Author . f <« ^ * Title •* * * ^ Class. Imprint. Cop/e. 1«— 47872-1 sfo ' i^ D D R E S'S TO TBS DEMOCRACY AND THE PEOPLE «I fS> UNITED STATES, BY IBB natiojnal democratic executive committee, •<•» WASHINGTON : M'OIIiL a WITHEROW, PRINTSB8. 1860. ^ A. D D R E S S . UiittBiial geraatratk §imilu (framittce Suums, 23 i}4 STRGHT, WASUINGTOX CITY, July, 1S60. To the Democracy and Ike People of the United States lease, gave its decision oa the question of difference in the Democratic ranks — a de- FfiLLOW-oiTiZENs : The election of the cisioEi which previourfly every Democrat next President and Vice-President of the! had solemnly pledged himself to abide by, Huited States is at hand. Four distinct! lis the authoritative exposition of +he Dem- orga.nizations are in the field. Thejoeratic faith. That august tribunal declared Republican party, making bold and open the Missouri Compromise act unconstitu- war upon the institutions of fifteen sover-jtional and void ; enunciated ih.Q right of eign States of this Union. The Constitu- theSouth to take and hold their slave pro- tional Union party, repudiating all platforliK|plt'ty in the Territories; denied to the Ter- and standing simply on the catch-words ritorial Legislature any right to interfere '' Constitution and the Union." Two par-fwith such property, and proclaimed thid; a ties, each calling itself Democratic ; one, Territory could only settle the question of • however, following the fortunes of one j slavery at the time it came to form a con- man, Mr. Douglas, and dif'evulg from theistitution, preparatory to its admission into Republicans in making msidious, iiifeteadithe Union as a sovereign State, of open, war upon the South. The other, | This v/as looked upon by all sound Dem- standing inflexibly on the Constitution oflocratsas the final settlement of the question, the country, makes no concealments as and it Wiis believed that the agitation of to its interpretation of thiit instrument, {slavery would be forever withdrawn from its rallying cry being the equality of tlb!!^tli?S' halls of Congress. Who has kept up States. AVe purpose, calmly and impar- this agitation ? Who has resisted this de- tially, to survey the field, and to give the reasons why the latter party should be con !e regular Democratic party. So with Reynolds, Haskiu, and "Clarke, in New York ; with Hickman and Schwartz in Pennsylvania ; with John (1. Davis in In- diana. Republicans were i-eturned to Con- gress over Democrats b}^ the opposition, and with the collusion of the friends of JMr. Douglas. Thus was Arnold defeated in Connecticut, Hughes and Ray in Indiana, Taylor and Russell in New York, Phillips, Leidy, Ahl, (lillis, and Dewart, in Penn- sylvania, Hall and Burns in Ohio, and Wor ten dyke in New Jersey. Mr. Dou- glas himself, all the while, has vehe- mently opposed and denounced the Demo- cratic administration in the Senate; has refused to be governed by the voice of his " party ; has warred upon all his Democratic colleagues, with a single exception; has voted against them, not simply on the vexed question of slavery, but against their nomi- nations, and has even joined the Republi- cans in their eflbrts to exclude from the Senate the two Democratic Senators from the State of Indiana. SQUATTER SOVEREIGNTY. Owing his election in Illinois to the Sen- ate, over his competitor, Mr. Lincoln, to the position maintained throughout thati canvass, that no matter what was the deci- sion of the Supreme Court, the Legislature of a Territory could lawfully exclude sla- very therefrom by uufriondly legislation, he resolved to engraft his heresy of squatter sovereignty, of which this was an exempli- fication, upon the creed of the Democratic party ; and he declared in his Dorr letter that on this condition only would he accept the nomination of the Convention for the Presidency. Thus one man undertook to lay down the platform of an entire pjirty, and to place out of the pale of that party its own President; all but two of its Sena- tors; all but some half a dozen of its Rep- resentatives in Congress : to brand as anti- Democratic the platforms and the men of nearly every State where the party was in po.ssession of the government. Is it to be vroudered ay,hat the South became alarmed; and that it lost its confidence in him who once was by them trusted and admired ? It must be remembered, too, that the resistance to Mr. Douglas' nomination was not confined to the. Southern States, it was wide-spread throughout all the States, and was predominant in Oregon, California, -Pennsylvania, and New Jersey — States whose votes, with an almost united South, were essential to success in the coming elec- tion. It was also predominant in Massachu- setts. Lender such circumstances were his claims vehemently urged for the Presidency. The press, telegraph, and" every art of manage- ment was used to secure the election of delegates favorable to his nomination. The maxim of the immortal Jackson was re- versed, and the man was made to seek tlic Presidency, not the Presidency the man. JTHE CHARLESTON CONVENTION. Heretofore, the delegates chosen by the Democracy of the United States met in National Conventions as brothers, to con- sult together in a spirit of harmony and concession — to lay down the principles of the party, and to nominate candidates lor the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, not objectionable (in numbers) to any respecta- ble portion of the party, and therefore likely to receive its united and harmonious sup- poi-l. Por this purpose, was the two-third rule adopted in the first National Demo- cratic Convention that was ever held in this country; and actuated by the motives which begot it, the Democracy have repeatedly in National Conventions, whenever a respect- able opposition presented itself, refused to nominate some of its ablest statesmen, and by the nomination of others less objection.- able, have marched on to victory, and the development and enforcement of their prin- ciples. It will be recollected that Mr. Van Buren received a considerable majority at tlie Democratic National Convention in 1844, yet no one then contended that he, 'the Convention. With any other Demo- therefore, was entitled to the nomination. 