(ilass Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT OLD STREETS, ROADS, LANES, PIERS AND WHARVES 01-' NEW YORK. Showing the Forinei' and Present Names, TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF ALTERATIONS OP STREETS, EITHER BY EXTENDIXG, WIDEXIXG, XARROWIXG OR CLOSING. IN THREE PARTS. 1st. Former Name and Present Name or Location. 2d. Present Name and Former Name. IjD. Street Alterations. OF THE NKW VOUK B.VR. 'SEW YORK: U. D. Cooke, 73 Coktlandt Street OXLY 300 COPIES PIUXTED. No Entered accoiding to Act of Congress, iu Ihc year 1882, by Richard D. Cooke, in the ofBee of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. In presenting this volume to the public, I feel that many, like myself, have at various times, in the course of examination of titles to real estate, found in the records, names of obsolete streets, and been in great doubt as to their location, and the pres- ent name of such streets, and almost without proof of change. In order to overcome that doubt, and in the jareparation of ;iie lists included in this work, the compiler has consulted Val- mtine's Manuals, all the diffei-ent histories and maps of the Oity of New York, as well as old city directories, and records in :iie Register's office. The object has been to give the old naiues first, and second, where a street has borne a series of names, to place them to- gether on the principle of grantor and grantee indexes in the Eegister's office. It will be seen upon an inspection that there are several streets not located, but having found those so named, and being without sufficient evidence to give them a proper location, I have deemed it the better course to merely place their names in their order. New York, March, 1882. P^RT I. Formei* Name. AbeeVs Wharf Abingdon Place Abinsrilon Road Achniuty Lane, / Achmuty Street. \ Ackerly's Wharf. Adams Place Adams Wharf • • . Albanv Avenue. Albany Pier (new) Albany Pier Albion Place ., Alley that leads to Oyster Pasty Along the Strand Present Xame or Location. Foot of and east side of James Slip. Part of West 12th Street, between Greenwich and Sth Avenues. Obsolete; as laid out it ran from Sth Avenue, between 21st and 22d Streets; easterly between 21st and 22d Streets, to Broadway at 21st Street; then northeasterly to 23d Street and 3d Avenue. Obsolete; now part of block bounded by Water, South, Pike eaid Rut- gers Streets. Obsolete; now part of South 5tli Avenue, between Spring and Prince Streets. Formerly opposite No. OT Washing- ton Street, now part of the block bounded by Washington and West Streets, Battery Place and Rector Street. Obsolete; as laid out it ran from 26tli Street, between 5th and Madison Avenues, northwesterly, crossing 5th Avenue, between 29th and 30th Streets to the corner of 6th Avenue and 42d Street ; then north- erly on the present line of the 6th Avenue and 93d Street. Obsolete; now Greenwich Street, between Cedar and Thames Street. Now part of and also foot of Coen- ties Slip. Obsolete; now part of East -Ith Street, between the Bowery and 2d Avenue. 1 Exchange AUev. West side of Whitehall Street, be- tween State and Pearl Streets, and Former Name. Present Name or Location. Amity Alley. Amity Lane. Amity Place. Amit}" Place. Amity Street . Amos Street . Amsterdam Street. Ami Street. Ann Street Anne Street . . . . Anthony Street. Anthony Street. Antwerp Street. Arch Place. Arclen Street . Art Street . . . Arundel Street . north side of i'earl Street, be- tween Whitehall and Wall Streets. Obsolete; formerly rear of 210 Woos- ter Street. Obsolete; lan from Broadway to Thompson Street in a northwest- erly direction, between Bleecker and present West od Street. Now i)art of South 5th Avenue, be- tween Bleecker and Amity Streets. Obsolete ;formeiiy rear of 216 Woos- ter Street. West 3d Street. West loth street, between Gth Ave- nue and West Street. Obsolete; was laid out on the Stuy- vesant Farm, but was never adopt ■ ed by the city authorities; as laid out, it ran from Cth Street to the East Eiver, and was the third street south of and parallel to pre- sent Stuyvesant Street. Elm Street, between Reade and Frankliu Streets. Grand Street, between the Bowery and Thomi)Son Streets. Duane Street. Worth Street, between Piudsnii and Baxter Streets. Obsolete; was laid out on the Stuy- vesant Farm, but was never adopted by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from Cornelia Street to the East River, and was the seventh street south of and ])arallel to present Stuyvesant Street. Obsolete; formerly in the rear of lO'J Canal Street, between Church Street and \^^est Broadwaj'. Morton Street, between Bleecker and Bedford Streets. Now Astor Place, between Broad- way and the 4th Avenue; that part which ran from Broadway to Greenwich Avenue, closed. Obsolete; was laid out in continua- Former Name. Present Name or Location. Arundel Street . Attorney Street. Asylum Street. . . Aue;usta Street . . Avenue A, from lO'J St. to Harlem River Bache Street Bailev Street Bancker Street. . . Bancker Street . . . Bancker's Wharf. Bannon Street. Bar Street .... Barden's Wharf . Barclay Street. . . Barkly Street. Barley Street . . Barrack Street. Barrick Street. . Barrow Street. tion of pre.sent Clinton Street, on the Stuyvesant farm, and was never adopted by the city author- ities as a street; it ran from North to Eotterdam Streets. Clinton Street, between Division and Houston Streets. Obsolete; was laid out on the Stuy- yesant farm, but never was adopt- ecl as a street by the city author- ities as laid out; it ran in continua- tion of the present Attorney Street from North to Rotterdam Streets. West Fourth Street, between the Gtli Avenue and West 13th Street. Centre Street, between Chatham and Chambers Streets and City Hall Place from Chambers to Pearl Streets. Pleasant Av. Beach Street. Obsolete, on New York Common Lands; as laid out it ran froni Broadway to Albany Avenue, be- tween 25th and 2nth Streets. Duane Street. Madison Street. Obsolete; now part of block between Clinton, Montgomery, Water and South Streets. Spring Street. Obsolete; as laid out, it ran from Grand Street to the East River. between Scammel and Jackson Streets. Foot of Liberty Street. Duane Street, from Broadway to th(> North River. Barclay Street. Duane Street, between Rose and Hudson Streets. Tryou Row. Exchange Place, from Broadway to Broad Street. West Washington Place, between Macdougal "and West Foui-tli Streets. Former Name. Batavia Lane Battoe Street Bayard Place Bayard Street Beach's Wharf Beaver Ditch Beaver Graft Beaver Lane Bedlow Street Beever I^ane Beekmaii Shp Benson Street Benson's Lane Benton Street Berkley Sti'eet. Bever Graft Bever Straat Bever's Paatje Beurs Straat Bloomingdale Road.. Bonsai's Wharf. Boor man Place. Present Name or Location. Batavia Street. Dey Street. Now part of Greenwich Street, be- Jane and Horatio Streets. Stone Street. On North River, between Cortland t and Dey Streets. Beaver Street, between Broadway and Broad Street. Morris Street. Madison Street, between Oliver and ■ Grand Streets. Beaver Street, from Broadway to New Street. Fulton Street, from Pearl Street to the East River. Benson Place. Elm Street. • Barclay Street. Beaver Street, between Broadway and Broad Street. Whitehall Street. Broadway, between lith and olst Streets, closed between Slst and 53d Streets; part of Broadway be- tween 53d and 59th Streets; part of the Bonlevard between 59th and S7th Streets, closed between STth and lOUh Streets; part of the Boulevard between 104th and lOSth Streets,closed between lOSth and 111th Streets; part of River- side Avenue between 111th and llCth Streets, closed between 116th and llSth Streets; part of Clare- mont Avenue between 118th and 121st Streets, closed between 121st and 126tli Streets; part of the Boulevard between 126th and 127th Streets, and closed between 126th and Manhattan Streets. Foot of Dey Street. Part of West 33d Street, between 8th and 9th Avenues. Former Name. Present Name or Location. Boorman Ten-ace Bott Street Boyer Jori's Path i Boyer Joi'iseii's Path . . \ Boston "Road ) Boston Post Road \ Bowery Bowery Lane . i'art of VVest Did Street, lietween .sth and 9th Aveiines. Ehn Street. Old Shp, and Wilham Street, between Wail Street and Hanover Square. Obsolete; ran from the Battery up Broadway to Park Row, along Park Row and Chatham Street to the Bowery, up the Bowery to the 4th Avenue, up the 4th Avenue to Union Square, crossing Union Square to Broadway at ITthStreet, up Broadway to 2?>d Street, then northeasterly across Madison Square, crossing 4th Avenue at 2Sth Street, continuing north- easterly to 30th Street, near Lex- ington Avenue, then northerly between 4th and Lexington Av- enues to 35th Street, then north- easterly, crossing Lexington Av- enue between oSth and 39th Streets, 3d Avenue at 45th Street, and 2d Avenue at 52d Street, then continuing northeastery to 54th Street, then northwesterly, cross- ing 2d Avenue at G2d Street, 3d Avenue at 72d Street, Lexington Avenue at T2d Street then north- erly and northeasterly re- crossing Lexington Avenue at T7th Street, then northeasterly, north- erly and northwesterly, crossing 5th Avenue at 97th Street and running in present Central Park, continuing northwesterly and northeasterly crossing 5th Avenue at 109th Street and 4th Avenue at 115th Street, then continuing northeasterly between the 3d and 4th Avenues to 130th Street and the 3d Avenue. Part of 4th Avenue between Gth ' and 14th Streets and part of Broad- way between 17th and 23d Streets. Bowery, from Chatham Square to Former Name. Present Name or Location. Bowery Place . Bowerv Road.. Bowling Green Brannon Street Breedweg Breedwegh Breevoort Place Brewers Hill Brewers Straat Bride Street Bridge Street Bridge Street ... . Broad Wagon Way . . . Brook Street Brooklyn Ferry Stairs. Brooklyn Ferry Stairs. Brouwer Straat Browne's Wharf Bruce's Dock Brnges Street Brngli Street. . . . Buchanan's Dock Budd Street.. .... Buer's Straat .... Ctli Street; ith Avenue from (Uli to 14th Streets. Obsolete, rear of No. 49 Chrystie Street between Canal and Hester Streets. Bowery, from Chatham Square to (!th Street, part of the 4th Avenue from Gth to 14th Streets, and ])art of Broadwaj' between ITth anil 23d Streets. Cherry Street. Spring Street. Broadway, between Bowling Green and Park Row. Part of AVest Tenth Street, between Bi'oadway and University Place. Gold Street. Stone Street, between Broad and Whitehall Streets. Minetta Street, from Bleecker Street to the bend in Minetta Street. Elm Street. Ridge Street. Broadway, between Bowling (ireen and Vesey Street. Hancock Street. Foot of Catharine Street. Foot of Maiden Lane. Stone Street, between Broad and Whitehall Streets. Foot of Pine Street. Opposite West Houston Street, at Greenwich Street. Stuy vesant farm ; was never adopted as a street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from Willett Street to the East River, and was the eighth street south of and par- rallel with the present Stuvvesant Street. Bridge Street, between Broad and Whitehall Streets. Now part of block between Market, Pike, Water and South Streets. Yan Dam Street. Whitehall Street. Former Name. Bullock Street . Burgher's Patli Burger Jouseus Path . Burnet's Key Burnett Street. Burr Street Burrows Street. Burton Street. . . Bush wick Street. . Bussing's Wharf Bvvauck's Wharf. Camden Place. Cannon's Dock Cannon Street . Carlisle Street Wharf. Carman's Wharf Cai-i'oll Place Cartman's Arcade . Cathai'ine Place.. Catharine Street . Catharine Street. Present Name or Location. Broome Street, from Sullivan Street to the East River. Old Slip. Y\^illiam Street, between "Wall Street and Hanover Siiuare. Now the blocks bounded by South, Water and Front Streets, Wall Street and Maiden Lane. Water Street, between Wall Street and Maiden Lane. Charlton Street. Grove Street, between Christopher and Hudson Streets. Leroy Street, between Ble?cker and Cornelia Streets. Tompkins Street. Foot of Cortlandt Street. I East River, between Beekman Stieet and Peck Slip. Part of East 11th Street, between Avenue B. and C. I Part of Broome Street, between Go- I erck and Tompkins Streets. Stuyvesaut farm; was never adopted j by the city authorities as a street; I as laid out it was a continuation ! of present Cannon Street, and ran from North (noAV Houston) Street to Hariot Street. Now part of Carlisle Street, between Washington and AVest Streets. . Facing ('>•'> Washington Street, now part of block bounded by Morris, Rector, ^Vashington and West Streets. \ Part of Bleecker Street, between South nth Aveuue and Thompson ! Street. I Formerly rear of 171 Delancey j Street, between Clintmi and At- torney Streets. Catharine Lane. Mulberry Street, betwee:i Bayard and Ble?cker Streets. Waverly Place, between Christopher and Bank Streets. 