y :Ji.\* m at: IGHI MIZUNO LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DOQoamam? Class Book. ; 4:? / Gop}Tig]it>i^ CDEffilGKT DEPOSIT. THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN The Kindergarten in Japan ITS EFFECT UPON THE PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND MORAL TRAITS OF JAPANESE SCHOOL CHILDREN BY TSUNEKICHI MIZUNO B. A. Hiroshima Higher Normal School, Japan 1908 Boston The Stratford Co. , Publishers Copyright, 1917, By The STRATFORD CO., Publishers ./Is- i''- m 25 1917 The Alpine Press, Boston, U. S. A, ©C1A462690 PREFACE IN how far are the assumed virtues and promises of educational theories and doctrines actually realized when these theories and doctrines are put into operation? This question is typical of the most important problems that educational science is today resolutely facing and attempting to solve. Just as no educational doctrine is so old or so well estab- lished as to be immune to unbiased investigation, so no proposal for reform should be looked upon as so plausible as to claim immunity to the acid-test of measured results. The ultimate effects of certain pro- posals may be difficult to predict; the immediate ef- fects may be difficult to determine and evaluate ; but these are assumptions neither to be made lightly nor to be used as a cloak for mental inertia. The very difficulty should rather be a spur to the devising of means toward accurate prediction, exact measurement; and just evaluation. Mr. Mizuno's book records the results of an investi- gation into the influences of the educational theories and doctrines underlying the kindergarten. It would not be the part of wisdom either to condemn or to ap- [vii] prove a highly involved theory upon the basis of a single investigation necessarily so limited as this ; but such investigations may well point the way to more ex- tended studies and suggest a method through the gradual refinement of which the basic facts may ul- timately be revealed. W. C. Bagley. School of Education, University of Illinois. viiij CONTENTS CHAPTER I Introduction 11 CHAPTER II Status of the Kindergartens in Different Countries 15 A. Germany 15 B. Austria-Hungary . . . . . .15 C. Switzerland 16 D. Netherlands 16 E. Belgium 16 F. Portugal 17 G. Russia 17 H. Sweden 17 I. Australia 17 J. Italy 17 K. England 19 L. France 21 M. The United States 22 N. Summary 24 CHAPTER III The Kindergarten in Japan 31 A. Its development and present status . . .31 B. The object of the first Kindergarten in Tokyo 32 C. The training of Kindergarteners in Japan . 32 D. The laws concerning the Kindergarten . . 32 E. The old curriculum 34 F. Present principles in the Kindergarten training 35 CHAPTER IV The Effect of Kindergarten Training Upon the Physical, Mental and Moral Traits of Japanese School Children . . .41 A. Object of the investigation . . . .41 B. Method of the investigation . . . .43 C. The classification of the teachers' criticisms of the Kindergarten children . . .55 D. Supplementary investigation of the school marks of Kindergarten and Non-Kinder- garten children 58 E. Comparison with other investigations . . 60 F. Conclusions 61 [ix] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN CHAPTER I Introduction ** Kindergarten " signifies a children's garden, or a garden of children. This name was selected by its founder, Friedrich Froebel, because it expressed his idea of development directed by a knowledge of the organism to be developed and aided by the selection of a right environment. But this name fails to ex* press another important aspect of the institution; ''the garden of children" gives no suggestion of its social aspect. According to the founder, the object of the kindergarten is as follows: — *'It shall receive children before the school age, give them employment suited to their nature, strengthen their bodies, exer- cise their senses, employ their waking mind, make them acquainted judiciously with nature and society, cultivate especially the heart and temper, and lead them to the foundation of all living. ' ' He was unable for a long time to find a suitable name. He called the institution *'a school for the psychological train- ing of little children by means of play and occupa- tions." At one time he called it *'the children's in- [11] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN • stitution", or "Flay School". He would often ex- claim, *'Ah! How I wish I could find a name for my youngest born ! " He was once walking over the hills towards Blankenburg with Middendorff and Bar op. Suddenly he stopped and shouted joyfully, ' ' Eureka, I have found it! 'Kindergarten' is the word." Thus he came upon the name accidentally. But, in his day to name the institution a "garden" was an auda- cious idea. The most modern kindergarten aims to be much more than a garden, a refuge or a nursery, though it has these values incidentally. The kinder- garten aims to make use of the natural instinct of the child for play and to divert this activity into more orderly and meaningful channels than it would fol- low if left undirected. It aims to put before him certain ideals which he shall later make his own and which shall become effective motives in his post-kinder- garten days. It aims, too, to create for the child a social environment which shall evoke his apprecia- tion of a cultural social atmosphere. In the kinder- garten he is more than 'Ego'. He is to realize that, however fondly his mother may regard him as the only important human unit, he is, as a matter of fact, but a single member of a large social group. In this way his thought and his interest become less self- centered and he learns something of the social arts and graces. It is from this point of view that the defini- tion of the modern kindergarten is as given by Profes- sor Monroe, ''a societj^ of children engaged in play and in various forms of self-expression, through which [12] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN the children learn something of the values and meth. ods of social life without as yet being burdened by its technique."* But, in reality, it seems to me that some kindergarteners are not well prepared to realize their ideals. Perhaps because the followers of Froebel have been chiefly women his theory and practice have been carefully and faithfully conserved and cultivated and there has not been, as yet, much reformation and modification, especially in the play program. The games, gifts and occupations are overemphasized and in some kindergartens the outdoor-work has been al- most eliminated. In any event, it seems to me that there is much room for controversy in the methods of the kindergarten training. These methods are not limited to the kindergartens in Japan : this criticism can also apply to some kindergartens in the United States. When I was an instructor of education in a Girls' Normal School in Japan I was asked by many parents whether or not for a child there was any ad- vantage in kindergarten training. Since then, the kindergarten problem "has been of particular interest to me. I have sought to study the status of the kinder- garten in different countries and more particularly in Japan. The present thesis embodies the results of this study. ^See Cyclopedia of Education, page 598. [13] CHAPTER II Status of the Kindergarten in Different Countries* A. Germany Practically no attention is given to infant