MART OF THE MIDDLE WEST j^sa Y^. ^^ ^ <- C^/. ^> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (y/ '-^^^^-^T-z/XtL-'^^^*-^-^ SALINA One's first visit to our forest city is always an unforgetably pleasant incident in that a surprise of an agreeable nature is both absorbingly interesting and lasting, and because Salina is the biggest little town of 10,000 inhabitants on earth. Residents of this appropriately named "City of Homes" have always been imbued with praiseworthy determination to make of it an attractive place in which to visit, "shop" or live, and, that you may better appreciate what an indefatiga- ble, progressive and enterprising people can accomplish, you have but to glance through this pictorial pamplet. While do- ing so please bear in mind the fact that during the ensuing twelve months it is estimated that over $500,000 will be invested in Salina for new buildings, public improvements, etc. — upwards of $100,000 of which must be spent for labor alone. There are to-day in process of construction over one hundred new residences. Our banks have on deposit over $2,350,000. A levy has been made and we are soon to build a court house costing $80,000. A $75,000 High School building, with all modern equipments, including — in addition to the usual classical course — manual and vocational training for boy and girl, g>mna- sium, domestic science, mechanical drawing and industrial laboratory work, will immediately be constructed. Contracts have been let for the paving of four more streets at an expense of $140,000. A $50,000 alfalfa mill, with a capacity of 50 -^ tons per day, will soon be in operation. While Mr. Andrew Carnegie has already built a sightly and serviceable library in r\ our midst, he now donates an additional $25,000 to the Kansas Wesleyan University for the building of a Science Hall, "~^ which is to have a $25,000 Endowment Chair, the money for same having been subscribed and set aside. Our $30,000 r^ Sacred Heart School will speedily be erected on the Col. Phillips' "elm-tree" site. Our city hall improvements will call "^ for at least $6,000. An electric car line system is now being installed to take the place of our present motor line. A $50,000 Cathedral has just been completed, with chimes compo.sed of eleven bells, and music-loving individuals can almost revel in the thought that six splendid pipe organs are so easy of access. Our flour mills have a capacity of 2,500 barrels per day and our \'itrified Brick Co. is unable to supply the demand, even with the capacity of 30,000 brick per day. We have a flourishing planing mill, glove factory, sunbonnet factory, a factory with a capital of $10,000, manufacturing Tubu- lar Handle pitchforks, shovels, rakes, etc., encouraging prospects for an overall factory; a creamery with a weekly out- put of 50,000 lbs. of butter; and, while there is only one larger, there is not a better commercial Green House in the State than ours. The Packing House, with capital stock of $75,000, is a valuable acquisition and should vigorously grow under its present propitious surroundings. We have 14 churches, 10 school buildings, an attractive Masonic Temple, finest Club House in the State, a $60,000 Convention Hall, capable of accommodating in convention about 3,000 people; four different iiies of railroad with their several branches and freight di\-isions. 