Class JSTaisi Book- -Anben, al$ ©efellfdjafterin ber $lei§a. (Sin jnnger ^empelljerr, (Sin 2)ertt>ifdj* £>er ^atriarcf) Don Serufatem. (Sin $lofterbrnber. (Sin (Stnir nebft tterfdjtebenen 9ftanteludfen be8 @alabin. 2)ie ©cene ift in 3ernfalenu (Erfin- 3ftufjujj. (Erfter Jtuftrttt Scene : f^tur in *ftatfjcm§ <§aufe. Nathan t)on bcr Sfteife fommertb. 2)aja iljm entgegen. @r ift e§ ! SRat^an ! — ©ott fei efoig Scmf, £)a£ 3fy r bocfy enblid) einmal toteberfommt. 3ci/ ®ajci, ©ott fei 2)anl ! £)od) toarum enblicfy? §ab' id; bcnn efyer toteberfommen toollen? 5 Unb toteberfommen fonnen? SBab^Ion 3ft fcon 3 eru M em / ^ e t$ ^n 28*9/ ©eitab balb red&tS, balb ItnfS, ju nefymen bin . i ©enottgt toorben, gut jtoetfmnbert 3Jteilen; *.(7*<> &*"' " Unb ©cfmlben einfaffteren ift getoift io 2lud; fein ©efcbaft7 ba3 m|rflidf) fobert, ba3 ©o bon ber §anb fid) fcfylagen lafct. D SRatyan, i 9Bie elenb, elenb battet 3fy* inbe£ §ier toerben fonnen! @uev §au§ . . . 3)a3 brannte. ©o §aV icfy fd}on bernommen. — ©ebe ©ott, 15 2)af$ tcfy nur atte3 fcbon bernommen fyabe ! 3 4 Hatfyanber IDeife. Unb toare leidfjt Don ©runb au£ abgebrannt. iSann, ©aja, fatten fair ein neueS un§ ©ebaut, unb ein bequemereS. ©djon toafyr ! — ®od) 51 e d) a toar' bet einem §aare mit 20 93erbrannt. 9*atf)att. SBcrbrannt? 2Ber? metne 3ied)a? fte? — £>a3 Jjab' id) ntdjt getjort. — 9hm bann ! ©o fyatte $;dfj feine§ §aufe§ meljr beburft. — 93erbrannt S8ei einem §aare ! — §a ! fie ift e§ toofyl ! 3ft toirflid) tootyl fcerbrannt ! — ©ag nur IjerauS ! 25 §erau3 nur ! — Stole mt$ : unb martre mi$ 9}i$t langer. — %a, fie ift fcerbrannt. SBenn fie @S tt>are, toiirbet 3# r k° n mir e ^ ^oren? SBavum erfcfyrecfeft bu midfj benn ? — D 9te$a ! D meine Sftecfya! Sure? Sure 9ied>a? 30 2Senn icfy midj) U)ieber je enttoofynen mufete, £)ie§ $inb mein $inb ju nennen ! 9tennt 3^r atte£, 2Sa3 gfyr befifct, mit eben foDtel 9tec£)te 2)a$ gure? \. 2Iuf3ug. \. 2Iuftrttt. 9ttdbt3 mit grof^erm ! 2ltle§, toa§ 3$ fonft befi^e, t?at SKatur unb ©iuci 35 5!JJir jugeteilt. ©ie§ ©igentum aHetn 3)anf idE) ber Satgenb. £aja. D, toie teuer lafct S^r Sure ©iite, ^atban, tnitf) bejafylen ! 2Benn ©fit', in folder Slbficfyt auSgeiibt, 5Ro^ ©iite Ijeiften faun ! $n folder 2tbfidjt? 40 3 n t^elc^er? £aja. Sftein ©etotffen . . . 9?atl)atu 3Sor alien £)ingen bir erjaljlen 35aja, Ia§ 3Rein ©etotffen, fag* ic§ . . . Watson. 2Ba3 in Sabfylmt giir etnen fd^onen ©toff id) bir gefauft. 45 ©0 reicfy, unb mit (SJefcfymqcI fo reid) ! 3$ bringe gitr 3ie$a felbft laum einen fc^onern mit. 2Ba3 gift's? S)enn mein ©etoiffen, muf$ id& @ud? •Jlur fagen, lafct fidj langer nicfyt betciuben . 6 Hatfyanber tt)etfe. Watl)an. Unb lute bie ©pangen, tt>ie bie Dfyrgefyenfe, SBie 9ftng unb ^htt bir gefaften loerben, 50 S)ie in 35ama3fu3 ttf) bir au^gefudjt: Serlanget micfy ju fefyn. ©0 feib 3$r nun! SBenn 3$ r nur fcbenfen fount! nur fcfyenfen fount 1 9Zaifjam 9ttmm bu fo gem, al8 i$ bir geb' : — unb fcfytoetg ! Unb fd^toeig ! — 28er gtuetfelt, ^atfyan, baf$ 3$r nidjt 55 3)ie ©fyrlicfyfeit, bte ©rofsmut felber feib ? Unb bod) . . . ©0$ bin id) nur ein %ui>e. — ©elt, £)a§ toittft bu fagen? 2Ba3 i$ fagen toitt, $a£ hrifct 3^r beffer. Watf)am ■ftun fo fd)toeig! %d) f$ft>eige. 2Ba3 ©trafltcfyeS fcor ©ott fyterbei gefcfjiefyt 60 Unb tcfy ntdt)t fyinbern fann, nid)t anbern fann, — 9li$t fann, — fomm' iiber @u$ ! 9latf)an. Somm' iiber mtd)! — 2Bo aberifi fie benn? too bleibt fie? — SDaja, I. 2tuf3ug. u 2Iuftrttt. 7 28enn bu mid) Ijnntergefyft ! — 28et§ fie es benn, 3)afs td; gelommen bin? 2>a§ frag' id) @u$ ! 65 9lo$ jtttert ibv bet ©cfyred burd^ jebe 9Zerbe. 9?ocf) malet geuer ibre ^fyantafie 3u affem, toa3 fie malt. $m ©cblafe toacbt, ^m 2Sad)en fd)laft ibr ©eift: balb toeniger 2II§ STier, balb mebr ate Sngel. 9Zat5 an. 2Irme§ £inb ! 70 2Ba§ finb totr SUtenfd^en ! iDiefett SRorgen lag ©ie lange mit fcerfc£)Io£nem Slug' unb toar 3Bie tot. ©dmeft fu^r fie auf unb rtef: „§orcb! I)or$! ©a fommen bte ^amele memeS 33ater3 I £ord) ! feine fanfte ©ttmtne felbft!" — ijnbtm 75 Sradj ftd^> ifyr Sluge toieber, unb ibr §au^t, ©em feine§ 2Irme§ ©tii|e fief) entjog, ©turgt' auf ba§ Stiffen. — ^cb jur ^fort' binaus ! Unb fteb, ba fommt ^br toabrlid) ! fommt SJfyr toafyrlicb ! — 2Ba§ SBunber ! 5>b re 9 an 3^ ©eele toar 80 3)ic 3 e ^ ^ er nur k e * ® u $ — uu ^ ^ m - — Set toelcfjem 3§m? Set ibm? Set ifjm, ber au§ bem fetter ©ie rettete. 8 HatfyanberlPeife. 3Ber tear bag? toer? — 2Bo ift cr? 2Ber tettete mir tneine SRedja? toer? ©in junger £em!pelfyerr, ben, toenig STage 85 gufcor, man fyier flifangen emgebradjt, Unb ©alabin begnabigt fyatU. 9iatt)*n. 2Bie? @in Sempelljerr, bem ©ultan ©alabin ©a§ Seben liefe ? ©ur$ em gering'reS SBunber 23ar 9te$a nidjt ju retten? ©ott I DIjn' ifyn, 90 3)er fetnen unbermuteten ©etomft grifcfy faieber ftmgte, ftar e3 au3 mit tyr. 28o ift cr, ©aja, biefer eble 9Jlann ? — 2Bo ift er? gitfjre mid) ju feinen fjti^en. Sfyr gabt ifym bo$ toorS erfte, toa§ an ©cfya^en 95 3$ eudj gelaffen fyatte? gabt ifym alleS? Serfyracfyt ifym mefyr? toeit metyr? 2Sie fonnten fair? SKd^t? nid^t? $aja. @r lam, unb niemanb tuet^ toober. 6r ging, unb niemanb toeift toofytn. — D^n' atte SDe§ §aufe§ $unbf$aft, nur Don feinem Dfyr 100 ©eleitet, brang mit borgefyreijtem 9Jlantel J. 2Iuf3ug. \. 2faf*ritt. @r fitfyn burdj) glamm' unb 3taud; ber ©timme nad), S)ie un§ urn §ilfe ricf. ©djon fyielten toir 3$n fiir toerloren, alS au3 9?audj unb glamme 3Rit cinS er t>or un§ ftanb, im ftarfen 2lrm 105 @mpor fie tragenb. ftalt unb ungeriiljrt 33om %aud)jen unferS ®anf3, fe§t feme Seute 6r nteber, brangt ftcfy unterS SSoIf unb ift — 33erfd£)ftmnben ! SRid^t auf immer, ftriH id) fyoffen. Stacker bie erften Sage fafyen it>ir no 3^ n untern ^almen auf unb nteber toanbeln, 35ie bort be3 Stuferftanbnen ©rab umfcfyatten. Scfy nafyte mid) tl)m mit (Sntjitdfen, banfie, @rI)ob, entbot, befc^toor, — nur einmal nodf) ®ie fromme ^reatur 511 fe^cn, bie 115 9ttd)t ruf)en fonne, bi§ fie il)ren S)anf £u feinen gfiijjen au^getoeinet. 9?un? Umfonft ! @r toar 511 unfrev ^itte taub Unb goft fo bittern ©pott auf mid) befonbcrS . . . A Sttafljwu 33i3 baburd) abgefd)recft . . . 9iicfyt§ toeniger! 120 3$ ^ rat if) n i e ^ en ^ a 9 ^ on neuem an, £te£ jeben Sag bon neuem mid) fcerf)oi)nen. 10 Hat fyan be r IP etfe. 2Bas iitt id? nid&t Don ifym ! 28a§ $aW icf) md)t 9to$ gerrt ertragen ! — Stber lartge fd)on $ommt er nicf)t tnefyr, bie ^almen ju befucf)en, 125 3)ie unfer^ 2luferftanbnen ©rab umfcfjatten, Unb niemanb toeif$, too er geblieben ift. — 3f>r [taunt? 3fyr finnt? Haitian, 3d) iiberbenfe tnir, 2Ba§ ba§ auf einen ©eift, tote SRed^ag, toof)l giir (Sinbrud madden nutfe. ©id£) fo fcerfcfjmaljt 130 33on bem ju ftnbert, ben man fyod^ufdjatjen ©id) fo gejtoungen fiifylt; fo toeggeftoften Unb bod) fo angejogen toerben — traun, ®a miiffen §erj unb $opf fid) lange janfen, • £)h -JJienfcfyenfyaft, ob ©d)toermut fiegen foil. 135 Dft fiegt aud? ietneS, unb bie SJSfyantafte, £ie in ben ©trcit fid) tnengt, madfjt ©d)toarmer, Set toeld^en balb ber $opf bag §erj, unb balb ®a£ §erj ben $opf muft ftnelen. — ©glimmer Saufcf) ! — ©er Iet^tere, berlenn 1 td) 3ted)a nidjt, 140 3ft 9ted&a8 gall: fie fcfctoarmt. ©0 Iieben^toiirbig Stllein fo fromm, 9t*$an. 3ft bod) au$ gefd^todrmt ! SSorneljmlid) eine — ©ride, Wznn ^x toollt, 3ft ifyr fefyr toert. @3 fei ifyr 3:empeII)err $ein ^rbif d^>er unb feine3 ^rbtf c^en ; \. 2Iuf 3 ug. i an'ftrl'tt 11 145 2)er 6ngel einer, beren ©djuije fid; %i)T fleineS §erj fcon Kinb^ett auf fo gem SSertrauet glaubte, fei au3 fciner SBoIfe, $n bie er fonft fcerljiitlt, audE) rtod^ im geuer, Urn fie gefdjtoebt, mtt ein$ aU £em£el£)err 150 igerfcorgetreten. — Sacfjelt mdf)t ! — 2Ber toeifc ? Saftt lacfyelnb toemgften§ \i)x einen 2Bafm, 3>n bem fid) 3 U ^' un ^ Shrift unb SRufelmann SBereimgen, — fo einen fiifeen 2BaI)n ! 2lu$ mir fo fuft! — ©eb, toqcfre Saja, get) ; 155 Sieb, toa§ fie macbt, ob tdj fie fprecfyen fann. — ©obann fucfy' tdf) ben totlben, laumgen ©d)ui$engel auf. Unb toenn ifjm nod) beliebt, §iernieben unier un3 ju Men, nod) Seltebt, fo ungefittet gftftterfd&aft 160 3 U tretben : ftnb' id) ifyn getotft unb bring 1 3^n E?er. ^f)r unterneljmet biel. 9ftad)t bann ©er fiifte SBafyn ber fuftern 2Bafyrf)eit ^$(a£ : — SDenn, 3)aja, glaube mir, bem 9Jtenfd)en ift @in 3Ttenfd) nod) immer lieber aU ein Sngel — 165 So totrft bu bocf) auf midE), auf midE) nicfyt jiirnen, J SDie Sngelfdjtoarmerin gefyeilt ju fefyn ? 3$r f e ^> f° 8 U * un ^ f e ^ $ u 3^$ fa fcfylimm! 3<§ gel)' ! — 2)o$ fyort ! — bo$ fefyt ! — 35a fommi [fie felbft. 12 ZTatfianbertPetfe. ^meiter ZCuftritt. ^ e d) a unb bic 53 o r i g e n, *Red)a. ©o feib ^x e ^ k $ S an S un *> S ar / me * n SSater? 170 3$ glaubt', £$r Ijattet (Sure ©ttmme nur gSorau^gef^irft. 2Bo bleibt Sfyr? 28a§ fur Serge, giir SBuften, toa§ fur ©trome trennen un§ 3)enn m>$? -3$r fttmet SBanb an 2Banb mit tyr Unb eilt nid^t, @ure 9ied)a ju umarmen? 175 3)ie arme JJecfya, bie inbeft fcerbrannte! — gaft, faft berbrannte! gaft nur. ©djaubert nicfyti @§ ift em garft'ger Job, fcerbrennen. D ! 3Jtein £mb ! mem Iiebe3 Jtinb I 3#v mufttet itber ©en @u^rat, £igri3, ^ or ^ an / uber — ^ er 180 SBeifc toa3 fur 2Baffer all ? — 2Bte oft §aV \on feinem gttticfje 3Sertoebt. — 3$ a *f°/ *$ §&&' e ™ en @ngel 33on SCngefid^t §u 2lngeft$t gefefm, Unb m e i n e n Sngel. 3ted£)a toar' e3 toert Unb toiirb* an i£>m ni, tote bie ytatux fie taglicfy ©etoabrt, btr biefen £>ienft erjeigt, er muftte giir bidfj ein Sngel fetn. @x mixf>t' unb toiirbe. *fletf>a. 205 9tidE)t fo ein ©ngel, nein ! ein toirflt$er; G3 toar getoifs ein toirftidjer ! — SqclU 3$r, Sfyr felbft bie SKoglitfjIeit, ba£ ©ngel finb, 3)a£ ©ott jum Seften berer, bie ifm lieben, 2(udE) 2Bunber fonne tfyun, mid? nid^t gelefyrt? 210 %d) lieb' tljn ja. 14 Hatfyanber IDetfe. Unb er Iiebt btcfy unb tfmt giir bid) unb beine^gleicfyen (tunblirf) SBunber, 3a, fyat fie f$on fcon alter Stoigfett giir eucf) getfyan. *Re$a. 2)a§ f?5r' icf) gem. 2Bie? toeil @3 ganj natiirlicf), gang atttaglid^ flange, 215 28enn bid) ein eigent(id)ev £em£ell?err ©erettet fyatte : foHt' e£ barum toeniger ©in SBunber fein? — 2)er SBunber I)o$fte§ ift, $)a£ un§ bie toatyren, edjten 28unber fo SlUtaglid) toerben fonnen, toerben foUen. 220 DIjn' biefe§ aftgemeine SBunber Ijatte Sin ©enfenber tootyl fcfytoerlid) 2Bunber je ©enannt, toaS £inbern blofc fo fyeifeen tnu^te, 2)ie gaffenb nur ba§ Ungetooljnli$fte, $a§ 9teufte nur fcerfolgen. Saja (§u 3tat|ati). 2BoHt 3fyr benn 225 3$r ofynebem fd;on tiberfyannteS £irn SDurd? foldjerlet ©ubtilitaten gang gertyrengen ? £aft mid) ! — 9J?einer 9ted?a tear* G§ 2Bunber§ ntd&t genug, bafc fie ein SRenfdfj ©erettet, toeld;en felbft fein fleineS SSunber 230 @rft retten milffcn? §a, fein fleineS SSunber! S)enn toer fyat fcfjon gefyort, bafc Salabin [. Tlnf 3tt(j. 2. 21 uf t r t tt. 15 $e eine3 STempelBerrn berfcfront? £af$ je Sin £em£e[f)err Don iBm frerfcbont ju Herbert 33erlangt? geBofft? iBm je fur feme greiBeit 235 9JleBr ate ben lebern ©urt geboten, ber ©ein @ifen fcbte^t, unb fcodbften* feinen 2>olcb? £>a§ fcblieftt fur micb, mem 23ater. — 2)arum eben 2Sar ba§ fein SJem^elBerr ; er fcBien e3 nuv. — $ommt lein gefangner JempelBerr je anber§ 240 2ll£ jum getDxffen iJobe nacf) fyxujaUm ; ©eBt feiner in ^erufalem fo fret limber: toie Bcitte mi$ be§ %iaiUtg £enn einer retten fonnen? ©telj, tote ftnnretcfy ! ^e^t, ©aja, nimm ba§ 23ort. ^df> Ba6' e3 ja 245 23ort bir, baft er gefangen Bergefdncft 3ft faorben. DBne 3^ e 'f e ^ toei&t & u nxeBr. Xaja. 9hm ja. — So fagt man freilicb ; — bocb man fagt gugleicb, bap Salabin ben JempelBerrn 23egnabtgt, toeil er feiner ©ruber einem, 250 Sen er befonbers lieb geBabt, fo aBnlicB fefye. &0&) ba es biele jtoanjig ^aBre Ber, 2)a£ biefer ©ruber nidbt meBr lebt, — er biej3, 3^ toeift nid£?t tote ; — er blieb, xcf> toetft nidjt too : — er3 $u glauben? — SBarum fyatte ©alabm, 260 ©er fern ©efd>Vr>tfter in^gefamt fo Itebt, gn jiingem 3 a ^ ren ewen 33ruber nicfyt ;Jiod) ganj Bef onber£ Iteben f ormen ? — s $ftegen ©t$ gtoei ©eficfyter nicfyt ju afyneln? — 3jft Sin alter ©mbrttcf ein fcerlomer ? — 2Btr!t 265 ©a3 namlicfye nid^t tnefyr ba£ namlicfye ? — ©eit toenn? — 23o ftecft ^ier ba£ Unglaublicfye ? — @i fretlidj, toeife 3)aja, tofir'S fiir bicfy $ein 2Bunber meljr ; tmb b e i n e SBunber nur Sebiirf . . . fcerbienen, ftnfl id) fagen, ©lauben. 270 Sfyr fpottet. 2Betl bu meiner fpotteft. — 2)o$ 2tucfy fo nocfy, 9ted^a, bletbet beine Settling ©in SBunber, bem nur moglicty, ber bie ftrengften ©ntfdjjtuffe, bie unbanbigften ©nttourfe ©er $onige, fein ©piel, — toerm nid)t fein ©pott — 275 ® ern an ken fcfytoacfyften gaben Unit SWein SSater ! 3Jlein SSater, lt)enn tcfy trr', tE>r toiftt, icfy irre 9Ji$t gem. Nathan. 33telmefyr, bu lafet bid? gem beleljren. — ©iefy ! eine ©tirn, fo ober fo getoolbt ; SDer Sftiiden einer Sftafe, fo fcielmel)r 280 21(3 fo gefiifyret; 2Iugenbraunen, bie 2luf einem fdjarfen ober ftumpfen $noc$en \. 2Iuf3ug. 2. 21 u f t r 1 1 1. 17 ©o ober fo fid) frf)lctngeln; eine Sinie, 6in 33ug, ein SBinfel, etne gait', ein SCRal, @irt 9Jid)t3 auf eineS toilben @uropaer§ 285 ©efi$t: — unb bu entfommft bem ^eu'r, in Slften! 3)a3 toar' lein SSunber, tounberjudjt'ge^ SSoIf? 2Sarum bemufyt Igbr benn nod) einen 6ngel? 5Ba§ fcfyabet'3 — -Rattan, toenn id& fprecfyen barf — 93ei atte bem, fcon cincm Gngel Heber 290 21(3 einem DJlenfcfyen jtc$ gerettet benlen? giiblt man ber erften unbegreiflicfyen Urfad&e feiner 9tettung nicf)t ftd) fo SSiel natyer? Nathan. ©tolj! unb nicfytS ate ©tolg! 3)er Xopf 3Son ©fen toill mit einer ftlbem 3ange 295 ©em au§ ber ©lut gefyoben fein, urn felbft 6in Xopf toon ©ilber ficfy ju biinfen. — ^3afy ! — Unb \va§> e£ fd£)abet, fragft bu? toa§ e§ fd&abet? 28a3 fyilft e£? biirft' x$ nur Ijintoieber fragen. — 35enn bem „©icf) ©ott urn fo triel nafyer fufylen" 300 3ft ttnfinn ober ©otte£(ctfterung. — 2lHein e£ fcfyabet ; ja, e3 fdjabet afterbing£, — $ommt! Ijort mir 311. — 5ftid)t toabr? bem 2Befen, ba3 5Did^ rettete, — e* fei ein @ngel ober ©in 9Jienf$, — bem modbtet tt>r, unb bu befonber£, 305 ©em toieber biele grofee SMenfte tfyun? — 9ft$t toal)r? — SJlun, einem Gngel, toa3 fur SMenfte, gfiir grofse SMenfte !onnt if)r bem toofyl iljun? 3$r fonnt il)m banlen, ju iljm feufjen, beten ; $onnt in (Sntjiicfimg fiber ifyn jerfc^meljen ; 18 Xlat^an ber IP etfe. 310 SBrntt an bem Stage fetner $eier faften, Sllmofen tyenben. — 2Itte3 nicf)t3. — Senn mid) $Deutf)t tmmer, ba£ tfyr felbft unb euer ;Jtacfy(ter §ierbei toett mefyr gefrunnt ate er. @r toirb 9ttc|t fett bur$ euer $afien, toirb nidfyt retd^ 315 ©urcf) eure ©penben, h>trb ntcfyt Ijerrlidjer ©urcfy ear (Sntjilcfen, totrb ni$t rttadf)ttger SDurcfy eu'r Sertrau'n. Wify ftmfyr? aittein ein 2Renfd^ ! ©i fretlicfy fyatt' ein 2J?enf$, ettoa3 fur ifyn 3u t^un, un3 mefyr ©elegenfyeit fcerfd&afft. 320 Unb ©ott toetft, tote bereit tmr baju toaren ! Slttein er tooUte ja, beburfte ja ©0 boBig m$iS, Wax in fidb, rttit fi$ fo SSergniigfam, ate nur Sngel ftnb, nur ©ngel ©ein fonnen. @nbli$, ate er gar fcerfcfytoanb . . . 325 33erf$toanb ? — SBie benn fcerfcfytoanb ? — ©t$ unUxn 3l\tf)t f enter fefyen Itefe? — 2Bie? ober fyabt [Spalmen 2$r toirfli$ fc^on ifyn toeiter aufgefucfyt? £)a3 nun toofyl nicfyt. Nathan. 9Wd&t, ©aja? nid^t? — ©a ftefy 9iun, toa§ e§ fcfmb't — ©raufame ©cfytoarmerinnen ! — 330 $&tnn biefer ©ngel nun — nun franf getoorben ! . . • £ranf ! {. 2luf3ug. 2. 2Iuftrttt. 19 $ranf ! @r toirb bo$ rticfyt ! 0?ed)a. 2Bel$ falter ©cfjauer 93ef aUt mid? ! — 2)aja ! — 9Jtane ©time, fonft ©o toarm, fiibl ! ift auf einmal @i§. 9Zatf|att» @r ift @in grartfe, btefe§ $lima3 ungetoofynt, 335 3ft l un 9/ ker ^rten SCrbett feine3 ©tanbe3, £)e§ §imgem§, 2Batf)en§ ungetoofynt. £ranf ! Irani ! £)a£ toare mogltdb, meint ja yiafyan nur. 9?un liegt er ba ! bat toeber gretmb, nocfy ©elb, ©i$ greunbe ju befolben. 2(f), mein Sater! »atljatt. 340 Stegt ofyne SSartung, oljrte "Stat unb gutyracfy', @in SRaub ber ©cfymerjen unb be§ £obe3 ba! 2So? too? ^at^att. @r, ber fur etne, bie er nie ©efannt, gefefyn — gemtg, e3 toar em 9Menfd) — 2>n§ geu'r fid; fturjtc . . . Sftatfyan, fdjonet iljrer! 20 17 atfyan be r tDetfe. Nathan. 345 2)cr, toaS er rettete, nidjt rtafyer fennen, •Kicfyt better feE)en mocfyt', urn iljm ben $)anf 3u fyaren . . . ©d&onet i^rer, 9iat^an! 2Beiter 2Iu$ rticfyt gu feljn berlangt', e£ toare benn, 2)afc er jum jtoeitenmal e$ retten foUte — 350 2)enn g'nug, e§ ift em SSJienfd^ . . . §ort auf unb fefyt! SDer, ber tyat, fterbenb fid) gu laben, ni$t£ — Site ba3 Sefoufetfein biefer STfyat! §ort auf! S^r totet fie ! 9tafyan. Unb bu baft ifyrt getotet ! — §att'ft fo iE>rt toten lonncn. — SRed^a ! SJtecfya ! 355 ®3 ift SIrjnet, nicfyt ©ift, toaS id) bir reidfje. @r lebt! — fomm gu bir! — ift aucfy toofyl nicfyt franf, •Kicfyt einmal Irani! *Red)a. ©ctoife ? — nicfyt tot? nicfyt franl? ©etoifs, nicfyt tot! £)enn ©ott lofynt ®uti$, f>ier ©etfyan, aucfy fyier nocfy. — ©eb! — Segreifft bu aber, 360 2Bie bid anbacfytig fcfytoarmen leister ate I 2Juf3iig. 2. 2Iuftrttt. 21 ©at fyanbeln ift? 2Sie gem ber fd&lafffte 3ttenfd) 2tnbdcf)ttg fd&toarmt, urn nur — ift er ju getten @i$ fdjon ber 2lbficbt beutlid) mcf)t betouftt — Urn nur gut fyanbeln nid^t ju burfen? 365 9ftein 2?ater ! lafet, laftt (Sure 9tec^a bodE) 5Rie toieberum attetn ! — 3l\d)t toafyr, er fann 2lu$ tt>o^t berreift nur fein? — ©c^t! — SCaerbing^.— 3$ fefy', bort muftert mit neugter'gem ©lief ©in 9Wufelmamt mir bie belabenen 370 $amele. $ennt ifyr ibn? §a! @uer SDertoifdj. 2Ber? @uer SDertDifd^, 6uer ertoifd), Stetfct nur bie 2tugen auf, fo toeit 3#r fonnt! Haitian. Sift bu'S? Sift bu e§ nidjt? — $n biefer ^rac^t, @in SDertoifd^) ! . . . $ertotfd). 9?un? 2Barumbennni$t? Safet ficfy 2tu3 einem ©ertoifcb benn mcfyts, gar nid^ts madden? 9?atf}an. 380 @i toofyl, genug ! — 3$ bacfyte tnir nur immer, 3)er 5Dertr>ifdB — fo ber recite 3>erUrif$ — tootle 2lu§ ft$ nid)t3 macfyen laffen. £erttnftf)- Seim ^ropfyeten! £)a£ id) ietn renter bin, mag au$ tootyl toafyr fetn* gtoar toenn man mufc — *Kaflatt. 9J?u£! ©ertoifd)! — SDertoifc^ mu£? 385 $ein ?!Jtenfcfy mu£ muff en, unb ein £)erttnfd£) miiftte? 2Sa3 mufctf er benn? £>er&>iffy 2Barum man ifm red^t bittet, Unb er fur gut erfennt: bag mufc ein ©ertoif$. 33ei unferm ©ott! ©a fagft bu toabr. — £a£ bid) Umarmen, SJienfd). — ©u btft bod) nod? mein greunb? I 2Juf3ug. 3. 2luftrttt. 23 $ertt>ifd). 390 Unb fragt nid^t erft, toa§ id) getoorben bin? %xo§ bem, toa3 bit getoorben! $erttuftf|. $onnt' id) nicf)t (Sin $ert im ©taat getoorben fein, bee greunbfcfjaft @u$ ungelegen toare? SBenn bein §erj 9?o$ SDertoifdE) ift, fo toag' id)'3 brauf. 2)er ®erl 395 3 m ©taat ift nur bein $leib. $>ertotfcf), ©a§ aud) geeljrt 2BiH fein. — 28a3 meint $&r? ratet! — 2Ba§ toar' id? 2tn ©urem §ofe? SDertoifcfy, toeiter nicfytS. 2)o$ nebenljer toafyrfcfyeinlicfy — $0$. $>ertoifcf)o •Jitm ja! 3Jlein £>anbfterf bei ®ucf> ju berlernen. — $od) ! 400 9?id)t ^ettner audE) ? — ©eftef)t, bafe ©atabin 2Ri$ beffer fennt. — ©dja^meifter bin id) bei 2$m toorben. 2)u? — bei ibm? $crtotftf), 33erfieF)t: £)e§ fleinem ©cfycd$e§; benn bes gro^ern toaltet ©em SSater no$ — be3 ©cf)cri3e3 fur fein §au§. 24 ZTatfyattbertPetfe. 405 ©etn $au$ ift groft. Serttriftfj. Unb grower, aU 3$r glaubt; $)enn jeber Settler ift toon feinem §aufe. Haitian. SDod) tft ben Settlern ©alabin fo feinb — 2>erttrif<^ 3)aft er mit ©trumpf unb ©tiel fie ju toertUgen ©icf) t)orgefe^t, — unb fottf er felbft bariiber 410 3 um Settler toerben. Srato ! ©0 mein' tcfy^ eben. Serttuftf), 6r ift'8 aucfy fc^on, troi$ einem ! — 3)enn fein ©$a£ 3ft jeben Sag mit ©onnenuntergang SSxel leerer nod) aH leer. 3)ic $tut, fo l)o$ ©ie 9Jtorgen3 eintritt, ift be§ 9Jtittag£ langft 415 Serlaufen — JSeil handle fie jum £eit 33erf$Imgen, bie ju flitlen ober ju 33erftopfen, gleicfy unmoglidi) ift. $ertmfrf)* ©etroffen ! ^atljatt. 3$ fenne ba3! $er&uftf). @§ taugt nun freilid) ni$t8, SBenn giirften ©eier unter 2Xfern ftnb. \. 21uf3iig- 3. 2Iuftrttt. 25 420 ®otf) finb fie 2Xfer unter ©eiern, taugt'3 9?ecf) jefynmal toeniger. Sttatyait. D rnd^t bocf>, ©ertoifc^ ! yixfyt boti) ! 3fyr Ijabt gut reben, 3$r ! — $ommt an ; 2Ba3 gebt $fyr mfr? fa trei * i$ meine ©tell' @ucf) ab. Hatyatt. 2Ba3 bringt bir beine ©telle? 3)e?ftifdj* gjtir? 425 SRi$t bid. 3)od) @udj, @u$ farm fie treff(icf) toud&ew. Serin ift e3 @bb' im ©d)a§, — tote i3fter£ ift — ©0 jieljt 3$v Sure ©cfyleufen auf, fd&tefet bor Unb nefymt an 3infen, ^ a ^ @ud) nut gefattt. 2tu$ ging fcom $in3 ber 3infen? Serttriffl), gteilidj) ! 430 9Kein Capital ju lauter $tnfen toirb. £)a£ locft @u$ nicfyt? ©0 fcfyreibet unfrer greunbfcfyaft SRur g(etd) ben ©cfyetbebrief ! £)enn toafyrltcf) I)ab' 3^ fe^r auf @ud) gerec^nei. 9*atf)tttt. 2Ba&rIic$ 2Bte S5enn fo? tote fa bemt? 26 Ti at fy an be r W eife. Sertoiftfj, ©af$ 3^ r ™ir ™ e w 2lmt 435 9fttt @l)ren toiirbet fuljren fyelfen; baft 3d) attjett ope flaffe bet @ud? fyatte. — S^r fd)iittelt? 9?un y fcerftefyn fair un§ nur rerfjt ! §ier giebt'3 ju u'nierfdjeiben. — ®u? toarum 9Kd&t bu? SW^aft 2)ertoifd& ift ju adern, 440 §Sa§ id) fcermag, mir ftets toittfommen. — 2lber 2U*§aft ©efterbar be3 ©alabin, ®er — bem — Serttriftf), (Srriet td)'3 nidjt? ©aft 3$r bo$ immer ©0 gut alS Hug, fo Hug aU toetfe fetb ! — ©ebulb ! 2Ba3 2$r <* m § a ft unterfdjetbet, 445 ©oU balb gefdrieben toxeber fein. — ©efyt ba ©a§ @fyren!leib, ba§ ©alabin mir gab. Sty' e§ fcerfcfyoffen ift, efy' e3 ju £um!pen ©etoorben, toie fie einen SDertotfd^ fleiben, ipangt'S in ^erufalem am 9iagel/unb 450 3^ bin am ©ange$, too id) IeidE>t unb barfuft ©en fyeiften ©anb mit meinen Severn trcte. ©ir afynlicfy g'nug! ©ein ^Bd^ftcS ©ut! Serttrifd)* Unb ©d)a$ mit ifynen fjriele. ©enft nur, toa3 mtd) berfitfyrte ! ©amtt id) felbft nidjt langer betteln bitrfte? I 2luf3ug. 3. 2Iuftrttt. 27 455 ©en reidfjen 9Jtcmn mit 33etttern fpielen fonnte? SBermogenb todr', im £>ui ben reid^(ten_SettIer $n emeu armen 3teid&en ju berWnbeln? Watt) tut, £)a3 nun toofyl nid)t. $>ermiffy 2Beit ettoaein SBorfafyr," farad) cr, „toav mir bid $u fait, 465 3 U rau ^- ® r 9 a ^ l£ urifyblb, toenn er gab, Srfunbigte fo ungeftiim fief) erft 3lad) bem ©mpfanger; nie jufrieben, baft ©r nur ben SJtonael fenne, toottt' er aud) 3)e§ 9Jtanget3 IJrfad^ . toiff en, urn bie ®abt 470 9iacfy biefer Urfacfy' filjtci abjutoagen. 2)a§ toirb 2tUftafi ni$t! ©0 unmilb milb SBirb ©alabin im §afi nitf)t erfd^emen! 2IU£afi gleid^t berftoftfte n 9W6ren ntcfyt, ®ie tljre liar unb ftill empfangnen SBaffer 475 ©0. unrein unb fo fprubelnb toiebergeben. 3tU$afi benft, Sll^afi fitylt trie ic$!" — @o UeblicE) ftang be§ 93ogIer§ SPfeife, bi§ £>er ©impel in bem 9?e£e toar. — 3$ ©ecf ! 3$ eineS ©ecfen ©ecf! 9 28 Hatf|an berXPetfe. ©ema$, mein SJertoifcfc, 480 ©etnad) ! ^erttriftf), @i tt>aS ! — @3 toar' ntd)t ©etferet, 93et §unberttaufenben bie 3Henf$en britcfen, 2lu3mergeln, plimbern, martern, toiirgen unb @m 9J?enf$enfreunb an einjeln fdjjeinen tooUert? @3 tear' nxc^t ©ecferei, be£ §od)ften 9Jtilbe, 485 35ie fonber 2lu$toafyl uber SBof unb &uU Unb glut unb SBiiftenei, in ©onnenfcfyein Unb Jtegen fid) feerorettet, — nad^uaffen/ Unb ntdjt be§ §ocf}ften immer fcoHe §anb 3u fyaben? 23a§? e§ toar' nicfyt ©ederei . . - 490 ©enug! £)5r auf! £a£t m?iner ©edferet SJttdj bo$ nur aucfy erVt)d^nen ! — 28a3? e3 to&re SRid^t ©ecferei, an folcfyen ©ecferexen 2)te gute ©eite bennocfy auSjufyuren, Urn 2lnteil, btefer guten ©eite toegen, 495 2ln btefer ©ecferei ju ne^men? §e? £)a§ nid&t? Slls^afi, macfye, baft bu balb $n beine SGBiifte tuieber fommft. 3$ furdjte, ©tab' unter 9ttenf$en modfrteft bu ein 3Jlenfd^ 3u fein fcerlernen. Sertmftf)* 9iedjt, ba§ fitrcfyt' tcfy aud^. 500 2ebt Woi)l ! \. 2Juf3ug. 4. 2Iuftritt. 29 ©o Zaftig? — 23arte bocb, Sll^afi! (Sntlauft bir bcnn bie SBiifte? 2Barte bodf) ! — 2)af$ er micf) f)5rte ! — §e, 2ll=§afi ! bier ! — SBeg ift er, unb id) bdtt' ibn rto$ fo gern ?JadE) unferm S^em^elfyerrn gefragt. SSermutlic^, 505 2)af$ er ifm lennt. Pierter Stuftritt, £>aia etlig fjerbei. 9?atljan. D Nathan, 9?atban! 9hm? 28a§ giebt'3? @r la^t fid) toieber fefm! gr Iafet ©idfj toieber fef)n ! 2Ber, £)qa? foer? @r! er! @r? er? — SBann lafet fid) ber mdE)t febn! — $a fo, 9Jur euer ©r fyeifet er. — £)a3 foUt' er nicfyt ! 510 Unb toenn er and) eirt @rtgel todre, nicfyt ! @r toanbelt untern specimen toiebcr auf Unb ab unb bridf)t Don 3d* 311 3eii M SDatteln. 30 Hatfyan ber tPeife. 9*atl)att. ©ie effenb? — unb aU Stempelfierr? 2Ba§ qualt 3$r micfy ? — 2$ r gi^trig 2tug' erriet ifyn Winter 515 2)en bid^t fcerfd;ranften ^crimen fcfyon unb folgt 2#m unfcerrucft. ©ie laftt @ud) bitten, — @u$ SBefc^tooren, — lihgefaumt ifyn anjugebn. D etlt! ©te n>irb @u$ au3 bem genfter toinfen, Db er fymauf gefyt ober better ab 520 ©i$ fd)lagt. D eilt! 9tatf)at nur mein §au§ $n meinem 2lbfein ni$t betreten tooHen, 525 Unb lommt nicfyt ungern, toenn ber SSater felbft 3$n laben lafet. ©efy, fag, id) laft ifyn bitten, 3$n fjerjlicfy bitten , . . r 8W umfonft ! @r ttmmt (Sucfy nid&t. — ®enn furj, er fommt $u feinen ^uben. ^attjatt. ©0 gel), geb toenigftenS tfyn anjufyalten, 530 3$n toentgftenS mit beinen 3lugen ju Segleiten. — ©el), tcfy lomme gleid) bir nad^). (Sftatfycm etlt fjtnetn unb £>aja fyerauS.) I. 2luf3ug. ■ 5. 21uftrttt. 31 #infter tfuftrttt. keener cm *p(ct£ mit ^almen, unter weld) en ber £em$)e(l}err auf unb nteber geljt (gin it 1 o ft e r b r u b e r folgt Ujm in einiger (Sntfemutig sort ber ©cite, immer ate ob er i^n anrebett rootle. 2)er folgt mir nict)t t>or Sangertoeile ! — ©ier), SBie fcfjielt er nadf) ben §anben ! — ©uter 33ruber, — 3$ farm @ucf) autf) toofyt SSater nennen, nic^t? £(ofter&ruber. 535 Jiur Sruber, — Saienbruber nur, ju bienen. Xempelljerr, 3a, guter ©ruber, roer nur felbft toa§ fyatte! Set ©ott ! Set ©ott ! 3* fyabe ntd&ts — 5Hofterfiruber. Unb boct) SRcd^t toarmen ©anf! ©ott geb' (Sud£) taufenbfacr), 2Ba3 3^ r 9 ern 3 e &en tootttet. £)enn ber SBttte, 540 Unb nid^t bie ©abe macr;t ben ©eber. — 2tuc£) SSarb t$ bem §errn 2Umofen3 roegen gar 9it$t nadfjgefdfncft. SempeUjerr, SDocr) aber nad^gefd^idft ? SUofterfcruber. 3a, au§ bem Softer. Sempettjerr, 2Bo ict) eben je£t ©in fletneS Spilgermafyl ju finben t>offte ! 32 XI atfyan ber ID etfe. SHofterfcruber. 545 3)ie £ifcf)e toaren fcfjon befell ; fomm' aber ©er §err nur toieber mit juriicf. Sem^eUjevr. 3* tyabe $Ieiftf) faofyl lange nicfyt gegeffen, ataetn, toa3 tout's? 5Dte SDattcIn [tub \a reif. $lofterfcruber. SRc^m 1 ficfy ber §err in acfyt mit btefer gruc^t. 550 $u *wl genoffen taugt fie md&t, fcerftopft ©ie 9WUj, mac^t meland^olifrfje^ ©eblitt. Scm^cllierr. SSenn id? nun melancfjolifd? gem midfj) finite? — 3)o$ btefer SBamung ftegen tourbet 3$r SJltr bocf) nicfyt natf)gefcfytcft? SUofter&ruber, D nein ! — $$ foil 555 3Wid^ nur natf) @u$ erfunben, auf ben gafyn OudE) fiifylen. Xempei^err, Unb ba§ fagt 3^r mir fofelbft? SUofterfcruber. 2Barum nid£)t? SempeHjerr, ©in fcerf djmi^ter Sruber ! — §at ©a§ Softer @ure§glei$en mefyr? Slofterferuber. SEetfc nid&t. $$ mu£ gegotaen, lieber §err. \. 2Iuf3ug. 5, 2Iuftritt. 33 %zmpd\)tvv. Unb ba 560 ©efror d&t 3#r benn aucb, ofme biel jullugeln? ^(ofter&ruber. SSar^ fonft gefyordjen, Ueber §err? £em£ell)err, Safe bod? SDie (Sinfalt immer re$t 6el)alt ! — 3$ r bilrft 3Jttr bocf) aucf) U)oE)I bertrauen, toer midj gern ©enauer fennen module? — 3)aj$ 2$r'3 fcI6fl 565 yt\d)t feib, lx>iH icfy toofyl fd^tooren. SHofterbntber- t^-" 3iemte mir'3? Unb frommte tmr'3? £empenjerr. 2Bem jiemt unb frommt es benn, ©aft er fo neubegierig tft? 2Bem benn? $Iofterbruber. ©em ^atriarcfyen, mufe i$ gtauben ; — benn 3Der fanbte micfy Qui) wad). £em)jen)en\ 2)er ^atriartf) ! 570 $ennt ber ba§ rote $reaj auf toeijjem SJJantel Mtc&t befjer? &lofterbruber. ^enn' ja ic^'S! £em$)ett|en\ Run, ©ruber? 9?un? — %d) bin ein Sempelfyerr, unb ein gefangner — 34 rtat^an ber IDetfe. ■ ©efc' id) Ijinju : gefangen bei £ebnin, ©er 33urg, bie mtt be3 ©tillftanb3 letter ©tunbe 575 9Sir gern erftiegen fatten, urn fobann Sluf ©ibon lo^ugebn ; — fet$' trf) fyinju : ©eibjtoanjigfter gefangen unb adein 25om ©alabin begnabiget : fo toetft ©er ^atriarcfy, toa§ er ju toiffen braucfyt — 580 9Jte^r al§ er braudf?t. fifofterlintber. S23ot>I aber fcfyfaerlidE) mefyr, 2lte er fd)on foeift. — @r tDix^t' and) gem, toarum ©er §err fcom ©alabtn begnabigt toorben, @r ganj aftein. XempeUjerr, 2Bet§ icb ba§ felber? — ©$on ©en §ate entblofct, fcitcf ' id; auf tneinem Mantel, 585 ©en ©treid) erftmrtenb, ate mid) fd^arfer ©alabtn $n3 2luge faftt, mir naljer fyringt unb toinft. 9ttan Ijebt mtcfy auf ; icfy bin entf effelt, toitt 3$m banfen, fety' fein Slug' in Straiten: ftumm 3ft er, bin id) ; er gefyt, id) bleibe, — 2Bie 590 9iun ba§ jufammenljangt, entratjTe ftcfy ©er $atrtarc£)e felbft. Sfofterferuber, @r fd&Iiejjt barau§, ©aft ©ott ju groften, graven ©ingen @u$ Stiij} 1 aufbeljalten l)aben. Semfcenjerr. 3a, ju groften! ©in Subenmabc^en au8 bem gfeu'r 311 retten, \. 2Juf3ug- 5. Sluftritt. 35 595 2Iuf Sinai neugter'ge ^ilger ju ©eleiten, unb bergleidben tnebr. IMofier&ruber. 2Sxrb fd^on SfadE) lommen! — 3ft injtoif$en aucb ntd)t jubel. — 33teHeidE)t fyat felbfi ber ^atriarcf) berettS 2Beit toidbt'gere ©efdbafie flir ben £errn. Xemjjettjerr. 6oo ©o? meint 3$r, ©ruber? $at er gar SudE) fcbon 2Ba§ merfen laffen? SHafter&ruber. ©, ja too^I! — %$ fott SDen §errn nur erft ergrtinben, ob er fo SDer 9Jiann too^I ift. Xempetym. 9hm ja ; ergriinbet nur ! (3dj hritt bod^ febn, tote ber ergriinbet!) — 5lun? fifofterfcruber. 605 2)a3 Surj'fte totrb \vobl fern, baft id; bem §erm ©anj grabeju be3 ^atriarcfyen 2Sunfdf) ©roffne. £empett)err. SDBo^I! SHofterferuber. @r batte burcf) ben §errn ©in 33riefd?en gern BefteUt. Xempelfjerr, 3)urd& mi$? ^dj bin £ein Sote. — ©a3, ba£ frare ba£ ©efctyaft, 610 £)a3 toeit glorreicfrer fei, aU ^ubenmabcfyen 2)em geu'r entreiften? 36 ZTatttanberrDetfe. SHofterBruber. 3Rufe boc^ toofyl ! — 35enn — fagt ®er ^atriardE) — an btefem 33riefcfyen fei 35er ganjen ©fyriftenfyeit fefyr t>iel gelegen, 3)ie§ 93rieftf)en n>o^I befteUt ju baben, — fagt 615 2)er ^}atriar$ — toerb' einft im §itnmel ©ott 9ttit etner ganj befonbern $rone lofynen. Unb biefer Shone — fagt ber $atriar$ — ©et niemanb toiirb'ger ate mein §err. Xempettjerr- ate id&? ©lofterbruber. Qtnn biefe $rone ju fcerbienen, fagt 620 ©er $atrtard) — fei fdi)ft>erli$ jemanb aucfy ©efcfyicfter ate mein §crr. XempeUjerr. Site id&? Slofterbruber. @r fei ipier frei ; form' iiberaE fidf) E>ter befefyn ; 3Serfte^% tote eine ©tabt ju ftiirmen unb 3u fcfurmen ; fonne — fagt ber ^atriard^ — 625 ®ie ©tarl' unb ©d)toci$e ber Don ©alabin SReu aufgefiifyrten, inncrn, jtoeiten 9J?auer ^ * 2lm beften fdE)a|en, fie am beutlidjften S)en ©treitern %vtt&, fagt ber ^atriarcfy, 33ef$reiben. ©uter ©ruber, ioenn idE) bo$ 630 %l\m aucfy be3 23riefdf)en3 nafyern ^nfyalt touftte. \. 2luf3ug. 5. 21 u f t r 1 1 1- 37 SUofterbruber. 3>a ben, — ben toeip \d) mm tr>oi>I nidf)t fo recfyt. 3)a3 Sriefd^en aber ift an $onig SPfyiKity. — 3)er ^atrtard) . . . 3$ ^ a ^' m ^ °f* fjetounbert, 2Bie bod) em §eiltger, ber fonft fo gan$ 635 3 m ^tttwtel lebt, jugletdE) fo tmierricf>tet * Son 2)ingen biefer SBelt ju fetn berab @tc£) laffen lann. @3 mu& ibm fauer toerben. Sempefljerr. 9?un bann? 2)er ^atrtardj? — JHofterbruber. 2Bei§ ganj genau ©anj juDerlafftg, toie unb too, tote ftarf, 640 S3 on toelcfyer ©eite ©alabin, im gall ®3 fcottig toieber Io3gef)t, feinen gelbjug ©roffnen toirb. Xempetyetr. 25a§ toeife er? 5Hofterbntber. ^a, unb mod^t' 6§ gem bem $onig SPfytltyp roiffen laffen, ©amit ber ungefabr ermeffen fonne, 645 Db bie ©efaljr benn gar fo fcfyrecflidE), urn 3Hit ©alabin ben 333affenftilleftanb, £en 6uer Drben fdjon fo brat> gebrod^en, @3 fofte ioa3 e3 tooUe, ftrieber fyer 3u ftellen. Sem^eHjerr* 2M$ ein ^atxxaxd) ! — $a fo ! 650 £)er liebe, ta^fre SJlann toil! micf) &u feinem ©emeinen Soten, totH mid; jum ©pton. — 38 Hainan berlDetfe. ©agt Suerm ^atriarcfyen, guter ©ruber, ©obiel ^i)x micfy ergriinben fonnen, toar' 2)as meine ©a$e nicfyt. — .^3) miiffe mid) 655 9iocfy ate ©efangenen betradEjten, unb 3)er £em£elfyerren etnjiger 33eruf ©ei, mit bem ©cfytoerte brein ju fd^Iagen, nid)t Kunbfcfyafterei ju treiben. $H0fter&ruber, 35a$l' td&'S bod?! — 2BilP8 aud) bem §errn ni$t eben fefyr fcerltbeln. — 660 fttoax Wmmt baf JBefte nod). — S)er $atriard) §iernad)ft fyat auSgegattert, tote bie gfefte ©i$ nennt, unb too auf Sibanon fie Iiegt, $n ber bie ungefyeuren ©ummen ftecfen, Wit toeldjen ©alabin§ fcorfidjt'ger SBater 665 2)a§ §eer befolbet unb bie 3u*fiftangeit m 2)e3 $rteg£ beftrettet. ©alabin fcerfitgt 33ort gett ft* 3 e ^ <* u f abgelegnen 2Begen SRad^ biefer geftc ficfy, nur faum begleitet. — 3fyr merit bocfy? Sempetyerr. 9ttmmermefyr ! £fofter&ruber- 28a3 toare ba 670 2Bofyl leister, al8 be3 ©alabinS ftd) $u Semadjtigen? ben @arau3 ifym §u madden? — 3$r fd^aubert? — D, e3 fyaben fdjon ein $aar ©ott^fiirdEjt'ge SJlaroniten ftd£> erboten, 2Benn nur ein toacfrer Warm fie fiifyren toolle, 675 3)a§ ©tiitf ju toagen. \. 21 u f 3 u g. 5. 21 u f t r 1 1 t. 39 Xempenjerr* Unb ber $atriar$ §atf aud) ju biefem toacfern SUtonne mid) (Srfefyn? Sloftcrbntber, @r glaubt, bap $5nig ^tltyp tooljl Son $toIemai3 au§ bie £>anb fyierju 3lm beftcn bieten fonnc. gjJir? mix, ©ruber? 68o 9Jttr? £>abt 2$r nidfjt gefyort? nur erft gefyort, 2Ba§ fur 3Serbinblicf)Ieit bem ©alabtn 3$ %aht? ^lofierfcruber- SBobI t>aV id&'3 gcprt. Xem^eUjerr. Unb bod?? Hfofterfouber, 3a, — mcint ber $atriardj — ba3 tear' fcf)on gut : ©ott aber unb ber Drben . . . Xmpttytvx. 2tnbern ni$t£! 685 ©ebieten mir fein 33ubenftiicf ! SHoftertiruber. ©etoifs mcE)t ! — 9iur — meint ber $atriar$ — fei Subenftucf S3or 9J?enfcf)en ntd&t au$ SuBenftfidE fcor ©ott. £em}>eH)err, 3$ tear' bem ©alabtn mem Seben fd^ulbig: Unb raubt' ifym feine£? 40 Xlat\\a n oer It)etfe. SHofterfcruber, SPfui ! — ©od; bliebe — meint 690 ©er ^atriarcfy — notf) immer ©alabin ©in geinb ber Sfyriftenfyett, ber (Suer greunb $u fein, lein 3tecf)t ertoerben lonne. Sem^elfjerr, greunb? 2In bem id) blo£ nid)t toiH jum ©cfyurfen toerben, gum unbanlbaren ©cfyurfen? Sfofter&ruber. Stilerbingg ! — 695 fttoax — meint ber ^atriard) — be§ QarxttZ fei Tlan quitt, Dor ©ott unb SJJtenfcfyen quitt, tocnn un§ £)er SDienft urn unfertttullen nid)t gefc^etyen. Unb ba b'erlauten toolle, — meint ber ^atrtarcfy — ©aft (Sudj) nur barum ©alabin begnabet, 700 2Beit ifym in (Surer SUtten', in (Suerm SBefen ©0 toaS toon feinem ©ruber eingeleucfytet . . . Sem^eUjerr* 2lud) biefe§ toeift ber ^atriarcfy, unb botf)? — 2tl)! Vx>are ba3 getoift! 211? , ©alabin! — 2Bie? bie 9?atur Ijatt' aud£) nur (Sinen gug 705 SSon mir in beineS 33ruber§ $orm gebilbet, Unb bem entfyracfye ni$t§ in meiner ©eele? 2Ba§ bem entfpracfye, lonnt' id) junterbrudfen, . Urn einem $atrtar$en ju gefatten? — 9Jatur, fo liigft bu ntcfyt ! ©0 toiberfyricfyt 710 ©id) ©ott in feinen 2Berfen nid)t! — ©efyt, ©ruber! — @rregt mir meine ©alle ntd)t! — ©efyt! gel)t! \. 21 u f 3 u g. 6. 21 u f t r 1 1 t. 41 ftlofterfcruber. !gcf) geb', unb get)' bergniigter, ale id) lam. SScrjeibe mir ber §err. 2Bir Slofterleute Stub fd^ulbtg, unjern Obern ju gefyorcfyem Sedrfter 2tuftritt Xer Xempetfjerr unb £■ a j a , bic ben Xempelfyerm fdjon eine 3ett(ang bon tueitem beobacfjtet Ijatte unb ftcf) nun ifym nafyeri 715 ®er Alofterbruber, toie mid) bunft, liefc in S)er beften Scum' ibn md^t. — £od) mu^ id) mein $Pafet nur toagen. £empett)err. Sftun, bortreffticf) ! — Sitgt ®a£ 'Spricfytoort toobl, baft -JJtondj unb 28eib, unb SBeib Unb 9Jtond) be3 3Teufet3 beibe Krattai jtnb? 720 ©r toirft micfy Ijeut' au3 einer in bie anbre. 3Ba3 fe&' id)? — ©bier fitter, @udj?— ©oti ©an!! ©ott taufenb £>anf ! — 22o babt %bx benn 2)ie gauge $eit geftedEt ? -^- 3$r feib bo$ too^I 9tt$t Iran! getoefen? 9?ein. ©efunb bod)? Xempelfjerr, 3a. 42 Hainan berttJeife. 725 2Bir toaren ©urettoegen h>af>rlic^ ganj Sefummert. SempeUfen*. ©0? 3$r toart getoif$ fcerreift? Xempenjerr, ©rraten ! Unb lamt tyeutf erft ftrieber? ©eftern. 2tud) 9}ed)a§ S3ater ift Ijeut' angefommen. Unb nun barf ^ecfya bo$ too^l fyoffen? Xett$etyen:« 2Ba3? 730 2Barum fie @u$ fo ofter§ bitten laffen. 3fyr SSater labet ©ttcfy nun felber balb SlufS bringlidjfte, @r lommt bon Sabblon 3Jiit jtoanjig fyocpelabenen ^amelen Unb aUcm, U)a§ an ebeln ©pejereien, 735 3ln ©teinen unb an ©toffen $nbten Unb 5p erft en unb ©tyrien, gar ©ina $oftbare§ nur getoafyren. Xtmpttytvx. $aufe nictytS. ©ein SBoII t>eref>ret tfyn al8 einen $urfien. SDotf) baft e§ ifyn ben toetfen SKatfyan nennt \. 2luf3ug. 6. 2luftrttt. 43 740 Unb nicfyt t>ielme^r ben 5tetc§en, I)at tmcfy oft ©eimmbert. Xtmpttytxx. ©einem 93oII ift ret$ unb toetfe SSietteid^t ba£ namltdje. SBor aHem abet ^att'S ifm ben ©uten nennen muffen. S)enn 2$r ftellt @udb gar ntd)t bor, lt>te gut er ift. 745 2113 er erfubr, brie biel ®ud) 9?ed?a fcfyulbig, 2Ba§ fyatt' in biefem Slugenblicfe nxrf)t 6r aHe§ @ud? geifyan, gegeben! 81! SBerfud^t'S unb lommt unb fetyt! Sentyetyerc, 2Ba3 benn? toie fdEmeH @in Slugenblicf fcoriiber ift? §att' idfe, 750 2Benn er fo gut nidE)t fear', e§ tntr fo lange Set iijm gefallen laffen? UJleint S^r ettoa, 3$ fiit)Ie meinen SSert al3 Sbrifttn nid^t? 2ludE) mir toarb'3 bor ber 23iege ntcbt gefungen, Xafy id) nur barum meinem ©fy'gemaf)! 755 5ftacf) ^alaftina folgert tourb', urn ba ©in 3jubenmabcfcen ju erjxe^n. @s toar 9Kein lieber ©b'gemabl ein ebler $ne$t gn $aifer griebri$§ §eere — 44 HatfyanberlDetfe. 35on ©eburt (Sin (Sdjtoeijer, bem bie @l)r' unb ©nabe tt>arb, 760 9Rit ©einer ^aiferlicfyen 9Jtajeftat 3n einem gluffe ju erfaufen. — SBeib ! 2Bie bielmal Ijabt %bx mir ba3 fd^on erjdfylt? §6rt ijfyr benn gar mcfyt auf, mid) 311 berfolgen? Serfolgen! lieber ©ott! Xtmpttytvx. 3a, }a, fcerfolgen. 765 $$ ^K nun einmal @u$ ntdjt toeiter fefyn! 9tt$t Ijoren! 2BtII bon @ud) an eine 3tyat 9ftf$t fort unb fort erirmert fein, bet ber %ett)err» 22a§ foH^ nun aber ba? mag foH'3? 2Ber toeifc! £)ie 5RenfdE>en finb nicfyt tmrner, toa§ fie fdjjeinen. £ent£en)err, £)od) felten ettoa§ SBefjerS. (@r oeftt) SBartet bod) ! £BaS eilt gfyr? Sentyetyet?. 2Beib, ma$t mir bie $almen ni$t 785 33erE>aftt, toorunter i$ fo gern fonft toanble. ©o gefy, bu beutfcfyer Sar ! fo gefy ! — Unb bocfy 9Jtuf$ id) bie ©pur be§ £iere3 nid^t bcrlicren. (Sie Qct)t ifytn Don toeitem nadj.) 3wnttx Jflufjug. (Erfter 2tuftrttt. Scene: be§ Sultcm§ ^alaft. © a I a b i n unb © i 1 1 a fy tyieten ©tfjadj. 2Bo bift bu, ©atabtn? SSie foielft bu ^eui'? Salabitn 3ft$t gut? 3$ ba$te bod^« 6itte|. %ixx mtcfy, unb faum. 790 9itmm biefen gug juriidf. ©alabin, SBarum? ©ittalj, SDer Springer 2Birb unbebecfi. ©alabuu 3ft toafyr. 3fom fo ! ©o jtety' 3$ in bie ©abel ©alabitt, 2Bieber tocfyx. — ©$ad) bann! 46 2. 2Iuf3ug. \. Unfit xtt 47 28a§ fyilft bit ba§? ^cfy fe^e toor, unb bu Sift, toie bu toarft. ■ Satobtn, 2lu§ biefer $Iemme, fef)' 795 3$ too^I, ift oEme 33u£e nidbt jtt fommen. SJJag'g ! nirnrn ben ©pringer nur. Sttfity. 2>4> tt)iH ifm nid)t, $$ get)' borbei. ©alabut, 2) u fdjenfft mir ni$t§. Sir liegt Sin biefem $la£e mefyr ate an bem Springer. $ann fetn. (galabitt. ajfad^ beine 3terfmung nur nicfyt ofyne 8oc Sen Sffitrt. 3)enn fief) ! 23a§ gilt's, ba§ toarft bu nid^t aSermuten? f?reili(^ ni$t. 22ie fount' id) aud) SSermuten, ba§ bu beiner ^onigin ©o miibe toarft? ©alabttt, $cf> meiner $omgin? 3$ fef)' nun fcfyon, id? foil fjeut' meine taufenb 805 ©mar', lein SKaferindben mefyr getoinnen. Safabitt* Sffite fo? 48 HatfyanberlPetfe. grag nod) ! — 2Beil bu mit gletfe, mit after ©etoalt berlteren tmtlft. — £)ocfy babei ftnb' 3$ meine Stemming nicfyt. £)enn aufcer, baft (gin foI$e§ ©piel ba3 unterfyaltenbfte 810 -Kid^t ift, getoann id; immer ntcfyt am meiften 3JHt bit, toenn id) berlor? 2Eenn Ijaft bu mir Sen ©a£, mid) be§ fcerlomen ©£iele3 toegen 3u troften, boppelt nicfyt fyernadj) gefd^enJt ? Salabttt, (Si fief) ! fo batteft bu ja toobl, toenn bu 815 aSerlorft, mit gleift fcerloren, (Sd^n>efterd^en ? gum toenigften lann gar toobl fetn, baft beine greigebigfeit, mein Itebe3 Sruberdjen, @dmlb ift, baft icE) nid^t beffer fpielen lernen. Salabuu 2Bir fommen ah bom ©piele. 3Jtacfy ein (Snbe! 820 ©0 bleibt e§? Sftun benn : ©d)a$ ! unb boJppelt ©dErncfy ! ©alabttu Nun fretlicf), biefe3 3Ibfd^ad^ ^ab' id) nicfyt ©efefyn, ba§ meine ^onigin jugleidf) 9Rit niebertoirft. Stttafj, 2Bar bem no$ abjufyelfen? Saft fetyn. (Sainton, ^ftein, nein ; nimm nur bie $onigtn, 825 3$ toar mit biefem ©teine nie recfyt glucflicty. 2. 2Iuf3ug. \. 2X w f t r 1 1 1. 49 Sittafj, 23Io£ mit bem ©teine? Sctfobut* gort bamit ! — £)a§ tfmt 3Kir ntd^t^. £)enn fo ift afte§ toieberum ©efd&ii$fc ©itfalj, 2Bie fyoflicf) man mit $i>niginnen 9Serfaf)ren miiffe, l)at mein Sruber mtcfj 830 3 U to°fy gelefyrt. (Sie lajjt fxe fteljcn.) Salabtn, Sfttmm ober nimm fie ni$t ! 3^ l)abe feine mefyr. SBoju fie nefymen? ©dfja$! — ©$a$! (Safabtm 9Zur toeiter. (Bitta^ ®$acfy ! — unb ©$ad) ! — unb ©$a$ ! — u fyaft gefoonnen, unb 3H*$afi ja$It. 3Jtan faff ifm rufen! gleicf) ! — 50 Hainan be r ID cife. 2)u fyatteft, ©ittalj, ni$t fo unrest; icfy 2Bar nicfyt fo gan$ Beim ©piele, toar jerftreut. Unb bann : tt>er giebt unS benn bie glattcn ©teine 840 SSeftdnbtg? bie an ni$t3 erinnew, nid)t3 33ejet$nen. §ab' id) mit bem $ mau kenn ©efyieli? — 2>odE) toaS? SBcrluft tottt Sortoanb. Sfacfyt SDie ungeformten ©teine, ©ittafy, finb% ®ie nudj t>erlteren marten: beine $unft, 845 Deux rugger unb fd)neHer 93IidE . . . 6ttta|. 2tuc^ fo 2BiHft bu ben ©tadjel be§ 33erluft§ nur ftumpfen. ©enug, bu toarft gerftrcut, unb mefyr aid i$. Salabut. 2110 bu? 2Ba3 fyatte bid^ jerftreuet? Seine ^erftreuung freilidf) nicfyt ! — D ©alabin, 850 SBann toerben toir fo fleifttg toieber fyielen ! ©alabttt- ©0 fpielen toir urn fo Did gieriger ! — Sty ! toeil e3 toieber loSgefyt, tncinft bu ? — 3Jtog'8 ! — 9hir ju ! — S$ ^ al & e ntcfyt giaexrft gejogen ; $dE) fyatte gem ben ©txlleftanb auf3 neue 855 33erlangert; fyatte meiner ©ittcty gem, ©ern einen guten SJJann gugleid^ fcerfd&afft. Unb ba§ muft SRtctyarbS Sruber fein ; er ift $a 9iicfyarb§ SSruber. SBenn bu beinen 9tt$arb 9£ur lofcen fannft! 2- 2Iuf3ug. \. tfufiritt. 