^t. °o ^oV ^i^^ ,^ -0* ■-ii/f/ _o ■ • , ' ' o \- ^■^ X^ / •9,^ v^"^ ^^' .^^'"-^ *3 --r^-fi'V * « - " - .^^ X .0^ .•; >°-n^ ?i- "-^^0^ ^°-^^. ^^ '^^ Cy .* ..V ^-^ "°o V ,0" .^ %. .V •. A^ 3 O ,-^' "-^r .^^-^ >' '^ 0^ !'■ --b^ : -^--d* ^^°^ ^* o > .>)"^ J, * ^«- „" «.^ V •i O °^ ^•> •*b .* .<^ .^'% "V ,*■* .v'^ .*^ =<^. ^*, °v^ v<:^' ■*b To *'*^.. ^-^..^^^ ,:.. /% .• /% l^.- /\ ^P«*" /\ vv^..- ,/\. ■-:<. •^. /\ .^ < ^ av '.■!-, •■•;! \. " .<^ :. %/ .^>?^:^. Vo*^ f;^^'- "^/ '^^ .0 ^ ,'40' ?i. ^0 ''" • ', *> v^ - - - - ,^ .•• % --^ ^%^ .. ^-^^ * » o ' =Jc *•.»' ^«^ __^ °^^ *••'• A < i*:- V' . ,s »»■ ABSTRACTS OP WILLS PROVED IH THE COURT OP comroiT pleas OP RE1TSSELA3R COUIITY, KSW YOIK i-EDM 1794 TO 1822 TOGETHER WITH OHE WILL PROM WASHIITGTON COUNTY, HEY/ YORK BY CHARLES SHEPARD TROY, N. Y. C. SHEPARD 19 2 1 J Pive copies of this work made for subacri'bers axid one oopy for the editor No. 1 Clmrles Shepard, Troy, H. Y. 2 Library of Congreaa, Washington. 3 New York Genealogioai & Biographical Society, New York. 4 New York State Library, Albciny. 5 New York Historical Society, New York. 6 New Englajid Historic Genealogical Society, Boston. This copy is the one underlir^ed in red PREFACE The will3 from wiaioh the following abstracts were made are found recorded in an un-nuinbered book now in t:iG office of the Surrogate of Rensselaer County, Nev; York. None of the office force seem to know how the boclk came to "be in tliat office. The Court of Comraon Pleas ceased to exist many years ago; it is quite probable tliat at the time of its dissolution, the book of recorded v/ills was placed in the Surrogate's Office ae "being the most appropriate place for it. The regular records of the Surrogate's Office axe very vrell indexed, but none of the vrills in this book appear in the index. Hence these abstracts are of more than ordinary' genealogical value. Several of the wills, hov^ever, (as is noted after the respective abstracts) were proved also in the Surrogate's Court, generally prev- ious to their proof in the Court of Common Pleas, In such instances the wills will be found recorded also in the Surrogate's records, with proper references in the index. The record book is a small volume in a good state of preservation, 21 x SS^- cm. in size. It is lettered on the back of the cover, "RECORD OP T7ILLS. " The follo-vvlng abstracts include all the .vills found in the book. The rest of the leavi:3 after page 48 are blank. The numbers in i.ar en theses, near the middle of the page, preoeeding each abstract, refer to the number of the iiage of the original book on wliich the matter pertaining to each estate laegins. The following; abstracts are of a genealogical nature; they include the names of all persons mentioned in the originals, and give the location of all real estate mentioned, as a means of tr£,cing the migrations of thJs testator; but they omit (except where of especial interest) the specific bequests as v/ell as the descriptions of the boundaries of land. The making of more complete abstracts would have cons-omed much time and labor, without adding to their usefulness to a genealogist, though perhaps they would have "been of more value to searchers in other lines of work. Special pains have been taken to make certain that the names of all persons are given in the abstracts; a genealogist may therefore feel confident that if a name is not found here, it is quite useless to consult the originals. A question-mark in parentheses (?) following a v/ord means that the word is somewliat illegible in the original, and may not have been copied entirely correctly. See the special note preceeding the will of Philip VanNess. These abstracts were made in October, 1931,, and the