o ^ 1 AV . RECORD OF EVE^'TS. T March, 1861. 27. A hass Avei: Irons while bathing. Mr. Nason delivers a lecture • on '' National Music." at the Town Hall, the band at- tending and performing our national airs. 23. A storehouse of the Ejdeter Man'g Co. burned at 10 p. m. 25. Morris Bros., Bell &l Trowbridge give a concert at T. Hall. 2(3. A Maine Regt. receives a collation from our citizens at the depot. Mr. Theophilus Smith dies aged 80. Luella, in- fant child of Mr. J. Weeks, dies. Bar. 29.20 at 2 p. m. Wind S. West. 27. Steamboat " Clipper" arrives. 29. Mr. Alfred C. Smith, printer, dies, aged 24. Schools in Dlslficts 1 and 2 close. July — 1. A very brilliant comet seen at 9 p.m., tail about 90 deg. long. Fair weather from June 8th to July 2d. 2. Ther. 57 at 7 p. m. A refreshing rain falls. Mr. J. M. Head's child buried. Miss C. A. Jacobs gives readings in poetry, &c. 3. Strawberries are plentiful ; but no plums or cherries here, or elsewhere in the vicinity. 4. Fair and warm. Gunpowder freely expended. Sab. School of the 1st Cong. Soc'y celebrate the day with speeches, music, &c., in the grove near the depot. The Elm St. Baptist Soc. also have a pleasant picnic by the river. 7. Elder Edwin Burnham preaches at the Town Hall Com- et very brilliant in Ursa Major. •^. Thcr. 92 at 2 p. m. Fair. Wind West. S A BRIEF RKCORD UF KVEXTS. July, ISOI. ^ 9. Examination of the Academy and some thirty studenitf leave for coHeire. Sudden thunder ijust at 5 p. m. ] 0. Probate Court sits. The pupils of Miss Bell's School con- tribute $14, to the Ladies' Aid Soc- Beach parties nu- merous. Mt. Timothy Wentworth and Miss Adelia A. Sibley mar!*ied. 11. Comet moving south. Pyrola vnifJora (rare) in bloom. beautiful thunder clouds at sunset — rays extending 50deg. in all directions. 12. Miss Hannah Colccrd dies, aged 84. Infant child of Mr. Geo. Ellison dies, 6 mos. old. 14. Bar. 30.15 at 7 A. m. Cloudy and rain. Mr. Wm. G. Cate and Miss Data J. Lang married. 18. Business is remarkably dnU. Carriage and cotton manu- facturing have nearly ceased. 20. Bar. 29.60 at 2 r. m. 'Wind S. W. Mrs. Mary York dies, aged 73 yrs. Showers in p. m. Mr. John E. Wilbur opens a recruiting ollicc at the Town Hall. Schooner '• Northern ^Varrior," Capt. Kent arrives. 21. Fair. Col. G. Marston wounded in the right arm at the battle of " Bull Bun." "Wm. H. Morrill also wounded in the hand. F. L. Tebbetts taken prisoner. 22. Great excitement on account of #ic recent battle in which' a number of our soldiers were engaged. A clear day — most of the ministers and teachers absent. 27. Remarkably beautiful and quiet day. General topic of conversation — War I 27, Rains in a. m. Thunder and lightning at night. 30. A dauohter of Mr Rock dies aged 8 years. The old boari? of oliicers of the E. Manuf'g Co. re-elected. August — • 1. Party of 16 Exeter boys encamp at Hampton Beach. The " army worm " in great numbers appears suddenly in Mr. Gilman's Oeld. Very little secession sentiment in Exeter. 3. Ther. 86. at 2. r. m. Fair and Avind west. 4. Ella Adams dies suddenly, aged 14. 5. A great war meeting at the Town Hall. An account of the battle of " Bull Run " given. 7. Town vote to pay a sum not exceeding $15 per week to' the famiHes of soldiers enlisted. 8. Mrs. Margaret Mason dies, aged 46. Capt. Wilbur's Com- pany leave for Concord, to join N. H. 3d Regt. A Gat company organized and stock taken. 