51 ©alabitt, SBenn unferm 33ruber 9JWe! 860 &ann 9ttd?arb§ ©djtoefter toar' 311 £eile ftorben: §a! toeld; exn £au3 jujammen! §a, ber erften, SDer beften §aufer in ber SBelt ba§ befte! — 3)u ^orft, icf) bin micfy felbft ju loben aucfy 5fticf)t faul. $$ biinf mi$ metner greunbe toert. — 865 3)a§ fyatte SKenfdjen geben fotten ! bae! §ab' icf) be* fd;onen Xraum§ rtid^t gletd; gelad^t ? 35u fermft bic Sljriften nicbt, \mll\t fie nicfyt fennen. $ijr ©tolj ift : Gfjriften fein, nicfjt 9Jienfcben. 3)enn ©elbft ba§, toaS no$ fcon tfyrem ©tifter Ijer 870 3Wtt 3ttenfd)Ucbfett ben 2tberglauben toirjt," 2)a§ lieben fie, nidt toeil e§ menfcblid) ift: SBeiPS 6f)riftu§ lefyrt, toeil'S SbriftuS E?at getfyan. — 2Bof)I iljnen, ba§ er fo ein guter SCTtenfd^ 9tod^> faar ! 9Botyl ifynen, baft fie feine Sugenb 875 2Iuf Sreu' unb ©lauben neljmen fonnen! — £>o$ 2Ba3 Sugenb? — ©eine Sugenb nid)t, fein 9?ame ©oil iiberaH fcerbreitet toerben, foil 2)ie 9iamen after guten N D?enfcben fcfyanben, 33erf$lingen. Urn ben Xiamen, urn ben -Kamen 880 ^ft ifynen nur ju tfyum ©alaMtt. S)u tneinft, Saturn ©ie fonft t>erlangen toiirben, baft awfy ifyr, 2luc^ bu unb 9Mef, Gfyriften bieftet, efy' 3lte e^gemaf)! ifyr Sfyriften lieben ftofttet? Bittal). $a tootyU Site toar' fcon Gtjriften nur, al§ ©Ijriften, 52 tfatfyanberlDetfe. 885 £)te Siebe ju getoartigen, toomit 25er ©cfydpfer 9Jlann unb tannin auSgeftattet I Safabitt, 2)ie (Sf?riftert glauben mebr Strmfeltgfeiten, 31IS baft fie b i e nid)t aucfy nod; glauben fonnten ! — Unb gIetd)toof)[ irrft bu bid;, — 3Me £empell)erren, 890 3Me E^riften nid)t, finb fc£)iilb, finb, ni$t ate Sljriften, 2tl3 Sempelljerren fcfmlb. SDurdE) bie aUein SBirb au3 ber ©a$e nidjts. ©ie frooCen Sicca, $Da§ 5ttd6arb3 ©cE>toefter unferm SBruber 2ttelel 3um Srauifcfyaij bringen muftfe, fcfylecfyterbingS 895 9ftdj?t fasten laffen. ©aft be§ fitters SBorteil ©efaf)r nid^t laufe, tyielen fie ben Wonty, ©en albern 3JWnc§. Unb ob fcteHetd&t im $luge Sin guter ©treid) gelange, fyahzn fie 35e§ SOBaffenftttteftanbeS Slblauf laum 900 Srtoarten fonnen. — Suftig I 3^ur fo toeiter! %i)x §erren, nur fo ftetter ! — 9Jlir fdfjon rec^t ! — 28 ar' aHe3 fonft nur, toie e£ tniiftte. 3fam? 2Ba§ irrte bi<§ benn fonft? 2Ba§ lonnte fonft 2)icfy au§ ber $affung bringen? Safabtit, 23a£ t>on je 905 9Jti$ immer au3 ber $affung ^t gebrad^t. — 3$ tear auf Sibanon, bei unferm 23ater, ©r unterliegt ben ©orgen nod; . . . Sitta^ 2. 2Iuf3ug, 2. Sluftrttt. 53 @r farm nidEjt burrf) ; e3 flemmt fief) aHer Drten ; g3 feE>rt balb ba, balb bort — 2Sa§ Ilemmt? toa3 fetylt? <3alabtm 910 98a§ fonft, al§ ft>a3 icfy laum §u nennen toiirb'ge? SBa3, toenn tcf)'3 fyabe, mir fo iiberftiif fig, Unb-fyab' id^S nid^t, fo unentbefyrlicE) fd^etnt. — 2Bo bleibt 2Ik§aft benn? 3ft niemanb nad) 3$m au3? — £)a§ leibtge, fc>ertounfd£)te ©elb ! — 915 ©ut, §aft, baf$ bu fommft. <5tt>eiter Jluftritt. 2) e r 3) e r to i j d) 2H * $ a f i. d? nidjt. $d) benfe, baft i$ ^ter fie in ©mpfang foil nefymen. (Balabtu* 3aI)I an ©ittafe taufenb 920 3)inare ! (3n ©ebanfen f)in= unt> Ijergefyenb.) 54 XTatfjanberlDetfe. 3af)l! anftatt empfartg! D fcfyon! ®a§ i(t fur toa£ nocfy toeniger al§ mcfyts. — 2ln ©ittal)? — imeberum an ©tttafy? Unb SBcrlorcn? — fateberum im ©djacf) berloren? — 5Da ftetyt e§ no$, ba3 ©piel! £)u gonnft mir bod) 925 9ttem ©Hid? (ba§ Spiel betradjtenb). 2Ba§ gonnen? 2Bemt — 3$r totftt ja toofyl. Stttaf) (tfjm roinfenb). 33ft! £afi! bft! 3H=&aft (no$ auf ba§ Spiel gertdjtet). ©onrtt'3 ©ucf) nur felber erft ! 3tU$aft, bft ! 9U*$aft (au ©ttta§). SDte 2Beiften toaren @uer? 3^r bietet ©$a$? ©ut, ba§ er ni$t3 gefyori! 3U=#aft. 9fam ift ber gug an ifym? ©tttfll) (i&m naljer tretenb). ©0 fage bo$, 930 ©af$ tcfy mem ©elb be!ommeu farm. 2. :iuf3ug. 2* 2luftrttt. 55 (nod) auf ba§ Spiel gcfjeftet). ■ftun ja, 3ifyr foKt'3 befommert, tote %t)T'$ ftets befommert. 3tttalj. 2Bie? bift bu tott? Da3 ©piel ift ja nidbt au§. 2$r Babt ja rtid£)t fcerloren, Salabin. ^alabilt (faum ^tnprenb). £ocb! bod^ ! 23ejabl ! bejaf>l! «l*$aft. Seja^l! 6eja$t! 935 ® a fttfyt ja Gure £i3rtigtn. Stalabut (nocf> fo). ©ilt nidjt ; ©ef)5rt nicbt mefyr in§ Spiel. Sittaf). ©o mad^ unb fag, 35a£ idf) ba§ ©elb mir mir farm bolert laffen. «£$aft (nodj unmet in ba§ Spiel bertieft), 33erfte§t ficfy, fo tote immer. — SScnn audE) fdE)on, 23erm audE) bic Konigin nt$t§ gilt : %hx feib 940 £)odE) barum no$ ntdjt matt. (5alabin (tritt fyingu unb nrirft ba§ Spiel urn). $cfy bin e3, hrill @§ fein. 56 Haitian berrDetfe. 5U£afu $ja fo ! — Spiel tote ©etoinft ! ©o tote ©etoonnen, fo bejafylt. (galabin (&u bodf) ni(f)t? 3luf meine Sdfytoefter nicfyt? — 2Ba§ fyor' id&, §afi? SRexbif dE> ? 3)u? $ann fein! $ann fein ! — 3$ W^ $ x §^ rn ^°^ ^ e ^ er f et ^/ SDBar' lieber felbft fo gut ate fie. ©tttal), Snbeg §at er bocfy immer rid^tig nod) bejafylt, 950 Unb toirb aud; fyeuf Bejafylen. 2af$ tf;n nur! — ©ety nur, 3n*$afi, gefy ! %$ toiff ba§ ©elb ©cfyon fjolen laffen. 2K=£aft, Sftein, icfy fyiele langer ©ie SJhnnmerei nid)t mit. @r mu£ e§ bo$ @inmal erfafyren. ©alabitn 2Ber? unb toas? 2. 2Iuf3ug. 2. 2Inftrttt. 57 3H*£afi! 955 3ft btefe^ bein SSerf^rcd^cn? §alift bu fo 9J?tr SBBort? «fc£itft. 3Bie fonnt' id£) glauben, ba£ e§ fo 2Beit geljen toiirbe. @afabht« Rim? erfafyr' idj ntcfjtS? ©tttal). 3$ bitte bid), 2ll=§afi, fei befcfjetben. Salabtit* £)a3 tft bod^ fonberbar! SSa§ fonnte ©tttafy 960 So feierlidb, fo toavm bet einem ^remben, 93et einem Sertoifd) lieber al£ bet mir, 33ei ibrem ©ruber, fid) berbitten tooHen. W^aji, nun befell' id). — 3iebe, Sertoifd)! ©tttalj, 2a£ eine $(einigfeit, mein ©ruber, btr 965 %l\d)t nafyer treten, al3 fie toiirbig tft. 3)u toetftt, idf) fyabe ju fcerfd&iebnen- Sftalen SMefelbe Summ' im @cba$ Don bir getoonnen. Unb toetl id) je£t ba§ GTelb nid)t notig I)abe, 2BeiI jefct in £ap $affe bod? ba3 ©elb 970 3lid)t eben aUju fyauftg ift, fo finb 2)ie ^often fte^n geblieben. 2(ber forgt ' 9iur mdE)t! 3$ h>iH fie toeber bir, mein ©ruber, SJtocfy §afi, nod) ber $affe fd^enfen. 2tt=£afl 3*/ 2Benn'3 ba3 nur toare! ba3! 58 ZTatfjan ber IPetfe. Unb mebr bergletcfyen. — 975 3tudE) ba§ ift in ber Saffe ftefyn geblieben, 2Ba§ bu mir etnmal auSgetoorfert, ift' ©ett toenig Sflonben fteljrt geblieben. m$t alleS. (Satabin. 9?ocf) mctyt? — SBirft bu reben? 5tt=£aft. ©eit au§ Stgfypten toir ba3 ©elb ertoarten, 980 §at fie . . . (Btttaf) foil ealabin). 2Boju ifyn fyoren? 5tl=§afu JJicfyt nur ni$t3 Selommen . . . Salabitt, ©ute3 SSJiabd^en! — 2tuc§ Better 3Mit ; borgefd)offen. SKtd&t? 2tt=£afu Sen ganjen §of Straiten; Suern 2{ufft)anb ganj aHein Seftritten. (Sainton, £>a! ba£, ba3 ift meine ©c^toefter ! (Ste umarmenb.) eitta^ 985 SBer fyattt, bie§ ju fonnert, midfj fo rei$ ©emacfyt ate bu, mein 33ruber? 2. 2luf3ug. 2. aiuftritt. 59 2a=£afi. 2Birb f$on and) ©o bettelarm fie toieber madden, aU @r felber ift. Salabttt. 3d) arm? ber Sruber arm? 2Benn fyaV id) mefyr? toenn toeniger gebabt? — 99 o Sin RUxi, @in ©d&toert, ©in $ferb — unb (Sinen ©ott! 2Ba§ braucfj' ic£> mefyr? 933 enn faring an bem mir fefylen? Unb bodf), Sll^afi, fonnf id) mit bir fdjelten. ©tf)ilt nid&t, mein 33ruber. 2Benn id) unferm SSater Stud^ feine ©orgen fo erletd^tern fonnte ! Salabttu 995 211) ! 211) ! 5JJun f d)lagft bu meine greubigfeit 2luf einmal toieber nieber ! — 3JJir, fur midE) gefylt m$t§, unb lann ni$t§ fefylen. 2tber ifym, 3$m fetylei, unb in il)m un§ alien. — ©agt, 3S3a^ foil id; madden? — 2lu3 2Igt)pten fommt iooo 35ielleirf)t nod) lange nitf)t3. SBoran ba£ liegt, SBeift ©ott. @£ ift bod) ba nocfy aHe§ rul)tg. — aibbrec^en, einjiefm, fpatm toil! tcfy gem, SUiir gem gefaUen laffert, toenn e£ mid), Sloft mtdji betrtfft, bloft mtdj, unb niemanb fonft 1005 3)aruntet leibet. — £)od) toa3 lann ba§ madden? ©n ^Jferb, ©in $Ietb, (Sin ©dfjtoert muft idE) bod) I)aben. Unb meinem ©ott ift and) nid)t$ qi&ubingen. 2$m g'ntigt fd^on fo mit toenigem genug, 9JJit meinem §erjen. — 2tuf ben Uberfcfyuft 1010 3Son beiner $affe, §afi, I)att' id) fel)r ©erecfynet. 60 Hatfyanberttfetfe. lXberf tfmfc? — ©agt felber, ob Sfyr mi$ nicfyt Ejdttet fpte^en / Vuenxgften^ 3Jitcf) broffeln laffert, tt)enn auf Uberfdmft 3 eren ^ ne * ®hm faat 5ftir ein, ge^ort ju I)aben, §afi, ba£ 3)ein greunb juritcfgefommen. 2. 2tuf3ug. 2. 21uftritt. 61 5((=§afi (betroffen). greunb? tnein greunb? SBer toar' berm ba§? 3)ein fyodjgeprtef'ner ^ u ^» 2H=§aft, ©eprief'ner 2>ube? I)od; t>on mtr? S)em ©oit, — 1035 5TRtc^> benlt be§ 2Iuebruc!3 nod) red^t tootyl, be3 einft 3)u felber bidj bon t(jm bebienteft, — bem @ein ©ott bon alien ©titern biefer SJBeft 2)aS fleinft' unb grofete fo in boflem 9JJaf$ ©rteilct fyabe. — ©agt' idj fo? — 28a3 meint' 1040 S^ ^ enn bamit? ©a§ Heinfte: ^eidrtum. Unb SDaS grofcte: SBeiSfyeit. 3Sie ? bon etnem guben? 3Son etnem $uben 6Stf idjj ba3 gefagt? ©ittal). £)a3 fyatteft bu bon betnem 9tatban ntcfyt ©efagt? 8K*$aft. ^a fo ! Don bem ! bom 9?atfyan ! — gtel 1045 3K^ ker k°$ S ar n ^^ ^- — 2Bafyrl)aftig? S)er 62 HatfyanberlDetfe. 3ft enblid) toieber fyetm gelommen? Si! ©o mag'S bod) gar fo fd)ted)t mit iljm nicfyt ftefyn. — ©anj recfyt: ben nannV einmal ba§ SBolf ben SSeifen ! 2)en ^eidEjen audi). ©tttalj, SDen S^etd^en nennt e§ iljn 1050 3 e £t mefyr al8 je. £)ie ganje ©tabt erfdjaUt, 2Ba£ er fiir $ofibarfeiten, toa§ fiir ©dba^e @r mttgebracfyt. 3tt=§afi. 9iun, ift'3 ber 9tei#e . toieber, ©0 toirb'S audj tootyl ber 3Beife toieber fein. 28a3 meinft bu, §afi, toenn bit btefen angingft? 1055 Unb toa§ bet tfym? — $)od) toofyl nid?t borgen? — $ja, 5Da lennt 2$r tfyn. — @r borgen ! — ©eine 2Bei^eit 3ft eben, bafc er memanb borgt. ©ittaf). $11 ^aft 9ftir fonft bocfy gang em artber SBilb Don ifym ©emacfyt. »fc$afu 3ur 5Kot ftirb er @ud£) 23aren borgen. 1060 @elb aber, ©elb? ©elb nimmermefyr. — ©3 ift (Sin 3 u ^ e fretttcfy iibrigem?, faie'3 nid^t SSiel guben giebt. gr fyat SBcrftanb ; er toeife 3u leben, tytelt gut ©cf)ad^. 3)od; jetdmet er 3m ©djlecfyten fid) ntd^t minber aU im ©uten 1065 3Son alien anbcrn 3 u ^ en au ^. — SCvif ben, 2. 2luf3ug. 2. tfuftrttt. 63 2luf ben nur rennet nidE>t. — ©en Slrmen giebt @r %toax, unb giebt iuettei6t'troi$ Salabtn, 2Benn fd^on nicfyt gan$ fo toiel, bod^ ganj fo gem, 2)o$ ganj fo fonber 2InfeEm. Sub' unb Gfyrtft 1070 Unb Sftufelmann unb $arfi, atte3 ift 3fym ein£. ©tttalj. Unb fo ein SSJfann . . . Salabht. SSie fommt e£ benn, 2)a§ idj t>on biefem Sftanne nie gefyort? . . . 2)er foHte ©alabin nid£)t borgen? nic^t S)em ©alabin, ber nur fur anbre braud^t, 1075 Sftfcfct fief)? S)a f eE>t nun gteid) ben ^uben Vx>ieber, 3)en ganj gemeinen ^uben ! — ©(aubt mir'3 bodf) ! — @r ift auf3 ©eben lv eudf) fo eiferfudjtig, @o neibifcf)! 3ebe§ So §11 Don ©ott, bag in ©er 2Belt gefagt toirb, jog ? er lieber ganj 1080 2lUein. 9Zur barum ^n leifjt er feinem, ©amit er ftets $u geben fyahz. 2SeiI ®ie SRilb' ifym im ©efei$ geboten, bie ©efatligfeit t£?m aber nidjt geboten, tnacfyt Sic $R\W ityn ju bem ungefalligften 1085 ©efetten auf ber SSelt. 3^ ar & n t$ f e ^ ©eraumer 3 e ^ e ™ toenig iibem gu£ 9Jtit ibm gefyannt; bodf) benlt nur nid&t, baft id? 3fym barum nid)t ©erecf)tigfeit erjeige. @r ift ju atlem gut, bloft baju ni$t, 64 Hainan berlPetfe. 1090 93(of; baju tt>a^rlic^ tud&t. 3$ toitf au $ 9^ 9?ur gefyn, an cmbre S^iiren flopfen . . . 2) a 33eftnn' td) mtdf) foeben etne§ ^Jttofyren, 2)er reicf) unb geijig tft. — 3$ Q*fy\ t$ 9 e ^« 2Ba§ ciift bu, ©aft? ©alabuu £a£ tfyn! Iafe tfm! Dritter tfuftrttt. ©tttalj. @ a la bin. SttiaJj, ©It 1095 @r bodj, ate ob er mir nur gem entfame ! — 2Ba3 fyetfet ba§? — §at er Vutrflid^ fic^> in ifym 33etrogen, ober — mocfyt' er un$ nur gern 93etriegen? Salabtn, SBte? ba£ fragft bu mid)? %<$ toetfr 3 a faum, bon toem bie 3tebe tear, unb I)6re 1 100 3Son euerm guberf, euerm 9?atljan fyeut' 3um erftenmal. Si&ty. 3ft'8 moglirf;? ba& ein SJtann 2)ir fo berborgen blieb, Don bem e3 fyetftt, @r fyabe ©alomon§ unb 35abib§ ©raber a -- @r'forfd;t unb totffe beren ©iegel burcfy 1 105 ©in ma$ttge$, gefyetrneS 2Bort ju lofen? 2. 2Iuf 3ug. 3. 2luftrt tt. 65 2lus ifynen bring' er bann fcon gett ju $ett „ 2)te unermefclicfyen SReid^tiimer an ©en £ag, bie feinen minbern Quell fcerrieten. Salabin. §at feinen 9teid)tum biefer 9Rann au$ ©rabern, mo ©o toaren'3 fidjerlicf) nicbt Salomon^, 9iicbt 3)at)ib§ ©raber. barren lagen ba Segraben ! Dber 935f ctoic^tcr ! — 2tu$ $ft feinen 3ietdj)tum$ Quelle toeit ergtebiger, 2Beit imerfcbopfltcfyer aU fo ein ©rab 1115 SBoII Sftammon. oll ©ntjitcfen 1 120 §utjugefugt, tote .grog, toie ebel biefer ©ein greunb dntoenbe, toa3 fo Hug unb emfig @r ju ertoerben fur ju ftein nidf)t adf)te ; §injugefitgt, toie frei toon 35orurtei(en ©ein ©etft, fein §er$ toie offen jeber £ugenb, 1125 2Bie eingeftimmt mil jeber ©rf)5nfjeit fei. Salabitt. Unb je$t faracf) §aft bod^ fo ungetoi^, ©0 fait fcon ti)m. (Bittaf). Rait nun toobl nid^t; berlegen. 2113 fyalt' er'£ fiir gefafyrlicb, ifyn ju loben, 66 Zl a tl\ an ber IDeife. Unb tooW tfm unberbient bodj and) ntdEjt tabeln. — 1 130 28te? ober Wax' e£ totrflidE) fo, bafc felbft £)er Sefte femes Soiled feinem SSoIfe 9itd)t ganj entflieljen lann? bafc totrllid^ ficfy 2U=£)afi feirte^ $reunb£ toon biefer ©ette 3u fcfyamen fyatte? — ©et bem, tote tfym tooHe! — 1135 3)er 3jub', fet tnefyr ober toeniger 21(3 3jub', ift ^ nur retcfy: genug fur un§! ©alafcuu £)u toiHft ifjm aber borf) ba§ (Seine nut ©etoalt nid^t nefymen, ©cfytoefter? ©tttai), Set bit ©etoalt? 5DKt geu'r unb ©d)toert? 9?ein, nein, 1 140 2Ba§ braudbt e3 bei ben ©cfytoacfyen fur @etoalt 2113 ibre ©dE)toa$e? — Somm fur je£t nur mtt ijn meinen §aram, eine ©angertn 3u fyoren, bte id) geftern erft gefauft. > S3 retft inbefe bet mtr DxeHexd^t em ainfd^Iag, 1 145 SDen id) auf biefen Wafyan fyabz. — Somm! Pterter" 2luftritt. Scene: t>or bem §aufe be§ Dlatfyan, mo e§ an bte batmen ftfl&t. died) a unb 91 at I) an lommen Ijeraus. 3 U ^ nen ®aj[a» *fietf|a. Sfyr fyabt @nd) fc^r fcertoeilt, mem 33ater. @r 2Btrb faum nodf> mefyr ju treffen fein. ^atljan. ^un, nun; 2Benn F>ter, fyter untern ^Salmen fcfyon ntcfyt mefyr, 2. 21 u f 3 n g. 4. 21 u f t r 1 1 1. 67 2)od) ctnbertoartS. — Set je|t nur rubtg. — ©telj! 1150 $ommt bort nicbt ©aja auf un3 ju? metfia. ©ie Votrb 3#n gan$ getoi^ berloren (jaben. 2luc$ 2Sof)I mc$t. ©ie toiirbe fonft gefdjtoinber fommen. ©ie fyat un§ toofyl nodf) nicbt gefefm . . . 5Run fieE>t ©ie un§. *Ratl)an, Unb boppelt ifyre ©$ritte. ©iefy! — 1155 ©ei bo$ nur rufyig ! ruljig ! SBolItet gfor 2Bofyl eine Softer, &ie E?ter rufyig mdre ? ©id) unbefiimmert licfee, toejfen 23obltbat 3$r Seben fei? %bx Seben, — ba3 ibr nur ©0 Iieb, toeil fie e3 @ud) juerft fcerbanfet. 1 160 gd; modE)te bic^> nid^t anbere, aU bu bift, %uaja. — 9Zun? 5iocf) toanbelt er E^ier untern ^alrnen unb 2Birb gletd) urn jene 9Jiauer fommen. — ©efyt, 1175 35a lommt er ! dlttiia. 211) ! unb fcfyeinet unentfc^Ioffen, 2BoI)in? ob toeiter? ob I)inab? ob red)t£? Db Iini8? !Kem, nein ; er mad)t ben SSeg um§ Softer ©emift nod) ofter, unb bann mu£ er I)ier SBorbeu — SBBa8 flilt'8? Wtti\a. Sftedjt ! rec^t ! — Jpaft bu tl)n fcfyon 1180 ©efyrocfyen? Unb toie ift er E)eut T ? SSie immer. 2. Z(uf3ug. 5. 2Iuftritt. 69 ©o macfyt nur, baft er eudEj bier nicfyt getoafyr SBirb. £retet mebr juriicf. ©ebt lieber ganj fitnein. 3Ked>a. •Kur einen SBIicf nod) ! — 2tE> ! bie §edEe, 3)ie mtr ifyn ftiefylt. Somittt! lommt! 3)er 33ater t)at 1 185 ©anj redjt. gfyr lauft ©efafyr, toenn er ©utf) fieljt, 2)aj$ auf ber ©tell' er umfefyrt. 2l£> ! bie §ecfe ! Unb fommt er plo^lidj} bort au£ if)r fyerfcor, ©0 lann er anber§ nidjt, er mu$ eudt) fefyn. S5rum geljt bodj nur ! £ommt! fommt! $$ toeift eingenfter, 1 190 2lu§ bem fair fie bemetfen fonnen. 3a? (Setbe f)inein.) tffinfter tfuftrttt, SRatfyan mtb balb barauf ber X e m p e 1 1) e r r. gaft fctyeu' id? micfy be£ ©onberlingS. gfaft mad^t Uftd; feine raulje £ugenb ftufen. 2)aft @m SKenfc^ bocf) einen Sttenfcfyen fo fcerlegen ©oil madden fonnen ! — §a ! er lommt. — Sei ©ott ! 70 Hattjan ber IDetfe. 1195 @in bungling tote em SUlann. $dE) mag tfyn toofyl, 2)en guten, tro^ r gen Slid ! ben braden ©ang ! 2)ie ©cfyale fann nur bitter fein, ber $ern Sft'S ficfyer nicf)t. — 28o faf) id) bod) bergleicfyen? — SSergei^et, ebler granfe . . . 2Ba3? ©rlaubt . . . SempeUjerr. 1200 3Ba3, Sube? toag? ©aft id> mid? unterfteb', ©ud) anjureben. Sempettjerr. ®ann td&'S toefyren? 2)ocfy 9iur furj. Xfttytut. SBerjiefyt, unb eitet ni$t fo ftolj, 9tt$t fo &era$tli$ einem 3JJann fcoritber, ©en ^t)r auf etoig @udj fcerbunben fyabt. Xtmpttytxv. 1205 2Bie baS? 211), faft crrat' icfy'g. 9ftcfyt? g^r feib . . . 9?atfjatt. 3d; fyeifte 9?atf)an, bin beg 9J?abd)eng 93ater, Sag dure ©roftmut aug bem geirr gerettet, Unb lomme ... Sempelljerr. SSenn ju banfen, — fpart'S ! $$ ^B' Urn biefe $letmgfeit beg S)anfe8 f$on 2. 21 u f 3 u g. 5. 21 n ft tit t. 71 1210 $u t>tel erbulben mufjen. — SSoffenbs %t)t, %bx feib mir gar m$t§ fcfrulbig. 2Bu£t' id? benn, 2>aj3 biefe» 3Rab<$en (Sure loiter toar? @3 ift ber £em!pelberren SPflid&t, bem erften, ©em beften betjufyringen, beffen 3lot 1215 ©ie fefyn. 3Rein Seben tear mtr ofmebem 3>n biefem 2lugenblicfe taftig. ©ern, ©el)r -gem ergriff id) bie ©elegenfyeit, @3 fiir em anbreS Seben in bie ©djange $u fd^lagen, fiir ein anbre£, — toemt'g aucfy nur 1220 2Da§ Seben einer gubin toare. ©rofe! ©roft unb abfd?euttd> ! — £)odf) bie SBenbung lafet ©i$ benfen. 2>ie befcfyeibne ©rdfte fIiidE)tet ©i$ binter ba£ Slbfcbeulictye, urn ber 23eft>unb'rung auejufteidjen. — 2lber toenn 1225 ©ie fo ba§ Dpfer ber Setounberung 33erfd)tnaf)t, toa§ fiir ein Dpfer benn berf$ma§t ©ie mtnber? — fitter, toenn l^fyr f)i er n id>* fremb Unb nidE)t gefangen tearet, toixxV icfy Sucb ©0 breift nicf)t fragen. ©agt, befefylt, toomit 1230 Kami man @ud? bienen? Sentyelljenr. $f>r? SWit nid&». gin reiser 9Jtann. £)er reid^e ^ u ^ e ^ ar 9tttr nie ber beffre %ubz. 3$ bin 72 HatfjanberlDeife. 3)iirfi 3$r benn 3)arum nic^t niit$en, toa§ bemungeacfytet- (^ @r 33effre§ fyat? ntcfyt feinen ^eid^tum nii^en? 1235 ?Jun gut, ba§ VotCC id) aucfy nicfyt ganj berreben; Urn meine£ 9Jtantel3 ttntten nicfyt. ©obalb ©er ganj unb gar t) erf cb I iff en, toeber ©ttclj - *^ **' f yiotf) getje Idnger fyalten Vx>iH, fomrn' tcfy Unb borge mir bet @utf) ju einem rteuen 1240 %\xeit 3Rxt ifym. %t)x fefyt, er ift fo jiemltcfy nocfy ^m ©tanbe. 9iur ber cine Btyf^-feft^ §at einen garft'gen %Ud) er ift berfengt. 1245 Unb ba§ befam er, al8 id? Sure £od£)ter 2)urd)3 getter trug. ^at^att (ber natf) bem Stpfel gretft unb tt)n betracfytet). @3 ift bodj fonberbar, ©af$ fo ein bofer $lecf, ba£ fo ein SBranbmal 2)em SRann ein beff're$ 3 eu 3™3 re ^ et a ^ ©ein eigner -JJlunb. $$ mod^t' x£?n fitffen gleitf) ■ — 1250 ©en gtecfen ! — 2If>, t>ergeif>t ! — gcfy tljat e3 ungern. £em£elf)err* 2Ba3? (Sine Sfyrane fiel barauf. Xem^eUjerr* Sfyut nicbtS ! @r fyat ber £ro£fen mefyr. — (SBalb aber fangt 3JJicfy biefer ^ub' an ju fcertotrren.) 2. 2luf3ug. 5. HnftrVtl 73 2Bar't 3$r toobl fo gut unb fd^itftet @uern 3JtanteI 1255 2Iu$ cinmal meinem 9Jtab$en? XempeUjerr. SBaS bamit? SRatljan. Stud? ibren 9Jiunb auf biefen gletf ju briicfen. 3)enn Sure Kniee felber ju umfaffen, 2Bunf(f)t fie nun toofyl bergeben§. £em£elf)err* 2lber, $ube — . 2ftr fyet^et SRatyan? — 2Iber, SRat&an — 3&r 1260 ©et$t @ure 2Borte feljr — fefjr gut — feljr fytfc — $dE) bin betreten — 2Werbing3 — \i) Ijcttte . . . ^atfjatt, ©tellt unb berfieHt @ud&, hrie $br toaHt. 3$ pnb' 2lucfy f)ter @ud) au3. — ^fyr toar't ju gut, ju bteber, Urn Ijoflicfyer ju fein. — 2)a3 3Jttibd;en ganj 1265 ©efiifyl, ber tx>eiblirf>e" ©efanbte ganj ©ienftfertigfett, bev SSater toett entfernt — Sfyr trugt fiir ibren guten Seamen ©orge, gloljt iljre ^rufung, flofyt, urn nicbt 511 ftegen. 2tucfy bafiir ban!' id) (Sucfy — Sem^elljerr* 3d& muft geftefyn, 1270 3#r totfet, tote Sem^elijerren benlen fottten. 9?ur Sem^elberren? follten bloft? unb b!o£ 3Beil e3 bie Drben3regeln fo gebieten? 74 ZlatfyanberlDetfe. 3$ toeifc, tone gute SJtenfcfyen benfen, tt>eijs, 35aft atle Sanber gute SSJtenfdjen tragen. ^em^ettjerr* 1275 5Rit Unterfdjieb, bocfy fyoffentlicfy? $latf)an* 2In garb', an ^letbung, an ©eftalt fcerfcfyieben. Slucf) I)ier balb mefyr, balb toeniger a(3 bort. 9Jttt btefem Unterfcfjieb tft'S nicfyt tt>ext fyer. 35er grofte SJlann brautf)t liberall Diet Soben, 1280 Unb tnefyrere, ju nal) gepflanjt, jerfcfylagen ©ic§ nur bie 3lfte. 3ttittelgut, n>ie toir, ginb't ftcf) fytngegen liberall in SCRenge. 5J?ur muft ber etne nicfyt ben anbern maleln ; yinx muft ber $norr ben $nubben fyiibfcfy bertragen ; 1285 9Jur muft ein ©ipfelcfyen fief) nic^t fcermeffen, ©aft e§ attem ber ©rbe nidjt entfdEjoffen. Xtmpttytvx. ©eljr toofyl gefagt! — ©0$ lennt $fyr aud) ba£ SSoII, ©a3 biefe 9Jtenfcf)enmaIelei guerft ©etrieben? 2Biftt Sfor, Jtatfyan, tt>eld&e8 SBoIf 1290 3 uer ft ^ a ^ au§ertt)at)lte 3SoIf ficfy nannte? 2Bie? toenn id) biefe§ SSoll nun, jtoar ni$t Ijaftte, ©od) toegen feineS ©tolje^ ju beracfyten 9JUd) nicfyt entbredjen fonnte? ©eineS ©toIje3, ©en e§ auf ©fjrift unb SJtufelmann fcererbte, 1295 9?ur fern ©ott fei ber recite ©ott! — gfyr fhifct/" ©aft id), ein ©fyrift, ein £em!pelljerr fo rebe? 2. 2Iuf3ug. 5. 2Iuftrttt. 75 2Benn f)at, unb too bte fromme 9iaferei, £)en beffern ©ott ju f^aben, btefen beffern 3)er ganjen SEBelt al§ beften aufjubringen, 1300 %n tEyrer fd&toarjeften ©eftalt fief) mefyr ©ejeigt aU f)ier, ate jei$t? SBem Ijier, toem jje^t Die ©djuppen nid^t bom 2tuge fallen . . . 35od& ©et blinb, toer totH ! — 23ergej3t, toaS i$ gefagt, Ullb la^t mid) ! (SBiB ge^en.) §a! 3#r toifct ntrfjt, toie btel fefter 1305 3$ nu ^ m ^ cm ®u$ brangen toerbe. — Slommt, 2Sir miiffen, miiffen greunbe fein ! — SSerad^tet gjiein SBoH, fo fef)r ^br toollt. 2Btr f>aben beibe Un3 unfer 33oH nid;t auserlefen. ©inb ffiir unfer SBoH? 23a3 ^eifet beroi SBoH? 1310 ©inb Shrift unb 3 u ^ e e ^ er Shrift unb ^ube 2U§ 3Kenfd) ? 21E) ! toenn icfy einen mebr in Sud) ©efunben ^atte, bem e* g'niigt, em SJienfcfy 3u fyeifsen! ga, bei ©ott, ba3 fyabt g$r, 9?atf)an! SDa3 fyaht g^r! — @ure.§anb ! — gdb fcfyame mtd&, 1315 @u$ einen 2lugenblid fcerfannt ju Ijaben. 9?atyait. Unb id? bin ftblg barauf. 9lur ba§ ©emeine 3Serlennt man felten. Xtmpttytxv. Unb ba§ ©eltene gSergi^t man fcfytoerlidE). — %latban, ja ; 2Bir miiffen, miiffen greunbe toerben. 76 Haitian ber ttJetfe. ©inb 1320 @3 fd^on. — 2Bte totrb fid) metne S^ed^a freuen ! Unb at) ! toelcty eine Retire gerne fcfyliejjt an! Maim- SKun? SBerjeifyet, ebler Slitter, baft icfy @u$ 9Jiu| unterbrecfyen. 9fam, toai tft'8? Sempetyerr. 2Ba3 tjl'8? 2. 2luf3ug. 7, Sluftrttt. 77 £)er ©ultan I)at gcfd^idCt. £er Sultan toiff 1330 Su$ fyrecfyen. ©ott, ber ©ultan ! 2Jtt$? ber ©ultan? @r toirb begterig fern, ju feben, toa3 %d) SReueS mitgebracfyt. ®ag nur, e3 fei 9?odE) toenig ober gar m$td au^gepacft. £aja. ;Kein, new; er toil! mcfyts fefyen, toil! @udf) tyredjen, 1335 @ud) in ^erfon, unb balb, fobalb 3$r fount. Rati** I^cfy toerbe lommen. — ©el) nur toteber, gel) ! 9?el)mt ja m$t ubcl auf, geftrenger fitter — ©ott, h)ir finb fo befitmmert, toa3 ber Sultan 2)o$ h>iff. £)a3 frurb fid; jetgen. ©el) nur, gel)! Stebenter Jtuftritt. W a 1 I) a n imb ber £ e m p e 1 1) e r r. Sempettjen*. 1340 ©0 lennt 3$r il)n no$ ni$t? — itf) meine, t)on $erfon. £)en ©alabin? Sftod) nid)t. 3$ fyabe Sfyn nid^t fcermieben, nid)t gefud^t ju lennen. 78 Hainan ber IP eife. ©er affgemeine 9tuf fpra$ fciel ju gut 33on tfym, ba£ t$ nid^t lieber glauben toollte 1345 2tl§ fefyn. ©otf) nun — toenn anber£ bem fo ift §at er burcfy ©parung 6ure3 2eben3 . . . 3a, Setttyelljerr. ©em afterbingS ift fo. S)a3 2eben, ba3 3d& leb', ift fein ©efd&enf. Watfian. 35ur$ ba§ er mir @in boppelt, breifacfy 2thzn fcfyenfte. 2)ie3 1350 §at aHe§ jtoifc^en un§ fceranbert, fyat •Kit ein3 ein ©eil mir umgetoorfen, ba§ W\fy feinem ©ienft auf etoig feffelt. $aum, Unb laum, Icmn i$ e§ nun ertoarten, toa§ ©r mir juerft befefylen toirb. $$ 6in 1355 Sereit ju allem, bin bereit, il)m ju ©efteljn, baft i$ e§ ©urettoegen bin. Nod) f)aV id) felber ifym nidfyt banlen fonnen, ©0 oft id) and) tfym in ben SBeg getreten. ©er ©inbrurf, ben id) auf ifyn mad;te, fam 1360 ©0 fcfmeft, aU fd;neft er toteberum toerfcfyftmnben. 2Ber toeife, ob er fidE) meiner gar erinnert. Unb bennod) muft er, einmal ti>cmgften§, ©id) meiner nod) erinnern, urn mem ©dndfal ©anj ju entfcfyeiben. 3l\tf)t genug, baft id; 1365 2luf fein ©efyeift nod) bin, mit feinem SBitten %lod) leb' : id) mu| nun aud) Don ifym ertoarten, ■ift act) toeffen SBitfen icf) ju leben ^abe. 2. 2Iuf3ug. 7- 2Iuftrttt. 79 ^atfjan- 3l\d)t anberg ; urn fo mefyr tr>ttt tdj nic^t faumen. — @g faftt bielleid^t cin 2Bort, bag mir, auf ®uc^ 1370 3 U lommen, 2lnla£ gtebt. — Srlaubt, berjei^i — -3$ eile — SBerm, \vtnn aber fefjrt totr @ud) Set ung? ©obalb i$ barf. ©obalb $br toottt. £emt>ett)err. 9fa$ §eut\ Unb Suer ?Jame? — mu^ i$ bitten. Sem^enjenr. 9ftem 9tone toar — ift Surb Don ©tauffen. — Surb ! SRatijam 1375 SSon ©tauffen? — ©tauffen? — ©tauffen? Xempelljerr, 2Borum fattt @uc§ bag fo auf? Hatfynt, SBon ©tauffen? — ©e§ ©ef^ledjtg ©inb iootyl fcfyon mefjrere . . . £empett)err* D ja! bier toaren, §ier faulen beg ©efcbleditg fd)on tnefyrere. 9Jtein Dfyetm felbft, — mem SSater toil! idj fagen, — 80 Hainan ber IDetfe. 1380 3)o$ ftarum fcfyarft ftcfy @uer SBIic! auf tni$ ge mefyr unb mefyr? 9ZatI)att. D ni$t§! ni$t§! 2Bie lann 3$ @ud) ju fefyn ermiiben? Sempenjerr, ©rum t>erlaff y*^ 3$ @ud> juerft, 2)er Sticf be3 gorfd^erS fanb 9?icbt felten mefyr, a(3 er ju ftnben toitnfcfyte. ^ .• H , 1385 $cfy furcfyt' iijn, 5ftatljan. 2a^t bie $eit aftmablicb, Unb mdE)t bie Sfteugier, unfre $unbf$aft madden. (Gr 9 d)t.) Haitian (ber ifjm mtt Srftauneu nad)[iefyt). „©er gorfcfyer fanb nicfyt felten meljr, al£ er 3u finben hmnfcfyte." — %\i e§ bo$, al§ ob %\\ meiner ©eel' er lefe ! — 2Bal)rlitf) ]a ; 1390 3)a§ fonnt' aud) mir begegnen. — 9ft$t aftein 2Bolf3 JBud^, 3BoIf^ ©ang : aucfy feine ©timme. ©0, 25oH!ommen fo ftarf SBoIf fogar ben $opf, £rug 2BoIf fogar ba§ ©c^toert im Strm, firidE) SBoIf ©ogar bie 2(ugenbraunen mit ber §anb 1395 ©letcfyfain ba3 geuer feine£ ©liidS ju bergen. — 2Sie folcbe tiefgepragte 33Uber bocf) . gu QdUn in un§ frf)Iafen fonnen, bt§ Gin 28ort, ein %aut fie ti>erft. — 3Son ©tauffen ! — ©anj recfyt, ganj rec^t, gilne! unb ©tauffen. — 1400 3$ toill ba3 balb genauer toiffen ; balb. SRur erft jum ©alabin. — 2)o$ ioie? laufcfyt bort 9?icbt ©aja? — 9?un fo lomm nur nafyer, 35aja. 2. 2X u f 3 u g. 8. 2Iuftritt. 81 2t*ter 2Iufirttt 3) a j a. Sfl a 1 f> a m *ttatf)atu 2Ba§ gilt'§? nun britcft'3 eucf) beiben fcf)on bag §erj, 9lod) ganj toa3 anbreS ju erfaljren, a(3 1405 2Ba3 ©alabin mix tr>xll. SBcrbenft S&r'S i£)r? gbr fingt foeben an, bertraultcber Tlxt ibm ju fprecben, at* bee SuItanS 93otfd^aft Un§ t>on bem ^enfter fcbeucf)te. ^atfjatt. 9?un, fo fag 2#r nut, ba£ fie xE>n jeben 2tugenblicf 1410 Srtoarten barf. ©etoij}? getoift? 9?atf)atu 3Jlid; bocf> auf btd^> Derlaffen, Saja? ©ei 2Iuf beiner £ut, id) bitte bid). ©3 foil 3M$ nid)t gereuen. ©em ©ettriffeit felbft ©oft feine SRedjnung babei finben. %lm 1415 3Serbirb mir ni$t§ in meinem *piane. ?Jur ©rjafyl unb frage tntt SSefdjeibenfyett, 3Rit Mdbali . . . ©a£ 3Br bocfj nodfj erft fo toaS Srinncm fount! — 3$ get)'; gebt ^fyr nur aucfy. 3)enn fefyt ! icb glaube gar, ba fommt bom Sultan 1420 gin fetter Sot', 2ll*igafi, ©uer Sertoifd). (©el)t ab.) 82 H at it an be r IP etfe. Heunter 2luftritt ftatljan. 3U*$afi. §a! fya! ju @udb toottt' icfy mm then toieber. gffg benn fo eilig? 2Ba§ fcerlangt er berm 33on mir? 28er? Wati)an> ©alabin. — %e, baft bag ©piel nodE) lange nid^t 33erloren. matyan. @i! bag tear fiir bi$ ein $unb! 9U=£aft. @r burfte mit bem $onig an ben Sauer 5Jur riicfen, auf ityr ©cfyacfy. — SSenn icfy'g (gu$ gleicfy 1465 9Jur getgen fonnte ! Sttafljatt. D, \6) traue bit! 2tt*§afu Qtnn fo belam ber ^ocfye gelb, unb fie 2. 2Juf3iig. 9. 2Juftrttt. 85 2Bar f?in. — Sa3 aKe§ tx>iIX id) ifym nun toeifen Unb ruf ' i£)ti. — ©enft ! . . . @r ift nid)t beiner 9Jieinung? Sb$«fl. @r fyort micfy gar mcf)t an unb toirft t>erad)tlid) 1470 2)a3 ganje ©piel in ^lumpen. 9?atf)atu 3ft ba3 moglicfj? Unb fagt : er tooHe matt nun einmal fcin ; @r toolle! §eiftt ba§ fyielen? ©djtoerlid) toofyl ; §ei£t mit bem ©piele fptelen. 2U=£aft. ©leid&toofyl gait S3 leine taube 9?uft. % Sttatljan. ©elb l)tn, ©elb l>er! 1475 SDa3 ift ba§ toenigfte. 2tHein bidE) gar 9fad)t anjufyoren! ixber einen $unft SSon folder 2Bicfyttgfeit bicfy nicf)t einmal 3u fyoren ! beinen 2tblerblicf nicfyt ju Setounbern! ba3, ba3 fcE>reit urn 9tad)e; nicfyt? Hfc$afu 1480 2ld^ toaS! 3$ fag' @ud) bag nur fo, bamit 3$r fefyen -fount, toa§ fllr ein $opf er ift. $urj, i$, i$ fyalt'3 mit i^m md£)t langer au$. 3) a lauf idb nun bei alien fdjmutj'gen 5ftol)ren 86 Hatfyanber ID eife. §erum unb frage, toer tfym borgen toiE. 1485 3$, ^ er *$ ™ e f^ r m ^ gebettclt Ejabe, ©oil nun fiir anbre borgen. Sorgen ift SStel befjer nidjt alS betteln : fo lr>te leifyen, 2Iuf 2Bucf)er leifyen, nicfyt triel Beffer ift 2ll§ ftefylen. Untcr meinen ©fyebern, an 1490 ©em ©ange§, braucfy' id) bethel md&t unb braucfye 3)a3 2Berfjeug beiber mcfyt ju fein. 3tm ©ange§, 21m ©ange3 nur giebt'g 5IRenfd)en. £>ier feib 3#r 35er einjtge, ber nocf) fo toitrbig todre, £)aft er am ©ange§ lebte. — SBoEt $f)r mit? — 1495 Sa^t ifym mit ein£ ben ^limber ganj im ©ticfye, Urn ben e3 iljm ju tfyun. @r brtngt @ud) nad) Unb nacf) bo$ brum. ©0 tear' bie ^laderei 2tuf einmal au3. gd) fd)aff ©u$ einen Self. Sommt! fommt! 3^ bad^te jtoar, ba3 blteb' un§ ja 1500 5Rod) immer iibrig. ®o$, 2lls§afi, toitl 3^8 iiberlegen. 23arte . . . 3K=§aft. iiberlegen? SRettt, fo toa3 iiberlegt fid) nicfyt. Statfyw. Slur bi§ 3$ bon bem ©ultan toieberfomme, bi§ 3$ 2Ibf3>ieb erft . . . SSer iiberlegt, ber fud&t 1505 33etoegung3grunbe, ntd&t ju biirfen. SBer ©id) Snail unb gall, tfym felbft ju leben, nicbt 2. 21uf3ug> 9. 2luftrttt. 87 ©ntfcfylieften fcmn, ber lebet anbver ©Hat)' 3luf immcr. — 2Bie g^r tootti ! — Sebt toofyl! toie'3 @udj 2Bofyl bunft. — 9Jkin SBeg liegt bort, unb (Surer ba. 1510 2tl*§afi! 2)u toirft felbft bod) erft ba3 Seine 33eric^tigen? 3td& ^offen ! 3)er Seftanb 33on meiner Raff' ift nitf)t bes gafylen^ toert; Unb nteine 9te$nung burgt — gfyr ober ©ittab. Sebt tootyl! aa&.) ^atl)att (i§m na^fe^enb). 5Die bitfg' i$! — SBtlber, guter, ebler — 1515 2Bie nenn' icfy tfrn? — £)er toafyre Settler ift 3)o$ einjig unb atlein ber toafyre $onig! (Son enter anbern Seite ab.) 3xxthx Jlufpig. (Erfter Jluftritt. Scene: in *ftatf)ctn§ §auje. Sftedja nub 2)aja. 3Bie / ®aja, brudEte ftcfy mem SSater au3? ,,3$ biirf* il)n jeben Slugenblicf ertoarten?" 2)a§ Ilingt — ntdjt toafyr? — al3 0J6 er nodE) fo balb 1520 Grfcfyeinen fterbe. — 2Bie t>iel Slugenblicfe ©inb aber fcfjon borbet ! — 211) nun, toer benlt 2ln bie fcerfloffenen? — $$ ^HI atfeht 3n jcbem nadjften StugenbHcfe leben. @r toirb bodj einmal fommert, ber ifyn bringt. 1525 D ber t>ertounfcf)tert SBotfd^aft bon bem ©ultan! 25enn 9tatfycm E>cttte fidget ofyne fie Sfyn gleicfy mit fyergebracfyt. >Red)a, Unb toenn er nun ©efommen, biefer Stugenblttf; totnn benn 9?un meiner 2Bun[d;e toarmfter, xnnigfter 1530 GrfiiHet i[t: toa§ bann? — toa§ bann? 2Ba3 bann? 88 3. :iuf3ug. \. :iuftrttt. 89 S)ann f>off^ idb, baft aud; meiner -JBimfdje toarmfier ©oE in ©rfuffung gefyen. Wc$a. 2Ba§ totrb bann 3n meiner 53ruft an beffcn ©telle trctcn, SDie fdhon berlernt, ofm' einen berrfcftenben : 5 35 SSunfd) alter 2Biinfd)e fief) ;u beljnen? — SRid&tS? 21 b, id; erfdjrede ! . . . 5D?ein, mein SEBunfd^ toirb bann 3ln be§ crfitHten ©telle treten; meiner. SJtetn 9QBunfd^ / bid) in ©uropa, bid) in §anben ^u hnffen, toeldje beiner Vr>urbtg finb. Media. 1540 3Du irrft. — SBBaS biefen 2Bunfd; ju beinem mad)t, £)a§ namlidje fcerbinbert, bafj er meiner $e toerben lann. 3M$ jieljt bein SSaterlanb, Unb meine$, meine£ polite mid) nid;t fyalten? (Sin 33ttb bet Semen, ba§ in beiner ©eele 1545 9?od) nidbt wxUqSftn, foQte meljr fcermogen, 2tl3 bie id; feE?n unb greifen lann unb fyoren, 2)ie 2Jteinen? ©perre bid), fo toiel bit Untlft ! 2)e§ Jgimmete JBege finb be£ £immel3 28ege. Unb toenn e3 nun bein Stetter felber toare, 1550 SDurd) ben fern ©ott, fur ben er fampft, bicfy in 2)a3 2anb, bid) ju bem SBoIfe fiifyren toollte, giir toelcfye bu geboren tuurbeft ? 90 Hainan ber IDetfe. 35aja! 2Ba§ fyricfyft bu ba nun toieber, liebe ©aja ! ©u fyaft bod) lt>a^rlxd^ beine fonberbaren 1555 SSegriffe ! „©ein, fein. ©ott! fur ben er fampft!" 2Sem eignet ©ott? toa3 ift bag fur ein ©ott, ©er einem SD^enfc^en eignet? ber fur fidp Sftufe Iam!pfen laffen ? — Unb tote toeift Wtan benn, fiir toelcfjen ©rbfloft man geboren, 1560 SBenn man'3 fiir ben ni$t ift, auf toeld^em man ©eboren? — 2Senn mein SSater bid^> fo fyorte! — 28a3 tfyat er bir, mir immer nur mein ©liicf ©0 toeit toon ifym al§ moglid) fcorjufpiegeln? 2Sa§ tfyat er bir, ben ©amen ber 23ernunft, 1565 ©en er fo rein in meine ©eele ftreute, 9Jiit beine§ £anbe§ Unfraut ober Slumen ©0 gem ju mifdjen? — Siebe, liebe Qaia, @r toil! nun beine bunten ©lumen nid^t 2luf meinem Soben ! — Unb id) muf$ bir fagen, 1570 8$ felber fiifyle meinen 33oben, \vmn ©ie nod) fo \d)bn t^n Heiben, fo entfraftet, ©0 auSgejefyrt burcfy beine Slumen ; fiifyle $n tfyrem 35ufte, fauerfii^em ©ufte, Wid) fo betctubt, fo f^toinbelnb ! — ©ein ©efytm 1575 3ft beffen mefyr getoofynt. %d) table brum ©ie ftarlern 5Rertoen nid&t, bie ifyn bertragcn. 9tur fcfylagt er mir nid)t ju; unb fcfyon bein ©ngel, 2Sie toenig fefylte, ba£ er mid) jur 9tarrin ©emadjt? — %lod) fcfyam' id) mid) fcor meinem SBater 1580 ©er $offe! 5. 21 uf 3119- \. 21 uf trttt. 91 ^3offe ! — 2U§ ob ber Serftanb 9iur fyier ju §aufe toare! $offe! $offe! SBenn i$ nur reben biirftc ! ©arfft bu nicfyt? 2Benn toar id? m$t ganj Dfyr, fo oft eg bir ©eftel, Don beinen ©lauben3l)elben mi$ 1585 3 U unterfyalten? $ah' id) xf)ren S^aten 9ft$t ftet3 SBetounberung unb ifyren Setben 3fli$t immer S^ranen gem gejoUt? ^x ©laube ©$ien fretlicfy mir ba3 ^elbenmaftigfte 3ln tbnen me. ©0$ fo mel troftenber 1590 28ar mir bie Sefyre, ba£ ©rgebenfyeit ^n ©ott Don unferm SBafmen iiber ©ott ©0 ganj unb gar nidjt abfyctngt. — Stebe ©qa, 2)a3 fyat mein 33ater un£ fo oft gefagt; ©ariiber Ijaft bu felbft mit il)m fo oft ^95 ®i$ einberftanben: toarum untergrabft Su benn attem, toa§ bu mit ifym jugleidE) ©ebauet? — Siebe ©qa, ba3 ift fein ©efprad), toomit fair unferm greunb am beften ©ntgegenfebn. gur midE) jtoar, {a! %)znn nur, 1600 Sftir liegt baran unenblid^ ob aud^ er . ♦ . §orrf), S)qa! — $ommt e§ nid^t an unfre Satire? 2Senn er e3 faare! §or$! 92 HatfyanberlDetfe. fetter Ztuftrttt i/^ dlefya. £)aja unb ber gempelljerr, bem jemanb toon aufjett bte Zfyuvt offnct mit ben Morten : 9lur fyier herein! (fafyrt jufammcn, fafet ftd) unb toiU tf)tn 311 griijjen fallen). @r ift'81 — 3)1 ein better, af>! 2)teS ju fcermeiben, ©rfd^ten id) blofs jo tyat ; unb bodj) — SHetfja. 3^ una 1605 iga ju ben gotten btefeS ftoljen 2Ranne§ 5Kur ©ott nod? einmal banfen, nicfyt bem 2ftanne. Ser 3[Rann toiU leinen 35anf, UriU tfyn fo toentg, 2ll§ ifyn ( ber JBaffereimer toiU, ber bet 3)em Sofcben fo gefcfyaftig fid? ertoiefen. 1610 £>er lief} ft$ fiiCCert, lieft ftdE) leeren, mir 9^13, bit md)t3: alfo, au$ ber Sftann. 2lud? ber 2Sarb nun fo in bte ©luVfyineingeftoften; $)a fiel id? ungefaljr if?m in ben 2trm; SDa blieb id? ungefaljr, fo tote em ^unlen 1615 2Iuf feinem SKantel, if?m in feinen Strmett, 33i3 toieberum, id) toeift ni$t toa$, un£ beibe benfe, fitter, 1630 $d£> benle nidjt, baf$ biefe fletnen ©tacfyeln, S$r an ba3 §erj getoorfen, 6ud£> ba febr ©efcfyabet fyahtn. SSie? ^E)r f>attet Summer? Unb toart mtt Suerm Summer getjtger Site @uerm Seben? ^emjjenjerr. ©uteS, fyoIbeS $tnb ! — 1635 3Bte ift bod^> meine ©eele jtoifd^en 2Iuge Unb Dfyr geteilt! — £>a§ tear ba3 9JJabcben nicfyt, Stein, nein, ba$ tear e3 ntcfyt, ba§ au§ bem $euer %d) Ijolte. — S)enn toer fyatte bte gefannt Unb au§ bem geuer n\d)t gefyolt? SBer petite 1640 2Iuf midf) getoartet? — Btoar — toerfteljft — ber ©direct ($aufe, unter ber er in tafdjauung ttyrer fid) ttrie t>erltert.) $$ aber finb' ®ud6 nodE) ben namltd&en. — (£e§gleid)en, bi§ fte fortfdfjrt, um ii)n in fetnem ^nftaunen $n unterbretfyen.) 94 HatfyattbertPetfe. $ftun, fitter, fagt \xn$ bod^, too gfyr fo lange ©etoefen? — ftaft biirft' id; and) fragen, too 3^r je£o feib? £empell)err> 3d) bin, — too id) tuetteicfyt 1645 9ft#t foUte fein. — *fletf)a. 2Bo g^r getoefen? — 2Iud? 2Bo $fyr meUeid;t ntd^t foKtet fein getoefen? 2)a§ tft md)t gut. 2luf — auf — toie tyeifet ber 93erg ? 2tuf (Sinai. Stuf ©inai? — Sty fcpn! ■Run lann icfy jufcerlafftg bod^ einmal 1650 ©rfafyren, ob e$ toafyr . . . Xempelljerr. 2Ba§? toa§? Db r § toatyr, SDaft nocfy bafelbft ber Drt ju feljm, too 9Jiofe£ 33or ©ott geftanben, ate . . • 9hm ba§ toofyl nic^t; 3)enn too er ftanb, ftanb er t)or ©ott. Unb bafcon 3ft mir jur ©'rttige fdfjon befannt. — Db'§ toafyr, 1655 Wtod)? id) nur gem fc>on @uc$ erfafyren, baf$ — ©afc e3 bet toeitem ntd)t fo miifjfam fei, 2luf biefen 33erg fyinauf ju fteigen ate iperab? — 25enn fefyt, fofciel id) SBevge no$ 3. 2Iuf3iig. 2. 21 uftrt tt. 95 ©eftiegen Bin, toar'S juft ba§ ©egenteil. — 1660 9?un, fitter? — 28a§? — g$r fefyrt ®uc^) Don mir ab? 23oHt ntidfr nic^t fefm ? £etttt>elf|err, SBeil ic§ ©ucfy ^oren n>tff. JRedja. 28eil 3$r m ^ nid^t tt>oIIt merfen lafjen, ba£ §fyr meiner ©infalt ladjett; baf$ 3$r lad^elt, 2Bie id) SudE) bodj) fo gar ni$t§ SSidbtigerS 1665 33on biefem fyeiligen 23erg after Serge 3u fragen toeife? Sftidjt toafyr? Xem^elljerr, ©0 tnufj £5$ bocfy @ud£) ftueber in bie 2lugen fefyn. — 2Ba3? 9lun fdjlagt 3$r fie nieber? nun &££etfti 3)a3 2ad)dn 3$r? tote idf) no<$ crft in SQttenen, 1670 ^n gtoetfet^aften SDiienen lefen tottt, 2Ba§ id) fo beutlicty fyor', 2$ r fo kernefymlid) 3flir fagt — berfcfctoetgt? — 21B 9iecf)a ! SReia ! 2Bie §at er fo toafyr gefagt : „$ennt fie nur erft I" 23er fyat? — bon fcem? — @u$ bag gefagt? Xempenjerr, „$ennt fie 1675 9to* wji !" f)at ©uer 3Sater mir gefagt, SSon @udf) gefagt. Unb id} rtid^t ettoa aucf>? 2>d£) benn nid^t au$? 96 Zlatt\an berlPetfe. 2lHetn too tfi er benn? 28o ift benn @uer SSater? 3ft or nod? 33eim ©ultan? *fletf)a, Dfyrte ,3^ e if e ^ £empelljen\ 9?o$, nocfy ba? — 1680 D mi$ 33erge§Iid(j)en ! 5ftein, nein ; ba ift @r fdE)tDerIic^> mefyr. — 6r toirb bort unten bet ©em Softer meiner Garten ; gan$ getoijs. ©o reb'ten, mein' i$, fair e3 ab. ©rlaubt ! 3$ gel?', ic§ f)or tyn . . . £)a£ ift metne ©acfye. 1685 331eibt, fitter, bleibt. 3$ bring' ifyn untterjuglicfy. XempeUjerr, 9iidf)t fo, ntd&t fo I @r fie^t mir felbft entgegen ; Sttcfyt @u$. ©aju, er fonnte letdjt . . . toer toei£? • @r fonnte bei bem ©ultan letdjt, — 3^r lennt S)en ©ultan mcfyt ! — letdfyt in SSerlegenEjett 1690 ©efommen fcin. — ©laubt mir ; e3 fyat ©efafyr, 2Benn idf) nt$t get>\ ©efatyr? toa8 fur ©efafyr? Sempeifyerr, ©efafyr filr micfy, fiir @u$, fiir t^n, toznn icfy 3tt$t fcfyteunig, fcfyteunig gefy'. («&.) 3. 21 u f 3 u g. 3. 2t u f t r i 1 1 97 Drttter 2Iuftrttt. Sft e d) a uttb ® a j a. 2Ba3 ift ba§, £>qa? — ©o fc^neK? — 2Ba§ lommt if)tn an? 2Sa§ fiel ifym auf? 1695 2B a ^ i a 9* ^ n ? £a}3t nur, lafet. 3$ ^ en ^/ ^ i(t $ein f$Iimme3 geic^en. Medja. geicfyen? unb toofc>on? SDafs ettoa3 fcorgefyt innerbalb. ©3 fo$t Unb foil nid^t iiberfocfyen. 2a$t i^n nur. 9ton tft'3 an ®u$. ffletfja. 2Ba§ ift an mir? ®u foirft, 1700 2Bie er, mir unbegreiflicf). 33alb nun fount 3$r il)m bie Unrufy' all bergelten, bie 6r @udj gemad)t §at. ©eib nur aber aucfy SKid&t aHju ftreng, nicfyt affju radE)begierig. SEofcon bu fprid&ft, ba3 magft bu felber faiffen. 1705 Unb feib benn 3$r bereit§ fo rufyig toieber? Sedja. £)a£ bin id) ; ja, ba§ bin id; . . . 98 ZtatfyanberlDetfe. 23enigften3 ©efteljt, bafe %fyx @u$ feiner Unrufy' freut Unb feiner Unrufy' banfet, toa3 2$ r l^t 33on SRufy' genieftt. 3Rix fcoHig unbetouftt! 17 io £)enn faa§ idf) bocfyften§ bir geftefyen fonnte, 2Bar', baft e3 mid) — micfy felbft befrembet, tote 2luf einen foldben ©turm in meinem §erjen ©0 eine ©tide plo§K$ folgen fonnen. ©ein Poller Sln&licf, fein ©ef^rad^, fein £on 1715 $at micfj . . . ©efattigt .fd&on? ©efattigt, tottt $$ nun nicfyt f agen ; nein — bei toeitem nidfyt — 35en E>eifsen hunger nur gcftiHt. %l\m ja, 2Benn bu fo toiUft. $$ ^htn m$t. JRedja. @r toirb 9Kir etoig toert, mir ctotg toerter aU 1720 Sftein Seben bleiben, tocnn aud£) fd^on mein 5jJul8 Sfttd&t meljr bei feinem blofeen Seamen toedf)felt, SRid^t mefjr mein §erj, fo oft ic§ an ifyn benfe, • 3. 21 u f 3 u g. <\. 2Iuftrttt. 99 ©efcfytoinber, ftdrfer fcblagt. — S3a§ f<$toa# idE)? Somm, fiomm, Hebe SJaja, toieber an ba£ §enfter, 1725 SDaS auf bie ^almen ftefyt. ©0 ift er bo$ 2BotyI nodE) mdE)t gang geftifft, ber bei$e §unger. [Redja. 5ftun toerb' i$ aud£) bie ^almert toieber fefm, SRtd^t if)n blo£ imtern ^almen. SDxefe £alte 23eginnt and) tooljl em neue3 gieber nur, 1730 28a§ gait'? ^c^ bin nic^t fait 33> feE>e toa^rlic^ 9tidE)t minber gern, toa§ tcf) mit 9tuf)e febe. Pterter 2Cuftritt. Scene : em 9litbten3|aat in bem $atafte be? Salabin. @ at a bin unb @ it t al), Salabtn (tm §eremtreten, gegen bie Satire). §ter bringt ben guben Ijer, fobalb er lommt. @r fdEjeint fi$ eben nid&t 311 iibereilen. Sittal), @r toar and) tDO^l nicfyt bei ber §anb, nicfyt gtei$ *735 <3" ftnben. 100 HatfyctnberlDetfe. Salafetit, ©dfjtoefter ! ©cfytoefter ! %i)\x\t bu bo$, 2113 jtiinbe bir etn STreffen bor. ©alabin. Unb bag •Jfttt SBaffen, bte tcfy rtid^t gelemt ju fuljren. 3$ fott.-.mxd^ ftcHen, foil beforgen laffen, ©oil fallen legen, [oft auf ©lattetS fiifyren. 1740 2B enn E)dtt' id£) ba§ gefonnt? 3Bo fyattf tdf? bag ©elernt? — Unb foil ba§ atte3, a§, tooju? 2Soju ? — Urn ©etb ju fijcfjen ! ©elb ! — Urn ©elb, ©elb einem ^uben afyuhanQtn ; ©elb! $u folcfyen Kern en Siften Waf id) enblicfy 1745 ©ebracfyt, ber $letntgfeiten flemfte mix 8u WaffenS ^ebe 5Uetmgfett, ju fe^r 93erf$maf)t, bte ra$t fid), SBruber. (Salabut, Setber toafyr. — Unb toenn nun biefer 3 u ^ e 9 ar ^ er 9 u * e / SSernunft'ge ?Kann ift, tote ber ©erftnfdE) bit 1750 2# n ^ebem befcfyrteben? D nun bann! 9Sa§ f?at e§ bann fur Sftot! 3Me ©cringe Itegt $a nur bem getjtgen, beforglidjen, gurcfytfamen 3 u ^ en / nid^l bem guten, nicfyt S)em toetfen SEftanne. 35tefer ift ]a fo 3. 2Iuf3ug. *. :iuftrttt. 