^ EPIZOOTIC LYMPHANGITIS ^&:-. :\. A TREATISE ON EPIZOOTIC LYMPHANGITIS BY Capt. a. \V. PALLIN, F.R.C.V.S. ARMY VETERINARY DEPARTMENT WITH ILLUSTRATIONS New York WILLIAM R. JENKINS CO. PUBLISHERS 851-853 Sixth Avenue 1912 SOURCE UNKNOWN CONTENTS PAGE Introduction I Literature on the Disease I Nature of the Disease . 2 History ..... 3 Geographical Distribution 9 Bacteriology .... II Staining ..... 12 Culture • 17 Incubative Period ^9 Symptoms ..... 20 „ Cutaneous variety 20 „ Mucous Membrane variety 24 „ General 27 „ in Cattle . 30 Post-Mortem Lesions .... 30 Diagnosis ...... 32 Differential Diagnosis .... 33 Experimental Inoculation and Susceptibl e Spe< :ies . 39 Resistance of the Virus 43 Immunity ..... 43 Predisposing Causes 44 General Methods of Infection 4S Treatment 46 „ External 47 „ Internal .... 48 Mortality and Prognosis 48 Prophylaxis ..... 49 Concluding Remarks .... 55 Statistics of an Outbreak in India . 56 Plates Order of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries . Appendix i Order of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland ..... I ^ppen dix ii ILLUSTRATIONS Plate I. An unstained preparation of the organisms. II. A stained preparation of the organisms. III. Some cutaneous lesions of the disease. IV. Different forms and cultures of the organisms. V. Lesions on the lip of a mule. VI. „ „ right fore limb of a mule. VII. „ „ left fore limb of a horse. VIII. „ „ „ „ „ —continued. IX. „ „ right hind limb of a mare. ■'*■• » >» » » >j XL „ ,, vulva of a mule. XII. „ in the submaxilliary space of a horse. XIII. „ on the nasal mucous membranes of a horse. XIV XV XVI XVII. „ in the right eye of a horse. I PREFACE N the following treatise I have endeavoured to combine my experiences with that of other writers on a subject which must be of great interest to the veterinary profession generally, especially in this country at the present moment, and it attempts to give a clear and complete account of a subject about which there is at present a paucity of English veterinary literature. References to the literature on the subject have been freely made, but I wish to express my indebtedness to the works of Nocard and Leclainche, and Tokishige, and also to state that I am greatly indebted to Professor Boyce in permitting me to publish my work under the auspices of the University Press of Liverpool. W. A. PALLIN June, 1904 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION iWING to the favourable manner in which this little work has been received by the public, and more especially by the military authorities, a second edition has already been demanded to complete orders ; consequently, there has been little time for the purpose of revision, and with the exception of a few minor alterations and the addition of an index, the book is practically a reprint of the first edition. W. A. PALLIN September, 1904 EPIZOOTIC LYMPHANGITIS Introduction IN offering the following small work on this interest- ing subject to the public, I wish to explain that although I have not yet published anything about epizootic lymphangitis, I have nevertheless been collect- ing data and had some considerable experience of the disease in various parts of the world since the year 1899, when I first came in contact with it at a remount depot in Northern India, where I had to deal with a very large outbreak for some fourteen months. Since then I have observed the disease in China in 1 900-1 901, Japan in 1 90 1 in the form of preserved pathological and bacterio- logical specimens. In India again in 1902, and in Ireland in 1903 and 1904. Literature on the Disease Until quite recently very little had been written about the disease, at least so far as English literature is concerned, and even now, a good clear concise account of the disease is not yet to be found in any of our standard books, although the disease has been recognized in England amongst army horses returning from South Africa since 1 902, and since last autumn in Ireland also amongst army horses, and recently in London and other centres in England amongst private animals. The earliest reports I can find on the subject in EngHsh were made by Moore (in the Veterinary Record for 1896) who apparently had some cases of the diseases amongst government horses in Bengal in 1894. Evans appears to have studied the disease in Burma about the same time, and their experiences are embodied in a pamphlet edited by Pease in 1897, who gives a detailed account of Moore's cases, but confounds them with another disease, viz., * Ulcerative Lymphangitis.' In later years the disease has been studied by Lingard in \nd\^{sQQ Annual Report^ 1 900-1 901), and quite recently articles have appeared in the Veterinary Journals by Holmes, Martin, Brodie-Mills, Hunting, MacFadyean, Head, Butler, Cranford, and others, and a small note on the disease also appears in Hayes's Translation of Fried- herger and Fr'dhner, Vol. I, at the end of the chapter on glanders, and Hayes also gives a short account of the disease in his last edition of Veterinary ISotes for Horse Owners. Since the foregoing remarks were penned, I find that Law in his new work, recently published. Bow- hill in his book on Bacteriological Technique^ and Williams in his last edition of Veterinary Surgery ^ also describe the disease, but the clearest accounts of it have been written by the French veterinarians, Ed. Nocard and E. Leclainche, in their Les Maladies Microbiennes des Animaux^ Vol. II, and by Tokishige in a pamphlet on Japanese Farcy, dated May, 1897, and it is from these two last works that most of the information as regards the history and early experiments on the disease have been obtained. The latest addition to the literature on this subject in English is a paper written by Martin, which was discussed by the members of the National Veterinary Association at their Meeting, held in Dublin on the 1 6th and 17th August, 1904. Nature of the Disease Epizootic lymphangitis is a virulent inoculable disease, characterized by suppuration of the superficial and subcutaneous lymphatic vessels, due to the presence of a specific organism. The disease is observed almost exclusively in solipeds, but Tokishige reports having seen it affecting cattle in Japan. History The disease has from time immemorial been invariably confounded with glanders (farcy) and ulcera- tive lymphangitis, in whatever part of the world it has appeared, and even with the assistance of mallein and modern science, veterinarians of nearly every nationality still continue to make the same mistakes. Since the commencement of the nineteenth century, about 1820, French veterinarians have recognized the disease under the names river farcy, farcin en cul de poule^ curable or benign farcy, a particular form of farcy character- ized by the appearance of sores exclusively on the skin, and any attempt that was made to classify the disease almost always resolved itself into simply recognizing it as glanders (farcy) of the skin. H. Bouley in an article dated i860, recognizes no other diseases resemb- ling glanders (farcy) except traumatic thrombosis of the lymphatics and the well-known complications of strangles and horse pox. In 1865 Pearson studied the disease in Sweden, and he declared that the farcy of the north was not real farcy, but only a form of lymphangitis which yielded to treatment. Delormi, in 1867, described several cases of a benign form of farcy, which in no case terminated in glanders, and he hesitatingly questions the identity of true glanders and glanders (farcy) with- out ever suspecting the existence of any other form of farcy. The question of the diagnosis was raised again in 1870 by French veterinary officers who observed a special form of epizootic farcy both in Algeria and France. Barrier Senior was of the opinion ' That the Algerian farcy was a particular disease of the lymphatic system,' and his statement to that effect was almost immediately challenged by Tixier and Delamotte, who were misled by the co-existence of glanders amongst their patients, and they finally concluded that African farcy was identical with glanders (farcy) and, in