\4^ 49 H. B. GMPiNTll'S Crockery Store, Uo. 2*7 MILL STREET, Silver Plated "Ware^ GOODS Loaned for parties. FANCY GOODS FOR PRESENTS WM. 1. &BiOtT i 9 43 & 45 Pleasant Street, FA-V^TITGIIET, n. I. '^ Carefully t*repai»ocl. ALL THE STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINES. Pure Drugs, Fine Chemicals, Etc. Etc. Extracts, Perfumeries, Clioice Toilet ilrticleN, Hair, !\ail. Tooth and Flesh Brushes, FANCY and USEFUL ARTICLES iu great vari(^l v. 5 INDEX TO SUBSCRIBERS. A.. Page. Abbott W. H 49 Alderson & Son 61 AUau, W. S.N 67 Ai charabault, L. G. H ^ . . . . 29 It. Kerlew, J. W. Page. ..53 Brett, W. Frank 39 Bush, Wm. R 43 Bliss, A. L 9 Ballon, H. A 31 Benedict House 3 Bennett, Clias ' 25 Bennttt, M. T. Jr. . Dean, II. B 51 Dailev, A.H 45 Dickennan. II. L. Dr 11 l)oni<'8tic Blessing 27 Davis, J. M : 69 Dexter, A.P 19 Empire Plioto. Co 29 Elliott, D. S 5 French & Son 37 Fuller, Elisha 19 Farrow, W. M 55 O. Goodier, S. B. 11. ITelt &. Shurtleff 13. ^Iu«;heH ^^C>V^ ^\^.,^^^^l PUBLISHED BY 16 Beekman Street, New York, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by J. Walter Stoops, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at'Washington. THE RIGHTS AND W'RONGS OF BY KEV. H. C. GLOVER, P 3 5^ ]yVlTH ^MENDATIONS BY jl. ^ALTEI^ ^TOOPS. _ ^v^ Matchless Woman ! In thy praise I sing , This lay. At thy beauteous feet I fling This votive offering. In thy cause I brave eensoriousness or demand applause. As Mother, Sister, Wife, in all relations. As lover, friend, successive generations Have sung thy merits. Be it mine Upon these laudatory poems to refine ; I'd treat thee not in parts, but as a whole, I'd mark the iintraced beauties in thy soul ; I sing in sprightly but unambitious songs Of Woman's rights, as weU as Woman's wrongs. To Woman I would worthy tribute bring ; In her behalf this lowly lay I sing ; Creation's master-piece by all confessed. The pride and crowning glory of the rest ! For when appeared at God's supreme command. The teaming ocean, and wide-spreading land, (Continued on every left-hand page.) TAUNTON TACK CO., UPHOUSTERERS' NAIUS. 6 ^P^ Main, cor. Broad Street, ^^^ M m ^ 9> W Of Col. H. W. CHESTER, Proprietor. The above new and beautifal Hotel, centrally located, within one block of the Depot, offers comforts and facilities to the Traveling Public unsurpassed by any other in the country. SPLENDID SUITES OF ROOMS, Single and connecting, replete with all the MIBSII IlFiifllElf Uniformly and Richly Furnished thronghouti Col. Chester's well-known reputation as a Hotel Caterer, and long connec- tion with the principal Hotels of Boston and Chicago, is a guarantee to the Stranger that the wants of the inner man and the creature comforts of life will be properly attended to whilst at the BElsTEDICT HOUSE. * The is liberally stocked with the CHOICEST LIQUORS, ALES and SEGARS. A large and airy Eirst-Class in all its Appointments. LADIESI' PRIVATE ENTRANCE. Terms 9 - - - - « $3.00 per Day. THE EIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. The mouirfains lifting high their rugged heads, And rivers rolling o'er their pebbly beds, Back from whose margins lay the valleys green, With dark untrodden forests stretched between ; When countless creatures swam the ocean-floods, And beasts not feared nor fearful roamed the woods. And fruit-trees laden with their luscious store. And grain and herbage spread the valley o'er ; AVhen day rolled round obedient to the sun. The moon her endless circuit had begun. All things conforming to Jehovah's plan To rear a habitation fit for man, And man stood forth in Eden's shady bowers To pluck its golden fruit and odorous flowers, "A little less than angels" though declared. Imperfect Adam was till Eve appeared ; The mother of all living yet to be. And mortal source of immortalitv. / ! Ye gentle maids, whose dainty hands the soil Ne'er touched, of lowly ill-regulated toil. Of soul unburdened yet by carking care, ^Wliose dail}^ problem is what dress to wear; What ribbons, frills, and jewels shall adorn Each part, at eve, noon, midnight, and at morn ; For moonlight walk, flirtation, concert, ball. Through pleasure's airy round perpetual ; Ye girls that flirt life's golden time away. Transforming day to night, and night to day, m^ !■ TAUXTOX TACK CO., CARPET ATVO TINNED NAILS. D. S. EXiIiIOTT, 50 CITY SQUARE, TAUNTON, Has always on hand a Laige Stock of the CELEBRATED JERSEY Which for Durability and Finish, exceed all others. Those who haye worn them always want them, and say that they are the Cheapest in the end, as they Wear longer and Fit better than Common Goods. FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS, FOR LADIES, miSSES & CHILDREIV. Nilsson Button, Newport Ties, anil lid aid Koat Siipners of all Can always be founrt at ELLIOTT'S, 50 CITY SQUARE, siohopthe GOLDEN BOOT. THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. \ Euining your tempers, looks and health, **\ And valuing a man by his extent of wealth ; Arraigning Nature, and her Author's plan, Lamenting fancied Avrongs imposed by man, ' Proclaiming woman's sphere is narrow, tame, i With restless yearnings after manly fame — \ Why not behold (determined to be blind) That woman is the mother of mankind. And that in home a w^oman's duty lies, / To soothe the griefs and ills that may arise, j X To cnake all happy wdth her smile of bliss, I And stop the rising passion with a kiss ; To guard the treasures of the hearth with loving care, ) Or place for w^elcome guest the welcome chair. y Mother ! dear name! worthy more honor far \ Than royal pow er. State-craft, skill in war ; / Appointed source of nations yet to be, For nations thrive by thy maternity : Earth's titled ones have nestled in thy arms. Thy gentle smile hath banished rude alarms. And men of might, whom war's dread shock defy. Once soothed their