6 and the glory of children (arc) their fath. 19. II and (it is) bis glory to pass over a trans. 20. 29 Tlie glory of young men (is) their Etrength aS. 12 When righteous, .do rejoice, .great glory Isa. 10. 12 I will punish, .the glory of his high looks 20. 5 they shall I9; afraid . .of Egj-pt their glory 46. 13 place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory 60. 7 and I will glorify the house of my glory 60. 19 everlasting light, and thy God thy glory 62. 3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory In the 63. 15 habitation of thy holiness and of thy glo. Jer. 13. II a name, and for a praise, and for a glory 13. 18 come down, .the crown of your glory Eze. 24. 25 the Joy of their glory, the de.sire of their Zech 12. 7 glory of the hous : of David and the glory \0.A matter of honour, t.;3 ■q'i debar kabod. Psa. 79. 9 for the glory of'thy name : and deliver aa 11. Glory, Sd^adoxa. Matt. 4. 8 the kingdoms .and the glory of them 6. 13 [and the power, and the glory, for ever) 6. 29 I'hat even .Solomon in all his glory was 16. 27 the Son of man shall come In the glory it 19. 20 the Son. phall sit in the throne of his gl. 24. 30 clouds of heaven with power and great g. 25. 31 the Son of man shall come in his glory 25. 31 shall he sit upon the throne of his gloiy M.ark 8. 38 when ho cometh in the glory of his F. 10. 37 the other on thy left hand, in thy glory 13. 26 in the clouds v.ith great power and glory Luke 2. 9 the glory of the Lord shone round about a. 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth e. 32 and the glory of thy people Israel 4. C will I give thee, and tho glory of them 9. 26 when ho shall come in his own glory, and 9. 31 /WTio appeared in glory, "and spake of his 9. 32 they saw his glory, and the two men that 12. 27 Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed 17. 18 that returned to give glory to God, save 19. 33 peace in heaven, and glory in tho highest 21. 27 in a cloud, with power and great glory 24. 26 Ought not Christ, .to enter into his glcify t John I. 14 we behold his glory, the glory as of tho 2. II and manifested forth his glory ; and his 7. 18 spcakcthof himself sceketh his own glory 7. 18 but he that ceekcth his glory that sent 8. 50 I seek not mine own glory : there is one 11. 4 but for the glory of God, that the .Son of 11. 40 that, .thoushouldest see the glory of 0. 1 12. 41 when he his glory, and spake of him 17. 5 with the glory which I had with thee 17. 22 tho glory which thou gavest me I have 17. 24 that they may behold my glory, which Acts 7. 2 The God of glory appeared unto our fat. 7. 55 saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing 12. 23 smote . . because he gave not God the glory 22. II And when I could not see for the glory Eom. I. 23 ch.wged the glory of the uncorruptible 2. 7 seek for glory and honour and immorta. 2. 10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every 3. 7 abounded through my lie unto his glory 3. 23 nil have sinned, and come short of the g. 4. 20 was strong in faith, giving glory to God 5. 2 and rejoice in hope of the glory of God 6. 4 raised up from the dead by the glory of 8. 18 with tho glory which shall be revealed 9. 4 the adoption, and the glory, and the 9. 23 he might make kuo«-n the riches of his g. 9. 23 which he had afore prepared unto glory J I. 35 an things : to whom (be) glory for ever 13. 7 as Christ also received us, to the glory of 16. 27 To God only wise, (be) glory through J. C. 1 Co. 2. 7 hidden . . v.hich God ordained . . unto our g. 2. 8 would not have crucified the Lord of glory TO. 31 whatsoever yo do, do all to the glory of II. 7 as he is the image and glory of God 11. 7 but the woman is the glory of the man II. 15 it is a glory to her : for. .hair is given her 15. 40 but the glory of the celestial Cis) one, and 15. 41 one glory of the sun, and another glory 15. 41 and another glory of the stars, .in gloi^ 15. 43 sown in dishonour ; it is raised in gloiy 2 Co. I. 20 in him Amen, unto the glory of God by 3. 7 bchojd . .for the glory of his countenance 3. 9 ministiatioa of condemnr.tioo (lie) glory GLORY 400 GO 9 Co. 3. 9 ministration of righteousness exceeding. 3. 10 by reason of the glory that excelletli " - 3. 18 beholding as in a glass the glory of the 3. 18 into the same image from glory to glory 4. 6 light of the knowledge of the glory of (i. 4. 13 grace might, .redound to the glory of God 4. 17 worketh for us . . eternal weight of glory . 8. 19 administered by us to the glory of the 8. 23 messengers of the churches, .the glory of Gal. I. 5 To whom (be) glory for ever and ever. A. Eph. I. 6 To the praise of the glory of his grace I. 12 we should be to the praise of his glory z. 14 is the earnest, .unto the praise of his g. 1. 17 Tl>at the God. .the Father of glory, may 1. 18 what the riches of the glory of his inher. 3. 13 my tribulations for you, wliich is your g. 3.16 grant . . according to the riches of his glory 3. 21 Unto him (be) glory in the church by C. Pliil. I. II filled . .unto the glory and praise of God 2. II confess, .to the glory of God the Father 3. 19 Whose, .glory (is) in their shanie, who 4. 19 according to his riches in glory by Clirist 4. 20 Now unto God and our Father (be) glory Col. I. 27 make Icnown what (is) the riches of the g. 1. 27 which is Christ in you, the hope of glory 3. 4 shall ye also appear with him in glory J Th. 2. 6 Nor of men sought we glory, neither of " 1. 12 who hath called you unto his. .glory ,2. 20 For ye are our glory and joy bTIj I. 9 destruction.. from the glory of his power ■ iz. 14 to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord n 1i 2. 17 (be) honour and glory for ever and ever . 3. 16 believed, .in the world, received, .into gl. 2 Ti. 2. 10 which is in Christ Jesus with eternal gl. 4. iS to whom (be) glory for ever and ever. A. Heb. I. 3 Who being the brightness of (his) glory 2. 7 thou crownedst him with glory and hon. 2. 9 Jesus, .crowned with glory and honour 2. 10 bringing many sons unto glory, to make 3. 3 this . . v/as counted worthy of more gloi-y g. 5 over it the chenibim of glory shadowing 13. 21 to whom (be) glory for ever and ever. A. Jas. 2. I of our Lord Jesus Christ, (the Lord) of g. 1 re. I. 7 might be found unto praise . . and glory J. II testified before hand, .tlie glory that 1. 21 that raised him up. .and gave him glory I. 24 all the glory of man as the flower of 4. 13 that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye 4. 14 the spirit of glory and of God resteth 5. I a partaker of the glory that shall be 5. 4 ye shall receive a crown of glory that fa. 5. 10 who hath called us unto his eternal glory 5, II To him (be) [glory and] dominion for ever 2 Te. I. 3 him that hath called us to glory and vir. %. 17 he received from God. .honour and glory jt. 17 a voice to him from tlie e.xccllent glory 3. 18 To him (be) glory both now and for ever Jude 24 before the presence of his glory 25 glory aTid majesty, dominion and power Kev. i. 6 to him (be) glory and dominion for ever 4. 9 wlien those beasts give glory and honour 4. 1 1 to receive glory and lionour and power 5. 12 to receive, .honour, and glory, and bless. 5. 13 Blessing, and honour, and glory, and po. 7. 12 Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and th. II. 13 and gave glory to the God of heaven 14. 7 Fear God, and give glory to him ; for the »S. 8 filled with smoke from the glory of God 16. 9 find they repented not to give him glory 18. I and the earth was lightened with his gl. 19. I Salvation, and glory, ami honour, and 21. II Having the glory of God : and her light 21. 23 for tlic glory of God did lighten it, and 2t. 24 and tlie kings, .do bring their glory and 21. 26 they shall bring the gloiy and honour \2.Celebritii, K\eos kleos. 1 Pe. 2. 20 For what glory . .If, when ye be buffeted GLOKT, desirous of vain — Vain glorluus, full of empty glory, iceySSo^os. Gal. s. us not be desirous of vain glory &10KT. fuU of — . To be glorified, So^d^ofi,at doxazomau, « Pe. I. 8 rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of g. GIORY, to have — To be glorified, So^d^o/xat doxazo7nai, ilatt. 6. 2 hiTiocrites . . that they may have glory of 2 Co. 3. 10 had no glory in this respect, by reason of CaOKY, to-- 1. To boast self, hhr; Jialal, 7. . I Ch. 16. 10 Glory ye in his holy name : let the heart Isa. 63. II every one that sweareth by him shall gl. 64. 10 and all the upright in heart shall glory 105. 3 Glory ye in his holy name : let the heart io5. 5 that I may glory wth thine inheritance Isa. 41. i5 Shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel 45. 25 seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory Jer. 4. 2 and the nations, .in him sliall they glory 9. 23 Let not tlie wise, .glory in his wisdom 9. 23 neither let the mighty . . glory in his might g. 23 let not the rich, .glory ^n his riches 9. 24 But let him that gloriet'h glory in this 49. 4 Wherefore gloriest thou m the valleys 2. TV) become heavy, honoured, 133 kabed, 2. 2 Ki. 14. 10 glory . . aud tan-y at home ; for why sho. Z.To beautify self, -\\<^lMar,'J.' £xod. 8. 9 Hoses said unto rharaoli. Glory over mc 4. To pmise self, n;^ shabach, 7. I Ch. 16. 35 we may give thanks, .(and) glory in thy 5. Toboast against, icaTaicavxdofiaiJcntalcauchaomai, Jas. 3. 14 glory not, and lie not against the truth 6, To boast, Kavxdofiat kauchaoviai; Kom. 5. 3 And not only (so), but we glory in tribu. 1 Co. I. 29 That no flesh should glory in his presence 1. 31 He that glorieth, let him glory in tho 3. 21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For 4. 7 why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not 2 Co. 5. 12 them which glory in appeai-ance, and not 10. J7 he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord 11. 12 wherein they glory they may be found II. 18 Seeing that many glory..! will glory also 1 1. 30 If I must needs glory, I will glory of the 12. I not expedient for me doubtless to glory 12. s will I glory : yet of myself I will not gl. 12. 6 though I would desire to glory, I shall 12. 9 5Iost gladly therefore will I rather glory Gal. 6. 13 that they may glory in your flesh 6. 14 God forbid that I should glory, save in 2 Th. I. 4 we ourselves glory in you in the churches 7. Boasting, KavxniJ-a hauchema. Eom. 4. 2 he hath, .to glory; but not before Ctod 2 Co. 5. 12 give you occasion to glory on our behalf GIOET of, to have nothing to — Not a matter of boasting, oh Kavxvf^ct ou haucMina. I Co. g. 16 I have nothing to glory of : for necessity GLOEYj whereof I may — Boasting, {the act), Kavx'n'^ts Jcauchesis. Kom.i5. 17 I liayo therefore whereof I may glory GLORYING — \. Boasting, (the subject matter), Kaixvi*"' kaucJiema. 1 Co. 5. 6 Your glorying (is) not good. Know ye not 9. 15 any man should make my glorying void I.Boasting, {tlie act), Kavxv"'^^ kauchesis. 2 Co. 7. 4 great (is) my glorying of you : I am filled GLORYING, in — To boast, Kavxdofxai kauchaomai. 2 Co. 12. II I am become a fool [in glorying] ; ye have GLUTTON— ' To be gluttonous, vile, lightly esteemed, ^bt zalal. Deut2i. 20 This our son (is)., a glutton, and a dninlc Prov.23. 21 For the drunkard and the glutton shall GLUTTONOUS — An cater, vit>^ konOps. Matt 23. 24 blind guides, which strain at^a gnat, and GNAW, to — To chew, knaw, iiatraioiiai massaomai. Bev. 16. 10 and they gnawed their tongues for pain GNAW the bone, to — To gnaw a bone, DiJ garam. Z6ph. 3, 3 they gna\y not the bones till the morrow GO — 1. To step, nj?^ tsaad. 2 Sa. 6. 13 when they that bare the ark. .had gone Prov 30. 29 There be three (things) which go well, yea 2. Procession, going, ns'OUB iahalukah. Neh. 12. 31 went on the right hand upon the wall GO, to — 1. To go away or about, ^ix azal. Ezra 4. 23 they went up in haste to Jerusalem unto 5. 8 we went into the province of Judea, to 5. 15 Take these vessels, go, carry them into Dan. 2. 17 Then Daniel v/ent to his house, and made 2. 24 he went and said thus unto him ; Destroy 6. 18 Then the king went to his palace, and 6. ig and went in haste unto the den of lions 2. To travel, rrnx arach. Job 34. 8 Which goeth in company witji the work. 3.7*0 go straight or right, "ly'sj ashar, Prov. 9. 6 and go iu tho way of uudcrstanding 4. 2*0 declare happy, go straight or riglit,"^}} ashar, 3. Prov. 4. 14 Enter not. .and go not in the w'ay of evil 5.7*0 go in, xia bo. Gen. ao. 19 as thou goGst, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah I0.-30 as thou goest, unto Sephar, a mount of tha 15. 15 thou Shalt go to thy fathers in peaco 25. 18 they dwelt., as thou goest toward Assyria 31. 18 to go to Isaac his father in the land of C. 31. 33 Laban went into Jacob's tent, and into 37. 30 The child (is) not. .whither shall I got 39. II went into the house to do his business Exod. 7. 23 Pharaoh turned and went into his hoiiso 8. I Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Tims 8. I Let my people go, that they may serve rao 14. 16 and the children of Israel shall go on dry 14. 22 the children of Israel went into the midst 15. 19 For the horse of Pharaoh went in with 18. 23 all this people shall also go to their place 24. 18 Moses went into the midst of the cloud 30. 20 When they go into the tabernacle of tho 34. 12 of the land whither thou goest, lest it bo 40. 32 When they went into the tent of the c. . Lev. g. 23 Moses and Aaron went into the tabema. 10. 9 Do not drink wine, .when ye go into the 14. 36 before the priest go. .to see the plague 14. 46 Moreover he that goeth into the house 16. 23 garments which he put on when he went Num. 5. 22 And this water. . shall go into thy bowels 8. 22 after that went the Levites in to do their 14. 24 bring into the land whereunto he went 17. 8 Moses went into the tabernacle of witn. 20. 6 Moses and Aaron went from the presence S2. 14 they went unto Balak, and said, Balaam 25. 8 he went after the man of Israel into tha 31. 21 the men of war which went to the battle 32. 6 Shall your bretliren go to war, and shall 32. 9 that they should not go into the land Dcut. I. 7 and go to the mount of the Amorites 4. 5 do so in the land wliither ye go to poss. 4. 34 Or hath God assayed to go (and) tr„ke him 7. 1 the land whither thou goest to possess it g. 5 dost thou go to possess their land ; but 11. 29 the land whither thou goest to possess it 12. 26 and go unto the place which the Lord 12. 29 whither thou goest to possess them, and 19. 5 As when a man goeth into the wood with 23. 20 the land whither thou goest to possess it 24. 10 thou Shalt not go into his house to fetch 26. 3 thou Shalt go unto the priest that shall 28. 21, 63 the land whither thou goest to possess 30. 16 the land whither thou goest to possess it 30. 18 passest over Jordan to go to possess it 31. 7 for thou must go with this people unto 31. 16 the land whither they go (to be) among 32. 52 thou Shalt not go thither imto the laud Josh. 6. 22 Go into the harlot's bouse, and bring out 18. 3 How long (are) ye slack to go to possess Judg. 4. 21 went softly unto him, and smote the nail 9. s he went unto his father's house at Ophr. 9. 27 went into the house of their god, and did 18. 10 When ye go, ye shall come imto a people i8. 18 these went into Micah's house, and fetch. 18. 20 and went in the midst of the people Ruth. 2. 18 she took (it) up, and went into the city 3. 7 he went to lie down at the end ot the 3. 15 laid (it) on her : and she went into the 3. 17 Go not empty unto thy mother in law I Sa. 17. 12 tire man went among men (for) an old 21. 10 arose, .and went to Achish the king of G. 25. 5 Get you up to Carmel, and go to Nabal 27. 8 as thou goest toShur, even unto the land 29. 8 that I may not go fight against the ciiemi. a Sa. II. II shaUIthengo into mine house, to eat and 18. 9 the mule went under the thick boughs of so. 3 and fed them, but went not in unto then? 20. 8 at the great stone. .Amasa went before 2o. 14 he went through aU the tribes of Israel 2o. 14 they were gathered together, and went 20. 22 Then the woman went unto all the people 1 Ki. 2. ig Bath-sheba therefore went unto king Sol. 14. 3 take with thee ten loaves .. and go to him 14. 28 when the king went into the house of the 16. 18 he went into the palace of the king's ho. 17. 13 Fear not ; go. .do as thou hast said: but 2o. 33 Then he said, Go ye, bring him. Then B. 22. 25 when thou shalt go uito an inner chamber 22. 30 disguised himself, and went into the bat. 2 Ki. s- S SO) and I wiU send a letter unto the king 5. 18 when my master goeth into the house of 7. s to go unto the camp of the Syrians 7. 8 they went into one tent, and did eat and 7.- g that we may go and tell the long's house-, g. 6 And he arose, and went into the house 10. 23 Jehu went, and Jehonadab the son of K. 11. 16 she went by the way by the which the II. 18 aU the people of the land went into the 18. 21 it will go intoTiis hand, and pierce it 19. I and went into the house of the Lord 2 Ch. 8. 18 they went with the servants of Solomoii 14. II in thy name we go against this multitude 18. 24 when thou shalt go into an inner chamb. 18. 29 I will disguise myself, and will go to tho 23. 17 all the people went to the house of Baal 25. 7 let not the army of Israel go with thee 25. 8 But if thou wilt go, do (it), be strong for 26. 16 went into the temple of the Lord to bum 29.- 16 the priests went into the inner part of the Ezra 9. II The land, unto which ye go to possess it Neh. 6. II would go into the temple to save his lueJ Esth. 2. 13 to go with her out of the house of the 3. 14 In the evening she went, aud on the mo? GO 401 GO Job 37. 8 Then the beasts go into dens, and remain Paa. 43. 4 Then will I go unto the altar of God 49. 19 He shall go to the generation of his fath. 66. 12 we went through fire and through water 65. 13 I will go into thy house with burnt offer. 71. 16 I will go in the strength of the Lord God 73. 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God 118. 19 I will go into them . .1 will praise the L. 132. 7 We will go into his tabernacles; we will Trov. 7. 22 as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a f. 22. 24 and with a fiuious man thoushalt not go 23. 30 they that go to seek mixed wine 27. 10 neither go into thy brotlier's house in the Isa, 2. 19 they shall go into the holes of the rocks 2. 21 To go Into the clefts of the rocks, and 13. 2 that they may go into the gates of the 30. 8 Now go, write it before them in a table 36. 6 it will go into his hand, and pierce it 37. I and went into the house of the Lord 41. 3 the way. .he had not gone with his feet Jer. 4. 5 and let us go into the defenced cities 4. 29 they shall go into thickets, and climb 16. 8 Thou ahalt not also go into the house of 26. 21 was afraid, and fled, and went into Egypt 27. 18 vessels, .at Jerusalem, go not to Babylon a8. 4 with all the captives of Judah, that went 34. 3 not escape . . and thou shalt go to Babylon 35. II Come, and let us go to Jerusalem for fear 36. 5 I cannot go into the house of the Lord 36. 6 Therefore go thou, and read in the roll 38. II went into the house of the king under 40. 6 Then went Jeremiah unto Gcdaliah the 42. 14 but we will go into the land of Egypt 42. 15 enter into Egypt, and go to sojourn there 42. 19 ye remnant of Judah; Go ye not into E. 42. 22 whither ye desii'e to go (and) to sojourn 43. 2 Go not into Egypt to sojourn there Eze. 3. 24 said.. Go, shut thyself within thine hcuse 20. 29 What (is) the high place whereunto ye go? 36. 20 whither they went, thoy profaned my 36. 21 among the heathen, .whither they went 36. 22 which ye have profaned, whither ye went 38. II I will go to them that are at rest, that 41. 3 Then went he inward, and measured the 42. 9 as one goeth into them from the . . court 44. 27 in the day that he goeth into the sanctu. 47. 8 These waters issue out . . and go into the ' 47. 15 the way of Hethlon, as men go to Zedad 48. I the way of Hethlon, as one goeth to Ha. Hob. 9. 10 they went to Baal-peor, and separated Amos 5. 19 or went into the house, and leaned his Jon. I. 3 to go ivith them unto Tarshish from the Nah. 3. 14 go into clay, and tread the mortar Mic. 4. 10 ahalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go Zech. 6. 10 go into the houae of Josiah the son of Z. €.To tread, Xi'^ darak. laa. 59. 8 whoaoever goeth therein ahall not know 7. To go, ^I.T hulc. Ezra 7. 13 that all they of the people . .go with thee i.To go on, "^n halak. Oen. 13- 14. . 14 that (is) it which goeth toward the cast , g Abram journeyed, going on still toward , 3 Lot also, which went with Abram, had , 24 the portion of the men which went with _. 2 seeing I go childless, and the steward of 18. 16 Abraham went with them to bring them 24. 42 if now thou do prosper my way which I go 26. 26 Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar a8. 20 will keep me in this way that 1 go, and 31.19 Laban went to shear his sheep ; and E. 32. I Jacob went on his way, and the angels of 32. 20 appease him with the present that goeth 35. 3 and was with me in the way which I went I!xod.3. 19 that the king of Egypt will not let you go JO. 8 he said . . (but) who (are)they that shall go ? 13. 21 Lord went before them by day in a pill. 14. 19 angel, .which went before the camp of I. 15. 19 Israel went on dry (land) in the mldat of 17. 5 thy rod .take in thine hand, and go 33. IS If thy presence go not. .carry us not lev. II. 21 every flying creeping thing that goeth II. 27 whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among ji. 27 ajl manner of beasts that go on (all) four II. 42 Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and II. 42 whatsoever goeth upon (all) four, or Ifum 14. 14 they have heard . . thou goest before them 14. 38 of the men that went to search the land 22. 13 refuseth to give me leave to go with you 22. 22 God's anger was kindled because he went 24. I he went not, as at other times, to seek 24. 14 And now, behold, I go unto my people 24. 25 Balaam rose up . . and Balak also went his 32. 41 Jair the son of Manasseh went and took 32. 42 Nobah went and took Kenath, and Deut. X. 30 The Lord your God, which goeth before I. 31 in all the wayjthat ye went, until yo came • I. 33 Who went in the way before you, to 6. 18 that thou mayest go in and possess the 14. 25 and shalt go unto the place which the i«. 7 thou shalt turn in the morning, and go t>a. 4 Lord your God (is) he that goeth with 2 she may go and bo another man's (ivife) 2 shalt go unto the place which the Lord 6 Lord thy God, he (it is) that doth go 8 Lord, he (it is) that doth go before thee 5 whither the men went I wot not : pursue 3 then ye shall remove, .and go after it -. 9 the armed men went before the priests t, 13 went on coDtinuaUy. . went before them 24. 26. 3'- JTosh. 2. 3- 6. Joch 10. j8. =3. 24. I. 4- 8. 9- 9- 9- Judg. 14. 14. «7- 18. 18. iS. 19. 19. 21. Buth iSa. 14. 17- 17- »7- 20. 23- 23- 25- 3°- „ 3°- 2Sa. 6. 7- 7- IS- IS- IS- 16. 16. 17. 17- 19- 23. 24. ;Ki 2. 2. 9- »3- 18. 18. 19. :Ch. iCh 9- 18. Neh. 2. 12. Job I. 16. 23- 41. Prov. 7. EccL I. 3- 6. 9- 12. Song 7. Isa. 2. JO. 38. 45 52- S8. Jer. i,i. 3- 3- 24 said unto the captains, .which went with 8 .Joshua charged them that went to desc. 16 have gone and served other gods, and 17 preserved us in all the way. .we went 3 I likewise will go with thee into thy lot 8 If thou wilt.. with me, then I will go 1 thou calledst us not when thou wentest 8 The trees went forth, .to anoint a king 11 and go to be promoted over the trees ? 13 and go to be promoted over the trees? 8 that tliou mayest go witli us, and light 3 that thou goest to take a wife of the 19 he went down to Ashkelon, and slov/ 9 and I go to sojourn where I may find 5 whether our way which we go shall bo 14 the five men that w. to spy out the couii. 17 the five men that w. to sj>y out tlie coun. 9 get you early, .that thou mayest go home 18 I went to Bethlehem-Judah, but. .going 21 catch, .and go to the land of Benjamin 9 go tliou after them : have I not charged 9 when tliou art atlurst, go unto the vessels 20 And they went unto theii- own homo 8 the cart. . and send it away, that it may go 12 lowing as they went, .the lords, .went 16 he went from year to year in circuit to 6 he can show us our way that we should go 2 The asses which thou wentest to seek 14 Whither went ye ? And he said, To seek 26 And Saul also went homo to Gibeah ; and 46 the Philistines went to tholr own place 7 and one bearing a shield went before 13 tlie names of his three sons that went to 15 David went and returned from Saul 13 that thou mayest go in peace : and the 18 David abode. .Jonathan went to his house 23 come ye again and I will go with you 42 five damsels of hers that went after her 22 wicked men .of those that went with D. 22 Because they went not with us, we wUl 4 ark of God And Ahio went before the 9 I was with thee whithersoever thou went 23 whom God went to redeem for a people 6 preserved David whithersoever he went 14 preserved David whithersoever he went 23 I shall go to him, but he shall not return II with Absalom -went .men. .they went 20 seeing I go whither I may, return thou 30 he went barefoot : and all the people 13 and cursed as he went, and threw stones 17 why wentest thou not with thy friend ! 11 that thou go to battle in thine own person 17 and a wench went and told them 25 Wherefore wentest not thou with me, M. 17 the blood of the men that went in jeopa. 12 Go and say unto David, Thus saith the L. 2 1 go the way of all the earth : bo thou st. 41 it was told Solomon that Shiraei had gone 6 but go and serve other gods, and worship 12 What way went he ?. .the man of God 6 Ahab went one way by himself, and 6 Obadiah went another way by himself 4 he himself went a day's journey into the 48 they went not ; for the ships were broken 3 ye go to enquire of Baal-zebub the god of 7 fifty men of the sons of the prophets went 23 Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day ! 10 Go and wash in Jordan seven times 25 And he said. Thy servant went no whither 26 Went not mine heart, .when the man 42 And (some) of them, .went to mount Seir 15 And Jehozadak went, .when the LoKD 25 So David, .went to bring up the ark of 21 whom God went to redeem (to be) his own 6 preserved David whithersoever he went 13 preserved David whithersoever he went 19 and shall go and serve other gods, and 17 Then went Solomon to Ezion-geber, and 21 For the king's ships went to Tarshish 12 the messenger that went to call Micaiah 16 the rulers knew not whither I went, or 38 And the other .went over against 4 his sons went and feasted (in their) houses 22 then I shall go the way . .1 shall not ret. 8 Behold, I go forward, but he (is) not 19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps 22 He goeth after her straightway, as an 01 6 The ^vind goeth toward the south, and 20 All go unto one place ; all are of the dust 6 seen no good : do not all go to one place 10 no work, .in the grave, whither thou go. 5 man goeth to his long home; and the mo. 9 the best wine for my beloved, that goeth 3 many people sliall go and say, Come ye 21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, and 6 refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go 7 he shall come, .and go over all his banks 29 as when one goeth with a pipe to come 5 Go and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the L. 16 they shall go to confusion together (that 12 Lord will go before you, and the God of 8 thy righteousness shall go before thee 23 I am not polluted, I have not gone after I and she go from him, and become another 12 Go and proclaim these words toward the 10 they went after other gods to serve [them . 12 inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry unto . I Go and get thee a linen girdle, and put it . 19 Go and stand In the gate of the children . I Go and get a potter's earthen bottle, and . 10 in the sight of the men that go with thee , 13 Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith Jer. 29. 12 ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will 31. 2 Israel, when I v,fent to cause him to rest 31. 21 the way.. thou wentest: turn again, O vL 34. 2 Go and speak to Zcdekiah khig of Judah 35. 2 Go unto the house of the Eecliabites, and 35. 13 Go and tell the men of Judah, and the 39. 16 Go and speak to Ebed-melcch the Eth. 41. 6 weeping all along as he went: and it ca. 48. 11 Moab. neither hath he gone into captiv. 50. 4 of Israel shall come, .going and weeping 50. 6 they have gone from iiiountain to hill Eze. 7. 14 but none goeth to the battle : for my wr. 20. iC lor their heart went after their idols 33. 31 their licart goeth after their covetcousness Hos. 7. II they call to Egj-pt, they go to Assyria 11. 2 tliey called them, so tliey went from them Amos I. 15 their king shall go into captivity : he and Nah. 3. 10 she went into captivity : her young cliil. Zech. 2. 2 Tlicn said I, Whither goest thou? And ho 8. 21 the inliabitants of one (city) shall go to 9. 14 and shall go with whirlwinds of the south 9. 7*0 go on, Tj^n halak, 3. I Ki.2i. 27 Ahab.. lay iu Backcloth, and went softly Job 30. 28 I went mourning without the sun : I Psa. 38. 6 I am troubled. .1 go mourning all the day 85. 13 Kighteousncss shall go before him, and 104. 26 There go the ships . . that leviathan . . thou Prov. 6. 28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet Hab. 3. II at the light of thine arrows they went 10. TV) go on habitually, li^n halak, 7. Josh. 18. 4 they shall rise and go through the land I Sa. 23. 13 and went whithersoever they could go I Ch. 16. 20 they went from nation to nation, and fr. 21. 4 Joab departed, and went throughout all Psa. 43. 2 why go I mourning because of the oppr. 105. 13 When they went from one nation to an. Prov. 6. 2» 'When thou goest, It shall lead thee W.To go on, :i^; yalak. Gen. 3. 14 upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust 7. 18 tile ark went upon the face of the waters 9. 23 Shcm and Japheth. .went backward, and 11. 31 to go mto the land of Canaan; and they 12. 4 So Abram departed, .and Lot went 12. 5 they went forth to go into the land of C. 12. 19 behold thy wife, take (her), and go thy 13. 3 he went on his journeys from the south 16. 8 and whither wilt thou go? And she said 18. 22 the men turned their faces, .and went 21. 16 she went, and sat her down over against 21. 19 she went and filled the bottle with water 22. 3 went uuto the place of which God had 22. 5 I and the lad will go yonder and worship 22. 6 and they went both of them together 22. 8 and they went both of them together 22 13 Abraham went and took the ram, and olTe 22. 19 rose up and went together to Beer-shcba 24. 4 thou shalt go unto my country, and to 24. 10 and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia 24. 38 thou shalt go unto my father's house 24. 51 Kebekah (is) before thee, take, .and go 24. 55 at the least ten ; after that she shall go 24. 56 send me away that I may go to my mas. 24. 58 Wilt thou go. .And she said, I will go 25. 22 And she went to enquire of the LORD 26. 1 Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the P. 26. 13 the man waxed great, and went forward 26. 16 Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from ua 27. 5 Esau went to the field to hunt, .venison 27. 9 Go now to the flock, and fetch me from 27. 13 only obey my voice, and go fetch me 27. 14 And he went, and fetched, and brought 28. 2 Arise, go to Padan-aram, to the house of 28. 5 he went to Padan-aram unto Laban, eon 28. 9 Then went Esau unto Ishmacl, and took a8. 10 Jacob went out from Beer-sheba and went 28. 15 in all (places) whither thou goest 29. 7 water ye the sheep, and go. .feed (them) 50. 14 Reuben went in the days pt wheat harv. 30. 25 Send me away, that I may go unto mine 30. 26 for whom I have served thee, and let m« g. 32. 1 7 Whose (art) thou ? andwhither goest thou ! 33. 12 and let us go, and I will go before thee 35 22 Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his fa. 36. 6 went into the country from the face of 37. 12 his brethren went to feed their father's fl. 37. 14 said to him. Go, 1 pray thee, see whether 37. 17 I heard them say. Let us go to Dothan 37. 17 Joseph went after his brethren, andfound 38. II Tamar went and dwelt in her father's ho. 41. 55 Go unto Joseph ; what he saith to you, do 42. 19 go ye, carry com for the famine of your 42.<38 befall him by the way in the which ye go 43. 8 Send the lad with me, and we will, .go 45. 17 lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the 45. 28 Israel said . .1 will go and see him before I 50. 18 his brethren also went and fell down bef Eiod. 2. .1 there went a man of the house of Levi 2. 7 Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of tho 2. 8 And Pharaoh's daughter said to her. Go 2. 8 the maid went and called the child's m. 3. II Who (am) I, that I should go unto Phar. 3. 16 Go, and gather the elders of Israel toge. 3. 18 and now let us go, we beseech thee, three 3. 21 that, when ye go, ye shall not go emptv 4. 12 Now therefore go, and I wiU be with thy 4. 18 Moses went and returned to Jethro his 4. 18 Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto 4. 18 And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace 4. 19 Go, return into ECTPt : for all the men 4. 21 When thou goest to return into Egypt 51 GO A02 GO Exod. 4. 27 Go into the wilderness to meet Moses 4. 27 he went, and met him in .the mount ot 4. ig Moses and Aaron went and gathered 5. 3 let us go, we pray thee, three days' jour. 5. 7 let them go and gatlier straw for them. S. 8 saying, Let us go. .sacriflce to our God 5. II Go ye, get you straw where ye can find S. 17 Let us go (and) do sacrifice to the LonD 5. 18 Go therefore now. .worlc : for tliere shall 8. 25 Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land 8. 27 We will go three days' journey into the 8. 28 Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye 8. 28 only ye shall not go very far away : ent. 10. 8 Go, serve the Lord your God. .who (are) 10. 9 We will go . . with our herds will we go 10. n Not so : go now ye. .men, and serve the L. 10. 24 Go ye, serve the Lord ; only let your 11. 24 let your little ones also go with you 26 Our cattle also shall go with us ; there 31 and go, serve the Lord, as ye have said 21 the Lord .before them, .to go by day 19 the angel, .removed and w. behind them 21 the Lord caused the sea to go. .by a 22 they went out into the wilderness of Shur 23 they went three days in the wilderness 27 and he went his way into his own land 10 Go unto the people, and sanctifly them 23 mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring 1 make us gods, which shall go before us 23 make us gods, which shall go before us 7 the Lord said unto Moses, Go, get thee 34 Therefore now go, lead the people unto 34 behold, mine Angel shall go before thee 14 My presence shall go. .and I will give 16 (Is it) not in that thou goest with us? 9 let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us 30 he said unto him, I will not go ; but I 32 it shall be, if thou go with us, yea, it 26 they went and camo to Moses, and to A. 25 Moses rose up, and went unto Dathan 46 go quickly unto the congregation, and 17 we will go by the king's (high) way, we 22 we will go along by the king's, .way 12 Thou Shalt not go with them ; thou shalt 20 rise up. .go with them ; but yet the 21 Balaam, .went with the princes of Moah 23 And the ass saw. .and went into the field 35 Go with the men. .So Balaam went with 39 Baalam went with Balak, and they came 3 Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will go 3 And he went to an high place 25 Baalam rose up, and went and returned 39 the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and 8 went three days' journey in the wilder. 19 we went tlirough all that great and ter. 33 to show you by what way ye should go 27 I will go along by the high way, I will 30 Go say to them. Get you into your tents 14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the 28 to go after other gods, which ye have not 2 Let us go after other gods, which thou 6 Let us go and serve other gods, which thou 13 Let us go and serve other gods, which thou 3 hath gone afad served other gods, and w. 5, 6 let him go and return to his house, lest 7, 8 let him go and return to his house, lest 14 to go after other gods to serve them 41 not enjoy, .for they shall go into captivl. 18 to go. .serve the gods of these nations 26 they went and served other gods, and I Moses went and spake these words unto 14 Moses and Joshua went, and presented 7 mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest 9 God (is) with thee whithersoever thou go. 16 whithersoever thou sendest us we will go 1 Baying, Go view the land, even Jericho I they went, and came into an harlot's ho. 16 hide, .and afterward may ye go your w. aa they went, and came unto the mountain 4 ye may know the way by which ye . . go 6 took up . . and went before the people 13 Joshua went unto him, and said unto him 9 they went to lie in ambush, and abode 13 Joshua went that night into the midst 4 Tliey did work wilily, and v/ent and made 6 they went to Joshua unto the camp at G. 1 1 go to meet them, and say unto them 12 on the day we came forth to go unto you 7 And it went down from Janohah to A. 8 Go and walk through the land, and des. 9 the men went and passed through the 6 sent them away : and they went unto 9 to go unto the country of Gilead, to the 3 Come up with me. .So Simeon went with Judah went against the Canaanites that 1. 11 from thence he wont against the inhabit. 1. 16 they weni and dwelt among the people I. 17 Judah went with Simeon his brother 1. a6 the man went into the land of the Hittl. 2. 6 when Joshua had let the people go, the 2. 6 the children of Israel went every mqn 3. 13 went and smote Iwael, and possessed 4. p Go and draw to^ward mount Tabor, and 4. 8 If thou wilt go with me, then I will 4. ,8 if thou wilt not go with me . . I will not go 4. J, And she said I will surely go with thee 4. 9 Deborah arose, and ft ent ivith Barak to 6. 14 Go In this thy might, and thou shalt save 7. 4 This shall go with thee, the same shall go 7. 4 This shall not go . . the same shall not go 7. 7 let all the . . people go every ma 1 unto his 8. 29 the son of Joash went and dwelt in hia 10. 10. 12. »3- 14. 14- JS- »5- 18. 19. .=3- 32- 32- 32- 32. 32- 33- 33- 34- If um 10. 10. 13- 16. 16. 20. 21. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 23. =3- 24. 32- 33- Deut. I. I. a. S- 6. II. 13- '«3- 13- 20. 20 28. 28. =9- 29. 31 31. fosh. I. a. 3- 3- 5- 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 16. 18. 18. 22. 22. Judg. Judg. 9. 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. II. II. II. II. II. 12. 13- 14. IS- 16. 17- 18. 18. t8. 18. 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. Euth iSa. II. 14. 14. IS- IS- IS- IS- IS- 16. 16. 16. 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 17' 17- 18. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 20. =3- =3- 23- S3- 23- 03- 23- =3- S3- 24. 24. 24. 25- 26. a6. 26. 28. 28. 28. I the Eca of Jcrubbaal went to Shochcm 6 and went and made Abimelech king 7 he went and stood in the top of mount 21 and went to Boer, and dwelt there, for 50 Then went Abimelech to Thebez, and en. 14 Go and cry unto the gods which ye have 5 the elders of Gilead went to fetch Jepht. II Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead 18 they went along through the wilderness 37 that I may go up and down upon the 38 And he said. Go. And he sent her away 38 she -vent with her companions, and bew. 40 the daughters of Israel went yearly to I and didst not call us to go with thee ? 1 1 Manoah arose, and went after his wife 9 went on eating, and came to his father 4 Samson went and caught three hundred 1 Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there 10 Dwell with me . . So the Levite went in 2 Go, search the land : who .when they ca. 6 the priest said unto them, Go in peace 6 bef orejthe Lord (is) your way wherein ye g 9 be not slothful to go . . to enter to possess 19 lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go 26 And the children of Dan went their way 3 her husband arose, and went afte^'her, to 17 Whither goest thou? and Vifhence comest 18 I went to Beth-lehcm-judah, but. .going 27 and went out to go his way ; and, behold 28 said unto her. Up, and let us be going 8 Wo will not any (of us) go to his tent, no. 10 Go and smite the inhabitants of Jabooh-g. 20 saying. Go and lie in wait in the vineyards 23 they went and returned unto their inhor. 1 a certain man of Beth-lehcm-judah went, 7 they went on their way to return uuto tho 8 Go, return each to her mother's house 1 1 why will ye go with mo ? (are) there yet 12 Turn again, my daughters, go. .for I ain 16 for whither thou goest, I will go; and w. 18 When she saw that she v/as. .to go with 19 So they two went until they camo to 2 Let mo now go to the field, and glean 2 And she said unto her. Go, my daughter 3 And she went, and came, and gleaned 8 Go not to glean in another field, neither 17 Then Eli answered and said. Go in peace 18 So the woman went her way, and did eat 11 Elkanah went to Bamah to his houso 5 lie down again. And he went and lay 6 arose and w. to Eli, and said, Here (amj I 8 arose and w. to Eli; and said. Here (am) 1 9 Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down : and 9 So Samuel went and lay down in his pla. 22 Samuel said. .Go ye every man unto his 3 Take now .. and arise', go seek the asses 6 now let us go thither ; peradventure he 7 But, behold, (tO we go, what shall we 9 when a man went to enquire of God 9 Come, and let us go to the seer : for (he 10 Well said ; come, let us go. So they went 9 when he had turned his back to go from 26 home to Gibeah; and there went with him 14 Come, and let us go to Gilgal, and renew 15 all the people went to Gilgal ; and there 1 6 the multitude melted away, and they went 19 that the noise . . went on and increased 3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly 6 Go, depart, get you down from among the 18 Go and utterly destroy the sinners the A. 20 and have gone the way which tho Lord 34 Then Samuel went to Ramah ; and Saul 1 Fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will 2 Samuel said. How can I go? if Saul hear 13 So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah 13. the three eldest sons of Jesse went (and) 20 and went, as Jesse had commanded him 20 as the host was going forth to the fight 32 thy servant will go and fight with this P. 33 Thou ai-t not able to go against thi£ Phil. 37 Saul said unto David, Go, and the Lord 39 he assayed to go ; for he had not proved 39 David said unto Saul, I cannot go with 27 Wherefore David arose and went, ^.1 12 and he went, and fled, and escaped 18 he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth 22 Then went he also to Bamah, and came 23 he wenfthither to Naioth in Bamah 23 he went on and prophesied, until he came 21 Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly 40 Jonathafl. .said. .Go, carry (them) to tho 42 Jonathan said to David, Go in peace 3 David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab 2 Shall I go and smite these Philistines f 2 Go and smite the Philistines, and save K. 5 So David and hia men went to Keilah 16 Jonathan .. went to David into the wood 22 Go, I pray you, prepare yet, and know 24 they arose, and went to Ziph before Saul 25 Saul also and his men went to seek (him) 26 Saul went on this side of the mountain 28 Saul, .went against the Philistines 2 went to seek David and his men upon tho 7 Saul rose up out of the cave, and went on 22 Saul went home ; but David and his men 42 she went after the messengers of David 1 1 take . . the cruse of water, and let us go 19 of the Lord, saying. Go, serve other gods 25 So David went on his way, and Saul 7 that I may go to her, and enquire of her 8 he went, and two men with him, and they 22 mayost have strength when thou goeat I Sa. ag. 7 "Wherefore now return, and go in peace 30. 2 carried (themi away, and went on tlieir 30. 9 So I)avid went, he and the six hundred 31. 12 All tho valiant men arose, and went all a Sa. 2. 29 went through all Bithron, and they s. 32 Joab and his men went all night, and 3. j6 her husband went with her along weepin;; 3. 16 Then said Abner unto him. Go, retuni 3. 19 Abner went also to speak in the ears ot 3. 21 I will arise and go, and will gather all 3. 21 sent Abner away ; and he went in peace 4. 5 Bechab and Baanah, went, and came 5. 6 the king and his men went to Jerusalem 6. 2 David arose, and went with all the peopla 6. 12 So David went and orought up the ark 7. 3 Go, do all that (is) in thine heart ; or 7. 5 Go and tell my servant David, Thus 8. 3 as he went to recover his border at the It. 22 So the messenger went, and came and 12. 29 David, .went to Babbah, and fought 13. 7 Go now to thy brother Ajnnon's house 13. 8 So Tamar went to her brother Amnon'g 13. 19 hand on her head, and went' on crying 13. 24 let the king. . and his servants, go with 13. 25 Nay, my son, let us not all now go, lest 13. 25 howbeit he would not go, but blessed 13. 26 If not. .let my brother Amnon go with 13. 26 king said. .Why should he go with thee! 13. 37 Absalom fled, and \.'ent to Talmai, the 13. 38 So Absalom fled , and went to Geshur 14. 8 Go to thine house, and I will give charge 14. 21 go therefore, bring the young man Absn. 14. 23 So Joab arose, and went to Ge-hur, and 14. 30 go and set it on fire. And Absalom's 15. 7 lot mo go and pay my vow, which I havo 15. 9 And the king said unto him. Go in peaco IS. 9 So ho arose, and went to Hebron 15. 19 Wherefore goest thou also with us ? retun. 15. 20 should I this day make thee go up and 15. 22 And David said to Ittai, Go and pass over 16. 13 as David and his men went by the way 17. 17 and they went and told king David 17. 21 went and told king David^ and said unto 18. 21 Go teU the king what thou hast seen 18. 24 the watchman went up to the roof over >8. 33 as he went, thus he said, my son A. 19. 15 Judah came to Gilgal, to go to meet the t. 19. 26 that I may ride thereon, and go to the eo. 5 So Amasa went to assemble. .Judah 21. 12 David went and took the bones of Saul 24. I to say. Go, number Israel and Judah I Kl. I. 13 Go and get thee in unto king David, and I. 49 and rose up, and went every man his way I. 50 went, and caught hold on the horns of 1. 53 Solomon said unto him. Go to thine house 2. 8 in the day when I isrent to Mahanaim e. 29 Solomon sen i. .saying. Go, fall upon him 2. 40 Shimei arose, .and went to Gath to Ach. 2. 40 Shimei went, and brought his servants 3. 4 the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there 8. 66 went unto their tents joyful and glad of 10. 13 so she turned, and went to her own cou. II. 5 Solomon went after Ashtoreth the godd. n. 10 that he should not go after other gods II. 21 Let me depart, that I may go to mine 11. 22 thou seekest to go to thine own cour.'.ry II. 22 Nothing : howbeit let me go in any wise 11. 24 they went to Damascus, andd^Velt therein 12. 1 Eehoboam went to Shechem : for all Is. 12. 30 for tho people went, .before the one 13. 10 So he went another way, and returned 13. 14 went after the man of God, and found him 13. 17 nor turn again to go by the way that 13. 28 ho went and found his carcase cast in ths 14. 4 Jeroboam's wife, .went to Shiloh, and 14. 7 Go, tell Jeroboam, Thus saith the Lord 14. 9 for thou hast gone and maae thee other iJ. 31 went and served Baal, and worshipped 17. 5 So he went and did according unto the 17. 5 he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith 17. 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath 17. IS she went, and did according to the say. . 18. 1 Go, show thyself unto Ahab ; and I will 18. 2 Elijah went to show himself uuto Ahab 18. 5 Go into the land, unto all fountains of 18. 8 go, tell thy 16rd, Behold, Elijah ris here> j"!. It go, tell thy lord. Behold, Elijah (is here) iS. 14 go, tell thy lord. Behold, Elijah (is here) 18. 16 Obadiah went to meet Ahab .. Ahab went 18. 45 And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel 19. 3 he arose, and went for his life, and came 19. 8 iiient in the strength of that meat forty d. 19. 15 Go, return on thy way to the wilderness 19. 20 he said unto him. Go back again : for jg. 21 Then he arose, and went after Elijah 20. 22 Go, strengthen thyself, and mark, and see BO. 27 the children of Israel .. went against them EO. 43 king of Israel went to his house heavy 22. 4 Wilt thou go with me to battle to Ramoi 22. 6 Shall I go against Bamoth-gilead to battle 22. 15 Micaiah, shall we go against Eamoth-gil. 22. 48 Jehoshaphat made ships, .to go to Ophip 22. 49 Let my servants go with thy servants a Kl. I. 2 Go, enquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ek.- 1. 6 Go, turn again unto the king that sent 2. I that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal 2. 6 not leave thee. And they two went on 2. 16 let them po, we pray the , and seek thy 2. 18 ho said . .Did I not say unto you. Go not? a. as he went from thence to mount Carmel 3. 7 he went and sent to Jehoshaph»*theI>!ng I i 7 valt thou go with mo against iloab to GO 403 GO 2 El. 3- 4' 4- 4' i4' 4 4' 5 6. 6. 6. 6, 6, 6, 6, 1- 7 7' 8, 8. ,8, . 8, 8 8, 9 9 ?• 9- 9- 9 lo. 1 6. 17' 19. C2. C2 23 =5 I Ch 4 II 12, »7 »7 l3, 19, .Ch. ■Ezra 10. Kch 8. 9- 9- 12. Esth. 4. Job 10. 38. 42. Tsa. 32. ,39- 42. 84. 97- 107. .122. _ 139- Brov. 3. 4- 6. 6. 14. . 3°- icccr. z. 5- 5- 5- 7 7- 8. 10. Isa. 3. 6. 6. 18. 20. 21. ?2. 28. 33- 37- 38. Hi- 9 So the kins of Israel went, and the king 3 Then ha said. Go, borrow thee vessels ,-il>. 5 So she went from him, and shut the door 7 he said. Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt 24 Drive, and go forward ; slack not. .riding 25 So she went, and came unto the man of . 29 Gird up thy loins . . and go thy way : if 19 And he said unto him. Go in peace 2 Let us go, we pray thee, unto J ordan, and 2 where we may dwell. And he answered, Go 3 go with thy;serv. . .he answered, 1 will go 4 So he went with them. And when they 1. 13 he said, Go and spy where he (is), that I i. 22 that they may eat. .and go to their I. 23 he sent, .and they went to their master . 8 and carried thence (also), and went and .14 and the king sent . . saying, Go and see . 15 And thoy went after them unto Jordan 1 Arise, and go thou and thine household 2 she went with her household, and sojou. . 8 go, meet the man of God, and enquire of 1. 9 So Hazael went to meet him, and took a 1. 10 Go, say unto him. Thou mayest certainly ;. 28 he went with Joram the son of Ahab to 1 take this box. .and go to Ramoth-gilead 4 So. .the prophet, went to Ramoth-giload 15 out of the city to go to tell (it) in Jezreel I. i6 Jehu rode in a chariot, and went to Jezr 18 So there went one on horseback to meet 35 they went to bury her ; but they found I. 25 and went to the city of the house of Baal . 10 king Ahaz went to Damascus to meet . 27 let them go and dwell there,- and let him . 36 So Sennacherib, .went and returned, and 13 Go ye, enquire of the Lord for me, and 14 went unto Huldah thq prophetess, tho . 29 Pharaoh-nechoh . . king Josiah went again. 4 and (the king) went the way toward the 39 And they went to the entrance of Gedor 4 David and all Israel went to Jerusalem 20 As he went to Ziklag, there fell to him 4 Go and tell David my servant. Thus saith 11 that thou must go (to be) with thy fathers 3 as he went to stablish his dominion by 5 Then there went (certain), and told David 2 Go, number Israel from Beer-sheba even 10 Go and tell David, saying. Thus saith the 30 David could not go before it to enquire of 3 So SolomoU. . went to the high place that 3 Solomon went to Hamath-zobah, and pr. I Rehoboam went to Shechem : for to She. 16 So all Israel went to their tents 4 returned from going against JeroBoam 3 go, break thy league with Baasha king 3 Wilt thou go with mo to Ramoth-gilead ? 5 Shall we go to Ramoth-gilead to battle H Micaiah, shall we go to Ramoth-gilead 36 joined, .to make ships to go to Tarshish 37 that they were not able to go to Tarshish 5 went with Jehoram the son of Ahab king 10 Amaziah separated them .. to go homo n went to the valley of Salt, and smote of 13 that they should not go with him to 6 So the posts went with the letters from 21 Go, enquire of the Lord for me, and for 22 Hilkiah. .went to Huldah the prophetess 31 Then we departed, .to go unto Jerusalem 6 Ezra, .went into the chamber of Johanan 12 all the people went their way to eat, and 12 light in the way wherein they should go 19 and the way wherein they should go 32 after them went Hoshaiah, and half of 16 Go, gather together all the Jews (that are) 21 Before I go (whence) I shall not return 35 that they may go, and say unto thoo 8 go to my servant Job, and offer up for 9 went and did according as the Lord co. 8 teach . .in the way which thou shalt go 13 spare me. .before I go hence, and be no 9 why go I mourning because of the oppr. 7 They go from strength to strength 3 A Are goeth before him, and bumeth up 7 that they might go to a city of habitation I Let us go into the house of the Lord 7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit ? 28 Say not unto thy neighbour. Go, and come 12 When thou goest, thy fateps shall not be 3 go, humble thyself, and make sure thy fr. 6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard ; consider 7 Go from the presence of a foolish man 12 scomer. .neither will he go imto the wise 29 three . . four are comely in going I Go to now, I will prove theo with niirth 1 Keep thy foot when thou goest to the 15 naked shall he return to go as he came 16 in aU points as he came, so shall he go 2 better to go to the house of mourning 2 than to go to the house of feasting : for 3 Be not hasty to go out of his sight : stand 15 he knoweth not how to go to the city 16 walking and mincing (as) they go, and 8 Whom shall I send, and who will go for 9 And he said Go, and tell this people 2. Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation sea. 2 Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy 6 Go, set a watchman, let him declare what IS Go, get thee unto this treasurer .. unto S. 13 that they might go, and fall backward 21 wherein shall go no galley with oars 37 So Sennacherib, .went and returned, and 10 X shall go to the gates of the grave 2 I will go before thee, and make the croo. Isa. 48. 17 lea.leth . . 1)y tho way.. thou shouldcst go 52. 12 For ye shall not. .go by flight : for tho L. 57. 17 he went on Irowardly in the way of his Jer. I. 7 thou shalt go to all that I shall send tlica a. 25 loved strangers, and after them will I go 3. 8 Jiidah feared not, but went and played 7. 12 But go ye now unto my place which Q. 2 that I might leave my people, and go 13. .4 arise, go to Euphrates, and hide it there 13. s So I went, and hid it by Euphrates, as 13. 6 Arise, go to Euphrates, and take the 13. 7 Then I wfent to Euphrates, and digged 15. 6 thou art gone backward : therefore will I 16. 5 neither go to lament nor bemoan them so. 6 all that dwell in thy house shall go into 82. 22 thy lovers shall go into captivity : surely 25. 6 go not after other gods to serve them 28. II And the prophet Jeremiah went his way 30. 16 every one of them, shall go into captivity 35. IS go not after other gods to servo them 36. 19 Go, hide thee, tliou and Jeremiah ; and 37. 12 to go into the land of Benjamin, to sep. 40. 4 whither it seemeth good, .to go, thither 40. 5 or go where . . convenient unto thee to go 40. 15 Let me go, I pray thee, and I wiU slay 41. 12 went to fight with Ishmael the son of No. 41. 14 went unto Johanan the son of Kareah] 41. IS escaped. .and went to the Ammonites 41. 17 they departed, .to go to enter into Egypt 44. 3 they went to bum incense . . to serve other 45- '5 thy life will I give . . whither thou goest 46. 22 The voice thereof sliall go like a serpent 49. 3 for their king shall go into captivity 50. 4 they shall go, and seek the Lord their 51. 9 forsake her, and let us go every one into 51. S9 when he went with Zedekiah tlie king of 52. 7 and- they went by the way of the plain Lam. 4. 18 hunt, .that wo cannot go in our streets Eze. I. 9 joined.. they turned not when they went I. 9 they went every one straight forward 1. 12 And they went every one straight 1. 12 whither the spirit was to go, they went 1. 12 they turned not when they went I. 17 they tnrned not wlien they went 1. 17 When they went, they went upon their 1. 19 when the. .creatures went, the wheels 1. 20 Whithersoever the spirit was to go I. 20 they went, thither (was their) spirit to go I. 21 When those went, (these) went ; and when I. 24 when they went, I heard the noise of their 3. I and go speak unto the house of Israel 3. 4 Son of man, go, get thee unto the house 3. II go, get thee to them of the captivity, unto 3. 14 I went in bitterness, in the heat of my 10. 1 1 When they went, they went upon theii 10. II they turned not as they went 10. II they turned not^as they went 10. 16 when the cherubim went, the wheels we. 10. 22 they went every one straight forward 12. II they shall remove, (and) go into captivity 20. 39 Go ye, serve yo every one his idols, and 30. 17 and these, .shall go into captivity 30. 18 and her daughters shall go into captivity Eos. I. 2 Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms 1. 3 So he went and took Gomer tne daughter 2. 5 for she said, I will go after my lovers 2. 7 I ivill go and return to my first husband 2. 13 she went after her lovers, and forgat me 3. I Go yet, love a woman beloved of (her) fr. 5. 6 ITiey shall go with theii- flocks and with 5. 13 then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and 5. 15 I will go (and) return to my place, tiU they 7. 12 When they shall go, I will spread my net Amos 2. 7 a man and his father will go in unto tho 6. 2 and from thence go ye to Hamath the 7. 12 thou seer, go, flee thee away into tha 7. IS Go, prophesy unto my people Israel 9. 4 though they go into captivity before their Jon I. 2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and 3. 2 Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city 3. 3 So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh Mic. I. 8 I will go stripped and naked : I will make 2. 3 neither shall ye go haughtily : for this Hab. 3. s Before him went the pestilence, and bur. Zech. 6. 7 the bay. .sought to go that they might 8. 21 Let us go speedily to pray. .1 will go also 8. 23 We will go with you ; for we have heard 12. To {cause to) go on, ~\T, yalak, 5. Numi6. 46 go quickly unto the congregation, and 13. To go out, Nv; yatsa. Lev. IS- 32 This (is) thelawof him. .whose seed goeth 22. 4 or a man whose seed goeth from him Esth. I. 19 let there go a royal commandment from Psa. 41. 6 his heart gatliereth.. he goeth abroad Zech. 6. 8 these that go toward the north country li.To remove, journey, VP3 nasa. Exodi4. 19 the pillar of the cloud went from before Num. 2. 31 They shall go hindmost with their stand. 10. 14 In the first (place) went tho standard of 10. 33 the ark. .went before them in the three Judg-'i8. II there went from thence of the family of 15. To go aside, to sur. Judg 16. 17 my strength will go from me, and I shall 1 Sa. 22. 14 goeth at thy bidding, and is honourable 16. To go over, 151; abar. -' Gen. 41. 46 and went tliroughout all the land of Egy. ExodsS. 26 for every one that went to be numbered Lev. 26. 6 neither shall the sword go through your Numi3. 32 through which wo have gone to search It Num22. 26 the angel of tlio Lord went further, aiid 32. 21 And will go all of you .irmcd ovci Deut. 6. I lu the land whither yo go to pOBECs* ii II. 8 tho land whither ye go to possess it It. II the land whither ye go to possess it 30. 13 Who shall go over the sea for us, and br. Judgi2. I went northward, and said unto Jephthali Ruth 2. 8 neither go from hence, but abide here fast a Sa. 20. 14 he went through all the trilies of Israel I Ki.22. 24 NVTiich way went tlie spirit of the Lord 22. 36 there went a proclamation throughout 5 CI1.18. 23 Whicli way went tho spirit of the Lord Nch. 9. ti so that they went through the midst of Job 9. II Lo, ho goeth by me, and I see (liini) not 21. 29 Ilavo ye not asked them that go by tho Tsa. 42. 4 for I had gone with the multitude ; I 66. 6 they went through tho flood on foot rrov.24. 30 I went by the field of the slothful, and Isa. S4- 9 tlio waters of Noah should no more go Jer. 49. 17 every ono that goeth by it shall be aston. so. 13 every one that goeth by Babylou shall Ezc. 9. s Go yo after him tlirough the city, and cm. 14. 17 Sword, go through tho land; so that I cut 17. To go up, nhll a?«^- Kumio. 19 Wo will go by the high way : and if I and I lCi.22. IS Go, and prosper: for the Lord shall deli. Job 6. i3 Tlio paths, .they go to notliingand perish IS. To (cause t>) govp, .1^;; a!ah, 5. 1 Ki. 10. j6 six hundred, .cf gold went to one target 10. 17 three pound of gold went to one shield. Ch. 9. IS six hundred . .of beaten gold went to g. 16 three hundred, .went to one shield > 10. To step,- go apart, ifiy^ pasa. <■ Isa. 27. 4 I would go tlu-ough thcra, I would bum 20. To step, nuv tsaad. Prov. 7. 8 and he went tho way to her house Jer. 10. s needs be borne, bccauso they cannot go 21. To go or covie near, 3-i:j qarab. Lev. 9. 7 Go untothe altar, and offer thy sin otfer. 9. 8 Aaron therefore went unto the altar, and 22. 3 that goeth unto tho holy things, which Isa, 8. 3 I went unto the proijhetess; and she con., 22. To go to and fro, b^e' shut. 2 Sa. 24. 8 So when they had gone through all tho 23. To go ahoul, or singing, -fx) sliur. Isa. 57. 9 thou wentest to tho king with ointment 24. To go, lead, &yai ago. Matt26. 46 Eiso, let us be going : behold, he Is at Mark i. 38 Let us go into the next tovras, that I may 14. 42 Pviso up, let U3 go ; lo, he that betrayetli John II. 7 saith ho. .Let us go into Judea agaia 11. 15 notthere.. nevertheless let us go unto him II. iCJ Let 1:3 a!3o go, wc may die with him 14. 31 even so I do. Arise, let us go henco 25.7*0 go up, i.vaPaiyco aiidbcinu. Luke 5. 19 they went upon the house top, and let Mm. IQ.To go away or off, Hvei/xi apeirrd. Acts 17. 10 who coming, .went into the synagogue of 27. To go off or away, iiwepxa/xai aperchomai. Matt. 2. =2 when ho heard, .he was afraid to go thit 4. 24 And his fame went throughout all Syria. 8. 19 I will follow thee whithersoever thou g 8. 21 suffer me first to go and bury my father 8. 32 they went into the Iierd of swine : and 10. 5 Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and 13. 28 Wilt thou then that we go anc( gather ' 13. 46 v/ent and sold all that he had, and bought 14. 15 that they may go into the villages, and 14. 25 Jesus [went] unto them, walking on the 16. 21 how that he must go unto Jerusalem 18. 30 went and cast him into prison, till ho 21. 29 but afterward he repented, and went 21. 30 answered and said, I (go), sir ; and went 2S. 10 while they went to buy, the bridegroom 25. i3 he that had received one went and digged 25. 2s and went and hid thy talent in the earth e6. 36 Sit ye hero, while I go and pray yonder 27. 5 departed, and went and hanged himself 28. 10 go tell my brethren that they go into G. Mark i. 20 they left their father., and went after him 5. 24 And (Jesus) went with him ; and much 6. 27 he went and beheaded him in the prison 6. 36 that they may go into the country round 6. 37 Shall we go and buy two hundred penny. 7. 24 v?cnt into the borders of Tyre and SidoD 9. 43 than ha\Tng two hands to go into hell 14. 10 Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went 14 12 'Where wUt thou that we go and preparo 16. 13 [they weut and told (it) unto the residue) Luke 5. 14 eo,and show thyself to the priest.and offer 8. 34 [went and] told (it) in the city and in the q. 12 that [they may go] into the towns and co. 9. 57 I will follov.r thee whithersoever thou go. g. 59 suffer me first to go and bury my father 9. 60 go thou and preach the kingdom of God 17. 23 See here ! or, see there! go not after (the.) 22. 13 they went, and found as he had said unto 24. 24 certain of them.. went to the sepulchre John 4. 47 he went unto him, and besought him that 6. I After these things Jesus went over the j 6. 68 Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast •. 9. 7 He went his way therefore, and washed 9. II I went and washed, and I received sight 11. 54 went thence unto a countrj' near to the 12. 10 p.-iid. .behold, the world is gone after him 18. they went backward, and fell to the gn>. GO ' — Z ,>J-.-~' — ' Acts 5 5. 26 then went the captain with the officers Gal.illi- 17 I went into Arabia, and returned again Jude 1^' 7 going after strange flesh are set forth 3.ev. TO. 9 I went unto the angel, and said unto liim 12. 17 went to make war witli the remnant of 16. 2 the first went, and poured out his vial 28. To go tlwough, SiQpxoixai dierchomai. luke 2. 15 Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and Acts II. 22 Barnabas, that [he should go] as far as A. 20. 25 among whom I have gone preachmg the 39. To go into, ticrepxo^Lai elserchomai. Luke 19. 7 That he wasgono to be Mr. 10.25, Lu.18.2s 30. To pass VUt of., CKnopevoiiai €K OV e|iu, airo Markio. 46 as he went out of Jericho with his disci. .11. 19 wlien even was come, he went out of the / 13. I as he went out of the temple, one of his Ttlov. 1. 16 out of his mouth went a sharp two edged 19. 15 out of his mouth goeth asharpsword go oxit or forth, f^epxofiai exerchomai. /ilattts. 21 Tlien Jesus went thence, and departed •I/Ukei4. 18 I must needs go and see it : I pray thee (Acts 16. 10 we endeavoured to go into Macedonia > ■ - 16. 19 saw that the hope of their gains was gone 'Eom. 10. 18 verily, their sound went into all the earth 12 Co. 2. 13 but. .1 went from thence into Macedonia J!«*Ssv' 8. i7but..ofhi3 own accord he went unto you 32.7*0 go ill unto, elVeifti us eiseimi eis. - Acts 3. 3 Peter and John about to go into the tern. Ileb. ' 9. 6 the priests went always into the first tab. 83. To go on, epxa/xai crclwmai. Matt. 12. 9 when he was departed thence, he went \ 13. 36 Then Jesus, .went into the house : and 14. 12 and buried it, and went and told Jesus J 14. 29 Peter, .walked on the water, to go to Jes. 'jiark 3. 19 and they went into an house Luke 2. 44 But they, .went a day's journey ; and • 14. I as he went into the house of one of the John 4. 45 seen all .. for they also went unto the feast 4 6. 17 went over the sea toward Capernaum 21. 3 They say unto him, We also go with thee Acts 4. 23 being let go, they went to their own com. 28. 14 to tarry, .and so we went toward Rome Heb. J I. 8 obeyed, .not knowing whither ho went 34.7*0 go in unto, i/xfialvo) eh embaino eis. Matt. 13. 2 so that he went into a ship, and sat Luke 8. 22 that he went into a ship with his discip. 35. 7*0 go hack, pass, fiiraPalva metabaino. Lukeio. 7 remain . . Go not from house to house 36. 7*0 go or pass along, irapaTropevo/ paraporeu. Mark 2. 23 he went through the corn fields on the 37. 7*0 become alongside, irapayii/ofiai paraginomai. Acts 23. 16 he wont and entered into tlie castle 38. 2*0 mahe way, ■n-oteai dShv poieo hodon. Mark 2. 23 as they went, to pluck the ears of corn 39.7*0 go near or alongside, napepxo/J-at parerc?io, Luke 1 7. 7 will say. .Go and sit down to meat ? 40. 7*0 ^vall round about, irepmaTeai peripateo. Mark 12. 38 scribes, which love to go in long clothing 41.7*0 go or pass on, wopevOfiai poreuomai. Matt. 2. 8 Go and search diligently for the young 2. 20 go into the land of Israel : for they are 8. 9 I say to this (man). Go, and he goeth 9. 13 But go ye and learn what (tliat) meaneth 10. 6 go rather to the lost slieep of the house 10. 7 as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom J I. 4 Go and show John again those things 12. I At that time Jesus went on the sabbath 12 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself 17/27 go thou to the sea, and cast an hook 18. 12 goeth into tlie mountains, and seeketh 21. 2 Go into the village over against yon, and 21. 6 tlie disciples went, and did as Jesus com. 22. 9 Go ye therefore into the highways; and 22. 15 Then went the Pharisees, and took coun. 25. 9 go ye rather to them that sell, and buy 25. i6 Then he., went and traded with the same 26. 14 Then one of the twelve . . went unto the 27. 66 So they went, and made the sepulchre 28. 7 go quickly, and tell his disciples that 28. 9 [And as they went to tell his disciples] 28. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations Tllarkifi. 10 [she went and told them that had been] 16. 12 [as they walked, and went into the coun.] 16. 15 [Go ye into all the world, and preach the] IiUka 1. 39 and went into the hill country with haste 2. 3 all went to be taxed, every one into his g. 41 his parents went to Jerusalem every year 4. 42 departed and went into a, desert place 5. 24 take up thy couch, and go into thine lio. 7. 6 Then Jesus went with them. And when 7. 8 and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth 7. II that he went into a city called Nain ; and 7. 50 Thy faith hath saved thee ; go in peace 8. 48 Daughter, be of good comfort .. go in peace 9. 13 except we should go and buy meat for all 9. 51 he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusa. 9. 52 they went, and entered into a vjllag* of 9. 53 face was aa though he would go to Jeru. 9. 56 And the^ went to another village . 9. 57 that, as they went in the way, a certain 10. 37 ITien said Jesus . . Go, and do thou likew. 10. 38 it came to pass, as they went, that he 11. 5 shall go unto him at midnight, and say II. 36 Tbougoethhe, and taketh. .seven other Luke 1 3. 14. 14. 14. IS- IS- IS- 16. 17- 17- 19. 19- 19- 21. 22. 82. 22. 22. 24. S4- 24. John 7. 7- 7- 8. 8. 10. II. 14- 14. 14. 14. 16. 20. Acts I. I. S- 8. 8. 9- JO. 12. 16. 16. 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 20. 22. 22. =3- =3- 25- =5- 26. 27. 28. I Co. 10. 16. 16. I Ti. I. Jas. 4. iPe. 3. 3- Jude 42. To go Acts 22. 43. To go Matt. 5. 8. 9- '3. 18. 19. CO, 20. 21. 26. 26. 28. Mark 5, 5. 6. 6, 14, 14, Luke 8. 12. 17' 19, John 3, 4^ 6, 7- 7' 404 32 Go ye, and tell that fox. Behold, I cast 10 when tliou art bidden, go and sit down in 19 five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them 31 Or what king, going to make war against 4 go after tliat wliich was lost, until he 15 he went and joined liimself to a citizen 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will 30 but if one went unto them from the dead 11 it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem 14 said. .Go show yourselves unto the priest 12 A certain nobleman went into a far cou. 28 he went before, ascending up to Jerusal. 36 as he went, tliey spread their, clothes in 8 Take heed .. go ye not therefore after 8 Go and prepare us the passover, that we 22 truly the Son of man goeth, as it was 33 am ready to go with thee,both into prison 39 he came out, and went, as he was wont 13 two of them went that same day to a vil. 28 drew nigh unto the village whitherthey w. 28 as though he would have gone further 35 Whither will he go, that we shall not fl. 35 will he go unto the dispersed among the G. 53 [And every man went unto his own house] 1 [Jesus went unto the mount of Olives] 1 1 [Neither do I condemn thee : go, and sin] 4 he goeth before them, and the sheep fol. 11 I go, that I may awake him out of sleep 2 I would have told you. I go to prepare a 3 if I go and prepare a place for you, I will 12 greater, .because I go unto my Father 28 I go unto the Father : for my Father is 28 I leave the world, and go to the Father 17 go to my brethren, and say unto them II come . .as ye have seen him go into heav. 25 take part, .that he might go to his own 20 Go, stand and speak in the temple to the 26 Arise, and go toward the south, unto the 27 he arose and went : and, behold, a man 36 as they went on (their) way, they came 39 the eunuch . . went on his way rejoicing 1 1 Arise, and go into the street which is 20 go with them, doubting nothing : for I 17 departed, and went into another place 7 they assayed to go into Bithynia : but the 16 it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a 36 now therefore depart, and go in peace 14 sent away Paul, to go as it were to tho 6 from henceforth I will go unto the Gent. 21 Paul purposed in the spirit, .to go to Je. I and departed for to go into Macedonia 22 I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem 5 went to Damascus, to bring them which 10 Arise, and go into Damascus ; and there 23 Make ready two hundred soldiers to go 32 they left the horsemen [to go] with him 12 unto Cesar ? unto Cesar shalt thou go 20 I asked, .whether he would go to Jems. 12 Whereupon, as I went to Damascus with 3 gave . . liberty to go unto his friends to 26 Go unto this people, and say, Hearing . 25 now I go unto Jerusalem to minister 27 and ye be disposed to go, whatsoever ia . 4 if it be meet that I go also, they shall go , 6 bring me on my journey whithersoever 1 g. , 3 As I besought, .when I went into Maced. 13 we will go into such a city, and continue 19 By which also he wentand preached , 22 AVho is gone into heaven, and is on the 11 for they have gone in the way of Cain toward, irpoaipxoixai prnserchomai. . 26 he went and told the cliief captain, saying away, virdya hupago. . 41 compel thee to go a mile, go with him 32 And he said unto them. Go. And when 6 take up thy bed, and go unto thine ho. 44 for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that 15 go and tell him his fault between thee and 21 go. .sell that thou hast, and give to tne 4 Go ye also into the vineyard, and whats. 7 Go ye also into the vineyard; and whats. 28 said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard 18 Go into tlie city to such a man, and say ■ 24 The Son of man goeth as it is written of 10 go tell my brethren that they go into G. ;. 19 Go home to thy friends, and tell them 34 go in peace, and be whole of thy plague 31 for there were many coming and going 38 How many loaves have ye 7 go and see 13 Go ye into the city, and there shall meet 21 The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is . 42 [But as he went the people thronged] . 58 When thou goest with thine adversary 14 that, as they went, tliey were cleansed 30 Go ye into the village over against 8 but canst not tell, .whither it goeth . 16 Go, call thy husband, and come hither 21 the ship was at the land whither they w. 3 Depart hence, and go into Judtca, that 33 and (then) I go unto him that sent me . 14 I know whence 1 came, and whither I go 8. 14 tell whence I come, and whither I go 8. 21 said Jesus, .whither I go, ye cannot come a. 22 he s.ilth Whither I go, ye cannot come 9. 7 said. .Go, wash in the pool of Silonra Q. II Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and II. 8 stone thee ; and goest thou thither again? II. 31 She goeth unto tho grave to weep there 11. 44 Jesus saith. .Loose him, and let him go 12. 35 that walketh. . knoweth not whither he go 13. 3 he was come from God, a,nd went to God GO Johni3. 33 Whither I go, ye cannot come ; so now I 13. 36 Simon Peter said. .Lord, whither goest j 13. 36 Whither I go, thou canst not follow raw . 14. 4 whither I go ye know, and the way ye 14. 5 Lord, we know not whither thou goest 15. 16 that ye should go and bring forth fruit 16. 5 none of you asketh me. Whither goest ; 16. 10 because I go to my Father, and ye see 16. 16 [ye shall see me ; because I go to the Fa.] 16. 17 What is this . .Because I go to the Fathcrl 21. 3 Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing '.*f I Jo. 2. II knoweth not whither he goeth, because Eev. 10. 8 Go. .take the little book which is open 13. 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go 14. 4 follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth 17. 8 and shall ascend, .and go into perdition 17. II the beast that was. .goeth into perdition 44.7*0 give way, x^pew choreo. Matt 15. 17 whatsoever entereth in at the mouth go. [See also Armed, astray, captive, captivity, forward, free fully, ill, let, letting, near, nigh, right on, wall, well with, whoring.] 00, able to - To go out or forth, Kfl yatsa, Num 26. 2 all that are able to go to Avar in Israel GO aboard, to — To go up upon, iirtfiaivco epibatno. Acts 21. 2 finding a ship, .we went aboard, and set 60 about, to -^ 1.7*0 go on, ifyn halak. Prov 20. 19 He that goeth about (as) a talebearer re. 2. 7*0 withdraw self, turn about, pan chamaq, 7. Jer. 31. 22 How long wilt thou go about, thou 3.7*0 go round about, 335 sabdb. Josh 16. 6 and the border went about eastward unto 1 Sa. 15. 12 he set him up a place, and is gone about 2 Ki. 3. 25 the slingers went about (it), and smote it 2 Ch.17. 9 went about throughout all the cities of J. 23. 2 they went about in Judah, and gathered Eccl. 2. 20 I went about to cause my despair Song 3. 3 The watchmen that go about the city fo. 5. 7 The watchmen that went about the city, 4.2*0 go round about, 35D sabdb, 3a. Psa. 55. 10 Day and night they go about it upon tha Song 3. 2 I will rise now, and go about the city ia 0. 7*0 go about, trade, "inD sachar. Jer. 14. 18 both the prophet and the priest go about 0.7*0 do, make, n'sfV asah. Deut 31. 21 know their imagination which they go ah. 7.7*0 go to and fro, taw shut. Ifum II. 8 the people went about, and gathered (it) 8.7*0 go through, SUpxofiai dierchomai. Acts 10. 38 who went about doing good, and healing 9. To put hands on, attempt, iirix^ipiw epicheireo. Acts 9. 29 Grecians : but they went about to slay 10.7*0 seek, desire, (t^Tea zeted:\ John 7. 19 none of youkeepeth..Whygoye about to 7. 20 Thou hast a devil : who goeth about to Acts 21. 