Class _JjLii_L5j Book o Cy Gop)Tight N" CDEUtlCHT DEPOSIT. PRESENTED S Y J If EL HAYDE' .^^.r-r^-^^^ .,.^.:^,h^%' 'M'm*i ■slMi- SABRINA SABRINA Being a Chronicle of the Life of the Goddess of AMHERST COLLEGE Recorded by WiNTHBOP H. Smith, Guardian of the Class of 1916 Haxvob R. Sbwahd and John G, Gibson, 2nd of the Class of 1919 ^^il JUN \'6 l92i >CI.A6i47G4 Copyright, 19Sl,hy HALVOR R. SEWARD JOHN G. GIBSON, 2d WINTHROP H. SMITH TO AMHERST IN WHOSE LIFE SABRINA HAS PLAYED SO VITAL AND PICTURESQUE A PART WE DEDICATE THIS BOOK. PREFACE THE mystery, the romance and the un- confirmed rumors that have surrounded Sabrina for more than thirty years have built up a tradition unparalleled in the history of any other American college. The customs grow- ing up around the Goddess have been entirely spontaneous, the rivalry between Odd and Even classes originated naturally and grew in strength as the years passed by, until today the tradi- tion has become so intense and meaningful that the mere mention of Sabrina is sure to quicken the pulse of every Amherst man. Some twelve years ago, Max Shoop, of the class of nineteen ten, published a History of Sabrina. Up till then Sabrina had been the subject of considerable speculation; stories of her numerous travels and startUng appearances had been handed down by word of mouth, and exaggeration, purposeful and imaginative, wove a shroud of mystery about ''our fostering divin- ity." There were those who even doubted the existence of the statue. Shoop succeeded in gathering up the odds and ends of the story and presented them in a very pleasing and construc- tive way. Since the publication of that work much has taken place. Indeed, the most momentous hap- vi PREFACE pening in the recent life of Sabrina has occurred, for she is now in the hands of the Odd Classes, after twenty-nine years uninterrupted tenure by Even Classmen. The same doubts and mystery now prevail as did before Shoop's book was written, and as there have been many requests from alumni and undergraduates for an account of the last ten years' experiences, we have made an attempt here to fill this need. In doing so, we have tried to take a large view of Sabrina, and have treated the tradition as an integral part of the Spirit of Amherst, not as an affair of Odd or Even Classes only. We have tried to present an impartial account, giving credit where credit is due. Believing that the inclusion of a complete history would best serve the interest of the reader, we have traced the adventures of Sabrina from the time when she first adorned the campus to the last Sabrina banquet. The accounts herein contained are based upon the experiences of the Sabrina guardians since nineteen twelve, and of our contemporaries, as related to us. Acknowledgment is here made to Sydney D. Chamberlain, Walter McGay and Roswell P. Young, '14, John Atwater, '15, Philip H. See and Jacob P. Estey, '18, David S. SoH- day and Morris Bowman, '19, Kenneth B. Low and Paul C. Philhps, '21, and Rowell S. Schlei- cher, '21, for their interest and co-operation. EARLY DAYS SABRINA was given to Amherst College by Governor Joel Hayden of Massachusetts in the year 1857. The statue, which originally occupied a place of honor upon the terrace be- tween Old North College and the Octagon, was patterned after the statue of a nymph which is still at Shrewsbury, England. It rested upon a circular sandstone base on the front of which was an inscription. "Presented by Joel Hayden of Haydenville." Sabrina remained here for several years and enjoyed comparative peace and quiet. The first prank which was played upon her occurred a few years after her presentation to the college when a youth arrayed the Goddess in divers gar- ments stolen from a nearby girls school. Need- less to say, the student was dealt with by the faculty, and to this day Sabrina's fair cheek bears the marks of the student's ill-timed vengeance. From this time on Sabrina was the butt of the undergraduate body. She was whitewashed, indecorously decorated, and often anticipated her future career by frequent changes of color. 1 2 SABRINA The first abduction of which record can be found was committed by the class of '77. After a short sojourn away from the campus she ap- peared again in her famihar place. As yet no feeling of class proprietorship had grown up around the statue, but many were the humilia- tions Sabrina suffered at the hands of various jovial blades. She was first used as a distinctly class affair when '80 placed her on top of the Octagon holding a rag baby labeled '"81." Later on she appeared at the Class Supper of '82 where she occupied the seat of honor, but her exalted position was soon reversed, for the spite- ful class of '83 immersed her deep in the college well. Thereafter the same jest was repeated, usually after a college victory. By this time, the faculty having become vitally weary of the students' rude treatment of the gift to the college of such a distinguished man, decided to put an end to the affair. Then, too, her appearance was becoming increasingly unattractive. Ac- cordingly, the college janitor was given the task of removing and doing away with the statue. This faithful servant of the college could not withstand the mute appeal of the Goddess for mercy, and accordingly hid her away from the prying eyes of the students in his barn. Here it remained for two years, as the "tradition of the hidden Goddess" took root. EARLY DAYS 3 As new men came to college, they heard the story of the Goddess and two men, Duffey and Ingalls, of the class of '90, hit upon the idea of resurrecting Sabrina. They traced the history of the statue with great care, and in obedience to rumor that the college janitor still had her in his possession, they started out on Sunday night June 19, 1887 accompanied by Durgin, Child and Raymond of the same class to find her. After a prolonged search of the janitor's premises, the statue was found in the barn, and they took the Goddess to Guernsey's, where they were living, and hid her away in the cellar. Ninety at this time planned to reintroduce Sabrina to the col- lege with an appropriate celebration, but this plan had been discovered by its rival class '89. The result of the attempt to hold the celebra- tion was a terrific struggle in Chapel Tower. Sabrina did not appear as the surprise that '90 had planned; she was more securely hidden in the attic of Guernsey's house. The class of '90 now decided to have the Goddess appear at their Class Banquet, and plans were laid accordingly. Wells, '91, over- heard the Sophomores plotting, and immediately communicated his information to some of his friends, and they planned to frustrate '90's de- signs. The Even Class had already departed for its supper, leaving but four men to guard the 4 SABRINA guest of honor. Wells summoned ten men to his room, among whom were Morris, Hamilton, Crosier, Knight, Ludington, Hammond, Wood- ruff and Crocker. These men stealthily followed the team bearing the statue as it moved slowly up towards Chapel from Guernsey's. Seizing an advantageous moment, the men of '91 sprang upon the equipage, and Sabrina came for the first time into the possession of an Odd Class. She was promptly spirited away and rumor has it that she spent that summer deep beneath the placid waters of the broad Connecticut. The following poem from the '91 Olio aptly describes the foregoing incident: The summer term was closing fast, When through old Amherst village passed The Class of Ninety, on the road To the depot with their precious load, Sabrina. For now, indeed, 'twas their intent To add to joy and merriment By taking, their festive board to grace, The maiden with the pretty face, Sabrina. This fact has oft come to our ken, The best laid plans of mice and men Do fail. And this was just the case With Ninety and that form of grace, Sabrina. EARLY DAYS For to the Class of Ninety-One The knowledge of their plan had come, And each man solemnly declared "This toast to-night shall not be heard, Sabrina." So when Old Guernsey, in his cart, For the New London Northern made a start With that fair Goddess snug within, At once the Freshman howled like sin, "Sabrina." "Deter me not," the old man said, In mortal terror for his head, "The power of Ninety is great and wide," But loud a clarion voice replied, "Sabrina." And e'en before the dear old man Had really grasped their wicked plan. He heard mid sounds of trampling feet A voice which cried far up the street, "Sabrina." They drove the maid o'er hill and dale Until they reached a gloomy vale, And then without a hymn or prayer. In silence grim, they buried there, Sabrina. The Sophomores they cussed and swore Of oaths some ninety gross or more; But to their supper had to go Without the girl they'd longed for so, Sabrina. 6 SABRINA And if to-day you wish to cloy Some dainty little Ninety boy, It always works for reasons clear, To whisper softly in his ear, "Sabrina!" The first Odd Class Sabrina Banquet was an auspicious occasion. The Supper was held at Watch Hill, R. I., and Sabrina was greeted with tumultuous applause. The class, having char- tered a tug, sailed around the Sound, following the Yale-Harvard boat race on a Httle ship bear- ing Sabrina aloft upon her bow. This caused quite a sensation at the regatta, and many ques- tions were asked concerning her. That evening H. C. Crocker, then guardian, took her by train to Westerly, R. I. and then to Watch Hill by wagon. Sabrina, according to '91 men, was reported to have liked the company of its protecting class much better than that of the class of '90. In the two succeeding years the Even Classes, then in college, availed nothing in their attempts to capture the Goddess. In the Fall of 1889 she was formally handed down to the class of '93, at that time in its Freshman year. This was the beginning of the tradition that Sabrina should be regarded as the subject of legitimate warfare between Odd and Even classes, and that she should descend by right of heritage to the succeeding class. All EARLY DAYS 7 this winter she was kept in the barn at the home of Wells, '91, at Hatfield. This class brought Sabrina to its freshman banquet which was held at Springfield, and at this time and during the rest of that year she was under the guardianship of Schauffler who kept her under a haymow in a barn at Claremont, New Hampshire. Ninety-three planned to have its Sophomore Banquet in Boston in June 1891. The Goddess had been moved to a warehouse in Springfield and a committee was intrusted to bring the statue to the dinner. James Breed was selected to take Sabrina to Boston, and E. R. Houghton to see her safely back to Springfield. Breed, after crat- ing the statue, saw it safely to Boston where it appeared at the banquet in Tremont House, and was greeted with the caresses which have become since a time-honored custom. '93's account of its banquet appeared in the Olio. She was called ''Our Fostering Divinity Sabrina," and from this time on she has been held the Goddess of many a class. Houghton re-shipped the statue by American Express to Springfield and went to Amherst planning to conceal it safely the next day, but on his arrival in Springfield he found no Sabrina waiting for him. The reason for Houghton's disappointment laid in the activity of the class of '94. When these Even Classmen got wind 8 SABRINA of the Boston banquet they sent one of their members, Ben Hyde, ''to get" Sabrina. Hyde, once in Boston, speedily traced the box in which she had been shipped to the express office and there discovered that she had been sent to Spring- field in the name of E. R. Houghton that morn- ing. He promptly went to Springfield, entered the office of the American Express Company, and asked if a packing case addressed to E. R. Houghton had been received. The clerk answer- ing in the affirmative, he then asked him if he had not received a notification to reship the box immediately to Boston. Hyde was so insistent and his manner was so serious that the clerk was brought completely to his knees. With his as- sistance the statue was loaded on to an east bound train in the nick of time. Hyde signed the receipt for the box in his own name, and this stroke of daring, be it said to his credit, was not discovered by the worried clerk. On his way to Boston with the statue Hyde decided upon his future plans. He telegraphed an old servant to meet him at the train, and to notify no one of what was going on. When the train pulled in, the box was placed in a wagon, and Hyde and his servant drove off with it. By this time the news had spread abroad and for several days Hyde kept up an exciting game of "Hyde and Seek." The old servant who was EARLY DAYS 9 very familiar with Boston, proved of great serv- ice in concealing the statue by day, and then moving it to new and unknown places by night. Sabrina is stated to have reposed at this time in many parts of Boston, Cambridge, and along the water front and in the South End. While this game was being played, Hyde had returned to Amherst, where he was confronted with ar- rest on the charge of forgery by the American Express Company. He lost no time in getting to New York, and with a promptitude which was characteristic of his splendid daring and quick judgment throughout this entire escapade, took a steamer for Europe, and remained abroad for a few months while the disturbance he had kicked up died down. The class of '93, justly angered at having lost their Goddess, made every effort to apprehend Hyde, but Hyde Senior, looking further into the matter, discovered that the class of '93 had no legal title to Sabrina; that it had been stolen from Amherst College by a previous class, and accordingly he interviewed the officials of the Express Company and explained that the entire affair was a huge college joke. Together, they agreed that the matter should be dropped unless the college should request that they take action. Hyde now returned and was welcomed by the men of his class as the hero of the hour. 10 SABRINA Ninety-four at once took action to celebrate their new possession of the Goddess in a fitting way. Plans were laid for a banquet to be held at Brattleboro, Vermont, this spot being chosen because it reduced the possibilities of pursuit to the minimum. A special train was chartered on the New London and Northern R. R., now the Central Vermont, and was held in waiting back of the hat factory. The entire class reached it in good order, and as the train slowly moved away the strains of a song since become well known upon the campus were heard for the first time. The song was written especially for the occasion by Ned Burnham, and is as follows; "All hail! Sabrina dear, The Widow of each passing year; Long may she live and be The Widow of posterity." In the meantime Sabrina had been brought from Boston to Brattleboro and here Stone, president of '94, and Ben Hyde took her to the rear entrance of the Brooks House where the class arrived about ten o'clock. The statue was unboxed and presented to the class amidst the usual applause. After '94 had given vent to all its righteous enthusiasm for their recently reclaimed divinity, she was loaded into a wagon and Stone, accompanied by Hyde, Howe, and EARLY DAYS 11 Smith drove her to the hiding place which had been agreed upon beforehand, Hermon C. Har- vey, a resident of Chesterfield, N. H., allowing Sabrina to be safely tucked away under the floor of his barn. The men returned to Brattleboro and accom- panied the class to Amherst where they arrived early the next morning. The rumors of Odd Class detective work were rife in college during the following year, and this culminated in the attempt of '93 to bluff Hyde and Stone into betraying the hiding place of the statue. Hyde was informed by a stranger that the location of the Goddess was known. The Odd Class hoped in this way to induce Stone to re-visit the place of concealment and then to quietly track him there. Hyde, however, proved too astute to be deceived by this trick. Later on in the year, however, Stone shipped the statue to Hyde in Boston, where it was kept until Sabrina was turned over to the class of '96 at their Sophomore Banquet. Ninety-six had its first glimpse of Sabrina in the fall of its Freshman year, 1892, at its Class Sup- per which was held in the Mansion House in Greenfield. To hold a Sabrina Banquet so near to Amherst was considered a daring innovation, but arrangements had been carefully worked out beforehand: a special train had been chartered, 12 SABRINA and all was made ready. As the class was about to board the train they discovered to their con- sternation that large numbers of '95 and '93 were already inside. No one, save the guardians knew where the supper was to be. A rumor was quietly spread about by the Even Classes that the banquet was to be held at Brattleboro, and when the train arrived at Millers Falls '96 was called out on the platform, where they politely offered to fight the classes of '95 and '93. This offer being refused in equally polite terms, various enterprising Even Classmen shut the doors of the coaches, and the train was ordered out of the station. Thus, the Odd Classmen were com- pletely outwitted, but this happening so alarmed the guardians that it was deemed advisable not to bring Sabrina to Greenfield. The banquet, nevertheless, was held and proved more success- ful than recent banquets. Ninety-six was to see its Goddess, however, and this event took place when they held their Sopho- more banquet at Nassau, N. H. A special train transported the class to Nassau. All this time Sabrina had been concealed in a sausage factory in Boston, from where she was shipped in care of Stone. At the banquet she was formally turned over to '96, Charles Staples being appointed guardian. Accounts of this banquet describe the old custom of carrying the Goddess into the EARLY DAYS 13 banquet hall on the shoulders of the football men of the class. She was enthusiastically received, and as usual, occupied her position of honor at the table. The box in which Sabrina had reached Nassau was re-shipped by Staples and this case, in the course of time, fell into the hands of the Odd Classmen. The box was opened and to their great disgust they beheld not the familiar, much coveted Goddess, but a heap of paltry scrap iron. This happening rather dampened the ardor of '95, and we can well imagine the amusement that it caused the members of the class of '96. Staples had in the meantime secreted the God- dess in a cistern in the attic of a house in Bran- don, Vermont. Later on in the year this same guardian, while attending a dance at Smith Col- lege, overheard a certain fair Sophomore telling some '95 men that she knew where Sabrina was. His consternation increased as he heard the young lady describe the location of the Goddess exactly, not only saying that it was in Brandon, Vermont, but giving the actual details of its con- cealment in a cistern. The '95 men appeared to be greatly interested, but postponed search, for the more present pleasures of the occasion. Staples, without stopping to change his evening clothes, went directly to Brandon and promptly shipped Sabrina to Elba, N. Y. under the guise 14 SABRINA of ''special machinery." Here she was kept until turned over to the class of '98. This incident illustrates the extent to which Sabrina's fame had been noised abroad. As later developments revealed, Staple's roommate was discovered to have intimated to a girl in Boston that he was connected with Sabrina do- ings, and on that account had at one time gone to Vermont. The remainder of the story is a product of the imagination of the young lady, and is an interesting sidelight upon the doings of Dame Gossip. After the tale was communicated to the girl's mother, it gradually found its way back to Smith College, where Staples heard it, with the alarming results recorded above. Ninety-eight held its Freshman Banquet at Hartford but due to the pressing activity of '97, Sabrina did not grace the affair. Samuel B. Fur- bish was selected as guardian, and under his gen- eralship Sabrina was brought to the Sophomore Banquet of the class, held at the Putnam House in Bennington, Vermont. Furbish journeyed to Rotterdam Junction, New York, where he re- ceived the statue, which he immediately shipped to Bennington. This banquet was a brilliant affair. Sabrina appeared upon the shoulders of the football heroes, and was placed upon a large divan near the head table. She was greeted in prescribed 72 P Oh o o EARLY DAYS 15 form, and then quickly disappeared. After the class had returned to Amherst, Furbish re-packed the statue and started out on a tedious journey by wagon for the New York boundary line. Arriving at Cambridge, N.Y., the box was shipped to Albany, where it was concealed in a ware- house. Here it remained until the Fall of 1897 when it was turned over by Furbish to E. E. Green, the new guardian of the class of 1900. Sabrina appeared to the class of 1900 on Mon- day evening November 1, 1897, in the Hotel Mohican in New London where their banquet was held. Careful arrangements had been made beforehand. The Goddess was taken from Al- bany to New Haven where Green discovered that the last train for New London had gone. This was on the day of the banquet. But upon putting up a good story about the urgent neces- sity of getting his '^machine" to New London that night, arrival was effected. The statue was taken to the hotel, and as the class sat about the board, Sabrina was ushered in by four men. After she had been greeted and given the cus- tomary ovation, she was again whisked away and started on her travels. Green set out in a wagon on a forty mile jour- ney across state in the face of a howling storm. After several hours of the most hectic adventur- ing the wagon broke down. Temporary repairs 16 SABRINA were made and the journey continued to where a new team was kept in waiting. Here it was found necessary to wait for further repairs and it was not until early morning that they resumed their flight. Arriving at the railroad station, the statue was shipped to Albany where it remained until it was given into the custody of the class of 1902. Members of the class of '99, although having no advance information of the banquet in New London, arrived there the morning afterwards. They attempted by all possible means to trace Sabrina after she left the hotel, and although large sums of money were offered, no authentic information was uncovered. It was rumored that Sabrina was removed and placed beneath the waters of the lake nearby and that the class of '99 had taken her from this resting place and had secreted her themselves after the Even Class- men had returned to college. This, however, turned out to be nothing more than an imagina- tive writing of a reporter for a local newspaper, and of those '99 men who had made a strenuous but unsuccessful attempt to recover the statue for the Odd Classes. The banquet of the class of 1902 was similar in many ways to preceding affairs. The God- dess had been turned over to Robert Cleeland by Green, and after an arm of the statue which had EARLY DAYS 17 been broken on the adventurous trip related above had been repaired, Sabrina was shipped to Springfield and stored in the factory of Kibbe Brothers, the trip being accomplished without difficulty. The original plan, to hold the ban- quet at the Hotel Wellington, North Adams, was discovered by Odd Classmen, necessitating a change, and as a result the supper was held at the Hotel Worthy in Springfield. Again it was thought risky to bring the statue so near to Amherst, but the banquet was held without any untoward event. After her appearance Sabrina was again hidden away in the Kibbe factory. Odd Class activity was strong during this period in the college. 