typewriting done in November 1921. CHARLES SHEPARD Genealogist £ind Antiquaxian P.O.BOX 302, TROY, IIEW YORK (Page 1 ) Will of "Gerrit C. Van Den Bergh of the manor of Rensijelaers V/yck in the County of Albany & State of New York." Dtited 26 l?ay 1784. To my "eldia" aon Cornelius Vanden Bergh my large Dutoh gun for his "birth right. My "wife Margrita Van Denbergh. My three sons Cornelius Vandenbergh, Volkert Vandenbergh and Gerrit Tuenisa Vandenbergh. My ss^id wife their mother. My daughter Maria Veindenbergh, Lajid in the patent of ^'"^^ Hosick and land in the patent of Thomas Pouvrel , lying in Kinderhook patent, bounded by land of Jan Martense Van Alstyne and Derike his wife, and by land of Gex-ret Theu- niase; land which Jan l^fextense Van Alstyne »s grandson Isaac Van Alstyn or his son nav lives on. My negro servants, J&.tt and her tv/o sons Tom and Trenck. My tv/o daughters named Maria and Elizabeth Van Veghten; their sisters Margrieta and Ci-xristiena. My five named daughters j;[aria, Lydia (?) , Margrietta, Christiena and Elisabeth, Executors my t.laree sons Cornelius, Volkert and Gerrit Theunisse Van Denbergh. Signed "Gerrit C. Vanden Bergh." Witnesses: Dirck Hansen, Wm. Ten Brook, N. V. Rensselaer. Proved in the Coiirt of Common Pleas in the County of Rensselaer, 19 Pebruaxy 1794, on the oaths of Dirck Hansen and ITicholas Van Rensselaer, t: o of the wit- nesses. Ordered to be recorded by Anthony Ten Eyck, Jolin Van Rensselaer, ajid Israel Thomj-aon, tliree of the Judges of the said court. Recorded 19 February 1794. Signed: N. Schuyler, clerk. ( Page 7 ) Will of "Thomas Clarke of the City of New York, Gentleman, being aged and infirm but of good sound and disposing raind. " Dated 6 November 1776. My daughter llary Vassal wife of Ricliard Vassal Esq. My daughters Cloarity and l^Iaria Therissa, na.v uninarried. Residue of estate "together with my pev/ in Trinity Church in the City of New York" to ray beloved wife Mary. My son Clement Cooke Clc^rke. The children (not named) of Deborah Smith my wife' 3 sister. The children of Anne De Vinn (?) my 3., .id V7ife's sister. Children of Lidia Watkins my said wife's sister. My niece Ilannah Rye, wife of Doctor R/e of the city of Bath in the Kingdom of Great Britain. The children of my deceased nephew Edward Johyle (?) late of the Kingdom of Great Britain, Esq. Executors: My wife IJIary, son Clement Cooks, brother-in-law John Y/atkins and sister-in-law Elisabeth Maunsel. Signed: Thomas Clarke, Witnesses: W. McAdam; David Jones; Clias. Korse. 21 October 1777. Proved before Cary Ludlow, Surrogate for the city and county of How York, on oaths of David Jones, nerciiant, and Charles Tlorse, scrivener, both of said city, who sv/ear that they saw \;illiain McAdam sign as tiae other witness. 21 October 1777. I.Caxy Clarke appointed executor and took oath. Gary Ludlov/, Surrogate. 11 June 1795. Before the Court of Common Pleaa of the County of Rensselaer, at the Court House in Troy, came David Jones the only surviving witness of the v;ill of Thomas Clarke deceeised, and inade oath to the signing and sealing of the Scvne. Recorded and examined 11 June 1795. N. Schuyler, clerk. . ( Page 14 ) Will of "Jesse Bacon of the TdTn of Troy in the County of Rensselaer and State of Nev Zork, Attorney at law." Dated 2 June 1803. Real estate in the to.Tn of Hoosick in the County of Rensselaer aforesaid. To James Dole, Esq., one hundred dollars. My wife lilargery and ray tliree children Julia, Francis and Jfery Ellis. Children now unmarried and under age. Jarnes Dole, Esq., to be guardian of ray son Francis. Books and papers relating to xay late co-partnership of ]~.ird and Bacon, to be delivered to Joim Bird. Executors: James Dole of