educa- tion in the school systems of Germany. This nation which gave the world the discoverer of the kinder- garten has never indorsed his ideas in any whole- hearted manner. Froebel established his first kinder- garten at Blankenburg in 1837 (he named it Kinder- garten in 1840;) but so little favor did it meet that between the years 1851 and 1861, it was officially pro- hibited in Prussia, and even to-day it has not been in- corporated in the public school system of that kingdom. Even the private kindergartens are not largely at- tended. The number of these private kindergartens is between 200 and 300. B. Austria-Hungary In Austria-Hungary infant schools had been or- ganized before the kindergarten was invented, but the influence of Froebel began to be felt even during his life time, and the transformation of the infant schools was gradually effected. In 1872 kindergartens were made a part of the school system, and since then all * Annual report of National Kindergarten Association (1911) pp. 23. [15] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN • children between the ages of four and six have been compelled to attend either the kindergarten or the in- fant schools. Every normal school student is required to understand the educational principles of Froebel's kindergarten. In 1903 there were 77,000 children be- tween the ages of three and six in the kindergartens of Austria, and 154,000 in those of Hungary. There was also a completely organized system of day nurser- ies, which enrolled 152,000 children. The kinder- gartens of Hungary compare well with the best in Switzerland and in the United States. C. Switzerland The first kindergarten in Switzerland was opened in 1872 in Zurich. In 1881 a national kindergarten association was organized there. In 1900 there were 767 kindergartens attended by 30,344 children be- tween the ages of four and six. Z>. The Netherlands The kindergarten movement in the Netherlands was inspired by Baroness Marenholtz Von Biilow in 1858. In 1900 there were in that country 1,047 kinder- gartens and now there are both public and private kindergartens with a total of about 125,000 children. E. Belgium Kindergartens have existed here since 1842. In 1857 Baroness Von Biilow gave many lectures about [16] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN the kindergarten. In 1899 there were 2198 kinder- gartens and 222,068 children between three and six were enrolled in these schools. Now more than 250,- 000 children are trained in the kindergartens. F. Portugal Infant schools of the 'maternal' or nursery type enroll children from three to six years of age. G. Russia There are a few kindergartens here, some dating back a quarter of a century. H. Sweden Infant education in Sweden is of the 'maternal' rather than kindergarten type. There are over 5,000 infant schools, called Smaskolar, which prepare for the elementary grades. I. Australia In this country infant schools, with a two-years' course, are found in New South Wales and in Western Australia. J. Italy In Italy the first kindergarten was opened in 1850. Baroness Von Biilow lectured on the kindergarten during 1871 to 1872 and at the end of the year her lec- [17] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN tures were published. Inspired by her, the Italians founded a large kindergarten in Naples, and a few in Florence, Rome and Venice. In 1907-8 there were 3,576 schools and 343,563 children who were being trained in the kindergartens. As in other countries, these institutions are private and communal, although they receive grants from the general government. They have been established in at least one-fourth of the communes. Here in Italy, so called kindergartens are in reality day nurseries, since children are allowed to enter at the age of two and a half years. In Italy, as in Japan, the lack of trained kindergarteners is a source of weakness. Yet there are some very good training courses in the normal schools, and excellent private training schools in Naples, Verona, and Rome. The Royal Froebel Institute, at Rome, received an endowment from Victor Emmanuel II. Since 1907 Dr. Montessori has organized the infant school called the Casa dei Bambini, or "The Children's House", in Rome. The essentials of her system are a strong emphasis on sense training and great stress on the freedom of the child. For the sense training there are many dif- ferent pieces of apparatus designed to develop the sev- eral senses. As she was a close student of Itard and Seguin, there are various wooden insets similar to those used by them. The child learns to recognize the form by passing the fingers around the edges of the insets and then putting them in their proper places. She also uses blocks of various sizes and silk bobbins [18] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN of different colors and shades, and letters cut from sandpaper. In addition to this somewhat formal sense training, there is buttoning and lacing cloth or leather fastened on frames. There is nothing new in this, however, as there have been many American schools which have used these methods in the training of feeble minded children for some time past. The second essential feature of the Montessori method is the freedom of the child. This principle, too, is not a new invention after all, as every student of educa- tional history knows. Her distinguished service is rather the awakening of infant educators who have been tired of the repetition of the Froebel's gifts and occupations. K. England In 1854 Von Marenholtz Biilow visited England. There had already been established in London a Froe- belian kindergarten, which was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Ronge. In the same year there was an educa- tional exhibition in the city.* To this exhibition Bar- oness Biilow presented the series of gifts and Mrs. Ronge gave a lecture on the exhibition. In fact, this was the first lecture about the kindergarten in Eng- land. This lecture awakened the prominent educa- tors who were amazed at the new idea in pedagogy. Then Madam Biilow published a book in English entitled, ** Educational Mission of Women '\ Mr. Dickens also published an article in his "Household * "Infant Schools" by David Salmon, pp. 116-122. [19] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN Words"* and wrote an explanatory essay on her book. By means of this book many English educators and society women were suddenly inspired and much interest was aroused. In 1857 Miss Doreck came over from Wurtenberg and founded the London Kindergarten. Since 1861 Miss Eleonore Heerwart (who had been trained by Middendorff at Keilhau) and the Baroness Adele de Portugal and Madame Emilie Michaelis came to Eng- land and these contributed much to the kindergarten movement. For the first twenty years the effect of the propa- ganda was felt mainly in the private schools for the wealthy, though it had been commended by one of the inspectors of the eductional department as early as 1854. At length the London School Board was estab- lished in 1870 to investigate the conditions of the old schools and the new scheme. In February, 1871, a committee was appointed (with Professor Huxley as its chairman) to consider the curriculum to be adopted in the elementary schools. In 1874 the Board appointed Miss Bishop to lecture on the kindergarten and in the same year the Croydon