ITALIAN POCKET DICTIONARY: IN TWO PARTS: I. ITALIAN AND ENGLISH :— II. ENGLISH AND ITALIAN i PRECEDED BY AN ITALIAN GRAMMAR. H BY C GRAGLIA. FIRST AMERICAN, FROM THE FOURTEENTH LONDON EDITION, WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. BOSTON : MILLIARD, GRAY AND COMPANY. 183S. % , -% .%v..% lJ\ DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, iawit: D telnet Clerk 1 s Office. Be it remembered, That on the twenty-ninth day of December, A. D. 1828, in the fifty-third year of the Independence of the United States of America, Hilliard, Gray, tattle and Wiikins, of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit : " Italian Pocket Dictionary: in two parts : I. Italian and English:— II. English and Italian ; preceded by an Italian Grammar. By C. Graglia. First American, from the Fourteenth London Edition, with Corrections and Additions." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein men tioned ;" and also to an act, entitled, " An Act supplementary to an act, entitled, An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching, historical and other prints." JNO. W DAVIS, Clerk of the District of Massachusetts ^\ Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry PREFACE. The general approbation with which this valuable little Dictionary has been received ; the rapidity with which four- teen editions have been exhausted in England ; and its uni- versal adoption by instructors in this country, are a sufficient recommendation of the work. Many errors of accentuation, orthography, G gay, before a, o, u Garbo H acca, is only a sign, xoithout any svund Hanno I ee v Diritto J «,lon? Temcj L / Latino M m Marrao N n Nano O o Bntta P pay Padre Q coo and hew Quagha R air Parian S «♦ Sartore T ray Tetto U oil or oo Fu'uro vny VeOB c Z If Camzze rm one syllable Latin, are written with a ;, a c, or at, pi onlv, aiul net* has a faint sound : — sciatica, scien- like a soft c Thus, for costanzOy priuL gonza. I.aznro, azzuro, zodiaco, read costa/tdsa, • mounced as in English, It was anciently yrudk neb used in some words derived from Latin, IS natione, No certain rule can be given to distinguish when gratia ; but the i ' y is r. the s is soft, and when hc"sh ; for, alth lugh most single as double, words written with a double zz have a strong Bound, DC strong, like ts in benefits, and many of them, however, have a soft sound; such ther soft, like ds in Windsor. The strong are rezzo, fitezro, &c. : thus, for ?io:;<\ fazzo- The double consonants must he distinctly pro- Ulto, btUtzza, zana, zio, SSJOM, read notsc, fatso- nounced. Thus in reading imrrmiso, vinorente, addio, rehei'e, ottcntarc, real im-mai-so, iu-nocc n- The sound is generally soft in the words ending tc, ad-dio, rebd-le, at-tcntare. PRACTICAL TABLE. a A'nima casa danza miisica parola & Ceci'a felicita dara sara pari era «, close Messo male pedone maledire correre e, open Bene ieri tema erba rendo t Mirifico inimico chiavistello cJbo ripieno j S udj tempj open Povero populo tolto ogsi amb ciose Tomamento volore mondo ogni u before o . . . . Buono fuoco uomini diio tiio sao id, uoi ..... JMka tnoi snoi v Avena movevo"emisvenrura viatore w Avvenruroso misav venire avvtso awertenza ca Casteilo cattivo cavalcare incAnto mancare co Collo copsrto accorto giocondezza fico cu Ct'iculo cup-da accurate curvati'na c6ria ce Cervello cento infelice faceto cece ci Cicerone pacifico cicalatrlce dieci cfbo cc before c, i . . . Accento cappuccino accecare accigliare cc before a, o, u, . . Accanfo acconcio accordare ai cia ....... Ciancia ciarlatano ciascheduuo mancia cie Ciilo ciecamente ci'o Cincca eioccolata cioncatore luccio ciu Ciurma ciurmaglia eiuschero ciurmire ch ChiodO chioma duchessa chi che ga Garni i pante ragazza go Gnbbo soti'o pergola iv; gu Gusto gustoso aguzzAre ezuahnente gt . rate agevole gi Girasbleg ■•■ dijito leiione gia Giaciniento cerv6gia giardino jiallo gio Gins' rare giovanezza regione prigione giu Giuncmglia giume'lla eiudeo dixiunire gna Campagna pugnire ragant^lo cagna gnt Agnell :. tico pigaen gni Dignita racngnito ingegni regni gno Ragno.'o indegno ignortnza se?no gnu Bagnuoln ignOdo ognano ignuaare gli Flglia f Iglio meglio medaglia quaglia es > 8 ACCIDENCE OF THE g?ie, ghi Fatighe luoghi ghiaccio gher6fano s strong . . . . . Sapere santo studio seono senso s soft Sdegno sguardo guisa usuriere sea Scabro scacciare riscaldare invescato sco Scolare scoglio mescolato discolpa scu ....... Scusalo sci) do scucito scuola see Scena scegliere discepolo scematore sci Scilocco discipllna scinto fascia scia Sciatica lasciato ambasciadore sciagura scie Scienza scierpellone scientifico coscienza scio Scioccamente uscio d-isciolto f ascio sciu Asciutto sciugato prescititto sciugare zz, z 7 like ts . . . . JNozze fazzoletto zucca zio zz, z, like ds ... Zodiaco azzuro mezzo prudenza m, mm, n, nn, or any other doubled le ter, as bb, dd, ff, &C. Bambino fimbria" immenso somma donde danno inganno dabbene addoppio dittuso ermellino ferro gattone lappola latte matto addolorato affacei;dato agguaglianza baccante ballando favell'a gennaio lippitudine motteggio. I - J CHAPTER II. / ACCENTS, APOSTROPHE, AND ELISION. ^ THERE are two accents in Italian, the grave lo, I will do it ; piu and tosto become piuttosto, C) and the acute ('). sooner, &c. &c. Graoe accent. — 1. It h put on nouns in ta and it, Acute accent. — This accent is used only on the t vshich have the singular and plural alike; as, belta, of words ending in io and ia, whenever io andta bonta, virtu, gioventa. Such nouns ended former- are pronounced in two distinct syllables ; as, pazzia, ly in ade and ate, ude and ute, and they are still used desio, galler'ia, addio. in poetry. Some writers use it likewise on words which 2. On the third person singular of the preterper- have a double signification ; as, tenire, to hold, feet tense of verbs, of which the first pei-son ends in te'nere, tender ; ancdra, again, dncco-a, an anchor ; two vowels; thus, amb, crede, from amai, credti. nrttare, nectar, nettdre, to cleanse, &c. but this nice- But write without the grave accent vinse, prese, ty is not strictly observed now, unless the sentence from vinsi, presi. should offer an ambiguous meaning. 3. On the first and third person singular of every Apostrophe and Elision. — The apostrophe is a verb in the future tense ; thus, amero, amerd, ere- mark to show that one or more letters are cut off; dero, credera, sentir^, sentird. and the elision is the cutting off' of those letters. 4. To make a distinction between words alike in They are used in the following cases : orthography, but different in signification ; as, Id, It, 1. After the articles lo, la, li, gli, le, and their there, la, the and her ? li, the and they ; da, he gives, oblique cases, before words that begin with a vowel, da, from ; di, day, di, of; si, yes and so, si, one's or when they are abbreviated ; as, Vanima, Ponore, self; e, he is, e, and; perd, therefore, pero, a pear- rfc' libri, a' padrl, &c. with the exceptions noticed tree, &c. &c. in the following chapter. Some other words are also written with the grave Yet, in poetry, several licenses are taken, and we accent, such as piu, more, giu, below, costl and cos- find lo arnore, lo ercesso, lo imperadore, lo ingius- td } there, cost, thus, gid, already, cib, that which; to; and even lo'nghcsto, lo , mpcradore. with many others, which practice will teach. The i of the article, il is cut off after a word end- 5. When a word, having the grave accent, is ing wi f h a vowel, but not the vowel of that word ; joined to another word, the consonant of the latter as, tutto 'Z pacss ; mi dica 'l suo name. word must be doubled, and the accent be taken off: 2. Mi, ti, ci, vi, ne, si, di, receive the apostrophe thus di and da, joined to mi, become dimmi, tell before a vowel ; as, vci mHntendete, egli tHntende, me, damrni, give me; faro and lo are made farol- sHnganncrd, &c. However, ci suffers no abbre- ITALIAN TONGUE. viation before a and It, in order to avoid a harsh pronunciation. 3. The words which have the ?rave acce^ps, diro.faro, feJicitn, Kc. are never abbreviatdpex- cept chi. Wltb its compounds, pnrhi, btncJii; siccJu; &c perch' 1 rra, fc.7J<7j" andas.t . 4. These six words, una, Ullo, srrhe and elisiou, they must be left to practice, or to arger treatises. This was thought enough for our present plan with young students. CHAPTER HI. NOUNS : Gender ; Number. I. GENDER. 1. Of noun*) in t, some are masculine, and some are feminine. 2. Nouns in o are masculine ; except la mano, the hand. 3. Nouns in i are feminine : except a few Greek nouns ; as U tema, the theme. ins in i are feminine ; except dl, day ; its compounds, luncdi, kc. and a few others. 5. Nouns in u are feminine. II. NUMBER. 1. General Rules. - dine nouns make their plural in t. Feminine nouns in a form it in e. Nouns in o or e fonn it in i. ending with an accented vowel, or with f or with te, are invariable ; except moglie, mogli. 2. Particular Rules. Masculine nouns change Sins: Plur. M sculine nouns change Sin sr. Plur. o into t fravllo fratclli 10 " J. tempio tempj to " na'.io na ij chio " chi ocihio occhi glio " do " ci periglio bacio perigli baci gio " ff» a-io agi aio " % pirtiniio portinaj ca " duca duchi CO " chi cuoco cnochi go « ghi luogo luoghi Many polysyllables in co and go, after a vowel, have ci and gi in the plural. Feminine nouns charge a in'o dra padre drammi padri Sing. Plur. a into e can case e " i madre marlri o " t mano mani cia " ce f.'iccia fncce gia J S* brage gia « ?ie bogle ga « ghe venrhe ca « che parca parche 10 ACCIDENCE OF THE Invariable Terminations. d e i ii Sing. Sf Plur. bonta pie crisi virtu te specie 3. . Exceptions. Sing. Dio Plur. Dei uomo bue uomini buoi Sing. Plur. miglio miglia migliaio migli.aia centinaio cemi'naia mille mila uovo nova legno legni, legne, legna gesto gesti, geste, gesta osso ossi, osse, ossa vestigio vestigi, vestige, vestigia Many nouns in o make the plural in a and i : as, anello anelli, anella The form in a in these nouns is feminine. CHAPTER IV. ARTICLES. The Italians have three definite articles, it, lo, la. Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative Singular. Masculine. Feminine. il del al il dal lo la dello della alio alia lo la dallo dalla Plural, efnminative i gli le Genitive dei or de' degli Dative ai or a J agli Accusative i gli Ablative dai or da' dagli the of the to the the from the the of the to the the delle alle le dalle from the I. The definite article il is used before masculine nouns which begin with a consonant.— Eook, libro. Singular. N. il libro G. del libro D. al libro A. il libro Ab. dal libro Plural. i libri dei or de' libri ai or a' libri i libri dai on- da' libri II. The definite article lo is used before mascu- line nouns which begin with an s followed by a consonant, and sometimes before nouns beginning with z. — Study, studio. Zeal, zelo. Singular. N. lo studio G. dello studio D. alio studio A. lo studio Ab. dallo studio Plural. gli st i id j degli sludj a&Ti studj. gli studj dagli studj III. The definite article la is used before feminine nouns which begin with a consonant. — House, casa. Singular. Plural. " N. la casa le case G. della casa delle case D. alia casa alio case A. la casa le case Ab. dalla casa dalle case IV. The article lo before a vowel. — Friend, amico. Singular'. Plural. N. l'amico gli amici G. dell' amico degli amici D. all' amico agfi amici A. l'amico gli amici^ Ab. dall' amico dagli amici V. The article la before a vowel. — Soul, dnima. Singular. Plural. N. l'anima le anirne G. dell' anima delle anime D. all' anima alle anime A. l'anima le anime Ab. dall' anima dalle anime VI. Nouns are also declined with the indefinite article uno, un, for the singular masculine, and una for the feminine : alcuni, m. and alcime, f. for the plural. The prepositions di, a, and da, are used in the in- direct cases. Di is made d' before a vowel, and a is made ad in the same circumstance j da suffers no change. ITALIAN TONGUE. 11 VII. Uno is used before masculine nouns, begin- ning with *, followed by another consonant. Sine- N. UQ ~ G. d'uuo scolare ■ A. un - Ab. da uno scolare Plural. alcuui - d'alcim - al alcu • - 'hri da alcuui icolari MIL l~7i is used before other masculine nouns. Singular. A T . un libro G. d'un libro D. ad uu libro A. un libro Ab. da un libro . feminine. Sin gul ar . K. una donna G. d'una donna D. a 1 una donna A. una Ab. da una ilonna Plural. ale-mi libri _ d'alcuni libri ad alcuui libri alcuui libri da alcuni libri Plural. alcune donne d'alcune donne ad alcune donne alcune donne da alcune donne is without an article .>re thus declined : Beginning with a cons G. d . D. il J. Roma Ah. da Roma Beginning rcilh a Avignone . i >ne a i Avi.rnone .ijnone N. G. I). JL Remarks.— \. The article lo is never a the plural, unless the following noun begin with an i. Therefore write _." instru~ .t gli avion, gli ■2. The article la is never abri Iged in the plural, unless the following word begin « i'h an e, as i\io~ j - nouns beginning with e, which end alike in the singnlar an I the plural, re- ceive the article. le without an ajxntropne. Thus write le < , -. to disling'ai^b it from its singular, Peffigie, the in - 3. Whenever the prepositions con, in, su, per, in the sense of with, in, up* n, f< r, or J y i the detini'e articles i7. /<>, la, they are altered, aa will be seen in the following table : — ml for in u ; ntllo for in lo, kc. The Italian words printed in Italics have become obsolete. Singular. Nel, nello ; nella, Plural. or ne ? , negli ; nelle, Col, colic j colla, Sul, tullo ; sulla, Pel, pdlo ; pella, Ab. da Avignone C r.ei o I in the \ coi or co\ con gli or co- \ z\\ ; oolle, with the (su'er sui, sugli ; sulle, \ upon the Spelli. pei or pe', per gli; \ pelle, for the As, ?j<-7 giardinn, ndlo fpirito, ihlla camera, (t, neUe COrnere, fee. 4. When the prepositions i», per and covi, and trticle ?<.■;. meet with a word beginning with an s followe 1 by a consonant, an j i> alii to the word, for the sokf of pronuncia'ion. There- t 1 of in strada, cent spaoento, nan stare, you will hud in istrada, con ispaocnto, run istart CHAPTER V. ADJECTIVES— COMPAUATiYF.S.— SITE! NATIVES.— AUGMENTA- TIVES.— DIMINUTIVES. j. — All the Italian adjectives enl either ; n ofr-rm their feminine sinru'ar masculine plural in i, and then B U '•ndinj in e. in the sing red in i, anl they have the masculine and feminine alikf in both i Dotto. ms. delta. (%. d Cortat, m. and f. sing, corttsi, m. and f. plur. civil. ys arree in gender and number wi h their sul - mart dotto e cortcse — una donna dotta e —donne di tte e rnrtcsi. ■ vcrdc ; i pratx me com] aratrva ■ no. less j , dear; fitk cam, dearer j 7iuno caro, less dear. 12 ACCIDENCE OF THE The particles via or vie ; assai, molto, in the sense of inuch, a great deal ; a e often added to comparatives, to increase their energy ; as, Cesare e stato via piu, or assai piu, or rnoUo piu, felice di Pompcio ; Caesar was nmch more fortunate than Pompey. La scrella k vie meno, or assai meno, or molto mono cstinata del fratello ; the sister is far less ob- stinate than the brother. The word than after comparatives, followed by an article, or a pronoun possessive, is expressed in Italian by del, ddlo, dclla, de\ degli delle, suitable to the gender and number of the noun ; as, VAsia e piu. popolata deW Europa; Asia is more populous than Europe. Quest o giardino e meno largo delV vostro ; this garden is not so large as yours. The word than not followed by an article, or be- fore proper names, is rendered by di ; as, Cicerone era piu. eloqnente di Hortensio ; Cicero was more eloquent than Hortensius. Sono meno ricco di voi. ; lam not so rich as you. When the comparison is made between adjec- tives, adverbs, verbs, or substantives, without arti- cles, than is rendered by che; as, Mia sorella e piu gentile che bella; my sister is 'more graceful than pretty. Qucsto mi dark piufatica che profitto ; this will give me more trouble than profit. Egli parlava piu, dottamente che garbatamente; he spoke more learnedly than politely. Superlatives. — The superlatives are formed by changing the last vowel of the adjective into issimo. with the variation of other adjectives in gender ana number ; as, Dott-o, learned ; dottissimo, dottissima, dottissi- mi, dottiisime, most learned. But if the article the be joined to most, then the superlative is expressed by il piu, la pia, i piu y le piu ; as, il piu. felice, la piu felice, i piu felici, Zfl piufelici; the happiest, or the most happy. Sometimes the repetition of the positive is enough to form a superlative ; as, II tempo e freddo freddo; the weather is very cold. Sofia e la bella delle belle ; Sophia is the finest woman in the world. Questo mi sembra tedioso tedioso ; I think this most tiresome. The following adjectives are irregular in the formation of their comparatives and superlatives: Positive. Comparative. Superlative. JBuono, good, miglidre, better, dttimo, the best. Cattivo, bad, peggiore, worse, pr'ssimo, the worst. Grande, great, maggiore, greater, mdssimo, the greatest. Piccolo, little, One may likewise say, pitigrande, piu cattivo, piu piccolo. Observe that meglio and peggio, in the sense of in a letter, in a worse manner, are adverbs, and cannot be joined to substantives. Therefore say, un migliore libro„2. better book ; un peggiore tern- perino, a worse penknife ; and not meglio, peggio. But say, fara meglio, fara peggio, he will do bet- ter, worse. Adverbs of the superlative degree are formed by chansing the last letter of the adjectives into issima- menie ; as from dotto, learned, is formed dottissi- mamentt; most learnedly ; from santo, holy, sari- tissimamente, most holily, &c. but this manner of expressing one's self must be used cautiously ; and, minirno, the least, instead of such long words, it is better to employ substantives. Thus, for eloquentissimamente, im> prudentissimamente ; say, rather, con massima eloquenza ; con grandissima imprudenza. Augmentatives and Diminutives.— -The signifi- cation of many nouns, both substantives and adjec- tives, may be either increased or diminished, by the addition of certain syllables to their termination. 1. The augmentatives, reducible to rules, are formed in one, m. ona, f. otto, m. otta, f. to signify bigness and stoutness, in a good sense. Likewise in accio, m. accia, f. to signify some- thing of a disgusting or contemptible bulk. The addition arm. expresses a great abundance of any thing. Libro, book ; librone, a very large book. Ragazza, f. a girl ; ragazzona, a stout, jolly girl. Casa, a house ; casotto, casotta, a good, roomy house. Sala, a parlour ; salotto, a good sitting room. Cavallo, a horse ; cavallaccio, a great u?ly horse. Casa, a house ; casaccia, an ugly, large house. Gente, people ; gentame, a great crowd of people. Observe that many nouns have a natural ending in accia. accio. and ame. without being augmentatives. Observe, also, that the augmentatives masculine often come from feminine nouns, as casone, m. from casa, f. 2. The diminutives, reducible to rules, are formed in ino, ello, etto, with the variations incident to ad- jectives and substantives in o; as,_ Carino, ms. carina, fs. carini, mp. carine, fp, dear, pretty little creature, or creatures. Poverellb, poverella, poverelli, poverelle, poor, lit- tle creature, or creatures. ITALIAN TONGUE. 13 Libretto, a pretty little Wk. Acqitctta, a clear, •mall stn 1 - utives denote, generally, endtarmad, at Other diminutives, ending chiefly in uoctb, uectd, and u::o, u:;n. indicate something small cr con- tempt;! !1, mean-looking house. y little fellow. Yet all these rules are liable to exceptions, which nothing but practice can teach ; f >r, besidi ruinations which we have just iriven for augmenta- tives an I diminutives, many other are Freely used in famiuar conversation, ana in books on light sub- jects. Thus, from demua. a woman ; casn, a house ; libro, a book ; may be formed the following aug- mentatives and dhninu i\e- : Dormant, a tall, stout, masculine woman. Doimmia, a tall, s'rons, heal'hful woman. Dvnnac^ia-, an impudent, shameless virago. Dontuuta, * pretty, little, prattling woman. Donmccxxri'.n. a mean-looking little woman. Donnicii.a, a pretty little woman. Donmccia, a vulgar w 'man. AwiMiiui'Jwe, a hnKL impudent, stout woman. . Casotte, a ve r y lar»e house, a mansion. Cataccxa, a large, ill-contrived house. Cnsamnito, a well-built, roomy house. t and oast Wre, a 1 irge, "ruinous house. Casolaricaa, a large, roofless, decayed house. Casitodoccia, a small, wretched house. Id and canupula, a small, despicable house. Casiic, a poor, thatched cottage. OsseUo, a small, low-built house. Casotta, a snug, comfortable house. CajJfrr, a snug house, a/so a neat kennel. Cascllina, a very little, but genteel house. Cas.ttmo, m. ensdtina, f. a neat, pretty cot. Casina, a very small house. Casino, a small, neat summer-house. Lilronc, a bulky, heavy book. Liiraccic, an u?ly, large book. Lilnrkolo and libercolo, a small, contemptible pamphlet. Libretto, a pretty, neat, little book. Librdliiw, a very little and pretty book. Litnriccino, a very small pamphlet. And so on, with thousands of other words, in all the range of humour and whims ; but few augment- atives and diminutives are admitted in a style strict- ly correct, beyond those in one, arne, acao, for in creas ; ng ; and those in ino } etto, tllo, for diminishing. CHAPTER VI. PRONOUNS Personal ; Possessive ; Relative ; Demonstrative ; Indeterminate. PRONOUNS PERSONAL. We present here together the pronouns personal, both conjunctive and disjunctive; upon which some ret marks will be made in the course of this chapter. Firs' Person, Singular. / . 1 Di mc, of me A we. mi, to me Me, mi, me Da me, from me SecondPerson, Singular. Tu. thou Di tc, of thee A t. . ft, 'n thee T . ti, thee Da tt, from thee Third P<»rvin. Masculine, Singular. Ezli. a, e\ rwo, he, it if him him Lni. lo. il. him, it Da lui, from him Plural. Noi, we Di noi, of us A noi, ci, ne, to us N i. ci. ne, us Da urn, from us Plural. Vox, you Di vi"!, of you A voi, vi, to you Voi, vi, vou Da voi, from you Plural. E'zlino, ex, e\ cssi, they Di loro. of them A, Irro. to them Lorn, gjj. li, them Da loro, from them 14 ACCIDENCE OF THE Third Person Feminine Singular. Ella, essa, she, it In Li, of her A lei, le, to her Lei, la, her, it Da lei, from her There are several other forms of this pronoun, chiefly poetical. Thus, ello, elii, el, H for egli ; clli Tlural. E'llcno, esse, they Di hro, of them A low, loro, to them Loro, le, them Da loro, from them and illino for eglino ; la, for ella ; elle for elleno; ello for lui ; elli for loro ; ella for lei ; and elle for loro, f. The reflected pronoun se, one's self, is of all genders and numbers : Di se, of one's self, himself, herself, itself, themselves A se, si, to one's self, him elf, herself, &c. Se, si, one's self, himself, herself, <&c. - Da se, from one's self, himself, herself, &c. This pronoun acquires slill more strength and elegance by the addition of stcsso, stcssa, stessi, stcsse, which are also ofren joined to the other personal pronouns : — per sc stcsso, per se stessa, per se stissi, per se stcsse, by himself, herself, &c. Lofaru da me gtesso, I will do it myself. With me, with thee, with himse'f, herself, &c. take the Latin turn, and are expressed by meco, te- co, seco. Esso is sometimes placed with the preposition con and a pronoun personal, and it is masculine and feminine, as is its plural cssi ; thus, cm esso lui, with him; con esso lei, with her; con essi loro, with them, men or women. UNION of the conjunctive pronouns mi, ti, si, gli, ci, vi, hro, with the pronouns lo, la, li, le, and ne, in the sense of some, a part of, of it, &c. Mclo mela meli mcle * da: a, he w Telo tela U'li tele '* mandcrn, he w G'iJo gliela glicli glide * darj, I will give it to him, &c. Selo stla seli sete * procurers, he will procure it to himself, &c. Celo cela eeli cele * direr, he will tell it to us, &c. Veto vela veli vele * procurero, I will procure it to you, &c. The ancients used gliele for glielo, gliela, glieli; and sometimes gliene for gliclo, gliela, glieli, and glide. In effecting this union, mi, ti, ci, stand vi, change the i into e, and become me, te, &c. ; gli is changed into glie; and loro remains the same ; as, Mene dark, he will give me some. Tene darn, he will give thee some. Sene procurero, he will get some. Gliene daj-d, I will give him or her some. Cciic darn, he will give us some. Vene darb, I will give you some. A T e promttto loro, I promise some to them. The place of loro, in the sense of to them, is always after the verb. In reading the following lines, you have only to suppose melo, mela, &c. to be in ihe place of the asterisks. — Thus : melo dara, telo dara, &c. he will give it to me, &c. give it to me, them to me, &c. send it to tin PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE. The articles show suffic ently the gender and number. Singular. Plural. 11 mio la mia i mici le mie, my, mine. II tuo la tua i tuoi le tue, thy, thine. II mo la sua i suoi le sue, his, her, its. II nostro la nostra i nostri le nostre, our, ours. II vosiro la vestra i vostri le vostrc, your, yours, II loro la loro i loro le loro, their, theirs. II mio lif/ro, my book. La sv.a casa, his or her house. Before nouns of rt-Ution, or quality, in the singu- lar number, the definite article is not wanted, but it must be used with the plural number ; as, Mia Borella, di mia sortlla, my sister. Vostro frattllo, di vostro fratelbo, your brother. I nostri libri, our books. Le nostre case, our houses. , But say, le mie sorelle, i vestri fratelli. The pronoun may, however, be transposed, and then the article is used ; as, il fratcllo mio, la sorella mia. ITALIAN TONGUE. 15 Observe also, that all ; Italian, always w ith the rs. MunoreBa er iovcs /ur hus- band and her brothers. PRONOUNS RELATIVE. Ail pronouns have a relative signification, but the following ones are peculiarly so called. Singular and Plural ; Masculine and Feminine. Che ; ai cite, di chi, or di cui ; a che, a c] i. or a cut ; da ch(^ or da chi ; that, who, which ; of a, la donna c/u vc- dete, the lady whom, Lbat, you see. // ngnore che viparlava, the gentleman "who, that, was speaking to you. IKbh du . raks that, which, he tnuzht. Le case che scrno larghe, the houses that, which, are large. Jh. cui. afer a uun, is susceptible of an elegant . /7 signore il di citi padre, or i'Z cut padre, or il padre di cut conesccte, the gentle- man whose father you know. PRONOUNS DEMONSTRATIVE. Quota, ms. quota, fs. qu-csti, nip. qutstc, fp. this, these. Qitc'lo, m. q-> ... f. that, those. tore, m. and f. this, these; he, she, they. Cohr. r .), ru. and f. that, those ; he, sh Qiicllo is made qud before a consonant: and i en cou'racte I gti, in the sense of qucllo, quelli, i? singular aod pluial. Qui an! In are sometimes aided to give more ■treugth to the pronouns ; as, qutsto qui, this one here; qucllo la, that one there. Quest i and qu:gli are often used in the singular La dama la di cui madre, or la cui madrc, or la rrwudr". di cui avete valuta, the lady whose mother you saw. / soldati al di cui capitano, or al cui capitano, or al capitano di cui parlammo, the soldiers to the captain of whom we spoke. Ii, or la quale, sing, i, o; le qxuiii, pi., who, which, is applied to persons or things. In interrogative phrases, cAtj who? is applied to persons, cAe, what? to things, and quale to either. number; as, quest i fit jclice, qucgli sfr/rtunato ; this man was nappy, and that unfortunate. Cotesto, cotesta, caUhti, cntcste, in the sense of this, tha . are s'ill in use; but crtcstui, this man, ro, these or hose, have become obsolete. Codcsto, cocusta, tec. is a corruption of cotosto. PRONOUNS INDETERMINATE OR INDEFINITE. Ogni. m. and f. sinz. each, every. — Tutto, tutta, tutti. tutte. signifies all, every one', a totality. Ciatc'n 7. c\ as. cunarc, aoiato. to love. . .. lieve. Third, in ire, ito, as, scnlnc, scntito, to hear. Of the ^erbs in erf, some have the e long, as, do! 're, vtrlrc, tenure ; and the others have it short, as, legger*, Krivere, jxrdcre; but their manner of being conjugated is not ali'ected by that. General Paradigm. 1. Am-are 2. C red -ere 3. Sent-ire ando 6ndo endo Imperfect. Preterite. Singular. fAm-o, \ Cred-o, ( Sent-o, r Am-ava, • (Stnt-iva, , Am-ai, ) Cred-ei, Future, y Sent-ii, C Am-ero, ■2 Cred-ero, ( Sent-iro, C Am-erei, Conditional. < Cred-erei, (^Sent-irei, ;Am-i, Cred-a, Sent-a, {Am-assi, Cred-essi, Sent-issi, avi, evi, ivi, asti, esti, esti, isti, erai, erai, irai, eresti, eresti, iresti, ato, ins. uto ito 1 INDICATIVE. &va'; eva ; iva; 6; e; ette ; \; era; era; ira; ereobe ; crebbc ; irebbe ; PARTIOTLE PAST. ata,/c. ati, mp. iamo, iftmo, iamo, avamo, evamo, iva mo, .'iiiimo, em mo, emmo, lmnio, eremo, eremo, iremo, cremmo, er^mmo, iremmo, SUBJUNCTIVE, OR POTENTIAL, amo, iamo, iamo, assi, assc; assi mo, e-si, esse; Assimo, Issi, isse ; issimo, isse; IMPERATIVE. Sent-i, ia:no, iamo, iamo, ate, 6\e, ite, ate, f : j. ute ite ate, ano ete. ono ite, ono avate, avano evate, evano ivate, ivano aste, arono este, e>ono ? ettero £ este, iste, irono erete, eranno erete, eranno irete, irinno ereste, erebbero ereste, erebbero ireste, irebbero iate, ino iate, ano iate, ano aste, assero este, essero iste, issero I. Regular Conjugation in &re, &to, through all its Moods, Tenses, and Persons INFINITIVE. Present. Amarp. to love, to like. Gerund, Amando. on ain/m-. coll' amlre. in amare, nell' amare, loving, in loving. Part. past. Amato, amata, auiati, amate, loved. 20 ACCIDENCE OF THE INDICATIVE. Present. Imperfect. Preterite. Future. Condit. To, Amo, Aina-va, Ani-ai, Anie-r6, Ame-rei, tu, ami, vi, asti, rai, resti, egli; ama; va: ra; rebbe ; not, amiamo, vamo, ammo, remo, remmo, voi, amate, vate, aste, rete, reste, e.glino. amano, vano, arono, ranno, rebbero, Hove, J did love, I loved. I shall love. 1 would love. SUBJUNCTIVE, OR POTENTIAL. Present. Preterite. CK> to, Ami, Ania-ssi, che tu, ami, ssij cA' e u,li ; ami ; sse; che noi, amiamo, ssimo, che voi, amiate, ste, ch? eglino. amino, ssero, I may love, I might love. IMPERATIVE. Ama tu, love thou; ami egli, let hm love; amiamo noi, let us love; amate voi, love ye; amino eglino, let them love. All the verbs Vb are are conjugated like amare, except andare, to go, fare, to do, dare, to give, and stare, to remain, with me verbs ending in care and gare, as, peccare, to sin, pagare, to pay, which will be noticed in their proper place. II. Regular Conjugation in ere, uto. Present. Credere, to believe, to think. Gerund. Credendo, con credere, col credere, in credere, nel credere, believing in, believing. Part. past. Creriuto, erediita, creduti, crediite, believed. INDICATIVE. Present. Imperfect. Preterite. Future. Condit. lo, Credo, Crede-va, C Cred-ei, I Cred-etli, Crede-r6j Crede-rei, tu, credi, vi, est'i, esti, rai, resti, egli ; crede ; va; e; ette ; ra; rebbe ; not, crediamo, vamo, emmo, emmo, remo, remmo, voi, credete, vate, este, este, rete, reste, eghno. credono vano erono ettero ranno rebbero SUBJUNCTIVE, OR POTENTIAL. Present. Preterite, Ch> io, Cred-a, Crede-ssi, che tu, a, ssi, cA' egli ; a; ~ sse j IMPERATIVE che noi, iamo, ssimo, che voi, iate, ste, ch? eglino. ano ssero Credi tu, believe thou; creda egli, let him believe; crediamo noi, let us believe; credete voi, Idieveye; tredano eglino, let tliem believe. III. Regular Conjugation in ire, ito. INFINITIVE. °resent. Sentire, to hear, feel, perceive. Gerund. Sen'endo, con sentire, col sentire, in sentire, nel sentire, hearing, in hearing. Part. past.. Sentito, sentita, sentiti, sentite, heard. ITALIAN TONGUE. 21 INDICATIVE, Imperfect. Preterite, Fuhtre. CondiL Sento, Senti-va, Sent-ii. Senti-rb. Senti-rei, tu, egli ; senti, sente ; vi, va; isti, 1; rai, ra ; resti rebbe , riot, sentiamo, van 10, immo, nil in, remmo, wot ? sentite, Vate, iste, red-, reste, eglino, sentono vano irono latino rebbero SUBJUNCTIVE, OR POTENTIAL. Present. Ch'io, Sent-a, tUf egh ; a. a ; noi, iamo, wot, iate, eglino. ano Preterit* Senti-ssi, ssi, sse; ssimo, ste, ssero IMPERATIVE. Sent! tu, hear thou; senta, egli, let him hair ; sentiamo noi, let us hear ; sentite voi, hear ye; sentano eglino, let them hear. Conjugation of Verbs in isco. Among the verbs of the third conjugation, ending in ire, many are irregular in the present of the indica- tive and subjunctive, and likewise in the imperative. All their other tenses are like sentire; and these wa present here by their first person singular only. INFINITIVE. Blandlre, blandendo, blandito, to caress. INDICATIVE. Present. Plandfsco, blandisci, blandisce ; blandiamo, blandite, blandiscono. Imperfect, SfC Blandiva ; blandii ; blandiro j blandirei. Present. Preterite. SUBJUNCTIVE, OR POTENTIAL. Blandisca, blandisca, blandisca ; blandiamo, blandiate, blandiscano. Blandissi, blandissi, blandisse, &c. IMPERATIVE. Blandisci tu, blandisca egli ; blandiamo noi, blandite voi, blandiscano eglino. Many of the verbs in ire. isco, end likewise in are, o; as, colorare. and colorire, to colour ; indurare and hidurire, &c to harden. — Poets do not always observe the irregularity in isco, aud they write equally offro, and offerisco, mugge and muggisce, langice and languisce, fere and f'erisce, &c. Conjugation of a Reflected and Reciprocal Verb. Reflected and reciprocal verbs are conjugated alike in Italian. St, joined to the infinitive, answers to one's self; and the persons in the other moods are expressed as follows : Sing, mi, ti, si ; myself, thyself, himself, herself. Plural, ci, vi, si ; ourselves, yourselves, themselves. They seldom have the addition of the pronouns to, tu, egli, noi voi, eglino. INFINITIVE. Divertirsi, to umtise ones self. Divertendosi, amusing, or in amn/nng one's self . Divertitosi, having amused cnxe\ self. INDICATIVE. Present. I amuse myself, kc. Sing, mi diverto, ti diverti, si diverte. PI. ci divert iamo, v» divertite, si divertono. And so on with the other tenses — mi divertiva ; mi divertii ; mi di vertiro ; mi diverting ; ch'io mi diverta ; eh'io mi diverti ssi, ic 22 ACCIDENCE OF THE IMPERATIVE. Divertiti, amuse thyself; divertasi, let him amuse himself; diverbainoci, let us amuse ourselves, divertitevi, amuse yourselves ; divertansi, let them amuse themselves. The compound tenses are conjugated with the verb essere : I have amused myself, &c. Sing, mi sono divertito; ti sei divertito; s' e divertito. Plur. ci siamo divertiti, vi siete diveniti, si sono divertiti.