31 as they went about to kill him, tidings Kom 10. 3 and going about to establish their own 11.7*0 try, attempt, Trupa^o) peirazo. Acts 24. 6 Who also hath gone about to profane tho 12.2*0 try, attempt, veipdofiat peiraomai. Acts 26. 21 caught me in the temple, and went about 13.2*0 go round about, ireptdyo) periago. ^ Matt. 4. 23 Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in • 9. 35 And Jesus went about all the cities and Acts 13. II he went about seeking some to lead him. 60 abroad, to — 1. 7*0 go on habitually, X2n halak, 7. Psa. 77. 17 sent out a sound : thine arrows also went a. 2.2*0170 out or forth, HVJ yatsa.^ Dout 23. 10 then shall he go abroad out of the camp 3. To go through, Siepxoixat dierchomai. Luke 5. 15 went there a fame abroad of him i.To go out or forth, ^^epxo/iai exerchomai. Matt. 9. 26 the fame hereof went abroad into all that John2i. 23 Then went this saying abroad among the GO again, to — 1.2*0 p'o bacJc, 3!t!' sAm5. Gen. 43. 2 said unto them.'Go again, buy us a little 43. 13 Take also your brother, and arise, go ag. 44. 25 our father said^ Go again, (and) buy us Xum23. 16 said. Go again unto Balak, and say thus Deut24. 19 thou shalt not go again to fetch it : it ■> I Sa. 5. II let it go again to his own place, that it 25. 12 So David's young men. .went again, and 29. 4 that he may go again to his place which 1 Ki. 12. 27 and go again to Rehoboam king of Judabt 18. 43 And he said. Go again seven times ' 19. 20 he said unto him. Go back again : for f 2 Ki. 4. 31 wherefore he went again to meet him ^ 2 Ch. 19. 4 and he went out again througk the people Jer. 46. 16 Arise, and let us go again to our o^vn pe.. 2.2*0 turn upon or about, ivicTTpf^u epistrepho. - Acts 15. 36 Let us go again and visit ourbrethreniu, I GO GO along, to — To go on, %h^ Juxlak. Josh. 17. 7 the bordei* went along on the r'ljM hand 2 Sa. 16. 13 Shimei went along on the hill's side over GO and meet, to — To come opposite to, iiravrdw hupantao. Johmi. 20 Martha .. went and met him : but Mary GO aside, to — J.To ffo aside, IW srtr. Deut 28. 14 thou Shalt not go aside from any of the Z.To go aside, no'^ satah. Hum, s- 12 If any man's wife go aside, and commit 5. 19 if thou hast not gone aside to unclean. 5. 20 But if thou hast gone aside (to another) 5. 29 when a wife goeth aside (to another) ins. Z.To give space, withdraw, ayaxwpea a.nnclutreu. Acts 23. 19 went (mth him) asjile privately, and asked 26. 31 when they were gone aside, they talked A.To go away, aircpxo/xat aperclwmai. Acts 4. 15 commanded them to go aside out of the 6. To give space, withdraw, vtroxt^ptio htcpochoreO. luke 9. JO went aside privately into a desert place 00 astray, to — i.To be driven or forced away, nnj nadach, 2. Deut 22. I shalt not see thy brother's ox. .go astray 2. To err, go astray through ignorance, iyy shagag. Tsa.119. 67 Before I was afflicted I went astray; but 3. 7*0 err, go astray through ignorance, nv^ shagah. Trov. 5. 23 greatness of his folly ho shall go astray 4. To go astray, err, irXavdofxai planaoinai. Matt 18. 12 be gone astray, .which is gone astray 18. 13 ninety and nine which weut not astray ■ 1 Pe. 2. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray ; but 2 Pe. 2. 15 are gone astray, following the way of B. GO astray, to cause to — To cause to err through ignorance, njy shagch, 5. Prov 28. 10 causeth the lighteous to go astray in an GO away, to — l.To go on, "^n halak. Jer. 22. 10 weep sore for him that goeth away : for 51. 50 Ye that have escaped the sword go away II03. 6. 4 and as the early dew it goeth away 2. To go on, 'n^; yalak. Gen. 38. 19 she arose, and went away, and laid by Jixodx2. 28 children of Israel went away, and did as Josh.18. 8 men arose, and went away : and Joshua Judgip. 2 went away from him unto her father's h. 1 Sa. 15. 27 And as Samuel turned about to go away ■ 28. 25 they rose up, and went away that night 2 Ki. 5. II But Naaman was wroth, and went away S 12 So he turned^ and went away in a rage Hos. 5. 14 I, (even) I, wiU tear and go away ; I will 3. To go out, NV; yatsa. Deut 15. 16 I will not go away from thee; because 4. To remove, journey, JJDJ nasa. Judgi6. 3 and went away with them, bar and all 16. 14 and went away mth the pin of the beam &,To be removed, vpj nasa, 2. Job 4. 21 Doth not their excellency, .go away? 6. To go on or over, njj; abar. ■X Sa. 18. 9 the mule that (was) under him went away 7. To go up, rihif alah. 2 Ki. 12. 18 and he went away from Jerusalem 8. To turn the face, ."139 pa nah. Jer. 6. 4 Woe unto us ! for the day goeth away, for 9. To turn, Tisn haphak. 2 Ch. 9. 12 went away to her own land, she and her 10. To go away or off, airepxa/J-ai aperchomai. Matt. 8. 31 [suffer us to go away into the herd of sw.) T9. 22 he went away sorrowful : for he had gr. 25. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting a5. 42 He went away again the second time, and 26. 44 he left them, and went away again, and Markio. 22 And he was sad. and went away grieved 14. 39 And again he went away, and prayed Xnke 2. 15 as the angels were gone away from them John 4. 8 For his disciples were gone away unto the 6. 22 (that) his disciples were gone away alone JO. 40 went away again beyond Jordan, into x6. 7 It is expedient for you that I go away 16. 7 for if I go not away, the Comforter will so. 10 Then the disciples went away again unto W.To go out or forth, ^epxa^at exerchomai. Acts 10. 23 on the morrow Peter went away with th. 12. To pass on, wopeiouat poreuomai. Matt 28. 16 Then the eleven disciples went away Into 1 3. To go away, iiirdya hupago. John 6. 67 Then said Jesus. .Will ye also go away? 12. II many of the Jews went away, and belie. 14. 28 I go away, and come (again) unto you CO back, to — \.To depart, remove, fall off from, e>ffl mush, 5. Job 23. 12 Neither have 1 gone back from the comm. 2.T0 go back, :iD sug. Psa. 8a 18 So will not we go back from theo : quick. 405 3. To he or keep free, Jnp para. £ze. 24 14 I will not go back, neither will I spare i.To go back, aie' shub. Judg 11. 35 opened my mouth , . and I cannot go back 18. 26 he turned and went back unto his house 1 Ki. 13. 19 So he went back with him, and did eat 2 Ki. 2. 13 went back, and stood by the bank of Jo. 8. 29 And king Jorara went back to be healed GO before, to — ' l.To go before, D'i|7 qadam, 3. Psa. 68. 25 The singers went before, the players on 89. 14 mercy and trutli shall go before thy face' 2. To go before, vpodya proagO. Matt. 2. 9 and, lo, the star, .went before them, till 14. 22 and to go before him unto the other side 21. 9 And the multitudes that went before 21. 31 go into tlie kingdom of God before you 26. 32 Butatter. .Iwill go before youintoGalilee 28. 7 beliold, he goeth before you into Galilee Mark 6. 45 to go to the other side before unto Beths. 10. 32 and Jesus went before them : and they 11. 9 And they that went before, and they that 14. 28 But after. .1 will go before you into Galil. 16. 7 toll.. Peter that he goeth before you into LukeiS. 39 And they which [went before] rebuked 1 Ti. I. 18 to the prophecies which went before on 5. 24 goingbefore to judgment; andsome(men) Heb. 7. 18 the commandment going before for tho 3.T0 go before or first, irpofpxoyiai proerclwmai. Luke I. 17 And he sliall go before him in the spirit 22. 47 one of the twelve, went before them Acts 20. 5 These going before, tarried for us at Tro. 20. 13 And we went before to ship, and sailed 2 Co. 9. 5 that they would go before unto you 4. To pass before, irpovopdo/ proporeuomai. IjUko I 76 for thou shalt go before the face of the L. Acts 7. 40 Make us gods to go before us: for (as for GO beyond, to — l.To go over or beyond, "ijj/ ahar. Nura24. 13 I cannot go beyond the commandment 2.7*0 go over or beyond, ivc-ppalyci huperbaino. 1 Th. 4. 6 That no (man) go beyond and defraud GO by, to — To go over or beyond, i;>; abar. Job 21. 29 Have ye not asked them that go by tho Psa. 129. 8 Neither do they which go by say, The GO captive, to — To remove into exile, npa galah. Amos 6. 7 Therefore now sliall they go captive with GO, to cause or make to — 1. To make to go on, TlSn halak, 3. Job 24. 10 They cause (hm)) to go naked without 2. 7*0 cause to go on, T]'?; yalak, 5. Exodi4. 21 LonD caused the sea to go fljack) by a st. Lev. 26. 13 broken the bands, .and made you go upri. 2 Sa. 13. 13 whither shall I cause my shame to go? GO down, to — 1. To go in, iVi3 bo. Gen. 15. 17 when the sun went down, and it was d. Exod22. 26 it unto him by that the sun goeth down Deut 24. 13 the pledge again when tho sun goeth do. 24. 15 neither shall the sun go down upon it Josh 10. 13 and hasted not to go down about a whole Judg 14 18 the seventh day before the sun went down ig. 14 and the sun went do^vn upon them ■ 2 Sa. 2. 24 the sun went do\vn when they were come Eccl. I. 5 the sun goeth do^vn, and hasteth to his Isa. 60. 20 Tliy sun shall no more go down ; neither Jer. 15. 9 her sun is gone dottTi while.. yet day; she Mic. 3. 6 the sun shall go down over the prophets 2. 7*0 be cast doion, nnri chathath, 2. Job 21. 13 and in a moment go down to the grave 3. To go doum, ix yarad. Gen. II. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound 12. 10 Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn iS. 21 I wDl go down now.and see whether 24. 16 she went down to the well, and filled 24. 45 she went do\vn unto the well, and drew 26. 2 Go not down into Egypt ; dwell in the 37- 33 I '**''il S° dowTi into the grave unto my s. 38. I that Judah went down from his brethren 42. 3 Joseph's ten brethren went do-wn to buy 42. 38 My son shall not go down with you ; for 43. 4 wilt send, .we will go down and buy thee 43. 5 thou wilt not send.. we will not go down 43. IS rose up, and went do^VTl to Egypt, and 44. 26 We cannot go down . .will we go down 46. 3 fear not to go do«Ti into Egypt ; for I 46. 4 I will go do^vn with thee into Egypt ; and Exodig. 14 Moses went down from the mount unto 19. 21 Go do^vn, charge the people, lest they 19. 23 Moses went down unto the people, and 32. 15 iloses turned, and went down from the Numi6. 30 .and they go down quick kito the pit; then 16. 33 They, .went down alive into the pit, and '20. 15 How our fathers went down into Egypt 34. II And the coast shall go down from S. Deut 10. 22 Thy fathers went do^vn into Egypt with 26. 5 he weut down into Egypt, and sojourned Josh 15. 10 went down to Beth-shemesh, and passed 16. 3 And goeth down westward to the coast 16. 7 it went do^vn from Janohah to Ataroth 18. 18 northward, and weut down unto Arabah GO Josh 24. 4 Jacob and his children went down Into B. Judg. I. 9 the children of Judah went down to light 3. 27 the children of Israel went down with 3. 28 they went down after him, and took the 4. 14 So Barak went down from mount Tabor 5. II then shall the people of the Lonn go dowu 7. 10 But if thou fear to go down, qo thou witll 7. 10 go thou with Phurah thy servant down 7. II bhall thine hands be strengthened to god. 7. 11 Then went he down with Phurah his ser. J I. 37 that I may go up and down upon tho 14. I .Samson went down to Timnath, and saw 14. 5 Then went Samson down, and his father 14. 7 he went down and talked with the worn. 14. 10 .So his father went down unto the woman 14. 19 he went down to Ashkclon, and slew thl. 15. 8 he went down and dwelt in the top of the Ruth 3. 6 she went down unto the floor, and did 1 Sa. 10. 8 thou shalt go down before me to Gilgal 13. 20 all tho Israelites went down to the PhllL 14. 36 Let us go down after the Pliilistines by 14. 37 Shall I go down after the Philistines'/ 15. 12 passed on, and gone down to Gilgal 20. 19 thou shalt go down (juickly, and come to 22. I his father's house heard (it), they went d. 23. 4 Arise, go down to Kcilali ; for I will del. 23. 8 to go down to Keilah, to besiege David 25. I David arose, and went down to the wild. 20. 2 Saul arose, and went do«Ti to the wilder 26. 6 Who will go down with nic to Saul to th« 26. 6 Abishai said, I will go down with theo 29. 4 let him not go down with us to battle 2 Sa. 5. 17 David heard, .and went down to the hold II. 8 Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet II. 9 But Uriah, .went not down to his house II. 10 Uriah wont not do\vn unto his house II. 10 why. .didst thou not go down unto thine 11. 13 went out. .but went not down to his ho. 17. 18 had a well, .whither they went dowa 19. 20 come . . to go down to meet my lord the 21. 15 David went down, and his servants with 23. 13 three of the thirty chief went down, and 23. 20 ho went down also and slew a lion in 23. 21 he went dowu to him with a staff, and 1 Ki. I. 38 Cherethites, and the Pelethites, went do. 21. 16 that Ahab rose up to go down to the 21. 18 Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of I. 2 Ki. I. 15 Go down with him ; be not afraid of him 1. 15 he arose, and went down with him unto 2. 2 I will not leave thee. So they went down 3. 12 and the king of Edom went down to hira. 5. 14 Then went he down, and dipped himself 8. 29 Ahaziah. .went down to see Joram the 10. 13 we go down to salute the children of the 12. 20 house of Millo, which goeth down to .Sil. 20. II by which it had gone down in the dial of 1 Ch II. 15 three of the thirty captains went down 11. 22 ho went down and slew a lion in a pit II. 23 and he went down to him with a staff 2 Ch.i8. 2 And. .he went down to Ahab to Samaria. 20. 16 To morrow go ye down against them 22. 6 Azariah. .went down to see Jehorara tho Nch. 3. 15 unto the stairs that go down from tho Job 7. 9 so he that goeth down to the grave shall 17. 16 They shall go down to the bars of the pit Psa 22. 29 all they that go down to the dust shall 28. I I become like them that go down into 30. 3 kept, .that I shoivlu not go down to tho 30. 9 What profit, .when I go down to the pitt 55. IS let them go down quick into hell : for 83. 4 I am counted with them that go down. 104. 8 they go down by the valleys unto the 107. 23 They that go down to the sea in ships 107 26 they go down again to the depths : tbefr 113. 17 neither any that go down into silence 133. 2 went down to the skirts of his garments 143. 7 lost I be like untn them that go down Prov. I. 12 whole, as those that go down into the pit 5. 5 Her. feet go down to death ; her stepa 18. 8 thoy go down into the innermost parts 26. 22 they go down into tiie innermost parts Song 6. II I went io^vri into the garden of nuts to Isa. 14. 19 that go down to the stones of the pit |' 30. 2 That walk to go down into Egypt, and 31. I Woe to them that go down to Egypt for 38. 18 they that go down into the pit cannot 43. 10 ye that go down to the sea, and all that 52. 4 My people went down aforetime into Eg. 63. 14 As a beast goeth down into the valley Jer. 18. 2 Arise, and go down to the potter's house 18. 3 Then I went down to the potters houso 22. I Go down to the house of the king of J. 36. 12 Then he went do^vn into the kings house 48. 15 his chosen young men are gone down to 50. 27 let them go down to the slaughter : woa Eze. 26. II thy strong garrisons shall go down to the 26. 20 with them that go down to the pit, that 31. 14 death, .with them that go down to the 31. IS In the day when he went down to the 31. 17 They also went down into hell with him 32. 18, 24, 2s, 29, 30 with them that go down to 32. 19 go down, and be thou laid with the uncir. 47. 8 These waters, .go down into the desert Amos e. 2 then go down to Gath of the Philistines Jon. I. 3 Jonah rose up.. and went down to Joppa 1. 3 went down into it, to go with them unto 2. 6 I went down to the bottoms of the moiu^ 4. To be taken or brought down, ti; yarad, 6. I Sa. 30. 24 as his part (is) that goeth down to the - 5. T'o go down, nni nachath. Job 21. 13 and in a moment go down to the grava GO 406 GO 6.T0 stretchout, nai natah. Numzi. 15 that goeth down to the dv/elling of Ar. a Ki.20. 10 light thing for the shadow to go down I.To go in upon, ^iriSia M epiduo epi. Eph. 4. 26 let not the sun go down upon your wrath 8. To go down, Kara^aivoi katabaino. Marki3. islet him. .not go down into the house Luke 2. 51 he went down with them, and came to 10. 30 A certain (man) went down from Jerus. 18. 14 this man went down to his house justified John z. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum 4. 51 as he was now going down, liis servants 5. 4 [an angel went down at a certain season] 6. 16 his disciples went down unto the sea Acts 7. IS So Jacob went down into Egypt, and died 8. 26 unto the way that goeth down from Jer. 8. 38 they went down both into the water, both 10. 21 Then Peter went down to the men which 14. 25 had preached, .they went down into A. 18. 22 had landed, .he went down to Antioch i-i. 10 Paul went down, and fell on him, and 23. 10 commanded the soldiers to go down, and 25. 6 had tarried, .he went down unto Cesarea 9. To go down, katerchomai. - Acts 8. 5 Then Philip went down to the city of S. 12. 19 he went down from Judea to Cesarea GO do-nn -with, to — To go dovm with, (rvyxaTapaiva sughatabaind. Acts 23. 5 go down with (me), and accuse this man 00 every where, to — To go throughout, Siepvo/iai dicrchomai. Acts 8. 4 they., wentevery where preaching thaw. DO downward, to — To go dovm, tv yarad. Eccl. 3. 21 the spirit of the beast that goeth ioxnixi. DO far (off), to — X.Tote or keep far off, prn rachaq, Erov. 19. 7 how much more do his friends go far from Eze. 8. 6 that I should go far oft from my sanctuary 2.T0 go or put far off, prn rachaq, 5. Josh. 8. 4 go not very far from the city, but bo jo GO far away, to — To go or put far off, pm rachaq, 5. Exod 8. 28 only ye shall not go very far away : cntr. GO farther, to — 1. To go forward or forth, irpofialvoi probaind. Mark i. 19 when ho had gone a little farther thence 2.T0 go forward, or forth, ■!rpoipx<'J'-aiproerche'mai. Matt 26. 39 [he went a little farther,] and fell on his GO forth, t» — 1. To go forth or out, ^y, yatsa. Gen. 8. 7 ho sent forth a raven, which went foi-fh 8. 16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife 8. 18 Noah went forth, and his sons, and his 8. 19 Every beast, .went forth out of the ark 9. 18 the sons of Noah, that went forth of the 10. II Out of that land wont forth Asshur, and .- II. 31 they went forth with them from Ur of 12. 5 they went forth to go into the land of C. 42. 15 By the life of Pharaoh yo shall not go fo. lev. 14. 3 the priest shall go forth out of the camp Num26. 4 which went forth out of the land of E. 31. 13 went forth to meet them without the ca. 33. I which went forth out of the land of E. Oeutai. 10 When thou goest forth to war against 23. 9 When the host goeth forth against thine 23. 12 a place . . whither thou shalfc go forth abr. Josh 18. 17 went forth to Eii-sheraesh, and went forth Judg. 3. 23 Then Ehud wont forth through the porch 5. 31 as the sun when ho goeth forth in his m. 20. 25 Benjamin went forth against them out of Ruth I. 7 Wherefore she went forth out of the place I Sa. 17. ss when Saul saw David go forth against the 18. 30 the princes of the Philistines went forth 18. 30 audit cameto pass, after they went forth 23. 13 was told Saul . . and he f orbaro to go forth 30. 21 they went forth to meet David, and to m. a Sa. II. I it came . . at the time when tings go forth 13. 39 king David longed to go forth.unto Abs. 15. 16 the king went forth, and all his househo. 15. 17 the king went forth, and all the people 18. 2 I will surely goforth with you myself also 18. 3 Thou Shalt not go forth : for if we flee 19. 7 Now therefore arise, go forth, and speak 19. 7 if thou go not forth, there will not tarry 20. 8 a sword, .as he went forth it fell out 1 Ki. 2. 36 dwell there, and go not forth thence any 19. II And he said. Go forth, and stand upon 22. 22 said, I will go forth, .go forth, and do so 9 Kl. 2. 21 he went forth unto the spring of the wa. 8. 3 she went forth to cry unto the king for 9. IS let none go forth (nor) escape out of the 11. 7 two parts of all you that go forth on the 18. 7 he prospered -whithersoever he went forth 19. 31 out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant I Ch. 12. 33, 36 such as went forth to battle, expert in c Ch. 20. 20 went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa ao. BO as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood 25. s three hundred thoOsand. .to go forth to 26. '6 he went forth and waiTed against the Ph. Weh. 8. fs Go forth unto the mount, and fetch olive 8. 16 So the people went forth,, and brought Esth. 4. 6 So Hatach went forth to Mordecal unto Esth. 5. 9 Then went Haman forth that day joyful Job I. 12 So Satan went forth from the presence of 2. 7 So Satan went forth from the presence of 24. 5 go they forth to their work ; rising betim. 39. 4 they go forth, and return not unto them Psa. 44. 9 But thou, .goest not forth with our armi. 68. 7 when thou wentest forth before thy peop. 104. 23 Man goeth forth unto his work and to 108. II wilt not thou, God, go forth -with our 146. 4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to 8 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest (thou 30. 27 yet go they forth all of them by bands Song I. 8 go thy way forth by tho footsteps of tho 3. II Go forth, ye daughters of Zion, and 7. II let us go forth into tho field ; let us lodge Isa. 2. 3 ior out of Zion shall go fortli the law, and 7. 3 Go forth now to meet Ahaz, thou, and S. 37. 32 out of Jerusalem shall go forth a rcmna. 37. 36 Then the angel of tho Lord went _fort!i 42. 13 ^ho Lord shall go forth as a mighty man 48. 3 they went forth out of my mouth, and I 48. 20 Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the 49. 9 Go forth ; to them that (are) in darkness 49. 17 they that made thee waste shall go forth 55. II So shall my word be that goetlvforth out 62. I until the righteousness thereof go forth 66. 24 they shall go forth, and look upon the Jer. 2. 37 Yea, thou shalt go forth from him, and 6. 2S Go not forth .into the fleld, nor walk by 14. 18 If I go forth into tho field, then behold 15. I cast, .out of my sight let them go forth 15. 2 Wliither shall we go forth ? then thou 19. 2 go forth unto the valley of the son of H. 22. II Shallum. .which went forth out of this pi. 25. 32 evil shall go forth from nation to nation 30. 23 the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth 31. 4 and shalt go forth in the dances of them 31. 39 tho measuring line shall yet go forth over 37, 12 Then Jeremiali went forth out of Jerusa. 38. 2 lie that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall 38. 8 Ebed-meloch went f orth.out of the king's 33. 17 If thou wilt assuredly go forth unto the 38. 18 But if thou wilt not go forth to the king 38. 21 But if thou refuse to go forth, this (is) 39. 4 went forth out of the city by night, by 41. 6 Ishmael.. went forth from Mizpah to 43. 12 he shall go forth from thence in peace 44. 17 whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our 48. 7 Chemosh shall go forth into captivity 50. 8 go forth out of the land of the tihaldeans 52. 7 went forth out of the city by night, by Eze. 1. 13 and out of the Ih-o went forth lightning 3. 22 Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will 3. 23 Then I arose, and went forth into tlio pi. 9. 7 he said., go ye forth. And they went forth 12. 4 thou shalt go forth at even in their sight 12. 12 the prince, .shall bear., and shall go forth 16. 14 thy renown went forth among the heathen 21. 4 shall my sword go forth out of his sheath 12 her great scuni went not forth out of her 33 When thy wares went forth out of tho 9 In that day shall messengers go forth from 9 they that dwell in the cities . . shall go forth 19 when they go forth into the outer court 2 then ho shall go forth ; but tho gate shall 8 and he shall go forth by the way thereof 9 shall go forth by the way of the north ga. 9 but shall go forth over against it 10 and when they go forth, shall go forth 12 then he shall go forth ; and after his 3 And when tho man . . went forth eastward 24. 27. 3°- 39- 44. 46. 46. 46. 46. 46. 46. Dan. II. Hos. 6. Joel 2. Amos 3. Mic. 4. 4. Ilab.' I. 3' 3- Zech. 2. 5- S- 5- 6. 6. 6, 6. 6. 9- 14. 14. Mai. 4. 44 therefore he shall go forth with great are as) the light (that) goeth forth et the bridegroom go forth of his cham. ■n - 5(! 16 1 18 and a fountain shall come forth of the 3 and that which went forth (by) an hundr. 2 for the law shall go forth of Zion, and tho 10 for now shalt thou go forth out of tho 4 and judgment doth never go forth ; for 5 and burning coals wont forth a,t his feet 13 Thou wentest forth for the salvation of 3 the angel that talked with me went forth 3 This (is) tho curse that goeth forth over S the angel that talked with me went forth 5 and see what (is) this that goeth forth 6 This (is) an 6phah that goeth forth. MS 5 which go forth from standing before 6 The black: Ijorses. .goforth into the north 6 and the white go forth after them 6 and the grisled go forth towardithe south 7 And the bay went forth, and sought to go 14 his arrow shall go forth aa the lightning 2 and halt of the city shall go forth into 3 Then shall tho Lord go forth, and fight 2 and ye shall go forth, and grow up as 2.7*0 remove, journey, j;d} nasa. Num II. 31 And there went forth a wind from tho t. Jer. 31. 24 and they (that) go forth with flocks 3. To go forth, psi ne.phaq. Dan. 2. 13 And' tho decree went forth that tho \vi3e 4. To go over or beyond, "ijj; dbar. 2 Cifi.2i. 9 Then Jehoramwent forthwith his princes Isa, 28. 19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall 5. To go on out of, ^Kirop^io/iat ekporeuomai. Markio. 17 And when he was gone forth into the way Eev. 16. 14 (which) [go forth] unto the kings of the 6. To go forth or out of, i^epxofiat exerchomai. Matt 13. 3 Behold, a sower went forth to sow 14, 14 And Josus went forth, and saw a great Matt24. 26 he is in the desert ; go not forth 25. I and went forth to meet the brido groom Mark 2. 12 and went forth before them all: insomuch 2. 13 And he went forth again by the sea side 3. 6 And the Pharisees went forth, and straig. 6. 24 And she went forth, and said unto her 14. 16 And his disciples went forth, and came 16. 20 [And they went forth, and preached every] Luke s. 27 And after these things he went forth 7. 17 this rumour of him went forth througho. 8. 27 And when he went forth to land, there John I. 43 Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and 12. 13 and went forth to meet him, and cried 18. I he went forth with his disciples over 1 8. 4 Jesus, .went forth, and said unto them. 19. 4 Pilate therefore went forth again, and 19. 17 And he bearing liis cross went forth into 20. 3 Peter therefore went forth, and that 21. 3 They went forth, and entered into a ship Acts 16. 3 Him would Paul have to go forth with. Heb. 13. 13 Let us go forth therefore unto him witi. 3 Jo. 7 for his name's sake they went forth ilev. 6. 2 and he went forth conquering, and to co. 7. To go or pass on, poreuomai. Lulio S. 14 when they have heard, go forth, and are GO (forth), able to — To go forth or out of, ^f, yatsa. Num. I. 3 all that are able to go forth to war in I. 20 all that were able to go forth to war [So also 22, 2i, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45.] 26. 2 all that are able to go to war in Israel GO forth, to cause to — To cause to go forth, »"$) yatsa, 5. Eze. 20. 10 I caused them to go forth out of the land GO forth, to make to — To cause to remove or journey, yp3 nasa, 6. Psa. 78. 52 But made his own people to go fortli like GO forward, to — \.To go on, "^^V} halak. 2 Ki. 20. 9 shall the shadow go forward ten Jegrces 2.T0 [cause] to smite, nsJ nakah, 5. 2 Ki. 3. 24 but they went forward smiting the Mbabi S.To lift up, S)D3 nasa. E.\odi4. 15 speak unto . .Israel, that they go fbrward Num. 2. 24 they shall go forward in the third ranb • 10. 5 that lie on the east parts shall go forward i.To go forward, irpoepxo/ial proerchomai. Marki4. 35 And [he went forward] a little, and fell ou GO further, to — To put asunder, Suo'rrjfii disiemi. Acts 27. 28 and when they had gone a little furthci GO from, to — To move, wander, flee away, lij nedad. Dan. 6. 18 Then the king, .his sleep went from hfm GO hard, to — To be or go nigh, t)i} nagasTi. Judg 9. 52 and went hard unto the door of the tow. GO home, to — To go back, yxj sliub. 1 Sa. 18. e and would let hir.i go no more home to GO in, to — l.To gain, k'i3 ho. Gen. 7. 7 And Noah w=ent In, and his sons, and hf» 7. 9 There went in two and two unto Noah 7. 15 And they went in unto Noah into the art 7. 16 they that went in, wont in male and female 16. 2 I pray thee, go in unto my maid ; it may 16. 4 And ho went in unto Hagar, and she ig. 33 and the first born went in, and lay with 19. 34 go thou in, (and) lie with him, that we 23, 10, 18 all that went in at the gate of his city 29. 21 my days are fulfilled, that I may go in 29. 23 brought her to him ; and he went m unto 29. 30 he went in also unto Kachel, and he loved 30. 3 Behold my maiJ Bilhah, go in unto her 30. 4 gave him Bilhah . .and Jacob went in unto 38. 2 and he took her, and went in unto her 38. 8 Go in unto thy brother's wife, and mari7 38. 9 he went in unto his brother's wife, that ho Exod. s- I Moses and Aaron went in, and told Phar. 6. II Go in, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt 7. 10 Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh 9. I Go in unto Pharaoh, and tell him. Thus 10. I Go in unto Pharaoh: for I have hardened 14. 23 the Egyptians pursued, and went in after 28. 29, 35 when he goeth in «nto the holy (place) 28. 30 when he goeth in before the Lord rand 34. 34 when Moses went in before the LORD to 34. 35 until he went in to speak with him Lev. 14. 36 the priest shall go in to see the house 16. 17 when he goeth in to make an atonement 21. II Neither shall he go in to any dead body 21" 23 he sljall not go in-unto the veil, nor como Num. i. 10 Aaron and his sons shall go in, and^po. 4. 20 they shall not go in to see when the holy 8. IS after that shall the Levites go- In to do 8. 24 they shall go in to wait upon the service 27. 17 which may go in before them, and which Dcut. I. 8 go in and possess the land which the L. I. 37 saying. Thou also shalt not go in thither 1. 38 Joshua the son of Nun. .shall go in thii. 1 . I I • GO Deut. I. 39 they shall go in thither, and unto them 4. I go in and possess the land which the Lo. 4. 21 tliat I should not go in unto that good 6. 18 that thou mayest go in and possess the 8. I go in and possess the laud wliich the Lo. 9. I to go ia to possess nations greater and 10. It that they may go in and possess the land 11. 8 and go in and possess the land whitlier II. 10 the land wliither thou goest to possess it II. n the land, whither ye go to possess it, (is) a 11. 31 ye shall pass over Jordan to go in to 21. 13 after that thou shalt go in unto her 32. 13 If any man take a wife, and go in unto 05. 5 her husband's brother shall go in unto 27. 3 that thou mayest go in unto the land Josh. I. II to go in to possess the land, which the 6. 23 the young men that were spies went in 23. 12 and go in unto them, and they to you Judg. 3. 22 the haft also went in after the blade 6. 19 Gideon went in, and made ready a kid 15. I I will go in to ray wife into the chamber 15. I would not suffer him to go in 16. 1 saw there an harlot, and went In unto her 19. 15 they turned aside thither, to go in (and) 19. 15 when he went in, ho sat him down in a s, Ituth 3. 4 thou shalti go in, and uncover his feet 4. 13 when he went In unto her, the Lord gave I Sa. 24. 3 Saul wenfin to cover his feet : and David a Sa. 3. 7 Wherefore hast thou gone in unto my 7. 18 Then went king David in, and sat before 12. 16 David fasted, and went in, and lay all 12. 24 David comforted Bath-sheba. .and went in 16. 21 Go in unto thy father's concubines, which 16. 22 Absalom went in unto his father's concu. 17. 25 Ithra, an Israelite, that went in to Abigail z Kl. I. 15 Bath-sheba went in unto the king into II. 2 Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall 13. 8 I will not go in with thee, neither will 13. 16 I may not return, .uor go in with thee i6.- 10 Zimri went in and smote hini, and killed 17. 12 that I may go in and dress it for mo and D KI, 4. 33 He went in therefore, and shut the door 4. 37 she went in, and fell at his feet, and 5. 4 went in, and told liis lord, saying. Thus 5. 25 he went in, and stood before his master 9. 2 go in, and make him arise up from among 10. 24 when they went in to offer sacrifices and 10. 25 Go in. .slay them ; let none como forth X Ch, 2. 21 Hezron went in to the daughter of Mac. 7. 23 when he went in to his wife, she concei. a Ch. 23. 6 they shall go in, for they (are) holy : but "^26. 17 Azariah the priest went in after him, and 29. 18 they went in to Hezekiah the king, and Neh. 6. II would go into the temple . .1 will not go ia 9. 15 they should go in to possess the land 9. 23 that they should go in to possess (it) 9. 24 the children went in and possessed the Esth. 2. 12 when every maid's turn was come to go in 2. 15 the turn of Esther, .was come togo in 4. 8 to charge her that she should go in unto 4. 16 BO will I go in unto the kiug, which (is) S- 14 t'lci go thou in merrily with the king Psa. 26. 4 neither will I go in with dissemblers 51. title, after he had gone in to Bath-sheba Trov. 6. 29 So he that goeth in to his neighbour's Jer. 36. 20 they went in to the king into the court EZ9. 8. 9 Go in, and behold the wicked abomina. 8. 10 I went in and saw; and, behold, every - 9. 2 they went in, and stood beside the braz. 10. 2 Go in between the wheels, (even) under 10. 2 And he went in in my sight 10. 3 Cherubim stood . . when the liuaa. went in 10. 15 he went in, and stood beside the wheels 23. 44 went in . . as they go in . . so went they in 46. 8 he shall go in by the way of the porch of 46. 10 when they go in, shall go in; and when 2. To go over or Tjcyond, 15!; ahar. Exod32. 27 go in and out from gate to gate through. 3. To go up, Shy_ alal. Dan. 2. 16 Then Daniel went In, and desired of the 2. 24 Daniel went in unto Ai-ioch, whom the k. 6. 10 when Daniel knew . . ho to his ho. 4. To go in into, e'tarfifii ciseimi:^ Acts 21. 18 Paul went in with us unto Jamea^jiand 5.T0 go into, ela-epxo/J-ai eiserchomai. Matt. 7. 13 and many there be which go in thereat*- 9. 25 he went in, and took her by the hand, and 23. 13 go in . . neither suffer ye them .. to go in 25. 10 they that were ready went in with him to 26. 58 went in, and sat with the servants, to see Marki4. 14 wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the 15. 43 Joseph..came, and went in boldly unto P. Luke '8. 51 he suffered no man to go in, save Peter 11. 37 and he Went in, and sat do%vn to meat 15. 28 And he was angry, and would not go in 24. 29 And he went in to tarry with them Johnio. 9 and shall go in and out, and find pasture 20. s stooping do\vn. .saw. .yet went he not in 20. 8 Then went in also that other disciple Acts I. 21 all the time that the Lord Jesus went in g. 6 Arise, and go into the city, and it shall 10 27 he went in,\and found many that were II. 3 Thou wentest in to men uncircumcised 17. 2 Paul, as his fanner was, went in unto GO in -with, to — ■ To go in vrith, (rvveif-ai suneiserchomai. JohniS. 15 that disciple, .w/ont in with Jesus into i07 GO into, to — \.To go in, «i3 ho. I Ki. II. 17 That Uadad fled, .to go Into Egypt I Sa. 2o. 42 he arose, .and Jonathan went into tho c. Jer. 42. 17 the men that set their faces to go into E. 44. 12 that have set their faces to go into the 2.T0 go into, flaepxofiai eiserchomai. Matt 15. II Not that v/hicli goctli into the mouth 21. 12 And Jesus went into tlie temple of God =7- 53 y 54. 9 w-aters of Noah should no more go over Jer. 41. 10 depiuted to go over to the Ammonites 2.T0 go prosperously, rhf tsaleach. 2 Sa. 19. 17 they went over Jordan before the king Z.To 2MSS through, Siairepdw diaper ao. Matti4. 34 whenthey were gone over, they came into A.To go through, Siepxofxat dicrchomai. Luko 8. 22 Let us go over unto the other side of the Acts 18. 23 went over, .the country of Galatia and P. 20. 2 when he had gone over those tuirts, aaj t.To end, reXeoi) teleo. JIatt 10. 23 Ye shall not have gone over the cities of GO over, to make — • To cause to tread, tprl darah, 5. Isa. 11.15 and shall . .make (men) go over dry shod GO rouad (atout), to — \.To cause to go round, IPJ naqaph, 5. Josh. 6. 3 ye shall . . go round about the city once ■ , Psa. 48. 12 Walk, .and go round about her: tell the 2, To go round about, 339 sahab. Psa. 59. 6 They return . . and go round about the d. 59. 14 let them, .go round about the city 8.T0 go round about, Tccpidyo) periago. Mark 6. 6 he went roimd about tho villages, teach. GO see, to — To look after, ^i39 paqad. 2 Ki. 9. 34„ Go, see now tills cursed.. and biiry her ; GO softly, to — To go softly, lovingly, ni'i dadah, 7. Isa. 38. 15 I shall go softly all my years In the bitt. GO, to teach to — To cause to go on foot, '?xi ragal, 5ct. Hos. II. 3 I taught Ephralm also to go, taking them GO thence, to — To go forth or out, i^epxofiai exerchomai. Mattio. II enquire, .and thoreabide till ye go thence GQ through or throughout, to - 1.7*0 go over or beyond, njj; dbar. llirum2o. 19 I will only, .go through on my feet 20. 20 And he said. Thou shalt not go through - Josh. 3. '2 that the officers went through the host Isa. 60. 15 forsaken and hated, so that no man yr. th. ,62. lo Go through, go through the gates ; pre. ■ Eze. 9. 4 Go through the midst of the city, throu. IDc. s- 8 who, if he go through, both treadeth do. 2.T0 go to and fro, BW shut. s Sa. 24. 2 Go now through all the tribes of Israel Z.To goon through, Siawopevofiai diaporeuomai. Luke 6. I that he went through the corn fields ; and 13. 22 And he went through the cities and vil. Acts 16. 4 as they went through the cities, they de. ^iTo go through, dierchomai. "iMattig. 24 It is easier for a camel to go through the luke 9. 6 went through the towns, preaching the John 4." 4 And he must needs go through Samaria *afe 8. 59 going through the midst of them, and so Acts 13. 6 when they had gone through the isle un. '15. 41 he went through Syria .. confirming the . " 16. « when they had gone througjiout Phrygia •409 5. To go in through, Stoieioi diodcuO. Luko 8. 1 he weut throughout every city nnd villa. D.T'o go into, nla-fpxo/xai ciscrchomai. Markio. 25 It is easier for a camel to go tlu'ough the GO to, to — 1. To give help, 3n; yoJiab. Gen. II. 3 Go to, let us make brick, and burn Ihcm II. 4 Go to, let us build us a city and a tower 11. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confou. 38. 16 Go to, 1 pray thee, let me come iu unto 2. To go 071, 'nS; yalah 2 Ki. 5. 5 the king of Syria said. Go to . . I will send Z.Pray, please, nj na. Judg 7. 3 Now therefore go to, proclaim-in the cars i.Oo, fi-ye age. Jas. 4. 13 Go to now, yc'that say, To day or to mor. 5. I Go to now. .rich men, weep and howl for h.To go toward, ■jrpoa^pxoiJ.c.i piroscrchomai. Matt 27. 53 He went to Pilate, and begged the body Luke to. 34 went to (him), and bound up liis wounds GO to and fro, to — X.Togo about or atbay, "?]« azal, 4. Eze. 27. ig Dan also and Javan going to and fro oco. 2. To go to and fro, ejw shut. Job I. 7 From going to and fro in tho earth, and 2. 2 Fi'om going to and fro in the eai-th, and GO up — A going up, ascent, ro))n maalah. Ezra 7. 9 upon the first (day).. began he to go up GO up, to — l.To go away, >ix azal. Ezra 4. 23 they went up In hasto to Jcrusaicm unto I.T0 go, TI1.T huk. Ezra 7. 13 of their ovm free will to go up to Jerus. Z.To go nigh, approach, vi\\ nagash. Judg 20. 23 Shall I go up again to battle against the \.To go up, n^j; alah. Gen. 2. 6 Biit there went up a mist froin the earth 13. I Abrara went up out of Egypt, he, and 17. 22 left oft. .and God went up from Abraham 19. 28 the smoke of the country went up as the 19. 30 Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in e6. 23 he went up from thence to Beer-sheba 35. I Arise, go up to Beth-el, and dwell there 85. 3 And let us arise, and go up to Beth-el 35. 13 God went up from him in tho place who. 38. 12 went up unto his sheep shearers to Tim. 38. 13 thy father in law goeth up to Timnath 44. 33 and let the lad go up ^vitli liis brethren 44. 34 For how shall I go up to' my father, and 45. 9 Haste ye, and go up to my father, and 45. 25 they went up out of Egypt, and came in. 46. 29 Joseph, .went up to meet Israel his fath. 46. 31 I Avill go up, and show Pharaoh, and say 49. 4 thou wentest up . .he went up to my cou. 50. 5 let me go up, I pray thee, and bury my f. so. 6 Go up and bury thy father, according as 50. 7 Joseph went up . . and mth him went up 50. 9 there went up with him both chariots and 50. 14 all that went up with liim to bury his .^ Exod. 8. 3 which shall go up and come into thine . 10. 14 the locusts went up over all the land of 12. 38 a mixed multitude weut up also with th. 13. 18 the children of Israel went up harnessed 17. 10 Mcses, Aaron, and Hur, went up to the ig. 3 Voses wont Up unto God, and the Loud 19. 12 Take l.eed. .go (not) up into the mount jg. 20 L0K» called Moses, rand Moses went up EG. 26 Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto 24. 2 neither shall the people go up with him 24. 9 Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab e4. 13 and Moses went up into the mount of G. a\. 15 Moses went up into tho mount, and a cL 32. 30 and now I will go up unto the Lord 33. I Depart, .go up hence, thou and the peo. 33. 3 I will not go up in the' midst of thee 34. 4 went up "unto mount Sinai, as tho Lord 34. 24 when thou shalt go up to appear before Ntuni3. 17 Get you up . . and go up into the mountain 13. 21 they went up, :and searched the land from 13. 30 Let us go up at once, and possess it ; for 13. 31 But the men that went up with him said 13. 31 We be not able to go up against the peo. 14. 40 and will go up into the place wliich the 14. 42 Go not up, for the Lord (is) not among!you 14. 44 they presumed to go up unto the hill top BO. 27 they went up into moimt Hor in the sight ei. 33 they turned, and went up by the way of 32. 9 when they went up unto the valley of E. 33. 38 Aaron the priest went up into mount H. Deut.1. 21 go up., possess., as the Lord God of thy f. I. 22 by what way we must go up, and into 1. 24 they turned and went up into the moun. J. 26 ye would not go up, but rebelled against J. 28 Whither shall we go up ? our brethren I. 41 we will go up and fight, accordmg to all I. 41 ye were ready to go up into the hill I. 42 Say unto them. Go not up, neither fight I. 43 and went presumptuously up into the hill 3. I we turned, and went up the way to Bas, S. ' 5 ye were afraid . . and went not up into the Q. 23 Go up and possess the land which I have lb. 3 went up into the mount, having the two 25. 7 let his brother's >vife go up to the gate GO Doutjo. 12 Who shall go up for us to hcavcii, aod 1 33. 50 die in the mount wliither thou UB 34. I Jloses went up from tlie plains of Xloab Josh. 6. 2o tile people wont up into tlic city, every 7. 2 Bjiake. .saying, Go up nnd view the coun. 7. 2 And tlie men went up and viewed Al 7. 3 and said . . Let not all tlic people go up 7. 3 let about two or three thoiie. men go up 7. 4 So there went up thitlicr of the people 8. I arise, go up to Ai : sec, I have given into 8. 3 .So Joshua arose, .to go up^against Al 8. 10 and went up, he and the elders of Israel 8. II all the people, .went up, and drew nij;U 10. s went up, tliey and all their hosts, and 10. 9 Jo.'iliua. .went up from Gilgal all niglit 10. 3O Josliua went up from Egloii, and all l»r, 11. 17 from tlieinouiit llalak.tli.nt goetli up to.i 12. 7 the nioiint Ualak, (1 nt goeth up to Heir 14. 8 my lirctliren that weni up with me made 15. 3 went u]) to, and fetclied a compass 15. 6 tho border went up to Beth-hogla, and 15. C tlie border went up to the stone of Boluin 15. 7 tho border went up toward Debir from 15. 8 the border went up by tlie valley-of tho 15. 8 tlie border went up to the top of the m^ 15. 15 he went up thence to the inhabitants or 16. I to tlie wilderness that goeth up from J,- 18. 12 the border went up to the side of Jericho 18. 12 went up through the mountains westwat 19. It their border went up toward the sea, and ig. 12 goeth out to Daberath, and goeth up to J. 19. 47 Dan went up to fight against Lcshein, aiyl 22. 12 at Shiloh, to go up to war against theni 22. 33 did not intend to go up against them ip Judg. I. I Who shall go up lor us against the Can. I. 2 Lord said, Judali shall go up : behold, I I. 4 Judah went up ; and the Lord delivered I. 16 went up out of the city of palm trees I. 22 they also went up against Bcth-el : and 10 he went up. .and Deborah went up with 8 he went up thence to Penuel, and spako 11 Gideon went up by the way of them that 20 he said unto Jether. .Up, (and) slay them 20 when the flame went up toward hcaveu ig and he went up to his father's house g the Philistines went up, and pitched In J> 9 Arise, that we may go up against them 12 they went up, and pitched in Kirjath-J. 17 men that went to spy out. .land went up 18 the children of Israel arose, and went up 18 Wliieh of us shall go up first to the battlio 23 the children of Israel went up and wejji 23 And the Lord said. Go up against.him 26 all the children of Israel, .went up, and 28 Go up ; for to morrow I will deliver thepi 30 the children of Israel weut up against 31 of which one goeth up to the house of-Q 19 the highway that goeth up from Beth-eJ I Then went Boaz up to the gate,' and sat 3 this man went up out of his city y(farly 7 when she went up to the house of the 21 man Elkanah, and all his house, went up 22 But Hannah went not up ; for she said 12 and the cry of the city went up to heaven 9 see, if it goeth up by tho way of his owa \ 20 and to whom shall he go up from us ? 7 the lords of the Philistines went up agaU II as they went up the hill to the city, the/ 13 before he go up to the high place to eofc 14 they went up into the city, .when they 14 came out. .for to go up to the high placo 19 go up before me unto the high place ; fo» g stand still . . and will not go up unto them 10 if they say thus, .then we will go' up : fp» 21 which went up with them into the camp 46 Saul went up from following the PhUIsi 34 Saul went up to his house to Gibeah of i 2g David went up from thence, and dwelt Hi 13 there went up after David about four hi^ 35 Go up in peace to thine house ; see, I''- 8 David and his men went up, and invad^ 9 He shall not go up ■with us to the battle 11 and the Philistines went up to Jezreel I Shall I go up into any of the cities of Ju.t 1 And the Lord said unto him. Go up. And 1 David said, Whither shall I go np'( And 2 So David went up thither, and his two 19 Shall I go up to the Philistines ? wilt thoa ig And the LORD said imto David, Go up 23 Thou shalt not go up .. fetch a compass bo. 24 Abiathar went up, until all the people 30 David went up. .and wept as he went uj ' went up, weeping as they went ujy 4- 8. a 8. 13- 14- IS- 18. 18. 18. so. 20. 20. 20. 20. Euth iSa. : iSa. S- 6. 6. 7- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 14. 14. I4- 14. 15- 23. =5- 35- 27. 29. 29. iKL S. 5- 5- 5- IS- IS- IS- i3. ig. 20. 22. 24. 24- and. 30 ana. .weui up, ncc^jiug aa nicj t, «.u« .^u 33 went up to the chamber over the gate\ 34 that I should go up with the king unto 3^ 2 So every man of Israel went up from aftct g There went up a smoke out of his nostrilg . 18 Go up, rear an altar unto the Lord in tho 19 David., went up, as the Lord command^ 34 So Benaiah the son of Jehoiada went uj 8 they went up with winding stairs into 16 Pharagh king of Egypt had gone up and 5 his ascent by which he went up unto the 24 Ye shall not go up, nor fight against yomr 27 If this people go up to. .sacrifice m the h. 28 It is too much for you to go up to Jeru 17 Baasha king of Israel went up against J. 17 Omri werft up from Gibhethon, and all I. 42 So-Ahab went up to eat and to drlnk^ 43 Audhe'went"'uj.T^koked_,.an4Bald , 42 And Elijah went up to the top of Cannel 43 And said. .Go up now, look^towYdthe 52 QO 410 aOAT I Kt 18. 44 he said. Go np, sny unto Ahab, Preparo . »o. I ho \rent up' and besieged Samaria, and so. *6 Ben-hadad . . went up to Aphek,to fight a. ea. 6 Go up ; for the Lord shall deliver (it) into f 3. 12 Go up to Ramoth-gilead, and prosper as. 20 that he may go up and fall at Ramoth. ^3. 29 the king of Israel, .went up to B-amoth-g. 1 Kl. I. 3 go up to meet the messengers of the king I. 9 And he went up to him ; and, behold, he ti 13 the third captain of fifty Went up, and St. II Elijah went up by a whii'lwind into hea. s. 23 And he went up from thence unto Beth-el a, 23 as he was going up by the way, there B. 23 Go up,thou bald head; go up, thou bald h. 3. 7 And he said, I will go up : I . . as thou 3. 8 And he said. Which way shall we go up f 4. 21 she went up, and laid him on the bed of 4. 34 he went up, and lay upon the child, and 4. 35 went up, and stretched himself upon him 24 Ben-liadad. .went up, and besieged Sama, 17 Hazael king of Syria went up, and fought 17 Hazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem 11 Therefore Jehoashking of Israel went up 14 Menahera the son of Gadi went up from T. 9 the king of Assyria went up against Da. 5 Then the king of Assyria . . went up to 8. 17 and they went up aud came to Jerusalem 23 Go up against this land, and destroy it 14 Hezekiah went up into the house of the L. 5 thou Shalt go up unto the house of the L, 8 that I shall go up into the house of the L. 4 Go up to Hilkiah the high priest^ that he 2 ths king went up into the house of the L. 29 Pharaoh-nechoh king of Egypt went up 6 So Joab the son of Zeruiah Vent first up 6 David went up, and all Israel, to Baalah 8 all the Philistines went up to seek David 10 Shall I go up against the Philistines! 10 Go up ; for I will deliver them into thine 14 Go not up after them ; turn away from 18 that David should go up, and set up an 19 David went up at the saying of Gad, which 4 by which he went up into the house of 4 Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your 2 and persuaded him to go up . .to Kamoth. 5 Go up ; for God will deliver (it) into the 1 1 Go up to Ramoth-gilead, and prosper 14 Go ye up, and prosper, and they shall be 19 that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-g. 28 So the king of Israel .. went up to Ramoth. 21 So Joash the king of Israel went up; and 20 Hezekiah . . went up to the house of the L. 30 the king went up into the house of the L. ^ 23 LoRT>. .(be) with him, and let him go up Ezxa I. 3lethimgoup to Jerusalem, which (is) in J. I. 5 to go up to build the house of the Lord B. I the children, .that went up out of the a. 59 And these (were) they which went up 6 TIijs Ezra went up from Babylon ; and 7 there went up. .of the children of Israel 28 out of Israel chief men to go up with me I genealogy of them that went up with me 15 Then went I up in the night by the brook 3 if a fox go up, he shall even breuk doAvn 6 that went up out of the captivity, of those 61 these, .they which went up. .from Telm. I the priests and the Levites that went up 37 they went up by the stairs of the city of 8 There went up a smoke out of his nost. 8 They go up by the mountains ; they go 4 Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of 3 I will not come, .nor go up into my bed 9 a thorn goeth up into the hand of a dru. 6 as a flock of sheep which go up from the 8 I will go up to the palm tree, I wiU take 3 lot us go up to the mountain of the Lord 24 and their blossom shall go up as dust 1 went up toward Jerusalem to war again. 6 Let us go up against Judah, and vex it 5 with weeping shall they go it up; for in 2 Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media: all the 10 the smoke thereof shall go up for ever 9 nor (any) ravenous beast shall go up the. 10 Go up against this land, and destroy it , 14 Hezekiah went up unto the house of the 22 that I shall go up to the house of the L.! 7 thither wentest thou up to offer sacrifice 10 Go ye up upon her walls, and destroy 4 Pi-eparo . . arise, and let us go up at noon 5 Arije, and let us go by night, and let ua 2 Nebuchadrezzar, .that he may go up from £2. 20 Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lilt up gr. 6 Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto 46. 8 saith, I will go up, (and) will cover the 46. n Go up into Gilead, and take balm, virgin 48. 5 of Luhith continual weeping shall go up 49. 28 Arise ye, go up to Kedar, and spoil the 50. 21 Go up against the land of Merathaira Eze, 8. II and a thick cloud of incense went up II. 23 the glory of the Lord went up from the II. 34 the vision that I had seen went up from 13. s Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neit. 38. II I will go up to the land of unwalled vill. 40. 6 went up the stairs thereof, and measured 40. 22 and they went up Unto it by seven steps 40. 40 as one goeth up to the entry of the north 40. 49 by the steps whereby they went up to it Hos. 4. 15 neither go ye up to Beth-aven, nor swear Mic. 4, 2 let us go up to the mountain of f,v; Lord Hag. I. 8 Go up to the mountain, and bring wood 2ecb.<4. i6 shall even go up from year to year to w. 14. 18 if the family of Egypt go not ui), and come 6. 12. 12. J4- «5- 16. 17. 18. 18. 19- CO. so. S3. 23. *3- iCtLlI. »3- 14- 14. 14. 14. SI. 31. a Cb. 9. J I. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. =5- eg- 3V 36. 7- 7- 7- 8. 2. 4- 7- 7- 12. 12. Vsa. 18. 104. 122. trov 26. Bong 6. 7- Isa. 2. 5- 7- 7- »S- BI. 34- 35- 36. 37' 33- 57- 5- 6. 6. CI. Neh. Jer 5. To be gone up, riT^ alah, 2. 2 Sa. 2. 27 the people had gone up every one from a.To {cause to) go up, rryv, alah, 5. 2 Ch. I. 6 Solomon went up thither to the brasen 7. To be or go high, on rum. Eze. 10. 4 the glory of the LOBD went up from the S.To go up, ivaffaivci) anabaino. Matt. 3. 16 Jesus, when he was baptized, went np 5. I he went up into a mountain : and when 14. 23 he went up into a mountain apart to pray 15. 29 weut up into a mountain, and sat down CO. 17 Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the tw. 20. 18 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem ; and the Hark 3. 13 he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth 6. 51 And he went up unto them into the ship 10. 32 they were in the way going up to Jeru. 10. 33 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem ; and the Luke 2. 4 Joseph also v/ent up from Galileo, out of 2. 42 T 9 was twelve years old, they went up 9. 28 and went up into a mountain to pray iS. 10 Two men went up into the temple to pr. . 18. 31 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all John 2. 13 passover was at hand, and Jesus went up 5. I After this. .Jesus went up to Jeinisalem 7. 8 Go ye up. .1 go not up yet unto this feast 7. 10 were gone up, then went he also up unto 7. 14 Jesus went up into the temple, and taug. 11. 55 many went out of the country up to Je. 21. II Simon Peter went up, and drew the net Acts I. 13 they went up into an upper room, where 3. I Peter and John went up together into 10. 9 Peter went up upon the housetop to.pray 15. 2 should go up to Jerusalem, unto the ap. 18.22 when he had landed . . and gone up, and CI. 4 said, .that he should not go up to Jem. CI. 12 besought him not to go up to Jerusalem CI. IS after those days wo. .went up to Jerusa. 14. II since I went up to Jerusalem for to wo. 25. 9 AVilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and thert) Gal. 2. I I went up again to Jerusalem with Bam. 2. 2 I went up by revelation, and communica. Rev. 2o. 9 they weut up on the breadth of the earth 9. To go up, &vepxo/iai anerchomai. John 6. 3 Jesus went up into a mountain, and there Gal, I. 17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to thorn 1. 18 I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and lO.To go up toward, irpotravaffalpa prosanabaino. Luke 14. 10 ho may say imto thee. Friend, go up high. 11. To go or pass on, iropeio/iai poreuomai. Acta 1. 10 as he went up, behold, two men stood by I2.T0 go up into, infialvu emhainS. Luke 8. 37 he went up into the ship, and returned GO unto, to — 1.2*0 go in, R'la ho. Prov. 2. 19 None that go unto her return agidn, net 2. 2*0 go toward or to, itpoiripxoixai proserchomai. Luk€23. 53 This (man) went unto Pilate, and begged Acts 9. I And Saul, .went unto the high priest 60 up and down, to — l.To go up and dovm, XT7 halak, 7. 'Eze. 1. 13 it went up and down among the living 19. 6 And ho went up and down among the 2. To go ony "^1 yalak. Lev. 19. 16 Thou Shalt not go up .inddown. .a tale b. GO up and down, to mnio — ; To cause to move, JflJ nua, 5. 2 Sa. 15. 20 should I this day make thee go up and d. GO up, to raaka to — To catise to go up, ri7j; alah, 5. Judg. 2. 1 1 made you to go up oatot Egypt, and GO up to, to — Going up, ascent, nh)} olah. Eze. 40. 26 And. .seven steps to go Qp to' it, and GO upward, to — To go up, ii^j; dCah. Eccl. 3. 21 Who knoweth the spirit/, .that goeth up. GO., way, to — l.To go on, i)^; yalak. Gen. 24. 61 servant took Rebecca, and went his way Judgig. 14 they passed on and v/ei^t their way t Sa. 20. 22 go thy way : for the Lo&D hath sent thee 2.T0 remove, journey, ypj nasa. Zechio. c therefore they went their way as a Sock 3. 2*0 go on, over or beyo-iid, n^j; abar. Esth. 4. 17 So Hordecai went his way, and did acco. 60 with, to — l.To go gently, lovingly, n'n dadah, 7. Psa. 42. 4 I wont with them to the House of God i.To go on with, ffv/iTropiiofiat sumporeuomai. Luke 7. II many of his disciples went with him, and 14, 25 And there went great multitudes with 24. IS Jesus himself drew near, and went with 3. To go vnth, (rvvepxa/xai siinerchomai. Acts 9. 39 Then Peter arose and went with them 11. 12 tho spirit bade me go with them, notiilng 15. 38 and went not with them to the work SI. jA There went withua also. .of tho disciples GOAD — l.A goad, pncic, ]^^ dorban. I Sa. 13. 21 and for the axes, and to sharpen the g09 2.A teacher, goad, prick, lo^o inalmad. Judg. 3. 31 slew, .six hundred men witU an ox goad GOADS — Goads, pricks, ni:i"i^ dorbonoth.' ■ Eccl.i2, II The words of the wise (sLfe) as {^ads, and GOAT — l.A goat, she goat, ty, ez. ■ Gen. 27. 9 Go now to the flock, and fetoh me. .goats 27. 16 she put the skins of the kids of the goats 30. 32 the spotted and speckled among the go. 30. 33 not speckled and spotted among the go. 37. 31 killed a kid of the geats, and dipped tho Exodi2. 5 take (it) out from the sheep, or.. the go. 25. 4 purple and scarlet, and fine linen, and a 26. 7 And thou shalt make curtains (of) goat? 35. 6, 23 purple .. scarlet, and fine lineu, and g. 35. 26 And all the women, .in wisdom spun go. 36. 14 he made curtains (of) goats' (hair) for the lev. 1. 10 if his oflering (be), .of the goats, for a 3. 12 if his offering (be) a goat, then he shall 4. 23, 28 shall bring his offering, a kid of the g, 5. 6 a lamb, or a kid of the goats, for a sin 7. 23 ye shall eat no manner of fat . . of goat 9. 3 Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin off. 16. 5 two kids of tho goats for a sin offering 17. 3 that killeth. .lamb, or goat, in the camp S2. 19 of the heaves, of the sheep, ce of the go. 32. 27 When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat 23. 19 ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats fol Nmn. 7. 16 one kid of the goats for a sin offering [Sq also v. 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, 58, 64, 70, 76, 82.] 7. 87 kids of the goats fqr sin offering twelve 15. 24 ono kid of the goatS for a sin offering 18. 17 the flrstUng of a goat, thou shalt not red. 28. IS one kid of the goat's for a sin offering 28. 30 one kid of the goats, to make an atono. 29. s. ". 16, 19, 2S And one kid of the goats 31. 20 all work of goats' (hair), and all tiilnga Dcut 14. 4 ye shall eat: The ox, the sheep, and tho g, I 3a. 19. 13, 16 a pillow of goats' (hair) for his bolster 23. 2 three thousand sheep, and a thousand g. s Ch.29. 21 seven lambs, and seven he goats, for asia Ezra 6. 17 twelve ho goats, according to the number ■Prov 27. 27 And. .goats' milk enough for thy food Song 4. I thy hair (is) as a flock of goats, that app 6. 5 thy .hair (is) as a flock of goats, that app. Eie. 43. 22 thou shalt offer a kid of the goats with. 4S. 23 and a kid of the goats daily, .a sin offer. Dan. 8. s ^1^ bo goat came from the west, on the fa. 2.2r« goat, chief, imj; attud. Num. 7. 17 two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five [So also V. 23, 29, 3S, 41, 47, S3, 59. <5S, 7'. 77. 83.I 7. 88 the rams sixty, the he goats sixty, the Deut 32. 14 goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat Ps4. 50. 9 I will take no.. ho goats out of thy fold so. 13 Will I eat. .or drink the blood of goats f 66. IS I will offer bullocks with goats. Sekh. Prov 27. 26-.and the goats (are) tho price of the field Isa, I. II I delight not in tho blood of ..ho goats 34. 6 with the blood of lambs and goats, witft Jer. so. 8 and bo as tho he goats before the flocks 51. 40 I will bring them down like, .ho goats Eze. 27. 21 they occupied with thee in. .rams and g-, 34. 17 1 Judge., between tho rams and. .ho go. 39. 18 of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of hullo. ZecH 10. 3 Mine anger . . and I punished the goats: for Z.He goat, Tsy tsaphir. Dan. 8. 9 the goat . . a notable horn between hfs ey.. 8. 21 AnCWie rough goat (is) the king of Grccia i.Ooat, kid, hairy one, Ti'^* sair. Lev. 4. 24 lay his hand upon the head of the goat 9. 15 tho goat, which (was) the sin offering 10. 16 Moses diligently sought the goat of the %6. 7 he shall take the two goats, and present 16. 8 Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats 16. 9 Aaron shall bring the goat upon which, i 16. 10 the goat, on which the lot fell to be the s< »6. 15 Then shall he kill the goat of the sin off. 16. 18 and shall take, .of the blood of the goat 16. 20 made an end., he shall bring the live goat 16. 21 his hands upon the head of the live goat 16. 21 putting them upon the head of the goat 16. 22 the goat shall boar upon him all their 16. 22 he shall let go the goat in the wilderness 16. 26 he that let go the goat for the scape goat i5. 27 the goat (for) the sin offering, whose bio Mum 28. 22 one goat, .a sin offering, to make an ato, 29. 22, 28, 31, 34; 38 And onegoat. .a sin offeri. Eze. 43. 25 days shalt thou prepare every day a gout 5.A young kid, ipi» - 34. 14 Lord, whose name (is) Jealous, (is)a. .God lfami2. 13 Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee ' 16. 22 they fell on their faces, and said, God 83. 8 How shall I curse, whom God hath not 23. 19 God (is) aot a man, that he should lie 03. 22 God brought them out of Egypt : he S3. 23 shall be said . . What hath God wrought ! 04.' 4 wWch heard the words of God, which saw e4. 8 'iod brought him forth out of Egypt B4. Jl which heard the words of G od, and knev 24. «3 Alas ! who shall live when God doeth - 09\lt. 3. 24 what God. .in heaven or in earth that 4. 24 Lord, .(is) a con summg Are. .jealous God 4. 31 For the Lord, .(is) a merciful God; ho will S- 9 the Lord .. a jealous God, visiting the 6. 15 For the Lord, .(is) a jealous God among 7. g the faithful God, which keepeth covenant 7. 2v among you, a mighty God and terrible o. 17 a great God, a mighty, and a terrible ' 32. 4 a God of truth, and without iniquity, just 32. 12 and (there was) no strange god with nlm 32. 18 and hast forgotten God that formed thee 32. 21 to jealousy with (that which is) not God 33. 26 none like unto the God of Jeshurun Josh. 3. 10 know that the living God (is) among yon. 22. 22 God. .the Lord God. .he laioweth, and L ' 24. 19 he (is) a jealous God ; he will not forgive- Jndg. 9. 46 into an hold of the house of the god Ber. I Sa. 2. 3 Lord (is) a God of knowledge, and by him a Sa. 22. 31 God, his way (is) perfect ; the word of the ^ 22. 32 For who (is) God, save the Lord? and who 22, 33 God (is) my strength . .power : and he 22. 48 It (is) God that avengeth me, and ftikt br. ■23. 5 Although my house (be) not so with God Neh. I. 5 the great and terrible God, that keepeth Q. 31 for thou (art) a gracious and merciful God 9. 32 the great, the mighty, and the terrible G. Job. S' 8 I would seek unto God, and .. commit my 8.- 3 Doth God pervert judgment? or doth the 8.' 5 If thou wouldest seek imto God betimes 8. 13 So (are) the paths of all that forget God 8. 20 Behold, God will not cast away a perfect 7. Ja but how should man-be just with God t 12.56 and th^y that provoke God are secure t3.' 3 Surelyl Would .. desire to reason withG, }3^:J W^ ?« speak wicliedly for God J and, ill Job 13. 8 Will yo accept., will yo contend for God? 15. 4 Yea, thou, .restrainost prayer before God 15. II (Arc) the consolations of God small with 15. 13 That thou tumest thy spirit against God 15. 25 ho strctcheth out his hand against God 16. II God hath delivered me jto tlio ungodly 18. 21 this.. place (of him that) knoweth not G. 19. 22 Wliy do yo persecute mo as God, and aro 20. IS God shall cast them out of his belly 20. 29 tho portion .. appointed unto him by God ei. 14 tliey say unto God, Depart from us ; for ei. 22 Shall (any) teach God knowledge ? seeing 02. 2 Can a man be protltabie unto God, as ho 42. 13 And thou sayost. How doth God know? ^5. 17 Which said unto God, Depart from us 23. 16 For God maketh my heart soft, and the 85. 4 then can man be justified with God ? 87. 2 God liveth, (who) hath taken away my 87. 9 Will God hear his cry when trouble co. 27. II I will teach you by the hand of God 07. 13 the portion of a wicked man with God 31. 14 What then shall I do v/hen God riseth up? 31. 23 For destruction (from) God (was) a terror 31. 28 for I should have domed the God . .above 32. 13 (should say.. God thnisteth him down, not 33. 4 The spirit of God hatli made me, and the 33. 6 I (am) according to thy wish in God's 33. 14 God speaketh once, yea twice, (yet man) 33. 29 all these, .worketh God often times with 34. 5 and God liath taken away my judgment 34. 10 hearken unto me. .Far bo it from God 34. 12 surely God wUl aot do wickedly, neither 34. 23 he should enter into judgment with God 34. 31 Surely it is most to bo said unto God 34. 37 and multiplieth his words against God 35. 2 My righteousness (is) more than God's ? 35. 13 Surely God will not near vanity, neither 36. s Behold, God'(i8) mighty, and despiscth not 36. 22 God exalteth by his power : who teacheth 36. 26 God (is) groat, and we know (him) not 37. 5 God thundereth marvellously with his 37. 10 By the breath of God frost is given ; and 37. 14 and consider the wondrous works of God 38. 41 when his young ones cry unto God, they 40. 9 Hast thou an arm like God ? or canst thou 40. 19 Ho (is) the chief of the ways of God ; ha Psa. s. 4 thou (art) not a God that hath pleasure 7. 1 1 God is angry (with the wicked) every day lo. II God hath forgotten : he hideth his face 10. 12 God, lift up thine hand : forget not J 6. I Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put 17. 6 I have called, .thou wUt hear me, God 18. 2 my God, my strength, in whom I will iS. 30 God, his way (is) perfect: the word of . .L. 18. 33 God that girdeth me with strength, and 18. 47 God that avengeth me, and Gubdueihthe 19. I The heavens declare the glory of God 82. I My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken 02. 10 thou (art) my God from my mother's be. 89. 3 the God of glory thundereth : the Lord 31. 5 thou hast redeemed mo, O Lord God of 42. 2 My soul thtrsteth . .for tho living God 42. 6 (and) my prayer imto the God of my life 42. 9 I mil say unto God my rock, Wny hast 43. 4 Then will 1 go. .unto God my exceeding 44. 20 stretched out our hands to a strange god 52. I the goodness of God (endureth) continu. 32. 5 God shall likewise destroy thee for ever 55. 19 God shall hear, and afflict them, even he 57. 2 unto God that perf ormeth . . for me 63. I thou (art) my God ; early will I seek 68. 19 the Lord . . the Gocl of our salvation. So. 68. 20 our God (is) the God of salvation ; and 68. 24 the goings of my God, my king, in the 68. 35 the God of Israel (is) he that giveth str. 73. II And they Bjy, How doth God know? and 73. 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God 74. 8 burnt up all the synagogues of God 77. 9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious ? hath 77. 13 in the sanctuary : who (is so) great a G. 77. 14 Thou (art) tho God that doest wonders 78. 7 and not forget the works of God, but 78. 8 whose spirit was not stedfast with God 78. 18 they tempted God in their heart, by ask. 78. i9CanGod furnish a table in tho wilderness? 78; 34 they returned and enquired early after Q. 78. 3s they remembered. . the high God their Be. 78. 41 they turned back, and tempted God, and 81. 9 There shall no strange god be In thee 81. 9 neither shalt thou worship any strange g. 83. i,hold not thy peace . .be not still,-0 God ^ 84. 2 my flesh crieth out for the living God 85. 8 I will hear what God the Lord will speak E6. 15 But thou, Lord, (art) a God full of 89. 7 God is greatly to be feared in the assem. 8g. 26 Thou (art) my Father, my God, and the 90. 2 everlasting to everlasting, thou (art), God 94. I Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth 94. I God, to whom vengeance belongeth 95. 3 For the Lord (is) a great God, and a 99. 8 thou wast a God that forgarest them 102. 24 O my God, take me not away in the midst J04. 21 The young lions, .seek t"- -'7 aicatfrom Q 106. 14 lusted, .and tempted Goa in the desert 106. 21 They forgat God their saviour, which 1 107. II they rebelled against the words of God 118. 27 God (is) the Lord, which hath showed us it8. 28 Thou (art) ray Ood, and I will praise thee 136. 36 O give thanks unto the God of heaven '39- '7 O ^°'^ ' ^°^ great is the sum of tliem I ,35'. J3 Search mo, O God, and know my heart 140, 6 1 said unto the LoKD. Thou (art) my God aoD Psa Isa. Jer. Lam Ezo. Dan. Hos. Jon. Mic. Nah. Zech, MaL S.God, Ezra Jer. Dan. 146. s Happy (Is'hc') that (hath) tho G04 of Jaa. i.j9. 6 (Let) tho high (prai.'ses) of God (bo) in ' ijo.* I Praise God in his sanctuary : praise him 5. 16 God, (that is) holy shall bo sanctified in' 8. :o Jake counsel together. .for God (Is) with 9. 6"rhc mighty God, The evcrlaatliig Pathcf lo. 21 remnant.. return.. unto the mighty God 22. 3 God (i.s) my salvation ; I will trust, and. 14. 13 exalt my throne above tlic stars of God' 31. 3 Now tho EtTptians fare) men, and not (k 40. i3 To whom tlien will yc liken God ? or j- ■ 42. 5 Thus saith God the LORD, ho that created 43. 10 before me there was no Ood formed, net 43. 12 ye (are) my witnesses, .tliat 1 (am) Ood 44. 10 Who hath formed a god, or molten a gr. 44. 15 yea, ho maketh a god, and worshipputix 44. 17 the residue thereof he inaketli a god 44t 17 saith, Deliver me ; for thou (art) my god 45. 14 Surely God (is) in thee ; and (tjicre Is) , 45. 15 Verily thou (art) a God tliat hidest tliya ' 45. 30 and pray unto a god (that) cannbt save 45. 21 ajUBt'God, and u,,Sav!our ; (there is) none 45. 23 for I (am) God, and (tiicre is) none elso 46. 6 ho maiicth it a god : tlity fall down, yea 46. 9 I (am) God, and (there i;;) none elso • 3^. 18 the mighty God, llio lX)ltD'of hosts, (Is) 51. 56 Lord Ood of reconipcnccr. shall su'el/ 3. 41 Let us lift up. .(our) hanii:: unto God 10. 5 as tho voice of tlio Almiglity God when 28. 2 thou hast said, I (am) a god, I sit (In) the 28. 2 yet thou (art) a man, and not God, thongU 28. 9 but thou (shalt be) a man, and no god. In 9. 4 Lord, the great, and dreadful Ood 11. 36 and magnify himself above every god, and 1 1. 36 speak . . things against the God of gods 1. 10 bo said . .(Ye are) tho sons of the living 0. 11. 9 fori (am) God, and not man ; the Holy 11.12 Judah yctrulcth with God, and Is faj^thi 4.' 2 I knew that thou (art) a gracious God, and 7. 18 Who (is) a God like unto thee, that pard. I. 2 God (is) jealous, and the Lord revcngeth 7.*^ they had sent unto tho house of God 1. 9 now, I pl-ay you, beseech God that h» 2. 10 hath not one God created us ? why do wo 2. II married the daughter of a strange god ' • - ■.-•■'■ ..,.,- ■ f an ohjcct of loorship, ftVn elak.\ 4. 24 Then ceased tlie work of tho house of 0. '5. I prophesied, .in the name of the God of I. 5. 2 began to build the house of God which 5. 2 with them, .the prophets of God helping 5. s the eye of their God was upon the elders 5. 8 to the house of the great God, which la 5. 11 We are the servants of the God of heaven 5. 12 provoked tlie God of heaven unto wrath 5. 13 made a decree to build this house of God 5. 14 And the vessels also, .of the house of Q. S. 15 lot tho house of God be builded in his 5. 16 laid the foundation of the house of God 5. 17 to build this house of God at Jerusalem 6. 3 (concerning) the house of God at Jerusal. 6. 5 and silver -ressels of the house of God 6. 5 and place (them) in the house of God 6. 7 Let the work of this house of God alono 6. 7 let. .build this house of God in his piaco 6. 8 for the building of this house of God 6. 9 for the burnt offerings of the God of hea. 6. 10 sweet savours unto the God of heaven 6. 12 the God that hath caused his name to 6. 12 to destroy this house of God which (is) 6. 14 tlie commandment of the God of Israel 6. i6 kept the dedication of this house of God 6. 17 at the dedication of this house of God an 6. 18 for the service of God, which (is) at Jen^ 7. 12 a scribe of the law of the God of heavea 7. 14 according to the law of thy God which 7. 75 have freely offered unto the God of Isra^ 7. 16 for the house of their God which (is) in 7. 17 upon the altar of the house of your God 7. 18 to do. .that do after tho will of your God 7. 19 for the service of the house of thy God 7. 19 deliver thou before the God of Jerusaleni 7. 20 shall be needful for the house of thy O. 7. 21 the scribe of the law of the God of heaven 7. 23 Whatsoever is comm.nnded by the God 7. 23 for the house of the God of heaven 7. 24 or ministers of this house of God, itt 7. 25 after the wisdom of thy God thlt (is) Da. , 7. 25 all such as know the laws of thy God 7. 26 whosoever wiU not do the law of thyGod 10. II The gods that have not made the heave. 2'ii except the gods, whose dwelling is not ■ 2. 18 would desire mercies of the God of heay, 2. 19 Then Daniel blessed. the God of heaven V. e. 20 Blessed be the name of God for ever ani e. 23 I thank thee, and praise thee, thou Q, B. 28 there is a God in heaven that revealetl^ 2, 37 for the God of heaven hath given thee If e. 44 shaU the God of heaven set up a kingdoii 8. 45 the great Gud hath made known totlie k 2. 47 that your God (is) a God of gods, and a I» 3. 12 they serve not thy gods, nor worsliip llio 3; 14 do not ye serve my gods, nor worship tlio 3. 15 who (is) that God that shall deliver you 3. 17 onr God whom' we serve is alile to deliver 3. 18 we will not serve thy gods, nor worsliip 3. 25 form of the fourth is like tho Son of God 3. 26 servants of theiiiost high God, come'» . 3. 28 Blessed (be) the God of Shadrach, Meah. 3. 28 nor worship any god except their own O.', 3. 29 speak any thing amiss against tho God of i. 29 no otiier god that con deliver after thla. (U>:. 4X2 '■ny Gen. 19, 19. so. 20. CO. JDan.-' 4. : e that the high God hath wrought toward 4.; '8 according to the name of my god, and '4. ■• 8 in whom (is) the spirit of the holy gods 4. 9, t8 the spirit of the holy gods (is) in thee S.. 3 out of the temple of the house of God ' 5.; 4 They drank wine, and praised the gods 5. u in whom (is) the spirit. of the holy gods- 5.' II wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, vjfts 3. 14 that the spirit of the gods (is) in theo 51 13 O thou king, the most high God gave N. 5. 21 thatthe most high God ruled in the kin. 5. 2.1 thou hast praised the gods of silver, and S, 33 and the God in whoso hand thy breatlj 5. j6 God hath numbered thy kingdom ' '■''. 6; 5 against him concerning the law of his G. 6. 7 whosoever shall ask a petition of any god 6. 10 gave thanks before his God, as he did :: 6. II and maldng supplication before his God ^ 12 that shall ask (a petition) of any god or 6. 16 Thy God, whom thou serveat continually j. 20 O Daniel, .is thy God whom thou servest 6. 22 My God hath sent his angel, and hath 6. 23 was found . .because he believed in his O, $.26 the God of Daniel ; for he (is) the living G, i.Ood, gods, oijects of loorship, D'ri7i< elohim. Gen. I. 1 In the beginning God created the heaven I. . 2 the spirit of God moved upon the face of I. 3 God said. Let there be light : and therQ I. 4 God saw the light, that (it was) good I. 4 God divided the light from the darkness I. 5 God called the light Day, and the dark. I. 6 God said. Let there be a firmament I. "7 God made the firmament, and divided I. 8 God called tho firmament Heaven I. 9 God said. Let the.waters under tho heav I. 10 God called the dry fland) Earth ; -and the I. 10, 12, 21, 25 God saw that (it was) good : ' 1. II God said. Lot the earth bring forth grass 1. 14 God sal4, Let there bo liglits In the ■ I. 16 God made two great lights; tho greater; I. 17 God set them in tho firmament of tho h. i. 20 God said, Let tho waters bring forth j ^ I. 21 God created great whales, and every I, 22 Godblessed them, saying, .fJe fruithful 1. 24 God said, Let tho earth bring forth tho I, 25 God.made tho beast of the earth after I. 26 God said. Let us make man in our image ». 27 So God created man in his (o\m) image «. 27 in the image of God created he^him ; malo t. 28 God blessed them, and God said iinto I. 29 God said. .1 have given you every herb 1. 