fear by thy soft lullaby. Thy influence vast hath been in camp and court, And though for thee have bloody wars been fought. Thy timid limbs have trod the field of battle And cheered the w^ounded 'mid the musket's rattle. As nurses won the honorable " brassard " For dangers braved, more fearful than war's hazard. TAIJNTON TACK CO., COPPER AND BRUSH NAILIS. CHAS. E. MONROE, o -I— « IP Pi^scRiPTiONs Prepared FROM SELECT MATERIALS. ALL Standard Family Medicines, vmt oBucs, nm cnmtchu, etc. EXTRACTS, And Fine Toilet Articles, Hair, Nail, Tooth and Flesh Brushes, Combs, Sponges, etc. IN GREAT VARIETY. Olioioe Iniportedl Seg-a^rss. THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. A The sage with brain well stocked with various lore,^ Acquired above, below, on sea or shore, Who holds converse with Nature and her laws, Is fired to struggle by the world's applause ; But thy praise waked his genius when a boy, A quenchless flame that death cannot destroy. But sage though he may be, the savan loves ; Oft scattered are his thoughts* by dainty gloves That gently press his hand, and make him feel The current of his blood cannot congeal ; ^ Discover that his themes, however grand, Are less now to him than that little hand. Universal nature ! thy laws are ever true. And every man shall love and oft shall rue, But* rue however oft he may, or at what pain, His weakness 't is to rue^ and rue and rue agaiii. Tlbe blooming .girl adorned with rarest grace, Whose queenly form, light step and comely^fejpe. Excite the wonder of the passer-by. And kindle angry fires in En^js^ye, In hopeful lovers raising direst fears, -^^ And getting swains " together by the ears," Has snatched the glory of thy form and face Contagious, and sighing for thy fond embrace, g Pillowed her baby head on thy warm breast, \ \ And fearing naught, was lulled to nightly rest. V Ye dames whose souls with high ambition glow. Who loud proclaim that woman's lot is low ; TAUIVTON TACK CO., AIWIERICAIS' IRON TACKS. CITY HOTEL Taunton, Mass. A^. OO . BLISS, Proprietor. Only Fii^t-Class Wotel in the City. Livery, Hack,' Sale and Boarding aood LIVERY TEAMS OF ALL KINDS. ALSO, THE LARGEST TMOVIJVC; and PARTY IVAGOIV In the State, the ELIZA^BETH POOL, Seating forty persons. Particular attention given to moving Pianos and Furniture of all kinds. Straw for Beds and Baled Hay for sale at Stable, No. II School Street, TAUNTON. G. B. CABPENTEB. 10 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. / Is't fow forsooth, to reign the queen of home ? To rear a race for great events to come ? To train the minds that guide the ship of State ? To be the mothers of the good and great ? O, false ambition, thus the angels fell, And bade their primal glory long farewell. Thus, by ambition fired, ancestral man O'erstepped the limits of Jehovah's plan, Was driven forth from Eden's blissful bowers, In sweat and pain to spend life's toiUng hours. Thus ye, who scorn the lot by Heaven assigned, I May forfeit much that graces womankind. y The fabled fruit of Sodom, fair to see,. When eaten naught but ashes proved to be. Thus, men, too, think 't would be with woman free : Grant her demands, she 'd prove her incapacity. I Would woman make a lawyer or a judge? ' Or only fit is she for household drudge ? A woman, true, might do for special pleader. Or to write novels in the specious style of " Quida." ' But think of lovely maids and musty deeds. Or woman listening to a client's greeds,. Or maids applying for a habeas corpus. Or counselHng Tichborne — ^that un wieldly porpoise ! If women were lawyers, so must juries be ; No man unmoved can weeping beauty see. I Fancy a charming girl appearing to twelve men \ For justice for another's broken heart, and then ^ — 7 TAUNTON TACK CO., SWEDES IRON TACKS. 11 DR. HENRY LEE DICKERMAN, (Successor to Dr. J. Utley,) Taiui-bozi^ Mass. PRICES FOR DENTAL WORK. Upper or under sets of teeth on Rubber, - - $15 00 Celuloid 10 00 Teeth fiUed with Gold, - - - - 1 50 " '' '' Amalgam, - - - - 1 00 " " " Cement, .... 50 Teeth extracted for - - - - - - 25 " ^^ with gas, - - - 75 cts. extra iEther srlven when desired. All work w^arranted. j»^ Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. PHOTO-ARTIST, Main Stree-b corzier Cedar^ TAUNTON, MASS. Old Pictures Carefully Recopied and Enlarged, CHILDREN'S LIKENESSES A SPECIALTY. Berlin Pictures, Groups, Family and School Parties, Mansions, &c., &c. AND ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .^' 12 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. Ten thousand dollars damages assessing, ^ Or for an extra thousand " counsel fees " finessing ! The judge should also be a woman bold ; A judge of sternest mein, horrid to behold ; A prima facise spinster, of manner calm and placid. Combined with thdt incongruous thing, a face ofj nitric acid. * \ Some say they should our doctors be, And some have made this calling their especialty. . Lets 's hope they '11 thrive, and for our lesser ills Give kisses in the place of nauseous pills, Arouse the sinking pulse, the heart inspire, ' / Or " wake to ecstasy the living lyre," Suppress with unctious balm dread agony's cries, • Or end the fellow's pain, and close his eyes. Preachers say you ? Yes, woman fair can preaclv' And often does to those within her reach. Not pulpits would I wish her to ascend. Her church is home ; hers the young twig to bend ; \ Her garb is not the garb canonical, z " Hers not the didactic, nor ironical ; / Hers is. the garb of beauty, not austerity, / Hers the voice of love, not stern asperity. Woman is man's helpmate, not his guide, Should be his love, his glory, and his pride ; But these she cannot, if she aims to reign Co-equal with him in his own domain. ] =^ TAIJIVTON TACK CO., TINNED AND LEATHERED TACKIS. \. 