10 Former Name. C^atharine Stioel Catharine Street Catherine Street Centre Street Chapel Street Chappel Street Charles Alley Charlotte Slip Charlotte Street Chatham Row ) Chatham Street ) Cheapside Street Cheesemau Street Chelsea Cottages Chester Street Chestnut Street Chrystie Street Church Sti'eet Cingle City HallShp Clarks Wharf Clarks Wharf Clarksons Wharf Clawsons Whaif Clenderring's Lane Present Name or Location. Worth Street, between Huth Street; then northeasterly between the 3d and 4th Avenues to 130th Street and od Avenue. Eyder's Alley. Morton Street. Morris Street. Exchange Alley. Now part of the block bounded by Morris, Eector, Washington and West Streets. Hancock Street. Kip's Bay farm; was never adopted as a street by the City authorities; as laid out, it ran from 30th Street, between the 3d. and Lexington Avenues northeasterly, crossing the 3d Avenue at 3Sth Street, striking the east side of -the 3d Avenue at 39th Street, and con- tinuing northeasterly to 40th Street. Cliff Street. Waverly Place. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a street by the city authorities. As laid out it ran from Eensselaer to Dove Streets, at I'ight angles to Stuyvesant Street,and was the sec- ond Street east of the Bowery. Kip's Bay farm; Avas never adopted as a street by the city authorities. As laid out it ran from a point in • the block between 28th and 29th Streets and 2d and 3d Avenues northeasterly, crossing 2d Avenue at 33d Street, striking the east side of 2d Avenue at 34th Street, still 17 Former Name. Erie Place . . . Essex Street . Exchange Slip. . , Exchange Street. . Exchange Street, Extra Street Factory Street . . Fair Street Farlovv's Coiu't . . . Farmer's Wharf. . Fayette Street. . . , Feitner's Lane Feitner's Dock and Saw i pits ) Ferry Place Ferry Street Ferry Street Present Name or Location. continuing nortlieasterly to a point in the block bounded by 3Sth and 39th Streets, 1st and 2d Aven- ues. Now part of Duane Street, between Washington and West Streets. Stuyvesant farm; never was adopted as a street by the city authorities. As laid out it ran in continuation of present Essex Street fromNorth (Houston) Street to Amsterdam Street. Foot of Broad Street. Beaver Street between William and Pearl Streets. Whitehall street. Extra Place. Waverly Place between Christoi)her and Bank Streets. Fulton Street between Broadway and Pearl Street. Formerly rear of 153, 155, 157, 159, and 161 Worth Street. Between Beekman Street and Peck Slip. Oliver Street fi'oni Chatham toMad- ison Streets. Was never adopted as a street by the city authorities. As laid out it ran from Broadway between 45th and ICth Streets northwesterly crossing 8th Avenue at 46th Street, 9th Avenue between 47th and 48th Streets, then westerly in the block between 47tli and 4Stli Streets, then northwesterly to a point in the block bounded by 49th and 50th Streets 10th and 11th Aven- ues. Now part of the block bounded by Washington, Greenwich, Watts and Canal Streets. Jackson Sti-eet between Water and South Streets. Bayard Street. Peck Slip. 18 Former Name. Ferry Street Ferry Street Field Street Fielclniarket Street . . . . Fiftli Sti-eet Fiftli Street Fifth Street. Fifth Street. Fir Street. . . First Street. First Street . First Street . First Street Fisher Street. Fishers Coui-t. Fitches" Wharf. P'itzruy Place. Fifzrov Road, Present Name or Location. Jackson Street. Scammel Street. Marketfield Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a street. by the city authorities. As laid out it was a continuation of present Orchai'd Street from North (Houston) StreettoRens.se- laer Street. Orchard Street. Thompson Street. Washington Place. Obsolete; was never adopted by the city authorities as a public street. As laid out it ran from Grand Street to the East river between Gourverneur andScaramel Streets. Chi-ystie Street. Greenwich Street. Mercer Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted l)y the city authorities as a public .street. As laid out it was a contin- uation of present Chrystie Street, and ran from North (Houston i Street to Morris Street. Bayard Street, between the Bowery and Division Street. Was formerly in the rear of 22 Oak Street, between Roosevelt and James Street. Now part of the block bounded by Water, South, Catharine and Mar- ket Streets. Now part of West 2Sth Street, be- tween 8th and 9th Avenues. Obsolete. Ran from 14th Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues; northerly nearly parallel to the 8th Avenue to the middle of the block, between 19 th and 20th Streets; then northwesterly, cross- ing Sth Avenue, between 22d and 23d Streets; then continu- ing northwesterly and northeast- erly to the west of the Sth Av- 19 Former Name. Flatten Ban-ack i Flatten-banack Hill . . . j' Fly Market ) Fly-market Slip \ Fourth Avenue, between 34th and42d streets. .. Fourth Street Fourth Street Fourth Street Fourth Street Fourth Street Fraiikford Street Franklins Wharf... . French Church Street. Front Street . . . Fulton Street . . Garden Street . (rarden Street . Crardiner Street. Gardner's Dock. Garr"s Wharf. Gates' Street . . Present Name or Location. euue, to 30th Street, where it ran into and formed part of the pres- ent Sth Avenue, then again north- westerly, crossiuf? the westerly side of 8th Avenue between 31st • and 3:>d Streets, continuing north- westerly to the block between 41st and 42d Streets: then north- easterly to 42d Street, between >th and Oh Avenues. Exchange Place, between Broadwav and Broad Street. Maiden Lane, between Pearl and South Streets. Park Avenue. Allen Street. South Fifth Avenue. Stuy vesant farm : was never adopted as a street by the city authorities. As laid out. it ran in continuation of present Allen Street from North (Houston) Street to Eensselaer Street. East Fouiih Street, from Broadway to the East Eiver. West Fourth Street, from Broadwav to West 13th Street. Frankfort Street, between Chatham and Cliff Streets. Between James Slip and Roosevelt Street. Pine Street, between Broadway and William Street. Greenwich Street Xassau Street. CheiTv Street, between Montgomery Street and the East River. Exchange Place, between Broadway and WilUam Street. Tompkins Street. Corlear's Hook Point, foot of Water Street. Between Catharine and Oliver Streets. Stuyvesant farm ; was never adopted l»y the city authorities as a public Former Name. Present Name or Location. Gedney"s Dock, Lum- ber Yard and Saw Pit (leneral Green Street . George's Slip George Street George Street George Street George Street George Street George Street George Street Germain Street Gerrard Street Gibbs' Alley. Gilbert Street Gilford Place Glass Makers Street.. Glover Place Golden Hill Gouverneur Alley. . . Gouverneurs Wbarf. street. As laid out, it ran from tbe Bowery Eoad to the East River and was the ninth street north of and parallel to present Stuyvesant Street. Now part of the blocks bounded by Greenwich, Washington, Ganze- voort, and Little West 12th Streets. Gouverneur Street. Market street, between Cherry and South Streets. Beekman Street. Bleecker Street. Hudson Street. Market Street, between Division and Cherry Streets. Park Street. Rose Street. Spruce Street. Carmine Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran from the Bowery Road to the East Riv- er, and was the third street north of and parallel to present Stuyve- sant Street. Ran from Madison Street, between Oliver and James Streets, in a northwesterly direction, about half the distance of the block towards Chatham Street. Barrow Street, from West 4th to Bleecker Street. Now part of East ^Sth Street, be- tween the 3d and Lexington av- enues. William Street, between Pearl and Wall Streets. Now part of Thompson Street, be- tween Spring and Prince Streets. John Street from William to Pearl Streets. Gouverneur Lane. Foot of Gouverneiir Lane. •21 Former Name. Governor Street Grand Avenue Great Dock Street. . . Great George Street. Great Graft Great Highway Great Kill Road Great Public Road Great Queen Street Greenwich Lane ) Greenwich Road i Greenwich Street. . Green Lane Green Lane Green Street Greene Street Greene Street Garry Place Hage Street HaUetfs Wharf.. Hamnierslv Place. Present Name or Location. Stuyvesaut farm; was n-ver adopt- ed is a public street by the city authorities; as laid out, it ran from the Bowery Road to the East River, and was the second street north of and parallel with present Stuyvcsant Street. 12oth Street. Pearl Street, between Whtehall and Broad Streets. Broadway, south of 14th Street. Broad Street, between Beaver and Pearl Streets. Broadway, between Bowling Green and Vesey Street. Ran from the Hudson River, along the present line of Gansevoort Street and continued northeaster- ly to 10th Street, east of the 7th avenue; that part east of West 13th Street is now closed. Broadway, between Bowling Green and Vesev Street. Pearl Street, between Wall Street and Franklin Square. Ran from the Hudson River along the present line of Gansevoort Street, and continued northeast- erly and easterly along the pres- ent line of Greenwich avenue to Astor Place; that part east of the 6th Aveuue is now closed. Washington Street. Maiden Lane. Liberty Place. Liberty Street. Maiden Lane. ^'ever adopted as a public street b}^ the city authorities; between Art Street and the Bowery Road. Xow part of West Soth Street, be- tween the Tth and 8th Avenues. Hague Street. Between Gouverneur Lane and Wall Street. Now part of West Houston Street, rormer Name. Hammersly Street . . . . Hamilton Place Hammond Street Hanover Square Harriott Street Harlem Aveuue. Ha rlem Lane . . . Harlem Road. . . Harman Street. Harsen's Road. Hay Scale Slip. Hazard Street. . Harlem Street . Present Name or Location. between Hancock and Bedford Streets. West Houston Street, between Han- cock Street and the North River. Now part of West 51st Street, be- tween Broadway and the Sth Av- enue. \¥est 11th Street, between Green- wich Avenue and the North River. Stone Street and Pearl Street, be- tween Old Slip and Wall Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au thorities; as laid out, it ran from Bruges to Dove Street, at right angles to the present Stuyvesant Street, and was the sixth street East of the Bowery. 3d Avenue. St. Nicholas Avenue, 110th Street and the Cth Avenue, and between New Avenue and 124th Street. Ran from a point in Sylvan Place, be- tween 3d and Lexington Avenues and 120th and 121st Streets, north- westerly to 12ith street and 4th Avenue then along 124th Street to the west line of Mount Morris Park, continuing northwesterly to 127th Street, between Cth and Tth Avenues, thence southwesterly to a point in the block bounded by 12tlth and 127th Streets and Gth and 7th Avenues, then north- westerly to a point on St. Nicho- las Avenue between 131st and 132d Streets. East Broadway. Ran from Sth Avenue between 70th and 71st Streets, Avesterly to the 9th Avenue, then northwesterly to the Bloomingdale Road between 71st and 72d Streets. Between Duane and Jay Streets. Kins Street. 23 Fortaer Name. Heere Graft } Heeren Gracht | Heere Straat Heere Waage Wegli Hei'ewegh Herewegh . Hell Gate Road Henry Street Herman Place Herring Street Herring Street Hester Street Hett Street / Hetty Street \ Hevins Street Hickij and Titns's WJiarf High Road to Boston . High Street High Street Hoffman Street Hoogh Straat. Present Name or Location. Broad Street, l)etween Beaver and Peaj-1 Streets. Broadway, between Bowling Green and Wall Street. Broadway, between Bowling Green and Vesey Street. Paik Row and Chatham Street to Tryon Row. Stone Street. Ran from the Boston Post road be- tween 84th and 85th Streets north- easterly to the 2d Avenue and S6th Street, thence on the same course to S7th Street between 1st and 2d Avenues ; then southeasterly to SOth Street between 1st and 2d Avenues, thence northeasterly to the foot of Sfith Street East River. Perry Street. Formerly rear of Nos. 554, 55G, 558 and 5 til) 4th Street between Ave- nues A and B. Bleecker Street betwt^en Carmine and Bank Streets. Mercer Street, Howard Street. Charlton Street. Broome Street between Broadway and Hudson Street. Xow jiart of the block bounded by Market, Pike. Water and South Streets. Chatham Street. Madison Street between Montgom- ery and Grand Streets. Broadway between Bowling Green and Vesey Street. As laid out ran from ;>d to 4th Ave- ]iues between GUth and 70th Streets, but was never adopted as a public sti'eet by the City authori- ties. Stone Street between Broad Street and Hanover Square and Pearl Street between Hanover Square and Wall Street. 