^Z' ::^/>^. ^ "*"- '^ •'c'f^ V^'' ^ -''^'■■'Y= \/ .^^fev %.^^ .^^ ^^* ,.„ % "'* 0^ ,.., ^ <* ..„ % V WW / 1808 - 1908 CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF NUNDA With a Preliminary Recital of the Winning of Western New York, from the Fort Builders Age to the last Conquest by Our Revolutionary Forefathers EDITED BY II. WILLS HAND PUBLISHED BY ROCHESTER HERALD PRESS 14()S THE BOOK " 'Tis pleasant sure, to see one's name in print, A book's a book, although there's nothin"- in it." 'They have Ijeen at a great feast and stolen the scraps." Shakcspcari 'In this pudding is not one thing alone, but one thing' with other things together." Lord Lytlcfoii. 'It is a regular omnibus, there is something in it to everybody's taste: those who like fat can have it, so can they that like lean, as well as those who prefer sugar, and those who choose pepper." Shirlcw " 'Aly book' is a cupboard of mixed frugal fare. Its substantials are "well ifone.' its dainties 'are rare,' "Over done' is the beef, though 'seasoned' with care, Of the last century's venison. I bid you beware. \Miile the Indian meal is the moderns' choice fare. Though the smoke of the wigwam lingers still in the air. There's pepper and sugar, and ginger and suet. Help 3-ourself — chew the 'dates' — it's all yours — just go thru it." The Kcshcqiia Bard — after Shirlev. AUTHOR'S TEN COMMANDMENTS TO HIMSELF AND COMMENTARY FOR OTHERS I. Be intensely interested in }our subject matter; let persons and places reflect the interest of the writer. II. Investigate, get to the bottom facts; remember your investigations will save thousands of others personal research. III. Persevere ; the persistent plodder alone succeeds ; miracles are wrought by perseverance. IV. Be human, — have a sense of humor. Man is the onlv animal that smiles ; the Pioneers had a rich fund of humor, and transmitted it through inheritance to their otTspring. Young readers also crave it, wit wins with tliem when wisdom wearies. \". Give, when possible, personal knowledge of localities and events; it adds something new from personal testimony, and is, at least, orig- inal. Even fish stories lose half their fishiness if the fisherman him- self tells them. This application is not specific : there are others. VI. Familiarize yourself with what has already been written, and, like a soldier, "appropriate" e\-ery "scraji" and turn it into edible "scrap pie." \'II. Sec the beatity in every scene, the good in every life : then lend the pul)lic your spectacles that they may see what you see. \'III. .\vi>id pessimism and slander; leave each skeletiin in its closet, years of retirement have not improved its aroma ; leave out the bad when possible; just assume that our forebears were as "bearish" as their posterity, (don't say descendants, it implies too much). Hunger and toothache bring back the original savage. .\t ugh Sulli\"an's campaign, and by purchase at the "Big Tree Treat}'" in 1797, was not the first time 1>\- manv that it had been won. The history of our Xunda. in any of its three forms, all during the past century, is Init the winning of a wild wilderness bv inir hard}' pioneers, to its present conilition of fine fertility. Such a history would be shorn of nine-tenths of its interest if we did not go l)ack a centurv farther, to the ])redecessors of the pioneers and give their storv of how thev won Xuuilaho. even the boy Indianologists of our town wdio find at certain jilaces an unusual collection of arrow heads and other evi- dences of Indian habitation, know that these lands have been won and occu- pied bv certain races of Indians, and that there were villages here that no previous historian has told about. Then the men Indianologists have made greater discoveries, that satisfy them, that the Xunda or Kesheiiua \'alley has some day been the scene of battles, and not mere neutral hunting grovmds for different trilies. and they ask for a synopsis at least of former centuries of possession. The colonists won this W estern wilderness from the liritish. and they — the British — won it from the I'rench. though neither owned it for it belonged to the native Americans, the red races that possessed it and who won it suc- cessively, nation after nation, by conquest. To at least name the nations wdio have li\-ed where we live, and have left Indian names on land and streams is as far as this can be done, an impera- tive duty, even' if this leads us across six centuries to pre-Columbian days. The first of these Indian nations that have left evidences of their presence in our part of Western Xew York are the Fort-builders, no Indians known since the first white man followed trails thousands of years old into the interior of Xew York Colony, or that of the Xew Xetherlands. or of France, has ever found a I'lirt-building Indian. The Iroquois Indian had no use for Fort Hil! 14 or the three forts at Belvidere, or the one at Cone.sus, or those that extend to Oswego. Excavations of these forts had led to the certainty that their pos- sessors came from Ohio and brought with them some of the useful or orna- mental utensils found in the huge mounds of the Mound-builders. This does not prove that they were the same ; it rather suggests that they were the Mound-builders' conquerors, and thus became the possessors of their articles of skill. The mound suggests an Egyptian origin. Next in order, unless they were the same, were the Allegewi, Talegewi Allegany or Ohio River Indians, who called the Ohio River after them, and when they in turn were dri\-c'n out of Ohio they came up one branch of their great river and gave it the same name. These people clung to the forts, used fort defences, made high banks of streams their fortresses, and cither with bows and arrows drove out those who like David were expert with a sling, or they were the stone throwers themselves and could not defend themselves against a Huron or Algonquin antagonist armed with bow and arrow. Within a mile of Nunda near what appears like a fort, quantities of these stones with a small indentation on one side can be found ; and yet some of us who live on the Keshaqua trail that passes this scene of former battle for supremacy forget that the trail and the battlefield have been here at least 800 years. The story of the winning of Xundao, and of all west of the Genesee, by the Nundawaono. or Seneca Indians, will tell all there is to tell. Again, we live in a township that has been subdivided till it forms many towns, and it is interesting to retrace the subdivisions of Greater New York Colony, Greater Albany County from which a whole state has been taken and counties and towns enough to make several small states. Nunda is an integral part of these great and important sulKlivisions and its centennial history can gain interest by following the frontier settlements from Schenectady, the pine woods of the East, to the larger pines of Allegany. This two-fold story of successive possession and of successive divisions of these possessions will tell us at least what this century has inherited from its predecessors. CHAPTER I. Tine Winning of G.\-nun-no .-\tt.\ixi:i) i'.v Tiiii: Winning of \\'i:stekn New York. WH.-VT we so ]ir(_iu(lly call the PJnpire State, what our European predeces- sors, or would Ije possessi.irs, called variously New Netherlands, "tho Colony of New \'urk" and New i-Vance, the Six Nations finally called Ga-iuin-n(j. It seems to be 'i v\(-rd imi.icd I.)\- them after the Ho-dc-no-sau-nee, or Long Mouse nf the Irnquois extended hcxond the Genesee River to the Niagara, and included llie new possessions of the \unda-wao, won i)rincipally liy this war- like l''il"tli .Xatjiin, from the Kali Kwas ami JM-ies. that is, it inclmled (ireater Xunila, and b\- this increase of western domain finall}' their long hnuse reached across the state. The winning of Western New York l)y the Senecas. aided at times by the entire Confederacv. Ijelongs within tln' ]>eriod of relial;)le history, for the Dutch were at Manhattan and lleaverswick (Albanv). and the French at Mnnlreal and the Ilritisli liaaceful people and followed agricultural pur- suits, while the Adirondacks were great hunters. The latter despised the former because of their cultivation of corn, which they exchanged with the hunters for venison. It chanced that game failed the hunters from scarcity and they employed some of the young Iroquois to help them in hunting. These young men became more expert than themselves, could endure fatigue better than themselves, which excited anger and jealousy of the Adirondacks, and chagrin by being excelled so soon by their despised neighbors. L'nwilling to be excelled in strength, endurance or skill, they murdered, one night, all the young men they had with them. This brought complaint , from the supposed weaklings and, deeming them incapable of taking any great revenge, they tried to lay the blame on the murdered men, but suggested some trifling presents to be given to the relatives of the murdered men. The Five Nations, resolved on revenge, and their enemies hearing of their purpose, determined to prevent this, by reducing them with force to obedience. The Five Nations then lived where Mont-Real (Montreal) now stands They defended themselves but feebly at first against the vigorous attacks of their adversary and were forced to leave their own country and find a new home on the opposite side of the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes. They saw the necessity of becoming as expert in war as they had been skilled in the art of peace. They tried their new spirit of warfare on the less warlike Satanas and drove them from their country which they occupied, and from that time defended and even carried the war into the villages of the Adirondacks and finally forced them to leave them ami to fly into that part of the country where Quebec is now built. 21 The French having placed firearms in the liands of tlie neighboring Hurons they all joined in the war against the Iroquois, but the rashness of the young warriors, and their impatience and neglect of orders, neutralized their superior strength, and when opposed by the superior strategy of the Iroquois, who drew them into successive ambushes that caused disastrous losses. The persistence of the Iroquois relaxed only with the complete dispersion and almost utter annihilation of all their former persecutors. CHAPTER IV. A SUCCESSION OF CONQUESTS WITH the same deadly vehemence they pursued all their enemies, begm- ning a career of successive concjuests with the Andastes to the South, the Neutrals and Eries to the West, the Adirnodacks and other Hurons to the Xorth, their vengence never satiated until their foes sued for unity, or were wiped out of existence as nations. The dictators of the continent, their sway ex- tended over a territory- thought to be 1,200 miles long by 800 miles, includ- ing a large part of New England and reaching thence to the "father of waters," while the French occupants of Canada, and the Cherokees and Catawbas in the far South, were humbled by their ]xi\ver. but their actual leagued possessions were from Albany to Niagara. From those they subdued they exacted tribute and levied conscripts. From the extent of their conquests, the tribute and aid they exacted, suggested to the French \'olney the name he gave them, and which clung to them from its ver}- appropriateness, "The Romans of the Western World." Their conquests com- menced when they could bring into the field but two thousand braves, antl virtually ended when with 5,000 warriors they annihilated the once mighty Eries in !')53. No wonder that iiroud of their ])ro\vess tlie\' called themselves the "Ongne- honwe" — men surpassing all others. It is said that the average internal capacity of the Iroquois crania was eighty-eight cubic inches, which is within two inches of the size of the average Caucasian and four of the Teutonic, while they exceeded the Alound-builders and others of their race and e\-en the civilized races of Mexico and Peru. Unfortunately, the difYerence in volume is chiefly confined to the occip- ital and basal portions, the region of the animal propensities ; and on this is pred- icated their ferocity. It is, however, with these "confederates" that those higher traits popularly ascribed to the race are found. They spared the young males — white and red — who showed courage, to strengthen and improve their race. They unified and systematized the elements which among other Indian nations were digressive and chaotic. But for the advent of the Europeans, ere their power had subdued and unified their entire race, the extinction and subduing ( for they were never subjugated) would have been the work of many centuries. The timely ad- vent of Europeans, with firearms, and the far more fatal fire-water, was the pre- cursor alike of the downfall of the Confederacy and the ultimate extinction of the American Indian. That they were keen and sagacious none can dispute ; that the}" were equally cruel and ferocious is alike self-evident. It was easier for them to follow the polishecl barbarism cf the bad white man's trail than to covet the civilization whose crowning glory was to be peaceful, merciful, forgiving, upright, reverent, loving, just, and good; qualities wholly antagonistic to their sense of manliness and valor. It has been well said of this Confederac}' that the Iroquois were a.''fivc fold cord:" their antagonists were single strands. Their league and its united strength suggests the jjower of our Federal Union, our "multuni in parvo," which bears many suggestions analogous to their confederate union. Each nation had its own political functions, as each of our states has, ( )ur legislative bodies, state and national, are not unlike their councils at home, and, at the "great central fire." Each Indian nation could go upon the warpath to redress a wrong and, unless greater aid was sought for at the Onondaga Central Fire or General Council, no aid was given. It is seldom the army of the United States is required to put down mobs or suppress riots within states but any Governor of any state mav call for such aid and receive it. These forest statesmen, wrought with wisdom born of necessity, planned peace and unity at home and unlimited expansion abroad. The Thomas Jefferson, whose dwelling was but a hunter's lodge, tradition savs, was a "wise man" of the ( )nondagas named Dagano-weda. The supreme jxnver was vested in a congress of sachems, fifty in number. The Mohawks were entitknl to nine members, the Oneidas to nine, the Onondagas to fourteen, the Cayugas to ten. the Senecas to eight. The office of Sachem was hereditary in tribes. They were "raised up," not by their respective nations, but by a council of all the Sachems. They formed the "Council of the League" and in them resided the executive, legislative and judicial authority. .\t their respective homes these Sachems governed, forming five independent local sovereignties, modeled after the General Congress of the Sachems. They were five distinct local Republics within one general Republic. It is as if our Con- gressmen, when they returned from the general seat of government, formeil at home a council for local government. It was far more, however, than in our government, "the rule of the few" filling up the ranks as vacancies occurred — a power of self creation, liable to abuse, but so far as known did not prevent the general well working of their system. Though all were equal in power, a Sachem from the ( )nondagas (the central tire I had at least a nominal superiority. He was the head of the Confederacy and was the one Great Wise Coimsellor or, as oiu" I 'residents are. Ruler in Chief. His position was hereditary, not from birth, but from locality. The first Onondaga, or Chief Sachem of the League, was variously called Ta-do-da-hoh or, according to Cusisk, the .Vt-ta-tar-ho, who was con- tcni])orar\- with the formation of the "Leage." To this first great warrior Sachem, whose dishes and spoons were made nf the skulls of his enemies, and whose name terrorized all aliens, we may read between the lines a demand for superiority and of a compromise giving perpetual rights and privileges and additional representa- tion to the O-nonda-gas or "Great Mountain Race." The word king was often .applied to these Chief Sachems, who ruled with much arl)itrar\ power, in their own nations, by Europeans, but "L'oiniselor of the I'eofle" was the extent of power the\- claimed as rulers. Tlie colonists called all the lesser chiefs John. There were in the l'"ive Nations the same numix-r of War Chiefs as Sachems The maxim "Old men for counsel and young men for war," may have had its origin in this wise arrangement. In Council the War Chief stood behind the (/ounselor ready to execute the commands of his suiierior. However, if the two went out with a war party, the Sachem became the subordinate. sn])reme in Coun- cil but not in war. The supreme command of the war forces and the general con- duct of the wars of the Confederacy, all this was entrusted to tivo military chiefs with hereditary rights. These were ;';; all cases to he of the Seneca Nation. Such were Hohskesio of Nuntla and Little Heard of Leicester his successor. The home advisers and counsellors, after the advent of the Europeans, were called chiefs. Some of them became almost equal in rank and authority to the Sachems. In each nation there were eight tribes which were arranged in two divisions and named as follows : Wolf IJear 1 leaver Turtle Deer Snipe Heron Hawk This division of men into tribes became the means of effecting the most per- fect union (says Turner) of separate nations ever devised by the wit of man. In effect, the Wolf Tribe was divided into five parts, and one-fifth of it placed in each of the five nations. The other tribes were similarly divided and distributed, thus giving to each nation eight tribes and making in their separated state forty tribes in the Confederacy. Between those of the same name, i. e., between the separated parts of each tribe there existed a tie of brotherhood which linked the nations to- gether with indissoluble bonds. The Mohawk of the Beaver Tribe recognized the Seneca of the Beaver Tribe as his brother, and they were bound to each other. Likewise, all the five tribes of the Turtle were brothers. They gave to each other always a fraternal welcome. This cross relationship between the tribes of the same name was stronger, if possible, than the chain of brotherhood between the eight tribes of the same nation. It is still preserved in all its original strength. This explains the tenacity with which the fragments of the old Confederacy still cling together. For one nation to cast off its alliance would have been the sever- ing of the bonds of brotherhood. Had the nations come into warfare it would have turned Hawk against Hawk, Heron against Heron ; that is, brother against brother. (Jriginally, with reference to marriage, the Wolf, Bear, Beaver and Turtle Tribes were brothers to each other and cousins to the other tribes. They were not allowed to intermarry. The other four tribes were brothers to each other and cousins to the first four tribes, and these could not intermarry. Either of the first four tribes could intermarry with either of the last four. The Hawk could choose his wife from the tribes Bear, Beaver, Heron or Turtle. They can now marry mto any tribe but their own. The children always belong to the tribe of the mother. The canons of descent of the Iroquois are the very reverse of that of the civilized world. If the Deer Tribe of the Cayugas received a Sachemship at the original distribution of these offices it must always remain with that tribe. The Sachem's son belongs to his mother's tribe and is therefore disinherited. He cannot even inherit from his father his medal or even his tomahawk much less succeed him as Sachem. The brothers, or his sister's children, or some individual of his tribe not a relative follows the succession. In the case of the death of a Sachem or War Chief his successor would first be selectetl by the home council of the tribe, from the brothers of the deceased or the sons of his sisters unless there were physical or other objections, or it was obvious some member of the tribe by reason of his prowess or wisdom was evi- dently better fitted for the position when the tribal decision was made, then the nation summoned a council, in the name i>t the deceased, of all the Sachems of the league, and the new Sachem was raiseil u\) by such council and invested with his office. Wc close this perhaps ti:>o len!;th_\ description of the greatest of Indian .'At- tempts at a Republic — a form of government of which they had never heard, b\- a quotation from Dr. Peter Wilson, an educated Cayuga Chief, who addressed by invitation on one occasion the Xew York Historical Society. ■'The land ' ia-nun-no. or the Empire State, as you love to call it. was once laced 1j\- our trails from .\lban}- to Buffalo; trails that we had trod for centuries; trails worn so deep by the feet of the Iroquois that they became your roads of travels as your possessions gradually eat into those of my people, ^'our roads still traverse those same lines of communication which bound one part of the Long House to the other. Have we, the first holders, of this prosperous region no longer a share in your h.istory ? Glad were your fathers to sit down upon the threshold of the Long House. Rich did they hold themselves in getting the mere sweepings from its door. Had our forefathers spurned you when the French were thunder- ing on the other side to get a passage through and drive you into the sea, what- ever has been the fate of other Indians we might still have had a nation and I — I instead of pleading here for the privilege of lingering within \ our borders I — I might have had a country." To this eloquent half blood we are not only indebted for this choice specimen of Indian eloquence but also for the Indian name of our own great state, Ga- nun-no. Its meaning has '.lot been greatly changed when we call it the Empire State. To the Nunda-wa-o-no nation, whose prowess extended its dominion from the Genesee to the Niagara, it meant the vast domain of the Hill-Born-Race. CH.\PTER \'. The Ixvincible Iroquois — Their Subjugation of the Hurons and Other Indian X.\tions — The Neutrals and their House of Pe.vce. "By the far Mississippi the Illinois shrank When the trail of the Tortoise was seen at the bank. On the hills of New England the Pequot turned pale, \\'hen the howd of the Wolf swelled at night on the gale And the Cherokee shook in his green smiling bowers When the foot of the Hear stamped his carpet of flowers." NE\'ER for a moment since the Hurons caused the flight of the Senecas from Canada had there been peace betvi'een these Indian nations ; and the barbarity of France in making galley slaves of some of the Irocjuois and of arming with guns their Indian allies in order to annihilate the Senecas, who held them from possession of that part of New York they claiiued as a por- tion of New France, these acts had made France no less a mortal enemy. The common hatred of England and of themselves against France made them allies and led to extinction of the claims of France to Western New York. From 1648 it became evident that certain allies of the hrench, the Hurons, must be destroved. Ill 1648 the Iroquois were again in force on the warpath waging aggressive war on tiie liurons. Father Antoine Daniel, a zealous Jesuit, had a mission station at St. Joseph, and while the Hurons were absent on the chase their inveterate enemies, the Senecas, came upon their old men, women and children, including the missionary and they massacred them all. Father Antoine being the first of his calling to find a martyr's fate. In his attempt to bless the heathen he became the first of many others to fall a victim to pagan and savage hatred. The saving of the souls of their enemies was an offense that admitted of no palliation to these savages who scalped their enemies to keep them from Paradise. In the early part of 1649 ^ thousand Irociuois fell on two villages of the Hurons and nearly exterminated the whole population. The missionaries of both villages shared the common fate. In the latter part of the same year the Huron village of St. Johns with nearly 3,000 population, with its missionary, perished. A dire disease, beyond the skill of the Indian, aided the war club in decimating their ranks. The remnant saw annihilation before them unless in humble submis- sion they threw themselves on the clemency of their conquerors. They knew they would accept additional warriors for greatness of numbers increases safetv and ensures subsequent victories : so they presented themselves to their conquerors, pledged allegiance, and were accepted as kinsmen, and the few who did not come willingly but wandered awav were hunted down like wolves and exterminated. THE MASSAWOMEKES ISefore discussing the origin, [jcculiarities and fate that awaited alike the "( ireat Wild Cat race." the sable Kah Kwas or their kinsmen and neighbors, the Fries, known by the French as the Cat nation, because they used certain furs in their clothing, we must go back a little farther to the time of John Smith of the Jamestown Colony days for the information he gives concerning a race of con- querors that triumphed previous to his coming, whose conquests were as complete as those of the Iroquois of later days, that many have hastily supposed that they must have been the same. Writers, enthused by the belligerent spirit of the "Five Xations," of whom they were writing, have eagerly jumped at this conclusion, ignoring the fact that stupendous conquests and victories over former possessors had swept away the ]\Iound-builders, the Fort-builders, the Allegewi or Ohio River ( once called the Allegany River I Indians before the Iro<|uois had won any great victories save in the East. John Smith, while making one of his exploring expedi- tions along Chesapeake 15ay. rejiorted that the tribes he met livecl in j^erpetual fear of a nation far awa} that they called ^lassawomekes, by the direction they came from and hy the fact that intervening tribes represented them as hostile, some of whom were closely connected with the Iroquois, it seems evident that tlie\ were the Fries, so-called by the Hurons, by the Five Nations, Rique and by the French Chat or Cat, so-called by .Segur in his History of Canada, published in 1836. There is also a belief that at this early date the Eries and Kah Kwas were allies and went to war together, and when united were invincible. THE KAH KWAS OR NEUTRALS \'ery little is known or tokl of this giant race of grand physique and sable co|)pery complexion. As they lived along the Niagara and in the Huron countrv 26 we naturallv conclude they were llurons. Hut the visit of the missionary fathers, lean De Hrebeuf and Joseph Marie Lhaumonot, in 1840, describe the difference between these savages and the Hurons and also distinguish them from their near neighbors, the Cats or Eries. Most authorities class them together or fail to men- tion the Kah Kwas at all. No doubt at one time they were allies. Their neutrality for a long period had given them great numerical strength and as hunters and fishermen their location was an ideal Indian I'aradise. As the writer believes, the Kah Kwas had villages in this vicinity, as well as a Nunda chief at a later day, he turns to the Jesuits of two and a half centuries ago for information to refute or confirm his opinions. P'ather Jean de Lirebcuf, a skilled linguist familiar with the llurdu dialect, leaves his mission at St. Marie Novemlier 2, 1(140, to establish a mission among the Neuters. He visits 18 of their 40 villages and finds he has been preceded there bv leather De la Roch Daillon, a Recollect, who passed the winter there in 1(126. To quote the oft cjuotcd letter to this Jesuit missionary : "The nation is very popu- lous, there being estimated about forty villages. He gives the distance traveled from St. Marie on Lake Huron to the first Kah Kwas village 40 leagues, due South. From this it is four days" travel to the place where the celebrated river of tiie nation (Niagara) empties into Lake Ontario or 'St. Louis.' On the west side of the river are the most numerous of the villages of the Neuter nation. There are three or four on the east, extending from east to west toward the Eries or Cat nation." He gives the name of the Niagara and of their eastermost villages as Onguiaahra (an imitation or allusion to the roar of the cataract) and he sug- gests that if they — the French — could get control of the side of the lake nearest the residence of the Irocjuois "we could ascend by the river St. Lawrence without danger, even to the Neuter nation, and much beyond with great saving of time and labor. The Neuter Nation comprises 12,000 souls which enables them to fur- nish 4,000 warriors notwithstanding that war pestilence and famine have pre- vailed among them for three years in an extraordinary manner. * * "( )iir French w ho first discovered this people, named them the .Venter Nation, and not without reason for their country being the passage by land b\ some of the Iroquois (the Senecas ) and the 1 lunms who are sworn enemies thev remained at peace with both so that in times past the llurons and Iroquois meeting in the same wigwam or village were at peace and in safety while they were there. "Recently, their enmity agamst each other is so great that there is im safetv for either party in any place, particularly for the Hurons, for whom the Neuter -Nation entertained the least good will." He surmises that all these nations. Hurons, Neuters and Iroquois, were one nation but have separated, become alien- ated. Some became enemies, some became Neutral and others (the Five Nations) frieiKls. "The fccid and the c'othing of the .Xcuter Nation seem very difl'erent from that of the Hurons. They (the Neuters) have Indian corn, beans and gourds (a Frenchman's name for pumpkins and squashes) in equal abundance. .\lso pleiitv of fish, some kinds of which abovind in jsarticular ])laces only. The\ are much employed in hunting deer, buft'alo, wild cats (they were sometimes called wild cats, while the Eries, once a part of them, were called Cats because they dressed in skins of an animal of the cat kind that abounded in Ohio) wolves, wild boars, beaver and other animals. Meat is very abundant this year because of deep snow which has aided the hunters. It is rare to see snow here more than a foot deep ; this year it is three feet deep. Wild turkeys abound which go in flocks in the fields and woods. Their fruits are the same as with the Huron except chestnuts which are more abundant and crabapples whicli are larger." I le states that the Senecas, whom he calls Sonontonheronons, is a day's jour- ney distant from the village of Niagara and is the most dreaded by the Hurons. 1 le also reports one village that he calls Khe-o-e-to-a, or "St. Michael." which gave them a kmd reception, and says: "In this village a certain forcii^n nation, which lived beyond the lake of Erie, named A-ouen-re-no-son, has taken refuge here for many years." Chaleroux says that in the year if)42 a people larger, stronger and better formed than any other savages, who li\'ed sontli of the Huron cijuntry, were visited 1)\' the Jesuits, who preached to them the "Kingdom of (iod." They were the Xeuters and tried in vain to be neutral. To avoid the fury of the Iroquois they finally joined them against the Hurons but gained nothing by the union. "The I^o- cpiois, like lions that have tasted blood, cannot be satiated, destroyed indiscrimi- nately all that came in their way and at this day there remains no trace of the Neuter Nation." In another place he says the Neuter Nation was destroyed in 1643. A writer in the Buffalo Commercial in 1846 says this singular tribe whose institution of neutrality has been likened by an eloquent writer to a calm and peaceful island looking out upon a world of waves and tempests, in whose wig- wams the fierce Hurons and relentless Iroquois met on neutral ground, fell victims near the city of Buffalo to the insatialile ferocity of tlie latter. They zeerc the first proprietors as far as zee can learn of the soil zee noze oeenpx. lint were they? Who built the earthworks at Ti-u-en-ta ( Lewiston ) ? The Fort-builders. Who subdued them? Not the "Romans of the New \\'orld," the Iroquois. Who were these foreigners in this village of the Kah Kwas? Possibly the Allegewi or Ohio Indians. Who occupied some of these forts? Who con- quered them? Possibly the Mcssozeomekes. once the terror of the eastern and southern tribes. Where did these come fr( mi ? From Lake Erie County. Where did these Kah Kwas. cousins of the Senecas and Eries and Tuscaroras, get their superior physique and darker color ? From amalgamation with some conquered race. The names given by the French to all the villages where they made converts are exceedingly confusing and so this foreign nation and its village loses a con- necting link in the chain of pre-occupants of the predecessors of the pioneers. .\gain, it is of especial interest to record that when the French missionaries and traders first reached the southern shores of Lake Ontario and the Niagara River the Neuter Nation was in possession of the region west of the Genesee. The Senecas' domain extended only to the Genesee River. After the conquest of the Eries, said to be in 1653, there is no possible reason to suppose that the Senecas would not have at least small villages on both sides of the Genesee River, unless their wars of extermination of some of the greatest Indian nations of the continent had decimated their own numbers till it was policy to concentrate in their four villages, where they were at the time of De Nonville's invasion a few years after- ward. We do not hear of any Eries saved for adoption, but the Kah Kwas were to be found at Onondao and at Squakie Hill and at other villages. This system of making good the numbers of the slain by adopting captives into families that had 28 sustained losses, and of whites as future interpreters, shows tlie superiority of the Senecas over the Kha Kwas or other antagonists. At least three generations with Kha Kwas blood lived at Onondao. Of these we are fortunate in being able to furnish the likeness when a century old of Kenjockity, whose father was a chief, and whose grand sire was a captive youth, a captive of 1643. CHAPTER VI, The Neutrals Become Warriors — Oi'eex Ya-go-wa-ne-o: A ^Modern Semi- RAMis — A Battle at the Mouth of the Kesheoua — A Nation of 12,000 Cease to be — Traditional Destruction of the Kah Kwas Aiiout l(^^, THIS Indian tradition, as told by Cusick, a Tuscarora Chief, though cer- tainly incorrect as far as dates are concerned, is still of interest. Cusick. being a Tuscarora. coul-. r.y comparing Indian tradition with the authentic records of the Jesuits we find that Shoupowana's death occurred in 1(140 and the treaty by the Oueen must have lasted unbroken for a number of Ncars, that the territory bordering on the lake was given over to eighteen mile creek and this greatest concession resulted in a temporar\- peace. Its end is eleven years after in 185 1 as has already been de- scribed. The great size of these Kah Kwa warriors was an inducement to spare a large number of their youth and merge them with the Senecas that the next gen- eration might be alike strong and valient. ClIAl'TER \"II. The Eries: the M.\ss.\womekes (rRoiiADLv) of the Sixteenth Centurv Annihie.vteii by the Iroquois. THE Jesuits give very little infnrmatidU concerning the Eries except to locate them south of Lake Erie, and because they wore the skins of an animal of the feline order called them the Cat Nation. They could not however, induce them to accept their religinn and hence they have little to say of them. Ihjwever friendly the Senecas and the Eries were when they were on op])o- ite sides of the Gen-nis-he-yo, immediately after the subjugation and destruction of the Neutrals, these new neighbors, now the "House of Peace," was removed. became rancorous enemies. So nearly etuial were they in numbers and prowess that war between them would result in great losses even to the winners. The cause of their quarrel does not a])pear but )irobably boundary hues were unsatis- factorv or the Eries had shown a preference for some of their western enemies. .\ bloody war broke out between them that was fought to a finish, neither nation asking for or granting favor or mercy. The duration of their contentions or the time of their beginning has not been stated for Indian statement always lacks deti- niteness. It is, however, conceded that it commenced about the year 1653 and terminated in 1655. As this is only ten years after the subduing by the Senecas of the Neutrals some have supposed the two nations were identical but the Jesuits are good authority for their unlikeness in several particulars, size, dress, and the friendliness to religion of the Kah Kwas, except in one village (called b\ them foreigners), and the utter hostility to their religious teachings on the part of the Eries. The final battle between these valorous foes was said to have taken place near a great bend in the Genesee River. These bends are so numerous and In- dian traditions are so unreliable that only some skilled Indianologist may yet dis- cover the spot. 31 Accordiii"; to soutlieni writers we liave this statement : "The Senecas have a tradition that the scene of the final conflict was at a bend in the Genesee River on ground afterward contained in the Caneadca Reservation, in tlie present County of Allegany. In the history of Cattaraugus County is found a more definite state- ment. "Here the doomed Eries mustered all their force to the last warrior for they well understood that the result would be victory or annihilation. Against them were arrayed 5,000 Iroquois braves of whom 1,000 were held in reserve and in concealment. The Eries were the first to assault and they did so with a fury which drove the confederates from their position ; but they soon rallied and hurled the Eries back in the greatest disorder. And so with the alternate charge and recoil of each the tide of battle ebbed and flowed seven times across the red field, which was thickly strewn with the wounded warriors of Seneca and Erie, grapling at each other's scalp locks even in the agonies of death. At last by a well feigned retreat of their opponents, the impetuous Eries were drawn into the ambush of the Iroquois reserve, and there a thousand fresh warriors uttering their wild war whoop leaped upon them. The Eries wavered and gave way and the fight became a route and a massacre, for quarter was neither asked nor given. The victors pur- sued them to their villages and there slaughtered all who came in their way, sparing neither age nor sex. The remnant of the Erie warriors who escaped the terrors of the field fled to the southwest along the valley of their own Oheeyo, but even here they found no rest for the conquerors still followed, bent on nothing short of extermination of their foes. The flight and ptirsuit was continued, says the tradition, until the last Erie had crossed "the Father of Waters" and five moons had passed before the Seneca braves returned to celebrate their victory in the villages of the Geiinishceyo." The settlement of the conquered territory did not result at first in the founding of Seneca villages along the upper Genesee and the adjoining territory ; it was only used as additional htuiting grounds for their numbers were much decreased. After the attack of the Senecas by the French in 1687 when the villages in the beautiful valley were destroyed the Senecas built new ones, Onondao nearer to the river and Chennissio and later Ueardstown be- came successively the central fire of the nation. We are led to believe that however peaceful the Kesheqtia \'alley and the upper Genesee and all the section northeast of the Niagara frontier after its settlement by the Senecas it was not so in the few previous centuries. The Andastes or Satanes lived here once and did not lose their possessions without a struggle. The Kha Kwas were too powerful and numerous for easy conquest and the Eries in the memorable battles recorded must have passed over what became in 1808 the extensive town of Nunda. Any skilled Indianologist can find evidences of Indian occupancy and Indian contests far more convincing than many scattered dark flint arrows. Strange as it may seem, within a mile of Nunda may be found a battle field where one or both of the contestants used David's weapon, the sling. CHAPTER VIII. The Battle of the Marquis de Nonville and the Senegas in the Genesee Valley, 1687. THIS battle was aggressive on the part of the French. It was to humble the Senecas and. if possible, win possession of their lands. The Marquis de Konville had succeeded De la Barre as Governor of New France in 1685. He was a colonel of French dragoons. As the Iroquois had carried their wars into the West after the destruction of the Fries, and these tribes were allies of the French, Governor de Nonville determined to humiliate the Senecas. He employed the winter of 1687 in preparation. The French army consisted of about 1,600 men, besides 400 Indian allies. This strong force set out from Montreal June 13th in 350 batteaux, and after a tardv voyage arrived at Fort Frontenac (Kingston) on the 30th. On the 4th of lulv it again started for the country of the Senecas and arrived at Ganniagatason- tagonat ( Irondequoit) on the loth. F"ive hundred and eighty French and Indians from Fort Niagara and the west were to meet him there. No Napoleon could have better planned for a great battle. Both armies arrived within the same hour. On the I2th. after completing pallisades for protection of provisions, batteaux and canoes, he detached 400 men to garrison this, their landing place. The rest of the armv took up their line of march toward the village of the Senecas. They en- camped that night near the present village of Pittsford. The Indian village of Gannagora ( Boughton Hill, near \"ictor) was to be the first point of attack, con- tinuing their march on the 13th they arrived about 3 o'clock at a defile near the Indian village, where they, instead of attacking, were attacked by a large body of Senecas who lay in ambush. From De Nonville's Journal \vc find that "They were better received than they anticipated and were thrown into such consternation that most of them threw away their guns and clothing to escape under favor of the woods. He gives credit to the Ottaways and their Christian savages, who were the only ones who acquitted themselves with honor. Though the brave colonel had brought with him a formidable force of the very flower of France and its army, the terrors of the war whoop of 800 Senecas and their guns and tomahawks made the engage- ment a short one. As the Senecas left zj killed on the field they thought it best to retire and the victory was claimed 1)\ the h'rench, though the valor belonged to the Senecas. Then the brave colonel ( ?) who knew that in France they w(ntld know nothing of the short distance from Irondequoit Bay to Boughton Hill, jilcad- ed extreme fatigue as an excuse for remaining all that day and the next day until noon in camp, besides it rained the second day and they had "to protect themselves from the rain." If these Frenchmen's valor had equalled their vanity the Senecas would not have taken themselves so easily away to a place of safety. The field was won b\- the French through their allies, but the glory by their foe. The victory proved a barren one. The Senecas burned their own villages and the I'rench in the next ten days claim to have destroyed for the "Sonnontonans," as the\- called the Senecas, 1,200,000 bushels of corn. A great exag.geration. Had the I'rcnch warred as valiantly agamst the Soo Seneca braves as they did on the growing corn more would have been accomplished. 33 ine I' re -Glacial Course, &-r.. Indian \-iIlai;e.s in Xunda ami the L'pper (_iencsre marked A. Dotted lines indicate l)Oundar\- of the P)asin. The l)ark villages destroyed could l)e replaced in three days and the other confederated tribes would willingly divide with them their surplus of corn. ( )ver 2,000 men had put to flight 8oo savages, while 800 Senecas had terror- ized mure than twice their number of gallant Frenchmen who, in their confusion, fired on each other till their death list was far greater than that of their foe. Baron La Hontau. who was present and whose record was not written for the reading of a crowned head, said : "W'e lost on this one occasion ten savages and a hundred I'renchmen. We had twenty-two wounded, including the good leather .\ngelran, the Jesuit. If you could have seen the disorder into which our militia and regulars were thrown among the dense woods you would agree with me that it would require manv thousand Europeans to make head against these barbarians. ( )ur battalions were immediately separated into platoons, which ran without order, pell mell, to the right and left, without knowing whither they went. Instead of firing u];on the Iroquois we fired upon each other. It was in vain to call 'help soldiers of such a battalion' for we could scarcely see thirty ]iaces. In slmrt, we were so disordered that the enemy were about to fall upon us, club in hand, when oiir savages having rallied, repulsed and pursued them so closely, even to their villages, that they killed more than eighty, the heads of which they brought away, not counting the wounrl ed who esca])ed. "The I'Tench Indians were pre\'ented by De .N'onville from .going in pur-~uit of the Senecas for they knew^ they could overtake and massacre the aged, the chil- dren and the women, but De Xonville pleaded with them not to leaz'c him. This offended his allies so nnich that the greater part went back to their country, saying that the French had, come fnr an cxcursinn rather than to carr\' on war * * * that they would ne\cr trust them in future.' " The four Indian villages which De Xonville visited were Gannagora (Fr) or Gaosachga-ah, Boughton Hill, Victor, Ganogarie near East Bloomfield, Titiakto or Deyudihaakdoh (in Seneca) near West Mendon, Gannonnata ( Fr. ) or Dyndonsot ( in Seneca) southeast of East Avon. The .Senecas never rebuilt these villages but went farther up the Genesee, where we find them at the Iireaking i.iut of the RevnUitiiinary War, with their great village at Onondao, two miles west of Xunda village. Within a few years, while grading for an electric road from Rochester through .Macedon, a i)it hole was found with 80 skeletons, and as this was not far from the scene of the slaughter of the Senecas by the hostile savages there is little doubt that the Senecas gathered together, as was their custom, their braves and buried them in this place. The number exactly corresponds with the record of the truthful ISaron La I Ionian. Colonel George Hosmer of .\von, the father of Lixdngston's most famous poet, tells of witnessing the finding in the spring of 171)3 on the (jcnesee bottom near the river on a farm owned by his father a short I'rench sword or conteau. The blade was about twenty inches in length and three inches wide. It was cov- ered with rust which, being removed, exhibited the "fleur de lis" of France and a date of the time of Louis XI\". It excited only a transient interest and, being ground to an edge, was used as a kitchen utensil. Yet this was one of the swords used in the "battle of the corn stalks" 225 years ago. CHAPTER IX. The British Winning of Western New York from France, Aided by the Iroquois and Colonists — 1759. IN 1758 Mr. I'itt, being the British minister, determined on a vigorous and de- cisive campaign which should end in the annihilation of French power and dominion on this continent. Both public opinion and the public press caught the spirit of conquest, and increased hatred for France was everywhere manifest. The King and Parliament joined in the policy of Pitt and voted liberal supplies. An empire was to be lost or i^'on. Cordial and vigorous co-operation of the colo- nists was eagerly and dexterously sought, for they were weary of war and its rav- ages of harvests and the destruction of their homes. To overcome this the King graciously commiserated their perils and losses and pledged indemnification, and still better than promises. Parliament voted the colonists £200,000 as compensa- tion for losses and expenses consecpient upon the war. The Iroquois were mostly won over to the British interests though British encroachments had begun to excite in them caution. The French and her western allies were still their foes, and Sir William Johnson was to lead them, and was he not, with his Indian pro- clivities, a white chief among them ? General Amherst, as commander-in-chief of the British forces in North America, had at his disposal a larger force than had ever before been mustered on this continent. The most atlvanced settlements in New York were less than fift\r miles from Albany, so we must look to the older colonies for the main sup port of the large force of British regulars : Massachusetts furnished 7,000 men, Connecticut 5,000, New Hampshire 1,000. The French posts at Ticonderoga and Crown Point were on the route to 2^Iontreal which, with Quebec and Niagara, were to be conquered. .\s it is only Western Xeze York that is of greatest interest to us and the change of our local region from "New France" to "New York Colony" by the capture of Fort Niagara, the only stronghold of France in Western New York we will briefly review the oft told tale of the siege and surrender of Fort Niagara. The force destined for Niagara consisted of two British regiments, a detach- ment of Royal Artillery, a battalion of Royal Americans, two battalions of New York Provincials and Sir William Johnson's Indian allies, most of whom were Alohawks, Oneidas and Onondagas, with a less number of Senecas and Cayugas, and some western allies won over by the British. Brigadier General Prideau was first in command and Sir William Johnson second. On the first of July, 1709, this force reached Lake Ontario and embarked and coasted along the shore towards the solitary fortress. Never before or since have the waters of this inland sea borne on their bosom such a formidable armament. .\11 the appliances of British warfare for the reduction of a strong fortress, by regular approaches, as planned before starting, camp equipage and supplies for this large force, and all these sol- diers and sailors. Imagine the complexity of these forces of various nations and races. The proud commissioned and titled Briton, who was far more familiar with the refine- ments of court.s. with all their luxury, than of the hardships of camps in this vast and gloomy wilderness. A'eteran officers from European wars, inured to cam- jiais'i life. The sons of rich colonists who had obtained commissions and were novices in war. All classes from the cities and sturdy plow boys from the rural districts : and seemingly best fitted for the work in hand were the Iroquois braves decked out with war paint, feathers, claws, new broadcloth garments, blankets and silver ornaments, the personal gift of the King to his red sons and brothers. ( )pcnl\, without stealth, they approached their destination with booming can- non to inspire the Senecas with courage and the Neutrals with terror. Arriving at Eighteen Mile Creek (Olcott), within eighteen miles of Fort Niagara, a halt was made to reconnoiter and ascertain the movements of the French. I'Yance had been e(|uall\' \-igilant and reinforceoeuf, X'enango and Detroit, ordering them to come with all available aid to Niagara. At a time when the end seemed nearing two Western Indians made their way into the fort bringing word of 2,500 French and Indians at Navy Island opposite Fort .Schlosser. Four Indians were sent to ?kIonsieur D'Aubrey to tell of their critical condition and to urge him to hasten to their relief. Johnson had anticipated reinforcements from D'Aubrey and had kept Indian runners ( at this the Mohawk were most expert ) looking for them, and was advised of their proximity. ( )n the 23d he sent out strong detachments of troops and posted them along either side of the trail leading from the fort to the falls. About two miles from the fort they awaited in ambush, their adversaries. Early on the 24th he sent other detachments of his best troops to reinforce the others. The opposing forces soon met in battle array and D'Aubrey gave the order to attack. The Western Indians, who were concealed in the forests, swarmed from the woods and gave their terrfic war whoop and rushed upon the P.ritish. The British regulars and such provincials as had never known Indian warfare, quailed for a moment but the Iroquois and practical veterans, real Indian fighters, stood firm, meeting the shock as firmly as it had been impetuous. \'olle_\- after volley from British and their allies was too much for the \\'estern Indians and they gave w'ay and left the field. D'Aubrey, though deserted bv his allies, pressed on against his assailants, and was pressing them back valorously when Johnson's Indian reinforcement ar- 37 rived, assaulting his flanks, anil the battle turned against him. Forced to retreat, after fighting for a time right, left and front, his retreat took form as a rout. Eng- lish and Indian pursued, shooting down most of the French and capturing many officers, including D"Aubre_v. Short as the contest was, the ground for miles was strewn with the dead contestants. Pardon this repetition of a well told tale of battle, one of the many episodes of empires lost and won. France lost an empire in that well fought fight. Eng- land added the titmost limits of the Indian. Ga-nun-no. to her New World acquisi- tion, added also a Province of Canada to her wide domain, in her other battles of this campaign. And no part of Western Xew York, and no part of Ga-nun-no, ivas left under French control for Xew France was no more. For Captain Pouchot, by the advice of his officers, surrendered, dictating terms honorable to himself and country. Himself, D'Aubray and eight other officers, including two half-blood sons of Joncaire, who was the first white settler of Western New York, and 600 men, were all there were left of the gallant de- fenders of the fort and of those who came to their aid and became sharers of their captivity. France had lost an empire and England was the winner. Little then could be forseen that before a quarter of a century would pass the map of .\nierica wotild be again changed and that this historic fort would again be taken. The taking of Fort Niagara was a battle in one of the wildest of nature's solitudes. Two trans-.\tlantic hostile nations here contended, with all the para- phernalia of their then modern warfare, thousands of miles from France and Eng- land. A "Pioneer Historian" whose imagination revels in the grandeur of the surroundings gives tis, though at a remote day, a vivid picture of this national struggle for supremacy and possession till we can almost hear, "The shout of battle, the liarbarian yell, the bray ( )f disonant instruments, the clang of arms. The shrieks of agony, the groan of death In one wild uproar, and continued din .Shook the still air." But not cijntent with this which might describe a battle elsewhere he har- nesses the chariots of ordinary European warfare to the cataract, the wilderness and its solitudes and sublimities, and makes nature a participant. "There were no s])ectators of that sudden clash of arms, of that protracted siege; all were partici • ])ants. Hundreds oi miles, beyond the heaviest sounds, that like earthquake shocks, went out from the conflict, were the nearest of our race, save those who were at Frontenac and Oswego and a few missionaries and traders on our interior rivers, there were none to hear. The outlet of \ast inland lakes, the shores of which had been scarcely tread by Europeans, hushed to comparative stillness, after hav- ing tumbled over the mighty precipice, and madly rushed through the long narrow .gorge that succeeds, was rolling past, its eddies dashing heavily against the shore, moaning a requiem over the dead that were thickly strewn upon it. Death and carnage, the smoke of battle, the gleaming of steel, had chosen for their theater a marked spot, romantic and beautiful as any that arrests the eye of the tourist in the region of sublime and gorgeous landscapes. There was the roar of mus- ketry, the terrible war whoop, the groans of the dying, the fierce assault and firm repulsion, precipitate retreat, and hot and deadly pursuit, the red warrior loading 38 himself with trojihies of the tonialiawk and scalping; knife that would signalize his valor in the war dance or tell out his deeds of blooil at a place of reward. It was a new scene in the wilderness ; nature in her solitude and fastnesses was affrighted ; the wild beasts hurried farther and farther into the recesses of the forest, or huddled in their lairs, trembling as each successive crash came ujion their unaccustomed ears. ft was a calm July morning. The surface of that wide expanse of water smooth and unruffled, mirrored the scene of fire and smoke, of waving banners and advancing columns. .Stunning and deafening came the sounds of battle : then a hushed silence as it war and carnage stood appalled at the work of death they had wrought ; in which brief pause would come the roar of the mighty cataract, rushing in as if impatient to riot in its accustomed monopoly of sountl. The "great tlutnderer" was eoiiteiidiiig leith its first rival. High above all arose the smoke of two battle grounds to the clear, blue heav- ens, and mingling there with the spray of the cataract was carried off bv a gentle breeze ; and at the sun's decline, when the strife was ended, it canopied and spanned the deep blue waters — a Ijow nf promise and a harbinger of peace. One Turner was noted for the brilliancy of his coloring on canvass; an- other from Western .\'ew York dipped his pen in colors rivaling the hues of the rainbow. In imaginatiim he saw it as it must have been, and what is more, he has bridged nearh two and a half centuries and made us see what he saw. CHAPTER X. ij/C' — Kou-SKE-sio; KiXG OF Xi'XD.vo — The F"irst CoMr.vxv of Ni'Xii.\ W.\r- KioRS Recorded i.x History Foi-cht for Ki.xo (jf;or(;l^ — O-.xond.x-o, tiif: West Door of the Sexec.\.s — The kixc, is Killed — The St.\te-Mext of .M.\Rv Je.misox ; .\xd of Kex.iockety 0\'< ).\n.\( ). two miles west ot the village of Nunda, was at the time of the Ijreaking out of the Revolution the largest village of the Sen- ecas on Xundawaos, as the\' called themselves at this time. Its .Sachem may have won distinction in the battles that won the safety of the Tuscaroras in 1713 and made the "fixe fold cord" "sixfold" by the addition of the Si.xth Xation, the Tuscarora or I'otato Clan. The white penple called all Sachems Kings and all lessor chiefs John. King Hoh-ske-sao"s name signified "he wields a tomahawk." .\ g\>od name for the War Chief of the Senecas, for such he was. ^\'e have seen in the organization of the Confederacy or Five Xations that the Senecas' two princi- pal war chiefs were also war chiefs of the wdiole Confederacy. Though the greatest chief of all the very wisest man was at the central fire, O-non-da-ga, now callefl (Jn-on-da-ga. RE\dLL•TIOX.\R^' W.\R Tl-MES IXDI.\X XoT.MiLES FRO.M Xl'.XD.V HoH-SnUE-S.\H OH (Hi; Wn-:LDS a To.mahawk i, Ixixc, of (Ire.vt Xuxda. Strange as it may scmnd in cmr day, the title of Sachem, wise man, or ruler meant to the Indian their highest c(>nce|)tion of Ruler — cinly meant the possessor of a better cabin or wigwam, and better clothing, more beads on moccasins, more plumage on headgear, more territory, more warriors to control and lead, and more valor in leading them to battle. That this chief could "wield a toma- hawk" as others could not, that he wielded it successfully and won some great victory was the secret of his position. With such a leader what must his band of Nunda warriors have been when fighting hand to hand. It is probable he won his kingdom of Xunda by valor and that its winning moved the west door up the river, beyond the Chen-is-sio of former days, that was near the mouth of the Keshequa, and that the added territory was a new domain. When the Senecas extended their possessions westward and southward from Chenissio near the mouth of the Keshequa. up the valley, either after the influx of war- riors gained by the distribution of the Tuscaroras among the Five Nations in 1713 or after other additions from the maturing of the Kah Kwa youth and other adopted captives. It is evident that this chief of this new domain was one of the two great Confederate War Chiefs to which the Senecas were by their original compact entitled. Little Beard may have been the other but younger war chief or he might have succeeded the King. The name the Senior W'ar Chief gave his stronghold denotes both a great village and a great Sachem Onondaho signifying both. The degree of emphasis placed on these ( )'s sig- nify the measure of pride and supremacy felt. It was Great Nunda in a double sense, as before indicated. The "non" instead of "'nun" has also a doulde sig- nificance, the hills were chains of hills or mountains and the chieftain was the war chief not only of the Nundawaos but of the whole Confederacy, with its council fire at the Onondaga village. Over the Nunda Valley, or Nundawah-o Hohsquesaho (pronounced Ho-ske-sa-o) ruled, honored for his prowess and wisdom, and was beloved of all. Onondao was not the only village in his kingdom. Among the Indians any warrior of prowess was free to go singly or with his brothers, and any he could induce to go with him, and start a new village and so become a minor chief. A village was formed near Nunda Junc- tion and as there was a succession of small hills and depressions it was called "Nundey," which means hilly. Near Portage Station there was also a small village called De-o-wes-ta (where the river Ijreaks through in the west) as this is near the spot where the Genesee breaks through the hills and forms a gorge and leaves its former well established \alley : and as the place where it leaved the gorge near Alt. Alorris had originally a long name, De-o-nnnda-gao, which signifies where the river breaks through the hills. We have here the only hint of Indian geological knowledge or tradition of what the white race have but recently discovered that the Genesee River Valley passed from Portageville through the Keshequa \'alley. Proud as Nunda has ever ]:)een of her soldiers, the first historic heroes of our soil, the first company of soldiers that went from here were enemies of the colonists, and our pride must be content with a knowledge of their valor, that they fought as heroes fi,ght, and died as heroes die. This is all that histor\- has left us of the story of Onondao and its Sachem King. Onondao was said to be located near the modern village of Nunda, though Thomas Jemison thinks a couple of miles nearer the river than the latter town. In this other Indians agree but the precise spot is not mentioned. The Centenarian Indian, Philip Kenjockety, whose boyhood was spent here, told Colonel Doty that a large spring of very cold water supplied the village and as he recollected Onondao in early youth (i. e., in 1768 to 1770) it was larger than Beardstown then was. Previous to the battle of Fort Stanwi.x (now Rome, X. Y. ) the warriors of (Jnondao and other Seneca villages had been invited by the P>ritish to come and see them "whip the Yankees." Mary Jemison, the white woman who then lived at Beardstown, has said . "Our Indians went to a man, but instead of taking the part of spectators were forced to fight for their lives and in the end were completely beaten and that with great loss in killed and wounded." It is said that Beardstown lost 35 and that Onondao shared in the disaster, losing its great Chieftain, Hohsque- sah-o — she adds "his death was greatly deplored." After this Little Beard's town soon became the west door of the Long House, concentration being found essential to existence. After the death of the great Sachem another chief would be chosen from the brothers or the sisters' sons. The Sachem's son would belong to his mother's clan and so would the sons of his brothers but his sisters may have married into the clan that the Sachem belonged to and so be eligible. How- ever, Onondao lost the "o" from its name, though his successor was called in 1780 by his captives King, l)ut his name is not gi\en. Again in 1890 Turner says there were two small villages in Nunda, one probably Seneca, the other Tuscarora, and again in 1815 or 1816 the James Bennett family say there were two villages in Nunda and even locate them. Turner mentions Elk Hunter as one of the chiefs and Green Jacket the other. ( )ther authorities says that Kenjockety's father was a Chief, and this would have been probably as early as 1780. Mary Jemison gives the loss in the battle near Fort Stanwix (Rome, N. Y.) at 35 from her town — then Beardstown — and it is probable that the loss from Nundao was even greater. I can imagine tile great possessor of the huge tomahawk fighting unavailingly, the men with guns, and finding his favorite weapon useless. Gallant Nunda Chieftain though you were in this battle a foe of the colonists, I am glad you were great enough to have a place in history for your valor : and doubly glad I can help perpetuate your fame as the greatest of Nunda's Indian warriors by restating \c)ur fast fading claim to greatness. 41 H CHAPTER XI. Kenjockety and (Jther Indians of Nunda. OHSQUE-SAH-O is not the onl\ Indian whose name has come down to us as having lived in Xumla. There is one other, born before the I\.e\-ohitionarv War, whose Ijovhood was at ( )-non-dao. Kenjockety (Above the Aluititnde). The K's in tliis name suggest his origin. His grand sire was a captive \nuth of the Neuter or Kah Kwas race. This gigantic race of men probably held undisputed sway in a wide section of Western New York two hundred \'ears agn. A few of their names clung for a time to the places they once occu- piey of his age as his first name indicates. \'i-ya-go-waah signified big dog, and tells us he was like a big. young Xew foundland dog, crowding and pushing- aside all that came in his way. .