(ilass COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT BIBLIOTHECA WASH1NGTONIANA. EDITION LIMITED TO FOUR HUNDRED COPIES. BIBLIOTHECA WASHINGTONIANA A DESCRIPTIVE LIST BIOGRAPHIES AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES V GEORGE WASHINGTON W. S. BAKER ■ i ft* Author of the " Engraved Portraits of Washington," " Medallic Portraits of Washington,' " Character Portraits of Washington," &c, &c. PHILADELPHIA ROBERT M. LINDSAY i 889 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1SS9, by WILLIAM SPOHN BAKER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. ■ 3/6 1 os Gloub Printing tioi si AMERICA HAS FURNISHED TO THE WORLD THE CHARACTER OF WASHING- TON ! AND IF OUR AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS HAD DONE NOTHING ELSE, THAT ALONE WOULD HAVE ENTITLED THEM TO THE RESPECT OF MANKIND. —DANIEL WEBSTER. PREFACE. One hundred and fifty-seven years ago, there was born in a plain Virginia farm-house, a boy, whose life history has commanded the admiration and respect of the world, and the love and veneration of his countrymen. That boy — a leader among boys — became the hardy young Surveyor, the trusted Commissioner, the Virginia Colonel, the Commander-in-Chief, and finally the First President of the United States. A brief summary ! but those years of pro- gression teem with events and results, among the most remarkable in the history of man. A people winning independence, a republic originated and consolidated, a world advanced in ideas and humanity. That boy, that man, steadily growing and steadily working, controlled these events, utilized these results, and made possible the glorious future of his country. Yet the history of George Washington is not always a recital of brilliant exploits in the field, — the cunning strategy of the Com- mander, — nor is it always a narrative of startling movements in the cabinet, — the secret diplomacy of the Statesman, — but it is a/ways the consistent record of a man true to himself, true to his country, true to his God. The Life of an earnest, honest man, of a sincere, conscientious ruler, and of a patriot without guile ; never faltering in the right, never neglecting a duty, never (ix) PREFACE. hesitating in his love and devotion for his country. Pure of thought, pure of action, unerring in judgment, unwearied in effort. This life history has been written so often, and has appeared in so many forms, from the slight sketch to the ponderous quarto, from the school-book of a single volume, to the finished pro- duction of many, that but few are aware of the number and how constantly it has been added to. It is proper, therefore, that some attempt should be made to impart such information, and by devoting this volume to that purpose we shall endeavor to furnish a list of these sketches and biographies, so that the student and reader may know what to refer to and what to make useful. While the list has been made as complete as was possible, we do not necessarily claim it to be exhaustive, especially as regards the sketches ; but, at the same time feel assured, that for all practical purposes it will be found sufficient. The chronological arrangement of titles has prevented the grouping together of all the editions of particular works, which would have been desirable, but as such information can he had by reference to the Index, that sequence, certainly the best, has been adhered to. The word re-issue, as used throughout the work, is intended to convey the fact that the book or sketch under consideration, was printed from the stereotype-plates of an earlier date, and the word reprinted indicates a new set up of type, duplicating the text of the original publication, but not, however, necessarily the same as to the size or number of pages. (xi) PREFACE. The numbers designating the different portraits in these publica- tions, correspond with those in a previous work of the writer, entitled the " Engraved Portraits of Washington," where fuller descriptions are furnished. The etched portrait prefixed to the volume is from the three- quarter length painted from life by Joseph Wright, at Philadelphia, in 1784, for Mrs. Samuel Powel, of that city, an intimate friend of Washington. The portrait, still in the possession of the Powel family at Newport, R. I., is remarkable for its pronounced personality without any attempt at the ideal, and in that respect, while possessing no par- ticular artistic excellence, is extremely interesting and valuable. The etching executed expressly for this work by Mr. Albert Rosenthal of Philadelphia, from his own drawing made in the summer of 1888, is a close translation of the original, which, with the exception of a repro- duction on wood published in the Century Magazine for November, 1887, has not heretofore been engraved. Joseph Wright, the painter of the " Powel Portrait," was born at Bordentown, New Jersey, July 16th, 1756, and died at Philadelphia in 1793. The family having removed to England after the decease of his father, Mr. Wright studied both at Paris and London, where his mother, Mrs. Patience Lovell Wright, was well known as an excellent modeler in wax. After his return to this country Mr. Wright painted several portraits of Washington from life, the first being executed at Rocky Hill, New Jersey, in 1783, the year pre- vious to the production of the " Powel Portrait." Other portraits followed, one of the most interesting being a drawing in profile made in New York in 1790. This the artist afterwards reproduced in a (xiii) PREFACE. small etching, probably the earliest painter-etching of any import- ance executed in America. In closing this my fourth and final contribution to " Washing- toniana," let me say to my countrymen, that one of the imperative duties of citizenship is to keep alive the sacred fire of patriotism, which burned so purely and so steadily, in the breast of our Washing- ton, and that in no way can the fulfilment of this duty — a common heritage — be better understood than by the careful study of the Life and the Character of the Father of His Country! W. S. BAKER. Philadelphia, February 2 2d, 188 g. M BIBLIOTHECA WASHINGTONIANA. 1777. [ROUBAUD (J. L. AUDIBERT)]. 1 A Compendious History of General Washington, Commander in Chief of the Americans. [London: 1777.] 8vo, pp. 8. " A tract without a title-page, headed as above and signed 'J. I.. Audibert Roubaud, Ex-Secretary to the British Academy of Sciences, 1777.'" Title and note from Rji n, Bibliotheca Americana Nova. 1778. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. 2 Particulars of the Life and Character of General Washington, extracted from a letter in Lloyd's Evening Post of August 17th [1778]. Signed an Old Soldier. [The Gentleman's Magazine. August Number. London: 1778.] I780. [BELL (JOHN)]. 3 A Sketch of Mr. Washington's Life and Character. [Appended 2 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1783 to a Poetical Epistle to His Excellency, George Washington, Esq. Annapolis: Printed 1779. London: Reprinted MDCCLXXX, Sq. 8vo. Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker, 35.] The sketch which occupies pp. 14-24 of the pamphlet, was written by John Bell, Esq., of Maryland, and forms the contents of a letter by him to a friend in Europe, dated May 3d, 1779, published the following peai as above described. The author of the epistle to which it was annexed was Charles Henry Wharton, also a native of Maryland, but at the time a resi- dent 1. 1 W..111 Ki, f'n^land, and to whom in all probability the letter was addressed. The sketch, which so far as we know, is the lust attempt at a Biography of Washington made in America, was also printed in the London CAronitle, July 22d, 17S0. Of the writer, John Bell, we have no information other than the statement in the preface, that he was " connected and intimate in the family " of Washington. The pamphlet has been reprinted several times, the last being at New York, in 1S65. [BELL (JOHN)]. 4 A Sketch of the Life and Character of General Washington. [Westminster Magazine. Vol. VIII. August Number. London: .;So.] A reprint of the preceding number, omitting the last paragraph and a portion of the pre- ceding one. I783- [ ] 5 Leben und Thaten G. Washingtons. Mit einem Abriss des Nordamerikanischen Freistaats. Hamburg: 17S5. 8vo. Title frefm Hettinger's " Bibliographic Biagraphique." 1789 Bibliotlieca Washingtoniana. 3 1785- JONES (THOMAS). 6 Biographical Sketch of George Washington. [History of New York during the Revolutionary War. By Thomas Jones, Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. Edited by Edward Floyd de Lancey. New York: Printed for the New York Historical Society, 1879. 2 vols., 8vo.] Thomas Jones was born in Queens County, Province of New York, April 30th, 1731. He married a daughter of James de Lancey, Governor of New York, and at the time of the outbreak of the Revolution was a Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. In con- sequence of his adherence to the royal cause, Judge Jones lost his estate under the confisca- tion act, and was one of the fifty-six gentlemen and three ladies included in the New York Act of Attainder. Judge Jones left the United States in 17S1, and died in England, July 25th, 1792. During the years 1783-88, he employed his leisure hours in recording the events of the period, the MS. of which was preserved and published at New York in 1879, as above described. Included in the work are short sketches of several of the prominent par- ticipators in the Revolution; the Washington sketch (Vol. II, pp. 344.-49) may have been written about the year 17S5. I789. MORSE (JEDIDIAH). 7 Sketch of the Life of General Washington. [The American Geography ; or, a view of the present situation of the United States of America. By Jedidiah Morse. EJizabethtown : Printed by She pard Kollockfor the Author. MDCCLXXXIX. Svo.] The sketch, pp. 127-32, is introduced as a note to a reference in the text, of the appoint- ment of " George Washington, Esq., a native of Virginia," to the Chief Command of the Bibliothrca Washingtoniana. 17!)1 American Arm) rho mention of Washington in the text closes as follows: "While true merit ii esteemed! 01 virtue honored, mankind will never cease i,> i.i.l h, mcmorj ol Hero; .m.i while graUtudi remains in the human breast, the praise oi Washington shall dwell on everj American tongue." MOKSK JKDIDIAH-). 8 \i. in. mi-. ofGeneral Washington, | 1'lu- Massachusetts Maga ine. Vol, 1. May Numbei Printed at Boston ; i,-s<> | \ reprint ol th< sketch in the " Amen, i Geo iphy," omitting the last three iphs describing the personal habits ol Washington, and the rotuu of life at Mount Vernon 1701. BELL JOHN . 9 Sketch of the Presidenl of the United States, By John Bell.Esq., ,'t Maryland Written .it an early period of the late American War, to a Friend in Europe. [Massachusetts Magazine. Vol 111 March Numb< ' 1791 Portrait aftei Wright, Ba \ reprint ol No ; [792 BR] riSH REVIEW. 10 rraphical Anecdotes of General Washington. [ Hie 1 . and Biographical Maga ine and British Review. July Number. Portrait aftei Wright, 1794 Bibliothcca Washbigtoiiiana. EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. n Character of General Washington. [The Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. XVI. September Number. Edinburgh: 1792.] The latter portion of tliis sketch describing the personal habits of Washington, ami the daily routine at Mount Vernon, is taken from the sketch bv Jcdidiah Morse, No. 7. WINCHESTER (ELHANAN). 12 Short Sketch of the Life and Character of General Washington. [Appended to an oration on the Discovery of America, delivered in London, October the 12th, 1 792. By Elhanan Winchester. London: [1792]. 8vo.] The -l.etch, pp, 57 74, with the exception of a few additional paragraphs in conclusion, is a reprint of No. 7, by Jedidiah Morse. 1794. [MORSE (JEDIDIAH)]. 13 The I Life | of | Gen. Washington, | Commander in Chief of the American Army | during the late War, and present President | of the United States. | Also, | of the Brave | General Montgomery. | Embel- lished with Cuts. I Philadelphia; \ Printed by Jones, Hoff & Derrick. \ No. 8 North Fifth Street. | MDCCXCIV. 241110, pp. 36. Portrait. The Washington sketch, pp. 5-22, is a reprint of that by Jedidiah Morse, No. 7, and the sketch of Montgomery is also printed from that writer's note in the same volume of the "American Geography." Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1795 1795- HARDIE lJAMESV 14 General George Washington, the Father o( his Country* and the Friend o( Mankind. [The American Remembrancer. By James Hardie, A.M. Philadelphia: MDCCXCV. Sm. 1:1110.] MAXWELL JOHN). 15 The Amu i. .in Patriot and 1 tero, ( >r, a brief Memoir of ... . 1 lis 1 \. ellency General Washington ; . . . . By John Maxwell .... [n. p. :] or the Author, 1785 [/. <\ 1795] umo, pp. 94 [/. <-. 64], Errata, 1 Title from Sabin's Dictionary. 1798. CONDIE JHOMASl 16 Memoirs >>t" George Washington, Esq., late President o\ the 11 [he earliest application of this epithet 10 Washington, which has come to the km™ of the curs in a German almanac, the " Nord Americanische Calender " for the 779, printed .11 1 ancaster, Pa., .1 copj of which is in the library of Samuel W. Penny- packer, 11 D., of Philadelphia. The frontispiece of the full sue of the page, sm. 410, an emblematic design, presents in the upper portion of it, a figure of Fame with a trumpet in her ri^ht hand, and in her left a medallion portrait, laureatcd, inscribed •• Waschington." From the trumpet proceed the words, •• Des 1 andes Vater," the Father of ras Country. The material for the almanac, furnished by David Kitten. - epared and printed in I77S.— \\. S. B. 1799 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 7 United States. [The Philadelphia Monthly Magazine. Volume First. Philadelphia : Printed for Thomas Condie, Stationer, No. 20 Cartels- Alley. 1 798. Portrait after Savage, Baker, 1 30.] A compilation, for the most part, from the sketches by John Bell, No. 3, and Jedidiah Morse, No. 7, the interest of the narrative being sustained by the introduction of Washington's Journal of 1 753 ; the Address of the Provincial Congress of New York (June 26th, 1775), with the answer of Washington ; his Farewell Address to the Armies of the United States ; the resignation of his Commission at Annapolis ; his letter to the Governor of Virginia, declining the acceptance of certain shares in an Improvement Company, and his Inaugural Address, April 30th, 17S9. The Philadelphia Monthly Magazine for 179S, in which these Memoirs appear, seems to have been issued only for that year, not reaching beyond Vol. I. Thomas Condie, for whom it was printed, and whose name is affixed as the compiler of the Memoirs, was a book-binder by trade. He died about the year 1S15. 1799. SCOTT (JOSEPH). 17 An History of the Life of the illustrious George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Armies during our Revo- lutionary War with Great Britain. First President of the United States, and since, Lieutenant General of the Army. By Joseph Scott. Philadelphia. The above title is taken from an advertisement in The Aurora, Philadelphia, December 28th, 1799, submitting proposals for the publication of said Life in one vol., Svo, pp. 400, with " a striking likeness of the General." No copy of a Life of Washington by Joseph Scott is known to the writer, and it may not have been issued. Joseph Scott was the author of the " United States Gazetteer," Philadelphia, 1795, a " Geographical Prescription of the United States," 1S05, and other works of a similar character. 8 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1800 1800. BRITISH REGISTER. 18 Biographical Sketch of George Washington, late President of the United States of America. [The Monthly Magazine; or, British Registei Vol. IX. Parti. London: 1800.] [ ] *9 George Washington, the most Illustrious Patriot, the Annals of Modern History record. [A brief Sketch published as a Broadside, with an emblematic design as a heading. London: April wth, 1800. Portrait after William Birch, Baker, :Sg.~] CONDIE (THOMAS). 20 graphical Memoirs | of the | Illustrious | Gen. Geo: Washing- ton, I late President | of the | United States of America, etc., etc | Con- taining I a Historj of the Principal Events of his Life, | with extracts from his Journals, | Speeches to Congress, and | Public Addresses : | Also | a Sketch of his Private Life, | Philadelphia: | ." Zeds [8< Q, 1S1110, pp. 232. Substantially the sam< N . 6, with slight changes, and additions; the additions com- several letters by Washington to Congress, during 1775, '76, '77, the correspondence with General Gage, Vugust, 1 j ders to the Army (April iSth, 1783), proclaiming the cessation of hostilities, a brief history of the administration of Washington, and an aco tth. The preface is dated Moyaxaensing, Feb., 1800. Moyamensii unship south of Philadelphia and adjoining thereto; it is now included ft the corporate limits of that city. 1800 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. CORRY (JOHN). 21 A Sketch of the Life of the late General Washington, By fohn Corry. [The British Magazine. Vol.1. February, March, April and May Numbers. London; Printed for G. A'mrs/rr, /''li-et-S(irct, i.Xdo. Portrait, Baker, 430.] John Corry, the writer of the above sketch, was a native ..I Ireland, and followed the profession of a journalist in Dublin. lie went to London aboul 1 7 ■ > -• . and there found eon stant employment for his versatile pen. Mr. Corry was the author of numerous works ; his last known publication, "A History of Lancashire," 2 vols., 4to, was issued at London in 1S25. CORRY (JOHN). 22 The I Life | of | George Washington, | late | President | and | Commander in Chief | of the | Armies | of the | United States of America; | interspersed with | Bi'ographical Anecdotes | of the | most eminent Men who effected the American | Revolution, | dedi- cated (by permission) to the right | Honourable the Lord Mayor. | By John Corry. | Th' applause of list'ning senates to commas I. The threats of pain and ruin to despise ; To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read Ais hist'ry in a nation's eyes !■ —GRAY. London: \ Printed by J. II'. Myers. No. 1, Paternoster-row, \ and sold by G. Kearsley, Fleet-Street; West and \ Hughes, Paternoster- Row j- and J. Ogle, Edinburgh. | 1S00. i6mo, pp. 22S. (3.) With the exception of pp. 11-28, which are substantially the same as the corresponding portions of the preceding number, this is a different production, being almost entirely io Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1800 re-written. It is here that the well-known opening paragraph, " In the history of man, we contemplate," etc., the ear-mark of all subsequent editions and abridgments of this Life, so popular in the first quarter of the century, appears for the first time. CORRY ( JOHN). 23 The I Life | of | George Washington, | late | President | and | Commander in Chief | of | the Armies | of the | United States of America ; | interspersed | with Biographical Anecdotes | of | the most eminent Men who | effected the American Revolution. | By John Com-. I TV applause of list'ning senates to command, The threats of pain and ruin to despise ; To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read his hist' ry in a nation's eyes. — GRAY. ast: I Printed by J. Smyth at tin- Public Printing- Office. \ lligh- Street, | 1S00. 121110, pp. 216. Portrait after Stuart. A reprint of the preceding number, omitting the dedication to " The Right Honourable H. C. Combe, Lord Mayor of London." EUROPEAN MAGAZINE. 24 Account of George Washington. [European Magazine and Lon- don Review. Vol.37. March and April Numbers. London: 1800. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 311.] Reprinted at Philadelphia in " Poulson's American Daily Advertiser," December 1 6th and 17th, 1S00, omitting the Character of Washington, by Mallet du Pan taken from the Britis/i Mercury, which had previously appeared in the issue of October 28th. 1800 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. \\ EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. 25 Account of General George Washington. [The Edinburgh Magazine or Literary Miscellany. Vol. XV. April and May Num- bers. Edinburgh : 1 800.] A reprint of the preceding sketch in the European Magazine. HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 26 Outlines of the Life and Character of General Washington. [The Historical, Biographical, Literary and Scientific Magazine. By Robert Bisset. Vol.1. London: 1800. Portrait, Baker, 428.] MORSE (JEDIDIAH). 27 Biographical Sketch of George Washington. [Appended to a Prayer and Sermon delivered at Charlestons, December 31st, 1799- on the death of George Washington. By Jedidiah Morse, D.D. Charlestoivn : 1800. 8vo.] The sketch, which occupies twenty-six separate pages of the pamphlet, is fuller in detail and more complete than the previous one by the same writer in the " American Geography," No. 7, although much of the original phraseology is retained. In furnishing some additional matter and facts, Dr. Morse cites as authority the letter by John Bell, Esq., of Maryland, No. 3, as published in the Massachusetts Magazine for March, 1791. The pamphlet, omit- ting the Farewell Address, was reprinted by/. Bateson, London : 1800. MORSE (JEDIDIAH). 28 Biographical Sketch of General George Washington. By Jedi- 12 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1800 diah Morse, D.D., Pastor of the Church in Charlestown, [The Wash- ingtoniana. Baltimore: Printed and sold by Samuel Sower. MDCCC. Sin. [2mo. Portrait after Savage, Baker, 135.] \ reprint ol the preceding sketch, omitting the notes, MORSE (JEDIDIAH). 29 Biographical Sketch of General George Washington. By J. Morse, D.D. (Memory of Washington. Newport, R. I.: Printed by • Farnsworth. 1S00. Sm. 1 21110. Portrait after Savage, Baker, 126.] A reprint of No. 27, omitting the eight linos of verse commencing, " When keenest anguish rack'd his mighty mind," etc., etc. MORSE ^JEDIDIAH . 30 Biographical Sketch of Gen. George Washington. By Jedidiah Morse, P.P., Pastor of the Church in Charlestown. [Washington's Political 1 gacies. New York: 1S00. Sm. 121110.] A reprint of No. 17, omitting the notes. UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. 31 Memoirs of the Life ^i General Washington. [The Universal Magazine. Vol. CVI. May Number. London: 1S00. Portrait after C W. 1'eale. Baker, 43.] 1800 Bibliotlicca Washingtoniana. 13 WEEMS (MASON L.). 32 A I History | of the Life and Death, Virtues | and Exploits | of | General George Washington | Dedicated | to | Mrs. Washington | and containing a great many curious and valuable Anecdotes, | tending to throw much light on the private as | well as public life and character, of | that Very Extraordinary Man | the whole | happily calculated to furnish a Feast of true | Washingtonian Entertainment and I Improvement [ both to ourselves and our children | A wit's a feather and a chiefs a rod ; An honest man's the noblest work of God. Who noble ends by noble means obtains, Or failing, smiles in exile or in chains ; Like good Aurelius let him reign or bleed Like Socrates, that man is great indeed. Printed for the Rev. M. L. Weems, \ of Lodge No. 50, Dumfries \ By I Green & English. George-Town | (Price 2s. 3d. only) [n. d.] 8vo. Title, dedication, pp. 1-80. Title from the copy in the Library of the Boston Atheiuzum, obtained through the courtesy of the Librarian, Mr. Charles A. Cutter. The " Dedication, to Mrs. Martha Washington, the illustrious Relict of General George Washington," signed M. L. WEEMS, and dated February 22d, 1S00, occupies the leaf following the title-page. WEEMS (MASON L.). 33 A I History | of | the Life and Death, | Virtues and Exploits, | of I General George Washington, | Faithfully taken | from | Authentic 14 Bibliotheca Washingtomana. 