24 Former Name. Hopper's Lane Horse and Cart Lane . } Horse and Cart Street. )' Houston Street Houston Street Houston Street Hwbert Street Hudson Place Hudson Street Hull Street Hunters Kej- Hunters Wharf Hunters Wharf Irish Street Jackson Avenue Jackson Squai-e Jackson's Wharf Janeway's Wharf Jauncey Court Jersey Street Present Name or Location. Ran from oOtli Street about 100 feet east .of the 6th Avenue, north- westerly crossing the (ith Avenue at the northerly side of 50th Street, 7th Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets, Broadway between 50th and 51st Streets, ^th Avenue at 52d Street, 9th Avenue between 51st and 52d Streets, 10th Avenue at 52d Street, 11th Avenue be- tween 52d and 53d Streets, and strikine; tlie I'Jth Avenue at 53d Street.'' South William Street. Prince Street between Broadway and Hancock Street. Between Boadway and the East Eiver, East Houston Street. Between Broadway and the North River, West Houston Street. York Street. Now part of West 34th Street be- tween 9th and 10th Avenues. West Houston Street between Broad- way and Hancock Street. Bridge Street between Whitehall and Broad Stieets. NoAv part of Water Street between Old Slip and Wall Street. Now part of the block bounded by Greenwich, AVashington, Charl- ton and King Streets. Part of Broome Street between Mangin and East Streets. University Place. Part of Jackson Street between Water and South Streets. Between Maiden Lane and Fletcher Street Foot of Grand Street Formerly 37, 39 and -11 Wall Street. Glass House farm; was never adopt- ed as a public street by the city authorities, as laid out it ran from a point on the block bounded by Former Name. Present Name or Location. Jews Alley . . Jews Alley . Jew Street . . Jones Coui't . Jones Street . . Jone^ WJiarf. . Judith Street., Judith Street. Kemps Dock Kin^s Bridge Road Kings Road King Street King Street , , King George Street Kings Highway. . . Kip Street Kips Bay Street. . . 9th and lUth Aves., 33d and 34th Streets, northwesterly to the North River at the foot of 34t]i Street. South William Street between Broad Street and Mill Street Alley. Ran from Madison Street between Oliver and James Streets, in a northwesterly direction to about r^ the centre of the block towards > Chatham Street. South "William Street from Broad Street to Mill Street Alley. Formerly rear of (12 Wall Street. Great Jones Street. Foot of Wall Street west side. Grand Street between the Bowery and Centre Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran from Rensselaer to Dove Streets at right angles to present Stuyvesant Street, and was the first sti'eet east of the Bowery. Now part of the block bounded by Washington, West, Yestry and Desbrosses Streets. Closed between 123d and 125th Streets, part of St. Nicholas Ave- nue between 125th and 140th Streets, and closed between 140th and 14Sth Streets, part of St. Nich- olas Avenue between 14Sth and 155th Streets. Pearl Stieet between Franklin Square and Chatham Street. Pine Street. William Street between Hanover Square and Wall Street. William Street from Frankfort Street easterly to Pearl Street. Chatham Street and the Bowery. Nassau Street between Maiden Lane and Spruce Streets. Kips Bay farm ; was never adopted as a public sti-eet by the city au- 2G Former Name. Present Name or Location. Knapp Place. . . . Koninck Straat . . Lake Tour Roatl. Lambert Street . Lang Straiit . . . Laurens Street. Laurens Street. Lawrences Wharf . Leauderts Place . . . Leather Street Leary Street . . . Leary Slip .... Lennox Place. Leroy Place . . . Leydeu Street. Liberty Court. Liberty Street Dock . Little Street thorities; as laid out it ran from the Boston Post Road at 35th Street southeasterly crossing 34th Street at the 2d Avenue, and con- tinuing southeasterly to the East River at the foot of "34th Street. Formerly rear of 412 East 10th Street between Avenue C and Dry Dock Street. Pine Street. Ran from 39th Street aiul Blooming- dale Road westerly along 39tli Street to the 7th Avenue, then northwesterly crossing the Sth Avenue between 41st and 42d Streets and continuing northwes- terly to the 9th Avenue between 42d and 43d Streets. New Church Street between Edgar and Liberty Streets. Now west of Whitehall Street be- tween State and Pearl Streets, and the north side of Pearl Street be- tween Whitehall and Wall Streets. South Fifth Avenue. Never adopted as a public street, be- tween Science Street and the Bowery Road; by the city authori- ties. Between Peck Sliji and Dover Street. Formerly rear of 147 7th Street be- tween Avenues A and B. Jacob Street. Cortlandt Street. Cortlandt Street. Now part of West 22d Street between Sth and 9th Avenues. Now part of Bleecker Street between Mercer and Greene Streets. Now part of the 4th Avenue between nth and 13th Streets. Formerly rear of Nos. 4 and ins. east of Tth Avenue, and ran southwesterly^ to a point about 110 ft. Avest of 7th Avenue, 100 ft. south of 35th Street, and extend- ing in width southerly about 00 ft. ; never was adopted as a public street by the city authorities. Pearl Street, between Chatham Street and Broadway. A lane; formerly in the block bounded by "lOth and 11th Avenues, and IGOth and 161st Streets. 29 Former Name. Maiden Slip Maidens Valley ) Maids Path )' Malcolm Wharf. Manhattan Avenue. Manhattan Lane . . . Manhattan Eoad . Mansfield Place . . Maple Street Marckvelt Steegie. Margaret Street. . , Margaret Street . . . Margaret Street . . , Present Name or Location. Maiden Lane, between Pearl and South Streets. Maiden Lane. Between Beeknian Stieet and Peck Slip. uth Avenue. Ran fi-om a point in 121st Street and Kings bridge Road about 450 feet East of the -itli Avenue, south- westerly crossing -tth Avenue, be- tween 110th and 120th Streets, striking Harlem Road about the centre of the block bounded by llSthand 119th Streets, 4th and 5th Avenues. Ran from a point in the block bound- ed by llSth and 119th Streets and ■ 4th and 5th Avenues, northwest- erly crossing the 5th Avenue at llOth Street, Gth Avenue, between lL>Oth and J 2 1st Streets, 7th Avenue, between 121st and 122d Streets to a point on the north side of 122d Street, about 200 feet east of the Sth Avenue, then south- westerly to the Sth Avenue, about half way between 121st and 122d Streets. Now part of West 5 1st Street, be- tween Sth and 0th Avenues. Glass house farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from ;:Uth Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues, south to a point in the block bounded by 32d and 33d Streets, 10th and 11th Avenues. Marketfield Street. Cherry Street. Willett Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a sti'eet by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from Rotterdam to Dove Streets at right angles to present Stuyvesant Street, and was 30 Former Name. Maria Street. Market Street . . . Market Slip Marketfield Lane Marketfield Path Marketfield Street Markvelt . Markvelt and Broadway Marretta Street. Martha Street. . Mary Street. Marv Street. Meadow Street. Meek's Coin t . , Meicer Street . . Present Name or Location. the third street east of the Bow- ery. Kip's Bay farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities ; as laid out it ran from a point in the block bounded by 2d and 3d Avenues, 29th and 30th streets, southeasterly to the East River, between 2sth and 29th Streets. South William Street. Market Street, between C'heriy and South Streets. Marketfield Street. Battery Place, between Broadway and \Vest Street. East side of Whitehall Street, be- tween Stone and Beaver Streets, and west side of Broadway, be- tween Battery Place and Morris Street. Obsolete; ]'an from Ait Street (As- tor Place) north about eleven blocks. Stuyvesantfarm; never was adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran from Bruges to Dove Streets, at right angles to the present Stuyvesant Street, and was the fifth street east of the Bowery. Christopher Street, between Green wich Avenue and Waverly Place. Baxter Street, between Leonard and Grand Streets, Centre Market Place, between Grand and Broome Streets, and Marion Street, be- tween Broome and Prince Streets. Grand Street, between Broadway and Sullivan Street. Formerly rear of 5.") Broad Street, now obsolete. Never adopted as a public street by the city authorities; between Art Street and the Bowerv Road. 31 Former Name. Merchant's Court Merchanfs Place Mechauic's Place Merchant (Street Messiers Alley Middle Eoad Middle Eoad Middle Street. .. Mill Street Mill Street Mill Street Lane. Miller Place Milligan Lane. . . Mill ward Place. . Minthorne Street Mitchell tt Aguews Bas'n Mitchell & Agnew.s Alley Moll Street . . . Monroe Place. Present Name or Location. Formerly rear of Xo. 48^ Exchange Place, hetween Broad" and Wil- liam Streets. Formerly rear of No. 28 Avenue A. Formerly rear of No. 359 Eivington Street, between Lewis and Goerck Streets. Beaver Street. Cuylers Alley. Broadway, between Astor Place and 14th Street. Ean from the Boston Post Eoad at 27th Street, northwesterly, cross- ing 4th Avenue at 2!)th Street, Madison Avenue, between 35th and 30th Streets, striking the 5th Ave- nue at 42d Street, and continuing north along present line of the 5th Avenue into Central Park. Mom'oe Street, between Montgom- ery and Grand Streets. South William Street, from Broad Street to Mill Street alle}', and Mill Street alley from South Wil- liam to Stone Street. Stone Street. South Willliam Street. Formerly rear of 4 Macdougal Street. West 10th Street, between Gth and Greenwich Avenues. Now part of West 31st Street, be- tween Sth and 9th avenues. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran fi'om the Bowery Eoad to the East Eiver, and was the second street north of and parallel to present Stuyvesant Street. Between Dover anil lioosevelt Streets. Obsolete; between Dover and Eoose- velt Streets, from Front to South Streets. Now part of Monroe Street between 32 Former Name. Present Name or Location. Mcinumpnt Lane. Moore's Ko\v. . . Moore Sireet . . . . Moore's Wharf. Morrris Street. . . Moiton Street. Moses Street . Mortkile Street Murray's Wharf Mustary Street New Avenue East. . . New Batavia Street. New Canal Street . . New Chappie Street. New Market Slip New Market Wharf. New Slip New Street Newlon's IJock Nicholas Street Montgomery and Govevnneur Streets. Ran from the Bowery Road north 73° 30', west C chains and 85 links, then north 64° 05', west 23 chains 30 links to Minetta Water; Green- wich Avenue is said to include a portion of said Lane. Obsolete ; was between Catherine and Market Streets and ran from Henry to Madison Streets. North Moore Street. Between Beekmau Street and Peck Slip. Stuyvesant farm; was never adop- ted as a public street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from the Bowery Road to the East Riv- er, and was the third street north ot and parallel to present Stuyves- ant Street. Clarkson Street between Yarick and Hudson Streets. Glass House farm; was never adopt- ed as a public street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from 34th Street between 0th and Kith Avenues to a point in the block bounded by 32d and 33d Streets and 9th and 10th Avenues. Barclay Street. Between Wall and Pine Streets. Mulbery Street between Chatham and Paik Streets. Madison Avenue l)etwten 12nth and 124th Streets. Batavia Street. Canal Street from Baxter Stieet to East Broadway. Catherine Slip. Foot of Spring Stieet. James Slip. Nassau Street. Staple Street. Between Beach and Hubert Streets. Walker Street between Canal Street and West Broadwav and Canal Former Name. Nicholas William Street. Niew Stiaat. . . . Norfolk Street, North Street N3-ack Place Oblique Road Observatory Place Ogdeu Street Ogilvies' Wharf Old Street Old Dutch Church Street. Old Boston PLoad Present Name or Location. Street from Baxter to Division Streets. Stuy vesant farm ; was never adopted as a pubhc street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it lan from the Bowery road to the East Riv- er, and was the first street south of and parallel to present Stuy ves- ant Street. New Street. Stuy vesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it was a con- tinuation of the