^^ GEOGIUPHICAL QUESTIONS: PREPARED ESPECIALLY Ton WARKEN'S COMMON-SCHOOL GEOGBAPHY. BUT ADAPTED TO ALL MAPS ACCURATELY DRAWN. G PHILADELPHIA : I 1 'SI COWFERTHWAIT & CO 1863. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.! I UNITED STATES OF AMERJCA. ^ L4 i ^ / h /' ^ ''^^^^^^kS./fe^^K y/^f^^>C^ "U^.^ «^^ 'v.--^V ;. ^^^w^ ^^o ■ •r^^ :^ 'N.. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS: PREPARED ESPECIALLY ^"^^^'^ WARREN'S \li. VK,^V\ ^; COMMON-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. BUT ADAPTED TO ALL MAPS ACCURATELY DRAWN. PHILADELPHIA: n. COWPEBTHWAIT k CO, 1864. Entered, accordiDg to Act of Congress, In the year 1863, by J. D. COTTPERTIIWAIT, Agent, in th« Clerk'i Office of the Dirtrict Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. BTERfiOTYPED BT J. FAOAS. 2^ 1%-^ 1 ysfzt PREFACE These geographical questions have been pre- pared in accordance with the expressed wish of many teachers to have a work not only suf- ficiently elementary for beginners, but compre- hensive enough for those Avho have but little time to devote to the study of geography. The aim has been to embrace mainly Physical and Commercial Geography, and to arrange the questions and answers as systematicallj^ as the subject would admit. The answers have been given to very many questions, when they could easily have been found on the map. This has been done for two reasons ; in the first place, that which is to be thoroughly committed to memory can be done better from a book than from a map; and, g^econdly, if a class are requu^ed to learn answers (iii) IT P R E F A C « . from maps, some will learn the answers in one order, and some in another ; so that when they come to recite, their memories will be confused, rather than benefited by the recitation. After a lesson has been well committed, it then should be fully and repeatedly explained by the pupils from maps. Many tecichers have long been jf tHe opinion that too much time has been given in school to descriptions and minute details in geography, and that pupils, by crowding their minds with isolated and unimportant facts, fail to secure a knowledge of that which is the most essential and the most valuable. Geography is an inexhaustible study, and only an outline at least can be learned in school, which may be filled up as leisure and inclina- tion may suggest. \^ Whatever is intended to be remembered should be tJiorougldij committed and frequently reviewed. But by attempting to grasp more than can be remembered with accuracy, the mind is weakened and confused, rather than strengthened by proper discipline. IMda.OBUCTION. Before, pupils begin the study of geography proper, the teacher should explain very fully what is meant by direction and distance, and how these may be represented bylines. This can be done intelligibly only by the teacher in the school-room. Without this explanation no pupil can enter upon the study of geography understandingly. Pupils should also be taught how to measure, by some linear measure, distances ; and no teacher should attempt to teach geography without having, atleast, a meridian line drawn in the school-room. Teachers should be very particular in explaining fully the meaning of all w- ords that are not familiar to the pupils, as they occur in their lessons, aiid this must be done by using such words in the ex- planation as the pupils fully comprehend. Such words as the following should especially be ex- plained : capital, natural, artificial, surface, horizon, fraety civil, political, sphere, globe, and hemisphere. The meaning of the words. Republic, State, county, city, town, and village, etc., should be fully 1 * (^} ' T N T R I) U C T I X . and clearly illustrated, and their differences pointed out, so that no pupil could fail of understanding them ; and teachers should give special attention to the correct pronunciation of geographical' names. 'No lesson should be considered as properly learned until the pupil can locate and describe each place, whether it be town, city, mountain, lake, river, etc., according to the models given, and also to state the direction of each place from two or more other important places well known. In giving the direction of places, it will be con- venient to describe the countiy, State, etc., in the following manner : And places may be de- scribed as being in the centre, or in the N., ISl. E., E., S. E., S., S.W., W., N.W., or .K:K:E., E. S.E., 8. S.W., W.K. W., from the centre. In teaching geography successfully, pupils sliould be taught to draw maps of the countrj^. State, etc., and to locate every place on a map of their own drawing. This should never be omitted ; for the ability to draw maps with tolerable accuracy, when called upon, is the best test of geographical know- ledge. KVV. ■ i^. 1 KE. w. c. E. S.E. 1 s.w. s. GEOGRAPHICAL aUESTIONS Lesson 1. THE EARTH. What is the form of the earth? The earth is a large round body, compGRAPHICAL QUES TI O^S. 9 What is a sea ? A sea is a division of water smaller than an ocean, and mostly surrounded by land. " 'What is a gulf or bay? A gulf or bay is a part of an ocean or sea extending into the land. What is a strait? A strait is a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water. . ' What is a sound ? ^^-A sound is a passage of water so shallow, that its depth ifeay be easily measured. ' What is a channel ? A channel is a passage of wat«r wider than a strait. What is a lake? / 7 ' A lake is a body of water sufrouhaed "By land. ,:.::.. -:..;.jc..::. :.■ ■-■:.:: •LessonA What is a river? A river is a large stream of water flowing from high land into some other body of water. Small streams are called brooks, rivulets, creeks or rills. Note. — The place where a river rises is called its source. The place where it empties is called its mouth. When rivers enter into the sea by several mouths, the land in- cluded between those mouths is called a delta. The right bank of a river is on the right hand, and the left biink on the left hand, going down the stream. From the mouth of a river towards its source is up, and from its source towards its mouth is down. A steep, rapid descent of a river is called rajyids or falU. A »mall waterfall is called s cascade : a great.one, a cataract. 10 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS What is a haven or harbor? A haven or harbor is a small part of the sea where shipa may anchor safely. How many continents are there? There are two continents, the eastern and the western. What do they comprise ? The eastern continent comprises the grand divisions of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The western continent com- prises the grand divisions of North and South America. Note. — Australia, the largest island in the world, is by some called a continent. Lesson 5. NORTfl AMERICA. What are the political divisions of North America, and their capitals ? The political divisions of North America and their capitals are : Countries. Capitals. Russian America, Sitka, British America, Ottawa, Greenland, Litchenfels, United States, Washington, Central America, Cojutepeque, Mexico, Mexico. What division in the northwest ? What division in the north ? in the northeast ? in the centre ? in the south ? in the southwest ? What bounds North America on the north ? What on the east? What ocean on the southwest and west? Lesson 6. MOUNTAINS. What mountains in North America? The Rocky mountains and the Alleghany range. The Alleghany range is in the eastern part of the TJnited States. 10 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 11 The Rocky mountains are in the western part of North AmeUcsL, and are called, in Mexico, Sierra Madre and Sierra Nevada. "What islands in North America 1 Baring, Prince Edward, Greenland, . Iceland, Newfoundland, Cape Breton, NoTK. — Locate and describe each island, by stating where it is situated, and by what waters it is surrounded. Model. — Greenland is in the northeastern part of North America, having the Atlantic Ocean on the east and south, Baffin's Bay "and Davis's Strait on the west, and the Arctic Ocean on the north. Bermudas, Bahamas, Vancouver Island, Washington, Southampton, West Indies. Lesson 7. CAPES. What are the principal capes of North America? Cape Farewell, Cape Race, Cape Sable (N. S.), Cape Ann, Cape Cod, Cape Hatteras, Cape Lookout, Cape Fear, Cape Sable (Florida), Cape San Lucas, Cape Prince of Wales. Note. — ■ Locate and describe each cape after the model. Model. — Cape Race is the southeastern extremity of Newfound- land, and extends south into the Atlantic Ocean. PENINSULAS. "What peninsulas in North America? Labradorj Yucatan, Nova Scotia, Lower California, Florida, Alaska. It CEOGRAPIIICAL QUESTIONS. Note. — Locate and describe each peninsula after the model. Model. — Nova Scotia is in the eastei'n part of North America, having the Gulf of St. La-vvrence on the north, the Atlantic Ocean on the east and south, and the Bay of Fundy on the west. Lesson 8. SEAS, GULFS, AND BAYS. What seas, gulfs, and bays in North America? Polar Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Baffin's Bay, Carribbean Sea, Hudson's Bay, Bay of Honduras, James's Bay, Bay of Cainpeclie, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Gulf of California. Note. — Locate and describe each after the model. Model. — Hudson's Bay is north of the centre of British America, »nd opens intp the Atlantic Ocean through Hudson's Strait. What are the principal straits in North America ? Davis's Strait, Windward Passage, Hudson's Strait, Mona Passage, Strait of Bellisle, Cliannel of Yucatan, Florida Strait, Bbering's Strait. " Note. — Locate and describe each after the model; ;.. .....: Model. — ■ Bhering's Strait is in the northwestern part of North America, and connects the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and sepa^ rates North America from Asia, and is about 36 miles wide. RIVETwS. What are the principal rivers in North America? Mackenzies, Red, .,, Nelson, Rio Grande,- -//J St. Lawrence, Colorado, 4 Mississippi, Columbia, ^ •-{ i MissoTiri, Fra.