\fter the war of 1812, in which he probably participated, he lost his bo}- name and was called Gat-go-wah-dah which signi- fies "dressed deer skin," indicating that he excelled as a hunter and tanner and kept himself in new deer skin attire when others could not procure such. It is more than possible that he often returned to his native town to hunt for game on the Sunrise hill (East Hillt where game was abundant, even after the first settlers helped to diniinish their numbers. Be that as it ma}-, he after- ward attained a greater name, one any man might be proud of. when duly interpreted — Ska-dyoh-gwa-dih. which means "Ileyond the multitude." Whether this enviable distinction meant greater than the a\-erage, the ongue- hongwe (without an equal), or was only a recognition of his immense size or his great age or some traditional skill as a hunter, or whether in the War of 1812 he served the new Republic with valor begotten of his giant strength, we know this, he was physically, abo\-e the multitude, and in longevity he excelled his associates of both races. He was the last survi\'or of the Indians of the Genesee River, whose birth antedated the Revolutionar}- War and whose personal recollections extended to the invasion of General Sullivan. His grandfather was a men-iber of the almost mythological race known as Kah Kwas hs(|uesaho it is more than probable that Little Beard succeeded him in the honors of being one of the two great Iroquois War Chiefs. The war being mostly in the eastern jiart of the state it is probable that Brant, the Mohawk Chief, became the other Sachem of the Confederacy. Some other man succeeded the dead Sachem or King Init onl\- as a Seneca Chief — just vvdio that chief was is not known, but it is known that the father of Kenjockety was a chief. The great size and strengtii of these half-blood Kah Kwas makes it more than a jiossibility that he became the chief of the Senecas at Xunda. In i jSo ihcre was a chief there, and he is e\-en called King", but he was not a \\"ar Chief of the whole Confederacy, as his predecessor had been, for Little Beard changed the west door to his own village, changed the name of his \illage to express that fact and even gave the Seneca Nation a new name, a variation from that it had when Onondao was at its greatest. He now called his village O-nunda-gao and the Senecas, the Nunda-wa-gas — and even a great historian like Tvirner fails to notice the cause of the change. It is possible and even probable that there was a similar change in the national name when Onondao was west door of the nation, and '"^'undawah-os" was the name after Chennusseo was no longer the west door. Xundawaho em- phasizes, its valley ; Nundawagas, the river. But we are told by Mar\' Jemison that when ne.xt the warriors from Nunda went on the warpath they took their families to Little Beard's town for greater safety. General Sullivan, it appears, did not expect to find the chief village of the Genesee Indians at Little Beardstown but at Chennusseo near the old Williamsburg of a few years later where the west door was in the days of the Senecas' war with the Eries, Kah Kwas and Uurons. And here they all were cencentrated at Little Beardstown in the best built Indian village e.x- tant in 1771), ar the time of Sullivan's campaign, but back again to Xunda or Xun- dow (hill in froiU ) in 1780 went the Nundaos. Was their old village burned by Sulli\'an's men? As large as it was said to be in 1775 can it be possible that it escaped: if so what liecame of it? One historian reports that the soldiers of Sullivan went up and down the river. How far could they follow the Gen- esee River south : i. e.. u\> the ri\"er. without coming to the former "west door" of the Senecas. the old village Onondao. The writer has been informed that in the town of Portage a few miles south of where Onondao was supposed to be there was found by the pioneers of Portage (1816 to 1820) a log bridge across the upper part of Spring Brook that was called while it lasted "Sulli- \an's Bridge." As there was no ]iioneer by that name, it would appear that .Sulli^•an's destructi(_)nists not only went up the river but went with a piece of artillery prepared to meet the Senecas if their retreat took the direction of the villages of the upper Genesee. This has never been in print but the late Mar- cus ^\'ilner, a man of great information, whose father was a first settler in Port- age, called this Sullivan's Bridge. The road, the author has often seen, passed through a forest then, and now, and a small grist mill was located near it by Colonel Orcutt in the early pioneer days, wdio expected to there found a city. A few years later he moved his mill to the mouth of Spring Brook and again, afterward, a few rods farther northeast, on the Keshequa. A saw mill in after vears was the only other Iniilding liuilt on this well packed road that suggested to the visionary mill owner a city. Roads were scarce in 1817. The Indians however, retreated by the western trail leading past Silver Lake to Buffalo. As Captain George Wilner and Colonel Orcutt both became permanent settlers of the town of Portage, if Orcutt had made the road and the bridge this tradi- tion of such a bridge so-called would not be still told by a member of the Wil- ner family. The author gives it as a i)ossil:)le suggestion of the Revolutionary War extending into Xunda and Portage. CHAPTER XII. T.NDIAX \'lLLAGKS IX OR XeaR THE OrICINAL TdWN OK XuNDA IXDIAN CAP- TIVES — ^Iarv Iemisox axi) Hi'.r Straxi;e, Remakkaisle Experiences — Other Captives. IT is worth}' of notice that the liKhan Xuiidao and the original tM\\nshiii of Xunda embrace nearly the same territory The Indian domain inclnded Caneadea and proliahly the ancient forts at hlelvidere. and rcacheil sonth- ward as far as Tuscarora an, l)y whom she had four daughters and two sons. There were no white people in all this region at that time, only occasional adventurers reaching places so secluded and so far away from civilization. Dehewamis continued to reside at Little Beardstown until 1779. During the revolution, the Senecas were allied with the British, and after the massacres at Cherry \'alle_\- and Wyoming, which were generally conceded to have been perpetrated by the Senecas of the Genesee country, it was deter- mined to punish them by destroyinj^ their towns and devastating their country. ( )n this errand of destruction (general John Sulli\'an was sent. \\'hen his arni\- ai>i)r(iache(l the Genesee many of the Indians fled to the neighboring woods, while others with women and children hastily made their way across what is now Wyoming County, into the present town of Sheldon, at a place near the little village of \'arysburg. It has been affirmed that the "white woman" lay concealed in the bushes near the outlet of Silver Lake, for several days. After Sullivan's army retired. thev returned, and found their towns, cornfields and orchards one complete scene of ruin and desi.ilation. Dehewamis with her fi\-e children then made her way up the river to Gar- dean where she continued to reside for the next 52 }-ears. removing tu the Buffalo reservation in 1831. She had on several occasions expressed a wish that she might have a piece of land set off for her that she could call her own, but it had not been done- However, in 1779, when the Big Tree treaty was held, she was sent for to attend the council, and was then informed that she had been remembered in making their several reservations, and was requested to make her own selection. She did so, and embraced in her description, the Gardeau flats where she had been living so many years. In 1798 Augustus Porter made a stirvey of it. and found it to contain 17,927 acres. This grant to Mary Jemison was made in total disre gard of the protests of the noted orator Red Jacket, who violently opposed it. and was proof positive of the high esteem in which she was held by the .Sen- ecas. During her residence at Gardeau her home was an asylum almost, fijr the iieedv and destitute, not only of Indians, but of whites as well. Elienezer .Mian (otherwise known as "Indian Allan") on one occasion at least found her home a retreat where, bv concealing himself, he successfully evaded his pursuers, Picfiire making her selection of land, she was oft'ered her choice of return- ing to the whites or remaining with the Indians. Carefully considering the matter, she concluded to end her da}s with her dusky com]:)ani(ins. and con- tinued to live with her children as she had done all through her married life. In 181 1 Jellis Clute. Micah I'.rooks. and John I!. Gibson commenced nego- tiations looking for a purchase of her lands. She was naturalized in 1817 by a special act of the legislature to enable her to convey land and transact any other business connected with real estate. In the winter of 1822-3 negotiations were concluded and she conveyed all her land, excepting a tract two miles long and rme wide, to Messrs. Gibson. Clute and Brooks, the consideration being "'three hundred dollars a vear forever." Finally, however, she concluded to leave the Gardeau reservation, receiv- ing a commutation of her annuity, sold her remaining land, and with her rela- tives removed to Buffalo Creek Reservation, as before stated, in 1831, taking up her residence on Buffalo Flats, where she remained until her death, which occurred September 9, 1833, at about 91 years. She was buried at the Mission Church cemetery, and a marble slab with an appropriate inscription placed at her grave. After the lapse of 40 years the stone had l)ccn mostly chipped away by relic hunters, eager for mementos of the "White Woman" who had so strangely figured in the history of Western New York, and a street had been surveyed through the cemetery which, when opened, would pass over the grave. So it was determined on the part of some of her descendants, seconded and encour- aged by a number of benevolent gentlemen of Buffalo, to remove her remains from the grave that had been thus desecrated, and was soon likely to become obliterated, and deposit them in some place where such desecrations would not be likely to again occur. Accordingly, in March, 1874. her remains were carefull}' exhumed by an undertaker under the personal supervision of a grandson, Dr. James Shongo and placed in a tasteful coffin of black walnut. In making the necessary exca- vations, there was found near the center of the grave a porcelain dish, which probably contained, when placed there, some articles of food. A wooden spoon very much decayed was found in the dish. It is supposed they were j)laced there by the pagen Indians at the time of her burial, to provide her with food while on her journey to the Indians' happy hunting grounds. The coffin in which was placed everything found in her grave, was then taken to the country seat of Hon. ^^'illiam P. Letchworth, at Portage, where, after appropriate services in the old council house of the Sen- ecas, it was placed in a stone sarcophagus, sealed with cement and interred in a grave near by, which is curbed w'ith stones that were formerly placed as headstones in the rude burial-ground at Cardeau, afterward phnved up and used in constructing a road culvert. Mr. Letchworth and Dr. Shongo obtained permission to remoxe them from the culvert and place them around the grave of Mary Jemison, who quite likely helped to ])lant them at the heads of the graves of her kindred, so wan- tonly desecrated. Within this curbing the grave is planted with flowers. Dr. Shongo very appropriately furnishing the seed. Thomas Jemison, a grandson and son of the babe she brought on her back from the Ohio town in 1759- planted a black walnut tree at the foot of her gra\e. which grew from seed borne l.)y the tree which sheltered her grave at Buffalo. \\'hat was left of the old headstone was placed at the head of her grave, near to which stands a marble monument some six feet in height, on one face of which is copied the inscription which a]ipeared on her old tombstone, which reads as follows : "In memory of 'The \\ hite Woman,' Mary Jemison, daughter of Thomas Jemison and Jane Irwin, born on the ocean between Ireland and Philadelphia, in 1742 or 3. Taken captive at j\Iarsh Creek, Pennsylvania, in 1755 : carried down the Ohio and adopted into an Indian family. In 1759 removed to Gen- esee River, was naturalized in 1817, removed to this place (now Buffalo) in 54 iS_^i. and having' snrvix'ed two husbands and five cliildren, leaving" three still alive, she died September 19. 1833, aged about 91 years; having a few weeks before expressed a hope of pardon through Jesns Christ. 'The counsel of the Lord shall stand.' " On another side appears this inscription: ''To the memory of MARY JEAIISON, Whose home during more than 70 years of a life of strange vicissitudes was among the Senecas upon the banks of this river, and whose history, insepara- bly connected with that of this valley, has caused her to be known as 'The White Woman of the Genesee." '" While on still another side appears: "The remains of the 'White Woman' were removed fn:ini the lUiffalo Creek Reservation, and re-interred at this place with appropriate ceremonies, on the 7th of March, 1874. " It is said to be the intention of Mr. I.etchworth to place upon this monu- ment a statue of Mary Jemison in her Indian costume, bearing her babe upon her back as she came to the Genesee Valley. Here, within sound of the falls of the river, to the murmur of whose waters she listened for over seventy years of an eventful life, very properly repose her honored remains. Mr. ^^'illiam C. Bryant, of Bufi^alo, is said to be the authority for the state- ment that the generally accepted orthography and signification of the name conferred upon the captive bv the two gentle Indian women who adopted her as their sister, is incorrect. 7/ Tl Mary Jenhson, the White Woman of THE Genesee. Red Jacket He says "the name shiiuUl be written Deh-ge-\va-nus, and the signification was "two waiUng" ^•oices," gi\en as a sort of memento of their nwn grief over tile loss of their hrotlier. Witli manifest propriety, therefore. Mr. l^etchworth has given the name to a beautiful little rivulet and waterfall in the neighborhood, and so Deh-ge-wa- nus. the crystal stream and murmuring fall, with its two \nices. or the stream and of the forest. preser\"es and commemorates a name which has become renowned in the early histor}- of \\'estern New York. Her three sons. ThDnias. Jesse and James, all met with tragical deaths, thus contributing a heavy weight of sorrow, which, with other troubles, pressed upon their aged mother and made her last }ears quite despondent and sad. John became the murderer first of Thomas, and afterwards of Jesse, and was not long afterward killed l)y two other Indians at Squakie Hill. These two Indians were named Jack and Doctor, and after the lapse of a few weeks. Jack poisoned himself b}' eating musk-rat root and Doctor died of consumption in 1819. Her daughter Mary married an Indian named Billy Green. John Green married Betsy, and the youngest. Polly, married George Shongo. a son of the old Caneadea war chief. They all settled on their mother's land at Gardeati, and all had large fam- ilies of children : so the descendants of Mary Jemison are quite numerous, and many of the name are still found on the different Indian reservations in this and even other states. Indeed it has been strongly suspected that some ha\-e assumed the name who had no right to it, and all wdio bear the name or appro- priate it seem proud of being called a Jemison. About fifteen years since, Mr. Carlos Stebbins, of Pike, Wyoming Coun- ty, an artist of celebrity, contributed to posterity and Indian history, a beauti- ful portrait in oil. which is considered by many wdio remember her, to be a re- markably correct representation of the form and features of this once noted and now historic character. In the prosecution of the work he called into requisition great natural aptitude for faithful delineation, which was supple- mented by many suggestions from persons whom he interviewed, who had the pleastire of her acqtiaintance, and the eminently successful portrait which re- sulted, reflects great credit upon the artist, and is considered a prize of great value by the Pioneers' Association to whom it was kindh- presented by Mr. Stebbins. Another conception, that of the late Mr. Martin Andrews, of Perry, is also in existence. The original was a pen and ink drawing, from that the photo- graph of which our cut was made. Mr. Andrews had the advantage of per- sonal recollection of the "\\hitc Woman" and many regard it as a very suc- cessful elTort. It is to be regretted that some great artist had not been employed to trans- fer to canvass her features and form during her lifetime. Artists in those days. however, were scarce. Photography had yet to be born, and so we give to our readers the best likeness, so far as known, that has ever been made. It bears no verv close resemblance to the other, nor yet is it ■very dissimilar, and we 56 flatter ourselves that it will pass into history as a thoroughly conscientious con- cejjtion of the personal appearance of 1 X'-he-\va-niis, ■'The White Woman of the Genesee." Dr. William B. Munson, a ])inneer physician, who lix'ecl hctween Xunda and Llrooksgrove. in a letter tu linn. \\ illiam I". Letchworth, narrates his per- sonal knowledge of the "White Wcjman of the (ienesee." As a i)en picture it is interesting. "According to the jMcture of her 1 have in my mind she had tlie shape form and figure of an acti\-e, Inxcl}- little woman 75 or 80 years of age. She was about four and a half feet in height, e-\hiliiting the remains of a fair com- plexion and regular features that had been in }outh extremely beautiful. The cheek bones nor the chin were not prominent, neither was the nose large. Con- sidering her age all these features were quite symmetrical. The head was of medium size, covered with gray hair, smoothed backward: the neck was nnt long but in due proportion to the head ; her shoulders were rounded and stoop- ing forward, a position she may have acc[uired by bearing heavy burdens custo- mary with Indian women and from age, or resulted from the hardships she had encountered in her eventful life. Her eye sight had become ilini, but her fea- tures were not wrinkled as much as might ha\e been expected fr(jm the man\- trials and sorrows she had endured. "The 'White \\'oman' was (|uite intelligent, social and CMnnnunicati\e. but grave and serious, after the manner of Indians. With familiar ac(piaint- ances she would join in li\el_\- cc in\ersation and l>risk repartee. Mentioning on one occasion that I had read her life and that it had intereste^he then withheld information which the Indians feared might stir up the prejudices of the white people. "In making visits to the 'White Woman' we were in the habit of taking along some trifling present for her. At c)ne time we carried along a bottle of the best Madeira wine. She manifestef the gift and taking the bottle of wine went and hiil it carefull\- away from the In- dians. She was at the time li\ing in her own block house, su])erintending the preparations of provisions for a journey to I'.uli'alo. This was about the last time I saw her. She was assisted in her work 1)_\- her daughter I'olh- and a number of young pa])ooses. They had a large brass kettle swung m er an open fire of wood u]ion the hearth. The kettle was filled with boiling fluid. Sitting, standing and si|uatting anmnd a large w len trough filled with liomin\' made into dough the mother, daughter and grandchildren were busily engaged in making up balls of dough from the kneading trough and enclosing therein plenty of dried apples and pumpkin, w hich lay beside the trough. As the balls were made up they were tossed into the boiling kettle and when thoroughly cooked were taken out and laid upon boards or pieces of bark. The food had a savory odor, and appeared to be \ery good but we could not vouch for the palatableness of the delectable dumplings as they offered none of them to us In viewing the preparation of this food we saw most beautifully and satisf:ic- 57 torily solved the problem that muddled and belabored the brains of King- George the Third, namely, how the apple got into the dunipliny. 'T saw her again late in the fall season. She was habited in woolen petti- coat and short gown that came mid-leg below the knees, buckskin leggings and moccasins and over all a white common woolen Indian blanket. It was just at night and she was going after a stray pony, and was led by a young Indian, one of her grandchildren. She went spatting through the rivulet of ice cold water just north of the house, and although her sight was so dim she could scarcely see in the twilight twice the length of a horse, on she went in spite of every obstacle, with that energy and purpose that had characterized her whole life. "After going to Buffalo she purchased of an Indian a house and lot. Her family consisted of herself, her daughter Polly and her son-in-law, George Shongo, and five grandchildren, three boys and two girls. She lost the money she had received for her lands at Gardeau by intrusting it to a white man, who lost it in an unlucky speculation. This was in harmony with the rest of her mournful misfortunes. She became dependent on her daughter and her son- in-law, but with filial love they cared for her tenderly until she passed away, Septeml)er ig, 1833." PRISONERS WHO HAD TO RUN THE GAUNTLET AT CANEADEA AND CARACADERA The life of Major \'an Campen. written liy his grandson. Rev. J. X. Hub- Ijard. and half a century later by John S. ]\Iinard, tells the story of his having been taken prisoner, brought to Caneadea, Ga-ah-ya-de-o (where the heavens rest upon the earth), where Van Campen was made to prove his prowess by running a distance of thirty or forty rods between two rows of men, women and children armed with hatchets, knives and sticks and free to use them as opportunity offered. It was for amusement of the Indians, especially for the women and children. If the jirisoner disjilayed manly courage and dexterity the warriors treated him leniently. The enwanlly or timid met with no favor from any. His life was of no value. The [jrisoners were all allowed to start together ; behind them were the swiftest runners armed with whips to harass them all they could. The women had long whips and all expected to use them to advantage. The story as told in the history is better than any synopsis of it so I "appropriate it" and give it "verbatim." "Presently the word 'joggo' was given anelie\'ing that Tall Chief could aid in seciu-ing the guilty man the authorities at once informed him of the deed, but he did nothing. They at length urged him to act. "Yes." said he. "nia\ be. Iiime-b}". somebody ketch um. — kill um, — ma\- be. — can't say." He performed lietter than he promised, and the cul|jrit was sixin after secured and handed i>\er to justice. Another anecdote displays this child of natiu'e in all his forest freedom. Colonel Lyman, of Geneseo, having an errand, called at his cabin. The squaws of his household were sitting under a tree on the ground enjoying its grateful shade, for the day was hot and sultry. ( )n ini|uiring for the Chief the\' juiinted to another tree near 1)}-, where he was seen King u]:)on his back nearh- naked. The Chief received his guest gracious!}- but without change of position, .\fter the object of his call was effected he ])olitel}- invited the Colonel to remain for a visit. The guest seemed much surprised at the great Chief's attitude Init the females exhibited no sur])rise. He was simply a "modern .\dani of a race renewed." As a guest of Washington he ap])ears to better advantage than as a host. ^\'ith a deputation of Chiefs he xisited "the Great I-'ather of the Thirteen Coun- cil Fires'' to smoke with him the "peace pipe." After a ceremonious, l)ut no doubt an .-ibundanl dinner, a big ]iipe was lighted and ^\'ashington tried un- successfully to draw the smoke through the long stem. He handed it to Horatio Jones, who succeeded Ijctter. The President then took a win If and passed the pipe to Tall Chief, to Avhoni he paid marked attention, and then to each in turn. The dignified Seneca was always proud of this distinction and courtesy sliown him by the "Great Father'" and often referred to this occa- sion. Tall Chief was particularly noted for his medical skill, as he possessed the Indian secret for the cure of the bite of the rattlesnake. The pioneers of an early date regarded him with peculiar interest and some of their children still tell of his visits to their forest homes, but in this they are mistaken ; it was his son, William Tall Chief, that visited their parents' homes after they were old enough to remember him, for Tall Chief left this section and removed to Tonawanda in 1828 where soon after his removal he died, in 1831. His sons, Straight-Back and William or Bill Tall Chief, were annual guests, though un- bidden ones, throughout Nunda, Ossian, Grove and Portage. Straight-Back and William Tall Chief were born at Squakie Hill. Straight- Back, who derived his name from his erect walk and stately manner, attained, to a large degree, the respect held by the white pioneers for his father. His dignity and grace, even as a member of a hunting party, won a courteous re- ception from his white admirers. William Tall Chief, whose last Indian name was Ho-is-da-ga-thet — "he carries the medal" — of which he was very proud. He was like his father, of striking personal appearance, and splendid physique. One who knew him well says he was a man of integrity but more noted as a hunter than as a councilor. Most East Hill residents knew him well from 1816 when our first settlers sought the hills in preference to the valleys, to 1846 when he went to Kansas with a party of Senecas to settle upon the lands that were then set apart for the New York Indians. Local history tells us that on their way thither several of the band contracted ship-fever on board a Missouri River steamljoat and nearly 50 fell victims to the disease. Dissatisfied with the country, William sat out to return, but died on the way of consumption and was buried at Beaver, Ohio. The same historian re- cords that he saw his widow, who was a granddaughter of the "white woman," and her grown up children in the fall of 1865. They were possessed of striking personal appearance, and were greatly interested in hearing about the former home of their relatives on the Genesee, as it recalled what they had before heard. The beauty of Conesus Lake and the great fertility of the Alt. Morris Hats were among the things that was freshest in their remembrance. Later historical matter has been obtained concerning these celebrated Indians, Tall Chief belonged to the Beaver clan and Dr. Mills is authority f(ir this statement that at the age of 30 he was Chief of Kan-ags-saws (Cone- sus) village, when it was destroyed by Sullivan in 1779. He went to Mt. Mor- ris in 1780 and from this we conclude that he was born in 1749 or 1750. After going to the Buffalo Reservation he returned occasionally, never losing inter- est in his former home, the Genesee \'alley. ( )n Alay 2"], 1884. his remains were disinterred and brought to Mt. Morris for Ijurial through the instru mentality of Dr. Myron H. Mills and the co-operation of the Cemetery Asso- ciation. It is an interesting circumstance to Mt. ]Morris peo]ile that two of the relatives of Tall Chief, present at the reinterment ceremonies, were Mrs. Mary Logan and Alexander Tall Chief. It is interesting to the people of Nunda that three of the relati\-es of Tall Chief, one of them also a relati\-e of Red 64 Jacket, li\ed in Xumla \illage. A. Sim Logan and his sister, l'hel)e, who at- tended for several years the Xunda Literary Institute, also that they were brought here by their uncle, a civil engineer, afterward Brigadier General Ely S. Parker, Chief of the Senecas and an aid on General Grant's stafif. Mr. Parker lived on Mill Street for two years. Big Tree (Ga-on-dah-go-waah ), "Large Tree lying down." This notable Council Chief of the Senecas dwelt at Big Tree, the Indian village nearest Geneseo. An inn at this village still ]3erpetuates his name. He was of great service to the American cause and as a counselor his voice was for peace. He was highly esteemed by Washington, who sent him, in the year 1778, to the villages along the Genesee, hoping that his influence, backed by his eloquence, might win the Senecas to the cause of the patriots. He found a concentration of many warriors at Kanadaseaga (Geneva) and at Little Beardstown, not only from their neighboring villages but many from remote tribes. The Sen- ecas were inclined to listen to their Council Chief, but a spy having reported that an army of invaders were to visit their section, "all flew to arms" and Big Tree placed himself at their head determined to chastise an enemy who would presvmie to encroach upon his people's territory. He, however, informed the Colonists of the failure of his mission. When his own property shared the fate of those more hostile to the Colonists, and was pointed out the ingratitude of friends he took no offence at the act but ascribed it to the necessities of aggressive warfare. A delegation of Chiefs in 1790 visited General Washington at Philadel- phia and presented him an address, which ranks high as a specimen of Indian eloquence. Cornplanter, Big Tree and Half-town were part of the delegation. The first verse of the address is as follows : "Father, the voice of the Seneca Nation speaks to you, the great councilor, in whose heart the wise men of all the thirteen fires have placed their wisdom. It may be very small in your eyes, and we therefore entreat you to hearken with attention for we are able to speak of things which to us are very great." What modern diplomat could excel these "children of nature" in felicitous and courteous expression ? Big Tree was often a delegate, for any delegation of which he was a |)art was sure to receive a courteous welcome from the Great Father and Chief of the Thirteen Council Fires. In 1792 he is again at W'ashington with a large delegation of Chiefs ans]iital- ity extended to the delegation, and after a few Imurs' illness, caused by surfeit, he died, and in a day or two, mi Sunday, April 22, 1792, he was buried with something like public honors. That he may have traversed our \allcy witli hunting parties no citizens of Nunda can remember, but the Pioneer Wads- worths, William and James, and the \ery few wlm lived in the (ienesee Valley at that early date owed much nf the trani|uility and peace they enjoyed ti) tlie friendship and influence of this noteable Chieftain. A son of Big Tree was better known by the early settlers, lie was an expert in running and in wrestling. It is told that Colonel William Jones often wrestled with him and being younger and less muscular generally found himself undermost at the end of the scuffle. On one occasion, however, |ones liciiiL; cliallenged, succeeilcd in tlu'dwiiiL; his red ci uUestaiil. wlio, greatly cha- grined and offended, jumped up and drew from his belt a small tomahawk which he usually carried. This he raised and aimed at his antagonist. The bystanders grew excited but Jones remained cool, taunting him with cow- ardice for threatening to strike an unarmed man who, until now, had always got the worst of it in these contests. The Indian's rage died for he knew he was wrong and, dropping his weapon, he stepped forward, extending his hand. The two remained friends ever afterward but neither renewed the challenge .Some of the Squakie Hill Indians who li\-ed so near to modern .\unda must have been familiar visitors to our East Hill pioneers. These Indians were of various tribes and were in youth captives saved to increase their number of warriors. Black Chief (Tha-on-dah-dis), "Long tree or log." He was darker than the average Seneca. He may have been of the Kah Kwas as his com- plexion and great size indicated. As a race they preferred peace to war and were known as "neutrals" btit when they were on the warpath there was no discount on their valor. This Chief was famous both in war and in peace. He had the confidence and respect of his people. When enraged his face was a synonym for savage barbarity. He was usually calm, sedate and taciturn. His four sons also showed their foreign blood and were giants in stature. One of them was called Jim Washington. An only daughter who may have been more like her mother was a great favorite with all. She was said to be grace- ful, gentle and generous. After her father's death the tribe paid her peculiar honor. The Squakie Hill people held to a superstiticin that during their life- time the Iroquois would regain their ancient power and prestige. Hence, every kindness was extended to her; her pathway was literally strewn with flowers, the finest fruits and choicest venison found their way to her cabin. A pestilence passed over the villages of the Genesee and many died ; but so long as she remained unharmed the natives bore their personal afflictions with resignation. The plague died away and general health was restored. But now the hope of their nation sickened and though the wisest medical men even the Prophet himself, exerted their best powers, she died. The light so beautiful to their eyes was extinguished, the hope they had cherished was changed to hopelessness and despair. Inconsolate grief filled the villages and every suggestion that an all absorbing affection could dictate found expression in acts of tender affection. In this strange story of a race of savages who were at this time as tender and sentimental as the most cultured of the white race of the present day could be. To-day we imitate them for we arc told that the rose and the myrtle were scattered about the funeral couch. We are also told that they followed the usual Indian customs and brought corn in the ear. mint and costly furs, and these were hung around the lifeless form or decorated the place of burial. When necessity compelled burial, this was done with every mark of respect and heartfelt regret. The poetical instincts of this strange race had in\'ested this Indian maiden with more than mortal purity and sweet- ness. Some of the half-bloods were of unusual intelligence and seemed jiroud of their relationship to the wdiite race. Jack Ik-rry, or Major Berry, as he was called, was of this class. He lived at Squakie Hill until he removed to the Buf- 66 falo Reser\'ation. His father was one of that class of earl_\- settlers who pre- ceded the farmer pioneers. The}- were traders with the Jiidians, Innini; their peltries and paying for them with heads, trinkets and other harmless things, but also selling them the harmful fire water. I think we read of the inn kept by his widow and of her firmness in letting the red men ha\'e ouh- a lim- ited amount of the harmful drink. Their home was near A\'on. The Major always referred to his father, inicle or ci.nisins, as the case might he, with jiride rather than shame. lie spoke the Englisli language fluently and was ser\iceal)le as interpreter, and on one occasion went with Red Jacket to \\'ashington. ile had a iieculiar wa}' (if prefacing and clinching ever}' sentence of the great orator's s])eeches. thus "Jacket says" and would end the speech by saying "that's wdiat jacket sa}'s." The word Iroquois is French and derives its meaning from this \ery form of expression common to all the race of their orators. They conclude each speech by saying "I have spoken." The Major wanted it understood it was "Jacket" and not himself who uttered the words of eloquence. He was proud of his importance as interpreter, and his pride in being half white led him to befriend the whites on many occasions. It is said that he dropped a hint to Horatio Jones, just before he run the gaunt- let at Fort Hill, which sa\ed him many a blow from the savages' clubs. In person he was short and thick set. His house at Squakie Hill had a chimney and floor. There was but one other that had these conveniences. The house was bought by the wife ()f Thomas Jemison, the senior, when llerry went to Buffalo. He was somewdiat intemperate but inider all circumstances preser\-ed his self respect. He died in the winter of 1838-1). Captain I'oUard, ( ia-on-do-wah-neh, ( iiig Tree) was another of this class. He lived at Big Tree village. His mother was a Seneca squaw and his father an English trader whose name he took. He had great weight in councils. His judgment was sound and his oratorical skill second only to Red Jacket._ He was pitted against Red Jacket in a memoralile trial in Buffalo in wdiich Tommy Jimmey was charged with killing a s(|uaw, and judging by the effect on the Indians present was not second on this occasion. Hon. Orlando Allen, in a letter to Lockwood L. Dot}' (I^ivingslon Count}' historian), says: "He was one of the most honest, pure minded men I ever knew, white or red." While Horatio Jones is quoted as saying, "Morall}' speaking. Pollard was as good a man as any white minister that ever lived." ( )n one occasion I'ollard and Ca])lain Jones were in Washington together and Jones said : "1 outran you, 1 think, some }ears ago." "C)h, yes," responded the Chief, good naturedly, l)ut 1 ha\-e often wanted to try it o\er again, and you were never quite ready." Captain Jones laughed and said no more. In person, he was square built and above the medium size, with an agreeable countenance and a dignified manner. He had espoused Christianit}- and made arrangements for Christian burial. In the summer of 1834, when Black I lawk and the War Prophet and other Sac and Fox Indians were returning from their tour through the states and about to be released by the government, the}- stopi^ed a day or two at Bufifalo. Arrangements were made for a meeting with the Indians of the Reservation at the Seneca council house. Orlando Allen was present and is re])orted as saying: "Cajitain Pollard, who was familiar with the Black Hawk war, made the speech one of the most appropriate and tell mg ones I ever heard : not a Senator in Congress would have done it better." Black Hawk and the Prophet replied, and both owned they had had enough of fighting the United States. Hot Bread (O-ah-gwa-dai-ya) was one of the wise men of Canawagus. He was short and very dark but stood high with his brother Chiefs as an orator. He was indolent and his appetite was voracious. Red Jacket once said of him: "Hot Bread, waugh ! big man here (pointing to his stomach) but very small here (bringing the palm of his hand across the forehead)." He died at Canawagus of smallpox. Hot Bread was heartily opposed to the white man's religion and the "black coats," as he called the clergy. The Scotch Presbyterians were at Caledonia at the time and they were e.xtreme Calvanists. It is no wonder that this Chief preferred hot bread to still hotter doctrine. He, with others, signed a petition, or memorial, addressed to Governor Clinton in respect to the "black coats." This paper closed with these words: "We ask our brothers not to force a strange religion upon us. We ask to be let alone and, like the white people, to worship the Great Spirit as we think it best. We shall then be happy in filling the little space in life which is left us, and shall go down to our fathers in peace." Half-Town (Ga-ji-ot or Achi-out) "a stopper or a rock in the mouth of a bear's den !" was one of the chiefs at Big Tree, — Geneseo. He is one of those who first fought against the colonies in the Revolutionary war but fought for the states in the War of 1812-14. Captain Half-Town, Farmers Brother and Red Jacket were extremely serviceable in this latter contest and were in sev- eral engagements. He was manager (if the funds of his nation. Half-Town was at Fort Harmer in 1789 where, with 2t, other chiefs, he executed a treaty with the commissioners. General St. Clair, ( )liver Wolcott and Arthur Lee. Big Tree was also one of the signers. Pennsylvania, in 17QI, granted $800 to Cornplanter, Half-town and Big Tree in trust for the Senecas. An Indian war was then feared, settlers were intruding on their lands. Half-Town proved the white man's friend and kept the garrisons at Venango and vicinity in- formed of every movement of the hostile bands. ]\Iuch evil to the whites was prevented. Cornplanter and Half-Town kept a hundred warriors under arms and their runners were out constantly watching the movements of war parties till the danger was over. It is thought he died at Big Tree village. Tommy Infant, lived at Canawagus. Most of the Indians were exceeding- ly dignified. Tommy was the clown of his race — his very name suggests a spirit of humor. He was very large, having the appearance of an overgrown youth ; hence his name. He was rather fine looking and good natured. Sev- eral anecdotes are told of his awkward size. A modern Kenjockety (who was called in his youth Big Dog) being at Avon (near his home in Canawagus) he took the liberty of entering a vacant house through a door accidentally left open, and lay down for the night. The owner came along and saw the pros- trate Indian and in much surprise asked: "Who's here?" "Oh, it's no dutch- man," said the sixfooter in his ludicrous way. "It's me, — little baby, — Tommy Infant." A merchant in York owed Tommy for some peltry. Tommy called two or three times but the trader was in no hurry to pay him. After sitting- two or three hours one day, without making any demand or saying a word, 68 'rale in his younger days fre(|uently passed through the Indian settlements and in one of his excursions had become enamored with a squaw 1)\- win mi he had a son who was called Cornplanter." The writer has dug up the name (.f John ( I'l'.ale as one of our colonial delegates in Albany County in the da_\s nf the Sclniylers and (dens, previous to the Revolutionary war. It is said the Indian boys soon took notice that the skin nf young O'Bale was fairer than their own, and the boy asked the mother why this was so. .She told him his father was a white man named ( I'Uale anh, he crimes into prominence, lie ex- celled a.s a warrior and was a tluent talker. I'hysically, he was straight and firm but not tall. Border annals show how herce he Avas, a typical Indian, who in war knew no mercy, hut at other times he was esteemed for his good faith. Probably responsible tor the unparalleled barbarity with which the tor- '.lU'es of Lieutenant I'xiyd and ."sergeant Parker were conducted, we must re- member that he knew the army of Sullivan was there for purposes of de- struction and, judging by rules of Indian warfare of the utter extinction of his people. As a Chief he must be equal to the occasion. He treated his victims as spies and punished them accordingly. After the war was over he was friendl}' and pro\'ed social and interesting in conversation. I>ut the same agent of destruction that made the Indians weak in eltecting treaties — the cov- eted fire water of the whites — also caused the death of this valient but inhuman warrior. In a drunken i|uarrel at the old Stimson tavern in Leicester, in 1806, Little I'.eard was thrown from the outer door and, falling upon the steps, re- ceived an injury from which he died. He was well advanced in years. An instance of the superstition of these unlearned sons of the forest is given in this connection, A great eclipse occurred soon after his death. This filled his people with superstitious fear. The natives thought that their Chief was displeased with the manner of his death and had darkened the sun so the corn could not grow. The hunters shot arrows and bullets at the darkened luminary, while others screamed, shouted and drummed until the sun"s bright- ness was fully restored. John Montour ( Do-roh-do-ga ), "I'letween the burs or condis," lixed at Dig Tree during the Revolutionary war and afterward, and is buried with three others there. He was a descendant of Queen Catharine Montour, a half- blood chieftainess of great beauty. Her mother was a squaw, and her father was said to be a French Governor of Canada. She founded a village at the head of Cayuga Lake. No Indian was more fierce and less humane than this female chief. Sullivan destroyed her \illage on his campaign of destruction and her kinsman made his future residence at lUg Tree. His name is of spe- cial interest, as it is connected with the ca])ture of the Gilbert family, a memlier of this family having been one of the captives wdio spent part of the time of his captivity at Nundaho, which he calls Nundow, in 1780-81. John Montour was killed by Ouaw-wa, whose English name was James P>rewer, a quarrelsome Indian of the same place. The death of Montour and the im- prisonment of Ouaw-wa were n(|uin and llunm placidity and stoicism melted before the fire of their wrath. 'I'o the \'al(ir of the .Senecas is due the destruction of most of the Indian allies of I'rance. Their wrongs exceeded that of their fnur allies and they redressed them Indian fashion l)y extermination or entire subjuga- tion. All must be Senecas or die. The remnant of the Ilurons became Sen- ecas — their council fire was jnit out. Most of the western forages were con- ducted by the Senecas alone. With 600 warriors they invaded Illinois, and the jllini were put under tribute even to the Father of Waters. Thev extended their series of contpiests. And if, when the struggle of the Colonists with the Sen- ecas' allies, the British, commenced, they kept their silver chain compact and bright, who can attribute blame to them for that. The iMiglish and colo- nists were all alike to them except that the English were rich and the colonists were poor. They must have smiled, Indian fashion, to see these intruders on their domain trying to exterminate each other. Every dead white man was one less invader. Most of the Oneidas and Tuscaroras took sides with the colonists; those who did not, came to the Genesee and were merged with the Senecas. Two strands in the five fold cord, unstrained for more than three centuries, had nearly parted: only this Genesee fragment of ( )neida and Tus carora held firm. The Senecas were so inured to warfare that the\- went to look on and Ijccame as usual active participants — the "Romans of tiie West" began to meet their impending fate. Sullivan's campaign proved their final ermanent ].)io- neers kncw\. Thost from the "White Woman's" (iardeau Reservation were nearest, but Siiueakie Hill. Bi.i; Tree and I'aneadea were near enon!.;h. and the tine hunting grounds of East Hill and Chautauqua Hollow made them fre- quent guests, always ready to eat without urging. They were, after thev be- came our allies, in 1812-14, well disposed, c|uiet and orderly, and began to prac- tice husbandry, some keeping a few cattle, horses, sheep and hogs. Some of the chief sons were sent away to school and John Hudson, a second son of that name of Chief Hudson went to Dartmouth C'ollege. THE LAST SENEGAS OF THE GENESEE Names of the Indians who'signeil the treaty at LSutTalo creek on the last days of .\ugust. iSjd. feir the sale of the (."aueadea Reservation to a syndicate of ca])italists and land s]ieculators for ^48.21(1. l-'orty-seven Sachems. Chiefs and warriors affixed their mark. Some of them are as follows: Sa-gu-ar-gar-luch-ta or Young King: l-\irli-cu-ga or Little r)illy : Coru- planter or John A. Beel (O'Beal), mixed bbuxl : Ty-won-e-ash or lUack Snake On-on-da-ka-i or Destroy Town: (~)n-a-ju-ah-ka-i or Tall Peter: Kan-e-ac-go or Blue Eyes: Xat-w-en-d}-ha or Creen Blanket, a Xunda Chief: .Muk-ha-da- gen or White Boy: Ha-pan-guish or Henry Two Ciuns: Shi-can-a-du-ah-que or Little Beard: Sa-tu-gan-a-cre or Twenty Canoes: As-lan-a-sa-ish or Silver Heels : Kan-a-ja-u-a-ri or Big Kettle ; Sa-wag-doc or George Red Eye : Kan- ish-shon-go or Captain Shongo. son Colonel S. ; Tal-a-gau-a-ta or Red Jacket also called Sa-go-ya-hat-ha) : Sa-ga-in-a-shat-se-a or Stiff Knee. John Grieg, attorney for Robert Troup: Thos. L. Ogden and Benj. W Rogers, Comiiiissoners. CHATTER X\ 1. The Last Cotxcii. on ritE Gexesee. WHEX General Sullixan. on his memorable expedition in 177Q. de- stroyed the Seneca village. Little Beardstown, he had closetl tiie "Western door of the Long House." But there was an Indian vil- lage l)eyond unknow'n to him ; this was Caneadea. described as "an open sylvan glade through which the ri\er ran, shut in on either side by the dense forests and in front the open sky, where nestled Ga-o-ya-de-o — where the Heavens rest upon the earth — the last Seneca 'castle' on the Genesee." "Its l\vcnt_\' or thirty houses stood somewhat back from a high bank that overlooked the stream, and its central- feature was the old Caneadea council liouse. so fortunately still preserved to tell its story of a far-ofif past." It stood ill the present town of Caneadea, Allegany County, and in the language of llcnry R. Rowland, from whom the above is quoted, it "was built of well hewn logs, a foot or more in thickness, neatly dove-tailed at the corners, their crevices packed with moss plastered in with clay. In length it measured about fifty feet, by twenty feet in width, and was roofed with 'shakes' or large sjjlit shingles held in place l)y long poles fastened at the ends with withes, an open- ing being left in the center of the roof through which the smoke of the council fire might escape. Its eaves were low and at one end was built a rude stone fire place with three large hearth stones taken from the river bed. co\-ering a space ten feet square. There was a door at either side. "Its age w^e do not know, but Indian traditions ascribe to it an antic|uit\- that is venerable, and it is believed to long antedate the American Revolution I'pon the inner surface of one of the logs the sign of the cross is deeply carved and another bears the rudely cut totem of the Snipe clan. "About it cluster thickly the memories of long ago; upon its earth floor has been lighted many a famous council fire, and its walls, smoke-begrimed and dark with age, have listened to the glowing words of many a red-skinned orator, whose elocjuence fired his people to action, or, perchance, calmed tlie passion of debate. "From this last of the Seneca villages Avent out the great war parties of the Iroquois that followed the Ohio trail to the great river of the Southwest. Here, too, they gathered for the border forays that carried terror to the Penn- sylvania frontiers ; and here the returning warriors brought their captives to run the gauntlet, to death may be. or in rare cases to escape their tortures ann to find refuge and safety within the walls of their desperate goal, this ancient council-house. "Here with their scarcely less savage allies, it is believed the}' gathered, as the rallx'ing ])(iint liefnre the massacre of Wyoming: and in these ruthless days the old council-house had doubtless heard the crafty but not inhumane counsels of Thay-en-da-na-ge-a, the great Alnhawk Chief whom we kncjw as Jose])]i Ilrant, the silver-tongue of that uKisl famous of Indian orators. Red Jacket, the wise and compelling utterance ai Cornplanter and the speech of lludscin and ^'oung, King and rollard. Little I'.eanl and Tall Chief and Ilalf- tiiwn ami many beside whose \ery names are nnw but dim traditions, but whii wrought their part and were lo\ed i )r feared, as the case might be, by their peiijile and by those who knew their ])ower a century or more ago. ".\ gentler association is that which the cjld council house h(.)lds with the memiiry of the white captive. AIar_\- Jeniison, 'I.)e-he-wa-mis,' fur here in the autumn of 1759 that weary-footed traveler (whose life of scarce eighteen years had already seen such strange vicissitudes, adopted by her captors five years before and married by their wish to an Indian husband) rested with her adopted brothers, who accompanied her 1 m her long and tiresome inurney uf nearly 600 miles through an alnidsl ])athless wilderness from the ( )hi<) tn the (ienesee countrv. "By whose hand was carved the deeply cut symbol of the Christian faith within those ancient walls we may not know. Its presence would seem to show that in their time they have heard gentle teachings from lips that have told those husky hearers of long ago of the God of Revelation, of Christ the Saviour, of a gospel of love and peace, and in their own tongue, perhaps, made known to them the story of the Cross. Could the old council house but speak of all that it has seen, how filled with riches would be the record of its years. "But times change and we change with them. The years swept by and the changes of another century than its own crept slowly around the council house. Little by little its old-time friends passed away and when in 1826 the Senecas sold the last of their Genesee valley lands, they parted with Caneadea and soon [\iv '<]<] council li'uise was left almie and deserted. The Last Council of the Genesee "Shortly thereafter Joel Seaton. wlm had jnirchased the land where it stood, mo\-ed it to a new position near the roadside, some thirty or f(jrty rods tastward from its old site and used it as a dwelling, making no changes in it. however, except to put on a new roof and to add three or four logs to its height, as was readily to be seen. Slowly it began to decay: it ceased to he used as a dwelling; neglected and forlorn it stood by the roadside, marked only b\- the curious gaze of the passer-by until, when it was about to be destroyed, shortly after 1870, it came to the notice of Honorable William Pryor Letch- worth of Glen Iris, whose deep interest in the historic associations of the Gen- esee Valley led him to take prompt measures for its rescue and preservation. "With painstaking care he caused each timber to be marked when taken down, so that it might be replaced where it belonged, and efifected its removal, without injury, to the beautiful plateau overlooking the river and valley at Glen Iris, where it now stands. There it was carefully re-erected in precisely the position and the form in which it originally stood, even to the roof of shakes with withe-bound poles and its own old fire-place with the oris^inal hearth-stones as in days of yore; the rotting timbers repaired where this was necessary for its preservation, and when all was completed and the venerable structure stood as of old time, the scattered children of those who had been most famous in the history of the Seneca occupation of the Genesee Valley ivere bidden to the memorable council of October i. 1872. It was a strange and inipressive occasion to thos-j who gath(.re bridge the descent into the glen is mnde by the 77 aid of flights of rustic steps and a steep path through thick woods of beech, maple and hemlock, leading to the margin of the stream. Half way down and crossed by a foot-bridge, a little brook, christened by the valley folk De-ge-wa- nus — an Indian name of note along the Genesee — dashes headlong from the mysterious green darkness of the upper forest, and commits suicide at the clifl:' of the river's bank. On the way, too, fine views are afforded of the upper fall of the Genesee, which has hewn its way backward through the rock almost to the foundations of the great bridge. As we emerge from the wood the river grows quiet again among its stones, and the valley widens into tranquil pas- ture lands. Looking across to the easterly side of the river the line of the Genesee Valley Canal is seen, drawn tiglitly around the contour of the hills and half way to their summit. * * * ".\scending the slope toward the farther end of the valley we come in sight of the second or middle fall, a full rounded shoulder and flounced skirt of rock, o\er which the water is iiung in a single broad shawl of snow-white lace, more exquisite of pattern than any artist of Brussels or Valanciennes dared to dream. On a green tableland almost directly above this fall is the dwelling of the valley's good genius, a rustic paradise embowered in foliage of tree and vine and islanded in wavy spaces of softest lawn. Here art has aided nature to plant a true garden of tranquil delights. Each group of trees becomes the cunning frame of an enchanting picture or beautiful vignette. The hills, sen- tineled at their summits by lofty pines, are walls that shut the world out, while across the upper and visible approach to the glen the bridge stretches like a vast portal reared by Titans. It is the Happy Valley of fable realized, and the lulling sound of the near cataract gives fitting voice to its perfect seclusion and repose. "I have spoken of the deep and winding canon into which the Genesee rushes, below Glen Iris and the middle fall. Following its onward course, the tourist makes his way cautiously along the dizzy brink of the westerly wall of the gulf. Higher and higher, as he progresses, towers the perpendicular rampart on which he treads, until, soon, it is from a sheer height of about four hundred feet that he leans, shuddering, to descry the river in its rocky inferno, and hearken to its voice softened by distance to a rustling whisper. "About a mile from the middle fall the gulf partially relaxes its hold upon the brawling prisoner, and the visitor may make his way down a steep and wooded bank to what are called the lower falls of the Genesee. Here, in the midst of a wilderness still virgin and primeval, the waters shoot furiously down a narrow rock-hewn flume, their descent being nearly one hundred feet and the width of the torrent at some points scarcely more than the compass of a good running jump. From the somber chasm in which the cataract terminates, the canon once more draws the river and repeats on a still more magnificent scale the scenery at which I .have hinted above. A walk of four or five miles down the river from the lower fall and along the westerly bank of the canon brings us to a sudden opening and retrocession of the rocky walls and here a fertile expanse of bottom land, extending from the river to the hills, are the Gardeau Flats, the ancient home of the White Woman. Nearly eighteen thousand acres of this and the scarcely less rich soil of the plateau above it were hers, the free gift of the Seneca Xation to their once helpless girl captive." To this adniiralile peti-picturc of (ilcn Iris by David (iray. the juiiriialist poet, quoted from his "Last Coiuicil of the Genesee," we supplement Mr^ l.etchworth's account of its purchase and improvement: "Previous to my making a purchase of a few hundred acres of land in the inmiediate vicinity of the middle falls, I had been impressed with the beauty of the scenery on the Genesee River in the neighborhood of Portage. When I first saw that portion of it between Portage bridge and the lower falls 1 de- cided at once to secure, if po^^il)ll■, .1 ^itc,• for a residence here, and as 111 v eve Hon. William P. Letchworth took in a beautiful rainbow arched abo\e the falls, the name of Glen Iris sug- gested itself to my mind. The lumiierman's axe had made sad havoc in the surrounding forests, and the scene with its saw-mill perched on a clilif beside the middle falls, and the logs, lumber and rubbish that everywhere met the eye. made the locality seem quite forlorn. After securing title to the property in 1859 I began making improvements, directing my efforts to assisting nature in assuming her ancient reign. To shield places denuded of forest verdure I planted many trees and \ines, and endeaxored to develop on natural lines whatever was attractive in the landscajie. Findint; it necessary to ])rotect the scenery about me, I purchased from time to time tracts adjoining my own at high prices, until finally my purchase swelled the aggregate number of acres in the Glen Iris estate to about one thousand and included the upper, middle aiid lower falls of the upper Genesee. "From the outset I set about improving the public highways and making ])rivate roads and woodland paths along the clilTs. with stairways leading to heretofore inaccessible places for the benefit of lovers of nature. Notwith- standing the many rocks and cliffs which came into my possession, my pur- chase included some good farming land. It soon became evident that my prop- erty here could be made of great benefit to mankind, and I have aimed to so improve it as to render it available for future benevolent purposes. It has seemed to me that the place being at the point of an angle about equi-distant from the large and growing cities of Buffalo and Rochester, it could be made a great health resort, especially for invalid children, who might be benefited by the pure air and natural delights of this elevated region. The possibility of this has afforded me great satisfaction in developing this project, and has more than compensated me for the large sums I have expended." Air. Henry 1j. Howland, in his admirable sketch of the "Old Caneadea Council House and Its Last Council Fire," published in volume 6 of the publi- cations of the Buffalo Historical Society, gives an extended account of the last council fire, on an October day in 1872, with characteristic speeches from the noteworthy guests whom Mr. Letchworth, with great and discriminating care, had assembled. We believe that the interest which the present generation of dwellers in the Genesee valley feel, in things pertaining to the aboriginal occupants, justifies us in quoting at considerable length Mr. Howland's account of the proceedings at the last council. Glfn Iris, .Mhidle Falls SO "Tlu' nidrniniL^ nf thai in-rfoct ila\-, in tlie beautiful uKiiith of falling; leaves, dawned brightly: early frosts had tinged the forest and loosened the leaves that drojiped softly in the mellow simlitjht. Some of the invited guests had come on the previous day, and when the morning train arrived from Buffalo the old King George cann(_in on tlie ui)])er plateau thundered its welcome, as once it was wont to wake the echoes from the fortress of Quebec, and all climbed the hill to the spot where the ancient council house stood with open doors to receive them. They were the lookers-on who found their places at one end of the Council-Iiall where rustic seats awaited them, save that in a more suitable and dignified chair was seated a former President of tlie Repub- lic, Hon. Millard Fillmore, of Buffalo, whose gracious and kindly presence — that of a snowy haired gentleman of the old school — honored the occasion. "The holders of the council were 'robed and ready." L'pon the clay floor in the center of the building burned the bright council fire, and as the blue smoke curled upward it found its way through the opening in the roof to min- gle with the haze of the October day. "L'pon low benches around the fire sat the red-skinned children of the 1 lo- de-no-sau-nee, who had gathered from the Cattaraugus and the Allegheny and from the Grand River in Canada as well : for on that da}' for the first time in more than seventy years the Mohawks sat in council with the Senecas. They were for the most part clad in such costumes as their fathers wore in the olden (Ia\-s, and many of the buckskin garments, bright sashes and great necklaces of silver or bone and beads were heirlooms of the past, as were the ancient tomahawk pipes which were gravely smoked while their owners sat in rapt and decorous attention as one after another their orators addressed them. No sight could l)e more pictures(|ue than was that coml)ination of l)right colors and nodding plumes, the drifting smoke of the council fire, and, most of all, the strong faces of the score or more of councilors, the appointed representatives of their people, to speak for them that day. "Thev had been wisely chosen, for they were the grandchildren of re- nowned men and almost all liore the names of th(ise who had i)een the recog- nized leaders of their nation in council and in war. As might well be e.\|>ected, the personality of each was striking and noteworthy. "A commanding [jresence. that gave an especial interest to the occasion was that of Colonel W. J. Simcoe Kerr, "Teka-re-ho-ge-a,' the grandson of the famous Chief, Captain lirant. whose _\oungest daughter, Elizabeth had mar- ried Colonel Walter Butler Kerr, a grandson of Sir William Johnson, the In- dian agent for the iirilish government, whose influence had been so potent with the Iroquois in colonial days. Colonel Kerr was a man of fine physique, an educated gentleman and himself the principal Chief of the Mohawks in their Canadian home, as well as the acknowledged heail of all the Indians in Can- ada. He wore the Chieftain's dress in which lie liad been presented to Queen Victoria; a suit of soft, dark smoke-tanned buckskin with deep fringes, a rich sash, and a cap of doeskin with long, straight plumes from an eagle's wing. He carried Brant's tomahawk in his belt. \'<\ his side sat his accomplished sister. .Mrs. Kate ()sl)orne, whose Moh.iwk ii;ime was Ke-je-jen-ha-nik. Through her gentle-heartedness in such .ni unusual event, she haf all who lingered around that dying council fire was 1he figure nf old .^olnnian ( )"Hail. 'Hi)-way-ni)-ah.' the grandson of that wisest 85 '.f Seneca Chiefs, John U'l'.ail. 'Ga-yant-h\vah-i;eh.' better known as ■Corn- planter.' His strong, rugged face, deeply seamed with the furrows of ad- vancing age, was typical of his race and of his ancestry, and was expressive of a remarkable character. His dress was of smoke-tanned buckskin with side fringes, and all a-down his leggings were fastened Httle hawk-bells which tinkled as he walked. Shoulder sash and belt were embroidered with old-time bead work, and around his arm, above the elbows, were broad bands, or arm- lets, of silver. From his ears hung large silver pendants, and, strangest of all. his decorations, deftly wrought long ago by some aboriginal silver-smith, was a large silver nose-piece that almost hid his upper lip. His head dress was an heir-loom, made of wild turkey feathers, fastened to the cap with such cun- ning skill that they turned and twinkled with every movement of his body. "lie had been an attentive listener to all who had spoken, and as the memo- ries of the past were awakened the significance of the occasion filled his heart and the expression of his honest face showed that he was deeply moved. Espe- cially significant to him was the presence at this council fire of the Mohawk Chief, Colonel Kerr, and the burden of his soul was that the broken friendship of the League should once more be restored. His speech was the most dra- matic incident of the day. Rising gravely in his place he said: " 'Brothers — 1 will also sav a few words. In olden times, on occasions of this kind, after lighting the council fire our fathers would first congratulate each other on their safe arri\al, and their escajie from all the ]ierils of the j(.)urnev fr(_)m their widely se])arated homes to the scene of the council. In the Ga-no-nyok (speech of welcome) the orator woulil wipe the sweat from the brows of his guests, and pluck the thorns from his moccasins. Xe.xt, and most important, thanks would be offered the Great Spirit for their preserva- tion and safetv. Imitating the example of our fathers, while we felicitate our selves on our safe arrival here and our presence on this occasion, we, too, give thanks to the Great Spirit who has ke])t us until this moment. ■■ Tirothers, it is true, as has been said 1)\- the speakers who preceded me, that our fathers formed and established a mighty nation. The confederacy of the Iroquois was a power felt in the remotest regions of this continent before the advent of the pale-face, and long after the white men came and began to grow numerous and powerful the friendshi]) of the Iroquois was courted as Dutch and English and French struggled for the contest. They poured out their blood like water for the English and the I'Vench were driven from this i^reat island. ( )ur fathers loved their nation and were proud of its renown, r.ut both have passed away forever. Follow the sun in its course from the Hudson to the Niagara and you will see the pale-faces as thick as leaves in the wood, but only here and there a solitary Iro(|uois. " Tirothers, when the War of the Revolution was ended, our great l-ather. General Washington, said that he would forget that we had been enemies and would allow us to repossess the country we had so long called Liur own. ( )ur brothers, the Mohawks, chose, however, to cast their lot with the Uritish, and followed the flag of that people to the Grand River, in Canada, where they have ever since sat under its folds. In the last war with England the Mo hawks met us as foes, on the warpath, l-'or 75 years their place has been vacant at our council fires. Tliev left us in anuer. ■' ■r)rothers. we are now poor and weak. 'I'here are none who fear lis or count our influence. We are reduced to a handful, and have scarce a place to spread our blankets in the vast territory owned by our fathers. But in our poverty and desolation our long estranged brothers, the Mohawks, have come back to us. The \acant seats are filled again although the council fire of our nation is little more than a heap of ashes. Let us stir its dying embers, that by their light we may see the faces of our brothers once more. " 'Brothers, my heart is gladdened by seeing a grandson of that great Chief. Thay-en-da-na-ge-a (Captain Brant), at our council fire. His grand- father often met our fathers in council, when the Six Nations were one people and were happy and strong. In grateful remembrance of that nation and that great warrior, and in token of buried enmity, I will extend my hand to my Mohawk brother. May he feel that he is our brother, an\ Vets^s>^Vve.^V^ ALLEGANY COUNTY Allegany County was fonnetl April 7, 180(1. and the lands of Xinida were lor nearly two years a part of the town of Angelica — a much wider town comprising all of Allegany County. 9^ ALLEGANY COUNTY SUBDIVIDED On March ii, iSo8, additions were made to the County, and it was divided into five towns. The eight town plots on the north were called Nnnda — Ossian and Alfred were in the east, Angelica was central and Caneadea was on the west- ern boundary. The princijjal settlements at this time were in the present town of Pike, of Mills Mills m Hume, and ncrir l''nrt Hill in the town of Genesee Falls. Nunda remained in Allegany CcnnitN until 184') — forty years — with Angelica its County seat. Hence we are intcnselv interested in its remarkable history and that of its founder, Philip Church. ANGELICA AND ITS FOUNDER "Tis the top of the world from its heights you can see. Its waters flow all ways, on their way to the Sea." Captain I'hilip Church, the son of Angelica Schulyer Church, the Grandson of Major General Phillip Schuyler, was born in Boston, educated in France, but whose father. |olm 1'.. Lhnrcli. was an English gentleman, and who lived when he chose to. near Windsor Castle, England. Captain Church came to survey the Church Tract of 100,000 acres purchased of Robert Morris through Alexander Hamilton, his uncle by marriage. John B. Church espoused the cause of the colo- nists but having lands in England that would revert to the Crown if he became an American citizen, transacted this transfer 01 property through his brother-in-law, Alexander Hamilton. This was about 1800, wdien Captain Philip had reached his majority. He locatetl a future village and named it for his mother. The young man, assisted by Major \'an Campen, John Ciibson, and one other, surveyed these lands, but sprained his ankle, however, he limped to Niagara Falls, guided by Major Van Campen and from there alone to Geneseo, where James and William Wadsworth furnished him with clothing and loaned him money to carry him to the end of his journex , which did not fully cease till he reached Philadelphia, where there was a magnet, who like himself was a friend of Washingtons. He mar- ried the magnet, Miss Matilda Stewart, daughter of General Stewart, and brought her from Bath to Angelica on horseback, and here at Belvidere overlooking the Genesee they lived. For neighbors he had some refugees from France, who had fled from death to this mountain fortress of safety. Here was a young man w ho as Secretary and Adjutant to General Alexander Hamilton had had the unique experience of bearing dispatches from Hamilton to General Washington and bringing back and recording that liistoric docunic nt, "Washington's Farewell .Address to the Army." No wonder the people of .Angelica are proud of having had such a founder with such a record. But a man who had hobnobbed with Pitt, I'ox and Burke, did not quite fit well m this then i)ackwoods settlement, and they did not let their pride and their votes lift this scion of gentilit\- into the positions he nuist have been ad- mirably fitted to fill. But now tliey. and we. who were once a part of his tow n. feel proud of his having been a fellow citizen of inir first settlers in Xunda. In 1S04 came that danmable tragedy that robbed this country of its leading Statesman, and Philip Church of his renowned uncle. The half-traitor, .Varon Bmr, chagrined at his failure in politics, challengetl Hamilton to a deadlv trial by duel, knowing himself to be a sure shot. I'nfortnn- ately for the country Hamilton was not and so the traitor lived, and the patriot died. 97 Tlie news oi the result of the ilcadlx- contiiet was brought to AngeHca by let- ter carried on horseback from Bath, the nearest postoffice. forty miles away. For years tiiese deadly weapons, used in the duel, were kept at the Church Mansion they are said to be the ones by which not only Alexander Hamilton was killed, but also his son. Philip (in duel), one year before, when Philip Church served as sec- ond to his cousin. It cost the life of the Nations greatest I'inance Statesman to make "Dueling in .\nierica"" an atYair not of honor, but of fool-hardy dishonor. But even vet we mourn, though it was a century ago "The deep damnation of his taking off." All the world seems to ha\e heard Of Nunda : And a vision quite superb Fair as May, Floats around the enchanted mind Till the fancy is inclined To seek out this realm refined. And there slay : A century's glow illumines the past And holds our admiration fast. And bids us all revere the past Of old Xunda. But see new glories with each glance That have come to stay. 98 'Westward tlie course of empire takes its way. NUNDAWAO (GREAT NUNDA) Our Name and Its Significance. Tliere's magic in the word Xunda! There s weird myths, hazy trachtion, Crude legends and old superstitions Of the race that peopled Broad Nunda, That reached to far off Sodus Bay, Nor stopped till it gained Niagara. There's History, in blood-bought Nunda! Successive centuries of strife That cost three valiant tribes their life — Andastes, Kah Kwas, Erics l)rave ; Once conquerors, now passed away, Your names, your fame, once great, we'll save. The HilI-l!orn-I\ace. from far away. Ere great Columbus sailed this way, Won victories that still appall No greater peril coukl befall Than meet this race in deadly fray The realm they won — they called "Nunda." 1 797- 1 907. A hundred years with a decade more. Since Robert Morris good as great — Bought from the Sachems at \V\g Tree At the treaty of the Cenesee, All lands belonging to this nation Save here and there a Reservation ; Reserved the best of his estate A "Twelve Mile Tract," across the State. 1808-1908. One hundred years — God bless the day ! (_)n March eleven, eighteen-eight. The BEST of this .Superb Estate Was given a name four centuries old, ( In honor of the race most bold ) It's future glories to unfold, X'alor is latent, here, they say, 1 n Ancient — Modern — Great-Nunda. 99 Department II The Pioneers of Nunda, 1808-1818; 1818-1827: 1827-1841 CHAPTER 1. Peculiarities of Pioneer 1Iist(.)Kv. HISTORY differs from Fiction in se\-eral particulars. It aims at accu- racy in names, dates and transpired events, and tells onlv of the i;rcut. I^'iction is indifferent to the actualities of these, but aims at Iseing true to life. Fiction captivates l)y the personalities and events it portrays. The ideal good man or woman it tells about represents humanity at its best, and the almost impossible bad man it distorts serves to make the ideal charac- ters resplendent by contrast in some special phase of excellence. Local History differs from l)Oth. Its "draiiiatis prrsoiuic" include every class and condition. It resembles fiction in this, that the pioneer life it de- scribes is a type of life with an unusual environment. It is "unicjue and ex- traordinary" as any the writer of fiction could depict. To write it true to life demands some personal knowledge of conditions that obtained in that phenomenal era. Town histories are becoming a neces- sity. The mature mind longs for the story of the past in which, not the Wash- ingtons, Hamiltons, Websters, the men of world wide celebrity, are the central figures, for these are to be found in every good library. The history found most interesting, and which charm most those conscious of the changes time has cre- ated ill the locality in a narration of events pertaining to familiar spots once calling of names indelibly engraved on our minds in our youth ! Why do men calling of names indelibly engraved on our minds m our _\outh ! Why do men cross the continent after the absence of decades of years, to see the village, the old farm house, the brook, the hill, the people that knew the people, that were a part of their former life? Each house, however changed, has its surroundings, and has its story of the long ago and what is more, tells it to them again. We all know this is so. We like these stories the old scenes and the old houses tell. Why? Because they do not tell them to us, as-we-now-are, but the younger be- ings we-used-to-be. They accomi^lish the impossible,— impossible onlv when distance and a changed environment create the imiM.)ssil)ility. AA'e sing, "Backward, turn backward, O Time, in }-our flight, Make me a child again, just for to-night." Not that we want to be children again, but we do want to forget we are growing old. We do want to get back to former scenes and days and feelings, by a sight of once familiar scenes and faces, back to former emotions, when fancy and imagination ruled the citadel of our being, and doubled and quail- rupled reality. A centennial e. g. multiplies by a hundred at least, what on other occa- sions would be meaningless and commonplace. The chance stranger sees only enthusiasm in all faces he cannot account for, but it is contagious, however, and he soon forgets he is a stranger — throws off his dignity and smiles into the faces beaming with smiles — and evervbodv thinks he is an old timer. The new houses. thoiit;h jierplexini;-, speak onl\- of the progress of the people, but the old buildings get their full share of attention. Whw this is the old Swain store and this is Jo \\' bite's old battery where he made stove pipe hats, flow silly I felt when I donned ime of his tall silk bats for the first time! And here is the house 1 li\ed in onee. — an}- da^- but tci-(lav, — I'll tell you how long ago it was — but not to-day. — I have renewed m\' age. This was palatial to me once, but e\en in its dila])idated age or changed appearance, it can stir and warm the slower and calmer pulses of mature life, to acti\-itv ancl warmth. I would give — three cents — to ski]) up the stairs, two steps at a time, and tundile into bed and sleep for an hour as I used to sleep. Local history, like the old local habitations. h()we\er common])Iacc and deficient in literary skill and adornment, comes to the heart like a letter from home when in a fi.ireign land, or like a father's smile of approval, or a mother's kiss of constancy, after an absence from home, feeds a hunger in the heart. \\hile we read it we renew our age. we are young again : and so are our mates of former days. A miracle has lieen wrought. — we are looking and seeing the past as it was when life was a thing of joy. It is the Xunda. "encircled b\- hills." that these pioneers re\ere ; not the 'Totato Patch" that misinformed sketch-writers have given to our charming- village and landscape. Cast your eyes, if you doul)l it. over the loxeliest of the smaller ^■alle\■s of Western Xew York and then tell me how the Indian with his inborn lo\-e of nature w o-dlf a new Init ijlorious Re- ]iuhlic. t Hir little tow n. if meastirecl by il^ ])ojuilation, hut ^real only in location ami extent of territory, was too near the Lake h'.rie frontier to escape heint; a participant to some extent in this threat slrui^i^le. ami three, at least, of our citizens were xictims iti the i^eneral calamity that hrouj;ht untimely death to the comiuerors. t )ur first supervisor, our chief citizen, was the tirst to enlist, namely, lili (Iritteth, Sr. Jonathan Couch and Chandler rjenton followed his exam|de and shared his fate. Their death made them immortal. I'roliably there were others who went and returned. This \ear our ■"lliL;hway Records" ,L;i\e for the first time the name of the entire xotin.i; population. .