1904 had great difficulty in selecting a guardian upon whom suspicion did not attach, but Joseph B. Eastman was finally selected. Making an ingenious excuse that his uncle had died and that he was on his way to attend the funeral, Eastman went to Springfield on May 4, 1902. The next day he and Cleeland took Sabrina from the factory and shipped her to New London. The box was taken to the second story of the Massasoit House where she awaited the arrival of the Class of 1894. When all had taken their places Sabrina was ushered into the room, greeted with great enthusiasm, and the usual mystic rites having been performed, the Goddess disappeared. Eastman shipped her by 18 SABRINA the Norwich Hne to New York City where she was hidden in a store-house on West Street. Ralph W. Wheeler was chosen the guardian of 1906. This class held their banquet at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York on May 9, 1904, and two days before, Wheeler removed the statue to the hotel. The class arrived next day and the Goddess made her appearance. This banquet was unusual in that it was held at high noon. Afterwards the statue was hidden in the second story of a machine shop in Man- hattan. Breaking all tradition the same city was again chosen as the place in which to hold the next Sabrina Banquet, that of the class of 1908. Fayette F. Read, the new guardian, after the usual banqueting ceremonies had taken place at the Hotel Astor on March 19th, 1906, took the Goddess to a Fifth Avenue warehouse where she was left for a week, after which he removed her to Holyoke. From there she was taken up the river and hidden in a log cabin near the bank. NINETEEN TEN WHEN the class of 1910 came into the possession of Sabrina they decided to stimulate a wider interest in the tra- dition by showing it to the entire college. Plans were laid to bring it through town during Prom time, and the particular event chosen was the Williams baseball game. Max Shoop, then guar- dian, arranged with Green, 1912, to bring his machine to college a few days ahead of time, so that no suspicion might attach to its presence. Sabrina was at this time in the cottage of Read, guardian of '08, and on May 24th, Fink, presi- dent of 1910, Francis, Henry and Shoop of '10, and Corwin and Green of '12, took the statue from its hiding place and brought it back to Amherst, where it was secreted over night in the cellar of the house of John Henry. The next afternoon secret instructions were given the entire class of 1910 to assemble at Henry's barn that evening. They foregathered there and by candle light they saw Sabrina. Her presence within the college town was a complete surprise and was a breach of tradition, for Sabrina had not been in Amherst for the last fifteen years. When the class had left their 19 20 SABRINA Goddess, the six men mentioned above put Sabrina into Green's car and took her to the home of Mr. Toole, Hving near Sunderland, where she was left over night. On the next afternoon, which was a Wednes- day, at two o'clock the undergraduates marched to Pratt Field to witness the Williams game. This was the signal for the plotters to steal from town unobserved. Sabrina was again placed in the tonneau of Green's car and preparations were made for defence in the event of attack. The arrangements at the field were thoroughly carried out: each gate was watched, the tele- phone in the dressing room was disconnected, new locks were kept in readiness to fasten the gates after Sabrina had left the field, various men were told to put Odd Class motor cycles and automobiles which might be used in pursuit out of business, and all was made ready. Sabrina was to appear on the field at five minutes past four. A second machine was to be held in wait- ing outside the fence to follow Green's car and block pursuit. The car bearing Sabrina drove into town at four o'clock and when the appointed time had come approached the field. Williams was at bat in the first half of the fifth inning. The ma- chine with Sabrina, carefully concealed, entered the ball grounds and casually took its place NINETEEN TEN 21 alongside the other cars present, whose occu- pants had no idea of the event about to take place. As the inning closed Green started for- ward and ran his car down second base line as the Goddess was raised on high. After a mo- ment's astonished pause, the crowd broke loose, and the air was filled with conflicting shouts of Sabrina and non-Sabrina patrons. The car quickly disappeared and the gates were shut behind her by men told off for this duty, and was seen speeding on its way toward Northhampton, being followed in the rear by another car, and Bedford and Ladd, '10, on motor cycles. Arriving at the crossroads in Hadley, the second car was sent on to '^Hamp" to baffle pursuers, and the motor cycles returned to Amherst. Sabrina then made her way quickly down the river road and was hidden in the cellar of a jewelry store in Holyoke. A fact which adds excitement to this escapade was the casual remark of a certain tradesman who had heard of the gathering in Henry's barn the night previous, and had actually seen Sa- brina taken away later. This man dropped the remark to a student who had happened into the store that Sabrina was going to be brought to the game that day. As luck would have it this man was an Even Classman and at once com- municated this information to the Sabrina guar- 22 SABRINA dians, who in turn hastened to impress upon the tradesman the error of his ways. Not content with this coup, 1910 planned fresh adventures. The class of '94 had requested that Sabrina appear at their reunion banquet at the coming Commencement. Although this seemed to be taking enormous chances, Fink and Shoop decided that it should be done to show the real respect all true Sabrina men had for the class of '94. Notwithstanding the fact that these two men were constantly under observation they ar- ranged the plans. On June 28th they left Springfield with two machines and proceeded to Holyoke where they removed Sabrina. Here they were joined by Francis, Seligman, Corwin, Broughton and Johns, and they proceeded up the road to Hadley, after leaving the rear of the jewelry store with Sabrina, Fink remaining this time in Amherst as a scout. The '94 banquet was to be held in Hitchcock Hall and Shoop was to call Fink three times at different points along the line to see if the coast was clear, so that they might beat a hasty re- treat even up to the last moment. If no danger was foreseen during the last few moments, the machines were to stop near Hitchcock Hall and Sabrina was to be taken to the doorway of the banquet hall and a picture taken of her. The NINETEEN TEN 23 plans worked out successfully, the various calls going through in fine shape. The machines entered Amherst by the Northampton Road, and while the lights were being lit the last call was made, and everything was reported quiet. This was the signal for action. Driving quickly by Hitchcock Hall, the ma- chines stopped and Sabrina was taken up to the door and a flashlight taken during tumultuous applause. Immediately she was put back in the car and disappeared down South Pleasant Street and around by Blake Field and out on to the ^'Hamp Road." They narrowly avoided a trap in front of Chi Psi which had been planned by Wheelock, 1911, who was the chief instigator of all Odd Class opposition at that time, but this attempt was a minute too late to be of any avail. Sabrina was taken back to Holyoke where she was hidden in the jewelry store. Much credit deserves to be given to the class of 1910 and to the men in that class chiefly re- sponsible for Sabrina who had committed the unprecedented and daring acts of bringing the Goddess into Amherst where she had not been for many years, twice during a month. The first time the Odd Classmen were completely surprised and offered little if any opposition, but the second time they were naturally on the alert for the appearance of the statue, and not with- 24 SABRINA standing the fact that a great many of the Alumni, both Odd and Even, were in Amherst at the time, the 1910 men again brought Sabrina safely into town. These two daring feats did much to enhven and vitalize the tradition that had become attenuated by repetition of nothing but Sabrina Banquets every two years. NINETEEN TWELVE NINETEEN TWELVE held its Sabrina Banquet in the Hotel Astor on the 4th of March 1910. She was taken to the hotel by Cornell, Henry, Seligman and Shoop of the class of '10, who removed her from her place of hiding in a down town bank where she had been taken the day before from Holyoke, and took her to the roof of the Astor where she was unpacked and immediately carried into the banquet hall amidst ''All Hails." After she had been duly caressed, she was formally turned over to the class of 1912. The Goddess was taken away at once, re-packed and again stored in the bank. The following Monday she was shipped to a small town on the Maine Coast where she re- mained for some time. This banquet was held in spite of a well-planned attempt of the Odd Classmen to steal the Goddess. Wheelock knew that she was hidden in the above mentioned bank and gained entrance to the build- ing. A prolonged search failed to reveal the much coveted statue and accordingly a staff of de- tectives was employed to watch the structure day and night. It was never known just when Sabrina was removed from the bank under the eyes of these professional guardians, but certain 25 26 SABRINA it is, that she made her appearance at the 1912 banquet in the manner chronicled above. Sabrina did not long remain in her resting place on the Maine coast for she was sent by- Harold Whiteman, guardian of the class of 1912, to Buffalo where she was secreted in the house of Charles J. Staples, who had been the guardian of '96. It was again decided that Sabrina should ap- pear in Amherst at Commencement time and that the class that should have the opportunity of seeing her should be 1900, then holding its tenth reunion. Staples brought Sabrina with him from Buffalo and took her to the home of the Rev. Mr. Whiteman, a brother of the 1912 guar- dian, who lived in Greenfield, Mass. Here she remained for a few days before being taken to Amherst. On the Monday afternoon of this Commence- ment there was a ball game with Wesleyan, and the Odd Classmen again, under the direction of Wheelock, suspecting that Sabrina might appear at this time, kept careful watch throughout the game, but their efforts were of no avail for Sabrina did not appear. During the day Wheeler, Bauman, Hubbard, Miller and White- man '12, and Seligman, Francis and Shoop '10 left town and proceeded to Greenfield where they found Sabrina. The men proceeded again S. D. CHAMBERLAIN 1914 Guardian NINETEEN TWELVE 27 according to a pre-arranged plan to Amherst, telephoning at certain stated times to Cornell, '10, who had remained at Amherst to report any activity of the Odd Classmen. Repeated phone calls revealed the fact that everything was quiet in Amherst so far as Odd Class activity was con- cerned, and Sabrina sped on her way into town and arrived in front of the Psi U. house about eight o'clock. This time, Sabrina was not re- moved from the car; she was lifted to the view of the 1900 men who had not seen her since their banquet thirteen years before, and a flashlight was taken. It happened that the Kellogg Prize Speaking Contest was just over and the com- mon and streets were filled with people. After remaining but a few minutes before the cheering, enthusiastic Even Classmen, Sabrina with her guardians started from town, this time not towards Hamp, but towards Holyoke over the Notch. Once safely out of danger of pursuit, Sabrina was transferred from the hired car in which she had been taken to Amherst to one which belonged to Wheeler, '10, and was then placed in an old barn in Holyoke. The packing case used for Sabrina's transportation had mean- while been shipped from Greenfield to Holyoke and the next day she was again boxed and carted to the Holyoke station. Now began one of the most thrilling adven 28 SABRINA tures in all Sabrina's checkered career, during which she was frequently on the point of capture, and more than once eluded her pursuer only through a trick of fate. The intention had been to send Sabrina to the home of Staples, in Buffalo, immediately, but owing to a delay on the railroads she did not leave Holyoke until two days after her appear- ance at the 1900 banquet. Whiteman and Read accompanied her to Springfield where she was again held up, this time waiting for an express car. Whiteman feared recognition in the Spring- field station and went at once to Buffalo, leaving Read to guard the statue. The express authori- ties had been warned by shippers in Holyoke to allow no one near the box, and one of the officials ordered Read away from it. Read left, being fairly sure that if the express officials were obey- ing instructions so implicitly there was little to fear from Odd Class attempts. Later in the day the box was shipped to Buffalo. Before it was shipped Read had seen detectives measuring the box, and promptly telegraphed Whiteman in Buffalo that pursuit was probable. Whiteman, however, received the box and took it to Staple's house on Parker Avenue. He remained in Buf- falo all that day, but as there was no sign of pur- suit he left for home. An account in the Year Book of the class of NINETEEN TWELVE 29 1911 furnishes the basis for the chronichng of subsequent events. Wheelock, 1911, the man who was the prime mover in all non-Sabrina demonstrations, had discovered that Whiteman was the 1912 guardian. That Sabrina would appear in Amherst at Commencement was known almost to a surety. These suspicions were con^ firmed by the appearance of Whiteman in com- pany with Staples, '96 guardian, in the Green- field station where they were seen by an Odd Classman. Whiteman was accordingly watched. It was not suspected that Sabrina would be shown at the banquet of the class of 1900, for 1907 was holding its Class Supper in the same hotel, The Draper, and the risk seemed too great to be taken. However Sabrina was shown at the reunion headquarters of 1900 in Amherst, on Monday night, and the Odd Classmen were caught napping. Wheelock immediately set out to trace the stat- ue's flight and soon learned that it had gone down the Holyoke road and been shifted into another automobile, but from here on the trail was lost. Wheelock thought she had been shipped back to Greenfield and accordingly went there next day. Returning to Amherst he shadowed Whiteman closely, thinking that he would soon slip out of town to tend to the final hiding of the statue. He learned that Whiteman was going to Green- 30 SABRINA field next morning and would depart later in the day for Rochester, so Wednesday morning Bates and Wheelock took the car for Northampton. To their surprise the Even Class guardian also took this car. To further add to their dismay he did not take the Greenfield train at North- hampton, but sent a telegram to his brother say- ing he would be unable to see him in Greenfield. Whiteman now took the train to Springfield whither he was followed by the two Odd Class- men. As they neared the Holyoke station, Whiteman suddenly jumped from the train. Here he engaged in a short conversation with a person who seemed to be expecting him. He then entered the train again. Bates and Whee- lock, following close on his trail, caught the train as it pulled out, and when the latter again dropped off the train at Riverside, they waited until the train moved out of the station and then jumped off, out of sight of their ward. With great diffi- culty the two men followed the Sabrina guardian for a while but eventually lost him in a crowd. They promptly returned to Holyoke where Wheelock made his way to the Baggage Room in hopes of finding the statue. Here he saw the man with whom Whiteman had spoken a few moments before, and under pretense of looking for some lost baggage he searched the office and soon discovered a box bearing the address NINETEEN TWELVE 31 of Staples. This, he was certain, contained Sabrina. Wheelock and Bates left the office planning to come back later and put Sabrina on a train, but in this move they were anticipated by White- man. They promptly turned their steps toward Springfield, notifying Pinkerton headquarters that "the box" had been discovered at Holyoke, and requesting that men follow and watch it. Upon reaching Springfield, Bates was left to watch while Wheelock went to New York to se- cure funds for further pursuit. Bates wired him that Sabrina had gone on to Buffalo, and he promptly caught the train from New York arriving in Buffalo about ten o'clock Thursday morning. Here he found the box, with the Pinkertons on guard. It was shortly afterward dehvered to Staple's house and Wheelock tele- graphed to Amherst for reserves. On Friday morning Hubbard '07, Stott and Williams, '11 arrived. It was accordingly decided to attempt the capture of Sabrina the next day and inasmuch as the first move was to get Mr. Staples out of town, Wheelock called at Staples' office, representing himself as being a Mr. Francis Cogswell Wickes. He told Mr. Staples that ''he had recently in- herited a large sum of money from his uncle in Syracuse and that as the heirs were going to 32 SABRINA contest the will, he wanted Mr. Staples to go down to Syracuse for a conference with his cousins." After some cross-examining Mr. Staples consented, and it was agreed that he should go down that afternoon, ''Wickes" to join him at Rochester. Detectives confirmed Mr. Staples departure that afternoon, and immediately Wheelock, Clarke, Hubbard and Stott went to Staples' house with a machine. They planned to arrive there, represent themselves as Even Classmen and present evidence that Whiteman had sent them there to remove Sabrina, and in this way make the capture. A telegram was to be de- livered just after their arrival, supposedly signed by Whiteman, to bear them out in their story. But here an unkind fate upset their ingenious plans: their machine blew a tire and they ar- rived at Staple's house after the fake telegram came, instead of before. This telegram read: ''Charles J. Staples, 246 Parker Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Rochester, 6.24 P. M. ''Hiding place discovered. Odd Classmen on way to Buffalo on train to seize it. I am watched. Am sending Miles with men in machine to trans- fer. Deliver it to them and come with it your- self." (Signed) Harold B. Whiteman. NINETEEN TWELVE 33' When the men arrived only Mrs. Staples was at home, and as she did not know to which classes her visitors belonged, she refused them admit- tance. They asked for Mr. Staples and ap- peared greatly surprised when told he was not at home. Wheelock, introducing himself as Miles, '12, produced a note supposedly written by Whiteman directing him to go for the statue. Mrs. Staples informed Wheelock that Sabrina was not in the house and that she had not re- ceived any telegram such as he had told her of, and added that she would not believe them until she heard directly from Whiteman. Wheelock, playing his last trump, promptly told Mrs. Staples that Whiteman had said that if he could escape his followers he would wait for them at the Hotel Richmond with a machine in which to transfer Sabrina, and that in all probability she could get him there now. Williams had been stationed in this hotel and was to answer any telephone calls for Staples. Mrs. Staples promptly called, but here again fate intervened between the Odd Classmen and their much coveted goal. The telephone had just been taken out. In the meantime Mr. Staples, realizing that he had been duped, telegraphed his wife to be care- ful. Mrs. Staples promptly summoned the police and the carefully laid plans for the cap- 34 SABRINA ture of Sabrina by the class of 1911 were broken up once and for all. Wheelock and his band retreated with as good grace as they might, and after shaking hands with Mrs. Staples, departed. Later on they learned that Sabrina was taken away in her box at 3.30 in the afternoon of July 4, and no trace of her destination was found. Thus ended an exciting chapter in the life and travels of a much followed Goddess. Combina- tions of luck and bungling had robbed the Odd Classmen of their best chance of obtaining pos- session of Sabrina. But the war was still to be waged. Wheelock's account of this affair in the Year Book, mentioned before, concludes as follows. ''Some day, however, the Evens will bungle, and there will be no Mrs. Staples to save them, and fortune may not favor them with flat tires and missing telephones, and the police may not be quite so near at hand, and then there will be a different result in this most unequal contest." Truly, a great prophecy! The Even Classes were so worried by the at- tempt led by Wheelock to rob them of their Deity, that Sabrina did not again venture from her hiding place until the banquet of the class of 1914 which was held at the Hotel Rensselaer in Troy, New York. Sydney Chamberlain was appointed guardian NINETEEN TWELVE 35 of '14 and every precaution was taken in making arrangements. Wednesday morning, February 14th, 1912 the Even Classmen left Amherst for Albany, all but two or three of the class of 1914 being present as well as several seniors. They spent the day in Albany and that evening gathered in the lobby of the Hotel Ten Eyck. Stuart, '12, took the men to Troy by trolley where they went at once to the Hotel Rensselaer. During the dinner a tele- gram was received from Fink in Boston, stating that Wheelock, then in New York, and Blades, '09, at that time in Brockton, had received news of the banquet and were planning to take im- mediate action. Sabrina was accordingly put in her box and sent immediately to Buffalo where she was again secreted in the house of Staples '96. NINETEEN FOURTEEN WHEN commencement of 1913 ap- proached, the powers that be, at the instigation of Max Shoop, came to the conclusion that it was time to bring Sabrina to the attention of the college body and the returning classes. This commencement was deemed an es- pecially auspicious occasion inasmuch as a large number of Even Classes were to be back, and par- ticularly as 1910 was holding its third reunion. As the result of a conference between Shoop, and Chamberlain, '14, who was the guardian at that time, it was definitely arranged to bring Sabrina into town on the day of the Dartmouth baseball game, and if possible, to drive her in a machine on to Pratt Field and to exhibit her before the commencement crowd. The details were left entirely to Chamberlain, who at a later date laid his plans before McGay '14, the only other man in college who knew of the Lady's present whereabouts. These two then chose S. G. Hubbard, R. M. Kimball, W. O. Morrow and Heald, '14, and W. H. Smith '16, the latter two of whom were to drive the two cars composing the expedition, to assist. The guardian swore his assistants to eternal secrecy, cautioning them that the success of their scheme 36 NINETEEN FOURTEEN 37 lay entirely in keeping any knowledge of it from the Odd Classmen, and assuring them that every- thing would be plain sailing if such were the case. The plan outlined to the conspirators was that Morrow would proceed to Buffalo where Sabrina was in the keeping of C. J. Staples, '96, and con- duct her to Springfield. At that point, he was to be met by the Even Classmen. Sabrina was then to be taken to Kibbe's candy factory, in Springfield, unpacked from her box and then placed in Smith's machine and taken to the home of Hubert Barton, '10, in South Amherst. In the meantime McGay and Kimball were assigned the task of surreptitiously cutting away a part of the fence on the western side of Pratt Field, and then replacing it in such a manner that it might be instantly removed in case the main exit to the field should be blocked. It was decided to let a few other even classmen in on the plans an hour or so before the event was to transpire for the purpose of having more help in case of trouble. Men were to be sta- tioned at both entrances of the field with pad- locks and chains, one man at the underpass with a flag to signal that the road was clear, another at the Amherst House to receive telephone messages from the automobile party as it ap- proached town, and still another at the Delta Up- silon House to keep watch on that part of town. 38 SABRINA It was planned to start from Barton's house with the statue in Smith's car and proceed to- wards Pratt Field, stopping several times to phone the lookouts. Arriving at the east gate of the field, which was to be in charge of a '14 man, the car was to enter the field, drive across the diamond, and make its way out by way of the Hamp gate, where Heald '14, in his car. Buffing- ton '14, Curtis '14 and Ames '16, on their motor cycles, armed with revolvers, were to be waiting and follow as a rear guard. Chamberlain realized that he was under sus- picion and knew that his absence from town would be a clear announcement that something was likely to happen. For this reason he delegated Morrow as his representative and sent him to Buffalo to meet Staples, receive Sabrina from him and take her to Springfield. Inasmuch as Staples and Morrow were not acquainted with each other, the latter carried with him a message from Professor Genung in ''Nungie's" own handwriting, that was to serve as a pass port. This precaution was taken, for they knew Staples would be extremely suspicious owing to the nearly disastrous results of the expedition led by Wheelock, '11, several years before, and that he would require some very definite proof of Morrow's identity and authority before delivering his precious charge. NINETEEN FOURTEEN 39 Such was the case, for when Morrow arrived in Buffalo and made himself known to the cus- todian he was forced to undergo a very rigid examination before Staples finally accepted him as Chamberlain's lieutenant. When Staples was satisfied that everything was all right, he turned the Lady over and Morrow immediately consigned Sabrina, packed in her large box, to the Express Company for shipment to Kibbe's factory, and placed the customary $1000 value upon it. The box was labeled machinery for a ''break down" job, and orders were to rush it through with all possible speed. All this took place on Sunday, the day before the appearance was to take place, and Sabrina was to leave Buffalo on the three o'clock train that afternoon, arriving in Springfield at 3:30 A. M. Monday morning. Sunday night in Amherst, the first of the carefully laid plans miscarried, for while Kimball and McGay were endeavoring to saw through the fence at Pratt Field, they were frightened away by a negro living in a nearby house who had been awakened by the noise they were making. Late that evening, they all met in Springfield on an unfrequented side street and waited in the two motors until it was time to meet the 3:30 train. Great was the disappointment, however, when at last the train arrived without the box; the long 40 SABRINA hours till dawn dragged slowly on, numerous trains arrived from the West, but none with the expected burden. At 6 A. M. Morrow wired Staples and Chamberlain phoned the faithful watchman at Kibbe's of the latest turn of events, for he was as eager for the experience as any of the others, inasmuch as he had helped in other