iQi CRTJlLiOGUE CONTAIHING Illastf ations and Ptice Ltists OF ^^^Mii^-iiHV£yV ^ o TRADEMARK. o^ ^ Tenth Edition 1891-1892 t INTRODUCTION We take pleasure in presenting to our patrons this, the Tenth Edition of our Catalogue and Price List. We have used every eftbrt and spared no pains to make it more complete than any of the previous editions, but in such a business as ours, with such a mul- tiplicity ol detail, some omissions are bound to occur in compiling a catalogue. Any article that is not mentioned in this book, if it come at all within the scope of our business, we will supply, or send any informaUon regarding it that may be desired. This catalogue is intended only for non-residents of San Francisco, and to such we would state that our Order Department is one of the most complete on the Pacific Coast. I>y ordering by letter through this catalogue, the same care and attention is shown in filling these orders as if the goods were being purchased over the counter in person, and all packages are sent off by the earliest mail or express. By observing a few general rules to be found on the next page, our patrons will facilitate our efforts and avoid any delay that might otherwise occur. Trusting that our efforts in the future may merit the approbation of our patrons and thereby insure a continuance of their kind patronage. We are, respectfully, NEWMAN & LEVINSON. Instructions in Sending Orders. In SENUiN(; AN ORDKR do iiot NEGLFXT to eiiclosc SAMPi.i:, aiul try to be as explicit as ])ossible regard- ing quantit)', (juality, color, size, design, etc. Always sign the name plainly, giving in full the Post Office address. As we may be out of an article at times when ordered, kindly state whether it should be the I'.xact THiNO, or the, which may often avoid detention produced by making iiiijuiries. AVe would respectfully notify our patrons that we will, at any time, on receipt ot order, procure any article outside of our branch of business. The sending of goods C O. D. is no particular advantage to customers, as it costs them in addi- tion for the return of the money collected. AVe would, therefore, advise them, in order to save the e.xtia charges, to prepay all articli-.s : still, if preferable, we will forward goods C. O. D. by E.\press. Parties returning (;ooiis to be exchanged should write their Names on outside cf Package, so that we can tell who the sender is, as we often get packages, and not knowing from whom they come, it naturally causes delay. In ordering please state whether the merchandise ordered should be sent by Express or Mail. Mail Packages are shipped at the purc^iaser's risk. Never enclose any writing whatever in a mail j)ackage, for if discovered, full letter rates will be charged. Never enclose coin in a letter unless registered, as they are very often lost, and we are not responsible for any losses occuring through the mail. We would advise our patrons in remitting, to use P. O. Money Orders or Wells, Fargo & Go's Money Orders. In ordering goods C. O. I)., by Express, a remittance, to cover charges, must accompany each order. As we always fill orders on the same day that they are received, if you do not hear from us within a reasonable time, you may conclude that there has been some delay in transit. Under such circumstances, if you will notify us, we will investigate and endeavor to discover the cause. As we have no accounts with our patrons in the interior, we can make no distinction ; not that we doubt their integrity, but as our orders are so numerous it would only create confusion. We therefore, would state that all goods must be paid for before leaving the house, and all balances will be returned with packages. All letters must be addressed to the firm, as we will not be responsible for them otherwise. We will at any time send samples, or answer inquiries relating to any branch of our business. We prefer that remittances be made to us (when possible) by Express Money Orders, which can be obtained at any office of Wells, Fargo & Co., at the following rates : From $1 to $5 ... 5 cents. Over $io to $20 ... 10 cents. Over $30 to $40 ... 15 cents. Over $5 to $10 . . . Scents. Over $20 to $30 . . . 12 cents. Over $40 to $50 . . . 20 cents. Over $50 projjortionately — or by Postofifice Money Order, San Francisco. For small amounts stamps will be received. Page Afghans 58 Aprons 104 DUNTINGS 9 Bolting Cloth 9 Banner Kods 19 Brass Tacks 19 Beads 20 Bibs 28 Baskets 40 Banners 46 Bathing Suits 53-55 Bathing Shoes 54 Bathing Caps 54 Bicycle Suits 56 Bauds (Infants') 58 Bootees 59 Belts 82 Blouses 108 Buckles 115 Buttons 116 Belting 118 Beeswax 118 Button Hooks 119 Brushes (Hair) '. 120 Brushes (Tooth) 120 Braids (Novelty) 121-122 Braids (Serpentine) 123 Braids (Cornation) 123 Braids ( Wave) 123 Braids (Feather Edge) 123 Braids (Star) 124 Braids (Soutache) 124 Braids (Mohair) ... 124 Braids (Alpaca) 124 Braids (Gold and Silver) 124 Bobbin (Linen) 125 Binding (Flannel) 125 Braids (Point Lace) 127 LaNVASES 8 Crepes 9 Cashmere 9 Chamois 9 Crochet Kings 15 Cords 15 Curtain Chains 18 Card Board 22 Cushions 34 Collar and Cuff Boxes 36 Crochet Cotton 49 Crochet Needles 52 Page Caps (Jersey Knit) 57 Cardigan Jackets fiO Capes 60 Children's Coats 62 Children's Sacques 62-63 Chatelaines 80 Card Cases 81 Corsets 84-85 Corset Laces 119 Chemisettes 106 Collars (Lace) 107 Collars (Linen) 108-109 Cuffs 110 Crimpers (Hair) 117 Curling Irons . . 119 Combs 120 UeCORATIVE art 5-7 Draperies 9 Dress Silks 9 Darn Net 9 Drapery Hooks . 18 Down Pillows 22 Darners 50 Drapery Nets 101-102 Dress Ttimmings 112-115 Drops 114 Dress Protectors 118 EMBROIDERY CLOTH 8 Embroidery Linen 8 Enamel 9 Embroidery Materials 10-11 Embroidery Frames 45 Embroidery Hoops 45 Equestrian Shirts 55 Embroideries 102-104 Elastic 118 Emeries 119-120 r RINGES 13-14 Felt Goods 29-31 Fire Screens 41 Frames 41 Fascinators 62 Fans 90-91 Fichues (Lace) 105 (jIMPS 15 Gilt and Silver Trimmings 47 Gloves 86-88 Girdles 115 INDEX — CONTINUED. Page 1 1 OSIERY (KNIT> 5G Hoods 62 Hosiery 74-77 Handkerchiefs 77-79 Horn Bones 118 Hose Supporters 119 Herring Bone Trimming 125 1 NDIA SILKS 9 Ivoriue 9 Initial Letters 118 J ERSEYS 56 Jersey Suits 56 1\EY RACKS 21 Knitting Cotton 49 Knitting Sillis 50 Knitting Needles 51 Knee Caps 58 Linen goods 23-28 Leotards 56 Leggins 59 Lamp Shades 64 Laces 92-100 Lace Skirtings 101 Loops (Dress) 114 Linings (Dress) 118 M OUSSELINE DE SOIE 9 Metal Ornaments 15-16 Mittens 59 Mufflers (Woolen) 60 JN OVELTIES 34-39 Neckwear 106-107 Nets (Hair 117 Needles 117 UpERA glass CASES 36 1 LUSHES 8 Pongees 9 Plaques and Panels 9 Pompons 12-13 Picture Wire 19 Pin Cushion Forms 22 Pattern Books 22 Plush Goods 31 Pantalets 59 Purses (Beaded) 64-65 Purse Trimmings 66 Purses (Leather) 81 Parasols 83 Piece Goods IO4 Pins 1 j7 KeGALIA 46 Rowing Shirts 53 Rigolettes 61 Pasre Ribbons 89 Kuching 110-111 OATEEN 8 Selisia 8 Silk Bolting Cloth 8 Swiss 8 Satins 9 Silks 9 Silk Mulls 9 Sachet Powder 22 Slippers (Embroidered) 33 Slippers (Crocheted) 63 Suspenders 33 Stamping 42-44 Stocking Protectors 58 Shawls 61 Slipper Soles 63 Skirts (Crocheted) 64 Satchels (Beaded) 65 Satchels (Leather) 80-81 Scarfs (Lace) 105 Shirt Waists 108 Shields (Dress) 117 118 125-126 1 ASSELS 12 Thermometers .... 19 Towel Rings 21 Tracing Wheels 21 Tidies 32-33 Toilet Sets 34-35 Tights 57 Tarn O'Shanter 60 Table Mats 64 Trimmings (Dress) 112-115 Tape Measures 119 Thimbles 119 Tapes 125 U NDERWEAR 67-72 Underwear (Dr. Warners) 73 Umbrellas 83 Vestibule RODS i7 Vestibule Brackets 17 Veilings 88 W OODEN WARE 28 Woolen Yarns 48-50 AVristers 59 Waists (Children's) 85 Whalebone Casing 117 Whalebone 118 Watch Guards 119 Weights (Dress) 119 Yarn winders 50 ZyLONITE 9 DECORATIVE ART ROOMS Decorative Art. Ko sdf-ik-tLTiii The sources of information concerning the earliest phases of decorative art among the ancients is wholly historical ; but, owing to a wonclerful event, we have the most ample informa- tion concerning the first century of the Roman Empire, when decorative art was fully developed, without having fallen, at least technically, into the corrupt state which. characterized it in the decadence. We refer to the destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum by the eruption of Vesuvius, a. d. 79. The par- tial resurrection, through excavations began in the last century, has not only tilled our museums with countless pictures, but has made us perfectly familiar with the antique household. The exact knowledge thus obtained shows how absolutely it differed from that of to-day, and how completely its plan, fur- nishing and decoration depended upon the manner of life of its possessor. The social position of the Roman wife was very much higher than that of the Greek ; but it was not, by any means, as high as that attained by women in modern civiliza- tion. Pompeiian houses were furnished far richer, and were more gaily decorated, than modern dwellings. The houses of sim- ple citizens were adorned with paintings, artistic and elaborate mosaics, and rare works in marble, such as fountains, statues, and statuettes. The famous " Battle of Alexander," which is both the costliest mosaic and the most beautiful of all antique pictures extant, was found in a private house. At Vienna, and especially at Paris, it is customary to deco- rate reception rooms as richly as possible, while the living- rooms and chambers are left unadorned and bare. This is because ornament is only an outside show, a pure convention- ality, and not a matter of vital concern and daily enjoyment, or a necessity of culture. At Pompeii, on the contrary, every corner of the house was equally and harmoniously decorated. Ornament found a place in the darkest rooms. No difference was made between the reception rooms and those devoted entirely to family use. The owner adorned his house because he had an innate artistic feeling, and beauty was necessary to his well-being. This explains why all the resources of art were expended upon the interior of an antique house, while the exterior was left comparatively bare. A modern house should be one whose beauty and effect rest THIS CATALOGUE AND SAMPLES OF ANY ARTICLE MAILED FREE ON APPLICATION. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. upon a basis of truth. Artistic harmony depends iipon two things, color and form. In both there must be unity— a union and blending together of many dissimilar elements. Ordinarily color is of more importance in the decorative appointments of a house than form. Color makes the first and strongest impres- sion. It gives the general tone, and may be xised, if not to conceal faults and incongruities of form, at least to divert attention from them. A room may be made to look narrower or broader, lower or higher, by means of color. If we desire to make it grave or cheerful, rare or rich, simple or splendid ; if we would impart to it a cosy and attractive or poetic aspect, make it look warm or cool ; if we would fashion ourselves a place to dream in, or one fitted for serious meditation, or one suited to social enjoyment — our first and last medium is color. It is a fairy enchantress, who brings good and evil, joy and sunshine, or mourning and melancholy in her train Color is always positive in its effect, and is not to be treated with in- difference. It repels and attracts, satisfies and disturbs, raises enjoyment to rapture, or deepens discomfort into horror and cnnal. Happily the freedom in choice of colors and shades is so great that the possibilities of working o'ut a rich scale of harmonious hues are almost unlimited. Although we are to depend mfduly upon colored decoration for effect, unity and harmony of form must not be neglected because their absence is less generally observed. By unity of form we do not mean any of the definite historic styles which have been important in the history of decorative art. We may expressly give up any idea of the Greek, the Gothic, the Kenaissance, or any other style, and yet insist upon unity. A desigD, a form of decoration, or a piece of furniture, may have style without belonging to any of the art epochs. Style is the idealization of an object, the harmonious adaptation of form to means and ends — the identification of the object with itself and its idea. A piece of furniture has style when it is exactly what it ought to be ; when it is united to the purpose for which it was intended, and has that purpose unmistakably inscribed upon it. From this point of view the simplest and the richest furniture, the humblest and the stateliest dwelling, may alike be full of style. The discovery of gold in California was not only a signal for daring enterprise and achievment, but also gave a new field for literature and landscape art in the United States. "To the kingdom of the west wind " hied author and artist, and the epic of the settlement of California, of the scaling of the Eocky Mountains, of the glory of the Columbia Kiver, and the stu- pendous grandeur of the Yellowstone, was pictured on canvas. Taylor and Scott conquered the Pacific slope ; Fremont point- ed out the pathway over the swelling ranges of the Sierras, and our painters have revealed to ub the matchless splendor of a scenery which will arouse increasing astonishment, reveren- tial awe and rapture in the hearts of generations yet to be. In the gratitude we owe to these landscape painters — who dared, discovered and delineated for us the scenery of which we were hitherto the ignorant possessors— criticism is left in abeyance; for the service done the people was a double one, in cultivating their artistic tastes, and informing them of the attractions of a little-known possession. The art of a nation is the result of a century of growth ; its crowning excellence does not come except when maturity and repose offer the occasion for its development. As the heirs of all ages, we have a right to expect that our intellectual activity will demand art expression. The first efforts have naturally been imitative, rather than original. The individuality which finds vent in the utterance of truth under new conditions is not fully reached until youth gives place to the vigorous self-asser- tion of a manhood conscious of its resources and power. Such we find to have been the case in the rise of the fine arts on this coast. It is too soon to look for a great school of art in San Francisco; but the time has, perhaps, arrived to note some of the preliminary phases of the art age which, we have every reason to believe, is dawning upon us. The progress made in decorative art is due to the fact that several leading artists have interested themselves in decorative work. The great advances made in decoration since Messrs. Le Farge, Tiffany, Colman and Mrs. Candall Wheeler, of New York, began to interest themselves in it, show the necessity of more than technical training. Decorative Art Societies play no unimportant part among the art associations of the country, both as dispensers of art education — more espeeiallj' of young women — and as agents for the sale of art needle-work, and similar iiroductions. San Francisco has, from a semi-barbarous setllement, nith the process of time, developed, by successive stages, into one of the wealthiest cities of America; and now, where once stood the towering sandhill and the abject shanty, touched by the magic wand of progression, palaces and majestic residences raise their lofty heads, and in proportion has developed the appreciation of art, literature, music, and all circumstances relating to refinement, showing that the same has, with giant strides, kept pace with the success of its inhabitants. It is not now, however, in the homes alone of the wealthy that we find the tastes of the people mirrored in every corner, but also in the humble cottage of the artisan, as surrounding influences produce like results. Not alone should the art of embroidery be looked upon as a luxury, but in some instances its knowledge has proven a great advantage; and it might seem an exaggeration to some who have not reflected, when we say, that there are to our positive knowledge several hundred women on this coast who are mak- ing a living by teaching it; not only for themselves, as some have families who are supported through their efforts. Many who have once been in affluent circumstances, learned it only to have some occupation wherewith to kill time, little thinking how usef al it might be in the dim and uncertain future. Fashion, that arbiter of taste, rules decorative art as well as everything else. What was the craze two or three years ago, may now be useless and obsolete. Hence it is necessary to keep in touch with such an establishment as ours in order to learn what is new, and not to waste time on work which is out of date. The importance of instruction in the art of plain and fancy needle-work cannot be over-estimated. A few years since it was difficult to find a gnod needle woman among young ladies; but, we are happy to say, that in the last few years there has been a positive progression; and in order to assist in this advance- ment we have, in connection with our establishment, Decoka- TivE Abt Rooms, where we have engaged the most competent teachers to superintend, and we are prepared to give lessons in Chenille, Arrasene, Hope Silk and Filo Floss, including Queen Anne, Tapestry and all kinds of French Embroidery, and, in fact, every branch coming under the head of Art Em- broidery; we are also prepared to do Designing of every kind, and Stamping, at the shortest notice. The advantages which this offers to our patrons, particularly those who have not an OUR DECORATIVE ART ROOMS LEAD IN NOVELTIES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. opportunity of coming to the city, are such as cannot be found in any other house on the coast; for a lady can order her mate- rial, and by describing, have the design stamped, material of any kind selected in the requisite colors and shades, ready for work, or, if necessary, can have the work commenced, so that she can obtain a full idea of how to complete it. Our Art Kooms are always open to the public, and we have constantly on exhibition the newest designs in fancy work and embroidery. Any lady from the interior having an hour or two to spare cannot devote that time better than by passing it in our Decorative Art Rooms. The styles of fancy work being so numerous, we will endeav- or to assist our patrons who are not familiar with them by giv- ing a description of the following materials and the purposes for which they are used. We keep a complete assortment of all articles described. Morris Cloth is all wool diagonal cloth, ■'31 inches wide, and is used extensively for Roman embroidery, making beautiful Scarfs, Lambrequins, Tidies, etc. Chamois Skin, tinted and natural, is used as a founcjalion for fancy work. The surface preserves all the delicate softness of Chamois, resembling xindressed kid, and produces a very jileasing ground for painting and embroidery. It can also be used in combination with plush to good effect, and as the cut edges do not fray it is very useful in making small fancy arti- cles where a woven fabric would be difficult to finish neatly. Felting, two yards «ide, has a fine, cloth like surface, is used for Table Covers, Lambrequins, Piano Scarfs, Screens, Panels, Buggy Robes, Sofa Cushions, etc. To be had in all the lead- ing shades. Eiderdown is a wool material, with a very soft surface nap, upon which embroidery of any kind is very effective. Is used for infants' buggj' robes. It comes in pink, blue and cream. Linen Momie Canvas is used for Splashers, D'Oyleys, Towel Shams, Table and Sideboard Covers, Bolting Cloth, a fine, gauze-like material, comes in cream, white and all the leading tints ; used for Tidies. Florentine Silk is a material of light texture. Comes plain and figured ; is used for Tidies, Sash Curtains, Draping, etc. India Silk is a soft, fine material, and comes in all the Ori- ental shades, and is used principally for Draperies, Scarfs, Tidies, Curtains, etc., and has a very rich efl'ect. Plush is one of the most popular materials used for embroid- ering upon ; and for bordering and banding other materials, it is invaluable ; also used extensively in making Flowers, and for Kensington Painting. Comes in all colors. Canton Flannel comes in all art shades. It is a soft, downy fabric, in which the dyes are excellent, and it is much in demand for Drapery Lining. rt needle-work. It is silk Sateen is much used for material, with silk face. Among the washing fabrics used in Art needle work are Crash, Roller Toweling, Twilled Cotton, Duck, Sail Cloth, Linen Sheeting, Oatmeal Cloth, Butcher Linen, Scrim, Bunt- ing, Cheese Cloth, Muslin and India Mull. Crewel is two-ply worsted, with a loose twist; dyed in fast colors, in all the beautiful tints required for art Embroidery. Filoselle, most commonly known as Floss, used in the most modern needle-work, is a pure silk, though without gloss finish. Filo Floss is similar to Filoselle, but glossy in appearance, and twisted, so that it can be separated into any thickness. Arrasene is a heavy, flat, chenille-like material, in silk, par- ticularly suited for large, bold designs. This material is as jjopular as any material now in use, as its effect upon plush in embroidery cannot be equaled. It does not sink into the fabric when embroidering, and it gives the work when fin- ishiul, a soft and rich appearance, adding greatly thereby to the effect of shading. Ribbosene resembles in appearance a very narrow ribbon when crimjjed, and is used for large flowers. The appearance produced is very effective. The fine Chenille is still used very extensively, and, besides, there are two larger sizes, becoming more popular every day, as the embroidery taste seems drifting into the appreciation of large flowers and more elaborate designs. The larger chenille is designated by 2 and the largest by 4. Pearsall's Embroidery Silk is used extensively for etching and embroidery and comes in all shades. Rope Silk is soft, loosely twisted, all silk, two-stranded thread, somewhat like embroidery silk, but much coar.ser, and of difl'erent finish, having less gloss, and is dyed in special colors with the ijermanent Eastern Dyes that will not fade in the light or in washing. The work is so easily done and fills in so rapidly that it can be used to advantage in large solid designs, by which good color effects are best obtained. Cable Silk is a solid round silk thread of three strands, rather tightly twisted and very heavy, and is used chiefly for making fancy stitches of various kinds for filling in large spaces; the thickness and roundness of the thread giving a full, rich effect to every stitch. Royal Society Embroidery Silk is a washable silk ; comes in all shades, and is used for embroidering the Queen Anne and all fancy stitches. Ecclesiastical Silk, is a soft twisted, all silk, two stranded thread, similar to Embroidery Silk but much coarser, of a bright lustrous finish; used for embroidering large designs, also for crocheting rings for fancy work. Being in con.stant rtceipt of new materials iu addition to tlie above, we will at any time answer inqniries or .send samples free. WHEN VISITING THE CITY, BE SURE AND VISIT OUR DECORATIVE ART ROOMS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. FANCY "WOUK DEPARTMENT. MATERIALS FOR FANCY WORK, Canvases. As the prices are continually changing, we shall only under- take to give those which are staple ; even they are subject to iiuetuations, but any time on application we will gladly send samples with prices attached. Per Yard 18 inch white cotton Java, first quality S 15 23 inch white cotton Java, first quality 25 27 inch white cotton Java, first quality 25 33 inch white cotton Java, first quality 45 18 inch buflf cotton Java, first qiiality 25 18 inch white Honeycomb 25 23 inch white Honeycomb 35 27 inch white Honeycomb 45 33 inch' white Honeycomb 55 18 inch bufi' Honeycomb 30 27 inch buti' Honeycomb 45 18 inch linen Aida Canvas 35 23 inch linen Aida Canvas 50 27 inch linen Aida Canvas 60 36 inch linen Aida Canvas 75 27 inch Aida linen Burlap, natural color 50 27 inch Aida linen Burlap, extra quality, natural color . . 75 18 inch linen Momie, extra quality, white, ecru and beige 40 27 inch linen Momie, extra quality, white, ecru and beige 60 3G inch linen Momie, extra quality, white, ecru and beige 80 18 inch wool Java, all colors 60 27 inch Penelope and Tapestry 25 18 inch Congress Canvas, first quality 35 18 inch Tinsel Panama Canvas 75 Gobelin Tapestry Canvas. rcr Yard 44 inch Cotton, beige color 35 18 inch Cotton, cream 60 20 inch Cotton, cream, extra quality 1 UO 50 inch colored Jute Tapestry Canvas 1 25 72 inch white cotton Bolting Sheeting 95 72 inch white linen Bolting Sheeting 110 90 inch white linen Bolting Sheeting 1 35 The above canvas is used- extensively for painting on, also for cross-stitch embroidery, the same when worked is a good imitation of the real old Gobelin Tapestiies. In order to give ladies in the country an opportunity of un- derstanding how the dift'ereut kinds of canvases (which are so numerous) are to be used, we are having Samplers of the dift'er- ent stitches and patterns for each continually put up, from which they can copy. Prices for Samplers, according to size and work, from 20c. to 75c. Plushes. Per Y.ird 24 inch Plush, all shades, extra fine quality .^ 1 00 24 inch Plush, all shades, N. & L. Standard No. 10 1 75 24 inch Plush, all shades, N. & L. Standard No. 20 2 25 24 inch Plueh, all shades, N. & L. Standard No. 30 2 75 24 inch Plush, all shades, N. & L. Standard No. 40. . . . 3 25 24 inch Plush, all shades, N. & L. Standard No. 50 4 50 24 inch Figured Plush, all shades 2 50 24 inch Shaded Plush, all shades 5 00 Colored Velvets, extra quality, in all shades 1 75 Black Velvet for Slippers and other uses, from 90c. to $3.50 per yard. The above Plushes can be used for fancy work, upholstering purposes, ladies' and children's garments. Embroidery Cloths. Pur Yard 27 inch white Moleskin, to paint on §1 50 27 inch white Moleskin, extra quality, to paint on 2 25 72 inch first quality Felt, all colors 1 00 36 inch first quality Felt, all colors 50 54 inch Morris or Diagonal cloth, all colors 3 00 50 inch Wool back Sateen, all colors 2 75 50 inch Empr-ess Sateen, all colors 3 00 36 inch Eiderdown Flannel, all shades, suitable for child- ren's coats and babies' buggy robes 1 00 Canton Flannels, all colors, for lining purposes 20 Figured double faced Canton Flannels 30 Turkish Toweling, white and brown (cotton^ 50 Sateen. Per Y'ard 40 inch Sateen, in all the new light tints § 30 Used extensively for lining Fancy Work of all kinds. Has a bright lustre, and is a very good substitute for satin. Silesia. Per Yard 30 inch Silesia, in all the new light tints $ Viy^ Used for lining Fancy Work. Silk Bolting Cloth. We call particular attention to this article, as it is very pop- ularly used for painting and hand embroidery. The hand- somest Banners, Fire Screens, Tidies, Handkerchief and Glove Cases, Sachet Bags, etc., are made thereof. For paint- ing there is nothing to equal it in richness. Per Yard 18 inch white Bolting Cloth from 75c. to 1 00 40 inch white Bolting Cloth, first quality 2 00 20 inch white Bolting Cloth, .first quality 1 00 40 inch white Bolting Cloth, extra fine quality i 50 20 inch white Bolting Cloth, extra fine quality 125 18 inch white Bolting Cloth, with openwork border 1 50 40 inch colored Bolting Cloth 2 75 20 inch colored Bolting Cloth 1 40 Swiss. Per Yard Plain white Swiss from 20c. to $ 50 Fancy dotted and figured Swiss for toilet sets from 25c. to 1 00 Tarlatans, white from 20c. to 50 Tarlatans, colored from 20c. to 30 Turkey Bed from 20c. to 50 Embroidery Linens. , from 25c. to S .60 to 18 and 20 inch Linen Crash , 18 inch Linen Crash, extra heavy 18 inch Linen Crash, openwork border 18 inch Twilled Linen m 27 inch Twilled Linen 85 27 inch Linen Duck, Twilled, for Koman embroidery, |1 & 1 25 40 inch Butchers' Linen 30c. and 50 27 inch colored Linen Drill, satin finish 1 25 27 inch white Linen Drill. Satin Finish $1 and 1 25 27 inch white Huckabuck Linen 1 10 27 inch Elastic Ducking for interlining 20 27 inch 5 Crown Linen 25 27 inch extra fine Tailors' Linen, twilled 35 to 45 Linen Lawns, suitable for centers of Handkerchiefs, fine HemstitchedD'Oyleys, Tea Trays, etc., from $1.25 to 2 00 German Linen from 65c. to 1 50 We are in daily receipt of plain and fancy linens. Samples on application. OUR COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT IS PERFECT IN EVERY DETAIL. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. MATERIALS FOR FANCY WORK. Buutiiisfs. Per Ya 40 inch Fancy openwork Buntings .S 10 40 ineli Fancy openwork Buntings, various designs, 20c. & 25 18 inch Fancy openwork Buntings, various designs. . . . from 25 to 75 40 inch Fish Net Bunting 60 These Buntings are extensively used for Toilet Sets, Tidies, Bed Sets and Curtains. Plain Buntings used for the same, from 25o. to G5e. a yard, according to quality. Draperies. Per Yard 40 inch Morris Cloth, figured S 30 36 inch Bagamo Cloth, figured 15 and 20 27 inch Basket Cloth, figured 20 27 inch Cheese Cloth, all colors 6^ 36 inch Cheese Cloth, extra fine, all colors I24 28 inch Yedde cotton Crepe, all colors 12i These materials are extensively used for Curtains and Drap- eries, also for Fancy Dresses. 45 inch Madras, assorted designs and colors 35 to 65 Satins. 