«er's. .r\ j] Q15 6QR A PIIIC AL Q U E S T I O If 8 18 NoTB. — Locate and describe each after the model. AfodeL — Mackenzies River is the outlet of Great Slave Lake, •which is near the centre of British America, and runs northwest, and empties ihto the Arctic Ocean. Lesson 9. UNITED STATES. How many States are there? There are thirty -five States, divided into Eastern, Mid- dle, Southern, and Western States. How many are there in each division? There are six Eastern, four Middle, elcvcu Southern, and fourteen Western States. What are the names and capitals of each? KASTBIRN STATK! states. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, CapitaljJ. Augusta, Concord, Montpelier, Boston, {Providence, Newport, Hartford, ew Haven, Situation. On Kennebec Kiver. On Merrimac River. On Wiuooski River. On Boston Harbor. On Providence River. . On Narragansett Bay. On Connecticut River. On New Haven Bay. states. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware^ - 9 Lesson 10. MIDDLE STATES. Capitals, Albany, Trenton, Harrisburg. Dover, Situation. On Hudson River. On Delaware River. On Susquehanna River. On Jones's Creek. u • EOGRAPHICAL QUESTIOIfS. SOUTHERN STATES. Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Nortli Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Annapolis, Richmond, AVheeling, Raleigh, Columbus, Milledgeville, Tallahassee, Montgomery, Jackson, Baton Rouge, Austin, On Severn River. On James River On Ohio River, Near Neuse River. On Congaree E.iver. On Oconee River. North of Apalachee Bay. On Alabama River. On Pearl River. On Mississippi River. On Colorado River. Lesson 11. WESTERN STATES. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, California, Oregon, Lansing, Madison, St. Paul, Columbus, Indianapolis, Springfield, Des Moines, Frankfort, Nashville, Jefferson City, Little Rock, Topeka, Sacramento, Salem, On Grand River. On Fourth Lake. On Mississippi River. On Scioto River. On west fork of White R. Near Sangamon River. On Bes Moines River. On Kentucky River. On Cumberland River On Missouri River. On Arkansas River. On Kansas River. On Sacramento River. On Willamette River. Note. — Bound and describe each State? e E O GRAPHICAL Q U E S T I OT? S . 15 How many Ter There are ten TtTiitoritfs. ^Vasliington, Idaho, Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Indian, New jVlexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Lesson 12. TKRUITOKIKS. ritories are there ? Territories, as follows: Capitis. Olympia, Bannock City. Yankton, Omaha City, Denver, Tahleqnah, Santa Fe, Tucson, Salt Lake City, Virginia City, Situation. On Puget's Sound. On Missouri River. On Missouri Kiver. Cherry Creek. Near Carson lliver. Near the Rio Grrande. South of Gila River. Near G-reat Salt Lake. Near Carson River. Lesson 13. What bounds the United States on the noi-th? What ocean on the east? What gulf on the south? What ocean on the west? What country on the southwest ? Which is the most northeastern Slate ? Which is the most soiithern? Which is the most western ? Which is the most northwestern? What thirteen States border on the Atlantic Ocean ? What five States border on the Gulf of Mexico ? What States and Territories border on the Pacific Ocean ? Which is the largest State in the Union ? Texas. Which is the smallest? How many States as large as Rhode Island would Texas make ? More than 170. 16^ GEOGRAPHIC At QUESTIONS, How many aa large as Massachusetts? More than 30. What number of States as large as Connecticut will California make? Nearly 40. Lesson 14. EASTERN OR NEW ENGLAND STATES. What are the Eastern or New England States? What bounds Maine on the north ? East ? South ? West ? Nqtk. — Locate and describe, ejjch river, lake., mountain, bay, island, town or city, after the models givpn. What rivers in Maine ? . , . St. Jolin, . . . Kennebec, St. Croix, Androscoggin, . Penobscot, Saco. Model. — St. John lliver rises in the Highlands, between Maine and Canada, and runs in a southeasterly direction, foj:ming the northeast boundary between Maine and Canada East for about *.)(>: miles, • and empties into the Bay of Fundy. :■■/- What lakes in Maine ? " " ' Cbesuncook, "Scboodic, , , Mopsebead, • Sebago, Grand, Umbagog. Model. — Moosehead Lake is west of the centre of the State, and has the Kennebec River for its outlet. Lesson 15. What mountains in Maine? Mt. Katahdin and Green Mountains. Model. — Mt. Katahdin is near the centre of tlae Stftt*. east of C-hesuneook Lak». GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 17 \Miat bays in Maine ! Passamaquoddy, Frendunan^s Machias, Penobscot, EngMshmaii^s, Casco Bay. ilodel. — Casco Bay is in the southwestern part of Maine, «ad opens into the Atlantic Ocean. What islands on the coast of Maine? Grand Menah, Deer, Mt. Desert, Fox. Model. — Deer Island is in the eastern part of Penobscot Bay, and is surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. What are the principal towns in Maine? Augusta, Hallowell, Portland, Eastport, Bangor, Machias, BatH, Lewistown, Gardiner, Saco, Model. — Portland is in the southwestern part of the State, oa Casco Bay, and is northeast from Boston. Lesson 16. What bounds New Hampshire on the north T ll&st ? South ? West? Wha,t rivers in New Hampshire ? Connecticut, Nashua, Merrimac, Pemigewasset What mountains in New Hampshire ? White Mountains and Mt. Monadnock. What lake in New Hampshire? 'WinnipisfeOgee. 18 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. What are the principal towns in New Hampshire? Concord, Exeter, Dover, Great Falls, Maiicliester, Hanover, Portsmouth, Nashua. What bounds Vermont on the north ? East? South? West? What rivers in Vermont ? Connecticut, Lamoille, Missisque, Winooski. What mountains in Vermont? Green Mountains. What are the principal towns in Vermont? MoNTPELTER, Bennington, Burlington, Middlebury, Brattleboro, Vergennes. Lesson 17. Whatbounds Massachusetts on the north? East? South? West? What rivers in Massachusetts ? Connecticut, Blackstone, Merrimac, Housatonic. What bays on the coast of Massachusetts? Massachusetts and Buzzard's Bay. What capes in Massachusetts? Cape Ann, Cape Cod, and Cape Malabar. What isliands southeast of Massachusetts ? Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and Elizabeth Islands. What are the principal towns in Massachusetts? Boston, Salem, Lowell, Plymouth, Charlestown, New Bedford, Cambridge, , Worcester, Koxbury, Springfield. GfiOOBAffllCAL QUESTIONS. 19 Lesson 18. What bounds Rhode Island on the North? East? South? West ? What rivers in Rhode Island? Blackstone and Providence. What bay in Rhode Island? Narragansett. What islands in Rhode Island ? Khode and Block Islands. What are the principal towns in Rhode Island? Providence, Grreenwicli, Newport, Warren, Bristol, Smithfield. What bounds Connecticut on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What rivers in Connecticut? Connecticut, Farmington, HoTisatonic, Thames. What are the pi-incipai towns in Connecticut? Hartford, Norwich, ' New Haven, New London, Bridgeport, Middletown. Lesson 19. REVIEW OF THE EASTERN STATES. Which is the largest State ? Which is the smallest ? How many States of the size of Rhode Island would Maine make? More than twenty-five. For what is Maine distinguished? Maine is distinguished for its fine harbors and extensive forests, 20 GEOGRAPHICAL QTlESTlONg. ! i "What aro the principal exports of Maine? ' The principal exports of Maine are lumber, granite, Ilffia,* and potatoes. '' For what is New Hampshire noted? New Hampsliire is noted for the magaiiicent scenery of its mountains, and tlie abundance of its granite. Its chief source of wealth consists in the manufactures'^ of cotton and wool, and in agricultural products. It has but 18 miles of sea coast. What may be said of Vermont? Vermont derives its name from the mountains that pass ' through the State. ' Its chief source of wealth is farming, raising live stocky- wool, and the manufacture of maple sugar. What are the principal exports of Vermont? Wool, butter, cheese, and maple sugar are the principal exports of Vermont. Xejsson 20. What may be said of. Massachusetts? Massachusetts is a populous and wealthy State. Its chief source of wealth consists in the manufacture of cotton and woollen goods, and large quantities of boots and shoes. It has a very large commerce, second only to New York. What may be said of Khode Island? Rhode Island is the smallest State in the Union. The manufacture of cotton and woollen goods, iron, and jewelry, are the chief sources of its wealth. What may be said of Connecticut? Connecticut derives its principal wealth from the mnnn- GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 21 facture of cotton and woollen goods, and a great variety of useful articles; such as paper, coaches, buttons, combs, and clocks. Lesson 21. What is the highest peak of the White Mountains ? - Whaib lake is partly in Vermont and partly in Canada ? What river unites the waters of Winnipiseogee Lake with Merrimac River ? j ,yTo what system or range do the Green Mountains belong? The Green Mountains are the continuation of the Alle- ghany range. :; nyWhat island is southeast of New Hampshire ? What peninsula is the southeastern extremity of Massachu- setts ? . What sound and island south of Connecticut? To what State does Long Island belong? |; Long Island belongs to New York. It is 140 miles in length. What towns in Massachusetts are noted in its early history t Plymouth is noted as the place where the Pilgrim Fathers first landed. At Concord, Lexington, and Charles- town were fought the first battles of the Revolution. Lesson 22. MIDDLE STATES. Which are the Middle States? What bounds New York on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What rivers in New York ? St. Lawrence, Susquehanna, Hudson, Chenango, Mohawk, Genesee, Delaware, Oswego, Black, Sarauae. 