101 1755 ©ebon unfer, obne ©cfylinge. £>a3 33ergniigen, 3u fyoren, toie ein folcber 3Jlann fxdE> au^reb't ; 3Jiit toelcfyer breiften Star!' enttoeber er 3Me ©tritfe furj jerreiftei, ober awfy 3Rit toeldfjer feblauen SSorftcbt er bie ?Re^e 1760 SSorbei fief) toinbet : bies 3Sergnligen f)a\i ©u obenbrein. ©afabttt, ■Kun, ba3 ifi toabr, ©etotft, !3$ freue tntcf) barauf. ©0 lann btd^ \a 2lucf) toeiter nidbt3 berlegen madden. 3)enn 3ft'3 einer cms ber 2Renge 6lo{$ ; ift'3 bloft 1765 ©in ^ube tote ein $ube : gegen ben SBirft bu bid) bocf) nicbt fcfyamen, fo ju febeinen, 2Bie er bie 9J?enfcben aW }id) ben!t? 93ielmefyr, 2Ber \\d) ibm befjer jeigt, ber jeigt fi$ tbm Site ©eef, att Waxx: ©0 mu§ icfy ja toof)I gar 1770 ©cf)Iedi)t fyanbeln, ba§ bon mir ber ©c^lec^te ni$t ©$le$t benle? JCraun, toenn bu fd£)Ied)t fyanbeln nennft, 6in jebe3 Sing naef) feiner 2lrt ju braudf^en. (Balabin. 22a§ ^att' ein SSetfcerfopf erbad&t, ba3 er 9ft$t ju befd^onen toufcte ! 102 HatfianberlPetfe ©tttal), gu befdjonen! 1775 ®a§ feme, fyitje Sing, beforg' idO nur, 3n meiner J) lumpen §anb gerbrtd^t ! — So toa£ 2Bttt au3geflil)rt fein, toie'3 erfunben ift, 3Rtt ader $Pfiffig!eit, ©etoanbtyeit. — 2)od&, 3J?ag'3 bodE) nur, mag'3 ! 3$ * an 3 e / ^ e t$ fann ; 1780 Unb fount' e£ freilicfy lieber — fd^Ied^ter nocfy 2113 beffer. £rau bir and) nur md^t ju toenig ! $d) fte^e bir fur bid) ! 2Benn bu nur toillft. — 3)a£ un§ bie Wanner betne§glet$en bocfy ©0 gern bereben molten, nur il)r @dj>toert, 1785 3# r ©c^mert nur Ijabe fie fo toett gebradjt. 3)er Sotoe fd^amt ftcfy freilid), toenn er mit ©em $u$fe jagt : — be§ gu$fe§, nicfyt ber Sift. Unb ba£ bie 2Beiber boc^ fo gern ben 9Jtann 3u fid) fyerunter fatten ! — ©el) nur, gefy ! — 1790 $cfy glaube meine Seftton $u fimnen. 22a§? td& foil gefyn? ©alabitt. 3Ju tooftteft bocfy nid^t bleiben? (Bittat). SBenn aud? nicf)t bleiben ♦ . ♦ im ©efid^t eu$ bleiben - ©0$ fyier im Sftebenjimmer — ' 3. 2liif3ug. 5. 2Uftrttt. 103 Salabtm 2) a ju fyorcfyen? 2Iu$ ba§ ni$t, ©cfytoefter, tnenn id) foil beftefyru — 1795 $ or *' f or * ! ^er 33or§ang raufcfyt ; er lommt ! — bod) ba§ 3)u ja ntcfyt ba bertDeilft ! $d) fefye nacf). (3nbem fie fief) burtf) bte eine %$uxe entfernt, tritt ^at!)an ju ber anbern ijerctn, unb Salabin I)at fitf) gefe&t.) ^linfter ituftriti @ a I a b i n unb 9? a t Ij a tt. 6a(abht» £ritt nafyer, ^ube ! — 3lafytx ! — 5ftur ganj fyer ! — 3?ur oI)ne gurc£)t! 9?atf)att. 3)ie bleibe betnem geinbe! y&alabin. 2>u nennft bid) 9?atl)an? Watf)an. 3a. ^aiabitt. 35en toeifen ;WatI)an? 1800 Sfcin. Salabm. ■JBotyl ! nennft bu bid) nid)t, nennt bid) bag SBoIf . £ann fein, bag Soil! 104 XI atfjan ber ID et fe. ©alabiu. S)u glaubft bodj nicfyt, baft tdE> 3Serdd^tIid^ toon be§ 93oIfe3 ©timme benfe? — 3$ fyabe langft getoimfcfyt, ben 2Jtamt §u fennen, 2)en e3 ben SBeifen nennt. Unb toenn e3 tfyn 1805 3um ©pott fo nennte? SBenn bem 35oIfe luexfc $Ri$t3 better toar' ate Hug? unb Hug nur ber, £)er fidf; auf feinen 93ortetl gut toerftefyt? (Balaton. 2luf feinen toafyren SBorteil, meinft bu bod£)? ©ann freiltcfy toar' ber Sigemuifctgfte 1810 ®er Klugfte. ©ann Wax frettidf) flug unb toctfe 9htr ein§. Salabin, 3$ fyore bid^ ertoetfen, toa3 ®u totberfprecfyen toiHft. — 3)e3 9Jtenf$en toal)re SSorteile, bte ba§ SSoIf ntcfyt lennt, fcnnft bu, §aft bu ju lennen toemgftenS gefucfjt ; 1815 §aft briiber nadjgebac^t : ba§ aud£) attetn Mai)t fdEjon ben SBeifen. 2)er ft$ jeber biinft 3u fein. - Salabttt, 5Run ber 33efcfyeibenfyeit genug! SDenn fie nur immerbar ju fyoren, too 3Jtan trocfene 33ernunft ertoartet, efelt. (t3 ju tfyun. *tfatl)atu 1830 ©0 ftnrft bu ofyne 3^ e *f e I toiffen tootfen, 23a§ id) auf meinent SBege bon bem geinbe, ©er atlerbing* fid) toiebev reget, zt\va Semerft, getroffen ? — 22enn id) unfcerfyofylen . . . Salabht. 2(u$ barauf bin icfy ibtn md)t mil bir 1835 ©efteuert. 35at>on toei£ id) fdjon, fofciel 3$ notig fyabe. — Kurj ; — SRatfjatu ©ebieie, ©uttan. (Salabtn. 3cf) beifdjje beinen Unterrid;t in ganj 23a§ anberm, gang toa§ anberm. — £a bu nun 106 Hatfyan ber IPetfe. ©o toeife bift, fo fage mir bod; einmal — 1840 2Ba§ fur em ©laube, toa§ fair ein ©efe£ §at bir am meiften eingeleudjtet? 9lat\)an. 3$ bin ein %uV. ©alabin. Sultan, Unb id) ein 2)iufelmann. 3)er @£>rift ift gtx>tftf)en un§. — 33on biefen brei Meligionen lann bod) eine mtr 1845 3Me toafyre fein. — Sin SOknn tote bu bleibt ba TOcfyt fte^en, too ber gufall ber ©eburt 3$n fyingetoorfen ; ober toenn er bletbt, Sletbt er au§ ©infidfjt, ©riinben, 2Bat?I be3 Seffcrn. SSobtan! fo teile beine ©infid^t mir 1850 Qmn mtt. £aft micfy bie ©riinbe fyoren, benen $d) felber nacbjugritbeln nicfyt bie $t\t ©eljabt £aft mid) bie 2Baf)l, bie biefe ©riinbe Sefttmmt, — t>erftel;t fid), im 3>ertrauen — totffen, SDamit icfy fie §u meiner mad;e. 3Bie? 1855 3)u ftufceft? toagft mid) mit bem Sluge? — $ann SBoIjl fein, baft id) ber erfte (Sultan bin, S)er eine foldje ©riffe fyat, bie midE) 5Do$ etneS ©u(tan3 eben nid)t fo ganj Untoiirbig biinft. — SRid^t toafyr? — ©0 rebe bo$! i860 ©prid) ! — Dber toillft bu einen Slugenblicf, £)id) ju bebenfen? (&ut, i$ geb' il)n bir. — (Db fie toofyi f)ord)t? 3>d) toitl fie bod) belaufdjjen ; 2SUI fyoren, ob id&'S recfyt gemacfyt. — ) Sen! nacfy ! ©efd)toinb benl nadj) ! $dE) faume nicfyt, juriicf 1865 3 U lommen. ((5r gefyt in fc>a§ Mbenjtmmer, nadj toeldjem ftcfy Sittaf) begeben.) 3. 21 u f 3 u g. 6. tfuftrttt. 107 Secfyfter 2luftritt Wafyan (aflein). §m ! Ijm ! — itmnberlicf) ! — 2Bie ift gjitr benn? — 2Ba3 toil! ber ©ultan? toa§? — 3* bin . 9Iuf ©elb gefafct, unb er tottt — SSa^eit. 2Baf?r^ett ! Unb toil! fie fo, — fo bar, fo blanf, — ate ob S)ie 22abrbeit SRunje toare! — ^a, toemi nodE) 1870 Ur<e 9JUinje, bie getoogen toarb ! — ©as ginge nodfy ! 3lHein fo neue 9Jlunje, 2)ie nur ber ©temipel macf)t, bie man auf3 Srett 3l\xx jafylen barf, ba§ ift fie bod) nun mdf)t! 2Sie ©elb in ©acf, fo ftrtd)e man in $opf 1875 3I UC ^ SEBabr^eit em? 23er ift benn fyier ber $ube? $cf) ober er? — S)ocf) tote? ©ottt' er aucf) toofyl 3)ie SBafyrfyeit nicfyt in SSafyrfyeit forbern? — 3toar, 3toar ber SBerbacfyt, baf$ er bie SBafyrfyeit nur 2tl§ ^atte braudje, frmr' aucfy gar ju f lein ! — 1880 $u flein? — 23a§. ift fur einen ©rofcen benn ^u flein? — ©etoife, getoife, er ftiirjte mit • ®er S^ure fo in§ §au3 ! 3Kan !podE)t bod), fyort Socfy erft, toenn man aU greunb fief) nafyt. — 5$ mn $ 93ef)utfam gefyn! — Unb toie? toie ba§? -- @o ganj 1885 ©tocfjube fein ju tootten, geljt fd£>on nid^t. — Unb gan$ unb gar mcf)t %ubt, 9 e ^ no $ minber. SDenn, toenn fein %itit, Mfcft 1 er m ^ nur fragen, SBarum fein SKufelmann? — 2>a§ toar'3 ! 2)a8 farm TOd^ retten ! — 9ltd&t bie Minber b!o£ fpeift man 1890 3Jlit 2Jtar$en ab. — @r fommt. 6r fomme nur ! 108 Hainan ber IPeife. Stebenter Ztuftrtth @ a 1 a b t n unb 9? a 1 1) a n. Salabut. (©o ift ba3 gelb fyier rein !) — $$ lornm 1 btr bodj SRicfyt ju gefcfyhnnb juriicf? £)u btft ju 3?anoe 9JJU betner ilberlegung — SRun fo rebc ! (S3 f)5rt une !eine ©eele. WodjV aucfy bod^y 1895 3)ie ganje SBelt un3 fyoren. ©alabitu ©0 getoift ^ft SKatfyan feiner ©acbe? §a ! bag nenn' 3d) einen SBetfen ! 3lk bie 2Babrl)eit ju 3Serf)ef)[en ! fur fie atte3 auf ba3 ©piel 3ufefcen! Seib unb Seben! ©ut unb Slut! 1900 %a ! ja ! toenn'3 notig ift unb nii£i Salabtit* Son nun 2tn barf id) fyoffen, einen meiner Sttel, SSerbefferer ber 2BeIt unb be§ ©efet$e3, SJtit ?Rzd)t ju fii^ren. SKatyait, £raun, ein fcfyoner Sitcl! ©0$, ©ultan, el)' id) mi$ bir ganj fcertraue, 1905 ©rlaubft bu toobl, bir ein ©eftfnd)td)en ju @rjaf)Ien ? 3. 21 u f 3 u g. 7. 21 u f t r 1 1 1. 109 Salabut. 2Barum ba§ ntdjt? 3d) bin ftetS ©in greunb getoefen bon ©efcfeicfytcfyen, gut ©rjctylt. *Ratyan. ga, gut erjcifylen, ba£ ift mm SBofyl eben meine ©acf)e mdjt. 8afabht. ©d£)on toieber 1910 So ftolj befcfmben? — 9Jfa$ ! erjafyl, erjctble ! 23or grauen ^af)ren UbV ein 9J?ann in Often, £)er einen King toon unfcf)a|barem 2Bert' 2tu§ lieber §anb befa^. 3)er Stein toar ein Opal, ber fyunbert ftf)5ne garben fpielte, 1915 Unb ijatte bie geljeime Kraft, bor ©ott Unb 9Jtenf$en angenefym ju macfren, toer 3n biefer Suberiidbt ibn trug. 28a§ JBunber, £)a£ ifyn ber 3Jiann in Often barum nie SSom ginger Itefe un& bie 33erfugung traf, 1920 Sluf etoig ifyn bei feinem §aufe ju (Mjalten? -Jiamlid; fo. @r lief; ben King 35on feinen ©ofynen bem geliebteften Unb fettfe feft, ba£ biefer toteberum ©en King toon feinen ©oEmen bem t>ermad)e, 1925 2)er iljm ber liebfte fei, unb ftet§ ber Iiebfte, Dfm' Slnfe^n ber ©eburt, in Kraft attetn 2)e§ King3, ba£ §au£t, ber gurft bes £aufe§ toerbe. — 3Serfte^e mtdj, ©ultan. Salabht, %$ berfte^ bid&. SBeiter ! 110 Zlatlian ber IDetfe, ^ati)att. ©o iam nun biefer Sting, fcon ©ol)n ju ©ofyn, 1930 2luf einen SSater enblicfy bon brei ©ofynen, 3)ie atte brei ifym gleid) geljorfam toaren, ©ie alle brei er folglidf) gleicfy ju lieben ©id) nidjt entbrecfjen fonnte. 9?ur bon $eit 3u 3eit f4n en ^ m 6alb ber, balb biefer, balb 1935 ©er brttte, — fo tx>te jeber fid) mit tfym Stllein befanb, unb fein ergiefcenb iperj ©ie anberrt gtoet nicfyt tetlten, — totirbiger 2)e3 9ftnge§, ben er benn and) einem jeben 2)ie fromme ©d&toad&fyeit fyatte ju fcerfprecfyen. 1940 2)a3 ging nun fo, folang e3 ging. — 2lHein ©3 fam jum ©terben, unb ber gute SSater $5mmt in 33erlegenl)eit, @3 fcfymerjt iljn, gtt>ei 3Son feinen ©oljmen, bie ftd) auf feirt 2Bort aSerlaffen, fo ju Iranlen. — 2Ba§ §u tfyun? — 1945 (Sr fenbet in gefyetm ju einem ^iinftler, 33et bem er, nacfy bem -Dtufter feine§ Stinger, Stoet anbere beftellt unb toeber Soften .5Ro$ SJlufye fyaren fyeiftt, fie jenem gleicfy, SSodfommen gleid) ju madden. 2)a3 gelingt 1950 ©em $iinftler. ©a er ifym bie Swinge brtngt, $ann felbft ber SSater feinen SKufterring SWid^t unterfcfyeiben, $rol) unb freubig ruft @r feme ©ofyne, jeben inSbefonbre, ©iebt jebem in^befonbre feinen ©egen — 1955 Unb feinen SRing — unb ftirbt. — ©u fyorft bo$, ©ultan ? ©alabut (ber fid) betrotfert Don ifym getnanbt). 3d) fyor', id) fyore! — Somm mit beinem 9ttar$en Stur.balb gu @nbe. — 2Btrb'8 ? 3. 21 uf jug. 7. 2Iuftrttt. Ill %aufe3 fein. 2Kan unterfudEjt, man janlt, 93tan flagt. Umfonft ; ber recfyte 5ting toar nicfyt @rh>ei§Itc§ ; — Oft add etner ^aufe, in toeldjer er be3 ©ultcm§ Slntroort erroartet.) 5 aft fo unertoeislitf) aU Un3 je|t — ber redbte ©laube. (Salabtn. 2Bie? ba^ foil 1965 3)ie 3lntoort fein auf meine $rage ? . . 9tat$tm. soa 3Dlid^ BIojj entfd^ulbigen, toenn ic£) bie Swinge JRir nid)t getrair ju unterfd^eiben, bie £)er 33ater in ber 2^bficf>t madden Itejs, iDamtt fie nid^t ju unterfcf)eiben toaren. Safabut, 1970 2)ie Sftnge ! — Spiele nidEjt rrtit mir! — %<$) bad?te, 2)a£ bie Steligionen, bie icb bir ©enannt, bod^ toofyl ju unterfd^eiben toaren. 23i3 auf bie $leibung, bi3 auf ©peif unb Sranl! Watffaxu Unb nur bon feiten ibrer ©riinbe md;i — 197s ®enn griinben aHe ft<$ nicf)t auf ©efd^td&te ? ©efdfjrteben ober itberliefert! — Unb ©efc^idjte muft bodj tx>o£?t aHetn auf Xreu' 112 Hainan ber IV e if c. Unb ©lauben angenommen toerben ? — 5Wid^t ? — 9iun, toeffen Xreu' unb ©lauben jiefyt man benn 1980 3lm toenigften in gtoztfd? 2>o$ ber ©einen? £>o$ beren Slut fair jtnb? bod) beren, bie S3on Ktnbbeit an un§ ^3roben ifyrer Siebe ©egeben? bie unS nie getaufcfyt, a(3 too ©etaufd)t ju foerben un3 fyeilfamer foar? — 1985 2Bie fann \6) meinen SSatern tueniger 2113 bu ben beinen glauben? Dber umgefebrt. $ann id) bon bir berlangen, baft bu betne SJorfafyren Siigen ftrafft, urn meinen nicbt 3u Vr>iber[^re(f)en ? Dber umgefefyrt. 1990 SDa3 namlidje gilt bon ben Sbriften. jftid&t? — (Balabin. (33ei bem Sebenbtgen ! £)er 9ttann fyat red)t. 3$ tnu§ fcerftummen.) s )latf)an. Saft auf unfre 9^tng' Un3 toteber lommen. 2Bie gefagt: bie ©obne SBcrftagtcn ft$, unb jeber fcfytour bem ?R\tf)ttx, 1995 Unmittelbar au3 feine§ SSaterS §anb ©en 9ttng ju I)aben. — 23ie aucfy toafyx ! — 9}adjbem @r bon ibm lange ba3 SSerf^red^en fcfyon ©efyabt, be§ 3tinge3 SSorred^t cinmal ju ©enieften. — JBie nid&t minber toafyr ! — ®er 93ater, 2000 Seteu'rte jebet, lonne gegen ifjn 9l\tf)t falfd) getoefen fein ! unb efy' er biefeS . 33on ifym, t>on einem folcben lieben SSater, 2Irgh>obnen laff : ity muff' er feine Sriiber, ©0 gem er fonft toon ifynen nur ba3 S3 eft e 2005 aSereit ju glauben fei, be3 falfcfyen ©£tel§ 3. 2Iuf3ug. 7. 2lnftritt 113 93egei[;en, unb er fttotte bie 33errciter ©dE)on au^jufinbeix toiffen, ficfy fd£)on ra$en. Salabitt. Unb nun, ber 9^id^ter ? — SRicfy berlangt ju fyoren, 3Ba3 bu ben S^id^ter fagen laffeft. ©£rtcf) ! ^at^att- 2010 ©er 3tt$ter fpracfy : SBenn xf>r mir nun ben SSater dlid)t balb jut ©telle fdEjafft, jo toeif id) eu$ Son raeinem ©tufyle. 2)en!f if>r, ba£ id) SRatfel 3u Iofen ba bin? Dber barret tfyr, 23t3 ba§ ber recite Sting ben SJhmb eroffne? — 2015 ©odE) fyalt! ^3d£> J)5re ja, ber recite 5Ring SBeftfct bie SBunberfraft, beliebt ju madden, SBor ©ott unb 9Jten[cf)en angene^m. 3)a3 muft ©ntfdbeiben ! SDenn bie falfdjen Swinge toerben 3)o$ ba£ nicftf fonnen ! — 5ftun, toen lieben gtt>ei 2020 23on eucf) am meiften? — 3Jtad&t, fagt an ! 3#r fdjjtoeigt? ©ie Swinge toirfen nur juriicf? unb nicfyt %lad) aufeen? ^eberliebt \\ ! Ijerrlidf) ! *tfat!)att. Unb alfo, fubr ber ERid^ter fort, toenn if)r 2030 Sftid^t meinen Stat ftatt metneS ©pru$e3 toofft : 114 Xlat\\an ber lUeife. ©efyt nur! — mem 9fat ift abet ber: ifyr nefymt ©te ©acfye bolltg tuie fie liegt. §at fcon 6udj jeber feinen Sftng t)on feinem SSater, ©o glaube jeber ficfyer feinen 9^ing 2035 3)en ecfyten. — SCRoglic^, baf$ ber SSater nun £)ie £fyrannei be3 einen 3^ing§ nicfyt langer $n feinem §aufe bulben tootten ! — Unb getoifc, 3)afe er eudE) aHe brei geliebt unb gletdE) ©eliebt, inbem er-^toei nidjt briidfen mogen, 2040 Urn einen ju begiinfttgen. — 28oIjIan ! @3 eifre jeber feiner unbeftodmen, 3Son 93orurteilen freien Siebe riad; ! @§ ftrebe bon eucf) jeber urn bie SBette, S5ie $raft be3 ©tein£ in feinem 9ftng an £ag 2045 <3 U ^ e 9 en ! fomme biefer £raft mit ©anftmut, 9KU fyerjlicfyer aSertraglidjfeit, mit SBofyltljun, SDttt innigfter ©rgebenbeit in ©ott $u §ilf ! Unb tocnn fid; bann ber ©tetne $rafte 93ei euern KinbeSs^inbeSfinbern auf^ern, 2050 ©0 fab' id) iiber taufenb taufenb ^a^ re ©ie hneberum t>or biefen ©tufyl. 35a toirb 6in toeifrer 2Rann auf biefem ©tufyle fi^en 2H3 icfy, tmb foremen, ©efyt! — ©0 fagte ber 33efdjeibne Slitter. ©alabht, ©ott! ©ott! *tfatl)atu ©alabin, 2055 2Benn bu bid) fiifyleft, biefer toctfere 23erfprodE)ne 5Dtann ju fein . . . 3. 21 u f 3 u g. 7. 2luf tritt- 115 Salabht (ber auf ityn juftiirst unb fetne «£>anb ergretft, bie er Bt§ ju (Snbe ntdjt ftieber fafyren lajjt). 3$ Staub? %% 3Kc$t8? D ©ott! 2Sa§ ift bit, ©ultan? ©alabin. 3latban, Iteber 9?atljan ! — 2)ie taufenb taufenb $al)re beineS 9?id£)ter3 6inb nocfy nid^t utn. — ©em 9K$terftu$l ift nid^t 2060 2)er meine. — ©eb ! — ©el) ! — 2lber fei mem greurtb. Unb better fyatte ©alabtn mir ni$t8 gu fagen? Salabttt. 3K<(tt. 9M|m. ©alabttt, ©ar nid&ts. — Unb toarum? Watljatt. 3$ fyatte nodf) ©elegenfyeit getoiinfd&t, 2)ir eine Sitte fcorjutragen, ©alabttt. S9raud&f8 2065 ©elegenfyeit ju einer Sittc ? — 3tebe ! sRafljatt. 3$ fomm' fcon einer teeiten Sftetf', auf toeld^er 3$ ©c^ulben etngetrieben. — gaft Ijab' xcfy 116 Zlattian ber IDeife, 3)e§ baren ©elb3 gut)teL — ©tc 3eit beginnt 23ebenflicf> toieberum ju toerben, — unb 2070 2>cfy toeife ntcf)t red;t, too ficfyer bamit fjin. — ©a bad^t' id), ob ntdjt bu srietteid&t, — toetl bocfy ©in naljer £rteg be§ ©elt>e^ immer mefyr ©rforbert, — ettoaS braudjen fonnteft. ©alabitt (ifym ttef in bie 2lugen fefyenb). 5ftatl?an ! — 3$ ttntt nicf)t fragen, ob 2Us§afi fc^on 2075 Set bit getoefen, — ftuft ntd)t unterfudjen, Dh bid? nid)t fonft em 2trgtoofyn tretbt, mir biefe§ (Srbieten freierbtngS ju tfyun .... Nathan. ^ ■ 1; - @in 2trgtool!m? ©alabitt. 3$ bin xf?n toert. — 23erjed) mtr! — 2>enn toa§ tyilft'S? ^d) mu£ btr nur geftefyen, baf$ id) im 2080 SBegrtffe Wax — Nathan. 2)ocb nicfyt, ba§ namltdje 2ln mid) ju fudfjen? ©alabitt. aitlerbingS. SRatljatt. ©0 toar' Un§ beiben ja gefyolfen! ©aft i$ aber *fe^ ' ®tr afte metne 23arfd)aft nid)t fann fcfytden, ©a3 macfyt ber junge £empetf)err. 35u fennft 2085 3#n ja, g^m fyab' id) etne grofce ^3oft SSorljer nod) ju bejafylen. 3. "2Iuf 3ug. 7. 2Iuf trtit. 117 £empel§err ? 2)u toirft bodf) meine fcfylimmften getnbe nid>t 9Jiit beinem ©elb and) unterftuijen Pollen? £$d) f^red^e t>on bem etnen mtr, bem bu 2090 3)a3 geben f^arteft . . . ©alabitt. 2(f)! iooran erinnerft £)u mid) ! — §ab' id) bod) biefen ^tingling 9 an 5 SBergeff en ! — £ennft bu ifyn ? — 23o tfi er ? 2Bie? . ©0 toetftt bu md>t, tote biel torn beiner ©nabe giir ibn, burd) ifm auf mid) pfGflw? Gr, 2095 ® r m ^ ®cfaJ^r be§ neu erfyaltnen SebenS §at meine £ocf)ter auS bem geu'r gerettet. (Salabtn. ®r? §at er ba$? — §a! barnacf) fab er au§. £)a§ fyatte traun mein ©ruber and) geifjan, £)em er fo a^iielt ! — 3ft er benrt nod) bier ? 2100 So bring ifm Ijer! — 3$ Fjabe meiner Scbtoefter Son biefem if?ren ©ruber, ben fie ntcbt ©efannt, fo biel erjablet, bafs id) fie ©em Sbenbilb bod) and) muft fef>en laffen! — ©ef), Ijol ibn ! — 23ie au§ einer guten 2;^ at, 2105 Q5_ebar fie aud) fd)on blofee Seibenfdbaft, 2)od) fo biel anbre gute Sfyaten fftefcen! ©ety, ^ol ifm ! 118 Xlatt\an ber IX) e t f e- Watf)an (inbem er Salabtns .ftanb fafyren lajjt). Slugenbltds ! Unb bet bem anbern aSteibt e3 bod) and; ? (*&.) ©alabin. 2(f) ! ba£ icf) meine ©djtoefter 3Rtc£)t fyorcfyen laffen ! — 3 U ^ r ' 5 U ^ r ! — Qtnn 2110 2Bic foil id) atteS ba3 ifyr nun erjafylen? (9lb toon ber anbern Sctte.) TidjUt tfuftrttt. *£)ie Scene: unter hen $a(men, in ber 9ld^e be§ &lofter§, too ber Xempetfjerr *ftatf)an§ roartet. Xempelljerr (gefjt, mil fid) fetbft fampfenb, auf unb ab, bi§ er (o§britf)t). — igier bait bas Cpfertier ermiibet ftUl. — 9Run gut! ^d) mag nicbt, mag nid)t nafyer toiffen, SBas in mir ttorgeljt; mag fcorauS nic^t totttern,^ ' 9Ba§ t>orgefm toirb. — ©enug, id) bin umfonft 2115 ©eflofyn, umfonft. — Unb toetter fonnt' id) bocf) 2(ud) mcf)t3 al§ fliefyn! — SWim fomm', toa3 lommen 3^m ausjubeugen, ftar ber ©tretd) ju fdmefl [foil! — @ef alien, unter ben ju lommen icb So tang unb totet mid) faeigerte. — ©ie fe^n, 2120 3Me id) ju feE>n fo toenig (iiftern toar, — ©ie fefyn, unb ber Gntfd)luB, fie toieber au% Sen 2(ugen nie $u laffen — 2Ba3 Gntfcfylufe? (gntfd&lup ift 33orfa£, £$at : unb i$, id& Rtt' , 3. 21 u f 3 u g. 8. 21uftrtti. 119 3$ litte blofi. ©ie fctyn, unb ba$ ©efityl, 2125 2ln fie berftru ft, in fie bertoe&t jit fein, 2Bar etn$. — SBIeibt ein§. — 33on ibr getrennt 3u leben, ift mir ganj unbenfbar, toar' ") 9Jtctn Sob, — unb too totr immer nad> bem Sobe S^oc^ fmb, aud; ba mein Sob. — 3ft ba$ nun Stebe : 2130 ©0 — Itebt bet Sempelritter freilicb, — liebt ©er Gfyrift baS $ubenmab$en frciRd^. — §m! 2Ba3 t^ut'g? — 3$ fyft&' in bcm gclobten Sanbe — Unb brum aud) mir gelobt auf immerbar ! — 3)er SSorurteile mebr fd;on abgelegt. — 2135 22a§ toiU mein Drbcn aud; ? $$ Sempelfyerr Sin lot, toar Don bem Slugenblid ifym tot, 3)er mid; ju ©alabim> ©efangnen madjte. 35er $opf, ben ©alabin mir fcfyenfte, tocir' ■Kern alter? — 3ft e * n neuer^.ber toon aUem 2140 9iid)t3 tocifc, toa£ jenem eingevlaubert toarb, 2Ba§ jenen banb. — Unb ift ein beff'rev, fur 2) en batcrlidjen §immel mef;r gemad;t. £>a3 fpur' id) ja. Qznn erft mit il)m beginn' 3d) fo 311 benfen, toie mein SSatcr l;ier 2145 ©ebacfyt nm| fyabcn, toenn man 9Juird)en nid)t SSon ifym mir borgelogen. — s 3J?ard;en ? — bod; ©anj glaublidje, bie g(aublid;er mir me 2tt3 jefct gefd;ienen, ba id; mir ©efabr 3u ftraucfyeln laufe, too cr fiel. — @r fiel? 2150 3$ toift mit 9Jtannern lieber fallen, aH j^ 3)Zit $inbern ftebn. — ©ein Seifpiel burget mir gur feinen SBeifaH. Unb an toeffen 93etfaK Siegt mir benn fonft? — Sin 9tatfyan£ ? — D, an beffen 120 Hat If an ber tt)et fe. ©rmuntrung tnefyr al3 SetfaH lann e3 mir 2155 %loenigcr gebrecfyen. — 2Mcfy em igube! — Hub ber fo ganj nur 3ube fcfyetnen toill! ®a fommt er, fommt mit £aft, gliifyt Retire greube. 2Ber lam bom ©alabtn je anber3? §e! £e, ^at^an! Heunter 2tuftrttt* %latf) an unb ber Sempelljerr. Sttatyatu 2Bie? feib g&r'a? Xem^enjerr, S^r ^abt 2160 ©el)r lang' @u$ bet bem ©ultan aufgefyalten. SRatljatt. ©0 Icmge nun ftofyl ntcfyt. 3$ ^arb * m §inget)n $u fcuel toertoetltj — 2IE>, toaftrlic^, 6urb, ber 9ttann ©tefyt feinen^u^ru ©ein Sftufym ift b(o£ fcin ©cfyatten.- ©od) laftt bor alien ©ingen @ud; gefc^VDtnb 2165 9tur fagen . . . 2Ba3? @r h)ill @ud) fpred&en, toM, £>af$ ungejaumt 3$r 3 U ^ m fommt. Segleitet 9Jli$ nur nad) §aufe, too id) nocfy filr i£m @rft ettoa§ anbre§ ju fcerfiigen fyabe: Unb bann, fo gebn toix. 3- 2Juf3ug. 9. 21uftritt. 121 Sempelfyerr. 3lafyax\, guer §au3 2170 Setret' i$ toieber eJ?er md)t . . . ©0 feib 3#r bocf) inbeS fcfyon ba getoefen? Jjabt 3nbe§ fie bocf) gefyrodjen ? — ^un? — ©agt, tote ©efallt @u$ 2tec§a? Xempetljerr. Uber alien 2tusbrucf ! — Slttein, — fie toieberfefyn — ba3 toerb' icfy me! 2175 3ite ! nie ! — %fyx mitjstet mir jur ©telle benn SSerf^red^en, — ba£ id) fie auf immer, immer — ©oH lonnen fel)n. SBie tootft g^r, bafc id) ba3 SScrfte^? SempeHjerr (natf) enter furaen $au[e il)m pto^ttcf) um ten §a(§ faffenb.) 3JJein 3Sater ! ^atljatu — hunger SDfann ! Xtmpztytxv (ityn ebenfo ptofcttdj toieber lajfenb). SRid^t ©ofm?- 3$ Bitt' @u$, gftat&an! — Sieber junger 2Rann ! 122 £1 a tli a it *> * r *Det fe. Xtmptlljtxx. 2180 yiifyt ©ofyn ? — %$) bxtt' @ud&, 9?atfyan ! — %<$) bef^or' ©ucfy bet im erften Sanben ber 9iatur! — Stefyt ifynen fpatre fjeffeln bodj nid&t toor! — SBeniigt ®udj botf), em 9Jtenftf) ju fern! — ©tofct mid) SRid^t toon @u$ ! 92at^att. Sieber, lieber $reunb ! . . . Xtmptfyzxx. Unb ©ofm? 2185 ©ofm nicfyt? — 2lucfy bann nidjt, bann nidjjt einmal, toenn @rfenntli$fett jum §erjen (Surer STod^ter 3)er Stebe fdjon ben 2Beg gebafynet fyatte? ^^jbh 2Iucf) bann nicfyt einmal, toenn in exn§ an . f dSmelaen, 2luf Suern 2BmI nur betbe toarteten? — 2190 3$r \d)Wt\Qt ? SRafljatt. $fyr it&errafc^t micfy, junger Slitter. SempeHierr. 3$ iiberrafd^ @ud? ? — tiberrafcfy' @u$, Sftatfyan, *Ktt (Suem eigenen ©ebanlen ? — 3$r SSerf ennt fie boc^ in meinem SDlunbe nicfyt ? — %$ itberrafc^ @u$? SRafljiro. @fy' idE> etnmal toeift, 2195 2Ba§ fur ein ©tauffen Suer SSater benn ©etoefen ift! Sempelljerr. 2Ban- SDenn fet;t ! $tf) fyabe felbft SBofyl einen ©tauffen efyebem gefannt, 2200 £)er $onrab tyteft. Sempelljerr. ^un, — tDenn mein 33ater benrt 9iun ebenfo ge^ei^en Jjatte? SMtym. SSaf?rItd^? 3d; jjeifce felber ja na$ meinem SSater : Surb 3ft £onrab. Watiiau. %lun — fo tear mein $onrab bo$ %l\&)t @uer 33ater. 3)enn mein $onrab toar, 2205 2Ba§ 2$ r / ^ ar £empelljerr, toar nie ttermafrlt. £em$>el|jerr* D barum! »ttfljatt. 2Sie? £em})en)en\ D, barum fount' er bo$ 2ftein SSater tootyl getoefen fein. 9?atljion 23aftarb ober Sanlert! 124 Hatfjan ber ttfeife. 2210 2)er ©$lag ift aucfy nidjt ju beradjten. — S)od) Sntlaftt mtcfy immer meiner 2lfynen:probe. 3d£) toitt (Sudf) (Surer toieberum entlaffen. 9ii$t jtoar, als ob i$ ben .giringften ,3toeifel ^n @uern ©tammbaum fe|te. ©ott beljute! 2215 3$r fonnt ifyn SBlati fur Slatt bi3 Slbra^am §inauf belegen. Unb fcon ba fo better 28etj3 i$ tfyn felbft, bill tcfy ^ n f elbft befefytooren, 3#r berbet bitter. — $0$ berbien' id&'S? — ©cfylug 3$ benn @u$ fcfyon ba£ ah? — 3$ biH ©ucfy ja 2220 9iur bet bem JBorte nidjt ben 2lugenblicf ©0 faffen. — 2Beiter ntd^t^. Setttyelljerr. ©ebift ? — 9tt$t8 better? D, fo fcergebt ! . . . %l\m fommt nur, fommt! Setttyenjerr, SBofyin ? Sftein ! — SWit in ©iter §au£ ? — 2)a8 nicfyt ! bag nidE)t ! — ©a fcetmf 8 ! — %tf) biH dud) fyier erbarten. ©efyt ! — 2225 ©oH id) fte bieberfeljn, fo fefy' tcfy fie %lod) oft genug. 2So nicfyt, fo fal) idj) fie ©d^on fcriel gut>iel . . . 9latf)an. %ti) bill mi$ moglic^ft eilen. 3. 21 u f 3 u g. \o. 2luftrtti 125 ^efynter 2tuftritt £>er £ e in p e 1 1) e i r imb bctlb barauf 2) a j a. £em$)ett)err, ©cijon mebr aU g'nug ! — 3)e§ 3Jtenf$en £>irn fafet fo Unenblicf) biel, unb ift bodj mancfnnal and) 2230 ©0 plo^ttdfj fcoll ! — toon einer $Ieinigfeit ©0 !pIo|licf) fcoll ! £augt md&tS, taugt m$t§, e3 fei 2ludE) bott, toobon e3 toiH. — SDo$ nur ©ebulb ! 3)ie ©eele totrlt ben aufgebunf nen ©toff 93alb in einanber, fc^afft \id) $taum, unb Sid^t 2235 Unb Drbnung lommen toieber. — 2ieb' idb benn 3um erftenmale? — Cber toar, fta3 icfy Site Stebe fenne, Stebe nid^t ? — 3ft Siebe SWur, toa§ xdf) jeist em^finbe ? . . . (bie fief) toon hex Seite tyerfcetgejdjticfyen). Slitter I fitter! Xetttpetljerv* 2Ber ruft? — §a, £}qa, 3^r? 3$ f)abe tnicfy 2240 33ei il)m i>orbeigefc§Ii$en. 2lber nod? $onnf er un§ feljm, too 3^ r ^ a !*#♦ — 3)rum lommt 3)o$ nafjer ju mir, Winter btefen 33aum. Ztmpzlt)tvv. 2Sa§ gtebt'3 benn? — So get)eimni$tootI? — SSa§ ift'3? ^a toofyl betrifft e* ein ©etyehnnte, toa§ 2245 9Jiid) ju ©u$ bringt, unb jtoar ein boppelteS. 126 Hatfjan ber IPet fe. S)a§ eine tt>ei^ nur id); ba3 anbre ftriftt ■ftur 3$r. — 2Sie ft) at' e§, ft)enn ftrir taufcfyten? 33ertraut tnir @uer§, fo fcertrau' id) ©u$ £)a§ meine. £em£elfyerr, 9Jtit SSergniigcn. — 23enn id) nur 2250 @rft toeift, toa§ 3$r fur meine§ acfytet. 3)0$ Sag ftnrb au§ ©uerrn ftjofyl erfyetten. — $angt SRur immer an. @i, ben!t bod) ! — ^ein, §err fitter, (Srft 3^ r ! *$ folge. — 3)enn t>erfi$ert, mein ©efjeimni^ lann 6ud) gar ntd^t^ nuijen, ftenn 2255 3$ nid^t jufcor ba§ Sure I)abe. — -Jliir ©efd)ft>inb ! — ©enn frag' td&'S @u$ erft ab, fo E>abt 2$r nid^tS toertrauet. 9Jktn ©el)eimni3 bann Sleibt mein ©etyehnnte, unb ba§ (Sure feib 3$r Io§. — 2)od), armer Slitter! — ©aft tE>r banner 2260 (Sin folcfy ©el)eimni§ fc>or un3 SBeibern fyaben 3u fonnen aud) nur glaubt ! Sem^enjerr. 2)a3 ft)ir ju I)aben Dft felbft nid&t ftnffen. $ann toofyl fein. ©rum muft 3d) freilicf) erft, @u$ felbft bamit befannt 3u madden, fd^on bie greunbfcfyaft I)aben. — ®agt: 2265 2Ba§ bteft benn ba§, baft %bx fo KnaC unb gad Su$ au§ bem Staube macf)tet? baft $$r un ^ ^ ©0 fi£en Iteftet ? — baft 2#r nuu m ^ 9tatl)att 3. 2luf3iig. to. 21 u f t r 1 1 1. 127 %l\d)t toteberfommt? — feat SJiedija benn fo toenig 2tuf ®ud) gerrirJt ? tote ? ober aucb fo bid ? — 2270 So biel! fo bielJ — Setjrt \$bx be* armen 33ogel§, 2)er an ber jRute flebt, ©eflat'tre mtdf) ©od) fennen ! — $urj, geftefyt e§ mtr nur gleici), £> a B 3>& r ft e Kebt, liebt bi£ jum Unfinn, unb 3$ fag' 6uct) toa§ . . . 3um Unfinn? SBa^rli^ %bx 2275 33erftet>t ®ud) trefflid* brauf. Jhm, gebt mir nur £)ie Siebe ju; ben Unfinn toill id) Su$ ©rlaffen. 2Beil er fict) bon felbft berftefyt? — @in Sempelfyerr ein ^ubenmabcben lieben ! . . . ©cfjeint freilict) ioenig Sinn ju k)abcn. — So$ 2280 3 u ^ e ^ ert if* be£ ©inn£ in etner ©acfje 2lud) meljr, ate toir -bermuten ; unb e3 toare ©0 unerfyort bod? nicfrt, baft un§ ber ^eUarib 2luf SBegen ju fid? $oge, bie ber $luge 95on felbft mdjt leid?t betreten tofirbe. 3)a3 2285 ©0 feierlict? ? — (Unb fe^ icB ftatt be3 §et(anb3 SDie 3Sorfid)t : t?at fie benn nidjt redit?) ^E?r macfyt 9JtidE) neubegieriger, ate id? toofyl fonft 3 U fa 11 getoofynt bin. ]28 HatfyanberlDeife. £aja. D ! bag ift bag Sanb SDer 2Bunber! (9ftm ! — be§ 2Bunberbaren. $ann 2290 (gg and) toofyl anberg fein? 3)ie gan^e SSelt SDrctngt fid) ja Ijier jufammciu) — Stebe 3)aja, 5ftefymt fur geftanben an, toa§ 2# r fcerlangt : Saft id) fie liebe, baft id) nid&t begretfe, 2Sie ofyne fie t$ leben toerbe, baft . . . 2295 ©etoift? getoift? — So fdjtoort mir, fitter, fie 3ur ©urigen ju madden, fie ju retten, ©ie jeitlicfy fyter, fie etoig bort ju retten. Xttnpttytxv. Unb tote ? — 2Bie f ann idj ? — $ann idf) fdfytoiJren, toag 3>n meiner 9JJad)t nid)t ftefyt? gn (Surer 9Jiadjt 2300 ©tefyt eg. % idb Surf) nun fage, baft %& felber biefe 2 ait' ifym anjufd^Iagen 8'ereiS t>erfud^t ? 2Bas? unb er pel nidbt em? Sempelfjerr, 2310 @r fiel nut einem 3Jtt^Iaut ein, ber micf) — 33eleibigte. 2Ba3 fagt. 3$r«— 2Bie? g$t fcattet Sen ©fatten eine3 2Bunf<$e§ nur nadB 3^ed^a 3^m blicfen laffen, unb er Wax 7 bor greuben 9^id;t aufgefyrungen? fyatte^. froftlg ft* 2315 3uriicf gejogen ? bdtie ©dbhnerigfeiten ©emac^t? Sempelfjerr. 60 ungefabr. ©0 toiff id& benn 9Jti$ [anger leinen Stugenblicf bebenfen — ($aufe.) Xem^ettjerr* Unb $i)r bebenft ®u$ bocf>? 2>er gjfann ift fonft ©0 gut ! — %n fo ju jtmnflen. £em$jell)err* ^cfy bttt 1 (Sucfy, Saja, fettf micfy furj unb gut 2tu§ biefer Ungetoiftbeit. ©eib £$* a^r s J?o$ felber ungetoifj, 06, h>a§ 3$r fcorfyabt, 2325 ©ut ober bofe, fdjanbltcf) ober loblicf) $u nennen : — fc^toeigt ! 3$ toill fcergeffen, baft 3br etoa§ ju fcerfdjtoeigen fyabt. 3)a§ &crrti, SCnftatt ju fatten. SRun, fo toifet benn: JfedEja 3ft feine giibm, if* — ift erne Sfyriftin. Sempelfjerr (fait). 2330 So? 2Biinfd&' @u$ ©liidE ! $at'S fd&toer gefyalten? Safet (SudE) nid)t bie SSefyen fcfyreden ! — gfafyret ja SUJit @ifer fort, ben §immel ju bebolfern, SSenn $br bie @rbe nidjt mefyr lonnt! SSie, fitter? Serbienet tneine 9?a$rid)t biefen ©pott? 2335 SDafc Ste^a eirte ©fyriftin ift, bag freuet ©ud), einen ©fyrtften, einen ^empelfyerrn 2)er 3$r fie Kebt, m$t mefyr? SempeUjerr. Sefortbetg, ba ©ie eine Sljrtftin ift Don Surer 9Jiad)e. 2lcf) ! fo fcerftefyt gfyr's ? 60 mag'8 gelten ! — 3?ein ! 2340 SDen toill id) fefyn, ber bie belefyren foil ! 3. 21 u f 3U g. \o. 2luftritt. 131 3^v ©IticE ift, tangft ju fein, toa£ fie ju toerben gSerborbcn ift. £emjjeUjerr. Srflart @udj, ober — gef)t ! ©ie tft em Gfyriftenfinb, bon GBrifteneltern ©eboren, tft getauft . . . £ettt£elf)err foaftig). Unb 9iatf)cm? 2345 3^ 35 a ^ r ! £empeH)err. 9?atbcm ntd^t tyx S3ater ? — SSBifet 3fer, toaS £f>r fagt? 2)ie SBa^r&ett, bie fo oft Wild) blut'ge ^Bremen toeinen madden. — SRein, ©r ift Ifyr SSater nicfyt . . . Unb tyatte fie 21 te feme Xocfyter nur erjogen ? fyatte 2350 35a§ Sbriftenfmb ate etne ^iibtn ficfy @rjogen ? ©an$ getoij3. £em£ett)err* ©ie touftte nidjt, 9Ba§ fie geboren fei? — Sie f)dtt ; e£ me 33on ifym erfafjren, bafs fie erne Sfyriftm ©eboren fei, unb leine giibin? 132 Hainan ber IDetfe. Quia. 9?ie! 2355 ©r Ijatt' in biefem SEBa^ne nic^t ba3 $inb Sloft auferjogen? lieft ba§ 9flctb$en nocfy $n biefem 2Bafyne? Seiber ! £empeU)err, 3?attycm — 2Bie? — 2)er toetfe, gute Sftatfyan fyatte ftdfj @rlaubt, bie ©timme ber 9iatur fo jit 2360 SBerfalfd^en ? — v 2)ie ©rgtefcung eine§ §erjen§ ©0 ju ^ilenfen, bie, ftd) felbft gelaffen, ©anj anbre 2Bege nefymen toiirbe ? — ©aja, $fjr fjabt mir atterbing3 ettoa3 fcertraut — SSon SBidEjttgfeit, — toaS $olgen I)aben fann, — 2365 3Ba3 midfj bertoirrt, — toorauf idE> gleidE) nic£>t toeife, 2Ba§ mir ju tfyun. — ©rum lafet mir geit. — ©rum gefyt ! @r lommt E>xer toieberum fcorbei. @r mocfyt' Un§ iiberfaaen. ©e&t! 3$ toar' be£ Xobe§! Sempelfjerr. $cfy bin iljrt je^t ju. fyredjen ganj unb gar 2370 SRidjjt fal)ig. SBenn ^fyx ifym begegnet, fagt 3$m rtur, baj$ totr einanber bei bem ©ultan ©cfyort finben toiirben. Slber lafet ©ucfy jja 9fa$t3 merlen gegen tfyn — 2)a3 foU nur fo 3. 21uf3ug.. *o. 2luftrttt. 133 2>en Iei$ten 3)rucf bem Singe geben, foil 2375 @ u $> ScdJoS tregen, aHe Sfrupel mir SBerie frmen ! — SBenn g$r aber bantt fie na$ (Suropa fiityrt, fo lafet $fyr bodE) mid? nxd^t %tmptl\)tvv. Xa§> toirb ]xi) finben. ©etyt nur, ge^t ! Mtxitv Mutiny (Erftcr 2tuftrttt Scene : in ben ^reuagdngen be§ $lofter§. £)er ^lofterbruber unb Bdb barauf ber Xempetfyexx. SHofterfcruber. ^a, ja ! er fyat fcfyon red&t, ber ^atriarcfy ! 2380 @3 fyat mir freilid) nocfy fcort adebem Jiicfyt Dtel gelingen tootten, toa8 er mir ©0 aufgetragen. — 2Barum tragi er mir 2lud) lauter fold^e ©acfyen auf? — gcfy mag SRtd&t fein fein, mag nxd^t itberreben, mag 2385 SJiein Sfta^cfyen ni$t in aHe3 ftecfen, mag 9Jlein §anbdjen nicfyt in attem fyaben. — Sin 3$ borum au§ ber 2BeIt gefdjieben, tcfy giir micfy, urn mtd^ fiir anbre mit ber SBelt 9fa>$ erft rec^t ju fcertoicfeln ? SempeUjerr (mit a3 etnem fitter nid^t gejtemt. — 9?un lommt $$r bod? ; nun §aV$ bod? nad?geftnrft ! SemtJeHjerr. $l?r toifet e3 fd?on, toarum id? fomme? $aum 2405 SBeift id? e3 felbft. JHoftertntfeer. 3$r fyabt'S nun iiberlegt, !Qaht nun gefunben, ba# ber ^atriartf) ©0 unrest bodE) ntd?t i?at; baft G^r' unb ©elb £)urd? fetnen 2lnfcblag ju getoimten; ba£ 6in geinb ein $einb ift, toenn er unfer (Sngel 2410 2ludE) fiebenmal gett>efen bare. SDa3, 3)a§ l?abt $l?r nun mit $Ieifd? unb 93Iut ertoogen Unb fommt unb tragi ©u$ toieber an. — 21$ ©ott! 9Jlein frommer, Ueber Mann ! &dt 6ud? jufrieben. ©estoegen fomm' t$ nicfjt; beStoegen toitt 136 Hainan ber Itfeife. 2415 3$ nxd^t ben ^atriardjen fyrecfyen. 9^0$, 9fo$ ben!' id) fiber jenen $|3unft, tote id) ©ebacf)t r ur.b tooftV urn otteS in ber SBclt ©te gute SJleinung nicfyt t>erlieren, beren SUJicfy ein fo graber, frommer, lieber 3Jlann 2420 ©tnmal getofirbigi — 3$ fomme blojs, ©en ^3atriarcf)en fiber eine ©acfye Urn Sftat ju fragen . . . Mofterbruber* 3fyr ben $atriar$en? (Sin fitter einen — $f affen ? (Sicf) ftf)itdjtern umjefienb.) £em£ett)err* 3a; — bie ©a$' 3ft giemKd^ tfaffifcfc. Softer timber* ©letd&too&I fragt ber spfaffe 2425 ©en fitter me, bie ©a$e fei audE) nodj ©0 rttterltdj, %tmpttyzxx. 2Beit er ba§ SSorred^t tyat, ©id) ju bergeljn, ba§ unfereiner il)m •Kid^t fefyr beneibet. — greilid), toenn \6) nur gfir mid) jit Ijanbeln tyatte ; freilicfy, toenn 2430 3$ SRed^enfd^aft nur mir ju geben fyatte, 2Ba3 brciutfjt' id) @uer§ ^atriarcfyen? 2l6er ©etoifje ©inge toill id) lieber f$letf)t 9tacfy anbrer SBiHen madden, aU aUetn Sftacfy meinem gut. — 3 u ^ em / ^ W nun toofyt 2435 SMftgiott ift aud^ ^artei, unb toer ©id) brob audj) nod) jo unparteiifcf) glaubt, igalt, ol)n' e3 felbft ju toiffen, bocfy nur feiner 4. 2Iuf3ug. 2. 2Uftrttt. 137 SDte ©tange. 2Beil ba3 einmal mm jo ift, SBirb'g fo ipo^I recEjt fern. SUofterbruber. £>aju fd&toeig' id; IieBer. 2440 SDenn id; fcerftef)' ben jperrn nicf)t redjt. Sent^elljerr* Unb bod) ! — (2ajs fefm, Saturn nur eigentlid) ju tfytm! Um 3Jlad^tf^rudf> ober 9tat? — Urn lautern ober ©ere£?rten Slat?) — ^d; ban!' @ud&, 33ruber, ban!' @ud) fur ben guten 3Btnf. — 23a§ ^atriard) ? — 2445 ©eib 3$r mein $atriar$ ! S$ to^tt ja bocfy 3)en Gljriften tnebr im ^atriarcfjen al§ ©en Spatriardjen in bem Sfyriften fragen. — SDxe <5afy ift bie . . . SHofterfcruber. 5Rid)t toeiter, £>err, nicfyt toetter! 3Boju? — SDer §err fcerfennt tnidj. — 2Ber biel toeifj, 2450 £at Diet ju forgen, unb id) Ija&e ja 2JiidE) Siner ©orge nur gelobt. — D gut! §ort! fefyt! Sort Ummt, ju meinem ©liicf, er felbft. SBIeibt fyier nur ftetyn. ©r Ijat @u$ fdjon erblidt. tt>eiter 2(uftrttt 3>er ^3 a t r t a r d) , toeldjer ratt a Hem geiftfidjen ^|3omp ben einen ^treuggcmg Ijerauffommt, unb bie SB r t g e n, 3$ toxfy tym lieber ai\%. — 28ar' nid)t mein 9Kann ! — 2455 Sin bider, roter, freunblid^er $ralat ! Unb fr>e(d;er $VunI ! 138 Hattjan ber tDetfe. SHofterfcruber* ^x fofftet tyn erft fe^n 9Jacfy £>ofe ftcfy erfyeben, 3 e £o Ifimmt @r nur fcon einem $ranfen. 2Bie fid) ba 9itdE)t ©alabin hrirb fd^amcn miiffen! (inbem er nafyer fommt, totnft bem ©ruber). $ier ! — 2460 3)a§ ift ja toofyl ber £empelfyerr. 23a3 toill @r? SHofterfcruber, 2Bei£ nid;t. ^atrtartf) (auf tt>rt augefyenb, inbem ber ©ruber unb ba§ (^efolge auriitftreten). ^Jiun, £err fitter ! — ©efyr erfreut, SDen brafcen jungen 9Jtann ju fefyn ! — Si, rtocfr ©0 gar jung ! — 9^un, mit ©otte£ §ilfe, barau£ $ann etoa3 toerben. SJieljr, eljrtoitrb'ger £>err, 2465 SBofyl fcfjtoerlidj, afe f$on ift. Unb efyer no$ 2Ba^ toeniger. ^atriartij. 3d^ toiinfd&e toenigftenS, 35af$ fo ein frommer SKitter lange rtocfy £)er lieben Sfyriftenfyeit, ber @a$e ©otte£ 3u @fyr' unb gfrommen bliifyn unb griinen moge ! 2470 S)a§ toirb benn aud? nid^t fefylen, toenn nur fein ©ie junge STapferfeit bem reifen Kate <*. 2Juf3iig. 2, 2Xuftritt. 139 2)e3 3llter§ folgen toitt ! — 2Somit tocir' fonft 2) em £>errn ju bienen? Xemjjettjerr, SJltt bem namlicfyen, SBorcm e§ meiner ^ugenb fefylt: mit 2tat. ^atriartf), 2475 $t*fy 9 ern - — 5?ur ift ber Nat and) anjunebmen. ©o$ blinblingS nid^t ? ^atrtartf). 23er fagt benn ba§? — ®i freiltdj 9JJu£ niemanb bie 33ernunft, bie ©ott ifym gab, $u brauc^en unterlaffen, — too fie F;in ©efyort — ©ef)5rt fie aber iiberaU 2480 2)enn E>tn ? — D nein ! — 3 um Seifpiel : toenn un3 ©ott 2)ur$ einen feiner ©ngel, — ift ju fagen, Quid) einen SMener femes SBort^, — ein 9Jiittel 93efannt ju madden toiirbtget, bas SBoIjl S)er ganjen gfyriftenfyeit, ba£ §eil ber $irdje 2485 2luf irgenb eine ganj befonbre SBeife $u forbern, ju befeftigen: toer barf ©id? ba no$ unterfteljn, bie SBiflfiir be§, 35er bie SSemunft erfd^affen, nai) 3Sernunft 3u unterfucfjen ? unb ba3 etoige 2490 ©efe£ ber §errlidf)!eit be§ §>immel3, nadE) ©en Ileinen S^egeln einer eiteln @bre $u priifen? — £)od£) Ijiertton genug. — 2Ba3 ift @3 benn, toortiber unfern ?ftat fur iefct £)er §err fcerlangt? 140 Zl a titan ber XDeife. Xtmpttytxx. ©efefct, efjrt^urb'ger 33ater, 2495 @* n S u ^ e ^Stt' em einjig $inb, — e£ fei @in SKabc^en, — ba3 er mtt ber groftten ©orgfalt gu allem ©uten auferjogen, ba£ @r liebe mefyr ate feme ©eele, ba3 $fyn toieber mtt ber frommften Siebe liebe. 2500 Unb nun totirb' unferemem fyinterbradjt, £>ie§ -JRctbcfyen fei be3 $uben £odf)ter ntd&t; @r fyah' e3 in ber $mbfyett aufgelefen, ©elauft, geftoblen, — h?a8 3$ r ^°^ ! man toifl e > ®a3 SUtabcfyen fei ein Gfyrtftenfinb unb fei 2505 ©etauft ; ber gube §ah y e§ nur ate %ub\n Srjogen, laff e3 nur ate Siibtn unb Site feine %o ba3 ■Jiur blofc fo bicfytet, ober ob'3 gefcfyefyn llnb fortfafyrt ju gefcfyeljn. 3$ glaubte, ba§ 2515 ©ei ein3, urn Guer £o$efyrfr>urben SReinung S8I0J3 ju fcernefymen. $atriard), @in3? — ba fefy' ber §err, 3Bie fic§ bie ftolje menfcfylidje SSermmft *. 2luf3ug. 2. 2luftrttt. 141 $m ©eiftlid&en bocfy irren fann. — SCRit nicfyten! 3)enn i[t ber borgetragne gad nur fo 2520 ®in ©piel be* 33i|e^ fo Derlobnt eg \\d) Ser 3Utube ntcfyt, im Srnft ibn burcbjubenfen. ^cf) toitt ben §>errn bamit auf ba§ Sweater SBertoiefen Ijaben, too bcrgleidben pro Et contra fid} tnit fcielem SSexfaTC fcnnte 2525 Sebanbeln laffert. — &at ber §err mid) aber DZid^t blojs mit einer t^eatral'fd^en ©djnurre 3um beften ; ift ber gall em gaftum ; hatV 6r \id) roobt gar in unfrer 2)ioces', 3n unfrer lieben ©tabi ^erufalem 2530 Sraugnet : — ja al^bann — £empett)err, Unb toa§ alsbann? ^Satrtartf). £>ann Id are an bem ^uben forberfamft 2)ie ©trafe ju uottjieBn, bie ipapftlid^eS Unb latferltdjeS SRcd^t fo einem gretoel, ©0 einer Saftertfyat beftimmen. Xempelljerr, ©0? ^atriarrf), 2535 Unb jtoar beftvmmen obbefagte heebie 3)em ^uben, toeld^er einen Gbriften jur Sfyoftafie berfiibrt, — ben ©dr)eiterr)aufen, Sen £oi3fto£ — Sempelfjerr. ©0? 142 Hainan ber VO etfe. %atx\axti). Unb n>ie bielmefyr bem $uben, ©er mit ©etoalt ein arme3 Gljrtftenfinb 2540 35em SBunbe fetner £auf entreat! 3)enn ift 9tttf)t atfeS, fta§ man ^inbern tfmt, ©etoalt? — $u fagen : — auggenommen, toaS bie $ir$' Sin Stiiiton tf>ut. Setttpelfyetr, SBenn abet nun bag $inb, ©rbarmte fetner fief) ber gube ni$t, 2545 33iel(eicfyt im Glenb umgefommen toare? y$atxiaxtf). %i)ut ni$t£ ! ber $ube tturb fcerbrannt. — SDenn beffer, @3 todre ^ier im Slenb umgefommen, 2tl£ baf} ju feinem etoigen 33erberben @g fo gerettet toarb. — $u ^ em / ^ a ^ M 2550 ©er 3>ube ©ott benn borjugreif en ? ©ott $ann, toen er retten tottt, fc^on ofyn' ifm rettcn. Xtmpttyzxx. Sluc^ trofc ifym, foHt' id) meinen, — felig madden. ^Jatrtardj. £fmt nicfytg! ber 2>ube toirb fcerbrannt. SemJjeUjerr. SDaS geljt SCRtr nafy' ! SBefonberS, ba man fagt, er fya&e 2555 3)a§ DJJabc^en ntcfyt fotooljl in feinem alS SBtelmefyr in feinem ©lauben auferjogen Unb fie bon ©ott ni$t mefyr ni$t toemge ©elefyrt, alg ber SSemunft geniigi 4, 2Iuf3ug. 2. 2luftritt. 143 ^atrtarcf). 3tyut nid&tS! 2)er 3 u ^ e totrb berbrannt . . . ^a, toar' aUettx 2560 ©d)on bieferftegen tuett, breimal berbrannt 3u toerben ! — 2Sas ? em Cinb otyn' alien ©lauben ©rtoad&fen laffen ? — SBie ? bie grofee $fli*t^S 3u glauben, ganj unb gar ein $mb ntd)t lefjren ? 2)a§ ift ju arg ! — Wxd) tounberi feljr, §err fitter, 2565 @ud) felbft . . . Sfyrtoiirb'ger igerr, ba§ iibrige, SBenn ©ott hriH, in ber Settle, mu ge$n.) ^atrtartf), 2Ba§? mir nun SRidjt etntnal S^ebe ftefm ? — 35en S35fetoi$t, £)en S u ^ en m ^ r n ^^ nennen ? — mir ifm ni$t £ur ©telle f cbaffen ? — D, ba foeife id) Slat ! 2570 3$ get)' fogleicfy jum Sultan. — ©alabin, SBermoge ber Capitulation, £>ie er befd^tooren, tnufs uns, mu£ un3 fdjut^en, Set alien Sied^ten, alien Sefyren fd&itfcen, £)ie loir ju unfrcr atlerljeiligften 2575 Religion nur immer redfmen biirfen ! ©ottlob! fair Ijaben ba3 Original. 2Bir l)aben feme §anb, fein ©iegel. 3Bir! — 2lu$ ma$' \fy ifym gar letdjt begreiflicfy, toie ©efaljrUcf) felber fiir ben (Btaat e§ ift, 2580 yiitytZ glauben ! 2ltte blirgerlic^e Sanbe ©inb aufgelofet, finb jerriffen, Winn 2)er 9Renfd& m$t§ glauben barf. — §intoeg ! bintoeg Wlxt folcfyem grefcel . . . 144 ZTatfyan ber XPetfe. ©cfyabe, baft id) nicfyt ®en trefflidjen ©ermon mtt beffrer 9J}ufce 2585 ©enieften farm ! 3$ bin jum ©alabin ©erufen. ^atriardj* ^a? — 5Run fo — 9hm freiltcf) — 2)ann — $d£) lt>iH ben ©ultan borbereiten, toenn @3 Surer §od(?eIjritmrben fo gefaflt. $atrtardj* D, oty ! — §d) toeifc, ber igerr fyat ©nabe funben 2590 SSor ©alabin ! — 3$ bitte, meiner rtur $m Beften bet if)m etngeben! ju fein. — W\d) treibt ber Oxfer ©otte§ lebigHcfy. 2Ba§ icfy jutuel tlju' tfyu' id) ifym. — £>a§ toolle SDod) ja ber £>err ertoagen! — Unb ntd^t toafyr, 2595 igerr fitter ? ba£ borfyin @rtoai)nte fcon SDem $uben tear nur em $roblema? — ift Su fagen — Xttnpttytxv. (Sin ^roblema. (®et)t afc.) 95atrtard), (2) em i$ tiefer ©0$ auf ben ©runb $u fommen fucfyen mufc. 3)a3 toar' fo toieberum eiu 2luftrag fur 2600 2) en Srubcr SonafibcS.) — §ier, mem ©of)n! (@r tyrtcfyt im Wbgefjn mit bem $fofterbruber.) 4. 21 u f 3 u g. 5. 21uftrttt. 145 Drttter Jtuftriti Scene: etn Simmer im $atafte be§ Salabtn, in tnelcfyey von Sflaben etne Dftenge 53ente( getragen unb auf bem Soben neben etnanber geftellt roerben. @ a lab in unb batb barauf @ittal). (Bttidbht (ber bagu fommt). 