HUGH BLAIR GRIGSBY, LL. D., President. CONWAY ROBINSON. 1ST Vice-President. WILLIAM GREEN. LL. D.. 2D VICE-PRESIDENT. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY. 3D VICB-PUESIDBNT. ROBERT A. BROCK. COR. SEC'V vt LIBRARIAN. GEORGE A. BAKKSDALE. REC. SECRETARY. ROBERT T. BROOKE, TREASURER. Committee on Erection of Society's Building. JOHN oTT. HENRY COALTER CABELL. ROBERT A. BROCK. Executive Committee. JUDGE BEVERLEY R. WELLFORD. JR. HENRY COALTER CABELL. CHARLES C. BARNEY. M. D. ANTHONY M. KEIT.EY. ARCHER ANDERSON. WILLIAM P. PALMER. M. D. WILLIAM A. .MAURY. LL. D. J. L. M. CURRY, D. D.. LL. D. JOHN OTT. JOHN WARWICK DANIEL. HON. JOHN L. MARYE. JR. BOLIVAR CHRISTIAN. The Virginia Historical Society TO VIRGINIANS AND FRIENDS OF VIRGINIA. Virginia is the oldest of the American commonwealths, and the history of all of them is, more or less, connected with hers. Her bearing has been honorable, and her children brave. The work was undertaken by this Society to gather up and preserve the memorials of her career, and this it has endeavored faithfully to perform. The lodgment for its large and most valuable collecrion of original material was lost through the calamities of war, and it has not since been able to provide emother that was either safe or properly accessible to the public. The rearrangement of our general economy in Virginia, made necessary by the issues of the war, has been slow, and is yet very far from being complete. Disasters, through flood and unpropitious seasons, have kept our people poor, and, giving due weight to this condirion of things, the Society has felt reluctant to press its sore needs in this behalf. In the meandme, not only has our col- lectron b^er^feble to destniction, but mncfa most precious material, lodged in old country seats, (which the Society, property circumstanced, could have commanded) has passed away. Despite the trouble that has fallen to the general lot in Virginia, there are those, born on her soil, and living under her protecUon, to whom fortune has been kind ; to such and to all interested in her welfare, wherever located, we earnestly appeal. We feel that we cannot, in justice to the trust we hold, longer delay the work of providing a fire-proof building, sufficiendy ample in proportions to accommodate the material now in hand, and what the future may commit to our custody. One of the sites selected for this building is that part of the Capitol square now forming the southern portion of the Governor's grounds. It is at once a handsome and most appropriate locadon for the purpose. In the petition for the grant of its use to the Society the Governor will gladly join, and as the object sought is the preservation of the Com- monwealth's history, the Legislature will probably respond favorably to the request. Inasmuch as Virginia was founded in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and named in her honor, the building will be in the style of architecture then pre- vailing in England. At the present cost of materials and labor, it can be erected for $50,000. With more our ability for usefulness would be commensurately enhanced ; but this we do not press. A definite project is thus presented, and the good offices of every lover of the Old Dominion, looking to its suc- cessful accomplishment, are most earnestly invoked. Upon the walls of this building will be displayed the portraits of those who have made our annals illustrious, and within its precincts will be gathered the memorials of their greatness ; nor will there be forgotten a proper represent- ation of the archeology, geology, and mineralogy of the State. It is unnecessary for us to say to any man, moved at all by the memory of our past, that to no other shrine could our children repair with more absolute profit, and not our chiU dren alone, but every one bound to Virginia, by interest or affection, throughout this and the mother country. We cannot be indifferent to our past if we would stand with credit in the future. The gifts, in this behalf, will be sent to Mr. Robert T. Brooke, Treasurer of the Virgini.a. Historical Society, Richmond, Va., who will forward the proper acknowledgment. JOHN OTT, HENRY COALTER CABELL, ROBERT A. BROCK, Committee. Richmond, Va., September 2, 1878. 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