22 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONSV What lakes in New York ? Erie, Long, Ontario, Oneida, Champlain, Cayuga, George, Seneca, Black, Chautauqua. What mountains in New York ? Adirondack, Highlands, Catskill, Mount Tahawus. Lesson 23. What are the principal towns in New York? Albany, ^ Syracuse, New York, Rochester, Brooklyn, Canandaigua, Buffalo, Oswego, Troy, Dunkirk, Utica, Elmira. WhatboundsNew Jersey on the north? East? South? West? What rivers in New Jersey ? Delaware, Hudson, Passaic, Raritan. What capes in New Jersey? Sandy Hook and Cape May. What Kays in New Jersey? Great and Little" Egg Harbors. What are the principal towns in New Jersey ? Trenton, Jersey City, Newark, Paterson, New Brunswick, Princeton. QEOQRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 2$ ' Lesson 24. What bounds rennsylvania on the north ? East ? South t West? What are the principal rivers in Pennsylvania ? Lehigh, Susquehanna, Schuylkill, Alleghany, Delaware, Monongahela. What mountains in Pennsylvania ? Alleghany Mountains, Laurel Ridge, Blue Mountains, Chesnut Ridge. What are the principal towns in Pennsylvania? Harrisburg, Chambersburg, Philadelphia, Carlisle, Lancaster, Erie, Reading, Alleghany City, Pittsburg, Easton. What bounds Delaware on the north? East? South? West ? What rivers in Delaware? Delaware, Nanticoke. What cape and bay in Delaware? Delaware Bay and Cape Henlopen. What are the principal towns in Delaware ? Dover, New Castle, Wilmington, Smyrna. Lesson 25. REVIEW OF THE MIDDLE STATES. What cataracts or falls in New York? Niagara Falls on Niagara River, between Lake Erie and ^ GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. Ontario, are the most noted in the world. Thei^ ar^ falls on the Genesee River, near Rochester, and Trenton Falls, on West Canada Creek. What noted towns in New York. West Point is noted for its being the seat of the United States Military Academy, Saratoga for its mineral waters, Syracuse for its manufacture of salt, and Rochester for its extensive fiour mills. What canals connect the Hudson River with Lake Champlain, Hudson River and Lake Erie, and the Hudson River with Dela- ware River ? Lesson 26. For what is Pennsylvania most distinguished? Pennsylvania is distinguished for its immense mines of iron and coal. The anthracite coal is found mostly between the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers.. The bituminous coal in the western part of the State. What may be said of New Jersey ? New Jersey is principally an agricultural State. Im- mense quantities of fruits and vegetables are sent to New York and Philadelphia. For what is Delaware noted ? Delaware is the smallest State except Rhode Island, and is noted for its numerous tlour and powder mills. SOUTHiiRN STATES. Which are the Southern States ? What bounds Maryland on the ' north ? East ? South ? West? What are the principal rivers in Maryland T Susquehanna, Potomac, Patuxent, Youghiogeny {Yo tt ga*ny) GEOGRAPHrc AL QUES-TIONS. 2§^ g,|f^3i*t .:bftyr in Maryland ? Chesapeake Bay, whicli divides Maryland into the east- ern and western shore. What are the principal towns in Maryland? Annapolis, Hagerstown, J3altimore, Frederick, Havre de Grace, Cumberland. IIow is the District of Columbia situated ? The District of Columbia is situated on the left bank of the Potomac, and is the seat of the United States Govern- ment. It contains the city of Washington, which is the capital of the United States, and Georgetown. . .:snkn oaaox-nr. Lesson 27. -ASmat tioiinds Virginia on the north ? East? South? West? f-^What are the principal rivers in Virginia? MvU on, Potomac, James, Rappahannock, Nottoway, York, Meherrin, Mattapony, Staunton, Pamunky, Shenandoah. What mountains in Virginia ? Alleghany and Blue Ridge. What capes in Virginia? Cape Charles and Cape Henry, at the entrance of Chesa- peake Bay. What are the principal towns in Virginia ? Richmond, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Staunton. Fredericksburg, - Yorktown. • J- 26 GEOQRAPHICAtiQUES.TIONS. "WhatboundsWestVirginia on the north? East? South? West? What are the principal rivers in West Virginia ? Ohio, Kanawha, Monongahela, Little Kanawha, Guyandotte, Big Sandy. What mountains separate'West Virginia from Virginia ? Alleghany. What are the principal towns in West Virginia? Wheeling, Beverly, Morgantown, Charlestown. Lesson 28. What bounds North Carolina on the north? East? South? West? What rivers in North Carolina? . Chowan, Neuse, Roanoke, Cape Fear, Tar, Yadkin. What sounds in North Carolina? Albemarle and Pamlico. What mountains in North Carolina ? The Alleghany and Blue Ridge ? What are the principal towns in North Carolina ? Raleigh, Beaufort, Newbern, Washington, Wilmington, Charlotte. What bounds South Carolina on the north ? East? South? West? What rivers in South Carolina ? Great Pedee, Little Pedee, Santee, Edisto, Wateree, Combahee, Congaree, Savannah. (j E aa RAPHICALQUESTIO N S . What are the principal towns in South Carolina ? Greorgetown, 27 Columbus, Charleston, Camden, What bounds Georgia on the north ? What rivers in Georgia f Savannah, Ogeechee, Altamaha, St. Mary's, What mountains in Georgia? Blue Ridge and Alleghany. What are the principal towns in Georgia? Beaufort, Greenville. East ? South ? West ? Oconee, Ocninlgee, Santilla, Chattahoochee. MiLLEDGEVILLE, Savannah, An":usta, Macon, x\tlanta, Columbus. Lesson 29. What bounds Florida on the north ? East ? South ? West T -What rivers in Florida? St. Mary's, St. John's, Suwanee, Escambia, What capes in Florida ? Cape Cannaveralj Cape Florida, Cape Sable, What are tire- -principal towns in Florida? Tallahassee, • Pensacola, Key West, St. Augustine. Apalachicola, Choctawhatchie, Perdido, Oscilla. Cape Romans, Cape St. Bias. 28 e E O O R A P H I C A L Q U E S TIO N S. What bounds Alabama on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What rivers in Alabama? Tennessee, Alabama, Chattahooeliee, Tombigby, Choctawhatcliie, Black Warrior. What are the principal towns in Alabama? Montgomery, Huntsville, Mobile, Tuscumbia, Tuscaloosa, Selma. Lesson 30. What bounds Mississippi on the north ? East ? South ? West? What rivers in Mississippi? Pascagoula, Big Black, ^ Pearl, Yazoo, Mississippi, Tombigby. What are the principal towns in Mississippi? Jackson, Port Gribson, Natchez, Monticello, Vicksburg, Woodville. What bounds Louisiana on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What rivers in Louisiana? Mississippi, Red, Washita, Sabine. What lakes in Louisiana? Pontchartrain , Bistineau , Borgne, Chetimaches. What are the principal towns in Louisiana ? Baton Rouge,. Donaldnsonville, New Orleans, St. Francisville, ShreYcport. Natchitoches. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 29 What bounds Texas on the north ? East? South? West? What rivers in Texas? Nueces, Rio Grande. Corpus Christi. Sabine, Colorado, Neches, Guadalupe, Trinity, Brazos, V/hat bays in Texas? Galveston, Matagorda, What are the principal towns in Texas? Austin, San Antonio, Galveston, Nacogdoches, Houston, ' San Augustine. Lesson 31. REVIEW OP THE SOUTHERN STATES, two States border on the Potomac River and Chesapeake What Bay? What What What What What What What What What What The wheat, mineral six Statesyborder on the Atlantic? five States border on the Gulf of Mexico? two States border on the Mississippi River ? eight States border on Tennessee ? river separates South Carolina from Georgia? river separates, in part, Georgia from Alabama ? river separates Louisiana from Texas? river separates Texas from Mexico ? large river runs through the northern part of Alabama ? are the principal productions of Maryland and Virginia ? chief productions of Maryland and Virginia are corn, and tribacco. Iron and coal are its chief 3* #0 GfiOGilAPttlCAL QUESTIONS, What may be said of Nortii Carolina ? North Cai-oliiia derives its chief wealth from her pine forests, which produce large quantities of pitch, tar, tur- pentine, and lumber. What are the chief sources of wealth in South Carolina? Cotton and rice are the principal products of South Carolina. About