31 God saw every thing ho had made ^ s. 2 On'the seventh day God ended his worlt s. 3 God blessed the seventh day, and sanctt s. 3 rested from all his work which God cx6. ' B. 4 in the day that the Lord God mado tho e, 5 the Lord God had not caused it to rain s. 7 Lord God formed man (of) the dust of ' £. 8 Lord God planted a garden eastward in E. 9 out of the ground made the Lord God to E. 15 Lord God took the man, and put him ,1 r. 16 Lord God commanded the man, saying^ s. 18 Lord God said, (It is) not good that ' ' 4. 19 Lord God formed every beast of the field 9. 21 Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall up. B. 22 which the Lord God had taken from man 3. 1 any beast of the field which the Lord G. 8- I Yea, hath God said. Ye shall not eat of ,' 3. 3 God hath said. Ye shall not eat of it, nei. 3. 5 God doth know that in the day ye eat 3. 8 they heard tho voice of the Lord God 3. 8 from the presence of the LORD God amo. 3. 9 Lord God called "unto Adam, and said 3. 13 Lord God said unto the woman. What Lord God said unto the serpent. Because did the Lord God make coats of skins f. Lord God said, Behold, themanisbecoffla Lord God sent him forth from the garden God.. hath appointed me another sepd In the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him Enoch walked with God after he begat Enoch walked with God . . God took him the sons of God saw the daughters of ra. when the sons of God came in unto the N. was a Just man (and)., walked with G. The earth also was corrupt before God God looked upon the earth, and, behold God said. .The end of all flesh is come \ Thus did Noah ; according to all that G. There went in.. as God had commanded as God had commanded him : and tho L.' God remembered Noah . . and God made ■! And God spake unto Noah, saying ■ ; ' ;'<]^ God blessed Noah and his sons, and said for ill tho image of God made- he man God spake unto Noah, and to his sons God said. This (is) the token of the cover everlasting covenant between God and (fe God said. .This (is) tho token of the cov. " said. Blessed (bo) the Lord God of Shem . God shall enlarge Jnpheth, and he shall ' Abram fell pn his face: and God talked a God unto thee, and to thy seed after I will give, .and I will bo their God ' God said..Th6u shalt keep my covenant %j, J5 God said. .As fo'r Sarai thy wife, thoii J 7, 18 Abraham said unto God, O that Istimael fj, 19 God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear theo ff. 22 left Off talkiflg . . said God >von( up from A/ i7. 23 tlw seUaame day, es God had said unto _ 3- 14 3. 21 g. 22 3-23 4. =5 ■j.^i E- I S- =2 %'l ■ 6. 4 6. 9 6. II 6. 12 6.13 6. 22 7- 9 8.15 <^ > 9. 6 9. 8 9. 12 e. 9- 9- 9- 17- 17- 17. »7- ii. SI. CI. CI. 04- 94. 24. "5- e6. =7- C7. 08. e8. d8. e8. s8. s8. 23. c8. 30. SO- SO- SO. SO. 30. SI- S'- SI- SI- S'- SI- SI- 31- 31- 31- 31- SI- SI- 32. 32- 32- 32- 3=- 33- 33- S3- 35- 35- S5- 33- S5- 35- 35- 35. 39- 40. 41. 41. 41. 41. 4t. 41. 41. 41. 41. 42. 42. 43- 43- 44- 45- 45- 45- 45- 46. 46. 46. 48. 48, 48. 48. 48. 48. 5out. 1. 6 Lord our God spake unto us in Horcb 1. 10 Lord your God Iiath multiplied you, and I. II Lord God of your fathers make you a X. 17 for the judgment (is) God's : and the 1. 19 as the Lord our God commanded . I. 20 which the Lord our God doth give unto 1. 21 Lord thy God hath set the land before I. 21 as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said 1.25 a good land which the Lord our God doth I. 26 the commandment of the Lord your God 1. 30 The Lord your God, which goeth before 1. 31 seen how that the lioRp thy God bare . 1. 32 ye did not believe the Lord your God 1. 41 all that the Lord our God commanded us 3. 7 the Lord thy God hath blessed thee in 2. 7 these forty years the Lord thy God (hath 3. 29 the land which the Lord our God pveth 2. 30 the Lord thy God hardened his spirit 2. 33 the Lord our God delivered him before s. 36 the Lord our God delivered all unto us 2. 37 whatsoever the Lord our God forbade us 3. 3 So the Lord our God delivered Into our 3 18 Lord your God hath given you this land 3. 20. which the Lord your God hath given 3, 21 all that the Lord your God hath done 3. 22 the Lord your God he shall fight for you 4. I the Lord God of your fathers giveth you 4: 2 the commandments of the Lord your God 4. 3 God hath destroyed them from among 4. 4 that did cleave unto the Lord your God 4. 5 as the Lord my God commanded me » 4. 7 who (hath) God . . nigh . . the Lord our God 4. 10 stoodest before the Lord thy God in Hor. 4. 19 the Lord thy God hath divided unto all 4. 21 which the Lord thy God giveth thee (for) 4. 23 forget the covenant of the Lord your God 4. 23 which the Lord thy God hath forbidden 4. 24 the Lord thy God (is) a consuming fire 4. 25 evil in the sight of the Lord thy God 4. 29 if . .thou shalt seek the Lord thy God 4. 30 if tliou turn to the Lord thy God, and 4. 31 the Lord thy God (is) a merciful God 4. 32 since the day that God created man upon 4. 33 Did. .people hear the voice of God speak. '4. 34 Or hath God assayed to go (and) take him 4. 34 according to all that the Lord y«ur God 4. 35 mightest know that the Lord ho (is) God 4. 39 the Lord he (is) God in heaven above 4. 40 earth, which the Lord thy God giveth 5. 2 The Lord our God made a covenant with S, 6 I (am) the Lord thy God, which brocght S.. ,9 for I the Lord thy God (am) a jealous 5. ii not take the name of the Lord thy. God ' S". 12, 16 as the Lord thy God hath commanded S, 14 day (is) the sabbath of the Lord thy God' 5. 15 the Lord thy God brought thee out then. S..XS the Lord thy God commanded thee to 5.';t6 land which the LORD thy God giveth thSe S.V4L0RP our God Jiath showed us his glory, SJ^4lS-Qd'aoth! taJkSvitli man, ^dJte'liveth J S. i^xf ye hear.thfc voice of the Lord our God Deut, '5 5' $■ S. 6 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6, 6. 6. 6. 6, 6. 6. 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 8 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. 10. lu. 10. 10, II. II. II. II. IX. II. ti. II. II. II. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. IS- IS- IS- IS- IS- IS- IS- 13- 13- IS- 14. 14- 14- 14- 14. I,. 14. 14. 15- 15- 15 413 26 the voice of tho living God epcaking out 27 hear all that the Lord our God shall say 27 all that the Lord our God shall speak 32, 33 Lord your God hatli commanded you 1 Lord your God oommauded to teach you 2 thou mightest fear tiio Lord thy God, to 3 as tho Lord God ot thy fathers hath pro. 4 The Lord out God (is) oue Lord 5 thou shalt love the Lord tliy God with 10 wlien tho Lord thy God shall have brou. 13 Thou shalt fear tho Lord thy God, and 15 For the Lord thy God (is) a jealous 15 lest the anger of tlio Lord thy God be y. 16 Ye shall not tempt the IXJRD your God ■ 17 commandments of tho Lord your God 20 which the Lord our God hath command. 24 to fear the Lord our God, for our good ' ' 25 to do all these, .before the Lord our God 1 When the Lord thy God shall bring thee 2 when the Lord thy God shall deliver them 6 an holy people unto tho Lord thy God 6 the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be 9 Know, .tliat the. Lord tliy God, ho (is) G. 12 the Lord thy God shall keep unto thee 16 which the Lord thy God shall deliver 18 remember what the Lord thy God did 19 whereby the Lord thy God brought thee 19 so shall tho Lord thy God do unto all tho 26 the Lord thy God will send the honiet; 21 Lord thy God (is) among you, a mighty 22 Lord thy God wll put out those nations 23 Lord thy God shall deliver them unto 25 an abomination to the Lord thy God 2 way which tho Lord tliy God led thee 5 (so) the Lord thy God chasteneth thee 6 the commandments of the LORD thy God 7 Lord thy God bringeth theo into a good 10 then thou shalt bless the Lord tliy God 11 that thou forget-not the Lord thy God - 14 and thou forget tho Lord thy God, which 18 thou shalt remember the Lord thy God 19 if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God 20 unto tho voice of tho Lord your God ^ 3 Lord thy God (is) he which goeth over 4 Lord thy God hath cast them out from 5 Lord thy God doth drive them out from 6 Lord thy God giveth thee not this good 7 how thou i^rovokedst the LORD thy God 10 tables . . written vri th tlie finger of God i6 had sinned agamst the Lord your God 23 the comraaniinient of the Lord your God 9 according as the Lord thy God promised 12 what doth the IjORD thy God require of 12 but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk In 12 to serve the Lord thy God with all thy 14 heaven of heavens, (is) the Lord's thy G, 17 For the Lord your God (is) God of goda 20 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God 21 lie (is) thy praise, and he (is) thy God 22 Lord thy God hath made thee as the stars 1 thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and .' 2 the chastisement of the Lord your God 12 A land which the Lord thy God carpth 12 the eyes ot tho Lord thy God (art) . ■. 13 to love tho Lord your God, and to serve 22 to love the Lord your God, to walk in 25 Lord your God shall lay the fear of 27, 28 commandments of the Lord your God 29 when the Lord thy God hath brought 31 which the Lord your God giveth you I land which the Lord God of thy fathers 4 Ye shall not do so unto the Lord your G. 5 unto the place which the Lord your God 7 ye shall eat before the Lord your God 7 wherein the LORD thy God hath blessed 9 inheritance which the LORD your God giv. 10 land which the Lord your God giveth r 11 a place which the Lord your God shall 12 shall rejoice before the Lord your God : 15 to the blessing of the Lord thy God 18 must eat them before the Lord thy God 18 in the place which the Lord thy God 18 shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God in 20 When the LORD thy God shall enlarge 21 If the place which the Lord thy God hath 27, 27 upon the altar of the LORD thy God 28 right in the sight of the Loud thy GodS 29 When the Lord thy God shall cut off tho 31 shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God 3 the Lord your God proveth you, to know 3 whether ye love tho Lord your God 4 Ye shall -mdk after the Lord your God 5 turn (you) away from the Lord your God 5 way whicli the LORD thy God commanded 10 thrust thee away from the Lord thy God 1 2 ci ties, which the Lord thy God hath given 16 thereof every whit, for the Lord thy God 18 hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God 18 right in the eyes of the Lord thy God I Ye (are) the children ot the Lord your G. 2, 81 an holy people unto the LORD thy G. 23 thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God 23 mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God-c 34, 25 -which the LORD thy God shall choose 24 when the Lord thy God hath blessed 26 shalt eat there before the LORD thy Gb'd . 29 that the Lord thy God may bless thee in 4 land which the Lord thy God giveth thee 5 unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to 16 the Lord thy Grod blesseth thee, as he So,; iSthe" LOKD thyiGod shallbless thee 14 the Lord thy God hath blessed theo GOD I)outi5. 15 and tho Lord thy God redeemed thee 15. 19 snalt sanctify unto the Lord thy God 15, 20 slialt eat (it) butore tho Lord thy God 15. 21 not sacrillco it imto tho Lord thy God 16. I, 2 the passovcr unto the Lord thy God 16. 5 which the Lord thy God giveth thee 16. 6, 7 which tho Lord thy God shall chooso 16. 3 a solemn assembly to the Lord thy God 16. 10 unto tho Lord thy God with a tribute lO. 10 according as the Lord thy God hath bL 16. II shalt rejoico before the Lord thy God 16. II which the Lord thy God hath chosop 16. 15 unto tho Lord thy God in the place 16. 15 the Lord thy God shall bices theo in nU 16. 16 males appear before the Lord thy G^d 16. 17 to the blessing of the Lord thy God 16. 18, 20 which the Lord thy God giveth thee »6. 2i. unto the altar of the Lord thy God ' 16. 22 image ; which' tho LORD thy God hatcUi 17. I not sacrifice unto the Lord thy God ■ 17. i^an abomination unto the LORD thy (}od 17. 2, 14 which the Lord thy God giveth theo 17. 2 in the siglit of the LORD thy God, in 17. 8 which the LORD thy God shall choote ''• 17. 12 minister there before the Lord thy God 17. 15 whom the LORD thy God shall choose 17. 19 he may learn to fear the Lord his God 18. 5 the Lord thy God hath chosen him out i8. 7 minister in the name of the LORD his God 9 land which the Lord thy God giveth . 12 Lord thy God doth drive them out from 13 shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God 14 Lord tliy God hath not suffered thee so 15 Lord thy God will raise up unto thee 16 desiredst of the Lord thy God in Horeb 16 hear again the voice of the IX)RD my God I When the IX)RD thy God hath cut ofT I, 2, 3, 10, 14 the Lord thy Ood giveth thee 8 if the Lord thy God enlarge thy coast 9 to love the Lord thy God, and to walk 1 Lord thy God (is) with thee, which broo. 4 Lord your God (is) he that goeth with you 13 Lord thy God hath delivered it into 14 which the Lord thy God hath given thee 16 which the LORD thy God doth give thee 17 as the Lord thy God hath commanded 18 should ye sin against the Lord your God I, 23 which the Lord thy'God giveth thee 5 tliem tho Lord thy God luith chosen to 10 Lord thy God hath delivered them Into 23 for he that is hanged (is) accursed of God S abomination "anto the LORD thy God 5 Lord thy God would not hearken unto 5 but the Lord thy God turned the curse 5 because the Lord thy God loved theo , 14 Lord thy Godwalkethin the midst of thy 18 into the house of the LORD thy God for 18 abomination unto the Lord thy God 20 that the LORD thy God may bless thee In 21 shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God 2 J Lord thy God will surely require it of 23 thou hast vowed unto the Lord thy God 4 which the Lord thy God giveth thee 9 Remember what the LORD thy God did ~i 13 shall be. .unto theeief ore theLORD thy G. 18 the Lord thy God redeemed thee thence 19 that the Lord thy God may bless thee in 15, 19 land which the Lord thy God giveth 16 an abomination unto the Lord thy God 18 faint and weary ; and he feared not God 19 when the LORD thy God hath given thee 1, 2 land, .the Lord thy God giveth thee. 2 place which the Lord thy God shall ch'o. 3 I profess this day unto the LORD thy God 4 do^vn before th% altar ot the LORD thy O. 5 speak and say before tho Lord thy God 7 when we cried unto the LORD God of our 10 thou shalt set it before the Lord thy God 10 and worship before the Lord thy God -. 11 which the LORD thy God hath given unto 13 thou shalt say before the LORD thy God 14 hearkened to the voice of the Lord my O. i6 This day the Lord thy God hath comrann. 17 to be thy God, and to walk in his ways . . iQ anholy people unto the Lord thy God ' 2, 3 land which the Lord thy God pveth 3 as the Lord God of thy fathers hath pro. 5 tuild an altar unto the Lord thy God, an 6 shalt build the altar of the Lord thy God 6 shalt offer, .thereon unto the LoRDthj Q. 7 and rejoice before the Lord thy God 9 become the people of the Lord thy God 10 obey the voice of the Lord thy God, and I, 2, 15, 45 the voice of the Lord thy God > 1 Lord tliy G»d will set thee on high above 8 land which the LORD thy God giveth thee 9, 13 the commandments ot the LORD thy Q. 47 thou servedest not the Lord thy God with 52, 53 which the Lord thy God hath given . 58 fear this . . tearful name. The LORD thy G. 62 not obey the voice of the Lord thy God { 6 might know that I (am) the LORD your O.' 10 stani. . all of you before the I^RD your G, 12 enter into covenant with theXoRD thy Q. 12 which the Lord thy God maketh with . 13 be may be unto thee a God, as he hath 15 with us this day before the Lord our O. 18 tumeth.. this day from the Lord our God 25 forsaken the covenant of the LORD God/ 29 secret (things belong) unto, the LORD..O. I'V-hither the Ijjbd thy Godhath ^djjven 2 And shalt retiu-n unto the Lord thy God 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 24- 24- 24. 24 24. 25- 25- 25- 25- b6. e6. 26. 26. 2S. e6. 26. 26. 26. 25. b6. 26. 26. 26. 27. 27- 27. V- 27- 27- 27. 27- 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 29- 29. 29- 29- 29. 29. 29. ?9- ,=9- ■■'SO. 30. aoD 414 GOD Jteut 30, so- SO- SO- 130. SO- SO- ■50. 30- Si- SI- 31- Ji- St- Si- 32- 33- 'Josh,' 33- 3- 3- 4- 4. 4- ■4- 7- 7- 7- 8. 8. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. IS- 14. 14. 14. 18. 18. 22. £2. 22. 22. 22. 32. e2. 22. 22. «3- «3- 83- 03- S3- »3- 23- =3- S3- =3- :S3. =3- 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. Judg. "3 L0RD*thy God will turn thy captivity, and 3' whither the LOKD tliy God hath scattered 4 will the Lord thy God gather thee 5 Lord thy God will bring thee into the land 6 Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart 6 to love the Lord thy God with all thine ■ 7 Lord thy God will put all these curses 9 Lord thy God will make thee plenteous 10 hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy G. 10 if ffliou turn unto the Lord thy God with 16 I command thee . . to love the Lord thy G. 16 Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land 20 That thou mayest love me Lord thy G. 3 The Lord thy God, he will go over before ':6 Lord thy God, he (it is) that doth go 11 to appear before the Lord thy God in 12 may learn, and fear the Lord your God 13 and learn to fear the Lord your God 17 Are not these evils, .because our God (is) 26 ark of the covenant of the Lord your Q. 3 ascribe ye greatness unto our God , 39 and (there is) no god with me : I kill, and I wherewith Moses the man of God blessed 27 The eternal God (is thy) refuge, and un. 9 Lord thy God (is) with thee whithersoever II, 15 land, witich the Lord your God giveth 13 The Lord your God hath given you rest 17 only the Lord thy God be with thee, as II Lord your God, he (is) God in heaven ;l 3 ark of the covenant of the Lord your G. 9 and hear the words of the Lord yoiir God 5 over befqre the ark of the Lord your God 23 Lord your God dried up the waters of S. 13 as the Lord your God did to the Red sea 24 that ye might fear the Lord your God for 13 for thus saith the Lord God of Israel 19 give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord God 20 I have sinned against the Lord God of I. 7 Lord your God will deliver itinto your 30 Joshua built an altar unto the Lord God 9 because of the name of the Lord thy God 18 had sworn unto them by the Lord God of 19 We have sworn unto them by the LordG. 23 drawers of water for the house of my Gpd. 24 Lord thy God commanded his servant '-- 19 Lord your God hath delivered them intp 40 as the Lord God of Israel commanded ': 42 the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel 14 the sacrifices oLthe Lord God of Israel 33 Lord God of Israel (v/as) their^ inheritan, 6 Lord said unto Moses the man of God 8, 9 wholly followed the Lord my God. 14 he wholly followed the Lord God of Isr.' 3 land, which the Lord God of your fathers J 6 cast lots for you . . before the Lord our G. i 3 the commandment of the Lord your God ''4 Lord your God hath given rest unto your ■ ' s to love the LOBD your God, and to walk in 18 tiiat ye have committed against the God 19 altar besides the altar of the Lord our G. 24 What have ye to do with the Lord God i 29 besides the altar of the Lord our God that 33 the children of Israel blessed God, and,'! 34 a witness between us that the Lord (is) G. ",3 ye have seen all that thi) Lord your God '•"3 Lord your God (is) he that hath fought %^ 5 Lord your God, he shall expel them from' is as the Lord your God hath promised unto ■ 8 But cleave unto the Lord your God, as 25 Carry back the ark of God into the city 29 Abiathar carried the ark of God again 32 come to the top. .where he worshipped G. 23 as if a man, .enquired at the oracle of God 28 Blessed (be) the Lord thy God, which ' 13 God do so to me, and more also, if thou be 27 my lord the king (is) as an angel of God 14 after that God was entreated for the land 3 The God of my rock ; in him will I trust 7 called upon the Lord, and cried to my G, 22 have not v/ickedly departed from my God 30 by my God have I leaped over a wall 32 and who (is) a rock, save our God? ;< 47 exalted be the God of the rock of my sal. I the anointed of the God of Jacob, and 3 The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel 3 that ruleth. .just, ruling in the fear of G. 3 the Lord thy God add unto the. people 23 Araunah said. . The Lord thy God accept 24 burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of 17 thou swarest by the Lord thy God unto 30 as I Bware unto thee by the Lord God of 36 the Lord God of my lord the king say so 47 God make the name of Solomon better 48 Blessed (be) the LORD God of Israel, which 3 keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to 23 God do so to me, and more also, if Adon. 3 and God-said, Ask what I shall give thee 7 O Lord my God, thou hast made thy ser. It God said unto him. Because thou hast a. 28 saw that the wisdom of God (was) in hii.i 29 God gave Solomon wisdom and understa. ■ 3 unto the name of the LORD his God, ior 4 Lord my God hath given me rest on ev. 5 house unto the name of the Lord my God 13 Blessed (be) the LORD God of Israel, wh, 17, 20 an house for the name of the Lord G. 23 Lord God of Israel, .no Godlike thee 25 Lord God of Israel, keep with thy ser. 26 O God of Israel, let thy word, I pray theo 27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth? 28 Yet have thou respect . . O Lord my God 57 The Lord our God be with us, as he was 59 be nigh unto the Lord our God day and 60 That all . .may know that the Lord (is) G. 61 be perfect with the LORD our God, to wa. 63 before the Lord our God, eeveji days and 9 Because they forsookthe LORD their God ■g Blessed be the Lord thy God, which 24 wisdom, which G od had put in his heart 4 was not perfect with the Lord his God ■ 9 his heart was turned from the Lord God 23 God stirred him up (another) adversary 31 thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel 33 Chemosh the god . . and Milcom the god of 22 Word of God came unto, .the man of God * X there oamo a man of God out of Judah by ' 4 heard the saying of the man of God 5 ace. to the sign which the man of God v 6 answered and said unto the man of Gad 6 Entreat nov/ the face of the Lord thy O. 6 the man of God besought the Lord, and.' ', 7 the king said unto the man of God, Come 8 the man of. God said unto the king, If th. 11 all the works that the man of God had d. 12 had seen what way the man of God went 14 went after the man of God, and found 14 (Art) thou the man of God that camest ;2i he cried unto the man of God that came ^24wljioh, the-LoRP thy God commanded thee ^ lt'(i£) the'roa.n ofgQ4;'w}ip w^sdjaohid. 29 tovjk up the carcase oJ the man of God GOD » Ki 13. 3r whorcin'Uio man of God (h) buried ; lay 14. 7 Go. .Thus saitli tho Lord God of Israel 14. 13 good thing toward tho Lord God of Isr. ^5. 3 was not perfect with tho Lord his God 15. 4 did the Lord his God gave him a lamp 15. 30 ho provoked tho Lord God of Israel to 16. 13 in provoking tho Lord God of Israel to J 6. 26, 33 to provolco the LoiiD God of Israel 17. I (As) the Lord God of Israel livetii, before 17. 12 (As) tho Lord thy God livcth, I have not 17. 14 thus saith tho Lord God of Israel, Tho 17. 18 O thou man of God ? art thou como unto 17. 20 O Lord my God, hast thou also brought 17. 21 O Lord my GoJ, I pray thee, let this ch. J7. 24 by this I know, .thou (art) a man of God j8. 10 (As) the Lord thy God liveth, there la 18. 21 if the Lord (be) God, follow him : but U 18. 34 the God that answcreth. .let him bo God 18. 27 Cry aloud ; for he (is) a god : either ho Is t8. 36 Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Isr. 18. 36 let It be known this day that thou (art) G. 18. 37 may know that thou (art) the Lord God 18. 39 he (is) the Gofl! the Lord, he (is) the God ! 19. 8 forty nights unto Iloreb the mount of G. 19. 10, 14 been very jealout for the Lord God CO. 28 there eame .^ man of God, and spake unto to. =3 Lord (is) God of tho hills, .he (is) not G. ei. 10 Thou didst blaspheme God and tho king 41. 13 Js'aboth did blaspheme God and tho king »2. 53 provoked to anger the Lord God of Isra. fe Kl I. 3 enquire of Baal-zebub the God of Ekron 1. 3 not a God. .(that) ye go to. .the god of E.f s. 6 not aiGod. .(that) thou sendest to., the god I, 9 Thou man of God, the king hath said 1. 10 If I (be) a man of God, then let flro come J. II O man of God, thus hath tho king said i. 12 If I (be) a man of God, let fire como dovra u. 12 the fire of God came down from heaven I. 13 O man of God I pray thee, let my life 1. 16 to enquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron 1. 16 no God in Israel to enquire of his word ? V 14 Where (is) the Lord God of Elijah ? And 4. 7 Then she came and told tho man of God 4. I perceive, .this (is) a:, holy man of God ,{. 16 Nay, my lord, .man of God, do not lie 4. 21 laid him on the bed of tho man of God 4. 22 that I may run to the man of God, and 4. 25 she went, and camp unto the man of God 4. 25 when the man of God saw her afffr off 4. 27 when sho came to the man of God to the 4. 27 the man of God said, Let her alono ; for 4. 40 O. .man of God. .death in tho pot. And 4. 42 brought the man of God bread of the first J. 7 (Am) I God, to kill and to make alive » 5. 8 when EHsha the man of God had heard J. II call on the name of the Lord his God 5. 14 accord, to the saying of the man of God 5. 15 he returned to the man of God, he and 5. 15 no God in all the earth, but in Israel 5. 3o the servant of Elisha the man of God 6. B And the man of God said, AVhere fell it ? 6. 9 the man of God sent unto the king of Is. 6. 10 which the man of God told him and war. 6. IS when the servant of the man of God was 6. 31 God do so and more also to me, if the h. 7. 3 answered the man of G., and said. Behold 7. 17 and he died, as the man of God had said 7. iS as the man of God had spoken to the king 7. 19 thot lord answered the man of God, and e. 2 did after the saying of the man of God S. 4 with Gehazi, the servant of the man of O. 8. 7 saying. The man of Jod is come hither 8. 8 go, meet the man of God, and enquire of 8. II he was ashamed : and the man of God w. 9. 6 Thu? sailh the Lord God of Israel, I 10. 31 walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel 13. 19 the man of God was wroth with him, and 14. ~.$ according to the word of the Lord God x6. 2 right in the sight of the Lord his God 17. 7 had sinned against the Lord their God 17. 9 not right agaiust the Lord their God 17. 14 did not believe in the Lord their God 17. 16, 19 commandments of the Lord their G. 17. 26, 26, 27 the manner of the God of tho Itpd 17. 39 But the Lord your God ye shall fear 18. 5 He trusted in the Lord God of Israel j8. 12 not the voice of the Lord their God j8. ?2 if ye say . .We trust in tho Lord out God 19. 4 It may be the Lord thy God will hear 19. 4 king, .sent to reproach the living God 19. 4 the words whicli the Lord thy &od hath 19. 10 Let not thy God in whom thou trustest 19. 15 O Lord God of Israel, which dwcllest ■ 19. 15 thou art the Ood. .thou alono, of all the tg. 16 hath sent hira to reproach the living G. 19. 19 Now therefore, O Lord our G., I beseech 19. 19 that thou (art) the Lord God . . thou only 19. 20 saying, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel 19. 37 as he was. .in. the house of Nisroch his g. 20. 5 Thus saith the Lord, the God o. David 2i. 12 Therefore thus saith the Lord God of I. 'si. 2; ho forsook the IXJRD God of his fathers 22. 15, 18 Thus saith tho Lord God of Israel • 33.16 which the man of God proclaimed, who 23. 17 the man of God. v,hich came from Jud.ih 23.-21 Keep the passe ."cr unto, .your God, as (it « Ch.:4. ko Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying "^4.',Jo God granted hira that which he request, .'j.'sp they cried to God in tho battle, and he ■; S- apTaa.Q^ slain, bscause tie war O'^a8)of God S- «S *hey triju^-TTv-^'d agAiil**. tii» GoA ot 5. 35 iiec^ifc .whom Grod (iesiroyej before 415 I Cll. 5, ;6 thr God of Israel stirred up the tjiliit of C. 48 of the tabcrn.iclo of tho house of God 6. 49 Moses the sorv.-.nt of God had coniman. Q. n of Ahltub, tlic ruler of tho hout>c of God 9. 13 work of tho service of tho hou:c of God 9. 36 over tho cUambcrs. .of the houso of God 9. 27 tliey lodged round about the houso of G. 11. 2 Lord Chy God said unto thee. Thou shalt 11. 19 >Iy God forbid It mo, that I should do 12. 17 tho God of our fathers look (thereon) 12. i3 peace (be) unto thee.. thy God hclpeth 12. 33 until, .a groat host, like the host of God 13. 3 If.. good unto you, and. .the LoRDour G. 13. 3 let us bring again the ark of our God to us J3. 5 to bring tho ark of God from Klrjath-Jear. t> 6 to bring up thence tho ark of God the L. 13. 7 they carried tho ark of God In a new 13. 8 and all Israel played before God with all 13. 10 and there ho died before God 13. 13 David was afraid of God that day, saying 13. 12 How shall 1 bring the ark of God. .to me J 13. 14 the ark of God remained with tho family 14. 10 And David enquired of God, saying. Shall 14. II God broken in upon mine enemies 14. 14 Therefore David enquired again of God 14. 14 God said unto him. Go not up after them 14. 15 Ood is ,'one forth before thee, to smito 14. t6 David t-icrefore did as God commanded 15. I prepared a place for tho ark of God, and 15. 2 None ought to carry tho ark of God but 15. 3 hath the L. chosen to carry the ark of G. 15. 13 may bring up the ark of the Lord God of 15. 13 the Lord our God made a breach upon 15. 14 to bring up tho ark of the Lor.D God of 1 15. 15 tho Lcvites bare the ark of Tod upon 15. 24 with tho trumpets before the ark of God 15. 26 when God helped the Lovites that bare j6. I So they brought tho ark of God, and sot x6. I saciiflces and peace offerings before God 16. 4 to thank and praise the Lord God of Isr. 16. 6 before the ark of tho covenant of God t6. 14 Ho (is) the Lord our God ; his judgments «6. 35 Save us, O God of our salvation, and 16. 55 Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel for 16. 42 and with musical instruments of God 17. 2 Do all that (is) in thine heart ; for God. 17. 3 tho word of God came to Nathan, saying 17. 16 Who (am) I, O Lord God, and what (is) 17. 17 this was a small thing in thine eyes, O G. 17. 17 and hast regarded me. .0 Lord God 17. 20 neither. .God besides thee, accordingto 17. 21 whom God went to redeem (to be) his own 17. 22 and thoa. Lord, becamest their God 17. 24 The Lord of hosts (is) tho God of Israel 17. 24 a God to Israel : and (let) the house of D. 17. 25 For thou, O my God, hast told thy serva. J7. 26 And now, Lord, thou art God, and hast 19. 13 valiantly, .for the cities of our God : and 21. 7 And God was displeased with this thing 21. 8 David said imto God, I have sinned grea. 51. 15 God sent en angel unto Jerusalem to de. 21. 17 David said unto God, (Is it) not I (that) 21. 17 Let thine hand. .0 Lord my God, be on 21. 30 could not go before it to enquire of God 82. I This (is) the house of the Lord God, and 23. 3 wrought stones to build the house of G. 22. 6 to build an house for the Lord God of L 22. 7 house unto tho name of tho Lord my G. 22. II build the houso of tho Lord thy God, as 52. 12 mayest keep the law of the Lord thy G. 22. 18 (Is) not the Lord your God with you ? 22. 19 set. .your soul to seek the Lord your God 23. 19 build xo the sanctuary of the Lord God 22. 19 to bring . . the holy vessels of God, into the 23. 14 Now..>Ioses the man of God, his sons 33. 25 Lord God of Isn'.ol hath given rest ut to 23. 28 work of the service of the house of God 24. 5 and governors (of tho house) of God, were 24. 19 as the Lord God of Israel had comman. 25. 5 in tho words of God, to lift up tho horn 25. 5 God gave to Heman fourteen sons and 25. 6 for tho service of tho house of God, accord. £6. 5 Peulthai tho eighth : for God blcsicd hinj e6. 20 over tho tre.-isurcs of the houso of God 26. 32 for every matter pertaining to God 28. 2 an houso . .for tho footstool of our God 28. 3 God said unto me. Thou shalt not build 28. '4 Lord God of Isr.-icl chose me before all o3. 8 in tho audience of oiir God, keep smd seek 28. 8 the comraandmenta of the Lord your God 28. 9 know thou the God of thy father, and 28. 12 of the treasures of tho houso of God, and ^8. 20 God. .my God, (will be) with theo ; ho aS. 21 for all tho service of the house of God 29. I my son, whom alone God hath chosen 29. I (is) not for man, but for tho Lord God 29. 2 all my might for the house of my God 29. 3 set my affection to the house of my God 29. 3 I have given to tho house of my God, over 29. 7 gave for the service of the house of God 29. 10 Blessed (be) thou, Lord God of Israel 29. 13 our God, we thank thee, and praise thy 29. 16 O Lord our God, all this store that wo 29. 17 I know also, my God, that thou triest 29. 18 O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of -9. 20 said . . Now bless the Lord your God. And GOD 29. ; , blessed the Ix3RD God of their fathers, and a Ch, i. I Lord his God (was) with him, and magni. I, 3 the tabernacle of the congregation of God I. ?4 the ark of God had David brought up I. 7 In that night did God appear untp Sol. I. 8 Solomon said unto God, Thou hast show. a Ch. I. 9 Now, O Lord God, let thy promise unto 1. 11 God sirid to Solomon, Bccaubo this wa* 2. 4 houso to the name of tho Lord my GoJ 2. 4 on tho solemn feasts of the Loud out QoJ 2- 5 (■») eroat ; for great fia) oui- God above all 2. 12 Blessed (bo) tho Lord God of Israel, that 3. 3 for tho building of the house of God. ITjo 4. II for king Solomon for the houso of God 4. 19 vessels that (wore for) the house of God 5. I among tho treasures of tho houso of God 5. 14 for tho glory.. hay Ood : bceauso.'.O. 9. 23 to hear his wisdom, that God had put la 10. 15 for the cause was of God, that tho LORD 11. 2 came toShcmaiah the man of Ood, saying II. 16 to seek the Lord God ol Israel camo to ■ II. 16 to saeriflco unto tho Lord God of their > 13. 5 Ought yo not to know that the Lord God 13. 10 as for us, the Lord (is) our God, and wo 13. II we keep the cliargc of the Lord out Ood 13. 12 God himself (is) with us for (our) captain 13. 12 fight ye not against the Lord God of your 13. 13 that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel 13. 16 and God delivered tliem into their hand 13. 18 they relied upon tho Lord God of their 1. 14. 3 and right in the oyes of tho Lord his God 14, 4 to seek the Lord Ood of their fathen 14. 7 because we have sought the Lord our Q. 14. II Asa cried unto the Lord his God, and: -) 14. II help us, O Lord our Ood ; for wo rest on 14. II O Lord, thou (art) our God ; let not man 15. I tho spirit of God came upon Azariah the 15. 3 Israel (hath been) without the true Ood 15. 4 did turn unto the Lord God of Israel, and 15. 6 for Ood did vex them with all adversity/ 15.' 9 saw that the Lord his Ood (was) with him 15. 12 to seek the Lord God of their fathen with 15. 13 whosoever would not seek the Lord God 15. 18 he brouglit into the house of God tho , 16. 7 and not relied on the Lord thy God, thor*. 17. 4 But sought to the.. God of his father, and »8. 5 Go up; for God will deliver (it) into the kl. 18. 13 even what my God saith, that will I speak 18. 31 and God moved them (to depart)from him 19. 3 and hast prepared thine heart to see God 19. 4 brought them back unto the Lord God of ig. 7 no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor 20. 6 Lord God of our fathers, (art) not thou O 20. 7 (Art) not thou our God, (who) didst drive so. 12 our God, wilt thou not judge them f for ao. 15 for the battle (is) not yours, but God's •"• 20. 19 stood up to praise tho LORD God of Israel so. 30 Believo in the Lord your God, so shall ya Qo. 39 the fear of God was on all the kingdoms eo. 30 for his God gave him rest round about 20. 33 not prepared their hearts unto the God of 21. 10 he had forsaken the Lord God of his fath, 31. 12 Thus saith the Lord God of David thy f. • 23. 7 the destruction of Ahaziah waa of God, bjT 22. 13 was with them hid in the house of God 23. 3 covenant with the king in the house of G. 23. 9 shields . .which (were) in the house of God 24. 5 money to repair the house of your God 34. 7 sons. .':-d broken up the house of God ' 24. 9 collection (that) lloses the servant of 25. :o it (came) of God, that ho might deliver 25. 24 that were found in the house of God witli 26. 5 h3 sought God in the days of Zechariah 26. 5 h.-.d understanding in the ^^3ions of God 20. s as long as he sought tho Lord, God made 26. 7 God helped him against the Philistines , =5. 16 trauigrcssed a^-alnst the Lord his God *^ 26. :S neither, .thine honour from the Lord God 27. 6 prepared his ways before tho Lord his G, 28. 5 the Lorj> his God delivered him Into the 28. 6 because they had forsaken the Lord God 28. 9 because tho Lord God of your fathers - 28. 10 with you, sins against the Lord your Goat s3. 24 tho vessels of the house of God, a»d cut 28. 24 in pieces the vessels of the houso of God 28. 25 provoked to anger tho Lord God of hia ■ 39. ^5 sanctify . .the house cf the Lord God of 29. 6 ciril inthfi eyes qf the "J^BD'ouj- God, an"*. eg. 7 in the holy (place) unto the God of larsei GOD 416 GOD .eg. • 3o- 3D. .' 3°-' 30. 3°- 30. 30. 30. 3°- 31- 31- SI- 31- ' 3J. 32- 3?- 32- 32- 32. J32- 3?. 32- 32- 33. ■ 33- 33- 33- 53- 33- 33- J3- 33- , 34- . 34- 34- 34- . 34. 34- 34- 34- 35- . 3S- - «5. 33- 36. . 36. ■ S6. . .36- 36- 36. . 36. 3fi- _>36. Zsra z. 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. ICX I'feh. 10 a covenant with the Lord God of Israel 36 that God had prepared the people : for I, 5 to keep the passover unto the Lord G. 6 turn again unto the Lord God ol Abra. 7 trespassed against the Lord God of their 8 serve the Lord your God, that the fierce. 9 the Lord your God (is) gracious and mer. 12 the hand of God was to give them one 16 acord. to the law of Mosoa the man of God 19 to Seek God, the Lord God of his fathers 23 making confession to the Lord God of 6 consecrated imto the Lord their God 13 and Azariah the ruler of the house of G. 14 (was) over the freewUl offerings of God ' 20 right and truth before the Lord his God 21 began In the service of the house of God 21 in the commandments, to seek his God 8 with us (is) the Lord out God to help us »i Lord our Go(^ shall deliver us out of the 14 your God should be able to deliver you 15 how much less shall yom- God deliver you 16 servants spake yet. .againsi the Lord G. 17 letters to rail on the Lord God of Israel 17 so shall not the God of Hczekiah deliver 19 they spake against the God of Jerusalem 21 he was' come >nto the house of his god • 29 God had given him substance very much 31 God left him, to try him, that he might 4 7 which ho had made, in the house of God ' '7 of which God had said to David and to S, 12 he besought the Lord his God, and j;; ,■ 12 humbled himself greatly before the God 13 Manasseh knew that the LORD ho (was) Q. 16 commanded Judrh to serve the Lord God 17 sacrifice . .unto the Lord their God only 18 his prayer unto his God, and the words . . 1 3 In the name of the Lord God of Israel ' 3 he began to seek after the God of David 8 to repair the house of the Lord his God 9 that was brought into the house of God 23, 26 Thus saitli the Lord God of Israel 27 thou didst humble thyself before God ^ -., 32 to the covenant of God, the God 'of thejf 33 made all . .to serve the Lord their God. 33 from following the Lord, the God of ■( 3 serve now the Lord your God, and his 8 rulers of the house of God, gave unto the 21 for God commanded me to make haste 21 forbear thee frm (meddling v/ith) God 22 words of Necho from the mouth of God- 5, 12 evil in the sight of the Lord his Go4; 13 who had made him swear by God : but -;&■> 13 from turning iwto the Lord God of Israel 1 5 the Lord God of their fathers sent to them 16 they mocked the messengers of God, and 18 all the.vess-ils of the house of God, great 19 they burnt the house of God, and brake 23 hath the LoKD God of heaven given me > 23 Lord his God (be) with him, and let him , s Lord God of heaven hath given me all the •' 3 his God be with him, and let him go up 3 the Lord God of Israel he (is) the God 4 for the house of God that (is) in Jerusale. 5 with all. .whoso spirit God had raised ■ ■ 68 offered freely for the house of God to set 2 huilded the altar of the God of Israel, to a written in the law of Moses the man of G. 8 of their coming unto the house of God at 9 forward the workmen in the house of G. 1 buUded the temple unto the Lord God of 2 build \Yit\\ you: for we seek your God, as 3 do with us to build an house unto our G. 3 we. .will build unto the Lord God of la. 21 separated themselves, .to seek the L. God 22 in'the work of the house of God, the God 6 which the Lord God of Israel had given 6 according to the hand of the Lord his G, 9 according to the good hand of his God ■■.• 27 Blessed (be) the Lord God of our fathers 28 as the hand of the Lord my God (was) :<-■ 17 bring., ministers for the house of our God 1 3 by die good hand of our God upon us '■ 21 we might afflict ourselves before our God 22 The hand of our God (is) upon all them 23 So we fasted, and besought our God for 25 the offering of the house of ourGod, which 28 offering unto the Lord God of your fath. 30 to Jerusalem, unto the house of our God 31 the hand of our God was upon us, and be 33 vessels weighed in the house of our God 35 offered burnt offerings unto the God of I. 36 fiirthered the people, and the house of G. 4 trembled at the words of the God of Isr. 5 spread out my hands unto the Lord my G. 6 O my God, I am ashamed and blush to 6 lift up my face to thee, my God : for ' * 8 grace hath been . . from the Lord our God Sthat our God may lighten our eyes, and 9 yet our God hath not foi'saken us in our 9 to set up the house of our God, and to 10 O our God, v/hat shall we say after this! 13 seeing that thou our God hast punished 15 God of Israel, thou (art) righteous; for 1 casting.. down before the house of God 2 Wc h:ive trespassed against our God, and 3 let us make a covenant with our God to 3 tremble at the commandment of our God 6 Ezra rose up from before the house of G. 9 people sat in the street of tho house of G. rt" cnake confession unto the Lord God of 14 until the fierce wrath of our God fox this 4 and prayed before the God of heaven j^. Kcll I. 5 I beseech thee, Lord God of heaven, the 2. 4 So I prayed to tho God of heaven 2, 8 according to tho good hand of my God 2. t2 v/hat my God had put in my^heart to do 2. iB 1 told them of the hand of my God which 2. 20 The God of heaven, he will prosper us 4 Hear, O our God ; for we are despised; and 9 we made our prayer unto oiu' God, and 15 God had brought their counsel to nought 20 resort ye thither, .our God shall fight for 9 ought ye not to walk in the fear of our G. 13 So God shake out every man from his ho. 15 so did not I, because of the fear of God 19 Thinkupon me, my God, for good, (acco.) 10 Let us meet together in the house of God 12 I perceived that God had not sent him 14 My God, think thou upon Tobiah and S. 16 that this work was wrought of our God 2 faithful man, and feared God above many 5 my God put into mine heart to gather 6 Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God; and 8 they read in the book, in the law of God 9 This day (is) holy unto the Lord your G. 16 and in the courts of the house of God ,, 18 he read in the book of the law of God -^t' .#3 the book of the law of the Lord their &, ?3 and worshipped the Lord their God 4 with a loud voice unto the Lord their Q, 5 S'tand up. .bless the Lord your God for 7 Thou (art) the Lord the God, who didst 18 This (is) thy god that brought thee up out 32 our God, the gi-eat, the mighty, and the 28 separated themselves . . unto t'.ie law of G. 29 entered, .into an oath, to- walk in God's 29 which was given by M. the servant of God 32 for the service of the house of our God ■ 33 (for) all the works of the house of our G. 34 to bring (it) into the house of our God - 34 to biu-n upon the altar of the Lord our G. 36 to bring to the house of our God, unto tho 36 that minister in the house of our God 3; to the chambers of of our God 38 of the tithes unto the house of otm God 39 we will not forsake the house of our God 11 Seraiah. .the ruler of the house of God ^ 16 the outward business of the house of G. ' 22 over the business of the house of God / 24 commandment of David the man of G, 36 instruments of David the man of God 40 So stood the two. .in the house of God ' 43 God had made them rejoice with great 45 the porters kept the -ward of their God 46 songs of praise and thanksgiving unto Q, 1 not come into the congregation of God '■' 2 our God turned the curse Into a blessing . 4 of the chamber of the house of our God 7 chamber in the courts of the house of G od 9 brought, .the vessels of the house of God II Why is the house of God forsaken? And-4' 14 Remember me, my God, concerning .sS, 14 that I have done for the house of my God 18 did not our GOd brilig all this evilupon 22 Uemember me, O my God, (concerning^ 25 made them fl ware by God. .Ye shall not 26 Solomon, .who was beloved of his God i 26 and God made him king over all Israel' 27 to transgress against our God in marrying 29 Remember them, O my God, because they 31 Remember me, O my God, for good ■ I one tliat feared God, and eschewed e-vil ! 5 It may be that my sons have . . cursed God I. 6 when the sons of God came to present • ' 1. 8 one that feareth God, and escheweth ev.? I. 9 Satan, .said, Doth Job fear God for nou.? 1. 16 The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and 1. 22 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged G. 2. I when the sons of God came to present ■'- 2. 3 one that feareth God, and escheweth ev,! 2. 9 Then said his wife . . curse God, and die s. 10 shall we receive good at the hand of God 5. 8 and unto God would I commit my cause 20. 29 This, .the portion of av/ickedmanfrom G. 28. 23 God understandeth the way thereof, and 32. 2 he justified himself rather than God 34. 9 that he should deliglit himself with God 38. 7 and all the sons of God shouted for joyf Psal 3. 2 (There is) no help for him in God. Selah 3. 7 Arise, O Lord ; save me, O my God : for 4. I Hear me when I call, O God of my righ. $. 2 Hearken unto the voice of my cry. .my G. 5. 10 Destroy thou them, O God ; let them fall 7. I O Lord my God, in thee do I put my tru. 7. 3 O Lord my God, if I have done this ; if 7. 9 the righteous God trieth the hearts and 7. 10 My defence (is) of God, which saveththe 7. II God judgeth the righteous, and. .is angry 9. 17 (and) all the nations that forget God 10. 4 The wicked . . God (is) not in all his thoug. JO. 13 Wherefore doth the wicked contemn G.t 13. 3 Consider, .hear me, Lord my God 14. I Tho fool hath said in his heart, .no God 14. 2 any that did understand, (and) seek God 14. 5 God (is) in the generation of the righteous j8. 6 In my distress I .cried unto my God ; ho 18. 21 have not -wickedly departed from my God j8. 28 Lord my God -will oulighteu my darkness 18. 29 and by my God have 1 leaped over a wall 18. 31 or who (is) a rook save our God ? 18. 46 and lot the God of my calvation be exalt. 20. 3 the name of the God of JapolJ defend thoo so. s in the naino of our, God wo'Svill sot up ao. 7 rcaicmbor the name of the Lord our G. Job e, e- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- io. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. II. II. II. 12, 12. ri. 12. 12. 12. 13. 13. la- 13- 13- »3- >3- 13 ^3- 13- ^3- »3- *3- »3. 13- Psa. 22. 24. 25- 25- 2S- 27. SO- SO- BB- SS- 35- 36- ^b6. 37- 40. 40. 40. 40. 41. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 43 43- 43- 43- 43. 43- 44. 44. 44. 44. 44. 45- 45- 45-. 46. 46. 46. 46. 46. 46. 47- 47- 47. 47- ,47- 47- 47- 48. 48. 48. 48.' 48. 48. ■49." 49. 50. SO. SO- SO. SO- SO. SO. SO. 51. SI- S'. 51- SI- 52. S2. S2- 53- 53- 53- 53- 53- 53- 53- 54- 54- 54- 54- 55- 55- 55- 55- 55- 56. 56- 56. ■56. 56. 56- 56- 56- 57- 57- 57- 57- 57- 57- 2 my God, I cry in tho day time, but thou 5 righteousness from the -God of his salva. 2 O my God, I trust in thco ; let me not 5 thouartthe God of ray salvation; on thes 22 Ecdocm Israel, O God, out of all his tro. 9 neither forsake me, O God of my salva. • 2 O Lor.D my God, I cried unto thee, and 12 O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto j4 I trusted in thco . . Thou (ait) my God 12 Blessed (is) the nation whose God (is) tho 23 awake, .unto my cause, my God. .my L. 24 Judge me, O Lord my God, according to I (that thcro is) no fear of God before his 7 excellent (is) thy loving kindness, O God! 31 The law of his God (is) in his heart; none 15 For. .thou wilt hear, O Lord my God 21 O Lord : O my God, be not far from me' 3 hath put a nev/ song, .praise unto our Ov 5 Jfany, O Lord my God, (are) thy wonder. 8 I delight to do thy will, my God : yea. 17 my help, .make no tarrying, O my God 13 Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel fronSL 1 so panteth my soul after thee, O God . 2 My soul thirsteth for God, for the living. 2 when shall I come and appear before G.t 3 continually say unto me. Where (is). .G. > 4 I went with them to the house of God, with 5 hope thou in God ; for I shall yet praise 6 O my God, my soul is cast down within 10 they say daily unto me. Where (is) thy G.t 1 1 the health of my countenance, and my G^ 1 Judge me, O God, and plead my cause 2 For thou (art) the God of my strength 4 Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto 4 upon the harp will I praise.. God, my G, 5 hope in God ; for I shall yet praise him 5 the health of my countenance, and my G. 1 We hive heard with our ears, O God, our 4 Thou art my King, O God : command de,, 8 In God we boast all the day long, and 20 If we have forgotten the name of our Gj 21 Shall not God search this out ? for ho 2 therefore God hath blessed thee for ever' 6 Thy throne, God, (is) for ever and ever 7 therefore God, thy God hath anointed th. I God (is) our refuge and strength, a very 4 streams . . shall make glad the city of G. 5 God (is) in the midst of her; she shall not 5 God shall help her, (and that) right early 7, II the God of Jacob (is) our refuge. Sol. J.O Be still, and know that I (am) God : I will I shout unto God with the voice of triumph 5 God is gone up with a shout, the Lord . 6 Sing praises to God, sjng praises ; sing. 7 For God (is) the King of all the earth, sing ' 8 God reigneth o. er the heathen : God sit. 9 (even) the people of the God of Abraham 9 the shields of the earth (belong) unto G. 1 to be praised in the city of our God. .the 3 God is known in her palaces for a refugo 8 God will establish it for ever. Selah ■ 9 We have thought .. O Go .l, in the midst JO According to thy name, God, so (is) thj 14 this God (is) our God for ever and ever % 7 None . . can . . give to God a ransom f on. 15 God will redeem my soul from tho pow I.J Tlie mighty God. .the Lord, hath spoken 2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, G. 3 Our God shall come, and shall not keep 6 the heavens shall declare . . God (is) judge ' 7 Heai-, O my people. .1 (am) God. .thy G. 14 Offer unto God thanksgiving ; and pay 16 unto the wicked God saith. What hast 23 to him .. will I show the salvation of G I Have mercy upon me, O God, according 10 Create in me a clean heart, God ; and 14 Deliver me .. O God, thou God of my sal. 17 The sacrifices of God (are) a broken spirit 17 a contrite heart, O God, thou wUt not 7 Lo, (this is) the man (that) made not God 8 like a green olive tree in the house of G. 8 I trust in the mercy of God for ever and 1 Tho fool hath said in his heart, .no God 2 God looked down from heaven upon the 2 that did understand, that did seek God 4 of iniquity, .they have not called upon G 5 God hath scattered the bones of him that 5 shame, because God hath despised them 6 When God bringcth back the captivity 1 Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge 2 Hear my prayer, God ; give ear to tho 3 they have not set God before them. Sel. 4 God (is) mine helper : the Lord (is) with I Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hido 14 walked unto the house of God in company 16 As for me, I ^viU call upon God ; and the 19 no changes, therefore they fear not God 23 thou, O God, Shalt bring them do^vn into I Be merciful unto me, O God ; for man 4 In God I will praise his word : in God I 7 (thine) anger cast down the people, O G. 9 turn back : this I know • for God (is) for 10 In God will I praise (his) word ; in tho L 1 1 In God have I put my trust : I will not 12 Thy vows (are) upon me, O God : I will 13 that I may walk before God in the light _. 1 Bo merciful unto me, O God, be mercifut s I will cry unto God most high ; unto 3 God shall send forth his mercy and his 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heav. 6 My hc.p.rtiis ftBQ|<}-, Q-Go4i n;'7\^¥E&tS is- I J Bo thou ezalted, 6 God, above the heav.. GOD • - > ■Psa. s8. 6 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth 58, II he is a God that judgeth in the earth 59. I Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God 59. 5 O Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel 59. 9 I wait upon thco : for God (is) ray defence 159. lo The God of my mercy shall prevent me '59. lo God shall let me see (my desiie) up^n 159. 13 that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends 159. 17 my defence, (and) the God of my mercy 160. I O God, tliou hast cast us off, thou hast • 60. 6 God hatli spoken in his holiness ; I will 60. 10 (Wilt) not thou, O God..(tliou), O God 60. 12 Through God we shall do vaMantly : for 61. I Hear my cry, O God ; attend unto my 61. s For thoii, O God, hast heard my vows 61. 7 He shall abide before God for ever : O 62. I Truly my soul waiteth upon God : from 62. 5 My soul, wait thou only upon God ; for 62. 7 In God (is) my salvation and my glory 62. 7 the rock of my strength, .(is) in God 62. 8 Trust in him . . God (is) a refuge for us 62. II God hath spoken .. (belongeth) unto God 63. I God. .early will I seek thee : my soul 63. n the king shall rejoice in God ; every one 64. I Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer : pre. 64. 7 God shall shoot at them (with) an arrow 64. 9 and shall declare the work of God ; for 65. I Praise waiteth for thee, God, in Zion 65. 5 wilt thou answer us, O God of our salva. 65. 9 greatly enrichest it with the river of God '66. I Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye 66. 3 Say unto God, How terrible (art thou) . 66. 5 Come and see the works of God : (he is) ' 66. 8 bless our God, ye people, and make 66. 10 For thou, God, hast proved us : thou 66. i6 Come (and) hear, all ye that fear God 66. 19 verily God hath heard . . he hath attended 66. 20 Blessed (be) God, which hath not turned 67. I God be merciful unto us, and bless us 67. 3 Let the people praise thee, God ; let all 67. 5 Let the people praise thee, O God ; let all 67. 6 God, (even) our own God, shall bless us 67. 7 God snail bless us ; and all the ends of 68. I Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered 68. 2 the wicked perish at the presence of God 68. 3 let them rejoice before God ; yea, let th. 68. 4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name 68. 5 A father of the fatherless . . (is) God in his 68. 6 God aetteth the solitary in families : he 68. 7 O God, when thou wentest forth before 68. 8 heavens, .dropped atthe presence of God 68. 8 at the presence of God, the God of Israel 68. 9 Thou, God, didst send a plentiful rain 68. lo thou, O God, hast prepared, .for the poor 68. 15 The hill of God (is as) the hill of Bashan 68. 16 the hiU (which) God desireth to dwell in 63. 17 The chariots of G. (are) twenty thousand 68. 18 the Lord God might dwell (among them) 68. 21 God shall wound the head of his enemies ; 68. 24 They have seen thy goings, God ; foven) ' 68. 26 Bless ye God in the congregations, (even) 68. 28 Thy God hath commanded thy strength 68. 28 strengthen, O God, that which thou hast 68. 31 shall., stretch out her hands unto God ' 63. 32 Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of tho earth 68. 34 Ascribe ye strength unto God : his excel. 68. 35 God, (thou art) terrible out otthy holypl. 68. 35 power unto (his) people. Blessed (be) God 69. I Save me, God ; for the waters are com? 69. 3 mine eyes fail while I wait for my God 169. 5 O God, thou knowest ray foolishness ; and 69. 6 confounded for my sake, O God of Israel 69. 13 God, in the multitude ot thy mercy 69. 29 let thy salvation, O God, set me up on . 69. 30 I will praise tho name of God with a so. 69. 32 and your heart shall live that seek God 69. 35 For God will save Zion, and v/ijl build the 70. 1 (Make haste), O God, to deliver me ; ma. 70. 4 say continually. Let God be magnified 70. 5 I (am) poor, .make haste unto mo, O God 71. 4 Deliver me, O my God, out of tho hand of 71. -11 Saying, God hath forsaken him : perseo. 71. 12 God, be not far from mo: O my God 71. 17 O God, thou hast taught me from my 71. 18 Now also. .0 God, foi'sako mo not, until 71. 19 Thy righteousness also, God, (is) very 71. 19 things : God, who (is) like unto thee I 71. 22 (even) thy truth, O my God : unto thee 72. I Give the king thy judgments, O God, and 72. 18 Blessed (be) the Lord God, the God of I. 73. I Truly God (is) good to Israel, (even) to 73. 26 God (is) tho strength of my heart, and 73. 28 (it is) good for me to draw near to God 74. I God, why hast thou cast (us) off for 74. 10 God, how long shall the adversary repr. . 74. 12 God (is) my king of old, working salvati. 74. 22 Arise, O God, plead thine own cause : re, 75. I Unto thee, God, do we give thanks 75. 7 God (is) the judge : he putteth down one 75. 9 I will sing praises to the God of Jacob 76. I In Judah (is) God known ; his name (is) 76. 6 At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the 76. 9 When God arose to judgment, to save all 76. II Vow, and pay unto tho Lord your God 77. 1 I cried unto God with my voice, (even) 77. 3 I remembered God, and was troubled : I 77. 13 O God. .who (is so) great, .as (our) God? 77. 16 The waters saw thee, O God, the^waters 78. 7 That they might set their hope in God 78. 10 They kept not the covenant of God, and 78. 1,9 Vea, they spake {igafnst God ; they said 78. 22 they believed not in God, and trusted 417 GOD Psa. 78. 31 TIio wrath of God came upon them and 78. 35 And they remembered that God ( th 78. 56 provoked tho most high God, and kept 7S. 59 When God heard (tliis), ho was wroth 79. I O God, tho heathen are como into thine 79. 9 Help us, O God of our salv.^tion, for tlio 79. 10 tho heathen say. Where (is) their God ? 80. 3 Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face 80. 4 O Lord God of hosts, how long wilt thou 80. 7 Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause 80. 14 Keturn,. we beseech thee, O God of hosts 80. 19 Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts, ca. 8i. I Smg aloud unto God our strength 81. I make a Joyful iKiise unto the God of Jac 8i. 4 statute for Israel, (and) a law of the Gpd Bi. 10 I (am) the Lord thy God, which broucht 62. I God standeth in the congregation of tho 82. 8 Arise, O God, judge tho earth : for thou 83. I keep not thou silence, OGod : hold not 63. 12 Let us take to ourselves the houses of God 63. 13 O my God, malfe them like a wheel ; as 64. 3 O i^ORD of hosts, my King, and my God 84. 7 (every One of them). . appcareth before G 84. 8 O Lord God of hosts, .give ear, O God 84. 9 Behold, O God our shield, and look upon 8}. 10 be a doorkeeper in the house of my God 84. II For the Lord God (is) a sun and shield 85. 4 Turn us, O God of our salvation, and ca. 86. 2 thou my God, save thy servant that 86. 10 For thou (art) great .. thou (art) God alona 86. 12 I will praise thee, Lord my God, with 86, 14 O God, the proud are risen against me . 87. 3 Glorious things are spoken. .0 city of O. 88. I Lord God of my salvation, I have cried 89. 8 O Lord God of hosts, who (is) a strong L. go. title. A Pi-ayer of Moses the man of God 90. 17 let the beauty of tho Lord our God bo 91. 2 (He is) my refuge and my fortress : my O. 92. 13 shall flourish in the courts of our God 94. 7 neither shall the God of Jacob regard (it) 94. 22 and my God (is) tho rock of ray refuge 94.- 23 (yea), the Lord our God shall cut them ■ 95. 7 he (is) our God ; and wo (are) tho people 98. 3 all. .have seen tho salvation of our God 99. 5 Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship 99. 8 Thou answeredst them, Lord our God 9g. 9 Exalt the Lord our God, and v.'orship 99. 9 holy hill ; for the Lord out God (is) holy 100. 3 Know ye that the Lord he (is) God : (it 104. I Lord my God, tliou art very great 104. 33 I will sing praiso to my God while I have 105. 7 He (is) the Lord our God 1 his judgments 106. 47 Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us 106. 48 Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel from 108. I O God, my heart is fi.xed ; I wUl sing and 108. 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the hoav. io3. 7 God hath spoken In his holiness ; I will 108. 11 (Wilt) not (thou), O God, Avho) hast cast loB. II ^vilt not thou, God, go forth with our 108. 13 Through God we shall do valiantly: for log. I Hold not thy peace, O God of my praiso log. 26 Help me, O Lord my God : O savo mo 113. 5 Who (is) like unto the Lord our God . 115. 2 the heathen say. Where (is) now their G.? 115. 3 But our God (is) in the heavens : he hath 116. 5 Gracious (is) the LoRD..yea, our God (is) I jg. 115 I will keep tho commandments of my G. 122. 9 Because of tho house of tlie Lord our G. 123. 2 so our eyes (v.-ait) upon the Lord out G. 135. 2 in the courts of tlio house of our God 136. 2 give thanks unto the God of gods : for 143. 10 for thou (art) my God : thy spirit (is) good 144. 9 I will sing a now song unto thee, O God 144. 15 (is that) people, whose God (is) tho Lord 145. I I will extol thee, my God, O King ; and I 146. 2 I will sing praises unto my God while I 146. 5 whose hope (is) in tlie Lord his God 146. 10 Lord shall reign for ever, (even) thy God 147. I good to sing praises unto our God ; for 147. 7 sing praise upon the harp unto our God 147. 12 Praiso tho Lord, .praise thy God, O Zion Prov. 2. 5 and find the knowledge of God 2. 17 and forgetteth the covenant of her God 3. 4 understanding in tlie sight of God and «5. 2 (It is) tho glory of God to a thing 30. 9 and take the name of my God (in vain) EccL 1. 13 this sore travail hath God given to the 2. 24 I saw, that it (was) from the hand of God 2. 26 may give to (him that is) good before God 3. 10 which God hath given to the sons of men 3. II that God m.iketh from the beginning to 3. 13 enjoy tho good, .it (is) the gift of God 3. 14 I know that whatsoever God doeth, it 3. 14 God doeth (it), that (men) should fear 3. 15 and God requireth that which is past 3. 17 God shall judge tho righteous and the 3. 18 that Go.d might manifest them, and that 5. I thou gocst to tlie house of God, and S. 2 to utter (any) thing before God : for God 5. 4 V/hen thou vowest a vow xmto God , y- 5. 6 wherefore should God bo angry at thy ' 5. 7 also (divers) vanities : but fear thou God 5. i3 all the days of his life, which God giv^th 5. 19 to whom God hath given riches and wea. 5. 19 to rejoice, .this (is) the gift of God -- 5. :o God answereth (liim) in the joy of his he. 6. 2 A man to whom God hath given riches 6. 2 God givetli him not power to eat thereo'f 7. 13 Consider tho work of God : for who can 7. 14 God. .hath set the one over against the 7. iS-lie that foarpth.Gpfl shall come forth of 7. 26 whoso pleasetU God shall escape from £ccl. 7. 29 that God hath made man upright • hut r 8. 3 and (that) in regard of tho oath of Ood ', 8. 12 it shall bo well with them that fear God 8. 13 because he ftarctb not before God 8. 15 which God giveth him under tho sun A 8. 17 Then I liclicld al! tho work of God that 9. I their works, (are) in the hand of God : no 9. 7 for God now accepteth tliy works II. 5 so thou knowest not tho works of God V 11. 9 for all these (things) God will bring thco 12. 7 spirit shall return unto God who gave It 12. 13 Fear God, and keep his commandmcnti 12. 14 For God Khali l)ring overy work Into lea. I. 10 give ear unto tho law of our Oud, yc pco. a. 3 Como ye.. to the house of tho of Jn.' 7. II Ask thco a sign of the Lord thy cioil ; asic 7. 13 Aveary men, but will yo v/cary my God ' 8. 19 should not a people seek unto their God T 8. 21 curse their king and their God, and look 13. 19 shall be 03 when God overthrew .Sodom 17. 6 thereof, ealth tho IxjRD God of Israel 17. 10 Because thou hast forgotten tlio God of 21. 10 tho I/ORD of hosts, the God of Israol 21. 17 for the Lorn God of Israel hnth spoken 24. IS the name of the Lord God of Iiracl in tfco as. I O Lord, thou (art) my God ; I will exalt as. 9 Lo, this (is) our God ; we have waited for a6. 13 O Ix5RD our God, (other) lords besides 28. 26 his God doth instruct him to discrctlqn 29. 23 sanctify . .and sh.all fear tho God of Israel 30. 18 for tho Ix)RD (Is) a God of Judgment 35. 2 they shall seethe excellency of our God JS. 4 God will como(wlth) vengeance, (even) G. 36. 7 Wo trust In the Lord our God : (u it) not 37. 4 the Lord thy God will hear the words of 37. 4 sent to reproach the living God, and will 37. 4 words which tho Lord thy God hoth 37. 10 Ix:t not thy God. .deceive thoo, saying 37. 16 O Lor.D of hosts, God of Israel, that dw. 37. 16 thou (art) tho God, (even) tliou alone, of 37. 17 which hath sent to reproach tholivhigG. 37. =0 O Lord our God, save us from his hand 37. 21 Thus salth tho Lord God of Israel, Who. 37. 38 In tho house of Klsrocli fils god, that Ad. 38. s tl'c God.^f David thy father, I have heard 40. I comfort yo my jicople, salth your God 40. 3 niaUo. .in tlicdcfxrt a lilghv/ay for ourG. 40. 8 the word of our God shall stand for over 40. 9 bo not afraid ; say. .Behold your God I 40. 27 my jud.'^mcnt Is passed over from my G.f 40. 28 tho everlasting God, the Lord, tho Crca. 41. 10 Fear thou not. for I (am) thy God : I 41. 13 For I tho Lord thy God will hold thy rL 41. 17 the God of Israel will not forsake thom 43. 3 I (am) tho Lord thy God, the Holy Ono 44. 6 tho last ; and besides mo (there Is) no G, 45. 3 1 tlio Lord, .(am) tho God of Israel 45. 5 (there is) no God besides me : I girded 4S. 14 and (there is) nono cloo, (there is) no God 4S. 15 hldcr;t thyself, O God 01 Israel, the Eavl. 4j. 18 God himself that foi-med tho eartli, and 45. 21 .ind (there is) no God el-o besides me ; • 46. 9 (I am) God, and (there Is) none like mo 48. I make mention of the God of Israel, (but) 48. 2 and stay themselves upon tho God of I3, 48. 17 tho Lord thy God which teachcth thco to 49. 4 v/ith the I/^r.D, and my work with my 0. 49. 5 and my God shall bo my strength 50. 10 let him truct. .and stay upon his God 51. IS But I (am) tho Lord thy God, that dlvld. 51. =0 they are full of. .the rebuke of thy God 5:. 22 God (that) plcadeth tho cause of hi: pco. 52. 7 that talth unto Zion, Thy God relgncth ! 52. 10 all. .shall ECO tho salvation of our God 52. 13 tho God ot Israel (will be) your rcrcward 53. 4 esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and 54. s The God of tho whole earth shall ho bo 54. 6 when thou wast refused, salth thy God 55. s because of the Lord thy God, and for tho 55. 7 to our God, for he will abundantly pardon 57. 21 (There Is) no peace, salth my God, to tho 58. 2 forsook not the ordmance of their God 58. 2 they take delight in approaching to God 59. 2 between you and your God, and your 59. 13 departing away from our God, speaking 60. 9 unto the name of tho Lord thy God, and 60. 19 but the Lord, .and thy God thy glory 61. 2 and the day of vengeance of our God ; to 61. 6 shall call you the Ministers of our God 61. 10 my soul shall be joyful lu my God ; for 62. 3 a royal diadem in the hand of thy God 62. 5 the bride, (so) shall thy God rejoice over 64. 4 neither hath the eye seen, O God, besides 65. 16 shall bless himself in the God of truth 65. 16 shall swear by the God of truth ; becaui^o 66. 9 shall I cause to bring forth, .salth thy G. Jer. 2. 17, 19 thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God 2. 19 my fear (is) not in thee, salth the Lord O. 3. 13 thou hast transgressed against. .God. and 3. ai they have forgotten the Lord their God 3. 22 come, .for thou (art) the Lord our God 3. 23 truly in .the Lord our God (is) tho salva. 3. 25 have sinned against the Lord our God 3. 25 not obeyed the voice of the Lord our Gi 5. 4 know not. .the judgment of their God 5. 5 have known the judgment of their God 5. 14 thus saith tho Lord God of hosts, Becau 5. 19 ^\"hercforo doeih tho Lord our God all 5. 24 Let us now fear the Lord our God, that 7. 5, 21 the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel 7. 23 and I will \ie your God, and ye shall bo 7. 23 obcyeth not the voice of the Lord.. God 63 GOD Jot. 8. 14 the Lord our Go^ hath piit us to silence g. 15 saith the Lord of .hosts, the God of Israel 10, lo Lord (is) the true' G., he (is) the living G. 11. 3 Thus saith the Lord God of Israel ; Cur. II. 4 ye be my people, and I will be your God 13. 12 Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Evsry I3-' ifi. Give glory to the Lord your God, before 14. s2 (Art) not thou he, O Lord our God ? the. 13. 16 called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts 16. 9 saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Isi-ael 16.10 have committed against the Lord our G. 19- 3. 15 tl>8 Lord of hosts, the God of Israel 21. 4 Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Behold 23. 9 forsaken the covenant of the Lord . . God 23; 2 thus saith the Lord God of Israel against 23. 23 God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a G. 23. 36 living God, of the Lord of hosts our G. 24. ; 5 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel S4.: 7 be my people, and I will be their God 25. 15 saith the Lord God of Israel unto mo 05. 27 saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel 26. 13 and obey the voice of the Lord your God eS. 16 to us in the name of the Lord our God 27. 4, 21 Thus saith the LORD. .God of Israel 28. » 2 Tljus speaketh the Lord .. God of Israel 28. 14 For thus saith the Lord. .God of Israel 29. 4, 8, 21 Thus saith the Lord. .God of Israel 39. 25 Thus speaketh the Lord. .God of Israel 90. 2 Thus speaketh the Lord God of Isr.-vel 30. ' '9 they shall serve the Lord their God, and 30. 22 be my people, and I will bo your G od 3.1. I will I be the God of all the families of I. 31. 6 let us go up to Zion unto the Lord. .God 31. t8 turned ; for thou (art) the Lord my God 31. 23 Thus saith the LORD. .God of Israel, As 31. 33 be their God, and they shall be my people 32. 14, 15 Tlius saith the Lord. .God of Israel 32. 27 I (am) the LORD, the God of all flesh : is 32, 36 thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel 32. 38 be my people, and I will be their God 33. 4 For thus saith the Lord, the God of Is. 34. 2, 13 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel 35. 4 the son of Igdaliah, a man of God, which 35- 13. 17. '"> 19 Thus saith the Lord. .God of I. 37. 3 Pray now unto the Lord our God for us 37. 7 Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel 38. 17 Thu.i saith. .the God of Israel ; If thou 39. 16 saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel 40. 2 thy God hath pronounced this evil upon 42.7 2 and pray for us unto the Lord thy God 42. ':3 the Lord thy God may show us the way 42. 4 I will pray unto the Lord your God ace, 42. .'s the Lord thy God shall send thee tons 42. .6; 6 obey the voice of the Lord our God 42. 9 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel 42. 13 obey the voice of the Lord your God 43. 15, 18 saith t)ie Lord of hosts, the God of Is. 42. 2o when ye sent me unto the Lord your God 42. 20 Pmy for us unto the Lord our God ; and 42. 20 unto all that the Lord our God shall say 42 21 obeyed the voice of the Lord your God 43. I all the words of the Lord their God, for 43. 1 the Lord their God had sent him to them 43. 2 the Lord our God hath not sent thee to 43. TO the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel - 1 44.. 2 saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel 44. 7 the God of hosts, the God of Israel 44. II. 25 the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel 43. 2 saith the Lord, the God of Isi-acl, unto 46. 25 the God''6/ IsracJ, saith ; Behold, I will 48. J saith the LoitD of hosts, the God of Israel 50. 4 they shall go, and seek the Lord their G. so. 18 saith the I^RD of hosts, the God of Israel SO. 28 the vengeance of the Lord our God, the 50. 40 God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrali and 51. 5 nor Judah of his God, of the Lord of ho. 51. 10 in Ziou the work of.the Lord our God . 51. 33 saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel )fii:9. I. 1 were opened, and I saw visions of God 8. "3 and brought me in the visions of God to 8. 4 the glory of tlic God of Israel (was) there 9. 3 the glory of the God of Israel was gone JO. 19 the glory of the God of Israel (was) over 10. 20 that I saw under the God of Israel by the 11. 20 bo my people, and I will be their God n. 22 the glory of Hie God of Israel (was) over n. 24 brought me in a vision by. .spirit of God • 14. jj and I may be their God, saith the Lord 20. s.tlicm, saying, I (am) the Lord your God 'so. 7 and defile not. .1 (am) the Lord your God 20. 19 I (am) the Lord your God ; walk in my 20. 20 may know that I (am) the Lord your G. s8. 2 I sit (in) the seat of God, ill the midst of a8. 2, 6 set thine heart as the heart of God 28. ; 9 before him that slayeth thee, I (am) God 28. i^ Thou hast been in Eden the garden of G. 28. J 4 thou wast upon the holy mountain of G. s8. 16 as profane out of the mountain of God e8. 26 shall know that I (am) the Lord their G. 31. 8 The cedars in the garden of God could 31. 8 nor any tree in the garden of God was 31. 9 the trees, .that (were) in the garden of G. 34. 24 the Lord will be their God, and my ser. 34,-30 that I the Lord their God (am) with them 34. 31 (and) I (am) your God, saith the Lord G. '36. 28 shall be my people, and I will bo your Q. ■ 37- =3 they be my peoMe, and I will bo their G. 37. 27 I will be their God, and tliey shall be my 39. 22 Itam) the Lord their God from that day 39. 28 Jthey know that I (am) the Lord their God, 4.0. 2 In the visions of God brought he me into 43. 2 the glory of the God of lariicl camo from 418 Ezc. 44. 2 the God of Israel, hath entered in by it Dan. I. 2 part of the vessels of ths house of God I. 2 which he earned . .to the house of his god I. 2 brought into the treasure house of his god I. 9 God had brought Daniel into favour and 1. 17 God gave them knowledge and skill in 9. 3 I set my face unto the Lord Ood, to sjek 9. 4 I prayed unto the Lord my God, and 9. 9 lo the Lord our God (belong) mercies 9. 10 we obeyed ths voice of the LORD our G. 9. II In the law of Moses the servant of God 9. 13 not our prayer before the Lord our God 9. 14 our God (is) righteous in all his works 9. 15 now, O Lord our God, that hast brought 9. 17 O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant 9. 18 my God, incline thine car, and hear 9. 19 defer not, for thine own sake, O my God 9. 20 my God for the holy mount-iin of my God to. 12 and to chasten thyself before God, thy II. 32 people that do know their God shall bo 11. 37 Neither shall lie regard the God of his IIos. I. 7 will save them by the Lord their God 2. 23 and they shall say, (Thou art) my God 3. 5 seek the Lord their God, and David their 4. I nor knowledge of God in the land 4. 6 thou hast forgotten the law of thy God 4. 12 have gone a whoring from under their G. 5. 4 frame their doings to turn unto their G. 6. 6 and the knowledge of God more than 7. 10 they do not return to the Lord their God 8. 2 shall cry unto me. My God, we know thee 8. 6 workman made it ; therefore It (is) not 6. p. I thou hast gone a whoring from thy God 9. 8 watchman of Ephraim (was) with my God 9. 8 (and) hatred in the house of his God 9. 17 My God will cast them away, because 12. 3 by his strength he had power with God 12. 5 the Lord God of hosts ; the Lord (is) his 12. 6 turn thou to thy God : keep mercy and 12. 6 and wait on thy God continually 12. 9 the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt J 3. 4 the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt 13. 4 and thou slialt know no god but me ; for 13. 16 for she hath rebelled against her God 14. I return unto the Lord thy God ; for thou Joel I. 13 come, lie all night, .ministers of my God I. 13 is withholdcn from the house of my God I. 14 (into) the house of tlie LORDjyour God, and 1. 16 and gladness from the house of oiir God 2. 13 turn unto the Lord your God : for he (is) 2. 14 a drink offering unto the Lord your God 2. 17 say among the people, Wliere (is) their G.7 2. 23 Bo .and rejoice in the Lord your G. 2. 26 and the name of the Lord your G. 2. 27 (that) I (am) the Lord your God, and none 3 i7 I (am) the Lord your God dwelling in Zion Amos 2. 8 condemned (in) the house of their God 3. 13 Hear, .saith the Lord God, the God of h. ^ 4. 1 1 as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah 4. 12 prepare to meet thy God, O Israel 4. 13 The Lord, The God of hosts, (is) his nftmc 5. 14 the God of hosts, shall bo with you, as yo S. 15 the Lord God of hosts will bo gracious 5. 16 the God of hosts, the Lord, saith thus 5. 26 your images, the star of your God, which ; 5.27 the Lord, whose name (is) The God of li. i 6. 8 saith the Lord the Goel of hosts, I abhor ; 6. 14 saith the Lord the God of hosts; and they 8. 14 that swear, .and say, Tliy God, O 9. 15 I have given them, saith the Lord thy G. Jou. 1. s "'"' cried every man unto his god, and c. I. 6 call upon thy God, if so be that God vrill 1. 