escapades in former years. Not until 10 o'clock did word come from Buffalo and then only to say that a tracer was being sent, but no real news of Sabrina was to be had. Many were the misgivings and fears that went through the minds of those men as they finally saw their carefully prepared plans were doomed to failure and as seemed likely at that moment, that they had undoubtedly been outwitted by the Odds and Sabrina had passed to other hands. Not until Tuesday morning did definite word come from Staples, and then it was to say that the box had never left Buffalo, due to some mix-up in the office of the Express Company. It was then too late to bring the Lady through that Commencement, so, keyed up as they were with excitement and anticipation, Shoop and Chamberlain decided to cause a little fun at the Lawn Fete and give the Odd Classes something to ponder about. With this in mind, Ferguson '16 was secured to use his car and with Avirett '16 under a robe and several others on the running NINETEEN FOURTEEN 41 board, they appeared in front of Walker Hall while the Lawn Fete was in progress. Word had already been passed around for the Even Class- men to meet there at 10 o'clock. In the dark- ness Avirett raised himself up under his covering, there was great cheering and singing of ^'All Hail," and the automobile disappeared, leaving the onlookers under the impression that they had actually seen the Goddess. Opinion was quite evenly divided as to whether or not Sabrina had actually been present, until Chamberlain wrote an article for ''The Monthly" in 1916 clearing up the episode. Naturally, those who were on the inside kept a close mouth and smiled a knowing smile, whenever the subject was mentioned. All during commencement the Odd Classmen were busy and had things carried through as Chamberlain had planned, the subsequent his- tory of Sabrina might have been very different. Atwater and Lyon '15 were patrolling the town in a car, the underpass was blocked and other guards were stationed on the road to Holyoke, so both sides were bitterly disappointed at the turn affairs took and all silently expressed the hope: ''better luck next time." After the unsuccessful attempt to bring Sabrina into Amherst in June, 1913, she remained peace- fully in Buffalo during the summer and until February of 1914. No efforts were made to 42 SABRINA show her that fall, for the reason that McGay, Chamberlain, and Morrow were all on the foot- ball team and did not care to entrust her safety to others. They thought it best to postpone any attempt until the banquet of 1914 and 1916, which was to be held during the late winter. In February of 1914, Chamberlain went to New York where he met Shoop and Burt, '12, the two previous guardians, to discuss plans for the coming banquet. This consultation was a necessary part of the guardian's duties, because it was always required that the two preceding guardians give their consent before any move might be made. The general sentiment at this conference was that the banquet be held as near as possible to Amherst, for it was felt that an extra stimulus was needed to give the Odd Classmen encourage- ment in their pursuit. Chamberlain was anxious to have it held in Pittsfield and as there was no objection, that town was decided upon. A week later, the guardian journeyed to Pitts- field to meet John Downes, the manager of the Wendell Hotel. Chamberlain outlined the mat- ter to Manager Downes, told him of the secrecy required, and found Mr. Downes a most en- thusiastic and helpful assistant. All plans for the forthcoming dinner were made on the spot so no further communication would be required. NINETEEN FOURTEEN 43 In the meantime, G. W. Washburn, President of 1916, had appointed a banquet committee, composed of WilHam Esty, Edward Goodridge, Stewart Rider, and Winthrop Smith, to take care of such matters as menu cards, special trains, speakers, and informing the Even Classmen in secret of the time of departure. Smith was chosen to arrange a train schedule unknown even to the rest of the committee. A week ahead of time the committee were told that the date set was March 18th, and that a special train would leave Amherst at noon, and that the men should be taken to Springfield where seats had been engaged at Poll's theatre for everyone. The classes were to be allowed to think the dinner was to be held in Springfield and were to be told to meet outside of the theatre; further than that the committee was to say nothing. W. O. Morrow was again commissioned to go to Buffalo, which he proceeded to do, leaving Amherst on Tuesday and reaching his destination late that night. This time he experienced no difficulty with Mr. Staples, as the latter knew him well on account of their meeting the year before. Wednesday morning, Sabrina was turned over to Morrow who in turn delivered her to the Express Company, consigning her for ship- ment to John Downes in Pittsfield. Remember- ing his previous failure, Morrow took no chances 44 SABRINA and travelled with the box that there might be no mistake or delays. Everything went smoothly and he reached Pittsfield the afternoon before the others arrived. Mr. Downes secreted Sabrina in the wine cellar where she reposed safely under lock and key. While there alone, Morrow was extremely worried, for Staples had shown him a wire that he had just received, saying, ''Ship Box of Paper to Westfield," signed, ''S. D. Chamberlain." This appeared authentic enough as Sabrina was always referred to as a ''Box of Paper" in communication between Chamberlain and himself. However, Morrow assured him that the plans had not been changed, but it was sufficient to show them that the Odd Class- men knew more than they should, and were planning trouble. Early Wednesday morning a group, consisting of Chamberlain, McGay, Kimball, '14, and Rob- inson '16, left Amherst at different times to meet in Springfield. Thereafter, they departed in Rob- inson's automobile for Pittsfield. It was deemed advisable to take along a car, in which to carry the statue away from the hotel, should they be forced to move hurriedly; and it was thought best to have a car that could not be traced, rather than a public taxi whose driver might easily be bribed to give important information. They had not been gone long when a heavy snow storm began NINETEEN FOURTEEN 45 to make travelling difficult; they were well into the Berkshires, when, after several mishaps, they saw it was impossible to proceed further by automobile, and so they stopped at Chester and went the rest of the way by train. In the meantime, back in Amherst, the classes of 1914 and 1916 assembled at the B. & M. Station at noontime by ones and twos. So carefully had the announcement been made by the Committee, that the special train was well on its way to Springfield before the Odds realized the Sabrina banquet was about to take place. The worshippers of the Goddess went calmly from the station to the theatre while the members of 1915 were desperately telegraphing and tele- phoning all over the surrounding country. Inas- much as the Evens apparently had no intention of going beyond Springfield, the Odds decided to concentrate their efforts on that town and laid their plans to that effect. However, their sur- prise was great, for when the theatre had finished, the committee directed everyone to go to the station and board a special train, waiting there for them. This was accomplished within a very short space of time, and by 5:15 P. M. they were headed for Pittsfield where they arrived at six thirty. The banquet began immediately with no interruption from the enemy, although a 1907 46 SABRINA graduate unwittingly put in an appearance and had the rare privilege of gazing on Sabrina. As soon as the dinner was finished, the Goddess was carried in amidst wild yells and shouts of ap- proval from her admirers. The strain of ''All Hail Sabrina Dear" commenced while the eager Sophomores of 1916, who gazed on their cherished Goddess for the first time, rushed forth to en- velop her in their embrace and place an ardent kiss upon her lips. When the enthusiasm had somewhat abated, Chamberlain succeeded in making himself heard and told of the whereabouts of her hiding place during the last two years, at the same time announcing that he had been the guardian. This fact was greeted with renewed cheers, for the element of secrecy regarding the guardian was always of the greatest interest, continually causing a deal of conjecture. It frequently happened that guardians were present at such times and were obliged to join in the argument expressing their opinion along with the rest. Many amusing incidents of this kind were wont to happen as the pros and cons of various men for the office were set forth. Before the banquet, it had been decided that the safest place to keep the statue was right in the Hotel, and as Manager Downes was agree- able, and even offered a room for that purpose, Chamberlain had Sabrina taken back to the W. H. SMITH 1916 Guardian NINETEEN FOURTEEN 47 wine room and packed safely away in the box. In order to give the Odd Classmen a fake clue, if they happened to be in the vicinity, a large box, closely resembling the original, was placed in a car manned by McGay, Kimball, Robinson, and Andrews, '16, which speeded rapidly away to the outskirts of the town, where the box was broken up and hidden. These men then went to Andrew's home in Pittsfield, taking an early morning train back to Amherst. Back in the Wendell, the party went merrily on, for in those days the 18th amendment had not even been dreamed of, and there was cause for much jubilation. Once again Sabrina had shown herself and once again she had departed without interference. While half the college celebrated, Morrow and Chamberlain were mak- ing themselves comfortable in the wine cellar, zealously chaperoning Sabrina, lest any ardent youth of 1915 enslaved by her attractions, might seek to steal her away for his own glorification. The time was spent in this manner, cots having been brought in, so that the two caretakers were able to spend a most comfortable night. They had planned to take an early morning train, but as Manager Downes reported that two men, apparently detectives, had been questioning him and endeavoring to get information from the serv- ants, it was deemed best to remain under cover 48 SABRINA till later. This they did till late in the after- noon, when word was passed to them that the coast was clear. As it was not possible to keep Sabrina in the wine cellar, the manager turned over a room on the sixth floor, where she was placed in a closet upon the door of which a spe- cial lock was fastened. This having been ac- complished. Chamberlain and Morrow left Pitts- field for Amherst. NINETEEN SIXTEEN SEVERAL months after the Pittsfield ban- quet, Chamberlain and Smith, '16, took a quiet motor trip one Sunday afternoon, the destination of which was the scene of the festiv- ities just described. On this occasion the former guardian introduced the 1916 guardian to Man- ager Downes of the Wendell Hotel. This had not been possible before, because it was most import- ant that the next guardian be kept carefully in the background that there might be no suspicion as to his identity. As soon as Chamberlain had revealed the next custodian to Mr. Downes and had assured himself that Sabrina still remained safely in the Wendell, the two left for Amherst. About the first of June, Smith found an excuse to leave town and seized the opportunity to journey to Pittsfield where he immediately ob- tained the statue, turned it over to the American Express Company and consigned it to himself in Boston. Washburn, '16, had made arrangements with his father for the safe-keeping of Sabrina, so Smith had her transferred to a train for Brockton on arrival in Boston. Unfortunately, he found that the express car on the first train was entirely filled and as he was in a great hurry, prevailed on 49 50 SABRINA the locomotive engineer to allow the box to be loaded on the tender. Thus, Sabrina travelled for thirty odd miles amidst the coal and cinders; it was a strange sight and must have caused much curiosity, but all went well and they arrived safely in Brockton. Here Mr. Washburn met Smith with an automobile truck and they carried the Goddess to a storehouse of his where she was destined to spend considerable of her time for the next two years. Shortly before college opened in the fall of 1914, George Washburn arrived in Springfield with the Lady and from that point journeyed by automobile to Smith's home in South Hadley. For three months, the two had been studiously planning a campaign for showing Sabrina to the student body. Realizing that as the general consensus of opinion among the Odd Classes was that an appearance would be staged on Pratt Field, they decided some other occasion would be more auspicious. Their purpose was to find a time when most of the college body would be gathered together, and likewise a situation that would completely surprise every- one. At last they agreed upon Chapel Rush. For the first time this ancient fracas was to be held on the common in front of College Hall. This situation had everything in its favor; there were two main roads to choose as an exit, and NINETEEN SIXTEEN 51 as the affair was to take place at the very opening of college, they felt that the Odds would have had no chance to discuss plans for a defense. All this having been decided, Washburn and Smith arranged their plans in detail. Before sunrise on the morning of Thursday, the 24th of September 1914, Sabrina was placed in Smith's motor, covered with robes, and with top up and curtains down, the men mentioned above proceeded north to Hadley and thence to North Amherst. The policy decided upon had been to take as few into confidence as was possible, for the guardians were firmly convinced that secrecy and not numbers would go farthest towards success. With this in mind, Ed Goodridge and Burt Ames, '16, had been asked to be in North Amherst early that morning, the latter to bring his motorcycle. In addition Gregory, '12, Kim- ball and Heald, '14, and Robinson, '16, were to act as a rear guard in Gregory's car and Pike Gillies, '16,^ was selected to keep the motor party in touch with the situation by 'phone. At North Amherst, Goodridge took Wash- burn's place, as he was obliged to return to college to help conduct the Chapel Rush, he being class president. Goodridge and Smith, followed by Ames, immediately went northward ^ Killed in Wall Street explosion, September 16, 1920. 52 SABRINA finding a retired spot on a lonely road a mile or so above the village where they felt it would be safe to remain. It was but 8: 30, with more than two hours before the coup was to occur. Smith carefully explained the plan to the others and together they discussed every eventuality. As the Rush was to take place on the common for the first time, it was hard to tell how the specta- tors would be situated, and whether the road to Holyoke would be open. If possible they wished to take that road, but if this was not feasible, they would take the next best course and go out by way of Northampton. At eleven o'clock, Ames opened telephone communication from a nearby farmhouse with Gillies, who was in his room at the Psi U house, where he was able to overlook the campus. He reported that chapel was then going on and added that the aspect of affairs was a bit suspicious, for a number of seniors had carried golf sticks and baseball bats to chapel instead of canes, as was the usual custom. This news was rather disquieting to the three men, who pictured flying clubs, being directed at their heads, but they reassured themselves by looking over their own armament, which consisted of a shot gun, two Colts, and several bats, and felt that they could give a good account of themselves if worst came to worst. NINETEEN SIXTEEN 53 At eleven forty, the three Even Classmen, with Ames in the lead acting as scout, left their hiding place, going to North Amherst and thence through the Aggie Campus to the lower part of Amity Street. There they found a small house well sheltered from the street by trees, and there, with the owner's permission, they secluded them- selves, lowered the top of the car, and put every- thing in readiness for the ride through town. Again Ames called Gillies on the phone, and held the wire open. Shortly before twelve, the latter reported chapel was dismissed, that a large crowd had gathered before College Hall to witness the Rush, and that a large number of motors were lined up on either side of the road. For that reason, he advised Hamp road as the best means of exit, and they decided to follow his advice. Then came the message that the Rush had be- gun. Ames hurried out of the house, jumped on his machine and started off. The other two, with the Lady, were close behind. Up Amity Street they went and turned the Amherst House corner. There, Gregory's machine with the bodyguard of Even Classmen were waiting and followed im- mediately behind the car with Sabrina; then came F. M. Smith, '84, in another motor, and joined the rear guard procession. In front of Alpha Delt., Washburn jumped on the running board, joining Goodridge and Smith. At this point, 54 SABRINA the covering was pulled away from Sabrina and the Goddess appeared for the first time in several years to a very surprised Amherst crowd. Then they speeded up. A horse and wagon was standing directly across the Holyoke road, apparently to block it. However, Gillies sud- denly rushed forth from the crowd, dragged the horse to one side leaving the road clear. That was all Ames needed, and without a moment's hesitation he chose that direction. Several shots fired in the air attracted the attention of the spectators and all were able to get a clear view of Sabrina as she passed through their midst and on down the Holyoke Road. Before the Rush began, Tom Ashley,^ '16, had visited all the automobiles, relieving them of their spark plugs and keys. This prevented any immediate attempt to follow and was largely responsible for the easy get away. The party with Sabrina travelled directly over the Amherst-Holyoke road by way of the Notch at a rapid rate of speed. On nearing Holyoke, the other cars were signalled that they were no longer needed; Washburn and Smith went di- rectly to the latter's home, put Sabrina carefully away, and were back in Amherst by the middle of the afternoon. Shortly after this memorable trip, Sabrina was ^Killed in action at Belleau Wood while serving with the Marines. NINETEEN SIXTEEN 55 packed away in her box and again continued her travels, this time under the guidance of Wash- burn and Smith. She journeyed to Brockton, re- maining there for just one year under the careful watch of Washburn's father. Numerous plans were contemplated for bring- ing the Goddess forth and it was finally decided to exhibit her once again to the alumni at com- mencement in June 1915. The details were all carefully arranged, the various duties were as- signed, while Mr. Washburn remained ready at a moment's notice to ship the box by express on receipt of a coded telegram. At the last moment, the secret service of 1916 discovered the Odd Classmen had worked out elaborate plans to circumvent any attempt made at this time, and so it was decided best to let the Lady rest in peace until a more favorable opportunity might present itself. During the summer, Washburn and the guard- ian had several conferences and finally decided to hold the next banquet within walking distance of Amherst in order to prove decisively to the Odd Classmen how fruitless any effort to capture Sabrina would be on their part. With this in mind. Smith visited the Nonotuck during the latter part of the summer to talk with Mr. Bene- dict, the manager. He outlined the plan and Mr. Benedict agreed to the arrangements, even 56 SABRINA offering his private storeroom on the top of the hotel as a hiding place for the statue, and swore by all that was holy to maintain the utmost secrecy. In September 1915, before college had opened, Washburn came to Holyoke with Sabrina. Here he was met by the guardian and conducted to the Nonotuck, where the Goddess was carefully concealed according to the prearranged plan. At the same time the menu for the banquet was agreed upon, the date was set, and Mr. Benedict was given to understand that he would hear no further word until his guests arrived in February of the following year. Little did the many students of Amherst realize, who so frequently visited the Nonotuck in that year when prohibition reigned in Hamp, that they were dining and drinking under the same roof with Sabrina. Such was the case however, yet she rested as peacefully and safely, dreaming of her past and future glories as though she were a thousand miles away from her beloved campus. During the night before the banquet which was held on February 22, 1916, the members of 1916 and 1918 were given their instructions individ- ually by the sophomore committee and at noon the next day they wandered in small groups to the Boston and Maine station. At lunch time, the NINETEEN SIXTEEN 57 Odd Classmen awoke to the fact that no Even Classmen were in Amherst, and at once began making plans to break up the banquet. In the meantime the special train was speeding to- wards Springfield. On arriving in that city, the two classes proceeded to Poll's theatre where the entire orchestra had been reserved for them. They assembled again at five thirty, still in com- plete ignorance of their destination, and boarded special electric cars which took them to the door of the Nonotuck in Holyoke. Several Odd Classmen had traced the Even Classmen to Springfield, arriving in time to see them depart for Holyoke, and by hiring a taxi they were able to follow them. At Holyoke, they got in touch with Amherst and ordered a large num- ber of their cohorts to come down immediately. They felt that their time had come and they made hasty preparations to break up the dinner and to follow the car bearing Sabrina, when it should leave the hotel. Earlier in the day, five Seniors: Ames, Ashley, Goodridge, Smith and Washburn, left town for Holyoke. By a prearranged plan, they met the guardian, who had secured a truck and a large packing box which closely resembled the one the Lady was kept in. This was taken to the Nonotuck where the five men carried it to the store room where Sabrina was concealed. There 58 SABRINA they remained until word was received that the special cars had come. The dinner began immediately, while outside, three husky policemen guarded each exit with strict orders to allow no one to enter the hotel except with the permission of an Even Classman who remained there on watch with them. In this way the committee felt that the banquet could go on in peace even though every Odd Classman in college put in an appearance. The original plan had been to wait until the banquet was finished before showing Sabrina, but word was received from Amherst that a great many 1917 men were on their way to Holyoke. For this reason, the five Seniors hastened their plans and carried the Goddess into the Banquet Hall while the dinner was still in progress. Immedi- ately loud and prolonged cheers burst forth and then came ''All Hail Sabrina Dear," which lasted for some fifteen minutes with unabated enthusi- asm. It was finally silenced by Senior Class president Washburn, who introduced Winthrop Smith as the 1916 guardian. The banqueters then marched forward to kiss their Goddess according to the time honored custom. After this ceremony, the men were allowed a more intimate inspection of the famous statue, then a flashlight photograph was taken and Sabrina disappeared again from the eyes of the world. NINETEEN SIXTEEN 59 This time her journey was extremely short, for the seniors carried her to the storeroom up- stairs and locked her up safely. They then substituted the box that had been brought in during the afternoon and put it on the elevator and thence to the rear door where Smith's chauffeur was waiting with a motor. With much pretended effort, they succeeded in placing it in the car and sped swiftly away, only just in time however, for within a very few minutes a large crowd of 1917 men arrived. As the box was being placed in the car there were three or four Odd Classmen within a few yards, but they dared do nothing to interfere, only following immedi- ately in a taxi. The car with the seniors dodged through a number of streets and alleys and when they felt that they had lost any pursuers that might still be on their track, they headed for South Hadley; there they broke up the box and carefully hid the remnants. Then they separated with in- structions not to appear in Amherst until next day, in order to give the appearance that Sabrina had been taken away to a considerable distance. In June of that year, plans were again made to bring Sabrina into Amherst at commencement, for the class of 1910 was holding its sixth reunion and Shoop of that class was very eager to show her to his classmates. Sabrina was still 60 SABRINA in Holyoke so it was thought it would be a com- paratively easy matter to rush her in to 1910 headquarters and back again. Monday night was the time set, but a few hours before, the wife of one of the Odd Class alumni very fortunately made the remark to one of the men that was to take part in showing the Goddess that night, that they were going to use her husband's car that evening to help catch Sabrina. Again plans were called off, while Odd Class cars patrolled the roads all night