— And so for the other tenses : m'era divertito ; mi fui divertito J mi saro divertito, kc— For the feminine: mi sono divertita ; ci siamo divertite. RemarJis on here is, there is, 8fc. The English adverbs here and there are expressed in Italian by ci and vi. Ci is commonly used whea we speak of a place in which we are, and vi of a place in which we are not, as will appear in the follow- ing scheme : C e, ci sono, there is, there are ; her", is, here are. C era, c' erano, there was, there were. Vi fu, vi furono, there has been, there haoe been. Vi sara, vi saranno, there will be, sing, and pi. C era stato, c' erano stati^ there had been. V era stato, v' erano stati, there hod been. C e ? ci sono ? is there ? are there ? C era ? c ; ? was there ? v^ere there ? C era stato ? c' erano stati ? had there been ? V e ? vi sono ? is there ? are there ? V era ? v' erano ? was there ? ujere there ? V era stato ? v' erano stati ? had there been ? Non c' e, non ci sono, there is not, there are not. Non c' era, non c' erano, there was not, there were not. Non c' era stato, non c' erano stati, there had not been. Non v* e, non vi sono, there is net, there are not. Non v' era, non v' erano, there was not, there were not. Is on v' era stato, non v' erano star:, there had not been. Non c' e ? non ci sono ? is not there ? are not there ? Non v' era ? non v y erano ? vjos not there ? were not there ? Non vi fit ? non vi furono ? has not there been ? have not there been ? Non v' era stato r &c. &c. had not there been ? &c. &c. The tone of the voice marks the difference between a simple affirmation or a negation, and an interrogap tion. Thus :— C e del -pane, there is some bread. C e del pane ? is there any bread ? Non •»' erano molte donne nel giardino, there were not many ladies in the garden. lion v' erano rnolte donne nel giar- dino ? were there not many ladies in the garden ? Remarks on the verb hisognare, in the sense o/must and ought. The verb bisognare is an impersonal verb of extensive use in Italian ; and its correspondent English verbs, must and ouzht, not being impersonal, beginners fall into constant mistakes. To avoid this, let the Eng- lish phraseolorr. / must sro. you must go, he must go, &c. be turned into it must thai I go, it must thai ymi go, it must chat he goes, &c. and then the following exaicples will be readily understood and applied. Bisogna ch' io eli parli, I must speak to him. Bisogna ch' imparia^e queslo, you must learn this. Bisognerebbe ch' io lo facessi. I should do it. Ci bisogna morire. we must die. Vi bisognava ve lerlo. you 'night to have seen him. Bisognera ch' egli mi paghi, he must pay me. We see by these examples, that che, after this impersonal verb, requires the subjunctive. ITALIAN TONGUE. 23 Detached Remarks on Verbs. 1. The Italians use frequently the infinitives of verbs, instead of nouns substantives, for the mascu- line singular; as. il sua parlare m'annoia, his con- versation tires me j alio spuntar del giomo, at the break of day ; il ptangere iiasce soventc dal ridere, tears often spring fiom laughter. 2. The infinitive is frequently used instead of the imperative, in negative phrases, chiefly in speaking to inferiors, or in poetry ; as, non dir qucstu alia moglie, do not tell this to your wife; non chiudkre tl stno alia pieta, do "not shut your breast to com- passion ; non ti lasciar vvneere dalV ira, do not let yourself be conquered by anger. 3. The participle passive, conjugated with mere, agrees always w ith its nominative ; as, la virtu e lodata, ma. il vizio e tcnuto a vile, virtue is praised, but vice is despised. The participle conjugated with avert agrees generally with its accusative, when it is placed after that accusative ; but it remains in the masculine singular, when it precedes its accusative ; as, ho ri- crmto la vostra lettcra, I have received your letter j la letiera clit ho ricevuta, the letter which I have -received. Avcvano fatto grau cose, they had done great things j le pan cose che avevano fatte, the great things which they had done. The participles present havi7ig and being, joined in English to a participle past, are elegantly omitted in Italian ; as, dctto qucsto, usci dalla ca- mora, having said that, he went out of the room ; finita la prcdica, uscimmo dalla chiesa, the ser- mon being over, we left the church ; vedutolo, hav- ing seen him. Likewise, when, as soon as, or such like ex- pressions, are not expressed in Italian, when they meet in English with the verb to have, or to be, joined to a participle past ; as, fatto ch' ebbe, as soon as he had done ; pranzato ch J avemrno, when we had dined j venuti che furono, as soon as they were come. 4. The pronoun they, when used in the indeter- minate sense of one, we, people, men, it is, it was, &c, is rendered in Italian by si ; but by se, when it meets with ne; and the verb is put in a reflected form, either singular or, as happens to he the noun to which it relates. — Sometimes the Italians employ a passive turn, peculiar to their language, with the help of the verb essere, which is often sup- plied by venires— Let the following examples be carefully observed : Si dice cosl ; Si dicono molte cose ; Si dira, or dirassi che 1'avete insultato ; Si loda l'uomo modes- toj Si lodano gli uomini modesti ; Amasi, or si ama d'es- sere onorato ; Sieguansi i grandi esem- Mi si domanda uno scu- do; Mi si domandauo tre ghinee ; Che si dira di voi se fate cio? Si direbbe, or direbbesi che siete uno spende- reccio ; Se ne sapra qualche co- sa; Non se ne parla ; Cene sara parlato ; Mi vien detto da molti ; Vene verra scritto ; Siete domandato 5 Mi fii dato un libro ; Ci fu scrittaunalettera; Vi saranno mandate molte lettere ; many It is said so. People report things. They xoill say that you insulted him. One praises a modest man. Modest men are praised. One likes to be esteem.' ed. Let us follow great ex- amples. They ask me five shil~ lings. They ask me three guin- eas. What will be said of you if you do so ? Oru would say that you are a spendthrift. We shall hear some- thing of it. People say nothing of it. They will speak of it to y many I was told s people. They will write it to you. Somebody asks for you. J received a book. They wrote a letter to xts. You will receive many letters. IRREGULAR VERBS. The following observa'k.ns will greatly facilitate the general system of the Italian irregular verbs. 1. When a verb is irregular in the present of the indicative, it is always so in the present of the sub- junctive, and in the imperative. 2. Verbs are irregular chiefly in the present of the indicative, the preterite of the same mood, and the participle past. 3. Some verbs in n/re, We, long, and in aire, and likewise some in nere and cere short, contracted in orre and urre, form their future and conditional in rrb and rrei ; as, tenire, ttrrb, terrei : volere, vor- rb, vcr/rei ; venire, verrb, verrei ; porre, porrb, poT" rri ; condurre, condiarb, condurrei, &c. &c. — Fare, dare, start, take arb, arei, instead of era, erei, in their future and conditional ; faro, f arei, &c. 4. Most of the verbs ending in We and nere long, and in lire, and nire, take "a g in their present tenses and in the imperative; as, tenure, to hold, tengo, tenga ; doWe, to grieve, dolgo, doga ; sa- tire, to leap, salgo, saiga ; venire, to come, vengo, venga. 5. Some verbs in rare and n're drop the letter r in their present tenses and in the imperative ; as, 24 - ACCIDENCE OF THE parc're, paio, to appear ; mcrire, moio, and muoio, Thus, when you have cresco, cuoco, andassi, &c, to die. you have only to observe their proper tenses in the Caution. — In the tenses wherein will be found paradigm, and you will readily form cresco, cresd, the first person singular only, the others may be crtsce, &c. &c. formed easily by the General' Paradigm (p.rge'l9.) I. Irregular Verbs in are, care, gare. Andare, dare, fare, stare, and the verbs ending in care and gare, are the only irregular of the first con- jugation. Infinitive. Gerund. Participle. 1. Andare, andando, andato, to go. Ind. Vado or vo, vai, va ; andiamo, andate, vanno. Andava. Andai. Andrb or anderb. Andrei or anderei. Sub. Ch' io vada, vada, vada ; andiamo, andiate, vadano and vadino. Andassi. Imp. Va, vada j andiamo, andate, vadano. 2. Dare, dando, dato, to give. Ind. Do, dai, da ; diamo, date, danno. Dava. Died* or detti, desti, diede or dette or die j demmo, deste, diedero or dettero or dierono. Darb. Darei. Sub. Ch' io dia, dia or dii, dia ; diamo, diate, diano or diino. Dessi. Imp. Da, dia j diamo, date, diano. 3. Fare, facendo, fatto, to do. Ind. Fo, fai, fa; facciamo, fate, fanno. Faceva. Feci, facesti, fece ; facemmo, faceste, fecero. Farb. Farei. Sub. Ch' io faccia. Facessi. Imp-. Fa, faccia ; facciamo, fate, facciano. 4. Stare, stando, stato, to be, to live, to stop Ind. Sto, stai, staj stiamo, state, stanno. Stava, Stetti, stesti, stette ; stemmo, steste, stettero. Starb. Starei. Sub. Ch' io stia. Stessi. Imp. Sta, stia ; stiamo, state, stiano. The verbs in care and gare take an A in the tenses where the c or g should otherwise meet before c or t. Infinitive. Gerund. Participle. Peccare, peccando, peccato, to sin. Pregare, pregando, pregato, to pray. Pecco, peccfti, pecca ; peccftiamo, peccate, peccano. Prego, pregfti, prega ; pre^riamo, pregate, pregano. Pecc/ierb, pecc/terei^ preg/ierb, preg/terei, &c. &c. II. Irregular Verbs in ere long. Ob. There are hut four verbs in he long, which are irregular in their participles ; namely, partre, par so i persuadere, persuaso; rimansre, rimaso ; solire, sodto. All the others make their participle in uto. N. B. Let this remark be attentively considered.— The third person singular and the third person plura tf the preterite tense of the indicative, are formed fiurn the first person singular of that same tense j but ITALIAN TONGUE. 25 the second person singular, and (he first and sxond persons plural, are commonly formed from the in- finitive ; as, from n . \c. fee, arc formed, T>olsi, doletti, d cada tr cirria. Cadaad. blip. Cadi, cada or caggiaj ra>lianio, cadete, cadano. 2. Dolersi, dolcndosi, dolutosi, to complain, to ache, Ind. Mi dolzo or doglio, ti duoli, si duole j ci dogliamo, vi dolete, si dogliono or dolgono. Doleva. Dol- si, doletti, he. Dnrro. D^rrei. Sub. Ch' io mi dolia or dozlia. Dolessi. Imp. Duoliti, dolgasi ; dogliamoci, dolotevi, dolgansi. 3. Dovere, dovendo, dovuto, to owe. Ind. Devo or debbo or dezgio, devi, deve ; dobbiamo, dovete, debbono or deggiono or deono. Doveva. D-ivei Of dovetti, OoVesti, &c. Dovrb. Dovrei. Sub. Ch' io debba. Dt Imp. Devi, debba; dobbiamo, dovete, debbano. 4. Giacere, giacendo, giaciuto, to lie down. Ind. Giaccio, ziaci, giace; giacciamo, giacete, giacciono. Giaceva. Giacqui, giacesti, &c. Giacerb. Giacerei. Sub. Ch' io giaccia. Giacessi. Imp. Giaci, giaccia ; giacciamo, giacete, giacciano. 5. Tacere, tacendo, taciuto, to be silent. Taccio. Taceva. Tacqui, tacestl, &c, like giaafre. 6. Piacere, piacendo, piaciuto, to please. Piaccio. Piaceva. Piacqui, piacesti, &c. like giacere. 7. Sapere, sapendo, saputo, to know. Ind. So, sai, sa ; sappiamo, sapete, sanno. Sapeva. Seppi, sapesti, &c. Saprb. Saprei. Sub. Ch' io sappia. Sapessi. Imp. Sappi, sappia j sappiamo, sapete, sappiano. 8. Potere, potendo, potuto, to be able. Ind. Posso, puoi, pub ; possiamo, potete, possono. Poteva. Potei and potetti, potesti, pote, &c. Potrb. Potrei. Sub. Ch' io possa. Potessi.— (No imperative.)— Potcrd and poterei are the future and conditional of the verb polare, to prune vines. 9. Volere, volcndo, voluto, to be willing, to wish, bid, Xoz\\n y vuoi, vaiole ; VOgUamo, volete, vosdiono. Voleva. Volli, volesti, kc. Vorrb. Vorrei. Sub. Ch' io roglia. VoleasL — (No imperative.) — Voltrb and volerei are the future and conditional of the verb wlare, to fly 26 ACCIDENCE OE THE 1". Persuadere, persuadendo, persuaso, to persuade. imp. Persoadi, persuada j persuad-iamo, ebe, ano. . teneDdo, tenuto, to hold. /••.:'. Terr: '::_:.'.:;:; ■:_.:.: .eze.e.. :err:r:. Te- evs. Tenni. tenesti, Aa Trrr:. TerrfL i.-_, ^_ ;: ~r..::.. '--~' :er_T3 : reriaxi:. "7__l 7. renraiij. _7_r;:;, ." '_' : .. _ : '7_7 7. "t. . imanere, rimanendo, rimaso, 0:710! rimasto, to stay. End. Rjmangn, rimani, rimane ; ri mania mo, riioanete, rimangono. Rimaneia. Rlmasi, rimanesti, &c Sub. Ch" k> rimang-a. a. a : rimaniair. : nan essi . . "_-. RL^-ir-i. ri. T .:.' p. : r: . -' .~lr.. r . M . r," ve.e. r.T.' .rrc:', 13. Parere, parendo, parso, to ufpear. End. Rio and paro, pari, pare ; paiamo, parete, paiono. Pareva. ParvL paresU kc. Parrb. raxreL i : :■ . ; ■_. ri: ;-.: : i \..." _ " ■ ^ 7:_. : "7 '; . ; : e.: -.i>r"_ : r_ ; r r; : ^_L.> : ii. •.:v.:-;. :: " _. : r" ;.-•;.: _ : ■:■ v.' zartfpan '.:~:. hjBj I: :7r:_i :: ;:_ :: r_e. :: __! sec 14, Solere, solexido, solito, to be used. Bad. Soglio, soolL, sqojs : sogliaino. Hide, eqgliano. Solera :- en >:":::. eri solito, &c — and so of all the other tenses win : b ire ::-.: -_-.; -_:e: :' the verb enoe and tt . : o. m. solita, t . thus Sir: s:...:: : sire; s:li-_o : :i .: :-.i soliic : ch' io fossis:'-- 15. Yalere, ralendo, vaiuto, to be worth. End. Vadic, Tali, vale ; Tagliamo, valeie, vagliDno. Valeva, "• r alsa, Talesti, &c Varrd. Varrei. 16. Vedeie, vedendo, veduto, afti visto, to see. .*••.:' ' r. -z\-_\z, ve::_: :. .:..' Tin:..' h> ioTcdaond — .•.-- I -;_• -V. . " 7 '.I ■ -.-.. ". Tt:':":. T-;\^:. The c ompound vats follow flie conjugation of fteir simple : a3, nvedire, like oedere, fee. III. C/iie/ Irregular Verbs in ere, sAort. All the irregular verbs in a* short are reducible to one of Die fallowing terminatiorts in their infinitive i 1. Cere \ preterite ssi, si, bi f qui: participle to, uto. htfvmtvot. Preterite. Par: C .- --ere cosi K ' fo cook P '. . :ere r. ".--?: (warding) — - - - i. C --.--: ere oonoscinto — know C :e: :ere it-:':. : cresciuto — grow ."iKr.-e Bneoni :.-■.-: — It Urn ITALIAN TONGUE. 27 Infinitive, Preterite. Participle, Nuocere Torcere Vincere nocqui torsi vinsi noeiuto torto vinto to hurt — twist — conquet Urre, and sometimes ur only, contracted from cere ; as, addurre, and addur, from adducere ; preterite ssi, future, rrd, participle tto. Preterite, Future. Participle, Infinitive. Addurre Condurre Dedurre Indurre Intro-durre Produrre Ricond-urro RiduiTe Sedurre Trad urre addussi Ocdussi dedu>si indussi — dussi produssi — ussi ridussi seJussi trad ussi Future. addurrb condurrb dedurro indurro — durro produrrd — urro rid urro sedurro trad urro addotto to bring — conduct condotto dedotto — infer indotto — induce — dotto — U ad in prodotto — produce —otto — lead bach. ridotto — reduce sedotto — seduce tradotto — translate 3. Vere ; preterite si, ssi ; participle so, sso, to. Infinitive. Alludere Applaudere Ardere Assidere Chiedere Chiudere Decidere Deludere Deridere Dividere Escludere Xncidere Includere Mordere Perdere Radere Ridere Rodere TJccidere Concedere Succedere Preterite. allusi applausi arsi assisi chiesi chiusi decisi delusi derisi dlvisi esclusi incisi inclusi morsi persi rasi risi rosi uccisi concessi successi Participle. alluso applauso arso assiso chiesto chiuso deciso deluso deriso diviso escluso iuciso incluso morso perso and perduto raso riso roso ucciso concesso successo to allude — applaud — burn — besiege — ash — shut up — decide — deceive — mock — divide — exclude — cut — include — bite — lose — shear — laugh — gnaw — kiU — grant — succeed The verb cedere, to yield, is regular. 4. Ndere ; preterite si ; participle eso, uso, osto, uto, to. Infinitive. Preterite. Participle Accendere accesi acceso to light Appendere appesi appeso — hang Arrendere arresi arreso — surrender Ascend ere ascesi asceso — go up Ascondere ascosi ascoso and ascosto -hide Attend ere attesi atteso — attend Contendere confusi confuso — confound Contendere contesi conteso — dispute — defend Difendere difesi difeso Dipendere dipesi and dipendei dipeso and dipenduto ■"depend 28 ACCIDENCE OF THE Infinitive. Preterite Participle. Discendere discesi disceso to descend Distendere distesi distesL — stretch Fondere fusi f uso and fonduto — melt Impendere impesi impeso i and Lmpenduto — hang on Intendere intesi inteso — hear, learn Nascondere nascosi nascosc > and nascosto — conceal Offendere offesi oft'eso — offend Prendere presi preso — take Pretendere pretesi preteso — pretend Rendere resi reso and renduto — render Rispondere risposi rispostc ) — answer Scendere scesi sceso — come down Scindere scinsi scinto — separate Sorpreiidere sorpresi sorpreso — surprise Sospendere sospesi sospeso — suspend Spandere spansi spanso and spanto — spill, scatter Spendere Tendere spesi tesi speso teso — spend, employ — stretch, lead to Tondere tosi and tondei tonduto — shear Fendere, to cleave, and pendere, to hang, are regular. 5. Gere and ggere ; preterite si , ssi ; ; participle so, to 9 tto. Infinitive. Present. Preterite. Participle. Cingere cingo cinsi cinto to gird Costringere costringo costrinsi costretto — compel Dipignere dipingo dipinsi dip into — describe Ergere ergo ersi erto and eretto — lift up Fingere fingo finsi finto —feign Giugnere giungo giunsi giunto — ccnne to Mergere mergo mersi merso — plunge Piangere piango piansi pianto — weep Pingere pingo pinsi pinto — paint Porgere porgo porsi porto — present Sorgere sorgo sorsi sorto — spring out Spargere spargo sparsi sparso and sparto — spread Spingere spingo spinsi spinto — thrust Sporgere sporgo sporsi sporto — stretch out Volgere volgo volsi vol to — turn Ungere ungo unsi unto — anoint Correggere correggo corressi corretto — correct Figgere figgo fissi fitto — fix, secure Friggere friggo frissi fritto —fry Leggere leggo lessi letto — read Proteggere proteggo protessi protetto — protect Reggere reggo ressi retto — rule Struggere struggo strussi strutto — wear out The letter g is often transposed in many verbs of this class ', as, piagnere, pignere, cignere, spignere, for piangere, pingere, cingere, spingere, &c. 6. Oliere ; preterite Isi ; participle It o. Verbs of this class contract oflen gliere into rre, and even into r alone j as, corre, cor, for cogliere; then the future ends in rrb, and the conditional in rrei ; as, Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Cogliere, corre, and cor j colsi, colto, to gather Ind. Coglio and colgo, cogli, coglie ; cogliamo, cogliete, cogliono and colgono. Coglieva. Colsi, cogl- iesti, &c. Corro Correi. ITALIAN TONGUE. Sub. Ch' io, cojlia. and col?a. CogUod. Imp. Cogli, co^lia, and colga ; cogliaino, cogliete, cogliano. So are conjugated 29 Infinitwe Preterite. Participle. Accogliere, acconr, accor acc->lsi accolto to welcome, distorre, distor distolsi distolto — remove iere, raccorre, raccor raccolsi raccolto — gather Sc '.liere, scerre, seer scelsi seel to — choose Scio;!iere, Kioire, scior sciolsi sciolto — untie Stogliere,storre, stoi stolsi stolto — take off Togliere, torre, tor tolsi tolto — lay hold 7. Guere ; preterite nsi; participle nto. Infi7iitive. Present. Preterite. Participle Distinguere di-tinguo distinsi distinto to note Estinguere estir.guo estinsi estinto — putout 8. Lcre j preterite Isi ; participle to, so. Infinitive Present. Preterite. Participle. Ave! Iere avello avelsi avulso and aveltc \ to root out Colere colo colsi colto — reverence Disvellere disvello disvelsi disvelto — pull out Espellere cspello espuhi espulso — expel Sveikre svello svelsi svelto — pluck up 9. .Mere ; preterite ssi, si ; participle sso, to. Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Comprimere compressi compresso to keep undo Espnnsere espressi espresso — express Imprimere inipressi impresso — impress Opprimere oppressi oppresso — oppress Reprimere repressi represso — restrain Assumere assunsi assunto — take up Consumere consunsi consunto — consume Presumere presunsi presunto — presume Redimere redensi redento — redeem The verb premcre, to press, is regular : premo ; premei, premctti, and prcssi; premuto. 10. Were contracted into orre ; preterite si j participle sto. Verbs of this class contract ncre into crre, and even into or alone ; as, porrc, per, instead oipanert. The future ends in rrj, and the conditional in rrei ; as, Infin ; tive Preterite Participle Ponere, porre, and por posi posto to put Ind. Pongo, poni, pone ; poaiamo and ponghiamo, ponete, pcugono. Poneva. Posi, ponesti, he Porro. Porrei. Sub. Ch' io ponga. Ponessi. Imp. Poni, ponga \ poniamo, ponete, pongano. , to compete — dispose — replace So are conjugated Infinitive. Present. Preterite. Future. Participle Comporre Disporre Riporre coni; disj npoDgo dispnsi riposi comporro disp'urb riporio composto disposto ri[)osto 30 ACCIDENCE OF THE Infinitive. Present. Preterite. Future. Participle. Fraporre frapongo fraposi fraporro fraposto to interpoH Opporre oppongo opposi opporrd opposto — oppose — delay Posporre pospongo posposi posporrb posposto 11. Pere ; preterite pi ; participle tto. Infinitive. Present. Preterite. Participle. Rompere rompo ruppi rotto to break Corrompere corrompo corru[ -pi corrotto — spoil — disturb Interrompere ! iuterrompo interrupf li interrotto Prorompere prorompo proruppi prorotto — -rush out 12. Rere', preterite si ; participle so. Infinitive. Present. Preterite. Participle. Correre corro corsi corso torv.n Aceorrere accorro accorsi accorso — run to Coucorrere concorro concorsi concorso — run together Discorreie discorro discorsi discorso — discourse 13. Tere ; preterite si, ssi ; participle to, so, and sso. Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Assistere assisti and assistei assistito to assist Avertere aversi and avertei averso and avertito — turn off Connettere connessi connesso — i unite Consistere consisti and consistei consistito — consist Discutere discussi discussd — examine Genuflettere getiurlessi insistei and insisti genuflesso — kneel Insistere insistito — insist Mettere misi messo — put Percuotere percossi percosso — strike Promettere prounisi promesso — promise Resistere resistei and resisti resistito — resist Riflettere rilessi riflesso — reflect Riscuotere riscossi riscosso — receive Scuotere scossi scosso — shake off. 14. Vere ; preterite ssi, si ; participle to, tto, sso. Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Asciolvere asciolsi asciolto to take a luncheon Ascrivere ascrissi ascritto — impute Assolvere assolsi assoluto and assolto — absolve Dissolve re dissolsi dissolto — dissolve Movere or muove mossi mosso — move Ri solvere risolsi risoluto — resolve Piovere (imp. verb) piove and piovve piovuto — rain Scrivere scrissi scritto — write Solvere solvei and solsi sol u to — untie Soscrivere soscrissi soscritto — subscribe Vivere vissi vissuto and vivuto — live 15. Bere.- -The verb bevere, to drink, Infinitive. Gerund. Participle. a regular verb, conjugated like cre- Bere beendo bevuto, to drink. dere ; but it is often contracted in the following manner :— Ind. Beo, bei, beej beviamo, beete, beono. Beeva. Bevvi, beestij bevve; beemmo, beeste, bevvero. Berb. Berei. ITALIAN TONGUE. 31 Mb Ch'i ' '.'.'. and l ewa. B \\> -i. Imp. Bei, . beano. This contraction Ins BOmethiOg uncouth, and is not ad tpb i . era ; the regular form is ■ira'ble. Abe \ to suck . kted like credere j 16. -flrrc ; contracted from verbs in er«. Verbs of tills kin! take commonly a double gg in the present of the indicative and subjunctive, and in the imperative; the preterite is made mi, the participle tto, the future rrd f and Uie conditional Infinitive. Preterite, Participle. Trarre and traere trassi tratto, to draw Ind. Trao ondtraggo, trai, traej traiamo and traggbiamo, traete, traono and traggono. Traeva, Trassi, tra.sti, ftc Trarrb. TrarreL i raessi. Imp. Trai, tragga ; traiamo and traggbiamo, traete, traano and iniggano. So are conjugated its compounds : Infinitive. Preterite. Participle. Attrarre at trassi attratto to attract Contrarre contrassi contratto — contract Distrarrs iistrassi distratto — takeoff Ritrarre ritrassi ritra'to — draw oat Sottrarre sottrassi sottratto — subtract IV. Irregular Verbs in ire. fnfin. Gerund. Pret. Part. I Dire, dicendo, dlssi, detto, £o say or ieZZ. Ind. Dico, dici. dice ; dirhmo, dite. dicono. Di- Dii-o. Direi. I «ssi. : diciamo, dite, dicano. Its chief comp >un Is are, in oppose ; ridin, to repeat j makdirc, to curse. 2. Monro, morendo, morii, morto,£o die. Ind. Moro and muoin, mori, more ; moriamo, morite, morono. and muoiono. Moriva. Morii, moid, kc. Morro and moriro. Morrei arid morirei. Ch' in mora and muoia. Morissi. Imp. Mori, mora; moriamo, morite, morano and mnoMno. The future and conditional morrb and morrei, are preferable to moriro and mc/rirci. — Mmsi and mnrso are the preterite and participle of mordere, to bite. 3. Salire, salendo, salii, salito, to go up. - r^and «-iilio. sali. sale ; sizliamo, salite, saljnno and aagliono. Saliva. Salii. salisti, &c, . \c Salirb. Salirei. :\ and saglia. Saliasi. Imp. Sal i, saiga ur saglia; sagliamo, salite, sal- gano. 4. Udiie, udendo, udii, udito, to hear. imo, odite, odom. Udi- ra. C liro. L'direi. i : odiamo, a ha*e, odano. Imp. Odi, oda ; udiamo, udite, odano. 5. Venire, venendo, venni, venuto, to come. Ind. Vengo, vieni, viene ; veniamo, venite, ven- gono. Veniva. Venni, venisti, venne, &c. Ver« ro. Verrei. Sub. Ch' io venga, venga, venga ; veniamo, ve- nite. \i ii Imp. Vieni, venga; veniamo, venite, vengano. The letter § is sometimes found transposed in this veculiar changes which writers have made in the ormation of certain words, either by leng hening or shortening them, or by altering their usual orthog- raphy. 1. The third person plural of the preterite tense of the indicative, ending in arono, is often contract- ed into aro ; as, amaro, legaro, andaro, for ama- rono, legarono, andarono. 2. The letter v is frequently left out in- some tenses, but chiefly in the imperfect of the indicative ; as, avea, potea, finia, scriveamo, dee, deono, bee, bea, &c, for aveva, poteva,finiva, scrivevamo, deve, devono, beve, beva, &c. 3. The letters at are cut off in the participle past of verbs ; thus, instead of colmato, adornalo chi- nato, demato, osato, we find colmo, adomo, chino, domo, cso. 4. The letter e is often found added, in ancient poetry, to the third person singular of the preterite tense of the indicative, and to some other words; as, amoe, parloe, cantoe, fue, piue, gine, &c. for amb, parlo, canto, fa. piu, giu^ &c. — Sometimes o is added to verbs ending in ire ; as, rapio, fin'io, empio, uscio, for rapi,, empl, usci. 5. Sometimes g and gg are used instead of other letters ; as, seggio, veggio, caggio, veggendo, cheg- gio, veglio, speglio, &c, instead of scdo, vedo, cado, vedendo, chiedo, vecchio, specchio, &c. 6. We find e instead of a and i in the second and third person singular of the indicative ; as, cele for cela, celi ; serbe for serba, serbi, &c. 7. The articles dello, della, degli, dei, dell a, are often written by the poets, de lo, de la, de gli, de li, de le. Besides these licenses, the Italian poets employ many words seldom used in prose, by which they form a language peculiar to themselves ; such are the following ones : Aer/oraria the air. Brando for sptda, a sword. Oarme far verso, verse or poem. E-ca for cibo, food. Leejno for vascello, ship. Lumi for occhi, eyes. Pal ma for mano, hand. Squilla for campa- nella, bell. Unqua, unquanche, unquanco, fur mai, ever. Vate for poeta, a poet. Viri for uomim men, heroes, &c. — Chiefly Latin words, of which thousands will be found in reading the poets. Expletives. — These are certain words which, in some particular locutions, cease to have any rea meaning, and are employed only for the sake of greater emphasis, or more elegance and harmony The Italians give to those expletives the name of ripieno, which literally signifies fill up. — The fol lowing words are those which are more frequently used as expletives : Pure, mai, poi, gia, cost, mica, non, via, egli ella, csso, mi, ti, ci, vi, si. Bitepur quel che volete ; say whatever you please. E pure ardite negarlo ? ana do you dare to deny il ? Ora sono pur disposti a venire; they are now disposed to come. Torna mai sempre a dire di nuovo l'istesse cose ; he is always repeating the same things. Non e poi vero quanto mi diceste ? is not what you told me true ? Non vorrei gin ch' egli partisse; I would not be glad that he should go away. Non credo gin che ve n' avrete a male ; I do not belieoe that you will be hurt by it. Con esso lei, con esso loro ; with her, with them. La dottrina e di piu gran prezzo che non le ri- chezze ; learning is of greater value than riches. E* piu dotto ch' io non credevaj he is more learned than I thought. Io mi son giovinetta ; I am young. Io mi credo che non e vero ; / believe that it if not true. I giovani sono via piu inclinati a' piaceri che non alio studio ; young people are more inclined to pleasure than to study, &c. &c. / The limits of this short grammar do not permit me to be more diffuse ; but I earnestly recommend to the learners to peruse all the idiomatical sen- tences inserted in the Dic'ionavy, as this will great! forward their progress in the Italian language. AN ITALIAN AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, PART I. m masculine; /. feminine; ad. adverb; a. adjective; prep. preposition; pron. pronoun; part, participle ; conj. conjunction; inter j. interjection. ABB A prep, to, in, by, with, at ; } why, towards, as, be- tween ; a che piangi ? why do you cry ? a tramontana, towards the north ; dolente a morte, grieved to death ; a nome del re. in the name of the kin? ; a credito. upon trust ; v' aspetto a casa, I shall stay for you at home: da qui a tre rionii, in three days ; a forza di braccia, by strength of arms Ababboecio, ad. inconsiderately, confusedly Abadessa, /. an abbess Abantico, ad. anciently Abate, m. an abbot Abadia,/. (badia) an abbey Abbacare, to be confused ; to search for Abbacchiare, to beat down with a pole Abbachista, m. an arithmetician . imen'.o. in. dazzling in, cloud AbbacinAto, a. dazzled ; aria ab- bacinata, a fom air Abbacn m. ari hmetic 3 ABB Abbadare, (badire,) to mind, take care ; abbada a te, take care of yourself Abbadessa, /. an abbess Abbadia, /. an abbey [ness Abbagliamento, m. dazzling, rash- Abbagliante, o. dazzling Abbagliare, to dazzle, delude Abba^liato, a. dazzled Ahhaglto, m. dazzling Abbaiamento, m. a barking Ahhaiante, a. barking, baying Abbaiare, to bark, talk rashly, to boast, to disclose Abbaiato, a. barked, bayed Abbaiatore, m. a barker, a slan- derer Abbaino, m. sky -light Abballare, to pack up Abballaiore, m. a packer Abbalordire, to stun Abbandonameuto, m. abandoning, dejection Abbandonare, to forsake, quit, give ivcr ; abbandonarsi, to de- spond, to give one's self over; abbandonarsi alle passioui, to give up to passion ABB Abbandonatamente, ad. vehement- ly, violently Abbandonato, a. forsaken ; ab- bandonato da' medlci, given over by physicians Abbandonatore, m. deserter Abbandono, m. leaving, forsak- ing; lasciare in abbandono, to leave at random Abbarbagliare, to dazzle Abbarbagliato, a. dazzled, con- founded Abbarbicarsi, to take root Abbarbicato, a. rooted, inveterate Abbarcare, to pile up Abbarrare, to fasten with a bar Abbaruffamento, m. a scuffle ; quarrel Abbanitrare, to disorder; abba- ruffarsi, to dispute Abbassamento, m. fall, diminu- tion Abbassare, to pull, or bring down ; abbanargli occhi, to cast down the eyes ; toabate; to diminish ; n-i. to humble one's self AbbassAto, purt. diminished, de- clined ABB Abbasso, cd. below, down Abbastauza, ad. enough Abbite, in. abbot AbbaUere, to throw down j to abate ; abbat'er la vela, to strike the sail ; abbattersi, to meet with ; s'abbatte di dire, he hap- pened to say Abbattimento, m. weakness, faint- ness ; abbattimento dcUa mente, dejection of mind Abbattuta, /. destruction Abbattuto, part, oppressed Abbatuftblare, to mix promiscu- ously Abbellare, to please, beautify Abbellimento, m. an ornament Abbelliie, to paint, adorn Abbellito, a. painted, adorned Abbenche, ad. although, notwith- standing Abbendare, to bind, to crown Abbeverare, to water Abbeverato, a. watered Abbeveratoio, m. a watering place Abbiadare, to give oats Abbicare, to heap up Abbicci, m. the alphabet Abbiente, a. rich, capable Abbiettamente, ad. meanly Aobiettare, to disgrace Abbiettezza, /. abasement Abbietto, a. vile, abject, contempt- ich Abbiezione, /. abjection. Abbigliament'), in. finery, dress Abbiglnre, to adorn, furnish Abbigliato, part, furnished, brim- med up Abbindolare, to deceive . Abbioccare, to cluck (like hens) Abbiosciare, to fall j abbiosciarsi, to be dejected Abbisoguare, to want, to be indi- gent ; abbisogna ch' io vada, I must go Abbisognoso, a. indigent Abbfsso, m. an abyss, a bottomless gulf, or pit Abbitumare, to cement Abbiurare, to abjure Abbiuraziore./. abjuration Abboccarnenfo, m. an interview, conference Abboccare, to fill up; abboccarsi, to confer ; abboccarsi con qual- cbf !':uo, to have an interview Abboccato, m. a glutton Abbocconarc, to rut very small Abbolire, to abolish Abbolizione, /. abolishment Abbominabile, a. execrable ABB Abbominare, to detest, hate Abbbminato, part. detested. hated Abbuninazione, /. detestation Abbominevole, a. abominable Abbominevolmenle, ad. abomina- bly Abbominoso, a. detestable Abbonacciamento, m. a calm Abbonacciare, to pacify ; abbonac- ciarsi, to grow calm ; il mar s'abbonaccia, the sea grows calm Abbonacciato, part, calmed Abbonamento, m. agreement Abbonare, to mend ; abbonarsi, to grow better Abbondamento, m. abundance Abbondante, a. abounding, plen- tiful Abboudantemente, ad. plentifully Abbondanza, /. plenty Abbondanziere, m. a victualing commissioner Abbondare, to abound Abbondevole, a. plentiful Abbondevolezza, f. abundance Abbondevolmente, ad. plenti- fully Abbondosamente, ad. copiously Abbondoso, a. copious Abbonire, to perfect ; appease; abbonirsi, to imprbve Abbordare, to board a ship, to ac- cost one Abbordo, m. access ; uomo di facile abbordo, an accessible man Abborracciare, to Cobble Abborrare, to wander Abborrente, a. abhorring Abborrevole, a. detestable Abborrimento, m. abhorrence, ab- horrency Abborrire v to detest, loathe AbbirrttOj part, abhorred Abbottarsi, to cam one's self Abbottinamento, m. plunder Abbottinare, to pillage, rob, plun- der; abbottinarsi, to mutiny Abbottonare, to button Abbottonatura, /. button and but- ton-holes Abbozzamento, m. the first draught Abbozzare, to sketch Abbozzata, /. a rude draught Abbbzzaliccio, a. half-sketched Abbozz'ito, part, begun Abbozzo, in. the first draught Abbracciamento, m. an embrace Abbracciare, to embrace ; \o con- tain, include, to undertake ; chi molto abbraccia, nulla stringe, all crisping, or snn-burning Abbronzare, to tan, scorch, blast Abbrostire, and Abbrostolire, to roast, oi- toast Abbruciamento, m. burning, or smart Abbruciante, a. burning Abbruciare, to burn Abbrunamento, m. a darkening Abbrunare, to make brown Abbrunire, to tarnish ; to become brown Abbrustiare, to singe Abbrustolare, to crisp Abbrustolire, to toast, scorch Abbuiarsi, to grow dark Abhurattare, to bolt, or sift Abburatlort, m. a bolter Abdicare, to resign Abdicato, part, abdicated Abdicazioue,/. abdication Abecedario, m. the A, B, C Abetaia,/. a fir-grove Abete, m. a fir-tree A'bile, a. skilful Abilita, Abilitade, and Abilitate, /. ability, address, art ; gli fece abilita af pagare, he gave him time to pay Abilitare, to enable Abiiitato, part . enabled Abilmente, ad. cleveily Abissare, to precipitate Abisso, m. abyss, obscurity, hell Abitabile, a. habitable Abitante, m. an inhabitant Abitare, to inhabit, to dwell in Abitate, part, inhabited Abitatore, rn. who inhabits Abitazioncella,/. a small house Abitazione, /. a habitation Abitevole, a. convenient A'bitn, m. dress, use, custom Abituale, a. habitual Abitualmente, ad. habitually Abituare, to accustom ; abituarsi,to accustom one's self Abituato, a. accustomed Abitudine,/. a habit Abituro, m. habitation ACC m. al lative case Abolire, to abolish, annul, repeal, annihilate Aboltto, a. al i Abolizione, /. abolishment Abominabile, a. kc Abbomina- b.le Aborrevole, a. abominable Aborrire, to abhor Abortare, Aborttre, and Abortirsi, Id mis : -carried, abortive Aborto. m. a miscarriage Abrogate, to annul UJone, f. abrogation Abusare, to abuse, misuse ; abusarsi del la pazieuza, to put out of pa- tience Abusivamente. ad. abusively Abuslvo, a. abusive . m. an abuse, disuse Acanino, a. cruel AcAnto. m. bearVfbot Acaro, m. a hand worm Acca, /. the letter H ; non vale un t worth a pin Accademia, /. an academy ..cameute, ad. academi- cally ■co, m. an acsdemist me to pass; come tal volta aocade, as it some- times happens ; non acedde che voi mi dici.Ve il con'rario. you need uot tell me the contrary Accadiito, ■part, liappened Accaflare, to snap, to snatch Accazionamento. m. imputation AccarionAre, to impute Accalappure, to ensnare, to entrap Accal on'ire, to heat Accahraro, part, heated Accampameoto, m. encampment Accampare. to encamp ; accam- p&rs unp . and Ac- canire, to uncouple, (chase tern.) AccarAtr.. a. t AccaniWmen'*. a/.', furiou-ly e. to wind AccAn'^. finish eking by the hair AccajiHipj, to make bead-bands do. m. a kind of cloak re, to tie with a running ka I ACC Accnppiahim,/. slip-knot ire. to make e.ipons Accanricciare, and Acca] ricciarsi. to be struck with fear, or horror ! .memo, m. caresses, al- lurements Accarezzare, to flatter, wheedle, earned AccarezzAto, part, flattered . sole. a. Haltering, wheed- ling Acca mare, and Accarnire, to fall foul on one Accasamento, ??i. wedding Accasare, :o begin house-keeping;, accasArsi, to marry AccasAto, a. married, settled Accascare, to happen [weakness Accasciamento, m. dejection and Accasciare, and AceasciArsi, to be debilitated and dejected Accatarramcnto, m. a cold Accatarn'ire, to take cold Accatarrato, part, who has got a cold Accatastare. to heap up Accattabrlghe, m. a litigious fellow '■ Accattapane, 01. I Accattare, to borrow ; to beg Accattato. a. borrowed Acca More, m. a mendicant, or a borrower Accattatbzzi, m. a beggar Accatto, m. Accattatora, and Ac- catteria, /. a loan ; (also) begging or borrowing ; fare un buon ; c/itto, to make a good bargain Accattone, m. a I Accavalciare, to ride astraddle Accavalcia'o, part, sealed astraddle Accavallare, to heap upon Accecamento, ?