9 the God of heaven, which hath made the e. 1 Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out 2. 6 thou brought up ray life .. O Lord my G. 3. 5 the people of Nineveh believed God, and 3. 8 let man and beast.. cry mightily untoGod 3. 9 Who can tell (if) God will turn and repent 3. 10 God saw their works, that they turned 3. 10 God repented of the evil, that he had said 4. 6 the Lord God prepared a gourd, and 4. 7 God prepared a worm when the morning 4, 8 that God prepared a vehement tast wind 4. 9 God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be Mic. 3. 7 ashamed . . for (there is) no answer of God 4. 2 and to the house of the God of Jacob 4. 5 will walk every one in the name of his god 4. 5 will walk in the name of the Lord our G. 5. 4 maje.'.ty of the name of the Lord his God 6. 6 (and) bow myself before the high God ? 6. 8 and to walk humbly with thy God ? 7. 7 wait for the God of my salvation : my G. 7. 10 Where is the Lord thy God ? mine eyes 7. 17 they shall be afraid of the Lord our God Hab. I. 12 O Lord my God, mine Holy One 7 we 3. 18 I will joy in the God of my salvation £eph. 2. 7 their God shall visit them, and turn away 2. 9 saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel 3. 2 trusted not. .she drew not near to her G. 3. 17 thy God in the midst of thee (is) mighty Hag, I. 12 obeyed the voice of tlie Lord their God 1. 12 as the Lord their God had sent him, and 1. 14 the house of the Lord of hosts, their God Zech, 6. 15 obey the voice of the Lord your God 8. 8 and I will be their God, in truth and 8. 23 for we have heard (that) God (is) with 9. 7 he that remaineth . .(shall be) for our GOd . 9. 16 their God shall save them in that d.ay as Jo. 6 I (am) the Lord their God, and will hear iiv j;4 Thus saith the Lord my God; Feed the < ' X2. ■ s' stroagth lu thfl Lord of hosts Uieir Gpd 13. 8 the. bouse of David (shall t)B) as God, as GOD Zech. 13. 9 and they shall say. The Lord (is) my God 14. 5 my God shall come, (ana) all the saiuts Mai. 2. 16 the God of Israel, saith _that ho hateth 2, 17 or. Where (is) the God of judgment? 3. 8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed 3. 14 Yo have said, It (is) vain to serve God 3. 15 (they that) temi^t God are even delivered 3. 1 3 botwocii him that serveth God'a.iid him 5.God, object of worship, si?!) doah. Dent 32. 15 he forsook God (which) made him, and , 32. 17 They sacrificed unto devils, not to God 2 Ch.32. 15 for no God of any nation or kingdom Neh. g. 17 thou (art) a God ready to pardon, gracio. Job 3. 4 let not God regard it from above, neither 3. 23 (given) to a man., whom God hath hedged II. II. 12. 12. 15- 9 By the blast of God they perish, and by 17 Shall mortal man be more just than God 17 happy (is) the man whom God corrccteth 4 the tenors of God do set themselves in 8 that God would grant (me) the thing that 9 that it would please God to destroy ino 9. 13 (If) God will not withdraw his anger, tho 10. 2 I will say unto God, Do not condemn mo 11, 5 oh that God would speak, and open his 6, that God exacteth of thee (less) than thjL 7 Caij|,t thou by searching find out God? 4 v/hq calleth upon God, and he answereth 6 into whose hand God bringeth (abund.) 8 Hast thou heaid the secret of God ? and 16. 20 (but) mine'eye pourethout (teal's) unto G, 16. 21 that one might plead for a man with God 19. 6 Know nowjthat God hath overthrown mo 19. 21 for, the hand of God hath touched mo' 19. 26.destroy 'lyet in' my flesh shall I see God 21. 9 neither (is) the rod of God upon them 21. 19 Godlayeth up his iniquity for his child. 22. 12 (Is) not'God in-the height ofrhcavcn? and 22. 26 and Shalt lift up thy face unto God 24. 12 crieth'. -.yet God layeth not folly (to them) 27. 3 and the spiiit of God (is) in my nostrils 27. S hath gained, when God taketji away his 27, 10 Almighty V will ho always call upon Godt ij. 2 as (in) tlio days (when) God preserved mo tg. 4 thcseciGtof God(was)uponTny tabemaelo 31. 2 what portion of God (is there) from ahovo 1 31, 6 weighed., that God may knew mine integ, '33. 12 I will ansv/cr thee, that God is greater 33. 26 He sIkiU pray unto God, and ho will bd 35. 10 none saitli, Where (is) God my maker; 36. 2 that (I have) yet to speak on God's bchalt 37. 15 Dost thou know when God disposed them 37. 22 Fair weather, .with God (is) terrible maj-. 39. 17 God hath deprived her of wisdom, neith. 40. 2 he that reprovcth God, let him answer Psa. 18. 31 For who (is) God save the Lord? or who 50. 22 Now consider thij, ye that forget God, lest 114. 7 lieinblcat the presence of the God ot 139. 19 Surely tjiou wilt slay the wicked, O God ProT.30. 5 Every word of God (is) pure: ho (is) a shi. Isa. 44. 8 Is there a God besides me ? yea, {there is) Dan. ;i. 37 nor regard any god: for he shall magnify •^i. 38 shall he honour tlic God of forces : and ji. 39 Thus shall he do. .^vith a strange god Hab. I. II (imputing) this his power unto his god 3, 3 God camo froniTcman, and tho Holy Onq 6,/ehovciJi, or Jelwiiih, .liil^ he wliois,' Gen. 15; 2 Abram said, Ixjrd GoD, what wilt thon 15. 8 he said. Lord God; whereby shall I know Dcut. 3. 24 O Lord God, thou hast begun to sho w_thy 9. 26 O Lord God, destroy not thy people and Josh. 7. 7 Joshua said, Alas, O Lord God, wherefore judg. 6. 22 Gideon said, Alas, O Lord God ! for bee. 16. 28 O Lord God, remember me, I pray theo 3 Sa. 7. 18 he said, Who (am) I, O Lord GoD? and 7. 19 yet a small thing in thy sight, O Lord GoD 7. 19 (is) this the manner of man, O Lord GODT 7. 20 lor thou. Lord God, knowcat thy servant 7. 28 now, O Lord GoD, thou (art) that God 7. 29 thou, O Lord GoD, hast spoken (it): and 1 Kl. 2. 26 thou barest the ark of the Lord God bef. 8. 53 our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord GoD Psa. 68. 20 unto God the Lord (l)elong) tho issues 69. 6 Lord God of hosts, be ashamed for my 71. 5 For thon (art) my hope, O Lord God : (th. 71. 16 I will go ill the strength of the Lord GoD 73. 28 I have put my trust in the Lord GoD, that tog. 21 do thou for me, O GoD the Lord, for thy 141. S mine eyes (are) unto thee, O GoDthe Lord Isa. 3. 15 AVliat mean ye. .saith the Lord GOD of 7. 7 Thus saith the Lord GoD, It shall not 10. 23 For the Lord God of hosts shall make a to. 24 thus saith the Lord God of hosts, O my 22. 5 a day of . .perplexity by the Lord God of 22. 12 in that day did the Lord God of hosts call 22. 14 Surely this.. saith the Loi-d God of hosts 22. 15 Thus saith the Lord God of hosts. Go, gut 25. 8 the Lord God will wipe away te.irB from 28. 16 thus saith tlio Lord God, Behold, I lay in s8. 22 I have heard from the Lord GoD of hosts 30. ,15 thus saith the Lord GOD. the Holy One of 40. lo the Lord God will come with strong (hand 48. 16 now the Lord GoD, and his spirit, hath 49. 22 Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will 50. 4 The Lord God hath given mo tho tongue 50. 5 The Lord God hath opened mine car, and 50. 7 tho Lord God will help me; therefore* 50. 9 the Lord God will help me ; who (is) Ho 52. ,4 thus saith tlio Lord God, My people went 56. jA The Lord God ^vhicli gathereUi the outo. 61. i The 3ijirit of tlie'Lord Gob (is) upon mo 61. II so the LoBi> God \viU cause riehteeusucH OOD Isa.* 6s. 13 thus salth the Lord God, Behold, my eer ^^6$. 15 the Lord God shall slay thee, anc\ call hia JJer. ^t i. 6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GoDi behold, I can. ' 3. 19 my fenr (is) not in tlice, saith the Lord G. 2. 22 iniquity is marked, .saith the Lord God • .4. JO Then said I, All, Lord GOD ! surely thou 7. 20 thus saith the Ixird CoD; Behold, mine 14. 13 Then said I, Ah, Lord God I behold, the 32. 17 Ah Lord God I beliold, thou hast made the 32. 25 Lord God, Buy thee the field for money 44. 26 land of Egypt, saying, The Lord God Uv. ,46. 10 this (is) the day of the Lord God of hosts '46. 10 the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice in 49. 5 I v/Ul brini; a fear, .saith th^ Lord God 50. =3 tills (is) the work of the Loni God of hosts -50, 31 I (am) against tliee. .saith the Lord God Eze. 3. 4 say unto them. Thus saith the Lord God 3. II tell them. Thus saith the Lord God, whet. 3. 27 say unto thern, Tims saith the Lord God 4. 14 Then said I, Ah Lord God ! behold, uiy g. 5 Thus saith the Lord God ; This (is) Jerujs. 5. 7 thus salth the Lord God; Because ye "^ 5. 8 thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, (even) 5. 1 1 Wherefore, (as) I live, saith the Lord God 6. 3 mountains . . hear the word of the Lord G. 6. 3 Thus saith the Lord God to the mountain^ 6. II Thus saith the Lord GoD; Smite with thine J. 2 thus saith the Lord God unto the land of 7. 5 Thus saith the Lord God ; An evil, an • * 8. I the hand of the Lord God fell there upon. 8 Ah Lord God ! wilt thou destroy all the 7 thus saith tlie Lord God, Your slain, wliom 8 I will bring a svrord. .saith the Lord God 13 Ah Lord God ! wilt thou make a full end 16 Thus salth the Lord God ; Although I 17 Thus saith the Lord God ; I will cvoh 21 I will recompense, .saith the Lord God •' lo thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord God 19 Thus saith tho Lord God of the Inhabit. • 23 Thus saith the Lord God ; I will make '.» 25 and will perform it, saith the Lord Gol> 28 Thus saith the Lord God ; There shall 28 word . . shall be done, saith the Lord GOD 3 Thus saith the Lord God; Woo unto the 8 thus saith the Lord God ; Because ye have a I (am) against you, saith the Lord God 9 and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord G. 13 thus saith the Lord God ; I will even ( >6 and (there is) no peace, saith the I/ord G. 18 Thus salth the Lord God ; Woe to the (w.) 20 thus saith the Lord GoD ; Behold, I (am) 4 Thus salth the Lord God ; Every man of 6 Thus saith the Lord God ; Repent, and It and I may be their God, saith the Lord G. 14 by their righteousness, saith the Lord God 16, 18, 20 (as) I livs, saith the Lord God, they 21 thus saith the Lord God; How much more 33 that I have done in it, saith the Lord 'G. 6 thus saith the Lord God ; As the vino 8 I will make the land, .saith the Lord d. 3 Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem 8 a covenant with thee, saith the Lord G.' 14 I had put upon thee, saith tli? Lord Gqn' 19 and (thus) it was, saith tho Lord God 23 woe, woo unto thee I saith the Lord G. 30 How weak is thine heart,saith the Lord G, 36 Thus saith the Lord God ; Because thy 43 I. .will recompense, .saith the Lord GoD_ 48 (As) I live, saith the Lord God, Sodoiu 59 thus saith the Lord God ; I will even- 63 that thou hast done, saith the Lord QdJ) 3 Thus saith the Lord God ; A great eagle 9 Thus saith the Lord God ; Shall it pros.t 16 (As) I live,' saith the Lord God, surely^ 19 thus saith the Lord God ; (As) I lire, s'u. 22 Thus saith the Lord God ; I will ^also take , 3 (As) I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall 9 he shall surely live, saith the Lord GOD 23 Have I any pleasure . . saiih the Lord G, ' 30 I will Judge you . . salth the Lord God , 32 I have no pleasure .. salth the Lord God 3 Thus saith the Lord God; Are ye come to 3 (As) I live, saith the Lord God, I will not 5 Thus saith the Lord God ; In the day 27 Thus saith the Lord GoD ; Yet in this 30 Thus saith the Lord God; Are yc poUnt. 31 (As) I live, salth the Lord God, I will not 33 (As) I live, saith tho Lord GoD, surely , 36 vnAl I plead with you, saith tho Lord G. 39 O house of Israel, thus saith tho Lord G. 40-in mine holy mountain . . saith the Lo. Q. 44 O ye house of Israel, caith tho Lord God 47 Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, 1 will 49 Then said I, Ah Lord God I they say of ' •■ 7 behold, it oomcth .. salth the Lord God.. 13 it shall be no (more), saith tho Lord GoD" 24 thus saith tho Lord God; Because ye have 26 Thus saith the Lord God ; Remove the 28 Thus saith the Lord God concerning the 3 Thus saith the Lord OoD ; Tho oi^ shed. 12 and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord G. 19 thus saith the Lord God ; Because ye are 28 Thus saith the Lord GoD, when the LOBD 31 have I recompensed . . saitli the Lord GoD 22 O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord God ; - 28 For thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, t, 32 Thus saith the Lord GoD ; Thou shalt . 34 for I have spoken (it), saith the Lord G. x ■35 thus saith the Lord GOD ; Because thou j 46 thus saith the Lord GoD ;- 1 will hrine np 49 and y« shall know that I (am) thefiU>. G. 3 Thus Bsith the Lord GOD ; Set on a pot 9- II. XI. TI. II. II. II. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. «3. t3. 13. »3- 13- 13- J3. J 3 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. IS- IS- i6. 16. 16. ifi. 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. x6. 16. »7- 17- 17- 17- 17- 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. 20. so. sa 20. 20. so. so- so. 20. CO. 30. SO. 20. SI. 31. 21. .'SI. 2I< S2. 22. £2. 22. 22. as- 83- 93- B3- 23 83- «3- 24- Ezc 24. =4- 24. 24. =5- =S- =S- =5- =5- 25- 2S- 05- e6. 26. 26. e6. s6. ?6. b6. 27. 28. c3. e3. 28. 23. s8. 28. »9- 49. 89. 29. I29. '3°-' >3o- 30- 3°' 30. 31- 31- 31- 32- 3»- 32- 32- 32- 32-' 3'- 33- 33- 33- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 34- 35- 35- 35- 35- 36- 36- 36- 36. 36- 36- 36. 36- 36- 36. .36- 36- 36. 36- 36- 37- 37- 37- 37- 37- 33-- 38- 38- 38. 33. 3S- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 39- 43- 43- -43- 44-' 144. 44. 44- 44- 45- A5- 45- 4S-' *6. 419 6, o thus saith tho Lord God ; Woo to tho 14 snail they Judge thee, saith the Lord G. 21 Thus saith tho Lord God ; Behold, I will 24 yo shall know that I (am) tho Lord God 3 of tho Lord GOD; Thus calth tho Lord G. 6 thur, saith the Lord Cod ; Eccauco thou 8 Thus saith tho Lord GOD ; Bccr.UDO that 13 Thus caith the Lord CloD ; Because that 13 thus saitii the Lord God ; I wUl also 14 they shall know ray. .saith the Lord God 15 Thus saith tho Lord GoD ; Because tho 16 thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I will 3 thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I (am) 5 I have spoken (it), saith the Lord God 7 thus saith the Lord God ; Behold; 1 will 14 the Lord have spoken (it), saith the L. G, 15 Thus saith the Lord God to Tyrus ; Shall 19 thus saith the Lord God ; When I shall 21 never be found again, saith tho Lord G. 3 Thus saith the Lord God ; O Tyrus, thou 2 Thus saith the Lord God ; Becaiiso tlilno, 6 thus saith tho Lord God ; Because thou ' 10 for I have spoken (it), saith the Lord G. '' 12 Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Tliou seale^t ' 22 Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I (am) 24 they shall know that I (am) tho Lord G. , 25 Thus saith the Lord God ; When I shall ,': 3 Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I (am) 8 thus saith the Lord God ; Behold,! wiU^ 13 thus salth the Lord God ;- At tho end of ' 16 they shall know that I (am) tho Lord G. ig thus saith the Lord God ; BehQld, I will 20 they wrought for me, saith the Lord God • 2 Thus saith the Lord God; Howl ye; Woo 6 fall in it by the sword, saith the Lord G. 10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; 1 mil also malco 13 Thus saith the Lord QoD; I will also.dest. 22 thus saith the Lord God ; JJehold, I (am) 10 thus saith the Lord GOD ;- Because thou 15 Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day when 18 This (is) Pharaoh and. .saitl^ the Lord G. 3 Thus saith the Lord Gqd ; I will tneref ore ' 8 set darkness upon thy. .saith tho Lord G. 11 thus saith the Lord God ; The sword of 14 rivers to run like oil, saith tho Lord God 16 for all her multitude, saith the Lord God ■31 army slain by . .sword, saith tho Lord O. 32 and all his multitude, saith the Lord GoD II (As) I live, saith the Lord God, I have ng 23 Thus saith th© Lord GoD ; "Ye eat with . ' 27 Thus' saith the Lord XJoD ; (As) I live " 2 Thus saith the Lord Gob unto tho sheph. S (As) I live, sajth the Lord GoD, surely 10 Thus salth the Lord GOD j Behold, I (am) 11 thus saith the Lord GOD ; iJehold, I, (ovon^ 15'cause them to lie down, .j-lth the I-ord G. 17 thus saith tho Lord GOD ; Behold, I Jud^o 20 thus saith tho Lord GoD unto them ; Bi. 30 Israel, (arej my people, saith the Lord G. 31 (and) I (am) your God, saith the Lord CJoj? 3 Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, O -. -6 ^as) I live^ saith. the Lord God, I will pr. II (as)'! live, saith Jho Lord God, I will oven J4 Thus saith the Lord God ; When the wb.. 2 Thus saith the Lord God ; Because tho 3 Thus saith the Lord God ; Because they 4 mountains . . hear the word of the Lord O, , 4 Thus saith the Lord Goij to the mounti 5 thus saith the Lord God ; Surely la the 6 Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I have 7 thus saith the Lord ,GoD ; I have lifted up 13 Thus saith the Lord God ; Because they 14 neither bereave thy . .saith the Lord.GoD 13 to fall any more, saith the Lord God ■ 22 Tlius saith tho Lord Gop ; I do not (this) 23 know. .1 (am) the LopD, salth the Lord G. 32 Not for your sakes . . snith the Lord God 33 Thus saith the Lord OOD ; In the day that 37-ThU3 saith the Lord God ; I will yet 3 And I answered, O Lord God, thou know. 5 Thus salth the Lord God unto these bones 9 Thus saith the Lord GoD ; Como from the 13 Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, O my 19, 21 Thus saith tho Lord GOD ; Behold, 1 3 Thus saith the Lord GoD ; Behold, I (am) 10 Thus caith tho Lord God ; It shall also 14 Thus saith the Lord God ; In that day 17 Thus saith tho Lord God ; (Art) thou ho iS it shaU come to pass. . saith the Lor^ God 21 for a sword against him . . saith the Lord G. I Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I (am) 5 for I have spoken (it), saith the Lord God 8 Behold, it is come, .saith the Lord God 10 those that robbed them, saith tho Lord G. 13 I shall be glorified, saith tlie Lord God 17 thou con of man, thus saith the Lord G. 20 with all men of war, saith tho Lord God 25 thus saith tho Lord God ; Now •>i.-ill I br. 29 poured out my spirit .. salth tho Lord G. 18 Son of man, thus saith the Lord God 19 to minister unto me, saith the Lord God 27 and I -win accept you, saith the Lord God • 6 Thus saith the Lord God ; O ye house of 9 Tims saith tho Lord God ; No stranger 12 I lifted up mine hand, .saith tho Lord O. 15 and they shall stand, .saith tho Lord God 27 offer his sin offering, saith tho Lord God 9 Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Let it suffice r 9^nd execute Judgment . . saith the Lord G. iKito mak» reconciliatlpn . . saith the Lord G. 18 Thus saith'' thoXord'GoD ; In tlie first I Thus saith the Lord God ; Tho gate ot GOD 1 Ezo. 4S. i5 Thus salth tho Ix>rd OoD ; If tho prince> ' 47. 13 Thus caith the Lord God ; Tills (shAll lie , 47. 23 there ohall yo give, .o.-ilth tho I^rd God 48. 29 the;o. .tholi- pcrtionn, aaith tho Lord O. Amos I. 8 reninan';. ..-iliall perish, soilh the Lord (1. 3. 7 Surely tho Lord Uou v/ill do notliliic, liuf 3. 8 tho Lord G(il> hath spoken, who cau but, 3. n Thus saith the Lr.rd GoD ; Au wlversary 3. 13 Ileal- yo, and testily, .saith tho Lord Goo 4. 2 TTio Lord God hath sworn by hia liolincia 4. s 'or this likc'.h you. .saith tho I-ord GoB 5. 3 thus saith the Lord God ; llic city tlii^t C. 8 Tho Lord CoD hath sworn by him^^ell 7. I Thus hath the Lord God showed unto mo ^ 7. 2 then 1 said, O Lord God, forgive, I boic. 7. 4 Thus hath the Lord God showed unto mo 7. 4 behold, -the Lord God called to contend 7. 5 Then said I, O Lord GOD, cease, I beseech 7. 6 This also shall not be, saith tho Lord O. 8, I Thus hath tho Lord God showed unto roe B. 3 bowlings in that day, saith tho Lord God 8. 9 it shall come topasa. .saitii the Lord God 8. II the days come, saith tho Lord God, that 9. c tho Lord God of hosta (is) he thtt touch. 9. '8 the eyca of tho Lord God (are) upon the Obad#- -OLj' I Thus saith tho Lord GOD concerning Ed, Mic. I, .'2 let the Lord God be witnesa against you Zeph. X. 7 Uold thy peace at the. .of the Lord GoD Zech. 9. 14 Xlie-Lord God shall blow tho trumpet 7. A rgck, "Wlttztr. lea. 44. S7fa. (tbei« Is) no God; I know not (any) S.Ood, a god, o^ect 0/ worship, 6ioi theos. Matt. J. 23 Emmanuel, .which.. interpreted. Is, God 3. 9 God is .iblo of these stones to raise up , 3. 16 the spirit of God descending like a dovo 4. 3 If thou be tlio son of God, command that 4. 4 that procccdcth out of tho mouth of God 4. 6 If thcu be the Son oi God, cast thyaclf 4. 7 Thou slialt not tempt tho Lord thy God 4, 10 Thou shall worship th^ Lord thy God, and 5. 8 the pure in heart, .they shall see Cod 5. 9 they shall be called the children of Goa 5. 34 neither by heaven ; for it is God's thrc'iio 6. 24 Yo cannot servo God and mammon* 6. 30 If God so clotho tho grass of the field ' 6. 33 seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his t, 29 to do with thee, JeJus, thou son of God? g. 8 they marvelled and glorified God, which 12. 4 How he entered Into the house of God, r.ud 12. 28 If I cast out devils by the spirit of God 12. 28 then the kingdom of God is come unto 14. 33 saying. Of a truth thou art the .Son of God 15. 3 transgress the commandment of God by '13. 4 For God coniman'Jed, saying. Honour thy 15. 6 have ye made the commandment of God '15. 31 tosee:and they glorified the God of Israel 16. 16 art the Christ, the Son of the living God 16. 23 savourest not the things that be of God 19.* 6 What therefore God hath joined togetnos jg. 17 none good but one, (that is), God : but 11 ig. 24 rich man to enter into the kingdom of Q. 19, 26 but with God all things are possible 31. 12 Jesus went into tho temple of God, and 31. 31 go into tho kingdom of God before you »i. 43 Tho kingdom of God shall bo taken from 32. 16 thou art true, and tcnchest the way of O, 22. 21 and unto God the things that ore God's 22. 29 Ye do err, not knowing tho. .power of G, * 22. 30 but are as the angels of God In heaven 22.31 which was spoken unto you bj C»4 22. 33 God of A. ..God of Isaac.. God of Jacob. 22. 32 God Is not the God of tho dead, bufof 23. 37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with.' 23. 22 swcareth by the throne of God, and by 26. 61 I am able to destroy tho temple of God a6. 63 I adjure thee by tho living God, that thotl »6. 63 whsther tliou be the Christ, the Son of O, 27. 40 If thou be the Son of God, come down 27. 43 He trusted in God ; let him deliver him 27. 43 lor he said, I am the son of God 27. 46 that i< to say. My God ! My God ! why hast 27. 54 saying, Truly this was tho Son of God Mark i. i gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God ■> I. 14 preaching the gospel of the kingdom of G. I. IS the kingdom of God is at hand : repent 1. t4 know, .who thou art, tho Holy One of O. 2. 7 ^^Tiy . . who can forgive sins but .God only T 2. 13 all amazed, and glorified God, saying. Wo 3. 26 How he went into the house of God in • 3. II and cried, saying, Ti.->iu art the Son of Or, 3. 35 For whosoever sliall do tho will of God 4. II know the mystery of the kingdom of God 4. 26 So is the kingdom of God, as il a man 4! 30 shall we liken the kingdom of God? or 5. 7 Jesus, (thou) Son of tho most high Godt S. 7 I adjure thee by God, that thou torment 7. 8 laying aside the commandment of God 7. 9 ye reject the commandment of God, tha» 7. 13 Making the word of God of none effect 8. 33 savourest not the things that be of God 9. I till they have seen the kingdom of God 9. 47 to enter into the kingdom of God with to. -6 But. .God made them male and female lo. 9 What therefore God hath joined together 10. 14 Suffer., for of such is the kingdom of God JO 15 shall not receive the kingdom of God aa 10. 18 (there is) none good but one, (that is), God 10. 21 have riches enter into the kingdom of G. I 10 al in riches to entei into the Kingdom of G. I 10. 25 rich m*n to enter into the kingdom of Q. ,GOD ,420 GOD Markip. 27 but not with God : for -fritli ©od'an things li. 22 Jcsua answering saith. .Have faith ia G. 12. 14 but teaohest the way of God in truth : Is 12. 17 and to God the things that are Qod'a 12. 24 because ye know not. .the power of God? 12. 26 how in the bush God spake unto him, t*.^. 12. 26 God of Abraham. .God of Isaac God of, 12. 27 He is not the God of the dead, but the G. 12. 29 Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord 12. 30 thou shalt love-the Lord thy God with all 12. 32 hast said the truth : for there is one God 12. 34 Thou art not far from the kingdom of G. 13. 19 wliich God created imto this time, neither 14. 25 I drink it now in the kingdom of God 15. 34 which is, being interpreted. My G. ! my G. ! 15. 39 he said. Truly this man was the Son of G. 15. 43 which also waited for the kingdom of God 16. 19 and sat on the right hand of God Xuke I. 6 both righteous before God, walking in all I. 8 executed the priest's office before God I. j6 many, .shall he turn to the Lord their O, I. 19 stand in the presence of God ; and am I. 26 the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto I. 30 for thou hast found favour with God I. 32 God shall give unto him the throne of 1.35 holy thing . . shall be called the Son of G. I. 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible I. 47 my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour I. 64 opened . . and he spake, and praised God I. 68 Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel ; for 1. 78 Through the tender mercy of our God 8. 13 the heavenly host praising God, and say. B. 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth e. 2o the shepherds returned . .praising God for e. 28 Then took he him. .and blessed God, and E. 40 and the grace of God was upon him 2. 52 and in favour with God and man 3. 2 word of God came unto John the son of 3. *6 all flesh shall see the salvation of God 3. 8 God is able, .to raise up children unto A. 3, 38 was. .Adam, which was (the son) of God 4^ 3 If thou be the son of God, commapd this 4. 4 by bread alone, but by every word of G. 4, 8 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God 4. 9 If tlaou be the Son of God, cast thyself , 4. 12 liiou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God 4. 34 I know thee, .the Holy One of God 4. 41 Thou art Chi-ist, tlie Son of God. And he 4. 43 I must preach the kingdom of God to 5. I pressed, .to hear the word of God, he 5. 21 Who can forgive sins but God alone ? 5. 25 departed to his own house, glorifying G. 5. 26 wore all amazed, and they glorifled God 6. 4 went into the house of God, and did take 6. 72 and continued all night in prayer to God 6. 20 Blessed, .for yours is the kingdom of God 7. 16 and they glorified God, saying, That a 7. 16 and. That God hath visited his people 7. 28 he that is least in the kingdom of God is 7. 29 the publicans, justified God, being bap. 7. 30 and lawyers rejected the counsel of God 8. I glad tidings of the kingdom of God : and 8. 10 the mysteries of the kingdom of God : but 8. n the parable. .The seed is the word of God 8. 21 which- hear the word of God, and do it ' 8. 28 Jesus, (thou) Son of God most high ? I 8. 39 how great things God hath done unto g. 2 to preach the kingdom of God, and to 9. 11 spake unto them of the kingdom of. God 9. 20 Peter answering said. The Christ of God 9. 27 not taste, .till they see the kingdom of G. 9. 43 all amazed at the mighty power of God 9. 60 go thou and preach the kingdom of God 9. 62 looking fit for the kingdom of God 10. 9, iijkirigdom of God is come nigh unto you 1 10. 27 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all a I. 26 I with the finger of God cast out devils ji. 20 the kingdom of God is como upon you 11. 28 thoy that hear the word of God, and keep 11. 42 pass over judgment and the love of God "II. 49 Therefore also said tlie wisdom of God, I 12. 6 not one of them is forgotten before God 12. 8 also confess before the angels of God 12. 9 shall be denied before the angels of God 12. 20 God said . . (Thou) fool, this night tliy soul 12. 21 layetli up. .and is not rich toward God 12. 24 God feedetli them : how much more aro 12. 28 If then God so clotlie the grass, wliich is 12. 31 ratlier seek ye the kingdom of God ; and 13. 13 she was made straight, and glorifled God 13. 18 Unto what is the kingdom of God like 1 13. 20 "NOiereui-to. .1 liken the Idngdom of God? 13. 28 see Abraham, .in the kingdom of God 13. 29 and shall sit down in tlie kingdom of God 14. IS shall eat bread in the kingdom of God 15. 10 in the presence of the angels of God 16. 13 Ye cannot serve God and mammon 16. 15 men ; but God Imoweth your hearts : for 16. 15 til at. .is abomination in the sight of God 16. 16 the kingdom of God is preached, and 17. IS and with a loud voice glorified God 17. 18 that returned to give glory to God, sava 17. 20 when the kingdom of God should come 17. 20 The kingdom of God cometli not witli 17. 21 the kingdom of God is within you 18. 2 a judge, v/hich feared not God, neither 18. 4 Though I fear not God, nor regard man 18. 7 shall not God avenge his own elect, whicli 18. II God, I thank thee, that I am not as other 18. )3 Saying, God be merciful to me a sinner i3.. i6.chiidron . . of such is the Idngdom of God 18. 17 shall Hot receive the kinadom of God as LukoiS. 19 none (is) good, save one, (that Is), God j8. 24 have riches enter into the kingdom of G I 18. 25 rich man to outer into the kingdom of G. . i3. 27 impossible v/ith men are possible with G. j8. 29 or ciiildren, for the Idngdom of God's sake 18. 43 immediately. .foUovrfcd him, glorifying G. 18. 43 when they saw (it), gave praise unto God 19. II kingdom of G. should immediately appear ig. 37 disciples began to rejoice and praise G. 20. 21 but tcachest the way of God truly ,20. 25 and vmto God the things which be God's 20. 36 the children of God, being the children BO. 37 he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham 20. 37 the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob EC. 38 he is not a God of the dead, but of the ai. 4 have, .cast in unto the offerings of God 21. 31 that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand 8^. 16 it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God S3, i^ until the kingdom of God shall como aa. 69 Bit on the right hand of the power of G. 82. 70 said they. .Art thou then the Son of God? 23 35 save, .if he be Christ, the chosen of God 83. 40 Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art «3. 47 he glorifled God, saying. Certainly this ' 23. 51 himself waited for the kingdom of God • 24 19 mighty in deed and word before God and 24. 53 in the temple, praising and blessing God John I. I Word was with God, and the Word was G. I. 2 The same was in the beginning with God I. 6 There was a man sent from God, whoso I. 12 gave he po\yer to become the sons of God I. 13 flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God 1. 18 No man hath seen God at any time ; the 1. 29 Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh J. 34 bare record that this is the Son of God 1. 36 looking, .he saith. Behold the Lamb of G 1 1. 49 thou art the Sou of God ; thou art the K. 1. SI angels of God ascending and descending 3. 2 that thou art a teacher come from God 3. 2 that thou doest, except God be ■\vith bim 3. 3 he cannot see the kingdom of God 3. 5 he cannot enter into the kingdom of God 3. 16 God so loved the world, that he gave his 3. 17 God sent not his Son into the world to 3. 18 the name of the only begotten Son of God 3. ai manifest, that they are wrought in God 3. 33 Ho. .hath set to his seal that God is true 3. 34 God hath sent speaketh the words of God 3. 34 God giveth not the spirit by measure 3. 36 but the wrath of God abideth on him 4. 10 If thou knewost the gilt of God, and who 4. 24 God (is) a spirit: and they tliat worship 5. 18 because he. .said also that God was his 5. 18 Father, making himself equal with God 5. 2s shall hear the voice of the Son of God 5. 42 tliat ye have not the love of God in yon 5. 44 not the honour that (cometh) from God 6. 27 for him hath God the Father sealed 6. 28 do, that we might work the works of God? 6. 29 This is the work of God, that ye believe 6. 33 the bread of God is he which cometh down 6. 45 And they shall be all taught of God. Every 6. 46 save he which is of God, ho hath seen the 6. 69 art that Christ, the Son of the living God 7. 17 whether it be of God, or (whether) I spo. 8. 40 told . . the truth, which I have heard of G. S. 41 said they . . we have one Father, (even) G. 8. 42 If God were your Father, ye would leva S. 42 I proceeded forth and came from God 8. 47 He that is of God heareth God's words 8. 47 hear (them) not, because ye are not of G. 8. S4 of whom ye say, that he is your God 9. 3 the works of God should bo made mani. 9. 16 Tills man is not of God, because ho keep. 9. 24 Give God the praise : we know that this 9, 29 We know tliat God (pake xmto Moses 9. 31 we know that God heareth not sinners 9. 33 If this man were not of God, he could do g. 35 Dost thou believe on tlie Son of God ? 10. 33 that thou, being fl man, makest thyself G, 10. 35 unto whomithe word of God came, and the 10. 36 because I said, I am ihe Son of God ? ii. 4 for the glory of God, that the Son of God 11. 22 wilt ask of God, God will give (it) thee II. 27 the Son of God, which should come into II. 40 thoutfehouldest see the glory of God? 11. 52 the children of God that were scattered 12. 43 praise of men more than the praise of G. 13. 3 lie was come from God, and went to God 13. 31 the Son. .glorified, and God is glorifled in 13. 32 If God be glorifled in him, Godf shall also 14. I ye believe in God, believe also in me 16. 2 will think that he doeth God service 16. 27 have believed that I came out from God 16. 30 believe that thou earnest forth from God 17. 3 they might Icnov/ thee the only true God 19. 7 because he made himself the Son of God 20. 17 your Father; and (to) my God, and your G. 20. 28 and said unto him, My Lord and my God BO. 31 that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God 21. 19 by what death he should glorify God. And Acts I. 3 things pertaining to the Idngdom of God 2. II in our tongues the wonderful works of G. 2. 17 come to pass in the last days, saith God 2. 22 man approved of God among you by mlr. 2. 22 wliich God did by him in the midst of you s. 23 by the . . counsel and foreknowledge of G. 2. 24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed 2. 30 knowlngthatGod had sworn with an oath 2. 32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof a. 33 being by the right hand of God;©xalted 2. 36 God hath maije that same Jesus, whom Acts 2. 39 as many as the Lord our God shall call * 2. 47 Praising God, and having favour with all 3. 8 walking, and leaping, and praising God 3. 9 piople saw him wallang and praising God ' , .3. 13 The God of Abraham, .the God of our Ja. 3. 15 whom God hath raised from the dead 3. i8 those things, which God before had sho, 3. 21 which God hath spoken by the mouth of 3. 22 A prophet shall the Lord your God raiso 3. 25 covenant which God made with our fath. 3. 26 God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent 4. 10 whom God raised from the dead . .by hinj 4. 19 Whether it be right in the sight of God to 4. 19 unto you more than unto God, judge yo 4. 21 all. .glorified God for that which wasdona 4. 24 lifted up their voice to God with one acci 4. 24 Lord, thou fart) God, which hast made h. 4. 31 they spake the word of God with boldness 5. 4 thou hast not lied unto men, but unto G. J. 29 We ought to obey God rather than men 5. 30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus 5. 31 Him hatli God exalted with his right ha. 5. 32 also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath riv. 5. 39 if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it . 6. 2 that we should leave the word of God 6. 7 the word of God increased ; and the Wa. 6. II blasphemous words against Mos., and. .G. 7. 2 The God of glory appeared unto our fath. 7. 6 God spake on this wise. That his seed 7. 7 nation, .in bondage will I judge, said God ij. 9 sold Josejjii into Egypt: but God was with 7. 17 tho time . . which God had sworn to Abra. 7. 25 how that God by his hand would deliver 7. 32 I (am) the God of thy fathers, the God of 7. 32 the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob ' 7. 35 the same did God send (to be) a ruler and 7. 37 A prophet shall the Lord yoiu God raiso 7. 42 God turned, and gave them up to worship 7. 43 the star of your god Remphan, figures 7. 45 Gentiles, whom God drave out before tha 7. 46 Who found favour before God, and dest. 7. 46 to find a taberiiacle for the God of Jacob 7. 55 looked up . . and saw the glory of God, and 7. s5 Jesus standing on tho right hand of God 7. 56 man standing on the right hand of God 8. 10 This man is tho great power of God 8. 12 tho things concerning the kingdom of ft, 8. 14 Samaria had received the word of God 8. ?o that tho gift of God may bo purchased 8. 21 thy heart is not right in the sight of God fi. 22 Kepent the^-efore. .and pray God, if per. 8. 37 I believe that Jesus C. is the Son of God 9. 20 preached Clirist. .that he is the Son of G. 10. 2 one that feared God with all his houso 10. 2 to tho people, and prayed to God alway 10, 3 saw. .an angel of God coming in to him lo. 4 are como up for a memorial before God 10. 15 What God liath cleansed .. call not thou 10. 22 oho that feareth God, and of good report io. 28 God hath showed me that I should not 10. 31 are had in remembrance in the sight of G. JO. 33 aro v/e all here present before God, to 10. 33 things that are commanded thee of God 10. 34 I perceive that God is no respecter of pe, JO. 38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth witli 10. 38 and healing all. .for God was with him 10. 40 Him God raised up ttie third day, and JO. 41 but unto witnesses chosen before of God 10. 42 he which was ordained of God. .the judgo Jo. 46 them speak with tongues, and magnify G, 11. I Gentiles liad also received the word of G. II. 9 What God hath cleansed .. call not thou II. 17 as God gave them the like gift as. .unto ji. 17 what was I, that I could withstand God T ii. 18 they held their peace, and glorified God II. 18 Then hath God also to the Gentiles gran. 11. 23 Who, when he. .had seen the grace of 6. »2. s but prayer was made, .unto God for him 12. 22 (It is) the voice of a god, and not of a man 12. 23 smote him, because he gave not God the 12. 24 But the word of God grew and multiplied 13. s preached the word of God ip the synago. 13. 7 and desired to hear the word of God 13. j6 Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give 13. 17 The God of this people of Israel chose our 13. 21 God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis 13. 23 Of this man's seed hath God, according to 13. 26 and whosoever among you feareth Gc^ 13. 30 But God raised him from the dead 13. 33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us their 13. 36 served his. .generation by the will of God 13.37 But he,!whom G. raised again, saw no corr. 13. 43 persuaded, .continue in the grace of God 13. 44 whole city togetherto hear.the word of G. 13. 46 It was necessary that the word of God 14. 15 from these vanities unto the living God 14. 22 tribulation enter into the kingdom of G. ' 14. 26 been recommended to the grace of God 14. 27 rehearsed all that God had done with th.' 15. 4 declared aU things that God had done 15. 7 good while ago God made choice among 15. 8 God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them 15. 10 why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon tho JS. 12 God had wrought among the Gentiles by 15. 14 God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to J 5. 18 Known unto God are aU his works from 15. 19 from among the Gentiles are turned to G. 15. 40 by the brethren unto the grace of God 16. 14 a certain woman, .which worshipped God 16. 17 are the servants of the most high God 16. 23 Sil^s prayed, and sang praises unto God 16. 34 believing in Cod with all his house GOD Acts 17. 13 word of God was preached of Paul at B. 77. 23 this inscription, To The Unknown God 17. 24 God that made the world and all things 17. 29 as we are the offspring of God, we ouglib 17. 30 the times of this ignorance God winked 18. 7 (one) that worshipped God, whose liouae 18. II teaching the word of God among them 18. 13 men to worship God contrary to the law >8. 21 I will return again unto you, if God will 18. 26 unto him the way of God more perfectly 19. 8 the things concerning the kingdom of G. 19. II God wrought special miracles by tlie han. so. 21 repentance toward God, and faith toward BO. 44 testify the gospel of the grace of God BO. 25 I have gone preaching the kingdom of G. BO. 27 declare unto you all the counsel of God BO. 28 to feed the church of God, which he liath so. 32 I commend you to God, and to the word Bi. 19 what things God had wrought among tlie ea. 3 zealous toward God, as yo all are tliis d. 62. 14 The God of our fathers hath chosen thee 03. I good conscience before God until this d, 23. 3 God shall smite thee, (thou) whited wall 23, 4 said, Eevilest thou God's higli priest ? fi4. 14 worship I the God of my fathers, believ. B4. 15 And have hope toward God, which tlicy 24. 16 a conscience void of offence toward God b6. 6 the promise made of God unto our fatli. s6. 8 that God should raise the dead? e6. 18 (from) the power of Satan unto God, that 26. 20 that they should repent and turn to God 26. 22 Having therefore obtained help of God 26. 29 I would to God, that not only thou, but 27. 23 stood by me this night the angel of God 67. 24 God hath given thee all them that sail 27. 25 I believe God, that it shall be oven an tj. 35 thanks to God in presence of them all c8. 3 and said that he was a god 28. 15 Paul saw, he thanked God, and took con. 28. 23 testified the kingdom of God, persuading e8. 28 salvation of God. .sent unto the Gentiles 28. 31 Preaching the kingdom of God, and teach. £0111. I. t apostle, separated unto the gospel of God I. 4 declared (to be) the Son of God with pow. I. 7 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God 1. 7 peace from God our Father, and tbo L. I. 8 I thank my God through Jesus Christ I. 9 God is my witness, whom I serve vrith 1. 10 a prosperous journey by the will of God 1. 16 it is the power of God unto salvation to I. 17 righteousness of God revealed from faith I. iS the wrath of God ia revealed from heaven I. 19 that which may bo loiown of God is maui. 1. 19 for God hath showed (it) unto them I. 21 knew God, they glorified (him) not as 6. I. 23 changed, .glory of the uncorruptible God 1. 34 God also gave them up to uncleanness 1. 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie J. 26 God give them up unto vile affections I. 28 like to retain God in (their) knowledgo I. 28 God gave them over to a reprobate mind 1. 32 Who knowing the judgment of God s. 2 the judgment of God is according to trn. a. 3 thou shalt escape the judgment of God ? 2. 4 that the goodness of God leadeth thee to e. 5 of the righteous judgment of God 2. II there is no respect of persons with God 2. 13 hearers of the law (are) just before God 2. 16 In the day when God shall judge the 2. 17 and restcst. .and makest thy boast of G. 2. 23 breaking the law dishonourest thou G.? 2. 24 the name of God is blasphemed among B. 29 whose praise (is) not of men, but of God 3. 2 were committed the oracles of God 3. 3 make the faith of God without effect ?- » 3. 4 yea, let God bo true, but every man a llT 3. 5 commend the righteousness of God 3. 5 (Is) God unrighteous who taketh venge; 3. 6 for then how shall God judge the world ? 3. 7 If the truth of God hath more abosnded 3. II there is none that seekcth after God 3. 18 There Is no fear of God before tlielr 3. 19 the world may become guilty before God 3. 21 the righteousness of God without the law 3. 22 the righteousness of God (which is) by 3. 23 sinned, and come short of the glory of G. 3. 25 God hath set forth (to be) a propitiation 3. 25 are past, through the forbearance of God 3. 29 fis he) the God of the J e ws only ? (is he) 3. 30 (it is) one God which shall justify the 4. 2 (whereof) to glory ; but not before God 4. 3 Abraham believed God, and it v.-as coun. 4. 6 unto whom God imputeth righteousness 4. 17 before him whom he believed, (even) |G. 4. so He staggered not at the promise of God 4. 20 was strong In faith, giving glory to God 5. I we have peace with God through our Ii. 5. a and rejoice in hope of the g'.ory of God 5. 5 the love of God is shed abroad In our h. J. 8 But God eommendeth his love toward us 5. 10 we were reconciled to God by the death 5. 1 1 we also joy in'God through our Lord Jesus S. IS much more the grace of God, and the gift 5. 10 but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God 6. II but alive unto God through Jesus Christ 6. 13 but yieljl- younselves uuto God, as those 6. 13 instruments of righteousness unto God 6. 17 But God be thanked, that ye were the ser. 6. 22 and become .servants to God, ye have 6. 23 but tht) gift of God (is) eternal life through 7. 4 that we should bring forth fruit unto G. 7. 22 I delight in the law of God after the In. i2X <30J? Rom. 7. 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our L. 7. 25 with tho mind I. .serve the law of God 8. 3 God, sending his own Son in the likeness 8. 7 tho carnal mind (is) enmity against God 8. 7 for it is not subject to the law of God 8. 8 they that are in tlie flesh cannot please G. 8. 9 if BO bo tho spirit of God dwell in 8. 14 as many p« are led by tho spirit of God 8. 14 they are the sons of God 8. 16 witness, .tliat wo are tho children of God 8. 17 heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ 8. 19 for tlio manifestation of the sons of God 8. 21 the glorious liberty of the children of G. 8. 27 maketh intercession, .according to.. God 8. 28 work, .for good to them that love God 8. 31 If God (be) for us, who (can be) against us! 8. 33 of God's elect ? (It is) God that justifieth 8. 34 who is even at the right hand of God 8. 39 able to separate us from the love of God 9. 5 who is over all, God blessed for ever. A. 9. 6 Not as though the word of God hath taken 9. 8 these (are) not the children of God 9. II that the purpose of God according to 9. 14 What. .(Isthere)unrighteousne8swith Q.? 9. 16 that runneth, but of God that showeth Q. 20 who art thou that repliest against God? p. 22 if God, willing to show, .wrath, and to 9. 26 be called the children of the living God 10. I my heart's desire and prayer to God for I. 10. 2 bear, .record that they have a zeal of God 10, 3 they being ignorant of God's righteous. 10. 3 submitted . . unto the righteousness of 0. 10. 9 that God hatli raised him from tho dead 10. 17 by hearing, and hearing by tho word of O, «i. I I say then. Hath God cast away his peo.T 11. 2 God hath not cast away his people which II. 2 how he maketh iutercession to God aga. II. S God hath given them the spirit of slumber II. 21 if God spared not the natural branches II. 22 Behold, .the goodness and severity of G. II. 23 for God is able to graff them in again II. 29 the gifts and calling of God (are) without 11. 30 as ye in times past have not believed God 11. 32 God hath concluded them all in unbelief 11. 33 both of tho wisdom and knowledge of G. ! 12. I I beseech you. .by the mercies of God 12. 1 living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto G. 12. 2 and acceptable, and perfect mil of God 12. 3 according as God hath dealt to every man 13. I For there is no power but of God 13. I the powers that be are ordained of God 13. 2 Whosoever. .resisteththeordinance of G. 13. 4 he is the minister of G od to thee for good 13. 4 he is the minister of God, a revenger to 13. 6 they are God's ministers, attending con, 14. 3 that eateth : for God hath received him 14. 4 he shall be liolden up ; for God is able to 14. 6 eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God th. 14. 6 to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth G. 14. II and every tongue shall confess to God 14. 12 every one. .shall give account, .to God 14. 17 the kingdom of God is not meat and drink 14. i3 (is) acceptable to God, and approved of 14. 20 For meat destroy not the work of God 14. 22 have (it) to thyself before God. Happy (is) 15. 5 the God of patience and consolation grant 15. 6 That ye may with one mind, .glorify God 15. 7 Christ also received us, to the glory of G. 15. 8 of the circumcision for the truth of God 15. 9 that the Gentiles might glorify God for 15. 13 the God of hope fill you with all Joy and 15. 15 of the grace that is given to me of God 13. 16 ministoring the gospel of God, that the 15. 17 have .. in those things which pertain to 0. IS. 19 signs, .by the power of the spirit of God 15. 30 strive together with me in . . prayers to O. 15. 32 como unto you with joy by the will of G. 15. 33 Now the God of peace (be) with you all 16. 20, the God of peace shall brmso Satan under j6, 26 the commandment of the everlasting G. '76. 27 To God only wise, (be)glory through Jesus j.Qo; ,1. I Paul, .an apostle, .through the will of G. ■I. 2 TTnto the church of God which Is at Cor. fi. 1 Grace, .unto you, and peace, from God 1. 4 I thank my God always on your behalf I. 4 for tho grace of God which is given you 1. 9 God (is) faithful, by whom ye were called I. 14 I thank God that I baptized none of you I. 18 us which are saved it is the power of God I. 20 hath not God made foolish the wisdom I. 21 For after that in the wisdom of God I. 21 the world by wisdom knew not God I. 21 it pleased God by the foolishness of pre. I. 24 the power of God, and the wisdom of God I. 25 the foolishness of God is wiser than men j«. 25 the weakness of God is stronger than men ». 27 God hath ehosen the foolish things of the 1. 27 God hath chosen the weak things of the 1. 28 base things, .hath God chosen .. things 1. 30 who of God is made unto us wisdom, and 2. I declaring unto you the testimony of God a. 5 should not stand, .but in the power of G 2* 7 But we speak the ^visdom of God in a 2. 7 which God ordained before the world 2. 9 things which God hath prepared for them 2. 10 God hath revealed (them) unto us by his 2. 10 all things, yea, the deep things of God a. II knoweth no man, hut the spirit of God a. 12 but tho spirit which is of God ; that we a. 12 things that are freely given to us of God a. 14 not the things of the spirit of God: for 3. 6 I have planted, .but God gave tho incro. I Co. 3. 7 nnything.. but God, that giveth tho Incr«. 3, 9 tor we are labourers together with Go V X that ye receive not the grace of God in 6.' 4 approving ourselves as. .ministers of God 6.' 7 the word of truth, by the power of God 6. 16 what agreement hath the temple of God 6. 16 for ye are the temple of the living 6od 6..ifi OS God hath s(iid,j,I_wiU bo their God GOD 422 GOD .^:C^-*'-": ■-"^' .'■'■ ' ■ t ' ■ Co.- 7l*'i "Perfecting ltolino33 in the fear of Ood \7. 6 God, tliat conrforteth those that are cast 7. x* that oir care for you in tlie sight of God 8. I we do you to wit of the grace of God C. s to the Lord, and unto us by the will of G. 8, ^6 thanks (be) to God, which put the same p. 7 necessity : for God loveth a cheerful giver 9. 8 God (is) able to make all grace abound ' g. II cameth through us thanksgiving to God g. 12 also by many thanksgivings unto God p. 13 they glorify God for your professed sub. p. 14 for the exceeding gi-aco of God in you 9. 15 Thanks (be) unto God for his unspeakable xo. 4 not carnal, but mighty through God to 10. 5 exalteth itself against the knowledge of G. JO. 13 rule which God hath distributed to us 11. 7 I have preached to you the gospel of Qod II. II because I love you not ? God knoweth 11. 31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus C. 12. 2, 3 out of the body, I cannot tell : God kno. 12. 19 Again.' .we speak before God in Clu'ist 12. 21 lest, when I come again, my God ■frill *3- 4 y*' he llveth by the power of God 13. 4 with him by the power of God towai-d you 13? 7 H'ow I pray to God that ye do no evil 13.11 the God of love and peace shall bo with ■13. 14 the love of God . .(be) with you alL Amen BoL X. I but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father 1. 3 Grace ^e) to you and peace from Ood 3. 4 according to the will of God and our Ta. 1. to For do I now persuade men, or God? T. 13 I persecuted the church of God, and was. 1. 15 when it pleased God, who ceparated mo I. 2o unto you, behold, before God, 1 lie not I. 24 And they glorified God in mo o. 6 God accepteth no man's person o. 19 dead to the law, that I might live unto G. e. 20 I live by the faith of the Son of God, who B. 21 I do not frustrate the grace of God : for 3. 6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it 8 the Scripture, forseeing that God would II is justified by the law in the sight of God 17 that was confirmed before of God in Chr. 18 but God gave (it) to Abraham by promise o a mediator is not. . of one; but God Is one 3- 3- 3- 3- 3-! 3. 21 the law then against the promises of Qod ? 3- ^■ 4- 4- 4- 4- + 26 ye are all the children of God by faith in 4 God sent forth his Son, made of a woman 6 God hath sent forth the spirit of his Son 7 If a son, then an heir of God through Ch. 8 Howbeit then, when ye knew not God 9 But now, after that ye have known God 9 or rather are known of God, how turn ye 4.14 received me as an angel of God . . as Christ f. 21 such . . shall not inherit the kingdom of G. . 7 Be not deceived ; God is not mocked 6. i6 and mercy, and upon the Israel of God tiph. I. I Paul, an apostle, .by the will of God, to I. 2 Grace (be) to you, and peace, fronj God 1. 3 Blessed (be) the God and Father of our 1. 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ E.- 4 God, who is rich in mercy, for his great o. 8 that not of yourselves ; (it is) the gift of O. a. to which God hath before ordained that v/a 0. 16 reconcile both unto Qod in one body by B. 19 the saints, and of the household of God a. 22 for an habitation pf God through the sp. 3. 2 of the dispensation of the grace of God 3. 7 according to the gift of the grace of Qod 3. 9 which. .hath been hid in God, who creat. 3. 10 be known . .the manifold ■wisdom of God 3. 19 might be filled with all the fulnessof God 4. 6 One God and Father of all, who (is) above 4. 13 and of the knowledge of the Son of God 4. 18 being alienated from the life of God thr. 4. i4 which after God is created in righteous. 4. 30 grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby 4. 32 as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you £. I Be ye. .followers of God, as dear childreii 5. 2 Sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aav. 5- 5 to 'he kingdom of Christ and of God 6- 6 Cometh the wrath of God upon the chiL S. 20 Giving thanks, .unto God and the Father 5. 21 Submitting yourselves, .in the fear of G. 6. 6 doing the will of God from the heart 6. II Put on the whole armour of God, that ye 6. 13 take unto you the whole armour of God 6. 17 swcrd of the spirit, which is the word of G. 6. 23 from God the Father and the Lord Jesua tVL I. a Grace (Ije) unto you, and peace, from God 1. ♦ 3 I thank my God upon every remembrance I. 8 God is my record, how greatly I long af. I. II which are. .unto the glory and praise of G. I. 28 but to you of salvation, and that of God B. 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought s. 6 thought itttiot robbery to be equal with 6. 0. 9 God also hath highly exalted him, and 8. ij confess, .to the glory of God the Father a. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both ei 15 That ye may be. .the sons of God, wltho. B. 27 God had mercy on him; and not on him 3, 3 the circumcision, which worship God in 3. 9 the righteousness which is of God by fal. 3. 14 for the prize of the high calling of Qod 3. 15 God shall reveal even this unto you 3. 19 whose god (is their) belly, and (whose) 4. 6 your requests be made known unto God 4. 7 the peace of Qod, which passeth all und. 4. 9 and tlie God of peace shall be with you 4. i. 17 imftiortal, invisible, the only wise God s. 3 acceptable in . . sight of God our Saviour e. s one God, and one mediator between G. 3. 5 shall ho take care o( the church of God ? 3. 15 God, which is the church of the living G. 3. 16 God was manifest in the flesh, justified 4. 3 which God hath created to be received 4. 4 every creature of God (is) good, and 4. 5 sanctified by the word of God and prayer 4. 10 we trust in the living God, who is the 5. 4 that is good and acceptable before God 5. s widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in O. 5. 21 I charge (thee) before God, and the Lord 6. I the name of God and (his) doctrine be not 6. II man cf God, flee these things ; and follow 6. 13 I gave thee charge in the sight of Qod 6. 17 in the livl.ig God, who givath us richly B TL I. I an apostle of Jesus. !by the will of Qod I. a from Qod the Father and Christ Jesus I. 3 I thank Qod, whom I serve from (my) 1. 6 that thou stir up the gift of Qod, which I. 7 Qod hath not given us the spirit of fear 1. 8 the Gospel according to the power of G. a. 9 but the word of God is not bound 2. 15 Study to show thyself approved uifto G. a. 19 foundation of God standeth sure a. 25 if Godperadventure will give . .repentance 3. 17 the man of God may be perfect, through. 4. I I charge (thee) therefore before God, and ntua 1.1a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus I. I according to the faith of God's elect, and I. 2 which Qod, that cannot lie, promised be. I. 3 to the comotandmont of God our SaTlonr Titus Phm. Heb. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6.: 7- 7- 7- 7 8. 9 I. 4 from God the Father and the Lord JestM I. 7 must be blameless, as the steward of God 1. 16 They profess that they know God ; but e. 5 that the word of God be not blasphemed a. 10 adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour a. II the gi-ace of God that bringeth salvation a, 13 the glorious appearing of the great God 3. • 4 the kindness and lovejof God our Saviour 3, 8 they which have belieVed in God might 3 from God our Father and the Lord Jesus *,' 4 I thank my God, making mention of thee I. I God, who at sundry times and in divers I.* 6 let all the angels of God worship him I. 8 Thy throne, God, (is) for ever and ever I. 9 God, (even) thy God, hath anointed thoo B. 4 God also bearing (them) witness, both e. 9 that he by the grace of God should taste e. 13 and the children wliich Qod hath given a. 17 high priest in things (pertaining) to God 3. 4 but he that built all things (is) God 3. 12 unbeUef, in departing from the living God 4. 4 God did rest the seventh day from all his 4. 9 remaineth. .a rest to the people ot'God 4. 10 from his own works, as God (did) from 4. 12 the word of Qod (is) quick, and pbwerful 4, 14 into the heavens, Jesus tho S6n of God. 5. I for men in things (pertaining) to God 5. 4 but he that is called of God, as (was) 5. 10 Called of God an high priest after tho ' s. 12 first principles of the oracles of Go"d • - 6. i from dead works, and of faith toward CK 3 And this will we do, if God permit 5 have tasted the good word of God, and 6 crucify to themselves the Son of God 7 the earth, .reoeiveth blessing from Qod 6. 10 For God (is) not unrighteous to forget 6. 13 God made promise to Abraham, becauso 6. 17 Wherein God, willing more abundantly 18 in which (it was) impossible for God tp I priest of the most high Qod, who met 3 made like unto the Son of God; abidcth 19 by tho which we draw nigh unto God 25 to save them, .that come unto God by I will be to them a God, and they shall 14 who. .offered himself without spot to O. 9. 14 from dead works to serve the living God I 9. 20 testament which God hath enjoined unto 9. 24 to appear in the presence of God for us 10. 7 said 1, Lo, I come, .to do thy will, Qod 10. 9 said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, God lo. 1 2 sat down on the right hand of God 10. 21 an high priest over the house of God 10. 29 hath trodden under foot the Son of God lo. 31 to fall into the hands of the Uving God 10. 36 after ye have done the will of God, ye II. 3 worlds were framed by the word of God 11. 4 Abel offered unto God a more excellent II. 4 was righteous, God testifying of hia gifts ii# 5 not found, because God had translated II. s he had this testimony, that he pleased O. II. 6 that Cometh to God must believe that ho II. 10 a c)*;y . . whose builder and maker (is) God ii„i6 God is not ashamed to be called thoir God II. 19 God (was) able to raise (him) up, even II. 2s suffer affliction with the people of God 1 1. 40 God having provided some better things 12. 2 at the right hand of the throne of Gpd 12. 7 God dealeth with you as with sons 13. 15 lest any man fail of the grace of God V 12. 23 and unto the city of the living God, the 12. 23 God the Judge of all, and to the spirits 12. 28 whereby we may sei-ve God acceptably 12. 29 For our God (is) a consuming fire 13. 4 whoremongers and adulterers God will 13. 7 who have spoken unto you the word of O. 13. 15 let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God 13. 16 for witli such sacrifices God is v^ell pica. 13. 20 the God of peace, that brought again Jas. I. I James, a servant of God and of the Lord X. 5 let him ask of God, that giveth to all 1. 13 no man say . .1 am tempted of God 1. 13 for God cannot be tempted with evil I. 30 wrath . . worketh not. . righteousn ess of Ot. 1. 27 Pure religion and undefllod before God a. 5 Hath not Qod chosen the poor of this V. a. 19 Thou believest that there is one God a. 23 which saith, Abraham believed God, and a. 23 and he was called the friend of God " 3. 9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father 3. 9 which are made after the similitude of G, 4. 4 that the friendship . . is enmity with God ? 4. 4 a friend of th'e world is the enemy oLGod 4. 6 he saith, God resisteth the proud, bu.t . 4, 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God •" 4. 8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh I. 2 according to the foreknowledge of God 1. 3 Blessed (be) the Qod and Father of our L. I. 5 Who are kept by the power of God thro. I. 21 Who by him do believe in God, that rai. I. 21 that your faith and hope might be in G. 1. 23 of incorruptible, by the word of God, wh. 2. 4 disallowed .. of men, but chosen of God 2. 5 sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus CH. 2. 10 not a people, but. .now the people of God 2. 12 they may . . glorify Qod in the ilay of visit, a. 15 so is the will of God, that with well doing a. 16 As free, .but as the servants of God 2. 17 Honour all . . Fear God. Honour the Ring B. 19 if a man for conscience toward God end. a. 20 it patiently, this (is) acceptable with God 3. 4 which is In the sight of God of great price a. s tho holy women also,, who trusted In Qod iPe, GOD t Pfj' 3. IS But sanctify the Lord God In your heart; 3. 17 hotter, 1£ the will of God be 80, that ye 3. 18 BUfTercd. .that he might briiig U3 to God 3. 20 the long suffering of Ood waited in the 3. 21 answer of a good conscience toward God 3. 23 and is on the right hand of God ; angela 4. I to the lusts of men, but to the will of Q, 4. 6 but live according to God in the spirit I 4. 10 good stewards of the manifold grace of G. 5 4. II If any man spealt . . as the oracles of God ■ .4. II as of the ability which God glveth 4. II that God in all things may be glorified ^. 14 the spirit of glory and of God resteth' 4. 16 but let him glorify God on this behalf 4. 17 judgment must begin at the house of God 4. 17 of them that obey not the gospel of Godf 4. 19 that suffer according to the will of God 5. » Feed the flock of God which is among you 5. 5 God resisteth the proud, and givej;h grace (. 6 therefore under the mighty hand of God 5. 10 the God of all grace, who hath called us S. 12 that this is the true grace of God wherein ■ Pe. I. I through tlie righteousness of God and our X, 3 multiplied . .throTSgh the knowledge of O. 1. 17 he received from God the Father honour I.' 31 hoh- men of God spake, .moved by the a. 4 if God spared not the angels that sinned 3. 5 by the word of God the heavens were o( 3. 12 hasting unto the coming of the day of Q. 1 Jo. I. 5 declare unto you, that GJod Is light, and a. s in him verily is the love of God perfected s. 14 the word of God abideth in you, and ye a, 17 he that doeth the will of God abldfth for 3. I that we should be called the sons of Godi 2 Beloved, now arc wo the soivs of God; and 8 the Son of God was manifested, that ho 9 Whosoever is bom of God doth not com. 9 he cannot sin, because he is bom of God 3. 10 In this tho children of God aro manifest 3. 10 doeth not righteousness is not of God g. 17 how dweUeth the love of God in him t 3. 20 God I3 greater than our heart, and knonr. g. 21 (then) have we confidence toward God 423 GODLY 3- 3- 3- 3- zJo. 3X0. Ja4a Ser. 4. I try the spirits whether they are of God J^. a Hereby know yo the spirit of God 4. 2 Every spirit that confesseth..i3 of God 4. 3 spirit that confesscth not. .is not of God 4. 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have 4. 6 we are of God : ho that knoweth God he. 4. 6 he that is not of God heareth not us 4. 7 let us love one another : for love is of O. 4. 7 loveth is bom of God, and knoweth God 4. 8 that loveth not knoweth not God ; for a» 4, 9 In this was manifested the love of God 4. 9 God sent his only begotten Son into tho 4. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God 4. II if God so loved us, we ought also to love 4. 12 No man hath seen God at any time 4. 12 If we love one another, God dwclleth in 4. IS shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God 4. IS God dwelleth In him ; and ho in God 4. 16 known, .the love that God hath to us. O. 4, 16 in love dweUeth in God, and God in him 4. 20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his 4. 20 how can he^love God whom he hath not 4. 21 That he who loveth God love his brother 5. I Whosoever belie veth . . is bom of God 5. 2 lovo the children of God, when we lovo G. 5. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep 5. 4 whatsoever is bom of God overcometli 5. 5 belie veth that Jesus is the Son of God ? 5. 9 witness of men, the witness of God ia gr. 5. 9 this is the witness of God which he hath 5. 10 He that believeth on tlie Son of God hath 5. 10 he that believeth not God hath made him S. 10 believeth not the record that God gave 5. 11 that God hath given to us eternal life 5. 13 he that hath not the Sou of God hath not 5. 13, 13 believe on the name of the Son of Q. 5. 18 that whosoever is born of God sinneth not 5. i8 he thiit is begotten pf-God keepeth hims. 5. 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole 5. so we know that the Son of God is come, and 5. 20 Tills fe the true God, and eternal life 3 mercy, .peace, from God the Father, and 9 Whosoever transgresseth. .hath not God II Beloved. .He that doeth good is of God 11 but he that doeth evil hath not seen God i that are sanctified by G. the Father, and 4 turning the grace of our God into lasci. 4 denying the only Lord God, and our Lo. SI Keep yourselves in tho love of G., looking OS To th6 only wise God our Saviour, (be) I. I which God gave unto hira, to show untd I. 2 Who ftare record of the word of God, and t. 6 hath made us kings and priests unto G. I. 9 for the word of God, and for the testim. a. 7 is in the midst of the paradise of God a. 18 These things saith the Son of God, who 3. I he that hath the seven spirits of God, ancl 3. 2 not found tliy works perfect be.fore God 3. 12 make a pillar in the temple of my God 3. 12 1 will write upon liim the name of ray Q.' 3. 12 and the name of the oity of my God 3. 12 coraeth down out of heaven from my G. 3. 14 the bej:inning of the creation of God 4, s lamps, .which are the seven spirits of G. 4. 8 Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty 5. 6 which are the seven spirits of God sent S 9 hast redeemed us to God by thy blood 5. io hast inado us' Unto our God kings and 6. 9 that v/cro tlahi fcr tlic wcrj cf God, and . 'I ii» ' -""■ ' ■ -.y- ■Rev. 7.'''2 angel.. having the seal of tho living God ■ 7.' 3 wo have sealed tho servants of our Ood 7. 10 Salvation to our God which sitteth upon 7. II fell, .on their faces, and worshipped God 7. 12 (be) unto our God for over and ever. Am. 7. 15 are they before the tlirone of God, and 7. 17 God shall wipe away all tears from their 8. 2 tho seven angels whicli stood before God 8. 4 ascended up before God out of the ang. 9. 4 thone men which have not the seal of O. 9. 13 of tho golden altar which is before God 10. 7 the mystery of God should l)e finished 11. 1 Kise, and measure tho temple of Ood II. 4 These are . . Btandlag before tlie God of II. II the spirit of life from God entered into II. 13 and gave glory to tho God of heaven 11. 16 which sat before God on their seats, fell II. 16 upon their faces and worshipped God II. 17 Lord God Almighty, which art, and 11. 19 the temple of God was opened in heo. 12. 5 and her child was caught up unto God 12. 6 where she hath a place prepared of Ood 12. 10 strength, and the kingdom of our God 12. 10 which accused them before our God 12. 17 which keep the commandments of God 13. 6 opened his mouth in blasph. against G. 14. 4 first fmits unto God and to the Lamb 14. 5 are without fault before the throne of G. 14. 7 Fear God, and give glory to him ; for the 14. 10 shall drink of the wine of the wrath of G. 14. 13 they that keep the commandments of G. 14. 19 the great winepress of tho wrath of God 15. I for in them is filled up the wrath of God 15. 3 stand on the sea. .having the harps of G. 15. 3 sing the sOng of Moses the servant of G. ij. 3 marvellous (aro) thy works. Lord God A. 15. 7 seven golden vials full of the wrath of O. 15. 8 filled with smoke from the glory of God 16. I pour out the vials of the ^vTath of God 16. 7 Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and 16. 9 blasphemed the name of God, which hath 16. II And blasphemed the God of heaven beca. 16. 14 battle of that great day of God Almighty «6. 19 Babylon came in remembrance before O. 16. 31 and men blasphemed God because of the 17. 17 For God hatli put in their hearts to fulfil 17. 17 until the words of God shall be fulfilled >8. 5 and God hath remembered her iniquities 18. ■ 8 strong (is) tlie Lord God who judgeth her 18. 30 Rejoice. .God hath avenged you on her 19. I honour, and power, unto the Lord our G. 19. 4 fell down and worshipped God that sat 19. 5 Praise our God, all ye his servants, and 19. 6 for the Lord God omnipotent rcigneth 19. 9 saith. .These are the true sayings of God 19. 10 And he said unto r:0. .worship God; for 19. 13 and his name is called The Word of God 19. 15 the fierceness and ^vrath of Almighty G. 19. 17 Come, .unto the supper of the great God 20. 4 for the word of God, and wliich had not 3o. 6 they shall be priests of God and of Christ 20. 9 fire came do^vn from God out of heaven 00. 12 And I saw the dead, .stand before God SI. 2 coming down from God out of heaven 21. 3 the tabernacle of God (is) with men, and 21. 3 and God himself shall be. .their God fii. 4 God shall wipe a^ray all tears from their 21. 7 I wiU be his God, and he shall be my son SI. 10 city, .descending out of heaven from God' CI. II Having the glory of God : and her light 21. 32 tho Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are ci. 23 the glory of God did lighten it, and the L. 22. 1 proceeding out of the throne of God and 03. 3 the throne of God. .shall be in it ; and E2. s for the Lord God giveth them light : and 22. 6 tlie Lord God of the holy prophets sent 22. 9 keep the sayings of this book : worship O. 22. 18 God shall add unto him the plagues that ^ 22. 19 God ehall take away his part out of the lO.Lord, master, Kvpio! kurios. Acts ig. 20 So mightily grew the word of God and GOD, to fight against — l.To fight with Ood,^" IheoviacheS. Acts 23. 9 sajong. .let us not fight against God i.Onc fighting against God, dfondxos iheomachos. Acts 5. 39 lest, .ye be found even to fight against G. GOD, taught of — Ood taught, eeoSlScucTos theodidakios. I Th. 4. 9 yo. .are taught of God to loveone enoth. GOD, given hy inspir.- tion of — God breathed, ee6iryevcrTas tlieopntnistos. X 11 3. 16 Scripture (is) given by inspiration of God GOD, -wershipper of — One fearing or reverencing Ood, OeocreP'fis theeseh. John 9. 31 but if any man be a worshipper of God GOD, to be admonished of — To warn hy an oracle, xpriH-ari^a) chrematizS, Heb. 8. 5 Moses was admonished of God when he OOD, answer of — Oracular warning, jfpij)uon(r^iKil0(os philolhcoa. 2 Tl. 3. . 4 lovers of pleasures more than loven of 0. (H)D forbid — l.ProfanaUon I far ha it I nV^ij chajilah. Gen. 44. 7 God forbid that thy servants should do 44. 17 God forbid tliati chould do bo.. tho mna Josh 22. 29 God forbid lliat we chould rel>el against 24. 16 God forbid that we should forsake tlie L. 1 Sa. 12. 23 God forbid that I should sin against tlB 14. 43 God forbid ; (as) tho Loud llvcth, there 20. 3 ho caid. .God forbid ; ihou shnlt not dlo Job 27. 5 Ood forbid that I should justify you : US I.Lct it jiot be I fx)) fivoiTo mi genoito. Lukejo. 16 when they heard (it), they said, Ood for. Kom. 3. 4 God forbid;: yen, let Ood be true, but 3. 6 God forbid : for then how shall Ood judgo 3. 31 God forbid : yea, we establish the law 6. 2 God forbid. How shall we, tltat are dead 6. 15 What then? sliall we sin. .God forbid 7. 7 (Is) tho law sin 1 God forbid. Nay, I bad 7. 13 Was. .good made death. .God forbid 9. 14 unrighteousness with God T God forbid II. I Hath Ood castaway his peoplet God for, II. II stumbled that they should fall! God for. I Co. 6. 15 the members of an harlotr. God forbid GaL 2. 17 Clirist tlio minister of sin? God fcrbid 3. 21 against tho promises of Godf God forbid 6. 14 Ood forbid that I should glory, save io OOD save — To live, let live, give life, .Tri chayaK 1 Sa. 10. 24 shouted, and said. Cod save tho ling 2 Si 16. 16 Ood save the king, God s-ivo the king 1 KL I. 25 they eat. .and say, Ood save king Adoa 1.34 blow yc. and say, God save king .Solomon 1. 39 all tho people said, God save king Solom. 2 12 clapped.. and said, God save the king 3 Ch.23. 11 anointed lUm, and said, God save the kl. GOD speed — To rejoice, he of good cheer, xa!p>. Acts 17. 29 that tho Godhead ia like unto gold, cr sL I.Divinity, 6fi6T7}s thcioles. Bom. I. so his eternal power and Godhead ; so that? S. Deity, BtoTrjs Hicotes. Col. 2. 9 dwelleth all the fulncss'of tho Godhead GODLINESS — l.Piety, reverence, (v(r($eta fuselcia. X Tt 2. 2 peaceable life in all godliness and honesty 3. 16 And. .great Is the mystery of godliness 4. 7 and exercise thyself (rather) unto godlln. 4. 8 but godliness is profitable unto all things 6. 3 the doctrine which is according to godll. 6. 5 supposing that gain is godliness : from 6. 6 godliness with contentment is great cain 6. II follow after rigliteousness, godliness, faL 2 Ti. 3. 5 Ilaving a form of godliness, but denying Titus I. I of the truth whicli is after godliness a Po. I. 3 things that (pertain) unto life and godlL I. 6!patience ; .iiid to patience godliness I. 7 And to godliness brotherly Kindness ; and 3. 11 ought ye to bo in. .conversation and god. 2.Fear or worship of God, 8eo. 15 That he might seek a godly seed. 13le|^ Z.Pious, reverential, €us eusebos. ". Ti. 3. 13 all that will live godly in Christ Jesus Titus 2. 17 shftuld live soberly, righteously, and go. 5.0/ God, Qiov theou. a Co. I. 12 that in simplicity and godly sincerity II. 2 jealous over you with godly jealousy J Ti. 1.4 rather than godly edifying which is la (. ^jAccordirig io God, Kara Bt'iv kata theon, 3 Co> 7. 10 For godly sorrow: worketU repcntancAt* C^ODLY i2i GOINa DODLY man — . . Kind, "I'pn clutsid. Paa. 12. I Heip, LoED ; for the soldly man He.12.28 OOBLY manner, after a — According to God, Karh. 6e6v Jcata iheon. a Co. 7. 9 were made sorry after a godly maimer OOSLY aort, after a — l.Wcyrthy of God, a|i«j tov deov axius iou iheon. 3 John 6 bring forward . . after a godly sort thou 2. According to Ood, Kara 0e6v kata iheon. 2 Co. 7. II that ye 501 rowed after a godly sort, what OODS — I.Gods, D'nSx elohim. Gen. 3. 3 shall be as gods, kno^Ting good and evil 31. 30 wherefore hast thou stolen my gods ? 31. 32 With whomsoever thou flndest thy gods 35. 2 Put away the strange gods that (are) 35. 4 strange gods which (were) in their hand iUodi2. 12 against all the gods of Egypt I will exe. 20. 3 Ihou shall have no other gods before nio 20. 23 Ye shall. not make with me gods of silver 2o. 23 neither shall ye make unto you godsof g. 02. 28 Tliou Shalt not revile the gods, nor curse 23. 13 no mention of the name of other gods 23. 24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods 23. 32 shalt make no covenant, .with their gods ■.'y 33 if thou serve their gods, it will surely bo ^2. 1, 23 make us gods, which shall go before 22. 4, 8 These (be) thy gods, O Israel, which ,2. 31 this people, .have made them gods of g. ! ,4. IS gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods m. 16 daughters go a whoring after their gods 34. 16 thy sons go a whoring after their gods 34. 17 Thou shalt make thee no molten gods I*v. 19. 4 nor make to yourselves molten gods Kuiii 25. z unto the sacrifice of their gods ; and tho 25. 2 and the people, .bowed down to their g. Deut. 4. 28 serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood 5. 7 Thou shalt have no other gods before me ■ ' 6. 14 shall not go after other gods, of tho gods 7. 4 turn away . . that they may serve other g. 7. 16 neither shalt thou serve their gods ; for 725 graven images of their gods shall ye burn 8. 