School Board appointed Madame Michaelis. In the same year also the British and Foreign Training School established a kindergarten in connec- tion with its college at Stockwell and invited Miss Heerwart to take charge of it. Thenceforth the germ of the kindergarten took quick root, and within a few *No. 278, July 21st, 1855 [20] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN years most Infant Schools regularly employed Froe- bel's games and many were imbued with his spirit. At present England is the foremost nation in the world in the provisions for educational facilities in the preliminary grade. Over 2,000,000 children be- tween the ages of three and seven are enrolled in the English Infant Schools. Yet, strictly speaking, these schools are not real kindergartens, but ordinary schools for teaching the rudiments, with some kinder- garten attachments. They lead directly into the ele- mentary school. L. France France, like England, retained the Infant Schools (though they call them the Maternal Schools, ecoles maternelles) instead of adopting the kindergarten. The Baroness Von Billow's efforts in France in 1855 resulted in many reforms in the maternal schools of the country; although, as a result of the feeling aroused by the French-Prussian war, everything German, even the name Kindergarten, was rejected, and progress in that line came to an end. The ecoles maternelles and the classes enfantines do not follow the teaching of Froebel, but exist chiefly for social and economic reasons. They are primarily designed in the interest of the mothers whose house- hold or business duties demand all their time. These schools relieve them of the care of their young chil- dren. The hours at school are long, frequently from [21] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN 7 A. M. to 7 P. M., and there is much work and little play. The teachers are women, most of whom are not specially trained. In 1906-1907 the ^coles Matern- elles enrolled 651,955 children between the ages of two and six years. M. United States In the United States the kindergarten has been cordially received. Its principles have influenced the public school system and have in turn been developed and modified by it. And here we can find the best kindergartens and the best organization of the insti- tution in the world. The development of the kindergarten movement in the United States may be traced by the following dates : 1827. An Infant School Society was formed in New York City in the interest of children from three to six years of age, but it was incorporated into the New York Public Society. 1855. Mrs. Carl Schurz, who had studied under Froebel, established at Watertown, Wisconsin, the first American Kindergarten. All the early kinder- gartens were conducted by the cultured German im- migrants and German was spoken in them. 1860. The first ardent American apostle of the kindergarten, Miss Elizabeth Peabody opened a kindergarten in Boston. She was the sister-in-law of Horace Mann. [22] THE KINDERGABTEN IN JAPAN 1868. The first American school for training kin- dergarten teachers was opened in Boston. 1872. Miss Maria Bblte opened a training school in New York. 1873. Another training school was established in New York. Both schools were conducted by ladies who had been trained under Froebel's associates in Europe. 1873. The first public kindergarten was opened by the School Board of St. Louis, Mo., under the superintendency of Dr. Harris. It was conducted by Miss Susan E. Blow and with such success as to es- tablish it firmly in the St. Louis system and to en- courage similar experiments in other cities. 1876-1889. Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw supported the entire free kindergarten system of Boston. 1881. The kindergarten was adopted as part of its public school system at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The following cities also adopted the kindergarten as part of their school system in these early years. 1883. Des Moines, la. 1891. Lexington, Ky. 1884. Portland, Me. 1891. Utica, N. Y. 1886. New Orleans, La. 1892. St. Paul, Minn. 1886. Hartford, Conn. 1893. Chicago, 111. 1887. Philadelphia, Pa. 1893. Worcester, Mass. 1888. Rochester, N. Y. 1893. New York, N. Y. 1889. Los Angeles, Cal. 1893. Omaha, Neb. The general idea of the growth of the kindergar- tens in the United States will be indicated from the following data: [23] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN In 1902 there were in the United States a total of 3,244 kindergartens, with an enrollment of 205,432 children. The census of 1900 gave a population of 3,636,583 children between 4 and 6 years of age, so that a little more than 5% of the children between the ages of 4 and 6 were receiving kindergarten training in 1902. Ten years later we find 7,557 kin- dergartens with an enrollment of 353,546 children. The census of 1910 gives a population of 4,150,815 children between 4 and 6 years of age. In 1912, therefore, approximately 9% of the children of kin- dergarten age were in the kindergartens.* Figure 1 (Bulletin 1914 No. 6 pp. 15.) shows the numbers of children enrolled in kindergarten per 1000 of the population between 4 and 6 years of age in 1912. N. Summary The foregoing figures indicate the development of the Kindergarten externally. This sort of measure- ment, however, "is akin to standing a little child against the kitchen door and measuring its height every six months, and letting it triumphantly view the new scratch which shows how it is 'growing!' But no series of ascending scratches can record the devel- opment of the little child 's mind and power. ' '** Now, let me describe its development from within. It seems to me that the only real Froebelian Kindergartens are to be found in the United States. In Germany we are not able to find them, though Germany gave *U. S. Bulletin, 1914, No. 6. ' 'Kindergarten in the United States' ' pp. 7. **U. S. Bulletin, 1914, No. 6., pp. 7. [24] FIG. I Number of children enrolled in kindergartens per thousand of the population between 4 and 6 years of age in 1912. 1. New Jersey — 278. 2. District of Columbia- -250. 3. New York- 234. 4. Wisconsin- -234. 5. Connecticut ;— 221. 6. Rhode Island— 213. 7. Michigan — ■197. 8. Colorado — 154. 9. Massachusetts — 132. 10. Utah — 132. 11. California — 129. 12. Missouri — 109. 13. Nebraska — 108. 14. Minnesota — 97. 15. Ohio — 89. 16. Indiana — 88. 17. Iowa — 78. 18. New Hampsh ire — 66. 19. Nevada — 63 . 20. Pennsylva nia — 55. 21. Maine — 5 0. 22. Louisian a — 4 5 . 23. Arizon a — 40. 24. Maryl and — 39. 25. Illino is — 37. 26. Delaw are — 36. 27. Kent ucky — 3 5 . 28. Verm ont — 33. 29. Okla homa — 31. BO. Flo rida — 26. 31. Ge orgia — 24. 32 So uth Dakota — 22. 33. K ansas — 19. 34. S outh Carolina — 18. 35. A labama — 18. 36. W yoming — 17. 37. Tennessee — 16. 38. Texas — 16. 39^ Virginia — 15. 40. Washington — 14. 41. Idaho — 13. 42. Mississippi — 12. 43. New Mexico — 12. 44. North Dakota — 10. 45. Montana — 8. 46. North Carolina — 7. 47. Arkansas — 3. 48. Oregon — 2. 