9. Mr. Jesse Robinson dies, aged 72 yrs. 5 mos. to. Bar. 29.70 at 9 r. m. Showery. Blue berriee abundant — vS rts. per qt. A BRIEF RECORD OF EVENTS. ^ (J AtrotJST, 1861. 12. Ther. 53. at 9 P. M. Fair. Schools in District No. 1, com- mence. 13. Heavy rain all day. 14. Ditto. R. Mu. Fire Ins. Co. meet and choose Directors. 15. Col. G. Marston, suffering from his wound, returns to town. Great fears for the safety of Washington. 18. Elder Burnham preai-hes in T. Hall. Beautiful Cirrus clouds 'm the p. m. Mr. Chas. H. Folsom and Miss Mary A. Sutton married. 19. Schools Dist. No. 1 & 2, coinmence. 21. The lads of the High School and their teachers visit Hamp- ton Beach. Bar. 30.35 at 7 p. m. Fair. Mr. Gilman Bar- ker has 15 sheep killed by a dog about this time. 22. Messrs. Conners' Fish and Meat market entered by burg- lars. Mr. Benj. Swain appointed Police officer, vice, J. A. Fogg. Mr. R. Carter is recruit'g for the 4th Regt. 23. Maine 7th Reg. passes through town for the seat of war iu fifteen passenger cars. Soldiers of Co. D return from Concord on a furlough. 24. The " army worm" disappears. Mr. T. Moses in his 95th year visits the town. 26. Rev. N. Hooper is called to the 1st Baptist church. 27. Miss Ellen Fellowes dies, aged 19 1-2 years. A boy 4 or 5 yrs. old, has his arm broken by the cars. Patrick Gilroy takes a turtle near the Ox-bow, weighing 26 lbs ; 13 in- ches long. Rev. Dr. Hitchcock visits this town. 30. Southern corn is selling at SI 25 per bag. 31. Fair; and so the weather has been since the 22d. L. car- dinalis, Indian pipe (jnonotropd) etc. in bloom. September — 1. Mr. J. B. Wadleigh, late conductor on the B. «& M. R. R. dies, aged 47 1-2 yrs. Mr. John Marsh and wife are burned to death. 3. B. W. Cram and James Jack escape from jail. The form- er is retaken, N. K. Leavitt, Esq., is appointed Jail- keeper, vice John S. Brown, Esq., resigned. 9. There are now 110 Students at the Academy. 7. Armenia C. Stacy dies, aged 12 1-3 yrs. Charming day. 11. A refreshing rain occurs after a long drouth. Mr. Peter Leighton digs up a thimble in the rear of " Squamscott House," marked 17 72. 13. Lovely moonlight evening. Many social parties in town at this season.— 15. Ther. 79 1-2. at 2 p. M. Fair. 18. Miss Abigail Parks dies, aged 73. 20. John E. Lyford dies aged 10 mos. Fruit of every kind very scarce. Corn and potato harvest abundant. 10 A BRIEF RECORD OF EVENTS. September, 1861. 22. Sch'r " Caroline " arrives with gaspipe from Philadelphia;. Coal is selling at fi?6.50 per ton. llainy day. 23. Mr. Lewis Mitchell dies suddenly, aged about 60. Ladies meet for supplying clothing to the soldiers. 24. Wm. N. Tilton dies aged 48. N. Swasey, Jr. dies,aged 30 yrs 5 mos. Maine 9th Keg. Col. Rich, passes through town. 25. Ther. 47. at 7 p. m. Fair. 26. Edward Bachelder wounded in the arm by premature dis- charge of a gun. National Fast. Well observed, most of the stores closed and service in the churches. Mr. J. Swasey badly kicked in the iace by a horse. 