'z b PS 635 .Z9 B7 Copy 1 — { Crowning of the May Queen A MAY DAY PAGEANT For Boys and Girls PRODUCED AND WRITTEN BY OLIVE P. BOND Assisted in Part by Florence Bremer Price 35 Cents EDGAR S. WERNER & CO. 11 East 14th Street, New York Copyright, 1922, by M. S. T. Werner ©C/.D TMP92-008676 5984 2 FEB -4 1922 jCrowning of the May Queen ^^(o Olive P. Bond .1 ct>^ Copyright, 1922, l>y M. S. T. Werner CAST OF CHARACTERS Spirit of Spring Two Roses Herald Two Daisies Rainbow Two Tulips Jack Frost Two Violets Sunbeam (crown bearer) Grasshopper May Queen Bumblebee Flower Girl Bluebird Four Fairies Goldfinch (attendants to the Queen) Owl Four Butterflies Cabbage Grassblade Onion Leafbud Radish (Other birds, vegetables or characters may be substituted) COSTUMES spirit of spring. Pale green djess, with flowing drapery of cream tulle. Full- ness of flowing sleeves is caught on shoulders with bunch of tiny paper flowers. Small clusters are also tucked in Tufifle of full skirt. Hat has band covered with pale green paper with rolled edge. Bunches of flowers ornament hat. Wand is covered with green paper. Wired butterflies and birds cut from Dennison*s crepe paper are tied to wand with bow of gauze ribbon. HERALD. Page's suit of pale green and lavender. Small hat of same, with feather made of material, wired. He has gold paper covered bugle. JACK FROST. A white flannelette sleeping suit. Ballet slippers covered with same. A ruffle of icicles cut from white crepe paper and covered with mica snow_ is gathered about waist, collar and wrist. Hat is made of same. Horn, like Herald's, with silver covering. RAINBOW. Crepe paper dress made of ruffles of hues of rainbow. Crepe paper hat as well as small wired rainbow wand. SUNBEAM. Dress of white tarlatan. Over drapery of orange cambric cut into points in skirt and sleeves, sprinkled with gold powder. Pointed hat of orange paper sprinkled with gold. MAY QUEEN. Crown of gold, trimmed with star and flowers. Dress of white tarlatan. Long train of violet tarlatan, bordered with gold paper, is fastened on shoulders with hooks, so that it may be removed by fairies, when May Queen dances. Pillow, on which crown is carried, is white, with gold cord of crepe paper. FLOWED GIRL. Short dress of pale green tarlatan trimmed with apple-blossoms cut from Dennison's crepe paper. Flower shaped hat of green is similarly trimmed. FAIRIES. Dresses of white tarlatan, very short and full, trimmed with silver stars. iShort sleeves, with flowing sleeves of tulle fastened on shoulders. A loop at lower edge of tulle is slipped through little finger. Silver band with star in hair, BUTT'ERFLIES. Black Annette Kellerman swimming suits trimmed with bright spots of crepe paper. Wings are cut size and shape from cardboard. Cut away inside, leaving frame work an inch wide, over which crepe paper is gathered and ^ pasted. Large spots and circles in naturalistic effect are then painted, on with water colors. Covered wire, curled like antennae, is fastened under paper disc in front of band for head. Spots are also pasted on black stockings. GRASSBLADE. Dress of white tarlatan, over which green crepe paper, cut into points like blades of grass is sewn. Blades of grass are pasted to band for hat. A few tiny blue flowers of paper add to effect." BUMBLEBEE. Suit like butterflies, with rows of fringe, cut from yellow paper, 4 CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN in place of spots. White transparent wings on which are drawn veins and line* of wings. LEAFBUD. Dress of green, with small hat. ROSE. Two pink costumes made from crepe paper, cut like petals of rose. Wired petals form hat which fits close to head. DAISY. White petals, wired, form skirt^and short sleeves. Short waist of orange. Small daisies tied to tulle ribbon arid fastened on right shoulder to costume. Crowi. of hat is orange, while turned up wire petals form brim. VIOLET. Same as Daisy, with purple violet petals. Green leaves form waist, top of hat. and sleeves. TUI-IP. Yellow petals, unwired, form skirt. Rest of costume and hat is similar to violet. GRASSHOPPER. Tight suit of green cambric. Hat, wings, feelers, crest, and. legs