'crat they could have had harmony and On the contrary, the Convention, regarding union, and presented to-day the spectacle the opposition of the minority to his nom-jof a united and invincible party. We put ination as entitled to consideration and re-it to the conscience and the judgment jf ypect, refused to nominate him, but nomi-j every honest man, Are fh-y not guilty of natcd Mr. Polk, (against whofti there waslsetting up this one man as paramount to the no objection,) and under his banner, the union of the States? Are they not guilty Democratic party achieved one of itsjof having divided the party? Did they not greatest triumphs. It was this principle of thus take "the fii-st, fatal, and irrevocable harmony and concession, of respect and con- fesidrration for the opinions and views of the minority, which bound the Democracy to- gether with bands of steel, and made thehi invincible on the day of battle. It wasthe talismanic motto under which we marched t<» victory — the secret and the key-stone to our success. Far different was the spirit displayed at Charleston and Baltimore by the friends of Mr. iJouglas They came to nominate hini. or break up the Convention. Many of their prominent men boldly and openly avowed the purpose — '' Rule or ruin," was rhi ir motto. They met the opinions and views of the seventeen reliable De^iocratic States, almost united in opposition to the nomination of Mr. Douglas, with insulj and derision. The Democratic States were wedded to They had their favoiites, but stride towards disunion of the States?" Froa^ this unenviable position no ingenuity nor de- vice, nor wholesale and reckless charges against others, can relieve them. " Inexora- ble logic" stamps the grave crime upon their brows. Representing States, nearly all of which were hopelessly Black Republican, they claimed that they were entitled to dic- tate both the platform and the candidates, and to this end the system of tactics, which we had witnessed outside of the Con- vention, was, for the first time in our his- tory, (and we earnestly hope the last,) steadily and persistently enacted in it. Rules were made and violated at pleasure. The decisions of an impartial President were adopted, and then overruled, as it suited their purpose. The usages of Demo- cratic Conventions were followed, and then shamefully violated, as it accorded with their designs. Everything was made they put forth no'^claim that even one ofj to bend to the one great purpose for which no one man. til II! should be nominated. They were wil- ling to take any one of the illustrious and distinguished statesmen of our party, except Mr. (>ouglas. he had made himself obnox- ious to them for the reasons already men- tioned, and they asked that he should not be thrust down their throats. Was the request an unusual one? Our history as a party shows that it was not. Was the they assembled — the nomination of Mr. Douglas. It cannot certainly be considered strange that honorable men, unused to such scenes, should leave the Convention, and that it was finally virtually broken up. The first act of injustice was THE UNIT RULE. The Committee on Permanent Organiza- request an unreasonable one? Who! lion reported tbe following rule, known as will .siy so, when they reflect that upon!tlie unit rule : — " That in any State which the States which made it. chiefly devolved! has not provided or directed by its State the task of electing the nominees of thejC^mveution how its vote may be given, the i'orivention ? Yet the Douglas delegates Convention will recognize the right of each not only turned a deaf ear to this re-jdelega't- to cast his individual vote." This quest, but in the most high-handed audi rule wa.^ in violation of the rule of all for- recklcss manner, with sacriligious hands, mcr conventions, which loft to the delega- tore down the landmarks of the party, and tion i'rom each State the right to determine trampled upon Democratic comity and how the vote should be cast; and it was usages, in order to foist WvAi one man iiponj.snmgglf d into the report of the committee and brought before the convention in the following manner : At the first meeting of the committee, when all its members were present, this rule was brought before the committee and njecteih The committee went on, discharged their other }>usinS-5S, and adjourne ; in all 41, whieli Leiunder the following resolution : would not have received had the ancienti "i^e.o/t-,c/, That when this Convention adjomu., usages and rules ot the former Conventions, |it adjourn to reassemble at Baltimore on Mon- leaving the majority in each State to deler-jday, the 18th day of Jime next, and that it Is mine how the voie of the State should be i ^'^^P^^'^^^^'y recommended to the Domocratk- cast, been adhered to. Yet the ink wasir'"*^' "V'® ^^Tf*^ ^^^^""^ •*" ™^''® pvovi.*ion 1 ji 1 . t 4. J J .1. n , '°^ supplying all vacancies in their respective hardly dry that recorded the passage of t he delegations to the Convention when itZll re- resolution, betore the very men who clam- assemble." ored for its adoption, sought to violate it,. uATTTMnRP- pamvi^mttaxt and actually succeeded in their efforts ! I , BALTIMORE CONVENTION. In the case of New Jersey, where the! The Convention met at Baltimore. 3Iosf State Convention recommended the dele-|°[ ^"^^ States responded to the invitation gates to vote as a unit, the Douglas dele- r^°'^® ''^"*^^^? ^"'^ *^®^^ ^^^^g^t^s presented gates overruled the decision of the Presi-i'I^^^''^^''^'^^"*^^^^' *Diegato. to cast thoir in-' Benjamin F. Hallett was regularly ap- ?™.'i!^ . P'^^"^'^^^ ^ ^«^^g^t« fro^ Massachusetts fo '^''''XtLE%ON''mNn^FlTTn'i'^ TIlElthe Nationa Convention; the same Con- CHARLESTON CON\ENTION. mention appointed K. L. Chaffee as hi.. The record vi proceedings shows this alternate. Owing to sickness, Mr. Hallett withdrawal was done in sorrow and not in was unable to attend the Convention at ungcr; not for the purposes of disunion, Charleston, and, in his absence, Mr. Chaf- MISSOURI. Convention consisted in an affirmative an- swer to the question, Are you for the noin- iiiation of Stephen A. Douglas ? LOUISIANA AND ALABAMA. fee, his alternate, took his place. At Bal-|vote in his life, and who openly avowed timore, however, Mr. Ilallett^as present, that he was going to Baltimore to vote for but the Convention actually turned him out; Mr. Douglas, in order to break up the actually turned out the regular deleyafeyDeuiocratic party! Yet the so-called na- and gave the seat to the a/('»?, not the Democracy 'tion of delegates. The Convention met, of Alabama, for another convention, whichjand upon taking a vote, the seceding or laet and appointed a set of delegates, the {regular delegates were sent back to Balti- kader of whom never cast a Democratic! more, by a vote of 299 to 41. The forty- oae Do«Krla« delegates then boltetf, and also Ereckinndge, omhrie. DousJas. appointed deleq^ate??. Yet the Doxielasv^'^fr''"""/: " ••■ 7. Committee on Credentials at Isaltimore. m Vermout 5 defiance again of the resolution of the Massachusetts ... lu Georgia Convention instructing their dele- Rhode Island ... 4 sates to vote as a unit, and in utter vio- S.'