18 inch Satin, good quality, all shades S 18 inch Satin, next grade better, all shades 18 inch Satin, extra quality, all shades 24 inch Duchess Satin, superior quality 24 inch quilted Satin, extra quality cotton back, all shades Black Satin from 50c. to Farmer Satin, in black from 45c. to Yard 50 75 1 00 1 75 1 25 2 00 75 Silks. For Y'ard 22 inch Surah Silk, all shades .§ 75 24 inch Surah Silk, extra quality 1 25 Marseline or Lining Silks, all shades 40 India Sillis. Per Y:ird 24 inch India Silk, all colors $ 60 24 inch India Silk, all colors, extra quality CO 27 inch India Silk, extra quality, all shades 1 00 24 inch India Silk, extra heavy, all shades 75 24 to 27 iueh white Japanese Silk from 60c. to 1 50 27 inch Japanese Silk, all shades 1 00 33 inch Florentine Silk, figured, all shades and patterns from 75c. to 1 35 32 inch figured India Silk 75c. to 1 25 The above India and Florentine Silks we have in all the new designs and oriental shades, used for Portieres, Sash Curtains, Mantle and Piano Draperies, Butterfly Tidies, etc. Dress Silks. We carry a full line of Fancy Dress Silks, comprising the latest styles and designs in checks, stripes and figures suitable for street and evening wear. Samples on application. Per Yard Wash Surahs ,t;l 00 Fancy Figured Silks 75o. to 1 50 Checked Surahs, extra quality 1 35 Striped Grenadine, in all the latest tints 1 35 Crepes. 27 inch black, white and colored crepe 1 10 24 inch black, white and colored Crepe, extra heavy 1 75 24 inch Figured Crepe 1 25 21 inch Figured Crt-pe 1 50 Pongees. Per Yard 18 inch Natural Pongees from 25c. to 65c. The above by the piece for dresses, from .'S3. 50 to $9.00, according to quality; 20 yards to a piece. Cashmere. Mousselme cle Soie. Per Yard 48 inch Mousseline de Soie in all the leading shades. . . .$1 25 Silk Mulls. Per Yard Silk Mulls in all leading shades 50c. and $1 00 Darn Xet. White and colored Ivorine, heavy White and colored Ivorine, thin. . Ivorine. Per Sheet $ 50 $ 35 Used for painting on. Made up into numerous fancy ar- ticles, such as Handkerchief and Glove Cases, Calendars, Wall Pockets, Photograph Cases, etc., etc. Zylonite. Per Sheet Zylonite, cream only 40c. and 50e Zylonite is transparent and is used for the same purposes as ivorine. Chamois. Tinted Chamois skin Chamois skin, natural color. Tinted Kid Per Skin . . SI 25 and $1 50 .50c., 65c. and 75c. DOo. Painted Bolting Cloth. Hand Painted Bolting pieces, used for Glove Cases, Hand- kerchief Cases, Necktie Cases, Fire Screens, Tidies, etc. They come in square and oblong sizes, i% to 15 inches. Prices, from 25c. to S6.00. Satin Painted Lithographs 25c., 40c., 55c. and 70c. each Hand Painted Satin pieces from 25c. to §6.00 each Used for the same purposes as Hand Painted Bolting pieces. Porcelain Plaques and Panels. Used for painting on, making a beautiful ornament for the parlor. Porcelain Panels .size 3x5$ 4x6 Porcelain Plaques, 9 inch diameter. . Porcelain Plaques, 10 inch diameter . Embossed Ivorine Plaques. Ivorine Plaques with Embossed Figures for Painting, in either water colors or oils, making beautiful ornaments. Prices, 25c. to $2.00, according to size. Enamel. Per Can Aspinall's Enamel, all colors 50c. For painting new or renovating old furniture of every de- scription—Wicker Chairs, Tables, Milking Stools, Hot Water Cans, Brackets, Bird Cages, Buckets, Bedsteads— in fact, aiiy old eyesore can be made into an ornament, even by a child, in a very short space of time, by applying Aspinall's Enamel. Directions with every can. Samples Commenced of any Style Embroidery. Prices according to Work, from 25c. up. lo NEWMAN eV LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING PURPOSES. JVo. 1, First qnjality Vienna Einhroidery Chenille - - '$15 per dozen JVo. 2 Chenille 15 per dozen .Yo. 4 Chenille 75 per dozen Arrasene, extra qaalitij -------- 15 per dozen Ribhosene 20 per dozen Creivel, single ......... ^r^ p^y dozen Silk Floss, imported (Filoselle) ...... gg p^j, clozen Filo Floss, Pear sail's wash colors ■ - - - - -50 per dozen Cable Silks, for coaching . . . . . 10c. skein 1 00 per dozen Rope Silks, for einhroidering and etching, ivash colors 5c. skein 50 per dozen Royal Society Silk, for embroidering, in skeins, wash colors, 5c. skein 50 per dozen Ecclesiastical Silk, used for couching and embroidering 5c. skein 50 per dozen Inddan, Roman and Tarkish Floss, ivasli colors, used, for embroid- ering ------- ^c_ skein 50 per dozen Heavy couching silk ------ 10c. skein 1 00 per dozen Embroiderjj Silks, Pearsall's ivash colors (also used for etching) - 50 per dozen Plain Embroidery Silks, in bunches of 25 skeins - - - 25 per bunch Embroidery Silk, for crazy (juilts, assorted colors in a hunch - ■ 25 per bunch Saddlers' Silk - ...... G skeins 25 c. 50 per dozen Embroidery Silks on 10 yard spools, all colors, 5c. each • - 50 per dozen Waste Embroidery Silk, fur crazy (luUts, assorted colors in a 1 oz. box - - - - - - - - - - 40 V^T ''•"''■^ Glove Mending Silk, assorted, colors, braided - - - -25 per braid Glove Mending Cotton, assorted colors, braided^ - - - - 20 per braid English Underwear Silk, for knitting Underwear and Hosiery, in 1 oz. bunches - - - - - - ■ -60 per bunch Handy Work Box, containing entire oivtfib for Glove mending - 1 15 per box Handy Work Box, containing materials for Glove mending and Embroidery - - - - ■ - - - 1 25 per box WHEN VISITING THE CITY, BE SURE AND VISIT OUR DECORATIVE ART ROOMS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 ro 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING PURPOSES. Tinsel, sofl, fur einljroklcring, SI nail Ir.Ms - • - - S 05 per hall Tariegated Tinsel Cord, liard finished, usedfo]- couching and out- lining on heavy niaterial - - - - - -30 per hunch Japanese Gold, and Silver Thread, all sizes, used for enihroidering and couching ------ 20 and 25 per skein Japanese Thread, in skeins, variegated, and plain colors, used for embroidering and couching - - - - -SO per dozen Coronation Tinsel, in skeins, for coaching - - for 25c. Ji.5 per dozen Cordonet Tinsel, in skeins, for couching - ■ - 5c. each 50 per dozen Linen Cordonet, in skeins, white, for couching, used extensively for Roman embroidery - - - - -10c. each 1 00 per dozen Cotton Cordonet, in skeins, white, for coaching, used extensively for Roman embroidery - - - - 3 for 25c. 75 per dozen French Gilt Thread, on spools, used for embroidering and couch- iiig -------- lOc. and 35 per spool French Silver Thread., on spools, used for embroidering and couch- Wash Gold Embroidery Thread - - French Gilt Cordonet, on spools, used for embroidering Gold Bullion, in skeins, used for embroidering Silver Bullion,, i % Skeins, used for embroidering Gold, Silver and Copper Japanese Pa,int • 10c. and 35 per spool 10 per skein 35 per spool 75 per dozen 65 per dozen 25 per bottle 3 for 25c 4- for 25c Artists' Materials— orders filled for anything appertaining to this line. Our Embroidery Materials are of the best quality, as it is a waste of time to use poor grades of the above that are in the market, the effect of the inferior grades when worl-ced up being a sure disappointment to the consumer. ALL OUR FAST BLACK HOSIERY GUARANTEED. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. NEWMAN & LEVTNSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. CHENILLE ORNAMENTS, POMPONS, DROPS AND TASSELS. No. 813, Tinsel and Silk Driip, all colors, .51)0. per doz. liriV'lU'nvm.WWMi '. No. 1878, No. Silk Tassel, all colors, Silk Floss Ta 15c. per doz. 5 in. long, all shades 2 doz. for 2.5c. GOc. per doz. No. 8.52, Silk 1 loss l.isstl 3 3^ in. long, all shades, 40c. per doz. No ')20 Silk Pompon, ■with Tinsel and Silk Mixed Drops, $1.00 per doz. No. 930, Silk Pompon, with Crimped Silk Tassel and Silk and Tinsel Drop, $1.00 per doz. No UIt. Sill Icmpnii all colors, $1.75 per doz. N I 1 S II 1 mj on all colors, $2.50 pei doz. irai!iiiraiMiii"iii[i"mfr No 49 feilk Tassel all colois, 20e eich $2 25 per doz ORDERS WHETHER SMALL OR LARGE RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. CHENILLE ORNAMENTS, POMPONS, DROPS AND TASSELS. No. 202. No. 84, Silk Pomiiou, No. 338, Silk Pompon, all Small Silk Floss Tassel, all all colors. colors. No. 339, Silk Pompon, all colors, colors, 25c. per doz. 15c. per doz. 20c. per doz. 25c. per doz. Drop.s and Ponipoiis. In these goods the styles are continually changing, and we muke it a point to have the latest and most attractive designs on hand. In this department we have a competent staff of hands, who through long experience are able to select and combine any color or combination of colors desired. Any of our patrons who wish to have a combination of colors selected, can, with the utmost confidence relj' upon our judgment. Pompons from 10c. to $2 50 a doz. I Pendants from 25c. to 2 50 a doz. Drops from 25c. to 2 50 a doz. | Tassel Pompons from 15c. to 1 25 a doz. FRINGES. No. 3, Silk and Wool, i inch, assorted colors, 40c. yd. ^^rw No. 2, Silk and Wool, 4 to S ino wide, from 30c. to SI. 00. HUH. SILK TASSEL 4i;lNUh;, Mc per yard. SHOPPING BY MAIL WITH US IS AS SATISFACTORY AS IN PERSON. r4 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. FRINGES. No. 1101. IIKAVY Sr!;K T.VSSIX FRINGE. •Jl No. 1102. SILK TASSEL FEINGE. 15c. per yard. $1.50 dozen yards. No. 1103. SILK TASSEL FlUNGE. 20c. per yard. $2.25 dozen yards. Fringes. All Silk Tassel Fringes, Oriental colore, 1 to 3 inches deep, 40c. to $1.00 per yd. Heavy all Silk Tassel Fringes, Oriental col- ors, 3 to 6 inches deep, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 per yd. Silk and Woolen Mixed Fringes, Assorted Combinations, 3 to 4 inches deep, 30c. to 75c. per yd. Woolen Fringes, Assorted Combinations, 20c. to 50c. per yd. Narrow Silk and Wool Tassel Fringes for finishing Silk Draperies, 15c. and 20c. per yd. Heavy Wool and Silk Mixed Upholstering Fringes, S5e. to $1.15 per yd. Cotton Fringe. Colored Cotton Ball Fringe, 1 ball length, 10c. yd. 3 yds. 25c. 75c. doz. yds. Colored Cotton Tassel Fringe, 10c. yd. 3 yds. 25c. 75c. doz. yds. White and Cream Ball Fringe, extra quality, 1 ball length, 15c. yd. 2 yds. 25c. $1.25 doz. yds. White and Cream Ball Fringe, extra quality, '2, ball length, 20c. yd. 3 yds. 50c. $1.75 doz. yds. White Cotton Tassel Fringe, 10c. yd. 3 yds. 25c. $1.00 doz. yds. White Cotton Bullion Fringe, 2 in. deep, 5c. yd. 50c. doz. yds. Cotton Cord and Tassels, Cream and White, 25c. each. Silk Cord and Tassels, for Portieres and Curtains, all colors, 30c. to 75c. each. Silk Cord and Tassels, extra heavy, in Oriental colors, 75c. to $1.15 each. We would call special attention to our immense assortment of all silk, silk and wool mixed and woolen fringes, as they are now being used extensively, combined with the present style of oriental silks, for trimming Portieres, Sash Curtains, Panels, Tidier, Easel Scarfs, Lambrequins, Table Scarfs, Furniture, etc., and have a very rich effect, making the handsomest household decora- assortment is so extensive, and being in continual receipt of new designs, it would be impossible for us to specify all tion ; as of them, we therefore enumerate a GENTS' SILK AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR KNIT TO ORDER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. CROCHET RINGS Crochet Binga is a name used to distinguish the rings illustrated above They aie m( t il iings, eo%eiod with silk, which is crocheted on by hand, the three small sizes being covered with twisted embroideiy silk, and the four linger sizes with cable silk. Rings in Black and Gilt, uncovered. They can be had Pi-i n seven sizes, exactly es for Crocheted Silk Riiiss, as shown m the cuts. Per Doz S 10 No 3 .3doz for 50c. 90 40 No G 7.5 Nn 7 . O.", Colors (that are not in stofli) can be made to orde charge of from 10c. to 25c. per dozen, according to size No. 1 2 for .5c No. 2 2 for .5c No. 3 2 for 5c No. 4 3 for 10c.. ' No. 5 3 for 10c No. 5c ... . No 7 5c iitch any sample, in from two to three days' : . 50 itional CORDS FOR TRIMMINGS. fAt.vv»i.vvt->.v52, Gold, ^lU. per Cmtam L bum Hooks, 2.5c. 1110. Pole Rings, 2 inches 5c 40 pti Cnit im t h i 1111. Pole Kings, 2 '4 inch .5c 45 BANNER RODS. No. 1 NMniber Length Dia.notcr Price 1112. Heavy Brass, 15 in. (like cnt 1) =i and 1 in $100 1113. Heavy Brass, IS in. (like cut 1) 'f^ and 1 in 1 10 Uli. Heavy Brass, 21 in. (like cut 1) f^ and 1 in 1 20 ! Lengtli Diameter Price Heavy Brass, 24 in. (like cut 1) Ji and 1 in $1 30 Heavy Brass, 27 in. (like out 1) ?.i and 1 in 1 40 Heavy Brass, 36 in. (like cut 1) % and 1 in 1 50 No. 500. Rustic Banner Kotl with Cliain. Length I Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 8 in , Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 10 in., 1 Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 12 in., , Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 15 in., Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 18 in., Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 20 in., Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 22 in., Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 24 in., Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 6 in., $ 20 25 30 40 45 45 50 55 ,3 for 25 No. Length Dianicr 509. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 8 in., J-^ ii 510. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 10 in., i.^ ii 511. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 12 in., }, ir 512. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 15 in., ;,' ii 513. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 18 in., }.{ ir 514. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 20 in., }4 ii 515. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 22 in., }{ h 516. Brass Fancy Rustic, with Chain, 24 in., }{ ii Brass Banner Stands 12 to 18 in. high, 50c., 6llc., 80c. and $1.25 Brass Tacks — Picture Wire — Thermometers. No. 517. Plain Brass Tacks, small size. No. 518. Plain Brass Tacks, large size. No. 519. Fancy Brass Tacks . 10c. per hundred 15c. per hundred . . . 10c. per dozen No. 520. No. 521. No. 522. Picture Wire, 25 yard reel 15c. per reel Picture Wire, heavy, 25 yard reel 30c. per reel Thermometers, used for fancy work, 3, 4 & 5 in., 15c. WE HAVE ON HAND ALL MATERIALS USED FOR ART EMBROIDERY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to T31 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. BEADS. SIZES OF WAX BEADS. P.T Bll No. 3, Wax Beads, 12 stricgs to a bunch, 10c. a string, 3 for 25c $ Nos. 4, 5, G, 7, Wax Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 4 for 25c. Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Wax Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 4 for 25c No. 13, Wax Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 10c. a string, 3 for 25c Nos. 14 and 15, Wax Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 10c. a string, $1.00 a bunch ; No. 16, 15c. a string, 2 for 25c. 1 Roman Wax Beads, 12 long strings to a bunch, sizes from 1 to 11, 15c. string 1 Per Stl No. 4, Extra quality Koman Beads $ No. 5, Extra quality Roman Beads No. 7, Extra quality Roman Beads No. 10, Extra quality Roman Beads No. 13, Extra quality Roman Beads No. 14, Extra quality Roman Beads Tcr Bu Gold and Silver Plain Wax Beads, extra quality, 12 long strings to a bunch, sizes from 4 to 10, 15c. string. .$ 1 No. 3, Gold and Silver Cut Wax Beads, 5c. string No. 4, Gold and Silver Cut Wax Beads, 5c. string No. 6, Gold and Silver Cut Wax Beads, 4 strings 25c. . . . No. 7, Gold and Silver Cut Wax Beads, 4 strings 25c No. 8, Gold and Silver Cut Wax Beads, 4 strings 25o. . . . Nos. 1^, 2, 2a, Black Cut Chain Beads, 10 skeins to a bunch Colored Cut Chain Beads, in pink, garnet, blue, crystal, 8 skeins to a bunch Nos. 7/0, 8/0, 9/0, 10/0, Black Pressed Bugles, 10 skeins to a bunch Nos. 7/0. 8/0, 9/0, 10/0, Fine Cut Bugles, 10 skeins to a bunch 50c. and Nos. 7/0, 8/0, 9/0, 10/0, Extra fine Cut Bugles. 10 skeins to a bunch 1 Bronze Bugles, 10 skeins to a large bunch $ Moonlight Bugles, 10 skeins to a large bunch Cardinal Bugles, 10 skeins to a large bunch Garnet Bugles, 10 skeins to a large bunch Purple Bugles, 10 skeins to a large bunch Cashmere Bugles, 10 skeins to a large bunch No. 4, Black and colored Nail Heads, 12 strings to bunch, 10c. a string No. 4i, Black and colored Nail Heads, 12 strings to bunch, 12;\e. a string No. 5, Black and colored Nail Heads, 12 strings to bunch, 15c. a string No. 6, Cut Steel Beads, first quality 2 bunches No. 7, Cut Steel Beads, first quality No. 8. Cut Steel Beads, first quality 3 for 50c. No. 9, Cut Steel Beads, first quality No. 10, Cut Steel Beads, first quality No. 11, Cut Steel Beads, first quality No. 12, Cut Steel Beads, first quality No. 7, Cut Steel Beads, second quality No. 8, Cut Steel Beads, second quality No. 9, Cut Steel Beads, second quality No. 10, Cut Steel Beads, second quality No. 6, Cut Gilt Beads, first quality 3 for 50c. No. 7, Cut Gilt Beads, first quality No, 8, Cut Gilt Beads, first quality No. 9, Cut Gilt Beads, first quality No. 10, Cut Gilt Beads, first quality No. 6, Cut Silver Beads, first quality 3 for 50c. No. 7, Cut Silver Beads, first quality No. 8, Cut Silver Beads, first quality No. 9, Cut Silver Beads, first quality No. 10, Cut Silver Beads, first quality Colored Cut Steel Beads, first quality, solid Colored Cut Steel Beads, 12 assorted shades to a bunch . Colored Metal Beads, first quality, all colors Black Smeltz, for beading purposes, 3 oz. package for White and Colored Satin Bugles Black Embroidery Beads Opal Embroidery Beads Crystal Embroidery Beads Colored Embroidery Beads, small bunches, all shades. . . No. 0, Round Real Cut Jet Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 5c. string No. 1, Round Real Cut Jet Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 5c. string No 2, Round Real Cut Jet Beads, 12 strings to a biiuch, 5c. string No. 3, Round Real Cut Jet Beads. 12 strings to a bunch, 3 strings 25c. No 4, Round Real Cut Jet Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 3 strings 25c. No. 5, Round Real Cut Jet Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 3 strings 25c. No. 6, Round Real Cut Jet Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 3 strings 25c. No. 8, Round Real Cut Jet Beads, 12 strings to a bunch, 10c. string Gold, Silver and Colored Basket Beads, 5c. a skein, 50c. a bunch of 10 skeins. Btmch 90 90 1 CD 1 25 1 00 20 1 00 90 1 10 We are constantly adding new shapes and styles to our stock of Fancy Beads, and it is impossible to enumerate them all. Samples on application. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. Towel Rings. E.K'h No. 33. riaiu Wooden Towel Fdugs, assorted colors, 15c. aud $ 20 No. 497. Fancy Wooden Towel Rings, marbled, all col- ors, 6 Inch diameter 25 Fancy Marbled Colored Kings. These Rings are used as Tidy Rings, also to fasten Glove Mending materials. 1 J/^ inch diameter 3 for 25c., 10 2 inch diameter 10 2}^ inch diameter 2 for 25e., 15 Key Racks. No. 1110. Rolling Pin, plain each $ 10 No. 1120. Rolling Pin, gilded, with three hoolts. . .each 15 No. 1121. Rolling Pin, marbled, assorted colors. . .each 50 No. 4i. Eiu-li No. 44. Towel Rracket, 18 inch rod, with three rings .ittaehed $ GO No. 44. Towel Bracket, 18 inch rod, with three rings attached, with cord (as per cut) 85 No. 458x. Single Tr.aciug Whe .$ 15 Pinking'Irons. Pinking Irons, sizes from ?a to "g Each .$ 15 OUR SACHET POWDERS MADE OF THE FINEST PERFUME RETAIN THEIR ODOR LONGER THAN ANY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F Cardboai'ds. Per Sheet Silver, Imported, Liuen Back I 35 Gold, Imported, Linen Back 35 Colored, Imported, Linen Back 35 Silver, Domestic, Linen Back 20 Gold, Domestic, Linen Back 20 Plain Silver Cardboard 3 for 2oc. 10 Fancy Cardboard 3 for 25c. 10 White and Black Perforated 05 Colored Perforated 10 Tinted Shades 3 for 25c. 10 Plain White Bristol Board 10 Heavy White Bristol Board 25 Sachet Powdei'S. We would call special attention to our Sachet Powders, made of the finest perfumes, retaining their odor longer than any in the market. GEEA.NIUM, MUSK, HELIOTROPE, ROSE, MOSS ROSE, PATCHOULY, PEANGIPANNI, TEA ROSE, HONEYSUCKLE, SWEET PEA, NEW MOWN HAY, STEPHENOTIS, LILY OF THE A'ALLEY, SPRING FLOWERS, OCEAN SPRAY, OR\NGE FLOWERS, JOCKEY CLUB, VIOLETTE, MUSK ROSE, YLANG YLANG, OPOPONAX, SWEET BRIAR, MAGNOLIA, WHITE ROSE, VERBENA, WEST END, LILAC, TUBEROSE, ARCADIAN PINK, PERSIAN LILIES, LAVENDER, LA TOSCA, JASMIN, ORANGE BLOSSOMS, PERSIAN SANDAL. Put up in 25 cent Packages. Pin Cushion Forms. Eadi Pin Cushion Forms, 3x3 inch 2 for 25o.$ 15 Pin Cushion Forms, 4x4 inch 15 Pin Cushion Forms, 5x5 inch 3 for 50c. 20 Pin Cushion Forms, 6x6 inch 3 for 50c. 20 Pin Cushion Forms, 7x7 inch 20 Pin Cushion Forms, 8x8 inch 25 Pin Cushion Forms, 9x9 inch 25 Pin Cushion Forms, 10x10 inch 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 11x11 inch 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 12x12 inch 35 Pin Cushion Forms, 13x13 inch 35 Pin Cushion Forms, 7x9 inch 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 7x10 inch 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 8x11 inch 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 9x12 inch 35 Pin Cushion Forms, 5x12 inch 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 6x9 inch 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 9x15 inch 35 Each Pin Cushion Forms, 4 inches, Round 20 Pin Cushion Forms, 5 inches. Round 25 Pin Cushion Forms, 6 inches. Round 30 Pin Cushion Forms, 7 inches. Round 35 Pin Cushion Forms, 8 inches, Round 40 Pin Cushion Forms, 9 inches, Round 45 Pin Cushion Forms, 10 inches. Round 50 Pin Cushion Roll, 8 x 17 40 Pin Cushion Roll, 10 x 17 45 Down Pillows. FoK Covering. Each Slumber Rolls, 6 x 15 $1 15 Sofa Cushions, 16 inches square 1 10 Sofa Cushions, 18 inches square 1 35 Sofa Cushions, 20 inches square 1 80 Sofa Cushions, 22 inches square 2 35 Sofa Cushions, 24 inches square 3 00 Sofa Cushions, 12 X 16 100 Sofa Cushions, 14 x 18 1 10 Sofa Cushions, 16 x 22 1 35 Down Forms made in any shape or size. The above Cushions are made of superior quality down and are guaranteed odorless. Pattern Books. We have a full and complete assortment, and following we will enumerate a few, in order to give a general idea : Needlework Copybook for canvas $ 10 Pattern Books, containing colored borders for toilet sets, etc 15 Books containing patterns for crochet lace, feather-edge and serpentine braid 10 Books containing patterns for darned net or tulle 25 Mme. Goubaud's Point Lace Book, a clear, practical little volume upon the beautiful art of point lace making, containing numerous illustrations 40 Mme. Goubaud's Guipure Patterns. This volume con- tains guipure instructions and stitches, as well as various useful designs 40 Jenny June's Needlework and Embroidery Book, an illustrated guide to all kinds of needlework, embroid- ery and drawn work 50 Jenny June's Knitting and Crocheting — a guide to the use of the needle and the hook, containing 200 illustrations 50 The Child's Fancy Work and Doll Book, a guide for the amusement and occupation of children 40 Old German Patterns for linen and cross-stitch work, per sheet 15 Seine Twine Book, with illustrations for different styles of work 15 How and What to Knit 25 Punto-Tirato, or Drawn Work Books, illustrated 25 Crazy Stitch Book 25 Crochet Patterns, Tapestry, Embroidery, etc. WE HAVE ON HAND ALL MATERIALS USED FOR ART EMBROIDERY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LINEN GOODS. No. 1122. HuiXiiiu KmbiuiJeiy Table Scarf. This design stamped on extra heavy white Drill, size 18x72. Price, $2.2.5 each. Same with design commenced, including materials, $1.23. w No. 1126. Koman Embroidery Table Cover. This design stamped on extra heavy white D:ill, size 27x27. Price, $1.10 each. Same with design commenced, including materials, $4.00. THE FOLLOWING ARE STAKPED IN VAUIOUS DESIGNS FOR ROIHAN EIUBROIDERY 18x72 Scarfs or Runners, stamped on White Drill .$2 25 18x72 Scarfs or Runners, stamjjed on Butcher Linen 75c. &1 00 18x72 Scarfs or Runners stamped on extra heavy Duck.. .2 00 27x27 Tea Covers & Tray Cloths stamped on White drill. 1 10 27x27 Tea Covers & Tray Cloths stamped on Butcher Linen, 75 27x27 Tea Covers & Tray Cloths stamped on Heavy Duck.l 00 18x18 Tidies stamped on White Drill 65 18x18 Tidies stamped on Butcher Linen 45 18x18 Tidies stamped on extra heavy Duck 75 Roman Embroidery, a kind of cut out work, used in making Scarfs, Tidies, Tea Covers, Tray Cloths, Table Covers, etc , is as old as the Romans, yet it fills the demand for something new, because as modified in design and use, it possesses considerable novelty as well as beauty. As shown in the cuts, the outlines of the designs are worked in buttonhole stitch, taking the stitches so that the purled edge is always toward the edge that is cut out. After the buttonholing is done, the lace or spider-web stitches are worked from point to point of the buttonholing, but not through the linen, as this is afterwards cut away close to the buttonholed edges. Royal Society Twisted Embroidery Silk is used in the work. Stamped D'Oyleys to be Embroidered. No. 1127. No. 1128 9x9 stamped, $3 50 per dozen. These D'Oyleys are very popular, and are stamped upon extra heavy Drill, with designs such as Leaves, Cuji: Plates, etc. Cat 1127 represents the stamped D'Oyley. Cut 1128 represents the embroidered D'Oyley in the skeleton stitch when finished. Sane WE HAVE NO AGENTS SOLICITING FOR US. NEWMAN cS: LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LINEN GOODS. Ml 1^ Bf'a'liatvrViTmi-l'i'iiiifti'll No. 381!>J<. Irish Point Linen Goods. goods are in some respects similar to our Eoman Embroidery, but are imported ready embroidered. They are of fine as seen by the cuts, in very elaborate and beautiful designs. Used over colored material, the effect is most beautiful. These linen, and No. 1129. GxG D'Oyleys No. 1130. No. 1131. No. 1132. No. 1133. No. 113i. $ 25 to $ 9x9 D'Oyleys 70 to 12x12 Tidies 1 00 to 18x24 Tea Trays 2 50 to 18x24 Carving Cloths 1 75 to 20x30 Tea Trays 3 00 to GO No. 1135. 1 00 No. 113fi. 2 00 No. 1137. 3 50 No. 1138. 3 50 No. 1139. 5 00 No. 1140. 20x30 Carving Cloths $ 3 CO to $ 5 00 24x24 Tea Cloths 2 00 to 5 00 36x36 Tea Cloths 6 00 to 10 00 54x54 Table Covers 10 00 to 15 00 18x36 Oblong Tidies 3 00 to 5 00 lGx54 Scarfs 4 00 I0 15 00 16x72 Scarfs 5 09 to 20 00 Linen Hemstitched Goods. 18x72 Fine Hemstitched Linen Scarfs, stamped $1 75 18x54 Fine Hemstitched Linen Scarfs, stamped 1 50 18x72 Fine Hemstitched Linen Scarfs, stamped 1 75 20x30 Fine Hemstitched Linen Tea Trays and Carving Cloths, stamped 75 21x36 Fine Hemstitched Linen Tea Trays and Carving Cloths, stamped 85 ■mplete assortment of etched and embroidered Linen Tea Trays, Splashers, Runners, Scarfs, etc. LADIES' SILK AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR KNIT TO ORDER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 25 LINEN GOODS. Cream and White Linen D'Oyleys. Square Linen Tidies. J Pel Do?cn Plain Linen Momie D'Oyleys, stamped, 8x8. . .$ 75 to «1 50 Plain Linen Momie D'Oyleys, stamped, 10x10. 1 00 to 1 75 Plain Linen Momie D'Oyleys. stamped, 12x12. 1 35 to 2 50 Open work Linen Momie D'Oyleys, stamped, 7x7. 85 to 175 Linen Lawn Hemstitched D'Oyleys, stamped.. 1 35 to 3 50 Linen Lawn Hemstitched D'Oyleys, unstamped, 1 00 to 3 00 Linen Lawn drawn work D'Oyleys, unstamped, 7x7 4 00 to 6 00 Japanese Hemstitched Silk D'Oyleys, with Drawn Work 6 75 to 8 50 Having our own designer, and all the newest designs, we are prepared to stamp the above articles in any style wanted. Splashers, No. 1135. Linen Splashers, stamped, 25c. each. Each Stamped fine Linen, fringed 24x32.. 25c. to i? 75 Stamped extra fine Linen, fringed 22x30 . . lac. to 75 Stamped extra fine Linen, fringed, open work 22x38 40c. to 1 25 Stamped Momie. fringed 22x38 . . 25c. to 1 50 Stamped Damask, fringed 22x32 . . 60 We are prepared to stamp the above in any design described. 16x16 18x18 24x24 16x16 18x18 24x24 16x16 18x18 24x24 16x16 18x18 24x24 No. 1136. Linen Tidy, stamped, 60c. each. Each Plain Linen, stamped and fringed $ 25 Plain Linen, stamped and fringed 30 Plain Linen, stamped and fringed 40 Open work Linen, stamped and fringed 30 Open work Linen, stamped and fringed 35 Open work Linen, stamped and fringed 45 Linen Momie, stamped and fringed 25 Linen Momie, stamped and fringed 40 Linen Momie, stamped and fringed 75 Open work Linen Momie, stamped and fringed. . . 35 Open work Linen Mornie, stamped and fringed. .. 50 Open work Linen Momie, stamped and fringed ... 90 Oblong- Linen Tidies. 18x36 Plain Linen, stamped and fringed 35c. to .•? GO 18x36 Open work Linen, stamped and fringed.. 50c. to 75 18x36 Plain Linen Momie, stamped and fringed. 35c. to 60 18x36 Open work Linen Momie, stamped and fringed 50c. to 1 25 Carving- Cloths and Tea Traj No. 1137 Liuen Tea Iraj, stamped, 50c. each. Carving- Cloths. stamped Momie, fringed, 24x36 25c. to $1 25 Stamped Momie, fringed, open work, 24x36 40c. to 1 25 Stamped plain French Linen, fringed, 24x36 35c. to 50 Stamped open work French Linen, fringed, 24x36. 40c. to 1 25 Stamped Hemstitched Linen Lawn, 24x36 60c. to 1 25 OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 26 NEWMAN & I.RVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST, and 209 SUTTER ST, S. F. LINEN GOODS. TJiuMi Sideboard, Bnroan and Table S a /, ^ 'i. % r 3 V-v^v"'--,-* I \ ISo 113b. Liucu lea irajs, btumped, 7oc each Tea Trtijs. Stamped Momie, fringed, 20x30 25c. to $1 00 Stamped Momie, fringed, open work, 20x30 50c. to 1 00 Stamped plain French Linen, fringed, 20x30 30c. to 1 00 Stamped Hemstitched Linen Lawn, 20x30 55c. to 1 50 In all the above Carving Cloths and Tea Trays we have D'Oyleys to nntch. Stamped Pillow Shams. ~^t imped with beautiful designs 36x36 25c. to 40c. per pair. The above can be stamped to order in any design, the price of stamping bung according to design. Cream and White Table Covers. At mie, fringed, openwork, 34x34 f 75 to J! 1 25 M jiuie, fringed, colored border, open work, 37x37 1 25 to 2 00 M mie, fringed, fancy border, open work, 30x36 1 00 to 2 00 I If, ired Momie, fringed, \% yards square 3 00 to 5 00 1 igured Momie, fringed, fancy, oj^en work 3 50 to 7 50 Momie, fringed, Dinner Set— Table Cover and 12 Napkins. . 