this respect, history has repeated itself over and over again, as both in India in 1899, and in South Africa during the recent war, the disease was confounded with glanders, and in many cases for that very same reason, viz., the co-existence of both diseases, the one recognized and the other (being unfamiliar) not recognized, until recently, as a separate disease. In France the unity of the different forms of farcy was acknowledged, and the African farcy was considered to be an attenuated form of glanders (farcy) until 1873, when Rivolta discovered the organism, viz., a cryptococcus. In 1 88 1 Chenier wrote an article explaining definitely the difference between farcy (glanders) and farcy (lymphangitis), pointing out that the latter disease only affects the lymphatic system and is not of the same nature as glanders, and that experimental inocula- tions of material from animals affected with the disease never produce true glanders. Finally, in 1883, Rivolta and Micellone published a paper containing a precise account of the nature of the disease ; they pointed out the constant presence in the pus from the nodules and cords of a particular organism, already described by Rivolta in 1873, in certain forms of farcy, and they state that there exists amongst horses a variety of farcy which may be called cryptococcic, (i) Because it is produced and develops from a cryptococcus. (2) Because the cryptococcus is always to be found in the abscesses and cords of the farcy. (3) Because the cryptococcus is also to be found constantly in isolated pustules or originally deep seated in the skin and which have not yet come in contact with the air. (4) Because inoculated into a healthy horse it multiplies prodigiously at the seat of inocula- tion where by degrees it gives rise to first a nodule, then a tumour, and then a tumefaction. They then go on to state that the disease produced by this cryptococcus is the same as that described by the Frenchman, Chenier, several years before, under the name of African or river farcy. Almost about the same time Bassi confirmed these new discoveries and reported some interesting clinical observations, and gave an account of some attempts at experimental inoculations. Since then ' epizootic lymphangitis ' has formed the subject of several essays by French veterinary officers (namely, Jaubert, Quiclet, Debrade, Wiart, Peupion, Boinet, and Chauvrat). Peuch gives a similar description of the disease, and in i 891 Nocard also found the cryptococcus in the pus and tissues, and pointed out the diagnostic importance of the constant presence of the parasite, and how easily it can be found ; he also called attention to the existence in some cases of lesions on the mucous membranes resembling glanders. Tokishige sat with a special Board of Commissioners in 1 88 8, when they conducted experiments on this disease in Japan, where it has been known for years under the name of Japanese farcy. They reported having first found a characteristic bacillus identical with Schatz-Loeffler's bacillus, but in 1893 Tokishige found a second pathological germ which he described as a kind of * saccharomyces,' and mentioned, at the same time, that these organisms were found both In horses and cattle presenting symptoms of Japanese farcy. According to this writer the disease has been known in Japan under different synonyms, i.e., Japanese farcy (Hiso), Pseudo- farcy (Kasei-hlso), Equine Pox (Hoso), Equine Syphilis (Kasa), Inundation Fever (Gogue Netsu), Yakume (duty), Dekime (eruption), Inochitori (fatal), and he described it as a special kind of skin disease prevailing amongst horses and cattle, and states that the Japanese farmers believe that horses, especially foals, must in the natural course of events contract the disease, but that having once safely got over It the animal becomes not only immuned against another attack, but is stronger and more robust in its constitution, and con- sequently, owing to this fallacy, are considered more valuable — a common saying amongst Japanese farmers, who have a pony that has recovered, is literally trans- lated ' my pony has done his duty.' Mention of this only shows how wide-spread the disease Is In that country. Formerly it was only known in the north- eastern part of Japan, more especially in Sendal and the neighbourhood, later on the disease gradually spread over a wide area towards the south-east, and subsequently it was found in nearly all the provinces of Japan : their statistics show a total number of 16,497 cases from 1887-95, an average of over one thousand cases per annum. It is said to prevail in low marshy districts and after inundations, also more in the rainy seasons than the dry, and more in the cold seasons than the hot. The ancient history of disease in Japan is quite unknown, a description of some form of skin disease called sD or wD which appears to be similar to It Is found in some of their old veterinary literature, which is mostly translated from the Chinese, but even then they (the Japanese) seem to think that the disease therein referred to was glanders, which they state is very common amongst Chinese ponies. My own experience in China in 1 900-1 90 1 goes to substantiate this statement, as glanders was found to be very common amongst Chinese ponies and mules in North China : yet cases of epizootic lymphangitis were also recognized by me, although I doubt very much if the Chinese themselves recognize more than one disease : a veterinary practitioner, whom I met out there, also only recognized glanders. How- ever, Tokishige says the disease in Japan can be traced back many hundred years, and although it was naturally first thought to have been imported from China and Korea, the Japanese hearing later of the prevalence of the disease in Southern Europe and Africa were then more inclined to think that it came not from China but from Africa or Europe, and Tokishige, in a footnote, mentions that Masamune imported Persian horses into the north-east of Japan (but no date is given). In India, as already stated, cases were recognized in 1894 by Moore, under the name of ulcerative lymphangitis, which, in my opinion, his experiments go to prove were really epizootic lymphangitis. It appears to have been well known in Burma for many years, but Lingard was the first to recognize the organ- ism in India, and was of the opinion that the outbreaks in the remount depots at Karnal and Hapur, in 1899, originated from mules imported from Italy in the previous year. But the history of the outbreak in the Hapur depot, at least, goes to prove that the disease originated amongst the Indian country-bred horses, as no cases were recognized amongst the mules until several months after the disease had broken out amongst the horses ; there was nothing to show that any of the mules ever had any symptoms of disease previous to 8 the cases amongst the horses, and Lingard's assumption was made simply on the fact that the disease was at that time known in Italy, but not apparently known to him to have previously existed in India. My subsequent experience of the disease leads me to think that it has been in India for years, unrecognized, and confounded with glanders. I had personal experience myself in this very same outbreak of so-called unsatis- factory results with mallei n, and I am well aware that many other similar experiences were also reported from various parts of India, and that in each case the disease being dealt with was not glanders but epizootic lymph- angitis or both diseases co-existing. In many cases the appearances, both ante-mortem and post-mortem^ were misleading — the (mallein) temperature charts were occasionally unreliable and appeared at times to be subject to climatic and local influences. The disease next appears to have been imported into South Africa during the war, as although it had been known in Algiers and Egypt for many years before that, there is no record of it being in South Africa previous to the war ; however, seeing how per- sistently it has been confounded with glanders, it may have been there all the time unrecognized ; in any case, there was ample opportunity during the war for the disease being imported into the country by remounts from all over the world, e.g.