1800 Documents, | and, now, in | a Second Edition Improved, | Respect- fully offered to the perusal of his Coun | trymen; as also, all others who wish to see | human nature in its most finished form. | Price 25 cents. | A life, how glorious, to his country led I while living, as >\ :i,l, M ■■■ inspire! read it, anJ admire .' By the Rev. M. L. Weems, | o( Lodge No. 50— Dumfries. | Pkiladel- | Re-printed by John Bioren, No. S; Chesnut Street, \ for tlic Author. I (Entered according to Law.) [n. d.] l2mo. Title, dedica- tion, pp. 1— S j. WEEMS (MASON L.). 34 A I History | of | the Life and Death, | Virtues and Exploits | of | General George Washington. | Faithfully taken | from | Authentic Documents, | and, now, in | a Third Edition Improved, | Respectfully offered to the perusal of his Coun | trymen; as also, of all others who wish to see | human nature in its most finished form. | Price. cents. I i ■ Ma By the Rev. M. L Weems. | of 1 odge No. 50 — Dumfries. ; I Re-printed by Jok Street, \ for the '-. I (Entered according to Law.) [n. d.] 8vo. Title, dedica- tion, pp. 3-84. Portrait after Stuart. Bah . ,40. 1800 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 15 With the exception of some additional sentences on page 66, commencing, " O, Colum- bia! thy Washington is gone ! " and ending with the page, also foot-notes on pp. 5, 6 and 36, this is a reprint of the second edition. While the date of the dedication to Mrs. Washington, February 22d, 1S00, is retained, it will be noticed that there is still no date on the title-page. WEEMS (MASON L.). 35 A I History | of the | Life and Death, | Virtues and Exploits, | of I General George Washington. | Faithfully taken | from | Authentic Documents, | and now, in | a Third Edition, Improved, | Respect- fully offered to the perusal of his Country | men ; as also of all others who wish to see human | nature in its most finished form. | A life, how glorious, to his country ltd ! Belov'd while living, as rever'd now dead. May his example virtuous deeds inspire .' Let future ages nod it, and admire ! By the Rev. M. L. Weems, of Lodge No. 50, Dumfries. | Elisa- beth-Town: I Printed by Shepard Kollock, for the Author. | (Entered according to Law.) [n. d.] Svo. Title, dedication, pp. 3-61. Por- trait after Stuart, Baker, 340. A reprint of the preceding number, the difference in the paging being accounted for by the type of this edition being smaller. It cannot be said why two Third Editions were published, nor is it known which of them is the earliest. WILLIAMS (J. M.). 36 Biographical Outline of General George Washington. By J. M. Williams. [Washington's Political Legacies. Boston: 1800. 8vo.] 1 6 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1801 WILLIAMS (J. M.). 37 Biographical Outline of Gen. George Washington. By J. M. Williams. [Legacies of Washington. Trenton: MDCCC. Sm. i2mo. Portrait after Savage, Baker, 128.] A reprint of the preceding number, omitting the foot-notes containing " Extracts from Washington's Will." 1 80I. [ ] 38 The I Life | and [ Memorable Actions | of | George Washington I General and Commander | of the | Armies of | America. A new Edition Corrected. Fredericktown: Printed by M. Bartgis, 1S01. iSmo, pp. 68. Portrait after C. W. Peale. [ ] 39 A Sketch of the Life and Character of Gen. George Washington. Palmer [Mass.], Ezekiel Terry, [n. d.] Sq. i6mo, pp. 64. Title from the Brinley Catalogue. [CONDIE (THOMAS)]. 40 Biographical Memoirs | of the | Illustrious | Gen. G. Washing- ton, I late President | of the | United States of America, &c, &c, | 1801 Bibliothcca WasHngtomana. 17 Containing | A History of the Principal Events of | his Life, with Extracts from his | Journals, Speeches to Congress, | and Public Addresses : | Also | a sketch of his Private Life. | The Third Edi- tion, Enlarged. | Philadelphia: From the Press of R. Folwell, | 1801. Sm. i2mo, pp. 203. A reprint of No. 20, omitting the foot-note of p. 62, " We learn that General Wash- ington has left in his legacy, to Judge Washington, a History of the American Revolution, written by himself, accompanied with all the important documents," but adding pp. 1 13-129, the Circular Letter to the Governors of the several States. CORRY (JOHN). 4I The Life of George Washington, late President and Commander- in-Chief of the Armies of the United States of America; inter- spersed with Biographical Anecdotes of the most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution. ... By John Corry. Dublin: P. Wogan, 1801. i2mo, pp. 228. (3.) Title from the Menzies' Catalogue. CORRY (JOHN). 42 The I Life | of | George Washington, | late | President | and | Commander in Chief | of the | Armies | of the | United States of America; | interspersed with | Biographical Anecdotes | of the | most Eminent Men who effected the Ameri | can Revolution. | By John Corry. | Th' applause of list'ning senates to command The threats of pain and ruin to despise; To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read his Aist'rv in a nation's eye.-.: — Gk \y. 1 8 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1802 /'////..• | : Joseph ( harless, \ For II. & /'. Rice, No. t6, Son/li Second \ Street, and Jamei Ricei i o \ Book-Setters, Baltimore: | 1801. i imo, pp. 204. (.i-l rii. ir.i Imerii in edition, A reprint ,'i No. 22. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 43 George Washington, [Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britan- nica Bj George Gleig, 1 1 ,D, Vol. II. Dublin: [801. -it".] \n abridgment >'i the sketch in the " British Register," No. iS. (MORSK (JBDIDIAH)]. 44 1 iv\ ensst hets van den Generaal George Washington, | Bijdraagen tei Gedachtenis van ti Washington, I'r Haarlem. By A \ , 1 8vo Portrait after Wright, . 04.] \ Dutch 11.111! in, >n ol \ ,'ilui with the pamphlet, to which it was annexed, [802. COKKY JOHN\ 45 rhe I 1 ife I of I George Washington, | Lite President and u>m- mandei in Chief I of the Armies of | the United States of America; | Bj |ohn Corry, | Author ol " \ Satirical view ,-; 1 ondon," 8tt | A \, « l dition I 1802 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. ig " Th' applause of list'ning senates to Command, The threats of pain and ruin to despise, To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read his his fry in a nation's eyes." — Gray. Printed for B. Crosby & Co., Stationers' Court: \ T. Hurst, Pater- noster-Row; Champante and Co. \ Jewry-Street ; WUmot and Co. High-Street, | | {London, n. d.] i2mo, pp. 57, (2). Portrait, Baker, 430. An abridgment of No. 22. Beneath the portrait are two lines of quotation from Cowper : " Let laurels, drench'd in pure Parnassian dews, reward his memory, dear to every muse ! " CORRY (JOHN). 45 * The I Life | of | George Washington, | late President and Com- mander-in-Chief I of the Armies of the United States of America. | A New Edition. | By John Corry. [Loudon:'] B. Crosby & Co., 1802. Sm. Svo, pp. 57, (2). Title from Sabin's Dictionary. THE WASHINGTONIANA. 4 6 Sketch of the Life of General Washington. [The Washing- toniana, Lancaster: 1802. Svo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 209.] I he ^etch concludes by quoting the Character of Washington, originally published in the London Courier of January 24th, 1S00, in which occurs the expression: "His fame, bounded by no country, will be confined to no age." 20 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1803 1803. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 47 George Washington, one of those Few men who have been gn il without being criminal. [Supplement to the Encyclopaedia, or Dic- tionary of Arts, Sciences and Miscellaneous Literature. Vol. III. Philadelphia : Printed for Thomas Dobson. 1S03. 4to.] \ reprint of the sketch in the •• liriii^i Register," No. iS. 1804. DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE. 48 Washington, Genera] et I'un des Fondateurs de la Re- publique des Etats-Unis en Amerique. [Nouveau Dictionnaire His- torique. Tome Douzieme. A Lyon, [804. 1:1110.] MARSHALL JOHN). 49 The I Life I of I George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of the I American Forces, | during the War which established the Inde- pendence I of his Country, | and | First President | of the | United States. I Compiled | under the inspection of | the Honourable Bush- rod Washington, | from | Original Tapers | bequeathed to him by his deceased Relative, and now in possession | of the Author. | To which 1- prefixed, | an Introduction, | containing I a compendious View o\ 1804 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 21 the Colonies planted by the English | on the | Continent of North America, | from their settlement | to the commencement of that War which terminated in their | Independence. | By John Marshall. | Vol. I. I Philadelphia: \ Printed and Published by C. P. Wayne. | 1804. 5 vols., Svo, 1S04-7, pp. XXII, 488 (45); VIII, 560 (72); VIII, 5S0 (2S); VIII, 626 (16); VII, 779 (36). Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 210 ; 4to Vol. of maps (10), and sub- scribers' names. Vols. II, III, IV and V contain the " Life of George Washington," the First Volume being devoted to the Introduction or Colonial History. From the fact of General Washington having bequeathed all his papers, both of a public and private nature, to his nephew, Bushrod Washington, it came to be generally understood at the lime that he would prepare the much needed biography of his uncle, and that the latter really expected it of him. That such was the intention of Judge Washing- ton is made apparent by the following announcement over his signature in the True American, Philadelphia, August 1 8th, 1800: " Having at length engaged a gentleman of distinguished talents to assist in writing a History of the Life of the late General Washington, this work will be immediately commenced, and will be completed as expeditiously as the nature of such an undertaking will permit." The " gentleman of distinguished talents " was John Marshall, shortly afterwards appointed Chief Justice of the United States. Subsequently, September 23d, 1802, Judge Washington disposed of the copy-right of the work thus inaugurated, to Caleb P. Wayne, publisher, of Philadelphia, who on the same day issued proposals for its publication by subscription, vide Paulson's Daily Advertiser of that date. How much or how litde Judge Washington contributed to the work is not known, but it is presumed to have been nothing beyond the selection of Marshall as the writer, and the necessary examina- tion of the papers bequeathed to him. It is somewhat singular, however, that in the many public notices of the work the name of Judge Marshall does not appear as the author, until February 15th, 1S04, when the certificate of copy-right, as printed in Vol. I, above described, is published in the Daily Advertiser, in connection with the announcement that the volume is nearly ready for distribution. Marshall's Life of Washington was the first im- portant contribution to the subject, and it is still regarded as the standard Biography. The sale was unusually large, and many copies were printed, demanding on the part of Edwin, the engraver, the execution of several plates of the portrait, in order to furnish good impressions. 22 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1 SO 1 MARSHALL (JOHN). 5° The Life | of | George Washington, | Commander in Chief of the American | Forces, | during the War which established the | Indepen- dence of his Country, | and | First President of the United States : | Compiled under the inspection of | the Honourable Bushrod Washing- ton, | from Original Papers bequeathed to him by his deceased Rela- tive. | To which is prefixed | an Introduction, | containing a com- pendious View of the Colonies planted by the English on | the Continent of North America. | By John Marshall, | Chief Justice of the United States, etc. etc. | Vol. I. | London: \ Printed for Richard Phillips. | No. 7/ St. Paul's Church-yard. | 1804. 5 vols., 4to, 1S04-7, pp. XXXII, 45S (pp. 257-308 arc repeated) : VII, 541 ; VIII, 460; VII, 5S9; VII, 669-1 (pp. 293-319 are repeated). Vol. I, Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 226, and 2 Maps, + Vol. II, 1 Plate, + Vol. Ill, 1 Plate and Vignette, + Vol. V, v 10 Map-. t. Dedicated by the English editor to the Marquis of I.ansdowne, and printed simul- taneously with the Philadelphia edition. No. 49; the Portrait, the two Maps of the Northern and Southern States in Vol. I, ami the Plates and Vignette, Vols. II, III, being peculiar to this edition. The 10 Maps in Vol. V, are copies of those issued with the American edition. The difference of the make-up from that edition, apart from the si/e of the page, consists in printing the lengthy notes at the end of each volume as foot-notes, and a change in the arrangement of some chapters in Vols. II, III and IV . This admirable issue of the English press is certainly not one of the least of the notable tributes which have been paid to the memory of Washington. MARSHALL tJOHN). 51 The Life I of I George Washington, I Commander in Chief I of the I American Forces | during the War which established the Indepen- 1804 Bibliotheca Washingtordana. 23 dence of | his Country, | and First President | of | the United States. I Compiled under the inspection of | the Hon. Bushrod Washington, I from Original Papers bequeathed to him by his deceased Relative. | To which is prefixed, | an Introduction, | containing a compendious View of the Colonies planted by the | English on the Continent of North America. | By John Marshall, | Chief Justice of the United States, etc., etc. Vol. I. | London : \ Printed for Richard Phillips, \ No. 7/ St. Paul's Churchyard. | 1804. 5 vols., 8vo, 1804-7, pp. *X*VI,579; VIII, 633(1); VIII, 572; VIII, 6S4; VIII, 843. Vol. I, Portrait, Baker, 226, and 2 Maps, -f Vol. II, 1 Plate, + Vol. Ill, 1 Plate and Vignette, + Vol. V, 10 Maps. This edition was set up and printed about the same time as the preceding number, and with the exception of the size of the page, is precisely the same. In the 4(0, the date of the "Advertisement of the Publisher," at the end of Vol. I, is May loth, 1S04, in the 8vo, it is May 26th, 1804. [WEEMS (MASON L.)]. 52 An History (4th edition greatly improved) of | the Life and Death of | Gen. George Washington : | Carefully collected, in the neighbourhood of Mount Vernon, from the most | authentic Docu- ments : Inhibiting his very extraordinary Character, not on | ly as a Soldier and a Statesman, but as a Man; and a man of that early | pru- dence — admirable fortitude — rigid temperance — unwearied industry — I honor unblemished, and uncorrupted patriotism, which rendered lam the | glory of human nature and admiration of the world, and this his History | well worthy the perusal of every Young Man who wishes, like Washington, | to live, greatly useful and happy ; and to die, uni- 24 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana, 1805 vcrsally lamented and beloved. | With an elegant copperplate likeness of him. Price 37 1-2 cents. | R. Cochran, Printer. No copy of the Fourth Edition is known, the above title being taken from a handbill in the possession of the writer, issued in 1803. I805. HARDIE (JAMES). 53 General George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Ameri- can Forces, during the Revolutionary War, and First President of the United States. [The New Universal Biographical Dictionary. By James Hardie. Vol. IV. New York: 1805. Svo. Portrait after Stuart, in Vol. II, Baker, 329.] MARSHALL (JOHN). 54 Georg Washington's | Obergenerals der Amerikanischen Trup- pen wahrend des Krieges | fur die Unabhangigkeit seines Vaterlandes, und Ersten | Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten | Lebensbeschrei- bung I Nach | den Original-Papieren | unter der Aufsicht | des | Herrn Bushrod Washington | zusammengetragen | und mit einer | Histori- schen Darstellung | der Englischen Niederlassungen in Nordamerika I begleitet | von | John Marshall | Oberrichter. | Aus dem Englishen iibersetzt. | Erster Theil. | Mit Washington's Bildniss. | Hamburg, 1803. I Bet August Campe. 4 vols., Svo, 1805-6, pp. XVI, 280; VIII, 296; VI, 2S9; VIII, 35S. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 317. 1806 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 25 A German translation of the first four volumes of No. 49, omitting the Preface by the Author. The fifth volume does not seem to have been issued. MARSHALL (JOHN). 55 Het Leven | van | George Washington, | uit deszelfs Oorsprong- lijke Papieren, | onder toezight van | Bushrod Washington | zamen- gesteld I door | John Marshall, | Opperrichter in de Vereenigde Staten enz. I Uit het Engelsch | door | J. Werninck, | Theol. Dr. enz. te Londen. | Met Platen en Kaarten. | I. Deel. | Te Haarlem. \ Bij A. Loosjes, Pz. I MDCCCV. 10 vols., 8vo, 1805-9, PP- XII, 344; 373; 311; 324; 35S; 405; 302; 330; 265; 150. Vol. I, Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 306, and 1 Map, + Vol. II, 1 Plate and I Map, + Vol. IX, 1 Plate, + Vol. X, 10 Maps. A Dutch translation of Vols. II, III, IV and V, of Marshall's Life, the Introduction or Colonial History, Vol. I, being omitted. The Plates and Maps are copies of those in the English edition, from which publication the translation was made, omitting, however, the dedication to the Marquis of I.ansdowne. I806. AMERICAN NEPOS. 5 6 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Armies. [The American Nepos. Baltimore: 1806. i2mo.] An abridgment of the Life by John Corry, No. 22, retaining the greater part of the text, but omitting many paragraphs, and in some cases entire passages; the most important omissions being the accounts of the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, the sketch of Ben- jamin Franklin, the Character of Washington by M. de la Fayette, the description of Mount •i' Bibliotheca Washingtoniana, 1807 \ i in. hi, ill, farewell Address, ind the parallel between Washington and Vlfred thi Greal At the end ol the ketch, however, some additional matter is printed, consisting ol thi pro ceedings ol C n on the death ol Washington, his Character by Charles James Fox, and a "Scotch Traveller," and .1 monody recited by Mr, Wignell, ol Philadelphia, December • 4th, 17991 BAUER (JOHN CHRISTIAN AUGUST). 57 Franklin und Washington, oder Sammlung der merkwiirdigsten bekannten Zuge aus dem Leben dieser Manner, Berlin, FrohUch. [806. 8vo, Title ii . -in Sabin's Dictionary. [WEEMS (MASON L.)]. 58 Fifth Edition. | I'liis edition is s.iiil to have been printed at Augusta, Georgia, in 1 806, but no title can be Furnished, as the only known copy is in i>ii\.iU' hands and .it present inaccessible. W.S. B 1 1807. BANCROFT v AARON\ 59 An I Essaj I on the | Life | of | George Washington, | Com- mander in Chief I of the | American A.rmy, | through the Revolu- tionary War; | and the | First President | of the | United States. | By Aaron Bancroft, \ V S. | Pastor of a Congregational Church in Worcester. I Worcester: \ Printed by Tk \ • s tvant, \ Sold by Thomas <>« Sons, \ For T. Cad ell and W. Davies, in the Strand ; and I Longman, I hirst, Rces & Orme, Paternoster Potv. | 1807. Svo, pp. VIII, 464. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 251. Tin' conlcnls of llii-. volume are substantially the same as the preceding number, with a few comparatively unimportant omissions and some changes; the most marked being the dit- ferent introduction to Chapter II, referring to the origin of the Revolutionary War. The dedication is also different, one being to the "Youth of the United States," the other, to "Emperors, Kings and others." WATKINS (JOHN). 66 George Washington. [A Biographical, Historical and Chrono- logical Dictionary: By John Watkins, LL.D. Third Edition. Lon- don: 1807. Svo.] 1808. BANCROFT (AARON). 67 Life I of I George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of | the American Army | through the | Revolutionary War, | and | the First President | of ] the United States. | By Aaron Bancroft, A A.S. | Pastor ofa Congregational Church in Worcester. | London \ Printed for John Stoekdale, Piccadilly. | 1S08. 8vo, pp. XII, 560. \ reprint ol No, vi 1808 Bibliotlicca Washingtoniana. 31 GALERIE HISTORIQUE. 68 Washington. [Galerie Historique. Tome XI. Paris: 1808. i6mo. Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker, 32.] WEEMS (MASON L.). 69 The Life | of | George Washington; | with | curious Anec- dotes, I equally honorable to Himself, | and exemplary to his | Young Countrymen. | A life how useful to his country led ! How Lov'd ! while Living — how Rever'd ! nam dead ! Lisp ! Lisp ! his name, ye children yet unborn ! And with like-deeds your own great names adorn. Sixth Edition. Greatly Improved. | By M. L. Weems, | formerly Rec- tor of Mount- Vernon Parish. | Philadelphia: \ Printed for the Author, I by R. Cochran. | 1808. | Copy-right secured. 12010, pp. 228. Quite a different production from No. 32, being almost entirely rewritten, yet retaining all its quaintness and originality. It is also divided into chapters, and possesses some claims to the dignity of biography (sui generis), being fuller in detail and more consecutive in narra- tive. Very little of the original sketch has been used, although here and there entire sen- tences and paragraphs occur. For instance, in treating of the moral qualities of Washington, the chapters on Benevolence and Industry, and the corresponding articles of the original, are almost identical, and the same may be said as to a large portion of the chapter entided the death of Washingtc.n ; as also different historical references on pp. 70, 77, 82 and 89-95. This edition was copy-righted at Philadelphia, September 20th, 1S08, as the Sixth, but it is really the First of tie popular " Weems' Washington," as the well known " curious anec- dotes," promised on the title-page, such as— the hatchet story,— the cabbage-seed story,— the dream of his Mother, etc., etc., appear in this volume for the first time. 32 Bibliotheca WasMngtomana. 1809 WEEMS (MASON L.). 70 The Life | oi' | George Washington ; | with curious Anec- dotes, I equally honorable to Himself and exemplary | to his Young Countrymen. | A life how useful to his country led ! 1 low loved ! while living ! — how revered ! now dead ! 1 isp ! lisp ! his name, ye children yet unborn ! And with like deeds your own great names adorn. Seventh Edition — Greatly Improved. | By M. L. Weems, | formerly Rector of Mount- Vernon Parish. | Philadelphia: \ Printed for the Author. I 1808. 121110, pp. 228, Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 339. A reprint oi the preceding Dumber, with slight variations, however, here and there in the text 1809. ALLEN ^WILLIAM ). ?I G orge Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the War with Great Britain, and First President of the United States. I \n American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. By William Allen, A.M. Cambridge; 1S09. 8vo.] [ ] 72 Die I Lebensbeschreibung | und Merkwiirdigc Handlungen | von I Gcorg Waschington, | General und Befehlshaber der | Armeen Nord America. | Nebstder | Erklarung der Unabhangigkeit, | und 1809 Bibliotheca WasMngtoniana. 33 der | Constitution | der | Vereinigten Staaten. | Aus dem Englischen iibersezt. | Friederichstadt, \ Gedruckt bei M. Bartgis. | 1809. Sm. 1 2mo, pp. 176. Portrait after C. W. Peale. CORRY (JOHN). 73 The I Life | of | George Washington, | First President, | and | Commander in Chief | of the | Armies | of the | United States of America; | interspersed with | Biographical Anecdotes | of the | most Eminent Men who effected | the American Revolution. | By John Cony. I TV applause of list'ning senates to command, The threats of pain and ruin to despise; To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read his hist'ry in a nation's eyes ! — Gray. New York: \ Printed and Published by M'Carty & White, \ No. ,v» Cedar-Street. | 1809. 121110, pp. 239. Subscribers' names (12). Por- trait after Stuart, Baker, 329. A reprint for the most part of No. 60, omitting the Declaration of Independence, and introducing the following mattei : A fuller recital of the attack on Charleston by the English Beet, June, 1776, pp. 82-86, an account of the defeat of General Gates by Lord Corn - wallis, August, 17S0, pp. 131-135, and a more complete history of the siege of Yorktuwn, pp. 146-154. [CORRY (JOHN).] 