GV 1177 .W87 Copy 1 A M E R IC A 1^ SHARP SHOOTER. AMERICAN SHARP-SHOOTER: A TREATISE ON GUNNERY, ILLUSTRATING THE PRACTICAL USE OF THE TELESCOPE AS A SiaHT, AS APPLICABLE TO THE RIFLE, RIFLE BATTERl^, ARTILLERY, &C., DEMONSTRATING HOW TO SIGHT A GUN— -HOW TO ASCERTAIN TH3 FALL OF THE BALL FOR ALL DISTANCES— HOW TO GET ELEVATION WITHOUT CHANGE OF SIGHT— HOW TO MEASURE DI3TAJ;CES BY THE TELESCOPE, DEFINING Certain rules by which to strike the object &very shot, including other useful information for the instruction of the gunner. 'jBir hd^a-zntiexj "v^oood. ROCHESTER : CURTIS, BUTTS & CO., PRINTERS, BUFFALO STREET. 1862. " No .Wsv Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1862, by in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York. Z 1 -^^ 1 ^ TO THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, AS ILLUSTRATED IN THE FOLLOWING SENTIMENT OF THE LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." BY THE AUTHOR. PEEFACE. The time has arrived in our country's history, when every person of suitable age should at once acquaint himself with the use of military weapons, in order to enable him to act well his part in the great drama of rebellion, which now threatens a dissolution of our sacred and glorious Union. A new era in the art of " gunnery " has dawned upon us. The writer, having for some time observed the deficiency that exists in the United States Army in the practical and effective use of fire-arms, has in the following pages endeavored,to impart some useful information upon this subject. Every person, whether he be a military man cr a civilian, should possess himself of this knowledge at once. To be a "good shot" re- quires a steady nerve, clear vision, and a correct knowledge of range, elevation and distance, and fa. miliarity with his piece. A scienced gunner, whether he operates heavy ordnance, artillery, rifle battery, er a rifle, should be able to strike his object every shot. Even the unerring aim of the skilful " sharp-shooter'* would miss " his mark," unless he is fully posted in these rules. How many shots are made without 8 effect to one that liits ? In the army a large majority of the soldiers are inexperienced in, and not familiar with, the use of fire-arms, and hence too many ran- dom shots are fired, without striking the object in- tended. It is all important, both in land and naval warfare, that ever'i/ shot sliould tell. By perusing the sequel, the reader will understand the secret of this success, and thereby acquire a knowledge of the 77ipdus operandi of accomplishing this much desired result. Rochester, JST. Y., November, 1862. :} INTEODUCTION. In this age of rebellion against the majesty of the American Government, the belligerent spirit of the people is naturally aroused to tlie subject of self-pr©- tection. A grave attempt is being made to subvert a gov- ernment republican in form and democratic in prin- ciple, which, by a practical experience of over eighty- six years, has proved to be the most perfect, expedi- ent and beneficiary, of any ever instituted on the face of the globe. It guarantees alike all rights of the citizen and of property — encourages and protects all departments of the arts and sciences — of agricul- ture — and, in fact, all other legitimate pursuits of its subjects, both domestic and foreign. In such a crisis, the inventive genius of the country is necessarily brought into requisition to discover the most efficient and destructive enginery and im- plements of warfare, for the puipose of subduing and terminating this most unnatural and unholy resist- ance to the lawful authority of the government, in the shortest practicable period. 10 And inasmuch as our unscrupulous enemies have . resorted to the force of arms, the arbitrament of mil- itary power, to carry out their nefarious project, the people of the loyal States by the pressure of circum- stances are compelled, as the last alternative, to resort to the same extreme means of warfare, in self-defence, as well as to reassert the power of the Federal Gov- ernment over all its extended dominions. The suppression of this arrogant rebellion must and shall be accomplished, and all the legitimate prerogatives of the Federal Government should be speedily and powerfully exerted for that purpose, and such a lesson taught to all traitors, that a like experiment will never again be attempted. The object of these articles is more particularly directed to one branch of the military service of the country — to illustrate the practical and effective use of fire arms — such as artillery, rifle batteries, and at the next shot you will sight on the tar- get through the cross-hair which appeared to be «t or in nearest proximity to the ball hole of the first shot. In case neither cross-hair comes in exact range with the ball hole of the prior shot, you can sight by the cross-hair nearest to it on the mark, making your calculations for what variation there maybe, whether above or below. This will subserve all practical pur^ poses, such as shooting game, or large objects, except, perhaps, you desire to make a close and even target string. As alluded to in our introductory remarks, the above arrangement of the cross or distance hairs, has reference to a telescope which reflects the objects in their natural position, and not inverted. Should a telescope be used which inverts the objects, the ar- rangement of the distance-hairs, instead of the above form, should