1,500 students annimll\- attend the Kansas Wesleyan University, St. John's Military School, Kansas Wesleyan Business College and Skelton's School of Telegraphy and Railway Btisiness, authorized school of the U. P. R. R. Each year we firmly establish in the business world 400 stenographers. Years ago even old Nature made manifest her kindly interest in us by fondly placing her arms (Smoky Hill River) about a quiet little nook, now known throughout the West as picturesque Oakdale Park, the home of our annual Chautau- qua Assembly, with its auditorium conveniently arranged to seat 3,200 spectators. It is one of the most restful and beauti- ful parks imaginable and one might almost believe that the river purposely wrapped it up in a horseshoe so that good luck and happiness might be for all those fortunate enough to roam beneath the shade of the grand old trees of our forefathers. Even the violets enjoy this park and their smiling faces elevate the tone of the entire community, for we believe in allowing our children to pick them, thus making the atmosphere of our homes sweeter, the children happier and the mothers truly thankful, all because Oakdale Park is ours. As forthe river itself, it is only a pleasureable bit of water on which the noisy little launches seem to delight in racing back and forth and on which canoes, in their swan-like movements, lazily lull from the occupants life's daily cares and substitute therefor dreams of sweet contentment. During the evening our streets are truly metropolitan, with countless electric lights radiantly spelling the names of enterprising citizens, and, while many of our arc lights seem to be speeding in all directions, they are in reality but headlights on our automobiles, one hundred of which are almost continuously doing their utmost to keep within the drastic speed limit. Salina is the market town of the great middle west, the natural jobbing center for distributing merchandise of all kinds, and is already recognized as the logical point for serving the enterprising middle-west territory. Fortunately, Salina occupies a most important position as a jobbing center, and the years to come will unquestionably develop it to a magnitude second to none. Strong arguments are in its favor with the merchants of central and western Kansas, and in all territory tributar>- to it, in points of (juick and direct service, economy in freight rates, and retention of capital and commerce within the bounds of our Commonwealth. Our wholesale or jobbing interests, in various lines, represent, in the aggregate, an investment of about $3,000,000, and we distribute aniuially over $8,000,000 worth of merchandise. The men in charge of these immense interests ambitiou.sly and courteously await the commands and convenience of dealers and consumers. To sum it up in a few words, vSalina is a good, clean place in which to live, and with one exception — that of x-our own home, of course (?) — it's thejbest town in the State. Every time you patronize our institutions you indirectly enhance the values of our State and, since it is absolutely impossi- ble to improve the conditions of Kansas without advancing \our own interests, we graciouslx- and unselfishl\- in\ite \-our cordial support. Note. — The Connnercial Club is indebted to Photograjjlier H. M. Athertoii for the use of plates, presenting some of the most attractive scenes in and about our city. — F. C. York, President. Salina,, May, 1908. OAKDALE PARK AS VIEWED FROM MAIN KNTRAXCE SAUNA'S NEW $75,000 HIGH SCHOOI, BUII,DING FOREST SCENES IN OAKDAI.E PARK The snle of the finished product of the forest, our specialty Wholesale and Retail C, EBERHARDT I,UMBER COMPANY ■SAWNA HOME OF OI^NEY MUSIC COMPANY Tlie iihicc to lliiuk of, write to, or visit, when you w:mt Pianos. Piano Players. Player Pianos. OrRans. Victor, Kdison and Columbia Talking Machines. Records and Supplies. Violins. Mandolins, Guitars. Banjos, Musical Merchandise. Sheet Music. Folios. Instructors for all instruments, etc. Any make and style instritment sold on "Easy Payment Plan." Catalogues free. S. H. Wentworth. Proprietor Small Goods and Talking Machine Dept. THE "HUB" CLOTHING STORE Four interior views, showing the beautifnl designs in colonial oak. mission funiitnre and modern eQnipment This room contains 5.000 sqnare feet of floor space THE MASONIC TEMPLE Owned and occupied by the following' Bodies: Salina Lodge Xo. 60, A. F. and A. 1\L — Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Salina Chapter No. 18, R. A. M.