of green crepe paper. Wings and eyes on hat are sprinkled with irridescent powder. Black lines on front of body are made with ink. Green stockings are worn. Tlie other costumes may be made from crepe paper, over a foundation. Illustrations and description for making will be furnished by the Dennison Manufacturing Company. MUSIC AND DANCES REQUIRED A Victrola hidden behind a palm or screen at one side oi stage will be found sufficient for play. A list of names and numbers of records used in reproduction of play is given. Other dances may be substituted. A description of folk dances used will be found in *'Folk Dances and Singing Games." by E. Burchenal, price $2. All are Victor records, with exception of the two in which numbers are omitted. They are Columbia records. Nightirgale Stephanie Gavotte Rhythm Theme for Skipping No. 3 Rhythm.-. Horses or Reindeer Running No. 2 18253 Rhythm Motive for Skipping No. 1 Dancing Leaves Whistler and His Dog 17380 Fairies Dance Butterfly Dance 17845 Gypsy Rose Globe Trot 17980 Dance of the Flowers La Czarine Jig Irish Jig 17002 Violets Dance Kinderpolka 17327 Flower Girl and May Queen Chimes of Dunkirk Varsuvianna Dorothy Gavotte 35532 Blossom Day Sons: Thrush Grasshopper Song The Whistlers 17396 Crowning of the May Queen Valse June 17595 Bumblebee Song Melody in F 60051 May Pole Dance Bluff King Hal 17087 SCENE PLOT X May-pole : X X Flower Girl Fairies X Sunbeam Butterflies X X ^ ^ Throne Rainbow X X Bumblebee Flowers X Vegetables X Herald X X ►irds Jack Frost CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEENi 9 PRODUCllON. Any lawn or meadow is a suitable site for the play, preferably an open space with a background of trees or shrubbery. Tall palms or plants may be substituted,. A wire screen interlaced with vines and branches makes a good back ground. A color note may be added by trimming a few large branches of a bare tree with crepe paper to simulate a dogwood or apple tree. Children sit on small boxes, or foot stools, covered with a gray crepe or rock paper, arranged in a large semi-circle. The throne, a pair of steps, covered with green, is placed in centre of stage. Children form in procession, or in groups, and march to places on stage to any suitable march played on Victrola. When all have reached places, music is stopped and all sit. OHI>ER OF PROCESSION. Flower Girl with basket of flowers on her arm, scattering them as she advances. Next comes Spirit of Spring, followed by saucy jack Frost blowing his trumpet. Rainbow comes in just ahead of Sunbeam, who carries Queen's crown. (Cushion with crown is placed on small tabourette near Sunbeam, until crowning of Queen.) Herald ushers in May Queen, who is attended by Fairies and Butterflies. Fairies carry long train and arrange it when Queen ascends throne. Flowers are followed by Bumblebee, Birds, and Vegetables. Vege- tables are used as part of stage setting, though small parts might be assigned them. Children are arranged on stage as indicated in diagram and as their turn comes to do their part they^ come forward to centre of stage and return again to their places when finished. Little children thus need no prompting. The starting of Victrola, excepting in a few instances, gives them their cue. TIME. About one hour, — CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN Scene. A glade in Queen's meadow. Time. May evening. (As children are seated, Spirit of Spring steps forward to stage centre, raising wand, which she carries tnroughout play.) Spirit of Spring. Lo, I am the sweet breath of Spring, [Moving tozvard flowers and toiiching them with wand,] I kiss all the dear sleeping flowers, A soft little song do I sing In the hush of the fresh morning hours. And out of the pleasant warm air [Moving ivand over all children seated on stage.] Come all of my children, so dear To welcome the sweet May Queen fair, Gaily dancing on woodland and mere. [Spirit of Spring dances — ''The Nightingale.'' As she ends zvith a deep courtesy, Jack Frost enters with flute merrily running up to Spirit of Spring, making low bow. When Spirit of Spring sees him she draws