present Norfolk Street, and ran from North (Hous- ton") Street to Amstei'dam Street. East Houston Street between the Bowery and the East River. Formerly rear of No. 31 Bethune Street. Marketfield Street. Formerly ran from 80th to 'J-ith Streets between -ith and 5th Av- enues; now obsolete. Perry Street. Foot of Grand Street. Mott Street hetween Chatham and Park Streets. Exchange Place between Broadway and William Street. Commenced at 23d Street and Broad- Avay and ran northeasterly cross- ing 4th Avenue at 28th Street. then northeasterly to 30th Street near Lexington Avenue, then northerly between 4th and Lex- ington Avenues to 35th Street, then northeasterly crossing Lex- ington Avenue between 3Sth and 3'Jth Streets, then northeasterly between the 3d and Lexington Avenues to the 3d Avenue, cross- ing it at 45th Street, still continu- ing northeasterly crossing 2d Av- enue at 52d Street, continuing northeasterly to 54th Street, then northwesterly, re- crossing 2d Av- ;u Former Name. Old Ditcli Old Gret^'iiwicli Ijane Old Harloiu Koad Old Harlem Bridge Road Old Kiln Koad. Oliver Street . . . Olwers Street. Orange Street . Oransre Street . Present Name or Location. enue at 62d Street, 3d Avenue at 72d Street, Lexington Avenue at 70th Sti-eet, then northerly und uortlieasterl}'. re-crossing Lexing- ton Avenue at 77th Street, then , northeasterly, northerly a nd north - westerly, crossing the 5th Ave'.iue at 97th Street, then into present Central Park, continuing north- westerly and northeastei'ly, rc^- crossing 5th Avenue at 109th Street, and 4th Avenue at 115tli Street, then northeasterly hetween the 3d and 4th AA-enues to the 3d Avenue and 13(itli Street. Beaver Street, hetween Broadway and Broad Street. Ean from the 5th Avenue and Wav- erly Place northwesterly to Sth Avenue;that portion east of the (Jth Avenue is now closed, and that part west of the Cth Avenue, now Greenwich Avenue. Kan from 94th Street west of Madi- son Avenue northeasterly, crossing Madison Avenue at 99th Street, 4th Avenue at 107th Street, tlien northwesterly to 111th Street, he- tween Madison and 5th Avenues: then northeasterly, crossing 4th Avenue, between 115th and llOth Streets, continuing northeasterly to the block between 117th and llSth Streets; tiien northerly to 119th Street, between 3d and 4th Avenues; then northeasterly to the od Avenue at 121st Street. Gansevoort Street. Spring Street, between the Bowery and Broadway. Oliver Street. Baxter Street, from Chatham tt) Grand Streets, Centre Market Place, from Grand to Broome Streets, and Marion Street, from Broome to Prince Streets. Cliff Street. • Former Name. Orchard Street Oswego Street Otters Alley Oyster Pasty Alley Paei-1 Street Park Street Partition Street Passage Place Pasty Alley ) Pasty Street ) Peai-salls Dock Penii Street Percel Street | Perel Street )" Peter Street Petersfield Lane . Petticoat Lane •. Pie Woman's Lane ) Pie Woman's Street . • . | Pitt Street .. Present Name or Location. Broome Street west of Broad- way. Maiden Lane, between Broadway and Liberty Place. Obsolete; ran from Thompson to Sullivan Streets, between (hand and Broome Streets. Exchange Alley. Pearl Street, between State and Whitehall Street. Park Row, between Ann and Beek- man Streets. Fulton Street, between Broadway and West Street. Peck Slip. Exchange Alley. Now part of the block bounded by Catharine Slip, Market, Water and South Streets. Pell Street. Pearl Street, between Whitehall and State Streets. Stnyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from the Bowery Road to the East River, and Avas the first street north of and parallel to present Stnyvesant Street. Stnyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from present 4th Avenue, between llth and 12thStreets northeasterly, crossing the 3d Avenue, between l'2tli and loth Streets, 2d Avenue at 14th Street ;then continuing a little south crossing IstAvenue, bet ween 13th and llthStreets, continuing to about the centre of the block be- tween 1st Avenue and Avenue A. Marketfield Street. Nassau Street, between Wall Street and Maiden Lane. Elm Street. Former Name. Pitt Street Point Street . Pollocks Wharf. Poplar Street . . Potters Hill PowlesHook and Budds ) Ferry j Prince Graft Prince Street. Prince Street . . . Princen Straat Princes Graft.. Princes Street. Princes Street . . Prospect Street . Provost Street . Provost Street . . Public Highwav Puinp Street Pum]) Street . Quay Street. Present Name or Location. Stuyvesant farm Avas; never adopted by the city authorities as a public street; as laid out it was a contin- uation of present Pitt Street and ran from North ( Houston) Street to Antwerp Street. (Jbsolete; was never adopted by the city authorities as a public street, as laid out; it ran from the Bow- ery Eoad to Sullivan Street, be- Randall and Poplar Streets. Now part of the block bounded by Washington, West, Albany and Rector Streets. Was never adopted by the city authorities as a public street; as laid out it ran from the Bowery Road to Sullivan Street, between Point and Cornelius Streets. Park Street. Foot of Cortland Street. Broad Street, between Wall and Beaver Streets. Beaver Street, between Broad and Willam Streets. Rose Street. Beaver Street, between Broad and William Streets. Broad Street, between Wall and Beaver Streets. Beaver Street, between Broad and William Streets. Rose Street. Thompson Street. Fi-anklin Street, between Broadway and North River. Wooster Street Broadway, between Bowling Green and Vesey Street. Elm Street. Canal Street, between Division and Walker Streets, and Walker Street, between Canal Street and Broad- way. Water Street, between Whitehall Street and Coenties Slip. rormer Name. Queen Street Queen Street Queen Street Wharf. . Queene Street Quick Street Quick Street . . Raisin Street . . Ramparts . . . . Randall Place. Rapelje Street. Reason Street Redds Street ) Raid Street ) Rensselaer Street Rector Street Wharf Republican Alley .... Rhinelandei's Alley . . Present Name or Location. Cedar Street, between William and West Streets. Pearl Street, between Broad Sti-eet and Franklin Square. Water Street, between AVhitehall Stx-eet and Coenties Slip. Pine Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street; by the City au- thorities; as laid out it ran from Morris Street to the East River, and was the third street south of and parallel to present Stuyvesant Street. East Broadway. Barrow Street, between Bleecker and Bedford Streets. Wall Street, between Broadway and Pearl Street. Part of East Jith Street, between University Place and Broadway. Glass House farm; was never adopted as a street by the City authorities; as laid out it ran from Sith Street between 9th and Tenth Avenues on the present line of 34th Street to the North River. Barrow Street, between Bleecker and Bedford Streets. Reade Street. Stuyvesant farm ; was never adopted as a public street by the City au- thorities; as laid out it ran from Morris Street to the East River, and was the fourth street south of and parallel to present Stuyvesant Street. Now part of Rector Street, betvv'een Washington and West Streets. Manhattan Place, from Elm to Reade Streets. Now part of block bounded by Washington, Greenwich, Beach and Hubeit Streets. 38 Former Name. Rhinelanders Basin. . . . ( Rliinelanders Dock i Rhinelanders Dock and ) Saw Mill i' Rhinelanders Lane Rhinelandqrs Ship Yard Rhinelanders Wharf Rhinelanders Wharf. . . . Rhinelanders Wharf Rhynders Street Rider Street [ Ridder Street ) Ridge Street Ritters Wharf Rivington Place Road from the Bowery ) to Sapaconican, (Green- - wich Village) ) Road to Albany and [ Boston ) Road to Crown Point .... Road to Greenwich Road to the Obehsk Road to Stuyvesants, } Boury i Rohert Street Present Name or Location iS'ow part of block bounded by Park Place, Murray, Washington and West Streets. Foot of North Moore Street. Ran from 2d Avenue between S(Kh and STth Streets northeasterly to the south side of 90th Street, be- tween 1st Avenue and Avenue A. From Chambers to Reade Streets. Part of Barclay Street, between Washington and West Streets. Part of Murray Street, between Washington and West Sti'eets. Part of Park Place, between Wash- ington and West Streets. Centre Street, between Franklin and Broome Streets. Ryder's Alley. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the City au- thorities; as laid out it was a con- tinuation of present Ridge Street, and ran from Korth (Houston) Street to Antwerp Street. Foot of Charlton Street. Formerly rear of No. 3IG Rivington Street. That part east of Broadway, Astor Place; that part west of Broadway, now closed. Ran along present Chatham Street, Bowery, -tth Avenue, from its junction with the Bowery to llth Street, and Broadwav from 17th to 23d Streets. Grand Street. Greenwich Street, north of Beacli Street. Ran from the road to Albany to Mandevilles. Bowery. Never was adopted as a public sti'eet by the city authorities ; as laid out it ran fi-om Broadwav 30 Former Name. Present Name or Location. Robinson Street. Rodmans Slip . . . Romain Street . . Roniaine and Boards Wharf Roospvelts Lane Roosevelts Slip. Rose Hill Lane. Ruse's Wliarf Rotterdam Street Rottoii Row Rough Street ... ) Ruff Street \ Russell Place , . . . Rutgers Hill .' Rutijers Pier or Wharf. . to Sullivan Street, l)et\ve('n Art and Point Streets. Park Place. Burling Slip. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran from the Bowery Road to the East River, and was the first street north of and pai'allel to present Stu}'vesant Street. Now part of the block, bounded by Washington Greenwich. Ran from the Old Harlem Road, be- tween llCth and 117th Streets, southeasterly, crossing 3d Avenue between 115th and llCth Streets, 2d Avenue, between 111th and 112th Streets, 1st Avenue, be- tween lOSth and lOOth Streets. con- tinuing to the East River. Peck Slip. Ran from Sth Avenue, between 21st and 22d Streets, easterly, between 21st and 22d Streets, to Broadway at 21st Street, then northeasterly to 23d Street and 3d Avenue. Between Peck Slip and Dover Street. « Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran from Margaret Street to the East River, and was tJie sixth street south of and pai-allel to present Stuy- vesant Street. Hemy Street. Now pait of Greenwich Avenue, be- tween Charles and Perry Streets. Gold Street, between Maiden Lane and .John Street. Part of block, bounded by Water, South, Pike and Rutgers Streets. 40 Former Name. Rutgers Pier or Wharf ) Rutgers Pier or Wharf \ Rutgers Slip Rutgers Street , Rutgers Street Rynders Street Rynders Street ) Ryudert Street ) Sackett Street Samuel Street Sandy Hill Road . Schaape Way tie. Scheimerhorne &'Bow- }_ nes Wharf or Pier . . . ) Schreyers Hook Schwei)pel Street Scienre Street . Scott Street . . . Scotts Alley.. Present Name or Location. Parts of block, bounded by Rutgers, Jefferson, Water and South Streets. Rutgers Street, between Cherry and South Streets. Monroe Street. Oak Street. Centre Street, betu-een Franklin and Broome Streets. Mulberry Street, between Bayard and Broome Streets. Cherry Street. Kips Bay farm; never was adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran from a point in the block, bounded bv i^Oth and 30th Streets, 2d and 3d Avenues, northeasterly to a point in the block, bounded by 31)th and ■iOth Streets, 2d and 3d Avenues. Astor Place, and that part W'cst of Broadway, now closed. Broad Street, from Wall to Beaver Streets, and south side of Wall Street, between Broad and Han- over Streets. Foot of Burhng Slip, East side. State Street, between Pearl and Whitehall Streets. Glass House farm; was never ad- opted as a street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it I'an from a ooint in the block bounded by 32d and 33d Streets, 9th and 10th Av enues, westerly to the corner of 32d Street and 11th Avenue. Never was adopted as a public street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran from Broadway to Sullivan Street, about on a line of present Waverly Place. Wes'', 12th Street, betw^een Green- wich Avenue and Hudson Street. Franklin Place, between White and Franklin Streets, closed between White and Walker Streets. 