— Meets 2nd Monday of each month. Askelon Comniandery No. 6, K. T. — Meets 4tli Monday of each month. Mackey Lodge of Perfection No. 2, A. & A. S. R. — Meets 1st Thursday each month. Salina Chapter Knights Rose Croix No. 6 A. & A. S. R. — Meets 2nd Thursday of each month. Salina Council Knights Kadosh, No. 6, A. & A. S. R. — Meets 3rd Thursday of each month, bi-monthly. Salina Consistory No. 3, A. &. A. S. R. — Meets tri-monthly, 4th Thursday. Semi-Annual Reunions, 2nd Tuesdax' in Ai)ril and November. Isis Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.— Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month. Harmony Chapter No. 2, O. E. S. — Meets 2n(l and 4th Fridays of each month. A GROUP OF SAUNA CHURCHES THE NATATORIVM When in Salina take a plunee at the Natatorium, for Uidies and Gentlemen. We teach .\ou tu swim. The laieest Swimming Pool under roof in the State. A stream of 157.l»'i:i irallon.s of sterilized water flows through each da.\-. J. F. OLLiNtjKR, Manager. S 7. 5s? :^ ^t •< X :r '' w ^ t-1 X ./< ^ "^ T X ■t; o 50 K CHAS. KASTNEK K: COMPANY Contractors for I'himlniiK. Heating. Cornice and Tanks, 110-112 East Iron Avenne INTERIOR VIEW PLANTERS STATE BANK Fred H. Qiiincy. President; T. W. Roach, Vice President: W. T. Welch. Cashier; DEPOSITS DEC. 3. 1907. $463,857.95 Frank R. Spier, Assistant Cashier: Fred I. Walker. Teller. DEPOSITS MCH. 31, 1908. $579.425 59 THE BRAND THAT STANDS FOR HIGHEST QUALITY AND FINEST FINISH THE 1,EE HARDWARE COMPANY— (Floor .Space, nearly three :icres) n o m O THE CAKIJN I'HARMACV— WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The most up-to-date Pharmacy in Central and Western Kansas: 109 North Santa Fe Avenue; T. W. Carlin. Proprietor U. C. T. CONVENTION UAhh. CORNER OF WALNUT AND SANTA FE— Se.lthiy Capacity 2,200 TIIK PUTNAM INVESTMENT CO.— Concord, N. H., Salina. Kansas Farm I^oans ThrouEhout Central Kansas II. J. I'utnani, President. Concord, N. H.: J. E. Pntnani. Vice President and Treasnrer. Salina, Kansas; J, D. WellinKton, Secretary, .Salina. Kansas: W. K. Pntnani, Examiner, THE NATIONAI, BANK OF AMERICA— United States Depositary Frank Hagenian, Prest: B. I.. Wilson. Vice Piest; M. C. Stevenson. Cashier; Fred F. Eherhardt. Ass't Cashier Directors— D. K. Bean, M. C. .Stevenson. Frank Haffeman, T. V Fitzpatrick. E. F. Swinnev. I.. A. Will \V. W. Watson. B. h. Wilson. James A. Reser. J. R. Crawford. H. H. F. .Sudendorf SHOWIXC. lill.KI.KV BROS, DRY GOODS STORE — THE HOME OF PURE FOOD PRODUCTS t J mm durah KASPE„ ,6R0CERY CO >i^^->^-:^. j«r*iaifc>»^-'^- ^^:;;^,^;7j^jii^ -«n)Bi''i> '.'■ -^>»s?; WATSON. UfKAND-KASPKR GROCJ-KV CO., WHOI.KSAI.E GROCERS PROPERTIEvS OF EDWARD I,OTZ Wholesale and Retail .Seeds. Feed and Coal THR KANSAS WKSLEYAN BUSINESS COI,I,EGE and a proup i>f students who have all finished up and are now holding resf)onsible places in various parts of the world. Another class of several lunuhed are now in attendance striving hard toward the same end. This magnificent building is owned Ij\ the School and every fool of the space is used for business college work. A SECTION OF THE ACTUAL BUSINESS RETAILING DEPARTMENT OF THE KANSAS WESLEYAN BUSINESS COLLEGE One of the eighteen large rooms used for instruction purposes, (50 x 70 feet) . To the right is the First National College Bank: To the left, the Inter-Collegiate National Bank of America, and to the rear are the Commercial Exchange and Freight offices. THE HOME OF WHITE ELEPHANT FLOUR THE HUH'R THAT SATISI'IKS THE.M A1.I,. WHERE 4UUU SACKS ARE MADE DAILY THE WESTERN STAR Mlhh CO. Salijja. Kansas THE SAIJNE COUNTY STATE BANK Gives prompt and careful attention to any business in its line. We solicit collections and accounts of firms and individuals Chas. F. McAdams. President; Jas, Haskit, \'ice President; W. J. Cattell, Cashier