Troy, and Samuel Starr and Daniel Jones, attor- neys at law, both of Troy. Bequest to Chloe Ellis. Signed: Jesse Paeon. Witnisses: Noble Stevfart; Jedediah Tracy; John Wright; Levi Stoughton, 6 October 1803. Proved before the Rensselaer County Court of Common Pleas, on oaths of Levy Stoughton, JedediaJi Tracy, and John V^ight. Testator died on or about the 8th of June last. Recorded 6 October 1803. N. Schuyler, clerk. The above v/ill of Jesse Bacon was proved also in the Surrogate's Court of Rensselaer County, on 30 June 1803, and is recorded in Book 2, page 55. ( Page 20 ) V/ill of "Cornelius Smith of Pitts town in the County of Renssela-jr and State of Nev/ York. " Dated 8 April 1800. Beloved v/ife Dorcas Smith. land in Pittetovm. My sons Corneilus Smith Junior and Darias Smith. My daughters Hephzeph Pollard and Tabatlia Brown. My daughter Sally Right (? Possibly Pieght ?), My son Issjuc Smith. Executor: son Isaac Smith. Y/itnesses: Saral. Eddy; Elkanah Smith; Israel Thompson. 25 May 1804. Proved before the Court of Common Pleas of Rensselaer County on the. oath of Israel Thonip- son. Recorded 25 May 1304. N. Schuyler, clerk. The above will of Cornelius Smith was proved also in the Surrogate's court of Rensselaer County, and recorded 7 llay 1804 in book a, page 142. ( Page 23 ) V/ill of "BenjciriTln Walworth of Hoaick in the County of Rensselaer and Stiite of New York. " Dated 25 Pe'bruary 1812. My v;ife Apphia Wal^vorth. My daughter Rosamond B. BarlDer; my other tliree daughters Sarah D. Walworth; Apphia B. Walv/orth and Elvia Ann "'alv/orth. My son Jededieili H. Walworth. Land in Hyde Park in the State of Vermont, purchased from William S. Gardall. My grand- son Banjarfiin W. Barber. land in Grot ton in the State of Vermont. My grandson John JJL IL Barber. Porty acres of l<'ind in Grotton to Benjamin W, C&rdall. My grandson lorinzo Barber, no'Ti under 21 years of age. My other five sons, John Walvforth; James C. Wal?;orth; Reuben H. Walworth; Benjamin ^7al'.vorth; and Ilyram Walworth. Executors: Benjamin Kandsll ; Jir ah Baker ; Reuben H. Wain or th. Signed: BenJ. Walworth. 'Titnesses: James Latiirop; W. S. Cardell ; Mercy Cax'dell. 28 May 1812. Proved in the Court of Common Pleas of Rensselaer County on the oath of James Lathrop of Hoosick, farmer; tho ether t\70 witnesses, William S. Cardell and Mercy Cardell being reaidents of the State of Vermont. Jarr'es V/alworth swears to the handwriting of the signature and that he is uncle of said testator. Recorded 30 }fe,y 1812. R. 1/T. livings ton, deputy clerk. The above will of Benjamin Walworth was proved also in the Surrogate's Court of Rensselaer County on 6 March 1812 and recorded in book 4, pac;e 74. ( Page 27 ) Vill of "Sylvester Noble of Iloosick in the County of Renaaelaex and State of lIov,r York." My well respected wife Letsy Noble, My friends Aaron D. Patchin and Benjamin RaTidaO.! to divide estate and be executors, and also to "be guaxdians for ray sons Daniel Kibbe IToble, Horatio Nelson Noble, Horrace Leavins Noble, and Sylvester Brookins Noble, during their rainority. l'^7 v;ife Betsy iJobl3 to be guardian of my daughters Minerva Delia Noble and July Elma Noble during their minority. Dated at Hoosick, 25 February 1813. .Signed: Sylvester Noble. V/itnesses: Nathaniel Otis; Ezra Mosely; Rodolph Andrews. 