6 00 to 10 00 Above prices according to size. Stamped Linen Biscuit Covers 45c. to $1 50 stamped Linen Hot Corn Covers 45c. to 1 50 St iiuj^ed Linen Cheese Covers, openwork 85 Stamped Linen Egg Cloths 45c. to 1 50 Stumped Linen Potato Cloths 45c. to 1 50 Stamped Linen Toast Covers 45c. to 1 50 WE CARRY THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF NOTIONS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 27 ^^ <^3 LINEN GOODS. Brown Linen Goods. I The folloning .•xrtioles are made of extra heavy Brown or Ecru Linen Duck. Brn.sli and Comb Cases. (Also u.sed for Slipper Cases and Dcjstek Bags.) fllLiiitain mild II iiiiuiJiiiiiMiJiUiiliul ho 11d3 Linen Bib Stimped 3't each Linen Bibs tinst uupe 1 ..ISe. to$35 Linen ] il s st uui 1- 1 ..15c. to 50 ^^=-31==: ^ x^i^^ : " fr "zr:::g Brown Linen Brush and Comb Case, Stamped, 2 pockets, with Eod. Price, 50c. each. L. il ^- ■ nil Combing Towel, St imped 45e to $1 25 each. No. 1143. Brown Linen Brush and Comb Case, Stamped, 2 pockets. Price, 20c. 1 Pocket 15c. 2 Pockets 20c. 3 Pockets > 30c. 4 Pockets 35c. 6 Pockets 55c. 8 Pockets 60c. Comb and Brush Cases each 10c. Whisk Broom Holder each 10c. No. 1147. Brown Linen Shawl Case, Stamped, 60e. each. USE SPHINX KNITTING SILKS, THEY ARE THE BEST. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KE^ARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LINEN GOODS. Travolins*" Companion. Umbrella Cases. Brown Linen Traveling Cmiiii minn, stamped, jirice 45e. each. Each CanTflS 45c. to $1 50 Leather Covering and rubber fittings 90c. to 3 75 J No. 1U8. Brown Linen Laundry Bags, Stamped, 18x24, 5Cc. each. Laundry Bag 13x19 $ 4 Laundry Bag 18x24 Laundry Bag 18x27 ANY OF OUR LINEN GOODS CA.N BE HAD UNSTAMPED, 50 No. 1145. Brown Linen Umbrella Case, Stamped, 2 pockets, 35c. Single Pocket 25c. Double Pocket 35c. Shawl Cases 50c. to $1 50 Wooden Ware, Etc. Brass Fire Screens, Brass Fender Screens, Ebonized Fire Screens, Gilt Fire Screens, Ebonized Tables, Brackets, Boot Jacks, Wall Pockets, Slipper Backs, Whisk Broom Holders, Paper Holders. Children's Bibs. No. 1149. 15o. No. 1150. 10c. No. 1152. 25c. LACES FOR MILLINERY PURPOSES IN EVERY IMAGINABLE SHADE. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 29 EMBROIDERED FELT GOODS. JUrHINK MADK, liiiir lilillllipilipwi^^ No. 1160. Embroidered Felt Lambrequin. Length, 2' j yards, rrict-, si. I ill No. 1-i-tO. Embroidered Felt Liimbrequiu. Length, 'ly^ yards. Price, $1.' No U59 Embroideied Felt Lambrequin Plu'^h Top Border Length 2% vards Price, §2.25. JlllilP*'"" 7 ^immm^ No. 1255. Embroidti. a F, It Liiiubreciuin, 2li yards long. Price, $2.03 USE SPHINX YARNS, FOR THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE MARKET. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. EMBROIDERED FELT GOODS. No. 17G5. Embroidered Felt Table Cover, 30 inches square. Price, $1,3.5 Table Scarfs. i s -I I ^^> i ^V^ '"^ m .■ ^-^Ji., 1 1 i fe.^-,.^_ .._.._ Pri e )n cents. V\^^^' No. 978. Embioideud Felt Table bcarf, l^xJb Pnoe, »1 75. No. '.)73. Embroidered Felt Table Scarf, 18x3G. Price, $1.95. We have a complete assortment of Felt Embroidered Table Scarfs from 95c. to $2 25 THE^LATEST DESIGNS IN WILLOW BASKETS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 13 r KEARNY ST., and .-09 SUTTER ST., S. F. 31 EMBROIDERED FELT GOODS. M.VCHINE MADE. Tidies. Laiubi*equins. Felt Embroidered Tidies from lOe. to 50c. Felt Embroidered Lambrequins from 95c. to $3 70 Table Covers. Felt Embroidered Table Covers, 4, i from $1 00 upwards laHO e,0^ CI S. Felt Embroidered Table Covers, 6/4 from 2 GO upwards Felt Embroidered Covers (Square Piano) .from $t 50 upwards Felt Embroidered Table Covers, 8/1 from 4 00 upwards Felt Embroidered Covers(Uiirigbt Piano) from ¥4 00 upwards EMBROIDERED PLUSH GOODS. MACHIXE MADE. • E;uli I Each Plush Lambrequins $4 00 to $9 00 Plush Table Covers, 36x30 $2 65 to $ 6 00 Plush Table Scarfs 4 00 to 7 00 1 Plush Covers (Upright Piano) 7 75 to 12 00 EMBROIDERED GOODS. HAND MADE. As our assortment in this line is so extensive, it would be impossible to give a detailed description, and as we are making a specialty of the manufacture of these articles, the same being under the supervision of one of the best embroiderers in the United States, we are prepared to make to order, stamp, design, or commence anything that might suggest itself to the minds of our patrons. LAMBREQUIN. In sending orders, please be as explicit as possible, as it will oftentimes avoid detention. The following is a list of some of the articles which we have in stock, or can make to order, in plush, sateen, felt, Morris cloth, empress sateen and basket sateen, to be worked with chenille, tinsel, ribbosene, rope silk, art society silk, ecclesiastical silk, India floss and filo floss. Prices according to work and material. LAMBBEQUINS, MANTLE SCARFS, TABLE SCARFS, BUREAU SCARFS, SIDE BOARD SCARFS, WALL BANNERS, FOOT RESTS, FIRE SCREENS, CHAIR STRIPES, CUSHIONS, EASEL SCARFS, PICTURE SCARFS, TIDIES, PIANO COVERS, PORTIERES, TOILET SETS, SLIPPER POCKETS, SOFA PILLOWS, SCREENS, CURTAINS. ETC. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. TIDIES. We call special attention to this Department, as we are continii anil Eastern Markets. lily receipt of the very latest designs from the European This represents an India Silk Drape, with Hand Painted Bolting end— finished with Silk Tassels — can be had in all colors. Length, 1% yards. Used for either easel or chair drape. Price, $1.00. The Tidy illustrated in this cut is a Surah Silk Drape, con- ventional pattern, Hand Embroidered in the Queen Anne stitches with Art Society Silk — can be had in all colors. Length, 1% yards. Used for either easel or chair drape. Price, $6.25. The Tidies represented in the above cuts can be made up of the following materials: Surah silk, India silk, satins, etc., worked with No. 1, 2 or i Chenille, Pearsall's wash silks, Kope silks. Embroidery silks, Tussah silks, Cable silks, Royal Society silks, Tinsels, etc., etc. We will furnish 1% yards of best quality Surah silk (stamped in latest designs) with materials for work, price, $2.35. No. 3. In this cut we illustrate a very handsome Surah Silk Drape, with crocheted wheel ends, crocheted with N. & L. Knitting Silks, can be had in any color, IJ^ yards long, price, $7.00 each. Sample wheels 25c. each. mmm This cut shows a silk striped Madras Tidy, fringed on both ends, can be had in any color, 134 yards long, price 75o. each. The Immense increase of our Order Department is proof itself that our Prices and Goods are Satisfactory. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. Japanese Tidies, Hand Embroidered. Japanese Hand Embroidered Tidies $3.75 to $12.00 each. Tliese Tidies are embroidered with Japanese Gold Thread, in very elaborate designs upon an extra quality of Japanese Satin finish Surah. Length from 1% to 2^ yards. Prices according to work and size. Plu.sli Tidies, Hand Embroidered. Plush Tidies, Hand Embroidered 16x16 $4 00 to .?6 00 Plush Tidies, Hand Embroidered 20x20 5 00 to 10 00 Plush Tidies, Tapesti-y Borders. Plush Tidies, Tapestry Borders 12x12 S 25 to .? 50 Plush Tidies, Tapestry Borders 18x18 10 to 100 Plush Tidies, Tapestry Borders 24x2i 1 50 to 3 UO Fisli Net Tidies. Each Fish Net Tidies 8x8 § 15 Fish Net Tidies 9x9 20 Fish Net Tidies 12x12 25 Fish Net Tidies .'l8xl8 40 Fish Net Tidies 1, 18x72 1 50 Fish Net Tidies 16x54 1 10 These Tidies can be arranged so as to be used for Toilet Sets. Iri.sli Point Lace Tidies. Each Irish Point Lace Tidies (extra fine) 8x8 $ 35 Irish Point Lace Tidies (extra fine) 12x12 70 Irish Point Lace Tidies (extra fine) 15x15 Irish Point Lace Tidies (extra fine) 20x20 1 90 These goods come in very elaborate and elegant designs and when used over colored materials have a beautiful effect. Persian and Madras Silk Tidies 20c. to $1 00 each. These goods can be had in an immense variety of patterns. Lace Tidies. 25 No. 1154. Antique Lace Tidy, 9x9, price, 10c. each. Russian Lace Tidies, 8x8 10c. , 3 for 25c. Russian Lace Tidies, 11x11 15c., 2 for 25c. Russian Lace Tidies, 14x14 20c. Russian Lace Tidies, 20x20 25c. Russian Lace Tidies, 26x26 ..!'35c! Russian Lace Shams, 36x38 $1 40 per pair Russian Lace Scarfs, 18x60 1 25 Russian Lace Bed Sets, from 3 50 per set Antique Lace Tidies, Linen, 9x9 from 10c. Antique Lace Tidies, Linen, 14x14 from 15e. Antique Lace Tidies, Linen, 19x19 from 25c. Antique Lace Shams, Linen, 36x30 from $3.50 per pair Small and large oblong Tidy and Scarfs, from 25c. Antique Lace Bed Sets from $10 per set Antique Squares for Tidies, etc from 10c. Embroidered Slippers. Tapestry on Penelope from .$ 50 to §4 50 Kensington on Penelope from 1 25 to 3 00 Chenille Embroidery on Cloth from 3 00 to 4 00 Chenille Embroidery on Velvet from 4 00 to 6 00 Velvet, stamped, ready for work from 1 50 to 2 50 Cloth, stamped, ready for work from 1 00 to 1 50 Hand Embroider«Hl Suspenders. Per Pair Hand Embroidered Suspenders.Arm- strong Ends, 6 inch Chenille Em- broidery .$4 00 Hand Embroidered Suspenders, Satin Ends, 7 inch embroidery, worked in Filo Floss 7 50 Hand Embroidered Suspenders.Satin Ends, 9 inch Chenille Embroidery 5 50 Hand Embroidered Suspenders, Arm- strong Ends, embroidered full length in Chenille Embroidery ... 7 00 Hand Embroidered Suspenders, Satin Ends, embroidered full length in Chenille Embroidery 7 50 Hand Embroidered Suspenders, Arm- btiong Ends, embroidered full length in Floss or Filo- selle 7 75 Hand Embroidered Suspenders, Satin Ends, embroidered full length in Floss or Filoselle 8 25 Initials embroidered on suspenders 50c. and 75c. pair extra. Machine Embroidered Suspenders. I'cr Pair Gents' Silk Embroidered Suspenders .$1 85 Gents' Silk Embroidered Suspenders 2 50 Gents' Silk Embroidered Suspenders 3 00 Gents' Silk Embroidered Suspenders, elegantly embroid- ered $3 75, $4 25 and 5 00 Suspenders Mounted. Parties furnishing painted or embroidered ribbon, desiring suspenders mounted, can have the work done at the following rates: Armstrong Ends, with ribbon for lining, and mounting. .iji;2 25 Satin Ends, with ribbon for lining, and mounting 2 65 Suspenders mounted(when parties furnish all materials) 75 Armstrong Suspender Ends (as per cut) 1 00 Satin Suspender Ends 1 50 Nickel Chain Suspender Ends 3 50 These Nickel Ends are equal to solid silver for durability. Embroidered Suspenders made to order or mounted in any style. Stamped Ribbon for Suspenders in all shades and de- signs, per pair 55c. Ladies' and Gents' Laundry Lists, printed on Satin, (all colors) 2 for 15c. Embroidered Napkin Holders, each 60c. NOVELTIES IN RUCHINGS AND NECKWEAR A SPECIALTY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOVELTIES. wmi No. lul. Soft and Easy Like bufa Cushion Embroidered or worked with French knots, has a silk puffing n sides, laced with silk cord. Stamped on Tapestry Canvas, 1.20, Butcher Linen, 75c., Extra Heavy Linen Duck, $1.20. Made of TigureJ Silks timsht Pnce, f No. 102. Roman Embroidery Sofa Cushion. The of the design is worked in buttonhole stitch, taking the stitches so that the purled edge is toward the edge cut out. After the buttonholing is done, the lace, or spiderweb stitches are worked from jjoint to point of the buttonholing, but not through the linen, as this is afterwards cut away close to the buttonholed edges. The cushion is finished with silk pnflfing and lined with cord. Stamped on white or brown linen, 75c. No. 103. Slumber Roll. Made of figured silk and also stamped on surah silk to be embroidered. Stamped on Extra Quality Surah Silk, S5c. Samples of figured silks on application. No. 108. Fillet Toilet Set, 4 pieces. Price, $1.75 a set. TOILET SETS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. PRICES FROM $4.00 TO $20.00 PER SET. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. Made ul liusel Pau.ima C ,111% is, painted design, with plush borders, hned -nith Sateen, tiimmed with Ribbon, making a very useful as well as ornamental house orna- ment Price, .ijS.SO. Price of Tinsel Panama Canvas, 75c. per yard. >>j.!^-; W^'} It^IsVv" 1^ ^^^.^.^^^W'^'-^-^ ■ w^ii^ ;: i No. 106. Bunting Scarf. With open work edge. Satin Ribbon being applied and caught down with fancy stitches, ends trimmed with Lace. Used as sideboard, bureau and washstand scarfs. Price of Bunting, 18 inches wide, '25e. to 75c. per yard. No. luy. Fil ,t lulltt Set, Till No. '2S6. Sachet of Satin Ribbon, with square of tinted price, 75c. No. 291. Sachet of Ribbon. Hand painted, corner of crochet rings, size 5x5 inches. Price, 75c. WE CARRY THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF NOTIONS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOVELTIES. Couibinatioii Collar and Cuff Boxes. Combination Boxes (as cut) PItish em- broidered in Eibbosene, Arrasene and Chenille, lined with Satin, $5.50 each. Combination Boxes (as cut) extra qual- ity Plush, embroidered in Kibbosene, Arrasene and Chenille, lined with Satin, $6.75 each. Combinalion Boxes (as cut) superior quality Plush, embroidered in Kope Silk, lined with Satin, $8.50 each. Combination Boxes (as cut) Satin Front and Back, embroidered in fine Che- nille, Top covered with Plush, lined with Satin, $10.00 each. Combination Boxes (as cut) Chamois Front, embroidered in Filo Floss, Top covered with Plush, lined with Satin, $10.50 each. Combination Boxes (as cut) CUamois Front, Hand Painted, Top covered with Plush, lined with Satin, $7.75 each. Initials embroidered on Combination Boxes in fine Chenille or Silk, $1.00 to |2.50 Monograms " on Combination Boxes in fine Chenille or Silk, 3.00 to 5.00 Parties furnishing materials can have Combination Boxes mounted. Price, 2.75 Toilet Sets. Toilet Set of three pieces covered with Plush, Haud Embroidered and finished with Kibbons. $5.50 set. Toilet Set of three pieces, covered with Satin, embroidered with Eibbosene and finished with Ribbons. $i.00 set. Toilet Set of three pieces, covered with Satin, embroidered in fine Chenille and finished with Ribbons. Price according to desian. $6.50 to $12.50 set. Toilet Set of three pieces, covered with Bolting Cloth, Hand Embroidered, finished with Cords and Tassels. $8.50 set. Toilet Set of three pieces, covered with Bolting Cloth, elegantly embroidered and finished. $10.00 set Toilet Set of three pieces, covered with Bolting Cloth, Hand Painted and finished with Cords and Tassels. $5.00 set. Toilet Set of three pieces, covered with Chamois, Hand Painted, finished with Cords and Tassels. $5.00 set. Toilet Set of three pieces, covered with Chamois, H.ind Painted, Round Cushion, Poflfed on sides and laced with Cords. $10.00 set. Embroitlered Opera Glass Cases' Plush Opera Glass Bag, embroidered with Silk, all colors, (as cut) $3.50 each. Silk Opera Glass Bag, with Crocheted Rings, all colors, $3.50 each. Chamois Opera Glass Bag, Hand Painted, all colors, (as cut) $2.75 each. Chamois Opera Glass Bag, plain, all colors, {as cut) $2.25 ea<;h. Chamois Opera Glass Bag, Hand Painted, $1.00 each. =ac-^'?%^^^^^ Haud Painted fancy shaped Bottles, with Satin Sachet Hand Painted, finished with Ribbon, (2 bottles and sachet) $1.50 per set. Hand Painted fancy shaped Bottle, with Satin Sachet Hand Painted, finished with Ribbon (single bottle and sachet) $3.00 per set. Uncovered Bottles. Uncovered Bottles, square, with Cut Glass Stopper, 65c. per pair. Uncovered Bottles, round, with Cut Glass Stoppers, 65c. per pair. Uncovered Bottles, fancy shapes, with Cut Glass Stoppers, 90e., $1.50 and $1.70 per pair. WE ARE IN CONSTANT RECEIPT OF THE LATEST DESIGNS IN LADIES' FANCY HOSIERY. NEWxMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOVELTIES. >io 2 lt> Oigai Box covered with Plush, front and back of Satin, embroidered in fine Chenille. Price, $6.7.5 Nn 2S7 Sichct of Satm lUbboij ith sqiiue of Bolting Cloth Hand Painted xll colors. Price, I5I.OU. Pii mMJtX s iiiiiijifi IW m No. 2Sh. Sachet of Ivorine. In delicate tints, interwoven, finished with Ribbon Bow. Price, SI. 00. No. 290. Photograph Stand or Sewing Basket. Tinted in any shade with Aspiuall's Enamel, with pouch of Figured or Plain India Silk, finished with Fiibbons. Price, $5.50. Plain Stands (untrimmed) $125 Painted Stands ^untrlmmed) 1 75 No 2a3 Necktie Case of Satin Embroidered in Fine Chenille, lined with contiasting ^hade of Satin, finished ^Mth Uil>boii-^ inM.le. Price, $4.25. No. 283. Magazine and Book Cover. Tinted Chamois, lined with Satin, Hand Painted. Price, $3.50. Same, Hand Embroidered, $5.00. EUCHRE, WHIST AND DINNER FAVORS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. 38 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOVELTIES. No. 331. Painted Screens of extra fine French beveled crystal glass; exquisite ornament for home decoration. Prices from $3.00 to $6.50. No 332 batiu Uaudkerchief Case. In four compartments, handsomely embroidered and trimmed with Lace and Ribbons. Price, $7.50. No. 333. Towel Rack of polished horns and cherry wood. Price, $1.75. No. 335. Towel Rack of cherry wood and polished horns with mirror mounted in plush, price, $7.00. No. 33(j. Photograph Panels and Screens of beveled crystal glass, most stylish ornament for mantle piece, chiffoniere, etc. Price, from $1.G5 to $5.50. No. 337. Ivorine Calendar with fancy photograph, hand No. 334. Towel Rack of cherry wood and polished horns | painted spravs, finished with cords and ribbons, price, $3.50. with plush mountings. Price, |3.50. I lyorine Calendar, with fancy photograph, price, $1.85. We will at any time send Samples, or answer inquiries relating to any Branch of our Business. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOVELTIES. No. 338. Tinted Chamois Blotter, Painted, with any motto, finished with Cord and Tassels. Price, $2.50. Tinted Chamois Blotter, embroidered in Silk, with any motto, finished with Cord and Tassels. Price, $5.50. Bamboo Fire Screen, size 32x24, tinted in any shade with Aspinall's Enamel, with curtain of contrasting shade of Jap- anese Silk, 12 inches square of embroidery, price, $10.00. Plain Bamboo Screens (untrimmed) price $2 75 Painted Bamboo Screens (uutriinmed ) price 4 25 No. 339. Glove Menders, containing Scissors, Emery, Wax, Glove Darner and Colored Threads, mounted on Ribbons. Price, $1.85. No. 205. Cabinet Photograph Frame, Satin, with Plush Border embroidered in Japanese Gold Thread or fine Chenille. Price, $6. CO each. I two shades of s itiii, II lu 1 1 aut. .1 S| 1 ,^ I'uce. $3.75. In addition to the novelties illustrated in our catalogue we have a complete assortment of the following articles, made of Ivorine, Chamois, Bolting, Plush and Satin, painted and embroidered. Sachets, Hiirpin Holders, Card Receivers, Blotters, Pen Wipers, Shaving Cases, Laundry Lists, Work Bags. Needle Cases, Court Plaster Cases, Case for Shoe Buttons and Thread, Case for playing Cards, Tobacco Pouches, Button Bags, Writing Tablets, Calendars. H;ii;ilk'ribief Cases, Glove Cases, Necktie Cases, Photograph Cases, Paper Holders, Duster Bags, etc. TOILET ARTICLES.— Celuloid and Ivory. Comb and Brush Cases, containing comb, brush and mirror in plush. Toilet ('u'ir with Saiiii liuing, $2.50 to $11.25. Manicure Set containing full Manicure Set and Comb, Brush and Mirror, Plush case, Satin lining, $0.25 to $11.25. Mairicure Set, Plush case, $1.50. 3|y|OKERS' SETS. 1"^ "^is line we carry a large assortment, both on stands and trays. Prices, $2.50 to $20.00. Gilt Edge Playing Cards for Euchre parties, 25 cents per pack. Playing Cards, plain, 10 cents per pack. Euchre and Whist favors in endless variety. SEE OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS ADVERTISED IN THE SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY PAPERS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. FANCY BASKETS. No. 341. Infant's Basket on stand, handsomely trimmed 1 India Silk and Lace with ribbon bows. Price, $8.50, $10 ad $12.00. Untrimmed, as per cut, $2.75, $3.75 and $4.50. No. 342. Infant's l^.askrt, tiiuime,! with India Silk and flounce of Lace finished with bows of ribbons. Price, $5 50. Small Decorative Baskets, untrimmed, 15c. to 50o. Large Decorative Baskets, untrimmed, $1.50 to .'$10.00, according to design. Fancy Baskets trimmed to order. Only a few cuts of our baskets are shown, as in a picture it is not possible to give a satisfactory representation, from the fact that only one side can be seen, as the ribbons and draperies conceal the shape of the basket in the picture, while in looking at the basket itself the effect is quite different, and very beautiful. They form a very useful adjunct to a parlor, making a beautiful ornament, and can be trimmed with fancy silks draped grace- fully, Surah Silk, Florentine Silk, and India Silk being used extensively, or with handsome combinations of ribbons. They are extensively used for Natural Flowers, Photograph Cases, Card Cases, Scrap and Waste Paper Baskets, etc., and make very elegant wedding or birthday presents. We always make it our aim to send the latest and most choice goods when an order is left to our selection. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. MOUNTING AND FINISHING. With our present facilities we are prepared to mount and finish any of the following articles in fancy work: Banner Screens, Wall Banners, Fire Screens, Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Toilet Sets, Suspenders, Fin Cushions, Sofa Cushions, Boot Jacks, Foot Rests, Foot Stools, Satchels, Albums for Photographs, Mantle, Table, and Piano Scarfs and Covers, and in fact anything known in fancy work. Fire ScreeiLS. Bamboo Fire Screen Frames from $2 50 to $ 5 00 Brass Fire Screen Frames from 7 50 to 20 00 Black Ebonized Fire Screen Frames from 6 00 to 25 00 Fraine.s. Frames for Wall Pockets. Frames for Boot Jacks. Frames for Whisk Brooms. Frames for Paper Holders. Frames for Towel Racks, etc. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 42 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. STAMPING DEPARTMENT. (See Description on Page 44.) BATHING SUITS TO ORDER-SELF MEASUREMENT CARDS ON APPLICATION. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to .31 KEARNY ST., and 2c 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 43 STAMPING DEPARTMENT. Ho. (12) SOg^tt.Yd ^>^\-n. N0.O3) Ju^. H-O'ffyrj^ Mo(/6~^ IX'A /i f fyr. vj>- Mc Ui^J /9a /? SS^d^. (See Description on Page 44.) Our N. & L. Children's Fast Black Hosiery Warranted not to Crock nor to Fade in Washing. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST, and 209 SUTTER ST, S. F. STAMPING. We would partieivlarly call the attention of our patrons to this department, as we consider, that with our superior facilities, it is the most complete of any in the United States. Our assortment of designs is the largest that can he found, and in addition, we have in our employ a designer, which affords us the superior advantage of being able to make to order any design that may suggest itself to our patrons. .4s our assortment is so extensive, it would almost fill a book the size of this volume were we to endeavor to give cuts of them all. The designs illustrated on pages 42 and Jf-S are some of the latest for Tidies, Scarfs, Lambre- quins, Sofa, Pillows, Etc. PRICE LIST OF STIMPIJVG. Flannel Skirts, two widths -------- ^Qq^ Marrow Bands ....... -p^j, yard, from 10c. to 25c. Wide Bands ....... pgj. yard, from 20c. to 4.0c. Sprays and Bunches, 4 to 6 inch - - - . - . . g(._ Iq 25c. Sprays and Bunches, 7 to 12 inch ....... ^Qc, Sprays and Bunches, 13 to 18 inch ....... ^Qq^ Sprays and Bunches, 20 inch and upwards - - - from 25c. to 50c. Lambrequins ........ from 35c. to il 00 Dresses - - from 25c. to $2 50 Sacques ---------- from 25c. to $1 50 Splashers ------------- ^^^^ D'Oyleys per dozen, from 50c. to 75c. Tray Cloths - from 25c. to 50c. Handkerchiefs (single letter) --------- 5c. Handkerchiefs (monograms) 25c. and upwards Perforated Stamping Outfits, with powder and pad - - - - $1 00 Perforated Stamping Outfits, with powder, pad, liquid and instructions $2 50 to $20 00 Cuts J\fos. 6, 12 and 13 are designs which are used for Roman Embroidery. Cuts JVos. 2, 5 and I4 are designs used for the Queen Anne stitches, tapestry stitches, couching and skeletonizing . Cuts JVos. 1, 3,4,10 and 11 are designs for Tidies embroidered with any of our embroidering materials. Cut JVo. 7, design for Lambrequin. Cut JVb. 15, design for Flannel Skirt. Any of the above designs can he had in perforated patterns. SEND FOR SAMPLES OF COLORED LACES, USED EXTENSIVELY FOR TRIMMIMG SUMMER DRESSES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 45 EMBROIDERY FRAMES. IDA FRAMES, 24 inch. IDA FRAMES, 27 inch. We would call attention to our Patent Embroidery Frame, which, in using, you will find to possess superior ad- vantages over any frame that is now in use; it overcomes the inconvenience of sewing on the material to be embroidered, as all that is necessary is to place the material used under the part marked No. 1, and by running the hand over the same it will be ready for work. No. 1 indicates the attachment when open, No. 2 when closed, and No. 3 is a side attachment, which is so arranged as to be used on any frame, the same being in- tended to get a proper tension from the sides. The No. 3 attachment is separate, and would cost 50 cents a pair additional ; although very convenient, it is not absolutely necessary. Plain Screw Frames same as Ida Frame without No. 1 and 2 attachment, 24 inch, $1.00 each; 27 inch, $1.50 each. LOTTA FRAME AND STAND, 27 inch, $6.50. The Lotta frame possesses all the advantages of the Ida frame in regiird to fastening on the work, also the combined superior advantage of being able to contain a piece of material either two inches or ten yards in length, as the cross poles re- volve and at the same time slide up and down. Embroidery frame on stand, similar to Ida frame, without attachments, $3.75. TRADE MARK. LCiTTA FRAME, 24 inch, $3.50; 27 inch, $3.75 PATENT EMBROIDERY HOOP. This hoop can be fastened to a chair or table and turned in any position to suit the worker, or can be held in the hand. The extreme handiness of this Embroidery Hoop, combined with its practicability, and it being almost impossible to put it out of order, are advantages, which are sure to make it a universal favorite among the large and ever increasing num- ber of patrons of the art of hand embroidery. Each No. 1. Patent Hoop, 6 inches in diameter. $ 90 No. 2. Patent Hoop, 8 inches in diameter 1 10 No. 3. Patent Hoop, 10 inches in diameter 1 25 Embroidery Hoops. Each Plain Embroidery Hoops, 6 inch 15e. Plain Embroidery Hoops, 7 inch 20c. Plain Embroidery Hoops, 8 inch 20c. Plain Embroidery Hoops, 9 inch 25c. Plain Embroidery Hoops, 12 inch 40c. Embroidery Frames. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 9 inch 20c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 12 inch 25c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 15 inch 30c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 18 inch 35c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 21 inch 40c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 24 inch 45c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 27 inch 50c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 30 inch 55c. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 33 inch 6O0. Flat Embroidery Peg Frames, 36 inch 65c. ALL KINDS OF STAMPING DONE IN THE LATEST DESIGNS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. BANNERS, FLAGS AND REGALIA. T>ECQRATIl?£ARr , In the manufacture of Parade Banners, small Banners and Flags our facilities are unequaled for turning out the best class of work promptly and efficiently. Banners made of Silk, Plush or Velvet. Lettering done in Chenille, Silk and Gold Bullion embroidery, or painted in colors or gold leaf. Fraternal Societies, Lodges, Church Societies, aud all organizations using Kegalias of any description, we are pre- pared to supply on the shortest notice and at the most reasonable terms. We are prepared to give estimates on any class of work of this kind, aud any information that may be desired will be cheer- fully given. ROSETTES AND BADGES OF ALL DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. GILT AND SILVER TRIMMINGS. Gold and Silver Eegalia Lace. Gilt and Silvei- Trimmings. Gold Bullion Fringes from 1 to 5 inches in width Silver Bullion Fringes from 1 to 5 inches in width Gold Bullion Tassels from 1 to 6 inches in length Silver Bullion Tassels from 1 to C inches in length Gold Banner Tassels from 4 to 8 inches in length Silver Banner Tassels from 1 to 8 inches in length Gold Braid all widths and grades Silver Braid all widths and |;rade8 All sizes of Gold Thread, Silver Thread, Gold Cord, Silver Cord, Gold Stars, 5, 6 and 7 points. Silver Stars, 5, 6 and 7 points. Gold Bullion for fancy work, plain, cut and dull, Sil- Gold and Silver Lace, various patterns and ■^idths. ver Bullion for fancy work, plain, cut and dull. Gold Bells, Silver Bells, Metal Bells, all colors. Concaves, all colors. Sequins, Gold Spangles, Silver Spangles, Gold Anchors, Silver Anchors,Gilt Soutache Braid, Japanese Thread, Gold and Silver. Tinsel and Bullion by the skein. Silver Gimps and Laces. Gold and Silver Sewing and Embroidery Thread on spools. Also many more articles in that line too numerous for speci- fication. We are direct Importers of all the gilt and silver braids and fancy articles in that line, and are pleased to offer these goods to the public at the lowest possible rates. Special rates to Costumers, Societies, Churches, etc. SOCIETY BANNERS AND FLAGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. YARNS. 