LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress MR. F. E. BENNETT, Expert Pi?tol and Revoh^er Shot. THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL AND REVOLVER INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF MODERN PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS OF AMERICAN MAKE; AMMUNITION USED IN THESE ARMS ; RESULTS ACCOMPLISHED ; AND SHOOTING-RULES FOLLOWED BY AMERICAN MARKSMEN .^ cr A^ C? GOULD Editor of The Rife BOSTON A. C. GOULD & CO., PUBLISHERS 1888 Copyright, iS88 By a. C. GOULD & CO. Press of HocHtoell ^ Ctjurci)ill, Boston. PREFACE. For many years the author was among the great number of persons who believed it was impossible to do fine shooting with a pistol beyond a few yards, and out of the question to secure much accuracy from a revolver. With the object of learning the limit of accuracy these arms possessed, a great many experiments were arranged and exhibitions given by the most skil- ful marksmen to be found. The spirit of rivalry soon became apparent, and, without doubt, has considerably aided in determining the possibilities of the pistol and revolver. The author feels that his labors have not been in vain, as he has the testimony of manufactur- ers of these arms, as well as cartridge-makers, that the results obtained within a period of three years are finer than it was thought possible. As we close this little volume it is apparent that revolver and pistol shooting is about to be- come a very popular sport; the cavalry and artillery of the National Guard in America are VI PREFACE. likely soon to be equipped with and instructed in the use of the revolver. As pistol practice in- creases in popularity, events herein recorded will, doubtless, be equalled and excelled many times. The author begs to acknowledge courtesies extended to him by Messrs. Smith & Wesson ; Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Co. ; Merwin, Hulbert, & Co. ; Union Metallic Cartridge Co. ; United States Cartridge Co. ; Messrs. Wm. R. Schaefer & Son ; John P. Lovell Arms Co. ; as well as the many professional and amateur shots w^ho have devoted time and money to aid in develop- ing the American pistol and revolver. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I Page American Pistols and Revolvers . , . . 5 chaptp:r II. Single-Shot Pistols — Description of Various Ameri- can Patterns ...,.,. 9 CHAPTER III. American Revolvers — Smith & Wesson's Produc- tions ......... 21 CHAPTER IV. The Merwin, Hulbert, & Co.'s Revolvers . . -36 CHAPTER V. The Colt's Revolver ... ... 46 CHAPTER VI. Sights for Revolvers and Pistols . . , '56 CHAPTER VII. Ammunition for Pistols and Revolvers . . .64 2 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Page Reloading Ammunition for Pistols and Revolvers . 75 CHAPTER IX. The Possibilities of the Revolver — Results of Re- volver-firing up to Fifty Yards . . . .90 CHAPTER X. Pistol and Revolver Shooting at Long Range . .116 CHAPTER XL Rules for Pistol and Revolver Shooting . . . 126 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Portrait of Mr. F. E. Bennett . . Frontispiece Stevens Target Pistol (Lord Model) . . . ii " (Conlin Model) ... 13 Remington Single-Shot Pistol .... 15 New 6-inch Barrel Stevens Pistol .... 16 Colt's National Deringer ..... 17 Remington Vest-Pocket Pistol .... 19 Smith & Wesson .32-calibre Single-Action Re- volver ........ 23 Smith & Wesson Revolver (Russian Model) Single Action ....... 25 Smith & Wesson Revolver (Russian Model) Double Action ....... 27 Smith & Wesson Hammerless Safety Revolver . 33 Opening the Merwin, Hulbert, & Co. Revolver . 37 Merwin, Hulbert, & Co.'s Revolver — Manner of Ejecting Shells ....... 39 Colt's Revolver, .38-calibre, Double Action . . 51 " " (Frontier Model) . - - - SZ *' " (Army Model) - - - - S?) Sights for Revolvers and Pistols . . - S^, 59, 61 Chevalier Ira A. Paine ... , . 60 Winchester Reloading Tool ..... 76 Ideal Reloading Tool . . , v . . 79 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Target made by Mr. F. E. Bennett . 84, Target made by Mr. George Bird . " Mr. Pierre Lorillard, Jr, " Mr. J. T. B.Collins " Mr. Allen P. Kellv " Chevalier Ira A. Paine " Mr. W. W. Bennett '* Mr. D. D. Davis " Mr. George Bird Position, Mr. F. E. Bennett . " Chevalier Ira A. Paine Mr. W. W. Bennett . Mr. B. J. Robertson " Mr. Walter Winans . " Miss Annie Oakley . Standard American Target Holsters ..... Six shots with Colt's Frontier Model Revolver Page 100, 114 92, 96 94 99 103 105 loS 109 no 112 1^5 "7 119 121 127 • 125 129, 131 • ^35 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL AND REVOLVER. CHAPTER I. TOURING the years the author has been inter- ^ ested in studying fire-arms, and endeavoring to learn the greatest amount of accuracy it was possible to secure from them, his attention has fre- quently been attracted to the statements of individ- uals in relation to pistols and revolvers, which were mostly in the form of contributions to sports- men's journals, or in books clironicling the advent- ures of living heroes of the plains and backwoods, — many of the latter passing through the author's hands for review and criticism. It was noticeable that brief matter in relation to pistols and revolv- ers, which was found in print, came from two classes, — one making the most absurd statements in relation to feats performed with these arms, which were entirely beyond the possibilities of both arms and ammunition, and which were im- mediately recognized as coming from parties who knew little or nothing about the subject. The statements which came from the other class — the contributors to sportsmen's journals — were evi- 6 THE ^MODERN AMERICAN dently from parties who had expected to perform the impossible feats, and, failing to do so, poured out their wrath in print, condemning the makers of the arms, and making libellous statements in reference to the arms, which at once indicated that it was lack of skill, rather than imperfections in the tools. All skilled marksmen who have handled the modern American pistol and revolver must be aware that those of standard make are strong, well-made, safe, and accurate. It is believed that no attempt has ever been made to learn the pos- sibilities of the various weapons, the greatest accuracy, range, and power, and record them for comparison in a single volume. Government tests have been made by the Ordnance Department, but its work has been almost wholly w^ith revolvers suitable for military purposes. As there are a number of w^eapons which possess power, accuracy, and are in every way equal in effectiveness to those accepted by military authorities, it is appar- ent that the reports of government tests do not fully represent all of the weapons which w^ould properly be classed as weapons of defence or suitable for military purposes. Any attempt to record an historical account of the inventions and improvement in the American pistol and revolver w^ould, doubtless, prove un- interesting to a majority of the readers of this work, and have but little practical value ; we PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 7 therefore refrain from any mention of priority of invention or description of the arms of early manufacture, and confine our descriptions of the pistol and revolver of to-day. Those in use at the present time, for extensive and elaborate experi- ments and investigations, have impressed the author with the fact that improvements have con- stantly been going on, and that the pistol and revolver of the present time are as much superior to those produced a quarter of a century ago as the modern rifle is superior to the ancient flint-lock musket. The world moves, mechanical skill improves, artistic knowledge of form and symmetry is each year combined with mechanical ingenuity, and at the present time the American pistol and revolver has reached a degree of perfection pre- viously unknown ; and it is our purpose to describe in this volume the modern pistol and re- volver of American make, those manufactured in quantity known in trade, and procurable by any one desiring to secure a safe and reliable w^eapon. There are a few pistols made in this country by hand, but the number is so small that they are un- known to the trade ; and, although great stories have occasionally reached us of the accuracy of these arms, we have never yet found one which would begin to compare with the accuracy of those con- structed by manufacturers who have made the perfection of the arm a study of years. The stand- ard single-shot pistols of American make at the 8 THE MODERN AMERICAN present time are the Stevens, Remington, and Wes- son. The revolvers, the Smith & Wesson, Colt's, Merwin & Hiilbert, and Remington. The country is flooded with revolvers of other make, some of them good enough for the purpose intended, for a very short-range w^eapon of defence, among them the products of the Marlin Arms Co., the American Arms Co., and Harrington & Richardson ; but a majority of the revolvers to be found throughout the country are cheaply made, unreliable, inaccu- rate, and, above all, unsafe, and endanger the lives of those