/i. blindness, mis- take AccecAre, to blind ; lamore acceca 1'iiomo, love blinds a man Accedere. to approach Acceffare. to snatch with the teeth . f. a woodcock Acccleiamen'o, ??i. and Acceler.'in- za. /. hurry, haste AccelerAre, to make speed Accelera'amente, ad. in a hurry Accelerato, part, b Acccr.dere, to light ; to kindle; to excite AccendJvnle. and Accendibilc, a combustible Accendimesto, m. burning ; in at, incentive i >. //). a ma'ch Accennamento, m. a nod or sign ACC Acrermare, to nod, beckon ; to pre- tend ; in' e statu aectiniato, I bad a hint Accennatiira, /. a sign Accensibile, a. combustible Aecensione, /. a conflagration AccentD, m. accent; pronuncia- tion, tone Acoentuare, to accent Accentnato, part, a. Accercbiare, to surround, to go around Accerchiellare, to hoop Accertamento, m. confirmation Acceriare, to assure, assert ; to war- rant; v' accerto che lo faro, I promise to do it Accerfazione, /. assurance Accertello, m. a kestrel (a bird of prey) Acccsamentc, ad. eagerly Acceso, part, kindled ; accesod'ira, in a passion ; acceso d'amore, in- flamed with love Accessfbile, a. accessible Accessione, /. accession Accesso, m. access, admittance Accessoriamente, ad. accesao- rily Accessorio, ft. accessory ; il prin- cipale e 1 aecessorio, the priuci- pal and the accessory . an axe Accettabue, a. acceptable Accettare, to accept ; accettare una lettera di cAmbio, to accept a bill of exchange AccertAto, part, accepted Accettarore, m. an accepter, a par- tial judge c/. acceptance Accettevole, a. acceptable Accettevolme^nte, ad. willingly Acceato, a. grateful ; far 6pere accette a Dio, to do things ac- ceptable to God Acchetare, to quiet, hush ; to ap- pease Acchetatrt. part, appeased Acchiappare, to catch, to cheat Acchiappato, jiart. caught Accbiocciolarsi, to sit squat A'ccia,/. thread ; an axe Acciabattare, to cobble Acciabattato, part, cobbled Acciaccare, to squeeze ; to pound Acciacco, rn. affront, wrong, in- dispositi 'ii Acciaio. m. steel Acciaiuolo, m. a steel to strike fire Aa iappinare, to do hastily Acciailno, m, a steel ACC Acciaro, m. (see Accilio) poetical- ly, a sword Accidentale, a. accidental, casual Accidentalmente, adv. accidentally Accidente, m. accident, chance ; per accidente, by chance Accidia,/. laziness, sloth Accidiosainente, ad. lazily Accidioso, a. slothful, idle, slug- gish ; un accidioso, a sluggard Acciecamento, m. blindness Accigliarsi, to frown Accignersi, and Accingersi, to pre- pare one's self Accignimento, m. preparation Accinto, a. ready Accio, conj. (acciocche) that, to the end that Acciottolare, to pave Acciufl'are, to take by the hair Acciuga,/. anchovy Accivire, to provide, supply Acclamare, to exclaim, to applaud Acclaniazione, f. acclamation Acclive, a. inclined Acclivita, /. an ascent Accoi care, to notch ; accoccarla ad uno, to put a trick upon one Accoccolarsi, to stoop down Accodarsi, to follow close Accoglienza, /. reception ; fare ac- coglienza, to make one welcome ; i. ; eta accoglienza, a kind recep- tion Accogliere, to receive, entertain ; to assemble Accoglimentaccio, m. cool recep- tion Accogl imento, m. reception Accoglitore, m receiver Accolito, m. acolyte Accollare, to embrace,- accollarsi un debito, to take upon one's self another's debt Accolpare, to accuse Accolpato, a. criminal Accolta. /. an assembly Accoltellare, to strike with a knife Accoltellata, /. a thrust with a knife Accolto, a. received ; gathered Accomandagione, /. protection Accomandare, to recommend ; ac- comandarsi, to recommend one's self Accommiatare, to dismiss ; to dis- band soldiers ; accommiatarsida' suoi amici, to take leave of one's friends Accommiat/ito, part, discharged Accomodabile, a. that may be accommodated ACC Accomodamento, m. an agree- ment ; far l'accomodamento d : una querela, to make up a differ- ence Accomodare, to amend, to agree ; accomodarsi, to sit down, or to be reconciled Accomodatamente, ad. suitably Accomodate, a. suitable Accomodatrice, /. head-dresser Accomodevolmente, ad. suita- bly Accompagnamento, m. a train, a retinue ; an accompaniment Accompagnare, to accompany ; ac- compagnarsi, to be a companion, partner. Accompagnato, part, accompanied Accompagnatore, m. companion, or one who accompanies (in music) Accomunamento, m. community Accomunare, to put, or live in common Acconcezza, /. ornament, con- veniency, opportunity Acconciamente, ad. conveniently, politely Acconciamento, m. an adjustment, a repairing Acconciare, to fit ; to mend ; to make ready ; acconciare il capo, to dress the head ; acconciarsi, to dress one's hair; to be rec- onciled Acconciatame'nte, ad. properly, conveniently Acconciatore, m. a mender ; hair- Acconciatrice, /. a milliner Acconciatura, /. the ornament of a woman's head ; perder l'accon- ciatura, to miss one's aim Acconcio, m. advantage Acconcio, a. mended, dressed, ad- dicted Acconsentimento, in. consent Acconsentire, to assent ; chi tace, acconsente, silence gives consent Accoppare, to knock down Accoppiamento, m. union, con- junction Accoppiiire, to match ; accoppiar- si, to couple one's self Accoppiato, part, coupled Accoppiatore, m. one who joins together Accoppiatura, /. conjunction Accoramento, m. heart-grief Accorafe, to grieve at heart Accorato, part, grieved, vexed Accoratoio, m. disaster 36 ACC Accorazi6ne, /. see Accoramento Accorciamento, m. a shortening Accorciare, to shorten, to diminish Accorciatamente, ad. summarily Accorciato, yarf. shortened,abridg ed Accorciatore, m. abbreviator Accorciatura,/. decreasing Accordamento, m. and Accordan za,/. agreement in tune (in mu sic,)also conformity in sentiments Accordare, to tune, to agree; to grant Accordarsi, to conform one's self $ to play in unison Accordatamente, ad. unanimous iy Accordato, m. the keeping in a picture Accordato, a. tuned, agreed Accordatore, m. mediator Accordatrice,/. mediatrix Accordatura,/. see Accordamento Accordevole, a. that may be agreed, tuned, proportioned Accordo, m. agreement, harmony, consent ; metter d'acc6rdo, to make friends Accorgere, to make sensible ; ac- corgersi, to perceive; accorger- si del suo errore, to own one's error Accorgevole, a. crafty Accorgimento, m. foresight, ca- pacity Accorre, see Accogliere Accorrere, to run to, to hasten ; to pursue Accorruomo, inter j. help ! -Accorso, part, ran to Accortamente, ad. needfully Accortamento, m. shortening Accortare, to shorten Accorte'zza,/. circumspection Accorto, a. wise, prudent, crafty ; state accorto a quel che fate, con- sider what you do ; far accorto, to forewarn ; accortosene, he per- ceiving it Accosciaie, to squat down Accostamento, rn. approach Accostante, a. supple, pliant ; vino accostante, pectoral wine Accostare, to approach; accostar* si, to come near Accost atura, /. connexion Accostevole, a. accessible Accos'o, prep, near to Accost u mare, to use ; accostuma*- si, to inure one's self Aecostumatamente, ad. customa rily ACE AeeostumAto, a. accustomed, good, honest, virtuous Accotonare, to nap cloth ore, m. he who naps cloth Accovacciarsi, to lie squat e, to n -ake up in sheaves Accoczamento, nu striking one against another Accozzare, to butt at, to meet Accreditare, to give credit; ac- creditarsi, to get a name Accreditato, o. responsible, cred- itable re. to increase, to educate .iento, m. improvement, addition Accre>ciuto. a. increased Accuilre, to despatch, to take care of Accumulate, to treasure up Accumulatamente, ad. abun- dantly Accumulate, part. heaped together Accumubzione. /. Accumulamen- to, rn. ai'd Accumulanza, /. ac- cumulation, h ap, coll Accuratamenle, ad. diligentlv, ex- actly Accuratezza. /. care, diligence >, a. careful, di Acctisa./. accusation, charge AccusametiM. m. imputation Accusante, rn. accuser Acxusare, to accuse, impeach ; ac- cais.,- own Accusativo, rn. the accusa'ive case reused Accusa'ore, m. accuser, informer ,-inne. /. a complaint Aeerhamen.e, ad. 'obstinately ; bitterly, cruelly, too soon Acerbart. Acerbezza,/. sourness shyness . AcerbitAde. and Acerbi- isperity, shyness Acerbo, a. unripe, ereen, bitter, sad ; uva acerba, sour frapes ; under aze; morte acerba, un- timely death A'cero, rn. a maple Acerrimo, a. very cruel Aeerv<\ m. heap Acetabolo, and Acetibulo, m. a cruet Acetito, a. sour, soaked in vine- Acetire, to rrow sour Ace'o. m. vinezar Acetosa. /. s rrtl fan herb) Acetovdla, /. pretty salad, wild ACR i . Acetositade, and Acetos- . id lity Acidezza, and Acidita, /. sour- : lity A'cido, a. sharp, sour A'cino, m. the kernel of a grape Aconito, rn. wo!l - A' /. water: aeqva - spring water; acqua morta, still water Acquacchiare, to srow weak Acquaccia. /. muddy water Acquaforte. /. aquafortis Acqua io, rn. sink Acqnaiuolo, o. aquatic; 777. a waterman Acqua morta,/. standing water Aequare, 'o water (plants, kc.) Acqua rosa, or rosa a,/, rose-water Acquartierar-i, to take a lodging Acquarzente, /. brandy Acquatico, a. that lives in water Aequato, a. viuo aequato, wine and wa'er Aequattarsi, to lie, to squat Acquavite, /. brandy Acquaviva,/. spring wa'er Acquazzone, m. a , ttu water-colour Acquedotto, see Acquidotto Acquetare, see Acquietare Acquetta, /. wine mixed with water Acquiccia. /. rain Acquicella,/. rivulet Acquidoso, a. watery, moist Acquido'to, m. aqu "duct Acqri -'are, to appease, pacify Acquisito, rn. acquisition Acqui-i'o. a. acquired Acquisizione, /. and Acquistamen to, rn. acquisition Acquis are, to acquire, ge 1 . frain Acquistato, a. acquired, obtained Acquistatore, m. acquirer Acqoistevole, a. acquirable Acquisto, rn. acqui-.ii ion Acquitrino, 777. a marsh Acquit rinoso. a. marshy Acqu^ita, /. humidity . watery A' ere. a. <-h\rp Acreniente, ad. sharply, severely Acrinionia, /. sharpness, acrimoDy Acrimonlco, a. corrosive Acrita, see Agrezza A'cro, a. sour ; fierce Acms'ico, ?n. acrosic [cles Acroterio, 771. acroters, or pinna- 37 ADD Acuita,/. acuteness Ac ,K'(i. in. >'iiu . m, point, quick wit Acutamente, ad. smartly ; rispon- dere acuiaiuente, to answer wit- tily Acuirzza, /. see Acume Acoto, a. sharp; pointed; h> pi^no acii'o. shrewd witj voce • : ill voice ; til lire acuta, violent fever ; acceuto aciito, acute accent Ad, (a,) prep, to; ad An'.6nio, to Antonv ; ad uno ad uno, one at a time' Adacquamento, m. watering any thing Adacqu'ire, *o wa'er Adacquato, part, watered Ada.i ire, to accommodate ; ada- ariai-si, to be slow, to take one's convenieacy Adagiato, a. rich Adagio, 771. adage . ad. leisurely, slowly Adamante, m. a diamond A lainan iuo, a. adamantine A lasprire, to provoke Adas' i.ire, to envy Adattabile, a. that can be adapted Adattainente, ad. aptly Adattameno, rn. o/k/ A iaftanza,/. application, adapting, apiness Adattame, a. one who adapts Adaltare, to adapt, to fit ; adattarsi, see Accoino l'ii>i Adattato, part, adapted Addirsi. to apply to Addebolire, to weaken Addebolimento, 771. weakness Addecimare, to lay, or gather the tithe Addens'.re, to condense Addentare, to seize with the teeth Addeivato, parr, bit, bitten Addentellare, to leave toothing stones Addentellato, m. a toothing Addentro, ad. wi'hin Addestare, to awake Addestramento, 771. instruction AddesT'ire. to instruct, educate addestrarsi, to exercise, practise Addrstratore, m. a gentleman usher Add), ad. on the day Ad liacente, n. n ' icent Addidtro, ad. behind; per 1' ad dietro, fo rai er l y ; lasciare addi<- tro, to leave nt)'; inetlere addie- tro, to neglect ADD Addiettivo, «. adjective Addimanda, /. demand Addhnandare, to demand, ask; addhnandare una grazia, to beg a favour; addimandarsi, to be called Addimandatore, m. he who inter- rogates Addimesticare, to tame ; addimes- ticarsi, to grow familiar Addio, adieu, farewell. Addirsi, to be proper Addirlmpetto, prep, facing Addirizzamento, rn. direction, con- duct Addirizzare, to make straight ; to put in the right way ; to instruct, train ; to mend ; addirizzarsi, to take the road to Addirizzato, part, directed Additamento, m. indication Addityre, to point out, to show Additato, part, pointed out Additaiore, m. he who indicates Addivenire, to happen Addobbamento, m. embellishment Addobbare, to set off, adorn, em- bellish; addobbare una casa, to furnish a house Addobbato, part, adorned Addobbo, m. finery ; dress ; ad- dobbi di casa, household goods Addolcimento, m. mitigation, calm Addolcire, to sweeten, soften, alle- viate ; to rule, to restrain Addolcitivo, a. lenitive Addokito, part, sweetened Addolorare, to grieve ; addolorarsi, to be afflicted Addolorato, part, afflicted Addomandare, to send for Addomesticamento, rn. familiarity Addomesticare, to tame ; addomes- ticarsi, to be familiar Addomesticatore, rn. he who tames Addomine, rn. the abdomen Addopparsi, to hide one's self be- hind Addoppiamento, m. redoubling Addoppiare, to double Addoppiato, part, doubled Addoppia'ura, /. redoubling Adddppio, ad. doubly Addormen'amento, rn. slumber Addormentare, to lull to sleep, to decoy, amuse; addormenlarsi, to fall asleep; lasciars] addormen- tare dalle lusfnghe, to suffer one's self to be deceived Addormen»ato, a. sleepy, drowsy Addormire, sec Addormentare Addossamento, m. trouble, toil ADI Addossare, to lay upon one's back ; addossare la col pa ad uno, to lay the blame on another ; ad- dossarsi la cura d'un negozio, to take upon one's self the care of an affair Addosso, ad. upon one's back ; upon, towards; l'abito che ho addosso, the clothes I have on ; metter le imghie addosso, to lay hold ; metter I'occhio addosso, to cast an eye ; non ho danari addosso, I have no money about me ; tenere addosso alciina cosa, any thing at one's own expense Addolto, part, induced Addottorare, to take the highest or doctor's degree Addottorato, part, having taken a degree Addottrinare, to instruct Addottrinatamente, adv. learnedly Addottrinato, part, instructed Addritto, a. active, skilful Addurre, to bring, convey, allege, cite Adeguamento, m. equality Adeguare, to make equal, even, to compare, to balance an account Adeguatamente, ad. equally Adempibile, a. feasible Adempiere, to accomplish, finish Adempimento, m. accomplishment Adempire, to fulfil, to execute Adempifore, m. who executes Adempiuto, part, fulfilled Adentro, ad. inwardly, within ; troppo adentro, too far in Adequare, see Adeguare Adequatamente, ad. exactly equal ; risp6ndere adequata- mente, to give a right answer Adequato, a. proportioned Adequazione, /. equality Aderbare, to feed with grass Aderente, a. adhering, favouring Aderenza, /. and Aderimento, m. adherence; clients Aderire, to adhere Adescamento, m. bait, enticement Adescare, to entice; i sensuali si laschno facilmente adescare, sensual men are easily allured Adescato, part, allured Adescatore, rn. and Adescatrice, f. a \vheedler Adesione,/. adhesion Adesso, ad. now, at this instant adess' adesso, by and by Adestra, ad. on the right hand Adetto, rn. an adept Adiaceute, a. adjacent, bordering ADO Adiacenza, /. an adjacent place Adianto, m. maiden hair (a plant) Adirjiare, to bend ; adimarsi, to descend A dio, ad. adieu, farewell j dire a dio, to take leave A'dipe, m. fat Adiposo, a. full of fat Adiraniento, m. anger Adirare, to anger, provoke; adi- rarsi, to be angry Adiratamente, ad. angrily Adirato, a. angry Adire, to accept an inheritance (law term) A dirimpetio, ad. facing, ovei against A diritto, ad. straightly A dismisura, ad. beyond meas» ure, immoderately A dispetto, prep, in spite of A'dito, m. (accesso) access; se avro mai 1» idito di servirla, la servirb, if ever I have the op- portunity to serve you, I will dc it Adiunzione,/. addition Adiuiore, m. helper, protector Adizione,/. accession (law terra) Adocchiamento, m. a look, ogle Adocchiare, to gaze, to stare Adolesceute, m. a young man Adolescenza, /. youth Adombramento, m. shade Adombrare, (offuscare) to over- shadow, to shade, to fancy, to sketch ; adombrarsi, to start back for fear, part, shaded Adombrazione, /. a shade Adonare, to overthrow, subdue Ad onta, ad. (a dispetto) in spite Adontare, to insult Adoperamento, m. usage Adoperare, to use, employ; ado- perarsi, to interest one's self; voglio adoperarmi per voi, I will speak in your behalf Adoperatore, rn. who employs Adoperazione,/. use Adoppiamento, rn. drowsiness Adoppiare, to give opium Adoppiato, m. an infusion of opium Adorabile, a. adorable Adorare, to adore, worship Adoratore, m. and Adoratrice, /. adorer Adoratorio, m. a temnle Adorazione, /. and Adoramento ; m. adoration Adordinarsi, to get ready ADU j intly . ircuiR-ut, finery Adonure. to adorn Adornatamente, ad, neatly, ele- v, m. and Adornatrice, f. one who adorns Adornattira, and Ador deckiug, trimming, elegance unent Adorno, a. adorned, embellished Adottameuto, m. adoption AdotUrv. • ipted Adottatore. m. and Adottatrice,/. one wi. ■. a. ch >sen. adopted (option [lion Adottivo, a. belonging to adop- A'dro, a. black, dismal A due a due. ad. two and two Adoggiamehto, m, a hurtful shade e, to hurt plants by shade .a. flattering I art. flattered AdubTorc, m. and Adulatrfce, /. ■ . a. flattering ! illation Adulter Adulterare, to counterfeit, forge, adulterate [ated '. mingled, adulter- ■k adulterer Adulteratrice,/. adulteress izi'uie,/. corruption Adult^rio. m. adultery Adultero, m. adulterer Adulto, a. at full age ; eta adiilta, marriageable Adnnanza, /. and Adunamen*o, in. assembly, coneregation, meet- ing- r^i, to meet . to assemble together; Adunata. /. $et Adunanza Adunatore, in. and Adunatrice,/. one w ho collects Adunazione. /. see Adunamento Aduncare, to bend, crook; adun- carsi, to cm* crooked Adtineo, a. hooked, crooked Adunehi.are, to take in the claws •hen, therefore . >o accustom ; adusirsi, to be ace: Adus'ire. to burn, and cri«p Adustezza. and Adusti6ne,/.aridi- Adastivamen'e. ad. dryly Adustivo, a, drying, scorching , ethereal . he w h) divines by AFF Adusto, a. dry, scotched Afore, tn. and j. (aria) the element of the air Aereo, a. ai Adrimante, the air Aerimanzia. /. aeromancy t easy maimers i hered >, a. sickly and thin Affabile, a. affacie, courte >ua Affabilila, Atl'abili.ade, and AiFa- bilitate,/. courtesy Alia! ilmente, ad. courteously, kindly Affaccendarsi, to be busy Atfaccendato, a. busy [wise Affaccettare, to facet, to cut facet- Atfacchinare, to do porter"s work Aifacciare, to make even Arfacciarsi, to look out, to encoun- ter Aft'acciato, a. impudent Art'aldare, to fold, plait Affalsare, to falsify, to counterfeit Affamare, to famish, starve ; to be hungry Affamato, a. hungry, starved Affamire, to be hungry AfFan^are, to grow muddy Atfannamento, TO. anxi Artannante, and Artannevole, a. grieving, troublesome Atfann.'ire, to molest, perplex, trouble ; la vostra disgrizia mol- to m' affanna. I am wry sorry for your misfortune ; affannarsi, to fret, strain, endeavour, at- tempt Affannato, a. grieved, distressed Affanno, m. trouble, vexation Affannone, m. a busy-body Affannoneria. /. eagerness Ariannosamente, ad. restlessly Alfamioso, a. grieving, disagree- able Affardellare, to pack up Affare, in. business, affair, em- ploy ; questo e un' affare d' im- portanza, 'tis a matter of conse- quence ; i miei affari vaano male, I thrive not in my busi- ness ; uomo d'alto affare, a mau of importance Aflarsi, to suit, become , to make into fagots, bind Affascinamento, m. fascination Affascinare, to bewitch, to charm Affascinatorc, m. bewitcher Affascinatrice,/. witch, sorceress AFF Affastellare, to confute j to do any thing aw kwardly l, to disturb Affaticamehto, to. fatigue, toil Affaticante, <;. indefatigable AfiFaticare, to fatigue, tire; aflati- Carsi, to work bard, to endeav- our ; cost va'l mondo. chi s'af- fatica per una cosa, cbi per un' altra, so goes the world, some strive for one thing, some for another j m'affaticherb di so- disfarvi, I'll endeavour to con- tent you AffaticatO) a. tired, harassed Affaticat6rej m. and Ailaticatrlce, /. a laborious person Ali'atichevole, and Affaticoso, o. laborious Afi'atto, ad. quite, entirely ; sono all'atto guarito, I am perfectly re- covered Affatturare, to bewitch, charm A rlattu latere, m. a magician Affatturatrice,/. a sorceress Atlatturazione, /. enchantment Afi'azzonamento, m. ornament Alfazzonave, to adorn Alt'e. ad. faith, upon my faith Aifermamento, m. affirmation Affermare, to aifirm. assert; affer- marsi, to establish one's self, to stop ivamente. ad. positively Att'ermativo, a. affirmative Aii'ermatore, m. he who affirms, assenor A fl'ermazione, /. assertion Ad'errare, to hold fast, catch Atl'ettare, to cut to pieces ; to hunger after : affettAre il parlar Toscano, to atl'ect to speak Tus- can AlFetfatame'nte, ad. with affecta- tion, eagerly AffertAto, a. affected, studied AH'ertazione,/. aftecta'ion Atfetto, 37i. love, affection Afl'etto, a. inclined Affettoosamente, ad. affectionately Affettuoao, a. affieetionate, oblig- ing. kind Affezionare. to enamour; aflezio- narsi, to take a liking to Affezionatamente, ad. with affec- tir.n AlVe7ione. f. love, b'nevolenoe Affibbiaglio, m. a buckle Aftibbiare, to button, to fasten to- ce'her Affibbi&to. a. fastened together Affibbia'oio, m. a button-bolo AFF Affibbiatfira,/. see Affibbiaglio Affldare, to encourage, to trust, commit ; aftklarsi, to think one's self safe j io ti voglio affidare una credenza, I will intrust you with a secret Affievolire, to weaken, to debilitate Affievolito, a. weakened Affigere, to tix, set [stop Alt' iggere, to gaze ; aft'iggersi, to Affiguiumento, rn. and Afligura- zione,/. recollecting AffigurAre, to know again ; affigu- rarsi, to imagine Affilare, to range, put in order ; to whet, or sharpen AflilAto, a. whetted, sharpened ; naso affilAto, handsome nose ; vollo affilAto, a sharp face Affilatura,/. an edge Affinamento, m. perfection, re- fining AffinAre ? to refine, whet, sharpen Affinatoio, m. a crucible Affinatore, m. refiner Affinche, conj. to the end that Atfine, cu a cousin, a kinsman Affinita, /. affinity, alliance Affiocamento, m. and Arhocatura, /. hoarseness Affiocare, to grow hoarse, to grow weak Affiocato, part, hoarse, languish- ing Affissamento, m. staring Aflissare, ana Affisare, to stare at ; to stick Aff isso, a. fastened, fixed Affittaiuolo, rn. farmer AffittAre, to let, to hire, to take a farm AffittAto, a. let out Affittatore, rn. he who lets out a farm Affitto, rn. rent ; cavAllo d' affitto, hackney horse ; pigliar ad affitto, to rent Aftligere, to afflict ; affligersi, to be afflicted Afflittivo, a. afflicting - Afllitto, a. afflicted, distressed Afflizioncella,/. a little affliction Afflizi6ne,/. sorrow, grief Affluente, a. abundant Affluentemente, ad. abundantly Affluenza,/. abundance, plenty AffocAre, to set on fire [ing AffogAggine,/. stoppage of breath- Affogamento, rn. and Affogatiira, /. suffocation, strangling Afibg&re, to strangle^ to choke; af- fogar nell' acqua, to drown AFR AffogAto, a. strangled, stifled AftbliAre ; to crowd AlfbllArsi, to rush upon Aflbltamento, m. precipitation Arioltare, aftbltarsi. to speak rapid- ly, to stammer, to laish upon Afloridamento, m. sinking, break- ing open Affondare, to sink ; to be drowned ; to overflow [into Aff-.ndatura, /. sinking, digging Atibndo, a. deep, hollow Aftondo, ad. to the bottom Afforcare, to hang Affortificamento, m. fortification Afibrtificare, to fortify Aflbrzamento, m. fortification AfforzAre, to fortify; affbrzarsi, to endeavour AffossAre, to moat round Affralire, to weaken Afrrancare, to make free; affran- cArsi, to take courage AffrancAto, part, freed Atf'rAngere, to break Affranto, a. weakened, weary Affiatellamenlo, m. Affratellanza, f. intimacy, familiarity AtfratellArsi, to live like brothers Afrreddare, to make cold, to grow colder ; affreddarsi, to catch cold Affreddato, part, grown cool A-ffrenamento, m. restraining Affrenare, to restrain Aiirettamento, m. haste, hurry Affrettare, to hasten, make speed Aifrettatamente, ad. hastily, quick- ly, speedily AffrettAto, a. hastened A'flrica, /. Africa AffricAno, m. an African A'ff'rico, AffricAno, rn. south-west wind. Afr'rittellare, to fry Aftrontamento, m. a?id Affrontata, /. an attack Affrontare, to engage in front, to a' tack, provoke, or challenge AffroniAto, a. attacked, affronted, abused Affrontatore, m. who attacks or affronts Affronto, m. affront, abuse, a ren- counter Aft'umicamento, m. and Affumi- cAta, /. fumigation AffumicAre, to smoke Affumicato, a. smoked Affuocare, see AffocAre Afitto, see Affitto [tion Aforismo, rn. aphorism, proposi- Afretto, a. sourish 40 AGG Afrezza,/. sharpness A 'fro, a. sharp Afronitro, m. saltpetre Agarico, m. agaric A'gata,/. (pietra prezi6sa) agate Agata,/. a needle-full Agente, rn. agent, factor Agente, a. active Agenzia, /. agency Agevolamento', m. facilitation AgevolAre, to facilitate Agevole, a. easy to be done, swift, nimble Agevolezza, /. facility, courtesy Agevolmente, ad. easily, quickly AggavignAre, to clasp Aggelare, to make freeze Aggelazibne, /. freezing Aggentilire, to adorn, embellish Aggettivo, m. a noun adjective Agghiacciamento, m. frost Aggbiacciare, to freeze, congeal, quake ; agghiacciarsi, to be fro- zen ; mi s' agghiaccio il sangue per la paura, fear chilled my blood AgghiacciAto, a. frozen Agghiaccio, m. a close (for sheep) Agghiadamento, m. benumbing AgghiadAre, and Agghiadire, to be benumbed [cold, wounded Agghiadato, part, benumbed with Aggiacenza, /. places adjacent Aggiacere, to be convenient AsrginocchiArsi, to kneel down A'ggio, m. agio, premium Asgiogare, to yoke AggiogAto, a. yoked Aggiornamento, rn. adjournment AggiornAre, to appoint a time ; to summon ; to adjourn ; to be daylight AggiornAto, part, appointed Aggiramento, m. and AggirAta, /. turning, going round, evasion Aggirare, to go about, to surround, lo decei ve ; aggirarsi, to wander, to lose one's way Aggiratore, m. and Aggiratrice, /. cheat, deceiver [tence Aggiudicare, to adjudge, give sen- Ag^iudicAto, a. adjudged Aggiudicazione, /. adjudication AH-gii'ignere, and Aggiungere, to add, to join, to reach ; la vostra fa ma aggiugne per tutto, your fame reaches every where Aggiunta,/. increase, addition A, rru ea e, conveniency Aziamina, /. damask work i. conveniently, oommodi raaljr Azhtezza./. convenience, wealth AgiatO, a. wealthy, substantial, convenient, gentie, at leisure, lazy, slow, idle ; male agi&ta delle cose del mondo. ill pr wid- ed with the necessaries of life Airibile, a. feasible A'zile, a. nimble, active, swift AgUitate, /. nimbleness. swiftness Agili'Are, to render nimble Agio, rru ease, conveniency; a vostro Azio. at your leisure ; se avro Agio, if I can spare time Agire. to act AgitAre, to treat, to nezotiate, to vex, to disquiet, agitate Azita'ore, rru who azi'a'es Azi'azione./. and Agitainento, m. AsliA'a,/. a garlic ragout A'glio, 771. garlic A'ena, /. see Aguella Aznato, m. kinsman or cousin by ibe father's side Aenazione,/. kindred . f. a she Iamb Asmello. m. and Agnelletto, m. a lambkin 41 AGU Arnizione,/. a knowing again A'gno. rru a lamb . nu an muk In bu s r ila, the Deedleof a sea-compass; ag" d i capo, a b Ikin ; iting AgognAre, to covet j to aspire Agognatbre, 771. desirous, greedy Agone, rru a large needle, a'list for combats Agonia, /. agony, horror Agonizzante, a. dying Agonizaare, to be at the point of death Agoiaio, Mi. needle-maker, (also) a needle case Ag)stino, a. born in August Agosto, 771. the month of Auzust Agramente, ad. sourly, severely Agxario, a. agrarian Agreste, a. rural, rustic Agrestezza,/. rusticity, acidity Agrestino, a. sourish Aziesto, //I sour ginpes ; mangiar 1" a resto in giugno, to spend one's rent before it is due Agrestume, 7?i. acidity, sharp- ness Azretto, 771. nashirtium, cress Agretto, a. sourish . f. sharpness, tartness Agric iltbre, 771. a husbandman Agricoltura, /. husbandry Airrifoglio, (alloro spinoso) nu holly Agri pao, a. fierce, sour Agrimensore, 7?i. surveyor of land Azrimensura, /. land-surveying Agrimonia,/. agrimony, or liver- wort Azrio'tn,/. agriot, (a ^our cherry) Agrissimamente, nd. most sharply art, bout ; agro inimico, cruel en-my; agru riprensioni, bitter chidings Agrodblce, a. half sweet, half sour Agnime, 777.. sharp fruits Agnaglianza, /. equality Aguardare, to lo- k sharp . to spoil, waste Agoataie, to lie in wait A-zuatato, a. lying in wait anarer Aguglia, /. an obelisk ; a needle AgugliAta,/. a needle-full --nare lunare Azi'ira. and A-iiria,/. a presage Azu'e.'lo, m. a tack Agutezza, /. sharpnesa ALA Aguzzam^nto, m. and Aguzzata, /. sharpness Aguzzare, to sharpen, whet, file _ aguzzir 1' ingegno, to sharpen the writ j aguzzar 1' appetito, to whet the st mach Aguzzatore, rru a grinder Aguzzatiira,/. whetting Aguzzino, m. a slave-keeper, an inspector over galley slaves Aguzzo, a. pointed, sharp ; aver 1' occhio aguzzo, to be clever, or cunning Ah, oh ! ah, alas ! ah vergogna, fie, for shame ! ah lasso, alas ! Ai, to the ; ai libri, to the books A'ia,/. barn, threshing-floor, hall Aime, inter -j. alas ! A'io, m. governor, tutor; A'ia,/. governess Aione, m. vagabond ; andar aione, to wander about Aita,/. help (in poetry) Aitare, to aid Aitante, a. courageous, vigorous Aiuolo, m. a net Aiutamento, m aid Aiutante, m. assistant; aiutante maggiore, an adjutant in a regi- ment; aiutante di campo, aid- de-camp Aiutare, to aid, assist, relieve; aiutarsi, to use, make use of any thing Aiutativo, a. serviceable Aiutato, a. helped Aiutatore, m. Aiutatrice, /. helper