11 TRADEMARK. Woolen Yarns. In calling special attention to this department, we can safely say that we have made it as complete as possible in all its branches, and feel perfectly satisfied that nowhere on the Pacific Coast can be found an assortment as perfect in every regard, and nowhere in the United States can be found a BETTER assortment. We always endeavor to carry in stock superior qualities, and with an aim to have our prices such as will compare favorably with any quotations given. Often lower prices are quoted, and under such circumstances if our patrons ■will take the trouble to investigate, by a comparison they will find that the article offered is infekioe in quality, and if not, it is certainly of lighteb weight than ours, which the advertiser endeavors to impose upon the inexperienced, as a person of experience generally understands a circumstance of this nature without further proofs being necessary. As all our yarns are manufactured expressly for as, it gives us an opportunity of having such shades as cannot be found elsewhere. Some of our exclusive brands of wool are so fav- orably known, and are so popular, that efforts have been made to imitate them. Each skein will contain a ticket of our trade mark such as is found at the top of this introduction, known as the Sphinx. As we are continually in receipt of new kinds, and have also a number of different yarns, which, perhaps, our patrons do not know by the names, we will give in the fol- lowing list, as near as we can, a description of them and the purposes for which they are used, and will also, at any time, ON APPLICATION, SEND SAMPLES OF ALL YARNS WE HAVE IN STOCK. If at any time parties ordering wools wish to learn any par- ticular stitch in crochet work, we will be pleased to send a sample of the same. In an application please de- scribe, as near as possible, the style of stitch wanted. Zephyr Worsteds. 4 fold. , fold. SIZES OF ZEPHYR. We have the most perfect assortment of shades that can be found in the United States, and keep only the best quality of vinjtorted Sphinx Berlin Zephyr, which we have put up, full 16 ounces to the pound, instead of 11 to 13 ounces to the pound as is customary with other dealers. The consumer will readily see the difterence in working it up. 2, 4 and 8 fold, all colors, 2 oz. for 25c., or $2 per pound of 16 ounces, except black and white, which we sell 2 oz. for 25c., or $1.90 per pound of German Knitting- Yarns. Sphinx Dresden Prima Woole is a strong, four ply, wiry, elastic, even yarn, used for knitting ladies', gents' and children's hose, and for crocheting ladies' and children's shirts and skirts, and is unequaled in smoothness and durability; it comes in -plain, striped and mixed colors, all warranted fast; full 16 oz. weight, divided into four hanks. Price $1.25 a pound, 35c. per hank. Sphinx First Quality German Yarn is very similar to the Sphinx Dresden but not quite as fine in quality; it comes in almost all the same plain colors, and is used for the same purposes. 16 oz. weight, divided into four skeins. Price $1 per pound, 25c. per hank. Extra Quality Sphinx Imported Germantown Yarn is a four ply wool, very much like four ply Sphinx Zephyr, and is used principally for the same purposes. It can be obtained in all colors, plain and variegated, full weight, 16 oz., divided into eight skeins. Price, for all colors, .$2.00 a pound, 25c. per hank. Sphinx Castor Wool is a soft, heavy wool, resembling eight fold Zephyr, and is rapidly taking the place of the same, as it works smoother and is more durable. It is used for rugs, afghans, carriage robes, slippers, and in fact for every purpose for which the eight fold Zephyr was formerly preferred. Price f 2 a pound, or 25c. per hank, in all colors. Sphinx Imported Hanover Saxony is of a fine, round, even twisted thread, used for knitting underwear and fine hose. It comes in 2, 3 and 4 threads, which regulates the size; it is to be had in all the leading colors, 16 oz. weight, the same as Sphinx Zephyr, 16 hanks to the pound. Price $2.25 a pound, or 15o. per hank. Sphinx Newport Saxony is similar to Sphinx Imported Han- over Saxony. It comes in three ply only, and is one grade coarser than the imported Hanover; it is used for the same purposes, and as it does not shrink, is preferred for articles to be washed; 16 oz. weight, divided into sixteen hanks. Price .§1.75 a pound, or 12^c. per hank. Sphinx Extra Quality Spanish Yarn is a four thread silk fin- ished yarn, similar to Sphinx Dresden, but ^ the thickness and harder twisted, used for crocheting and knitting shirts, skirts and fine underwear, all colors, plain and mixed, and warranted fast, 16 oz. weight, divided into eight hanks. Price $2. CO per pound, or 25c. per hank. Sphinx Spanish Yarn is a four ply thread, silk finished yarn, a little -heavier than the extra quality Spanish Yarn, and is used for the same purposes, 16 oz. weight, divided into eight hanks. Price $1 50 per pound or 20c. per hank. OUR N. & L. BRAND OF RIBBONS IS UNAPPROACHABLE. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. YARNS. Vigogne or Merino Yarn is half cottou and half wool, prin- cipally used for knitting underwear, and warranted not to shrink; it comes in difl'erent sizes, from No. 8 to No. 20, eight hanks to the pound. Price $2.00 per pound, or 25c. per hank. Sphinx Del Monte Wool is round and twisted, comes in all colors, used for crocheting shawls, capes and all kinds of head wear. Price 20c. a ball, SI. 40 a box containing eight balls. La Palme Wool is a round, soft, twisted wool, comes in all colors, used for crocheting shawls, fascinators, underwear, etc. Price 30c. a ball, $1.65 a box of six balls. Sphinx Shetland Floss is a soft, iieecy, two ply wool, used for shawls, capes and head wear, 12 oz. weight, all colors, eight hanks to the pound. Price $1.50 a pound, or 20c. per hank. Sphinx Shetland Wool is a very fine, wiry wool, same size as two fold Zephyr, used for shawls, head wear and knitting fine woolen lace, which is particularly adapted to trimming flannel garments; it comes in all colors, 12 oz. weight, eight hanks to the pound. Price $1.50 a pound, or 20e. per hank. Pompadour is a French silk mixed wool tor opera hoods and shawls, and for all flue knitting and crocheting, it comes in plain mixed and cashmere colors; large balls 40c., small balls, 20c. 3 for oOc, $1.25 per box containing eight balls. Imported Sphinx Ice Wool, more generally known as Mohair, is of a fine, silky appearance, used for crocheting and knitting shawls and head wear; it comes double and single wound; large balls 20e. a ball, 3 for 50c. $1.90 a box. Sphinx Fairy Zephyr is in thickness of thread about the same as two fold Zephyr, but being crimped, it has a soft, fleecy appearance when worked, and is used principally for shawls and headwear; 12 oz. weight, eight hanks to the pound, $1.35 a pound, 20c. per hank. Angora Floss is made of pure Angora wool, and when worked up resembles very much the swan's down or finest fur; for making children's hoods there is nothing equal to it in appear- ance and durability. For opera capes and sacques there is nothing like it in white which produces the same rich effect, owing to its resemblance to ermine. Price 20c. a ball, $3.00 box of 16 balls. Plain Sphinx Eiderdown is a heavy, soft wool, about four times the thickness of eight fold Zephyr, used mostly for child- ren's buggy robes and ladies' head wear, and when worked up produces a rich fleecy appearance. Price 40c. per ball, $1.50 per box containing four balls. Silk Sphinx Eiderdown is the same as the above with a silk thread twisted through. Price 45c. per ball, $1.75 per box containing four balls. Sphinx Spiral Wool is a heavy, soft wool, similar to Sphinx Eiderdown, but harder twisted and used for the same purposes. Price 45c. per Ball, $1.75 per box containing four balls. Tinsel is a brilliant thread in plain and mixed colors. When combined with wools in making shawls and head wear it pro- duces a very beautiful effect, owing to its brilliancy. It is also used extensively for couching and embroidering on plush and pongee. Price 5c. per ball, G for 25c. We would again kindly call your attention to the fact of our being in continual receipt of new yarns, some of which may arrive after the publication of this book, and if any known yarn should be wanted, and should not be found in the above list, by sending a sample or description we may be able to fill the order. None of the above yarns are genuine unless each hank con- tains a ticket marked with " Sphinx Trade Mark." Knitting and Crochet Cottons. German Knitting Cotton, (Schweitzerthal) used for crochet- ing and knitting. White, from No. 4 to No. 24, 85c. per pound, 45c. per pack- White, from No. 26 to No. 30, $1.00 per pound, 50c. per package. Scarlet, from No. 8 to No. 20, $1.10 per pound, 55c. per package. Solid and mixed colors, $1.00 per pound, 50c. par package. Balmoral or striped. Unbleached Schweitzerthal. All the above warranted fast colors. German Crocheting Cotton 'Hakelgarn). D. M C. Crocheting Cotton, white and colored. Marshland's Crochetini; Cotton, from to 20, lOo. per ball, four for 25c. Madonna Crochetino Cotton. Dbxtee Crocheting Cotton in Bills, all colors and num- bers; comes in three and four threads. Max Hacschild's Crocheting Cotton in white, unbleached and scarlet. C. B. French Crocheting Cotton. Snow Ball Crocheting Cotton. L. M. C. Crocheting Cotton. I. J. C. Crocheting Cotton. Clark'.s 0. N. T. Crocheting Cotton. Clark's Crochet Cotton. E. S. C. Crochet Cotton. C. B. French Embroidery Cotton, all numbers, used for embroidery, etching and outline work. Turkey Red, 2ou a dozen skeins. White, 35c. a dozen skeins. Madonna Embroidery Cotton, white and all colors, 20j. per dozen skeins. C. B. French Darning Cotton, in balls, all colors, 50c. per dozen. Madonna Darning Cotton, in balls, all colors, Haeley's Darning Cotton, on cards, all colors, lOc. per dozen. Smith & Angel's Fast Black Darning Cotton. Being in constant communication with Europe and large Eastern cities, we are in receipt of Latest Fashions. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. YARNS. Harlky's Darning Wool, on cards, all colors, 25c. per doz. Linen Floss, In white, all sizes, 25c. per dozen. Linen Floss, in colors, used for etching, a complete assort- ment. Habbis & Sons' Linen Etching Thread is a very fine, even thread, used for outlining and embroidering, all colors, war- ranted fast. Price 40c. per dozen skeins. Harris & Sons' EorE Flax, coarser than the Linen Etching Thread, and looser twisted, used for outlining and embroider- ing, all colors, warranted fast. Price 50c. per dozen skeins. Harris & Sons' Couching Flax, used for the same ; as Rope Flax. Price 80c. per dozen skeins, all colors, war- ranted fast. Keal Scotch Linen Crocheting Thread, used for Knitting and Crocheting Laces and Edgings; colors, white, cream and ecru. Price 20c. per ball. Dauntless Macrame Cord, used for all kinds of crocheting, all colors, 10c. per ball; white, 3 for 25c. Seine Twine in hanks', used for all kinds of crocheting. Price, large hanks, 35c.; small hanks, 20c. Glasgo Lace Thread, all sizes, 15c. spool, 2 for 25c. $1.35 box of 10 spools. Sphinx Brand Knitting Silk. As our Superior Knitting Silk has been closely imitated by unscrupulous manufacturers, who have placed on the market an inferior article made from Spun Silk, we have, therefore, put our trade mark upon every spool. Our Superior Knitting Silks have a fac-simile of this label upon every spool, and will contain one-half ounce, full weight, of pure Silk thread. Spun Silk is a very much inferior silk, and is dull, rough and shoddy, while our pure silk has a brilliancy and smooth- ness, and is extensively used for knitting underwear, hosiery, mittens, purses, satchels, etc.; comes in all colors. Price 35c. a ball, or $2.75 a box containing eight balls. N. B. — Every spool warranted smooth and even thread, and if not satisfactory it can be returiied, and money will be re- funded if so desired. Eureka Purse Silk. Warranted pure silk; hard twisted; used for knitting and crocheting purses. It comes in all col- ors. Price 50c. a spool. DARNERS AND YARN WINDERS. Darners. CLOSED. BB w Patent Darners, with handles 25c. Egg Darners, without handles 10c. Black Japanned Darners, with handles 15c. Sphinx Yarn Winder. The above cut represents a combination yarn winder, stock- ing darner and glove darner. Price 75c. each. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NEEDLES. Knitting Needles. Per Pair 10 inch Domestic Bone Knitting Needles lOe. 10 inch Imported Bone Knitting Needles 20c. 12 inch Imported Bone Knitting Needles 25c. 14 inch Imported Bone Knitting Needles 30e. Knbber Knitting- Needles. Per P;iir No. 3. 10 inch Rubber 20c. No. 5. 10 inch Rubber 25e. No. 7. 10 inch Rubber 25c. No. 9. 10 inch Rubber 30c. No. 3 14 inch Rubber 25c. No. 5. 14 inch Rubber 30e. No. 7. 14 inch Rubber 30c. No. 9. 14 inch Rubber 35e. 14 inch Wooden lOo. 14 inch Wooden, extra size 15o. L - Steel Knitting Needles. Per Set Steel Knitting Needles, 5 in set 5c. Steel Netting Needles 10c. ,3 for 25c. Wooden Netting Needles 10c. Bone Netting Needles 15c. Wooden Meshes for Netting IQc. Bone Meshes for Netting 10c. Per Paper Darning Needles 10c. Crewel 15c. Tapestry Needles 10c. Needle Holder. Price 10c. each, black and white. WE DO ALL OUR OWN STAMPING AND GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NEEDLES. Ci'ochet 5 inch Steel Crochet Needles 5c. 6 inch Steel Crochet Needles 5e. 6 inch Steel Crochet Needles, Double Hooks, . 10c. , 3 for 25c. 7 inch Steel Crochet Needles, Single Hooks . . 10c. , 3 for 25c. 9 inch Steel Crochet Needles, Single Hooks 10c. 5 inch Imported Bone Crochet Hooks 5c. 10 inch Imported Bone Crochet Hooks 15c. 14 inch Imported Bone Crochet Hooks 20e. 5 inch Domestic Bone Crochet Hooks 5c. 7 inch Domestic Bone Crochet Hooks 10c. , 3 for 25c. 10 inch Domestic Bone Crochet Hooks 12 J^c. 5 inch Oriental Bone Crochet Hooks 5c. 5 inch Oriental Bone Crochet Double Hook . .lOc, 3 for 25c. 7 inch Oriental Bone Crochet Double Hook 10c. Combination Crochet Needle, containing 2 bone and 2 steel 25c. 12 inch Wooden Needle, with ivory tip 15c. Needles. 12 inch Wooden Crochet Hook 5o. 15 inch Wooden Crochet Hook 10c. 5 inch Rubber Crochet Hook 10c. 10 inch Kubber Crochet Hook 15c. 14 inch Kubber Crochet Hook 20c. Heavy Steel Crochet Hooks, with wooden handles, for seine twine 10c, Covered handles, Steel Crochet Hooks 5c. 5 inch Steel Lace Crochet Hooks 10c. , 3 for 25c. Eiderdown Crochet Hooks, extra large 15e. A full assortment of Ivory Crochet Hooks. Milward's Crochet Needles 5c. Hair Pin Needles. ) Hair Pin Needles 10c. ALL OF THE ABOVE KNITTING OK CROCHET NEEDLES IN ANY SIZE FROM THE FINEST TO THE COARSEST. PLUSHES FOR FANCY WORK IN EVERY IMAGINABLE SHADE. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARMY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 53 BATHING SUITS. Ladies' Bathing- Suits. Ladies' Cotton Jersey Bathine; Suits, two parts, skirt separate, short sleeves . Sizes 34 and 36 , price $'2 50 suit ; sizes 38 and 40, price .?3 suit. Ladies' Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits, two parts, pliiited skirt, trunks separate, short sleeves. Sizes 34 and 36, price $2.50 suit; sizes 38 and 40, price $3 suit. Ladies' Wool Jersey Bathing Suits, two parts, skirt sep- arate, short sleeves, size 34, price $5 suit. Size 36, price $5.25 suit; size 38, price .S5.50 suit; size 40, price 15.75 suit. Ladies' Wool Jersey Bathing Suits, two parts, plaited skirt, trunks separate, short sleeves, size 34, price .$5 suit; size 36, price i;5.25 suit; size 38, price .•J5.50 suit, size 40, price §5.75 suit. Ladies' Wool Jersey Knit Union Bathing Suits, without stockings, with skirt, fancy front, with vest, half sleeves, §6.50 per suit; long sleeves, $7 per suit. Ladies' Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits, plaited skirt, pants separate, half sleeves. Price $6.75 suit; long sleeves, price .§7.50 suit. Ladies' Wool Jersey Knit Union Bathing Suits, without Stockings, standing collar, fancy front, skirt separate, belt attached, half sleeves. Price ,§7.50 suit; long sleeves, price .§8.25 suit. Ladies' Extra Quality Full Fashioned Jersey Knit Union Bathing Suits, without stockings, V shaped front, with Revere, skirt separate, half sleeves. Price §11.50 suit; long sleeves, price §12.50 suit, is suit with our new fancy tucked border one dollar extra. 158 La lies' Extra Qiixlity Full Fashioned Jersey Knit Union Bathing Suits, with stockings, V shape front, with re- vere, skirt separate, half sleeves. Price $13.50 suit; long sleeves, price §15 suit. This suit, with our new fancy tucked border, one dollar extra. Lidies Silk Bathing Suits made to order. Prices according to sizes. Misses' Batliing Suits. Nn. 2000 Misses' Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, skirt separate, short sleeves. Sizes 28, 30 and 32. Price §2 suit. 2000x Misses Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, plaited skirt, trunks separate, short sleeves. Sizes 28, 30 and 32. Price §2 suit. 1000 Misses' Wool Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, skirt separate, short sleeves. Size 28, price §3.75 suit; size 30, price $i suit; size 32, price .§4.25 suit. lOOOx Misses' AVool Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, plaited skirt, trunks separate, short sleeves. Size 28, price $3.75 suit; size 30, price $4 suit; size 32, price §4.25 suit. 1003 Misses' Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. One part, V shape fancy front, skirt separate, half sleeves. Price §5.65 suit; long sleeves, price $6.25 suit. See next page for Price lAst of Men's, Boys' and Children's Batliing Suits. Having our own Machinery we Knit Battling Suits to Order in any Style or Color. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. BATHING SUITS. Men's Bathing Snits. ( ONE PAKT SUITS. mm Men's Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Sizes 30 to 4U; price $1 suit. | lOCOO Men's Wool Jersey Bathing Suits. Size 32; price $2 suit; sizes 31 to 40, price $2.25 suit. 1 148x Men's Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Open on shoulder, laced or buttoned. Sizes 5 and 6; price $3 suit. 121x Men's Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Open in front or shoulder, no sleeves, heavy weight. Price f 5.50 per suit. 122x Men's Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Open in front or shoulder, no sleeves, light weight. Price $6 per suit. 124x Men's Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Open in front or shoulder, half sleeves. Price $6.50 per suit. 1016 Men's Wool Jersey Knit Union Bathing Suits, -with stockings attached, no sleeves. Price $10 suit; half sleeves, price $10.50 suit; long sleeves, price $11 suit. These suits can be made in all silk, and silk and wool mixed. Prices according to size and style. TWO PART StriTS. 5000 Men's Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Sizes 30 and 32, price $1.25 suit; sizes 34 to 40, price $1.50 suit. 6000 Men's Wool Jersey Bathing Suits. Sizes 30 and 32, price $2.75 suit; sizes 34 to 40, price $3 suit. 153x Men's Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Sizes 5 and 6, price $4.50 suit. 129x Men's Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Trunk sepa- rate, half sleeves, price $7.50 per suit. 9000 10000 1.50X 149x 5000 OUOO 151x 152X Boys' Bathing Snits. ONE PAET SUITS. Boys' Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Sizes 22 and 24, price 50c. suit; sizes 26 and 28, price 75e. suit. Boys' Wool Jersey Bathing Suits. Size 22, price $1 suit; size 24, price $1.25 suit; sizes 26 and 28, price |1.50 suit; size 30, price .$1.75 suit. Boys'Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Open on shoulder, laced or buttoned. Sizes 1 and 2, price $2.50 suit. Boys' Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Open on shoulder, laced or buttoned. Sizes 3 and 4, price $2.75 suit. TWO PART SUITS. Boys' Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Sizes 22 and 24, price 75c. suit; sizes 26 and 28, price $1 suit. Boys' Wool Jersey Bathing Suits. Sizes 22 and 24, price $1.75 suit; sizes 26 and 28, price $2 suit. Boys' Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Sizes 1 and 2, price $3.50 suit. Boys' Wool Jersey Knit Bathing Suits. Sizes 3 and 4, price $3.85 suit. Bathing Shoes. Jersey cloth bathing shoes Jersey cloth bathing shoes, stocking length . . Canvas bathing shoes Rubber bags for carrying bathing suits SEND FOR OUR SELF MEASUREMENT CA ...$ 75 ... 1 25 50 5c. each. No. Children's Batliing Snits. 2000 Children's Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, skirt separate, short sleeves. Size 22, price $1 25 suit; sizes 24 and 26, price .$1.50 suit. 2000x Children's Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, plaited skirt, trunks separate, short sleeves. Size 22, price $1.25 suit; sizes 24 and 2G, price $1.50 suit. 1000 Children's Wool Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, skirt separate, short sleeves. Size 22, price $2.25 suit; size 24, price $2.50 suit; size 26, price $2.75 suit. lOOOx Children's Wool Jersey Bathing Suits. Two parts, plaited skirt, trunks separate, short sleeves. Size 22, price $2.25 suit; size 24, price $2.50 suit; size 26, price $2.75 suit. Batliing Caps. N.I. Each 9000 Woolen Knit Skull Caps 50c. 9005 Woolen Knit Skull Caps, with long tassel 50c. Woolen Knit Skull Caps, extra long, with tassel 75c. Plain oil silk caps 35c. Fancy oil silk caps 5Uc. Kubber bathing caps, plain 50c. 9008 Rubber bathing caps, fancy 75c. RDS MAILED FREE UPON APPLICATION. 9001 I 9003 9004 No. 9000. 9006 As we Manufacture all our Bathing Suits Our Assortmet is the most Perfect. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. Bathing Trunks BATHING GOODS. Bathing Trunks; N,,. I'cr PaiJ 26 Children's Cotton Trunks, Jersey cloth $ 25 27 Boys' Cotton Trunks, Jersey cloth 25 28 Men's Cotton Trunks, Jersey cloth 35 29 Men's Wool Jersey Trunks 75 29x Boys' Wool Jersey Trunks 75 19019 Boys' Wool Jersey Knit Trunks, short 1 15 19020 Men's Wool Jersey Knit Trunks, short 1 40 19021 Boys' Wool Jersey Knit Trunks, knee length 1 75 19022 Men's Wool Jeirsey Knit Trunks, knee length 1 90 19009 Extra quality, heavy weight, full fashioned, long trunks 2 50 19011 Extra quality, light weight, full fashioned, long No. 19019. trunks 3 75 19000 Extra quality, heavy weight, full fashioned, short trunks , 2 00 19002 Extra quality, light weight, full fashioned, short trunks 2 50 Manufactured in Black, Cardinal and Navy Blue. ROWING, EQUESTRIAN AND GYMNASIUM SHIRTS. No, 17:;;'. No. No , Rowing- Sliirts. 1737 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, plain, no sleeves %i 00 1738 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, plain, ^ sleeves 4 25 1739 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, plain, long sleeves 4 75 1740 Jersey Kuit Wool Shirt, stripe on neck, no sleeves 4 50 1741 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe on neck, % sleeves 4 75 1742 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe on neck, long sleeves 5 25 1743 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe or letter on breast, no sleeves 4 50 1744 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe or letter on breast, % sleeves 4 75 1745 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe or letter on breast, long sleeves 5 25 1746 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe on neck, star or let- ter on breast, no sleeves 5 00 1747 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe on neck, star or let- ter on breast, ^ sleeves 5 25 No. 1747. 1748 Jersey Knit Wool Shirt, stripe on neck, star or let- ter on breast, long sleeves §5 75 The above shirts are all closed fronts, the same made in open fronts, 50c. extra. Cotton Equestrian Sliirts. 302 Cotton Equestrian Shirts, heavy weight, white and pink. Size 0, price $1.40 each; size 1, price $1.45 each; size 2, price $1.50 each; size 3, price $1.55 each. 303 Cotton Equestrian Shirts, heavy weight, black and flesh. Size 0, price $1.50 each; size 1, price $1.55 each; size 2, price $1.60 each; size 3, price $1.65 each. 304 Cotton Equestrian Shirts, light weight, white and pink. Size 0, price $1.75 each; size 1, price $180 each; size 2, price $1.85 each; size 3, price $1.90 each. 305 Cotton Equestrian Shirts, light weight, black and flesh. Size 0, price $1.80 each; size 1, price $1.85 each; size 2, price $1.90 each; size 3, price $1 95 each. ORDERS FOR LADIES' CHILDREN'S AND GENTS' HOSIERY IN SILK OR WOOL PROMPTLY EXECUTED. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. ROWING, EQUESTRIAN AND GYMNASIUM SHIRTS. Lawn Toniiis Shirts. EULES FOE, SELF MEASUREMENT. From A to A, around the bust. From B to D, length of garment. From C to C, shoulder to elbow. From C to C, elbow to wrist. Cards for self measurement sent on application. Worsted Leotards. 1151 1152 1153 1151 1155 1156 1157 1158 Any No. 1151. Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, plain, '4 sleeves |5 00 Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, plain, long sleeves. . 5 50 Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, fashioned hips, no sleeves 4 75 Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, fashioned Hips, % sleeves 5 50 Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, fashioned hips, long sleeves '. 6 25 Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, fashioned hips, fancy fronts, no sleeves 6 00 Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, fashioned hips, fancy fronts, ]4 sleeves 6 50 Jersey Knit Wool Leotards, fashioned hips, fancy fronts, long sleeves 7 00 of the above made to order in Silk at short notice. Bicycle Suits. Knit Bicycle Suit, shirt and knee tights $7 50 Knit Bicycle Suit, fancy shirt and knee tights, ex- tra quality 12 00 above can be made in any style, color or combination. 1756 Jersey Knit Wool Lawn Tennis Shirts $6 00 1757 Jersey Knit Wool Lawn Tennis Shirts 6 50 Knit Hosiery. Nil. Per Piiir 700a Ladies' Silk Hose, solid color or y^ and J^ pat- terns $5 50 704a Ladies' Silk Hose, y^ and y^ patterns, joined in center in blocks 6 00 704c Ladies' Silk Hose, li and y^ patterns, joined in center in diamonds 6 50 706a Children's Silk Hose from $2 upwards 720a Ladies' Woolen Hose 2 50 722a Woolen Hose, extra sizes (for stout ladies) 3 50 740a Gents' Silk Half Hose 3 75 750a Gents' Woolen Half Hose 75 Hosiery knit to order in any color or length inquired, both in Silk and Wool. Jerseys. ,^_._ MADE TO OEDEK. WW gQQ Ladies' Silk Jerseys in any jt i style or color, price from $18 to $25, according to style and size. 002 Ladies' Woolen Jerseys from $G to $12. Jersey Suits. I.. ^.iWKNs-v^ssssKWissw ^''* Boys' Jersey Suits, 4 ^!^^^^^^^^^ years .$5 50 ^« i^^^^^H 90,5 Boys' -Jersey Suits, 5 years 5 75 906 Boys' Jersey Suits, 6 years 6 GO 910 Boys' Jersey Suits, with Kolling Sailor Collar, ex- """^ .s>3!» JJ.JJ piepp in front, 4 yeai-s 7 00 910 Boys' Jersey Suits, with Boiling Sailor Collar, ex- tra piece in front, 5 yeai-s 7 50 910 Boys' Jersey Suits, with Kolling Sailor Collar, ex- tra piece in front, 6 years 8 00 EUCHRE, WHIST AND DINNER FAVORS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. Jerseys. No. 912 Boys' Jersey Suits, Rolling Sailor Collar, extra piece in front, Kilt Skirt, i years S7 50 912 Boys' Jersey Suits, Rolling Sailor Collar, extra piece in front. Kilt Skirt, 5 years 8 00 912 Boys' Jersey Suits, Rolling Sailor Collar, extra piece in front, Kilt Skirt, 6 years 8 50 The above can be ordered in suits or in separate pieces and can be made to order in any style, color, or combination. 1901 1905 1906 Jersey Knit Caps. ALL OUR OWN MAKE. 9005 Plain Woolen Jersey Cap, with , tassel, all colors i "1^ Plain Woolen Jersey Cap, extra length ., ) 1 11)2 Roman Stripe Woolen Jersey ^M'£^^ Cap, extra length Roman Stripe Silk Jersey Cap, extra length 3 00 Roman Stripe Silk Jersey Cap 2 50 Plain Color Silk Jersey Cap 2 00 75 00 THEATRICAL GOODS DEPAETMEMT. 1900g 1901 1901b 1901 e lOOlg Worsted Tights. These goods are full fashioned and full finished; perfect fit war- ranted. 1900k Worsted Tights, medium weight, red, black and navy, $3 75 pair. 1900k Worsted Tights, medium weight, special colors, $1.00 pair. 1900a Woolen Tights, heavy, all colors, $4.50 pair. 1900a Woolen Tights, heavy, all colors, extra size, $4.75 pair. 1900c Children's Heavy Woolen Tights, all colors, $4.00 pair. ]900e Heavy Woolen Tights, two colors, joined in the center in blocks, $5.25 pair. Heavy Woolen Tights, two colors, joined in the center in diamonds, pair $5 50 Woolen Tights, extra heavy, vertical stripes, prices according to size. Woolen Tights, extra fine, light weight 5 50 Children's Woolen Tights, extra fine 4 50 Woolen Tights, extra fine, light weight, two col- ors, joined in the center in blocks . 