w^ho attempt to use them, though they bear names high-sounding enough to capti- vate rustics and juvenile purchasers ; and this has always seemed to the author to be the chief cause of so many condemning the modern revolver. All of the pistols and revolvers described in the fol- lowing chapters have been carefully and thorough- ly tested by expert marksmen, a careful comparison made, and the results given, unless specified, are not the finest results obtainable by the best experts ; but the average results secured, and those it is believed to be within the reach of ordinary marks- men possessing an average amount of health and strength. PISTOL AND REVOLVER CHAPTER II. SINGLE-SHOT PISTOLS. A NUMBER of years ago, when gentlemen sought to vindicate their honor by duels with pistols, it was the custom to provide themselves with a pair of duelling-pistols. These were generally of large calibre, often 50 or ^-inch, generally of smooth bore and flint-lock. These and even larger calibres were also made for the cavalrymen in the service. Then came the percussion pistol, many styles of duelling-pistols, both smooth bore and rifled, and to-day many Southern gentlemen have in their possession a pair of these ancient arms handed down to them by their parents and grand- parents. They are used chiefly, at the present time, for decorative purposes, for their days of use- fulness are passed ; the modern revolver has super- seded them as arms of defence, and tke single-shot breech-loading pistol, possessing much greater ac- curacy, far more convenient to load, and more economical to use, has taken the place of the duelling pistol for target work, stage shooting, and exhibition work. The single-shot pistol is used almost wholly for short-range target practice, generally in-doors, at a distance from five to fifty yards, or for small-game shooting. Therefore, it is unusual to find at the present time these pistols larger in bore than .32-calibre, and generally in lO THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. .22 calibre. As the .22-calibre is perfectly accurate up to fifty yards, and our own experiments com- jDared with others lead us to believe the small calibre is fully as accurate as the larger, and be- yond a doubt that with good weather conditions the larger bore possesses no advantages over the small bore up to fifty yards in point of accuracy, and the fact that the cost of the .22-calibre ammu- nition is so much less, is more compact, allowing a large number of cartridges to be carried about, and the knowledge that the tiny bore can be shot so many times without cleaning, makes it the favorite calibre, in single-shot pistols, for target and small- game shooting within the distance named. Any shooting at a distance beyond fifty yards with a pistol is almost unheard of in America ; but it is believed that before long the experts who become so proficient with the pistol at this range will shoot at much longer distances, and we shall not be, surprised to see matches shot up to 200 yards, and, perhaps, at a longer distance, as the officers in the European armies practise up to 400 paces and secure good results. When the shooting is done at long distances with a pistol, it will probably be with a single-shot arm of calibre from .32 to .40; but until then the calibres will probably be the .22 and .32. The Stevens single-shot pistols are deservedly very popular ; they are manufactured by the J. Stevens' Arms and Tool Co., at Chicopee Falls, 12 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC, Mass. They are made in various styles, as fol- lows : — Conlin model, lo-inch barrel, .22-cal., weight, 2}i pounds. Lord model, lo-inch barrel, .22 cal., weight, 3 pounds. Diamond model, 10- inch barrel, .32'Cal., weight, 1 1 ounces. Also, the new 6-inch barrel, .22-cal., Target pistol. The barrels are carefully bored and rifled and fitted into a steel frame in the Lord model, and composition of gun-metal in the Conlin and Diamond models. A spring is so arranged under the barrel that when a projecting stud on the side is pressed it releases a catch on the opposite side and the spring forces the rear part of the bar- rel up and the forward part down, this action act- ing on the shell-ejector, forcing out the shell of the exploded cartridge ; the pistol is then reloaded and barrel closed. The frame permits of barrels of different calibres being fitted into one action, in the Lord or Conlin model. There are several varieties of sights for these pistols to suit the dif- ferent demands. The triggers are the side-covered trigger in the smaller models, and the guard-cov- ered trigger in the Lord model. The Lord and Conlin models are very popular among professional and expert pistol-shots. They have been tested and found very reliable, and pos- sess a degree of accuracy unsurpassed by any arm of its kind in the world, if properly used. The Lord model is preferred by persons of 14 THE MODERN xVMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. herculean frame or possessing great strength in their arms, it weighing 3 pounds. The Conhn . model is generally selected by those possessing less physical strength ; both pistols have handles of sufficient length to permit of their being grasped properly. The trigger on the Lord model is preferred by a majority of pistol-shots, and, to suit those desir- ing this style of a trigger in the Conlin model, the manufacturers liave commenced making them in that manner, and can now supply either style of triggers. The weight of the Lord model is in its favor, for those who can hold it secure an advantage in less liability to pull the pistol to one side or upwards when pressing the trigger, — an error one wdio uses a light pistol is quite liable to make. Such experts as Chevalier Ira Paine and Frank Lord, and even some of the gentler sex, who have astonished the shooting world by their seemingly impossible feats of marksmanship with the pistol, unhesitat- ingly select this heavy pistol, and declare it more reliable, for the reasons mentioned, than the lighter ones, and as some of the professional shooters perform hazardous feats when inaccuracies with the arm would peril the lives of those who as- sist them in their performances, it is likely that they have given the matter the fullest investiga- tion. But the person desiring to select a Stevens pistol for fine work should examine both models. 1 6 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. and be governed by his own judgment in the matter. The other pistols made by this company are in- tended for pocket-pistols ; they are accurate and reliable, but being more compact, with shorter barrels and lighter, they are more difficult to shoot accurately than those fashioned after the shape of The New 6-inch Barrel Stevens Pistol. the duelling-pistol. One quickly becomes accus- tomed to their use, and, if fond of pistol-shooting, they are a source of great pleasure when carried on a fishing trip or on a tramp when small-game can be shot. A gentleman who makes an annual trip into the woods informed the writer that he never went without his Stevens pistol, and always killed considerable small-game for the table with it. The Remington single-action pistol is a much less elegant piece of workmanship than the Stevens pistol, but there are excellent points about 1 8 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. the arm which will be apparent to the inspector as he examines it. It possesses great strength and wearing qualities, is accurate, and, although not particularly symmetrical, it is so well-balanced and has such an excellent handle, that, when grasped, there is a feeling of firmness and steadi- ness which is verified when the shooter attempts to sight it on a small object. The pistol is made in .22 and .32 calibres ; it has a barrel 8 inches long. The action is similar to the old-model Remington rifle. The hammer is brought to a full-cock, a breech block rolled back, which permits of the barrel, which is screwed into a solid frame, being inspected from the rear, and easy to be cleaned. All attempts to procure discharges from this arm with action improperly closed have been unsuccessful, and we can see no reason why it is not as safe as it is accurate. Its unusual strength would make it a desirable arm for long-range pistol-practice, as it would doubtless stand a much heavier charge than would ever be required for shooting at any range. The Wesson single-shot pistol is manufactured by Frank Wesson, at Worcester, Mass. It is operated as follows : the hammer is slightly raised and held by a pin pressed in from the side ; a projecting stud is pressed at the bottom of the re- ceiver, and the barrel turned over to one side, — the shell of the exploded cartridge thrown out by the extractor. The arm is well-balanced, fitted with good sights of different styles, and accurate. 