Aiuto, m. aid, assistance ; aiuto, aiuto, murder, murder ; il vostro libro m' e stato d' aiuto, your book has been useful to me Aiutrice,/. she who helps Aizzamento, m. enticement, stir- ring [voke Aizzare, to set dogs to fight, to pro- Aizzatore, m. Aizzatrice, /. in- stigator, one who provokes AI, to the ; al re, to the king A'ia,/. wing, protection; ala d' armata, the wing of an army ; ala di remo, the blade of an oar ; ala d' una chiesa, the aisle of a church ; tenersi su 1' ali, to stand upon one's guard ; far ala, to make room ; star su 1' ala, to be just going Alabarda, /. a halberd Alabardiere, m. a halberdier Alabastrino, a. made of alabas- ter Alabasfro, m. alabaster Alacrita, /. alacrity ALC Alamanna, /. a kind of muscat grape [tout Alamanno, m. a German, a sur- Alano, n 1. a mastiff Alare, m. an andiron Alare, to fasten on wings Alaterno, m. privet (a tree) Alato, a. winged Alba, /. the dawn of day Albagia, /. ostentation, pride Albagioso, a. proud Albana, /. a white grape Albedine,/. whiteness Albeggiamento, m. lustre Albeggiante, a. whitish Albeggiare, to dawn Alberare, to set up ; alberare un albew di vascello, to set up a mast ; to plant trees Alberito, part, set up Albercocca, /. and J^lbercocco, m. see Albicocca, and Albicocco Alberella, /. aspen-tree Alberello, m. a little vase Alberese,/. limestone Alberetto, m. a shrub Albergamento, m. see Albergo Albergare, to lodge, to dwell Albergatrice, /. landlady Albergato, part, lodged Albergatore, m. host, inn-keeper Albergo, m. inn, lodgings ; mouth of a river Alberino, m. a snrub A'lbero, rn. a tree ; albero di vas- cello, the mast of a ship; al primo colpo non cade F albero, the tree will not fall at the first stroke : andar sii per le cirne degli alberi, to pretend to more than one ought Albiciinte, and Albiccio, a. whitish Albicocca,/. apricot Albicocco, m. apricot-tree Albiligustre, a. as white as a privet flower Albino, a. whitish A'lbo, a. white All i6re, m. the dawn of day A'lbore, m. (albero) a tree Alborotto, m. rumour, commotion Albume, m. the white of an egg Alburno, m. a white hazel-tree Alcaldo, m. alcaid Alcanzo, m. a courier A' Ice, in. an elk Alchimia, /. the art of alchymy, craft, trick [chymy Alchimico, a. belonging to al- Alchimista, m. alchymist Alchimizzare, to practise alchymy 42 ALI Alci6ne, m. halcyon (an aquatic bird) Alcorano, m. the alcoran Alcovo, m. an alcove Alcunamente, ad. by no means Alciina volta, ad. sometimes Alcuno, a. somebody, some A'le,/ wing Aleggiare, to spread one's wings Alena,/. breath Alenamento, m. breath, breathing Alenare, to give or take breath Alepardo, m. leopard Aletta, /. a little wing; alette de' pe a ci, fins [last Alfa ed omega, the first and the Alfabeticamente, ad. alphabet- ically Alfabetico, a. alphabetical Alfabeto, m. alphabet Alfana, /. a mare (so called by Berni) [standard-bearer Alfiere, and Alfiero, m. ensign, Alfine, ad. at last A'lga, and A'liga, /. sea- weed Algebra, /. algebra Algebrista, m. algebraist Algente, a. cold, freezing A'lgere, to freeze Algore, m. hard frost, cold Algoso, a. full of sea-weed A lia, /. wing of a building A'liee,/. anchovy Alidamente, ad. dryly A' lido, a. dry Alidore, m. see Aridita Alienabile, a. alienable Alienamento, m. separation, dis- traction Alienare, to part with; alienarsi, to withdraw, to part from Alienatamente, ad. distractedly Alienato, a. alienated, wander- ing, strayed Alienazione, /. separation, distrac- tion, alienation (cession of one's property) Alieno, a. foreign ; roba alie'na, another man's goods; averse; enemy Aligero, a. winged Alimentamento, in. food Alimentare, to nourish, few! Alimentario, m. alimony Alimentato, part, kept, maintain- ed [nance Alimento, m. nourishment, suste- Alimentoso, a. nourishing Aliosso, m. a cockle Alipede, a. with winged fee Aliquoto, a. an aliquot part Alitante, a. panting ALL Alitire. to pant [ing •i. panting, short breath- A litr, »/i. breath ; far buon alito, ten the breath; vapour, fume, g Alive'.oce. a. swift- winded Aila, /. a public place; an ell (.measure) Alia, to the; alia casa, to the bouse; alia buona, ad. ingenu-l ously ; alia Francese, after the French fashion AUaccevole, a. entangling Allacciamento, in. the art of in- snari n? Allaeciare, to insnare Allaeciatric-?./. an allurinsr woman Allacciatura,/. binding, buttoning AUagamento, in. and Alla:ra?ione, and Aliagazione,/. inundation Allagare, toon Allagato, part, overflowed Allampanare, to rage with hun- Allampanato. a. thin Allargamento. in. extension, a .iing . to enlarge, amplify ; use libe- rality ; allarrir il freno alle pas- sioui, to gratify the passions Allar&to, a. enlarged, ampli- fied Allargat6re, m. enhrger Allarmare, to alarm Allarme, in. alarm Allato, ad. near, about; sede're allato, to sit by; allato, allato, hard by ; e nulla allato alle ob- bligazioni che vi professo, it is a trifle to what I owe you. Allafamento, m. the sucking of a child AllatTante,/. a nurse (who suckles) Allattare, to suckle ; poppare, to suck Alleanza,/. confederacy Alleato, a. confederate, allied Alleficarsi, to strike root Allegazione, /. Allegamento, m. see Allegazione Allegare, to allege, quote, pro- duce ; to form a confederacy; to set on edze Allezatn, a. allied, confederate •:•, m. Allegatrice, /. alleger Allerazione, f. quotation [fort .nento, m. relief, com- Allez?erire, to ea«e, to appease ; alleggerirc il dolore, to allay the pain ALL Allt ssri.ire, to lighten i,f. allegory Allegoricameate, ad. allegoricaily Allegdrico, a. allegorical Allegorfsta, m. an allegorist re, to allegorize All. gnunente, ad. joyfully; star allegramente, to be merry Allegrante, a. cheerful AUegrare, and Alltgrarsi, to re- joice AUegrativo, a. recreative Allegrezza. /. joy ; giorno d' alle- grezza, rejoicing day Auegrla,/. joy, gladness Allegro, a. merry Allenamento, m~ delay Allenare, to decay, to assuage, to exercise Alleuire, to soften, mitigate Aller.ito, a. softened Allentamento, to. unbend ins:, loos- ening; slowness, mitigation Allentare, to loosen, to retaid; allentar la briglia al cavallo, to let loose the reins to a horse ; allentar la voce, to slop one's voice Allentatura,/. a rupture Allenzare, to bind Allessamento, m, boiling Allessire, to boil Allesso, ?n. boiled meat Allesso, a. boiled Allestare, ayid Allestire, to pre- pare ; allestlrsi, to prepare one's self Allestito, a. prepared, got ready Alle'amare, to dung Allettamento, w. allurement, en- ticement Allettante, a. alluring Allettare, to allure, entice, charm; allebarsi, to take one's lodgings Allettaiiva, /• and Allettativo, m. see Allettamento Allettato, a. enticed, allured Allettatore, m. and Allettatrice, /. enticer Allettevole, a. alluring Allevamento, to. and Allevatura, /. education Allevare, to bring up, train up, to rear, to foster; to instruct, to teach [ed Allevato, a. brought up, instruct- Allevarrice,/. nurse Alleviamento, m. relief, comfort AUeviare, to relieve, alleviate; aHev.'are il dolore, to assuage a Alleviato, o. eased, appeased 43 ALL AHeviaVire, to. comforter Allianza,/. a alliance Allibbire, to lurn pale, to be as- tonished Allibrare, to record Allievarsi, to grow up Allievo, in. scholar, pupil Allignare, to take root Allindare, and Allindire, to adorn, embellish; allindarsi, to adorn one's self Allindaore, to. an embellisher Allinguato, a. prattling, chatter- ing [and blue) Allividime'nto, to. lividity (black Allividire, to grow black and blue, or pale Alio, Alii, Agli, Alia, Alle, art. to the, at ihe Alloccare, to lie in wait Alloccheiia,/. the owl's holes Allocco, vi. an owl, booby Allodiale, a. allodial (free) Allodialita,/. allodiality AlloJio, 771. allodial (any thing free) Allodola,/. a lark Allogagione, /. and Allogamento, m. a lease Allogare, to let, to farm ; allogarsi, to settle, set up AUogaiore, m. landlord tnto, to. inn, lodging; levir gli aUoggiamenti, to march oil'; alloggiamento di soldati, soldiers' quarters Alloggiante, a. a lodger AHoggiare, to lodge ; to dwell Allog;iatore, m. host, inn-keeper Alloggio, m. see Alloggiamento Allogliato, a. stupid Allontanamento, m. and Allonta- nanza. /. distance, remoteness Allon'.anare, to remove, to drive away ; allontanarsi, to go from j allontanarsi dalla virtii, to for- sake virtue; allontanArsi- dalla Btrada. to lose one's way ; allon- tanarsi dalla patria, to fly from one's country ; allontanarsi dal suo soggetto, to ramble from the subject Allontanato, a. removed Alloppiare, to put to sleep Allora, ad. then, at that time; d'allora in qua, since; allora allora, at the veiy time Alloro, m. the laurel tree Allorino, a. of laurel Allotta, *c£^A.116ra Allucci.ire, to eye Allucignolare, to twist ALT Allucinarsi, to mistake Alluda,/. sheep's leather Allucionte, a. alluding Alludere, to allude to Allumare, to set fire to All'inie, >n. alum Alluminare, see Illuminare Alluminazione,/. see Illuminazione Allungamento, m. lengthening, dis- tance, interval, remoteness Allungare, to lengthen ; allungarsi, to remove from Allungato, a. lengthened Allungatura,/. prolongation Allupare, to starve with hunger Allusingare, to flatter Allusione, /-allusion, reference Allusivo, a. allusive Alluvione, /. alluvion A'lma,/. the soul (in poetry) Almanaecare, to build castles in the air [dar Almanacco, m. almanac, calen- Almanco, and Almeno, ad. at least [miral's ship Almirante, m. an admiral, the ad- A'lmo, a. famous, excellent Aloe, m. aloes (a kind of herb) aloes (a shrub) Alopecia, and Alopezia, /. the fox's evil, the falling of the hair A'lpe, / the Alps Alpestre, a. wild, mountainous, rocky ; parole alpestri, rough words Alpigno, a. who inhabits the Alps, Alpine Alquanto, ad. somewhat, a little ; alquanto meglio, somewhat bet- ter Alquanto, a. some, not many; alquantuno, somebody Al'alena, /. a swing for children Altai enare, to swing Altaleno, m. a swing srate Altamente, ad. on high ; deeply; ad alia voce, loud ; nobly, gen- erously, splendidly Abana,/. a terrace Altare, rn. al'ar Altea, /. a sort of mallows Alterabile, a. alterable, changea- ble Alteramente, see Altiero menfe Aberamsnto, m. see .Alterazione Alterare, to alter, change; alte- rarsi, to grow angry Alteratamente, ad. furiously Altera to, a. changed, angry Alterazione, /. alteration, change Altercare, to wrangle, chide, scold ALT AUercazi6ne, /. chiding, alterca- ♦ ; .on Al.erezza, Altierezza, and Alte- rigia, f. ostentation, pride, in- solence, arrogance Alternamente, ad. by turns Alternare, to turn, to vary Alterii'ativa,/. alternative Alternativamente, ad. by turns Alternaiivo, a. by turns Alternazione,/. alternation Altero, arid Alteroso, a. proud, scornful, disdainful Altezza, /. height, loftiness ; una statua died piidi d'altezza, a statue ten feet high; depth; power; sublimity Altezza, /. highness ; S. A. R. or Sua Altezza Reale, his royal highness Alticcio, a. tipsy [lently Altieramente, ad. proudly, inso- Altiero, a. proud, haughty ; come va altiero nelle sue infa- mie ! how he prides himself in bis infamy ! splendid, magnifi- cent, noble; io vo altiero delle grazie che ho ricevute da voi, I think myself very much honour- ed with your favours Altifrondoso, a. with a tufted top Altisonante, a. loud, sonorous Altissimamente, ad. very highly, most deeply Altissimo, rn. God Almighty Altitudine,/. height Altivolante, o. that flies high A'lto, a. high, tall ; piu alto di me, taller than I ; alto mare, high sea ; voce alta, loud voice ; di alto, from above ; uomo d' alto sapere, a man of great learning ; dangerous, hazardous ; panno alto, broadcloth ; mirare in alto, to look above ; far alto, to halt ; far alto e basso, to do as one pleases ; alto, (in music,) treble [halt A'lto, ad. on high ; fare alto, to Altramente, ad. otherwise Altresi, ad. also, too, likewise ; io ho altresi ricevuto una let- teva da lui, I likewise received a letter from him Altrettale, a. such another, the same thing Altrettanto^ ad. as much, as much more ; cosl foss' io altret- tanto ricco che voi, I wish I was as ri ch as you A'ltri, jrcni. other AUriche, ad. see Altroche 44 AMA Altrieri, ad. the day before yes- terday Altrimenti, ad. otherwise, elsej non altrimenti, just so, exactly A'ltro, pron. ret. other, another ; 1' uno, e 1' altro, both ; ne V uno., ne 1' altro, neither; non volete altro ? will you have any thing else? altro e dire, altro e fare una cosa, to say and do are two things ; per altro, how- ever ; non dite altro, speak no more j senz' altro, without fail Altroche, ad. except, unless Altronde, ad. from elsewhere Altrotale, a. quite alike, such another Altr6ve, ad. somewhere else Altnu, pron. others; 1' altrui other people's goods Altura,/. height Alveare, and Alveario, m. bee- hive [river A'lveo, m. a canal, the bed of a Alvino, a. from the belly Alunno, rn. and Alunna, /. a pupil Alvo ? m. the belly, the womb Alzaia, /. a cable Alzamento, m. elevation Alzare, to raise, to lift up; alzar le vele, to hoist the sail ; alzar uno a qualche dignita, to ad- vance to some honours; alzar le corna, to extol himself; alzar la voce, to lift up one's voice; alzar le carte, to cut the cards; alzar 1' ingegno, to contrive; alzar il grugno, to pout ; alzarsi, to rise up Alzato, part, risen Alzatura,/. lifting up Amabile, a. affectionate, obliging Amabilita,/. affability, mildness Amabilmente,rtfi. amiably, friendly Amadore, m. a lover [istry} Amalgama,m. amalgam, (in chym Amalgamare, to amalgamate Amante, rn. a lover Amantemente, ad. lovingly, ten- derly Amanuense, m. a copier Amaraccio, a. disagreeable, bitter Amaramente, ad. bitterly, griev- ously Amaranto, m. amaranth Amare, to love; amar meglio, to choose; amo nrsglio lo studio che i piaceri, I prefer study to pleasure Amareggiamento, m. bitterness Amareggiare, to imbitter, to af- flict AME A*narezza, /. and Amarorc, m. c ion Amarezzar..s Amaricare, tee Ami- [tent Amantadine, /. Ainaro, a. grievous, unhappy ; bitter . slightly hitter Amattvo, a- I loved . as. amorous Amazzone, /. amaz.ui, B warlike vara]] Ambare. f". circumlocution imhtwii. /. shortness of breath, sutt">cation Ambascia !ore, m. ambassador Ami ascj i lorusco, m. a deputy Ambasciadrice, /. ambassadress Ambasciare, to pant Amkasoia'ore.m. see An. Ambascioso, a. full of grief an 1 Ar.ibi. Amln. pron, both; ambe le mam. bvh hands Ambedua, Ambediii, Ambeduo, pron. both Ambian'e, a. ambling Ambiare, to amble Ambidestro, a. ambidexter, (who uses both hands alike) Ambid'je, AmbiJui, Ambiduo, pron. both [bient air Ambien'e. m, circumference, am- Ambisruamente, ad. unbigDOQsly Ambiguita./. double meaiung Ambtrio. a. ambiguous, doubt- ful ; ii"mo ambiguo, an irreso- lute man A'mbio. n:. amble . to aspire to -/?. cabal Ambizione. f. ambition . ad. ambitiously Ambiriosn. a. ambiti .us Ambo, pron. see Ambe Ambxi le, n. both famberrris i. perfumed with .A . to perfume wi;h amber- rris ft, f. ambre' fa flower) A Ambubrnrio, a Amenameote, ad, agreeably AMM Amcndue, Amcnduni, Amendune, both . Amenit.Vle, and Ameni- tate, f, pleasauiness, deligh'.tul- a. pleasant, delightful, Amftbio, a. amphibious "" [tos Amianto, m. amianthus, or asbes- Amicabile, a. amiable, aflame Amicarsi, to reconcile, to get ac- quainted with [ly Amir he vole, a. amicable, friend- Amichevolmente, dH. amicably, friendly ; vi park) amichevol- mente. I q>oak to von as a friend Amicizia, /. friendship, amity Amico, m. friend ; amico stretto, an intimate, a gallant; arnica, mistress Amtco, a. favourable A'mido, m, starch Amis'a, Amistade, and Anustate, /. friendship, alliance Ammaccamento, m. a contusion, bniise AmmaccAre, to crush, beat Ammacca'ura, /. bruise, contusion Ammacchiarsi, to hide one's self behind a bush Ammaestramente, ad. learnedly Ammaes rameuto, m. Ammae-, /. iastructi >n, education Ammaestrare, to instruct, teach ra ho, a. instructive ■iio.a. instructed, taught Aminaesra ore, m, a tutor Amniaestratrice,/. a governess Aminaestratura, and Ammaestia- ziont, /. s^e Ammaestramento Ammaes nivole, a. tractable Amniaestrevolmente, ad. with do- cility, skilf .ily [grow thin Amnn-rrare, and Ammagrire, to Ammaiarsi, to deck one'sself with leaves Ammaiato, part, covered or deck- ed wi h green boughs, or flowers Aminainare, to strike, or lower the sail Animal) re, to ?row sick Ammala'icch, a. sickly Ammaiato, a. sick, ill ; un am- maiato, a sick person Ammaliamento, m. enchantment, bewitching Ammali'ire, to bewitch, cliarm Ammaliato, a. bewitched Ammalia'.o Amnialia'rice,/. a witch Ammaliatora, /. tee Ammalia- mento Ammaliziato, o. grown malicious •T. AMM Ammanettare, to manacle a prison- er, to dress one's self Ammanettato, a. fettered [axe Aminannai.nv. to behead with an Ammannaiato, <<• I Ammannare, and Ammauuire, to prepare ammansare, to soften, to tame Ammantare, to cover, to cloak and hide any thing Ammantato, a. covered, defended Ammantatura, /. a covering with a cloak Ammantellarsi, sec Ammantare Ammanto, m. cloak, mantle Ammarcimento, m. putrefaction Ammarcire, to rot Ammarginarsi, to cicatrize Amm.Tittllare, to torment, to give jealousy Ammassamento, m. accumulation Ammassare, (fare massa.) to treas- ure up ; (radunarsi,) to get to- gether Ammassato, a. heaped up; aere ammassato, dense air Ammassatore, m. accumulator AmmasBo, m. a heap Ammatassare, to make into a skein Aminattire, to grow distracted ; far divenfr malto. to make n^id Ammattito, a. distracted, mad Ammattonamento, m. a paving with squnre inarbie tiles Ammattonere, to pave with square brick-., tiles, &c. Ammatton,\to, o. paved with square bricks, e, a. emollient Ammollire, to open ; j;li spinaci ammolltscono i) ventre, spinage is loosening ; (ammollare,) to move, or affect AMO Ammollito, a. loosened, softened, moistened Ammonimento, m. admonition Ammonire, to admonish, warn, ad- vise, reprimand Ammonito, part, admonished Ammonitore, ra. admomsher Ammonizioncella, /. paternal ad- monition Ammonizione, /. admonition Ammontare, to heap up Ammonticare, to heap up, to amass Ammonticchiare, to heap Ammonticchiato, part, heaped, piled up Ajnmorbare, to infect, taint Ammorbidamento, m. gentleness, mildness Ammorbidare, and Ammorbidire, to soften, loosen ; ammorbidirsi, to grow effeminate Ammorsellato, m. a hash Ammortamento, m. extinction Ammortare, to extinguish Ammorlire, to extinguish, to cool Ammortito, part, extinguished Ammorzare, to quench, to repress ; mitigate; ammorzarla superbia, to humble pride Ammoscire, to languish Ammostare, to press grapes Ammostatoio, m. a wine-press Ammozzicare, to cut in pieces Arnmozzicato, a. cut in pieces Ammuechiamento, m. a heap Ammucchiare, in? Andantemen'e, ad. fluently, easily, Andare, to ?o ; andire a pie le. to walk ; andar- draw out in leniTh; andar a Tela, to sail : life at sake; andare omato, to dress well : andare a marito, to marrv ; an lar bene, ta succeed ; andif a secor ; sciamo andare qnesto discirsn. let us talk no more of 'his; i TOstri affari vanno 1 your business | pi anda'i. in I ttcendo, to go about 1 andare in cullera, to be anrry ; andar r wd : .in- darsene, to b* r-ne : a lung:- andare, in tb: Ion: run > ■ Audita, /. gait, act of going, a AxNG ■»,/. a very COpi bag . past a 1 iveller ■<./. walking Andirivieni. m. windings, incohe- rent di» A'mlito. in. pa st.v. m'rance An drone, /. . \ . aj)d Aneloso, a. pant- UK, !'!• ' Anelare, to breathe short, to pant Anelazione, /. short br ath Anelio, m. shortncs of breath Anellotto, and Anellino, m. a small ring Anello. m. a rinsr; dar 1' anullo, to he' roth ; auello di capelli, lock of hair . //i. a larse ring Anelloso, a. male like a chain Anemometro, nu instrument to measure the force of win 1 .Animone, m. a flower so called Aneto) m. dill Anfanamento, m. pra'in?. nonsense Anfanare, to ramble in discourse ; anfanarsi, to wan lex. to rove Anfanatore. in. prattler, blab . •. nonsensej prat'le 1 er or on laud \, f. uncertain meanin? -icamente, ad. ambigu- ously [scure Anribo'losico, a. ambiguous, ob- -1. Amphiscians (inhab- itants of the torr a. amphitheatre . f. kilderkin m. a liar »w, dark place Angariare, to f >rcc. to overcharge re. m. an oppressor . f. a plant w called . ad, like an angel Aug lichezza, /. the likeness of an . a. anirclioal ; viso an- . charming face gelo cus- ir Man anrel - ieve Anrheria, /. fore.-, compulsion: io fo cio per aright: do 'his ..pprpss A»ngi .la,/. A ii : 'letta, /. urn-again alley, a court 47 AN1 Anglicano. a. Anglicai; I Anelicana, tlie churcn of Eug- 1 1 a Andicismo, in. Anglicism A'nglo, in. an Englishman (in poetry) Angolafe, a. anxular, cornered id. angularly . c truer r angles An_r'm\ m. griet, ]>\u: ro.vful, painful . ' and A'i.:)M-iaineuto, ni. anguish, vexation Anzisci'ire, to ffri.'ve, to vex Au^Tsciito, a. sorrowful, distress- Angosciosamente, ad. sorrov.-fully Anioscioso, o. anxious, painful m. a snake (in poetry) Anguilla./. an eel Anguinaglia, and Anguinaia, /. emin, a botch . f". distress, scarcity; an- gustia di tempo, shortness of time Anstustiare, to afflict, to harass . mid Angustioso, a. anxi his, vexed, grieved small A'uice. m. the plant anise Anile, a. old, ancient A'nima,/. the soul Aniniadversione,/. a'ter.'ion Animalaccio, m. a blockhead Aniinfile, m. an animal, a stupid fellow, a dunce Animale, a. animal Animalesco, a. beas'ly Animaletto, m. animalcule Animalino, m. animalcule Animal iti,/. animali'y Animalone, m. a sreat beast, a dunce, an awkward fellow Aniinaliccio, and Animalazzo, m, animalcule Animante, a. what is animated AnimAre, to hearten, to animate, to give existence Anitm'ito, a. anima'ed Aniimv versions, /. animadversion, punishment Animazidae, f. arimation, (the forming of the soul) Animelh. f. a sort of ton pe : ani- melladi pompa, the valve of a pump; animella di vitello, A'nimo, m. mind, understanding, cour\Te : vol jrr nt IT ;'»nimo, to II '; animo vile, spiritless, sneaking; farai ANN Inimo, to pick up courage ; aofferir 1' animo, to have cour- age enough to; dar 1' animo, bastar 1' aniino, to boast of, to pretend to Animosamente, ad. violently Aniinosita, Animositade, and An- imositate, /. animosity, grudge Animoso, a. brave, valiant Animuccia, /. a silly soul A'nitra,/. a duck, drake Anitrino, rtu a young duck Anitrio, rtu neighing Anirrire, to neigh, to whinny Annabattista, m. an anabaptist Annacquamento, m. wa'ering Annacquare, to mix water with wine Annacquato, a. mixed with water Annaffiamento, m. the act of watering Annaffiare, to water Annaffiato, part, watered Annaffhtoio, m. a watering pot Annale, a. yearly Annali, m. annals Annalista, m. a writer of annals Annasare, to smell, to come to trial with one Annasato, a. smelled Annaspare, to wind yarn Annata, /. year ; year's rent Annebbiamento, m. dark weather Annebbiare, to cloud ; annebbiar- si, to blind one's self Annebbiato, a. overcast, blasted Annegamento, m. the act of drowning Annegare, to drown, to deny Annegato, a. drowned Annegazione, /. self-denial Anne.zhittire, and Anneghittirsi, to grow lazy Anneghittito, a. idle, slighted Anneramento, m. and Anneritura, /. blackness Annerare, to blacken, to defame ; annerarsi, to grow dark ; an- nerar la fama d' uno, to blast one's reputation Annerato, part, blacked Annesso, part, annexed Annestamento, m. grafting Annestare, to graft, to join Annestato, part, grafted Annettere, to annex Annevare, to refresh with snow Annichilamento, m. annihilation Annichilare, to destroy ; annichi- lirsi, to debase one's self Annichilato, part, annihilated Aunichilazione,/. destruction ANN Annidare, to nestle ; annidirsi, to settle Annientare, to annihilate Annientamento, m. destruction Anninnare, to rock, to lull asleep Aimiversario, m. anniversary A'nno, m. year; capo d'anno, new year's day ; d'anno in anno, every year ; mi par mill' anni di vederlo, I long to see him ; entrar negli anni, to grow old Annobilire, and Annobilitare, to ennoble Annobilito, a. ennobled Annodamento, m. the tying Annodare, to tie, to knit, to bind together Annodato, part, tied, concluded Annodatura, and Annodazione, /. see Annodamento Annoiamento, m. weariness, trouble Annoiare, to weary, to tire; an- noiarsi, to be displeased Annoiato, a. wearied, tired Annoiosamente, ad. tediously Annoioso, a. tedious, wearisome Annoiare, to freight (as ships, &c.) Annomare, to name, to call Ann6na,/. provisions Annoso, a. old, ancient Annotare, to remark Annotatore, m. who makes notes Annotazione, /. a note, remark Annottare, and Annottarsi, to grow dark Annovale, a. annual Annoveramento, m. enumeration Annoverante, a. enumerating Annoverare, to reckon, to rank Annoverato, a. reckoned Annoveratore, m. who computes Annoverevole, a. that may be computed Annovero, m. computation Annuale, a. yearly Annuale, m.' (tutto il corso dell' anno) the year Annual mente, ad. annually Annuario, a. annual Annugolare, to grow cloudy Annusrolafo, part, clouded Annullagione, /. and Annulla- mento, m. abolishing, suppres- sion Annullnre, to suppress, abolish Annullato, a. repealed, abrogated Annullatore, m. suppressor, de- stroyer Annullazione, /. abolishing, sup- pression Annumerare, to enumerate 48 ANT Annunziamento, m. prediction, prophecy Annunziare, to foretell ; to declare Annunziato, part, declared Annunziatore, m. foreteller, proph- et [tion Annunziazi6ne, /. the annuncia- Annunzio, m. message, news A'nnuo, a. annual Annuvolare, to overcast Annuvolato, a. cloudy A'no, ra. the fundament Anodino, a. anodyne Anomalo, a. irregular Anonimo, a. nameless Anotomia,/. dissection Anotomista, m. anatomist Ansamento, m. panting, short breath Ansante, a. out of breath Ansare, to pant A'nsia ; /. perplexity Ansieta,/. sorrow A'nsio, a. sad, sorrowful Ansiosamente, ad. anxiously Ansioso, a. restless, grieved, tor- mented, anxious Antagonista, m. antagonist Antartico, a. antarctic, southern Antecedente, a. foregoing Antecedentemente, ad. previously Antecedenza, /. precedency Antecedere, to precede Antecessore, m. predecessor Antelucano, a. before daylight Antemurale, m. defence Antenato, m. progenitor, ancestor ; antenati, ancestors, forefathers Antenna,/, sail-yard, lance, pole Antepenultimo, a. before the last but one Antep6rre, to prefer, to esteem Anteposizione, f. preference Anteposto, part, preferred Anteriore, a. foremost Anteriorita,/. priority Anteriormente, ad. before Antescritto, a. above-written Anteserraglio, m. a field gate, & .. fore close, and Antessignino, in. standard-bearer Anticaglia, /. antiquity, monu- ments of antiquity Anticamente, ad. anciently, of old Anticamera, /. antechamber Anticato, a. used Anticbetto, a. rather ancient Antichia, Antichit.ide, anrfAnti chitate,/. antiquity Anticipare, to anticipate, to foretell Anticipatamente, ad. beforehand ANT i A ; all' autica, in ' stors : nd Anticonoscen- ^rver of priv . to run before Antic irricrr. m. tor^ runner re court i. a. antichristian Antichrist^, m. Antichrist Anticursore. m. am Anticorriere k, f. an'edate Antiiire, lo l" retell [son Antidoto, m. antidote, counter-poi- Anttfona, f. anthem an anthem-singer ; Antifrasi./. autiphnsis i ire, to preju.lge [iresee \:i?uard re, to prefer, to esteem imony ike a parapet Antinrjr.-i. tvj. ou'ni'rst wall Antioome. m. a pronoun . m. antipope Antipasto. m. dishes first served i, /. natural aversion Antipvico, a. averse [to Antipatizzire. to bear an aversion vo, part, hated Antipensare, to premeditate Antipensato, a, premeditated Antipodi, m. antipodes - r e, to prefer, esteem ■ >. /. and AnMporto, m. a ile, entry-door, eate lere, tn take beforehand io, m. an antiquary Antiqu.ato, a. obsolete, old Anfiquo, tec Antico AitfiraprtT tn f iresee [seen Antisapevole, a. tha' may be fo re- light ■:. an'iscorbutic Antisern'iglio. rtu a kind of fore Hose I shop r e in rhetoric -«ee. to foreknow <% and An'ivedimento, m. I - Antivedi'or-, m. who foresees AntiTfdutamente, ad, with fore- APO Antivedato, a. I are sen Antivegnente, a. preventing, pre- v, to precede Antivcniito, part, preceded Antivigilia,?. the evening before \ l,/. an boi tv Antr&ce, and Antriaa, /. a car- t-uncle (preckraa stone) A liiro, m. den, cave, crotto Antropofago, m. i i Anulire, and Anulario, a. per- taining to a ring; dito anul.tre, the ring fiuger ■ . on the contrary, even, also ; non e solamente li'b- erale, ana prodijo, he is not on- ly liberal, but even prodigal A'nzi, prep, before ; anzi ch' io, inoia. before I die ; and.ite via anzi che venga, go away before he comes Aii7i. a nj. nay Anzianita, Aiizianitade, and An- zianitate. /. antiquity, seniority Anzi.'mo. ;,?. senhr Anziano, a. old, ancient Anziche, ad. sooner, before that ; anzi pure, rather than not Anzi che no, ad. rather, sooner Anzinatn, a. first born, eldest Aoncinare, to make crooked Aonestare, to colour, cloak Aorr.ire, to strangle, choke Aorcito, part, strangled Aormare, (chase term,) to quest A otta, ad. often ; a otta a otia, now ami then Apart e, ad. aside Apatia, /. insensibility Apatista, m. indolent A'pe, /. a bee Apeliota, m. east wind Apennino, m. Apennine Moun tains u Aperire. to open [retic Aperitivo, aiid Aperiivo, a. diu- -. *re Apertiira Apertamente, ad. openly, frankly Aperto, a. open, plain, bold; un fiore apei to, a blown flower ; riaver uno a braccia aperte, to receive one with open arms A . m. who opens Apertura, and Aperzione, /. hole. m'-nns. opportunity A'pire. m, tnp. height Apfcolo, m. a little heizht Apocalfsse, and Ap-ocallssi, /. ■ ypse Apocrifo," a. apocryphal ; libri Ai>6crifi, the Apocrypha 49 APP eon, or apogee ApoUineo, tdi Apollo,) a. of Apollo v ■ •. a. apologetic fence . <>.. .in apologist Apologo, m, ipologue, fable I . a, apoplectic './. apostasy ApOstata, r)i. apostate, renegado Apostatare, to apostatize Apostema, /. an impos'.hume Apostemare, to suppurate, to ma- ture ApostemAto, a. impostl.umated Apostolato, m. apostolate, apostle- ship Apostolico, a. apostolical Apfistolo, 771. apostle Apostrofare, to put an apostrophe Apostrofatamente, ad. with an apostrophe Apostrofatiira, and Apostrofazi6ne, /. the art of putting apostrophes Apostrofe, ?n. an apostrophe (in rhetoric) [grammar) Apostrofo, 77i. an apostrophe (in Apostumo, a. posthumous Apotegma, /. apophthegm, (a short and pithy sentence) Apoteosi, /. apotheosis (the deify- ins; of a man) A]ipnciamento, in. pacifying Appaciare, to pacify, assuage Appadiglionare, to encamp Appadiglion&to, a. encamped Appagabile, a. thatmaybesa'isfied Aj>pa'iamento, and Appago, m. satisfaction and content AppasAre, to satisfy, to please ; d' altro non m- appago che della solitudine, solitude is my sole delight Appa^ato, a. satisfied AppaiAre, to pair, to match ; ap- paiarsi, to join one's self Appaiato, a. matched Appalesire, to discover, to declare: appalesirsi, to make one's self known AppalesAto, part, discovered, re- vealed Appal tare, to let, to farm Appaltatore, m. farmer Appalto, 771. farm, monopoly Appaltrine, t?i. intriguing, that puts hinvelf forward Appannaggio, m. aji innate Appannamento, 777. and Appanna- tura, /. dimness Appaunare, to darken, to cloud ; APP to tarnish, dell * to fall into a snare Appannato, part, caught in a snare, massive [dazzles Appaimatoio, m. what dims, Apparire, to .'earn, to prepare Apparato, a. learned Apparato, m. preparation; con apparato, sumptuously Apparetcluam^ntOj m. prepara- tion, furniture Apparecchiare,to prepare, to treat ; apparecchiare la tavola, to lay the cloth ; apparecchiarsi, to get one's self ready • to furnish one's self wi tii Apparecchiito, part, prepared Apparecchiatore, m. preparer, waiter Apparecchiatura, /. and Apparec- chio, 77i. preparation Appareggiare, to put in competi- tion, to match Apparentare, to match, to make one's self familiar Apparentato, a. related to Apparente, a. plain, evident, seeming Apparentemente. ad. apparently Apparenza, /. outside show, prob- ability Apparere, to appear Apparimento,m. apparition, vision Apparire, to appear, to show one's self Appariscente, a. handsome Appariscenza, /. a noble presence, a fine carriage Apparita, Apparizirtne, and Ap- parsione, set Apparimento Apparito, part, appeared Apparitore. ?/?. a bailiff Apparizione. /. apparition Apparso, part, appeared Appartamcnto, m. apartment, lodgings Appartare, to sever, to put asunder • appartArsi. to withdraw Appai tatamente, ad. asunder, se- cretly [set aside Apparato, -part, separated, chosen, Appartenen'.