two-thirds of all the rice in the United States is raised in South Carolina* What may be said of the productions of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi? Very large quantities of cotton, rice, corn, and sweet potatoes are produced in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. What are the productions of Florida and Louisiana? Cotton, rice, sugar, and lumber are the chief products of Florida, and sugar and cotton of Louisiana. "A large part of all the sugar made in the United States from sugar-cane is produced in Louisiana. lessen 32. WESTERN STATES, Which are the Western States ? What bounds Michigan on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What are the principal lakes in and around Michigan ? Superior, Erie, Huron, Michigan. St. Clair, What are the principal rivers in Michigan? Saginaw, Grrand. Kalamazoo, Maskegon, St, Joseph's, Manistee GE0(JRA1>H1CAL QUESl?IONS. 31 What are the principal towns in Michigan? Lansing, Kalamazooj Detroitj Ypsilantij Ann Arboi*, Marshall, lesson 33. What bounds Wisconsin on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What are the principal rivers in Wisconsin? Mississippi, Blacky Wisconsin, Chippewa. What are the principal towns in Wisconsin ? Madison, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Beloit, Racine, Janesville. What bounds Minnesota on the north? East? South? West? What are the principal rirers in Minnesota? St. Croix, Minnesota, Mississippi, Red River of the North, What lakes in Minnesota ? Red, Leech, Vermillion, Mille Lacs, Cass, Itasca. What are the principal towns in Minnesota ? St. Paul, Stillwater, St. Anthony, Faribault, Minneapolis, Winona. Lesson 34. What bounds Ohio on the north ? East? South? West? What are the principal rivers in Ohio? Ohio, Miami, Muskingum, Maumee, Scioto, Sandusky. 81 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS ; What are the principal towns in Ohio ? Columbus, Zanesville, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Cleveland, Sandusky, Dayton, Steubenville. What bounds Indiana on the north ? East ? South ? West f What are the principal rivers in Indiana? Ohio, Wabash, White, Kankakee. What are the principal towns in Indiana? Indianapolis, La Fayette, New Albany, Evansville, Madison, Terre Haute. Lesson 35. What bounds Illinois on the north? East? South? West? What are the principal rivers in Illinois? Wabash, Illinois, Kaskaskia, Mississippi. What are the principal towns in Illinois'? Springfield, Peoria, Chicago, Quincy, Galena, Alton, Cairo, Eock Island. What bounds Iowa on the north? East? South? West? What are the principal rivers in Iowa? Mississippi, Des Moines, Iowa, " Missouri. What are the principal towns in Iowa? Des Moines, Keokuk, Dubuque, Davenport. Burlington, Iowa City. G E O O R A r H I C A L Q U E ST I O N S . ■■ Z% Lesson 36. What bounds Kentucky on the north ? East ? South ? AVest? What are the principal rivers in Kentucky? Ohio, Green, Eig Sandy, Cumberland, Licking, Tennessee, Kentucky, Salt. What are the principal towns in Kentucky ? Frankfort, Covington, Louisville, Newport, Lexington, Paducali. What bounds Tennessee on the north? East? South? West? What are the principal rivers in_ Tennessee ? .-Chiiijberland, Mississippi^ Tennessee, Duck. What are the principal towns in Tennessee ? Nashville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Columbia, Knoxville, Murfreesboro'. Lesson 37. What bounds Missouri on the north ? East? South? West? What are the principal rivers in Missouri? Mississippi, Osage, Missouri, Gasconade. What are the principal towns in Missouri? Jefferson City, Lexington, St. Louis, Boonville, St Joseph, . Capfc Girardeau. What bounds Arkansason the north ? East?. 5oiith ? West ? C S4- GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. Wliat are the principal rivers in Arkansas ? Mississippi, Arkansas, St. Francis, - Washita, White, Red. What are the principal towns in Arkansas ? Little Rock, Bolivar, Fort Smith, Van Buren, Helena, Arkansas. Lesson 38. "What bounds Kansas on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What are the principal rivers in Kansas? Kansas, Arkansas. What are the principal towns in Kansas ? Lecompton, Topeka, Leavenworth, Aeosho City. What bouacis California on the north ? East ? South ? Wesi ? What are the principal rivers in California? Sacramento, San Buenaventura, San Joaquin, Great Colorado. What mountains in California ? Sierra Nevada, Coast Mountains. . What are the principal towns in California? Sacramento City, Stockton, San Francisco, San Miguel, San Jos^, Los Apgeles. What bounds Oregon on the north? East? South? West? What are the principal rivers in Oregon ? Columbia, Snake. Williamette, What mountains in Oregon? Blue, Cascade Mountains G E O G p. A P II I C A L QUESTIONS. 35 What are the prmcii3al towns in Oregon ? Salem, Corvallis^ Portland, Umpqua City. Lesson 39. IlETIEW OF THE WE ST EIIN ST ATE S . Which five States bovdei* on the Ohio River? Which ten States border on the Mississippi River? What mountains separate Tennessee from North Carolina ? "What river separates, in part, Indiana from Illinois ? Which are the three of the most important cities of the Western States? What are the principal productions of the Western States ? AVheat, corn, wool, pork, potatoes, wine, flax, hemp, butter, cheese, and live stock. Tobacco and hemp are important products of Kentucky and Missouri. What are the mineral productions of the Western States ? Iron, lead, and coal are found in immense quantities in Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa. Iron, coal, and salt are found in Ohio, Kentucky, and Arkansas. Iron and lead are found in Indiana. Large quantities, of lead are found in Wisconsin, and the richest copper mines in the world are found in Michigan. For what is Kentucky noted? Kentucky is noted for fossil remains of animals, and for its mammoth cave. For what is Illinois noted? Illinois is noted for its extensive prairies, and the fer- tility of it^ soil For what is California noted? California is noted for its gold and quicksilver mines, 36 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. the exceeding fertility of its soil, and the gigantic size of its forest trees. Lesson 40. TERRITOllIES Name the Territories of the United States, and give the boundaries of each, with their capitals and chief towns. (See Lesson 12.) What river separates Washington from Oregon Territory ? What river separates the Indian Territory from Texas ? Which is the higliest peak of the Roclcy Mountains in the United States ? Fremont's Peak, in Idaho. What great lake in Utah? What may be said of the mineral productions of these Terri- tories ? Grold is found in Idaho, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona, and silver in Arizona and Nevada. Large quantities of salt may be made from the numerous lakes, which are nearly all salt. What may be said of the animals of these Territories ? Immense herds of buiTalo, deer, and horses roam over the prairies. Grizzly bears, wild goats, and sheep aro found in the mountainous regions. In what direction is Pike's Peak from St. Louis? In what direction from St. Louis is Salt Lake City ? In what direction from St. Louis is Yankton ? In wh^t direction from St, Louis is Tucson ? Lesson 41. REVIEW OF THE UNITED STATES. Nama the rivers, beginning on the northeast, that flow info the Atlantic Ocean. Name the rivers that flow into the Gulf of Mexico. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 37 Name the rivers, beginning on the south, that flow into the Pacific Ocean. Name the capes that are on the Atlantic coast, beginning on the north. Name the capes of the United States that extend into the Gulf of Mexico. Name the capes that extend into the Pacific Ocean, beginning on the south. Name the bays on the Atlantic coast, beginning on the north. What bays in the Gulf of Mexico ? What bays on the Pacific coast of the United States ? What are the principal islands on the Atlantic coast ? W^hat are the eastern branches of the Mississippi River, be- ginning on the north ? What are the western branches of the Mississippi Pviver, be- ginning on the south ? What canal, now building, connects the Great Lakes with the Mississippi ? The Fox and Wisconsin Canal, uniting Fox and Wis- consin Rivers, will open water communication between the Great Lakes and the ^lississippi River. What canal connects Lake Michigan with the Illinois Eiver ? Illinois Canal connects Lake Michigan and the Illinois River. Lesson 42. In what direction is Portland from Boston? In what direction is Augusta from Portland ? In what direction is Concord from Boston ? In what direction is Montpelier from Boston*' In what direction is Providence from Boston ? In what direction is Boston from New York ? In what direction is Albany from New York ? In what direction is Buffalo from Albaiiy ? In what direction is New York from Philadelphia? In what direction is Harrisburg from Phil-tdelphia ? 4 38 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. In what direction from Philadelphia is Washington 5 In what direction from. Washington is Chicago ? Cincinnati ? St. Louis ? New Orleans ? Mobile ? Savannah ? Charleston ? In what direction from Cincinnati is Chicago ? St. Louis ? Frankfort? Nashville? Which States produce the most wheat ? Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and Penn- sylvania. Which States produce the most corn ? Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. Which States produce the most cotton? Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Which States produce the most tobacco ? Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Maryland. Which States produce the most sugar and molasses ? Louisiana, Georgia, and Florida. Lesson 43. Which States produce the most maple sugar ? New York and Vermont. Which States produce the most wine? California and Ohio. Which States produce the most rice? South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina. Which States produce the most wool? Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Which States produce the most coal? Pennsylvania produces about three-fourths of the whole quantity of coal, and Ohio produces a large part of the re- niainder. aEO GRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 39 Which are the nine largest cities in the United States, in the order of their population ? New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Baltimore, Boston, New Orleans, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Cliicago. Lesson 44. BRITISH AMLIIICA. What may be said of British America ? The Territory of the Hudson's Bay Company comprises the largest part of British America. The remainder is divided into six provinces. Provinoes. Capitals. Canada, Ottawa. New Brunswick, Frederickton. Nova Scotia, Halifax. Prince Edward's Island, Charlottetown. Newfoundland, St. John's. British Columbia, New Westminster, The eastern part of British America is called Labrador. Canada was formerly divided into Canada East and Canada West, but was united in 184L What are the boundaries of each province ? What are the principal towns in British Americsr? Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Quebec, St. John (N. B.). What island at the mouth of the river St. Lawrence ? What island east of the Gulf of Mexico ? What island west of British America ? Lesson 45. What island west of New Bi-unswick ? What island northeast of Nova Scotia ? What strait separates Nova Scotia from Cape Breton Island? 40 G E O GRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. What two small islands, south of Newfoundland, belonsinff to the French? ^ ^ Miquelon and St. Pierre. What river separates Canada East from Canada West? What river in the west flows into Queen Charlotte's Sound, and for what is it noted ? Fraser's River, and is noted for its gold mines. What remarkable bay between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick? ^ Bay of Fiindy, in which the tide often rises more than 70 feet, at the head of the bay. What strait separates Newfoundland from Labrador ? Where are Sidney and Pictou situated, and for what are they noted ? Pictou is in the northern part of Nova Scotia, and Si so GEOGRAPHICAL QUEST lOIfS. Countries. Capitals. Belgium, Brussels. Deniaark, CopeEihagen. Grreat Britain and Ireland, London. France, Paris. Spain, Madrid. Portugal, Lisbon. lesson 56. What countries in the northwest ? What in the northeast ? What in the southeast ? What in the south ? What in the south- west? What in the west? What rivers flow into the White Sea? Onega, Dwina, and Mezene. What riyer flows into the Arctic Ocean? Petchora. What rivers flow into the Caspian Sea ? Ural and Volga. What rivers flow into the Black Sea? Bon, Dnieper, Bug, Dniester, and Danube. What rivers flow into the Baltic Sea? Duna, Niemen, Vistula, and Oder. What rivers flow into the North Sea? Elbe, Weser, Ems, Rhine, and Meuse. What river flows into the English Channel? Seine. What rivers flow into the Bay of Biscay? Loire and Gironde. What river flows into the Gulf of Lyons? Rbone. What are the rivers of Spain and Portugal? Minho, Duero, Tagus, Gruadiana, Guadalquivir, and Ebro. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 61 What rivers in Italv? Po, Tiber, and Adige. What rivers in England? Thames, Severn, Mersey, and Humber. What river between Sweden and Russia? Tornea. What rivers in Ireland ? Shannon, Boyne and Liffey. Lesson 57. What seas in and around Europe? White, Caspian, Azov, Black, Marmora, Mediterranean, Adriatic, Irish, North, and Baltic. What straits and channels in Europe ? Enikale or Yenikale, Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Otranto, Messina, Bonifacio, Gibraltar, English Channel, Dover Strait, St. George's Channel, Bristol Channel, North Channel, Skager Rack, and Cattegat. What capes in Europe ? North Cape, Cape Matapan, Cape Trafalgar, Cape St. Vincent, Cape Finisterre, and the Naze. What mountains in Europe ? Ural, Caucasus, Carpathian, Balkan, Apennines, Alps, Auvergne, Cevennes, Cantabrian, Sierra Morena, Sierra Nevada, Dofrafield, and Kiolen. What islands northwest of Norway ? Loffoden Islands. For what are these islands noted ? For the celebrated maelstrom. What islands north and northwest of the British Isles ? 52 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. What islands in the Mediterranean Sea ? Cyprus, Rhodes, Candia, Malta^ Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica,! Minorca, Majorca, and Ivica. Lesson 58. What lakes in the northern part of Russia ? Lakes One^a and Ladoga. What lakes in Sweden ? Lakes Wener, Wetter, and Malar. What lakes in Switzerland? Lakes Constance, Geneva, and Neufchatel. I What gulfs open into the Baltic Sea ? ' Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Bothnia, What gulf opens into the White Sea ? Gulf of Onega. What bay west of France ? What peninsula in the Black Sea ? What peninsula in the southern part of Greece ? The peninsula of the Morea. What isthmus connects the Crimea to the main land? Isthmus of Perekop, which is about 15 miles wide. What is the eastern coast of the Mediterranean called? The Levant. Where is the Ionian Republic? The Ionian Republic consists of several islands in thei Ionian Sea, on the west of Greece. It is under the pro- 1 tection of Great Britain. -A Which are the most important of these islands? - The most important of these islands are Corfu, Paxo, ^ Santa Maura, Ithaca, Cephalonia, Zante, and Cerigo. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 53 Which are the principal seaports ? Corfu and Zante are the principal seaports. Lesson 59. Where are the Gyclades? The Cyclades, the principal islands of the Grecian Archipelago, are southeast of Greece. They are so called because they lie in a circle around Delos, the most im- portant of them. For what is Delos noted? Delos is noted as being the birth-place of Apollo and Diana, and as containing the famous temple and oracle of Apollo. What gulf separates, in part, the Morea from the rest of Greece ? The Gulf of Lepanto. Where is the island of Elba situated, and for what is it noted? The island of Elba lies off the western coast of Tuscany, and is noted as the place to which the Emperor Napoleon was first banished. For what is Corsica noted? Corsica is noted as the birth-place of Napoleon. What island in the Grecian Archipelago east of Greece ? Negroponte. For what is Athens, the capital of Greece, noted ? Athens is celebrated as having been the birth-place of many illustrious philosophers and poets of ancient times, and also for the numerous remains of works of art; the most remarkable of which are the Acropolis and the Par- thenon, or temple of 3Iinerva. 5* 54 GEOGRAPHIC AL QUESTIONS. What name is given to the northern part of Greece ? The northern part of Greece is called Hellas. What town in Greece is the chief seaport of foreign trade ? Patras, on the gnlf of the same name, is the chief, port of foreign trade. Lesson 60. What does Great Britain comprise ? Great Britain comprises England, Scotland, and Wales. These, with Ireland and numerous colonies in every quar- ter of the globe, form the British Empire. What may be said of the manufactures of Great Britain ? Great Britain surpasses every other country in the world in the variety and amount of her manufactures. What are the principal towns in England ? London, Bristol, Liverpool, Shef3&eld, Manchester, Plymouth, Birmingham, Portsmouth, Leeds, Chatham. For what are most of these noted ? London is noted as the first city in the world in wealth, commerce, and population. Liverpool. is noted for its extensive docks, Manchester for its manufacture of cotton goods, Birmingham for its manufacture of hardware, Leeds for woollen goods, Sheffield for its cutlery, and Portsmouth, Plymouth, and Chatham are the principal naval stations. . What are the principal towns in Scotland ? Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 55 For what are they noted? Edinburgli is celebrated for tlie excellence and elegance of its buildings. Glasgow is noted for its manufacture of a great variety of cotton goods, and also for its iron manufactures. Dundee is celebrated for its linen manufactures. Lesson 61. What are the principal towns in Ireland? Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Limerick. For what is Belfast noted ? Belfast is noted as the principal market in Ireland for Irish linens. What are the principal towns in France ? Paris, Bordeaux, Lyons, Rouen, Marseilles, Nantes. For what are some of these noted ? Lyons is noted for its silks ; Rouen for its cotton, woollen, and linen goods; Bordeaux for brandies and wines. What important commercial city in the north of France ? Havre. What important seaport in the south of France ? Marseilles. What are the principal seaports in Norway ? Christiana, Bergen, and Drontbeim. For what is Hammerfest noted ? Hammerfest is farther north than any other European town. What are the principal seaports of Sweden ? Stockholm, Grottenburg, and Carlscrona. 