3l\m toaljrlidf}! bag f?at nod) lein @nbe. — 3ft ©eg ©ingg no$ t>iel juriuf? (Sin @ffa*e. 2Bof)[ nod? bie §alfte. (Ealabht. So iragt bag itbrige ju Sittai). — Unb 2Bo bleibt ati^afi ? ©as i?ier foK fogleid) 2605 3ll»§afi ju fid) nefymen. — Dber ob ^dEj'g nidjt tuelmebr bem SSater fcfyide? §ter gallt mir eg bod) nur burcb bie ginger. — &toax Wan toirb toofyl enblidf) Ijart, unb nun getoift (goft'g oUt\ @3 toar 2630 3)er lefcte, ben er auSritt. — 2lb, id) liefc 3fyn reiten, unb aHein ! — 211), Sitta ftarb 23or ©ram unb fyat mir'3 nie fcergeben, baft 3d) fo allein i£)n reiten laffen, — @r Slieb toefl! @ttto|« $er arme Sruber ! <*. 2Iuf3ug. 3. 2Iuftrttt. 147 Salabut* 2afc nur gut 2635 ©ein ! — Sirnnal bleiben toir bodE) atte toeg ! — 3ubem, — toer toet^ ? £)er Sob ift'3 nicfyt attein, 3)er einem bungling feiner 2Irt ba3 3iel SSerritdEt. @r fyat ber geinbe mefyr, unb oft ©rliegt ber ©tarifte gleidf) bem ©dbtoacfyften. — 9^un, 2640 6ei toie ifym fei! — $d) mu£ ba§ 23ilb bodE) mit Sent jungen £em£elfyerrn fcergleid^en, mu£ 3)odE) feljn, tote biel micfy meine ^Ijantafie ©etaufd&i. Stttal). yiux barum bring' ic^'g. 2tber gieb $0$, gieb ! ^d& totfl bir ba§ toofyl fagen ; ba§ 2645 SScrfte^t ein toetblicfy Slug' am beften. <5alab\n (3u eincm Sfjiirftefjer, ber r)ereintrttt). 2Ber 3ft ba? — ber Sempetyerr ? — @r fomm' ! ©itta^ Su$ nicfyt 3u ftoren, ifyn mit meiner Jieugier nidfyt gu irren — (Sie fefct fief) fetttnctrt§ auf etnen Sofa unb lafet ben Stf)(eier fallen.) ©alabin, ©tit fo ! gut! — (Unb nun fein %on ! SSie ber toofyl fein totrb ! — 3lffab§ £on 2650 ©cfylaft and) tooljl too in meiner ©eele nod) !) 148 Hainan ber IDetfe. Pterter tfuftrttt. 2)er Slempetfyerr imb ©alabtn, 3$, betn ©efangner, ©ultan . . . ©alabttu 9Jkin ©efangner? 2Sem \d) ba3 Seben fcbenfe, toerb' i$ bem 3l\6)t and) bie greifyett fofyenfen? Xtmptfytxv. 2Ba3 bit jiemt 3u tfyun, jicmt mir, erft ju fcerneljmen, nid?t • 2655 SBorauSjufefcen, 2Iber, Sultan, — ©anf, Sefpnbern ©an! bir fiir mein Seben gu Seteuern, ftimmt mit meinem ©tanb' unb meinem Sljarafter ntd)t. — 63 ftetyt in alien fatten 3u beinen ©ienften toteber* ©alabttu 33rau$' e§ nur 2660 SRtd^t. totber mid!)! — 3ft>ar *w $ a <* l< §anbe mefyr, 2)ie giJnnV i$ meinem fjeinbe gem. 3l(Iein 3fym fo ein §erg autf) mefyr ju gonnen, fattt SQZtr fd^toer. — 3$ fyabe mi$ mit bir in ni$t3 SBetrogen, braber junger SJlann! 2)u bift 2665 9Kit ©eel 1 unb Seib mein Slffab. ©iefy! i$ lonnte ©id) fragen, too bu benn bie gauge 3ett ©eftccft? in toelcfyer §of)Ie bu gefcfylafen? 3n toeldjem ©inniftan, Son toelcfjer guten ©it) biefe Slume fort unb fort fo frtfcfy 2670 (Srfyalten toorben ? ©iefy ! id? lonnte btcfy 4. 2luf'3ug. 4. Snftritt 149 Srtnnern tootten, ioas tow bort unb bort 3ufammen au3gefitbrt. 3$ Bnntc mit Sir janfen, bafe bu Sin ©eBeimnte bod^ SSor mir geba&t ! Sin 2lbehteuer mir 2675 ®°$ unterfcfrlagen : — %a, ba§ fount' idf>, toenn 3d) bid£) nut fdf>' unb nidjt aud£) micf). — Sftun, mag's! Son biefer fiifeen i£rctumeret ift immer 3)od; fo biel toafyx, baft mtr in meinem §erbft Gin 2lffab toieber Bluben foil. — S)u bift 2680 S3 bod£) jufrieben, Slitter? Xem}>ett)err. 3llle3, toa§ 93on bit mir lommt, — fei teas e3 ftiH — ba§ lag Site SBmrfdE? in meiner Seele. 8alabin. Safe un3 ba3 ©ogleid; berfudjen, — Sliebft bu tooM bet mir? Urn mir ? — Site Gbrtft, ate Sttufelmann, gleicbbiel ! 2685 3m toeifeen Sftantel ober gamerlon!; ^m SEuIban ober beinem gilje : tote 3)u toittft! @leidE)t>iel! 3$ f?abe nie berlangt, $afc alien 33aumen Sine SRinbe toad^fe. Xempelljerr. ©onft toarft bu tooljl aucfy f$toerli$, ber bu btft : 2690 £>er §elb, ber Iieber ©otte3 (Sartner toare. Salabttu Stun bann, toenn bu nidbt fcf>Iecf)ter Don mir benlft, So toaren four ja balb fcbon ricf)tig ? XetttpeUjerr* ©an§! 150 Ztatfjan ber IDetfe. ©atabin (if)m bte §ani) btetenb). ©in 2Bort? SCttt)JC^Crr (ein[c§lagettb). Sin SJJann ! — £>termtt empfange meljr, 21(3 bu mir nefymen fonntcft. ©anj ber beine ! @alabin« 2695 $Wo\d ©efainn fiir einen £ag! jutoiel! — $am er nid&t mit? Sentpetyerr* 2Ber? ©alabin, 9latfyan. SettHjelfjerr (frofttg). ©alabitu 2BeI$ eine %f)at fcon bit ! Unb Wild) Gin toetfeS ©liitf, ba§ eine folcfye 3:fyat gum Seften eme8 foldjen 9JJanne3 au£f$Iug. Sentyenjerr, 2700 %a, \a\ Salabitt. ©0 fait? — -Kern, junger 9}tann! toenn ©ott 2Ba§ ©ute§ bur$ un§ fyut, mufs man fo fait 9ftrf)t f em ! — felbft au3 Sefd&etbentyeit fo fait 3l\tf)t fcfyetnen Pollen! SentyieHjerc, Saft bod) in ber SBelt ©in }ebe3 ©ing fo manege Seiten l)at! — ^. 2luf3ttg. 5Rur immer an bie beft' unb preife ©ottl ©er tocijs, tote fie jufammenpaffen. — 2lber, SBenn bu fo fd&toterig fetrt toiflft, junger 9Jtann, 2710 ©o.toerb' aud) irf) ja toofyt auf meirter §ut 9Jlicfy mit bir I)alten miiff en ? Seiber bin 2tu$ id? ein SDing t>on fcielen ©eiten, bie Dft nid^t fo red^t ju paffen fcfjetnen mogen. 2)a3 fdfjmerjt ! — Qznn 2lrgtooljn ift fo toenig fonft 2715 9flein fttffltx — @afabttt, 5ftun, fo fage bod), mit toem T>u'3 f)aft ? — @3 fc^ien ja gar, mit SRatyan. 2Bie ? Stuf 9lat$an Strgtoofm? 3)u? — (Srflar bid^> ! fyrt$! Somm, gieb mir beineg 3utraun3 er f* e ^P^obe. Seittyetyerr. £5$ fyabe toiber Wafyan nid)t3 v £5$ jum' 2720 2lHein mit mir — Unb iiber toa3? Setttyenjerr, 2)aj3 mir ©etraumt, ein $ube Unri audE) toofyl ein $ube $11 fein fcerlernen ; ba£ mir toadf)enb fo ©etraumt. Salabm, §erau3 mit biefem toadjen Xraume! 152 Zl a tl\ an be r VO eife. Sem^eUjerr, ®u toeiftt t)on 3Zat^an§ £od)ter, ©ultan. 2Ba§ 2725 $d) fiir fie tfyat, ba§ tfyat id), — tr>etl id&'g tfyat. $u ftolj, £)anf ctnjujrnten, too id) ifm 9ftd)t faete, fc>erf$mal)t' id) Stag fiir £ag, ©a£ 9JJabd)en nod) einmal ju fefyrt. ©er SSater 2Bar fern; er fommt; er l)ort; er fud)t mid) auf; 2730 ©r banft ; er toiinfd)t, ba£ feme £od)ter mir ©efallen moge, fyricfyt Don 2tu§fid^t / tyricbt SSon /^extern gernen. — ytun, id) laffe tmdf) 33efd)toai3en, fomme, fel)e, finbe totrfltcfy ©in 9Jiabd)en . ♦ . 511), id) mufj mid) fd)amen, ©ultan ! - 2735 ©id) fd)amen? — baf$ ein 3 u ^ enm ^^^n auf ©id) ©inbrud mad)te, bod) toofyl nimmermel)r? Xem^el^err. ©af$ biefem ©nbrucf auf ba§ lieblidje ©efd)toa£ be§ 3Sater3 I)in, mein rafd)e3 §erj ©0 toemg SBiberftanb entgegenfe^te ! — 2740 $d) £ro!pf ! td) f!prang jum jtoeitenmal in3 $euer. — ©enn nun toarb id), unb nun toarb id; t>erfd)mal)t. ©atabuu aSerfc^maf)t? Sempettjerr ♦ ©er toeife 33ater fd)Iagt nun too[;I SJJid) :plaiterbing§ md;t au§. ©er toeife SSater SRufs after bocfy fief) erft erfunben, erft 2745 SBefinnen. Sllterbtngg ! Xi)at icf) benn ba3 9facfyt aud)? ©rfunbete, Befann ic6 benn 9Jlid£) erft nid)t and), al§ fie im geuer fd)rte? — giirtoal)r ! bet ©ott ! G§ ift bod^ gar toa§ ©d£)one£, ©0 toeife, fo bebad^tig fein! *. 2luf3ug. ^ 2luftrttt. 153 <5a(abitt> 9?un, nun ! 2750 ©0 ftefy bod^ einem Sllten ettoa3 na$ ! 2£ie lange fijnnen feine SBeigerungen 3)cnn bauern? 2Birb er benn bon bir berlangen, 2)afe bu erft $ube tterben follft? Setttpetyeirr. 2Ber toeift ! 8alabtn. SBer fr>ei£ ? — ber biefen 3lati)an beffer fennt. 2755 3)er 2l6erglaub r , in bem toir aufgetoad^feit, SSerliert, and) tvmn fair ifyn erfennen, barum 3)o$ feine 3Ha$t nidbt iiber unS. — @3 finb 9ii$t atte fret, bie tfyrer $etten gotten. Salabttt. ©efyr reif Bemerft ! 3)o$ $Ratfyan toafyrlicfr, Sftafyan . . . ^empeUjerr* 2760 ®er 2l6erglauben fd)limmfter ift, ben feinen giir ben ertraglidjjern ju fallen . . . Salabttt, gjfag 2Bot)l fein! £)od) 5ftaiban . . . Settt^elfyerir. SDem aUein S)ie blobe 9ftenfd)Ijeit ju bertrauen, bi£ ©ie !)eHern SBatyrfyettStag getoofme; bem 2765 2tUein ... 154 XI a tl\ an &er IDetfe. SataMtt* ©ut ! Stber 9tat&an! — SRatfyanS 2o3 3ft biefe ©d&toad&fyeit nid&t. £emt>elljertr, ©o bad)t' tdj cutd) ! . , 2Betm gleidjtoofyl biefer 2lu3bunb atter 9Jienfdf)en ©o ein gemeiner gube toare, baft ®r S^rtftenftnbcr ju befommen fucfyte, 2770 Urn fie alS guben aufjugiefyn: — toie bann? ©alabitt, 2Ber fagt tfym fo toaS na$? Xem^clljcrr. £>a* 9J?ab$en felbft, gjlit toeld^er er micfy fornt, mit beren §offnung @r gem mix ju bejafylen fd^iene, toaS 3dE) nid^t umfonft fiir fie getfyan foil fyahm: — 2775 S5ie§ 3Rab$en felbft ift feine £od£)ter — nid^t, 3ft ein fcerjettelt ©fyriftenftnb. @alabitt« £)a§ er S)em ungead^tet bir nicfyt geben tooUte? Semjje^err (Httg). SBoIP ober tootte ntd&t ! ®r ift entbecft. S)er tolerante ©cfyfr>at$er ift entbecft ! 2780 3$ toerbe Winter biefen jub'fc^en SOBoIf 3m pfyilofop^fd&en ©cfyafyelj §unbe fdfjon 3u bringen totffen, bie tfyn jaufen fotten ! 4. ZUfsug. v 21uftrttt. 155 <2a(abttt (ernft). ©ei ruf)tg, Shrift ! Xempetyeirr. 28ae? rufng, Shrift? — SBenn Sub 1 Unb SJtufelmann auf %\xV, auf 3RufcImann 2785 SBeftetyen, foil alletn ber Sfyrift ben Gfjriften 3lxfyt madden biirfen? (Baldwin (nod& ernfter). 3Mig, Shrift ! Xem^cl^ert (gelafjen). £)e£ 93orfturf3 ganje Saft, — bie ©alabin $n biefe Silbe prefct ! 2(f), toenn id) toiifcte, 2Bie Slffab, — SHCffab fid) an meiner ©telle 2790 §ierbei genommen batti ! Salabht, 3ttcf)t biel beffer ! — SSermutlid), ganj fo braufenb ! — 2)0$, toer fyat 2)enn bid) aucfy fd)on gelel)rt, micfy fo hrie er SSKtt Stnem -ffiorte gu befte^en? greilicfy, SBenn atte£ fid) berljalt, tote bu mir fageft, 2795 ^cinn icf) mid) felber faum in Sftatfyan finben. — Snbep, er ift mein greunb, unb meiner ?5reunbe 9Uhi£ leiner mit bem anbern fyabern. — Sap ®i$ toeifen! ©el) befmtfam ! © iefrjjfen nid£)t Sofort ben ©dbtoarmern betne3 ;$obeI§ !prei3 ! 2800 SBerfd^toeig, toa$ beine ©eiftlicf)feit an \i)\n $u radjen mir fo nabe legen toiirbe ! ©ei feinem ^uben, leinem Sftufelmanne 3um £ro£ ein Sfyrift ! 156 XI a tl\ an ber W eife, £Salb tuar'8 bamit ju fpat ! SDo$ ©an! ber Slutbegier be£ ^3atrtarcfyen, 2805 35e3 2Berfjeug mir ju toerben graute ! @alabttt; 2Bie? 3)u famft jum $atriarc£)en efyer al§ 3u mir? Xttnptltjtxv. $m ©turm ber Seibenfdfmft, im 3BirbeI 2)er Unentfcfyloffenfyeit ! — SSerjeif) ! — 35u toirft 9Son beinem Slffab, fiird&t' i$, ferner nun 2810 SRictytS mefyr in mir erfennen toollen. ©alabttu 2Bar' @3 biefe $ur$t m$t felbft ! mid) biinft, id) tocifj, 2(u3 toeldfyen $efylem unfre Sugenb f emit. #***• $fleg biefe ferner nur, unb jene foUcn 93ei mir bir toenig fcfyaben. — 2Iber gel) ! 2815 ©u$ bu nun Sftatfyan, tote er bid) gefudf^t, Unb bring ifm I)er. %d) muft eud) beefy jufammen SSerftanbtgen. — SEar' urn ba§ SNabd&en bir ^m ©rnft ju tfyun: fei rufyig. ©ie ift bein! 2lucfy foil e3 Station fd)on empfinben, baft 2820 @r oljne ©cfytoeinefleifd) ein ©fyriftenfinb ©rjie^en biirfen ! — ©el) ! (2)er £etnpetf)err (jetyt ab, unb Stttal) bertafjt ben Sofa.) <*♦ 2luf3-ug. 5. 2luftritt. 157 ^finfter tfuftrttt @ a 1 a b t n unb @ i 1 1 a Ij. ©anj fonberbar! Safabht, ©elt, ©tttaty? 9ftu£ mein Slffab nicfyt cin braber, ©in fdjoner junger 9Jtann ■ getoefen fein ? 6ittt|. SBenn er jo toar, unb ntd^t ju biefem Silbe ^825 2)er Sempelfjerr btelmefyr gcfeffen ! — 2lber 2Bte fyaft bu bod^ bergeffen fonnen, bi$ 5Rad^ feinen ©Item ju erfunbigen? (gafabht. Unb inSbefonbre tuoE^I nacf) f enter Gutter? Db feine DJtutter bier ju Sanbe nie 2830 ©etoefen fei? — 3ftd£>t toafyr? r SSater ift, filr 9te$t 2luf fie? SSer ifyr ba£ Seben fo erfyielt, Sritt etngxg in bie Siedjte be§, ber ifyr @§ gab. 2Sie alfo, ©alabin? mnn bu 2845 ^ ur 0^$ ba§ 9Jicibcf)en ju bir nafymft? ©ie nur 2)em unre$tmaf$igen 33efi£er gletcfy ©nt^ogeft? Salabitt; Sfyate ba§ toobt not? ■ftot nun SBotyt eben nidjt ! — ©ie Hebe 9?eubegter ^reibt micfy allein, bir biefen 3tat ju geben. 2850 Qtrxn t>on getotffen SJJannern mag id) gar $u gem fo balb tote mogltcfy toiffen, toa3 ©ie filr ein Sftabdfjen lieben lonnen. ©alabut, 9?un, ©0 fd&icf unb lafc fie fyolen. ©tttalj, S)arf id?, ©ruber? ©alabttu 5ftur fcfyone 3latljan§! Sftat^an mu| burcbauS 2855 9ft$t gtauben, baf$ man mit ©etoalt ifyn fcon 2#r trennen toolle. 4fc. 2luf3ng. 6. 21 u f t r i 1 1. 159 Stttafj, (gorge ntd&t. 8a(abttt, Unb t$, 3$ mufc ftf)on felbft fefyn, too SHs$a{t bleibt. Secf?fter 2tuftritt Scene: bie offne Stnr in ftatfyany §aufe, gegen bie 5|)almen an, trie tm erften ^luftrttte be* erften 2lnf3uge§. Gin Set! ber 23ctren unb $oftbar= leiten [teat aulgeframt, beren ebenbafelbft gebadjt totrb. •ft at I) an unb S)aja. D, aHeS lperrltd£> ! Sttte^ au^erlefen ! D, alley — tote nur 2$r e ^ S e ^ en fonnt. 2860 2Bo totrb ber ©tlberftoff mit golbnen 9Janfen @emad?t? 2Ba§ foftet er? — S)a§ nam 1 idfj nocfy ©in SBrautfleib ! $eine ^onigin berlangt @3 beffer. Srautfleib? 2Barum SBrautfleib eBen? $e nun! 3#r battel baran freilicf) nid^t, 2865 2118 Sfyr il)n fauftet. — 2I6er toa£?rltd6, 3?atfyan, 3)er unb fein anbrer tnujs e£ fein I Gr ift 3um Srautlleib tote befieffi £>er toetfee ©runb @tn 33ilb ber Unfcbuib, unb bte golbnen Strome, 3)te aller Drien biefen ©runb burdifcbldngeln, 2870 (Sin SStlb be3 2teid£)tum3. ©e&t £br? SWerltebft I 160 Hainan ber IPeife. Nathan. 2Ba3 *m|elft bu tnir ba? 23on toeffen Srautfletb ©mnbtlberft bu mir fo geleljrt ? — 33ift bu SDenn SBraut? 3*? ^atfjatt, 5ftun toer benn ? 3$? — Ueber ©ott! matyan. 2Ber benn? 23on tDeffen Srautfleib fpricfyft bu benn? — 2875 3)a8"affe3 ift ja bein unb feiner anbern. 3ft mein? ©oil mem f exn ? — 3ft fur 3iedE)a ttid&t? SBatftatt. 2Ba§ idf) fur ^edEja mitgebradjt, ba§ liegt 3n etnem anbern SBallen. 3Jtad^ ! nimm toeg I Strag beine ©iebenfad;en fort ! 33erfu$er ! 2880 SRein / toaren e3 bie ^oftbarfeiten ami) 3)er ganjen SBcIt ! 9ftd)t rttfyr an! tt)enn 3fy r wir SBorfyer mcfyt fd^toort, Don biefer etnjtgen ©elegenfyeit, bergleicfyen @mf> ber §immel 3l\6)t jtoetmal fctyicfen toirb, ©ebraucfy $u madden, 2885 ©ebraudf) ? bon toa3 ? — ©elegenfyeit ? tooju ? D ftefitt @u$ md&t fo fremb ! — 3Jtit lurjen 2Sorten : £)er %empstym liebt 2ted)a; gebt fie ifym! %. auf^ug. 6. 2Xuftrttt. 161 ©o bat bod^ einmal Sure ©itnbe, bie 3$ langer nien toteber unter Gbrtften, 2Birb toieber, toaS fie ift, ift ftieber, toa£ 6ie toarb : unb 2$r, $fyr ^ a ^ m ^ a ^ ^ em ©uten, £)a§ fair @udE) nicf)t genug fcerbanfen fonnen, 9W$t $euerfof)Ien bfo£ auf Guer £>aupt 2895 ©efammelt. 35o$ bie alte Seier toteber? — SCRit einer neuen Saite nur bejogen, SDie, furd&t' icfy, toeber ftimmt nocf) fyalt. 28ie fo? SRatljatu W\x toar' ber ;£em!pe[I)err fcfjon recfyt. 3bm gonnt' $cfy 9tedE)a mefyr aU einem in ber 28elt. 2900 Slttetn . . . 9hm, ^abc nur ©ebulb. ©ebulb? ©ebulb ift Sure alte Seier nun 2Bo$l ntcfet? Mutant. 9tur toenig £age no$ ©ebulb ! Siefy bocf) ! — 9Ber fommt benn bort ? gin Slofterbruber ? ©el), frag ifyn, toa§ er toUL 28a§ toirb er tootten? (Ste gefyt auf iljn gu unb fragt.) SRatijatu 2905 ©0 gieb! —unb ef)' er bittet. — (SBufet' id) nur £)em Sempelberrn erft beijufommen, obne 162 Hainan berlDetfe. ®ie Urfacfy meiner 9teugier ifym $u fagen! ®enn toznn icfy fie ifym fag', urtb ber SSerbad^t 3ft ofyne ©runb, fo fyab' tcfy ganj umfonft 2910 £)en Sater auf bag ©ptel gefe^i) — 2Ba3 iff 8? $)aja, @r toill @ucfy fprecfyen. ?Jun, fo lafe ifyn fommen, Unb gel? tnbe£. Stebenter 2tuftrttt 9?atf)an unb ber $lofterbruber, " (34> bliebe 3tedja§ SSater ©0$ gar ju gem! — gto^ Icxnn icfy'3 benn m$t bleiben, 2(ud> toetm id; auf^or', e3 511 Ijeifeen? — $f)t, 2915 gfyr felbft toerb' td&'S bod) immer aud) no$ fyetften, 2Benn fie erfennt, tote gem td^'8 toare.) — ©efy ! — 2Ba§ ift in <&nzxn ©tenften, frommer Sruber? JHofterliruber* Sliest eben triel. — 3>$ f**ue mid^, §err -ftatfyan, ®utf) annod; toofyl ju fefyru 9tafyan. ©0 fennt 3$r tnidf)? ©tofterbruber* 2920 ge w«/ tow fennt Su$ ni$t ? 2$r Ijabt fo mancfyem 3a @uew 9iamen in bie §anb gebriicft. @r fieljt in meiner and) feit fcielen SJafyren. 4. 2luf$ug. 7. Sluftrttt. 163 Sttatljiro (nacf) feinem Seutel langenb). $ommt, 33ruber, fommt; id& frifdf^ ifyn auf. SHofterbruber. ^Uw §abt ®anf! SdE> Vx>urb r e3 Strmern ftefylen, nefyme nicfytg. — 2925 2Benn Sfyr mir nur erlauben iooHt, ein toemg Sucfy me in en 9?amen aufjufrifeben. 3)enn 3dE) fann mid) ritfymen, and) in Sure £anb @ttoa£ gelegt jn fyaben, toas nid£)t ju 33era$ten toar. 95erjeif)t ! — 3$ j^ame mid? — 2930 ©agt, h>aS? — imb neljmt jur'Sufje fiebenfad) £)en SBert be^felben bon mir an. SHofterbruber. §ort bod^ 33or alien ©ingen, tote tdf) felber nur ©rft Ijeut' an bieS mein @udj> toertrauteS $fanb ©rinnert foorben. mix fcertrauteS $fanb? SHofterbruber, 2935 $ or furjem faft id) nod) aU ©remit 2luf Quarantana, untoett $eridf)o. 3)a lam arabifdt) Sftaubgefinbel, brad) SJlein ©otte^f)dugd£)en ah unb meine 3 e #e Unb fd^Iejfyte micfy mit fort. 3 um ©Kief entfam 2940 3ra$ mir eine ©iebelei auf Sfyabor, (Sobalb aU eine leer, unb Heft injtotfcfyen ^m Softer mid) ate Saienbruber bleiben. 2950 35a bin i$ jefct, §err S^atfyan, unb fcerlange ©e§ £ag§ toofyl Ijunbertmal auf Slfyabor, 3)enn ©er ^Satrxard^ braudjt mi$ ju allerlet, ■JBofcor ic§ grofcen (Sfel fyabe. 3um ©jempel : 2)?ac^t, id) Ktf (5ucf> ! ^Hofterfcruber, •9tun, e3 lommt! 2955 35a fyat ifym jemanb fyeut' in£ Dfyr gefe^t, {£§ Iebe Ijter fyerum ein ^vtit, ber @in 6f)riftenlinb al3 feine £o$ter ftd) (Srjoge. Nathan. 2Bie? (SBetroffen.) SHofter&ruber, §ort mxd£) nur au£ ! — ^nbem 6r mir nun auftragt, biefem SJuben ftradfo, 2960 2Bo mogltd), auf bie ©pur ju fommen, unb ©etoaltig fidj ob eine3 foldjen grefeel* /*. 21 u f.3 u 9. 7. 2luftrttt. 165 4 ©rjiirnt, ber ifym bie ftmtyre ©itnbe toiber ©en fyeiPgen ©eift bebiinft ; — ba3 ift, bie ©tinbe, SDie aHer ©ttnben groftte ©unb' un£ gilt, 2965 3l\xx baj$ toir y ©ott f ex ©an!, fo redfjt nid)t toiffen, 2Borin fie eigentlicfy Beftetyt : — ba tuad^t 9J?it einmal mein ©eftrifjen auf, unb mir %aftt bet, id? lonnte felber toofyl fcor getten ,3u biefer unberjeiljIidE) grofsen ©itnbe 2970 ©etegenljeit gegebert fyabm. — ©agt : §at @u$ ein SKeitfnedEjt mcfyt Dor acfytjeEm ^afyren ©in S£ocf)ter$en gebracfyt toon toenig 2Bo$en? 28ie ba§? — $Jtun freilidt) — atlerbing^ — fifofter&ruber, @i, fe^t 9J{i$ bocf) recf)t an ! — 3)er 9teitfnec§t, ber bin t$, 2975 ©eib 3#r? SUofterbruber, 3)er §err, Don ftelc^em id£>'3 @u$ bradfyte, 2Bar — ift tnir recfyt — ein §err Don gilnel. — SBBoIf 3Son gilncl! Sttatljatu SKd&ttfl! SUofterbritber, SBeil bie Gutter futj Sorter geftorben toar, unb ft$ ber 3Sater 3^ad^ — mein' id) — ©ajja :pIoi$li$ toerfen mufcte, 2980 2Bof)in ba§ SSitrmcfyen tfym nid;t folgen fonnte, ©0 fanbf er'3 @ucfy. Unb traf i$ @udi> bamit 9Wd&t in ®arun? 166 Hainan ber ID eife. Watijatt, ©anj re$t! gfofterbruber, ©3 tear' fern SBunber, 2Benn mein ©ebctcf)tni3 mi$ betrog\ 3$ ^fl^c 3)er brafcen §errn fo k>iel gefyabt, unb biefem 2985 §ab' id; nur gar ju furje 3ett gebtent. @r blieb balb brauf bet 2I§falon unb tear 3Bofyl fonft em Iteber §err. Haitian, $a tootyl ! ja tootyl ! ©em id) fo iriel, fo fctel ju banlen ^abe! 3)er mefyr alS einmal mid) bem ©d)toert entrtffen ! gfofterfcruber, 2990 D fcfyon ! ©0 tocrb't 2$r feineS £od)ter$en3 @ud) urn fo Iteber angenommen fyaben. 9?atl)att. ©a3 fount S$t benfen. SHofterfiruber, 9fam, too ift e3 beun? @3 ift bod^ tooljl nic^t ettoa gar geftorben ? — Sa^fS lieber nid^t geftorben fetn ! — SSenn fonft 2995 ^ ur niemanb urn bie ©acfye toeift, fo tyat @3 gute 2Bege. §at e3? Sfofierfirttber, £raut tmr, SRattyan! ©enn fe§t, idE) ben!e fo ! 2Senn an ba§ ®ute, SDa§ \i) ,ju tfyun bermeine, gar ju nal) %. 21 u f 3 u g. 7. auftritt. 167 2Sa§ gar $u ©cfylimmeS grenjt, fo fyu' id£> Ite&er 3000 £)a§ ©ute nicfyt; tr>etl toir ba§ ©djlimme jtoar ©0 jiemlid^ gut>erlaffig fennen, aber Set toeiten ntd^t ba§ ©ute. — SBar ja toofyl 9laturli$, toenn ba§ @fyriftentod)ier$en SKed&t gut bon @ud) erjogen toerben foUte, 3005 ®aft 3^3 al3 @uer eigen £od;ter$en grjogt. — 2)a§ fyattet 3§r mit atler 2ieb ? ilnb SCreue nun getfyan, unb miifitet fo 33eloIjnet toerben? £)a§ hriH mir nxd^t em. @i freilidf?, linger fyattet 3$r getl)an, 3010 2Benn 3$r bie Gfyriftin burd) bie gtr>eite §anb 2lte Sljrifiin auferjiefyen laffcnj aber ©0 fyattet %fyx ba3 $inb$en 6ure§ greunbS 2Iud) ntd^t geliebt. Unb $inber braudjen Siebe, 2Bar'<§ eine§ toilben 3:iere§ Sieb' and) nur, 3015 3 n fallen 3^ ren me ^ r a ^ Gfyriftentum. gum Gljriftentume fyat'3 no$ immer 3ett. 22enn nur ba§ 3Mb$en fonft gefunb unb fromm SSor @uern 2tugen aufgefaadjfen ift, ©0 blieb'3 t>or ©otte3 2Iugen, u>a8 e§ toar. 3020 Unb ift benn nic^t ba3 ganje Sfyrtftentum 2tuf3 gubentum gebaut? @3 bat micfy oft ©eargert, tyat mir £E)ranen g'mtg gefoftet, SBenn ©^rtften gar fo fetyr fcergeffen fonnten, ®afc unfer §err ja felbft ein gube toar. SRatljatu 3025 3#r, guter Sruber, miijst mein giirfprad) fern, SBenn §aft unb ©Letfcnerei fi$ gegen mi$ ©rfyeben foUten — toegen einer S^at — 2lf>, toegen einer £l)at! — 9?ur %fyx, 3$r fottt 168 ttatban ber rDetfe. ©ie toiffen ! — Sftetymt fie aber mit in3 ©rab ! 3030 Wod) Ijat mi$ nie bie ©ttelfeit berfucfyt, ©ie jemanb anbern ju erjafylen. (5ud) 2lllein erjafjP tcfy fie. 2)er frommen Sinfalt 2tHem erjafjr id) fie. SBeil bie aHein 33erftef)t, fta3 fief) ber gottergebne Wenfcfy 3035 giir 3:l)aten abgetoinnen fann. ^lofterbruber. S$r feib ©eriityrt, unb @uer Sluge ftefyt fcoH SBaffer? %f)t traft midj mit bem $mbe ju ®arun. 2$r toilet toofyl aber nicfyt, bafc toenig Sage gufcor in ©atfy bie Gfjriften atte 3 u ken 3040 3Jiit 2Beib unb $inb ermorbet fatten, ftnfct 2BoI)l nttfjt, baj$ unter biefen meine grau 9Jtit fieben fyoffnungSfcoflen ©oEmen ft$ 23efunben, bie in meine§ 33ruber3 §aufe, Qu bem id) fie gef(itd£)tet, in^gefamt 3045 33erbrennen muff en. Sfofterfcruber, SCftgerecfyter ! 9?atf)atu ^x famt, fyati' id? brei Sag' unb m$V in 2tfc^> > Unb ©taub bor ©ott gelegen unb getoeint. — ©etoeint? Seiner mit ©ott aucfy tooljl geredfjtet, ©ejttrnt, getobt, micfy unb bie SBelt t)ertoiinfc^t, 3050 3)er ©fyrtftenfyeit ben unberfofynlicfyften §aft jugefefytooren — <*. 2luf3ug. 7. 2tnftrt it. 169 £(ofterfcrubet\ 2tc§ ! 3d; gtaub'S @ud) too^I I Wafljatt. ©od) nun fam bte 3Sernunft allmafylicf) toieber, ©te fyrad) nut fanfter ©timm': „Unb bod? ift ©ott! 2)od) tear audj ©otte§ 5tatfdjlu£ ba3 ! SBofylcm ! 3055 Somm ! tibe, fca3 bu langft begriffen fyaft, 3Ba3 fidfyerlidfj ju itben fcfytoerer nic^t 2113 ju begreifen ift, toenn bu nur ftullft. ©te$ auf!" — 3d& ftanb ! unb rief ju ©ott: 3$ tottt! . 2BtHft bu nur, baft id) h>iH ! — gnbem ftiegt ^x 3060 33om ^3ferb' unb iiberreicfytet mir ba§ $inb, 3n gucrn SWantel eingefmttt. — 2Ba§ 3ftr 9Jlir bamate fagtet, toa3 id) Sud), f)ab' id) SBcrgeffen. ©0 fctel toeift id) nur: icf) naf)m £)a£ $inb, trug'S auf mein Sager, luftt' e§, toarf 3065 9Jti$ auf bie $nie unb fdjlud^te : ©ott ! auf fiebcn 3)od) nun fdEjon eines toieber! ^lofterfcruber. 9?atf>an! 9iatfyan! Sfyr feib ein Shrift ! — Sei ©ott, gfyr fetb ein Shrift ! (Sin beffrer ©Ijrift toar me! sRatfjan. 3Sof)l un§! ©enn toa§ 9Jtid) @ud) jum Gfyriften macfyt, ba3 mad)t Gucfy mir 3070 gum gubcn ! — 2lber lafet un§ (anger nid)t Sinanber nur erftetd)en. §ter braucfyt'3 £I)at! Unb ob mi$ fiebenfadje Siebe fcfyon 33alb an bteS einj'ge frembe SRdbd^en banb, Db ber ©ebanfe mtcfj fcfion totet, baft 3075 3$ meine fieben ©ofyn in iljr auf3 neue 170 Ha tli a it *>er IDeife. SSerlieren foil : — toenn fie bon meinen §anben S)ie SSorftd^t toieber forbert, — icfy gefyorcfye! Mofterfirubcr, 9Jun i)oUenb§ ! — ©ben ba3 bebacfyt' icfy midE} ©o triel, 6ud) anjuraten ! Unb fo tyat'8 3080 @u$ @uer gutcr ©eift fcfyon angeraten! Hatijatt. 9?ur mu£ ber erfte befte mir fie nicfyt ©ntreiften Pollen! tfofterfcrttber, SRein, getoift nicfyt! 2Ber 2luf fie mcfyt groffre SKecfyte fyat ate icfy, SfJtufe friifyere jum minften fyaben — ®lofter&rubet\ ftatyait. 3085 SDie ifym 5iatur unb SBIut erteilen. JHafterbntber* greilicf) ! ©0 3Jletn > i$ e3 au$ ! SDrum nennt mir nur gefd&toinb ®en 9Jlann, ber if)r ate SBruber ober Dfym, Site Setter ober fonft ate ©i!p:p bertoanbt : 2$m toitl tcf) fie nid^t fcorentljalten — fie, 3090 3Die jebe^ £>aufe3, jebe3 @lauben£ $terbe gu fein erfdjaffen unb erjogen toarb. — 3$ ^off*, 3$r tt)i|t Don biefem ©uern §errn Unb bem ©efcfylecfyte beffen mefyr ate t$. ^ 2Juf3ug. 7. tfuftritt. 171 SHofterfcruber. ®a3, guter 9?atfyan, too^I nun fdjfyerltdj ! — S)enn 3095 3^ r ^ a ^ i a f^ 011 ge^ort, ba$ id) nur gar 3u furje $eit &ei ^ m getx>cfen. Wafyaxu Sfyr benn nicfjt toenigftenS, t»a§ fur ©efcf>led)t3 SDie Gutter tear ? — 23ar fie nidbt eine ©tauffin ? SUofterfcruber* 3Bo§I mdglid) ! — 3 a, micfy biinlt. JRatljatu §te£ nicf)t ifyr 93ruber 3100 $onrab toon ©tauffen? — unb toar Sempelfyerr? fifofterfcruber. 2Benn micb r 3 nid)t triegt. £)o$ Ijalt ! ®a fattt mir em, ©af$ i$ bom fePgen §errn ein Siicfyelcfyen Sftocfy I)ab\ 3$ jog's ifym au3 bem 33ufen, ate 2Bir tfm bei 2t^falon fcerfcfyarrten. SRatljatt. 9tun? SUofterfcruber. 3105 @3 finb ©ebete brin. SBir nennen'3 ein 33ret>ier. — SDaS, ba$t' idE), lann ein Gbriftenmenfd) $a toofyl no$ braucfyen. — 3$ nun fretlid^ mdE)t — 3$ faun nid^t Icfcn — %$ut m$t3 ! — 9?ur jur ©ad)e. SHofterfcruber, $>n biefem 93iid?eld^en ftefm t>orn unb fyinten, 31 10 2Sie id£) mir fagen laffcn, mit be3 §erm 172 Hattjan ber IDeife, ©etbeigner §anb, bie Slngefyorigen unb ifyr gefd^rieben* D ertx>iinfc^t ! ©eE)t! lauft! f)olt mir ba3 Siid&eW&en. ©efd&toinb ! 3$ bin berett, mit ©olb e3 aufjutoiegen, 3115 Unb taufenb S)an! baju! gilt! lauft ! jftoftevftruber. 9iecJ)t gem! (S3 ift arabifd^ aber, \va$ ber §err jQtnetngefcfjrte&en. (»&.) 9?aif)cuu ©tnerlei ! vtxxx fyer ! — ©ott! toenn id) bocfy ba3 9)?abd)en no$ befyalten Unb einen fold;en ©ibarn mir bamit 3120 ©rfaufen lonnte! — Sdjtoerltcf) toobl! — Shut, fall' ©3 au8, tote's Vt>iU ! — 2Ber mag e3 aber benn ©etoefen fein, ber bei bem ^)3atriard)en ©0 eitoaS angebradjt? ©a3 muft id) bod^ 3u fragen ni$t fcergeffen. — 2Benn e3 gar 3125 23on S)aj|a fame? 2ttf?ter 2Iuftrttt. 2)aja imb -ftatljan, (ettig unb berlegen). ©cnlt bo$, 9Zatfyan! 9latf)an. 9?un? f. 2tuf3ug. 8. 2Iuftrtti 173 25a§ arme $xnb erfd^ral tooljl recf)t barii&er"! £)a fd&icft . . . £>er spatriard^? ©e§ ©ultan§ ©d&toefter, sprinjefftn ©tttafy . . . ^atljatt- SRid&t ber $atriard£>? 9tan, ©ittafy! — §ort Sfyr nic^t ? — ^rinjef fin ©ittafy 3130 ©dE)icft tyer unb lafct fie ju ft$ fyolen. Stofljatt, 22en? £a£t SKecfya fyolen ? — ©ittal) lafet fie Ijolen. — 9?un, toenn fie ©ittafy fyolen Ia£t, unb nid^t 3)er $atriar$ . . . £aja. 2Bie fommt %i)x benn auf ben? ©0 fyaft bu fiirjlicfy nid£)t3 toon ii)m gefyort? 3135 ©etoijs md&t? 2Iuq) ifym nictyts geftedft? 3$? i^m? Statyui. 2Bo finb bie Soten? SBorn. 174 Hainan ber IDeife. %d) h)tH fie bod^ 2tu§ aSorfic^t felber f^red^en. Somm ! — 2Benn nur 33r)m ^airiard^en nid?t3 balmier fiecft. (sia.) Unb itf) — \§ furd^te ganj toa3 anbre£ nocfy. 3140 2Sa3 gilt's? bie einjige fcermeinte Stockier ©0 eineg reidjen ^uben to&r' a ud£) tDo^>I giir einen -JJhif elmcmn ni$t flbel ? — §ui, 2)er Sempelfyerr ift brum. 3ft brum, toenn icfy £)en jtoeiten ©djritt nid^t aud^ nocfy toage, nic^t 3145 2luc$ iE>r no$ felbft entbecfe, toer fie ift ! — ©etroft ! 2a£ m\6) ben erften 2tugenbltd£, ©en icf) aUein fie Ejabe, baju braucfyen ! Unb ber totrb fein — tuefteicfyt nun tten f toenn 3$ fie Begletie. ©0 ein erfter 2Binf 3150 5?ann unterftegenS toenigftenS ntd^t fcfyaben. 2>a, \a ! 9iur ju ! $e£t ober nie ! 9?ur ju ! (3$mna$.) Jixnffer 3lufpxg* (Erfter Jtuftrttt. Scene: ba& gimmer in Sct(abtn§ ^ktlafte, in tueldjel bie Sentel mil ©etb getragen raorben, bie nod) sn fefjen. © a 1 a b t n unb haib barauf fcerfcfjiebene s Dl a m e ( u cf e tt. <3a(abttt (ttn ^ereintreten). ©a ftefyt ba§ ©elb nun nod) ! Unb ntemanb toetfj S)en 3)erfarifdj aufjuftnben, ber bermuthcf) 2ln3 ©cfyadjbrett xrgenbit)o geraten ift, 3155 3)a3 iljn toofyl feiner felbft bergeffen macfyt; — SBarunt mdjt meiner? — 9?un, ©ebulb! 23a3 giebt'8? (Sin 9Jlame(ucf, ©rtDiirtfd^te ^acfyridjt, ©ultan ! greube, ©ultan! ®ie $arafr>ane Don $al)ira fommt, 5ft gliicflid) ba ! mit ftebenjaljrigem 3160 Jrtbut be§ reicfyen 9tU3. @alabht» SBrat), ^brafytm ! S)u btft mtr toa^rltd^ em totHfommner 23ote ! — §a ! enblitf) einmal ! enblid?! — §abe %)ani 35er guten 3^ un S- £er 9ftame(utf (roartenb). (9fam? nur I)er batnit!) 175 176 Hainan ber IPeife. @alabitt« 28a§ toart'ft bu? — ©efy nur toieber. £>er SWamehtct $)em SBitffommnen 3165 ©onft ni$t£? ©alabin* 2Ba§ benn nodf) fonft? $er SSWantelnct ©em guten 23oten $ein 53otenbrot? — ©0 toar' icfy ja ber erfte, SDen ©alabin mit 2Borten abjulofynen SDod; enblicf) lernte? — Stucty ein 9ht$m! — ber erfte, SUlit bem er fnicferie. ©alabuu ©0 nimm bir nur 3170 Sort einen Seutel. <£>er SRameluif. 9tan, mm ntdfjt! 2)u lannft 3JIir fie nun alle fcfyenfen footlen. ©alabin* 3Tro|! — ■flomm f)er! ®a £>aft bu gtoei. — ^m (grnft? er gefyt? S£f)ut mir'3 an @belmut jutoor? — ©enn ficfyer 9Jiu{$ iljm e£ faurer toerben, au^ufcfylagen, 3175 2113 tnir ju geben. — ^braljim! — 2Ba3 lommt SDtir benn and? ein, fo furj bor meinem 2lbtrttt 2luf einmal ganj ein anbrer f ein ju Pollen ? — 2BiH ©alabin al8 ©alabin nicfyt flerben? — ©0 mufct' er aucfy alS ©alabin nicfyt leben. ©in ^iiieitcr 9ttamefatf* 3180 9?un, ©ultan ! . . • 5, 2Iuf3ug. I 2luftrttt. 177 6afobht. 2Senn bu mir ju melben lommft . . . groetter Wlamttud. 2)a£ au$ 2tgt)pten ber transport nun ba! Safabitt, gcf) toetft f$on. 3«iettcr 9Jiautefott $am id) bod^ $u tyat! Salabht. SBarum gu ft at? — ®a ntmm fiir beinen guten 23iHen SDer SBeutel einen ober jtoei. 3tneiter SRamefacf. SKad^t brei! ©afabttt, 3185 ^ a / ^ enn ^u *ec!men lannft ! — ©0 ntmm fie nur. 3ttJCtter WtamtlvLd. @§ totrb Vdo^I nocfy ein britter fommen, — toenn ©r anber£ lommen lann. ©alabtm SSie ba3? 3tt»citer SPiamefaif. Se mi, @r fyat aucfy tootjl ben §al§ gebrodjen! 35enn ©obalb toir brei ber 2tnfunft be§ £ran3:port3 3190 SSerfid^crt ftaren, fyrengte jeber frifdj 2)at>on. 3)er borberfte, ber ftiirjt; unb fo 178 ttatkan be r W eife. $omm' id) nun fc>or unb bleib' and) Dor Ms in ©ie ©tabt, too aber gbrafyim, ber Sedfer, 5Die ©affen beffer fennt. @alafeut, D, ber ©eftiirjte! 3195 greunb, ber ©eftiirjte ! — 9tett ifym bod? entgegen, gttieiter SRamelud^ £)a§ toerb' id) ja toofyl iljun ! — Unb totnn er lebt, ©0 ift bte £alfte biefer Seutel fern. (®e$t ab.) SalaHtt, ©iefy, toeldb em guter, ebler $erl au$ ba3 ! — 2Ber fann fid? folder 9JlameIuden riifymen? 3200 Unb toar' mir benn ju benfen nid^t erlaubt, ©aft fie mein Seifyiel bilben (jelfen? — $ort 5Diit bem ©ebanfen, fie ju guter 2e£t 9iod^ an ein anbre3 ju getoofynen ! . . . @tn- brttter SMamefatf* ©ultan, . . , Satabiiu Sift bu% ber ftfirjte? fritter 9Jlamefucf. ■Rein. 3$ melbe nur, — 3205 ©aft @mtr 9Jlanfor, ber bie $aratoane ©efufyrt, t>om $ferbe fteigt . . . Saiabtn. Srtng tfyn! gefd&toinb! ©a ift er ja! — 5. 2Iuf3ug. 2. itnftrtti 179 (^tpeiter 2luftrttt (S m 1 1 %R a ii j o r unb @ -a 1 a b i it. Salafoitt, SBillfommen, ©mir ! Sfttm, 2Bie iff 3 gegangen? — 9Jlanfor, SJlanfor, Ijafi Une lange toarien Iaffert ! liefer 33rief 3210 Seridjtet, fta§ bein SIbuIfafjem erft gur Unrub' in 2bebai$ bampfen mfiffen, 66' tow e5 ftagen burften, abjugefyen. ® en 3ug barauf i)ah } icb befcbleuniget So toiel, toie moglicb toar. 8alabtn. Scf) glaube bir ! — 3215 Unb nimm nur, guter 3Jianfor, nimm fogleicfy . . . 3)u tfmft es aber bocb audf) gem?. . . nimm frifd^e Sebecfung nur fogleicb. 3)u muftt fogletd; 9?od£) toetter, muftt ber ©elber grofeem STeil 2tuf Sibcmon jum SSater bringen* Wlan\ov. ©ern! 3220 ©efyr gern ! Salabtn. Unb nimm bir bie Sebecfung \a 3lux nicf)t ju fdtoacfy. G3 ift urn Ctbanon 9l\d)t aHes mebr gu ficber. §aft bu nitfjt ©efyort? 3)ie lempelberren finb toieber rege. ©ei too^I auf beiner §ut ! — Komm nur ! 23d Ijctli 3225 £er 3ug ? ^d£) ftitf ibn febn unb atleg fcIBft Setreiben. — gljr! i$ bin fobann bei ©ittaf). T, 180 Hatfjan ber IDetfe. Drttter ZCuftritt. Scene: bte $almen Dor 9latfyan§ £>aufe, mo ber Xempelfyerr auf unb nicber get)t. $n§ £>au§ nun toitt \n ? — @r fagte ja : 3235 3lor 2ad>eln, it>dr r e3 nid&tS 21(3 fanfte, fcfyone gutfung ^ rer SRuJJeln, SSar', toa£ fie Iad^eln in a$t, be3 9tet$e§ untoert, $n ben e3 fid) auf ifyrem fletbet: — 3260 9?ein, felbft t£>r Sdcfjeln rttd^t ! 3$ f?ab' e$ ja SBofyl fd£)5ner nodi) an Wfttiivty, an £anb, 2(n ipofynerei, an ©djmeidfyler unb an Sutler 23erfcbtoenben feljn! — §af3 ba midE) audf) bejaubert? §at'§ ba tnir audf) ben 3Bunfc§ entlodft, mein Seben 3265 3 n feinem ©onnenfcfyeine ju fcerflattern? — 3$ toiifcte nicfyt. Unb bin auf ben bod) launifcfr, SDer biefen fydfyern 2Bert allein tfyr gab? 28ie ba£? ftarum? — SBenn idf) ben ©pott fcerbiente, 9Jtit bem mtdEj ©alabin entlief}! ©cfyon fcblimm 3270 @enug, baf$ ©alabin e3 glauben !onnte! 2Bie flein id) ifym ba foremen mu^te ! toie 33eradbtlicf) ! — Unb ba§ aHe§ urn ein SMbcfjen? — Gurb ! Surb ! ba3 gebt fo nicfyt. Sen! ein ! 9Senn tooHenbS W\x SDaja nur \va$ borgeplaubert tyatte, 3275 28a3 fd£)toerlid) ju ertoeifen ftiinbc? — ©ief), 5Da tritt er enblid), in ©efpradE) bertieft, 2tus feinem §aufe ! — §a ! mit toem ! — 9Jlit iljm? SDWt meinem ^lofterbruber? — §a ! fo toeifc @r ficberlicf) fd^on atle3 ! ift toobl gar 3280 ©em Spatrtard&en fcfyon fcerraten ! — §a ! 2Ba3 fyab' tdj Duerfopf nun geftiftet ! — Safe (Sin einj'ger gunfen biefer 2eibenfd)aft Qotfy unferS §irn§ fo fciel fcerbrennen fann ! — ©efd^tmnb entfcf)lieft bid), toa3 nunmefyr ju tf)un! 3283 ^dj tottt fyier feittoart3 i^rer toarten, — ob SBielleicfyt ber ^lofterbruber dm aerlafct. 182 Hainan ber IDetfe. Dierter tfuftritt. $1 a t 1) a n unb ber $ 1 o ft e r h r u b e r. Watljatt (im ^dt)er!ommen). §abt normals, guter Sruber, melen ©anf! ^lofterfcruber. Unb 3$r be^gleic^en ! Martian. %$? t>on @ucf)? toof iir ? ftitr tnetnen @igenfinn, (£ud£) aufjubrtngen, 3290 2Ba§ $$r n ^ brauc^t ? — $a, toenn ifym Surer nur 2Iudf) nacfygegeben fyatt', 3#r tnit ©etoalt 5Rt$i toolltet reiser fcin ate id). SHofterferuber. 3)a3 33u$ ©efjort ja obnebem nid£)t mir, geljort ^a obnebem ber £ocfyter, ift Ja fo 3295 ©er Softer ganje§ fcaterlicfyeS (Srbe. — ^e nun, fie fyat ja @udE). — ©ott gebe nur, 2)af$ $fyv e§ nie bereuen bitrft, fo fciel gtir fie getfyan ju fyahttx ! $ann idj ba£? ©a3 lann icfy nie. ©eib unbeforgt! 5Hofter&ruber. 5Ru, nu! 3300 3Me $atriard£)en unb bie SCempelfyerren , ♦ . SWatfjiro. 23ermogen mir be3 Sofen nie fo fciel 3u tfyun, baft irgenb toa3 mid) reuen fonnte, ©efcfytoeige, ba§ ! — Unb feib 3#r benn fo ganj 5. 2Iuf3ug. /*. 21 u f t r i 1 1. 183 aSerfid^ert, ba£ ein Xempelljerr e§ ift, 3305 £>er ©uern ^atriard^en fyettf ? SHofter&ruber. ©§ fann 33einaf) !ein anbrer fein. ©in £empelfyerr ©prad) !urj border mit ifym, unb toa£ tc§ fyorte, 3)a§ Hang barnad^ ©3 ift bod) aber nur ©in eingtger jefct in SJerufalem, 3310 Unb biefen fenn' iti). SMefer ift mein greunb, ©in junger, ebler, offner SJlann ! IHofterferuber. ©anj red^t, £)er namltcfye ! — 35ocf> toa§ man ift, unb toa3 3Jlan fein mu| in ber SSelt, ba£ paftt ja tooljl %lid)t immer. Seiber mcf)t. — ©0 tfyue, toer'S 3315 3tudE) immer ift, fein (ScfylimmfteS ober 33efie3! 5D?it ©uerm 23udj)e, 33ruber, trotf id) alien Unb gefye graben 28eg§ bamit jum <&ultan. 5Hofterbruber- SSiel ©liidte! £5$ toW ®u$ kenn nur bier berlaffen. MaU)an. Unb fyabt fie md)t einmal gefefyn ! — $ommt ja 3320 3)o$ balb, bod£) fleiftig toteber. — 3Betm nur ^euf 35er $atrtar$ nodj m$t8 erfafyrt! — £)o$ toa£? ©agt tfym au$ beute, ft>a§ 3#r Joottt. $Iofterbruber, 3$ nid&t. 1 (@ef)t ab.) 184 Hat^an ber tPetfe. Nathan. aSerge^t un3 \a ntd^t, Sruber ! — ©ott ! S)afe icfy nid&t gleid) Ijier unter fretem §tmmel 3325 2luf meine $mee ftnfen fann ! 2Bte fid) 2)er $noten, ber fo oft mir bange macfyte, 5ftun toon ftdfj felBer lofet ! — ©ott ! tote letcfyt 3Kir totrb, baft id) nun better auf ber 2BeIt %litf)t% ju berbergen Ijabe ! bafc id) fcor 3330 ©en 3Renfd)en nun fo frei fann toanbeln al3 9Sor bir, ber bu aftein ben 9Jienfd)en nid^t Wad) feinen %fyatm braucfyft §u rid)ten, bie ©0 felten feine £I)aten finb, ©ott! — ^iinfter 2tuftritt. Watfyan unb ber £empell)err, ber Don ber @eite auf iljn gulommt. Sem^eUjerr* §e! toartet, Sftattyan, nefymt mid) mit! Nathan. 2Ber ruft? — 3335 ©eib $l)r e8, fitter? 9So getoefen, baft $l)r bei bem ©ultan (5ucf> ntd)t treffen laffen? 2Sir finb einanber fefylgegangen. SWeljmt^ %l\tf)i iibei ! $$ ntd&t, aber ©alabin . ♦ ♦ £em£ett)err, $I)r toart nur ^btn fort , . • 5, 2Iuf3ug, 5. 2fuftrttt. 185 Unb fyracfyt tfm bod)? 3340 3lun, fo tffg gut. Sr tottt im§ aber beibe 3ujammen fprecfyert. 35e(to beffer. $ommt 9lur mit SWein ©artg ftanb ofynebin ju ifnn.— Sem^elfjerr, $dE) barf ja bodE) toobt fragen, -Katfyan, tx>er @ud) ba fcerlteft? sRat^atu $#r fennt tljrt bocfy toofyl nicfyt? XempeUjerr, 3345 2Bar'3 nicfyt bie gute ©out, ber Satenbruber, 2)e3 fid) ber ^atriartf) fo gem jum Stober Sebtent? ^ann fein! 33eim ^3atriardE)en ift @r allerbingS. SetnpeUjerr, £)er $fiff ift gar nid^t iibel, 2)ie @mfalt bor ber ©cfyurferei fcorau3 3350 3" fc^ideen. Matyaxx. 3a, bie bumme, — md)t bie fromme* Sempenjerr, 2In fromme gtaubt fein ^atrtard). 186 Hat^an ber rt)etfe, SKafyati. $ur ben 9fam ftefy' \§. 3)er tt>trb feincm $atrtar$en SRid^tS Ungebufyrli$e§ bottjiefyen fyelfen. Xempctyerr* ©o fteUt er toenigften£ ftcfy an. — ®o$ tyat 3355 ®* @u$ toon mir benn ni$t$ gefagt? 9tatf)an. Son @u$? 3Son @u$ nun namentlicfy toofyl m$ts. — @r toeife ^a tooljl aucfy fcfytoerlicfy ©uern 9lamzn? %tmptli}tvv. ©$toerlic§. *Battjatt, SBon einem ^empelfyerren freilicfy fyat @r mir gefagt . . . Unb toa8? SKatljan. ffiSomit er @ud? 3360 ©odE) em* fur aKemal ni$t meinen lann ! SentyeUjerr, 2Ber toeift? Saftt bo$ nur fyoren. 2) aft midj einer Set feinem ^atrtarcfyen angeflagt . . . SetttyeHjerr, @u$ angeflagt? — Sag ift, mit f etner ©unft — ©rlogen. — §ort tntdf), 9tatfyan ! — %<$ bin nicfyt 3365 2)er 9Jtenfcfy, ber irgenb etft>a§ abjuleugnen 5. 2Juf3ug. 5. 2Iuftritt. 187 ^mftanbe toare. 28a§ id) tfyat, ba3 if) at id) . £)od; bin id) and) tttd&t ber, ber alleS, toa3 @r tl)at, ate tool)IgetI)an bertetb'gen mod)te. 23a3 foHt' icfy eine3 gel)te mid) fdjamen? $ah y 3370 3$ n i$* ^ en feftcn 93orfa£, if)n ju beff ern ? Unb toet£ id) eti^a ntdjt, lute toett mtt bem 63 9JienfdBen bringen fonnen? — §ort midb, Sftatfyan! — $d) bin be£ SatenbruberS £empeH)err, 2)er (Sud) Derflagt foil f)aben, aUerbinge. — 3375 3^ r toiftf i a / toa$ mxd^ tourmifd) mad)te ! toa£ 9ftein Slut in alien 2lbern fiebcn macfyte ! 3d) ©aud) ! — id) lam, fo ganj mit Seib' unb Seel' 6ud) in bie 2lrme mid) ju toerfen. 3Bie $I)r mid) em^fingt — tote fait — tote lau — benn lau 3380 3ft fd^limmer nod) ate fait ; toie abgemeffen 3Jtir au^ubeugen ^x befliften toart; SJlit toeldjen au§ ber Suft gegriffnen $ragen 31)r SInttoort mir ju geben fcbeinen tooUtet: 35a£ barf id) faum mir jettf nod) benfen, toenn 3385 3$ foil gelaffen bleiben. — §ort micb, 9?atl)ani — 3n biefer ©Sprung fdjlid) mir 25aja nacfy Unb toarf mir tE>r ©efyeimnte an ben $oj>f, £)a§ mir ben 3luffd)Iu§ ©uer3 rdtfell)aften 33etragen§ %a entfyalten fd£)ien. SBie ba§? Sempettjerr, 3390 §ort micf) nur au$l — 3$ bilbete mir etn, 3I)r tooHtet, toa§ $l)r einmal nun ben S^riften ©0 abgejagt, an einen 61)riften toieber •Ktcfyt gem t>erlieren. Unb fo fiel mir ein, 188 Xiat^an bet IDeife* @ud) furj unb gut ba3 3Jleffer an bie g£]jl£_ 3395 3« f e £ en - Sttatyatu ^ur j unb gut ? unb gut ? — 2So ftecft 3)a§ ©ute? Setn^ettjerr* §ort midf), SRatfyan ! — SlUerbingS, 3$ tfyat nicfyt recf>t ! — 3#r fcib toofyl gar nid;t fcfyulbig.- 3Me SRarrin Saja toeijs nictyt, t»aS fie fpricfyt, — 3ft @u$ gefyafftg, — fud;t @ud) nur bamit 3400 $n einen bofen §anbel ju bertoicfeln ; — $ann fein ! lann fein ! — 3$ 6w e * n junger Saffe, 2)er immer nur an betben ©nben fd;toarmt, 93a(b btel ju fcnel, ba(b fctel ju toenig t^ut ; — 2lud^ ba£ lann fein ! SSerget^t mir, 9iatljan. ^otljatt. 3Benn 3405 Sfyr fa m ^ frexlid^ faffet — Xem^eHjerr. ^urj, \§ ging 3um ^atriarcfyen ! — Ijab' @ud) after ntcfyt ©enannt, 2)a3 ift erlogen, toie gefagt! 3$ Ijab' tfym blo£ ben gall ganj aUgemein Grjafylt, urn feine SDleinung ju fcernefymen. — 3410 2tu$ ba3 fyatt' unteibleiben lonncn ; ja bod^ ! — 3)emt fannt' id) mdjjt ben *Patriarubtn ober feines ! 3430 ©[ei$fc>iel! gleicbttiel! 3$ toerb' (Sucf) toeber jefct 9fo(f) jjemafe fonft in meinem ganjen Seben 2>arum befragen. ©et, tote'S fei! $Utt)an. ^fyr ftabnt 3Bof)l gar, bafc mir bie SBafyrljeit ju fcerbergen ©efyr notig? £em$jelf)en\ ©et, toie'3 fei! SRatf) an. 3$ fyab' e3 ja 3435 Gu$ — ober toem es fonft ju toiffen jiemt — 3lod) nidjt geleugnet, bap fie eine 6f)riftin Unb ni$t3 ate merne v $f[egetocbter ift. — SB arum idf>'3 aber ibr nocfy ntd£>t entbecft? — Saruber braucfy' xd) nur bei if>r midj ju 3440 Cmtfcbulbigen. £em£eil)err. £a3 foHt $br aucb bei tfyr v JttdE)t braucfyen. — ©onnt'3 it>r bod^, baft fie SudE) me 190 Xtat^an ber IDetfe- Wit anbern Slugen barf betracfyten ! ©part 3^r bie (gntbecfimg bocb ! — 3?oc^ $abt $f>r ja, Sfyr ganj allein, mit tE>r ju flatten, ©ebt 3445 ©ie mir! 3$ 6itf ©utf), SRattyatt, gebt fie mir! 3$ bin's atlein, ber fie jum jtoeitenmale @u$ retten lann — unb toilL $a — lonnte ! fonnte! 9tun auc| ntd)i mefyr. @3 ift bamit ju ft at. 2km$>elljerr, SBie fo? in foat? ^atjjatt, 2)anl fei bem ^atriardjen . . ♦ XetttpeHjerr* 3450 ©em $atrtard)en? 2)anf? ifym ©an!? toofur? ©an! batte ber Bet un3 fcerbienen toollen? SBofur? tooffir? 9?atf)tm. 2)aft toxr nun ftriffen, toem ©ie anfcertoanbt, nun totffen, toeffen §anben ©ie fitfjer auggeliefert toerben lann, 3455 3)a§ ban!' ifym — toer fiir mefyr tfym banlen toirb! 2lu§ btefen mii$t $fyr fie nun aud^y erfyalten Unb ni$t au3 meinen. Xem^eUjerr. 3lrme 9ie$a! 2Ba3 3)ir attcS fcuftofet, armc 3ted)a ! 2Ba£ ©in ©liicf fiir anbre JBaifen ttmre, totrb 5, 2t u f 3 u g. 5. 2tuftrttt. 191 3460 2)ein Unglikf ! ~ 9iatljan ! — Unb too finb jit, biefe Sertoanbte? 2Bo fie ftnb? SempeUjerr. Unb toer fie finb? 93'efonberS E)at ein Sruber fid) gefunben, 93ei bem 3$r urn fie toerben muf& £emtjeU)err* @in Sruber? 2Ba3 ift er, biefer Sruber? Sin ©otbat? 3465 @m ©etftlid)er? — Safet fyoren, toa§> \i) mir SSerf^rec^en barf. Xat|ttt. 3$ glaube, ba§ er feine3 33on beiben — ober beibe3 ift. 3$ ^ enn ' 3#n nocfy nidf)t red)t. £em£etf)err. Unb fonft? Sttatjatt. Sin brafcer SOlann ! 93ei bem fid) 3te$a gar nid)t ubel toirb 3470 Sefinben. £em£ell)err* Qotf) ein (Shrift ! — %r mangeln fonnen ! 233irb ©a§ 93ruber$en tnit @ffen unb mit Kletbung, 3485 3Kit SRafd^toerf unb mit $u£ ba§ ©d)toefter$en 9Jtd)t reicfylicfy g'nug berforgen? Unb toaS braucfyt (Sin ©dj>toefterrf)en benn mefyr? — 6i fretltcfy: aucfy 9?ocfy einen SUiann ! %lnn, nun, — and) ben, and) ben 2Birb ifyr ba§ 93riibercfyen ju fetner 3 e ^ 3490 ©d)on fd^affert, tote er immer nur ju finben ! ©er c^riftlicbfte ber befte ! — ^ftatfyan, ytatyan ! 