-, and Appavtegnente, a. belon_Miiz. appertaining, suit- able Appartene'iza, /. appurtenance Apparlt i . to regard, to concern, become Appassare, to wither, to decay Appassionamento, m. passion, love Appassionare, to make one-suffer, endure • i. to have a strong passion for any thing APP Appa'sionatame'nte, ad. passion- ately [affeccionate Appassionato, a. endured, suffered, Appa suej and Appassirsi, to grow dull, dry Appastare. to stick, as paste Appel labile, a. that may be ap- pealed [lant Appellants, m. appealer, appel - Appellare, to name, call, accuse, impeach"*} to appeal to a higher court [peal Appellatlvo, a. susceptible of ap- Appellazione, and Appel lagione, /. appeal to a higher court, chal- lenge Appello, m. an appeal, a challenge Appena, ad. hardly, scarce Appenare, to sutler, to De distressed, to vex Append ere, to hang, to hang up Appendice, /. appendix, supple- ment Appennecchiare, to fill a distaff Appensare, to design, to propose Appensatamente, ad. maturely, seriously Appeso, part, hanged, hung on Appestare, to infect, to corrupt Appestato, a. infee'ed Appetente, a. desirous, longing Appetenza, /. appetite, desire, af- fection Appetibile, a. desirable Appetire, to desire, to covet Appefi ivo, a. that provokes ap- petite Appetito, m. appetite, desire Appetitoso, a. that provokes the stomach [wish Appetizione, /. appetite, desire, Appettare, to have at heart, to in- terest one's self Appetto, ad. in comparison ; (for dirimpetto,) over against, facing; combattere appetto appetto, to fight a duel Appiacevolire, to appease, to tame Appianare, to remove or surmount difficulties Appianato, a. levelled Appias'rare, to cleave to; appias- trare un diamante, to set a dia- mond ; appiastrarsi. to stick Appiastrato, part, daubed with any thing viscous [tion App ; astricciamento,m. conglutina- Appiastricciare, and Appiastricci- c'ire, to s'ick [cealing ^ppiattnmento, m. the act of con- Aj pia'tare, to conceal ; appiattarsi, to hide one's self 50 APP Appiattatamente, ad. by stealti, secretly Appiattato, part, concealed Appiccagnolo, m. a hook, tenter Appiceamento, m. hanging, OT fastening to Appiccante, a. viscous, glutinous Appiccare, to lie, to fasten ; apple* carsi, to keep close, to stick, to catch, to thrive, to slander' ap« piccarla ad uno, to play one a trick • appiccar la zuii'a, la bat- taglia, to give battle Appiccaticcio, a. clammy, sticky ; male appiccaticcio, a contagious distemper Appiccaticcio, m. a troublesome fellow Appiccativo, a. contagious , Appiccato, a. fast, sticking Appiccatiira,/. the ironwork of a window err door Appicciare, and Appiccicare, ts stick fast to [lessen Appiccinire, to make smaller, to Appicco, 77j.. connexion, union Appiccolamento, m. lessening, shortening Appiccolare, and Appicciolire, to diminish, to retrench * to lessen, shorten [the foot Appie, and Appiede, ad. down, at Appieno, ad. fully, entirely Appigionamento, m. rent of a house, or lodging Appigionare, to let, to hire Appigionasi, m. a bill upon a door Appigliamento, m. junction Appigliare, to follow ; appigliarsi, to conform v n\ m' appiglio al vostro cons)giio, I will follow your advice Appigrirsi, to grow idle Appillotarsi, to trifle away one^s time A'ppio, m. parsley Appiuola, mala appiuola, /. golden pippin Appiuolo, 77i. the tree that bears the golden pippin Applau'lente, a. who applauds Applaud ere, and Applaudire, to applaud, to approve Applaudirsi, to have a proud gait Applandito, part, applauded Applauso, m. applause Applausdre, 77*. who applauds Applicamento, m. application Applicabile, a. applicable Applicare, to assign, to appoint; applicarsi, to set about Applicatamente, ad. attentively APP \ part, applieti . plies Appl cm i ion, dili- :ri-p. with, by. near ipp.xi, ad. bv little and ubMo, 7?i. an elbow-place ipport, to protect, upon - ^ppH .'iio, and , support, roost Appomiciare. to rub with pounce njecture ■ >n, appen lis , to add, tn im- pute, to n[ | f| a v 'i s' appoue la sua a. they impute all his ■ he potete apporre a questo ? what have say to this ? ApportA: • vey, to procure, . Apportatrice,/. a 1 "joined application, ad- uL on purpose . m. ambush, snare - y, to watch, to appoint Appo-tvarn Mite. ad. designedly 'teed ia. a. added A ■: ad. after the A ; ipa) the pnpe ', m. apovle i press p renders'! in love ing, skill. Appren*itile, a. to be conceived APP Apprcnsione. f. jcil HUT/, fear Apprensiva, ./. comprehi Apprensivo, a. fearful, timorous, apt to learn Appresi li lire, to show, to repre- ■enl another [ened . i. comprehended, thick- Appressam into, m. a; i] roach, neighbourhood [proach e, to draw, to ap- near, by, after, next to . ad. af'er, afterwards j appidsao a poco, aim - . Appress icfa \ ad. since, a) A| prestamento, and Appristo, m. prepara'ion [ready re, to prepare, to make • i. a. prepared Appre 77. dole, a. valuable Apprezzamehto, ccio, 7/i. approach ApprocciatO, a. approached Approdare, to arrive, to be profita- ble, to become valiant Appmfv.t.'ire. and Approfittarai, to profit, tn draw advantage from Approfoodare, a/rl Approfondire, to dig, to mak Approntare, to prepare Appro[>inquani. see Appressare, and iti c impounds Appropo&ito. ad. apropos, exactly AppropriArsi. to appropriate: ap- r <\ to attribute, to affirm, to imitate AppropriatO, part, appropriated, suitable Appropriazione,/. appropriation Approssimante, a. near, something like re, to come ni2:h tched Approvabile, a. lau !a!de rion Approval to confirm Approvatameote, ad. in an ap- provable manner ', a. approved ARA Ajmrovatore, m. ajid Approve- trice,/, approver, allower Appro vazione, /. approbation Approvecciarsi, to get smie profit ; Appulcrare, to embellish Appuntamente, ad. precisely Appuntamento, m. a., in appuntamento, to Appuntare, to sew, to blame, to sharpen, to set down, to hud fault, to fix, appoint Appuntatamente, ad. exactly, dili- gently [upon Appuntato, m. an account agreed Appuntato, a. stitched, sharpened, Appuntatore, m. critic, reformer, censurer Appuntatura, /. maik Appuntell'ire, to support, to bear up Appuntellato, a. stayed, or prop- ped up Appunlino. ad. precisely, just Appunto, ad. precisely ;' per 1' ap- pi'into, exactly ; mettersi in ap- punto, to get rea ly ; stava per partlre per V appunto quando lei venue, I w^s going away the moment you ( I Appurare, "to purify, to write fair Appuzzamehto, 771." stench Appuzzare, and Appuzzolare, to Aprtco, a. sunny Aprile, m. Apri'l Aprimento, m. the act of opening Api iporta, in. a door-keeper Aprire, to open, to cleave ; aprirsi, to chop, to gauge, crack April vo. a. aperitive Apritore, m. he that opens; apri- tore di case, house breaker Aqnario, TO. Aquarius, a sign of th - zadiac Aquatico, a. aquatic, watery Aqueitade, f. sea Ae- quosita A'queo, a. watery Aqui lotto, 771. an aqueduct A'quila, /. Aqui lino, a. hawked AquUonare, a. northern wind Aquilone, r?t. the north, the north •' re Acquosha ' . tec Acquoso A'ra. f. altar .-. Arabic :. arable . arrack Aragna,/. and Araguo, m. a spider ARC Araldo, m. a herald Aramento, m. tillage, ploughing Araucia,/. au orauge Aranciata, /. a kind of cooling liqu >r Aranciato, a. orange colour Aranciato, m. orange-house, m garden Araneino, m. a China orange Arancio, m. an orange, an orange- tree Arante, a. ploughing Arare, to plough Arato, and Aratolo, m. a plough Aratore, m. husbandman Aratro, m. plough Aratura,/. Ullage, ploughing Arazzeria, /. tapestry, manufac- tory, hangings Arazziere, m. tapestry maker Arazzo, m. tapestry Arbitraggia,/. arbitration Arbitrante, m. that arbitrates Arbitrare, to adjudge, regulate ; to judge, value Arbitrariamente, ad. arbitrarily, despotically Arbitrario, a. arbitrary Arbitrato, part, arbitrated Arbitrato, m. arbitration Arhitratore, m. arbiter Arbitrio, m. will, power; libera arbitrio, free will A'rhitro, m. and A'rbitra, /. umpire, arbiter A'rbore, m. tree Arboreo, a. full of trees Arboreto, m. a place planted with trees Arboroso, a. woody Arboscello, Arbuscello, Arbusco, Arbuscolo, rn. Arbuscella, Ar- buscula, /. a shrub, or little tree Arbustjna, /. and Arbustmo, m. a vine that climbs up trees Arbusto, m. shrub, <-prout A'rca, /. chest, coffer ; area di Noe, the ark of Noah Arcaccia,/. an old trunk A'rcade, and Arcadico, a. Arca- dian [er, knave Arcadore,m. a bowman, a deceiv- Arcale, m. arch, centre Arcaine, in. skeleton Arcan unciite, ad. secretly, pri- vately Arcansfdo, m. archangel Arcano, rn. secre., mystery Arcano, a. secret, mysterious Arcare, to bend, to arch, to cheat, deceive ARC Areata, /. bow-shot; tirar un areata, to pump one ; tirar in areata, to judge at random Arcato, a. arched, bent Arcatore, rn. archer, bowman Arcavoia, /. great great grand- mother [father Arcavolo, m. great great grand- Archeggiare, to bend like an arch Archeggiato, a. like a bow, or arch [pattern Archeiipo, rn. first example, or Archettino, m. a bow (to play on the violin, &c.) Archetto, in. fiddle-stick Archibugiare, and Archibusare, to shoot Archibugiata, and Archibusata, /. arquebusade Archibugicre, and Archihusiere, m. a gunner Archibugio, Archibuio, and Ar- chibuso, m. a hand-gun Archimandrita, m. leader, prelate, prior Archipenzolare, to take the level Archipexzolo, rn. a plummet Architettare, to build Arehitetto, m. architect Architettonicamente, ad. architec- turally, skilfully Architettore, m. a'ad Architet- trice,/. architect Archifettonico, a. of architecture Archite'tura,/. architecture Archiviare, to record Archivio, m. archives Archiv^sta, m. the keeper of the records Arci, a Greek wr-rd, which is used out of emphasis, or in joke, as, Arabella, a. very handsome Arcibenissimo, ad. exceedingly well [drel Arcibriccone, m. an arrant scoun- Arciconsolo, m. first consul Arcidiaconatn, */>, archdeaconship Areidiacono, m. archdeacon Aicidi'ica, m. Arciducato, m. an archdukedom Arciduchessa, /. archdutchess Arciebquen issimo, a. most elo- quent Arciepiscopale, a. belonging to the archbishop [bowman Arciere, and Arciero, m. archer, Arcii'anfana, /. and Arcifanfano, m. a babbler Arc fanfanare, to boast Arcifondatore, rn. first founder Arcigiullai e, ra. a juggler, a face- tious fellow 52 ARD Arcigi amente, ad. sharply Arcignezza, /. sharpness Arcigno, a. grim, sullen; far visa arcigno, to frown Arcimaestoso, a. most majestic Arcimaestro, m. an excellent master Arcimastro, m. first master Arcimentire, tu tell a most impu dent lie Arcione, in. saddle-bow Arcipelago, rn. archipelago Arcipoeta, m. the first of poets Arcipoltrone, in. very idle, cow ard Arcipresbiterato, and Arcipretato, m. the dignity, office, and juris- prudence of an arch-priest Arciprete, m. arch-priest Arciricchissimo, a. very opulent Arcisqui-ito, a. very exquisite Arcivero, a. most true Arcivescovado, rn. archbishopric Arci vesco vale, a. arch i episcopal Areivescovo, m. archbi hop A'rco, rn. a bow ; arco, an arch, in architecture; star coll' arco teso, . to look about every way : arco trionfale, a triumphal arch ; arco celiste, rainbow, m. rainbow Arcobugio, see Archibugio Arcolaio, m. a reel Areola j, m. pi. castles in the air, whims Arcnato, a. crooked, arched Arcuecia,/. a sweating cradle Ardente, a. hot, burning^ violent, amorous, desirous Ardentemente, ad. vehemently Ardenza, /. a grea heat A'rdere, to burn, to be vehemently in love, to shine, to be bright Ardiglione, m. the tongue of a buckle [dnin, courage Ardimento, m. im];udence, free- Ardimentoso, a. bold, courageous Ard ire, to dare Ardire, rn. bjldncss, confidence, assurance [stoutly Ardilamente, ad. courageously, ArditeHo, a. ra her bold, pert Ardito, a. courageous, daring, in- solent, barefaced Ardore, m. heat, love, passion, zeal, longing Arduamente, ad. arduously Arduita, Arduitade, and Arduitate, /. great difficulty ; steepness of a mountain A'rduo, a. difficult, perilous Ardiira, /. ardouj-, heat AM Arena,/, sand, gravel, arena Arenai \ ■ind Arc- Aram . felly Areoj og to a:i 1 . m. Areopagus I \ r?j. a mean, base, pitiful ft !. tr y I A'rgano, m. windlass, crane, iron '. 1 or silver-smith de, a. silver-coloured Aigerr ::.iih tito, a, silvered over re, m one who silvers ' mr of silver la,/, plate, s.lver plate .ermine smith red ; suo- nor - und coinei ato filato, silver ■■ ng, or tune Arimmetica,/. arithmetic Ariinnietico, a. arithmetical Allnga,/. discourse, speech; her- riug Aringamento, m. discourse Aringare, to harangue Aringato, a. harangued Aringatore, m, speaker AringhJera,/. chair, pulpit, bar; lists [pulpit, bar Arinzo, and Arriugo, n>. lis:?, Arioi i, ,;i. diviner :. lightsome, airy; pretty, graceful . < hine of pork i'ic i'ical Arist crazia,/. aristocracy ArisTolochia, and Aristologia, /. hy, (hartwort) Ari^'otclico, a. belonging to Aris- totle Aritmetica, /. arithmetic Aritmetico, »i. arithmetician Arilme'icn, a. arithmetical Aiiecchino, m. harlequin Arieccbin&tta,/. showed harlequin Arlot'o, ?/j. ffliitton, devourer A run. f. arms, (in the ancient ! .ilma) Armacollo-, ad. cross-wise, (as a tier) Armadio, see Arm;'. and Armaio, m. ar- r, run-niikir Armamentario, m. armourer Armament's rn. armour, annament . to arm, to put on armour ; araan fit out a up arms . m, i n b, •'. navy, fiV-t id. with arms Aniiito, a. armed, harnessed 53 ARP . m, captainofa privateer Annatur.i. /. am. our A'rme, ana A'rma, /. arms, ar mour, harness ; muover l'armi, to dec! li ' u me, to fiirht ; fir il viso delle arme, to took angry: Bospensidn d'arme, I .111, IS A'rme, (in heraldry,) mats of arms Armeggierta, Armeggiata, /. Ar- meggio, and Armeggiamento, m. listing, tilting, or tourna- ment Armeggiare, to just, to run a tilt ; armeggiare uu vascello, to moor a ship Armeggiatore, rru a juster^gladiator Armeggio, m. fighting in play Armellfno, rn. a : Armentario, m. a cattle-keeper Armentario, a. belonging to cattle Annen'o, m. herd, drove of cattle Armeria, /. armory Armetremendo, a. dreadful in arms Armisero, a. mar ial Arm Ml a,/, a bracelet Armillare, a. like a hollow sphere Armipotente, a, powerful inarms Armivtizio, m. short truce Armonia, f. harmony Armoniaco, rn. sal ammoniac Am onico, and Armonioso, a. melodious [ly Armoniosamente, ad. hannonious- Annonrzzire, to make harmony Armonizzato, a. set in order or ar- ray Armoraccio. m. horse-radish Arnese, m. implements, furniture, . ornament ; fortress ; ar- mour; esser bene in arnese, to be in good order; £sser male in . to be in a disorderly con- di'ion A'rnia. /. bee-hive Arnione, m. a kidney io, m. druggist Aromatichezza, Aromaticita, Aro- maticitade, and Aromaticit&te, /. aromatic,- odoriferous quality of pla: • . a. odoriferous, spicy, difficult, W himsical Aroni.'itico, rn. a mixture of all Aromatizzare. to embalm, perfume . ind Ammo, tn. spices ! ! , nto, "i. harping lie harp I harpy ARR Arpic&re, to climb up ; arpicar col cervello, to reflect Arpicordo, m. a harpsichord Arpioue, m, a hinge, hook, tenter A'rra, /. earnest Arrabattai si, to endeavour Arrabbiamento, m. raging madness Arrabbiare, to rage, to go mad ; arrabbiarsi, to grow very angry ; arrabbiar della fame, to starve with hunger Arrabbiatamente, ad. outrageously Arrabbiatello, a. enraged, mad, furious Arrabblato, a. mad, fierce, cruel Arraflare, and Arraffiare, to snatch, to eaten, to tear with hooks Arraffato, a. wrested, caiched Arramncciare, to drive one in a sledge Arrampicare, to climb Arrancare, to go lame, to limp along [rowing Arrancato, a. voa-aarrancata. hard Arrandellire, to bind tight, to hurl Arrandellatamente, ad. tightly ArrangoLare, to fly in a passion, to be impatient Arraiito'ato|"a. hoarse Arrapinato, a. peevish, morose Arrappare, to wring, to wrest Arrappato, a. snatched, wrested Arrappaiore, m. a ravisher, robber Arraia,/. earnest Arrecare, to brine, to convey; to induce; arrecarsi, to make it up, to consent ; che novelle m' ar- rechi ? what news do you bring me ? cio m'arreca meraviglia, that surprises me Arrecato, part, brought Arreca'ore, rn. and Arrecatrice,/. one who brings, carries, &c. Arredare, to prepare, to equip Arredo, rn. furniture, implements; arredo di nave, rigging of a ship Arrenare, to run aground, to desist Arrendamenio, rn. a lease Arrendatore, rn. renter Arrendeisi, to surrender, to stretch ; (spenkin? of plants.) to bend Arrendevole, a. tractable, easy Arrendevoliizza, /. flexibility, do- cility Arrendevolinente,ad. submissively Arrenlebiiita, /. see Arrendevo- 1-Jzza Arrendimento, m. a surrender ArreV), part, surrendered Arrestamento, rn. the act of arrest- ing Arrestare, to arrest, to detain ; ar» ARR restarsi, to stay, to tarry ; arres- tar la lancia, to couch the lance Arrestatore, rn. one who arresis Arresto, rn. arrest, delay, decree Arretrarsi, to go back Arrezzare, to shade, to shadow Arricchimento, m. enriching Axricchire, to enrich, to adorn; arricchirsi, to grow rich Arrirchito, part, enriched Arricciamemo, m. horror, dread Arricciare, to stand on end, to curl arricciar il muso, to disdain Arricciato, a. curled [a wall Arricciatiira, /. the rough cast of Arridere, to smile, to favour; la foituna arride alle nostre im prese, fortune smiles on us Arriffare, to plav at sweep-stakes Arringaute, a. one who harangues Arringare, see Aringare, and its de- rivatives Arripare, to land Anischiameuto, m. risk, danger Arrischiante, a. bold, hardy Arrischiare, to venture, to expose arrischiarsi, to be bold Arrischiatamente, ad. hazardously Arrischiato, a. perilous Arrischievole, a. bold, hardy Arrisicire, see Arrischiare, and its derivatives Arriso, part, favoured [rel Arrissare, and Arrissarsi, to quar- Arrivare, to arrive at, to overtake, to reach ; arrivar bene, to succeed Arrivamento, rn. and Arrivata,/. arrival Arriv&to, part, arrived Arrivo, m. arrival, coming Arrizzare, to iaise, to set upright Arrocare, to grow hoarse Arrocato, a. hoarse Arroccare, to fill a distaff; to castle, (at chess) Arrocchiare, to cut in pieces ; to cobble, to bungle [fellow Arrogantaccio, m. a yejy insolent Arrogante, a. proud, naughty Arrogantemente, ad. arrogantly Arro^antone, a. very arrogant Arroganza, /. arrogance, pride, self-sufficiency [gate, to claim Arrogare, and Arrogarsi, to arro- Arrogato, "part, arrogated, claimed . to add, to give to boot Arrogimento, rn. addition Arrolare, to enlist; arrolarsi, to enrol one's stdf Arrompere, to break ; arron persi, to retire, to burst out Arroucire, to weed 64 ARS Arroncigliare, to hook, to twist Arrosare, to bedew, to sprinkle Arrossimento, m. reddening,blush» ing Arrossfre. to blush Arrostarsi, to struggle Arrosiimento, rn. and Arrostitura, /. roasting Arrostire, to roast, to parch Arrosiito, a. roasted; pane arrosti- to, toast Arrosto, m. roast meat Arrotamento, rn. sharpening any cutting tool Arroiante, a. one who grinds Arrotare, to polish, to sharpen ; ar- rotarsi, to be restless Arrotato, a. sharpened, smoothed Arrotatore, and Arrotino, m. a grinder Arroto, a. added are, to make up into a ball Arrovellare, to be angry, to make one mad with anger Arrovellatamente, ad. furious^ Arrovellato, a. mad, furious Arroventamento, m. making red hot Arroventare, to heat red hot, to make furious Arroventire, to become red hot Arrovesciamento, m. and Arro- vesciatura,/. overthrow, ruin Arrovesciare, to overthrow, to confound, to destroy Arrovesciato, part, overthrown Arrovescio, ad. against the hair, the wrong way Arrozzire, to make rough, harsh, rugged ; arrozzirsi, to grow rough;' il fieddo arrozzisce le mani, cold makes the hands rough Arruffare, to entangle, or ravel ; arraffarsi, to take one another by ths hair Arruffato, a. entangled, uncomberf Arruliatore, m. he that entangles Arruffianare, to pimp Arrugginire, to grow rusty Arrugiadare, to bedew Arruotaforbici, rn. a grinder Arruolare, see Arrotnre Arruotolare, see Arrotolare Arruvidare, to grow rough Arruvidato, a. rough, harsh Arsella,/. a muscle, fish Arsenate, rn. a dock, arsenal Arsenico, m. arsenic Arsihile, a. combustible "Are, to dry by the sun Arsiccio, a. half burned ART Axsione, /. conflagration, excet- \ brought, ArUtanaJnte, ad, artf una c ,-rificer A ficiurzo, in. an unskilful work* :wort • rious . the opening of an arterv. bleedin? '.ix^f. a little artery ../. the gout -'■. .-iness of a little [pole a. the arctic or northern : oounce distinctly Am iJ j point, le, and Arteficiato, a I, ar.ful . id. artfully /. ijn painting) care, art . m. industry, skill, in- . ad. workman- -:;!1 50,0. riulruLsul . artisas an artificer seize, or scratch , and Artigliero, m. rd nance . artvrt dell' artinVtoe, the miz- xen- m, tradesman, artma ASC be, ad. artfully . a. articular diviner, Arxigogolare, tn invent, I invention, device, Anfllo, a. lively, bold i\e. a hatchet Ascella, /. arm-hole, aim-pit itale, a. 1 1 nca ascenden- tale./. ascen ling line ' ■ Ascenden'e, m. (in astronomy') int, horoscope, influence of the stars j asceudenti, ances- tors [try AscendJnza, /. rise, ascent, ances- Ascendere, to climb, to mount Ascend iniento, m. ascending Asceusione. /. ascension Ascensore, m. he who goes up . - scent lacendarl m. an abscess across, athwart Aschi.ode Asftallare, - II ; astal- abode Ast.inte, a. auditor, assistant »lera*e Astenersi. tr> abstain, refrain ; non idirvi, I cannot forbear telling ATR • oivc . i" rub clean m. ui asterisk (in print* ing) [stellaUon Asteiisma, rn, an asterism, or con- Astersidne, /. cleansing, purge . . . : crippled . to thwart Attraver>ato, fw I, defeated . .nthered together At . U i* ic*nal . actually, really • rf orm e -farmed : lerile action dive: vizj. ne" .-ive one's self up :un7ed. dived -a. end Attutiazione, /. :ive, con- -ing / tore, m, a -easer AUR Attutire, to impose silence •. audacious, premanphi- Au lacenwnie, ad. boldly, auda- ciously . -'. audacity. daringness i. and AuJienzia, /. au- dience hoar • >. m. an auditorship Au li tore. m. inferior judge Auditbrio, m. a court, session- h mse A ufo. a. gratis, for nothing; vi- vere a ufo, to live at free cost i ' ; 'ity AugellatOre, m. a bird-oa Cher Augelletto, and Augellino, m. a li' 1 bird .. a bird shade, cover Augumentare, to increase i i. augmented Augumentazione. /. augmentation '. Augurale, a. of an augur . to conjecture, to foretell : to [told . part, conjectured, fore- and Aoguratrlce, /. a augur [tion D, divina- Auguroso, a. superstitious, scrupu- ted, ill-omened a. sacred, imperial ; au- ?i)■•■ Aurora, /. bn ik ot the day, dawa tccuatom Ausili.ire. a. auxiliary Ausiliario, a. auxiliary troops AusiliatOre, m. lie I per, protector Ausili'i, /.-. Ausonia, /. Italy (I ■■> Auadnico, a. Italian (by Hocc.) A'uspiee, m. director of the weA* ding (among the Romans) Auspicio, in. presage, omen, pro* guidance [ly . austerely, strict* Austerita,/. sharpness, severity Ausero, a. gmve, reserved, sour Australe, a?id Austrino, a. south- ern, southward Austro, tn. sou h wind irtente, ad. authentically Autenticare, to authenticate Autenticazione, /. authentication Au en ic o. a. authentic, original; per autentico, in an authentic manner Autograft), a. autographical . m, automaton Autore, 7/i. author, inventor, cause Autorevole, a. creditable, imperi- ous Autorevolmente, ad. imperiously Aut >rit.i,/. authority, power Autorizzare, to authorize to, a. authorized Au trice, /. authf Auunnale. a. autumnal Au'unno, m. autumn Auzzamenfo, m. making sharp Auzzare, to sharpen, irritate, pro- voke Auzzato, a. irritated Auzzo, a. keen, acute, smart A va. f. grandmother AvacciO, m. speed, promptitude Av.nccio, ad. speedily Avalle, a'l. downwards \ lia, /. vanguard Avania,/. wrong, injury Avannotto, m. a simpleton Av.'mti. ./. | . before; poco avantij just now I avanti, farther, che, ad before ; avanti, rather Avanzamtfnto, m. advancement, Avanzante, a. surpassing, abound- in.', overflowing Avanzare, to get, to incn ■ • remain ; avanzar tem- po, to gain time ; avanzarsi. to AW take courage; voi m'avanzate di molti anni, you are many years older than I Avanzaiccio, m. a cast off Avanzato, a. in years Avanzo, 771. remainder, residue, profit, gain Araraccio, a. stingy Avaramente, ad. niggardly Avareito, m. a little miser Avaria, /. aveiage (sea term) Avarizia, /. avarice, greediness Avarizzare, to be ifiggardly Avaro, rru a miser Avaro, a. avaricious, sparing Avaronaccio, and Avarone, m. wretched miser Ave, (Latin) God save you Avellana,/. filbert Avellano, ?n. filbert-tree Avellere, to pull up Avello, m. grave, tomb, sepulchre Avena, /. reed, pipe ; oats Avente, a. having Avere, to have ; aver a caro, to be glad ; che avete ? what is the matter ? far avere, to procure ; aver a sdegno, to detest ; aver in ira, to hate ; aver in balia, in one's power; aver per buono, to take in good part ; aver agio, to be at leisure ; averla con uno, to be angry; aver al sole, to have an estate ; aver in costume, to be used to ; aver in grado, to accept ; aver in pregio, to value, to esteem ; aver pentimento, to repent ; aver voce, to speak ; si ha voce, 'tis whispered ; aver voglia, to have a mind ; aver ragione, to be right Avere, m. estate, riches Averno, m. hell Aversione, /. aversion Avertere, to turn away, avert Avidamente, ad. greedily, eagerly Avidita, Aviditade, Aviditate, and Avidezza, /. greediness, eager- ness A'vido, a. greedy, covetous Avito, a. hereditary Avocare, to carry a law-6uit be- fore a court A'vola, /. grandmother A'volo. and A'vo, rn. grandfather AjFoltoio, and Avoltore, m. vulture Avorio, rn. ivory Avvallaniento, rn. a cavity Avva.llare, to let down, to descend Avvaloramento, rn. valour, power Awalorare, to encourage ; avva- lorarsi, to take courage AW Avvampamento, m. burning, blaz- ing [ing Avvampan'e, a. burning, inflarn- Avvampare, to singe, to consume ; avvampar d' amore, to burn with love; avvampar d' impa- zienza, to be impatient Avvantaggiare, to have the advan- tage Awantaggiato, a. advantageous Avvantaggio, m. benefit, interest ; servirsi dell avvantaggio, to im- prove the advantage ; dar dell' avvantaggio, to give the odds Awantaggioso, a. advantageous Avvantarsi, to boast Avvedersi, to perceive, to under- stand, find out Avvedevole, a. clear-sighted Avvedimento, m. foresight, judg- ment Avvedutamente, ad. warily, pru- dently, carefully Avvedutezza, f. foresight, consid- eration Aweduto. a. wary, provident Avvegnache, and Avvegnadioche, ad. because, whereas Awelenamento, m. poisoning Avvelenare, to poison Avvelenato, a. poisoned ; animo avvelenato, transported with rage Avvelenatore, rn. poisoner Avvenente, and Avenente, a. handsome, genteel, agreeable Avvenentemente, ad. becomingly Avvenenza, and Avvenentezza, /. beauty, grace Avvenevole, a. fair, genteel, agree- able, proper, fit, suitable Avvenevolezza, /. grace, comeli- ness Avvenevolmdnte, ad. handsomely Avvengache, ad. because Avvenimento, and Avvento, m. chance, danger, event, arrival ; a tutto avvenimento, whatever happens ; Pavvenimenfo di Cris- to, the feast of Advent Avvenire, to happen, to thrive, prosper ; avvenirsi, to light upon, find, meet with; non t' avvenga piii di far cio, do so no more ; temo che non gli awcn- ga qualche rusgrazia, I am afraid lest some misfortune should be- fall him Avvenire, m. future; per 1' awe nire, henceforth Avventamento, m. throwing with violence AW Avventare, to shoot, dart, fling J avventarsi, to run in, to rush upon Avventataggine, /. imprudence, rashness Avventatamente, ad. rashly Avventateilo, a. inconsiderate Avventato, a. shot, darted, giddy- headed Avventizio, a. adventitious Avvento, m. event, arrival Awentcire, rn. customer Avventura, /. accident, adventure J all' avventura, by chance Avventura re, and Avventurarsi, to venture, to run a hazard Avventuratamente, ad. happily luckily Avvemurato, a., happy, fortunate Avventurevolmente, ad. fortunate- ly, luckily Avventuriere, m. adventurer Avventurosamente, ad. luckily Avventuroso, a. successful Avvenuto, a. happened, befallen Avverare, to aver, to verify Avverato, a. averred, proved Awerbiale, a. adverbial Avverbialmente, ad. adverbially Avverbio, m. adverb Awerdire, to make green, to be verdant Avverifrcare, to verify Avversamente, ad. poorly, misera- bly Avversario, m. adversary, opposer Avversario, a. contrary Avversario, m. the devil A v versa tore, rn. an adversary Avversione, /. loathing, abhor- rence ( [fliction Avversita, /. sorrow, misery, af- Avverso, a. adverse, contrary; opposite, unfortunate Avverso, prep, against Avvertente, a. cautious, prudent Avvertentemente, ad. advisedly Avvertenza, /. care, heedfulness Avvertimento, m. admonition, advice Avvertire, to warn, advise, to in- form, take care ; stare avvertito, to be upon one's guard Avvertito, a., warned, informed Avvezzamento, m. habit, custom Avezzare, to accustom ; avvezzarsi, to inure one's self Avvezzato, and Avvezzo, a. accus- tomed, inured Avviamento, m. going, run Avviare, to begin ; avviarsi, to set forward AW \rd, wise, sober unehtO, m. - alter: di by turns Avvicinamjiito, r?u A\ < Avvicinirc. to draw near; avvici- narsi. to approach Awicinato. part, appr I mt the vine mted w ith vines Avviltre, to undervalue, vilify; avv'i:- age ; s'awilisce alU minima dis- grazia. the least niisfor.une dis- heartens him Avvilito, a, astonished, amazed Avriluppamejito, nu disorder, con- fusion Awiluppare, to wrap'angle ; awiluppar.-i, to perplex one's self Avyiluppatarnente, ad. intricately Avvlluppao. part, wrappel uo, '. All' awih ly [cei\ Awih;; .:ber, de- Avviuare,to mix wine v\ . h liquor [wine a. rninzlH, imbued w\ h AvTinazzarsi. to drink plentifully, to get drunk . and Avvinchiare, to tie up. \n encompass, to coropre- hen 1 ; awinchiarsi, to be en- Awincolare, and Avvinibiare, to surround pped i.bat- % news, prudence, rt .••rtise, consider. remark ; to perceive, to imagine, to encoun'er ad. circumspectly Used, pre- pared : rive no- . a. wise, discreet, [rater monitor, prizer, 1 ok •■. opinion, news ; 1' avviso, to be upon one's •ively •ible Awi'icchiamcnto, m. twisting ; knot AZZ Avviticchiare, to twist, to entwine, a. twisted, twined Awitolato, a. rough Avvivauieno, in. reviving Avvi\ ir>\ to enliven, give vigour : •*i, to grow strong, to flourish . a. revived .to fade itm Awoo.ire, to follow the law, to pfc a i Awocaria, /. office of an advocate i. '. patroness . and Avvocatore, m. a lawyer, protector Avvocatrice,/. a she-advocate, pro- tectrix [cate Avvocazione, /. profession of a d.vo- Avvolzere, to wrap, to roll, to bamboozle ; avvolgersi, to lose one's self, to stray Avvol.jiti.ento, m. winding, twist- ing, cheating [a cheat Avvoigitore, >?'. he that wraps up, Avvii ratatamente, ad. rashly Avvolon'aio, a. rash, strong-headed Aw JpinAre, to dupe, d Avvolpiu&tO,parf. deceived,caught Avtoltan . Avvolticchiare, to wreath, WTap, w in i Arvdtto. a. wrapped, involved rumen':, ad. hastily Avvolt lit >. a. wrappel, enveloped Avvilt'-i-a, /. winding, obscurity AvQnculu, in. uncle Azienda,/. domestic affairs Azi"i.e./. action, business, concern, claim, ri/ht ; intentar azione a quaichedutio, to bring an action ; azione, claim, right ; ho azione sopra questa casa, I have a right to this house A'zza, /. axe, ha'chet Azxampato, a. thai h;^s paws Azzannire, to snap [tusks Azzannato, a. caught with the , to venture, to hazard A , in. haz- ard, is . a. a 1 venturous, bold Azz-ccnre, to s'nke Azzicare. to sir, shake Azzinnrsi, to adorn one's self Azximella, /. unleavened bread Axzimtna, /. a coat of mail A'zzimo. a. unl a< re, to maim, cripple uned Azzunamehto, m. I iows, lo drink deeply 61 BAC Azzuffitore, m. hasty, passionate Azzuolo, a. (lark blue Azzurriclno, a. azure Axcurrtceio, Az/unizno, Azzur> rlno, and Azzurrognolo, a. coloured with azure, or blue sky coloured Azniirro, m. azure, blue B "DABBA'CCIO, and Babbacci *■* one, m. a fool, a dunce Babbeo. m. blockhead, fool Babbiohe, m. dull fellow, block- head BibbO, m. papa, dad Babbnassaggine, f. stupidity Babbuasso, a. simple, foolish, an awkward fellow Babbulno, in. monkey, baboon; babbuino, a monk -y-faced booby Bacal.ire, m. a great man, a great w '* (ironical) Bacaleria, f. braggin?, vaunting Bac'ire, to breed worms Bacato, and Bacaliccio, a. sickly Bacca, /. a berry Baccala, and Baccalare, m. stock- fish [a bacchanal Baccanale, m. a tumultuous crowd, .*. bacchanalian Baccanella,/, a rout, mob Baccano, in. noise, uproar Baccante,/. a priestess of Bacchus Baccelleria. /. decree of bachelor Baccelliere, and Baccelliero, m bachelor of arts Baccello, m. husk [dunce Baccellone, m. shell, blockhead, Bacchetta, /. a rod, mace ; coman- dare a bacchefta, to command imperiously; bacchette, gantlet, a military punishment ; passar per le bacchette, to run the f^Jitlet ; bacchetta da vino, a tavern sign Bacchettata,/. blow with a rod Bacchettoncino, a. little hypocrite Bacchettone, m. and Bacchetl6na, /. a hypocrite Bacchettoneria, /. and Bacchetto* nlsmo, in. hypocrisy I'iccliiire, to cudgel Bacchiata, /. a blow with a stick B4echicn,a. ' f Bacchus Bacchii; htnee Bacchio, m. a staff! a cudgel ; par* 1'ir al biechio, to talk I Bacco, Hi. Bacchus BAG Bacht'ca, m. s fine fellow, a block- head, a glass case Baclh rozzolo, ?n. a worm, grub Batiamano, m. a compliment Baciamenio, m. kissing Baciante, a. kissing Baciapile, a//rf Baciapolvere, m. bigot, hypocrite Baciare, to kiss ; baciarsi, to kiss one another ; baciar la scopa, to have patience Baciare, m. kissing, kiss Baciato, part, kissed Baciatore, m. a kisser Baciatrice,/. a kissing woman Baeile, m. a basin Bacinella,/. a till Bacinetlo, m. a helmet Bacino, m. basin Bacio, m. a kiss ; un bacio di Giu- da, a treacherous kiss Bacio, m. exposed to the north wind j a bacio, towards the north Baciocco, m. a simpleton Baciozzo, m. a hear y kiss Baciucchiare, and Baciuccare, to give many kisses Baciucchio, in. a slight kiss Baco, m. a worm, maggot, mite ; baclii, worms Bacoco,m. apricot (by the Siennese) Bacolino, m. a maggot Eicolo, m. a s'ick Baci'icco, 77i. a hood, a cowl Bacuccola. /. a filbert Bada, used as an aclverb ; tenere a bada, to keep at bay ; star a ba- da, to stand trifling; star alia bada d'uno, to wa'ch, to observe Badaggio, 777. an amorous look Badaloccare, to trifle, to dally Badalona, /". a good jolly woman Badaluccave, lo skirmish, amuse the enemy ; to idle one's time away Badalucca'ore, m. an idler Badalucco, m. skirmish, play, di- version Badamento, 771. delay Badare, to amuse one's self, to s'and trifling, take notice of, take care, to covet, to look amorously upon Baderla, f. a silly woman Badem,/. abbess Badia,/. abbey Badi&le, a. great, large Badigliare, to yawn, '/ape Badile, m. shovel, spade Biffi, m. jihir. whiskers Bagaglia. /. Bogaglie, /. pt cn -d Bagaglio, in. baggage, clothes BAI Bagaglione, m. a soldier's boy, blackguard Bagagliume, 777. bag and baggage Baga;liu61e,/. pi. tattered clothes Bagascia, /. harlot Bagascione, 777. strumpet's man Bagatella, /. trifle, toy ; bagatelle, (a negative expression) no such a thing, not at all Bas:atelliere, m. a juggler Bagatelluccia, and Bagatelluzza, f. a very trifle, a toy Bagattino, m. tbe smallest piece of money Baggeo, m. a simpleton Baggianaccio, m. a great block- head [done Baggianata, /. foolishly said, or Baggiane, /. pi. enticements, fair or kind words, false promises Baggiano, m. blockhead, fool Bi/giolare, to support, to prop Baggiolo, 771. a stay, prop Bagliore, m. lightning, dazzling Baglivo, m. a bailiff Bagnaiuolo, m. bath-keeper Bajnamento, m. the act of sprin- kling, bathing Bagnante, o. moistening, washing, bathing Bagnare, to wet, to wash ; bagnar- si, to ba'he, or wash one's self Bagnato, a. wet, washed Bagnatore, m. a bather Bagnatura,/. see Bagnamento Bagno, m. a ba^h, bagnio, cistern, ba*hing-tub; ba mo d'acquaf red- da, the cold bath Bagnomaria, and Bagnomarie, m. balneum Mariae [mentation Bagnunlo, m. a little bath, fo- Bagordare, to revel, to feast Bagordo, 771. t-oo much feasting Baia, /. sham, idle story; dar Ja baia, to banter ; baia (spiaggia) a bay or road at sea ; far le baie, to play Bai'ire, to bark Baiata,/. a trick Baie'ta, /. estamine (a French s'uff) E-'iilo, 777. a sort of magistrate .'ti\ a. bay or chestnut-colour; b&io scuro, brown bay Baiocco, 771. a piece of money about three far'.hings value Baiomiccio, m. an impertinent fellow Baione, m. a scorner, banterer Baionetta, /. a bayonet Baiiica, an/I Baiucola, /. very frivolous thing BAL Baiulo, 771. porter Balanino, a. of a whale Balaustra, /. the flower of the pomegranate-tree Balaustrata, /. balustrade, rails Balaustro, 771. a rail, a baluster Balbettante, a. stuttering Balbettare, and Balbutire, to stam- mer, stutter Balbo, and Balbuziente, a. toDgue-' tied, that stammers Balbuzie, /. stammering, stuttering Balbuzzare, and Balbuzzire, to stammer Balcone, 777. balcony Baldacchino, 771. canopy ; aspet- tare il baldacchino, to look for homage Baldamente, ad. boldly Baldanza,/. presumption; courage Baldanzeggiare, to live merrily Baldanzosamente, ad. boldly, val- iantly Baldanzose'tto, a. bold, hardy, rash Baldanzoso, a. stout, valiant Baldo, a. daring, courageous Baldoria, /. flame, bonfire; far baldoria, to riot, feast Baldracca,/. harlot, drab Balena, /. a whale; pigliare una balena a secco, to mis'aka Balenamento, 777. lightning Balenante, a. shining, bright Balenare, to lighten, to stagger Baleno, m. lightning ; in un bale- no, in an instant ; far lo scoppio e'l baleno, to do a thing at once; arco baleno, 771. the rainbow Balestra, /. cross-bow ; caricir la balestra, to fill one's belly Balestraio, m. a maker of bows Balestrare, to shoot, dart, hurt ; to vex, disquiet Balestra ta, /. a bow-shot Balestreria, /. a troop of cross-bow men Balestriera, /. a loop-hole in a wall (to shoot through) Balestriere, 771. a bow-man, a shooter Balestro, 771. a cross-bow, or stone- bow ; andare su' balestri, to have spindle shanks Balia, f. nurse Balia, /. power, authority ; tener in balia, to keep one in awe; darsi in balia, to addict one's self; darsi in balia ai piacen, to fol- low pleasures Baliaggio, m. bailiwick BaliM'co, 777. the nurse's pay Baliato, rn. power, authority BAL Balio, m. a tutor, a nurse's hus- I Billa, !