\s there is no printed record of this extant, the author deems it host to insert the whole list. CITIZENS OF GREATER NUNDA WHO PAID HIGHWAY TAXES IN 1812 'I'his is the tirst authentic statement of the heads of families and of \-oters. Xo Ioniser minors, man\ of them ha\e already heen mentioned; but as this was just before the war of iSij-14 it may include lioth the heroes who went to the war and the faint hearted ones, who when the Indians, because less affable, concluded to i^et back to Xew Kni^laml. ov PeiuiS}d\-ania. or Xew Jersey, anywhere, — an}where, — out of daiiijer! We are told that the County of Allegany sent Major Hoops — the founder of ( )lean — to a council of Indians at Cold Springs, Caledonia, to try to persuade the Indians t the Senecas ) to espouse our cause, lie had been an aid on Washington's staff and as such was not without honor among them. His mission was successful. The county paid his expenses — S8 — and also the expenses of Eli Griffeth. Xunda's first Su])ervisor. and a Mr. Mullender from Angelica, to the lines showing they were the first to enlist. Two others enlisted from this part of the town. (See Mili- tary Department of this book.) t )n the 7th of Aiiril. iSij. John tiriffith i Re\ . .M . F. C. ) was elected Super- visor ; Dax'iil Hoyt. Town Clerk. F.phraini Kingsley. Assessor (one of three) ; I'ath Masters: Xo. 1, Joseph r.ailey ( Oakhilll ; Xo. 2. Robert Boggs (Portage): Xo. 3. Reuben Collar ( Xunda. near county line) : Xo. 4, Roger Mills (Roger Mills. Sr., had died in 18111. There were thirteen Roatl Districts, about seven of them in Pike. \'otcd "that Hogs Shall Not Be free Commons." "A'oted that Every Person Killing a Woolf Shal Be Allowed five dollars for the Same of the Town." This prodigality of capital letters and generosity of bounty for the killing of "Woolfs" with so much "W ool" in their teeth proves that our fellow citizens were not mercenary, for they spelled Dollars with a small letter and most of the other words with a capital. However, this Tow n Clerk gave us the names of all his townsmen, an example his successors followed. Two hundred and fifty dollars were voted for roads. lOS Districts ami names (location not L;ivcn) : 1. Zededieh Ward, P. AL, Jason (loodale, Josepli Bailey, John Bellcn.<;'er. David Wood, Thomas Hunt, John I'ields. David Fancher (den. Falls). 2. Josiah Hammer, P. AI., i'^a}', Samuel Fields, Josiah Weltster, Nathan Dickson, Robert Boggs, Cole David Dickson, Josiah Dickson, Abraham Bailey, Stephen Rivenburgh (G. F. ). 3. Reuben Collar, P. M., John tlunt. Jacob Shaver ( .\nger I'arm), Ia-vi Huntington. Ephraim Kingsley, Jonathan Barnes, Seth Sherwood { .Short Tract Road Portage), Reuben Collar, Jr., Phineas Bates, Bela Elderkim (Nunda). 4. Samuel Russell, P. AI. (Hume), Rodger Mills. Rufus Mills, Pelatiah Mills, Thomas Pire, — Streeter, Wm. C. Lane (a relative of S. Swain, Sr. ), Joshua Skif¥, all of Mills Mills. 5. Alichael C. Griffith, P. AI., Oliver Sweet, Arunah Cooley, Philip Lang- don, David Robinson, John Griffith, Joshua Powers, .\11iert and Alanson Langdon, Benj. Burroughs, Asaph Griffeth, Eli antl Thnmas Griffith, Aaron Fuller (Pike). 6. Salmon Simonds, Frederick Mills, .\bel Townsend, R. Simons, David Simonds. 7. Dax'id Iloyt, P. M., Isaac (iranger, Bartholomew Heath, Joseph Farring- ton, Jonathan Couch (enlisted-died), Stone, Eben'r Smith, Joseph and Miles Rood, Asaph Parker. 8. David Granger, P. M. ; Peter Granger, Richard Tozer, Asahel Newcomb, Judah Worden, Daniel Stewart, Josiah ]\Ietcalf, Thomas Dole. 9. Ebenezer Griffith. P. M., Jacob Niles, ]\Iichael Griffith, Eli Griffith, Abner Reynolds, Eli Stewart, Andrew Dalton, Thadeus C. Gilbert, Christo- ]iher Olin, Joseph Wallace, Tilly Parker (Pike). 10. Roger Campbell, P. J\L, Sim Eaton, Chandler Benton (enlisted-died), Russell H. Benton, Kelse}- I'.routon, .Aaron Fields, Robert Camp- bell, William Campljcll. 11. Joel Doty, P. J\L, Elijah Simason, Silas Hodges, \\"m. Hodges, Reuben Doty. Roswell Doty, (Eagle). IJ. Da\id T'lint, P. M., Daniel, Ira, Ezra and Xoah Murray. Leonard Doty, \\'illiani F'lint, Samuel Mint, -\saliel and 1 )aniel Trowliridge. 13. Anthony Putnam, P. AL, Ezra Willanil, Jcjhn Whiting, Leonard Randall. .Samuel Woolcott, Danforth Webber. 14. Right Xambleton, P. AL, Elijah Thatcher, Zach's Spencer, Allen Spencer. Samuel Hill, ( )sgood, Reuben Ellis. Samuel Thatcher, Mark Blanchard, Ileten. Sargent Morrell, William Foy, Leach, Thom]ison, George Patterson. 15. Abraham Peterson, P. M., Perkins B. Woodard, Joseph Maxsc^n, Maxson, Daniel Wcmd, Strong ^\■arner, Samuel \A'ebster, .Abraham Gelatt. Ammon Andrus, William .Andrews ( Centerville ). i5. Moses Robinson, 1'. AI.. Skiff iS; Rnhinson. Amos Robinson. Justus Rob- inson, Edmond Skiff', Seth Shipi>ey 1 Hume). 17. Joel Dutton, P. M.. Asa Gilbert, John Willard, Zenarms r.kurnm, .Asa Whitcomb, Samuel .Marsh. I'eleg M. Terry. Job Terry, Daniel John- son, Nathaniel Hill, DeW ill Blackmere. W) iS. Dan Ileach. Amos lluiitlcv. Lnrcn I'.ucklcy. Adino Hill, Soth Wciiiiore, Erastiis Ives. Jeremiah 1'.. ^'(n^nl;s. Asa K. Tyler (Eagle). Total 169 families before the war. 1813 'I'homas Dole. Supervisor: Joshua SUiff. Town Clerk. This year there are 23 Highway Districts. Again our town clerk gives us some lessons in spelling and orthography. "A'oted what any \\'oolf or Panther Keched and Killed by any Peirsn white or l^dack Reasiding in Said town shall Receive five Dollars provided any .Such Person give Satisfactory proof to any Justice in sd town. Voted that all 1 logs runing at large from the first of Apriel till the first of December the owner there of shall pay all dammage that shall acur." P>ut what of these trilling mistakes, when we record that this very }ear the Great Town of .Xunda appointed Commissioners, among them a teacher, Perkins P.. Wood- ward and Thomas Dole, who afterward liecame a Judge of Alleghany County, to diviile the town into School Districts, resulting in twelve School Districts for the entire town. Portageville. Pike. Mills Mills and Centerville receiving the first four of them. Perkins B. Woodward locating the latter of these in Centerville and became the first teacher. This year there are only 153 names of heads of families and one is Molly Couch, whose husband perished in the war. We must conclude that there were more than three w ho enlisted and possibly more than that perished. 1814 Thomas Dole. Super\isor. and Joshua ."^kitf'. T. C. Samuel L'tterley is the new P. M. for district Xo. 1. Xunda. probably his name was L'tter. With all absentees returned, the .\ustins and L. Harrington also on the list. D. McXutt and D. ]\rcXutt. Jr.. J. McXutt. David Corey and D. Corey. Jr.. J. Kennedy and n. T\oy, This year J. P>ailev is in Xo. 2 with Shaver: his farm was next to the Portage line. Seth Sherwood and Kingsley. leading to the belief that he is located on lot Xo. i, Xunda. The Highway districts had increased to 24. with JOt) names on the list. expendittires 252.46. The expenses of the town in 1814 were $250.46. Deer were so numerous this }ear that they furnished the main supjily of food. 1815 Again Thomas Dole is elected Supr. and Joshua Skiff, To\vn Clerk. Dole had become the leading man in town, had been appointed Justice of the Peace (the office was appointive until 1817) and he became County Judge later. As for the genial Skiff, he was quite a penman and could spell as strong as any of his predecessors. There were 214 names on the list and the southern part of the town was making the most progress. This year the P. O. of Xunda was established with Russell G. Hurd as its first Post Master. It was located, of course, at Pike-Xunda. The nearest P. O. before this was at Geneseo, twenty miles away. 1816 Thomas Dole elected Supr. and Asahel Trowbridge. Town Clerk. This year there are 23 Road Districts. And as this is the last time our "first book" 110 (rives the names from District Xo. i, it will serve as a summar}- of families. This is the entire list. Bela Elderkim. Path Master, Phineas Bates, Samuel W'ilsey, David McNutt, John ATcXutt, James Campbell, James Bennet, Chester Bennet, Alex'd McXutt. Michael Rhine, Levi Harrington. Asahel Herrington, Thomas Kennedy, Jeremiah Broach, David Corey, David Corey, Jr., Joseph Austin, Daniel Austin. In No. 2, Eleazur Barnard. The year 1816 is noted as the cold season when it froze every month in the year, destroying the scanty crops that the settlers depended upon for their winter's supply. It was much more severe than in 1806 when the frozen tips of the hazel drove Mr. Scott and others from settling in such a frigid district. To add to the distress of the com- numit\' the less provident Indians from the reservations, who were nearly fam- ished, sought for a part of everything but what they could procure in the forests. The settlers had to live that winter almost entirely on wild game ; the gun was again king of Ximda. 1816— AN ANNIVERSARY ELECTION As it was ten years since the organization of Allegany County, the election (County and State) was called by our gallant Captain of Militia, Asahel Newcomb, an Anniversary Election. 'I'his time it was held at the house of Russell Thrall {a man growing into prominence I. on the 30th of April, 1816, and closed at the house (an inn) of Susan Chamberlain — pursuant to law — (legal phrases add dignity to the pro- ceedings) resulting in Daniel D. Tompkins for Governor, 117 votes, Rufus King, 95 votes. "At a special town meeting hehl at the house of Ebenezar Griffith in the town of Nunda on the 28th of Dec, i8i(), for the purpose of appointing a col- lector in the place of Ira Doty, voted I'.enj'n I'.. Karl be collector for the town, and here we have a little touch of pathos and sympathy, and public spirit, for the widow of Chandler Benton — (one of the Nunda heroes who perished in the war of 181 2- 14). 'A'oted that one dollar per week be ap])ropriated for the relief of Mis Benton Widow of Chandler Benton Deceased till some other way shall be provided." Another case of indigence was provided for at a cost of ten dollars. The county now took charge of the bounty on wolves and other de- structive wild Ijeasts, with bounties from five to ten dollars for ol^54. Mrs. Xaiiey Sweet I'.unlick. Horn 1 )ela\vare Comity, 1S17, Son of C. G. and X". S. 1'.. I'aine. 4. Xatlian .\.. born in Xunihi, iSot. I. .\hrahani Knnliek, horn iSoi. .Married Xaney Sweet. Hieil 1X50. II. h"./ra I'.nrilick ( \eteran ). horn i.'^45. .Married Stonobrook. .Mar\ jane Hnrdiek. horn 1S41. t. .Mrs. (.ioodeinont. _'. .Mrs. J. W. Smith. *Abram I'.nrdiek. \ et. (.'av. Pied in the ser\-iee. Henjaniin Rans^o (lived in this tamilx). veteran I i\'il War. Heeea.sed. l.neins I". Paine, (a boy Pioneer of Xnnda). tells his stiiry of I'ioneer days. I lo was eight years of age when he came to Xunda in iStj. "Tlie early settlers lived a life of rousjhness and severity compared to the lives of their descendants. Living in houses bnilt from lo,t;s hewed from the forests which surrounded them : subsisting from the meager patches of land iiurrieilly cleareil. oi' on the scant surplus of products produced by some earlier settler, often many miles away, toiling early and toiling late, and dressing in hoinesi>un from their e^wn family looms : theirs was a rugged life and demanded more than ordinary perseverance and self-denial to procure a living for them- selves and families. Shingle making ami lumbering was at tirst a somee of gain, the former being made at the rate of lifty cents a thousand, and the best lumber .selling for two dollars per thousand feet. ( .\nd lice comes in the com- petisation in a boy's life from incessant daily toiP. In those days deer were abundant. There were also some bears and elk. but not so many. Wolves were so plentiful that the settlers could keep but few shee]\ and a reward of sev- eral dollars was iiaid by the town for the killing of each wolf. Wheat drawn to Rochester, a three tiays' journey, brought three shillings and sixpence a bushel It cost twelve dollars a \ear to get delivered a small paper published in Genesee' '" This record of pioneer life, with its evidences of light pocketbooks ami heavy toil, coming front the home experiences of this once boy pioneer, furnishes a glance of James Paine and his sons, making their best pine lumber into shin- gles to be sold for a little cash or for groceries, while the patient Polly and her daughter .\lmira spin and weave the wools, so much needed for winter clothing. "Say sons and grandsons of the pioneers Is not your life a happier one than theirs?" 1817 Reuben I'.ates whc> came with James Paine to Xunda. if he settled at all in X'unda, nnist have been a transient. John Eisamon did the same but a year or so later, he followed or preceded some of his neighbors to the 1 Hitch Settlement in Grove. Good titles to lands could there be obtained. .\le.\ander Bailey, it is said by his grandcb.ildren, tarried a year or two in Ximda before coming to Grove to reside, if so, he may have been one of the Bailevs on Pot 1 who were here in verv earlv davs. CHRONOLOGY AND GENEALOGY OF WILCOX CORNERS' CITIZENS The derricks, George W'., Hiram 1'.., Susan AJerrick. George \V. .Merrick married /er\ia I'ame. sister ut James Paine, Sr. Settled in Xuncia 1S17. i le bought the lialt acre clearing ni lileazar liarnard with log iiouse and 30 acres of land, lor $40 in gold. .Mr. .Merrick had read sumewhere in a ne\vs|)ai)er that a man liy the name if I'.arnard iiad with the assistance of five others, on a certain .Sunda\-, gone intci the woods, chopped the logs and laid up a log cabin as high as the chamber lldur and one log higher before sundown, in the tdwn of Xnnda. < )n reaching Xunda. Mr.. Alerrick found this ijlace and i)nrchased the claim with its improvements, con- sisting of a log house twel\-e feet S(|uare. and (ine half acre cleared lanrl. sowed to turnips. He raised the logs live feet higher and put im a roof of shake shingles (shingles about three feet long), ma do things was well known and he was soon after coming elected Justice of the I'eace. (an office that became elective about 1817), and held this position for U> years. He was su]K*rvisor of the town of Xunda_ for si.\ years. Higher offices would have been withm the scope of his abilit\' and within the circle of his well deserved pupularitv. but for an infirmit\. (he became very deaf), that rendered ol'fice liolding at .\lban\- impracticable. Airs. Zer\ ia Merrick's popularity was as great as that of her husljand. re- sultin.g in her s. :nv.\>hat unusual name becoming a favorite one in the com- mnnit\-. She died m .Xunda and is buried ni ( )akwood Cemetery. It is said li\^ a granddaughter nf ( u-rge W. Alerrick, that he arrived in .Xnmla with one hnrse and a ycike nf nxen. There was great scarcity of feed for horses or cattle in the year following the cold season of 1816, when there was frost every month and hearing of a settler that had hay to sell, he went the next day (Sunday) to- secure some. TJie farmer lived somewhere south of the present village down the creek. There were onl\ a few people then in Xunda and it being .Sundav the set- tler refused to sell the h;i\ until Alonday. "lint." said Alerrick. ■■m\- live stock have been on the road a great many days, are used u]) anil are starving, the,- nnist have something to eat." "I will not sell iiay or anything else on .Sund.aw" insisted the settler. "Then I will take it and jiay you later." And take it he did. This gives us a fair type of two classes of men. the one a sensible practical man: the other, a formatistic, pietistic pharisee, who had neglected to read intelligentU- tlie Great Alaster's conclusion on Sabbath keeping: namely, "Wherefore it is right to do good on the .Saljbath day." I was pleased when Airs. Ross told me this story, for I felt I was better acquainted with her grandfather whom I had never s]ioken to. but had often seen, when T was a vouth. 123 'flic cliiKlrtii ol (.icorj;!.' W". ;uul /.er\-ia ( I'aino ) Merrick were: 11. I, Delos iMerrick, born in Xunda. Alarried Alvira Cliase, East Street, Xuiula. J. Alonzo Merrick, born in Xnmla. Married Julia, daughter of Amos B. Darker of Xinula. Delos Merrick was in many respects as nuich of a I'aine as a Merrick. Strona:, vigorous, resoUue, energetic, a mar. wlio tlid his own thinking-, and mad.e "Reason" rather than "Ritual" or "Tradition" his pilot and guide. Mrs. Almira (Chase) Merrick, the autiioi- remembers as a matronly woman with a pleasant face and a fine physique. She died recently. Their children \n ere daughters : *Julia. a teacher, married ( \) "'Wilbur Wood, of Davenport, la. Children — i. Endora. 2. Julia, v Daisey, and 4. Delos. 2. Mr. Powell, President Street l\ailwa\, was killed by being run over h,- the cars at Wichita, Kan. Kittie Clarissa, a teacher in Xew \ ork and the West. Married William Ross, residence Sparta, X. J. Mary married Joseph I\Ieigs. 1. Hiram Merrick married Esther Richardson. The \ear of settlement is not given. This family, unlike their relatives ot the Richardson and Wilcox families, were L'niversalists. It required 'some cour- age and strength of will to espouse a cause, which like early Christianit}" "was everywhere spoken against," It must have been in the Merrick makeup of blood, brawn and brain, to be brave, strong and self reliant, to be themselves, instead of being pocket editions of pedagogues and parsons, who were supposed by most peojile in those days as the possessors of imlimited knowledge and truth. A charge of heresy and the fate of ostracism, awaited those who dared to reason for themselves in those days, when Puritan Calvinism tlominated 'ii church circles. Even Methodism was tabooed and Universal Love v.as less ac- ceptable than even universal maligniity. "Bless me and my wife, my son John and his wife, us four and no more. Amen." was a somewhat exaggerated statement of the family prayers and eschatolog:y in Calvinistic households even fifty years ago. And what is the writer doing but repeating the thoughts of his anti-Calvin- istic mother. The children of Hiram B. ^lerrick were mostly girls with masculine ,niinds, and possessors of the Merrick makeup, supplemented by the devout spirit of the Richardsons. Their intellectuality, their freedom from fetters, their zeal for progress, progressive piety and patriotism, made them poor con- servatives, poor imitators, but natural leaders among their own sex. Con- spicuouslv so was Fidelia J. Merrick Whitcomb, a true logician, a subtle rea- soner, a bom theok^gian. a social leader. In theology a pronounced Univer- salist. in politics a Republican, she could make votes if she could not vote. A student of medicine for the sake of medical knowledge, she became not only the possessor of an il. D. degree from Boston University, but became a skilled practitioner. "She saved others, herself she could not save," from death, from an incurable malady. 1:4 In the time of our Civil War, lier leadership led to the (loins;- of great thin,L;s for the soldiers. Since the united, efforts of the patriotic women of .Xunda. led hy their strongest church leaders, Mrs. Whitconib, Mrs. Britton, Mrs. King and .Mrs. Merrick, working together in perfect harmonv, there has been more of the spu'it of the Master in the churches and less of that bigotry, tdci common in this coninnmity. .\t this time, all were ])atriots. llaxing worked together in the cause of humanity, it was easier to beheve in the r.rotherhood of man — and to fnid a larger sphere of inclusivness in the greatest dnctrine of the Gospels — 'flu hatlarlKK id of ( iod. 11. I. Mrs. F. J. M. Whitcondi died at Tarpon S])rings, and was buried there. Had she been luu"ied here the wreath aiid llag we bestnw, in gratitude til those who lii\ed and served their country in the hnur of her peril, woidd not l)e out of place mi the gra\e of this ardent patriot. Her sisters w ere : 2. Elvira, who married Henry Del'uy, who was jirivatc secretary to Governor Horatio .Seymore. 3. I'amelia, who married Miles Cowen, has a son. Hall Coweii, Windsor, (Ontario. 4. Ms setting the traps in a spring. .-\ habit acquired at sea, was to save his rations of rum ( some other tars did the same) and on .Saturday nights, if weather and duty i3ermitted, they wmiM bring out their can of rum an came from Geneseo, and from Can- eadea to help raise this mill. >\o event of the year, excepting the organization of the town, was so nn]:)ortant. Pounding corn in a mortar became a neglected or "a lost art."' The wild wood paths, only wide enough to allow the passage of "a drag," some brought grists from 40 miles away. The Indians brought their grists to this Tes-e-o-na, but the Kan-is-te-o-ni, or Saw Mill, they failed to utilize. The first store was also at Mills Mills, and Elisha Mills was the first mer- chant in 1809, the very first one in the entire town of Nunda. The first inn was kept by George Mills m 1815. The Mills family were energetic and just the ones to inaugurate needed improvements. Roger I\Iills, Sr., died in 181 1 and Roger Mills, Jr., became a settler at Mills Mills. Soon after, Caroline Russell, daughter of Samuel and Parmelia Russell of Montgomery County, taught the first school, in a barn belonging to the Mills family which is still doing duty, not as a school house but as a stable on the Philo Mills place. The mill also, for 80 years, was in possession of this family. It had served as mill, dwelling house, 132 inn, aiul store, all at the same time, fur jieople came so far to mill, that thev had to remain over night and were fed at the family table, and slept on beds of grain bags. Roger Mills, Jr., built an addition to the mill, and lived there until he built a good farm house in which the late l^hilo Mills, one of "God's good men," was born, lived 80 years, and died in the \ery same ri.iom where he was born, in 1892. Goodwin Mills was said to ha\'e lieen born in the old mill. George Mills was frozen to death and was buried in the orchard. After the war of 1812-14. Leimard Smith sold army clothing in the mill, Joshua .Skiff from Otsego County, s. in 1809, bought Lot 38, that had been booked to Roger ]\Iills, giving him $5.00 to give over his claim, and commenced clearing a field for wheat. At a "raising" he had in the fall there were present eleven men and tv.-o woiuen. The Skiff family, judging by the higlnvav records 1 if Xunda, were public spirited and ])0]iular. Joshua held manv of the principal town offices. He was often town clerk, and for his day a good penman. Thomas Pyre was the pioneer blacksmith. A carding mill was added in 1816 to the other industries of the town bv Roger Mills and Bailey Clough, below the grist mill, that was of great benefit to the knitters and weavers found in all the best homes, and this jM-eceded tine one at Oakland or e\en at Hunt's Hollow. Machinery for dressing cloth was added and the cloth dressed at Mills Mills made the liomcspun "sheeiis' gray" so common for several decades throughout all this vicinity. ( The writer remem- bers distinctly his first suit of black homespun (for Sunday use onl\ ) that he possessed during the Mexican War, and tlniugh but ten years of age, he felt al- most big enough to enlist ) . ( )ther settlers of Hun:e-Xunda were Peltiali and Rufus Mills, iM'others of Elisha and Genrge, and half brother to Roger, Jr., whose mother was a C(_)usin to Xoah Webster, the lexicographer. Roger, Sr., was the father of nine chil- dren and Roger, Jr.. of thirteen. Samuel Goodwin, born November 22. i8ii, Philo, born March 21, 1S13, and Marvin, Ma}- 13, 1817, were citizens of Xumla by birthright. At least 100 "Millses" have been born in what is now the tnwn nf Hume. ]\Iarvin survived all who were born before him. M. \\'. Skiff. l.)iirn iij 1 8 ID, is believed to be the first white child born in the township. ( )ther pioneer settlers were INloses Robinson ( Lot 2\- ' 'i'"' ''••'^ Ijrothei Aaron, Hubbard Fuller, (s 1812), Luther Couch (s 1814), a ])ioneer teacher, taught near Fullers, and married his daughter S_\'lvia. He was an excellent farmer, but in 1844 or 5, he joined the Fotirierite Association, sold his farm, and invested all in the "Mixville Association," became its president, but lost nearly all he possessed when it closed its affairs in disastrous failiu'e. He died a few years afterward. .\aron Robinson addedi a tannery to the business enterprises of the town and engaged in the boot and shoe business, employing several workmen. In 1815 there were less than 20 families in town. Edward James and John Dowd settled in 1815. paying $4.50 an acre for their lands, the largest price so far jiaid by any. The property is still in the possession of this family. Charles Trail settled 181 5 on Lot 7, His sons were Rhyla and Laman. Everv pioneer town had its famous hunter or trapper. Trail seems to have lost no time in establishing his championship as a trapper. The next day after his arri\-ai, lie caught a wolf and souii afterward helped to kill two bears caught in his traps. He had to divide honors, however, with one Damon who caught bears, wolves and other wild beasts. Raising cattle for the Philadelphia market and selling them to the agents of the Holland Co. in payment for lands when money was scarce, helped to pay for the low priced lands. Even before this was possible the enterprising citi- zens killed, and received through barter with the Indians, venison, peltries and other things marketable, and hiring the best team in the settlement sent them in winter to Philadelphia or to Albany. Not a very handy market, but one that would pay fair prices. -Sylvester Hammond from Aliddleliury. became the pioneer of Hume \'il- lage in 1820. after it had ceased to be a part of Xunda. William D. Ham- mond his son, of Flume, came to Xunda in 1831 or 2, and became a prominent citi/;en. store builder and Justice of the Peace. CH.\PT£R IX. Pio.NEER D.ws — Our Seco.vd Tuw.x oe Xuxda, 1818 to 1827. "O memory ! thou midwa\- world Twixt earth and paradise Where things decayed, and loved, and lost In dreamy shadows rise And, freed from all that's earthly vile Seem hallowed, pure am! bright. Like scenes in some enchanted isle. All bathed in liquid light." Abraham Liucolu — 0]n- Pioneer President. Hex. CHARLES H. CARROLL, our second land agent, made a map of settlement of lands of the Tnscarora tract forming one half of the town of Xunda. bortunately our principal surveyor, Munson O. Barker, who had the good fortune to be born in .Xunda 85 years ago, has this identical map. It furnishes a list of the settlers as he found them in 1820, and of those to whom he sold lands. Unfortunately the lots are not numbered so their location is somewhat indefinite. Mr. Barker has also furnished the writer with a more modern map of the Wells tract, on which he w'as born. In this the lots are numbered. C)f these people on the Wells tract more of their posterity remain with ns. liighlanders cling to their mountain heights with greater tenacity than the possessors of the richer valley lands. The advancing prices of lands in the valley were temptations that prompted frequent changes. This year, 18 18, the Genesee river was declared by legislation a public highway from its confluence with the Canaseraga to the Pennsylvania line, except between the upper and lower falls at Portage. Tree tops or other impediments were not to be throw-n into it, canoe navigation being essential to settlement. The first town meeting was held at the tavern of Prosper Adams on Oak Hill and the post office also was changed to this place. It is unnecessary to say that from 1818 to 1827, Portage-Xunda was "it,"" but with (wisdom) acquired bv experience she shared her political plums with her neighbors in the valley. THE WARRENS Noah Warren, veteran, was born August, 1793, and died February 15, 1881 ; his wife Ursula died March 22, 1871, aged 79 years, their children were: Por- ter, born December 11. 1818. who has lived in Xunda since 1819, no other per- son so long; ''Jefferson, born 1819: *Esther married *Samuel Doane ; *Goram, veteran Civil War; Lyman, a lifelong resident, married Sarah Greenwood. Children of *William Warren brother of Xoah were: Jonas, Samuel, Maria married Abner Reed; Lydia, married '''Russeil .Smith; *Sarah, married *Louis Angles who died February, 1905, aged 85 years. Other brothers of Noah were: Luther, who had four daughters. *Wright wiu) had five daughters. *Silas. veteran. War of 1812, first |)ionecr carpenter of Xunila hail six children. Reu- ben, Fayette, Washington and Wellington, twins. Leland and William. Other grandchildren of Noah Warren are children of I'orter and Maria Fuller War- ren : Edwin, married Charlotte Swartz ; Emma died, aged 16 vears ; Julia, married Frank Parker ; Cora, married Christopher, married Eg- bert Bartholomew. Children of T-ynian and Sarah Warren: *Eva and Emma, twins, married Fred Reed and James H. I laker, respectively; married Meyers; Harry, married Martha Skillen ; Frank De Witt, superin- tendent of schools at Ilion, X. Y. : Sally Warren married Deacon Schuyler Thompson, a pioneer of i8i(S, and one of the founders of the Baptist Church in 1819; children, Marlow, \'aloris. Luther. Lorina, .Susan. Eliza Jane. -\11 the historical sketches of the town sa\ they were unaljle to locate ■Schuyler Thompson, and yet he lived most of the time on one of the Cooper farms, now owned by H. Milton Coats, son of Milton H. Coats, who lived there till he died of old age. one mile from our village. Deacon Thompson, a iiromi- nent church worker, could not be located, when all the Warrens were his kin- dred, and could have furnished all the information required. The family moved away about the tin^e -Samuel Cooper came to Xunda, 1840. Such instances prove the necessity for town histories, in order that county histories may be correct. NOAH WARREN'S RECOLLECTIONS OF PIONEER DAYS IN NUNDA, GIVEN IN 1776 TO C. K. SANDERS "I hear the tread of pioneers. Of nations yet to be The first low wash of waves, wheie soon Shall roll a human sea." Xoah Warren was born in the town of Fitzwilliam, X. H., July 27th, 1793, and at the time of our Nation's Centennial was 83 years of age. When a child his father moved to Cheshire, Mass., where he kept a store and tavern, and died there, when Xoah was seven years of age. in .Vugust. 1817. he was married to Miss LVsula Cole of Washington, Mass.. who died at Xunda. May 22nd. 1871, aged 79 years. Previous to his marriage in tlie year 1S16, he came to .Xunda. from Cherry \'alley, Otsego Count\. X. Y. About thi"; time he heard of the famous Genesee country, a term then applied to all \\'estcrn .Xew York, and concluded there must be some better place for farming than hi> hilly, sterile locality in Massachusetts, 135 so he left Cherry \'alle_v on horseluick in search oi a more desirable country than any he had yet seen. He was fourteen days reaching Nunda, where he selected the farm, afterwards owned and i-ccupied by Abraham Burgess, but owing to some Haw in the Articles of Agieement. he did not retain possession of it. but for a few years. He returned to Massachusetts, and was marr-.ed the following year. On April lo, 1819, he again arrived at Aunda. being three weeks on the "overland route" to Xunda. This time he brought his family with h.im. Porter Warren, his son. still living, was at this time six months old. He stayed the first night after his arrival, with George Patterson, Sr., a bachelor, who lived in a little log shanty in Oakland, or Messenger's Hollow, as It was then called. The hut was so low that it was impossible for a tall man to stand upright in it. Plere Patterson lived, cooked his own meals, did his own washing, mending and sewing. It is related of this somewhat eccentric man, that when he needed a new pair of pantaloons, he would spread out the buck- skin on the Hoor, sit down upon it. and with his hunting knife, mark out the outlines and cut them out. The pioneers Mr. Warren sjieaks of in those first years were Air. James Paine. Peleg and Reuben Sweet. Aimer Tnthill, George \\". Merrick. W'm. P. Wilcox (at the corners now known as Guy's Corners), and John P. Townsend. Mr. Wilcox had a store, kept a few dry goods and notions, but no groceries or provisions. The store was on the corner (/jiposite to the Hotel, long known as Guy's Corners, where Jacob Gay was for many years proprietor. It was ex- pectetl that the corners would lie the future village of this present town. r^Ir. Warren first settled a little south of what was known as the "Corners." his brothers Luther and Wright, and his mother. He located one hundred acres on what was known as the "Norton tract." cleared up about fifty of it, and lived there until 1823. when he moved to wheie he resided until his death, having purchased sixty acres on the Tuscarora Tract, the Lewis-Ensworth's and Tuttle's of to-day have since owned it. It is located on the "State Road" near the hill south of Nunda Village. At that time he could have purchased land, where the village of Nunda now stands, for one dollar less an acre than where he bought. The timber on his farm was so much larger than that a mile farther south that he supposed lik'e many others, that where the timber was large the ground was strong. There was a loghouse where the Livingston Block now stands, and plenty of huckleberries could be picked on Main Street, and that was all the signs of life in what is now Nunda village. (This was in 1816.) ]\Ir. Warren is the only one that mentions a house where the Livingston House was afterwards built on the former site of the once famous Eagle Tav- ern, built in 1832. The first winter spent in Xunda, the \^'arrcn's saw pretty hard times. He had cleared some of his land and sowed wheat and raked it in among the stumps, as all pioneers had to do. Though richer than his neighbors in stock, for he had two cows and a team of horses, these had to be fed, so he had to go to Mt. Morris and purchase straw of Gen. Mills to feed them. There were two or three stores at Mt. Morris then, but like that of William P. Wilcox they did not deal in provisions, for these he had to go to Moscow where Allen 136 Ayrault then had tlie principal store in this section. Game was quite abundant, especially deer. Wolves were too common, thoug'h not abundant, h(iwe\-er, they destroyed fourteen of his first flock of shee]). Sometimes the\- would make nis'ht hideous, and then everything; hatl to be looked after until morning. A\'hen Air. \\'arren. Iirst .nij\ed onto his farn.i on the Tuscarora Tract, he built a log house which ser\ed him for many years. He afterwards Iniilt a frame house where he lived with his youngest son, Lyman. He often drew his wheat to Genesee and sold it for hfty cer.ts. or to Rdcliester for seventy-fi\^' cents 3 bushel. James Harvey Rawsrui was his nearest neighbor, lu 1^24, Mr. War- ren and others (George W. Merrick, William 1'. Wilcox, John II. Townsend, James H, Rawson. X. Guuigh). cleared the ."-^tate Rtiad imm Wilcox Corners to the town line, choppmg down the trees, carrying off the bnrsh and making it a passably good road for those days. Tlie_\- iM camped out one night in the woods, and the next dav finished the road to Mt. Morris line. See page 114. The Indians were not very troublesome, though there were at this time a great many here. The\ often called and generall}- asked for bread or salt. They were peaceable and ipiiet, and tliey ga\'e the settlers no trouble. Mr. Warren often visited ]Mary Jeniison, the "old white woman" and knew her sons, Thomas and James. He crossed the ri\er at Gardeau the day after the great landslide. It was a sight then well worth seeing. The Indians were ver\- much frightened. They thought the (ireat Spirit was about to summon them to the "Happy Hunting grounds," and it was a limg time before the\- were quieted. Mr. Warren atter.ded the first funeral, in what is n(3w the Town of Xunda, Cornelius Bulson, v. ho v\as at work for Mr (William) Richardson, was killed by the falling of a tree in March, 1820 .\bi)ut 10 o'clock the accident occurred. He lived several hours. He was taken to the home of ('reorge W. Merrick. and the fleetest horse m the settlement was sent to Hunt's Hollow for Dr. .Vmos P. Parmalee, but life was extinct before he arrived. The funeral was held next day, and the services consisted of reading a chapter from the llihle and a pra\'er by one of the neighbors. Xearly everyone who li\'ed in the section was present The burial was on the farm, afterwards owned bv Mr. Partridge (the grand- sire of Mervin Aylor, who now resides there). It was a sad companv wdio gathered and departed from that first funeral in our present town of Xunda. A rude fence that once surrounded the grave for many years, no longer exists, and the location is now forgotten. His military career of Mr. W., is given in the Department of this History entitled "Patriots of Xunda," in the cha))ter "Pio- neer Patriots of 1812." Mr. Noah Warren saw the village of Xunda with its one loghouse change to a settlement of from six to ten loghouses ; saw the first frame building go up, it is said in 1824: saw the Genesee \'alle\- canal surveyeed and dug, given up for years, saw its first boat the "Statescow" pass through the village one Sunday morning, lived to see it complete its work a quarter of a century afterward, lived to see the first worktrain on the Railroad that took its place : ])atronized the first school that was built in the i)resent village in 1822, saw three successive academies come and go; worshi|)ed in a barn, still in existence, in the twenties, saw all the churches ever built in the village reach completion, nine in number, all still standing, except the l-'irst llaptist which was burned in i85(): lived to see the days of the Civil War, when in a single battle more lives were lost and 137 more men lost to the service than fell in the eight years of the Revolution and the War in which he took part in 1812-14. He has left sons, one of whom served in the Civil War (Coram), and one who has the honor of being the old- est living son of a pioneer, who also saw Nunda while it was still a huckleberry patch, and who is probably the oldest person who attended the school. The late Moses Barron, who taught in the McSweeney log schoolhouse in the win- ter of 1824-5 ^^'^s the teacher. A SNAKE STORY .\ man by the name of Pepper, settled on the farm he sold to Seth Barker, and had this experience, .\fter cutting down a big tree he was tired and lay down in the shade of the felled tree to rest, but fell asleep, and when he awoke he found lying by his side a huge rattlesnake. He got up carefully and with his axe despatched the snake, but supposing himself the possessor of a colony of these reptiles resolved to sell out to the first person willing to buy. Mr. Barker who bought at a bargain this property did not lind the place pre-empted by rattlers. THE LOWELLS OF NUNDA AND GROVE are descendants of i'ercival Lowell, who came to Alassachusetls in Colonial davs. Percival was alike patriot and poet, and the Hon. James Russell Lowell, one of his posterity of 2,250 Lowells is the great figure head of the family. A FUNERAL "ELEGIE" ( \\ ritlen many years since) On the Death 01 the Memorable and rruly Honorable John Winthrope, Esq. You English Mattachusians all Forbear sometime from sleeping Let everyone both great and small Prepare themselves for weeping. For he is gone that was our friend This tyrant Death has wrougnt his end Who was the very chief among The chiefest of our peers. Who hath in peace maintained us long The space of nineteen years. And now he's breathless, lifeless, dead, Cold earth has now become his bed. The Jews for their Moses weep, W'ho was their Gubernator. Let us for Winthrope do the like, Who was our Conservator. With lines of gold in marble stone With pens of steel engrave his name. Oh let the Muses everyone In prose and verse extol his fame. Exceeding far those Ancient Sages That ruled Greeks in furnier ages. O frightful Death, and also cruel Thou hast quite slain \ew England's Jewel. Show us vile tyrant if thou can Tell where to find out such a man? Methinks, I hear a spirit breathe Noil est inventus here beneath. He was (we surely may say this) Rara avis in tcrris. Let Winthrope's name still famous be With us and uur jKisterity. Well we are glad he wrote, and glad that so many of his posterity found their way to the Keshaqua \'alley, that wonderful vestibule to Nature's Para- dise, the Genesee Valley. Percival I., was a better man of business than poet, and as such his descend- ants here, have been conspicuous. The military achievements of the family re- quire many pages of history to register even the names of this patriotic as w^il as poetic family. Two hundred and fifty-nine of the name of Lowell that are found on the Revolutionary rolls of Massachusetts and Elaine, 157 in Xew Hampshire, with 123 found elsewhere. It seems that pLngland might better have given Percival a peerage and kept him from furnishing :i half regiment of rebels to fight for the cause of h'reedom. The Lowell genealogy claims a full regiment of Lowells in the Civil War. The Lowells of Nunda, Portage and Grove displayed the same patriotism and therefore win from the admiring author unusual space. liven the clergx- men among them believed they were serving the Prince of Peace, when thev enlisted to preserve the unity and integrity of this nation. THE PIONEERS AND HOW THEY CAME TO DALTON The elder Lowells, three in ninnber, came from the east. They and their wives were on horseback. The_\- stopjied at Syracuse and again at Rochester. where there was but one loghouse. Thinking the jjlace was not healthful they came on and settled near Dalton. giving the name Lowell's Corners to their set- tlement. The third generation oi the Ciideon Lowell family were doubl\' connected with the Elias Rawson family, so we will call them the I^owell-Rawson branch of the family. The family came from Madison, N. Y. A son of Moses, brother of Gideon, married a daughter of David Baldwin. a Revolutionary soldier, and an early pioneer of our present township, so we will call the Moses Junior branch of the family, the Lowell-Baldwin Branch. Both branches of the family repeat certain family names, Moses, Gideon. David, Daniel. Mariam, Ebenezer, that we are forced to trace them back to Moses, the pioneer thai we call Moses I, genealogically the patriarch oi the Lowells in Xunda. L Moses Lo\veli was Ijorn in Aniesbury, Mass.. in 173'^, and married Mariam Knowlton. He served, with three of his sons, in the Revohitionarv \\'ar (his two eldest sons. Thomas and Jonathan, remained in the East). His sons who came with him were Gideon and Aloses, jr. He was a shipwrii^ht bv trade, but became a farmer. He died in Grove. H. Gideon, settled in 1818, said to have been, when a boy, in the battle of Bunker Hill, and when older an enlisted soldier, l)i)rn .'^tandish, Maine, Sep- tember 12. 1761, married Airs. Elizabeth F.eal Cookson, a widuw with two sons, named Samuel and John Cookson. He located in Xunda. i_)n the Partridg'e-A}'lor farm in 1818. His sons were: AMllouyhhy, Asa, Ebenezer and David; his daughters, Melissa and .Mariam. W'illoughby Lowell built the first saw-mill in the ]3resent village of Nuntla. The Keshec|ua had already been harnessed to ser\e industries farther up the stream. This useful industr}' bears date of 1820. As a result, Xunda hamlet, \ille and village, had but comparati\-ely few log houses. Lumber was cheap and more easily handled than logs. The figures 1820, cut on one of the tim- bers of this mill, tells its age. He may have had a saw-mill on his small farm, near the Gro\-e boundary. There have been several of them built in that sec- tion since. Ever\- sketch writer of ]Moneer Xunda has t(.ild of this saw-mill built li\- W'illoughby Lowell, but nothing else of the man or of his family, his future or his fate. The author now will take this naked fact and clothe it with the habili- ments that will bear their own distinctive characteristics. Soon after coming to Xunda, he met at his sister's, Clarissa Rawson. His sister Mariam was mar- ried to Clarissa's brother, lames Harvey Rawson. She went west to visit or to teach. He went \vest also, and Ijrought her l)ack as ]\Irs. Lowell. The two men thus closely connected \>y this even e-\cliange of sisters lived on a small fanu with a stream upon it, intending to erect a sawmill ; perhaps they did. They had a log house well furnished for that time, and here both couples were spending their honey moon happily. They had neighbors, — the Lowells, Mer- ricks, Paines and Brewers. An evening- spent at the neighbors was the one delightful source of variety from their daily toils. This desire for society is as potent in the wilderness as in the city. But log houses with mud chimneys over wooden frames were always sources of anxiety, and when tl^e young peo- ple after a happy evening spent with friends came in sight of their treasured home, only glowing coals and ashes marked the spot. All was gone — beds, bedding, crockery, cooking utensils, food, surplus clothing ; nothing left but what they had on. We can imagine what this meant of discomfort, sorrow, loss. Airs. Adeline Barker, daughter of .Mrs. Mariam Lowell Rawson, tells how often she has heard her mother s])eak of the complete desolation of heart and s]iirit, she felt, when she found their comfortable home in ashes, for the house was theirs, and her household treasures gone. Now, reader, }ou have entered into the life of these households, you know- them better, and though all this happened almost ninety years ago, and our newly awakened sympathy cannot take practical form, yet somehow "that touch of nature which makes all men kin" stirs within us a belated commiseration, that is, in spite of time, genuine and iieartfelt. A\'hen ^^'illoughby Lowell built, it was a house near the mill race, and a saw mill west of where Swain's grist mill was built, ten years later. The Swains bought out this mill, and Lowell, who could build saw mills as well as run them, went west, where he helped that conuiumitv 140 as he helped this by his enterprise, and they named (in gratitude) this place Rawsonville. And now when yonr e\e^ have hardly had time to dry, although over twenty years of time since the events narrated, another sad scene must be nar- rated. While success attended this venture in the west, and a household of children shared their prosperity and their joy. Death came without the slightest annotincement of his commg, a single mis?te]), a fall, a phmge into the miller s own mill race, and there is a corpse, and a Inirial. a widow and orphans. This is the completed story of Willoughby Lowell never told before. Mrs Clarissa Rawson-Lowell completed her life in the iiome of her noble son Hudson, born in Xunda, so many years ago. III. I. Willoughby Lowell, born June u, 171)2; died May ii, 1S43. Mar- ried at Muncie, Alich., February 20, iSjo, Clarissa Rawson. I\'. 1. Frank, lioni in Xunda, 1821, niairied Angie L. Turner. 2. Hud- son, born in Xunda, 1824, ilied in .Marinette, \\ is.. 18S5. HI. 2. .\sa, born Otober ''1. 171)4. Married '^Mrs. Smith, died 1803. IW I. Amanda Melinda. Ijurn in 1823. Married Moses Kingsley, resi- dence, Kalamazoo, Mich. 2. Mary \'estalina, born in Xunda, June 10, 1828. Married in Michigan. 3. Frances. 4. Eliza. 5. (^leorge, (iraiid Rapids, Mich. Stepchildren of Gideon and Mrs. (.'iicikson Lowell: Samuel, liorn June 30. 1786, died 1876. John Cook.son, born 1788, died .March 2S, 1842. Lydia and Elizabeth Byron, residence Battle Creek, [Mich. HI. 3. Moses (son of Gideon), (son of Moses), born Octolier 21, 171)7. HI. 4. Children of Mariam and James H. Rawson. Five sons and three daughters. See Rawson F'amily. HI. 5. Ebenezer Lowell, married Hancy Bowen. Ja.vies Harvey Rawson Mrs. Mariam Lowell Rawson 1\'. I. Aincnzo, married Martlia (learliart, daughter of John. \'. I. Clella, married Will i'ettis. 2. Hattio. married Kev. Clark. 3 Minnie. 4. Genevieve. I\'. 2. Marcello, married Mrs. .\bigail Babbitt. I\'. 3. *Meli.ssa, married Rev. L. L. \\'ellnian. I\'. 4. *Harriet, born in 1840, died in Xinida. March 17, 1905. ^larried *Delos Paine, died Febiuary 23, if^uj- She died kjo'i. \'. Children oi Harriet Lowell I'aine: i. Welcome L., married Addie Fenton. 2. Grace 1., married Joseph Durkey. 3. Jay Paine (adopted). II. The other branch. II. David, brother of Gideon, son of ]\roses, born near Portland, Me., May 14, 1780, S. 1822. Married (in Maine) Abigail Piirnell. D. L., who came with his father to Niinda in 1822 died at Dalton, March 21, iHfu. Mrs. L., died in Grove, IMarch 20, 1859. III. John B., came with his father to Nunda in 1822, marrietl. He died at Charlton, X. Y., 1850. Alost of this family died about this time. 1\'. Ann D., married, Reed, residence Kent, Orleans County, N. Y. HI. 2. Rev. Daniel, born at Sangertielil, December 12, 1807. Died at Grove, A])ril 13, 1863. Married *Lonise Baldwin of Nunda, April 29, 181 1. Children died at Wellsboro, Pa., 1883. Other grandchildren of Moses Lowell. Children of Rev. Daniel. 111. 1. David P>., born Seiitemhcr 28, 1830, at Xunda. Residence F'itts- ville. Wis. 2. *Rev. Daniel Dean Lowell, horn in Xunda, June 24, 1832, veteran of the Civil War, Baptist clergMiiin, n.iarritd Lydia A. Carpenter of Angelica, she has l)een hopelessly insane for a cpiarter of a century at W'illard Asylum. Rev. Daniel D., died at Macedon, X. Y.. where he had been pastor for 11 years. lie was chaplain of the 179th. They had four daughters, but they were not born in Xunda. Mrs. Cassie Clillis !i\es at Macedon. 3. Eliza Celinda, born in Xunda, July 14, 1834. Married Richard Essex Carpenter. 4. Rev. Julian Verinoldo, M, D.. graduate Michigan State L'niversity, Medical Department, was also assistant surgeon 58th N. Y. X. G. He became a clergyman Methodist Episcopal church, studied medicine with Dr. C. F. Warner of Nunda. 5. Rev. Carlos Gould Lowell, born in Xunda, 1844 (not a pioneer), named for Rev. Carlos Gould, a circuit iireachcr in Xunda and Grove, about 1840. Servetl in the Civil War, veteran of G. A. R., Dalton, X. Y. Pastor at Dalton. died at Angelica, 1904. 6. Mary Jane, born in Grove, 1842. Alarried John Wesley Bush, resi- ■dence X'orth Cohoctou, X. Y. 7. Harvey Marion, born 1846. 8. Achsah Louisa, born 1848. Married Amasa T. Warren, Xaples, X. Y. 9. Milo Scott, born 1855. Married at Dalton, *Carrie L. Eldridge. Died 1897, Lancaster. X. Y. III. 3. Chauncey Lowell, son of David II; son of Moses I; born Septem- ber 28, i8oi); died at Fillmore, 1S83. 142 I\'. Moses, son of Cliauncev 111 : son of David II; son of Moses I; born, 183O. Alarricd the widow of Llark llrewer, Elmira Brewer. IV. 2. *AIary, born 1S38, married Henry Greenfield, born 1837. H. G.. IS a veteran of Co. 1, 1st. X. Y. Dragoons. \'. Their children. i. George, married Katie Bell Atkins, daughter of Dwight -\. 2. Stella, married Kelsey Coffin, son of Walter B. C. 3. Esther, married Charles A. Wright, son of Robert W. Lowell E. (single). \'I. Grandchildren of Henry Greenfield and Mary Lowell, i. Walter Cof- fin. I. Robert G. Wright, r. Dwight A. Greenfield. i\'. 3. Lorenzo, born 1840, a veteran Co. F, ist N. Y. Dragoons. Mar- ried Jennie Post, sister of Rev. Bela I'ost, a veteran. \'. Lillian, born in C)aklanil. I\'. 4. Died in the service Co. F, Dragoons. I\'. 5. Esther (not a pioneer), married Henry Brewer, grandson of James Brewer. \". I. Xellie, preceptress Dalton Union school. 2. Eliza, died in 1823, age 10. in. 5. Mariam Knowdton Lowell, l)i>rn in Madison County, January 14, 1814. Alarried *Cortez, etc. '■'Corlex Baldwin, son of David Baldwin of Xunda, born on May 30, 1807, died at Xunda, August 21, 1887. Mrs. M. K. B., died July 2<;, 1803. They lived all their married li\es m .Vunda. See Baldwin I'"amil\, Lowell Genealogy. III. 6. Gideon, brother of Chauncey, son of David II, son of Moses, born at Sangerfield, May 13, 1816, died at Fillmore, April 21, 1887. Farmer and mer- chant, married at Xunda, Zuelma Weed, daughter of Reuben Weed. 7. Wil- liam L., son of David II, son of Moses I, born August 8, 1818. Married \'an Xostrand. W. L., died at Grove, 1852. 8. David Knowlton ( D. K. ) born .\u- gust 15, 1820, married Cornelia. D. K. Lowell well known produce bu\er at Dalton, X. Y., died at Dalton, August 23, 1887. I\'. I. *Agnes, married Daniel Grunder, 2nd wife of D. G., Miss C. Annie Williams, daughter of Charles Williams. 2. Lillie married George Woodward. Jennie married W^illiam Ma\o. Mina married Charles Wirt. III. 9. Malachi, born in Xunda, 1824, Horneli, X. Y., died 1870. III. (). Children of (jideon Lowell and Zuelma Weed. i. Edwin A., born in Portage. 1843. "Cultured, genial, energetic," Rochester Lowell Gen'\-. 2. •Corydon L., born in Portage, a soldier of the Civil War. 3. Seth Weed, born in 1845, married Jennie Snyder. A stirring business man. Inventor and manufac- turer of WhitVjy, Canada. 4. Alarctta F., liorn in Portage, 1848, married fohn Caldwell, Lincoln, Xeb. 3. .\da M., born in i860, married Lorenzo S. Gelser ■of Fillmore. HERRICK FAMILY REGISTER As furnished by George B. Herrick of Whitesville I. Zadock Herrick, born Berwick, Mass., ()ctober 2;^,. \~'J2\ removed to Granby, \'t., married Elizabeth Pike, 1794. Their children were : I. .Al])heus, born October 23, I7»)7; 2. Zadock Jr., born March 2~ . 171)1): 3. Mar\-, born Xovember 30, 1800: 4. Lydia, born December 14, 1802: 5. Jnhn 143 p.. born January lo. 1803: Ci. Phoebe, born June 9. 1807: 7. George P>., born Ajiril 2f\ i8o(j: 8. Edwarfl H., born November 24, 181 1; 9. William, born July 24. 1814. died July. 1831. in Alt. Alorris : 10. Emilv, born February 19, 1816. I. Alpheus Herrick, niarried Ann IMaria Cookson, Nunda. April 18, 1830. Children born in Nunda : 1. William. . Alary. 3. Elizabeth. William was a P)aptist minister, he was killed at Gettysburg, while serving in a Wisconsin regiment. 2. Zadock Herrick marrietl .^arah A lather, daughter of T. J. Mather of Nunda, a pioneer, March 15, 1826. Their children were : 15. Keziah. 16. Clark AI. Clark married Sarah Hann, daughter of John Hann., Groveland. had two daughters. Note. — Zailock Jr.. died in Xunda. 1850. 4. Alary Herrick niarrieil David J. llamiltun, pioneer. Nunda. September 20, 1823. Their children were: 17. Jane, married Morris Phillips, who died in Nunda; afterwards mar- ried Charles M. Hendee, W'est Bloomtield. Three daughters were born to them. 18. (jeorge T. Hamilton, [''irst Lieutenant Co. E, 33d N. Y. Infantrv. Killed in Cuba in war with Spain. i<). Alary .\nn. married John Ayres Wirt, Bloomfield. one daughter, fam- ily now reside in Chicago. 8. George 11 Herrick. married Alary Wildman, West Bloomfield. Au- gust 14. 1833 ; removed to Nunda. April, 1836, one son. Died 1848. 2C>. George B. Jr., born in West Bloomfield. Alay 28, 1834. Alarried Alary E. Wildman, Whitesville. N. Y.. September 28. 1869. Enlisted in Co. D. 33(1 .X. Y. Infantry. 9. Edward H. Herrick. married Jane Adams. Five children born iii Nunda. Died 1852. 27. Alortimer, Co. P. 33d X. Y. Died of wounds. 28. .\lice Amelia, died in Xice. France, 1870 iir '71. 29. Eugene a veteran. 30. Warren. 31. Lewllyn ( daughter ) married Air. Joslyn. 7. Phoebe Herrick. married James AI. Dartt. formerly a hatter in Nunda There were four children : 22. Elizabeth, died in Nunda. 22,. F"rank!in. 24. Issora. 25. La- fayette. Air. and Mrs. Dartt died in Conesus. 6. John P. Herrick came to Xunda with George B., in 1836. They bought a place on East Street in partnership: John scjld his interest to George B., and removed to Michigan. He lost some sons in the service during the Civil War. There were two boys in the family when they left Nunda. II. *Emilv Herrick lived in Nunda several years, married after removal from Xunda. died several years ago. THE PRENTICE FAMILY— 1818 The Bennetts mcntinn the I^-entice faniil\ li\ing near them, as most if not all of these earh- pioneers took up lands without consulting land agents, it is possible in that early time 1814 to 1816 that the Prentice family lived in Xunda. I. Xathan Prentice and Elisha Prentice settled 1818. The mother of these sons, lletsey (Elizabeth) died in Xunda, 1823. age 90. II. I. jrihii, married Eliza Borroiighs. daughter of Stilhvell 1>. II. 2. lliram married Mary Gifford. Their children : III. i.'HJrville (a veteran of the Civil War), married Amelia Pierce. 2. William Wallace, married in l'enns\lvania. 3. George H. soldier, Co. F. 33, died in the ser\icc. 4. Emaline. 5. Elizabeth. o. Melissa Jane. 7. ]\Iehi- table, married James Wilco.x, residence Center Street, Xunda. 8. Xathan, single, ij. Ellen Isabel, married George P^lydie, Tuscarora, X. Y. Ellen Isabel, marrietl George Flydie, Tuscarora, X. Y. Children ijf John and Eliza Prentice. Addie, marrietl .\delbert Watrouse of Xunda. Elizal'cth, married Alcln- tire. *Sarah, marnttl *John Crumack. Amanda, married Henr\- AlcCartnev, who died in Xunda. Henry McCartney's second wife, Jennie Ilowd of Xunda. Catharine, married Lucius C. Fenton (veteran). James married Besimee Runyon. Sarah, married Joseph Denton. Isabel, married Edward Rathbon. State Street. Xunda. Then have seven sons. III. Addie, married Fran.k Eencedemaker. Edward, married in Dakota. Grandma Prentice died at the home of her son Elisha in 1822 or 2^. aged 90 years. If so she nnist have beei'i born about 1733. She was the second per- son buried in Oakwooil cemetery. 1818 THE BAKERS OF BAKER'S CORNERS One of the few families that settled in Xunda in 1818. was the family of Ephraim Baker. Baker's Corners have been in existence nearly ninety Acars. five generations of Bakers have lived in Xunda. on the southwest corner of Norton now Wells tract, a large farm was located at this early da\-. The sons of Ephraim were : Leonard, born in 1S18, and if born in Xunda, one of the ver\- first children born in the town, and Ephraim, Ir. Leonard, married Patterson. He died in 1002. age 84 years. His sons are Alonzo D., Amenzo and Alvaro. Ephraim Jr., is still living in Topeka, Kansas, and is about 87 or 88 years of age. The children of Ephraim Jr., are Charles, .Stillman, Freeman. Rebecca (Mrs. Ira Town), Sally and Frank, a half brother who was killed by a boiler ex- plosion at Dalton. His sons are Adelbert and Frank Jr. III. .\lonzo D. l]aker, son of Leonard, was born in 1839. Married Marv E. Ward, born in .Allegany Comity in 1840. He is a farmer (225 acres), was a drover and stock dealer now a produce buyer. He has also established a bank at Dalton. He is at this time sixty-seven years young, and one of the most active and energetic men of the thriving village of Dalton. He was born in time to be classed with the third generation of pioneers. His children were three in number. *Dorr ,\.. born in 1850. Married Esther Benson. Fie became editor of the E)alton Era. L. Earnest, born in i8fii. Married Esther Doiid l^'our chililren. Plinn W., born i8/^. married Blanch Westbrook of Xunda. A fifth gen- eration will perpetuate the name. Miss Zada Baker, adopted daughter was married ( )ctober, 1907, to Alyron W. Smith, grandson of Myron Smith, son of Darting Smith an early pioneei of Granger, Nunda. (1818). 1818. I. Cornelius Acker, Sr.. S. in Xunda, 1818, died soon after settling in JSIunda. Mrs. Acker married Arba Town. Children of C. A. and Mrs. .\. II. I. Cornelius Acker, Jr., married Elvira Parker, daughter of Lyman Parker. 2. Phebe Acker, manic(l i, (jitiord ; 2, Wetherby. III. Daniel Gifford, married Mary Santee. IV. Belle, married Myrton lientley. II. 2. William Acker. *Lyman Parker was killed by an imbecile, John Emmons, Jr., who kicked him on both sides of th.e head. The imbecile ilieil in the County Hiiuse, Geneseo. II. 3. Xancy Acker, married. 4. I'Zliza. married late in life A. Town. 5. \Villiam Acker, soldier from Xunda, died in the service. Marker at Dalton. I. Eliza, married William Christee. 2. Lucy, married Peter \'an Hou- ten. 3. Jane, married James Fo.x. II. William Acker (went west) ; Susanna. F'hilena married Wadsworth Pierce. Children of Phebe Acker and Wetherby. II. Edwin Wetherby, railroad engineer. III. Delina Wetherby, married Charles Maker, son of Rev. Archalaus Maker. C. M., produce buyer and merchant, student X^unda Literary Institute. THE DANIEL JOHNSON FAMILY— 1818 The writer had occasion several years ago to visit Jesse Brewer and his witc Mary J. (Johnson) Brewer, about a year before this couple passed away. Mr. Brewer was claiming he was the first white child Itorn in the town ot X^unda. Almiron F'aine made the same claim for himself and twin sister Ijnrn in 1819. ( )ne party claimed the other w as born in the town of Grove, when it was a part of Xunda, and that that did not count. .Mrs. lirewcT listeneil a while to the arguments, and then said. "The John- sons are just as much pioneers as the Brewers, if they don't live forever. I was born," she said, "in the town of Xunda more than eighty years ago." This lead me to look u]') the record and 1 find that the Johnsons were in- deed among the very earl_\- permanent settlers, ( though they also lived part of the time in the town of Grove). They settletl first in Xunda in 1818. and Mrs. Mary Jane r.rewer was their eldest child born in 1820. The following record copie improve, hut as they left him fai^ behind, the> tried their skill with one another, and when the\' were beyond tlu' reach of arr family of sons and daughters, just what the community needed. Besides I'almer and James Harvey, Elias Kawson, the father, had two sons, Lyman and Coleman and three daughters. Lyman settled on the Willoughby Drew farm, for a year or two, and I presume started the second industry "an ashery " for there was one on that farm. Coleman married Miss Bowen and settled near the corner of State and Rawson (sometimes called Water Street). Clarissa was soon married to Willoughby Lowell and they settled on the Lewis Close place, near his saw-mill, where he built the upright i)art, the wing of logs having been pre- viously built probably by some squatter. Ralph Page, son of Eli, another young bachelor, built a log house east of the Palmer Rawson h.ouse on a ])art of the E. O. Dickinson farm but back from the present road, for ]\fill Street had not then been laid out, exce])! from the saw-mill to the creek road. In line with these two log houses was a third one west of the road that passes the Chidsey farm, but east of the Page house, and here li\ed Thomas Rathbun, a young married man, with a wife and young son, James. This trail or bridle path extended from Chautauqua Hollow past these three log houses to the Coleman Rawson frame house on State Street. It failed to become a street for after the grist mill was located in 1828, houses were built on that highway, and so only the short street, between State and Church Streets, has recently got back its own name Rawson Street, which should never again be lost. Why? Do you expect me to tell all the love stories of two genera- tions of Rawsons in one cha|iter instead of having, as authors do, a twenty years or later sequel. \\"ell if I must — here goes. 151 THE ROMANCE OF RAWSON ROAD Ivalpli I 'age and rainier Jvawson became great friends and ntit wanting to live aliine in their new lug houses, or even with each other, they traded sisters, i. e., of course, with the said sisters consent. Ralph married Rhoda and Palme-" married Lena I'age. Sequel in after years. Minerva Rawson, their daughter. a generation afterward married the young boy James Rathbun, a few years her csenior, who grew tip in the third log house on the J^awsun road, owned b\' Thomas Rathbun; and a generation after that nuv Airs. Rathbun furnished both her husband and her only son Adrian in answer to Father Abraham's call for 600,000 more. This patriotic lady, born in our village and whti has lived most of her life in our village, bore a double load of anxiety, during those dreary dreadful \ears, thinking by day anil dreaming bv night, "Of the fire balls of death That crash souls out of men." J. H. Rawson traded his farm fnr village property after some _\ears, and a generation afterward, his daughter, Adeline, was married to Alunson O. Barker, who was born in our young town 85 years ago. A son of Coleman Rawson, tlonier, lived on the north side of Rawson Street, Caroline, youngest sister of Palmer, j. PI. and C. Rawson, married .Asher Clough, son of Na- thaniel, a pioneer oi 1821. The three log houses and the Rawson road are things of the past, the frame house on State Street is now back of the fine gothic house built by Homer Ehvood, a grandson and the short street renamed I. Had four children, see Lowell Cen'y. II. 3. Lyman, born 180T, married Mrs. Lydia Street. Two children born in .Xunda. HI. Willard, born 1824. Maria, born 1826. Two others born in Minne- sota (Amanda and Sybil). 152 ('hililrcn (jf janu-s II. Maw son. III. I. I.ucetta Raw son. JHiri; 1S21. ilied i<)02. Alarried William Aiken, died 1906. James ilar\e\ Aiken, horn 1H45. Married Ella Merwin. Port- age. Eug;ene Adel .\iken, horn 1847. (i_or.iL;e W'., born 1849, (two soldiers in the family), Erastus. .\Ionzo and Esther M. III. 2. Nelson Coleman Rawson, horn in Xnnila, died Januar\- 28, 1880. jVIarriecl I'dorence ra\lor. Mrs. Rawson married second, '"Dr. J. W. Mullen, died ii)Ofi. Mrs. Dr. M., resides La Eayette, Ind. III. 3. Julius Addison, horn in Xunda, died in California, Xoveniber i, 18-7. 4. .\deline B., horn 1828. ]\Iarried Munson O. Barker, hnth livinsj in Xunda. I'or children, see Seth Barker Family. 5. *Moses Lowell Rawson, born in Xunda, veteran ( 'i\il War. Married Susan Ashley. .Son and daugh- ter horn in Portage. '>. Iliram L., luiniarried. A miner. Residence Black- ford, Idaho. 7. Laura Malvina, l)orn in Xunda. died i860. 8. *Eernando Cortez. II. 4. Palmer, horn in 1803, s. 1820 married 1st. Lena Page; 2nd. Mary Ann Clough. III. I. Miner\a, horn in Xunda, 1826, still living in Xunda. Married *James L. Rathbun of Xtuida, a soldier. 2. Harriet A., born 1828. Married William Twist of Ximda. (See Twist I-'amily. ) 3. '■T'rancis M., horn 1830 in Xunda. Married A\'illiam Lindsley. (See Lindsley I'amily. ) 4. Silas P., born 1834. 5. Elias ]M., born 1841. II. 5. Rhoda, born 1S05, married Palph Page of Xunda. Seven children (see R. Page Family.) 6. Zen.as Coleman, born 1807. Alarried Lucy Bowen of Nunda, III. I. Ellen. 2. Homer .A.. 3. Josephine C. 4. Hancy S., horn 1835. II. 7. Mary Eliza, born 1810, married S. I'elton in 1828, died 1833. III. Elias Felton, Mary Felton, died young. II. 8. Caroline, born 1815, married .Asher Clough, January, 1841, and died .\pril 22. 1842. III. I, Clarence M. Clough, born March, 1842. Thomas Rathbun P^amily ( Chidsey h^arm). I. James. 2. Hiram. 3. Thomas. 4. Louisa. WILLIAM DEAK (OR DAKE) GOULD Revolutionary soldier from Alban_\- County which at the time of that war included most of X'ermont, came to Xunda in 1819. and probably into our present village in 1820. He built or occu|iied the second log house built on State Street opposite the Union Block. Mr Gould had been wounded and walked with a cane. I le wore a queue or cue, and dressed as a Continental soldier, was a subject of both interest anrl fear to the children of sixty years ago. He was buried on the Levi Gould lot near the Richmond and Whitcomb vault with no stone to mark his grave or tell of his valor. An illustration of a regretted fact. "The graves our sons have given us Grudged us our renown." TliL- family "f W'illirini (iijuld, sccuiicl settk-rs ;n Xunda village consisted of the following persons : William D. Gould and Abigail L'attrcll Gould. Daniel wlici married in S]iarta. lUiel who went \\'est and died there. Le\i married Amelia Weed- right. George lives at Craig Colony. Alilie marne. 1832; married at Coventry, X. ^'.. by Rev. J. Ij. Hoyt, ■October (1, 185(1, t'-' Celestinc, daughter of John and Xancy (Little) liirge, of Coventry. Their children are: III. I. William Alonzo, born Ulean, July 2^. 1857. 2. Clara Uirge, born Olean, Alarch 28, 1859, unmarried. 3. Henry Pendleton, born Olean, Dec- ember 28, i860. 4. Anna Janet, born Xicholson, I'a., July 25, 1862, unmarried. Received his education at Xunda Academ_\-. Was merchant at (Jlean, X. Y., and removed in !8(i2 Ui .Xicholson, Wyoming County, I'a., where he was a hardware merchant for many years an.d a leading man in the community. For thirty-five years he has been an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and was com- missioner to the notable General Assemblx of 1869 in Xew York City when the -union of the old and new schools was consummated, and again to the General Assembly of 1879 at Saratoga Springs. He has held many local public and corporation offices. Is a past master of Xicholson Lodge, Xo. 438, F. and A. M., and a member of Temple Commandery at Tunkhannock. Of late years he has been largely occupied as a surveyor and conveyancer. He died April 25, 1904. HI. Ida Wilcox. (Alonzo Isaiah, William 1 'endletcm 1 , Ijorn at Wilcox, Flk County, I'a., in 1857: married in 1882 to Ernest H. Koester, son of G. F. and Mary 1!. Koester. Their children are I. Maurice Alonzo, liorn June 29, 1883, died February 17, 1889. II. Frederick Ernest, born May 10, 18^7. III. Xina Gildea, born Xovember 18, 1S91. Mr. Koester served n term as District Attorney of McKean County, Pa., and is at present an active lawyer at llackensaek, X. J., and prosecuting attor- ney at r.ergen County, X. J. ^\■illiam Alonzo Wilcox (Xathan Pendleton, Jr., Xathan Pendleton), born Juh 25, 1857: married .\pril 22. 1885, Katharine, daughter of Hon. Steuben and Katharine (Preese) Jenkins of Wyoming, Pa. Their children are: ]V. 1. William Jenkins, born March 17, i88(S. 2. Emily, born January 7, 1889. 3. Helen, born March 4, 1892. 4 and 5. Stephen and Henry (twins), born January 31, 180S. 1"he former died January 7, 1890, and the lat- ter April 2;!,. 1898. He is a member of the Lackawanna Courity Bar, and has been in active practice at Scranton since 1880. One of the incorporators of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and a member of the .