28. Bar. 29.51 at 7 a.m. Fair Wind west. Mrs. Hannah P. Fogg dies aged 75. Mr. Edward C. Towle and Mary J. Van- dusee married at or near this date. 29. The churches take up a contribution for the hospitals at Washington ; in all about ^^90. Capt. Edw. Ludington is recruiting at the Squamscott House tor U. S. A. 30. Bar. 30.50 at 2. p. m. Fair. Mr. D. W. Downes begins a Singing School. ]\Ir. N. Loud's house entered by bur- glars. Ladies of Hampton send "^'S.ijo to Exeter ladies for the soldiers. October — 1. Horace E. Pitman dies, aged 2 years 22 days. A pleasant tea party at the Town Hull, for beneiit of the hospitals at Washington. About S210 realized. 2. Ther. 69. at 2 p. m. Fair. 3. N. A. Shute, Esq. and Miss Ellen 'M. Holbrook married. 4. A circus in town. Not largely patronized. 5. Rainy day. Col. ]\Iarston leaves for Washington. 6. Mr. Jeremiah Sanborn dies, aged 71. 8. U. S. D. Court sits. Judge Harvey presiding. 9. Beautiful p. m. Yarrow, St. Johnswort, (H. perforatuni) red clover, etc. still in bloom. 10. Leaves of the maple beautifully tinted — some of a pale gold- en hue with rich crimson edges; why ? — 11. Rain storm. M. Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Blake dies, aged 2Q yrs. 9 mos. Ripe raspberries and strawberries gathered from Mr. N. Week's garden. The Gas Co. are laying down pipes for the gas ; about fifty men employed. 17. Ladies send a large box of articles, blankets, bandages, books, etc., etc., to the Hospital At Washington. 18. An alarm of fire at night from an old house below the fac- tory. Mr. D. W. Stevens holds a cattle market near Mr. Mc. Duflie's. 19. Rain. The Peake Family Bell Ringers give a Concert at Town Hall. A BRIEF RECOEE^OF EVENTS. 1 1 October, 1861. 21. The first frost of the season occurred last nioht. Battle at Ball's Bluff. Valentine A. Pickering killed. 22. Heavy frost last night. 24. Dr. E. P. Cummings appointed assistant Surgeon in the Navy. Lieut. O. M. Head and Capt. H. H. Pearson are raising recruits. 25. Bar. 30.59 at 7 a. m., fair. Schooner " Thomas Page " is taking in 200 cords of wood for Philadelphia. 25. N. A. Shute, Esq., is appointed agent to receive subscrip- tions to the National Loan. Ther. 21. at 7 a. M. Ice made nearly an inch in thickness last night. 29. Mr. Geo. H. Reynolds and Miss Ann A. Anderson married. 30. Bar. 29.45 at 9 p. m., pleasant. Ladies have sent 25 India rubber blankets etc. to oui soldiers of the 2d Regiment. November — 1. Bar. 30.35 at 9 r. m Fair. 3. Severe S. E. storm last night and to day. Highest tide in the river since 1816. Great anxiety in respect to the Naval Expedition. N. H. 3d and 4th Regt. in it. 4. Sun rises in a cloudless sky ; air soft and balmy — " O Na- ture I how in every charm supreme ! 5. Master Walter Dearborn buried. Ther. 56. at 2 r. m. 6. A large flock of robins observed. Probate Court in ses- sion — Judge Stickncy presiding. 7. Naval action and Union victory at Port Royal witnessed by many of our soldiers on board the " Atlantic." 9. Stormy. 10. Three females baptized in the river just above the "Great Bridge." Sunset extremely fine. Aster and golden rod still in bloom. 12. Miss Emily F. Greenleaf dies, aged 19 yrs. 7 mos. 14 days. Mrs.|Mary Kennedy dies, aged about 88. Mary Ellen Quin dies, aged 18 yrs. The Hutchinson Family give a concert at the T. Hall. Mr. Sam'l Palmer raises a pars- nip 25 inches in cir. and weighing 3 lbs. 10 oz. High winds. Walnuts plentiful. 13. Rev. N. Hooper is settled over the 1st Baptist Church. 