^ Southern Europe and India, these being known centres of the disease at the time. From South Africa the disease, as before stated, has been imported into England and Ireland by govern- ment horses returned from the Cape ; the first case was, I understand, detected at Aldershot, in 1902, and the first case detected in Ireland was, curiously enough, recognized by meat the Curragh, in October, 1903, and outbreaks have now occurred at several centres throughout England and Ireland. The spread and continued existence of this disease amongst army horses in Great Britain and Ireland is causing considerable anxiety to civilian horse-owners, and has been the subject matter of several important questions being raised about it in the House of Commons during the last three months. The army statistics on the subject, made up to the 28 th July, 1904, shew that up to date there have been In England 21 centres of infection. „ Ireland 9 „ „ Total 30 „ >> Cured. Remaining. Destroyed. Total. 32 108 254 39+ Geographical Distribution In France the disease was formerly known in a number of regions, particularly in the south-east ; it was first known by the name of river farcy on account of it being more particularly noticed amongst the horses employed in towing boats on the rivers and canals. It spread from the south to the north and invaded the eastern and central departments, and from 1850 it was confounded with glanders and was dealt with as such in so far as sanitary precautions were con- cerned, but new centres kept appearing in the French cavalry which became infected more or less directly from horses imported from Algeria, where the disease was known to exist ; it still exists in Southern France, and until recently was also to be found in the Maritime Alps and in Le Var. In Sweden it is known as * Norlander Rotz,' and according to Delarne and Norrland it was formerly quite lO common in some provinces. Lindqvist states it still exists in Finland, and it is said that he recognized the cryptococcus of Rivolta in 1871. In Russia, some sixteen cases were reported amongst horses in 1896, and twenty-six more in 1897, all from a village in the province of Novgorod ; it is also reported from the province of Olonetz, where it is more inclined to take the nasal form, and as a result caused frequent slaughter of horses considered to be glandered. In Italy a curable or benign form of farcy has been known for quite a long time under the names of Naples or Neapolitan farcy and Mai del Ferme, zndwzs apparently so common that Professor Caparini is said to have stated at Naples that farcy is a disease so common that people who are absolutely ignorant about medicine might almost recognize it at first sight, and 1,200 horses are stated to have been treated for the disease at the Naples Clinique during the space of five years. Bassi also reports a number of cases at Turin. In Algiers the disease is well- known in several regions both amongst horses and mules. In Egypt, Bosso reported a number of cases at Cairo in 1875, '^^^^ ^ understand that the disease is still met with there and known under the name of Saurago, and by the Arabs as 'El djedre,' as distinguished from glanders farcy, ' Bou-cha K'ar ' or ' Bow-achem.* The disease is also known in the Dutch Indies (Java and Bali) under the name of * Patek.' Nocard and Leclainche state that the disease is also known in Gaudaloupe, where they say that it and glanders decimate the mule population. Tokishige also mentions having seen the disease amongst cattle in Japan ; that it is not altogether rare, and that, although there are some differences in the symptoms observed in cattle and in the horse, the saccharomyces appear to be the same. II Zschokke and Nocard also make mention of a disease affecting cattle in Gaudaloupe, viz., bovine farcy or facin du boeuf ; but Nocard appears to have found that this disease (In cattle) was due to a streptothrix with which he Inoculated guinea-pigs, oxen, and sheep, but horses, asses, dogs, and rabbits were found to be immune. Thus this would appear to be quite a different disease from epizootic lymphangitis In solipeds, and also from that noticed by Tokishlge amongst cattle in Japan. According to Nocard and Leclainche there have been no cases of the disease noticed in Central Europe ; and Tokishlge pointed out that there was no mention of it either in English, German, or American literature. Bacteriology The cryptococcus is found abundantly in the mor- bid tissues and products, partly free in the plasma and partly enclosed in pus corpuscles, which are often loaded with ten or even twenty to thirty of them, causing the corpuscles to be sometimes double or triple their normal size. It is a slightly ovoid body, one end of which is generally pointed and the other rounded. It is characterized by its clearly defined contour and its very refractlle double outline. It measures about 3 to 4 /x in diameter, and In un- stained preparations is best seen with a one-twelfth oil immersion and an Abbe condenser under a magnification of not less than eight hundred to one thousand diameters, particular attention being paid to the regulating of the light ; in stained specimens the organism can be easily seen under a much lower power. The classification of the parasite has been discussed by several writers on the subject. Canalls puts it in 12 the group of coccidia, Plana and Galli-Vallerlo amongst the sporozoa, and Formi and Aruch in the blastomy- cetes, but Tokishige was the first to express the opinion that it was a class of saccharomyces, and Marcone, being of the same opinion, was anxious to change the name of the disease then already well-known as epizootic lymphangitis to Saccharomycosis farcimifiosus(R.ivo\t?L), and as these two observers both claimed to have cultivated the organism I am inclined to accept their opinion and adopt their nomenclature. According to Tokishige the organism is provided with a thick membrane, the contents of which are more or less homogeneous and transparent or finely granular, and usually a coccus-like granule measuring -25 to i fi in diameter is suspended in it. The granule is either colourless or faintly yellow, has a strong refractive power, and performs a lively molecular movement, wandering in the contents, and generally found near one pole. Sometimes also collapsed semi-lunar cells are found ; these, he says, are probably old varieties whose contents have been evacuated. Although somewhat smaller than the yeast of beer, Tokishige drew attention to the fact that it was a vegetable organism resembling the yeast fungus, and belonged to the order of saccharomyces. Fermi and Aruch both disagree with him on this, and point out that it does not ferment sugar. Staining This is said by almost every writer on the subject to be difficult, and even by Nocard himself, who appears to have been the first to stain the organism. He recommends both the Gram-Nicolle and Gram-Weigert- Kuhne methods, but since the disease was first 13 recognized in Ireland, during last October, I have to state from information gained from an unpublished note that Mettam was the first to show how easily really the organism could be stained by either of these methods, also that by a modification of the latter, he claims to have had the most satisfactory results. — Vide Veterinary Record^ ]u.\\t 25, 1904. And I may here state that in doubtful cases staining is invaluable for absolute accuracy and expedience in diagnosing the presence or other- wise of the organism in a specimen from a suspected wound or abscess. Nocard and Leclainche state that carbol-fuchsin stains the organism after long contact, and they also mention that Loefiler's method for staining cilia may also be resorted to. Recently the organism has been also stained by the Claudius method, and in this connexion the name of Bowhill should be mentioned as having been the first to recommend it. — Vide Veterinary Record^ January 9, 1904. For the convenience of my readers the following information regarding the technique of the best methods of staining the organism are given, together with the composition of the reagents required : — (i) NicoUe's Violet — Saturated solution of gentian violet in 90 per cent. alcohol ....... loc.c. I per cent, aqueous solution carbolic acid . .100 c.c. (2) Nicolle's Thionine — Saturated solution of thionine in 90 per cent, alcohol 10 c.c. I per cent, aqueous solution of carbolic acid . 