41 Former Ifame. Second Sti-eet Second Street . . . . Second Street . . . . Seventh Street . . . Sheeps Pasture . . Slieera Street . . . . Sheet Pile Street Sheriff Sti'eet. ... Shinbone Alley Ship Yard.s . . . Sixth Street . . Sixth Street . . Sixth Street . . Sixth Street . . Skinner's Poad , Skinner's Lane . . Skinner's Street . Present Name or Location. Stuyvesant farm; never was adopt- ed hy the city authorities as a public street; as laid out it ran in continuation of pre.sent For.syth Street, from North (Houston) Street to Robert Street. Forsyth Street. Greene Street. Macdougal Street. Broad Street, from Wall to Beaver Streets, and south side of Wall Street, from Broad to Hanover Streets. Broad wav, between Bowliniz; Green and Wall Street. Pearl Str-eet, between Wall and Brido-e Streets. Stuyvesant farm; never was ado[)ted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran in con- tinuation of present Sheriff Street from North (Houston i Street, to Bruges Street. Washington Alley, from University Place to .")th Avenue, between Washington Square and Clinton Place. Corlears Hook. Ludlow Street. Sullivan Street. Waverly Place, between Broadway and Macdougal Street. Stuyve-sant farm ; was never adopt- ed by the city authorities as a public street; as laid out, it i-au in continuation of present Ludlow Street from North (Houston) Street to Rensselaer Street. Christopher Street, and it also con- tinued northeasterly to the Union Road in the block between the 5th and Gth Avenues, 11th and 12th Streets, that portion north- east of Greenwich Avenue now clo.sed. Cliff Street, between Ferry and Hague Streets. 42 Former Name. Slaughter House Lane . Slaughter House Street Sloat's Lane Slote Street Slyck Straat Slyck Steege Sniee Straat Smeedes Straat Smit Street Smell Street Lane . Smith Place Smith Street Smith Street . Smith Street. Smith Street . Smith Street Lane. . . Smith Street Valley. Smith's Vail Smith's Valley Smith's Vly Southampton Road. . Spingler Place, Spruce Street. . Stadt Wall Stamer's Slip Stanton Place State Prison Dock . Stewart Street . . . Present Name or Location. Beaver Street, between William and Hanover Streets, and Hanover Street, between Beaver and Pearl Streets. South William Street. William Street, between Wall and Pearl Streets. Broad Street, between \Vall Street and Exchange Placi'. Congress Place. Congress Street. Cedar Street, between William and West Streets. East Broadway. William Street, between Maiden Lane and Hanover Square. Beaver Street, between William and Broad Streets. Pearl Street, between Wall Street and Peck Slip. Ran from the Sth and (xreenwich Avenues northeasterly to I'Jth Street, between ."ith and Gth Ave- nues, then northerly to Abing- don Road, just north of 21st Street, east of Gth Avenue. Now part of East 15th Street, be- tween Broadway and 5th Avenue. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopt- ed as a public street by the city authorities ; as laid out it ran from the Boweiy Road to the East River, and was the twelfth street north of and parallel to present Stuyvesant Street. Wall Street. ' Between Beach and Hubert Streets. Formerly rear of No. <'> Stanton Street. Foot of Christo])her Street. Stewart farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city author- ities; as laid out it ran from Broad- 43 Former Name. Present Name or Location. ytone Street Stone Street Stone Bridge Koad Stoney Street Strand Street that leads to the / Pie Woman's \ Steuhen Street Stuy vesant Place Stay vesant Street St. David Street. . . . . St. George's Square . St. Kevin's Street. . . St. James Street . . . . St. John's Alley St. John's Street. . • St. Nicholas Street. . St Peter's Place Suffolk Street ... . Sugar Loaf Street wa)' hetween ;!oth and ;31st Streets southwesterly to a point in the hlock bounded by 2',)th and ?>iith Streets, tith and 7th Aviniues. Pearl Street. Thames Street. Broadway. Stone Street, between Whitehall and Broad Streets. North side of Pearl Street, between Broad Street and Old Slip. Nassau Street, between Wall Street and John Street. Ran from the Bo.ston Post Road and 41st Street northwesterly to the Albanv Road, between 43d and 44th Streets. Now part of the 2d Avenue, between 7th and 10th Streets. Stuyvesant farm ; those jiarts be- tween the 3d Avenue antl Bowery Road, and between the 2nd Ave- nue and the East River were nev- er adopted by the city authorities as public streets, and ai-e now closed. Bleecker Street. Pearl Street. Broome Street. James Street. St. John's Lane. John Street. Walker Street, from Canal Street to West Broadway, and Canal Street from Walker Street to the Bowery. Now part of Church Street, between Vesey and Barclay Streets. Stuyvesant farm, was never adopt- ed as a public street by the city authorities; as laid out it ran in continuation of present Suffolk Street, from North (Houston) Street to Rotterdam Street. ' Franklin Street between Broad wa}- and Baxter Street. 44 Former Name. Present Name or Location. Suice Street William Street, between Hanover Square and Wall Street. Sullivan Stre<4 Continuation of present Sullivan Street, between Science Street and the Boweiy Road, was never adopted as a public street by the city authorities. Susan Street Kips Bay farm; was never adopted as a pubUc street by the city au- thorities. As laid out it ran from the Boston Post Eoad, between 3Sth and o9th Streets southeaster- ly, crossing oSth Street, between :.'d and 3d Avenue, to the East River betAveen 37th and 3Sth Streets. Swoutwonts Dock Now part of Albany Street. Taylors" Wharf Between Maiden Lane and Fletcher Street. Ten Broeck Street Stuyvesant farm: was never adopt- ed as a public street by the city authorities: as laid out it ran from the Bowery Road to the East River and was the sixth street north of and jiarallel to jiresent Stuyvesant Street. Tennecks Wharf East side of Coenties' Slip. The Allev that leads / t^, i^, ^ mi. 4- <-> i 15 i • Exchange AUev. to Oyster Pasty. * *= The Beaver Graft Beaver Street, between Broadway and Broad Street. The Brouwei-s Sti-aat ... Stone Street, between Broad and Whitehall Streets. The Cingel Wall Street. The Compauys Valley... Beaver Street, between Broadway and Broad Street. The Ditch Broad Street, between Wall ami Beaver Streets. The Glass Makers Street . William Street, between Hanover Square and Wall Street. TheHeereStraat Broadwav. between Bowling Green and Wall Street. The High Straat * Stone Street, between Hanover The Hoogh Straat y " " ' ' Square and Broad Street. The Kings Road Pearl Street, between Franklin Square and Chatham Street. T'Mangde Paatje Maiden Lane. 45 Former Name. 'J'lie Mai-ketfiekl and ) Broadway T'Maikvelt ( T" Mai-kvelt Steegie The Mews The Mill Street Laue . . . . The Monument Lane. / The Oblique Eoad. ) The Old Ditch The Piewonians Street . . . The Schaape Waj'tie ) Tlie Sheeps Pasture ) The Smith Straat The Swell Street Lane. . . The Smiths Valley The Street that leads to the Pie Womans The Siiice The Waal. The Wall . . The Water The Water Side Third Street. Third Street. Third Street. Present Name or Location. East side of Whitehall Street, be- tween Stone and Beaver Streets, Avest side of Broadway, from Bat- terry Place to Morris Street. Marketfield Street. Theatre Allev. South William Street. Marketfield Street. Beaver Street, between Broadway and Broad Street. Nassau Street, between Wall and John Streets. Broad Street, between Wall Street and Exchange Place and south side of Wall Street, between Broad and Hanover Streets. William Street, between Hanover Square and Wall Street. Broadway, between Wall Street and Exchange Place. Pearl Street, between Wail Street and Franklin Square. Nassau Street, between Wall and John Streets. William Street, l)etween Hanover Square and Wall Street. Wall Street, between Broadway and Pearl Street and Pearl Street, be- tween Broad and Wall Streets. Pearl Street, north side, between Whitehall and Broad Streets. West side of Pearl Street, between Pine and William Streets, Han- over Square, between Stone and Pearl Streets, north side of Pearl Street, between Hanover Square and Whitehall Street, west side of Whitehall Street, between Pearl and State Streets and State Street between Whitehall and Pearl Streets. Eldridge Street. Wooster Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adojjted as a public strt^et by the city au- 4ti Former Name. Present Name or Location. TlKimas Street Tlidinas Street Thomas Street Thomas Street Thompson Street Tienhoveu Street Tienhoven Street Till Pot Alley Tompkins Place Turbet Street Towiiseiurs Dock TownsencrsAVharf or Pier To\viisi'ii(l"s \Viiart' Trinity Place Troy Street Tulii> Street Tuven Street. ] Tuyn Street, j' Union Place. . . thorities; as laid out it ran in continuation of present Eldridge Street, from (North) Houston Street to Rensselaer Street. Duane Street, between Elm and Rose Streets. Pearl Street, between Broadway and Chatham Street. William Street, between Fjankfort and Pearl Streets. Thames Street. Between Science Street and the Bowery Road; was never adopted as a public street by the city au thorities. Liberty Street. Pine Street. Exchange Alley and Edgar Street. Now part of East 10th Street, be- tween 1st Avenue and Avenue A. Rutgers farm; ran from Henry to Madison Streets, between Cathar- ine and Market Streets. Foot of West nth Street. Now part of the block bounded by Market, Pike, Water and South Streets. Now part of the block bounded by Catharine Slip, Market, Water and South Streets. New Church Street, between Liberty and Edgar Streets. West V2th Street, between Green- wich Avenue and the North River. Glass House farm; was never adopt- ed as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out iu ran from 34th Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues south to a point in the block bounded by 32d and 3od Streets, 'Jth and loth Avenues. Exchange Place, between Broad and William Streets. Formerly east side of the avenue and west side of Broadway, be- 47 Former Name. Union Road. Union Street Valleau's Wliarf. . . . VanBriiggen Street . VanBruggen Street . . Vanderclilfes Street. Vanderdise Street . . . Vandisse,s Street . . . . ^^anderdises Street. . . A^an Water Street. . Van Zandfs Wliarf. Varletf.s Hill . Venlentinijerg Verdant Lane. Verlrttenborg Hill. Verj)lanck Street .-. Vese3's Street. Present Name or Location. tween 14th and ISth Streets, now Union Square. Ran from Skinner's Road in the block bounded by 11th and 12th Streets, ."ith and Gth Avenues, northwest- erly to the Southampton Road at loth Street and 7th Avenue. (ireene Street. Foot of Corlears Street. Hanover Square. Pine Street. Gold Street between John and Ful- ton Street. Vandewater Street. Between Wah Street and (iouveru- eur Lane. Exchange Place between Broadway and William Street. Exchange Place between Bioadway and Broad Street. Ran from the Bloomingdale Road between ■i5th and 4Gth Streets northwesterly crossing 8th Aven- ue, hetween ieth and 47 th Streets, !tth Avenue hetween 47th and 48th Streets, 10th Avenue between 4Sth and 41tth Streets, then westerly along the south side of 49th Street ahout 350 feet, then northwester- ly to a point in or about the cen- tre line of the ])lock bounded bv 49th and 50tli Streets, about 15o feet east of 11 Avenue, then west- erly to the 1 2th Avenue. Exchange Place between Broadway and William Street. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities; as laid out it ran from the Bowery road to the East Riv- er and was the second street south of and parallel to present Stuyve- sant Street. Vesey Street. 4^ Former Name. Present Name or Location. Wagon Road Walker Street Wall Walnut Street Walton's Wliaif ^Vard"s Wharf or I'ier. Warren Place Warren lioad. Warren Street Washington Street . Water Port Water Side Village Street West Houston Street hetween Mac- dougal Street and the East Eiver. Battery Place. Canal Street hetween Baxter and Ludlow Streets. Pearl Street north side between Broad Street and Old Slip. Jackson Street. Between Peck Slij) and Dover Street. East side of Peck Slip. Now part of Charles Street, hetween Greenwich Avenue and Waverlv Place. Ran from the Southampton Road to Abingdon Road, or from 16th to 2lst Streets, between fith and 7th Avenues. Clinton Street. Jefferson Street. Wall Street, between Pearl Street and the East River. West side of Pearl Street, between Wall and William Streets; Hano- ver Square, between Stone and I Pearl Streets; north side of Pearl Street, between Hanover Square and Whitehall Street; west side of Whitehall Street, between Peaii and State Streets, and State Street hetween Whitehall and Pearl Streets. Watkms' Wharf i Foot of Spring Street. Weasyes Street [ Vesey Street. Weigh House Street I Moore Street. Wendel Street j Oak Street. Wesley Place 1 Now jjart of Mulberry Street, be- tween Houston and Bleecker Streets. West Avenue i Ran from 26th Street, between Mad- ison and 5th Avenues uorthwest- erl)', crossing 5tli Avenue between i'9th and 30th Streets to the cor- ner of -iSd Street and 6th Avenue; i thence along the line of the 6th { Avenue, between 42d and I'od Streets. 