13 P. T. & H. S. WASHBURN, UNDERTAKERS, Coffins,Casbt8,Plates,Rolies,Hearses,Pui]efal Flowers, Etc. Etc., FURNISHED, And every duty appertaining to FUNJERALS, attended to TERMS CASH. FuNERAL WrEATHS FuRNISHED. PHILO T. WASHBURN. HENRY S. WASHBURN. BROADWAY CIGAR STORE. HELtT & ISHIJRTL.EFF, Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CIGIIRUOBIICCO (NO SMOKERMIRIICLES, Opposite the Horse Oar Station, ^o. 13 BBOADWAY, TAUNTON, MASS. DEA.LEII IN Groceries and Provisions, Oor. Eandall Stre et, TAUNTON. AGENT FOR THE CUNARD AND ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. « 2 m 14 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. 'Twas said of man in Eden, all liis own, " It is not good for him to be alone ; " % He needs the help of woman in the strife — God spake the word, and Eve sprang forth to life. On man for needed toil He strength confers, But beauty, sympathy and grace are hers. Her daughters fair through ages yet to come. Shall be the angels of man's earthly home. At home the power of woman is confessed "Where blessing others, she is truly blessed. . There side by side, and heart to heart she stands To nerve man's soul for toil, and prop his hands ; Companion of his sorrows, and his joys. Her hand and heart she lovingly employs. To make of home that fondly prized retreat, Where love resides in happiness complete ; Where sheltered from the din of worldly strife Man lives the golden moments of his life. Ambition — craning forth attenuated neck, Or fame, subservient to the public beck. Or restless inactivity, a vague desire to do, Or move, or push, or mischief make, or view. One knows not what, nor in what guise — May deprecate home comforts, or despise The hand that made them ; but woman true There never breathed, 'twdxt I and you, ^ Who did not see at home an ample store Of honorable duties ; nay, sometimes, more. TAUNTOK TACK f^O., GIMP AND 6>HO£ TACKS. 15 46 & 48 WEIR STREET, TAUNTON, ■■J Manufacturers oi Mineral and Soda Waters, Etc. Belfast and Ginger Ale, Root & White Beer. Orders per Mail Promptly Attended to, XSVANDSR PRAY. v> ' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Flour, Feed, Grain, Pork, Lard, Hams, Fish, Etc. Etc., TAUNTON, A. F. WHITZSLXSY^ CUSTOM Boot and Shoe Maker, No. 1 CBOCKEB'S BLOCK, OohLannet Street, Particular attention paid to making up Embroidered Slippers. ^ EEPAIKING NEATLY EXECUTED. J« i. f iWHilll & lli« LADIES' AND GENTS' Restaurant and Oyster Rooms, Nos. 16 & 18 WEIE STREET, TAUNTON. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. ALL. VHE LUXURIES AT SHORT NOTICE. 16 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. (Speaking of woman and her fitting sphere,) And say : " Man, keep your proper grounds ; invade mine if you dare !" 'T is, doubtless, noble to aspire to power, To guide the events of the passing hour, To wear the robe of state, to make the laws, And from the maddened throng invite applause. Dominion was on man by Heaven conferred, O'er fish, and creeping thing, and beast and bird : But is this power by man alone possessed ? Is Heaven thus partial in her high behest ? Was power political alone conferred. That power political should be preferred ? Is there no power, above, around, below. That startles not by vulgar noise and show ? Yes ! modest Nature, gathering up her fires, Afar from tumult and display, retires. And in her secret workshops gathers force. Which hurls the lightning in its vengeful course, Compels the wind its mandates to obey, The stormy waves that they no farther stray. It points the unerring needle to the pole, -It guides the ships o'er waters deep, and shoal. It sends the electric stream through seas and lands. And binds the continents in friendly bands ; To beds of coal primeval forests turns, Or oil which in our lamps so brightly burns ; TAIJNTOW TA€K CO., L.ACK AND SHOE TACKS. 17 11 '11 111 © Dealer in all kinds of Fresh Fish, Lobsters, Pickled Fish, O^irSTEFtS, 48CO., Ace, MAYHEW BLOCK, No. 17 Second Street, FALL RI^ER. J. inr. pixsrge;^ Manufacturer of Harness, Airo DEALER IN WHIPS, ROBES, BLANKETS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OILS, &c. Hepairing done at short notice. No. 8 WEIE STEEET, tj^.xjivtoiv, mass. SUBSCmPTtON ACENCV DEPARTMENT. Subscriptions received, or Eenewals for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines of the Day, Premiums ready for Delivery at Rooms, Leonard's B\o(^ TAUNTON. FRAMES OF ALL SIZES FURNISHED. Address, P. 0. Box 276, Taunton, Mass W. BATTELLE, Gen'l Agrt. 2* ^ 18 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. Transmutes base minerals to most precious ore, Which bold adventurers seek on sea and shore ; ^ Kindles afresh the subterraneous fires, Earth rocks, ingulfed a populous town expires ; Or blazing forth from fierce Vesuvius' height, Are cities fair o'erwhelmed in endless night ; On every coast this unseen power is hurled, It rolls its tidal w^ave around the world. . Who can foretell what this great power will do. Whose secret haunt, we likely ne'er shall know ; Some say, earth's centre is unceasing fire. That 's ever rismg higher up and higher. Will sure in time consume this beauteous world, Which will, like falling stars, in space be hurled. It may be so. I shall not live till then, , Nor would I see the last of earthly men. Somewhat less corruption in great places, ' Less duplicity, fewer double faces, More safety in financial operations. More " helps " who know the duty of their stations, Lawyers, who'd not truth betray for fees, A time when plunder of the weak should cease, No more of steamboat nor of rail collisions, No more reversals of the Federal courts' decisions, Judges who should be above a bribe, And of unfriendly Indians ne'er a tribe ; Newspapers that w^ould learn to tell the truth, No Wackford Squeers to take tlie charge of youth. TAUWTTON TACK CO., UPHOLSTERERS' NAILS. 