^'^'^t*''f"^' - "■ ?^ ■-. r. , . 1 1 !_• , ^ew York ... Zo tion 01 their own rule upon the subject, re- ^^^^.^ .Jer«ev 91. ported in favor' of dividing the vote of the Pennsylvania 10 2i lO" State, giving one-half to the regular dele- Maryiand ..'. 21 sates, and oue-half to the bogus appointees Virginia ... 3 of the 41 bolters 1 But this was too great an -^f^^^ Carolina ... 1 outrage even for this Convention, and they Louisiana ." " 6 voted to admit the regular delegates, and Arkansas !!! li thus placed the brand of io<7ws upon the Missouri ... 4^ brow of H. V. Johnson, the Douglas can- Tennessee ... ^ didate for Vice-President! Commenting q^?^^'^^'^-^ »• ^5 J upon this action, the Douglas Executive jn^jjj'^'a. .....' ]" '" Tg Committee characterizes it as an " extrava- Illinois ... \i gance of liberality ■'" Michigan... ... C Thus was the Democracy of sovereiirn ^"» i^^conc-m ... 6 States wantonlv disfranchised in a National ,?.^'* ■■■■; •■• . ri ■ 'it t\ . Minnesota ... 4 Lonvention, and thus were Democrats com-' „ . - ,r ^, , * ,r. 1, 1 . • 11 X' 11 I,- -^1- t.>n motion 01 Mr. Clark, of Missouri, at the peUed to give up all fellowship with men instance of Mr. Ho-l-, of Virginia, the questi-on so regardless Oi their own honor, and the was then propounded from the Chair, whether welfare and unity of the Democratic party, the nomination of Docglas should or should not MR Dorrr 4^ vot \-n\rTVATrr> -'v i Twn '^e.withoutfurtherc&remony, theMnammotf^aeto? MR. DOLGLAb ^0T ^OM!^ATED u\ A TWO- the Convention, and of all the delegates present; liilkDb \ UiL, .the Chairman distiaciiv requesting that anyde- But it is claimed that Mr. Doualas ?ra^ '*'S^^^ who objected ^ whether or not having J J 7 J ,1 ■ J J rT>L T^ voted t shouil signify his dissent. Xo deleo-Hta nominated h)j a tico-th I ras vote. The Dou ^i 1 • x- i i- i j ^ (eight) and Florida (three) having authorized noi^*^^ ^^^^ resolution. No published proeeea- delegates to ani/ Convention at Baltimore. Hereii^g 0* that Convention puts any such re- is the ballot as recorded : 'mark into hi? mouth. On the eontrarv. 8 every published proceeding, jiKhnliu- those exibted. U published at the time in iho Baltimore, "f^i^^^^j^^^JJ^ He proceeded to condemn the action seceding delegates. t^ 1 A,T \' 1 •■•'■• ^^ • S. Gittings, of Marvland, entered a Washingtou, and iNcw York papers, report- ^.^otest against tbo propositions'of Mr. Church, ed by diflfereut reporters, coiiciusiTcl}' de- ,jf js>v9 York. .\ rule was adopted nt Charleston . monstrates th:it ho gave uttortmce to no timt two-third.^ of nil the votes of the elecioraH such language. But, even if he did, it was -•oilege was required to uominate a caudidato for not in hTs prnver, and wti.s not within the ''■"r.fif "chair explained, that at Charle8iou the scope of his duties as a prcsjaing omcer, to j,^^,, president was instructed not to declare any dictate to delegates what eour.-io they .should „.„, nominated unless he received two-thirds of pursue,or to bind them by his mere //;.<'• r//.^/.'. ide votes of the electoral college, ('J02 votes.) Each- delegate had the right to vote, or not "Mr Gittings said there were two-thirds of to vote, as° to him .ecmed proper; and .^^he electoral college here, and if gentlemen voted uu \un., li.. Lu ... '1 111- who declined to vote, Douglas would be nomi- thishewas the sole jiidge, answerable lor ^^^^^..^ ^^ ,^ two-third vote. He hoped there his course to his constitiKney alone. 'J he would be more ballots to ."^ee what gentlemen Convention had decided that, in aoeoidanee would do, and that Mr. Church would withdraw with the established usas«% oi'the party, it his resolution. required two-thirds (202\ote:s) ol'the dec- [[^'"''''^ '^ r v-"~''"''''!,VI'~T;k ^ 1C4U11WV1 V m 1- 1 . * "Mr. Ilogo, of \irgmia, said he hoped there toral votes to nominate. 1 he highest vote ^^^^ ^^ „,^^p ^^1,^,^,^ ^„j if ^^^^^ ^^^^j^. at any time attained by Mr. Dougla.** was men 5\ ho declined to vote did not vote, he should 181^, and the whole number cast lUG. treat them as out of the Convention. How were 20'-* votes for Mr Douf'la.s to be " ^^r- Church then withdrew his resolution till manufactured out of 19(3 votes alllold, 14* "°««''" ^'^""' ^''^ »^«^" of which were cast against him? Yet, after this notice served upon these „. , , , • . - V /. ^^ delegates, they again refused to vote; Eighteen delegates remained in the Con- .^^^ -^ .^ ^j^ j lidiJulous to say that the vention as spectators, taking no part whatso- pr^.i^.^j .^^jft record their votes as cast ever in its deliberations, and expressly de- declanng Mr. Douglas the nominee, when /\c. 1 is; 1 1 » 1 • j • .u , ' , ti '^ ^ 8 ' ■ Ut the 18 delegates who remained lu the he had received only 17o^ votes. We quote., .. . » c r " " ,, . "^ J- I ■ 1, ,1 (Jonventiou a.s spectators, five were from the loUowine; proceedines which tneu en- t-- . 1 ■ e n 1 1 A. *= ^ ^ Iveutucky, six from Delaware, and seven ^'^ trom Missouri. '» The question was loudly culled for. | The five delegates from Kentucky filed "Mr. Jones, of Pennsylvania, said he w«s ^^ written prote.-^i, in whi.-h they stated that ready to support tbo nominee of the Conveiitl.,n ,i,^„„v, ,u„„ ^, ^ ;..„ 1 ; .1 „ /i^ ♦;„„ « v I 1) V, • i. J 1 ♦v, 1 . .V luouch they remained 111 the Lonvention, when he shall be nominated by the rules ot the ,*'.,,•' . . • • , ,1 • Democratic party. At Cha^;lostoii ii was deter ^^V " iciU not part icipatem its deliberations, mined that two-thirds of all the i itcioral college nor hold ourselves or our constituents bound was v^ece.ssiiry to a nomination. by its action, but leave both at full liberty " It was objected that debate wub nut in order, to act as future circumstances may dictate/' • The President (Mr. Tod) h-rulod. (signed by G. A. Caldwell, W. W. Wil- •• Mr. Jones raised a que.>jtiv.u ot order — that J- z„„ t\7 i>„„ji„,. o . 1 i> ■c•^^^ « 1 . .,.,)^ o^„^»„i ,.♦ r'UoJ^...,^ .„ 1 ♦ 1 .. Iinms, >\ . i»raaiey, bamuel IJ. rield, and > rule adopted at Cbarlefcton coulu uut be le ,,,, t c \ , jiied except on one day's not;' ►■. ^ "'^^- " ^ OU^ov •• Mr. Church explained tbc ,u-ri..n ni Cliariv..- - Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, announced, .'■u, and said his resoluiion wan ii'tode'l lo in behalf of the six delegaft-s from his Stat*i ctiange the rule of instruction ado tru ut Charles- „.i,o remained in the Convention, but refused Kill New York had come here 10 pour til on . . .1 . /• <- * .u 1 11 7 /• iL.e tioubled waters, and had t-i.-Uullv ondeav-^o ^^te, that •* in future they should dcclitu uied to do so. They had yielded evorything/*? ^'*> re.