as a) K o -: vJ c S J*. K > g r ■;• cc >■ o s; a ?; '^ I ■» r. I r GEORGE HOLZMEISTER Manufacturer Iron Chancellor Ci«:ar. and Juicy Fruit THE SAUNA HUSriTAI, AND TRAINING SCHOOI, FOR NVRSKS Staff— Dr. W. H, Winterbotham, Dr. N. D. Tobey. Culver. Dr. W. S. Har\-ey. Dr. J. R. Crawford, Dr. J. H. VVinter- botham. Dr. M. J. Brown. Dr. E. R. Tuttle. Dr. C. D. Vermillion. Tescott. Dr. G. M. Anderson. Beverly. Dr. Howard N. Moses. Dr. A. G. Anderson, Dr. O. D. Walker. Dr. O. R. Brittain, Dr. George Seitz, Dr. Jessie Wheeler, Dr. J. E. Sawtell, Kansas City: Dr. W. E. Fowler, Brookville. THK SALINA PI.VMBINf, COMPANY Snnitary I'lninljers, Heating Engineers, Electricians. Tin and Sheet Metal Workers THE NEW EPISCOPAI, CATHEDRAI, The finest church edifice in the State, and contains the only set of chimes in Kansas Rt. Rev. S. M. Griswold, Bishop; Rev. W. A. Masker Jr., Dean •■^■r. JOHN S M.UTARY SCHOOt, SAUNA. KAXS^. KEV. W. N. ColTON. HfnH,,,,.... CoLTON. Headmaster THE .SHE1vI,ABAR<;;ER MII,!^ and elevator CO.. SAIJNA. KANSAS Millere niid Grain Dealers. Milling Capacity 1200 Barrel.s Daily; Elevator Capaeit>- 260.000 Bushels D. S. Shellabareer. President, Decatur. Ills.: W. O. I.yter. Vice President: F. D. Shellabarger. Secretary and Tre.isurer. ■4 •J W s a a: ■0 a w SI a: o Thi-. clf.uaiU ImildiiiL,' i-^ uwiied and occupied b\- SKELTONS SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY AND RAILWAY BUSINESS The authorized TrainiiiK School of the Union Pacific Railroad: Established December, Will H. Skelton. Superintendent. Salina, Kansas ^ Hi t I tt * » • ill B-Ji .NATK)NAI, HUTEL. SAI.INA, KANSAS W. D. WiTWER. Proprietor THE BHl^IvE .SPRINGS CKEAMKRY CO. Established 1SS6 Manufacturers of '" BELLE SPRINGS" Creamery Butter and High Grade Ice Cream; Highest market price paid for cream at all times: Correspondence solicited. J. K. Forney, President E- H. Forney, Secretary and Mgr. P. G. Hoffman. Vice President M. L- Hoffman. Treasurer 1 t^ \.^ '\M w^^ ^h^hh^^pC^HC "^ IF^^ <|l^gL^^H^ ^^^^HB ^ FNR.CO.NC ^^^^^^^H THE SAI^INA STKAM I,Al'NDRY The l^ir^est and Best Kquipped I^iundry in Central Kansas. Plione 22 SCENES IN OAKDALE PARK WHERE THE CHAUTAUQrA WILL BE HELD. JILY 10-19. 1908 The Programme includes Governor Johnson, of Minnesot.i, Tuesday afternoon , Jul\- 14th: Senator Carniack. of Tennessee; Senator Burkett, of Nebraska- and Mrs. Pickett, the widow of General Pickett, will on Thursday evenine, describe the famous Gettysburg charge. Dr. Matt Hughes, of Kan- sas City, will have charge of Bible Study at 11 o'clock during the first five days. For full programme, address A. H. King, Secretary A. UNDBLOM & CO.. MERCHANT TAII^OK.S Telephone 222. 125 South Santa Fe Avenue, Salina, Kansas THE CATHOI,IC CHURCH AND PARSONAGE >rnui-:i, imos. «: co.. sauna, kansas Dry (ioods and Rendy-to-wear Goods for Indies. Misses and Children Samples sent aii> where for the asking o o > o THK BAIEK JK\VEI.RY COS WATCH HOfSH— JEWELERS AND OPTICIAN.S Established: Chicat^o 1.S57. Saliiia 1S76 Headquarters for Watches and Fine Watch Repairing; 106 North Santa Fe, Salina, Kansas The Salina Commercial Club OFFICERS F. C. YORK, President E. L. WILDER, Secretary GEO. M. HULL, Vice President F. H. QUINCY, Treasurer F. C. York W. F. (Grosser BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. H. Quincy F. C. Bulkley E. L. Wilder Geo. M. Hull H. H. Eberhardt W. H. Skelton B. A. Mason MEMBERS Fred S. Abel, Treasurer Lee Hardware Co. Dave Anderson, Elite Cafe. J. B. Anderson, Dairyman. F. H. Alnian, Contractor and Builder. L. A. Alexander, General Insurance. George Benfield, Bus and Transfer. J. L. Bishop, Salina Plumbing Co. J. L. Bristow, Proprietor Salina Journal. F. R. Blodgett, Cashier Watson, Durand-Kasper Grocery Co. F. C. Bulkley, Dry Goods. S. E. Brick, Wholesale and Retail Paints. W. S. Barr, Local Agent U. P. R. R. Ed