49 Former Name. West Broadway Place. West Court West End Avenue West Road White Place White Street White Street White's Wharf. Whitehall Slip.. Willet's Whai-f. Willett Street. . William Street . . . William Street... WiUiam Street.. . Willow Street . . . Winckel Sti-eet . . Windmill Lane . . Winne Street . . . Winthrop Street, Present Name or Location. New part of South .-)th aveiuie, be- tween Canal and Grand Streets. Was formerly in the rear of (if; West 2-2d Street between ilth and Gth Avenues. 11th Avenue. 0th Avemie, between 4-2(\ and Ontii Streets. Was formerly in thel rear of 131 West 1 Stii street, between 7th and Sth Avenues. Ann Street. Stuy vesant farm ; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities. As laid out it ran from the Bowery Road to the East Rive)- and was the Seventh Street north of, and parallel to present Stuyvesant Street. Now part of the block bounded by Battery Place, Morris, Washing- ton and West Streets. Between Whitehall and Bi-oad Streets. Now part of the block bounded by Broome, Delancey, Mangin and Tompkins Streets. Stuyvesant farm; was never adopted as a public street by the city au- thorities. As laid out it ran in continuation of present Willett Street from North (Houston) Street to Bruges Street. Madison Street, between Catherine and Montgomery Streets. Macdougal Street. Broome Street, between the Bowery and Sullivan Streets. McDougal Steret. Obsolete; ran from Stone to Beidge Streets, between Whiteliall and Broad Streets. Cortland Street. Mott Street, between Pell and Bleecker Streets. Stuyvesant farm was never adopted as a public street by the city au- 50 Former Name, Present Name or Location. I thoi'ities; as laid out it ran from I the Bowery Road to the East Riv- er, and was the fourth street I north of and parallel to present j Stuyvesant Street. Wooster Street West Houston Street, between Broadway and McDougal Street. Wooster Street I University Place, between Waverly Place and 14th Street. Wooster Street | University Place, between Science and Point Streets, and never ad- opted as a public street, between Point Street and the Bowery Road. Wynkoop Street | Bridge Street. Wynne Street ' Molt Street, between Pell and 1 Bleecker Streets. F^RT II. Present Name. Former Name. Albany Street Alleu Street Ann Street Astor Place Barclay Street Barrow Street, between Bleecker and Bedford Streets Barrow Street, between Bleecker and West Fourth Streets Batavia Street Battery Place Battery Place Baxter Street, between Leon- ard and Grand Streets Baxter Street Bayard Street Bayard Street, lietween the Bowery and Division Street Beach Street Beaver Street Beaver Street, between Broadway and New Street Beaver Street, between Broad wav and Broad Street ...''. Swartwout's Dock. Fourth Street. White Street. Sandy Hill Road. Road from the Bowery to Sapokanican (Greenwich Yillag*^). Art Street. Bai-kly Street. Berkley Street. Mortkile Street. Raisen Street. Reason Street. Gilbert Street. Batavia Lane. New Batavia Street. Wao;on Road. Marketfield Street. Mary Street. Orange Street. Ferrv Street. Fisher Street. Bache Street Merchant Street Beever Lane. Old Ditch. Beaver Ditch. Bea- ver Graft. De Beaver Graft. Company's Valley. The Com- pany's Valley. The Beaver Graft. Bever Graft. Bevei''s Paatje. Bever Street. The Old Ditch. 52 Present Name. Beaver Street, between Broad and AVilliam Streets Beaver Street, between Wil- liam and Pearl Streets Beaver Street, between Wil- liam and Hanover Streets. . Beekman Street Benson Place Bleecker Street Bleecker Street, between Broadway and Hancock Street Bleecker Street, between Car- mine and Bank Streets .... Boulevard, between r»Oth and STth Streets, lOlth and lOStli Streets, and 126tband 127th Streets Bowerv Bride;e Street. Bridge Street, between White- hall and Broad Streets . ... Broad Street Broad Street, between Wall Street and Beaver Street. . . Broad Street, between Beaver and Pearl Streets Bioadway, West Side, be- tween Batter}^ Place and Morris Street Former Name. De Prince Stx-aat. De Prince Graft. Smith Street Lane. PrincenStraat. Prince Straat. Exchange Street. Slaughter House Lane. Slaugh- ter House Street. SI oat's Lane. Slote Street. Chappel Street. George Street. Benson Street. George Street. David Street. St. David Street. Herring Street. Broadway. Bloomiugdale Road. Road to Boston. Road to Alba- ny and Boston. Bowery Road. Boston Road. Bos- ton Post Road. Bowery Lane. Kings Highway Road to Stuyvesant's Boury. Wynkoop Street. De Brugh Straat. Brugh Strnat. Hall Street. Common Ditch. The Ditch. The Schaape Way- tie. Tlie Sheep's Pasture. The Smell Street Lane. Smell Ditch Street Lane. Schaape Waytie. Preuce Graft. Princes Graft. Slieep Pasture. Ditch. Great Graft. Heere Graft. Heere Graaclit Markvelt and Broadwav. 53 Present Name. Broadway, between Bowling Green and Wall Street Broadway, between Bowling Green and Vesey Street Broadwa}-, between Vesey and 14th Streets Broadway, between Astor Place and lith Street Broadwa}', between ITtli and 23d Streets Broadway, between 14th and 59th Streets Bi'oadway, between Vesey and Canal Streets Broadway, north of 125th Street Broome Street between Sulli- van Street and the East River Broome Street between the Bowery and Hudson Street. Broome Street between Broad- way and Hudson Street. . . . Burling Sli]) Canal Street, between Centre and West Streets Canal Street, between Division and Walker Streets Carmine Street • Former Name. Markvelt. T" Markvelt. The Marketfield and Broadway. De Heere Straat. Sheera Strest. The Heere Straat. Heere Straat. Heare Waage Wegh. Great Public; Road. Gre:it Highway. Common High- way. Broad Wagon Way. Public Highway. Heero Waage Wagh. Boston Road. Boston Post Road. Breed- weg. Breedwegh High Street. Great George Street. Middle Road. Road to Albany and Boston. Boston Road. Boston Post Road. Bowery. Bower\' Lane. Bowery Road. Bloomingdale Road. Stone Bridge Road Manhattan ville Road. Kings Bridge Road. Bullock Street. Kevins Street. St. Hevins Street. William Street. Orchard Street. Lyon's Slip. Rodman's Slip. Duggau Street. Pump Street. Walker Street. Nicholas Street. St. Nicholas Street. New Canal Street. Germain Street. 54 Present Name. Caroline Street Catharine Lane Catharine Slip Cedar Street, between Wil- liam and West Streets Cedar Street between Broad- way and West Street Centre Market Place Centre Street, between Chat- ham and Chambers Streets. Centre Street, between Chambers and Duane Streets Centre Street, l)etween Pearl and Hester Streets Centre Street between Frank- lin and Broome Streets .... Charlton Street Charlton Street, between Han- cock and Greenwich Streets Charle.'i Lane Chatham Square Foruaer Name. Duane Street Sli]!. Cathai'ine Place. New Market Slip. Queen Street. Little Queen Street. Smith Street. Little Street. Orange Street. Mary Street. Aue;usta Street. Cross Street. Collect Street. Eynders Street. Street. Burr Street. Rhvnders Chatham Street. Chatham Sti'cet. Chatham Street, between Frankfort Street and Tryon Row Cherry Street Cherry Street, between Mont- gomery Street and the East River Christopher Street Christopher Street, between Greenwich Avenue and Waverly Place Christie Street Church Street Hett Street. Hetty Street. Charles Alley. Junction of High Road to Bos- ton and road leading to Cor- lears Hook. Road to Albany and Boston. Boston Road. Boston Post Road. High Road to Boston, Kings Highway. Herewegh . Bowling Green, Chrystie Street, Margaret Street, Sackett Street. Garden Street. Skinners Road. Mary Street. First Street. Little Division Street. 05 Present Name. City Hall Place Claremout Avenue, between 108th and 121st Streets .... Clarkson Street, between A^'arick and Hudson Streets. Cliff Street Cliif Street, between Feny and Hague Streets Cliff Street, between John and Ferry Streets Clinton Street Clinton Street, between Divi- sion and Houston Streets. . . Coenties Alley Coenties Slip College Place Congress Place Congress Street Corlears Street Cortlandt Street Cuylers Alley Dey Street Downing Street Duaue Street Dnane Street, between Rose and Hudson Streets Duane Street, between Rose Street and Broadway Duane Street, between Rose and Elm Streets East Broadway East Fourth Street East Houston Street . . . ,. .... East Houston Street, between The Bowery and East River. East Third Street Edgar Sti-eet Former Name. Augusta Street. Bloomingdale Road, Broad way. David Street, Morton Street. Orange Street, Chst Street. Skinners Lane, Skinners Street. Elbow Street, Clift Street. Warren Stree"". Aiiindel Street. Coenties Lane. Citv Hall Slip, Counteeses Slip. Little Chapel Street, Chapel Street. Smith Place. Smith Street. Crown Point Street. Windmill Lane, Leary Street, Leary's Wharf. Mesiers Alley. Battoe Street, Dyers Street, Dyes Street. Dominic Street. Bancker Street, Anthony Street, Barclay Street. Barley Street. Coklen Street. Thomas Street. Harmon Street. Smith Street. Fourth Street. Houston Street. North Street. Third Street. Tin Pot Ahev. Quick Street. 56 Present Name. Eldridge Street Eleventh Avenue Elm Street Elm Street, between Keade and Franklin Streets Exchaniie Allev Exchange Place Exchange Place, between Broad wav and Broad Street. Exchange i'lace, between Broadway and William Street . . ." Extra Place Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue, between Slth and UOth Streets Fletcher Street Forsyth Street Fourth Avenue, between (ith and 14th Streets Fourth Avenue, between 11th and 13th Streets • ■ • Fourth Avenue, between 3Tth and 90th Streets Frankfort Street, between Chatham and Cliff Streets . Franklin Place Franklin Street, between ]3roadway and North River. Franklin Street, between Broadway and Baxter Street Former Name. Third Street. West End Avenue. Bott Street. Bridge Street. Bensons Lane. Pitt Street. Pump Street. Ann Street. Little Ann St. Edgars Alley. Alley that leads to Oyster Pasty, Church Street, Pasty Alley, Pasty Street, Oyster Street, Tin Pot Alley, the Alley that leads to Oyster Pasty. Tuyen Street. Flatten Barrack. Flatten Bar- rack Hill. Barrack Street. Owars Street. Yenlentinberg. Church Street. Garden Street. Verlettenberg Hill. Varletts Hill. Tuyn Street. Old Dutch Church Street. Extra Street. Manhattan Aveniie. Middle Koad. Cooper Street. Second Street. Bowery. Bowery Lane. Bow- ery Road. Boston Road. Bos- ton Post Road. Road to Al- bany and Boston. Leyden Street. East Road. Frankford Street. Scott's Alley. Provost Street. Sugar I_joaf Street. Present Name. Former Name. Fulton Street, between Pearl Street and East Eiver , Beeknian Slip. Fulton Street, between Broad- | way and Pearl Street Fair Street. Fulton Street, between Broad- ; way and ]N"ortb River ' Division Street. P a r t i t i o n Street. Clansevoort Street (irreenwicli Lane. Greenwich Road. Great Kiln Road. Gkl Kiln Road. Gold Street, between Maiden Lane and John Street i Bi-ewer's Hill. Rutger's Hill. Gold Street, between John i and Fulton Streets j V^andercliffes Street. Vanderdi- ses Street. Vanderdise Street. Vandises Street. Gouverneur Lane Gouveneur Alley. Gouverneur Street : General Greene Street. Grand Street, between Broad- way and Yarick Street : Desbrosses Street. Meadow ' Street. Grand Street, between the Bowery and ThonijDson Street Grand Street, between the Bowery and Centre Street. Grand Street, between the Bowery and East River .... Great Jones Street Greene Street Greenwich Avenue Greenwich Street Greenwich Street, between Beach and Gansevoort Sti'eets Grove Street Grove Street, between Bleeck- er and Bedford Streets Grove Street between Chris- topher and Hudson Streets. Hague Street Hamilton Street Hancock Street - . . . . Hanover Square Ann Street. Anne Street. Judith Street. Road to Crown Point. Jones Street. Second Street. Union Street. Greenwich Lane. Greenwicli Road. Monument Lane. First Street. Front Street. Road to Greenwich. Cozine Street. Ci)lunib:a Street. Burrows Street. Hage Street. Cheapside Street. Brook Street. Eighth Street. Van Bruggen Street. Water- side. 58 Present Name. Hanover Street, between Bea- ver and Pearl Streets Han ison Street Henry Street Hester Street Hester Street, between the Bowery and Division Street. Howard Street Howard Street. between Bi'oadway and Mercei'Street Hudson Street Jackson Street Jackson Street, between Wa- ter and South