2Bel$ einen ©ngel fyattet %i)x gebtlbet, ©en Sucfy mm anbre fo fcerfyunjen toerben! Nathan. §at feine 5Ttot ! @r toirb fidj unfrer Siebe 3495 9totf) tmmer toert genug befyaupien. £em£eU)err. ©agt ©a§ ntdjt ! SSon meiner Siebe fagt ba% ntd^t ! ©enn bie laftt nicfyt3 fid^ unterfcfylagen, ntcfytg, 6§ fei audfj) nod? fo flein ! aucfy leinen Xiamen ! — 5. 2X u f 3 u g, 5. 2Juftrttt. 193 2)o$ fyalt ! — SCrgtDO^nt fie toofyl bereit£, h)ai mit 3500 ^f)r i>orget)t? 9Jtt>glicf> ; ob i$ fcfyon nicfyt toiiftte, 2Bofyer ? £em£en)en\ 2tud^ eben fcuel; fie foil — fie mufs $n beiben fallen, toa3 il)r ©dE>idEfaI brol)t, Son tnir juerft erfaljren. 5Dletrt ©ebanfe, ©ie ef)er ftneber nid)t ju fefm, ju fyrecfKn, 3505 2113 bi§ idB fie bie meine nennen biirfe, gaUt fteg. %<$) eile . . . Sleibt! too^in? Sentyenjerr, 3u tf>r! 3u feljn, ob biefe 3ftabcf)enfeele. 3)?ann3 genug 2Bofyl ift, ben einjigen @ntf$lu£ ju faffen, ©er ifyrer toiirbig toare ! SBel^en? Sen: 3510 9^ad^) ®uc£) unb ibrem Sruber toeiter ni$t 3u fragen — Unb? Xempenjerr. Unb mir ju folgen, — foenn ©ie briiber eine§ 9JiufeImanne3 grau SCud^) toerben mit^ie. 194 Zt at ft an ber IDetfe. Nafyan. Sleibt ! ^x trefft fie nid&t ; ©te ift bet ©tttafy, bet be3 ©ultanS ©cfytoefter. Xtmpttytvt. 3515 ©eit toenn? toarum? ftailjatt. Unb toollt $fyr ^ a &*i i^nen 3ugleid^ ben 83ruber ftnben, fommt nur mit. SempeUjetr* £>en Sruber? toel^en? ©itta^S ober 9te$a3? 9Zatl)att, Setc^t betbe, $ommt nur mit ! %<$) bitt' @u$, lommt ! (@r fufjrt if)ti fort.) Sedjfter tfuftritt. Scene : in Stttcu)§ <£>arem. © 1 1 1 a I) unb Sft e rf) a in Unterfyaltung begrtffen, StitaJ), 2Ba§ freu' id) mid^ nttf)t betner, fiifceS Sftabdfjen! — 3520 ©et fo beftemmt nur ni$t! fo angfi! fo f$ii$tern! — ©et munter! jet gefprad^iger! fcertrauter! SPrinjeffin, . . . ©tttaf). $t\ti)t bodE) ! nid&t ^rtnjefftn ! yiznn Stfttd) ©ittafy, — betne greunbtn, — beine ©cfytoefter, yitnn nttd) betn 9Kutterd)en ! — %d) lonnte ba£ 5. 2t u f 3 n g. 6. 21 u f t r 1 1 1. 195 35 2 5 3 a Wm aud^) fein. — So jung ! fo Hug ! fo tromm ! 2Ba§ bu nid£)t aHe§ toei^t ! rticbt' aftes muftt ©elefen fyabzn 3$ gelefen? — ©ittab, 35u tyotteft beiner Keineit albern ©djtoefter. 3$ fann laum lefen, Stttalj. $annft laum, Siignerin ! fRetfja. 3530 Sin toenig metne$ SBaterS §anb ! — 3$ roeinte, £>u fprad^ft Don Siidjern. STEerbing§ ! bon Sud&ern. 9iun, Silver h)irb mir toafyrlicf) fd^toer ju lefen ! — Sm @rnft? $n ganjem Srnft. SOiein 3Sater Itebi 5Die faltc 93ud^ gele^rf amleit, bte fid) 3535 3Rtt totcn 3ei$en ™3 ©^itn nur briicft, 3u toenig. Sittalj, Si, toa§ fagft bu ! — Sat mbefc 28oI)I ni$t fe^r unrecbt! — Unb fo man$e§, toa§ £>u toei^t . . . ? SRedja. 28ei£ tdj aUein au§ feinem 3Jtunbe Unb lonnie bet bem meiften bir nod) fagen, 3540 2Bie? too? toarum? er mtd>'§ geleljrt. 196 Hat^an ber IDeife. <3tttal). ©o bangt (Bid) freilicty alle§ beffer an. ©o Iernt 9Jtit etn3 bie ganje ©eele. ©i$er fyat 2lu$ ©ittaf) n^erttg ober nid)t3 gelefen ! % 28ie fo? — 3^ bin md^)t ftolj auf£ ©egenteil. — 3545 2t(Iem Vt>ie fo? ©ein ©runb ! ©pridf? breift. ®em ©runb? ©ie ift fo fd)Iecbt unb red)t, unb unfcerfunftelt, ©o ganj ftd^> felbft nur a&nlid^ . . . ©tttal). SRun? 2)a3 f often 3Me Siid^er un§ rtur felten laffen, fagt 3Jietn 33ater. D, fta§ ift bein SSater fiir 3550 (Sin SJtann ! md)t ftafyr? Stttal), SBie naf) er immer bo$ 3um 3iele trifft ! *flerf)a, 9fid&t toa^r? — Unb biefen SSater — ©tttal), 23a§ ift bxr, Siebe? . 5. 2luf3ug. 6. 2tuftrttt. 197 3Me[en Setter — ©ott! ©u toeinft? met)*- Unb biefen SSater — 2lfy ! es mu£ §erau3 ! 3Jlem §erj toill guft, toiU Suft . . . (SSirft fid), bon Xtyranen iibertDdttigt, ju tfyrett Sfugen.) 6ttte$. $inb, toaS 3555 ©efd&ie&t bir? 9}e$a? SDtefen SSater foil — ©oil i$ fcerlieren! Stttal). 35u? berlieren? ifyn? 28ie ba§? — Set rufyig ! — nimmermefyr ! — ©tel) auf ! v OfJedja, 2)u fottft bergeben§ bid) ju meiner greunbin, $u meiner ©cfjtoefter nidfjt erboten I)aben! 6HM|. 3560 ^d^ Kn'8 ja ! bin'3 ! — ©tefy boi) nur auf! gd^ mu§ ©ortft §tlfe rufen. (bie fid) ermemnt unb aufftef)t). 2lf) ! berjeify ! fcergteb ! — 9JWn ©d^merj J?at mi$ bergeffen madden, toer 2)u bift. 33or ©ittafy gift fein ffiBmfeln, fein SBerjtoeifelrt. Salte, ru^ige 33ernunft 198 XI a tit an fcer IDeife. 3565 2Bt(l aHe£ iiber fie adein bermogen. 2Be3 ©acfye btefe bet ifyr fii^rt, ber fiegt ! ©tttaf)* 9fam bann? *Retf)a, 9tan, metne $reunbin, meine ©cfytoefter ©tebt ba3 ntcfyt ju! ©iebt ntmmer ju, baft mir @in anbrer SSater aufgebrungen toerbe! ©ttia^ 3570 ©in anbrer SBater? aufgebrungen? SDir? 2Ber fann ba£? lann ba§ aucfy nur tooKen, Siebe? 2Ber? s JJteine gute bofe SDaja lann ®a§ toollen, — toil! ba§ fonnen. — %a, bu fennft SBofyl btefe gute bofe ®aja ntdjt? 3575 9^un, ®ott fcergeb' e3 tfyr! — belofyn' e3 $rl ©ie fyat mir fo triel ©ute£, — fo bid 23ofe3 (Srtoiefen ! ©ittal). 5Bofe§ bir? — ©0 mufc fie ©ute§ £)o$ toafyrltdj toenig Ijaben. SDo$! red^t fciel, ©Utaf}, 2Ber ift fie? Sine Gfyriftin, bie 3580 %n meiner $inbl)eit mid) gepflegt, micf) fo ©epflegt ! — SDu glaubft nid^t ! — bie mir eine Gutter ©0 toenig miffen laffen ! — ©ott bergelt' 5. 2Iuf3ug. 6. Sluftrttt. 199 @3 tf>r ! — bie aber mid) and) fo geangfiet ! Wlid) fo gequalt! 6tttaf>. Unb iiber toaS? toarum? 3585 SOBte? SCd^ ! bie arme gfrau — id) fag' bits [a — 3ft eine Eljrtftin, — muft au§ Siebe qualen, — 3ft eine bint ben ©$h)firmerinnen, bie Sen atlgemeinen, einjig ftmbren 2Beg 9?a$ ©ott ju toiffen tx>af>nen ! (Sittai). Nun berftel)' id) I 3590 Unb fid? gebrungen fii^Ien, einen jeben, 2)er biefe§ 2Beg3 fcerfeljlt, barauf $u lenfen. — $aum fonnen fie and) anber§. £)enn tft'3 toaljr, £)af$ biefer SSeg aftein nut rid^tig fitfyrt : SBie foUen fie gelaffen iljre greunbe 3595 2ltxf einem anbern toanbeln fefyn, — ber in§ gSerberben ftiirjt, in§ etoige 33erberben? (£3 muftte moglid) fein, benfelben 2Renf$en 3ur felben 3 e ^t ju lieben unb 511 Ijaffert. — Stud) ift'3 ba§ nicfyt, toa§ enbltcfy taute $Iagen 3600 9ftid) iiber fie ju fiifyren jftnngt. Sfyr ©eufjen, 8fc aSarnen, if)r ©ebet, ifyr ©roljen fyatt' 3d) gem nocfy langer auSgefyalten, gern! (£3 bracfyte mi$ bod^) immer auf ©ebanfen, SDte gut unb nii^lid). Unb toem f$mei$elt ? 3 bod^ 3605 3 m ©runbe nicbt, fxd^> gar fo toert unb teuer, 33on toem'3 and) fei, geJ)aIten fiiljlen, baj$ 200 Hainan ber rDeife. @r ben ©ebanfen nid^t eriragen fann, @r miiff einmal auf etoig un$ entbeljren! @tttaf). ©eljr toafyr! 2lKem — aUein — ba§ gefyt ju toeit ! 3610 ®em lann id) nidjt§ entgegenfe^en, ni$t ©ebulb, nicfyt Uberlegung, nid>t§! Stttal). 2Ba3? toem? *Retf|a, 2Ba$ fie mir eben j|e|t entbedt Voitt fyaben. ©tttalj* ©ntbecft ? unb eben jefct? %lux eben je£t! 2Bir naljten auf bem 2Beg' Berber un§ einem 3615 93erfaKnert 6fyriftentem:pel. ^lo^licfy ftanb ©ie ftill, fcfyien mit fid) felbft $u fdmpfen, blidte SJtit naffen 2lugen balb gen §immel, balb 2Iuf mid). $omm, fyracfy fie enblid), laft un£ Ijier ©urcfy biefen £em!pe[ in bie SRic^te ge^n! 3620 ©ie gef)t ; tcfy folg' ifyr, unb tncin 3luge fd^toetft 9Jtit ©rauS bie toanfenben 3tuinen burcfy. 5Run ftefyt fie foneber, unb idj febe mid; 2ln ben berfunfnen ©tufen etne3 morfd£)en 2Utar3 mit ifyr. 2Bie toarb mir? aU fie ba 3625 3Rtt fyeifcen Straiten, mit gerungnen £>anben. 3u meinen giiften fturjte . . . Sttta^ ©ute§ £inb ! 5. 21 u f jug. 7. 2Cuftritt. 201 Unb bet ber ©ottlicfjen, bie ba toofyl fonft ©o mandE) ©ebet erfyort, fo mand)e§ SBunber SBerricfytet Ijabe, mi$ befcfjtoor, — mit Slicfen 3630 3)c§ ftafyren 9JKtIeib3 mid) &efc£)it)or, mtc§ meiner 2)od) ju erbarmen ! — toenigften§ ifyr ju SSergebcn, toetm fie mtr entbecfen mitffe, 2Ba§ ibre Rxxd)' auf midf) fur 2tnfprudj Ijabe. (Ungliicflicfye ! — 63 a^ntc mir !) WtQa. 3$ jet 3635 2tu3 cf)riftli$em ©ebliite, fei getauft, ©et $ftatfyan§ £od)ter nidjt, er nidbt mein 33ater ! — ©ott! ©ott! (Sr nicbt mein SSater ! — ©ittaf) ! ©ittaf) ! ©ief) mi$ auf3 neu' ju beinen gotten . . . Sittaf). $e$a! 3tfd&t bo$! ftefy auf ! — 9Jlein 23ruber fommt! ftefy auf! Stebenter 2Iuftrttt. ©alabtn unb bie $0 rig en, Salabtn. 3640 28a§ gtebt'3 fyier, ©tttaf) ? ©tttaf}. ©ie ift bon ftd& ! ©ott ! 8alabtn, 2Ber ift'3? 202 Hatl]au ber rDetfe. ©u toeiftt ja . . . ©alabitt* UnferS 9tatfyan§ Softer? 2Ba3 fef)It tf>r ? Stttaf), Somm bod? ju btr, $inb! — ©er (Sultan . . . (hie fief) auf ben $nteen 511 Sa(abtn§ Qfiigen fdjle^t, ben $opf aur (Jrben gefenft). 3^ iW ntcfyt auf ! nid^t efyer auf ! — mag eljer 2)e3 ©ultan3 2lnt(i$ md^t erblicfen ! — efyer 3645 3)en Stbglanj etoiger ©erecfyttgfeit Unb ©iite nidjt in feinen Stugen, nicfyt 2luf fetner ©tirn betounbern . . . (Balabin. ©tefy . . . fiel) auf ! tRccfia- ®^ er mir nic^t bertyridjt . . . ©atabht* Somm ! td^ berf^red^e . . . ©et toa8 e§ hull! >Re$a. 9tt$t tnefyr, nidf)t toemger, 3650 21(3 meinen 25ater mir ju laffen unb 9JJicf) ifym ! — 5Rod^ toetfc id) nidjt, it>er fonft mein 3Sater 3u fetn Derlangt, — berlangen fann. aOBitt'S aucfy Sttcfyt toiffen. SCber macfyt benn nur ba3 331ut ©en SSater? nur ba3 23!ut? 5. 2Jnf3ug. 7. 2Iuftriti 203 Salabht (ber fie auf£;ebt). 3d? merfe U)o^l ! — 3655 28er ftar fo graufam benn, bir felbft — bit felbft ©ergleidjen in ben $o£f ju fe^en? 3ft @3 benn fdjon bottig au3gemad)t? ertotefen? 9Jiu6 toofyl! £enn ©aja tottt bon meiner 2lmm' @3 fja&en. galabtn. 2)etner 2lmme! Wtd)a. £)ie e3 fterbenb 3660 3^r ju bertrauen fief) fterbunben fixate. Salabitt. ©ar fterbenb ! — 3tt$t auci) fafelnb f$on? — Unb toar'3 2Tudj toatyr! — 3a toofcl: ba3 Slut, ba§ Slut atlein 9Jiacf)t lange nod) ben 93ater nid&t! mad;t faum 3)en SSater eine§ S£ieue§! gtebt jum fyocfyften 3665 2)a§ erfte Sfted^t, \\<$) biefen Xiamen ju Srtoerben ! £aft bir boc^ nid)t bange f ein ! — Unb toetfet bu toa£? ©obalb ber SSater jtoei ©i$ urn bidE) ftreiten, — laft fie betbe, nimm ©en britten ! — 9ftmm bann mid) ju beinem SSater ! (Sittal). 3670 tfyu'3 ! o ttyu'3 ! ©alabin. 3d) faiU ein guter 93ater, 9?ed)t guter SSater fein ! — 3)o$ bait ! mir fattt yiofy fciel toa§ SBeff re§ bei. — 2Ba3 braudbft bu benn ©er SSater itberfyau^t? SOBenn fie mm fterben? 204 XI at ban ber !t)eife. 33ei geiten fi$ nacfy etnem umgefefyn, 3675 2>er mtt un$ urn bic 2Sette leben U)iH! ^ennft bu nod) leinen? . . . 9J?adi) fie nid^t errdten! ©alabht. ©a§ F?ab' id) atterbingS mir fcorgefe^t. ©rroten mad)t bie §af$lid)en jo fd;on, Unb foHte ©cfyone nidjt nod) fd&oner madjen? — 3680 3$ fyftbe beinen SSater 3lafyan unb Sftocfy einen — einen nod) fyierfyer beftetlt. (Srratft bu ifyn? — igter^er I ©u toirft mir bo$ ©rlauben, ©ittalj? Stttalj, Sruber ! Sala&ttu ©a£ bu ja SSor ifym recfyt fetyr erroteft, liebe£ 9Jlab$en! !Red)a, 3685 SSor toem? erroten? . . . Salabht, $Ieine §eudj)lerin ! Sftun, fo erblaffe lieber ! — 2Bie bu toiUft Unb f annft ! — ((Sine Sftoin tritt fyeretn unb nafyet fidj Sitta§.) ©te finb bo$ ettoa nidfjt fcfyon ba? ©ittal), ©ut! lafc fie nur Ijerein. — ©ie finb e3, Sruber! 5. 2tuf3ug. £efcter 2luftrttt. 205 Setter JCuftrttt. 9? at I) an unb ber Xempti^exx $u ben 2)origen. (Salabitt. 2lf), meinc guten, lieben greunbe ! — SMdfj, 3690 3Md^ Slaifyan, mufe i$ nur bor alien SMngen Sebeuten, baft bu nun, fobalb bu totCIft, 2)ein ©elb fcmnft toieber bolen laffen ! . . . «Rat fj an. (Baiabin. %l\m \Ufy id) audj ju beinen S)ienften . . ©alabin. Sultan ! ©ultan ! 3Me ^aratoan' ift ba. %<$) bin fo reid^ 3695 9fam toteber, ate id) lange nicf)t getoefen. — Somm, fag mir, toa$ bu braudbft, fo red^t foa§ ©rofte§ 3u untemefymen ! 35enn aucf) tbr, and? tfyr, 2$r §anbeMeute, fonnt be§ baren ©elbeS gufciel nie Ijaben ! ^atfjatt, Unb tDarum juerft 3700 35on biefer $Ieinigfeit? — $d) fef>e bort (5tn 2lug' in S^ranen, ba3 ju trodfnen mir SBeit angelegner ift. (©e&taufsied&asu.) S)u fjaft getoeint? 2Ba§ f eE>It bir? — bift bodE) meine Softer no$? SKcin Sater ! . tfietfja. 206 ttatl\an bcr IDeife. *Rati)att. SSir fcerftefyen un£. ©enug! — 3705 ©ei fetter ! ©ci gefaftt ! 2Benn fonft bein §erj 9iur bein no$ ift! 2Benn betnem §erjen fonft 9lur lein SSerluft nicfyt brofyt ! — !Uetn SSater ift ©xr unberloren! t ! red&t toofyl ! — £)a3 anbert, ©a3 anbert atteSJ ■ — ©alabtn, fair famen [-ftatfyan, 2luf bein ©e^ff. 2IIIein, idj fyatte bid) 3715 SSerleitet ; je|t bemiif) btcfy nur ntcfyt toeiter ! / ©alabttu SBie gac^ nun tt>ieber, junger 3Jtann ! — ©oil aUe§ Sir benn entgegen lommen? 2Ifte3 btcfy Srraten ? Semjjelljerr, ■Kim, bu fyorft ja ! fiefyft ja, ©ultan ! ©atabttu @i toaljrlidE) ! — ©cfylimm genug, baft beiner ©a$e 3720 2)u nicfyt getoiffer toarft ! £em£elf)err. ©0 bin id&'S nun, ® aIabitt - ^^T^ 2Ber fo auf irgenb eine SBofyltljat trofct, Sttmmt fie juriicf. 2Ba3 bu gerettet, ift 5. 2X u f 3 u g. Setter 21 uftrttt. 207 3)e3toegen m$t betn Sigentum. ©onft tear* £)er dauber, ben fern ©eij in§ geuer jagt, 3725 ©0 gut em §elb U)ie bit! (9luf 9?ed)a jugetyenb, urn fte bem Sempetfjerrn 3U3ufii()ren.) fiomm, Iiebe3 DJJabd^en, Somm ! TOmtn 3 mit ibm nicfyt fo genau. ©enn \vdx @r anber£, tear' er minber toarm unb ftolj, 6r fyatt' e§ bleiben laffen, bid) ju retten. 3)u muftt ifym ein§ fur§ anbre red^nen. — Somm ! 3730 23ef$dm ifyn ! tlju n>a§ tfym ju tfyun gejtemte ! 23efenn iljm beine Stebe ! irage bid) ibm an ! Unb toenn er bi$ fcerfcfymaljt, bir'3 je bergi^t, 2Bte ungletcf) mebr in biefem ©cfyritte bit §iir \i)\x getljan, aU er fitr bid) . . . 9Sa§ §at 3735 ®r bennjitr bid^ getfjan? 6tn toenig fief) Serautfjern laffen ! — ift toa§ SRed^fg ! — fo fyat @r meine§ 33ruber3, metne* SCffab, ni$t3 ! ©0 tragi er feme Sarfce, nidjt fetn §erj. ^omm, Siebe . . . etttal). @eb ! get), Stebe, geb ! ®3 tft 3740 fjllr beine ©anlbarfeit nod£) immer toenig, SJJocfy immer ntd^tS. §alt, ©alabtn! bait, ©titafy ! Salabm* 2Iuc^ bit? §ier I)at noc§ enter mit ju fpredjen . . . <&a\abx\L SBer leugnet ba£? — llnftreitig, Dfatfyan, fommt ©0 einem 5Pflegefc>ater eine ©ttmme 208 Xlat\\an bcr ttJetfe. 3745 SJlit ju ! SDte erfte, \vtnn bu tx>ttlft* — 2)u fyorft, 8^ toeife ber ©acfye ganje Sage. 5Ri$t fo ganj! — 3$ rebe nicfyt bon mtr. @3 ift ein anbrer, SSeit, toeit ein anbrer, ben id), ©alabin, SDoc^ aucfy fcorfyer ju fyoren bitte. ©alabht. 3Ser? Hrtfyra. 375° 3#* SJruber ! Salabitt. SRecfyaS Sruber? SRedja. SKein Sruber? ©o fyab' idE) einen ©ruber? Setttyenjerr (au% feiner ttulben, ftummen gerftreuuna auffatyrenb). 2Bo? too ift (Sr, biefer ©ruber? 3^oc^ nid)t ^ier? gdHoUt' 2$n ^ er ]<* treffen. s J*atf)att. 9?ur ©ebulb ! XCW^Cl^Crr (aufcerft bitter). S^t einen 33ater aufgebunben : — toirb 3755 @r feinen ©ruber fur fie finben? Salabuu £)a§ §at rto$ gefefylt! Shrift! ein fo niebriger 5. 2t u f 3 u g. Setter 2Iuft'rttt. 209 SSerbad^t fear itber 3lffab§ Si^en nicfyt ©efommen. — ®utl fabr nur fo fort! SRntljatt, SSerjei^) 8&m! — $$ berjeif)' tfym germ — 2Ber toei£, toa§ h)ir 3760 2ln feincr ©telT, in feinem Sllter batten! (Sfreunbfdjaftlidj auf ifjn sugeljenb.) KatOrlidft, Slitter I — 2lrgfrofm folgt auf SJtifttrau'n ! — SB'erat %fyv mid? ®ure3 toaljren -KamenS gleid) ©etoiirbigt fyattet . . . SentyeUjerr. 23ie? Watijan. 3$r f eib lein ©tauffen ! Sentyetyerr. SSer bin id) benn? ^atfjatt. §ei£t Surb toon ©tauffen m$t! Sem^enjerr. 3765 2Bie fyeifc id? benn? Katljait. §et£t £eu toon gilnef. XempeUjerr* SBie? ^atfjatt. 3^r ftuftt? SempeUjerr. 3Rtt Sfted^t ! 2Ser fagt ba3? *Ratf)am 3$, ber mefyr, 9?o$ mefyr @u$ fagen fann. 3$ ftraf inbefc (Sucfy feiner 2iige. 210 Hainan ber IDetfe. Xem^etyerr. Nathan. $ann bocfy toofyl fern, 3)afc jener 92am' ©ud) ebenfaEte gebtiljrt. Xem^cnjerr- 3770 3)a§ foUt' id) meinen! — (®a3 fytefe ©ott ifm tyrecfyen!) ^atf)att. SDenn Sure 9Jtutter — bie Wax eine ©tauffm. 2$t 33ruber, ©iter Dfym, ber @u$ erjogen, 35em Sure ©(tern ©ucfy in ®eutfd)lanb lie^en, 21(3, Don bem rauljen igtmntel bort fcertrieben, 3775 ©ie foieber fyter ju Sanbe famen : — ber §ie{$ Surb fcon ©tauffen, mag an $inbe§fiatt SBieCCeid^t ©ud) angenommen Ijaben ! — ©eib %i)x lange fdjon mit ifym nun aucfy fyeriiber ©efommen? Unb er Iebt bod? nod)? Sempenjerr. 2Ba3 fott 3780 3d) f agen ? — SRat^an ! — 2tderbtng§ ! ©0 ift'8 ! ©r felbft tft lot. %tf) lam erft mit ber le^ten 33erftarfung unferS Drben3. — 2iber, aber — 2Ba§ fjat mit btefem aHem 9ted)a3 Sruber 3u Waff en? (Suer SSater . . . %tmptlf)tvv. Sffiie? au$ ben 3785 £abt 3ftr gefannt? 2lud? ben? 5. 2luf3ug. £efcter2luftritt. 211 @r Wax mem greunb. £empett>en\ 2Bar @uer greunb? gft's mogltcfc, 9?at^an! . . . Dannie ©i$ SDBoIf Don gilnef, aber Wax fern SDeutfc^er . . , Ztmptfytxv. 3f)r foifet aucf) ba3? ^atf>att. 28ar einer ©eutjdpen mix ©ermaijlt, Wax Surer SUlutter nur nacf) S)eutfrf)Ianb 3790 2luf lurje geit gefolgt . . . Xem^elljerr. 9lid)t meljr! S* bitf @uc£>! — atber ^e$a§ ©ruber? 3te$a3 ©ruber . . . Xttfyni. ©eib S^r! Sempelfierr. 3$? icf) ifyr ©ruber? ! mein ©ruber Sempettjerr (tritt jurucf). 3fyr ©ruber! 212 Zl a tli an ber IDeife. (fyalt an unb menbet fid) 311 Watfyan). $ann nidjt fein ! nicfyt fcin ! ©ein §erj 379s SBeijs nid^tS batton! — 28ir finb 33etrieger! ©ott ! ©alabttt (jum Sempetfierrn). Sctricger? — tote? Sa3 benlft bu? lannft bu benfen? SBetrteger felbft! ©enn aHe§ ift erlogen 2tn bir: ©eficfyt unb ©timm' unb©ang! 9ttd!)t3 bein ! ©0 eine ©cfytoefter nicfyt erfennen tooHen ! ©efy ! Xemi)ett)err (fit!) betnutig tfym nafyenD). 3800 9Tli^beut au$ bu nidjt tnein (Srftaunen, ©ultan! 93erfenn in einem 21ugenblicf , in bem ®u fcfytoerlid; beinen 2lffab je gefe^en, 9ti$t ifyn unb mid? I (3iuf Slattern 3ueilenb.) gtjr nefytnt unb gebt mir, SRat^an! 3Kit Pollen §anben beibe§ ! — SRein ! 3#r gebt 3805 9Jttr tneljr, aU gfyr mir nefymt ! unenblid) mefyr ! (SRe$a urn ben §al§ falfenb.) 2tfy meine ©rfjtoefter! meine ©cfytoefter! Slanba SBon gfilncf ! Slanba? Slanba? — $edE)a ntd&t? 9ftd?t Sure Sted&a mefyr? — ©ott! gfyr fcerftofet ©te, gebt tfyr tfyren Gfyriftennamen toteber! 3810 SSerfio^t fie metnettoegen ! — 9iatljan! Siatfyan! SBarum e£ fie entgelten laffen? fie! 5. 21uf3ug. £efete*2Iuftrttt. 213 Unb \va$ ? — D meine ^inber ! mcine $mber ! — Qtrm meiner Softer 33ruber toar' mem $inb 9M;t and), — fo&alb er hull ? (3nbem er fid) Ujren Umarmungen uberlajst, tritt Salabm mit unrufytgem Srftaunen an feiner Sdjtnefter ^afabitt. 2Ba3 fagft bu, ©d^tt>efter? ©tttaf). 3815 S$ & n gerufyrt ... ©alabut. Unb icfr, — id) fc^aubere 33or einer groftern SRufjrung faft juritcf! Sereite btcfy rntr brauf, fo gut bu fannft. gtttaf). SBie? <3a(abht. iRattyan, auf em 2Bort! ein 2Sort! (Snbetn 9ratf)an au ijm tritt, tritt Sittaf) au bem ©efdjtmiier, ifym ifjre £etlnd)me aw bejetgen, unb 9c at f) cm unb Salabin fprec&en leifer.) §or ! f)5r bod), SRatfyan ! ©agteft bu fcorljm 3820 3Wd&t — ? ^atfian, 2Ba3? ©afabttt. 2Iu3 IDeutfd&Ianb fei ifyr SSater nid^t ©ctoefen, ein geborrter £eutfd&eu nxdE>t. 2Ba3 toar er benn? 35?o toar er fonft benn Ijer? Nathan. 2)a£ tyat er felBft mir me bertrauen tooHen. 2lu3 feinem SJiunbe toeifc idj nidf>t§ bafcon. 214 Xlat^an ber IDetfe. ©alabitt, 3825 Unb toar aucfy fonft fern gran!'? fein 2lbenbldnber? «tfatf|an. D ! baft er ber nid)t fet, geftanb er toofyl. — @r fprad) am liebften perftfdj . . . ©alabut. 2Ba3 toill \$ mefyr ? — ®r tft'8 ! @r tear e3 ! SBer? ©alabhu 9Jictn ©ruber ! ganj getoift ! SJtein 2lffab ! ganj 3830 ©etoift ! 5Run, toenn bu felbft barauf fcerfaHft : — Sftimm bie $erficfyrung ^ier in btefem 93u$e! (3§tn ba§ SBretrier uberrcitfjenfc.) Salabtn (e§ begtertg auffdjlagenb). 211?! feme §anb! Stud) bie erfenn' i$ toteber ! ■ftocty toiffen fie bon nicfytS! 3^od^ ftetyt'3 bei bir 2IUein, toaS fie bafcort erfafyren foCCen ! Safabtn (inbei? er barin geblattert). 3835 3$ meine§ 33ruber§ ®inber m$t erlennen? 3$ meine S^effen — meine ^inber nxd^t? 5. 2Juf3iig. Setter 21 u fir it t. 215 ©te ni$t erlennen? tc§? ©te btr toobl laffen? (2Bteber taut.) ©ie ftnb'3! fie finb e§, ©tttafy, finb ! ©ie finb'S! ©tub beibe tneineS . . . betne§ SrubcrS $inber ! ((£r rennt in if) re Umarmungen.) (Sittal) (Hjm folgenb). 3840 28a3 fycr* i$ ! — ®onnt'3 and) anberS, anber§ fein! — Sftfabtlt (jum £entpel§errn). Nun muftt bu bocf) toofyl, Stofcfopf, mufti mi$ lieben ! Cgu ffiec&a.) 9lun bin id£) bo$, tooju icfy mid) erbot? SKagft tooHen ober nic^t ! Sitta). 3$ aucf) ! icfy aud) ! (Satabitt (3um Sempelfyerrn jururif). SRein ©ofm ! mem Slffab I meineS 2lffab§ ©ol;n ! Xempelfjerr. 3845 3$ beine§ 23Iut3 ! — ©0 toaren jene £raume, SSomit man meine Rinb^eit toiegte, bocfy — £)ocfy meljr aU £raume! (Sfjm au SitBen fattenb.) ©alabitt (t&n auftebenb). ©efyt ben Sofehrid&t! @r touftte toa§ bafton unb lonnte mid) 3u feinem Corbet macben tootlen ! 9Bart ! (Unter ftummer 28ieberf)ohmg aftfeitiger Umarmungen fatlt ber SSorfyang.) NOTES. ACT FIRST. Title. — SRatfjatt* In Boccaccio the Jew's name is Melchisedec, reminding of that priest of Jehovah called the prototype of Christ (Heb. v. 6; Ps. ex. 4), though we see no special reason for the selec- tion. Possibly the prophet Nathan (2 Sam. xii. 1-14), who made David see his wrong by a simple parable, had an influence upon Lessing's choice; possibly the Nathan in Boccaccio's story (10, 3; see Introduction, p. xxvi) suggested the name. However, it is a common Jewish name, is euphonious and suited the verse better than Melchis- edec. Motto. — Introite, nam et heic Dii sunt (Apud Gellium) : Enter, for here, too, are gods. These words were put by Aristotle into the mouth of Heraclitus, the Ionian philosopher of Ephesus, when visited by some friends who were reluctant to enter into a stable where he was warming himself. They were interpolated, in this Latin form, by Phil. Beroaldus into the preface of Aulus Gellius to his Nodes Atticae and transmitted to recent times as a saying of Gellius. Lessing pre- ferred the Latin form, probably as the best known. ACT I. SCENE 1. * ©Cette : gflur tit %lattyan§ £aitfe* $(ltr is entrance-hall, — fre- quently paved — from which one enters either directly into the rooms of a house, or into a corridor. * ^ttjCU In the first sketch this name is Dina, but Lessing's friend Ramler having suggested that Daja in Persian and Arabic meant nurse, * Shows that the note is on a word occurring in the stage directions. 217 218 NOTES. or foster-mother, he changed it to Daja. He also found the name Daja in an Arabic history of Saladin. 2. $a§ tljr bod) enbltd) eittmal imeberfommt, that at last you really return once more. The accumulation of particles (bod) ertbtid) eilt^ mat) well express Daja's anxiety and intense desire for Nathan's return. — Sty** The use of the vocative throughout the play conforms in general to the usage of the Mid. H. G. period. 3>l)r is very respectful, and, through English and French influence, is very popular on the stage, while @ie (pi.) is scarcely admitted in serious and elevated poetry (except in the drama and the novel) . 3fyr is used in address- ing superiors (as Daja and Al-Hafi to Nathan, Daja to the Templar, etc.). It is also used by children to parents as a mark of respect (as Recha to Nathan) ; and in polite address. 5. SBafctylott. After the destruction of its defenses by Darius Hystaspes, and later, by Xerxes, Babylon never rose again and had at this epoch no special significance. 7. ©ettaJl* Here this word evidently means ©ettetttoege, ^CbtDegc madjert, born graben 2Bege afcgdjen, and the preposition ah does not have its usual force, as in bergab, ftrotttab, etc., but denotes direction towards the side and from the main road. For Nathan is not travelling on a side-way, by-way, but is obliged to make constant deviations from the direct course, either on account of the unsettled times (third Crusade, 1 192-3), or for business purposes, as lines 9-10 would indi- cate. 8. ($Xlt ^ttiei fyttttbert Wltiltn. The German mile equals about four and three-fourths English miles. The distance from Babylon to Jerusalem is about 140 German or 700 English miles. 10. f^obCt*t for forbert. Possibly a mistake, for this form does not again occur in the play, though the true form does (1. 2486) ; or else Lessing is not consistent. It is a dialectic form preferred in the 1 8th century by many because they considered it more euphonious. 11. ajott ber $attb fdjf a^en = rafdj abmadjert, to do quickly, to cause no trouble. Cf. rjOtl ber §atlb gefyett, and Lessing in a letter to Ramler, rjon ber §cmb tt)egfd)tagett. 12-13. These words of Daja explain her former „©0tt jet 2)attf," etc. For the fire had made Nathan's absence doubly painful. The form tnbeJ3 is now generally written irtbeS. ACT I. SCENE I. 219 $a£ brattttte, that (the house), and nothing else, burred; ba§ is emphatic; for it indicates that Nathan had heard of the burning of his house, but was not aware that anybody's life had been endangered by the fire. 18. <5d)0tt nmtjr ! Quite true, but (bag tft fdjott tvatjx, aber). The fdjoit is here concessive as in tr-enn fdjort, objcf)On. 27. 2$iirbet 3J)r tJOU mix t§ I)i3ren ? Daja implies that she would either have burned with Recha or never have awaited his return. 42. Babylon was noted for its silks and woollens and Damascus for its jewelry. 53. Uttb ftf)ttJCig, The more natural interpretation of these words seems to be that Nathan wishes Daja to take his gifts as he gives them, without many words, though she understands them in another sense. This interpretation would be more in accordance with Nathan's gener- ous nature. However, we feel that his real danger lies in Daja's prick- ing conscience, and there may be the ulterior meaning of bribery to this conscience. 54-55- %8t* $tt>eifeft f Wafyan, ba§ tfjr tttrfjt, etc. The negation here violates the grammar, and is in imitation of the Latin quis dubitat, quin, and the Romance Languages, especially the French. But such Gallicisms are found in the best writers. 61. &omm T iiber (£udj ! cf. Matt, xxvii, 25: (geitt SBfat fomme liber Utt8 Uttb ltttfre £irtber. Daja knows her Bible well and likes to quote it. Or is it Lessing that knows his Bible so well and likes to put it in Daja's mouth? For at the time of the Crusades the Bible was laid on the shelf and no one knew anything about it, not even the priests. Only a select few may have had some knowledge of it. 63. $$ett1t ts\X mid) f)tntergef)ft ! Recha's non-appearance causes Nathan to doubt whether he has heard the whole truth or not. 65-67. In her feverish excitement her mind continually dwells on fire, fie (fta§ fie malet) refers to ^3f)antafte. She passes from the sleeping to the waking state indifferently, and not at stated intervals as with one in the normal condition of life; while awake her mind is feverish, turbid, visionary, and while asleep she dreams. 68-69. $alb toemger aU Xter, balb meljr al$ (gttgel, Recha still has a vague dread that she may be burned alive, and in consequence of her excitement her sleep is only broken, so that in the day she feels 220 NOTES. weary. Having no knowledge of psychological truths, Daja describes her visionary condition at night as superhuman, nay, superior to that of an angel, and her exhaustion by day as weaker than that of an ani- mal, which, at least, has the full use of its senses. It is well-known that the words of those in such a state can be very apt and even betray what seems to be superhuman knowledge. 70. Cf. Ps. viii. 4 and Job vii. 17. Nathan is reminded of the weakness of the flesh. 71 ff. Here we have one of those wonderful mental visions so often observed in such cases. Buchheim calls it " Expectant Attention " and credits Lessing with "having given the first psychological explanation — in 1779, at a time when mesmerism was in vogue — of the manifestations of animal magnetism." This particular phase of these phenomena is usually called clairvoyance (or second sight), and the' expectant state is a necessary part of the explanation. 74. $nbem = tnbeffen, tucifyretib bef|en, 75- 23rarf) fief) tfjr $ttge ttneber, Her eye grew dim again. 76. £>em feme3 $rme3 ©tittle fief) entpg. @ein refers to $au\>t, for the arm is considered the natural support of the head, and not to the Templar as some would interpret it. For in that case Recha would have to be talking in her dreams and supposing that her head rested on the Templar's arm; but she believed the Templar an angel and not a human being (see Duntzer on this passage). 77. <5tUX%t J = fiet, fatt!. In her vivid description Daja uses strong expressions. 79. 3®a3 SShittber* In Mid. H. G. the genitive after ft)er and tocio was the usual construction, but this construction has now passed into simple apposition, though it still remains in phrases like tt)Ct§ be$ £eufet§, toa§ §enfer§, ttaS tft SSeigeS bort am griinen 2BaIbe, etc. 90. (Semen wt&ermuteten ©ettunft = feiti utitoermutet tfym ge< fd)enfte§ £eben. The figure is taken from gambling where the winnei is ever ready to risk the stakes he has unexpectedly won. 91. $rifdj, boldly. 9Bar = ft&re . . . getnefetl. When a negative reality is to be represented, then the preterite indicative is (often) used instead of the subjunctive, as „3ene Ijat getebt (that is, tebt nitfjt meljr), ttemt id) bte3 SBtatt au§ meitten §anben ge&e." 94. &0t3 erfte = fiir§ erfte. Formerly t>or and fur were inter- changeable. ACT I. SCENE I. 221 98. *£)£§ §(JUfC^» The insertion of the genitive between the gov- erning noun and its modifying adjective is a very bold imitation of the classic construction, but found in the German of the 15th century in translations from the Laiin. £unbftf)aft = Jhmbe, $ertntrti§, SBefatmtfdjaft. This is an earlier meaning of the word, now obsolete. The more general construction would be with t>ort rather than with the genitive. 100. Wit Dorgefprei^tem Wantcl = mit nttdj born cmsgebrettetem SJtatltel. The cloak was held out before him and drawn together so as to shield him from the fire. 104. %)iit ettt3 (eitteS, old ace; cf. auf etrtS, in eut§, both from Lessing) = mit etrtma( or einem Wlale = plo^licf). 105. (£mpov fie tragenb == emporijaftenb, trug er jte. no. Utttertt = UUter ben. This contraction of the article and preposition is very rare. in. $e3 9htferftattbettett ($tab. Even at that period there was a church of the Holy Sepulchre which was said to contain a monument enclosing the grave of the Lord. The real grave in this church was a sarcophagus of bluish white marble, they say. The very site of the church is unknown. 113. (Sntfcot. The real meaning of erttbtetert is burd) eirtert SBotert fagen faffert. But Daja is the messenger, not the one sending the message, hence Lessing must have transferred its meaning from the sender to the messenger. (Srfyob in the same line seems also to be used in a peculiar sense, for it means ' to raise,' * to exalt,' ' to praise.' We may translate, I tha?iked, implored (praised), urged, conjured. 120. $emanb antvtUn = rtafye Semartb tretert = mit eirter SBitte obex ixberfyaupt mit einer gorbentng ttalje gu Semattb tretett. 5frttretert is more forcible here than cmgefjetl would be. Cf. 1. 517. 125. Uttfer3 5luferftattbenett. In the first sketch Lessing wrote feirte§, etc. Cf. 1. 1550. Daja intentionally includes herself in the blessing of a risen Lord and also gently hints to Nathan that Recha belongs to the same faith. 133. Sid) ^Ctttfett, a more forcible, but a less elegant expression than fief) ftretten. The high esteem we have comes from the judgment ($0pf), our inclination (cmgqogen toerbett) from the heart. Nothing hurts more than contempt for our judgment, hence we easily hate the 222 NOTES. one despising our high esteem and possibly transfer this to all mankind. But Recha's feelings are stronger than her reason, and this cool, indif- ferent treatment would naturally depress her and lead to melancholy (@d)U)ermut). Notice the figure of chiasmus, as 2ftenfcf)enl)af3 refers to $0pf and @d)tt)erttUtt to §er$. For the better definition of @djtt)tirmer (visionary, enthusiast, dreamer) see " Education of the Human Race," §90, in Lessing's Complete Works (Lachmann's ed.), X, 325, and XI (2), 67 ff. In the normal condition reason and feeling are in accord; in the visionary state they exchange places; the head feels, the heart reflects. The distorted fancies of the brain become inspira- tions of the feelings and the excitement of the feelings reflections of reason. Hence Nathan says : SDaS latere tft 9fad)a8 gall: ftc fcfyttmrmt. She had lost the equilibrium between reason and feelings. 141. @ cfrf) ttiar tttt. The special idiomatic use of the past parti- ciple after fyeiften, fein, nennen is well-known. Cf. 2)a8 Ijeiftt fd)ted)t geroorfen, unter efyrltdjen £euten netxnt man ba& gelogen, grtfd) geroagt iff l)atb geraonnen, and our example: 3ft bod) aud) gefdjradrmt (is indeed also visionary dreaming). 142. @Ute — ©rifle. The dash indicates that Daja suddenly realizes that Nathan will only mock her superstitions and substitutes ©rifle (whim, caprice) for ©lailbett (belief, faith). Therefore she cleverly conceals from him (cf. 1577) that she had made Recha believe that an angel had saved her, thus condemning her own work in the one word ©rifle. 144. $ellte3 tri>ifd)ett ($ater$ ©oI)tt) is pleonastic, though quite oriental and not foreign to Greek and Latin. It is the Saxon genitive. 148. After toerfyullt supply getnefett fei, and after gefdjtnebt in the next line Ijabe. Such omissions are common in German. For mtt em§ cf. 1. 104. 152. The belief of the active interference of angels in bodily form in the affairs of men was common to Christians, Jews and Mussulmans at that period. 156-177. 2>Ctt SBtfbeU = ben tmgejttteten, for he had rudely re- fused thanks. SaUtUrjCtt = lauitifdjeil, splenetic, ?noody. 158. The fine irony of the passage as seen in the words fyiemtebett and toaflen is exquisite, fallen is used of those on a pilgrimage and SBafler means a pilgrim. The thrust is directed against the too com- mon sanctimoniousness of the age. ACT I. SCENE 2. 223 159. Ungefittet Ofttterftfjaft ju tretfcen, Sftitterfdjaft = ritter* Uf^eS £I)ntt. His deed was chivalrous, but his conduct since the deed has been rude. 163-4. Compare Lessing also in Minna von Barnhelm, Act Fifth, Scene Ninth : „Wlinna ttdre fonft ein Chigel, ben id) mit edfycmbern uere^ren mujjte, ben idj nidjt lieben fonnte." Lessing also wrote the following epigram in the album of one who believed that he had a friend without a blemish and that his beloved was an angel : — „%xa\i feinem fyreunbe fonber Sftangel, Unb lieb em 2ftabd)en, fetrten Snget." 167. ^djlitttm = jdjjtau, bad or -wicked, in a playful sense. Nathan ridicules the idea of an angel having come to rescue Recha. ACT I. SCENE 2. 169-70. In lines 72-4, Recha in her visionary state hears her father's voice, but his long delay in coming to her makes her believe that his voice had only preceded him, hence her joyous surprise on seeing him bodily before her eyes. 177. ©atftig, in the sense of abfd^eulicf). It refers to the implied ^bfcfjeu or ©djauber which Recha feels at the thought of such a death. The tremor of fright caused by the thought is indicated by the " O." According to the stage direction in the first sketch she rushes into her fathers' arms at the words „mem $inb, mein ftebe3 $tnb." 189. $ie nngetrenen <3triJm\ Cf. Schiller's auf nngetrenen 2BeI* ten in the ring of Polycrates. The Romans frequently called the sea perfidus, treacherous {perfida freta)> and the idea is as old as poetry and the knowledge of the sea. 193. %$QXQt)pXt\%ttV 2ftatttel, Cf. line ioo and the note. The Templars wore white (trjei^e) linen mantles. 195- $urd)3 Jyeuer triig T f toon feinem $ittitf)e &ewef)t, A rather bold construction in German, as t)erftel)t must modify geuer ([the fire] blown away by his wing) the object of a preposition, rather than Recha (mid)), to which some refer it. 198-9. The fond father is speaking here when he makes his daughter equal to an angel. Perhaps there is just a touch of self-adula- 224 NOTES. tion in these words, which imply that the father of such a daughter must also have angelic qualities. Recha hints as much in her reply. 200. 333cm f(f>meid)eft tl)V ? etc. This reading was suggested by Ramler, though no one knows just what the original reading was. Duntzer suggests „ttiir, mein SSater?" instead of „toem? bent (Sngel?" Some have interpreted the words as indicating that Recha considered herself the image of her father, but this does not seem a logical deduc- tion. For, however much a personal resemblance might natter his vanity, it would not make him prouder of her or more inclined to compare her with an angel. The passage is difficult to understand exactly, but seems to mean : " Are you complimenting the angel on his remarkable insight, or yourself for being the father of such a daughter? " Of course the words are playful. 203. ©ettmfjreit = Ijer&orbrittgett, produce; or perhaps its usual meaning of offer, present, suffices for a fair rendering of the thought, though it could not * offer ' without ' producing.' 212. SSfltt after (SttUtjfeit, This Biblical phrase adds force and beauty to the idea expressed. 220. Dl)U r fciefe^ is a violent apocope. 225. Qixtl = @ef)tm. According to Lessing, §im is more sonor- ous and forceful and perhaps for that reason better adapted to poetry, though (Sefyirtt is possibly not less frequent in poetry. Here it may be a mere question of meter. The brain is likened to a stringed instru- ment whose strings snap when over-strained. 226. (SttbttUtatCtU Rather learned for Daja, but probably she had heard Nathan himself use it in some of his philosophical talks. 227. 3 er fa* en 9 en — i*rft>rengen tnctdjen; for it is used in a causa- tive sense. 228. 2$ttttber£ tttdjt fjetUtg, In the earlier history of the language the use of the partitive genitive was more frequent than now. But it is still used with gertug and in expressions like 2Ber lttlb It) a 3 2Inber§, Semartb, 9?iemattb 2Inber§, totel, toeing, tnefyr ©ute§, etc. 232. (£ute3 XttttpttytXtW fcerfdjont. The genitive is the older construction with fd)0ttert and its compound fcerftfjottett and is often used now. Historical facts do not confirm this statement (cf. also line 88) , as Saladin frequently spared Templars and other warriors. 232-236. The true Templars preferred death at the hands of ACT I. SCENE 2. 225 Saladin, the greatest enemy of Christianity, to pardon, and therefore never asked to be spared. The statement in lines 235-6 re„ts upon a historical fact related in Marin, Histoire de Saladin, I, 249 f. In a battle Odo de St. Amaud had been taken prisoner; the Sultan offered him his liberty in exchange for one of his Emirs who was a prisoner of the Templars. His reply was that a Templar ought either to conquer or die, and could only give his sword and belt as ransom. 235. Sebettt — teberrtert. When the adjective already ends in n Lessing frequently omits the ending — ett. Cf. lines 294, filbent = ftfbernen; 897, 3528, albern = albernen. 237. £a3 fdjKeftt ftfr mtdj = ba« fprtdjt fur mid), beroeift fur mid). The commentators claim that fdjliefjeit has this meaning only here and in one or two other places. Cf. Sanders, Worterb. 3, 958, 2 col. Then Recha considers Xathan's remark an argument in her favor; but by giving the expression a slightly different shade of mean- ing it would refer to Recha's inner conviction that she had seen an angel face to face and needs no further argument to convince her. However, it may only mean "that argues for me." 251. $iele Sttmtt^tg %al)Xt I)er. In Silesia and Lusatia Diet joined with gtDan^ig denotes an indefinite number : SSid $tt)art$ig fotnmeit ben Xclq jum §errn nnb molten Ujn jprecfjcn. Cf. also einige jmatijig where urtb after einige is omitted. As Lessing was from Lusatia this idiom was familiar to him. 252. In line 2649 we learn that the name was Assad. 253. Line 2986 informs us that he fell at Ascalon. 258. UttgiauBUcf)Cr0, That is, the angel theory. For the synco- pated form cf. lines 458, abgef djmctcf terS 5 783, befferS; 1664, 23id)tiger§, and in Goethe, UeberS, abgefdjmacfterg, graulid)er$. Lessing also has gertngreS, fd)onres, where the first e is syncopated. 260. Seilt ©efdjuuftcr* 2>a8 ©ejdjttnfter is here used in the collective sense, and therefore properly stands in the singular. Marin (1. c. I, ill, 112) tells us that Saladin was very fond of his family. 266. (5-ett Uietttt ? Modern usage requires fett rccrmt. Originally raann and tuenn, bcmn and benn were not different and even now are interchangeable in colloquial language. About the middle of the 18th century the two terms were differentiated in the written language. In Mid. H. G. and in the older Mod. H. G. roenn was preferred. 226 NOTES. 268-9. Nathan had urged a natural miracle for Recha's rescue; that is, the pardon of the Templar who rescued her, all in the natural order of things; Daja required an unnatural miracle; that is, an angel. Either case required equally strong belief; hence Nathan's pleasant raillery. 272-5. Certainly an elevated Christian idea that the counsels and plots of kings serve God's purposes. He makes them his sport and scorn by destroying them. Cf. Ps. ii. 2-5. ©etlt ©^tcl will be best considered as the accusative in apposition with ©tttfrfjlitffe and @ltt= ttmrfe and the clause menu tutfjt fetrt ©pott = tuettn (fie) nidjt fein ©pott (ftnb), (irtbem er fie rjerrtidjtet). 275-6. The repetition of ntCttt 2?ater is emphatic; for Lessing would hardly be guilty of repetition to fill out the verse as some critics pretend. Any good actor would manage the phrases without difficulty. 283. S3ug = SBtegurtg. 284. SBUbeit, barbarous. "Jews and Mussulmans were then the only learned men," says Lessing in one of his fragments, and the East was then in a higher state of civilization than the West. And yet the adjective may refer especially to the Templar, who was rude and im- petuous in his nature. 286. 2Bttttberfiirfjt r ge3 23oIf. A colloquial expression used in good-natured irony {wonder -loving people) . 293 ff. This parable sounds oriental, but Diintzer is probably right in ascribing its invention to Lessing. 299-300. The meaning is not quite clear. If we believe we can be nearer God by merely " feeling ourselves so much nearer," then we abase the true conception of God, and detract from his majesty by our boasting; otherwise, as Nathan says, Daja's words are " nonsense." 