14. Bright and beautiful morning. Ladies— each with a billet of wood for fuel — meet at Concert Hall to knit and sew for the soldiers. One of them has knit 12 prs. stockings for them with her own hands. Mr. Geo. F. Richmond and Miss Narcissa D. Nelson, married ; also Mr. Joel A. Leighton.and Mrs. Elizabeth H. Broughton. 15. A few flakes of snow,. first of the season, fall in a. m. J 6. Schools in Dist. No. 1, close. Calvin L.'Dearborn of Co. L, N. H. 2d Regt. dies of typhoid fever at Washington. TZ A UHlLb' HKI^OHD Oh' hVKNlS. November, 1861. « 17. Ther. 22 at 7 a. m. Fair. Anniversary of the Mission S. School. Addresses by Messrs. Nason and Lanphear. 19. Quarterly examination S of Phillips Academy. Seventy students have not been tardy durins; the terra. J. L. Sibley, Esq., gives the Academy SI 00 in addition to the " Sibley Fund," for purchasing books for indigent stu- dents. Mrs Judith W. Colcord dies, aged 76. ^2. Capt. H. H. Pearson's company le^ve to join the 6th Kegt., Col. Mack, at Keene. 23. Cold and misty morning. Rain. 24. Bar. 29. 40 at 7 P. M. Pleasant. Mr. Geo. W. Stevens and Rosa A. Sargent, married about this time. •25. Snow falls to the depth of four or five inches, and merry sleigh bells announce the advent of the winter season. 27. Poultry selling at 12 to 14 cts.— supply abundant. 28. Annual Thanksgiving. Fair and quite dry. Church- es open and Avell filled. Co. B, 3d Regt., mostly from Exeter, dine on turkies and sweet potatoes at Hilton Head, S. C. 29. Dull and drizzling day. Our citizens generally disposed to sustain the policy of the President. Mr. Jno. Leavitt, Jr., and Irene S. Dolloff married about this time. December. Dec. 1. Cloudy morning and rain in p. m. 2. Opens fair and cold. Seating now enlivens the day. 3. Miss Dolly Rundlelt dies, aged about 82. 5. Sam'l Greenleaf dies, aged 11 yrs. 6. Snow. Miss Marry E.Tilton dies, aged 37. Sword pre- sented to Capt. H. H. Pearson. Bar. 30.65. 2 p. m. 8. Ther. 55 at 2 p. m. Clear — wind west. 9. Fine day. Robert A. Cross buried from the 1st Cong. Church, aged about 40. Schools in Dist. No. 1. commence. 10. Warm for the season. 12. Fair. Ladies continue busily at work for the soldiers ; they have recently sent to N. H. 2d Reg't, 120 prs. socks, 30 prs. mittens, 12 prs. wristers, etc. etc. — also one box by Dr. Howe to Missouri, containing 50 prs. socks, etc. They have, moreover, made 175 prs. shirts and drawers for Concord. 15. Warm. Maple buds are nearly bursting and a dandelion is found in bloom. 16. Col. Marston is dangerously wounded by the accidental dis- charge of a pistol in the hands of a boy of Lt. Col. Fiske. 17. Charming day. 20. Michael Murphy and Mar} Brodrick married near this date. Many trophies, caps, tans, cotton, etc. received from our soldiers at Hilton Head. December, 1861. 21. Very cold day. The gas works are completed and the town lighted. 23, Bar. 20.02 at 9 p. isr. A blusterins; snow storm — wind n. e. 2i. Ladies send a lar^e box contamino; 9 quilts, 8 blankets, 44 new and many old pillow cases, shirts, banda2;es, etc. etc, to the " Sanitary Commission" at Washington. Ladies of the 2d Parish held a Levee at the Town' Hall. Trees covered with crystals. Funeral -of Calvin L. Dearborn, brought from Washington, at the lower church. 