2 Ilarch 1814. Proved in the Court of Gonmon Pleas of Rensselaer County, on motion of oounsel, Sbenezer Wilson Junr. , on oaths of Nathaniel Otis of Hoosick, carpen- ter; Ezra lloseley of the same, merctiant; and Rodolph Andrews of the same. Physician. Recorded 13 I'ay (I) 1814. Jainea Dole, clerk. The above v;ill of Sylvester Noble was proved also in the Surrogate's Court of Rensselaer County and recorded 9 1k:Xoh IfilS in Book 4, pajje 233. ( Page 31 ) ^111 of "John KcCoun Junior of Troy in the County of Rensselaer and State of Uew York." My wife Maria. Estate to "be divided among cliildren (not named) each one to have his or her share -vhen he or she arrives at age of 21. Posthujnous child or cliildren to share equally with the others. My slaves to he manumitted immediately after my decease. Executors: my wife 71aria; my brother To^wnsend McCoun; my hrother-in-law Morris 8. Miller; they to he guardians of my children. Dated February 1812. Signed: John "TcCoun Jur. Witnesses: Joseph Card; Benjadmin Peirce; Russell W. Lev/is. Recorded 24 February 1819. Joseph D. Selden, clerk. last Monday in February, 1819. Proved before the Court of Common Pleas of Rensselaer County, on motion of Lewis Mitchell, counsel for M.aria McCoun. Very lengthy proceedings shovr that John Townsend McCoun v;as son and heir of John McCoun Jr. , and that he had been notified by M^aria McCoun, the wido^v, of her intent to prove the will, Townsend McCoun, testamentary guardian of said John Tovm- send McCo\m, had also been notified of intent to prove the daid will. John M. Card of Troy swears that said John McCoun Jr., died in or about August 1812; ?:ej:ia McCoun is his widow and is still living; said John McCoun vTr. left but two children surviving him, viz. John Tov/nsend McCoun now alive and under 21 years of age, and Elizabeth McCoun who died about 3 or 4 years after the death of her father, and at the time of her death was unmarried and about 12 years old. Svrorn to 24 7ebruary 1819 by John M. Card. Archi Bull, deputy clerk. \c Joseph Card of Troy, one of the witnesses of the will, sweard to the signing of the same, &c. , and swears that Russell II. Lewis now lives outside of New York State, at or near Blakely in the territory of Aia'baTna; tiiat John McCoun Jr. died in Aucust 1812 in his dwelling house in Troy, and was survived "by I.Taria McCoun his widow, and Eliza'beth IfcCcun ard Joh^i Townsend j.TcCoun hlo only children, which said Elizaheth llcCoun died after the death of her father, without issue. Sworn to 24 February 1819 hy Joseph Card. Archi Bull, deputy clerk. Benjamin Peirce swears on ssji^ day to same facta. Said will with proof . thereof was then ordered to "be recorded. The above will of John HcCoun Jr., was :^ roved also in the SurroGc^te'a Court of Rensselaer County, and recorded 5 September 1812 in hook 4, page 167. ( ?ar,e 43 ) V;ill of "Joseph MoChesney of the Town of Troy in the County of Rensselaer and State of ITsw York." My -beloved wife I.^ary ITcChesney. Joseph Bakeman TTcChesney and Joseph Mullinix McChesney my two grandsons. My two sons, William and Samuel. My old farm lying on the lines of Elisha Adams and Moses Daseribury. "So liar mer horn purchis" of land. Executors: wife Ilary; Francis Collison; Rohert ?'cChe3ney. Dated 23 February 1807. Signed: Joaeph ITcCiiesney. mtnesses: Hugh McCheaney; Elisha Mams; Deric I. Vanderheyden. Recorded and examined 25 February 1822. Ben. Smith, clerk. 25 Pe\)ruary 1822. Proved in the court of Co-jnon Pleas of Rensselaer County, on motion of S^a^uel IfoChesney, one of the heirs. Elisha Adams swears he was acquainted with Joseph McChesney. late of Brunswick in Rensselaer county; that he died several years ago at his house in Brunswick; that he left at the time of his death two Children. Samuel I., and William; and that Hugh McChesney and Derick I. Vanderheyden, the other witnesses. :^e now iDOth dead. This appears to have h.en uae last will proved in the Court of Common Pleas of Rensselaer County. New York. The rest of the took containing the foregoing rec- ords, is hlank. NOTE The Trill of Philip Vanllesa is