74 Biographical Memoirs | of the | Illustrious | General George Washington, J late President of the United States of | America, I ;i Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1809 and | Commander in Chief of their Armies, during the | Revolutionary War. | Dedicated to the Youth o\ America. 1 From Sidney's Press, \ Co., Book-Setters, N. Haven: \'i8op. Sm. icmo, pp. 144, Portrait after Stuart, on wood. \ . pri No. 56, omitting the Character of Washington by Charles Janus Fox, and the monody recited bj Mr. Wignell at Philadelphia ei 24111,1799. The Farewell , however, 1 addition, at the end of the sketch. RAMSAY ^DAVID\ 75 Vie I de I Georges Washington | General en Chef des Armees des Unis I pendant la Guerre qui a etabli leur Independance | ct | Premier President des Etats-Unis | Par David Ramsay | Docteur- cin, membre du Congres pendant les | annees [782, 1783, 1784 et 1785, auteur de I'Histoire | de la Revolution do 1' Amerique. | Traduit de 1' Anglais. | Paris | A /a Librairie francaise etetrangere de ts, I Gal Vivienne, No. /-. | 1S09. i6mo, Pl>. \\i\. 472. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 285. A French Iran S .. ■•-.iili explanatory notes, anil preceded bj an introduction referring briefly to the early history of the United States, iis climate, productions, extent and SELECT BIOGRAPHY. 76 al Washington. [Select Biography. Vol.I. Fifth Edition. .V... xnd Published by Macki and Dent. (n. d.) 8vo. Portrait, Baker, 41 5.] 1809 Bibliotheca WasJunztoniana \gtomana. 35 WEEMS (MASON L.). 77 The Life | of | George Washington ; | with | curious Anec- dotes, I equally honourable to Himself, and | exemplary to his Young Countrymen. | A life how useful to liis country led ! How Imod! while living ! — how revere. I ! now dead! Lisp! lisp! his name, ye children yet unborn I And willi like deeds your own great names adorn. Eighth Edition— Greatly improved. | Embellished with Seven En- gravings. I By M. L. Weems, | formerly Rector of Mount-Venn. n Parish. | Philadelphia: \ Printed for the Author. | 1809. t2mo ( pp. 228. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 339. 6 Plates. A reprint of No. 69. The Eighth Edition was the last one printed for the author, as the copyright was then sold to Mathew Carey, the well known publisher and philanthropist of Phila- delphia. The sum paid was one thousand dollars, as stated by Weems himself in a letter to Benjamin Warner, Bookseller of that city, dated Richmond, Va., May 26th, 1820. II, e illustrations— from copper-plates— do not exhibit much technical ability either in drawing or engraving. They are xs follows: Death of Genl. Montgomery— Defeat of Genl. Braddock —Battle of Lexington— Battle of Hunkers Hill and Death of Cord. Warren— Capture of Major Andre — and Surrender of Lord Cornwall^. WEEMS (MASON L.). ?8 The Life | of | George Washington; | with | curious Anec- dotes, I equally honourable to Himself | and | exemplar)- to his Young Countrymen. | A life how useful to his country led ' I tow loved ! while living!— how revered ! now dead ! l.is|>! lisp! his name, ye children yel unborn! \n I with like deed-, your own grea nes adorn. 36 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana, INK) Ninth Edition, Greatly Improved. | Embellished with seven En- gravings, I By iM. L. Weems, | formerly Rector of Mount-Vernon Parish. | "The author lias treated this great subject with admirable sue I cess iii a new way. He turns all the actions of Washington to the I encouragement of virtue, by a careful application of numer- ous I exemplifications drawn from the conduct of the founder o\ our I republic from his earliest life. No Biographer deserves more | applause than he whose chief purpose is to entice the young | mind to the affectionate love of virtue, bj personifj ing it in the | character most dear to these states." | 11. Lee, Major General Army V. S. | Philadelphia; \ Printed for Matkew Carey. | [809. i2mo, pp. 228, Portrait alter Stuart, Baker, 339. 6 Plates. \ reprint ol the preceding number, with the quotation from General Lee introduced on the title page. The illustrations are the same, but from another set of plates ; the " Defeat of . . era! Braddock," however, is an entire!] different design. l8lO. [ ] 79 George Washington. [Anew Biographical Dictionary. Vol.11. Glasgow. [810. Sm. i2mo.] \ reprint of the sketch in "Watkins Biographical Dictio ly, v I 6, w b some slight additions. [CORRYiJOHNV] 80 Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Washing- 1810 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 37 ton. . . From Sidney's Press. For I. Cooke & Co. Hook-sellers, N. Haven. 1S10. Sm. i2mo, pp. 144. Portrait after Stuart, on wood. A reprint of No. 74. FERGUSON (JAMES). 81 George Washington. [A new Biographical Dictionary. By James Ferguson. London: 1810. Sm. i2mo. GOSCH (JOSIAS LUDWIG). 82 Washington und die Nordamerikanishe Revolution. Gicssen. 1810. i2mo. " Published under the name of Louis, a pseudonym for Josias Ludwig Gosch, who was imprisoned for his liberal opinions, and died in prison in 1811." Title and note from Sabin's Dictionary. Probably a second edition of No. 62. KINGSTON (JOHN). 83 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the War with Great Britain, and First President of the United States. [The New American Biographic Dictionary. By J. Kingston. Fall/more: 18 10. i8mo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 234.] A reprint of the sketch in "Allen's Biographical Dictionary," No. 71, with a brief addi- tional concluding paragraph : " Finally, what has Washington not done for his native country and the world that mortal man could do. God grant the blessings he obtained for us, in con- junction with his martial brethren in the field and in the Senate, may be most sacredly esteemed and resolutely guarded for the sake of a nation's honour and a nation's joy." ,v s Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1810 LEMPRIERE (JOHN). 84 Georgi Washington, the Illustrious Founder "I American [nde pendenci [Universal Biography: By J. Lempriere, l».l>. Vol, II. \. w York: 1810. 8vo.] WKKMS (MASON L.). 85 I '.i • Leben | des | Georg Waschington, | mil | Sonderbaren Anecdoten, I Sowohl ehrenvoll fur ihn Selbst, | als auch | nachah- mungsw null;; (ui seine junge I andsleute, | 1 in 1 . ben, » 1. niii li h 1 , incm I andi "■ [Uhil ! w li I- lii i'i. da ei li bti ' « li gi 1 brt, im 1 ode ! Lispcltl 1 1 pi li .in. 11 Nami n, ihi noi li ungi borne Kindei ! 1 11. . iiinii, ki 1 . in. Nami a mil llhnlii ben 1 heten, Von M, L. Weems, | ehemaligem Predigei dei Mount Vernon Kirche. I An-, dem Englischen iibersezl | nach der neunten sehr verbessei ten Auflage. | Libanon, (Pettn.) \ Gedruckt bet I. Schnee,fur M. Carey ilphia, I 1810. 12mo.pp.24a Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 339, (. Plat V German translation ol the ninth edition oi the life oi Weems, No 78. The illustra- tion! are from the plates ol thai edition, with additional titles in I ierman, WEKMS (MASON LA. 86 Hie I ife I .'i I George Wa hington; | with | curious anecdotes, | equall) honorable to Himself and | exemplary to his Young Country nun. I 1811 Bibliotheca Washiiigtoniana. 39 A life how useful to his country led I How loved ! while living — how revered ! now dead ! Lisp ! lisp! his name, ye children yet unborn I And with like deeds your own great names adorn. Tenth Edition — Greatly Improved. | Embellished with seven En- gravings. I By M. L. Weems, | formerly Rector of Mount- Vernon Parish. | 'The author has treated this great subject with admi | rable success in a new way. He turns all the actions | of Washington to the encouragement of virtue, by a | careful application of numerous exemplifications | drawn from the conduct of the founder of our re | public from his earliest life.' | II. Lee, Major-General Army U. S. | Philadelphia: \ Printed for Mathew Carey. | 18 10. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 339. 6 Plates. With the exception of the abbreviation of the quotation from General Lee on the title- page, this is a reprint of No. 78, and the title as above given is retained in all subsequent editions, of which so many have appeared. The Twenty-sixth, in 1824, seems t<> havi been the last one issued by Carey, who about that time sold the plates— stereotyped in 1818 — to Joseph Allen, of Frankford, near Philadelphia, whose family, it is said, still derive some revenue from them. At the time of the transfer to Allen, the illustrations were from other coppei plates than the originals, of which several sets had been executed ; the new set — upright in shape— being much better both in design and workmanship. The Twenty-ninth edition, 1826, appears to have been the last numbered one. In 1828 wood-cuts replaced the copper-plates, and subsequently, about 1S40, new stereotype-plates were cast, pp. 244, which arc still used bj the present publishers, Lippincott & Co., the last printing bearing date 1882. l8ll. [CONDIE (THOMAS).] 87 Biographical Memoirs | of the | Illustrious | Gen. George Wash I" Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1811 ington, | late President | of the | United States of America, etc., etc. | Containing | .1 History of the Principal Events of his Life, | with Ex- tracts from his Journals, | Speeches to Congress, and | Public Ad dn ises. I Also I a Sketch of his Private Life.] Fourth Edition. | Brattleborough: Printed by William Fessenden. | [811. Sm. i2mo, PP !H. A reprtnl ol No, 40; in addition, the lasi 1; pages (199-211) contain an "abstract of the 1 Ml Will and Testament oi Gen. Geo; Washington. ICONDIE (THOMAS).] 88 Memoirs | of | Gen. George Washington. | late President | of the I United States of America, | Fifth Edition. | Philadelphia: \ Pub- lished by Johnson and Warner, \ No. 1 /y Market-Street. \ Sweeny & M'Kentsie, Printers. \ 1811. Sm. [2mo, pp. [05,(2). \ very 1 on idi rable abridgment ol No, 40, omitting ilic Journal "i >7s,;. the lettei to the i fommittee ol Congn a, Jul] 19th, 1777, the Circular lettei to the Governors, etc., etc. ICONDIE (THOMAS).] 89 Biographical Memoirs | of the | Illustrious | General Washing ton, I late | President of the United States. | Containing | .1 History | ol the Prim ipal Events of his l.iu-, | with his Speeches to Congress, | and Public Addresses: | To which is added, | an Oration, upon his Death, | bj the Rev, Samuel Stanhope Smith. | President of the Col ol New [ersey. I A new Edition, Improved, | Trenton: Printed and Published by James t )ram, 181 1, 1811 Bibliotheca Washingtomana. 41 Printed with the above title at the end of Vol. II, with continuous paging, of "A Con- cise and Impartial History of the American Revolution, etc." By John Lendnnn. Trenton: l8ll. Sm. 121110. The Memoirs occupy pp. 231-344, and although appropriating the first two opening lis of the Life by John Corry, No. 22, are really a reprint of No. 40, omitting Washington's Journal of 1753, and the account of his reception at Philadelphia in April, 17S9. One or two unimportant additions are also made. [CORRY JOHN).] 9 o Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Wash- ington, . . From Sidney s Press. For I. Cooke & Co. Book-sellers, N. Haven. 1811. Sm. i2mo, pp. 144. A reprint of No. 74. HISTORIC GALLERY. gl Washington. [The Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings. Vol. VII. London: 181 1. Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker, y^ KINGSTON (JOHN). g2 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the War with Great Britain, and First President of the United States. [The New Pocket Biographical Dictionary: By John Kingston. Second Edition. Baltimore: 1S11. 181110. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 213.] A reprint of the sketch in the First Edition, No. S3, with an additional paragraph, where- in special mention is made of a medal struck in honor of Washington, at Birmingham, Eng- land, shortly after his death, bearing upon the reverse the inscription, "Emancipator of America." Vide Baker's " Mcdallic Portraits of Washington," No. S3. 42 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1812 RAMSAY (DAVID). 93 The I Life | of | George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of thr I Armies of the United States of America, throughout | the War which established their | Independence; | and | First President of the United States. | By David Ramsay, M.l). | Author of the History of the American Revolution. | Second Edition. | Boston. \ Published by D. McUlory and Co | 1S11. 121110, pp. vm, 371. Portrait after Stuart, 011 wood. A reprint of No. 6 j. WEEMS (MASON L.). 94 The Life of George Washington ; .... Eleventh Edition. Em- bellished with a Map of the United States and seven other Engrav- ings, By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: Printed for M. Carey. 1S1 1. [2mo, pp. 228. Portrait, Baker, \yv l8l2. I 1 95 A Biography and Character of George Washington. [The Text- Book of the Washington Benevolent Society: Concord: Published by *rge Hough. 1812. Sm. 1 21110. Portrait after Wright] The sketch is quite l>rict ; the Character i> taken from the oration 1>> David Ramsay, M.D., delivered .it Charleston, S. C, January 15th, 1 1812 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 43 [ ] 9 6 Washington's Farewell Address. . . With an Abstract of his Last Will. . . Prefixed, A comprehensive Sketch of his Life and Character. Salem: Henry Whipple. 1S12. 32mo, pp. 100. Portrait, on wood. Title from the Brinley Catalogue. y [CORRY (JOHN).] q6 * Biographical Memoirs | of the | Illustrious | General George Washington, | First President of the United States | of America | and I Commander in Chief of their Armies, during the | Revolu- tionary War. I Dedicated to the Youth of America. | Baltimore. Printed and sold by William Warner. | 1S12. Sm. 121110, pp. 103. A reprint of No. 74. [CORRY (JOHN).] 97 Life I of I General George Washington, | late President of the United States | of America. | And | Commander in Chief of their Armies, | during the | Revolutionary War. | Dedicated to the Youth of America. | Poughkeepsie : \ Printed by Paraclete Potter, \ Main Street. \ 18 12. Sm. i2mo, pp. 143. A reprint of No. 74. 44 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1812 DICTIONNAIRE UNIVERSEL. 98 George Washington, General et l'un des Fondateurs de la Re- pnblique des Etats-Unis en Amerique. [Dictionnaire Univcrsel. Tome XVIII. Paris: 1812. i2mo.] A reprint with some slight changes of the sketch in the " Nouveau Dictionnaire His- torique," No. 48. HISTORISCH HANDBUCH. 99 Georg Washington oberster Befehlshaber Sammlicher Kriegs- volker der Vereinigten Nordamerikanischen Staaten, dann President der Vereinigten Staaten. [Friederich Carl Gottlob Hirsching's His- torisch-litterarisches Handbuch. Funf-zehntcr Band. Leipzig: 1812. 8vo.] WEEMS (MASON L.). 100 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Twelfth Edition. Em- bellished with seven Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Phila- delphia: Printed for Matlicw Carey. 181 2. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait, Baker, 328. WEEMS (MASON L.). 101 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Embellished with six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: Joseph Allen. 1 8 12. 8vo, pp. 228. Title from the Rice Catalogue. 1813 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. s ' 45 l8l 3 . CLARK (JONA.). 102 Life I of I General Washington, | late President of the Unit | ed States ; | together with | his Farewell Address, | and | A short Account of the American | Revolutionary War. | By Jona. Clark. | " Begin with the infant in his cradle ; let the first | word he lisps be Washington." Mirabeau. | Albany : \ Printed by Packard & Van Benthuysen. | 181 3. Sm. i2mo, pp. 143. (1). Portrait after Wright, on wood. [CONDIE (THOMAS).] 103 Memoirs | of | Gen. Geo. Washington, | First President | of the I United States of America. | A New Edition, | with Corrections and Additions. | Hartford: \ Published by IV. S. Marsh, \ and for sale at his Book-Store & Bindery, \ Main-Street. \ John Russell, jr. Printer \ State-Street. | 18 13. Sm. i2mo, pp. 89. A reprint of No. SS, omitting the Order to the Army on the cessation of hostilities, and the Farewell Address. [CORRY (JOHN).] 104 Biographical Memoirs | of the | Illustrious | Gen. George Wash- ington, I late President of the United States of I America, | and | Com- mander in Chief of their Armies, | during the Revolutionary War. | 46 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1813 Dedicated to the Youth of America. | Barnard, Vt. \ Published by Joseph Dix. \ r8lj. \ I. II. Carpenter, printer. Sm. i2mo, pp. 160. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 308. A reprint of No. 74, omitting the Character of Washington, by "A Scotch Traveller." IMPERIAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. 105 George Washington, the Founder of the Freedom of the United States of America. [The Imperial Encyclopaedia ; By the Rev. W. M. Johnson, A.M., and Thomas Exley, A.M. Vol. IV. London: [n.d.J 4 to.] KINGSTON (JOHN). 106 The I Life | of | General | George Washington, | By John Kings- ton. I "His fame bounded by no country, | will be confined to no age." I Baltimore : \ Published by J. Kingston ; and sold by all the principal \ Book-sellers throughout the United States. \ A. Milteuberger, print. I 1813. 241110, pp. 228. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 213. The greater part of this Life is an abridgment of Corry, No. 22, the important exceptions being a different account of the battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 31-34, and the intro- duction on p. 53. of a paragraph from the sketch in the British Register, No. IS, on purity of ambition, as displayed in the character of Washington. The succeeding pages of this small volume are made up by the proceedings of Congress on the death of Washington, his Last Will and Testament, his Farewell Address to the Army, and the Funeral 1 (rations by E. C. Dirk. Fisher Ames, J. M. Mason, and Major Thomas Morrell, etc., etc. 1814 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 47 ROGERS (THOMAS J.). 107 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the War with Great Britain, and First President of the United States. [A New American Biographical Dictionary. By Thomas J. Rogers. Easton, Penn. : 1813. Sm. 1 21110.] An abridgment of the sketch in " Allen's Biographical Dictionary," No. 71. WEEMS (MASON L.). I0 8 The Life of George Washington ; Tenth Edition. Embel- lished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia : Printed by Mathcw Carey. 1 8 1 3. 1 2mo, pp. 228. Portrait, Baker, 328. 1814. [CONDIE (THOMAS).] I0 Biographical Memoirs, | of the | Illustrious | Gen. George Wash- ington, I late President | of the | United States of America, etc. | Con- taining I A History of the Principal Events of his Life, | with Extracts from his Journals, Speeches | to Congress, and Public Addresses. | Also, I a Sketch of his Private Life. | Brattleborough : Published by William Fessenden. | 18 14. i2mo, pp. 287. A reprint of No. 87. 48 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1815 RAMSAY (DAVID). no The | Life | of | George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of the | Armies of the United States of America, throughout | the War which established their | Independence; | and | First President of the United States. | By David Ramsay, M. D. | Author of the History of the American Revolution. | Third Edition. | With Six Engravings. | Baltimore ; \ Published by Joseph Cashing; \ J. Robinson, printer. | 1814. i2mo, pp. 266. A reprint of No. 64. Frontispiece, a rock in mid-ocean inscribed " Washington," and 5 illustrations. WEEMS (MASON L.). in The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Tenth Edition. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia : Printed by Mathew Carey. 1S14. 1 21110, pp. 228. Portrait. WEEMS (MASON L.). 112 The Life of George Washington; .... Twelfth Edition. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey. 1814. I2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. 1815. AIKIN (JOHN). 113 George Washington, Commander-in-Chief, ami the First President of the United States of America. [General Biography, or, Lives Criti 1815 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 49 cal and Historical, of the most Eminent Persons. Composed By John Aiken, M. D. and Mr. William Johnston. Volume the Tenth. London : 1 8 1 5 . 4to. ] [ ] "4 Biographical Sketch of General Washington. [Appended to an authentic account of all the proceedings on the Fourth of July, 181 5, with regard to laying the corner stone of the Washington Monument, now erecting in the City of Baltimore. Baltimore : Printed and Pub- lished by John Horace Pratt. 18 1 5. 8vo.] [CORRY (JOHN).] 115 Life I of I George Washington, | late President of the | United States of America, | and | Commander in Chief of their Armies, | dur- ing the I Revolutionary War. | Dedicated to the Youth of America. I Boston: Published by Isaiah Thomas, Jun. \ 1815. 241110, pp. 144. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 331. A reprint of No. 74. V [CORRY (JOHN).] 116 Life I of I George Washington, | late President of the | United States of America ; | and Commander in Chief of their | Armies, | during the | Revolutionary War. | Dedicated to the Youth of America. \ Bridgeport : \ Printed and sold by Lambert Loekzvood. | 181 5. Sm. i2mo, pp. 107, (1). 1,(1 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1815 \ i. ] i oi No. 74, omitting the( harai tei ol Wo bington, by " A Scotch Traveller," and giving onlj .1 fefl "Selecl Paragraph ." from the Farewell Vddri [CORRY (JOHN).] 117 Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Wash- ington, New York: Evert Duyckinck. 1815. Sm. 12010, pp. 108. DELAPLAINE'S REPOSITORY. 118 Lifeof Washington. [Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters, Vol. I. Tart I. Philadelphia: 1S15. 4*0. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 103.] FAMOSI PERSONAGGI. 119 Giorgio Washington nato a Bridges-Creek a' 22 febbrajo 1732, ivi morto a' 14 decembre 1799. [Serie di Vite e Ritratti tic Famosi Personaggi degli Ultimi Tempi. Vol. Primo. Milano: 1815. 4to. Portrait, Bak< > . \ \ >. | |GOSCH iJOSIAS LUDWIG).| 120 Washington, und die Befreiung tier Nordamerikanischen Frei- staaten. Giessen: 1S15. 3 vols., 8vo. ■• Published undei the name of 1 ouis." 1'itK- and note from ( lettinger's " Bibliographie Biographique." 181<> Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. c r RAMSAY (DAVID). I2I The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief, . . By David Ramsay, M.D. . . Fourth Edition, with six engravings. Baltimore: Published by Joseph dishing. Benjamin Edes, Printer. 1815. 121110, pp. 266. A reprint of No. no, same frontispiece and illustrations. I8l6. WEEMS (MASON L.). I22 The Life of George Washington; .... Fifteenth Edition. Em- bellished with Eight Engravings. l?y M. L. Weems, . . Philadel- phia: Printed by Mathczv Carey. 1S16. l2mo,pp. 228. Portrait. WEEMS (MASON L.). The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Sixteenth Edition. By M. L. Weems. Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey. 18 16. 121110, pp. 228. Portrait. WEEMS (MASON L.). / I24 The Life of George Washington ; . . . Seventeenth Edition. . . . Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Phila- delphia: Printed by Mathew Carey. 1 8 16. l2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. 52 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 1817 1817. CHALMERS (ALEXANDER). 125 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies, and First President of the United States of America. [The General Biographical Dictionary: By Alexander Chalmers. Vol. XXXI. London : 181 7.] GOSCH (JOSIAS LUDWIG). 