19 walk after other gods, and Bervo them »o. 17 For the Lord your God (is) God of gods 11. 28 command, .to go after other gods, which «2. 2 wherein the nations . . served their gods j2. 3 hew down the graven images of their g. 12. 30 thou enquire not after their gods, saying »2. 30 How did these nations serve their gods? »2. 31 abomination. . have theydone unto their g. 12. 31 they have burnt in tho fire to their gods 13. 2 saying. Let us go after other gods, which 13. 6,^2 saying. Let us go and servo other go. «3. 7 gods of the people which arc round about 17. 3 And hath gone and served othergods, and a 8. 20 shall speak in the name of other gods BO. 18 which they have done unto their gods; so b8. 14 not go aside, .to go after other gods to e8. 36, 64 and there shalt thou serve other gods eg. j8 to go (and) serve the gods of these nations eg. 26 served other gods . . gods whom they Icnew 30. 17 and worship other gods, and serve them 31. 16 a whoring after the gods of tho strangers 31. 18 in that tJicy arc turned unto" other gods 51. 20 then v/ill they turn unto other gods, and 32. 17 They sacrificed, .to gods whom they knew 32. 37 he.. GOING ^ I.A step, going, lifN ashur. Psa. 17. s Hold up my goings In thy paths, (that) my 40. 2 upon a rock, (and) established my goings Prov 14. IS the prudent (man) looketh well to his go. 2.A going, u-ay, company, na'ptj hali/cah. Psa. 68. 24 seen thy goings, God; (even) the goings 3. To go on, l]"?; yalak. ■ 2 Sa. 2. 19 in going he turned not to the right hand 2Ch.11. 4 and returned from going against Jeroboam Piov 30. 29 go well, yea, four are comely in going i.Path, custom, nSjyo magalak. Prov. 5. 21 the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings Isa. s9. 8 and (there is) no judgment in their goings 5. A step, going, ly^p miisad. Prov 20. 24 Man's goings (are) of the Lord : how can 6. To go over or beyond, "ijy abar. Job 33. 28 deliver his soul from going into tho pit 7. A step, foot, DiiSpaa7n. Psa. 140. 4 who have purposed to overthrow my go, 8. A step, pace, ijjs tsaad. Job 34. 21 ways of man, and he seeth all his goings ^.Stepping, going, niyy tseadah. 2 Sa. 5. 24 when thou hearest the sound of n goIn|i( 1 Ch. 14. 15 when thou shalt hrfar a sound of going la GOING about — To go or set round, f]i5J, 5. . Josh. 6. II compassed the city, gomg aboat (Itj onco GoiNG down — I.To go in, Ki3 60. Gen. 15. 12 when the sun was going down, a deep Exodi7. 12 steady until the going down or the sun. \ Deut 16. 6 at the going down of .the sun, at the sea. Josh 10. 27 at the time of the going do\vn of the sua. 1 Ki.22. 36 about the going down of the sun, saying 2 Ch. 18. 34 about the time of the sun going down ta 2. To go dovm, "n; yarad. Job (33. 24 Deliver him from going down to the pit. Z.Going in, entrance, siao mabo. Josh. I. , 4 sea toward tlie going down of the sun. Psa. 50. I of the sun unto the going down thereof 104. 19 the sun knoweth his going dowa 113. 3 the Bi^i unto the going down of the samo Mai. 1. II unto the going down of the same, my n& 4. Going dmon, Tf\o morad. Josh. 7. s smote them in the going do%vp : whe«t( 10. 1 1 (and) were in the going down to Beth-hOi Jcr. 48. 5 in the going down of Horonaim the ene. S.Going in or dovm, Syp meal. Dan. 6. 14 till the going down of tho sun to deliver GOnfG.tobe — To enter, vopfvuiiat poreuomai. MattaS. n when tliey were going, behold, some of GOING forth — I.To go out or forth, KT, yatsa. - Isa. 13. 10 sun shall be darkened in his going forth 2.A going out or forth, Hf'O nioisa. < Psa. 19. 6 going forth (is) from the end of the hear. Eze. 44. 5 with every going forth of the sanctuary . Dan. 9. 2s from the going forth of the commandm^ Hos. 6. 3 going forth is prepared as the morning 3. Outgoings, niNV'in tolsaoth. Num34. 4 the going forth thereof shall be from tho 34. 8 the goings forth of the border shall be to GOING out — Id'o go out or forth, N-y; yatsa. Peut33. j8 he said, Rejoice, Zcbulun, in thy going o.' 1 Sa. 29. 6 thy going out and thy coming in with ma. 2 Ki.ig. ty thy going out, and thy coming in, and isa, 37, «S thy going out, and thy coming In, and GOING 425 %Qoing omit or forth, wfSri motsa. "/Jfuni33. 2 Moses wrote their goings out according 33. 2 journeys according to ttieir goings out i'e Sa. 3. 25 to kuow thy going out, and thy comin,? ' Eze. 42. II their goings out (were) both according to 43. II the goings out thereof, and the comlncj ^.Outgoings, niK>'in totsaoth. Jfui)a34. 5, 12 goings out ot It shall bo at the. .sea 34. 9 goings out of it shall be at Uazar-cnan .. Jtf3lli5. 4 goings out of that coast were at the soa 15. 7 the goings out thereof wero at En-rogcl 15. II goings out of the border were at the cea 16. 3 and the goings out thereof aro at the cea j6. 8 the goings out thereof were at the cea 18. 12 goings out thereof were at tlie wilderness y 18. 14 goings out thereof wero at Kirjatli-baal Bze, 48. 30 goings out of the city on tho north sido GOma over — To go over or beyond, 13J; abar. Ifum32. 7 from going over into tho Lmd which tho GOnra to and fro, — l.To go ahmit, Vin axa,l, i. Eze. 27. 19 Dan also and Javan golns to and fro oco. 2,To go to and fro. Bis* shut. Job I. 7 From going to and fro In tho cartli, and < 2. 2 From colng to and fro In tho earth, and GOING ^p — \.A goir.g up, accent, npj^O maaleji. Josh 15. 7 that (is) before tho going up to Adumml. 18. 17 (is) over against tho going up of Adumm. Judg. I. 36 coast, .(wasj from tho going up to Atra. 2 Ki. 9. 27 (they did so) at tho going up to Gur, v,'h. Nch.i2. 37 at tho going up of tho v/all, above tho Jer. 48. 5 For in tho going up of Lnhith continual Eze. 40. 31, 34, 37 tho going up to It (had) eight steps 2. To go up, rhii oZoA. Neh. 3. 19 over against tho going up to tho armoury Z. Upper chamber,' gallery, C3cc;it, .T^i!, aliyyah.: Keh. 3. 31 Miphkad, and to tho going up cf tho 3. 32 between tho gomg up ot tho corner unto GOINGS forth—- Outgoings, niij^to motsaoth. Mic. 5. 2 whoso goings forth (have been) from ot GO'-IAN, 1^'ia circle. A Levitlcai city of llanassoh Jn Bashan, and one of the' three cities of retugo E. of tho Jordan. Tho village of Ifawa on the' E. border of Jauldxi Is much too far eastward to bo Golan. Deut 4. 43 and G. in Bashan, of tho Manassites Josh.2o. 8 G. in Bashan out of tho tribe of Manass. i 21. 27 out of. . Manassch, (they gave) Q. In Bash, ' I Ch. 6.71 Unto theson3ofGcrahoi3(v^erogIven)..G. GOLD — 1. Defence, loealth, Ts'^ bctsc.r. Job 35. ig not gold, nor all tho forces of strength ^.Defence, wealth, 1^3 beiscr. Job 22. 24 Shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and tho, S.Oold, {from its shining), 3nT dchab. Ezra 5. 14 vessels also of gold and silver of the 7. 15 to carry tho silver and gold, v/hich tho 7. 16 tho silver and gold that thou canst And 7. 18 with tho rest of tho silver and tho gold ' Dan, 2. 32 This imago's head (was) of lino gold, his 2. 35 clay, the brass, tho silver, and tho gold 2. 38 over them all. Thou (art) this head of gold 2. 45 brass, tho clay, the silver, and tho gold 3. I the king made an image of gold, whoso 5, 4 praised tho gods of gold, and of silver 5. 7 (havcj a chain of gold about his neck, and 5. 16 (liavc) a chain of gold about thy neck, and 5. 23 hast praised the gods of silver, and gold 5, 29 (put) a chain of gold about his neck, and A.Ooi,d, [from its shining), on; zahab. Gen. 2. II whole land of Havilah, where (there Is) g. 2. 13 the gold of that land (is) good : there (is) 13. 2 very rich in cattle. In silver, and in gold S4. 22 bracelets .. of ten (shekels) weight of gold S4. 35 flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold 24- S3 jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and 41. 42 and put a gold chain about his neck 44. 8 out of thy lord's house silver or gold f Esod, 3. 22 of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment * II. 2 borrow, .jewels of silver, and jewels of g, 12. 35 of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment eo. 23 neither shaJl ye make, .you gods of gold 25. 3 take of them ; gold, and silver, and brass 05. II And thou shalt overlay it mth pure gold 25.11 make upon it a crown of gold round abo. 25. 12 thou Shalt cast four rings of gold for It 25. 13 make staves, .and overlay them with g. 25. 17 thoU shalt make a mercy seat (of) pure g. 25. 18 thou shalt make two cherubim (of) gold 25. 24 gold, and make thereto a erovm of g( 'd 25. 26 thou shalt naake for it four rings of gold ,- 25. 28 overlay them with gold, that tho table 25. 29 (of) pure gold shalt thou mako them 25. 31 shalt make a candlestick (of) pure gold 25. 36' it (shall be) one beaten work (of) pure g. 25. 38 snuff dishes.. (shall be of) puro gold 05. 39 a talent of pure gold shall ho make it s6. 6 thou Shalt make fifty taches of gold, and jiS, 29 with gold, andmakg their rings (of) gold GOLD Exoi^G. 29 thou shalt overlay tho bars with gold a6. 32 with gold : thoir hooka (shall bo oO gold a6. 37 with gold, (and) their hooks (shall be of) g. a3. 5 they ohall take gold, and blue, and pur. 38. they shall mako tho cphod (of) gold, (of) b. 23. 8 gold, (of) blue, and purple, and scarlet aS. II mako them to bo sot in ouches of gold aS. 13 And thou shalt mako ouches (of) gold 28. 14 And two chains (of) puro gold at tho ends 28. 15 (of) gold, (of) blue, and (01) purple, and 28. 2o shall bo set in gold In their inclosings 28. 23 tho ends (of) wroathon work (ot) puro gold 28. 23 upon the breastplate two rings of gold 28. 24 shalt put tho two wreathcn (chains) of g. a8. m thou shalt make two rings of gold, and 28. 27 two (other) rings of gold thou chalt make 28. 33 bolls of gold between them round about 28. 36 thou shalt make a plate (of) puro gold 30. 3 thou shalt overlay it vdth pure gold, tho 30. 3 makelunto it a crown of gold round about 30. 5 tho staves. .and overlay them with gold 31. 4 work in gold, and Ic silver, and in brass 32. 14 Whosoever hath any gold, let them break 33. 31 great sin, and have made tliera gods of g. ! 3S. 5 an offering, .gold, and silver, and brass 35. 22 and rings, and tablets, all Jewels of gold 35. 22 (offered) an offering of gold uuto tho Loud 35. 32 work In gold, and in silver, and In brass 36. 13 he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled 30. 34 with gold, and made their linga (of) gold 36. 34 and overlaid tho bars with gold 36. 36 thorn with gold : their hooks (v/ero of) g. 36. 38 their chapiters and their lUlcts v,-ith golil 37. 2 he overlaid it v/ith pure gold within and 37. 2 made a crown of gold to it round about 37. 3 ho cast for it four rings of gold, (to be sot) 37. 4 made staves, .and overlaid them with g. 37. 6 And ho made tho mercy seat (of) puro g. 37. 7 ho made tv/o chcrubims (of) gold, beaten 27. II gold, and made thereunto a ci iwn of g. 37. 12 and made a crown of gold for tho border 37. 13 ho cast for it four rings of gold, and put 37. 15 overlaid them v/ith gold, to bear tho tab. 37. 16 his. covers to cover withal, (of) puro gold 37. 17 he made the candlesticks (cf) puro gold 37. 22 all. .(was) one beaten work (of) puro gold 37. 23 and his snuff dishes, (of) pm-o gold 37. 24 (Of) a talent of pure gold made ho it, and 37. 26 ho overlaid it with pure gold, (both) tho 37. 26 mado unto it a crown of gold round abo. 37. =7 ho mado two rings of gold for it under 37. 28 tho staves.. and overlaid them with gold 38. 24 the gold that was occupied tor tho work 38. 24 the gold of tho offering, T/as twenty and 39. 2 he made tho ephod (of) gold, blue, and 39. 3 thoy did beat tho gold into thin plates 39. 5, 8 (of) gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet 39. 6 onyx stones inclosed in ouches of gold 39. 13 in ouches of gold in their inclosings » 39. 15 the ends, (of) wreathcn work (oO pure g. 39. 16 mado two ouches (of) gold, and two gold 39. 17 they put tho two wreathcn chains of gold 39. 19 they mado two rings of gold, and put 39. 25 thoy made bolls (of) pure gold , and put 39. 30 the plate of tho holy crovr-n (if) puro go. 40. 5 thou shalt set the altar of gold for tho Ifum. 7. 14 One spoon of ten (shekels) of gold, full of 7. 2o One spoon of gold of ten (shekels), full 7. 84 twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons of go. .7. 86 tho gold of the spoons (was) an hundred 8. 4 And this work . . (was of) beaten gold, unto i3. 18 glvo mo his house full of silver and gold 24. 13 give me his Iiouso full of silver and gold- 31. 22 gold, and tho silver, the brass, tho iron 31. 50 of jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets 31. 51 Eleazar tho priest took tho gold of them 31. 53 gold of tho offering that they offered up 31. 54 the priest took the gold of tho captains Deut. 7. 25 desire tho stiver or gold (that is) on tl 'm 8. 13 thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and 17. 17 greatly multiply to himself silver and gold 29. 17 silver and gold, wliich (were) among them Josh. 6. 19 gold, and vessels of brass and iron, (are) 6. 24 the gold, and tho vessels of brass and of 7. 21 a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight 7. 24 the garment, and tho wedge of gold, and 22. 8 with gold, and with brass, and with Iron Judg. 8. 26 thousand and seven hundred (shekels), .g. 1 8a. 6. 8 put the jewels of gold, which yo return 6. II the coffer with tho mice of gold, and the _^ 6. 15 wherein the jewels of gold (wer«), and a Sa. I 24 on ornaments of gold upon your apparel " 8. 7 David took tho shields of gold that were 8. 10 and vessels of gold, and vessels of brass 8. I X tho silver and gold that he had dedicated 12. 30 talent of gold with tho precious stoneB 21. 4 We will have no silver nor gold of Saul t Ki. 6. 20 he overlaid it with puro gold ; and (so) 6. 21 overlaid tho house within with pure gold 6. 21 by tho chains of gold before tho oracle 6. 21 a partition .. and he overlaid it with gold 6. 22 And the whole house he overlaid with g. ,6. 22 the whole altar, .he overlaid with gold 6. 28 And he overlaid tho cherubim -ivlth gold 6. 30 floor of the house ho overlaid with gold 1 6. 32 overlaid (them) with gold, and spread g. 6. 35 with gold fitted upon tho carved work 7. 48 the altar of gold, and the table of gold 7. 49 tho candlesticks of pure gold, five on ' 7. 49 and tho lamps, and tho tongs, (of) gold 7. 50 (of) pm-o gold ; and the hinges (of) gold 7. 51 evea tho cilvcr, aad tho gold, and th^ ^ . I KI. 9. II codar troos and fir trees, and with gold 9. 14 fiont to the king siiscoro talents of gold 9. 28 fetched from thence gold, four hundred 10. 3 and very much gold, and precious stone* 10. 10 an hundred and twenty talents of gold 10. J I brought gold from Ophir, brought in JO. 14 the weight of gold that came to Solomon 10. 14 hundred threescore and six talents gold JO. 16 beaten gold : six hundred (shekelsfof g JO. 17 (oO beaten gold; throe pound of gold went' JO. 18 ivory,and overlaid It with tho best gold TO. 31 Solomon's drinking vc-iscls (wero of) gold JO. 21 vessels of the house, .(were of) puro gold 10. 33 bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apca 10. 35 vessels of gold, and garments, and armo 12. 28 mado two calves (of) gold, and said unto 14. 26 shields of gold which Solomon had mado 15. 15 tho house of tho LonD, allver, and gold 15. 18 Asa took all the silver and the gold (thai 15. 19 unto theo a present of silver and gold 20. 3 Thy silver and thy gold (is) mine ; thy 20. 5 thy gold, and thy wives, and thy childroa CO. 7 ho sent, .for my silver, and for my gold 22. 48 mado ships, .to go to Ophir for gold a KI. 5. 5 six thousand, .of gold, and ten changes 7. 8 cariied thence silver, and gold, and 13. 13 any vessels of gold, or vessels of silvffr 12. 1 3 all the gold . . found In tho treasures oi 14. 14 ho took all the gold and silver, and all 16. 8 Ahaz took tho silver and gold (that Wbs 18. 14 talcuts of silver, and thirty talents of gold 20. 13 tho silver, and tho gold, and tho spices £3.33 trib. . . talents of sliver, and a talent of go. 03. 35 gave tho silver and the gold to Pharaoh 23. 35 ho exacted tho silver and tho gold of tho 24. 13 cut in pieces all the vessels of gold which 25. IS (and) such things as (were) of gold, (In) g. I Ch.18. 7 David took tho shields of gold that wero 18. 10 all manner of vessels of gold and silver 18. II v.'lth the silver and tho gold that ho bro. 20. 3 and found It to weigh a talent of gold 21. 25 six hundred shekels of gold by weight 23. 14 an hundred thousand talents of gold 23. 16 Of tho gold, the silver, and tho brass, and 28. 14 gave) of gold by weight for (things) of «. b8. J5 tho weight for the candlesticks of gold b8. 15 and for thoir lamps of gold, by weight a8. 16 by weight (ho gave) gold for tho tables 28. 17 Also pure gold for tho flesh hooks, and 38. 18 for tho altar of tocenso rfflncd gold by 08. i3 gold for tho pattern of tho chariot of tbo 89. 3 tho gold for (things to bo mado) of gold =9. 3 I have of mine own proper good, of gold ag. 4 three thousand talents of gold, of tho g. ag. 5 The gold for (things) of gold, and tho ail. 29. 7 of gold five thousand talents and ton > Ch. I. 15 tho king mado silver dnd gold at Jerusa. 2. 7 a man cunning to work In gold, and In 2. 14 skilful to work in gold, and in silver, In 4 And he overlaid It within with puro gold 5 fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold 6 and the gold (was) gold of Parvalm 7 He overlaid also tho house.. with gold 8 he overlaid it with fine gold, .tr sLt hniv 9 weight of the nails (was) fifty shekels of r. 9 he overlaid the upper chambers with golj 10 cherubim, .and overlaid them with gold 7 And ho mado ten candlesticks of gold 8 he made an hundred basins of gold 4. 2o Moreover tho candlesticks, .of pure gold 4. 2j tongs, (made he of) gold, (and), .perfect g. 4. 23 tho spoons, and the censers, (of) puro g. 4. 23 dooi-aof thehouseof the temp., (wero of)g, 5. I tho sliver, and the gold, and all tho InsC 6. j8 four hundred and fifty talents of gold 9. J gold in abundance, and precious stones 9. 9 an hundred and twenty talents of gold 9. 10 servants, .which brought gold from Ophir 9. 13 tlio weight of tho gold that came to 80L 9. 13 and threescore and six talents of gold 9. 14 governors.. brought gold and sliver to SL 9. 15 made two hundred targets (of) beaten g. 9. 15 six hundred, .of beaten gold went to ouo 9. 16 thrco hundred shields.. beaten gold 9. 16 three hundred . . of gold went to one shL 9. 17 throne and overlaid It with puro gold 9 18 six stops, .w-ith a footstool of gold, .fast, 9. 20 And all the drinking vessels., (were of) a 9. 20 and all tho vessels, .(were of) puro gold 9. 21 bringing gold, and silver, Ivory, and 9. 24 vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and J 2. 9 ho carried away also the shields of gold 13. II and the candlestick of gold with the lamps 15. 18 he himself had dedicated, silver, and e. 16. 3 Asa brought out silver and gold out of 16. J behold, I have sent theo sliver and gold 21. 3 great gifts of silver, and of gold, and of 34. 14 and spoons, and vessels of gold and silver 35. 24 all the gold and tho sUver, and all tho 32. 27 and for gold, and for precious stones 36. 3 hundred talents of silver.. a talent of g, Ezra I. 4, 6 with gold, and -with goods, and with I. 9 thirty chargers of gold, a thousand chx 1. 10 Thirty basins of gold, silver basins of 1, II All the vessels of gold and of silver(were) 2. 69 They gave, .one thousand drama of gold 8. 25 the allver, and tho gold, and tho vassoU £. 26 I even weighed, .of gold an hundred taL B. 27 Also twenty basins of gold of a thouaan qarah, 5. Gen. 24. 12 send me good speed this day, and show GOOD success, to havo — To cicuse to act vdsely, 751? salcal, 5. Josh. I. 8 and then thou shalt have good success GOOD Ibing — r l.Good,, goodn&s6,'good thing, 31B tvh. Gen. 45. 23 asses laden with the good things of Egy. ; Iv.i. 8. 9 of every good thing of Damascus, forty 2.Good thing, ayadov agathon: Matt. 7. II give good tilings to tliem that ask him I 13. 34 how can ye, being evil, speak good things? 12. 35 of the heart, bringeth forth good things 19. iS what good thing shall I do, that I may Lulco I. 53 hath filled the hungry with good things i5. 25 thy lifetime receivedst thy good things John I. 46 there any good thing come out of Nazar. Jlom. 7. 18 know that in me . . dwelleth tio good thing '10. 15 and bring glad tidings of good things I Gal. 6. 6 unto him that teacheth in all good things Eph. 6. 8 that whatsoever good tiling any man do. PliiL ► 6 of every g. thing which is in you in Christ Ileb. 9. II an high priest of good tilings to come 10. I having a shadow of good things to como Z.Cood, beautiful,- Ka\6v Icalon. Gal. 4. i8 zealously affected always in (a) good (thi.) Heb. 13. 9 For (it is) a good thing that the heart be GOOD men, lover of — Lover oT friend of good men, iptXayaBos philagatJws, Titus I. 8 a lover of good men, sober, just, holy COOD plaoo, in a — ITcZ', pleasantly. kuXus Jcalos. Jas. 2. 3 and say.. Sit thou here in a good place COOD things, teacher of — Teacher of good, KaXoStSdffKaXos halodidashalos. Titus 2. 3 not false, .teachers of good things GOOD, that which is — • ; 1, That which is good, rb aya06i/ to agathon. Luke 6. 45 heart bringeth forth that which is good Bom. X. 13 Was then that which is good made death 7. 13 working death in me by thjit which is go, 12. 9 is evil ; cleave to that wliich is good 13. 3 Do that wliich is good, and thou shalt 16. 19 have you wise unto that which is good I Th. 5. 15 but ever follow that which is good, both J Pe. 3. 13 if ye be followers of that which is good ? 3 John II that which is e-iil, but that which is gO£d %Thaf which is beautiful, rh Ka\6v to Icalon. " - Horn. 7. 18 to perform that which is good I find not I Th. 5. 21 aU things : hold fast that which is good GOOD, the thins vrWch is — That which is good, rh ayaS6v to agathon. Eph. 4. 28 with (ids) hands the thing which is good GOOD tidings, to bring — To tell good news, ^hayy^Ki^oixai euaffgelizomai. luko 2. io I bring you good tidings of great joy I Til. 3. 6 brought ua good tidings of your faith and GOOD -vray off, a — : ,* ■ Io put far off, prn rachaq, 5. Gen. 21. 16 went, and sat her down, .a good wsy'ofi ^ GOOD -way, a— ' To put far off, prn, rachaq, 5. Jadg tS. 22 when they were a good way trou the b. GOOD while - I. A gain, yet, xchiU, any more, -hv od. G en, 4O. 29 lie f ell . . and wopt on his neck a good v/h. ^.Sufficient days, 17/itpa? Uai/a? hemeras hikanas. Acts 18. 18 1'auL.tuiTiod.. yet a good while, and then GOOD -words — Courtcmts language, xpV<^roKoyla chrestologia. Rom 16. i3 by good words and fair speeches deceive GOOD \SiLL — 1. Good plcastire or will, Jii~i ratson. Deut33. 16 the good will of him that dwelt In the b. Mai. a. 13 or receiveth (it) with good wiU at your 2.Good 2'leasure, evSoKia eudokia. Luke 2. 14 on earth peace, good will toward men Phil. I. 15 Some indeed preach Christ, .of good will Z.Good will, eUpoia cunoia. Eph. 6. 7 Witli good will doing servlco, as to the L. GOODLIKR — Good, 310 toh. I Sa. 9. 2 not among the cliildron of Israel a good. GOODLIEST — Good, 3ia tab. I Sa. 8. 16 your goodliest young race, and your asses 1 Ki. 20. 3 thy children . . the goodliest, (are) mine G00DLI1IES3 — Kindness, kindliness, npn ciiesed. Isa. 40. 6 all tlie goodlinoss thereof (io) as tho Uovr. GOODLY — \. Honourable, shining, T^K adder. Eze. 17. 23 and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar ^.Honourable or shining, tin eder. Zcch.ii. 13 a goodly price tliati was prized at of th. 3. Honourable or shining, T'J'nN addereth. Eze'. 17, 8 It was planted . . Ihat it might be a goodly i. Honour, beauty, majesty. Tin hadar. Lev. 23. 40 ye shall take . . the boughs of goodly trees h.Honour, beauty, majesty, I'ln liod. 3 hath made them as his goodly horse in .G.Dcsire, HTOn chemdah. 2 Ch.36. 10 wth the goodly vessels of the house of 1. Desires, desirable objects, n'niDn chamudoth. Gen. 27. IS Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eld. 8. To be good, 3iQ tob'. Num 24. s How goodly are thy tents, Jacob, .thy t, ^.Good {of form), (n? renanim: '%3ob 39. 13 (Gavest thou) the goodly wings unto the SO.yo be fair, beautiful," good, "W shaphar 'vl>sa. 16 6 The lines are fallen., I have a goodly h. GOODLY, to make - - \ To do or make good, a'lB toh, 5 Eos. 10 I liis land they have made goodly images GOOD MAN — ■ \.A man, ty'K ish. '- Prov. 7. 19 the good man (is) not at home, he is gone ^.Eouse despot, master oftheliouse, olKoSea-iror-n^. Luke 22. II And ye. .say unto the good man of the h. GOOD TSLAS of the house — ' House despot, master of the house,''olicoSfcnr6TTis. Matt 20. iiTn-urmured against the good man of tho h. ~ \ 24. 43 if the good man of the house had known ]\Iiirki4. 14 8.iy yo to tho good man of tho house, Tlio Luke 12. 39 if tho good man of tho houso had liaown GOODNESS — 1. Kindness, iDn ciiescd, E.'iod 34. 6 Ldni) God . . abundant in goodness and 2 Ch.32. 32 tho acts of Uczekiah, and his goodness 35. 26 rest of tho acts of Josiah, and his goodn, Psa. 33. 5 earth is full of the goodness of tho Loud 52. t tho goodness of God (cndurcth) continu*. 107. 8, IS, 21, 31 praise the Lord (for) his good. 144. 2 My goodness, and iny fortress ; my high Prov 20. .6 will proclaim everyone his own goodness Hos. 6. 4 your goodnes3(is) as amoming cloud. and l.Good, goodness, aio tob. ExodiS. 9 Jethrorcjoiccdfornllthogoodnesawhlch Num 10. 32 what goodness the Lord shall do untoua Judg. 8. 3S according to all tho goodness which ho 2 Sa. 7. 28 thou liast promised this goodnoes unto 1 ICi. 8. 66 for all tho'goodness that the LoED had 1 Ch.17. 26 hast promised this goodness unto thy sen 2 Ch. 6. 41 and let thy saints rejoice in goodness 7. 10 for the goodness that the Lord had aho, Psa. 16. 2 Thou (art) my Lord : my goodness, .not 21. 3 preventest. . with the blcBaings of goodn. 23. 6 goodness and mercy shall follow mo all 6s. II Thou crownest the year with thy goodik 63. 10 thou, O God, hast prepared of thy goodn. 107. 9 and Dlloth the hungry soul «1th goodness Jer. 33. 9 fear and tremble for all the goodness, and Hos. 10. I according to the goodness of liia land they Z.Good, goodness, good thing, 31D tub. Exod33. 19 mako ail my goodness pass before thca Nell. 9. 25 delighted themselves in thy great goodn. 9. 35 thy great goodness that thou gavest them Psa. 25. 7 remember thou me for thy goodness' 27. 13 unless I had believed to see the goodness 31. 19 how great (is) thy goodness, which thou 6s. 4 satisfied with the goodness of thy house 14s. 7 utter the memory of thy great goodness Isa. 63. 7 the great goodness toward the house ot Jer. 2. 7 fruit thereof and the goodness thereot 31. 12 flow together to the goodness of tho L. 31. 14 shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith Eos. 3. 5 fear the Lord and his goodness in the Zech. 9. 17 how great (is) his goodness, and how gro. i.Goodness, i.ya6w(Tvvij agathosune. Pvoin 15. 14 yo also are full of goodness, fUlcd with Gal. s- 22 long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith Eph. 5. 9 all goodness and righteousness and truth 2 Ih. I. u all the good pleasure of (his) goodness 5. Usefulness, benignity, xp')0'T(5t7;s chrestoies. Rom. 2. 4 despisest thou the riches of his goodness 11. 22 Behold tliereforc the f^oodncss nnd sovo. It. 22 goodness, if ihou continue in (his-jgood. 6. V-^'cfnl, benign, xPlo'^o? clirialos. Kom. 2. 4 that tho goodm Bs of God leadeth thee GOODS — l.Strengih, f\i< on. Job 20. 10 and his hands shall rcBtoro their goods 2.Force, wealth, h'n chayil.- Num 3 1. 9 and all their flocks, and all their goods Z.Good, good thing, 31a tob. ■ Deut 28. II Lord shall makethco plenteous In goods Eccl. s. II When goods increase, they are increased i. Good, goodness, good thing, 35D tub. Gen. 34. 10 the goods of his master (were) in his h. Neh. 9. 2s possessed houses full of all goods, avcIIs Job 20. 21 therefore shall no man look for his goods 5. Work, business, npxpa mclakalu^ Exod22. 8, II put his' hand unto his neighbour's go. 6. Richer, wealth, j'ppj niksin. Ezra 6. 8 of the king's goods, (even) of the tribute 7. 26 confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment 1 .Getting, acquisition, JJjp qinyan. Eze. 38.* 1 2 which have gotten cattle and goods, that 38. 13 to take away cattle and goods, to take a 8. Substance, goods, lyoi rekush. Gen. 14. II took all the goods of Sodom and Gomor. 14. 12 they took Lot. .and his goods, and depa. 14. 16 he brought back all the goods, and also 14. 16 and his goods, and the women also, and 14. 21 Give me. .and take the goods to thyself 31. 18 his goods which ho had gotten, the cattle 46. 6 their goods, which they liad gotten in Numi6. 32 (apporta.) unto Korah, and all (their) g. :■ 33. 3 for their goods, and for all their beasts 2 Ch 21. 14 children, and thy v.ives, and all thy g. Ezra I. 4, 6 witji gold, and with good3,.aUd,withbc8. d.Good, good thing, ayaSos (igat7i,os. Lukei2. iB will I bestow all my fruitsTrndmygoodJ ■ ■ ,12.19 lii^st much goods laid up for many years 10. Essence, svhsta.ncc, ohcrla ousia: Lukeis. 12 the' portion of goods that falleth (to idk% 11. Vessel, i7istrument, ctk^vos skeuos: Matti2. 29 how can one enter, .and spoil his goods Mai-lc 3. 27 No man can enter, .and spoil hia goods 12. The things existing, ra v-n-dpxovra ta huparcJio. ilatt24. 47 shall make Iiim ruler over all his goods 25. 14 servants, .and delivered unto them his g. Lnkeii. si keepeth his palace, his goods are in pea. 16. 'x unto him that he had wasted bis goods 19. 8 the half of my goods I give to the poor GOODS 430 GOVERNORS I Co. 13. 3 I bostow all my goods to feed (the poor) ^ 34 took joyluUy the spoiling of your goods IZ^xistence, substance, virap^is huparxis. Acts E. 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and GOODS, to b« increased ■with - To be rich, xoealihy, irXovrica ploutao. Bev. 3. 17 and increased with goods, and have need OO0D8, thy — The things belonging to thee, to. aa. ta sa. Jiuke 6. 30 takoth away thy goods ask (them) not aga. GOPHER — Gopher, cedar, cypress, fir tcood, ijS gopher. Gen, 6. 14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms dOEE, to — To push, gci-e, nJj nagach. Excdsi. 28 ox gore a man or a woman, that they die 21. 31 Whether he have gored a son, or have g- OOHGEOTJS — Mright, shining, Xafiirpos lampros. Luke23. II arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent GOEGEOTJSLY, most — Perfection, Vi'??? miklol. Eze. 23. 12 captains, .rulers clothed moat gorgeously GOKGEOTTSLy appareUod, they ■which are — Those in splendid garments, di iv i/iOTiC/iij) ivZ6l^ iirdpxoyreshoien himatismSendaxuhuparchontes. Luke 7. 25 they which are gorgeously apparelled, and CfO'-SHES, ]^3. 1. The name of a part of Egypt where the Israelites dwelt during their sojourn there. It is usually called the " land of Goshen " but also simply Goshen. " The land of Eameses " seems (Gen. 47. 11) to have been another name for Goshen, unless it be simply a district of it. From Gon. 45. 10 it appears to have been a territory near the palace of Joseph's Pharaoh, who was of the ijth Egyptian dynasty, and resided part of the year at Memphis, and during harvest time at Avaris, on the Bubastite or 'Pelusiac branch of the Nile. Goshen was probably the extreme province of Egypt towards Canaan (Gen. 46. 28, 29, and 33> 34)- Gen. 45. 10 And thou shalt dwell in the land of G. 46. 28 he sent Judah. .to direct his face unto G. 46. 28 and they came Into the land of G. 46. 29 went up to meet Israel his father, to G. 46. 34 that ve may dwell in the land of G. : for 47. I and, behold, they (are) in the land of Q. 47. 4 let thy servants dwell in the land of G. 47. 6 in the land of G. let them dwell : and if 47. 27 And Israel dwelt . .in the country of G. 50. 8 little ones, .they left in the land of G. Exod. 8. 22 I will sever in that day the land of G. g. 26 Only in of G. . .was there no hail B. A district in southern Canaan, between Gaza and Oibeon, and part of the maritime plain of Judah. 41 And Joshua smote, .all the country of G. II. 16 So Joshua took, .all the land of G., and 8. A town in the mountains of Judah. Josh. 15. SI And G., and Holon, and Giloh ; eleven GOSPEL — Good news, tidings, word, evayy£\iov euaggelion. Matt. 4. 23 preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and 9. 35 preacliing the gospel of the kingdom, and 24. 14 gospel of the kingdom shall be preached 26. 13 Wheresoever this gospel shall be preach. Mark i. i beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ 1. 14 preaching the gospel of the kingdom of 1. 15 at hand : repent ye, and believe the gos. 8. 35 lose his life for my sake and the gospel's 10. 29 or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's 13. 10 the gospel must first be published among 14. 9 Wheresooverthis gospel shall bo preached 16. IS [and preach the gospel to every creature] Acts 15. 7 Gentiles, .should hear the word of the g. 20. 24 to testify the gospel of the grace of God Eom. I. I Paul, .separated unto the gospel of God 1. 9 whom I serve virith my spirit in the gospel 1. 16 1 am not ashamed of the gospel of Clirist 2, i5 by Jesus Christ according to my gospel 10. 16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel Ti. 28 As concerning the gospel .. enemies for 15. i6 ministering the gospel of God, that the 15. i5rl have fully preached the gospel of Christ 15. s9 fulness of the blessing of [the gospel of) C. 16. 25 to Btablish you according to my gospel 1 Co. 4. IS I have begotten you V>rough the gospel 9. la lest we should hiider the gospel of Christ 9. 14 preach the gospel should live of the gos. 9. i3 1 may inake the gospel of Christ without 9. 18 that I abuse not my power in the gospel 9. 23 Uil» I do for the gospel's sake, that I mi. 15. 1 1 declare tmto you the gospel which I pr. 2 Co. 2. 12 I came to Troas to (preach) Chriat's gos. 4, 3 if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that 4, 4 the light of the glorious gospel of Christ 8. 18 whose praise (is) in the gospel throughout 9. 13 professed oubjeetion unto the gospel of C. to. 14 to you also in (preaching) the gospel of C. 1 1. 4 or another gospel, which ye have not ace. li. 7 because I have preached to you the gos. GaL I. 6 are . . removed from him . . unto another g. I. 7 and would pervot* the gospel of Christ I. ti the gospel which waa preached of me is Col. tTh. iTh. Gal. 2. 2 th:it gospel which I preach among 2. 5 that the trutli of the gospel might contin. 2. 7 that the gospel of the unclrcuincision was 2. 14 not. .according to the truth of the gospel Eph. I. 13 after that ye heard.'.the gospel oi your 3. 6 of his promise in Christ by the gospel b. IS with the preparation of the gospel of pe. 6. 19 to make known the mystery [of the gospel] Phil. I. s ^or your fellowship in the gospel from X. 7 defence and confirmation of the gospel I. 12 rather unto the furtherance of the gospel , 1. 17 that I am set for the defence of the gospel I. 27 be as it becometh the gospel of Christ 1. 27 striving together for the faith of the gos. 2. 22 a son . . he hath served with me in the go. 4. 3 women which laboured with me in the g. 4. IS that in the beginning of the gospel, when I. 5 In the word of the truth of the gospel 1. 23 not moved away from the hope of the g. S our gospel came not unto you in word 2 to speak unto you the gospel of God with 4 allowed, .to be put m trust with the gos. 8 not the gospel of God only, but also our 9 we preached unto you the gospel of God 2 f eUow labourer in the gospel of Christ 8 that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jes. 2. 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel 1 Ti. I. II According to the glorious gospel of xha 2 Ti. I. 8 partaker of the afflictions of the gospel 1. 10 immortality to light through the gospel 8. 8 raised from the dead according to my go. Phia, 13 ministered, .in the bonds of the gospel I Pe. 4. 17 of them that obey not the gospel of (Jod! Kev. 14. 6 having the everlasting gospel to preach GOSPEL, to preach before the — To tell good news before hamd, irpoevayyeXl^oiiai^ Gal. 3. 8 preached before the gospel unto Abraham GOSPEL (of), to preach the — To tell good iiews, evayyeXlCo/xai euaggelizomai. Luke 4. 18 he hath anointed me to preach the gospel 9. 6 preaching the gospel, and healing every 20. I as he taught . . and preached the gospel Kom. I. 15 I am ready to preach the gospel to you 10. IS oi them that [preach the gospel of peace] 15. 20 so h^ve I strived to preach the gospel 1 Cq, I. 17 not to baptize, but to preach the gospel 9. iS though I preach the gospel, 1 have noth. g. 16 woe is unto me, if I preach not the gos. ! 9. 18 that, when I preach the gospel, I may 2 Co. 10. 16 To preach the gpsppl in the (regions) be. GaL I. 8 preach any other gospel unto you than I. 9 If any . . preach any pther gospel unto you 4. 13 I preached the gospel unto you at the GOSPEL into or unto, to preach the — To tell good news, evay-yeXi^ofiai euaggelizomai. Acts 8. 23 preached the gospel jn many villages of 14. 7 And there they preached the gospel 14. 21 when they had preached the gospel to 16. 10 called us for to preach the gospel unto I Pe. 1. 12 them that have preached the gosjwl unto GOSPEL, to he preached by the — To tell good, news, ei/ayyeXi^ofiat euaggelizom/ii. I Pe. I. 25 which by the gospel is preached unto you GOSPEL is preached te or unto, the — To tell good news, evayye\i(ofiai euaggelizomai. Luke 7. 23 to the poor the gospel is preached Heb. 4. 2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as 1 Pe. 4. 6 for this cause was the gospel preached GOSPEL praachod to, to have the — To tell good news, eiiayyexi^ojjiat euaggelizomai. Matt. 11. 5 the poor have the gospel preached to them GOTTEN, to bo — l.To be gathered, IPK asaph, 2. 2 Sa. 17. 13 Moreover if he be gotten into a city, then 2. To he given, ]cu nathan, 6. Job 28. %s cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall 3. To draw away, iTroo-iro'cu apospao. Acts 21. 1 that after we were gotten from them eOTTESF hastily, ta he — To be abhorred, got by abhorred Tneans, hu'^ bacho.l, 4, Pro V. 20. 21 An inheritance (may be) gotten hastily GOimD — LQaurd, palma christi, iVij'p qiqayon. Jon. 4. 6 the tsKB God prepared a gourd, and 4. 6 So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gou. 4. 7 and it smote the gourd that it withered 4. 9 Doest thou well to be angry for the go. ? 4. 10 Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for t'ne 2.Knobs, gourds, wild cucumbers, WPS paqquoth. 2 Ki. 4. 39 gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full OOYEKS, to — l.To bind up, gird, v^n chahash. Job 34. 17 Shall even he that hatetn right govern? 2. To lead forth, nijj nachah, 5. 67. 4 and govern the nations upon earth. Sel. 3. To do, make, work, use, n'^J? asah. I Ki.2i. 7 Dost thou now govern the kingdom of I. ? GOVEENESIfT — l.Rtcle, ■"ipS'^P meinslialah. Isa. Z2J ai I will commit thy government Into his I.PrvnceVy power, rrpTi nv,srah. Isa. 9. 6 the government shall be npon his should. 9. 7 Of the increase of (his) government and Z.A steering, piloting, directing, Kv^epvT](ris kubcr. 1 C0.12. 28 helps, governments, diversities of tongues i.I^rdskip, power, Kvpiorris kuriotSs. 2 Pe. 2. 10 walk after the flesh, .and depise govern. GOVEENOE — l.A leader, r^H, »]5^N: alluph. Zech. 9. 7 he shall be as a governor In Judah, msfl 12. 5 the governors of Judah shall say in their 12. 6 In that day will I make the governors of 2.T0 grave, decree, ppn chaqaq. Judg. 5. 9 My heart (is) toward the governors of Is. Z.To decree, ppij chaqaq, 3a. Judg. 5. 14 out of Machir camo down governors, and LTo rule, '■,90 quashal. Gen. 45. 26 he (is) governor over all the land of Egy, 2 Ch. 23. 20 the governors of the people, and all the Psa. 22. 23 and he (is) the governor among the nat. Jer. 30. 21 their governor shall proceed from the h.Leader, one going before, TJJ nagid. 2 Ch.28. 7 and Azrikam the governor of the houso 6.0ii« lifted up, prince, N'ifJ nasi. 2 Ch. I. 2 to every governor in all Israel, the chief 7. Governor, captain, viceroy, nns peehah. 1 Ki-io. 15 and of the governors of the country 2 Ch. 9. 14 govemorsofthecountry.broughtgoldanl Ezra 8. 36 to the governors on this side the river Meh. 2. 7 given me to the governors beyond the rl. 2. 9 I came to tho governors beyond the river 3, 7 unto the throne of the governor on this 5. 14 to be their governor in the land of Jud. 5. 14 have not eaten the bread of the governor 5. IS the former governors, .were chargeable S. 18 required not I the bread of the governor 12. 26 in the days of Nehemiah the governor Esth. 3. 12 governors that (were) over every provinea Hag. I. I, 14 the son of Shealtiel, governor of Jud. 2. 2 son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and B. 21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah Mai. I. 8 offer it now unto thy governor ; will ho 8. Governor, captain, viceroy, -nns peehah, Ezra 5. 3, 6 Tatnai, governor on this side the river 5. 14 Sheshbazzar. whom he had madegovem. 6. 6 Now. .Tatnai, governor beyond the ri'-or 6. 7 let the governor, .build this house of G. 6. 13 Then Tatnai, governor on this side tho 9.0verseer, inspector, l^p^ paqid. Jer. 20. I who (was) also chief governor In the hen. 10. Head, prince, chief, captain, li? sar. J Ki. 22 26 unto Anion tho governor of tlie city, and 2 Ki. 23. 8 the gate of Joshua the governor of the ; Ch.24. 5 governors of the sanctuary, and govern. 2 Ch.i8. 25 carry him back to Amon the governor ll.Ruler, a''W shallit. Gen. 42. 6 Joseph (was) the governor over the land 12. Ethnarch, ruler of a people, idvdpxv ethnarch. 2 Co. II. 32 the governor under Ai-etas the king kept 13. To make, lead, guide straight, tuOuvw euthuuS J as. 3. 4 turned, .wliithersoever the governor list. 14. Leader,guide,one going before, T)y eixdvhegemdn. Matt. 10. 18 ye shall be brought before governors 27. 2 delivered him to Pontius Pilate the gov. 27. II stood before the governor : and the gov. 27. 14 insomuch that the governor marvelled 27. IS the governor was v/ont to release unto 27. 21 The governor answered and said unto th. 27. 23 [the governor said,] Why, what evil hath 27 27 Then the soldiers of the governor took J. 28. 14 And if this come to the governor's ears Luke2o. 20 unto the power and authority of the gov. Acts 23. 24 and bring . . saf e imto Felix [the governor] 23. 26 unto the most excellent governor Felix 23 33 and delivered the epistle to the governor 23. 34 when the governor had read . .he asked ot 24. I who informed the governor against Paul 24. 10 after that the governor had beckoned 26. 30 the king rose up, and the governor, and 1 Pe. 2. 14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are 15. ^o Uad, guide, go before, riyiotiai hegeomai. Matt. 2. 6 for out of thee shall come a Governor Acts 7. 10 he made him governor over Egypt and IQ.Hoiise manager, oli{ov6ixot oilco»o7nos. Gal. 4. 2 is under tutors and governors until the GOVEENOE, to he — To go before, be leader or guide, Tiye/ioyeia. Luke 2. 2 made when Cyrenius was governor of S. 3. I Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea GOVEENOE of the feast — Chief of a triklinium, apyi'rplKMvos arckitriklinos. John 2. 8 and bear unto the governor of the feast 2. 9 th? governor of the feast called the brid. GO'VEKJfOE, chief — Leader, oyie going before, TJi nagid. I Ch.29. 22 Solomon, .and anointed (him). .tLecbiefft GOVEENOSS — Prefects., pajp signin. Dan. 3, 43 chief of tbe govemers over all the viM GOZAN 431 GRAPH Dan. 3. 2 tho princes, the governors, and tlie capt. 3. 3 Then the princes, the governors, and cap. 3. 27 the princes, governors, and capLaius, ami 6. 1 the governors, and the princes, the coun. GO'-ZAH, \i\ifood. The English version makes this name appear to be a river ; though it was evidently not a river but a coiintry. Gozan was a place to which Israel was carried away by PiU, Tiglath-PUeser, !>nd Shalmaneser (possibly Sargon). It was perhaps identical \vith the Gauza- niiis of Ptolemy, and the Mygdonia of other writers. The river Habor (now Elhabour), watered and drained it as the great Mesopotamlan affluent of the Euphrates. 2 lCi.17. 6 and placed, .in Habor (by) the river of G. 18. II put them, .in Habor (by) tho river of G. 19. 12 G., and Haran, and Rczeph, and the t Ch. 5. 26 Hara, and to the river G., unto this day Isa. 37. 12 G., and Haran. and liczeph, and tho CSACB — LCrr'ace, favour, ]n chen. Oen. 6. 8 Noah found grace'in the eyes of the Lord 19. 19 thy servant hath found grace in thy sight 32. 5 sent, .that I may find grace In thy sight 33. 8 to find grace in tho sight of my lord 33. 10 if now I have found grace in thy sight 33. I J let me find grace in the sight of my lord 34. 21 Let me find grace in your eyes, and v/hat 39. 4 Joseph found grace in his sight, and ho 47. 25 let us find grace in the sight of my lord 47. 29 If now I have found grace in thy sight 50. 4 If now I have found grace in your eyes Esod33. 12 and thou hast also found grave in my 33. 13 if I have found grace in thy sight, shov? 33. 13 know, .that I may find grace in thy sight 33. 16 tliy people have found grace In thy sight ? 33. 17 thou hast found grace in my sight, and I 34. 9 If now I have found grace in thy sight Num32. 5 it we have found grace in thy sight, let Judg. 6. 17 If now I have found grace in thy sight Kuth 2. 2 after (him) in whose sight I shall find gr, 2. 10 Why havo I found grace in thine eyes 1 Sa. 1. 18 Let thino handmaid find grace in thy 20. 3 I have found grace in thine eyes 27. 5 If I have now found grace in thine eyes 2 Sa. 14. 22 that I have found grace in thy sight," my 16. 4 (that) I may find grace In thy sigiht, my Esth. 2. 17 she obtained gi-ace and favour in his sight Psa. 45. 2 grace is poured into thy lips : therefore 84. II the Lord will give grace and glory : no Pl'ov. 1. § For they, .an ornament of grace unto thy 3. 22 life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck 3. 34 Surely, .he giveth grace unto the lov/!y 4. 9 give to thine head an ornament of grace S3. II (for) the grace of his lips the king (shall Jcr. 31. 2 The people, .found grace in the wilder. Zcch. 4. 7 shoutings, (crying), Grace, grace unto it I ID. JO tha spirit of grace and of supplications 'Z.Cfrccc, supplication for grace, njn^ techinnah. Erra 9. 8 now for a little space grace hath boon 'i.Grccefdness, comeliness, einrpdireia euprepeia. j£3. I. II the grace of the fashion of it pcrisheth i.Qrace, graciowsness, x<^P's charis. Luke 2. 40 and the grace of God was upon him John 1.14 dwelt among us . . full of grace and truth 1. 16 And of his fulness, .ar.d grace for grace 1. 17 grace and truth came by Jesus Christ Acts 4. 33 tho apostles, .great grace was upon them II. 23 when he came, and had seen tho grace of 13. ix persuaded, .to continue in the grace of G. 14. "g gave testimony unto the word of his graco 14. 26 been recommended to the grace of God 13. II that through the grace of the Lord Jesus 15. 40 being recommended . . unto the grace of G. 18. 27 them, .which had believed through grace so. 24 to testify the gospel of the grace of God 20. 32 to the word of liis grace, which is able Kom. I. 5- By whom wo have received grace and ap. 1. 7 Grace to you and peace from God our F. 3. 24 Being justified freely by his grace through 4. 4 is tho reward not reckoned of grace, but 4. i5 (it is) of faith, that (it might be) by grace 5. 2 access . . into this grace wherein we stand 5. 15 the grace of God, and the gift by grace 5. 17 they which receive abundance of grace 5. 20 where sin abounded, grace did much more 5. 21 even so might grace reign tlirough right. 6. I Shall we continue in sin, that grace may 6. 14, 15 are not under the law,but under grace II. 5 remnant according to. .election of grace It. 6 if by grace, then (is it) no more of worlcs J I. 6 otherwise grace is no more grace. But 11. 6 (it bo) ot works, [then ia it no more grace] 12. 3 through thegracegiven unto me, toevery 1 2. 6 according to the grace that is given to 13. 13 of the grace that is given to me of God r6. 20 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 16. 24 [The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ] I Co, I. 3 Grace (be) unto you, and peace, from G. I. 4 the grace of God which is given you by 3. 10 the graco of God which is given imto me 10. 30 if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil 15. JO grace of God I am what I am : and his g. IS- 10 1, but the grace of God which was with i6k 23 grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (be) with s Co. M. 2 Grace (be) to you and peace from God 1. 12 but by the grace of God, we have had our 4. -IS that the abundant grace might through 6.^1 ye receive not the grace of God In vain a, .X we doj'ou to wit of the grace of Qod - 2 Co. 8. 6 also finish in you the same graco also 8. 7 (see) that ye abound in this grace also 8. 9 know the grace of our Lord Jcbus Christ 8. 19 chosen, .to travel with us witli tliis grace 9. 8 able to make all grace abound toward 9. 14 for tlie exceeding grace of God in you 12. 9 My grace is sufficient for thee ; for loy 13. 14 The graco of the Lord Jesus Christ, and GaL I. 3 Grace (be) to vou and peace from God the I. 6 the grace of Chriit unto another gospel 1. 15 who separated, .and called (me) by his g. 2. 9 perceived the grace that was given unto 2. 21 1 do not frustrate the graco of God : for 5. 4 by tho law ; ye are fallen from grace 6. 18 graco of our Lord Jesus Christ (be) with £ph. I. 2 Grace (be) to you, and peace, from God I. 6 To the praise of the glory of his grace 1. 7 according to tho riches of his graco c. 5 together with Christ, by grace ye are sav. 2. 7 show the exceeding riches of his graco In 0. 8 by grace are you saved through faith , and 3. 2 dispensation of the grace of God which 3. 7 according to the gift of the grace of God 3. 8 least of all saints, is this grace given 4. 7 But unto every one of us is given graco 4.29 it may minister grace unto the hearers .6. 24 Grace (be) with all them that love our L. Phil. I. a Grace (be) unto you, and peace, from God 1. / ye all are pari;akers of my graco 4. 23 grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (be) with CoL I. 2 Graco (be) unto you, and peace, from God I. 6 and knew the grace of God In truth 3. 16 singing with grace in your hearts to tho 4. 6 Let your speech (be) o'lway with grace 4. 18 Puimember my bonds. Grace (be) with I Th. I. I Graco (bo) unto you, and peace, from O. 5. e8 grace cf our Loi-d Jesus Christ (be) with a Th. I. 2 Grace unto you, and peace, from God our I. 12 graco of our God and the Lord Jesus C. 2. 16 consolation and good hope through graco 3. 18 grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (be) witli 1 Ti. J. 2 Grace, mercy, (and) peace, from God our 1. 14 of our Lord was exceeding abunda. 6. 21 Grace (be) with thee. Amen 2 TL I. 2 Grace, mercy, (and) peace, from Gcd the .1. 9 according to his own purpose and grace 2. I strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus 4. 22 [Grace (be) vrith you. Amen] Titus I. 4 Grace, mercy, (and) peace, from God the 2. II the grace of God that brrngeth salvation 3. 7 being justified by his grace, we should 3. IS Grace (be) with you all. Amen Phm. 3 Grace to you, and peace, from 6od our 25 grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (be) v/itU Eeb. 2. 9 by the grace of God should tasto death 4. 16 come boldly unto the throne of grace 4. 16 and find grace to help in time of need 10. 29 done despite unto tho spirit of grace 7 12. 15 lest any man fail of the grace of God i:. 28 let lis havo graco, whereby wo may serve 13. 9 that the heart be estabLshed ■with grace 13. 23 Grace (bo) v/ith you all. Amen Jas. 4. 6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he 4. 6 but giveth grace unto the humble 1 Po. I. 2 Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied 1. 10 of the grace (that should come) unto you I. 13 hope to the end for the grace that is to 3. 7 being heirs together of the grace of life 4. 10 stewards of the manifold grace of God 5. 5 For God. .giveth grace to the humble 5. 10 the God of aU grace, who hath called us 5. 12 th{ true grace of Gcd wherein ye stand 2 Pe. I. 2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you 3. 18 grow in grace, and (in) the knowledge of 2 Jo. 3 Grace be with you, mercy, ^and) peace Judo 4 the grace of God into lasciviousnesc, and Eev. I. 4 Grace (be) unto you, and peace, from him 22. 21 grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (be) with GSACIOTTS — l.Gracc, favour, ]n chciu Prov.ii. 16 A gracious woman retaincth honour; and EccL JO. 12 words of a wise man s mouth (arc) gracL i.Graciozis, pJri chcmnun. Exod22. 27 that I will hear; for I (am) gr.acious 34. 6 merciful and gracious, long suffering and 2 Ch.30. 9 Lord your God (is)gracious and merciful Neh. 9. 17 gracious and merciful, slov/ to anger, and 9. 31 for thou (art) agracious and merciful God Psa. 86. J5 a God full of compassion, and graciovs 1C3. 8 Tho LoED (is) merciful and gracious, slow III. 4 tlie LOF.3 (i£) gracious, and full of conip. IJ2. 4 gracious, and full of compassion, and ri. 116. 5 Gracious (is) the Lord, and righteous; yea 145. 8 The Lord (is) gracious, and full of comp. Joel 2. 13 for he (is) gi-acious and merciful, slow to Jon. 4. 2 for I knew that thou (art) a gracious God S.Gracc, graciotisness, x°-P'^ charis- Luke 4. 22 and wondered at the gracious words which LUseful, kind, xPVod ihe GEAlTDMOTHEa — Mamma, grandinotlier, iiinn-q mammi. 2 It I. 5 which dwelt first in thy grandmother GEAirr — Grant, permission, l'lY^ rishyon, Ezra 3. 7 according to the grant that they had of CS. GEAHT, to — 1. To cause to come in, K^3 bo, 5. I Ch. 4. 10 God granted him that which he requested i.To give, ]nj naikan. Lev. 25. 24 ye shall grant a redemption for the land Euth I. 9 Tlie I.OKD grant you that ye may find rest I Sa. I. 17 the God of Israel grant.. thy petition that 1 Ch.2i. 22' Grant me the place of (this) threshing flo. 21. 22 thou bhalt grant it me for the full price 2 Ch.12. 7 but I will grant them some deliverance Ezra 7. 6 and the king granted him all his request Neh. I. II grant him mercy in the sight of this man 2. 8 the king granted me, according to the go. Esth. 5. 8 if it please the king to grant my petition 8. II Wherein the king granted the Jews which Job 6. 8 that God would grant., the tiling that I Psa. 20. 4 Grant thee according to thine own heart 85. 7 Show us thy mercy . .grant us thy ealva. 140. 8 Grant not, Lord, the desires of the wL 3. To do, make, work, vsc, n^ij; asah. Job 10. 12 Thou hast granted me life and favour 4. To give, SiSa/JLt didomi. Markio. 37 Grant unto us that we may sit, one on Luke I. 74 That he would grant unto us, that wo Acts 4. 29 grant unto thy servants, that with all II. 18 Then hath God also unto the Gentiles gr. 14. 3 granted signs and wonders to be done by Rom 15. 5 grant you to be like minded one toward Eph. 3. 16 That ho would grant you, according to 2 Ti. I. 18 The Lord grant unto him that he may Eev. 3. 21 To him that overcometh wiU I grant to 19. 8 And to her was granted tliat she should 5. To say, speak, (1t?ov eipon. Matt 20. 21 Grant that these my two sons may sit 6. To grant cs a favour, xapfC"/^"' charizomai. Acts 3. 14 desired a murderer to be granted unto GEAMT graciously, to — To be graciov-s, give gra/x, favour, jyj ehanan, Psa. I Tg. 25 way of lying, and grant me thy law grad. GEAirrED, to be — l.To give, inr.alhan. 2 Ch. 1. 12 Vrisdom and knowledge fis) granted nnto Prov 10. 24 desire of the righteous snail be granted 2. To be given, jm rMtkan, 2. Esth. 5. 6 ^^'hat (is) thy petition?, .it shall bo gran. 7. 2 Wliatfis) thy petition . .it shall be granted 9. 12 what (13) thy potiticn . .it shall be granted, 9. 13 let it be granted to the Jew» which (arc) GEAPE — A pari, single berry, 3^9 peret. Lev. 19. 10 neither ^ait thou gather (every) gr«pe ot GEAPE, tender — Tender JUnotr, the bulb, ijiJO semadar. Song 2. 13 the vines (with) the tender grape gl»e a 2. I j-the vines : for our vines (have) tender gz. 7. 12 let us see if . .the tender ifrape apj^ar GRAF] 432 GRAVEN iSKAPE gatherer — Tq cut off, gather, is? hatsar. Jer. • 6. 9 turn back thine hand as a grape eatherer 4*9. 9 If grape gatherers come to thee, would Obad. V 5 if the grape gatherers came to thee CBAPE gleanings,* gleaning of grapes ^ f/leanini/s, niV^V oleloth. Judg. 8. z (la) not the gleaning of the grapes of Ep. Mic. 7. 1 1 am.. as the grape gleanings of the Vint. GRAPES —", i. (Jleanings, tih^y oleloth. (Obad. ,,, 5 came, .would they not leave (some) gra.? i.Orape, ajg endb.- Gell. 40. ij I took the grapes, and pressed them Into 49. II and his clothes in the blood of grapes yAy. 25. 5 neithe"r gather the grapes of thy vine und. : Num. 6. ■ 3 any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes . 13. 20 the time (was) the time of tho first ripe g. 13. 23 cut. .a branch with one cluster of grapes J)eut23. 24 thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine, 32. 14 thou didst drink the pure blood of the g. 32. 32 their grapes (arc) grapes of gall, their cL Weh.13. 15 as also wine, grapes, and figs, and aH Isa. 5. 2, 4 looked that it should bring forth grapes Jer.- 8. 13 no grapes on the vine, nor Ugs on the fig Eos. 9. 10 1 found Israel like grapes in the wildern. Amos 9. 13 the treader of grai>es him that sowetU &.Chister 0/ grapes, GRATE — A grate, anything imsted or ^oovai, lajp miUiar. Exod27. 4 thou shalt make for it a grate of network 35. 16 altar of burnt offering, v/ith his brasen g. 38 4 lie made for the altar a brasen grate of n. 38, 5 cast four rings for the four ends of the g. 38. 30 the brasen altar, and the brasen grate for 39. 39 The brasen altar, and his grate of brass GRAVE - l.IIeop, player, 'ya bci. Job 3CT 24 will not stretch out. .hand to the gravo 2. Grave, ni^:ii) qeburah. Gea 35. 20 And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave 35. 20 that (is) the pillar of Rachel's grave unto Eze.' 32. 23 her compr.ny is round about her gravo 32. 24 all her multitude round about her gravo Z. Grave, "915 qcbcr. Gen. 50. 5 in my grave which I have digged for mo E.\odi4. II Because, .no gTaves in Egypt, hast thou Numig'. 16 touchcth. .a bone of a man, or a gravo 19. 18 touched, .one slain, or one dead, or a gr. 2 Sa. 3. 32 the king.. wept at the grave of Abner 19. 37 by the grave of my father and of my mo. 1 Ki. 13. 3a And he laid his carcase in his oivn grave ' « 14. 13 mourn , . for he only . . shall come to-the g. 2 Ki. 22. 20 thou shalt be gathered into thy grave in ( 23. 6 cast tlie powder thereof upon the graves 2 Ch.34. 4 strowed (it) upon tho graves of them that 34. 28 thou shalt be gathered to tliy grave in Job 3.22 are glad, v/hcn they can find the grave ? 5. 26 Thou shalt come to (thy) grave in a full 10. 19 been carried from the womb to the grave 17. I my days are extinct, the graves. .for me 21. 32 Yet Bliall he bo brought to the grave, and Psa. 83. 5 like the slain that lie in the grave, wherr. 88. 1 1 Shall thy . . kindness be declared in the g.r Isa. 14. 19 thouart cast out of thy graves like an ab. 53. 9 he made his gravo with the wicked, and ' 65. 4 Wliich remain among the graves, and ■ Jer. 8. I bring out tho bones .. out of their graves 20. 17 that my mother might have been my gr. 26. 23 cast his dead body into the graves of the Eze. 32. 22 -liis graves (are) about him : all of them • 32. 23 Whose graves are set in the sides of the 32. 25, 26 lier graves (are) round about hira : all 37. 12 my people, I will open your graves 37. 12 'cause you to come up out of your graves 37. 13 when I have opened your graves, O my 37. 13 and brought you up out of your graves 39. 1 1 I T/ill give unto Gog a place there of gr. Ifah. I. 14 I will make tliy grave ; for thou art vile i.The unseen state, Vihv slieol. Gen. 37. 35 I will go down into tho grave unto my son 42. 38 down my grey hairs with sorrow to the g. 44. 29 down my groy hairs with sorrow to theg. 44. 31 down the grcyliairs, . with sorrowto the g. I Sa. 2. 6 he bringeth. down to the g., and bringeth I KI. 2. 6 hoar head go down to the grave in peace 2. 9 bring thou doivn to the grave with blood Job 7. 9 he that goeth do-mi to tlie grave shall 14. 13 O that thou wouldest hide me in the gr. 17. 13 If I M'ait, tho gravo (is) mine house : I * 21. 13 and in a moment go down to the grave 24. 19 (so doth) tlie grave (those which) have Psa. 6. 5 in the gravo who shall give thee thanks ? 30. 3 hast brought up my soul from the grave 31. 17 the wicked, .let them b6 silent in the g. 49. 14 Like sheep they are laid in the grave.; d. 49. 14 their beauty shall consume in the grave 49. 15 redeem my soul from, the power of the g. 88. 3 and my life draweth nfgh unto the grave 89. 48 deliver his soul from the hand of the g.t 141. 7 Our bones are scattered at the grave's . jProv. I. 12 Let us swallov/ them up alive as the gravp f . / 30. i6The grave ; and the barren womb, tho Eccl. 9. IP no work, .in the grave, whither thou go. Sous 8- £ jealousy (is^ cruel as the grave : the coals Isa. 14. II Thy pomp is brought down to the grave 38. 10 I said . .1 shall go to the gates of tho gr. 38. 18 For the grave cannot praise thee, deatli Eze. 31. 15 In the day. .he went do^vn to the gravo Hos. 13. 14 ransom them from the power of the gra^ 13. 14 O grave, I will by thy destructioa : rep, 5.Cormption, x\rw shachath. Job 33. 22 Yea, his soul draweth near unto tho gra. Q.Iiades: the unseen state, oStjj hades. I Co. 15. 55 death . .[O gr.,] where (is) thy vfctoryt l.Memorial, grave, ij.vrj/j.a mnejiia.'-!. Rev. II. 9 not suffer their dead bodies to be put in-g, 8. Memorial, grave, fivrtiietov mnemeioh. Matt27. 52 the graves were opened; and many bodies 27- 53 came out of the graves after his resurrco. Lukeii. 44 for ye are as graves which appear not John 5. 28 all that are in the graves shall hear bis II. 17 he had (lain) in the grave four days aire, II. 31 She goeth unto the grave to weep there II. 38 Jesus therefore, .conieth to the grave. IC 12. 17 when he called Lazarus out of his grave GRAVE' clothes -- Bandages, Keipiat hciriai. Johnii. 44 boimd hand arid foot with grave clothes GRAVE — Venerable, reverend, grave, eefiv6i semnos., I Xi. '3^ 8 Likeivise.. the deacons. ! grave, not dou. 3. II Even so.. wives.. grave, not slanderers Titus 2_. 2 That the aged men be sober, grave, tem, GRAVE, to — 1. 1'o grave, decree, psn cliaqaq. Isa, 22. 16 that graveth an habitation for himself in 49; 16 I have graven thee upon the- palms of 2. To grave, cut or hew out, hoppasal. Hab. 2. 18 that the maker thereof hath graven It 3. To open up>, nnj pathach, 3. Exod28 9 grave on them the names of the children 28. 36 grave upon it. .the.engravings of a signet 1 Ki. 7. 36 he graved cherubim, lions, and palm tr. 2 Ch. 2. 14 to grave any manner of graving, and to " 3. 7 gold : and graved cherubim on the walla ^.Graving, rriT\^ pittuach. 2 Ch. 2. 7 that can skill to grave with the cunning GRAVEL — l.Gravel, halved stone, fyn chatsats. Prov2o. 17 but. .Ills mouth shaU bo flUed with grav. I.Bowels, gravel, nua maaK Isa.' 48. 19 the offspring of thy bowels like the gra. GRAVEL stono- Ilalved stone, gravel, j'yn chatsais. Lam. 3. 16 liatji .. broken my teeth irlth grastl ston, GRAVEN — l.To plow, grave, devise, EHn charash. Jer. 17. 1 graven upon the table of their heart, and 2. To grave, plow, devise, nnri charath. Exod32. 16 the writing of God, graven upon the tab. 3. To be opened up, nns patJiach, 4. Exod39. 6 graven, as signets are . . with the names i.So7iiething graven^scxclptured, x<''P<^yf-<'^charagma. Acts 17. 29 or stone, graven by art and man's device GRAVEN, to to — To be hewn, bsn chatseb, 2. Job" ig. 24 That they were graven with an Iron pen GRAVEN, are — Graving, nsn? pittuach. Exodag. 6 as signets are graven, with the names of GRAVEN imago — l.Graven, cut or hewn image, ho^ pcsel. Exodao. 4 Tliou shalt not make, .any graven image Lev. 26. I Yc shall make you no idols nor graven im. Deut. 4. 16, 23 and make you a graven image 4. 25 and make a graven image, .the likeness 5. 8 Thou shalt not make thee . . graven imago 27. IS man that maketh. .graven or molten im. Judgi7. 3 to make a graven image, and a molten i. 17. 4 who made thereof a graven image and a 18. 14 teraphim, and a graven image, and a m. 18. 17 took the graven image, and the ephod - 18. 20 and the teraphim, and the graven linage 18. 30 children of Dan set up the graven image 18. 31 they sot them up Micali's graven image 2 KI. 21. 7 ho set a graven image of the grove that Psa. 97. 7 Confounded be all. .that serve graven i. Isa. 40. 19 The workman melteth a graven image < 40. 20 cunning workman to prepare a graven 1. 42. 17 that trust in graven images, that say to 44. 9 They tliat make a graven image (arc) all 44. 10 or molten a graven image (that) is profit. 44. IS he maketh it a graven image, and falleth 44. 17 he maketh a god, (even) his giaven image 45. 2o that set up the wood of their graven im. 48. 5 my graven image, and my molten image Jer. 10. 14 founder is confounded by the graven ijn 51. 17 founder is confounded by the graven imi Nah. I. 14 I cut off the graven image and the molt. Uab. 2. 18 Wliat profitcth the graven image that the 2. Graven, '(sd or hewn images, D'i>'P9 pcsiliin,.- Deut. 7. 5 and bum tlieir graven un^es with flrff GRAVING 433 GEBAT Psa. Isa. 7er. Deut. 7. 25 The graven images of their goda shall ye 12. 3 ye shall hew down the graven images of 9 Ki 17. 41 and served their graven images, both e Ch.33. 19 set up groves anograven images, before 34. 7 had beaten the graven images into pow. 78. 58 moved, .to jealousy with their graven im, 10. 10 whoso graven images did excel them of J. ST. 9 all the graven Images of her goda he hath 30. 22 defile, .the covering of thy graven imag. 42. 8 Lord, .neither my praise to g iven ima. 8. 19 they provoked me . . with theirgraven im. 50. 38 it (is) the land of graven images, and they 51. 47 I will do Judgment upon the graven im. 51. 52 I will do judgment upon her graven im. Hos. II. 2 and burnt incense to graven images Mlc. I. 7 all the graven images thereof shall be 5. 13 Thy graven images also will I cut off, and rE&VIKG — ; . Qraving, carving, nyVijo miqlaath. 1 Kl 7. 31 upon the mouth of it{were) gravings with t.GraviTig, tp^piUuach. e Ch. 2. 14 to grave any manner of graving, and to Zech. 3. 9 1 will engrave the graving thereof, saith .TBAVINGtool — ffraven tool, pen. Bin cherot. EiDd32. 4 fashioned it with a graving tool, after ho .-fHAVlTY — Venerdbleness, gravity, (re/iv6TT]s s'.mnotes. iTl. 3. 4 hia children in subjection with all gravity Titus 2. 7 (showing) nncorruptu ss, gravity, sincer. ?EAY or GRET hairs — Old age, gray hairs, nj'jj' sehah. Gen. 42. 38 then shall ye bring down my grey hairs 44. 29 ye shall bring down ray grey hairs with 44. 31 thy servants shall bring down tlie grey h. Dent 3a. 25 the suckling, .with the man of grey hairs Hos. 7. 9 grey hairs are here and there upon him OE&Y or GBEY headed — \.Aged, gray headed, 3>i? sih. Job 15. 10 both the grey headed and very aged men Z.Old age, gray hairs, n^'e' sebah. Psa. 71. 18 Now also when I am old and greyheaded Trov 20. 29 and the beauty of old men (isj the grey h. SRAT or GKEY headed, to be — ITo be old, gray headed, 2-\(r sib. 1 Sa; 12. 2 and I am old and grey headed; and, beb. GKEASE — Fat, njin cheleb. Psa. 119. 70 Their heart la aa fat as grease ; (but) I GSEAT — 1. Juncture, joining, S'itij atstsil. Eze. 41. 8 foundations, .a full reed of six great cub. 2.Master, Sjfj baal. ■Prov 18. 9 la brother to him that is a great waster Z.Border, h^li gebul. Joah'is. 47 unto the river of Egypt, and the great sea i.Oreat, ^hj gadol. Gen. 1. 16 God made two great lights ; the greater I. 21 God created great whales, and every Uv. 10. 12 And Resen. .the same (is) a great city 12. 2 I wiU make of tliee a great nation, and I 12. 17 plagued Pharaoh, .with great plagues be. 13. 12 an horror of great darkness feU upon him 15. 14 shall they come out vrith great substance 15. 18 unto the great river, the river Euphrates 17. 20 Ishmael. .1 will make him a great nation 18. 18 shall surely become a great and mighty 19. II smote the men. .both small and great so. 9 brought on me and on my kingdom a g 31. 8 Abraham made a great feast the (same) day ai. 18 Arise, .for I will make him a great nation S7. 34 cried with a great and exceeding bitter c. B9. 2 and a great stone . . upon the well's mouth 39. 9 how then can I do this great wickedness 41. 29 there come seven years of great plenty 43. 7 to save your lives by a great deliverance 46. 3 for I wiU there make of thee-a great na. so. 10 with a great and very sore lamentation £xod. 3. 3 I will, .turn aside, and see this great si 6. 6 I will redeem you . . with great judgments 7. 4 out of the land of Egypt by great judg. II. 3 the man Moses(was) very great in the land 11. 6 there shall be a great cry throughout all 12. 30 and there was a great cry in Egypt ; for 14. 31 Israel saw that great work which the L. 18. 22 every great matter they shaU bring unto 32. 10 and I wUl make of thee a great nation 32. II with great power, and with amighty hand 32. 21 thou hast brought so great a sin upon th.? 32. 30 Ye have sinned a great sin : and now I 32. 31 this people have sinned a great sin, and irumi3. 28 and the cities (are) walled, (and) very gr. 34. 6 ye shall even have the great sea for a bo. 34-7 from the great sea ye shaU point out for. Deut. I. 7 \into the great river, the river Euphrates I. 17 shall hear the small as well as the great ■1. 19 we went through all that great and ter. 1. 28 the cities (are) great and walled up to h. e. 7 thy walking through thJa great wilderness e. 10, 21 a people great, and many, and tall, as 4. 6 Surely this great nation (is) a wise and 4. 7, 8 For what nation (is there so) great 4. 32 whethor there hath been, .aa ttua great Dent. 4. 34 by gi-oat terrors, according to all that the 4. 36 upon <:arth he showed thee his gi-eat (Iro 5. 22 of the thick darkness, with a great voico 5. 25 this great Ore will cousumo us : if wo 6. 10 to give thee great and goodly cities, which 6. 22 Lord showed, .wonders, great and sore 7. 19 Tlie great temptations which thine eyes 8. 15 \fho led thee tlu-ough that great and 9. I cities great, and fenced up to heaven 9. 2 A people great and tall, the children of 10. 17 Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and 10. 21 tliat hath dono for thee these great and 11. 7 your eyes have seen all the great acts of 18. 16 neither let me see this great Are any 25. 13 not have, .divers weights, a great and a 25. 14 not. .divers measures, a great and a small 26. 5 became there a, nation, great, mighty, and 26. 8 with great torriblcness, and with signs 27. 2 thou Shalt set thee up great stones, and 28. 59 great plagues, and of long continuanco 29. 3 The great temptations which thine eyes 29. 3 the signs, and those great miracles 29. 24 what (meanoth) tlio heat of tills great a. f 29. 28 In anger, and in wrath, and in great indl. 34. 12 in all the great terror wliioh Moses show. Josh, I. 4 unto the great river, the river Euphrates I. 4 unto the great sea toward the going down 6. 5 the people shall shout with a great shout C. 20 the people shouted vrith a great shout 7. 9 and what wilt thou do unto thy great na t 7. 26 they raised over him a great heap of sto. 8. 29 and raise thereon a great heap of stones 9. I in all the coasts of the great sea over 10. c because Gibeon (was) a great city, as one 10. 10 slew them with a great slaughter at Gi. 10. II the Lord cast down great stones from 10. 18 Koll great stones upon the mouth of the 10. 20 of slaying them with a very gi-eat slaug. 10. 27 and laid great stones in the cave's mouth 14. 12 aud (that) the cities (were) great (and) 14. 15 (Arba was) a great man among the Ana. 15. 12 And the west border Avas) to the great 15. 47 and the great sea, and the border (thereof) 17. 17 Thou, .hast groat power : thou shalt not 22. 10 an altar by Jordan, a great altar to see to 23. 4 inheritance . . unto the great sea westward 23. 9 Lord hath driven out. .great nations and 24. 17 which did those great signs in our sight 24. 26 took a great stone, and set it up there Judg. 2. 7 who had seen aU the great works of the S. 13 divisions of Reuben .. great thoughts of 5. 16 divisions of Reuben.. great searchings of 11. 33 Emote them, .with a very great slaughter 15. 8 smote them hip and thigh with a great 15. 18 Thou hast given this great delivferauce 16. 5 and see wherein his great strength (lieth) 16. 6, IS wherein thy great strength (lieth) 16. 23 to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their 21. s they had made a great oath concerning I Sa, 2. 17 the ^in of the young men was very great 4. 5 all Israel shouted with a great shout, so 4. 6 What, .the noise of this great shout in 4. 10 and there was a very great slaughter 4. 17 there hath been, .a great slaughter 5. 9 against the city, -with a very great destr. 5. 9 the men of tho city both small and great 6. 9 he liath done ua this great evil : but if 6. 14 and stood there, where, .a great stone 6. 15 theark..andput(them)on the great stone 6. 18 even unto the great (stone of) Abel, whe. 6. 19 had smitten, the people with a great si. 7. 10 Lord thundered with a great thunder on 12. 16 stand and see this great thing, which 12. 22 win not forsake his people for his great 14. 20 (and there was) a very great dlscomfltura 14. 33 he said. .roU a great stone unto me this 14. 45 who hath wrought this great salvation In 17. 25 the king ^vill enrich him with great riches 19. 5 Lord wrought a groat salvation for all,L 19. 8 and slew them ^vith a great slaughter 19 22 came to a great well that (is) in Sechu 20. 2 my father will do nothing, either great or 23. 5 David . . smote them with a great slaughter 25. 2 the man (was) very great, and he had 30. 2 they slew not any, either great or small 30. 16 because of all the great spoil that they 30. 19 neither small nor great, neither sons nor e Sa. s- 1° David went on, and grew great, and the 7. 9 and have made thee a great name 7. 9 like unto the name of the great (men) that 18. 7 there was there a great slaughter that 18. 9 went under the thick boughs of a great 18. 17 cast him into a great pit in the wood 18. 17 laid a very great heap of stones upon him 18. 29 I saw a great tumult, but I knew not 19. 32 had provided, .for he (was) a very great 20. 8 Tr^Tien they (were) at the great stono 23. 10, 12 and the Lord wrought a great victory I Ki. I. 40 rejoiced with great joy, so that the ea. 3. 4 Gibeon. .for that (was) the great high 3. 6 Thou hast showed . .my father great mer. 3. 6 thou hast kept for him this great kindn. 4.13 threescore great cities with walls and 5. 17 they brought great stones, costly stones 7. 9 on the outside toward the great court 7. 10 great stones, stones of ten cubits, and 7. 12 the great cotirt round about (was) with 8. 42 they shall hear of thy great name, and of 8. 65 all Israel with him, a great congregation 10. 18 the king made a great throne of ivory 18. 45 cJouds and wind, and there was a great 19. II a great and strong wind rent the mount. f Kt 2o. 13 Hast Ihou seen all this great mullitode 20. 21 slow the Syrians with a great slaughter 20. 23 will I deliver all this great multitude 22. 31 Fight neither with small nor great, save 3 Ki 3. 27 theU- was great indignation against Isr. 4. 8 to Shunom, where (was) a great woman 4. 3S .Sot on the great pot, and seethe pottage S- i Ifaaman. .was a great man v.'ith hl.'i mag. 5. 13 (iO the prophet had bid thee . . great thin j 6. 23 And he prepared great provision for them 6. 25 And there was a great farjlne in Samaria 7. 6 noise of horses, .the noise of a great host 8. 13 a dog, that he should do this great thiugf 10. ig for I have a great sacrifice (to do) to La. j6. 15 Upon tho great altar burn tne morning 17. 21 and Jc-oboam . .made tliom sin a gr(;at 17. 36 with great powcr,and a stretched out arm 18. 19 Tlius saith the great king, tho king of A. 18. 28 Hear the word of the great king, the kl. B2. J3 for great (is) the wrath of the Lord that 23. 2 and all tho people, both small and great 23. 26 from the fierceness of his great «Tath 25. 9 every great (man's) house burnt he with 25. 25 And all tho people, both small and great I Ch II. 14 Lord saved (them) by a great deUvcranco 12. 22 until, .a great host, like the host of God 16. 25 great (is) the Lord, and greatly to bo pr. 22. 8 and hast made great wars : thou shalt 25. 8 as well tho small as the great, the teach. 26. 13 cast lots, as well the small as the great 29. I young and tender, and the work (is) grc. 29. 9 David tho king also rejoiced with great 29. 22 And did eat and drink, .with great glad. » Ch. I. 8 Thou hast showed great mercy unto Da. 1. 10 for who can judge this thy people. .gre.I 2. 5 the house which I build (is) great ; for g. 2. 9 for the house, .(shall be) wonderful greaf 4. 9 tho great court, and doors for tho court 6. 32 from a far country for thy great name's 7. 8 all Israel with him, a very great congrc. 9. 17 the king made a great throne of Ivory IS- 13 small or great, whether man or woman. 16. 14 they made a very great burning for him 18. 30 Fight ye not with small or groat, save 21. 14 with a great plague wUl tho Lord sniito 26. 15 to shoot arrows and great stones withal 28. 5 carried away a great multitude of thorn 28. 5 who smote him with a great slaughter 30. 21 kept the feast, .seven days with great gl 30. 26 So there wsis great Joy In Jerusalem : for 31. 15 to give, .as Vi-oU to the great as to the B. 34. 21 great (Is) the wTath of the Lord that Is 34. 30 and all tho people, great and small 36. 