\merican Bar Association. Was a rttl- ing elder of the Presbyterian Church while at Wyoming. William Pendleton Wilcox, was the first merchant in Xunda (1822). He also kept an inn. and for two years was the first post master in the present town of Xunda. He was one of several, to lay out the State Road that passed his house in 182 1. It was not till one year later he opened his house as a store and inn, for before the road was laid out, there would have been no travel. Wilcox 156 Corners was also called "The Center." As lie sold (uit in 18:^1 to Jacob Guy it has since been called "Gtiy's Corners." Mr, Wilcox was a member of the Bap- tist Church and this society sometimes lieid services there. I-\'w of our citizens have attained as high honors in civil life. One of our best knov\-n citizens Ctley Spencer clerked for him and under the Deputy S'leriff, became Constable. The family seem to have Ix-en fittea])tist Prick church of Rochester), cut short a career of interest in another direction. Fortunately he left a son and namesake, who has led an unusually useful life. Xathan Pendleton \Mlcov, born in 1S04, in Herkimer Count}-, if he came with his elder brother \\'iliiam P., to Xunda in 1820 would have been but a youth of ifh This excellent young man contracted consumption and died April 24. 1833, age 2() years. His dream of life and love already past. IL I. Thomas Jefiferson Wilcox, born April 2(), tiS30. July 30, 1830. 2. Xathan Pendleton ^\■ilcox. Jr., born Mav id, 1832. Nathan Pendleton Wilcox, Jr. William A. Wilco.x, Esq. Scranton, Pa. School-days come and we find the name of I'endleton Wilcox, as attending the Nunda Academy and Xnnda Literary Institute in 1844 and 45. Tlie widow- was married to WilHam Wilhanis, with a large family of children and one of his sons married his stepmother's \oungest sister and Smethport, Pa., becomes the lK)me of the families. I. I^ieut. William Richardson, veteran 1812. wife. Sarah Xorton. Lived near the Fuller farm south of W'alnut Street. He was Jusdce of the Peace, and LVmnty ( )verseer of the Poor. Exchanged farms with Palmer Kawson, and was one of the proiuinent Baptists. II. I. Children of William and .Sarah (Xorton) Richardson. 1. C\n- thia, born 1800, married *EllioI Tyler, dietl while young. Came with her father to X'unda, but lived only until 1838. Her children were: (I. Alonzo Tylei, married Turza Guy. daughter of Jacob (jiiy. 2. Me- lissa. 3. Willis died age S years. 4. Wary. ) II. 2. Lurancie Richardson, born 1808. Married Xathan Penlney II.. married Elizabeth Colton. II. 2. Louise, married Rev. Daniel Lowell. .See Lowell Family. II. Emma, married Hiram Bardw ill ; 3. Philena, married Roswell Law- rence. II. Cortez Baldwin, married Mariam L(jwell. III. I. Chauncey, married Buno. I\'. 4. Isora, married Hebert Bentley. \'. 5. Leila, married Charles Cleveland. 2. .Scott, in school. II. C). Sarah, married George Gearhart. Jr. (See Gearhart I'amily. ) III. Cornelia, married George R. W. Pay, soldier. 2. Chanes Va.\. l\' . I. Elsie, married William S])hoon. 2. Mariam. married \\'. H. Havens. \'. Charles Sphoon, graduate G. X. S. Principal of Union School. Wells Sphoon, farmer, married \\'aters. 158 Soplionia, married i''erry Buno. III. *j\talvina, married Perry Rimo. III. Ellen married Charles Carter. III. Fernando, married Helen Ilovey. III. Salina, married Hiram Weed. 1821 TO 1828 THE BOUGHTONS IN NUNDA The BouglUons of Lioughton Hill (\ictiiri were .settlers there at an early date, as early as 1789. The !'.(.inghti)n family are the same as the Bouton Fam- ily. The family is French in origin. The Bonton-Boughton genealogy dates back to the time when France was a monarchy. iV daring soldier rescued his monarch in battle, by killing the King's antagonist, whereupon the King cut a gold button from his coat and. gave it to the soldier. After the battle, the King called for his preser\er, and made him a knight, "The Knight of the Golden Button." The soldier took the name, given him by the King, Bouton. which has been Anglicised into Boughton. ( )ne of the Boughtons, a Colonel of Boughton Hill, died in the \\'ar of 1812, and many more of them in the Civil War. There seems to have been several of that name among the first settlers or Xunda and Fortage. An .\.. Boughton. had si.xty acres in the very heart 01 Xunda \'illage nearl\ half of Lot 2i<. now the center of ilie village. He sold too soon. Xo one remembers .\. Boughton. John Boughton settled in Portage when that town was in Xunda, or in S. Grove, and was Supervisor of Grove. E. Boughton settled on Lot U), but we have r.o turther information concerning him. .A. son of William liotighton of Xunda. Xewell Boughtcm, became a teacher, studied fiir the I'.aptist ministry, went to college, but could not for want of fimds complete his cnurse. He was granteii, a license by the Baptist church of X'unda to preach. He did mission work in the West where he died. The only Boughton I know of, in Xunda is the writer's wife, Julia S. Boughton Hand, daughter of the late Rev. Harvey Boughton a L'niversalist clergyman, a distant relative of the Boughtons at \ ictor ar.d those formerlv of Xunda. Mk. H. \V. Hand ,Mi<>. H. W. Hand TJeut. Eugene Boughton. lu-r lirotluT. was killed, while leatling his coin- pan v across a bridge from which the rebels had removed the plank, in 1864. Her sisters. Airs. Ellen W. Post and Mrs. .\unda for ten years, when l.ioth of them di \ icinr ( Liouffhton Hill.) .\.lice Hewett. shared her home lh]. Her brother George resides CHAF TER 7:1. Picturesque Port.\gk .\nd Its First Settlers. WHEN the "half shire," Nunda, ])arted with Grove, which included Granger, or West Grove, it gave up a line grazing section, and the upper valley of the Keshequa, with the Granger hills and plateaus, and. as time has revealed, one of the prospective and fast developing "oil fields" of Western New York. \\'hen she parted with Portage, which included Genesee Falls, she also parted with what is now called Glen Iris and Letch- worth State Park, one of the most picturesque spots in all the United States, destined soon to distinct recognition as a State Park, second only to Niagara Falls in sublimity, but ever first in variety of scener\- and rivaling the Adiron- dacks in primeval beauty. With an Indian wigwam or two in the foreground, and on the high plateau, the old Council House of the Senecas, or, more accu- rately speaking, of the Nunda-wah-o-nos, it would not be difficult, in imag- ination, to roll back a century or two and see the primitive copper-colored citizens of Nunda in one of their favorite haunts. There is one shaded dell, south of the Council House, so wild, so gloomy, so secluded, through wdiich the stream flows that tumbles over* a depression in the "High-banks." forming the "Bridal \'cil," that if anv one walked through it alone, the \ery crackling HoRNBY Lodge .•^bove the Tunnel, nearly opposite the Middle Fall 160 Taken down in 1850 of a twig would suggest the proximity of rabid beasts or savage men. Could this dell be added to Central Park, at a cost of millions, it would become us chief attraction, Init here amid other wonders is almost unknown, and, though quite unique in its primitive beauty, the tired tourist, if he ventures intci this weird solitude, so feels its engrossing power, that he hastily turns up the foot path leading to the Council House and contents himself with feasting his eyes with views of the river, gorge "nd brid; ?. and forgets to think that this mar- vel.). is b'idge. "a masterpiece of meclianisni, ' the two railroads, and the former channel of a once famous canal, arc all inn()\atit)ns, intruding u|)on, though enhancing the charm of this prinie\al l)cauty s])ot. The geologist comes here with his hammer for a chip or two of genuine "Portage rock," and, not content to look l)ack to the time of Indian occupancy, a mere century ago, he sees a gorge worn by centuries of attriticm. and he also sees, wdiat others do not, that above Portageville there is a wide river \alle\', anil that here there is only a gorge without a valley, hence knows there must ha\-e been in primeval or pre-glacial times, a different outlet for the waters of the Genesee, and seeking for it on both sides of the ri\er be- comes satisfied that the Keshequa valley below Hunt is the legitimate and only possible original channel for the Genesee. To account for the change. he deposits a glacier in the stream, nr stretches it one-half way across the State and presto-change! attrition, the constant friction of centuries goes on and so a new water course is formed. So Nature also robbed Xuiida, ages licfore her birth, of the ginrious inher- itance of our Genesee River, and left us only one of its branches, the Cashequa as geologists call it, Init it could not take its tributaries also, and many a fine stream flows into it. in Xunda, and when it reaches the Canaseraga. their united waters form no inconsideral^le ]iart of the greatest river of \\'estern New York. It is hardly necessary to recall the fact that when the surveyors of the Genesee \'alley Canal attempted to find a way up to the Upper Genesee \'alle}' that commences at Portageville, they followed very nearly one of the original channels of the Genesee, from Craig Colony to ( )akland, by following up the Cashequa Valley, and the surveyors for the Pennsylvania Railroad were obliged to follow their example. Pre-natal losses are beyond the limits of consistent complaint, Init the writer cannot help lamenting the loss from our township of the present town of Portage, that forms near the Genesee, a part of this weird, picturesque, bewitching wonderland. Ours she was, however, from i8oS to 1827. and her pioneers were our pioneers, her teachers taught our schools, many of her sol- diers were in "our" companies, many of her citizens still worship at our altars. her advanced scholars attend our "High School." and in many ways we are one people, "one in heart and purpose." "No village upstart." says "Hayseed," when speaking of any citizen of Portage, \oung or old. .\nd so I hope my fellow citizens of Nunda will forgive the writer if he shows a lo\-e for Portage people, born of l)irthright, and fostered by a citizen- ship with them for a quarter of a century. After the division of the would-be "Cnunix- ni Nunda" into two sections, or half-shires, the "hub" of the southern half was not at Nunda Hamlet, or 1 hilihcll's CiM-iK'i's, as it was calletl, imr even at Xiinda Conti-r iWilcnx Cor- ners), Imt at tirsl, at or ahont tlic I'rosper Adams Inn at ( )ak Hill, an. 171).^. married at the age of 50 Miss .Mnia Devtie, ;i sister of Isaac. Henry and Col. Jacob 1 )e\oe, who \\ere also among the tlrst settlers of the town. Their children were four in number: (ieorge \\ .. who w;is ])roprietor of the Cascade House, at Portage I'.ridge. and who died suddenly at Xnnda village: Julia, the wife of Willis II. k'uller (whose ancestors settled at Nunda — Pike — in iSoA) : Mr. antl Mrs. I'uller now li\-e in Xnnda village; Henr\-, who died in Montana, many years ago; and Charlotte, widow of Edwin Patterson, who is the present ])roprietor of the Cascade I louse ;it Portage. Col. ^^Mlliams died at the age of So from injuries recei\'ed from being" twice thrown fri>m a 163 busjgv. Mrs. \\ illianis sur\i\oil him till slu- aiiaiiu-il tlu- same ai^c. Charles Williams was a hrotlu'r of the I'liloucl ami lixcd near him. lie was one of the notcil iiioneei' teachers of his day. lie married Miss Mary lliuii. ilaiiL;hter of Saiifon! llunt. Sr., the pioneer, and afterward. Miss Maria Taylor, lie died Seiitciiiher _>4, 1871, as^ed nS years, llis daughters are all still lixinu;. except the youngest, Ella: Mary 11.. widow of (."hapiii C. W illiams; Helia. widow of Morris .\\-rault. of Xuitda ; <.'. .\nnie, a successftd teacher and elocutionist, now Mrs. Haniel Grunder. of .Kngelica. Their only hrother. Tharles 1... a soldier of the 5Sth New N'ork. an estimahle young man, died Pccemher 15. 1 S; 1 , NEW ENGLANDERS IN PORTAGE-NUNDA— WHERE THEY CAME FROM AND WHERE THEY SETTLED The writer has been somewhat negligent in noting where the settlers of Niinda came from. Most of his ancestors were of (ierman origin, hence he neglected to trace the New England hlood of Puritans to its Xew England ancestry. The late C. H. IW-nnett. of Xnnda. formerly lA rorlage. has groujied the early citizens of that town with skill and precision, horn of zeal. To hoom the citizenship of Portage and their Xew l-'ngland ancestry was his hest trump card. There were few better local writers than C. IV liennett, and it is to be re- gretted that he did not write a complete history of I'ortage. He said, "Oak- land was settled by tlie hitches, 2klessengers, Hills. McXairs. Swains, mostly relatives." "On Oak Hill came the Adamses, Frenches, Marks, Robin.sons. Smiths, Spencers, Strongs, etc.. relatives from Paulet. \'t.. while east of them settled the Thompsons. Pattersons. l>uttons, Xewtons. also related from Coleraine. Mass. ".\ronnd Hunt's Hollow were the Aliens. Pennetts. Chirks. Cobbs. Devoes, Hunts, Xashes, Parmalees, Slaters, Roots, W'illiamses, mainly from Connecti- cut. Pennycook, named by Mr. Rosebrocik. at the raising of the first log house. was settled later by people from various places." .\ finer lot of citizens could hardly ha\ e l>een brought together, and it is still well worthy of recc^rd. There was an unusually large number cif Xew England people, because there was no connection between New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Portage. The River Road led direct from Xew England to the Connecticut lands in Ohio, and some stopped b\ the way. charmed l>y the attractions the country presented. The military lands of Central .Xew York w-ere for Xew York soldiers only, so all other soldiers who came were either obliged to buy out the soldiers" claims, or come into the Genesee coun- try, or go on to Ohio. They came, they saw, they were charmed, they re- mained. Zopher Strong. 1S15, with a fine family of educated children, supple- mented by a fine pair of twin girls, America and Angelica, after coming to Xnnda, Prosper and Abijah Adams and the Robinsons from Paulet. \T.. who furnished wives for F*rosper Adams' innkeeper and his successor. William Marks. Gee^rge Patterson. Sr., and for Alanson Hnbbell. MRS. HUBBELL CAME TO NUNDA, EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, A BRIDE While Ii\-int,'' here she joined the ilaptist Churcli. ami there her name is yet, hut prohahly not a meinher of the church suspects that Sister Huhbell is still alive and as good a saint as ever. How does the writer judj^e of her present goodness — did she not join the church when it was almost an axiom of the church, "once in grace, always in grace." The final perseverance of the Saints was good Calvinism then, though its believers turned out at least loo members for not manifesting the fruits of the spirit, or for going to a party, or to another church. I'ut this sister "persevered" and one of her daughters became a foreign missionary, and grew old and returned and found her mother alive and holding birthday parties for the good boys and girls who had proved they were good Iiy "living out more than half their days." She evidently be- lieves still in "election ond reprobation," for she elects only those over 75 years of age, to attend her parties, and reprobates the youngsters of less age as too young and giddy. Pros]}er Adams came to Port age-. Xunda in i8if) and became the first inn- keeper and su]5ervisor of the town. His mother came with him and brought with her all her children. Abijah Adams was killed in 1824 at the raising of a barn for Nathaniel ( Jlney. Zerviah married Captain Elisha .Smith, a veteran of the War of 1S12. She died, leaving two sons. Prosper and William. William became a prominent teacher and afterward a soldier of the Civil War. Pros- per married a sister of Roderick Spencer and died at Genesee I-'alls recently. Captain Smith was drowned about i860 in the Canaseraga Creek, near Sonyea. The children of Prosper Adams: Mary C, born 1812, married Josiah St. John ; Charles C.. and Fanny R., who was the first white child born in Xunda-Port- age, I'ebruary 25, 1818, whose picture we ])resent. Jesse Adams married Mabel Spencer. Prosper Adams died in 1839. His successor at the hotel was William Marks, his brother-in-law, who was succeeded by Philip Burroughs about 73 years ago, at which time his youngest son, A. Jackson Burroughs, was born, and still lives on the homestead. George Patterson, Sr., a lirother-in- law of Prosper Adams, came to Oakland in 1816 and erected a 12 .x 12 log house on the site of the hotel of after days. His sons were Curtis and Cieorge. George Patterson, Sr., was a great joker. The writer has heard his mother tell of her first meeting with this strange character. My aunt, Mrs. Wells, introduced them. Mr. Patterson approached and said. ".Mother Compassionate, shake hands with a sinner." The rest of the conversation was of this unusual nature. It turned on the subject of schools. "I am a great advocate of good schools, and I see by the size of your flock that you are also. Send them all to school. The school house is in superb order — clean as a whistle. It's a letter "A" .\'o. i. My v'oungsters and I took Sunday for it, and made it shine like a new brass kettle. Sunday ! Mother Compassionate, is decidedly the best day to do good deeds, and, don't you know, my good mother (my mother was only 32, he still older) that "Cleanliness" is next to Saintliness, and there wasn't a cussed saint in the whole town who would have touched their saintly fingers to the job. Now who, thinkest thou, was the good Samaritan? The better the day, the better the job." This was a specimen of a new neighbor wholly unlike any seen in Eastern New York. "l"he wife of George Patterson. Jr. (I regret to record) as she grew old and infirm, after the death of her husband, developed insanity. She had three daughters, all intelligent, interesting young ladies. One died at Oakland. She had been the one most nervous, the one they might have feared might have shared their mother's infirmity. lUit no one thought it possible that these who seemed so energetic and so cheerful could possibly lose mental balance. Laura, married to Charles Foster, a good wife and mother, lost her only daughter, her only child, and after a time became more melancholy than formerly, and took her own life. The only sister left, Flora, had become a semi-invalid and the shock of this, added to her own infirmities, were so great that in less than ten days she followed exactly in every partic- ular the example of her sister. And the entire family of George Patterson, Jr., once the sturdy l)lacksmith of Nunda, and the successful farmer of Oak- land, was Ijlotted out. ON THE PORTAGE BOUNDARY I. Captain Richard Church settled on the Angier farm (second occupant) in 1816. The family cuusisted of the parents, who were the leading Uni\'er- salists of the pioneer days. The family lived here about forty years. II. I. Lawrence, married in the West. 2. Leonard, married Betsey Grover, a charter member of Universalist Church. 3. Al. jane, teacher, poetess, preceptress (taught with Prof. Winslow at J\It. }ilcirrisi, married Rev. William E. Manlev. D. D., a celebrated commentator of the ( Md and Xew Testaments, (and the first settled pastor of the Cniversalist Church). 4. Richard, Jr. (un- married when thev removed ). Also belonging to this family was the mother of jerrv Chandler. The\- li\etl in Wyoming County, where their son was born in 1839. He marri.ed Abbie Prescott. daughter of .\lbert. born in Xunda in 1842. and their children and grandchildren are all the posterity of Capt. Rich- ard Church, remaining here. At ]\Iessengers Hollow, the Messengers and iMtches and Hills, all relatives. At Hunt's Hollow, not then named, Nathaniel B. Nichols and Joseph, Walter and Thomas Bennett. At Oak Hill, Dr. Elisha D. Moses (1816), Elisha Moses (his father), and family (1S17). Henry and Lewis Tuthill. George Wilner, Capt. Perkins (on the River). Solomon Will- iams. Dr. Carpenter, and Saiuuel Fuller, veteran of the Revolutionary War, and George Gearhart. Sr. (()ct.. 1S17). In 1819: Santford Hunt and famil}-. William Dake and young sons, lonathan and Charles. Rev. Orrin ]\Iiller and three sons (brothers-in-law to Dake). Joseph Cole and the Giffords. Robert and George. Elias Bowen, Benja- min i'tter. Nathaniel Lewis (grandfather ti_) Lewis Gould), John McFarland. Thomas Alcott, were early settlers. Dr. Amos Parmalee settled in Hunt's Hollow about 1820. In 1821 the Xashes bought out Ejihraim Kingsle_\-. Mr. Clafiin took up the farm west of them. r)a\'id, Roswell and Philo Bennett came in 1823. In 1824 Greenleaf Clark settled in Hunt's Hollow and bought the Eli Slater tannerv : ^^'illiam Alvord also had a tannery at the time. Eli Slater. George W'. Barnes ami C. .-\llen, all relatives, settled at an earl}^ date. Na- thaniel Olney came from Cayuga County in 1S21. Samuel Swain and five sons came to Oakland from Oak Hill about this tinic, and W. Z. Blanchard in 1823. The Minor Cobb family were early settlers. jnl) Stockwell located on the Short Tract Road. Richard W. Roljinsons were at ( >ak Hill in 181S, and Arad French first located there, afterwards at Hunt's Hollow. 1821— PORTAGE-NUNDA A Family of Lawyers from Portage Who Settled in Nunda Nathaniel Olney came from Scipio, Cayu.na County, in 1821 and settled on the road leading from ( )ak Hill to Hunt's Hollow. There was a large family of sons and only two daughters. Mr. X. ( )]ney was something of a pettifogger, as self instructed lawyers were called, and all of his sons had a trend in that direction ; liis children were also teachers. The sons were: John I'., who married the daughter of Prosper Adams, Fanny Adams, said to be the first child liorn in Portage-Xunda, in 1818. This family came to Nunda and John F. served his town as Justice of the Peace. He sometimes was employed as a lawver. He died in Xunda. The fatlier also died at the home of this son. Silas, who was a teacher, who married a cousin, Elizabeth I'ordice. He died, leaving three sons and one tlaughter. The widow Olney lived on Mill Street after 185(1 until her death. Her sons were Corydon. born i83<;, a vet- eran of Company I, who became a Lieutenant, came home, married, settled in New Jersej- and died at Long Peach, .\lnnzo. also a Xunda soldier, now- living in Oakland, Cal. Mar}-, married, and li\-es in California. *Hiram, the youngest, is not living. Mrs. Elizabeth ()lney married (2) Capt. James Lemon, and her sons served in his conipany. Mrs. ( )lney had been a teacher, she was scholarly, patriotic and lil)eral in thought. 1 ier family were Lniversalists, and sang in the choir. Mrs. Lemon was thrown from a carriage, her head struck a lioulder at the roadside and she was killed. Omar Olney became an Allegany lawyer and ranked high in civil cases. He wrote two books, one an expose of Mornmnisni, and edited the confessions of Henry A\'ilson, the murderer of Henry I)e\-oe, of Portage. He recei^-ed as compensation the l)ody of the murderer, which was sold to a physician in Nunda. ( )mar C)lney married the daughter of his neighbor, Philip Burroughs. Samantha. and their only child is Ernest C. < )lney, who studied law with his father and at Albany Law School, and ranks well among the successful lawyers of Nunda. He has serxed jiis town as Supervisor and as Justice of the Peace. He resides with his family nn Portage Street, with his office on the same street. His parents are both dead. Charlotte (Lottie), onl_\- daughter of John and Fanny .\dams ( )lney. was efiucated at Friendship Academy, came to Nunda during war times and has lived here since. She married Robert R. Wright in 1881. Charles Olney gre-w to manhood, contracted consumption and died in Ntmda. He was an exemplary young nian. He died in 1874. 'i'he John ( )lne}- fanuly were loyal Universalists. Ransom Olney. also taught school successfull}- and became a lawyer, lived in Nunfla. He died niany years ago. He is survived by one daughter. 167 Rebecca ( )lney. marrieil Jimaihan llurruuyhs, a successful faruier and prominent Free Mason. Tlu-y were highly esteemed l)y all wItj knew them. They left an only son, Edwin llurniughs. who married Anna ."^harp nl Xunda. Mr. E. Burroughs, who also lived in Xnnda. is a ])rnininent hardware mer- chant at Bay City, Mich., but visits Nunda annually. Jane Olney, also taught school a few terms, was married to William R. 'J'obey, a merchant and lawyer, who was Supervisor of his town. Granger. Although the family was large and all were married, there is living but one of the children, Mrs. Jane Tol)ey, and six of the grandchildren. Mrs. Lottie ( )lney Wright, daughter of Jdlm !•'. and Ivanny ( )lney : Alonzo and Mary, children (if Silas and I-llizabetli ( )hK-\ : Ernest L'.. sun of ( Mnar and Samantha: .May, daughter of Ranson ; l-^ilwin liurruughs, son of J. J. and Rebecca. llirani ( )lney, a pioneer teacher of I'ortage. was a brother to Nathaniel Olney. and Ihirlon Eordyce, another teacher, was a brother of Mrs. Olney. Orange Brown of Nunda and Mrs. Amidnn of Xnnda, and her sisters, the Brown twins, were children of a sister of X. ( )lney. THE BENNETTS Seven brothers, \\'aller, Thomas T. and Joseph, settled in 1817, Walter Bennett had ele\en children, seven of whom were living until recently. The mother of these chililren was llnldah C<>e, sister to Ibm. Xa- thaniel Coe of Xunda. She and her sister Mary. Mrs. I);i\id Bennett, were past 90 years of age when they died. Those w ho lived to be elderly were : Thomas P., of Missouri; Walter, an inxentur; l''li>ra. who was once jirincipal of the l^eabod}- Institute, Summit, Miss., who died in Xunda \-illage in i8y8. aged 80. J. 11. iloljert, who is slill living, M. Louise, Mrs. Johnson, who died recentl}- at lialtimore. and Mary Ellen, who resides in Baltimore. J. Yates Bennett, best known of this hcjusehnld, was liorn in Portage, then Nunda, in 1822. In 1844 he went to the South as a teacher and remained six- teen years — taught school se\en years, was postmaster five years and book dealer at Trebodica, La., two }ears, and two at New Orleans. He returned to Portage in 1862 and was married to Marietta Galusha of Arcadia, N. Y.. who died December 23, 1868. He married, in 1872, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Smith, daughter of Dr. G. \V. Branch. One son, Arthur Abates Bennett, is li\ing. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett died in 1877. This family of Bennetts were pnmciunced Democrats and zealous Episcoi)alians. Mr. \ates Bennett was Justice nf the Peace for a number of terms. He built mills on the Spring brook near his home, and his saw mill was the last of the twenty or more mills nm b\- water in the town. His father and X. 1!. Nichols, in 1817, built the first. Ivussell Messenger, at Oakland, built the next the same vear. Thomas Bennett had a woolen factory at Hunt's Hollow and sent cloth for a pair of pantaloons to Governor Clinton, who respondefl with a letter of thanks. The wife of \^'illiam Tousey, a daughter of Thomas Tousey Bennett, was the only member of this family who remained in Portage. She was born about 1820 and lived to be about 80 years old. The children of William ;uid Sarah Tousey were Cornelia, Airs. God- win, recently deceased, Emma; Carrie (Mrs. |. |. \\'illiams) and Lucian C, one of the finest tenor singers this section has e\er produced, ile died in the West, where he was bookkeeper for his l)rother-in-la\v, John J. WilUams. then a hunberman in Michigan. Mr. WilHanis (bed a few years later. The famil}- of Joseph Bennett went West also, excelling one daughter, the mother of the late Amos Clark of I'ortage, whose daughter, Airs. M. E. VanDusen. resides in Nunda. THE OTHER BROTHERS The family of David and Mary Coe Bennett, with a few exceptions, re- mained in I'ortage, and some of these were citizens of Xunda when they died. bviel Bennett, teacher, farmer and town official, was beirn May I'), if^i5. He came with his parents to Nunda ( I'ortage) in 1S21. and was etlucated in the schools of Portage and the first Xunda Academy. Church Street. He was the first teacher to introduce blackboards in schools in this section. He served as Town Commissioner of Schools and was Supervisor of the town in 1861. and kept excellent records of the soldiers who enlisted from that town. He married, in 1850. Cornelia Botsford. daughter of Ezra Botsford. Esip. of Granger. They had four children. Ada E., Carl D.. Nora M., and E. ^^'arner. Carl and Xora alone survive. Charles 1). I'ennett, local writer of historical sketches, and one of the most public spirited men of Portage, was horn in Scipio. I'ebruary 13, 1819. came with his parents to Nunda (Portage) two years later, was educated in the pul)lic schools of Portage, attendefl Henry Chalker's Select School in Nunda, the Leroy High School and Canandaigua Academy. He went South to Louisiana for two years, returned home and remained four years, teaching and farming, and was town su])erintendent of schools for two years. He went to Texas (then recently annexeil) next, and settled at Gonzales and engaged in teaching for several years. He was president of Gonzales College. The Sons of Temperance movement about the year 1850 spread over Texas, and Mr. Bennett became prominent in the movement and was for several }-ears Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarch of the order. In 1853 ^'^^ returned to the North, married Miss Huldah Olney of Scipio, and they returned to the .South. Mrs. ISennett, after a few years' residence in Te.xas, preferred to return to society not dominated by the advocates of slaver_\-. The hard times of 1857 made it impracticable to dispose of his property for money, so he exchanged it for a herd of cattle, which he drove to Chicago, a distance of 2,000 miles. This was about the beginning of the Texas cattle trade, now amounting to millions. In 1858 he drove a herd of Texas oxen to Leavenworth and then purchased of the heirs his father's farm — still in the possession of the family. Mr. Bennett served his town as Highway Commissioner many years and to his energy is due the roads leading along the Keshaqua from Oakland to Hunts. He died in Xunda about 1890. His sisters, Emily and Rachel, com- pleted their lives here. Rachel was a teacher for forty years or more and commanded the same wages as were paid to male teachers. The children of Charles D. Bennett were: Carrie, Mrs. O. F. Sharp of Hunts. Ellura, a professional teacher with Normal ec|uipment, and Charles B., who resides on the homestead and wdiose wife, ]Mary L. Parmalee. was also, as were the three Bemietts, students at the Genesee Xormal School. 164 NATHANIEL COE Hon. Xallianicl Cm', an uncle of (.'liarlcs I), and Jciol Hennctt, was Ixirn in Mnrris Cdnniw X. J., in 17SX. jjis ]ic(ij)k' canu' lo Sci]iio in 171)4 w iu'n it was still a wilclcrni'ss. liis father hail a sulilier's ris;ht to (140 acres. fcir wiiich he paiil a shiilinL; an acre. Mr. C'nc came tn l\irtas.;e in iSiS, worked in saw mills and jiractici'd snrxeyini;. In iSjd. with his brnther and Myrnn Strung;, he went to ( )lean. ami there procured a hoal and went to Xew ( )rleans liy water. In the South he tau,L;ht school or classes in jienmanship. lie became acipiaint- ed with the Lancasterian method of teachinj.;. lie taught school until 1828. when he and W . /.. I'danchard o]ieneil a store at ( lakland. "Xo li(|uor sold to lie (Iranlc here" was a notice cons|)icuonsly posted and \\as reuarded as a rank ti'mperance mo\ement in those da\s when innkeepers and litpior dealers were leadinu; church members. This year he married Mary W hile of .\uburn, a lady with literary tendencies of the sentimental order, so connuon in that da\ . .Mr. I'oe was Justice of the I'eaee and ser\ed se\eral terms as Supervisor, lie was elected to the .\ssembly from Allei^any in 1N43. 1S44 and 1S45 and aj.;ain from 1 .i\iniL;ston County in 1847. Tn 185 1 he was apjjointed mail a,L;ent for ()reL;on. lie selected a homestead at the mouth of Hood Ri\er on the Colum- liia. llis sons, La\vrence and Euyeiie I'., were the first navii;ators of that river ahiwe the I )allis. lie died October 17. 1808. I'he family of Roswell Bennett of Portage were the first of the Bennetts to reside in .Xnnda ^ illa!.^e. He had owned a farm on the Oakland and Dalton mail pre\itnis to his business ventures in Xnnda. The family consisted of three daughters, Elniina. who became Mrs ( )rsimus liisbee : I'lavilla. wdio iie\er married, ;nierintei;ile])cncd to I)e llie \car the writer was horn. Mrs. Fuller remained a hustler all her days, and celebrated her ninetieth birthday by mowiniL; thistles alony- the highway. She died that niL;lit. Stephen l-"nller, her son. while teaching school in Rochester died of cholera. He left two interesting children. Stephen. Jr., and Mary .\.. who nTari'*ied Abram I'nller of Xnnda. Sarah h'nller died at the as;e of (/), in Xnnda, where she was for many }ears a milliner. A grandson of i\lrs. 1'" idler, lohn .S. Lyon, succeeded her 1 >n the farm and was Supervisor of the town in war times. His children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are still citi- zens of Portage and Xnnda. THE SPENCER FAMILY OF PORTAGE-NUNDA Stephen .spencer, Sr., came to I'ortage-Xunda in 1S17. lie had six chil- ilreii. He li\-ed to a goc)d old age ami was buried in Xinida. Silas Angier, ;ni(ither a.ged man. was buried the same day. ( )ne funeral ser\'ice ser\ed for both. The children of Stephen Spencer, Sr., were : Ralph Spencer, Coinitv .Su- perintendent of Schools: Stephen Spencer, Jr.; Utley Spencer, whose sketch and picture will be elsewhere presented, and Mabel Spencer. Mrs. Jesse Adams. Stephen, Jr., was an exception tn the most of Xew England ])eoi)le. Ik- was facetious and delighted in amusing his associates. He met, one dav, a newly ajipointed deacon, whose dignity of position seemecl to rest hea\'il\- on him. ■' Stop, deacon," said Spencer, "1 want a little theological information. .\dam was made of red clay and when made was stood up against a fence to dry ; it is all right, but who in h — 1 made the fence." The disgusted deacon simply said, "^'ou are going to hell." 'W ell." said Spencer, "do \-ou want to send any word to some of the church folks there?" ( )n another occasion he met Capt. W'ilner. who also was jocose. I'.otli men had long noses, so both simultaneously turned their noses aside so they could jiass. This was not sat- isfactory so Spencer threw his jackknife toward his friend. "What is that for?" said W'ilner. "( )h, 1 vowed years ago if 1 ever met a homelier man than myself 1 would make him a present — and I have found mv man." The children of S. Spencer, Jr.. were Adelia, Xanc}', Cvnthia, Mar\' and Rhoderick. mostly teachers. Three of these young ladies were married with one ceremony. Rhoderick married, first. Miss Robinson and .second. .Mrs. Ann Mosher Clark. He was one of the finest looking men the town produced and as good as he looked. He ilied recently. Jesse Spencer died young. His widow came to Xnnda to reside. Iler sons. Clark and George, became lawyers. Clark, a handsome young man. courted all the nice looking girls in the town, but married elsewhere, lie clied very suddenly, when he was becoming a great lawyer. Jane Adams became a famous teacher, and Frank, the youngest, whose facetionsness nearly equalled that of his uncle, became a lieutenant in the Civil War. and was the life of the officers' camp. The daughter. Jane, of the famdy sur\ives. For I'tley Sjiencer. see sketch by her son in Modern Xnnda. 1817 Goors;c Gonrhart. Sr.. ami his wife, Anna, wilii t\\ol\c I'hildrcn, canu' to Porlas,;o. tlion Xumla. in Ani^usi. 1S17. (.'liililron's names, in urilor of liirlli, and \\lit> i1k\ niarriccl. arc as fnllows: .\nna, Imrn 1704. marrioil Rowley: l-'li/alicih, niarricd ( ieori;e Tlionip- son ; I'redevie. married Inlia I'ieree; 1 'iana. married jnlm I'owers; .Mary, mar- ried I'Mwin I'elV-amer; John, horn 1S04. married I'.li/aheth (inlhrie. hnrn iSoS: .Mari;arei. horn iSoo. married h'.dward I'eai; ."^aiah, horn iSoS, married <_lro\e .\ndrns; llarriei, horn iSio. married Asher >Uislier: llenriette, horn iSiJ, married (inslavus I'ahner: h'.mmeline. horn 1S14, married ( irrin Bald- win; George, liorn iSio. married Sarah luildwin. L'hildren of John and Elizahcth (iearhari: Charles II.. horn iSjc), married l.onisa Taher : L'ordelia, married .\lfre,l Taher : Sarah, married l.neins 1 'aimer; .Mary, marrieil .\ui;nsUis I'.eardsleN- : John, married .\nna N'anSlyke: .Martha, married .\menzo Lowell; William, married .Xaney L>rton; Nathaniel, nuirried l\lla Gilhert ; (.i. Adelberl, horn 1S45, married Lizzie W'ini;. II. G^'ori^e Gearhart. Jr., horn Xovemlier 11. 1810. married, in 11^37, Sarah I'.aUlwin, horn July _v 1>'^17, daugiitor of Ueaeon PaNid I'.aldwin. They had nine children and nineteen ^.^randehildren. some of whom died in infancy. Ghildreii ; III. J. George Monroe, horn June 4. iS^^S. enlisted in I'ompany .\. 1st Xew \'ork Drai^oons, killed at Cedar Creek. t.>ctoher. 10 iSi>4. 1 1 I. _'. h'ayetle tlearhart. horn t)ctoher J^, iS^^o. married Martha J. Douj;- la.ss of .Xunda. i\ . .\lelvin V. Gearhart (See X. II. S.. (',. X. S. and Coll. lists and elnhsi. III. ,^ Sarah A. Gearhart. horn July 11. 1S41, married Albert M. Dunn, of Xumla. 1\'. 1. l-"red E. Dunn and 2. r.ort IHinn, Ikon Bridge .and Upper Falls at Portaui, N. V 172 III. 4. I'',>tlicr A. ( iearhart, liorii July _^. 1S47, niarri(.-(l W illiani 1\. Ward. snii nf ■ Kiplaml Ward. Xflt-ran. I\'. I. Irank I... and 2, ( icnr.ne I\. lllavc livrd at Daltnii.) III. 5. .Mrrrilt II., Imni 1S4X. married .\lta j. l.inzy uf I'orta.s^e. W. I. P'-clna .M. _'. .\sia 1'.. ,v Mlla. 4. Ivlwiii j., horn in Xew York State. I fnrnilnrt- dealer in l)altnn.) III. (>. .Mary I., (icarliarl, hurn July 25, 1S51. married Geors^e L. White, 1\'. i. .\laliel [■'... married I'l. Waller Moses I See Civil List). 2. Af. I,ena. 3. Eva A. 4. Mildred J. III. 7. Frank A. (iearhart, Ixirn ICS53, married Ida AI. Milliman. IV. Ernest G., Bertha L., Ijorn 1857. died 1864. THE WILNERS George W'ilner, a veteran of the \\ ar 0* irook. not far from the site of the Hunt and Thompson ]\Iill. The millwright was Mathias Jackson, father of Leonard Jackson. Olcott had several children. COLONEL GARY Col. Olcott and also Col. Cary were said to be Revolutionary soldiers, and it is traditional that they were in Sullivan's army, and admiring the lands they saw. came and settled, when the lands were salable. Col. Cary built the frame house in which Greenleaf Clark lived after his first marriage. The house is very old, built before there was a frame house in Nunda. It formeil the prin- cipal part of the estate of Mrs. Gertrude Clark, who recently died, Elias Alward. the potash maker, was an early settler here and at t.'irove. Simeon Alward was probably a son. 1816— THE STRONGS The family of Zopher Strong were well educated. Several of them were teachers, and at least three of the family were coUegiates at Oberlin. one of the family having married a citizen of that place. One of the elder daughters rc'turiK'il frciiii there and aslc iiii>luil Iut neighbors by advocalint; a lUct of yrahani and enndemnin^ the white liread as unwholesome, wliich was still rei;ariled as a luxiirw She was regarded 1)}- her neighbors as an educated crank, hut Miss Lucina did not care. The pair of twins, America and .Angelica Strong, were born here, grew to womanhood and went to Oberlin from I'lirl- agc. Their older sister went from the same house from Xunda. I'lOth twins were living a few years ago. buth had mairied well, and one was the wife of Judge Horatio Jones, who was li\ing at the time of her sister's death. fi\e or six years ago. Mrs. Angelica Strong Keattie. daughter of Zopher Strong, early iiioneer of Xunda (Portage, section 1816). was Ixini at ( )akhill. Portage, in i8jS. She was one i:)f a pair of tw'iiis who were named America and .\iigelica. She was married to a missinnar\- named ISeattie, at Oberlin, ( )hio. ami went with him to Jamaica. After his death she returned to Ohio, atid thence re- moved to California in 1874. Her son. George W. Beattie. now superintendent of the Normal School, Manila. P. I., taught the first school in Redlatids. She lived successively in Pugonia and East Highlands. Cal. She spent the last few vears of her life in caring for an older sister. Mrs. Totten. She was a woman of great nati\e abilit\ and intelligence. Her many excellencies en- dearetl her to a choice circle of frien.. Oberlin College, pioneer teacher in Portage, married Ann Kinsman : Lyilia Ervin, sister to J. C Ervin. married l\iissell I'larnes, oi Xinida, anil lived to he ()0 years of a.L;e (see Barnes family I : Alfred Ervin, who was ilejuilN' postmaster at Xiinda, married Harriet Cain. 1825 I. Record 'Paher, horn A]iril \~. 1798. died I'ehruary t(). i8()4, aged 05 years 10 months, niarrieil ."-^ally Meeker March 2. 1820. who . Albert O., served in Civil ^^'ar, died T862 or 1863. 7. Clark ^^'.. niai-ried ( i ) Sarah Lake, (2) Kate Lake: he died in 1883. Minnie, daughter of Alfred. Arad l'"rench and wife came to Oak Hill in 1817, kept house for Col. George Williams, then settled on farm (lliram .Miller place). Aimer, l.)orn in 1814, married ^fargaret Thompson, born Decemlier. i8i(). Samuel French, a teacher, died young. Lucy, born December, 1818, in Xunda, married Merrick Brigham. l;ine married James l!righam. ]\lerrick and James lirigham were half brothers to Benjamin llrighani. Emily died young. .\rad l-'rench was deacon of the first l'resb}terian church, formed at Oak Hill in i8u). Chiklrcn of Abner, born in I'ortage ; Orpha, Sophia, Curtis, *Lucy, Samuel, Clara, Ellinor, Alpha Omega. Curtis served in the 38th X. Y. \. G. Joseph Russell, husband of Clrpha, ser\-ed in the same regiment. William Holmes, husband of l.uc\'. served in the Xew \'ork Dragnons. 1819 The Hunt family, who came to Portage-X'unda in January, i8u;. and set- tled in the then busy burgh that had already borne se\-eral names, Kishaqua. Greiysville. and Xichols and Bennett's Settlement, because this iirm had the first saw mill there, was destined to have still another name, and an increase of business as well as of population. The family consisted at this time of San- ford Hunt and wife and seven children. Mrs. Hunt's maiden name was I-'anny Rose, ."^he was the daughter of Surgeon Rose of the Continental Army, and a niece of the unfortunate Xathan Hale, whose mission to General IkMiedict ArnoUl to make terms for the surrender of West Point, cost him his life. Samuel R. Hunt, the bachelor member of the Hunt family, says of their com- ing that in coming from the town of Mt. Morris we passed much of the way o\er corduroy roads and through the six mile woods between the ]iresent ri\er and State roads across the White ^^'oman's Tract. \\ e came out upon an (lid clearing east, called the Shaver place (afterward owned by Capt. Rich- anl Church and John Angier). Fording the creek twice we came to anchor as far south as the road was opened. There was not a bridge on the creek (Kesh- e(|ua ) from source to mouth, though one was built the following spring. There were but three families south of this for ele\en miles. These A\ere George Gearhart, Sr. : his son-in-law, John Greening, and Andrew Smith. He also mentions of the settlers at this Kashaqna town. Henry and \\alter Ben- nett and Nathaniel B. Xichols. The latter two had built a saw mill the year before. There were also some single men. Enoch Miller. Henry l)e\oe. Elijah 178 Bennett, who afterward became a Baptist clergyman. Deacon \\'illiam Town and Henry Root lived near, and last but not least, Elias Alvord, potash Ijoiler. He also mentions Ephraim Kingsley and Solomon \\'illiams, Sr., and tlieir orchards: also Warren Carpenter (Dr.) and Samuel Fuller (a Revolutionary soldier and pensioner from Rhode Island). Sanford Hunt became the pioneer storekeeper of the town, had an ashery and a farm, and soon after a postoffice. But the chief product of this worthy pair was a family of boys who equalled their parents in education and in ability and made the name of Hunt well known throughout the State. Here one of this family of boys, in a log school house, but with excellent instructors, laid the foundation of a thorough, practical education which led to an advanced course at Geneseo Academ}- and finally made him Governor of Xew York State. But Sanford Hunt himself was one who seized every opportunity that came his way. His manner created confidence, and those "children of Nature" who could not read books but could read men. the Indians, from all the neigh- boring reservations, came to his store to trade. He was the first man from Nunda who made the Genesee Ri\er below the Lower Falls serve his bidding as a canal to carr}- the products of his mill, farm and ashery to Rochester, and then through the Erie Canal to Albanw "in his ark," "The Hazard," in 1S24. He, however, lived to a good old age and died in Portage, in the place named for him. He was a liberal, pul>lic spirited, (|uiet, unostentatious man. lie died in 1849. The children of Sanforni{)son were: Joseph C'al\-in, Jonathan, Margaret Alary, Xancy. Electa. Euther and Rob- ert W.. the lattei is described as a skilled workman in wood and iron, a hand', man in the settlement. He married before coming to Xunda. Of these Electa (Mrs. XevvtonJ, Luther and Robert W., are known t(.) have come to Nunda. L The children of Robert Wilson Thompson (twii died), were .Xancw (Mrs. Peleg ikwitt), Roxana (Mrs. J. Clark Button), Robert W., William Ed- win, Eliza A., and Melissa (Mrs. Sanford Hewitt), who recently died, 1908 Mrs. Xancy Hewitt, wife of Peleg Hewitt was six years of age when she came to Nunda in 1S22. .She died in 18S1. Their children were Wilson, Cornelia, Alice, Edwin and Mary. The family have alwa\'s resided in Portage. II. 3. Robert Wilson Thompson, born 1821, became a farmer, he was twice married. He married Sarah E. \"an .Slyck. TheN hail two children. III. I. Elletta \'.. married John .\. Carter. .Vnita Carter is \vith her ainit Mrs. Mills in China. ni. 2. .\nnetta. a Alissionary to China, to teach the deaf and dumb to con- verse by speech. She married C'harles R. Mills, since deceased. See "Alis- sionaries from Nunda and \'icinit\-." R. W. T., married second, Cynthia Andrus, daughter of Chester. Their children. 111. 3. Charles W., farmer, married Effie M. Wilson. 4. Sarah E. 5. Linctiln (a deaf mute) who married Emma C. Larson (also a deaf mute). (>. Luther R.. married Elizabeth Xorthwax'. daughter of E. .\. Xorthway. 7. May, died in 1872. Children of Sanford and Melissa Thompson Hewitt. Jason, married Xellie Marshall ; Frank, a photographer, married Carrie Marshall ; Charies, married Minnie Marsh. 1. 2. Electa Thompson, married Jacob .Xewton. Their daughter. Electa K'^ewton, married Miles W^akeman of Dalton. I. 3. Luther Thompson family s. 1837, wife, Martha Holland. Children: J. Luther and Cordino S., both soldiers, died in the service. (See 104th Regt. .X. Y. ) 3. Joseph A; 4. Henry .Allen; 5. Jonathan T. : 6. Direxa \'. Henry .\.. married Town, has a son, the only grandson of Luther ThomiJSon. Hugh RobiTt and Elinor Thompson, cousins to Robert Wilson Thom])son. Hugh .Sr., married Elinor Patterson and Elinor his sister married lohn Patterson. 11. 2. *Hugh Jr., son of Robert, married Emma Allen, daugliter of Major Allen. Xo chiloren, adopted Ella and Arthur Prink. I. *Margaret married .Abner French. See .Arad I-Vench I'amilv 1817. She was born in Xunda in 1819. 3. William P. Tlionipson. marrie(l I. Jane Devoe ; 2. Marv Ames; 3. Mrs. Elizabeth McCray. III. Laura, Allen, George. II. 6. Mary married Foster W'hittaker. Children: Alice, married Lewis Wescott ; *John ; Lizzie, married Clark R. Brewer of Nunda. 7. Adolphus. 5. Josiah. 8. Jane, married Edgerly. 9. Lucy Jane, mar- ried Myron Patterson. 1-2. Robert Thomjjson and wife. II. Eben son of John and Elinor (soldier) died during the war. Children of Robert. Children of Oliver, i. Fred. 2. Fletcher. 3. Jessie. Children of Ann Thompson Dickens. Edgar J., Frank and Mavlon. Hugh Thompson and Robert Thompson were cousins of Wilson Thompson. ( )liver married Helen Dailex-. V\ru\ of Hunt & Thompson, millers. Ann married Charles H. Dickens. CIIAPTEK XIL THE DAKE FAMILY By Dr. Wm. Dake, 1819-1830. Revised by B. Frank Dake, Esq. THE Dake or Deake family have long been an important factor in the history of Livingston County and are among the real pioneers of Western Xe, York. The paternal stock was English, but the family originally came from Hungary, the first of the name locating at Hopkinton, R. I., in 1631;, but to make the spelling and the Americanized pronunciation cor- respond the name wa^ changed to Dake. William Dake being the first to locate in Nunda was born in Daketown, Saratoga County. X. Y., July 25, 1792, son of William Gould and Margaret Moshier Deake. He married Orjiha Miller December 20, 1815, of Galway, X. Y. In 1820 he with his wife and two small children started out with Indians as guides to locate in what was to be a per- manent home in the town of Portage, known as C)akhill on the river road, and what was then thought to be the wilds of the far West. Xunda had then but a few log houses, and the Indians roamed at will through the forest paths. The writer of these lines has often heard William Dake and his wife tell of the long tiresome journey from Daketown, Saratoga County. X. Y'.. to the new home in the forest, the Indians acting as guides. The brother of his wife, who was a Methodist minister was the only white friend on the way. An ox team being their only means of transportation. Guided by marked trees and Indian trails to designate the highway. They entered upon a quarter section of land 186 upon which they coiiiiiienced their battle of furest Hte. A log house was soon constructed and in this they lived iDr s. mie years. Later they moved into a large and commodious frame In use, \vhere tliey lived and worked together for nearly fifty years. The forest about thmi soon gave way to waving fields of golden grain. The door of their home was ever open to their Indian friends who paid them freciuent visits. Mr. Hake was widely known as a man of judg- ment and of strict mtegrit_\-. He held al \arions times offices of trust and honor in town and county, fie died May i. 1873, in Xunda, X. Y., at the home of his son. Dr. Jabez W. Dake. where he and his wife had come but a year pre- vious, having left the home upon the hill. llis remains were laid in Picket Line Cemetery besides those of his father and mother. William (inuld Deake and Margaret his W'ife, wdio had also come to this section of the ccmntry a lit- tle later than their son, in 1S2S, and bought up a large tract of land in < )akhdl a short distance from his son. He settled in 1S28. ^^'illiam Gould Deake <:)r ( Dake as the name is now more generally sjielled ) was born in Hopkinton. R. L, March (1. i-oi. He was a soldier of the Revdlu- ionar\' War. he served as private in Captain Lewis \'cn Woerts Regiment I'lth of Cambridge, Captain William I'.niwn's Company of .\lbany County. X. Y., and served during most of the war. Shouldering his gun when he was but fourteen vears old at the battle of liennington. he follcjwed his father into the battle field, the battle taking ]ilace upim ])art of their land and the adji lining farm of Elder ^^'ait's. An interesting fact is that the first Red Crdss work done in this countr-. was d'ine 1)\ his muthcr who went ujion the field after the battle and ministered to th.e wdimded aneyond these, hut yon will see most of them have done miieh to i:eri)etuatc the cherished memory of dear old Xnnda which is ever dear to the hearts of those \vh- ( ;i<.\.\('.i;r— .\i\ii.\ kro.m i,Si,S-i827. TIIL present town of Grove had no settlers during its first decade as .-o' eighth of the town of .Xinda. If we include that part of Grove th.it afterwanl became Granger, then we might find from iSi()-i8i8 i>er- liai)s ten families. There being no high line fences of either Church or .State, separating the tlifferent town ])lots that formed Xnnda. It is natural that, the writer of these "Annals of the pioneer settlement of the .Xniida" that existed between i'^i>< ami 1827. rear none, but treat every settler of ihis time as .Xunda citizens In 1827, Grove, including Granger, liecame a separate town and ceased to be within the scope of these Annals. There is a sense, however, in wliich Grove never has been entirely dis- tinct from Nunda. Her first citizens came from Nunda, and many of them re- turned again. Grove never had any large villages, so her citizens patronize Xunda stores. lier Baptist church was also the Baptist church of Nunda and of Portage until 1828, her soldiers mostly enlisted in Nunda companies, and even to-day, the people of (jrove make Dalton, which is an important part of Nunda, their cen- ter of trade. Their produce is shipped from that business center, in fact, with the excep- tion of picking their own political ])lunis from their own political jjlum trees, and shipping them to Belmont, instead of Geneseo, the towns ar^ virtually one. To our Union and High Schools their advanced scholars come, and no doubt many still worship in the Dalton churches, I'Vom 1818 to 1820, Grove-Nunda, where good titles to land could be ob- tained (when they could not in Nunda) led to an exodus of the early settlers to the lands of the "Church Tract." John White, set the example, and the "White Settlement" is sufficieiii proof that he became one of the permanent settlers. He was a man who cut out a way for himself and his oxteam whenever such a highway was needed. In Ma_\-. 1818, after having lived two years in Nunda, he cut a road into the forest leading to lot 35, which he had purchased. This was no small task, but he was at his best, being at the time 32 vears of age. He brought his wife with hmi imm Herkimer to Xunda. with his nxteam and now when his new log house should be habitable he would try founding a settlement in a new section w'lere for a time tlie\- would be "The Eve and Adam of a race renewed." He did not purpc.ise however, to raise "Cain" in the wilderness but to raze the trets from the forest near his house, and then raise turnips and wheat and vegetables. He did still better, he raised a large family. These, like himself, had good stayuig riualities — for two of these children are still living. Mrs. Nancy White I'as.sage, now 87 years of age, ami her youngest sister, Mrs. A\'illiam Townsend wlm recently celebrated her golden wedding day. This story of the first family that -settled in Grove-Nunda is interesting and unique. John White had to take a grist of wheat from Grove to Dansville, as he wanted to bring back a door to kee]) out the wolves — he had t(i go with his oxen, as he had to cut the road, or widen it nearly all that distance, it wou'd take him many days, possibly two weeks. His wife had to stay alone, and only one neighbor nearly a mile away. They had no door to their log cabin, and the wolves w-ere numerous. The wife consented to stay alone if he would onlv bring home a door. He went and was gone many weary days. The wretched- ness of this solitude was mingled with fears for the safety of her husband and the necessity of keeping a bright fire burning to keep of? the wolves. It was twelve days before he returned and the solitude and solicitude of those twelve davs she could never forget. ^\'e present the picture of her daughter born in 1820; who told me th's story. Mrs. Nancy White Passage At 86 years Only 94 years old The Late Betsey Steyers Myers Ma 111. DA Shirwood Russell (-)iil\" ^2 \ears \oiinij Mrs. Fannie .Adams Olney Doth of these sisters however. ha\e come to Xunda to complete their eartlily pili^rimage, and as an intermethate state between Allegany and Heaven, it has no equal. ~Slr. White induced a new settler at Xunda, Alexander Bailey, to buy pai-t of lot 35, and here on tiiis first settled lot. in this new settlement was born, on Chirstmas i8ig, the first white child born in what is now the town of Grove, Laura Bailey, who became Airs. Hiram Alerithew and who died in Portage, in 1907, in her 88th year, spent in this vicinity. In the August following, the first "White" child born, was, Xancy \\'hite now Airs. Daniel Passage, the second child born in the present town of Grove. Both were born in Xunda. In the log house of John White in 182 1, the first religious services were held. Thee w-ere other W'hites, for Joseph White a brother, settled and remained in Xunda. and Elijah White was married in 1822 to Lucy Dana, and William \Miite was the first person to die in this settlement. John Eisamon. also tried Xunda for a year or two, and then in 1822. moved to what is known as the Dutch settlement. Others who came from Xunda to this locality were James Brewer, in 1820, and later Sylvester Heath, Samuel Swain, Jr.. Tolm Boughton, and Elias Alvard and Curtis Coe came from Portage-Xunda. ISrewer's Corners, was for a time quite a hamlet, but failed to become a village. The Brewers many of them returned to Xunda as did Swain, after foimding Swainsville. The Parkers, Aldriches, and the Aloses families became the permanent families of the town, and their sons were prominent at Xunda schools and in Xunda companies of soldiers. Besides White the Passages, the liaileys, Eisamons, the Brewers, who left Xunda for Grove-Xunda, there were a few years later, Deacon Bassett, the Tuttles, Samuel Crowfoot, the Sweets, and probably others, while one man Samuel C. Jones, after securing a competence came from there, (Grove Cen- ter) to X'unda having sold a large tract of land to Samuel Swain, Jr., and so what might have been Jonesville became Swainsville, after a railroad came through these lands. He was emphatically a self made man. Left an orphan, with a large family of brothers and sisters to care for. he proved his man- hood by being manly. His mother was left a widow while Samuel her eldest son, was young. Mrs. Alontgomery Thorp, Mrs. Reynolds, Airs. Townsend. and one of the Airs. \'an Xostrands, Thomas and U'illiam Jones, and the father of John Jones of Grove, were his sisters and brothers. Airs. Thorp has often said there never was a kinder or more patient brother than Samuel was to his younger brothers and sisters. He certainly succeeded, as a son and brother. He be- came prominent in town afifairs. was Supervisor and Justice of the Peace, this was another form of success. That he became the owner of a large tract of land, tells that he succeeded financially. He became a lumber man on a large scale. He also became Supervisor of Grove. Samuel C. Jones was the first Townclerk of Granger. He came to X^unda to reside in 1850 and completed his life there. The family of Alontgomery Thorp were possessed of unusual abilit}'. Simeon was graduated from I'nion College, went west and became State Su- perintendent of Schools in Kansas. He also became State Senator. He was 193 a prominent Free State and Union man, and was a martyr to the cause lie espoused. In one of Quantrells raids, he was called to the door and shot dead, by one of the raiders. Captain Alexander Thorp, whose wife was a daughter of Alfred Swain, of Nunda, was educated at Alfred and died in the service. He was killed in the battle of Winchester. Colonel Thomas Jones Thorp graduated at Union College. He helped or- ganize Co. E, 85th N. Y., was wounded at Fair Oaks. He became Lieut. Col. of the first New York Dragoons and afterward Col. and Brevent Brig. General. He erected a monument in Granger for the soldiers that died from that town. Half the monument was for his family. Washington and .-Vziza Moses were sons of Daniel Moses, both have held town and county offices. Washington AL, served his town as Supervisor several terms and his county as Member of Assembly. Children of 1. i, Daniel. Moses and i'hoebe. H. I. FVances. 2. .\shbel. 3. Luther. 4. Washington (see L'ivil List), married Flla Parker, their children : HL I. Grant E., merchant at Dalton. 2. li. Walter, merchant. See Civil List of Xunda. J. X.. married Mabel \\ hite. daughter of George and Mary White. 5. Aziza. L 2. Samuel Moses, brother to Daniel. Marmaduke Aldrich a veteran of the War of 1812-14 who came from Lima to Grove 1822, and to Granger in 1827. His children were, Amasa, Gideon, Nelson, Benjamin, Sally and Mary. Amasa was killed by falling from the back of a wagon. Probably all of these were born before 1827, and so were citizens of Xunda. Alonzo Aldrich was a grandson and soldier. Alphonzo Aldrich was an- (ither, also a veteran. Linus married Mary Kelley, sister of John Kelley ; Lieut. Alphonzo .\ld- rich, married Miss P.eech of Oakland. THE PARKERS IN GROVE-NUNDA There were three Parker families in Xunda not closely connected if at all on the F'arker side. Local Histories say Heerman Parker came to Xunda (Grove) in 1821, and Riley P^arker in 1822, leaving the impression that thc\- were brothers. Mr. Frank Parker says they were brothers-in-law oiilw lioth having married sisters of Samuel Carman of X'unda, that Herman and Ira Parker were brothers. Most important is tin; fact that Riley Parker was a veteran of 1812 and probably served with the Cayuga County militia. He came to Nunda in 1822 from Scipio. He was married to Sally Carman some four years before this, and j\Ir. and Mrs. Parker did not come alone to Nunda. They had good coni]~an\-. tlie genial Sanford came with them, though only two years old, he was not even then, one that could be left out of the conversation. He led it ihen, and he kept on doing so. Piesiiles if a new town was to be founded he was not the one to be late at the founding, so he was there, one nf the first settlers of Grove-Nunda. Who ever knew Sanford Parker to be late. The writer never reached Xunc'.n Station but once in his Hfe, and that time at niidnii^ht, when Sanford lived there, that he was not the first man to be seen. In war times, when he arrived, Sanford met him, saying, "well you want to go down to the valley to see the folks, want a rig?" Of course that was the thing needed, anci though the stable boy had not cleaned the harness oi the buggv for weeks, it always carried its passengers safely to the journevs end. I am glad sanford Parker came to \unda when he did, that for five \ears he was a pio- neer of Nunda, before he lived in Grove, though he lived in the same house in both towns. I don't think I sin mid liaxe enjoyed trading jack Knives with hini in his school days, though he no doubt had a fine varietv to select from. He always saw the worth in e-\'erything however Ijruised or battered it was. hi-, whole livery con.plete would have seemed dear to anyone else at a few hun. Xut.) Elias Smith from Otsego Countv , Darling- Smith from the same county, and his family, including Hiram Smith, horn 180S, settled in the northeast part of town. liis nearest neighbor on the north was three miles away, and on the south, sever.. Ira Hopper from Steuben County, settled in the south part of the town and William White from New England, near the center in 1S18. The first birth, in March, 1817, was of Olive Smith, which precedes any in Portage, Nunda or Grove. It appears there was a negro in the town named Jacques who died in 1817, also Olive Line, a name not previously mentioned. In 1 82 1 Isaac Hatch and Clarissa Pralt were married. In 1819 Isaac VanNostrand purchased 290 acres (lot 20) and for a time lived alone in his log cabin. He built the first saw-mill. It was west of the short tract road. Help was so scarce that he went to Caneadea and secured some Indians to assist. John S. Alinard, historian of Allegany County, wishing to bring out the strong qualities of this vigorous and energetic pioneer, narrates this interesting incident of the "raising." "The timbers were heavy and in raising one of the "bents" some faint-hearted ones came near releasing their hold to the peril of all their lives. X'anXostrand seized a hand spike and threatened direct vengeance on anyone that did not do his utmost. (iiving thundering command, 'He-o-heave' all lifted with a will and up went the bent into place." Williaiii jMoore and Isaac Hatch are mentioned as associated with \'an Nostrand In the building of this saw-mill. The next vear I. \"an Xostrand Duilt the first frame house in Gran9;er. His son Luzon \'an Xostrand, came on in May, the rest of the family in August. Another circumstance showing the scarcity of useful things in this iiio- neer settlement, as well as in others, was that Mr. Van Nostrand had the onh; timepiece in the settlement, and so it was arranged that he should blow upon a conch shell at four o'clock in the morning, at noon and at nine o'clock at night. And so this man of parts and possessions regulated the rising, dinner hour and retiring time of his neighbors. Xo wonder he became the first Supervisor of the town of Granger — and he held the same office in the town of Grove. A man that could get the citizens of Nunda Village up at 4 A. M., and make them retire regularly at 9 P. M., would deserve to go to Congress, but I fear would be sent instead to a lunatic asylum. "That artificial cut otT. "early rising," so common in pioneer settlements — certainly does not exist even in rural life to-day, much less in villages or cities. Miss Urzivilla Williams taught the first school. Elias Smith kept the first inn in 1819, and the first store in 1820. Both inn and store were built of logs, and ^Ir. Patterson nuist have lived there for his little girl got lost in the woods. The whole community searched for her. The firing of a gun or the blowing of a horn, was to let the rest know, that the child had been found. Xo one, must fire, even at a deer, until then. The child was found next day, when an informal julilice of rejoicing was held, guns were fired, horns blown and bells rung. .Ml this in one year makes t8ii) an eventful vear in Granger, Grove and Xunda. The town of Granger was nut formed until 1838, it was a part of Grove after it ceased to lie a part of Xunda. EARLY SETTLERS OF GRANGER In 1820 Ephraim Bullock, a cooper from \'ermont, added a new industry. Two men of luore than ordinary importance to the community settled in 1822 and 1823, viz. : Samuel Closes and Abner Cornstalk. The latter is cred- ited with having cut seven miles of road leading to Xunda. He lived to a great age, and is buried in Oakwod Cemetery. Blessed are the road-makers; for they arc a blessing to themselves an.i others. Enos Baldwin came from Alt. Morris in 1823 and lived all the rest of his life at his farm on the Short Tract. He had a double handle lo his name. He was Captam of Militia and for ^2 years Justice of the I'eace. He died in 1876. His son G. \\'. Baldwin succeeded him on his farm. A STORY OF A GRANGER PIONEER Darling Smith of Granger, 1817, got out of meal, and as meal and wild game were "'the chief of the diet of his family, he started on horseback for Lei- cester twenty miles awa_\'," with a bag of corn. The roads were abominable and traveling slow and he reached home the second day at midnight, tired and hungr\-. The good wife made some hasty pudding and the whole family were called up early, i .\. M., and such a feast as they enjoyed, it is difficult t(.) find words to express. CHAPTER XIV. THE GRIMES FAMILIES The Grimes brothers, Richard and Alvin, came to Barkertown neighbor- hood in 1820. They own so much land now that it is difficult for the younger members of the family to select from their large landed estate the original farms, their other lands have been in the family so long. Richard Grimes took up lot 112 and Ah'in lot 114. James Brewer, a brother-in-law, probably owned 113 for a while, and \\'illiam Shute, another brother-in-law, lot 115. The Donaldson farm, which soon came, through marriage, into the possession of J. P. Grimes, son of Richard Grimes, was a large one of 148 acres. All these farms were just south of the Barker farms, that gave name to the settlement. The Grimes brothers were practical, industrious and frugal. They came and stayed and, unlike the "transients, the moving stones" of those days, they were '"moss gatherers." Richard Grimes, and Anna, his wife, were born in 1774 and lived to be respectively 88 and 83 years of age. Mrs. Grimes died in 1857 and her hus- band in 1862. I\Iargaret Grimes, sister of Richard, born in 1798, died in 1861, aged 63. The son of Richard and Anna was Philip, who married Elizabeth, a daughter of John Donaldson. They also had hut one son, John 1). Grimes, who inherited the estates of his father and mother. He added greatly to both, until he had four hundred acres. 11. Richard Philip Grimes was born in Greene County in 1804, settled 1823, married 1826, died 1872, aged 68. Elizabeth Donaldson Grimes, born Wayne County, 1808, died 1877, aged 6y. III. John Donaldson Grimes, born in Nunda 1829, was educated in Nunda District Schools and Nunda Literary Institute, was a farmer, four hun- dred acres, and teacher of ability, married Sarah A. Hovey, adopted daughter of J. A. Paine, born in Broome County, 1835, left an orphan in early life, mar- ried 1852, died in Nunda village, 1906, an earnest and zealous member of the Presbyterian Church. Children of John D. and Sarah A. Grimes: Frank H. married Miss Margaret Walker;* Scott F., died 1906; Mills S., clergyman (Presbyterian) of Nunda, married Miss Bell, a daughter of Rev. N. H. Bell; Blanche L., married Fred LeClair, grandson of Thomas LeClair, Cooper. John D. Grimes was a successful raiser of hops, and Frank H., is experimenting in ginseng raising. He is the only ginseng farmer in this section. His daughter, Blanche, married John Colton, son of Simpson and Martha Colton. Sisters of Richard and Alvin Grimes: Margaret, single; Airs. James Brewer and Mrs. William Shute. THE TYLERS The Tyler family were perhaps the first settlers of "Elmwood" at the foot of East Street in 1823 or 1824, or of a part of this farm. The family were Mr. Silas Tyler and Mrs. Tyler. Mrs. Tyler married (2) Jesse Barker, Sr.. father of Seth Barker, .Silas Barker died in 1826; the farm was then sold to Dea- con Bassett. Mr. T^-ler was rich in daughters. Lucy married Solomon Donald- son (see Donaldson faniil}!. Celestia J. married Leander Hill (see L. Hill family). She outlived all the early pioneers of Nunda: had five sons and one daughter. Jerusha C. first wife of Albert Page (see Page family). She left three sons. She died in 1837. The youngest daughter was married to John F. Barber. They had no children. She lived but a few years ; is buried at Oakland. There seems also to have been a Silas Gridley Tyler, who pur- chased the old McSweeny school house, foot of East Street, for $fi, in 1827. anil who owned a small house on the site of the M. E. Church. It is said that the widow of Silas Tyler (who died in 1826), the mother of all these fine daughters (who married so well), and probably of this son, Silas Gridley Tyler, was afterward married to the grandfather of M. ( ). Barker: so this family of T}-lers were related to most of the iironiinent settlers of that time. Another family of Tylers not related to Silas or Eli])has : Ellioll Tyler and Abram Hemingway Tyler, were brothers, and though hundreds of miles apart both died on the same d'A} : Ellioll was married to Cynthia Richardson, ]:)orn 1800, daughter of Lieut. \\'illiani Richardson, who settled in Nunda in 1820, Mrs. T_\ler came with him with her four children, .\lonzo, who mar- ried Miss Tin"za Guy, daughter of Jacob Guy, Melissa Willis and Mary. Abram H. Tyler's wife was a sister of Jesse and Amos Barker, and their son. Hemingway, was reared by his maiden aunts. He married (first) his cousin, Miss Barker and (second) Mrs. Martha Colton, daughter of John Merithew. SHUTE-GRIMES FAMILY I. \\'illiani Shute. married ."