be reversed or inverted. For example, No. 1 should be at the bottom, running^ up to No. 8 at the top. In the latter case, you sight through your lower hair (No. 1) for the short distance, 10 rods, and No. 2 for 20 rods, and so on up to 80 rods. 33 ARTICLE 4. Hoio to measure or calculate distances by 7neans of the telescope. To illustrate this proposition we shall have occa- sion to refer again to the following diagram : "We assume the cross-hairs to be arranged in this form, as they can be used for a t\yo-fold purpose, viz: The first for a ten rod sight and the second for twenty- rods, and the two together as a means of measuring or ascertaining distances. Let us now call your ''attention to cross-hairs ]^os. 1 and 2. On looking through your telescope at an object or a target at 10 rods distant you will observe the space intervening between the delineation these two hairs make as they strike the object. You will find it will be 1^ inches. Then put your object off 20 rods, and you will find the space, on looking thro* your glass, to be 3 inches ; and for other distances up to one mile, as designated in the following 34 Table. Showing the space between these cross-hairs as they strike the object as it appears through the tele- scope, ^or every ten rods up to 320 rods, or one mile, viz: Spaces. Distances, li inches, , . . , 10 rods. 3 '' 20 '' li '' 30 " 6 '' ... 40 '' H " 50 *' 9 " 60 " lOi " '70 « 12 '' 80 « 13i- '' 90 '* 15 " 100 " l^ " 110 " 18 " 120 " 19i " 130 " 21 '' 140 " 22i '' 150 " 24 " ., 160 " 25i ** .170 ^• 27 '' 180 " 28i " 190 " 30 '' 200 " 31i '' 210 " 33 '' ' 220 " 34^ " 230 " 35 Spaces, Distances. 36 inches, 240 rods. m 42 43i 45 46i- 48 .250 .260 .2^70 .280 290 .300 .310 .320 and the same exact ratio or proportion for any de- sired distance within the optical range of your tele- scope. From this it will be seen that the apparent open- ing or space between these hairs in their demarka- tion npon the object is extended just 1^ inches for every ten rods of elongated distance. Observe, also, as an optical and geometrical truth, that whatever distance these hairs are apart, as they appear on the object, at say ten rods, whether 1, 2, or 3 inches, depending upon the proximit*^ of the hairs to each other, they will exhibit the same pro- portion at any other distance at which the object can be seen, as the range of vision through these hairs diverge in straight lines forming an angle at the eye. Any person can test the correctness of this by his ow^n telescope, arranged as herein indicated, with a very little observation and practice. 36 Having first ascertained the optical range of these two hairs, as here proposed, accurately for differout distances, and determined the exact spaces between them as they appear on the object every separate and distinct distance, the next question to be solved is, how is this to be applied in measuring or deter- mining the horizontal space between you and the ob- ject in view. This proposition we will now proceed to demon- strate. In the first place you should, by measure- ment and comparison, practically familiarize yourself with the size of difi'erent objects, as, for instance, the size of the head or body of a man, horse, ox, cow, dog, cat, or other animals ; the height or diameter of a wagon wheel, height of a fence, door, or window of a house, or any other object which you can read- ily see or discover through your glass. The size of such familiar objects you can readily calculate, or perhaps may know with approximate exactness. Having fixed in your mind the size or altitude of these different objects, you can readily apply the rule of measurement above indicated by the cross-hairs in your glass, to the distance between you and the object sought. To illustrate, suppose in your sur- veys at a distance you observe an object and desire to ascertain how far it is ofi^. Take for instance, a man ; you will see his head or face, which is about say 9 inches in length, perpendicular. You will then examine the object through your glass, at rest, by 37 ranging hair No. 1 at the upper edge or side of the head, and ascertain where hair No. 2 strikes. If at the chin or lower part, your hairs separate just 9 inches. Hence, according to the rule, and by refer- ence to the table above mentioned, the object is 60 rods distant, for at this distance, the lines of these two hairs separate on striking the object exactly 9 inches. Again, suppose these two cross-hairs covers but one half of the size of the man's head, which is 4^ inches, then, of course, your object is 30 rods off. Or in case the hairs should separate twice the length of the head, which you can easily judge, then, as a con- sequence, the hairs separate 18 inches, and the dis- tance would be 120 rods. Take, also, the head of a horse as a representation. You will find on examination that all horses' heads average about the same length, and will not vary an inch from two feet in vertical size. 