long in vain hope of giving chase. NINETEEN EIGHTEEN PHILIP H. SEE had been appointed guar- dian for the class of 1918. Sabrina was offi- cially turned over to him in June 1916 by Winthrop H. Smith, the 1916 guardian. In the latter part of this month, the Goddess was sent by express from Holyoke to New York and taken to a warehouse on 107th Street where a private room had been provided for her safe-keeping. In the trip from Holyoke the box in which the Goddess had been travelling for ten years had become entirely demoHshed, and early in September the guardian, together with George B. Carter, '06, visited the warehouse and built a new box, antic- ipating some fast and furious travelling in the near future. See in the meantime had been in close com- munication with George Washburn, '16, and together they planned some rather startling inno- vations in connection with the appearance of Sabrina in Amherst. It has always been the ambition of each succeeding Sabrina class to outdo its predecessor in the spectacular way in which Sabrina shall be shown to the college body at Amherst. The first of these appearances was to be inside of Chapel during the Spring of 1917, and the other one was to be at Commencement 61 62 SABRINA of the same year. For this latter event, a de- tailed plan had been worked out whereby Sabrina was to appear four times within an hour, the cars containing the statue using the back roads of the town, and returning to the center at stated intervals, it being expected that the Odd Classmen would be thrown into such a state of confusion over each separate appearance that they would not expect the Goddess again on the same day and at the same place. It will be remembered that in the spring of 1917 the United States entered the World War, and the college was thrown immediately into a state of confusion. Mihtary training was es- tablished and the college given over to prepara- tions for war. With the resignation of the guardian and most of his committee from college, all plans for the appearances of Sabrina were cancelled. The Goddess had not been moved from her hiding place in New York, and it was decided to leave her there until affairs settled down generally and the college returned to normal conditions. Harold F. Johnson, '18, was appointed temporary guardian for 1918 and Sabrina was turned over to him late that spring. A year later, Johnson decided that an appro- priate time had arrived for showing the Goddess in Amherst. During the early spring he and Jacob Estey, '18, spent many afternoons on the NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 63 golf links, and together worked out the plans for the proposed appearance. These two men de- cided that Sabrina's next appearance should be a truly exciting affair: one which would not only completely outwit and humiliate the Odd Class- men, but which would be as original and daring an enterprise as any former escapade. Johnson had heard from See of the plan to show Sabrina inside Chapel and this idea struck him as being quite suited to an appearance. However, when they came to lay their plans, they found that the difficulties that would be encountered in taking the Goddess into Johnson Chapel were so great that the idea hardly seemed feasible. Either the statue would have to be taken there the night before and securely hidden until the critical moment, or a large body-guard would have to be employed to carry her in and out during Chapel exercises. Both plans seemed too risky. At this time, classes, chiefly seminar courses, were being held in the evening in Johnson Chapel, and for this reason the two men came to the conclusion that they might encounter too much eavesdropping. It also appeared impossible to rush the Goddess in at the Chapel service for reasons which are too obvious to mention. The college had had a taste of one war and it was not thought good form to precipitate another. 64 SABRINA Still clinging to the idea, a Chapel appearance was worked out. It was decided that some method should be employed which would allow the Even Classmen to leave the building after Chapel without arousing the suspicion of the Odd Classmen, and that Sabrina should be brought up along the road and held up to the view of the Odd Classmen. Doors and windows were to be securely locked and guarded, and for this purpose various Even Classmen were told off. Estey and Johnson went over these plans carefully several times, and having made sure that no shps were hkely to occur, decided on an early date in April for the appearance. Johnson, on the pretext of urgent business, went to New York where he took Sabrina from her place of hiding where she had been since June 1916, and arranged to have her shipped to Brattleboro, Vermont, on the White Mountain Express. No difficulty was experienced in ar- ranging for the trip, and Johnson accompanied the Goddess. He arrived in Brattleboro about midnight where he was met by Estey. To- gether, they loaded the statue into the latter's car and took it to his house. Sabrina was here placed in the drawing room. Amid these sur- roundings, which were a great change for the Goddess after her many trips over land and sea NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 65 in rough boxes, and her long sojourns in out-of- the-way places, she stayed while two or three Even Class alumni, who lived in the vicinity, one of whom was a former guardian, came in to pay her their respects. At six the next morning, she was placed in Estey's car and started for Amherst. In the car were Chase, Johnson, Estey, '18, and Estey's younger brother, of the class of nineteen twenty. After an uneventful journey they arrived on the outskirts of the town at about quarter of eight. Here they stayed until the student body, rushing in its customary hurried way to breakfast and even more hurriedly to Chapel, was safely behind the doors of the building. Not until the last straggler was seen running up the hill did they venture onto the campus. Circling the Com- mon, they drove around the terrace by the church and came to a stop opposite Appleton Cabinet, where the plan was for them to halt until they should be signalled that Chapel was over and the coast clear. While they were waiting here three Odd Classmen, having cut Chapel and on their way to classes, passed very near to the car without suspecting its precious occupant. One of them stopped in passing to light a cigar- ette, but his thoughts were elsewhere and his chance, if it could be said to have been a chance, shpped by. 66 SABRINA Inside the building, Chapel was drawing to a close. There was the usual impatience to be gone and have the customary cigarette before entering the class room for the first hour. At the end of the reading of notices, Malcolm Sharp, '18, with a serious face, requested the classes of '19 and '21 to remain in their seats for a few moments after the conclusion of the exercises. As the recessional was played the Even Classmen filed out. Immediately, the doors were secured and as soon as it was sure that the Odds were trapped, the signal was given. Sabrina was quickly moved from her hiding place and as the car containing her slowly moved by the south side of Chapel, Sabrina was lifted from the ton- neau of the car and held up to the gaze of the bewildered Odd Classmen, who were looking dumfounded from the windows, and to the Even Classmen gathered outside Chapel. A few men succeeded in dropping from the lower windows to the ground, but there were too many Evens protecting the Goddess, and nothing was ac- complished. ''All hail, Sabrina" rent the air, and after a few moments the machine drove away over the Notch. Pursuit was ineffectual for some time, as the Even Class program had included the complete incapacitation of all automobiles and motor- cycles belonging to Odd Classmen. After driv- p. H. SEE 1918 Guardian NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 67 ing about the country for a couple of hours to make sure that no one was following, the men above mentioned who were accompanying the statue, took it to a barn on the road to Westfield not far out of that town. Here she was hidden deep in a hay-mow. That same morning Seward and Hallock, '19, after vainly attempting to get the latter's car in commission, succeeded after an hour's work in getting it to run. They picked up Soliday, Brown and Southworth, '19, president of the class, and drove to Springfield. Here they made a thorough search of the railroad station but nothing was found. The Odd Classmen drove around the neighboring country for several hours in the hopes of picking up a trail. The much sought car seemed ever just beyond the next rise in the road, and great was the disap- pointment of these men as they returned to Springfield late that afternoon. Resolved to make a last search, they explored every nook and cranny of the station, and it was not until late in the evening that they turned toward Amherst, a sorely disappointed lot. At this point of the story it is necessary to digress to bring to light matters which have been kept secret for a long time. This present publication seems to be a good opportunity to present another side of the Sabrina Story, which has hitherto been an unknown quantity in this 68 SABRINA most exciting episode of college life. The facts for the story have been presented by Bowman, '19, and we have followed closely his account believing that it portrays one of the most inter- esting points of Sabrina history. When the statue of Sabrina was originally made, two casts were drawn. One of these was given to Amherst College and its subsequent treatment at the hands of students, its removal from the campus, its revelation to the men of '90, and later career, are too well known to men- tion in detail here. The duplicate of this statue was bought by a graduate of Cornell University, who placed it in his garden at his home in a town in North Caro- hna. It mysteriously disappeared. The story from here on was told to Bowman by a graduate of Amherst in the class of '96. At the time that Wheelock, '11, so nearly succeeded in capturing Sabrina at Buffalo from the Even Classmen, he traced it to the house of Staples, '96, a former guardian. Here all trace of the statue was lost after an unsuccessful attempt to outwit the former Even Class custodian's wife. This event attracted considerable attention and the newspapers featured it. Various articles con- cerning the attempted capture came to the notice of the Cornell graduate, and he employed Pinker- ton detectives to find the ''Sabrina" that the NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 69 accounts so glaringly told of, in the hopes that it might prove to be the one which had vanished from his garden. It is recorded that the Pinker- tons were successful in their attempt to find the lost property, and that they actually did get possession of a Sabrina. However, it is also a fact that a Sabrina made a subsequent appear- ance under the guardianship of an Even Class- man. The Cornell graduate took the Sabrina which had been restored to him, to his summer home on Lake Erie, near Buffalo, and again placed her in his garden. Bowman heard about this duplicate Sabrina and went to the Cornell graduate, offering to buy the statue, but its owner refused to part with it. The story of the '96 men had made such an im- pression upon Bowman that he resolved to obtain the statue no matter what the risk might be. He, accordingly, pursuaded a friend of his, who singularly enough, was a Cornell student of the class of 1919, to go with him to get the statue. The home of the Cornell graduate was within driving distance of Bowman's house in James- town. Taking along another friend, a Univer- sity of Pennsylvania man, they set out in two cars, one of which was to be used to block any pursuers in case they were followed. Both these cars were of the same model and make. Arriv- ing at their destination between three and four 70 SABRINA in the morning, they left the machines near the road and entered the garden. Here they found the statue reposing peacefully in the middle of the garden. Quietly they lifted it from its resting place, put it in the car and bore it away. Making sure that no one was following, the two cars parted, going in different directions, to throw off possible pursuit. This statue was hidden in Jamestown, New York, where it remained until early in the year 1917. Bowman, at the advice of Southworth, whom he had told of his capture, decided to bring Sabrina nearer to Amherst with the end in view of taking advantage of any opportunity that might present itself. Accordingly, he shipped it to Greenfield in his Sophomore year just after Christmas, and had it securely hid- den in a safe deposit vault in a bank in that town. It stayed here undisturbed during the rest of the year, and after college had closed, Bowman had it taken back to New York state where he concealed it in a hay-mow on a farm near his home during the summer. In the fall Bowman returned to college, leav- ing the statue behind him. Bowman brought this matter to the attention of Soliday and Seward and these men, together with Southworth decided to bring Bowman's statue nearer to Am- herst ; by singular coincidence the statue arrived NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 71 about three weeks before the appearance of the Sa- brina of the Even Classes recorded above. Accord- ingly, it was shipped to South Hadley, in care of Philip Stacy, '19, who lived there . Here it was kept in a tool house belonging to Mt. Holyoke College. As an interesting side light on the appearance of Sabrina that had taken place on the morning recorded above, the idea which took shape in the now famous dual appearance of Sabrina, oc- curred to the Odd Classmen as they were return- ing from Springfield after their vain search for the Goddess. They decided to bring Bowman's Sabrina through Amherst in the hopes that the Even Classmen should be so upset that they would disclose immediately the hiding place of their statue and that they would thus be able to get both statues of Sabrina. The plans of the Odd Classmen differed some- what from those which had been made for the showing on the previous day. Southworth was to make an announcement in Chapel that Sabrina was outside on the Holyoke Road in the hands of the class of 1919. It was known to the Odd Classmen that Johnson was the official guardian of the class of 1918, and accordingly, Southworth and Tilton were told off to watch him during the entire day, to see if he made any telephone calls, and to report these at once. Estey was placed under like surveillance. 72 SABRINA As a precaution, several Freshman were to be posted along the Holyoke Road, to stand guard around the statue in case any Even Classmen succeeded in breaking through the crowd of Odds that was to form around Chapel door. At six o'clock that morning, after only a few hours sleep, Soliday, Brown, Bowman, Stacy and Seward, '19, went to South Hadley in Hallock's Packard, where they took the statue out of the tool house. After placing it on the back seat of the car they covered it with blankets and drove quickly towards Amherst. On the way they paused for breakfast at a farm house on the outskirts of the town just beyond Mount Doma. At 8:15, just as Chapel was starting, the car arrived in Amherst, and to kill time until Chapel should be let out the men drove around Pratt Field, up the Hamp Road, past the Psi U. House, and down the Holyoke Road, where they waited for several minutes. At this junc- ture Andy Clark, '20, drove by in a car. The Odd Classmen were much alarmed, for they had been up all night, the guardianship of Sabrina was a new and thrilling experience for them and they were ready to jump at the slightest suspicious sign. The Freshmen who were posted along the road promptly seized the intruder and held him, preventing his further advance. NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 73 Just as a thrilling announcement had been made the day before in Johnson Chapel, so now was the student body electrified to hear South- worth announce in shaky voice, '' If any one would like to see the real Sabrina, they will find her at the foot of the hill on the Holyoke Road in the hands of the class of 1919." Pandemonium broke loose. Odd Classmen gave vent to their feelings of astonishment and joy in unrestrained howls, among which could be heard ^' All Hails." Everyone made a rush for the nearest door, and the result was a finer scrimmage than was ever before seen at a Chapel or Flag rush. Far down the hill on the road to Holyoke, raised high in the rear of Hallock's car, reposed a shining statue of the Goddess Sabrina, sur- rounded by the men of the Class of Nineteen Nineteen. Even Classmen rushed towards it but were tripped by opposing Odds, and to- gether, they rolled down the embankment in a melee of flying legs and arms. The few men who succeeded in approaching the car were quickly laid low by the faithful Freshmen as the car slowly moved off down the road and was soon lost to sight. The statue was immediately taken back to Stacy's house and the men returned to college where they attended classes during the morning, having previously detoured through Holyoke 74 SABRINA and Northampton to avoid suspicion. The excitement of the occasion proved too intense and late that afternoon several of the men who had taken part in the escapade, together with Dave Craig, '17, slipped quietly out of town and went to South Hadley where they took the statue to Northampton and hid it in a wood pile in the cellar of the house of a friend of Craig's. All that day excitement was intense through- out the college. South worth and Tilton made every effort to shadow Johnson and Estey, but discovered no telephone calls. In fact, Johnson's first thought was to telephone, but divining the real intent of the Odd Classmen in planning this appearance, he deterred. Later in the morning he and Estey succeeded in getting away from town by a back road and went promptly to Northampton where they telephoned the owners of the barn in which Sabrina was hidden. A search was made and everything was found in good shape. They then returned to Amherst. In the meantime, the Odd Classmen, having failed in their attempt to trace calls from Am- herst, tried to find out if any calls could be dis- covered in Northampton. They got in touch with the manager of the Telephone Company but this official proved a faithful ally of the Even H. F. JOHNSON 1918 Guardian NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 75 Classmen, for he steadfastly refused to give any information whatsoever about Johnson's call. Thus, the attempt to trace the Sabrina, which had appeared the previous day, failed. Considerable doubt reigned in Amherst as to which statue was the real Sabrina. Odd Classmen, of course, claimed that theirs was the original, and their opinions were voiced more strongly because of their lack of conviction. Even Classmen were soon reassured that their Goddess was undisturbed and the dispute showed no signs of settlement, so a committee was appointed, the members of which were selected from the classes of 1918 and 1919: Johnson, Estey, Morehouse, for the former; Soliday, Bowman, Southworth and Seward for the latter. These two sides presented their cases in an attempt to come to a settlement. The Odd Classmen took the position that Bowman's story was irrefutable, but that they felt that because of the tradition it would be desirable for them to waive their claims to Sabrina on condi- tion that the Even Classmen agree to certain rules to govern the conduct of Sabrina warfare in the future, which were proposed by them. Bowman stuck to the story through thick and thin, and the upshot of the whole matter was that the rules were drawn up and adopted. A set of these rules is reprinted below. 76 SABRINA Amherst, Mass., April 10, 1918. To the Editor of the Student: Sir: The situation that has arisen in the recent appearance of Sabrina has involved serious danger to the permanence of the tradition and so demands explanation and a clear- ing up of issues. The 1919 Committee has had in its possession for over a year, in anticipation for an opportune moment for show- ing its hand, a bronze statue of Sabrina, whose identity they trace to a clouded period about ten years ago, at which time a confusion of identity is claimed. Realizing the dangers to the tradition of Sabrina, if a second goddess is brought on the scene, a conference of the 1918 and 1919 Committees was called, the outcome of which was as follows : The Odd Classmen are wilHng to withdraw the claims of their statue, so that only one may still be in the field of endeavor, and to leave the guardianship of the tradi- tion in the hands of the Even Classmen. It was agreed, for the furthering of a more lively inter- est than has been apparent for some years, that the follow- ing conditions govern the contest : 1. That the statue be produced before the college body at least once a year, and that during the last twelve weeks of the college year. It is understood that in the years of the Sabrina Banquets the appearance may be in either the first or the last twelve weeks of the college year. 2. That artificial guards such as safety deposit vaults, storage in the hands of express or railroad companies, or like methods of taking the guardianship out of the hands of the committee, and so making it an offense against the NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 77 law to attempt securing the statue, be considered as against the rules of the contest. 3. That in the event of private houses, or other private buildings or property, being used as storage places, the committee in charge of the statue assumes sole and com- plete responsibility for the charge of burglary. It is agreed by both parties that the introduction of statues other than the Sabrina now held by the Even Classmen be barred. The joint committee wishes it emphatically pointed out that on the basis of the foregoing statements it is obviously advisable that wagers be declared off. (Signed) Harold F. Johnson '18, J. P. ESTEY '18, E. W. Morehouse '18, Theodore Southworth '19, David S. Solid ay '19, Halvor R. Seward '19, Morris L. Bowman '19. At a meeting of the Sabrina and the non-Sabrina com- mittees held in Amherst on November 16th, 1919, the following rules were added to the above. 1. The use of firearms in connection with any Sabrina or non-Sabrina activities, for any purpose whatsoever, shall be prohibited. 2. There shall be a committee known as the Sabrina Rules Committee consisting of three members of each of the two upper classes. The chairman of the joint committee shall be the chairman of the Senior group and the secretary shall be the chairman of the Junior group. 3. The committee shall have the power to revise, correct and interpret the rules governing Sabrina and 78 SABRINA non-Sabrina activities, to investigate supposed violations of these rules and to take such action as they deeni wise to enforce these rules. 