back in alarm.] My dear Jack Frost, you must now hie away. You make us so cold with your song. Know you not. Merry Lad, 'Tis the sweet month of May? You've tarried already, too long. [She calls Sunbeam.] Heigh ho. Sunbeam, my sweet little pet. Come hither, come hither, I pray. 6 CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN This naughty Jack Frost is lingering yet, Oh, chase him, oh, chase him away. [Sunbeam runs forward carrying in her hand a pair of reins, Dennison's crepe paper rope with a long tassel on each end. She throws them about Jack Frost and dances him away. Theme for skipping No. 3 is used. Sunbeam holds reins high, while whole dance is executed. Jack Frost holds horn up to mouth, head thrown far back. At end of dance Sunbeam makes deep courtesy, while Jack Frost runs out. Grassblade . and Leafbud enter unexpectedly, bow low to Spirit of Spring.] Grassblade. Oh, dear Mother Spring, We hear thy sweet call. And hasten from under the snow; Upon bended knee, Before thee we fall And wait for the warm winds to blow. Leafbud. We greet thee, our dear Mother Spring, We long for one look of thy face, , Our love and our homage we bring. And ask for a share of thy grace. [As they finish speaking and go back to their places Sunbeam, who has been hovering near, comes forward and dances — ''Dancing Leaves'' — then runs back to place. ^ Spirit of Spring, [Moving toward fairies and butterflies, touching them with wand.] My sweetest fairies, all, Awaken at my call, [Fairies and Butterflies stand.] 'Tis time thy sleep were done; Oh, come, let joy abound. Come, dance and sing around, * Be playful in the sun. [They skip forward to stage centre.] Come, sing and dance and play This happy holiday. So pass the merry hours ; My magic hand I trace Upon thy upturned face To awaken all the flowers. CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN 7 [Fairies and Butterflies dance to '* Butterfly Dance/' each fairy taking a Butterfly for partner. At end of dance one Fairy and her partner turn to Flowers.] Fairy. Awake, little flowers, I pray you awake. Come, open your dear sleepy eyes ; [Flowers, who have been sleeping, open eyes and hold up heads.] Your sweet pretty dresses Please hurry and make. From soft winds and warm, sunny skies. [Rainbow runs in carrying small rainbow over her head.] Butterfly. Dear Rainbow has hurried From up in the sky — To give you the loveliest hue, 'She loves you so dearly She hardly knows why, Pray tell me what more can she do? [Fairy and Butterfly skip back to their places.] Rainbow. My darling, I bring you my gold, My treasures I gladly unfold. Please take from my store as you will, And drink of my sweets to your fill. [Music. Rainbow dances, holding rainbow overhead. Rythm No. 2. As she dances back to place Bumblebee comes for- ward, makes a deep courtesy and sings.] Bumblebee. Once far away, in a hole in a tree. Slept just a tiny, dear bumblebee, He had been sleeping the whole Winter through: "Wake," said the Sun, "Pray do ! You have been sleeping already too long, Hark ! don't you hear the robin's sweet song ?" "Alas ! and Alack !" said the poor bumblebee, "Nobody wakened m.e !" Oh, dearie me ! how sleepy I feel, [Lays head on shoulder and closes eyes, then opens them and stretches arms and yawns.] Surely I must have slept a great deal. [Yawning.] 8 CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN Off in the sunshine away I must fly, Out in the deep, deep blue of the sky, I shall be happy, so happy, you see, So said the bumblebee. [When song is finished she dances around .Flowers^ pausing at each one, stooping and touching them with her hands, as if sipping nectar from them, then flies away. Rose comes forward, bowing low to Spirit of Spring.] First Rose. Dear Spirit of Spring, Sweet perfume we bring, To gladden your smile every day. Drink deep to your fill, As deep as you will, My sweets I give freely away. [Dances, ''A Gypsy Rose/' Spirit of Spring, who up to this time has been moving about in foreground, takes seat near Herald. The Flowers in turn come forward and dance. Starting of Victrola gives them their cue. As they, finish