■ ';- ; far le balle. ' BalLair. I ince on a i Ul.ire iu caiiijK) azzurro, lad ; qua! ball.t rive like for like; forafr la I make guidar la, to Inve the tbing ! Ballatrtrc. and Ballerino, m. a . and Ballerina, /. a Bailer: "ince j lance : Alia balocca, ad. rashlv, heed- Uaay i BaJoccheria,/. Balocci ke, blun- 1 tin, fortune p id you : % i unity tmper up, to burden kipping . m. ad liti mal bi Hil7», m. rock, hill, cliff, rebound : », in. S| anish paint J . to chide mildly ; aUevar nella bambagia, Bambagtno, m. calico Ba nbagia Fl (.like otton) Bambtna,/. .1 little girl B imbineria, /". chil li-hness, childish thing B.inibiiiclln, m. a little child Bambinesco, a. chil lUh Bambino, m. a ii T le boy a. sillv ; 6 banibo, you Bamboccio, m. a simpleton, a doll Bambofav, f. a puppet, doll to do childish rinfi . ! .. m. an 1 lanre child • an office, wh. ■• I j paster h banca, to Baucario, m. a bank lill • le seat Banchiere, and Bauchiero, m. a B'mco, m. a bench, a shop cmin- ter : met'er banco, to 1 I una chiesa, a pew; banco di rena, a sandy Bnncone, rn. a larre tench - : dall 1 ahra ban la. nn the ; I . gang, band, company ; 1 .1 ban la. to run 1 han la. , Lire alia . to be rained to 1 inish i la./, a wea'hei ■ ■ L,/.ai Bandlre. • publish, mish BAH B, a priv- I bad, 1 inished ; .. . U cpeu Bandlto, - , . an exile, a bighvi : , mmon crier di testa, a reward for 1 criminal ; bando. ! uiishmi at ; dar il bando, to banish J trar di b&ndo, to recall from Liuish- ment Bandoliera, /. a bandolfW Biudolo, m. the heal of a skein B'ua,/. a bier, coltin, litter Barabuffa,/. a fray, altercation Baracane, m. a kin I of 1 : Baracca,/. a barrack, a tent Baraccare, to pitch tents, rai<»e barracks Baracchiere, m. a sutler Baraccuzza,/. a hut B trare, to cheat, overreach Bararia,/. knavery m. dungeon, abyss, bell Barattamento, m. n>iH zione,/. exchange, truck Barattare, barattare una dm to ran goods, to mut irker », 7/1. dc- ceiver, cheat u truck, exchan iciues Barba, m. unch: Barba, f. beard ; far la I shave j barbe, root, principle; alia barba, in Barbacane, m. barbican Barhaccia,/. a shabby, long beard Barbagia,/. I ni, m. an o\*.l, a ample* ten Barbasrlio. m. dimness t f Barbaramente. a mente, n ; . I , a. a Barbery nan : 1 1 1 barbs ; .. inhumanity BarlirKmo, n». barbarism, sole* etsm Birbaro, o. barbarous, cruel BAR Barbarossa, /. kind of grape Barbaia,/. roots Barbatella,/. a slip of a tree Barbato, a. bearded, full of beard, rooted Barbazzale, /. a curb Barbero, m. a Barbary horse Barbetta, /. a little beard Barbicamento, rn. the act of taking root Barbicare, to take root Barbicato^ a. rooted Barbictilia, and Barbicina, /. a little root Barbicra,/. a barber's wife Barbiere, m. a bai ber Barbieria, and Baiberia,/. a bar- ber's shop Barbio, m. a barbel Barbogio, c. old and silly Barbone, m. a long beard, an old dotard, a shaggy dog Barbugliamento, m. confused speech Barbugliare, to stammer Barbuta, rn. a helmet Barbuto, a. bearded, full of beard Barca, /. a barge, a boat ; far an- dar uno in barca, to make one angry ; far una barca ad uno, to play a trick upon one Barcaccia, /. an old barge or boat Barcaiuolo, Barcaiolo, and Barca- ruolo, in, bargeman, waterman Barcata, /. a barge-full Barchetta, and Barchettina, /. a little boat Barco, m. a park [ing Barcollamento, m. nodding, totter- Barcollante, a. nodding, wavering, fearful, dubious, timorous Barcollare, to wave, reel, stagger Barcollone, ad. andar barcollone, to stagger Barcone, m. a ship Barda,/. a sort of saddle Bardamentare, to caparison Bardato, a. caparisoned Bardatura,/. trappings for a horse Barde'.la, /. a pack-saddle A bardosso, ad. without a saddle Bardotto, m. the wagoner's horse ; passar per bardotto, to be scot- free [saltwort Banilla, /. a hand-barrow, kali, Barellare, to carry in a barrow Bargagnare, to bargain, to cavil, or wrangle ; star in bargagno, not to abate Bargello, rn. a sheriff; dar nel bargello, to meet with a bad accident BAS Bargigli, m. pi. a cock's wattles Bang-Hone, in. a cask, powdering- tub Barile, m. a pipa, a hogshead, barrel; barile da ruota, the stock of a wheel Bariletto, and Barilotto, m. a little cask Bantono, m. a musical term Barlettaio, m. a cooper Barldtto, in. a hold-fast, flask Barliime, m. dusk, a hint; no- tion; la vidi solamente al bar- lume, I had only a glimpse of her; ne ho un bailume, 1 know something of it Baro, and Barro, m. knave, cheat Barbccio, rn. a cart Barbcco, and Baroccolo, m. sharking, sponging Barometro, in. barometer Barona, /. a baroness Barouaccio, m. rogue, rascal Baronaggio, in. barony Baronare, to beg, to sponge Baronata,/. roguery Baroncello, m. vagabond, rambler ; a little baron Baroncio, m. an idle, slovenly boy Barone, m. a baron, a vagabond ; barone di campo fiore, a pick- pocket ; barone di Trancia, one that has the pox Baronessa, /. baroness Baronetto, m. a baronet, or knight and baronet Baronia,/. barony Barra, /. bar, barricado Barrare, to bar ; barrare la strada, to stop the way Barrato, a. enclosed, beset Barreria, /. a cheating in gaming Earricata, /. barricado, intrench- ment Barriera, /. bar, partition, bar- riers, (a martial sport) Barro. rn. a cheat at gaming Bariiffa, /. and Bariifi'o, in. fray, dispute Barullare, to buy and sell as re- tailers Barullo, m. a retailer, a forestaller Barzelletra,/. a jest, a banter Barzellettare, to jest Basalisco, in. a basilisk Basa, and Base, /. base, bottom, ground [lar Ba-amento, m. the patten of a pil- Bascia, m. a bashaw Basette, /. pi. whiskers Basettone, m. one who has long and fine whiskers BAS Basilica,/, cathedral church, royal mansion, a court of justice Basil ico, wi. sweet basil Basiiischio, and Basilisco, m. a basilisk Basimento, m. fainting Basinientuccio, in. a swoon Basire, to be at the point of death, to be in agony Basho, a. expired, dead Basoso, a. stupid, dull Bassamente, ad. basely, meanly Bassamento, m. a fallj diminution, misery Bassare, to bring down, to lower; bassar gli occhi, to look down- wards ; bassar la testa, to stoop Bassato, part, brought down, let down Bassetta, /. the game of basset Bassetto, m. counter-tenor Bassetto, a. somewhat low Bassezza, /. meanness, lowliness; fare una bassezza, to debase one's self Bassilica, /. the basilic vein Basso, a. low, shallow, base, mean ; mania bassa, low water paesi bassi, the low countries; la gente bassa, the common peo- ple, the vulgar; il sole e gia basso, the sun is going to set ; di bassa nascita, of a mean extrac- tion ; uomo di basso ingegno, a low-'witted man ; basso discorso, a flat discourse; panno basso, narrow cloth Basso, m. bottom ; il basso d'una montagna, the foot of a hill ; basso, the bass in music Basso, ad. basely Bassotti, rn. pi. a mess of maccaroni Bassotto, a. stout and short, strong* limbed Basta, ad. enough Basta, /. a long stitch Bastabile, a. lasting ftistaio, m. a saddler Bastalena, (a) ad. with all one's might Bastard e, a. sufficient, able Bastantemente, ad. sufficiently Bastanza, /. duration, sufficiency ; a bastanza, enough Bastardaccio, and Bastardello, m. a mean bastard Bastardaggine, and Bastardigia, / bastardy Bastardell'a,/. a copper pan Bastardo, a. illegitimate Bastardume. m. bastardy Bastare, to be sulbrient ; basta, i« BAT Don »6slio vedkfcio pii>, in short, r - qu< 1 poco i. I .mi contented wkb !• eient | , ad. enough, well ich, fence Bastionato. part. fortifr Basiiom . ^ ark I the ace of e da sella, tit for many thinirs ; nor. son uonio a K| am iv >t a man to ar an affront : strrare il basto adosso ad uno, to press, or urge B . cio. m. a club stick Bastonare, to cu IgeL to reprove ; bastnnire i pesci. to row ; man- dar a bas'onar i pesci, to send to the sailers I off with a stick; Baston.v ritha club ino, m. a BastrVn. \ rt, prop ; - 1 1 cards ; Bas-n ian Bataccl b a s'ick • re, to beat, knock down baptismal font .iii's stick; • imult nd, to quarrel i •.resher : battaglia -. rmish iglieresco, a. warlike, valiant t, soldier i ite, cut in 3. fight- inner dapper of a bell 1 ne, m. a battalion I la. and Battagliuzza, /. a skirmish . m. a little hraX Bat ten te, a. be*' ins, panting BAT in. the rabbet of a door country . ike with . to dap bands : ■ to thre h • | COID ; i ok ; bat- d'occhio, in an ids la barra, to mnk : baiter il ferro mentre egli e cal ! \ to .-Hike the iron whilst 'lis hot ; barter il butirro, to churn ; batter 1' ali, to flutter ; batter il (acetone, to trave.l on ■. to re- pent; battersi. to fight a duel; liattere una citt.n,to batter a town; ! fuoco, to strike lire ; bitter 1' ore, to strike the hour Batterl a,/, battery de. a. baptismal ; il fonte battesim'ile. 'he font in a church Batvsimo, and Battesmo, m. bap- tism ; tenor a battesimo, to stand godfather i. act of baptizing that christens •; tize . K aptized Batticuore, m. palpitation, pant- in? Bat ti fuoco, m. steel Bftttijpa, f. the falling sickness Battilmo, rn. a carder of wool BaHiloro, m. a ?old bea'er Battimento, m. striki; I mento di mani (per allegrezza) clapping; battimento di cuore, palpitation Ba'tiuzecca, m. a coiner Battisoffiola, /. irt, out of fear Battistero, m. the font for baptism i. trembling, palpitation . m. «e Batteote that s-rikes; bat- . itra I ■. a scout ./.blow, stroke, thr.-sh- ittg f. time in must mdar per la I ■ l di polio, the ! Battiito, ; ait. 1 a'en : via battOta, a beaten road 65 BEC . m. leads of a house -. m. a h ip [chrst BaQle, m. a trunk, a travelling 1 tnink B.iv.1, /. foam, drivel, thin, coarse silk ; bava da' metilli, the dross of metals ; ing bib Bavella,/. a c arse >ilk . the collar of a cloak, iii i vi'ian [piece Baviera, /. the visor of a head- . 7. slavering B.izzi, /. good luck, a trick made ! ; esser di biz/a, to get the better ! u/. frivolous thing Bazzica,/. conversation, company, i small value ; a game at can Is Bazzicare, to converse, frequent Bazzicattire, /. pi. trifles Bazzotto, a. somewhat hard, half done Beare, to bless nte, ad. happily Beatific.ire, to render happy, to beatifv Beatificato, part. beatified Beafificatore, m. and Beatifica- brice, /. tha f makes happy Beatificazione,/. beatification Beatirico, a. beatifical imente. ad. blessedly Beatittidine,/. blicitv, bliss . fruitful Beato, m. blessed, saint BJcca, /. garter Beccactia, /. a woodcock Beccacdno, m. a snipe BeccAccio, m. an old he-goat, ras- cal, cuckold Beccaf ico, rn. fi?-pecker, bird Beecaio, rr?K/BLrciro, m. a butcher Beccalite. m. a litigious man Beecamento, m. a p ckin| Beccamorti, n. a grave-digger Beccare, to peek, swallow, sip; becrTr^i il eervello, to j.uzzle one's brain; bcccir-i su quAlcbe c ---vi, to catch something Becca^llo, and Beccherello, m. akil Beecastriuo, m. a mattock k with m bQl I ., /. a hawk's lure; a trifle ' .. 777. a bracket . rn, the ti"u, 'h of a bird- .. f. shambles, slaughter- house ; aJKlare alia bccchcrfa,to BEL go to market ; came di becche- ria, butcher's meat Eecchetto, m. prow of a boat Bccclii.n. m. a Becco, m. the bill or beak ; mouth ; helm of a ship ; pipe of a still . buck, goat, t uck »ld ; drizzare il becco agii sparvieri, to attempl impossibilities ; ho trovato il becco piu duro a mugnere di quel die mi pensava, 1 found the task harder ihan 1 thought it to be [cuckold Beccone, rn. a large he-goat, a Beccuccn, m. the spout of a mug Beente, a. drinking Befana, /. a ouppet, an ugly vro- man Befanaccia, /. a frightful phantom Beffa,/. trick, banter, joke; giuo- ear da befla, to play foi no.hing; farsi beffc, to ridicule, jeer, ban- ter; bexfa, trifles, frippery Beffardo, ,a. a jester, banterer Beffare, to rally, jeer, cheat, over- reach ; beffirsi, to scorn, to laugh at Befiato, part, jeered, laughed at Beffa ore, to. a mocker, jeerer Beffatrice./. a bartering woman Beireggiare, to mock, scoff, scorn B^ffeggiatorej to. see Beffatore Beiievole, a. contemptible, to be Blighted Beghino, rn. a Beguin Beg^le,/. pi. trifles Belamento, rn. bleating Belare, to bleat ; to cry like chil- dren Belato, in. a bleating Bel bello, hold ! hold ! not so fast ! Bel che, rn. a fine thing indeed ! Bellamente, ad. fairly, bravely, slowly, eloquently, neatly Bellatore, rn. and Bellatrice, /. a warrior Belletta,/. mud, slirm, dregs Belletto, rn. paint, or wash for the face Belletto, a. pretty Bellezza,/. beauty, pre.tliness Beliicato, p art. p'laced in the cen- tre Bellico, rn. the navel, middle, cen- tre ; bellic) dello scudo, the noiiibril of an escutcheon Bellico, a. warlike; bellici stoo- menti. instrument of war Bcllicbnchi o, rn. navel-s'ring Be.Uicorie. m. a piicher Bellicosamente, ad. in a warlike manner BEN Bellic6so, and Belligero, a. mar- tial, warlike, valiant [enough Btlllno, a. pretty fine, handsome Bello, in. (bcita,) beauty; opportu- nity ; war; aspettar" il bello, :o wai for an opportunity; sul bel del discorso, in ihe middle of the discourse ; vederil bello, to know the oppdr! unity Bello, u. beautiful, convenient, proper; bello e nuovo, quiie new; bello e fatto, quite finish- ed ; far il bell' uiuore, to be proud ; bello sometimes gives emphasis to an expression ; di bel mezzo di, at noon ; mi costa died beile doppie, it costs me ten pistoles BJ11 ), ad. prettily Bellow, a. very handsome lielluTiore, a. facetious, whimsical Belo, rn. bleating Belone. m. one that bleats BelZebu, to. Satan Belli,/, beauty, fineness Belva,/. a wild beast [sonably Benacconciamente, ad. very sea- Benaffetto, a. affectionate Benaguratamente, ad. with a good omen Benallevato, a. well-bred Benandata, /. money given upon Benavventuratamente, ad. happily Bena vventuranza, /. success Benavventurito, and Benavventu- roso, a. fortunate, happy Ben bene, ad. very well, entirely Benche, ad. although Benda, /. a band ; a fillet ; aver una benda avanti gli occhi, to be blind-folded ; a mist before the eyes; blinded by passion Bend 'ire, to blind, to crown Benda'ura, /. bandage Bendella, and Benderella, /. a little fillet Bendone, m. lappets [chief Benduccio, m. a child's handker- Bene, m. good, benefit, interest, happiness, satisfaction, favour, proper'}' ; voler del bene, to have kindness for; un uomo da bene. a reputable man ; chi fa bene bene a=petti, do well and have well ; per_ bene, to take in eood part ; beni stabilj, beni mobili. chattels Bene, ad. well, rhht ; voi dite bene, you say ri^ht; bene, an empha'ic expletive ; Ve ne darb ben una, I'll ?ive you one; ben 66 BEN vi sta, you deserve it ; si bene. willingly Benedetto, a. blessed Benedetto, rn. the falling sickness Benedicite, /. giace at meals BenedicLore, to. a blcsser ; who speaks well of Benedire, to consecrate; Dio vi benedica, God ble-s you Beued i'ore, to. he who blesses Benedizione, f. benediction; dar la benedizione ad una cosa, ^ have no hand in a thing Benefattore, to. benefactor Benefattrice, /. benefactress Beneficante, a. beneficial, liberal, kind [person Beneficare, to do good, to benefit a Beneficato, part, benefited Beneficatore, rn. benefactor Beneficente, a. kind, obliging Beneficenza, /. beneficence Beneficiale, a. of a benefice, bene ficial Beneficiare, to benefit Benefieiato, part, beneficed Benef icio, to. kindness, advantage, benefice Beneficione, m. a church- living Benefice, a. liberal, kind Benef izio, to. sec Beneficio Benemerenza, /. desert, merit Benenierito, a. deserving well Beneplacito, to. good-will ; leave ; io fo a mio beneplacito, I do as I please Bene spisso, ad. very often Benestante, a. rich, wealthy Benevivere, to live happy Benevo^liente. i benevolent Benevolentementev ad. kindly Benevolenza, and Benevngllenza, /. good-will, love, kindness Benevolmente, ad. kindly Benevolo, a. kind, affectionate Benfatto, a. well-shaped, well- made Ben fcli s'a, he deserves it Bmificenza, f. beneficence Benif icio, stz Beneficio [kindly Banignamen'e, ad. courteously, Benignita, /. tenderness, goodness Beni ^no, a. courteous, loving Benlno, ad. tolerably well Ben' itisieme, m. the whole of Benissimo, ad. very well Benivoglienza, /. benevolence Benivolente, a. friendly, h'imane Benivolo, a. aTec'iona'e, kind Ben!avo r ato. a. well done Benmontato, a. well mounted Bennato, a. well born, lucky JBER Bemai, ad. certainly nnkH char- acter - '.inly It kept Bentorro'o. a. siate ii ben^ornato, I Beinol. I y all Benv • per ho. in. a squint-eye I Bene, to drink ; bere un novo, to eomrien bere, to prreua I bersi a tor ^nnt- - con cli ocrhi. with tiled' Bere, r?;. uibble I Berlinganiento, m. rhit-chit 1 '■nHm . i ; <->]!y fellow Berlin ' Berlin • Berlin r^77o. m. a French brick, a small I Berr^cc'o. m. a swelling knob ; a ha- ! . /. fla» cap. ' rip I I I am the ifnrtof Berta, /. a trifle, gewgaw, fop- BEV Kry : far h berta, to aping woman | beetle . m, a laughing at, [ter • idicule, jeer, ban- i ore, rru a mock • ingi r ; c t-f ee v ho keeps a mis- Bertov&lo, >». a net made of twigs Bertuccia, /. and Bertaccio, m. a . in ape BertucciOne, m. a baboon . ,n. a clown's breakfast the shin-bone of the ieg Pi '7i,1; i, Bessagine, and Besseria, /. fool- ishne i, Beaso, a. simple, foolish, dull .. one who stammers, or Bestemmia,/. blasphemy, cursin?, bad language " [guage \a enio, in. impious Ian- me, curse i to, / art. blaq : i, ni. a great 1 la-| h Bestpoimiatore. m, a blasphemer • ; an iir in bestia, to fell into a pa -i w beast j a fo^l, a blockhead . a. beastly, heavy, lump- i>h ■li'y. brutality beas ■• nastify . Be-'icciuola, and Bestiola, /. a little 1 ccio, and Rrs'ione, m. a : How . f. a little creature ; a bl kl . \ cook's shop, a tippling- h>u<-e '. /. a low publi . a cook's shop 1-weH ■.II a, /. a biich- 'a. /. drinkinr i . at every . drirk. po'io n i. in. dim k, beverage, drir.kir - frog Beveratoio, m. a vessel for drink - 67 BIB • l drink . drunkenness . i lv >rsc-beverage Irink, a drench Bevtbile, a. drinkable i, m, drinking i'riec, /. topi r. tippler Bevitnra,/. drinking . to pi ■' k. to srol.l, dispute \.f. a pecking . pi. money; nou ho . I have no mosey Biicca,/. white 1 ■ ! I-ia !a,/. corn, oas riia laiuolo, m. om-chandler n. bluish paint Bianeas ro, Bianch stto, a/id Bian- ■ •'. O. whitish Biancistiouaccio, m% as whi'e as snow [ness Biancastrone, m. execissive white- Biancbeggiamento, m. whiteness Bianchegriare, to turn white; il mare biancheggia tutto, a great storm at sea Bianoberf a, /. linen Bianchezza, /. whiteness Biancl.iccio, a. whitish Ria chimento, in. a washing Bianchire, to whi'en, to ptiw hoarv ; al bianchir del gioruo, break of day Bianchito, part, whitened, washed Bi'nco, 77i. whi'e Bi;mco. a. whi^e; cape/li bianchi, ^ray hair; lot'o bianco, a blank ina lottery; lasciar in bianco, to leave a Mai k ; dar carta bi- .'Tca, a carte blanche ; restAr bianco, to be at a loss; bianco, pale, wan Biaecoso, a, very white Biancospfno, 7?»."tlu- hawthorn Biancuceio, a. whitish a \ n -ih'ind, a ramUer to chew Biasciam^nio, m. chewing Btasiiuare, to find fault with Biasimato, part, blamed, com- plainc 1 of . m, and Biasimatrice, f. a blamer, a a nsurer ' . a. blamable In ■'■!i'i -. ad. blamably and BiAsmo, 771. blame, reproach, fault . (in poetry) to biam«, ll wi'h Bibbia,/. the Bible BIG Bibere, to drink Btbita,/. potion Blblico, a. belonging to the Bible Bibl iografia, /. bibliography Bibliomane, m. bibliographer, a bookish man Bibliomania,/, bibliomar.ia, (book- ishness) Biblioteca,/. a library Bibliotecario, m. a librarian Bica, /. a rick of corn or hay, a heap ; montar su la bica, co fly in a passion [blower Bicchieraio, m. a glass-maker or Bicchiere, m. a glass Bicciughera,/. a restless beast Bicipite, a. two-headed Bicocca,/. a little castle, a village Bicornia,/. a rising anvil Bicorne, Bicorno, and Bicornuto, a. double-horned Bidello, m. a beadle Bidente, m. a pitchfork Bidetto, m. a little pony Biecamente, ad. squintingly Biec->, a. grim, stern, sour ; occhi biechi, squinting eyes; rimirar con occhio bieco, to look with an envious eye; atto bieco, a bad action Biennio, m two years Bieta, or Bie'ola,/. beet Bietolone, m. a simpleton, a booby Bietta, /. a wedge Bifozlio, m. double leaf Bifolca, /. an acre of land Bifoleheria, f. husbandry, tillage, ♦he charge of a farm Bifolco, m. a ploughman Biforeamento, m. separation Biforcato, and Biforcuto, a. fork- ed, cloven ; piede biforciito, a cloven foot Biforco, 771. a fork, a pitchfork Bi forme, a. of two forms Bifronte, a. double-faced Biga,/. a cart, a chariot Bigamia,/. bigamy Bigamo, m. a man who has two wives Bigatto, m. a silk-worm Biga'tolo, m. a worm that spoils coin Bizfrornuolo, a. grayish Bighellone, m. a booly, a simple- ton [ami re w Bigbei&to, m. a jester, a nierry- Eigherato, a. adorned with thread lace Btehr-ro, m. thread lace Bigiccio, a. grayish BIO Bigio, a. russet, gray, brown Biglia,/. the bilfiard-ball Bigliardo, m. billiards Biglietto, m. a billet, a note Bigoncia, /. a sort of great tub ; a pulpit Bilancetta, and Bilancia,/. a bal- ance, a pair of scales ; dar il tracollo alia bilancia, to turn the scale; esser in bilancia, to be irresolute, in suspense ; bilancia, a hoop-net, the splinter bar of a coach Bilanciaio, m. a scale-maker Bilanciamenfo, m. examination Bilanciare, to balance, to exam- ine, ponder, to waver; bilan- ciarsi in aria, to hover in the air Bilanciato, part, balanced Bilanciere, m. the balance of a clock or watch Bilancino, m. small scales Bilancio, m. comparison, pa.rallel Bile, /. choler, anger, passion ; non mi fate montar la bile, don't provoke me Bilenco, a. crooked Bilia,/. a packer's stick Biliano, a. bilious Bilicare, to set in equilibrium, to ponder Bilicato, part, poised, levelled Bilico, ?7i. balancing, poising; s'ar in bilico, to be near falling Kilin^uo, a. deceitful Bilioso, a. passionate Biljottatb, a. spotted Billera,/. a jest Biliistre, a. often years Bimbo, 77i. a sucking babe Bimestre, a. two months Bimmolle, m. a musical term Binare, to twin Binario, a. binary Binascenza,/. the delivery of twins Bina'o, 777. a twin Binato, a. of two natures Bindf-'lla,/. a ribbon Bindoleria, /. ar'fulness Bindolo, 777. a swing Binocolo, m. a telescope of two Ights Bioccolo, 777. a lock of wool ; lana n bioccoli, a fleece Biografia, /. biography Biografo, m. a biographer Biondirrriare, to lonk yellow Biondglla, /. cen'aury, or sponge- laurel Biondello, and Biondetto, a. fair Biondezza,/. a fair complexion BIS Bi6ndo, a. fair, flaxen; capellj biondi, light hair Biotto, a. poor Bipartire, to divide in two Bipartito, a. parted in two Bipede, a. that has two feet Bipenne,/. battle-axe Birba, /. knavery : a wanderer, a sharper ; batter la birba, to mump about ; a phaeton Birbante, and Birbone, 777. a beggar Birbonaccio, m. a rascal Birbonata, and Birboneria, /. a bad action, a fraud Birboneggiare, to beg Bircio, a. near-sighted Biribisso, m. a hazard game Birilli, 771. pi. nine-pins Biroccio, 777. a cart Biroccino, 771. a one-horse chaise Birra,/. beer Birracchio, m. a year old calf Birresco, a. wicked, impudent Birro, and Birrovlere, m. a bailiff Bisaccia,/. a bag with two pouch- es; esser alia bisaccia, to be re- duced, to be very poor Bisante, and Bisantino, m. a span- gle [mother Bisarcavola, /. great great grand- Bisarcavolo, m. great great grand- father [grandmother Bisava, and Bisavola, /. great Bisavo, and Bisavolo, m. a great grandfather [tically Bisbeticamente, ad. oddly, fantas- Bisbe'ico, a. whimsical Bisbi°liajnento, ra. whispering Bisbigliare, to whisper, mutter Bisbigliatore, 777. a whisperer Bi.-biglia'orio, m. a parlour grate- fin convents) Bisbiglio, 777. whisper, rumour Bfsca,/. a gaming-plaee Biscaiuolo, 771. a gamester Biscantare, to sing repeatedly Biscanto, 77?.. a duet Biscazza, /. a gambling- house Biscazzare, to game Biscazziere, m. a gamester Biscazzo. 77/. and Bischenca,/. a dirty trick Bischero, m. a pin, peg Bischizzo, 771. invention Bi cia, 77J.a snake, adder; cammi nare a bi cia, to wind about Biscione, m. a large snake Bisciuola,/. a little snake Biscolore, a. motley, party-col- oured Biscottare, to bake twice Bi=cott,ato, a. twice baked BIT Bisoottino. m. a little biscuit, a| fill ij . nu a sweet biscuit ; en- trar in • a term : ; caval- . to ride without a Bisestarr, tn be leap-year i. anno bi- Biforme I irraud-Jauuhter's knri iM . (7. capricious •- t-grar.d- chil.i nther . f. and Pisognamcnto, m. Br»*nare. an impersonal verb. bisbzi ma eh" in • im know ^irnassero daniri, . A. Tilt ■ mo di qualche of; al bi- amlco, a ; have all T • ; - [in? •' hump*, knotty, uneven (of wood) BOC Bit. imp, in. bitumen Bituminoso. a. bituminous . tuck plaster jhway •'. oddly, smartly . /. conceitedni - ness, w him, \ is . ./. w, smart. : -i!e . /". a woman tfaal lives like I mm r . i puritan, a ■ . to. a clown ato, to. allurement, blan- dishment Blandire, tD flatter, decoy, cajole Blandisria,/. caressing Blindo, a. kind, fl i . blasphemous Blason be, to blazon a coat of arms , m. heral !ry Bloceare, tn block up I :rt. blocked up Bloccatora, /. a blockade Rlnccn. u bellowing ' , i plough- man's wife f, the mouth. II 1 ccx. by word nf rnouth ; uant to iple; bo piii di dieci bocche a roa I have ten m I invent ; parlarabncca io lion ci vn' por bdcca, I woVl | ■ bdcca, bee to face : bo- dare a ' entertain . la bdcca d'nn flume, the mouth of a river ; h boot id tco, the pit ■ !i fUOCO, ■ Boocarcevole, >•■ ;d. in the style of Boc- i./. an ugly mouth .li, be is EDO* ; •'■■Tin the know nothing of the matter BOL f, a MxttOB, hud of a dower, a phial [ping Boccheggiamento, m. panting, ga- ;. Boccuino, m. a small m lUtfa Bd obi ; far bocchi, to make mouths Bdccia, /. bud, a bottle, a pimple i bud Bocconcello, and Bicconcino, m. a little bit . ad. groveling . to. a mouthful ; buoni !. dainty bits ; tagliire a bncconi, to cut to pieces ; dar il . to bribe >ttO, m. a tit bit . f. a little mouth livulge, publish B fonchiare, to grumble R >f inchino, a. grumbling Bogia, /. first appearance of the itch B liclientc, a. boiling, burning hot Boia, m. an execut H ii trdoj m. a boyard . to. a battering-ram Boldrone, to. wool, blanket, cover- let Bdlgia, /. budget, bag, portman- teau : a hole in the ground ; far bdlgia, to make provision; bol- gia, a horrible daik pi use Boih. f.\ . pimple; holla acquaiuola, a wat - buB [far 'or Boll'ire, to stamp, tobm^d a n.ale- sealed, branded Roll ute, a. boiling . i sasport B II -Hi no. to. a bill, a note .. m.a boiling, the swell- ing of the sea Boiliie, to boil, bubble up, fer- ment ; mille cose mi bollono imo, I hive a thousand • my mind ; tutta la cit- ta bolle, every body grumbles j bolHre a ricnfsoio, to boil fast Bollito. a. boiled [tion Bnllitara, /. boiling liquor, decoc- Bollizidne,/. a boiling; bollizidne . ' ' Boll i, TO. a seal, a Mamp BoUdre, vn. bubbling, spouting; b lUdre n, anger . i pill ,./. a shot with an arrow # BOR Bolzonato, part, struck with an arrow Bolzone, to. a bartering- ram,or dart Bomba, /. a niai k, a bomb ; tornare a bomba, to return to one's pur- pose ; essere a bomba, to live at ease Bomb.'mza, /. feasting, mirth, joy Bomb.'irda,/. a mortar-piece Bombardamento, in. bombardment Bombardare, to bombard Bombardiera, /. the place where the bomb is mounted Bombard iere, to. a bombardier Bombetfcire, to sip Bombice, m. silk-worm Bombola,/. a pitcher Bonaccia,/'. a calm at sea; happi- ness, tranquillity Bonacciare, to grow calm Bonaccioso, a. still, quiet Bonariameute, ad. graciously, kindly Bonaneta,/. kindness Bonario, a. good, meek, kind Boncineilo, to. the staple of a lock Bonej-riare, to ai-rogate Boniiacimer.'to, to. bettering Bonificamento, to. and Bmifica- zione,/. a bettering, an improve- ment Bonilic'ire, to amend, improve ; bonificarsi, to grow better Bonificato, a. mended, improved Bonissimo, a. very good Bonta, /. goodness, excellence ; per bon a, for the sake of, upon account of [ing Borbogliainento, rn. noise, mutter- Borbogli'tre, to mutter, to grumble Borboglio, m. a rumbling noise, uproar, quarrel [grumbling Borbottamerito, to. a mutterin-r, a B )ibot ; are, to grumble, to mutter Borbottfto, part, muttered Borbotta^ore, and Borbottone, to. mutterer, grumbler B6rchia,/. a stud BordagHa,/. the m^b, rabble Bordare, to beat, to board, to moor Bord'ita,/. a broadside Bordeggiare, to tack Bordellare, to frequent brothels ; andnr bordell'mdo, to wench Bordelliere, in. a hunter of brothels Bordelloj rn. a brothel, stews ; an- d-ire in bordello, £o and be hanged ; fare il bordello, to ban- ter, to be vociferously in -rry Bordo, to. ship-hoard, the sides of a ship j andare a bordo, to go BOT aboard ; bordo, border, hem, brim Bordone, m. a pilgrim's staff ; bor- done, the stumps of feathers in young birds j bordone, a prop of a building Borea,/. the north-wind Boreale, and Boreo, a. northern, northerly Borg.\ta ; /. a borough, a village Borghese, and Borgese, to. a bur- gess of a town Borghesia,/. the state of a citizen Borghetto, to. a hamlet Borghigiano, m. see Borghese Borgo, m. a suburb, borough, town Borgomasiro, in. a burgomaster Bdria, /. haughtiness, self-conceit ; aver boria, to boast Boriare, and Boriarsi, to be proud Boriosila, /. vanity, self-conceit Borioso, a. puffed up, proud Eornio, a. one-eyed, short-sighted Rorniola, /. mistake, blunder Borra,/. hair to stuff saddles; su- perfluous words Borra ccia, /. bad stuff; a vessel for wine in travelling Borro, and Borrone, to. a gully male by a water-flood ; a great water-flood Borsa, /. a purse, pocket ; tener borsa stretta, to be sling}' ; far borsa, to hoard money ; borsa, a portmanteau ; borsa de' mer- canti, the Exchange Bors'iio, ra. a purse-maker Borsaiuolo, to. a cuSpurse Borseilino, in. the fob-pocket Borzacchino, ra. the buskin Bosc/iglia, /. woods, forests, groves R sca'ciioso, a. woody Boscaiuolo, rn. a woodman Rosc'ita, /'. a grove Boscato, a. woody Boscareccio, and* B^schereccio, a. rural, savage ; niut'e boscherecce. wood-nymphs Bo,chetti)io, and Bo chetto, to. a !',Tru-p, a Mncket ; a tree limed to c;i'r!, birds Boschigno, a. see Boschereccio Bosfio, to. a wood, forest ; esser da bosco e da riviera, to be fit for any thing B-> c'tso, a. woody Bosforo, rn. straits Rosso, to. the box-tree Bossolaio, to. a box-maker Bossolo, to. a box, a dice-box ; box-tree Botamca, /. botany 70 BRA Botanico, a. botanical Botanico, to. botanist, herbalist Botare, to vow, or promise ; botar- si a Uio, to devote one's self to God Bolo, in. a vow Botola, /. a trap-door Botta, /. a toad, a blow, a stroke; armatura di tutta botta, armour musket-proof ; botta risposta, a repartee; botta, a pass in fenc- ing ; una bella botta, a fine stroke Bottaccino, rn. a flask Bottaccio, to. a flask Rottaglie, /. boots Rottaio, to. a cooper Botte, /. a cask, a vessel ; boots Bottega, /. a shop Bottegate, /. and Bottegaio to. a shopkeeper [little shop Botteghetta, /. Botteghino, to. a Bottegone, to. a great shop Bottieella, /. a small toad ; a small barrel, a small blow Bottiglia, /. a bottle Bottigliere, to. a butler Bottiglieria,/. a butler's room Bottino, to. booty, plunder; met- tere a bottino, to pillage Botto, to. stroke, blow ; botto di campana, the toll of a bell. Di • botto, ad. suddenly [suit Bottonatura, /. the buttons of a Bottone, to. a button ; bud of plants ; sputar bottom, taunt ; dar o gittar un bottone, to give a hint Bottoniera,/. a button hole Bottume, to. casks Bove, to. an ox, shackles Bove,/. pi. fetters Bovicida, to. an ox-killer Bovile, to. an ox-stable Bovina, /. cow's dung Bovino, a. of the oxen breed Bozza, /. a swelling; the rough draught in sculpture, or painting Bozzacchiuto, a. deformed, ill- shaped Bozzore, to sketch roughly Bozzetto, to. a bud, rough sketch Rozzo, to. a cuckold, a block Rozzolare, to pick up, to taste Bozzoletto, to. a little swelling, a pimple Bozzolo, to. a swelling, tumour, the cod of a silk worm ; that measure which the miller claims for grinding; a stone cut pyra midally ; a throng of people Bozzoloso, a. full of tumours Braccare, to quest (in the chase) BRA Brace li< find out BRI 1 armful 1 ] B . \ col I I'h main . ccio secoUre, the I power mo, m. a little arm | \t arm I Bracciuolo, m. the am of a chair: ; da qu di nil houo. ■ K-dog - coal Br..cb». 