100 c.c. (3) Solution for Gram-Weigert-Kuhne's method — Concentrated solution of crystal violet . . .1 part. Distilled water, to which a few drops of hydrochloric acid have been added ..... 10 parts. (4) Gram's Iodine solution (Lugol's solution) — Iodine I part. Iodide of potassium ...... 2 parts. Distilled water ....... 300 parts. (5) Kuhne's Iodine solution — Iodine 2 parts. Iodide of potassium ...... 4 parts. Distilled water 100 parts. (6) Zeihl's solution, * carbol-fuchsin ' — Fuchsin i gramme Absolute alcohol . . . . . .10 c.c. 5 per cent, aqueous solution of carbolic acid . 100 c.c. (7) Counter stain — Saturated solution of vesuvine (Bismarck brown). (8) Decolourizing agents — Alcohol or aniline oil. (9) Clarifying agents — Zylol or clove oil. (10) Mounting agents — Canada balsam or Farrant's solution. Gram-Nicolle method. Make a thin smear of pus from the suspected wound, ulcer or pustule, on a cover-glass or slide, fix it in the ordinary manner by passing it three times through the flame, and then proceed to stain either with No. i or No 2 solution, leaving it on for about five minutes ; then run it off, removing the superfluous stain by waving it for a moment or two in water, and put on the No. 4 solution, which fixes the stain in the organism. After leaving this on for about two or three minutes, run it off^ and treat with alcohol, which takes the stain out of everything except the various organisms which have 15 taken it up ; in fact it will begin to remove it from the cryptococci also if left on more than a few seconds. Having nov/ decolourized put on the No. 7 solution (the counter stain), and after having left this on for about three minutes run it off, wash in water, and dry. The specimen is now ready to be examined under the microscope and may be mounted in Canada balsam. Gram-Weigert-Kuhne method. 1 . Stain with the No. 3 solution for five to fifteen minutes. 2. Wash in water. 3. Dry with blotting paper. 4. Treat with the No. 5 iodine solution for one to two minutes. 5. Dry with blotting paper. 6. Carefully decolourize with aniline oil. 7. Treat with zylol, and mount in Canada balsam. Sections may be stained by this method, but they first require staining for half-an-hour with lithium carmine solution (carmine 2*5 to 100 parts of saturated solution of lithium carbonate). Differentiate in alcohol or hydro- chloric acid alcohol, then wash in water and proceed as before. Mettam's modification of the above method principally consists in using hot carbol-fuchsin instead of the No. 3 solution. He points out the advantage of occasionally examining the specimens under the micro- scope to see how decolourization is progressing, and the necessity of checking the action of the aniline oil by thoroughly washing with zylol before the organisms are completely decolourized, or only appear as red rings, as they are very apt to do. He also recommends fixing the specimen in alcohol in preference to heat. i6 Claudius method. Stain with a i per cent, aqueous solution of methyl violet for two minutes, wash and place in a half-saturated solution of picric acid for one or two minutes. De- colourize with chloroform or clove oil, then treat with zylol and mount in Canada balsam. Note. — In staining this organism the iodine solution may, with advantage, be made stronger ; in fact, to be accurate for the Gram-NicoUe method, the solution should be : — iodine, i part ; iodide of patassium, 2 parts ; and distilled water, 200 parts. Also note that when the specimens are treated with alcohol they are very much inclined to fade, so that if one wishes to preserve them the methods in which alcohol is used are not to be recommended, and con- sequently it will be easily understood that better results are obtainable with a strong mordant and the use of aniline oil as a decolourizing agent ; in any case it will be noticed that there are almost invariably a certain number of organisms in the field which have not taken up the stain at all, and others which are only partially stained. The fact that the organism in a stained specimen can be seen in all three conditions in the one field has been claimed to be an advantage rather than a disadvantage, as some writers on the subject might lead one to suppose. Tokishige states that the young saccharomyces, which are full of protoplasm, easily take anihne stains, while those which contain fluid plasma never take the usual bacterial stains, and also that those granules which are free in the liquor puris can never be stained. While on the subject of staining, I might mention that all the stains required can now be obtained ready- made in the form of tabloids, together with detailed instructions for use of the same. These preparations are most convenient and very portable. 17 According to Tokishige the organism is reproduced by budding. The cells become elongated, and after about a week they become dilated, the central granule enlarges and divides into two or more daughter granules of a faintly yellowish colour and homogenous quality. The swollen microbe often attains a diameter of 6 to 7 and even 12*45 ^ ^"^ ^^^ granule 2*5 m- After a time the swollen microbe assumes an oblong, cylindrical or dumb-bell form, and then by partition it is divided into two, three, or more segments, and finally develops into a kind of hyphae ; secondary hyphae appear in the course of time also by budding, and afterwards tertiary hyphae appear from these. Plate I shows the organism as demonstrated by Tokishige from the so-called Japanese farcy. Plate II shows the organism from a preparation prepared and stained by Professor Mettam, of the Royal Veterinary College of Ireland. Plate III shows a pustule in varying stages, and also the lesions in the subcutaneous tissues, from a photo by Tokishige. Culture This is obtained with difficulty. The growth is always slow, and develops much better in an acid than alkaline medium, the temperature not appearing to have any marked effect. Tokishige obtained a growth in peptonized bouillon, agar-agar, nutrient gelatine, and on potato. In bouillon, after seventeen days, a white flaky deposit, which includes hyphae and cells, makes its appearance. On agar, after thirty days, the vegetation first becomes apparent in the form of greyish-white grains, and in from forty to fifty days a single colony c i8 attains a diameter of i to 4 mm., and becomes distinctly prominent over the surface of the medium. In a full grown colony the surface is wrinkled, the colony is very dense and difficult to dissect with a platinum wire or crush under a cover-glass. Microscopically, it consists of conglomerated masses, composed of hyphae, spherical bodies, and a number of free granules. The addition of grape sugar or glycerine to the medium has no influence on the vegetation. On nutrient gelatine the vegetation takes place more on the upper strata, and in fifty-six days some yellowish-white sandy masses of an irregular shape, measuring i to 4 mm. in diameter, make their appear- ance. The gelatine does not liquefy except by heating, when the colony sinks and its growth stops. On potato the growth is more rapid, and the colonies are of a light-brown colour, but otherwise they resemble the growths obtained on agar-agar. Fluid media may also be used for the cultivation of this organism, but peptone must be added. Tokishigc states that it neither grows on an infusion of horse dung or hay, nor in a solution of sugar. Marcone cultivated the cryptococcus on horse serum mixed with 2 per cent, solution of agar-agar, glycerine and cane sugar, and got after fifteen days, at a temperature of from 32°-37° centigrade, some fine greyish specks making their appearance and slowly enlarging at several points of