^^ (bxTipMinents of View of Pittsburg from the Point. View of Pittsburg. 3> Looking toward the Point. Coal Tipple. ,/ , i Entrance to Coal Mine. _^_^^^8^f-^v^ Lily Pond, Schenley. View East from Race Track, Schenley. Christ M.E.' Church. Western University. C3 Oh a "o _J c '> Coal in the Ohio, Lock No. 2. Interior Mortgage Banking Co., 423 Fourth Avenue. Residence of Attorney-General P. C. Knox, Pittsburg, Pa. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. Westinghouse Air Brake Company. Stove House in Conservatory, Schenley Park. !f/-^y-y^<''t3^^ Band Stand at Schenley Park. Pennsylvania College for Women. Mount Mercy Academy Fifth Avenue. Jones & Laughlin's South Side. Court House Washington, Pa. Mortgage Banking Company, Directors' and Luncii Room. Ferns at Schenley Park Conservatory. '•-i^-A^^^Ls^-^a^^ -F.JrPT' West Penn Hospital Entrance of Panther Hollow Bridge. Interior Mortgage Banking Room, 423 Fourth Avenue. Sixth U. P. Church, North Highland Avenue. ^aSiJl^ ii®5S!*Egf(^5 Spring on Main Road, Riverview Park, Allegheny. Highland Park Reservoirs from Mt. Bigelow. ^'a^' ^3]j]iii||tiit|niyn. '__Lr- '^' y^.^^^^n^^'J. -»- 7-7-XS- Blind Asylum. Theological Seminary. Rustic Steps, Lake Carnegie, Highland Parlv. -«^^V-:^.-:y-.- ^^ ^vaa^jirg^jr:-^::- , Silver Lake. ■raCTy^^;'^.;;;?!^^^' O o C/) CD c 3 £1 Q- C CD ■> > s a; c c > 03 -a '> C3 Shakespeare School. Spring near Zoo, Highland Park. 03 E -a c i: oo '^\ Skibo Castle, Home of Andrew Carnegie, in Scotland. Rustic Bridge on Bicycle Path, C3 Q- ■> > o ■X bD c 5. Qi Picnic Cottage and Grove, Rivervievv Park. 1) 3 C > D O <_) SS O 3 c. E o U bX) c c Da cu bJO (M tiO -J-» o Coal Barges. Phipps Conservatory, Allegheny, Pa. . -^i/vtiit^ft^-^A/rii - Washington Monument, Allegheny Park. Avenue in Allegheny Park. Lake, Allegheny Park. Rockery in Allegheny Park. View of Pittsburg 1902. — Mt. Waslnington near Smithfield Bridge. [g^i'-'jr-^'n ."ftx«-_ Rustic Spring, Lake Carnegie, Highland Park. Lake Carnegie in Winter. Zoo, Highland Park. is. CE>^i^!^Jt? o o C/) ■-*a >-N» >-H- tr^A ^-«- A— « f — r J'="t ^ '^. .''Tf /~ir /-■*■ t^^ f /^ f'M 1-^ ^-». » ff-^'//"^ ^-« j-ie )^rf fimft^ h^i r-m' ,i~af j^^' -ftsi -I j f-^ it-w t^ ry r»'/** f=s, m rwi r « ' .s 3 > CD CQ o a- DQ a: c ca CQ c o c/) c 3 03 Q- c V C/) a, C/5 Bridge over Panther Hollow, Schenley Park. Pittsburg, 1817. National Tube Works, McKeesport. Lower Ohio. CA) CQ Allegheny County Work House. View of Morganza. View ot Mckeesport.