6 25 Woolen Tights, extra fine, light weight, two col- ors, joined in the center in diamonds 7 00 Woolen Tights, extra fine, light weight, vertical stripes, prices according to size. Lisle Thread Tights. Lisle Thread Tights, extra fine quality, in black, white, pink, flesh, scarlet and blue. Size 1, price $2.30 per pair; size 2, price $2.45 per pair; size 3, price $2.60 per pair. Spun Silli Tights. Spun Silk Tights, in flesh, black, pink and white. Size 1, price $5.50 per pair; size 2, price $5.75 per pair; size 3, price $6.00 per pair. Cotton Tights. N... 401 Cotton Tights, heavy weight in white and pink. Size 0, price $1 40 per pair; size 1, price $1.45 per pair; size 2, price $1 50 per pair; size 3, price $1.55 per pair. 402 Cotton Tights, heavy weight in black and flesh. Size 0, price $1.50 per pair; size 1, price $1.55 per pair; size 2, price $1.60 per pair; size 3, price $1.65 per pair. 403 Cotton Tights, light weight in white and pink. Size 0, price $1.75 per pair; size 1, price $1.80 per pair; size 2, price $1.85 per pair; size 3, price $1.90 per pair. 404 Cotton Tights, hght weight in black and flesh. Size 0, price $1.80 per pair; size 1, price $1.85 per pair; size 2, price $1.90 per pair; size 3, price $1.95 per pair. Silk Tights. Our own make Silk Tights, being of Pure Floss Silk and finest workmanship are the very best tights made. We make them in four grades: heavy weight, medium, fine and extra fine, in any color desired. No. 920 Silk Tights heavy weight. Size 1, price $12.50 pair; size 2, price $13.00 pair; size 3, price $13.50 pair. 921 Silk Tights, medium weight, size 1, price $12.50 pair; size 2, price $13.00 pair; size 3, price $13.50 pair. 922 Silk Tights, fine (light weight). Size 1, price $13.00 pair; size 2, price $13.50 pair; size 3, price $14.00 pair. 923 Silk Tights, extra fine (extra light weight). Size 1, price $13.50; size 2, price $14.00 pair, size 3, price $14.50 pair. Silk Knee Tights and Trnnks. 19052 Size 1 extra quality long Silk Trunks or Knee Tights $8 00 Size 2, extra quality long Silk Trunks or Knee Tights 8 50 Size 3 extra quality long Silk Trunks or Knee Tights 9 00 19055a Size 1, Full Fashioned Silk Trunks 4 50 Size 2, Full Fashioned Silk Trunks 4 75 Size 3, Full Fashioned Silk Trunks 5 00 Extra Sizes Accordingly. We make to order all kinds of Symmetrical or Padded Goods. LADIES' AND GENTS' SILK AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR KNIT TO ORDER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT. Hand Knitted and Crocheted Goods. As we are manufacturing all the following articles exclusively for our own trade, we feel safe iu saying that ours is the only house where they can be obtained, and would also state that we have in our employ some of the most experienced hands in Knitting and Crocheting that can be found anywhere in the world, which gives us an opportunity of being able to make anything in that line that might suggest itself to our patrons; that is, if it can be made at all. As our assortment is so extensive we will not be able to enumerate them all, but will give description and prices suffi- cient to give our patrons a general idea. ^^^_ iK mW ^8S W^ ra^M, .*Cfj'... Ladies' Knit Sliirts. No. 1825 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Dresden Yarn, no sleeves |2 00 1827 Ladies' Hand-knit shirts, Dresden Yarn, J^ sleeves 2 35 1828 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Dresden Yarn, long sleeves 2 75 1829 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Hanover Saxony, no sleeves 2 00 1830 Ladies' Hand knit Shirts, Hanover Saxony, % sleeves 2 25 1832 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Hanover Saxony, long sleeves 2 75 1832a Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Hanover Saxony, long sleeves, open fronts 3 00 1833 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, no sleeves 1 80 1835 Ladies' Hand knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, % sleeves 2 25 1836 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, long sleeves 2 50 1856 Ladies' Hand-kuit Shirts, Hanover Saxony, extra heavy, no sleeves 2 75 1857 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Hanover Saxony, extra heavy, % sleeves 3 15 1855 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Hanover Saxony, extra heavy, long sleeves 3 75 1802 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Spanish Yarn, no sleeves 2 25 1803 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Spanish Yarn, % sleeves 2 75 1864 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Spanish Yarn, long sleeves 3 25 1871 Ladies' Crocheted Shirts, low neck, no sleeves. . . 2 00 1872 Ladies' Hand-knit Shirts, Saxony, extra fine, low neck, no sleeves 2 15 No. 314. $3.50. SIo. U3 Hand-knit, 3 ply Saxony, knee length §3 50 314 Hand-knit, 3 ply Saxony, ankle length 3 50 Gents' and Children's Drawers made to order. T-ndW's' TTaiul Knit Silk Shirts. No. 1865 Ladies' Hand-knit Silk Shirts, no sleeves $ 6 00 1866 Ladies' Hand-knit Silk Shirts, no sleeves, extra length 6 50 1865b Ladies' Hand-knit Silk Shirts, '4 sleeves 7 00 1867 Ladies' Hand-kcit Silk Shirts, no sleeves 7 50 1867b Ladies' Hand-knit Silk Shirts, '4 sleeves, extra length 8 50 1865c Ladies' Hand-knit Silk Shirts, long sleeves 8 50 1867e Ladies' Hand-knit Silk Shirts, long sleeves, ex- tra length 10 00 No. lS6o. $b.UU. Children's Hand Knit Shirts. 1841 Children's Knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, no sleeves $1 00 1842 Misses' Knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, long sleeves 2 00 1843 Children's Knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, long sleeves 1 75 1844 Children's Knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, long sleeves $1 25 1845 Children's Knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, long sleeves 1 00 1848 Children's Knit Shirts, Newport Saxony, % sleeves 1 25 OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. SWISS RIBBED UNDERWEAR. Cotton Swiss Ribbed Vests. Color Ecr0. 342 Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves, all sizes $ 25 •125 Ladies' Cotton Bibbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves, all sizes 3 for $1 00 35 750 Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Vests high neck, long sleeves, all sizes, extra quality 50 191 Ladies' French Cotton Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves, color ecru, sizes 3, 4 and 5. 50 101 Ladies' French Ribbed Cotton Vests, low neck, no sleeves, colors black, pink and ecru, all sizes 65 , 191 Ladies' French Cotton Ribbed Vests, high neck, short sleeves, all colors, size 3, 70e.; 1 size 4, 75c.; size 5 80 191 Ladies' French Cotton Ribbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves, all colors, size 3, 90c ; size 4, 95c. Lisle Thread Swiss Ribbed Vests. No. IS76 Ladies' Lisle Ribbed Vests, all colors, low neck, no sleeves $ 75 (576 Ladies' Lisle Ribbed Vests, all colors, high neck, half sleeves, size 3, 80c ; size 4 90 «J76 Ladies' Lisle Ribbed Vests, all colors, high neck, long sleeves, size 3, $1 00; size 4. . . 1 10 Woolen Ribbed Vests. No. 200 Ladies' Woolen Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves $ 60 700 Ladies' Woolen Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves 75 278 Ladies' Woolen Ribbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves 1 00 878 Ladies' Woolen Ribbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves 125 Ladies' Imported Swiss Ribbed Woolen Vests— all colors. DESCRIPTION Size 4 Size 5 Low neck and no sleeves High neck and short sleeves, closed fronts. High neck and no sleeves, open fronts High neck and short sleeves, open fronts . . . High neck and long sleeves, closed fronts . . High neck and long sleeves, open fronts. . . u 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 1 55 1 65 Ladies' Imported Swiss Ribbed Silk Vests— all colors DESCRIPTION 140 Low neck, no sleeves 3000 Low neck, no sleeves 3000 High neck, no sleeves 3000 High neck, half sleeves, closed fronts 3000 High neck, half sleeves, open fronts 3000 High neck, long sleeves, closed fronts 3000 High neck, long sleeves, open fronts 97 Extra heavy, low neck, no sleeves 97 Extra heavy, high neck, long sleeves, closed fronts 97 Extra heavy, high neck, long sleeves, open fronts . . 151 Extra flue quality, low neck, no sleeves 151 Extra fine quality, high neck, long sleeves Fancy Jersey Ribbed Silk Vests, price $3 00 to $10 00. tl 00 2 00 2 15 2 15 2 50 2 75 3 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 15 5 75 Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Silk and Wool Vests -all colors. No. DESCRIPTION Sizes Size 4 Sizes 152 Low neck, no sleeves . $1 45 1 90 2 50 $1 60 2 05 2 75 SI 75 l.m 152 High neck, long sleeves, open fronts 3 00 WE MOUNT EMBROIDERED SUSPENDERS FINER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 69 UNDERWEAR— OUR OWN MAKE. We consider this branch of onr establishment as complete as can be found in any of the largest cities. The following underwear is manufactured by us with the latest improved knitting machines, under the supervision of skillful knitters brought by us to this country from Europe expressly for that purpose. Having the most complete assortment of inaterials used for knitting, we can at short notice manufacture any of the following in any color or combination. ^ ^■ |X y| IhUUUa, Liulicij' Silk Vests, open work fronts, low neck and no sleeves, No. I •■JS 50 18000a Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, low neck and no sleeves, No. 2 6 00 18000a Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, low neck and no sleeves. No. 3 6 50 18001a Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and no sleeves. No. 1 G .50 18001a Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and no sleeves. No. 2 7 t'O 18001a Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and no sleeves, No. 3 7 50 18001b Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and short sleeves. No. 1 7 00 18001b Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and short sleeves, No. 2 7 50 18001b Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and short sleeves. No. 3 8 00 18001c Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and long sleeves, No. 1 8 50 ISOOlc Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and long sleeves. No. 2 9 25 ISOOlc Ladies' Silk Vests, open work fronts, high neck and long sleeves, No. 3 9 75 18006 Ladies' Silk Vests, fancy fronts, extra lengths, low neck and no sleeves 7 25 18007b Ladies' Silk Vests, fancy fronts, extra lengths, high neck and short sleeves 9 25 18007c Ladies' Silk Vests, fancy fronts, high neck and long sleeves 10 00 18031 Ladies' Silk Vests, fancy striped fronts, low neck and no sleeves, No. 1 5 50 18031 Ladies' Silk Vests, fancy striped fronts, low neck and no sleeves, No. 2 6 00 J 16031 Ladies' Silk Vests, fancy striped tiuuts, low mrk and no sleeves. No. 3 50 The above can be made to order at short notice in any style Ladies' Woolen Shirts in above styles, prices from $2.35 to $5-00. Ladies' Silk and Wool Corset Covers knit to order, prices from $4.00 to $8.00. Gents' Underwear. OCTK OWN MAKE. Gents' Woolen Under\vear from $ 9 00 to $12 00 Gents' Silk Underwear from 26 00 to 50 00 The above made to order in any style or color desired. Self measurement cards mailed free on application. No. 88. Children's Swiss Kibbed Woolen Drawers 85c. to $1 50 Children's Cotton Swiss Kibbed Drawers 40c. to 55c_ A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF RIBBED COMBINATION SUITS ON HAND. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Swiss Kibbed Drawers. 1^' Ladies' Cotton Kibbed Drawers Ladies' Wool Kibbed Drawers, ankle or knee length, medium, weight Ladies' Wool Eibbed Drawers, ankle or knee length, heavy weight. . , 50c., 60c. and $ 75 1 60 2 00 817 Ladies' Wool Eibbed Drawers, extra length 2 15 28 Ladies' Australian Wool Ribbed Drawers 2 90 875 Ladies' Silk and Wool Mixed Eibbed Drawers, knee length, medium weight 3 00 876 Ladies' Silk and Wool Mixed Ribbed Drawers, ankle length, medium weight 3 25 877 Ladies' Silk and Wool Mixed Ribbed Drawers, knee length, heavy weight 4 00 878 Ladies' Silk and Wool Mixed Eibbed Drawers, ankle length, heavy weight i 25 Ladies' Black Woolen Equestrian Tight Drawers, all closed, knee length, medium weight. . 3 00 Ladies' Black Woolen Equestrian Tight Drawers, all closed, ankle length, heavy weight. ... 3 00 Ladies' Black Silk Equestrian Tight Drawers, all closed, knee length, light weight 5 00 Ladies' Black Woolen Equestrian Tight Drawers with feet attached from $3 75 a pair upward Ladies' Black Silk Equestrian Tight Drawers with feet attached from $5 25 a pair upward N... DESClili'TION Sizes Sizes Size 4 Sizes S2 25 $2 40 3 00 4 35 6 75 |2 55 3 10 4 65 7 25 |2 70 3 20 917 Ladies' Wool Ribbed Drawers 4 10 990 Ladies' Silk and Wool Mixed Eibbed Drawers 7 75 Cliildreu's Woolen Ribbed Vests. t No. DES CRIPTION . ~70 Child's Fine Australian Wool Vests, high neck, long sleeves 60 Child's Fine Jersey Eibbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves (as cut) 60a Child's Fine Jersey Eibbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves (as cut) 106 Child's Extra Quality Jersey Eibbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves, half open front. 107 Child's Extra Quality Jersey Eibbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves, all open front ; 1 00 837 Child's Woolen Jersey Swiss Ribbed Vests 30a Child's Woolen Jersey Swiss Ribbed Vests Sizel Size 2 Sizes Size 4 Sizes 9 HC $ 7C 1 75 $ 80 1 8b 65 8r 95 1 05 1 20 75 9C 1 05 1 15 1 35 90 1 00 1 15 1 25 1 40 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 35 1 45 1 50 Cliildren's Ribbed Vests. JRIPTION. Size 1 375/5 Child's Cotton Ribbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves 11 40 I .« 40 11 45 | .Ij! 50 1.'$ 50 \$ 55 1$ 60 152 Child's Silk and Wool Eibbed Vests, long sleeves, half open front . . . | 1 10 | 1 20 j 1 30 | 1 40 | 1 50 | 1 60 | 1 75 920/5 Children's Jersey Eibbed Silk Shirts, si 1807a Children's Knit Shirts, our own make . .$1 20 to $2 50 .from $3 50 up BATHING SUITS KNIT TO ORDER. SELF MEASUREMENT CARDS ON APPLICATION. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. COMBINATION SUITS. Eucll Ladies' Cotton Jersey Kibbed Combiuation Suits, color ecru, all sizes $1 50 Ladies'LisleTlireadJerseyRibbea Combination Suits. Low Neck and No Sleeves $2 75" to $3 50 High Neck and Half Sleeves 3 00 to 3 75 High Neck and Long Sleeves 3 00 to 4 00 Ladies' Wool Jersey Ribbed Combination Suits. Per Suit High Neck and No Sleeves «3 25 High Neck and Long Sleeves 3 50 Ladies' Sillv& Wool Jersey Ribbed Combination Suits. Low Neck and No Sleeves $8 25 $8 65 $9 00 High Neck and Half Sleeves 8 75 9 00 9 25 High Neck and Long Sleeves 9 25 9 50 9 75 Ladies' Sillt Jersey Ribbed Combination Suits. Low Neck and No Sleeves %8%5 $8 65 $9 00 High Neck and Half Sleeves 8 25 8 75 9 25 High Neck and Long Sleeves 8 75 9 25 9 75 Ladies' Merino Jersey Ribbed Combination Suits. High Neck aud No Sleeves $2 05 $2 15 $2 25 High Neck and Long Sleeves, Knee Length .2 15 2 25 2 35 High Neck and Long Sleeves, Ankle Length . 2 35 2 50 2 65 Colors, Fast Black, Natural and White. Children's Combination Suits. Children's Wool Swiss Kibbed Combination Suits, Long Sleeves> Size 2, $1.60 Size 3, $1.75 Size 4, $1.90 Size 5, $2.05 Size 6, 2.20 Size 7, 2.35 Size 8, 2.65 We also manufacture to order, in any color or combination, our own make Combination Suits for Ladies, Gents or Children. Prices according to style and quality. No. Merino Combiuation Suits. UESCRIPTION. 8223 Ladies' Union or Combination Suits, lull finished |3 85 |4 10 ,|4 30 .if;4 50 14 70 3297 Ladies' Union or Combination Suits, extra quaUty, full finished 1 6 751 7 20l 7 65| 8 10| 8 50 Size 22 |Size 24|Size 26 Size 28 28 Child's Union or Combination Suits, buttoned all around 028 Child's Union or Combination Suits, half buttoned 218 Child's Union or Combination Suits, one piece U 15,$1 25. ?1 35 .fl 45 1 40 1 50 1 60 1 70 1 55 1 65 1 75 1 85 Children's Merino Vests. DESCRIPTION. 3/3 Child's Merino Vests, long sleeves 995 Child's Merino Vests, short sleeves 167/5 Child's Merino Vests, light weight, full finished 810/5 Child's Merino Vests, medium weight, full finished. . 7202 Child's Merino Vests, heavy weight, full finished 187/5 Child's Merino Vests, superior quality, full finished. Size 16, Size ISjSize 20 Size 22 Size 24 Size 26 $ 25$ 30 •f 35 $ 35 1 40 1 46 35 35 40 4(1 45 45 65 70 75 80 85 90 65 7C 75 85 90 65' 70 75 80 85 90 1 OOl 1 25 1 35 1 40 1 55 1 65 No. Children's Merino Drawers. DESCRIPTION. 3/3 Child's Merino Pantalets 3/3 Boys' Merino Pants 7202 Child's Merino Pantalets, full finished . 7202 Boys' Merino Pants, full finished Size 26;Size 28 S I 50$ 50i| 50 50 1 00 1 00 Having our own NIachinery we Knit Batliing Suits to Qrder in any Style or Color. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. MERINO UNDERWEAR. No. DESCIUPTION, 52 111 117 580/1 580/2 32 70/1 70/2 7220/1 7220/2 7223/1 7223/2 7233/1 7233/2 044/1 044/2 Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Merino Vests, long sleeves Merino Vests, short sleeves Merino Vests, long sleeves, extra Merino Vests, short sleeves, extra Merino Vests, long sleeves, Norfolk and New Brunswick . . . . Merino Vests, short sleeves, Norfolk and New Brunswick. . . Camel's Hair Vests, long sleeves Merino Vests, long sleeves, full finish Merino Vests, short sleeves, full finish Merino Vests, long sleeves, full finish Merino Vests, short sleeves, full finish Merino Vests, extra, long sleeves, full finish Merino Vests, extra, short sleeves, full finish Merino Vests, super weight, long sleeves, full finish Merino Vests, super weight, short sleeves, full finish Extra Fine Swiss Cashmere Vests, long sleeves, full finish. . Extra Fine Swiss Cashmere Vests, short sleeves, full finish . Ladies' Merino Drawers. 00 1 10 70 05 00 95 50 50 50 75 75 00 00 40 35 50 40 05 00 35 30 40 90 Size 38 1 50 50 75 75 1 00 1 00 85 1 50 '245 No. DESCRIPTION. Size 28 Size 30 Size 32|Size 34 Size 36 48 Ladies' Merino Pants 1 50 75 1 00 1 00 85 1 10 1 65 1 95 3 95 1 50 75 1 00 1 OU 85 1 20 1 75 2 05 4 10 1 50 75 1 00 1 00 85 1 30 2 15 4 20 $ 50 75 1 00 1 00 85 1 40 1 95 2 25 4 35 Jf 50 75 140 Ladies' Merino Pants, extra quality 580 Ladies' Merino Pants, Norfolk and New Brunswick 1 00 1 00 85 7220 Ladies' Merino Pants full finished ■ 1 50 7223 Ladies' Merino Pants", full finished 7233 Ladies' super weight. Merino Pants, full finished . . 0i4 Ladies' extra fine Swiss Cashmere Pants, full finished 2 05 2 40 4 45 Children's Wool Vests. N.,. DESCKIPTION. Size IB'Size 18 Size 20 Size 22 Size 24 Size 20 Size 2^ $ 75$ 80 053 Child's Scarlet Wool Vests . 75 85 95 1 05 1 15 1 25 300d Child's Scarlet Wool Vests k 40 551 65 75 85 1 00 1 10 Children's Wool Drawers. No. DESCRIPTION. 16 Child's Scarlet Wool Pantalets. 16 Boys' Scarlet AVool Pants 053 Child's Scarlet Wool Pantalets. 053 Boys' Scarlet Wool Pants 300d Child's Scarlet Wool Pants . . . . Size 24]Size 20 Size 28 1 70S 76$ 80 70 75 80 1 05 1 15 1 25 1 05 1 15 1 25 85l 1 00 1 10 Flannel Underwear. Ladies' Wool Vests. Eiicll Ladies' White Wool Vests, all sizes, 28 to 42 $1 50 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests, all sizes, 28 to 42 1 00 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests, all sizes, 28 to 42 125 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests, extra heavy, all sizes . . 1 25 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests, all sizes 1 40 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests, extra quality, all sizes . 1 50 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests, superior quality, all sizes 1 75 Ladies' Wool Drawers. Ladies' White Wool Pants, all sizes, 28 to 42 f 1 50 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Pants, all sizes, 28 to 42 1 00 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Pants, all sizes, 28 to 42 .... 1 25 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Pants, extra heavy, all sizes, 28 to 42 1 25 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Pants, all sizes, 28 to 42 ... . 1 40 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Pants, extra quality, all sizes, 28 to 42 $1 50 Ladies' Scarlet Wool Pants, superior quality, all sizes, 28 to 42 1 75 Balhriggan Underwear. Ladies' Balekiggan Vests. No. 23 Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, no sleeves, all sizes $ 25 23 Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, short sleeves, all sizes . . 25 23 Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, long sleeves, all sizes . . 25 72 Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, no sleeves, all sizes .... 50 72 Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, short sleeves, all sizes . . 50 72 Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, long sleeves, all sizes. . . 50 203 Ladies' C and G Balbriggan Vests, short sleeves, all sizes 50 203 Ladies' C and G Balbriggan Vests, long sleeves, all sizes 75 45 Ladies' C and G Balbriggan Vests, extra quality, all sizes 1 15 Ladies' Balbriggan Drawers. No. 72 Ladies' Balbriggan Pants, all sizes . . $ 50 203 Ladies' C and G Balbriggan Pants, all sizes 85 45 Ladies' C and G Balbriggan Pants (extra quality), all sizes 1 15 SEE OUR PRICE LIST OF EMBROIDERING MATERIALS ON PAGES 10 AND 11. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 73 UNDERWEAR. Dr. Waruer's Health Underwear, .f-f^^ ~"'^aE3iii!iiiiininiui-^!iw Ladies' Natural Wool Shirt. Misses' Piiutalet i\ / h \ s^^ras / a i i Misses' Combination Suit. Children's Shirts ^1 Children's Pantalets The Health Underwear is made by a special process, by which the coarser fibers of camel's hair and the short fibers of wool are removed, leaving only the long and fine fibers, thus giving the material great strength and durability as well as softness. These goods protect the body against drafts and sudden changes of temperature, and are an important protection against colds, catarrh, bronchitis, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, malaria, and many other forms of disease. They cannot crock, fade or poison the skin as they are made from camel's hair and pure wool, of their natural color, free from dyes or other impurities. Ladies' Camel Hair Shirt and Pants, all sizes, 28 to 40 $2 00 Ladies' Natural Wool Shirts and Pants, all sizes, 28 to 40 2 25 Ladies' Natural Wool shirts and Pants, all sizes, 28 to 40 , 2 45 Ladies' Camel Hair Shirts and Pants, all sizes, 28 to 40 2 45 Ladies' Natural Wool Shirts and Pants, extra heavy, all sizes, 28 to 40 3 00 Ladies' Camel Hair Combination Suit.. from $3 to 4 35 Ladies' Camel Hair Shirts and Pants in black, all sizes, 28 to 40 2 70 No. DESCRIPTION. Size 1 Size 2 [Size 3 Size 18 Size 20 Size 22 Size 24 Size 26 Size 28 Size 30; Size 32 Size 34 255 Ladies' Natural Wool Night Gowns .S3 75 $4 00'S4 25 4 15 4 50| 4 85 2 60 3 00 3 35 3 00 3 35 3 75 30b Child's Camel Hair Night Gowns .« 90 1 00 $\ 00 1 15 $1 15 U 25 .SI 35 1 45 1 65 1 35 1 45 1 15 1 15 2 25 $145 1 60 li 125 2 35 11 60 1 70 1 90 ;i: 1 35 $1 70 1 80 \l 1 45 1 45 2 60 $1 80 j 30 Boys' Camel Hair Drawers 1 50 2 10 15 Child's Natural Wool Shirt and Pantalets .... 90 1 00 70 1 00 1 15 80 115 1 25 90 1 25 1 35 1 00 1 00 2 15 1 80 35 Child's Natural Wool Shirt and Pantalets 1 60 35 Boys' Natural Wool Drawers ■"■■| 1 60 55 Children's Combination Suit in Natural Wool 1 90 2 00 2 70 OUR N. & L BRAND OF RIBBONS IS UNEXCELLED. 74 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. HOSIEHY DEFAHTMENT. FAST BLACK HOSIERY As there is a continual change in the styles of hosiery, and we make it our special object to have the latest, we do not consider it judicious to give a descriptive list, as we are liable to be out of a style when ordered, having replaced it by some new design. We have therefore confined our list to such as we consider staple and have constantly on hand. Ladies' Unbleached Hose. Per Pair Balbriggans, heavy, good quality 25c. Balbriggans, silk clocked 2.5c. Balbriggans, silk clocked, better grade 33Jc. Balbriggans, silk clocked, extra fine quality ... 50c. Balbriggans, extra heavy 50c. Balbriggans, English, extra heavy, double soles 50c. Balbriggans, English, extra fine quality, silk clocked, . ..75c. Lisle Thread, fine quality 6O0. Lisle Thread, French, extra quality 75c. Ladies' Solid Color Cotton Hose. Solid Colors, in Seal, Navy, Tan and Slate shades 25c. Solid Colors, in Seal, Navy, Tan and Slate shades 3 pairs $1.00 35c. COLOR GUARANTEED. Per Pair Solid Colors, in Seal and Navy 5Uc. Solid Colors, in Tan and Slate shades 50c. Solid Colors, in Tan and Slate shades 75c . Ladies' Fancy Cotton Hose. Per Pair Fancy Striped, half and half patterns 25c. Fancy Striped, in new designs 3 pairs f 1.00 35c. Fancy boot patterns, black boot and colored tops 33^c. Fancy Designs in endless variety 50c. Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose. Notice. — Our Fast Black Cotton Hose are guaranteed abso- lutely Fast Black — will neither crock nor change color when washed. Money refunded in every case where the hose do not act as represented. Per Pair Fast Black 25c. Past black 3 pair $1.00 35c. Fast Black, good quality 50c. Fast Black, better grade 65o. Fast Black, fine English 75c. Fast Black, extra super 85o . Fast Black, extra superfine $1 00 OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. HOSIERY. Ladies' Solid Color Lisle Thread Hose. Solid Colors, Tan and Mode shades 3 pair $1 00 33.^0. Solid Colors, Tan and Slate shades 50c. Solid Colors, Tau and Slate shades, Bichelieu ribbed 50o. Navy, Seal, Tan and Slate shades, C. and G. brand 75c. Solid Colors, Tan and Slate, (ancy Richelieu ribbed 90c. Solid Colors, Tau, Bronze and Slate shades, extra quality $110 Cream, Pink, Light Blue and Flesh. 50c., 60c., 90e auJ $1 00 Ladies' Faucy Lisle Thread Hose. Pel- Pail- Fancy Striped and boot patterns § 50 Faucy Designs and striped 65 Faucy Designs in endless variety, 75c., 85c., $1.25, $1.50, 2 00 We have on hand a large assortment of the above Fancy Lisle Thread Hose, in all new designs, in half and half, fancy checks, embroidered, etc., etc. Ladies' Black Lisle Thread Hose. Per Pair Fast Black Lisle Thread * 50 Fast Black Lisle Threat 75 Fast Black Lisle Thread, extra quality 95 Fast Black Lisle Thread, best quality $1 20, 1 50 Fast Black Lisle Thread, Eichelieu ribbed 50 Fast Black Lisle Thread, Richelieu ribbed, extra quality 75 Fast Black Lisle Thread, fancy Richelieu ribbed . . .85c , 1 00 Ladies' Black Silk Hose. Per Pair Fast Black English Spun Silk $ 75 Fast Black English Spun Silk 1 00 Fast Black English Spun Silk, finer $1 25, 1 50 Fast Black English Spun Silk, Lavender, split feet, best quality 2 00 Fast Black English Spun Silk, black foot 2 00 Fast Black pure silk, good quality 2 50 Fast Black pure silk, extra quality 3 00 Fast Black pure silk, best quality 3 50 Fast Black English Spun Silk, Richelieu ribbed 2 35 Fast Black pure silk, Richelieu ribbed 2 50 Fast Black pure silk, Richelieu ribbed, best quality 3 50 Ladies' Colored Silk Hose. Per Pair Solid Colors, Plaited Silk in Tans, Suedes, Bronze, and Slate shades $ 90 Solid Colors, Plaited Silk in Seal, Navy, and Cardinal . . 90 Solid Colors, Plaited Silk in Pink, Blue, Cream, and White 90 Solid Colors, Plaited Silk in Pink, Blue, and Ecru, extra quality 1 10 Solid Colors Spun Silk in all shades 2 25 Solid Colors Pure Silk in all shades Fancy Patterns, Plaited Silk, half and half designs. Fancy Patterns, Spuu Silk, half and half designs . . . Fancy Patterns, Pure Silk, half and half designs . . . Fancy Patterns, Pure Silk, Y^-l-i, Richelieu ribbed. 3 00 1 00 2 25 3 00 3 50 Our Half and Half Silk Hose, the upper half comes in the following shades: Pink, blue, lavender, old gold, gendarme, cardinal, tau, and slate, the lower half being black. Solid Color Silk Hose to match slippers or any sample of dress material. Extra Size Hose for Stout Ladies. Pel- Pair Unbleached Balbriggan 50c., 60c. ,$ 75 Solid Color Cotton, in Tan and Slate shades 50 Fast Black Cotton, extra quality 50c., 60 Fast Black Cotton, superior quality 75c., 1 00 Solid Color Lisle Thread 75 Fast Black LLsle T bread 75c., $1.00, $1.15, 1 50 Fast Black Lisle Thread, -white foot 85 Theatrical Hose. Per Pair Unbleached Balbriggan 75c., 85c.,$l 00 Solid Color Cotton, opera shades 75c., 85c., 1 00 Black Cotton 75c., 1 00 Solid Color Lisle Thread, all shades 1 50 Fast Black Lisle Thread fl.25, 1 50 Fast Black Lisle Thread, Richelieu ribbed 1 50 Fancy Lisle Thread, half and half patterns $1.25, 1 50 Black, pure Silk 3 75 Solid Color, pure Silk, all shades 5 00 Note. — In the above we are in constant receipt o( new de- signs, suitable for stage and party wear. Silk knitted Theatrical Hose (our own make), extra sizes, from $8.75 to $18.00 pair, according to desis;n. Perforated or fancy openwork made to order in any design, spangled to order. We are using the best quality of the pure silk, and can dye to order any shade required. Ladies' Solid Color Cashmere Hose. f er Pair Solid Color, all wool, ribbed, in Seal, Navy, Cardinal, Garnet and White $ 50 Solid Color, plain Cashmere, in Seal, Navy, Cardinal and Garnet 50 Solid Color, plain Cashmere, extra quality(all shades) . . 60 Solid Color, plain Cashmere, superior quality(all shades) 75 Solid color, plain Cashmere, best quality (all shades) ... 