126 Washington und die Nordamerikanische Revolution. Giessen : 18 17. i2mo. Title from Sabin's Dictionary. Apparently another edition of No. 82. KINGSTON (JOHN). 127 The Life of General George Washington. By John Kingston. Baltimore : J. Kingston. 1817. 241110, pp. 228. Portrait. A second edition of No. 106. WEEMS (MASON L.). 128 The Life of George Washington ; .... Eighteenth Edition. By M. L. Weems. Philadelphia : Printed by Matkew Carey . 18 17. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. 1817 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 53 WEEMS (MASON L.). I2g Das Leben | des | Georg Washington, | mit | Sonderbaren Anec- doten I Sowohl ehrenvoll fur ihn Selbst | als auch | nachahmungs- wiirdig fur seine jungen Land.sleute. I Ein Leben, wie niitzlich seinem Lande gefiihrt ! Wie beliebt, da er lebte ! wie geehrt, im Tode ! Lispelt ! Lispelt ! seinen Namen, ihr noch ungeborne Kinder ! Und schmucket eure Namen mit ahnlichen Thaten. Von I M. L. Weems, | ehemaligen Prediger der Mount-Vemon Kirche. | Aus dem Englischen iibersezt | nach der neunten sehr ver- besserten Auflage. | Baltimore: \ Gcdruckt und Verlegt bei Schaffer und Maundjur sich \ selbst, und J/. Cany und Sohn, in Philadelphia. \ 1817. 121110, pp. 240. Portrait, Map and 6 Plates. A German translation of the ninth edition of the Life by Weems, No. 7S. WILSON (THOMAS). I30 General George Washington. [The Biography of the principal American Military and Naval Heroes ; By Thomas Wilson, of Phila- delphia. Vol I. New York: 1S17. i2mo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 232.] A reprint, with a different opening paragraph and some slight changes and omissions, of the abridgment of Cony in the " American Nepos," No. 56. 54 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1818 1818. RAMSAY (DAVID). 13 1 The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. By- David Ramsay, M.D. . . Fifth Edition, with six engravings. Balti- more; Published by Cashing & Jewett. Benjamin Edes, Printer. 1S18. l2mo, pp. 266. A reprint of No. IIO, same frontispiece ami illustrations. WEEMS (MASON L.). 132 The Life of George \\ ashington ; . . . . Twentieth Edition. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia : Printed by M. Carey & Son. 1818. 1 2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. WEEMS (MASON L.> 133 The Lite of George Washington; .... Twenty-first Edition . . . Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Phila- delphia : Printed by M. Carey & Son. 1818. 121110, pp. 228. Portrait. Printed from the first sit of stereotype-plates, referred to in the note of No. So. An odd typographical error will be noticed on p. 1 1 S. consisting of the transposition ol the t in the word cotton, making it read cototn. This erroi was not corrected, and the word thus printed will be found in all subsequent ic-i.-sucs from these plates, down to 1840, when new- plates were prepared. *819 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 55 1819. BIOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE. J 34 General George Washington. [The Biographical Magazine con- taining Portraits with Lives and Characters of eminent Persons. Lon- don: 1819. Svo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 255.] RAMSAY (DAVID). *35 Vida I de I Jorge Washington, | General en Gefe de los Exercitos, I y Presidente de la Republica de los Estados-Unidos de | America Setentrional. | Deducida | de la que Publico en idioma Ingles M. David Ramsay, | Membro del Congreso de la Misma Republica. I Paris : I Imprenta de Stahl, rue du Cioitre-Notre-Dame, No. 6. | 1819. i6mo, pp. xii, 215. Portrait after Stuart. A Spanish translation of No. 64, omitting the appendix. REES (ABRAHAM). - George Washington, First President of the United States. [The Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Litera- ture. ByAbrahamRees, D.D. Vol. XXXVII. London: 18 19. 4 to.] REES (ABRAHAM). George Washington. [The Cyclopaedia: or, Universal Die- 56 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 1820 tionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. By Abraham Rees. First American Edition. Vol. XXXIX. Philadelphia: n. d.] An entirely different sketcli from the preceding number. WEEMS (MASON L.). 138 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Twenty-second Edition. Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Phila- delphia: Printed by M. Carey & Son. 18 19. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait.' WOODWARD (THOMAS). 139 Life of Washington. [The Columbian Plutarch ; or an exempli fication of several distinguished American Characters. By Thomas Woodward. Philadelphia : Printed for the Author. 18 19. i2mo.] With the exception of an additional paragraph, pp. 206-208, giving a synopsis of the Farewell Address, and the introduction of the first four paragraphs of the Life by Corry, No. 22, this is the same as the Life in the American Edition of Rees' Cyclopedia, No. 137. l820. DEUTSCHE ENCYCLOPADIE. 140 George Washington Nordamerika's erster Burger, Feldherr und oberster Beamter, im sinne des alterthums einer der grossten Manner seiner Zeit. [Allgemeine Deutsche Real-Encyclopadie. Zehnter Band. Leipzig: 1820. 121110.] 1821 Bibliotheca WasMngtoniana. 57 HULBERT (C). 141 Life of General Washington. [Biographical Sketches of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, General Washington, and Thomas Paine; By C. Hulbert. London: 1820. i8mo.] Although this sketch opens with the well-known paragraph from the Life by John Corry, " In the history of man, we contemplate " etc., it is really an abridgment of that in the British Register, No. 1 8. WEEMS (MASON L.). 142 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Twenty-third Edition. Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Phila- delphia: M. Carey & Son. 1820. 121110, pp. 228. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 364. With this edition and down to 182S, the illustrations are from different copper-plates to those preceding, being upright in shape and better both in design and execution. They, how- ever, represent the same historical scenes, with the exception of the frontispiece, the " Death of Gen'l Montgomery," which is omitted. See note of No. 86. I82I. WILSON (THOMAS). 143 General George Washington. [The Biography of the principal American Military and Naval Heroes : By Thomas Wilson. Second Edition. Vol.1. New York : 1821. i2mo.] A second edition of No. 130, the sketch is the same. 58 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1822 l822. BERTOLOTTI iDAVIDE). 144 Yiu ili Giorgio Washington scritta da Davide Bertolotti. | Vite E Ritratti di Venticinque Ucrmini [llustri. Padova: M.DCCC.XXII. 4to. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 281.] 1823. [ 1 i45 Biographie Geo. Washington's. Chemnitz: 1S-3. 8vo. Portrait. Title from Oettinger's "Bibliographic Biographique." DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE. 146 George Washington, General, et l'un des Fondateurs de la Re- publique des Etats-Unis en Amerique. [Dictionhaire Historique, Critique et Bibliographique. Tome Yin^t-Septieme. A Paris: [823. umo. Portrait after Kirch, Baker, i§§^\ \ reprint oi the sketch in the " Dictionnaire Universel," No. 98, concluding in addi- tion with an extract from the funeral oration in honor of Washington, delivered by Louis Romanes at Paris, February 18th, 1800. ROGERS JHOMAS J.). *47 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the Revolutionary War with Great Britain. [A new American 1824 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 59 Biographical Dictionary; Compiled by T. J. Rogers. Second Edition. Trenton: 1823. i2mo.] A second edition of No. 107, the sketch is the same. WEEMS (MASON L.). 148 The Life of George Washington; .... Twenty-fifth Edition. Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . . Philadelphia: H. C. Carey & I. Lea. 1823. 121110, pp. 228. Portrait, Baker, 364. 1824. PHYSIOGNOMICAL PORTRAITS. 149 General George Washington. [Physiognomical Portraits of One Hundred Distinguished Characters with Biographical Notices in Eng- lish and French. Vol. II. London: 1824. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, Bukcr, 219.] ROGERS (THOMAS J.). 150 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army, during the Revolutionary War with Great Britain. [A new American Biographical Dictionary ; Third Edition ; Compiled by Thomas J. Rogers. Easton, Pain.: 1824. 8vo.] A third edition of No. 107, the sketch is the same. 60 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1825 TEMPLE (SAMUEL). 151 A Short Account of the Life and Character of General George Washington, First President of the United States of America. [The Child's Assistant in the Art of Reading. By Samuel Temple. Boston: 1824. 24mo. Portrait after Stuart, on wood.] WEEMS (MASON L.). 152 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Twenty-sixth Edition. Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Phila- delphia : H. C. Carey & I. Lea. 1824. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. 1825. AMERICAN MILITARY BIOGRAPHY. 153 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the War with Great Britain, and First President of the United States. [American Military Biography. Printed for Subscribers, [n.p.] 1825. i2mo.] A reprint of the sketch in "Aliens' Biographical Dictionary," No. 71. Re-issued, Cincinnati: 1S29, -f- Philadelphia : 1831. [ ] 154 The Life of Washington, and History of the American Revolu- tion. Together with Washington's Farewell Address, Declaration of 1825 Bibliotheca Wasldngtoniana. 61 Independence, Constitution of the United States. New York : J. Slater. [n. d.] i2mo, pp. 108. Title from the Rice Catalogue. BIOGRAPHIA AMERICANA. I55 George Washington, First President of the United States. [Bio- graphia Americana : By a Gentleman of Philadelphia. New York : 1825. 8vo.] Sketch by Benjamin Franklin French. BIOGRAPHIE NOUVELLE. I5 6 Georges Washington, General, et l'un des Fondateurs de la Republique des Etats-Unis. [Biographie Nouvelle des Contem- poraines. Tome Vingtieme. Paris; 1825. Svo.] BIOGRAPHY ILLUSTRATED. I57 George Washington. [Biography Illustrated. London: William Darton and Son, 58, Holborn-Hill. [n.d] Sq. i6mo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 370.] [CORRY (JOHN).] I58 Life of Gen. George Washington, late President, etc. New York : Johnstone & Van Norden. 1825. 3 2mo, pp. 160. Portrait. Title from the Brinley Catalogue. 62 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1825 RAMSAY (DAVID). 159 The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. By David Ramsay, M.D. Sixth Edition with six engravings. Baltimore : Published by Cushing and Jewett. 1825. i2mo. Same frontispiece ami illustrations as No. no. RAMSAY (DAVID). 160 Vida I de | Jorge Washington, | Comandante en Gefe de los Ejercitos duran | te la Guerra que cstablecio la Independen | cia de Ins Kstados-Unidos de America, y su | Primer Presidente. | Escrita | por David Ramsay, | Doctor en Medicina, Alitor de la Historia de la I Revdlucion Americana. | Y Traducida al Espanol | por A. R. [A. Rapallo] y C. L. | [C. Lanuza.] Tomo I. | Nueva-York: Im- prenta Je Tompkins y Floyd. | 1825. 2 Vols. Sm. 121110, pp. vm, 277; 238. \ sp.misli translation of No. 64, but different from No. 135. WEEMS (MASON L.). 161 The Life of George Washington ; .... Twenty-ninth Edition. Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weeras, . . Frank- ford near PhUad. : Published by Joseph Allen. 1825. 121110. pp, 228. Portrait. 1826 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 63 1826. BANCROFT (AARON). ^ 2 The I Life of | George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of the I American Army, | through the Revolutionary War ; | and the I First President | of the | United States. | By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. I Pastor of a Congregational Church in Worcester. | In Two Vol- umes. I Vol. I. I Stereotyped by T H. Carter & Co. Boston. | Boston : Published by T. Bcdlington, \ No ji, Washington-Street. | 1S26. 2 vols., i2mo, Engraved Title, pp. 223, + Vol. II, Engraved Title, 1 Plate, pp. 21S. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 266. A reprint of No. 59, omitting the appendix. RAMSAY (DAVID). l6s La Vida | de | Jorge Washington, | Comandante en Gefe | de los I Egercitos de los Estados Unidos de America, | en la Guerra que la establecio su | Independencia ; | y | su Primer Presidente. | Escrita en Ingles por | David Ramsay, M.D. | y Traducida al Espafiol por | Eduardo Barry. [ De la Imprentade R. Desilver. \ Filadelfia: | 1826. i2mo, pp. 270. A Spanish translation of No. 64, but different from either 135 or 160; the appendix is omitted. WEEMS (MASON L.). 164 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Twenty-ninth Edition. 64 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1827 Embellished with Eight Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Frank- ford near Philad. : Published by Joseph Allen. 1826. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. 1827. BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE. 165 George Washington. [Biographic Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne. Tome Cinquantieme. A Paris. 1827. 8vo.] Sketch by Louis de Maussion. 1828. [CUSTIS (GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE).] 166 The I Indian Prophecy, | A | National Drama, | in Two Acts. | Founded upon a most interesting and romantic oc | currence in the Life of I General Washington. | Performed at the Theatres of Phila- delphia, Bal I timore, and Washington. | To which is prefixed, | a Memoir of the Indian Prophecy, | from the Recollections and Pri- vate Memoirs of the Life and | Character of Washington. | By the Author of the Recollections. | Georgetown, D. C. \ Published by James Thomas. | 182S. Sm. i2mo, pp. 35. GORTON (JOHN). 167 George Washington, Commander-in-Chief and First President of the United States. [A General Biographical Dictionary. By John Gorton. Vol.11. London: 1828. 8vo.] 1829 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 65 WEEMS (MASON L.). 168 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: Published by Joseph Allen and sold by J. Grigg, No. p, North Fourth Street. 1828. l2mo, pp. 228. Portrait and 5 Illustrations, on wood. With this edition, wood-cuts, copies of the upright copper-plates of the editions from 1S20, were introduced and appear in all subsequent re-issues. I829. BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE. 169 General George Washington, l'un des Fondateurs et le premier President de la Republique des Etats-Unis dans l'Amerique du Nord. [Biographie Universelle Classique ou Dictionnaire Historique. Troi- sieme Partie. Paris: MDCCCXXIX. 8vo.] ROGERS (THOMAS J.). 170 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army, during the Revolutionary War with Great Britain. [A new American Biographical Dictionary; Compiled by Thomas J. Rogers. Fourth Edition. Philadelphia: 1829. i2mo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker , 36S-] A fourth edition of No. 107, the sketch is the same. 5 66 Bibliotheca Washingto7iiana. 1830 TRUMBULL (JAMES). 171 Life of I George Washington, | First President | of the | United States, I and | Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United | States of America, during the War | of the Revolution. | By James Trumbull, A.M. | With three Engravings. | New York. \ Printed & Published by S. & D. A. Forbes, \ No. 4.55 Broadway. | 1829. 241110. pp. 166. Portrait and 2 Illustrations, on wood. A reprint, in its main features, of the Life by Thomas Condie, No. 103, adding the order to the Army on the cessation of hostilities, the Farewell Address, and at the end a " Chronological Table." The name on the title-page is, of course, fictitious. 183O. THE UNIQUE. 172 George Washington. [The Unique ; or, Biography of many dis- tinguished Characters. Boston: 1830. i6mo.] 1831. WEEMS (MASON L.). 173 The Life of George Washington; . . . . By M. L. Weems. Philadelphia : Published by Joseph Allen and sold by J. Grigg, No. p North Fourth Street. 1831. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. 1832 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 67 1832. ALLEN (WILLIAM). 174 George Washington. [An American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. By William Allen, D.D. Second Edition. Boston: MDCCCXXXII. Svo.] A reprint of the sketch in the First Edition, No. 71. [ ] 175 The Life | of | George Washington. | Illustrated by | Tales, Sketches and Anecdotes. | Adapted to the use of Schools. | With Engravings. | Philadelphia: 1832. Sm. i2mo, pp. 174. 12 Illustra- tions, on wood. Known as " Parley's Washington," the copyright-entry being in the name of Samuel G. Goodrich (Peter Parley), and that title placed on the backs of the volumes. Mr. Goodrich, however, disowned the authorship, vide Allibone, Vol. I, p. 703. [ ] 176 The I Life | of | George Washington. | Written for the American S. S. Union, and revised | by the Committee of Publication. | American Sunday School Union. \ Philadelphia : \ No. 146 Chesnut Street. [1832.] Sm. i2mo. Engraved Title, with vignette, pp. 268. 6 Illustrations, on wood. „ , , . 68 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1832 EDINBURGH ENCYCLOPEDIA. 177 George Washington. [The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, conducted by David Brewster, L. L. D. F. R. S. First American Edition. Vol. XVIII. Philadelphia; 1832. 410.] Sketch by Anthony I.aussat. MARSHALL (JOHN). 178 The Life | of | George Washington, | Commander in Chief of the I American Forces, | during the War which established the Inde- pendence of his Country. I and First President of the | United States. | Compiled under the inspection of | the Honourable Bushrod Wash- ington, j from Original Papers | bequeathed to him by his deceased Relative. | By John Marshall. | Second Edition, Revised and cor- rected by the Author. | In Two Volumes. | Vol. I. | Philadelphia: \ Published by James Crissy. | 1832. 2 vols., Svo, pp. IV, 460 (42, VIII); 448 (32, V). Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 2S0, and Svo Vol. of 10 maps, reduced copies of those issued with the original edition. An abridgment of No. 49, without the Introduction or Colonial History. Re-issued 1836, 1S38, 1840, 1845, 1848, 1S54, etc. RAMSAY (DAVID). 179 The Life | of | George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of the I Armies of the United States of America | throughout the War which established | their Independence, | and | First President of the 1833 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 69 United States. | By David Ramsay, M.D. | Author of the History of the American Revolution. | Revised and enlarged, | by Wm. Grim- shaw, I Author of A History of the United States, etc., etc. | Balti- more: I Published by Joseph Jewett, and Cushing & Sons. | 1832. i2mo, pp. 252. Same frontispiece and illustrations as No. 1 10. A reprint of No. 64, with the exception of a few additional paragraphs in Chapters I, III, XII and XIII, the most important being fuller narratives of Washington's first campaign, the battle of Long Island, the capture of Gen. Uc during the retreat through New Jersey, and the campaign of Gen. Wayne against the Indians in 1794; the dedication and appendix are omitted. WEEMS (MASON L.)- 180 The Life of George Washington; .... Embellished with Six- Engravings. ByM. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: Published by Joseph Allen, and sold by J. Grigg, No. p North Fourth Street. 1832. i2mo, pp. 228. Portrait. 1833- C ] 181 Entertaining Anecdotes of George Washington, exhibiting his Patriotism and Courage, Benevolence and Piety, with other Traits of Character. Boston: 1833. Sq. i2mo. Cuts. Re-issued, Boston: 1839 -f 1S48. "jo Bibliotlicca Washingtoniana. 1833 BANCROFT (AARON). 182 The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. In Two Volumes. Boston: Published at the Water Street Book-Store. 1833. i2mo. A re-issue of No. 162, without Portrait or Engraved Titles. ENCYCLOPAEDIA AMERICANA. 183 George Washington. [Encyclopaedia Americana. Edited by Francis Lieber. Vol. XIII. Philadelphia: 1833. Svo.] Sketch by Robert Walsh. ICONOGRAPHIE INSTRUCTIVE. 184 George Washington. Ne le 22 fev. 1732. Mort le 14 dec. 1798. [Iconographie Instructive. XVIII. Siecle. Paris, [n. d.] Svo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 1 84.] KNAPP (SAMUEL LORENZO). 185 George Washington. [American Biography. By Samuel L. Knapp. New York: 1833. 121110.] LINCOLN (ROBERT W.). 186 George Washington. [Lives of the Presidents of the United 1833 BibliotJicca Washingloniana. 71 States. By Robert W. Lincoln. New York: 1833. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 275.] SIMPSON (STEPHEN). 187 The I Lives | of | George Washington | and | Thomas Jefferson : I With a Parallel. | " Marcus Cato and Caius Caesar were both ex- traordinary men, | but of a genius widely different. Greatness of soul they equally | possessed, and they equally reached the summit of glory ; yet it was | a glory peculiar to each, and certainly acquired by very opposite | methods." — Sallust. | By Stephen Simpson. | Phila- delphia: I Printed and Published by Henry Youtig, \ N.-E. Comer of Passyitnk Road and Shippen Street. | 1833. 121110, pp. VI, 389. Portrait after Stuart, on stone. WEEMS (MASON L.). 188 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia : Published by Joseph Allen, and sold by Grigg & Elliott, No. p North Fourth Street. 1833. i2ino, pp. 228. Portrait. WEEMS (MASON L.)- 189 Geschichte | Gg. Washington's | von der Wiege bis zum Grabe, | Von | M. L. Weems, | einem Zeitgenossen Washington's. | 72 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1834 Philadelphia: \ zu haben bei Otto Maaszt. [n. d.] i2mo, pp. 240. 5 Plates. 1834. GIRAULT (A. N.). 190 Vie I de | George Washington. | Traduit de L'Anglais, et dedie a la Jeunesse | Americaine, | Par A. N. Girault, | Maitre de Francais. | Philadelphie : \ J. Dobson, No. 108 Chestnut Street; \ Kimber & S/t 8vo, pp. XII, 486; vil, 499. Portrait after C. W. Peale, on stone. These volumes, published it is said without the consent or even the knowledge of Dr. Sparks, comprise besides the Life of Washington (a reprint of No. 212), his Diaries, Speeches to Congress, a portion of his Answers to Addresses, the Farewell Address, and a variety of miscellaneous papers, appertaining to his personal history, etc., selected from the 12 vol. American Edition. To these are added the last ftvo Petitions to the King of Great Britain, and the Declaration of Independence. Re-issued, London : 1 842. SPARKS (JARED). 233 Leben und Briefwechsel | Georg Washingtons. | Nach dem Eng- 1840 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 87 lischen | des | Jared Sparks | im Auszuge bearbeitet. | Herausgege- ben I von | Friedrich von Raumer. | Erster Band. | Leipzig: \ F. A. Brockhaus. | 1839. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xiv, 559; x, 533. The first volume contains a German translation of the Life of Washington, by Jared Sparks, No. 212, omitting the appendix, and the second, a selection from the Writings, edited by Friedrich Von Raumer. I84O. [ ] 234 The Life | of | George Washington. ) Illustrated by | Tales, Sketches and Anecdotes. | Adapted to the use of Schools. | With Engravings. | Philadelphia: \ Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., \ No. 25 j Market Street. | 1840. Sm. i2mo, pp. 174. Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 175, known as " Parley's Washington." [ ] 235 The Life | of | General Washington, | Commander in Chief | of | the American Forces. | London : \ Printed for T. Alltnan, 4.2, Holborn Hill, I and sold by all Booksellers. | 1840. Sm. i6mo, pp. x, 440. ARNOLD (S. G.). 236 The Life | of | George Washington, | First President of the United States. | By S. G. Arnold, | Author of " Memoirs of Hannah 88 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1840 More." | . . . New- York : \ Published by T. Mason and G. Lane, | For the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, \ at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry Street. | 1840. i6mo, pp. 228. BLAKE (JOHN L.). 