18 all the vessels of the house of God, great Itei 3.'ii all tho people shouted with a great ahout 9. 7 (liave)-we (been) in a great trespass unto g. 13 evil deeds, and for our great trespass Neh. I. 3 The remnant . . (are) in great afiliction an d I. 5 the great and terrible God, that keepeth 1. 10 whom thou hast redeemed by thy great 3. 27 over against the great tower that heth 4. 14 remember the Lord, .great and terriblo 5. I there was a great cry of the people, and 5. 7 And I set a great assembly against them 6. 3 I (am) doing a great work, so that I can. 7. 4 Now the city (was) large and great ; bud 8. 6 And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great O. 8. 12 send portions, and to make great mirth. 8. 17 And there was very great gladness 9. 18, 26 and. .viTought great provocations 9. 25 delighted themselves in thy great good. 9. 32 our God, the great, the mighty, and tho 9. 37 they have dominion, .we (are) in great d, 12. 31 Then 1. .appointed two great (compan.) 12. 43 Also that day they offered great sacrifl. 12. 43 God had made them rejoice with great 13. 5 he had prepared for him a great chamber 13. 27 to do all this great evU, to transgress Esth. I. 5 made a feast, .both unto great and small I. 20 husbands honour, both to great and sm. 2. 18 the king made a great feast unto all his 4. 3 great mourning among the Jews, and 8. 15 with a great crown oi gold, and with a 9. 4 Mordecai (was) great in the king's house 10. 3 groat among the Jews, and accepted of Job 1. 19 there came a great wind from the wildc. 3. 19 Tho small and great are there ; and tho Psa. 21. 5 His glory (is) great in thy salvation 47. 2 ftie is) a great King over all the earth 48. I Great (is) the Lord, and greatly to be p. 57. 10 thy mercy (is) great unto the heavens 76. I In Judah (is) God known ; his name (is) g. 77. 13 who (is so) great a God as (our) God t £■5. 10 thou (art) great, and doest wondrous th.? 86. 13 great fis) thy mercy toward me ; and | 95. 3 Lord (is) a great God, and a great King i 96. 4 the Lord (is) great, and greatly to be pr. gg. 2 Lord (is) great in Zion ; and he (is) high gg. 3 Let them praise thy great, .name ; and 104. 25 this great and wide sea, wherein (arc) 104. 25 innumej-able, both small and great boosts 108. 4 thy mercy (is) great above the heavens III. 2 The works of the Lord (are) great, sought 115. 13 He will bless them, .small and great 135. 5 For I know that the Lord (is) great, and 136. 4 To him who alone doeth great wonders 136. 7 To him that made great lights : for his 136. 17 To him which smote great kings : for his 138. 5 they shall sing, .for great (is) the glory of 145. 3 Great (is) the Lord, and greatly to be pr. 145. 8 Lord (is), .slow to anger, and of great 147. s Great (is) our Lord, and of g;ceat power 55 GREAT 434 GREAT tProTi9."i9 A man of great wrath shall cuffer punls.-' - 25. 6 and stand not in the place of great (men) £ccl. 9. 13 This wisdom have I seen, .and it (seemed) Q. 14 and there came a great king against it 9. 14 besieged it, and built great bulwarks aga. 10. 4 for yielding pacifleth great offences Isai" s« 9 desolate.. great and fair, without inhabL 8. - 1 Take thee a great roll, and write in it 9. ' 2 The people . . have seen a great light : they X2. 6 great (is) the Holy One of Israel in the 27. I Lord with his sore and great and strong 27. 13 the great trumpet shall be blown, and 29. 6 with earthquake, and great noise, with 34. 6 a great slaughter" in the land of Idumea. 36. 4 Thus Baith the great king, the king of A, 36. 13 Hear ye the words of the great king, the 54. 7 but with great mercies will I gather Jer. 4. 6 I will bring evU from the north, and a gr. 5. 5 I ^vill get me unto the great men, and wiU 6. I evil appeareth out of the north, and great 6. 22 a great nation shall be raised from the 10. 6 Lord ; thou (art) great, and thy name (is) 10. 22 a great commotion out of the north ecu, 11. 16 with the noise of a great tumult he hath 34. 17 my people is broken with a great breach 16. 6 Both the great and the small shall die in i5. 10 hath the Lord pronounced all this great EI. 5 in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath CI. 6 And. .they shall die of a great pestilence 22. 8 the Lord done thus unto this great city ? 25. 14 many nations and 'great kings shall serve 25. 32 a great whirlwind shall be raised up from 25. 19 Thus might we procure great evil against 27. 5 by my great power and by my outstreto. £7. 7 many nations and great kings shall servo 28. 8 against great kingdoms, of war, and of 30. 7 Alas I for that day (is) great, so that none 3!. 8 a great company shall return thither 33. 17 by thy great power and stretched out arm 3-:. 18 The Groat, the Mighty God, the Lord of 32. 19 Great in counsel, and mighty in work 32. 21 with a stretched out arm, and with great 32. 37 in mine anger, and iit my fury, and in g. 32. 42 Like as I have brought aU this great evil ^3. 3 show thee great and mighty things, which 36. 7 great (is) the anger and the fury that the 43. 9 Take great stones in thine hand, and hide 44. 7 Wherefore commit ye. .great evil agaiuEt 44. 15 a great multitude, even all the people 44. 26 I have sworn by my great name, saith the 48. 3 A voice uf crying, .spoiling and great 50. 9 an assembly of great cations from the 50. 22 A sound of battle . . and of great destruc. 50. 41 and a great nation, and many kings shall 51. 54 groat destruction from the land of thoC. 51. 55 and destroyed out of her the great voico 52. 13 all the houses of the great, .burned ho T;am. 2. 13 for thy breach (is) great like the sea ; who Eze. I. 4 a great cloud, and a Are infolding Itaolf 3. 12 I heard behind me a voice of a great rush. 3. 13 the wheels, .a noise of a great rushing 8. 6 the great abominations that the house Q. 9 The iniquity, .(is) exceeding great, and 17. 3 A great eagle with great wings, long wl. 17. 7 another great eagle with great wings and 17. 9 without great power or many people to 21. 14 it (is) the sword of the great, .slain, which 23. 17 I vrill execute great vengeance upon them 29. 3 the great dragon that lieth In tlfe midst 29. i3 to servo a great service against Tyrus 36. 23 I will sanctify my great name, which was 37. 10 and stood up. .an exceeding great army 38. 13 take away cattle and goods, to take a gr. 38. 15 a great company, and a mighty army 38. 19 in that day. .shall be a great shaking in 39. v7 a great sacrifice upon the mountains of I. 47. 10 as the fish of the great sea, exceeding 47. 15 from the great sea, tho way of Hethlon 47 19 (in) Kadesh, the river to the great sea 47. 20 The west side also . . the great sea from 48, 28 (and) to the river toward the great sea Dan. & 8 when he was strong, the great horn was 8, ai the great horn that (is) between his eyes 940 Lord, the great and dreadful God 9. 12 by bringing upon us a great evil : for 10. 4 as I was by the side of the great river JO. 7 a great quaking fell upon them, so that 10. 8 I. was left alone, and saw this great visi. 11. 13 vrfth a great army and with much riches II. 25 stir up his power, .with a great army II. 25 with a very great and mighty army II. 28 Then shall he return, .with great riches 11. 44 he shall go forth with great fury to des. 12. I the great prince which standcth for the Hos. 1. 1 1 come up . . f or great . . the day of Jezreel Joel 2. II the day of the Lord (is) great and very e. 25 my great army which I sent among you 2 31 before tho great and tho terrible day of Amo6 6. II he will smite the great house with brea. ion. I. 3 Arise, go to Nineveh,- that great city, and I 4 Lord sent out a great wind into the sea 1. 12 I know that for my sake this great tern. 1. 17 Lord had prepared a great flsii to swallow 3 2 Arise, go -unto Nineveh, that great city 3, 3 Nineveh was an exceeding great city of , :; 4- " should not I spare Nineveh, that great irtio.'^ 7. 3 the gre^t (man), he uttereth his mischiev. Kah. I, 3 Lord (is) slow to anger.and great in power /^oph, I. 10 and a great crashing from the hills ;. X. 14 The great day of the Lord (is) near, (It Zech. I. 14 1 am Jealous for. .Zion with a great jealou. «• 7 Who (art) thou, greftt mouutain ? before ^Zedi. 7. 12 came a great wrath from tho Lord of ho. 8. 2 I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy %. 2 and I was jealous for her with great fury /14. ■ 4 (and there shall bo) a very great valley 1^, MaL I. II, II my name (shall be) great among the'V '1. 14 I (am) a great King, saith the Lord of ho. 4. 5 before the coming of the great and dread. h. Or eat, ^J gadel. 2 Ch.17. 12 And Jehoshaphat waxed great exceeding. Eze. 16. 26 the Egyptians thy neighbours, great o£ &,Oreat or rolled storm, 77? gelal. Ezra 5. 8 which is bulfd'ed with great stones, and 6. 4 three rows of great stones, and a row of 7. To commit fornication, n^TzanaTi. Hos. I. 2 the land hath committed gicat whoredom 8.T0 ic pained, ^'•n, h>n chv.l, chil. Eze. 30. 16 Sin shaU have great pain, and No sljall bo 9.T0 give Tumour, maJca heavy, 133 kaibed, 8.- Nmn 24. IT I thought to promote thee unto great h. 10. Heavy, honourable, ^^^ kdbcd. Gen. 50. 9 c;i?,riot3 and horsemen, .a very great co. 1 Kl. 3. 9 wl'o is able to judge this thy so great a 10. 2 sho came to Jerusalem with a very great 3 Ei. 6. 14 sent, .horses, and chariots, and a great iS. 17 scut., with a great host against Jerusalem 2 Cii. 9. 1 with a very great company, and camels Isa. 32. 2 as the sliadow of a great rock in a weary 35. 2 sant. .unto king Hezekiah. vatii a great Xi.Might, with might, nto meod. Dcut. 3 5 All. .besides nnwalled towns agrcatmany Judgi2. 2 I and my people were at great strife ■\Tith 3 £a. 12, 30 tho cpoil of the city in great abundance 24. 14 I am in a great strait : let us fall now Into 1 Kt 10. II brought in from Opliir great plenty cJ 11. 19 Hadad found great favour in the sight cJ 1 Ch.2i. 13 I am in a great strait : let me fall now 2 CIL 4. 18 Solomon made ell these vessels in great 9. 9 of spices great abundance, and precious Job 35. 15 yet he knoweth (it) not in great extremity Isa. 47. 9 for the great abundance of thine enchant. Zech 14. 14 silver, and apparel, in great abundance ll.Increase, dbundarux, n|"]0 marheh. Isa. 33. 23 then is the prey of a great spoil divided 13. To make despised, J'X.) naats, 3. 2 Sa. 12. 14 thou hast given great occasion to the en. ILMighty, D?;;i; afswn. Nx:ia32. 1 Gad had a very great multitude of cattle 15.70 do, malce, rty'i^ asah. I Ca. 25. 25 thou chali both do groat (things), and also lQ.Alrj.wlant, 'much, 21 rob. Gen. 6. 5 that tho 'Wickedness of man (was) great in 7. II the ioujntaina of tho great deep broken up IS. 6 their substance v/as great, so that Ihcy 18. 20 tho cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great 26. 14 he had. .herds, and great store of servants Numii. 33 smote the people with a very great plague 14. 18 Lord (is) lorigBnlIering,and of great mercy Josh. 10. II Lord cast down great stones from heaven II. 8 chased them unto great Zidon, and unto 17. 14 seeing I (am) a great people, forasmuch as 17. IS If tliou fbe) a great people, .get thoo up 17. 17 Thou (art) a great people, and hast., power 19. 28 Hammon, and Kanah. .imto great iJidon 1 Sa. 12. 17 SCO that your wickedness (is) great, which 25. 13 afar off, a great space (bemg) between 2 Ea. 3. 22 and brought in a great spoil with them 24. 14 his mercies (are) great : and let mi' cot I E. 3. 8 pooplo wMch thou hast chosen, a great 5. 7 hath given, .a wise son over this great peo. 19. 7 because the journey (is) too great for thee I Ch.2j. 13 very great (are) his mercies : but let mo a Ch.13. 8 ye (be) a great multitude, and. .with you 13. 17 Abijah . . slew them with a great slaughter 15. 5 great vexations (were)upon all the iuhab. 20. 12 wc liave no might against this great com. 20. IS Eeuot afraid, .by^reasou of tliis greafmul. 21. 3 their father gave thcm-great gifts of silver 21. 15 great sickness by disease of thy bowels 24. 25 for they left him in great diseases £3. 13 our trespass is groat, and. .fierce wrath Ezra 10. I a very great congregation of men and wo. Neh, 9. 17 slow to anger, and of great kindness, and g. 31 for thy great mercies' salco thou didst not 9. 35 In thy great goodness that thou gavest Esth. 1. 20 throughout all his empire, for it is great Job I. 3 she asses, and a very great household S. 25 Shalt know also that thy seed (shall be) g. 22. 5 (Is) not thy wickedness great ? and thine 31. 25 If 1 rejoiced because my wealth (was) gr. 31. 34 Did I fear a great multitude, or did the 33. 21 or (because) the number of thy days (is) g.? 39. 11 trust him, because his strength (is) great? Psa. 19. 11 in keeping of them (thero is) great reward 19. 13 I shall be innocent from tho great trans. . £2. 25 My praise, .of thee ih tho great congreg. 23. II Lord, pardon rrano iniqmty ; for it (is) g. 31. 19 how great (is) thy goodness, which thou r;2. 6 in tho floods of great waters they shall 35. 18 I will give thee thanks In the great cong. 35. 6 thy judgments (are) a great deep : O Lord 40. 9 I have preached righteousness in the gr. 40. 10 and thy truth from the great congregation 48. 2 mount Zion. .the city of the great King 68. II great (was) the company of those that 71, 29 wiilcb base ahoTt>od mo ereat aad acre Psa. 77. 19 thy path in the great waters, and thy foofcv ; 78. IS and gave, .drink as. .the great depths < ' J07. 23 They . .that do business in great waters >i 'uB* 156 Gjeat (are) thy tender mercies, Lord ^119.162 I rejoice.. as one that flndeth great spoil -119. i6s Great peace have they which love thy _ 135. 10 Who smote great nations, and slew mighty 144. 7 deliver me out of great waters, from the 145. 7 shall, .utter the memory of thy great go. 147. 5 of great power : his understanding tis) Prov 13. 7 that maketh himself poor, yet (bath) gr. L .14. 29 slow to wrath (is) of great understandini? 15. 16 than great treasure, and trouble therewL 22. I rather to be chosen than great riches 26. 10 Tho great fGod), that formed all. .both 28. 12 When righteous, .do rejoice, (there is) gr. 28. 16 that wanteth understanding (is), .a great Eccl. 2. 21 This also (is) vanity and a great evil 8. 6 the misery of man (is) great upon him 10. 6 Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich Isa. 6. 12 a great forsaking in the midst of the land 13. 4 The noise . .like as of a great people 16. 14 glory of Moab. .with all that great mul. 23. 3 ATid by great waters the seed of Sihor 30. 25 waters in the day yind 4. 39 the wind ceased, and there waa a great 5. II there was., a [great] herd of swine feeding J. 42 astonished with a great astonistiment 10. 43 but whosoever will be great among you 13. 2 Seest thou these great buildings ? there 16. 4 stone was roUed away : for it was very g. Luke 1. 15 he shall be great in the sight of the Lord 1. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the 2. 10 1 bring you good tidings of great Joy 4. »5 when great famine was throughout all 4. 38 wife's mother was taken with a great fe v. 5. 29 Levi made him a great feast in his own 6. 49 and the ruin of that house was great 7. 16 That a great prophet is risen up among 8. 37 to depart, .for they were taken with gre. 9. 48 he that is least, .the same shall be great 13. 19 and it grew, and waxed a [great] tree 14. 16 A certain man made a great supper, and 16. 26 between us. .there is a great giilf fixed 21. II great earthquakes shall be in divers pla. St. II and great signs shall there be from heav. 21. 23 there shall be great distress in the land 24. 52 and returned to Jerusalem with great John 6. 18 the sea arose, by reason cf a great wind 7. 37 In the last day, that groat (day) of the 21. II drew the net to land full of great fishes Acta 2. 20 before that great and notable day of the 4. 33 with great power gave the apostles witn. 4. 33 and great grace was upon them all 5. 5 great fear came upon all tiem that heard 5. 11 And great fear came upon aU the church 6. 8 Stephen . . did great wonders and miracles 7. II there came a dearth, .and great affliction 8. I there was a great persecution against 8. 2 and made great lamentation over him 8. 8 And there was great Joy in that city 8. 10 This man is the great power of God to. II as it had been a great sheet knit at the II. s M It had been a great sheet, let down 11. 28 that there should be a great dearth 15. 3 they caused great joy unto all the breth. 16. 26 And suddenly there was a great earthqu. 19. 27 that the temple of the great goddess D. 19. 28 saying, Great (is) Diana of the Ephesians 19. 34 cried out, Great (is) Diana of the Ephesi. 19. 35 is a worshipper of the great goddess Dia. 23. 9 And there arose a great cry : and the 26. 22 witnessing both to small and great, say. Som. 9. 2 That I have great heaviness and continu. X Co. 16. 9 a great door and effectual is opened unto Eph. 5. 32 This is a great mystery : but I speak 1 Ti. 3. 16 And without controversy great is the my. ■ 6. 6 godliness with contentment is great gain 2 TL 2. 20 in a great house there are not only vess. Titus 2. 13 the glorious appearing of the great God Heb.- 4. 14 Seeing then that wc have a great high 16. 33 which hath great recompence of reward 13. 20 Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sh. Jnde 6 reserved., imto the judgment of the great Ber. 1. 10 heard behind mo a great voice, as of a 2.22 that commit adultery with her into great 6. 4 and there was given unto liim a great 6. 12 there was a great earthquake ; and the 6. 17 the great day of his ■ivrath is come ; and 7. 14 they which came out of great tribulation 8. . 8 as it were a great mountain burning 8. 10 there fell a great star from heaven, bum. '9. 2 a smoke . . as the smoke of a [great] f uma, '9.-14 which are bound in the great river Euph. II. 8 dead bodies, .in the street of the great II. II great fear fell upon them which saw II. 12 they heard a great voice from heaven say. [it. 13 the same hour was there a great eartbq. Rev. II. 15 and tiicro were great voices in heaven II. 17 thou hist t.-il:cu to tlico tliy great power II. 18 them that fear tliy name, small and great 11. 19 tlmudoring,-!, and an c-srtliqtiake, and gr. 13. I there appeared a f;roat wonder in heaven 13. 3 behold a great red dragon, having seven 12. 9 the great dragon was cast out, that old 12. 12 having great wrath, because he knoweth 12. 14 were given two wings of a great eagle 13. 2 his power, and his seat, and great auth. 13. 13 he doeth great wonders, so that he mak. 13. 16 he caused all, both small and great, rich 14. 2 I heard, .as the voice of a great thunder 14. 8 Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city 14. 19 cast (it) into the great ^vlno press of the 15. I I saw another sign in heaven, great and 15. 3 Great and marvellous (are) thy works, L. 16. 1 1 heard a great voice out of the temple 16. 9 And men were scorched with great heat 16. 12 poured out his vial upon the great nver 16. 14 to the battle of that great day of God A. 16. 17 there came a [great] voice out of the tem. 16. 18 there was a great earthquake, such aa 16. 18 so mighty an earthquake, (and) so great 16. 19 the great city waa divided into three pa, 16. 19 great Babylon came in remembrance bef. 16. 21 there fell upon men a great hall out of ».6. 21 for the plague thereof was exceeding gr. 17. ithe Judgment of the great whore that 17. s Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother 17. 6 when I saw her, I wondered with great 17. 18 the woman which thou gawest is that gr. »8. 1 came down from heaven, having great 18. 3 [Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, end] 18. 10 that great city Babylon, that mighty city 18. 16 Alas, alas, that great city, that was clot. 18. 18 What (city is) like unto this great city I 18. 19 Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were 18. 21 angel took up a'stono like a great miUat. 18. 21 Thus with violence shall that great city 19. 1 1 heard a great voice of much people in 19. 2 he hath Judged the great whore, which 19. 5 and ye that fear him, both small and gr. ig. 17 together unto the supper of the great G. 19. 18 (both) free and bond, both small and gr. 20. I having the key. .and a great chain in his 20. II I saw a great white throne, and him that ao. 12 I saw the dead, small and great, stand ai. 3 I heard a great voice out of heaven, say. ai. 10 he carried me away in the spirit to a gr. 31. lo and showed mo that [great] city, the holy ai. 12 And had a wall great and Ugh, (and) had Zi.Mcmy, numerous, iroKis polus. Matt. 2. 18 lamentation, and weeping, and great mo. 4. 23 there followed him great multitudes of 5. 12 for great (is) your reward in heaven : for ^ 8. I When he was come down .. great multitu. 8. 18 when Jesus saw great multitudes about 12. IS great multitudes followed him, and he 13. 2 great multitudes were gathered together 14. 14 Jesus went forth, and saw a great multi. 15 30 great multitudes came unto him, having 19. 2 And great multitudes followed him ; and 19. 22 sorrowful : for he had great possessions 20. 29 from Jericho, a great multitude followed 24. 30 coming in the clouds . . vnXh power and gr. 26. 47 and with him a great multitude with sw. Mark 3. 7 a great multitude from Galilee f&Uowed 3. 8 they about Tyre and Sidon, a great mul. 4. I there was gathered unto him a great m, 9. 14 he saw a great multitude about them 10. 22 grieved : for he had great possessions 13. 36 coming in the clouds ivith great power 14. 43 and with him a [great] multitude with sw. LuKe 3. 36 she was of a great age, and had lived 5. 6 they inclosed a great multitude of fishes 5. IS great multitudes came together to hear 5. 29 there was a great company of publicans 6. 17 and a great multitude of people out of 6. 23 for, behold, yom' reward (is) gi'eat in 6. 35 your reward shall be great, and ye shall 10. 2 The harvest truly (is) great, but the lab. 14. 23 there went great multitudes with him 21. 27 coming in a cloud, with power and great ' 23. 27 there followed him a great company of John 5. 3 In these lay a [great] multitude of impot. 6. 2 a great multitude follov/ed him, because 6. 5 Josus . . saw a great company come unto Acta 6. 7 a great company of the priests were obe. 11. 21 a great number believed, and turned 14. I that a great multitude of tiis Jews and 17. 4 of the devout Greeks a great multitude 21. 40 And when there was made a great silence 22. 28 With a great sum obtained I this freedom 23. 10 And when there arose a great dissension 24. 2 Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quiet. 24. 7 with great violence took (him) away out 25. 23 Agrippa was come, and Bemice, with gr. 28. 6 but after they had looked a great while e8. 29 [and had great reasoning rmongthemsel.] 3 Co. 3. 12 Seeing, .we use great plainness of speech 7. 4 Great (is) my boldness of speech toward 7. 4 great (is) my glorifying of you : I am fill. 8. 2 How that in a great trial of affliction the 8. 22 upon the great confidence which, .in you Eph.' 2. 4 for his great love wherewith he loved us Col. 4. 13 that he hath a great zeal for you, and 1 Th. 2. 17 endeavoured . .to see yom- face with great I Ti.. 3. 13 great boldness in the faith which is in C. Phm, 7 we have great joy and consolation in thy Seh. 10. 33 in which. .7eeodu«d a great fight of affl. Eev. 7. 19. 9 After this I beheld, and lo, a great rnul 6 I licfud a.s it were the voice of a great m. [Bet aUo Delight, do, drought, flame, forces, grasshopl per, liailstone.i, how, Jiou, man, mercies, owl pain pokier, so, stature, Iccth, toe, very, while to come' wonders.] GREAT, to be — X.To he mighty, strong, 133 gahar. Psa.103. II great is his mercy toward them that fear 117. 2 For his merciful kindness is great toward 2. To be or become great, h-}i gadal. Gen. 48. 19 he ahio shall be groat ; but truly hla you- Humi4. 17 let the power of my Lord be great, acco. 2 Sa. 7. 22 Wherefore thou art great, Coed God Job 2. 13 for they saw that (his) grief waa very gr Psa. 92. s how great are thy works, .thy thoughtj' 104. I thou art very great : thou art clothed EccL 2. 9 So I was great, and increased more than Mio. 5. 4 for now shall ho be great Into the ends Zech 12. II In that day shall there be a great mour. 3. To be bony, substantial, D»v aisuTn. P8a.i39. 17 thy thoughts.. God 1 how great Is tlie 6RSAT aa would contain — Souse, r\'.3 hdyilh. I Ki. 18. 33 as great as would contain two measures GREAT, to bocoma — 1. To be or become great, Vil gadal. Gen. 24. 35 he is become great : and he hath given 26. 13 the man. .grew until he became very cr. Jer. 5. 37 therefore they arc become great, and \va.T. 2.T0 become great, Via gonial, 5. Dan. 8. 4 did according to hla will, and becaaic g. GREAT with child — Pregnant, iyxvot cjjkuos. Luke 2. 5 his espoused wife, being groat with child GREAT (cattle) — Oxen, herd, cattle, ".55 baqar. EccL 2. 7 possessions of great and small cattle above GREAT curse — A thing devoted, ivdO^fia anathema. Acts 23. 14 We have bound ourselves under a grcit c. GREAX deal, the more a — Mvch more, iroWif fiaWov poll6 m^Uon. itarkio. 48 he cried the more a great deal, (Thou) GREAT deal, 30 much the more a — More exceedingly, ftZWov Tztpiacirfpov mallon pe. Mark 7. 36 30 much the more a great deal they pti!). GREAT estate, to come to — To become great, '?1J gadal, 5. EccL 1. 16 Lo, I am como to great estate, and havo GREAT, exceeding — Greatest, ixfyiaros megistos. 2 Po. I. 4 given, .exceeding great wid precious pr, GREAT (fear) — Fear, in? packad. Psa. 14. 5 There were they in groat fear : for God GREAT, to' give — To cause to be great, ^i; gadal, 5. Psa. 18. SO Great deliverance giveth he to his kina GEEAT hail (stcnes) — Sail, ice, B'^^Ji'^t elgabish. Ezc. 13. II and ye, great hailstones, shall fall 13. J3 and great hailstones, in (my) fury, to co. 38. 22 and great hailstones, fire, and brimstcno GEEAT, how — l.How great [a degree), rjXlKos helikos. Jas. 3. 5 how great a matter a little fire kindlcth great [a degree), irriXiKos pelikos. Heb. 7. 4 consider how great this man (was), unto Z.JIow great {a quantity), ■k6(tos posos. Matt. 6. 23 be darlmcss : how great (is) thct darlin. I GEEAT lord — Warrior, knight, V^h^ shalish. Eze 23. 23 great lords and renowned, all of ttecj GEEAT, to make — \ l.To make great, 'jtj gadal, 3. Gen. 12. 2 I will bless thee, and make thy aamo (t. 1 Ch.29. 12 in thy hand (it is) to make great, and to Eze. 31. 4 Tile waters made liim great, the deep rcb 2. To cause to be great, '?'i3 gadal, 5. Eccl. 2. 4 I mads me great works ; I buUded me ho, JLza, 24. 9 I will even make the pile for fire great Z.To make great or abundant, njT rabah, 5. Judg 20. 38 that they should make a great flame witli. 2 Sa. 22. 36 and thy gentleness hath made me great Psa. 18. 35 and thy gentleness hath made me great GREAT man — \.A man, o't< ish. , '" Isa. 2. 9 the great man humbleth himself r there 2. Great one, Vnj gadol. 2 Sa. 3. 38 there is a prince and a great man fallea 3 Eiio. 6 with the great men of the city, which 10. II all hia ^veat men, and his kin t tolks , and GREAT 436 GHBATLY 1 Ch.17. ,8 name of the great "men that (are)*l tho Noh. II. 14 Zabdiel, the son of (one of) the great men ProviS. 16 man'3gift..briEgethliimlief ore great men Nah. 3. 10 and all her great men were bound in oh. B.Gi-eat, mighty, elder, m rab. Job 32. 9 Great men are not (always) wise ; neither 4, Great ones, rougnates, fieyiffraves oriegistanes. Bev, 6. 15 the kings of the earth, and tho great men 18. '23 thy merchants were the great men of tho fiSEAT man, to make a — To make great, njn rebah, 3. pan. 2. 48 Then the king made Daniel a great jlian eSEAT, man of — Oreat, Via or Vna garol or gadol, Prov 19! 19 A man of great wrath shall suffer ptmls. GKEAT matter — Qreat, Vnj gadol. P3a.i3i. I neither do I exercise myssU in great ma. GEEAT measttre — Abundantly, hy measure, vi''W shalish. Psa. Bo. s givest theim tears to drink in greaS mea, CHEAT imm1>er — l.Heaviiness, weight, nab hdbed. BTah. 3. 3 a multitude of slain, and a great number 2. Abundance, 3i rah. 2 Ch,3o. 24 a great number of priests eanctifled them GEEAT number of — Coming or reaching to, sufficient, iKavSs hikanos. Markio. 46 with his disciples and a great number of GEEAT one, (some) — 1. Great, mighty, yj rah. Isa. 19. 20 shall send them a saviour, and a great ono 2.A certain great one, ris /ueyos tis mcgas. Acts 8. 9 giving out that himself was some great one ^.The great ones, ol /icyaXot hoi megaloi. Markio. 42 their great ones exercise authority upon r-EEAT owl — Otol, crane or heron, ibis, Itv^il yanshiiph. Lev. II. 17 and the cormorant, and tho great owl Deut 14. 16 The little owl, and tho great owl, and the GKEAT, to show — To make great, magnify, fieyaXirua megaluno. liUke I. 58 heard hov/ the Lord had showed great GEEAT, so — l.So great (a degree), tsXikovtos telikoutos. 2 Co» 1. 10 Who delivered us from so great a death Eeb. 2. 3 How shall wo escape, if v/o neglect so g. Jas. 3. 4 Behold.. the ships, which though.. so g. 2. So great {a quantity), roa-ovros iosoutos. Matt. 8. 10 I have not found so great faith, no, not 15. 33 much bread, .as to All so great a multit.? Luke 7. 9 1 have not found so great faith, no, not Hob. 12. I are compassed about ivith so great a cloud llev. 18. 17 in one hour so great riches is come to BEEAT, they that are — The great ones, 01 fieydxoi hoi inegaloi. ia^tt.2o. 25 they that are great exercise authority GKEAT thing — l.Cfreat, Vna gadol. 2 Ki. 8. 4 Tell me, I pray thee, all the great thinRS Job 5. 9 Which doeth great things and unsearoh. 9. 10 Which doeth great things past finding out 37. s great things doeth he, which we cannot .' Psa. 71. 19 who hast done great things : O God, who 106. 21 which had done great things in Egypt Jer. 45. s And seekest thou great thjngs for thyself t Z.Greatness, nh'ii-i, rt^ni gedullah, gedulah. , 2 Sa. 7. 21 hast thou done all these great things, to ■ '^' 7. 23 and to do for you great things and terrible 1 Ch.17. 19 done.. making known all (those) great th. Z. Myriad, greatness, Ni2"!, 'i3"! rihbo. Hos. 8. 12 I have written to him the great things of 4. Very great, 3^a^ rabrab. Dan. 7. 8 eyes . . and a mouth speaJdng great things 6. Great thing, ixiya mega. I Co. 9. II great tiling it we shall reap your carnal '2 Co. 1 1. 15 Therefore (it is) no great thing if his min. Ee v. 1 3. 5 given unto him a mouth speaking great th. 6. The great things, ra iJ-^yaX^la ta megaleia. Luke 1. 49 that is mighty hath done to me [great th.] _ GEEa.T (things), to do — ' To make great, h-\i gadal, 5. I Sa.i2. 24 consider how great (things) he hath done Paa. 126. 23 The LORD hath done great things for them Joel 2. 20 come up, because ho hath done great thi. -//fi e. 21 Fear not. .for tho LoED will do great thi, GEEAT things, how — • .^. ^ ITovj great (a quantity), Sa-os hosos. Mark 5, 19 how great things tho Lord hath done for 5. 20 how great things Jesus had done for him liUk^ 8. 39 show how great things God hath done ',, 8. 39 how igreat things Jesus had done unto Acts 9. 16 I willEhow him how great things he must GEEAT things, very — Very great, y-nn rabrab. Dan. 7. 20 and a mouth that spako very great things GEEAT (things), what — l.ffow great {a degree), rjXlKos helikos. Col. 2. I that ye knew what great conflict I have 2.H0W great (a quantity), Zeros hosos. Mark 3. 8 when they had heard [what great things] GEEAT toes — Thumbs of the foot, D;Vn niang behonoth raglayim. Jude I. 6 and cut off his thumbs and his great toes 1. 7 their thumbs and their great toes out off GEEAT, very — \.To give honour, weight, 133 kabed, 3. Num32. 17 I will promote thee unto very great hon. 2. Very much or numerous, irrf/tToAu j pampolus. Mark 8. i In those days the multitude [being very g.] 3. Most, wXeio-ros pleistos. Matt 21. 8 a very great multitude spread their gar. GEEAT, to wax — l.To be or become great, ^na gadal. Qen. ig. 13 because the cry of them is waxen great 26. 13 the man waxed great, and went forward Eze. 16. 7 and thou hast increased and waxen great Dan. 8. 9 a little horn, which waxed exceeding gr. 8.10 And it waxed great .. to the host of heaven 2. To make or become great, Via gadal, 5. Dan. 8. 8 Therefore the he goat waxed very great ( QEEATEE — 1. Great, ^ha gadol. Gen. I. 16 the greater light to rule the day, and tho 4. 13 My punishment (is) greater than I can be. 39. 9 none greater in this house than I ; neither ExodiS. Ill know that the Lord (is) greater than all Nurai4. 12 thee a greater nation and mightier than Deut. I. 28 Tho people (is) greater and taller than we 4. 38 nations, .greater and mightier than thou 9. I to possess nations greater and mightier II. 23 shall possess greater nations and mightier Josh. 10. 2 because it (was) greater than Ai, and all 2 Sa. 13. 15 greater than the love wherewith he had 13. 16 greater than the other that thou didst 2 Ch. 3. 5 the greater house he ceiled with ilr tree Esth. 9. 4 for. .Mordecai waxed greater and greater Eze. 8. 6, 13, 15 thou shalt see greater abominations 43. 14 from the lesser settle, .to the greater set. Hag. 2. 9 The glory of this, .house shall be greater 2. To go on, Tihn halak. I Ch. II. 9 So David waxed greater and greater : for d.Many, great, 3n rab. Deut. 7. I nations greater and mightier than thou .9. 14 a nation greater and mightier than they Dan. II. 73 set. .a multitude greater than the former Amos 6. 2 thoir border greater than your border 1 4. Greater, /nei^Jrepos m^izoteros. 3 Jolm 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that ^.Greater, fiel^av meizon. Matt. 1 1. II there hath not risen a greater than John 11. II least in the kingdom of heaven is greater 12 7 in this^ilace is (one) greater than the tem. 23. 17 whether is greater, the gold, or tho tem. 23. 19 whether (is) greater, the gift, or the altar Mark 4. 32 it growetli up, and becometh greater 12. 31 There is none other commandment grea. luko 7. 28 there is a not greater prophet than John ■ 7 28 least in the kingdom of God is greater 12 18 I will puU down my barns, and build gr. 22 27 whether (is) greater, he that sitteth at John 4. 12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob 5. 20 he will show him greater works than S. 36 I have greater witness than (that) of Jo. 8. S3 Art thou greater than our father Abrah. 10. 29 My Father, which gave (them) mo, is gr. 13. 16 The servant is not greater than his lord 13. 16 neither he that is sent greater than he 14. 12 and greater (works) than these shall he 14. 28 Father : for my Father is greater than I 15. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that 15. 20 The servant is not greater than his lord 19. II he that delivered me unto thee hath the g. 1 Co. 14. 5 greater (is) he that prophesieth than ho Eeb. 6. 13 because he could swear by no greater, he 6. 16 men verily swear by the greater ; and an 9. II by a greater and more perfect tabernacle 11. 26 Esteeming tho reproach of Christ greater Jas. 3. I we shall receive the greater condemnat. 2 Po. 2. II angels, which are greater in power and I Jo. 3. 20 God is greater than our heart, and know. 4. 4 because greater is he that is in you, than 5. 9 the witness of God is greater : for this 6. More abundant, TrepKra-irepos perissoteros. Matt 23. 14 [therefore ye shall receive the greater] Mark 12. 40 these shall receive greater damnation Luke 20. 47 the same shall receive greater damnation 7. More, something more, ir\eiuv pleion, Tcxiovpleon, Matt 12. 41 and, behold, a greater than Jonas (is) ' 12. 42 and, behold, a greater than Solomon (is) Lukeii. 31 and, behold, a greater than Solomon (is) ' II. 32 and, behold, a greater than Jonas (is) Acts 15. 28 to lay upon you no greater burden than GEEATEB part, the — Tlie more part, the majvrity, ol TrXeiov; hoipleious, I Co. 15. 6 of whom the greater part remain unto GEEATER things — Greater, fiL^oiv meizon. John I. so thou shall see greater things Uiaa these GEEATER, to bo (much) — ' l.To be or become great, ^13 gadal. Gen. 41. 40 only in the throne will I be greater than 48. 19 his younger brother shall be greater than Lam. 4. 6 is greater than the punishment of the sin 2. To be great, ny\ rahah. 1 Sa. 14. 30 had there not been now a much greater Job 33. 12 I will answer thee, that God is greater i GREATEST — l.Great, large, /xsyas megas. Acts 8. 10 they all gave heed, irom the least to tho Heb. 8. II shall know me from the least to the gre. 2. Greater, larger, /xelCav meizon. iSat^.jS. 32 when it is grown, it is the greatest among 18. I Who is the greatest in the kingdom of h. ? 18. 4 the same is greatest in the kingdom of 23. II he that is greatest among you shall be Mark 9. 34 had disputed, .who (should be) the grea. Luke 9. 46 a reasoning, .which of them should be g. 22. 24 which of them should be accounted the g. 22. 26 he that is greatest among you, let him 1 Co. 13. 13 these three ; but the greatest of these (is) S.Great, '?'n3 gadol. I Ch.i2. 14 an hundred, and the greatest over a tho. Job I. 3 was the greatest of all the men of the Jer. 6. 13 from the least of them even unto the gr. 8. 10 every one from the least even unto the g, 31. 34 from the least of them unto the greatest 42. 1, 8 people from the least even unto the g. 44. 12 shall die, from the least even imto the g Jon. 3. s from the greatest of them even to tho GREATEST part — Multitude, n''?"]? marbith. I Ch. 12. 29 tho greatest part of them had kept tha GEEATLT — l.Might, nND m,eod. Gen. 7. 18 and were Increased greatiy upon tho ea. 19. 3 he pressed upon them gi-eatly ; and they 24. 35 Lord hath blessed my master greatly 32. 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distr. Exodig. 18 and the whole mount quaked greatly Numii. 10 the anger of the Lord was kindled great. 14. 39 told. .Israel : and the people mourned g. Deuti?. 17 neither shall he greatly multiply to him. Josh 10. 2 they feared greatly, because Grbeon (was) Judg. 2. IS for evil .. and they were greatly distressed C. 6 Israel was greatly impoverished bocauso 1 Sa. II. 6 upon Saul, .and his anger was kindled g. 11. 13 and all the men of Israel rejoiced greatly 12. 18 all the people greatly feared the LOED 16. 21 he loved him greatly; and he became hi0 17. II all Israel, .were dismayed, and greatly 28. s ho was afraid, and his heart greatly tre. 30. 6 David was greatly distressed ; for the 2 Sa. 10. 5 sent, .because the men were greatly ash. 12. s David's anger was greatly kindled again. 24. 10 I have sinned greatly in that J have done I KL 2. 12 Solomon . .his kingdom was established g. S- 7 when Hiram heard, .he rejoiced greatly 18. 3 Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly I Ch.i6. 25 great (is) the LoED, and greatly to be pr, 19. s sent, .for the men were greatly ashamed 21. 8 David said unto God, I have siimed gfea. e Ch.2s. 10 their anger was greatly kindled against J. 33. 12 humbled himself greatly before the God Job 8. 7 yet thy latter end should greatly increase Psa. 21. I in thy salvation how greatly shall ho re. 1 38. 6 I am troubled ; I am bowed down greatly 47. 9 shields, .(belong) unto God : he Is greatly 48. I Great is the Lord, and greatly to be pra. 78. s9 he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Isr. 96. 4 For the Lord (is) great, and greatly to be 105. 24 he increased his people greatly, and mado 107. 38 He blesseth . . that they are multiplied g. 109. 30 I will greatly praise the LOED with my 112. I delighteth greatly in his commandments 116. 10 therefore have I spoken : I was greatly 119. SI The proud have had me greatly m dcris. 145. 3 Great (is) the LoED, and greatly to be pr. Jer. 9. 19 we are greatly conf ounded,because we ha. 20. II they shall be greatly ashamed ; for they Eze. 20. 13 and my sabbaths they greatly polluted Obad. 2 I have made thee small, .thou art greatly Zeph. I. 14 (it is) near, and hasteth greatly, (eVen)the Zech. 9. 9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion ; sh. 2.Much, abundant, mighty, great, Ti rab. Psa. 62. 2 my defence ; I shall not be greatly moved 65. 9 thou greatly enrichest it with the river fig. 7 God is greatly to be feared in the assem. 3. Abundance, multitude, greatness, nn rob. 1 Ch. 4. 38 the house of their fathers increased gpe. i.To make many or great, nrp^rabah, 6. Gen. 3. 16 I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and 5.Grea(, much, m^ny, K''iy saggi. Daa. 5. 9 Then was king Belshazzar greatly troub. GREATLY 437 QRIBP 6. Shame, nf a hoslieth. laa. 43. 17 they shall be greatly ashamed, that tnist I'.Joy, ^'J gil. Prov23. 24 The father of the righteous shall greatly 8. Very much, exceedingly, \lay lian. Matt 27. 14 insomuch that the governor marvelled g, 2 Ti. 4. 15 for he hath greatly withstood our words 2 John 4 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy oh. 3 John 3 I rejoiced greatly when the brethren ca. S.Oreatly, /xeydKas megalos. thU. 4. 10 I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now la.Mitch, many, -iroXis polus. Mark 5. 23 besought him greatly, saying. My littlo S. 38 and seeth. .them that v/ept and wailed g. 12. 27 God of the living : ye therefore do greatly I Co. 16. 12 I greatly desired him to come unto you W. Exceedingly, greatly, trrpSZpa sphodra. Matt 27. 54 they feared greatly, sajing, Truly this Acts 6. 7 the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem g. ll.Withjoy, xop? chara. John 3. 29 rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegr. GKEATLT (feared), thing — Fear, "iQSpachad. Job 3. 25 the thing which I greatly feared la coma mfEATT.V rejoioe, to — To sing, cry aloud, jri ranan, 3. ^sa. 71. 33 My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing fiEEATNESS — l.Oreat, Vnj gadol. Exodis. 16 by the greatness of thine arm they shall Z.Oreatness, T\j\-\3, !V}'it3 gedulah, gcdullah. 1 Ch. 17. 19 hast thou done all this greatness, in ma, 17. 21 to make thee a name of greatness and 29. II Thine, O Lokd, (is) the greatness, and Esth 10. 2 the declaration of the greatness of Mor. Psa. 71. 21 Thou shalt increase my greatness, and 145. 3 the Lokd . . his greatness (is) unsearchable 145. 6 thy terrible acts : and I will declare thy g. i.Oreatness, SiS godel. INumi4. 19 according unto the greatness of thy me. JDeut 3. 24 hast begun to show thy servant thy grea. 5. 24 hath showed ua his glory, and his great. 9. 26 thou hast redeemed through thy greatn. II. 2 Lord your God, his greatness, his mighty 32. 3 the Loud : ascribe ye greatness unto our Tsa. 79. II according to the greatness of thy power 150. 2 praise him according to his excellent gre. 33ze. 31. 2 Whom art thou like in thy greatness ? 31. 7 Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the 31. 18 and in greatness among the trees of £d. A. Increase, abundance, n'3"!P marhith. s Ch. 9. 6 the one hall of the greatness of thy wisd. ^.Ahundance, multitude, greatness, 31 roh. Exodis- 7 in the greatness of thine excellency thou If eh. 13. 22 spare me according to the greatness of Psa. 66. 3 through the greatness of thy power shall Prov. s. 23 in the greatness of his folly he shall go I Isa. 40. 26 all by njjnes by the greatness of his mL 57. 10 Thou art wearied in the greatness of thy 63. 1 travelling in the greatness of his strength? Jer. 13. 22 For the greatness of thine iniquity are d.Ctreatness, 13"J rebu. Dan. 4. 22 thy greatness is grown, and reacheth unto 7. 27 the greatness of the kingdom under the 7. To he many, abundant, n^T rabah. 2 Ch.24. 27 the greatness of the burdens (laid) upon S.Cfreatness, fxiyeio^ megeihos. Eph. 1. 19 what (is) the exceeding greatness of his GEJEATES — Frontlet, niiyp mitschah. I Sa. 17. 6 greaves of brass upon his legs, and a tor. QEE'-CIA, GBEECS, ]Vi yavan, 'Ewds, hellas. A country of southern Europe lying E. of Italy and W. cf Asia Minor, the Isles of the Ionian Archipelago; called Javan in Hebrew. Dan. 8. 21 And the rough goat (is) the king of O. 10. 20 when I am gone, .the prince of G. shall 11. 2 shall stir up all against the realm of G. Zech. 9. 13 thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O G. Acts 20. 2 gone over those parts, .he came into O. OfBSOIABS— I.Sons of the Javanim, D'lvrp'}? hene-hayyevanim. Joel 3. 6 children, .have ye sold unto the Grecians 2,Hellenist, a Jew born cut 0/ Canaan, 'T.Wrjvia-T'fit. Acts 6. I there arose a murmuring of the Grecians 9. 29 spake . . and disputed against the Grecians XI. 30 spake unto [the GreciansL preaching the OREEDILI' — Desire, nigg taavah. Prov 21. '26 He coveteth greedily all the daylong GREEDINESS — A having or desiring mere, irXeoyt |fa pleonexia. Eph. 4. 19 to work aU uUcleanness with greodineaa GSEEB Y — 1. Dishonest gain, J;s3 betsa. Prov. 1. 19 the way 'of every one that Is greedy of g. 15. 27 Ha that Is groody of gala troubleth his 2.Slrong 0/ soul, us} ly cK nephesh. laa. 56. II greedy dogs (which) can never have eno. GREEDT, to bo — To have a desire, qcj kasaph. Psa. 17. 12 Like as a lion .. is greedy of his prey, and GEEEK — l.A native of Greece, not a Jew or barbarian, "E\A.t)V Hellen. Johntz. 2o there wore certain Greeks among them Actai4. I agieat multitude.. of theGreeks believed 16. I Jewess, and believed, .his father, .a Gre. 16. 3 they knew all that his father waa a Greek 17. 4 of tho devout Greeks a great multitude 18. 4 and persuaded tho .Jews and tho Greeks 18. 17 Tiien all [the Greeks] took Sosthenes, tho 19. 10 all, .heard the word, .both Jews and Gr. 19. 17 this was known to all the Jews and Gr. 20. 21 Testifying both to the Jews, and. .Greeks 21. 28 brought Greeks also into the temple, and Eom. I. 14 I am debtor both to the Greeks and to I. 16 to tho Jew first, and also to the Greek 10. 12 no dillerenco between tho Jew a«d the G 1 Co. I. 22 the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks 1. 23 Christ cruciQcd. .unto the [Greeks] fooL I. 24 them which are called, both Jews and G. GaL 2. 3 Titus, who was with me, being a Greek 3. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is CoL 3. II ^Vhero there is neither Greek nor Jew I.Orceh, Grecian, 'Y.KKr\viKis HelUnihos. Ecv. 9. II but in tho Greek tongue hath (his) name 3.^ Greek female, "E.\\t]vIs HcUSnis. Mark 7. 26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophonician Acts 17. 12 also of honourable women which were G. i.In Grech, 'E\Xt]yiarTl JTcllenisti. Acts 21. 37 cliiel captain, .caid. Canst thon speak G.! GREEK, in — In Greek, "E,\\7)vicrTiIIcll::iisti. Johnig. zo it was written in Hebrew, (and) Greek GREEK, of — Greek, Grecian, "£,\K-nviK6s Ucllenikoa, Luke23. 38 [in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hob.] GEEEIT — 1. Tender grass, nc/i deshe. Psa. 23. 2 Ho maketh mo to lie down In grcoa pas. I.Greeh, green lierb, py, yaraq. 2 KI.19. 26 (as) the green herb, fas) the grass on the Isa. 37. 27 (as) the green herb, (as) tho grass on tho Z.Grcen herb, greenness, p";; ycreq. Gen. 1. 30 every greca herb for meat : and it was g. 3 as the green herb have I given you all Psa. 37. 2 they shall soon . . wither as tho green herb ^.Cotton, D9"j3 harpas, Esth. I. 6 white, green, and blue (hangings) fasten. Z. Moist, fresh, xh loch. Gen. 30. 37 Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and Judgi6. 7 If they bind me with seven green withs 16. 8 seven green withs which had not been E20. 17. 24 have dried up tiie green tree, and have 20. 47 and it shall devour -every green tree in 6. Wet, 3bn ratob. Job 8. 16 He (is) green before the sun, and bis b. T .Flourishing, fresh, ]}^-i raanan. Deut 12. 2 upon the hills, and imder every green 1 Ki.14. 23 they also built them, .under every green 2 Ki. i6. 4 an.d on the hills, and under every green 17. 10 set. .up images, .under every green tree 2 Ch.28. 4 on the hills, and under every green tree Job 15. 32 his time, and his branch shall not be gr. Psa. 37. 35 and spreading himself like a green bay t. 52. 8 I (am) like a green olive tree in the house Song I. 16 thou (art) fair, .also our bed^(is) groon Isa. 57. 5 with idols under every green'tree, slaying Jer. 2. 20 and under every green tree thou wander. 3. 6 she is gone, .under every green tree, and 3. 13 to the strangers under every green tree ji. i6 A green olive tree, fair, .of goodly fruit 17. 2 their altars and their groves by the green 17. 8 heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green Eze. 6. 13 under every green tree, and under every Hos. 14. 8 I (am) like a green fir tree. From me is 8 J'ale green, yXaipis chl&ros. Mark 6. 39 make all sit do\m. .upon the green grais Rev. 8. 7 trees.. and all green grass, was burnt up ^.Wet, rruyist, iyp6s hugros. Luke23. 31 if they do these things In a green tree GREEN thing — I.Green thing, P^X yaroq. Job 39. 8 and he searcheth aftar every green thing 2.Greenness, green herb, p"V yercq. Exodio. 15 there remained not any green thing in Isa. 15. 6 the grass faileth, there ia no green thing Z.Pale green, x^t^P^^ chloros. Rev. 9. 4 neither any green thing, neither any tree GREENISH — Green, yellow, P^pT yeraqraq. Lev. 13. 49 if the plague be greenish or reddish in 14. 37 hollow atrake3, grecnlshorTeddisb, wtaidi GREENNESS — Qreenneas, budding, 3.< cb. Job 8. 13 Wlillst it (is) yet In his greenness. .no» GREET, to- l.Tovnshpea/i^, salute, D"iV D^ shalam $haUm. I Sa. 25. 5 go to Kabal, and greet hhn in my nanio 2.T0 draw to self, clasp, embrace, ia-vdCo/iai aspa. Eom 16. 3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers ia 16. 6 Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour ]6. 8 Greet Amplias my beloved in the Lcrd 16. n Greet thorn that bo of the (household) of 1 Co.i6.2o All tho brethren greet you. Greet ye ono 2 Co. 13. 12 Greet ono another with an holy kiss Phil. 4. 21 The brethren which are with mo greet ,h. ^' '* ^"1^6' the. .physician, and Demas, greet ' Th- 5- 36 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss 2 Ti. ^, 21 Eubulus grectcth thee, and Pudens, and Titus 3". 15 Greet them that lovo us in the faith 1 Po. 5. 14 Greet, .one another with a kiss of charity 2 Jo. 13 The children of thy elect sister greet theo ' 3 Jo. 14 friends salute thee. Greet the friends by GREETING — l.Drawing to self, salutation, a3 puqah. I Sa. 25. 31 That this shall be no grief unto thee,noi IQ.Evil, Ti ra. Jon. 4. 6 a shadow, to deliver him from his grief W.Grief, grievance, \w^ lupl. 1 Pe. 2. 19 for conscience toward God endure griet GRIEF, to cause or put to — 1. To afflict, grieve, nj; yagah, 5. Lam. 3. 32 But though he cause grief, yet willlia 2. To make sick, nViJ chalah, 5. Isa. S3. 10 he hath put (him) to gHef : v^ien thou 3. To grieve, afflict, \viriw lupeo. 2 Cor. 2. 5 if any have caused grief, he Itath not gr. GRIEF, -with — To groan, sigh, anvd^u stenazS. Eeb. 13. 17 they may do it with Joy. and not with g. O-BIEVANOE 438 GROUND OBaEVAHCE — Labour, perverseness, misery, 71?j; arnal. Hab. I. 3 dost thou.. cauB8 (me) to behold grievanco? GSIEVE, t» — \.To grieve, 31K adah, 5. I Sa.^ 2. 33 to consume thine eyes, and to grieve th. 2. To he paiTied, Vn, '?5n chul, chU. Jor. s- 3 t'^o" J^^s' stricken - . but they have not g. 8. To bum, be wroth, rnri charah. t Sa. 15. 1 1 it grieved Samuel ; and he cried unto 4.7*0 afflict, grieve, nj; yagah, 3. Lam. 3. 33 he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve 5. To be or become weary, dn? laah, 2. Prov. 26. 15 it grieveth him to bring it again to hlS 6, To grieve, 3S3? atsab. 1 Ch. 4. 10 keep, .from evil, that it may not grieve 7. To grieve, 3¥V atsab, 5. Psa. 78. 40 How oft did thoy . .grieve him In the de. I 8. To grieve, afflict, Avirdu lupeS. 2 Co. a. s ho hath not grieved me, but in part ; that Eph. 4. 30 grieve not the Holy Spirit of Gad, where. GSIEVED, ta be — 1. To pain self, become pained, Vn, Virt chul, chil, la. Esth. 4. 4 Then was the queen exceedingly grieved 2. To be side, weak, njrj chalah. Isa. 57. 10 hast found, .therefore thou wast not gr. 3. To become sick, weak, njri chalah, 2. Amos 6. 6 they are not grioved.for the affliction of i. To slu>v} self violent, f'torj chainets, 7. Psa. 73. 21 Thus my heart was grieved, and I was p. 6, To be evil, VX yara. Deutis. 10 thine heart shall not be grieved when th. » Sa. I. 8 why is thy heart grieved ? (am) not I be. lieh. 2. 10 it grieved them exceedingly that there 13. 8 it grieved me sore : therefore i cast forth 6. To be pained, nt}^ haah, 2. Dan. II. 30 he shall be grieved, and return, and have 7. To be sad, angry, Di!5 kaui. Psa 112. 10 The wicked shall see (itX and be grieved 8. To be pierced, N"J3 hera, 2. Dan. 7. 15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the 9. To be or become weary, nxS laah. Job 4. 2 to commune witfi thee, wilt thou be gri. 1 0. To be bitter, tid marar. 1 8a, 30. 6 the soul of all the people was grieved 11. 7*0 6s grieved, solicitous, njj; agam. Job 3Q. 25 was (not) my soul grieved for the poor? 12. 2*0 grieve, 3SV atsab. Isa. 54. 6 as a woman forsaken, and grieved in spl. be grieved, nyj; atsab, 2. Gen. 45. 5 be not grieved nxir anj^ with yourselves 1 Sa. 20. 3 Let cot Jonathan know this, lest he be g. 20. 34 for he was grieved for David, because his 2 Sa. 19. 2 how the king was gi-ieved for his sou Neh. 8. 11 the day (is) holy ; neither be ye grieved 14. 7*0 grieve self, asj; atsab, 7, Gen. 34, 7 the men were grieved, and they were 15. To loathe, be weary of, Bip qut. Psa. 95. 10 Forty years long was I grieved with (this) 16. 7*0 show self weary of, Blp qiit, 7a. Psa. 1 19. 138 I beheld the transgressors, and was gri. 139. 21 am not I grieved with those that rise up 17. 2*0 be vexed, weary, {"ip quts. Exod. I. 12 they were grieved because of the children 18. 7*0 be or become short, "isij qatsar. Judg 10. 16 his soul was grieved for the misery of Is. 19. To labour through, grieve self, Zianoviw diapon. Acts 4. 2 Being grieved that they taught the peo. 16. 18 Paul, being grieved, turned and said to 20. 7*0 grieve, afflict, Kxnriu lupeS. Markio. ss And he was sad. .and went awajr grieved John2i. 17 Peter was grieved because he said »mto Kom 14. 15 if thy brother be grieved with (thy) meat 2 Co.. 2. 4 not that yc should be grieved, but that 21. To grieve at the same time, wWvirta) sullupeo, Mark 3. 5 being grieved for the hardness of their GBXEVED with, to 'be — To he grieved at, feel disgust at, ■irpo(roxSiC'^ pros. Hob. 3. 10 I was grieved with that generation, and 3. 17 with whom was ho grieved forty years? OElEVJil), to have sorely — To make bitter, "na marar, 3. Gen. 49. 23 The archers have sorely grieved him, and GEIEVED or GEIEVETH, it — l.T'o grieve self, 3?j; atsab, 7. Gen. 6. 6 made man., and it grieved him at his he. 2. To be bitter, 11D marar. Huth 1. 13 for it grioveth me much for your sakes OaiEVlKG — To cause pain, 3^J kaab, 5. Eze. i2. i4 tLci-o uiall be ao mora, .(any) grieving QEJEVOTJS (to be) — , 1. To pain, be pained, TV, V^H trntl, tkiti Psa. 10. 5 His ways are always grievous ; thy JudJ. 2.2'o^am self, Vii, ''in chul, chil, 7a. Jer. 23. 19 a whirlwind .. even a grievous whirlwind Z.To becomesick, weak, nhr; chalah, 2. Jer. 10. 19 Woe is me . .my wound is grievous : but 14. 17 is broken, .with a very grievous blow 30. 1 2 Thus saith the LOED . . thy wound (is) grie. Kah. 3. 19 (There is) no healing, .thy wound is gre. 4. 7*0 be evil, iry, yara. Gen. 21. II the thing was very grievous in Abraham's 21. 12 Let it not be grievous in thy.sight, beca. Isa. 15. 4 Moab . ,his life shall be grievous imto him 5. 7*0 be weighty, heavy, 135 kabed. Gen. 12. 10 for the famine (was) grievous in the land 41. 31 not be known, .for it (shall be) very gri. 50. II This (ia)a grievous mourning to the Egy. Exod. 8. 24 there came a grievous swarm (of flies) 9. 3 (there shall bo) a very grievous murrain 9. iG I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail g. 24 fire mingled Avith the hail, very grievous 10. 14 in all the coasts of Egypt : very grievous 6. 7*0 he powerful, grievous, pip marais, 2. I Ki. 2. 8 v/hich cursed mc with a grievous curse in 7.7'o turn aside, niD sur. Jer. 6. 28 They (are) all grievous revolters, walking S.Orievous thing, grieving, 3!(j; etseh. I \vrath ; but grievous words stir np anger Q. Sharpness, n^ij qasheh. 1 Ki. 12. 4 make thou the grievous service of thy fa. 2 4 ease thou somewhat the grievous servil. laa. 21. 2 A grievous vision is declared unto me ; the lO.Mvil, Tl ra. Prov. 15.30 Correction (is) grievous unto him that for. Eccl. 2. 17 the work that 18 ^vrought.. (is) grievous ll.SicJcnesses, diseases, Q'ijSnn tachaluim. Jer. 16. 4 They shall die o'f grievous deaths ; they 12. Weighty, heavy, ^apis barus. Acts 20. 29 shall grievous wolves enter in among yon 25. 7 laid many and grievous complaints again. I Jo. s. 3 and his commandments arc not grievous IZ.Of grief , \vTri\s kipes. Hcb. 13. II secmethto be joyous, but grievous li. Slothful, tedious, onvripS? ohneros. Phil. 3. I To vmto.. to ras indeed (is) not grievous 15. Evil, painful, irksome, -rrovrjpSs poncros. Kev. 16. 2 there fell 0. noisome and griovo'is sore GEIEVOUS to bo homo — Hard to be borne, Svo'BdcrTaxTos dusbastakos. Matt23. 4 heavy bnrdcus [and grievous to bo borne] Lokci I. 46 lade . . with burdens grievous to be borne GMSVOTrS, to make — To make sharp, .i;f'p qashah, 5. 1 Ki.i2. 4 Thy father made our yoke grievous : now 2 4 Thy lather ma,dc our yoke grievous : now GETEVOUS things — Ancient, stiff, POS; athaq. Psa. 31. 18 which speak grievous things proudly and GETEVOTJSLY — l.Sin, Nan chet. Lam. I. 8 Jerusalem hath grievously sinned ; there. 2. Transgression, 7.yo maal. Eze. 14. 13 sinneth against me by trespassing griov. Z. Bitterness, rebellion, nia mar ah. Lam. I. 20 is turned, .for I have grievously rebelled LGrcatly, vehemently, Seiftos deinSs. Matt. 8. 6 sick of the palsy, grievously tormented 5.Badly, evilly, itokcui kakds. Matt 15. 22 my daughter is grievously vexed with a GETEVOUSLY, to fall — To pain, be in pain, 7?n, Tn chvZ, chil. Jer. 23. 19 It shall fall grieYously upou the head of GEIEVOUSITESS — 1. Weight, heaviness, Ijb kohed. Isa. SI. 15 they fled., from the grie vousness of wrath 2.Labour, perverseness, misery, hl^ll amal. Isa. 10. J Woe unto them that . . write grievousness GRnro, to — l.Mill, mill stone, pru) techon. Lam. 3. 13 They took the young men to grind, and 2.T0 grind, \ry^ tachan. Exod32. 20 took the calf, .and ground (It) to powder Kumii. 8 gathered (it), and ground (it) m mills, or Deut. 9. 21 1 took, the calf ..(and) ground (It) very Judgi6. 21 and he did grind In the prison house Job 31. 10 let my wife grind unto another, and let Isa. 3. IS and grind the faces of the poor? saith the 47. 3 Take the mill stoneE, and^^lnd meal : ua S.To grind, li.\i)6u alHhS. MattB4. 41 Two (women shall be) grinding it the m. Iiukei7, 3; Two (womeii) siiaU be grindins together GSim) to powder — To disperse, scatter, XiKfidco likmaS, Matt 21. 44 it shall fall, it will grind him to powder Lukezo. 18 it shall fall, it will grind him to powder GEIHDEU — To grind, ]ni} tachan. Eccl. 12. 3 the grinders cease, because they are fe GUrCTDrHG - Grinding, njne tcxhanah. Eccl. 12. 4 when the sound of the grinding la lovr GEISLEB — Gristed, ^19 barod. Gen. 31. 10, 13 rams, .ringstraked, speckled, and grf. Zech. 6. 3 in the fourth chariot grislod and bay ho- 6. 6 the grisled go forth toward the south co. GEOAK, to — l.T'o sigh, njx anach, 2. Joel 1. 18 How do the beasts groan ! the herds ol 2.7'o groan, pJK, anaq. Jer. 51. 52 through, .her land the wonnded shall gr. 3. To groan, pNj naaq. Job 24. 12 Men groan from out of the city, and the Eie. 30. 24 he shall groan be.fore him. .with the gro. i.To snort, he deeply moved, ififipiiiaSnai embrim. Johnii. 33 he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled 11. 33 Jesus, therefore, again groaning In him. 5.7*0 groan, sigh, rmvi^w stenazO. Horn. 81, 23 even we ourselves groan within ourselves 2 Co. 5. 2 in this we groan, earnestly desiring to 6e 5. 4 we that are In (this) tabernacle do groan GEOAK together, to — ^- To groan or sigh together, ffva-revd^a sustenozif. Kom. 8. 22 whole creation groaneth. .In pain togetll. GEOAHIKQ — 1. Sighing, nijj*; anachak. Job 23. 2 my stroke Is heavier than my groanlnjf Psa. 6. 6 1 am weary with my groaning ; all the 38. 9 Lord, .my groaning is' not hid from theo I02, 5 By reason of the voice of my groaning 2.Groaning, nijjK anaqah. Psa. 102. 20 To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to Z.Groaning, nijKJ neaqah. Exod 2. 24 God hoard their groaning, and God rem, 6. 5 I have also heard the groaning of the c. Judg. 2. 18 it repented the Lord because of their g; Eeo. 30. 24 groan . . with the groanings of a deadly i.Groaning, sighing, amvayixSt stenagmos. Acts 7. 34 I have heard their groaning, and am corse Kom. 8. 26 for us with groanings which cannot ba GHOPE, to — l.To feel, grope, draw nigh, e's'3 gashash, 3. Isa. 59. 10 We grope, .like the blind, and wo gropo 2. 7*0 search, grope, E'tya mashash, 3. Deut 28. 29 shall grope at noon day, as the blind gr. Job 5. 14 and gropo in the noon day as la tho nighfe 12. 23 They grope in tho dark without light GEOSS, to wax — To make fat or thick, vaxvvw pachunH. Matt 13. 15 For this people's heart'ls waxed groos, and Acts 28. 27 the heart of. this people Is waxed gross GEOTJIIB — l.Soil, ground, no'ix adamah. Gen. 2. s and (there was) not a man to till the gr. 2. 6 and watered the whole face of tho ground 2. 7 formed man (of) the dust of the ground. 2. 9 out of the ground the Lord God made ta 2. 19 out of the ground the Lord God formed 3. 17 cursed (is) the ground for thy sake; la 3. 19 tiU thou return unto the ground ; for out 3. 23 to till the ground from whence he was 4. 2 sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground 4. 3 Cain brought of the fruit of the ground. 4. 10 the voice .. crieth unto me from the gr.' 4. 12 When thou tillest the groud, it shall not 5. 29 because of the ground, .the Lord hath 7. 23 which was upon the face of the ground. 8. 8 were abated from off the face of the gr. 8. 13 and, behold, the face of the ground waa 8. 21 I will not again curse the ground any 19. 25 and thai which grew upon the grouud Exod. 3- 5 place whereoii thou standest (Is) holy a 8. 21 and also the ground whereon they (are> Lev. 20. 25 living thing that creepeth on the ground Num 16. 31 that the ground clave assunder. .imder Deut. 4. 18 of anything that creepeth on the grouud 98. 4 the fruit of thy ground, and the &iilt of 28. II plenteous, .in the fruit of thy ground, in I Sa. 30. 31 as the sou of Jesse liveth upon the ground a Sa. 17..12 light upon him as the dew falleth on the g. I Ki. 7. 46 did the king cast them, in the clay gru. I Ch.37. a6 the work of the field for tillage of the gr. 9 Ch. 4, 17 In the clay ground between Succoth and Z. Ifeh, 10. 35 to bring the first fruits of our ground, and 10. 37 the tithes of our ground unto the Levitea Job 5. 6 neither doth trouble spring out of the g. ; Psa. 105, 35 end devoured the fruit of their ground lea. a6. 24 dothhe oper.and break the clods of hisg.T se, 93 that thou ahalt oow the gri'ound withal, 30. B4 the ycur.;; assts that car the ground shall GROUND 439 GROW Jet. 7, «o Ix) poured out. .upon the fruit of the gr. J4. 4 the ground U chapt, for tliero was no rain 23. 33 the slain, .shall be dung upon the ground Hos. 2. 18 (with) the creeping things of the ground Hag. I. II upon (that) which the ground brlngeth f. Mai, 3. 1 1 shall not destroy the fruits of your gro. 2. Earth, Y^v. erets. Gen. iS. a ran. .and bowed himself toward tho gro. 19. I bowed himself with hia face toward the g. 33. 3 bowed himself to the ground seven time.i 38. 9 that he spilled (it) on the ground, lest that 44. 14 and they feU before him on the ground Exod. 9. 23 hail, and the fire ran along npoa the gr. Deut 15. 23 thou Shalt pour it upon the ground as v/. 28. 56 to set. .her foot upon the ground for deL 3udg. 4. 21 fastened it Isto the ground.. so he died 6. 39 and upon all the ground let there be dew 6. 40 Go^ did so . . there was dew on all tho gr. 13. 20 aria fell on their faces to the ground Buth 2. 10 bowed herself to tho ground, and said 2 So. 3. 19 did let none of his words fall to the gro. S. 4 fallen upon his face to tho ground before 14. 32 took sheep, .and slew (them) on the gro. 14. 45 there shall not one hair, .fall to the gro. 20. 41 David, .fell on his face |to the ground 25. 23 Abigail, .bowed herself to tho ground 26. 7 his spear stuck in the ground at his bol. 38. 14 he stooped with (his) face to the ground a Sa. 2. 22 wherefore should I smite thee to the gr.? 8. 2 with a line, casting them down to tho gr. 14. 14 as water spilt on the ground, which can. 14. 22 Joab fell to the ground on his face, and 14. 33 bowed himself on his face to the ground j8. II didst thou not smite him there to the g.? 20. 10 and shed out his bowels to the ground 24. 20 bowed himself . . on his face upon the gr. 1 TCL I. 23 bowed himself . .with his face to the gro. a KL 2. 15 bowed themselves to the ground before 4. 37 bowed herself to the ground, and took up 1 Ch.?r. 21 bowed, .to David with, .face to the gro. 2 Ch. 7. 3 they bowed, .with their faces to the gro. Job I. 20 fell down upon the ground, and worship. a. 13 So they sat down with him upon the gro. j6. 13 he poureth out my gall upon the ground 18. 10 The snare (is) laid lor him in tho ground 39. 24 He swalloweth the ground with fierceness Psa. 74. 7 the dwelling place of thy name to the g. 89. 39 hast profaned his crown . . to the ground 89. 44 and cast his throne down to' the ground 107. 35 He tumeth . . dry ground into v/ater-spr. 143. 3 hath smitten my life down to tho ground 147. 6 he casteth the wicked down tc the ground Isa. 3. 26 and she. .desolate, shall sit upon the gr 14. 12 (how) art thou cut do^vn to the ground SI. 9 her gods he hath broken unto the ground 25. 12 bring to the ground, (even) to the dust s6. s he layeth it low. .to the ground ; he brln. 29. 4 And thou. .Shalt speak out of tho ground 29. 4 thy voice shall be .. out of the ground, and 47. I O virgin daughter of B., sit on the grou. Sfc 23 thou hast laid thy body as the ground 53. 2 shall grow up .. as a root out of a dry gr. Jer. 14. 2 the gates . . they are black unto the grou. I/am, 2. 2 he hath brought, .down to tho ground 2, 9 Her gates are sunk into the ground ; he ■ 2, 10 Tho elders . . of Zion . . sit upon the ground B. 10 virgins, .hang down their heads to the g. 2. 21 The young and the old lie on the ground Eze. 12. 6 cover thy. .that thou see not the ground 12. 12 that he see not the ground vrlth'(his) eyes 13. 14 bring It down to the ground, so that the 19. 12 she was cast down to the ground, and the 29. 13 she (is) planted, .in a dry and thirsty gr. 24, 7 she poured it not upon the ground, to s6. II thy. .garrisons shall go down to the gro. a6. 16 they shall sit upon the ground, and Shall e8. 17 I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay 38. 20 and every wall shall fall to the ground 41. 16 from the ground up to the windows, and 41. 20 From the ground unto above the door 43. 14 And from the bottom (upon) the ground DaiL, 8, 5 an he goat came . . and touched not the 8. 7 cast him down to the ground, and stam. 8. 10 it cast down, .of the stars to the ground 8, 12 and it cast down the truth to the ground 8. 18 in a deep sleep on my face toward the g. JO. 9 on my face, and my face toward the gro. 10. IS I set my face toward the ground, and I Amos 3. 14 horns, .shall be cut off, and fall to the g. Obad. 3 'Who shall bring me down to tho ground ? Zech. 8, 12 the ground shall give her increase, and Z.Portion, field, nij'pn chelqah. 2 Sa. 23. 12 he stood in the midst of the ground, and &,A cutting, ploughing, tJ^'iri cliarish. I Sa, 8. 12 to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest S.Jhist, TJIJ aphar. Job 14. 8 and the stock thereof die In the ground Z^Field, plain, rrip sadeh. Josh. 241 32 a parcel of ground which Jacob bought I 8a. 14. 25 and there was honey i:pon the ground J Ch.11. 13 where was a parcel of ground full of bar. I.Soil, land, yrj g?. Matt. 10. 29 one of them shall not fall [on the ground] 13. 8 other fell intt^good ground, and brought 13. 23 that received Seed into the good ground J5. 3'j bo commanded.. to sit down on the gro. Mark 4, 8 other feU on good ground, and did yield .}, CO cxc they TvSiiih arc sown on good ground Mark 4, 26 as if a man should cast »©ed Into tho gro. 8. 6 he commanded, .to sit down on the gro, 9. 2o fell on tho ground, and wallowed foam. 14. 35 foil on tho ground, and prayed that. If Lake 8. 8 other foil on good ground, and sprang up 8. 15 that on the good ground are they, which 13. 7 cut it down ; why cumbercth it tho gro. f 22. 44 [drops of blood falling do^vn to the gro.] John 3. 6 [and with (his) linger wrote on tho grou-J 8. 8 [he stopped down, and wrote on tho gro.] J 2. 24 E.xcept a coni of wheat fall into tho gr. Acta 7. 33 plaoo where thou staadest is holy grou. S.Oround, bottom, ?Sa^oi edaphos. Acts 12. 7 I fell unto the gtouud, and heard a voice ^. Basis, foundation, iSpaiafia hcdraitima,. I Ti. 3. 15 God, the pillar and ground of the truth \Q. Space, place, x^apa chMra. liUko 12. 16 Thogroundof a certain rich man brought GROinro, to lay even with the — To lay on llie ground, level, iSatptCio edaphizO. Luke 19. 44 shall lay thee even with tho ground, and OROTTITD, oa or to the — On the ground or earth, x'^f-al chamai^ John 9. 6 he spat ou tho ground, and made clay of 18. 6 they went backward, and foil to the gro. GEO'CTn), parcel or piooo of — 1. Spot, place, x^P^ov chorion, John 4. 5 to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave 2. Field, kypos agros. Luker4. 18 I have bought a pleoo of ground, and I GR0TJ2TO, to — To lay a foundation, BcueXioa themclioS. Eph. 3. 17 ye, being rooted and grounded in love Col. 1. 23 If ye continue in tho faith grouudedand GSOUKDED — Any thing founded, rf^jjm musadah. Isa. 30. 32 every place where the grounded staff shall [See also Corn, dry fallow, parched.] GROVE — 1,^ tamarisic, ^2'K eshcl. Gen. 21. 33 planted a grove In Beer-sheba, and called 2, A shrine, ^yo^, .Tiij'k asJierah. Exod34. 13 But ye shall, .cut down their groves Dout. 7. 5 cut down their groves, and biuTi their 12. 3 break their pillars, and bum their groves 16. 21 Thou Shalt not plant thee a grove of any Judg. 3. 7 did evil, .and served Baalim and the gr. 6. 25 Take . . and cut down the grove that (is) 5. 26 a burnt sacrifice with the wood of tho gr. 6. 28 the grove was cut down that (was) by it 6. 30 because he hath cut down the grove that t KI.14. 15 because they have made their groves, pr. 14. 23 built them high places, and images,and g. 13. 13 because she had made an idol in a grovo 16. 33 Ahab made a grove ; and Ahab did more i3. 19 tho prophets of the groves four hundred s KI.13. 6 there remained the grove a'so in Samaria 17. 10 thoy set them up images and groves in 17. 16 made a grovo, and worshipped all tho 18. 4 brake the images, and cut down the gr. 21. 3 made a grove, as did Ahab king of Israel 21. 7 he set a graven image of the grove that 23. 4 vessels, .made for Baal, and for the grove 23. 6 he brought out the grove from the house 23. 7 where the women wove hangings for the g. 23. 14 brake, .the images, and cut down the gr. 23. 13 burned the high place., and burned the g. a Ch.14. 3 brake, .the images, and cut do'wn the gr. 15. 16 because she had made an idol in a grove 17. 6 took away the high places and groves 19. 3 in that thou |hast taken away the groves 24. 18 And they, .served groves and idols : and 31. I brake the images, .and cut down the gr. 33. 3 reared up altars for Baalim, and made g. 33. 19 set up groves and graven images, before 34. 3, 4 and the groves, aj;d the carved Images 34. 7 had broken down the altars and the gro. Xeo. 17. 8 respect.. either tho groves or the images 27. 9 the groves and images shall not stand Jcr. 17. 2 remember their altars and their groves - llic, 5. 14 I ■wUl pluck up thy groves out of the GROW, to — l.To be or become great, /'15 gadal. Gen, 21. 8 And the child grow, and was ■weaned : and 21. 20 he grew, and dwelt in tho wilderness 23. 27 the boys grew : and Esau was a cunning Erod.2. 10 the child grow, and she brought him Judgi3. 24 the child grew, and the Lord blessed I Sa. 2. 21 tho child Samuel grew before the LOED 3, 19 Samuel grow, and the Lord was with 2.T0 increase greatly {as fish), njT dagah. Gen. 48. 16 let them grow into a multitude in tho 3. To go on, ^"p; yalak. Jer. 12, 2 they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit 4. 7*0 go out or forth, Ny; yatsa. Job 31, 40 Let thistles grow Instead of wheat, and ^.Tobe or become fi/rm, pv; yatsaq. Job 38, 38 'When the dust groweth into harduesa 5,7o go up, r^M alah. Deut 2<3. S3 it is not eown. .nor tny grass groweth Isa. 53. 2 he shall grow up before him as a tender TSja. 47. 13 on this side and on th&t side, ghoU grow l.To be fruitful, rn^ parah. Geu. 47. 27 Israel, .grow, and multiplied exceedingly Isa. ij. I and a Branch shall grow out of hli rootc 8. To flourish, break forth, m.^ parach. Lev. 13. 39 it (is) a freckled spot (that) groweth la Uos. 14. 5 he shall grow as the lily, and cast forth 14, 7 they shall revive (a») the com, and grow u 9, To break or burst forth, p9 parals. Exod.i. 12 But. .tho more they multiplied and grew lO.TVi shut or spring forth, npy tsamach. Gen. 2. 3 and every herb of the field before It grew Exodio. 3 shallcat every tree which groweth for you Job 8. 19 and out of the earth shall others grow E^e. 17. 6 it grov/, and became a spreading vine of 11. 7*0 become great, ny\ rebah. Dan. 4. II Tho tree grew, and was strong, and the 4. 20 The tree tliat thou sawest, which grow 12. To become great, .13^ sagah. I'sa. 92. 12 he shall grow like a cedar In Lebanon IS. To bcccrme great, Hi^ scga. Ezra 4. 22 why should damage grow to the hurt of li.To increase, grow up, av^dvia auxanO. Matt. 6. 28 the lilies of tho field, how they grow 13. 32 when it is grown, it is the greatest amo. Luko I. 80 the child grew, and waxed strong in spL 2. 40 the child grow, and waxed strong In spU 12. 27 Consider the lilies how they grow : they 13. 19 it grew, and waxed a great tree ; and the Acts 7. 17 the people grew and multiplied in Egypt 12. 24 But the word of God grow and multipi. 19. 2o So mightily grew the word of God and Eph. 2. 21 groweth unto an holy temple In the Lord 1 Pe. 2. 2 milk of the word, that ye may grow th.'r. 2 Be. 3. 18 grow in grace, and (in) the knowledge of 15. To begin to be, become, yiyofiut giruT'nai, Matt 21. 19 Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward Acts s. 24 they doubted, .whercuuto this would gr. 16. To come or go, fpxofxai erchonai. Mark 3. 26 was nothing bettered, but rather grew GROW again, to — To shoot or spring up, n~'j tsetjr.ach, 3. Judg 16. 22 tho hair of his head began to grow again GROW exceedingly, to — To iy'xrcase exceedingly, virepav^dya huperauxanO. 2 Th. I. 3 because that your faith groweth exceed GROW, to cause to — To cause to shoot or spring up, n?^ tsamach, 5. Psa. 104. 14 He cause th the grass to grow for tho ca!>. GROW long, to — To send forth, rh^ shalach, 3. Eze. 44. 20 nor suffer their locks to grow long ; they GROW, to make (to) — 1. To make great, nourish, 713 gadal, 3. Jon. 4. 10 hast not laboured, neither madest It grow 2.70 caicse to shoot or spring up, noy tsamach, 5. Gen, 2. 9 out of the ground made.. God to grow 2 Sa, 23. 5 (my) desire, although. he make(it)not tog Paa.147. 8 who maketh grass to grow upon tho mo 3. To cause to grow, Ji's" sug, 3a. Isa. 17. II In the day.. make thy plant to grow, and GROW (of selves), such things as — Self-sown grain, spontaneous growth, O'f IJ saphiaxh, 2 Ki. 19. 29 this year such things as grow of themseives Job 14. 19 thou washest away the things which grow Isa. 37. 30 eat (this) year aucii aa groweth of itself GROW to an end, to — To incline, decline, njri dianah. Judgi9. 9 behold, ths day gioweth to an end : lodge GROW together, to > — To increase together, a-jvav^ivce sunauxanS. Matti3. 30 Let both grow ^gether until tho harvest GROW up, to — 1. To rise, triumph, nxi gacJi. Job 8. 1 1 Can the rukh grow np without mire ! coo 2. To be or become great, grow up, ^■3! gadal, Judg IX. 2 his wife's Eons grew up, and they thmsl 2 Sa. 12. 3 it grew up together with hhn, and vlti 3. To change, pass cm, r^n chalaph. Psa. 90. s (tbey are) like grass (which) groweth Tip 90. 6 the morning It flourisneth.and groweth xn 4. To increase, e^s pu^h. Mai. 4. 2 ye shall go forth, and grow up as ealvb* h.To shoot or spring up, raij ts-amach. Zech. 6. t2 he shall grow up ouuof bl3 place, and h« 6. To become great, na-i raiah. Job 39. 4 Their young onoa.. grow np ■with com 7. To draw out or off, pa.'ts on, charge, 1?? ahcUaph, Psa. 129. 6 grass .. v/itheroth afore it groweth up - 8. To go up, iva$alyu inabaino. Mark 4. 7 the thorns grew up, and choked It, and 4. 33 whea it b vjvra, it ;,Toweth up, and be^ GROW ,440 GUTTER 9. To increase, ah^iva auxano. i;ph. 4. 13 may grow up into him in-all things, wh. 10. T'o lengthen, grow up, ix-r^Kvvw mekvnS. Marl£ 4. 27 the seed should sprins and grow up, he GEOW up, to cause to — To cause to shoot or spring up, tv^f tsamach, 5. Jer. 33. IS will I ci-ase the Branch, .to grow up un. GEOWEfH of its own accord or of itself, •which — Sdf-soion grain, spordaneous groioth, n'09 saphiach. Lev. 25. 5 That which groweth of its own accord of 25. II neither reap that which groweth of itself G'KOWS, to te — \.To he or become great, Snj gadal. Geo. 38. II Kemain. .till Shelah my son he grown 38. 14 she saw that Shelah was grown, and she Exod. 2. II it came to pass, .when Moses was gro-jm Buth I. 13 Would ye tarry.. tUl they were gro'vra? 2 Ki. 4. 18 when the child was gro^vn, it fell on a 2. To shoot or spring xip, noy tsamach, 3. E Sa. 10. 5 Tarry . .until, your beards be grown, and 1 Ch.19. 