1 Bragbisse, J a truss-maker truss 1 . m. a coil-pan Bracrw. . ■ coward ittle) .tls and calves Brage, and Brisria, f. see Brace .. slime, mud, claj Brama, /. desire, fondness, greedi- m n Bramin'.e, a. wishing m. the cry of beasts, Vj iien'e. acL greedily, fonJ- Branv> . Eripe ; a branch ; ca; i pe. to seize . who handle* groping in the dark, a Brinco, m. a herd, a drove, Sic BrancolAre, to zv • Br.inconi, ad. groping along ->ck , shaking Brandone, m. \ iece, bit mo a brano, he ■ ■ . «. a bully, a sv Biavaxnente. ad. bravely, stoutly . Bravatnno, a. threatening rave it i. /. valour, c n-.rriije Bravo, <■■. Bravo, mtcrj. very well '. bravo! '. a brenrh ; questo non mi ta breccia, this thing does not iffecl me at all .. sterile, barren . a brief, a churchi > ief I shortly; in hrov, in a ime Breven.ente, andBrieven fly, in short, in a WOt 1 Breviario. m. breviary Brevita,/. short Brczja, /. cold breeze He, 7?i. a cold win 1 . /. drunkenness ■ Irunk Briacone, m. a drunkard Briareo, m. Briareus. a riant Bricca, /. a steep, shaggy l' lace an avs Bricconiccio, m. a keep OM .to bri- dle, to ke^p in, to curb Brigliaio, in. a saddler litigious, quarrelsome . 7/i. brightness . a. sl.inmsr, sparkling Briiluite, m. a brilliant Briil're, to spnrkle, glitter, to leap for joy, to husk i ,-ed BrillatOiO, m. a sieve Biillo, 77>. joy, gladness Brillo, (7. i Brinftte,/. white frost .!, S[X)t- Brindisi, m. far brindisi, to drink a 1th Brinoso, a. frosty tettle, fire, life me to, "m. a cliilues8, or shaking . . [>ng .. piercing cold, shiver- -pot Brocr.t.a, f. a bl .w, rencounter Brocca-o, m. a broca !<•. Listi - if -. a ibooi ; dar co, to hit the mark 1 <>( knots; sera • -i'k -•. ill. bV Mi. niir-- : ver- s'r labroda, to lay lb lo, a. loving broth, slov •h Brodetto, m. Dun soup, broth; BRU andir in brodetto, to feel great pleasure Brodo. m. troth; lamentirsi del brodo grasso, to complain of ease Brodoloso, a. slovenly, nasty Brogliare, to embroil, to intrigue Broglio, m. tumult, noise Brollo, a. stripped, naked Broncio, m. passion, vexation J fare il broncio, to attack Bronco, m. trunk of a tree ; con- ger-eel Broncone, m. a branch, a vine-prop Brontolare, to grumble, to mutter Bronzino, a. sun-burnt Bronzista, m. a founder Bronzo, m. cast copper, or brass Brucare, to strip on leaves, to go away Bruciire, to itch, smart, burn Bruciata,/. roasted chestnuts Bruciataio, m. a seller of roasted chestnuts Bruciato, a. burned Bruciolate, a. worm-eaten Bruciolo, m. a worm, shavings of wood Bruci6re, m. burning, smarting Briicio, and Bruco, m. a grub, a caterpillar Bruire, to bustle, to rumble Brui'cire, to stir up Brulichio, rn. motion, stirring, buzzing Brullamente, ad. poorly Brullo, a. naked, destitute Brullotto, rn. a fire-ship Brtima,/. the winter Brumale, a. wintery Brunazzo, and, Brunetto, a. brown- ish, swarthy Brunezza, /. swarthiness Brunire, to polish, burnish Brunito, a. polihed, burnished Brunitoio, rn. a burnishing stick Brumtore, rn. a burnisher Brunitura, /. act of burnishing Eruno, m. mourning; portar il bruno, to wear mourning Bruno, a. brown, dark; unabru- na, a brown woman ; un bruno, a brown man ; bruno, overcast ; aer bruno, gloomy air ; vista bruna, a melancholy look; co- 16r brtno, a dull colour; il reg- no bruno, hell Brun6zzo, a. tawny Brusca, /. a brush Bruscamente, ad. bluntly, roughly Bruschetto, a. sourish Bruscbizza,/. sourness, sharpness BUC Brusco, a. sour, tart ; vin brusco, rowjh wine ; brusco, harsh, ill- natured Brusco, ad. sourly ; perche mi parlate cosi brusco ? why do you speak so roughly to me ? Bruscolo, m. a mote, a straw Brustolare, to scorch, or toast Brutale, a. fierce; un brutale, a brutish man, a clown Brutalita,/. brutality, rashness Brutalmeiite, ad. brutally Bruto, rn. a brute, a beast Bruttamente, ad. dirtily, dishon- estly Bruttamento, m. a defilement Bruitare, to soil, spot, stain; brut- tarsi le mani nel sangue di qual- cheduno, to imbrue one^ hands in blood ; bruttare 1' onore di qualcb^duno, to stain another's reputation Bruttato, a. soiled, spotted, stained Eruttezza,/. ugliness, Hastiness Brutto, a. deformed, filthy, base ; brutto costume, a shameful cus- tom Bruttura,/. nastiness, obscenity Bruzzaglia, /. the poor, the rabble Brtizzo, m. the twilight Buaccio, 77Z. a dolt Buaggine,/. dulness Bubbolare, to steal, to deceive, to tremble Bubbolato, a. deceived Bubbole,/. pi. idle stories Bsbbolone, m. a prating fellow Bubfilca, or Bubulcata, /. an acre (of land) [the grave Buca, /. a hole; buca sepolcrale, BucAre, to pierce, to make holes Bucato, a. bored, pierced BncAto, m, washing with lie Buccia, /. rind, bark, shell, skin ; tutti d' una buccia, all of the same cask Bnccina,/. a trumpet EuceinAre, to sound a trumpet; si bnccina, they say Buccio, m. see Buccia Buccioso, a. barky Buccolica, /. pastoral verses Euccolico, a. pastoral Bucentoro, rn. the doge's great ship at Venice Bucherame, m. buckram Eucherare, to stand a candidate Bucherato, a. full of holes, pitted Bucicare, to move, stir, jog Bucinamento, rn. muttering, a buzzing, humming Bucinare, to whisper; si bticina BUL per la citta, they whisper abotl the town [bow -net Bucine, /. Bucinetto, m. a net or Buco, 771. a hole, a key-hole Bucolino, rn a little hole Budellame, m. the bowels or en trails Budello, 77i. the gut Budriere, 771. the belt Bue, w. an ox ; bue salvatico, a wild bull; lingua di bue, a ' neat's tongue ; bue, a blockhead Buessa, /. a cow Bufera, /. a storm, a whirlwind Buffa, /. trifle, trick, cheat ; fare una buffa, to play a trick ; pren- dere una buffa, to take in jest Buffare, to trifle, joke, to play the fool Buffetto, m. a fillip ; pan buffetto, a French roll; buffetto, a sort of cupboard Euffo, 77i. a whiff, a puff Buffo, a. comic BuffonAre, and BuffOneggiare, to play the buffoon Buftbncino, m. a buffoon Buff one, m. a buffoon Buffbneria, /. pleasantry, buffoone- ry, raillery Buffbnescamente, ad. pleasantly Buffbnesco, a. droll, jesting Bufolaccio, m. a clumsy, ignorant fellow Bufolo, and Bufalo, rn. a buffalo, a wild ox ; pelle di bufolo, buff- skin [ble Bufonchiare, to mutter, to grum- Bugia,/. a lie, a hand candlestick Bugiardamente, ad. falsely Bugiardo, m. a liar, a lying man Bugiardo, a. false Bugiardone, rn. a great 1 iar Bugiare, to lie, to bore, to pierce Bugietta, /. a fib Bugio, m. a hole Eugione, m. a great lie Buglossa, /. borage Bugno, m. a bee-hive Eugnola, /. and Bugnolo, m. a straw basket Buietto, a. darkish [cow Buino, a. belonging to the ox, or Buio ? rn. darkness / far le cose al buio, to act in the dark Buio, a. dark, gloomy, difficult, obscure Buiore, m. darkness, gloominess Bulbo, 771. scallion, or bulbous root Bulboso, a. bulbous Buldriana,/. a harlot, a whore Bulicame, m. a spring, a source BUR Ruiie'uT, to bubble Miine ap- I « arrant, a bill, a schedule Buonam nv. ad. trulv, indeed :. a volunteer ! day Buoiio. - nne, fit ; un ; d.irsi buon t parole, fair words : far buon viso ad alciino, to recei\e one kind' bless you ; es>er in be to be I ; dj buoni acerely : di l«;o:i voine. unanimously ; di bu willingly : colle huone. ; L with food « Lie buoue. to use one kindly Buono, m, advantage; benefit; eood, to grant; buon per me, Veil for \ m. a ■show i a puppet . vaunting I re, to brag,, U [haughtilv ; • samente, ad. proudly, I and Burbanzesco, o. arrogan% presumptuous Burberau /. a crane i . j I rchia, to •teal. ■ 'her I llo, m, a boa' >n. a wherry, a I -. banter ; . to joke T merry I ) I Burrascoso, a. stormy m. a precipice GAB Burratt.ire, to discuss Burro, m. batter Barrone, m. a cliff eive, to cheat Busbaccberia, /". craft, trick, shift .1 in-, ?/i. a Boabo, m. shaiper, ch .it - ; ilia bus- es di quaJcheduno. to be in quest of somebody j anoar allabuaca, ; rocure bunl after, to watch for d. got, caught . m. Bearcher Buschettc, /. pi. little s'icks, or straw ; tirar le buschette, to draw lots Buscione, in. a bush of thorns Biisco. m, see Bruscolo Buscolino, m. an atom, or mote Busecchio, m. g B'iso. a. empty, bored Bussa,/. bouble, grief, fatigue, la- bour ; a blow. . i knocking knock Ctrl, knocked Bussatorc. in. be that knocks k i , iner's COmpOSBJ perder la bussola, to be at one's wit's end . i case . a bust, stays, bodice Butirro. m. butter Buttagra, /. (caviale) the smoked [ fish Bottare, to throw, fling, thrust . a. pitted with the small to. a pock-hole Biituro. m. a kind of fat clay Buz7:cire, to sneak away, to Bu77icli. ; IK arid Bu77i<-hio, m. a I small noise . a pm-cuffbion i Hied i,/. knowledge of secret things Cabal ista, m. a cabal ist r\C Caballstico, a. mysteiioul I m\i tenn) • oUsh fellow Cacaiuoia, irrbjoca Cacalocchio! an LnterjectioD of wonder redo Cacapensieri, m. one who raise* difficulty . to void, to evacuate uviia) a dysentery, a bloody flux i acasd to, m, t c »na ited fellow, one tib i j-rive Cacastdcchi, m. a niggardly fellr.w Cac'ita. f. the easing of the belly, a baffle [wardly Cacatamente, ad. slowly, awk- ■ CacatOio, ?/). a n< cessary house Cacatura, /. the action' of easing one's self Cacazibctto, m. beauisb, nice Caccabdldoie, /. cajolery ; dar eac- cabaldole, to piease the fancy, to (awn Caceao. m. a sort of almond Cacchione, in. a maggot, a larva of the bee Cacchionoso, a. full of maggots Caccia,/. hunting, chasing, game; c'iccia. to fly a v. ay;
d sport ', andir in caccia, to pursue • voli, m. a conjurer Cacciafl&nni, a. a Cacciagione, /. game, venison ; . a wood for hunting Cacciamento, T7J. expulsion ; turn- ing out Cacaire, to hunt, (o pursue, to turn out; cacciir un grido, to cry, or scream out ; c oc'chi ad nno, to pull • out ; caedarsi in una com] a- gnia, to intrude into a company •. f". i xpulsion Carciatnia./. pincers tacciatore, m. a hunter, a perse- cutor Cacciafrice, /. a huntress ; in for* ma di cacciatrice, in a riding habit rabbi' CAG Cacherfa, /. dalliance, wanton- ness Cacheroso, a. quaint, soft, delicate, wanton ; far ii cacheroso, to be a beau Cachessia, /. a bad habit of body Cachettico, a. ^etico) hectic, con- sumptive Cachinno, m. a loud laugh Caciato, a. strewed with cheese Cacio, in. cheese ; esser pane e cacio, to be very intimate Caciuola, /. flat, round cheese Cacofonia, /. cacophony Cacograf ia, /. fault in writing Cacogranzzare, to write incorrectly Cacume, m. top, height, summit Cadauno, pron. each one Cadavero, and Cadavere, m. a dead body [cadaverous Cadaverico, and Cadaveroso, a. Cadente, a. falling, declining Cadenza,/, cadence in music Cadiire, to fall down ; far cader morto, to strike dead, to happen ; cader nell' animo, to come into one's thoughts ; cader in disco r- 60, to fall Into discourse j cader in taglio, w fall out for one's purpose ; eadere, to decay ; ca- der ammalato, to fall sick ; se cadesse mai, if ever it should happen 5 non cade a voi di. ri- prendermi, it is not your busi- ness to correct me Cadetto, m. a younger brother Cadevole, a. frail, perishable Cadimento, m. destruction, fall, setting, despondency Caduceo, m. the wand of Mercury Caducita,/. frailty Caduco, a. frail, perishable ; cadiiche spen'mze, deceiving hopes; mal caduco, the falling sickness Caduta,/. fall, falling Caduto, a. fallen, abject, cast down Caffe, m. coffee, coffee-house Caffeista, m. a corl'ee-drinker Caffettiera, /. o coffee-pot Caflettiere, m. a coffee-house keeper Caffo, m. an odd number, singu- lar, rare, extraordinary Cagionamento, m. cause, occasion Cagionare, to occasion, impute, charge [puted Cagionato, part, occasioned, im- CagionalOre, rn. one that causes Cagioncella,/. a little cause, pre- tence [excuse Cagi6ne, /. cause, reason, motive, CAL Cagionevole, a. sickly, valetudi- nary Caglia, (from Calere) ove non caglia a te, provided you care not for it Cagliare, to decay, to grow faint Cagna, /. a bitch Cagnaccio, m. a mastiff dog Cagnazzo, a. ugly, livid Cagneggiare, to menace Cagnescamente, ad. surlily Cagnesco, a. doggish, brutish; guardare in cagnesco, to look a«kew Cagnoletto, Cagnolino, Cagnetto, Cagnuccio, and Cagnuolo, rn. a little dog. a puppy Cagnotto, m. a bravo, a favourite Cala, /. bay, road for ships ; duck- ing, a sea punishment Calabrone, m. a hornet Calaiatare, to calk a ship, to stop her leaks Calafato, part, calked Calamaia,/. Calamaio, m. an ink- horn, or stand ; scuttle fish Calamandrina, /. germander Calameggiare, to pipe Calamita, /. the loadstone, the needle of the compass Calamita,/. misery, distress Calamitare, to magnetize Calamitato, a. belonging to the loadstone Calamitosamente, ad. unhappily Calami toso, a. miserable, dis- tressed Calamo, m. a reed, a pen Calandra,/. the bird woodlark Calappio, rn. a sliding knot, a snare Calare, to let fall, 1o cast down, to descend, decrease, decay, to ebb and flow Cal.'ifa, /. descent of a hill, les- sening, fall Cfilca,/. crowd, multitude Calcagnare, to run away Calcagnino, m. the quarter of a shoe, the heels; andar a calca- gnini, to walk slip-shod Caleagno, m. the heel ; dar delle cal cagna, to spur; pagardi cal- cagna, to run away Calcamento, m. pressing, treading upon Calc'ire, to press, tread upon, to oppre4s Calcatamente, ad. closely Galea to, a. pressed, crowded ; via calc/ita, the king's highway Calcatore, m. a treader; calcatdr 74 CAL d'uva, a treader of grapes ; caV catrice, /. a woman treader Calcatura, /. a trampling under one's feet Cake, /. lime Calce, m. end of a lance Calcese, m. a scuttle in a ship Calcetto, m. a sock, pumps Calcicare, to resist, to trample Calcidonio, and Calcedonio, m. % sort of precious stone Calcina,/. lime; calcina fiorita, slacked lime Calcinaccio, m. rubbish, ruins Calci nare, to calcine, to burn to a calx Calcinato, a. calcined, reduced to powder Calcinazione, and Calcinattira, / calcination, reduction to powder Calcio, m. a kick ; dar de' calci, to kick; the footj dar calci alle richezze, to despise riches ; dar calci al vento, to kick the air, to be hanged Calcitrare, to kick, to resist Calcitrazione,/. kicking Calcitroso, a. kicking Cal co, m. chalking (a design or print) Calcolaiuolo, m. a weaver Calcolare, to compute, calculate Calcolato, part, reckoned, com- puted Calcolatore, m. an accountant Calcole, /. pi. a weaver's treadle Calcolo, and Calculo, m. compu- tation, account [der Calcolo, m. the stone in the blad- Calcoloso, a. troubled with gravel Calculare, to calculate Calculazione,/. calculation Calda, /. the act of heating ; pig- liare una calda, to catch cold Calda ia, /. and Caldaio, or Cal- daro, rn. caldron, kettle, pot Calda mente, ad. ardently, eagerly, furiously; pregar caldamente, to entreat earnestly Caldana,/. a cold; mid-day heat Calda no, m. a stove Caldeggiare, to protect Calderaio, m. a brazier, or tinker Calderino, m.. the goldfinch Calderone, m. a great kettle Calderr'itto, m. a pot Calderuola, /. a skillet Caldetto, a. milk-warm Caldezza, /. warmth, earnestness Caldita,/. heat Caldo, m. heat, protection, vig- our CAL inn. kind, hearty, pmr, I. I . ad. in a 1 -. ships mack Calende . the first mih 1 1 ilepiu (.a dictiona- . to be concerned am ji houour ; in non cale-re, or c.ale. to neglect ; ho messo in non ^enJetta, . 1 rile ground i jo\ nothing I [onJnancc'* 1 '. i I nu chalice, communion • armth liph I :. dim - ranee id Callaia, /. entrance, - .are I i -■ . running Callimfia, /. the art of writing f I ! skin 1 •ased ion, fall fof ujon-y. he.) ; desci ... love I 1 I •corn (AM : pie 1 . ;\ trampler clattering wi h ii len [off . to cn!l, to nib the skin impure j . til eon- Calteritdra, /. scratch, excoriation I . . ,v . /. the down Calumare, to veer the cable CaVmnia. /". slander [trad CalurniAre, to slander, asperse, de- Calunniito, a. calumniated, ac- cused falsely Calonniatore, TO. slanderer Calunnioao, a. calumnious, false C aluih./. manuring : calvarsi, ae, /. arid Cal- vi/io. m. bal Calvinlsmo, m. Calvinism ' . to, a Cahinist L bald [head i. the bald part of the . si ckings, a strainer, a r^l7,'tcria. /. old stockings Calzaiuol . [insrs i'o, m. shoes and stock- Calzante, a. easy to cine on Calz'ire, to put on shoes and stock- injs Cab-are, m. shoe, boakia Calzaretto, in. half-boot CalzarfttO, m. buskin Calz.ato, a. having shoes and stock . f. a shoe-horn k : nx CalzettAio, m. a ! ind s'ockiners Calznbsria,/. a shoe-makera shop ■veches Calzoolo, m. the chape of a scab- bard TO, a coat of mail . •. ' liamelion nd Camomilla, /. per I ( greens, ' m. cbamberlain- o trainpl-. ■'lmm, m. chamberlain I C ami to, m. a stick CAM Cam'uiro, m. the pope's triple crown Cambellotto, r». camlet CambiAbile, h, ch ingi able Gambia I6re. to, i banker Cambiile. /. a till of exchange; cambiAle pagabile al latere, a bill payable to bearer Cambiamehto, m. and Cambiatu- n. f. ill inge, \ Carnitine, to turn, change, alter; ■ ige,to truck ; camhi.'irsi, to ch inge c il iur : cambi.'irsi in male, to degenerate Cambiato,o. altered, transformed] e tt.tto eamtriato, be is much L quite another thin? Cambiatore, m. exchanger; banker ira, /. change) fresh hones? andar per cambiatura, to ride | Cambio, to, change, exchange; in cambio, instea I ; coglierincam* bio, to be mistaken ; lettera di cambio, a bill of exchange; c:im bio secco, exchange without al- lowance ; render il cambio, to requite, to be even with one; ubio, to lend at interest '. to. a banker Cambraia./. lawn, cambric •. chamber, room ; came- ra locinda, furnished todgingB camera di letto, i 1-chamber; camera d' odiehxa, audience chamber; camera terreha, par- h or : camera di poppa, a cabin Camera ccia,/. a miserable room Camerale, a. belonging to a cham- ber Camernta. /. club, society ; un eamerata, a companion Camere*tta,/. a liitle room Cameric.ra, /. a chambermaid Cameriere, TO, a valet, sroom Camerfnn, m. close, small room, a cabin, (in a ship) "i. ?/i. i chamberlain I I mm Camerdtto, tit. a dumreon ■ hite gar- ni' nt Camfcta, f- a shirt, shift Camiciuoia, /. a waistcoat Caminare, an CamminAre CammeHo, m, a camel Caxnmeo, TO. a precious stone in basso relievo [passenger CamminAnte. n. travelling : m. a CamminAre, CamminAre, m. a march, journey ■a, j. a hall i a walk ; CAM fire una camminata, to take a walk [bier Camminatore, m. walker, ram- Cammino, m. way, road, journey ; a chimney ; mettersi in cammi- no, to set out on a journey ; metter un negozio in cammino, to set a thing a going Camo, to. a bridle, bit, rein Camorro, m. a clown Camosciare, to dress leather, to tan Camoscio, to. tanned leather ; chamois Camoscio, a. fiat-nosed Cam6zza, /. a wild goat, a chamois Campagna, /. the country, a campaign ; mettersi in cainpa- gna, to take the field Campagnuolo, a. rural ; un cam- pagnuolo, a countryman Campale, a. pertaining to the field ; battfglia cam pale, gior- nata campale, a pitched battle Campamento, to. encampment ; escape Campana, /. a bell, alembic, still ; far la campana, d'un pezzo, to do a thing at once ; aver le campane grosse, to be dull of hearing Campanaio, and Campanaro, m. a ringer, a bell-founder Campanella, /. and Campanello, m. a small bell ; campanella, the blue bell flower Campanile, m. a belfry, a steeple Campare, to preserve, to live ; campare dalla morte, to save one's self ; cam par dalla giu- stizia, to fly from justice ; non ne campo uno, not one escaped Campnto, a. escaped Campeggiamento, m. encampment Campej^iare, to encamp, to shine, to set off Campegiio, m. logworj Campereccio, a. wild, rural Camper^llo, and Campicello, to. a small field Campestre, and Campestro, a. ru- ral [tol Campidoglio. m. the Roman capi- Campione, m. a champion, a jour- nal, a shop-book Campionessa, /. a heroine Campo, m. a h>M, a square; a camp ; lcvar il campo, to de- camp ; dar campo, to give op- portunity ; dar campo apirto, to give liberty j campo delLa nave, the deck Carnuffare, to disguise, to mask CAN Camuft'ato, a. disguised, masked Camuso, a. flat-nosed Canaglia, and Canaglilccia, /. mob, iabble Canale, m. a cand, kennel Canaletto, m. a little canal Canapa, /. hemp Canapaia, /. a hemp-field Canape, and Canapo, m. rope, cable Canape, m. sofa Canapino, a. of hemp, hempen Canapuccia, /. hemp-seed Canarino, m. a canary-bird Canata,/. scolding Canatteria, /. many dogs Canattiere, m. a dog-keeper Canaviiccio, m. canvass, towel, clout [blotting out Cancellamento, m. cancelling, Cancellare, to cancel, deface, yield, to close with rails Cancellato, part, cancelled Cancellatiira, and Cancellazi6ne, /. cancelling, effacing Cancelleresco, a. belonging to chancery Cancelleria, /. chancery Cancelliere, m. clerk, chancellor Cancel lo, m. pales, balustrades, a grate Canchero, m. a canker, sore Canchero, and Cancherusse, interj. zounds Cancheroso, a. full.of sores Cancrena, /. a gangrene Cancrenare, to gangrene Cancrenato, a. gangrened Cancrenoso, a. gangrenous Cancro, to. Cancer, a crab Candela, /. a candle Candelabra, to. a candlestick Candelaia, Candelara, Candelora, and Candellaia,/. Candlemas Candelliere, m. candlestick Candelotto, m. and Candeluzza, /. a small candle ; candelotto di ghiaccio, an icicle Candente, a. burning, red hot, shining Caudidamente, ad. candidly Candidato, m. a candidate for an office Candidato, a. dressed in white Candidfeza, /. brightness, sinceri ty, candour, purity [cent Candido, a. white, sincere, inno- Candfficare, to heat Candire, to candy, or preserve Candito, a. zucchero candito, sugar candy Candito, to. candied fruit 76 CAN Cand6re, to. whiteness, sincerity, purity Cane, to. a dog; the cock of a gun ; dog-star t cane livriere, a greyhound ; cane segugio, a set- ting dog; cane barbone, or da acqua, a shagged dog Canestrello, and Canestrino, to. a little basket [basket Canestra, /. and Canestro, to. a Canfora, /. camphire Canforato, a. camphorated Cangiabile, a. changeable Cangiante, a. changing Cangiare, to change, turn, alter Cangiato, part, changed, altered Canicola, /. the dog-star ; dog davs [days Canicolire, a. giorni canicoliri, dog Canile, to. a dog-kennel Caninamente, ad. dog-like, furious- ly Canino, to. a pup Canino, a. doggish, canine ; fame canina, canine hunger; denti canini, the eye teeth Canizie, f. old age, hoary hair Canna, / a cane, a reed ; the gul- let ; 'an ell ; canna d' archibtiso, the barrel of a gun; canna d' organo, the pipe of an organ canna da pescare, a fishing-rod Cannamele, /. a sugar-cane Cannella,/. a water-pipe ; a spigot, a cock, cinnamon Cannellato, a. seasoned with cin- namon Cannelletta, Cannellina, /. and Cannellino, to. a spigot, a cane, a reed Cannello, m. a reed, or pipe, a quill Canneto, to. a place where canea and reeds grow Cannibale, a. rustic, rough fellow Cannocchiale, and Canocchiale, to. a perspective glass; a tele* scope Cannonata, /. a cannon-shot Cannoncello, and Cannoncfno, TO. a little cannon, a water-pipe _ Canntine, m. a cannon; leggins, pipe ; cannone del collo, the back-bone Cannoneggiare, to cannonade Cannoniera, /. a hole to shoot through ; a port -hole Cannoniere, to. a gunner Cann6so, a. full of reeds Cannuccia, /. a small reed, a. gray Canoa, /. and Can6e, to. a canoo CAN Cinone, m. a canon, or church- h\W Canonic L Canonical, a. canonical Canonicameute, ad, canonically Canonicato, m. a canon's a ca't.. Canonichessa, /. a canoness ■nical Canonic >. m- a canon Canonls'a. in. a Canon 127.1 re. to canonize Canonizzazioue, /. canonization, minting .. a canopy bed . •. bannomoos . f. a cellar, a buttery . butler, a* store- keeper Cansire, to remove, to escape : ' i di pericolo, to secure, save Cansato, a. taken away ; Cantacchiare, to sing badlv, chirp. I Can tarn . to cr >w, praise ; can fir il vespro a qualcheduno, ne wei-rht, a ton . a. messa cai: •. m. a sinsrer Canta^ ringer hi are Canterdl-. /. j.1. caniharides, b flies Canterv terinQ, m. a Cha: I pan - lomon Canticcf : to hum -in* CaiTimplira. f. a great bot le, to pail [hu'ler • nent C-4n"«. ■ m"c tempre a canto, be i CAP near me ; canto (tag do), corner : . put it in : . A canto, ad. by. part, side . '. corner, angle Can'oncello, and tint uicino, m. ■ little corner, Ut angle Cantone, m. a c >rmi ; a cor- ner st>> ;itoni de- cli Svizzeri, the thirteen cantons of the S I [titute Cantoniera, /. a strumpet, a pros- Cantonuto, a. cornered Cantons, m. a singer Cantucciaio. m. a pastry cook ; bi-cui r -maker Can ucci i. Ok a biscuit Canutamente, ad. prudently, cau- ti .msiy [grayness Canutezza./. hoariness, whiteness, Canutiglia, /. tinsel Caniito, a. sray, hoary ; eta canu- ta. old age Canzona, and Canzone, /. song, BBBOnetj tlar canzone, to a n e fair words ; mettere in canzone. to laagb at; essere in canzone, ighed at Canzooare, to tell idle stories ; to niter ire,/, mockery Canzoncina, and Can/onetta, /. a short -■ Canzoniere, m. lyric poems • ;. fusion. chaos Capacei >. n. obstinate, stul born u cajiable, skilful, large, sufficient Capacita, Capacitade. and Capa- citate, f. ability, ski I fulness . ible, to convince; capacit.'irsi. to Capacitate, a. convinced, sensible of [arms) Capaguto, a. p->in»ed, sharp (of I i; innuola, arid Capannetta, /. a eapannadd cammteo,a nian*el- tree [CO tage . m. a tha'ch j , club CapannOccia, f. a era He * ■ . i i, nr.d Caps r, will Iful. stub- b-ni : spirilo caparbtO, fierce, bru'i^h ■ earn at Caparrare, to be peak, to give ear- nest 77 CAP Caparrono, a. foolish, stupid Capassone, a. >illy, fbolisn, dull Capita./, a blow with me bead Capejcchio, m. trash, or flock Capella,/. a kill CapellamentO, Wl. CapcllWira, and Capelliera, /. head of liair, periw ig, t iN. hair, a hat box Capello, m. hair CapellQtO, a. hairy Capelvenere, d/< ., halter j a wicked fellow Cipestruzzo, m. a rascal, a rogue Cainitto, m. a little head Capevole, a. capable CapesB&le, no. a band; a bolster; esser al capezzale, to be at the point of death Capezzolo, m. the nipple Capicerio, in. a vestry -keeper Capifuoco, m. an andiron Capillars, a. like hair, hairy, capillary Capill'ito, a. hairy CapiUlzio, m. a bead of hair Capimdnto, m. capaci lusnea Capinascecte, m. a live-hair wig Capipaite^aetdCapipopolo, m. the bead of a party Capire, to comprehend, undcVand, hold ; non capire in se s'.esso, to be overjoyed Capisol lo, in. bountv, arraluity . m. capital, wealth, stock, esteem ; far capitale d*nno, to depend on ; f.iccia cap'tAle di me in tutto, dispose of me as you please Capitale, a. capital, principal Capitalmente, ad. capitally ; ni punUo capitalmente, he suffered • . f. the admiral's ship Capitananza, and Capitanena, /. the conAnand of an amrv re, to make commanders Capitanato, part. commanded, . >?i. captaincy i command troop* i in. commander, or : minister of justice I . • > fall into mia> : capi*ar nelle mani to fill in'' tocausi to be delivered ; gli faro CAP capitarc la vostra lettera, I'll send him your letter Capitato, part, arrived Capitazione,/. poll-money Capitello, in. the head of a pillar, the head-band of a book Capitolante, in. a member of a chapter Capitolare, to capitulate, to treat ; to divide into chapters Capitolato, part, capitulated Capitolazione, /. covenant, agree- ment [capitoline Jupiter Capitolino, a. Giove capitolino, Capitolo, in. a chapter ; chapier, or assembly '. a. clupter-house ; the head-band of a book Capitoli, m. pi. accord, convention Capitombolare, to fall headlong Capitombolo, m. a tumble Capitone, m. coarse silk Capitoso, a. obs*ina"e Capo, in. head, beginning or end ; cause. Da capo, act. again ; da capo a piedi, from top to toe ; capo per capo, minutely ; capo, chief, leader, captain ; s' e messo in capo d'esfi r il primo poeta di Roma, he fancies himself to be the best poet in Rome ; metter nel capo, to make one believe. Capo, end ; in capo del mese, at the month's end ; venir a capo, to come to an end. Capo, a cape, or promontory ; metter capo, to disburden ; rimaner col capo rotto, to have the worst ; far ca- po da uno, to apply to one ; far capo, to oppose, resist ; non aver altro in capo, to think of nothing else; cipr d'anno, new year's day; capo di contrada, alder- man of a ward Capnbandito, m. chief of banditti, of highwaymen Capobombarliere, m. a command- er of bombardiers Capocaccia, rn. a prince's chief huntsman Capocchia,/. the head of a stick Capocchio, a. silly, foolish J un ca- pncchio, a blockhead Capocenso, rn. poll-money Capocroce, m. a cross-wav, or street " [en Capocuoco, m. aclck of the kitch- Capog'iUo, m. rwool Cardrx 'istle Onrespni em, value Carrr^iatr., fart, coaxed, caressed . m. a cushion CAR /. the keel of a ship ; dar . careen C ive sing, ti.v'- in_ r . alluring « ilmente, ad. kindly Caresaina,/. allurement cia,/. clownish c C&rica,/. burden, load ; the charge of a gun ; io ho la i Of this ; dar la carica al pftmico, to at- tack the enemy Caricamehto, m. burden ■ . a. charged I, burden : cari- care an aichibftso, to • charge with a crime; ■ dog the . i play tiieks with si, to take upon '. aggravan'ngly I port. 1 Carica'ore, m. and Caricalrice,/. he or she 'hat loads . f. a caricature m, burden, I ad, care, : nave da c&ril clnn! ship ; dar il • qualche c sa ad uuo, to intrust led; calico di vino, druik . -nd Carinp, my Caiisma, f. a grace, charity ; far 1 > selfish I e!ai . lmcnte. and ( men'e. otf. charitably Cariat!\ •. /. alia carlona, ad. ly, downishly, cordially, Canne, rru a pnem 79 CAR Carmelitano, 771. a Carmelite friar Carmin&re, to card wo >l Carminal . . m. carmine (fine red 1,/. carrion I meat Camagidne, f. the complexion , q igi6ne biinca e \ ivace, a fair, lived] c mplexioa Carnaio, m. a charnel-b Carcale, a. akin, carnal, sensual, humane, kind; fratello carnale, an own 1 Carnal ita./. sensuality, lust Carnalmente, ad. sensually I . ?/i. carrion, carcass Carnascialire, to give up to unlaw* ful pleasure, glu Ca nasciale, tn. the three last days of the carnival Carnaacialetcj, a. of carnival C irne,/. flesh, meat, pulp of fruit ; esser in came, to be came, to slaughter ; mi I pa carne a fuoco, to un lertake ton much ; canoe grossa. batch- : : lagliar fin alia came viva, tocu Camefice, m. a hangman: execu- tion r ; a bio 1 ly-min i.-i man . Be hy II p->rk •' Carnilicina,/. murder ; slaughter; the place of execution Caruivoro, a. voracious, flesh-de- vouring Carnosetto, and Carnoso, a. fleshy, plump Carnosi a, /. fleshineaw, carnosity, (a disease) Carnovale, m. carnival Camovalesco, a. of the carnival Camato, a. cartwright, a coach-maker, a carpenter Carpiccio, to. a great quantity ; dare un buon carpiccio, to bang, thrash oue soundly Carpine, m. a lime-tree Carpione, m. a carp Carpire, to snatch Carpo, m. wrist [balsam-tree Carpobalsamo, to. the fruit of a Carpone, ad. crawling; andar car- pone, to go crawling; star car- pone, to sit squatting Carrata, /. a cart-load Carratello, m. a kind of barrel Carreggiare, to drive a cart Carreggiata, /. high-way, road ; uscir della carreggiata, to be mistaken Carreggiatore, m. a carman Carreggio, m. carts, carriage, bag- gage Carretfa, /. a kind of cart Carrettaio, m. carman, carter Carrettata, /. cart-load Carrettiera, /. driver, guide Carrettiere, to. the carter Canetto, to. a wheelbarrow Carrettone, m. a wagon Carriaggio, rn. equipage, baggage Carriera, /. career, course, race Carriuola,/! a truckle-bed Carro, rn. a cart, a cart-load ; un carro di fieno, a load of hay; carro trionfale, a triumphal car; carro, the great bear, a constel- lation ; far il carro colla vela, to shift Hie sail Carrozza. /. a coach Carrozzabile, a. a place where a coach may go Carrozza io, rn. a coach-maker Carrozzare, to ride CairozzVa./. a coach-full Carrozziere, m. a coachman Carrozzino, 771. a small carriage Carruba, /. a sort of bean Carruu:io, rn. a ?o-cart Carrucola,/. a pulley Carrucol'^re, to insnare, overreach Carrucoletta, /. a small pulley Carta, /. paper ; carte, cards ; CAS giuocare alle carte, to play at cards; carte da giuoco, playing cards; dar le carte alia scoperta, to speak one's mind ; far le carte, to deal the cards ; carta, a map ; carta da navigare, a sea chart ; carta, a page of a book ; carta amarezzata, marble paper Cartaccia, /. bad paper Cartanonnata, /. virgin parchment Cartapecora, /. parchment, vellum Cartapesta, f. macerated paper CarSastraccia, /. blo'ting-paper Cartasugante, /. sinking-paper Cartata, /. a page Carteggiare, to sail according to the compass; to keep a correspond- ence Carteggio, rn. corresponden Cartella, /. a book cover, inscrip- tion Cartellare, to challenge by letter, to write scandalous books Cartello, rn. a manifesto; a libel. a lampoon, a challenge Cartiera,/. a paper-mill Cartilagine,/. cartilage, gristle Cartilaginoso, a. cartilaginous Cartoccino, and Cartcccio, m. papers used by grocers Cartolaio, to. a stationer Cartolare, to page a book Cartone, m. pasteboard, a cartoon Cartiiccia, /. a bit of paper Casa, /. house, home, habi'ation, parentage, family; ove state di casa, where do you live ? star con 1'occhio a casa, to mind one's business; aprir casa, to take a house ; esser di casa, to be inti- mate ; casa maladetta, hell ; an- date a casa maladetta, go to the devil Cas'icca, /. a coat ; a great coat, a surtout; voltar casicca, to be a turn-coat Casaccia,/. an old, ruinous house Casaccio, to. a strange accident Casale, m. a hamlet, village Casalingo, a. domestic; donna ca- salinga, a housewife Casamatta,/. a sort of fortification ; a jail for soldiers [farm-house Casamento, m. a large house, Casare, to marry Casata, /. and Casa to, to. a fami- ly, a family name Cascag/rine,/. a drowsiness Cascamento, rn. a fall Cascamorto, to. far il cascam6rto, to be swee* upr n a woman Cascante, a. hanging down, fainting 80 CAS Cascare, to tumble, fall down cascar ammalato, to fall sick J cascar nelP animo, to bethink one's self; cascare, to fall into sin ; i denti mi cascano, I lose my teeth Cascata, /„ a cascade Cascaticcio, a. frail, ruinous, de- cayed ; casa cascaticcia, a house ready to fall Casca'oio, a. one who easily falls in love Caschtitto, to. a head -piece Cascina,/. a place to keep cows Casella, /. a small house, a cottage ; a break, a blank space Casereccio, a. belonging to a house ; pan casereccio, house- hold bread Caserma, /. a barrack Casiera, /. a house-keeper ; a ser vant-maid Casiere, rn. the keeper of a house, prison, &c. [house Casina, f. and Casino, to. a small Casipola, /. a hovel Caststa, rn. a casuist Caso, to., chance, accident ; a caso, by chance ; dato il caso, put the case, suppose ; caso, business, case ; non fa caso, 'tis no mat- ter ; fact ; caso di conscienza, a c?.se of conscience ; far caso di qualche cosa, to make much of any thing; caso che, in case that; uomo a caso, a careless man ; questo e il caso, this is the point Casolare, rn. a paltry house Casone, to. a great house Casoso, a. anxious, pensive, care- ful [house Casotta, /. and Casotto, to. a snug Cassa, /. chest, trunk, cask ; cassa da morto, a coffin ; cassa d'arti- glieria, a carriage for ordnance; cassa di letto, a bedstead ; cassa, a bee-hive, a shrine ; cassa d'oc- chiali, the case for a pair of spectacles Cassaccia, /. an old chest Cassa re, t . blot out, cancel, raze Cassato, part, crossed out, can- celled Cassazione, /. annulling, abro- gating, discharging Cassero, to. the breast ; an out- ward wall, the upper deck Casserola, /. a copper pan Cassetta, /• a box for cash, & church box for alms Cassettaio, to. a box -maker CAS Cassetrtna, /. casket Cassetn.. • iwer Cassettor . Casse'v. . U>x r, a cash- i. the breast i . vain, use- '■ chest a plantation of i-tanet 1 mred ip, stew- . \ farmer liffof .1 manor, a \ . honestly government of a ■>. m. governor of a castle; : • townsman : to a castle . m. little Do della aave. the forecastle of a ship rou^h n. punishment, ed- [teacb almonish, ! me, /. and Castlgo, m. . . purity . pure i (of the ring ne is set -run Cas'ore, m. a heaver, a castor : un cas'oro, a beaver hat I • /• pitching a f'a=trapoTCelli,m. i I I Dok is eunuch . lo a camp i -■ booby ; a name of contempt for CAT Castronerla,/. dulnrs* a. accidental ; una oon casuale, .an aeci lent udty ■ tlly, i y c ha n re . '. a mall . >n. a casuist . falling r little house Catacomba, ./. a vault where mar- Durie I Catalalco, in. a scaflbld I of mail ' r, a cotlin ?. a ca alogue - Ca*apl&sma, m. i>ouliice, cataplasm Catapolta, /. a warlike engine to shoot dart c . ^c. Catarrale, a. cataiTlioua Catarro, and Catarrone, m. a rheum, a cold Catarrosamente, ad. catarrhously Citarroso, a. which causes a cold, that has a cold •. a pile of wood, &c, a funeral pile ; a certain measure is sold , to tax . n tax-book /. catastrophe, fatal cone"'. mo, hi. the <">trchism i m. one who catechises Catechistico, a. instructive Catechizzare, to catechise Catecumeno, ?7i. one newly con- verted Categorla. /. category in \nz\c . ad. categorically goricaJ Cateufno, and Catello, m. a little dng, a whelp ra*t!16ue, ad. step by andar catellon catellone, to ejo softly '. a chnin. a necklace ; uscir becanaej perche c-'iiisa ? on what account ? Can-ore, to occasion i i, part, caused . m. an author, producer Causidico, m. a barri-.ter, lawyer Cnusticn, m. a cTus'ic CAustieo, a. caustic Cautamente, ad. heedfully Caute'la, f. caution ; wariness; se- curity, bail ; aaaolvere a cautela. to li'miss ujwn bail CAV Cautelare, to caution, warn; cau- telarsi, to lake a provident care, a. cautious, wary Cauterio, in. a cautery Cauterizzare, to cauterize, burn Cautissimauieute, ad. very cau- tiously Cau to, a. wary, heedful Cauzione, /. 