here included iDecauge it, like the foregoing, is unindexed and therefore not availa"ble to searchers unless they happen to know of its existence. The original will is now to DC found in the office of the Surrogate of Rensselaer County, ITew York. It is "bound Toy itself, in a Ccj:d'board cover, size 21 x 33 cm. There is no note shov/ing wliether or not it was over proved, "but the interested searcher will probably find that it was properly proved and recorded in Washington County. No explanation can "be offered of why the original, "bound as it is, is now in the Rensselaer County Surrogate's office. In the early days the Surrogates often returnsd the original wills, after recording theri, to the executors. This will may thus have travelled from hand to hand until it came into the possession of one who had no interest in it, who deposited it in its present resting place. This a"b3 tract, like the preceeding ones, mentions every person named in the original. Will of Philip Van ITess "In the nosne of God, I Philip Van Ness of the to';m of Ganbridge in the county of Vfeshington and State of New York, Parmer," "To Philip VanHeas, Tfergaret Van Ness, Eve Van Ness and Henry Van Ness, the children of my eldest son Gerrit Van Ness and Sarah and ITurgaret his respective wives" all that faxm whereon the widov; Iiargaret and hor children do now reside, situate in the tovm of Scachticoke, Unto Tueunis VanVeightsn and Margaret Groesteck, a house and lot in Schenectady and one hundred pounds to be paid then by wy youngest (.') daughter Catalyna within one year after the decease of ray present wife. "The above named Teunis and Ifergaret are the children of Dirck VanVeghten and Catalyna my eldest (!) daughter." To daughter Catharine certain lota of leaid in the Hosack patent, formerly in the County of Albany but now in the County of T7ash:.ngton, which la.nd was "conveyed to me by Arent J. Schuyler and Swan Schuyler and their respective vriven in Septeinber in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five," Also unto said daughter Catharine, one hundred pounds lawful money of New York. "To n^;- daughter liaritie the vrife of Ifertin VanBuskerk" part of a lot in Hosick patent, now part in possession of the said llartin VanBuskerk, bounded (in part) by "land now in possession of John Gordon." To "Sarah my daughter the wife of John Gordon" another part of the same lot in Hosiclc patent. "To Catalyna my youngest daughter" the remaining one-third part of the said lot number 27 in the Hosick patent. My wife to enjoy the rents and profits of njy saw and grist mill during her widowhood, and after her decease or remar- riage the aaw and grist iTJill axid land around it to go to my children Maritie, Sarah, Catharine and Catalyna as tenants in common, and also the fall in the creek, aToove the mill. My 'beloved wife Helena executrix and Hicholas Groesbeck executor. Dated 10 July 1794. Signed; "Philip Van ITes. " Witnesses: G. Wendell; Philip V. K. Bushkark; James (sujcname ends in letters "BE.") Codicil dated 9 Deoenber 1794, also signed "Philip Van Hes'^ and witnesaod "oy the same parties. Whereas since roaking the annexed will I have disposed of the house and lot in Schenectady to Jerenimus Barheydt by indenture bearing even date with tMs codicil; therefore in lieu of the bequest of land I bdqueath "unto Teunis Van Vechten and liaxgaxet the wife of Hyndert Groesbeck being; the children of liiy daughter the ?rife of Dirck VanVeohten, " the sum of one hundred pounds to be equally divided between them. The residue of my personal estate to be equally divided between my four daugiiters now living, naj.iely "Maratie tJrie wife of ir^tin VanBuskerk, Sarali tJrie wife of Jolin