the medium ; the growth then appears to cease and falls to the bottom of the flask, where it forms a thick, uniform, white deposit. When the culture is old, if the flask be shaken, it becomes opaque, and does not clear up for some con- siderable time. 19 As might be anticipated, the cryptococci or sac- charomyces are often associated with staphylococci, diplococci or streptococci, and other organisms, which are especially met with in the contents of the pustules and abscesses and in the lymphatic glands. Plate IV shows a culture made by Tokishige. Incubative Period My experience is that this may be put down as anything varying from three weeks to three months, and it may extend to six, eight, or ten months, and even more ; in fact, I have one case on record which had an incubative period of over thirteen months. I have also a few cases on record in which the disease recurred after being apparently cured, but in none of these did the second incubative period exceed one month ; still there appears to be no reason why the incubative period for recurrent cases should differ very much from that of ordinary ones, and Cranford, writing from India, records a case which recurred after fourteen months {Veterinary Record^ June 4, 1904). In my experimental cases the first symptoms of the disease (viz., a nodule) appeared after thirty-two days, with pustules bursting on the fifty-third day ; mode of inoculation being subcutaneous. Mettam, experimenting on the disease recently, informs me that he did not get the nodular symptoms until after forty days, that pustules formed and burst five days afterwards, and that the lesions had all healed again and disappeared in a couple of weeks' time after the pustules burst, but that now (ist April, 1904), three months afterwards, the nodules are reappearing. The mode of inoculation in this case was scarification made in two separate places, one on the near side of the neck which took, and 20 another on the off quarter which up to date shows no sign of the disease. Tixier, Dclamotte, and Chauvrat by puncture and scarification got pustules in from twenty to sixty-six days. Delamotte and Peuch state the period in donkeys is a month or more. Wiart gives the period as eight days to five or six months. Quiclet has seen it take eighty-nine days to develop, and Tokishige makes no attempt to specify any time. Symptoms The symptoms are usually found on the skin, but occasionally occur on the mucous membrane, and may extend to the internal organs. I have personally observed the disease in the following regions, viz. : — Head — Eyes (conjunctiva), muzzle, nose, face, cheeks, lips, submaxillary space, orbital process, and inside the external ear. Neck — Various parts. Trunk — Withers, shoulders, back, loins, chest, sides, flank, croup, quarters, hips, tail, anus, vulva, perineum, scrotum, and sheath. Fore and Hind Limbs — Various parts, from coronet upwards. Mucous Membrane — Lining of alae of nostrils, septum, nasi, sinuses of the head, pharynx, larynx, and trachea. (i) Cutaneous variety. In Plates V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII, taken from photographs of cases observed by the author, the lesions will be seen in a number of the sites mentioned. 21 As will be seen from the foregoing remarks, the lesions may be found on any part of the body, but they are most frequently associated with those parts which are most exposed to wounds from kicks, contusions, and harness galls. Inoculation apparently almost invariably takes place from wounds, and may therefore develop from the slightest abrasion. The disease usually first shows itself at the seat of a pre-existing wound, or it may develop from a wound not yet healed ; in the former case, the only thing that is generally noticed at first is that a small pustule has broken out on the edge of an old scar, or adjacent to it ; on closer examination tumefaction is generally found to exist around the place, and cording and knotting of the adjacent lymphatic vessels may also usually be felt so clearly that even from the beginning they may be frequently seen from a distance. But the time required for all these various symptoms to develop varies greatly ; sometimes when a limb is the seat of the disease, the whole leg may suddenly swell up like an ordinary case of lymphangitis, and no cording or nodules may be recognized until the acute inflammation and diffuse swelling have subsided. At other times, the corded lymphatics may be noticed some considerable time before any pustules make their appearance, and a long chain of nodules may be seen extending along the course of the lymphatics of a limb, or, if situated on the head, neck, or trunk, they radiate towards the nearest lymphatic glands. The nodules vary in size, from a pea to a hen's egg ; they are well-defined, and at first hard and indurated, but as the disease runs its course, they soften ; the time required for this change is very irregular, and principally depends upon the resistance of the sur- rounding tissues. 22 Along the course of the lymphatic vessels affected, pustules and abscesses are formed, which burst and discharge a thick, yellow pus, stained with blood ; the abscesses now continue to discharge, and their cavities become filled up with exuberant granulations, which, protruding beyond the surface of the skin (the edges of which are inclined to become inverted), form bright red fungoid (rosette) growths, which bleed easily when touched, and very much resemble farcy buds. Wounds which become infected with the disease may either heal up and then break out again, or they may gradually take on the appearance of the sores just described. The buds, ulcers, or sores, by all of which names they are known, are characterized by their bright red exuberant granulations and their tungoid appearance, as well as by their indurated base and well-defined edges ; the adjoining skin, which is partially inverted, has a peculiar shiny appearance ; an opening exists in the centre of the bud, from which the pus, at first creamy, and afterwards yellowish, oily, and curdled, is continually discharging. Careful examination of these buds or sores will show that they are really quite different from those of glanders (farcy), and that with energetic treatment they have an inclination to heal. The disease is commonest in the limbs, and will be found in the fore-leg generally extending up along the fore-arm to the anti-brachial region and point of shoulder as seen in Plates VI, VII, and VIII, or, if it extends from the elbow (frequently seen as a sequel to capped elbows), it extends across the caput muscles. In the hind limbs it has a great tendency to extend along the inside of the thigh, as seen in Plates IX and X (where wounds due particularly to kicks are frequentlv situated), to the groin, and from thence it may wind round the 23 back of the thigh or extend along the belly. The writer has seen an animal with as many as thirty-three sores, varying from the size of a sixpence to a five- shilling piece and larger, on one limb. The majority of cases observed by me in the fore-limb were developed from broken knees and wounds (principally caused by kicks) on the inside of the fore-arm ; these cases in developing extend as a rule, rather deeply seated, up along the flexor brachii muscle to the point of shoulder, and often exhibit nodules as large as a hen's tgg, as seen in Plate VIII. Numerous cases of infection after castration and strangles were observed. Those following castration were most difficult cases to deal with as schirrus cord supervened, and the scrotum and sheath became greatly enlarged, indurated, and infiltrated with new formations and multiple abscesses. Plate XI shows the disease on the edge of the vulva, and extending to the perinaeum, and mammary gland. Those following strangles, as seen in Plate XII, were also greatly protracted, the submaxillary glands and submaxillary space became the seat of multiple abscesses, and the disease extended round the jaw to the cheek along the course of Steno's duct, which also frequently became involved. After aff^ecting a cure, numerous chains of cica- trices may remain, sheaths of tendons, and joints may also become affected, causing chronic thickenings and enlargements, and the value of the animals to be greatly depreciated. Tokishige mentions a large number of cases occurring in Japan affecting the testicles, which is probably accounted for by the fact that the Japanese seldom or never castrate their horses (ponies), and when large numbers of them are collected together (such as in the army) wounds from kicks and scratches on the scrotum are no doubt very common. 