20 THE MODERN AMERICAN The Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co. manufactures three styles of single-shot Derin- gers, one of which is illustrated. To operate this arm set the hammer at half-cock, grasp the stock in the right hand and drawing back the steel button with the forefinger, rotate the barrel toward you with the left hand. Holding the barrel thus turned aside, introduce the cartridge and then rotate it to its original position. After firing, the empty shell may be ejected by rotating the barrel as directed for loading. The weight of the No. 2 is 10 oz., calibre .41. It is a powerful pistol, intended for a weapon of defence at short rans^e. PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 2 1 CHAPTER III. AMERICAN REVOLVERS SMITH & WESSON's PRO- DUCTIONS. The armory of Messrs. Smith & Wesson is located at Springfield, Mass., and is said to be the most complete establishment for the manufoct- ure of revolvers in the world. The work produced at this armory has a world-wide reputation, and their products are sent to nearly every country on the globe. The revolvers are beautifully made, as perfect as It seems possible to construct them ; they have a perfect contour, are symmetrical, well balanced, and possess great accuracy. The arm was formerly constructed in calibres from .22 to .45 ; but, a few years ago, this firm discontinued making the .22 calibre. Formerly the .22 and .32 calibres were opened by pressing a clutch under the action, and the barrel and cylinder were pushed upwards ; the cylinder was then removed, and the shell ex- tracted from the cylinder by a fixed post. Later the invention of the automatic shell-ejector was added, and the revolver opened by a clasp, the barrel and cylinders tip downward, the action at the same time ejecting the shells. All of the revolvers now made at the factory of Smith & Wesson are after this model, and are known as follows : — 22 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. New Model Army, No. 3 : weight, 2)^ pounds ; central fire ; calibre .44 ; six shot ; length of barrel, 6^ inches. New Model Navy, No. 3 : double action, central fire ; calibre .44 ; six shot ; weight, 23/^g pounds ; length of barrel, 4, 5 and 6 inches. New Model 38, No. 2: weight, 16 ounces; central fire ; calibre .38 ; ^\q shot ; length of barrel, 3^, ^, and 5 inches. New Model 38, No. 2 : double action ; central fire; calibre .38; five shot; weight, 18 ounces; length of barrel, 3^^, 4, and 5 inches. New Model 32, No. ij^ : weight, 12^^ ounces ; central fire; calibre .32; five shot; length of barrel, 3 and 3^^ inches. New Model 32, No. i^ : double action ; central fire; calibre .32; ^\^ shot; weight, 14 ounces; length of barrel, 3 and 3^ inches. New Model Hammerless Safety Revolver ; cen- tral fire ; calibres .32, .38 and .44 ; weight, in. 38 calibre, i8j^ oz. ; with barrels of different lengths. New Target Revolver : single action ; central fire ; calibre .32 ; six shots ; weight, 2^-/16 pounds ; length of barrel, 6^ inches. Probably the chief reason why the products of Smith & Wesson are so excellent, is because, since 1859, this firm has been engaged exclusively in the manufacture of revolvers. They endeavored to procure and construct the most complete and per- fect machlnerv for the manufacture of their re- 24 THE xMODERX AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. volvers ; and, by the system of inspection of parts adopted by this firm, the slightest imperfection in material and workmanship may be detected, and, when discovered, is instantly condemned. The barrels, cylinders, and all the small parts, are made of the best quality of cast-steel, and the framework of Bessemer steel, made at Troy, N.Y. We have closely w^atched the impressions made upon some of the most skilful mechanics in America wdien a Smith & Wesson revolver was submitted for their inspection, and these severest of critics would invariably seem to revel in the pleasure they experienced in seeing such a perfect piece of mechanical work, and unhesitatingly . commended the workmanship in the highest terms. One famous maker of hand-made duelling-pistols in France, spent days in examining the Smith & Wesson, Russian Model Army pistol, using a magnifying-glass for the purpose of putting on the finest possible finish in the mechanism, in order to gain an absolute perfect working of the parts He pronounced it the finest work he had ever seen made by machinery. One of the noticeable points of excellence in the Smith & Wesson revolvers, insured by the perfection of the parts, is the jDcrfect revolution of the cylinder, which brings the chamber exactly opposite the barrel when the revolver is cocked, it being absolutely necessary that the cylinder be opposite the barrel at the moment of the discharge 26 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. of the weapon to secure accurate results at a good distance. We have fired shots from revolvers well known to the trade where the cylinder did not bring the chambers exactly opposite the barrel, and found one side of the bullet shaved or scraped off, which we believe the reader will see is likely to impair the shooting of the arm. This fault is not found in the Smith & Wesson revolver. The arm is operated as follows : Holding the revolver by the handle in the right hand, lift the barrel-catch with the left thumb and forefinger. When the barrel-catch is clear of the barrel the cylinder tips downward, when the cartridges are placed in the chambers the barrel is then swung back into position, when the barrel-catch locks the parts together, the hammer cocked, the arm dis- charged, then opened as before described, the barrel brought down to a certain point, which acts auto- matically, and ejects the shells. The .32- and .38 calibre revolvers manufactured by this firm are chiefly used for pocket weapons ; but some are manufactured with barrels six inches in length, which make excellent target-pistols for 25 or 50 yards' shooting. As revolver-shooting is becoming so popular in America, probably a more intelligent study of this arm is now being made by marksmen then ever before ; and, while the advantages of a solid-framed revolver with a fixed barrel are admitted for certain uses, it seems to be generally admitted that, for fine 28 THE MODERN AMERICAN work, where accuracy is the chief object, no revolver is equal to one which permits of an inspection of the inside of the barrel. Any revolver which takes a cartridge of sufficient power to make it a suitable weapon of defence will foul, with the present ammunition in use, to such an extent as to impair its accuracy after a dozen shots, and many individuals believe with a less number. It is therefore the custom of all the best revolver-shots the writer has ever met, when using full charges, and wishing to do fine work, to clean the inside of the bari'el as often as every ten shots ; and, from thedifficulty often experienced in removing the adamanthie-like crust which ad- heres to the inside of the barrel, we believe we are correct in asserting that a majority of revolver- shooters, when they are fully aware of the neces- sity for keeping the barrel clean, will select a revolver wdiich permits of the cleaning-brush being passed through the barrel from the breach end, and thorough inspection of the barrel, which can be done so readily and satisfactorily in the Smith & Wesson revolver. It would seem from the fact that nearly every manufacturer of the cheaper grades of revolvers, manufactured in such enormous quantities for the masses, have imitated the action of Smith & Wesson, which seems to show^ that this principle is most in demand by the trade. Revolvers with a barrel of five inches, or PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 29 less, in length are generally classed as pocket revolvers, and those of the Smith & Wesson make are accin*ate up to twenty yards ; doubtless good shooting can be done at a longer distance, depend- ing entirely upon what the shooter would call fine work; but, as one or two additional inches in length make the arm capable of doing so much finer work, that most revolver-shooters readily per- ceive the difference, and, waiving the convenience of a revolver with a five-inch barrel, which can be carried in the pocket, they select one with a barrel not less than six inches, and as the distance of out- of-door revolver-shooting, in America, is from 25 to 50 yards, they have a weapon capable of great accuracy at these distances. The old American model Smith & Wesson revolver was formerly a great favorite with many who knew what weapon to select to do good work with. Many are in use to-day, and highly valued as a very accurate weapon ; but this model has been superseded by a new model army revolver, wdiich is generally known as the .44-cal. Russian model, the name being given on account of the Russian government purchasing 150,000 of this model for her cavalry. This model seems to grow in popularity each year, and many of the best revolver-shots in America have selected it as their choice of weapons. Some time ago when Chevalier Ira Paine, the expert pistol-shot, decided to introduce revolver-shooting as one of the 30 THE MODERN AMERICAN attractions of his exhibitions, he consulted Gastine Renette, the famous pistol-manufacturer of France, as to the best weapon for his purpose. Their