Sti'eets Jacob Street .James Slip James Street Jefferson Street .Jersey Street John Street John Street, lietween William and Pearl Streets King Street. Leroy Street, between Bleeck- er and CorneUa Streets .... Liberty Pkice Liberty Street Liberty Street Little West 12th Street I^udlow Street , Macdougal Street Madison Avenue, between 120th and 124th Streets Madison Street .... Madison Street, between Cath- arine and Montgomery Streets Madison Street, between Mont- gomery and Grand Streets.. Maiden Lane Former Name. Drain Ditch. Slaughter House Lane. SlaughterHouse Street. Sloats Lane. Slote Street. Catharine Street. Ruff Street. Rough Street. Clermont Street. Eagle Street. Hester Street. Clermont Street. Chestnut Street. George Street. Ferry Street. Walnut Street. Ferry Place. Leather Street. New Shp. St. James Street. AVashington Street. Columbia Street Columbian Alley. St. -John Street. Golden Hill. Hazard Street. Burton Street. Little Greene Street. Tienhoven Street. Crown Street. Green Street. Green Lane. Little 12th Street. Sixth Street. Seventh Street. Willow Street. WiUiam Street. New Avenue East. Bancker Stre?t. Bed low Street. William Street. High Street. T'Maagde Paatje. Maidens' Path. Maidens' Valley. Green Street. Green Lane. 59 Present Name. Maiden Lane, between Broad- way and Liberty Place Maiden Lane, between Lib- erty and Pearl Streets Maiden Lane, between Pearl and South Streets Maugin Street Manhattan Place Marion Street Market Street, between Di- vision and Cherry Stieets . . Market Street, between ClieiTy and South Streets Marketfield Street Mercer Street Mill Street Alley Minetta Street Mission Place Monroe Street, between Mont- gomery and Grand Streets.. Monroe Street Montgonieiy Street Moore Street Morris Street Morton Street Morton Street between Bleeck- er and Bedford Streets Mott Street between Chatham and- Park Streets Mott Street between Pell and Bleecker Streets Mulben-y Street between Chatham and Park Streets. Former Namie. Oswego Street. Crown Street. Fly Market. Fly Market Slip. Maidens' Slip. East Street. Republican Alley. Centre Street. Mary Street. Orange Street. East George Street. George Street. George Slif). Market Slip. Markvelt. Marckvelt Steegie. T'Markvelt Steegie. Field Street. Fieldmarket Street. Marketfield Lane. Market- field Path. Oblique Road. The Oblique Road. The Mon- ument Lane. Petticoat Lane. Clermont Street. First Street. Herring Street. I\im Street. Bride Street. Little Water Street. Middle Street. Lombard Street. Lombard y Street. Lumber Street. Rut- gers Street. Little Division Street. Weigh House Street. Beaver La ire. Eden Street. Arden Street. Old Street. Winne Street. Wynne Street. Mustary Street. ()0 Present Name. Mulberry Street between Bay- ard and Broome Streets .... Mulberry Street between Bay- ard and Bleecker Streets. . . . Nassau Street Nassau Street between Maiden Lane and Spruce Streets . . . Nassau Street between Wall and Jobn Streets New Street New Church Street between Liberty and Edgar Streets . Nurtii Muure Street. Oak Street Old Slip. Oliver Stieet. Olivei' Street between Chat- barn and Madison Streets. . One Hundred and Twenty- tifth Street ( )rcbard Street Park Avenue Park Place Park Place between College Place and West Street Park Row Park Eow.. Park Street , Former Name. Rynders Street. Ryndert Street. Catheiine Street. New Street. Fulton Street. Kip Street. The Pie-woman's Street. The street that leads to the pie- woman's. Street that leads to the pie-woman's. Pie-wo- man's Lane. Pie-woman's Street. Nieuw Straat. Lambert Street. Lomber Street. Lumber Street. Trinitv Place. Moore Street. Rutgers Street. Wendel Street. Borger Joris' Path. Borger Jorisen's Path. Burghers Path. Burger Jorisen's Path. Olivers Street. Fayette Street. Grand Avenue. Fifth Street. Fourth Avenue, Thirty-fourth to Forty-second Streets. Robinson Sti'eet. Lower Robinson Street. Herewegb. Boston Road Bos- ton Post Road. Common Street, Chatham Row, Park Street. Cross Street, Geoi-ge Street, Pot- ter's Hill. Pearl Street, between White- hall and Broad Streets Pearl Street, between White- hall and State Streets Great Dock Street. Pearl Street, Percel Street, Pe- I'el Street. (U Present Name. Pearl Street, between White- hall Street and Hanover Square Pearl Street, between While- hall and Wall Streets Pearl Street, between Broad Street and Franklin Square. Pearl Street, between Old Slip and Wall Street Pearl Street, between Wall Street and Franklin Square. Pearl Sti-eet, between Chat- liam Street and Franklin Square Pearl Street, between Chat- ham Street and Broadway. Pearl Street, between Broad- way and Elm Street Pearl Street Peck Slip Pell Street Perry Street Pike Street, betv.'een Division and Cherry Streets Pike Street, between Cherr}^ and South Streets Pine Street Pine Street, between Broad- way and William Street. . . . Pleasant Avenue Prince Street, between Broad- way and Macdougal Street . Reade Street Former Name. Dock Street, Custom House Street. Wall, The Waal, The Wall, The Water,The Waterside, Watei'- side. Strand, Along the Strand, Lang Straut, De Waal, De Hoogh Straat, Higli Street, Pile Street. Queen Street. Hanover Square. Smith Street A'alley, Smith's Vail. Smith's Vallev, Smitli's Vly, The Smith's Valley, De Smit's Vallev. King's Roail, The King's Road. Magazine Street.Thomas Street. Catharine Street. Stone Street, St. Georges Square. Ferry Street, Passage Place, Roosevelt's Slip. Penn Street. Ogden Street, Henry Street. Charlotte Street, Crnbajjpk' Street. Charlotte Slip, Pike Slip. King Street. Kouinck Straat. Queen Street. Tienhoven Street. Van Bruggen Street. French Cluncli Street, Avenue A. Houston Street. Redds Street. Reid Street. Present Name. Rector Street Ridge Street Riverside Avenue, between 111th and llCth Streets. . .. Rose Street Rutgers Street, between Cherry and South Streets. . Ryders Alley Scanuuel Street Sixtli Avenue, between -ISd and 90th Streets South Street, between White- hall Street and Old Slip. . . . South Fifth Avenue South AVilliani Street Former Name. Edgar Street. Bridge Street. Bloomingdale Road. Broadway. George Street. Prince Street. Princes Street. Rulgere Slip. Edens Allev. Rider Street. Ridder Street. Ferry Street. West Road. Little Dock Street. Fourth Street. Concord Street. Laurens Street. Slyck Straat. Slyck Steege. Mill Street. Mill Street Lane. Mar- ket Street. The Mill Street Lane. Horse and Cart Lane . Horse and Cart Street. Dirty Lane. Ditch Street. South William Street, between Broad Street and Mill Street Alley Jew's Alley. Jews Street. Spruce Street George Street. Little George Street. Spring Street Brannon Street. Bannon Str"t. Spring Street, between Broad- way and the Bowery Oliver Street. St. John's Lane St. John's Alley. Staple Street New Street. State Street .... Crojjsie Street. State Street, between Peai-1 and Whitehall Streets Schrej'er's Hook. Waterside. Stone Street Herewegh. Bay ai-d Street. Mill Street. Hanover Square. Stone Street, between White- hall and Bioad Streets Stonej^ Street. The Browers Straat. The Beaver Graft. Brouwer Straat. Brewere Straat. De Brouwer Straat. Stone Street, between Broad Street and Hanover Square. The High Straat. The Hoooh 03 Present Name. Former Name. Straat. Duke Stieeo. High Street. Hoogh Straat. Sullivan Street Sixth Street. Locust Sti-eet. Thames Street ' Thomas Street. StoiK; Street. Little Stone Street Theatre Alley j The Mews. Third Avenue Harlem Avenue. Thompson Street } Fifth Wtreet. Prospect Street. Tompkins Street ! Bushwick Street, (Tardiner Street. Trvou Kow Barrack Street. Union Square. . . Liniversitv Place. Van Dam Street Vandewater Street . Vesey Street . . Walker Street. Walker Street, between Broadway and Canal Street. Wall Street, between Broad- wav and Pearl Street Wall Street, south side be- tween Broad and Hanover Streets Wall Street, between Peai'l Street and the East Eiver. . Washington Alley Washington Place Washington Street Washington Street, between Battery Place and West Houston Street Water Street, between White- hall Street and Coenties slip Water Street, between Broad Street and Old Slip ....."... Water Street, between Broad and Wall Streets Van Water Weaseys Street. Union Place. Wooster Street. Jackson Ave- nue. Budd Street. Duke Street. Street. Yeseys Street. Nicholas Street. St. Nicholas Street. Pum]i Street. De Waal. The Waal. The Wall. Stadt Wall. Ram- parts. Cingie. The Cingel. The Schaape Wavtie. Sheep's Walk. Water Port Slip. Shinbone Alley. Fifth Street. Greenwich Street Low Water Street. Quay Street. Little Dock Street. Low Water Street. Coffee Hou-e 04 Present Name. Water Street, between Okl Slip and Wall Street Water Street, between Coen- ties Slip and Beeknian Street Water Street, between Wall Street and Maiden Lane . . . Water Street, between Mont- gomery Street and the East Kiver Waverly Place, between Broadway and Macdougal Street Waverly Place Waverly Place, between Christopher and Bank Streets West Broadway West Houston Street, between Broadway and Bedford Street West Houston Street,between Macdougal Street and the North River West Washington Place, be- tween Macdougal and West Fourth Streets West 3d Street West 4th Street West 4th Sti-eet, between Christopher and Bank Streets West 4th Street, betw^een 6th Avenue and West 13th Street West Ifith Street, between Greenwich Avenue and the North Eiver West 10th Street, between 0th and Greenwich Avenues . . . West 11th Street, between Greenwich A .'enue and the North Eiver West 1:2th Street, between Former Name. Hunters Key. Dock Street. Dock Street Wharf. Burnett Street. Crown Point Street. Sixth Street. Eliza Street. Catharine Street. F a c t o r v Street. Chapel Street. Wooster Street, Houston Street. Hudson Street. Village Street. Street, Hamnierslv Barrow Street. Amity Street. Fourth Street. Chester Street. Asylum Street. Amos Street. Milligan Lane. Hanunond Streo^t. Present Name. Former Name. Greenwich Avenue and Hudson Street West 12tli Street, between Greenwich Avenue and the North River Whitehall Street Whitehall Street Eastside, between Stone and Beaver Streets Whitehall Street Westsidp, between Pearl and State Streets Willett Street William Street, between Wall Street and Hanover Square. William Street, between Maiden Lane and Hanover Square William Street, between Frankfort and Pearl Streets. Worth Street, between Hud- son and Baxter Streets Wooster Street York Street Scott Street. Cornelia Street. Troy Street. Exchange Street. Beuis Straat. Buers Straat. Markvelt. Markvelt and Broad- way. The Marketfield and Broadwav. T" Marketvelt. Waterside. Along the Stj-and, Lang Straut. Margaret Street. The Glass Makers" Street. The Smith Straat. Smee Straat. Smeedes Straat. Smit Straat. Suice Street. The Suice. De Smee Straat. Burghers Path. Burger Jorisens Path. King- Street. Glass Makers' Street. Borger Joris Path. Boi'ger Jorisens Path. Smith Street. King George Street. Thomas Street. Catherine Street. Anthony Street. Third Street. Provost Street. Hubert Street. P^RT III, STREET ALTERATIONS. Avenue A, reduced to the width of sO feet by taking 20 feet from the Easterly side, January 22d, 1S24. Chap. 10, Laws 182-t. Avenue A, continued from 10(ith to lOOth Streets, April 27th, 1837, Chap. 274, Laws 1837. Avenue A discontinued between 100 and lOG Streets, June 5tli, 1875, Chap. 494, Laws 1875. Avenue B, reduced to the width of 60 feet by taking 40 feet from the Easterly side, January 22, 1824, Chap 10, Laws 1824. Avenue B, discontinued North of 116th Street, Mayo, 1S64, Chap. 581, Laws 1864. Avenue B, discontinued between 6Sth and 79th Stres^ts, June 5, 1875, Chap. 494, Laws 1875. Avenue C, reduced to the width of 60 feet by taking 40 feet from the Easterly side, January 22, 1824, Chap. 10, Laws 1824. Avenue C, widened to the width of 80 feet, by adding 10 feet to each side 3rd to 15th Streets, April 13, 1835, Chap. 6C>, Laws 1835. Avenue D, reduced to the width of 60 feet, by taking 40 feet from the Easterly side, January 22, 1824, Chap. 10, Laws 1824. First Avenue, "| Second Avenue, [ Extended and continued from 106th to 109th Third Avenue, f Streets, April 27, 1837, Chap. 274, Laws Fourth Avenue, ) 1837. Fourth Avenue, between 34th Sti-eet and Harlem River, wid- ened to the width of 140 feet, by adding 20 feet each side, April 27, 1837, Chap. 274, Laws 1837. Sixth Avenue, between 110th Street and Harlem Eiver, wid- ened to the width of 150 feet by adding 25 feet to each side, April 24, 1865, Chap. 564, Laws 1865. Seventh Avenue, between 110th Street and Harlem River, widened to the Avidth of 150 feet by adding 25 feet to each side, April 15, 1859, Chap. 363, Laws 1859. Eleventh Avenue, continued from iTth to 10th Streets, Mav 13, 1S4G, Chap. 20S,' Laws lS-10. Eleventh Avenue, continued from IDtli to 33rd Streets, April 12, 1S37, Chap. 182, Laws 1837. Twelfth Avenue, continued from 30th to 135th Streets. April 12, 1837, Chap. 182, Laws 1837. Thirteenth Avenue laid out from (Hammond) West 11th Street, to 135th Street, and all streets running east and west continued to that avenue, April 12, 1837, Chap. 182, Laws 1837. Bloomingdale Square closed and 51th, 55th and 56th Streets, extended from the 8th to 9th Avenues, March C, 1857, Chap. 73, Laws 1857. Bogert Street, opened by Corporation upon Corporation land. Boulevard opened, 1868. Broad wav, widened, from 21st to 25th Streets, October 3, i?lS. Bloomingdale Road (Broad wav) extended from loth Avenue to S6th Street, April 10, 1852. Bloomingdale Road (Broadway) widened from 25th to •15th Streets, January 28, 1815. Broadway (Bloomingdale Road ) reopened from 25th to 10th Streets, October 9, 1816. Broadway, between 21st and 13d Stieets, laid out, April 1 the Hudson River, May 13, 1870. Chap. Fifty-fourth Street ) 805 Laws 1870. Fitzroy Road, closed between Twentv tliird and Forty-second Streets, October 26th, 1832. Frankfoi't Street, continuation of, to Pearl Sti-.cet authorized April 6, 1702. Chap. 49, Laws 1792. Fulton Street, widened from Broadway to Rydei-s Allev, April 8, 1834. Gay Street, opened from Waverly Place to Sixth Avenue, March 13, 1833. 