24 (2) Mucous membrane variety. Lesions of the disease on the mucous membrane have been noticed by me in some 7 to lo per cent, of cases, e.g,^ on the membrane, covering the lining of alae of nostrils, covering septum nasi and nasal organs, lining the sinuses of the head, the pharynx, larynx, and upper third of trachea, and also on the conjunctiva. I am inclined to think that the percentage of cases observed by me in these parts is probably above the average, although Tokishige relates quite a number of cases in which the mucous membranes were the seat of the disease. Plates XIII, XIV, XV, and XVI show very clearly the lesions as they were seen in some of those parts, and I may here mention that in each case the diagnosis was verified by microscopical examination, that of Plate XIII being also tested with mallein gave no reaction, nor were any lesions of glanders recognized in the lungs of any of them. The lesions in the nose have been observed by me both uni-lateral and bi-lateral, and a tendency for them to become bi-lateral was noticed to prevail. Some writers on the subject state that, in contrast to glanders, the lesions are only found in the lower third of the nasal chambers. I have noticed myself that it is certainly commonest only in that portion, but have ample proof to show that most extensive lesions of the disease (unaccompanied by glanders) may occasionally be found in all the nasal chambers, and that they may also extend to the pharynx, larynx, and trachea. Nocard and Leclainche state that the lesions in the nose are almost always bi-lateral, that they may extend to the pharynx, larynx, and trachea, and, in exceptional cases, to the large bronchial tubes. I might here mention that in addition to a few characteristic cutaneous cases 25 of the disease observed in North China in 1900 and 1 90 1 amongst Chinese ponies and mules, 1 also saw in addition to marked glanders cases, several other cases of so-called glanders, showing most extensive lesions on the nasal mucous membrane very much resembling glanders, but there was no submaxillary glandular enlargement ; they did not re-act to mallei n, and no glanders lesions could be detected in the lungs or other internal organs on post-mortem examination. Many of these cases proved fatal in a very short time, and for want of a better name 1 considered that they were a form of pseudo-glanders ; since then, however, I have seen a case of epizootic lymphangitis exhibit very similar symptoms ; the disease running a very acute course, and rapidly becoming generalized, the animal had to be des- troyed. I often wonder if the cases seen in North China could, possibly, have been of the same nature, or if they were due to some other organism, e.g.^ some form of Pasteurella. Anyhow, whatever the disease was, it caused many differences ot opinion, especially amongst the German veterinary officers. Mallein was, on many occasions, again blamed for so-called unsatisfactory results, and few seem to have recognized the possibility of two diseases, i,e.^ glanders and some other disease closely resembling it clinically (with which we were unfamiliar), being present and co-existing in many cases. The lesions on the nasal mucous membrane are first noticed in the form of small papules or pimples, which rapidly form into vesicles and burst, forming a well-defined ulcer with a raised edge and dug-out centre as seen in Plates XIII and XIV. They are at first isolated, but later become confluent, and tend to extend to the cartilage of the septum nasi, causing the mucous membrane to become discoloured and greatly 26 thickened by exuberant granulations, at times forming a kind of polypus, which interferes with the respira- tions and causes snuffling. In advanced cases the cartilage becomes spongy and the nasal bones necrosed. Enlargement of the submaxillary glands may, but does not necessarily, as is stated in glanders, accompany nasal symptoms, /. 1^ JC ta 3 s >> is I' E £ 12 -^ u '' u •^ s •- .2 "S " "^ j; 3 y -0 2^ c < S M i-s 5 >> > > C s OJ 3 O t3 "^ t. ^ 3 3 "1 O C rt O 1 C •- V • Cfv d 2: o c E ^' - " 2 " £ ^> ^ n 1? " v,>^ O -"i! S o "3 " S L. u - u 2 H " Sol" 2^ :5 3 „ o .2 ^•5 Ills To C ^ re re E Q O S > o 'in < •< H CO -t: T3 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q 1 1 1 i 1 1 ■o _>^ - M M " 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ^ a "S u 1 1 1 '" VO 1 1 1 O t3 rj N N N N N n N N M N S) O O o o o O o jC vr\ 6 6 O OO OO t^ 00 r^ rv 6 »H r^ t '^ CTN ro Ov ON .!S N Xin ON w~i N N t-l N 1-4 M VO Q ■^ ^ ■" •13 N N N N N N N N N N M O o o O O O t3 vn vn VJ-1 W-, vo ■o VO VO VO VO r. ^ m 0^ t^ a\ m VO t^ 4 4 00 Ov < N N N N N N E -a bo : to r< ; ^ , >. ^ * U • U • -a -a 3 : • c -0 : ■a : «J c o i* u • O o ■ _o ■ re i> ^ 3 £?S^ : c ja JJ C re u S 5 0. ? C •5 ■ c : J3 o E o : & '_o c : c : re ^ ^ 3 bi c S ^ •-3 -i J ;i o -^ c o .2 ^ E ■» c : 5 : .1 5 5d d. o -o >-. « u m * >- O I- ^ re c c • '^ z^ c S •• ^ 3 3 I^ OJ .!:! u re J3 re n J3 u jU si = § J2 "O 3 "S O E : o ^ bo-o 1) C -a a 3 o c — "3 3 u • c : re 3 3 c : 3 0. „. E r2 re c e 3 3 "- " " o — C to" 2 j5-« .S2 « 1= ? 'W XI ^^ JO 03 1 -5 jT c "" o £ « -o .2 i .2 o bo 5J -T3 E S S 2 fi '^ bjo C '3 C (J. m '« J3 3 : .3 t: 3 -3 " c „ c.S ■«.2 ° "5 3 D o O M U u U a < o N ro tJ- v^ VO t-^ 00 OS J5 z M 041 -- c p So" 57 The disease having been recently scheduled under the Diseases of Animals Acts in Great Britain and Ireland, I am including the orders of the Board of Agriculture on the subject, vide appendix. The End PLATES PLATE 1 Saccharomyces from an abscess (Zeiss Ocul, 4 object, J. Immers) From a micro-photograph prepared by Tokishige and Dr. Okura PLATE II From a micro-photograph prepared by the author from a specimen prepared and stained by Professor A. E. Mettam at the Royal Veterinary College of Ireland, showing a group of saccharomyces clumped together, and also several characteristic saccharomyces in various parts of the field, and a large number of pus organisms which have also taken up the stain. X 800 diameters. PLATE III Figs. I to 5 are from drawings by Tanaka. Fig. 6 is from a drawing by Tokishige. Fig. I, subcutaneous node ; Fig. 2, cutaneous nodes with crater-like opening a ; Fig. 3, fungoid ulcer ; Fig. 4, saccharomycotic changes in hair follicles and in the corresponding subcutis 5 Fig. 5, transection through cutaneous nodules, a, natural size ; Fig. 6, section of skin (picro carmine prep. ; zeiss ocul. 2, object a), a, epidermis, it, liair follicles, c, sebaceous gland, ) To permit any other horse, ass, or mule to come in contact with any horse, ass, or mule to which the Notice applies ; or (c) To remove from out of such place any carcase of a horse, ass, or mule, or any dung, fodder, litter, or other thing that has been in contact with any horse, ass, or mule, to which the Notice applies, without the written permission of an Inspector of the Local Authority. (2) An Inspector of the Local Authority, if satisfied that the movement of any horse, ass, or mule to which a Notice applies to some other place of detention is expedient for purposes of isolation or other necessary purpose, may serve a further similar Notice on the owner or person in charge of the horse, ass, or mule requiring that the horse, ass, or mule be detained on or in such other place, and thereupon such horse, ass, or mule may be moved, subject to the directions of the Inspector, by the nearest available route and without unnecessary delay, to such place of detention, and, when so moved, shall be there detained and isolated in accordance with such further notice. 