49. West Virginia — 1. (After U. S. Bulletin, 1914, No. 6.) [25] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN • to the world the founder of the kindergarten. Even to-day there are in that country no kindergartens which are established by the government. France is one of the leading nations as regards education dur- ing the *' tender age". The French schools are not, however, to be regarded as Kindergartens; they are really nurseries and exist chiefly for social and eco- nomical reasons. Again, England is the foremost nation in infant education, yet her ''Infant Schools" are ordinary schools for teaching the rudiments with some kindergarten attachments. The United States, on the other hand, has adopted and developed the kindergarten more thoroughly than any European country. Opened by cultured German immigrants, in- spired by the so-called "ardent American apostle of the Kindergarten", Miss Peabody of Boston, the kindergarten started its career in America. It was introduced into the public school system by William T. Harris and W. N. Hailmann. In the St. Louis Kindergarten, Miss Susan Blow emphasized symbolism and industrial training. And she has been the prominent leader of the conservative school. She advocated a close adherence to Froebel's fundamental educational principles. On the other hand, there are at present many prominent leaders of the younger progressive school. They believe in the selection of materials, games, miniature industrial processes, etc., from the world with which the child comes into daily contact, as a means of aiding him [26] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN to appreciate this world instead of adhering to those materials which Froebel selected from the relatively primitive village life in Blankenburg, Keilhau and other places with which he was associated. The pro- gressives also, as a rule, do not emphasize the symbolic values which inhere in Froebel's devices. They are supported by modern psychologists' analysis ot child experiences, represented by Professor John Dewey. As a partial explanation of Froebel's belief in symbolism, Dewey presents this very suggestive critique of our own Kindergartens: -It must be remembered that much of Froebel s symbolism is the product of two peculiar conditions of his own life and work. In the first place, on ac- count of inadequate knowledge at that time of the physiological and psychological facts and principles of a child's growth, he was often forced to resort to a strained and artificial explanation of the value at- taching to play, etc. To the impartial observer it is obvious that many of his statements are cumbrous and far-fetched, giving abstract philosophical reasoning for matters that now receive a simple every-day form- ulation. In the second place, the general political and social conditions of Germany were such that it was impossible to conceive continuity between the free co-operative life of the kindergarten and that of the (reactionary monarchical) world outside. Accord- ingly he could not regard the occupations of the schoolroom as literal reproductions of the ethical principles involved in community life,— the latter [27] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN were often too restricted and authoritative to serve as worthy models. Accordingly, he was compelled to think of them as symbolic of abstract ethical and phi- losophical principles. There certainly is change enough and progress enough in the social conditions of the United States of to-day, as compared with those of Germany of his day, to justify making kin- dergarten activities more natural, more direct, and more real representations of current life than Froe- bel's disciples have done."* B. L. Thorndike more emphatically concludes after giving many examples, "... No one has ever given a particle of valid evidence to show any such prepos- terous associations in children's minds between plain things and these far-away abstractions."** Thus, the psychological tendency of the progres- sive kindergarteners in the United States is to empha- size reality rather than Froebelian symbolism. Es- pecially, the experiment made in Dewey's recon- structed kindergarten marked a real epoch in kindergarten training. There is no doubt that the Montessori method has also made some contribution (as I have stated before) to the American kindergarten . * * * The first comparative investigation of sixteen thou- sand eighth grade graduates of the public schools of New York City, made by Dr. Leonard P. Ayres in *Elementai'y School Record 1900, p. 145. ** "Notes on Child Study" by E. L. Thorndike, 1908, p. 80. ***Se6 U. S. Bulletin 1914, No. 28, "The Montessori Method and the Kindergarten." [28] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN 1909, to which reference will be made later in the thesis, raised some doubts as to the efficiency of the kindergarten in that City. The kindergarten Associ- ation is also active in studying various aspects of kindergarten and non-kindergarten pupils in the United States. This critical attitude toward the Froebelian kinder- garten is also reflected in several investigations made to determine the work of the kindergarten by study- ing its effects on the children attending it. All in all, the future of the American Kindergarten is promising. 29 CHAPTER III The Kindergarten in Japan A. Its Development and Present Status In my own country the first kindergarten was opened November 14th, 1876, in connection with the Girls' Higher Normal School in Tokyo. It was just 36 years after the opening of Froebel's kindergarten in Blankenburg. The kindergarten was attended by children between three and six years of age. The first enrollment was 158 children. In most other countries the first kindergarten was private, but in Japan the first one was a government kindergarten. In a few years, there were many public and private kindergartens. In 1881, kindergartens increased to 17 in number with 1116 children; in 1890 there were 138 kinder- gartens; in 1900, 241. In 1889 a Kindergarten and Training Shool were organized in Kobe Girls' College, under the leadership of Miss Annie L. Howe. This in- stitution has been one of the important centers for the training of kindergarten teachers. In 1910 there were 443 kindergartens, 1,253 teachers and 37,298 children, while there were 6,795,809 elementary school pupils. Thus, in 1910 about 6% of the elementary school pupils were receiving kindergarten training. [31] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN B. The Object of the First Kindergarten in Tokyo We find the object of the first Kindergarten in the following sentence : ' ' It receives children three to six years of age, exercises their natural senses, develops the waking mind, strengthens their bodies, cultivates their emotion and trains to politeness in language and conduct (1876)."