19 DINING PARLOR, FOR 21 Bedford Street, FALL BIVEB. All the Luxuries of the Season Served in the Most Approved Manner. Eyerytliing; lirst class. Satisfaction gruaranteed. Open from 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. ELISHA FULLER, DEALER IN 69 N. MAIN STREET, FALL RIVER. Domestic and Foreign FicMes, Tropical Fruits, ^ Fresh and Cannei TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES. Vegetables in Season. ' Flour b^' ^^^ ^^^ O"" Barrel. DENTISTS, TEETH EXTRACTED WITH Ether, Chloroform, or Nitrous Oxide WHEN DESIRED, Sect. F, Granite Block, . FALL RIVER, Mass. 20 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. Doctors and patients mutually undeceived, And storekeepers to speak what may be erst believed, No humbugs like the " Graphical " Balloon, No hurdy-gurdies playing out of tune, Dramatists original, not steahng from the French, Judges to honor, not demorahze the bench. Novelists writing something that is new, (New being novel, and new novels few) ; Actors to act with ease and spout with grace, PoHcemen ever to be found in proper place, And aa opera manager to bui-n that Swiss scene. Which for many years past and gone has been Employed for to represent places in Asia, In Europe and Afric, and far Polynesia — Are much desii^ed. Oh — a clearing-house electric. And poets penning verses that are metric. These things, were they ordered, would consj)ii'e, To prove the strength of noisy force, of water over fii'e. Until they are and tnatters change, we must perforce conclude. That Nature is of female sex, and works in quieter mood. There is a magic spell in noisless things. Which round the pensive soul strange influence flings, It is the spirit of the mighty hills, The gentle murmur of half-hidden rills, ! TAVXTOX TACK CO., CARPKT ATS'D TINNED NAII.^. 21 C. P. NEWEImIm, uPHo: imwmw\ gi jt. iS'liM.llifm. Furniture Warerooms, No. 1 Main Street, Oyer National Union Bank, FALL BI FEB. Constantly on hand, a Choice Variety of Rich Furnifure, WALNUT AND COTTAGE SETS, Dining Room, Cliamber, and Parlor, Importer and Dealer in FINE HAVANA AND DOMESTIC Segars, Tobaccos Manufacturer of the Invincible and Enterprise Segars. A Meershaum Pipes kw Smokers' Articles, No. 46 North Main St., FALL RIVER, MASS. 22 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. The tranquil glory of the setting sun, When, day expired, his brilliant course is run, The deep unfathomed blue of starry sky, That streams upon the thoughtful gazer's eye ; The calm of ocean when the gale is o'er, The horizon's distance from the sandy shore, The full orbed moon careering through the skies, The softened splendor of a woman's eyes, ,^ The gentle smile, sweet tone, and matchless grace, That sit enthroned in woman's form and face, Her tearful prayer o'er wrongs to Heaven addressed, The pitying love that dwells in woman's breast. These are the noiseless unobtrusive powerS; That fall on human hearts like dewy showers, More potent far than blustering dashing rain, Exhausted^ Nature to revive again. Such gifts as these on woman Heaven confers. With these, the crown and regal robes are hers, What power can more dear or precious be Than soothing woes of poor humanity ? What were life's pleasures without woman's care. Or what were beauty, should her's disappear ? What sceptre greater than the sway o'er those, Who rule themselves and others, fi'iends and foes ? What more diversion than to fool the fools ^ Who lead in Senates, or who teach in schools ? What greater power than to rule the rulers? What more amusement than to fool the foolers ? TAUNTON TACK CO., COPPER AND BRUiSH NAILS. 24 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. If woman reigns the 4ueen of human hearts, Why meddle would she in more manly arts ? Leave doctoring, lawyering, and preaching ; Saving ye her time for good domestic teaching. Showing the youthful mind the true and good, Becoming the guardian of the infant brood ! Though single and without relations Who may rightly claim her ministrations, No woman goes far to find in grief, And sorrow, many who demand relief ; . Canst calm the sufferer, then, with dulcet voice. And make the heavy, saddened heart rejoice : A ministering angel 'tis far best to be, Than belle most envied in society ; Better a gladdener be of one sad hfe. Than victor over thousands in the vainful strife. What will avail it when no longer young, That on thy modish Hspings men have hung ? Will this thought smooth a wrinkle of thy face, Or help thee bear declining years with grace ? , A thousand noes ! But thine every action Good, will stamp thee with some fresh attraction, Give to thine old age beauty more enduring Than the quack's Bloom of Youth ; more alluring Than mere facial beauty ; a flush as warm. Nay, warmer than the flushes of Magnolia balm. But hark ! a voice responsive strikes my ear. Like crack of lifle, ringing soft and clear, TAUNTON TACK CO., AMERICAN IRON TACKlS. KhZ^O UZ-filO Hamilton & Williams, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Varnish, WINDOW GLASS, &G. Curtains, Fixtures, Cord & Tassels. BRUSHES, OF EVERY DESCeiPIION, House Paper and Decorations, No. 22 SECOND STEEET, Fail River, Mass. GHARIiilSS BSlVTIffKTT^ No. 15 Second Street, FALL RIVEE, MASS. Rear of City Hall Kuilrtisig, Dealer in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, HAMS, 8 AV SAGES, TBIFE, 4&c. Also, Lard, Bufter, Cheese, Eggs. Fruits and Vegetabies of all kinds in their season. Particular attention paid to supplying Steamers and Coasters with Provisions. Saddle, Tlamess and Trunk manufactiirer, No. 3 MAKKET SQUAKE, FALL EIVEE, MASS., Dealer in Carriage rEobes, Mats, Whips, Ourry-Oombs, CARDS, TRAVELING BAGS, VALISES, &c,,%c. Also Ladies' Bags of Various Styles. Repairing done with Neatness and Despatch. m 26 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. It is the cry of