3. A Notice under this Article shall remain in force until it is withdrawn by a further Notice in writing (in the Form B set forth in the Schedule to this Order or to the like eftect) signed by an Inspector of the Local Authority. (4) An Inspector shall with all practicable speed send copies of any Notice served by him under this Article to — (i) The Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, Dublin ; (ii) The Local Authority ; (iii) The Police OfHcer in charge of the nearest police station of the District. Provision as to Cleansing a'ld Disinfection 5. (l) Any place in which a horse, ass, or mule affected with, or suspected of, epizootic lymphangitis has been kept, and all utensils, mangers, feeding-troughs, pens, hurdles, harness, or other things xvni used for or about such horse, ass, or mule shall, as soon as practicable, be cleansed and disinfected by, and at the expense of, the own er or occupier of such place as follows : — (a) The place shall be swept out, and all litter, dung, or other thing that has been in contact with, or used about, any such horse, ass, or mule, shall forthwith be well mixed with quicklime and be effectually removed therefrom ; then (^) The floor of the place and all other parts thereof with which such horse, ass, or mule has come in contact shall be thoroughly washed, or scrubbed, or scoured with water ; then (c) The same parts of the place shall be washed over with lime- wash or some disinfectant approved by the Local Authority. (d) In the case of a field, yard, or other place which is not capable of being so cleansed and disinfected, it shall be sufficient if such field, yard, or place be cleansed and disinfected so far as may be practicable. (e) Every utensil, manger, feeding-trough, pen, hurdle, harness, or other thing used for or about such horse, ass, or mule, shall, as soon as practicable after being so used and before being used for any other horse, ass, or mule, be cleansed and disinfected by being thoroughly washed, or scrubbed, or scoured, with water, and, where practicable, washed over with lime-wash, or with some disinfectant approved by the Local Authority. (2) If any person fails to cleanse and disinfect any place, or any utensil, manger, feeding-trough, pen, hurdle, harness, or other thing, in accordance with this Article, it shall be lawful for the Local Authority, without prejudice to the recovery of any penalty for the contravention of this article, to cause such place or such utensil, manger, feeding-trough, pen, hurdle, harness, or other thing to be cleansed and disinfected, and to recover the expenses of such cleansing and disinfection from such person in any court of competent jurisdiction. Movement of Horses, Asses, or Mules, etc., with Special Licence 6. Notwithstanding anything in this Order, any horse, ass, or mule, carcase, or thing may be moved in any circumstance with a Licence of an inspector of, or other officer authorized by, the Department, which Licence will only be granted where the Department, after inquiry, are satisfied that exceptional circumstances render the movement necessary or expedient. XIX Disposal of Carcases 7. (i) The carcase of every horse, ass, or mule that was affected with epizootic lympangitis at the time when it died or was slaughtered shall be disposed of by the Local Authority as follows : — (i) Either the Local Authority shall cause the carcase to be buried as soon as possible in its skin in some proper place, and to be covered with a sufficient quantity of quicklime or other disinfectant, and with not less than six feet of earth ; (ii) Or the Local Authority may, if authorized by Licence of the Department, cause the carcase to be destroyed, under the inspection of the Local Authority, in the mode following : — The carcase shall be disinfected, and shall then be taken, in charge of an officer of the Local Authority to premises approved for the purpose by the Department, and shall be there destroyed by exposure to a high temperature, or by chemical agents. (2) With a view to the execution of the foregoing provisions of this Article the Local Authority may make such regulations as they think fit for prohibiting or regulating the removal of any carcase of a horse, ass, or mule, or for securing the burial or destruction of the same : Provided that the power to make Regulations under this Article shall be exercised only by the Local Authority or their Executive Committee, and shall not be deputed to any other Committee or Sub-Committee. (3) Where under this Article a Local Authority cause a carcase to be buried, they shall first cause its skin to be so slashed as to be useless. (4) A Local Authority may cause or allow a carcase to be taken into the district of another Local Authority to be buried or destroyed, with the previous consent of that Local Authority or with a Licence in that behalf of the Department, but not otherwise. Digging up 8. It shall not be lawful for any person, except with the Licence of an Inspector of the Department, to dig up, or cause to be dug up, the carcase of any horse that has been buried. Powers of the Department 9. Any powers by this Order conferred upon a Local Authority or an Inspector of Local Authority may at any time be exercised by the Department or an Inspector of the Department respectively. XX Local Authority to enforce Order 10. The provisions of this Order, except where it is otherwise provided, shall be executed and enforced by the Local Authority. Weekly Returns of Epizootic Lymphangitis 11. When an Inspector of a Local Authority finds epizootic lymphangitis in his district, he shall forthwith make a return thereof to the Local Authority and to the Department, on a form provided by the Department, with all particulars therein required, and shall continue to so make a return thereof on the Saturday of every week until the disease has ceased. Exemption of Army Veterinary Department and Veterinary Colleges 12. Nothing in this Order applies to horses, asses, or mules in stables of military barracks or camps, if the horses, asses, or mules are under the care and supervision of the Army Veterinary Department, or to horses, asses, or mules in stables of any Veterinary College affiliated to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons : Provided that nothing in this Article shall be deemed to apply to the carcase of any horse, ass, or mule, nor to exempt a Local Authority from any obligation imposed on them in regard to the disposal of carcases. Offences 13. (i) If a horse, ass, or mule, or carcase of a horse, ass, or mule, or other thing is moved in contravention of this Order, or of any Regulation made under this Order, or of a Notice given under this Order, the owner of the horse, ass, or mule, carcase, or thing, and the person for the time being in charge thereof, and the person causing, directing, or permitting the movement, and the consignee or other person receiving or keeping it knowing it to have been moved in contravention as aforesaid, and the occupier of the place from which the horse, ass, or mule, carcase, or thing is moved, shall each according to and in respect of his own acts and defaults, be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1894. (2) If anything is omitted to be done as regards cleansing or disinfection in contravention of this Order, the owner and the lessee and the occupier and the person in charge of any place or thing in or in respect of which the same is omitted, shall, each according to and in respect of his own acts and defaults, be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1894. XXI Extension of certain Sections of Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894. 