-Susannah Grimes: his son, Richard, married Susan Mull, daughter of Christopher Mull : Alniira ^I., married *Martin Smith ; she resides in Barkertown. Her two sons : George, married Belle Abbott, Charles married Miss Tyler. All live at Barkertown. Her brothers, *Henry Shute, married Kate Bentley ; he died in KJ07. Alfred married Pollv Close : he 198 died in 1837; William married Betsey Brink; Alden, born 1804, married Theo- docia Hav ; he died 1854, she died 1856; Major, married Nancy King. I. John Donaldson family. II. I. Solomon, married, first, Luc}' Tyler, second. Airs. Elvira (Page) Peck. The daughter of Airs. Peck was Sarah Manette Peck, who married Sylvanus Ellis, Superintendent of Schools, Rochester, N. Y. Both are buried at Xunda. II. 2. Bo_\-d Donalilson, married Mary A. Consaulas. Their son *John Donaldson. *AIrs. Boyd Donaldson married *James Lemen. Their son *Frank Lemen. II. 3. Abigail. II. Elizabeth married Richard Philip Grimes (see Grimes family). *David Evans (veteran) married Melitta Grimes ; one daughter married Wirt. Cora Evans, married Charles \'anBuskerk. Austin Evans died in the service. LEANDER HILLS FAMILY I. Leander Hills pioneer, settled 1824. Leander Hill, wife and son, Bissell. came to Rochester by canal and by team the rest of the way, and set- tled on the Abbott farm, east of the Keshequa, in 1824. He was born 1801, went west after the war. died at Highland, Kansas, 1887. Mrs. Celestia J. Hill, born 1802. died at Highland, Kansas, 1900, aged 97>4 years. Their children : Lieut. Bissell died at Aladison. Wis., 1893, aged 70. He was a Quar- termaster in a Wisconsin regiment but was mustered out because of sickness. Lathroj) Hills commenced his engineering in Chautauqua Hollow with Myron Shepard, and went West with him and became an expert while locating a railroad from Denver. He was shot by Indians near where Clieyeime was afterwards Iniilt. (len. Dodge, chief engineer, credited Division Engineer Seth Hills with saving the company $100,000 by a change of survey, over 20 miles of the route. Milton F. Hills served in Capt. Lemen's Company and was twice promoted. He was captured by the enemy and finally exchanged. His letters from Cripple Creek are glowing with boyhood recollections of the Xunda of former vears. His two sons are mining engineers and metallurgists. Henrv A. Hills was also a soldier. He went out with Capt. McNair's company as First Sergeant of Company F. He was promoted twice, succeeding our present townsman, Lieut. H. G. King, when the latter was promoted to First Lieutenant, and also became First Lieutenant when Lieut. King resigned. He is Hving- at Highland, Kansas, and has two sons and two daughters. Seth Hills, an older brother, did not enter the service. He settled at Odin, III., and died there in lyoi, aged 76 years. Mary Hills married David .Mien of the good old Ethan Allen family, in 1862. She died at Highland, leaving one son and six daughters. CLARK SHEPARD FAMILY Clark Shepard. married I'olly Johnson, jehiel and Jesse, (brothers) Children of Clark and i'olly: 1. llancy, 2. Horace and 3. Marv. Mary .\. Shepard, married Previse i'err>-. Jr. Charles Wirt Perry, married Mary Eliza- beth Chambers: John M. IVrrv, .Xunda Laundry; Previse Perry, Sr., married Dollv Renix, lived in village when old. 11. .\dna. married in Penna ; Wil- 199 liam. married Weeks of Sparta : Kpliraiiu. marrieil Squires : Pollx. married IJutterrteld : Susan, married Henry Walker of Xunda: Eliza, married Erastus D. Hal-itead: Dolly, married Samuel Seelye. oi Xunda. (son of Lyman -Seelye. jiioncer of Xunda): Sall_\ . married Abraham DeCirolT: IVevisc married Mary A. Slicpard : (Mrs. IVrry lives in Xunda with her son, John M.): Charles, an M. D.. and \et. Civil War. Surp.. Michigan Kegt. ; Jane Renix : .Seneca, married Jane Ratlibun : James, a "forty-niner," died on his over- land journey to California; llenry, inarried in i-Vidoiiia : .'^andcrs a veteran Mich. Kegt. THE HALSTEADS (l). I'ialt llalste.ul. ."-ir., married • Lucy Sherwood, daughter of Zadock Sherwood. (11). Erastus 1). Ilalstead. married Eliza I'erry. (III). I'latt C. Halstcad. Deputy SherifT. .Sujiervisor. of Xunda. and Sherift' of Livingstr.n County i<)07. married (i) ; (2) Ma_\ Paine, daughter of Wells I'aine. SILSBY (I). I. Jacob Silsby. married Mary Ann Slicpard; J. i r.rotlicr .*-iamucl Silsby). I'Veil \ anLiew and wife. .Martin \ auLiew (veteran). The Irwins succeeded one family of the Chapins at an early date before 1827. (I). Abel Irwin, married Mrs. Lane; Kate Lane, married Elisha Sherman: Thomas: .Sanuiel : Edward, married in the south, wife died; Jeru- sha ; Elizabeth: Electa, marrieil William W. Osgoodby. son of J. H. C ). John Hatterson family lived on Mt. .Morris side of line. Those who have lived in Xuntla are: II. * William liatterson (veteran Civil War) ) married ( 1 ) * Harriet .\lvard [2\ Mrs. .Morris). 3. John died in Indian warfare. 111. \\'infield Scott liatterson. married C)phelia Magee. (Mrs. Liatterson had four brothers in the Civil War) : Harriet, married Skellengcr ; Cert Skellen- .ger, married Town, blacksmith, daughter of Henry Town. Children of A\'. S. and O. B. : Clara, married Hon. D. W. Mickey; Carrie, married Robert Sipiires : *James Chambers, son of James Chambers, lived near the .Skinner Mill, married Amanda Battcrson. They had sons and daughters, one. Grant, is a Baptist clergyman, and another was President of Lestershire village, but has since then died. Mrs. John Butterson's secontl husband. Charles Henr}- Waver, was a veteran of the I'loriila war with Indians, anil of the Civil War. William Renix and Mrs. Renix ( Dolly Renix. married Previse Perry. Sr., probably a sister). Cousins: Eliza Renix, married James Durvee, son of Renix Durvee: Mrs. James Durvee died in Xunda \'illage. A niece, Jen- nie lirodt. an ado])ted daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Durvee. married Ralston Conklin. Her daughters. I'lora. married Suydam. .son of .Vndrcw S. ; Ella, single. Children of William Renix. (Jl Mary Eliza Renix; Jane .\nn Renix. married ."^^eneca Perrv ; llenry: John: .\gnes. THE BASSETT FAMILY The liassett familv lived at the foot of l-^asi .Street. The family are men- tioned by sketch writers. They |)robably settled in i8jf). sent four children to 200 school, one of them named David, one Sabrina. They removed to Grove- Nunda before 1828. Georce llassett owned a farm there hiter. 1826— THE GUYS This family were earl\ settlers and owned at various times several farms. Isaac Guy. was the ])ioneer, Jacob and Alexantler his sons. There was also at one time a \\'illiam X. ( iuy. wife and daughter, who belonged to the Baptist Church, the}- removed from there a few years after settlement. Isaac Guv, was connected with the distillery business, and Jacob Gu\' bought the William A. Wilcox [iropertx at Wilcox Corners since then known as Guv's Corners, Alexander Guy and sons were skillful shoemakers. Children of Alexander Guy. n. 1. Louise C. married William C. Iniller. .son of Joshua, (see Fuller family): 2. I.^elia .\,, a dressmaker; t,. ( )scar, married ]\lary .Vnn Shippey ; 4, William H.. married Maria Huggins (daughter of William), whose daughter. III. Ella Guy, married Charles Downs, son of JMartin and Sarah Downs ; 5. Adeline Guy : (Jrville and Clinton. THE BAGLEYS— THE BUILDERS AND THE LAWYERS 1823. Captain (iNIilitia) Henry Bagley, a carpenter and builder settled in Niinda when frame houses became a possibility, or a \ear before, if statistics of our settlement are correct. Indeed his services were in greater requisition at first at Hunt's Hollow, then the metropolis of ( Half-town ) Xunda. While there employed he was interested in a rresb_vterian church movement that re- sulted in the building of a Presbyterian church there, which after a number of years became the Baptist church of Grove and Portage, now located at Hunt. But frame houses were a possibility in 1824 for, Willoughby Lowells' saw mill w'as active near where the .'-^waiu and Joslyn grist mill still stands and, it is said, then, or soon after, there were fourteen saw mills in the town of Portage on the Keshequa. Silas Warren was the first car- penter and he built many of the early frame houses. Xo man who ever lived in Nunda knew so much about who caused the building of all the houses in the place as Captain Bagley, and probably no one built more of them. He li\'t-d to be 92 years of age, though his last days were spent with his children, awa_\' from the village he did so much as a workman to l)uild. X'n man in the community was better known or more respected. He honored the calling of "the blaster" whose trade he shared. Married ( i ) Lucy Hoadle>', (2) Eliza A. I'.rown. Children of Henr\ li. and Lucy Hoadley : George, who married Margaret Howell; Luc_\- Howell, married Loomis, and died at Rushville. Children of Henry and Eliza ; Mary married Lewis Bliss, their son Fred Bliss has been Mayor of Corry, Pa., where the family resides ; Clif- ford H. Bagley, is married and lives in Corry, Pa. Benedict Bagley, a brother of Capt. Bagley, Nunda's second lawyer, came to Xunda about the time he was admitted to the bar 1834. A. C. Chipman came first. Addison M. Grant came the same tune, and Hon. Luther C. Peck, who preceded them all as a law- 3'er in the courts of Allegany, came in the spring of 1841. Until 1832 Xunda settled all its differences without a lawyer, but never since. Portage has never 201 Capt. Henry Baglev Church Street, Nunda had one, but has hired Nuiula talent. Miles Moli'at, however, practiced law at Genesee Falls, about 1838-50. At the time of the canal celebration in 1836, Benedict Bagley was president of the day and -\ddison M. Crane, the poet of the occasion. The residence of this great lawyer did not match his celebrit\-. It was only large enough for a law office, but his family lived there too. Everyone who has lived in Nunda knows the building, it stood where the Grace church now stands, until 1852. Dr. Chittenden then moved it down East Street to the parsonage well, and Mrs. Bowhall has lived in it for many years on Center Street. It was burned to the ground a few months since. Mr. B., after 1850 built on Mill Street, the house now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright. He had become A'ice President of what is now the Erie railroad (Hornell Branch) and was classed with great lawyers. His student .\. M. Crane be- came a member of Assembly in the west. As stockholder and director of a railniad, I'.agley probably sunk all iiis funds, excepting his charges againsi the compau}- for legal advice. He removed with his wife and daughter to Dans- \'ille in 1855 and died in 1875. aged 75. 1824— FRAME HOUSES AND RIVER NAVIGATION This year frame houses were built in town and village, the first that there are any record of. Asa Heath is said to have built the first in the village, and George W. Merrick the first (>rches. Ija\" windows, one pane sashes to windows, and hke many anotlier well painted beanty appear decidedly youthful. This \ear also navigation opened on the Genesee River below the Lower Falls. The Erie canal was completed to Rochester, and now shingles, grain and potash could be sent from Rochester to New York, There was one man with energy enough to undertake to make the Genesee serve his bidding. If arks could be sent to Baltimore from Ark]:)orl on the Canisteo Creek, and they had been for a quar- ter of a century, then the\- could be sent down the Genesee also. Sanford Hunt was the Noah, to inaugurate the movement and probably one of the Pet- ersons, who was said to be an Arkwright, built the ark, and Hunt himself was the Golumbus, to seek not a new world, but a new market. A Geneseo news- pa])er under date of AIa_\ 27, 1824, announces the passing of the "Hazard" from Xunda down tne river, loaded with lumber, potash and pearl ashes for Al- ban\'. The same year steam navigation was tried on the Genesee up the river as far as Geneseo. THE WAITES AND JOSLYNS John W'aite, Esq., said to be a veteran of the war of 1812-14, settled on the Gibbs llomestead. Gii)bs, llufi'alo. Holmes and Seward Streets and Oak- wood cemetery are on this farm. ^^'aite settled in 1823, and his brother-in- law, Lindsay Joslxn in 1824. THE WAITES Jiihn W'aite, Esq., tijok u]i in the early days a large farm which extended over tile rntire wesrern ami uc rth.western part of our village. A large log house a Utile to the south and east of the (_7ibbs mansion faced the road to Oak- land, furnished a home for his large family. Airs. Waites' maiden name was Phoebe Thompson. Fheir children: Almina, who was married td Eclw. .^wain and afterward to Samuel Skinner; Emily was married to Cami)l)ell Allen of Castile: Loverna to a Air. Alaunard of Canada: and Garifelia also married a Canadian. The sons, Erastus Darwin married Heps\- Erench : Thompson died while a young man: David Vandalia became an M. D., Hiram died in 1904. Aged 78. Two handsome boy twins, Edward and Edwin, if living are now- ~~ \-ears of age. The Waites were a scholarly family and an honor to the trnvn. The^• sold out to Eli Sharp, whose boys were noteil base ball players 15 years later. A\'aite moved to Wilcox Corners and afterward returned and built a house on Churcli Street, but died elsewhere before it was completed. THE JOSLYNS The Jnslyns were en.ergetic and sclniiarly. Airs, joslyn was a sister of Squire \\'aite. Their son Waite Joslyn lost a limb m a threshing machine and so a store was built for him on the site of the W. B. Whitcomb store, where his father in 1832 became the first postmaster in Xunda village succeed.- ing Wm. P. Wilcox, and Null as postmaster at Wilcox Corners in 183 1. Zara W., taught a select school, Adoniram, Chauncey and Zara W., were all teachers in the school on East Street and on Alill Street, One of the sons probably Chauncey was assistant secretary of the Interior Department under U, S. Senator, Henry M, Teller, at the same time that Alajor George Lockw^ood was chief clerk in this departnient. Secretary Teller lived when a boy m Alle- gany County, and it is saif dry humur, he was said to preacli sometimes, mostly in school houses. Like his neighbor, Leter M\-ers he would have preferred a Free Will Baptist church, but that form of church belief, did not exist in Xunda until after his day, so he attended the ministratinns nf the Baptist church. The family were very intelligent, the l)o\s were inclineil in youth to be full of pranks, of a harndess order, but soljcred down at manh 1 lu the sterling realities of the sedate type of life reiinired at that time of all ]irofes- sors of religion. Looketl at from a jiresent standpoint where cheerfulness and joy are not antagonistic to a de\'out life, we can't help but rejoice that the boys got some pleasure as they were going along toward a more sedate maidiood. We will introduce Deacon Daniel and Sarah Wisner, who o\vned several hundred acres of land on the Cranston road and their four sons. (2) Horace, married Rachel Hudnut : William, married Betsex- Hudnut : Eliza, married in Pennsylvania, her husband was killed b\' a falling tree: Calvin, married Polb' Hudnut; and LaFayette. married Harriet Warner, sister of ( )ctavia Warner Page of this place. .\ story was in print twenty-five or thirty years ago, that if good then is now. Two of the bo_\s, (who can tell if the embryo jjreacher was one of tliemi, found some excuse for staying away from church, and saw the rest of the fam- ily depart for meeting. The boys then hied away to the Keshecpia. where there was a good swimming hole, with a s])ring board attachment, and Cduimenced indulging in their well planned amusement. .\n old ram that they owned had become somewhat pugnacious, and sometimes helped the boys make good time out of the pasture lot, and over the fence; sometimes they had found it a matter of prudence to jump into the creek as the\- could make better time in the water than Mr. Buck. This day they had planned some new amusement. Thev ex- hibited themselves in nature's co'^tume and invited, the attention of the adver- sary. He accepted the challenge and caine at full sjieed after them. The wide plank spring board over which the Imys ran seemed no obstacle, he fullnwed them with such headway that he cnuld not sto]i and into the water he went, while the boys were soon on the bank, .\gain and again they causeil their fleecy adversary to plunge in. Ijut lonking up they discovered coming toward 205 thein the keen old Deacon, intent on findmg out the secret for staying at home on Sunday. Carefully hiding themselves in the bushes they saw the Deacon approaching, and soon he was out on the spring board peering around for the bo\s. The buck also saw the old man, he had got down on his knees to look into the bushes, when ker-whack ! splash ! into the pool goes Deacon and ram, both dressed in their very best garments. Did those youngsters laugh? It was na- tural they did. Did they not hel]i their poor father out? No, the buck tried hard to, for he did not see that his new adversary was less pranky than the others. The boys all dry and clean met the bedrenched Deacon when he reached home, and expressed surprise that he had not gone to church, but the Deacon knew the joke was on him and was wise enough to consider the incident closed. The story got into print, but it was not the Deacon that furnished the particulars. About the year 1839 or 1840, the Latter Day Saints or jMormons sent out their Missionaries among the Gentiles of that day, and by their songs, their new Bible, their speech in unknown tongues, their power to interpret tongues, their insistence on immersion as the true baptism, in this community mostly holding to that form, they found ready listeners and many converts. In Portage, Ossian and Chautauqua Hollow they were very successful so the_\' tried Nunda. The A\'isner school house {or was it the Coopersville school house), furnished the l)lace, and an eager audience listened to the new revelations all in scriptural lan- guage, with the holy tone and apt quotations from prophetic prophesies of lat- ter day glories were being disseminated niucli to the satisfaction of the credu- lous and su|)ersitions that listened to the elocnient speaker. Mnally he said that to some were given the power to speak in an unknown tongue, and to others were given the interpretation. He added that he could speak in a tongue he could noung for at least four generations, for most of our pioneers lived to be very old and their stories of the past live in her memory still. Her little home, just large enough for one is almost historic, it \vas built by William Haldane,' the architect and builder o! the first Presbyter- ian church (now the Methodist) and her iiouse stood on ihe site of the Epis- copal church, after Halpine built his brick house, the rect iry. tho small house was rentet! to Benedict Bagley, E^(|., and like others of the young village it re- mains a type of the small houses that were built before Nunda was incorpo- rated. It served as Dr. Chittenden's dental office from 1S51 to '50 near the M. E. parsonage well, when it was mo\'e(l to Mill Street where the old institute was burned and afterwards was bought liy Mrs. Ijowhall and moved to Center Street, where she has since resided. Her historic house was burned to the ground April 4th, iijoS with its con- tents. Mrs. Bowhall now 83, is with a niece at Alfred, N. Y. THEIR NEIGHBORS, THE SHEPARDS Hiram, tJarvev snd Xaron S!iei)ard were l^rothers. Hiram was a bache- lor, Harvey married and moved to Baltimore, while Aaron raised a large family of boys and girls of that choice quality that pioneer families in Xunda often produced. Copied by the Nunda Xews. Aaron Shepard died in Xunda in 1867, Mrs. Shepard in 1852, Parker in 1905, Melissa in 1988, Thomas in 1857 The family located at Chautauqua Hollow first but exchanged farms with a farmer from the Myers district several years later. Peter DePuy changed to Chautauqua Hollow about the same time. The sons of Aaron were Parker, Myron, a civil engineer, Thomas who died in early manhood, Harvey, Louis, Cvrus and James. The daughters were Melissa (^Irs. Emmons) and Martha Jane (Mrs. Foster). Mr. Foster was at one time a produce dealer in this vil- lage. Myron, Harvey, Louis and Cyrus, were all soldiers of the Civil \\'ar, Louis was wounded at Antietam and while on his way Xorth , his train was wrecked and his injuries Vv'ere increased to such an extent that he died before reaching home. He was one of the very best young men who went from our town to the front. The family went west where their skill and integrity were appreciated and they rose to high and important positions; Cyrus as Land Com- missioner, received a salary of $3,000 a year. They visit Nunda frequently and "Home Week" will probably bring these Xunda veterans to the front ranks as "boy pioneers" of Nunda. Mr. Aaron Shepard \\as connected with the M. E. church of this place. Parker Buell Shepard the oldest son died at Moscow, Mich., aged jfi \ears. We clip the following from the Xorth Adams (Alich.) Advocate. DEATH OF A FORMER RESIDENT Parker B. Shepard, a former Xunda resident, died at Moscow, Mich., Sun- day. The Xorth .\dams (^Mich). Ad\ocalc says: "Parker Buell Shepard was 210 born in Livingston County, New York, September 13, 1828, and died at hi^ late liome in Moscow township, April if), 1905, aged 76 \ears, 7 months and 3 days. He was united in marriage with Ehnyra Rynex in 1853. To them were born five daughters and two sons, who survive them. i\Ir. Shepard came to [Michigan and settled in .Moscow township in 185(1, where together with liis wife they made a home and family name to lie honored Oy all who knew them. Mr. Shepard leaves beside his own family four broth- ers and one sister to mourn his loss. He was a good man, a good citizen, a good neighbor and a dc\'Oted father, and will be sadly missed by his family and friends." AI\ron was a civil engineer, begun practice between Dalton and Portage Station, worked on railroad near Cincinnati, became citv engineer at Stillwater. Minn., enlisted in ist Minn. Inf.. served three years, was mustered out as first lieutenant. A i\Ir. Morrison and one of the Hill boys shared his experience in practi- cal surveying on the Erie railroad, all from the Institute, thev also were en- gaged together at Cincinnati about 1857 to 58. Harvey Shepard also attended the Nunda Literary Institute about 1859. went to Stillwater, Minn., and en- listed in 1861, in 1st !Minn. I:'>attery, served about two years, returned to Xunda and attended school here another term. Returned in 1867 to Stillwater, Minn., engaged in lumbering, was County Surveyor and Countv Treasurer. Resides Nunda, Adams, Mich. Lewis attended the Institute, studied law with W. S. Coffin, enlisted in 1861 in Company -\, 104th X. Y. Infantry., was wouilned in the battle of Antietam, and while on his way home was in a railroad collision and received additional injuries. He died January 20. 1863, one of the best young men Xunda ever produced. James lives in Xorth Adams. Mich.. Mar- tha attended the Nunda Literary Institute, in 1867, she married H. L. Foster, also a soldier in the iO-|th, and who lost a leg at Antietam died at Stillwater. Minn., where Mrs. Foster still resides. Cyrus Shepard went west in 1861, after looking about in several states, enlisted at Lacrosse, Wis., in Co. D, 14th Wis. Infy., as a private soldier, among strangers served more than four years continuous service, was in all the marches, engagements and battles of that regi- ment, and was mustered out as captain, was in 100 engagements great and small, including the siege, assault and capture of Vicksburg. Returned to Xunda after the war, taught school in the log school house on East Hill one \ear. In 1868 went west again, settled at Stillwater, Minn., and followed mer- cantile business several years, was appointed by Grover Cleveland, Registrar LT. S. Land office at Xorthington, Mimi. Re-ap|)ointed Registrar L^. S. Land, office at Marshall, I\Iich., serving 13 years, till the office was closed. Capt. Cyrus P. Shepard gives me by request these facts concerning his family, with impaired health he looks forward in hope to see his friends again in 190S. Be- sides these he hopes also to see his boyhood home "An old lane, an old gate, an old house liy a tree, a wild wood, a wild brook, they will not let me he. In my boyhood I knew them, and slill they call to me." 211 THE COLLISTERS Loren and Rice CoUister, were pioneers and neighbors of the Shepards and Craige's and Johnson's. They both married sisters of Marsh Johnson and moved to Granger — the Colhsters of that town are merchants and their sons have been graduates of our High school and of college. Marsh Johnson lived and died in Nunda, one of his sons John T. Johnson served in the Civil War and returned but died before the great strife was ended. THE HAYS The one distinction between this family and that of many of the pio- neers is their posterity are with us still. (I) Warren, married Miranda .Shute ; Jonathan, married Julia Collins; Almond, married Charlotte Shute ; Horace ; Theodocia, married Alden Shute. H. I. Children of Warren; Lemira, married Henry King; 2. Milo Eld- ridge, Sr. ; Caroline, married Preston ; Flora, married William Holmes ; William ; and Hiram, a veteran Mich. Regt. H. 2. Children of Jonathan: i. Mary Jane; 2. Ann Eliza; 3-4. Ellen Maria and Helen Sophia (twins); Joseph; Martha Josephine; and John Murray ; the last name suggests that this family of Hays were Universalists, and named their youngest after the first preacher of Universal salvation, in America. Children of ,\lmon : 11. 3. Aurilla, married James Woodworth ; Grant. Children of Horace: H. 4. Orren and Warren, (twins.) n. 5. Children of Theodocia Shute, Clarissa and Martha. ni. Children of Lemira King: Deleino, married Robert Holmes; Mary, married Hay. Children of Aurilla Woodwortli ; Mary married Dr. Wisner ; Helen is an M. D., resides in Boston. IV. Children of Dell and Robert Holmes ;Belle. married Harry Kellogg; Grace ; Clarence Holmes, married Kate Marsh. V. The Kellogg children, i. Robert. 2. King. 3. Ethel Laura. THE HAVENS FAMILY *Stephen P., soldier killed; *Cassius, married, veteran, died 1907; John; Delia, married *Adello Slocum, western editor. 1830 L Daniel Pittinger, married Pratt, aunt to Mrs. .\rch McArthur; n. Gertrude Pittinger, married .-Mfred Swain; Roselle Pittinger, married Joseplius .Schuyler ; Joshua Pittinger, married Chandler. I. Isaac Pittinger brother to Daniel lived on East Hill. Mr. and Mrs. P., left their young children alone one evening while they made a call on a neighbor. The house burned to the ground and the two children perished. 1821— THE PAGES, SERGEANTS AND HANDFORDS The Page families came from Paris. Oneida County. .\ibert Page and his brothers and sisters were the children of Eli Page, who with two of his sons remained there. Those who came to Xunda were .Mbert, Eli Jr. ; Her- iiion L. : Elvira (Mrs. Peck) and Louisa (Mrs. Sergeant), .\lhert Page was born in 1800 and when 21 years of age came to Xunda, selected fifty acres of land, built a log bouse, cleareugh. Their children: II. ^Nathaniel Clough, Jr.. was a book clerk, ( )regon ; Sarah, married Chauncey Toslyn ; Mary .\nn was second wife of Palmer Rawson ; Angeline, mar- ried Piett of Michigan; Dorcas, single; Asher, married i, Caroline Rawson ; 2, Crandall ; Luther, married Martha Morley ; Martha Jane, married Calvin Rodgers ; Clarissa, married Thomas At wood, Jr.: X'ictoria, mar- ried ( 1 ) Hiram Rathbon, (2) Silas Rawson; John Clough, was a soldier, in the west. Xathaniel Clough, a pioneer of 1821, with considerable means for those times, \\ ent into the Mercantile business at Messenger's Hollow ( now Oak- land ) with Azel Fitch, and afterward with Dr. W. Z. Blanchard. It is the usual fate of farmers, who change their vocation and engage in business of which they have no experience, to obtain after a time a surplus of experience, at a cost of the farm. Xathaniel Clough a most excellent man. was no exception to the rule above stated. Some men are too good, to become good business men. THE REYNOLDS FAMILY OF PIONEERS— A PIONEER INCIDENT 1828 .As Seth Barker, pioneer, went to his work felling trees, one morning after he had settled some years, he heard in the distance east of him, the crow- ing of a rooster. Unaware he had any neighbors in that direction he deter- iiiiriecl when time permitted to ascertain who they were. Fortune favored him. for the Paine boys, Judson and Lucius, came along and he gave them the direc- tirm and they went and found a family by the name of Reynolds settled there, with two l)oys. William and Belden. Th.ere was also a young lady in the fam- ilv named Julia Ann. but whether daughter or sister, Mr. Alunson Barker, my informant could not say. The family lived there until the boys became men. 218 CHAPTER XV; THE CREEK ROAD PIONEERS THE farms along the Creek Road, leading through the best farming lands ot the town, were for a century or more before the settlement of the very earliest of the pioneers, tilled by the Indians, from, Xnnda Junction to the Kesliequa, on both sides of that stream, and through the pres- ent village of Nunda. There are abundant evidences of Indian occupancy. Some of the pioneers avoided these lands as already w'orn out, but others took advantage of their small clearings, to jilant crops. Among those who are mentioned as tirst settlers on Judge Carrolls orig- inal map, are: nearest to the village. Deacon Bassett, (at Elmwood); William Huffman, ( StUIwell-Marsliall farm); Jonathan Rarron ( Sturgeon-McMaster farm); Daniel Ashley (John & R. G. Rennett farm); .\bram Porter (The Jones Homestead), .Sanniel Rockefellow soon succeeded him on a part, and then on the whole of it ; (_^ranville Sherwood, and Alphens Irlerrick next to the town line, Sherwood soon after owned both these farms. The succession o( owners to "Elmwood" the Dowling farm ha,^ been numerous, ISassett in 1826 Silas T}ler, 182^ (died in ibp.(>). Enos Dickenson, Lyman Herrick ( Her- rick and Cobby had nursery there). This brings it up to a time when citizens of the present Innc remember, .\lward, .\shleys, the AL'irtms and Dowdings. The Hviffmans preceded the Stillwells who left it to their ne])hew. Rev. Dr. James Marshall. Barron, also sold to Xathanie' Chandler about if^V\ who had lived on the State Road for aboni: four years, previous to 1830. The Stur- geon family came next. Daniel Ashley sold a large estate to John Bennett and sons. The .\. Porter farm passed through the hands of Samuel Rockefellow. to Silas .Angier and his grandson John, and through them within the writer's recollection to his cousin. Joseph Russell, an.l from him tii Samue' C. Jones, from Granger, and though it has had three owners since, it has been since i85;> and is still the Jones Homestead. The ,*^herwood farm became the Parkard fariii, and has remained so until recently. The lands from or east of the road, that w^ere changing frequently, (1840-1852), came into the hanils of Silas C. Rob erts. and remained there until recently. Mr. C. X. Yencer is the last pur- chaser of the Roberts, and the Sherwood farms. Of the Bassetts, but little is known. .\fter selling they moved into the town of Grove. The large Huffman family we will give elsewhere, also the Jonathan Barro;i family. The .\shle\s. Rarrons and Huflfmans, were the own- ers of two miles of lands that ha\-e since been frequently suhflividcd. The famih' of Daniel -\shley. that came from Plooniheid, became promi- nent in Xunda Cliurch life in 1827. THE ROCKAFELLOWS First Generation Samuel Rockafellow, Sr.. .settled in 1823, and died at the age of 94; Mrs. Elizabeth Rockafell'jw , died, age 88. Second Generation *Johanna, married *Joseph Fraley. ♦Margaret, married *Abel Barron. *Rachel, married *Hiram Cornwell. ♦Elizabeth, married *Abram Howell. *Mary, married *John Angier. *John (purchased land with J. P'raley. ) *Mahlon, died, aged 31. *Sameul Jr., married Clarissa Lenien. daughter of William Lemen, (on the A. Barron farm ) . George, married Eliza Warner, sister of Orlando and Ebcn. W. 'Sh. Fraley's second wife Hann is living in this village, with her daughter, Mrs. F'. M. Ostrander. She is an own cousin to John W'anamaker. Mar- garet died without children, and the second wife was *AIargaret Norton, the mother of Mrs. Harriet Dowling, .\. C. B. &c. (See Barron familv). Mr. Cornwell was a tailor and his wife learned the trade at his shop on Mill Street. They btiilt the large house Xo. 41 East Street also Xo. 43, but both died soon afterward. Mr. and Mrs. Howell are also buried at Oakwood Cemetery. John Angier married the \oungest daughter Mary. They also completed their life in Xiuida but left children. (See Angier family 1835). John and Mah- lon are also buried in Oakwood. Fourteen out of eighteen are buried in Oak- wood Cemetery, besides the parents. Samuel and George went elsewhere to reside about 1846. The entire eighteen were, nr had been, at one time members of the liaptist Church, this also was unusual. I. 2. Henry Kockafellow was a brother of Samuel but lived on the oppo- site, or Mt. Morris side of the County Line (now town line). He settled there in 1823. bo.ught of the Warners. Eben and Orlando. (The Emory Kendall farm) • a small frame house that he had moved to the east side of the road, and there he lived with his household for a time. The house the writer remembers seeing moved to Coopersville. It was said to have been the first frame house erected m that neighborhood. It was built in 1823 and moved in 1848. In this house the Blair family also lived. Henry Rockafellow was especially rich in sons, some of them had moved away when they attained their majority. All that remained bent all their ener- gies in the direction of a liberal education. David born in 1805. Daniel, Asa and Hiram, the writer never knew ; but was told, by their brother Samuel, of their existence. John J., was one of the students in the Presbyterian Academy, one of the best : was a teacher and School Commissioner, and County Clerk of Alle- gany County. He married in Xunda a daughter of John S. Wright, and lived for a time in the village. Lambert Rockafellow was a carpenter by trade, built a house on the Creek Road, that the writer called home for twelve years or more. Samuel L. Rockafellow married in Mt. Morris. He was a prominent merchant and manufacturer there. He was born in 1826. and is still living. The daughters of IIenr\- and Mary Jones Rockafellow were only two in number. Margaret born in 1810. who married a neighbor. David J. Blair, and moved during the forties to Iowa, died in 1908. aged 98 years. Samuel L.. born 1826, her \oungest own brother. 82 years old. and Charles H. Rockafel- low, a half brother, born 1837, are all that are left of this large household. A 220 younger daug)iter was Eliza, who married John Olp, son nf Daniel Olp. They lived after their marriage in the town of Xuntla; four children were born to them : Deborah, Lambert, Charles Pearl and Eva. II. Mrs. Eliza Olp, died about i860. Those of her posterity who are liv- ing at this time in Nunda are the family of W. Fred C. Olp, son of Charles P. Olp, who is cashier of the Nunda Bank. He married Florence Dowling, daugh- ter of Michael and Harriet L. Dowling. They have as a representative of the fifth generation of Rockafellows, a daughter Harriet. II. Charles H. Rockafellow, a half-brother of these Rockafellows, and of the Kendalls, married Sophia Walker, daughter <:>f Eph. Walker (veteran 1812). Their children were: III. I. *Addie, who married *Richard ESristol ; (2) John Emory, who lives in Chicago; (3) Minnie, who married Allison Jas. Paine, son of Almiron Paine, grandson of Jas. Paine, pioneer 1817-1872. R'. The grandchildren are : \'ada Rockafellow, daughter of J. E. Rockafellow ; and Adelaide and John Paine. AN INCIDENT AND A STORY— BOY PROFANITY AFTER the marriage, late in life, of Henry Rockafellow and the widow Kendall, some of the younger men were joking him, when to their sur- prise he challenged them to a contest in athletics. There was a wagon standing near by, without box, but with a few planks on, and the old gentleman jumped over this and invited those \ounger, to follow his lead. As none of these jokers dared to follow the example, tliey concluded he was young enough to get married again if he chose to. Most of these two families thus brought into family relations by the mar- riage of their parents, were grown up and married, but there were some of both families who were young. An incident that Mr. Rockafellow often narrated, will serve to show^ the ditiference between the boys of that day and the present time. Two of the boys about eight and ten years old. had begun to notice that some of the men in the community smoked tobacco and used profanity. These youngsters did not want to be back numbers, so one of them said to the other, "Let's be men." "All right," said the other, "what shall we do to be men?" "Well," said the elder of the twain, "we must smoke, for one thing." "Yes that's so, almost all the men smoke." So they looketl around for some- thing to smoke. A dead grape vine served for a cigar for one, and some dry corn silks in a pipe served the other. They smoked awhile as solemn as Indian Chieftains. "Well," said the spokesman, "'tis time we begin to swear." "All right, you begin, and I'll follow." They hesitated awhile, before taking the fatal step. "You begin," said the youngest, ".\11 right, well here goes. I swear," said No i, "So do I," said No. 2, and in imagination 'the}- were big, bold, bad men." SAMUEL ROCKAFELLOW, SR., AND WIFE ELIZABETH Porn in New Jersey, came to Mount Morris 1823 and to Xunda 1823, lioth lived to a good old age. Mrs. Rockafellow was 88 years of age and "Uncle Sammy," as he was generally called, was 94. 221 This family was ricli in (laughters, who all completed their useful lives in this town. \'ery few have ever heard that the first long-log-hoiise of this fam- ily was not where 'the red house now stands in which they lived so long, though they lived in both, but it was on the south west corner of the field near Coopers- ville road and school house. Here these industrious pioneers commenced their pioneer life in Xunda. There could not have been a more industrious woman than this housewife, she did not even take time to stand erect when at work, but bent diiwn with household tasks, kept that position to save precious time. No wonder her daughters were sought for by the most eligible young men of that day for they were fitted for the arduous tasks of pioneer housekeepers Tlie family was large, five daughters and four sons. THE PIONEER SHERWOODS— LONGEVITY I. Zadoc. born in Connecticut 1759, enlisted 1771'), married 1777. settled Xorthville 17S5, settled Nunda 1822 or 3. lived in Nunda until 1855, died at Algonquin, 111., 1859, aged 99 years 9 months. I. Abigail Omstead Sherwood, born 1760, died ]\[a\- 31, 1840, age 80. I. Margaret Glen, widow of Eldert Anient, sister of Jacob S. Glen of Glen, lived, died at Xunda, July 30. 1840. aged 88 years. Second Generation II. Granville Sherwood, born in 1785, settled 1824, died, age 95: married Maria (Polly) Anient, Iiorn 1790. ilicd in Xunda, 1863, age '/2i- Third Generation III. ^Margaret, born 1819, married her cousin Galusha Burnett, she died at Omaha 1907, age 88. A. Jackson, born 1822, merchant, law student, mar- ried *Sarah (Sally) Alvard, eldest daughter of Phineas A., both died in the west. Matilda, born 1825, married 1850 to *\Vm. G. Russell, son of Joseph Russell. Resides in Binghamton, N. Y. These three generations covering respectively 100 years, 95 years and 88 }-ears, 283 in all, is an unusual record for a family for three generations. Fourth Generation Daughter .\. J. and S. S., l-'l(irence ; daughter of M. and G. A. Burnett, Lemira Mari.i (Mrs. Sutherland). < liiialia, Xeb. OTHER SHERWOODS II. 2. John Sherwood lived in Xunda village. State Street, is buried in Nunda; married Rachel Jones (Milliner) is buried in Nunda; Lemira Sher- wood, married .Stephen Burnett; Reuben, married (t) Miss French, (2) Mar- tha G. r^jutler ; Marry, married Mrs. Maria Bush; Xatlian, married .Anice Buc- ler ; .Vbigail. married Lillv ; Lucy, married Piatt Halstead, of Byers- ville ; Poll}', married Jeremiah Keniiey : Glorinda, married Lewis lieecher. Fort Wayne. At one time several of these brothers manufactured inkstands. The bot- tles were enclosed in a circular wooden frame for uses in school. They re- sisted frost and were ineach pie. The Deacon put on his best Mathias Jackson Sr., was a builder of Grist Mills. His wife was a sister of Mrs. William Gould, and a daughter of Mrs. Cathell who came with them. Mr. J., having built mills for Col. Orcutt at Spring Brook and Portage, and for James Wadsworth, the pio- neer, died in 1830; and the widow and her sons moved to Xunda in 1831. Leonard is the onl_\- survivor of the family. He is now 8() \ears of age, and knew more people who have lived in the village of Xunda, or who are buried at Oakwood Cemetery, than any other person. The sons were: *Mathias Jackson, Jr., a suTge driver and teamster; he niarrietl "Sally .Snyder; William married a Teeple ; Daniel and Leonard, mar- ried sisters by the name of Weedright ; Miranda, married P. P. Cad\- of Xunda. The children of Leonart. I. Deaciin Daniel Wisner, married Sarah Wisner; 3. Horace, married Rachel lludnut; Rev. William, married Betsey Hud- nut ; Calvin, married Polly Hudnut. 4. La Fayette, married Harriet Warner. A NOBLE TRIBUTE FROM ONE NOBLE WOMAN TO ANOTHER Mrs. Montgomery is the daughter of Prof. Judson A. Barnett and Emih Barnett. Her estimate of Mrs. Harriet Hudnut Satterlee The story of a useful and beautiful life was closed yesterday when throngs of friends gathered in her quiet home in IMeigs Street to pay their loving tribute to the memi:>ry of Mrs. LcRoy Satterlee. When so long and honored a life is ended, it is fitting that those who remain should gather u]) fragrant memories and preserve them ; for such lives built into the city"s growth are its true and lasting wealth. Flarriet Satterlee was educated in Temple Hill .\cademy, Geneseo, and was a young woman in 1849, \\'lien her husband came to Rochester to be principal of School No. 5, at that time the leading public of the city. From that day to this her life has been here, and there are hundreds who know how sweet and strong have been the influences emanating from this quiet, unassuming woman. There are no stirring deeds to record, no striking achievements, yet the life ' • full and rich, because it is beautiful within. 22 ■■ Harriet Satterlee was rich in her personality. People did not easih' for- get her face, her voice, her winning maimer. Little children took to her ; young girls confided in her. It was natural for Inirdened people to lean on her strong arm, and for a whole circle to brighten when she joined it. There was an in- formality and directness in speech and action that were exceedingly attractive, and a heartiness in voice and hand-clasp that invited trust. Her good cheer was infectious and her ability to clear away difficult situations was proverbial among her friends. Strong in courage ami confitlent in hope, she could either find a way or make one. It followed inevitably that this vital, warm and generous nature was rich also in friends and in influence. It was amazing to see the strength of the hold she had on those who were pupils in the famous old Collegiate Institute, her husband's school for so many years. Her girls that she mothered through their happy school days never forgot her. They returned to her again and again with loving acknowledgment of all that she had meant to them. Her years of successful work in tlie primary department of the Sunday-school, in the Mission- ary Society and in the social life of the church were just so many opportunities for touching and molding other lives. So, when she came to the dim valley of age and weakness, there was a host of people, rich and poor, young and okl simple folk and wise men, who remembered her with love and spoke often of what she had been to them. Her children also called her blessed. Richest of all was she in spirituality. She was a woman who had never lost the vision of the eternal. Prayer was no luxury, but her daily bread, and her Bible was really her guide. All her life long the springs of comfort and strength rose for her in these uplands of the soul — the Bible and prayer. From these fountains of living water she drank. And so she, being dead, yet speaks ; speaks not onlv of human love and goodness, but of a human life whose strength was in God. ' HELEN B. MONTGOMERY. THE PETER MYERS FAMILY This family from New Jersey settled in 1824 or 1825 on the Myers home- stead, where Peter Myers, Jr., and his sister, Sarahi still reside. Mr. ]\Iyers and his good wife Elizabeth and son James S. were among the first that settled in the north eastern part of the town. The other children of this worthy couple were Wesley, who is still living in the west and was, like James and Monroe, a carpenter and who worked on the second Baptist church. He is now about 8q years of age. Anna, the next younger, married Peter Youells and lived in Michigan until her death. Her husband is still living. He is about the same age as his boy friends, Peter VanDorn and John Creveling of Tuscarora, i. e.. about 84, and like them enjoys a fair degree of health. William the next son is not living. Monroe, who celebrated his 75 birthday April 6th, has long been identified with the interests of this village, having built six of the buildings, on South Church Street. James Myers is remembered as a musician who played all kinds of keyed instruments in the old Baptist church along with Ouartus Bar- ron, who played the bass viol before the days of the "Camps" and their pipe organs. He also made and played violins and viols. He went to California in '49 with his brother-in-law, Reuben Hungerford, who is still living, but re- turned a cripple. I remember well their home coming for they were my neigh bors, g^enial and gentlemanly. Air. James Alyers ami family moved to this vil- lage and with his l)rother-in-la\v. \'irgil I Inngxrford, bnilt the present L'niver- salist church and the ccn.ient walk, one of the first in front of it, in 1871. He was building the large house on 1^'air Street, Patridge I'ark, for in'mself in 1873 when he fell from the roof and was instantly killeii. Mr. Peter Myers married for a second wife Betsey Stivers and this couple had five sons and a daughter; Martin, who died in the L'ivil War. Albert, Peter, Sarah, Duane and Adelbert, all of these live are still living. It is mv privilege to be able to tell them of a pioneer incident that reflects great credit to their father's kindness of heart. Zadock Sherwood, the revoluntionar_\- soldier pio- neer, told in my hearing, that when he had cleared some land, he needed some seed wheat and hearing that Mr. Myers had scniie he went there and inquired if he had some seed wheat to sell. Have you the money to [jay for it ? asked farmer Myers. The veteran took out a well filled purse. Then you can't have it, I must sa\-e it for those who ha\e no mone\" to buy with; you can get it ot any ()ne. \\'as there another man in the whole town like this big hearted Jer- sey man? The luster of this tleed shines with diamond splendor after full four score years. A score of >ears afterward when Peter Youells married Anna Myers, Uncle Dick, his father said (everyljody called him I'ncle Dick) in his funny way; 'Tt is all right she belnngs tu the best breed in the town" and no one dis])uted him. THOMAS TWIST Settled in 1824. became the !iA\ner of several large farms. I. Thomas Twist, married Alary ISurkhart. n. I. Sarah Twist, married Calvin Reed. Their children; HI. (i). Josei)hine; (2) Marv ; (3) Ennis Reed. n. 2. Julia A. Twist, single (mildly insane): 3. Elias Twist; 4. Delia, married \\'arren llahcock. tliildren; HI. ]. Maiy 2. Kittie llahcck. II. 5. William Twist, married Miss Kathburn, children: III. 1. Willie. 2. Louis. II. 6. Martha. II. 7. Abbie. II. 8. Hillary Twist, veteran, Alexican War, married Lucy Babcock. II. 9. Mary Jane Twist, Teaclier, married .\ndrew Salts. II. 10. Thomas Twist. Jr.. died at the age of 1(1 (from trying a perilou.5 experiment. ) II. 2. Helen Twist, married Jackson Batterson. Children; i. Clar- ence; 2. Xcllie ; 3. Jose])h. II. 12. Alice Twist, married John l-'iory. II. 13. Milton Twist, married . Their children. III. I. Claience: 2. Nellie: 3. Joseph. 1826— THE BABCOCKS .Mr. and Airs. David Babcock. Their children: -Warren Babcock, a teacher, married Cordelia Twist: 2. Lucy Babcock. married Hillary Twist: 3. Worden Babcock ; 4. Washington Babcock. The family were l'niversalist.3 and went to Ipsilanti in 1845. 229 CURTIS-BALTY FAMILIES The Curtis faniuy settled in Xunla in 1S26. Mr. Curtis did nut live very long after coming to Xunda. His widow afterwards married Air. D. Mack The family consisted of the parents and four girls of more than ordinarv ex- cellence. 1. Betsey, married Ethan Gilbert, S(_in of Andrew, who built the grist mill at Coopersville in 1836. Ethan had a twm sister who married P. Dudley Ken- drick. Judge Ethan Gilbert was a relative. 2. Emily, married Hiram C. Grover, four children. ( Sec Grover fam- ily 1830. ) 3. Aristeen, was a life long teacher, always in demand, she married late in life. 4. Alice Al. (one of God's best women), married Robert J. Baity, who with R. G. Bennett, purchased the grist mill at Coopersville, of Gardener, the successor of Gilbert. The mill was run night and day, it took four coopers to supply barrels, in which to ship the flour ihey made. The canal furnished cheap transportati(_Mi. They sold to Kellogg and Hammond and both came into the village. R. J. l!alt\- became a banker. The family of R. J. and .Mice Baity consisted of a son and daughter, the daughter Emily died m childhood, while the son lived to be a part of the social life of the village, to which he came after the sale of the mills. Robert had a (juick wit. became a good scholar and excelled as an Amateur actor. He mar- ried Belle Shant, a daughter of J. E. Shant of the firm of Lampart & Shant, Xunda Tannery. They have one son Robert E. Baity, bank clerk, who closely resembles his father in appearance. Robert Baity contracted consumption, al- though it was not hereditary in either family, and died at the early age of forty. R. J. 15.AI.rV AND l-A.MILV 230 His parents survived him, but both have since passed away. Robert J. Baity was a banker and as successful in that as in milling. Mrs. Alice Baity, became the best known of the elderly ladies of the vil- lage. How she found time to call on nearly every family in the village, yearly, monthly or weekly, is a social problem hard to solve. Xo other person had so long a calling list. Beloved by all. of every grade of society, her short sick- ness and sudden death lefl a whole eiiniiminit\- licreft. If her faith (she was a devoted Universalist ). had given her this unusual fellowshii) of spirit, then, the doctrine of Divine l''atherhood and Universal brotherhood, had ripened the- ory to practice. Were all like her. Heaven and Earth would have a common atmosphere of love. We present a picture of the family, as the writer knew them. There was a half sister. Ccrnciia Alack, who died recently. Allen Curtis was n brother of Daniel. He married Sophia Hamilton, daughter of Daniel. Mrs. Allen Curtis as she became elderly, was troubled with sleeping leth- argy. C)n one oceasi.m \\liile visiting a neighbor she became sleepv. and tried to excuse her condition i m the plea of early rising, she said. "I got up this rfiorning just — as the sun —was — rising — in the — west," and was fast asleep, imaware of \\hat she had said. .\sa and Mrs. LaRiie. whose pictures we present, represent a class of peo- ple, who retired from the active duties of rural life, and chose Xunda as a place conducive to long life with ]>leasant surroundings. Mr. LaRue was nearly QO years of age. when he died and Mrs. LaRue is still living. *Abraham Dedroff (teacher), farmer 280 acres, born Cax'uga Countv 1810. settled 1830. married ( I ) Sarah Duryee. born Cavuga Count\' 1813. mar- ried 1832, died 1838. He married (2) Sarah Perry, born Schoharie Countv, 1813. married 1839, died 1879. Children: Eliza A., born ii'^^.v married Chauncey Hagadorn, had a son and two daughters; Margaret .\.. born 1843. married Paul Willey ; Myron P.. born 1845, single, died 1907 ; Ennis J., born 1848. a son Archie served a term in the Navy; Herbert L.. born T851): Marinn W., born 1853. 1830 I. William Renix. Mrs. Renix. I. Dolly Renix ( a sister ) married Previse Perry. Sr. Children. II. Mary Eliza Renix; Jane Ann, married Seneca Perrv ; Plenrv : Tohii ; Agnes. Cousins. Eliza Renix (Mrs. James Duryee ) ; Renix Duryee, son of James and Eliza Duryee; Jennie llrodt a niece of Mrs. Eliza Duryee, married Ralston Conklin ; ( i ) Flora Conklin, married Dan'l Suydam : (2) Ella Conklin. 1828 I. Allen Peach, born in Massachusetts i8oo, settled in 1&2S. died 1851. II. I. Allen J. Peach, born 1829. II. 2. Lauren Rowland Peach, farmer no acres, and teacher for many years, born Livingston Count\. June 12. 1832. adopted by \\'illiam Coon, mar- ried Bridget , born Cijnnaught County, Ireland, 1832, married in 1852. III. Children, i. Eva Alaria: 2. Ida ]\Iay, teacher (Mrs. P'ulton ) ; 3. Jessie C, teacher, Nunda, X. "S'. THE LATCH STRING OUT Reuben and Patty I'ierce settled nn the State Road in 1828. They were childless but had adopted a daughter named Relief Ladd. She was married to Ralph Carver about 1830. "The Latch String of the Pierce Homestead was al- ways out" a saying that implies great generosity and hospitality. The children of this household with a double set of parents, were : Henry Ladd Carver, who served under Gen. Sibley, of Sibley tent fame, in the Indian war of i860, and was breveted Capt. and Quarter ^Master. L\ S. A. He also be- ing a regular, served to the end of the Civil War. Pie died in 1894, is buried at St. I'aul. Edward one of the younger sons, served in the loth Wis., was taken prisoner at Chickamauga, and was in Andersonville several months. He lives at Tomson Palls, Mont., Charles P. Carver married M. J. Baylor, and lived many years at St. Augustine in one of the most ancient houses of that first southern settlement, where he died. Albert S., died in Wisconsin in 1890 Frederick Carver, whose musical voice, and handsome face most of us in Nunda remember so well, has a home at Fruithurst, Ala. ^lary Carver Barker, lives in Rochester, X. Y. Jennie Carver Plubbell, writes from Elkhorn, Wi.-., and tells the waiter all of this, but the praises of I'Ved which the writer adds as a part of the Auld Lang ."^yne nf which the younger Carvers formed a ])art. 1827— THE MORSE FAMILY Doctor D. Morse (Doctor was simpl\ his Christian name) was a farmer on the State Road. He was born 1784 and died 1855. Pearl, wife of D. D. Morse, died 1834. II. D. D. Morse, Jr., a wagon maker. State Street, wife, Susan ; a sister married Lewis Tuthill, when (juite elderly. ^Irs. Tuthill died, aged <)0. Truman Morse, married Jane E. Fames. Mrs. Truman Morse, an excel- lent nurse, came from the west to care for her aged sister-in-law, but died in 1888, age 69, while Mrs. Tuthill survived her feeble brother and his younger wife. The family of B. A. Rinevault, then caref their sons, without special prepara- tion became preachers or exhorters. The family came to the village of Nunda for its school advantages and remained there several years. The voungest son. Gardner, whose eyes were never very good, after having the small pox, en- listed in the 33rd Regt., and died of sun stroke. He was the first soldier from Nunda to die in the service. I. I. Nathaniel and Airs, .\clisah Terry Bacon. n. \'oIney, married Mercy Jane Hay: *.\urilla. died aged 19; ( )tis, mar- ried SaflFard; Elisha, married Knights, sister of Needham and of Mrs. Long: Daniel, married in .\unda, Cochrane: Louise: Helen, died single : Clarissa, married John A. Wright, son of Bela ^^'. ; .Amelia ; Gar- dner, a veteran, died 1862; Sarah, married J. George of Ridge, .\. A'. L 2. .Asa Ijacon, married Chloe White ; George Bacon, married Press : James liacon. 1825— THE BRADLEYS Samuel and llethucl, (brothers). I. I. Samuel, born 1764, died 1843, buried in ( )akwood Cemetery. 23.^ I. I. Bethuel, wife Rosanna. II. I. Josiah, born 1801, farmer, died 1855. aged 54, buried in Oakwood. married Emily Page, a teacher, born 1809. died i860, buried in Oakwood; 2. Hugh married Lliza Morey, born 1803, died May. 1861. III. Children of Josiah: i. Maria; 2. Louise, born 1838. died 1861; 3. Alvaro. died age 21: j. James; 5. Mary Children of Hugh: i. Miles; 2. Hugh, if living at least 73 \ears of age; 3. Eliza; 4. Jane. Daniel Hamiltor:. buried in Xunda, Mrs. David Hamilton, buried in Hunt's Hollow; Jonathan Hamilton, brother of Lee Hamilton, married Helena Huggins, sister of William and Ira Huggins, lived in Nunda after 1825 ; *Ed- win Mortimer, Co. I. 136111 X. Y., died at Dalton, married Sarah Dunn, lial several sons; Charles H. Hamilton, married ^Harriet Hagadorn, buried in Oak- wood Cemetery, they had sons and daughters ; Mrs. C. H. Hamilton was sister to Chauncey, John and James Hagadorn, the last named were soldiers, all buried at Nunda, they were the children of Jonathan and Effy Hagadorn, Mt. Mor- ris ; Daniel Hamilton at the age of 16. served as cow boy in the Revolutionary War. was employed, but not enlisted, he w.ts not therefore a pensioner. SETTLED IN 1825 Alfred Goldthwait, farmer East Hill, married Caroline I'^iller (daughter of Joshua ) . II. I. (iilljert X., married ^lary Hunt, he died .Vpril, i<)o8. II. 2. Helen, married i '^George W. Fuller of East Hill, Nunda (not a relative) ; 2 '''George Breen : 3 *Wil!iam Close (veteran 136th N. Y.) of Nunda. III. Children of G. W. h\iller and Helen: William and Caroline haul- ier; of Mr. and Mrs. Hreen, I 2 3. Walter. II. 3. ^Norton S. (veteran Civil War) farmer, married Jane Seagers. Children : III. I. Jerome, farmer; 2. *.\delbert, farmer, died lyo". II. 4. Mil';. S., e.x-nicrchant, commercial traveler, veteran Civil War, re- sides Nunda. married Elizabetli Mills, daughter of *George Mills, stock buyer. Children : HI. 1. Howard, resides Brooklyn; 2. Bessie, trained nurse, Nunda. II. 5. Harriet married Robert Craig of Nunda, resides in Canasaraga. Children: i. James. 2. Bessie. 3. Grace. VELEY. L Barney \'eley, pioneer. Creek Road near .Xunda village, Mrs. \'eley. I. Rosanna, and 2 Morgan. D.\LTO,\ .\xu Gkove Bound.\ry. I. .\dam Snyder, (Snyder settlement ) and Mrs. Snyder. Their children : :I. David Sr., married Hyde; Hanna, married i Daniel Smith, 2 Edward Bush, 3 Simon Sphoon ; Sally Ann, married *Matt Jackson, .Vlbert Remington ■ Sarah Jane, married 1, * Henderson Morrison, 2 * William Bat- terson. 234 III. Rose Alorris, married I. Arthur l'"uller, 2 (Lawyer) Evans, Athens, Pennsylvania. II. William, married Alary Miller. 11. Julia, married Edward Newman; iNlary Snyder, married *Abram Poland, wild diet! m the service; *Hinman; Lucetta Christine, married Alonzo Davidson, she was drowned in a cistern, at Canisteo. 1824 1. Jacob Goodamont, a veteran of the War of 18 12, lived in Snyder set- tlement, Mrs. Goodamont died many years before her husband, both buried at Snyder. Cliildren : I. *lsaac Cioodamont, married Alar\' J. Burdick, she marrieil, second, G. W. Smith, veteran; 2. ^'Jacol), a bachelor: 3. Gatharine, married James Storks, of Nunda ; 4. Christina, married APjrdacai Alerithew, son of Hiram of .\unda; 5. Cornehiis, married Elvira Town, (bed i8q8. SHERMAN LINDSLEY C)nce a thrifty farmer, moved into the \'illa,i;"e, kept a temperance saloon, became the Angelica and Xnnda mail carrier, developed insanity. To make his vehicle vibrate less, he carried a huge stone around over the entire route. He was an enthusiast in the prayer circle and had to be checked sometimes for excessive emotionalism. He married, liis wife survives him. It is possible, his imbalanced mind was due to peculiarities of his parents. ITis father being emotional, and his motlier went to the opposite extreme, gave heroic treatment to her prayerful husband, upsetting him, as well as his peace, and making his journey heavenward, "a hard road to travel." Probably the wife of Socrates, or of John Wesley, could have given iild Airs. Lindsley a few points, but it is not probable she needed any instruction. The other chil(h"en of the household fortunately did not share in poor Sher- man's peculiarities, tliey were all level headed. 2. Olmstead, married (in the west); 3, "AVilliam Lindsley, married *Amelia Rawson ; one son, named for his father, survives. II. 4. *Mary Lindsley, died single. EWART FAMILY— OF SCOTCH-IRISH ORIGIN— ANOTHER CENTENARIAN 1. George Ewart. born in Ireland, settled in 1828, married Susanna Lemen ; 2. Mary Ewart, married L. L. Rathbone, resided in Angelica. L. L. Rathbone, Assemblyman, represented our County, Allegany , in 1824-5; 3. Nancy Ewart, married Leonard Marshall, an uncle of Rev. James Marshall, D. D., President Coe College; 4. *Rachel Ewart, born 1806, married Aaron P. Day, born 1808, a farmer, one -of I^;' .Ayrault's principal produce buyers, died January I, 1885. III. ■ W'ilh'am E. Day, born 1834 in Pirdsall. married I, *Selura Al. Wliit- nev ; 2, Alattic Aliller. W. E. Day, moved to Alissouri, dropped dead from heart trouble, in igoo. 2. Susan Electa Day, born 1835, a retired milliner, (single), Dalton, N. Y. Note. — A ladv with a marvellous memory of individuals and of dates, to whom the autlior is greatly indelited. 235 III. 3. IMary X. Day. born March 21. 1838, married Edgar S. Pettys. I\". 1. Cora .\. J'ettys. l)orii 1851). married Alfred L. Augustus, foreman Construction Work, when the Erie R. R. was double tracked ; 2. Will E. Pettys, married Clella A. Lowell. II. Margaret, married (43), Thomas h'uller, moved to Genesee Co., Mich. II. Martha Ewart, born iSio. married Andrew Hill (see Thomas Hill famil}-. ) II. Hugh Ewart married i\Iary L. Hill. HI. James Ewart, married Elizabeth Preston: Helen, married James Babcock : \'ictorine, married Frank Christopher ; George, single. 1827— HILL AND EWARTS '''Thomas Hill (a surveyor, Hcilland Purchase) married Susan McEarl. Xote : — \\'hen Mrs. Hill was living on Holland Purchase, far in advance of the frontier settlement, being lonesome while her husband was away with the Ellicotts surveying, she saw what she supposed to be a black pig and feci it daily. It pro\-ed to be a young, black bear, but it served to break the mono- tony of her days of solitude. It seems that this botancial doctress was a better judge of medicinal plants, than of animals. 'T'letter than half the male tloctors of that early day, was Aunt Susan Hill.'" II. I. Mar\- Lemira Hill, born jul\, 1805, married '"Hugh Ewart, great grandson of Hugh Lemen of Ontario County. This Centenarian of this sec- tion died while on a visit to Canaseraga, February 8, IQO/, in her 102nd year. III. 2. George, grandson: }ilrs. Ewart li\-ed on ]\Iill Street with her grandson, George, a few \ears ago. II. 2. Andrew Hill, Pioneer of Grove-Xunda, 1827. afterward of Port- age, afterward again of Xunda, married ]\lartha Ewart. HI. I. Dr. Hugh Hill, born .-Vpril 10, 183(1. niarried Airs. Mary Poland- 2. .Sly\-ia Haight of Swains. Sons of Dr. Hill: i. Guy W., born 1880; 2. \\'ar(I L., born 1884. III. 2. Harlan ITill, born 1840, was Sheriff of Livingston Ci)unty. I. William Hill: 2. IVIerc}- Hill, married ' — Doyle: 3. Maria Hill: 4. Fanny Hill, married Henry P.ishec. 1825— AMES FAMILY I. Rufus R. Ames, Mrs. .\mes. Children: H. Levi, Eliza -\nn Starks. III. John .\me^ : George: Delivan : *Cliarles : Jane, married \\'irt : Celia, married Thomas Parker : Plem-y. married Boardman : Olive, mar- ried Frank Steward, who has two children. DANIEL AMES FAMILY I. Daniel .Ames, married Jane Ruwley: Mrs. .\mes, married second, Syl- vester Ames. II. Albert .\mes, married Hill. II. Ruth Ann Ames, married Richard ^^'arren : Louisa .Ames, single: Joanna, married *Hiram Rowle\- : '-Alary, niarried William P. Thompson, (see Thompson family), *Elisha, died in the service. 236 1824— THE BOLSTERS This ]iionccr family settlt-d near tJK- Snyiler Settlement. Mirth, eccentric- ity and pathos (jlten l.ilend in local history, that records "The sin irt and simple annals of the poor." Richard Bolster, and Mrs. Holster had bnt two children, John and Phebe. John was not scholarly, Phebe tried to be, and succeeded in getting a Sum- mer School with no large scholars. Some one asked John if Phebe was at home, he re])lied, "Xo she is tautin school, an a farm Xo. 100, and lived there several \ears, he in- duced his brother Elijah to come west and purchase a farm next to his own. He did so, but a year after, Amos and family inoved away. I. T. Amos Rice. Mrs. Anna Rice: sold farm to .Vbraham liurgess, 182S. Children : II. I. *Erastus; 2. Alanson, qi years of age is living; 3. *Aamanda ; | '■\^'illiam; 5. Esther, in her 85th year; 6. ]\Iary Ann, in her 83rd year; 7. *Ed- win ; 8. *George; 9. *Marana. 1827. I. 2. Elijah Rice, Mrs. Rice. Children: II. I. *Samantha, married William D. Paine, millwright, (see Paine family); 2. "Diantha. married Jonas Warren, (see Warren family); 3. Zeryia (single), has lived on the same farm eighty years; 4. *.\.lvin, bachelor; 5. Anna, married Holland ; Zervia alone survives. The Rice family were Presbyterians. 1825— THOMAS DUNN FAMILY— A FAMILY DESCENDED FROM A CENTENARIAN I. Katvann Clarissa Dunn, was born in England m 1753, died in Xunda 1857. age 104 years. 2.^8 II. I. Nathaniel Dunn (half bruthcr to Thomas), horn 1708, died 1849; 2. Leonard Dunn, brother to Thomas, born 1783, died 186(1; 3. Thomas Dunn, born in New Jersey, 1794, ilied 1876. Thomas Dunn I'amily settled in 1823, married Anna liark. Children of Thomas : III T. *Sarah Ann, born 1822, married I *Henry Miles, 2 *Levi Boone: Sarah Ann, died 1900: 2. Selina, born 1826. married 1854. *Eliphalit Doane : 3. Elijah, l)()rn 1831, married iSoi, *Louisa Marshall, Elijah Doane, died 11J07; 4. Jane M., born 1834, married 1854, i ^Wellington (iuy, 2 William Wood; Jane M., died 1905: 5. Albert M.. born 1836, married 1864, Sarah Armilla Gearhart, daughter of George Gearhart, Jr. : 6. '''Mary E., born 1830, married 1856, *Amos B. Eldridge; Mary E., died 1898; 7. Christopher A., born 1842, single. IV. Children of Salina Doane: ]\l}ron E. Doane. unmarried: S. LaFay- ette Doane, married, li\es in the West; Mary E. Doane, married Charles Kline; Jennie M. Doane. Son of Elisha and Louisa Dunn: Marshall I)unn. Children of Jane and Wellington ( liiy : Edwanl E. ("iu\ , married Mary Hark: Nellie AI. Guy, married Harry j. Stuart. Children of Albert and S. Armilla Dunn: I~red E. Dinin, nnmarried ; Bert E. Dunn, married Lulu Sokup, resides in Chicago, 111. Children of Mary and Amos Eklridge : *Samuel C. Eldridge, married ; ^Carrie M. Eldridge, married Milo S. Lowell. I. "T-iiram Merithew settled on Lot 65, married (first) Lydia McKenney, (second), Laura Baile}', first white child born in Grove-Nunda, January 26. 1820. who died 1907. II. I. Mordecai. niarrieple. II. 2. Sarah, married Lewis Wctherley. II. 3. Lodiska, married Josiah Yencer. III. Charlotte Veneer, married Charles Cridille. Children: I\'. I. May Cridclle. married Manley .Stevens (daughter, \'. Charlotte Ruth Stevens ) ; 2. Belle Griddle. III. 2. Am1)rose Veneer (Company F, l,i6th New Vork), killed. III. 3. Mora Veneer, married Charles lieardsle}' : sons: IV. I. Joseph, 2. Elmer, 3. Clarence, and 4. Charles Beardslev. HI. 4. Emory fencer, married Emma ."^teih of ( !rove : sons: I\'. I. Lloyd, 2. Floyd. III. 5. George Veneer, married Ella Maybee (1. "Lottie, age 16, Jen- nie): (k Morgan, married in New Jersex': 7. William 'S'encer. I. 3. Lucy Merithew, married John Miller: 4. Achsab, married Samuel Jones; 5. Jane, married Frieml Scott. 11. 6. Hiram, married Jane Barnes, died 11J07. Children of Hiram and Laura Bailey ]\Ierithew: II. 7. Seneca Merithew. married (first) Town; (second) Post : Dalton. 11. 8. Willis (bachelor). R. V. D. Portage. 239 ]. 2. John Alerithew, brother of Hiram. Sr.. married (first) * \^'oodard, (second) ;\Irs. Ehvell. He was killed in a saw mill in S. E. Xnnda. Cliildren : 11. I. Alaria, ( Airs. Randall ). H. 2. Alartha. married (first) "Simpson Colton. died at Dalton : (second) 1 lemingway Tyler. HI. (Irace, Airs. lirownell ; Alary, married *Ernest Wilson, lives at r.arkertown ; John, married Grimes; Harry (at home). II. ,^. Clara Alerithew. married Thompson. Children of Airs. Elu ell : Willis Elwell : Ada Elwell, Canaseraga. I. 3. Philander, married L}-dia Yencer. II. I. Eiiphenna, married Knowles. H. 2. Hiram (veteian), married Adelia . Hiram Alerithew was killed by falling" down the stairs of the Annex, Livingston Block, 1903 ; Philander, Jr. (veteran), lived in Alichigan; '■■Laura; '''Lucy; Belle, married (first) Clark; (second) Piper. Jnsiah Smith family, settled next to the (_irove line, sold farm to John Kelly. II. I. Daniel Smith, married Hannah Snyder. H. 2. Henry Smith, married (first) Fanny Swift, (second) Airs. Hinman N'olan, sister to Alexander Hinman. Children : \\\. Alelissa, married Joseph Guptill (veteran); Emily, married George Wheeler. II. 3. Josiah, married Burge ; 4. Benjamin, single; 5. Lucy, mar- ried Thomas G. Lockwood ; 6. Sarah, married Benjamin .-\lilrich ; 7. Jane, married Jacob Warner; 8. Eunice, married Tinrnthy Alahie : g. Eliza, mar- ried Armenian Bibbins, son, George Bibbins. Children of Sarah (Smith) Aldrich ; Alphonso. a Lieutenant. Civil A\'ar. married Alary Beech of Oakland; Alary Jane, married (first) (Jvicl \Mieeler, (second) Havens; Alilan (veteran), married Alary Cook. Children of Lucy (Smith) Lockwood: George M. Lockwood, veteran, chief clerk. Interior Department. Pension and Real Estate Agency, Washing- ton, D. C. ; *Sarah, teacher and artist, single, died ; *Lias, teacher. Department Clerk in New York City: I'rances Winifred, married Harry J. Decker, Depart- ment Clerk, W'ashingtnn and elsewhere, son of Rev. W'm. P. Decker. POST OFFICE AT EAST HILL— THE ROBINSONS .■\bout the year 1831 a post office was established at East Hill, simultane- ijusly with the change of the post office from Wilcox Corners, to Nunda. The latter was called Nunda Valley. William Robinson and his son, Rufus, were the only postmasters. The iiffice was discontinued in 1860. The sons of William Robinson, Leonard and Rufus. the latter but fifteen years of age, carried the mails on foot from Nunda to Dansville, via East Hill, and from Dansville to Nunda. This office served also for a part of the town of Ossian. It was afterwaril moved across the town line into the Bisbee Settlement, and called Bisbee. It is now known as West View. \\ illiain R(.)liiiisoii and his wife. Marii:)n Caswc-ll. and their three children settled on East Hill not far from the ( )ssian lionndary. There were only blazed liridle paths at the time. Their nei,i;hl)Ors were the Coys, the Austins and the W'alsworths. The children were Leonard. Rufus and Sophia. Rufus, who afterward lived in this villaL;e, was Init fourteen years of age. Leonard was older. IL I. Leonard, married Eunice W'alswortli. Children of Leonard and Eunice W'alswortli Robinson : Walter, a \eteran of the Civil War : Pauline. a lecturer and elocutionist; Jane, Mrs. Gammon; Daniel, killed in the Ci\il W^ar ; Louise, married John Colar of Dansville. who died in 1908. agetl 83. IL 2. Sophia Robinson, married Signor. n. 3. Rufus Robinson, born in 1817, married Sarah Walker, Ixirn in 1821, who at this time is living but in feeble health, with her voungest son, Frank E. Their children were se^•en in numljcr: William, married Hannah McMillan; George, married Esther Moore; Franklin, died at the age of 17; Edward, married Sarah Beecher ; Emma, married W^illiam L, Brown; Her- bert, married .Mice Armstrong; and Frank E. Robinson, married Hattie Her- rington, and lives in this village. For the last few years he has been in the furniture and undertaking business. His widowed mother lives with him. He has a son and a daughter. Ralph ( grad. X. H. S. in KjoS. ) THE COYS *John and *Jane Coy were doulitless early settlers on the Hill, as thcv were buried at Wilcox Corners, which indicates that there was the principal burying place at the time of their death. Their children: I. ''Tlarvey ; 2. *Elma; 3. *Calista: 4. *Joyce, married M. Reichard ; 5. *Hoel, bachelor, died loof); 6. Sally, single. The farm is still in possession of the family. .Sally is the onlv survivor. WALSWORTH L A\"ery Walsworth (\eteran, 1812). H. Daniel (was eighteen when he came to Xunda), married Sarah Reichard; Xancy, married Gammon; Eunice, married Leonard Robin- son; Abigail, married Charles King; Sherlock, married. Children of Daniel and Sarah; Anna, married Thomas Keating; John, married Elizabeth Juggard ; Daniel Avery, married Llenriette \\'oolworth, Rawson .Street, Xunda, have daughter and son. Children of Eunice and L. Robinson: *Walter Roljinson, veteran of Civil War; Pauline Robinson, a lecturer and elucutionist ; Jane, married Gammon; *Daniel Robinson, killed in the Civil \\'ar; Louise (single). Children of .