woman in the strife, In loud defense of rights more dear than life. *' Ye canting hypocrites!" she loud complains, ** Ye talk of women's hearts, have they no brains ? Must woman be the slave of * can't' and ' can ?' Was she not made the equal of the man ? And is she doomed to life so low, and flat. As cook, and kitchen commissariat ? To cater to the lordly powers that be. Self reared, at early breakfast, dinner, tea; And keeping ward at home for despot man, Her fingers soiling, scouring pot and pan ? Repairer of the breach in tattered clothes. Knight of the broom ; commander of the hose, Penned up in chambers, singing nursery rhymes, And rearing babies in degenerate times; * Are these the tasks for us by Heaven assigned. Ye lordly men, and foes of wolnankind?" " Strong minded sister," meekly we reply; " These are our simple views and reasons why: Are men superior to the female sex ? (A question useful mainly to perplex) Has varied answers needing care and time. Upheld by reason, nor ungraced by rhyme. The sexes differing, different gifts are shared, And thus in all things cannot be compared. "Who strikes the balance just, must be divine; 'Tis not for partial powers like yours or mine. p TAUNTON TA€K CO., COPPER AND BRU8H NAIUS. 27 CD p-l o c5 THE "LIGm IS A QUIET A WILLING " DOMESTIC " " DOMESTIC " A RELIABLE A USEFUL (( DOMESTIC " " DOMESTIC " A COMPETENT A "DOMESTIC "DOMESTIC" BLESSING A LARGE A "DOMESTIC" "DOMESTIC" NECESSITY IT IS THE "DOiHESTiC" YOU WAWT. C. P. NEWELL,Agentfor Fall River and Vicinity, ROOMS, No. 2 MAIN STREET. o § bd c-t- O OlllY W. 0. PACKARD & CO., Proprietors of I¥EWS DEPOT and Dealers in STAT And Fancy Goods, WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELRY, SV Bedford Street^ Next door to Post Office. FALL RIVER. PORTMONNQfES OF EVERY VARIETURENCH AND GERMAN ACCORDEONS, CHOICE D09IESTIC AiVD Hi¥MA SEGiRS, Fancy and Useful Articles in Great Variety, Toilet Trinkets, Perfumery, &.c. 28 THE RIGHTS AND VvRONGS OF WOMAN. "If sexes equal are, they're not the same; Nor is the difference only in the name; ' Woman excels in grace, but man in muscle, If she for quiet life is obviously formed, he is for bustle. Look at God's wise order in creation, As pictured in the Biblical narration. What is the will 'mong animals and birds ? The male is first, there is no war of words About this fact; the female rears the young, And 'spite premeditated changes ever rung, 'Tis man's to find the shelter, victuals and protection, To organize a faithful house, intimidate defection. In all the animal kingdom, rare you'll fail To find the stronger, rougher, in the male, His duty to command, to hunt, to fight, First in defense of home, the last to take to flight. If cubic feet of bulk the standard be, Then she must yield to man, 'tis plain to see. Though we 're informed by those well skilled in brains, 'Tis not the bulk, but what the bulk contains, That is the measure of the man. A^ehoice, Most easy is 'twixt man's and woman's voice; The deep resounding base was his of old, The mellow treble hers, unless a scold. But battle waxing hot 'twixt man and wife. And untrained passions prompting wordy strife. Bold judge, indeed, is he, who says which tongue Is demonstration of superior lung. TAIiNT<-*IN TA« K !«., ^AR^F.T AXD TI\.\Ep NAII.S. 29 Empire Photograph COMPAISrT, No. 3 1 South Main St., fall river. PHOTOGRAPHS PLAIN, INDIA INK, CRAYON, and WATER COLORS, BEnZdZXT ZZBilDS, Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged, CHILDREH'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction. Oiiaranteed. A. call solicltecl. LG. H.ARCHAMBAULT, - Business Manaser. DANIEL STEVENS, DEALER 53 South Main Street^ Ilk \h MM\%[ ciuirdL FALL RIVf R, MASS. Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairing. 8* I! 30 THE RIGHTS AND WRONOS OF WOMAN. If he can storm with rage embittered, With biting' satire are her answers tittered, And as she's certain the last word to ask, To make headway against her is a useless task. Sometimes she takes to gently throwing crockery, . Cutting more than words of female mockery; But when she seizes on a broomstick handle, The time has come to take your bedroom candle. The question of superiority, Cannot be fixed by man's authority; In days like these, of steam and telegraph, To quote from Genesis excites a laugh; Or else with trembling lips, and bated breath. We 'd cite what text of Holy Bible saith. 'Twas Adam first the soil of Eden trod, To walk its flowery paths, and talk with God. Two-fold dependent, out of Adam's side, God formed the lovely Eve to be his bride. The " woman in transgression was the first,'' By which the man, and bounteous earth w^ere cursed, " And thy desire shall to thy husband " be. The Almighty said, and " he shall rule o'er thee." And now if Paul and Moses w-e compare, W^e'll find the agreement most complete and rare, Yet who believes the word by Heaven sent, Will be convinced bv either Testament. ^= TAI NTON TAIK ViK, TI^\K» AXH I.KATHKHKU TA€Ki». 31 WILLIAM WOLFENDALE, An\\i mi |jhh ;ji|e Jitter, DEALEE IN Steam and Gas Pipe and Fillings, Sleam Pumps, Globe Valves, SHEET EUBBEE and KUBBEE PACKING, &c. Awning Frames made and pnt up to order. Particular attention paid to Rei^airing and Fitting Fisli Oil Establishments. Orders will receive x>rom})t attention, and work warranted to giA^e satisfaction. 58 Second Street, FAI.T. BIVEIl, MASS. H. A. BALLOU, Agt., SEWING MACHINES, Room No. 7, TROY BUILDING, Pleasant Street, FALL RIVER. 