4. A majority of the membership of the committee shall be necessary to legislate. (Signed) George D. Haskell '20, E. Orlow Clark Jr., '20, Kenneth B. Low '20, R. S. Schlei(}her '21, Waldo E. Palmer '21, Walter N. Zink '21. At the time these events took place both the Even and Odd Classmen, as is evidenced by the rules agreed to by 1918 and 1919, were convinced that the two statues were closely connected at some time and that there was some doubt as to the identity of the original Sabrina. However, this confusion did not take place in Buffalo as it has since been stated by Charles Staples '96 that so far as he knew there was only one Sabrina in the hands of the Even Classmen at that time. After this, college quieted down and Sabrina was not to be the center of attraction for quite some time to come. While the Odd Class at- tempt to shadow Sabrina had totally failed, they had made another great stride towards capturing the Goddess. This was the first time since the famous attempt of Wheelock, '11, to capture Sabrina that the Even Class guardians had con- NINETEEN EIGHTEEN 79 sidered themselves in a position which was at all dangerous. In a way it was a moral victory for the Odd Classes, for it gave them the oppor- tunity to introduce rules which would go far towards making the affair less one-sided. Bow- man's statue mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again, in accordance with these rules, by Odd or Even Classmen, as it was agreed that the Sabrina in possession of the Even Classes should be considered the Sabrina for the possession of which the Odd Classes should fight. NINETEEN TWENTY ACCORDING to information furnished by Kenneth B. Low, the 1920 guardian, Sabrina came into the hands of that class early in the spring of 1919. It had been imprac- ticable to turn her over to the new guardian dur- ing the previous Spring as would normally have happened, for a variety of reasons. The college was in a disorganized state; many men had left for service in the armed forces of the country, and among these were See, Johnson and Estey, all of whom had been closely connected with recent Sabrina activities. A total submersion of college ideas to war spirit made it seem inadvisable to plan very much with respect to Sabrina, and as a result nothing was done about handing her down to the succeeding class. After the Armistice college reopened and many men who had been absent returned to take up their activities. By the time college had once more resumed its customary pre-war aspect, it was decided to turn the Goddess over to the class of 1920. Hal Johnson, '18, who had acted as guardian, was in the West at this time and it devolved upon Estey to manipulate the transfer. Paul Phillips, president of the class of 1920, and Low were instructed early in the 80 NINETEEN TWENTY 81 Spring of 1919 to meet Estey in a certain room of a hotel in Springfield one Sunday afternoon. They reported there and were officially intrusted with the care of the Goddess. Sabrina, as has been said before, was at this time hidden in a pile of hay in a large yellow barn adjoining the house belonging to a friend of Ed Morehouse, a few miles out of Westfield on the road to Springfield. After the conference called by Estey, the new guardians were driven in Estey's car to the barn where the men of '20 were acquainted with the details of the hiding place. No attempt was made to move the statue at this time and they returned quietly to college. It was planned to hold the banquet at which Sabrina should be formally presented to the class of 1920 at Worcester. This spot was chosen because it was convenient and offered good facilities for transporting the entire class to the banquet at short notice. The banquet was to be held at the Hotel Bancroft and particular pains were taken that a safe and easy means of entrance and exit of the statue from the room should be provided. All necessary safeguards were taken at the hotel. It was decided to transport the entire class from Pratt Field to Worcester by automobile and Stanley Ayers, '20, was given charge of this part of the program. This was a new and novel undertaking and in- 82 SABRINA volved considerable planning; it was at first thought that it might be a difficult matter to obtain so many cars from the neighborhood without arousing suspicion as to what was on foot. When all the preliminary arrangements had been made, the next step was to move the statue. Estey furnished two cars, one a Premier which he drove himself and in which the statue was carried, the other a car owned by a resident of Brattleboro. This was to be used as a follow-up car. These cars came down from Brattleboro by previous arrangement, and met the delegation from Amherst; Olsen, Kilby, Card and Low, '20, and also See, '18, who had come from Boston for the occasion, at two o'clock in the afternoon of the banquet, in Northampton. The cars then proceeded to West Springfield where Sabrina was taken out from beneath the hay-mow and placed in Estey's car and covered with robes. The side curtains were put in place and the ride for Worcester started. Avoiding crowded roads they proceeded, and no mishaps were en- countered, until the cavalcade reached the out- skirts of Worcester. Here a tire blew out on the follow-up car and a delay was inevitable. While repairs were being made, the car with Sabrina was hidden behind some old houses a short dis- tance off the main road. There were still two or three hours left before the appearance of K. B. LOW 1920 Guardian NINETEEN TWENTY 83 Sabrina at the banquet was scheduled, so the cars moved slowly through the town, taking side streets and doubling back on their trail in an effort to kill time. After dawdling as long as possible, the cars drew up in a dark alley in the neighborhood of Worcester Academy, some dis- tance from the hotel. Here the group waited while Low proceeded on foot to the Bancroft to see if the coast was clear and the plans working smoothly. He discovered that all was well, and hurried back to the cars. After another long wait they proceeded to the Bancroft. They drew up to a side door and Sabrina was carried in and placed in a room ad- joining the banquet hall to await her appearance. Meanwhile, the class had arrived at the ap- pointed hour and after the usual delay of such functions, was seated at the tables. At a signal from the toastmaster the doors were thrown open and Sabrina was ushered into the room. The applause and enthusiastic cheering having subsided, Phil See presented the Goddess to the class of 1920, and intrusted her to their ever- lasting care. After this, the time-old custom of kissing the fair Goddess followed. Then she was taken out as she had come in, put back into the automobile and taken back to her hiding place in the barn in West Springfield by Estey and some of the others who had brought her down. 84 SABRINA The next appearance of Sabrina was a month or so later and took place at the Sophomore Smoker of the class of 1920. It had been thought that the hiding place was known, and accordingly it was decided to move the Goddess to a farm house in Belchertown. Bill Cowles, '20, had arranged to have the statue hidden here and had seen to it that a pit was dug under the floor of a small wagon house infrequently used. Mrs. Cowles made a canvas slip cover for the Goddess which was kept in readiness for her arrival. It was planned to remove the statue to this hiding place immediately after the appear- ance at the Smoker. To bring Sabrina through town, a Packard was hired in Springfield from its owner. Cliff Nash, '20, also offered to help the project with his own car. It was decided to have Cowles, Wood and DeKlyn, '20, remove Sabrina from the West Springfield barn in the Packard. These men were to arrive at an appointed time on the even- ing of the Smoker just beyond the underpass at the foot of College Street. Here they were to be met by four men in Nash's car, including besides Nash, Olsen, Anthony and Wilbar '20. Low, the guardian, was not to meet the statue at the underpass, for he was scheduled to appear in the College Quartet to sing at the Smoker. Thinking that his unexplained absence from the NINETEEN TWENTY 85 quartet would arouse suspicion he decided to go through with his part in the program and join the party later. Accordingly, that afternoon the Packard set out, having been met by Cowles, Wood and DeKlyn, who had slipped away from college unobserved, and they went to the barn in West Springfield where they secured the statue. They proceeded slowly towards Amherst. Meanwhile, things began to happen thick and fast, which almost culminated in the sur- render of the plan to bring the statue through. Before the college body assembled at the Smoker, several non-Sabrina men approached Low. Among these were Plimpton, President of the class of 1921, who inquired point blank whether Sabrina was to appear that evening. Low was almost thrown off his guard by the suddenness of this question but finally managed to throw the Odd Classman off the track. The Smoker began and all went well through the performance. At the close of the selections rendered by the quartet, Plimpton, who was presiding at the meeting, called upon Low to lead the singing for the re- mainder of the evening. Low knew that the cars bearing Sabrina were by this time at the under- pass and that the men would be waiting for him impatiently, for his appearance was to be the sig- nal to begin operations. Because of this, he pro- 86 SABRINA tested his inability to lead the singing, giving as an excuse a severe cold and a husky voice which had already been strained. In spite of protest and considerable suspicion, he left the building and walked slowly to the underpass where he joined the waiting party. By this time, the driver of the Packard had become slightly worried by the show of guns, clubs and other weapons in the car, and the tense atmosphere of warfare that overhung the situation. He refused point blank to carry out the plan, valuing his own life more than the suc- cess of the prank of irresponsible college men. After much persuasion he was finally induced to go on, being reassured that the danger was slight and that the real purpose of the heavy armament that was carried was only a bluff. At the pre- determined moment the cars moved forward up College Street, the Packard in the lead, with Nash following. They turned to the left past the Library, and then swung to the right toward College Hall. When Prexy's house was reached the cars halted. A shot was fired to announce their arrival by Tuttle, '20, who was posted at the doorway of College Hall, and the cry ''Sa- brina!," was heard. A rush for the doors fol- lowed, but when the crowd reached the open air the cars slowly drove away down the Holyoke Road gathering speed as they went. Even the NINETEEN TWENTY 87 few people who succeeded in getting out of the building, were only fortunate enough to see the Goddess as she was borne away. The appear- ance had been cut short by the activity of Odd Classmen and the nervous tension to which the guardian and his aides had been worked up. The Packard speeded up and hummed down across the Railroad Bridge with the follow-up car close behind. At this point, a car was seen heading across the road from the right but the car bearing Sabrina kept on at full speed and managed to beat the pursuing car to the main road at the Golf Links. The second car driven by Nash, also got in just ahead of the pursuer, which proved to be a non-Sabrina Packard. The Odd Classmen had guessed the plans of the escapade correctly and had been lying low here for just such a clash. This was probably the wildest ride which was ever taken by three ma- chines over the Holyoke Road. The Packard bearing Sabrina soon drew far into the lead of the second car, which barred pursuit of the non- Sabrina men by blocking the road, for some time. The Odd Classmen opened fire on Nash's car at close range, and one shot pierced a tire. Nash, after bumping wildly from one side of the road to the other, thought the time had come for him to drop out of the race, for his car was disabled, and if he were to effectually block the pursuing 88 SABRINA car he must travel at a high rate of speed, not only endangering his own life, but those of the men following. Accordingly, he slowed down and drew off to the side of the road. The non- Sabrina car seized this opportunity and dashed by, speeding up on its pursuit of the Sabrina car, which was by this time well over the Notch and out of sight. The Even Class Packard after descending the opposite slope of the Notch swerved across a bridge to a cross road which they had previously planned to take in event of pursuit. The driver was not familiar with this road and this fact almost caused an upset. As it was, Cowles nar- rowly averted disaster by quickly grasping the wheel. The Packard then started off at a good clip for the hiding place in Belchertown, Cowles guiding the way as he knew the countryside well. By taking many cross-cuts and detours the pur- suing car was completely thrown off the trail, and by midnight Sabrina was safely deposited in her new under-ground home. Nothing more was seen of the Goddess, al- though many rumors were heard, until the day of the Williams game in November 1919. The men in charge of Sabrina had decided upon a new and daring exploit by which she could be shown to the whole college body for a consider- able period of time. This year the Williams NINETEEN TWENTY 89 game was played at Williamstown, and as is the usual custom a special train was hired to convey the student body to the game. The train left Amherst early Saturday morning bearing some four hundred and fifty undergraduates. The day was fine and all were looking forward to the game with considerable pleasure and anticipa- tion. As the train drew near the steeps of the Mohawk Trail, the students were quietly reading magazines or playing bridge on improvised tables in the train seats. A little river runs parallel with the tracks of the railroad for several miles near Charlemont. Suddenly a cry ^'Sabrina" was heard through- out the length of the train, and pushing to the windows, the astonished men beheld sailing along the road across the river a car bearing Sabrina. The train was moving at a good pace but the automobile kept pace with it for several miles, now speeding along an open stretch, now dodging behind an intervening hillock or mass of rocks, only to appear again after a short interval. The Even Classmen were filled with joy at the suc- cess of the feat, and Odd Classmen gnashed their teeth in vain, realizing that the train could not be made to stop, and that even if it did their chances of crossing the river in time to reach the fleet car bearing Sabrina were very slim. After a while the men in the train calmed down and 90 SABRINA the statue disappeared around a bend in the road. The arrangements for this escapade were few but complete. The men in charge of the show- ing of Sabrina were DeKlyn, Cowles, Wood and Low. Read, '20, left Amherst on a motorcycle at four in the morning and reached the rendez- vous by the river where it had been previously determined that he should meet the car bearing Sabrina. A Packard, hired in Springfield, left Amherst at about the same time, picked up Sabrina in Belchertown and reached the river about seven in the morning. Here the car and motorcycle were run in by the side of a house near the road, where they laid in wait for the ap- proaching train. The engineer had been sub- sidized for the performance and it was arranged that he should give three blasts of the whistle as the train came around the curve that there might be no mistake as to the identity of the train. During the morning several cars filled with Amherst men passed by on the road, and when finally the special came by and blew the signal the Packard drew out onto the road, tagging the fast moving train for six miles. About a mile before Charlemont was reached, the Packard shot ahead up the steep incline. A short dis- tance outside of this town Sabrina was removed from the cars and hidden in a deep thicket on the NINETEEN TWENTY 91 edge of a small stream, where she was left for a few days. The men then proceeded to Williams- town and the game. Just before the Packard had started to play tag with the train, Read, who was following on his motorcycle, had seen a carload of non- Sabrina men speeding along in an effort to catch the train. They were approaching rapidly and danger was imminent. Read fell upon the plan of pleading an accident. He stopped his motor cycle, and halting the approaching car asked them for a wrench to fix his machine, which was in perfect order. After tinkering for a time and allowing the Sabrina car to get out of danger, he thanked the Odd Classmen, and proceeded on his journey. Some few days later, a suspicion arose in the minds of the Sabrina guardian that her location might have been traced to Charlemont, so De- Klyn and Low decided to move her. They obtained a Packard belonging to Whittemore and drove to the hiding place on a pitch black, rainy night. After a prolonged and gloomy search they unearthed her in a completely frozen state, and carried her back to Belchertown where she was buried under the floor of the tool house. Here she remained until she was exhumed to be taken to the Boston banquet. For purposes of presenting an impartial view 92 SABRINA on the episodes of Sabrina which occured while the classes of 1919 and 1920 were in college, it has been thought advisable to reprint here the story of Odd Class activities during this period, written by a man who was responsible for much of the doings and subsequent successes of non- Sabrina men, David S. Soliday. With the new year of 1919 came the returning army of Amherst men to their Alma Mater. Goat-rooms were dusted, the fraternity's final preparation to receive its long absent brothers were made ; Pratt Dorm and old North and South College flung open their doors at the command of Grigg's Furniture dray to receive a bevy of time-worn desks, chairs and other student equip- ment; Prexy and Dean Olds consulted with the faculty concerning the new college; College Hall once again rang with the ^' cheer for Old Amherst '' and speeches of her loyal sons. Thus, fired with new ambitions, new life, and new thoughts, the student body resumed its college course. But the golden glamor of that fair and roman- tic goddess of truth and loyalty — Sabrina — had not been dulled by the few months — or years — of olive drab. Secret whispered conferences were lield by small groups; ''whens" and ''wheres" were asked. And the class of 1919 realized more poignantly than ever before that they had but a few remaining months in Amherst to wrest the NINETEEN TWENTY 93 elusive goddess from the hands of her wily protectors. One cold evening in February, the first meet- ing of the year of Anti-Sabrina men was held to discuss the best means of capturing the much- sought goddess of the even classes. Deke Darl- ing, president of the class of 1919, Hal Seward, president of Student Council, 1919, Dave Soli- day, 1919, Francis Plimpton, president of class of 1921, and Rowell Schleicher, 1921, composed this Httle group of serious thinkers and would-be ''sleuths." But before any adequate organization could be evolved among the ranks of the Odd Classmen, which were somewhat thinned by War absences, 1920 held its Sabrina Banquet at Worcester. Plans for this affair were successfully laid and carried out with little intimation coming to the non-Sabrina men of the nature of the project under way before it actually took place. At- tempts were made to trail the statue after it had left Worcester, but these proved to be ineffectual. Stan Woodward, '17, was called over the tele- phone at his residence in Worcester and asked to go to the Bancroft to see if he could find any trace of the Goddess. Woodward proceeded at once to the banquet, but the Goddess had gone. As a last resort, he went to the local police head- quarters, swore out a warrant for the arrest of the 94 SABRINA men in charge of the statue on the charge of har- boring property stolen from Amherst College. A cordon of police was promptly drawn up around the outskirts of Worcester, but by the time the arm of the law had stretched its net, Sabrina was gone. Excitement was intense that night in Amherst. Various rumors were on foot many of which were plausible, but none of which were based on any reliable foundation. The college had become addicted to rumor, possibly because of its long stay in the army, where rumors of a well-known character are rife. Although Odd Class attempts to shadow the statue on this occasion were unsuccessful, plans were made and subsequently carried out in great detail for an elaborate system by which the cap- ture of Sabrina might be effected. Certain occupants of houses on each of the main roads leading into and out of Amherst were interviewed, and they agreed to keep a sharp lookout for any suspicious looking vehicles which might pass their houses, and to keep the 1919 chairman posted in the event of any going by. In each Fraternity two or three men of the Odd Classes kept a watchful eye open for any useful informa- tion, and kept various Even Classmen, who were suspected of being connected in some way with the guardianship and most recent movement of NINETEEN TWENTY 95 the statue, under strict surveillance. During baseball games, or at times when the entire col- lege body was gathered together and it seemed probable that an appearance might be attempted, men with telescopes watched the surrounding country from Chapel Tower, and wig-wagged to other Odd Classmen on the roof of the Beta Theta Pi House, but always their signals read, ''Nothing in Sight." No detail was overlooked that might help the Odd Classmen capture Sabrina. Finally, one day. May 9, 1919, word was received about noon that the Even Class had chosen that evening to show Sabrina before a gathering at College Hall where the Sophomore Smoker was to be held. Plans were immediately laid for her capture. Three automobiles were hired, and certain Odd Classmen were told off to occupy each of these, which were stationed at different points; one back of the Psi U House, one on the road to Northampton, and one on the Holyoke Road. All were near telephones. At the appointed time that evening, Sabrina appeared before College Hall. A search light was flashed upon her for a second and then she disappeared in mad haste. The undergraduates and the guests of the college who had been lis- tening to the program at the Smoker in College Hall, poured out on the terrace, but were only 96 SABRINA successful in catching a fleeting glimpse of the Goddess. Pursuit was immediately taken up. Machines in waiting, after a slight delay, gave chase. The Packard which had been hired in Amherst and which was occupied by Schleicher, Hatheway, Palmer and Zink, '21, managed to creep up on the Even Class cars on the Holyoke Road. As is usual in planning for a safe retreat for the Goddess, two cars were employed. Sabrina was being carried in a special Pack- ard, and Nash was following in his own car. Schleicher was seated in the back seat of the non-Sabrina car, and as they approached Nash's car he suddenly fired several shots which whizzed by Hatheway's ear. One of them reached its mark and a rear tire exploded on Nash's car which rolled heavily into the ditch, and the Packard tore by. The car in which Sabrina was being carried was by this time far ahead, and no trace of it could be found on the road. Arriving at Holyoke, the men decided that the Goddess might have been taken to Springfield, and accordingly, they went there. Finding nothing in the station or elsewhere they con- tinued to Worcester in the hopes that it might be the Even Class plan to hide it in the Bancroft, and that they might arrive there in time to pre- vent its removal to the hotel storage rooms, but here too their efforts were unrewarded. NINETEEN TWENTY 97 Immediately after Sabrina had gone through, Seward and Sohday obtained a car from North- ampton and drove leisurely down the Holyoke Road hoping that the Even Classmen, after hav- ing taken a side road to allow their pursuers to pass them, might be returning over the same road they had previously travelled. They were the more firmly convinced that this was the plan of the Even Classmen for they had recently learned of the plans formulated by 1918, one of which was to have the Goddess appear several times in succession the same day, and they hoped that this idea might have taken root. However, Sabrina was by this time far away, and nothing of any importance was discovered on the way to Holyoke. Arriving there, the men telephoned Amherst. They got in touch with Schleicher who was then in Springfield and sent him on to Worcester as has been related above. After making a thorough search of Holyoke and vicin- ity they went slowly back to Amherst, sorely disappointed. This was the first time that Sabrina had been followed out of town by Odd Classmen. The pursuit was close, and the affair on the Notch, if the story related by those who participated in the battle can be given credence, was a fierce encounter fraught with considerable danger. All through that night, the Odd Classmen 98 SABRINA waited for news of the capture of Sabrina, but when morning came the pursuers returned with more plans and plots and lots of ideas, but with- out Sabrina. Brisk, Palmer and Stanford '21 appeared swathed with bandages. They, too, had been chasing Sabrina and had come to grief at the iron bridge which spans the Freshman River on the Holyoke Road beyond the powerhouse. Their driver had been at the wheel for many hours and sleep overpowered him as they rounded a curve at a high rate of speed. Witnesses who have seen the spot since, declare that the shock of the meeting of car and bridge moved the steel girders several inches. Be this as it may, the three men previously mentioned showed signs of some sort of an encounter of a disagreeable nature. Various rumors and clews were followed in the next few weeks to discover the Goddess' hiding place. One man reported that he had seen her being carried into a building back of The Draper; another that he had seen her in Deerfield; an- other still, not connected in any way with the college, offered for a mere $1000 to give "valu- able information." (The Odd Classmen never learned the value of this information, for they did not avail themselves of the privilege of buy- ing it.) When Commencement time came, 1919 was graduated and Sabrina still reigned supreme in the hands of the Even Classes. THE BOSTON BANQUET SABRINA remained in her hiding place in Belchertown until the following March. All during the summer of 1919 activity was at a standstill, and the Goddess was not to venture forth again until her eventful journey to the Bos- ton Banquet. The Executive Committee of the Boston Alumni Association in drawing up its plans for the annual banquet, hit upon the idea of having Sabrina appear at the function. It was thought at this time that to show Sabrina to the Alumni body would not only stir up great enthusi- asm for the college among its graduates, but might also stir up some interest on the part of the outside world. Freeman Swett, '17, was a member of this committee and secretary of the association. He was given the duty of making the negotia- tions with the undergraduates concerning the possibility of bringing the statue down to Bos- ton. He accordingly got into communication with Roland A. Wood, '20, whom he knew very well. He wrote Wood that the Alumni wanted very much to borrow Sabrina for the occasion; that absolute secrecy should surround the entire affair, that no chances would be taken, and he gave him to understand that although he was an Odd Classman, the purpose of showing Sabrina 99 100 SABRINA was to stir up enthusiasm for the college, and not an attempt on the part of Odd Classmen to cap- ture the Goddess. Wood replied, and advised Swett to get in touch with Phillip See, the 1918 guardian. Wood's letter is re-produced here as an interesting memento of subsequent events which culminated in the capture of Sabrina for the Odd Classmen. Whether Swett wrote to See about this matter is not known, but certain it is that Wood took up the matter with Low, the guardian, and Paul Phillips, president of the class. These men were so surprised at the project, and as it presented a new and novel problem with which previous Sabrina guardians had never had to cope, they decided they had better come on to Boston and talk the matter over with the former guardian. About two weeks before the date on which the banquet was to be held, an undergraduate came to Boston and met See. See was absolute in his refusal to endorse the proposition. He thought the proposed appearance to be exceedingly risky, and the value to the college to be derived from the pubhcity of its appearance altogether incom- mensurate with the danger that would be run. Somewhat influenced by this view, the under- graduate told the committee with whom he had conferred, consisting of a member of the Execu- tive Committee and two Even Classmen for- THE BOSTON BANQUET 101 merly prominent in Sabrina activities, that he did not beheve that the Goddess could be used for such a purpose. He then returned to Amherst. The Even Class committee at college endorsed this refusal but finally gave in to the repeated requests of the alumni. They stated that the matter should be viewed, not as an interclass affair, but from the point of view of the alumni of the entire college. The whole idea was to give Amherst the same publicity that other colleges had been getting in Boston in past years. They reassured the guardian that all necessary pre- cautions should be taken, and that while the ex- ploit seemed daring, in reality the risk was small. The 1920 men thought the proposition over again and finally decided that they would sub- merge their class interests for the larger interest of the college as a whole, and accordingly gave their consent to the showing of Sabrina. The committee being reassured that the project would go through, left the matter of getting Sabrina to the banquet and of having her re- moved safely, to 1914 men. McGay, '14, was given charge of the affair, and he, accordingly, worked out his plans. He made a thorough inspection of the Copley Plaza, paying particu- lar attention to the interior arrangements, and adjoining neighborhood. There was a covered driveway running the entire length of the hotel, 102 SABRINA upon which a door opened directly into the large ball room where the banquet was to be held. It was decided to bring the statue into the driveway on a truck a few minutes before the time sched- uled for her appearance, and then to carry her into the banquet hall, show her for a brief mo- ment, and withdraw, retreating along the same line that they had entered. Details were well worked out in advance. A ''Zero Hour" was determined upon at which the statue was to appear, and all men connected with the showing were acquainted with this time. The seating of the Alumni at tables was so arranged that the Even Classmen should be grouped around the door at which the Goddess was to appear. Odd Class tables being relegated to far corners. Men were appointed to watch the doors and main exits of the hotel to be sure that no Odd Classmen left the building. It was planned to remove the lugs in the revolving doors so that they would be put out of commission, temporarily. Men were also to be stationed at the doors of the banquet hall leading to the main corridors of the hotel, to prevent anyone leaving. For the purpose of moving Sabrina, a large truck belonging to R. H. Stearns and Company was to be obtained. It was planned to ship Sabrina to the warehouse of the Miller Piano Company where she was to arrive during the V-. V_ L ©-•-i-JvJD >-»-^ cX^.