object was to find the most accurate revolver which would shoot a light charge at short range, in-doors, avoiding noise and smoke, and a charge po^verful enough to do accurate si looting up to fifty 3'ards or more, and be powerful enough to be an army pistol. These two experts spent a great amount of time in this work, firing thousands of shots from a rest, from a vise, and off-hand. Among other things they learned was what the writer found, that, with revolvers of some make, the cylinder not running exactly opposite the barrel, the accuracy was affected ; but in all their experiments none came so near perfection as the .44-cal., Russian model. Smith & Wesson revolver, and Chevalier Paine uses that revolver exclusively in his stage work, using a light charge and round ball, and in his out-door shooting the regular charge, alwa3's the factor}^ ammunition. As there are man}^ who wish for a light charge for target- work, but recognize that the 6-inch barrel is necessar\\ as well as a handle of proper size to grasp, the manufacturers have produced a .32-calibre in this model, which is becoming very popular, for it is veiy accurate, and has excellent sights for fine \\'ork. Among those who select the Smith & Wesson revolver there are a majority who choose the Russian model, a portion select- PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 3 I ing the .32-calibre and many the .44-calibre ; those who choose the .44 desiring to shoot a weapon which is both powerful and accurate, and the Russian model possesses both of these points. In testing this model .44-calibre for accuracy at a distance of fifty yards, taking six shots for a test, this being the number of chambers in the cylin- der, the testers have repeatedly, when shooting the arm with a rest, placed the six shots in a three-inch circle at fifty yards. A new departure in revolvers is made in the Smith & Wesson Hammerless, Safety Revolver, which has recently been put on the market, and possesses many points of originality and excel- lence. The inventor of this novel mechanism is Mr. D. B. Wesson, who has previously contrib- uted so much towards developing the American revolver. A hammerless revolver, a short time ago, would have been considered an unsafe weapon. In this new revolver w^ill be found less liability to ac- cidental discharge than in any weapon of this class we have ever Inspected, this being one of the chief objects kept in mind while the inventor developed his mechanism. A large proportion of the accidents which occur with revolvers arise from carelessly manipulating the hammer or trigger, or from leaving the weap- on full-cocked for some child or novice to find and accidentally discharge. The pulls on differ- 32 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. ent revolvers vary to such an extent that when a strange revolver with an outside hammer is in the hands of an expert even an accidental discharge is liable to occur ; this is avoided in the new ham- merless revolver. In addition to the visible hammer being the cause of many accidents is the constant annoyance caused by its projecting and interfering with quickly drawing the weapon from the pocket or holster. The weapon described is for the use of the soldier, the police officer, or for those called upon to use this weapon of defence rapidly and effectively ; hence a self-acting or self-cocking re- volver is necessary, and by dispensing with the projecting outside hammer the rapidity of action in drawing the weapon is increased, and therefore a very desirable point is gained. The illustration show^s the mechanism of the new arm : — A is the safety lever, B safety-latch, C ham- mer, D trigger, F main-sjDring, G safety-latch spring. The hammer C, which is acted upon and raised by the trigger D, as in their self-cocking arms, is kept constantly locked by the safety-latch B, which is held in position by the safety-latch spring G. The point is emphasized, that when not in use the arm cannot be discharged, as will be seen from the arrangement of the parts. When held in the hand for firing, the natural pressure exerted by the hand in the movement of pulling 34 THE MODERN AMERICAN the trigger upon the safety-lever A causes it to act upon the safety-latch B, raising it and releasing the hammer. It will be observed that it is among the impossi- bilities to cock and discharge this revolver when held in an improper manner, as a child or novice would be likely to do. The arrangement of the mechanism is such that the safety catch and trigger must act in unison, and it is necessary that an amount of grasp and strength, not possessed by a child, be applied in order to discharge the weapon. By those familiar with revolvers the question will naturally arise, With all these advantages can you secure accuracy? We confess we were among the disbelievers that great accuracy could be secured with a self-cocking revolver, and even now if we were to confine our shooting to target and game shooting would give preference to the other revolvers made by this firm ; but for a self- cocking revolver this weapon possesses, besides the elements of safety and rapidity of manipula- tion, the important feature of accuracy. We were full of doubts of our ability to secure accu- rate shooting, or to observe it in others ; but a trial has fully convinced us that with practice one could nearly, if not quite, equal their perform- ances with a single-action revolver. One soon familiarizes himself w^ith the opera- tions of this weapon. Pressure is applied to the PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 35 trigger, aild the approach to the point where the hist ounce of pressure discharges the weapon is easily detected ; previous to the last ounce of press- ure being given, a careful aim is taken, the final pressure applied, and the weapon discharged. 36 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. CHAPTER IV. THE MERWIN, HULBERT, & CO.'s REVOLVERS. The Merwin, Hulbert, & Co.'s Automatic re- volver is manufactured at Norwich, Conn. The mechanism of this arm is entirely different from any other make of American revolvers. It is well constructed, the parts being made with great care and with a nicety of fitting which is highly credit- able to the manufacturers. The material from which they are constructed is forged steel. The mode of operating the arm is as fol- lows : — To Load. — Place the hammer at half-cock, press the loading gate downward, and insert the cartridges. To Eject the Shells. — Take the revolver in the right hand, place the left hand on the bar- rel with the thumb on the button under the frame, push the button toward the guard, turn the barrel outward and draw forward, when the shells will fall out. To Take the Arm Apart. — When the bar- rel and cylinder are drawn forward, as above de- scribed, press the barrel-catch down and draw forward. No screw-driver is needed to take the arm apart or interchange the barrels. 38 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. There are a number of different models manu- factured with and without the folding hammer. In .32, .38, and .44 calibre there are barrels from 3 inches to 53^ inches in length, with five and seven chambers, with the regular hammer, the .38 and .44 calibre. This firm also makes a solid frame revolver of cheajD grade. In inspecting the revolvers made by this firm, there will be found a number which are not ad- apted to fine shooting, but would be classed as short-range weajDons of defence, or pocket-revol- vers. Those with the 31^-inch barrels would never be selected by the person desiring accuracy at any distance beyond a few yards. But the .32 and .38 calibres, with a 5)^-inch barrel, are con- sidered by many as very hne shooting weapons. Cuts 3 and 4 .32 target revolvers, with extra barrel for converting into a pocket- revolver. It is evident that Mer win, Hulbert, & Co. 