32 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. Admit the difference then between the sexes, The natural sphere of each the less perplexes. If babies one ignored, the race must die ; Nor must demand exceed the full supply ; The founders of nations' joys and woes. Were once invested in strange swaddling clothes. If babes must live that nations may survive, ^ ^ And swarm Hke bees from over-crowded hive, WTio shall supply the wants of that young life, Wardrobe and lacteal, the man or wife ? Give meaning to each look, each burdened sigh, And soothe with smiles its oft-recurring cry ? Not the husband; he has not the power To soothe the infant breaker of the midnight hour. Who shall its little doll-like clothes Put on and off; its little pinkish toes Encase in shoes; its little curly head Enliven with a brush; its little tiny bed Make smooth, the curtains draw ; its little hand Enclose in tiny mits; the woman or the man? Who aj)pease it when it cries, Who shall wipe its tearful eyes, Who its sobs with lollipops e'er smother — The gawky, callous father, or the doating mother ? 'Twas foreordained by Heaven, beyond befeat, That he who toils and thrives must likewise eat; TAINTOX TACK €0., I'PHOI.N»TERKRS' NAILS. 33 ROBERTSON'S CIRCHLATmG LIBEMY, 89 South Main Sireet, FALL RIVER. "THE BEST" Interesting Books, Novels, Adventures, Travels, €AN AL WA TS BE FO UNI> HERE. TV. R. ROBEHTSOPf. - - - I»roi>rlelor; m&m s &MMW, 9 (Successors to COOK, GREW & ASHTON,) la AND DEALERS IN Furnaces, Ranges and Stoves. Special attentioii paid to Heating and Ventilating Houses, Cburclies, &c. Factory Work and all kinds of Jobbing done at abort notice and in tbe best manner, at THE OLD STAND, 38 SECOND STREET, FALi^ mvExi, m:jlis©. ALEX. 0. COOK. THOS. M. GREW. Salesmen, M. A. WILMARTH, 0. 0. COOK. 34 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. Invoking mysteries of kitchen lore. Of garden, market, cellar, larder, store, Of dishes stewed, boiled, roasted, cold or hot, From teeming oven, frying-pan and pot. Shall awkward man presume to claim the prize Of solving best these awful mysteries; Or fairer hands their dainty skill invest, To spread the table, and prepare the feast ? How soon he 'd burn hi^ fingers and then swear. The oven would n't bake, the joint was spare, The tea was bad, there was no boiUng water, The cat ate the fish, before he caught her ! Since primal man in fig-leaves was arrayed, What varied styles the female has displayed ! Of bustle, Grecian bend, dress long or short, In linens, woolens, skins, silks, homemade, bought. For babies, youths, beaux, sweethearts and the old. That ever could be thought of, bought or sold. A modern lady is a wondrous structure, 'Tis strange that she can move without a fracture, So many and extensive are her clothes. That she can scarcely stand upon her toes; She' s so fenced in with iron and with steel, 'Tis scarcely possible for her to feel. Padded, puffed up, painted, powdered, plainly, How can she help but bear herself ungainly. False hair, false teeth, false eyes, false faces, Alas ! poor man, how hard thy fate is ! TAUNTON TACK CO., LACK AND ^HOE TACKS. 35 mi€H^m®sO)M HowsE MAIU STREET, Opposite Wilbur's Hotel, Containing Eight of the Latest Style BEVEL TABLES. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. HUGHES & HART, MANUFACTURERS OF {mil :jQ%h, %im mmmim, 98 V^^a Also, all kinds of Wood Turning ^^ \ 61 Pleasant Street, I'AZZ MIVEM. 36 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. instead of beauteous woman, Nature's charms, To clasp gum, wool and varnish in thine arms ! Can aught but woman's genius comprehend The patterns, tints and ribbons without end, Of which a lady of the times is made, Or clothes not useful,, but to be displayed ? What hand but hers achieve the dainty task That fashion may demand, or want may ask ? Shall man be taken from the plow and hoe To learn the art to stitch, crochet, and sew ? To cook and dust, and wash, and scrub, Plan out the future at the stationary tub. Or go to market and for bargains seek. Choosing the meat, the onion and the leek ? To rate the milkman 'cause the milk is sour. Or the baker, for being late an hour ? Female skill sTiould the busy needle ply To deck the human form for fancy's eye. Keverse the problem, shall our daughters fair Life's coarser burdens with their brothers share. And yoke the oxen, drive the tetim afield, The sturdy forests fell, the sharp axe wield ? Become conductors on the cars, or temporary con- stables, Or mount the leathern police caps instead of fairy dunstables; Quell rows, arrest the thieves, or crack the gambling den, (A peurile throng unfit to rule unruly men !) TAUNTON TACK CO., SWERES IRON TACKS. i 37 NEW ST OCK ! HEW STORE ! ! NEW F IRM ! ! ! 1VADS¥70RTH & SON^ 91 TeKJO-ple Blocl's^ South Main Street, FA-LIL, RIVER. DEALERS nr Choice Family Dry Groods, RICH MILLINERY GOODS, Ribbons, Feathers, &e,, of Every Variety, EMBRACING THE LATEST SPECIALTIES OF THE Black Alpaccas, White Spreads * Prints of every Variety, Toweling, Table Linens, Plaid and Stiiped Cambrics, Black Silks, Hosiery, Laces. &c. Toilet Articles, Ladies' Underwear, Xotions, &c., offered at the Lowest iiT. Y. Prices. Ko trouble to show goods. A call solicited at the New Store. Late Wadsworth, Williams & Co. 91 South jMain Street, TEMPLE BLOCK. Oldest House in Fall River. Established in 1800. j.i.FiiHeH & mm, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALEES IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, And 3hoe Findings of Every Description. Factory Belts and Lace Leather. Ho. 26 North Main St., Fall River, Mass. 4 *» 38 THE ^GHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. Directing traffic, whip in hand, where'er the avenues cross, Or snatch the frightened child from 'neath the itin- ^erary horse; Or swing the scythe, the golden harvest reap, The lowing cattle slay, and bleating sheep ? Or delve in gloomy mine for precious ore, The bowels of the globe for coal explore. Shoulder the gun, or wave the gleaming sword; Fire at the stern command, or give the word; The fortress storm, enter the deadly breach, - Or mingle dying groans with eagle's screech; Or fearful fly, hair