^!^' THE BOSTON BANQUET 103 day, and be kept there until shortly before the ''Zero Hour," when she was to be taken to the banquet, and after she had been shown, was to be immediately returned to the Miller Piano Company. All was now in readiness, but subse- quent changes in plans to conform to the different situation that the Even Classmen found on the night of the banquet were made. The first intimation that came to Odd Class- men that Sabrina might be shown at the banquet was at a Chi Phi luncheon in Boston when Phil See read a letter to the men there assembled written to him by Wood. This letter, which had been written some time previously, informed See of the proposal to show Sabrina at the Boston Banquet, and asked him for a statement of his opinion regarding the matter. See, having previously refused to sanction the appearance, was rather amused at the determination of the undergraduates to show Sabrina, and treated the matter as a huge joke. It was utterly beyond his comprehension that the intentions of the Even Classmen could be serious. Boynton, '19, was at the luncheon and became tremendously excited at the letter read by See. That afternoon he telephoned Seward and re- peated to him what See had said at the luncheon that day. Seward, while not altogether con- vinced that Sabrina was to be shown, because 104 SABRINA of the openness with which See had disclosed the matter, agreed with Boynton to get in touch with McGregor '19, and talk the matter over. That night, Seward saw McGregor and they decided that the likelihood of Sabrina's really coming was slight, but that at the same time it would be advisable to make some plans to wel- come the Goddess if she should put in an appear- ance. The banquet was a large occasion, and it did not seem wise to let even the rumor which had come to their attention go by without mak- ing some preparations. It so happened that McGregor was acquainted with a detective who had a large organization in Boston, and with whom his father had often had business and personal dealings. Accordingly, this man, whom we shall here call Mr. Williams, was taken into consultation. At the first meeting with Mr. Williams the matter was talked over in a rather vague and loose way, and nothing of any note was done. Seward shortly afterwards went to New York to see Soliday. In going over the possibility of an appearance of Sabrina at an alumni function attended by both Odd and Even Classmen, they were impressed with the honor that would come to the Even Classes in the event of success to them and determined to lay as complete plans as events warranted. Later on Rowell Schleicher, '21, THE BOSTON BANQUET 105 who had charge of non-Sabrina activities in Col- lege, was requested to come to Boston, and another meeting was held with Mr. Williams. By this time, the probability of the Sabrina proposition going through was somewhat stronger, and a detailed plan was developed by which to capture the statue if it appeared. The first thing to do was to get a clear understanding and thorough knowledge of the ins and outs of the Hotel Copley Plaza. Accordingly, Seward and McGregor made a complete inspection of the building at an early date. The most prominent feature of the layout was the covered driveway, previously mentioned, which runs through the entire building from Trinity Place to Dartmouth Street. It became clear that if Sabrina was to be shown inside the Copley that this driveway was the logical place of entrance and retreat. Several doors were observed leading into the ball room, which were used for bringing in supplies, and it was evident that these doors could easily be opened for Sabrina. It was determined at a subsequent meeting with Schleicher and Mr. Williams that the best method of capture was to attempt to take the statue after it had made its appearance, and that it would be unwise to try to seize it, before it was taken into the driveway. Accordingly, they decided to hire several cars for pursuit purposes. 106 SABRINA and with which to block the car carrying Sabrina, if possible. The matter of hiring and manning the machines was left to Mr. Williams. After going over the plans again, Schleicher went back to Amherst where he was to report immediately any occurrences of a suspicious nature. In the meantime, the Executive Committee in charge of the banquet had printed an announce- ment of the affair. This embodied a program of the various entertainment features that were to be held. A large question mark appeared as the last announcement, and this, together with the accompanjdng wording, could mean nothing to Odd Classmen but that Sabrina was to be shown. The Odd Classmen were now firmly convinced that the appearance was to be at- tempted. Plans were again gone over carefully and complete secrecy surrounded them. No one was told of the arrangements which had been made, nor was the Executive Committee ques- tioned as to the probability of Sabrina's being shown. These in brief were the complete plans of the Odd Classmen, and as subsequent happen- ings prove, they were well drawn up and care- fully prepared, although some changes were found to be necessary on the night of the banquet. The story of the journey of Sabrina to Boston has been prepared as here submitted by Paul Phillips, President of the class of 1920. THE BOSTON BANQUET 107 At the time the Even Classmen gave their consent to bring Sabrina to the Boston Banquet, it was just about physically impossible to get the statue there because of the weather conditions. One of the members of the Sabrina Committee, Cowles, got the statue from its hiding place in Belchertown, boxed it up and put it on a train at Springfield for Boston. This in itself was considerable of a task, for the statue was buried beneath two feet of frozen earth. To quote Phillips' report: ''We felt no compunction in sending her via express, which is contrary to our rules, because we were not serving the interests of the Even Classes, but those of the college. We had already shown the Lady as the rules called for, and we were doing this at the request of the Alumni, as a College and as a two class affair — serving alike the interests of both Odd and Even Classes. She was safely received at a wayside station just out of Boston and was received by the ' chief, '^ and carried away into hiding until the time of her appearance. The chief sent the men who accompanied the Lady back to Amherst. He wanted no case of divided authority in Boston, and wanted the alumni to take all the responsibility. Another reason for this was the fact that the sight of 1 Phillips refers to McGay who was in charge of the Boston end of the appearance as "the chief." 108 SABRINA Even Class undergraduates in Boston at this time would excite the suspicion of Odd Classmen, who knew nothing of the plan." The wayside station mentioned above was Framingham. Later investigation has revealed the fact that Cowles, '20 and Scott, '22, accom- panied the statue to Framingham where they were sent back to Amherst as Phillips states. McGay and Miller, '14, took Sabrina in a truck to Boston and placed her in the warehouse of the Miller Piano Company as had been previously planned. McGay describes this as follows: ^'Sa- brina was brought to Framingham by express after a twelve mile drive by sled on the other end, the morning of the event. Stan Miller and I met the two undergraduates who brought her down and put her aboard one of Miller's trucks and took her to the Henry Miller Piano Company on Boylston Street. She stayed there until a few minutes before she was shown at the banquet." McGay supplies the information that it was originally intended to have Sabrina carried into the banquet by officers of the Boston Alumni Association, of which officers seven were Odd Classmen. The fact that this plan was not carried out, offers convincing proof that the Odd Classmen who captured Sabrina were not "tipped off" by any of the Executive Committee, or in any way aided in their attempts. THE BOSTON BANQUET 109 The forty-ninth Annual Banquet of the Boston Alumni Association of Amherst College was held on Wednesday Evening March 3, 1920 at the Hotel Copley Plaza. It was a great affair. The principle speakers were prominent alumni, among whom were Governor Coolidge, since elected Vice-President of the United States, President Meiklejohn, Professor Barker, and Rush Rhees, President of Rochester University. Judge Ed- ward C. Estey presided. Among the six hundred or more alumni present were men of practically every class since the year '57, of which class several men put in an appearance. It is inter- esting to note that at this time prolonged ap- plause greeted the reference to Gov. Coolidge's presidential chances. ''Tug" Wilson, president of the Amherst Alumni Association of Chicago urged the Boston Alumni to bring the governor to the convention the following fall and make him president, and at this suggestion the hotel re- sounded with Amherst cheers. While President Meiklejohn was paying trib- ute to the lasting interest of college traditions, the folding doors at the side of the hall suddenly opened and a huge representation of a bottle of Gordon's Gin was brought into the room. When it had progressed well into the center of the group of Even Class tables, which were placed in a circle around the door, the effigy was torn aside no SABRINA and Sabrina in all her loveliness was revealed to the astonished gaze of the men there present. The cheering which broke loose, and the conflict- ing cries of Odd and Even Classes filled the hotel, while frantic scurrying about on the part of Odd Classmen, and the self-congratulatory back- slapping of Even Classmen heightened the ex- citement. The statue was quickly withdrawn and President Meiklejohn was allowed to con- tinue his address, which we fear fell upon the ears of a more inattentive audience than ever sat in Walker Hall for a Freshman Math class. Rumors floated about freely to the effect that Sabrina had been captured, that Sabrina had escaped, and that Sabrina was coming back, when Boynton, '19, during a pause between the speeches, announced in loud voice that Sabrina had been taken and was in the hands of the class of 1919. This was the signal for Odd Classmen to give vent to all the pent-up enthusiasm which had been accumulating over a long period of twenty- nine years. If the Copley had resounded with "All hails" when the Goddess put in her ap- pearance, it now fairly vibrated with the trium- phant paeans of Odd Classmen. It is necessary at this point to go back in the story to the point at which Sabrina was left in the warehouse of the Miller Piano Company. To again quote McGay 's version of the escapade : FLOOR PLAN, HOTEL COPLEY-PLAZA THE BOSTON BANQUET 111 — "It was planned to bring Sabrina into the banquet at 9:30 P. M. There was a man at each door of the hotel to pull the plungers out of the revolving doors and to hold them for three minutes after she came in. A fake car ran into the covered alley-way on to which the banquet hall opened. Of course, there were men watch- ing outside for any trouble, and the driver of the R. H. Stearns Company's truck was to be signalled if any trouble was brewing. Not being able to find any Odd Classmen outside, they evi- dently thought things were O. K. and let her come in. . . ." Sabrina was brought to the Copley from the Miller Piano Company's warehouse in the truck which had been secured as planned from R. H. Stearns and Company, a few moments before the scheduled time of her appearance. To again quote McGay. "I had charge of the inside and was to stop it (Sabrina) from coming if anything looked bad. All went well inside and Sabrina ap- peared on time covered by a large paper bottle advertising Gordon's Gin. She was uncovered and a ring formed around her and she was kept there for a minute or two, then taken out to the truck, and the door was locked. . . ." Here we must again retrace our steps in order to give at this point the plans and actions of the Odd Classmen at this occasion. When Seward 112 SABRINA and McGregor arrived at the Copley that even- ing, they took a final look around to see if their plans were so laid as to assure success. The first thing which attracted their attention on entering the banquet hall was that the tables had been so arranged that Odd Class interfer- ence in the event of the statue being brought into the banquet hall through the doors, in the way they had anticipated, was practically impossible. The Even Class tables were grouped closely in the center of the room and around the door leading into the driveway, and Odd Class tables were in a ring further away. The table set aside for '19 was in the corner of the room farthest from the suspected door, and directly beneath the speaker's table, an unusual place to put the youngest graduating class. This arrangement of tables practically convinced the Odd Classmen that Sabrina was to appear, and they accordingly completed their plans hastily. Neiley, '19, promptly hired another automobile, and after Seward and McGregor had gone out and talked with the men whom Mr. Williams had sent there in cars, as had been previously decided, they returned to the banquet and took their places at the tables. But before entering the banquet hall, they looked carefully around the hotel for means of exit in case the Goddess was brought in. They found two ready means of leaving in THE BOSTON BANQUET 113 a hurry from where the 1919 table was placed. One of these was through the kitchen, and the other a stairway that led to the second floor from where easy access could be made to the ground floor through the musicians gallery and upper corridor. Thus, reassured of a line of retreat, they decided they had better stay inside the banquet hall to avert suspicion, and sat down outwardly calm, but inwardly agitated. Every half hour one of the Odd Classmen left the building and looked up some of Mr. WilHams men outside. The machines were stationed on both sides of the building on which the driveway opened. One was placed in front of the hotel as well. These machines were if possible, to block the truck carrying Sabrina as it came out of the driveway, and if not, to follow. At half past nine a taxicab entered the drive- way and remained there for a few minutes and then disappeared. Not one of the blocking cars moved, for they saw through the Even Class ruse. The Sabrina guardians, convinced that all was well, now appeared with the R. H. Stearns covered truck carrying Sabrina. This car entered the driveway and almost immediately profound cheering was heard from the inside of the building. As it came out the cars provided by Mr. Williams moved towards it. At this point it will aid the reader to consult 114 SABRINA the accompanying chart of the plan of the Cop- ley Plaza, and the plan of the streets of Boston in that neighborhood. This plan has been drawn to represent graphically the line of flight, pur- suit and capture of Sabrina as it took place. It should be borne in mind at the same time that this had been an unusually severe Winter and that the streets were piled high with melting snow-drifts. As the truck emerged from the entrance, the car which had been secured by Neiley successfully blocked it. The two cars collided, but serious injury was not done to either. The truck im- mediately backed away and its driver quickly decided to steer around the car in his way. Ac- cordingly, he veered to the left towards a heavy drift of snow, and not taking regard of the con- sequences of his act, plowed into it head fore- most. This was a rash move for the truck soon became stalled in the heavy drifts which came well up over the hubs of the wheels. It was stuck so fast that it was not removed from the drift until next morning, although heroic attempts were made at the time to break it loose. In the meantime, as soon as Sabrina had ap- peared inside the banquet hall, Seward and Mc- Gregor rushed out of the hotel by means of the second story exit they had previously discovered. Boynton, by a trick of fate, had been standing THE BOSTON BANQUET 115 near a main exit of the ball room when the statue was ushered in, and was the first to appear on the scene as the R. H. Stearns truck emerged from the driveway. He got into the machine hired by Neiley just before it was struck by the van. Seward and McGregor came up just as the truck stalled in the snow and Seward in a moment of excitement grasped the statue with both hands in an attempt to drag it from the truck, not knowing what he would do with it if he did get it. An Even Classman pursuaded him to desist, asking, ''Who are you?" " I am an Even Class- man, 1918," he replied. He then went over and sat in a Ford which had also been hired by the Odd Classmen, and McGregor joined Boynton in the car which had blocked Sabrina. The Even Classmen, seeing their two cars stuck, became rather excited and rushed madly to and fro without taking any steps to remove the statue from the spot. A suggestion was made to the men in charge of Sabrina that they put the statue in the Ford in which Seward was sitting. Some men, it is not known to this day whom, took Sabrina from the truck and put her in the Ford in compliance with this suggestion. Fords were not built to admit of the easy en- trance of three hundred pound ladies, who are rather obstinate in the matter of their posture, and as a result Sabrina's toe was broken in the 116 SABRINA mad haste with which she was piled into the tonneau of the Ford. Kimball, and Moulton, '14, got into the rear seat with the statue. Seward and two of Mr. Williams' men occupied the front seat. As the car moved off in the rear of the Westminster Hotel, McGay hung on the running board, but a moment later, seeing two Even Classmen in the car with the Goddess, dropped off, sajdng, ''You watch Sabrina and I'll follow in the next car." The car moved on through the streets around Trinity Station and swung into Clarendon Street, down Clarendon across Boylston to Common- wealth, where it swung to the left toward Massa- chusetts Avenue. During this ride the Even Classmen continually directed the driver, whom they thought was working in their interests, to turn to the left so that they might get back to the warehouse of the Miller Piano Company where Sabrina was supposed to be taken. But the driver, who knew what he was about, re- peatedly refused to comply with their requests, saying that the ruts in the snow were so deep that he could not swing the car out of them. All this time Odd Class cars manned by Mr. Williams' men, and several Even Class cars followed closely in the rear. As the car turned to the right into Massachu- setts Avenue one of the Even Classmen whose THE BOSTON BANQUET 117 suspicions were aroused by this time, leaned over and pushed the driver forward, at the same time giving the wheel a jerk to the left. The driver, falling forward on the foot levers, stalled the Ford, and it stood motionless in the center of the street. A dispute arose as to what should be done next as the other cars came up. The Odd Classmen made all the confusion and noise that was possible, so as not to give the Even Classmen a chance to get off by themselves and think clearly. They were helped in this to some extent by the drivers as well. As luck would have it Mr. Williams arrived on the scene at this time. He came up to the car in the guise of a special police officer and asked what all the trouble was about. He was im- mediately assured that there was no trouble at all. Looking in the back of the car he saw the battered statue of Sabrina. '^What's that thing in there?" he asked. ''It's a statue," replied various men. ''Who does it belong to?" asked Williams. " It belongs to us. It belongs to us," said the Odd and Even Classmen in the same voice. "Well, why not go down to the Police Station and straighten the matter out?" said Williams. "That's a good idea," said the Odd Classmen, and the Even Classmen reluctantly acceded to this proposal. The Even Classmen at once attempted to hire the Ford to make sure 118 SABRINA there would be no question of authority once they were under way. The driver readily fell in with their offer and named twenty five dollars as his price. ''Well, we'll pay that" said the Even Classmen, but the driver, trying to make time for the Odd Classmen put up an argument about his hat, which had been lost. ''I don't go until I get paid for my hat" he said, 'Tve lost my hat." ''Well, we'll pay you for your hat," said the Even Classmen. " Well, I want it now," said the driver. Thus, he added to the general confusion. Two Even Classmen who had been in the rear seat with Sabrina, got out of the car and only Kimball remained. Mr. Williams saw to it that they remained outside, and that he and his men took their places in the back of the car. Seward, fearing that he might be recognized, also left the car with Sabrina and entered the machine in which McGregor had followed closely behind, Boynton having stayed at the hotel. The Ford now started out, supposedly on its way to the Police Station to settle the matter of the disputed possession of the Goddess, who had all this time been resting serenely in the rear of the car, unperturbed by all the excitement which her presence was causing. The driver of the car, having received his instructions in some detail previously, now swung to the right off Massachusetts Avenue and ran down some side C h ar\es River STREETS OF BOSTON The Line of Flight THE BOSTON BANQUET 119 streets, eventually making a complete circle of the block. Two cars in the employ of the Odd Classmen were waiting at the corner, and as the calvacade approached, the car bearing Sabrina was allowed to pass and go out on Massachusetts Avenue toward Cambridge. The second car containing Even Classmen was cleverly