14. Horses, asses, or mules shall be animals, and epizootic lymphangitis shall be a disease, for the purposes of the following sections of the Act of 1 894 (namely) : — Section forty-three (powers of police) ; Section forty-four (powers of inspectors) ; and also for the purposes of all other sections of the said Act con- taining provisions relative to or consequent on the provisions of those sections and this Order, including such sections as relate to offences or procedure. Interpretation 15. In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires — * The Act of 1 894 ' means the Diseases of Animal Act, 1 894 : * The Department ' means the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland : * Inspector ' includes Veterinary Inspector : ' Carcase ' includes part of a carcase : Other terms have the same meaning as in the Act of 1894. Extent 1 6. This Order extends to the whole of Ireland. Commencement 17. This Order shall come into operation on the twentieth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and four. Short Title 18. This Order may be cited as the Epizootic Lymphangitis (Ireland) Order of 1904. In witness whereof the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland have hereunto set their official Seal this Second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and four. T. P. GILL Secretary XXll SCHEDULE Form A (Article 4) Notice to Owner or Person in Charge of Horse, Ass, or Mule, Prohibiting Movement DISEASES OF ANIMALS ACTS, 1894 to 1903 Epizootic Lymphangitis To A.B. of I, CD. , of , being an Inspector appointed by the Local Authority of the [county] of , [or being an Inspector of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland], hereby require the following horse, ass, or mule, namely : to be detained on or in \here describe the field, '^ard, stable, shed, or other place where the horse, ass, or mule is to be detained'\ and I hereby require you to take notice that, in consequence of this Notice and the pro- visions of the Order under which this Notice is issued, it is not lawful for any person, until this Notice is withdrawn — (a) to move from or out of such place as aforesaid any horse, ass, or mule to which this Notice applies ; [b) to permit any other horse, ass, or mule to come in contact with the horse, ass, or mule to which this Notice applies ; or (f) to remove from or out of such place any carcase of a horse, ass, or mule, or any dung, fodder, litter, or other thing that has been in contact with the horse, ass, or mule, to which this Notice applies, without the written permission of an Inspector of the Local Authority. Dated this day of , 190 . {Signed) CD. The Inspector giving this Notice is with all practicable speed to send copies of this Notice to (i) The Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, Dublin ; (ii) The Local Authority ; (iii) The Police Officer in charge of the nearest police station of the District. [Read the Indorsement on this Notice] To be printed as Indorsement on Form A xxin The Order under which this Notice is issued provides that if a horse, ass, or mule, or carcase, or thing is moved in contravention of such Order, or of this Notice, the owner of the horse, ass, or mule, carcase, or thing, and the person for the time being in charge thereof, and the person causing, directing, or permitting the movement, and the consignee or other person receiving or keeping it knowing it to have been moved in contravention as aforesaid, and the occupier of the place from which the horse, ass, or mule, carcase, or thing is moved, are liable under the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894, to the penalties thereby prescribed. Form B (Article 4) Withdrawal of Notice {Form J) to Owner or Person in charge of Horse, Ass, or Mule, Prohibiting Movement DISEASES OF ANIMALS ACTS, 1894 to 1903 Epizootic Lymphangitis To A.B. of I, CD. , of , being an Inspector appointed by the Local Authority of the (county) of [or being an Inspector of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland], hereby withdraw as from this day of 19 , the Notice prohibiting movement, signed by and served upon you on the day of ^9 • Dated this day of , 19 . {Signed) CD. Copies of this Notice are to be sent with all practicable speed to (i) The Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, Dublin ; (ii) The Local Authority ; (iii) The Police Officer in charge of the nearest police station of the district. INDEX Appendix I (Order of the Board of Agriculture, etc., England) i Appendix II (Order of the Department of Agriculture, etc., Ireland) ... xi Bacteriology ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ii Buds, Ulcers or Sores, Characteristic Appearance of the ... ... ... 22, 3Z Castration, Infection after ... ... ... **• ... ... ... 23 Cicatrices remaining after a Cure ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 Concluding Remark* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 Cryptococcuf, Characteristics of the ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 „ Classification of the ... ... ... ... ... ... n „ Method of Reproduction ... ... ... ... ... 17 Culture 17 „ Appearance of the ... ... ... ... ... ... .•• >7 „ Growth in Fluid Media ... ... ... ... ... ••• 18 „ „ on Potato ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 „ Media on which it may be obtained ... ... ... ... 17 „ Period required to obtain a ... ... ... ... ... ... ^7 Cure, Period required to effect a ... 49 Diagnosis ... ... ... ... ... ••• •■• ••• ••• 3^ Differential Diagnoiis 33 „ „ Botryomycoiis 3^ „ „ Bursatti 37 „ „ Glanders (Farcy) 33 „ „ Other Diseases ... ... ... ... ... 3^ „ „ Suppurative Lymphangitis 37 „ „ Tubercular „ 37 „ „ Ulcerative „ 35 Disease affecting the Testicles 23 Duration of the Disease, Tokishige's opinion of the 29 Experimental Inoculation ... ... ... ... ... •.• -.• 39 „ „ Method of 40 „ „ Incubative Period of 4° Farcin du Boeuf 3° Geographical Distribution 9 „ „ in France 9 „ « •> Sweden 9 ., R""" •° » Italy 10 » Egypt '° „ » Guadaloupe 10 INDEX PAGE History of the Disease .,, ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 » „ » in France 3 » » » » Japan 5 » » 5. „ India 7 „ „ ,, „ South Africa ... ... ... ... ... 8 „ „ „ „ England and Ireland ... ... ... ... 8 Incubative Period ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Infection, General Methods of ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 „ Risks of Human Beings to ... ... ... ... ... 42 Immunity ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i Literature on the Disease ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i Mortality 48 Mucous Membranes Variety, Percentage of Cases ... ... ... ... 24 Nature of the Disease ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Nodules, Characteristics of the ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 Organisms associated with the Cryptococci ... ... ... ... ... 19 Plates — Post-Mortem Lesions... „ „ in the Liver ... n >» » Lungs „ „ „ Lymphatic Vessels „ „ on the Mucous Membrane ... „ „ in the Spleen... Predisposing Causes ... .. » Age „ „ Climate Prognosis „ Favourable conditions „ Unfavourable conditions ... Prophylaxis „ Disinfection of Harness, Saddlery, etc. ... ... Para. „ n Stables „ „ Glanders (Farcy), Co-existence to be guarded against ... ... ... ... ... „ „ Inspection of Animals ... ... ... ... „ „ Instruction of Attendants ... ... ... „ „ Isolation, Period recommended ... ... „ „ Isolation and Treatment of Affected Animals „ „ Knowledge of the Disease, Importance of ... „ „ Methods Recommended for dealing with large Studs „ „ Microscope, Necessity for the use of the ... „ „ Sponges , „ Subcutaneous Nodules, Extirpation of ... ... „ „ Wound Dressing, system to be avoided ... „ 30 31 31 30 31 3» 44 44 44 48 49 49 49 (10) S3 (") 53 (6) 51 (2) 50 (3) 5« (lO S3 (5) S> 0) 49 (14) 54 (IS) 54 (4) SI ('3) S3 (8) 5» INDEX Prophylaxis, Wound Dressing system recommended „ Woundi, Galls, etc., necessity for avoiding Recurrent cases Resistance of the Virus Saccharomyces Saccharomycosis Farciminosus (Rivolta) Staining Claudius Method Composition of the Re-agents required Gram-NicoUe method Gram-Weigert-Kuhne method „ „ „ Mettam's Modification Note on the Peculiarities of the Organism Species susceptible Statistics, Army „ Average Mortality ... „ Japanese ,, Naples Cliniquj „ of an Outbreak in India Sy;nptoms „ Acute „ Cutaneous Variety... „ Mucous Membrane Variety „ General „ in Cattle ... Treatment „ External „ Internal Wounds, Inoculation of Para. (7) (9) 12 PAGB 5« »9.43 43 30 16 13 H 15 15 16 39 9 48 6 10 S6 20 27 20 24 27 30 46 +7