Gordon, Catharine, and Catalina. " INDEX Married women appear in the index under both their maiden names and their married names, whenever both names are clearly shown by the context. Look for all possible spellings of the desired surname. ADAt.IS Elisha, 12, 13. AITDHEWS Rodolph, 10. BACON Prancis, 7. Jss'ie, 7, 8. Julia, 7. FuiTgcry, 7. Ifejy E. , 7. BAKER Jirah, 9. BARBER Benjamin W. , 9. John M.M. , 9. Lorinzo, 9. Rosamcnd B. , 9, BARIiEYI>T Jereniraus, 16. BIRD JoV. n. 7. BRDHTII Tabathu., 8. BULL Arclii, 11, 12. CARD Jolui lu , 11. Joseph, 11, 12. CAPDAIX Benjamin ¥. , 9. Mercy, 9. William 8. , 9. CLARKE Glxarity, 6. Clement C. , 6. Maria T. , 6. Mary, 6, 7. Thomas, 6, 7. COLLI SON I^ancis, 12. DE vimi (?) Anne, 6. DOLE James, 7, 10. DUSEimURY ?Io3e3, I'j. EDDY Samuel, 8. ELLIS Chloe, 7. PREITCK (Negro) , 5. GORDON John, 15, 16. Sarali, 15, 16. GR0ES3ECK liargaret, 15, 16. Myndert, 16. Nicholas, 16. HAITSEN Dirck, 5. JOHYLE (?) Edward , 6 . Daniel, 7. David, 6, 7. KAmElJL Benjamin, 9. LATHROP Jacies, 9. Russell M(?) , 11, 12. Russell ¥(?) , 11, 12. LIVINGSTON R. M. , 9. XUDLOW Gary, 6, 7. MC ADAM William, 6. MC CHESNEY Hugh, 13. Joseph, 12, 13. Joseph 33. , 12. Joseph M. , 12. Ilkry, 12. Robert, 12. Sonuel, 12, 13. Samuel I. , 13. '.Viiiiani, 12, 13, KC COUII Elizcibeth, 11, 12. John Jr. , 10, 11, 12. John T. , 11, 12. l^aria, 11, 12. Towns end, 11. MATT (Negro) , 5. 1.IAUNSEL Elizabeth, 6. MILLER Ilouris S. , 11. MITCI-IELL Lev/is, 11. MORSE Charles, 6. MOSELEY Ezra, 10. NEGROES Itenck, 5. Ife.tt, 5. Tom, 5. NOBLE Betsy, 10. Daniel K. , 10. Horatio N. , 10. Ilorrace L. , 10. July E. , 10. Minerva D. , 10. Sylvester, 10. Sylvester B. , 10. OTIS Nathaniel, . 10. PATCIHN Aaron D. , 10. PEIRCE Benjamin, 11, 12. PIEGHT (?) Sally, 8. POLLARD Hephzeph, 8. POUWEL Thomas , 5 , 1 RANDALL Benjamin, 10. RIGHT (?) Sally, 3. RYS Dr. . 6. Hannalx, 6, SGHARI.SR1I0RN . 12. \ SCHUYLER Arent J. , 15. N. , 6, 7, 8. Swan, 15. SELDEN Joseph. 'D. , 11. SIIEPAKD CharlGs, 1, 4. smTH Ben , 13 . Cornelius, 8. Cornelius Jr. , 8. DariciS , 8. Delaorah, 6. Dorcas, 8. Elkanali , 8 . Hepzeph, 8. Isacc, 8. Sally, 8. Tabatha, 8. STARR Sarnuel, 7. STEV/ART llo-ble, 7. STOUGJITOIT Levy , 7 . TEN BROOK ^.'illiam, 5. TEIT EYCK Anthony, 5. TlIEimiSSE Gerret, 5. THOITSON Israel, 5, 8. TOM (Negro) , 5. TRACY Jedediah, 7, 8. VAN BUSHFLAJK VAN BUSKERK Maritie, 15, 16. llartin, 15, 16. Philip V.N. , 16. ^ VAN ALSTYNE Derilre, 5. Isaac, 5. Jan M. , 5. VAN JEN BERGH CVjriatiena, 5. Cornelius, 5. ElizaToeth, '5. Gerrit C. , 5. Gerrit T. , 5. Lydia (?) , 5. llargr i ta , 5 . ?taria, 5. Volkert, 5. VAN DER IIEY13EN Derick I. , 13. VAN NESS Catalyna, 15, 16. Catharine, 15, 16. Eve, 15. Gerrit, 15. Helena, IG. Henry, 15. Margaret, 15. Ilaxitie, 15, 16. Philip, 14, 15, 16, Sarah, 15, 16. VAN RENSSELAER John, 5. Nicholas, 5. VAN VEGHTIEN Catal^rna, 15. DircV, 15, 16. Elizabeth, 5. Jiargaret, 15, 16. JTaria , 5 . Teunia , 15, 16. VASSALI Ifery, 6. Ric)ua,rd, 6. WALWORTH Apv.hia, 9. Apphia B. , 9. Benjamin, 9. Elvia A. , 9. Ifyram, 9. Janes, 9. James C. , 9. Jedediah H. , 9. John, 9. Reuben H. , 9. Rosamond B. , 9. Sarah D. , 9. WATKIITS Jolin, 6. G. , 16. ¥ILSON Ebeneser Jr. , 10. WRIGHT John, 7, 0. SURlTAI'ffi mSSIlTG: Jarnes, 16. MEGRDES Prenck, 5. llatt, 5. Tom, 5, THE END V' •^'k'^2 / y\ -:vv^- y% V ^- -. ■^;vv;.- *^ ^ / /% ^ m ■J * -ov" "ff Tz. 0^ ;^ ■ ^> v' !■'- >i>. ^-t' / *'r 0^S^ .-, ■' ^-p '■;v^^^ _ .*'% • i. o " o ^ -^^ c ^^^ :-^^^yS '^\ -M^^ ^^\. "^.^^V^v ^ •^ (X^ -'^ ■^ -^ (X^ "•-. "^b J.*- c.°-°. '^^ 0^=^ .'■•• o J* 0°"°. ^v. o^ •"•• o A^ '°"°' ^^ .'/ ^^ \^P,*' .<5>''\. WC^*' '^"''' - '^'^^ - ' vr"i> % ...^.'^^iJ^'X ,^^^^:;^^.'^>. .^^.':^^.=^ .^^■' rPR7 8 o V 5,0 -n 't. A .^^' U, ,.^^* .\.J. %:■■