's action possesses greater strength than most of the revolver- actions on the market. It also permits of being taken apart with ease and desj^atch, which enables the user to clean the barrel and cylinder in the most thorough manner, as it is known by all who have shot revolvers for fine results that this operation is absolutely necessary, with the present ammunition on the market, to secure fine work. After cleaning, the arm can be quickly as- sembled ; more so. it is thought, than any Ameri- can revolver. It can be loaded very quickly by 40 THE MODERN AMERICAN pressing the button under the frame towards the guard, turning the barrel outward, and drawing forward, when the shell falls out, the action rapidly closed, the gate pushed downward, and fresh car- tridges inserted. The rapidity of operation of this arm can hardly be credited until one witnesses the revolver manipulated by a person familiar with its operation. A very noticeable point about this weapon is the ability to combine a target-revolver with a pocket-revolver, as ^vith a number of the models two barrels are supplied: one 5^ -in. and the other 3 or 3^1/^-in. barrel. The .32 and .38 calibre revolvers with 5J^- in. barrels and folding hammer are nicely balanced arms, and when properly sighted are capable of doing fine work ; but, unfortunately , they are double action, and while this feature may be a desirable point in revolvers for defence, for target-practice, or fine shooting, it is a detriment rather than an advantage ; but this firm also makes a single action with a regular hammer in .38 calibre, in which the trigger-pull can be brought to a state of smooth- ness and firmness which, if the arm is handled by a good shot, will show excellent work. The Army revolver is made in single and double action, with and without the folding hammer. Most of the arm.y models are chambered to take the Winchester rifle cartridge, .44 calibre, holding 40 grains of pow^der and 200 grains of lead, al- PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 4 1 though a special cartridge, specially prepared for the Mexican trade, is supplied. Each American revolver described in this paper has special points of excellence which commend themselves to the investigator, and are appre- ciated by revolver-shooters ; and there are a num- ber of excellent features in the Merwin, Hulbert, & Co.'s revolver not found in other arms, whicli make it, in many cases, the favorite revolver of fine marksmen. The Merw^in, Hulbert, & Co.'s revolver has been thoroughly tested by the Government Ordnance Board, which reports as follows on its tests of a six- shot, .42-calibre, 7-inch barrel revolver, weight, 2 pounds 11^ ounces, using a charge of 23 grains of powder and a 25 2 -grain bullet : — Regular Tests. — One round was fired from each chamber by the exhibitor. The revolver worked satisfactorily. Dismounting and Assembling. — The time required to completely dismount the revolver was 8 minutes 15 seconds, and that for assembling, 14 minutes. Initial Velocities. — Ten shots were fired, and the initial velocities determined by the Bou- lenge chronograph : Extreme variation, 77 ; mean, 20. '3. Penetration and Recoil. — Mean of five shots : Penetration, 45 ; recoil, 74. Tests for Accuracy. — Ten rounds were 42 THE MODERN AMERICAN fired for accuracy, at 25 yards, and also at 100 yards. A fixed rest was used. The results were as follows for ten shots : Mean horizontal devia- tion, 2."() ; mean vertical deviation, ^J'2 ; mean absolute deviation, 5.'^!. Rapidity of Loading and Ejecting. — Time required to fire 18 shots, commencing and ending with chambers empty : i minute 45 seconds. Endurance. — Two hundred and fifty rounds were fired, the revolver working without difficulty throughout. It was allowed five minutes to cool after each 50 rounds. Fouling. — The revolver remained uncleaned forty-eight hours, after which it was fired 50 rounds. It was allowed five minutes to cool after the 1 2th, 24th, and 36th rounds. Though badly fouled at the rear of the cylinder, by the escape of gas at the primer (the ammunition being outside priming) the arm worked satisfactorily. Dusting Test. — The revolver was next cleaned and thoroughly dusted with fine sand. It was then wiped off' with the hands alone. Twelve rounds were fired. The revolver was then dusted as before, to ascertain the combined effects of dusting and fouling. Six rounds were fired. The revolver worked freely throughout. Rusting Test. — The revolver was cleaned — all oil being carefully removed — and dipped for ten minutes in a solution of sal-ammoniac, after which it was exposed in the open air for forty- PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 43 eight hours. At the expiration of this time it was considerably rusted, but still operated quite freely. It was fired 12 rounds, loaded without cleaning, and again immersed for ten minutes in the sal-ammoniac solution. It was then exposed in the open air for another period of forty-eight hours. In order to prevent the rusting of the rifling, both ends of the barrel were closed with cork, and in the first dipping the cylinder chambers were protected in a similar manner. At the end of the prescribed time the revolver was found very badly rusted. The rust was so thick on the sides of the hammer that it could not be cocked without the rust first being scraped ofl' with a screw-driver. The trigger was rusted in a similar manner, and had to be scraped and forced back and forth in order to operate it. The locking-bolt slide was rusted so that it could not be started by hand. It was driven back by tapping on the thum.b-screw with a hammer. The barrel was then partly turned to the left by hand, but the base-pin was so much rusted that the barrel had to be secured in a vise in order to complete the turning and draw it to the front along the pin. About twenty minutes were consumed in get- ting the pistol in condition to fire the remaining rounds required by the prescribed test. Considering how badly the pistol was rusted, it worked very satisfactorily. 44 THE MODERN AMERICAN The claims made for this revolver by the ex- hibitors are : — 1. Beauty of outline. 2. No salient points which will prevent its ready insertion in the holster. 3. Non-liability to tear the hands, since nearly all surfaces are neatly rounded. Cleaning is also facilitated by the smooth surfaces. 4. The fluting on the cylinder do not run out at the front, thus increasing the strength and neatness of the whole. 5. Safety, owning to the fact that the locking- device cannot be opened, permitting of dismount- ing the barrel without the piece being at half- cock. If the piece be not at half-cock, the cylin- der and barrel cannot be assembled to the frame. 6. Front sight solid wath the barrel. 7. The extractor-ring prevents the interior of the lock and the ratchet from fouling by escape of gas about the primer w^hen using outside primed ammunition. 8. The hood on the front of the cylinder, about the base-pin hole, prevents fouling of base- pin. 9. The recoil-plate protects the head of the cartridge from exposure or abrasion ; it also pre- vents sand, etc., getting in between the cylinder and recoil-plate, checking-rotation. 10. The cylinder and barrel can be dismounted without the use of a screw-driver. PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 45 Other claims, since made, are appended, marked " B." It is not thought that they require special comment. This Board assents generally to claims i, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. No particular advantage is thought to be found in the 4th ; and the 5th, so far from being advantageous, is regarded as unneces- sary and hurtful, hampering one, as it does, in the use of the pistol. On the whole, the Board regards this as a very good pistol, it having endured the tests in a fairly satisfactory manner. It should be bored up to cal. .45, in order that it may use service ammuni- tion, when it may be more intelligently compared with other arms now^ in service. Stocks of walnut and hard rubber were furnished with this pistol. The rubber appears to be fully equal, if not superior, to the w^alnut in hardness and tenacity. To ascertain the effect of heat, it was placed in a covered tin cup, w4iich w^as in turn placed in a vessel of w^ater slowly heated to 150°. The rubber did not soften in the slightest degree. It w^as then placed between two blocks of ice until thoroughly chilled, when it was repeatedly struck with a hammer. It was not at all brittle. The rubber admits of a very neat finish. 40 THE MODERN AMERICAN CHAPTER V. THE colt's revolver. The armory of the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company ij^ located at Hartford, Conn., and here are manufactured the famous Colt's revolvers, so favorably known throughout the world. Samuel Colt, the inventor of the Colt's revolver, commenced devising the mechan- ism of this arm as early as 1S30. and the result of his ingenuity and skill is the large plant at Hartlbrd, where the Colt's revolver has been manufactured in enormous quantities for half a century, during which time improvements have been made ; and the popularity which the Colt's revolver has secured is attested by the enormous sales in all parts of the world. The variety of revolvers made by this company are as fol- lows : — New ^lodel Army, single action ; length of pistol, I2j4 inches: length of barrel, 7^3 inches: bore or calibre, .45 inch: weight, 2 lbs. 5 oz. Rifling, six grooves, one revolution in 16 inches : depth of groove, .005 inch. Six-shot. Cartridge. — Weight of powder, 30 grains: weight of lead, 250 grains. Central fire, external priming. New Model Armv, double action : lenorth of VISTOL AM; I\2 Dece mber 8. . . . . UJ^ I ... 8 7 10 9 8 9 7 7 10 8 = 83 2 ... 8 7 7 9 9 8 7 10 9 8-382 3 . . . lO 5 9 8 5 10 8 9 8 6 = 78 4 ... TO 6 9 10 8 9 9 9 10 10 = 90 5 ...8 10 10 8 10 7 10 9 9 10 = 91 6 "" I 6 9 9 6 10 10 10 7 10 = 84 7 . . . 7 8 7 9 8 8 8 8 7 10 = 80 8 ...9 7 8 10 10 10 10 6 10 10 = 90 9 ... 9 8 9 9 / 8 9 6 9 10 = 84 lO 5 6 8 lO 7 6 9 10 10 10 = 81 Total . . - ... 84^ December g. ,^_i.j I ... 10 7 9 9 7 10 10 8 / 8 = 85 2 . . . 7 9 8 10 7 9 10 7 9 8 = 84 3 ... 8 8 10 9 9 10 9 8 9 10 = 90 4 ... 7 8 10 9 9 10 10 7 10 10 = 90 5 ... 7 8 10 8 9 9 10 9 9 8 = 87 6 ... 10 8 9 9 9 8 8 9 10 6 = 86 7 ... 