1 00 White Cashmere, extra quality, silk spliced 1 00 Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose. CoLou Guaranteed. Per Pair Fast Black Wool, ribbed $ 50 Fast Black Cashmere, plain, good quality 50 Fast Black Cashmere, plain, superior quality 75 Fast Black Cashmere, plain, extra fine 1 00 Fast Black Cashmere, Derby ribbed, extra fine 1 00 Fast Black Cashmere, plain, best quality 1 25 Fast Black Silk and Wool 1 50 Fast Black outsizes 1 00 Child's Black Lisle Thread Hose. DESCRIPTION Black Lisle, wide rib Black Lisle, -wide rib Black Lisle, wide rib Black Lisle, wide rib, extra quality. Black Lisle, narrow rib H Size 9 Size9i 5(: $ bi} $ ,S5 55 60 fiO 65 65 70 3C 1 35 1 45 60 65 70 Childs' Black Silk Hose. DESrRlPTiON. &ize r, , Size 5 V Size 6 Black Pure Silk, wide rib ^ . . . . |$1 'M^l 30 Black Pure Silk, narrow rib. i$l 50l 1 50j 1 60 Black Pure Silk, wide rib 1 50' 1 50 1 60 Size ejl Size 7 j Size 7t | Size 8 | Size 8» j S ize 9 $1 40$T50iSl 60$1 70i§l 80;.$1 90 1 7r. 1 85 2 00 2 25 2 401 2 60 1 751 1 851 2 001 2 251 2 40i 2 60 SOLID COLOR LISLE THREAD OR SILK HOSE TO MATCH ANY SLIPPER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. lu ordering, if uncertiiiu about sizes, state size of slioe worn. Child's Fast Black Cotton Hose. COLOE GnAKANTEED. DESCRIPTION J^ nst Blacls, narrow rib $ 25 * 25;$ 25 Fast Blaels, wide rib Fast Black, narrow rib 25 25j 30 30 Fast Black, wide rib 25 25' 30 30 35 Fast Black narrow rib ] 45 45 Fast Black, wide rib, extra heavy | 40 45 50 Fast Black, extra heavy, Corduroy rib Fast Black, Derby Eib'bed, white foot Fast Black, narrow rib, extra heavy for boys These goods are absolutely Fast Black, warranted not to rub off nor change color when washed. Money refunded if the hose do not act as rejjresented. Child's Cashmere Hose. Fast Black, Fast Black, Fast Black, Fast Black, Fast Black, Fast Black, Fast Black, Fast Black, DESCRIPTION Size.') $ 35 35 40 40 Size 5i narrow rib wide rib 9 35 35 wide rib 40 narrow rib narrow rib, double knees 50 59 plain Size a Size 6i Size? Size 7< $ 40 45 f 50 $ 55 4C 45 5(1 60 50 50 55 65 50 50 fid 70 65 70 75 80 70 75 80 85 55 55 fiO 65 50 50 50 50 eS Size 8i Size i) Size 9i 60 » 65 $ 70 $ 75 65 70 75 85 70 75 80 90 80 9(1 1 OC 1 10 90 95 1 OC 1 05 95 1 00 1 05 70 75 50 50 50 50 Infants' Hose. DESCRIPTION Size 4 „... Sizes Size 5^ 81111 ^""^^^ Black Cotton, narrow rib ill Fast Black Cotton, wide rib .".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. $ 25 25 35 35 35 35 50 45 50 90 1 00 1 50 25 35 40 55 35 50 35 50 50 'i 35 35 35 50 50 50 95 1 10 1 50 25 35 40 60 35 50 35 50 50 $ 25 25 35 35 35 35 50 50 50 1 00 1 15 1 50 25 35 45 65 35 50 35 50 55 $ 25 25 ^^W Fast Black Cotton, wide rib 35 ^^a Fast Black Lisle Thread, narrow rib ^^« Fast Black Lisle Thread, wide rib 35 ^^» Fast Black Lisle Thread, narrow rib ^^ Fast Black Lisle Thread, narrow rib 55 ^^ Fast Black Lisle Thread, wide rib ^» Fast Black Spun Silk, narrow rib 50 ^B Fast Black Spun Silk, wide rib _^^ Fast Black pure silk ^^^P Fast Black Wool Hose, narrow rib ^^^' Fast Black Cashmere Hose, narrow rib 1 25 1 50 25 35 Fast Black Cashmere Hose, narrow rib Fast Black Cashmere Hose, plain Fast Black Cashmere Hose, plain 65 35 50 White Cashmere Hose, narrow rib 50 White Cashmere Hose, narrow rib 60 Gents' Unbleached Cot- ton Hose. Per P.iir Unbleached Balbriggau, heavy.. 25c. Unbleached Balbriggan, light. . . weight 25c. Unbleached Balbriggan, heavy. . 25c. Unbleached Balbriggan, light weight 35c. Unbleached Balbriggan, heavy. 50c. Unbleached Balbriggan, extra fine, double sole, silk clookedSOc. ( ents' Cotton Hose. Per Pair Solid Colors, Seal, Navy, Cardinal, Garnet and Tans 25c. Solid Colors, extra, Seal, Navy, Cardinal, Garnet, Tans and Slates 35o. Solid Colors, best quality, Seal, Navy, Cardinal, Garnet, Tans and Slates 50e. Fancy Stripes, assorted 25e. Fancy Stripes, assorted 35c_ Fancy Stripes, assorted 50e' Gents' Black Hose. Fast Black Cotton , $ 25 Fast Black Cotton, extra quality 35 Fast Black Cotton, superior quality 50 Fast Black Lisle Thread 50 Fast Black Spun Silk 60c., 75c., $1 00, 1 50 Fast Black Pure Silk 2 50 Fast Black Cashmere 50 Fast Black Cashmere, extra quality 75 Gents' Fancy Lisle Thread Hose. Per Pair Solid Color in Seal, Navy, Cardinal, Garnet, Tans and Slates 50c. Solid Color, finer, in Seal, Navy, Cardinal, Garnet, Tans and Slates . . 75e. Fancy Stripes, assorted 50o. Unbleached Lisle 50o. LADIES' AND GENTS' SILK AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR KNIT TO ORDER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. HOSIERY. Gents' Silk Half Hose. Per Pair Solid Color, English plaited, all shades 50c. and $ 75 Solid Color, English plaited, all shades, extra 1 00 Solid Color, English, spun silk, all shades, finer 1 25 Solid Color, English, spun silk, all shades, extra 1 50 Solid Color, pure silk, in all shades, superior quality ... 2 75 Gents' Colored Merino Half Hose. English Merino in Tan shades, assorted, 3 for .$1.00 English Merino in Tan shades, assorted, extra English Merino in Tan shades, assorted, tiner 6-") English Merino in Tan shades, assorted, best 75 Gents' Colored Cashmere Half Hose. Pit P.Tir Solid Color Grey Wool Hose 25o., 35c.,$ 50 Solid Colors in Black, Seal, Navy, Cardinal and Garnet, better grade 50 Solid Colors in BlacK, Seal, Navy, Cardinal and Garnet, extra heavy 60 Solid Colors in Black, Seal, Navy, Cardinal and Garnet, extra quality 75 HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. Oiuing to tlie great variety of -novelties, zee are uiiaiU to illustrate tliem ir^ the cat- alogue. W& are constantly receiving all the latest designs in Emoroidered aizd (Pi-inted Goods. (Particular attention is paid to the selection of colored and white ernlroidered a'lid mourning handlcerchiefs. Ladies' Plain White Hemstitched Hand- kerchiefs. Full si-'e; ready for use, in 14, Yn- 1 f^nd 1% inch borders. No Each Per Doz 1 Ladies' white hemstitched S 10. ..?1 20 2 Ladies' white hemstitched 12| . 1 40 3 Ladies' white hemstitched 15 . . 1 50 i Ladies' white hemstitched 20 . 2 10 5 Ladies' white hemstitched 25.. 2 75 6 Ladies' white hemstitched 35 . . 3 75 7 Ladies' white hemstitched 40 . . 4 35 8 Ladies' white hemstitched 50 . 5 50 9 Ladies' white hemstitched 65 . . 7 25 10 Ladies' white hemstitched 75 . . 8 00 Ladies' Sheer Linen Lawn Hemstitched. Plain white, full si se, very fine and sheer, in %, Y^, I and ly. very fine and shi inch borders. No. Each Per Doz 11 Ladies' white hemstitched $ 10...«120 12 Ladies' white hemstitched 12^ . 1 40 13 Ladies' white hemstitched $ 15.. §150 14 Ladies' white hemstitched 3 for 50 . . 1 75 15 Ladies' white hemstitched 25 . . 2 50 16 Ladies' white hemstitched 30 . . 3 25 17 Ladies' white hemstitched 45 . . 5 00 18 Ladies' white hemstitched 50 . . 5 50 19 Ladies' white hemstitched G5.. 7 25 20 Ladies' white hemstitched 75 . . 8 00 Ladies' Hemstitched Colored Border Handkerchiefs. Fancy colored or black borders, in all the latest designs. No. Each Per D..z 21 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched $ 5.. $50 22 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched 6^. 75 23 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched 8.', . 85 24 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched ... 10 . 1 00 25 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched 12A. 125 26 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched 15 . . 1 50 27' Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched 3 for 5(1. . 1 75 28 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched 20. . 2 00 29 Ladies' printed borders, hemstitched 25.. 2 50 WE KEEP A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE GENUINE "TREFOUSSE KID GLOVE." NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies' Hemstitched Mourning Handkercliiefs. Solid black, narroic or wide herders; also half mourning and fancy black fiyured borders, new patterns. Nn " ' Eacli Per Doz 25.. $3 00 65 30 Ladies' li 31 Ladies' li 32 Ladies' li 33 Ladies' li 34 Ladies' li 35 Ladies' li nen hemstitched mourning $ nen hemstitched mourning ... 3 for nen hemstitched mourning 40 nen hemstitched mourning 45 nen hemstitched mourning 50 aen hemstitched mourning GO 00. 4 30 5 00 5 25 6 50 Ladies' Sheer, Mournins Hemstitched Handlcer- chiefs. Ladies' French sheer linen lawn, solid black narrow or wide, borders. N., E.ach Per Diiz $3 UO 3G Ladies' sheer lawn 37 Ladies' sheer lawn hemstitched . 38 Ladies' sheer lawn hemstitched . 39 Ladies' sheer lawn hemstitched 40 Ladies' sheer lawn hemstitched. 41 Ladies' sheer lawn hemstitched. 42 Ladies' sheer lawn hemstitched 43 Ladies' sheer lawn hemstitched. 4 00 5 00 5 25 G 00 6 50 7 35 9 00 Ladies' Sheer No. 44 Ladies' 45 Ladies, 46 Ladies' 47 Ladies' 48 Ladies' 49 Ladies' 50 Ladies' 51 Ladies' 52 Ladies' 53 Ladies' 54 Ladies' Ladies' Sheer No. 55 Ladies' 56 Ladies' 57 Ladies' 58 Ladies' 59 Ladies' 60 Ladies' 61 Ladies' 62 Ladies' 63 Ladies' 64 Ladies' 65 Ladies' 66 Ladies' Colored Embroidered Handkercliiefs. lawn, scalloped and hevistitched embroidered. Er colored embroidered $ colored embroidered 3 for 1 colored embroidered colored embroidered colored embroidered colored embroidered 1 colored embroidered 1 colored embroidered 1 colored embroidered 2 colored embroidered 2 colored embroidered, extra tine ... .$3 00 to 7 Wliite Embroidered Handkerchiers. lawn, scalloped and hemstitched embroidered, Fi) white embroidered $ 1 white embroidered 2 white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered white embroidered, extra fir $2 50 to 25 00 Ladies' Mourning Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Sheer lawn, scalloped and hemstitched embroidered. Each mourning embroidered $ 25 mourning embroidered 3 for 1 00 mourning embroidered 50 No. 67 Ladies 68 Ladies 69 Ladies 70 Ladies 71 Ladies 72 Ladies 73 Ladies 74 Ladies 75 Ladies' mourning embroidered mouinmg embroidered mourning embroidered mourning embroideied mouining embroidered mouinmg embroidered 75 1 GO 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 ( ■% LADIES' DUCHESSE LACE HANDKERCHIEF. From $1.25 to $10.00. Children's Hemstitched Colored Border Hand- kerchiefs. Printed infancy colored borders, in style same as ladies'. No. E,iL-h Per Doz 76 Child's colored hemstitched $ 5 . .i$ 50 77 Child's colored hemstitched 6^ . . 75 78 Child's colored hemstitched ■ 8.'... 90 79 Child's colored hemstitched 10 . . 1 00 80 Child's colored hemstitched 12.^.. 125 81 Child's colored hemstitched 15 . . 1 50 82 Child's colored hemstitched 20 .. 2 00 83 Child's colored hemstitched 25 . . 2 50 84 Children's scalloped and hemstitched embroidered 25o., 35c., and 50c. each Gents' Ilemstitclied Colored Border Handker- chiefs. Assorted patterns in neio designs, wide and narrow borders. No. Each Per Doz 85 Gents' colored hemstitched $ 10 .. 81 00 85J Gents' colored hemstitched 15 . . 1 50 86 Gents' colored hemstitched 20 . 2 25 86Ji Gents' colored hemstitched 25 . 2 75 87 Gents' colored hemstitched 3 for 1 00 . . 3 50 88 Gents' colored hemstitched 40 . . 4 50 89 Gents' colored hemstitched 50.. 5 50 THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS ALWAYS ON HAND. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. HANDKERCHIEFS. Oeiits' Plain White Ilcmstitclied Haudliercliiers. Gents' Colored Silk Ilemstitciied Ilaudkercliiefs. All linejt, ipiile and narrow heiiislilch. No, Kach 90 Gents' white hemstitched 'iOc 91 Gents' white hemstitched 25c. 92 Gents' white hemstitched 35c . 93 Gents' white hemstitched 450 94 Gents' white hemstitched 50c . 95 Gents' white hemstitched 65c . 96 Gents' white hemstitched 75c 2 75 3 75 5 00 5 50 Gents' Plain White Hemmed Handkerchiefs. Assorted corded patterns, ready for Gents' white hemmed, ; Gents' white hemmed. Gents' white hemmed, Gents' white hemmed, Gents' white hemmed, J4 size. Gents' white hemmed, % size. Gents' white hemmed, Gents' white hemmed, ;« size. Gents' white hemmed. ....I5c for 50c . 25. .$1 00 . 1 45 . 1 75 . 2 50 . 3 00 . 4 00 . 4 90 . 5 50 . 6 00 Japan ilk, fanr.y colored borders. 123 Gents' colored silk hemstitched $ 50 124 Gents' colored silk hemstitched 65 125 Gents' colored silk hemstitched 75 126 Gents' colored silk hemstitched 85 127 Gents' colored silk hemstitched 90 128 Gents' colored silk hemstitched 1 00 129 Ladies' plain white and colored border Japanese silk hemstitched 10c. , 25c., 35c. and 50c. each. Ladies' Scalloped Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs. silk, white and colored scalloped, 1 designs. ibroidered, latest 130 Ladies' scalloped embroidered silk $ 25 131 Ladies' scalloped embroidered silk 50 132 Ladies' scalloped embroidered silk 75 133 Ladies' scalloped embroidered silk 1 00 134 Ladies' scalloped embroidered silk 1 15 135 Ladies' scalloped embroidered silk 1 25 Gents' Linen Initial Handkerchiefs. All linen, hemstitched, any letter. Per Box No. Eacli containing 6 105 Gents' linen initial 20c §1 00 106 Gents' linen initial 35c 2 00 108 Gents' linen initial 50c 2 75 109 Gents' linen initial 60c 3 50 Ladies' Linen Initial Handkerchiefs. All linen, hemstitched, any letter. Per Box No. E.ich containintr 6 110 Ladies' linen initial 20c $1 00 1 1 1 Ladies' linen initial 25c 1 50 113 Ladies' linen initial 35c 2 00 115 Ladies' linen initial 50c 3 00 Gents' White Silk Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Japanese silk, wide and narrow hemstitch. No. I'ach 116 Gents' wTiite silk hemstitched $ 50 117 Gents' white silk hemstitched • 60 118 Gents' white silk hemstitched 75 119 Gents' white silk hemstitched 85 120 Gents' white silk hemstitched 90 121 Gents' white silk hemstitched 1 00 122 Gents' white silk hemstitched 1 25 Silk Mufflers. 136 Cream or colored silk mufflers, newest shades and designs, all the latest novelties, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $4.75 and $5.50 each 136a Gents' hemstitched Surah silk mufflers, oblong, 12 inch wdde, 54 inch long, all colors, plain. .$1.75 to $2 75 Embroidered $3 75 to 5 50 Silk Initial Handkerchiefs. Japanese silk, wide hem, any tetter. No. Eacli 137 Gents' white silk initial | 50 138 Gents' white silk initial 75 139 Gents' white silk initial 1 00 140 Gents' white silk initial 1 25 141 Gents' hand worked initial 1 75 Gents' Colored Border Silk Initial Hand- kerchiefs. Japanese silk, wide hem, all the neipest patterns, any letter. No, Each 142 Gents' colored border silk initial $ 75 143 Gents' colored border silk initial 1 00 146 Gents' hand worked initial 1 50 Initials embroidered to order, small single letters, 15c. to 35 Initials embroidered to order, large letters 50c. to 1 00 Monograms embroidered to order 50e. to 2 00 OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LEATHER GOODS DEPAHTMENT. Chatelaines and Hautl Satchels. No. 3. No. 1. Cliatelaine Side Bag, as cut, Black Seal leather, lined $1 10 No. 1. Chatelaine Side Bag, as cut. Undressed Leather 1 65 No. 2. Chatelaine Side Bag, as cut, Seal leather, triple plated top, chamois lined, with inside pockets 4 50 No. 2. Chatelaine Side Bag, as cut, undressed leather, triple plated top, chamois lined, with inside pockets 4 25 No. 2. Chatelaine Side Bag, as cut. Alligator leather, triple plated top, chamois lined, with inside pockets 6 00 No. 3. Chatelaine Side Bag, Calf leather, black, dark and tan shades 50 No. 3. Chatelaine Side Bag, Seal leather, black, dark and tan shades 1 50 Chatelaine Side Bags, Undressed leather. Chatelaine Side Bags, Seal leather Chatelaine Side Bags, Alligator leather . . Chatelaine Side Bags, fancy leather Chatelaine Side Bags, black velvet .from $ 90 to 5 00 .from 1 50 to 7 50 . from 3 75 to 7 50 . from 1 50 to 3 50 . from 3 50 to 7 50 No. 87. Black Grain leather, as cut 1 50 No. 87. Black and colored undressed, as cut 1 25 No. 87. Black Genuine Seal, as cut 2 25 No. 4. Black Grain leather Hand Satchel .. . 100 No. 5. Black Seal leather Hand Satchel ...210 No. 6. Black real Seal leather Hand Satchel 3 20 THIS CATALOGUE AND SAMPLES OF ANY ARTICLE SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 81 LEATHER GOODS. N 7 «li, t 1 in I lie 1 ml Brown j rice •^i To Ladies' Seal Leather Satchels. ... Ladles' Alligator Leather Satchels . No. 8. Fancy Leather. Price $2.50. No. 9. Fancy pressed Leather in Black, $1.6.5. . from $1.00 to $6.00 I Ladies' Fancy Leather Satchels from $1.00 to $5.00 .from $2.00 to $7.50 | The above can be had in black, dark and tan shades. Purses. No. 1(1. 10 Black Gram leather, with oxydized corners $ 10 Black Seal leather, plain, without corners 10 This style in Alligator, oxydized corners 10 Alligator, plain, without corners 11 Black and colored undressed leather, fancy oxydized 11 Black and colored undressed leather, plain 12 Black Seal leather, with leather covered clasp, for 13 Black and colored seal leather, oxydized front 13 Black and colored seal leather, plain front 14 Coin purse 14 Coin purse. This style in undressed and kid leather, fancy tops 25c. to 15 Black Seal leather 15 Black Seal, memorandum top Pocket Books in Seal leather from $ 75 to Pocket Books in Grain leather from 25 to Pocket Books in Alligator leather from 1 65 to Pocket Books in Kussian leather from 1 35 to Pocket Books in undressed leather from 1 25 to 65 i 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 No. 1-t. Pocket Books in fancy leather from 25c. to .^3 00 Coin purses in endless variety from 10c. upward Coiubiuatioii Books. Purse and Card Case Combined. on Books in Grain leather $ 85 to $1 50 on Books in Seal leather 1 25 to 5 00 on Books in Alligator leather 1 50 to 4 25 on Books in Snake skin 3 00 to 4 30 on Books in undressed leather 2 50 to 5 00 on Books in Kussian leather 1 65 to 4 00 Card Card Cases in Seal leather from $1 00 to $2 50 Card Cases in Alligator leather from 1 60 to 5 00 Card Cases in Russian leather from 1 25 to 4 50 Card Cases in Grain leather from 65 to 2 00 Photograph Cases from $1.00 to $5.00, according to size and quality. Cigar Cases from $1.50 up. Cigarette Cases from $1.10 up. 1 65 Combinati 1 25 Combinati Combinati 2 30 Combinati 3 75 Combinati 2 50 Combinati To receive prompt attention, all Orders and Communications must be addressed Direct to the Firm. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. BELTS. No. 02. k d Le^tl er B It btcLl Studd „3 i BUtk a 1 Ta i Pr te *1 76 No. 67. lUil ii her Belt, in Tan and Black. Price 66c. , 75o. and «1 OUR COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT IS PERFECT IN EVERY DETAIL. NEWMAN & LEVINJSOM, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. PARASOL DEPARTMENT. Q-: Parasols., "^As fashion is constantly changing in this line it would be impossible to ilhistrate all the different styles. We are constantly receiving the latest novelties that the European and Eastern market affords, comprising plain, fancy de-signs, lace trimmed and covered. Special attention is called to the handles of our Parasols, as they are all of the latest designs and manufactured expressly for us. Fancy Parasols. Assorted Colored Satin $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.,50, $3 50 Assorted Shaded Silks 1.75, 2.25, 3.25, 4.00, 5 00 Figured Sateens 1.00, 3 75 Striped Silks, in various stripes 2.00, 5 00 Striped Silks, in various stripes, with covers 2.50, 6 00 Plaided Silks, in various plaids, elegantly trimmed 3.50, 5 00 Fancy parasols, walking stick handles 3.50, 8 00 Fancy parasols, embroidered and lace covers 5.00, 21 00 Mourning parasols 2.00, 5 00 Sun Umbrellas. Plain Black Silk, wood handle, 22 inch §1.55, $2 35 Plain Black Silk, wood handle, 24 inch 2.50, 5 00 Twilled Black Silk, wood handle, 22 inch 1.75, 5 00 Twilled Black Silk, wood handle, 24 inch 2.50, 5 00 Twilled Black Silk, oxidized caps Twilled Black Silk all oxidized handle Twilled Black s,ll ^ 11 i„, s $1.75, $5 00 4.00, 7 75 3.110, 5 00 A full line of Children sPai isoK ranging in price from 25c to $2 00 Umbrellas. .81.45 Gloria, wood handles Gloria, silver cap handles 1.60 Gloria, mourning handles 1.90 Gloria, metal handles 2 45 Gloria is a new material for Umbrellas, made from s; wool, and having the appearance of silk. 2(1 inch Plain Silk, wood handles $2.50 Plain Silk, silver cap handles 2.80 Plain Silk, silver cap, extra quality 3.00 Plain Silk, fancy wood handles 3.50 Plain Silk, silver crook handles 3.85 Plain Silk, silver crook handles 4.20 Plain Silk, gold crook handles 4.50 Twilled Silk, wood handles 5 00 Twilled Silk, wood handles, extra quality 5.60 Twilled Silk, silver cap handles 6.30 Twilled Silk, silver crook handles 7.00 Twilled Silk, gold beaten handles 7.75 In the above we are in constant receipt of all the latest nov- elties in Gold and Silver, Carved Wood, Ivory and Ebony handles. Prices from $2.50 to $15.00. A complete line of Alpaca and Mohair Umbrellas. Prices from $1.00 upwards. All our Parasols and Umbrellas are made with Paragon frames. .$1 70 2 00 2 25 2 80 Ik and 28 inch $3 00 3 30 3 50 4 00 4 35 4 70 5 00 5 50 6 10 6 80 7 50 8 25 Special. — Our N. & L. Guaranteed Silk Umbrellas every case where they do not act as represented. warranted to wear years W( them free of charge in OUR SACHET POWDERS MADE OF THE FINEST PERFUME RETAIN THEIR ODOR LONGER THAN ANY. 84 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. COESET DEPARTMENT. The attention of our patrons is particularly directed to the N. & L. Corset. supervision, nothing but the very best of materials are used. To those of our customers desiring a perfect fitting Corset, we recommend the N. & L. Ladies once weariug tbem will have no other. The styles illustrated are exclusively our own ng manufactured in France under our iculIi aateeu Lach bone stitched for medium fiKure Sizes 18 to 30, price No. 131 N. & L. French Sateen. Each'bone with silk, high bust, lon^, tapering waist for slighl and medium figuies. Black and Grey Sateen. Sizes li to 30, price $3.50. No 135 N i. L French Coutil spoon busk, each bone stitched with silk, long waist. Drab Coutil Sizes 18 to 30, price $2 50 No. 129. N &L buptliu] 4U.ilil} Fienc 15 inches long, heavy boned, low bust, s) lace trimmed top, elegantly embroidered 1 13 to 22 ilouble vidL (1^ 2*! to 30 tbiecs L. French Coutil, dou- ble side steels, each bone stitched with silk, Drab Coutil, sizes 18 to 30, price No. 137. N. & L. French Coutil. straight steel, each bone stitche-i with silk, long waist, Drab Coutil, sizes 18 to 30, price $2.50. No. 1180. N. & L. French Sateen, 15 inches long, double Bide steels, each bone stitched with silk, em- broidered top. Black and Drab Sateen, sizes 18 to 30, price S1.75. No. 1190. N. & L. French Sateen, 15 inches long, No. 1460. N. & L. French Sateen, long waist, spoon busk, double side sieela, each bone stitched high bust, double side steels, each bone stitched with silk, embroidered top. Black Sateen, sizes 18 to with silk. Black Sateen, sizes 18 to 30, price S2.60. 30, price $3.00. NEWMAN & LEVINSON'S STAMPING CANNOT BE EXCELLED. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. CORSETS. No. 3000. N. & L. French Coutil, extra Ion;;. igh back, douhle side steels, each bone stitched •ith silk, KTey, sizes 18 to 30. Price S-2, 50. No. liriO N. & L. French Sateen, double steels, hij,'h bust, suitable for slender fig Black Sateen, sizes IS to 30, price $1.25. No. ISO N ^. L HeiTv lean s tit lon^' wai!»t eich b ne stitched with s broidered top double side steels Drab to 30, price »1 '5 No. 1100. N & L. Heavy .Jean Satin flnisli, long waist, double side steels, each bone stitched with silk, embroidered top, Drab, sizes 18 to 30, price .?1 50. :^S^aiJAl^Wai^ No. 1160. N. k L. French Sateen, heavily boned, double side steels, corded bust, each bone stitched with silk. Black Sateen, sizes 18 to 30, price $1.75. isses', sizes 18 to 28, price $1.10. Children's, from 3 to 10 years, 85c. Infauts', 1 to 3 years, 65c. The Double Ve Waist is a healthful and comfortable garment made from a single thickness and covers the entire body evenly; it allows perfect muscular action and development of the growing body. It is a practical, simple garment, and will be found to give excellent satisfaction. The. immense increase in our Order Department is proof itself tliat our prices and goods are Satisfactory. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. In this department it is our constant aim to keep the most complete assortment of all desirable styles and colors, and only the very best qualities that are made. S/'iiiii/ Notu-e. Kui Ghnvs maihd (unregistered) free to any part of the State. Trefousse Kid and Suede Gloves. ,we?^"^% ■^<^/ 'yu/mA3 cents per yard, 3 for 25o 70 3% 10 cents per yard 80 4 10 cents per yard 85 4% 10 cents per yard 95 5 12% cents per yard, 2 for 25c 1 05 5% 12% cents per yard, 2 for 25c 115 6 15 cents per yard 1 30 6% 16^^ cents per yard, 3 for 50c 1 45 7 16% cents per yard, 3 for 50c 1 60 8 20 cents per yard 1 75 9 20 cents per yard 1 90 10 22% cents per yard, 2 for 45c 2 10 1 1 25 cents per yard 2 30 12 27% cents per yard, 2 for 55o 2 50 13 30 cents per yard 2 70 14 30 cents per yard 2 85 16 32% cents per yard, 2 for 65c 3 05 18 35 cents per yard 3 25 20 37% cents per yard, 2 for 75c 3 50 24 45 cents per yard 4 40 Extra quality Black Velvet Ribbons, Satin back, in all widths, samples sent on application. Sasb Ribbons. Per Yard Satin, extra quality, N. & L. Brand, 5 inch | 60 Satin, extra quality, N. & L. Brand, 7 inch 1 00 Gros Grain Sash Ribbons from 80c. to 3 00 Fancy Sash Ribbons from 80c. to 3 00 Moire Sash Ribbons from 80c. to 3 00 Surah Silk Sashes, with fringe in black aud all colors, extra quality, 3% yards long, $4.00 each; 4 yards long, $4.50 each; 4% yards long, $5.00 each; 5 yards long, $5.50 each. Windsor Ties in an endless variety of patterns, 25c., 35o. and 50c. each. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS ON KNITTING AND CROCHETING ALWAYS ON HAND. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. FAN DEPARTMENT. No. 40. Painted Satin, 50c. No. 41. Ostrich Feather Fan, Black, Grey and Cream, $3.00. No 42 Painted and Spangled Gauze Fan, bone sticks $3.50. No. 43. PhimePan, real Ostrich Tips, all colors, from $5.00 to $15.00; No 44. Painted Satin, Fancy Carved bone or wood sticks, $1.50. No. 45. Painted Satin, extra quality, large size, solid bone sticks, $2.00. WE ARE IN CONSTANT RECEIPT OF THE LATEST DESIGNS IN LADIES' FANCY HOSIERY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. FANS. No. 46. Paintea Uauze and Lace, bone or wood, carved sticks, $4.00. No. 47. Pocket Folding Fan, Black and Colors, celluloid handles, 50c. ; leather handles, 20c. ^ '■^ No. 48. Painted Satin, bone sticks, $1.00. Fans. Satin Fans, ivory handle, black, white and colors from $ 50 to .? 1 50 Satin Fans, bone or wood carved handles, black, white and colors from 1 00 to 2 50 Satin Fans, ivory handle and feather tipped, black, white and colors from 1 00 to 3 00 Satin Fans, fancy ivory handle and feather tipped, black, white and colors from 2 00 to 3 75 Satin Fans, painted ivory handle, black, white and colors from 1 75 to 3 25 Satin Fans, plain, in black, white and colors from 1 00 to 2 50 Gauze Fans, plain colors from 1 25 to 2 50 Gauze Fans, hand painted pearl sticks inlaid with gold from 20 00 to 50 00 No. 49. Eeal Ostrich Feather Tips, bone and tortoise-shell handle, $7.50. Black, cream and grey. Gauze Fans, pearl sticks from $7 50 to .'J15 00 Gauze Fans, ivory or wood sticks from 2 00 to 7 50 Gauze Fans, painted and spangled .... from 3 50 to 12 50 GauzeFans, painted and plain, lace tipped. from 3 50 to 12 00 Japanese Fans from lOe. Ostrich Feather Fans, ivory handle, black, white and colors from 3 00 upward. Ostrich Feather Fans, pearl handle, black, white and colors 10 00 Ostrich Feather Fans, real tortoise-shell han- dle, black, white and colors .from 6 50 upward. Marabout Feather Fans, fancy handle, many shades from 7 50 upward. Fans with real Venetian point Lace covers, and fancy carved pearl handles, in great variety, from $25.00 to $75.00. Everything in the line of Fans can be found in great variety at our establishment, at the most popular prices. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F LACE DEFAHTMENT. We would especially call attention to this Department, as we have made it as complete in every detail as possible, and are in continual receipt of the latest from European and New York markets. As at times we may be out of patterns in this Catalogue, we would politely request our patrons to state in ordering whether the nearest would answer, or if they would prefer samples first, in case we should not have the exact design. French Laces. No. 153. BLACK FRENCH LACE. IN SETS— MATCHED. 1 inch wide, SJ^c. per yard. 2 inch, 15c. per yard. 2J^ inch, 20c. per yard. 3 inch, 25c. per yard. 4 inch, 35c. per yard. 5 inch, 50c. per yard. G inch, 65c. per yard. No. 150. BLACK FRENCH LACE. IN SETS. 3 inch, 35c. per yard. 4 inch, 50c. per yard. 5 inch, 6O0. per yard. 6 inch, 75c. per yard. 8 inch, 90c. per yard. BLACK FRENCH LACE. 3 inch. 20c. per yard. BLACK FRENCH LACE, 3 yards for 50c. No. 154. BLACK FRENCH LACE. 3% in., extra quality. 35c. yard. No. 155. BLACK FRENCH LACE. 4 in. 45c. per yard. No. 157. BLACK FRENCH LACE. 6 in. 50c. per yard. No. 158. BLACK FRENCH LACE. 6 in. 45c. per yard. The above cuts are to give a general idea of the style. We do not guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing, PRICE LIST. Per Yard 1 to 2 inch wide $ 08J to $ 20 2 to 3 inch wide 15 to 40 3 to 4 inch wide 20 to 50 4 to 5 inch wide 35 to 90 5 to 6 inch wide 45 to 1 00 6 to 8 inch wide 45 to 1 25 All the small Articles required in a Household are to be found in our Notion Department. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F, LACES. Demi Flounce, Chautilly Lace, in cream and black, 10 inch wide, $1.00. 12 inch, §1.35. U inch, $1.65. 