56 Q EOG RAPHI CAL QUESTIONS. ^ For what is Carlscrona distingiiished ? Carlserona is distinguished as the principal station of the Swedish navy. - .."Where is Falilun, and for what is it noted? Fahhm is south of the centre of Sweden, and is noted for its copper mines. What is the capital of the Germanic Confederation ? Frankfort, on the river Mayne, is the capital of the Germanic Confederation- Which cities are called free cities ? The free cities are Frankfort, Hamburg, Luboc, and Bremen. ■■• What are the chief towns in Austria?" Yienna, Prague, Pesth, and Trieste. What are the chief to\yns in Prussia ? Berlin, Breslau, Cologne, Konigsberg, and Dantaic. Lesson 62. What gr&ups of islands west and north of Scotland ? What sea between England and Ireland ? What islands in the Irish Sea ? What is the southern extremity of England called ? What islands southwest of Land's End? What three islands in the English Channel off the northwest coast of France ? Alderney, Gruernse}^ and Jersey. Which are the largest lakes in Scotland ? Loch Lomond and Loch Ness. "What canal in France, and what waters does it connect ? Languedoe Canal, 153 miles in length, connects the Mediterranean Sea withthe river Garonne and the Bay of Biscay. GEOGRAPHIC AL- QUESTI ON S. ^7 What are the principal naval ports in France ? Brest, Toulon, dierbotirg, and L' Orient. For what is Switzerland noted? Switzerland is noted for its sublime mountain scenes and its beautiful lakes. What bay north of Holland? Zuyder Zee. What islands at the entrance of the Zuyder Zee ? -What strait separates the island of Zealand from Sweden? Tbe Sound. . .What seapoi't on the Sound, and for what is it noted? Elsinore is situated on a small island in the Sound, and is noted as the place where taxes are levied on all but Danish and Swedish vessels passing to the Baltic. Where are Lapland, Finland, and Poland situated ? Lesson 63. What are the principal seaports of Spain ? The principal seaports of Spain are Barcelona, Cartha- gena, and Malaga, on the Mediterranean Sea, and Cadiz on the x\tlantic Ocean. For what is Malaga noted? Malaga is noted for its wines and fruits. What republic in the northeast of Spain ? - ■ Andorra. AVhat is the principal seaport of Portugal ? Lisbon. Where is Gibraltar, and for what is it noted ? Gibraltar is the southern promontory of Spain, and con- tains the strongest fortress in the world. It belongs to Great Britain. 68 GEOaRAPHICAL QUESTIONS, How wide are the Straits of Gibraltar, and in what direction does the current run ? The Straits of Gibraltar are about 15 miles wide in their narrowest place. There is a powerful central current run- ning at the rate of six miles an hour, which flows from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. Where is Port Mahon? Port Mahon, one of the best harbors of the Mediterra- nean Sea, is on the island of Minorca. What small republic on the Adriatic Sea in the eastern part of Italy ? San Marino. What is the principal seaport of Austria ? Trieste is the principal seaport of Austria, and is situated on the northern part of the Adriatic Sea. What are the principal northern seaports of Russia ? Riga, on the Grulf of Riga; Cronstadt, the port of St. Petersburg, on the Gulf of Finland ; Archangel, on the White Sea, are the principal northern seaports. Which is the most important seaport of Russia in the Black Sea ? Odessa, in the northwest part of the Black Sea. is the principal southern seaport of Russia. Lesson 64. What are the chief commercial cities of Holland and Belgium? The chief commercial cities of Holland and Belgium are Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Antwerp. For what are Dantzic, Konisberg, ^nd Stettin noted ? They are noted for their large exports of wheat. Which is the chief commercial city of Germany ? Hamburg. Of what does Denmark consist? GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 59 Denmark consists of the islands in the Baltic and Atlantic, the peninsula of Jutland, and the German duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg. What are the principal exports of Europe ? Cotton and woollen goods, hardware, and coal are obtained from England. Wines, brandy, linen, silks, cotton and woollen goods from France. "Wines, fruits, wool, oil, quicksilver, and sumac are obtained from Spain and Portugal. Fruits, oil, wheat, cork, cheese, and marble are obtained from Italy and Greece. Carpets, silks, cotton, leather, figs, wool, and opium are obtained from Turkey. Watches, jewelry, linens, thread, and laces are obtained from Switzerland. Woollens, linens, velvets, gin, butter, and cheese are obtained from Holland. Wheat, hemp, flax, leather, tallow, furs, canvas, and iron are obtained from Russia. Timber, iron, copper, alum, and tar are obtained from Norway and Sweden. Lesson 65. What are the mineral productions of Europe ? Iron and lead are found in England, Sweden, and Russia. Tin is found in immense quantities in Cornwall, England. Copper is found in Sweden, Russia, Germany, and Hun- gary. Quicksilver is found in Spain, Germany, and Austria. Coal is very abundant in England, Spain, and Belgium. Silver, gold, mercury, aqd salt are found in Austria. The salt mines of Wieliczka are the richest in the world. 60 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS, In what direction from London is Edinburgh? From London is Copenhagen? From London is Amsterdam? From London is Dantzic ? From Paris is Lyons ? From Paris is Marseilles ? From Paris is Vienna ? From Paris is Rome ? From Rome is Corinth ? From Corinth is Athens ? From Rome is Constanti- nople ? From Constantinople is Smyrna ? From Constantinople is Odessa? From Constantinople is St. Petersburg ? From Paris is Lisbon ? From London is Quebec? From London is New York? Which is further north, Marseilles or Boston ? Which is further north, London or Washington ? Which is further north, Boston or Constantinople t Which is further north, Paris or Quebec ? Lesson 66. ASIA. What bounds Asia on the north ? East ? South ? West ? What are the countxies of Asia ? Countries. Siberia, Chinese Empire. China, Thibet, Corea, Mongolia. Mantchooria. Soongaria. r Niphpn. Ti . i. T ) Sikoke. Empire of Japan. / ^;^^.^ V Jesso, etc. India. Farther India. (Hindoostan. ( Farther India. Birmah. Siam. Anam. Laos. Malacca. Capitals. Tobolsk. Pekin. Lassa. Kingkita. Jedo, or Yeddo. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTI0IT8, 61 Countries » Capitals. Belodchisfari, Keiat: Afghanistan, CabuL Turkestan, or Independent Tartary, Bokhara. Georg-ia, Teflis. Turkey, Smyrna. Syria, Damascus. Persia, Teheran. Arabia, Mecca. Note. — Give the boundaries of each country, and insert and describe the principal towns in each. Lesson 67. What rivers flow into the Arctic Ocean ? Obe, Yenesei, and Lena. What rivers flow east? Amoor, Hoang Ho, and Yangtse Kiang. What rivers flow south? Mecon, Meinam, Irrawaddy, Brahmaputra, Ganges, Ner- budda, Indus, Tigris, and Euphrates. What rivers flow into the Aral Sea? Amoo and Sihon. What river flows into the Caspian Sea ? Ural. What sea and gulfs on the north of Asia ? Sea of Kara, Gulf of Obe, Gulf of Yenesei, and Gulf of Lena. What gulfs on the south ? Gulf of Tonquin, Gulf of Siam, Gulf of Martaban, and Gulf of Cambay. 6 62 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. Wliat five seas on the east? Kamtscliatka, Ochotsk, Japan, Yellow, and China. Note. — Tlie soutlierii part of tlie Ochotsk is sometimes called the Sea of Jesso. What bay and sea on the south ? Bay of Bengal and Sea of Arabia. What seas and gulf on the west? Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, Bed Sea, and Persian Gulf. What isthmus connects Asia and Africa? Istlimus of Suez, which is about 72 miles wide. What strait separates Asia from America ? Bhering's Strait, which is 36 miles wide. What straits and channels on the east and south? Channel of Tartary, Bashee Channel, Strait of Sangar, Strait of Malacca, Strait of Corea, Strait of Ormus, Colnett's Strait. Strait of Bab el Mandeb. Strait of Formosa, What are the principal mountains in Asia ? Ural, Altai, Himalaya, Grhaut, Caucasus, Taurus, and Mount Ararat. What islands on the north of Asia? Nova Zembla and New Siberia. What islands on the east ? Aleutian or Fox Islands, Kurile Islands, Seghalien, Lew- Chew, Patchew, Formosa, Hongkong, and Hainan. Lesson 68. What groups of islands lie east and southeast of Asia? Magellan's Archipelago, Ladrone Islands, Caroline Islands, Pelew Islands, Philippine Islands, New Guinea, Spice Islands, Celebes, and Borneo. GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 68 What island southwest of Malacca ? Sumatra. What island south of Hindoostan ? Ceylon. What peninsulas in Asia? Kamtscliatka, Corea, Farther India, Malacca, Hindoos- tan, and Arabia. What,islands southwest of Hindoostan in the Arabian Sea? Laccadive and Maldive Islands. What island directly east of Sumatra ? Banca is directly east of Sumatra, and is celebrated for its valuable tin mines. What islands in the Bay of Bengal, west of Farther India ? Andaman and Nicobar Islands. What cape on the north ? Nortbeast Cape or Cape Severo Yostocbnoi. What cape south of Kamtschatka ? Cape Lopatka. What capes on the east and south? East Cape, Cambodia, Cape Romania, Cape Comorin. Lesson 69. What are the principal ports of China ? The principal ports of China are Canton, Macao, Hong- kong, Shanghai, Ningpo, Fuhchow, and Amoy. What are the principal ports of the Empire of Japan ? The principal ports of the Empire of Japan are Jedo, Nangasaki, Hakodadi, and Kanagawa. 