* C. The Training of Kindergarteners in Japan There have been two centers for the training of kindergarten teachers. One is the government insti- tution in Tokj^o ; the other, which is in Kobe, is super- vised by the American Missionary. These training schools are not sufficient for the need of the kinder- garten teachers. So, even now, it is common to find only one trained teacher and two or three untrained teachers in the Kindergarten. In general, we have adopted the training methods of American Kindergartens. The Tokyo kindergarten is trying to modify the method, so as to fit it for the country's children, considering the customs and manners. D. The Latvs Concerning the Kindergartens In 1899, a regulation limited the number of infants per teacher to forty and the total number of the kin- dergarten children in each school to one hundred, "Encyclopaedia Japonica" 1908, pp. 1570. [32] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN though under special conditions there may bo enrolled one hundred and fifty children. In 1911 the regulation was changed so that a kin- dergarten would enroll 120, and under special condi- tions 200 children. The following rules were fixed in 1899 for the equipment of the kindergarten. I. The building must have one story and must be equipped with nursing room, play-room, teacher's room and the other necessary rooms. II. The area of the nursing room must be more than one tsuho (about 4 sq. yards) for four cliildren. III. It must be equipped with gifts, pictures, play- materials, musical instruments, blackboard, desks, benches, chairs, clock, thermometer, stoves and other necessary things. IV. It is customary to make the area of the play- ground 1 tsubo per child. V. The school site, drinking water and lighting must follow the rules for the elementary school. For a time there was a tendency to think of the kin- dergarten as a preparatory school for the elementary school. Teachers taught the same materials as were taught in the elementary school in their attempt to carry out this idea. Observing this tendency, the government warned the teachers. In Act 196 of the Imperial Ordinance on Elementary Schools we find the following rules : I. Infant training should supplement home edu- cation by cultivating a sound mind and good habits. [33] t»J THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN II. Infant training must be in harmony with the degree of the development of the child's mind and body. It is prohibited to teach him material which is hard to understand or to do. III. In education teachers must pay attention to the child's individuality and always try to get him to imitate the teacher's good manners. E. The Old Curriculum The curriculum in 1899 was as follows : I. Play. a. Voluntary play. b. Co-operative play. In the play children practice the various activities with music to make them cheerful and to develop sound bodies. II. Music. This serves to train the auditory, vocal and respira- tory organs and to make children cheerful. III. Stories. The stories must be useful and interesting. The materials are allegories, fables and stories about natural and manufactured objects. The stories ought to train the child in the use of accurate language, to cultivate the virtues and to train the capacity for ob- servation and attention. [34] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN IV. Occupations. These will attempt to train the pupil's hands and eyes and to cultivate his mind by the use of the kindergarten ''gifts." F. Present Principles in the Kindergarten Training I. Observation. Observation is to train the senses, to increase the child's ideas of objects and to cultivate his ability to observe things and to be attentive. II. Conversation. a. Listening, The teacher tells useful and interesting stories for the pupils to hear. Thus, the auditory sense is trained and also the mind. b. Dialogue. The teacher and children talk with each other and train their speech organs. 1. The materials of the conversation must be the common stories of Japan. 2. In the stories it is better to use pictures, wherever possible. 3. Repeat the same story many times. 4. The teacher's pronunciation must be plain and clear. 5. It is wise to let the children talk when they know something of the subject. [36] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN 6. Let them listen to the teacher's whispering and so train their auditory senses. III. Music. a. Songs must be simple and easy to under- stand. b. The content of the song must be the com- mon daily phenomena of children 's experiences which will interest them. c. Music must range between D and d. The time may be 4/4 or 2/4. d. It is preferable to teach them music which is cheerful and suitable for marching. e. In order to stimulate understanding and interest let them accompany songs with gestures. f. The teacher's voice serves better as a guide to the child than do instruments. IV. Occupation. Occupation by use of toys trains the hands and eyes, and develops the mind and body. a. Arrangement. b. Blocks (the fifth gift). c. Ball. d. Top, (wooden top plays on the desk). e. Otetama, (small bean bags). f. Ohajiki, etc. (a sort of carom). [36] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN V. Manual Training. Through simple productions the Kindergarten trains the hands and eyes", cultivates the mental abili- ties of originality, imagination, and aesthetic feeling and trains directly for sustained effort in work. a. Bean work (constructive work with soaked beans and small bamboo sticks). b. Modeling. c. Paper folding. d. Needle work or embroidery. e. Other gifts, etc. VI. Drawing. Teachers ought to develop well the pupil's ability to express his ideas in pictures and at the same time train his hands and eyes, and cultivate aesthetic feel- ings. Teachers must be aware of the following points : a. The teacher ought to show some simple pictures drawn in order to interest them. b. Let children practice accurate arm move- ment. VII. Play and Method of Guiding It. A. Their classification of play is thus: Social or Co-operative Play. 1. March. 2. Simple Games. [37] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN 3. Imitative Exercises. Individual or Special Play. 1. Imitative Plays. 2. Gardening. 3. Collecting (plants, insects, pebbles, etc.). 4. Kikai play (play of swing, wagon, rope, etc.). B. Leading principles of play for the teachers* a. Do not force children to participate in so-called kindergarten play from the very beginning. Guide their play instincts naturally. b. Teachers ought to study the development of the play instincts. 1. Play must be intuitive at first. 2. The imitative stage comes next. 3. Then comes the expressive stage. c. Kindergarten play should consist of real play, amusement, a little art and work, but no labor or drudgery. d. The real value of play is in concentration or forgetting everything outside. Harm may be done if the teacher disturbs this concentration by seeking to adhere too much to the rules for the sake of formal appearances. *We can say that the original discoverer of the importance of play in education was Plato; its rediscoverer was Froebel; and its recon- structor is John Dewey. Kindergarten teachers ought to study the theory and practice of play. Japanese Kindergarten teachers are not yet acquainted with Dewey's suggestions, although much attention is paid to play and its guidance. [38] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN e. The teacher should be a kind supervisor, not a meddler. f . The teacher ought to take advantage of the good opportunities to observe the individualities of the children during their play. It will help her to control them. g. The teacher should herself take part in the play and she must not break the children's rules, even though she is their supervisor. VIII. Discipline. In Japan the government, as well as the school teachers, put much emphasis on moral instruction. Character building occupies the first place and re- ceives first consideration in all training and education of the young. Physical training and book-learning take second and third place. Act I of the Imperial Ordinance on elementary schools shows the Japanese educator's attitude toward the training of the physi- cal, mental, and