237 George Washington, the Founder of American Independence. [A General Biographical Dictionary. By Rev. J. L. Blake, D.D. Third Edition. Philadelphia : 1840. Roy. 8vo.] GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 238 L'Influence et le Caractere de Washington dans la Revolution des Etats-Unis d'Amerique; Par M. Guizot, Membre de l'lnstitut. [Vie Correspondance et Ecrits de Washington. Paris : Librairie de Charles Gosselin, cj Rue Saint-Germain des Pres. MDCCCXXXX. 6 vols. 8vo.] This essay on the " Character and Influence of Washington in the Revolution of the United States of America," was written by M. Guizot, as an introduction to the French translation of Sparks' Life of Washington, and a selection from the Writings, made by him at the request of Mr. Sparks, 6 vols., Svo, infra. No. 245. The essay, which seems to have been first published separately, supra. No. 227, is dated Val-Richer, September, 1839, and occupies pp. XIII-CLXXI, of Vol. I. GUIZOT (F. P. G.). 239 Washington. | By | Monsieur Guizot, | Member of the Institute, Ambassador of France. | Translated | by Henry Reeve, Esq. | Lon- don : \John Murray, Albemarle Street. \ MDCCCXL. i2mo, pp. xvi, 230. 1840 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 89 A translation of the preceding number, with an appendix, pp. 19S-230, containing the note on American Independence appended to Vol. II of the American Edition of Washing- ton's Writings, letters from Washington to Alexander Spotswood, and Benjamin Harrison, Governor of Virginia, and an extract from one to David Stuart, June 15th, 1790, on official etiquette. GUIZOT (F. P. G.). 240 Washington. | By Monsieur Guizot, | Member of the Institute, Ambassador of France. | Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. | Paris : \ Published by A. and IV. Galignani and Co. \ No. 18, Rue Vivienne. \ 1840. 241110, pp. xii, 1 56. A reprint of No. 239, including the appendix ; apparently a simultaneous publication. GUIZOT (F. P. G.)- 241 Essay | on the | Character and Influence | of | Washington | in the I Revolution of the United States of America. | By M. Guizot. Translated from the French. | Boston : | James Munroe and Company. \ 1840. i6mo, pp. xvi, 188. A translation, by George S. Hillard, of No. 238. MARSHALL (JOHN). 242 The Life of George Washington. By John Marshall. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: 1840. A re-issue of No. 178. 90 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana . 1840 PAULDING (JAMES KIRKE). 243 A Life of Washington. By James K. Paulding. In Two Vol- umes. New-York: Published by Harper and Brothers, No. 82 Cliff- Street. 184O. I 21110. A re-issue of No. 200. RAMSAY (DAVID). 244 The Life | of | George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of the I Armies of the United States of America, throughout the War | which established their Independence ; | and | First President of the United States. | By David Ramsay, M. D. | Author of the History of the American Revolution. | With Notes, | and a | Biographical Sketch of the Author. | Ithaca, N. Y. : | Mack, Andrus, & Woodruff. | 1S40. 1 21110, pp. 274. Portrait after Stuart. A reprint of No. 64. The notes are numerous and interesting, some of them being of considerable length. The Biographical Sketch of Dr. Ramsay was originally published in the Analectic Magazine for September, I Si 5. SPARKS (JARED). 245 Vie I Correspondance et Ecrits | de Washington | Publies d'apres l'Edition Americaine | et precedes | d'une Introduction | sur 1'In- fluence et le Caractere de Washington | dans la Revolution des Etats- Unis d'Amerique; | Par M. Guizot, | Membre de l'lnstitut. | Tome Premier. | Paris. \ Librairie de diaries Gosselin, \ 9 Rice Saint-Ger- 1840 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 91 main des Pres. | MDCCCXXXX. 6 vols., 8vo, and 4to Vol. of Por- traits, Map and Plans. This is the French translation of the Life of Washington, by Tared Sparks, No. 212, with a selection from the Writings referred to in the note of No. 23S. Vols. I and II, pp. CLXXI, 291-408, contain the Life, preceded by the Essay or Introduction by M. Guizot, No. 23S, the remaining volumes being devoted to the selection from the Writings. It is note- worthy that the name of Dr. Sparks does not appear on the title-page. SPARKS (JARED). 246 Life I of I George Washington, | By | Jared Sparks. | Abridged by the Author. | Vol.1. | Boston: \ Published by Ferdinand Andrews. \ 1840. 2 vols., i6mo, pp. xi, 330; vin, 344. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. An abridgment of No. 231, without the appendix. "The omissions are mostly of a political or general nature. The biographical incidents and other parts, which constitute the narrative, have been preserved without change and nearly complete." UPHAM (CHARLES WENTWORTH). 247 The I Life of Washington, | in the form of | an Autobiography ; | the Narrative being, to a great extent, conducted by Himself, | in Ex- tracts and Selections from | His own Writings. | By Rev. Charles W. Upham, I Author of the' Life of Sir Henry Vane.' | In Two Volumes. | Vol. I. I Boston: \ Marsh, Capen, Lyon, and Webb. | 1840. 2 vols., i2mo, pp. 402 ; 388. , Only a few copies of these volumes are known, the edition having been suppressed by the Circuit Court of the United States, as an infringement of the copyright of Sparks' " Writings of George Washington." The plates were subsequently transferred to England for publica- tion, infra, No. 306. 92 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1841 WEEMS (MASON L.). 248 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: Published by Joseph Allen, and sold by Grigg & Elliott, No. 9 North Fourth Street. 1 840. 1 2mo, pp. 244. Portrait. Printed from the second set of stereotype-plates, referred to in the note of No. 86 ; the pages being slightly shorter, will account for the additional number, sixteen. I84I. BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE. 249 George Washington, l'un des Fondateurs et le premier President dc la Republiq. des Etats-Unis. [Biographie Universelle ou Diction- naire Historique sous la direction de M. Weiss. Nouvelle Edition. Tome Sixieme. Paris: MDCCCXLI. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 229.] A reprint of the sketch in the " Biographie Universelle," No. 169. CONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON. 250 Georg Washington, als Feldherr und Gesetzgeber der groszte unter den Grundern und Ordnern der Freiheit und der Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. [Bilder-Conversations- Lexikon, fur das deutsche Volk. Vierter Band. Leipzig: 1841. 8vo.] 1842 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 93 GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 251 Washington | Par | M. Guizot. | Londres: \ D. Nutt, 158, Fleet Street. | M,DCCC,XLI. i6mo, pp. 155. A reprint of No. 238. [ ] 1842. 252 The Life | of | George Washington. | Written for the American Sunday-School Union, and | Revised by the Committee of Publica- tion. I New Edition. | Illustrated with fine Steel and Lithographic | Engravings. | American Sunday-School Union. \ Philadelphia: \ No. 146 Chestnut Street. [1842.] Sm. i 2 mo, Engraved Title, with vignette, pp. 287. Portrait after Stuart; 4 Illustrations, on stone. A re-issue of No. 176, with alterations and additions. The additions comprise the intro- duction of the " Hatchet Story," selections from " Rules of Behaviour in company and con- versation," and reminiscences of Gen. Washington. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. 253 George Washington, the First President of the United States. [Encyclopaedia Britannica. Seventh Edition. Volume XXI. Edin- burgh: 1842.] GLASS (FRANCIS). 254 A Life of George Washington, in Latin Prose: By Francis 94 Bibliotlicca Washingtoniana. 1842 Glass, A.M. . . Third Edition. New York : Published by Harper & Brothers, ... 1842. Georgii Washingtonii, . . Vita, Francisco Glass, A.M. . . Neo-Eboracopoli : . . MDCCCXLII. i2ino, pp. 285. Frontispiece. A re-issue of No. 199, with a vocabulary occupying pp. 225-285. Testimonials at end, not paged. GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 255 Washington | Par | M. Guizot. | Deuxieme Edition. | Londres : | D. Nutt, 158, Fleet Street. | MDCCCXLII. i6mo, pp. 155. A re-issue of No. 251. PAULDING (JAMES KIRKE). 256 A Life of Washington. By James K. Paulding. In Two Volumes. New- York : Published by Harper & Brothers, No. 82 Cliff- Street. 1842. i2mo. A re-issue of No. 200. RAMSAY (DAVID). 257 Vida de Jorge Washington, Commandante en Gefe de los Ejercitos durante la Guerra que establecio la Independencia de los Estados Unidos de America, y su Primer Presidente. Escrita por David 1842 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 95 Ramsay, M.D., etc., y Traducida al Espanol por A. R. y C. L. Barcelona: 1S42. 2 vols., 8vo. Title from Rich, Bibliotheca Americana Nova. In all probability a re-issue of No. 160. SPARKS (JARED). 258 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston : Published by Tappa?i and Dennct. 1 842. 8vo. A reissue of No. 231. SPARKS (JARED). 259 Life I of I George Washington, | By | Jared Sparks. | Abridged by the Author. | Boston: | 1842. 2 vols., i6mo. Portrait after Houdon, Bake)', 107. A re-issue of No. 246. WEEMS (MASON L.). 260 The I Life of George Washington; | with | curious anecdotes, equally honorable to Himself, | and | exemplary to his Young Coun- trymen. I A life how useful to his country led ! How loved ! while living ! — how revered ! now dead ! Lisp ! lisp ! his name, ye children yet unborn ! And with like deeds your own gre names adorn. 96 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1843 By M. L. Weems, | formerly Rector of Mount Vernon Parish. | Knoxville : \ Printed and Published by James Williams, \ at the Office of the Post. I 1S42. i6mo,pp. 235. An unauthorized reprint, outside of the regular succession of editions. Without Portrait or Illustrations. 1843- PENNY CYCLOPEDIA. 261 George Washington. [The Penny Cyclopaedia. Vol. XXVII. London: MDCCCXLIII. Imp. 8vo.] SPARKS (JARED). 262 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston : Published by Tappan and Dennet. 1843. 8vo. A re-issue of No. 231. SPARKS (JARED). 263 Life I of I George Washington, | By | Jared Sparks. | Abridged by the Author. | Boston: \ Published by Tappan and Dennet. | 1843. 2 vols., i6mo. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. Are-issue of No. 246. 1844 Bibhotheca Washingtoniana. qj 1844. [ 3 264 The Life | of | George Washington. | Illustrated by | Tales, Sketches and Anecdotes. | Adapted to the use of Schools. | With Engravings. | Philadelphia: \ Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., \ No. 253 Market Street. | 1844. Sm. i 2 mo, pp. 174. Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 175, known as " Parley's Washington." C J 265 The Life | of | General Washington, | Commander-in-Chief | of I The American Forces. | London. \ Printed for T. Allman, 42, Hal- born Hill, I and sold by all Booksellers. | 1844. Sm. i6mo, pp. x, 440. Frontispiece, on wood. A re-issue of No. 235. BANCROFT (AARON). 266 The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. In Two Volumes. Boston: Published by Lewis & Sampson, 122 Washington Street. 1844. i 2 mo. A re-issue of No. 162, without Portrait or Engraved Titles. DICTIONNAIRE CONVERSATION. 2 g 7 Georges Washington. [Dictionnaire de Conversation. Tome Dixieme. Paris. 1S44. i2mo.] 98 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1844 ENCYCLOPEDIE. 268 Washington. [Encyclopedic tics Gens du Monde. Tome Vingt- deuxieme. Paris. 1844. i2mo.] Sketch l>y Edme. Jacques-Benoit Rathery. GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-.PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 269 Washington | Par | M. Guizot | Membre de I'lnstitut | Nouvelle Edition | Paris \ Librairie de Charles Gossclin \ Editair de la Bib- liotheque d 'Elite \ jo Rue Jacob | MDCCCXLIV. i2mo, pp. 216. Portrait of the Author. 1 his edition prints in appendix : The Farewell Address, the Last Will and Testament, papers referring to the death of Washington, the proceedings of Congress thereon, etc., etc. PAULDING (JAMES KIRKE). 270 A Life of Washington, By James K. Paulding. In Two Vol- umes. New York: Published by Harper & Brothers, No. S2 Cliff- Street. 1844. i2mo. A re-issue of No. 200. SPARKS (JARED). 271 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston: Published by Charles Tappan. 1844. 8vo. A re issue of No ! ; i 1845 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 99 WEEMS (MASON L.). ' 272 The Life of George Washington ; Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weeras. Philadelphia: 1844. i 2m0) pp . 244. Portrait. WISLICENUS (ERNST) ' 273 Washington, oder die Entstehung der Nordamerikanischen Frei- staaten. Leipzig. 1844. 8vo. Title from Oettinger's " Bibliographie Biographize." 1845- MARSHALL (JOHN) 274 The Life of George Washington. By John Marshall. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: 1845. A reissue of No. 17S. [WELD (H. HASTINGS)/] J 275 Pictorial Life | of | George Washington : | Embracing | Anec- dotes. I Illustrative of his Character. | And | Embellished with En- gravings. I For the young People of the Nation He founded. | Phila- delphia: I Lindsay and Blakiston, \ Chesnut Street. | ,845. ,6 mo , pp. 222. 8 Illustrations, on stone. ioo Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 1846 1846. GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 276 Washington. For M. Guizot. Madrid: Espiuosa y Ca. 1846. i6mo, pp. (2), xxi, 148. Title from Sabin's Dictionary. 1847. BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE. 277 George Washington, Fondateur de l'lndepcndance Amcricaine. [Biographic Universelle Ancienne ct Moderne. Nouvelle Edition. Tome Vingt et unieme. Bruxcllcs: 1847. 8vo.] A different sketch from that in the " Biographie Universelle," No. 165. FROST (JOHN). 278 Pictorial Life | of | George Washington : | Embracing | a com- plete History | of | The Seven Years War, the Revolutionary War, the I Formation of the Federal Constitution, and | the Administra- tion of Washington. | By J. Frost, LL.D. | Author of " Pictorial History of the World," etc. | With upwards of one Hundred Engrav- ings. I By Croome & Devercux. | Philadelphia: \ Charles J. Gillis, 46y> Walnut Street. \ Stereotyped By L. Johnson & Co. | 1847. 8vo, Engraved Title, pp. 588. Portrait after Trumbull, Baker, 157, and numerous Illustrations, on wood. 1847 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 101 [GRISWOLD (RUFUS WILMOT).] 279 George Washington. [Washington and the Generals of the American Revolution. Vol. I. Philadelphia : Published by Carey and Hart. 1847. Equestrian Portrait.] "Washington and the Generals of the American Revolution," 2 vols., 1 21110, sixteen Portraits, was edited and partly written by Rufus W. Griswold, assisted by W. G. Simms, E. D. Ingraham and others. It is commonly known as " Griswold's Washington," and the authorship of the Washington sketch usually attributed to him. But of this there is no posi- tive proof, and without good evidence to that effect we incline to doubt it. The writer has heard it ascribed to the pen of the late Horace Binney Wallace, of Philadelphia, but of this also no evidence was adduced, although such a parentage is entitled to much more favorable consideration. HEADLEY (JOEL TYLER). 280 George Washington. [Washington and his Generals. By J. T. Headley. Vol.1. New York: Baker and Scribner, 36 Park Row and 145 Nassau Street. 1847. Portrait after Trumbull, Baker, 140.] 2 vols., i2mo. Re-issued, New York, 1853, + 1S56, + 1865, + [IdiJ.] two vols, in one, 1875. LOSSING (BENSON JOHN). 281 George Washington, The First President of the United States. [The Lives of the Presidents of the United States. New York: 1847. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, on wood.] 102 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1848 WEEMS (MASON L.). 282 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: Published by Joseph Allen, and sold by Grigg and Elliot, No. 9 North Fourth Street. 1847. 1 2mo, pp. 244. Portrait. 1848. CRAIG (NEVILLE B.). 283 Washington's First Campaign. Death of Jumonville, and the taking of Fort Necessity, also Braddock's Defeat, the march of the unfortunate General explained by a Civil Engineer; the whole arranged by Neville B. Craig. Pittsburgh: M.P.Morse. 1848. 8vo, pp. 32. Map. EMINENT AMERICANS. 284 George Washington, First President. [Eminent Americans, and Patriots of the Revolution. New York: 1848. Sm. i2mo.] ENCYCLOPEDIE CATHOLIQUE. 285 Washington. [Encyclopedic Catholique. Tome Dix-huitieme. Paris: 1848. Svo.] A reprint with some slight alterations of the sketch in the " Kncyclopedie des Gens du Monde," No. 268. 1848 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 103 FROST (JOHN). 286 Pictorial Life | of | George Washington: | Embracing | a com- plete History | of | The Seven Years' War, the Revolutionary War, the I Formation of the Federal Constitution, and | the Administration of Washington. [ By J. Frost, LL.D. | Author of "Pictorial History of the World," " Pictorial History | of the United States," and " Pictorial History of Mexico and | the Mexican War, with Five Hundred En- gravings." I With upwards of one hundred Engravings, | By Croome & Devereux. | Philadelphia ; \ Published by IV. A. Leary & Co. \ No. 138 North Second Street. | [1848]. Svo, Engraved Title, pp. 588. Portrait after Trumbull, Baker, 157. 1 Plate and numerous illustra- tions, on wood. A re-issue of No. 278. [GRISWOLD (RUFUS WILMOT.)] 287 George Washington. [Washington and the Generals of the American Revolution. Vol. I. Philadelphia : Published by Carey and Hart. 1848. i2mo. Portrait] A re-issue of No. 279 ; also re-issued the same year, with only two portraits. MARSHALL (JOHN). 288 The Life of George Washington. By John Marshall. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: Published by Crissy & Markley, and Thomas Cowperthwait & Co. 1 848. A re-issue of No. 17S. 104 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1849 PAULDING (JAMES KIRKE). 289 The I Life of Washington. | By | James K. Paulding. | Aber- deen: I Published by George Clark & Son. \ Dublin: J. M'Glashan, 21, D'Olier-Strect. | MDCCCXLVIII. 121110, pp. 288. A reprint of No. 200. TYTLER (MARGARET FRASER). 290 The Life of Washington. [Tales of the Great and Brave. (Sec- ond Series.) By M. Fraser Tytler. Philadelphia: 1848. Sq. i6mo. 8 Illustrations, on wood.] WYATT (THOMAS). 291 General George Washington. [Memoirs of the Generals . . who distinguished themselves in the Wars of the Revolution and 18 12. By Thomas Wyatt, A.M. Philadelphia : 1 848. Svo.] 1849. AMERICAN LITERARY MAGAZINE. 292 George Washington. [American Literary Magazine. February 1849. Vol. IV. New York.] BIOGRAPHICAL PANORAMA. 293 George Washington. [American Biographical Panorama. By 1849 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 105 William Hunt. Printed by Joel Munsell. 1849. [n. p.] Portrait after Stuart.] [GRISWOLD (RUFUS WILMOT).] 294 The Military and Civil Life of George Washington. [American Biographical Library. New York : 1849. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, on wood.] A reprint of the sketch in " Washington and the Generals of the American Revolution," No. 279. MARSHALL (JOHN). 295 The Life of George Washington, written for the use of Schools. , By John Marshall. Twentieth Edition. Philadelphia: Crissy & Markley, No. 4. Minor Street. 1849. 12 mo. A re-issue of No. 222. WILLIAMS (EDWIN). 296 Biographical Sketch of George Washington. [The Presidents of the United States, their Memoirs and Administrations. By Edwin Williams. New York : 1849. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 179.] Reprinted in the "Twelve Stars of Our Republic," p. 25. New York : 1850. 106 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 1850 1850. BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE. 297 George Washington. [Biographic Univcrselle ou Dictionnaire 1 Iistorique. Par F.-X. de Feller. Tome VIII. Paris. 1850.] 1851. BEARD (JOHN R.). 298 George Washington, the Founder of the Republic of the United States. [The People's Biographical Dictionary : By the Rev. John R. Beard, D.D. Volume Fourth. London: MDCCCLI. i6mo.] GOODRICH (SAMUEL GRISWOLD). 299 George Washington. [Parley's Panorama : or, Curiosities of Nature and Art, History and Biography. Edited by S. G. Goodrich. Hartford. Published by House & Brown. 1S51. Svo.] GORTON (JOHN). 3°° George Washington, Commander-in-Chief and First President of the United States of America. [A General Biographical Dictionary. By John Gorton. A new Edition. Vol. IV. London: 1851. 8vo.] A reprint of the sketch in Vol. II, of the First Edition, No. 167. 1851 Bibliothcca Washingto7iiana. 107 GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 301 Washington. | Fondation | de | la Republique des Etats-Unis | d'Amerique, | Par M. Guizot. | Bruxelles. \ Meline, Cans et Compaguie. I Livournc. \ Mhne Maison. \ Leipzig. \J. P. Meline. | 185 1. 12010, PP- 173 (0. A reprint of No. 238, with an appendix containining the early writings of Washington, extracts from his first Journal (aetat 1 6), his religious opinions, papers referring to his death, and the proceedings of Congress thereon, the Declaration of Independence, the Farewell Ad- dress, and his Last Will and Testament. GUIZOT (F. P. G.). 302 Le Caractere de Washington et son Influence dans la Revo- lution des Etats-Unis d'Amerique Par M. Guizot. [Prefixed to Vol. I of Washington, Fondation de la Republique des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, Vie de Washington ; Paris Didicr, Libraire-Editeur, Quai desAugustins,jj. 1851. 2 vols., Svo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 229.] A re-issue of the first two volumes of " Vie Correspondance et Ecrits de Washington," No. 245, containing the Essay by M. Guizot, and the French translation of Sparks' Life of Washington, referred to in the note of that number. The Essay occupies pp. XIII-CLXXI of Vol. I. See also No. 304 infra. GUIZOT (F. P. G.). 303 Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington in the Revo- lution of the United States of America. By M. Guizot. Translated from the French. Second Edition. Boston and Cambridge : James 108 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1851 Munroe and Company. 1851. i6mo, pp. 160. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. A reprint of No. 241. SPARKS (JARED). 304 Washington | Fondation de la Republique | des | Etats-Unis d'Amerique | Vic de Washington; | Histoire de la Guerre de l'lnde- pendance ct de la Fondation de la Republique | des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, | traduitc de l'Anglais de M. Jared-Sparks, par M. CH .... I et prcccdee | d'une Introduction sur le Caractere de Washington et son Influence | dans la Revolution des Etats-Unis d'Amerique | Par M. Guizot. | 1 | Paris \ Didier, Librairc-Editcur, Quai des Aug us tins, 35. | 1851. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. CLXXI, 291 ; 440. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 229, I Map and Por- trait of Mrs. Washington. A re-issue of Vols. I and II, of No. 245, with the addition to Vol. II, of the Declaration ill Independence, and the Last Will and Testament of Washington. See also No. 302. SPARKS (JARED). 305 The Life | of | George Washington | By | Jared Sparks, L.L.D. | Two Volumes in one, abridged by the Author. | Auburn: | Derby & Miller. | 185 1. i2mo. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. A re-issue of No. 246. 1852 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 109 UPHAM (CHARLES WENTWORTH). 