54 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. Locate and describe tlie following cities in Farther India. Mandelay, Singapore, Bangkok, Rangoon. Locate and describe the following cities in Hindopstan. Calcutta, LucknoWj Bombay, Surat, Madras, Lahore, Belhi, G-oa. Locate and describe the following places in Persia. Teheran, Bushire, Ispahan, Shiraz. Locate and describe the following places in Arabia. Mecca, Medina, and Aden. Locate and describe the following places in Turkey in Asia. Smyrna, Aleppo, Damascus, Brusa, Jerusalem, Bagdad. Which is the largest seaport of Turkey, and for what is it celebrated ? Symrna is the chief seaport of Turkey in Asia, and is noted as the great commercial emporium of Eastern Asia. What is the principal seaport of Turkey on the Black Sea? Trebisonde. What are the most noted animals in Asia ? ' The most noted animals are the elephant, lion, tiger, hyena, rhinoceros, crocodile, and huge serpents. Camels abound in Arabia, the finest horses are found in Persia and Arabia, and the shawl goat in Thibet. The bear, otter, sable, beaver, and ermine abound in Eiberin. GEOaRAPHIGAL QUESTIONS. 65 Lesson 70. What are the mineral productions of Asia ? The chief minerals of Asia are gold, silver, diamonds and gems, iron, lead, and tin. The finest diamonds are found in Hindoostan. Pearls are found in the Persian Gulf. Rubies and other precious stones are found in Farther India. Tin in great quantities is found in the island of Banca. "What are the chief exports of Asia? Valuable furs are exported from Siberia. Immense quantities of tea from China. Japanware, porcelain, and, camphor from Japan. Diamonds, opium, indigo, sugar, saltpetre, raw silk and cotton, and drugs are exported from Hindoostan. Pearls, shawls, carpets, and leather from Persia. Carpets, wool,, opium, rhubarb, and dried fruits from Turkey. The best coffee in the world, horses, myrrh, and frankincense from Arabia, Sugar, pepper, benzoin, and gamboge from Siam. . What two small islands at the entrance of Canton Bay ? Macao and- Hongkong. Victoria, the chief town of the latter, is an important seaport. Where is Lake Baikal, and for what is it noted ? Lake Baikal is in the southern part of Siberia, and la noted for its seal-fisheries. AVhat deserts in the Chinese Empire? The Desert of Gobi and Sandy Desert. What deserts in Arabia? The Desert of Akhaf and the Desert of el. Ahmed. What noted sea or lake in Turkey ? - The Dead Sea, or Lake x\sphaltit€S, 6* B li I C A L Q U ii S T I N S . 87 Lesson 93. Where are ancient Jerusalem, Nineveh, Babylon, and Balbec situated ? . Where is Goa ? Goa, the capital of the Portugese gettlements in ludia, is on an island on the west coast of Hindoostan. Where is Shanghai ? Shanghai is on Wosiing River, l-i miles from the sea, southeast from Nankin. Of what does the Turkish Empire consist? The Turkish Empire consists of Turkey in xisia, Turkey in Europe, Tunis, Tripoli, and Egypt in Africa. What is the capital of Turkey ? Constantinople. What sea between Arabia and Africa? What large gulf on the west coast of Africa? AVhat noted i^iiins on the Nile ? The ruins of Thebes. For what is Egypt particularly noted? Egypt is celebrated for the magnificent remains of monu- ments of ancient art. Into what is the interior of Africa divided? The interior of Africa is divided into Sahara, Soudan, and Ethiopia. What large oases in the north of Sahara? Fezzan. Where is the Beled el .Jerid? Where is Lake Tchad, and what river flows into it ? Where is the peak of Teneriffe? The peak of TcueriiFe is on the island of Teneriffe, the larjrest of the ('anary Islands. M GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. Lesson 94. What is that part of Egypt embraced by the mouth of the Mle ? What are the islands of Malaysia sometimes called? The East Indies, oi' East Indian Arcliipelago. What European powers have possessions in Malaysia ? Great Britain, Holland, Spain, and Portugal. What is the capital of the Spanish possessions in the East ? Manilla. To what group does Tahiti belong? Tahiti is the principal of the Society Islands. Where is the island of Sumbawa, and for what is it noted ? Sumbawa lies east of Java, and is noted for the terrible volcano of Tomboro. Draw the Brahmaputra Eiver and its branches, and locate and describe the important towns upon its banks. Draw the Ganges River and its branches, and locate the im- portant towns upon its banks. What small bays east of Newfoundland? - What small bays south and west of Newfoundland ? What name is given to the range of mountains in the eastern part of Canada? What river connects Lake Champlain with the St. Lawrence River? What river flows into Georgian Bay? What small lake northwest of Lake Ontario? What island in the northern part of Lake Huron? Name all the islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence ? . ' What bay or inlet nearly drvides Cape Breton Island? What river flows into the northern part of Lake Ontario ? What islands in Lake Champlain belong to Vermont ? What mountains in Vermont, and what are the principal peaks? GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. 89 Lesson 95. What peak in the southwestern part of New Hampshire? "What two peaks in Massachusetts near Connecticut K,iver ? What peak a little north of the centre of Massachusetts? What small island southeast from the mouth of the river Thames ? What island between Long Island and New Jersey, at the mouth of the Hudson River? What great work in Delav/are Bay to protect vessels from Rtorm and ice ? What island between Albemarle and Pamlico Sound, east of the coast of North Carolina ? Where is Ocracoke Inlet ? What bay and sound off the coast of South Carolina? What small islands at the entrance of Charleston harbor? Where is Port Royal Island and Hilton Head? What small island off tlie coast of Georgia? What small island south and southwest of Florida? What is a peculiar feature of the southern part of Florida? What obstructs navigation in Tennessee River? Muscle Shoals. A canal, 36 miles in length, has been made around these shoals. What canal around the falls in the Ohio River? Locate and describe the following places: Newbern, Springfield (Mo.), St. Helena, Memphis, Vicks- burg, Chattanooga, Galveston, Gordonsville, Cumberland Gap, Corinth, Ship Island, and Tybee Island. What bays on the coast of Texas ? What volcano near Guatimala ? Which of the West India Islands belong to Great Britain? Which to Spain? Which to France? Which to HoUand? Which to Denmark ? Which to Sweden and Venezuela? 8* 9A; G E O G E A P II I C A L Q U E S TI N S . Lesson 96. What countries of South America lie wholly in the torrid zone ? What countries are crossed by the Equator? What countries are crossed by the Tropic of Capricorn? In what latitude is the mouth of the Amazon ? In what latitude is the mouth of the Rio de la Plata ? What two rivers form most of the boundary of Paraguay ? In what direction is Assumption from Buenos Ayres? For what is the climate of Peru remarkable ? How far is Lima from its port, Callao? What volcano in Equador? What high peak near Quito ? Between what parallels of latitude is South America situated? Between what meridians of longitude ? Which extends further south, South America or Africa ? Which extends further north. South America or Africa ? Of what does the central part of South America consist? Of what does the central part of Africa consist ? What part of Africa lies in the torrid zone ? Draw the western coast of Africa and the eastern coast of South America, and compare them. How many degrees further north does Africa extend than South America ? Locate and describe Cayenne, Maranham, Montevideo, As- sumption, Parana, Santa F6, Cordova, Arica, Arequipa, Quito, and Popayan. What parallel of latitude forms the northern boundary of the torrid zone ? What parallel of latitude forms the southern boundary of the torrid zone ? What is the breadth of the torrid zone in degrees and statute miles ? What countries, and what are the principal islands, in the torrid zone ? What are the most noted animals and productions of the torrid Bone? a E O G R A P II I C A T. QUESTIONS. 91 Lesson 97. yShjBki iar.e tUe .most noted animals and productions of the tem- perate zone? - . : -. What are the principal productions and animals of the frigid 7one ? ,. : :,- Between what parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude is Australia situated ? On the 21st of June^ which has the longeist day^ New "^ork or London, and wh^t -i ^il-r^ra'^-i ir-ve'I "io ois^rsah tii3 ?.: ^yr. • On the &lst of March"^ which has the longest ^day, Lima or Paris ? When it is spring in Australia, what is the season in the United States? .. ;.,.o ^ ?;>-.:^^r: When it is winter in Chili, what is the season in London? When it is 12 m. in London, what time is it at San Francisco? When it is 6 a. m. at Washington, what time is it at Canton ? Through what countries, islands, and bodies of water does the Equator pass ? What cities in the United States are nearly in the same lati- tude as Cincinnati? Whlit mountain in Wales ? What bay west of Wales? What hills between England and Scotland ? What hills in Scotland north of the river Tay? 