310. Since the fifth century angel-worship has been quite common in the Church, and many angels have special days set apart for their worship, as the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and the patron angels. These remarks are intended more especially for Daja the Catholic than for Recha, as the Jews did not have any days set apart for angel-wor- ship. 311-312. SDZtd) 2)ettd)t. The older conjugation of bunfert was: biirtfen, bcind)te (rarely bcmd)te) ; gebtiud)t (rarely gebcmdjt). Now the verb is regular (biirtfen, biinfte, gebiinft). From btiudjte were then ACT I. SCENE 3. 227 formed the presents baud)tetl and btilld)en\ 2)eud)t is only another spelling. The earlier language preferred the accusative with this verb, and it is now the best accredited, though the dative is more common. 320. Cf. line 94 ff., where Nathan expresses the same thought. 323. JSetgmigf Gilt, now generally geniigfam, denotes that state or condition of inner contentment which is satisfied with little. Daja of course means that the Templar has no physical wants. 325. Untern *palmetu Cf. line 119. 329. <3rf)ab r t, unusual and harsh contraction; cf. Ijatt'ft, line 354 below, and Itib't for labet. Goethe also uses ftrtb't, bifb't, etc. 334. ^tGUfe* Even now Orientals generally call those from the western nations Franks because the first crusaders were mostly Franks, that is, Frenchmen. 335-6. The rules of St. Benedict and of Bernard of Clairvaux were very strict, requiring hard labor and privations; those of the Templars were modelled after them. Hunger and watching belong to the duties of a soldier. 339. 9U), Strictly speaking this should be ad), which is generally, though not always, used to express pain, while al) expresses joyful surprise and wonder. But Lessing frequently exchanged them and they are now often exchanged. 340. 3utyrad) T , now 3utyrud). 343. " Even Goeze, Lessing's opponent, said in a sermon on love towards those of other religions that we must also love enemies and unbelievers and help them where we can: ,($eimg, e3 tfi eirt SDtafd), Itttb better Wtfer -ftadjfter.' " The Templar only needed to know that a human life was at stake to rush to its rescue. 346. $fyttt re f ers back to „toa§," which is here regarded as a person. Cf. „2B&8 fttfj ttecft, ba% lieht ftd)"; „2Ba8 fttf) nod) jiingft in blnt'gem §aj3 getrennt, ba$> tfyeitt entjiitft bie adgemeine 2uft." 355. He had only wished to cure the (£nge(f(^njtirmertn, and now comforts her about the Templar. 358. Comforting words to Recha, but not containing an absolute truth; for God does not always reward the good done here in this life. The comfort to Recha lies in the words : ®ettnf? f ttidjt tot I 360-1. Because @d)tt>annerei is merely a quiescent state of fancy and feeling, while action requires an effort of the will. One is indo- 228 NOTES. lent self-indulgence and the other is true manhood active in good works. 5(nbod)ttg ©rf) tt> firm ett, indulging in devout contemplation, as the Quietists. 364. ^iitfett is here used in its obsolescent signification of notig l)Clbert, braudjen; in order that he may not need to act well. 372. 5U=§ftft, the barefooted. See Introduction, p. xxxvi. In this character we may observe Lessing's skillful use of humor, though elevated above the merely comical; for Al-Hafi represents the humor- ous element in human nature. 374. $ijtttmt* According to Kehrein fommt is Netherlandish, while fomtttt is high German. Lessing is very fond of fomtttt. 375* ^Utettt ttttt Ctttf) appears a rather brusk expression in the mouth of Nathan. But he has already asked them twice (lines 359 and 367) to withdraw, and this cannot appear harsh, as it was said to hurry them away before the stranger arrived and saw them, a thing not permitted in the East (cf. Diintzer, p. 84, and Niemeyer, p. 99). Some think Nathan had kept Recha secluded, so that no one should find out his secret. Of course Nathan did not easily recognize the Dervish in his fine dress as treasurer. ACT I. SCENE 3. 376. $ltX%t Xtnx bit 2lugett erttufd) tttii^te ? The battle-cry of the Dervishes was freedom, hence Nathan's surprise that a Dervish must needs do any- thing. 386-7. 29Sarum ♦ ♦ ♦ erfemtt The ttmntm of the first clause implies ACT I. SCENE 3. 229 the omitted ft>a§ (ftmS er fur gut erlemit) of the second and the ba$ of the following clause is the antecedent of both. tuarum here = Ultl tt)a3 and is used for the more correct Riorum. 388. ^Bei Uttferm Qbott ! According to the general trend of the drama this can mean nothing else than that Nathan considers God com- mon to all mankind in spite of the differences of their religious beliefs, thus denying a separate God for Jew and Mussulman. 389. 9JlCttf(l) is here used in its pregnant sense of a truly noble person. Cf. 1491-2. 390. Uttb (tl)r) ffflgt, etc. The omission of the pronoun in German is rare, but the poet often. takes that liberty either to imitate colloquial speech, as here, or in elevated lyric style. Cf. Goethe : $aht nun, acf) ^^ilofo^te, etc., ftubtrt, etc.; giiHeft ttneber 23ufdj unb Zfyal ©till mit ^ebelglan^ Cf. also Grimm IV, 214. 392. $erl denotes one of great physical and even mental strength, but unpolished. As Dervish Al-Hafi was one of nature's sons and as free as the air he breathed, but cynical; this expression belongs to the cynical part of his character. *£>££, now bejjen, incorrectly often written be§; it is the older form found in Mid. and O. H. G. 396. SSitt fcttt; tuiH is here used in the sense of claims ; which also claims respect. 398. $0(fj* Said half seriously and half in earnest. For Nathan has but little faith in the practical ability of the Dervish, and therefore mentions that office as a proper one for his friend, which he might be able to fill with honor and to the satisfaction of his master. But the Dervish thinks he might add steward (line 400) also, as that with Nathan w r ould not be too much. 402. 255orbett» In the Mid. H. G. the participle ge- w r as not so rigorously required in the formation of the past participle as at present. Luther, Herder, Goethe, Schiller and others, omit it w 7 ith tnorbeu. 403-4. S)e3 fleutern <3tf)at?e3 — be3 gri^ern. It is said that when Saladin first acquired the office of vizier of Egypt he wished to abdicate in favor of his father Ayoub, so great was his tenderness for him, but the latter refused this dignity and took charge of the finances. The greater treasury was the state treasury, which, according to Lessing's drama, was in charge of Saladin's father; but this is an 230 NOTES. anachronism, for his father was dead at this time. The lesser treasury was that of Saladin's own household, now in the hands of the Dervish. 406. $ft tJon feincm $aufe = geprt git feinem £aufe. The con- struction is French, est de sa maison, and not German. 408. W\t Strumjjf tmb 8ttel tierttlgett f now mit ©tumpf unb ©ttel Derttlgett. Notice the alliteration and compare iiber ®tocf unb @tetn, mit £aut unb £aar, mit 9ftann unb SftauS, $tnb unb tegct 411. Xroi? ehtem, ^ w*/Z men, an %Uem Xty'ii gn nefjmen, trja§ id) in meinent $ermogen tjabe." 441. ^eftCfbat f here treasurer. It really means Minister of Finance. 444-5. Al-Hafi already contemplated leaving a position so distaste- ful to him because it brought him too much in contact with the world. Son of Nature as he is he loves the hot sands of the Ganges whence he came; or, perhaps, of the desert, as we may judge from line 497. 450. £etd)t, that is, freed from his duties as treasurer. SBftffuf?, Walking barefooted in the hot sands was a mortification for sins. 451. Sfttt JttCittCtt Severn* Nodnagel says: "The teachers of Hafi on the Ganges are Brachmins, from the farthest antiquity in pos- session of the treasures of wisdom, much of which has passed to occi- dental lore and poetry; they live in voluntary poverty, now as teachers, now as hermits." He belongs to the Parsees or Ghebres, who believe in the Zoroastrian-Brachminical idea of the purification of the soul by means of physical mortifications of the body. They of course despised worldly possessions. 456. %VX $QUl f in a trice. Colloquially f)ut is used as a substan- tive. $>en retdjftett Settler tit emeu arrtten Wtitytn. This is one of Lessing's favorite antitheses. The contented poor man is richer than the discontented, avaricious, greedy rich man. Duntzer reminds us that Lessing found this thought in a Latin collection of riddles by Hollonius and Setzer (1615). 471. Uttttttlb tttilb, illiberally liberal. This figure of speech (oxymoron), the joining of two contradictory ideas, produces a very pleasant epigrammatical effect. Cf. concordia discors, insapiens sa- pientia, etc. SD^tlb is probably used here in the Mid. H. G. sense of liberal, generous. 473 ff. Lessing's fertility in metaphors and similes in this whole scene is remarkable. Already we have had the changing ebb and flood tide, the engulfing canals, the open sluices, and now appears the 232 NOTES. stopped pipes sending forth unclean (unrein) and spurting (fymbelnb) the waters they 'have received clear and calm. The and ftmtbefttb are perhaps best explained by the uttfyolb and uttgeftiim above. 477-8. This of course refers to birdsnaring, where the fowlers imi- tate the calls which decoy the birds into the snare. The ©impel (bul- finch, redfinch, here blockhead) is so easily snared that the word has become proverbial for simpleton. 478. ©C(f f etc., self-complaisant fool that I am, for he says above that he had felt nattered. 481. 23etf)ttttbert taufenbctt = in StbtfyeUwtgen toon Ijuttberttau* fenben; cf. the English, by hundreds. It is not the equivalent here of Bet in such expressions as bet fitnfeig £cmfenb = gegett fiinfaig Xaiu fettb, about 50,000, but rather by hwtdred thousands. This is not a true picture of the great ruler — who was celebrated for his clemency, justice, moderation and liberality, and never was known to exact unjust tribute. He often restored what was lawfully his own and gave the rest to his officers, leaving so little property that his funeral expenses had to be raised by contribution among his friends. Therefore Diintzer's interpretation of bet §Uttberttcmfettbett = bet eg Ijitttbert taitfettbe gibt, may be right. The idea would then be that, seeing that hundreds of thousands are oppressing, etc., it is folly to wish to appear a philanthropist to individuals. But perhaps the state of passion to which the Dervish had wrought himself will account for his exaggerated statements. 483. 5ttt eht^eltt. Either a dative plural from the older form eittget (Mid. H. G. and later), or to be explained as line 235 above. Cf. Matt, v, 45, for the following lines, and remember the fact that Saladin gave to friend and foe, to the needy of all creeds, with unstinted generosity. 496. 9}larf|C + Pray, do hasten off into, etc. Wladjtn here has its colloquial meaning. For the next sentence compare E. von Kleist's saying: (Sin roaljrer Sftenfdj mug fern r>on 9ftenftf)em fciti* This is the true character of the Dervish, and the world would only rob him of his real humanity by its disagreeable frictions which he does not under- stand how to turn to his best interests. ACT I. SCENES 4 AND 5. 233 ACT I. SCENE 4. 519. ^Better aB fid) fdjliigt = ben 2Beg Derldgt Cf. ben 2Beg cirt* fd^fagen, turns aside. 524. SftfeUt = WhtUZ} tttfytit. Formerly SCbfein was more fre- quently employed than now, found in Opitz, Flemming and Hagedorn. Cf. the form ^ajetu. Notice the noble motive that Nathan gives for the Templar's action and the unpleasant contrast with the real reason given in line 528 : cr fottttttt ^U fetnem 3nben. Nathan is broad and the Templar is narrow and rude. 528. (£\l(f). The ethical dative used in an indeterminate way to express the interest of the speaker or hearer. ACT I. SCENE 5. (Scene: £empe(f)err. The order of the Knights Templars was founded about 1118 by some French knights, who " bound themselves by a vow to the Patriarch of Jerusalem to guard the public roads, to live as regular canons, and to fight for the King of Heaven in chastity, obedience, and self-denial." "The Templars almost from their founda- tion had their quarters in the palace of the Latin kings, which had been the mosque of Mount Moriah. This place was also known as Solomon's Temple,"' hence the name Templars. It was "a military order from its very origin, inasmuch as its earliest members banded themselves together for the express purpose of giving armed protection to the numerous pilgrims, who, after the first crusade, flocked to Jerusa- lem and the other sacred sites in the Holy Land." The palms were near the cloister (cf. Act 3, scene 18, line 21 11) from which the Templar has just come, and the friar follows him at a distance. Adolf Stahr thinks that Lessing saw originals for his friar during his journey in Italy with prince Leopold of Brunswick. 532. $or lunger 2$etfe = cms £cmgtnet(e. He is not following me merely to kill time, merely because he has nothing better to do. 533. ®Uttt SBtnbet, that is, lay brother of a mendicant order; one who has received ordination is called father. Hence the Templar's question: 3d) famt twti) raof)t $ater nemten, nidjt? Similarly Gotz 234 NOTES. von Berlichingen in Goethe's drama (i, 2) greets brother Martin as worthy father. And the answers are also similar. The lay brother had to take oath to obedience, celibacy and submission to the cloister; his duties were usually outside the cloister. They often showed true humility and were ready for the most menial services. 536. 2$er , . ♦ toa3 fjatte = SSertrt jemanb rmr feibft toaS Ijatte. In O. H. G. fter and ft)a§ were used as indefinite pronouns, but at present this use is retained only in colloquial language. They are then equivalent to Jemattb and etftCtS. 544. ($itt fleitte^ ^tlgetmaljl, etc. It was considered a part of the duty of the cloisters to keep open house, and many were celebrated for their hospitality. 546. §err. In the 17th century §crr and gratt began to be used in the case of address; §err is still thus employed. Chamisso is very fond of it and Lessing uses it in this play. 550-551. In Baumgarten's Universal History, IV, 81, we learn that there was danger of blood-heating and ulceration, if foreigners partook of dates, but this statement lacks confirmation. 552. Compare line 1633: Unb toaxt mtt (Suerm Summer geijtger %l% (Slterm £eben? The cause of his melancholy lay chiefly in his lack of everything as captive, though apparently free, in his enforced inac- tivity, and the latent love for the Jewish maiden (provided that had already made itself felt) whom he had saved from the fire. 555. (Srfunbett, now erfunbigert. Cf. also line 2746, erfunbete, (Siltem Uttf bett Bftljtt fiit)leit, "to sound one, to feel one's pulse"; a colloquial expression taken from the dentist who examines the teeth to find the defective ones. 561. That is, true obedience is blind. It wills what another wills, while the seeker for fine distinctions (ber fluge(t) first tests the right and wrong and then acts upon his own judgment, which, according to the friar, is not true obedience, but independent action. This shows the different principle governing the two characters : the Templar makes nice distinctions (fliigelt), the friar obeys without examination of causes, but in such a way that no harm ever comes from it. The conjunction bafj sometimes introduces sentences expressing a wish, a threat, etc., leaving the wish, threat, etc., to be supplied from the verb of the subordinate clause : 3)ag bit mtr rmr 2Bort Ijaltjt (3d) ACT I. SCENE 5. 235 ratrje Mr, ba$, etc.); Stag bocr) tie (Stnfalt tmmer red)t Berjdtt ! (2Bie tDa^r tft e$, baft bod), etc.). Simplicity is instinctively true where too much philosophizing goes astray. Cf. Schiller's 2£orte be§ (Slaubert8: llnb ma§ fetn SBcrftanb ber SSerftartbigen fief)t, Say iibet in Gtnfatt etn ftnbtitf) ©emiitf). 570. Qftg rotC ^rCU^ + The Templars (Knights Templars) were probably the most renowned of the three great military orders founded in the 12th century, the Hospitallers (Knights of St. John of Jerusalem later Knights of Malta), the Teutonic Knights and the Knights Tem- plars. " The three orders were distinguished from each other by their garb. The Hospitallers wore black mantles with white crosses, the Templars white mantles with red crosses, the Teutonic Knights, white mantles with a black cross. The white color of the Templars signified their own innocence and their mildness for Christians, while the red denoted the bloody martyr-death and the enmity to unbelievers." 573. £ebtUN, a strong fortress north of Ptolemais, near Tyre, on the road to Sidon. It is situated in the mountains between Paneas and Sarepta or Sarphenda. During Saladin's campaign against the Chris- tians in 1 1 87, Ptolemais and many other places along the coast were captured by his Emirs, Tebnin among the number. Sidon'surrendered to Saladin himself. Tyre was not captured until after a siege of three years. There is no historical account of the breaking of a truce by an attack of the Templars on Tebnin, but they did it elsewhere. Lusignan, king of Jerusalem, broke his oath not to fight against Saladin about this time and had quite a number of skirmishes around Tebnin, but it all seems to have been legitimate warfare. 576. Sidon lies on the Mediterranean Sea; in earlier times it was one of the capitals of Phoenicia and was one of the many Christian cities taken in Saladin's celebrated campaign (cf. above). Now it is a wretched town of no account. 577. Selbft^ttMtt^tgfter = id) mit neun^e^n artbern Sempeifyerrert, fo ba$ id) felbfi ber Jttmtlgigfte toar. To denote the number of persons in one's company, instead of using the full cardinal number, the pronoun felbft is placed before the ordinal. Hence the now nearly obsolete com- pounds felbartber (er felbft ber cmbere [ber gtoeite]), fetbbritte (er felbft ber britte), etc. Cf. also the Greek. The cardinal is not common in 236 NOTES. this construction, but Lessing has fetu fiingiger (Emilia Galotti, III, i). 578. 2?om ©afabilt. But compare line 585, where the article is omitted. It may be used or omitted before a well-known proper name. 583. ©r gatt^ atteht. The friar is humble throughout and uses 2)er £>err or the polite iljr (see note to line 2). Here er takes the place of 2)ct §err in the line above and is not to be confounded with the dv often used in address. 585-6. Notice the change of tense from the past to the historical present in order to denote surprise and express the action more vividly. 593. 5UtffceI)aftett = aufbettJafyrt. This verb is now nearly obsolete and is seldom used of persons. 593~4« The bitter sarcasm in these words shows that the Templar considered it the " Irony of Fate " that he was spared to rescue a Jewess from burning and escort inquisitive pilgrims to Mt. Sinai. He is not ashamed of saving the Jewess, as some interpret this passage, any more than he would be ashamed of saving a dog, but he considers it unworthy a valorous and heroic young man desirous of winning fame and honor. 595-6. Sinai, that is, in Arabia Petraea, the real Horeb, between the Gulf of Suez and Akabah. Sinai is the name of the desert in which the mountain lies. This is then what caused his absence from the city, and as it is far distant from Jerusalem it must have taken a long time. Contrary to present usage, Lessing, like Herder, omits the article with the names of mountains. 607-8. ®r fyattt burtf) ben §erw Gtin 23rteftf)ett gent fcefteflt. These words express the wish of the Patriarch, He would have liked to send, etc. The friar does not wish to emphasize the reality of his statement, but modestly expresses his opinion. We should expect future time, but he is sounding the Templar, and we can supply : er fagte, er fyatte gem eitten SBrief burd) @ie beftelft, toenu ©ie ba$u krett itmretu 611-12. en ©treitertt (&Qtte§ = ben ^reu^fa^rem. The expression accords with the mediaeval idea that every crusade was a Holy War and the crusaders the warriors of God himself. 632. $ijttig $f)ilt$)$K That is, Philip Augustus II, of France, who undertook in 1191 a crusade with Richard the Lionhearted of England. But he had already started home in August of 1191 on account of dissensions with Richard. After his departure Richard concluded a truce of a little more than three years with Saladin. Why Lessing mentions Philip here and not Richard is puzzling; for the friendship existing between Richard and Saladin hardly seems a justifi- able reason for this anachronism. However, see note to line 677^ 641. ($3 toijfltjj toieber lo3ett ©arauS tfym $u matfjeit, d. h., tfjn gu toten. ®arau3 is a substantive formed from the adverbs gar and au§ (generally masc, sometimes neut.) and has two principal meanings : (1) the sunrise and sunset bell, hence the end of night and day, then of anything; (2) the emptying of the cup when drinking one's health; cf. Eng. * carouse ' which comes from @Ctratt§. 673. SWatOlttteu. This is one of the many Christian sects of the Orient. They probably received their name from the abbot John Maro ( ?) who lived in the 8th century ( ?) ; they dwelt on Lebanon not far from Byblos. But this is all conjecture, as nothing certain is known. They partook of the Lord's Supper in both forms, allowed the inferior priests to marry, were monothelites till they united with the Roman Catholic Church in the 12th century; but they did not conform entirely to its regulations. As they lived on Lebanon, they would therefore know the way. Saladin had founded a cloister there and allowed the Maronites bells. 677-9. As above stated, Philip Augustus was on his way to France and Richard the Lionhearted was still in Palestine. It has been sug- gested that the poet's reason for exchanging these two kings was on account of the natures of the two men. Philip was not only cunning and secret, but of a shrewd and ignoble mind; nay, he did not even shrink from great crimes, if for his advantage, while Richard was frank and open-hearted. It may be objected that Richard often did wrong, but yet he did not descend to low cunning like Philip. 678. Ptolema'is was a strong fortress on the boundary of Palestine, also called St. Jean d'Acre and Accho (?). 684. &ott Uttb bet Dtben . «. ♦ The priests frequently suffocated every human impulse and moral obligation for the honor of " God and the Order " as they claimed, when anything was to be gained by it. See lines 686-7 f° r a P r °°f of their sense of moral obligation. In striking contrast to this is the simple, straightforward nature of the friar. 691-2. Specious sophistry, as the Templar's answer shows. The malicious casuistry of lines 695-7 still further brings out the repugnant ACT I. SCENE 6. 239 side of the Patriarch's character and is only too true a copy of the cor- ruption that had crept into the Church. 697. UnfertttUtfen. In the casuistry of the Patriarch the pardon- ing was done for the sake of Saladin's brother and not for the sake of the Templar. 698. ttub ha tJCrlautett niotte, and since they pretend (in the stories in circulation about your pardon). 700-701. This appears to be the first intimation to the Templar of the real reason of his pardon. Cf. line 583!?. 704-710. External resemblance, according to the Templar, should imply an internal one; that is, like features like character. This does not follow, but yet he hopes it may in his case. Nature is true in all its works, for perfect harmony reigns in everything. ACT I. SCENE 6. 716-17. $>otf) tttufj ttf) tttem $afet nut ttmgen = Fr. hasarder, risquer le paquet = e§ Ctltf gut GHucf toageiU Cf. Lessing's French translation of his Laokoon : risquons done le paquet, to risk anything, to engage in a doubtful cause. 718-19. The proverb quoted is unknown to the German, though there are many similar ones; for monks and women were the butt of popular jokes. Seiber ftnb be8 Xeufets &l'o6en, barin er fcingt, iwaS auffi^t. ©in alteS 2$eib Ijeigt jpricfjtoortlid) ein 2?ote bee %m\t\%. The Devil is represented with claws, which he uses to get men in his power. In the first sketch Lessing calls woman the Devil's left claw, so the monk would be the right, referring to the Patriarch's proposals. Prejudice against the Jews is expressed throughout the scene. 736. Siita = Arabic form for China. Cf. s 2(pfetfttte f ' China apple ' or ' orange.' 748-9. 2$te ftf)ttctt em 2mgettbttcf tJoriiber ift ? The moment of generous feeling in Nathan would soon be over; for the Templar can- not believe that any Jew could be liberal. 753-. 2futf) tmr towrb T 3 \>ov (now on) ber SSicge ttttfjt gefuttgett, etc. This refers to the custom of singing cradle songs predicting their future fate to children. Cf. lines 3845-3847. 756. Urn ba ein Subeumtibrfjen 5U er^tefjeiu Cf. also the answer of 240 NOTES. the Templar. It is hard to reconcile the statement here with Act IV, Scene 7. The emperor Frederick Barbarossa lost his life on June 10, 1 190, so that Daja could have been only two years with Nathan when our piece opens in 1 192. We know that Recha was then eighteen years old, and could not have been brought up by Daja. Cf. Introduction, p. XXXIV. A similar scene occurs in Minna von Barnhelm, Act I, Scene 12, where Just proposes to tell Werner's tale. 757. fiued)t = $rteg8fned)t or 3toter§fned)t, cavalryman. 761. (Srrfaufeit, coarse expression, to be ascribed to the vexation of the Templar. (Srtrinfett is the usual word. 769. $nm JRatfel toon tnir felbfi nttr tt>irb + His (to himself) enigmatical conduct puzzles him when he thinks that he, a Christian, should rescue a Jewess. Becomes an enigma of myself to myself. 776-7. 2lutf) lafyt ten aSater nttr fcom £alfe, Cf. also eutem batnit uom £>alfe b.'eiben. Don't bother me with the father. 778. @ht plumper Stfjttwl). Proverbially the Swabians are called bumm unb eljrlid), the Hessians blirtb and the Pommeranians plump. But here the epithet „plump" is applied to the Swabians. Daja calls him a German bear (1. 786). He half confesses that the maiden's image was and still is in his soul. It could not, how r ever, have been anything but a passing impression, for it was not until his visit that his passion was aroused. Daja appears about to confess Recha's origin when he abruptly leaves. 786. 2>U beutfrfjer S5tir denotes the bluntness of the German character which did not yield so early and readily to the refining in- fluence of the Roman and Romanizing civilization as the other nations. ACT II. SCENE 1. 788. $80 btft h\X ? Cares of state will account for Saladin's dis- traction. The outbreak of the war and his financial distress draw his attention from the game, so that Sittah has to remind him of his mistakes. 789. $ur mtd) UUb faUttt* For me a?td scarcely that. He is playing scarcely well enough for Sittah, who modestly assumes that she is a poor player. 791. Uubebetft = mtgebecft So 5iel) T id) in tit &abtU They ACT II. SCENE I. 241 generally say now Me ©abet gebert. It means to fork that is, to threaten two pieces at once with one piece, so that one of the threatened pieces must be lost. 793- 3>rf) fe^C &0t f 1 cover, or I interpose. 8oo. $)(*£ ttwrft bu ttttfjt tJCrmuteit ? A rare construction, for the infinitive seldom depends on fettt. Gothic and O. H. German furnish no examples and Grimm finds but one case in Mid. H. German. In Greg, we find : si war en viscken, 774. In the transition period we find many examples and the inifinitive seems to have developed out of a present participle. It is like our progressive form (you were not ex- pecting that, were you ?) 804-5. 2)letne taufettb ®Utat\ The possessive pronoun shows that that was the usual stake. A dinar is an Arabian coin worth about four dollars; the naserin is a silver coin worth about one half cent, first coined by the Calif Naser or Xasr. 812. $)eit (5a^ r the stake. 821. 9lfcfd)ttd) f discover check. It is a move which leaves the ad- versary's king exposed to check from some other piece and at the same time attacks a piece with the moving piece, here the queen. They now usually say ^bgng§ftfjad). The mention of a queen is here an anachro- nism, as she was not introduced into the play till 1525. 826. $(0^ Ittit bent <5tehte ? would seem to imply that Saladin was not fortunate with his wives, but history tells us nothing of this. 828-30. This may refer to the fact that Saladin had frequently spared Sittah's queen, but probably refers to his treatment of princesses. When the sister of the defeated Saleh, son of Nureddin, appeared be- fore Saladin (1 175), he returned her her fortress and loaded her with gifts. The mother of the defeated Sultan Massud was treated with the greatest distinction, though her son's domains were not restored to him. Sybilla, wife of Guy de Lusignan, king of Jerusalem, and Maria, wife of Prince Balian II, were royally treated by Saladin. 839. $te (^fatten Steme, A passage of the Alcoran (Sure 5) which forbade wine, gaming and images (figures of men and animals) was interpreted as referring to chessmen. A sect of Muhammedans, the Sonnites, therefore only played with smooth pieces (glatte ^tetne). Lessing found this in the Preliminary Discourse to the Koran by George Sale (1734). Cf. the footnote to Boxberger's Edition, 1. 841. 242 NOTES. Others, especially Persians, did not follow this rule and used carved pieces. Lessing assumes that all priests use the smooth pieces and supposes that Saladin was usually pleased to play with smooth pieces whenever he played with a priest, in which case he did not have the carved pieces to make him more attentive. However, some believe that Saladin distrusted the Imam of using the smooth pieces in order to get the advantage over him. But Buchheim well observes that Saladin was a strict Mussulman and would never have played with carved pieces. It is the enlightened Saladin of the drama who com- plains of the smooth pieces suitable to an Imam. 841. $matt. Most editions change this form to 3mattt, which is the prevalent and more correct spelling, but Boxberger (ibid.) shows that the form 3tttCttt was more common among Occidental scholars in Lessing's time. 842. SSctlttft tiritf SBotttMttb is a German proverb: Loss seeks an excuse. 849. 3etffrettttttg* She here returns to the cause of Saladin's distraction and care, which naturally makes the sister anxious. Qtx* (treiiung (^erftreitt) could hardly be used in the sense of diversion, amusement, for Sittah would not be likely to be diverted when her brother is anxious and troubled. Her brother's anxiety is enough to make her anxious. 851. ©teriger = etfriger, more zealously. 852. 2o3gel)t, cf. 1. 641. 854. ©tittcftattb = SBaffenfiiftftattb. Lessing used the shorter form in several instances. ©ttffeftcmb instead of ©tttlftanb is required by the meter. Cf. 1. 573 about the breaking of the truce. 857. Oiit^atb^ S3tltber t History knows nothing of this; it does tell us of a proposed marriage of Saladin's brother Melek el Adel with Richard's sister Joan, widow of king William of Sicily, whom she had accompanied to the East. Lessing enlarged this and proposed a double marriage. 858-9. History often mentions this mutual admiration of these two great men. 870. 9lfiergfaU&ett* Sittah does not make any distinction between ^Cfcergiaubett (superstition) and ©Icmbett (belief, creed). 28ir$t =■ tX)iirgt r as it is derived from 2&UT3 (Eng. wort), spice. ACT II. SCENE 2. 243 875 ff. Virtue is again elevated above belief (creed), rrorality above religious confession. Christ's name, not his virtues, is to be propagated until it swallows all other names, in that it makes the whole world Christian in name only. The Christians do not wish any longer to hear of good men, but only of good Christians. Sittah, forgets how the Muhammedans propagated their faith with fire and sword. 882. The Christians generally required the conversion of the heathen before intermarriage. 885-6. Sittah asserts that love was not brought into the world by Christians and was not peculiar to them. God created man and woman (Gen. ii, 23 ff.) and implanted this feeling (of conjugal love) in their breast. 891. Saladin's remarks about the Templars are strictly true. From the smallest beginnings they rose to the greatest power and played an important part in the history of the world. But the warlike and secular spirit grew much more rapidly than the religious, and the monkish part of their character was only seen when they wished to cloak their actions. 892. 5(CC(X = Ptolemai's, lying on the Syrian coast; it played an important part during the Crusades. Saladin's brother was to receive Palestine and other territories and Joan Acca as dowry. 897. 2{ttern, cf. 1. 235 note. 903. $rrte is used in the sense of irre madjert, ftorert, fcerttnrrert. 906. Cf. lines 666 ff. As already mentioned Saladin's father was long ago dead; but Lessing was never a martyr to chronology. 910. Lessing's own experiences are speaking here. For no one cared less for money than he and no one had more need of it at times. ACT II. SCENE 2. 915. Al-Hafi is under the impression that the tribute from Egypt has arrived and that he has been summoned to receive it. 917- fttin tiieX = Ijotfjft bid. 921. $a3 ift fiir tva§ (etum£) norf) ttieutger al$ ntdjtS, That is for something still less than nothing; that is, instead of receiving I am to pay out. 926 ($0tmt r 3 Cud) mtf fetter erft ! Sittah had not only not taken 244 NOTES. the "winnings," but had even been paying the household expenses of Saladin, as we shall soon see. Hence she had begrudged herself the money. 927. @UCt. The uninfected predicate forms meitt, beitl, llttfer, euer, are older than the inflected meitter, meitte, meine§, etc., and assert ownership pure and simple. 929-30. Sittah is trying to prevent her brother from finding out her secret that the money is out and that she has been paying all expenses for some time. So she wants Al-Hafi to say that he will pay her the stakes. His nun jet is his reply, but he adds something that may betray all. 941-2. Cf. the proverb „ft)ie gerootmert, fo ^erronnen." Sittah had not really won the game, as Saladin was not yet check-mated, nor was the game actually lost, for Saladin still had chances of winning; she was not to get the stakes as there was no money to pay them, so the proverb " easy come, easy go " applied very well. 947. 3>d) fyfitte x\)v §trtt tt>oI)l lie&er felfcft = 3d) Wave Hefeer felbft fo !(ug mie fie. 953. ®tC SDlUttttttCtet, that is, the further concealment of financial straits. For him the farce (9Jhurtmerei) was over. 958. SSeftfjetbett = (Sinfefyen l}ctbeti, einftd)t§Do{(, be prudent and disclose nothing. 962. HBerbtttett, in the sense of begging one not to do anything. 965. $)ir ttirfjt ttdfyer trcten = btr nicfyt tnefyr 3U £er$en ge^en. 970 1. ©0 fittb bie Soften fte^ctt geBUeben, the items {of the account) remain (unpaid) ; that is, I shall claim all arrears when the treasury is full. 976. 2tu£tjett)0rfett, that is, the appanage of princes and princesses. Marin, II, 326, relates the following scene at Saladin's death : " He had alms distributed to all poor people, even to Christians. As he had given during his whole life and never saved anything for himself, they were obliged to sell his jewels and furniture. One of his sisters (Sittalscham or Sillah-Abscham, our Sittah), charged with this charity, added her own effects to make the alms more abundant." This prob- ably gave Lessing the idea of the present scene. 989-991. Among Lessing's material to the Nathan is found the following notice : " Saladin never had more than one garment, never ACT II. SCENE 2. 245 more than one horse in his stable. In the midst of riches and super- abundance he enjoyed complete poverty. After his death they found in Saladin's treasury no more than a ducat and forty Naserins." Marin says that Saladin on his death-bed ordered his standard bearer to place the garment in which he was to be buried upon a lance and bear it before the people and say that that was all that the conqueror of the East had gained by his conquests. He left neither house, nor garden, nor estate, nor other property. His saying in Lessing's drama : (gin Jfteib, ein ^djtnert, eiit $ferb — nnb eittett ©ott remains to this day in the Thuringian proverb : ein 9?0(f unb ein ©Ott. 1002. $&B?ed)ett, to pinch one's self, to curtail expenses. ($?tu= $tel)ett = einfcfjrcmfen, retrench. 1005. Qod) &a§ iann ba$ tttatfjett? As Saladin had always lived in the plainest, simplest manner possible, curtailment, retrenchment, spar- ing would not amount to much. 1007. 5l&3ttbitt(jett = ttbjllljattbefn, secure some abatement in his duty to his God. But already his God had been satisfied with his heart, and he could give him no less. 1012. (&pitfyett. Death by impaling is still a common punishment in the Orient and is considered both more cruel and more ignominious than strangling. 1013. broffeftt = erbroffettt. This punishment was that of persons of rank. 2Utf Ufterfdjug . . . tudr T ergrtffen toorbett, If I were caught with a surplus by you. Saladin's punishment for having a surplus was greater, according to Al-HafVs view, than for embezzle- ment. 1014. tttttetfdjteif, embezzlement. When Saladin's treasurers de- frauded him they lost their places, but received no other punishment. For greed of money seemed to the sultan to be as universal as it is sordid. Thus Al-Hafi would have risked nothing by embezzlement. 1017. 23et ntemanb anbertt— bei niemanb anberm, or bet niemanb embers, for Bei fetnem anbern. 1020-21. 5(ltf bent Xvodtttn feitt. Stranded, aground are the corresponding English nautical expressions. To be dead broke, to be strapped (slang) renders the German idea. For the German is slangy and sounds strange in the mouth of Sittah. But we must remember 246 NOTES. that Lessing used the expressive language of his day and ennobled it by his approval. 1023. SftHttm tWf = mmm ©eft) dltf, borrow money on security. 933te &U faitttfi . . , fcerftmtf). When necessary he must promise the highest interest. 1024. SSorgcn = 3)arle^n nefymen; letfjen == S)arlel)n gebert, that is, borrow money, loan money. But the Germans are not so careful as we in the use of these words. Lessing uses them correctly here, but in 1. 1056 uorgett stands for (eifyert. 1032. Al-Hafi's astonishment is quite natural, because he knows that Sittah refers to Nathan and he does not wish to have him robbed. His awkward efforts to save his friend are amusing. 1035. 3Rtdj beitft = id) ertnnere mid). Lessing found this im- personal construction in Logau and stamped it with his approval. Generally the dative is employed with bertfen in the sense of ftdj eritt* Hern. 1037. Sent ($ott — ber ©ott ber 3uben, ber ©ott feirter $ftter, unless the pronoun is used for the sake of the meter. For Sittah knew of Nathan's enlightened character. Cf. line 1 1 23 and Buchheim's note to this passage. 1040-41. To the Dervish living in voluntary poverty riches was the smallest and wisdom the greatest possession, and we do not question his wisdom; for riches have wings and wisdom remains forever with its possessor. 1048. Notice the past tenses. Once it was true, now it is not. 1050. $te gait^c Qtabt erftfjattt (bacon), 2£a§, etc. The particle battort is necessary to make a rounded sentence, but the exigencies of the verse excluded it here. 1055. Al-Hafi had already sounded Nathan and knows that it would be useless to try. Now he is only anxious to save his friend from a forced loan. 1062-3. @tr tVtify £1t lefiett = il sait vivre, is well-bred, has good manners. 1067. %V0fy 8a(abttt. Cf. note to line 411. 1068. SBetttt ftfjOtt ttid)t gatt^ fo tuel. Nathan was more circum- spect in his giving and did not scatter his money broadcast like Saladin. ACT II. SCENE 3. 247 1069. (Sottber Slttfefyett = oljne $iitfftd)t ctuf ba% rcCtgtofc 23efenrtt= ttif}. Nathan had risen above the narrow bounds of his own creed and called every human being a brother. 1071. Parsees or Ghebres are the members of a religious sect of Zoroaster. As they worship fire they are peculiarly repugnant to the Mussulmans as heretics. Cf. lines 451 and 1489. 1077. Cf. Boccaccio, Giorn. X, Nov. Ill, where Mitridones desires to kill his rival for surpassing him in giving (also called Nathan in the novel). See Introduction, p. xxvi. 1078. £of)lt UOtt ($Dtt. Every recompense from God, either as thanks from the receiver of the gift, or direct blessings from God for well-doing. 1082. ©efeif, Mosaic law. 1086-7. iifcent gfuff mit if)m gefpamtt; on bad terms with him. Cf. liber ber §attb, fiber ber 9Icf)|e{ feitt. Now they generally say simply mtt eirtem gefpannt feitl. The expression comes from wrestling. ACT II. SCENE 3. 1 103 ff. Fancy has ever delighted in finding hidden treasures, es- pecially in the Orient. Josephus (Jewish Antiquities) relates that Solomon buried immense treasures with his father David, At one time Hircanus the High Priest, at another king Herod, opened the grave and took out large sums of money. The royal coffin was, however, so in- geniously concealed that it was never found. Solomon's grave was also said to contain immense treasures, but both only yielded up their hidden wealth at the magic word which was supposed to bring the treasure to light. 1 104. ^eteit StCgef, In ancient times royal graves were fre- quently sealed for safety, and this must refer to that custom, unless it refers to the ingeniously hidden graves. 1 1 15. ^etttt tt Ijattbelt* Commerce is a far more fruitful source of wealth than mines or hidden treasures, though Saladin was hardly of that opinion and he may have said it in contempt. 1 1 16. <3aumtiet = here £afttier and the camel is probably meant, as it is the beast of burden in the East, 248 NOTES. 1118. gf) = friifjer. 1 125. gingefttmmt mxt jeber Sdjimfyett = fur jebe ©djonljeit env pfcingtid). Nathan was a man of culture and refinement. 1131-2. (Seutern 2$olU eutfKiefyeit = ben CHjaraftev feines $offe8 t>erfeugnett\ For avarice is the great sin of the Jews, according to Sittah. 1 137-8. Boccaccio also states that Saladin would not resort to force. 