'By applying the rule as last suggested to this case, the following will be the result: If the cross-hairs just take in the head, which is 24 inches, the animal is exactly 160 rods, or half a mile off. So, again, if the cross-hairs covers one half of the size of the head, which is 12 inches, the object is 80 rods, or a quarter of a mile distant. Or in case the separation of the hairs should appear twice the length of the head, or 48 inches, the object would be 320 rods off, or just one mile. The same rule is equally applicable to longer dis- 38 tances, as 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 miles, or any required dis- tance within the random or range of your piece, and at which the objects can be clearly and distinctly seen through the glass. Imagine yourself at a fort on the beach of the ocean, and you discover an enemy's vessel or " man of war" at a distance at sea, and your sole object is to strike her thejirst shot. Knowing the elevation of your cannon for each interval of space within its range, the next and all important fact, to be deter- mined, is, the distance. You will then, through your glass, examine some object on board of the ship, the size or altitude of which is familiar to you, such, for instance, as a man, it may be a sailor or soldier, a horse, sail, mast, smoke-pipe, or other thing observa- ble on board. Take the man, for instance, who is about six feet in height, and you will discover, in case the line of the cross-hairs range one at the top of his head and the other at his feet, that the hairs separate just six feet, and the distance is 480 rods, or 1|- miles. Should the hairs show twice the height of the man, or 12 feet, the distance w^ould be 960 rods, or 3 miles. So also in case they show but one hall of the man's altitude, 3 feet, the distance would be 240 rods. The result would be, you would strike this ship every shot, if within the reach of your gun, and you get the corresponding elevation. From these illustrations the application of the rules and principles herein inculcated, appears at once easy 39 iiiui simple, and with proper drill and practice in this respect, great certainty, precision and accuracy may be attained. It should be observed, as before intimated, that for long distances the lenses in the telescope should be more powerful, and the diameter of the tube about one inch, in order to afford a larger field of vision, and the cross-hairs should be black, so that the lines of them can be more distinctly traced on the object, and as fine as possible, so that the enlargement of them by the magnifying powder of the glass will ob- scure the object as little as practicable. Besides, the more delicate the hairs, the more accurate and mi- nute will be the measurement of distant objects. Again, in cases where it is not convenient or prac- ticable to attach the telescope to the piece as a sight, it may be used as a field glass, or as an optical locom- eter, (a measurer of space or distance by the glass,) separately, with equal advantage. If used for this purjDose only^ but two parallel cross-hairs would be necessary. As a matter of convenience, it would be well to so arrange the cross-hairs, that the spaces between them should be one inch as they separate on the object at 10 rods distant. It would at 20 rods be 2 inches, at 30 rods, 3 inches, and so on at the same ratio for every 10 rods. By this arrangement the luminous spacebetweeu the lines of the hairs would be increased one inch for every ten rods, and as seen above, the nu- 40 meral figures rej)resenting the space between the hairs in inches, corresponds with that of the distance it measures in rods. This assimilation of figures would enable you the more readily to remember the perpendicular mensuration of the space between the horizontal parallel hairs, w^hich correspond to and represent, the space or distance they measure hori- zontally, viz., 1 inch, 10 rods : 2 inches, 20 rods : 3 inches, »30 rods : 4 inches, 40 rods, 'et his elevation more easily, and his shots would thereby be far more effective. And even so with ar- tillery. But if this is impracticable, then certainly its use would be equally apparent as a field glass and a locometer. For example, suppose you observe at a distance a body of Rebel infantry or cavalry, and you wish to lire your artillery among them with certain effect. Knowing your elevation for all distances, the first fact zo be ascertained is the distance intervening between you and the object. Having one of these instruments in your hand, you will, at once, by observation through it, examine the apparent objects before you, selecting out such an one, as a man, horse, &c., the size or height of which you know, and which just fills the open space between your cross-hairs, and in case it is a man six feet high^ the distance would be just \^ miles. Therefore by elevating your piece to the 1\ mile range, your shot would certainly not be with- out effect. Sj, this would be equally true in case your mark was the enemy's war-vessel, gun boat, fort, fortiiica- tions, or other public works. So icith tJie YvfiQ battery. How important and ne- cessary then is it that you know your elevation und distance, if yo-i would strike your object the first, as 44 well as every successive shot. In this instance, it wonld seem to be the more indispensable, for if you miss your object one shot, the whole twenty -five cotempo- raneous shots are lost; whereas, on the contrary, the whole would take effect, and hence this battery would be a most destructive engine of warfare. Inasmuch as, with a proper knowledge of elevation and distance, this piece would throw twenty-five effective shots at every discharge, which are made in quick succession, at the rate of from 8 to 12 per minute. We have thus far adverted to the telescope as an instrument of great power and usefulness, as con- nected with a subject of greater magnitude, viz., the army and