streaming in the wind. With agile steps, foes leaving far behind ? Shall women build the ships that sail the deep While men at home teach babes to chirp, and creep ? Or girls climb masts, that pierce the stormy sky, While tender brothers make the humble pie ? Suppose that woman leaves the household care. To mix up in a Credit Mobilier, Captains o'er a steamboat, runs a cab. Or risks her reputation in a salary grab. Or grows to mankind's average five-foot-six, Or makes a business of unloading bricks. Or later stays at night than what she oughter, Or runs a ferry boat upon the water. Or oysters plants in New York's low^er bay. Or drives a wagon with a load of hay, p ' = TAUNTON TACK CO., AMERICAN IRON TACKS. m 39 W. R. ROBERTSON, 89 jSouTH Main jSt., Fall River, DEALER m ^^m % Sair, Xall, Teeth, and Clothes Sriishes, Knives, Scissors, Razors, Pocket Sooks, TFallets, Cigar Cases, Watch Cases, Sadse Pins, IStnds, Sleeve Buttons, TACK CO., NWF.D1<>i» IRON TACKS. m 53 LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S A« 12 WASHINGTON SQUARE, Opposite Perry Hause, ICE CREAMS, SODA FOUNTAINS with CREAM and CHOICE SYRUPS. AU THE lUXUmE$ Of THE SEASON served in the most approved style. OYSTERS, CEEAM, Etc. served for Private Parties at Residences. J. Vff. KERXiSW, DEALER IX u washington square, Ladies', Gent's, Misses', Youths' & Children's Shoes, OF EVEKY VARIETY. POLITE ATTENTION AND COMPLETE SATIS- FACTION GUARANTEED. 5* 54 THE RIOHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. '' Her right it is to early brace the mind With sturdy thought, the golden truths to find ; 'Tis pitiful to fritter life away In sentimental dreams, and vain display; The w^orld's great Avant to-day oft vainly sought, Is earnest purpose, well-directed thought. Froiii feeble mothers feeble sons arise; Thus has decreed the wisdom of the skies; Her right to roam through science unconfined ; Sound learning weU becomes the female mind, But love-sick novels crammed in empty pate, Can ne'er the soul refine nor mind dilate. Why should not women read the classic books, They're surely fit for something else than cooks; Man w^ants a helpmate in the wife to find, Yet help can only spring from a developed mind. T^Tiat can the women learn from modern novels, From pictured vice in balls or else in hovels, In hue so roseate, or disguised so thin, The mind unguarded oft invites it in, -And once in, with its smiling mien. Its hateful aspect hidden and not seen, Endurance first, then pit}^, then embrace. In quick succession follow^ and efface Whatever traits of virtue there are left, And leave the mind polluted and bereft. Who shall deny -woman the. toil to. share, For lifting burdens of a brother's care ? TAflNTOX TACK < O., I.AC K AXD HUOIE TACKS. :::=m 55 W. MILTON FARROW, 2£i WASHINGTON SQUARE, NEWPORT, R.i. FITTING SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES A SPECIALTY. Jewelry and General Repairing Done promptly. Watches of all Nationalities put in order and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. G UNS AND SPORTING APPARATUS. Oax'tx'id^gres ±*oi' Bi'eeoli I^oatiei's filled, to ox*dLei% THOMAS M. NORMAN. ^ (J^lLi \4SL 0^1 No. 176 THAMES STREET, I 9» "m^^ Wq> A. lino aissox'tiiient ot* CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES AND I ON HAND FOR SELECTION. |i 56 THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. What calling she'll pursue through busy life — Whether to live a maid or die a wife, To sweep the kitchen cobwebs, and dust disperse, Or fame pursue in prose, or lofty verse. If women have talent why not give it play, E'en though it shines with but a feeble ray ; Their powders have been far too long repressed. To burst at once the long-worn bonds of rest. Can woman write, compose, or paint, Let her ! she '11 conjure no true man's complaint. Woman's tastes well fit her for the retail marts, "Woman's feelings well befit esthetic arts ; Here's unbounded ground that girls may fill, Soil, with profit limitless, to till ; In these they may both pence and credit reap. Nor find the path to wealth or honor steep. Who dare from stormy forum rule her out ; Deny her natural right to vote or spout ? Alone shall Jonathan make the nation's laws, And venting twaddle, gain the crowds' applause. While Sally 's doomed, interring aU her joys At home, to legislate for girls and boys ? In homely tasks engaged fen- small and great, While husbands, sons and brothers serve the State ? But why should n't she to the Congress go. And seek among the Senators a beau ? More love than laws I greatly fear they'd make, And votes be gained for less than money's sake, — - (i TAUNTOIV TACK TO., I PHOLNTF.RFR.*«i' >iILS. 57 CHACE & CO. No. 8 TRAVERS BLOCK, Bellevue Avenue Near Ocean House, UPHOLSTERY, AND FINE CABINET WORK, MANTELS, ETC. Particular attention paid to 9 And all kinds of Finishing iu HAED WOOD, FREXCH POLISH, Etc. Etc. Also, a Large Assortment of JlF&llSl hMM Flllil iiiii FANCY and USEFUL, of every variety. RICH CABINET FURNITURE of every Modern Design, appropriate for Hotels and Private Kesidences. CHACE & CO«f near Ocean House. m-==- 58 THE RIGHTS AND WE0NG3 OF WOMAN. Bribery then would scarcely cost so high With handsome men a tender glance would buy, And the female M. C, half a glance might muddle her And conquest e'en await strabismic Butler. The Speaker would find it most hard to decide Which was to speak next, wife, widow or bride, And wonder *t would be if a man e'er was heard In such an assembly to get in a word. And whether the ladies would make all the laws And men only sit there to snicker applause ; If soldiers and sailors would richly be dressed, When women the army and navy possessed, And if they expect all the men to be flats . To consent, while parading, to shoulder their brats. Fancy a woman elected to be Speaker Changing the stronger vessel for the vessel weaker ; Could she a just impartial rule maintain-, Or would not her heart plead stronger than her brain ? Fancy a woman, her nose in the clouds, Marching in section or shinning the shrouds. As soldier, or sailor, or as dustman or tailor. Her strength would desert or her confidence fail her. And down she would come not a minute too soon, From her dream in the clouds, like the cotton balloon. Why may not woman be qualified to teach. The sacred vestments don, and sermons preach ; The spotless ermine wear, dispense the law Or armed with precedents, wage legal war ; ) (j TAITNTON TACK CO., TINNED AND L.KATH&RED TACKIS. 