1 142. §araitt = §arem, though §aram is considered the more correct, if less common, form. ACT II. SCENE 4. 1 162. ©att$ tttoa§ attbre3 r etc. That is, he thinks love may move her breast instead of gratitude. 1171-2. 2)a3 cut = fur attentat tft abgetfjan = 2>a8 tft em = fur attentat abgetfjatt. The unusual order of words is caused by the verse. 1181. ©0 mafyt rntr, ba§ cr Surf) Ijter attest geroatjv ttrirb; Please do hasten away, so that he may not see you here. Cf. line 496 for the colloquial use of macfjetV ACT II. SCENE 5. 1 191. $aft fd)eu r trt) mtd) be3 ©Mtbertittg3 + ©id) ftfjeuen is usually followed by the preposition Dor and the dative, or by the simple dative, only rarely by the genitive as here. 1 192. O^flUfye Xugettb is a favorite expression with Lessing. Cf. Emilia Galotti, Act II, Scene 5, where the term is applied to Odoardo, whose character is very similar to the Templar's. The three words fcfyeiten (shrink from), ftlt^en (startle, puzzle), and tierlegen (confuse, perplex) form a descending climax, so to speak. Nathan's approach was not servile, but somewhat uncertain on account of the rugged virtue of the Templar. 1 196. 2)ett bratten ©attg, the manly gait, bratt means firm, sturdy, vigorous. 1 198. 28o fat) id) bod) bergteitf)ett? The appearance of the Tern- ACT II. SCENE 5. 249 plar recalls a faint recollection in Nathan's mind of having seen a similar person, which becomes more definite in Scene Seventh, and finally leads to the peaceful solution of the dramatic plot. The follow- ing dialogue shows the Jewish traits in Nathan's character : submissive patience, humility and perseverance. 1202. ^er^teljt (uergieljen, not beqeiljen) is used in the sense of stay, that is, hasten not away till you hear my thanks. 1207. (^tO^tttUt, say the critics, is not exactly the right word here, but (Sbelmut. (Sfrofjmut is a Christian, loving self-abnegation, while (Sbetmut is merely a generous self-mastery. The Templar in saving Recha did not overcome his Christian pride, for it was repugnant to him to think that he had rescued a Jewess. But he showed ©bettttut in the philanthropic exposure of his life to save a fellow-being. i2ioff. The Templar is applying the Patriarch's casuistry that we owe no one thanks who does not perform the service for our sake. Cf. lines 695-7. He refuses to receive thanks of the father because he did not do the deed for the father's sake. He debases it to a mere deed of a Templar's duty, and legal duty at that, when it was philanthropic. He descends still further when he pleads indifference to life as the leading motive of his action; that is mere egoism. 1218-9. $n bte (sdjatt^e fd)(agett = auf§ @$>iet fefcett. @d)ange = la chance, which denotes the fortunate throw in dice, then uncertainty, chance. Lessing found the word in Logau. 1219-20. The Templar is not telling the truth; he did not know that it was a Jewess. Cf. Act I, Scene 6 and Act IV, Scene 4. 1221. ©tO^ Uttb abfdjeultrf). It was grand to rush to the rescue of a human being, but abominable to ascribe it to disgust of life and contempt for Jews. But the generous Nathan excuses it as modesty in order to escape notoriety and admiration. 1232-3. In the first sketch Lessing wrote, — jo brautfje tt)enigftetl8 toa8 ba% beffre an tljm iji — fetnen 9tod)tum, which explains this passage. 1235. Scrrebcn = Derftdjertt, baft ettoaS ttidjt fei, ober feitt toerbe; t>erfd)tt)orett, solemnly renounce. 1238. gfe^e, now ber ^t%m ( ra g)> though less correct. 1240. Wit etttS. Cf. line 104. 250 NOTES. 1245. Httb \>a§ Mam Ct, etc. It seems strange that the Templar, at the sight of this spot, should now unnecessarily mention a deed which he had hitherto almost ignored, and it is thought that this spot recalled to him the picture of one who had become dear to him, but too many passages contradict that. It was rather a scornful allusion to his burnt cloak for which some day he might claim indemnification. Nathan understood how to make good use of this incident. 1249. $f)Ut refers to $ltd f and is repeated in the next line in ben 1252. <£)er Sro^fett Uteljr, The cloak had been exposed to all kinds of weather. Notice the partitive genitive. 1256-8. Nathan's skill in winning the Templar is well shown in these lines. He had noticed that the Templar was weakening and presses his point in a masterly manner. The Templar's reply shows that he had gained his point. 1262-3. ©tcMt Uttb fcerfteflt ©ltd), simulate and dissimulate. "I'll find the kernel out of the bitter shell, however brusk and rude you may be." Nathan repeats a suggestion already made to Daja, lines 5 2 3-4. 1268. $fot)t ifjre $ritfUtt(J* Knowing the feeling of gratitude in the one saved from death and the readiness of servants to enter into love affairs, also remembering the absence of the father you would not put her to the test in order not to win an easy victory. $t)Vt ^riifutttj; if) re is objective, test of her. 1274. £ragen = ergeugen, produce. 1278. W\t biefent Uttterfrffteb tft T 3 mtfjt tucit Ijer, this difference is unimportant. Nathan's idea is that the equality of man makes the differences non-essential. 1284. 9htr ntu|f ber ®non ten Bnubbtn Ijitfifif) bertragen. Now usually $norrert (masc.) and $rtttbbe (fern.) ; the meaning is the same for both words (gnarl, excrescence on trees). People must bear and forbear and then all will be well. 1285 ff. The hillock must not presumptuously pretend that it, did not spring from the earth. Nathan is zealous against any aristocracy in religion. 1286. entfttjoffen = etttftroffen. ACT II. SCENE 5. 251 1293. f)lett ttiirb bi§ auf bic 3el)ett? In his collection of " Proverbial Sayings " Lessing notes from Sebastian Frank : „(§r iff f)0l)( bt§ an Me 3 e fy en " ( saici °f one wno is insatiable). From this Lessing formed the present expression bt§ auf btc 3^n an§f)5fy(en = anSjangen, to suck out one^s marrow, to drain dry. 254 NOTES. 1446-8. The prudent Nathan's riches are compared to usually never empty barns (fonft me leeren @d)euern) of wise charity (ber roetfen SJUtbe), which the extravagance of Saladin is to drain dry until the poor home-mice (Me cuttten etttgebornert 2ftciu3d)ert, that is, those poor people whom Nathan cares for) shall starve. Cf. the ^riamel noted by Lessing: „ettt ©djeuertt oljtie 9ttauf3 = 2)a8 ift rotber bte natfirUd) 2trt." 1456. @bCtt ba3 = ebert nad)bem ba$. 3)aJ3 in German is often used for a compound conjunction like the French que. 1459- SSerforen glaubte, fdjon (oerloren) gegeben tjatte. The omission of cerloreit is more than poetic license. 1466. ®et JHorfje (pr. as a German word), now called £I)urm. It is the English rook (castle at chess), Persian rokh, said to have meant warrior, hero. With the ancient Germans the piece represented an elephant, with the Persians it was a camel mounted with archers. It took its name from the figure it represented. 1470. $n Uhtmptn werfen, vulgar expression for elf, or Qaltf is the Arabic for the German $ittef (smock) of a Dervish. Here it means a tattered garment such as the begging Dervishes wore. 1506. fi It all ttttb $(lU is a rhyming formula taken from fireworks (sudden explosion and fall), meaning suddenly. $l)ttt fef&ft leben = ftd) felbft teben. In earlier times iljm, il)r, ifynert were used as reflexives, but Mod. H. G. demands fid). The de- cision to live to one's self must be an inner prompting of the heart and not a deliberate act of the reason. 1508-9. 2M md|l ! ttue r 3 (Surf) 99Bu^( biittft The Dervish sees the inconsistency of saying farewell (that is, live well, be well, be pros- ACT III. SCENE I. 255 perous) to one who would not fare well according to his idea, and adds : as it seems well to you. 1 5 13. S3iirgen usually has the preposition fur; fiir meine Sftedjtumg Mrgt — 31jr ober ©ittftlj. 1514. $ie (=3>afur) biirgetd). 28ilber = wtge&unbener -ftatur* menjd). The free, unrestrained life of a Dervish who worshipped nature was his ideal life. 15 15. Critics trace this celebrated saying that the beggar is the only true king to the Persian poet Saadi, but the idea is too universal to be property of any one author. ACT III. SCENE 1. 1519. %lotf) fo hath = mbgUd)ft Balb, augenbftcfftdj. Imitated from the negative nod) tttdjt fo bctlb. 1535. Hitherto Recha has had but one wish, eutetl 2£nnfcf) alter 25itnfd)e (to see and speak with the Templar), which dilates her heart, and she fears that no other equally pleasant wish will come to take its place when that is satisfied. 1538 ff. Daja's desire to reveal Recha's birth to her leads her to enigmatical speeches which Recha interprets in her own way. 1546. 5H3 bic td), etc. The relative sentence preceding the ante- cedent gives a fine effect to the whole clause. Klopstock and Goethe used the same device. 1547. 'BptVXt btrf) = ftrtiltbe bid). It is not an elegant expression, belonging rather to daily life. 1548. Cf. Is. lv, 8. Daja sees the hand of Providence at work, but is forced to speak in riddles. 1556. "Too scientific for a girl," observed Ramler. But Recha is Nathan's child and has been instructed in his philosophy, and is here merely repeating her well-learned lesson. It is true Lessing is preach- ing his own gospel through her, still that does not change the fact that Recha had been well instructed in regard to God. 1564. ^Ctt (Battmi bet Sermmft, that is, the religion of reason. (£aat would be better than ©amen. Nathan had not educated Recha in any revealed religion, but in the pure religion of reason; hence she would not listen to the weeds (Unfraut) of other lands. 256 NOTES. 1571-4. According to Recha the Christian faith took away the power to act and the clearness of consciousness (cf. lines 360-4). 1577- s Jhtr frfjlcigt cr mix utd)t ^u = 9lux tft er mix tudjt jutrag* lid), pafjt nidjt in tncinem SSefen. 1579-80. According to Nodnagel, Lessing is skillfully preparing the way for Recha's apparent coldness toward the Templar, which would otherwise appear strange to us. 1587. Deeds, not faith, interest Recha. For when faith is mere imagination (ftJ&fyttett) about God it can produce no real heroism. Cf. Nathan's lesson: „23egreifft bu after, 2Bte iuet anbad)ttg fcfytnarmen letdjter af$ ®ut fyartbeftt ijr?" Line 360 ff. 1589-92. Religion does not depend upon any faith (confession), it is resignation to God. Schiller sees in these words the whole spirit- ual trend of the Nathan. It is the Age of Enlightenment speaking through Lessing. 1600. D6 and) er (jo beitft fate bu), for then he would also wish to convert her; or whether he thinks as my father, for then he will be more congenial to me. 1601. The indefinite e$ ($0tmnt e8 ttid)t an Utlfrc Satire?) denotes the uncertainty in the speaker's mind as to who was coming. This indefinite use of e$ is quite common in German and can generally be translated by the indefinite some, some one, somebody. ACT III. SCENE 2. 1604. Uttb bod) (jaumte id) t»ergeben§ fo tange). 1608. JBaffereimer* The Templar had considered himself the mere mechanical instrument of rescue with which his free will had nothing to do, and Recha is now repaying him for his bitter words to Daja. Her bitterness is seen in ^eratt^fdjmtjV which represents mere blind chance at work in a haphazard way. while Recha thinks Provi- dence orders all things. 1610. 3)Uv mtf)t3, bit ttttf)t3, an idiomatic expression, just so, with perfect indifference. 161 7. §etau£jd)ttUJ?. Certainly a vigorous term, which sounds strangely in Recha's mouth, but probably the strong language of the ACT III. SCENE 2. 257 Templar justifies its use by her. It is, however, not so vulgar as some would make it, for good poets often use it even now. 1618-ig. Probably the Templar had boasted that in the Occident wine urged men to more foolish deeds than the rescue of a Jewess, so that wine may have prompted him and not his free will. The Mussul- mans were prohibited the use of wine and the Jews were restricted in its use. 1619-20. Compare the Templar's cold remarks to Nathan, lines 1213-15: „(§:$ ift ber ^empetfyerren s .]3ftid)t, bem (Erften, bem SBeften oei^utyringen, beffen 9?ot fie fefyem" The too mechanical view of the Templar receives its merited rebuke from Recha, who puts his every folly (Jebe £I)0rl)eit, 1. 1625) in its true light. 1624. ^trf) libel flttlief?, gave you short replies, treated you curtly, snubbed you. 1630. £iefe fletttClt 3tad)eftU The sarcastic remarks with which the Templar had sought to escape thanks for his good deed. 1633-4. It i s n °t such an uncommon trait to be chary of one' 'j grief and prodigal with one's life. Grief is sacred, while life belongs in a sense to others, which scenes of great danger prove beyond doubt. Intimate friends have a certain right to share one another's grief, but the Templar was alone in Jerusalem and was moreover melancholy. Compare his reason given to the friar: „$3erm id) mm metandjolifd) gem mtd) fiil)(te?" line 552. It shows the sympathetic nature of Recha, however, to be moved at his grief, and she abandons her sar- castic tone. 1640. 3war t # , Derftetft , . . ber ©djretf (ben 9ttenftf)en, nrie Ghtd), ai§ i\)V til £obe3gefaf)r fdjUJe&tet), Sight and hearing were so absorbed in Recha that speech fails him. 1641. Notice the double accusative after ftnbert (the direct object ($ltd) and the factitive accusative ben namfidjen). Lessing also uses the verb gtcutBen (lines 2034-35) in the same way. $>e£gfcttf)ett f the same, that is ^pailfe, as above, line 1640. 1648. 5(ttf ©ttt(ri, where he had accompanied pilgrims. Cf. line 595- 1652. WU (er Me 3el)n ©ebote Don if)m empfing). 1653. There was no superstition in Recha, she was too well edu- 258 NOTES. cated by Nathan and knew that God was omnipresent. She had no idle curiosity to seek the place where Moses may have stood, that was indifferent to her. 1656-8. Some refer this question to the remark of Till Eulenspiegel that he always wept when descending, for he knew that another moun- tain would soon come, but laughed when ascending, because he would soon be descending into the next valley. Others refer it to a passage in Breuning von Buchenbach's Orientalische Reysz (Strassburg, 1 61 2), who, after describing how he had made the ascent of Mt. Sinai on a side where there were steps, states that he descended on a side where there were no steps, for which reason the descent was the more difficult and troublesome. This naive and rather childish question seems very odd when coming from Recha; for we expect from her only noble thoughts and great intelligence. Commentators differ as to the exact significance of the question. During the crusades the air was full of just such absurd superstitions, and Lessing may have wished to ridicule them. But why put the words in Recha's mouth and not in Daja's, where they would be appropriate? Recha had just rebuked the Templar for his rude be- havior, and may now wish to give a lighter turn to the conversation; possibly there was also just a shade of mischief in her question. In line 1600 she says: „mir liegt bctrcm urtenbfid), ob cmd) er (fo benft tt)ie bit), and here she is testing the Templar to see whether he is superstitious like Daja. In his turn he recognizes in Recha a congenial soul, hence his reference to Nathan's words: „$emtt fie MIX erft !" She is not a fanatic, and therefore worthy of his esteem, friendship, nay even his love. She has solved her doubts also, but the angel theory and her father's thorough cure have completely removed every senti- ment of love in her breast. 1663. 9ftetner Stnfalt, genitive after ladjellt, which, in higher diction, governs this case. Recha was conscious of the absurdity of her question, but it was only by such a question that she could discover whether the Templar was bigoted or one of nature's noblemen. 1672. SDtir fagt ♦ ♦ ♦ tierfd)tt)eigt ? Recha's tone, her remarks about her question, her silence had clearly shown the Templar that she con- sidered such superstitions only follies. For there were higher questions ACT III. SCENES 3 AND 4. 259 to discuss and greater problems to solve which would ennoble man and not degrade him to a mere seeker after wonders. 1683. They had not made any such appointment. He only wishes to leave Recha because he shows his love too plainly, as Daja observes after his departure. 1687. QaftU = dlod) ba]U, moreover. ACT III. SCENE 3, 1694. 2$a3 fiJmtttt il)m an ? This verb usually requires the ac- cusative, but cf. Schiller, Jungfrau von Orleans : „9Jftr fommt etrt etgen ©ranen an bet btefem Segen." It is equivalent to t)on ©utem ober SBofem befallen toerben. 1708-9. Daja firmly believes that Recha's calmness rests upon the belief that the Templar's distraction and anxiety assure her of his passion for her, but Recha herself is quite unconscious of its cause. 1718. That would mar Daja's plans, as she hopes to save Recha to the Church and get back to Europe with her. ACT III. SCENE 4. 1734. It must be remembered that Nathan was conversing with the Templar and had to be called by Daja. Then the Dervish detained him a while. 1735. It was the sister who set the trap to catch Nathan, hence the reproachful tone in Scfjttefter ! olfe3, fie ift bie ©timme @otte3." 1806-7. Cf. the Templar's remark, lines 741-2: „©emem (Nathan's) $otfe ift veld) urtb ttjcife tuefletdjt bct§ ndmUdje." ACT III. SCEN~ 5. 261 181 1. %d) fjiire bid) beroeifett, ma§ ton tt>iberft)red)ett ttuttft, liKMbertyredjen with the accusative is found in Mid. II. German. Nathan's proof shows his wisdom. 18 19. Xrotfeite Skrtmitft, *>&r reason. 1 82 1. 3tufrid)tig, etc. Saladin is thinking of the religious problem that he is going to propose to Nathan while Nathan applies it to business matters. Nathan has already learned from the Dervish that Saladin wants money, but he prudently pretends to know nothing about it. 1827. Sdjadjertt == fyctttbeln == here haggle. It is borrowed from the Hebrew and means to haggle, to jew, Saladin uses the word as referring to Sittah and Nathan. 1832. O^egCt. The Templars had broken the truce. 1835. (55eftcuert = gegtett, fyittauegetrjoHt. $ud) bte TOftdjt Ijabe id) rttdjt gefyabt. 1837. §eifd)ett is stronger than either begefyrett or forbertt, for it means that what one desires must come. 1841. (£ittleurf)tett = mit bem Skrjicmbe d§ roafjr crfannt roerbett. 1842. £5$ bitt eilt $ttb T . Cf. Introd. p. xxv ff. and lines 1 312, 2156. He seeks thus to avoid hazardous discussions which might get him into difficulty. 1843. Although chronologically between Jew and Mussulman, Christians here form a third party merely in the controversy of the best religion. 1848. ($ittfid)t, ®riittbett f 28af)l be3 Seffettt. Saladin had really studied his lesson. Xk Ginftdjt berufyt attf ©riinben, bte $ur 2Baf)l t>e§ SBeffew, jum 23or$ug be§ einert t»or bem anbern, fii^ren (3)untger). But if (Sittftdjt rests upon ©riittbett it is rather strange why it should precede and not follow. 1850-2. The historical Saladin had decided this question for him- self, as he was a strict Mussulman; but he was liberal, and, if tradition speaks the truth, did discuss these questions with Christians and Jews. 1855. SBcigft mid) mit htm 5(uge ?=migejl mid) mit ben 2Iiigen. 1862. SBelaufdjett — befyordjen, barauf taufdjen, urn e£ raafyr $u nefjmetu 262 NOTES. ACT III. SCENE 6. 1868. @0 bat, fa blattf denote bare, blank, that is, the truth en- tirely free from error. 1870. In ancient times the metals were merely weighed, not coined, therefore SSftiut^C does not apply well here to ancient means of pay- ment. Nathan means simply that the truth must first be maturely weighed, tested and proved, as coins are weighed, tested and proved. 1872. <5ttmptl = s ]$xac\ieuie; gjrett = 3<*fy[&rett, counter. The official stamp guarantees against fraud. 1873. ®arf = notig fyat, Brautfjt. 1874. The omission of the article before @ad£ and $opf is taken from common life, unless we look upon this as a contraction of the preposition in and the ace. ben; in t U = tit. That seems, however, far-fetched. Cf. also Goethe in Gotz and Werther (an $0pf, in ©tatt, in ©ad). 1875. Saladin demands the truth without testing it himself, as usurers are accustomed to get their money without too much trouble, hence Nathan considers him more a Jew than he is himself. 1878-9. It is the truth. Saladin did yield to Sittah's suggestion to set a trap for the Jew. Cf. Act III, Scene 4. Nathan's noble heart struggles against such a suspicion, but experience tells him that princes have few scruples. Lessing had also found that out in his own deal- ings with princes. 1881-2. gRtt ber £f)itre xn§ $an§ ftiir^en (fafjren, fatten), an idiomatic expression meaning to blurt out. Nathan means that Sala- din's question is a blunt one. The simile of the door is continued in the following lines. 1885. ©totfjube, Simon pure jew. ©tocf in such compounds is merely strengthening. 1888-9. $a3 toax'g I bag fatm mid) rcttett! Nathan is now ready to meet Saladin with the Tale of the Three Rings which v/ill help him out of his dilemma. He sees that Saladin is setting a trap for him and he will satisfy him with a tale, as children are satisfied. But we must remember that it is only a parable to illustrate the truth, not the truth itself. ACT III. SCENE 7. 263 ACT III. SCENE 7. 1891. 60 ift ba3 $elb rent, 77^ ^«^/j r/^r. But ba§ gelb ifl frei is more common. Sittah was not listening. , 1892. $u btft 5U Dianbe = ]vl Cntbe, am (Snbc. 1899. Sei6 Uttb Sedeit, an alliterative formula like the English life and limb. ($l\t Uttb SBhtt is a rhyming formula, such as we often find in Ger- man. 1 goo. Lessing was against martyrdom merely for the sake of gain- ing a name. Hence Nathan is too wise to choose a course that would lead to unnecessary danger, but yet wishes to be true to himself and his God. 1 90 1. ©ittCtt tttehter XiM. The sultans of the East were accus- tomed to have pompous titles, and one of Saladin's titles was SBefferer ber 23elt urtb be§ ©efefceS (= be* ©laubertS, the Moral Law). 1908-9. 3rtf iJttt et§fil)(t, Cf. Lessing in a letter to Ramler (Feb., 1779) : ,/Mcf) rjerlartgt, rate ©tc mtt ber (Sr^d^lung ^nfrteben fcitt raerben, bte mir mttf(id) am jauerftert geraorben ift." 191 1. ^ti Cftett, now im Often. Earlier usage omitted the article. 1913-14. The opal of the East is noted for its play of colors and is highly prized for settings in rings, etc. ftaxbtn f^teltc = in garben fpielte. 1915-16. The superstition of the Middle Ages supposed that the precious stones possessed magic virtues and they were worn as amulets. Cf. the story of Benedict Arnold's precious stone that lost its bright color when failure was to attend his steps just before his betrayal. $0r (§dtt Uttb 9Rettfd)en r etc. is Biblical. Cf. Luke ii, 52. Lessing found this feature in the Latin versions. See Intr., pp. xxi, xxii. 19 1 7. This is an addition of Lessing which gives a rational turn to a superstition. 1926. 3>tt $rttft, now £raft alone is used. 1933. (Jntbretfjeu, cf. line 1293, note. J 945- 3>k Qteljeim = now insgeljeim. 1965-6. Xathan had not yet told the whole truth, but wants to cee how for he can venture. 264 NOTES. I 97°« -3d) bcic^tC^ Saladin now speaks and gives Nathan the de° sired opportunity to open more of the truth to him. He also begins to feel an interest in the question. 1973. Confessors of positive religions wear different clothing, eat different kinds of food, drink different drinks. The Jews eat no pork, the Mussulmans drink no wine, etc. 1974. The argument used here is similar to that used by Reimarus, in the fourth Wolfenbiittel Contribution, in the first Fragment : „3$0U bev SSerfdjreiimg ber 2krnunft auf ben $au$etn." Cf. also Introd., p. xxiv. 1992-3. The rest of this is Lessing's addition. Boccaccio's story ended with the question who can distinguish between the three re- ligions. 2006. SBe^etfyeit is the older form from which we have fcejidjt, fte- jidjteil, begtd)tigen\ At present only 3eif)en is admissible in the sense of accuse. 2024. SBetrogeite 23etrieger, deluded deluders. Each maintained that he had the genuine ring, which, according to Nathan, was lost, and the father had substituted three false ones. All three had lost confidence in the virtue of his ring to make himself beloved of God and man, or rather, they had forgotten that that was the true test of the ring. Hence the ring acted only inwardly and not outwardly. 2041-48. This passage is said to contain the whole idea of the drama. Unprejudiced thought, love of mankind, gentleness, these are the true tests of humanity. In a review Lessing says : " It is fortunate that here and there a divine thinks of the practical side of Christianity at a time when the most lose themselves in fruitless disputations; now they condemn a simple Moravian, now they give by their so-called refutations a much simpler religious mocker new material for mockery; now they quarrel over impossible agreements before they have laid the foundation for them by purification of the heart from bitterness, quarrelsomeness, calumniation, oppression, and by the spread of that love which alone marks the Christian. To patch up a universal re- ligion before they strive to lead men to the unanimous practice of their duties is nonsense. Can we make two bad dogs good by shutting them up together? Not agreement in opinions, but agreement in virtuous ACT III. SCENE 7. 265 acts will make the world calm and happy." It is an indirect plea for religious tolerance, but falls short of Lessing's standard of his third stage. It is the best epitome that the Age of Enlightenment ever made and can well be studied by Christians. See Introd., p. xxiv. 2053- 8prctf)ett = bat Urtfjett jpredjert, pronounce judgment. 2060. W)tX f ei mettt $reitttb» In Boccaccio we have the same ending of the tale; Saladin wishes the Jew to become his friend. Cf. Introd. ? p. xxi ff. 2063-4. Lessing's sources let Saladin relate his distress to Nathan, but Lessing has shown great delicacy in allowing Nathan to offer his services to Saladin. It shows Nathan's nobility of soul and relieves Saladin from great embarrassment. 2074-5. We know that Al-Hafi had been to Nathan and warned him, but the interest the latter takes in the Templar had produced a change in him. 2077. $reterbutg3, Cf. atterbingS, fd)(ed)terbing§, jrtatterbingS, neuerbuig$, which are all false formations licensed by usage. ^xtUX- btng§ has been condemned, as well as frifdjerbittgS, both of which Lessing coined. 2080-1. £a3 9Mm(trf)e an tmtf) ^u fudjen = ba8 ttamttdje fe fudjen an mid) jit fteKen, ba§ 9?drnlid)e mid] anpjudjcrt. 2tn is here the real preposition and not the separable prefix. Cf. Goethe : %£ex etroas an Urn ju fucfjett rjabe ; and Schiller: ^ucfjt Ujr tttoaS art Urn? 2083. Notice the great delicacy of Nathan in the use of the verb fdjicfert instead of ietf)en or borgen. In the next line he skillfully calls Saladin's attention to the Templar as he had promised him, lines 1269- 70. 2085. (Sine gtofje ^Oft* Literally, item in an account, here obli- gation. Now ber Soften is used for the older bte ^oft. The Templar had refused every reward, still Nathan felt in duty bound to reward him. 2087. The order of Templars was founded for fighting against the Saracens; they had broken the truce; they were opposed to the mar- riage of Sittah with Richard's brother and of Melek with Richard's sister. Saladin's hostility to them- was well known. Cf. lines 231-2. 2090. <£a§ Sebcn (Bpaxttft = 2>ct§ £e6ert fdjortteft. Cf. line 1346. 266 NOTES. 2091-2. Saladin had not really given him his freedom, nor did he have him watched. He could naturally think, therefore, that the Tem- plar had taken advantage of his carelessness and gone away. It seems improbable that Saladin had entirely forgotten him, yet this inconsis- tency is hardly noticeable here. 2105. SBfo^e fietbenfdjaft = here „tiefe @el)nfudjt rtatf) feirtem SBntber, toelrfje be§ £empenjerrrt ^rtbUcf in ifym getoecft I)at" (Dtin- tzer). Cf. Schiller's verses: 3)a§ eben ift ber f^tuct) ber bofen Xfjat, £)a|3 fie fortjeitQenb immer mujj Gebaren. 2107-8. Uttb bei bent cutbertt 23letbi e3 batf| autfj ? refers to the financial aid he has promised Saladin. ACT III. SCENE 8. 2111. Niemeyer interprets this line as if the Templar were a wounded victim escaping from the block. The stroke causing the wound is his growing love for Recha, whose presence he had fled to escape danger. He is at least a weary victim fleeing from danger. 21 12-3. Cf. lines 1696-8, which explain his condition in Daja's words. 21 17. $l)ttt au^ttbeugett, b. 1). burdj eine 2Bertburtg fid) erttaiefyert. The form beugett for biegett came from the imperative singular and the second and third persons singular indicative, which formerly had ett. In the figurative sense we should expect btegen, but as early as Luther the two forms became interchangeable. 2118. 28ar ber ©treitf) p ftfjnefl ©efaflen* The impression made by Recha was quick and decisive; foreseeing this his refusal to see her again had been long and stubborn. And yet, as already ex- pressed, it is probable that his reason for refusing to see her at first was because of his prejudice against Jews and his fear that she might belong to the fanatics of that time, though this is not inconsistent with the idea that she did make an impression upon him when he rescued her from the fire. 2123-4. With the Templar there could be no question of a resolu- tion formed by free and deliberate consideration, by active participation ACT III. SCENE 8. 267 of the will; he simply suffered under the impression made. Niemeyer refers it to the dramatic motive of " passion." The form Ittt', litte, is the older lengthened form of the imperfect indicative, as in fafje, fcf)ietie, etc., now obsolete. 2125. 5(tt fie t>erftricft = nitt if)r oerftmpft. 2130. This was contrary to the rules of the order to which he be- longed, and the fact that the object of his love was a Jewess made it all the worse. 2132-3. 3tt beitt gelabteit £(*ttb. He uses the word gelobt in a double sense. Line 2132, £)a§ gelobte £atlb is the land which Je- hovah promised (gelobte, imperfect from gelobetl ; in the text past part.) the Israelites, while the Templar, line 2133, praised (gelobt, past participle from foben) the land in which he had already overcome so many prejudices. Cf. Act II, Scene 5. The following arguments are rather specious ones to free his conscience while breaking away from his order. 2139-41. The Templars were sworn to everlasting hatred of Mus- sulmans, they took the oath to fight against Saracens; but the Templar must love Saladin for sparing his life, and contemplated breaking all the other rules to which he was bound by oath. 214 1-2. That is, oriental sky, as his father Assad was born there. 2144-5. Assad the Mussulman had married a Christian. 2149. er ©tfjlag ift nityt 511 ticrarf>tcn. Cf. Philip Faulcon- bridge in King John and Edmond in King Lear, Schiller's SBaftart t>01t DrleanS in 2)er 3ungfrau bOtl Orleans, Sterne's Tristam Shandy Wie- land, etc. — ®d)Iag = 9Jtetfd)enfd)tag = 9ftenfd)enart, Art. 221 1. The Templar now believes that it is a test of nobility which ACT III. SCENE IO. 269 Nathan desires him to stand before he will give him the hand of his daughter. According to the law of 5H)rtenprobe he must show his des- cent from a certain number of nobles in succession. 2213-15. The bitterness and irony show manifestly that he has not yet overcome his prejudice against the Jews, nor has he reached the higher standard of nobility. He does not doubt the genuineness of Nathan's ancestral tree, as such records are always infallible, and when Nathan gets to the end of his list at Abraham he (the Templar) can continue it to Adam. His own lack of honesty in giving his own family puts him in all the worse light. He has a long road to travel before he reaches Nathan's plane. 2219. $tf) tviU (Surf) \a nut fiei btm 28orte ttttfjt btn Wuqtnblid fo faffett = 3d) tutlX dnd) nidjt gleicf) beim Sorte neljmen (or faffeit), nidjt ben 5Iugenb(id: ber §i^e between, Nathan knows that he will be understood when reason asserts itself once more and he has cleared up the mystery of Curd's birth. The Templar sees his wrong and asks pardon. ACT III. SCENE 10. 2228. StfjOtt tnefyr al§ JJ r JtUg, continuation of the Templar's speech, fo }al) id) fte @d)0tt Diet $ltt>tei, above. 2230. $0tt eilter $lehugfett f that is, his love to Recha, which, in his efforts at self-mastery, appears to him as a mere trifle. In his mon- ologue the white heat of passion wrought up his soul to its profoundest depths and now the cold wave of reason is congealing all feeling. So he ever fluctuates between violent extremes, never stable, never rational and thoughtful. , 2233. "£)ett aufgebutt^ T ttCU Staff, Lessing took his figure from baking; ber Ctnfgebunfene Xeig is kneaded together by the mind and brings order and light into the soul. 2253. $emt tierfit^ert = Xenn feib &erftd)eri The omission of the auxiliary here is rather bold, but Lessing is fond of such omissions. Daja will not betray Nathan unless she is sure the Templar loves Recha; for otherwise it would avail her nothing. 2259. 3trmer O^ittet ; pitiful because he thought to conceal from a woman that he was in love. 270 NOTES. 2261-2. $a£ ttrir §u Ija&en £>ft felbft nitfjt ttiiffett = quod nos habere ipsi saspe nescimus. It is contrary to the spirit of the German language to use the accusative with the infinitive, but it found defend- ers in Lessing, Goethe, and Wieland. 2266-7. ©id) otIen, as she knows that Nathan is only the foster-father and has no legal right to Recha. Having brought her up as Jewess when she was a Christian would subject him to severe punishment. 2309. Daja keeps up the musical figure which the Templar had employed; for (SinfaHeit is used in music to denote that one instrument joins in accord with another, and is stronger than ehtfttmmen, also used in the same sense. The Templar continues the figure in his discordant note (SKifsfout). ACT IIL SCENE IO. 271 2320. <$a§ Ct koti) gar tticfjt fjikett ttutf ! For Daja Lad troubled him often enough with her scruples on that subject, and he would not listen to her. 2330-1. 2a%t (£utf| tutfjt bte SS^e^en fdjretfett. The Templar thinks that Daja has converted Recha to Christianity, hence his taunts, $dfg jcf)tt>er gerjCtlteu? etc. The pains of childbirth (Recha's spiritual birth) are not to frighten her from her good work; for, having dis- carded all belief, he can see no difference between Jew, Mussulman, or Christian. He is emancipated from the thralldom of creeds, like the Deists, but not yet purified from prejudice and bigotry so as to become a representative of the pure religion of God like Nathan and Saladin. 2338. $ott (Surer Sftatfje = t>ou (Surer, ber bigotteu dfjrifttu, gab* rtf, CtUg (Surer SBerfftatt. SJcacfje is an expression taken from common life, as tu ber 3ftetcf)e feitt, rjaben, iu bie Sftacrje uebjmeu. Cf. the Eng- lish of your make. 2339- Wty I fa t>erftef)t $fjr T 3 ? So mag r 3 geftett. She sees the natural mistake of the Templar and understands the taunt and over- looks it. 2343-4. Assad is said to have become a Christian when he married a Christian wife. 2347. Supply fjat before roetueu ruacfjeu. 2352. According to an older custom a(8 is omitted in connection with the participle geboreu. We should expect $U§ \va% fie geboreu fet, at8 eiue Gtfjriftin geboreu fet. 2359-61. $te (Stimme ber Watnv fo §it fcetfalfdjen, etc. Nature pronounced Recha a Christian at birth. In the Templar's mind, how- ever, Nathan had turned aside (t>erteufeu) the natural impulses of her heart from Christianity, her natural state, to himself, as if he were her real father. He had thus falsified nature in bringing her up as a Jewess when she was a Christian. <&{$) felbft gefaffen = fief) felbft iiberlaffeu, a quite common use with Lessing. 2374. Sem £>htge = ber 2IngelegeuI)ett ber SBefreiung uub §eim= fiitjrung SftecrjCt'3 ; his love affair with Recha and its happy conclusion. She appears to ignore the Templar's vows of celibacy, which would be a natural hindrance to any contemplated secret flight which she seems to imply. 272 NOTES. ACT IV. SCENE i. * Scene : in ben ^ren^gangen be3 Slofter^. The cloisters enclosed a court or garden. The archways opening into this court and en- circling this space were called $reu$gange (crossways) because they were intended for the procession following the cross of Christ, the object of these solemn processions. 2379. ($r fjat frfjon redjt, bet s #atriard). The Patriarch must have been scolding the poor friar for his lack of success in his commis- sions. Cf. Act I, Scene 5, where he seems glad to have failed with the Templar. 2384-6. He expresses his indignation at the worldliness of the clergy who wish to have a hand in everything. 2)ic D^afe in 5Ille8 ftecfen, tie §anb itt 5Wem fyaben are idiomatic expressions and the diminutive forms only add force to his indignation. 2396. JKHe faner mtr ber SHntrag fear. He repeats here his words, 3dj gel)', nnb gel)' rjergniigter ctlS id) fcttn, line 712. But he fears he rejoiced too soon and shows his indignation at the after effect of his message, if it prove that the Templar has changed his mind. 2400-2. dintlh ♦ . , tum Slttf) ti\t%H, flatly refused. 2409. ttnfet (Sngel, In saving the Templar's life Saladin became his guardian angel. 241 1. Wilt ^leifd) nttb S3 Int. The fleshly lusts, worldly motives have overcome the ethical reason which induced the Templar at first to refuse the Patriarch's proposal. 2412. The tuieber seems to be entirely forceless, as the Templar had neither been there before nor offered his services to the Patriarch at all. It is probably used to fill out the line, but felbet would be better for that purpose. 2423-4. £)te ©arfje ift 5temtttf) pfafftftf), as it refers to a born Christian being brought up as a Jewess. Since the Reformation ^fftff^ is in ill-repute and there seems to be just a shade of irony in this remark, for the Templar is in the transition stage from emancipation from creeds to the higher religion, and scoffs at all religion. 2426-7. 333eU er ba3 $orred)t Ijai, ftd) $n toergefyen* This seems ACT IV. SCENE 2. 273 to be the old Jesuitical rule that the end justifies the means. Absolu- tion is in the hands of the priests and they are in a sense responsible to themselves alone. He feels a responsibility to the Church now that he knows of a Christian who has been taken from the bosom of the Church. 2432. The Templar is blindly seeking for counsel, but finds none in himself. He also wishes to throw off on some one else the responsi- bility imposed upon him by this secret. 2435. O^cHgtOtt ift ^Ctrtei, The higher religion of Nathan is above the partisan spirit, but sectarianism is very partisan. The Templar is only partisan because he is selfish and piqued at Nathan. As unpar- tisan as he believes himself to be, he still finds the partisan spirit in- fluencing his actions. 2437-8. fetitt, o!)tt r e3 fettift $x toiffen, botf) nut femer $>te Stcutge = ntmmt ftd) tmr jetrter Religion a (3 einer ^arteijadje an. (Sinem tie ©tartge fatten = eitien befdjiifrert, feitte ^artei ndjmen. It is a wrestling term. The judge gave each wrestler a second viho bore a pole (©tCUtge) and held it over the fallen man for protection. 2440. The simple friar is rather bewildered than enlightened by this specious argument, and wisely remains discreet. 2441-3. He does not wish for a dogmatical sentence against Nathan, so far has he not fallen that he would call down the powers that be upon his friend. He now begins to discuss whether he wants simple or learned advice and decides for the former. Notice the fine choice of words; tauter (pure) belongs to simple and not to learned advice. The advice of the friar would be lauter, that of the Patriarch would be getefyrt. Hence he asked the brother to be his Patriarch (fetb ifyr mem ^cttriard)). 2449-51. Cf. Luke x, 41-2. ACT IV. SCENE 2. * 6cettC f $>er ^atriattf). See Introd., p. xxxii ff. 2 455- ^trf ttttb rot refer to high living, freuttbftd) to his inner sat' isfaction. The description exactly suits Heraclius. 2457. ^acf) §ofe ftdj erfyefcen = 9?adj §ofe fid) cmfmadjett. 274 NOTES. 2458. Saladin was noted for his simplicity. Cf. note to lines 989-99. 2469. 23fitf)eit ttltb (jriuten, may flourish like a green bay tree. The style of the Patriarch is sanctimonious enough. 2473. ^ettt §emt. Polite form of address used by the Patriarch for effect, and not in submission as with the friar. 2476. ^)0Ct) blutbUltgS tttrf)t Blind obedience was demanded of all members of orders, which the Templar contests. Lessing combats this opinion in the Fragments. 2479. Goeze preached the same doctrine in his controversy with Lessing. 2481. Cf. Matt, ii, 7, and the story of Abraham and Lot entertain- ing angels unawares, that is, messengers, for prophets and priests are angels of the Lord. So thought the Patriarch. Jjft £tt fttgClt, imitation of the French Cesi-a-dire. 2487. 2)ie 22SUfiir= ben freten Siitfdjfujs, free will. Kant uses it in the same sense. 2490-2. Cf. line 655. 2511. Sine §t)p0te3 r = erbidjteter SRedjtSfaff. Mere hypothetical cases have no interest for the Patriarch; he deals in facts alone. A similar incident occurred in the Goeze controversy, where Goeze ob- jected to a purely hypothetical case. See Boxberger's footnote to this line. 2515. 3WetltUng. The Templar has not yet made up his mind what to do, as he told the friar (3ljr toiftt e§ fdjott, ttmrum id) fomnte ? $aimt ft)eif3 id) e$ felbft). He is seeking for light to guide him and only wants the Patriarch's opinion. 2517-18. Cf. the first Fragment published by Lessing entitled: Son ber SBerfdjreimtg ber SSenumft cmf ben $cm$e(tt. 2522. There is a certain difficulty about the interpretation of this passage. In antiquity such themes for dissertations and orations were common in the schools of the rhetoricians, and all through the Middle Ages they w r ere favorite topics for discussion on the rostrums. But the reference to the theater reminds us of Goeze's controversy with Pastor Schlosser on the theater, with which Lessing had nothing to do. But Goeze was constantly stigmatizing Lessing for his theater logic, and ACT IV. SCENE 2. 