25. Christmas. Santa Claus, well filled stockings and Christ- mas Trees present their annual store of " good things" to the children. Mr. Joseph T. Porter and Miss Ann M. Wiggin, married. The Unitarian vS. School have a very pleasant meeting at the house of Chas. Burley, Esq. 29. Ther. 8. at 7 a. m. — clear and cold — fine sleighing. Mrs. Eliza Barlow, die?, aged .S5. Our soldiers from the 8th ■Regt. at homp on furlough. The material of their cloth- ing is wretched stulT indeed ! Whose fault ? 27. Dull, rainy raorninq; — Fair in p. m., wind high through the night. Gn« family has knit 20 pairs of stockings for the soldiers. 28. A tempestuous morning. About 100 students now at the Academy and 63 at the H. School. 29. Mr. John P. Leavitt dies, aged 64. Rev. Mr. Bird gives an interesting lecture on Syria. 30. Mrs. Martha Smith dies, aged 69. 31. Sun rises in a cloudless sky — partially eclipsed. At 5 min. past 9 the obscuration passes away and the day continues and closes mild and beautiful. So terminates the fleeting and eventful year ! Year of trea- son ; year of lofty patriotism ; year of battle, agony, death; of progress, liberty ; year of tearful sowing for a golden harvest; year of God's great mercy . " Eheu ! fugaces, Posthumc, Postbume, Labuntiir anni ;" sadly moans the Venusian bard ; but under clearer light shall we not with a hero of his day, exclaim, " Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the hijjh calling of God in Christ Jesus." J\ames of EAeter Soldiers Enlisted in 1861. Abbott, Sewell A. 8th Regt. Co. B. Bennett, Chas. 8th Rejr- Me. Bennett, Edw'd T. Gth Eegt. Co. C. Bennett, Jno. H. 2d Regt- Co. E. Berrv, Woodbnrv 3d " Co. B. Bowley, Albert 6th " " C. Bowlcy, Benj. F. " " " Briaham, Asa P. 11th " Mass Musician. Brlgham, Geo. H. " " " Brigham, Brnce " " '' Brigham, Ephraim " " " Brown, Geo. 14th Regt. Mass. Bryant, Jno. S. Corp. 3d Regt. Co. B. Caban. Sam'l 3d Regt. Co. B. Carlisle, James " " " Carver, E. " " " Carter, Gideon Jr. •' " Chase, James 2d Re^t. Co, E. Clark, Geo. W. Serg't 14th Regt. Mass. Co. E. Clark, Wm. A. Corp. 12th Regt. Mass. Clement, J. W.,3d Regt. Co. B. Coakley,Timothv 8th Regt. Co. B. Colcord, Wm. H. 2d '• Co. E. Colcord, Chas. E. " " " discharfred. Conner, Freeman Capt. 44th Regt. Co. D, N. Y. Conner, Edw'd J. Capt. 17th Regt. U. S. A. Colbath, Warren 3d Regt. Co. B. Cobbs, Geo. S. Serg't 8th " " B. Clough, Geo. 3d Regt. Co. B. Cloujrh, Tho. H. Gth Regt. Co. C. Clough, Ezokiel " '' " Corcoran, Frank " " *• Cummingg, Dr. E. P. Ass't Surg. " Roebuck." Currier, Andrew J. 2d Regt. Co. E. Curtis, A. 0. 13th Regt. Mass. Davis, A. J. 6th Hegt. Co. C. Dearborn. Calvin L. 2d Reg. Co. E. died, Nov. 13. Dearb5rn , A. 3d Reg. Co. B. Dearborn, W. 3(1 » " Dearborn, J. S. Cook's battery Mass. Dodse, J. E. 22d Rei- Co. B, Mass. Hall's Hill, Va. Donnavan, Cornelius 3d Regt. Co. B, Mass. Donnavan, J. 8th Regt. Co. B. Doody, J, Gth Regt. Co. C. Doodv, W. " " " Dudley, S. G. 3d " " B. Dudley, D. W. " « B. Durgln, D. W. Corp. 8th Regt. Co. B. Dyer, J. Jr, 8th Regt. Co. B. Dewhurst, G. W. — Act. mas- ter. Navy. Elkins, J. Gth Regt, Co. C. Elliott, Dan'i W. 3d Regt. Co- Ellison, Horace. Mass. dis. Farnham, Jno. Finn, Jno. 3d Regt. Co. B. Floyd, C. W. 2d Regt. ^Co. E. Floyd, Sam'l '' " Fogg, Andrew J. 2d Lt. 3d Regt. Co. B. Folsom, [C. E. 1 7 Regt. Mass. Greenleaf, Matthew A. Ord'ly Serg., 3d Regt. Co. B. 15 Giddlngs, Geo. H. Corp. 3d Regt. Co. B. Gill, Isaiah W. Acting