moral traits : ''Elementary schools are designed to give children the rudiments of moral education and of civic educa- tion, together with such general knowledge and skill as are necessary for life, while due attention is paid to their bodily development." There is in Japan much conscious dependence upon the school as the moulder of character. On this ac- count kindergarten teachers are paying due atten- tion to the discipline of the children. Of course, as [39] THE. KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN • to discipline, the teacher cannot teach by words alone but should teach as well by her own good manners and example. We cannot expect to train moral judgment directly, yet by careful supervision teachers can develop good habits and manners. They are, in fact, trying to teach the following manners: a. Greeting each acquaintance on the way to kindergarten. b. Wiping shoes at the entrance of the school and rooms. c. Good posture. d. Listening attitude. e. Not to run in the classroom. f. Keeping the schoolroom clean. g. Taking care of toys and equipments, h. Manners in the classroom. i. Manners on the playground. j. Table manners. k. Cleaning finger nails. 1. Habit of helping themselves. m. Salutation of parent on leaving and return- ing home. (This is the custom in Japan) . n. Obedience to parents. 0. Friendliness among brothers, sisters and playmates. p. Honesty. q. Courage, etc. [40] CHAPTER IV The Effect of Kindergarten Training Upon the Physical, Mental and Moral Traits of Japanese School Children A. Ohject of the Investigation The object of the investigation was to secure gen- eral information in regard to certain traits of kinder- garten children enumerated in the following question- naire. The result is of great importance to parents, to teachers of the kindergarten or elementary school, to supervisors and to school authorities. Some educa- tors in Japan think that there is no need of kindergar- ten training for normal children if the mother can pay due attention to them. Others emphasize the need of transition classes.' Some teachers praise blindly the effect of the training, while others are quite skeptical. I know also that in the United States some prominent educators believe that money devoted to kindergarten training is more than wasted. Yet, the number of the kindergartens is increasing year after year. The in- vestigation of the effect of kindergarten training is not less important and it suggests many worthy queries. a. If we should find by the use of still other and more comprehensive investigations that the effect of the kindergarten is inappreciable or positively harm- ful to the subsequent development of children, it would be wise to prohibit the establishment of kin- [41] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN • dergartens, as did a Prussian Prime Minister in the time of Froebel. If there be definite good effects, it will be well to know the example that California set : "Upon petition of parents or guardians of twenty-five or more children between the ages of four and a half and six, residing within a mile of an elementary school, and with the approval of the School Authori- ties, the Board of Education shall establish and main- tain a kindergarten."* And if there be good effects we would recommend the establishing of kindergartens in our Japanese Girls' Schools and also of classes for training kindergarteners and future mothers. b. If, again, it be found in the grades that some traits of kindergarten children are more desirable than those of nonkindergarten children, parents and elementary school teachers would get some hints for their training methods; on the other hand, if the traits of kindergarten children are less desirable than those of non-kindergarten children, the kindergarten- ers and their supervisors should know this and con- trive some remedy for the difficulty. To know what group of traits is stronger or weaker than the other group is of no less interest. c. The author does not pretend to solve all of these problems nor does he assume that any one study can settle conclusively these important questions. The data which follow, however, furnish a basis for answering some of these questions and give suggestions to all of them. ♦Extract from recent enactment, furnished by the special commit- tee of The International Kindergarten Union. [42] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN B. Method of the Investigation The data which are received in the article were se- cured by means of the questionnaire which is repro- duced herewith. One thousand copies of it were dis- tributed to 75 typical schools. Returns were received from 28 schools. The questionnaire was given to each teacher of each grade. They were asked to fill out all the blanks. But in order to save the teacher's time and also to get many returns, the author asked teach- ers (with the exception of those in Hiroshima City), to grade only kindergarten children in each of the eleven qualities. The grading was to be done as con- scientiously as possible. The blanks under each trait were then to be filled out to show how many kinder- garten children belong to the A, B, and C group in «5 ^ 00 CO ® A P< Q, fl p o 5 ••1 U U t-i "C bo bJD bo H O O o GJ OS t- JO a en o s o •-0 H ocN ^ 'o.13I3I3I313I313I3I31313[313[313I31313I3I3[3I3I3[3I5[3[3I3I3I3[3I3[3I31313I313[ ^ fl" — uunuuuunnnuuuuuuuuuunxiuuxiuuuunuuutni O VH O «H o o o S fl ,£3 fl .S. ununnununnnuuuuunuuuunnuununuunuunuutiu C9 V C9 V bC flog© TS gM^a-rJ 3,3,3, 2a2a o®fl-2 b>,a-SvH ? S nnuuuuuunuuuuuunuuuuuunuu ® © >I5131313I3I5I51313[3I3[3[3I3I3[3[313I3I ^ ^ g r^(N«-*in«>t-ao50f-| uuuuuunuuuuuuuunuunnuuuuuunuuuuuuu [48] uunnuuuuauunuuuauitununuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuirauiinunuuuuuuuii uunuuuunuxiuuunuunuTiuuuiiunniiiiiiuuunuuuuuuciuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuiiuuuuuuunuuunnnuuuuuiiu nuuniiunnunuuunnununumiuciuuauunuuuuuuxuiuuuuuuuuuuuuimuuuuuuu uuunuuuuxiuuuuiumuuuunuunuuuTiuuuununuunuuuuunuuuu i O, uunnuuuu nuuuuuiiu u u uuuunuuu n uunuuuuuu u u uuiiiiunuuuuuuuuu u nuuuuuuuu u unuuuuuuu u u fl tc'c-g unuuunuuuuuuxiuuiiuunuuiiuunuanuuuuu >- S H « a S unuuuuuxiuxxuuuauuuxiucinuxiuxiuxiunuuxiuxtuu OS <» cS"! y, g -g §g0-»^ PI,, a '■Sa'^'^o unuuuuxiuuxiuuuuxinuunnnun g ^ r-i(McoTixoiOrH • xixiuuxixiuuuuxxuxixuxnxinnuxiuxixixiuxiuxixiuu [49] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN • the K. were superior to the NK. were exactly the same ones, i. e., understanding, imagination, memory and scholarship : and again they were inferior to the NK. in the other traits. Fig. IV shows the combined comparison of the five groups. The aaa columns are the traits of NK. of common elementary schools in Hiroshima City, the bbb columns are those of K. of 20 typical common elementary schools in 18 cities, the ccc columns are those of K. of common elementary schools in Hiro- shima City, the ddd columns are those NK. of higher elementary schools in Hiroshima City, and the eee columns are those of 20 higher elementary schools in 18 cities. Fig. V is the comparison of three groups of common elementary schools. In this case the K. groups sur- pass in understanding, memory, imagination and scholarship as mentioned before. Fig. VI is the comparison of pupils who were at- tending the higher elementary schools. Here, K. were superior in imagination and scholarship but in- ferior in other traits. The reader must understand in this case that there is a general tendency for the superior pupils to enter the Middle Schools, Girls' Schools and the Normal Schools. [50] w 98333383333 8 39 88 3 993399 3339 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 00000000003DOO 000000000 ODOOOOOOOODOOOOODOOO qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 'B'BBBBBB'B'BB'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'BB'B'B'B'B'B'BB'B'BB'BB'B'B'B'BBB'B'B^B'BB'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B 333339833338883388333333833883 PPP 00000000000000 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq [x< Sg^-C-g BBBBBB'B'BB'B'BBBBBB'BB'BBB'BB'BBBBB'B'BB'B'B'B'BB'BB ^ <»^ . gj 333833838333883983883338 * g S-^-S PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Pi 2 ^ 000000000000000000000000000 o y ^Kj qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq JgjptJM^pci BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB fl 9 !