16 inch $2.25. IS inch, $2.75, with all widths of Lace Edging to match. Spanish Guipure Laces. In addition to the following Black Spanish Guipure Laces we have a complete line of Cream and Beige, ranging in price from 20c. to 50c. per yai-d, according to width. No. 1.59. BLACK SPANISH GUIPUEE LACE. 2% in., 15c. yard; 3 in., 20c. per yard; 'i% in., 25c. per yard. No. 161. BLACK SPANISH GUIPUEE LACE. Extra quality. in., 35e. per yard; 5 in., 50c. per yard; 6 in., 75c. per yard. No. 161. BLACK SPANISH GUIPUEE LACE, i in. 35c. per yard. No. BLACK SPANISH GUIPUEE LACE. 6 in. 75c. per yard. The above cuts are to give a general idea of the style. We do not guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing, PRICE LIST. Per Yard 2 to 2 14, inch wide 15c. to 25c. 3 to 3% inch wide :..-. 20c. to 45c. i to 5 inch wide 35c. to 65c. C to 8 inch wide 45c. to 90c. Note.— We also carry a full line of Black Hand run Spanish Laces, from 2 to 8 inches in width, ranging in price from 90c. to $2.50 per yard. Spanisli Laces. mm. No, 169. CEEAM SPANISH LA('E. 3 in. 2.5o. per yard. No. 170. CEEAM SPANISH LACE. 4 in. 35c. per yard. The above cuts are to give a general idea of the style. We do tt guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing PRICK LIST. Per Yard y^ to 3 Jo inch wide 15c. to 25c. to 5 inch wide 30c. to 60c. to 7 inch wide 40c. to 75o. Griiipure Laces. No. 173. REAL HAND MADE GUIPUEE. 2 in. 25c. per yard. WE ARE IN CONSTANT RECEIPT OF THE LATEST STYLES OF LINEN COLLARS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. ■P No. 174. REAL HAND MADE GUirUEE LACE. 30c. yard. EEAL HAND MADE GUIPURE LACE. 45c. per yard. No. 176. EEAL HAND MADE GUIPURE LACE. 3 in. 65c. yard. The above cuts are to give a general idea of the style. We do not guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing. Real Diichesse Lace. No. 177. REAL DUCHESSE LACE. 2 iu. $2. .50 per yard. No. 178. REAL DUCHESSE LACE. 3 in. $3.50 per yard. No. 179. REAL DUCHESSE LACE. 3 in. $3.30 per yard. No. 180. REAL DUCHESSE LACE. 3% in. $3.45 per yard. UiiiiiiiiUMiUi No. 181. REAL DUCHESSE LACE. 4 in. $4.40 per yard. Antique Linen Laces. No. 1S2. ANTIQUE LACE. 10c. per yarJ. No. 183. ANTIQUE LACE. 1234c. per yard. No. 184. ANTIQUE LACE. 4 in. 20c. per yard PLUSHES FOR FANCY WORK IN EVERY IMAGINABLE SHADE. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. No. 185. ANTIQUE L.iCE. 5% in. 25c. per yard. ^■!i.iiii:i;i. ■_■■■■■ ■ I I I ■ ■ I ~m:- :L!?I?Siy;: .gnS!_ J?-??!? No. 186. ANTIQUE LACE. 432' iu. 30e. per yard. Antique Liueii lusertiiigs. No. 187 ANTIQUE INSERTION. per yard. k *■ V V f, n » « »• V ;• * if a % »: tf. ►*, .♦.; »t. v a ft if -if i'iAMW V. »' if r. »- ►^ « r »? .; « « •:. :v 1 No. 188. ANTIQUE INSERTION. 3 in. 250. per yard. ^i^i^ No. 189. ANTIQUE INSERTION. 6 in. 30c. per yard. Tht above cuts are to give a general idea of the style. We do not guarantee these patterns, as theif are constantly changing. PRICE LIST. Per Yard 1 to 2 inch wide 124c. to 15o. 2 to 4 inch wide 15c. to 25c. 4 to 6 inch wide 25c. to 50c. All Letters must be Addressed to the Firm, as we will not be Responsible for them Otherwise. Liueu Torchon Laces. HAND MADE. 1^ •i^ i HI ami No. lUl. LINEN TORCHON LACE. J^ in. 5e. per yard. No. 192. LINEN TORCHON LACE. ^; in. SJ^c. per yard. i'ltril ii lifc JtriAiihJ No. 193. LINEN TORCHON LACE. 1 in. 10c. per yard. No. 194. LINEN TORCHON LACE. 1'^ in. 12i^c. per yard. No. 195. LINEN TORCHON LACE, FmE. 1% in. 15c. per yard. No. 196. LINEN TORCHON LACE. 2 in. 20c. or 3 yards for 50c. Nu. 212. LINEN TORCHON LACE. 3 in. 35c. per yard. 96 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. No. 213. FINE TORCHON LACES— LINEN. IN SETS— MATCHED. 1 inch wide, 30c. per yard. 1% inch wide, 40c. per yard. 1^ inch wide, 50c. per yard. 2 inch wide, 60c. per yard. 3 inch wide, 75c. per yard. 1^4 inch inserting, 35c. per yard. No. 197. REAL TORCHON LACE. 2% inch wide, 25c. per yard. 2fi inch wide, 35c. per yard. 3 inch wide, 40c. per yard. Insertion to match, 1^ inch wide, 25c. per yard. REAL TORCHON LACE. 1)4 inch wide, 15c. per yard. 2 inch wide. 20c. per yard. 2^ inch wide, 30c. per yard. 3 inch wide, 45c. per yard. 4J^ inch wide, 65e. per yard. Insertion to match, 1}4 inch wide, 30c. per yard. Linen Torchon Insertings. No. 203. LINEN TORCHON INSERTION. 1 in. 15c. per yard. m. No. 2U4. LINEN TORCHON INSERTION, Fine. 1) 20c. yard. No. 205. LINEN TORCHON INSERTIONS, Fine. VA in. 25c. yard. The above cuts are to give a general idea of the style. We do not guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing. Medici Laces — Linen. No. 206. REAL MEDICI. 1 in. 25c. per yard. No. 207. REAL MEDICI LACE— LINEN. 3 in. 35c. per yard. No. 209. REAL MEDICI— LINEN. 4 in. 50c. per yard. ! :^ l ; I I?M, ? ■ ; ,i; ! , ! ; ! ; ! ^ ! ; ; ;^^;^V■ ' ^ ' ■ '''"**^^B!gS No. 210. MEDICI INSERTION. 2 in. 25c. per yard. OUR STOCK OF FANS IS THE MOST EXTENSIVE ON THE COAST. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. IPIiRiilil IffilRl!!!!! laiJIiJIiliiiiiUii No. 211. REAL MEDICI INSERTION. 3 in. 35c. per yard. The above ruts are to give a general idea of the style. We do not guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing. PRICE LIST. Per Yard ^^ to 1 inch wide 1 Oe. to $ 20 1 to 2 inch wide 12^0. to 45 2 to 3 inch wide 20c. to 60 3 to 6 inch wide 25c. to 100 Florentine Laces. REAL FLORENTINE LACE. 2 inch wide, 45c. per yard. 3 inch wide, 70c. per yard. 4 inch wide, SI. 00 per yard. i% inch wide, $1.50 per yard. Insertion, 2 inches wide to match, 45c. per yard. Imitation Torchon Laces— Linen.* No. 215. LINEN EDGING, 'i in. 20c. piece, 12 yards. No- 21c. LINEN EDGING. 1 in. 25c. piece, 12 yards. No. 217. LINEN EDGING. 1^ in. 30e. piece, 12 yards No. 218. LINEN EDGING. 1% inch. 40c. piece, 12 yards. Everlastiiia: Triininiiigs. I 25c. piece, 12 yarc I No. 220. 30c. piece, 12 yards. ii No. 221. 30c. piece, 12 yards. No. '^20. 35e. piece, 12 yards. No. 227. 40c. piece, 12 yards. Ladies' Celluloid Collars and Cuffs in all Sizes. Collars 20 cents each. Cuffs 40 cents a pair. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. No. -128. 40c. piece, 12 yards No. '229. be. yard. 50c. piece, 12 yards. Lace Beading. No. 205. Wliite. Cotton, 40c. per dozen yards. Linen, 15e. yard. Black— extra fine. 10c. per yard, 3 for 25c., 90c. per dozen yards. This Lace Beading is largely used for fancy work, as it is suitable to draw ribbons through. Nottingham Laces. Suitable for closet and pillow cases, in widths ranging from 2 to 10 inches. Price from 40c. to $1.50 per dozen yards. Point de Genee or Irisli Point Lace. WHITE, CKEAM, BEIGE AND TWO-TONED. No. 206. 1 inch wide, 20c. per yard. 2 inch wide, 30c. per yard, inch wide, 40o. per yard. 4 inch wide, 50c. per yard. 5 ii wide, 60c. per yard. 8 inch wide, $1.00 per yard. No. 207. POINT DE GENEE LACE. 154 inch wide, 35c. per yard. 2% inch wide, 50c. per yard. Sy^ inch wide, 65c. per yard, i.^^ inch wide, 85c. per yard. The above cats are to give a general idea of the style. We do not guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing. Real Irish Point— extra fine quality. PRICE LIST. Per Yard 1 to 2 inch wide 50e. to | 75 2 to 3 inch wide 50c. to 1 00 3 to 5 inch wide 60c. to 1 25 This lace is largely used for trimming ladies' and children's wash dresses and pongees. Oriental Laces. WHITE, CREAM AND BEIGE. No. 230. lUc. to 15c. per yard. No 231 i2y,c to 20c per jard No. 232. 15e. to 25o. per yard. WE CARRY NONE BUT THE VERY BEST BRANDS OF KID GLOVES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. Fedora Laces. No 234 20c. to 45o. per yard. ^ The above cutu are to jjiue a general idea of the sty'e. We do not guarantee these patterns, as they are constantly changing. PRtcE LIST. Per Yard 1 to 2 inch wide 10c. to § 25 I 2 to 3 inch wide 12Jc. to 50 3 to 4 inch wide 15c. to 50 4 to 6 inch wide 25c. to 75 36 to 40 inch flouncing from 50c. to 2 50 27 inch Oriental Net from 50c. to 1 50 Fancy Laces. This is a fancy cotton lace in white, cream, beige and two-toned, used extensively with buntings, fish nets, pongees, etc., for making tidies, toilet sets, etc. 1 inch wide, 5c. per yard, 50c. per dozen yards, ly, inch wide, 8; 3C. per yard, 90c. per dozen yards. 2 inch wide, 10c. per yard, $1.10 per dozen yards. 2^^ inch wide, 12J^c. per yard, $1.35 per dozen yards. 3 inch wide, 15c. per yard, $1.65 per dozen yards. No. 303. FEDORA LACES. This lace is used very extensively for trimming silks, being very light and sheer. ll-i inch wide, 30c. per yard. 2 inch wide, 40c. per yard. 2)4 inch wide, 50c. per yard. 3 inch wide, 60c. per yard. 27 inch All over net, $2.25 per yard. 40 inch flouncing, $3.40 per yard. Millinery Lace.s. illinery pur A complete assortment of colored Laces poses always on hand. Spangled Laces and Nets suitable for Millinery and Theat- rical purposes. In Novelty Effects we call attention to the extensive use of Chiffon, Mousseline de Sole, and Crepe lisse, in plain colors, printed, or embroidered combinations in trimming widths and demi : Fine Imitation Valenciennes Lace. No. 210. 25c. piece, 12 yards No. 211. piece, 12 yards. 5c. yard. No. 212. 50c. piece, 12 yards. To receive prompt attention, all Orders and Communications must be addressed Direct to the Firm. loo NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. No. 213. 5c. yard. 55c. piece, 12 yards. No. 214. 35e. piece, 12 yards. No. 215. 40c. piece, 12 yards. No. 216. 10c. per yard. $1.00 piece, 12 yards. /'j^ft 1 Lj ^R^^K-l^S J 1 i^B i t Slip A No. 208. CREAM NOKMANDIE VALENCIENNES LACE. 1 inch wide, 5c. per yard, 60c. per dozen yards. 1% inch wide, 6^^c. per yard, 75c. per dozen yards. 2 inch wide, 8%c. per yard, 90c. per dozen yards. 2% inch wide, 10c. per yard, $1.15 per dozen yards. 3 inch wide, 12y,c. per yard, $1 50 per dozen yards. 3% inch wide, 15c. per yard, $1.80 per dozen yards. 4 inch wide, 16;^c. per yard, $2.00 per dozen yards. 5 inch wide, 25c. per yard, $3.00 per dozen yards. 9 inch wide, 45c. per yard, $5.20 per dozen yards. 1 inch insertion, 8' 3C. per yard. 1% inch insertion, 12^c. per yard. r^ No. 209. CREAM NORMANDIE VALENCIENNES LACE. 1 inch wide, 10c. per yard, $1.10 per dozen yards, ly, inch wide, 12%c. per yard, $1.35 per dozen yards. 2 inch wide, 15c. per yard, $1.65 per dozen yards. 3 inch wide, 20c. per yard, $2.25 per dozen yards. 4 inch wide, 35c. per yard, $4.00 per dozen yards. 5 inch wide, 45c. per yard, $5.25 per dozen yards. 9 inch wide, $1.00 per yard, $11.50 per dozen yards. 1 inch insertion, 15c. per yard. IJ,^ inch insertion, 25o. per yard. ALL OUR FAST BLACK HOSIERY GUARANTEED. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. Skifting.s. No. 235. CHANTILLY LACE SKIKTINGS. 42 in. All Silk. $2.00 per yard. Per Yard Chantilly Lace Skirtings. 40 to (50 inches wide $ 1 25 to .$ 6 00 | Spanish Lace Skirtings, 42 inches wide 1 2.'> to 5 00 Hand run Lace Skirtings, 42 inches wide .... G .50 to 20 00 Marquise Lace Skirtings, 42 inches wide 10 00 to 35 00 l\-r Yani No. 236. SPANISH GUIPURE LACE SKIKTINGS. 42 in. All Silk. $1.75 per yard. Oriental Lace Skirtings, white and beige, 42 inches wide .f 50 to .? 2 50 Fedora Lace Skirtings, 42 inches wide 3 50 to 6 00 Normandie Val. Lace Skirtings, 42 inches wide 50 to 1 75 Marquise Chantilly Lace Skirtings, 42 inches wide 4 50 to 10 00 Draping Nets. In this line we carry an elegant assortment of patterns in all colors, which are now being worn extensively (or draping skirts for street and evening wear. No. 237. BLACK CHANTILLY DRAPERY. 48 inch wide. $1.75 per yard. FISHERMAN'S NET. 48 inch «ide, all silk. $1.00 per yard. WE KNIT LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR TO ORDER IN ANY STYLE OR COLOR. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LACES. Black Spanish Net. No. 239. BLACK SILK SPANISH NET. 27 inch. $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard. Per Y."ird Cotton Point D'Esprit, in black and colors, 48 in. wide § 50 Silk Point D'Esprit, in black and all imaginable shades, 54 in. -wide $1 25 to 2 50 Fiehermnn's Net, black and cream, 48 in. wide 1 00 to 2 50 Silk Brussels Net, 72 in. wide, black and colors 1 00 upward. Grenadine Striped Net, in black, 48 in. wide. . 2 50 to 5 00 Net, in plain figured, dots and stripes, in. wide 1 50 to 3 50 No. 240. BLACK SILK CHANTILLY NET. 27 inch. $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 per yard. A complete line of Fancy Nets, black and colors, in large and small polka dots, narrow and wide stripes, veins, flowers, and figures in endless variety, ranging in price from $1.00 to $5.00 per yard. In Staple Laces 42 inch flounces and 45 inch draperies are still being used considerably; we mention the decided increase in demand for trimming widths, including demi flounces, from 10% to 18 inches wide, of which we always carry a varied as- sortmemt of the newest designs in Imitation Pointe Gaze, Oriental, Pointe d'Alen(;on, Spanish Fedora (in cream) and Chantilly (black or cream). We are continually in receipt of new weaves of Laces, of which we submit samples upon request. EMBROIDERY DEFARTMEITT. We are offering this season a larger and better assorted stock of fine embroideries than ever before. We desire to call par- ticular attention to our exclusive styles in Nainsook, Cambric and Swiss, consisting of Edgings of all widths (in sets), with Insert- ings to match. As our assortment is too extensive to be catalogued or illustrated, and as novelties are arriving and added all the time, in ordering please state the purpose you wish them for, and about the price you should like to pay, thus enabling us to send a variety of samples to select from; also please state when ordering if the nearest will answer, or if it should be the exact match, as we are liable at any time to be out of a pattern, and it would thereby avoid delay. l^.^:-....-^^^i 307. CAMBKIC EDGE. 4c. per \. ad. i^k^i^ ^^^^Sf^^rlr*} No. .iii^. t A. Ml wide. 8c. per yard Inserting to match No. 3U9. FINE CAMBRIC, ide. 15c. per yiirJ. '.? ''?f '•?»> 'w '# >S? ^ii? -.iJ ''?S%%i.i°? ?o5 ,.^...J^....^»...^.»^l.«^q^»^M»^.^...^«.... No. 312, CAilBKIC EDGE. 3 in wide 25c. per yard. Inserting to match. No. 310. NAINSOOK EDGE w ide. 20c. per yard, 3 yds. 50c. Inserting to match. ^SV>»W^|^S>|j<^*^^^^^^^J No. 311. FINE CAMBRIC. 1% in. wide. 2Uc. per yard. Inserting to match. No. 315. FINE CAMBKIC EDGE. 3y, in. wide. 40c. per yard. Inserting to match. OUR COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT IS PERFECT IN EVERY|DETAIL. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. EMBROIDERY. in -nile mut h IINT C\.\imiIC LD( I to I ei ^ 1 I sert u ^k AiAA A No ilJ for skirts ilNhCiMBlib hbOrL J 11 ac per j ir 1 Iii ert nf, to i atch Fine Cauibric lloimcing. \ \ I 1 1 1 I \ J N nch N k 1 I u lit 1 1 . 1 10 11 oh Nainsook riouucing. $2.35 per yard; 22 inch all over, $1.75 per yard. No. 320. 27 inch Fine Cambric Flouncing, $1.25 per yard; 40 inch Fine Cambric Flonnc- ing, $1.65 per yard; 22 inch AUover, $1.10 i"noh insertings*TocTpe7y''ard per yard. No 3191^ lEISH POINT EM- BROIDERY, in sets matched. 2 inch wide, 35c. per yard; 3 inch wide 40c. per yard; i inch wide, 50c. per yard; 5 inch wide, 60c. per yard; 6 inch wide, 65c. per yard; 7 inch wide, 75c. per yard; 9 inch wide, 90c per yard; 22 inch wide, $1.50 per yard; ch Flouncing, $2.25 per yard; 2 ■ " . . "3 inch Insertings, 40c. per yard, No. 318. CAJIBIUC EDtiE, m sets matched. 1 inch wide, 10c. per yard; 114 inch wide, 15c per yard; 2 inch wide, 20c. per yard; 3 inch wide, 25e. per yard; 4 inch wide, 30c per yard; 5 inch wide, 40c. per yard; 9 inch for skirts, 65c. per yard; 22 inch Yoking, 75c. per yard. The above also in Swiss and Nainsook. No. 313. FINE NAINSOOK EDGE, in sets matched. 1 inch wide, 20c. per yard; 1% inch wide, 30c. per yard; 2 inch wide, 40c. per yard; 2^ inch wide, 50c. per yard; 3 inch wide, 60c. per yard; 3'4 inch wide, 70c. per yard; ly^ inch wide In- sertings, 30c. per yard; 22 inch % Flouncing, $1.75 per yard; 40 inch Flouncing, $3 00 per yd. ; 22 inch AUover, $2 00 per yd. ..•••••■.•••lll«''«'i<»«iil>»<.iil'«iVn'''i.»'«.i.>"t.,i<»>ii>' No. 316. FINE CAMBRIC EDGE, in sets matched 1 inch wide, 12%c. per yard; 2 inch wide, 20c. per yard; 3 inch wide, 30c. per yard; 4 inch wide, 40c. per yard; 5 inch wide, 50c. per yard; 1 inch wide Inserting, 20c. per yard; I'A inch wide In- serting. 2.5c per yard; 22 inch ^ Flouncing, $1.25 per yard; 40 inch Flouncing, $2.00 per yard ; 22 inch Yoking, $1.50 per yard. The above also in Cambric and Swiss. ALL OUR KID GLOVES MAILED (UNREGISTERED) FREE TO ANY PART OF THE STATE. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. EMBROIDERY. Henistitflietl Flouiiciiig. liiliiiitlp'""" 27te above cat is io give a general idea of the style. We carry a great variety in patterns, ranging in price as follows : Per Yard 27 inch Hemstitched Flouncing $ *90 40 inch Hemstitched Flouncing 1 35 Hemstitched Edging from 20 Embroideries. Per Yiird Cambric Edgings, from y, inch to 9 inch wide.$ 01 to |1 25 Cambric Edgings, from 9 inch to 18 inch wide. 40 to 2 50 Cambric Insertings, from % to 3 inch wide .... 05 to 75 Cambric Flouncings, from 18 in. to 60 in. wide 75 to 5 00 Cambric AUovers, 27 inch wide . 50 to 3 00 Nainsook Edgings, from J^ to 9 inch wide 08 to 2 00 Nainsook Edgings, from 9 to IS inch wide 75 to 3 50 Nainsook Insertings, from ^ to 3 inch wide. . . 10 to 75 Nainsook Flouncings, from 18 to 60 inch wide. 1 75 to 7 50 Nainsook Allover, 27 inch wide 1 00 to 3 50 Fine Cambric Edgings, from Y, to inch wide . 05 to 50 Fine Cambric Edgings, from 9 to 18 inch wide. 40 to 75 Fine Cambric Insertings, from ^ to 3 inch wide 05 to 25 Fine Cambric Flouncings from 18 to 60 inch wide 1 75 to 7 50 Fine Cambric Allover, 27 inch wide 50 to 1 50 Irish Point Edgings, from 2 to 9 inch wide ... 25 to 75 Irish Point Edgings, from 9 to 18 inch wide ... 50 to 1 50 Irish Point Insertings, from 1 J/^ to 4 inch wide. 25 to 50 Irish Point Flouncings, from 18 to 40 inch wide 1 00 to 3 50 Also a full line of Pique Embroideries, from 2 to 36 inch wide 15 to 2 50 lied Embroidery on White and Navy Blue material, and Navy Blue on White material, besides a complete line of fancy combinations in Embroideries suitable for dress trimmings. Extra wide Embroideries for bottom of skirts. Extra wide Embroideries for children's dresses. Ladies' Aprons. No. 'JIU. White Sheer India Linon Apron, embroidered and scalloped, extra size, $1.25 each. White Lawn Aprons, plain, hemmed . . from $ 25 White Lawn Aprons, embroidered from 45 White Lawn Aprons, lace trimmed from 50 Extra Fine White Aprons, Irish Point and Applique effects from 1 00 Ladies' and Children's fancy colored Aprons in endless variety from 50 Piece Goods. FOR APRONS, DRESSES AND BABY WEAR. Per Yard Batist, in striped, checked and plaid from 15c. Nainsook, in striped, checked and plaid from 8Jc. Pique, in a variety of stripes from 5c. Victoria Lawns from SJc. India Linon from 10c. Fine Cotton Mull, all colors from 25c. Nainsook, plain white from 15c. Lonsdale Cambric 12^c. Fancy Tuckings, 22 inch wide 45c. Fancy Tuckings, with open work between tucks .... from 75c. Fancy White Open work Lawns, in latest stripes, checks and plaids from 15o. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LRVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NECKWEAH DEFAHTMEITT. No 271. BL.\CK SILK SPAN- ISH TIE. 10 inches wide, 2;^ yards long. Price $1.25. Lace Scarfs and Ficliues. No. 273. BLACK HAND KUN SPANISH TIE. 9 inches wide, 2 yards long. Price $2.75. No. 274. CREAM SILK SPANISH TIE. 10 inches wide, 2^^ yards long. Price $2.00. No. 272. BLACK HAND KUN SPANISH TIE. 12 inches wide, iy^, yards long. Price $4.75. BLACK HAND RUN SPANISH FICHU. Price $4.50. Keal Hand Run Spanish Lace Scarfs. Wide Lon^ Hand Run Spanish Lace Scarfs, 7 in. by 2/4 yds $ 2 25 Hand Run Spanish Lace Scarfs, 12 in. by 2'A yds 4 75 Hand Run Spanish Lace Scarfs, 15 in. by 2% yds 6 75 Hand Run Spanish Lace Scarfs, 18 in. by 2^4 yds 10 50 Hand Run Spanish Lace Scarfs, 20 in. by 2% yds 12 75 Hand Run Spanish Lace Scarfs, 22 in. by 3 yds 17 50 Imitation Spanish Lace Scarfs. Silk Spanish Lace Scarfs, 8 in. by 1^ yds. Silk Spanish Lace Scarfs, 10 in. by 1^4 yds. Silk Spanish Lace Scarfs, 10 in. by 2 yds . . Silk Spanish Lace Scarfs, 12 in. by 2 yds . . Silk Spanish Lace Scarfs, 12 in. by 2% yds. Silk Spanish Lace Scarfs, 15 in. by 3 yds.. . 1 no 1 15 2 00 2 50 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF MILLINERY LACES AND NETS. to6 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NECKWEAR. Ladies' Neckwear. We consider this Department as complete as can be found in any of the largest cities, and with our Eastern and European connections we are always able to have the latest and most choice novelties. No. 20. Cheniisettea, Wash Lawn, in white, 50c. Silk Mull, white and colors, SI. 10. Surah Silk, white and colors, $1.26. Crepe de Cliene, white and , $2 25. Embroidered Tie, 25c. CHEMISETTES. Plaited Lawn Chemisettes $ 50 Plaited Silk Mull Chemisettes, all colors 1 10 Plaited Surah Chemisettes, cream, black 1 25 Plaited Crepe de Chine, cream and black 1 75 Silk Chiffon Mull Embroidered Fichues$l 50 Oriental Lace Fichuea 1 00 Mousseline de Soie Fichues, all colors. . 2 50 Lace and Ribbon Fichues, all colors 1 00 No. 200. Opera Col Mull, from ?1.26. THE N. & L. CORSETS ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER IN THE MARKET. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NECKWEAR. Children's Lace and Embroidered Collars. No. 304. Child's Hand made Florentine Lace Collar. $2.00 No. 293. Child's Torchon Laco Collar. 25c No. 295. Child's Hamburg ColUr, edged with Irish Point Lace. G.)0. No. 305. Child's Irish Point Lace Collar. $1 25. No. 306. Child's Irish Point Lace Collar. $1 No. 301. Child's Medici Lace Collar. 75c. No. 3U3. Torchon Lace Collar, hand made. 50e. GLOVES FOR PARTY AND THEATER WEAR A SPECIALTY. io8 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. LADIES' BLOUSES AND SHIRT WAISTS. No. 3. No. 3. Wash Surah Silk Waist, made to order, $6.50; Wash Silk Waist, made to order, $5.50. Samples of Silks to select from sent on applica- tion. Perfect fit guaranteed. No. 1. No. 1. Linen Derby Shirt Waist, $1.00; in Madras, Cheviot and Percale, $1.50; French Foulard and Saleen, $1.65. No. 2. No. 2. India Silk Blouses, Embroidered front, collar and cuS's, all colors, $8; Surah Silk Blouses, Embroidered front, collar and cuffs, $8.00. LADIES LINEN SHIRT WAISTS, No. Made similar to Gents' shirts. 340 Ladies' Linen Shirts, without sleeves, standing or rolling collar, 60c. 350 Ladies' Linen Shirts, without sleeves, plaited, standing or rolling collar, 65c. 360 Ladies' Linen Shirts, with sleeves, plaited, standing or rolling collar, $1.00. 370 Ladies' Linen Shirts, with sleeves, embroidered, standing collar, $1.50. Ladies' Pique Shirts, with sleeves, standing collar, $2.00. 390 Ladies' Percale Shirts, with sleeves, standing collar, in checks or stripes, $1.50. In sending order for Ladies' Shirts, state neck and bust measure. collah and cuff department. Collars. No. 96. 20e., 3 for 50c., $2.00 doz. No. 97. 20c.. 3 for 50o., extra high, .$2.00 doz. No. 98. 20c., 3 for 50c., $1.85 doz. WE WILL MAIL THIS CATALOGUE FREE TO THE ADDRESS OF ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. COLLARS. No. 29. 20c., 3 for 50c. $1.85 doz. No. 597. 15c., 2 for 25c. $1.50 doz. No. 5. Mourning Collar. 20c., 3 for 50c., $2.00 doz. No. 5 597. Embroidered No. G30. 20c., $2.25 doz. No. 449. 20c., 3 for 50c., No. 729. 20c., $2.25 doz. Points, 2 for 25c. $1.90 doz. No. 865. Extra Fine Quality, ity. Hand worked button- hole, 25c. $2 75 doz. 730. 10c. each, $1.10 doz. No. 615. 15c., $1.50 doz. No. 866. Extra Fine cjual ity. Hand worked but- tonholes. 20c. Liuen Chemisettes. No. Each 784 Linen Chemisettes, tucked 25c 465 Fancy Embroidered Chemi- settes 25c 2309 Extra Fine Embroidered Chemi- settes 50c 2316 Extra Fine Open work Chemi- settes 50c No. 1671. 20c., 3 for 50c. No. 890. 2nc., 3 for .50c. $1.85 doz. $1.85 doz. SOCIETY BANNERS AND FLAGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST, and 209 SUTTER ST, S. F. LADIES' LINEN CUFFS. No. li'.i. 25f. it ijuir. No. 9iy. 20c. No. 918. 20c. A complete line of Chiklreu's Linen Embroidered Collars. Children's Percale and fancy colored Collars. RTTCHIITG DEFAHTMEITT. p-f-f-.'ff-| ^^mmi No. 869. SILK MULL PUFF. All col- No. 1789. BABY BONNET KUF- No. 730. DOUBLE KOW LOOP SILK, ors. 2oe. per yard. FLING edged with Valenciennes Lace. All colors. 25c. yard. 40c. per yard. No. 30U. SILK CREPE LISSE, three rows fluted, ISc. per yard, ,$2.50 piece, 6 yards. No. 1486. SILK CKEPE LISSE, three rows, 40c. per yard, $2.25 piece, 6 yards. No. 3043. SILK CREPE LISSE, double row, broad plait, 40c. p yard, $2.25 piece, 6 yards. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. RUCHINGS. No. 8511. SILK CRKPE LISSE, dou- ble row, silk stitched, 50o. per yard, $2.75 piece, G yards. No. 5621. SILK CKEPE LISSE, four rows, knife plait, silk stitched, 50c. per yard, $2.75 piece, 6 yards. No. 211. DOUBLE KUW FLUTED CAMBRIC, lace edge, white only, 15c. yard, 90o per 6 yards. lo. 300. PL.\ITED ORGANDIE RUCHING, cream, white and black, washable, 12J-^c. per yard, $1.50 piece, 12 yards. Skirt Kuching. No. 20. TARL.\TAX LACE EDGE. White and black, G inch deep. 25o. per yard. llucliiug'.s. Skirt Ruchings in Tarlatan, all lace. Tarlatan and Lace in white, cream and black, from 20o. to $1.25 per yard. In addition to Standard Ruchings we are in constant receipt of the latest Parisian and Eastern novelties, comprising Beaded Ribbons and Fancy Gauze Ruchings, of which samples are furnished on application, as it is impossible to give cuts of the Tourist Ruching in endless variety. Boxes containing 6 and 12 yards, 25e. per box and upward. In ordering Ruchings please state whether a substitute may be sent in case we should be out of the pattern selected. No. 100. BAND RUCHIXG, in white, cream and black. Bolting cloth, 2 folds, 23c. per yard, $2.90 piece, 12 yards. Bjltiug cloth, 3 fold.^, 35o. per yard, SL15 piece, 12 yards. Canvas or Banting, cream only, 2 folds, 3 yards for 50c , $1.90 piece, 12 yards. Surah, cream, black and colors, 2 folds, 30c., 40c. and 50o. per yard. Crepe de Chene, cream, white and black, 2 folds, 35c. per yard. Crepe de Chene, 3 folds, 50c. per yard. SEE PAGES 42 AND 43 FOR LATEST DESIGNS IN STAMPING PATTERNS. NEVVlvrAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. TEIMMIira DEFARTMENT. We would call particular attention to this department, as we have made it one of the principal features of our establishment, by having the latest, most novel designs and complete assortment in every detail, and with that object in view we have perfected such arrangements with European and Eastern markets that will give us superior advantages in carrying out our intentions. As it would be impossible to give a detailed list of our Trimming stock, we therefore confine ourselves to a few of the leading and most desirable styles. No. 1. Cut Jet Passementeries. Can be separated into orna- ments. $1.25 per yaptl. $1.50 per No. 5. Cut Jet Edging. % inch wide. -lOc. per yard. No. 6. Cut Jet Edging. ^4 iueli wide. 2Jc. per j'ard. No. 7. Fine Cut Steel Gimp. 1% inch wide, 75o. per yard. 1% inch wide, $1.00 per yard. 1% inch wide, $1.25 per yard. 2 inch wide, $1.50 per yard. 2^^ inch wide, $1.75 per yard. _ No. 8. Jet Ornament Fringe, separable. iYa inch deep, $1.50 per yard. 5 inch deep, $2.00 per yard; inch deep $2.50 per yard. No. 9. Jet Ornament Fringe, separable. 5 inch deep, $2.( per yard, ti inch deep, $2.50 per yard. 7 inch deep, $3.1 per yard. No. 50. Black Silli Cord and Braid Passementeries. 2y^ inch wide, $1.50 per yard. No. 55. Black Silk Cord Gimp, with Silk Stitehi wide. $1.2o per yard. LADIES' AND GENTS' SILK AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR KNIT TO ORDER. NEWMA.V & LEVINSOM, 125 to. 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 1(3 TRIMMINGS. &1O ^O^^yi . ack Silk Cord Yokes, from $3.50 to $.''). 00 each, ack Cat Jet Yokes, from $4.50 to'$7.50 each. Black Silk Girdles, from 50 to $3.50 each. Black Beaded Girdles, from $3.50 to $5.00 each. Black Beaded Cuffs, from $1.50 to *2.50 pair. hwile. $1.00 No. 75. Black Silk Cord Gimp. P, inchwide. 25o.peryard. 1^ ^ ^a. ^Willii No. 70. Black Silk Cord Gimp. 1^ inch wide. $1.15 per yard, vard. No. bj LhiLk Silk Cord and Ciothet Gimp $1 '»() [ler \ard No So Llatk Silk Lli 1 Lit,m„' ^j inib wide, 15e. per yard, $1 50 per dozen yards No. 80. Black and Colored Silk Cord Edging. V^ inch wide, 15c. per yard, $1.50 per dozen yards. Special Shades Made to Order, $2.50 per dozen. WE CARRY NONE BUT THE VERY BEST BRANDS OF KID GLOVES. 114 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. TRIMMINGS . ^^ ^'^-^^ -&'4T "#|^^ No. 90. Lace in Gilt, Steel, aud Silver. 3 inch wide. 75c. per yard. No. 95. Lace in Gilt, Steel, and Silver. 3 inch wide. $100 per yard. No. 400. Black aud Colored Silk Cord Loops, 7 inch, 30c. each, 8 inch, 40c. each. Made to order to match any shade of sample, 7 inch, 50c., 8 inch, 60c. No. 510. Black Silk Knotted Fringe, 5 inches deep, $1.00 yard; 6 inches deep, $1.25 yard; 7 inches deep, .Ifl.SO yard. Made to order to match any shade of sample, 6 inches deep, $2.00 yard. No. 520. Black and Colored Silk Fourageurs, 85c. each. Made to order to match any shade of sample, |1.25 each. ^ * ^^^^ «ms^ No. 500. Black and Silk Tubular lU.M Loops, 35c. each. Made to order to match any shade of sample, 50c. each. No. 600. Keal Seal Loopd, same as illustration, 40c. each. No 530. Black Silk Drops, 10c. per dozen, iJl.OO gross. Colored Silk Drops 2 dozen for 2oo., $1.25 Gross. Made to order to match any shade of sample, .12.00 per gross. No 560. No. 560. Black Silk Balls ends of sashes, 25c. each. I of sample, 75c. per pair. of a hen's egg) suitable for to order to match any shade Dress Trimmings LOWEST PRICES ON TMIS I'ACIKIC COAST. WE HAVE NO AGENTS SOLICITING FOR US. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. TRIMMINGS. No. 540. Black Silk Spikes, 4% inches long No. 580. Silk Braided Gir- dles, all colors, $1.25 each. Made to order in any desired shade or combination to match sample, 81-50 each. Dress and Cloak Triniuiiugs 35c. each. Made to or- der to match any shade of sample, 50c. each. No. 5jO Blick and No. 570. SilkDrops ColoiedSilkTabdrops, all colors, $1.00 per •2Jc. each. Made to dozen, order to match any shade of sample, 75c. No. 590. Black and Colored Cord Silk Coat Girdles, 95c. each. Made to order in any desired shade or com- bination to match sam- ple, $1 25 each. Black Silk Applique Trimming, IJ^ to 5 inches wide §1 15 to? 4 75 Black Silk Applique Beaded Trimming, 2 to 5 inches wide 1 75 to 5 50 Colored Silk Applique Trimming, 2 to 5 inches wide 2 00 to 5 00 Black Silk Applique Gimps, ornamented with jewels, 2 to 5 inches wide 2 25 to 4 75 White Silk Applique Gimps, jeweled, 2 to Sy, inches wide 1 75 to 3 50 Fancy Jeweled Gimps, 1J< to 2}4 inches wide. 1 25 to 2 50 Black Silk Crochet Gimp, 1 to 4 inches wide. . 1 00 to 6 75 Black Silk Cord Gimp, ornamented with nail heads of various shapes, 1^ to 4K inches wide 1 50 to 10 00 Fine Cut Jet Gimps, in new and elegant Per Yard #2 50 to $7 50 45 to 45 to 45 to 15 to 1 50 1 50 1 50 25 Gold Cord Gimps, 1 to 2>^ inches wide Silver Cord Gimps, 1 to 2 J/$ inches wide Steel Cord Gimps, 1 to 2J^ inches wide Gold, Silver and Steel Edgings, J/^ to 1 in. wide Gold, Silver and Steel Laces, 1% to 3% Inches wide Black Silk Moss Trimmings, 2 to 3^ in. wide. Black Silk Tape Fringes, 3% to 5 inches wide. Mourning Fringes in endless variety, from Black Silk Chenille Fringes Black Jetted Lace, 1>2 to 4 inches wide Jeweled Laces on black and white ground, 2 to 3 inches wide As we are constantly receiving the latest Trimmings we will at any time assist our patrons in the selec tion of goods; alsoanswerinquiriesrelatingto this department Buckles. 75 to 75 to 25 to 1 50 1 50 1 75 3 50 1 50 3 00 1 75 to 2 jvelties in Dr No 3 Oxydized Buckl No 6. O^iydized Buckle White Pearl Buckles, square and oblong, No. 4. Oxydized Buckles 50o n I'A to i% inches long, 25c. to $1.00. Smoked Pearl Buckles, square and ob- >, from 1% to iy^ inches long, 25c. to $1.25 Cut Jet Buckles, square and oblong, from 1 to 5 inches long, 15c. to $1.00. Black Silk Crochet Buckles, oblong and square, from 214 to iy, inches long, 35c. to $1,00. Colored Silk Crochet Buckles made to order to match any sample, price $1.00. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. BUTTON DEPARTMENT. Our stock of Buttons has been very largely increased, and the greatest care has been taken to secure only the latest novelties from the leading Eastern and European manufacturers. It would be a matter of impossibility to give an extensive list of Buttons, as there are so many styles, but in filling orders we always make it our aim to send the most desirable goods. Pearl Buttons. FiusT QaALiTY, PuBB White and Ex- tra Heavy. ^■1 ^IH^BI m .i. Per Dozen , Per Gruss '^d ^^^ft W 10 ...15c.. $1 75 ^B ^^^H 1 IS ...20c . .3doz. 50c.. 2 00 ^1 l^H 1 20 ...20c.. 2 20 ^B flBfi f 22 .. .25c.. 2 65 JB I^HB [ 24 .. .30c.. 3 35 H ■SB^I 1 26 ...35c . .3doz. $1... 3 85 ^ I^EB f 28 .. .40c . 4 25 M Bl^& I 30 ...40o.. 4 65 1 SH f 34 ...50c... 5 50 1 p8 Second Quality PcRE White. 1 ^BE. Size Per D..zen Per Gross 1 ^E^l 16 ...12^c |1 25 ^ rnH^K 18 ...12y,c 1 50 J h| 20 22 ...15c. .. 20c. . 1 80 " .3doz. 50c.. 2 00 i ^^ 24 26 .. .25c. ...25c. ' 2 70 1 Ur 28 . . 30.'. 3 00 Third Quality, Good Strong Buttons. Size Per Diizcu Per Gross 16 ... . 10c... !fl 10 18.... 10c... 1 20 20.... 15c... 2 doz. 25c . 1 25 22... 15c.. 1 55 24 .. , 20c... .3 doz. 50c.. 1 80 Extra Large Buttons. Special attention is called to our elegant assortment of Large Pearl Dress Buttons, with small sizes to match, comprising pure white, clouded, smoked and abulone shell in square, oblong and round, which are now being used extensively for dress trimming. Per Dozen White Pearl Buttons, with shanks 25c. to $2 00 Smoked Pearl Buttons, with shanks 20c. to 1 75 Clouded Pearl Buttons, with shanks 25c. to 1 50 Abalone Shell Buttons, with shanks 25c. to 1 75 Fancy Carved Pearl Buttons, with shanks 40c. to 2 50 Dress Buttons. Per Dozen « 25 30c. to 2 00 rom 10c. to 25 rem 15c. to 1 00 rom 30c. to 75 rom 10c. to 50 rom 45c. to 1 50 rom 40c. to 1 00 rom 40c. to 75 rom lOe. to 05 rom 35c. to 2 50 rom 15c. to 50 rom 75c. to 2 50 rom 20c. to 1 50 rom 10c. to 1 00 rom 40c. to 1 50 Silk Crochet Dress Buttons, all shad. Silk Crochet Cloak Buttons Silk Velvet Dress Buttons Fine Jet Dress Buttons Fine Cut Jet Dress Buttons Fine Cut Jet Ball Buttons Fine cut Jet Cloak Buttons Fine Cut Jet and Crochet Buttons . . Fine Cut Jet Ornamental Buttons . . A fine line of Mourning Buttons .... Fancy Steel Dress Buttons Plain Steel Dress Buttons Fancy Steel Cloak Buttons Fancy Metal Cloak Buttons Fancy Metal Dress Buttons Fancy Pearl and Steel Buttons Fancy Cat's Eye Pearl Buttons Fancy Abalone Shell Buttons Fancy Gilt Buttons Fancy Nickel Buttons Plain Nickel Solid Buttons Plain Gilt Solid Buttons Silk Tailor Made Dress Buttons .... Vegetable Ivory Buttons, all colors, flat and convex shapes, from smallest to largest from 5c. to Black Horn Buttons, in all sizes, with holes to sew through, also with eyes or shank, suitable for ladies' or children's dresses, gents' coats and vests from 5c. to Linen and Lace Buttons, from the very tiniest upwards. Metal Pants Buttons, all sizes. Bone Pants Buttons, all sizes. Shoe Buttons, all sizes. Glove Buttons, all sizes. China Agate Buttons, all sizes. China Rice buttons, all sizes. Pearl Collar Buttons, all sizes. Bone Collar Buttons, all sizes. Pearl Pillow Case Buttons, all sizes. Flat Linen Buttons, all sizes. Round Linen Buttons, all sizes. Linen Lace Buttons, all sizes. Lasting Buttons, all sizes. 25 rom 25o. to 1 00 rom 15c. to 25 rom 15c. to 25 rom 10c. to 25 rom 10c. to 25 4 dozen for 25 THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN BEADED DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOTION DEPARTMENT. Pins. Wallace Eagle Pius, best domestic make: No Papers English Pi; No Paper . BB, F31/, SC, AB. 5c. 5c. 5c. Ojc. s, Kirby, Beard & Co. ..BB, F3^, F3y„ SC, MC, TC, extra size. .10c. 12%c. 12J^c. 15c. 20c. 35c. Kirby, Beard & Co. Mourning Pins, 15c. per box, or 2 for 25c. Turuey's Book Pins, 15c. paper, or 2 for 25c. Superfine Glass Head Pins, 5c. per box, or 6 for 25c. Superfine Glass Head Pins, large boxes, 10c. per box. No. 2, Minerva Safety Pins, 3 doz. 10c. No. 3, Minerva Safety Pins, 5e. per box. No. 2, Miles' Nickel Safety Pins, 5o. per doz. No. 3, Miles' Nickel Safety Pins, 5c. per doz. No. 2, Stewart's Nickel Safety Pins, 10c. per doz., 4 for 25c. No. 3, Stewart's Nickel Safety Pins, 10c per doz., 3 for 25c. No. 2, Stewart's Silvered Safety Pins, 10c. per doz., 60c. gross. No. 3, Stewart's Silvered Safety Pins, 10c. per doz., 3 for 25c. 90c. per gross. Small Cubes, assorted black headed Pins, 10c. Small Cubes, assorted colored headed Pins, 10c. ■ Large Cubes, assorted black headed Pins, 20c. Blanket Pins nickel plated, 5e. each, 3 for 10c. , 35c. per doz. Also complete lines of Lace Pins with gilt, nickel and pearl heads; Shawl Pins with round and cut jet heads; Bonnet Pins in all lengths; Bouquet Pins all sizes. Hair Pins. No. 100. Kirby, Beard & Co., large boxes in heavy and in- visible, 15c. per box, or 2 for 25c. No. 50. Kirby, Beard & Co., small boxes 10c. , or 3 for 2oc. Flexor Hair Pins, 2 papers 15c. Rubber Hair Pins, 3 boxes 50c. Kirby, Beard & Co.'s in papers, all sizes, 5c., G for 25c. Invisible Hair Pins in papers, 3 papers 5c., 20c. per doz. Heavy gilt Hair Pins, 10c. per paper, 3 for 25c. No. 803. Real Tortoise Shell Hair Pin. $1.25. Tortoise Shell Hair Pius (real), from 2% to 5 inches long, from 10c. to $1 00 apiece. Tortoise Shell Hair and Hat Pins (real;, extra length, carved and plain, from $1.00 to $4.50 apiece. .\mber color Shell (real) Hair Pius, plain and carved, in different lengths, from 75c. to S4.50 a piece. No. 740. Kid Hair Crimpers. Prima Donna, 1st quality, 20c. per doz.. or 3 doz. for 50c. Kid Covered, 10c. , 12}^c. and 20c. per doz. Kid, extra long, 20c. per doz. Common Sense, 5c. doz., or 3 doz. for 10c. Common Sense, large, 5c. per doz. x^^^^g^ No. 520. Prima Donna. 15c. per doz. Hair Nets. Double and Single Front Hair Nets, 5c. each or 40c. doz. Double Cap Nets, 5c. each or 50c. doz. Double Cap Nets, extra large, 10c. each, 3 for 25c., 90c. doz. Cap Nets, hand made, extra large, 15c., 2 for 25c. Sewing Silk Nets for back hair, 10c. each, 3 for 2oc. Sewing Silk Nets, second quality, 10c. each or 4 for 25c. Sewing Silk Nets, hand made, 25c. each. Mohair Nets, 5c. each, 40c. doz. Needles (Sewing;). Milward's and Warren's, 5c. per paper. Robert's (gold eye), 5c. per paper. Schleicher's (gold ej-e), 15c. -per case. Milward's, in patent case, 20c., 50c., 65e. and $1.25 per case, according to quantity and variety. Dress Shields. No. Per Pair 1 Seamless Stockinet 10c. 2 Seamless Stockinet 12ic. 3 Seamless Stockinet 15c. 4 Seamless Stockinet 20o. 1 Seamless Stockinet, 1st quality 15c. 2 Seamless Stockinet, 1st quality 20c. 3 Seamless Stockinet, 1st quality 25c. 2 Nainsook, rubber lined 3 for 50o. 20c. 3 Nainsook, rubber lined 20c. 4 Nainsook, rubber lined 25c. 2 Nainsook, feather weight 15c. 3 Nainsook, feather weight 3 for 50c. 20c. 2 Silk, feather weight 25c. 3 Silk, feather weight 30c. 2 Silk, rubber lined 25c. 3 Silk, rubber lined 25o. 2 Japanese Silk, rubber lined 35c. 3 Japanese Silk, rubber lined 40c, X Extra large size, rubber lined 25c. XXX Extra large size, rubber lined 3 for $1.00, 35c. Sibley's Chamois 40c. A Price List per dozen of the above Dress Shields ou appli- cation. Whalebone Casing. All colors, 10c. per roll. All colors, silk lined, 20c. per roll. All colors. Taffeta Delain, 2')e. per roll. All colors. Serge Delain, 30c. per roll. All colors, supra silk, 35c. per roll. All colors, silk tubular, 45c. per roll. Sphinx Yarns the Best in the World. Every Skein bears the Sphinx Brand— none Genuine Without. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOTIONS. Waist Beltings. Glace Belting, white, black and grey . . . . Belting, fancy silk striped Serge Belting, white, black and scarlet. Per Yd I 25 50 for 25c . lOo. 65 10c. 80 Striped Silk Belting 2 for 25c., 12i-^c. 1 03 Ked Silk Belting 20c. 1 GO Watered Silk Belting 15c. 130 Tinsel Striped Belting 15c. 130 Whale Bones. Per Doz 36 inches long, 20c. piece, 3 for 50c $1 75 36 inches long, heavier, 20c. piece 2 00 36 inches long, extra heavy, 25c. piece 2 50 Horn Bones. Horn Bones are used extensively by first-class dressmakers, and give entire satisfaction. The Horn Boues are highly polished and will not warp or split. Per Doz French Horn Bones, 7 inches, 3 for 25c 10c. French Horn Bones, 8 inches 10c. French Horn Bones, 9 inches, 2 for 25c 15e. French Horn Bones, 10 inches, 2 for 25c 15c. French Horn Bones, 11 inches 15c. French Horn Bones, 12 inches 20c. Dress Steels. Black and white, from 8 to 13 inches long, 10c. per doz., or i doz. for 25c. Black, white and slate, from 8 to 12 inches, in casing reaHy to sew on, 10c. per doz., 3 doz. for 25c. Ypsilanti Dress Steels, all colors, 20c. per doz. Dress Protectors. An article made of plaited rubber band, used as protector for bottom of Ladies' skirts. Price, 20c., 25c. and 30c. each. Dress Linings. Silesia, all colors 12Jc. English Silesia, all colors 15c. English Silesia, all colors 20c. English Silesia, best quality 25c, Fancy Silesia, plain backs 15c. and 20c. Fancy Silesia, black backs. , . 15e , 20c. and 25c. Drilling, all colors 10c. Sateen, all colors 25c. and 30c. Percelines, all colors 15c. Wigan, all colors 3 yards for 25c. Cambric, soft finished and glazed, all colors 5c. Buckram, black and white 15c. Canvas, black and tan colors from 10c. to 25e. Hair Cloth from 25c to 30c. Farmer Satin, all colors from 25c. to 50c. Linen, white, black and slnte from 15c to 30c, Crinoline, 1 yard wide, white, slate and black. . . .(j% to 12ic. Checked Crinoline, 1 yard wide, white, slate and black, 10c. to 15c. Elastic. All colors and widths in hair-striped and fancy checked, suitable for Ladies' and Children's garters. We import a most superior article in that particular line and can recommend it very highly to oar trade. Black and White Cotton Elastic Braid. Per Y:iril ^8 inch wide . . 5c, % inch wide 5c, % inch wide 5c J4 inch wide 5c Yg inch wide 3 for 25c 10c, 1 inch wide 3 for 25c. lOe, Colored Cotton Elastic Braid, all colors from 5e, French Twilled Elastic Braid. Black and white. ^ inch wide'. 4 yards 25o. 53 inch wide 4 yards 25c. 'i inch wide 10c. 3 yards 25c. % inch wide 10c. yard. 1 inch wide 12>ic. yard. Silk Garter Elastic. Plain Colors, first Quality, Satin Finish or Fine Ribbed. % inch wide 25c. per yard % inch wide 30c. per yard 1 inch wide 35c. per yard Fancy Silk Garter Elastic. % inch wide, according to quality, from 30c. to 50e. per yard 1 inch wide, according to quality, from 35c. to 65c. per yard Silk Elastic Braid and Cord suitable for Ladies' and Child- ren's hats and other purposes, from 5c. to 12;/$c. per yard ; from 40c to $1 25 per dozen yards. Cash's Initial Letters. ^. B. C. U. Cash's Initials are woven initial letters, used extensively for marking underclothing, shirts, garments, household linen, etc , and are warranted fast colors. Boxes containing 144 initials, 15c. per box; extra quality, 25c. per box. Cash's Woven Numbers, 1 to 12, box containing 144 num- bers, 20c. per box. Cash's Frilling, for trimming night dresses, etc., 10c. per yard, 3 for 25c., 70c. dozen yards. SEE PAGES 121 AND 122 FOR THE LATEST IN NOVELTY BRAIDS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOTIONS. 1 45 20 7 Hose Supporters. Per Pair Warren's Ladies' Hose Supporters with belts $ 20 Warren's Ladies' Hose Supporters 15 Warren's Misses' Hose Supporters 12^ Warren's Children's Hose Supporters 3 for 25e. 10 Lindsay's Ladies' Hose Supporters with belts 25 Lindsay's Ladies' Hose Supporters 15 Lindsay's Misses' Hose Supporters 2 for. 25c. 15 Lindsay's Children's Hose Supporters 3 for 25c. 10 Kern's Ladies' Hose Supporters, sateen belts, in white, black, cardinal and slate . 50 Ladies' Satin Hose Supporters with belts, all colors 50 75 Ladies' Satin Hose Supporters, hand made, all colors. . 1 50 Ladies' Surah Silk Hose Supporters, extra finish, all colors 1 75 Misses' and Children's Silk and Satin Hose Supporters 35c. to 75 Hose Supporters with Shoulder Braces. Warren's, for Ladies 25o. Warren's, for Misses 25c. Warren's, for Children 20c. Lindsay's, for Ladies 30c. Lindsay's, for Misses 25c. Lindsay's, for Children ...20c. Kern's, for Ladies 60c. Kern's, for Misses 5()c. Kern's, for Children 40c. Ladies' Garment Suspenders 2 for 25c., 15c. Ventilated Spiral Garters, all sizes 15c. Ladies' French Garters, with fancy clasps, embroidered, from 75c. to $2. .50. A complete assortment of Fancy Garter Clasps in steel, gilt, oxydized silver and pearl. Small Iteuis. Tape Measures made of cotton, linen and sateen, from to 25c. each. Spring Tape Measures, from 25c. to 40c. Thimbles — brass, steel, celluloid and rubber, 5e., 10c. , and 15c. each. Thimbles — silver, from 20c. to 40c. Tatting Shuttles, all sizes, from 10c. to 15c. Linen Corset Laces, 3 yards long, 3 for lOc, 35c doz. Linen Corset Laces, 4 yards long, G for 25c., 40c. doz. Linen Corset Laees, 4 yards long, extra heavy, 3 for 25c., 75c. doz. Linen Corset Laces, 5 yards long, 3 for 25o , 75c. doz. Silk Corset Laces, 4 yards long, all colors, 25c. each. Silk Corset Laces, 5 yards long, all colors, 35c. each. Silk Corset Laces, 5 yards long, all colors, extra heavy, 40c. each. Silk Dress Laces, 2% yards long, all colors, 3 for 25c., lOe. each. Black Silk Watch Guards, 15c., 20c., 25c. and 35c. each. Black Silk Eye Glass cord, 5c. yard. Eye Glass Holders, 10c. each. Emery, strawberry shape, 10c. , 15c. and 25c. each. Emery Chamois Bag, 15c., 2 for 25c. Emery, tomato shape, 20c. and 25c. Beeswax, white, 5c. cake. Curling Irons, 12%c., 15c. and 20c. each. Dress Weights, 10c. per dozen. Button Hooks, rosewood handles, 10c. and 15c. each. Fancy Button Hooks, 15c. and 25c. each. Shoe Button Fasteners, 10c. per box. Crochet Kings, Bonnet Pins, Button Rings, Bonnet Wire, Bodkins, Tracing Wheels, Cotton Batting, Suutlries. Stocking Darners, Button Molds, Satin Wire, Stilettoes, Sleeve Holders, French Wadding, Sheet Wadding, Curtain Rings, Ribbon Wire, NuQ's Thread, Cable Cord, Glove Hooks, Wool Wadding. Ladies' Celluloid Collars and Cuffs in all Sizes. Collars 20 cents each. Cuffs 40 cents a pair. [20 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOTIONS. Emery, Tomato shape, '2Uc. and '25c. each. Chamois, 15b., 2 for 25e. Satin Covered, 25c. each. CELLULOID. ICc. REAL TORTOISE SHELL. From $2.25 to $3.50. India Rubber Dressing Combs, 10c. , 15c , 25e., 35c. and 50c. each. Imitation Shell Dressing Combs, 10c. , 15c. and 25c. each. French Horn Dressing Combs, 20c., 25c and 35c. each. Real Shell Dressing Combs, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.50 each. Real Shell Side Combs, 50c., 75c., ^$1.00, $1 50 and .$2.00 per pair. Real Shell Back Combs, $1.75, $2..50, $3.00 and $5.00 per pair. Real Tortoise Shell Fine Combs, $1 00, $1.25 and $2.00 each. Hair Brushes. Emery, Strawberry shape, 10c. , 15c. and 25c. each. REAL TORTOISE SHELL. From $1 A large variety of impoited and domebtit Hair Brnahes in the following styles and prices: Plain handle Hair Brushes 25c. and .$ 35 Plain Handle Hair Brushes, extra quality 50c. and 75 Large size Hair Brushes 75c , $l.rO and 1 25 Extra Quality Bristle Hair Brushes, solid hard wood backs $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and 1 75 Tooth Brushes. White Handle Tooth Brushes lOc, 15c. and 20c. each. White Handle Tooth Brushes, extra quality, 25c., 30c. and 35c. each. GILT AND SILVER TRIMMINGS FOR THEATRICAL AND SOCIETY PURPOSES A SPECIALTY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. 121 NOVELTY BRAID. We have constantly in stock a most complete line of thf se goods, which are so much used to work into edges and iusertings, also for yokes and infants' robes, and many more useful articles. Our line comprises the following colors: White, cream, beige, scarlet and black, and we also have several widths of each pattern. We are continually in receipt of new designs in these braids, and if any should be wanted that are not represented in our cuts please send sample, and we have no doubt but we can fill the order from our stock. rt^?^i»t*t:HHa'^j*'^§5-ia ■i[:T-'T"!"-—'-"T."r'"»^iw'^ ^^!SMM3E!!SM!!S?^!!^M k.«r.:-ii*^^^|| mi^ssmsmmmm&f ^mwmmmA^M* .\rticle i.joO, iso. 1. BF ; -_j. w. . ^'M Muttni^imui.^iy Pieces containing 18 yds 30c. Article 2127. No. 2. Article 484. 35c. per bunch of 12 yards. 30c. per bunch containing 12 yards ^^^^^ ■*i*^^i/imKBmmr^^f^'Sm ^^^^^^^^^^^m^ ^iii0"'!WKli^''VM!ffSfmm Article 1550. No. 2. ^^^^iS^^^^^^ plp!!?'"''*'!^!! Pieces containing 18 yds 30c. Article 1662. No. 2. , , „„ , -'---- 2 pieces 25c. $1.35 per box containing $1.00 per box containing 36 yards. gg , Article 1550. No. 3. ^J^WWwSSwWWWWWiS ^^P^!J1 .,-;.,™,,„ Pieces containing 18 yds 30c. !Mi«StlWJM?f« 5^«^iil«^:«^ 50c. bunch of 12 yards. No. 4S5. 40c. per bunch containing 12 ya A-o'e 1,550. No. 1. ^^^^^^ illjflttfcl^''^^^^ containing 18 yds 30c. vMMSHMOTIiPI! H^^^^^^Mc^^^S ■|^^^^i|^;^v^ , Article 583. No. "5. No. 4. 30c. per bunch of 12 yards. No. 5. 35c. per bunch of 12 yards. Article 1145. No. 00 TIKBULA. Article 9. Pieces containing 18 yds 30c. ^''■■- ^'' ^''""'^ containing 12 yards. «„ Article 504. Article 1145. No. 1. TIRBULA. Article 1145. No. 3. TIKBULA. 35c. 3 for $1.00, bunches containing 12 Pieces containing 18 yds 35c. Pieces containing 18 yds 35c. yards. OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO HAVE THE BEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOVELTY BRAID. Article 1183. $1..50 per box containing 3G yanls. „„y...»,.L..^,.,.,^,j,.,.wm....>.WJJJ. I tJ.l.y.l. l Miaaaa Article U. COc. per bunch containing 12 yards Article ;». No. 3, 40c. per bunch containing 12 yards. | w.tuj.u,m.w,k,>u,U.,.ij,W,^>,.i;.W.«.^tWji 30c. per bunch containing 12 yards. Jl^g^ mMMMjMMIMMi Article 510. 35c. 3 for $1.00, bunches containing 12 yards. g.J. I J. l , l .|. W , | .M,i,W,l l .»,|. l , I .H.mJ,H,i.^ I'l'Wl'ffll'lI'l'l'l for $1.00, bunches containing 12 yards. Article 22. 75c. per bunch containing 12 yards. Ill-"M" ArlK-li- ;;, Xo. 2. 25c. per bunch containing 12 yards. Article 216. No. 1. 30c. per bunch containing 12 yards. iWirii-fc imfi I — ———-——»-»"-—< Article 216. No. 2. 35e. per bunch containing 12 yards. Article 898. per bunch containing 12 yards. laiiiliH Article 1502. 40c. per bunch containing 12 yards. Article 1700. 85c. per box containing 24 yards. WE ARE IN CONSTANT RECEIPT OF THE LATEST STYLES OF LINEN COLLARS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. BRAID. t'OTTUM »$i:RFEXrixe. first Quality. 18 Tard Pieces. Ni,, Pleeo 13. 2 for 15c.. ..10c. 21. 2 for 25c.. .15c. 25. 2 for 25c ... . 15c. ^.M'^~ 33 3 for 50c 20c. i,i>a,> stKi'i > SCARLET t'OTTO.X SERPESfTI SE. 13 Tnrd Pieces. No. 13. lOo. piece, 3 for 25c. NO. 21. 10c. piece, 3 for 25c. No. 17. 10c. piece, 3 for 25o. No. 25. 10c. piece. No. 29. 15c. piece, 2 for 25c. CORONATION BRAID. No 1. 15c. piece, 2 for 25c. No. 2. 15c. a piece. No. 3. 20c. piece, 2 for 35c. No. i. 20c. piece. No. 5. 25o. piece. I.OOP SERPENTINI Yard Ple.;e». 3. lOo. piece, 3 for 25c. 17. 15c. piece, 2 for 25c. 21. 15c. piece. 25. 20c. piece, 3 for 50e. 29. 20c. piece, 3 for 50c 1 . 25c. pie 25c. piece. 30c. piece. Extra quality. FEATHER EnnE BIC.IID. 12 Yard Pieces. No. 0. 2 pieces 15c. No. 1. 2 pieces 15c. No. 2. 2 pieces 15c. No. 3. 3 pieces 25c. No. 4. 3 pieces 25c. No 5. 10c. piece. No. B. 15c. piece. SCARLET FEATHER EDUE BRAID. 18 Yard Pieces. No. 0. 10c. piece. No. 2. 12%c. piece. No. 1. liy^c. piece. No. 3. 15c. piece. No. 4. 15c. piece. SCARLET FEATHER EDOE BRAID. 48 Yards in Bo.x. No. 1. 25c. per box. No. 2. 30c. per box. No. 3. 35c. per box. LINEN FEATHEREOGE BRAID. 48 Yards III Box. No. 3. f 1.00 per box. No. 4. $1.25 per box. THE N. & L. CORSETS ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER IN THE MARKET. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOTIONS. White Cotton Star Braid. 36 yard pieces. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Perdoz 15c. 15c. 15c. 20c. 25c. 35c. White Linen Star Braid. 48 yard pieces. No 2 3 4 5 Per piece 3 for 25c. 10c. 10c. 12Kc. Perdoz 75c. 85c. $1.00 $1.15 Silk Star Braid. In every shade, suitable for embroidery and other fancy work. 10c. piece., $1.20 per dozen. Black and "White No. 2.— 10c. piece, $1.05 per dozen. Black and White No. 3.— 10c. piece, $1.20 per doz. Black and White No. 4.— 15c. piece, 2 for 25o., $1.35 doz. Black and White No. 5.— 15c. piece, $1 50 per dozen. Black and White No. 6.— 15e. piece, $1.75 per dozen Mohair Star Braid, suitable for embroidery, braiding and trimming Colors— black, white, cardinal, scarlet, garnet, old gold, cream, brown, tan and drabs; all colors in two widths. No. 2 45c. per dozen pieces. No. 3 50c. per dozen pieces. Black »lohair Soutache Braid. Silk Finish. 24 yard pieces. No. 2.— 40c. per piece. No. 5. — 60c. per piece. No. 7.— 85c. per piece. No. 8.— $1.00 per piece. No. 9. — $1.15 per piece. No. 6. — In all colors, 75c. per piece. Mohair Soutache Braid, for braiding. Colors— black, white, navy, seal, bottle, old gold, garnet, cardinal, tan and drab. 60c. per piece, containing 3 dozen yards. Mohair Trimming Braids. Our line of pure Mohair Braids is most complete in every particular, comprising the following colors: Black, brown, navy, garnet, bottle, tan and white; from y^ to i inches wide, 5e. to 25c. per yard. Two-toned Mohair Braids, narrow and broad, to Match in all the newest combinations, to suit the latest dress goods. Mohair Trimming Braids, open-worked, in various colors and combinations. Hercules Trimming Braids. Black, white, brown, cardinal, garnet, navy, bottle, grey mixed and many other shades, in widths from ^ to 3 inches, from 25e to $1.75 per dozen yards. Colored Silk Braid. For Trimming and Binding Purposes. Our variety of colors and shades is most extensive. We are thus prepared to match our braids to almost any piece of dress goods, no matter if they are the very latest shades or other- wise. 75c. per dozen yards, or $1.25 per piece of 22 yards. Black Alpaca Braid. 36 Yard Pieces. No 73 77 81 85 89 Per Piece.. 50c. OOo. 60c. 65c. 70c. Colored Alpaca Braid (Goff's.) Black and all possible shades, 5c. per piece. Black Silk Sontache Braid. No. 6.— 20c. per piece, 3 for 50c., $1.85 per box of 48 yards No. 12. — 30c. per piece, $3.30 per box of 48 yards. No. 6.— Colored, 20c. per piece, $2.25 per box of 48 yards. No. 12.— Colored, 35c. per piece, $3.75 per box of 48 yards. No. 8. — Cream, 25c. per piece, $2.65 per box of 48 yards. No. 10.— Cream, 30c. per piece, $3.25 per box of 48 yards. Gold and Silver Soutache Braid. Gold and Silver Soutache Braid, 35e. per piece, containing 12 yards. Gold and Silver Soutache Braid, extra quality, 50o. per piece containing 12 yards. Gold and Silver Soutache Braid, plated, from 65c. to $1 20 per piece, containing 12 yards, according to width. Copper, Steel and Cashmere Soutache Braids, 35c. per piece, containing 12 yards. We can justly claim for our establishment that we carry the best, largest and most carefully selected stock of Braids im- ported to this coast. Every color and shade, every width and quality, in short everything that is called Braid can be found in our house. Black Silk Trimming Braid. No. 6. — 10c. per yard, 3 for 25c., 90c. per dozen yards. No. 8. — 15c. per yard, 2 for 25c , $1.25 per dozen yards. No. 10. — 15c. per yard, $1.40 per dozen yards. No 12 —20c. per yard, 3 for 50c., $1.75 per dozen yards. No. 16. — 20c. per yard, $2.20 per dozen yards. No. 20.— 25c per yard, $2.75 per dozen yards. WE WILL MAIL THIS CATALOGUE FREE TO THE ADDRESS OF ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. NOTIONS. No. White a Tapes. ■JD Black Cotton Tapk. Per Pioce . .3 for 5c ...3 for 5c .. .3 for 5c 2 for 5c Per Dozen . . . 2O0. •1 6 ... . 20c. 2O0. . 25e. 10 12 U 16 .... .. .2 for 5c .. .2 for 5c .. .2 for 5c .. .3 for 10c 25c. 30c. 30c. 35c. 20 3 for 10c .40c. 22 24 5c 5e 50c. 55c. Eiigli-sli Koll Tape. Per Piece Per Doze n ' nch 4 for 10c 30o. y^ M nch . . /S for lOe 5c . 40c. .50c. neh . ..5e ...4 for 25c .. 3 for 25c inen Tapes. Superfine. Per Piece 3 for 10c 55c. 1 No. nch L 60c. 75c. Per Dozen 1 30 35 1> 2 4 6 8 10 11. 13. 15. 17 19. 21. 23 ?,5 .. 3 for 10c ... 5c . . 40 5o 45 .5c 4 for 25c 55 60 ... .10c 2 for 25c 95 1 25 1 35 Li nen Bobbin. Per Bunell .. 3 for 25c ..3 for 2.5c 10c. lOc. )0c. . 2 for 25c 15c ..2 for 2.5c 15c. Flannel Binding. No y^ % V„ ?4 ". lin. Per piece of 10 yards. . .25c. 30c. 35c. 45c. 55c. 6Uc. Herring- Bone Trimming. Used extensively for facing seams on washable garments, particularly for children's wear. Plain white, and white with colored effects, pieces cuntainiug 12 yards. f'P rp f^UUIBJ^Illi No. 952. 35c. per piece. J No. 1889. 20c. per piece, 3 for 50c. r^^^£^^ ISO. '.i.;i. ii)C. per piece. The above cuts are to give a general idea of the style. Im- possible to give cuts of all patterns. Samples sent free on application. • The Celebrated Kobert.s' Steel Scissors. Onr assortment embraces every style and size from 2J^ inches to 14 inches in length, or from finest and smallest embroidery scissors to the heaviest and largest cutting shears: Button Hole Scissors, all sizes $ 50 to |1 00 Nail Scissors, all sizes SO to 1 35 Embroidery Scissors, all sizes 40 to 1 00 Pocket Scissors, all sizes 65 to 1 35 Scissors for all uses 25 to 125 Scissors for dressmakers 65 to 1 25 Scissors tor cutters 1 GO to 1 75 SOCIETY BANNERS AND FLAGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. 126 NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F SCISSORS. No. 24. fl.OO GLOVES FOR PARTY AND THEATER WEAR A SPECIALTY. NEWMAN & LEVINSON, 125 to 131 KEARNY ST., and 209 SUTTER ST., S. F. BRAIDS. PRICE LIST OF POINT LACE BRAIDS. Price Price Price No. per piece per piece per piece 6 yards. 12 yards. 36 yards. l.i.5 S .20 .$.35 11.00 l.ioA .20 .35 1.00 420 .20 .45 1.25 169 .2.5 .50 1.25 290 .20 .40 1.00 212 .20 .40 1.00 > .sss .20 .40 1,10 - 219 .33 .65 1,50 300 .20 .40 1.00 .S19 .20 .40 1.00 2S7 .,50 1.25 116 . l.T .25 .65 282 .25 .50 1.50 371 .30 .53 1.50 334 .40 .75 2.10 Price Price Price No, per piece per piece per piece 6 yards. 12 yards. .36 yards. 416 $ ,75 $1,50 $ 4.00 263 ,40 .75 2.25 644 ,40 .75 2.10 128 ,15 .25 .65 110 ,15 .25 .65 111 ,15 .25 .65 414 ,40 ,75 2,00 406 .40 ,75 2,00 304 ,20 .40 1,00 505 ,20 .35 1,00 368 ,40 .75 2.25 320 ,40 .73 2,25 299 .40 .75 2,25 384 .40 .75 2,25 318 .40 .75 2,25 Price Price Price per piece per piece per piece 6 yards. 12 yards. 36 yards. 1 ,40 1 .75 $2.15 ,35 .65 1.90 .25 .50 .30 ..SO .30 .30 1.25 BLA CK. .15 .25 .65 .40 .75 2.00 .50 1.00 2.50 .30 .60 1.50 .65 1.25 3.50 .25 .50 1.25 .75 1.50 4.00 Po!/!f Lace Patterns compiising Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs, Chemisettes, Edgings, etc., Price, i^c. to joc. per pattern. SAMPLES OF POINT LACE BRAIDS SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. LIBRftRV OF CONGRESS imii. n 014 083 595 fl«