-^erving to them.selves the right to except personal honor to heal the divisions which'act hereafter as they deemed proper." The vote in favor of the retolution wa^ alone taken ' The negative vote wax not put to the Convention! .,-, But, a3 if still further to demon -it raft- thart. the eighteen delegates from Kentucky. Delaware, and Missouri, took uo part i'. al! iu the proceedings, we call attentioii 'u the vote for Vice President, ichm they ayaiu refused to vote ! Rnt PVPn admittin<^ that the President SEVEN VOTES FROM GEORGIA AND AR iiut even admitting tnai ine rresiaem ^^j^g^g coUNTED IN DEFIANCE OF THE did give notice that those who did not ob- ujjj^f RULE iect should be counted in favor of the rcvso-} oeorgia. lution; even admitting the proposition that j ^3^^ ^^^^ ^j,^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^j^,, ^g his the The seven delegates from ^lissouri gave notice that they would remain in the Con- vention, but would take no part in its de- liberations. And these are the votes upon which this committee ba.«e their two-third vote for Mr. Douglas ! NO OPPORTUNITY GIVEN TO DISSENT FROM THE RESOLUTION NOMINATING MR. DOUGLAS. mere ipse dixit h^<\ the power to bind ^^j ^tes who refused to vote, with the 14 J delegates who did not dissent even in ^^^^J ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ Breckinridge and the face of their declarations that they would not vote, we now proceed to show that no opportunity was afforded to any delegate to object to the passage of the reso- lution. The extract of the proceedings which we have heretofore quoted, shows that debate upon this resolution was decided to b'j out of order; and, under this ruling, Mr. Jones of Pennsylvania, who rose to enter his dissent, was uncerenM»niously gagged. Hav- ing thus closed their mouths, this commit- tee contends that because they did not then Lane, added to the 18H given for Mr. Douglas, gives only a total of 205, seven than the vote claimed by this commit- tee. Where do ihey get the remaining seven votos ? From Georgia and Arkansas. The State of Georgia was entitled to 10 vote;* in the ( ojivcntion, to be cast by 20 dele- gates. The Democracy of Georgia, how- ever, appointed 40 delegates to cast the 10 votes, and instructed them to vote as u unit, the majority to determine the action of the State. Eleven of the delegates re- speak, they be counted as halving voted |„,.^iy^.jiy the Convention, but the major- for the resolution By no rule ofjustice or of nyiit can tin 14| votes given for Mr. Breckinridge and Mr. Guthie bo couiitetl as having booii cast for the resolution dt'claring Mr. Dou- glas the nominee Havintr steadily, thmugh repeated ballots, vii id against i\Ir. Douglas, they were notallowt-d to object to the reso- lution when it was offered, nor evfn given the opportunity of voting against it IJerc are the proceeding at (hissiagc: ity rt'iio speeded protested against these eleven being allowed to vote, and the Con- vention decided, by a vote of 148 to 100, that those remaining from that State were not, under the un;t rule, entitled to vote At Baltimore, the seceding delegates from Georgia, reappointed by the State Conven- tion, refused to take their scats; but one of them, (.Mr Gaulden,) however, came into the Convention, but did not pretend to vote, i ecause, under the decision of the "Mr. Clarke iJitn move.i to declare Stephen Convent io:i, he was not entitled to vote, a;^ A. Douglas the Demociaiic nominee for the Presidency. [Appl.iuse.l Mr. Hoge, of Virginia, offered a resolution to that effect, which was reud. The ro.solution declaring 8. A. Douglas the the majority had determined not to take their seats in the Convention. And yet these are the persons decided by the Convention fo be mere spectators, unanimous choice of the Convention for thejand not delegates, who had no right to vote. Presidency was adopted by a .shout cf ardi ,, ^^^^,^ j,^j ^^le in the ConveJition, who cheers, which lasted a con.sidcrabie time. , j i » 1 i a;e uow represented as delegates by the Dougias t'ommittee, and pressed into the .oerviee. tor the of manufacturing .a The band of the Keystoni> C:ub appeared in the gallery and struck up a tuiu", whicli was greeted with renewed cheers. The President (CoL Tod) declared Stephen (wo-tUird vote for .Vjr. Douglas! A. Douglas, of Illinois, the unanimous choi'ie of 1 the Demooracy of the United States as their caa-i abkansas. didate for the Presidency, [Loud cheers."] j Cuder the decision of tli« Mtnvantioo, 10 the two delegates, Messrs. Flournoy aiul J//;u!esoe°»o<=i'atic Convention." right to vote. Yet the committee havej Penasi/lvania is put down as having counted both the 5 vote of Mr. Stirman, 'given twenty-two and a-half voteS, when who had withdrawn, increased the one voteil2 of her delegates, entitled to six votes, awarded by the convention to the bogus! withdrew and joined the other Convention, three, to a vote and a half, and thus secur-jAs Pennsylvania is only entitled to 27, she ed an additional vote from Arkansas in fa-|cast one and one-half more votes for ilr. vor of the resolution. In this way the; Douglas than her delegation were entitled to. Douglas Committee got six additional votesl Virginia appears fo have given 3 votes from Georgia, and one from Arkansas inifor Mr. Douglas, when only live of her dele- favor of the resolution, thus increasing their jgates, entitled to 22 votes, remained in the figures from 205 to 212 votes. ' Convention. North Carolina had but one delegate, entitled to cast one-half ^ vote in the Con- vention, yet he is recorded as having cast ACTUAL VOTE CAST FOR MR. DOUGLAS. We now propose to show, beyond cavil, that ir\en the vote (I8I2) given by the Douglas Executive Committee, in the fore- going table, as having been cast for Mr. Douglas, is based on error. Let us examine 2^ the matter. one vote. Tennessee, with only five delegates in the Convention, is put down at 3, instead of New York is put down at 35 votes, when Massachusetis is put down at 10 votes j^ jg ^^^11 known that two of her- delegates for Mr. Douglas, when there were only ten^^ithdrew from the Convention, and joined delegates, entitled to cast five votes, remain- ^^q other Convention. ing in the Convention from that State 1 ^hese make a total of 11 votes, which Massachusetts had thirteen votes, repre-, added to the 18 boo-us deleo-ates from Ab- sented by 2G delegates ; sixteen of these delegates withdrew, and joined the Breck- inridge and Lane Convention, leaving, we repeat, but ten delegates to cast five votes. Vermont was represented by 10 dele- gates, with the right to cast five votes. She is reported as having given the whole five ■to 31r. Douglas, instead of 4A, one of the delegates (Mr. Stdughton; having with- drawn, and