Berg, Undertaker. M. D. Berg, Furniture. C. A. Baier, Jeweler. C. H. Burke, Deputy County Treasurer. Alex Berg, Real Estate. J. P. Burns, County Clerk. W. H. Berrick, Capitalist. Ed Buchannan, Contractor. Chas. Bush, Proprietor Grand Central Hotal. D. W. Cowden, Vice-President Lee Mercantile Co. Geo. Caldwell, Barber. R. P. Cravens, Insurance and Real Estate. E. E. Cox, Contractor and Builder. T. Marion Crawford, School of Oratory. H. C. Davis, Insurance. A. B. Dickinson, The Delicatessen. J. Duncan, Real Estate. H. H. Eberhardt, Real Estate. F. L. Eberhardt. Lumber and Coal. J.J. Eberhardt, General Agent Kansas Mutual. F. W. Ekstrand, Books and Drugs. T, D. Fitzpatrick, Real Estate. J. C, Fritchie, Manager Lee Hardware. W. F. Grosser, Vice-President Leidigh X: Havens Lumber Co. J. S. Gates, Groceries. John H. Guyton, Dentist. P. L. Gebhart, Hardware. Garrison & Studebaker, Real Estate. R. D. Heusted, Western Glove Co. L. C. Housel, Manager The Central Kansas Publishing Co. D. W. Hills, Mayor of Salina. G. M. Hull, Real Estate. Frank Hageman, President National Bank of .\merica, W. S. Harvey, Physician. W. C. Holtgreve, Manager Sunflower State Oil Co. C. Heyward, Dry Goods. K. A. Hinkle, Restaurant. F. C. Hadden, Salina Brick Plant. C. H. Harne, Prof, in K. W. B. C. E. C. Hower, Bakery. H. A. James, Merchant. Jas, A. Kimball, President Salina Candy Co. A. Lindblom, Tailor. F. L. Lowe, Proprietor National Drug Store. B. I. Litowich, .A.ttorney. C. W. Lynn, Abstractor. E. Logback, Druggist. J. F. Merrill, Cashier Farmers National Bank. B. A. Mason, .attorney. A. B. Mayfield, Proprietor MaylieUl Sanitarium. Z. C. Millikin, .\ttorney-at-La\v. R. A. Mayo, Liveryman, Cor. Iron and 5th Street. Geo. H. Meyer, Sheriff Saline Co. W. H. Myers, 99c Store. C. B. Myers, Hardware. E. C. Mull, Lee Mercantile Co. F. A. Maynard, Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables. W. J. McCrearey, AVistractor. Rev. F. C. McKean, Pastor Presbyterian Church. C. F. McAdams, President Saline County State Bank. J. VV. Neptune, Physician. Niquette Bros., Real Estate. E. W. Ober, Merchant. M. B. Palmer, Druggist. C. J. I'eck, Real Estate and Insurance. J. H. Padgett, Manager Padgett's Printing House. I. A. Pribble, President Salina Produce Co, J. E. Putnam, Real Estate Mortgages. C. Post, Auctioneer. F. H. Quincy, President Planters State Bank. Howard C. Rash, \'ice-President Farmers National Bank, Pres. The Natural Body Brace Co, Reed & Mitchell, Mitchells Pharmacy. J. J. Richolson, Lumber, Rev. L. E. Rockwell, Pastor First M. E. Church. Rosenwald & Benjamin, Men's Furnishing Goods. T. \V. Roach, President K. \V. Business College and K. W. U. W. H, Skelton, Telegraph School C. W. Stowe, Physician, C. Schwartz, Lee Hardware Co. H. H. Sudendorf, Lumber. S. J. Strickler, Jeweler. L. J. Supple, Probate Judge. G. H. Smedley, Electric Light Co. S. Stiefel, Dry Goods. W. A. Skiles, Builder. John W. Titus, Abstractor, H. D. Under vood, Vice-President The Salina Alfalfa Meal Co. T. C. Vallette, Hardware, D. A. Van Trine, Manager Salina Telephone Co. E. L. Wilder. Abstractor of Titles. Geo. T. Woollev, Secretary Western Star :\Iill Co. C. L. Wight, Real Estate. C. C. Wallace, Capitalist. W. W'. Watson, President Watson, Durand-Kasper Grocery Co. J. T. Wallace, Lee Mercantile Co. G. M. Watson, Vice-President Watson, Durand-Kasper Co. Wyatt &Son, Real Estate. I. A. Whittemore, Local Agent C. R. I. and P. R. R. Frank Wvatt, Wvatt Manufacturing Co. J. T. Wel'ls, Real' Estate. B. L. Wilson. Capitalist. W. D. Witwer, Proprietor National Hotel. L. A. Will, Books and Jewelry. .•\ugust Warner, Paints. C. Wilson, Secretary Salina Telephone Co. J, E. Williams, President Salina Street Railway. H. D. Wood, Secretary Security Insurance Co. White & Hockensmith, Groceries. F. C. York, President X-Ray Oil Co. Glen F, York, Salina Cleaning and Dye Works. W'. F. Ziegler, New Process Manufacturing Co.