\bigail and Charles King (see Amos King family). THE RULISONS-CHITTENDEN FAMILY, NEAR EAST HILL POST OFFICE— 1830 I. John and Mrs. Rulison. Children: I I. Mercy Ann, married Alonzo \'eeley, son of Barney V. Veeley; Maria, married William Consalus ; Betsey, married Harve}- Chittenden ; John, mar- ried Booth; Charles, married .Mosher ; Emily, married (first) Torrey Smith, (second) .Vmos King. 241 Children of Harvey Chittenden: I. Oscar, clerk for Paine Bros., clerk for produce buyers, T. J- Batterson & Co., married • Angier ; 2. Edgar, married (first) Laura Farnsworth, (second) Anice Farnsworth. Children of Edgar and Laura: Frank B., married (first) Carrie Paine, davighter of Wells Paine, (second) Mary Searles. Children of Frank and Carrie : Harry and Florence. Wells Chittenden, married ; Charles, married Loup, also three sisters of Oscar and Edward ; IMary Chittenden, married A. B. nunn. School Commissioner; Aline, married Emory Booth, Springwater; Laura, married Wellington Walker. 1829 Henry Chandler, Airs. Sally Chandler. Melancv, married Philip DePuy, uncle to Peter; Eunice died when a young lady: Riifus, horn in Nunda. 1822, enlisted and died in the service, 1864, aged 41, married Electa Frost, left one daughter; Sarah, married Joshua Pittenger : Jane, married Byron Seelye. L Amos King, farmer near Ossian line, married Rulison. Chil- dren : H. Charles King, married Abigail W'alsworth, and while he was de- spondent, suicided. Mrs. King wandered away, and was never found. in. I. Eli H. King enlisted in Company I Dragoons, received an injury that led to his discharge. He married Eleanor Alvard, daughter of Simeon ; his daughter, (IV.) Anna, married Howard Dana, formerly of Nimda. They have two sons. Eli H. King, died January 2, 1908, and is buried at Xmida. 2. Sylvenus King a cousin of Sylvenus Ellis, married Spencer, resides in Nunda. II. 2. Henry King, married Lemira Hay, daughter of Warren Hay of Nunda. Daughters (III.) i. Delia King (Mrs. Robert Holmes): 2. King, Mrs. Hay. IV. Belle Holmes, married Harry Kellogg: Clarence Holmes, married Kate Marsh ; Grace Holmes, single. II. 3. Eliza King, married Wesley Ellis (see Ellis family). Wesley Ellis, married Eliza King: '''Sylvanus Ellis, .\. M., Superintendent of Schools, Rochester, (see College List for Nunda) : married *Sarah Manette Peck, teacher of District Schools in Xunda: Mar}- Ellis, married Michael Mundy; Clarissa, married James Norris, veteran : Rachel. 1831— JOHN CLOSE FAMILY— FARMER AND SHOEMAKER. 86 ACRES I. John Close, born in Pennsylvania 1804, married in 1827 (first) Re- becca VanDyke, born Eagle-Nunda 1808 and died September 28, 1863, chil- dren nine ; married (second) in 1869 A. Hynes, born Livingston County 1812. Their children : II. I. Sarah A.; 2. Mary E. : 3. William A., born 1833, a good soldier, married Catherine Boyd, born in Cayuga County 1836 (married 1857), enlisted in Company I, I36tli New York, 1862. wounded, served term of enlistment, married (second) Mrs. Helen Goldtliwait-FuUer-Breen (see i3''>th Regiment), buried at Oakwood. His children : III. Harriet A.: David L.. born 1867; Katie R. II. 4. Eleanor, married Henry K. Havens, veteran, 136th Regiment, died 1907, aged 79; Richmond Havens, married Mertis Fay. (second) Mary Clos- ser; WilHam, married Mariam Fay; Clayton Havens, married; Georgia Hav- ens, daughter of William, married Charles Rathbon ; Fdith Havens, daughter of Richmond (a member of familv). JOHN AUSTIN FAMILY It is not known if this faniil}' are descendants of the Austins of the first decade of settlement or not ; their location would indicate that thev are. The family were patriots during the Civil War. for four of their sons were in the service. The children's names were: Albert. George. Benjamin. Church (be- came a clergyman), Silas, Miranda and Alniira. THE WALSWORTH-WOOLWORTH FAMILY— ESTIMATED TIME OF SETTLEMENT 1831 The heads of these families were veterans of former wars. The \\'als- .vorths settled in Xunda : the A\ oolworths. across the line in Ossian. The pioneer \\'oolworth father was a veteran of the Revolutionarv war. and the pioneer Walsworth of the war of 1812-14. I. Avery \A'alsworth. veteran, married Anna Brown. II. Daniel (eighteen when he came to Nunda), married Sarah Reichard ; ;\'ancy, married Gammon ; Eunice, married Leonard Robinson, son of \\'illiam, pioneer, brother of Rufus ; Abigail, married Charles King (see Amos King and family) ; Sherlock, married elsewhere. Children of Daniel. Sr. and Sarah (R) \\'alsworth : III. Anna, married Thomas Keating; John, married Elizabeth Jaggard ; Daniel. Jr.. married Henrietta Woohvorth. This family live in Nunda village; the\- have a son and a daus'hter. CHAPTER XVI. Our Third Decade, 1828-1838 — Stores. Streets and Caxal Making. With AIoRE Settlers. AS our first decade of our first town of Xunda inaugurated log school houses, saw mills and asheries ; and the second town and decade, grist mills and tanneries, and ri\'er navigation from the vicinity now known as Portage, so the third town with its circumscribed boundaries inaugurated during the first part of the third decade, a village of stores with two church edifices. The latter half may be called Canal days, when the longest branch of the Erie Canal was to be constructed. This brought into prominence a class of energetic men, known as contractors, and the building of locks, bridges and excavations of a canal channel of ordinary depth, and the Deep Cut (extraor- dinary — through a Iiilli. and the tunneling through Portage rock and shale for a channel for a tunnel, inaugurated an enterprise greater than any the State had ever engaged in. The forests of Allegany were calling to the City 243 Samuel Swain, Jr. Pioneer Merchant HlKAM L. CjKOVER Pioneer Merchant Utley Spencer, Esq. Merchant and Postmaster Walter Whitcomb Born 180S by the Sea to come and possess their treasure if the}- could trans|)ort it. The Legislature heard this "Call of the W'ilderucss." \oiced by tlie representatives of Cattaraugus, Allegany, Livingston and ( ienesee Counties, and the ready response from the Hudson to Manhattan, anil the decision to do this strenuous task, let it cost what it would, was pronounced and decisive, and a survey was made from Rochester to Olean. The proclamation having been made that this was to l:)e, and that farmers and lumbermen along the entire length of the (_ienesee were to have a means of supplying a long felt want in the East, from out the abunrn 1812, grist miller, died 1881, aged 69, married Malina Smith, the only li\-ing member of the six heads of families; James, a druggist and school-book and newsdealer, married Adeline E. T. Morrison, a teacher in the Nunda Literary Institute, and moved West. James Swain died at Fort Dodge, and ]\Irs. J. Swain at Odin, 111. Third Generation Children ni .\lfrcd and Gertruile : III. I. *Mar}' E., born 1835, married *C)rlando W. Barker, son of Seth ; 2. Harriet, married ,\lexander Thorp. ( Capt,'un ist Dragoons, killed ) ; 3. Sophia, married Pittenger: 4. *Susan, married Van Alstine ; 5. Cornelia, married Scott Barriger, resides at Portage, N. Y. ; 6. fane, single, art teacher, Xorfolk Seminary. North Cardlina ; 7. Samuel A., married Van Ostrand ; 8. W. Edward, married (second) \'eley. Grove, N. Y. 9. *Fred F., inventor of a lubricator that bears his name. He was shot by an employee, but not fatally. The widow of Edward Swain married (second) Hon. Samuel Skinner. Children of Edward Swain : HI. I. Helen E., a talented musician, died young; 2. Agnes Almira; 3. Flora Estelle, married W. S. P. Alathews, a singing teacher; 4. Septrina At- lanta; 5. Martha; 6, John T. ; James (married in the West). IF. *Samuel, Jr., married (first) Cynthia Jefferies, (second) Clara Jef- feries (sisters). Children of Samuel and Cynthia; III. I. *Henry ; 2. *Samuel ; 3. *Betsy ; 4. *Laura ; 5. *Cora. Children of Samuel and Clara; i. Charles; 2. Julia (^Mrs. Healy) ; 3. Anna; 4. Catherine. Children of David and Malina ; HI. I. Emma, married Addison J. (jordon, veteran of the Civil War, died 1887; 2. *Frank, journalist, died in 1886; 3. Charles, married Eva Purdy ; James, married Mary Prescott. Fourth Generation Grandchildren of Samuel, Jr.: Chihl (if Julia, who married Joshua Healy; Anna Healy : daughters of Charles, who married Emma Wood ; Clara and Helen. Grandchildren of David and Malina: Children of Addison J. (Giordan and Emma; Frank; Cora, married \\'alter Wagor; Fred and Harry. Fifth Generation Cliililren of ^^"alter and Cora \\'ai;or. Robert and Frank. (II.) Mrs. Malina Swain, (III) ]\Irs. Emma Gordon and her children and grandchildren are all of the Swain family now living in Nunda. The Jeffries family were: Hannah, Mrs. Dr. \V. Z. Blanchard, son, John Celsus, born 1823 at Oakland : 2. Freedom ; 3. John, a dentist ; 4. Amesa, whose widow, Catharine Canfield Jeffries, married Rev. Luke Colby, her son, Knelon and John Norman Jeft'eries : and Cynthia and Clara, first and second wives of Samuel Swain, Jr. Dr. W. Z. Idanchard had been in partnership with farmer Nathaniel ClouL^h in a store in Oakland, where farmer Clough lost several thousand dollars, and the Doctor made aljout the same sum. The Doctor came to Nunda in 1821), built the double house on State Street, and bought Riley Merrill's store now on Portage Street, and failing to secure a second partner soon sold it out and moved to Geneseo. His son, Celsus, was a rusher, pushed every- body out of his way, and looked out only for Xo. 1. His father sent him to Temple Hill Academy. Geneseo, but the restraint there proved too great and he ran away, hired out on a farm, and then joined a band of Indians, then went \\'est, bought 50 acres of land, and when his father found him he induced him to study law. He became a great lawyer, a great political stump speaker, and finally ran for Governor of Michigan: Init he was a Democrat and the Democrats were not the winners. He made a fortune in a lumber deal, but died at the age of 83 of a hemorrhage of the lungs. The Indians called him ( )])tusue, which means, to push, to crowd, and evidently the name was not a misfit, lie ilied March 8, 1805. The double house on State Street near IJarrell's shop, that needs to be torn down, is all that is left to recall the Dr. Blanchard family. The yoimg men of the Jeft'eries family. John Xorman and Knelon. were as popular and attractive 50 years ago as any in town. lJ-5/. Nunda \'.\llev — Its rKo(;RK.--s axd Chaxges. IN 1831 a post office was established in the new village, and called Xunila Vallev. It was located in the Joslyn store, corner of State and Alill Street, and Lindsley Joslyn was the postmaster, and I'tley Spencer clerk of the store and deputy postmaster. Waite Joslyn. who had lost a liml) in a threshing machine, was nominally the merchant. Other stores were built and other storekeepers came. The Lyman Tobey grocery, now the East Street market, the oldest store in the village, stood north of the Joslyn store. Riley Merrill built the small corner store where Whitcomb & Richmond started their store in 1835. It has been twice moved. Who built the stores that made the town once such a fine business center is often asked, and not easily answered. From 1831 to 1834 there were built the very stores that are on the east side of the street. They were numbered from i to 6 and were called Merchants' Row : those on the west side. Farmers' Exchange. Blessed be the newspapers and all who advertise, for such only give the facts, and those only, the wise, advertise and so are remembered. Dr. Gihnore built one (the Craig store) : ^^'. D. Hammond caused three to be built; Rich- mond & \\'hitcomb built one. now torn down to make room for the village building. Ouartus Barron built one. the one facing east and also State Street. Albert Page and H. D. Gardner built a block of three and called it Emporium. Some one built a block corner of First and State Street and called it the Em- ]Mre Block ; it was liurned in 1852. Roswell Bennett bought the store built by Lvman Tobey and mo^■e a driveway between the Earl Street market and the lunporium lilock. .Morris I'hilliiis may ha\e 1)uilt the narrow store next to Xunda House : at any rate he owned it. Some of the newer ones, such as Mrs. Lake's store, the L. 1'.. Warner sti:)re, the stores in the Living- ston block, Ijuilt by ^\'illard Wood, most all know about : and the five stores in the I'nion block are too recent to need a chriniicler. If any person insists that Xumla has been a stand-still town, e\'en the ver\- buildings will brand the story as false, for at least too of them ha\e been moved from their first location, and all the dthers have changed in appearance. 1832— NUNDA VALLEY This year the hamlet known as liuljbeH's Corners changed its name to Nunda \'alle}-. The post office at Wilcox Corners was still nn the side hill and was called Xunda post office. The \\'ilcox family had gone. East Hill had a post office of its own and the other new post office must have a name. It was locatearah. I-"rank and Charles. He married (second) Lottie Ohiey. daughter of John F. and Fann\ Adams Olney. Frank is a pharmacist, serving in the regular army, in thar capacity. Charles is a machinist. He married Esther Greenfield, daughter ol Henrv Greenfield, a veteran. They have one son. Robert. Mr. Bela \\''right's second wife was Catharine Barnes, sister to Russell. Nathaniel and Allen Barnes, and to Polly, second wife of Deacon David Thayer. Wright, Barnes & Tha}'er had a knife factory on Massachusetts Street. The building still exists but has changed front and serves as a shop for F"rank Aspinwall. From this start has grown the Woodworth knife works of to-day. The family of Deacon David Thayer came to Xunda before canal days. .A young lady. Miss Eliza Brown, who became the second wife of Capt. Henry Bagley, came with them. The sons of David Thayer were noted for their scholarship. David Havens Thayer and Henr}- B. Thayer both graduated at Union College and became Presbyterian clergymen. Rev. Henry B. Thayer and wife taught a select school in Xunda, in the Session House, previous to the building of the Brick Academy. Deacon Thayer made candles, matches and soap, and built the building known for years as the castle. It was designed for a canal warehouse but the surveyors afterward changed the survey and left the warehouse several rods from the canal. The building was rented to several families iluring canal days. It was not exactly ",-i !lat" ; in f;u-t. it was "very tall ananida, X. Y. II. *Henry. married *Amanda Ah'ard, both died recently; Almira mar- ried *Clark ISrewc-. brother to Havillah. nephew of James. 111. ''Mary Brewer. Electa married Arden Heath, son of Asa K. Heath, a pioneer. II. Thomas Chase. Jr.. was the Sheriff of Livingston County and will long be remembered as the Sheriff who hung Menry Wilson, the murderer of Henry Devoe of Portage. He h\ed with the family at Wilcox Corners and afterward on Mass .Street, Nunda. The house has since l)een burned, but A. D. Scntt built on the site. 1835— CRANE-CRARY-BRACKETT FAMILY (Hon.) Addison AI. Crane. Xunda's third law\'er, came t(_i Xunda when a young man, was in the office of Denedict Bagley, taught scliool. married a niece of Judge Daniel .Ashley (member of Assembly) and was one of the leading young men in the society of that day. He afterward went to Illinois and became a member of Assembly. His wife was .Ashley; sister, .Amelia Crane; brother. Danfortli Crane; cousin. Gertrude Crane. Airs. Crar\- and Airs. I'.rackett were Cranes; wife's mother. Catharine .Ashley- Palen, died m Xunda 1841. Charles E. Crary, merchant, town clerk, married Charlotte Abby Crane. Edward H. Brackett. merchant, married Alary .Ann Crane. .Another cousin married Lawyer Edw. Webster, a ne])hew of Hon. Daniel Ashlev of Xunda. CHAPTER XAIII. 1834— THE WHITCOMB FAMILIES Walter. Walter 1'... Samuel P. Walter W'hitcomb (merchant and banker) was born just a centur\- ago. I''ebruar_\- 13, iSoS, and was nearly a month old when the town, in which he com- pleted a long and useful life, was organized; before coming from \'ork- to .Xunda in 1834. he married Hannah 1!. Richmond, a sister of W. P. Richmond. Of this estimable lady, ".Anna Warner" b'rench writes in her book of. fam- ily genealogy. — "Airs. Whitcomb was one of the bright and most entertaining c f women, and ^lie preserxed her charm of manner and conversation to the last of her lile." The author en. Wliitcomb several years ; had store at Portageville, during Civil War; married Juliette, daughter of .Simeon Hamiuond of Corning, N. \'. ; was in business with S. Hammond in Corning; returned to Nunda, and Ham- mond &• Co., purchased the furniture and undertaking business of Barclay & Co. : had a book and variel\' store at Tonawanda, I'a. ; returned to Nunda, was partner with Willard Bros., wholesale Casket Works ; died at Tarpon Springs, and was buried at Nunda, honored by all for his scarcity of faults, his wealth of good qualities. Mrs. Juliette Whitcoml) survived her husband but a few years, she was an invalid at the time of his death. They were without children. Mrs. Whit- comb left her portion of the estate, having no near relatives, to the (Univer- salist Church of the Redeeiuer) of Nunda. with certain bequests, as to the use of a part of it. Mrs. Louise Whitcomb Davis, a sister of W. B., and S. P., and of Fred Whitcomb, lived for some years with the family of W. B. Whitcomb and is still a frequent summer guest of her nephew. Prof. S. M. Whitcomb. Frederick Whitcomb of Rochester, the other brother of Walter B., Sam- uel P. and Louise, though never a citizen of Nunda. has with his wife been a guest ot their kin for so many years, that friendly mention ot them, seems due. As a family of merchants these three heads of famihes, the uncle and his nephews, will long be remembered. In social life Mrs. Walter Whitcomb and her daughters, Mrs. Walter B. Whitcomb and Mrs. Samuel P. Whitcomb, were acknowledged leaders; gifted with rare conversational powers, they did much to lift the social standards of the time to a higher plane of intellectuality and refine- ment. The individuality of the three Mrs. Whitcombs, relatives only by mar- riage was distinctive. In Mrs. Mary Whitcomb, ease, grace, and courtesy, pre- dominated, in Mrs. Fidelia the power of reasoning was pronounced and domi- nant, she was a female logician always equipped for action, she won her vic- tories only from the strong men of ability ; she was delightful with women and 3'oung people, she placed them at their ease, and made them surprise them- selves, by the bright things they themselves had said. Mrs. Juliette Whit- comb, with a vivacity seldom excelled created an atmosphere of cheerfulness and mirth, out of the abundant resources of her own geniality. Her last long sickness of excessive pain and torture, lasted for years, and her sudden great afiHiction in the loss of her devoted husband was robbed of half its pathos, by her spirit of submission and her power of cheerful endurance. Those who sought her presence with hearts overflowing with pity were themselves com- forted, her very tones were full of her life-long cheerfulness. Her death in her far away Southern home, itself pitiful to her Northern friends, was not forlorn or desolate, a choice coterie of congenial lady friends ministered to her every want. Her burial in Oakwood following the severest storm of the winter, at an early morning hour, with a depth of snow that made it an impossibility for her lady friends to attend her obsequies, seemed pitiful beyond expression. Site had sent a poem to be read, (by the writer, at her grave for the church had no pastor at the time), so full of the spirit of submission, trust and content, that her death, like her sickness, was robbed of its sting, and the piti- less grave among the snow drifts, won no victor)'. The selection was from "God's good man" ; she had found healing balm in it, when God's good man, her husband, was taken awa\', and she sent it as her word of "strong confidence" to those she expecteil to need its tone ( so like her own ) of comfort. The services at the grave were as follows : "Two years ago, we buried here one of God's good men, to-day, we place beside him. one of God's good women. She has asked of me. the reading ot these words of trust. I give them as HER WORDS TO US "The Lord is my Shepherd ; I shall not want He maketli me down to lie In pleasant fields where the lilies grow And the river runneth by. The Lord is my Shepherd ; he feedeth me In the depth of a desert land. And lest I should in the darkness slip He holdeth me b\' the hand. The Lord is my Sheiilicrd ; I shall not want, J\l\' mind on him is stayed, As through the valley of Death 1 walk, I shall not be afraid. The Lord is my Shepherd; (')h Shepherd sweet I^eave me not here to stray lint guide me safe to thy heavenK- fold And keep me there I pra\'. Amenl" The reader then said, I offer this, as "Our word concerning her, concerning Death, and our trust in Life through Death. L Death. Our friend has iiasscil Into the silence that \\ill know no Ijreaking The grief, the sorrow and the sad lieart-aching Are ours; in perfect silence folded closely In arms invisible to us, held fast She slumbers without waking. IL Life. Her s|)irit lives I In high ideals, born of lo\-e and dutv ; Her faith, — her hope for all — her trust in God : Kissing submissively his chasenmg roil Ali these shall iorm, better than sculiitured scroll The record of a bright j'n-breathing soul Her monument of beauty! III. Life, through Death. O Death! Stern h'oe ! Kind I'rieiid ! Thou dc.st dissever — a wrong that can Lie righted, — I'c.r se\ered hearts, after a few dark davs Are brought together to abide always ; 'Tis grief to part — but joy to be united For all that makes life bright — still lives and thrives Faith leads to God — Hope makes all true life blest, Love — God's best gift — survives. In giving these short obsequies (that followed those given in the Sunny Southland), publicity, the writer aims to perpetuate the memorv of this wurtln- couple; wdiose only posterity, are their deeds of devotion to dutv; the ]o\- their bright lives engendered ; the grief of kindred spirits at their departure. The\' were childless ; and those who do not live m their jiosterity are sooner forgotten however well loved, and best known. The childless writer, leaves a poem or p book, and though a record of the lives of others, the reader between the lines, finds the antipodes of life, humor and pathos, mirthfulness and gloom: and, be- tween these severed ])oles. the real trend of life is seen in its estimate of the lives described. 261 All men and women cannot leave books or bequests that will foster in others, what was most vital to themselves. That to these lovers of humanity and the Gospel of the "Good Shepherd" breathing its spirit of Universal love, that had kept their hearts so reverent and trustful, it was fitting, it was right, it was best, that they should keep the cause they loved best, alive, to cheer and brighten human lives. To the maintenance of the church and the faith that had in- creased their love for God and goodness, they gave all in gratitude. May the gratitude of the receiver, equal that of the giver. A gift that becomes, even in part, a perpetuity may create a perpetuity ol usefulness, and engender in successive generations what all desire and few se- cure, "loving remembrance." Love alone is abiding. That the giver as well as the gift may be known to those who will help perpetuate this faith, the writer in his verse, and in his pen picture of his co-workers, has tried to lend his eyes and heartfelt appreciation. Long may the names of Samuel and Juliette Whitcomb be rememberef' for what they were, to those who knew them, and for what thev did, or tried tc do, for those who are yet to be. 1835 Bradford Perez Riciimond, better known as B. P. Richmond, soon after his marriage to Anna Whitwell, a woman of wealth and refinement, probably by the advice of Walter Whitcomb who had previously married his sister, came to Nunda in 1835. The two families lived together in the George Baglev house, on tlie corner of State and \ermont Streets. The accommodations were limited and both men built new houses. The writer knows that one of these houses was well built, as good lumber was chea]i in those days ; the house was lined with wide inch boards, from 12 to 16 inches in width, that would now sell at $40 a thousand. Perhaps the writer, who bought the hmise S- years afterward paid at that rate for them, but it is doubtful if B. P. Rich- mond paid more than $8 a thousand. It was a good house but not quite satis- factory to Mrs. Richmond, so it was sold a year later to .Squire Jonathan Bar- ron, and the fine house known as the Richmond homestead in which not only the children of this worthy couple were born ; but, it is also said, that a very popular "fictitious character," known as "Susan Glegg," who spoke a dialect peculiar to the primitive people of Nunda, had a literary conception and birth, at this same homestead. Whether the "Richmond Genealogy" also grew to maturity, so cozilv housed, and illustrated by some good specimens of the Richmond family, I can- not say. I only hope that the book that awaits birth, from the former Richmond home may be as accurate in its genealogy and biology and have some of the humor of the "Susan Glegg book," without serving to verify, with uninten- tional defects, the peculiarities of ^^'estern New York dialect. Plouses have histories as trul_\- as their owners, their chances of growing beautiful with age are more numerous than that of their owners, their term of existence is greater, and these houses demonstrate that fact, while the dry goods store built twelve years later, barely survived its first occupants. Whitcomb and Richmond : the one that stood near it, built by Riley Merrill about 1830, of half its size and value, after changing its location twice, is still in existence. Mr. Richmond, as a retired merchant, spent much of his time in reading 262 scientific works, and became (juite well versed in geology. He lived to a good old age, having been a citizen of the town about 75 years. His entire married life was spent here. Mrs. Richmond's gentleness, courtesy and warm hearted generosity made her a favorite with all classes. She survived her husband a few years, and her most devoted admirers were those to whom she had given employment. Every holiday a bountiful banquet was provided and the greater part of it was shared with the sick and the needy. The best was none too good to give to those unused to such luxuries. Such almoners of abundance have been few, even in this town where generosity is the rule, and selfishness the exception. The entire family of children and grandchiUlren, as recorded in Anna War- ner's Genealogy, were: Georgia Virginia W., August 30, 1840, married Addison Rathbone, A. B., Union College, 1859: Anna Elizabeth W., December 11, 1842, married William P. Warner. A. B., Union College, lawyer, son of Dr. Eben Warner, resides at St. Paul, Minn. : Charles Bradford, born November 18, 1854, married Mary Packard, daughter of E. W. Packard, Esq. The son of C. B. and M. R. ; Her- bert, a dentist, at Kane, Pa., married Miss Scott. HI. "Anna \\'arner" I'rencli, the novelist, has achieved success as a writer of fiction. She has two children, who were formerly summer guests at the Richmond homestead. Bradford P. Richmond died October 18. 1808. aged 85 years. Mrs. Anna Whitwell Richmond died June 6, 1904. 1835 Daniel P. Bard, mechanic and musician, teacher of vocal music, had first music store, married Catharine Shelmire. H. Maria liard, married Horace Whipple, nephew of Elisha Whipple. HI. I. I'raiik Whipple, Ijorn in Nunda, court stenographer, married in 1906, resides in Geneseo. 1837 Asa I). Wood, James W. Laughlin, Ross \V. Estabrook and Ambrose Clark were in business (New York store) but the firm soon dissolved. 1833 I. Daniel Rockwood, married Kingman of Grove. H. Alvin Rockwood, married Mrs. Eunice Cheney; Enock Cheney. Harvey lluggins, Emelinc Huggins, Ezekiel Gilbert, Mrs. Gilbert's, brntli- ers-in-la\\, had a steam saw mill on Joseph Gormcl farm. 1833— ROCKINGHAM FAMILIES— MORE MECHANICS Eben \\'heeler. Ixirn ijt)/- cabinetmaker and farmer, married Charlotte Wright, cousin to ()li\er Wright, settled in 1833, IxiuLiht nut the original settler (farm knig owned by Isaac Brewster) and Iniilt a cabinet sho]). His chairs, made over 75 years ago, are still in some nf the hcniseholds in this place, and are as good as when first made, even the paint and gilding being still good. Children : Mar}', born June 10, 1815, was a teacher for 2^ years. .She married, when about 45 years of age, Col. (of militia) Greenlief Clark, a tanner and Justice 263 of the I'eace of Portage. They hahn R., who resides on Center Street. 1836 John Seaver family of Rockingham settled in .Xunda and bought out Xathaniel Chandler. State Street, who succeeded Riley .Merrill. .Sr. Mr. .Scaxer was a gunsmith, blacksmith and farmer, John .Seaver married Miss Whitcomb. Harriet: .Martha, married Eddy, a merchant tailor. III. William .S. Eddy, editor, died }'oung: Hiram Seaver: h'anny Seaver. married I'hilip (i. .Slocuni. HI. I. ''.Vdello Slocum. editor, married .\della Ha\-eus : 2. Clement Slocum. 1. 2. .\aron Whitcomb. a brother of Mrs. John .Sea\-er. .\dello .Slocum and William .S. luldy were editing a paper, and were fast '"caching civil honors ami prosperity when they both were taken sick and died. 264 AdeUo was brought l^ack to Xunda for liiirial. A marker over his grave bears this inscription, "Our noljlc liow" which found general indorsement b)- all who knew him. His widow sur\'i\es and has written and possibly published a book of poems. SOME NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES The fannlies of the iiarnms, I'.arretts, Wrights (three families) and Dakes are closely connected by marriage, and all were zealous supporters of the Baptist Church. There were two Dr. \\'rights. Dr. Eben married a Bar- ron, Dr. Barnabus married a Barrett. Closes Barron married Alary Barrett, the onl}' li\-ing jjioncer of these large households, wdiile two of the Piarrett sisters married Dakes. These families were educated in Xew England, and in consequence of these advantages most of them of the second generation be- came prominent as teachers and in the [jrofessions. The Dake family was conspicuous from its great nundjer of physicians. The B>arrons. l-)y the pur- chase of lands in Xunda (Chandler or Sturgeon farm), in 1824, were first as purchasers, the \\'rights, i. e., the Doctors \\'right, next, the other two families of Wright, John S. and ( )li\-er (not relatives to the former nor to each other), came ne.xt. The latter came with Deacon James Barrett in 1833. Some of the Dakes came to Portage-Nunda in 1819 and afterward to Xunda. Some of the meml^ers of these people from Xew Hampshire and \'er- mont are connected by marriage with \"er}' many of the other pioneer families of Xunda. The influence of these strong, sturd}-, reliable ]3eoplc in this communit}- cannot be over-estimated. The writer groups them together for they formed for their da}' and generation a strong and united force in fostering a high type of life in this community. They all attended the same church, for they were all deep water Christians. Dr. Eben \\' right lived in the large house on the ( )akland road that was taken dowai by the Carricks, but moved into the \'illage and Snrranus Britton succeeded him there in the "'thirties.'" THE FAMILY OF DR. EBEN WRIGHT I. Eben Wright, M. D., married Harriet Barron, daughter of Jonathan. n. I. Mary, married Rev. A\"illiam Clark, son of Rev. Clark; 2. Harriet, married Samuel Goss : 3. *Eben, Jr. (in Michigan) : .Sarah, married Dr. Gran- \'ille Thomas, Chicago; children born in Chicago: P^-ank Wright (an Institute l:)oy ), married in Illinois, resides in Chicago. I. 2. Barnabus Wright, M. D., owned two farms in Xunda, the Hugh McXair ( Farrell farm ) and 50 acres on Xorth State Street. He practiced medicine during his life, married Anice Barrett, daughter of Deacon James Barrett. He died in Xunda. II. I. Martha Jane, married Chester W. Chipman. Air. Chipman had a store near the home of Dr. W^ right. It was doubtful at the time of its building where the center of the future village would be. The store was moved into the village at a later date and inserted between the Emporium Block and the East Street market. Chipman moved to Philadelphia. III. *Edgar M. Chipman, a quasi veteran who enlisted in the 104th, expecting his skill in company drill woidd give him a c(.immission. It did not, 265 and he did not remain long in the service. He was a good scholar, and would, no doubt, have become an efficient officer. Both father and son are buried in Oakwood. II. 2. *Barnabns, Jr.. married Harret Atwood of Nunda. Her home has been in Dansville. N. Y. JONATHAN BARRON He was called Captain and also Squire. He bought, in 1823. a large farm in Barron District. Mt. Morris, and next year another on Creek Road, Nunda. There was a clearing and some rail fence and a frame house on the farm. The old house built in 1823 or 1824 is now standing but has been used as a tenant house ever since N. Chandler built a new one. The old house is probably the oldest one in the town. Jonathan Barron moved into the village in 1837. buying the new house on Church Street afterwards owned by Peter Depuy. It is now 70 years old — ■ a little older than its present owner — but it is now known as Dormer Cottage, East Street, the dormers and porches having been added by Yours Truly. Squire Barron married in A'ermont. Susannah Aiken. Second Generation II. I. Polly A., spinster, died aged do; 2. Anice. married Dr. B. Wright (neither of them living); 3. Aloses. born 1795. taught school twenty years, farmer with 300 acres. Justice of the Peace, died 1862, buried at Xunda, mar- ried, 1836, Mary Barrett, eldest daughter of Deacon James Barrett, born in New Hampshire, November 23, 181 3, who still survives him and is, at this date (January i, 1908.) past 94 years of age. When she came to Xunda in 1835 there was quite a settlement, most of the stores around the Plaza, the Eagle Hotel, the Swains grist mill, and the old first Baptist and the first Pres- byterian churches. Tlie Xunda House was in process of erection. Her father bought out the farm and home of his son-in-law. Dr. Barnabus Wright. Her neighbors in the village were the families of William D. Hammond, then on Portage Street ; John S. \\'right. first house west of Nunda house ; Oliver Wright, who came with them from Xew Hampshire, who Ijuilt the house owned by Ernest Olney. Es(|., the Swains and others. After the death of her husband. Mrs. Barron came into the village and lived in a part of the house of her husband's sister. As wife, mother and mother-in-law. grandmother, church member, citizen and neighbor, she has been all that is desirable. As nonogenarian she is without an equal in cheerfulness, gentleness, patience and contentment. She still enjoys sharing to some extent in the family labors and still attends on pleasant days the church and Sundav School of which she has l)cen a member for 72 years. There are not ten persons living in this village now that were living here then even in their childhood. We give our neighbors and friends of former days her photo, taken when she was eighty years young. Fourteen years have been added and yet she might be mistaken for a young person of 75. The children of Moses and Mary Barron who reached maturity were : I. Mary Narcissa, educated at the Nunda Literary Institute and at Sat- terlee's Collegiate Institute, Rochester. X. Y. She taught district schools, following the example of her father, until her marriage. She was married 266 December 28, 1865, to Captain John W esley Hand, and has Hved in Rochester, DuBois, 111., and since 1892 in Nunda village, where filial love called her to care for the mother who needed her presence and companionship. 2. Lucias H. Barron, born 1843. '" early manhood became a soldier of the Civil War; since then a farmer, merchant, mill owner. He married Miss Alida Yeomans of Alt. Morris. He died in Nebraska. HI. 3. .-\lida J. Barron, A. B., teacher in academies and jniblic schools of Rochester and Denver. Miss Barron was the first lady college graduate from this vicinity and from any of our Nunda High Schools. This distinction gave her the honor of being the first Vice President of the College Club of Nunda. 4. Alilton M. Barron, the youngest member of this family, has, like his father and grandfather, been Justice of the Peace and farmer on the Home- stead that has been in the family for three generations. The family seem to regard education as one of the essentials in good farm- ing and in life. He was educated at Nunda Academy, Mill Street, Nunda, and at Cornell University. He has tried his hand at merchant and railroad con- tractor but found no place like the homestead. He married Alida Hall of Tuscarora, daughter of Isaac Hall. Fourth Generation The only grandchildren of Closes I'.arron arc the children of Milton and Alida Hall Eiarron : John, Arthur and ( )nolee. John and Arthur attended the Nunda High School, and thereujion lia\e a place in our school history of the town. They have all l)een at Ithaca and shared the advantages of that literary center. Miss Onolee is still there. John now writes his name. Prof. John Barron, B. of Science of Agriculture, i'ennsylvania State College, at State College, Pa. The Abel Barron family were residents of Mt. Alorris. Abel Barron bought the Lemen farm, adjoining the Barron homestead. He married (first) Margaret Rockafellow of Nunda. They had no children. He married (second) Alargaret Norton of Mt. Alorris; four children: Harriet L., .\. Clifton. Thorn- ton and Catharine. All but Thornton have lived in Nunda. 1 le married Emma Sherman of Nunda. Third Generation Harriet L. married Alichael Dowling. a railroad contractor, who made a success of his occupation (see list of self-made men ). He purchased Elmwood and improved it. He died about 20 years ago and is buried at Nunda. lA^ Alabel, born in Barron District, educated in Binghamton High School; Cora, born in liarron District, educated in Binghamton and Smith College, owns the Abel Barron homestead; Florence, born on Downling farm, educated at Binghamton and graduated from Smith's College, 1904, married Fred C. Olp. cashier Nunda Bank. Harriet Olp, born 1907; Alinnie J. Dennis, adopted daughter of Aland H. L. Dennis, educated at Binghamton High School and Albany Normal College: has taught at Nunda and Plainfield, N. J. (see College Club). III. 2. .A. Clifton I'.arnm. burn cm .\. Ilarron homestead, educated at Nunda .Academy and at Cornell I'niversity, taught in Jervis Alilitary Academy, Conn., bank clerk. Nunda. railroad contractor, retired farmer, sold homestead to his niece. Miss Cora Dowliiig. married (first) Harriet Roland of Connecti- cut. li\ed in Xunda. Giblis Place, and died at the homestead, married (second) -Miss . a teacher. 3. Thornton Harron. never lived in Xiinda. lives on the homestead, married Emma Sherman of Xunda. Children born in Mt. Morris: Catharine. Mrs. Reed, never lived in Xunda. II. Sarah J., married 1 first ) llar\ey Messenger, son of Deacon Russell Messenger (seconil) Ethan Gilbert (third) George Gilbert, all l.niried in Oak- wood. III. F.rai (lilbert. married *James \\'inship, Esq. Children born in Buf- falo. X. v.: Alice Gilbert (niece and adopted daughter), teacher, married Irving McDuffie, veteran (see 33rd Regiment), teacher; *Joseph Harris (adopt- ed), teacher, lawyer, principal Avon Union School, city attorney St. Louis. yio.. settled 1832: *Ouartus Barron, married Sylvia Ashley, daughter of Judge Daniel Ashley of Xunda. built cobble stone house on East Street and corner store on East and State Streets : died at Fox Lake. 1835— THE BARRETTS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE I. Deacon James Barrett, farmer, married Lucinda Knapp. II. I. Mary Barrett, born Xovember 23. 1S13, married Moses Barron (see Barron familv) : 2. Lucinda, born in Xew Hampshire, married \ ictor Wright, son of pioneer John S. \\'right ( 1832). HI. Monroe \\ .. born in Xunda. 1838: 2. Marcella. born in Xunda. 1839. married SntTver. Mt. Clemons : 3. Judsrm, born in 1840. resides in Xe- braska : 4. Ida. niarrieil Bishop. II. 3. Emaliue (a teacher), marrietl John E. Dake : Albert: Emma, mar- ried John Sherry, Rochester. II. 4. *Elizabeth, teacher antl homeopathic physician, married Dr. Josiah Blanchard, pioneer teacher in Xunda : i. Ada Blanchard : 5. *]\Iartha, a teacher, married *Dr. Samuel P. Town, a pioneer teacher in Xunda: 6. *James ]\I. Bar- rett (only son), a teacher and merchant, married (first) *Charlotte Tuthill. (second) Joanna Harris, sister of Mrs. James of Xuntla: 7. Laura, also a teacher, married Dr. William H. Dake of Xunda. II. I. Embury Dake, born in Xunda, married of Rochester, died in Rochester, igo6 ; Ida M., married Thayer. Lockport. X. Y. NEPHEWS OF DEACON JAMES BARRETT Zacheous (a farmer), married (first) Harriet Xorton, (second) Catharine Hann, (third) Grace Hann. Catharine and Grace Barrett were daughters of John Hann of Groveland and cousins to John Wanamaker, merchant of Phila- delphia, only son of Zacheous and Grace Barrett, born 1854, died 1907. George \\'. Barrett of Quincy. Mass., farmer. Mt. Morris and Xunda, settled 1850, married (first) *Mrs. A, J. Ricker, who had three daughters, (second) *Huldah Perine ; daughters : Abby, a young lady, died 1853 : *Augusta Ricker, married Oscar D, Willett, veteran. 136th Regiment, died in California: Sabra Jane Ricker, married *Origen J. Willett, Supervisor of Portage, died in Portage. Mrs. Willett moved to Xunda village after his death: (Mr. and Mrs. Willett w'ere Universalists ;) *Georgianna Barrett, married ^^'illard Kendall. li\ed on farm (Lee farm) in Xunda. i. Frank: 2. Bert. OLIVER WRIGHT SETTLED IN 1835 Bv his first marriage he was a brother-in-law of Ehen Wheeler (settled 1S33). ( )li\cr Wright, married (first) *Hannah Wheeler. 1. Ahiiira, married Mordan ^^'right. son of John S. Jl. I. Walter Wright: 2. Hannah E. T. Wright, missionary to Hurniah (see Xiinda Missionaries. Chnrch and Clergy Department), married Rev. Lvman Stilson, A. M., missionary; 3. W'. Parker Wright, skilled mechanic, in gdvernment employ at Xa\y Yard, Washington, D. C, during part of the Ci\il War: 4. Charles Wright, Ijorn 1828, skilled mechanic. ( )li\er \\'right and sons had the first furnace in Xunda. The nld Iniilding is still standing. It was huilt liy John .^. Wright and located on his lot, and is now used by its present owner, John Hughes, as a livery building. The build- ing, at least 75 years old, unlike the houses of the village, has not impro\-ed with age. The Wright liros. went to Rochester and while there made the fire engine, the "Protector," all were so proud of. It was sold after the present excellent system of water works was estalilished. The Hope hose engine is still to be seen, though never used. As "skilled mechanics" the sons of ( )li\'er Wright stand prominent, first in the list from Nunda, and it is an honor to the town that W'. Parker W^right was selected by the government in the mounting of Dahlgren guns for the l)rotection of the National Capitol. He was living at Nunda at the time of the Civil War. John S. Wright, pioneer, settled 1832, builder of several houses for him- self, son-in-law, and sons, builder of the first foundry, was first author, having had ])rinted a pamphlet of his search for the most desirable location for a home. That he settled in Nunda after an unsatisfactory journey to Ohio, and a tem- ]Mrary residence in Chautauqua County, is at least complimentary to Nunda ; that he died at the Ridge is due to his great zeal for the Baptist denomination that led him to the building of the church in that settlement, which has, how- ever, become a Methodist Church edifice. The family record of this excellent and useful family is furnished by the daughter of the only living child of this early pioneer. The family also fur- nished the assessment role of the town in 1834, when John S. Wright was assessor, but it has not been found. As it would gi\c all the names i;>f the tax- payers of that date it would be of great \alue, if found. Mrs. Jessie Smith Warner of Brooklyn, X. V.. daughter of Sarah A. Wright, of Brooklyn. X. \'.. formerly of Xunda and Wells\-ille. has given me the following complete famih- statistics: I. John S. Wright, born 1732, died at Ridge, X. V., 1849, Ijuried at Xunda, married February 27, 1803 (settled in Xunda, Portage Street, 1833) : Asenath Arnold, born 1785, died April 10, i8.')6, buried at Xunda. II. I. *Emily, born 1805. died at Scribna. X. Y.. 1888. married Harvey Simmons, died 1876. aged 80; 2. *Florona, bf>rn 180S. died 1844. buried at Xunda: 3. *Mordan. l)orn 181 1. died 1872. in .Michigan, married *Almira Wright, daughter of Oliver, son Walter Wright: 4. X'ictor. born 1813, died 1897, at Detroit, Mich., married Lucinda Barrett, died 1887 (see Barrett record for children): 5. Wellington, born 1816, died 183S: 6. Mary E. Wright, liorn 1818, married Darius Could. Darius (lould was a ])ioneer merchant of Nunda, 269 corner store. Mill Street and State Street. E. G. married (second) George W. Shannon in 1852. Darius Gould died .buried in Nunda. 7. Elizabeth H., born 1821. died at Penn Yan 1893. married John J. Rockafellow of Xunda. Allegany County, clerk County Superintendent of Schools, lived on Center Street. Nunda, son of Henr)' Rockafellow ; 8. Sarah Asenath. born 1828, mar- ried Thomas L. Smith of Rochester. T. L. Smith died at \\'ellsville. 1899. III. Jessie Smith married H. D. Warner, resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. CHAPTER XIX. 1830 GEORGE W. MERRICK. Supervisor of Nunda; William P. Wilcox first County Superintendent of the Poor. The population of Allegany County this year, 27,276. There was paid by the county this year for killing harmful wild beasts $467.50. for 1 panther. 2t, wolves and 18 whelps (young wolves). POPULATION OF TOWNS Alfred 1.4 16. Allen 8yS. Almond 1.804, Amity 872. Andover 598. Angelica 998, Belfast 743, Birdsall 543. Bolivar 449. Burns 702, Caneadea '/S2. Center- ville 1,195, Cuba 1,059, Eagle 892. Friendship 1.502. Genesee 219. Grove (in- cluding most of Granger) 1.388. Haight 655, Hume 951, Independence 877, Xunda 1,291. Ossian 812. Pike 2.016. Portage (including Genesee Falls and part of Granger) 1,839, Rushford, 1.115. Scio 602. The county was at this time divided into 26 towns. The families that are known to have come to this town in 1830: Deacon \\ illiam R. Ruryee. Abraham DeGroff. \\'illiam D. Paine, Silas Grover. A survey of the canal route from Rochester to Allegheny River, directed by Legislature. Ajiril 17. 1830. Besides giving the population of the towns of Allegany County, we are given this year the amount of public money distributed to the schools. The school money for Xunda was S67.16, the town of Almond received $94 and Alford $73.70, while Angelica received only $51.99. The secret of the population at that time being so great may be solved by stating that nearly every family had from seven to twelve children. If the same conditions prevailed at the present time our population would be at least quadrupled. The Duryee family that settled in 1830 is unlike in num- bers our Xunda families of to-day. This family was one of the largest and proved to be good stayers. Most of the later pioneers consider Deacon William R. Duryee one of the old pio- neers. He settled in 1830. but even he belonged to the second generation of Duryees in Xunda. I. His father. George Duryee. born 1770. located near the county line; his wife was a Renix. II. John married and went West: George. Jr.. married Sally Depuy ; William R. Duryee. deacon of Presbyterian Church, farmer with 160 acres, born in Schenectady 1796, lived 90 years, married (first) Lany Conklin, born 270 Cayuga County 1800. tiled 1843, (second) IMelinda Rathbone. horn 1802; 12 children. III. I. *Helen AI., married *reter Aniniernian, veteran; 2. '''Elizabeth, married Egbert Bogart, son of Dr. Bogart ; 3. Jane A., married Aaron Hall of Tuscarora ; 4. Gertrude S., married *Chester Moore; 5. *Delia O., married *Andrew J. Russell, artist. Captain in Civil War; (IV^) two daughters, Cora, married, and Hattie, married. III. 6. C. Caroline, married *Allen Whitney. I\'. .Amanda, married Dr, Brown; *Mattie, married John Crosier of Oakland. III. 7. Monroe Dnryee, married Esther Crauston. I\". I. William C, married Nellie B. Chittenden, daughter of Darwin; 2. Frank Monroe, married Ella Chambers ; 3. George Clayton ; 4. Edith ; 5. Laura, married Rev, Grant Chambers ; 6. Robert, married Blanche Sawyer ; 7. Florence, married John Gross, lives on the homestead. III. *J. Conklin, married Helen Lamphire ; i. Winifred; 2. John, killed by the falling of a pitchfork from a hay mow ; 3. Chester. III. Amanda, married *Aml)rose Clapp, all born before 1840. Frances E., married David Roberts (see Silas Roberts family ) ; Harriet X., married (first) *Charles Bigsby, (second) Figer. The first Mrs. Duryee was a Conklin and aunt to Gerritt and Ralston Conklin. The second wife, Metinda Rathbone, was an aunt to Addison Rathbone, A. B., (Union), son-in-law of B. P. Richmond. II. 3. James Duryee, son of George, Sr., married Renix ; Reni.x Duryee (only son), farmer, lives in Nunda village; Jennie Brodt, a niece of Mrs. Duryee, married Ralston Conklin; i. Ella Conklin; 2. Flora Conklin, married Daniel Suydam. II. 4. Sarah Duryee, married Abraham DeGroff (see DeGroft' family); 5. Andrew Duryee, married (first) Lydia Willis, (second) Eliza Reed, III. 1, Josiah Duryee, married (first) Marian Philips (second) Mrs. Williams ; 2. Sarah Duryee, married John Crego, Captain of Carter Camp, Sons of Veterans, janitor of Nunda High School. I\'. Herbert Crego, served term in the regular army; 3. Sidney, single; 4. James, married Mary J. Hughes; 5. Edward, married (first) Margaret Mur- dorph, (second) Gelser ; 6. Mary, married John Love, Michigan. Mrs. Lucinda Duryee, born 1813, a niece of George Duryee, Sr. (see Whitcnack families). I. 2. * Abraham Duryee, brother to George, Sr., born i78<), died 1868, wife Catharine Van Rensalier, died 1866. II. I. *Sarah, single, a weaver, lived on Creek Road ; 2. *\'an Rensalier (a one-armed man, peddled merchandise). HI. *Schuyler (a soldier 33rd Regiment), married Sarah Ha} ward, l)ur- ied at Oakwood ; *Charles (an upholsterer), married Rosetta Maynard, dress- maker, Nunda. N. Y. I\'. I. Harley, furniture dealer; 2. Maynard, printer, foreman Truth office ; The Duryee Bros., undertaking, dealers in furniture, Cree Block ; 3. Ethlyn, clerk; 4. Lorma, printer. HI. 3. Emma, married Edward Passage; 4. Ella, teacher, married Leon- ard Coon Roberts, carpenter, patternmaker, inventor ; 5. F"red. II. 4- niiza rJurvee. mother of Eugene Diiryee. veteran; Eugene, a much married man — a cosmopolitan with a wife in each new locality. 1825— THE ELWOODS Air. lames Elwood was a shoemaker and sometimes went around "whip- ]iing the cat," as it was called : that is, he went to a farm house, and made up their tanned leather into shoes and boots for the family. Their were several other pioneer shoemakers who did the same — probably Joel Saterlee and Alex. Guv. The custom did not last long after village shoe shops were established. A\'eslev Bailey owns the farm where J. Elwood formerly lived. He also lived where Mark Turner now lives. The house was moved from Chautauejua Hollow, its owner, a Air. Kellogg, having espoused Alormonism and wishing to emigrate to Utah, to be near the prophet Joseph, sold his hurned to death. The family lived on East Hill. 273 Almiron Paine Stage Driver First Child Born in Nunda E. \V. PaiIsAKI.. f\o. The Late Peter De Puy Banker of Nunda Sanford Parker Of the Parlcer House, Dalto THE DEPUYS Children of Colonel DePuy (who li\-c(l in Mt. Morris. Init never in Xunda, nor did the father of Peter DePuy, who died when Peter was young) : i. Amos ; Ezra DePuy, married ( 1842) Miss Rachel Post : I'hilip. Sr., married Chandler: Eleoner, married Maxom Smith, who owned one of the three lots on which the village of Dalton is built. II. Charity Smith, married ^^'illiam Y. Robinson, ex-Supervisor and ex- member of Assembly. III. I. Caroline, married Rev. Thomas B. Paine, pastor of Uni\-ersalist Church, Scranton, Pa. : 2. Harriet, married DeLester \\ ilkins, medical student and principal of schools. II. Peter DePuy. died, aged y~,. grocer and banker, married Melissa J. Smith of Perry. III. I. Isaac Justin, grocer and banker, married Sarah Brewster, daugh- ter of Isaac Brewster. 2. Alton, burn in Xunda (brakeman), married Morris, niece of Joseph Morris, died and left a son and daughter. Grandchildren of Peter and Melissa, children of J. DePuy: IV. *P>rett (liank clerk), married Harriet Barrett, one son; 2. Perry I bank clerk ) : 3. Ivan : 4. Bruce : 5. Glenn. II. 2. *Philip DePuy, a carpenter and a brother of Peter, married his widow. ]\Irs. De Pviy married (second) Hiram Mills. III. Frank DePtiy, bank clerk, married Laura Rose, daughter of Cvrus Rose. He died 1907, leaving wife and one daughter. II. 3. Sister of Peter married Isaac W'hitenack (see \Miitenack brothers, John. Isaac, Cornelius) : 4. Sarah (Sally), married George Duryee (see Durvee family). III. I. Margaret Duryee. married Cull)ertson : 2. Catharine Eliza, married Glisby : 3. Ezra: 4. Samuel: 5. May. 1838— THE MACKENS The Mackens were a patriotic family. The sons enlisted and two of the daughters married soldiers. No family that furnished soldiers was unimport- ant in war times, and deserve special mention in local history. .Mr. Alacken and Susan Macken lived in the Chautau<|ua Hollow section. I. James (soldier) : 2. Thomas (soldier) : 3. Cecilia, married Orrin Grimes: 4. Margaret, married PTank G. Lockwood, veteran, died 11)07: 5. Anna, mar- ried *F. Frank Demmon, veteran, 136th Regiment. III. 1. Elvira, daughter of I'rank by former marriage. 2. Cora, married Fred W'oodworth. son of Charles A\'.. \-eteran (see Woodworth families). THE CHILDREN OF FRANK G. LOCKWOOD Lewis, a ^•eteran of Spanish ^^'ar, Craig Colon}- : Bert, married Kernahan : 6. *Mary, married *Lorenzo Jacobs, a barber. They lived on Mill Street, Xunda. 1835 John Kelly, son of Joseph Kelh' (by first marriage), came with his uncle, John Fox. to Xunda, married (first) Hanor Philena Baldwin, daughter of 275 Nelson: tlic\- li;ul two childron : Miiinia, married l':ii Howns of Ml. Morns; Orrcn J., married Minnie Stewart; John Kelly married (second) Mrs. I.}'dia Sabin. Children of Emma and Eli : III. E. J. Downs, Nellie I).. Harry Downs, (."hildren of Orren and Min- nie Kelly; i. Floris. and 2. Everett. Mary Kelly, sister to John, married Linns .Aldricli ; *Fred (bachelor), died at Dalton. The family of Joseph Kelley never lived at Xnnda. He came to Granger in 1838 with a span of horses and a top bugy,y and traded it for 80 acres of land: returned to Herkimer County by packet from Rochester and returned the next spring;. l)ans.;hter, Sarah. Mrs. Dr. Hamilton, and Martha have lived in Nunda : Churchill dieil i88(x William H. Kelly is a prominent citizen of Grove, has been Supervisor of the town, and a veteran of the Ci\il W ar. The farm of John Kelley was in Xnnda. lie now resides in Dalton. FOX FAMILIES— 1835 1. I. John Fox, Espaw Passage, sister of I'eter. 2. Margaret Fox. mar- ried Marshal Passage : 3. Christopher Fox married Elizabeth Sphoon. \\\. 1. James, married Jane .\cker ; j. Henry, married Mrs. Jane (Blowers) Sphoon: 3. Mary Margaret, marrietl (ieorge J. Boardman. 1\'. Minnie, married Plenry Ames, 111. 4. Simon, married Eunice Purdick; 5. t'harles. (snigle). I. 3. Nicholas Fox. married Elizabeth Knights; 2. John: 3. Edward Fox (sailor) died at sea; *Charles Fox, soldier: Loraine ; Luhi : Lizzie. NEPHEWS AND NIECES Children of James who never came to Xunda. n. I. Joseph Fox, married Isora Ellsworth, II. 2. *Cliarles C, Fox, married Angeletta White: Eliiah. single; .\nna married Herrington ; Stoddard, single. H. 3. Sally Ann, single. II. 4. Dorothy, married John White. Jr. HI. Flnora. married Walter Herrington. CHAPTER NN, Settlers Ai.onc. the C)lu Colnty Line. PETER ROBERTS came to Leicester about 100 years ago. when there were but few white settlers, and those, mostly those who had lived with the Indians, like Horatio Jones and Joseph Smith. Indians were plenti- ful for there were three Indian Reservations within the present township of Leicester. He had teams, and finding the wild grass bountiful he gathered some stacks of it for winter use, whether the sight of this heap of combustibles reminded an old squaw of the burning of Little Beardstown, by Sullivan's men. and the destruction of her home in "79, or the very easy task it would be to re- duce this crop of winter ha\- to ashes, is not known, but one winter night she applied the blazing brand, and the winters supply of hay was gone. It had l)c-un a time of peace and even the Indians feared this act of agi^res- sion would lead to "bad blood" between the races, so the\ themselves took the matter in hand, accused the squaw of being a witch, tried and condemned her, and burned her at the stake. Mr. Roberts, robbed of his winter's sujjply of fodder, "look to the woods" of Sparta, and fed his stock on bushes as best he could ; the o.xen alone lived through. Soon after, the war of 1812-14 being in progress, a draft was made and one of his neighbors was drafted who did not care to go, so he gave Mr. Roberts $50 to go in his place. The Sparta volunteers and others who could not find substitutes, for few had $50, went to the front, among them our future townsman John C. McNair. Roberts not only went, but returned and having tried his hand and his courage, liked it so well that on three other occasions he volunteered his services for the protection of tiie frontier. GREEN ROBERTS FAMILY 1, I. Husted Green, Sr., married Hannah Ruberls, daughter of the pioneer veteran, Peter Roberts. II. I. Musted Green, Jr., married Alathea Run\an ; 2. Jane Green, married Abram Tunison, West Sparta ; 3. Robert W., married Mary McBride. Husted and Robert W., were both soldiers of the war, the latter lost an arm in the service. Husted has served as assessor of the town a number of terms. Robert \\'., liad been School Commissioner, while all tlie three children have taught school. Husted lives on the homestead, and Robert is a physician and lives at Geneseo, N. Y. III. Sheldon Green, married I .\nna Derrickson, 2 Madge Carpenter. He is a first class carpenter and Iniildcr; Caroline, a teacher (Genesee Normal School), married F. Carpenter. The military record of this three fold family is worthy of special mention. Peter Roberts, veteran (Sparta Co.) 1812-14. His grandsons : Peter Roberts : William Batterson ; John Batterson, died fighting Indians, after the Civil War ; Husted Green ; Robert Green ; Andre\.- McMillian : Lewis Sutton (died in the service), married Jane Roberts; Isaiah B. Hamilton: Henry Waver (a son-in-law), was veteran of Mexican War and of Civil War: all blood relatives, excepting the last three, who married into the family, furnishing another illustration that military tendencies can be trans- mitted. Mrs. Silas Roberts at the age of yo, tells of first settlers along the Keshe- qua Trail. .Additional to the Tuttle family, one of its members, Mrs. Lydia Montangee Roberts, a nonogenarian who died about ten years ago, left a record of her early recollections when she was a young woman and lived with an uncle and aunt. Abner Tuttle and wife, on the site of the Coopersville mill house. There were three brothers of these Tuttles, Abner, Henry and Stephen. The Baptist Church records, record onlv the name of Stephen Tuttle ^vho moved to Grove, though 277 :\Irs. Roberts says, that Ehlcr Samuel IMessenger preached at the McSweeney log school house foot of East Street, and all these people attendetl the services. (The early settlers who were Baptists joined the church at L'nioii Corners.) She also states that her cousin Amy Tuttle was the first person buried in tin Xunda \'alley CVmetery, that Amy was uj years of age and died in 1822. The family had lived there for at least five years, and she had lived with them part of that time. She stated that all the three Tuttles lived on the east side of the Keshequa Creek on the Kesheciua trail (the trail crossed the Kesheqtia on the Cranston farm near the Bates Road). She also mentions that "Granny Pren- tice" was the secnnd person buried in our Xunda Cemetery, that .\bner Tuttle with his oxen and .-.led. drew the remains to the cemetery, that the furneral pr(j- cession had to slop, antl the men cut away fallen timber several times before reaching her grave. This was in 1823, and ( Irannx was 90 years old, if so, she must have been born in 1733 and was probably the first born of all the pioneers. Elisha Prentice is mentioned as living on the west side of the creek opposite to the Irwin place on the east side. He was proDably the son of "(iranny Prentice" and the brother of Nathan Prentice, the father of John and Hiram Prentice ; and here in Xunda, on tlie County I^ine, this first of om^ many nonogenarians passed awav. She also locates Zadoc Sherwood, near the Jones family burial lot. the Crawfords as before stated lived on the Jones farm, near a watering trough, and stranger still, Alpheus Herrick and D. J. Conklin, lived in a double log house, on the Liberty Bennett farm. Slayton had an ashery on the Wil- longhby Drew i)lace, Daniel ^^'isner had a private burial ground, east of the Drew place, while his log house was on the opposite side of the road, west of what was afterwards called the Devinny place. This log house was by a fine s])ring of water. The Tuttles were from the W'yoming \ alley. Pa., and were no relation to the Tuthills of Portage and Xunda. Their princijial source of income at first was from selling ashes, at the Slayton .Ashery. The lands west of the Kesh.e- qua were co\-ereil with a forest of yellow pines. All this was on or before 1822. She mentions both McSweeney, and Judge Carroll, but calls Mc- Sweeney a clerk of Carroll's. This is the only statement that is (piestionable. Judge Carroll's map of 1824, and later, does not speak of the Tuttles, Slayton or Prentices, and locates Alpheus Herrick opposite to (iranville Sherwood and Conklin, near the Coles where he lived many years, and Jonathan Barron on the Sturgeon farm. But this statement from a nonogenarian who lived in Xunda as early as 1818, and died here so recently is of great value. ]Many pages of it have been lost, Init what remains is of great interest. This information con- cerning our cemetery could not ha\-e been obtained from any other source. It harmonizes well with the time of the laying out of the streets leading to it, \\'est Street and I-'ourth Street about this time 1821 or 1822, by Henry C. Jones, our first village maker. Slayton re-appears a fevv^ years later with two others, Curtis and Gujs and this time they changed grain into liquid form, and we have to confess to having had a distillery in pioneer Nunda near the Slayton ashery. One of the proprietors, Jacob Guy, about 1830, bought out the Wilcox store and inn, and since then this place has been known as "Guy's Corners," and the inn as Guy's Tavern. The building, a frame house, is still stand- ing, is in fair condition and is a typical specimen of the \\avside Inn common 278 (luriii!:; tlic ]jorio(I ilciKniiinatLMl in ]iiiiiK'er ila\s, improved conilitions when frame lidiises superceded lo^' ones. We give the likeness of this nonoyenarian wiio died in \8')/. aged 91. Silas Rolierls and iiis sisters. Airs, joim llatterson, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. ( iamljol were cousins to Afrs. Jemima Roberts S<|uires and iier sister, ]\Irs. Hannah Green, wife of f-Iusted Green, Sr. They all came from Sparta, where their ancestor. Peter Roberts, Sr., a soldier of the war of 1812, located at a very early date. The Tutile faniil-,', that settleil near Coopersville at least twenty years before the mill was built, was also related on the Roberts side. The fam- ily of Silas Roberts was connected l)y marriage to that of Leonard Kulin, Mrs. Lydia Montanye Roberts and Mrs. I'rania Montanye Kuhn being sisters. Lewis Sutton, a nephew of these sisters, married, liefore enlisting in the 104th Regiment, Celestia Jane Roberts, his cousin; and Andrew McMillian, another cousin, married as his .second wife after the war, L'rana, an older daughter. These \'arious branches of the family of the old ^•eteran followed his example in one respect: the}- were patriotic and the soldiers from this fighting family were numerous, and, as far as known, valiant. The Tuttle.' came into town about 1815. Mrs. Silas Roberts then a young lady came v.ith them. The Squires fanu!ly came about 1825. The John liatterson family were on the Mt. ^lorris side of the county line, wdiile the Greens had onl}" to mo\-e a few rods from Sparta into Xunda, their old home being in full sight of their new home in Nunda. Jesse .Squire. Sr.'s, name is on the Judge Carroll map, so we may con- clude the family settled in 1824 or 1825. The family were as follows: L Jesse .^(piire. .Sr., and Mrs. Jemima Roberts .S(|uire. Children: I, *John, married .Vmand.i .\l\-ar(l. her secorid inisliand Henrv Chase; .'. *Seeley. Sr.. (marble cutter 1. married ^Marian Iloyt. daughter of Shepherd Hoyt, Sr. ; 3. Susan, married William IJenson; 4. Clarinda. married James Swift: 5. I'anny. married Michael Clark, a soldier; 6. Jane, married *Howard Doty, a soldier who died in the service; 7. William, married (in the west) ; 8. '"Albert, single; y. Jesse, soldier, married hi New Hampshire. HL Seeley. Jr.. a barber, married '■Alary Birge. daughter of George and Jane Birge, a restaurant keeper for Salvation Army in Buffalo. N. Y. IV. Robert, married Clara Batterson. daughter of W. S. Batterson. is a motorman in Buffalo ; I~red, assists his father in .Salvation Army restaurant ; Bessie at home with her grandmother. Children of William and Susan' Benson : Trof. William M. Benson. I'h. D., resides in Rochester (see College Lists); llenry Benson, resides in West Henrietta; *Kiuma. married. The Whipples. settled 1825 on Lot 25. 125 acres. I. Elisha Whipple was one of the men Nunda delighted to Jionor. he was Justice of the Peace and Supervisor of the l:own. Elisha Whip])le. born 1804. died 1863. married Maria Post, horn Cayuga County, 1803, died 1840. Children, nine. n. I. George, born 1821) in Xunda, farmer. 1)5 acres, married Helen M. TIerriek. born Castile. 1834. married 1853. Children: W'illiam, Ijorn 1866; Charles .Seldom, 1872. II. 2. Jacob, farmer, lOO acres, born Nunda 1830, married Joanna b'anlk- ner, l)orn I'.atli 1843, niarried 1862. Children, three: Carrie, Kate F., Fred R., born 1 87 1. Henry Whipple, born in Xnnda, 1833, farmer, 12 acres, married Elizabeth Smith, born Livingston Count_\ 1858, married 1876. Nephew of Elisha. Frank Whipple, son of and Maria Bard, 01 Nunda, Court Stenographer, Livingston County, resided at Geneseeo, married I90(). Elisha Whipple came to the village and lived on East Street. He became Supervisor of the town. On one occasion the candidates for Supervisor had the same number of votes so both agreed to leave their predecessor in office, so he served an additional term. Ephraim Walker, son of John Walker a Revolutionary soldier, was a vete- ran of the war of 1812, (also a local minister of the M. E. Church). He served a year as a soldier. He niarried at the age of twenty, settled at Dansville where he was a brick maker, later he made bricks at Tuscarora. He was twice married and his two families of children numbered in all thirteen. Mr. and Mrs. Walker, and probably one son, settled in Nunda (Lot 8), 100 acres, prob- ably in 1824. Ephraim Walker, married first Mary Lake, they had one son and live daughters : married second, Mary Woodward, four sons and three daugh- ters. Twelve of the children were born in Nunda. II. Henry Walker, married Susan Perry: had ten children, seven of whom grew to maturity. III. James Walker, M. I), specialist Hornell Sanitarium, was one of the sons. II. 2. Sarah, married William Spinnings: Jane, married \\'illiam \'an- Dorn ; Lucina, married John Thompson ; Mary, married Darwin Chittenden, children Oscar, Lilly and Emma : Margaret, married John Stoner, their son became Sheritt in Indiana; Melissa, married John Kinney; Minerva, married Elijah Levie, tlicir children, Catharine, married Frank Kernehan, Bert, ma'"- ried Ella Cross ; Edwin Walker, married Strickland ; Sophia, married Charles H. Rockafellow, their children, "Atlelaide, married *Richard Bristol ; John Emory, married *Lucy Dennis of Nebraska, her daughter, Vada ; Min- nie, married Allison Paine, their children Adelaide, John Nelson Paine ; John Campbell Walker, married Emma Sphoon, their children La Verne, lawyer, married Grace Hunt, daughter of W. Hunt; Leon, a student; Eugene Walker, married Jennie Kendall, daughter P'anny, ( Mrs. Conklin ) ; Wellington Walker, married Laura Chittenden. DAVID O. BATTERSON The children were: Nelson; Almira (Mrs, Gleason ) ; Matilda, still liv- ing, (Mrs. Thomas Priestman); Clara; Eleanor, (Mrs. George McKee ) ; Thomas Jefferson, who died igo6 ; Edwin R., married Harriet Elwood, their daughter. (Mrs. Mark Turner), and their son, Clyde Turner; Orlando, married Emma Powers. THE WHITENACKS John, Cornelius, and Isaac. John Whitenack, married i, Wade; 2. Collar; Isaac, married Calista DePuy, sister to Peter DePuy, their I children: Alicia, married Leander Aber; Jacob, a teacher in New York Cit) , married Mary Eagen ; Seward, married Anna White ; *Cornelius, married Inez Whitehead ; Melissa, a Normal teacher, has taught twenty-one years in one school at Mt. Morris. Cornelius Whitenack, born in 1811, settled 1836, farmer 115 acres, mar- ried Lucinda I)ur\ee, children six: lielle, married Frank A. Northway, Alida, died single, Arminda, married Edward Coe ; Elizabeth and Benson, twins; Benson, died aged 20, Charles, married Lizzie Conklin ; grandchildren of Corne- lius : Edward Northway, merchant, married Grace Metcalf, one son, called Paul Samuel ; Will H. Northway, merchant, married Franc Herrick, daughter of Calvin H., has two sons ; Elizabeth, married Luther C. Thompson, farmer Oak- land, N. V. Children of Charles and Lizzie \\ hitenack. Jay C. Whitenack. Lula H. Whitenack. THE COX FAMILY— A CENTENARIAN L Gerritt Cox, farmer; Catherine Cox, died agerint as managers. The Paine Brothers issued the invitations, which read as follows : "The company of Mr. is solicited at the Assembly Room of C. Paine in Nunda Valley, on the first day of January, 1836, at i P. M. to reciprocate con- gratulation on the approach of the New Year. Managers, L. .S. Gilbert, J. Ken- ney, T. J. Burnham, H. .Shepard, W. T. .\klerman, L. Gould, H. J. Burnham Nunda \'alley, December, 1835." If this had been in T008 it would have read at <> P. M., and the guests would have arrived at 10 P. M. THE CANAL CELEBRATION The Canal Celebration at Nunda \'alley. May ii, 1836, was a much greater affair. The following ode written by the leading young lawyer in town, Addi- son M. Crane, has been preserved. The air — Auld Lang Syne. We may read between the lines the great expectations of the poet and the people, and had the work gone on. and had the canal gone on to Pittsburg instead of stopping near Olean, there would have been a paying canal where now there is — a railroad. Ode sung- at the Canal Celebration at Xtnida X'alley. May ii. 1S36. (Air: Aulil Lang .S}ne. Written by Addison ^[. Crane.) 1. Let every fear l)e now forgot Xor ever brought to mind Let every source of joy be sought And leave all fear behind. 2. We come around the festal board To celebrate this day .-\nd here we'll join with one accord To drive dull care away. 3. We come to mingle now our joys And tell our triumphs o'er WHiile gladness every tongue employs That was dumb before. 4. The gladsome vale where Genesee In solemn grandure flows Is destined sure, ere long to be As blooming as a rose. 5. And Allegany's prime clad plains Are destined to become The poor man's surest source of gain And build the rich man's home. 6. Then welcome be the gladsome hour .\nd welcome be tlie day That ga\e us cause to claim the power To drive dull care away. 7. So then let every lear be gone Xor ever thought of more And so we'll nov,- in union join To tell our triumi)h5 o'er. 8. Let all the friends of the canal .\ssembled here to-day .A. token show of their good will .