9 10 7 9 8 10 10 9 8 8 = 88 8 . . .10 7 10 8 9 8 8 10 8 7 = 85 9 . . 9 8 9 9 7 9 8 8 10 10 = 87 lO .... •• 7 7 9 8 10 7 10 8 10 10 = 86 Tc )tal . . . . ... 868 PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 103 December 10. 1 9 8 8 9 10 10 9 9 10 8^=^90 2 7 10 7 10 8 10 10 7 9 9 = 87 3 10 8 9 6 9 8 7 8 8 10 = 83 4 10 9 10 10 9 8 10 7 10 9 = 92 5 9 9 7 10 9 9 8 10 8 8 = 87 6 10 S 10 10 10 9 7 9 9 8 = 90 7 9 10 9 10 10 7 6 9 9 8 = 87 8 9 710 610 810 9 8 8 = 85 9 9 10 6 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 = 93 10 6 7 9 9 9 5 8 10 10 9 = 82 Total 876 Eighteen consecutive shots, made by Mr. Allen P. Kelly, in Conlin's Gallery, New York City, in revolver match, Massa- chusetts Rifle Association target. The shooting of Mr. F. E. Bennett attracted the attention of Chevalier Paine, who, on Decern- I04 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. ber 9, fired 100 shots, using a .38/^44-calibre Smith & Wesson revolver, this arm being the same as the .44 calibre in exterior, but is bored .38 calibre instead of .44. It has a straight shell, which extends entirely through the cylinder, com- ing flush w^ith the end of cylinder. This was a special arm, made to order, and took specially- prepared ammunition. 'Only the aggregate for 100 shots was preserved, which was 878 points. This was one point higher than had previously been scored. On December 13 Chevalier Paine fired 190 shots w^ith a Smith & Wesson .44-calibre revolver, but as lOO-shot records were being compared, we take the first 100 shots which made the most fa- vorable showing, and the lo-shot strings aggre- gated as follows : — 90 92 87 89 86 85 92 85 85 91 = 882 The next trial was on Thursday, December 15, using same revolver and ammunition, with the following result : — 92 89 89 89 86 88 85 85 83 85 = 871 On December 17 he again faced the target, firing 310 shots, the first and second 100 shots showing the following results : — 94 96 90 85 87 86 81 92 88 87 = 886 89 96 90 89 91 86 87 85 89 86 = 888 The last lOO-shot score of 888 being two points more than any previous record. The lo-shot Score of 96 out of a possible 100, in 10 consecutive shots, on Standard American target, at 50 yards, made by Chevalier Ira a. Paine, at Narragansett Gun Club grounds, Provi- dence, R.I., Dec. 17, 1887, with Smith & Wesson .44-calibre Russian-model revolver, with factory ammunition of Union Metallic Cartridge Co. make. Reduced one-quarter. 106 THE MODERN AMERICAN record was also broken by two strings, which ag- gregated 96 points ; higher by one point than any previously known record. On December 23 Chevalier Paine fired 100 con- secutive shots in the presence of the author, attempting to beat all previous records. The shooting was done at the Narragansett Gun Club grounds, at Providence, R.I. The revolver used was the Smith & Wesson Russian-model .44 cal- ibre, with factory ammunition. The score was as follow^s : — 8 8 10 10 8 9 10 10 9 9=-9i 9 9 7 10 9 9 7 7 10 10 = 87 10 10 8 7 9 8 10 10 9 8 = 89 10 9 8 10 10 10 9 10 7 9 = 92 7 9 10 10 8 9 8 8 7 10 = 86 10 7 8 9 10 10 10 9 10 9=92 10 8 10 10 10 10 8 9 9 10 = 94 8 9 10 10 10 7 10 9 10 10 = 93 10 8 9 9 10 8 10 8 7 TO = 89 10 Ota] 8 I ... 8 9 10 10 9 8 9 10 = 91 Q04. This aggregate raised the record 16 points. It was generally supposed, when Chevalier Ira Paine secured an aggregate of 904 points on the Standard American target at 50 yards with a Smith & Wesson .44-calibre revolver, that the 100-shot record would not be disturbed for some time. Mr. W. W. Bennett repeatedly stated that he would never attempt to break his brother's record of 886 points, but would contest against the record of any other individual. When it was PISTOL AND REVOLVER. I07 announced that Chevalier Paine had secured 904 points Mr. W. W. Bennett quietly announced his intention of surpassing this record, earnestly went to work, and, in the presence of reliable witnesses, rolled up the unprecedented record of 914 points, — 10 points higher than had ever been previously secured, and twice during the shooting equalled the best lo-shot record of 96 points. He shot at Walnut Hill range December 23, using a .44-calibre, single-action Smith & Wes- son Russian-model army revolver, loaded with factory ammunition of Union Metallic Cartridge Co. make. The scores in detail are as follows : — 1 9 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 = 96 2: 8 10 10 9 9 9 9 10 8 7 = 90 3 -8 9 10 10 9 9 10 8 9 10^=92 4 8 9 10 9 10 7 10 9 8 10 = 90 5 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 = 96 6 9 10 8 10 7 10 9 10 10 9 = 92 7 10 10 9 7 10 7 9 9 10 8 = 89 8 8 7 8 9 10 10 9 10 7 8 = 86 9 9 8 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 9 = 93 10 10 7 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 8 = 90 Total 914 It should here be recorded that Chevalier Paine on his first and second trial cleaned his revolver between every 10 shots. Mr. F. E. Bennett in all of his shooting cleaned only between each 10 shots. In the balance of Chevalier Paine's shoot- ing he insisted on cleaning his revolver between every 5 or 6 shots ; and Mr. W. W. Bennett, after Chevalier Paine departed from the custom of 96 out of a possible 100, on Standard American target, at 50 yards, in 10 consecutive shots, with a Smith & Wesson .44-calibre Russian-model revolver, witii Union Metallic Cartridge Co. ammunition, made at Walnut Hill, Mass., Dec. 23, 1887* by Mr. W. W". Bennett. Reduced one-quarter. THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. IO9 cleaning between each 10 shots, run a brush through the inside of his barrel after every shot. There being no established rules for pistol and re- volver shooting in regard to cleaning, the results vv^ere accepted as records of performances v^ith Six shots with a Smith & Wesson .38.calibre revolver, at 12 yards, made in Conlin's Gallerv, New York City, April i, 1887, by Mr. D. D. Davis. revolvers. It is also believed that Chevalier Paine's shooting, as well as Mr. W. W. Bennett's, and a portion of Mr. F. E. Bennett's shooting, was done w^ith a trigger-pull of less than 3 pounds. It will be found that within a period of two years the possibilities of the revolver have been proven to be considerably beyond what the manu- facturers of the arms, the makers of the ammuni- no THE MODERN AMERICAN tion, and the experts using the weapons supposed were its capabilities. The first loo-shot record was 791 points, the hist 914 points, or an increase of 123 points. In order to carry the shooting at 50 yards from Six shots with a .44-calibre revolver, at 12 yards, reduced charge, by Mr. George Bird, New York. Score, 71 ; possible, 72. its commencement on the Standard American tar- get to latest known record with no diversion, the author now finds it necessary to go back several months to chronicle an event worthy of note. It has been stated that the first revolver compe- tition on the Standard American target was shot at 25 yards, and it has been shown that the dis- tance was too short for that target. When the PISTOL AND REVOLVER. Ill programme of the 1886 annual meeting at Creed- moor was being arranged, it was proposed to use the 200-yard Standard American target at 30 yards, the author urged the gentlemen in charge of this tournament to use the 100-yard Rifle target at this distance, and by showing what had been accomplished on the 200-yard target, it convinced them that a 100-yard Rifle target with a 4- inch bull's eye was better for revolver or pistol shoot- ing at 30 yards ; and that target and distance were selected for the revolver match at Creedmoor in 1887, and many of the rifle and pistol clubs throughout the country arranged similar matches. The first record established on the 30-yard pistol target was in a 5-shot reentry match at the spring meeting of the Massachusetts Rifle Asso- ciation, in June, 1887. The score of 43 out of a possible 50 was made by Mr. W. W. Bennett, and was the highest score made during the three- days' tournament. It was the opinion of a major- ity of revolver- shooters at that time that this tar- get at 30 yards was a difficult one to roll up a high score on, and that 40 for 5 -shots and 80 for lo-shots was good shooting. At the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association at Creedmoor in September, 1887, the highest scores recorded at 30 yards were by Mr. J. T. B. Collins, who secured three aggregates of 44, and Mr. G. L. Garrigues, who also secured one score of 44, this being the highest aggregate secured in five shots at that time. Position formerly adopted by Mr. F, E. Bennett. (From a pliotograph taken while shooting.) THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. II3 At the fall meeting of the Massachusetts Rifle Association Mr. F. E. Bennett won the first prize in the revolver competition, w^ith the following scores : — 9 10 9 9 7 = 44 8 10 10 9 8 = 45 10 8 7 10 10 = 45 9 9 9 8 10 = 45 10 10 10 8 10 = 48 This made 48 the best 5-shot record. The next event at this range was the recording of the following lo-shot score at Walnut Hill on Oct. 12, 1887, by Mr. F. E. Bennett : — 10 9 10 9 8 8 10 7 10 91=90 This being the best 10- shot