=) S 1=" gaaaa 988883399933 y^^^^ » ppppppppppppppp ogggg « 0000000000 ^'o^^aj •s' qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq « O BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB a, © ^ SI3 838838833838338383 ^(2qd§^Sjj^Iu ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp -^►-iH-ii-i=Hi-iHHi-iv^f=> B.-^ f^ 2 a cs a aj-« ^a§ aj Ol g fl*iJ O C CU lis °i^ '*-! O oo « .(N^ M^ O ws . §M-« « i 8 35 ■lis s unuTiuuuuuunuunuuuuunuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunuuuu uunnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHuunuuuuuunnuunuuuuau uumiuunuuuuuxiuuuuuuunuunuauuuunuuuuuuunutiu _ j„j.^„-^„ - unnuuuuuuuuanuunuuuunnuuuuuuuti 0-^3 S.2i-2iS § M)fl cd'o fsi^ C^3 ^-S O'g g 03.2 >^ g g E-lJl5lJt5l>llI5l 51 JIJ[5I 513151 JlJl^t fH ^ uuuuuauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunuuuuuunuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu as o) n P^ 0) 2 It 2fl 3l>t5l3l5l5l3l3[3l3[3l3l3[3[3I3[3[3l3[3[3l3[3l3l3l3l3l5l3l5l ^^ UUU 3[3l3l3t3l3l3t5l5l5[3I5t5I5l5l5l3l5l5[5l5l5I5l5l ^ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M . 313I313[313151513[313[313[3[31 bo 5M ^... 3l5l3l5l3t5l5[5l5l5l3I3l uuuuuuuuuuuuxiuu §1 a I ^ g-l'fl 313131315151313131313131 "oO ©©fl^^'Jg.S^'Mg uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu C-if S .2 •- ii § «! fl a) o g ^ « OJ 3l3l>I^5[3l5R3l3l3l3l3l3I3l3l3I3t gg ,-icJcciTt(in«oi>ooo>orH uuuuuuunuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiuuu [53] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN Fia. VII Non-Kg. of common elementary schools in Hiroshima City nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Total sum 8250, Average 750. Kg. of 20 common elementary schools in 18 cities kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Total sum 8188. Average 744. Kg. of common elementary schools in Hiroshima City kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Total sum 8127. Average 738. Non-Kg. of higher elementary schools in Hiroshima City nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Total sum 8045. Average 731. Kg. students of 5 Girls' schools kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Total sum 8042. Average 731. Kg. of 20 higher elementary schools kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Total sum 7981. Average 725. Kg. students of 8 Middle schools kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Total sum 7967. Average 724. Fig. VII shows the comparison of the total number of each trait of each group and their averages. The higher column signifies that the teachers estimated the group better than others. The inspection of the figure tells us distinctly that NK. come first in com- mon elementary schools, and also NK. surpasses K. in higher elementary schools. About the Middle Schools and the Girls' Schools the author cannot say anything of the comparison of K. and NK. [54] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN In order to investigate whether or not there is any correlation between these groups, the author tried to find co-efficients of correlation between both K. groups or both NK. groups, etc. For this purpose, the author used Spearman's rank-order method. For illustration the author will describe the case of the series of traits of K. in 20 common elementary schools (K. 20 C. E. S.) and those of K. in common elemen- tary schools in Hiroshima City (K. C. E. S. H.). The author found that there was the highest cor- relation (83) between the traits of the K of 20 com- mon elementary schools and those of K. of common elementary schools in Hiroshima. Its P. E. was .09. There was the least correlation between K. of 20 com- mon elementary schools and NK. of Higher elemen- tary schools in Hiroshima City. From these investi- gations the author can assume that between both K. ^groups there is higher correlation than between K. and NK. groups. Further inference from these data the author leaves to the readers. C. The Classification of the Teachers' Criticisms of the Kindergarten Children The total number of the criticisms offered by teach- ers in the grade schools was 269. The following classi- fication will bring out the chief features: [55] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN TABLE II INTELLECTUAL SIDE (62) Strong Points 1 Better scholarship 18 2 Better marks in manual training 12 3 Better expression 7 4 Well developed reason- ing power 6 5 Developed imagination . . 5 6 In general, their intel- lectual development is better than in the other group 5 7 Know the day's news bet- ter than the other group 3 Total 56 WEAK POINTS 1 Superficial knowledge ... 3 2 Bad scholarship 3 Total EMOTIONAL SIDE (43) 1 Sympathy 9 2 Social attitude 8 3 Humor 5 4 Love of natural objects. . 5 5 Innocence 3 6 They like group activity 2 Total 32 They become too familiar in bad sense 4 Too capricious 4 Weep easily 3 Total 11 VOLITIONAL SIDE (61) 1 Quick activities 2 They do not put teacher to much trouble in teach- ing [56] Inattentive 17 Lack of habit of effort . . 9 After all, they are not firm-spirited children . . 7 Bad habit of disorder . . 6 Put teacher to much trou- ble in controlling them 6 Talkative 4 THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN Total 5 7 Disobedient 4 8 Bad conduct 3 Total 56 MISCELLANEOUS (98) The criticisms offered by teachers in the higher elementary schools, Girls' Higher schools and Middle schools were 37 in number. HIGHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 Roughly speaking they be- 1 Too much spirit of de- long to the middle class pendence 1 in scholarship 1 2 They act rashly, not 2 Better marks in arithmetic 2 thrifty 1 3 Obedience 1 3 No self-possession 1 4 It seems to me that they have more ability to play than the other group . . 1 MIDDLE SCHOOL In my class there are only two K.s, both are mild and frank 1 Among them there are some good students ... 