joined the other Convention. bama, the 12 bogus delegates from Louisi- ana, and the 3 bogus delegates from Ark- ansas, counting 16 J votes, make a total of 272" votes to be substracted from the 181 J, leaving the vote of Mr. Douglas at only 154 ! FORCED VOTES. But even this was n forced vote — forced by a violation of the usages of the Demo- 11 cratic party, by which tlie votes of 31 dele- gates from New York, io addition to the two above alhided to, 12 from Ohio, and 9 from Indiana, making a total of 52 dele- gates entitled to 2G votes, hostile to the nomination of Mr. Douglas, were voted for him. Subtract these from 154, and it leaves 128, as the actual strength of Mr. Douglas in the Convention ! Had the mles and usages of former Con- ventions, whereby the vote of each State was to be determined by the majority of the delegates, been followed, Mr. Douglas would have gained 1 vote in Maine, 2^^ votes in Connecticut, and lost 10 in Massachusetts, 2^ in New Jersey, 10 in Pennsylvania,- 2i in Maryland, 3 in Virginia, 1 in North Caro- lina, 1* in Arkansas, 42 in Missouri, 3 in Tennessee, 3 in Kentucky, making a net loss of 37i to which add the votes of Ala- bama 9, and Louisiana 6, represented by the bogus delegates, who would not then have gained admission into the Convention, and we have 52* votes to be deducted from 181*, leaving 129 as the true vote under the rule of former Conventions, -really cast for Mr. Douglas in the Convention. CONVENTION AT THE MARYLAND INSTI- TUTE. 1051 votes were cast for President, to which must be added ^ vote from Minne- sota, 3 votes from Delaware, and 8 votes from South Carolina, who took no part in the nomination of Mr. Douglas, and who before either Convention adjourned endorsed the action of the Maryland Institute Convention, making in all 117 votes. This number has been since largely in- creased by the endorsement of delegates after the adjournment of the Conven- tions, who took no part in the proceed- ings of either, or who, having tak^n part in the Douglas Convention, have since repu- diated its action. Thus neither Convention has presented a candidate nominated by two-thirds of the votes of the electoral colleges. Which, therefore, is entitled to the support of the Democracy, as the embodiment of its prin- ciples, and as endorsed by the weight and influence? of the party? The committee to whom we have referred charge that we are the disunion party, and therefore are not entitled to support. Let us consider the platforms of the two Con- ventions, and make some inquiries into the antecedents of its candidates and sup- porters. • PLATFORMS OF THE TWO CONVENTIONS IN REGARD TO SLAVERY. The platform of the Maryland Institute Convent %Mi, endorsed at Charleston by sev- enteen sovereign States, is as follows : ^^ First. That the government of a Tcri-itory organized by an act of Congress is provisional and temporary; and, during its existence, all citizens of the United States have an equal right to settle with their property in the Territory ■without their rights, either of person or proper- ty, being destroyed or impaired by Congress- ional or Territorial legislation. ''Second. That it is the duly of the Federal Government, in all its departments, to protect, when necessary, the rights of persons and prop- erty in the Territories, and -wherever else' its coi^stitutional authority extends. " Third. That -when the settlers in a Territory, having an adequate population, form a State Constitution, the right of sovereignty com- mences: and being consummated by admission into the Union, they stand on an equal footing -with the people of other States ; and the Slate thus organized ought to be admitted into the Federal Union, -whether its Constitution pro- hibits or recognizes the institution of slavery." That of the Front Street Theatre Con- vention, is as follows : ''Resolved, That -we, the Democracy of the Union in convention assembled, hereby declare our affirmation of the resolutions unanimously adopted and declared as a platform of principles by the Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, in the year 1856, believing that Democratic princi- ples are unchangeable in their nature when ap- plied to the same subject-matter. "Resolved, That it is in accordance -with the true interpretation of the Cincinnati Platform, that during the existence of Territorial govern- ments, the measure of restriction, -whatever it may be, imposed by the Federal Constitution on the powers of a Territorial legislature over the subject of domestic relations, as the same has been or shall hereafter be finally determined by the Supreme Court of the United States, should be respected by all good citizens, and enforced with promptness and fidelity by every branch of the Federal Government." Referring to our platform, the Douglas 12 Committee say that " nothing could be morCi But, as in the Cincinnati platform, the rague and unsatisfactory than these resolu-i third resolution emphatically declares that lions ; they deal in ' truisms' of the tamest when the people come to form their perma- significance, or rather, as the controversyinent institutions ; when they come to lay then stood, of no significance at all/' It idown their fundamental law, which shall may be well to pause here and point atten- govern not only the people, but their legis- tion to the fact that this DJuglas Commit- lative bodies and their judicial tribunals, :ee shrink from the task of taking tesuejthen they are to decide for themselves with these resolution-^, and that they thus whether slavery shall be an institution or virtually admit that they contain nc '^loctrine not amongst them. Is the sfiond resolu- to condemn. Let the Douglas speakers injtion inconsistent with the first and third? the North who have been ringing the chargcl it is in these words: that '< it is the duty of •* slave code," "slave code/' take noticejof the Federal Government, in all its de- of the virtual admission of their Execntivt-jpartments, to protect, when necessary, the Committee that the resolutions contain no rights of persons and property in the Ter- ritories, and wherever else its constitution- al authority extends.'" Why is government instituted at all ? Is it to raise armies ? .such doctrine. The committee were wL-iO in not attack- ing a platform which defies assault. EXPOSITION OF THE PLATFORM OF THE j Is it to create navies ? Is it to establish a NATIONAL DEMOCRACY. I postal system ? Is it to collect revenue ? The first resolution emphatically declaresjis it to build up a magnificent capitol, tha^ "the government of a Territory organ-'adorned with works of art and extensive ized by an act of Congr-ss is provisional i and beautifully arranged grounds, and . im- and temporary," thereby rebutting the con- posing tjdificch elusions that such a Territory can frame any permanent institut'ons whatever, or can establish, during is territorial exist ence, any fundamental law whatever. It is an inchoate and imperfect government, in- stituted for a brief periocf^tho cieature of Congress. This resolution in connec- tion with the third resolutiois, which de of granite and marble ^ Is It instituted to raise 8100,000,000 in order to expend it — to bring annually together, at the national capitol. Senators and Rep- re.