59 Established by 'William Hnnter, 1'745. JAMES H. TAYLOR, 104 Thames Street, Newport, R, I. Physicians' Prescriptions accurately compounded. Toilet Requi- sites, Soaps and Perfumery. 128 THAMES ST., NEWPORT, R.I. Dealer in Newspapers, Periodicals, Also a good assortment of Inks and all kinds of Stationery. ' Subscrix>tions received for all the leading Newspapers and Magazines of the day, and promptly attended to. All the popular Novels. Nail, Hair and Tooth Brushes. Choice Imported Segars, Portmonnoies, Fancy and Useful Articles, Soaps, etc., etc. 60 THE RIGHTS AND WRO^'GS OF WOMAN. Or proudest honors of the nations share With man, and grace the Presidential chair ? We 're not ambitious to divide a hair To fix what woman's privileges are, Content to know that each true woman's taste, WoHild prove it quickly labor run to waste. Her body and pure instincts of the mind Her natural sphere reveal, unless she 's blind. And now we make our earnest, closing plea, For those whom women, Qod ordained should be. Ye sons, and brothers, lovexs, husbands, friends, " Who manly tasks pursue for various ends, Oh, why this modern cry of woman's wrongs That fill the air from male and female tongues ? As muttering thunder proves the lightning's stroke, Betrayed are hidden fires by smouldering smoke. Thus the alarum cry from front and rear, Of woman's voice is proof that wrongs appear ; Deny her not the rights by Heaven assigned, Injustice dwells not in a noble mind. Proof that you're worthy a true woman's love Is no mean reason for applause above. Te sons and daughters fair, who share the bliss Of mother's prayers, good morn, and nightly kiss. She gave you life, watched o'er your infant days, Your sorrows mourned, and mingled in your plays. ) - — I TAUNTON TACK CO., AHEKICAN IRON TACKS. 61 J. D. RICHARDSON, DEALER IN H a^^a 11 a a ii dl I> o m e s t i o Fine Merschaum and Briar Pipes, Tobacoo, Snuff, AND SMOKEES' AETIOLES OP ALL DESOEIPTIONS. 312 Thames, cor. of Franklin Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, W. ANDEESON & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Choice Family Groceries, 186 & 188 Thames Street, COENEE PeLHAM StEEET, MMW^QlMTt M» i* J. W. OMAig dg GO. DEALER IN MEAT, POULTRY, VEGETABLES, Etc., Corner Farewell, NEWJPqftTy M. I. Ooods delivered to any part of the City. J. W. Oman. C. C. Steveks. 6 62 THE RIGHTS ASB WRONGS OF WOMAN. Dos 't ever think the pain that thou hast cost, The many hours in watching o'er thee lost, Tiie griefs and woes of infanc}^ she cheered, Sparing thee each danger that appeared ; In childhood ever aided in thy sports, And always kept thee foremost in her thoughts? O think what fiUial love to her is due, Who gave her strength, would give her life for you ! Hast thou a sister, loving, tender, true. Who hand in hand, and side by side with you Trips through the village lane, your pleasures share, And not less prompt her brother's griefs to bear ? Pain not that gentle soul by unkind word Or act ; your spirits bend in sweet accord. Has Heaven conferred a gift more dear than life, A trusting, loving, noble-hearted wife ; Who years long gone, when life was new, you led To holy altar, and before Heaven wed ? How fervent were the vows you promptly made ! How warm the love your glowing cheeks betrayed ! Stars shine less brightly in their heaven of blue. Than her eyes shone when first they gleamed on you. But years have fled since first you felt the bliss Of being one, received that wife's first kiss. She's older grown since twenty years ago. And less her cheeks display their early glow ; With scowl you spy, seated in easy chair. Some silver streak in her once glorious hair ; TAUNTON TACK CO., COPPER AND BRU8H NAILS. ^= 63 ]L. J. l^3J[:b:eiit, 308 THAMES STREET, ii wwm^ JOHN ROGERS' 83 THAMES STREET, NEWPORT. PIANOS and MELODEONS to hire for the season or month. MusicAi Instruments, and all of the Popular Music of the day. 72 COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. This communing of the Bishop with his buried wife is the more elevated, because it is the utterance of the tru- est and tenderest heart: *'^leep on, my love, in thy cold bed, Never to be disquieted ! My last good night ! Thou wilt not wake, 'Till I thy fate sliall overtake: 'Till age, or grief, or sickness must Marry my body to that dust It so much loves, and fill the room My heart keeps empty in the tomb. Stay for me there, I will not fail To meet thee in that hallowed vale. And think not much of my delay ; I am already on the way, — And follow thee with all the speed Desire can make, or sorrow breed. Each minute is a short degree, And every hour a step toward thee. At night when I betake to rest. Next morn when I rise nearer my west Of life, almost by eight hours' sail. Than when sleep breathed his drowsy gale. " But hark ! my pulse, like a soft drum Beats my approach, tells thee I come. And slow howe'er my marches be, I shall at last sit down by thee. The thought of this bids me go on And wait my dissolution. With hope and comfort. Dear, (forgive The crime,) I am content to live. Divided with but half a heart, 'Till we shall meet and never part." / TAUNTON TACK CO., UPHOLSTERERS' NAILS.