1 It seems to me all of them have better health, but, of course, we can not say that it is caused by the Kindergarten training 1 Among 126 second-year- students there are only 3 K. s. They all are obe- dient and in higher standing of moral con- duct and scholarship, but they have retiring disposition and not enough vitality 1 No effect of Kindergarten In general, they are in- attentive There are many so called fast boys among them. . In general, they are not healthy Bad marks in composition It seems to me that they waste much energy in infancy and that is the reason why they have bad health [57] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN These classifications confirm the above-given per- centage tables, for we find the criticisms which refer to intellectual aspects are 62 in number, of which 56 favor the K. pupils as contrasted with only 6 against them. On the other hand, on the volitional side there are 61 criticisms of which 56 are unfavorable to the K. pupils. They are declared inferior in attention, moral traits, orderliness, all of which have been claimed as special aims of the kindergarten. Kinder- garteners who may read this study will, I am sure, seek to improve their work in these respects if im- provement is needed. D. Supplementary Investigation of the School Marks of Kindergarten and NonKinder- garten Children Method : This investigation was based on a report of an elementary school in Tokyo. This school has an attached kindergarten and the majority of the school children were, and are, the graduates of the kinder- garten. The principal of the school made an interest- ing report concerning the school marks of 1000 K. and NK. pupils. Table VII gives these data. The num- ber of the grade children was 1000. The number of K. was not mentioned in the report. Grading stand- ards were: Very high, A; Medium, B; Low, C. K. signifies Kindergarten children; NK. Non-Kinder- garten children. [58] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN TABLE III MORAL READING 1 K NK K NK A B C A B C A B ABC I grade 60 37 3 44 49 7 51 46 3 31 58 11 II grade 73 25 2 52 46 2 82 18 66 33 11 III grade 41 57 2 27 72 1 41 57 2 28 69 3 IV grade 67 30 3 34 60 6 67 33 42 54 4 V grade 53 41 6 45 51 4 47 47 6 36 54 9 Av. 60 37 3 41 55 4 59 40 1 41 53 6 ALL SUBJECTS K NK Ratio of NK K A B A B C 55 43 2 34 57 9 I grade 0.93 67 29 4 49 48 3 II grade 0.95 42 54 4 27 68 5 III grade 0.97 60 37 3 36 56 8 IV grade 0.89 45 46 9 33 59 8 V grade 0.98 55 41 4 36 57 7 Average 0.94 The subjects were 13 in all, i. e., moral, reading, composition, penmanship, arithmetic, drawing, music, gymnastic, manual training, needlework, geography, history and science. To find out the ratio of all the school subjects of NK. and K. the author used the same method which he used in the former investiga- tions, i.e., he found the ratio of J~' In the 1st K. grade this is 0.93, by following procedure. 34X9 + 57X74-9X5 55 X 9 + 43 X 74- 2 X 5 == 0.93, etc. [59] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN NIC The average ratio of ~^- is 0.94. As the reader will understand, this means that if the scholarship of K. were 1 then that of NK. will be .94. Conclusion. This investigation shows obviously that the scholarship of the K. surpasses that of NK. E, Comparison With Other Investigations In 1909 Dr. Leonard P. Ayres in New York and in 1911 Supt. Holland, in Louisville, made investiga- tions of the time required by K. and NK. pupils to complete the eight grades. They report no appreci- able difference. The investigations made in New Or- leans (1914), in Newton, Mass. (1913) and in Kenosha, Wis. (1912) were based upon the length of time taken to complete the work, of certain grades. In all three investigations the results were in favor of K. children. In these investigations the basis of comparison be- tween K. and NK. children has been the length of time required to complete the work of the grades. But the mere speed is only one criterion of educational value. In Savannah, Carol P. Oppenheimer (1912) made an investigation, based on the school marks of K. and NK. children in the primary grades. The outcome was decidedly in favor of the K. children. Mr. L. A. Marsh made a study of 380 elementary school children in 12 grades, all of the Edgewood public schools in Pittsburg (1914). The investiga- [60] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN tion was made with the aid of questionnaires. Teach- ers Avere asked to report upon the following points : 1. Self-confidence 10. Observation 2. Moral attitude 11. Response to direction 3. Love of nature 12. Response to ideas 4. Ability to mix 13. Manual ability 5. Friendliness 14. Cleanliness 6. Interest 15. Orderliness 7. Attention 16. Oral expression 8. Ability to think 17. Ability to play 9. Originality He found that K. children showed greater self-con- fidence. In moral attitude the NK. surpassed and showed a total difference of 0.33. In love of nature, ability to mix and friendliness K. were ahead; but NK. were far ahead in attention. In all, the NK. sur- passed in four points : namely, moral attitude, atten- tion, manual ability and orderliness. The most re- markable differences in favor of K. were in ability to mix, in originality, and in response to ideas. The dif- ference was high in favor of K. in self-confidence, love of nature, friendliness, observation, oral expression, and in ability to play. F. Conclusions From these data the author draws the following conclusions: Where K. and NK. children are com- [61] THE KINDERGARTEN IN JAPAN pared during their progress through, the public schools, the kindergarten children are (a) superior to non-kindergarten children in scholarship, under- standing and memory; roughly speaking K. children are better on the intellectual side ; ( b ) inferior in ca- pacity for sustained effort and diligence, (c) inferior in many moral habits, as disorderliness, inattention, talkativeness, disobedience, etc., (d) not superior in physical capacity and bodily health. [«i BIBLIOGRAPHY • CHAPTER I ''The History of Modern Elemen- tary Education," 1912 433-460 "Educational Encyclopaedia" 598 ' ' Education of Man, ' ' translated by W. N. Hailmann. CHAPTER II "The History of Modern Elemen- tary Education," 1912 433-460 "Educational Encyclopaedia" 598 "Outline of School Administra- tion, 1912 55-156 ' ' Kindergarten in the U. S., ' ' 1914 7-12-15 "The Report of Commission of Education" CHAPTER III "The Method of Kindergarten Training " ( In Japanese ) , 1906 120-125 ' ' Encyclopaedia Japonica " (In Japanese), 1908 1569-1572 CHAPTER IV "Manual of Mental and Physical Tests," 1914 42-43-44 E. L. Thorndike "Theory of Mental and Social Measurement," 1913 227 International "The Report of the Twenty-Second Kindergarten Annual Meeting," 1915 116-117 Union "The Elementary School Journal," June No., 1915 543-550 Further references are in the foot-notes. s. C. Paker, P. Monroe F. Froebel S. C. Paker P. Monroe A. C. Perrt? U. S. Bulletin Nc ). 6 U. S. M. Atsuma DOBUNKWAN a. M. Whipple [Ixiii] INDEX TO TABLES TABLE I. TABLE 11. TABLE III. FIG. I. FIG. II. FIG. III. FIG. IV. FIG. V. FIG. VI. FIG. VII. Percents of pupils graded A, B, and C in each traits of Kindergarten chil- dren in 20 common elementary schools 47 Classification of the teachers criticisms of the Kindergarten children . 56 Percents of pupils graded A, B, and C in school marks of 1000 children . 59 INDEX OF FIGURES No. of children enrolled in Kindergarten in 1912 25 The comparison of Kindergarten children and Non-Kindergarten children of common elementary schools in Hiroshima City . . . .48 The comparison of NK in Hiroshima and K of 20 common elementary schools 49 The combined comparison of five groups 51 The comparison of the three groups of common elementary schools . . 52 The comparison of the higher elementary schools 53 The comparison of the total sums of each trait of each group [Ixiv] 54 I I I