^-entatives, and then to send them home again — to establish courts and build pris- ons '/ No ; nothing of the kind. Such are not the objects of government ; but thej are the instruments of government dares that '• when the settlers in a are purely the appliances, by means ry, having au adequa'e population, form aj"* which government accomplishes its State constitution, the right of sovereignty pu^POse. The object of government is to commences; and being consummated by Protect person.^ and property, and nothing admission into the Union, they stand on an jeli^e. Thus we see, in order to ac- equal footing with rbt- people of othercomplish what seems to be a simple and States; and the State thus organized ought pl^iii purpose, resort is had to the largest to be admitted into the Federal Union, ^^nd most complicated means, in order to whether its constitution prohibits or recog eifect it with certainty and success. Vari- uizes the institution of slavery," is cn-|ous countries have differed about their tirely consistent with the Kansas-Nebraskaj fori" of government ; but with all these act. That the government uf a Territory diffeiences, the purpose has been ever the is provisional and temporary, that it is the same — the protection of persons and prop- creature of Congress, thehistory of the Ter-I^rty. ritories conclusively establishes. Congress 'i'^e second resolution stands inflexibly has always either reserved the veto power over the acts of a Territorial Legislature, or conferred it upon the Governor of the Territory, appointed by and with the ad- Tioe and consent of the Senate. upon this proposition. Our Government has done much, from our earliest history, to protect the lives and the property of it,s citizens on its public domain. Where are our armies sent ? To our 18 Territories. . For what 7 To protect per eons and property, and nothing else BRECKINRIDGE AND LANE FALSELJ CriARGED WITH DISUNION SENTI- MENTS. The citizens of our Territories who have been environed by Indian foes, and have The effort is made to charge disunion fought their way through Indian wars, seutiments upou Breckinridge and Lane, realize the importance^ of this protection Why was our Navy sent to Paraguay ? It was oD account of a citizen of one of the tree States — a citizen of Rhode Island. It because some individuals now supporting them have at some period of their lives given utterance to extreme sentiments. See with what weight, and point the charge goes was a case of offense to property; and iheihome to the Front Street Theatre candi- Navy was sent there in order that our gov- 3ates, Douglas and Johnson. One of their staunchest and most eloquent advocates on the flnor of the convention, was Colonel Gauldon, nf Georgia, who at the Charles- ton sitting advocated the reopening of the We quote from the crnment might do its duty in protecting that property. A Government is derelict to the very purpose of its institution ; it is derelict to its obligations to the individual citizen, if it fails or hesitates in acting! African alave trade. promptly to protect the property as well as! official report the person of that citizen. j .. col. Gauldea said he would do all he could Thc-se re:^oall 2^0 to our common ierritories with L-, i * „ i * *• j i>ii », *= , . . , "iCome down to my plantation and 111 show voii his slaves, his property in those slaves shallL fine lot of young niggers there, and pure AJ- be protected. They declare, in substance, jricans. too. that this provisional and temporary gov-' "Co!. Gaulden then proceeded to advocate the erumeut of a Territory shall not molest ork^'^'^'*' "^ *'^« ^'*"°f° ^^''?, ^"'"^^l *°1 believed . 4 , „• I .1 • ul f -.L Massachusetts herself would shortly advocate it. .ulertere wua the right ot a southern maniH, ,,i^, „,j ^.^ ^^^ j,, ,,,,^1,1 pa/$2,000 for a ;o hold his^laves as property m tne ler-|,iegro from Virginia when he could buy him in ntory. They declare, in substance, that! Africa for $.50. He denounced the treaty for it the 'J ei'iitori;.! Legislature thus inter-! fh« suppression of the African slave trade, fores, it IS tlH' duty of the Federal Govern-r'^^^"''' 'le said, was against the laws of God and ' ■ . "^ , ^ ,. nature s God. ■ The doctrine of non-intervention mcut to interpose .ud prevent this uuau-K „,,,j j,, ^pp^^^j j„ that trade. It was inhu- tbonzed, uiicotM'.rutional action But man to send back to Africa the negroes at Key there is nu intimation, there can be no in- West, half of whom would die and the balance fcrence, from the three resolutions, thatlhe delivered over to cannibalism." J lie old policy, that Congress can ueitherl SENTIMENTS OF H. V. JOHNSON, establish nor prohibit slavery, has been But in controversy we should go to the d.-parted from in the slightest degree. It heart of the matter." How will Mr. John- is purely a question of property; it is pure-Lyn ring this charge to advance his prospects ly a question of the protection of the rights for the Vice Presidencv? He was a Sena- oi' Mjuthern men equally with the rights of'tor in Congress iu 1848, and on the 7th of )i.)! thern men. It is not a concession of! j^iy of that year he made a speech to prove liK' North; they yield none of their rights.! that Congress had the power and ought to h is simply an act of equal justice upon 'intervene to protect slave property in the the part of the North; it is a demand of Territories. (See Appendix to the Con- right upon the part of the South. 'gressional Globe, 1st sess., 30th Congress. « page 891.) Our f^paCi^ forbidn extended .and on the same constitutioaal basis of other extracts. He said: species of property.- ' "In no event can the slavehokler of tlie Sonth ^ ^^^ pouglas, m blS letter to Hon. Wm. be excluded from settling in such Territory with | A. Ixichardsou, reaa before the Convention, his property of every description." « * *'-" -"j uses this emphatic language: "■Intervention "Since, "therefore, as I have shown, Congress], „g„„s dlsuhiov .'' Then, according to Mr. has no ])0wer to prohibit slaverv, they cannot }t-.