record. This shoot- ing was followed by Chevalier Ira Paine, who, in November, 1887, I'ecorded the same aggregate at Walnut Hill. A week later Mr. F. E. Bennett recorded in a regular match at Walnut Hill an aggregate of 91, wdiich, at the time of closing this chapter, is the best known lo-shot record. Score of 4S out of a possible 50, in 5 consecutive shots, on Standard American target, at 30 yards, made by Mr. F. E. Bennett, in a match at Walnut Hill,' Mass., Oct. 6, with a Smith & Wesson Russian-model .44-calibre revolver, and factory ammunition, Union Metallic Cartridge Co. make. Reduced one-half. Chevalier Ira A. Paine's Position. (From a photograph taken while shooting.) Il6 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. CHAPTER X. PISTOL AND REVOLVER SHOOTING AT LONG RANGE. Pistol and revolver shooting has been ahiiosl wholly confined to short range, both in America and Europe. Occasional reports have reached this country of shooting in Austria to a dis- tance of about 400 yards. This shooting w^as done v^nth heavy single-shot pistols, weighing from three to five pounds, of about .40 calibre, fitted with sights capable of very fine adjustment, with set triggers and appliances to aid in securing good results. To learn the capabilities of an American-made single-shot pistol, the author ordered a pair of the Remingtons, with 12-inch barrels, .32 calibre, and chambered for the cartridge made by the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. for the .32-cali- bre repeating rifle ; the charge being 20 grains of powder and 115 grains of lead. The sights fitted to these pistols were very crude, and not suitable for the work attempted. With better sights, doubtless much finer results would be chronicled. The first attempt at long-range shooting w^ith these pistols was made by Mr. W. W. Bennett, at Walnut Hill. He shot on the 50-yard Stand- Mr. W. AV. Bennett, Expert Pistol and Revolver Shot. (Shooting a Stevens Pistol.) Il8 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. ard American revolver target, at a distance of 75 yards, scoring as follows : — 8 lo 5 TO 9 lo 9 9 8 71=85 Falling back to 100 yards and using the same target, he made the following scores : — 5776 845987 = 66 10 5 5 5 10 8 5 5 7 7 = 67 Nineteen of the twenty shots being in a circle of i9^Vioo inches. He then proceeded to the 200- yard firing-point, where military marksmen were practising, and several times scored in ten shots 36 points out of 50. Considerable difficulty was experienced in sighting on the eight-inch bull's eye at a distance of 200 yards, and a trial w^as given on the second- class target, which has the following dimen- sions : — Size of target, 6x6 feet. Bull's-eye, circular, 22 inches in diameter. Centre, " 38 '' " Inner, '' 54 '' '' Outer, remainder of target. The first trial was at a distance of 150 yards, where the following scores were made : — Six shots ^ possible jo. 5 5 5 5 5 4=29 200 yards. 3 5 5 4 5 5 = 27 ^^?^^^ ■ "V/vy TO UiC. CO /i OS 7 Mr. B. J. Robertson, Expert Revolver Shot. (Champion of Kentucky, 18S7.) I20 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. 2^0 yards. 3 4 4 3 5 5 = 24 J 00 yards. 2 5 2 33 5 = 20 j>50 yards, 5 5 3 4 3 4 = 24 All of the above shooting was done off-hand, with the right arm fully extended. It was generally believed among the expert pistol-shots the author has met, that the modern American revolver could not be depended on much beyond 75 yards, and it was thought useless to try to accomplish good work beyond. On Oct. 27, 1 887, Chevalier Paine devoted the entire day, in company with a representative of The Rifle, in experimenting with the revolver at Walnut Hill. Among the numerous experi- ments tried was shooting with Smith & Wesson revolvers, at long range. It was decided to shoot on the second-class target, commencing at 125 yards and falling back until it was thought the limit of accuracy with the revolver was found. It was agreed that each one should take sighting- shots at the several distances until the target was hit, the first shot striking the target and the fol- lowing fiA'e to count. The result was as follows : — Mr. WAT.TER WiNANS, Expert Revolver Shot. 122 THE MODERN AMERICAN Representative Chevalier Paine. of The Rifle. J 2^ yards. 3 2 5 4 5 5 = 24 245545 = 25 750 yards. 3 4 5 5 5 5 = 27 4 4 5 5 4 4 = 26 200 yards. 5 22405 = 18 433334 = 20 2^0 yards. 345323= 20 432400= 13 joo yards. 450040=13 202024= 10 In some cases the first sighting-shot struck the target. At 300 yards it took three shots from one party to find the target ; at all other times one or two shots w^ere sufficient. The scores given above are not intended to show excellence in marksmanship, but to record the results obtained at the first trial by persons unacquainted with the range of the revolver and the sights. The am- munition used w^as a condemned lot sent to the range by mistake, but which, doubtless, was better than supposed to be. It had been loaded several years, and the lubricant was hard, and in many cases partially detached from the bullet. After the first score had been secured at the several distances. Chevalier Paine shot at 200 yards, and secured 29 out of a possible 30, making five bull's- eyes and one centre. Two wrecks later Mr. F. E.Bennett, with a .44- calibre Russian-model Smith & Wesson revolver. PISTOL AND REVOLVER. I 23 shot over about the same distances, with the fol- lowing results : — 2d class target. — /jo yards. 5 5 5 5 5 5 = 30 200 yards. 5 34045 = 20 2^0 yards. 3 4 5 4 3 = 19 J 00 yards. 5 3 o o o 0=8 If the revolver is properly sighted, there is little doubt that good shooting with this arm can be done up to about 300 yards, under favorable weather conditions. With a single-shot pistol it has been shown that good work can be done at 400 yards. The revolver being a more practical w^eapon than the pistol, it is likely that the single- shot pistol will in future be confined almost wholly to indoor target practice, and the revolver will be used exclusively in many clubs who shoot their matches out of doors. It has been proven that the revolver is a powerful and accurate weap- on from 10 to 250 yards. The results of experi- ments which have been recorded in this chapter were made with the object of showing that a marksman, or soldier with ordinary skill, ought to hit every time, with a shot from an army re- volver, a standing object the size of a mounted cavalryman, from 50 to 250 yards off. 124 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. As stated, the results given in this chapter were the first attempts with no previous knowledge of the range of the weapon, and if practice is carried on it will not surprise the writer to hear that per- fect six-shot scores have been made on the second- class target at distances from loo to 250 yards. With the sights used on a Smith & Wesson .44- calibre Russian-model revolver at 30 and 50 yards one can shoot up to 250 yards without aim- ing off the target. standard American Targ-et, reduced from 50-yard target, one-six- teenth ; from 30-yard, one-eighth. Designed by Major C. W. HiNMAN. Adopted and used by American Pistol and Re- volver Clubs. 126 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. CHAPTER XL RULES FOR PISTOL AND REVOLVER SHOOTING. The need of rules governing pistol and revolver competitions has been apparent during the past three years. The distance, trigger-pull, and some general rules were briefly laid down by the clubs where matches were shot. For a time it has been generally believed that the arms used in these competitions should be classed ; that a decision arrived at in regard to trigger-pull, the sights per- mitted clearly defined, ammunition described, and rules determining the amount of cleaning per- mitted, manner of loading and firing, positions permitted, and other rules explicitly stated. The Massachusetts Rifle Association, after a long and careful consideration, adopted the following rules : — All meetings for competitions will be con- ducted by an executive officer, aided by assistants. The executive officer shall have control of the range foi* the conduct of matches, and shall give such directions to the employes of the club as in his judgment are necessary for the proper manage- ment of the same, and for the preservation of order. The executive officer and his assistants are required to see that the regulations, and such Miss Annie Oakley, Expert Lady Pistol Shot, 128 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. directions as the executive officer may give, are rigidly complied with by competitors and all other persons upon the range. They w^ill see that the squads of competitors are stationed in rear of firing-points, and that each competitor remains there until called by the score- keeper to take his position at the firing-point. The score-keepers w^ill be seated in rear of the firing-points. Score-keepers shall, as each shot is signalled, call in a loud voice the name of the competitor and the value of the shot, and, at the conclusion of the score of each competitor, announce in like manner his name and total score. All competitors shall be allowed to examine the records of the score-keeper during the prog- ress of the match, but in such a manner as not to interfere with or inconvenience the score-keeper. Any competitor feeling himself aggrieved by the ruling of the executive officer, may make to the secretary a statement of his grievance in writ- ing, which shall be handed at once to the executive committee for its consideration. The decision of the executive committee shall be final, subject, however, to the discretion of said committee, or any two members of it, to refer the matter to the board of directors for its decision. Challenges will only be permitted at the dis- cretion of the executive officer. The executive officer may, in his discretion, challenge the marking No. 3. Holsters for Revolvers. I. Leather. 