5 Tarry, .until your beards be grown, and Eze. 16. 7 thine hair U groivn, whereas thou (wast) S.To le or lecome great, n?"! rebah. Dan, 4. 22 It (is) thou, O king, that art grown and 4. 22 thy greatness is grown, and reacheth 4. 33 till his hairs were grown like eagles' (fe). OaOWIT fat, to ts — To increase, ^>5 pvsh. Jer. so- II becitUi!*, ye are grown fat as the heifer at CUOWli over, to io — -. To go up, n^V oXali. i'rov 24. 31 And, lOj it was all grown over with thorns OSOWII up — Standing corn, stalk, >-X.'^ qamah, 2 Klig. 26 and fas coin) blasted before It be grown up Isa. 37. 27 and (as corn) blastedbefore it bo grown up GEOWIT up, to be — \.To hi or, become great, 7i3 gndal. I Ki. 12. 8, 10 tho young men that were grown up Ezra 9. .6 our trespass is grown up unto the heav. 2.T0 become great, he nourished, '?13 gadal, 4. Psa.144. 12 (ni^y I"') "3 plants r rown up in their yo. S. To shoot or spring up, r.Dy tsamach. liCV. 13. 37 if . .there U black hairgrov/a up therein GROWN up, not — Late, behind, not grown up, 7'?x aphil. Exod. 9. 32 wheat and tho rye. .(v.'oie) not grown up GE0Y7TH, latter — ' Scattering, latter growth, V\y7 leqesh. Amos 7. I of the shooting up of llie latter growth 7. I the latter growth after the king's moivi. GETJBGE, to — l.To murmur, J7, Jl'? lun, Un. Psa. sg. -IS wander, .and grudge if Iheyhe not satia. 2.T0 groan, sigh, ffr^ya^a stenazS. Jas. %. g Grudge not one against another, brethren GS'iTDGE, to bear — To J::sp anger, laj natar. lev. iQ. 18 Thou shalt not.. bear aay grudge GE'iJDGING -!- Grudging, murmuring, yoyyvo' go^jgusmos. 1 Pe. 4. 9 Use hospitality one to another without [g.] GRTJUGINGLY — Oxii of grief , e/c Kivrii eh lupes. 2 Co. 9. 7 not grudgingly, or of necessity^ for God GXTARB — "i. Slaughterer, butcher, nag tabhach. Gen. 37. 36 Egyptunto Potiphar. .ci.ptain of thegua. 39. I captain of the guard, an Egyptian bought 40. 3 in the house of the captuin of the guard 40. 4 the captain of the guard charged Joseph 41. 10 in ward in tho captain of the guard's ho. 41. 12 servant to the captain of the guard ; and a Ki. 23. 8, 11, 20 Nebuzar-adan, captain of the gu. 25. 10 that (were) with the capt ain of the guard 25. 12 tho captain of the guard left of the poor SS- IS silver, the captain of the guard took away ^S. 18 the captain of the guard took Seraiah the Jer 39. 9,10, II, 13 Nebuzar-adan. .captain of theg. 40. I the captain of the guard had let hira go 40. 2 tho captain of the guard took Jeremiah 40. 5 So the captain of the guard gave him 41. ittthe captain of the guard had committed 43. 6 the captain of the guard had left with 52. 12 came Nebuzar-adan, captain of the guard 52. 14 that (were) with the captain of the guard 52. 15 captain of the guard carried away captive 52. 16 the captain of the guard loft (certain) of 52. 19 silver, toolc tho captain of the guard away 52. 24 the captain of the guard took Seraiah the 32. 26 the captain of the guard took them, and ,52. 30 the captain of the guard carried away c. Dan. 2. 14 to Arioch the captain of the king's ;suard Z.Guard, nyji'^a Tnishmaath." _ 2 Ka. 23. 23 three : and David eel him over his guard I Ch.:-:. 25 three ; and David set him over ^lu guard 3. Watch, ICif't? mishmar. - Heh. 4. 22 that in the night they may be a guard to 4. 23 the men of the guard which followed me Eze. 38. 7 prepare, .and be thou a guard imto them i.To run, fn ruts. 1 Ki.14. 27 unto the hands of tha chief of the guard 14. 28 was (so) that the guard bear them, and 14. 28 brought them back into the guard chara. 2 23 Jehu said to the guard and to the capta. 10. 25 tha guard and tho captains cast (them) 11. 4 with the captains and the guard, and br. II. 6 a third part at the gate behind the guard II. II the guard stood, every man with his we. II. 13 when Athaliah heard the noise of the g. II. 19 the guard, and all the people of the land 11. 19 came by the way of the gate of the guard 2 Ch. 12. 10 to the hands of the chief of the guard 12. II entered, .the guard came and fetched 12. II brought them again into the guard cha. GTJB-GO'-DAH, nniiji incision. A station of the Israelites in the wilderness near Ezion- geber between Mosera and Jotbath : perhaps the same as Hor-hagidgad in Num. 33. 32, 33. Deut 10. 7 From thence they journeyed unto G. 10. 7 and from G. to Jotbath, a land of rivers GITEST — 1. To call, invite, vr^p, qara. 1 Ki. I. 41, 49 and ail the guests that (werej with Prov. 9. 18 that) her guests (are) in the depths of Zeph. 1. 7 prepared a sacriflce,>.e hathbid his guests l.To he laid up, received as a guest, avdKeifiai. Matt22. 10 and the wedding was furnished with gu. 22. II when tho king came in to see the guests GITEST, to be — To loose down, rest, KaraXia hataluo. Lukeig. 7 to be guest with a man that is a sinner GUEST CHAMBES- Place for resting, Ichan, KaT&\vij.a kataluma. Marki4. 14 Where is the guest chamber, v/here I shall Luke22. n Whore is the guest chamber, vAeroIahall GUIDE — l.Leader, chief, rjVN, fjlVx alluph. Psa. ss. 13 thou, 'a man mine equal, my guide, and Prov. 2. 17 Which forsaketh the guide of her youth Jer. 3. 4 My father, thou (art) the guide of my y.? Mic. 7. s put ye not confidence in a guide ; keep 2.Capitain, rider, judge, pVi3 qatsin. Prov. 6. 7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler Z.Ouide, conductor, oZriySs hodegos. Matt23. 16 Woe unto you, (ye) blind guides, which 23. 24 (Ye) blind guides, which strain at a gnat Acts I, 16 which was guide to them that took Jesus Eom. 2. 19 thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a GirrDE, to — l.To make or dectars hapmj,_'\i>^ ashar, 3. Prov.23. 19 be wise, and ^aide thine heart in the way 2. To cause to tread, X!^ darah, 5. Psa. 25. 9 The meek T/ill ho guide in Judgment; and Z.To counsel, ni yaats. Psa. 32. 8 shall go : I v^iU guide theo ivith mine eye i.To sustain, hv3 fcul, Z'a.^ Psa.ii2. 5 ho will guide his affairs with discretion b.To lead, drive, ini iiahag, S. 0?aa. 78. 52 guidcd'thera in tho Wilderness like a flock 6. To Icrtd, tend, hn) nahal, 3. Exodis. 13 then hast guided.. In thy strength nnto 2 Ch.32. 22 Lord saved, .and guided them on every Psa. 31. 3 for thy name's sake lead me, and guide Isa. 49. 10 by the springs of water shall he guide 51. 18 none to guide her among all tho sons 7. To lead forth, T\r\] nachah. Isa. 58. II LoED shall guide thee continually, and i.To lead forth, nni nachah, 6. Job 31. 18 I have guided her from my mother's wo. 38. 32 or canst thou guide Arcturus with his s.? Psa. 73. 24 Thou shalt guide mo with thy counsel 78. 72 guided them by the skilfulness of his ha. Prov II. 3 The integrity of tho upright shall gviida 9. To guide straight, KarevBvva kateuthuno. Luke I. 79 to guide our feet into tho v/ay of peace 10. To show the way, guide, liZi^yiu hodegeo. John 16. 13 is come, he will guide you into all truth Acts 8. 31 How can I, except somo man. .guide mo GUIDE, to bo — I'o lead, in} nahag, 3. Psa. 48. 14 this God. .he will bs our guide, .unto de. GtJILE<— 1. Deceit, nt^'p mirmah. Psa. 34. i3ieep..fromevll..thylip3fromspeaklngg. 33. 11 deceit and guile depart not from her str. . ^.Craftiness, suhtilty, ■ID'IV ormah. Exod2i. 14 if a man come . .to slay him with gutlo 3. Deceit, sloth, njljn remiyyah. Psa. 32. 2 tho man .. in whose spirit (there is) no gu. i.Bait, guile, Si^\os dolos. John I. 47 an Israelite indeed, in whom Is no guile ! 2 Co. 13. iS But. .being crafty, I caught you with s^ 1 Xh. 2. 3 For our exliortation (was) not . .in guile 1 Pe. 2. I laying aside all malice, and all guile, ani. 2. 22 Who did no sin, neitlier was guilo found 3. 10 and his lips that they speak no guileT Rev. 14. . 5 in their mouth was found^o [guUe] : fo^ GUILTniESS — Quilt, □»!< asham. Gen. 26. 10 shouldest have brought gi^tiness upoj. GUILTLESS — l.Innocent, free, acquitted, 'i?3 naqi.\ Num32. 22 shall return, and be guiltless before th:. Josh. 2. 19 his blood.. upon his head, and we.. guii. 2 Sa. 3. 28 and my kingdom (are) guiltless before 14. 9 and the king and Ills tlirone (be) guiltlesj 2. WitJiout a crime, guiltless, avainos anaitios. Matt 13. 7 ye would not have condemned the guilt, GUILTLESS, to be — To he innocent, free, nijj naqah, 2. ._ Num. 5. 31 Then shall the man be guiltless from In!, I Sa. 26. 9 against the LoED'3 anointed, and be gui.| GUILTLESS, to hold — To declare innocent, niJJ naqah, 3, Exod2o. 7 LoKD will not hold him guiltless that ta, Deut. e. II Lord ivill not hold (liim) guiltless tliat I Ki, 2. 9 Now therefore hold him not guiltless GUILTY — 1. Guilty, De'k ashem. Gen. 42. 21 We (are) verily guilty concerning onr br, Ezra 10. 19 guilty, (they offered) a ram of tho flock 2. Wicked, V^i rasha. ' Num 33. 3r for the life of a fliurderer, which (is) gut, 9. Under Justice, vttSSikos hupodikos. Eom. 3. 19 all the world may become guilty before Qv GUILTY, to be — l.To be guilty, de'K asham. Lev. 4. 13, 22 which should not be done, and are & 4. 27 which ought not to be done,,^and be guu 5. 2 he also shall be unclean, and guilty 5. 3 when he knoweth. .then he shall bs gul. S. 4 then he shall be guilty in one, of these 5. 5 it shall be, when he shall be guilty in 5. 17 though he wist (it) not, yet is he guilty' 6. 4 because he hath sinned, and is guilty Num. 5. 6 against the Lord, and that person be gn. Judg 21. 22 ye did not give, .(that) ye should be Buil, 2. To owe, he indebted, ov<>> ekchuno. Acts I. iS he bxirst.. and all his bowels gushed out OUTTEK — 1. Waterspout, I'lSV tsinnof, a Sa. s. 8 Whosoever gotteth up to the gutter, and. HA 441 HAGAB %&tUier, trough, arrirahat. Qea. 30. 3S he eat the rods . . iu the gutters in the w. S'j. 41 Jacob laid the roda . .in the gutters, that H HA — He-ah, nxn heach. Job 39. 35 He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha I HA-A-HASH-TA'-EI, '"iPiynxrt the courier. The Ahashtarite, a man or a family dc:;cendccl from Ashur father of Tekoa, by his second wife Kaarah. B.C. 1500. I Clu 4. 6Naarahbare..Hepher,audTemeni,andH. HA-BA'-IAH, n;3D Jah is protection. The Bene-Chabajah were among the sons of the priests who returned from Babylon with ZerubbabcL BO. 536. Dzra 2. 61 "the children of H., the children of Koz Neh. 7. 63 And of the priests : tlie children of H. HA-BAK'-KUK, PPJn lovf!s embrace. A prophet In Jndali whose parentage, birthplace, and ara are unrecorded, b.o. 626. Hab. I, I The burden which H. the prophet did see 3. I A prayer of H. the prophet upon Shigio. HA-BA-Zm'-IAH, n;}V3D. The head of the family of the Ilechabites. His descen- dant Jaazeniah was cniof among them in the days of Jeremiah. B.o. £60. Jer. 35. 3 the son of Jeremiah, the son of H., and HABEEGEOW — l.Coat of mail nn?* shi/ryah. Job 41. 26 the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon ^.Qoat of -mail, \\nfi shiryon. a Ch.26. 14 spears, and helmets, and habergeons, and Neh. 4. 16 the shields, and the bows, and the haber. 8. A linen coat of mail. N"inn tachara. Exod28. 32 83 it were the hole of an habergeon, that 39. 23 And . . an hole . . as the hole of an habergeon HABITABLE part — Fruitful or habitaUe place, Vnn tebel. Prov. 8. 31 Kejoicing in the habitable part of his 0. HABITATION — 1. Place of sojourn, habitation, nnj geruth. Jer. 41. 17 habitation of Chiraham, which is by Beth. i.Sabitation, '73|, h^yi zebul. CIl 6. 2 I have built an houso of habitation for Isa. 63. 15 behold from the habitation of thy holi. Hab. 3. II sun. .moon stood stUl in their habitation S.Totoer, rrra tirah. Fsa. 69. 2$ Let their habitation be desolato. .let 4. 2*0 sit down or still, dwell, j?*; yashah. Psa. 33. 14 From the place of his habitation he look. Jer. 9. 6 Thine habitation (is^ in the midst of dec. Obad. 3 whose habitation (is) high ; that saith in &.Seat, dwelling place, 3?'io moshab. Gen. 36. 43 according to their habitations In the land Exodi2. 20 in all your habitations shall ye eat unlea, 35. 3 shall kindle no fire tlu-oughout your hab. IiCV. 13. 46 dwell alone ; without the camp . . his hab. 23. 17 Ye shall bring out of your habitations two Numis. 2 When ye be come into the land of your ha. 1 Ch. 4. 33 These . .theirhabitations, and their gene. 7. 28 their possessions and habitations. .Beth. Psa. 107. 7 that they might go to a city of habitation 107. 36 that they may prepare a city for habitati. 132. 13 the LOED. .hath desired (it) for his habit. Hze. 6. 14 make . . desolate . .in all their habitations G.Fixed place, base, Jiao jmakon. Psa. 8g. 14 Justice and judgment (are) the habitation 97. |2 righteousness and judgment (are) the h. 1, Preparation, birth, habitation, 'iTao meJcurah. Eze. 29. 14 return, .into the land of their habitation 8J!spotisal, .Tigp meherah. Gen. 49. 5 imstruments of cruelty (are in) their hab. ^.Habitation, fipo nuion. Deut26. 15 Look down from thy holy habitation, from 1 Sa.. 2. 29 which I have commanded (in mjr) habit. a. 32 thou shalt^see an enemy (in my) habitat. 1 Chi -4. 41 and the habitations that were found there Psa. 26. 8 I have loved the habitation of thy house 68. s A father, .(is) God in his holy habitation 71. 3 Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto 51. 9 hast|made . .the most high, thy habitation Jer. 25. 30 and utter his voice from his holy habita. Zech. 2. 13 for he is raised up out of his holy li^it. "i.Q.HoMtation, nivjT^ meonah. Jer. 21. 13 or who shall enter into our habitations f W. Settled dwelling place, \^a mishkan. s Ch.29. 6 turned away their faces from the habita. Psa. 78. 28 let (it) fall, .round about their habitations 132. 5 an habitation for the mighty (God) of Ja. Isa. 22. 16 graveth an habitation for himself in a 54. 2 stretch forth the curtains of tl»ine habit. 12. Settled dwelling pla<», IWP mishkan. Ezra 7. 15 God>o< Israel, whose habitation (is) in Jer. li.Comely or resting place, hkj naah. £aa. 74, 30 darK places ot the earth aia full of tbe h. Jer. 9. 10 and tor the habitations of the wilderness 25. 37 the poaccablo habitations arc cut down Lam. 2. 2 Lord hath Bwallowcd np all the habitat. Amoc I. 2 the iLibitations of the shepherds shall li.Comely or resLing place, nij navah. Job 8. 6 make the habitation of thy righteousness IZ.Comcly or resting place, ni} naveh. Exod 15. 13 guided, .in thy strength unto thy holy h. 2 Sa. 15. 25 and show me (both) it and his habitation Job 5. 3 the foolish, .suddenly I cursed his habit. S- 24 thou Shalt visit thy habitation, and shalt 18. 15 brimstone shall be scattered upon his h. ^o'^- 3- 33 but he blesseth the habitation of the just Isa. 27. 10 the habitation forsaken, and left like a 32. 1 3 my people shall dwell in a peaceable ha. 33. 20 thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet h. 34. 13 auhabltationof dragons, .a courtforowls 35. 7 in the habitation of dragons, where each Jer. 10. 25 and have made his habitation desolato 25. 30 he shall mightily roar upon his habitation 31. 23 The Lord bless thee, O habitation of Jua. 23. 12 shall be an habitation of shepherds cans. 49. 19 come, .against the habitation of the str. 49. 20 shall make their habitations desolate 50. 7 Lord, the habitation of justice, even the 50. 19 I will bring Israel again to his habitation 50. 44 come up. .unto the habitation of the str. 50. 43 slmll make (their) habitation desolate 16. Settled dwelling place, ]3y sheken. Dout 12. 5 unto hia habitation BhaM yo seek, and 17. Fold, iTrauXti epauHs. Acts J. 20 Let his habitation bo desolate, and let no \?>. Place cf habitation, KaroiKriTfiptoy katoiketerion. Eph. 2. 22 builded together for an habitation of God Kov. 18. 2 Babylon, .l-i become the habitation of 19.vl dxoclling house, KaroiKla katoikia. Acts 17. 26 determined, .the bounds of their habita. 20. Habitation, olicrirripiov oikcicrion. Judo 6 angels which, .left their own habitation il.Tent, tabernacle, (tict]vi) skenc. Lukei6. 9 they may receive you into everlasting h. HABITATION, to have — l.To settle doivn, rest, ]:^ shcJcyn, Psa. 104. 12 the fowls of the heaven have their habit 2. To settle down, rest, I??* shckan. Dan. 4. 21 the fowls of tho heaven had their habtt. HABITATION, to prepare an — To make to rest, nij navaJi, 5. Exod. 15. 2 my God, and I wlU prepare him an hab. HA'-BOE, "I'm!! united. The affluent of the Euphrates called by Strabo, Ab- horras ; by Isidore, Aburas ; and by Pliny and Ptolemy, Chaboras. It still bears the name of Kkabour, which was inserted in an Assyrian inscription in the gth century before our era. See Chebar. 2 Ki 17. 6 placed them in . .Habor (by) the river of 18. n put them . .in H. (by) tho river of Gozan I Ch. 5. 26 brought thom unto. .H., and Hara, and HA-CHAI'-IAH, n;'?5n Jah is hidden. Father of Nehemiah the Tlrshatha. B.C. 476. Neh. I. , I The words of Nehemiah the son of H. JO. I those that sealed (were), .the son of H. HA-CHI'-LAH, nVan drought. A hUl in the S. o'f Judah, in the wilderness of Ziph, facing the Jeshimon (i.e. waste aud barren) district. I Sa. 23. 19 H., Vc^hlch (Is) on the south of Jeshimon? 26. 3 And Saul pitched in the hiU of H., which HACH-MO'-NI, "iiD3n the wise. The father of Jehiel who was a companion of the sons of David. B.C. 1080. I Ch.27. 32 Jehiel the son of H. (was) vrith the klne's HACH-HO-inTE, 'jiOSn-J^. That is, the "son of HachmonI" (according to i Ch.27. 32), where it is rightly translated. See Tachmonite. I Ch.11. II Jashobeam, an H., the chief of tho capt HAD — There is, there are, ^1 yesh. (Jen. 39. 4 and all'(that) he had he put into his hand 39. 5 in his house, and over all that he had 39 5 all that he had in the house, and in the Ezra 10. 44 and (some) of them had wives by whom [See also Abomination, charge of.] HAD, to be — To become, begin to be, ylvofiai ginomai. Acts 25. 26 that, after examination had, I might have HAD no, -when as yet ho — He not having, ou/c 6vros avT$ ouk ontos autS. Acta 7. 5 would give it to him.. -when.. he had no HAD not — If not, ■b\'7 lule. , ^ ,.u . Psa. 106. 23 had not Moses his chosen stood before HA'-DAD, iin mighty. 1. A sou of Bedad, king of Edom. See Hadab. B.O. i 500. Gen 36. 35 H. the son of Bedad . .reigned in hia stead -6 36 H. died, and Samlah. .reigned in his ste. I Ch ^i 46 H the son of.Bedad. .reigned in his stead I 47 when H. was dead, Samlah. .reigned in 2. An Edomlte of tho royal family who Uvod In the tiaM of Solomon. B.O. 1015. I Kl. II. 14 And the Lord stirred up. .H. the Edomlte II. 17 11. fled, .to go into Egypt. .H. (being) yet ji. 19 H. found great favour in the sight of Ph. 1 J. 2 1 U. heard in Egypt that David slept with hli J I. 21 If. said to Pharaoli, Lot me depart, that I 11.25 besides the mischief that H. (did) : and ho 3. A son of lEhmacl, and grandson of Abraham. B.C. 1840. I Ch. I. 30 Mishma, and Dumah, Slaeea, II., and Terns, 4. Tho last of the early kings of Edom. This nanio' should bo Iladar. In his clilldhnod he cscajicd the massacre under Joab in which his father Beenm to have fallen. B.C. 1015. 1 Ch. I. 50 when Baal-hanan was dead, H. reigned In 1. 51 H. died also. And the dukes of Edom HA-DAD-E'-ZES, niJilin mighty is the kelp. Tho king of the Ar'amite state of Zobah, who was do- featod by I):ivid and driven across the Euphrates. 3oe UADAREZER. B.C. 1040. 2 Sa. 8. 3 David smote also H., the son of Rehob 8. 5 Syrians of Damascus came to succour H. 8. 7 And David took the shields of gold, .of H. 8. 8 from Betah, and fromBerothal, cities of H. 8. 9 that David had smitten all tho host of If. 8. 10 because he had fought against H. . .for H. 8. 12 of Amalek, and of the spoil of H., son of 1 Ki. II. 23 which Ued from his lord H. king of Zobah HA-DAD-RTH-'HON, iia-j-iin Hadad of Riminon. A placo In the valley of'jiegiddo in Issachar where Josiahdied.uot far from Jezrccl; now called /ii. 33 The children of Lod, H., and Ono, seven Neh. 7. 37 The children of Lod, H., and Ono, seven 11. 34 H., Zebolm, NebaUat HAD'-LAI, 'bnn lax. An Ephraimite, father of Amasa who was one of tho chiefs of the tribe in the reign of Pekah. B.O. 742. 2 Ch.28. 12 Amasa the son of H., stood up againrt HA-DO'-EAK, diiIl! Hadar is high. 1. A son of Joktan of the family of Shem. B.O. aaiow Gen. 10. 27 And H., dnd Uzal,'and Diklah I Ch. I. 21 H. also, and Uzal, and Diklah 2. A son of Tou, king of Hamath in the time of David. 1 Ch.iS. 10 Ke sent B. his son to king David, to en. 5. The intendant of taxes under David, Solomon, and Rehoboam, who lost his life at the revolt at Shechem. In I Kings 4. 6, the name is given in the longer form Adoniram ; in Samuel as Adoram (2 Sa. 20. 24). B.C. 975. 2 18 Eehoboam sent H. that (was) over the tr. HAD'-EACH, %Tn periodical return. Perhaps this name is derived from Hadar. It was a district of Syria, but mentioned only once. Some think that Hadrach is the name of the Syrian god of the sea- sons, or of a king called after him, and having Damas« cus as his capital. Zech. 9. 1 the burden., of the LOKD in the land of H. HAJT — An haft, shaft, ayj nitstsab. Judg. 3. 22 And the haft alsa went in after the bUde HA'-GAB, ajrj bent. The Bene-hagab were among the Nethhilm who to- turned with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem. This namal* omitted in Kehemlah's list. B.C. 536. Ezra a. 46 Tlie chUdrea of H.. the chUdren of »ul.| 56 HAGABAH 442 HALF HA-GA'-SAH, Najrr, linin.': ' Anotlicr returned Nethinim erile. B.C. _S36- Ezra 2, 45 children of Leljjinah, the children of H. Neh. ■ 7- 48 Qtuldren of Lebaua, the oliUdreu of E. HA'-GAB, njii, ^Kyap'ioa-ndering. Sarai's EgjTptiaaJttandmaid who became the mocner of Ishniaelby Abrani.;Ji;See Aqar-.:- B.C. 1914. Gen. i6.- .1 ha'danhandniaid.. whose name (was) H. 16. ,3 And SaHif^ibram's ~wife, took H. ..and j6.':4 And:he;'w,£:u'tin urito'H., and she conce. 16. '^8 And h"e>Sidi*B:?Sarai's maid, whence c. 16. as And Hi bare 'AWam a son 16, 15 Abratn called his son's name, which H. 16. t6 wheaH. bare Ishmael to Abrara 21. 9 Sarah saw the sdn'df H. the Egyptian 21. t4 a bottle of water, and gave (it> unto H. 21. 17 the angel of God called to'H. out of hea. &x. 17 and said unto her. What aileth tlies, H. ? 23. 12 Abraham's son,,whora iX. . .bare unto A. EAG-E-RITE, njrr.' A patronymic of Jaziz whom David set over his flocks. B.C. 1040. I Ch.a?. 31 And over the flocks (was) Jazlz the H. HAG-A-UITES, EAG-A-REUES, S'N'-if!t. A people upon -vfrhom the Keubenites jnade war in the time of Saul, Jhey were W. of the Jordan, 'and E. of dilead. I Ch. s. 10 the days of Saul. ,made war with the H. '5. 19 thejr tnade.war with the H., with Jetnr j.-'io and the H. were delivered into their ' Psa, 83/ e.The tabernacles, .of Moab, and the H, HAG'-GAI, ?in festive: The tenth in order of what are called the minor prophets, and the first of those that prophesied after the .captivity, Ezra J. I H. the prophet.. prophesled"Qntb the Je. C. J4 prospered through the prophesying of IL Hag. t. 'I came the word of the Lord by H. the t. 3 -Then came the word of the Lord by It 1. 12 Joshua, .obeyed, .the words of H. the r. 13 Then spake H. the Lord's messenger In «;.-■■! the word of the Lord by tlie prophet H, i, io the word of the LORD by H. the prophet e. 13 Then said H., If (one that is) unclean 6. 14 Then answered H. , and said, So (is) this ,2. 20 again tho word of the Lord came unto Hi- HAG-GE'-Sl, nj'n ^oandercr. The fatherof 5libhar, one of David's heroes. B.C. 1040. T Chiii. '38 b];bther of Nathan, Mibhar the son of H. •BJLG'-Gtji^in festive. Tlie secbiid son of Gad, founder of the Haggites. D.e, 1670. . The^JSarae. nalne preciasly is applied, to the familjri Gen?i(6.^6 sons of Gad; Ziphlon, and H., Shuni Kumjae.' i j of H., the family of the Haggites : of Shunl HAG-GI'-AH, n^in.' A descendant of Merivri the son of Levi. B.C. 1035, I Ch. 6. 30 Shimea his son, H. his son, Asaiah hla PAG-GITES, '■iinri the Haggiie. The posterity of Haggi the second son of Gad. B.O. 1670, Kum 26. 15 of Haggl, the tamOy of the H. : of Shuni? HAG'-GITH, ' n'3n /esfoVfi. A wife of king David and mother. of his fourth aon Adonijahi 6.C. 1045. B Sa. 3.. 4 And the fourth, Adonijah the son of H. I Kl I. 5, Then Adonijah the son of H. exalted 1. II Hast thou not heard that A. the sou of H. 2. 13 Adonijah the son of H. came to Bath-sh.a I Ch. 3. p the fourth, Adonijah the son of H. HA'-I, 'KC haai, the Map. This is the. form in which Ai appears in the first instance in the Common Version. This arises from the translators having expressed' the definite article (ha), with which Ai is variably accompanied, in the Hebrew text. It was a city of Benjamin E. of Beth-eL See Ai. •■^^•^'■.' ■ - ■ ■ ■ Qen. iz. 8 Beth-el oh the west, and H. on the east J3. 3 at the beg:inning, between Beth-el and H. TTATT. l.Hailj.yy^ harad. Exod. 9. 18 I will cause It to rain a very grievous h. 9. 19 hail shall come down upon them, and 9. 22 that there may be hail in all the land of Q. 23 LORD sent thunder and hail, and the Are 9. 23 Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt 9. 24 there was hail, and Are mingled with the 9. 25 the hail smote tlirougliout all the land 9. 25 the hail smote every herb of the field 9. 26 in the land of Goshen . . was there no hail 9, 28 there be no. .mighty thunderlngs and h. 9. 29 cease, neither shall there be any more h. 9. 33 the thunders and hail ceased, and tho g. 34 when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the h, 10. 5 v.'hich remaineth unto you from the hail 10. 1 2 eat every herb of the land . . all that the h. 10. 15 fruit of the trees which the hail had le."' Job 38. 22 or hast thou seen the treasures of the h.? tea. j8. 12, 13 hail (stones) and coals of Are ■^''"'~ 78. 47 He destroyed their vines v/ith hail, -and 78. 48 He gave up then:' cattle also to the hail ia$. 33 He gave them hail for rain . .flaming 148. 8 Fire, and hail ; snow, and vapour ; stormy Isa. 38. 2 as a tempest of hail., a destroying storm 28. 17 the hail shall sweep away the refuge of Hag. 2. 17 I smote you with blasting, .and with ha. I.Hail, x^^o-^"- chalaza. liev. 8. 7 there followed hail and nre mingled with II.' 19 and there were lightnings, .and great h. 16. 21 there fell upon men a great hail out of h. 16. 21 men blasphemed God because of. .the h. HflTTi, to — 1. To hail, send hail, T15 harad. Isa. ,32. 19 \?fegn it shall hail.icomlng down on the 2. To T^Joice, be of good cJieer, xaipM chairb. Matt.26. 49 and said. Hail, Master ! and kissed him 27. 29 mocked him, saying. Hail, King of the J,! Markis. 18 began to salute him. Hail, King of the J,! Luke I. 28 Hail !. .highly favoured, the Lord (is) John 19. 3 And said. Hail, King of tho Jews ! and HAIL, aU — To rejoice, be of good cheer, xaipw chaird. Matt-28. 9 behold, JesuB met them, saying, AU ha. I HAILSTONE — Stone of hail, TI5 jas ebsn, barad. Josh. 10. 11 more which died with hall stones ihan Isa. 30. 30 (with) scattering, and tempest, and hail st, HAIR — l.A loch of hair, nVn dallah. Song 7; 5 and the hair of thine head like purple I.Separation, chaplet, nt.j nezer. Jer. 7. 29 Cut off thine' hair . . and cast (it) away, and Z.Hair, 1J2'8' saar, Isa. 7. 20 shave, .the head, and the hair of the leel i.ffair, -y^a sear. Lev. 13. 3 the hair in the plague Is turned white 13.' 4 and the hair thereof be not turned white 13. 10 and it have turned the hair white, and 13. 20 skin, and the hair thereof be turned wli, 13. 21 and, behold, .no white hairs therein 13. 23. the hair in the bright spot be turned wh. 13. 26^no white hair in the bright spot, and it 13. 30 in it a yellow thin hair ; then the priest 13. 31 no black hair in it ; then the priest shall 13. 32 and thersbe in it no yellow hair,and the 13. 36 the priest shall not seek for yellow hair-i 13. 37 and.": there is black hair grown up thereifl 14. 8 shave off all his hair, and wash himself S 14. 9 he shall shave all his hair off his head M 14. 9 even all his hair he shall shave off : and Nam. 6. 5 let the locks of the hair of his head grow 6. 18 take the hair of the head of his separat. Jndgi5. 22 the hair of his head began to grow again 2 Sa. 14. 26 he weighed the hair of his head at twoh. Ezra 9. 3 I. .plucked off the hair of ray head and Song 4. I thy hair (is) as a flock of goats, that app. 6. 5 thy hair (is) as a flock of goats that app. • Eze. 16. 7 thine hair is crown, whereas thou (wast) i:Hair, "vjjV sear. Dan. 3. 27 nor was an hair of their head singed 4. 33 till his hairs were grown like eagles' 7. 9 and the hair of his head like the pure G.Hair, mji'}!/ saarah. judg2o. 16 eveiy one could sling stones at an hair I Sa. 14. 45 there shall not one hair of his head e Sa. 14. 1 1 shall not one h^ir of thy son fall to I Ki. I. 52 there shall not an hair of him fall to tho Job 4. IS a spirit passed', .the hair of my flesh sto. Psa. 40. 12 more than the hairs of mine head 69. 4 are more than the hairs of mine head 7. Hair, {wool, feathers), 6pi^ thrix. Matt. 3. 4 same John had his raiment of camel's h. 5. 36 thou canst not make one hair white or b. 10. 30 the very hairs of your head are all num'- M.'irk I. 6 .John was clothed with camel's hair, and Luke 7. 38 and did wipe . . with the hairs of herihead 7. 44 and wiped (them) with the hairs of her h. 12. 7 the very hairs of your head are all num. 21. 18 there shall not an hair of your head per. Johnii. 2 Mary which, .wiped his feet with her h. ' 12. 3 Then.,.Mary . .wiped his feet with her h. Acts 27. 34 there shall not an hair fall from the head I Pe. 3. 3 not be that outward.. of plaiting [the h.] Rev 1. 14 His head and. .hairs, .white like wool, as g. ^ they had hair as the hair of women, and i.Hair {of the head), kSjxt) home. I Co. ij. 15 a glory., for., hair is given her for a cover. TTATFt, broidered — Folded or braided hair, it\4yiia. plegma. I Ti, 2. 9 nor with broidered hair, or gold, or pea. HAIR to be fallen aU — To be peeled, polished, plucked off, B"in marat, 2. Lev. 13. 40 the man whose hair is fallen off his head 13. 41 -he that hath his hair fallen off from tho HAIR, to pluck off — '2!o peel, polish, pluck off, B"iO marat. Neh. 13. 25 plucked off their hair, and made them Isa. 50. 6 my cTieeks to them that plucked o3 the h. HAIR, to have long — To have or let the hair grow long, KOftda komao. I Co. II. 14 man have long hair, it is a shame unto h. 11. IS if a woman have long hair, it is a glory HAIR, Well (set) — Wreathed or curled work, rt^fJD niiqsheh. .^ , Isa. 3. J4 instead of well set hair baldness J*^! HAIR, of-^ Made of hair, hairy, rplyivos trichinos. Rev,' 6, 12 sun became black'as sacjccloth of hair HAIRY — l.Hairy, Ty'f sair. Gen. 27. II Esau my brother ,(is) a hairy man, and 1 27. 23 his hands were hairy, as his brother Eaa. 2.Hair, "i^W sear'S Gen. 25. 25 the first came "out >ed,_all Over like an h. ^Psa. 68. 21 the hairy scalp of such" an one as goetb 3, Owner of hair, ij;'^ '?]23 baal sear, 2 Kl. I. 8 hairy man, and girt with a girdle of lea. HAK-KA'-TAN, yafTj the little one. The father of Johanan who was chief, of the Bene- Azgad returned exiles with Ezra. B.C. 538. The name is simply Katan, " little," with the definite article prefixed. Ezra 8. 12 the sen of H.,"and with«hlm an hundred HAK'-KOZ, fi/Sn the niiMe. A priest, the chief of the 7th course itt the service of the sanctuary as appointed by Davidt B.C. 1013. In Ezra 2. 61, and Neh. 3. 4, 21, the name occurs as that of a family of priests, the prefix in these pa3sages .being taken correctly as the definite article. Hence the name appears as Koz, which see. 1 Ch.24. 10 The seventh to H., the eighth to Abijah HA-KU'-PfiA, KS?pn incitement. The Bene-Chupha were among thefafethlnim Tvho returned from Babylon ^vith Zerubbabel. B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 51 -the children of H., the cliiidreh of Harh. Neh. 7. 53 the children of H.j the Children of Harh. HA'-LAH, rhn. ' ~'" Probably this is -a different 'place'irom the CcHdhxti Gen. 10. II ; but it may be identified with the Chalcitia of Ptolemy, which is described as between Anthemusia and Gauzanitis. The name seems to remain in the modern Gla, a large mound on_ the . Upper Khahour above its confluence with the Je'^fujer. * Hither a por-, tion of the Israelites were transported by Shalmaiiesen B.C. 721, 2 ICi. 17. 6 and placed them in H. and in Habor 18. II and put them in H. and in HalTorl I Ch. $.'z6 and brought them unto H., and fl^bor HA'-IAK, p7r; the smooth {mountain). A mountain, named as the southern limit of Joshua's conquests,. but which has not yet been identified., Josh.ii. 17 from the mount H., that'^oeth up to S. 12. 7 unto the mount H., that goeth up to Seir HALE, to — l.To draw or drag down or along, itaracripta kata. Lukciz. 58 lest he hale thee to the judge, and tho j. 2.7*0 draw or drag,' aipd suro. Acts 8.. 3 and haling men and v/oincn, committed HALF— ' 1. Half, middle, 'VDj 'VD chetsi, chatsi. Exod24. 6 Moses took half of the blood, and pu6 24. ' 6 half of the blood he sprinkled on the al. 25. 10, 17 two cubits and a half, .the length 25. 10, 17 and a cubit and a half tho breadth 23. 1°, 23 and a cubit and a half the height the. 26. 12 the half curtain that remaineth shall ha. b6. 16 a cubit and a half, .the breadth of one 36. 21 the breadth of a board one cubit and a h. 37. I, 6 two cubits and a half; .the length of It 37. I, 6 and a cubit and a half the breadth of 37. 1, 10 and a cubit and a half the height of Numiz. 12 of whom the flesh is half consumed When 15. 9 of flour mingled with half an hin of oil 13. 10 bring for a drink offering half an hin of 28. 14 drink offerings shall be half an hin ctf vft 32. 33 unto halt the tribe of Manasseh the son 34. 13 unto the nine tribes, and to the half tri. 34 14 half the tribe of Manasseh have received 34. 15 two tribes and the half tribe have recet. Deut. 3. 12 half mount Gilead, and the cities thereof 3. 13 of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of Man. 29. 8 to the Gadites, and to the^half tribe of M. Josh. I. 12 to half the tribe of Manasseh, spake Jos. 4. 12 half the tribe of Manasseh, passed over 8. 33 half of them over against mount Gerizim 8. 33 and half of them over against mount E. 12. i from half Gilead, even unto the river J. 12. 3 and the Maachathites, and half Gilead 12. 6 the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manas. 13; 7 the jnine tribes, and the half tribe of Ma.- 13. 23 and half the land of the children" 6f Am. 13. 29 Moses gave . . unto the Jialt trib« of Man. 13. 29 was. .of the half tribe of the children of 13. 31 And half Gilead, and Ashtaroth, and Ed. • J3. 31 to the one halt of the' children of Machir 14. ' 2 for the nine tribes, arid (for) the half tri. 3 and an half tribe on the other side Jor. 7 Gad, and Keuben, and half the tribe of 5 out of the half tribe of Mahasseh, ten ci. 6 out of the half tribe Of Manasseh in Bas. 27 out of the (other) half tribe of Manasseh I the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manas. 7 Now to the (ons) half of the tribe of Ma. 7 unto the (other) half theteof save Joshuo 14. i8. 21. 21. ; HALF 443 HAMATH JoBb.33. 9 thfl half tribe of Manassoh, returned, and ax. lo th? half tribe of Manasseh, built there an 23. II and the half tribe of Manasseh, have bui. 22. 13 and to the half tribe of Jfanassoh, Into 22. 15 and to the half tribe of Manasseh, unto 22. 21 the half tribe of Manasseh, answered and I Sa. 14. 14 within as it were an haK acre of land 3 Sa. 10. 4 shaved off the one half of their beards j^. 3 neither if half of us die, will they care for 19. 40 the kins, and also half the people of Is. X Ki. 3, 35 give half to the one,'and half to the otlicr 7. 31 mouth, .(was) round, .a cubit and an half 7. Jj height of a wheel (wa^) a cubit and half 7. {5 a round compass 01 half a cubit high : and TO 7 and, behold, the half was not told me 13. &If thou wilt give me half thine house, I 16 21 half of the people followed Tibni the son t6. 21 to make him king ; and halt followed O. t Ch. J. S2 Shobal .. had sons ; Haroeh. . half of the M. 2. 54 and half of the Manahethitc9, the Zorites 5. i3 the Gadites, and half the tribe of Jlana. 5. 23 children of the half tribe of Manasseh S- 26 and the half tribe of Manasseh, and bro. 6. 61 the half (tribe) of Manasseh, by lot, ton c. 6. 71 out of the family of the half tribe of XIa. >2. 31 of the half tribe of Manasseh eighteen th. j2. 37 and of the half tribe of Manasseh, with 26. 32 made rulers over, .the half tribe of Man. 27. 20 of the half tribe of Manasseh ; Joel the son 27. 21 Of the half . .of Manasseh in Gilead ; Iddo B Ch. 9. 6 one half of the greatness of thy wisdom Keh. 3. 9, 12, 16, 17, 18 the ruler of the half part of 4. 6 wall was joiucd together unto the half 4. 16 hall of my servants wrought in the work 4. 16 the other half of them held both the sp. 4. 21 half of them held the spears from the 12. 32 Hoshaiah, and half of the princes of Ju. lai 38 and the half of the people upon tho wall 22. 40 and I, and the iialf of the rulers with mo 13. 24 children spake half in the speech of Ash. Esth. 5. 3 be even given thee to the halt of the ki. 5. 6 to the half of the kingdom it shall be pc. 7. 2 be performed . ,to the halt of the kingdom Eze. 16. 51 Neither hath Samaria committed half of 40. 42 cubit and an half long, .a, cubit and an h. 43. 17 and the border about it. .halt a cubit ; and Dan. 12. 7 for a time, times, and an half; and when Zech 14. 2 half of the city shall go forth into capti. 14. 4 half of the mountain shall remove to.ward 14. 4 the north, and haU of it toward thesoutli 14. 8 half of them toward.. former sea,and half i.Half, nvji? mechetsah. Num. 31. 36 the half, .the portion of them that went ! 31. 43 the half (that pertained imto) the congr. Z.Hal/, n'^na machatsith. Exod3o. 13 This they shall give, .half a shekel alter I 30. 13 an half shekel .the offering of the Lord 30. 15 poor ahaU not give less, than half a she. 33. 26 A bekah for every man. .halt a shekel IiSV. " 6. 20 half of it in the morning, and half thereof Num3t. 29 Take, .of their half, and give, .unto Elea. 31. 30 of the children of Israel's half, thou shalt 31. 42 of the children of Israel's half, which JI. 31. 47 of the children of Israel's half, Moses took Josh 21. 25 out of the half tribe of Manasseh, Taanach I Ki. 16. 9 Zimri, captain of half (his) chariots, con. 1 Ch. 6. 61 left of the family, .out of the half tribe 6. 70 out of the half tribe of Manasseh ; Aner ^.Middle, midst, Tiw taveh. Deut. 3. 16 even unto the river Amon half the valley b.Kalf, VifiKTv hemisu. Mark 6. 23 I will give (it) thee, unto the half of mf Iiuke 19. 8 the half of my goods I give to the poor Bev. II. 9 see their bodies three days and an h. 11. II after three days and an halt the spirit of 12. 14 nourished for a time, and times, and ha, TTATT flead — Sal/ dead, Tj/itBap-fis hemiihanes. Luke 10. 30 wounded, .departed, leaving, .half dead HAIiP hour, the space of — ' Half an hour, fj/iidpiov hemiorion, iii±o>pov Rev. 8. I silence., about the space of talf an hour SAIF, to live out — To halve, nyn chatsah. Psa. 55. 23 deceitful men shall not live out half their HALF so much — Ifalf, n'snD machatsith. 'Exod 3o7 23 Take . . of sweet cinnamon half so much BAL'-HTIL, h^rhnfull of hollows. A city in the hili country of Judah beside Beth-zur and Ged»r, N. of Hebron, and about four miles distant from It. The name is said to be stai unchanged, others write it Uulhal. Josh. 15. 58 H., Beth-zur, and Gedor HA'-LI, 'Vn. A town on the boundary of Asher, named between Helkath and Beten ; but nothing more is known of its situation. J^osh.ig. 25 And their border was Helkath, and H. rtvtj. — Open court, aliK'f] aule. Markij. 16 the soldiers ^ed him away into tl^e hall Luj£e22. 55 had kindled a fire iy tho midst 01 the h. HftTiTi, common — Praeio-r'shouseor office, ■Kpa.irdipiovpraiioTion.\Lat.) Matt 27. 27 took Jesus into tho common hall, and g. HALLOW — 1.7*0 set apart, V>-\ji qadesh, 3. E.\od2o. II Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallo. 29. I to hallow them, to minister unto me in 40. 9 shalt hallow it, and all the vessels thereof Ley. 16. 19 hallow it from the unolcinness of the ch. 22. 32 Israel : I (am) tho Lord which hallow 25. 10 ye shall hallow the lUticth year, and pro. Num. 6. II and shall hallow his head that same day 1 Ki. 8. O4 The same day did the king hallow tho 2 Ch. 7. 7 Solomon hallowed the middle of tho co. Jer. 17. 22 hallow ye the sabbath day, aa-l comma. 17. 24 hallow the sabbath day, to do no work 17. 27 to hallow the sabbath day, and not to. .b. Ezra 20. 20 hallow my sabbaths ; and tlicy sliall bo a 44. 24 my laws, .they shall hallow my sabbaths %To^set apart, Biip qadesh, 5. 'J E.xodzS. 38 Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts Lev. 22. 2 which they hallow unto mo : 1 (am) the L. 22. 3 the children of Israel hallow unto the L. Num. 3. 13 I hallowed unto me all the first bom in I. 1 KI. 9. 3 I have hallowed this house which thou 9. 7 house, which I have hallowed for my na. 2 Ch.36. 14 the house of the Lord which he had hal. Z.To set apart, hallow, sanctify, ayi&^oi hagiazS. Matt. 6. 9 pray ye : Our Father. .Hallowed be thy Luknii. 2 say. Our Father. .Hallowed be thy name HALLO'WTSD — A selling apart, separation, c''i|7 qadesh, 1 Sa. 21. 4 there is hallowed bread ; if the young 21. 6 So the priest gave him haUowed (bread) HALLO'WED, to bo — l.Tohe set apart, ly'iij qadash. Exod29. 21 he shall fco hallowed, and his garments Numi6. 37 take up the censers. . for they aio hallowed 16. 38 therefore they are hallowed : and they 2. To he or become set apart, E'lS qadesh, 2. Lev. 22. 32 I will be hallowed among the children of HALLLOWED part — What is set apart, lyiiPP miqdash. Numi8. 29 (even) the hallowed part thereof out of It HALLOWED things — What is set apart, separation, t^l)) qodesh. Lev. 12. 4 she shall touch no hallowed thing, por 19. 8 he hath profaned the hallowed thing of Num. 5. 10 every man's hallowed things shall bo his 18. 8 heave offerings of all the hallowed things Deutse. 13 I have brought away the hallowed things E Ki.i2. 18 Jehoash. .took all the hallowed things 12. 18 his o^vn hallowed things, and all the gold HA-LO'-HESH, HAL-LO'-HESH, vm^n the whisperer. 1. Father of Shallum who ruled over part of Jerusalem and helped to rebuild the wall. B.o. 475. Neh. 3. 12 unto him repaired Shallum tho son of H. 2. One or a family that sealed tho covenant with Nehe- niiah. B.C. 475. Neh. 10. 24 H., Pileha, Shobek HALT — Lame, cripplcd,xf>^Ss cholos. Matt 18. 8 better, .to enter into life halt or maimed Alark 9. 45 better for thee to enter halt into life Lukei4. 21 bring in hither the poor, .and the halt John 5. 3 great multitude .. of blind, halt, withered HALT, to — 1. To leap, pass over, no? pasach. I Ki. 18. 21 How long halt yo between two opinions? 2. To halt, y"?V isala. Gen. 32. 31 the sun rose, .and ho halted upon his Mio. 4. 6 will I assemble her that halteth, and I 4. 7 I will make her that halted a remnant Zeph. 3. 19 I -will save her that halteth, and gather ^.Halting, ySy tsela. Ps-T. 38. 17 For I (am) ready to halt, and my sorrow HALTirrO — Halting, V^S, vh'i tsela. Jer. 20. 10 All my famiiiara- watched for my halting HAM, D.T multitude. Hero Chcdorlaomer smoto the Zuzim. If these people were the Zamzummim, Ham must have been in what was afterwards the land of the Ammonites. Hence Ham may be but another name of their chief strong- hold Kabbah, now Amynan. Others think it is tho modern numcimath one mile above Rabba, the ancient Ar-moab, on the iloman road. ■, ^. ^ , Gen. 14. 5 smote, .the Zuzims in BL, and the Emlms HAU, Dn swarthy, dark coloured. 1. The youngest son of Noah, and father of Canaan. The Egyptian word Kem, Egypt=Ham, as an adjective, means "black" and " warm." His sons were Cush and Mizraim, Phut and Canaan. Ham was the only son of Noah after whom a cotintry was named. B.C. 2348. Gen. 5. 32 and Noah begat Shem, H., and Japhcth 6. 10 Noah begat throe sons, Shem, B.)-and J. 7. 13 Shem, aad H., and Japheth, the sons of 9. 18 the sons of Noah, .were Shem, and H. 9. 18 and H. (is) the father of Canaan 9. 33 H. . .631V the nakedness of his father Gen. 10. I generations of the sons of Noah ; Shem, H. 10. 6 the BODS' of H. ; Cush, and Mlzrahn, toil. 10. 20 These (are) tho sons of U., after their '' ' X Ch. I. 4 Noah, Shem, H., and Japheth I. 8 The sons of H. ; Cush, and MizraUn 2. The patronymic of his doacondants. 1 Ch. 4. 40 for (they) of H. had dwelt there of old Psa. 78. 51 (their) strength in the tabernacles of U.- 105. 23 and Jacob sojourned in the land of H. 105. 27 showed his. .wonders in tho land of H. J06. 33 Wondrous v/orks in tho land of H., ({ludy HA'-MAIT, )lpn celebrated Haman, Horn. The chief minister or vizier of Ahasueriis (XencaV B.o. 510. After tho faUuro of his ijlot to cut off aU tho Jews in the empire of Persia ho was hanged on tho gallows which he had erected for Mordccai. Ho is called tho Agagito, as Eignifylng that ho war. of Amalc- kltiah descent : but in tho LXX ho is called a Macedonian in Esth. 9. 24 (if. 3. i), and a Persian by Sulplciu* Soverua. Esth. 3. I Afterthose. .dldk. AhasucruapromoteH. 3. 2 all tho king's servants, reverenced 11. 3. 4 they told U., to see whether Jlordecal's 3. 5 when H. saw. .then was il. full of wrath 3. 6 wherefore H. sought to destroy all tho J. 3. 7 they cast Pur, that (is), the lot, before U. 3. 8 II. said unto king Anasucnis, There la a 3. 10 king took his ring, .and gave it unto U. 3. II tho king said unto H., Tlie silver (l3)clT. 3. 12 all that 11. had commanded, unto theklng't 3. 15 And tho king and-H. sat down to drlnlr 4. 7 the money that H. had promised to pay 5. 4 lot the king and H. come this day unto 5. s tho king said, Cause H. to make haste 5. 5 So the king and H. came to tho banquet 5. 8 let the king and H. come to the banquet J. 9 Then went H. forth that day joyful and 5. 9 when H. saw Mordecai in llio king's gate S. 10 Nevertheless H. refrained himself, and S. 1 1 H. told them of the glory of his riches, and 5. 12 H. said moreover. Yea, Esther, .did let 5. 14 tho thing pleased H.; and ho caused tho 6. 4 Now H. was come into tho outward court 6. 5 said. .Behold, H. standeth in the court 6. 6 So H. came in. And tho king said unto 6. 6 H. thought in his heart. To .whom would 6. 7 H. answered the king, For the man whom 6. 10 Then tho king said to H., Make hastp ■ 6. 1 1 Then took H. tho apparel and tho horeo 6. 12 but H. hasted to his house mourning 6. 13 H. told Zeresh his wife and all his frienda 6. 14 and hasted to bring H. unto tho banquet 7. I So the king and H. came to banquet witlj 7. 6 I'he adversary and enemy (is) this. .H. 7. 6 Then H. was afraid before the king and 7. 7 H. stood up to make request for his lifo 7. 8 H. was fallen upon tho bod whereon Est. 7. 8 As the word went out. .thoy covered H.'B 7. 9 gallows, .wlilch IJ. had made lor MorJs. 7. 9 the gallows, .standeth in tho house of IL 7. 10 So they hanged H. on tho gallows that 8. 1 did. . Aliasucrus give the house of H...un. 8. 2 his ring, which ho had taken frpm H. 6. 2 Esther set Mordecai over the house of H. 8. 3 besought put away the mischief of U. 8. 5 the letters devised by H. tlio son of Ha. 8. 7 I have given Esther the house of H., and 9. 10 ton sona of H. the son of ll.immedatha* 9. 72 The Jews have slain, .the ten sjins ofH. 9. 13 let H.'s ten sons be hanged uporf tho gaL 9. 14 given, .and they hanged H.'s ten sona 9. 24 iiecauae H. . .had devised against the Jo. HA'-MATH, HE'-MATH, nipn defenccd, walled'. A city of Upper Syria in tho valley of the Orontes, about midway between its source (near Baalbek) and the bend which it makes at Jierhadid. The Bama- thites were a Haraitic race and are Included among tha desendants of Canaan (Gen. 10. 18.) Numi3. 21 So they went up. .as men come to H. 34. 8 shall point out. .unto tho cntranco of H. Judg. 3. 3 Baal-hermon unto the entering in of H, 2 Sa. 8. 9 Toi king of E. heai'd that David ha 1 sm. 1 Ki. 8. 65 from tho entering in of H. unto the river 2 Ki. 14. 25 from the entering of H. uoto the sei of 14. 28 how he recovered Damascus, ind H. . .for 17. 24 the king of Assj-ria brought, .from H. < 17. 30 and the men of H. made Ashima 18. 34 Where(are) thegods of H., and of Arpi-.T 19. 13 \Vhere (is) the king of H., and the king 23. .H 25. 21 slew them at Eiblah in the land of H. J Ch.13. s Shlhor of Egypt, .unto the enteringof TU ' 3 David smote Hadarezcr. .unto H., as lie 9 Tou king of H. heard how David had sm. 8 from the entering in of H. unto the rive* 4 the store cities, which he built In H. . 10. q (is) not H. as Arpad ? (is) not Samaria la 11. II his people, which shall bo left; fK)ra. .H/ 35. 19 Where (are) the gods of H. an 1 Arphsd ' 37. 13 Where (is)' the king of H., and the kingot 39. 5 they brought him up. .to Eiblah in. .H. 49. 23 Concerning Damascus. H. Is oonfonnde* 52. 9 they took the king . . to Riblah in . ^ 52. 27 put them to death . .in the land of H. 47. 16 H.,Berothah, Sibraim, which (is)b«tire« 47. 16 border of Damascus, and the borderof B. 47. 17 north northwerd and the border of * -. 47. 50 border, till a man come over agaiMt ^ 48. I of the way of Hethlon, «a one goeUl tq S 18. 18. 2 CI). 7. 8. Isa. Jer. Eze. HAMATHITE 444 HAND Eze. 48. I of Damascus northward,- to the coast of H. Ames. 6. 2 and from thence go ye to H. the great 6. 14 shsiU afilict. .from the entering in of H. Zech. 9.' 2 Aid H. also shall border thereby HA-EATH-ITE, 'nsq belonging to Hamath. The patronymic of- certain descendants of Canaan dwelling on the extreme north of Palestine. Gen. 10. 18 Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the n. 1 Gh. 1. 16 Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the H. HA-HATH ZO'-BAH, n5"is nprj. The fuller name of Eamath. It is called by the Greeks Spiphania : but it is probably not Hamath the Great, being distinguished fromMt by the suffix Zohah ; as Eamath-GiJcad Is distinguished from Kamah in Benja- Ttiin. 2 Ch. e. 3 Solomon went to H. , and prevailed against HAH'-MATH, ngn wa'nn springs. A, fortified city in the territory allotted to Naphtall, one mile from Tiberias. Its name indicates tliat it con- tained the " hot baths" of Tiberias. Josephus calls it Emmaus, a village not far from Tiberias, whero Ves- pasian encamped before Tiberias. The Hammam, at present four in number, still send up their hot sulphu- reous waters (144° Fahr.), at a spot rather more than a mile S. of the modem town, Tubariyeh, at tha ex- tremity of the ruins of the ancient city. Josh. 19. 35 the fenced cities .. Ziddim, Zer, and H. HAM-ME-Da'-THA, «ni?ri given by Horn. She father of Haman the Agagite at the court of Ahasu- eriis ( Xerxes) king of Persia. B.C. 550. Esth. 3. I promote Haman tho son of H. the Agagite 3. 10 and gave it unto Haman the son of H. 8. 5 letters devised by Haman the son of H. 9. 10 ten sons of Haman the son of H. . . slev/ 9. 24 the son of H. . .had devised against the HAH-HE'-LECH, ^^Brt the king. Shough this is given in the Common Version as a proper iiame, it might and perhaps ought to have been trans- lated as the ordinary Hebrew word for " the king" ;i.e., in the first case Jehoiakim, and In the latter Zedekiah. Jer. 36. 26 king commanded Jerahmeel the sou of H. 38. 6 the dungeon of Malchiah tho eoq of IL 1. Ilainmer, hammering, nthn halmuth. Judg.s. 26 She put her hand. ,to tho workmen's ha, ■?. Hammer, n;i|^o ma,qqphah. I Ei. 6. 7 there was neither hammer nor ax. .heard laa, -44. 12 fashioneth it with hammers, and worketh Jer. 10. 4 they fasten it with nails and with ham. ^.Ilammer, nnisn maqqebcth. Judg. 4. 21 Then Jael. .took an hammer In her hand &.irammer, v'ipB patiish. Isa. 41. 7 hfi that smootheth (with) the hammer Jer. 23. 29 a hammer (that) breaketh the rock in pt 50, 23 How is the hammer, .cut asunder and b.Ilatchets, dnihs, ni3r5 kelappoth. ' Pea. 74. 6 now they break down.. with axes and h. EAH-ilO-'LE'-KETH, ^hbn the queen. Daujliter of Machir and sister of Gilead the grandson of Maiiasseh. One of her chiltlren was Abi-ezer, from whose family sprang the great Judge Gideon. She may have ruled over a portion of the land belonging to Gilead ; and hence her name. B.C. 1450. 1 Ch. 7. 18 sister H. bare Ishod, and Abiezor, and M. HAM'-JffON, ]ten hA}t spring. 1. A city of Asher, not far from Zidon-rabbah, or " Great Zidon". It may be HamvX, about ten miles from Tyre, and near the coast. Josh. 19. 28 Eehob, and H., and KanaJi,.iinto great 2. A city allotted to the Levites out of tho tribo of Kaphjali, and answering to the cities (or city) called Ilammath and Hammath-dor. ' i Ch. 6. 76 with her suburbs, and H. with her sab. HAH-HOTH DOE nxT nbn. '^i A city of Naphtall allotted to the Gershonite Levites, and appointed a city ofVetuge. It is perhaps identical with Hammath. In i _ Chr. 6, 76, the namo is Ham- mon. - .,,. I Josh 21. 32 H.-d. with her suburbSj and Kartaa'with HA-mO'-NAH, niton multitude^ The place in or near which the multitudes of Gog are to bo bi;ricd, after the great slaughter, and which Is to derive its name from that circumstance. Eze. 39, i« also the name of the city (shall be) H. HA-MOW GOG, i'13 Itoq multitude by Gog. '-■ A glen previously known as the " ravine of the passen- gers on the E. of the Sea," after the burial there of Gog »nd all his multitude.- ,. . ..^ .*_■.= . Eze. 39. II and they shall call (it), Tho valley cfH.^g.' 39. 13 haveturied it in the valley of II. -g.^. EA'-SIOE, l"!Dq large jackastJx The flgure employed by Jacob" for Issachar; also a Hivlte or Horite, who.'iat tho return of Jacob into Pales- tine, v/as prince of the city of Shechem, and father of Sheehcm whose treatment of Dinah brought destruction to hLmaelf and all his Idndred and city. The natne in tho Greiek fosmis Smmor, and Abraham la said to have. JjoughthUBepnlchre from the eoD«'o°.E?nMnor. B.a 1739.' Gen. 33. la at tha hand ot tha ehildiaa of fl!.r Gen. 34. 2 when Shechem the son of H. . .saw her 34. 4 Shechem spake unto his father H., saying 34. 6.E. the father of Shechem went out unto 34. 8 And H. commimed with them, saying 34. 13 sons of Jacob answered Shechem and H. 34. 18 theirwords pleased H., and Shechem, E.'s 34. 20 H. and Shechem . . came unto the gate of 34. 24 unto H., and u)ito Shechem his son, hear. 34. 26 they slew H. and Shechem his son with Josh. 24. 32 which Jacob bought of the sons of H. the Judg 9. 28 Serve the men of H. the father of Shechem HA-MTJ'-EL, ^Niar] God is a sun. A son of Mishma, a Simeonite, of the family of Shanl. B.C. 1200. I Ch. ,\. 26 the sons of Sllshma; H. his son, Zacchnr HA'-HTJL, hia:) pity. The younger son of Pharez eon of Judah by Tamar. Ho was the head of tho Hamulito family. B.C. 1650. Gen. 46. 12 the sons of Pharez were Hezron and H. Num26. 21 of H., the family of the Hamulites I Ch. 2. 5 Tho sons of Pharez ; Hezron, and H. HA-MXr-LITES, '^nn belonging to Hamul. The descendants of Hamul son of Pharez. Ifum26.'2i of Hamul, the family of the H. HA-Mlf-TAL, "?Bffln God is fresh life; Idn to the devx. A daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah, ono of king Josiah's wives, and mother of Jehoahaz and Mattaniah or Zedekiah. In the last two texts the name ia given as Eamital, which the T.XX. adopts throughout. B.C. 600. e Ki. 23. "31 his mother's name (was)H., the daughter 24. 18 his mother's name (was)H., the daughter Jer. 52. I his mother's name (was) H. tho daughter HA-NAK'-EEL, hi I Xii. 16, I tho word . . came to Jehu the son of H. 16. 7 by the handof . . Jehu the son of H. came 3 Ch.19. 2 Jehu the son of H. the seer went out to 20. 34 written in the book of Jehu the son-ol H. 4. A priest who had taken a strange wife. B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 20 of the sons of Immer ; H., and Zebadlah 5. A brother of Nehemiah who returned from Jerusalem to Susa and was afterwards made governor of Jerusalem under KoUemiah. B.C., 446. Keh. 1. e That H., one of my brethren, oame, he 7, algavomy brother H. . . charge over Jem.' 6. A priest and musician v/ho assisted in the ceremonial of purifying the walls of Jerusalem. B.C. 445'. Keh. 12. 35 his brethren, Shemaiah . .Judah, H., with HA-KAIf'-IAH, ^n^jjn, n;^gn Jah is gracioiLS. 1. A son of Heman the singer and chief of the 16th course of the 24 into which the 288 Levite musicians were divided by king David. Hcman's sons were espe- cially employed to blow the horns. B.C. 1013. 1 Ch.2s. 4 sons of Heman . .H., flanani, Elialhali 25. 23 H. . .his sons, and his brethren, .twelve 2. A chief captain of king Uzziah's army. B.C. 810. 2 Ch.26. II under the hand of H., (one) of the king's 3. The father of Zedekiah, one of the princes in the reign of Jeheakim king of Judah. B.C. 630. Jer. 36. la sat. .the son of H., and all the princes 4. Son of Azur, a Benjamite of Gibeon and false prophet in tliB reign of Zedekiah king of Judah. B.C. 593. la this year he withstood Jeremiah the prophet. Jer. 28. I H. the son of Azur the prophet, .spake a8. 5 prophet Jere. said unto tho prophet li, 28. 10 H. . .took the yoke from off. .Jeremiah's s8. 1 1 H. spake in the presence of all the people e8. 12 after. .H. the prophet had broken the b8. 13 Go and tell H., saying. Thus saith the t. eS. 15 Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto H. 28. 15 Hear now, H. '; The Lord hath not sent 28. 17 So H. the prophet died the same year, in 6. Grandfather of Irijah, the captain of the ward at the gate of Benjamin. He arrested Jeremiah on a charge of deserting to the Chaldaens. B.C. 596. Jer. 37. 13 Irijah, the son of Shclemlah . . son of H. 6. Son of Shashak and head of a Benjamite house. B.O. 7340. I Ch. 8. 24 And H., and Elam, and Antothljah 7. Tho Hebrew name of Shadrach, who was of thehonse of David. B.C. 607. Dan. I. 6 these were, of the children of Judai.H. T. 7 of Belteshazzar ; and to H., of Shadrach 1. II prince of the eunuchs bad Set over. .H. 1. 19 among, .all was found none like Daniel, H. 2. 17 Daniel, .made the thing known to H. 8. A son of Zerubbabel in the ancestry of Jesos, B.c 500. I Ch. 3.'i9 sons of Zerubbabel ; MeshuUam, and B. 3. 21 And the sons of H. ; Pelatiah, and Jesal. 9. A son of Bebai, v/ho returned with Ezra from Babylon. B.O. 456. Ezra 10. 28 the sons also of Bebal ; Jehohanan, H. 10. An apothecary and priest. B.C. 445. KelL 3. 8 Next unto him also repaired H. the son 11. One that repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem with Hanun. B.C. 445. Keh. 3. 30 After him repaired H. the son of Shele. 12. A ruler of the palace at Jerusalem under Nehemiah. B.C. 445. , Keh. 7.t 2 I gave . . Hanani, and H. . . charge over J. 13. An individual or family that sealed tho covenant. B.C. 445. Keh. 10. 23 Hoshea,'H., nashub 14. A priest in the time of Jehoiakim. B.C. %ya. Neh. 12. 12 the chief of the fathers, .of Jeremiah, U. 12. 41 the priests. '.Zechariah, (and) H., with HAKD— ' l.Patm of the hand, 15K ekeph. Job 33. 7 neither shall my hand be heavy upon 2. Hand, n; yad. Gen. 3. 22 now, lest he .put forth his hand, and take 4. II receive thy brother's biood from thy hand 5. 29 concerning our work and toil of our han. 8. 9 then he put forth his hand, and took her 9. 2 into your hand are they delivered 9. 5, s ak the hand of every beast will I require 9. 5 at the hand of man ; at the hand of every 14. 20 delivered thine enemies into thy hand 14. 22 I have lift ap mine hand unto the LoEi> j6. 6 Behold, thy maid (is) in thy hand ; do to 16. 9 and submit thyself imder[her hands j6. 12 his hand (will be) against every man, and 16. 12 every man's hand against him ; and he 19. JO the men put forth their hand, and pulled 19. 16 the men laid hold upon his hand, and* 39. 16 the hand of his wife, and upon the hand Bi. 18 Arise, .and hold him in thine hand ; fop ei. 30 seven ewe lambs shalt thou take of my h. B2. 6 he took the fire in his hand, and a knife 22. 10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand 22. 12 Lay not thine liand upon tho lad, neither 24. 2 Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my tht 24. 9 the servant put his hand under the thigh £4. :o the goods of hismaster(were)iilhishand 24. 18 and let down her pitcher upon her hand 24. 22 two bracelets for her hands of ten (shek.) 24. 30 and bracelets upon his sister's hands, and 24. 47 and I put. .the bracelets upon her hands 33. 26 and his hand took hold on Esau's heel 27. 16 And she put the skins . . upon his hands 27. 17 the bread. . into t'ne hs^d of her son Jacob 27. 22 but the hands (are) the hands of Esau 27. 23 his hands were hairy, as . . Esau's hands 30. 35 and gave (them) into the hand of his soni 31. 29 It is in the power of my hand to do you 31. 39 of my hand didst thou require it, (whet.) 32. II the hand of my brother, from the ucad HAND 445 HAND 39- 39- 39- 39- Oen. 32. 13 took of that which camo to his hand a -32. 16 he delivered, .into the hand of. his scrv. 33. 10 then receive my present at my hand ; for 33. 19 at the hand of the children of Ilamor 35. 4 strange gods which (v/cre) in their hand 37. 21 and he delivered him out of their hands 37. 22 Shed no blood, .and lay no hand upon 37. 22 he might rid him out of their hands, to 37. 27 and let not our hand be upon him ; for 38. 18 she said, .thy staff that (is) in thine hand 38. 2o sent the kid by the hand of hia friend 38. 20 receive (his) pledge from the woman's h. 38. 28 to pass, .that (the one) put out (his) hand 38. 28 and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread 38. 29 aa he drew back his hand, that, behold 38. 30 that had the scarlet thread upon his hand 39. I bought him of the hands of the Ishmecl. 3 the Lord made all. .to prosper in hia ha. 4 and all (that) he had he put into his ha. 6 he left all that he had in Joseph's hand 8 committed all that he hath to my hand 39. 12, 13 left hi« garment in her hand, and fled 39. 22 committed to Joseph's hand, .the prison. 39. 23 looked not to any thing.. under his hand 40. II And Pharaoh's cup (v/as) in my hand: and 40. 13 Shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand 41. 35 lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh 41. 42 Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand 41. 42 put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed 41. 44 without thee shall no man lift up his ha. 42. 37 deliver him into my hand, and I will bri. 43. 9 of my hand ahalt thou require him : if I 43. 12 And take double money in your hand 43. 12 the money, .carry (it) again in your hand 43. 13 they took double money in their hand 43. 21 We have brought it again in our hand 43. 22 we brought down in our hands to buy fo. 43. 26 the present which (was) in their hand 44. 17 the man in whose hand the cup is found 46. 4 Joseph shall put his hand upon thine ey. 47. 29 put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thi. 48. 14 upon Manassch's head, guiding his hands 48. 17 his right hand upon the head of Ephraim 48. 17 he held up his father's hand, to remove 48. 22 I took out of the hand of the Amorito 49. 8 thy hand (shall be) in the neck of thlnfe e. 49. 24 the arms of his hands were made strong 49. 24 by the hands of the mighty (God) of Ja. Ssod.2. 19 delivered us out of the hand of the shep. 3. 8 deliver them out of the hand of the Egy. 3. 19 not let you go, no, not by a mighty hand 3. 2o I will stretch out my hand, and smite E. 4. a 'What (is) that in thine hand ? And he 4 Put forth thine hand, .he put forth his ha. 6 Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And 6 put his hand into his bosom : and when 6 behold, his hand (was) leprous as snow 7 Put thine h:;nd into thy bosom again 7 he put hiD hand into his bosom again 4. 13 by the hand (of him whom) thou wilt 4. 17 thou Shalt take this rod in thine hand 4. 20 and Moses took the rod of God in his h. 4. 21 thoso v/ondcrs. .1 have put in thine hand. 5. 21 to put a Ev/ord in their hand to clay us 6. 1 with a strong hand shall ho let them go 6. I with a strong hand shall he drive them 7. 4 that I may lay my hand upon Egypt 7. 5 when I stretch forth mine hand upon K 7. 15 the rod. .sh:^lt thou take In thino hand 7. 17 smito with the rod that (is) in mine hand 7. ig stretch out thine hand upon the waters 8. 5 Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thino hand 8. 6 And Aaron stretched out his hand over 8. 17 Aaron stretched out his hand with his 9. 3 hand of the Ix)rd is upon thy cattle 9. 15 now I will strotch out my hand, that I 9. 22 Stretch forth thine hand toward heaven so. 12 Stretch out thino hand over the land of 10. 21 Stretch out thine hand tov.'ard heaven 10. 22 Moses stretched forth his hand toward h. 12. IT eat it ; (with), .your staff in your hand 13. 3 by strength of hand the Ixjrd brought 13. 9 be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand 13. 9 with a strong hand hath the Lord brou. 13. 14, 16 By strength of hand the Lord brou. 13. 16 it shall be for a token upon thine hand 14. 8 the children, .wont out with an high ha. 14. 16, 26 stretch out thine hand over the sea 14. 21, 27 Moses stretched, .his hand over the 14. 30 saved, .out of the hand of the Egyptians 15. 9 will draw my sword, my hand shall dest. 13. 17 O Lord, (which) thy hands have establi. 15. 20 Miriam., took a timbrelin her hand ; and t6. 3 died by tho hand of the Lord In the land 5 thy rod. .take in thine hand, and go 9 stand . . with the rod of G od in mine hand II when Moses held up hia hand, that Isra . II »nd when he let down his hand, Amalek , 12 Bat Moses' hands (were) heavy ; and they , 12 stayed up his hands, .and his hands were 9, 10 out of the hand of the EgypUans 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- »7- 17- >7- »7. 17- 17- i3. i3. 10 delivered, .out of the hands of Fharaohl j8. 10 from under the hand of the Egyptians 19. 13 There shall not an ha'-d touch it, but he =1. 13 but God deliver (him) into hia hand ; then 21. 16 or if he bo found in his hand, he shall 21: 20 with a rod, and he die under hia hand 21. 24 tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for 22.^ 4 If the theft be certainly found in his ha e2.' 8, II put his hand unto his noighbour's go. 23. - 1 put not thine hand with the wicked to be 231 3t inUabitanta of the land into ;cQi hand Exod24. II upon the nobles, .he laid not bla hand 29. 10, IS, 19 shall put their hands upon the he. 29. 20 and upon the thumb of their right liand 29. 25 thou Shalt receive them of their hands 30 ig, 21 shall wash their handa and their feet 32. 4 And ho received (them) at their hand 32 II with great power, and with a mighty ha ? 32. 15 tv/o tables of the testimony, .in his hand 3=. 19 cast the tablesout of hia hands, andbrake 34. 4 took in hia hand the two tables of stone 34. 29 the two tables of testimony In .Moses' ha. 35. 25 all the women, .did spin with their hands 35. 29 commanded to bo made by the hand of 38; 21 by the hand of Ithamar, son to Aaron the 40. 31 washed their hands and their feet there. I/OT. I 4 he shall put his hand upon the head of 3. 2, 8, 13 he shall lay bis hand upon the head 4. 4 lay his hand upon the bullock's head, and 4. 15 elders, .shall lay their hands upon the ho. 4. 24, 20, 33 shall lay his hand upon the head 7. 30 His own hands shall bring the ollerinfjs 8- 14, 18, 22 laid their bauds upon the head of 8. 23 put (it), .upon the thumb of his right ha. 8. 24 upon the thumbs of their right hands 8. 36 the Lord commanded by the hand of M. 9. 22 Aaron lifted up his hand toward the pe. 10. II spoken unto them by the hand of Mo;c3 14. 14. 17, 25, 28 upon the thumb of his.. hand 14. 32 hand is not able to get (that which per.) 13. II and hath not rinccd hia hands in water 16. 21 Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the 16. 21 send (him) .-.v/ay by the hand of a Qt m^n 22. 25 Neither from a stranger's hand shall yo B4. 14 that heard, .lay their hands upon his ho. 23. 14 or buyest (ought) of thy neighbour's ha. 85. 23 remain in the hand of him that.. bought 26. 25 bo delivered Into the hand of the enemy 26. 46 in mount Sinai by the hand of Mosea Kum. 4. 28 under the hand of Ithamar the son of A. 4. 37 commandment of the Lord by the hand 4. 45 the word of the LORD by the !.and of M, 4. 49 they were numbered by the hand of JIo. 5. 18 the priest shall have In hla hand the bitter 5. 25 shall take, .out of the woman's hand, and 6. 21 besides (that) that his hand shall got : ac 7. 8 under the hand of Ithamar the son of A. 8. 10 shall put their handa upon the I.evlte3 8. T3 the Levitea shall lay their hands upon the 9. 23 commandment of the Lord by the hand 10. 13 commandment of the Lord by the hand It. 23 Is the Lord's hand waxed short? thou \ 15. 23 commanded you by the hand of Mosca 16 40 the Lord said to Hm by the hand of M. 30. n Mosea lifted up hia hand, and with hi:i 20. 20 with much people, and with a strong h.-.. 21. 2 v/iit. . deliver thla people Into my hand 21. 26 taken all his land out of hi3 hr.nd, even 21. 34 for I have delivered hl:n into thy hand 22. 7 the rewards of c'.ivination in their hand 82 23 Ills sword drc.v.T. in hi- hr.nd : and the ass 82. 29 I ^/ouId there were a sv/ord In mine hand 22, 31 hln Bword drav^n in hla hand : and ho 85, 7 when Phineha3..took a Javelin in hia ha. 87. 18 Take.. Joshua.. and lay thine hand upon 87 23 ho laid his hands upon him, and gave him 27. 23 the Lord commanded by the hand of M. 31. 6 and the trumpets to blow in hia hand 33. I with their armies under the hand of Mo. 33. 3 Israel went out with an high hand in the 33. 18 Or (If) he smite him with au hand weap. 35. 21 Or in enmity smite hira witli hia hand 33. 25 deliver.. out of the hand of the revenger 36. 13 the Lord commanded by the hand of M. Deut I. 25 they took of the fruit .in their hands 1. 27 deliver ua into the hand of the Amorltes 2. 7 blessed thee In all the works of thy hand 2. 15 the hand of the Lord was against them 2. 24 I have given into thine hand Sihon the 2. 30 that he might deUver him Into thy hand 3. 2 I will deliver him. .into thy hand ; and 3. 3 Lord out God delivered Into our hands 3. 8 out of the hand of the two kings of the 3. 24 show .thy greatness, and thy mighty ha. 4. 38 shall serve gods, the work of men's hands 4. 34 wonders, aud by war, and by a mighty h. 5. 15 brought thee out. .through a mighty ha. 6. 8 Shalt bind them lor a sign upon thine h. 6. 21 brought us out of Egj-pt with a mighty h. 7. 8 Lord brought you out with a mighty ha 7. 8 from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt 7. 19 the mightyhand, and the stretched out 7 24 he shall deliver their kings into thine h. 8. 17 the might of (mine) hand hath gotten me 9. 15 two tables of the covenant, .in my two h. 9. 17 tables, and cast them out of my two ha. 9. 26 brought.. out of Egypt with a mighty ha. 10. 3 up. .having the two tables in mine hand 11. 2 your God, his greatness, his mighty hand ji. 18 and bind them for a sign upon your hand 12. 6 heave offerings of your hand, and your 12. 7 rejoice in all that ye put your hand unto 12. II the heave offering of your hand, and all 12. 17 oflerings, or heave offering of thine hand 12. 18 in all that thou puttest thine hands unto 13, 9 thine hand shall bo first upon him to put 13. 9 end afterwards the hand of all the people 13. 17 nought of the cursed thing to thine hand 14. 25 bind up the money In thino hand, and 14. 29 lilets thee in sU the work of thine hand :$. ^ TT.'th thy brother thine hand shall release 15. 7 zh".'i thine hand froa thy poor brot. 15. S >icu ci;;i open tiiice hand vrAo iinlo h. Dout 13. 10 and In all that thou puttest thine hand 13. II Thou Shalt open thine hand wide unto 16. 10 u tribute of a freewill offering of thino h. 16. 15 bless thee. .In all the works of thine ho. 17. 7 The han.da of the witncases ehall be fiut 17. 7 and afterward the hands of a)l the people 19. 5 his hand fctchcth a stroke with the ax to 19. 1 2 deliver him Into the hand of the avenger ol 19. 21 tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for 1 20. 13 thy God hath delivered it into thine hand 21. shall wa-sh their hands over the heifer 21. 7 Our hands have not ohed this blood, ncL 21. 10 God hath delivered them into thine hand 23. 20 In all that thou settcst thine hand to in 23. 25 thou mayest pluck the ears with thine h. 04. I give (it) In her hand, and send her out of 04. 3 giveth (it) In her hand, and sendeth her 24. 19 may blcaa thee In., the work of thino hand 25. 1 1 out of the hand of him that smiteth bins. 23. 11 putteth forth her hand, aud taketh him 'I e6. 4 priest shall take the basket out of thine h, 26. 8 brou. us. .out of Egypt with a mighty h. 27. 13 the work of the handa of the craftaman 20. 8, 20 all that thou sottest thine hand unto e8. 12 and to bless all the work of thine hand 28. 32 and (there shall be) no might In thine h. 30. 9 thee plenteous in every work of thino h. 31. 29 to anger through the work of your hands 32. 27 lest they should say. Our hand (la) high — 32. 39 neither, .that can deliver out of my hand 32. 40 I lilt up my hand to heaven, and say, I 32. 41 If. .mine hand take hold on judgment, I 33. 3 all his saints (are) in thy hand: and they 33. 7 let his hands be suflicieut for him ; and 33. II Bless, .and accept the work of his hands 3/,. 9 for Moses had laid his hands upon him 34. 12 And in all that mighty hand, and in all Josh. 2. 19 blood, .on our head, if (any) hand bo upon 2. 24 Ix)RD hath delivered into our hands all 4. 24 That all. .might know the hand of the L, 3. 13 a roan, .with his sword drawn in his hand 6. 2 See, I have given into thine hand Jericho 7. 7 to deliver us into the hand of t?ie Amor. 8. 1 I have given into thy hand the king of A. 8. 7 Lord your God will deliver it into your h. 8. 18 Stretch out the spear that (is) in thy hand 8. 18 lor I will give it into thine hind. And /. 8. 18 stretched out the spear, .in his hand to. 8. 19 as soon as he had stretched out his hand 8. 26 Joshua drew not hia hand back, where. 9. 23 And now, behold, we (are) in thine hand 9. 26 deUvcred them out of the hand of the o. 10. 6 Slack not thy hand from thy servants 10. 8 for I have delivered them into thine hand 10. 19 God hath delivered them into your luind 10. 30 Lord delivered It also, .into the hand of 10. 32 Iy3RD delivered Lacliish Into the hand of 11. 8 Lor.D delivered them into the hand of I. 14. 2 as the Lord commanded by the hand of 20. 2 whereof I spake unto you by the hand of 20. 3 not deliver the slayer up into his hand 80. 9 not die by the hand of the avenger of b. Bi. 2, 8 Lord commanded by the hand of Mo. 21. 44 Lord delivered., enemies into their band 22. 9 to the word of the Lord by the hand of 22. 31 children of Israel out of the hand of tho 24. 8 I gave them Into your hand, that ye mi. 24. 10 I delivered you out of hla ho. 24. II and I delivered them into your hand Judg. I. 2 I have delivered the land into hia hand I. 4 delivered, .the Pcrizzites into their hand 1. 35 the baud of the house ol Joseph prevaiL B. 14 into the handa of spoilers that spoiled 2. 14 sold them Into the hands of their enem. 2. 13 the hand of the Lord was against them 2. 16 out of the hand of those that spoiled them 2. 18 out of the hand of their enemies all the 2. 23 neither delivered he them Into the hand 3. 4 commanded their fathers by the hand of 3. 8 and ho sold them into the hand of C>ub. 3. 10 of Mesopotamia into hla hand ; and his h. 3. 15 Ehud, .a Benjamite, a man left handed 3. 21 Ehud put forth his left hand, and took 3. 28 your enemies the Moabites into your ha. 3. 30 So Moab was subdued . .under the_hand 4. 3 Lord sold them into the hand of J abin 4. 7 and I will deliver him Into thine hand 4. 9 shall sell Siseralato tlio hand of awoman 4. 14 Lord hath delivered Slsera into thine h. 4. 21 Then Jael. .took an hammer in her hand 4. 24 the hand of the children of Israel prosp. 5. 26 She put her hand to the nail, and her 6. I them into the hand of Mldian seven years 6. 2 the hand of Mldian prevailed against Isr. 6. 9 I delivered you out of the hand of the E. 6. 9 out of the hand of all that oppressed yon 6. 21 the end of the staff that (was) in his hand 6 56, 37 thou wilt save Israel by mine hand 7. 3 me to give the Jlidlanitesinto their hand 7. 2 saying. Mine own hand hath saved me , 7. 6 the number that lapped.. their hand to 7. 7 and deliver the Midianltfta Into thine h. 1 7. 8 So the people took victuals In their hand 7. 9 for I have delivered It into thine hand ■ 7. II afterward shall thine hands be strength. 7. 14 Into his hand hath God delivered Midian 7. 15 Lord hath delivered into your h&nd the 7. 16 he put a trumpet in every man's hand 7. 19 brake the pitchers that (were) in their n. 7. 20 and held the lamps in their left hando 7. 20 and the trumpets in their right hinds to 8. 3 "Jod hath delivBreS into your hands tbe HAND 446 HAND Judg, 8. 6, 15 Are-^-ZebahandZalmunna. .inthineh. 8. 7 delivered Zebah andZalmunna into uiine h. 8. 32 thou hast delivered us from the hand of 8. 34 out of the hands of all their eneniios on 9. 16 according to the deserving of his hands 5. 57 delivered you out of tho hand of Midian 9. 39 to God this people were under my hand I 9. 48 Abimelech took an ax in his hand, and 10. 7 sold them into the hr^ids of tho Philistines 10. 7 into the hands of the children of Ammon 10. 12 cried, .and I delivered you out of their h. 11. 21 Sihon and all his people into the hand of II. 30 the children of Ammon into mine hands 11. 32 and the Lord delivered them into his h. 12. delivered me not out of their A. 13. 3 the LoKD delivered them into my hand 13. I Lord delivered them into tho hand of 13. 5 deliver Israel out of the hand of the Ph. 13. 2j received, .a meat offeiing at our hands 14. 6 and (he had) nothing in his hand : but 15. 12 deliver thee into the hand of the Philis. 15. 13 bind thee, .and deliver thee Into their b, 15. 14 and his bands loosed from off his hands 15. 15 put forth his hand and took it, and slew 15. 17 he cast away the jawbone out of his hand 15. 18 given this great deliverance into tho hand 15. 18 and fall into tho hand of the uncircum.? 16. 18 came up. .and brought money in their h. 16. 