they take position somewhere in foreground. Second Rose dances "Dance of the Flowers f' Daisies dance ''Jig.'' Violets dance ''Kinder polka.'' Roses dance {together) ''Varsuvianna." Then all sing, Grassblade and Leafbud joining them.] BLOSSOM DAY Flowers. [A.] Oh, come, flowers dear, Oh, come, oh, come, away. Oh, dance and be glad and gay On this merry blossom day. Come, sweetest violet. And pretty daisy, pet. Come, buttercup, and rose. And mignonette. [Repeat A.] [B.] Come away, 'tis blossom day. Come away, 'tis blossom day, Birdies sing in tree tops high, Fleecy clouds float in the sky ; CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN 9 Flowers are blooming everywhere, Perfume scents the warm, sweet air, Summer's here at last to stay, — Come away. [Repeat B.] [Repeat A.] [Dance.] [Repeat A.] [Dance back to original places.] [Enter Bluebird. Carries bird whistle which she blozvs. \ Bluebird. Cheer up, cherry time, Sprintime's merry time, Cheer up, cheer. Sweet May's here. Twitter, tweedle-dee, Why so gay as we? Cheer up, cheer, Sweet May's here. [Grasshopper enters with long jumps and sings.] GRASSHOPPER SONG Grasshopper. , I'm a smiling, big fat grasshopper. Big, fat grasshopper Sure am I, I can jump a whipper-whopiper [jumps] Almost to the sky. See my wings how fair and green they are, Fair and green they are, I can fly. See my legs, how long and lean they are. None so gay as I. Tra-la-la-la — Tra-Ia-la-la — Tra-la-'la-la. Watch me while I go ahopping Hopping, hopping, never stopping. Now cavaulting, somersaulting, Tra-la4a-la-la-*la-la. [Repeat 3rd.] [Repeat all.] [As Grasshopper hops back to place, Owl flies fonmrd and calls 'Who-o-o-o" several times. Herald, holding horn close 10 CROWNING O'F THE MAY QUEEN to mouth, steps forward and announces in loud sing-song tones approach of May Queen.] Herald. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, Elves and sprites and fairies, Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. Playmates of the greenwood, Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, And make way, For your May Queen doth approach. [May Queen with Fairies carrying train move forward. All stand and how low as Queen enters.] CROWNING MAY QUEEN All [sing.'\ Flowers blooming bright and fair, Everywhere, everywhere. Flowers the sweetest ever seen For our May-Day Queen. Refrain. Flowers blooming bright and fair. Everywhere, everywhere. Flowers the sweetest ever seen For our May-Day Queen. Posies of roses, so sweet and rare, Everywhere, everywhere. Flowers the prettiest ever seen For our May-Day Queen. Now gaily singing, list to the sweet roundelay. Woodland echoes calling, ''Oh, come away." Come, oh, hasten, come to the green wood-tree, Greet our May Oueen, fairest of fair to see. [C] Oh, come, oh, come, where skies are fair And grasses are so green, Where perfume scents the warm, sweet air, Dance with our May-Day Oueen. [Rep ear C] Refrain. CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN 11 [Sunbeam, bearing crown on pillow, hows low before Queen. Flower Girl places crown on Queen's head.] Sunbeam. Fair Queen of the May, We crown thee to-day • The fairest of all the world's fair. We bow at thy feet [all bow] And humbly entreat From out of thy bounty a share. May Queen. My children, dear, All gathered here To do me homage sweet. Glad I confess My happiness. My joy is full complete. On mossy ground We'll dance around. And speed the happy hours. Come, Mistress Spring, Stand in the ring. Come, pretty birds and flowers. Come, bugs and bees. Dance if you please, Let every one be gay. Let joy abound On royal ground. For I am Queen of May. [All are seated. Fairies unhook. Queen's train and hold if while she dances with Flower Girl. ''Chimes of Dunkirk.'' When they finish and are seated Flowers, Grassblade, Leaf- bud, Spirit of Spring and Sunbeam skip to music of ''Bluff King HaV to May-pole and finish with May-pole dance. May- pole is trimmed with flowers, and ribbons match flozvers in hue.] The End. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 102 426 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 102 426 Hollinger Corp.