blocked. Just as it came to the corner the Odd Class car shot out in front of it, driving up to the curbstone where the two cars collided gently. In the car following were Seward and McGregor, and this drove around the two cars jammed on the side- walk and followed Sabrina out over the Harvard Bridge into Cambridge. Several hundred yards behind came a lone Ford which had been waiting on Massachusetts Avenue for the return of the cavalcade to the main highway, and this was closely followed by two Even Class machines. By zigzagging across the bridge, making ^'S's" and by other feats of driving, the Ford managed to block the roadway completely, thus prevent- ing the machines behind, which had succeeded in breaking away, from following Sabrina, who was by this time out of sight and far away. The Ford bearing Sabrina headed at a good rate for Cambridge, in which, as has been related, were Kimball, '14, and four of Mr. Williams men. Arriving in Cambridge the car turned off to the right beyond Central Square and dodged in and 120 SABRINA out among the dark streets of that neighborhood for some time. When convinced that pursuit had been effectually cut off, they came to a stop. McGregor and Seward came up in their car and together with Mr. Williams they approached Kimball. Kimball was finally convinced of the utter uselessness of any attempt to resist, and accordingly agreed with the proposal that he return to Boston with McGregor and Seward. This he did, and Sabrina was at once taken to the residence of Mr. Williams as had been previously planned. Returning to the banquet Seward and Mc- Gregor found the speeches well under way, and that the function had resumed a normal aspect. Boynton was sought out and told to make his announcement as chronicled above, which he did. In the meantime a telegram had been sent to Schleicher at Amherst announcing the capture, and he speedily spread the news about the campus that Sabrina was for the first time in twenty- nine years the Goddess of the Odd Classes. The following extract from the Amherst Student for March 4, 1920, amply describes the effect which the magic news had upon the undergraduates. "At exactly 10:45 -last night Schleicher, '21, in Amherst, received the following telegram from Seward and McGregor: — ''Sabrina appeared. We have her." THE BOSTON BANQUET 121 Swiftly the news ran about the college. Groups of Odd Classmen joined in singing the Sabrina song in celebration. A huge bonfire was kindled in front of the Library, and the Chapel bell was tolled vigorously. As the rumor was spread it was distorted, and many and wild were the versions circulated about college in the early hours of the morning. Chapel was turned into a Sabrina celebration, the doxology giving way to the Sabrina song, and the usually sedate pre- lude swelling in a Paean of Triumph. After the Sabrina song, the Freshman exhibited a lurid banner on which was printed ''Sabrina Day — No Classes." After that the Freshman de- camped in a body followed by most of the Junior class." It has been thought advisable to re-print here the account of the Boston Banquet which is written by one of the Even Classmen who was closely in touch with all happenings: — McGay. "The statue was shown for a minute or two and then backed out to the truck and the door locked from behind. We got out of the alley- way and turned to the right to find on coming out that every taxi was getting ready to move on. At the first corner a big machine moved out and blocked the way. Remember the snow was so deep that there was only room for one car to go down. The truck hit it and knocked it partly to 122 SABRINA one side, but stalled its engine in so doing. I hopped on the running board and grabbed the steering wheel of the car ahead so it could not start going again, and the truck started to swing around it. It went up to the hubs with about four feet more to go and could not be moved. That's how near we came to getting away as Miller's car was right behind the truck, and if they had reached solid ground this car could have blocked the rest. By the way, the only man out- side of Even Classmen whom I saw during the entire performance who might have been an Am- herst man, was in the car that blocked the truck. He was a little dark-haired fellow in evening dress. When I got aboard he tried to come over from the back seat and get me off, and I firmly but gently put him back where he started from. You might ask Seward who he is for my satisfaction. ^ I started back to get some more of the gang. Meanwhile, Sabrina was in the truck in perfect safety with about twelve Even huskies over her. We had not gone fifty feet when I saw her being carried across the street to an open Ford. I hot-footed it back but she was inside by then so I jumped on the running board with Big Dick Kimball and Moulton inside with the two drivers. Bunny Shaw was right behind in a taxi, so I dropped off and got inside his car and followed. ^This was Nehemiah Boynton Jr. of the class of 1919. THE BOSTON BANQUET 123 We went about ten blocks and ended up on Massachusetts Avenue where Kimball made them halt as they had picked up three or four other cars by then. The four of us tried to get Sabrina into our taxi, but she was wedged and we could not get her out. We argued and talked and moved around the corner trying to buy our way out. It was finally decided that we would go to the Police Station, and we started off, Big Dick with Sabrina and the driver in the car. Bunny and I following, went around the block when we hit Massachusetts Avenue. Two cars cornered ours while Sabrina started across Harvard Bridge. We finally got by but she was almost across and we lost her in the winding streets about half way to Harvard Square. Dick cleaned up the two detectives but they were met by some other cars and he was shipped back to Boston." This account of McGay's of the happenings around the Hotel Copley and in the streets of Boston and Cambridge, coincides in all details with the main account given above which was compiled from data and memoranda which certain Odd Classmen had preserved as souvenirs of the occasion, as well as from the memory of the principle characters involved in the escapade. Thus, Sabrina changed hands for the first time in twenty-nine years. The happenings surround- 124 SABRINA ing the capture were as exciting as any which had previously taken place in any adventure in which the Goddess has been the center of attrac- tion. At first glance it would seem that the loss of the statue by the Even Classes was altogether uncalled for, and yet a comprehensive knowledge of the efforts of the Odd Classes, which extended back to the entrance of the class of 1919 into Amherst College, and even before that, makes it clear that while the men who actually cap- tured Sabrina did get certain breaks at the time, their plans were well laid, their determina- tion unflagging, and the success of their venture came as a well deserved reward for the efforts of all Odd Classmen. Those who subsequently came in contact with the Even Classmen who were directly in charge of the statue had the feeling that they regarded the Sabrina tradition as too much of a one-sided affair. While it was always tacitly assumed that Sabrina should be regarded as the possession of the Odds if they were fortunate enough to cap- ture her, several of these men seemed to have the view that Odd Class opposition was really nothing but a small side of the tradition ; one to add zest to the affair; and that the idea of Odd Classmen really possessing the statue was not included in the rules. It can only be here said lihat the strong feeling of the Evens at the loss of THE BOSTON BANQUET 125 their Goddess is the best assurance that the tradition will be kept up in the future. Viewing the matter historically and tracing the events which led up over a long period to the capture of the Goddess, several factors seem to be responsible. Up to and after the class of 1916 had left Amherst, the rules governing the guardianship of Sabrina were regarded as sacred; any deviation from the letter of the law, and putting any other interpretation upon these rules than that handed down by precedent was altogether out of the question. Winthrop Smith, '16 guardian, discloses the fact that in those days Sabrina could not be moved or shown without the consent of the two previous guar- dians. This rule, as has been shown, was sub- sequently violated, not in bad faith, but be- cause strict adherence to these laws and conform- ance to the spirit of the tradition gradually broke down. Many causes seem to be responsible for this breakdown, and one of them certainly is the dissipating effect that the participation of the college body in war activities had upon the Sabrina tradition. Not only were the guardians scattered far apart, making communication an impossibility, but the idea back of the tradition was weakened. The '18 temporary guardian, Hal Johnson, took a more idealistic view of the real purpose of Sabrina than had any of the 126 SABRINA former guardians. He discarded some of the provisions which had marked the tradition in the past, and broadly chose to view the matter as a means of benefiting the entire college body rather than the preservation of the loyalty of the Even Classmen to an imaginary Goddess. Due largely to this fact, Odd Classmen, when they went into conference with Johnson and the other temporary guardians, were bound to meet with more consideration than would have been the case in former years. Undoubtedly, the rules did more to crystallize the Sabrina tradition as an affair of the whole college rather than of the Even Classes, than any other event. The result was the determination on the part of the class of 1920 to show Sabrina more in the course of one year than she had ever been shown before, even though the under- taking involved considerable risk. Be it said to the everlasting credit of this class, they did give the college more thrills in the matter of Sabrina appearances than had ever been experi- enced before. This feeling, that Sabrina was a college affair, culminated in the decision to lend the statue to the Boston Alumni. The Even Class guardians expressly say that their consent in this matter was caused by their desire to aid the college in the matter of publicity. The violation of the H in X- o Hi/ Sac 0^ THE BOSTON BANQUET 127 rules which the giving of this consent constituted was again not bad faith, nor carelessness, but lack of knowledge that such rules existed. This point more than anything else bears out the assertion that Sabrina had ceased to be a closed proposition governed by hierarchy of former guardians, and more of a distinctly under- graduate affair. NINETEEN NINETEEN EVENTS subsequent to the Boston Ban- quet are here summarized by the men who played the principle parts in them. Directly after Sabrina had been captured Schlei- cher came to Boston. Soliday also came up from Philadelphia and the guardianship of Sa- brina was officially given to him. The statue was left at the home of Mr. Williams for three days while a box was being made for it. After this, Sabrina went to Fitchburg. She was shipped there on a train in care of a Mr. Wallace, a manufacturer of that city, where it remained one day to make sure that it was not being fol- lowed. The new guardian felt quite justified in moving the statue by train even though in seem- ing violation of the rules adopted while they were in college, because of the weather conditions, and because the class of 1920 had committed the same violation three days previous, in shipping the statue to Boston over the Boston and Albany. On the following day the statue was taken by machine to Winchendon, Massachusetts, and secreted in the warehouse of H. B. Converse, a toy manufacturer of that town. Here it was kept until April 19. The Odd Classmen in charge of Sabrina, because they were graduated 128 NINETEEN NINETEEN 129 from the college, and because they felt that the Goddess should be turned over to the class of 1921 as soon as possible, decided to have the Goddess put in an appearance at Amherst in the hands of the undergraduates. Accordingly, Monday April 19, 1920 was determined upon in joint conference with the undergraduates as a date upon which to show the statue. Plans were accordingly laid; all details and arrangements at the Amherst end being left entirely to Schleicher, while Odd Class graduates concerned themselves only with bringing the statue to Amherst. It was decided to show Sabrina at Chapel exercises. It was pretty well understood in the college that Sabrina might appear at any time, and accord- ingly, the element of surprise had to be relied upon strongly in making any preparations. The arrangements at Amherst were completed and the necessary machines to act as pursuit cars were hired. These machines were obtained in Boston to avert any suspicion that might arise if they were hired around Amherst. All during this period Seward and McGregor were closely shadowed in Boston by men who, even at the distance at which they followed, were obviously and unmistakably agents of the Ryder Detective Agency. To entirely divert suspicion that any undertaking connected with Sabrina was on foot, Seward and McGregor went to 130 SABRINA Amherst the week end before the date set for the appearance, and fortunately, there was a dance at the Psi U. House which they attended. Sohday did not come to Amherst this week end, as it was fairly well known that he might be guardian, and it was felt that his presence in Amherst would point rather definitely to the attempted appearance of the Goddess. To heighten the effect Seward and McGregor re- turned to Boston Sunday night. Some time before, in looking for a machine which was suitable for carrying Sabrina, McGregor happened to mention to some friends of his, who were then undergraduates in Harvard College, that an appearance of the statue might be a possibility in the near future. The affair at the Copley had resulted in considerable pubUcity for Sabrina and Amherst in and around Bos- ton, and these two men, albeit from a college with somewhat different ideals and tendencies, readily became enthusiastic about the proposed showing. Maurice Curran Jr., Harvard, '20, offered his Mercer to McGregor for the occasion, and his courtesy was promptly accepted. John Ladensack Jr., and Lee Evans Jr., both of Har- vard, also wished to go along as a body-guard. Consent was given for it was felt that the pres- ence of these men while Sabrina was being moved around Boston and the vicinity would avert all NINETEEN NINETEEN 131 suspicion as to what was going on. So these men met Seward and McGregor at the latters house at eight o'clock on Sunday evening and they all set out for Winchendon in Curran's Mercer and McGregor's Stearns. The latter started off in a rather inauspicious fashion, as he was arrested in Harvard Square for violating a traffic ordi- nance. The arm of the law was dodged here, however, or Sabrina might not have appeared the following morning. The plan was for the men to proceed to Win- chendon, get the statue and go at once to Amherst, where they were to meet Schleicher before Chapel in front of the post-office, to make sure that everything was in readiness. Schlei- cher was to have two men beside himself on hand to greet Sabrina, and one man stationed out- side Chapel to wait for Sabrina to come up College Street, when he was to rush into the building and announce that Sabrina was outside on the Holyoke Road. It was figured out that this would take just long enough for the car to arrive on the Holyoke Road at the foot of Chapel Hill. While the college body came out, Sabrina was to be lifted to view and then taken down the Holyoke Road over the Notch, shifted to another car to throw off possible pursuit, and taken back to Winchendon, while Schleicher returned to Amherst. 132 SABRINA The men in the two cars, after their misadven- ture in Harvard Square, moved down along the Fitchburg Road. Disaster was nearly to over- take them more than once before the close of that evening, however. A short distance outside of Concord, McGregor was driving, when suddenly his lights went out. He was travelling at a high rate of speed and as his car started for the ditch McGregor tried to stop the car in the darkness, but it caromed off to the side of the road and ran into a fence which borders the highway at this point. Hastily getting out of the car, the men looked it over to find the extent of the damage done. Fortunately, only one mud-guard was missing, and the running gear appeared to be in working condition. It took some time to drag the car back on to the road, and an even longer time to find out what was the trouble with the lights. As it was, the hghts worked fitfully from that time on, and the men had to drive in the dark most of the night. Curran and Seward had been in front of McGregor when he met with his accident, and failed to take any note of it for some time. After they had proceeded some ten miles up the road they missed their pursuit car, and began to wonder what had happened. Doubling back, their worry increasing as they retraced their route, they came to the spot where McGregor's car NINETEEN NINETEEN 133 lay in the ditch and helped place it back on the road. The party now started on again but with their nerves considerably on edge. Taking any ride which has Sabrina as its destination is far from having a calming influence upon one, and the accident which had happened thus without warn- ing, did a great deal to undermine the confidence of the men and prepare them for most anything. The cars were now running completely off schedule, but speeded up to the best of their ability towards Winchendon, where they arrived at one o'clock, two hours late. They proceeded directly to the factory of H. B. Converse, and met the owner, who admitted them to the ware- house where Sabrina was in hiding. The statue was quickly unpacked and placed in McGregor's car, and they started out on the last lap of their journey towards Amherst just as dawn was breaking. They picked up two cars which were hired for the occasion in Athol. All speed was made towards Greenfield. Arriving here, a stop was made a short distance out of town and Sabrina was transferred to the Mercer. The expedition now proceeded forward at a great pace in an effort to make up lost time, and arriving at the Massachusetts Agricultural College at eight o'clock, the cavalcade split. The Mercer and McGregor's car proceeded to 134 SABRINA the foot of College Street by the back streets of town, past Pratt Infirmary and the Deke House, and one car went over the Notch to await the arrival of Sabrina after she was shown. Another car was sent to meet Schleicher in front of the post-office. It was indeed a wonder that the arrival of Sabrina in town was not noticed, for the cars kicked up clouds of dust as they sped through town. Schleicher reported that everything was quiet, and then he went to the underpass of the Central Vermont Railroad on College Street, where he met Palmer, and Zink, '21. Sabrina was waiting in the Mercer with Curran at the wheel and Seward on the front seat with him. Palmer, Zink and Schleicher got into the Mercer and at 8:21 the car started for Chapel, closely followed by McGregor in his Stearns, in which were Evans and Ladensack. As they moved slowly up College Street the top of the Mercer was thrown back. As the car passed the Chi Phi House, Hatheway, '21, who was stationed in front of Chapel, recognized it by the red ribbons which were flying from the radiator cap and promptly rushed into Chapel and made his stirring announcement. The Mercer now jumped forward, turned to the left, drove on past the Octagon and out on the Holyoke Road. Arriving at the foot of DAVID S. SOLIDAY 1919 Guardian NINETEEN NINETEEN 135 College Hill it came to a stop, and Sabrina, as she was lifted up by Palmer, Zink and Schleicher, once again viewed her old surroundings and the terrace at the foot of Chapel Walk where she had rested many years ago before she became the much disputed object of interclass warfare. By this time the college had emerged from Chapel in a body and a mad rush down the hill began. The cars remained motionless until some of the foremost were very near, then they moved slowly away from the disappointed Even Classmen, picking up speed as they bowled down the Holyoke Road. At the bridge over the Boston & Main tracks they picked up one of the waiting cars, which, after meeting Schleicher, had gone to this point, and with the Mercer in the lead sped away. At the bridge across Fresh- man River, McGregor stopped and drew his car up directly across the road, completely blocking it. Fortunately, for McGregor's car, for he was stationed at a curve in the road, no cars followed. The element of surprise was relied on to such an extent in planning this appearance that it was thought unnecessary and inexpedient to take the trouble to put Even Class cars, which were some- what numerous, out of commission beforehand, and the fact that no car manned by Even Class- men came hurtling around the curve where 136 SABRINA McGregor was waiting, goes to show how com- pletely the Even Classmen were taken off their guard. The Mercer bowled over the Notch, descend- ing on the other side. When near the foot of the hill it stopped and Sabrina was transferred to a Packard which had been kept in waiting here for this purpose. Seward got into this car which drove promptly to Winchendon, accompanied by the other hired car which followed along from Amherst. Curran, with Palmer, Zink and Schlei- cher went on to Springfield to throw off pur- suit, after which they returned to Amherst. McGregor returned to Boston with the Harvard men after spending most of the day in Amherst. Sabrina proceeded on to Holyoke in the Pack- ard, and doubled back to Hamp and on towards Greenfield. Just outside of Northampton the men in the Packard met Governor Coolidge, but did not stop for obvious reasons. They then went on to Greenfield believing that all pursuit would be directed towards Springfield. Subse- quent disclosures prove that this surmise was correct. From Greenfield they proceeded in a leisurely fashion to Winchendon where Sabrina was again hidden away in the warehouse adjoin- ing the toy factory, and after she was safely put back in her box Seward drove back to Boston. So ended the first appearance in Amherst of NINETEEN NINETEEN 137 Sabrina in the hands of Odd Classmen for twenty- nine years. During the months that followed, several mem- bers of the class of 1920, sorely disappointed at the loss of their Goddess, made a number of trips to Boston in attempts to obtain informa- tion as to the whereabouts of their former God- dess. Here they secured the services of a Detec- tive Agency, and if rumors can be believed, they sent these men in all directions. What informa- tion they obtained, or of what value, is not definitely known, but if its value is to be judged by the amount of the charges which the Detective Agency saw fit to levy upon certain members of the class of 1920, it miust have been of prime importance in some respects, chiefly, it is felt, as an object lesson in the future. It is here re- ported that this matter was finally adjusted to the satisfaction of all by action of a Court of Equity which candidly declared that the service rendered did not constitute adequate considera- tion for the amount of the fee charged. At this time Gibson, '19, was living with Seward, and on one of his week end sojourns in Amherst an incident occurred which aroused his suspicions. Sabrina was at this time hidden, as has been mentioned, in the factory of Mr. Con- verse, who also owned a small inn in the town called ''Toy Town Tavern." Gibson found a 138 SABRINA souvenir of this tavern lying upon the desk in one of the rooms of the Alpha Delt House which was occupied by men of the class of 1920. Cautiously inquiring about, his suspicions were more fully aroused, and accordingly he com- municated his information to Seward on his return to Boston. It was decided that no chance would be taken and that a possibility existed that the hiding place might be known, and ac- cordingly, plans were laid to remove the statue. In consultation with Soliday it was decided to take the statue as far away from its present location as was conveniently possible, and it was arranged with John Atwater, '15, to trans- port the Goddess to Huntington, West Virginia, where a good hiding place could be obtained at the bottom of a deserted mine shaft. All the necessary arrangements were made speedily. Atwater and Soliday were to take care of the New York end and a report was soon received from them that all was in readiness. It was planned to bring Sabrina from Winchendon to New Haven where Atwater would be met, the statue transferred to his car, and from where he would take it to Huntington, W. Va. the same day. On Saturday evening, June 4, Seward, McGregor and Gibson left Brookline in McGre- gor's car and proceeded without delay to Win- chendon. Here they at once repaired to Mr. NINETEEN NINETEEN 139 Converse's warehouse, and after being admitted proceeded to remove the statue. This warehouse was used as a storage place for toys, and was completely filled from top to bottom with car- tons and cases of all sorts of wooden mechanical playthings. Mounting to the second floor of the old building the men went to a far corner, and after removing countless crates and boxes found the case containing the Goddess. The boards were unscrewed and the statue lifted out. Mrs. Converse