306 The I Life | of | General Washington, | First President of the United States, | written by Himself, | comprising | His Memoirs and Correspondence, | as prepared by Him for publication, | including | several Original Letters now first printed. | Edited by | the Rev. C. W. Upham. | In Two Volumes. | Vol. I. | London: \ Office of the National Illustrated Library, \ 22J, Strand. | MDCCCLI. 2 vols., i2mo, Engraved Title, pp. 443, Portrait after Trumbull, + Vol. II, Engraved Title, pp. 443, Portrait of Franklin. A re-issue, with a new title, of No. 247, the plates having been transferred to England for publication, in consequence of the action of the U. S. Court, referred to in that note. A Glossary and Index at the end of each volume make up the additional pages. 1852. GODWIN (PARKE). 307 George Washington, the Illustrious Founder of American Inde- pendence. [Hand-Book of Universal Biography. By Parke Godwin. Neiv York: 1852. i2mo.] [HERVEY (N.).] 308 The Memory of Washington ; with Biographical Sketches of his Mother and Wife. Relations of Lafayette to Washington ; with Inci- dents and Anecdotes in the Lives of the Two Patriots. Boston: J. Munroc & Co. 1852. i2mo, pp. 320. 2 Plates. no Bibliotlicca Washingtoniana. 1852 JUDSON (L. CARROLL). 309 George Washington. [The Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution. By L. Carroll Judson. Philadelphia: Published by the Author. 1852. Svo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 350.] A different sketch from No. 22S. SPARKS (JARED). 310 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston: 1852. A re-issue of No. 211. SPARKS (JARED). 311 The Life | of | George Washington | By | Jared Sparks, LL.D. | Two Volumes in one, abridged by the Author. | Auburn: \ Derby & Miller. | 1852. l2mo. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. A reissue of No. 246. UPHAM (CHARLES WENTWORTH). 312 The Life of General Washington Edited by the Rev. C. W. Upham. In Two Volumes. London: MDCCCLII. i2mo. A re-issue of No. 306. 1853 Bibliotheca WasMngtoniana. 1 1 1 WISLICENUS (ERNST). 313 Washington | oder | die Entstehung | der Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten. ) Von | Ernst Wislicenus. | Zweite Auflage. | Leipzig, \ Verlag von Otto Wigand. | 1852. i2mo, pp. iv, 267. Apparently a second edition of No. 273. 1853- AMERICAN'S OWN BOOK. 3I4 George Washington, the Founder of American Independence, and First President of the United States. [The American's Own Book. New York: Leavitt & Allen. 1853. i6mo.] ROSE (HUGH JAMES). 3I5 George Washington, Commander-in-Chief, and First President of the United States of America. [A New General Biographical Dictionary. By the late Hugh James Rose. Vol. XII. London: I853-] SPARKS (JARED). 3I 6 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1853. 8vo. A reissue of No. 231. ii2 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1854 WATSON (HENRY C). 317 George Washington. |l.ive, ..I llic l'i esidents ol tin- United States. By Henry C. Watson. Boston: 1853. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, on wood.] 1854. BANCROFT (AARON). 318 The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. By Aaion Haneroft, D.D. Two Volumes in one. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., I ro Washington Street 1854. i2mo. Portrait after Stuart, and 3 Illustrations, on wood. A reissue of No. 162. CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 319 George Washington. | ( 'yelop.edia of Mio;M\iphy : Kdited by Elihu Rich. London and Glasgow ; 1854. 161110.] Sketch by John Mill Burton. EDGAR (JOHN GA 320 Washington. [Footprints ol Famous Men. By John G. Edgar. ,\V;.' York; 1854, [6mo.] 1854 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 1 1 3 FROST (JOHN). 321 Pictorial Life of George Washington. . . By John Frost, LL.D. . Philadelphia : Published by Leary & Gctz, No. ijS North Second Street. 1854. Svo. A re-issue of No. 2S6. FROST (JOHN). 322 George Washington. [The Presidents of the United States. By John Frost, LL.D. Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Company. 1S54. i2mo. Portrait, on wood.] Re-issued, Boston: 1857 + i860. HOMES OF AMERICAN STATESMEN. 323 Washington. [Homes of American Statesmen. New York: 1854. Sq. i2mo.] Sketch by Caroline M. Kirkland. LIVES OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS. 324 George Washington. [Lives of the Illustrious (The Biographical Magazine). Vol. V. London: 1854. 8vo.] H4 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1855 MARSHALL (JOHN). 325 The Life of George Washington. By John Marshall. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: 1854. A reissue of No. 178. SPARKS (JARED). 326 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston: 1854. A re issue of No. 231. *855- BANCROFT (AARON). 327 The Life of George Washington, Commander-in-Chief. . . By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. Two Volumes in one. Boston : Phillips, Samp- son, and Company. New York : J. C. Derby. 1855. i2mo. Portrait, and 3 Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 162. DE WITT (CORNELIS). 328 Ilistoire | de | Washington | et dc la Fondation | de la Rcpub- lique des Etats-Unis | Par | Cornells de Witt | Precede | d'une Etude 1855 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 115 f Historiquc sur Washington | Par M. Guizot | Paris \ Didier, Libraire- Editcur \ jf, Quai des Augustins | L'auteur se reserve le droit dc tra- duction. I 1855. Svo, pp. in, civ, 491. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 229. 1 Map. DEUTSCHE ENCYKLOPADIE. 329 George Washington, der erste President dcr Vereinigten Staatcn von Nordamerika. [Allgemcine Deutsche Real-Encyklopadie. Funf- zehnter Band. Leipzig: 1855. Svo.] A different sketch from that in the "Deutsche Encyclopedic," No. 140. [GRISWOLD (RUFUS WILMOT).] 330 George Washington. [Washington and the Generals of the American Revolution. Two Volumes in one. Vol. I. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1855. 121110. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 186.] A reissue of No. 279; also re-issued, Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott &° Co., 1858 -f- 1861 + 1866. [Ibid.} Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfingcr, 1875 + 1881. [Ibid.} Edward Meeks, 1885. GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 331 Etude Historique sur Washington. Par M. Guizot. [Prefixed to " Histoire de Washington et de la Fondation dc la Republique des 1 16 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1855 I i. it ■ Unis l'ar Cornells de Witt." Paris. Didier, Libraire-Editeur, 35 Quai des Augustins. 1855. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 229.] A reprint of No. 23S, occupying pp. 1 CIV. Sec also No. 32S. IRVING (WASHINGTON). 332 Life I of I George Washington. | V>y | Washington Irving. | In Three Vols. | Vol. I. | New York: \ G. P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place. I 1855. 3 vols., 8vo, 1855-6, pp. XVI, 504; XII, 51S (1); XIV, 523 4. 2 vols. 1857-9, pp. X, 518; XII, 456. — Vol. I. Portrait after Wertmuller, Baker, 176, and 3 Maps, 4- Vol. II, Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker, 28, and 3 Maps, 4 Vol. Ill, Portraits alter Stuart and Houdon, Baker, 238, 105, and 7 Maps, 4 Vol. IV, Silhouette Portrait and 2 Maps, 4 Vol. V, Portrait after Rembrandt Peale, BaJk . 381, and 1 Plate. The first edition of this favorite Life of Washington, and as a puMication, in all its various team-, .mil editions, one of the most important contributions to the suhject. The illustrated .(to and 8vo re-issues, Nos. 333 and 35S infra, are admirable examples of book-making, alike worthy of the author and credital le to the publishers. IRVING (WASHINGTON). 333 Life I of I George Washington. | By | Washington Irving. | In Three Vols. | Vol. I. | New York: | G. P. Putnam & Co., Park Place. I 1855. 3 vols., Roy. .(to, 1S55-6, pp. IX, 504; XII, 5 1 S ; XIV, 523 4 2 vols., 1857-9, pp. X, 518; MI, 456. — Vol. I, 21 Plates, 10 Illustrations, 3 Maps, -f- Vol. 11,24 Plates, 13 Illustrations, 3 Maps, | Vol. HI, 21 Plates, 11 Illustrations, 7 Maps, 4 Vol. IV, 21 Plates, 12 illustrations, 2 Maps, 4 Vol. V, 18 Plates, 3 Illustrations. 1855 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. wy x re-issue on large paper of the ] lumber, wit! hundred and five India i '' I"""" •"" l numerous illu tn s, I his 1 1 the edi I i ,■ 1, i,,-,i and ten copies, printed to meel the wishes ol Illustrators, and ol which no manj have been extra illustrated. Ol these, n notable example is the copy extended to ten volumi s bj Mi William Menziesol New York, particularly described in the catalog™ ol his library, sold in dial city in 1875. \i thai sale, this Bplendid setol 1 Its with two additional volumes, compri ing [l "'•'> MS, ofChaptei XX, Vo e IV, and 1.1,1 an'j "Charactei and P aits ol Washington," were purchased by the late fo eph W, 1 irexel, 1 „• mm ol foui thou land and eighty dollars, IRVING (WASHINGTON). 334 Life I of I George Washington. | Uy | Washington trving. | In Three Volumes. | Vol. I. | Comprising his early Life, Expeditions, Md Campaigns. | London.- Henry G Bohn,\ York Street, Covent Garden. | 1855. 3 V "' no, 185s 6,pp. Wi,.;i ,; ; Ml.;,,, ; ly . XII, 716-1080, | I vols., 1857- 59, pp. XI, 1081-1444; ML mis 1 7 s • ■ Vol. I, Portrait after Stuart, ■.. . 154, A '"i" ' lN "' 33 a i omitdng the appendin ol Vol. 1, c lining n note on the u 1 h ington Portraits, Subsequentlj I in (bui vols., L . 1 1 £,11, ;,, : , Strut, Covent Gard, «, LOSSING (BENSON JOHN). „- George Washington, [Our Countrymen; or Brief Memoii 1 ..1 Eminent Americans. By Benson J. Lossing. New York: 1855. i2mo.] Re issued under the title, •• Eminem Americans." nS Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1855 SPARKS (JARED). 336 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston: 1855. A re-issue of No. 231. SPARKS (JARED). 337 The Life | of | George Washington. | By | Jared Sparks, LL.D. | Two Volumes in one, abridged by the Author. | New York: \ Miller, Orion & Mulligan. \ Auburn: \ ioj Genesee Street. | 1855. i2mo. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. A re-issue of No. 246. SPARKS (JARED). 338 Standard | American Authors. | Published under the superin- tendence I of I Dr. Karl Elze, Hon. M. R. S. L. | Vol. IX. | The Life I of I George Washington. | By | Jared Sparks. | Authorized Edition. | Dessau: Katz Brothers. | 1S55. i6mo, pp. vn, 371. A reprint in one volume of No. 246. WILLIAMS (EDWIN). 339 Biographical Sketch of George Washington. [The National History of the United States. By Benson J. Lossing, and Edwin Williams. Vol. II. New York: 1855. 8vo.] A reprint of No. 296; also reprinted in the "Statesman's Manual," New York: 1S5S. 1856 Bibliotheca WasMngtomana. 119 1856. ABBOTT (JOHN STEVENS CABOT). 340 George Washington. By John S. C. Abbott. [Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. XII. February Number. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers. 1856. Svo.] BANCROFT (AARON). 34I The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. . . By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. . . Two Volumes in one. Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Company. 1S56. 1 21110. Portrait, and 3 Illustrations, on wood. A reissue of No. 162. BLAKE JOHN L.). 34 2 George Washington, the Champion of American Independence. [A Biographical Dictionary: By the Rev. John L. Blake, D.D., Thirteenth Edition. Philadelphia: 1S56. Roy. 8vo.] A reprint with some slight changes, of the sketch in the Third Edition, No. 237. DRAGOUMES (NICHOLAS). 343 Biog P. Ovaaiyxruvog, /.isrcuppaoOeig ex rov 'Ayyltxov vno N. Apayovfir], etc. 'Ev 'AO^vaig, 1856. 8°. 120 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1856 "Life of C Washington, translated from the English byN. Dragoumes, elc. ' In Athens, 1856." A Greek translation of No. 176. Title from the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Hooks. HEADLEY (JOEL TYLER). 344 The I Life I of | George Washington. | By | J. T. Headley, | Author of " Washington and his Generals," " Napoleon and his Marshalls," | " The Sacred Mountains," etc. | New York: \ diaries Scribncr,\ 3J j & 3J9 Broadway. \ 1856. 8vo., pp. 477. Portrait after Stuart, I ' niker, 185. 9 Plates, 32 Illustrations, on wood. IRVING (WASHINGTON). 345 Life I of I George Washington. | By | Washington Irving. | Vol. I. I New York: \ G. P. Putnam & Co., 321 Broadway, \ nearly opposite Pearl Street. | 1856. 5 vols., i2mo, 1856-9, pp. XVI, 459; XII, 4S6; XIV, 4S3; XI, 479; XII, 434.— Vol. I, Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker, 2S, and 2 Maps, + Vol. II, 1 Plate, + Vol. Ill, 1 Plate, + Vol. IV, 1 Plate, + Vol. V, Portrait after Rembrandt Peale, Baker, 381, and 1 Plate. A reprint of No. 332. IRVING (WASHINGTON). 346 Life I of I George Washington. | By | Washington Irving. | Author's Edition. | In Five Volumes, j Vol. I. | Leipzig : \ Bernhard Tauchnitz. | 1856. 5 vols., i6mo, 1856-9, pp. XIV, 426; XII, 452; XVI, 454; N,454; XII, 424. A reprint of No. 332. 1856 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 121 IRVING (WASHINGTON). 347 Lebensgeschichte | Georg Washington's. | Von | Washington Irving. | Aus clem Englischen | von dem | Uebersetzer der Werke Prescott's. | Erster Band. | Leipzig: \ F. A. Brockhaus. \ 1856. S vols., i6mo, 1856-9, pp. XVI, 423; XVI, 484; XVI, 471 ; XIII, 470; XV, 336. A German translation of No. 332, omitting the appendix of Vol. I, containing a note on the Washington Portraits. NATIONAL HAND-BOOK. 34 8 George Washington, the First President of the- United States. [Well's National Hand-Book : New York: 1856. i6mo.] Reprinted in " The Century of Independence," Indianapolis, Ind., 1876. PETERSON (CHARLES J.). 34Q George Washington. [The Military Heroes of the Revolution : By Charles J. Peterson. Philadelphia: 1856. 8vo.] PICKELL (JOHN). 350 A New Chapter | in the | Early Life of Washington, | in con- nection with the I narrative History | of the | Potomac Company. | By I John Pickell. | New York: \ D. Appleton & Co., jj6 and 348 Broadway. | 1856. Svo, pp. 178. 122 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1856 PICTORIAL CYCLOPEDIA. 351 George Washington. [The Pictorial Cyclopaedia of Biography : American Edition. Edited by Francis L. Hawks, D.D., LL.D. New York: 1856. 8vo.] ROYAL DICTIONARY-CYCLOPEDIA. 352 George Washington, the celebrated Generalissimo of the Army of the United States of North America, during the whole of the great War which finally led to their complete severance from the crown of Great Britain, and to the establishment of their Independence. [The Royal Dictionary- Cyclopaedia, compiled under the direction of Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. Vol. V. London and New York : [n. d.] Roy. 8vo.] SPARKS (JARED). 353 The Life | of | George Washington. | By | Jared Sparks, LL.D. I Two Volumes in one, abridged by the Author. | New York: \ MU/er, Orion & Mulligan, \ 25 Park Row, opposite Astor House. \ Auburn: \ 107 Genesee Street. | 1856. i2mo. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. A re -issue of No. 246. UNITED STATES MANUAL. 354 George Washington. [The United States Manual of Biography and History. By James V. Marshall. Philadelphia: 1856. 8vo.] 1857 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. I2 ? A reprint of the sketch in "Allen's Biographical Dictionary," No. 7 i, omitting the paragraphs referring to the proclamation of neutrality, April 22 d, 1793, the treaty with Great Britain, 1796, and the religious character of Washington. WEEMS (MASON L.). The Life of George Washington; .... Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1856. i2mo, pp. 244. Portrait. 1857- ALLEN (WILLIAM). 6 George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the War with Great Britain, and First President of the United States. [The American Biographical Dictionary: By William Allen, D.D. Third Edition. Boston & Cleveland, Ohio: M.DCCCLVII. Svo.] A reprint with some slight additions of the sketch in the First Edition, No. 71. ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHY. oD i George Washington, the Founder of American Independence. [Illustrated Biography. By Charles C. Savage. Buffalo: 1857. 8vo.] IRVING (WASHINGTON). 8 Life I of I George Washington. | By | Washington Irving. | 1 24 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1857 Illustrated Edition. | Vol. I. | New York: \ G. /'. Putnam & Co., , Broadway, \ nearly opposite Pearl Street. | 1857. 5 vols., Roy. 8vo, 1857-9, pp. XVI, 504; XII, 518; XIV, 523; X, 518; XII, 456.— \..l I, Engraved Title, Portrait alter C. W. Peale, BaitrS, 18 Plates, 3 Maps, + Vol. II, Engraved 'Tide, Portrait after C. W, Peale, Baker 11, 22 Plates, 3 Maps, -\- Vol. Ill, I 1: raved Title, Portrait after Trumbull, 19 Plates, 6 Maps, + Vol. IV, Kngraved Title, Portrait after Stuart, Baker 238, 20 Plates, 2 Maps, -\- Vol. V, Engraved Title, Portraits after Rembrandt Peale, Pine, Ceracchi, Stuart anil Wertnntller, Baker, 381, 9S, 166, 237, 176, 9 Plates. A re-issue of No. 332, the portraits and plates being lettered impressions of those issued in the .|k> edition, No. 333. IRVING (WASHINGTON). 359 Washington's | Earlier Years. | Being | the First Volume of the Life of Washington. | By | Washington Irving. | Illustrated | with | Portraits and original Drawings. | New York: \ G. P. Putnam & Co., 321 Broadway. \ London: Sampson, Low & Co. | 1857. Roy. 8vo, pp. xvi, 504. Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker, 11. With the exception of a different Portrait of Washington, this is in all other respects a re-issue of Vol. I, of the preceding number. KIRKLAND (CAROLINE M.). 360 Memoirs | of | Washington. | By | Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. | With Illustrations. | New York: \ D. Appleton & Co., jj6 & jjS Broad- way. I London: 16 Little Britain. | 1S57. l2mo, pp. XII, 516. Por- trait after Stuart, Baker, 316; 5 Illustrations, mi wood. 1857 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 125 MARSHALL (JOHN). 361 The Life | of | George Washington, | By | John Marshall, | late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court | of the United States. | New York: \ Derby CCC,LIX. Sin. 1 miu., pp Jo, Portrait aftei C. W. Peale, Baker,8. 1 Plate. CUSTIS (GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE). 374 Recollections and Private Memoirs of Gen. Washington. By his adopted son, Georgi Washington Parke Custis, of Arlington Compiled from Files of the National Intelligencer. Printed at Wash- ington, l>. C. Washington, D. ('..• Printed by William II. Moore, [859. 8vo, pp. to 1 (1). I ill. 1 1 S.il'in' I I 111 I .n\ FROST (JOHN). 375 Pictorial I ife of George Washington. . . . Hy John Frost, 1859 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. I2Q LL.D. . . Philadelphia: Leary & Getz, No. 22 . f North Second Street 1859. 8vo. a , A r su l°7°' 286 ' Also re " issucd by Lcary Gdz *• Co -> ,S6o - and h y **~ Cowperthwatt &• Co., without date. HEADLEY (JOEL TYLER). 376 The I Illustrated | Life of Washington. | Giving an Account of his Early Days, his noble, patriotic and | brilliant public Career- his magnanimity and self- | denial, his retirement to his estates at Mount I Vernon; and finally, his universally | lamented Death. | With I vivid pen paintings of Battles and Incidents | of the Revolu- tion. I Embracing | much new and valuable information | derived from the researches of Mr. Lossing and papers of R ufus Putnam . | By J.T.Headley, | Author of " Washington and his Generals," « Napoleon and his I Marshals," "The Sacred Mountains," etc. | Illustrated with upwards of 40 Steel and Wood Engravings, | many of which are beautifully colored, representing | battle scenes, interviews, portraits,' etc. I Sold only by subscription. | New York: | Published by G. & F. Bill. I 1859. Svo, pp. 505. Portrait, Baker, 185. 5 P] ateS) 32 Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 344, with twenty-eigh. additional pages made up as follows : T,,, Farewell Address, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Amendments. [JUDSON (L. CARROLL)/! J 377 Kurze Lebensgeschichte von Georg Washington. iLebens 9 L 130 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 1859 beschreibungen sammtlicher Unterzcichner der Unabhangigkeits- Erklarung, und Gcorg Waschington. Sumnytown, Pa.: 1859. i2mo.] Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and of Washington ; the latter is a translation of the sketch by L. Carroll Judson, No. 228. LOSSING (BENSON JOHN). 378 Mount Vernon | and | its Associations. | Historical, Bio- graphical, and Pictorial. | By Benson J. Lossing. | Illustrated by numerous Engravings, ] chiefly from original Drawings by the Author, engraved by Lossing & Barritt. | New York: \ IV. A. Townsend & Coinpany. \ 4.6 Walker Street. | 1859. Sq. Svo, pp. 376. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 244, and I Plate; numerous Illustrations, on wood. MARSHALL (JOHN). 379 The Life | of | George Washington, | By | John Marshall, | late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court | of the United States. | New York: I Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau St. | 1859. i2mo. A re-issue of No. 361. TUCKERMAN (HENRY THEODORE). 380 The Character | and | Portraits | of | Washington. | By | 1860 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 131 Henry T. Tuckerman. | New York: \ G. P. Putnam, iij Nassau Street. | 1859. 4 to > PP- I0 4- Portraits, Baker, 8, 11, 98, 166, 101, 381, 144, 238, 237, 176. 2 Plates. Only 156 copies printed. The essay on the Character of Washington originally appeared in the North American Review, July, 1856; it was afterwards published in "Essays, Biographical and Critical," Boston: 1S57. UNIVERSAL BIOGRAPHY. 381 George Washington, President of the United States. [The Biographical Treasury; a Dictionary of Universal Biography. By Samuel Maunder. Eleventh Edition. London: 1859. Sm. i2mo.] i860. BANCROFT (AARON). 382 The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. . By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. . Two Volumes in one. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Company, i860. i2mo. Portrait and 3 Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 162. CUSTIS (GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE). 383 Recollections | and | Private Memoirs | of | Washington, | By his adopted son | George Washington Parke Custis, | with | a 132 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1860 Memoir of the Author, | by his daughter ; ) and | Illustrative and Explanatory Notes. | By | Benson J. Lossing. | " First in War, First in Peace, and First in the Hearts of His Countrymen." | Gen. Heniy Lee's Oration. | With Illustrations. | New York: \ Published by Derby & Jackson. | 1 860. 8vo, pp. 644. Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker, 4. ETOURNEAU (M.). 384 Le I General Washington | et Madame | La Generate Wash- ington I Biographies | Par | M. Etourneau | Ornees de Portraits historiques graves sur acier | Paris \ Bcstcl et Cie | 7, Rue de la Bourse, 7 | Grassart \ j, Rue de la Paix, et Rue St.-Arnaud, 4 | 1 860. i6mo, pp. v, 96. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 292. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 385 George Washington. [The Encyclopaedia Britannica, or Dic- tionary of Arts, Sciences, and general Literature. Eighth Edition. Vol. XXI. Edinburgh: MDCCCLX. 4to.] Written by Edward Everett. EVERETT (EDWARD). 386 The Life | of | George Washington. | By | Edward Everett. | New York: \ Sheldon and Company. | Boston: Gould and Lincoln. \ i860. i2mo, pp. 348. Portrait after Ceracchi, Baker, 166. 1860 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 133 With the exception of one or two slight omissions not of sufficient importance to note, this is a reprint of the preceding Life in the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," for which publica- tion it was written. One hundred copies were printed on large paper. HEADLEY (JOEL TYLER). 