'What are the principal towns in Wales ? l*y what channel are the North and Irish Seas connected? Which is the southern cape of Ireland ? Which is the northernmost head of Ireland ? Which is the largest river in Ireland ? What river flows into Bristol Channel? What channel south of Wales ? What channel between Ireland and Wales? What islands lie in the Irish Sea? What island on the south coast of England? Where is Dover Strait, and ho-sv wide is it ? Between France and England, and is 22 miles wide. 92 GEOGRAPHICAL QUE STIOiJS. Lesson 98. - : Where is Ghent, and for what is it noted ? What may be said of Antwerp ? Antwerp is tlie chief commercial city in Belgium, and contains one of the most magnificent cathedrals m Europe. Draw the Rhine, llhone, and Seine, and locate the important iowns^n each ? Where is the river Scheldt, and where does it empty ? What is the port of Athens? Piraeus. For what is Genoa celebrated ? What is the chief commercial city in Italy ? Leghorn. What is the capital of Hungary ? What is the capital of Sardinia? Where is Milan, and for what celebrated ? Milan is in Sardinia, north of the river Po, and is cele- brated for its superb cathedral of pure white marble, which is said to contain 4000 statues. What town^on the Danube opposite to Buda? Pesth, with which it is connected by one of the finest suspension bridges in Europe. Where are the Hartz Mountains and the Black Forest ? Locate and describe the following places : Seville, Granada, Palermo, Syracuse, Cagliari, Ajaccio, Gottingen, Dresden, Cracow, and Stuttgard. Where are Mounts Horeb and Sinai ? What noted river flows into the Dead Sea ? Through what lakes does it flow ? The river Jordan flows south through Lakes Merom and Tiberias, or Genesnretb. into the Dead- Sea. OtOGR APIIIC A L QUESTIONS. 9S Lesson 89. . Wlicre is Jerusalem, and for what celebrated ? Jerusalem, in the soutliwestern part of Syria, is the most distinguished city of ancient Palestine, and is deeply interesting as the seat of the most important events re- corded in the Holy Scriptures. Where is Damascus, and what may be said of it ? ^ Damascus, in the southeastern part cf Syria, is supposed to be the most ancient city in the world. It is, regarded by the 3Iahomedans as a holy city, and one of their four terrestrial paradises. It is the chief emporium of trade with Bagdad, Reshd, and the neighboring countries. Where is Bagdad? Bagdad is on both sides of the Tigris, about 200 miles above its junction with the Euphrates, and is built on the ruins of the ancient Ctesiphon. Where is Benares, and what may be said of it ? Benares, on the left bank of the (Tanges, northwest of Calcutta, is regarded as the ecclesiastical metropolis of the Hindoos. What may be said of the river Ganges ? The waters of the Ganges are regarded, in many places, as sacred by the Hindoos. Draw the Ganges and its branches, and locate the important towns on its banks. Where is Mount Ophir? Mount Ophir is in the southern part of the peninsula of Malacca. Small quantities of gold are found at its base. There is also a. mountain called Ophir in Sumatra. What are the different races of men, and what portions of the: gloKe do they inhabit? 94 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. Lesson 100. What are the physical characteristics of each race ? Into what classes may mankind be divided, in respect to their ocial condition ? What are the mentaland moral characteristics of each class? What are the prevailing systems of religion among mankind ? WMt system embraces the largest number of people, and what are the characteristics of each ? What are the different modes and forms of government, and how are they distinguished? What is commerce, and what is meant by exports and imports'] What are the trade winds, and in what direction do they blow? What are the currents of the ocean, and what is often their velocity ? What is the Gulf Stream, and what may be said of it ? Describe the route and the waters a steamer would pass through in going from New York to San Francisco? From New York to Melbourne? From San Francisco to Canton? From New York to Manilla ? From London to Calcutta? From St, Petersburg to Marseilles ? From Venice to Dantzic? From Boston to Smyrna ? From Nashville to Providence? From Chicago to Washington? From Vienna to Berlin ? - Through what bodies of water Avould a vessel pass in con- veying wheat from Odessa to London ? In conveying wheat from Dantzic and Konigsberg to Dubliri ? Through what waters would a vessel pass in going from New Orleans to Smyrna ? Through what waters would a vessel pass in going from Gal- veston to Cronstadt? OEOQ R APni C A fi QUESTIONS. 95 Lesson 101. What water communication with Lake Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico ? From Lake Michigan through Illinois Canal into Illi- nois River, or through the canal into Wisconsin River, from thence into the Mississippi River, and into the Gulf of Mexico. What water communication with Lake Michigan and the Gulf of St. Lawrence ? From Lake Michigan into Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair, and Lake Erie, from thence through the Welland Canal into Lake Ontario, from thence through Rideau Canal into Ottawa River, into the St. Lawrence River, and into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Through what waters would a vessel pass in going from Tre- bisonde to Dantzic ? Through what waters would a vessel pass in going from St. Petersbui'g, the capital of lUissia, to Manilla? What route from London to Calcutta and Hongkong? By steamer or railroad to Marseilles, from thence by steamer to Alexandria, across the isthmus by railroad to Suez, from thence bv steamer to Calcutta or Hono-kons;. Another route is from Hamburg by railroad to Trieste, from thence by Austrian steamer to Alexandria. Note. — Each pupil should have a blank book, and when the Oinswers to questions are long or contain many particulars, they should write them in their books, that they may be always recited in the same order. 96 GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. A table showing the latitude and longitude of forty important places, in degrees, halves, and thirds of a degree, which is suf- ficiently accurat? This table should be committed thoroughly to memory. Washington.... New York Boston Portland Quebec Chicago Cincinnati Nashville St. Louis New Orleans ... Mexico San Francisco. Salem (Oregon) Havana Charleston...... Lima - Rio Janeiro .... Bahia Santiago Buenos Ayres.. Lat. 89 N. 40f N. 4-4 N. 43f N. 46f N. 42 N. 30 N. 36 N. 38* N. 20| N. 19iN. 37tN. Loug. 45 23 32f 12 22* 13" 33| 34* 77 W. 1 74 w. 71 w. 70 w. I 7H w. 1 57* w. 1 84* w. 8H^ vv. 1 90 W. 1 90 w. 103| w. 12>* W. 123* W. 82^ w. 80 w. 77 w. 43 w. 38* W. 1 1 70f w. 58^ w. Paris .Madrid Marseilles Lisbon Home. Constantinople St. Petersburg. Stockholm Calcutta Canton Algiers Muscat Berlin Vienna Smyrna Alexandria . Batavia .... Melbourne.. Lat. Long. 51* N. 48f N. 2^ E. 40* N. 3^ E. 43^ N. H E. ^^ N. 9 W. 41| N. 12M^. 41 N. 29 E. 60 N. 30^ E. 59^ N. 18 E. 22^ N. 88-JE. 23 N. 113 E. 14^ N. 121 E. 3B| N. 3 E. 23* N. 58| E. 52f N. 13J E. 48 N. 16^E. 38* N. 27 E. 31^ N. 30 E. 6 S. 107 E. 37t S. 145 E. A table showing the length spending to every fifth degree the 85th degree. of a degree of longitude, corre- of latitude from the Equator to egrees Miles. Degrees. Miles. 0, 69^ 30, 60 5, 69 3.5, 57 10, 63 40, 53 15, 67 45, 49 20, >^^— ^ 50, 44* '''/ ^6«JOi-Jj 40 'i^ 4j f«^ ^& Tm" >/'- ^ END Degrees. Miles. QO, 32^ C5, 29 70, 24 75, 15 80, 12 85, 6 021 650 970 5 H. COWPERTHW. BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, Invite the attention of the Public to the follo\ring VALUABLE SCHOOL BOOKS. WARREN'S SERIES OF GEOGRAPHIES. THE PRIMARY GEOGRAPriY. ^ THE COMMON-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. These three hooka form a complete geographical coarse, adapted to all ;rrudes «»f Rchords. The series is used in most of tfie principal cities and towns of the United States, and Avherever the books have been adopted, they have received the warmest eommendationa of those who have used or ex- amined them. * GREENE'S SERIES OF ENGLISH GRAMMARS. GREENE'S INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. GREENE'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR. GMEENEg ANALYSIS OP THE ENGLISH LAN- GUAGE. This valuable scries of school books was prepared by Prof. Samuel S. Greene, of Brown University, Provideuce, "Rhode Island. The best recommendation of them is the fact that they are in g moral use as toxt-Vjooks in the higher order of schools in ail parts of the United States. BERARD'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. a .... This school history is written in a most attractive style ; and the prominent events of our country's history are pre- sented in so pleasing a manner that the book cannot fail greatly to interest and instruct the pupil.