23 delivered Samson our enemy into our h. 16. 24 Our god hath delivered into our hands 16. 26 said unto the lad that held him by the h. 17. 3 the silver . .from my hand for my son, to 18. 10 for God hath given it into your hands 18. 19 lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go 19. 27 and her hands (vrere) upon the threshold so. =3 Go up. .Twill deliver them into thine h." Buth I. 13 tho hand of the Lord is gone out against 4. 5 What day thou buyest the field of the h. 4. 9 that I have bought all. .of the hand of K. I Bo. 2. 13 vrith a flesh hook of three teeth in his h. 4. 8 out of tho hand of these mighty gods? 5. 4 the palms of hia hands (were) cut off upon 5. 6 the hand of tho Lord v/as heavy upon 5. 7 his hand is Eore upon us, and upon D^on 5. 9 the hand of the Lord was against the city 5. II the hand of God was very heavy thero 6. 3 known.. why his hand is not removed 6. 5 peradventuro he will lighton his hand 6. 9 then we shall know that (it is) not his h. 7. 3 he will deliver yon out of the hand of the y. 8 he will save us out of the hand of the P. 7. 13 the hand of the LoKD was against the P. 7. 14 did Israel deliver out of tho hands of tho 9. P I have here at hand the fourth part of a 9. 16 he may save my people out of the hand 10. 4 which thou shalt receive of their hands 10. 18 delivered you out of th« hand of the Eg. 10. 18 and out of the hand of all kingdoms, (and) 11. 7 sent (them), .by the hands of messengers 12. 3 of whose hand have I received (any) bribe 12. 4 neither, .taken ought of any man's hand 12. 5 that ye have not found ought in my hand 12. 9 he sold them into the hand of Siscra, ca.. 12. 9 and into the hand of the Philistines 12. 9 and into the hand of the king of Moab 12. 10 deliver us out of the hand of our enemies 12. II delivered you out of the hand of your en< 12. IS then shall the hand of the Lord be again. 13. 22 neither sword nor spear found in the hr, 14. 10 hath delivered them into our hand : and 14. 12 delivered them into the hand of Israel 14. 13 And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands 14. 19 and Saul said. .Withdraw thine hand 14. 26 no man put his hand to his mouth : for 14. 27 the end of the rod. .in his hand, and dip. 14. 27 and put his hand to his mouth ; and his 14. 37 wilt thou deliver them into the hand of I. 14. 43 the end of the rod that (was) in mine ha. 14. 48 out of the hands of them that spoiled 16. 16 that he shall play with his hand, and thou 16. 23 took an harp, and played with his hand 17. 22 left his carriage in the hand of the keeper 17. 37 he vrill deliver me out of the hand of this 17. 40 he took his staff in his hand, and chose 17. 40 his sling (was) in his hand : and he drew 17. 46 will the Lord deliver thee into mine ha. 17. 47 and he will give you into our hands • 17. 49 David put his hand in his bag, and took 1 7. 50 (there was) no sword in the hand of Da. 17. 57 the head of the Philistine in his hand 18. 10 and David played with his hand, as at 18. 10 and (there was) a javelin in Ssiul's hand 18. 17 Let not mine hand be upon him, but 18. 17 let the hand of the Philistines be upon h. iD. 21 that the hand of the Philistines may be i3. 25 make David fall by the hand of the Phil, i;. 9 his hand : and David played with (his) h. 20. 16 require (it) at the hand of David's enemies 21. 3 Now therefore what is under thine hand"? 21. 3 give(me)flve(loavesof)breadinmjnehand 21. 4 no common bread under mine hand ; but 21. 8 is there not here under thine hand spear 21. 13 and feigned himself mad in their hands 22.- 6 now Saul, .having his spear in his,hatid 22. 17 because their hand also (is) with David 22. 17 would not put forth their hand to fall 23. 4 deliver tho Philistitaes into thine hand Bj. 6 name down (with) an ephod in his hand 23. 7 God h&th delivered him into mine hand 23. II .deliverme. . into his hand f 23. 13 ise and my men into the hand of Saul ? 33. 14 but God deliverod him not into hi> hand I Sa. 23. 16 Jonathan, .strengthened hi3 hand in God 23. 17 the hand of Saul, .shall not find thee 23. 20 to deliver him into the king's hand E4. 4 deliver thino enemy into thine hand, that 14. 6 to stretch forth mine hand against him 24. 10 dellveiwd thee to day into mine hand in . 24. 10 not put forth mino hand against my lord 24. 11 see the skirt of thy robe in my hand : for 24. II evil nor transgression in mine hand, and j4. 12, 13 but mine hand shall not be upon thee 24. 15 plead, .and deliver me out of thine hand 24. 18 the Lord had delivered me into thine h. 24. CO Israel shall be established in thine hand 25. 8 give . .whatsoever comcth to thine hand 05. 26 from avenging thyself w\i^ thine own h, 05. 33 from avenging myself witi>'iiine own ha. 35. 35 So David received of her hand (that) 05. 39 of my reproach from the hand of Nabal c6. 8 delivered thino enemy into thine hand e6. 9 who can stretch forth hia hand against 26. II that I should stretch forth mino hand s6. 18 have I done ? or what evil (is) in mino h.? C6. 23 lor tho Lord delivered thee into (my) h. e5. 23 but I would not stretch forth mine hand 37. I now perife ono day by tho hand of Saul 27. I dcipair. .oo shall I escape out of his hand 28, 17 hath rent tho kingdom out of thine hand e8. 19, 19 deliver, .into the hand of the Philis. 30. 15 nor deliver me into the hands of my mas. 30. 23 and delivered the company, .into our ha. a Sa. I. 14 to stretch forth thine hand to destroytho 2. 7 now let your hands be strengthened, and 3. 8 not delivered theointo tho hand of David 3. 12 and, behold, my hand (shall be) with thee 3. 18 saying, By the hand of my servant David 3. 18 save, .out of the hand of the Philistines 3. 18 and out of the hand of all their enemies 3. 34 Thy hands (were) not bound, nor thy feet 4. I his hands vifero feeble, and all the Israel. 4. II shall I not. .require his blood of your h. 4. 13 and cut off their hands and their feet, and J. 19 v4it thou dclivor them into mine hand t 5. 19 deliver tho Philistines Into thine hand 8. I toofe. .out of the hand of the Philistines 10. 2 to comfort him by the hand of his serv. 10. 10 he delivered into tho hand of Ahishaihis ji. 14 wrote a letter, .and sent (it) by the hand 12. 7 I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul 12. 25 he sent by tho hand of Nathan the prop. 13. 5 that I may see (it), and eat (it) At her ha. 13.^6 in my sight, that I may cat at her hand 1 3. 10 Bring the meat . . that I may cat of thine h. 13. 19 laid her hand on her head, and went on li. 19 (Is not) tho hand of Joab with thee in all 15. *5 he put forth his hand, and took him, and. 16. 8 delivered the kingdom into the hand of 16. 21 then shall tho hands of all. .be strong 18. 2 a t'nird part, .under the hand of Joab 18. 2 a third part under the hand of Abishai 18, 2 a third part under the hand of Ittai tho i3. 12 ffat forth mine hand against the king's i3. 28 that lifted up their hand against my lord 20. 9 Amasa by the beard with the right hand DO. 10, took no heed to tho sword, .in Joab's h. so, 21 hath lifted up his hand against the king 31. 9 he delivered them into the hands of the G. HI. 20 a man. .that had on every hand six ting. 21. 22 fell by the hand of David, and by the ha. £2. 21 according to the cleanness of my hands 22. 35 He teacheth my hands to war ; so that a 23. 6 because they cannot be taken v/ith bands =3. 10 until his hand was weary, and his hand 23. 21 and the Egyptian had a spear in his hand E3. 21 plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's h. 24. 14 let us fall now into the hand of the Lord 24. 14 and let me not fall into the hand of man 24. 16 Vi'hen tho angel stretched out his hand 24. 16 said. .It is enough ; stay now thine hand 24. 17 Let thine hand, I pray thee, be against I Klj 2. 25 king Solomon sent by the hand of Benai. 2. 46 the kingdom was established in the hand 6. 15 and hath with his hand fulfilled (it), say. $. 24 hast fulfilled (it) with thine hand, as (it is) 8. 42 For they shall hear .. of thy strong hand 8. 53 as thou spakest by the hand of Moses thy 8. 56 which he promised by the hand of Moses II. 12 I will rend it out of tho hand of thy son II. 26 even he lifted up (his) hand against the II. 27 the cause that he lifted up (his) hand II. 31 I will rend tho kingdom out of tho hand II, 34 not. .the whole kingdom out of his hand II. 33 I will take the kingdom out of his son's h. 13. 4 that he put forth his hand from the altar 13. 4 And his hand . .dried up, so that ho could 13. 6 that my hand may be restored me again 13. 6 the king's hand was restored him again 14. 18 which he spake by the hand of his serv. 14. 27 unto the hands of the chief of the guard 15. 18 delivered into the hand of his servants 16. 7 also by the hand of the prophet Jehu the 16. 7 provoking. him .. with the work of his ha. 17. II Bring me. .a morsel of bread in thine h. 18. 9 wouldest deliver thy servant into the ha. 18. 46 And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah 20. ■fe they shall put (it) in their hand, and take 20. 13 I will deliver it into thine hand this day 20. 28 deliver all this, .multitude into thine ha, 20. 43 thou hast let go out of (thy) hand r man 33. 3 take it not out of the hand of the king of 22. 6, 15 Lord shall deliver (it) into the hand 23. 12 shall deliver (it) into the king's hand 22. 34 Turn thino hand, and cairy me out of 3 Ki. 3. 10, 13 to deliver them into the hand of 5Io, 3. II which poured water on the hands of Eli. 3. 15 that the hand of the Lord came upon him 3. i3 deliver the Moabites also into your han4 4. 29 take my staff in thine hand, and go thy 5. II and strike his hand over tho placQ, and 5. 18 ho leaneth on r:vy hand, and I bow mysffi 5. 20 in not receiving at his hands that which 5. 24 he took (them) from their hand, and besto. 6. 7 And he put out his hand, and took it 7. 2 a lord on whose hand tho king leaned 7. 17 appointed the lord on v^fhose hand ho to. 8. 8 Take a present in thine hand, and go^ mocfr 8. 20, 22 Edom revolted from under the hand 9. I take this boz of oil in thine hand, and go g. 7 aveng.D the blood, .at the hand of Jezebel 9. 23 Joram turned his hands, and flcd,and said 9. 35 and the fCct, andthepalmj of (her) hands 10. 15 give, .thine hand. And he gave. .Ma ha. 10. 24 men whom I have brought into your ha. 11. 8 every man with his weapons in his hand II. II every man with his weapons in his hand 11. 16 And they laid hands on her; and she went 12. II gave the money, .into the hands ef them 12. 15 the men into w'rose hand they delivered 13. 3 delivered them into the hand of Hszael 13. 3 and into tho ham! of Ben-hadad the son 13. 5 thoy went out from imder the hand of tha 13. 16 Put thino hand upon. ,ho put his hand 13. 16 Elisha put his hands upon the king's ha. 13. 23 took again out of the hand of Bcn-hadad 13. 25 cities which ho had taken out of tho hand 14. 5 as the kingdom vras confirmed in his hand ^4. 25 he spake by tho hand of his servant Jonah 14. 27 he saved thcrn by tho hand of Jeroboam 13. 19 hand, .to confirm the kingdom in his hand 17. 7 from under the hand of Pharaoh ting of 17. 20 delivered them into tho hand of spoilero 17. 39 deliver you out of tho h?Jid of aU yoiiz 18. 29 not be able to deliver you out of Mz hand 18. 30 shall not be dcjivejed into tho hand of 18. 33 delivered at aU his land of tho hand of 18. 34 they delivered Samaria out of mino hand? 18. 33 delivered their country out of mino hand 18, 35 should deliver Jerusalem out of mino hn.? 19. 10 delivered into the hand of tho king of A. 19. 14 Hezekiah received the letter of the hand 19. 18 no godSjbut tho work of men's hands, v.'ood 19. 19 s ave thou UD out of his hand, that all tho 21. 14 deliver them into the hand of their cne. £2. 5 let them deliver it into tho hand of tho 22. 7 money that was delivered into their hand 22. 9 into tho hand of them that do tho work 22. 17 provoke me . .with, .worths of their hand X CiL 4. 10 that thino hand might be v/ith me, and 5. 10 ■with the Hagarif e9, who fell by their hand 3. 20 Hagaritos v/cre delivered into their hand 6. ^3 carried . .by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar 1 1. 23 in the Egyptian's hand (v/ns) a spear liko 11. 23 plucked the spear out of. . Egyptian's hand 13. 9 Uzza put forth his hand to hold tho ark 13. 10 he put his hand to the ark : and there ho 14. 10 vrilt thou deliver them into mine hand ? 14. 10 for I vrtU deliver them into thine hand 14. II broken in upon mine enemies by mine h. i5. 7 iato the hand of Asaph and his brethren 18. I tov/ns out of the hand of the Philistines ig. II unto tho hand of Abishai liis brother, and so. 8 fell by the hand of David, cud by tho h. 21. 13 lot m? fall now into tho hand cf the LoED 21. 13 tut let mo not fall into tho hand ci man SI. 13 said. .It is enough, stay nov/ thine hand SI. 16 having a drawn sword in hin band ctret. SI. 17 Let thino hand, I pray thee, Lord my 22. 18 inhabitants of the land into mins hand 25. 2 under tho hands cf Asaph, which proph. 25. 3 under tho hands of thoir father Jcduthun 23. 6 these (were) under tho hands of their fa. 26. 28 (it was) under tho hand of Ghelcmith, and 28. 19 understand in writing by (his) hand upoa. 29. 5 (to be made) by the hands of artificcra 39. 8 by the hand of Jehiel the Gcrshonito 29. 12 hand(ls) power and migl)b; and in thine h, 29. 16 this store, .(cometh) of thine hand, and a Ch. 6. 4 who hath with his ksnds fulfilled (that) 6. 15 hast fulfilled (it) with thino hand, a3 (il; 6. 32 thy mighty hand, and thy stretched ou's 8. 18 sent him, by t'no hands of his servants 10. 13 which he spake by the hand of Ahijah tha 12. 5 I also left you in tho hand of Shishak 12. 7 out upon J erusalem by tho hand of Shis. 12. 10 to tho hands of the chisf of the guard 13. 8 kingdom. . In the hand of the sons of D, 13. 16 and God delivered them into their hand 13. 7 let not your hands be weak : for yocr wo. 16. 7 king of Syria escaped out of thino hand 16. 8 Lord, he delivered them into thine hand 17. s iiORD Btabjished the kingdom in his har/l ^8. 5 God will deliver (it) into the king's hand 18. II shall deliver (it) into the hand of the king 18. 14 they shall be deliverecJ into your hand 18. 33 Tj',m thine hand, that thou maycst cany »o. 6 and in thine hund (is there nat) power and SI. lo under the hand of Judah unto this day ei. 10 did Libuah revolt from under his hsind S3. 7 every man with his weapons in his hand 33.*io every man having his weapon in 'his ha. 33. 15 they laid hands on her: and 'when she wes 83. 18 by tho h&nd of the priesta tho Xevitoa 34. II v/as brought, by the hand of the Le»it»s 34. 34 delivered a. .great host ^to their hand aj. 'cs deliver th^ir ovm-poQple pijO ot thin* ^t HAND s Ch.s5. 20 deliver them Into the hand (of. .enemiea) a6. II account by the hand of Jeiel the scribe 26. II under the hand of Hanauiah, (one) of the 26. 13 under their hand (was) an army, three 26. 19 (had) a censer in hi; hand to burn incense 28. 5 him into the hand of the king of Syria 28. 5 into the hand of the king of Israel, viho 28. 9 he hath delivered them into your hand 29. 23 and they laid their hands upon them 30. 12 hand of God was to give them one heart 30. 16 rthey received) of the hand of the Levitea 31. 13 (were) overseers under the hand of Con. 32. 13 to deliver their lands out of mine hand? 32. 14 could deliver his people out of mine hand 32. 14 be able to deliver you out of mine hand f 3Z. 15 out of mine hand, and out of the hand of 32. 13 your God deliver you out of mine hand 1 32. 17 delivered their people out of mine hand 32. 17 deliver his people out of mine hand 32. 19 (which were) the work of the hands of m. 32. 22 saved, .from the hand of Sennacherib the 32. 22 and from the hand of all (othe^, and 33. 8 and the ordinances by the hand of Moses 34. 9 of the hand of Manasseh and Ephraim 34. 10 they put (it) in the hand of the workmen. 34. 17 the band of . .overseers, and to the hand 34. 25 provoke'me. .with, .the works of their ha. 35. 6 the word of the Lord by the hand of M. 35. II sprinkled (the blood) from their hands 36. 17 ho gave (them) all Into his hand Szra I. 6 strengthened their hands with vessels of f . 8 by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer 4. 4 T/eakened the hands of the people of Ju. 6. 22 to strengthen their hands in the work of 7. 6 to the hand of the Lord his God upon 7. 9 to the good hand of his God upon him 7. 28 the hand of the Lord my God (was) upon 6. 18 by the good hand of our God upon us 8. 22 The hand of our God (is) upon all them 8. 26 even weighed unto their hand six huudr. 8. 31 the hand of our God was upon us, and 8. 33 by the hand of Meremoth the son of U. 9. 2 tlie hand of tlie princes and rulers hath 9. 7 into the hand of the kings of the lands 10. 1 9 thoy gave their hands that they would put lich, I. 10 thou hast redeemed, .by thy strong hand 2. 8 according to the good hand of my God 2. i3 I told them of the hand of ray God v/hich 2. i3 So they strengthened their hands for (this) 4. 17 with one of his hands wrought in the .wo. 6. 5 the fifth time with an open letter in his h. 6. 9 Their hands shall be weakened from the 6. 9 Now therefore, (O God,) strengthen my h. 8. 6 Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands g, 14 and law^ j^y the hand of Moses thy serv. 9. 24 and thou, .gavest them into their hands 9. 27 into the hand of their enemies, who vex 9. 27 saved them out of the hand of their ene. 9. 23 leitest thou them in the hand of their en. 9. 30 into the hand of the people of the lands II. 24 at the king's hand in all matters concer. 13. 21 if ye do (so) again, I will lay hands on you -Esth. 2. 21 sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuer. 3, - 6 he thought scorn to lay hands on Morde. 3. 9 to the hands of those that have the char. 3. 10 the king took his ring from his hand, and 5. 2 the golden sceptre that (was) in his hand 6. 2 sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuer. 6. 9 be delivered to the hand of one of the kl. 8. 7 because he laid his hand upon the Jews ^.* a to lay hand on such as sought their hurt 9. 10 but on tho spoil laid they not their hand 9. 15 but on the prey they laid not their hand 9. 16 but they laid not their hands on the prey Job 1. 10 Thou hast blessed the work of his hands I. II But put forts thine hand now, and touch 1. 13 only upon himself put not forth thine h. 3. 5 But put forth tliine hand now, and touch c. 6 ho (is) in thine hand ; but save his life 4. 3 and thou hast strejjgthened the weak ha. 5. 12 so that their hands cannot perform . . cat. 5. 13 But he saveth . . from the hand of the m. 5, 18 he woundeth, and his hands make whole 6. 9 that he would let loose his hand, and cut C. 23 Or, Deliver me from the enemy's hand ? 6. 23 or. Redeem me from the bend of the mig.? 9. 24 earth is given Inlo the hand of the wick. 9. 33 (that) might lay his hand upon us both to. 7 none that can deliver out of thine hand 10. 8 Thine hands feave made me, and fashion. 11. 14 If iniquity (be) in thine hand, put it far 12. 6 into whose hand God bringeth (abundant.) 12. 9 the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? 12. 10 In whose hand (is) the soul of every living 14. 15 have a desire to the work of thine hand Z3. 23 day of darkness Is ready at his hand 15. 25 he stretcheth out his hand against God 16. II turned me over into the hands of the wL 17. 3 who (is) he (that) will strike hands with 17. 9 he that hath clean hands shall be strong. 19. 21 for the hand of God hath touched me 30. 10 and his hands shall restore their goods 20. 22 every hand of the wicked shall come 21. 5 be astonished, and lay . .hand upon . . mo. 21. 16 Lo, their good (is) not in their hand : tho 2O. 13 his hand hath formed the crooked serpe. 27. 11 1 will teach you by the h. of God : (that) 27. 22 spare : he would fain flee out of hishand s3. 9 He putteth forth his hand upon the rock c^ w find my bow was renewed in my hand 30L a whereto (might) the strength of their h. 3a 31 With thy strong hand thou opposest thy. 447 Job 30. 24 Howbeit ho ^vill not stretch out (Ills) hand 31. 21 If I have lifted up ray hand against thef. 31. 25 and because mln'j hand liad gotten much 31. 27 or my mouth hath kis.5ed my hand 34. 19 for they all (are) the work of his hands 34. 20 mighty shall bo taken away without liand 33 7g'vest..orwhat roccivethheof thine ha.? 37. 7 Ho scaleth up tho hand of every man 40. 4 I will lay mine hand upon my mouth Fsa. 8. 6 dommicn over tho works of thy hands 10. 12 Arise, O LoRD ; O God, lift up thine hand 10. 14 mischief, .to requite (it) with thy hand 17. 14 *'rom men (which are) thy hand, Lord 18. title, his enemies, and from the hand of Saul 18. 20, 24 according to tho cleanness of my ha. 18. 34 He teachcth my hands to war, so that a 21. 8 Thine hand shall find out all thine ene. 22. 16 the wicked, .pierced my hands and my s6. 10 In whose hands (is) mischief, and their 28. 2 when I lift up my hands toward thy holy 28. 4 give them after the work of their hands a8. 5 they regard not. .the operation of his h. 31. 5 Into thine hand I commit my spirit : thou 31. 8 not shut me up into the hand of the ene. 31. 15 My times (are) in thy hand : deliver me 31. 15 from thei^hand of mine enemies, and from 32. 4 day and night thy hand was heavy upon 36. II let not the hand of the wicked remove 37. 14 for the Lord upholdeth fhim with) his h. 37. 33 The Lord will not 1 ;ave him in his hand 38. 2 fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore 39. 10 I am consumed by the blow of thine hand 44. 2 didst drive out the heathen with thy hand 55. 20 He hath put forth his liands against such 58. 2 ye weigh the violence of your hands in 68. 31 Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her h. 71. 4 Deliver me. .out ,of tho hand of the -wic. 73. 23 thou hast holden (me) by my right hand 74 n Why wlthdrawest thou thy hand, even 75. 8 For in the hand of the Lord (there is) a 76. 5 none of the men . .have fouud their hands 77. 20 a flock by the hand of Sloses and Aaron 78. 42 They remembered not his hand, (nor) the 78. 61 and his glory into the enemy's hand 80. 17 Let thy hand be unon the Man of thy 81. 14 turned my hand against their adversaries 82. 4 rid (them) out of tho hand of the wicked 88. 5 and they are cut off from thy hand 89. 13 strong is thy hand, (and) high is thy right 89. 21 With whom my hand shall be established 89. 25 I wUl set his hand also in the sea, and his 89. 48 deUver his soul from the hand of the g.? 90. 17 establish, .the work of our hands upon us 90. 17 yea, tho work of our hands establish thou 92. 4 1 will triumph in the works of thy hands 95. 4 In his hand (are) the deep places cf the 95. 5 he made it ; and his hands formed the 95. 7 and we fare), .the sheep of his hand. Tod. 97. 10 delivereth . . out of the hand of the -ivickcd 102. 25 and the heavens (are) the work of thy h. 104. 28 thou opencst thine hand, they are filled 106. 10 he saved, .from the hand of him that ha. 106. 10 redeemed them from the hand of the ene. 106. 26 he lifted up his hand against th;m, to 106. 41 gave them into the hand of the heathen 106. 42 brought iuto subjection under their hand 107. 2 redeemed from the baud of the enemy 109. 27 That they may know that this (is^ thy h. III. 7 The works of his hands (are) verity and 115. 4 Their idols (are) .. the work of men's hand 115. 7 They have hands, but they handle not 119. 73 Thy hands have made me and fashioned 119. 173 Let thine'hand help mo : for I have ch. 121. 5 the Lord (is) thy shade upon thy right h. 123. 2 (look)unto thehandof thcirmaster3,(and) 123. 2 eyes of a maiden unto the hand of herm. 125. 3 lest the righteous pnt forth their hands X27. 4 As arrows . .in the hand of a mighty man 134. 2 Lift up your hands (in) the sanctuary, and 135. IS The idols, .(are).. the work of men'shands 136. 12 With a strong hand, and. .stretched out 138. 7 thou Shalt stretch forth thine hand against 138. 8 forsake not the works of thine oivn hands 139. 10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and 140. 4 Keep me. .from the hands of the wicked 143. 5 thy works ; I muse on the work of thy h. 143. 6 I stretch fprth my hands unto thee : my 144, I the Lord. .which teacheth my hands to 144. 7 Send thine hand from above ; rid me, and 144. 7 deliver, .from the hand of strange child. 144. 11 Bid me. .from the hand of strange child. 145. 16 Thou openest thine hand, and satisflest 149. 6 and a two edged sword in their hand PloT. I. 24 I have stretched out my hand, and no m. 3. 27 it is in the power of thine hand to do (it) 6. 5 as a roe from the hand (of the hunter) 6. 5 as a bird from the hand of the fowler 6. 10 slumber, a little folding of the hands to 6. 17 tongue, and hands that shed innocent bL 10. 4 but the hand of the diligent maketh rich 11. 21 (Though) hand (join) in hand, the wicked 12. 14 therecompence of a man's hands shall bo 12. 24 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule 14. I foolish plucketh it dovm -with her hands 16 5 (though) hand (join) in hand, he shall not 17. t6 price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom 19. 24 A slothful (man) hideth his hand in (his) 21. I king's heart (is) in the hand of the LORD 21. 25 desire . .killeth him ; for his hands 24. 33 slumber, a little folding of the hands to e6. 6 sendeth a message by the hand of a fool 26. 9 goeth up into the band of a drunkard, so HAND Prov 26. 15 The slotliful hideth his hand In (his) boa. 30. 28 Tho spider takcth hold wltli her hand* 30. 32 if thou hast thought evil, (lay)thiue hand 31. 19 She laycth her hands to the spindle, and 31. 20 She reacheth forth her hands to the needy 31.31 Give her of tho fruit of her hands ; and Eccl. 2. II I looked on. .the r/orks. .rny hands had 2. 24 I saw, that it rwas) from the liand of God 4. 5 T'he fool foldeth his hands together, and 5. 6 and destroy the work of thine hands? 5. 14 and (there Is) nothing in his hand 5. IS which ho may carry away in hi.i hind 7. 18 also from this withdraw not thine hand 7. 26 snares and nets, (and) her hands (as) ba. 9. I tho wise . .(are) in the hand of God : no 9. 10 Whatsoever thy hand flndeth to do, do 10. 18 through idleness of the hands the house 11. 6 in the evening withhold not thine hand Song s- 4 ily beloved put in his hand by the hole 5. s and my hands dropped (with) myrrh, and 5, 14 His hands fare as) gold rings set with tho 7. 1 the worker thchands of a., workman Isa. I. 12 who hath required this at your hand, to I. 15 will not hear: your hands are full of hi. 1. 25 will turn my hand upon thee, and purely 2. 8 they worship the work of their own hand 3. 6 and (let) this ruin (be) under thy hand 3. 1 1 the reward of his hands shall be given him 5. 12 neither consider the operation of his hand 5. 25 stretched forth his hand against tlicm 5. 25 not turned away, but his hand (is) strct. 6. 6 flew one. .having a live coal in his hand 8. II the Lord spake thus, .with a strong hand 9 12, 17, 21 but his hand (is) stretched out BtlU 10. 4 but his hand (is) stretched out still 10. 5 staff In their hand is mine Indignation 10. 10 hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols 10. 13 the strength of my hand I have done (it) 10. 14 my hand hath found as a nest tho riches 10. 32 ho shall shake his hand (against) the mo. 11. 8 shall put his hand on the cockatrice' dcD II. II the Lord shall set his hand again the . II. 14 shall lay their hand upon Edom and M. II. 15 shall he shake his hand over the river 13. 2 shake the hand, that they may go Into 13. 7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and 14. 26 this (is) the hand (that is) stretched out 14. 27 and his hand (is) stretched out, and who 17. 8 look to the altars, the work of his hands 19. 4 give over into the hand of a cruel lord 19. 16 shaking of the hand of tho LORD of hosta 19. 25 AssjTia the work of my hands, and Israel 22. 21 will commit thy government into his hand 23. II He stretched out his Imnd over the sea 25. 10 in this mountain shall the hand of tho 25. II he shall spread forth his hands in the 25. II together with the spoils of their bands 26. II thy hand is lifted up, they will not see 28. 2 cast down to the earth with the hand 29. 23 the work of mine hands, in the midst of h. 31. 3 the Lord shall stretch out his hand, both 31. 7 own hands have made unto you (for) a 34. 17 hand hath divided it unto them by Une 35. 3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and con, 35. 15 into the hand of the king of AssjTia 36. 18 out of the hand of the king of Assyria f 36. 19 they delivered Samaria out of my hand ? 36. 20 have delivered their land out of my hand 36. 20 should deliver Jerusalem (jut of my hand! 37. 10 into the hand of tho king of Assyria 37. 14 letter from the hand of the messengers 37. 19 but the work of men's hands, wood and 37. 20 oiirGod, save us from his hand, that all 40. 2 hath received of the Lord's hand double 41. 20 the hand of the I/5RD hath done this, and 42. 6 will hold thine hand, and wUl keep thee 43. 13 (is) none that can deliver out of my hand 44. 5 subscribe (with) his hand unto the Lord 4$. 9 makeet thou ? or thy work, He hath no h,? 43. II concerning theworkofmyhandscommand 45. 12 my hands, haVe stretched out the heavens 47. 6 I have, .given them into thine hand 48. 13 Mine hand also hath laid the foimdation 49. 2 in the shadow of his h.and hath he hid mo 49. 22 I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles 50. 2 Is my hand shoi-tened at all, that it can. 50. II This shall ye have of mine hand ; ye shall - 51. 16 covered thee in the shadow of mine hand 51. 17 which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord SI. 18 (is there any) thattaketh her by the hand 51. 22 I have taken out of thine hand the cup SI. 23 into the hand of them that aflllct thee S3- 10 pleasure of the Lord, .prosper in his ha. 56, 2 and keepeth his hand from doing any 57. 10 thou hast found the life of thine hand 59. I the Lord's hand is not shortened, that 60. 21 work of my hands, that I maybe glorified 62. 3 Thou Shalt .. be a crown of glory In the hand ' 64. 8 and we aU (are) the work of thy hand 65. 2 I have spread out my hands all the day 63. 22 shall long enjoy the work of their hands 66. 2 all those (things) hath mine hand made 66. 14 the hand of the Lord shall be known to. Jer. I. 9 the Lord put forth his hand, and touched 1. 16 worshipi)ed the works of their own hands 2. 37 thine hands upon thine head : for th!^ L. 6. 9 turn back thine hand ae a grape gatherer 6. 12 stretch out my hand upon the inhabitants 6. 24 our hands wax feeble : anguish hath lo. 3 the work of the hands of the workman 10. 9 the work . . of the hands of the founder HAND 448 HAND 7«r. II. »i, Prophesy nMi. .tliou die not by our hand ts- 6 will I stretch out my hand against thee 1$. 17 I sat alone, because o( thy hand : for thou 15. 3z deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked 16. ai cause them to know mine hand and my lOk 4 vessel . . marred in the hand of the potter 18.' 6 the potters's hand, so (are) ye in mine h. 19. 7 the hands of them that seek their lives ,aa 4 into the hand ot-'the king of Babylon »o. 5 I give Into the hand of their enemies •0. 13 soul of the poor from the hand of evil • ax, ~ 4 weapons of war that (are) in your hands 'ai. s against you with an outstretched hand «!.' 7 hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon '»i. 7 hand of their enemies, and into the hand }si. 10 into the hand of the king of Babylon ai. 12 deliver, .out of the hand of the oppressoV aa, 3 deliver, .out of the hand of the oppressor aa. 24 were the signet upon my right hand, yet loa. as into the hand of them that seek tS/ life 'aa. 2si;he hand of (them) whose face thou fear. 'Sa. 25 the hand of NebJichadrezzar king of Ba. sa. 25 and into the hand of the Chaldeans 63. 14 strengthen also the hands of ovU doers »S- 6. 7 provoke me . . with the works of your h. 35. 14 according to the works of their own hands ' 35. 15 Take the wine cup of this fury at my ha. ts. 17 Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand 15. a8 refuse to take the cup at thine hand to a6. 14 As fOr me, behold, I (am) in your hand s6. a4 the hand of Ahikam . . was with Jeremiah «6. a4 not give him into the hand of the people «7. 3 by the hand of the messengers which come tf7. 6 Into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the ki. 17. 8 until I have consumed them by his hand eg. 3 By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaph. 39. ai Into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of 30. 6 every man with his hands on lus loins 31. II and ransomed him from the hand of (him 31. 33 in the day. .1 took them by the hand, to 32. 3, 4, 36 Into the hand of the king of Babylon 32. 4 shiill not escape out of the hand of the C. 3a. ai with wonders, and with a strong hand 32. 24, 25, a8, 43 Into the hand of tho Chaldeans 33. 28 into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king 32. 30 provoked me. .with the work of their hand 33. 13 pass again under the hands of him that ' 34. 2 give this city into the hand of the king 34. 3 thou Shalt not escape out of his hand 34. 3 shalt. .be taken, and delivered into his h. 34. 20 I will even give them into the hand of 34. 20 Into the hand of them that seek their life 34. ai hand of their enemies, and into tho hand 34. 21 the hand of the king of Babylon's army 36. 14 Take In thine hand the roll wherein thou 36. 14 took the roll in his hand, and came unto 37. 17 thou shalt be delivered into the hand of 38. 3 This city shall surely be given into the h. 38. 4 thus he weakeneth tho hands of the men 38. 4 and the hands of all the people, in speak. 38. 5 the king said. Behold, he (is) in your hand 38. 16 neither will I give thee into the hand of 38. 18 then shall this city be given into the hand 38. 18, 23 thou shalt not escape out of their hand 38. 19 lest they deliver me into their hand, and 38. 23 shalt be taken by the hand of the king of 39. 17 thou shalt not be given into the hand 40. 4 the chains which (were) upon thine hand 41. 5 with offerings and incense in their hand 143. n save you, and to deliver you from his h. 43. 3 to deliver us into the hand of the Chalde. 43. 9 Take great stones in tliine hand, and hide 44. 8 provoke me . . with the works of your band 44. 25 and fulfilled with your hand, saying. We 44. 30 king of Egypt into the hand of his enem. 44. 30 into the hand of them that seek his life 44. 30 as I gave Zedekiah . .into the hand of Ne. 46. 24 shall be delivered into the hand of the 49. 26 I ivill deliver them into the hand of those 46. 26 and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar 46. 26 and into the hand of his servants ; and 47. 3 shall not look back.. for feebleness of h. ' 48. 37 upon all the hands . . cuttings, and upon 50. IS Shout against her. .she hath given her h.. 50. 43 liis hands waxed feeble : anguish took h. 51. 7 Babylon, .a golden cup in the LoKD's hand 51. as I will stretch out mine hand upon thee lAm. I. 7 when her people fell into the hand of the I. 10 The adversary hath spread out his hand I. 14 The yoke, .is bound by his hand ; they 1. 14 Lord hath delivered me into (their) hand 1. 17 Zion spreadeth forth her hands, .none to 2. 7 he hath given up into the hand of the en. a. 8 ha hath not withdrawn hia hand from d. 3. 3 he turneth his hand (against me) all the 3. 64 Lord, according to the work of their hand 4. 2 pitchers, the work of the hands of the p. . 4. 6 overthrown, .and no hands stayed on her 4. 10 Tho hands of the pitiful women have so. 5. 6 We have given the hand (to) the EgyptL 5. 8 none that doth deliver . . out of their hand 5. la Princes are hanged up by their hand: the SW. I. - 3 the hand of the Lord was there upon him 1,^8 And.. the hands of a man under their w. ,0. J9 1 looked, behold, an hand (wa«) sent imto 3. 14 tha hand of the Loss wa« strong upon me 3. 18, »o hta blood will I require at ttiine hand 3. ae tile hand of the Loud waa there upon m« 6. 14 So wlU I stretch ont my h^d upon them J. 17 All hoBda shall be feaua, and sU kneos if. at I will give It into tha haoda of the itrs. 7.*7ti»lua2d(ottites«oi>I«^olthelaad abail Eze. 8. I the hand of the Lord God fell there upon 8. 3 he put forth the form of an hand, and 8. II mth every man his censer in his hand 9. I (with) his destroying weapon in his hand 9. a every man a slaughter weapon in his ha. 10. 7 cherub stretched forth his hand from be. 10. 8 the form of a man's hand under their w. 10. 12 their whole body, .and their hands, and lot 21 and the likeness of the hands of a man 11. 9 deliver you into the hands of strangers la. 7 I digged through the wall with mine hand 13. 9 mine hand shall be upon tho prophets 13. 21 and deliver my people out of your hand 13. ai they shall be no more in your hand to be 13. 22 strengthened the hands of tho wicked 13. 23 I will deliver my people out of your hand 14. 9 I will stretch out my hand upon him, and 14. 13 then will I stretch out mine hand upon 16. Ill put bracelets upon thy hands, and a 16. 27 1 liave stretched out my hand over thee 16. 39 I will also give thee into their hand, and 16. 49 neither did she strengthen the hand of 17. 18 when, lo, he had given his hand, and ha. 18. 8 hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity 18. 17 hath taken off his hand from the poor 20. 5 In tho day when I. .lifted up mine hand eo. s when I lifted up mine hand unto them so. 6 In the day.. I lifted up mine hand unto ao. 15 Yet also I lifted up my hand unto them 20. 22 I withdrew mine hand, and wrought for eo. 23 I lifted up mine hand imto them, also in eo. 28, 42 (for) the which I lifted up mine hand 20. 33 I live, .surely with a mighty hand, and eo. 34 I will bring you out. .with a mighty hand 31. 7 all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit ai. II furbished, to give it into the hand of tho 81. 31 deliver thee into tho hand of brutish men 2a..i4 or can thine hands be strong, in the days B3. 9 into the hand of her lovers, into the hand 23. 28 I will deliver thee into the hand . . into the B3. 31 therefore vrill I give her cup into thlneh. 33. 37 blood (is) in their hands, and with their 23. 43 which put bracelets uponltheir hands, and 23. 45 (are) adulteresses, and blood'(i3) in their h. 23. 6 Because thou hast clapped . . hands, and 35. 7 I will stretch out mine hand upon thee 23. 13 I will also stretch out mine handfupon ' as- 14 lay my vengeance upon Edom by the h. 35. 16 I v/iU stretch out mine hand upon the P. 27. 15 many isles.. the merchandise of thine h. 28. 9 a man, and no god, in the hand of him 28. 10 Thou shalt die. .by the hand of strangers 30. 10 to cease by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar 30. 12 sell the land into the hand of tho wicked 30. 12 make Ithe land waste . . by the hand of str. 30. 22 will cause the sword to fall out of his h. 30. 24 And I will, .put my sword in his hand 30. 25 when I shall put my sword into the hand 31. II into the hand of the mighty one of the h. 33. 6 blood Avill I require at tlie watchman's h. 33. 8 but his blood will I require at thine hand 33. 22 the hand of the Lord was upon me in the 34. 10 and I will require my flock at their hand 34. 27 delivered them out of the hand of those 33. 3 I will stretch out mine hand against thee 36. 7 thus saith . . God ; I have lilted up mine h. 37. I The hand of the Lord was upon me, and 37. 17 and they shall become one in thine hand 37. 19 the stick . . which (is) in tho hand of Eph. 37. 19 stick, and they shall bo one in mine hand 37. 20 the sticks .. shall be in thine hand before 38. 12 to turn thino hand upon the desolate pL 39. 3 I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand 39. 3 thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand 39. 31 and my hand that I have laid upon them 39. 23 and gave them into the hand of their en. 40. I in the self same day tho hand of the Lord 40. 3 with a line of flax in his hand, and a me. 40. 5 in the man's hand a measuring reed of 44. 12 therefore have I lifted up mine hand 46. 7 according as his hands shall attain unto ,47. 3 when the man that had the line in his h. 47. 14 I lifted up mine hand to give it unto your Dan. I. 2 Lord gave Jehoiakim . .into his hand 8. 4 neither, .that oould deliver out of his h. 8. 7 none, .could deliver the ram out of his h. 8. 25 he shall cause craft to prosper in hishand 8. 2s but he shall be broken without hand 9. IS of the land of Egj-pt with a mighty hand lo. 10 And, behold, an hand touched me, which 10. 10 set me upon, .the palms of my hands 11. II the multitude shall begivcn intohishand II. 16 land, which by hishand shallbe consumed II. 41 these shall escape outof hishand. .Edom 11. 42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon Hos. 2, 10 and none shall deliver her out of mine h. 7. s he stretched out his hand with scomers 12. 7 the balances of deceit (are) in his hand 14. 3 neither will. .say. .to the work of our h, Joel 3. 8 into the hand of the children of Judah Amos I. 8 and I will turn mine hand against Ekron S- 19 leaned his hand on the wall, and a ser. 7. 7 Lord stood . .Avith a plumb lino in his h. 9. 2 into hell, thence shall mine hand take liQo> 2. I because it is in the power of their hand 5. 9 Thine hand shall be lifted up upon thino S. 12 I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine ha. 5. 13 no more worship the work of thine hands 7. 16 they shall lay. .hand upon, .mouth, their Hob. 3. 4 he had homa (coming) out of his hand 3. 10 the dofip. .lifted up hia hands on high Z^h. I. 4 1 vrill also strotch out mlQe baud upon J, Zeph. 2. 13 he will stretch outjhls hand againet the a. IS every one. .shall hiss, (and) wag his hand 3. 16 it shall bo said to . . Zion, Let not thine Ji. Hag. 2. 14 80 (is) every work of their hands ; and a. 17 I smoto you. .in all the labours of your h. Zech. 2. I a man with a measuring line in his hand 2. 9 I will shake mine hand upon them, and 4. 9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid tha 4. 9 his hands shall also finish it ;' and thoti 4. 10 shall see the plummet in the hand of Z. 8. 4 tvery man with his staff in his hand for 8. 9 Xet your hands be sti-sng, ye .that hear 8. 13 fear not, (but) let your hands bo strong II. , 6 Into his neighbour's hand, and into the h. 11. 6 and out of their hand I will not deliver 13. 6 What fare) these wounds in thine hands I 13. 7 I will lurn mine hand upon the little 14. 13 on the hand of his neighbour, and his h. 14. 13 shall rise up against the hand of h's nell Mai. 1. 10 neither . . accept an offering at your hand 1. 13 should I accept this of your hand ? saith 2. 13 rcceiveth (it) with good willjat youx, band S.Hand, i; yad. Ezra 5. 8 and this work . . prospereth in their hands 5. 12 ho gave them into the hand of Nebuch. 6. 12 people that shall put to their hand to 7. 14 the law of thy God which (is) In thine b. 7. 25 v/isdom of thy God that (is) in thine hand Pan. 2. 34 till that a stone was cut out without hand a. 38 the fowls, .hath he given into thine hand 2. 4S was cut out of the mountain without hand 3. IS God that shall deliver you out of my ha. ? 3. 17 he wUl deliver (us) out of thine hand, O 4. 35 none can stay his hand, or say unto him 5. s same hour came, .fingers of a man's hand 5. 5 the king saw the part of the hand that S. 23 God in whose hand thy breath (is), and 5. 24 Then was the part of the hand sent from 7. 2s they shall be given into hia hand until a i.Palin {of the hand), sole {of the foot), »j3 kaph. Gen. ao. 5 in the. .innocency of my hands, have I 31. 42 God hath seen, .the labour of my hands 40. II Pharaoh's cup (was) in my hand : and I 40. ir and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand Exod4o. =1 «rid he gave thp cup into Pharaoh's hand 9. 29 I will spread abroad my hands unto tho g. 33 spread abroad his hands unto the Lord 29. 24 in the hands of Aaron, and in the hands 33. 22 will cover thee with my hand while I 33. 23 1 will take aw^ay mine hand, and thou Lev. 8. 27 upon Aaron's hands, and upon his sons' b. 8. 08 Moses took them from off their hands I4.ji6 finger in the oil that (is) in his left hand' 14. 17 of the rest of tho oil that (is) in his hand 14. 18 of the oil that (is) in the priest's hand ho 14. 27 of the oil that (is) in his left hand seven t. 14. 28 priest., put of the oil that (is) in his hand 14. 29 rest of the oil that (is) in tho priest's hand Hum. s. 18 put the offering of memorial in her hand 6. 19 shall put. .upon the hands of the Nazar. 24. 10 he smoto Ms hands together : and Balak Dent 23. 12 thou shalt cut off her hand, thino eye Judg. 6. 13 delivered us into the hands of tho Midi 6. 14 thou shalt save Israel from tho hand of 8. 6, IS (Arc) tho hands of Zebah and Zaimu. 12. 3 I put my life In my hands, and passed 14. 9 he took thereof in his hands, and went I Sa. 4. 3 may save us out of tho hand of our eno, 19. s be did put his life in his hand, and slew 28. 21 I have put my life in my band, and havo a Sa. 14. t6 to deliver his handmaid out of tho hand 18. 12 a thousand (shekels) of silver in mine hand 18. 14 he took three darts in his hand, and th. 19. 9 The king saved us out of the hand of our 19. 9 and he delivered us out of the hand of 22. I out of tho hand of all.. out of the hand 1 Ki. 8. 22 and spread forth his hands toward heaven 8. 38 spread forth his hands toward this houso 8. s4 from kneeling on his knees with his hand 18. 44 a little cloud out a man's h, 2 Ki. 4. 34 And he. .put. .his hands upon his hands II. 12 they clapped their hands, and said, God 16. 7 save me out of the hand of tho king of S. 16. 7 and out of tho hand of tho king of Israel 18. 21 it will go into his hand, and pierce it : so ao. 6 city out of the hand of the king of Assyria J Cb.i2. 17 seeing (there is) no vrrong in mine hands Cb. 6.12 And he stood., and spread forth his hands 6. 13 and spread forth his hands toward heaven 6. 29 shall spread forth his hands in this houso 30. 6 that are escaped out of the hand of the Ic 32. II shall deliver us out of the hand of the kl. Ezra 8. 31 he delivered us from the hand of the eno. 9. s spread out my hands unto tho Lord my Job 9. 30 and make my hands never so clean 10. 3 shouldest despise the work of thine hands 11. 13 and stretch out thine hands toward him 13. 14 Wherefore do I. .put my life in mine h.t 13. ai Withdraw thine hand far from me ; and 16. 17 Not for. .injustice in mine hands : also 32. 30 it is delivered by the pureness of tliine h. 27. 33 (Men) shall clap their hands at him, and 29. 9 The princes . .laid (their) hand on their 31. 7 if any blot hath cleaved to mine handa 41. 8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember th9 Psa. 7. 3 Lord., if there be iniquity in my handa 9. 16 is snared in the work of his own hands 18. (ifZ«. delivered him from the hand of all his 24. 4 He that liath clean hands, and a pure h. 26. 6 1 will wash mine hands in innocency : ^ 44. 20 or stretched out Qurbaad!( tQ a atrango HAND 449 HANDPUL8 Paa. 47. 1 clap your hands, si) ye people ; ' shout 71^ '4 the liand of the unriBhtooua cad cruel m. 73. 13 I have, .washed my handa in Innoccncy 78. 72 guided them by the Ekilfolncis of lii3 ha. Ci. C his hands vrcro delivered from itha pots E3. 9 I havo stretclicd out my hands unto theo 91. 12 They shall bear thee u;) in (their) hands 9S. 8 Lot the floods clap (their) hands : let Iho 119. 48 My liands also will I lift up unto thy com. 119. 109 My soul (is) continually in my hand , 128. 2 thou shalt cat tho labour of thine hands 129. 7 Wherewith tho mower flUeth not his hand 139. s beset mo. .and laid thine hand upon me 141. 2 tho lifting up of my hands (ao) the even. froT 6. I thou hast stricken thy hand with a etran. 6. 3 thou art come into the hand of thy friend «o. 4 beco. poor that dealeth 9. 25 went in, and took her by tho hand, and 12. 10 there was a man Tiliich had (liis) hand - T2. 13 Then saith ho. .Strcteh forth thme.hand 12. 49 ho stretched f ortfi his hand toward his ' • 14. 31 Jesus stretched forth (liis) h.and, and ca, 15. 2 they wash not their hands when they eat 15. zo to cat with unwashen hands deflletU not 17. 22 •■ hair bo betrayed into tho hands of men 18. 8 if thy hand cr thy foot CiTond thee, cut 18. 8 rather than having two hands or two feet ig. 13 that he should put (his) hands on them ig. 15 he laid (his) hands on them, and depart. e2. 13 Bind him hand and foot, and take him «6. 23 He that dippeth (liis) hand with me in s6. 45 the Son of man is oetrayed into the hands b6. 50 Then came they, and laid hands on Josus 26. 51 stretched out (his) hand, and drew his S7. 24 he took water, and washed (his) hands UlTk 1. 31 he came and took her by tho hand, and 1. 41 Jesus, .putforth (hi3)Piand,and touched h. 3. I waa a man there which had a withered 3. 3 onto tho man which had tho withered h. 3. s saitli unto tho man, Stretch forth thine h. 3. s tl3 hand was restored whole as the other 5. 23 como and lay thy hands on her, that she 5. 4: he took tho damEel by the haad, and said 6. a snoli mighty works aro wrought by his h. t 6.- 5 save tha* he laid hla hands upon a few y. 2 with defiled that is . . w ith un wcshea hands 7. > 3 except they wash (their) hands oft, eat 7. 5 but cat bread with unwaohcn hands f 7. 32 they beseech him to put his hand upon 8. 23 he took the blind man by the hand, and 8. =3 put his hands upon him, he asked him if 8. 25 he put (his) hands a-sain upon his eyes, tnd Q. 27 Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted 9. 31 Tho Son of man is delivered into the hand 5. 43 if thy hand offend theo, cut it off ; It is 9.'43 than having two hands to go Into holl to. iS put (Me) hands upon them, and blessed 14. 41 the Son of man is betreyed into the hands 14. ffi thsy laid their hands on him, and took 16. 18 [thoy '-''^'''il lay hands on the sick, and] liilce 1. 65 And tho hand cf tho Lord was with him 1, 71 and from tho hand of til that hate us 'T. 74 beSis delivered out of tho hand of on? 3. 17 Who33 fan (to) in his hand, and ho will 4. II in (their) hsnoa they shall bear theo up 4."4o he IsJd his haaida on every one of them &^«H« tho maa which had the' wl;tho«d hjnd & 10 Btrctch forth th;/ hsad. ' .tJid ho did so . X.uko 6. 10 his Laud was restored wl;ol6 .-.3 (;;e Whu 8. 54 took her by tlic l;.-.nd, and cpUed, caying 9. 44 shall bo delivered into the hands of men 9. 62 No man, haviar; put his hand to the plo. 13. 13 he laid (IJi,) hands on her : and immedi. »3. 22 put a riag on liis baud, and shoes on (his) 20. 19 tho sanio hour couc'it to lay hands on 21. 12 they shall lay their hands on you, and 22. 21 tho hand of him that betrayeth mo (i:) 22. 53 ye stretched foi-th no hands against mo 23. 46 Father, into thy linuds I commend my 0. 24. 7 be dcHvcred int-o the liands of sinful men 24. 39 Behold my hands .-.nd my tcct, th.-.t It is 24. 40 (he showed them (his) hands and (Iiis)ft.) 34. 50 ho lifted up his hands, and blessed tliem John 3. 33 and hath given all things into his hand 7. 30 no man laid hands on him, because his h. 7. 44 taken him ; but no man laid liands ca h. 10. :3 neither, .any pluck them out cf my hand 10. 29 able to pluck (them) out of my Father's h. 10. 39 take him ; bui he escaped out cf their h. n. 44 bound hand and foot with grave clothes 13. 3 had given all things into his liands, and 13. 9 feet only, but also (my) hands and (my) £o. 20 showed unto them (his) hands and his side CO. 25 BOO in his hands tho print of tho r.-Jls 2o. 25 thrust my hand into Ills side, I will not so. 27 behold my hands ; and reach hither thy h. /21. 18 thou Bhalt stretch forth thy hands, and Acta 2. 23 by wicked hands havo crucified and dala 3. 7 he took him by the right hand, and lilted 4. 3 they laid hands on them, and put (them) 4. 28 to do whatsoever thy hand and thy conn. 4. 30 By Btretehing forth' thine hand to hoal 5. 32 by tho hands of the apostles were many 5. 18 laid their hands on the apostlos, and put 6. 6 had prayod, they laid (their) haud3 on th. 7. 25 that.Godby his hand would deliver them 7. 33 deliverer by tho hand cf tho Angel which 7. 41 rejoiced in the works cf their own hands 7. 50 nath not my hand made all these thlngG? 8. 17 Then laid they (their) hands on them, and 8. i3 through laying on of the apostlss' hands 8. 19 on whomsoever I lay hands, ho may roc. g. 12 and putting (liis) hand on him, that ho ra. g. l^ putting his liands on him, caid. Brother 9. 41 ho gave her (liis) hand, and lifted her up 11. 21 the hand of tho Lord was with them : and 11. 30 to the ciders by th© hands of Eamabas 12. I the long stretched forth (his) hands to vei 12. 7 And his chains fell off from (his) hands 12, II delivered me out of the hand of Ilerod 12. 17 beckoning unto them with the hand to 13, 3 laid (theh) hands on them, they sent (Lh.) 13. II tho hand of the Lord (is) upon thoo, and 13. 16 boclioning with (his) hand/ said. Men of 14. 3 and wonders to bo done by their hands 17, 23 17either is worshipped with men's hands 19. 6 when Paul had laid (his) hands upon then 19. 11 special miracles by the hands of Paul 19. 2S they bo no gods which are made with ha. 19. 33 And Alexander beckoned with tho haad 20. 34 hands have ministered unto my neecssit. 21. II bound his own hands and feet, and said ni. II deliver (liim) into the hands of tho Gent. 21. 27 stirred, .the people, and laid hands on 21. 40 beckoned with the hand unto the people S3. 19 the chief captain took him by the hand e4. 7 [with .'. ■violence took (him) . . out of our h.] a5. I Paul Btretched forth the hand, and ans. a8. 3 came a viper., and fastened on_ his hand sS. 4 E3W the (venomous) boast hang on his h. 25. 8 and laid his hands on him, and healed 28. 17 delivered. .Into the hands of the Piomans Horn 10. 21 1 have stretched forth my hands unto a I Co. 4. 12 And labour, working with our own hands ■'2. 15 I am not the hand, I am not of the body 12. 21 the eye cannot say imto the hand, I have 16. 21 salutation of (me) Paul with mine own h. s Co.ii. 33 down by the wall, and escaped Ills hands Gal. 3. 13 (it was) ordained by angels in the hand 6. II havo written unto you with mine own h. Eph. 4. cS working with (his) hands the thing which Col. 4. 18 Tho salutation by the hand of me Paul I Th. 4. II and to worl: with your own hands, as a Th. 3. 17 The calutation of Paul with mine own h I TL 2. Slifting up holy hands, without wrath and 4. 14 laying on of the hands of the presbytery 5 22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither I TL I. 6 in thee by the putting on of my hands Phm. 1. 19 I Paul have wntton (it) with mine own h. Eeb. 1. 10 the heavens aro the works of thine hands 2. 7 [didst sot him over the works of thy han.] '6. 2 cf laying on of hands, and of resurrection 8. 9 I took them bj the hand to lead them out JO. 31 to fall into tho hands of the hving God 12. 12 lift up the hands which hang down, and Jaa. 4. 8 Cleanse (your) hands, (ye) sinners ; and I Pa 5.6 Humble yourselves .. under the mighty h. I Jo. I. I our hands have handled, of tho Word of Eov. ,1. i5 ho had in his right hand seven stars ; and 1. 17 ho laid aia right [hand] upon mo, caj-ins 6. s he . .had a pair of balances in hia hand 7. 9 with white robes, and palms in their ha S. 4 ascended up.. out of the angel's hand 9. 20 repented not of the works of their hands 10. 2 be had in his hind alittls book open: and 10. 3 tho angel, .lifted up his hand to heaven la 8 in the hand of the nngol fehleh standeth 10. 10 the little book out of the angel's h&nd 13. if) to recoiva a wuli in thoir right hand, or 14. g (bi£)'mari{ in his fot«head, or in his hand Eov. T4. 1.J lia\-tng. .in liis hand a sharp sickio 17. 4 hav-lng a golden cup in her hand full of' 19. 2 and hath avenged the blood, .at her liand 20. I angel . . Laving .. a groat chain in liLs hand 20. 4 neither . .rccelvcd(hi3)inark. .In their ha. aaML, at-' l.Jfear, 2\iq qardb. Deut32. 35 for tho day of their calamity (is) at har.d Isa. 13. 6 for the day of the Lord (is) at hand ; It Jer. 23. 23 (Am) I a God at hand, caith tiie Loed Joel. I. IS for the day of the Lord (is) at hand, and Zcph. J. 7 for tho day 0' tho Lokd (is) at hand : for I.Nigh, iyyus cygus. 3Iatt26. i3 The Master saith, My time Is at hand ; I John 2. 13 the Jews' passover was at hand ; and Jo. 7. 2 tho Jews' feast of taberuaelea waa at hand Phil. 4. 5 known unto all men. The Lord (Is) at h. llov. 1. 3 keep those things.. for the time (is) at h. 22. 10 he Baith unto mo. .tho linu) is at hapd EAIfTD, to bo tt hasd — l.To be near, 3n;j qarch. Ocn. 27. 41 n:oday3 of mourning., aro at hand; tliea Dcutis- 9 B2yiE,';..th3 yoai- cf relcesc, Is at liand / Vca. 12. 23 The days arc at hand, and tho clfcct of 2.T0 Ic or com/s near, yrj garab, 3. Tlx. s'i- 8 people of Israel ; for they aro «t hand to Z.To ha w cov.ic nigh, IyyK'^ (■Doi^'i- Matt. 3. 2 Ecpont..thokingdoQofheovcnl3athand 4. 17 Repeat. .t!io/±3gdomof heaven is at hand JO. 7 cayiD", The Iiingdom of heaven is at hanJ 26. <3 behold, the liour is at hand, and tlic Son 2i. 45 behold, ho Li at hand that doth betray mo Mark i. 13 the kingdom of God is at liand : repent 14. 42 go; lo, he that betrayeth no b at lumd Eom 13. 12 The night is tar spent, the day Is at hand J Pe. 4. 7 But tho end of all tilings la at lumd • bo i.To placa in, or upo)^, ivlerryiyn enisUim.^ 2 lh. s. 2 as that the day uf Christ is at hand Z.To place or ccl over, i(i>l]3 iMph. Lev. 9. 17 and took an handful thereof, and burnt ' 2. Sheaf, ts:; emir. Jer. 9. 22 as the handful after the harvest man, and Z.Mandful, expansion, superabundance, n^p^'scaJu Psa. 72. ifi There chall bo an handful of eoro In the i.Eandful, cloced liand, j'Op qomcts. Gen. 41. 47 the earth brought forth by handfnls Lev. 6. 15 he shall take of it his handful, of tho Z.Handfid, hollow of the hand, b&} slwaJ. 1 Ki. 20. 10 if . .dust of Samaria, .suffleo for handfiUs Eze. 13. 19 handfuls of barley and. .pieces of bread 6. Fulness of the two fists, D;jsn kSs Tnclo elicphr.a. lixod. o. 8 Take., handfuls of ashes of the fumaco i^omelocap^ I Ki.' 17. 12 but an handful cf meal m a barrel, ando Z.Fulncss of the dosed luind, yr:'p h*7S vulo gomeii Lev. a. 2 talse thereout his handful of the flour Lev. 5. 13 and the priest shaU take hii handful of HiJranJL, to take an — To talre a handful, ]•::■;) qamats. ,^, „,,v. Num. s. 26 the priest shaU taie an handful of tt« Heaps, D'DiV fsehatkiiii. ...-»»«.»—.,«=« litttk a. j6 letlaU. .(scni?)cf tiio'aia6hiitta promos* 7. Fulness of the palm of the hand, 13 x?' Eeel, 4. 6 Better fis) an liandlal fwilh) HANDKBEGHIBFS 450 H A1?0-CH EABDSESCHIEI'S — Ncspkin, handkerchief, !D mush, 5. Psaiis- 7 They have hands, but they- handle not S.To draw out, ^?'IJ mashah. Judg 5. 14 they that handle the pen of the writer i.To set in array, TiV, arak. I Ch. 12. 8 that could handle shield and buckler B. To handle, \i'S^ tap Juts. Gen. 4. 21 of all such as handle the harp and organ Jor. 2. S they that handle the law knew me not » 46. 9 Libyans.thathandle . . Lydians.that handl. 50. 16 Cut oft", .him that handleth the sickle in Eze. 27. 29 And all that handle the oar, the mariners 38. 4 great company . . all of them handling sw. Amos 2. 15 Neither shall he stand that handleth the 6. To touch, Btyyava ihiygano. CoL 2. 21 Touch not ; taste not ; handle not ^. To feel, grope, handle, tf/-ii?\.a(j>tita pselaphaS. Iuke24. 39 handle me. .for a spirit hath not flesh 1 Jo. I. I our hands have handled, of the word HAiroiE deoeitfally, to — To use deceit, So\6a> doloo. 2 Co. 4. 2 nor handling the word of God deceitfully HAIfDLED, to be — To catch or handle vrith the palm, 135 fc'Si? taphas. Eze. 21. li to be furbished, that it may be handled EANDEilD — 1. Handmaid, rirjN amah. Exod23. 12 the son of thy handmaid and the stranger Judg 19. 19 also for me, and for thy handmaid, and Kuth 3. 9 she ansv/ered, I (am) Kuth thine handm. 3. 9 spread, .thy skirt over thine handmaid 1 Sa. I. II look on the affliction of thine handmaid I. II remember, .and not forget thine handm. I. II wilt give unto thine handmaid a man ch. 1. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter 25. 24 let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speak 25. 24 and hear the words of thine handmaid 25. 25 I thine handmaid saw not the young men 25. 28 forgive the trespass ofthine handmaid 25. 31 dealt well . .then remember thine handm. 25. 41 Behold, (let) thine handmaid (be) a serv. 2 Sa, 6. 20 eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as 14. 15 will perform the request of his handmaid 14. 16 to deliver his handmaid out of the hand 20. 17 Hear the words of thine handmaid. And .1 Kl. I. 13 Wdst not thou . . swear unto thine hand. 1. 17 My lord, thou swarest . . unto thine hand. 3. 20 she arose . . while thine handmaid slept I'sa. 86. 16 turn, .and save the son of thine handm. 116.J6 truly I (am), .the son of thine handmaid 2. Maid servant, nnap shiphchah. Gen. 16. 1 and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian 25. 12 Eagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid 29. 24 gave. .Zilpah his maid (for) an handmaid 29. 29 gave. .BUhah his handmaid to be her 30. 4 she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to 33. I divided thechlIdren..untothetwohand. 33. 2 he put the handmaids and their children 35. 25 And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handm. 35. 26 And the sous of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid Kuth 2. 13 hast spoken friendly unto thine handm, 1 Sa. 1. 18 Let thine handmaid find grace In thy 25. 27 which thine handmaid hath 'brought unto 28. 21 thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voice 28. 22 also unto the voice of thine handmaid 2 Ba. 14. 6 thy handmaid had two sons, and they 14. 7 family is risen against thine handmaid 14. 12 Let thine handmaid, .speak (one) word 14. IS thy handmaid said, I will now speak unto 14. i7Then thine handmaid said. The word of 14. 19 put. .words in the mouth of thine hand. 2 Ki 4. 2 Thine handmaid hath not any thing in 4. 16 Nay. .do not lie unto thine handmaid I'roT 30. 23 an handmaid that is heir to her mistress isa. 14. 2 possess them . . for servants and handm. Jer. 34. II caused the servants and the handmaids 34. II, i£ brought them into subjection, .for h. 34. 16 every man his handmaid, whom he had Joel 2. 29 upon the servants and . .the handmaids S. female slave or servant, SoiSAtj doule. Luke I. 38 Behold the handmaid of the Lord ; be it HAKBE&IDEN — l.Maid servant, nt)^v shiphchah. Gen. 33. 6 Then the handmaidens came near, they Euth 2. 13 not like unto one of thine handmaidens 2. Female slave or servant, Soi\ri doule. Luite I. 48 regarded the low estate of his handmaiden Acts 2. 18 on my handmaidens I will pour out ia HAHDS on, to lay — 1. To exercise power, Kpartco hrafed. iIaMi8. 28 he laid hands on him, and took (him) by ax. 46 when they sought to lay hands on him 2. To Iwld fast, seize, vid^o) piazS. John 8. 20 no man laid hands on him; for his hour SaUDo, made by or -with — Made by hands, ^sjpoTrofrjros cheiropoietos. Marki4. 58 this temple that is made v/ith hands Acts 7. 48 dwelleth not in temples made with hands 17. 24 dwelleth not in temples made with hands Eph. 2. II Circuir?.cision in the flesh made ,by hands Heb. 9. II perfect tabernacle, not made with hands 9. 24 into the holy places made with hands HAHDS, not made with (or without) — Mot made by hands, &x*'P'"''''^')'''°s acheiropoietos. Marki4. 58 I will build another made without hands 2 Co. 5. I an house not made with hands, eternal in Col. 2. 1 1 with the circumcision made without hands EAirilS, (lioth) — BotJi hands, dmeo chophnayim. Lei . 16. 12 hands full of sweet incense beaten small Eccl. 4. 6 than bi.'-lh the hand's full (with) travail Eze. 10. 2 fi>'> ihine hand with coals of flro from 10. 7 into the hands of (him that was) clothed j HAUB STAFP — A staff of the hand, n; "^ii!? maqqd yad. Ezo. 39. 9 set on fire and bum . . the hand staves, and HAOT) WRITING — Written by tlie hand, xftp6ypaoi) 9. 25 that he and his sons should be hanged 3. To be- hanged up, rhn talah, 2. Esth. 2. 23 therefore they were both hanged on r, Lajn. 5. 12 Princes are hanged up by their hand LTo smite, hang up, Nijo mecha, 2. Ezra 6. II being set up,' let him bo hanged thereon HANGED about, to '^e — To lie around, TT(plKei/ perikeimai.- Mark 9. 42 a millstone were hanged about his neck lukei7. 2 a millstone were hanged about his neck HANGING r—V 1, Souses, D'pa bottim: . ■ 2 Ki. 23. 7 the women wove hangings for tho crovo %A hanging, "^ua masak. Exod26. 36 thou shalt make an hanging for tho door .26. 37 thou shalt make for the hanging five pil 27. 16 an hanging of twenty cubits, (of) blue 35. 15 the hanging for tho door at the entering 35. 17 and the hanging for the door of the court 36. 37 an hanging for the tabernacle door fof ) 38. 18 the hanging for the gate of the court (was) 39. 38 and the hanging for the tabernacle door 39. 40 and the hanging for the court gate, his 40. s the hanging of the door to the tabernacle 40. 8 and hang up the hanging at the court 40. 28 he set up the hanging (at) the door of the 40. 33 set up the hanging of the coiui; gate,. So Num. 3. 25 the hanging for the door of the tabemaclo 3. 31 the hanging, and all the service thereof 4. 23 the hanging for the door of the tabemac. 4. 26 the hanging for the door of the gate of Z.Hangings, D'yjp qelaim. Exod27. 9 hangings for the court (of) fine twined 27. II (be) hangings of an hundred (cubits) long 27. 12 (shall be) hangings of fifty cubits •;, 27. 14 hangings of one side (of the gate shall) ^ 27. 15 the other side (shall be) hangings fifteen 33. 17 The hangings of the court, his pillars 38. 9 hangings of the court (were of) fine twined 38. 12 west side (were) hangings of fifty cubits 38. 14 The hangings of the one side (of the gate') 38. 15 that hand, (were) hangings of fifteen cub 38. 16 the hangings of the court round about 38. 18 answerable to the hangings of the court. 39. 40 The hangings of the court, his pillars Num. 3. 26 the hangings of the court, and the cur. 4. 26 And the hangings of the court, and th** h. i.To hang, n?!? talah " Josh. 10. 26 ihey were hanging upon tho tre«s until FAN'-NAH, .njo grace. One of Elkanah's two wives, and mother of Samuel tho prophet, while she also herself was a prophetess, as i^ proved by the prophecy contained in her hymn of thanksgiving for the birth of her son. It is in the high- est order of prophetic poetry. It contains the first de- signation of the " Messiah," under that name B.C. 1171. I Sa. I. 2 two wives; the name of the one (was) H I. 2 rcninnali had children, butH. hadnochi". J. 5 But unto H. he gave a worthy portion I. 5 for ho loved H.: but the Lord had shut . I. 8 H., why weepest thou? and why eatest I. 9 H. rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh I. 13 H., she spake in her heart ; only her lips 1. IS H. answered and said. No, my lord; I (am) 1. 19 Elkauah knew H. his wife ; and the LoRl> 1. 2o the time was come about after H. had a. 22 H. went not up ; for she said unto her h. 2. I H. prayed, and said. My heart, .in the L. 2. 21 the Lord visited H, so that she conceivet*. HAN-KA'-THON, |'in|l3 dedicated to grace. A city of Zebulun at a point apparently on tho northern boundary, now called HannaJi. Josh 19. 14 compasseth it on the north side to H. HAN-NI'-EL, '^N'jn God is gracious. 1. A son of Ephod who, as prince of Manasgeh, assisted in the division of the land. In the Hebrew text hia nanae is identical with-that of Haniel (No. 2). B.C. 1452. " Num 34. 23 'for the tribe . . of Manaeseh, H. tho son oi 2. A son of Ulla, a prince and hero of Asher. ,1 Ch. 7. 39 the sons of TUla; Arab, and H., and Ro. HA'-KOCH, HE'-NOCH, ';i'i:q dedicated. 1. The third of the children of Mldian and a grandson of Abraham by Keturah. In the parallel Ust in i Ch. i'. 33, the namo is Henoch (as above). B.C. 1800. Gen. 25. 4 And the eons otMidian ; Ephah. .and H. I Ch. I. 33 And tho sous of Midian ; Ephah. .and H. 2. The eldest son of Reuben, and founder of the family of the Hanochites. B.C. 1700. Geru 46. 9 sons of Reuben ; H,, and Phalln, and H. Exod 6. 14 The sons of Reuben. .H., and PallurHez. Num 26. 5 the children of Reuben ; H. . .the family I Ch. 5. 3Thesona..of Eoubcn..H., andPaUu.Ho HANNOOHITBS 451 HARDEN 3. The 8on of Jnrod, a descendant of Eetli, la onco thus named. In Genesis his uamo ia givea Enoch. ij,c 3382-3017. I Ch. I. 3 H., Mcthusclnh, laracch HA-K0-CHITE3, 'pJn belonging to Ciuinoh. A family v*o3o f sunder v.'as Hanoch, tko eldest son of Heuben. B.C. 1700. Num 26. 5 Hanoch. .the family ol tho n. : of PalUi HA'-mrN, pjn gracious. 1. Son of Nahash, king of Ammon, who dishonoured tho ambassadors of David and involved the Ammonites in a disastrous war. B.C. 1037. - a Sa. 10. t died, and H. his son reigned in his stead JO. 2 said David, I will show kindness unto H. 10. 3 the princes of . . Ammon said unto II. their 10. 4 Wherefore H. took David's servants, and z Ch.19. 2 David said, I will show kindness unto H. 19. 2 servants of David came . .to H., to comfort 19. 3 princes of . .Ammon said to H.,Thinkcst 19. 4 Wherefore H. took David's servants, and 19. 6 II. ..sent a thousand talents of silver to 2. A son of Zalaph who assisted in the repair of tho wall ef Jerusalem on the E. side. B.C. 445. Neh. 3. 30 H. the si.xth sou of Zalapli, another piece 8. A man, who, with the people of Zanoali, repaired the ravine gate in the wall of Jerusalem. B.C. 445. Neh. 3. 13 Tho valley gate repaired H., and tho in. HAP — Chance, event, iTjipn miqreh. Jluth 2. 3 lier hap was to light on a part of tha HAPH-RA'-rH, Dnsq doxible (two) loells, or two pits. A city of Issaohar next to Shunem. About six miles H.E. of Lfjj-un and two miles W. of Solam {the ancient Bhunem) stands the village of cl-Afulck, which may be tlio representative of Chapharaim, tho Arabic Ain hav- ing been substituted for the Hebrew Chcth. Josh ig. 19 And H., and Shihon, and Anaharath HAPLY (if) - l.If, that, w"?, l"? lu. t Sa, 14. 30 if haply tho people had eaten freely ^.I/then, el Upa ei ara. Markii. 13 if haply he might find any thing thereon S.J[fthen, el 6,paye ei arage. Acts 17. 27 if haply they might feel after Mm, and HAPIT, lest — l.Lest ever,- at any time, ariTrore mcpoie. I.ukei4. 29 Lost haply, after he. .laid the foundation Acts 5. 39 lest haply ye be found even to fight V.ies! hy any way or means, jUTjirws inepos. St Co. 9. 4 Lest haply if they of Jlacedonia come HAPPEN, to — l.To vnect, happen, hefall, nix a,nah, 4. Prov 12. 21 'I'hsre shall no evil happen to the just 2.2'o tic, n;ri hayah. I Sa. 6. 9 it (was) a chance (that) happened to as Z.To come to, touch, yjj naga, 5. Eccl. 8. 14, 14 it happeneth according to the work ot 4. To meet, happen, Nn[; qara. Jer. 44. 23 this evil is happened unto you, as at this 6. 2*0 ^leet, happen, nii^ qarah, 2. 26a. I. 6 I happened by chance upon raduntGilboa 6.7*0 become, begin to be, yli/o/ ginomai. Horn II. 25 blindness in part is happened to Israel 7. To go or coins up together, (Tvfxfialvoo sumbai.nd. Markio. 32 tell, .whatthingsshouldhappen unto him , iuke24. 14 of all these things which had happened Acts 3. JO at that which had happened unto him I II things happered untothemfor ensamples 1 Po. 4.. 12 some strange thing happened unto you s Pe. z. 22 it is happened unto them according to HAPPEN to bo, to — ' To meet, happen, come, t«"!i3 qara, 2. 2 Sa. 20. I there happened to be there a man of Be. ■HAPPEN (to or unto), to — To meet happen, come, n^jj qarah. I Sa.28. 10 punishment happen to thee for this thing Esth. 4. 7 toldhim. .allthat hadhappeneduntohlm £ccl. 2. 14 also that on» event happeneth to them 2. IS it happeneth even to me ; and why was I ,. 9. II but time and chance hapfeneth to them Isa. 41. 22 and show us what shall happen : let them HAPPENETH — Chance, event, 'Tiipa miqreh. Eccl. 2. IS As it happeneth to the fool, so It HAPPY, E3JPPrER — . l.Tobe happy, IPH ashar, 4. Prov. 3. 18 and happy (is every 6ne) that retaineth ^.Happiness, n»(« osher- Gen. 30. 13 Happy am I, for the daAighters will call %, Happiness, "^^n ashre. - Deut33. 29 Happy (art) thou, O Israel : who (is) like I 8 Happy (are) thy men, happy (are) these a Ch." 9 ^Happy (are) thy men., happy (are) these . Job s. 17 happy (is) the man whom God eorrecteth Psa.127. 5 H*ppy (is) the man that hath his (julver Psa.i.,3. 2 happy (shalt) thou (be), and (it shall bo) 137. 8 happy (shall l)o be) that rewanlctii thco 137. 9 Hapi^y (sliall ho be) that taketh and das 144. 15 Happy (is) that) people that is in such a 144. IS happy (is that) people whose God (is) the i4('. S Happy Cxs he) that (hath) the Go'i of Jacob Prov. 3. 13 Happy (is) the man (tliat)nn(leth wisdom 14. 21 that hath mercy on the poor, nappy(is) ho i6. 20 whoso trustoth in tho IxjUD, iiappy (is) he 28. 14 Happy (is) the man fearetii ahvay 29. 18 but he that keepelh the law. happy (i3)ho i.IIappy, jxaKapius makarios. John 13. ,7 these things, happy are ye if ye do them Acts 26. 2 I thmk myself happy, king Agrippa, bee. ilom 14. 22 Happy (is) he that condemneth not lura. I to. 7. 40 she is happier if she so abide, after my I Pe. 3. 14 suffer for righteousness' sake, happy (aro 4. 14 If ye be reproached, .happy (aro ye) HAPPY, to be — To be at rest, safe, ^\^, r\)^ shalak, shalav. Jer. 12. I (wherefore) are all they happy that HAPPY, to call or count — \.To declare happy, -pK ashar, 3. Mai. 3. 15 we caU the-'proud happy; yea, they that 2.7*0 declare happy, fiaKapl^m makarizo. Jas. s- " Behold, we count them happy which HA'-HA, N-irr hill country. A place utterly unknown unless it is identified with Haran or Charran, the city of Mesopotamia to wliich Abraham came from Ur. Haran was known to the ancients as Carrhae. Hence we may conclude that a portion of the Israelites cajTied off by Pul and Tiglath- pileser were settled in Harran on the BeWc. while the greater number were conveyed to Chahora. I Ch. 5. 26 H., and to the river Gozan, unto this day HA-RA'-DAH, njin terror. A desert station, the twentieth encampment of tho Israelites in the v/iklenicss, and tho ninth from Sinai. Its position is still unknown. Num33. 24 from mount Shapher, and encamped In H. 33. 25 they removed from H,, and pitched in M. HA'-RAN, [-1.7, nn,.p,n strong, enlightened. 1. The third son of Terah, Abraham's father, and hence the youngest brother of Abram. He had throe children, Lot, and two daii->ters, viz., Milcah who married her uncle Nahor, and Iscah of whom we have tho name only, though by Josephus and others she is held to bo identical with SaraA. B.C. 1990. Gen. II. 26 Terah lived seventy years, and begat. .H. II. 27 Terah begat Ab.. IS'ahor, and H.; and H. II. 28 H. died before his father Terah in the II. 29 Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of H. II. 31 Lot the son of H. his son's son, and Sarai 2. A Gershonite Levite in David's time, and one of the family of Shimei. B.C. 1015. , I Ch.23. 9 sons of Shimei; Shelomith..andH., three 3. Charan. — A son of Caleb the spy, by his concubine, Ephah; he had a son named Gazez. B.C. isoo. 1 Ch. 2. 46 bare H., and Moza, and Gazez : and H. 4. Charan. — The place to which Abram with his family migrated from Ur, and where the descendants of his brother Nahor established themselves. Hence Haran (i.e., Charan) is called " the city of Nahor." It was in Padan-aram, which is the cultivated district at the foot of the hills, a beautiful district which lies between the Khabour and the Euphrates, (^ce Padan-aram). About midway in the district is a town still called Haran, which seems to have held its name through all changes, and is the Haran or Charran of Scripture. Till a recent date the people of Harran retained tho Chaldean language, and -the worship of the Chaldean deities. Harran is upon the Bclilc (tho ancient BUichus), a small affluent of the Euphrates, and which falls into it at nearly 39° E. longitude. It was famous among the Romans as being near the scene of tho defeat of Crassus. In the N.T. the name is given as Charran. Gen. II. 31 and they came unto H., and dwelt there 11. 32 and Terah H. 12. 4 five years old when he departed out of H. 12. s and the souls tnat they had gotten in H. 27. 43 arise, flee thou to Laban my brother to H. 28. 10 Jacob went. .fromBeer-slieba. toward H. 29. 4 whence (be) ye? An'd they said. Of H. (a- i) 2 Ki. 19. 12 Gozan, and H., and Rezeph, and the ch. Isa. 37. 12 Gozan, and H., and Rezeph, and the ch. Eze. 27. 23 H., and Canneh, and Eden, the merchant. These passages may not all reto' to the same place. HA-RA-RITE, "^nrt, IINH, 1"i3!3 mountaineer. Thought to denote'a native ot ttb hill-country of Jndah or Ephraim. B.C. 1048. 2 Sa. 33. II afterhim..Shammah_sonof Agee theH. 23. 33 Shammah the H. . .son of Sharar the H. I Ch.ii. 34 Jonathan the son of Shage the H. II. 35 Ahiam tho son of Sacar the H., Eliph. HAR-B0'-NA,HAR-B0'-NAH,nj'i3-in,K3'i3-ina55-£Zr2Visr. Third of the seven eunuchs or chamberlains that served Ahasuerus (Xerxes), king of Persia. B.C. 510. Esth. iv 10 On the seventh day . .he commanded . ,H. 7. 9 H., one of the ehatnberlains, said before HABD — 1, Strong, Ipx, fU't* «Md!«. - ^i Prov 13. IS but the way of innsgeeiatan (is) hard 2. WciglUy, heavy, n?^ kahed, Eze. 3. 5, 6 strange speech and of an hard loaguaoi 3. To be wonderful, t^Sp paJa, 2. 2 Sa. 13, 2 Ainuon thoughtit hard for Mm to do ttaj i.Sharp, hard, ns^^ qasheh. Exod. I. ,4 made their lives bitter with hard bondaga De„t,«' r .m .'"'1 ""?? ^^"^ brought unto Moses Deutse. e ajllicted . . and laid upon us bard bondage 2 Sa. 3. 39 the sons of Zuruiah (be) too hard for ino isa. 14. 3 iroin the hard bondage wherein thou wast 5.IIard to please, ZuchoXos duskolos. Markio. 24 how hard is it for them that trust In G.Dried up, stiff,