„„„i„, ar, / 7 7 • 77 ^7 delegate such a power to the inhabitants of the' ^o^^gl'^«^ f^'; /^^^'^^^"^ '"^^ colleague on the Territory; they cannot authorize the TerritoriaY^'-/'^'''^ ^'^''tWi /"•'», ^S « dtsumonist. And, Legislature to do that which they have no power | according to the second resolution offered by to do. _The stream cannot rise higher than itsj^Ji., Johnson before the Georgia Convention, '"''Se institutLn of slavlry is guaranteed by|?^ «^^« P^^dged not to support or vote for the Constitution of the United States, and it has M-V: Douglas. the same protection thrown around it, which CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY, guards our citizens against the granting of titles But in our survey of the field we must of nobility, or the establishment of religion ; not neglect the Constitutional Union party, therelbre. Congress would be as much bound tolr, • ii , 1 • t veto an act of Territorial legislation prohibiting! J^-l''",''^'^ f ?-^' "l^^^^i" ^ ^«^,g^ise._ In it, as an act violating these rights of every citizen [If'^O they had a piattorm^ ot the strictest of the Republic." jkind, and a secret organization protected To show that Mr. Johnson has not aban-j^^y ^^""^^ '^""'^ f^^!"' T^^"" ^'-^^^ waged doned his doctrine of Congressional protec-l^^^" }^PO'i^ o'^^' foreign citizens and upon a tion, we quote the following resolutions i^^^*'"^!^ religious creed. The same leaders drafted and then reported by him to thej"«^ ^'^'^^ fo^"^^'^'"^ repudiating platforms- Convention of Georgia, held on the 4th day r'''^^*^^^^■^ themselves as_ the only Union of last June, which appointed him as a P^^'ty'/^^*^ /^^^ ^i' ^^^^« ^^t^f '-\t ^^«J d^^i^^^"^- delesate to the National Convention at I ^J^ii of their principles. _ Their platform is Baltimore: the "Constitution and the Union. The , D , 1 rr, ^ ^ ., r,- • ,. ^Republicans assert they are for the Consti- ^- Kcsoli'i'd, that we reamrni Ihc Cincinnati , ,• 1 ., tt • "^ j_ ^i • i ./> platform, with the following additional propo- button and the Lnion, yet their platiorm sitions: gives an interpretation to the Constitution "1st. That the citizens of the United States, which will destroy that Constitution and have an equal right to settle M-/?/i their property of l^^^.Q^■^ tl^js Ul^jo^ p.^j. ^^^jj^^jj ^^ i^^^.^ ony Icind, in tJie organized rerritories ot the 1 • 1 ,\ ■. nr i^-n ^1 ^• United States, and that under the decision of the ^^S^ autnonty— 3Ir. Fillmore, the candi- Supreme Court of the United States in the case of date for the Presidency, in 18i>6^of the very Dred Scott, which we recognize as the correct ex- men who constitute the Constitutional Union position of the Constitution in this particular jpa^-ty ,,f tjif present clay. The Douglas slave property sta7ids itponthe same footimi as all,,. ' , ^ j^, _e .1 /-1 ■ other descriptions of property, and that neither ^/„|Demoerats avow they are for the Consfcitu- Gencral Government, NOR ANY TERRITORIAL |tion and the Union; yet their platform, as GOVERNMENT, cayj e^ec«^?-o?/ or /»(^wf7-Mcr(yi^ /o; interpreted by their standard bearer, Mr. slave property in the common Territories, anyjDou^las, tramples under foot the decision more than the right to any other description of\ n ,P c> /< ^ 1 • i • 1 property; that property of all kinds, slaves asj^f the feuprcme Court, proclaims a higher well as any other species of property, in all thellaw, and permits the first squatters in a Territories, stand upon the same equal and In-oad I Territory to exclude the people of fifteen constitutional basis, and subject tx) lik« in-iiidples sovereign States therefrom; reducing them of recoy7idio7i and protcctiomn the LEGISLATIVE, j^_ _ ... .i!j.-__. .i.> 1 i .i.-_ i-.,i_ Judicial, and Executive Departments of the Govern- ment. "2d. That Ave will support any man who may be nominated by the Baltimore Convention for the Presidency, Avho holds the principles set forth in the foregoing proposition, and who will give to a condition of vassalage, and doing little less injury to the Constitution of the country than the platform of the llepublicans. The true Democratic party stands on the Constitution and the Union, and their in- them his indorsement, and that we will not holdjterpretation recognizes the perfect equality ourselves bound to support any man, who may be of the States, and maintains inviolate the the nominee who entertains principles incon-i ^j^^g ^^ ^^^ g^^.^nt necessities, and history sistent with those set torth in the above i)ropos!- * , .,1 i^-^ ^1 ^ lions, or who denies that slave property in thel^bich brought intooneconfederapy so many Territories does not stand on an equarfootingjindependent sovereignties. , Which of these lo three Intcrpretatirms is the interpretation of the Oonstitntional Union party? Or v, ill tliey scorn each and all, and fall back upon their repudiated and odious platform of 1850V We feel that an intelligent people will de- mand at the hands of men asking their favor a frank avowal of their principles. We feel that the}- vrill recognize as a true Union party the organization which stands boldly on the Constitution of their country, and proclaims the just doctrine of the equality of the States. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY_. Vv^e have i-eferred to the warnings of Mr. Fillmore against this party. The public mind has become alarmed. The mischievous effect of its doctrines has been shown in the John Brown raid, and the recent buinings and pillages in Northern Texas. Bold, unscru- pulous, and vindictive leaders are at its head. They have adopted the once scorned dogma of Garrison, that slavery is a covenant with hell and an agreement with dejith. Sumner pro- claims the barbarism of .slavery. Burlin- game the necessity of an anti-slavery Bible and an auti -slavery God. Seward and Lin- coln the irrepressible conflict. They, with a fanaticism rapidly getting intense as that of Peter the Hermit, are fanning the flames of sectional strife soon to break out in intes- tine war. They are practically leading a crusade against the South. Tha)iks to the mercies of the Almighty, brotherly love, the memories of a glorious history, the common sacrifices of our fathers, the unparalleled pro- gress to empire and renown of our people, have not lost their influence. Honest and true men all through the North have de-l termined to crush out the monster of North- ern disunion afnd fanaticism. A 2>aralysis has come over the energies of the inciters of servile war. The common sense of the peo- ple revolts at the consummation of their foul designs. Good men and true are rallying from the mountains and the plains, from city and country, from the farm, the shop, and the busy marts of trade, to preserve and per- petuate the glorious heritage bequeathed