master, Navy. Goodwin, Sewell in the Navy. Gordon, John 25th Regt. Mass. now at Annapolis. Gill, Nath'l 11th Regt. Mass., musician. Hale, Jno. 2d Regt. Co. E., now with Capt. Gill. Hale, Chas. E. fifer, 8th Regt. Co. B. Haley, Ira, 8th Regt. Co. B. Hall, Horace J. '' " Hall, Edw'd F. " " Haines. Isaiah F. 2d Regt. Co. E. Haines, Daniel D. Corp. 8th, Regt. Co. B. artnett. . Co. B. Ilartnett, Thos. 6 th Regt. Co. C. Hartnett, Michael. Navy. Hartnett, J. II. 2d Regt. Co. E. Head, O. M. Adg't 8th Regt. Head,J.N. Serg.2d Regt. Co.C. Hodgdon, S. S. 6th " " C. Huse, J. II. 2d " " E. Hibberd, E. VV, 3d " Clerk. James, G. R. 3d " Co. D. Janvrin, G. N. Cobb's battery. Janvrin, J. E. Ast. Surg. 2d Regt. Julian, G. A. Cobb's batt. Mass Keefe, Wm. 6th Regt. Co. C. Kelley, D. G. 8th '• " B. Kimball, G. A. in the Navy. Lamprey, S. Corp. 3d Regt. Co.B. Leavitt, E. A. 2d Regt. Co. E. Leavitt, C. H. 4th " Mass. Leavitt, J. W. 3d " Co. B. Leavitt, A. J. " Mass. Leighton, J. A. Serg 6th Regt. Co.C. Lovering, E. 6th Regt. Co. C. Manjoy, J. in the Navy. Marston, G. Col. 2d Regt. Marston, W. S. 3d Regt. Co B. Marsh, A. F. 6th " " C. McNary T. fifer, 3d " " in a Manchester Co. McNeal. D.F. 19thRegt.Mass. Melvin, M. 8th, " Co. B. Morrill, W. H. 2d « Co. E. Murphy, J. 8th " " B. Merrill, A. 12th Regt. Mass. Co. E. Murphy, D. 2d Regt. Co. E. Nason, P. F. clerk, 22d Mass. Regt. at Hall's Hill, Va. Nealey, B. in the Navy. Pay son, T. K. drum major, 21th Regt. Mass. Payson, J. C. commissary de- partment, 13th, Regt. Mass. Pearson, H. II. Capt. 6th Regt. Co. C. Perkins, A. M. 2d. Lt., 2d Regt. Co. E. Pike, D. 2d Regt. Co. E. Pickering, V. A. 2d Regt. Mass. Killed at Ball Bluff. Prescott, J. E. 3d Regt. Co. B. Reardon, M. 6th Regt. Co. C. Robinson, J. B. 6th " " " Robinson, W. 2d " " E. Rock, J. 6th Regt. Co. C. Rowell, J. Sergt. 6th Regt. Co.C. Ryan, W. 6th, Regt. Co. C. Rundlett, F.— Navy. Senior, W. 3d Regt. Co. B. Smith, M. M. 6th Regt. Co. C. Smith, G. H. " " « '» Smith, W. H. 1st Lt. 2d Regt. Co. E. Smith, C. clerk, 2d Regt. Smith, J. 3d Regt. Co. B. 16 Sleeper, WML Sd Regt. Co. B Sta<.-y, Navy. Stevens, G. W. Gth " Staples, Navy. Stone, D. in the navy, buck." Stone, J. D. 3(1 Regt Stockman, F. 6th, '' " C. ' Roe- Co. B. - C. Medical Cadet, Sullivan J. jr St. Louis. Sullivan, P. VV. 6th Regt/Co.C. Swain, G, W. '• " ' " " Swasey, VV. 12th Regt. Mass. Taylor, G. A. 2d, Regt. Co. E. Tanner, J, " Tebbetts, J. 8th Thing, G. E. «th Thing, J. H 3d Thing, G. H. 2d Thurston, J. O. 2d " Twilight, W. H. ;' " now 1st L. Artillery Tebbetts, F.L. 2nd Regt. Co. E Tebbetts, J. T. ''Macedonian.' " B. '' B. " B. " E. " E. " E Mass' Tebbetts, AY. Y. B. 1 7th Regt: Mass. Veasev, W.G. Lt.. Col. Sd Vt. Regt. Watson, L M. 1st Corp 'I 3il Regt. Co. B. Wain Wright, W. in the Navy, " Keasarge," Warren, E. in the Navy. Weeks, Josh. 6th Regt'Co. C. Weeks, Jer. S. 3d " *' B.- Weeks, N. in the Navy. Weeks, H. 6th Regt. Co. C. White, S. '' " " " WHiitehouse W. Wilbur, J.E. Capt. 6th Regt. Co. C. Wjman, W. 4th Regt. Willey J. 12th Regt. Mass., Co. E. Willey, Alfred 3d Regt. Me. Willey, H. *' " ' Younu, J. R. 8th Regt, Co. B. a a Young, C. W. The 2d Regt. is at Camp Beaufort, Lower Potomac, Md. — The 3d ^- 4th at Hilton Head ; the 5th 'at Annapolis, Md» ; ihe^ 6th at Keene, and the 7th and 8th at Manchester. PD -96 ^ -^^ / ^°-^