8 The I Illustrated | Life of Washington. | Giving | an account of his early Adventures and Enterprises, his | Magnanimity and Patriot- ism, his revolutionary Career, | his Presidential Life, and his final Decease. | With | vivid pen-paintings of Battles and Incidents, | Trials and Triumphs of the Heroes and | Soldiers of revolutionary Times. I By Hon. J. T. Headley, | Author of "Washington and his Generals," "Napoleon and his | Marshals," "Sacred Moun- tains," etc. I Together with an interesting account of | Mount Vernon as it is. I By Benson J. Lossing. | The whole embellished with numerous | Steel and Wood Engravings, and a splendid colored Lithographic | View of Mount Vernon and Washington's Tomb. | Sold only by subscription. | New York : \ Published by G. & F. Bill, \ i860. Svo, pp. 528. Portrait, Baker, 185. 5 Plates, 32 Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 376, the additional pages (23) being made up by « Mount Vernon as it is," and Washington's Last Will and Testament. LIVES OF THE HEROES. ,88 George Washington. [Lives of the Heroes of the American Revolution: Philadelphia: G. G. Evans, Publisher, No. 439 Chestnut Street, i860. i2mo.] 134 BibliotJieca Washingtoniana. 1860 Published originally by Phillips & Sampson, Boston: 1848 + 1849 + 1855 + 1859. See No. 499 infra. LOSSING (BENSON JOHN). 3»9 Life I of I Washington; | A Biography | Personal, Military, and Political. I By Benson J. Lossing. | In Three Volumes. | Vol. I. | New York : \ Virtue and Company, \ 26 John-Street. [ 1 860.] 3 vols., Svo.— Vol. I, Engraved Title, Portrait after C. W. Peale, Baker 30, 26 Plates, pp. 768, + Vol. II, Engraved Title, Portrait after Trumbull, Baker 155, 32 Plates, pp. 4, 740, + Vol. Ill, Engraved Title, Portrait after Stuart, Baker 207, 26 Plates, pp. 652. This Life of Washington was projected by Rufus W. Griswold, who, after entering upon the labor of preparing it for the press, fell seriously ill. At that time Dr. Griswold had written about two hundred pages of the work, and the publishers had commenced issuing it in monthly parts, four of which had appeared when he was compelled to lay aside his pen. Mr. Lossing then, at the request of the publishers, undertook the completion of the biography, and had barely entered upon the duties when Dr. Griswold died. NORTON (JOHN N.). 39° Life of General Washington. By John N. Norton, . . . New York: Pudtiey & Russell. i860. 121110, pp. 400. Portrait and 4 Plates. Title from Sabin's Dictionary. NORTON (JOHN N.). 39 1 Life I of I General Washington | By | John N. Norton, A.M. | 1860 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 135 Rector of Ascension Church, Frankfort, Kentucky; Author | of "Rockford Parish," "Short Sermons," " Life of | Bishop White," etc. | " Let his country consecrate the memory of the heroic general, the patriot I statesman and the virtuous sage. Let them teach their chil- dren never to for | get that the fruits of his labors and his example are their inheritance." | Letter of U. S. Senate to President Adams, in 1799. I New York: \ General Protestant S. School Union, \ and Church Book Society, | 762 Broadway. | i860. Sm. i2mo, pp. 400. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 190. 3 Illustrations, on wood. SMUCKER (SAMUEL M.). 392 The I Life and Times | of | George Washington. | By | Samuel M. Smucker, LL.D., | Author of "Public and Private History of Napoleon III," "Life and Times | of Alexander Hamilton," "Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson," | " History of the Four Georges," etc. I Philadelphia: \ G. G. Evans, jjp Chestnut Street. | i860. i2mo, pp. 432. Portrait after Stuart. Re-issued, Philadelphia: J. W. Bradley [n. d.], + [Hid.-] John E. Potter and Company [n. d.]. SPARKS (JARED). 393 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Boston : Little, Brown and Company, i860. 8vo. A re-issue of No. 231. 136 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1861 WEEMS (MASON L.)- 394 The Life of George Washington ; . . . . Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. i860. i2mo, pp. 244. Portrait. l86l. [ ] 395 A Nation's Manhood ; | or, Stories of | Washington | and the | American War of Independence. | By the Author of | " Sunlight through the Mist," "The Martyr | Land," "Triumphs of Steam," | etc., etc. I With Illustrations. | London: \ John F. Shaw & Co., \ jS Paternoster Row, and 27 Southampton Row. | 1861. i6mo, pp. vni, 358. 4 Illustrations, on wood. CUSTIS (GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE). 396 Recollections | and | Private Memoirs | of | Washington. | By his adopted son | George Washington Parke Custis | . . Philadelphia : J. W. Bradley, 4.8 N, Fourth Street. 1861. Svo. Portrait, Baker, 4. A re-issue of No. 3S3. VENEDEY (J.). 397 Georg Washington. | Ein | Lebensbild | Von J. Venedey. | Frei- burg im Breisgau. \ Friedrieh Wagner' sche Buchhandlung. | 1861. i6mo, pp. 223, 1863 Bibliotheca Waslii7igtoniana. \->j 1862. BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE. 3g8 George Washington. [Biographie Universale (Michaud), An- cienne et Moderne. Nouvelle Edition. Tome Quarante-Quatrieme. Paris -et Leipzig, [n. d.] Roy. 8vo.] A reprint of the sketch in the " Biographie Universelle," No. 165, with the addition of a quotation from the " Essay on Washington," by M. Guizot, referring to his soundness of judg- ment, and disinterestedness of action. The prominent biographies are also mentioned. DUYCKINCK (EVERT AUGUSTUS). 3g9 George Washington. [National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans, with Biographical and Historical Narratives. By Evert A. Duyckinck. Vol.1. New York: [1862.] 4to.] 1863. DRAGOUMES (NICHOLAS). 400 (ExSoaig rpiryj.) Biog V. OvaOiyxruvog- novr^a rfiixiora- rov, iierav xai rcov oixoyeveiuv vno N. Apayov^y;, etc. 'Ei/ 'AQvjvaiq, 1863. 8°. " (Third Edition.) Life of G. Washington, moral sketch, translated from the American prototype, together with the notes, and tie illustrations, by N. Dragoumes, etc. In Athens: 1863." A Third edition of No. 343. Title from the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books. 138 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1864 GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 401 Essay | on the | Character and Influence | of | Washington | in the I Revolution of the United States of America. | By M. Guizot. | Translated from the French. | Second Edition. | New York: \ Pub- lished by James Miller \ {Successor to C. S. Francis & Co), \ 522 Broadway. | 1863. i6mo, pp. 160. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. A re-issue of No. 303. 1864. BROOKS (NATHAN COVINGTON). 402 Georgius Washington. [Vitse Virorum Illustrium America?, a Columbo ad Jacksonium : Auctore N. C. Brooks, LL.D. Novi Eboraci: MDCCCLXIV. i6mo. Portrait after Stuart, on wood.] [HEADY (MORRISON).] 403 The I Farmer Boy, | and | how he became Commander-in- Chief. I By Uncle Juvinell. | Edited by | William M. Thayer, | Author of "The Pioneer Boy," etc. | Boston: \ Walker, Wise, and Company, \ 245 Washington Street. | 1864. 24mo, pp. 321. 4 Illustrations, on wood. PIERER'S UNIVERSAL LEXIKON. 404 Georg Washington. [Pierer's Universal Lexikon. Achtzehntcr Band. Altenburg: 1864. 8vo.] 1865 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 130 1865. ABBOTT (JACOB). 4 o 5 American | History | By | Jacob Abbott. | Illustrated | with numerous Maps and Engravings. | Vol. VIII. | Washington. | New York: I Sheldon & Company. \ Boston: Gould & Lincoln. | [1865.] Sm. i2mo, pp. 288. Portrait and 5 Illustrations, on wood. 1 Map. [ ] 406 The I Life of Washington, | and | History of the | American Revolution. | Together with | Washington's Farewell Address | Declaration of Independence. | Constitution of the United States. | Philadelphia : \ Published by John B. Perry, Agt. \ Sold by John Tren- with, 107 S. Third St.: \ A. Winch, 505 Chestnut St. | 1865. i6mo, pp. 108. 9 Illustrations, on wood. Apparently a re-issue of No. 154. ] 407 The Life | of | George Washington. | Illustrated by | Tales, Sketches and Anecdotes. | Adapted to the use of Schools. | With Engravings. | Philadelphia: \ Charles Desilver, | i 22 g Chestnut Street. \ 1865. Sm. i2mo, pp. 174. Portrait after Stuart, and 14 Illustrations, on wood. * 1 A re-issue of No. 175, known as "Parley's Washington." 140 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1865 [ ] 408 The Life | of | George Washington. | Written for the American Sunday-School Union, and | Revised by the Committee of Publica- tion. I Philadelphia : \ American Sunday-School Union, \ 11 22 Chestnut Street, [n. d.] l2mo, pp. 287. 4 Illustrations, on wood. A reissue of No. 252. [BELL (JOHN).] 409 A Sketch of Mr. Washington's Life and Character. [Appended to a Poetical Epistle to His Excellency, George Washington, Esq. Privately Reprinted. New York: 1S65. Sq. 8vo.] A reprint of No. 3. " Edition 75 copies." LOSSING (BENSON JOHN). 410 The Home of Washington and its Associations. New Edition. By Benson J. Lossing. New York: W. A. Townsend. 1865. Sq. Svo, pp. 376. Portrait, and 1 Plate ; many Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 378, also re-issued New York : IK A. Townsend. 1S66. MORSE (JEDIDIAH). 411 Biographical Sketch of General George Washington, By Jedidiah Morse, D.D., Pastor of the Church in Charlestown. [The Washing- 1866 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 141 toniana. Privately Reprinted. New York: E. Dexter & Son, 564. Broadway. 1865. 8vo. Portrait after Savage, Baker, 131.] A reprint of No. 28. VON HORN (W. O.). 412 Der Lebensgang | George Washingtons, | des | Begrunders der Freiheit der Vereinigten Staaten | Nordamerika's. | Der Jugend und dem Volke erzahlt | von | W. O. Von Horn | (W. Oertel) | Mit vier Abbildungen. | Wiesbaden, \ Jidius Niedncr, Verlagshandlung. [n. d.] i6mo, pp. 136. Portrait, and 3 Plates. 1866. BIOGRAPHIE GENERALE. 413 Georges Washington, un des Principaux Fondateurs de l'lnde- pendance des Etats-Unis d' Amerique et leur Premier President. [Nouvelle Biographie Generale. Tome Quarante-Sixieme. Paris. 1866.] Sketch by Leo Joubert. CHESTER (JOSEPH LEMUEL). 4I4 A I Preliminary Investigation | of the | alleged Ancestry | of | George Washington; | First President of the United States of 142 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1867 America : | Exposing a | serious error in the existing Pedigree. | By | Joseph Lemuel Chester, | . . . . Bosto?i : \ H. W. Dutton & Son, Printers, p? Washington Street. | 1866. 8vo, pp. 23. HAYDEN (SIDNEY). 415 Washington | and His | Masonic Compeers. | By | Sidney Hay- den, I Past Master of Rural Amity Lodge No. 70, Pennsylvania. | Illustrated with a copy of a Masonic Portrait of Washington, | Painted from Life, never before published, | with numerous other En- gravings. I "The memory of a brother is precious; | I will write it here." | New York: \ Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Co. \ 4.32 Broome Street. \ 1866. i2mo, pp. 407. Masonic Portrait, Baker, 168. SPARKS (JARED). 416 The Life of George Washington. By Jared Sparks. Seventeenth Edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1866. 8vo. A reissue of No. 231. 1867. ABBOTT (JOHN STEVENS CABOT). 417 George Washington. [Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America. By John S. C. Abbott. Boston: 1867. 8vo.] Re issued, Boston: 1S6S -\- 1S76. 1867 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 143 CANTU (CESARE). 8 Vite parallele di Mirabeau e Washington, per C. Cantu. [Col- lana di Storie e Memorie Contempo ranee, diretta da C. C. Tom. 32 Milano: 1867. Svo.] Title from the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books. CE CIL (E.). 41g Life I of I George Washington. | Written for Children. | By | E. Cecil. I New York: \ P O'Shea, Publisher, | 27 Barclay Street. \ 1867. i6mo, pp. 258. Extra title and 5 Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 372. CUSTIS (GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE). 420 Recollections | and | Private Memoirs | of | Washington. | By his adopted son | George Washington Parke Custis | . . . National Publishing Company: \ Philadelphia, Penna. ; | Richmond, Va. ; Atlanta, Ga. ; New Orleans, La.; \ Cincinnati, 0.; Chicago, Ills.; \ St. Louis, Mo. I 1867. A re-issue of No. 383. GENERAL BIOGRAPHY. George Washington, Founder and First President of the United States of America. [A Dictionary of General Biography : Edited by William L. R. Gates. London: 1867. Svo.] i'44 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1868 1868. CHAMBERS ENCYCLOPEDIA. 422 George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Forces in the War of the American Revolution, and First President of the United States. [Chambers Encyclopaedia. Vol. X. London and Edinburgh. 1868.] COTTAGE CYCLOPEDIA. 423 George Washington. [The Cottage Cyclopedia. By Ed. M. Pierce. Syracuse, N. Y. : 1 868. 8vo.] DEUTSCHE ENCYKLOPADIE. 424 George Washington, der erste President der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. [Allgemeine Deutsche Real-Encyklopadie. Funf- zehntcr Band. Leipzig: 1S68.] A reprint of the sketch in the " Deutsche Eucyklopadie," No.> 329. [FROST (JOHN).] 425 An I Illustrated History | of | Washington and his Times : | Em- bracing a I History of the Seven-Years' War, the Revolutionary War, I the Formation of the Federal Constitution, and | the Administration of Washington. | And | exhibiting the daring exploits and Heroic endurance of the | noble Patriots who won our Liberties 1868 Bibliotheca WasMngtoniana. 145 and | established our Independence. | With an Appendix, | con- taining | Maxims of Washington, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles | of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, | and Washington's Farewell Address. | Edited by | Rev. William Hutchison, A.M., | Principal of the Norwich Free Academy. | Nonvich, Conn.: \ Published by Henry Bill. | 1868. 8vo, pp. 626. Portrait after Stuart. A re-issue of No. 286, with a new Preface, and a new opening paragraph. The addi- tional matter, mentioned in the tide, viz. : " Maxims of Washington, the Declaration of In- dependence," etc., etc., is added to the appendix, which originally only contained the Fare- well Address. HYDE (ANNA M.). 2g The American Boy's Life of Washington. By Mrs. Anna M. Hyde. . . . New York : James Miller. 1868. i6mo, pp. 255. Por- trait and Illustrations. [WELD (H. HASTINGS).] The Young American's Library. | Life | of | George Wash- ington : I Embracing | Anecdotes | illustrative of his Character. | With Illustrations. | Boston: \ Lee and Shepard. | 1868. i6mo, pp. 222. 8 Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 275. The illustrations are copies of the lithographs in that edition. Also re-issued, Boston : 1869. 10 146 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1870 1869. KIRKLAND (CAROLINE M.). 428 Memoirs | of | Washington. | By | Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. | New York : \ D. Applcton & Company, go, 02 & gj. Grand St. \ London ; 16 Little Britain. | 1869. i2mo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 316. A re-issue of No. 360, without the Illustrations. 187O. DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH. 429 George Washington. [Deutsches Staats-Worterbuch. Elfter Band. Stuttgart und Leipzig : 1870.] Sketch by E. Reimann. IRVING (WASHINGTON). 430 History of the American Revolution | Life of Washington | Condensed from the larger work of | Washington Irving | with Illus- trations I New York \ G. P. Putnam's Sous \ 2J & 20 West 23d Street. [1870.] 121110, pp. vi, 714. Portrait after Rembrandt Peale, I laker, 381. This abridgment was also issued in 4to, double column, infra No. 469. JANISCH (JOSEPH). 431 Washington. | Historisch-Epische Dichtung | in | Vier Ge- 1870 Bibliotheca Washington! ana. X aj saengen. | Nebst Geschichtlichen Erfceuterungen. | Von | Joseph Janisch. | So lange Civilisation und Humanitat ein Reich oder eine | Statte auf Erden haben, so lange die Ideen Freiheit | und Vaterland einen Werth behalten und geschicht | liche Erinnerungen unter den Menschen leben wer | den : so lange wird Washington's Name glanz | voll im Tempel des Ruhmes stehen. Carl v. Rotteck. | Mit Washington's Bildniss. | Leipzig. \ Pest. \ Philadelphia. | 1870. 4to, pp. 176. Portrait, on stone. A biographical sketch in verse, in four cantos, with historical notes. The quotation from Rotteck may be thus translated : « So long as Civilization and Humanity have a King- dom or a State upon Earth, so long as the Ideas of Freedom and Fatherland have a Value, and historical Recollections live among Men : so long will the Name of Washington shine in undimned splendor in the Temple of Fame." LOSSING (BENSON JOHN). The Home of Washington ; or Mount Vernon and its Associa- tions. By Benson J. Lossing. New York: Virtue and Yorston, 12 Dey Street. 1870. Sq. 8vo, pp. 446. Portrait, and 1 Plate; many Illustrations, on wood. A re-issue of No. 37S, with additional matter, including a catalogue of the library at Mount Vernon, an inventory of the personal effects, and the Will of Mrs. Washington. PARKER (THEODORE). 433 Washington. [Historic Americans. By Theodore Parker. Boston: 1870. i6mo.] Re-issued, Boston : Horace B. Fuller, 1878. 148 Bibliotlicca Washingtoniana. 1871 1871. FARGUES (H.). 434 Societe de Publications pour l'Enfance | et la Jeunesse. | George Washington. | Le Fondateur de la Republique des Etats-Unis | sa Vie, I son Caractere, | Par | H. Fargues. | Depot \ chez MM. Fargues, a Tonneins; \ Bonnefon, a Alais. | 1871. i2mo, pp. 82. Portraits after C. W. Pealc and Trumbull, and one Illustration, on stone. HISTORICAL CELEBRITIES. 435 Washington and His Cotemporaries. [Historical and Literary Celebrities. William and Robert Chambers, Lotidon and Edinburgh. 1 87 1. i2mo.] KONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON. 436 George Washington, der Begriinder der Unabhangigkeit der Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerika's. [Neues Konversations-Lexikon. Funfzehnter Band. Hildbuvghansen. 1871. 8vo.] THOMAS (JOSEPH). 437 George Washington, an Illustrious American General, Statesman and Patriot, the First President of the United States. [Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. By J. Thomas, A.M., M.D. Vol.11. Philadelphia: 1871. Roy. 8vo.] 1874 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. I4g 1872. PARSONS (REUBEN). 8 George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Army during the Revolution, and First President of the United States. [A Biographical Dictionary for the use of Colleges, Schools, etc. By Rev. Reuben Parsons, D.D. New York: 1872. i2mo.] SCHNEEBELI (J.). Washington. | Sein Lebensbild nach Washington Irving | von | J. Schneebeli, | Lehrer in Zurich. | Herausgegeben von der Zur- cherischen Schulsynode. | Mit einem Portrait Washingtons und einer Lithographirten Karte. | Zurich 1872. i 2 mo, pp. vr, 128. Portrait, on wood. 1874. CONVERSATIONS-LEXICON. 44° George Washington, Oberbefehlshaber der Armee der Ver. Staaten im Unabhangigkeitskriege und erster President der Union. [Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations-Lexicon. Elfter Band. New York, 1874. 8vo.] COOPER (THOMPSON). George Washington. [A new Biographical Dictionary: By Thompson Cooper, F.S.A. New York: 1874. i6mo.] 150 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1875 PHELPS (E. BROCKENBROUGH). 442 Memoir of Washington ; | written | for Boys and Girls, | and | dedicated to the Pupils past and present, | of | Mrs. E. B. Phelps. | Cincinnati : | Robert Clarke & Co. | 1874. i2mo, pp. 215. WILSON (JAMES GRANT). 443 General Washington. [Sketches of Illustrious Soldiers. By James Grant Wilson. New York: 1874. i2mo. Portrait after Houdon.] 1875- ABBOTT (JOHN STEVENS CABOT). 444 American Pioneers and Patriots. | George Washington ; | or, | Life in America One Hundred Years ago. | By | John S. C. Abbott. | Illustrated. | New York: \ Dodd, Mead & Company, | 75/ Broadway. [1875.] l2mo, pp. 360. 6 Illustrations, on wood. BANCROFT (AARON). 445 The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief. . By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. Two Volumes in one. Philadelphia : Porter & Coates, 822 Chestnut Street. [1875.] i2mo. A re-issue of No. 162. 1876 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 151 1876. AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. 446 George Washington, the First President of the United States. [The American Cyclopaedia : Vol. XVI. New York: 1876. 8vo.] Sketch by Edward Everett. [ 1 447 The I Boyhood and Manhood | of | George Washington | and | Benjamin Franklin. | Centennial Edition. | New York: \ The World Publishing House, \ 139 Eighth Street. | 1876. Sm. i2mo, pp. 255; vni, 288. Portrait and 5 Illustrations, on wood. These sketches have separate titles, and are independent of each other, not interwoven as would be inferred from the title. The Washington sketch occupies pp. 21-255. GUERNSEY (LUCY E. and CLARA F.). 448 Washington and Seventy-six. | By | Lucy E. and Clara F. Guernsey. | . . | Philadelphia : \ American Sunday-School Union, \ No. 1 1 22 Chestnut Street. \ New York : 8 and 10 Bible House, Astor Place. I [1876.] i6mo, pp. 360. 13 Illustrations, on wood. KLEE (G.). 449 Geschichtsbilder | fur | Jugend und Volk. | George Wash- ington I und I Benjamin Franklin, | die Begriinder der " Vereinigten 152 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1876 Staaten," | Von | G. Klee. | Leipzig. | [1876.] i6mo, pp. 96. Portrait after Stuart, on wood. LANMAN (CHARLES). 450 George Washington. [Annals of the Civil Government of the United States, during its First Century. By Charles Lanman. Wash- ington. 1876. 8vo.] [MORSE (JEDIDIAH).] 45* The Life of Gen. Washington. Commander in Chief of the American Army. [Recollections of the days of '76. Published by Gordon & Ileintzehnan, New York. 1876. 24mo, pp. 60. Portrait.] A reprint of No. 13, with additional matter pertaining to Washington. OWEN (F. M.). 452 Soldier and Patriot. | The Story of | George Washington. | By I F. M. Owen. | " The man first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of | his fellow citizens." From the speech of John Marshall, in | the House of Representatives, Dec. 19, 1799. | Cassell, Pctter, & Galpin, \ London, Paris, and New York. [n. d.] i6mo, pp. 255. Portrait after C. W. Peale, on wood. Map and 3 Illustra- tions. SCHMIDT (FERDINAND). 453 Georg Washington. | Kin Lebensbild fur Jung und Alt | Von | 1878 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 153 Ferdinand Schmidt. | Mit Holzschnitten von G. Rhode. | Berlin. \ Ver- lag von Hugo Kastncr. [n. d.] Sq. i6mo, pp. 149. 3 Illustrations, on wood. ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. 454 George Washington, the leader of the American Revolution, and First President of the United States. [Zell's Popular Encyclopedia. Vol.11. Philadelphia: 1876. 4to.] 1877. UNIVERSAL CYCLOPAEDIA. 455 George Washington, First President of the United States. [John- son's New Universal Cyclopaedia. Vol. IV. New York. 1877. Roy. 8vo.] Sketch by Alexander II. Stephens. I878. DE WITT (CORNELIS). 456 Histoire | de | Washington | et de la Fondation | de la Republique des Etats-Unis | Par | Cornelis De Witt j . . . Nouvelle Edition revue. | Paris \ Librairie Academique \ Didier et O c , Libraires- Editeurs \ jj, Quai des Augustins, jj | 1878. 8vo, pp. iii-civ, 469. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 229. 1 Map. 154 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1878 A re-issue of No. 328, omitting from the appendix the plan of Union between the Colo- nies, adopted July, 1754, the Articles of Confederation of May 20th, 1775, and the Declara- tion of Independence. DIZIONARIO UNIVERSALE. 457 Giorgio Washington. [Dizionario Universale di Geografia, Storia e Biografia Compilato da Gustavo Strafforella ed Emilio Treves. Tomo II. Milano. 1878. Roy. 8vo.] GODWIN (PARKE). 458 George Washington, the Illustrious Founder of American Inde- pendence. [The Cyclopaedia of Biography. By Parke Godwin. New York: 1878. i2mo.] A re-issue of the " Iland-Book of Universal Biography," No. 307, with a supplement. GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 459 Etude Historique sur Washington. Par M. Guizot. [Prefixed to " Histoire de Washington, etc., Par Cornelis de Witt. Nouvelle Edition revue." Paris. 