2. Rubber. 3. Leather. I30 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. of any shot the allowance of which would be un- just to other competitors, and correct the score accordingly. Any objection to the scoring of a shot as sig- nalled, or to one not signalled, must be made be- fore another shot shall have been fired on the same target. It shall be the right of the shooter to challenge the scoring, and the executive officer may decide upon the evidence the actual value of the shot. Any alteration of a scoring-ticket must be witnessed by an officer in charge of the firing- point, and indorsed with his initials. Double entries are prohibited, no shot being allowed to count in more than one match. No sighting-shots shall be allowed except on targets specially designated for that purpose by the executive officer, and in no case on targets on which a match is in progress, unless in an emer- gency, to be decided by the executive officer. Unfinished scores shall be considered worth- less after having been withdrawn from the scorer, and no shots can be claimed under or by virtue of the same after having been so withdrawn. No scorer is allowed to have at one time more than one score-card for each shooter, and no shooter is allowed to shoot without having an un- finished score-card deposited with the scorer. Ties shall be decided as follows, viz. : each competitor shooting three shots, until decided. Bean's Perspiration-Proof Pistol Holsters. (Manufactured by John P. Lovell Arms Company, Boston.) 132 THE MODERN AMERICAN No scores with handicap shall exceed a perfect score. Competitors who have to shoot off ties will be notified as soon after each match as practicable. When the ties are shot off one sighting-shot shall be allowed without charge. Competitors not present at the firing-points at the hour named for shooting off the ties lose their right to shoot, and will be placed accordingly. Temporary disconthiuance of matches, on account of bad weather, and the closing limit for receiving entries shall be at the discretion of the executive officer. An entry-ticket, except when sold in block, maybe transferred at any reasonable time, by pre- senting it to the statistical officer for exchange. Any erasure or substitution of name by the holder will forfeit the ticket. In single-entry matches no entry shall be made after the firing begins if any participant objects. Competitors will have choice of prizes unless otherwise stated. Penalties. — Competitors must make them- selves acquainted with the regulations, as the plea of ignorance will not be entertained. No competitor shall be allowed to use more than one name besides his own in any one match. A comj^etitor faiHng to report at the time and target to which he is assigned, or shooting at pool or practice after the hour set for the simultaneous PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 1 33 opening of a match, shall forfeit his entry. (The last clause will not prevent pool-shooting between scores in reentry matches.) Any member shoot- ing at pool or practice between shots of a score shall forfeit the score. All competitors and other persons must pre- serve order and decorum, submit to the direction and decisions of the executive officer, and make all objections and protests, if any, to the proper officials, in a manner which will not disturb others. Pistols and revolvers may be discharged only in firing at the target in pools or matches, or into such w^arming-pits as may be designated (in that case without bullet), and any competitor or other person discharging pistols or revolvers otherwise, or havnig a loaded shell inserted in his pistol or revolver while elsewhere than upon the actual firing-point, may be disqualified for the time being, or fined a sum not exceeding three dollars, at the discretion of the executive officer. Any violation of rules or discreditable conduct which the executive officer may consider of such magnitude as to require it, shall be reported to the directors for their action. Any shooter firing upon the wrong target shall be recorded a miss. The rules governing rifle competitions, so far as they are applicable, shall be in force in all pistol competitions. 134 THE MODERN AMERICAN PISTOL, ETC. In all matches, when not otherwise mentioned, either single-shot pistols or revolvers will be per- mitted upon equal conditions ; but if matches call for the revolver the single-shot pistol will not be admitted, unless specially mentioned. SPECIAL RULES. Pistols and revolvers allowed in competitions must conform to the following conditions : — A. — Army or navy revolver. £. — Any revolver. C — Any pistol. A. — Army or Navy Revolvers must be such as have been adopted by any government for the armament of its army or navy, and must conform in all respects of model, sights, and ammunition used, to the service revolver of such nation. B. — Any Revolver. — Revolvers of any cali- bre, maximum wxight, three pounds ; maximum length of bore, including cylinder, ten inches. C. — Shzgle-Shot Pistols. — Any breech or muzzle loading pistol, maximum weight, three pounds ; maximum length of bore, ten inches. Trigger- PmIL — In all matches, or in practice shooting, the minimum trigger-pull shall be three pounds. Sights for any Pistols or Revolvers. — The front and rear sights must be open ; the notch of a rear sight, to be considered open, must be as wide at the top of the notch as at any part ; no oo o o o o Diagratn of six consecutive shots, fired from a rest, at 50 yards, with a Colt's Frontier Model revolver, .44 calibre, full charge, — 40 grains of pow^der, 200 grains of lead. 136 THE MODERN AMERICAN aperture or peep sights, nor any manner of covered sights, shall be permitted. Lateral sliding-bars or wind-gauge may be used on rear open sight, also any elevating front or rear open sight. The use of a notch for a front sight will not be permitted. Sights may be smoked or blackened in any desired manner. No device shall be worn on or over the eye, or on glasses, to secure the sight through an aperture. Ammunitio7i, — If factory ammunition is called for it shall be of any make, of any established manufacturer, generally procurable in stores, and brought to the shooting-point in unbroken boxes, with the label of the manufacturer intact. Cleaning, — In any match where both pistols and revolvers are allowed, competitors may clean their arms at will, provided such cleaning does not delay the firing, which shall be at the rate of one shot per minute, or oftener during the firing of each score, except in case of accident. In such case the time may be extended, in the discretion of the executive officer. In matches confined to revolvers the cylinder must be fully charged, or a sufiicient number of chambers charged to complete the score. Blowing into or cleaning the barrel in any way will not be permitted, except when the cylinder is completely discharged. Loading and Firing, — No arms shall be loaded except at the firing-point, the muzzle of PISTOL AND REVOLVER. 1 37 piece being kept in the direction of the target till the arm is either discharged or unloaded. Miss-fires shall not count ; but an accidental discharge shall, in every instance, be counted. Position, — The position shall be as follows: Standing, free from any other artificial support ; the pistol or revolver held in one hand only, vs^ith the arm extended free from the body, and unsupported in any w^ay. The rear sight of the pistol or revolver shall not be nearer to the eye than twelve inches. Targets, — The Standard American target, full size, having an eight-inch bull, shall be used in matches at fifty yards' distance. The same target reduced to one-half size, having a four-inch bull, in matches at thirty yards' distance. The same target reduced to one-quarter size, having a two- inch bull, in matches at twenty yards' distance. The target reduced in the same proportion to dis- tance, in matches of a lesser range. Marking and Scoring, — Unless otherwise specified, each competitor w^ill have a separate target provided and will fire his score throughout, when the target will be examined by the scorer and the score recorded. In case of any dispute as to the value of a shot, the same may be chal- lenged, as provided for in Rule 3, sec. 4, of shoot- ing rules governing rifie competitions.