navy. To the sportsman this instrument is also impor- tant and interesting, but, perhaps, in a less commen- surate degree. Before the unerring aim of the hun- ter, peering through the bright and clear vision of his telescope, his game, however small, will scarcely hope to escape the fatal shot. The rules we have defined as to the uses and pur- poses to which this instrument can be applied, may be appropriated for the benefit of the every day man in his out-door sports. It may be, you are roaming through the fields and forests on a hunting expedition, and your eye catches at a distance a crow or a hawk. You are ruminating in your mind, " if I miss thii bii;d the first shot, he is off. How can I engineer to . hit him ? I know my elevation, now if I could only 45 know tlie distance, I'm all right. How can I ascer- tain this ? Must I guess at it, and let it go at that ?'* Our response to this last interrogation is, no. Let us see if we can enlighten you on this subject. The vertical size of the bird is say 6 inches. I look at it and apply my rule of measurement by the cross-hairs, and find that their space of separation just covers his body, and hence he is exactly 40 rods distant. I fire at him, ranging through my 4th hair, (being my 40 rod elevation,) and down comes the game, doomed to certain death. And so of any other game or object where the distance is unknown. The more enlarged views. a person has upon this subject, the more important and useful does it ap pear. The more reflection the writer has given, the more is impressed upon his mind, the necessity of drill'mg every officer and private in the army in the theory and art of gunnery, with respect to getting range, acquiring elevation, and ascertaining distances, under the guidance of the rules and principles herein promulgated, as much or more than in any other branch of military tactics. For, certainly, without this, all would be error, chance, uncertainty. All shooting or firing of projectiles must of neces- sity be experimental and ' without eftect, except by accident, where the distance is unknovm. On the contrary, knowing this all-important fact, or having in your possession the means of ascertaining it at once, you are fully ar7ned and equipped, ready for any and 46 every emergency, and amply prepared to shoot down your traitorous foe with unerring certainty. By a practical knowledge of the truths here re- vealed universally disseminated throughout the whole army, all chance and fortuitous shots would be avoided, and thereby much time, labor, and ammunition, would be saved, which vfould furnish an item of no small magnitude in economy to the government. To our friend, the sharp-shooter, with his telescopic rifle, we desire to impart a little familiar, friendly, parting advice. You are about (if you have not already done so,) to embark in a new enterprise ; to explore a new field of operations ; to seek what the wild Indian would most desire, a 7ieio hunting ground. You have entered the United States army in defence of your country in this, the darkest era in her his- tory. For this volunteering act of patriotism, your children, and your chidren's children, will rise up and call you blessed. Future history will record your name as one of the sharp-shooter's on the side of the Union in the great Southern rehellioti of 1861. Let us exhort you in language analagous to that of revolutionary times: "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." " Live or die, sink or swim, survive or perish, I am for " the American U'/iion. But to the subject. You are just entering the arena of rebel hmiting and traitor shooting. A novel kind of gaming for this age and country. But having 47 enlisted in this cause, it becomes you to exert all the means in your power, not only for self-preservation, but also for the immediate suppression of this infa- mous rebellion. For this purpose always be vigilant, that your rifle, telescope, and other implements be- longing therewith, are as perfect as possible and in order. Familiarize yourself, hy practice, with your gun and telescope, in respect to fall of hall ^ elevatio7i and distance. Should you be an officer, see to it, that every private in your company is thoroughly drilled in the use of the rifle, and especially of this instru- ment. For with a perfect knowledge of these, success will attend you, and your shots will be certain and effective. Whatever may be the object aimed at, whether it be a rebel gunner or officer whom you wish to pick off, with proper coolness and care, observing the rules of elevation and of ascertaini7ig the distance^ you c«?i- not fail to discharge the fatal shot. By this means you will have successfully accomplished the great end of your mission. In COD elusion permit us to say that we have en- deavored thus briefly to present our subject in a man- ner so plain, and with illustrations so simple, that any person of ordinary understanding can readily comprehend it. We have aimed to be entirely prac- tical. If we have succeeded in afl'ording any new light or knowledge in the art and theory of gunnery, or 48 any important information upon the practical and effective use of fire-arms, or in enlisting more interest in, or inaugurating a new impulse in relation thereto, we shall be content, and our labor not in vain. We therefore submit our work in this crude form to the candid judgment and patronage of the public. ffiARY OF CONGRESS 020 237 102 4