275 this is probably an allusion to that part of their controversy. See Boxberger on this passage. 2526. Scfjtmrre = $offe f poffenljafter CnnfalL 2527. (SHtten 3um $eften Ija&en, to make gams of one. 3)a8 93ejie was the prize at shooting-matches, ninepins and other games of skill, hence Streets $ttnt 35cftCH f)Ctben was to make it the prize; figuratively (Sirtetl Jlim S3cftCH Ijctben is to make one the aim of all derisive remarks, to make one the butt of ridicule. 2 53i- 3 , iJrberfatttft==fog(eid(). The wor d is now obsolete except in official style, which Lessing intentionally makes the Patriarch use. 2532-3. $rtyftitrf)e£ Uttb fatferlic^e^ 5Recf)t = jus canonicum and jus romanum. Ecclesiastical and civil right. 2535. Cttef agic = often befagte. 2538. $0%ftofj. ^tOJ3 is a heap of things laid over one another, ^of^ftofi is a heap of wood = here ^d)etterf)CUifert, />&C^ $tttg3 (trash) expresses Lessing's contempt for money, which he has transferred to Saladin's character, though the great Saladin also had little regard for money. 2607. There is a traditional saying of Saladin that the hands of a king should be like a sieve, so that money would slip through them. Saladin's were so. 2609. ^Xb^marfeat = abgupfext, ab3erren (squeeze). It is used of money, property, and services. 2611. £>a3 Slrmitt, now bte Slrmut/ In the preceding century, ACT IV. SCENE 4. 277 the neuter gender of intuit was employed in the collective sense for the poor. 2612. ^te on bfcfjtn, bem lateimfdjen genius). 3)i& fo Diet a'(3 gee." £>iu is the name of the evil spirit, hence the adjective gut to qualify it; and ©ittttijtotl really signifies the desert of the genii. 278 NOTES. SlUttte refers to the bloom of youth as among the ancients and keeps up the oriental coloring of the simile. 2673-4. He refers to the secret love affair with the Christian lady von Stauffen, which finally led him to become a Christian in order to marry her. 2684. Mm mix? In the last century um, especially when another preposition with the dative preceded it, governed the dative. See ex- amples in Boxberger's footnote to this passage. 2685-6. %m tuei^en Wianttl, of the Templars. ^amerfonf = the broad mantel of the Arabs. £ulfcatt == Xurban. $tlftC = gil^Ut, felt hat, worn by the Templars who are said to have brought it into Europe. 2687-8. gdj f)afie nie fcerlangt, £>a^ alien SSdumen (Sine fRinbe ttiarfjfc* Absolutely true of Saladin; for confessors of every faith lived quietly under his scepter and he had Christians in his household. 2690. Continuation of Saladin's simile. This comparison of the different barks of trees well represents Lessing's opinion that religion (i. e. creed) is only the shell after all. Saladin was peacefully disposed and would have preferred to be God's gardener and allow all trees to grow in their special way than to be his champion on the field of battle. 2693-4. @itt 9®0tt ? you give me your word of honor? (gttt ffllann, As a man of honor I do. Cf. the proverb : „(5irt SUtotttt, em Sort, em Sort, exit Sftcmtt," or „eirt Sort em Sort, em Sftcmrt ein SUfontU" That is, His word's the man. 2694-5. The bond of friendship between them is sealed. Cf. the friendship between the Templar and Nathan, and Nathan and Saladin, so we now have a close bond between Christian, Jew, and Mussul- man. 2699. ^a§ tint Xf\at ♦ . ♦ au^fcfjlitg = ba$ erne Zfyat . . . gereidjert, roerbert tiefj. We must either consider ausjcf)(agert as transitive here, contrary to its usual meaning, or change ba§ into ba|3» 2700-2. Cf. Recha's remarks, lines 1604-6. 2709. ©tfjtuierig = em^finblidj. 2712. Said to be historically true of Saladin, though in general his character was regular and well-ordered. ACT IV. SCENE 4. 279 2715. (£3 mit cinem Jjabett = (in colloquial style) e6 mit etnem ju tfyun tjahen, im §aber ftefyen, fo fe out with one. 2732. $on Ijettent gfernett. Cf. lines 1321-2. 2733. 5Bcfd)ttHM?CU, wheedle, flatter with soft words. 2740. $tt£ ^euet*. Cf. line 2224, ba bremtt'S. This time it is the flames of love. We remember his hasty entry into Nathan's house when he visited Recha. 2743. *g(atterbut(]3, flatly. Cf. line 2077, freierMttgS. 2755-8. The Templar, having discarded revealed religion, calls all creeds and beliefs superstitions. He is now in the transition stage, but will soon pass to the advanced stage of Saladin and Xathan. (£§ fiitb mtfjt aft fret, bte tljrer Jetton fatten. These words have become a proverb in German. Riickert, Erl. Ausg. II. 450, says : ajfondjet tt>ar)nt ficfj fret, urtb fiefyet 9Hd)t bte 23cmbe, bie ityn fdjniiren. The Templar also speaks of „bett fteffeln, tneldje bte Religion ben iD?enjd)ert atlfegt" (line 2182). He calls the doctrines of positive re- ligion chains (lines 2434-8). 2760. 2Iberglaubett f like ©(aubett, is not generally used in the plural. 2762-4. To be connected with the preceding speech of the Templar. S3(ijbc primarily means dim-sighted, but it is here used in the figura- tive sense of weak-minded. The idea is that the worst superstition is to consider one's own superstition the more tolerable, to entrust feeble man- kind to it till it grows used to the brighter light of truth. ©etoofjne, instead of getootjne = getooljnt tnerben. In religious matters mankind is compared to weak-eyed people who cannot bear the full light of day. 2767. liefer 3ltt3bmtb after 3Rettfd}ett = biefer ^usgqeidjttetfte after 2ftett]tf)ett. ^luebunb is really the front end of a piece of cloth which lies exposed to view and is therefore the best. In Mid. H.G. also called „©d)cmfall/' later „©cf)auenbe." In English, sample. 2769-70. The Templar is again calumniating Xathan as with the Patriarch (Act IV, Scene 2). He knows nothing about the way 280 NOTES. Nathan obtained Recha, and should not hastily conclude that he had used unfair means. Now Nathan had brought her up as a Jewess, before in no religion whatever. 2772. $ontt = locft, as one does birds by scattering kernels of corn. 2773. ©tfjiene = fdjietl. Cf. littt for litt in Act III, Scene 8. 2776. $ft ciu tier^ettett Sljrtftettftnb. ^eqetteln = oerftrenen, with the additional idea of being lost. Is a stray Christian child. 2780-3. Wolves in sheeps' clothing. ©eljet end) t>or Dor ben fat* fd)en *Propf)eten, bie in ®d)af$f(eibern ju end) fommen, tntDcnbig aber finb fie rcigenbc SBolfe. The hounds which he is to let loose upon Nathan are the same as those that Saladin afterwards calls fanatics of the Christian mob (line 2799). 2789-90. ©trf) . , , genommctt f)en ®tf)ttJdrmem beute3 ((Sfjrtftittfjen) S $$M§. Saladin hated fanatics of all kinds, but honored the noble-minded, though en- thusiastic, believers of all creeds. So he does not want Nathan given over to the fanatical mob. 2802-3. Be not a Christian to spite a Jew or a Mussulman. 2804. 23lutbegiev = SBlutgier. Cf. 9?eubegier for 9?engier, line 2198. 2810-11. Ashamed of his conduct, the Templar confesses his fault and fears that he is different from Saladin's Assad. But this very fear betrays Assad's true character, which gladly showed repentance for faults committed. 2812. Impetuosity, misdirected, ungoverned by a strong will, is a a fault, but under proper control and well directed it becomes a virtue. Lessinghad the irascibility of his father, and yet he spoke in the fol- lowing true words of him : „2)u toctrft fo ein guter nnb sngleid) fo ein Ijifctger Sftcmn." 2819-21. Saladin ironically remarks to the Templar that the great fault in Recha's education is that she has eaten no pork, a possible thrust at those Christians who consider the eating of pork a sign of ACT IV. SCENES 5 AND 6. 281 superiority over the Jews and Turks. The Templar feels the sting, as we see in his monologue (Act V, Scene 3). ACT IV. SCENE 5. 2829-30. Lessing had the intention of letting Saladin ask the Templar this question, and wrote out the passage, but Mendelssohn objected to it, as it reminded too closely of a similar well-known scene unworthy of a Lessing; therefore Lessing omitted it. The passage has never been found. See Boxberger's footnote to the passage. 2842. The one that saves the life of a person has the same rights as the one who gives life, which is not at all true; the analogy is false. All the more would the Templar (says Saladin) have a better right to Recha than Nathan, who is not even her father. False again. 2848. $te itefce -fteubegter, Sfteugier, 9?eugierbe are now more common. Sittah softens the harshness of her curiosity by the adjective licbc, my fond curiosity. 2850-2. Cf. the remark of Hermann's father in Goethe's Hermann und Dorothea : „2>enn an ber 23raut, bte ber 9ttann (id) erttmfylt, [fif&t gleidj ftd) erfennen 2Seld)e§ @ei[te§ er jet, unb ob er fid) eigentltdj SSertJ fill) It." Sittah's interest in the Templar has been awakened, and she wishes to know whether he has chosen wisely or not. ACT IV. SCENE 6. 2860. Silver groundwork inwrought with golden vines, later called „golbne, ben toeifjen ©runb burd)fd)tattgelnbe @trome" ; purchased in Babylon for Daja. Cf. lines 44-5. 2868. ^8tlb is used here as throughout this passage in the sense of ©innbilb, emblem, symbol, and finnbitberft, line 2872, means sym- bolizest. 2879. 2>CtttC StefcCttf fld) ett. Be off with the whole kit and boodle. @tebertfad)en really denotes a gripsack which contains only the most necessary things. 2879-81. This passage has been explained by reference to Matt. 282 NOTES. iv, i-io, where the Saviour is tempted by Satan. There is but slight similarity, still the pious Daja would naturally think of her Bible, as she is represented as very conversant with it throughout the play, though probably an anachronism, for the crusaders knew little and cared less for the Bible than for the priest's word. 2881. *Rtd)t riiljr an I Supply id) as subject and e§ as object, ntdjt xilljX 1 id) e§ att. In her passionate excitement Daja uses a forcible ex- pression picked up from the language of the street. 2886. D ftcttt ©ltd) ttidjt fo fretttfc* Do not feign to be so surprised, you know what I mean. 2894. s )l\ti)t ^euerfoljlett, etc. Cf. Rom. xii, 20, fo toirft bit feurige $ofy(en Ctuf Jeitt §aupt fammeln. For the whole passage cf. lines 54-6; 165; 742-4; 2318-9. Daja misconstrues the Biblical passage in thinking of the pains of conscience which Nathan must have in spite of his good deeds; for, if he were to give Recha back to her faith, he might rejoice in real earnest for having done a good deed. 2895. Qod) btC die Seiet tmefcer? Harping on the same string again ? We use story or song instead of lyre. 2896-7. Wii cittCr neitett Satte, that is, the love of the Templar. But it's out of tune (tteber fttmmt) or snaps (nod) Ijtilt). For when the mystery about the Templar is cleared up, he will prove to be Recha's brother, if Nathan's fear is realized. 2904. 2$a3 fcJtrb er toollett? Like the Templar, Daja thinks the friar can have but one wish (to beg.) Hence Nathan's directions to give before he asks. Boxberger quotes Matt, v, 42 : „@ih bent, ber btttet/' but Nathan a Jew would hardly think of the New Testament command. He gives to all and wisely, and merely wishes to spare the brother the pain and humility of asking. ACT IV. SCENE 7. 2912!!. If the Templar, as Nathan suspects, is the son of Wolf von Filneck, then he is Recha's brother, but if not, then Nathan would be- tray to the Templar that he is not Recha's father without there being any necessity for it. 2916. @$ef) ! Said to Daja, whose curiosity caused her to linger. ACT IV. SCENE 7. 283 2918. §Ctt !ftatl)(nt, formal address, which he drops v. hen he be- comes more intimately engaged in conversation with Nathan. 2919. 2(mt0d) = nod). Cf the official forms of anbei, ctttljero, an* jei^o, annod), etc., which are still in use in official documents and often borrowed by the poets. 2920-22. Cf. for the same testimony from Al-Hafi line 1066-9. 3e ttu = -ftun toofjl 2930. 23it£e = (5tttfd)abtgutig, ^ergiitnng, amends. @terjen[ad), sevenfold was not the Mosaic law of restitution, but fourfold. Cf. Ex. xxii, 1; I Sam. xii, 6; Luke xix, 8. 2935-6. Sflj? = toofjnte. Quarantana, or more accurately Quaran- tania, Lat. Quarantena, is the name of the desert land between Jericho and Jerusalem, but a high, rugged mountain in this region is now es- pecially called by this name. Here the Saviour is said to have passed the forty days of his temptation (hence the name), for which reason many hermits had their cells in the various caverns during the Middle Ages. Here the man fell among thieves and was tended by the Good Samaritan. 2942. 2ltfto0 = too. Cf. cmnod) above. These particles (an-, all-) are simply strengthening. 2944. 3d) ftelje cwf Stouten ; generally cutf gttxfyenben $ol)fen ftdjen, to sit upon thorns, is used here by Lessing to denote not only great impatience, but also that he is sorely pressed for time; for he wishes to find the Templar and clear up the mystery of his birth. 2947. ©icbelci (Utf Xfja&Ot, hermitage on Mt. Tabor, between six or eight miles from Nazareth, where Christ was transfigured. In the sixth and seventh centuries there were churches and a cloister on it. At the time of the crusades there was a Latin church and a cloister built there, but destroyed by the Muhammedans and rebuilt later. In 1187 Saladin laid everything there waste. 2955. 3>tt3 Dfjt gefei?t, comes from the proverb einen g(ol) in§ Dljr fe^en, to put a flea in one's ear. Cf. ^n ben $0f>f fefectt, which probably led Lessing to the use of the above expression. Cf. also etnem in ben Dl)ren liegen, etc. 2958-9. The Patriarch did not believe that the Templar's hypothe- sis was a hypothesis, but a real case, so he had nothing better to do than to send out the good Bonafides to find the Jew. 284 NOTES. 2961. £)ft governs the genitive when casual, the dative when local or temporal. 2962-5. The reference is to Matt, xii, 31. This is a thrust at the theologians of that time, who understood by the sin against the Holy Ghost, now blasphemy of Christ's person, now the peculiar sins of malice, etc. But the controversy was endless and bitter. 2979. ©ft^tl = ©ClgCt, a fortified seaport where formerly the Philistines dwelt. Saladin attacked and took it in 1 1 70, but abandoned it again because important matters called him to Egypt. It is now known under the name of Ghuzzeh. 2982. ^ttttttt had been built not long before by a king of Jerusa- lem upon a height of the same name not far from Gaza. 2986. ($r Mtefc bulb baraitf bet 5(3falmt = er fid, etc. Ascalon was a fortified seaport in the south of Palestine and bore a conspicuous part in the wars of the crusades. 2987. SEBflfjI fflttft. The friar did not know Wolf von Filneck well, but in his personal relations (tt)of)t fotlft), in contradistinction to .war, where he met an honorable death, he was a dear lord. 2995-6. So l)at t§ fJUte 2Bege, proverbial for there is no haste, there is no fear ; If no one else knows about the matter, there is then no fear. Xtttttt ttlh\ Nathan does not seem to trust him as he ought, hence this peculiar plea to inspire confidence. He prefers to leave the good undone rather than that it should produce evil. Surmising that Nathan had naturally brought up the child as his own, he tells him that there is no fear, for he will not betray him. 3007-8. Uttb tttii^tct fo fiefflljttet foerbeit ? The Patriarch's sen- tence was : ber 3nbe tturb oerbrcmnt. 3008. £>a3 ttritt mix ntrfjt tin = ba6 tniE mtr nid)t in ben $opf, em* tettdjten, / cannot understand it. 3013-14. Unb ^ittber braudjeit £iefie f alludes to the well-known stories of children nursed by wild animals, where they lack a mother's love but do have the love of animals. 3020-4. Lessing looked upon Christianity as upon ennobled Juda- ism, not a new religion, and this was the mistake of many and is so still. In one of the Fragments, ,,$011 bent gtoecfe 3efu unb fetner ACT VI. SCENE J, 285 Siittger," this idea is dwelt upon. Cf. Boxberger's note to this passage. It is true that Jesus never broke with Judaism, but the l.octrines he taught were so diametrically opposed to it that the Christian religion has become a new religion, has become universal. Christians, however, should learn tolerance, and that is all the friar means here. The Jews are also God's children. 3025. $urfaratf) = Mid. H.G. gatrfyrecf). Now they say 2Sort= fiiljrer, ©pretfjer, $ertreter bet ©eridjt, giirfyredjer, intercessor, advo- cate. See Schiller, Turandot (Act V, Scene 1). Weigand derives it from Low German $orfprafe. 3026., SBetttt §a^ ttttb ©let^tteret. The fanaticism and hypo- critical piety of the Patriarch are meant. 3032-5. Lessing often praised the simple-hearted and poor in spirit. The simple, trusting faith of the poor in heart is a better guide to pious deeds than the great knowledge of the theologians. Resigna- tion in God also received constant praise from our poet. 5lfcgettHttttett is a very significant word, as it portrays the inner struggle in Nathan's soul when he received the Christian child as his own. It was the battle of resignation to God's will. 3036. $fltf SSaffct = boXE Straiten, is a Biblical expression. 3038-40. Gath is one of the five royal cities of Philistia lying north- west of Jerusalem, but at this time long since destroyed. The many persecutions of the Jews, even then and in our day, not for the praise of God as they claim, but for political reasons and for personal gain, warrant this heart-rending tale describing Nathan's ordeal and victory over self. This tale also has a direct bearing on Lessing's own life. For after a marriage of only one short year, the only happy year of his life, he lost a wife and child. It was a bitter struggle for the poet, and he wrestled long in anguish of soul, but came out resigned in spirit though broken in body, for he never recovered his health again. Nathan's struggle of soul was written with the heart's blood of the poet, 3046-7. A Biblical description. Cf. Job, the king and inhabitants of Ninevah. 3048. $etf)er = rtebertf)er, mit ©ott cutd) mofyf geredjtet. Just as Job wished to bring his cause with God before a judge and plead it. Job also accused God of injustice. 286 NOTES. 3050. Uttb bflrf) ift Qfrott. Like Job Nathan never denied God, how- ever much he might accuse him of injustice. Returning reason made him realize this and see that all happens through God's decrees. There fore he must practice what he had long ago understood. Faith in God and resignation to his decrees, love to man, both friend and foe, good deeds, charity, tolerance, these are God-given virtues and must be exer- cised by God's children. Their practice had made Nathan wise. The decision to do so was made at this critical moment of his life and God sent him the desired opportunity immediately. 3059. $ttbem = itibcffen. 3068-70. This passage corresponds exactly to Lessing's idea of religion. It is his third stage. Cf. Introd. pp. xii-xiii. All religions contain the germs out of which the higher religion can be developed. Nicodemus, the Good Samaritan, the Centurion, etc., all possessed those qualities which class them as professors of that universal religion, and their mere outward conformity to their peculiar modes of worship do not exclude them from the higher rank of perfect sons of God. So Nathan and the friar meet on a common plain. The Jew is no longer a Jew, nor the Christian a Christian, but both are true sons of God. 3072. Ste&Cttfudje Ste&e* The love for his seven sons had been transferred to the foundling. The same idea occurs in line 3075. 3078. tyluw t)0Uzxtb§. This last proof of Nathan's resignation to the will of God that he will obey, even if he must give up his adopted daughter whom he loves with a sevenfold love, convinces the friar completely (mm uoHeitb^) that Nathan is a true Christian. 3081. ®er CtftC fcefte. The first one who comes along, whether his claim be good or not. It is a German idiomatic phrase meaning any one. 3084. SWtttftClt = ttUttbeften, the earlier and formerly very common form of the word. 3088. ©typ (@tjj£e), masc, now obsolescent; kinsman. 3093. Uttb bent ©efrfjledjte beffett = Unb beffen ©efdjted)te. 3101. %x\z$i = triigt. 3104. $erfrf)arrtett = kgrubert. $erftf)arren is not elegant and is used to denote the hasty burial after a battle. It means literally to scrape into a hole, as animals bury their dead. ACT IV. SCENE 8. ACT V. SCENE I. 287 3108. $d) faittt ttttfjt lefett. When we remember that the knights themselves could rarely read in the Middle Ages, it will not appear strange that a poor laybrother could not read. 3112. $fjr= ber Gutter 9ied)a'S. 31 19. (£tbam = ©d)ft)iegerfoi)tt- ; naturally the Templar. 3124-5. The suspicion against Daja is unjust in one sense and cor- rect in another. She is the only one who knew the secret and it could have been divulged only by her. However she had not divulged it to the Patriarch, but to the Templar. ACT IV. SCENE 8. 3135. 9tud) tfjttt tttd)t3 geftetft, that is, angebrctd)t. (Sitiem ettnag ftecfen is to tell some one something secretly, and is taken from every- day life. 3142. JQUX expresses how quickly the Templar will lose Recha. Synonymous, yet different from Ijitjcf), f(ng§, till. 3143. $>er Xtmptlfjcvv tft brum. Supply gefommen. Urn ettoaS fommen = etmag tierlteren, etnbiiffen, urn ettuaS gebradjt toerben, to lose. 3150. ttttterttiegeu^ = unterlpegett or untertoegS. Untermegen is the dative plural (utlter ftJCgctl). UllterttjegS is falsely formed like t>orma(3, rtad)mal£, etc., according to the analogy of adverbial gen- itives. Uttter, however, never governs the genitive, so that it would be wrong here. ACT V. SCENE 1. * SWdtttafatf eit, that is, slaves. They were either bought as children or were the children of the concubines of the Turkish nobles and were carefully brought up. Lessing cites from Marin : "The Mamelukes or the body guard of Saladin wore a kind of yellow livery; for this was the color of the body guard of his whole house, and all who wished to appear attached to him sought to gain credit by wearing this color. Saladin kept a thousand Mamelukes who were very much attached to him and fought bravely." 3158. $CtI)trfl, the Arabic form of Cairo, which latter form comes from the Italian pronunciation. The full name is Musr el Kahira, the victorious capital. It lies in Middle Egypt on the Nile. 288 NOTES. 3160. $&raf)tttt, Arabic form for Abraham. 3162-3. §0&e $attf bcr guten gettiUtg, Tms construction ob- tained in Middle H.G. Edel riter Gunlher, des Schuzzes habe danc . . . It is more energetic than the usual construction, Qabt S)an! flit bte gute titling. 3eitung = ^adjritfjt. 3165-6. £em QMttn $oten £eht ftottttbtot ? 23otettbrot denoted first the three slices of bread given to a messenger for good news, then any reward for a message. The expression is now obsolete and 33otetI~ tofyn is used instead. 3176. <5o fur$ toot metttem $tt)trttt, euphemistic for death. They now say 5Ibgcttig or §itltrttt. Saladin died of a hot fever the 4th of March, 1 193, in his 57th year. According to Marin, IT, 320, Saladin had a presentiment of an early death. In sending his son El Dhaher, in 1 192, to Upper Syria he said: "My son, you are going to reign over the states which I have given you. My infirmities make me fear that I shall never see you again." 3190. ©prengte = ba% ^pferb fpringen ttefj, dashed off at full speed. 3193. £etfer = S^eUerlecfer. It usually denotes a green young man, then ©djeftn, ©pit3bu&e. Here it means the rascal. 3201. $aft fie mem SSetfoiel (f)at) bilbett tyelfeiu 3202. $U QUtcr fieijt, at the last, £e£e denotes the fortress on the boundary, then the end, leave-taking, then parting gift, or cup; it then became confounded with Mid. H.G., fid) Xe^en = fttf) ergo^en, to enter- tain, rejoice. 2c^C {refreshment, amusement, parting cap) passed out of use except in several expressions, and finally became confounded with 2efct(e), the end. ACT V. SCENE 2. 3210. 5lbul(affctt is a common enough name, but the whole event here narrated is fictitious and only introduced to account for the delay of the transport. 321 1. Xl)eb(ri£ r the country about Thebes in Upper Egypt. There had been no revolt there. 3226. 3!}r ! \d} Hit, etc., addressed to the slaves in the back- ground. ACT V. SCENES 3 AND 4. 289 ACT V. SCENE 3. 3237 ff. The Templar begins to realize that the fanatical Christian in him is more firmly seated than the bigoted Jew in Nathan and advances one step farther in his transition stage. 3244-9. The figure is from the plastic art. The unknown father is like the slave who brings the artist the rough block, while Nathan is like the artist who chisels it into a beautiful statue. The DbCtt (Btvatlb bt§ £efcett3 is the ordinary, stupid education which the ordinary person gives to a child, while Nathan had given Recha the best that could be had. Hence Nathan is the real father. 3252. Wig (£f)riftettbtrue, SDirne formerly had a noble meaning, but now it mostly expresses contempt, which was the Templar's inten- tion in using it. 3254. (Bo Cttt $ttte f that i s > a J ew ^ e Nathan who had won the Templar's profound respect. 3256. <8etf>ft it)V £(id)eltt. Not even her smile, which had en- chanted him, would be valued by him without the charm of character and intellect as its priceless setting. 3265. $et pattern, taken from the butterfly which passes its time fluttering in the sun. 3266. SamuftfK Before he was firgetltd} {angry), now he is only ttWtttfd) {moody, cross). 3268-9. aStemt id) ben (Bpott tJerbiettte, etc., what if, etc Cf. lines 2819-21, where Saladin was justly quite sarcastic. 3274. $orge$jlaubert. Daja may after all have been merely gos- siping and knew nothing of what she was saying. He should have been wiser than to have given heed to her words. 3282. It was not a single spark, the whole being was on fire. 3285. 3|I}rer ttJartett, 2£artert with the genitive means to watch, to mind, to pay attention to. ACT V. SCENE 4. 3292. Wanting nothing the friar was richer than Nathan with all his wealth; for the self-sufficient (getlitgjam) is rich. 3317. (Sfrabett 2Beg£ = grabe§ fteg& For the sake of euphony 290 NOTES. the weak form of the masc. and neut. adj. is used in adverbial expres- sions like this, but with this particular word the strong form has been retained. 3326. 5Jltr bange madjte. In the expression einem bange madjen, bange is an adverb and the whole idea is to cause anxiety to any one. The dative is alone correct, but some look upon bange as an adjective and construe bange tttad)en with the accusative. 3331-3. Nathan had educated a Christian child in his peculiar way and mankind would condemn him, but God knew all and had ordained all. ACT V. SCENE 5. 3337. The Templar is not strictly truthful, for he had not w r aited for Nathan, but had first seen the Patriarch to get his advice in regard to Recha's case and then had hastened to Saladin to prevent any vio- lent measures from being taken. 3346. ©ttfber= ©purl)imb, a kind of setter. Here it is used for a spy. Nathan is trying to find out whether the Templar has been to the Patriarch, and the Templar is trying to find out whether the friar has told Nathan anything. Hence the cautious questioning. 3350. $>ie bumntC— tttdjt btC frummc. With all his simplicity the friar was not stupid and would never lend himself as a blind tool for executing the wicked plans of the Patriarch. 3351. The Patriarch, however, considers him stupid and thinks him- self shrewd enough to use his simplicity for his bad purposes. 3354. ©0 ftetft Ct ttJCtttgfteit^ fid) Mt, The Templar still fears that the friar may have betrayed all to the Patriarch and possibly to Nathan; he does not heartily trust him. Conscious of his own wrong he fears the result in either case. 3363. Wlit feittcr ©unft = mit feiner (Srlaubmg, begging his par- don. The Templar had not made any complaint nor given any names. 3370- %*$S = geljftritt, gefjler. 3375- 2®a3 atttf) ttmnmfd) madjte = roa8 mid) in 2Butl) brad)te. SHhtrrnifdj = ftmrmtg, which is the usual form now. 3381. $tt££uBeugett, Cf. Iine2ii7. 3382. 2ttt£ be* £uft gegttffeit, an idiomatic expression meaning ACT V. SCENE 5. 291 unfounded, invented. However, Nathan's questions were not unfounded, but very much to the point, for he wished to prevent any fatal mis- takes. 3394-5. 9lutf) fur^ unb gitt ba$ 9Reffer an bte £ef)le fe^eu = Ctnen in bte dugerfte 9?0t bringetl. This expression means to attack one tooth and nail, do one all the damage possible. Of course it refers to his consultation with the Patriarch. 3395-6- £80 fterft ba§ ($Vlte ? The delicate thrust which Nathan aims at the Templar shows at the same time the infinite fund of humor in his character. When the Templar closes his remarks with "well and good, I determined to do all the harm possible," he asks : " Do you call that good then?" We see this same vein of humor and at the same time reproof in him when offering his money to Saladin. 3399. $efyfi$tg f here used in the active sense, hates you. 3401. (gin junger Saffe = em wt&erftanbiger, nnbefonnener juttger 2Ketifd). 3402. 5ttt Beibett (£ttbett = an Srtretnen* He is an extremist who always does either too much or too little. 3404-5. 28emt tl)r fo ntitf) frctlttf) faffet "If you come to me condemning your own act as you do and judging yourself so severely (then I must pardon you)." 3432-4. $l)X tt)fif)ttt, etc. The breviary had informed Nathan fully of all he wished to know about both Recha and the Templar, hence there was no longer any necessity for concealment. Cf. lines 3327-94. 3446-7. He had saved her from the fire, now he will save her from the convent. 3449. The friar had been reminded by the Patriarch's commission of his part in delivering Recha to Nathan. The discovery of the whole truth resulted from this circumstance. 3456. 9lu3 biefeu ($dubcn). 3466-7. The Templars, and most of the orders of the day, were both priests and warriors. Nathan does not yet wish to tell the secret to the Templar, hence his evasive answers. 3475-7. So Recha spoke to Daja: „roct§ tljat er Mr, ben @amen ber Bermmft 3)en er fo rein in mcine ^eele ftrente, 2ftit beines £anbe§ Unlrant ober 23mme .@o gem in mifdjen?" lines 1564-7. It is a plea 292 NOTES. for rational religion again which the Templar prefers to the tares of superstition. Satan sows the tares. See Matt, xiii, 25!?. 3483 ff. Lessing has skillfully brought out the character of the Templar, who inherits the impetuous temperament of Gannole in Boccaccio (see Introd. p. xxvi) . Again his passion carries him away and. his bitter sarcasms mar his better nature. " The shell may be bitter," says Nathan, " but the kernel is sound." 3492. 28a§ Ijatiet U)r fitr euten ($ttgel ba geMlbet is the reading that stood in the first impression. Nathan also compares her to an angel. 3493. Scr^Utt^Ctt, botch. The expression comes from the works of art which are botched by bunglers. Nathan had made a noble woman of Recha, and now she should become bigoted and narrow as most re- ligious partisans were. 3494. (S;r, that is, be? @ttgc( of whom the Templar had just spoken. Recha would still be worthy of their love. 3496. $0tt mehter £teI)C fagt \>a§ ttttfjt He cannot think the distorted picture which his busy fancy creates will be loveable. He does not wish the least thing, not even her name (as Nathan's daughter) changed. The slightest change would distort the picture in his eyes. 3501. $fadj efcen Diet = ba% tft gteidj tnel, etrterlei, all the same. 3507. Wi(M\\$ gettug, to be man enough, to have the courage. The genitive after gettltg was the prevailing construction at one time and is retained in this expression. The Templar thinks that Recha is filled with the same passion as himself and will sacrifice all to follow him. 3510. Watf) (£ntf) . ♦ ♦ 5U fragetu Sftadj etrtem fragett, to mind or care for one. 3512. The Templar is resolved to become a Mussulman in order to get Recha, and relies upon Saladin's promise to help him. 3518. £ci(^t Bcibc. The close of the scene is rather drastic and abrupt, though the interest does not abate. It also prepares us well for the final scene. ACT V. SCENE 6. 293 ACT V. SCENE 6. * parent* Cf. line 1 142. 3520. 23eflCtnmt, for beflommett, the weak form for the strong. 3525. 8d)icr = jdjtiett, behtalje. ^rontttt. This was the highest praise Lessing could give: „3d) ferine an einem linrjertjeiratetett SRabc^en !eine rjofjeren Xugenben ate grommigleit imb ©efyorfam" is his saying. 3528. 5nt)ertt = albernen, as above. 3533-6. For while reading Ave acquire only through the memory, but the whole soul receives by lively, oral instruction. Lessing had positive ideas on this subject: ,/£>er cms 23rid)em erroorbene cfteidjtiim frember Srfaljnntg £>eigt ©eteljrfamfeit. Cngne ©rfafjrtmg iff 5B3ei$I)eit. S)a§ Heiitfte Capital don Meier ift mef)r roertrj aU Sttittionen don jener." 3528-42. Teaching by object lessons (Pestalozzi, 1 745-1827) be- came the rage later, but earlier writers like Rousseau had turned atten- tion to the subject of education and advocated this innovation. But perhaps the ancient method of teaching was in Lessing's mind. 3546. (Bd frf)led)t Itttb rerf)t is one of those rhyme-phrases, which are so popular even in our day. (Sd)Iecflt = fdjlidjt, ebett, gerabe, eitt* fattig, gut 3547. 80 gattft fief) felfcft ttur afjnltrf) = gcur 5 original, natural and simple. 3550. Saladin had told her his story and Al-Hafi had often spoken to her of Xathan. 3554- SRettt $&tT$ ttutf Suft. My heart must have vent. Over- come by the painful idea that she is to lose her father she makes a strong appeal to Sittah in her anxiety and fear, hoping that she may be able to help her. 3575- $ergeb T , . . &efol)tt T , forgive her for the bad (53ofee) and reward her for the good ((SJuteS). 3579-80. Attention has already been called to this discrepancy in lines 758-62. For, if Daja's husband was drowned with the emperor Frederick in 1190 and she entered Nathan's service soon after, she could not have been Recha's nurse in childhood. Cf. Introd. p. xxxiv > 3583. QJeattgftet, now geangftiget, but Goethe also uses cmgfien, Iph., Act I, Scene 2. 294 NOTES. 3586-9. Daja is one of those who believe their own way the only sure way to salvation, and she has done all in her power to convert Recha; now she has disclosed the secret of her birth. Proselyting was not in favor with Lessing. 3601. 23$em ? is here used as the dative of JtmS, an unusual use. The It) a 8 refers back to „e§ geljt $U )T)eit„ and Went to „3)em fcmtt id) nidjts entgegenfe^ert." 3612. Recha's doubt of the disclosure is expressed in the ft) ill = pretends to have disclosed. 3619. $tt bic ^ittfjie gefjeu = gerctbccms geljen, to go straight ahead, hence to take the shortest cut. 3624. 28te ttmrb mix (511 SDZitte)? 3627. Set bet @ijttfttfjen (3Karie\ The worship of Mary was at its highest during the crusades. ACT V. SCENE 7. It will be remembered that Saladin was to inspect the caravan from Egypt and see the Emir off to Lebanon and then visit Sittah. 3640. ©ie tft toon ftd) = fte ift auger fid), which is the more usual form. 3645. History relates many instances of Saladin's high sense of justice to friend and foe. None sought mercy or help of him in vain, Cf. Marin's summary of his character at the close of his Histoire de Saladin. 3653-4. Cf. the Templar's monologue, lines 3243ff. Not the slave who delivers the block to the artist is the author of the masterpiece in- to which the marble is chiseled, but the artist who plans and executes the work. There are higher, holier, closer relations than the mere authorship of one's being; viz., that of guide and wise instructor who develops the noble and pure mind and fills the soul with high and noble aspirations; he has a sacred claim to the child which far out- weighs mere abstract parentage. 3656. Saladin considers the disclosure a piece of cruelty, though done with the best intentions. The Templar had told him this story, but he gives it no credence and waits for the proof. ACT V. LAST SCENE. 295 3661. Jafelnb = aBeriuigig unb line irrig rebenb. The 2Imme (nurse) was in her dotage and may have been wandering in her mind. The question is, how did she ever find out Nathan's secret? Of course the poet is not obliged to tell us all the secrets of the play, but yet Nathan was certainly never indiscreet enough to betray his own secret to a nurse. 3674 ff. UlStgefeljeu is the imperative. Itttt btC fflttte Men tV\U. One who would run life's race on equal terms with her; in other words, one of equal age and chances. ACT V. LAST SCENE. 3690-2. Boccaccio also makes Saladin return the money borrowed of the Jew Melchisedec. 3691. SBebeuten, inform. 3696-9. Boccaccio also makes Saladin send away the Jew with rich presents. Lessing's skill in carrying out this motive is much greater than that of the Italian. Saladin's delicacy in his offer is ex- tremely pleasant. Nathan, however, attends to the weightier matters first. 3706-7. Observe the strengthening double negative, like the Greek and older English; present colloquial English employs the same means of adding emphasis to the negation. 3708. Reiner, fewer ($erhtft) fonft! Recha confesses to Daja (lines 1718-23) that she does not love the Templar, but that he would always be dear to her. Her desire to see him was the desire to be able to thank her rescuer. 3709. The thought had never entered the Templar's mind that Recha was not as passionately in love with him as he with her. Cf. line 2185!., also lines 3507-8. 3715. Cf. lines 2817-8, where Saladin promised to secure Recha for him. 3716. Qbdify = jal). It is the impetuous Gannole of Boccaccio again. See Introd. p. xxvi. His impetuosity had led him to believe that everybody must see things just as he did without explanation or comment. He should have been sure of his affair before he spoke. 296 NOTES. 3721. $fuf trgettb tint 238of)ltf)at ttQt}t, puts overweening confi- dence in a good deed. He who is too confident of the good impression a good deed will make will have to take it back. 373 6 - 3ffc t&a§ !Ked)t r 3» That's something remarkable, worth boasting of. 3737- ffllth\t§ 23tUber3 , , ♦ nid)t3. Now generally nid^td Don ttmrtem 23rnber, but the genitive after nid)t§ used to be the usual con- struction. 3743-5. This differs from Saladin's opinion expressed to Sittah, lines 2840-44. Saladin was apparently arbitrary with Jews, as all princes have ever been. 3753-4- @r t)at ttjr einen $ater anfgefinnben, foisted himself a Jezv as her father tipon her a Christian, and now he is going to foist a brother upon her. 3756. (Sfjrift ! Once before Saladin had used this reproof with the Templar (line 27831!.), and he deserved it. 3760. Nathan remembers the bitter disappointment the Templar has just experienced and the thoughtless passion of youth, both of which would lead him to rash and ill-considered words. 3761. Suspicion follows on the heels of distrust. If the Templar had confided in Nathan and given him his true name, he would have spared himself much trouble. But lacking the virtue of confidence in others he became suspicious and misanthropic, which led him to acts unworthy of his better self. 3770. $a3 Ijeift* ©ntt ifjtt tyrecfjett, Nathan's kindness in giving this excellent excuse for the Templar's apparent deception could only come from one who was guided by divine wisdom, hence the Templar says that God prompted him to say that. 3775- §ter %\\ Sanbe f amen = Ijer 311 £anbe = in biefeS £anb famen. After verbs of motion we should expect fyierljer, or in this case fjer, but compare lines 502, 2459, where the simple Ijier is used. 3785. ©r mar metn gfremtb* Cf. lines 2988-9, where he mentions the favors he had received from Assad. 3790-1. The Templar's eagerness to find out the brother leads him to check (ntdjt ttteljr) Nathan's story of his father and tell him of the brother, which is now of vastly greater importance to him. ACT V. LAST SCENE. 297 3795- Sktrieger = 23etritger. The information that he was Recha's brother produced such a revolt in the Templar that he was unable to recover from his surprise and dismay. It was a thunderclap in a clear sky to him, for he never expected to lose the woman he loved in this way. Recha and Saladin misinterpret his feeling and imagine that he considers herself and father deceivers. Saladin's bitter reproof brings him to his senses again and he makes proper amends. 3797-8. The outward resemblance to Assad finds no confirmation in the heart of the Templar who could believe Nathan and Recha capable of deception; therefore the outward resemblance is deceptive. Compare the Templar's own remark, lines 704-707. „2Bie? ble Sfattltr tjatt' and) nur (5inen 3 U 9 $° n ntir to beine§ SBrubers gorm gebilbet : Unb bent entfpradje mtfjts in tnetner ®eefe ? 9?atnr, jo leugft bit tttdjt !" But the Templar's heart was as true as Assad's. Surprise, consterna- tion, and pain at his loss, had overpowered his feelings, and he was unable to reconcile himself to the new situation. 3804-5. For the bonds of nature (the love of brother to sister and sister to brother) are stronger than the bonds that bind soul to soul. It is one of the motives of the piece. We see it in Saladin and Sittah, in Assad and Lilla. The study of the classics led Lessing to this idea; for it is the spirit of the ancient drama where we see portrayed in the Antigone and Iphigenia the tenderest brotherly and sisterly love, but conjugal love was not considered proper to be portrayed on the stage. 3808-g. The Templar remains true to his suspicious nature. He is conscious that Nathan had good reason for disowning him and imagines that he is going to make Recha suffer for his faults, but Nathan in giv- ing the baptismal name of Recha had no intention of disowning her and dispels all suspicion by the question Unb to a 3 ? For what should she be made to suffer ? 3818. 1s& A