\nd shout a loud hurra I Xo doubt the\ did. and though .\. 'SI. Crane was not a great rhymster. he became a great man. CANAL CONTRACTORS— 1834 Calvin 15. Lawrence, built the 11. F. King-Hammoud-W'hitcomb house. The children: Xancy, Martha and George. Mr. L.. reared a fine monu- ment at Oakwood when he was wealthy — but died in poverty in the west, even the date of his death is not (but should be) inscribed on the monument. Capt. James and wife. Children: i. Pulaski; 2. William; 3. Louise: j. Frankie. The family moved to Detroit where Capt. James laid the first pave- ments in that city. Two children were born in Detroit. 282 n. Kate James, marrieil into the Cliristian familv, a familv of great wealth. ill. Kate James Cliristian. married Ta}-lor, and though not a Xunda girl sends yearl\, kiml remembrances to her grandmother's friends. Another interestmg memheer of this family was foil I'arrot, that the James Bros., educated to say a great many ]iert things. Nathaniel Coe an ex-Member of Assembly, liad also been elected a Justice of the I'eace, and was surprised a few days after when passing the James residence, ( now the Baptist parsonage) to hear his name and office announced in a croaking voice, Coe ! Coe ! Squire Coe ! Squire Coe took olif his hat and gave I'ollv a low bow, when Polly renewed her salutation with a variation. Coe! Coe! black Coe! This time there was no uow , and suspecting Biii James was serving I'olly as |irompter the honorable magistrate passed quickly up the street. The parties, however were well introduced, and Pollv always hailed the magistrate as Iv.- passed, with the same words. The bird had also a speaking acquaintance with two young namesakes of "Go(.)d Queen Bess," and when either of them passed he would shout to the amusement of all within hearing, "Lib, Lib! there's a hole in your stocking!" followed by' a fiendish laugh. Parrots well instructed prove apt scholars and can make themselves inter- esting — to those simply spectators. The James parrot, certainlv reflected the breadth of its instructions, but somehow the victims of its wit, would divide their wrath between the bird and the boys, bv saying, "that sauc\- bird! those dreadful Ijoys." But such birds and such boys are the ones longest remem- bereer of the family in this vicinity. \'an Court (saddle and harness maker). Cuildren : i. Thomas; 2. Benj- amin; 3. William; 4. Marshall; 5. Sarah: (>. Caroline; 7. Hannah Maria; 8. Catharine; 9. Marion. WIDOW BRADFORD FAMILY I. Mrs. Bradford, a sister of Suranus Britton. II. Emily, married Thomas Chynoworth, saddle and harness maker; Belle; Ann Bratlford, mar- ried Edward Chandler. 286 A CANAL CELEBRATION, JUNE 27. 1838 Has a conimittfC that gives us an opinion as to who were leaders at that time, Silas Grover, Benedict Bagley, Walter Whitcomlj, O. H. Barron, A. Clin- ton Chipman (our first lawyer) Samuel Swain, Jr., Hiram Grover, Calvin B. Lawrence, George W. Merrick, Supervisor Utley Spencer, Eliphaz Tyler, R. G. Bennett, B. P. Richmond, Granville Sherwood, John H. Townsend, Dr. David M. Dake, Eliazer Rowley, Suranus Britton, of Nunda ; Orletan Messen- ger, Agel Fitch, Daniel Edgerly, of Oakland ; Gen. Micha Brooks, Dr. Will- iam B. Munson of Brooksgrove ; Samuel C. Jones, Reuben Weed of Grove (Granger was still in Grove) ; Horace Hunt and Philip Burroughs of Portage. PETTYS FAMILY Hepsebeth Satterlee, daughter of Sylvester Satttrlee of East Hill and widow of Jacob Pettys, came to her father's to live on East Hill in 1837; she married for her second husband Elder Jacob Seager. Children ; First mar- riage : Edwin J. Pettys, born Septembei 2"], 1827, enlisted in Co. F., 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, married i, *S. Hill, 2, *Mary Crewel ; he died February 2, 1907 ; Mary J. Pettys, married Ellis Thompson, died April 8, igoS ; Recta Pettys, married James Allen of Nunda ; Edgar S. Pettys, married Mary Ann Day, children Cora A. and \\\\\ E. SAMUEL RECKARD AND CREE FAMILIES Mr. Reckard was an early ])ioneer of Birdsall and came to Portage-Xunda about 1835 and to Xunda village about 1837. He was a carpenter and grocer, and for many years se.xton of the Oakwood Cemetery. Samuel Reckard and wife Sabrina, were two of the eight first members of a Methodist class that be- came the first Methodist Church of Xunda. His family were musical and after the first decade were choir singers for many years. Elizabeth sang for over fifty years. Samuel Reckard was born in 1807 and died in 1889. age 82. Sabrina, born 1807, died 1885, age 78. Elizabeth, married Robert Cree, a mechanic who came to Nunda about 1852. For many years he was the principal undertaker m the village and kept a large stock of furniture, he died in Xunda. Children : J^Vank Cree, married Effie Fra}-er, both died while only middelaged ; Charles Cree, Nunda. The Cree Brothers were the successors of their father until the death of the oldest son. The Duryee Brothers are the successors of Chirles Cree. John Reckard died at the age of 15 or 17; •''Orman Reckard was a veteran of the Civil War, 33rd Regiment, married * Carroll: *Jane Reckard; *Rose Reckard, a fine contralto and organist, married *Byron Seelye ; Lydia. married (elsewhere). Mrs. Cree has the distinction of having lived longest continuously in the village of Nunda, she came here, at the age of three, and has lived here since 1837. She can still sing a good alto, and was for a quarter of a century a good choir soprano. RUSSELL FAMILY Joseph Russell of New Hampshire, a relative of the Angier family came to (Oakland about 1825, and to Nunda about 1838. He was married three times. Ills first wife was an Aiigicr. the second Harriet Robinson, daughter of Elisha Robinson, and the third Alary Lobbell. His children by first wife were: Priscilla. married Syranus Britton ; Almira, married Jacob Osgoodby ; Charles P., married Mary Robinson, sister to her stepmother; William G.. married Ma- tilda Sherwood, daughter of Granville Sherwood ; Louisa, married William H. Martin ; Jane, married Cyrus Rose. Children by second marriage : Andrew, (writing teacher, artist and veteran), married Delia Duryee ; *George, mar- ried Martha DeCamp; *Ezra, died single; "'Harriet. Third marriage. '^War- ren, grew to manhood and died. Suranus Britton and his noble wife are well known by those who lived in Xuiula. from 1838 to 1865. As a canal contractor, liver\- and stage route manager, he vvfas famous. He went west and died there. Mrs. Britton was one of the best workers in the Baptist society in the time of its greatest pros- perity. As one of the patriotic workers, during the Civil War she held first place, ably seconded by Mrs. F. J. M. Whitcomb and a large circle of faithful assistants. Her son Russell became a soldier, and her brother Andrew ren- dered eflficient aid to the government in his capacity of artist and sketch maker. Their children were : Joseph Britton ; Lucy, who married James Camp the druggist ; Charles P. ; Russell who is still living, a major of the First New York Dragoons, and Fred, all born before 1840. The Osgoodby family came to Xunda in the thirties .Mid built a small house on East Street, now owned by Mrs. Keyes. i\lr. (_). was a builder. He was thrice married; hi= first wife was the mother of his sons, George M , a law- yer, and \\'illiani W.. a court stenographer, who married Electa Irwin ; George M., married Mary Turrill, he practiced law at Xunda, Buffalo and Xew York City. He was a very tall man. six feet and 6 inches in height, and most of his sons, and his one daughter, inherit this family characteristic. Melvin H. Osgoodby, is the only one of his sons living in Nunda. He has been a hard- ware merchant and is now manager of the Nunda Telephone Company. He resides on Seward Street ; he married Miss Abbott. They have one daughter, Leta, who is receiving a musical education av Syracuse L'niversity. Charles P. Russell's children: Juliett. Elizabeth, Alary E., I'Vank Charles, George O., Fred Horatio. Ella Linda. Children of William ( i. and Matilda Russell : '^'Frederick G., born in Nunda, never married, died recently : Lucy Maria, born in Nunda, married Peter J\L Travers ; Will c"., Jr., married Mary Smith; Emily Matilda and Eliza Jane, died in childhood ; Emma Sherwood, married 'A'illard S. Martindale ; Jennie Eliza, never married ; Alleine May, married Frank E. Warner. *Jane, married Cvrus Rose, canal contractor and farmer, who died recently. aged gi, their children: .Arabella (Airs. Jacobs); Frances drowned in the Genesee River, while Air. R. was fording the stream in winter, age 16; James, still in Alissouri; *Henry J., married Carrie Willard ; he died on a ranch :n Colo- rado. His widow returned to Xunda. Their daughter, Fanny Rose, a musician, married Dr. John Nelson, they reside in Ohio. Laura sister to Henrw married *Frank DePuy, son of Philip DePuy, he died 1807. Andrew G. Russell, married Duryee, daughter of \\'illiain R. Dur- vee. They had two daughters. Andrew Russell was erne of the few pioneer artists of Nunda. Some of his panoramas, especially that of Niagara Falls, were excellent. He was given a Captain's commission during the Civil 288 War. anil employed in sketching" the enemy's works, camjjs. etc. He was also an expert penman and taught classes in penmanship. John W. Hand and Cornelius Kiley W'ere among his most proficient scholars. George Russell, married Martha DeCanip. They had two sons, \\'alter and Wallace : Ezra and Harriet died young. The family oi \\'illiam and S. E. Martin were Emily, George D. la \et- eran of the 33rd New York I, Susie ( Mrs. Xye, of Castile), Lucy, Hattie, Clara, who lives with Mrs. Xye : Ezra. Nellie and Frank. W. H. Martin died June 30, 1869, and ]\Irs. Martin. September 26, 1896: George D. died October 24, 1900; Susie and Clara alone are living. The widow of George D. Martin. Anna Ellen Martin, resides at Davenport, Iowa. The late R. S. Coffin, in an article on the rural post oflRces of Mt. Morris, says: "An early stage route was owned and run by William Martin of Xunda. the large four-horse stage making daily trips between Mt. Morris and .\n- gelica was this or like this." -m-. THE SPRAGUE BROTHERS— A SHIPWRECK Three Sprague brothers lived for a time in Xunda village, during the ■ thirties." Joseph was a married man and his brothers lived with him. (jne of them was a doctor and practiced medicine while here. Horatio, the other brother, was a skilled musician, the cornet being his specialty. He held a position in a Buffalo city band that played on a passenger boat on Lake Erie. A disastrous storm occurred and the vessel went to the bottom. Only Sprague and one other member of the band reached shore and safety. The two Cody brothers lived in the \illage in its early days. Paschal married Miranda Jackson, an older sister of Leonard Jackson, who will com- plete his four score years this year. Rufus Cody was a blacksmith and located at Hunts Hollow, and, having some guests who wished to visit "the tunnel" that was in process of construction, he went with them to the middle falls, which was near by, and by some accident fell over the bank. He lodged, how- ever, against some small trees and his body was secured and brought to the surface, but he had been fatally injured, and died then and there, adding one more to the catastrophies of that locality. He left a wife, two sons and two (laughters. A HIGHLY "COLORED" TRAGEDY In 184Q occurred the only tragedy in Xunda that ended in a fatality. A negro barber, named Pi., had a white wife and a mulatto child. An- other negro, named Brad, li\-inL; on the hill, enticed this fair hut false one away from her lieged lord and lawful husband. The knight of the razor secured Rill Dunn, a constable, to go to the woodland bower and secure the pledge of their former mutual lii\e. He, hdwexer, accomjianied this official with the lingering hope that he might induce the fickle one to return with her pickaninny. Not finding the ebony Lothario in the bower, he went to the rear of the house where the disturber of his kne's first dream was perched upon a pile of wood, whittling a shingle. The enraged husband struck a blow that sent the guilty paramour spinning around, and the open knife entered the abdomen of the now "doubly-injured man." Tiie constable, renowned as the swiftest nunier in the tni Rochester to Dansville and stages passing tlirough. and often owned by Nunda jieojile, a new era had dawned upon the town, rience our Pioneer .Settlement of Nunda ends, with the opening of navigation on the Genesee \'alle_\- Canal, in the spring of 1841. F^rom this time the families that come will be mentioned by reason of their occupation, rather than as early settlers. There remained hillside forests whose lancN had not been considered de- sirable as farm lands, and many a lumberman from the village, made fortunes from these forests, because there was now Iransporation near, and destined soon to come in.to the town. In anticipation of the Olean branch of the G. \\ Canal, nearlv every acre of these primitive forests was pinxhased. The author has given about 1,000 pioneers who lived in the three towns of Nunda, with their different dimensions, and while he has unavoidably left out 295 as many niurc (the s])ace for i^iviiiL;' tliis infdniiation being limited) he feels satisfied in rescuing from oblivion, the names, and sometimes the special char- asteristics of this hardy race, whose strenuous toil, and adventurous spirit, led them into the wilderness to transform its hills and valleys into landscapes ot unrivaled l)e;iuty, as well as farm lands of unusual excellence. The task of securing these facts has been more difficult, than that achieved by those of whom he wrote. Thousands of letters have been written to the sons and grandsons of these pioneers, scattered over the United States, every one of the second generation of pioneers living in the township has been sought and interviewed, but not in vain, and not too soou, for these have nearly all passed away since this task of inxestigating and recording the past, commenced. Even five years trom now this work could not have been done During the past few years many of those nonogenarians, octogenarians, and residents from childhood, from whom the writer has obtained j;formation, have passed away. Among them: Mrs. Mary Wheeler Clark, go years old; JMiss Rachel Bennett, 80: Airs. Aseneth lirewer I'hase, gy years .>ld : Jesse lirewn, 82; Mrs. Mary fohnson lirewer, 82: Almiron Paine. 80: Harry Cleveland. 1)4; Dr. B. FrankUn Dake, 76; Mrs. Samuel Swain. 80: Myron Smith, 1)4; .\sa LaRue, 90; Fred- erick Davidson, 82; Mr. anil Mrs. 1). P. Richmond, 85: John Mtch, 83; Peter Townsend, 81; and \'andalia Slater. 78. S. P. Whitcomb, Jennie Grover Craig, Fred Grover, Mortimer Pettit, Henry .'^hnte. Edwin Pettis, and his sis- ter Airs. I^llis Thompson, Mrs. Ewarts (102 years old), Jacob Cox, Levi Gould anil his wife, James Chambers and William Batterson. Just a few remain who have known and lived in Xunda for over 70 years. Mrs. Mary Barrett Barron, i>4 : Porter Warren. 81); Mrs. Rufus Robinson, 86; Munson Barker, 85; Mrs. Adeline Barker, So; J. Monroe Cole, 84; Leonard Jackson, 80; ,'ustus Barker, Mrs. Olive Bowen Barker: Mrs. Martha Johnson, Lyman Warren /-,: Almira (Shutc) Smith. 76; Mrs. M. J. (Craige) Bowhall, 83; Mrs. Minerva Rawson Rathbun. 82; William P. Thompson, Elizabeth Reckard Cree, (who has liveci in the villa.ge the longest of any 71 years) ; .\ugusta Bennett Herrick, JJ; De- borah A. lland. 75: Frederick Hark, 71); John Kelley. 76 and Monroe Myers, 77. East Street — The Keshequa Trail In llic villaije, besides those mentioned, there are not more than one or two who have hved here most of the time for even sixty years. Harrison I'eck has lived here since 1841, he was the last of the pioneers born before coming to Xunda in 1S4T, he has always lived here. His brother F. C. Peck, not a pioneer, by the 1841 limit to pioneer days, is probably ne.xt on the list of long residence. The writer thinks of no others that have lived in the village 65 years or more, that are here now. How limited would have been the sources of personal information con- cerning the first half of onr century, after a few years more had passed. The adx'ent of newspapers into the town from 1841 to 1859, though irregular in publication, have given some facts that would otherwise have been forgotten. To the late James Swain we must give the credit of preserving files of these, and to C. K. Sanders, for buying these at the cost of $25, (just the price once paid for Manhattan Island) and for loaning them for historical purposes to the local historian. His own files of the Xunda news from 1850 to present time is the best history that could be furnished of the modern town though exceeding!}- inconvenient for general reading purposes. The existence of this source of in- formation, from 1859 to [jresent time, renders the historx- of this ])eriod less dif- ^"''^^ DIBBLES, BELLS AND DAVIDSONS Presbyterians Mrs. Dr. Dibble, mother of Mrs. .Klfreo liell. *Alfrcd Bell .settled about 1840. with his wife. '''Juliette (Dibble) Bell. He became Supervisor and As- semblyman. His wholesale lumber business caused him to move to Rochester. Fred H. IJell, born 1S44, died at Madison, X J.: xatie, married * Lewis, resides in Buffalo, X. Y. The family of .\. Bell were Republicans. Alvan H. Dibble, veteran, 33rd. lost arm in Civil War, died as a result of wounds, .'-^arah Dibble, his sister, attended school here. The Davidson family were Democrats. 1. James E. Davidson, bnrn 1792, died 1882, aged 92; Jane Emerson, born 1792, died 1871, age 79. II. I'rederick Davidson, married Charlotte M. Hurd. both reached old age. Mr. Davidson came to Xunda in 1847, was a merchant and clothier. Davidson, and son ( F. V.) were his successors. Frank U. Davidson continues the business. III. '-'Charles, born 1838, died i860: Frank L'. (merchant), married Paul- ine Scott, resides on Seward Street, Xunda, X. Y. The Bells and Davidsons were cousins. Tbc-y were Presbyterians. Mr. Bell was a liberal contributor to the building of the second Presbyterian Church building, he became very wealthy. A LOST INDUSTRY Phili]) (). Slocum advertises in a news])aper .if 1841 as a Coverlet Weaver, and Dyer at Mechanics Hall, ojjposite Eagle Hotel; this must have been in the second story of Empire Block. He also wove striped woolen carpets, double or single coverlets, "with figures, equaling those imported." The very handsome patterns of coverlets, made by this skillful weaver, are indeed things of beauty The white counter pane of to-day. has superseded them in use. but many of them can still be found used as draperies, and are handsome still. The striped yarn carpets, so much nicer than those made of rags, that once graced the parlor floors, are now mostly worn out, and it is next to im]50ssiblc 297 to find any vi them to-day. They lasted for about a half century in the rooms only used when distinguished guests called, or visited, and were pleasing to the eyes that liked bright colors. The ingrain cat pet, soon took their places. Philip G. Slocum, married Fanny Seaver. II. Adello Slocum. his son. editor, marrieil Adella Havens, a poetess: Almantha Safford, a ward, married Leonard Seaver. son of John ; Clemment Slocum was a younger brother of Adello. THE REIDS SETTLED IN NUNDA 1841 This family came to Xunda. jiist in time to be classed with the pioneers of Nunda \'alley. An excellent letter of A. J. Reid. not only tells so very modestly, the story of the success of his brother and himself, but also tells of others. They have visited Nunda since it was written, and everyone who remembers them, was de- lighted to renew their acquaintance. What he says of Dr. Charles Chittenden, son of our ]:)innter dentist, that he stood at the head of his profession, is very nnportant, especially as we now have to say, the late Dr. Charles Chittenden. He also visited Nunda about four years ago, and enjoyed his short visit very '-iiuch. As to Justice John B. Winslcw. of whom he speaks, who was born oi Massachusetts Street while his father, one of the best of teachers was in charge of the then New Institute, is also of great interest. "Justice of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin," is certainly a high distinction for a mav. still on the sunny side of sixty. The writer has secured him as a member of our College Club, and an elec- trotype of himself and of his son, Horatio Gates Winslow, one taken when the Justice was receiving this thinl degree LL. D., and his son his first at the Uni- versity of Madison. The writer has not failed to secure plates of the Reid Bros., who liave hewn out for themselves, such paths of usefulness and honor. Massachusetts Street 298 P^ School Hovse First Log School House at Pike-Nunda Built 1809. Miss Beulah Abell, Teacher BOOK III Department I SCHOOLS From cabin to mansion, Log school house to college, A century expasion In wealth, fame and knowlecL Time's horologe turns back And gives the whole story, From the Cashequa trail, To this Century's glory. CHAPTER L LxTRODUt-TIoX TO HiSTOKV Ol-" THE SciIonLS A.XU SCHOLARS OF NuNDA. WHO ought to live in History. The Pioneers out of whose strenuous struggles we have cnir famous farm lands? Yes. these should live. The soldiers who gave and those that preserved our liberties, their names should be emblazoned on the records of Fame. Are there no others who should have a perpetuity of grateful remembrance? An army of men and women, with books as weapons, and brains burnished by study ann the north side of the McSweeney plot next to the west line of said plot and on the south side of the new road ( Mill Street.) That we build in connection with the llaptist Society. That the whole be 40 feet liy 24 on the ground. That Noah Warren. Riley Merrill and James H. Rawson be appointetl as a committee to make a draft of the house, and prepare a bill for the materials. That Uiis meeting stand adjourned to meet at this house in four weeks at this place at early candle liting. DAVID BALDWIN, District Clerk. Note. — David, a soldier of 1812, generally spelled his words correctly. Pardon the old veteran kind readers this one mistake. Ed. At an adjourned meeting held January 9th, 1827, it was voted to recall the vote to build in connection with the Baptists and to meet again in two weeks. Jamiary 2^. 1^2"/. Albert Page, Moderator, voted to amend the vote in ref- erence to the size of building from 40.X24 to 24x24, with a portico 6x8, to raise a tax of $225 for the purpose of purchasing a site and building a house, and furnish- ing a stove. To make James H. Rawson clerk in iilace of David Baldwin, res- igned. (Probabl\- at this time he moved farther south). 30:( SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORT FOR 1827 To tlie ConiniissioiHTS oi Coumum Sclumls of the Town of Xuiula. \\\'. ihe Trustees of Sclioo! Distriet Xo. i," in said town certif\ ami reiuni ilial the whole time anv school has been kept in our district durinj;- the date hereof and since the date of the last report for said district is eii;ht months, and a half, and that such school has been taught by teachers dul\ ipialitied according to law, and that the amount of public money receiveil was nineteen iloUars and ninety-four cents, anil that the same has been expended in paying the wages of teachers, that the nuiuber of children taught in saiil district during 2nd year is fifty-two, and that the number of children residing in said district on the first day of January last, between the ages of five and fifteen years, inclusive, is forty-four, and that they resided on the 1st day of Jan'y as follows: With lohn Waite. ;, : William i lould, i ; Asa lleath, j; Havid Hassett. 4; l\iley Merrill. 3; Aaron Couch. _' ; Richard I'.nwen, 1 ; lames .M lleath, 2: Joseph \\ hite, _' ; J. II. Rawson, 1 ; Joseph Hills. 4: Reuben .^weet, 4: Haxid l!aldwin, ^: ti, tauhrie. _^ ; F.lias Kingsley. 1 ; \. Warren. 1 ; l\. Rawson, 1 ; l'>. l'>e;!tt. o. All oi which we i.U^ certify to be in all respects just and true. J. WAiri-:. \. W \RRi-:x. R. .MKRRILL. Trusteez. Dated at Xunda. .M;',rch J4, iSjj. J, H, RAWSt A", liistrict Llerk. riMU.ir .MOXl-:V I-hK iSj;— $14.00. X'ote, — rri>bablv I'orter Warren, horn iStS. is the only one living who at- tended this school. Moses ISarrou was pruhabix the teacher. W e ]>reseut his pic- ture as our first male teacher in Xuuda. Mo>Es K.AKRON Pioneer I'eaclier l.os; Solioolhcnise, East Street, "Nviiuis ?tM September, 1827. Schoo! District Xo. 17 was changed to Xo. 2. (This was about the date of the organization of the town of Portage, which still included Genesee Falls and of Grove which included Granger, j Ed. October 8, 1827. Met pursuant to adjournment. L. Joslyn, Moderator. That the site for our schoo! house be on the road leading from ITubbell's Inn (a. small frame tavern situated where the Nunda House now stands), to Joslyn's saw mill (the Willoughby Lowell saw mill west of Swain and Joslyn grist mill, which w-as not built until 1828), and on or near the west line of lot Xo. 29, (west of the Xathaniel Coe house, now owned by X. S. Barker and occupied by Mrs. Anna Armstrong, Mill Street.) Ed. That w-e build a school house 26 feet by 30 this fall. At an adjourned meeting it was voted to sell the old school house to the high- est bidder at a publick (correct spelling at that time) vendue to the highest bidder. That we raise $35 for the purpose of purchasing a stove and ])ipe for the new school house. Adjourned for four weeks. MILL STREET FRAME SCHOOL HOUSE Met at new school house December 11, 1827, elected John W aite Moderator. Sold the old school house to Silas G. Tyler for six dollars to be paid to the trustees. J. H. R. This completes our record of the log school house at the foot of East Street. We regret that the names of the teachers were not given. OTHER SCHOOL HOUSES In the meantime the Harkertown school had been established and Susan Mer- rick, sister of George W. Merrick, was the teacher. M. O. Barker, born in 1822. was one of the pupils. The building did not last long. Some carpenters utilized it as a shop during vacation and their shavings served to make its destruction sure when by some accident they became ignited and the building was burned to the ground. Another, not of logs, succeeded it. The W'isner school house, located at a four corners, served a large territory as a school house for many years. About half of the Cooperville school patrons sent their children here previous to 1836. Its list of teachers are not know-n but Abra- ham De Groff and Rowland Beach and some of the T\vist sisters and others were a;rtong its teachers. The Townsend district had a log school house at the corners where the Coop- erville road intersects the State road. Xewell Bougi-.ton, teacher, is mentioned bv the late Peter Townsend. Aristeen Curtis, finally lived in the district and taught the school often. The Merril sisters were teachers and probably taught there. Miss Isabel McXair taught school there, but not so early as this. \'ery little is told of the Wilcox Corners school. A. Mr. Jilson, who lived in the neighborhood, w-as one of the excellent teachers here and at Chautauc|ua Hollow. The Page school district was established about 1828 and had its four corners 'school house, and after the Presbyterian Church formed, in 183 1, at Wisners school house, had more members nearer the village, it met there until its first church edi- fice was erected in the following year. The second school house building, a snug structure, with capacity for sixty scholars, was moved to Fair Street when the schools were consolidated. Then afterward to the Union school site, and finallv to Center Street where it serves for an Advent Chapel. Having taken three jour- neys, it will probably complete its existence at its last location. The Satterlee school house has the appearance of age, and as most of the War- rens and Satterlees attended there, the school house must have been built at least f'xj 3'ears ago. Some of the early teachers mentioned made teaching a stepping stone to higher educational positions. Abraham Burgess, John J. Kockefellow of Xinida, and Palph Spencer were three of the four county superintendents of schools in Alle- gany Countv. Some first teachers mentioned : In Angelica, the Widow Smith, 1805. In Nunda-Pike, Miss Beulah Abeli, 1S09. In Genesee Falls, Miss Maria Bellenger, 1809. In Genesee Falls (The Gore) Jason Goodell, 1809. In Mills IMiils (Nunda) Caroline Russell, 1812. In Centerville (Nunda) Perkins B. Woodward. In Portage (Nunda) Horace Miller, 1817. In Granger (Nunda) Miss Arzivilla Williams, 1819. In Nunda, Moses Barron, 1823. In Nunda, Mr. Fish, 1825. In Nunda, Miss Cobb, 1825. In Nunda, Z. W. Joslyn. In Nunda, Abigail Hosford, first teacher on Mill Street. In Nunda, Adonijah Jocelyn. In Nunda, Abraham Burgess, Wilcox Corners. In Nunda, Welcome Jilson, Wilcox Corners. In Barkertown, Susan Merrick, 1825. In Grove, Emily Page, 1826. In Townsend District, Newell Boughton. not the first. In Grove, William Crooks, father of Lawyer .S. J. Crooks. Some of the pupils before 1826. Sxlvester Heath, Rennselaer Heath. Chauncey Jocelyn, David Bassett, Jr., Addison Merrill, Adelaide ]\Ierrill, Lewis Fitch (at R. Bowens), Nelson Baldwin, Louise Baldwin (^Irs. Daniel Lowell). Almira Waite, Emily Waite, Erastus Darwin, Porter Warren (now 87). Daniel Gould, Buel Gould. Betsey Guthrie, Leroy Satterlee, Fidelia Satterlee. In 1826. Lemira Heath, Arden Fleath, Philena lialdwin, Cortez Baldwin. Loverna Waite, David Vandelia Waite, Garifelia Waite, Zara W. Jocelyn. Levi Gould, John Heath, George Heath, Caroline Rawson, Lucetta Rawson (then 5 years old). CHAPTER III. Our First Fr.xme School House from 1825 to 1845. From report of Trustees, October 6, 1828, we glean these facts. Received of public money $30.77. Paid for winter school S21 00 Paid for summer school 9 77 $30 -7 Raised for building school house and for stove, $260. Paid H. C. Jones for school house $210 48 Paid for stove 32 36 Due H. C. Jones for school house 14 152 Due for stove 2 64 Could not collect 16 52 Voted to exonerate them. H. C. JONES, Clerk. The report to commissioners for the year 1828 furnishes the following inter- esting facts. That school was kept 5 1-2 months (from other sources I am in- formed that Adonijah Jocelyn taught the winter school and that Miss Abigail Hos- ford, the mother of Alfred Ervin, taught the summer term). That the amount of public money received by the district was $30,77, that the number of children taught during the school year was 65. That the number of children in the distiict between the ages of 5 and 16 years was 73, and that those taught were in the homes of the following citizens : Barnabas Wright, 2; John Wait, 4; Richard Bowen, i ; Henry C. Jones, 5; Asa Heath, 2 ; Noah Warren, i ; James H. Rawson, 2 ; Elias Rawson, i ; Lindsey Joslyn, 6; Thomas Rathbun, i ; Leander Hills, i ; Ryley Merrill, 4; Stephen Hayes, 4 ; Widow Smith, i ; John H. Townsend, 3 ; David I. Conklyn, 2 ; Warren Daniels, I ; Zadeck Herrick, i ; Ethan Waters, 2 ; Reuben Pierce, i ; Joseph Cole, i ; Wil- liam Gould, I ; Daniel Ashley, 4 ; George Guthrie, 4 ; William Stephenson, i ; Wil- son Roberts, i ; Jonas Richter, 4 ; William Hoyt. i ; Henry Townsend, i ; Granville Sherwood, 2 ; P. R. Sherwood, i ; Abram Porter, 2. Total j},. That the sum paid for teachers' wages over and above the public money appor- tioned to said district for the year was S23. (Entire amount for the vear $53.77.) RYLEY MERRILL, JOHN WAIT. Trustees. H. C. JONES, Clerk. On September 22, 1829, an order was received from the commissioners of common schools to raise the sum of ninety-six dollars to be paid to District No. i, for their part of school house. Evidently there had been a subdivision of the dis- trict, and that the subdivided portion receiving the $96 had been the District No. I from which lot 22 had been taken in a former report. No. i having been the primitive school of the present township. October 3, 183 1, elected at annual meeting Albert Page. Moderator. Ryley Merrill, clerk. Ryley Merrill. Albert Page and Lindsey Joslyn. trustees. Daniel W. Joslyn, collector. Trustees re]5ort that there has i)een school taught nine months, number of scholars taught was 93. Public money paid this district. $43.82. Mr. Fish taught winter term; Miss Cobb summer term. Amount paid Mr. Fish for 2 1-2 months service. $64: to Miss Cobb. $15.75. ^^ss Cobb commencing .\pril 3. 1832. and "left school" September 15th. Special meeting held April 12. 1836. to consider the advisbility of a new school house on a new site. At this meeting it was moved to divide the district, amended that we do not divide the district, the amendment prevailed. A committee of five were appointed to inquire for a suitable site with terms for the same and what would be conveni- 307 ent and jiroper size for the contcniplated school house, and the probable cost of the site and building and to report at a subsequent meeting the following commit- tee was appointed: J ienry (/. Jones, Nathaniel Coe, Calvin B. Lawrence, David Holmes. Ephraim Smith. Adjourned for two weeks at 4 P. M. May 7, 1836, Henry C. Jones reported as chairman of the coiumittce of five that lot No. 99 was regarded as a suitable site, and fixed the size of the building at 72 by 26 feet, one story high. The rept)rt of committee was accepted and the committee retained and in- structed to ascertain on what terms lot No. yy could be obtained, and to obtain of the commissioners of common schools permission to raise a larger sum than $400 for the new school buikling. Adjourned for three weeks. At the Alonday evening meeting .\lbert H. Prescott, Daniel Ashley and Henr\ C. Jones were elected trustees. A motion was made by Russell P>arnes that the school district be divided. The motion was lost. Motion made and seconded that it is inexpedient to build a new house. The meeting then adjourned. A. M. CRANE, Clerk. (Jctober 2, 1840, Benetlict Bagley, chairman, Clark .\dams, clerk, resolved to raise a tax of $450 for the purpose of purchasing a new site and of building thereon a new school house. Resolved to adjourn. Carried. CLARK ADA:\LS, District Clerk. DISTRICT SCHOOL TEACHERS Who taught in P'ortage while it was still a part of Nunda ; At Hunts Hollow. Franklin Hosford, A. B., Stephen P'uller, Sr., .\. B., Fred W. Parmalee, Daniel Averill, Horton Fordyce, Marie Bellinger. At ( )ak Hill: Horace Mullen, Oren Miller, Ralph Spencer, Hiram Olney, Lucina Strong, Miss Moses. Charles Wil- liams, Nelson Strong, Miss Cobb, IJtley Spencei. .After 1827: William Brown, Zara W. Jocelyn (of Nunda), Eliza Root, Delia Root, Joel C. Bennett, Nathaniel Coe, A. N. Cole, J. W. Earl, A. R. Nye, Samuel S. Gillis, Mary Himt, Samuel W. French, Angerille Lake, Samuel Hunt, E. S. Bennett. Julia Parmalee, Harriet Parmalee, Flora Bennett, Mary Ellen Ben- nett, John F. Olney, Latham Coffin, Mary Wheeler ( of Nunda), Severance, Silas Olney, Corydon Olney, Cclestia Andrus, Curtis Coe, Isaac Hampton, Burlingame, Jane French, .Sarah Strong, Omar Olney, Ransom Olney, Cynthia Andrus, Mary Sjiencer, Robinson, Rachel Bennett, Charles D. Bennett. Nancy Spencer, Angelica and .America Strong. .Another teacher from Nunda of great merit was Stephen l-'uller, Jr. His sister. Mary A. Fuller, also taught until her marriage. The teachers who taught in Nunda and vicinity were: Moses Barron, 1824; Mr. Fish, 1825: Miss Cobb, 1825; .Adiniran Joslyn, 1828; Chauncey Joslvn : Zara W. Joslyn; .Abraham Burgess, 1828; Welcome Jilson, 1828; Susan Merrick, 1828; Addison M. Crane, 1830: IJtley Spencer, 1830; Leonard L. Church, 1830; .Addison M. Crane (Hon.); Henry Chalker, (Lawyer); Ryley Merrill, Jr., 1840; Newell Boughton, (Reverend) ; John J. Rockefellow, (school commissioner) ; Isaiah B. Hudnut, (M. D.), i83o;iosiah Blanchard, (M. D.), 1835; Samuel P. Towne, (M. D.), 1835; Isaac Hampton, (Hon., supervisor), 1835; Abraham De GrofT, 1830: Warren Babcock, 1840; R\le\' Merrill: Loren J. Ceech. 1S45 ; Xelson Daniels, 1850; Galusia Burnett, 1S52 ; x-\. Al. Rose, (Castile) ; Lathan Coffin, 1842; Walter Coffin, (town superintendent of schools), 1850; Jonathan Miller ; Henry Lee, 1846 ; Sylvanus Ellis, 1846; George McNair, 1848; John D. Grimes, 1850; James R. Bowen : Emily Page, (Brailley), 1836; Augusta Curtiss, 1835; Abigail Hosford, (Erwin), 1828; Miss Maxwell, 1830; Susan Merrick, 1828; Adelaide Merrill; Alary Alerrill ; Amelia Alerrill, 1840; Emeline Merrill; Alary Wheeler, 1831-1836; Elizabeth Barrett, 1836; Martha Barrett, 1838; Laura Barrett, 1842; Margaret Jane AIcKill, 1835; Eliza Warner, 1828; Angeline Clough ; Almira Chase, (Aler- rick) ; Sarah Chase, (Bell.) Page District: Sophia Webster, (Lloyd), 1847, (mother of John Uri Lloyd, novelist) ; AL Jane Church; Mercy Jane Craig, (Bow- hall), 1842; Harriet Hudnut; Alary J. Twist, 1845 ; Aristeen Curtis, 1840; Lavina O. Bowen, 1850; Eliza Day, 1850; Adelia Roberts-Rockefellow, 1850; Jane Adams; Alary Chase, (Colby) ; Alary Spencer; Alanette Peck, 1850: Elmina Ben- nett, 1848. B. S. Coffin stated in a pioneer sketch written a few years before his death, that the early teachers of North Oak Hill school were : H. G. Winslow, Addison AI. Crane, E. P. Aliller, Weller, Latham Coffin, Draper. Alost of these men became celebrities. Prof. H. G. Winslow was principal at Alt. Alorris and at Nunda, was a college graduate and superintendent of schools at Aladison, Wisconsin. Weller, after an Albany Normal course and other suc- cesses became Governor of California. Draper was one of the board of regents at Albany. Our Nunda lawyer, A. AL Crane, was Alember of Assembly. Dr. E. P. Aliller and his sanitarium are well known. While the financial successes of farmer L. Coffin marked success in a commendable field of endeavor. Two others, w ho became teachers soon afterward, became ultimately school commissioners. Robert W. Green of Nunda, and Alyron Haver of Oakland, Hall Turrell and his wife, Airs. Alary Stilson Turrell, were school commissioners in the west. il. W. Hand was superintendent of schools. Alarlboro, X. H.. Frank Bur- gess, also was school commissioner in tlic \\ est. Samuel William and Robert Hall, L J. and Marshall McDiift'ee were teachers, taught school at Nunda, and elsewhere, previous to the Civil W ar. George AL Lockwood and Lias Lockwood were treachers. !■". A. Xorthway taught school at Nunda, and elsewhere previous to the Civil W ar. The Normal School at Geneseo, became the fruitful source of teachers for the district and village schools, and as all who attended there from this vicinity are to be mentioned, and all also from our Nunda High School Training class, this will furnish another hundred or more of the local educators of our modern davs since Teachers attending a teachers institute at Nunda in April, i860, conducted by Harvey Farley, school commissioners, assisted by Principal Asher B. Evans : Those who had taught longest are supposed to be at the head of the list. Charles D. Bennett, (visitor) ; *Rachel A. Bennett; *A'Irs. A. A. Rockefellow ; *AIrs. E. .T. \'an Husen ; Aliss Jane Adams; Aliss Alary Spencer; *Belle AIcNair; Lydia Hagaman ; L. Burgess; Fanny Andrus; Airs. Mary (Spear) Yale; Alzada Amidon : Libbie Arnold ; *AIary Willis ; Alartha Huggins : Lucy Conrad ; Lura Mc- Cartney ; Laura E. Brown: Ellen Shaw: Isa AlcCartney: AL A. Alaxon ; Harriet Lowell; Afaggie Lenien ; \'ictoria AlcXair; Hattie Buckout : Alary X. Barron; Mary Turrell ; JNIarv Houghton; '''Sarah Stilson ; Pheobe Hainea ; Julia Barker; Maria E. Russell ; Orpha French ; Charlotte Lyon ; Ann Bennett ; Sue Knebloe ; Ruth Barkhart ; Alma furrcll ; Celia I'lxley ; Delyra Wilcox ; Sarah Brown ; F. A. Northway; M. Barcalo ; Melinda Rved. (In. Cor. ) ; Kate Lake, (H. H.j ; Mary Buck; *Martha McXair; Alice CJhidsey ; Martha Chidsey ; Julia Alerrick ; Jane JMills ; j\Iaria Stilson; Esther Swift; Lydia De Camp; Martha Howell; Ame- lia Bacon ; Sarah Kelley, (Grove) ; Adeline Smith ; Amelia Bennett ; Mary Baylor ; Sarah Cosnett ; Sarah Lockwood. Some others who taught soon after: *Mary Stilsori, Kittie Merrick, Alice Gilbert, Augusta Ricker, A. SatTord. Carrie Cain, Harriet, Helen and Clara .\i- nold, Elmira Smith, Emma and Carrie Tousey, all of Portage. Of these lady teachers those marked ''' taught nearly all their lives. These received State certificates : Rachel Bennet, Mary Willis. These men teachers also had State certificates : FL W. Hand, Frank Burgess. Gentlemen in attendance : W. F. Smith, Portage ; J. i). Grimes ; M. T. Hills ; Husted Green. Thonias B. Lovel, A. Jackson Knight, -\lvin W. Tousey, \\'illiam Cosnet., William G. Tousey, J. Wesley Fland, H. Wells Hand, C'scar E. Chittenden, David Roberts, Corydon C. Olney, Hall A. Turrell, Beebe Turrell, Myron Barcalo, Arthur J. Barnes. Flad never taught. Bxron Andru?, James II. Haver, Aiken Aspinwall, John J. Carter, Philo Mosher, Albert Houghton, Alonzo Olney, Clifford Bagley, Jay Gallenline, Frank Burgess. The last named was but 14 years of age, passed, Imt did nut ask or receive a certificate. SELECT SCHOOL OF NUNDA Select schools became an important auxiliary tn the educational life of the town during its third decade, and some existed during the fourth decade. The la- mentable condition of the district school building on Mill Street and the rapid growth in population made some thing of this kind imperative. The third stories of the stores on the west side of the plaza were used, — temporary seats were pro- vided, and the primitive character of these school fixtures did not correspond well with the high sounding titles bestowed on these embryo academies. I. The first of these was taught by a Miss Maxwell, jirobably none of her "students" are living to-day. 2. The next was taught by a Miss Wing, a sister of Galielmus \\ ing, a promi- nent farmer. 3. Zara W. Jocelyn and his cousin. Miss Garifilia Waite, taught a school of great excellence. Joseph Clark Button of Portage, was one of the scholars. Mrs. Bohall, also attended. 4. Miss Augusta Curtis had a select school she called a "Young Ladies" Seminary," in the Swain store building, third story. The Starkweather girls at- tended. ]\Irs. E. O. Dickenson, one of those who has passed the Psalmists limit of three score and ten, was one of about twenty young ladies who reached this very high school ( room ) for a term or two. Miss Jane AIcKill, also had a select school mostly }oung misses, in the upper room of the twin hciuse. State Street. Mary and A'ictoria Whitcomb, Laura Grover, daughter of Daniel, Miss Elizabeth Rechard, were among those who at- tended the school, and some good little boys, George and William Osgo( T>y, were 310 also in attciulance. She married Robert Carrick. Henry Chaulker, probably utilized his law office for a school of young yentlenien, and LViah, William and John Townsend were among the scholars. Miss Martha Lake (Johnson), had a primary school in the Session House building, after it was no longer used as an academy. The Medical class of Dr. C. C. Chafee about 1841. was a sort of Medical Col- lege, while it lasted, but became very unpopular in the community, so much so that even the dead "rose up," probabi}' in protest of having their sleep disturbed by the undergraduates. At any rate, the living denizens of the village protested. So the young "Metlics" went to cullege, and the dotcor removed from Nunda. In later days the select schools were taugiit f()r juveniles, excepting a few of High School rank, that took the place of academic instruction, between the years i860 and 1867. That will be mentioned later. The Juvenile select schools were taught by Miss Jane Adams, Aliss Jennie Grover, Miss Mary Willis, Miss Mary Stilson. The writing schools of Andrew J. Russell, were well attended. John W Hand and Cornelius Kiley became expert penmen and writing teachers. The former taught ^Mathematics. Penmansh.ip and Bookkeeping, at the Genesee \'allev Seminary, Belfast. At least a dozen singing scliool teachers had schools that were well attended. Bard, Chittenden. Spaf^'ord, Brooks, Burger, George W. Snyder, and the last was most successful. Miss Rose Shave, at one time principal of the art department of Ingham Uni- versity has had and still has classes in painting. Leslie Dailev. teaches China decorations, and is an expert at his calling. CHAPTER V. A Ch.m'ter of 0\'erlooked .\xu L'.xrecorded History — Ol'r First Academy. NDT one person out of one hundred, including the posterity of Presbyterian ancestors, knows the origin and purpose, for which the old Session House of that church was built. Not one of the historical sketches that have eminated from that source, or anv other, has ever alluded to its origin. Rev. Wales Tileston, A. B., L'nion College, 1822, pastor of the church from the fall of 1837, induced the people to build an Academy on their church grounds, and in 1838 it was built. As there was no newspaper in the newly incorporated village at that time there are no records of instructors, or pupils, until 1841, when the Genesee X'alley Recorder in .September of that year makes the announcement for that year. It is known however, that a Mr. Edwards was principal of the school, and a Miss Wing, sister to Galielmus \^'ing, was preceptress, with local assistants, if any were nee. Adams, teacher of English Department. Miss Jane D. Barnes, teacher of Mathematics, Drawing, etc. John S. Jemison, teacher of Penmanship. Mrs. Clemmons, preceptress. Miss Flora Bennett, Harriet Hndnut. Miss H. E. T. Wright. .\. Frink Williams. Miss H. E. T. Wright (a Ba]nist), became a missionary to Burniah. Students in Our First Academy, Church Street, 1840-1841 Benjamin P. \'anconrt, A. Jackson Sherwood, George H. Bagley. John Ditto, W. Parker Wright, Elihu D. Holmes. William Dunn. L. Bissell Hills Warren Gardner, P. Dudley Kenclrick, Theodore Horton, Richard Tyleston. Riley IMerrill. Jr.. Phineor.s L. Gilbert, Frederick B. Wing. Edward H. Chandler, John L. Gray, William ]\I. Graw Ralston H. Bellus, Charles Bellus, JNIatthew Washburn, ^lartin Hubbell, Knelon A. Jeffries. Elnathan \^'. Packard, John Or- mandson, Xewton Colby. Oliver P. Ashley, \'andalia \\'aite. M. D.. John Brewer, John Wheeler, S. Deak, C. J. Deak, died 1908, Cyrus T. Dake. Mt. Morris, Edwin Swan, Mt. Morris : from Portage, 1841 : Henry Tuthill, Yates Bennett, died 1906. \MlIiam Tousey, deceased, Andrew Gray, Or\'ille Root, Harlow Orcutt, Joseph Clark Button, Nathaniel B. Nichols, Jr., W. Sparta, Egbert Bogart, John Thomp- son. Jacob Bogart, David R. \'orees, William T. Spinning, Granger, John McLane. Birdsall, Cyrus Thompson, Cpper Canada, Lyman Crosby, Catharine \ancourt, *Matilda Sherwood, (Mrs. W. G. Russell, Binghamton), Rhoda M. Smith, Delir and Mary Bagley, Amelia Crane, *Sarah A. Barnes, (Mrs. A. G. Rose), Amanda Horner, Sarah A. Wright. Mary Pennell, (daughter of Rev. A. P. Pennell), Eller; and Elizabeth Whitney, Garifilia Waite, Harriet Hudnut, ( Mrs. Leroy Satterlee I . Mary Ennis, Sarah Dickinson, Mandana Tyleston, Elizabeth Tyleston, Esther M. Gilbert, (Mrs. P. D. Kendrick), Elizabeth S. Lane, Granger, Ebey ^'. Bogart, West Sparta, Janette and Adeline Bellus, Nunda, ilartha L. Washburn. Nunda : Portage : Alary and Esther Williams, Flora Bennett, died 1900. Cynthia and Mary Spencer, Louisa Button, Harriet N. Carpenter, Margaret C. Howell, Brooks Grove, Sarah M. Dake, Mt. ]Morris, Elsie \'oorees. West Sparta, Elizabeth Camp- bell, \\'. Sparta. Ebey Bogart. W. Sparta. Nunda Academy Advertisement, November 1, 1841 S. A. Clemnions, principal. This institution is now in successful operation with a larger number of pupils, than at any former period. To meet the increasing patronage, additional accom- modations have been provided in the academy building, which will permit us to re- ceive thirty or forty more students. Unremitting exertions are pledged on the part of the principal and assistants in their efforts to make this institution merit the high estimation of the public. Additional assistance has been recently procured and requisite facilities for in- struction can be afforded in almost any branch of Academic Education. Nunda Academy, November i. 1841. S. A. CLEAIMONS, Principal. Pioneer Students of the First Nunda Academy Mary Alward, f'ortage ; Harriet Alward, Portage; Sarah j\lvard, (Mrs. A. J. S. Sherwood), Alt. Morris; Amanda >\lvord, Mt. Morris; Elizabeth Barnes, Nunda; *Sarah A. Barnes, (Rose); Clarissa Blanchard, Lyons, Mich.; Alexina Blanchard, Lyons, Mich.; Flora Bennett, (life teacher), Portage; Elmira Bennett, (Orsimus Bisbee), Nunda; Mary J. Eogart, Nunda; Elizabeth \'. Bogart, Nunda; Olive Buck, Nunda ; Elizabeth Barrett, Nunda ; Martha Barrett, Nunda ; Jeannette Bellus, Nunda; Adelaide Bellus, Nunda; Lydia A. Blake, Scottsburg; Ann Buin- ham, Scottsburg ; Mary Bagley, Nunda ; Isabella Brown, Mt. Morris ; Lydia B. Campbell, Nunda; Melissa Carrier, Nunda; Almira Chase, (Merrick), Nunda; *M. Jane Craig, (Bowhall), Nunda; H. S. Doty, Lockport; Lucy A. Daniels, Nunda ; Elizabeth Dalrymple, J\lt. Morris ; Eliza Engle, Portage ; Mary Engle, Portage ; Clarissa Gray, Caledonia ; Elizabeth Gray, Caledonia ; Angelina Gawyer, Scottsville ; Jane Gibbs, Nunda ; Mary A. Greenleaf, Nunda ; Esther L. Gilbert, Nunda; Harriet Hudnut, Nunda; Sarah Hudnut, Nunda; Amanda Horner, Nunda ; Letetia Horner, Nunda ; Sarah J. Howd, Nunda ; Angelica C. Henry, Allen; Juliana Henry, Allen; Elizabeth Horton, Nunda; Sylvia A. Lawrence, Nunda ; Nancy Lawrence, Nunda ; Olive Miller, Alt. Morris ; Louisa More, Nunda; Amelia Merrill, Nunda; Emeline Merrill. Nunda; Salome Merrill, Nunda; Angelina Nourse, Castile ; Susan A. Osgoodby, Nunda ; Mary Pennell, Nunda ; Isabella Pennell, Nunda; Mary J. Prescott, Nunda; Rachel E. Page, Huldah M. Robinson, (Spencer), Portage; Charlotte Robinson, (Southwick), Portage; Eliza Rockefellow, (Olp), Mt. Morris; Rhoda M. Smith, Nunda; Delia Spencer, L. A. Shepard, Mt. Morris; Louisa Shuart, Portageville ; Margaret Sherwood, (Bur- nett), Nunda; *Matilda Sherwood, (Russell), Nunda; Charlotte Smith, Nunda; Fannie Seaver, Nunda ; Martha Smith, Nunda ; Eliza Spinning, Sparta ; Mary Spencer, Portage ; Cynthia Spencer, Portage ; Anna Smith, Portage ; Louisa Tabor, Portage ; Agnes Tuthill, Portage ; Charlotte Tuthill, Portage ; Elizabeth Tileston, Nunda; Hannah Vancourt, Nunda; Elsy Voorhies, Sparta; H. E. T. Wright, (Stetson), Nunda; Elizabeth Wright, Nunda; *Sarah A. Wright, (Smith) ; Mary Wright, Geneseo; Sarah D. Whetmore, Nunda; Elizabeth Whit- ney, Nunda ; Rebecca Wilcox, Nunda ; Garifilia Waite, Martha L. Washburn, Cornelia Whitney, Ellen Whitney, Sarah Weller, Mt. Morris ; *Mary Williams, Portage ; Esther Williams, Portage ; H. M. Wilner, Portage : Mary Whitcomb, Nunda ; \'ictoria Whitcomb. Colby. 313 Female Department, Nunda Academy, 1843-1844 F. li. Adams, Xuiula ; 11. !■'. Arnistrong-, Dorset, \ t. ; A. E. Atwootl. .\unda: AI. A. Ainswortli, Xuiula; S. .\. Ainswortli. Xuuda; Emily Bailey, Xuiula; Laura Barnes. Xunda ; Mary E. Barnes, Xunda; Julia Bell, Xunda; ^Augusta liennett, (Herrick); Amelia Bollsford, Grove; Emil}- Bradford, Nunda; Ann Bradford, X inula; Arabella Bradford, Nunda; Elizabeth Bradford, Nunda; Delia A. Brooks, Xuntla; Elizabeth Brooks, Nunda; Lucy Brooks, Nunda; L. P. Briggs, Nunda; Imogenc Burgess, Nunda; Emma 1,. L'hatfee, Nunda; Sarah Chase, Nunda; Flora, Ella and Roselle Chittenden, Nunda; M. lane Church, Portage; Caroline Conkey, Mt. Morris; Sarah Jane Cosnett. Xiuula; Emily and Isora Dartt, Nunda; Emma Ditto. Nunda; .Mary Diamnnd, Xunda; Lydia I )ye, Xunda; Eunice Crover. Xun- da; *Laura (_!ro\-er, Xunda; Rachel (lrej.;(iry, Sv)arla ; Isabella ilanunond. Xunda; '•'Adelaide Hammond, Xunda: Marv S. Holmes. M. C. Ilnwell. Mt. .Morris; Sarah and Henrietta Ibirton, Cordelia Keyser, Rebecca Kennedy. ISurns ; Helen M. Lawrence, Ntmda ; .\nn Aiarsh, Cayuga: 11. .X. Marsh, Xunda; luniice Marsh, E. .A. McKane, Nunda; Julia McKane, Nunda; Celuria Merrill. R. .\. Alosher, Alt. Alorris; Alarian Pierce, Mt. Morris: Afartha Purchase, Sparta; Catharine Ruger, Nunda; Alartha. and Julia Scntt. .Allen ; E. .V. and Eveline Scott, Nunda; Mary E. Spencer. Nunda : Jane Smitii. .Xinula : Lnuisa Strong. Nunda; Alandana Tileston, Nunda; .Sarali [i. '['owu. Xunda; Carolijie \'ancourt. .Xunda; Alary \ an Scoter, Burns; *Lucinda Warren. ( B. Leel, Nunda ; '''Sophia W'hitcomb. Livena Whiting. Pennsylvania ; Charlotte \\ (R)d. .Xunda. Alale Depart. Nimda .\cadeni_\', 1843-1S4-1. "Alilton Hills, .Xunda; Lathrop Hills, Nunda; '''Henrx ,\. Hills, Nunda; Elijah Horton, Nunda; Franklin Kysor, Sparta; J. J. K\sor, ."^jiarta : R. R. Kinney. .S]>arta; John King. Xunda; 'Charles King, Nunda; Henry King. .Xinula; branklin L. Lake. Portage; G. B. Lawrence. Nunda; D. C. Leach. Nunda; J. E. Alarsh, Nunda; B. F. Pannenter. Springville ; James Reid, Nunda; \ andalia Slater, Portage; Simon Scott, .Allen; Hiram Scott, .Allen; William Scott, .Allen; '^Charles L. Spencer, .Xunda; Ethvin Strong, Nnnda; William Strong, Nunda; Charles Terry, Nunda; (3. Willard, Grove; Orren Wil- liams, Ccnterville ; .A. Frink Wiliams, Portage. .After the exodus of this missionary, the school was left in charge of Aliss Cochran, and a yotmg man of excellent spirit by the name of Alaynard, and it con- tinued in e.xistence a _\ ear longer. Air. Alaynard, however, wlui was an earnest Christian and a good Presby- terian, while on his summer vacation attended a gathering of the Synod, and an earnest appeal being made for well educated young men to enter the Foreign Alis- sionary field, his plans for life were changed, excepting, that he had long planned a visit to the .Alps. He proceeded to carry out this plan, but was taken sick and died in Italy. The school was then merged with the L^nion school on East Street, that for a year or more after this kept up a hearty rivalry with the Xunda Literarx- Institution, both in curriculum and in ntnnerical strength. This marvellous story of successive teachers entering the ministry and the missionary field can hardly be equalled in any school of the land. It is evident that the vocation of the teacher was underrated in those days, while that of the clergyman exceeded greatly the estimates of the present time. ,\s these teachers will again be mentioned in our list of Alissionaries, who have lived in Nunda, we will leave them for the present. 314 The school came into Ijeiiig when it was greatly needed. The building i)ruved of great value to the church, for a session house, and it has fostered other schools and served as a temporary home for the Methodist Church and numerous select schools have held their sessions there, until an Academy was built on ]Mill Street. The building has been moved to Fair .Street, and a fine parsonage has taken its place, and it now serves as a dwelling house and barn. It cost when first built $800, and it has been of far greater value to the village than to the church that built it. ^lay the good intentions of the builders be recognized, appreciated and placed to their credit. The Cochran Regime The school reached the acme of its success under l'rinci])al j. ( i. Cochran, and his sister, Miss M. R. Cochran. The Faculty indicate a large and energetic institution, even a primarN- de]iart- ment swells the numbers and indicate ac least a numerical success. Some of these assistant teachers taught in 1843, others in 1844. Principal, J. G. Cochran; associate, ]\Iiss Dorcas Hell: prece])tress, AI. R. Cochran; assistant preceptress. Miss Sarah .V. Lake: primary. Miss I'lum; John J. Rockefellow, teacher, English Department : Lecturer, .\natomy and I'hysiology, Dr. C. Clifford Chafee, A. B., and assistant pupils B. F. Parmalee, Amelia Alerrill. This school would have been eminently successful under this corps of instruc- tors, but either the atmosphere of Xunda, bred a desire in the hearts of all educa- tors that were called here as instructors, to seek a foreign shore, where souls were farther away from truth and God, or the retiring principal, or the clergyman of the church chose, the new principal for his piety, rather than for his ability to teach, and the Nunda Academy was wrecked on the rocks of IMissionary zeal. In this instance a good teacher did not become a poor missionary, but one who met with marvellous success and "worked for humanity," as well as for "creed and theology," and left a son and successor whose achievements as a civilizer reached the climax of success. His school, however, is our present subject, but in ihe missionary part of this book will be given the story of a great missionary's greater Son. Before giving the names of the students that attended the Xunda Academv in 1842 to 1844, we will tell the story that George Ditto, a pupil of the primary department of this school (and to whom I am indebted for the information) told me. Miss Dorcas Bell caine with the Ditto family to Xunda as the governess of the Ditto children, John, George and Emma. The great losses attending the stop- ping of work on the Genesee \'alley canal in 1841, left the family with more ac- counts against the contractors, than the contractors had money to pay for, and so the governess became a teacher in this school. She afterwards became Mrs. Lorenzo Brooks. Principal Cochran married Miss Plum, the teacher in the primary department, and they became Missionaries in the CJrient. The Faculty of this school seems to have changed after the marriage of Miss Bell. And we find the following list of instructors: J. G. Cochran. A. B. ; John J. Rockefellow, English Department ; Sarah .V. Lake, assistant teacher of English : Miss M. R. Cochran, teacher I'rcnch and drawing: assistant piijiils, [5. 1". Parmen- ter of Sprinsrville : Miss Amelia .A. Merrill of Xunda. Xote. — It is gemiain to call attention, at this time to the fact that there were now two academies in Nunda, and Prof. Buck, had also since 1843, been taking to their own place, the Baptists, and others, who were attracted by his reputation to the newer and larger school. Pupils in Attendance in 1842-3, Additional to Those Before Mentioned G. W. Adams. Uhio : Edwin C. Allen, I'ortage ; Andrew Barber, (lawyer), Portage; Charles B. Bagley, *Lester P. Barnes, Benjamin Bailey, William P. Ben- nett, Burns ; Charles H. Bixby, Nunda ; Charles Brooks, Chelles Brooks, A. G. Brooks, L. M. Brooks, J. B. Bradley, Spring\-ille ; Henry B. Britton, Portage ; Halbert Buck, Xunda ; Erastus Buck, Nunda ; Austin Burpee, Nunda ; R. S. Camp- bell, Scottsburg: Edward G. Chipnian, Xunda: William George Cosnett, Xunda; D. H. Cochran, Spring\-ille ; William De Camp. M. D., *George Ditto, Xunda ; . Lewis L. Ditto, Xunda; Arnold Eastwood, Xunda; Charles A. Gilbert, Xunda; Nathan Gould. Nunda ; Leroy Gould, Nunda ; Horace Gregory. Sparta : Cameron Hartman. Sparta ; Le Rue Hale, Sparta. At two exhibitions given April 13 and 14. 1843. the following ladies and gentlemen took part : S. F. Hills, j. Bogart, J. I'hompson, T. Atwood, W. P. WVight, E. D. Holmes, H. B. Carver. R. S. Campbell, D. H. Cochran, F. D. Lake, N. F. Williams. G. J. Adams, W. A. Dunn. Riley M. Merrill, F. P. Kennedy. J. G. Briggs, A. F. Wil- liams, L. 1!. Hills, J. j. Rockefellow, G. J. Adams. J. L. Williams E. H. Chandler. J. Ditto. AL Jane Church, ^^fary \\'illiams. Miss Estlier Williams. Miss .\. Merrill. M. J. Bogart. X. Lawrence, .S. A. Lawrence. Xote. — The original colloquy, "I'he Indian Captive," written by AI. Jane Church formed a part of the programme. Also one of her poems, "The Ma\ Flower," was recited by L. B. Flills. The talent of these advanced students would surprise some of the graduates of our day most of them, however, were older than the average graduates now. It must be gratifying to the children and grandchildren of those who were the leading pupils, for their day of this the first of Xunda's academies, to see their ancestors as they were in youth, not in their full maturity, but grasping for treasures of mind attainable. The motto of 1845 tells the story. "Xot as though we had already attained." The last exhibition of the X'unda Academy, six students wrote ( or served as a committee of publication), a pamphlet periodical, and it was published by J. T. X'^orton, Alt. Morris. The committee were: R. M. Merrill, Seth E. Hills, C. H. Gilbert, Miss A. A. Merrill, Miss X. C. Lawrence and Miss Janette T. Amsden. After a modest editorial, the articles that follow-ed would indicate the peculiar style of those days when sentiment and song were present in all prose essays. "The Widow's Son," by C, evidently Charles H. Gilbert, the father of Harry and Carrie Gilbert, a fine paraphrase of the Gospel narrative, has a double pathos to one who knew them all. Charles and his gentle wife, Eliza Day, both of whom died so early in life, and Carrie and Harry, who did not live as long. i\s the au- 316 tlior purposes to give Aliss Carrie's graduating essay, he thinks it will be inter- esting to trace similarity uf st\!e, changed by the different standards of a later time. THE WIDOW'S SON "Silence reigns in a lone apartment in the city of N . A noble youth lies sleeping. O'er his body a burning fever rages, and yet he sleeps a happy sleep. On Fancy's airy wing his roving mind soars away from earth to heaven. With angels crowned with light, he kneels before the throne, and with "etherial fingers sweeps the golden strings, which makes the melody of heavens abode." "He wakes to find himself still on earth, while by his couch his loving parent weeps. Mother, the damps of death are on my brow, but do not weep when I am gone. I hasten to a happier home. I would not longer stay. Hark, dost not thou hear, the rich strains of music, that strike my listening ear? "Mother I go, but I will come again, and when thou too shall leave this vale of tears, I'll watch beside thy bed and bear thy spirit hence to Heaven. "There's music on the midnight air, a requiem sad and slow is chanted o'er the bier of a loved one gone. "O sad the thought that one so young should die. and lay him down in the empty tomb to rest, while fairy visions still were his and hope was dancing joy dreams in his breast. Could prayer have saved him he would have still remained. He has joined the choirs of pure ones m the happy land. "The mother weeps beside his sable bier. 'Tis hard to part from what is life- less now. But lo ! Jesus approaches and bids her cease to weep. He lays the sable, pall-cloth back, he lifts the head in silence resting and he who slept awoke."' This is hardly a type of the others. It is unusual for men, unless they are of poetic nature, or very near the bounds of the unknown, to write like school girls, but men are net alike, and some are admonished in many ways of lie's uncertaintv. One other selection signed V., bears the more natural type of woman's senti- ment. She has dared to write of one, whose name is above every name. In her peroration she exclaims. "He comes to earth its Redeemer, a King without the ensigns of royalty, a Conqueror without an avenging sword, or the brilliant trophies, which swell the victor's triumph. He becomes a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. For thee, O. earth, he weeps, for thee He prays, when dewy mountains and the pale stars alone behold him, he bids the sleeping arise, and those in chains of dark- ness bound, gaze upon a new world of light and beauty. He heals thy soul, a pil- grim for many long years, ever laboring to hasten the dawn of salvation's sun, and when his day has come, for thee, O man, he dies ! " THE EXHIBITION "Character of Schiller," Erastus E!uck, Jr. "Literature a means of perpetuating a Nation's Glory," John S. King. "When is the time to die," Miss 'M. A. Stowe. "The Voices of Angels," Miss E. Bra'dford. Colloquy, "The Chances of Law," (w-ritten by Briggs, Chandler and Gilbert). Judge, Latham Coffin ; Squire Bragge, G. H. Briggs : Fitzgerald, Esq.. E. H. Chandler; Plaintiff'. S E. Hills: Defendant, C. H. Gilbert: witnesses. Colloquy, bv Men-ill ami Ditto. Transcendentalist, R. M. Merril : Fourienst, J. A. Ditto: Hypochondriac, S. !•: . 1 lills ; Mnenionician, C. H. Gilbert ; Limb of the Law, J. A'- Townsend. lo. Oration— "Melancholy of Genius" G. H. Bnggs 1 1 ( )ration— "IVrnianence of Our Institutions" J- A. Ditto ,, . ..-n, > p^frint'c; Cnre" JMiss S. L. ^Merrill 1 '> l\os])(>iises — 1 lie i atrioi s v^iore "The Tear of Svmi)athv" l^Hss L. A. Horner 1 :, Colloquy-" foDular Education" IS.v Hills and Ditto Prof. \on Dunderhonsen, S. E. Hills ; Squire Quibble. L. CofiQn ; Dea Par- ticular, A. Barber; Doct. Killman. R. M. :\Icrrill. inspectors. Students, etc. Music. 14 Oration— "The Sui)eriorit\ of a Symmetric Education" E. H. Chandler Miss A. A. Merrill, Miss J. D. Amsden 1 5. Dispute-"Is this a Superficial Age ?" S. E. Hills, Latham Cofifin i6 Discussion— "Is Astronomy as Rich in the Poetic Element as Geology? ' .Miss .^. A. Merrill, :Miss J. D. Amsden 17. Coiloquy— ".Mulsunimer's Xighfs Dream." ( altere.l from Shakespeare) Peter Quince, R. U. Merrill, Nick Bottom, Andrew Barber. Francis Flute. L H. Ditto. Simon Stiung. William Nash, moonshine. Music. r> Ai M -n 18. "The Genius of Literature" i^- -^1- ^^"^^ '" 19. Oration—" Fame— Its Price" -^- barber Prayer. EXCELSIOR— NUNDA ACADEMY, 1845 By S. ■■( )h ! onward youth ! grasp deathless flowers Of genius for thy brow And call a \yreath in learning's bower To deck thy }-oung mind now ; Away ! stop not 'mid things of earth, Indulge in visions high. Enlarge thy thoughts of lofty birth. Seek things that cannct die." CHAPTER \T. ( )rK ( )i.n l-.xiox School House. East Strhet. Axn How It Came To Be Built There. Special meeting of District No. 2. held December 23. 1844. at 6 P. M. Merritt Colby presided' and William D. Hammond served as clerk. At this meeting it was. Resolved by a majority of voters present, that it is ex- pedient to purchase a new site and build a new school house. 2. Resolved. That the trustees of this district, examine the most eligible site for a new school house, ascertain the cost of lot. plan of a building and the cost of building according to that plan. 3- That a committee be appointed to examine into the title of the site now occupied by the district ; whereupon the moderator appointed, Benedict Bagley, Luther C. Peck and Walter Whitcomb, such committee. The meeting adjourned to meet again in two weeks. At the adjourned meeting, Benetlict Bagley, reported that the title of the lot on Alill Street was not sound and good, that the deed is void for want of a con- sideration. The report was carried. Tliey seconded the report of former com- mittee, and appointed two discreet persons to act with the trustees, to inquire into the expediency of purchasing a new location, and building a more commodious scliool building, to estimate cost and dimensions and lay their report before the people at their next meeting. Joseph Ditto and D. D. Morse were appointed as additional committee. Adjourned for one week. At the adjourned meeting, J. Ditto reported for the committee, and the re- port was accepted, and the trustees authorized to sell the old lot and building, re- taining its use till the new building was ready for use. The vote was carried, yeas, 43, nays, 29. The trustees were instructed to purchase a lot containing an acre of ground on the north east corner of East and Fair Streets, opposite the Cobble Stone house, then occupied by C. E. Crary at the price of $200. Resolved, That the trustees be requested to procure a certificate of the town superintendent for the sum of '■^13. 50. Carried. .\djourned to Tuesday at 6 P. M. On January 24, 1845, the adjourned meeting was held, and a certificate from the town superintendent was read, of which the following is a copy. "T hereby certify that I believe the sum of twelve hundred dollars is neces- sary to build a suitable school house for School District Xo. 2. in Nunda January 14. 1S45. A. BURGESS, Town Superintendent C. S. for Nunda." A vote was then taken to raise by tax $1,200 to build a school house on the place submitted by the committee. The vote was taken by calling each voter pres- ent by name and the vote given resulted as follows: Yeas, 47; Nays. 45. Then the additional sum of $150 was voted for fence, furnishing out build- ings, etc. Yeas, 48 ; Nays, 28. Annual meeting September 29, 1845. ^^^- ^- Clifford Chafee, moderator, and William D. Hammond. Ceorge B, Herrick. elected trnste<\; : John H. Dve. col- lector; Walter Whitcomb. librarian. .\ tax was voted to level the grounds a. id lay floor in the porch. We conclude that this brings the scholars of Xo. 2. into a commodious and fine looking building for those days, and if any one wishes to see the old building, from which they must have been glad to depart, the}- may procure the key of Les- ter \Mlcox, merchant, on State Street. The rear part of the building has had no lepairs upon it since it was moved there from Mill Street, and the wonder will be how did they accommodate 90 pupils there, before canal da}s, and how. the greatly increased number from 1S36 to 1846. From 1839, the Nunda Academy, Church Street, thinned them out somewhat, and from 1843 the Nunda Literary Institute took all the surplus, until 1846, when the L'nion and Nunda Academy students divided nearly equally, the pupils of the village with the institute, and both buildings had for the next 13 \ears. all they could accommodate. 319 CHAITER \"II. Tuic L'nki.n SciUHU.. K.\sr Stki'.kt. 184(1. TllLi Xuiula Ac;Kloin_\, on Church Street, build by the I'resbyteriaus iu 1838, afterwards known as the Presbyterian Session House, that had furnished advantages for the pioneer youth of Xunda for about seven years, was sui'plauted by the Baptist School, the Xnntla I.iterary Institute, that came into be- ing in 1843, and both academies were well patronized for about two years, when the institute, being the larger building, with the large hired cabinet of Prof. Amasa A. Buck, .\. M., drew the majority of the pupils from abroad to the Mill Street institution, and the short lived Xunda Academy was mergeil in a Uni^n with tlie large district sciiool Xo. 2. and became the Union School with, for a short time, an Academy or High School ilepartment. The principal was college breO and about 250 pupils gathereil there during the school year. The Students Olio, published in March, 1840, gives us this information, in a '■ Prospectus adtlressed to the Trustees of this unique District School." We ipiote from the youthful editors, a statement, that it would have been hard to believe, but for the preservation of this 14 page periodical, "Messrs. Prescott, Herrick and Gardner, Trustees of Xunda I nion school: I'ermit us to inscribe to you our little jieriodical as a tribute ot re>pect, due your zealous and disinterested etTorts to establisli a L'XBJ.X SCHt )t)l-, of high order in our ])leasant village. "During the last term, aboiu J30 scholars have enjoyed its privileges. The majority of these, have spent most of their time upon the common English branches. "About 80 have practiced composition : 40 declamation ; about 50 attended to drawing; 40 have pursued the Latin; 22 Algebra; 17 Intellectual Philosophy: 15 Geology; 12 Geometry; 11 l-Yench ; 8 Astronomy; 4 Surveying. General exer- cises have been had on Mitchell's Outline maps, Parker's Historical charts, and in \\ right's .Vnalytical C)rthography. "Vou will find perchance in our "l^Hio " many crude thoughts. Should it be so we feel assured, that from you and our friends generally, we shall meet with the leniency which our youth anil inexperience may claim ; and there will not be dealt out, to those w hose unlledged thoughts are yet untaught to soar, the full measure of criticism wliich might fall with propriety upon the productions of more mature minds, li others who are predetermined to judge "no good thing can come out of .Xazareth," will read our pages only to discover faults or hold up to ridicule our LJierished sentiments, we must leave them to the promptings of their own taste. with a regret iiowever, that their minds are not of a nobler make. "In behalf of the committee of publication. " It would not be very difficult to read between the lines of an intense conflict existing between the "Institute" and "the Union School." Though the Union School had 230 scholars all it could comfortably accommodate, the Institute had 328. The Union School however, had the largest primary department. After Principal Winslow, from the ^It. Morris school succeeded Principal Buck, the existing friction was diniinshed. for Prof. Winslow was from "Unioni College," from which three successive I'reshyterian pastors liad been graduated, and the Union School under Abraham Burgess returned to the ordinary status of a well taught district school for 'English branches" only. That the Union School of 1845- 1846, had a fair share of the "heirs of future greatness," we will copy the order of exercises at the exhibition March 10, 1846. Music. 