71 Gold Street, widened from Frankfort to Fulton Streets, Februai'v 25, 1834. Grove Street, widened and a public place made at Fourth Street, Jany. 25, 1830. Hamilton Square, between Fourth and Fifth Avenues' and Sixty-sixth and Sixty-eighth Streets, discontinued, and Sixty- seventh Street continued from Fourth to Fifth Avenues. March 29, 1807. Chap. 190, Laws 1807. Hamilton Square, discontinued and the streets continued through the same Aug. 20, 1808, Chap. 885, Laws 1SG8. Hanover Square, widened at Exchange Place, April 11, 1832. Harlem River, i^ermanent street along shore of, from East to North Rivers, authorized April 14, 1852. Chap. 285, Laws 1852. Horatio Street, opened from Greenwich to Hudson Streets, April 15, 1834. Houston Street, widened from Lewis street to the East River, May 13, 1844. Hudson Street, extended from Gansevoort Street to tlie Ninth Avenue, March 1, 1810. Chap. 28, Laws 1810. Hurlgate Road, closed from Second Avenue to Avenue A, Feby. 2, 1833. Irving Place, laid out April 10, 1832. Chap. 101, Laws 1832. Irving Place, opened March 7, 1S33. John Street, widening of at Pearl Street authorized, March 7, 1793. Chap. 42, Laws 1793. John Street, widened between Broadwav and Pearl Street, Feby. 16, 1830. Kingsbridge Road, between One Hundred and Fifty-tifth Street and Harlem River, to be opened, widened and straight- ened, Sept. 30, 1874. LaFayette Place, extended from Great Jones to Sth Streets, April 14, 1827, Chap. 268, Laws 1827. Lawrence Street, between 126th and 129th Streets, declared a public street May 4, 1830; Chap. 251, Laws 1830. Leroy Street, extended fi-om Hudson to Bleecker Streets, April 14, 1845. Leroy Street, opened from Hudson to Burton Streets, May 4, 1845. Lexington Avenue, between 21st and 30th Streets, laid out April 10, 1832; Chap. 101, Laws 1832. Lexington Avenue, between 30th and -tid Streets, laid out April 30, 1S33; Chap. 309, Laws 1833. Lexington Avenue, between 42d and GGth Streets, laid out and declared a public street April 2, 1838; Chap. 148, Laws 1838. Lexington Avenue, between lt8tb and l(»Oth Streets, discon- tinued April 4, 186G; Chap. 370, Laws 18GG. Lexington Avenue, extended from 102d Street to Harlem River, May 7, 1870; Chap. 753, Laws 1870; Mav 13, 1873; Chap. oOO, Laws 1873. Liberty Street, widened between Nassau and William Streets, February 25, 1835. Liberty Street, widened Ijetween Broadway and Greenwich Street, March 13, 1833. Liberty Street, widened between Broadway and Greenwich Street. March 17, 1852. Livingston Place, laid out May IS, 1S3G; Chap. 3G1. Laws 1S3G. Lows Lane, closed between Old Post Road and Otli Avenue. Dec. 19, 1831. Madison Avenue, between i'ld and SCth Streets, laid out April 17, 18C0;Chap. 466, Laws 1860. Madison Avenue, extended from SGth to 120th Streets, April 16, 1867; Chap. 403, Laws 1867. Madison Avenue, extended from 120t]i Street to Harlem River, May 4th, 1869; Chap. 560, Laws 1869. Madison Avenue (new avenue, east, between 120th and 124th Streets, to form part of), April 12, 1872; Chap. 220, Laws 1672. Maiden Lane, widened at corner of Nassau Street, April 1, 183G. Manhattan Square, opened May 4, 1836. Manhattan Street, between 125th Street and Hudson River, declared a public street May 4, 1836; Chap. 251, Laws 1836. Manhattan Street extended to St. Nicholas Avenue, Aj)i'il 4, 1866, Chap. 367, Laws 1866. Mission Place (Little Water Street), widened Jan. 3, 1832. Monroe Street (Lombardy Street), widened from Catherine to Jefferson Streets, Oct, 11, 1830. Morton Street, widened Aug. 15, 1832. 73 Mount Morris Square, opened Jan. 22, 1S3G. New Street, widened from Wall to Beaver Streets, July 17, 1S35. New Bowery, opened from Chatham Street to Pearl Street, May 1, 185G. New Canal Street, see Canal Street. New Chambers Street, opened from Chatham Street to James Slip, 1S55. New Church Street, opened from Fulton Street to Liberty Street, and from Edgar Street to Greenwich Street, and Trinity Place widened and name changed to New Church Street, 1869. Ninth Street west of 6th Avenue discontinued March .5, 1833, Chap. 40, Laws 1833. Nineteenth Street continued to 13th Avenue, Mav 13, 1846, Chap. 208, Laws 184C.. 1 Formerly part of Observatory Place, I extended from 4th to 5th Avenues, [ March 15, 1S05; Chap. 135. Laws j 1865. Ninety-ninth Street between 3d and 4th Avenues discontinued, April 4, 1866, Chap. 370, Laws 1866. Observatory Place bounded by S9th and 94th Streets, 4th and 5th Avenues, discontinued March 15, 1865; Chap. 135, Laws 1865. Old Boston Post Eoad closed south of 3Sth Street, Jan. 7. 1839. ^ Extended from 5th Avenue Ninetieth Street Ninety-first Street Ninety-second Street Ninety-third Street One Himdied and Seventh Street One Hundred and Eighth Street J to the Harlem April 27, 1837 274, Laws 1837. Eiver, Chap. One Hundred and Fifteenth Street One Hundred and Sixteenth Street One Hundred and Seventeenth Street One Hundred and Eighteenth Street One Hundred and Nineteenth Street One Hundred and Twenty- si.xth Street One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street One Hundred and Twenty eighth Street "1 Between 10th and I 1 1 th Avenues closed, [- March 31, 1838; I Chap. 140, Laws I 1838. ] Between Manhat- I tan and Law- rence Streets and 128th Street al- so between Law- rence Street and 10th Avenue closed May 4, 1836; Chap, 251, Laws 1836. 14: One Hundred and Thirty-second street, between the Bloom- ingdale Eoad and Boulevard. One Hundred and Thirty-sixtli Street, between the Eleventh Avenue and Hudson Eiver. discontinued May 5, 1870. Chaji. 015, Laws ISTO. One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Street, west of a ]ioint -ttJO feet west of the Eleventh Avenue, discontinued April 1 1 , 1805. Chap. 3CG, Laws 1SG5. One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Street, between the Boulo- bard and Bloomingdale Road, altered to the width proposed by the Commissioners of Central Park March 3, 1870. Chap. 44, Laws 1870. One Hundred and Forty-first Street, between a point 325 feet- west of the Boulevard and the Twelfth Avenue, discontinued May 7, ISOO. Chap. 088, Laws 1809. One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Street, between Tenth Avenue and the Hudson Rivei', discontinued May 4, 1845. Chap. 314, Laws 1845. Orange Street (now Centre Market Place), extended fi-om Grand to Broome Streets, AprillO, 1837. Park Place, widened between Church Street and College Place October 27th, 1S54. Park Street (Cross Street), widened January 3, 1852. ' Pine Street, widened at the corner of William Street .Julv 12, 1830. Pine Street, widened between Nassau and Pearl Streets May 9,1831. Pine Street, between Broad'vav and Nassau Street, widened .June 28, 1834. Pine Street, widened between Nassau and William Streets December 10, 1830. Piatt Street, extended from Uold to William Streets Feb- ruary 11th. 1834. Public Place, between Astor Place and Eightli Sti'eet and Lafayette Place, opened July 20, 1830. Road or Drive laid out by the Commissioners of the Cen- tral Park, between the East side of the Tentli Avenue and North sideof 79th Street, discontinued, and 79th Street extended to the Tenth Avenue, and Tenth Avenue extended from 73d Street to the Drive May 24, 1872. Chap. 852, Laws 1872. Roosevelt Street, continuation of, from Cherry Street, to the East River, authorized April 0, 1792. Chap. 49, Laws 1V92. Eutherford Place, laid out May IS, 1830. Chap. 361, Laws 1S30. Sixty-seventh Street, extended from 4th to 5th Avenue.?, March 21», ISGT. Chap I'JO, Laws 1SG7. Sixty-seventh Street ) extended from 3d to 4th Avenues, Aug. Sixty-eiglith Street ) 20,1808. Chap. 885, Laws 1808. Sixty-eighth Street, between 3d and 4th Avenue-, closed April 27, 1837. Chap. 274, Laws 1837. Sheriff Street, extended from Houston to Second Streets, May 10, 1836. Chap. 282, Laws 1836, July 17, 1830. Spruce Street, widened letween Nassau and Gold Streets, April 27, 1832. South Street, widened between Clinton and Montgomery Streets, and extended from Montgomery to Corlears Streets. April 25, 1831. South Willaim Street, widened between Bread Street and Mill Street Alley, March 11, 1835. St. John's Park, changed to a Freight Depot of the New York Central and Hudson River Rail Road Company, 1869. Stone Street, widened from William to Broad Streets, April 27, 1836. Stone Street, widened from Whitehall to Broad Street, Julv 20, 1840. Stone Street, widened May 22, 1847. Stuyvesant Street, between the 4th Avenue and 2d Avenue, declared a ijublic street, May 0, 1831. Chap. 59, Laws 1831. Street laid out by the Central Park Commissioners between St. Nicholas Avenue and 120th and 137th Streets, discontinued April 5, 1871. Chap. 290, Laws 1871. Sylvan Place, between 3d and 4th Avenues, 120th and 121st Streets, declared a public street, Aprill7, 1860. Chap. 480, Laws 1800. Thirty-third Street, closed, where used by the Harlem Rail Road in 4tli Avenue, May 8, 1845. Chap. 140, Laws 1845. Thomas Street, extended from Church Street to Broadwav, 1869. Trimble Place, from Thomas to Duane Streets between Broad- way and Church Street, laid out, 1809. Tompkins Street, as an exterior street laid out between Riv- ington and 23d Streets, April 13, 1820. Chap. 106, Laws 1826. Tompkins Street (exterior street), between 13th and 23d Streets, declared a public street May 11, 1835; Chap. 268, Laws 1835. / 62 Union Square (Union Place) opened Feb. 1, 1S32. Vanderbilt Avenue, from -iSdioiath Streets, betwean Fourth and Madison Avenues, declared a public street, Mav 20, 1869; Chap. 019, Laws 1SG9. Wall Street, widened l;et\veen Pearl and Hanover Streets, June liS^ 1835. Wall Street, Avidened from Broadwav to Nassau Street. June :•., 1S54. Washington Place (.jth Street), widened from Broadway to Wooster Street, Nov. 28, 1S31. Washington Street, extended from Gansevoort to Little West 12th Streets, July 9, 1851; Chap. 4i3, Laws 1S51. Whifehall Street, widened from Bowling Green to State Street, Feb. 4, lS5i. William Street, widened between Exchange Place and South William Street, April 18, 1831. William street, widened from Wall Street to Maiden Lane, Ai)ril 15, 1835. William Street, widened on the East side from AVall to Pine Sti-eets, May 10, 1832. William Street, widening' fi'om Maiden Lar.e to Chatham Street (discontinued), May 4,"lS3i:). William Street, widened from Maiden Lane to Chatham Street, Jan. 12, 1S4C. William Street, widened May 20, I8i7. Woo.ster Street (now University Place), extended from Stli to Uth Streets, April 1, 1833; Chap. 98, Laws 1833. Wooster Street (now University Place), widened from 6th Street (Waverly Place) to 14th Street, by adding 25 feet to the pastei-ly side, April 24, 1834; Chap. 174, Laws 1834. Worth Street (Anthony Street), widened Jan. 3, 1832. Worth Street (Anthony Street). Avidening (discontinued i April 19th, 1837. Worth Street, widened about 20 feet on south side, from Hudson to Park Streets, Sept. 27th, 1860. AVorth Street, extended from Baxter to Chatham Streets, 1868. [2886]