to us by our fathers. DOUGLAS AND REPUBLICANISM. But where is Mr. Douglas in this strtiggle of good men and true, for the perpetuation of the faith of these fathers? He is allied with the Constitutional Union party of the South, and quasi allied with the Republican party at the North. He, like Seward, has proclaimed the higher law. At Springfield he declared that the citizen of a Territory "does XOT DEKIVE PO^VER from CO-NXiRESS, FOR HE HAS ALREADY DERIVED IT FROM GoD Al- MTGiiTY." One of his principal supporters, M*. H. L. Seymour, in his recent speech at Ilochester, New York, said: "After ALL THAT HAS BEEN SAID ON THE SUBJECT, THERE IS A niGHER LAW. ItS FIAT IS GIVEN IN THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. PoPULAR SOVEREIGNTY IS THE EXPRESSION OF THAT LAW." Mr. Hickman, the boldest and clearest intellect of the folloAvers of Mr. Douglas, now upbraids him for his timidity and treachery, has manfully cast off the mask, and is nov\^ an avowed leader in the Republican ranks. His fugleman, Forney, openly advocates a coalition with the Black Republicans to defeat our candidates. We see presses, and lead- ers, and orators pulling down the Douglas and raising the Republican flag. We say to the Democrats of the olden time and I to the young Democrats of the present day, [beware of the insidious advances of the [enemy. Beware of the first fatal step to- i wards Republicanism and towards disunion. iRally to the old flag. Rally on the tried ileaders. Be not sloughed oft" into the Abo- lition camp with Hickman and others. We implore you to weigh these facts, and we believe you will be satisfied of the tendency of the Douglas organization towards Re- publicanism. Indeed the entire organization will melt and is melting away. The free- soilism of it is now being absorbed in the Republican ranks, and the true Democrats, of whom there are large numbers, are falling back into line with the old comrades, with whom they have achieved the triumphs of the Democraey. BRECKINRIDGE AND DOUGLAS. Consider the spectacle presented to us by the Democratic and the Douglas candidates for the Presidency. ]Mr. Breckinridge has retired to his quiet home in Kentucky, there calmly and with dignity to await the verdict of the people. Mr. Douglas is ti-a versing Uifi coimti'y, especially in the north and east, dosing out the panacea of "squatter sove- 16 reignty" as a remedy for all our ills, appeal- j reaching from the cold North down even to ingto the "higher law," and endeavoring, tropical heat— -a population now large and with the maffic of his words and his presence, most rapitlly increasing — the enjoyment of f(i cajole the people to his s-upport. In this|abundant comforts and even great luxuries f..j will miserably fail. In the exalted po-/jf life — a union of industrial interests, va- •inon of President of these United States, iried by soil and climate — a paternal and the people will exact something more than|kindly government, founded on the principle tlie qualities of a traveling mountebank. | for which we have ever and shall ever con- Mr. Douglas in his recent letter has averredjtend. Shall di-cord enter this magnificent ihat his object was to take the question of slavery out of the halls of Congress; and yet during this wliole Administration he has abode? Shall the Union be broken upV Shall poverty, anxiety, distress, and internal wars take the place of wealth, content, and kept up the slavery agitation with a per- 1 successful enterprise? Our countrymen, dc not close your eyes to the danger of tliis '. When the danger comes, it will come from the selfish ambition of individuals, wliose talents enable them to sow the seed of strife in a party which for many generations has supported this dorious government, founded on political and social rights to every citi- zen — a government distinguished alike foi' its benignity, its wisdom, and its strength — the glory of the age, and the admiration of the ;(i-iends of fr&dom, and of the right* of man throughout the habitable globe. Fellow-Democrats, to the work! Stand on your platform, and cling to your candi- dates. You are contending for the Consti tution of your country, and for the union of these States. Let us fight the good fight, as our fathers did. Our candidates have been baptized in blood in the wars of the. country, and have in every act of their lives sistency and a fierceness amounting almost to insanity. It has caused him to neglect <:very other duty in Congress except the defence of his consistency, and the advocacy of his views in regard to slavery. He has been remarkalde for his facility in dodging votes, and when he^lid vote, for his votes with the llepublicans. With that party not only did he vote on the Lecompton question, but on most incidental questions, in total inconsistency with his former votes. With that party he coalesced, not simply in his votes on such minor questions as the election of a public printer, &c., but in de- termining v.-ho in the Senate of the United States were the representative^ of the sove- reign States of Indiana. He has been a rebel, both to the organization and to the prineiples.of the party. He has voted against its platform and its candidates To conciliate Republican votes, he has signalized their patriotism and self-sacrifice, indulged in vulgar flings at the South. The crisis of the times has placed them be He prefers the clams of Rhode Island to fore the people. You know their principles the niggers of the South. "I have much ""' " "" * ' "^ MORE FONDNESS FOR YOUR CLAMS THAN I HAVE FOR THEIR NIGGERS." Thcsc things havc sunk deep into the hearts of the American Democracy ; and even if he should extend his clam-baking operations to the coasts of Labrador, trying on his way the infinite relish of freshly-caught mackerel, halibut, and cod, he will find that whilst the people There is no silence as in the case of Bell and Everett. There are no shuffling disguises a.s in the case' of Douglas and Johnson. There is no war upon both the Constitution and the Union, as in the case of Lincoln (the sympathizer with Mexico, and now the sympatizer with fanaticism) and Hamlin. But their raottf) and our motto is — " The Constitution and the Equalitv are pleased with the jovial qualities of thejOF the States: these are symbols of ever- hail, well-met fellov.', they will despise and lasting union. Let these be the rallying reprobate the public man. 'cries of the people!" Words cannot express the magnitude of j In behalf of the National Democratic the blessings which a benignant Providence Executive Committee, has showered upon us — a vast and extended ISAAC I. STEVENS, area, spanning the entire continent, aad| Chaii-man. m£