1. Colloquy — "Who Wants an Exhibition," by IJriggs aiul Chandler. 2. Oration — "Newspaper Publication," S. Ellis. 3. "Unwritten History," M. T. Hills. 4. "The J"'atc of Tyranny," J. W. liritton. Music. 5. Colloquy — "A Mesmeric lVe]j into the I'uture," (arranged Ijy J. Dittoj. De Squiggs (mesmeriscr 1. W. 15, (iardner. Joseph (a subject), II. Kuck. Squire Quirk, S. Ellis. Deacon (Juiz, G. Kalder. Professor Fiat, J. W. Uritton. 6. Declamation — "The Sword," C. L. Spencer. 7. Oration — "The True .Source of I-ieform." E. W. Packard. 8. Oration^".Saxon Character." J. .\. Ditto. Music. 9. Collo(|uy — "Scra]3S of J'olitics fcjr 1848," (by Briggs and Chandler'). Loco Foco, j. .\. Ditto. Loco F'oco, J. W, Brilton. Whig, E. Ik'ick, Jr. Whig, C. H. Brooks. Native, E. H. Chandler. Atheist, W. B. Gardner. Libertv, G. H. Briggs. Whig of 'y6, H. A. Patterson. 10. Declamation — "Bernardo Del Carpio." 11. Ihick. 11. Reading of Kaleidoscope, Miss \ . W'hitcomb, Miss L. A. Britton. Music. 12. Latin Collo(|uy — Serenade. S. Ellis, H. Peterson, M. T. Hills, G. H. Gardner, C. L. Spencer. 13. Oration — "Inmagination," E. Buck, Jr. 14. Oration — "The True End of Study," W. B. Gardner. 15. Reading of the Ephemera, Miss E. P)radford, Miss L. A. Horner. 16. Declamation — "The Seventh Plague of Egyj)t," G. H. Briggs. Music. 17. Colloquy — "(jalileo"s Re-cantation," (by Ditto). Inquisitors, H. A. Patterson, E. H. Chandler, E. Buck, Jr. Galileo, J. A. Ditto. Philosopher, G. H. liriggs. Students, C. H. Brooks. J. W. Britton. Officer, G. Kalder. 18. Translation — "Ulysses" .Address to .\chilles," Edward H. Chandler. 19. ".Achilles Reply," H. A. Patterson. .Music. .io. rratix-ily. (Sclccti-d ["alt'ourvl's Ion" , Ailrastus. II. .V. rattorsou. Ion, (.;. H. Briggs. Mcdon. E. Buck, Jr. Clcsiphon, J. .\. Ditto. Crvtlii.';. \\'. B. Gardner. .\gcnor. M. T. Hills. Phochion. E. H. Chandler. Guards, etc. Prayer. Benediction. This school exi.sted for many years, and ha^l many excellent teachers, among them, .\brahani Burgess. M. Jane Church. Luke Colby, John J. Rockefellow . Milo Chamberlain, Walter Coffin, Alary Spencer, Jane Adams, Pienry Dye Marsh, A. B., William C. PLiU. Samuel Hall. Thomas J. Thorp. .\. P>., and sister, John Grimes, Thomas Lovell. A GREAT ACADEMY— ITS TEACHERS AND STUDENTS riie .\unda Literary Institute became an accuality because ihc old lUiptist Church was no longer needed for church purposes. The Xunda .Academy was too small to accommodate all who would attend it there were better facilities for instruction. The frequent change of teachers in the academy luul taught a lesson, and the Baptists determined to hire a principal who had taught successfully, and who expected to make teaching his life work. The Middlebury Academy at Wyoming was the leading school of this class at the time. One of the leading citizens of the town was the Hon. L. C. Peck, educated at this classical institution. I'esides, it was known that Prof. lUick, had an exten- sive cabinet which would come with him and place the new school on or above the level of its competitor. The numerical strength of the Baptist Church at the time was such that there would be a good attendance, even if the Presbyterian School continued its existence. It is from present standards of toleration, to be regretted that both schools were run too much as Sectarian Institutions. There is no list of the first academy's officials, but certainly those of the Baptist School were de- cidedly too much along denominational lines. To Principal Winslow, who intro- 'Uiced into the board men. as trustees, for their ability, and not for their creed, is due much of the greater prosperity which attended the institution during its last years. Men like Gersham Waldo ( Ep'.scopalian^ : L. B. Warner, anil L'tley Spencer, Presbyterians; I. J. Meechatn. (Methodist), and finally E. \\'. Packard, (I'niversalist) was a movement in the right direction. These men were inter- ested in education per se, and were not thinking of how a large schoc>l would in- crease the attendance and membership of any particular church. From the first. the stockholders in the "building" made a choice outside their numbers. .V list of the trustees of the institution may prove interesting to their poster- ity, and so the writer will gfive them. Those advertised on the circular at rifst sent out. evidently tlid not all serve. They were, however, excellent figure heails and the leading men of the village, as well as excellent scholars. Addison M. Crane, Jr'.sq., Hon.. judge, etc.: Hon. Xalhaniel Coc, Rev Luke Colby, Zara VV. Joselyn, M. U., Hon. Daniel Ashley. September 28, 1844. Stockholders and trustees, Jariium, Emily P.. W'iiislow . Second Year. Principal \\"inslo\v : Helen r>. Morrisson. perooptress: George Briggs, classics : Jane Adams, primarx . 5. Solon Otis Thaeher (collegian 1: Miss Myra McAlniont. preceptress: Miss Emeline Merrill, primary. 6. William J. Bunnell. A. B. ; Dr. A. L. L. Totter, A. M.. M. \\. (part of time); Mrs. Bunnell, preceptress; Miss Abbey Liverniore : Miss Martha Knowl- ton : Miss Mary Wells. 7. Barrett Regime. A. Judson Barrett, A. 1'... 1854 to Ma\. 1S50: A. L. L. Potter, .V. M., resigned; Joseph Ensign, collegian, .\. LI. : Miss Camilla Leach, preceptress; Miss Mary Spencer; Miss Minerva Waldo: Miss Louise W . Met- calf, music teacher. Professor B.vRRinr's Facilty Principal Ste]ihen P. Barrett, ctill-- gian, A. B, Preceptresses. Emily J. l>arro\vs. two years: Miss Mary Bohanls, Miss Mary Spencer. Louise Cassidy, one year. Andrew J. Ru.ssell, Professor of Chi- rograpliy. Emily J. Barrows, until May, 1850. John P. Colby. :May, i85«), A. B. Clinton Barrett, until May, 1850. Miss ilary L. Pettit, until May, 1850. Principal a. |rns 8. Last Term. Miss Mary L. Pettit. principal: Mr. Tb.omas Lovell (col- legian), afterward A. B. and LL. D., assistant. Assistant Pupil Teachers. Mary Wheeler, drawing and English. 18^5-56. Miss Marv L. Pettit, Miss Alice S Filch, Miss Harriet Swain. Mis- Sarah L. Stilson. Number of scholars in 1854-55: First term . . . Intermediate . Primary Music special Males. Females. Total. 46 5<^ 102 45 56 TOt ^3 t8 4t Students of the Xunda Literary Institute. Catalogue of 1S43 ''"^' i^-H- The living marked *. William W. Ahvard, Portage. X. Y. : Nathaniel P. Ahvard, Portage. X. Y. : Yates .\shley. Daniel P. .\shley. Charles A. Atwood. Ximda : Freeman 1 '•. Atwood. Granger; Warren Babcock. Xunda: *Munson O. Barker. Xunda; Joseph W. Britton. *Russell Eritton, Charles H. Britton. Tames M. Barrett. Ximda : David .>24 S. Eutterrielennett, (Mrs. Orsemus Bisbee), Portage; Laura C. Barrett, (Mrs. W. A. H. Dake), died 1905; Elizabeth T. Barrett, CMrs. J. Blanchard); Martha Barrett; Mercelia Bradley ; Maria C. Bard, (Mrs. Whipple) ; Lucy A. Britton, (Mrs. James Camp) ; Agnes M. Brown, Caroline Brown, Mary Bentley, Hannah Burpee, Cath- erine Burpee, Isabel Burpee, Xunda ; Sarah C. Botsford. Cornelia Botsfort ( Mrs. Joel Bennett), Granger; Rachel M. Butterfield, Mary Burt, Mt. Morris; Louisa C. Carpenter, Portage; Sarah A. Chandler, Xunda; Helen Conklin, Xunda; Mar- tha J. Conklin ; Seraph A. Conklin : Angelina Clough, Xunda : Clarissa Clough ; Celoria Clark; Orithia Clark; Martha J. (Carver, Nunda; Lucinda Carver, Xunda; Sarah Carver ; X'unda ; Mahala Carver, Xunda ; Delana C. Chase, Xunda ; Mary E. Chase; Caroline M. Chamberlain; *Mercy Jane Craig (Mrs. Bowhall) ; Ella F. Chittenden ; Flora E. Chittenden ; Roselle Chittenden ; Charlotte Chittenden ; Aristeen Curtis; Theresa .\. Dake, .Xunfla; Elvira E. Dake, Xunda; Eunice M. Dake, JVIt. Morris; ■Cornelia C. Fuller, Granger; *Laura S. Grover, (Mrs. Car- penter) ; Susannah Haines; .\mi E. Howd ; Francis C. Howd ; Kesiah E. Herrick: 325 Ann I'!. Jcrvis. ^colored), ^lary jervis; Uriilgct lervis; Kliza O. .Mason; Emily Martin: ^laria iJorse; iMdclia Merrick, ^Mrs. \\ . !'> \\ hitcomb) ; Elvira Aler- rick: Cordelia F. Merrick; Julia A. Morley; Mary J. Osgoodby ; Clarissa Page; Roselle E. Pillcnger; Emily M. Uobinson, i daughter of Siiuire Robinson, Chidscy Farm) ; Adelia Roberts, (Mrs. 1.. Rockefe'.low ) ; .\melia Rawson; Ellen E. Rus- sell; Mary L. Ryder; Mary 1,. Seaver: *Lydia .Starkweather. (Mrs. i:. i,^. Dick- enson) ; Lucy A. Swan ; Polly Short, Xunda ; Olivia Sweetnian ; Louia Sweetman ; Eliza Stilson. Mt. Morris; lane .\. Smith; Charlotte Smith; Elizabeth B. Shave: Elonora Stone ; Helen E. Swart : Martha C. Talcott ; Celestia Thompson ; Phileua (.\ Warner ; Louisa E. Warner ; Levisa P. \\'arner ; .\bba \\'eed : Sarah E. Weed ; Mary Wheeler, (died 11)0(1) ; Charlotte Wheeler; I-llizabeth Wheeler; *Sarah .\. White; Elizabeth P. Wright, Mt. Morris. .Additional names in 1S45, Clarence H. .\shley, .\unila : Oliver P.. .-\twell : Hiram .\twell ; William P.ailey ; Simon Bailey: William R. Benson; Havillah Brewer; Edgar M. Shipnnm, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; W'illiam Darby ; William H. Guy ; James E. P. Irwin ; .\reo Ken- dell, Mt. ^lorris: lames Kiley ; IClijah Lovejoy : Durand Linkletter; Justus Link- letter: Wilber F. Lawton; Richard Martin: William B. Ormsby : William W. l^aine. Burns: .\rtemas .-\. Saterlee. (son of Halsey) ; Homer Sherwood: William K, Short ; Clark H. Short : Silas Short ; Charles M. Stout : *.\lfred Tabor; Rodol- phus Talcott; Johnson .\. Wagor; William li. Wagor; William G. D. ^\"eed : 1?. Rush Whitney ; Joseph R. WiLson. Out of town students. Isaiah B. Hamilton (died ux>t>). Mt. Morris; P. D. Burger. Xunda: Peter Carter. Xunda: William McCartney (died in Xunila^ : Charles Xorum : lliiler\ Twist. .Additional lady students 1S45. Susan R. Bailey; Mary .\. Bailey: *Mary X. Barron, (Hand): .Angelina Benedict: ^Lavina Bow-en, (Mrs. J. Barker); Clestina Buttertield; Rachel >L Buttertield: Eliza Canfield; Sarah H. Dunn; Helen .A. Guy: Mclinda \'. Lovejoy; Mary E. Lovejoy; .Abig:ail ^lason : Fidelia J. Merrick. (Mrs. Dr. Whitcomb) ; Pamelia .A. Merrick; *.Ann ^L Mosher, (Mrs. R. Spencer); Elizabeth Ritten- house, (Mrs. J. Creveling) ; C. ^L Skellinger; Emily C. Sherwood; Louisa E. Sherwood: Sylvia Skinner; Mercy S. Spicer; Olive .A. Stone: Betsey L". Swain; -Agnes E. Swain; Flora E. Swain; Rosella M. Tabor; Sarah .A. I'pson: Orthynett Warren; *Mary Willis: .Amelia Wing: Sarah Hamilton. Mt. Morris: Julianna Burt. Mt. ^Morris. .Ailditional names 1IJI46. Cornelia .Angel ; Phoebe .Atwell ; Eliza T. Barrett ; Frances T. Buson ; Julianna Burt. Portage: P"austa .A. Conklin; Charlotte .A. Crawford. Pavilion; Mary Jane Crawford. Pavilion: Ellen Dartt ; .Adelia Dake; Mary Diamond: Frances L. Gager: Fanny M. Hampton, Ossian: Sally .A. Hampton, Ossian; Eveline Hunger- ford ; -Ann E. Jack, Xunda ; Janette Jack, Xunda ; Matilda Jack, Xunda : Marietta Johnson; Susanna Johnson; Sarah .A. Kel.^ey, (daughter of Rev. .A. Kelsey) : Ella .A. Kelsey : Linda Kelsey ; Euuua Kelsey ; Martha J. Kenney ; Susan S. Kennev; Mary Linkletter; .Amelia .A. Xarrimore; Electa .A. Xarrimore: .Alzina Xarrimore : Salome Xarrimore : .Almira J. Root ; Oreana Sherwood : .Almira H. Stone: Sarah ^L Stilson. Ridge: .Angelina Smith. Dutch Street: Elnora Talcott: Hannah A'an .Allen ; *Emma Willev ; Minerva ^^'hituey ; Meima \\'hitnev ; Lutesia Whitney; ^'Jane A. (jjson; *Sophia Wliitcomlj ; Ellen Wliitcomh ; Louise Whit- comlj ; Josejjhinc V'oncils ; Laura Youells. Afl'litional stiulents in J846. Xclson Adams; (Jren R. Atwell ; Charles Ashley; IJ. C. Ashley; bennis R. Alward, Scipio, N'. Y. ; Simeon Bailey; licnjamin Bailey; Albert Bailey; Orville C. Babcock; Simeon Babcock; Charles G. Bennett; Curtiss X. Bennett; Henry C, Bixby; Alonzo D. Brailley; '"Hulbert E. Brown, Genesee l'"alls; Samuel C. Bonar, Ossian; James Ji. Clark. Genesee J-'alls, (the celebrated vocalist and composer; ; A. B. Chamberlain, Sparta; O. H. CTiamberlain, Sparta; O. L. Chamberlain, Sparta; Horace M. Dake; Daniel N". Dake; William. VV. Dake; Benjamin W. iJake; *Orville A. Guy; Isaac Jfampton, Ossian; Clark A. Hcrrick, Xun'la; JJavid Holly, Xunda; Benjamin J. Johnson; Charles H. Johnson; Thomas Karley; Jerome I^ke, Mt. Morris; John Lemen, Mt. Morris; S. U. Mosher, Mt. Morris; Georjje D. Martin, Xunda; Septim E. Miller; James H. Morely; Herman Morely ; William McArthur, Tuscarora; Samuel J. Xarmore; Erederick T. Olney; Elliot J. i'ajfe; *Uaniel I'osl, Gainesville (Buffalo, X. Y.); A. M. Pierce (Member of Assembly, Wyoming County, died i(/oH) ; *nieodore Peterson ; Miles Peterson ; *Berk!ey Peterson: Hiram Seaver; Dorr Sherwood; Lewis Stout; Samuel J. Swain ; Henr\- K. Swain ; Henry B. Thayer ; Albert O. Taber, Portage ; Augustus \'an Winkle; David B. Van Slyke, Portage; Edward S. Waite, Xunda; *Paul E. Willey ; Merriman Wilncr; W. E. Walker, Bethany; Henry E. Youells, Xunda, Additional 1849-1850. *Lyman Warren. Goram Warran, veteran Civil War; "Gideon 'i'ownsend: Peter Townsend, died 1908; I^juis .Skinner; .Stephen Fuller, Jr. *Milton and j.Seth Hills; -Henry A. Hills, captain: *fJrson and fGcorge Page. Hermon D. J 'age, supervisor; I'Vederick Wing; Xewton and John P. Colby; Delyea Tuthill, (Colonel .Skinner); Mary A. Fuller, (W. A. Walker); Mary L. Bennet, ( S. Hall). *Mary X. Barron (Mrs. J. W. }land). Mary Chase (Colonel .\'. Colby): Sarah M. Peck (Mrs. .S. Ellis); Richard Bo wen (died soon after) ; James R. Bowen. John D. Grimes; *Milton Pettit, Mordecai Pettit, (died 1907); -Mbert C. (Zarver ; Henry P. Carver, Areo Kendall ; .Xbram Kenflall ; Daniel Bacon, Elislia l5acon; A. T. \an Winkle; A. A. .Satterlee; S. M. Smith; C. C. Coe; L. W. Coe; .\athan Pendleton Wilcox (died 1905) ; A. P. .Slocum ; George T. Townsend; H. E. Crary; A. T. Colby; *Miss Lavina Bowen: .Sarah E. Chase (pupil teachers) ; *Mary Jane Car\'er; Martha Lawrence; I^xjuisa Bacon; E. Chapman; M. H. Hud- nut ; Maria C. Bard ; T. Cole ; Mary .Seaver ; M. A. .'\bell ; Helen E. Swain. .Scholars of the Institute during the Barrett regime. Members of Delphic .Society. Charles .Ashley, (son of Carlos C. ) ; James R. Bowen. (veteran, Rev., author, died 1906) ; *.-\rthur Barnes, (.short hand institute) ; Edward C. Blackford; *Qif- ford Bagley : *Eugene F. Baldwin, (veteran, publisher) ; * Frank Baldwin; Win- =low Buck: Lewis Barnes, (son J. K. B.) ; Daniel Baylor; tCTharles Chittenden, (D. D. .S., at head of his profession in Wisconsin, died 1900) : *George CTiandler, (graduate of college, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) ; John P. Colby, (graduate of col- lege and LL. D.) ; CTiarles Clough ; Lewis Dinger; *Edwin Ensworth, Dalton, X. 327 v.; fAlbcrt S. Houghton; David S. Hatch; *Thomas LovcU, ( college, LL. D, Niagara Falls) ; *Joseph Lovell, (merchant and musician, Xunda) ; Albert Sim Logan, (Indian chief, musician, orator, died 1904); Durand Linkletter ; Justus Linkletter; George D. Alartm (veteran); James AI. McXair (captain, college, supervisor) ; *Peter IMiller, Mt Morris; Uarclay Miller, Alt. Morris (died 1907) ; James Maynard; Luther AL Peck (son of Jonas) ; *Fletcher C. Peck, (college, lawyer, U. S. Marshal, president of College Club of Nunda) ; Har- rison Peck (postmaster, president of village); Alton Peck; *Charles F. Peck, (editor. Commissioner of Labor, European tourist) ; * Asa E. P age, (commission- er to Chicago Exposition) ; Miles Peterson; Urial Peterson; Alordecai Roberts; Leonard H. Seaver, (died 1907): N'elson S. Skinner (veteran); Sheldon Stur- geon, (West Point colonel) ; fEdwin Tuthill, (captain, died 1867) ; George War- ner, (brother to Airs. O. Page). Hermogenian Society. Frank Adams, (lieutenant, X. Y. Dragoons); Albert liarncs, (printer, per- ished in the Astabula calamity) ; Chester B. Bowen, (veteran, Texas Rancher, died 1905) ; Fred Britton ; *William AI. Benson, (A. AI. and Ph. D., Rochester, N. Y.) ; Charles Britton; *George D. Chidsey ; (farmer, Xunda); Francis Chase; Charles Chase ; f Charles P. Davidson ; William l-'owler : Jay Gallentme, ( veteran ) ; • George H. Gibbs ; Henry A. Hills (veteran, lieutenant, llilaud, Kansas): John F. King, (father of Airs. C. E. Pratt) ; Lattimer; Thomas Lockwood ; Theodore AIcNair; Darwin Alaltby; James Aliner; Alpheus Alanard; *George AI. Osgoodby, (lawyer) ; Edward Page; Frank AI. Peck; Samuel Swain; James A. Swain; Henry Skinner; Oliver Spoor: Arthur Spoor; James Sixior : Joscj^h Spoor; Julian Skinner; Eugene Skinner; Sylvester Saterlee; Alinor T. Stilson : Hosea Shaw (veteran, lieutenant); Byron Seelye ; Jacob Scott; John Scott; Alyron Tuthill ( commercial traveler, took an ice water bath in Chicago and died as the result) : Henry Waldo: George Waldo; Heber Waldo; *\\'illiam C. War- ner, (college). Additional 1855 and 1856, not atteniling in 1854 ami 1855. Alaynard Barker: Walter W. Burton; E. W Bellamy, Hunts Hollow; James Brown; F. Orson Burr; Daniel Bacon, Xunda: Albert Cleveland (theologue); William J. Cosnett (died in the service) ; John Canfield, Dansville : *John Carter, (veteran, see sketch): John Donaldson: William Fowler, Fowler ville : Alerritt Galley, (college, inventor), Brooklyn; Sam Geer, New York City; L. D. Guet- son ; *Husted Green, Xunda; *Orville Guy; Clark AI. Herrick : Edward Jones: *Jackson A. Knight (colege, district attorney). Arcade, N. Y. : James A. Aliner, Allen ; Arza Alaynard, Rockford, 111. ; Frances B. Alyers, Nunda : Caleb Nye, Penfield ; H. P. Pierce; A. Parshal ; ,S. P. Perry; Lewis Shepard, (veteran, died in the service) ; Harvey C. Shepard, (editor) ; *Henry Wells Spear, (Swain's Mill); Nunda; William Camas, (veteran); A. H. Silsby ; Benjamin Sedam ; Charles Thomas : l>eebe Tnrrill : Hall Turrill ; John Welch ; James Work (college. Rev.), Orkney Islands, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Lysander L. Wellman. (college and Rev.). Primary Department 1855. So many of the remaider are living we omit marking their names. Alessenger Ashley ; Jackson .\lward. New York City ; .\llen Adams, Ceres, Pa.; Alvron Baker; *Francis A. Davidson (merchant), Nunda; *Isaac Justin Depuy, (banker), Xiinda; George B. I'ltch, Oakland, California; George King, Francis S. King (sons of B. F. ) ; Clement McXair; *Abe Upenheimer (clothing store) ; William Ricketts ; Russell Frederick, (son of William G.) ; ^Samuel Stur- geon, (veteran). Xunda, X. Y. : Adelbert Skinner: Eugene Skinner; Frank R. Swain; William Jeffries; Franklin Jeffries: Charles G. Warner; *Franklin White- head. Ladies in 1854 and 1855. Olivia Lovma iiowen ^ Airs. Justus Barker) ; N'iola Brown; Alary A. Buck; Jidiette Baldwin; Julia Barker; Catharine Brown; Charlotte Chittenden; Delia Chase; Isora Dartt ; M. Kizzie Dunn; Clarissa Dunning, (married Cornelius Gibbs ) . Ridge. X. Y. ; Philena Ecker ; Sarah Field ; Augusta Fuller, Castile ; Ellen Griffith, Pike; Lucena Greenleaf; Mary Houghton; Ada Hammond, (Mrs. Prof. Lowell), Xiagara Falls; Maria Howell, Brooksgrove; Alethe Kendall, (Mrs. J. B. Willett, graduated Xunda Literary Institute), Corrv, Pa.; Sophia Lattimer ; Laura M. Lattimer; Adelia C. L.amb; Kate Marble, New Berlin; Cornelia Mack, Nunda; Sarah Miller, (Mrs. \'an Etten), Mt. Morris; Harriet Newton; Mary J. Paine: Martha J. Patterson; Alinette S. Peck (Mrs. Sylvanus Ellis); Alary Rider; Arabella Rose, (Mrs. Jacobs); Annie E. Richmond, (Airs. William P. Warner); Georgiana W. Richmond, (Airs. Rathbone) ; Sarah Rogers; Alary Roberts; Virginia A. Ripley, Tuscarora; Gertrude Ripley, Tuscarora; fNancy J. Rude: Laura A. Swain. Xunda; Alaggie .Sturgeon, Xunda; Libbey .Sturgeon, Xunda ; Ophelia Skinner, Xunda ; Mary J. Sodderland, Grove ; Julia F. Tuthill ; Xellie Whitcomb ; Louise Whitcomb ; Delira P. Wilcox ; Ellen White ; Alinerva S. Waldo. Some of the Institute scholars in 1857-1858. William AI. Benson: .\lvin Waters Tousey; Albert Haver; Alerritt Galley; A. Sim Logan ( Indian ) , Portage ; Judson \'an Slyke, Portage ; George AI. Lockwood, Portage ; George H. Graham, Portage ; James Haver, Portage ; Wilbur Haver, Portage; Hosea Shaw; John Donaldson; Washington Aloses ; .-\lphonzo .\ldrich ; Edwin Bennett; George Bennett; Frank Wright, (son of D. Ebenezer) ; *Charles Davidson; *Joseph Alosher ; I. J. AIcDuffee; Cyrus Burnap ; William C. Hall; .Samuel Hall ; Robert Hall ; Harrison Peck : Cornelius Kiley : George Waldo ; De- lancey Smith ; Vitellus Smith ; Jefferson Parker ; Arthur J. Barnes ; Bernard Wagor ; Charles Alaker ; Carlos G. Lowell: Daniel D. Lowell; Alvin Peck (died) ; Beebe Turrill ; Hall Turrill ; James H. Bump ; William G. Cosnett ; Philo Alosier ; Charles Lowe; Alichael Kelley : Irving .\spinwall ; William L. Warner: Franklin Davidson ; George Briggs ; George Alartin ; Simeon Logan : L. L. Wellman ; Xat- han Stilson ; \'arins Smith; H. W. Hand. Female students. Sarah .Stilson: Susie Barrett: l'"annie Alaine: Mctoria AlcXair; Sarah Cos- nett ; Alaggie Lemon ; *Emily Gilmore ; Delia W'ilcox ; Alary Paine ; Alarv Ben- nett : .Ann Bennett: *Elmira Smith: Annie .Smith; Libbie Arnold; Fanny Andrus; Alartha Howell : Celia Pixley ; Carrick ; Carrick ; Mary Willis ; Martha Huggins ; Augusta Ricker ; Sabra J. Ricker ; Libbie Ryder ; Alary Alet- calf ; Lucia White: Susan Swain. Cornelia Swain, (daughters of .\lfred) ; Alary Carver ; Jennie Harrington ; Dell Delano ; .Ada Hammond : Adelia Kendall : Fran- cis Kendall : Alaggie Sturgeon : Julia Barker : .Sarah Lockwood ; Alarv Barnes : Ella Parker. Reynolds, Granger : Fanny Paine : Lowell : Helen Emily Gilmore Mary Willis Mary Stilson Phoebe Haines with letter, Sarah L. Stilson, Mary Paine, Delyra Tuthil A. Jackson Knight W'hitcomb; Helen Warner; Sarah Waldo: Amanda Ikitterson ; Caroline Cain; Kate Weston; Alalinda Reed; Emma (iibbs; Jennie Cirover ; Harriet Lowell; Melissa Lowell; Alary Stilscm : Irene Weaver; Mar}' 01ne\' : Martha Chidsey; Lucie Chidsey. The Wisner, Page and State Road School houses, were in exceedingly active operation from 1S25 to 1835, all built of logs, and located at four corners. Teach- ers from Portage, Nunda, and Mt. Morris, rule in these, not with rods of iron, but with well seasoned birch rods, leather straps, and wooden rulers, whose primary use was something like that of a King's scepter to enforce respect, and willing ( ?,■ obedience, and secondarily to aid in making straight lines on unlined writing paper. Sometimes the big boys came at night and put boards on top of the chim- ney, to make it unpleasant for the teacher, when he started his fire in tlie morn- ing. (Jn one occasion, as reported by Peter Townsend, who was at the time .1 small bo_\', Mr. Newell Boughton, the teacher, concluded to teach on New Year's Day, to make up for a lost day. The big boys conferred together after school, and concluded that the skating was too good on the new Gilbert mill pond, at Cooperville, (the largest pond of water many of them had ever seen) to be given up, for the paltry pleasures derived from annoying the teacher, a matter of daily occurence, and not to be compared w ith a first skate, on tlie new artificial lake ( ? i At night they assembled, climbed through a window, and with a heavy timber braced against the door, reaching to the platform from the new cast iron stove, all the windows but one were fastened down, and that George Townsend and Clark Brewer, (brother to Nelson), and some others said they could take care of. The son of the trustee. Air. Bradley, who built the fires was in the secret, and he was told to build the fires as usual, and let the little children in when they came through the unbarred window, au-d they would be on hand when the schoolmaster came to take good care of him. At a quarter to nine, the teacher and big bo\s arrived, the teacher was tugging at the door, and calling lustily to young Bradley to open the door, a sentry was posted in front of the window. The boys informed the teacher that school had been postponed until after "New Year's," he sent one of the smaller boys for the trustee, who quickly arrived. Air. Hugh Bradley came and ordered his boy to remove the timber, he said he could not, it was too heavy, "get the big girls to help you." "The big boys have told them no to," — "PlI whip every girl and boy of mine, if they don't help." "The big boys said, there would be trouble if he tried it." Tlie trustee, now thoroughly enraged attempted to get into the window, and when midway was seized by big George Townsend and laid on his back and held there. The teacher was advised to remain "neutral" he wisely acquiesced — he did not like to forfeit the good will of George and L^riah Townsend, without whose co-operation, he could not easily govern the school. At length the trustee agreed not to punish his son, and to go home and let the "powers that be," govern without an arbitrator. Air. Bradley grumbling, a feeble pro- test left the field, in full possession of the rebels. Then George, the spokesman, said to the teacher, "Air. Boughton. we all like you, and we don't want to do any- thing to break up a good school ; but this is a holiday, and we wanted some fun of some kind. — have you any proposition to maker" "Why boys," said the teacher, "if I had known you did not want school to-day — you need not have taken such measures to secure your holiday. I will leave it to a vote of the boys, whether vou have school to-day or not. -\re you read\ for the (|uestion?" "I tliink Ixiys," said Cicorge, "tlial we've had fun cnou.i;h U>v i)ik' da\, and ilio girls would rather sta\', now they are here, than go home, i move we have sehool to-day. and skate Saturday. Tiiose in favor say '1,' and all said 'I.' " I'eaoe and harmon\ ])re\ailed the rest of the term, and a rousing party was given at the end of the term at Captain Townsend's "Wayside Inn," in honor of Mr. Newell lioughton, who knew when to be "neutral." The old log school house was used for many }ears as a dwelling house, and several of our present citizens were born or have lived there. When years afterward the Cooperville school house was built in i(S_v*^. and the Carver school house about the same time, the State road school and W'isncr and I'.arrcm si'lidol districts lost about (ine-third of their scholars, and Cuoperxille district became a large school. The schools in the eastern part of the town were organized during the twenties, excepting the Schautaucpia Hol- low school, which diil not exist until about 1S30. The schimls in the village, when tlic village was incorpatcil in 1S31). were on Mill Street, which was superseded b}- the Union school of 1845, on East Street. The Satterlee school which dates back to 1827 or 1828, and the Ciibbs Street school of a later date, were tlourishing until their consolidation in a I'nion school, which also included the I'agc .iiid Townsend districts. ( )f this wc will speak in connc-- lion with our sccniul I'tiinn schiuil. with academic (lee])artmenl. SOME WARMED-OVER CHURCH AND SCHOOL HISTORY Alter the \nnda ,\cadem\ had been in existence about live }ears, and the Nunda Literary Institute aliout two. it became evident that two academies in Nunda \'illage could not be sustained. The largest must ultimately prevail. The Presbyterian school did not feel kindly towards the Uaptist Institution that had crowded it to the wall, and the Baptist did not develop any signs of re- l)entance fnr tlieif lack of courtesy. .Xnnda with its many siiiieriorities over other villages, has always had a reputation for scrapping not like pugilists, — but like bigots, — who know they are in the right. Now the religious or rather the Sectarian scrapper is the worst kind of a wrangler for he justifies all his acts l)y the views he holds to be scriptural and true. And these two giant churches, clenched and struggled, until facetious out- siders smiled and said, see how these Christians "hate." ( )n one occasion a two or three days' discussion was held over the method of baptism. I remember my Methodist parents attended both every night and came avva\ with their pre- vious opinions, uin-uffled and unchanged, and the rest of the vast audience was probably in the same condition, every Baptist remained a Baptist, and every Pres- byterian was satisfied that their minister's talk, I mean arguments, suited them. Both speakers forgot to speak of the spirit of the act, but of its historic mode of administration. But in school matters something practical must be done, not to advance edu- cation, but to sustain the newer institution of the part of the Baptists, and to cripple their enterprise by establishing a school so good that it would be unneces- sary to patronize the rival school. And so L'nion was eflfected with the District school, the cabinet generously turned over to the school and the classics and every other branch of study taught, at a District school, that academies teach. This diplomatic manner of changing an Academy to a Union school, woidd 332 have wrought havoc had the free school s\stem then been operative, but when all must pay for the education they were to obtain they naturally would go where the advantages were greatest. So the Institute proved to be the survival of the fittest, and the Union school soon taught only the English branches. It is gratifying to record, that under the administration of the Institute b"! H. G. Winslow more toleration prevailed and trustees were chosen from several of the other churches. There was still a little under tone of disquietude even in the later fifties, but all the harsher discords were lost in the general harmony that pre- vailed. Progress in toleration, is the historic inference to be drawn from this reminis- cence of cloudy days, now resplendent with the sunshine of mutual good will. A REVIEW OF THE INSTITUTE fhe sons of the Pioneers most of them pioneers, furnished the students for this institution. Young men from i8 to 25 saw an upjxjrtunity, in the opening of this institution, to do something more congenial to their tastes, than lumbering in winter and tilling stumpy land in summer. The very comforts of better dwell- ings with stoves, instead of fire places, better furniture than slab benches; even improved farm implements, did not reconcile them to the thought of spending their entire lives on the farm. Nearly every other avocation demanded a better education than they possessed. The well equipped district school teacher, and even the sedate but cultured preacher, revealed their deficiencies and inspired ambition. The family physician fresh from the Medical College, with his phy- siological terms, made them feel as if the}' needed an introduction to themselves and their own anatomy. The "Institute" came to their very doors, and oflfered them refinement, knowledge, culture, the opportunity of being themselves teachers, lawyers, physicians, clergymen, if they were so inclined. The few years the Xunda Academy had been in existence had given them an intuition of what a few terms of schooling will do where only the advanced scholars are receiving the instruction of the college bred principal. .\mbitious parents fostered the aspirations of their ambitious children, and when the Baptist clergyman came rf)und to urge the attendance and patronage of "our" institution, that is going to add a hundred to the congregation what deacon or "pillar" of the church, that did not lean towards this zealous presentment of the subject. Even the verdant hills of Allen, Grove, Granger and Ossiar., furnished scholars as well as Portage. Mt. Morris, Castile and Sparta; and if .some were more rustic and -. erdant, than boys from the villages, these verdant youths knew why they were t!iere, and generally led their classes before they left, to become the future super- \isors of their towns, or possibly like "Teller" to find a place in the United States .Senate and the Cabinet. Pity that some of the supposed possessors of leek hooks, could not have loaned them lo some of the village swells of that day — Sam Crooks, of Grove, left his leek hooks when he entered the law office as a student, or did he exchange them for a sword vvlien he became Colonel of the 8th, and also the 22nd Cavalry? "The King of Ossian" — Isaac Hampton, supervisor, (was it for eleven years), knew well the flavor of wild onions, even in the first academy days. Joseph Weller and his sister were in the early academy lists, as well as ;'t the Albany Xormal, in 1846, taught district school a few years and then people wrote "Honorable" and "Governor" before his name, — but then this young man took Horace Greele}''s advice and "went \\'est." It takes the \\'est to "size up" Nunda men — that were only marked "average" and "ordinary" m this nur "colder" latitude, or are we less appreciative where the average is greater ? Even some of our best teachers, those that the majority have always spoken of with approval and commendation, have been ranked still higher — in other localities. Prof, lluck left us a broken-hearted man after the tragic death of his talented daughter, Mary. Two colleges divide honors and share degrees on his associate and successor. Rev. Xehemiah Wisner Benedict, A. li., A. AI., D. D.. Madison, now Colgate, and Rochester University, both alike bestowing honorary degrees. Leroy Satterlee, a pioneer of Nunda, assisted by a Mr. Clark was the next principal. The days of Principal Winslow, are about as well known and appreciated as those of Buck and Benedict. Rival select schools sprang up to minimize the in- fluence of the Institute, and he is said, to have said some very harsh words con- cerning the hostile feeling too prevalent during his administration of the Insti- tute though he did much to lessen it. Prof. William B. Bunnell, though not a favorite with most of his scholars, ^\•as a master in mathematics and the classics, as well as in '"Sarcasm" for he it was who "Revised Adams Arithmetic." That was a favorite text book in the "fifties." He tried agriculture in the West, and falling from a load of hay re- ceived fatal injuries. Assistant Principal Clark was author of text books on Grammar, .Arithmetic and Algebra. Solon Otis Thacher, "may his tribe increase" who succeeded Bunnell as Prin- cipal, earned the money in Nvmda to complete his College course, and seldom was money better expended. To say this teacher was popular with old and young, patrons and student, is about the general estimate of him here. Had a prophet arisen and told Xundaians that that ex-.\lleganian ( Almond ) , he came from .Almond, would become in 1855 an A. ?>., of Union, this they would not have doubted ; but that he should become a member of the New York Assembly, a member of the Kansas Constitutional convention. District Judge, and State Sena- tor of Kansas, this would have been incredible. His going from Nunda, to com- plete his studies, gave us a vacancy, which was filled to an overflow, by the com ing in 1834 of .\. Judson Barrett. The majority of the now elderly permanent citizens of Nunda attended the "( )I(1 Institute" as it began to be called under the Barrett regime. Fie came here fresh from college, Rochester University, and inaugurated c'asses for graduation. \\'h\ there had never been any record before is in- comprehensible — I do not know of one in the whole decade preceding his coming, yet there were those who went from the school to college, in that time — as Syl- vanus Ellis, A. B., Rochester University, and others whose names are on our list of Nunda collegians. Principal Barrett came to stay, and he stayed long enough to do something definite. All, previous to his coming, is to all but a few, hearsay, but from 1854 to 1859 all the young people in the town and vicinity attended this school. Good teachers were employed at the Union school to keep as many as possible there, of the intermediate grade. In age and appearance the scholars of this school appeared more like college men than academy youths. Future DD.'s, and LL. D.'s, and Ph. D's, were among the instructors and scholars. It was like an embryo college, instead of what it was for the first time, 334 a college preparatory school. The impulse "on to Richmond" was not stronger in the earl}- days of the Civil War, than the "on to college," was during these eventful years. Some men 25 years of age commenced studying Latin, and every year a fine class of graduates found their way, direct from the Institute to some iniiversity. Many, like the writer, who had tarried in the district school several years too long, found their mistake, and rushed into the contests trying to atono for this mistake, by doing double the amount of work. ]t is needless to say this en thusiasm was with those whose opportunities had been most limited. He who had had all the advantages he cared for did not precipitate brain fever by undue haste, the brilliant ones did not have to, and the others did not care to. Want of funds drove about 50 of the young men each winter into teaching school, and each sum- mer a still larger- number of the young ladies sought this employment. Some un- dermined their health by too hard study, and one went through school and college on a diet of crackers, but died a few years afterward ; while another died at his boarding house from too close application to study. A few years after, the majorit\- of the young men went into the army and many rose to positions of honor won by vali >r, or perished, a sacrifice to their sense of dut\- and patriotism. PRINCIPAL BARRETT AT NUNDA The five years and more that A. Judson Barrett passed in Xunda, marked an eventful era in the lives of at least five hundred men and women, who were taught by him out of the abundance of a well fitted mind and heart, as well as a time of unusual school progress. Reared in a log cabin in Ohio, where pioneer condi- tions prevailed till a later day than in Western New York, inspired by a college bred teacher to be himself a collegian and inspire others, and so became a potent factor of helpfulness to those younger than himself, he was thus fitted by nature, by inclination, by education, to inspire and enthuse those with whom he came in contact. Especially was his early life and surroundings particularly adjusted to ministrations of kindliness towards those from country homes, with rusticity prominent, pronounced and dominant. While the village youth with better oppor- tunities and bred by more refined tastes, but destitute of the essence of genuine refinement, estimated the rustic youth from the hills and the more distant wood- land towns, as inferior to themselves, the teacher, however, judged them by their ability to learn, and their aspirations for mental achievements. He saw no occa- sion to sneer, he saw- in them the genuine manhood and womanhood that needed but contact with right conditions to make them as refined in manners as they were vigorous in mind and body. How East Hill, and Ossian, and Sparta, and Portage, and Grove, Allen and Granger, towns and localities with no large villages and no "High Schools" poured forth their household hopes and treasures — in young men and young women — the best product of their farms, to sit at the feet of this strong young man, and learn of hi]n, what we are in this world-school-house for. Nearly every house sent one or more, to return, more conscious, not of their rusticity, but of their ignorance, and the vast amount of attainable knowledge they could and .should possess. Whatever of friction existed between the villagers and the coun- try-bred, became less and less evident, for the teacher's ideals soon became those of the scholars and were not along the line of the external. Though many a kindly suggestion, opportunely given, and many a kindly reproof to the sneering critic of externals, reiluced to a miniimim all Lxisting friction The yoinig man who could excel in debate, in declaration, in class recitation, soon foimd his popu- iarity equal to his ability. The writer recalls a large class of students quite ma- ture in age, who had come to school for a term or two, who were induced to take a more thorough course of study. He also recalls the despair that was in the hearts of these, when the "Old Institute building" was burned, and the teachers upon whom they depended to crowd them along their belated pathway, went away, their short lived dream of being scholarly scholars, in the true sense of that word .so heavily freighted with significance, was over, forever over. Too poor to go elsewhere, to old to first earn the means — what hopes had perished with a demons deed. The unsolved mystery of that day is still unsolved, not once but persistently, the brainless, heartless incendiary, with only one characteristic in his nature that suggests mentality, persistence, carried out his purpose to descroy what he alone failed to appreciate, the great work, and increasingly greater work this institu- tion and its educators were doing for the aspiring youth of that da\-. With that act Nunda was forced back towards a degraded past and all alike believed — except one — the demon who did the act, in demonology. With one accord in the community, it was not deemed prudent to rebuild, contlitions must change, and eight years were given to that purpose, before Xunda had its third academy. NOTE BY EDITOR The mystery of w ho set fire to this building at the time of the greatest pros- perity of the institution is after half a century still unsolved. It had served a purpose, in aiding in the acquirement of knowledge of at least i,ooo students, and had sent out hundreds of fairly well equipped teachers to stir up to activity and commendable ambition, for useful lives, other thousands. For fifteen years it had been a leader of the schools of its class and no mean college feeder to neigh- boring colleges throughout the slate and nation. This, too. in a day when onlv the sons of the wealthy usually found their way beyond the village academy. Who can estimate the good this institution, that passed away nearly half a cen- tury ago, has done. The writer was only one of a thousand who was fitted for work along edu- cational lines, one of 200, perhaps of 500, that became teachers, one of many who loved his vocation and caused others to hunger for knowledge, one of those who cannot begin to express his obligations of benefits conferred, and who sat as Paul did at the feet of Gamalial, and fed on a daily diet of knowledge. Of the teachers mentioned A. J- Barrett. Emily J. Barrows. John P. Colby, Clinton Barrett, Alary L. Pettit, Thomas Lovell, Asher B. Evans and Alice ^^'emott. fitted me for teach- ing, for thinking, for writing, for citizenship. <^n the dead I bestow my com- mendations, on the living I bestow my gratitude. THE LAST TERM OF THE NUNDA LITERARY INSTITUTE After the burnuig of the Institute building, the balance of the term was com- pleted under the management of two of the former students, Aliss Mary L. Pettit and Thomas B. Lovell, both have since that day become famous as teachers. If the school lost a large number of its scholars, it had all the hastily filled up school room would hold, and those who hoped to go on with their studies remained and 336 made (lesiral)le ])rou;ress. Others, especiall\ the young; men from tlie farms, gave up school altogether and simply tauglit school the next winter. Aliss I'ettit proved her ability to teach and fifty years of almost successive labor has made her one of the most efificient and successful teachers the town has ever produced. W li(i would have guesscvoulfl have remained many years, but for an unforeseen event that nearly crushed his sjjirit and made life in this vicinity a constant reminder of his irretrievable loss. THE BARRETT REGIME A. Judson Bariett, A. B. ; Rev. .\. L. L. Potter, A. M., resigned November 20, 1854; Miss Camellia Leech: A. B. Ensign (half year); Miss Minerva Waldo (half year), 1855; Miss Emily J. Barrows, j)receptress ; Stephen Barrett: Miss Louise Cassady, preceptress, one year. Last Year. Principal, A. J. Barrett, A. M.; Prece])tress, luuily J. Barrows; John P. Colby, A. B., Clinton Barrett. Last term after the burning (jf the building. Miss Mary Pettit. Thomas I'. Lovell. MISS MARY BUCK, PRECEPTRESS Miss Mary .S. Buck. iinl\ daughler of Prof. Buck, who served as the first pre- ceptress f)f this academy, was a rare scholar and a person of uiuisual dignit\- and serenity. Her mind was stored witli information on all subjects needing educa- tion and her interest in those in her classes made her an ideal teacher and friend. A small and select party planned a visit to the Lower Falls on this side of the river in the park, the special place of attraction being around Hornby Lodge in those early days. The company included Principal Cockran and his sister, of the other academy, and the pleasure and knowledge gained by having this interesting young lady along, especially as the geological attractions at the Lower Falls were sure to call out these teachers, and enhance the interest of the day at this wonder spot of Nature. The Professor, it is said, did not like to have her go, but yielded to the entreaties of the rest of the party. In those days the hills were steeper than at present, there were no brakes on carriages, and four horse rigs were more common than they are to-day for all excursions. A heavy rain had made the roads more dangerous than they ordinarily were. It is said the expert driver, William G. Russell, told them there was danger and even suggested that the gen- tlemen should walk down the hill, but with four horses, though only two of them could hold back the heavy load, the danger was not as apparent to them as to the driver. However it was, whether the leading team became unmanageable, as some assert, the carriage was overturned, and a broken iron pierced the side of Miss Buck, and she lived but a few hours. This great calamity nearly broke the hearts of the devoted parents, for this daughter was their all, and the sympathy that was heartfelt and so general, could not drive out of their mmds this excursion and Portage, and the parents at length fled from it after trying for years to grow reconciled to this heart crushing calamity. THE BENEDICTS Nebeniiah VVisner Benedict, A. j\I., Madison University, 1848, was made D. D. by Rochester LJniversity, 1870. He came to Nunda first as a teacher of the classics in 1843. He jjrobab'iy remained until 1847. He was called back to Nunda to complete the school year of his associate, Prof. Buck, when he resigned in March, 1848. He came, but it was his specialty to impart knowledge, rather than to govern incorrigible youth. His assistant, called principal of the Female Department, did not assit him verv much in keeping the deportment of the school at the high standard that it had maintained formerly. It is said there was a petition in circulation among certain \oung ladies, ad- dressed to the trustees, asking that the lady teacher should be instructed to use a greater degree of courtesy toward them. This very unpleasant circumstance, for which the Principal was in no way responsible, as the young lady claimed full jurisdiction over the lady students, led to the resignation of one of the finest instructors the Institute ever had. He went to Rochester and conducted, or assisted in making the Rochester Collegiate In- stitute one of the best of fitting schools. 1850 to 1853. Principal of Rochester Free Academy, 1865 to 1883. Principal Private School, 1883 to 1887. He died at Fredonia, N. Y., August 19, 1895. His son, Wayland Benedict, lived in Nunda during his boyhood. See college lists of Nunda and college club also Cincinnati Liniversity. He has recently been retired with a Carnegie pension — the first person that ever lived in Nunda to be so honored. Excellent material for "Biological sketches" could be found for Professors Benedict, Satterlee and Thacher, who after leaving Nunda met with unbounded success in their work. But the sons of these men, Benedict and Satterlee, who have achieved great successes along the paths of life they chose, have failed to tell the tale, as it might have been told. And so we have but the records of the Rochester University and some echoes of commendation from the Satterlee Col- legiate Institute, where both these men wrought wondrous well. As for Otis Solon Thacher, his fame commenced ni the Xew Yurk .\ssemblv and ended as State Senator in Kansas. IN MEMORIAM Horatio Clates Winslow . Ilnrn April 3, 1820. Died, September 18, 1893. "What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?'" Horatio Gates Winslow died at Racine, Wisconsin, his home for nearl}- forty years, on the i8th of September, 1893. ^"^^ was in his seventy-fourth year, but, though the frosts of age had descended heavily upon him, he retained to the last all the characteristics which attended him through his long and useful life and which endeared him to multitudes of men, women and children who came to know him as a teacher and a friend. While his energies were by no means confined to the cause of education, Mr. Winslow was essentially a schoolmaster, and, what- ever his immediate occupation may have been, he stood in that relation to numer- ous people most of the time for nearly sixty years. It is as a school master and an instructor that he will be remembered, for as such it was his privilege to im- press himself upon a great host now actively concerned in the affairs of life. Of the career of such a man it is fitting that something should be said in soberness and in truth, both as a consolation to those who mourn and as an incen- tive to those who may come after him. In him were blended many of the quali- ties which, in spite of the intense materialism cf this day, are everywhere counted as noblest and best. He was the servant of Duty, and not of Duty alone. He had a conscience and a heart and a desire to do right for right's sake which no consideration of personal gain ever eclipsed. His ideals were lofty, his aims noble, and, as was fitting in a born teacher, he had a wonderful ability to awaken in the minds of the young the same aspirations. He was appreciative, he was resolute, he was patient, he was charitable, he was just. Early in life he seemed to have adopted rules of thought, of study, of work, of conduct and of ambition which, however severe they may have been at the beginning, came at the last to be his solace and his recreation. If they did not comprehend the true philosophy of life, it will be admitted by all who knew him that in his case, at least, they served to round out and complete a character in all respects admirable. It was so ordered that he was able to come into port grandly, but, if another fate iiad been vouchsafed to him, he had the steadfast faith and the indomitable courage to have sailed with God the seas. Mr. Winslow's active connection with educational matters terminated in the summer of 1892, when owing to advancing years, he relin((uished the office of su- perintendent of the schools of Racine. For one brief year he was permitted to en- joy the well earned fruits of his life of toil. No longer in public station, he never 339 Horatio Gates Winslow Fourth Principal of Nunda Literary Institute ; A. B., Union College; School Commissioner; Superintendent of Schools ; Member of Board of Regents of Wisconsin lost interest in the scliools nor in the young. An aged man in years, and experi- encing the infirmities inseparable from those who have passed the psalmist's span of life, he did not grow old in mind or in spirit. He understood and loved youth, and youth understood and loved him. The world was as beautiful to him and as full of opportunity in his last hours as it was in those far away days when the world was all before him and hope and duty beckoned him on. No created thing was too small to attract his notice and invite his study. No effort necessary to inform and expand a youthful intelligence was too laborious to enlist his atten- tion. To struggling boys and young men he was particularly helpful. If the memory of his own laborious pursuit of knowledge remained with him, it warmed rather than chilled his manner towards youths who, perhaps with better opportuni- ties than he had enjoyed, failed to prize as he did the advantages of education. Until his eyes closed for the last time upon the scenes of this world, and until his kindly voice was forever hushed, he lost no proper opportunity to point out the value and the dignity of knowledge. Proceeding thus peacefully to the end of his days, he experienced in the attitude of countless acc|uaintances and of manv whose names were to him vmknown, all the consideration which age in its best estate has been held to deserve. Honor, love, obedience and troops of friends were his to the last. Air. Winslow always was a schoolmaster. He was as truly a schoolmaster when, as a civil engineer, he led in railroad construction, or as a book merchant he apparently was absorbed in commercial pursuits, as he was when he presided over an academy or superintended the educational work of an important city. Not offensively, for no man was freer from pedantr\ , but naturally and with charm- ing facility, he imparted knowledge to others and stimulated interest in serious affairs which broadened and ennobled many ininds. The struggles of men for wealth interested but did not distract him. Never belittling the power for good which great worldly possessions conferred upon their owners, he was content with mtellectual riches and with moral worth. He did not discourage proper ambi- tion for earthly gain. He indicated and presented in their most alluring aspect the trophies to be won in fairer fields. He set no task which he himself did not perform. The goal which he held up to others was that toward which his own footsteps led. As was natural to a character hke his, he was singularly inde- pendent and self-reliant. Helpful to others, even those nearest to him found the occasions on which assistance could be extended to him very rare indeed. His tastes were simple and his wants few. He found happiness in being useful, and many a young man whom he helped on the way to position and success will mourn for him as a son. Of the influence for good of a life such as that which is now closed it is not the purpose here to speak in detail. That it was large is known, that it will be lasting is confidently believed. Alany a man in prouder station and with appar- ently greater opportunities has failed to impress himself upon so wide a circle as that to which Mr. Winslow's influence extended. Many a life spent in money- getting has not had as its reward at the last such splendid accumulations as those rarer gifts of mind and temperament with which his closing years were blest. His memorv is enshrined in a thousand hearts as that of one who acted well his part, who loved his fellow men and who made the world Ijetter by his life and his example. BIOGRAPHICAL Only the actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. Mr. Winslow was born in Groton. Tompkins County, N. Y., on April 3, 1820, his parents being John and Mary VanDeusen Winslow. His father, a native ot Hampshire County, Massachusetts, emigrated to central New York, then a wild- erness, when a young man, and followed teaching, farming and other vocations. He served on the frontier during the war of 1812, and died March 8, 1828, when the subject of this sketch was but eight years of age. Thrown thus early upon his own resources, young Winslow determinetl to equip himself for life by securing an education, and with this in view he mani- fested a perseverance \\hich knew no such word as fail and which, after many struggles, was crowned with success. At seventeen, he had worked his way through the local academy, and then, preparatory to the wider training that he de • sired, he taught school for four years, improving his spare time in study. At the age of twenty-one he entered the sophomore class of Union College at Schenec- tady. N. Y., from which institution he graduated in 1843. receiving the degree of A. B.. at that time, and two years later that ol A. M. ^Ir. Winslow 's first experience as a schoohnaster on an extensive scale wa; had at ^It. ^lorris, Livingston County. X. Y., where he founded what is now known as the Union School. In 1849 ^^^ took charge of the academy at Nunda, in the same county, and managed it successfully until 1852, when failing health compelled him to seek outdoor employment. For two or three years he was en- gaged as a civil engineer in the construction of a division of the Alarietta and Cin- cinnati railroad. In 1855 he moved to Racine, Wisconsin, and from that time un- til 1880 he conducted the leading book and .stationery store in that section of the state. ( )n his retirement from mercantile life, which never had wholly withdrawn him from interest in and labor for the cause of education, he was chosen sujierin- tendent of the citv schools, which position he held until the summer of 1892. when advancing years compelled him to resign. During the twelve years that he ad- ministered this important trust, lo which the ripest experience and profoundest studv of his long life were devoted, he won not only the respect and approval of the inhabitants of Racine but the affection of a great host of young people, and his reputation as an educator spread far beyond the field of his labors. When he was compelled to relinqu'sh the work the board of education adopted resolutions highly eulogistic of him and expressive of the wide spread regret of the people that the infirmities of age had forced him to abandon labors to which his physical strength was no longer equal. While a bookseller Mr. Winslow was also for a considerable time a school commissioner, and for nearly thirty years he was a trustee of Racine College, to the interests of which he devoted much thought and energy. For three years he was a regent of the Wisconsin State University, to which position he was ap- pointed bv Governor Taylor in 1874, and for a generation he was junior warden of St. Luke's Church in Racine. In all of these positions he was faithful, indus- trious and methodical, freely assuming burdens from which others shrank and pursuing to the end, regardless of consequences to himself, policies which he be- lieved would be beneficial to the interests entrusted to him. In politics ATr. Winslow was a Democrat of the faith ot Jefterson and Jack- son. Always a leader among men, and often serving his party as a delegate to conventions and not infrequently taking the stump in behalf of the principles which were dear to him, he never held a political office. In 1862 he was the candidate of his party for State Superintendent of Public Instruction and in 1876 he canvassed the first Wisconsin district as the Democratic nominee for Congress, but as his party was on both occasions in the minority in State and district he was not elected. Mr. Winslow was twice married, his second wife surviving him. His first wife was Miss Emily Bradley of Genoa, N. Y., who was born July i, 1823, and died August 22, 1877, leaving two children, John B. Winslow, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, and Mrs. A. H. Lathrop of Vermillion, South Dakota. On September IQ, 1878, Mr. Winslow was married to Mrs. J. N. Mc- Whorter, who has two sons living in Chicago, H. W. Seymour, managing editor of the Chicago Herald, and Charles G. Sejnnour, also of the Herald, and one daughter, Mrs. W. B. Ackerly, of Cuba, Alleghany County, N. Y. Mr. Winslow's funeral services were held in St. L.uke's Church, of which he was so long an officer, on September 20, and the interment was in the family lot in Mound Cemetery. Rev. Dr. Arthur Piper, rector of the church, officiated, and the edifice was filled to the doors. The schools and many business houses were closed and flags floated at half mast from all of the public buildings. The active bearers were the principals of the various schools and the honorary bearers were old time friends and associates of the dead. In the congegation and in the long cortege that followed the remains to the grave were the board of education and the old Settlers' Society and a great many teachers and school children who gave evidence of genuine sorrow over the loss of one whom all recognized as a good and true man. At a meeting of the teachers of the Racine public schools held October 9, 1893, the following eulogy was read by Prof. Martin L. Smith, principal of the Sixth Ward school. Mr. Superintendent and Felloi^' Teachers: On this sad occasion, I am permitted the privilege of paying tribute to th; memory of the late lion. Horatio G. \\'inslow, ex-superintendent of schools. He was my friend, as he was yours. I was proud of his friendship and I loved him well. I regret that I have not sufficient command of language to express either my own feelings or to do him justice. What can I say that all do not already know, for his was a frank and open life. No w^ord of mine can add to its greatness, and yet it would be a reproach to us and a neglect of our duty towards those who will come to fill his place and ours. and who should come with the highest incentives, not to leave fit public expres- sion and memorial of appreciation of the character and services of the lamented . deceased. He was a man of remarkable ]iurity of character, and in all my association with him during a period of more than fifteen years, I can truly declare that I never heard him utter a word that was not fit to be said in any presence and I do not think there exists a man who believes that it were possible that IT. G. ^^'■inslow■ could do an intentional wrong or omit a known duty. 343 1 lionor liiin because lu hiiii honor is tliie. How earnestly and how faithhilly he performed evury duty none can fullv know save tliose who, like myself, have had the good fortune to be constantly asso- ciated with and aided b}' him. He carried in his hand the torch of justice lighted from on high, antl he walked in the illuniiu;uion of its constant and steady flaine. He was uni|uestionalily one of the ablest educators in the state of Wisconsin. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF REV. DR. A. JUDSON BARRETT Bv His D.aichter, Mr,<. W. .A. MoN^Go^lER^ riie north-western portion of Ohio, the Western Reserve, was settled in the early ])art of this century b\- ])ioneers from Connecticut and Massachusetts, who brought with them the t\|>e of life distinctly \e\v England. \Mierever a cluster of rude log cabins broke the solitude of the tt)rest, there also might be found the plain church, with its small steeple faithfully iniinting upwaril, and the village school, with its even o])en door, h'tdl of privations and difficidties. yet withal eager, C|uestioniiig, aspiring, and seif-restrained was life in these new communi- ties, amid whose influences antl mider whose tr.iiniug weri reared sonu' of the noblest sons and daughters of the Republic. In one of these pioneer settlements, Kingsville, he w;is born, in whose mem- ory this simple sketch is written. Fhe early days of his life were passed under conditions so different from those of the present that it is difficult to realize that the\- could ha\e existed within such recent times. Wy father remembered well when, on the frontier, at least, there were no railroads, no telegraphs, no great cities, no daily jiapers: a time when wiml was sheared and prepared, spun at a hand wheel, wo\en in a hand loom, coloreil and made into garments in each house; a time when flax was raised b\ e;ich family, and from it was made the family sup- ply of linen and of clothing; when there were no stoves or m;Uclies. a time when cooking w as by the open fire-place and the brick oven, and w hen the only light was the pine knot and the tallow dip; when the shoemaker came to the house and the school teacher "boarded "round" : w hen money w'as scarce, so that business w-as chiefly carried on by barter, and w hen, in fact, all life was keyeil to the brave and homely pitch of ]>ioneer times. \'et that home which he remembered was a beautiful home; full of the light of love and grace of courtesy, and gloritied by a womanly presence that softened every bare outline with nameless charm, and, made the log house a very Bethany. How he loved to tell of the long winter evenings when the great open fire-place, filled with glowing logs, flooded the room with light ; when mother sat at her spin- ning wheel, and father, book in hand, gave out to his eager boys the hardest w-ords in Webster's Siiclling Hook, or gathered them about him to hear brave stories of the Revolution in w liieh his father fought, or to listen reverently to the Book ever central in that home. These pioneer experiences, .«o diversified, touching life at so many points, were a wonderful preparation too, for his after services. It was here that he gained that seemingly inexhaustible store of information about everyday trades and occupations, and that loving acquaintance with the life of flower and tree and bird and beast which made hiiu able to enter into the thoughts and feelings of all conditions of men, anil furnished him with a wealth of homely and strik- 344 iiiy illustralioiis. Here Itjo the Iree life out-of-door.-;, ilic vigorous exercise, deve- loped in him that iron strength of sinew, that magnificent depth of chest which rendered him strong for years of anxiety and care, and made those broad shoul- ders of his able to carry light!}' many burdens laid upon them. When my father was about twelve years old, a joung man who was to exert a very great influence upon him, took chai'g'^ of the village school. The young collegian, fresh from his eastern Alma Mater, inspired in the bo\s in his charge an ambition for an education, and a desire to obtain it at whatever cost. After one of the Professor's talks on the subject, my father was walking home along the shady forest road with a school friend, and as they walked and talked he sairi, "I'll get to college, if it takes till forty.'' From this boyish resolve he never swerved, but through several years of most discouraging work and waiting, bided his time. For two years before starting to college, he worked in the harvest field in the summer, and taught school winters: and during the last year of his life he met men and women who spoke with gratitude of the influence upon their lives which he had exerted, teaching these country schools. At last, when he was eighteen years old, the glad da_\ came, and he set his face toward the college just founded at Rochester. And so the old coach run- ning from Kingsvilie to Erie rumbled away, bearing the brave young form in homespun gray, with mother's kiss warm upon his brow, and within his heart the blessings of a noble father, who had little else to give his boy than faith and honor, and the strong convicition that there were things of far more worth than houses, or lands, or gold. Of the events of that journey to Rochester it is impossible to speak at length in this brief sketch ; but that night spent on the streets of Erie, that run before day-break to catch the last boat down the lake to Buffalo, the shel- terless deck passage through all that bitter Xovember day, the cheerful endurance of hunger and cold, if so the sacred hoarrl in the little black wallet might remain untouched, every detail of the pathetic, heroic little journey is precious to those who love him. During liis first year in college. — the second of the course, since he entered sophomore — he boauled himself in a little upper room on Prospect Street, deny- ing himself everything except the necessities of life, and eking out his meager re- sources by any work which ofTered itself. At the opening of the Junior year there was an opportunity to teach in Little Falls, of which he availed himself most gladly, and spent a happy and successful year teaching, continuing meanwhile his own college studies, and saving the money which should take him through his .Senior year. On his return he jmssed the examination on the work of the lunior year, and was graduated with high rank the following June. A summer spent at home, full of the anxious questioning of his own heart whether after all his education had fitted him for the work which he desired, and of the unkind taunts of those townsmen who all along had regarded the going to college as nonsense, was happily concluded by the ofTer of the position of principal of the academy in Nunda, X. Y. After six years of successful work in .N'unda. in i860 he was married to Miss Emily Barrows of Trenton, N. Y., and removed to his old home in Kingsvilie, Ohio. He remained here in charge of the academy until 186S, w-hen he went to Lowville, N. Y., to give the academy of that place an impetus and position among the educational institutions of the State which it has never lost. On coming tf 345 Rochester in 1871, lie assumed control of tlie Collegiate Institute, a private school preparing boys for college. The hope of entering the Christian ministry had never been abandoned (hir- ing all his twenty years of successfnl teaching: and when, in 1874. the opportunity offered of taking a course of study in the Theological Seminary while continuing his work as professor of Greek and Latin, he at once accepted it. On the comple- tion of his work in the Seminary, he was called to the pastorate of the Lake Ave- nue Church, a position which he held until his death. In 1888 he was atHicted with serious trouble of the eyes, and his church gen- erously granted him a year's vacation. This year my father and mother spent in most delightful travel. They were some time in Ohio and Tennessee, visiting friends and relations ; and then after a month in New Orleans, went leisurely on to Arizona and Southern California. In the course of their journey they visited brothers in Oregon, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Michigan and Tennessee, spent some time in the National I'ark, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City and Chicago, and started toward home feeling thoroughly strong and ready for work. On the arrival of the pastor and his wife, the church gave them a cordial and hearty recei)tioii. .\s a pleasant surprise, the walls of the audience room had been freshly tinted, the floors re-carpeted, and the pulpit richly drajied. When the two, so long absent, entered the church, the entire congregation rose, and remained standing, while to the soft strains of "Home, .Sweet Home," they passed up the aisle. Deacim ^^'oodl)ur^ then addressed to them these beautiful words of wel- come, more than ever beautiful now when read through tears: My Dear Pastor and Dear Sister Barrett : In behalf of this church and this coniiuunitx' I welcome you most cordially back to your accustomed places among us. It is a sore disappointment to us, and to me most of all, that one of those who have occupied the place of pastor during \our absence is not here to voice so much better than I can do the heartiness of our joy, and the sincerity of the welcome we would extend to you. ^^'e have missed you sadly during this long separation, and in many ways. \\'e have missed you from the pulpit, although the supply has beer, from the very best in the land. We have missed you from our social iiieetiiigs. W^e have missed you. when we have gathered to remember our Lord in partaking of the emblems of his broken body and shed blood, which we have for so many years received from your hand. And we have misseil you from our homes and firesides. Our joys have been incomplete in that you were not here to share them with us. and the peals of the marriage bell have been less merry because you could not join the hands and ofifer your congratulations and bestow your blessing. We have missed, too, the heartv grasp of that hand which you have so often extended to us i.'i friendly greeting. Hut we have missed you most when the dark shadows of sor- row- and bereavement have fallen across our pathways : for, although guarded so carefully and watched over so tenderly, death has forced his way into some of our homes, and snatched from us our loved ones, even from our embrace. It is truo vour kind and loving words of sympathy and consolation have reached us from across the continent, but, in their passage, the cold mountains and the arid plains have robbed them of the fragrance of the gentle tones and glance of compassion- ate tenderness by which they are wont to be accompanied. Rut we are glad }ou went awa\', and rejoice that we sutTered pri\ntion. for it was for the benefit c