1878. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, 229.] A re-issue of No. 331, pp. I-CIV. See also No. 456. IMPERIAL DICTIONARY. 460 George Washington, First President of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of their Armies during the War of 1880 Bibliotheca Washingto?iiana. 155 Independence. [The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography. Vol. III. William Mackenzie. London^ Sketch by Francis Espinasse. I879. FISKE (JOHN). George Washington, First President of the United States. [The Presidents of America, with Biographical Sketches by John Fiske, A.M., LL.B. Boston and New York: 1879. 4 to. Portrait after Stuart, Baker, m^\ WELLES (ALBERT). 6 The I Pedigree and History | of the | Washington Family : | Derived from | Odin, the Founder of Scandinavia, B. C. 70, | involv- ing a Period of | Eighteen Centuries, and including | Fifty-five Genera- tions, I down to I General George Washington, | First President of the United States. | By | Albert Welles, | President of the American Col- lege Tor Genealogical Registry and Heraldry. | New York: \ Society Library. | 1879. 8vo, pp. 12, xxxvn, 1 leaf, 370. Portrait, 8 Plates, and Illustrations. l88o. ADAMS (W. H. DAVENPORT). . 6 George Washington. [Washington and other Great Military Commanders. . . By W. H. Davenport Adams. London and New York. [n. d.] i6mo. 2 Illustrations, on wood.] 156 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1882 BANCROFT (AARON). 464 The Life | of | George Washington, | Commander-in-Chief of | the American Army through the | Revolutionary War, | and the | First President of the United States. | By | Aaron Bancroft, D.D. | Philadelphia: \ Porter & Coates. | [1880.] i6mo, pp.489. Portrait after Trumbull ; 5 Illustrations, on wood. A reprint of No. 59, omitting the appendix. GLAZIER (WILLARD). 465 George Washington. [Heroes of Three Wars. By Captain Willard Glazier. Philadelphia: 1880. i6mo.] 1 88l. BIBLIOTECA UNIVERSAL. 466 Jorge Washington. Celebre estadista y general Norte-Ameri- cano. Fundador de la Republica de los Estados-Unidos. [Biblioteca Universal Illustrada Diccionario Universal Bajo el Plan de D. Nicolas Serrano. Tomo XIII. Madrid: 1881. 4to.] 1882. HENLEY (LEONARD). 467 Life of Washington : | By | Leonard Henley. | New York : \ John IV. Lovell Company, \ ij. & 16 Vescy Street. [1882.] i2mo, pp. 207. 1884 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 157 WEEMS (MASON L.). 468 The Life of George Washington; .... Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems, . . Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1882. i2mo, pp. 244. Portrait. 1883. IRVING (WASHINGTON). 469 The I Life of Washington | and the History of | the American Revolution | By | Washington Irving | with Illustrations | New York I G. P. Putnam's Sons \ 2j & 29 West 23d Street | 1883. 4to, pp. (1), 226, double column. (Copyright 1870.) Portraits after C. W. Peale and Rembrandt Peale, Baker, 8, 381; 2 Plates, and numerous Illustrations, on wood. A reprint of No. 430. THOMAS (EDWARD A.). 47 o George Washington, First President of the United States of America. [Comprehensive Dictionary of Biography. By Edward A.Thomas. Philadelphia: 1883. i2mo.] 1884. DE WITT (CORNELIS). 47I Histoire | de | Washington, | et de la Fondation | de la Re- 158 Bibliothcca Washingtoniana. 1884 publiquc des Etats-Unis | Par | Cornclis De Witt | . . . Neuvieme Edition | Paris \ Librairic Acadcmiqne Didicr \ Entile Perrin, Libraire- Editatr \ 33, Quai des Angus tins, 33 | 1884. 8vo, pp. m-civ, 469. 1 Map. A reissue of No. 456. DRAKE (SAMUEL ADAMS). 472 George Washington. [Our Great Benefactors. Edited by Samuel Adams Drake. Boston. 1884. Sq. l2mo.] GUIZOT (FRANCOIS-PIERRE-GUILLAUME). 473 Etude Historique sur Washington. Par M. Guizot. [Prefixed to " Histoire de Washington, etc. Par Cornell's de Witt." Neuvieme Edition. Paris Librairie Acadimiqtte. 1884. 8vo.] A re-issue of No. 331, pp. I-CIV. See also No. 471. HABBERTON (JOHN). 474 Lives of American Worthies. | George Washington | (1732— 1799) I By I John Habbcrton | Author of "Helen's Babies," etc. | New York \ Henry Holt and Company. | 1884. i6mo, pp. II, 344. PETERS (W. A.). 475 George Washington. [Lives of our Presidents. By W. A. Peters. New York: 1884. i6mo. Portrait and 5 Illustrations, on wood.] 1885 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 150 RAMEY (W. SANFORD). 4?6 George Washington. [Kings of the Battle-Field: By W. Sanford Ramey. Philadelphia: 1884. i6mo.] WEAVER (G. S.). 477 George Washington. First President of the United States. [The Lives and Graves of Our Presidents. By G. S. Weaver, D.D. Chicago: 1884. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, on stone.] 1885. [BALL (N. R.).] 4?8 The I Maternal Ancestry | and | nearest of Kin | of | Wash- ington. I A Monograph. | Washington: | 1885. 8vo, pp. 28. HUNDRED GREATEST MEN. 479 Washington. [The Hundred Greatest Men. New York. 1885. 8vo.] Edited by Wallace Wood, M.D. MACKAY (CHARLES). 4 g Washington. [The Founders of the American Republic. . By Charles Mackay. Edinburgh and London. MDCCCLXXXV. i6mo.] 160 Bibliotheca W ashing toniana. 1886 THAYER (WILLIAM M.). 481 George Washington: | His Boyhood and Manhood. | By | William M. Thayer, | Author of | " From Log Cabin to White House," " The Pioneer Boy who became | President," " Tact, Push and Principle," etc. | London: \ Hoddcr and Stoughton, \ 27, Pater- noster Row. I MDCCCLXXXV. i6mo, pp. xx, 422. Portrait after Stuart. 1886. FABRE (JOSEPH). 482 Washington | Liberateur de L'Amerique | suivi de | Washington et la Revolution Americaine | (Eclaircissements et Documents) | Par I Joseph Fabre | " L'eternite seule revelera au genre | humain " sa dette de reconnaissance | envers le grand et immortel nom de | " Washington." | Garfield. | Deuxieme Edition | Paris \ Librairie Ch. Delcgrave \ ij, Rue Soufflot, ij \ 1886. i6mo, pp. 341. FERNAY (JACQUES). 483 Georges | Washington | Fondateur de la | Republique des Etats-Unis | Par | Jacques Ferney | Paris, Charavay Freres ct £"'<', Editeurs | 4, Rue de Furstetibcrg. \ 1886. Svo, pp. 368. 32 Illustra- tions, on wood. SMITH (HELEN AINSLIE). 484 George Washington. [One Hundred Famous Americans. By Helen Ainslie Smith. New York. [1886.] 8vo.] 1887 Bibliotheca Washingtonia?ia. l Q 1 STODDARD (WILLIAM O.). 4 8 s The Lives of the Presidents | George Washington | By | William O. Stoddard | Author of "The Life of Abraham Lincoln," "The Life of Ulysses S. Grant," | "Dab Kinzer," "Esau Hardery," etc., etc. | New York \ White, Stokes & Allen | 1886. i6mo, pp. vm, 307. 2 Portraits after Stuart, on wood ; 4 Illustrations. 1887. BAKER (WILLIAM SPOHN). 4 g 6 Character | Portraits of Washington | as Delineated by | His- torians, Orators and Divines | Selected | and Arranged in Chrono- logical Order with | Biographical Notes and References | By | W. S. Baker | Author of the "Engraved Portraits of Washington," | "Medalhc Portraits of Washington," etc., etc. | Philadelphia \ Robert M. Lindsay | 1887. Sm. 4 to, pp. 351. Frontispiece. Edition limited to three hundred and fifty copies. CONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON. 4 g George Washington, der Begrunder der Unabhangigkeit der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und deren erster President. [Brockhaus' Conversations-Lexikon. Sechzehnter Band. Leipzig: 1887. Svo.] IRVING (WASHINGTON) and JOHN FISKE. 488 Washington and His Country | Being | Irving's Life of Wash- 162 Bibliotlicca Wasldngtoniana. 1888 ington | Abridged for the use of Schools | With Introduction and Continuation, giving a brief outline | of United States History from the Discovery of | America to the end of the Civil War | By | John Fiske | Boston \ Published by Ginn& Company \ 1887. i2mo, pp. 618. 15 Maps. TOWNSEND (VIRGINIA F.). 489 Life of Washington | By | Virginia F. Townsend | Illustrated | New York \ Worthington Co., 74.J Broadway | 1887. i6mo, pp. 267. Portrait after Stuart ; 22 Illustrations, on wood. WORTHIES OF THE WORLD. 490 George Washington. [Worthies of the World. Edited by H. W. Dulcken, Ph.D. London: [n. d.] 8vo. Portrait after Stuart, on wood.] Sketch signed II. F. 1888. BOLTON (SARAH K.). 49* George Washington. [Famous American Statesmen. By Sarah K. Bolton. New York. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. 1888. 1 2mo.] ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 492 George Washington, the First President of the United States. 1889 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 163 [The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ninth Edition, Volume XXIV. Edin- burgh: MDCCCLXXXVIII. Hoy. 4to.] Written by Alexander Johnston. HALE (EDWARD EVERETT). 493 The Life | of | George Washington | studied anew | By | Edward Everett Hale | Author of " A man without a country," " Ten times one is ten," " The Story of | Spain," etc., etc. | New York & London | G. P. Putnam's Sons \ The Knickerbocker Press | 1888. 1 2mo, pp. xix, 392. 27 Illustrations. 1889. APPLETON'S CYCLOPEDIA. 494 George Washington, First President of the United States. [Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. Volume VI. New York: D. Apple- ton and Company. 1889. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart.] Written by Robert Charles Winthrop. CARSON (HAMPTON LAWRENCE). 495 George Washington. [History of the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution of the United States. Edited by Hampton L. Carson. Vol. I. Phila- delphia: 1889. Svo. Portrait] 164 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1889 TOWNSEND (VIRGINIA F.). 496 George Washington. [Our Presidents, or the Lives of the Twenty-three Presidents of the United States. By Virginia F. Townsend. New York : Worthington Co., 7^7 Broadway. 1 889. 8vo. Portrait after Stuart.] ADDENDA. [ ] 497 Georg Washington. | Chemnitz, \ in der Jacobaerscheti Buchliand- lung.\ 1804. i6mo, pp. 89. Portrait after Stuart. Apparently the First Edition of No. 145. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 498 George Washington, the celebrated Commander of the American Army, and the first President of the United States after their separa- tion from the mother-country. [Encyclopaedia Britannica : The Fifth Edition. Vol. XX. Edinburgh: 1815. 410.] LIVES OF THE HEROES. 499 George Washington. [Lives of the Heroes of the American Revolution. Boston: Phillips and Sampson. 1848. i2mo. Portrait] Re-issued, 1849 + 1855 + '$59 + [J8lV£] G. G. Evans, Philadelphia : 1S60, supra, No. 388. Bibliotheca Washingtotiiana. iQc [ ] 500 Sketch of the Life and Character of Washington. [Prefixed to Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Newburyport : Published by W. and J. Gilman. 1812. 3 2mo. Por- trait after Stuart, on wood.] The same as No. 96 with a different imprint. SPARKS (JARED). The Life | of | George Washington | By | Jared Sparks, LL.D. | Two Volumes in one, abridged by the Author. | Auburn : \ Derby & Miller. I Buffalo: \ Derby, Orion & Mulligan. | 1854. i 2 mo. Portrait after Houdon, Baker, 107. A re-issue of No. 246. LODGE (HENRY CABOT). [A Life of Washington by this writer, in course of preparation for the " American Statesmen " series, is expected to be issued during the present year, by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, w. s. B.] INDEX. The numbers refer to the titles, unless preceded by the woiA page. Abbott, Jacob, 405 Abbott, John S. C, 340, 417, 444 Adams, W. H. Davenport, 463 Aikin, John, 113 Aikin's General Biography, page 48, 79 Allen, Joseph, page 39, 47 Allen, William, 71, 174, 356 Allen's Biographical Dictionary, page 32, 37, 47, 60. «23 Allgemeine Deutsche Real-Encyclopadie, 140, 329, 424, page 56, 115, 144 Allibone, S. Austin, page 67 American Biographical Panorama, 293 American Cyclopaedia, 446 American Geography, page 3, 4, 5, 1 1 American Literary Magazine, 292 American Military Biography, 153 American Nepos, 56, page 53 American's Own Book, 314 American Remembrancer, page 6 American Sunday School Union, page 67, 72, 8l,93. HO, I5 1 Anonymous, 5, 19, 38, 39, 72, 79, 95, 96, "4, 145, 154, '75, 176, 181, 202, 211, 214, 215, 234, 235, 252, 264, 265, 366, 395, 406, 407, 4°8, 447> 497, 5°° (' Anthon, Charles, page 75 Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biog- raphy, 494 Arnold, S. G., 236 Aurora (newspaper), page 7 Baker, William Spohn, 486 Ball, N. R., 47S Bancroft, Aaron, 59, 67, 162, 182, 225, 266, 318,327,341,382,445,464 Bartgis, M., page 16, 33 Bauer, John C. A., 57 Beard, John H., 29S Beckett, William a, page 79 Bell, John, 3, 4, 9, 409, page 2, 7, 11 Bertolotti, Davide, 144 Bibliotheca Americana Nova, page 1, 95 Bibliographic Biographique, page 2, 50, 58 76, 84, 99 Biblioteca Universal, 466 Bilder-Conversations-Lexikon, 250 Biographia Americana, 155 Biography Illustrated, 157 Biographical Magazine, 134 Biographie Nouvelle, 156 67) INDEX. 169 Biographie Universelle, 165, 169, 203, 216, 249. 277, 297, 398, page 81, 92, 100, 137 Birch, William, page 8, 5S Bisset, Robert, page 1 1 Blake, John L., 237, 342 Bolton, Sarah K., 491 Boon Catalogue, page 72 Boston Athenaeum, page 13 Brewster, David, page 68 Brinley, George (catalogue), page 16, 43, 61 British Magazine, page 9 British Museum (catalogue), page 73, 120, '37, 143 British Register, 18, page 18, 20, 46 British Review, 10 Brockhaus' Conversations-Lexikon, 487 Brooks, Nathan Covington, 402 Burton, John Hill, page 112 Cantu, Cesare, 418 Carey, Mathew, page 35, 39 Carson, Hampton Lawrence, 495 Cates, William L. R., page 143 Cecil, E., 372, 419 Century of Independence, page 121 Ceracchi, Giuseppe, page 76, 124, 132 Chambers Encyclopaedia, 422 Character Portraits of Washington, page 73 Chalmers, Alexander, 125 Chemnitz, page 5S, 164 Chester, Joseph Lemuel, 414 Clark, Jona., 102 Columbian Plutarch, page 56 Condie, Thomas, 16, 20, 40, 87, 88, 89, 103, 109, page 7, 27, 66 Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 373 Cooper, Thomson, 441 Cony, John, 21, 22, 23, 41, 42, 45, 45*, 60, 6l > 73. 74. 8°, 9°. 9 6 *> 97. »°4. "5, 116, 117, 158, page 9, 25, 28,41,46,53,56, 57 Cottage Cyclopedia, 423 Cowper, William, page 19 Craig, Neville B., 283 Custis, George Washington Parke, 166, 374, 383.396,420 Cutter, Charles A., page 13 Cyclopaedia of BiogTaphy, 319 Darton, William, page 61 De Witt, Cornelis, 328, 456, 471 Delaplaine's Repository, 118 Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations-Lexi- con, 440 Deutsches Staats-Worterbuch, 429 Dictionnaire de Conversation, 267, 367 Dictionnaire Historique, 146 Dictionnaire Universel, 98, page 58 Distinguished Men of Modern Times, 217 Dizionario Universale, 457 Dobson, Thomas, page 20 Dragoumes, Nicholas, 343, 400 Drake, Samuel Adams, 472 Drexel, Joseph W., page 117 Dulcken, H. W., page 162 Durivage, Francis Alexander, 195 Duyckinck, Evert Augustus, 399 Edgar, John G., 320 Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 177 Edinburgh Magazine, II, 25 Edmonds, Cyrus Read, 196, 218, 226 Edwin, David, page 21 Eisner, Heinrich, 197 INDEX. 171 Eminent Americans, 284, page 1 1 7 General Biography, 421 Encyclopedia Americana, 1 83 Gentleman's Magazine, 2 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 43, 47, 253. 385. Gilman, W., page 165 492, 498, page 133 Girault, A. N., 190 Encyclopedic des Gens du Monde, 268, page Glass, Francis, 191, 199, 204, 254 102 Glazier, Willard, 465 Encyclopedic du Dix-neuvieme Siecle, 219 Gleig, George, page 18 Encyclopedic Catholique, 2S5 Godwin, Parke, 307, 45S English Cyclopedia, 368 Goldsmith, J., 192 EngTaved Portraits of Washington , page xiii Goodrich, Samuel G., 299, page 67 Espinasse Francis, page 155 Gorton, John, 167, 300 Etoumeau, M., 384 Gosch, Josias Ludwig, 62, 82, 120, 126 European Magazine, 24, page II Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, 279, 287, 294, 330, Everett, Edward, 386, page 80, 13. '-, »S [ page 134 Exley, Thomas, page 46 Guernsey, Lucy E. and Clara F., 448 Guizot, Francois- Pierre-Guillaume, 227, 238, Fabre, Joseph, 482 239, 240, 241, 251, 255, 269, 276, 301, Famosi Personaggi, 119 3 02 . 3°3, 33', 4°i, 459, 473, page 9 r > Fargues, H., 434 '37 Father of his Country, page 6 Feller, F.-X-de, page 106 Habberton, John, 474 Ferguson, James, 81 Hale, Edward Everett, 493 Fernay, Jacques, 483 Hand-Book of Universal Biography, page Fiske, John, 461, 488, page 163 109, 154 Fontanes, Louis, page 58 Hardie, James, 14, 53 Founders of the American Republic, page Hawks, Francis L., page 122 '59 Hayden, Sidney, 415 Fox, Charles James, page 26, 34 Headley, Joel Tyler, 280, 344, 376, 3S7 French, Benjamin Franklin, page 6 1 Heady, Morrison, 403 Frost, John, 286, 278, 321, 322, 369 375, Henley, Leonard, 467 425 Herring, James, page 73 Hervey, N., 308 Galerie Historique, 68 Hillard, George S., page 89 Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs, 198, page Hirsching, Friedrich C. G, page 44 81, 127 Historic Gallery of Portraits, 91 Garfield, James Abram, page 160 Historical Celebrities, 435 Gehe, Edward, 220 Historical Magazine, 26 INDEX. 173 Historisch-Iitterarisches Handbuch, 99 Homes of American Statesmen, 323 Houdon, Jean Antoine, page 50, 77, 91, 95, 96, 108, IIO, Il6, Il8, 122, I38, I50, I65 Hulbert, C, 141 Hundred Greatest Men, 479 Hunt, William, page 105 Hutchison, William, page 145 Hyde, Anna M., 426 Iconographie Instructive, 1S4 Illustrated Biography, 357 Imperial Dictionary, 460 Imperial Encyclopaedia, 105 Ingraham, Edward D., page IOI Irving, Washington, 332, 333, 334, 345, 346, 347, 358. 359. 43°. 469. 4S8 Janisch, Joseph, 431 Johnson, W. M., page 46 Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia, 455 Johnston, Alexander, page 163 Johnston, William, page 49 Jones, Thomas, 6 Joubert, L£o, page 141 Judson, L. Carroll, 228, 309, 377, page 130 Kingston, John, 83, 92, 106, 127 Kirkland, Caroline M., 360, 42S, page 113 Klee, G., 449 Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo, 185 Knight, Charles, page 74, 127 Lance, William, 205 Lanman, Charles, 450 Lansdowne, Marquis of, page 22, 25, 29 Laussat, Anthony, page 68 Lee, Henry, page 36, 39 Legacies of Washington, page 16 Lempriere, John, S4 Lendrum, John, page 41 Lieber, Francis, page 70 Lincoln, Robert W., 186, 229 Lives of the Heroes of the American Revolu- tion, 388, 499 Lives of the Illustrious, 324 Lodge, Henry Cabot, page 165 Longacre, James B., page 73 London Chronicle, page 2 London Courier, page 19 Lossing, Benson John, 281, 335, 378, 3S9, 410, 432 Louis, — , page 37, 50 Mackay, Charles, 480 Mackenzie, William, page 155 Marshall, John, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 63, 17S, 206, 221, 222, 230, 242, 274, 2S8, 295, 325, 36i,379. page 21, 83 Marshall, James V., page 122 Massachusetts Magazine, page 4, II Maunder, Samuel, page 131 Maussion, Louis de, page 64 Maxwell, John, 15 McGuire, Edward Charles, 207 Medallic Portraits of Washington, page 41 Meeks, Edward, page 115 Memory of Washington, page 12 Menzies, William, page 117 Menzies Catalogue, page 17 Morse, Jedidiah, 7, 8, 13, 27, 28, 29, 30, 44, 4", 45*. page 5. 7. ri National Hand-Book, 348 INDEX. 175 National History of the U. S.,page nS National Portrait Gallery, 193 Neues Konversations-Lexikon, 436 Nord Americanische Calender, page 6 North American Review, page 80, 131 Norton, John N., 390, 391 Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique, 48, page 44 Nouvelle Biographie Generale, 413 Oettinger, Edouard Marie, page 2, 50, 58, 76, 84, 99 One hundred famous Americans, page 1 60 Owen, F. M., 452 Pages, J. P., page 126 Parley's Panorama, page 106 Parley's Washington, page 67, 76, 79, 87, 97. 139 Parker, Theodore, 433 Parsons, Reuben, 438 Paulding, James Kirke, 200, 208, 243, 256, 270, 289 Peale, Charles Willson, page 2, 12, 16, 31, 33,41,80, 86, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 134, 14S, 152, 157 Peale, Rembrandt, page 116, 120, 124, 146, 157 Penny Cyclopaedia, 261 Pennypacker, Samuel W., page 6 Peters, W. A., 475 Peterson, Charles J., 349 Phelps, E. Brockenb rough, 442 Pickell, John, 350 Pictorial Cyclopaedia of Biography, 351 Pierce, Ed. M., page 144 Pierer's Universal Lexikon, 404 Pine, Robert Edge, page 124 Poetical Epistle to Washington, page 2, 140 Poulson's American Daily Advertiser, page 10, 21 Powel, Mrs. Samuel, page xiii Philadelphia Monthly Magazine, page 7 Phillips, Charles, page 73 Physiognomical Portraits, 149 Ramey, W. Sanford, 476 Rathery, Edme. Jacques-Benoit, page 98 Ramsay, David, 64, 65, 75, 93, no, 121, '3ii 135. IS9. «6o, 163, 179, 244, 257 page 42 Raumer, Friederich von, page 87 Rees, Abraham, 136, 137, page 56 Redding, Cyrus, 201 Reimann, E., page 146 Rice, John A. (catalogue), page 44, 61, Si Rich, Elihu, page 112 Rich, O, page I, 95 Royal Dictionary-Cyclopoedia, 352 Rogers, Thomas J., 107, 147, 150, 170 Rose, Hugh James, 315 Rosenthal, Albert, page xiii Rotteck, Carl v., page 147 Roubaud, J. L. Audibert, I Rush, Richard, 362 Sabin, Joseph (Dictionary), page 6, 19, 26, 52, 100, 1 28, 134 Saint-George, A., 194 Savage, Charles C, page 123 Savage, Edward, page 7, 12, 16, 141 Schmidt, Ferdinand, 453 Schneebeli, J., 439 Schroeder, Frederick John, 363 INDEX. 177 Scott, Joseph, 17 Select Biography, 76 Serrano, D. Nicolas, page 156 Simpson, Stephen, 187 Simms, \V. G., page 101 Slater, ]., page 61 Smith, Helen Ainslie, 484 Smucker, Samuel M., 392 Sparks, Jared, 212, 245, 246, 231, 232, 233, 258, 259, 262, 263, 271, 304, 305, 310, 311,316, 326, 336, 337, 338, 353, 364, 393. 4i6, 501. page 88, 91, 107 Statesman's Manual, page 118 Stephens, Alexander H., page 153 Stoddard, William O., 485 Strafforella, Gustavo, page 154 Stuart, Gilbert, page 10, 14, 15, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, n % 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. 39. 41, 42, 46, 49. 53. 55. :>.. 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 80, 85,90,92, 93, 101, 105, 107, 108, no, 112, 115, 116, 117, 120, 124, 125, 130, ■32. 134- 135. 138, 145. H6, 153. '54, 155, '59, 160. 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 Terry, Ezekiel, page 16 Temple, Samuel, 151 Thayer, William M., 481, page 138 The Unique, 172 The Washingtoniana, 46, page 12 Thomas, Edward A., 470 Thomas, Joseph, 437 Townsend, Virginia F., 4S9, 496 True American (newspaper), page 21 Trumbull, James, 171 Trumbull, John, page 100, 101, 103, 109, 124, 134, 148 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore, 3S0, page 117 Twelve Stars of Our Republic, page 105 Tytler, Margaret Eraser, 290 United States Manual, 354 Universal Biography, 209, 381 Universal Magazine, 31 Upham, Charles Wentworth, 247, 306, 312 Venedey, J., 397 Von Horn, W. O., 412 Wallace, Horace Binney, page 101 Walsh, Robert, page 70 Warner, Benjamin, page 35 Washington and the ( ienerals, page 101, 103, '05, "5 Washington at Valley Forge, 366 Washington, Bushrod, page 17, 21 Washington's Political Legacies, page 12, 15 Watkins, John, 66 Watkin's Biographical Dictionary, page 30, 36 Watson, Henry C, 317 Wayne, Caleb P., page 21 Weaver, G. S., 477 Webster, Daniel, page vii Weems, Mason L., 32, 33 , 34, 35, 52, 58, 69,70,77,78,85,86,94, 100, 101, 108, in, 112, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 132, 133, 13S, 142, 148, 152, 161, 164, 168, •73, '8o, 188, 189, 210, 213, 223, 224, 248, 260, 272, 282, 355, 365, 370, 394, 468 Weld, H. Hastings, 275, 427 Welles, Albert, 462 Wells, John G., page 121 INDEX. 179 Werttniiller, Adolpli Ulric, page 116, 124 Winthrop, Robert Charles, page 163 Westminster Magazine, page 2 Wislicenus, Ernst, 273, 313 Wharton, Charles Henry, page 2 Wood, Wallace, page 159 Whipple, Henry, page 43 Woodward, Thomas, 139 Williams, Edwin, 296, 339 Worthies of the World, 490 Williams, J. M., 36, 37 Wright, Joseph, page xiii, 4, 18, 42, 45 Wilson, James Grant, 443, page 63 Wright, Thomas, page 122 Wilson, Thomas, 130, 14; Wyatt, Thomas, 291 Winchester, Elhanan, 12 Wineherger, J. A., 371 Zell's Popular Encyclopedia, 454 'CO LIBRARY OF CONCRESS llll 003 386 610