had taken such a keen interest in the Sabrina story that she came down to her husband's factory late at night to see Sabrina off. The statue was carried down the narrow stairs by the light of an electric torch, and placed in Mc- Gregor's car. Then the men quietly moved off into one of the rainiest, blackest nights that the country had seen for some time. Some delay had been experienced in finding Sabrina and re- moving her from her crate, and as a result the car was two hours or more behind scheduled time when it left Winchendon. The condition of the roads caused further delay as the men proceeded, for driving was precarious, and the unusual weight in the rear seat of the car caused it to skid frequently. McGregor had driven the car all the way from Boston to Athol, and becoming somewhat weary, Seward took the wheel. This nearly resulted in 10 140 SABRINA a complete disaster to the entire party, for driv- ing along the road between Greenfield and Am- herst at a high rate of speed Seward failed to see a curve a short distance ahead which wound up over a narrow bridge. The car just hung on the road due to Seward's sudden return to life, and the party proceeded over the bridge and onward, somewhat breathless and rather thank- ful for the unseen and protecting hand of a higher Power. And now, Sabrina went through Amherst for the second time that year, although this trip could not be considered in any way an appearance. In fact, considerable care was taken that it should not be mistaken for an appearance by any Even Classmen who might be prowling about the streets of Amherst for any reason that evening. The car reached the confines of Am- herst about one in the morning, and passed slowly down South Pleasant Street, past the Common, and continued on down the Holyoke Road. The line of travel was through Holyoke and Spring- field, on to Hartford and then to New Haven. The roads by this time had become so slippery that it was impossible to keep up the rate of speed which had been previously planned, and upon which the hour scheduled as the time to meet Atwater in New Haven was based. After pass- ing through Hartford the men took the wrong road by mistake and none of them are clear to NINETEEN NINETEEN 141 this day exactly what highways they travelled over in going to New Haven. Some of these turnpikes were under construction, and the de- tours which were thereby necessitated led through a devious and winding country. It had been decided to meet Atwater in New Haven at three o'clock that morning at the Taft Hotel. A telephone call had been attempted from Hartford, but Atwater was not there. The car bearing Sabrina reached the outskirts of New Haven at six o'clock, and proceeded at once to the Taft where Atwater was found. Robert Davis, '19, and Theodore Cross, '15, had ac- companied him from New York. After a short consultation the two cars moved out of town on the road towards New York and picking a con- venient side road turned off the main highway and came to a stop very near the driveway of a large estate. It had been planned before to effect the transfer from one car to the other under cover of darkness, but there was nothing to do now but to go ahead and make the best of it. Accordingly, in broad daylight, Sabrina was taken out of McGregor's car and placed in Atwater's Mercer where she was covered with a slip cover. Without losing any more time the Mercer started out on the way to New York, the other car following it for a short distance until the speed which the Mercer attained made fur- 142 SABRINA ther pursuit an impossibility. McGregor, Se- ward and Gibson now returned to Boston along the Shore Road, where they arrived after a long and tedious journey. They had completed all told, a journey of nearly four hundred miles during a period of less than twenty-four hours. Atwater went direct to New York and took Sabrina, avoiding crowded streets, on to Phila- delphia. Pausing for refreshments here at the home of David Soliday, they went on to Hunt- ington, West Virginia, picking up Atwater's younger brother on the way, Davis and Cross dropping off and returning to New York. At- water arrived in Huntington late the following evening where he at once took Sabrina to her new hiding place at the bottom of a deserted mine shaft. While the authors of this book do not pretend to know the complete history of Sabrina while in the hands of Even Classes, it is felt that the resting place in West Virginia was the farthest spot from Amherst in which Sabrina has ever stayed, being roughly some twelve hundred miles from the home of the Little Yankee College. Here, Sabrina remained until her appearance at the 1921 banquet. NINETEEN TWENTY ONE AFTER Sabrina was shown on April 19 of the Spring of 1920 she remained for some time in West Virginia as has been described previously. Those in charge of the statue came to the conclusion that it would be advis- able to move her back East to have her nearer the college, and hold her against the time for the banquet of the class of 1921. Accordingly, late in October, Soliday, who was still official guardian, communicated with the men in Boston, and after considering the matter at some length, they decided that the best thing to do was to notify Atwater to ship the statue North as soon as possible. Atwater was at this time living in New York and he and Soliday made plans to bring the statue up from the South. It was decided that at this time of the year it would be impracticable to bring her up in a motor and that she would have to be shipped to New York by train. Atwater attended to the details of removing the statue from its hiding place and of having a suitable box made in which to ship her. Sabrina was shipped to New York by express, in care of Robert Davis, '19 Hills Brothers Company, 375 Washington Street, New York City, and the box which con- 143 144 SABRINA tained the Goddess was stamped in several places with the stencil, '^ Machinery, Urgent." Arriving in New York it was delivered to Hills Brothers in the morning, and that afternoon Atwater and Davis drove around to the side entrance of Hills Brothers building in the former's Mercer where the crate containing Sabrina was loaded into the car. While the two men were hauling and pushing the heavy box, Frederick Bale, 1906, passed by. The two men were greatly alarmed, for they feared detection, but Bale passed by without noticing anything out of the way. After this narrow escape the two men set out for New Haven. Soliday and Seward had made arrangements for Sabrina to be taken to Provi- dence by Atwater who was there to meet a dele- gation of Odd Classmen from Boston, after which the statue was to be transferred and taken to Leominster, Massachusetts. Leaving New York at about midnight, aU went well, and after a few hours Atwater and Davis arrived with their precious charge in Provi- dence. Seward and Gibson left Boston in a machine and arrived at the Crown Hotel at about eleven o'clock where they waited for the men from New York. When the latter arrived at the Crown they reported that all had gone well, that their movements were not known or NINETEEN TWENTY ONE 145 suspected by Even Classmen, and that they knew there was no pursuit as they had kept a close watch upon the road behind them coming up from New York. The men left Providence, and a few miles out of town transferred the statue from Atwater's car to the car which Se- ward had hired in Boston for the purpose. Davis and Atwater, after bidding farewell to the statue, turned about and started out on their long drive back to New York. They planned to arrive there as soon as possible and to be in their respective offices at the usual hour next morning, thereby throwing off any suspicion. The men accompanying Sabrina now started out for Bos- ton, where they arrived in an hour and a half. Here the statue was left for a few days at the home of Mr. Williams, who has been previously mentioned, while final arrangements for its new location were being completed. After that Sabrina was taken by motor to Leominster where a hiding place had been prepared for her in the warehouse of the Webster Piano Company. A piano box had been made ready and the statue was placed in this and stored in an out-of-the- way corner of the factory among other similar cases. Plans now were laid for the 1921 Banquet. Men from Amherst came down to Boston and plans were perfected in consultation with the Odd 146 SABRINA Classmen in Boston who had previously handled the Goddess. After considering the various factors entering into the problem it was decided that New London was the most advantageous point at which to have the Class Supper and show Sabrina, for it was near the place where the statue was then in hiding, and admitted of easily arranging for a special train to take the student body to the Banquet. November 29 was finally decided upon as the date, for it was just after the close of the Thanksgiving vacation and this time seemed to be one when Even Classmen might least suspect that a banquet was to be held. Accordingly, the manager of the hotel was seen and a menu was prepared. A special train was chartered over the Central Vermont to leave Amherst at 6:30 on the night of the ban- quet. No notice was to be given to the Odd Classmen in college that the affair was pending until a few hours before the train was scheduled to leave. It was decided that Seward, who was in Boston, should be given charge of bringing Sabrina to the banquet so that it would not be necessary for any Odd Classmen to leave college as the time of the banquet approached. It was feared that close watch was being kept upon certain men in the class of 1921, and this move, SABRINA EN ROUTE NINETEEN TWENTY ONE 147 therefore, seemed wise. At this time a new hid- ing place was also determined upon to take the statue to after its appearance at the banquet, and all the arrangements of hiring cars to con- vey the statute to New London were to be ar- ranged from the Boston end. Acknowledgment should here be made to the services rendered by Mr. Walker, manager of the Mohican Hotel, who entered into the spirit of the sport from the moment when the intended ban- quet was first broached. He promised absolute secrecy and to him was left the matter of ar- ranging a place for the statue to wait in the hotel while the banquet was in progress before the time appointed for the appearance of the statue. On the morning of November 29, notification was sent to every Odd Classmen to be at the Central Vermont station in Amherst that even- ing at 6 : 30, to say nothing to anyone about the matter, and to attract as little attention as pos- sible in proceeding to the station. Schleicher was intrusted with the duty of spreading this informa- tion, and he told a man in each delegation of '21 and '23 to see to it that the news was properly passed. That evening the men slipped away from their boarding houses in twos and threes and after a secluded walk through the town arrived at the Central Vermont station. A roll call was quietly taken and when it was clear that all the 148 SABRINA men who might be coming were on hand, the train was boarded. An Odd Classman was stationed at each doorway to make sure that no Even Classman made his way into any coach unseen. At this point a humorous incident arose which nearly prevented the Odd Classmen from seeing their Goddess that evening. Those in charge of the banquet decided that they would collect the money to pay for the special on the train as it proceeded to New London, but these plans were somewhat upset by the announcement of a rail- road official that the train would not move unless full payment was made in advance. Various wiles were used in an attempt to persuade the conductor that his action might lead to serious and dire results, but he remained firm in his refusal to allow the engineer to open the throttle until his company was paid. As this bill amounted to something over a thousand dollars, it appeared to be a somewhat large contract to impose upon a few men, and to be fulfilled on such peremptory notice. However, the class was canvassed immediately and successfully. Some cash was raised and the conductor was finally persuaded to accept a check for the bal- ance. This little matter having been satisfac- torily attended to, the men who had been running about on the platform while the collection was NINETEEN TWENTY ONE 149 being taken up, now got aboard, the engineer gave two toots of his whistle and the train was off. Although the plans to prevent Even Classmen from entering the train had been well worked out in advance, they went astray somewhat during the confusion which resulted when the con- ductor made his somewhat arbitrary demand. In the midst of the helter-skelter which fol- lowed, Theodore Lemcke, '22, who had in some way gotten wind of the intended banquet, had come down to the Central Vermont station and managed to slip unnoticed toward the head of the train, where he crawled in between the tender and the first coach, and, biding his time, man- aged to hide himself in the coal car. From the conversation of the conductor with the engineer which he overheard by chance, he learned that the destination of this special train was New London, and as the train passed through a way- station he dismounted from his hiding place and made his way towards the ticket office, intending to send a telegram to his Even Class colleagues back in Amherst announcing the place at which the banquet was to be held. Unfortunately for Lemcke, some of the Odd Classmen had also alighted from the train and were strolling about the platform to get a breath of air. When they noticed Lemcke they promptly seized him, and a search revealed a piece of paper 150 SABRINA upon which he had written, ^'Banquet in New London. Will keep you posted. Signed — Lemcke." If the Even Classman's appearance in this out-of-the-way place at this unusual time had not been sufficient to convince the Odd Classmen that Lemcke was bent on mischief, the finding of this document was ample testi- mony, and Lemcke was securely bound and put back on the train under strong guard. It was not reported exactly what Lemcke said at this time, but those who were at the banquet are under the impression that his remarks were highly uncomplimentary to the character and doings of certain Odd Classmen. The train now resumed speed and arrived in New London about ten o'clock. The men proceeded up the streets of New London to the hotel. The Mohican, singing loudly the song which has awakened many a quiet town in the depths of night with its stirring refrain, ''All Hail Sabrina Dear." Lemcke was also escorted to the banquet, but was not allowed to sing. The men entered the hotel in a body and pro- ceeded at once to the banquet hall where they waited around until the time scheduled for the banquet to begin. In the meantime, Seward had left Boston with two cars which had been obtained for the pur- pose, and Sabrina was taken from her hiding NINETEEN TWENTY ONE 151 place at Leominster, and from there taken to Providence. From Providence they proceeded to New London where they arrived about half past ten in the evening. The statue was im- mediately taken to the Hotel Mohican and was kept here at the rear door until word was re- ceived from inside that all was in readiness, when it was immediately taken into the ban- quet hall. Lemcke was secreted in a room of the hotel which was securely locked, for the Odd Classmen were not going to take any chances that the Even Classmen might succeed in getting a clew as to where Sabrina was to be taken after the banquet. At the given time the men entered the banquet hall, and just before they were seated Sabrina was ushered into the room. The Sabrina song was at once struck up and the men crowded around to get a glimpse of the Goddess and to take advantage of their first opportunity to kiss her fair lips. After vigorous cheering for Sabrina, the men seated themselves at the table, and when they looked around again for their Goddess, she was gone. The banquet which followed was altogether in keeping with the spirit of the occasion, and the speeches of the evening were appropriate and timely. R. E. Clarke, acting as toastmaster, introduced David S. Soliday, '19, who had come 152 SABRINA up from Philadelphia, as the man who should be given a just share of credit for the capture of Sabrina at the Boston Banquet the previous Winter. Sabrina was then officially turned over to the class of 1921 by Soliday who had been the guardian of the Goddess for the class of 1919. After her appearance at this Banquet Sabrina disappeared, and those who accompanied her have only to report that to the best of their knowledge she was not pursued, and was safely placed in her new hiding place. So ends this present history of Sabrina, the ''Lady of Many Adventures." Who knows what adventures are still in store for her? Probably, she will soon emerge from her present home and again smile upon her worshippers at Amherst. In concluding, the writers of this book find that they cannot express their feeling about the value of the Sabrina tradition in any better way than that in which it was presented in an editorial in the Boston Herald soon after the capture of Sabrina by Odd Classmen in Boston, and accordingly, they re-print it here as a fitting close for this work. SABRINA "What college, small or great, young or old, in all the land can supply a tale that matches the hectic history of Amherst's bronze goddess? How the Odds have schemed to take her from the posses- sion of the Evens; how the Evens have plotted to display her in all her glory to the entire school and yet prevent her from leaving their NINETEEN TWENTY ONE 153 custody. Names that bulk as big in college history as those of the redoubtable heroes of the athletic fields have been made by several Amherst men whose ingenuity and daring have won for the Goddess a new triimiph. So curious have been the tales about her that thou- sands of college men have supposed the whole yarn was a myth. Yet Sabrina attended the Amherst dinner in this city on one recent even- ing, and, after 29 years, passed out of the keeping of the classes with even numerals into the hands of the Odds, there to remain imtil her hiding place is discovered, or some clever scheme goes wrong, and, as was the case the other evening, the promptness in seizing an oppor- tunity when it comes, shall again bring an exchange of custodians. She is a travelled Goddess. She has been secreted imder deep waters and in hidden chambers. The glory of a class responsible for her safe keeping always has been to exhibit her to the classes whose supreme ambition has been to acquire possession of her, and yet to prevent her from faUing into the hands of the "enemy." With a river between she has been carried for miles within sight of a train- load of students and then whirled away to her hiding place. Last year she was hustled through the college town itself, but as pre- liminary precaution most of the automobiles that might have been employed for pursuit were rendered useless for the time being. Now at a banquet where the Governor of the Commonwealth and the president of the college were speakers she makes her appearance only to pass from the guardianship of 1920 and 1922 into that of 1919 and 1921. But — the end is not yet." SABRINA APPEARS AGAIN Since the foregoing history was written Sabrina has once more appeared in Amherst, and the account of the showing serves as a fitting close to this book. It was originally planned to bring Sabrina before the college body at a sing, to be held on the senior fence di- rectly after church. Sunday, May first, was the day chosen. Very few detailed arrangements were made, as it was thought best to rely entirely on the element of surprise in carrying out the venture. Neiley, '19, offered the use of his car to the under- graduates in charge of the affair, and agreed to meet the men from college in Springfield at nine-thirty Sunday morning. Meanwhile, the statue was to be brought to Springfield. A Hudson, which belonged to a young lady, at present in Smith College, was to be used for this pur- pose. When all was ready the party was to go on to Amherst, arriving there shortly after twelve o'clock. Sabrina was to pass before the students assembled on the Senior Fence and then to leave town by the Greenfield Road. However, when Sunday dawned it was raining heavily, and the plans were changed to meet weather conditions. Neiley and three other '19 men: Seward, McGregor and Gibson, left Boston at five o'clock Sunday morning and set out for Springfield. The night was dark, it rained incessantly, and as dawn broke the wind fell, and there seemed to be no chance of its clearing. The ride to Worcester was cold and wet, and arriving there, the men went to the Bancroft to dry out, get breakfast and consider the general situation once again. 154 SABRINA APPEARS AGAIN 155 There seemed to be very little point in going further. If the rain kept up, the appearance would be a poor affair at best; no one would see Sabrina, and it would not be a very creditable performance. Neiley remarked that on such a day the Lady could be taken through town in a wheelbarrow in perfect safety. Besides it was a bad day to ride sixty more miles in an open car, and nobody looked forward to it with pleasure. However, the men reaHzed that they were somewhat under orders, or at least they were bound by their word to be in Springfield that morn- ing, and there was nothing to do but to go on. So the men set out again and arrived at their destina- tion half an hour behind schedule time. Nobody was there to meet them, and it looked very much as if the few moments procrastination in Worcester would have bad results. These were dark moments. Imagination showed Sabrina going through Amherst in a single car, followed by speedy vehicles filled with blood thirsty Even Classmen, all bent on destruction. And it was beginning to rain again. Suddenly a Hudson appeared and when it had rolled up alongside of Neiley's Mercer, the curtains were cau- tiously poked aside, and the undergraduates climbed out. Sabrina was safely tucked up in the back seat of the car. The sing had been called off, of course, and it was ac- cordingly planned to show Sabrina just as church was letting out. The Hudson went ahead, leaving orders for Neiley and the other men to catch up with them on the Notch, where the statue was to be transferred to the faster and heavier car. The Hudson was soon lost to sight, and all went well untU the Mercer arrived on the outskirts of Holyoke, where a rumble and bumping announced that a rear tire 11 156 SABRINA was flat. There was no time to change tires, so, drawing up at a roadside gasoline station, enough air was pumped into the defective tire to hold up several cars, and the men went along, hoping that it wouldn't blow out, or at least would last long enough for the trick to be accom- pHshed. There was no time to be lost now, and, hitting up a good rate of speed the Mercer at last drew up abreast of the Hudson, just beyond the top of the Notch. The top of the Mercer was raised and Sabrina was lifted in. Then, taking the lead, it started off towards Amherst, followed by the Hudson. As the cars came into the outskirts of the town they were met by other undergraduates. In the car with Sabrina now were Hatheway, '21, Zink, '21, Wilcox, '23 and Neiley, '19, driving. In the Hudson following were Schleicher, '21, driving. Disston, '21, Clark, '21, Seward, McGregor and Gibson, '19, and Coldrein, '23, followed along in his machine. When the two cars arrived in town, they swung to the right by the octagon, and came to a stop near the senior fence. The campus was deserted. Presently a solitary freshman, an Even Classman, strolled by. He looked long and hard at the two cars, but evidently their unusual appearance at that hour conveyed nothing to his un- sophisticated mind, or to his guilty conscience, for church was still going on. After this hectic moment the cars circled the campus, and with much tooting of horns and shouting of directions, drew up in rear of the church. Here the covers were removed from the statue and it was raised up in the seat in full view. The sun was just coming out from behind a thinning bank of clouds, and shone over Sabrina: — a radiant Goddess in a shining chariot, much pursued, much sought after, but safely SABRINA APPEARS AGAIN 157 watched by a jealous guard, and withal, aloof and smiling. Here she remained for about ten minutes in fuU view of anyone who might have come along. No one came, and presently the doors of church opened, and the col- lege body came streaming out. The sharp bark of a motor broke their reverie; a few shouts brought their wandering thoughts back from heaven to earth, and on their astounded sight burst the Vision of Sabrina, high above, moving slowly before them. Shouts rent the air. "All Hail Sabrina" swelled to a chorus as the Goddess slowly drew away from her shouting, running pursuers, and moved slowly off down past the village common towards the Greenfield road. Soon she was lost to sight. Bat for a moment only. Turning suddenly about, the Mercer headed straight back along the way it had come, and with a roar of its coughing motor, dashed down the road, past Alpha Delta and Psi U, through a lane of men lining the road, taken completely by surprise, who made no effort to check the rapid passage. Then she vanished down the Holyoke road. Thus Sabrina appeared, and thus she vanished. Long Live Sabrina! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 00D5S2H502b