'bail ; surety; dar cauzione, to give bail Cava, /. a hole, a cave, a vault, a mine; a hiding-place, a den; cava di nietalb, a quarry, a mine ; cava del marmo, a marble quarry Cavadenti, rn. deniist, tooth-drawer Cavalcante, a. riding Cavalcare, to ride on horseback ; cavalcar il paese, to take a view on horseback; to rule, direct; cavalcare a bisdosso, to ride with- out a saddle Cavalcita. /. a troop, cavalcade Cavalcaton, m. a mounting-block Cavalcatore, m. a horseman Cavalcatura, _f. any beast for the saddle Cavalciare, to sit astride Cavalcione, and Cavalcioni, ad. astride Cavale^sriere, m. a light-horse Cavaliera, /. a knight's lady Cav?, m. knighthood Cavaliere, m. a trooper ; a knight ; a gentleman, a platform ; cava- liere, a nobleman ; cavalier servente, a lady's gentleman- usher; cavalier d' industria, a sharper, fortune-hunter ; essere a cavaliere, to have the advan- tage Cavalierotto, m. a gentleman, an esquire Cava 11 a.,f. a mare CavallAccio, m. a.iade ; abad horse Cavallaro, rn. a carrier, a courier Cavallereccio, a. fit to be carried by a horse ; bara cavallereccia, a horse litter Gavallerescamente, ad. nobly, gal- lantly, genteelly Cavalleresco, a. gallant, free, noble ; dignita cavalleresca, esquireship, knighthood ; men/ir vita cavalleresca, to live like a gentleman Cavallerla, /. knisrhthood ; caval- leria. cavalry, horse Cavallcrizza, /. manege, riding- school Cavallerizzo, m. a mooter of the horse CAV Cavalletta, /. a locust, grasshop- per; far una cavalletta ad uno, to cheat Cavalletto, and Cavallino, rn. a little horse ; cavalletto, a hobby- horse Cavallina,/*. a colt, licentiousness Cavallino, a. belonging to a horse ; mosca cavallina, a horse-fly Cavallo, m. a horse; andar a ca- vallo, to ride ; cavallo di razza, a stallion ; cavallo intiero. stone-horse ; cavallo marino, a sea-horse ; dar un cavallo, to whip, to lash; far una cosa a cavallo, to act in a hurry; la- sciarsi levar a cavallo, to submit to imposition ; cavallo d'aii'itto, a hackney-horse ; esser a cavallo, neither to lose nor win Cavallone, rn. a wave, surge, bil- low ; a g'feat horse Cavallucci'), m. apoor little horse; a cavalluccio, astraddle Cavalmarino, m. the sea-horse Cavalocchio, m. an exciseman; pettifogger; wasp Cavamacehie, m. a scourer Cavamento, rn. digging, undermin- ing, trenching Cavare, to draw, wrest, take away ; to dig ; cavare una fossa, to dig a grave ; cavar di bocca un segreto, to get a secret ; ca- var uno del fango, to assist, to raise from the dirt; cavar uno di cervello, to tease to death ; cavarsi la voglia, to satisfy one's desire; cavarsi la sete, to quench thirst; cavar acqua, to draw water ; cavar sangue, to let blood ; cavar gli occhi, to pull out the eyes ; cavar le macchie, to take out stains Cavasfighero, m. a cork-screw Cavata, /. a digging, a trench ; ca- vata di sangue, a bleeding Cavato, 'part, dug Cavato, 77i. a hole, a pit Cavatore, 771. a digger, a miner; cavator di denti, a teeth operator Cava'ura, /. a hole, a cave Cavelle, /. pi. something; tu hai cavelle, something ails you Caverna, /. a den, a cave Cavemetta, /. a small cave Oavernosila, /. depth, concavity Cavernosa, a. full of holes Cavezza, /. a halter for criminals ; levar la cavezza, to set at liber- ty ; romper la ca'-ezza, to addict one's self to debauchery CED Cavezzina,/. a bridle Cavezzone, m. a sort of muzzle for a horse [fish pickled Caviale, m. the roe of a certain Cavicchia, /. and Cavicchio, rn. a wooden pin Caviglia, /. a pin, a peg, the peg of an instrument; caviglia del piede, the ankle-bone Cavil tare, to cavil, to wrangle Caviliatore, m. a caviller Cavillazione,/. and Cavillo, m. a wrangle, cavil, quirk Caviilosamente, ad. captiously Cavilloso, a. carping, captious Cavita,/. hollowness Cavo, a. concave ; luogo cavo, a deep place ; occhi cavi, hollow eyes Cavo, 771. a mould to cast in; a cable ; a cape Cavolfiore, m. cauliflower Cavolino, and Cavolo, m. cab- bage; cavolo cappuccio, cole- wort CavreUo, m. a kid Cavriola, f. a caper; far cavri61e, to cut capers Cavrioletta,/. a little caper Cavriuola,/. a she-goat Cavriuolo, m. a he-goat Cazioso, a. captious Cazza, /. a ladle Cazzare, to draw ; cazzar la sc6t» ta, to draw the rope Cazza vela, /. a bird, (so called) Cazzottare, to strike hard Cazzotto, rn. a blow ; far a ca» zotfi, to box. tn fight with fists Cazzuola, /. a -r<~ cece, he cannot keep a secret ; inseacnare rodere cece, to show one his faults Cechezza, Cecita, Cecitade, and Cecitate,/. blindness Cecino, m. a wild swan Cedente, a. yielding Cedenza,/. pliancy Cedere, to submit, to resign ; non vi cedo in nulla, I do not yield CEL to you ; ce\.ere a chicchessla, to comply with any body's will • unce ; to irrant I iiant ■ . suppleness Cedoh. e.lnle th lemon Cediino, a. made of cedar J tavola celrina. a ce lar table Cedriuolo, m. cucumber :. a cilr-n, or cedar-tree ; di cedro, of cedar-wo.xl Cedrone. a. c*\lar-c->lour Ua,/. a certain herb : ph-ilic vein Cef.ilico, a. cephalic, good for the . the mullet-fish ij> on the face - it, blockhead • dnz ; an che bel cett'o! a :)Jeed '. far ceffo, to dislike ■ • . n. a cuff on the ear CeUmen'o, T7i. a hilinr, eonceal- WiJRMito di ense rubate, inent of stolen things itioie helmet Cetaamen'e. a^i. secretly | ..-rf. lii I, "r bj cealed ; vi prejo di tenermi ce- In cela- to. ad. secre'ly. in secret arge helmet I :uuch re- Downe 1 i He, a. lnulible -at ion, ce- lebrity, repatatiou : : il cele- • labiates , to celebra'e, commend rnniz !, en. inent I Celebrazione, /. celebration, so- lemnly •■ ned. famous worthy to be cele- I ,. -wift ; I blue ivine CEN CekstSno, a. blue, sky-colour . I joke. a. jest . i i be cheerful, in jest Celibato, ra. a single life Celil I'.irio, m. Friar, a priest ( elibe,o. unmarried ; vivercelibe, to live in celibacy Celidonia./. celandine . i cave, cellar, a cell CeUato, I lliere, m. buttery, cellar Celleraia, /. mid Ceileraio, m. a ceUarist (in a monastery) Celletta, and Cellttzza, /. a little cell, or to HO Celonaio. m. a carpet-maker Celdne, m. a carpet Celsih'i line, /. hi jhness. excellency Cembalo, and Cembolo. m. cym- bal ; ngiira di cembali, an ugly figure lla,/. sec Cennamelia Cena./. supper Cenacolo, m. a supper-room Cenare, to eat supper . | art. supped Cencerello, m. a small rag '. a heap of rags Cenciain. Cenciaiuolo, in. a dea'er in rags Cencinquanta, m. (centociuquanta) Ired and fifty Cencio, m. a rag, a taUer ; non aver cencio di che che sla, to be destitute; non posso trovar cbi mi desse fuoco a cencio, I nave no help in the world Cencidao, a. rar re 1 Cenerata,/. lie-ashes •. ishes ; il giorno delleceneri, Ash Wednesday ; ri- durre r. troy by fire i. f. a slender supper Cenericcio, a. a>h-coloured Ccnerim, a. nrayi-h, ash-coloured . a. full of astua Cenetta. f. a small supper Cennam.dla, f. a pipe, a flute Cennamo, and Cinnamo, m. cin- namon Cenn.ito, a. indicated, designated Cenno. m. a si_T;es>v'inta, a. a hundred and sixty Censettanta, a, a lmndred and seventy [mortgige Oenso, in. hucj subsidy, revrardj Censor&re, t" censure m. a ci BOOT) critic ; re- fbrmer, comptroller Censoria./. censfii-ship . a. tributary Censnra,/, reproof, criticism, judg- nu nt Censurare, to censure, chide, rep- rehend [bilked Censun'Uo, part, censured ; re- Centauro, m. the centaur Centellare, to sip Centellino, and C entello, m. a sip, a small draught Centesimo, a. the hundredth Centhia, /. a hundred, a frame CentinaiO, m. a hundred Centin.are, to bend ; make an arch, or vault Cento, a. hundred; mi par ce.n'.o anni di vederlo, I long to see him [lar Centogaxnbe, m, a sort of caterpil- Centomfla, a. a hundred thousand Centone, m, patched-work, a po- em ef borrowed verses Centrale, a. central Centra, m. the centre, the dep'h (\ ntumviri, m. pi. the centumviri Centuplicato, mid Ceutuplo, nu a hundred f ■' I Centura,/, a girdle Centdria, /. a band of a hundnd men ; a hundred years Ccnturino, m. a waist-belt Centurione, m. a centurion ; the captain of a hundred men Cennzza,/. a |>oor supper (Vpp.'iia. /. the root of a tree Ceppatelfo, and Cejiperello, m. a small stump Ceppo, rn. the tnmk, or stump of . a log, bbick ; stocks; fetters ; origin ; ceppo d'incu- dine, the stock of an anvil ; cep- po di case, a block of houses \. wax-candle; torches, taper; cera, (volto,) face, mien, countenance; far buona cera, to make one welcome; di buona c- ra, mrrrily Ceraiuolo, m. a wax-chandler Cerattcca,/. sealing-wax ('< •ani.tli, /. a pipe, a ba^-pipe i cherry f. a serj>ent supposed to hat e horns CER Cerbaia, /. a plantation of green oaks Cerbero, m. Cerberus, the dog of hell Cerbio, m. a hart, a stag Cerca, /. search, inquiry ; andar alia cerca, to go a begging GercAnte, a. searcher, a beggar Cercare, to seek, search, stroll, ramble ; cercar del pane, to work for bread ; cercar il nodo nel giunco, to look out for diffi- culties ; cercar un partito, to look for a good bargain ; cercar ro- gna, to seek trouble Cercata,/. inquiry, search Cercato, part, searched, sought for Cercatore, m. a seeker Cercatiira,/. research, requisition Cerchiaio, m. a cooper Cerchiamento, rn. act of hooping Cerchiare, to hoop ; cerchiare una ssccbia, to hoop a pail; cerchi- are, to surround Cerchiato, part, surrounded Cerchiatura, /. act of encircling, hooping Cerchietto, m. a small hoop Cerchio, m. a hoop, circle ; cerchio di ruota, the circle of a wheel Cercine, m. a roll, a porter's knot Cerco, m. circle, circus Cercone, m. sour wine Cerebro, rn. the brain Ceremonia, /. ceremony Ceremoni/ile, m. a ritual Ceremoniale, a. ceremonial Cereria,/. chandler's shop Cerfoglio, m. the herb chervil Cerfuglidne, m. dishevelled hair; compliments Cerimonia, /. ceremony, rite Cerimoniere, and Ceremoniere, 171. master of ceremonies Cerimoniosamente, and Ceremoni- 06am6nte, ad. courteously Cerimonioso, a. ceremonious Cerna, /. the refuse, choice Cernere, to sever, sift, pick; to distinguish Cernuto, part, separated Cero, m. a wax taper, a statue Cerona.,/. a large face Ceroso, a. waxy Cerr.ttino, rn. a little wax taper, a plaster of wax, &c. CeroUo, rn. a wax taper ; a cere- cloth Cerpellone, m. an error, fault, blunder Cerretano, m. a judder, a quack Cerrdto, m. a wood of green oaks CER Cerro, m. a green oak ; a fringe a tuft of hair Cerriito, a. full of green oaks Certame, m. fight, combat Certamente, ad. certainly Certare, to combat Certezza, /. certainty, assurance Certificamento, m. assurance, con- firmation Certilicare, to certify, ascertain Certificato, a. assured Certificate, m. and Certificazione, /. a certificate Cer'issimamente, and Certissimo, ad. most certainly Certissimo, a. most certain Certitiidine,/. certainty Certo, pron. some, some one Certo. a. certain, sure ; certa co- sa e, 'tis certain. Di certo, al certo, per certo, ad. certainly Certo, ad. certainly Certosa,/. a Carthusian monastery Certosino, rn. a Carthusian monk Certuno, a. a certain one Ceriileo, a. sky-coloured Cerusico, m. a surgeon Cerussa,/. white lead Cerva, /. a hind Cervellaccio, m. hair-brained, stubborn, conceited ; a poor mind Cervellaggine, /. whim, maggot Cervellata,/. a kind of sausage Cervelletto, and Cervellino, m. brainless, hair-brained Cervelliera, f. a light helmet Cervellinaggine, /. vivacity, blun- der Cervellino, a. giddy Cervello, m. the brain ; star in cervello, to take care; stillarsi il cervello, to puzzle one's brains; metter il cervello a par'ito ad uno, to make another doubtful ; uorno di cervello, a wise man Cervellone, m. an extravagant, or silly man ; one who has power of mind Cervetto, m. a young stag Cervia, see Cerva Cerviatto, m. a fawn Cervice, /. the back of the neck ; uomo di dura cervice, a stubborn man Cerviere, m. a lynx Cerviero, a. quicksighted ; 6cchio cerviero, a lynx's eyes Crrvietfo, rn. young s*ag Cervio, rn. a stag, hart Cervo, m. a stag, hart Cervogia,/. beer 84 CHE Cesare, m. Caesar Cesareo, a. imperial ; operazi6ne Cesarea, the Caesarean operation Cesellare, to work with a chisel Cesello, rn. a chisel Cesio, a. that has blue eyes Cesoie,/. pi. a pair of scissors Cespite, and Cespo, m. turf, sod, bush Cespuglio, rn. bush Cespuglioso, and Cespugliato, a. bushy, thick _ Cessagione, /. interruption, cessa- tion, departure, distance Cessame, m. scum of the people Cessamento, m. cessation Cessante, a. ceasing, negligent Cessare, to cease ; to avoid, escape, dispel, mitigate ; la pioggia ces- sera tosto, the rain will be over presently ; i rimed j cessano il dolore, remedies assuage pain; non puo cessar dal here, he cannot forbear drinking Cessato, part, ceased Cebsazione, /. cessation Cessione, /. cession, resignation ; far cessione di beni, to resign one's property Cesso, m. cessation, removal ; a necessary house Cesso, part, given up Cesta, /. basket, chest Cestaecia, /. an old basket Cestaio, m. a basket-maker Cestella, /. and Cesteilo, m. a li tie basket Cestire, to sprout [bushy Cestito, and Cestuto, a. thick, Cesto, m. a gauntlet ; a bush ; il cesto di Venere, Venus's girdle Cestone, m. a large basket Cestjra, /. a syl lable in Latin verses Ceten,/. a guitar Cetera, &c. et cetera, and so forth Ceterare, and Cetereggiare, to play on the guitar Ceteratore, and. Ceterista, m. a performer on the guitaf Cetsrizzare, to sing to the guitar Ceto, m. a whale ; rank, dignity; an assembly Cetra,/. a ci'hern Cetrina, /. balm, balm-gentle Cetriuolo, m. cucumber Che, that, which, whom, what, how, because, why, until, after, when, as soon as, whatsoever, otherwise, than ; m'ha scritto che non poteva venire, he wrote to me that he could not come ; il libro che m' avete mandate, cm: the book which you sent me ; l nonsoche fuc. 1 knm\ tndo ; che volete ? w b want? dttegU tell him to come to me . bod ba che un cavillo, be In- horse; che picv.'i che grand i, be tngle- jlish and ■ ,! i donna e que- ——pig— ; bow bap] i be in the country! datenii tem- po che possa me time I may answer him ; che m, whoever, some, any one; aochi e, 1 know W ho he is ; a chi avete parl&to ? w bom did yon cpeak to ? chi di voi ha detto quesl i ? « b i coman- damenti di Di i sara salvo, w bo- ever observes the commannmenta : chi dice- va unaoosa, e chi un'al said one thin ;. non vi sara clii dica il o no one will say the contrary Chiacchiera,/. chit-chat Chkcchierame'nto, m. prattling Cbiacchierare, to chat, to | Chiacchierata,/. chit-chat, tattling ChiacchieratDre, m. a tattler Chiacchierella,/. idle talk Chiacchierino, m. a prattler, a blab [talker Ch'.acchierone, m. a Ions, tedious Chiacchillare, to tittle-tattle Chiamamehta, m. invocation Chiamante, part, invoking, calling upon Chiamare, to call, to namp ; man- chiamare, to send far; bat is your name ? chiamarsi c be contented; chiamAisi vmtu, t surrender one's s^lf; chia- irsi otfeso da quali ink one's self wronged; chia- mar fuori, to challenge Cbiamata,/. calling, election, sig- nal for uattle ; batter la chiaina- fat, to heat a parley Chiamato, pari, called Chiamatore, nu a caller, an in voker [tion Chiamo, m. call, demand, invoca- Chiana,/. a standing pool Chiantare, to impose upon . f. buttock; a thing easily Chiappare, to sra'ch, pull, force; i, and Chiappoleria, /. a •rule Chiappolare, to lav out one's card' cm Chiarezza, /. light, brightness, satisfac ion, . ; repicui- iv, nobleness of birth Chiarificare, to clarify, brighten, tplain Chiarificai leared ( hiarificazidne, /. illustration, evi- dence, plainness Chiarimi nto, m, and Chiarigi6ne, /. demonstration (.'hiarina, /. clarion, hautboy Ghiarlre, to dear up, explain, rc- . to grow dear Chiarita,/. light, splendour Chiarito, a. lucid, shining, evident Chiaro, a. clear, luminous, charm* hie, famous, hearty, certain ; far Chiaro to inform one; chiaro di luna, moonshine ; cominda a far chiaro, the day breaks Chiaro, ad. clearly, plainly Cbiarore, m. splendour, luiirhtness ir i, 7/i. (d'\n\ ritrMto) the I shade (of a pic.ure) Chiassaiuola, /. a trench, or ditch to convey rain water >tir .!'.),Chiasstttto,a/.rf Chias- so, m. a narrow street, lane, i • (or lane that ha . . a kind oi flat-l Chiavaccia, /. a large key Chiavacdo, m. a bolt ChiavAio, mid Chiavaiuolo, m. a turnkey, a locksmith Chiavare, to drive in, to nail, 'o lck . part, pierced, nailed, Cbiavatura, f. a las . akey,auth6rity,power, influence; le chiivi, the keys, or the pope's authority ; chiave, a frontier town ; chiive di yite ? key ; to tengo le chiavi del codrdi costui, I dispose of that man as I please Chiavellare, to nail Chiavellata,/. a wound from a nail .. in. a nail oa,/. javelin Chiavdtta, f. a little key Chiavica, f. a common sewer i. ■>- Chiappolino, m. an idle, silly m f. a sink C'hnppolo. m. a dl nial. a n rasaJ Chiarane.i'e. ad. clearly, plainly ' (in, resolve; chia- rarsi, to become fair I Chiarea,/. gruel Chiavisteilo, m. a Ixjlt for a door Chi&ZZa, f. a scab >: in terra di ciechi beato e ciii ! i chio, in a land of blind nun. happy he who baa on i blind man : occhio, blindly Cielo, rn. the heaven. ; air, sky. country, clin top, the a iling ; il letto, the tester of a bed ; il cielo d'un fdrno, the mj> of an oven; gli ucctilli del cielo, the birds <>( tin- air; cit-1 sereno, a serene sky. a cielo, (id. ei remely Ciera, /. lo:!k. countenai non a vote bnona cieia, you do not look well Cifera, and Cifra./. a cipher Ciferista, m. a writer in ciphers Cizlio, m. the eye-brow, the eye- ; voi mi . you sur- f)rise me ; aguzzar le Cfglia, to intra le cierlia/to have something . m. a ridge (of land be- two furrows) . a. that has thick eye- fin I lie eigne, Ci^naMccio. >n. a lar^e wild boar CizQ^fe. in. a u il CigneT^, to gird, to girdle, to husr, cigner la spada, to gird ou the sword Cigno, 771. a swan Cunone. rn. a laree irirth Cigolamento, 771. creaking ■ 1 creak Ci^olio. in. a creakin? noise . a. sky -colour : cilestro aSZaTTO, sky-bloe Ciliccio, ana* Cilicio, rn. hair-cloth Ciliegia,/. a cherry n. eh. rry-tree Cilimonia,/. ceremony (in joke) Cilindric". Cilindro, m. a cylinder DTOO, an eminent man; cima di ribaldo, an arch rozue r cloth, to cut off the head 87 CIN m.'izio horn Cimatore, m. a clo h-shcarer 1 jmatura,/. shearing Cimazio. 1 ;. a wave, an ogee Cimha.j. a bark . in. a labour, cyn bal ( imberli, nil. esser in cunberli, to Cimbotto. 771. a fall, a tumble ( imbottolare, to 1.1II I -lotto Cimentare, and Cunentarai, to attempt, I ropna riputaj ; u!ation ; ciim-ntarsj, to Cimentato, part, attempted Cimento, m. experiment j essay; metier a cimento, to expose, en- danger; venir a cimento, to come to a trial Cim< ntoso, a. hazardous [bug Cfmice, /. and Cimicione, m. a t. re. CimleVi) and Cimiero, to. the < rest of a helmet Ciinino, 771. cumin Cimiterio, and Cimitero, m. a churchyard 10, a. cimmerian, dark Cimurro, m, the glanders j averc il cimoi Cinciglio, nu a bell Cinciglione, m. a laigebelt Cincrono, m. a hair rurl Cincinnabr, a. curled Cincischiare. to cut, hack; to . slammer to, part, hacked . m, a cut made with a tool Cineri7io, a. ash-coloured Ctneere, sec Cignere Cinzhia./. a Cor a hoi-se Cinghiiia, /. a vein in a horse, girthing place Cinghiale, Cinghiare, to encnmpaBS, surround Cinghi&to, < Cinghiatnra, /. uie gir;!. of a horse Cfnghio, m, circuit, a circle Cinguettamento, *". chit-chat, iiniiK r, to lisp, to warble woman I cynically, with CIO Cinico, a. cynical Cinico, m. a cynic philosopher Ciniismo, m. the sect of the cynics Cinnamo, and Cinnamomo, rn. cinnamcn Cino, m. a wild plum Cinoglossa, /. hound's-tongue Cinquanta, and Cinquantina, /. fifty Cinquantesimo, a. fiftieth Cinque, m. and a. five Cinquecentesimo, a. the five hun- dredth Cinquecento, a. five hundred Cinquefoglie, /. cinquefoil, (an herb) Cinqnemila, a. five thousand Cinqusnnio, m. five years Cinquina, /. five ; datemi una cin- quina d'uova, give me five eggs Cinta, /. and Chrto, m. compass, circumference; a girdle, a sasli ; cinta di spada, a waist belt; einte di ferro, iron bars that bind a wheel Cinto, a. girdel Cintola, /. the waist ; tenersi le mani a cintola, to stand idle; stretto in cintola, covetous, nig- gardly ; largo di cintola, liberal, fi'ee Cintolino, m. a small girdle Cintole, /. pi. garters Cinrura, /. Cintolo, and Cinturi- no, rn. a drdle C io, prcn. that, this; cibmi piace, that pleases me ; fate ci6 che vi piace, do what you please; con tutto cio, nevertheless Ciocca,/. a bunch; ciocca di fiori, a nosegay ; ci6cca di capelli, a lock of hair Ciocche, pron. what Ciocco, rn. log, stump Cioccolata, /. and Cioccolato, m. chocolate Cioccolattiera, /. a chocolate-pot Cioe, ad. that is to say Ciomperia,/. rudeness Ci6mpo, rn. carder, a clown, a rude person Cioncare, to drink, carouse ; to cut, to fell, maim, mangle CioncAto, part, cut down, intoxi- cated Cioncat6re, rn. a tippler Ci6nco, a. drunken, cut, maimed, lame; rim.'ise cionco d'un brac- cio, he lost an arm Ciondolamento, and Ci6ndolo, rn. dangling Ciondolare, to hang dangling CIR Ciondolino, m. an ear-ring Ciondolo, rn. any thing that floats, shakes, &c. Ciondolone, ad. danglingly; esser per aria ciondolone, to hang dangling in the air Cionta,/. a bastinado CJ6pps£y an under-petticoat Ciotola,/. a cup, a basin Ciotolone, m. a large cup, a bowl Ciottare, to whip Ciotto, a. lame Ciotto, and Ciottolo, m. a flint, a pebble [pave Ciottolare, to stone to death ; to Cicttolata, /. a blow with a stone ; dar delle ciottolate, to throw stones [paved Ciottolato, part, stoned to death, Ciottolato, in. a paved way Ciottolone, rn. a large flint Cipigliare, to look askew Cipiglio, rn. sourness, sullenness ; guardare con cipiglio, to frown upon Cipiglioso, a. passionate, hasty Cipolla, /. onion ; egli e piu dop- pio d'una cipolla, he is a treach- erous fellow; cipolla squilla, sea squill, a physical herb ; ta- gliar la cipolla ad uno, to cut off one's head Cipollata, /. silliness, imperti- nence ; non fa che delle cipol- lite, he always acts like a fool Cipolletta,/. a seal! ion, chives Cipollina, f. a shallot Ciporro, m. blunder Cipresseto, m. cypress-wood Cipresso, m. the cypress-tree Ciprigna, /. Venus Circa, ad. about; sono circa dieci anni, 'tis about ten years ago. Circa, prep, touching, concern- ing ; non so che dirvi circa questo particolare, I know not what to say to you concerning this affair Circaintellezi6ne,/. a perfect com- prehension Circo, m. a circus Circolare, to circulate, to dispute Circohire, a. round ; moto circo- lare, a circular motion Circolarmente, ad. circlewise, roundly Circolato, a. round, circular Circolazione, /. circulation Circoletto, m. a small circle Circolo, m. circle, circuit Circoncidere, to circumcise Circoncidimento, rn. circumcising Circoncignere, to surround CIR Circoncinto, part, surrounded Circoncisione, f. circumcision Circonciso, a. circumcised Circondamento, m. and Circon- dazione,/. the act of compassing Circondante, a. surrounding Circondare, to environ, encom- pass; circondarsi, to dress one'» self Circondurre, to lead round Circonferenza, /. circumference Circonflessione, /. the act of turn- ing round Circomiesso, a. circumflex, bent Circonfiettere, to bend, bow Circonfulgere, to shihe around Circonfuso, a. spread around Circonlocuzione, /. circumlocution Circonscritto, part, circumscribed Circonscrivere, to limit, to sur- round Circonscrizione,/. bound, limit Circonspetto, a. circumspect, cau- tious Circonspezione,/. cautiousness Circonstante, a. present, around Circonstanza, /. circumstance j neighbourhood Circonvallare, to trench around Circonvallazione, /. circumvalla- tion [seduce, abuse Circonvenire, to circumvent, to Circonvenzione, /. cheating, de- ceit, fraud, circumvention Circonvicino, a. neighbouring, near Circoscritto, part, see Circonscritto Cireospetto, a. sec Circonspetto Circospezione, see Circonspezione Circostante, m. a by-stander Circostanza, /. circumstance Circostanziare, to circumstantiate Cireostfire, to stand round Circuimento, m. a going about Circuire, to encompass ; to ramble about; circuire cogli occhi, to take a view Circuito, part, surrounded Circuito, 77?. circumference; cir- cuito di parole, circumlocution Circuizione, /. circuit, surrounding Circular! , see Circolare Circuncingere, to. surround Cirege'to, m. a cherry orchard Cirieaia,/. the cherry Ciriegio, m. a cherry-tree Cirim6nia, Cerimonia, and Cere- mortia, /. ceremony Cirindone, rn. a new year's gift, present Cirugfa,/. surgery [g<*>n Cinisicoj and Crrugico, m. a sur- CIU nu a boundary, a land- mark ■• a. cisalpine '. m. a shi If tor books - Cispitite, /. a am . . ket ' ithem, guitar Citire, i, entice ; Citarista, nu a minstrel > play upon tbe cithern I art. summoned, quoted « lio mioses i. f. suminiiis Citazione, /. citation, summons Citeri - I . mint ?a, and Citriniia, /. Uie Jm Citrlno, a. citron-coloured Citriuojo, nu a cucumber and Unite, /. a tow: . fortrr- wite I . ad. civilly : viver . to live privately 1 ■: za, f. a community or corpora* inn, privileges, freedom, civili'y, humanity Cittadinire, to people a ci'y cr town i poor ci'izen Cittadinf-scame: ■so\ a. ci:i7fn-like Cittadino, nu a ci'izen. a country- man ; buon ci fa lino, one faith- ful to his ex • i'izens ; vita cit- . private life . nu a large city - ize CiutT.ire. to erij- . 1 m. a lock of hair, a toupee f. pL trifles, nonsense t f . th« crew ii. a crr> a Ciurma I .a sharp- CLA Ciurma to, a. charmed, accustom- • - Ci'.irn i fire, 771. an enchanter, an Impostor Ciunner.a,/. tricks, d< cat . a. tipsy, drunk •. benefit, pr >tit . furnish ; civanzarsi, to procure, spare \ m. interest I citizen f. an owl ; a coquette ; far la cive't.i, to . to play the wag, trifle, Civetterfa,/. coquetry Civettino. 771. a \ainyoung fellow Civico. a. of a city, civic Civile, m. a register Civile, a. civil, afiable, eenteel Civillsta, r?i. a civilian Civilmehte, a/1, courteously, kindly Civilta, and Civilita, /.'civility, gentleness "i^)i!er k loud Clainaziniif./. the act of speaking loud. in\ Clamide, /. the upper vest of a R man . i/i. clamour, outcry Clandestinamente, aa. \ ClandeMino, a. secret, private; ma'rimonio clandestfno, a clan- destine marriase Clans-ore, m. clangour, noise of arms i. claret Chrificare. to clarify liquofl Clarino, nu clarion, a sort of trumpet Clarit-../. light bri Claro, a. bright, il ;. order; edi e un hriccrtne dl prima classe, he is an arch rogue ; . - ; ral . to comprise, con'ain and Clausula,/, clause, con Irion fe, n. monastic Clan-im. /. a cl 'Ntc-r, a close, an enclosure idub 1 and Clavicordio, i. a bar ' f. Ike clavicle, (the coc Clement) n Brcifol 1 ad. favourably, mercifully '. he constitutions ol Clement tl Clemensa, and Clememua, /. clemenc] . . a. clerical Clero. in. Clessl Ira, • 'measuring time by running of water Cliente. in. a client, a ] U Client. •!.-,/. patronage, protection, clients CM ma, in. climate ( limaterico, 771. climacteric - u a shield (in poetry) . clyster Clivo, 771. a hill Clivo, a. inclined Clizia. J. turnsol, a flower . 1 sewer, a sink [the . and art. (cm \i) w i:h Co, m. (poetic/or capo) mico, 771. a fellow-acade- mician re, to heap up Coadiutoria,/. cos ljutorship Coa liuvare, to h I] Coadiuval nemble Mage I Coagulan ol it ion . a. coagulating ione, /. coagulation . 1 1. curd, rennet Coart&re. to limit me,/, a straitening CoafHvo, a. coercive 1 , /. coercion, constraint Cocca, /. ihe notcb of an arrow, shaft: a cock-boat; the tip of a spindle; cocca del capo, the crown of the 'rinse; into b of an arrow ; to ridi- cule, mock, scoff; coccArla ad Un •. to trirk fa,/, a notch • oade in a coach ichman Cocchielia,/. shell offish m, a DOach, or coarh- box Core )i in me, m. a bun?, a btnt> Corria./. a pim; ' : COF Cocco, m. cocoa; 1' albero del cocco, a cocoa-tree Coccodrillo, m. a crocodile ; la- grime di coccodrillo, treacher- ous tears Coccola, /. a berry Coccolina,/. a little berry Coccolone, and Coccoloni, ad. star coccoloni, to sit squat Coccovea;gia, /. an owl Coccoveggiarej to move like owls Cocente, a. violent, burning ; do- lore cocente, smarting pain Cocentissimo, a. most ardent, hot Cocere, see Cuocere Coehiglia,/. cockle-fish Cocimento, m. heat, smart Cocito, m. a river in hell, Cocytus Cociti'ira, /. and Cocimento, m. boiling, baking, roasting, dress- ing, scalding Coclearia, /. scurvy-grass Cocolla, /. a cowl Cocoma, /. a tea-kettle, {or boiler) Cocomeraio, m. a water-melon ground, or seller Cocomerello, rn. a small water- melon Cocomero, m. a water-melon Cocuzzo, and Cociizzolo, rn. pate, ^ noddle, top C6c!a, /. tail, train; coda di ca- vallo, a horse's tail ; coda di pavone, a peacock's train ; guar- dar colla coda dell' occhio, to leer upon ; lisciar la coda, to flatter; nella coda sta il veleno, the venom is in the tail Codardamente, ad. cowardly Codardia,/. cowardice Codardo, a. cowardly, timid ; un codardo, a poltron,"a coward Codazzo, m. retinue Codetta, a little tail Codiare, to watch, to spy Codiatcre, m. an inquisitive man, a spy Codice, rn. code Codicillo, rn. a codicil Codim6zzo, a. without a tail Cedione, and Codri6ne, m. a rump Coduto, a. that has a tail Coegu'de, a. coequal Coerede, a. coheir Coerente, a. coherent, agreeing Coerenza, /. coherence Coesi6ne,/. cohesion Coet/meo, a. cotemporary Co«terno, a. coeternal Coevo, a. coeval Cof accia, /. cake, bun COL Cofanaio, m. a trunk, or basket- maker [basket Cofanetto, m. a small trunk, or Cofano, m. a basket, chest Cogitabondo, a. pensive, sad Cogitare, to think, to reflect Cogitativo, a. thoughtful, musing Cogliere, to gather ; coglier il frutto delle sue fatiche, to reap the fruit of one's labour; co- gliere il suo tempo, to take time ; cogliere in iscambio, to take one thing for another; cogliere, to catch, to overtake; coglier all' improvviso, to surprise in the fact ; mi colse in testa con un bastone, he hit me on the head with the stick ; il vostro pittore v' ha colto molto bene nel vo- stro ritratlo, your painter has made your picture a great like- ness Coglitore, m. a gatherer Cognata, /. sister-in-law Cognato, m. brother-in-law Cognato, a. related, connected Cognazione, /. kindred Cognito, part, known Cognizione, /. knowledge Cognome, m. a surname Cognominare, to surname Cognominato, part, surnamed Cognoscere, to know, (in law) to take cognizance of Cognoscenza, /. knowledge, ac- quaintance Cognoscibile, a, that can be known Coenosciutissimo, a. most noted Coiaio, and Coiaro, m. a tanner, a leather-seller Coiame, rn. leather, hides Coincidere, to coincide C6i!o, rn. copulation Col, prep, and art. with, the Cola, ad. yonder, there ; vedi cola quell' uorno, see there that man ; cola un poco dopo, a short time after; cola di state, in summer time Colaggiu, and Colaggiuso, ad. be- low, down Cola^ione, /. running through Colamento, m. a straining Cola re, to strain, melt, liquefy; gli occhi gli, his eyes drop ; colar a fondo, to sink Colascione, m. a sort of guitar Colassii, ad. there, above, yonder Colativo, a. strained, liquefiable Cola to, part, strained Colatdio, rn. a strainer, cullender, melting-pot 90 COL Colatiira, /. remainder after being strained Colazione,/. breakfaist Colcare, and Colcarei, to lie down Colei, pron. rcl. f\ she; questa e colei ch'in odio hai tanto, this is she that you hate so much Colendissimo, rn. your worship Colere, to honour, revere Colezione, /. breakfast Colica,/. the colic Colico, a. colic Colla, prep, and art. with, the colla vostra sorella, with your sister Colla, /. glue Collana, /. a necklace ; collana di perle, a pearl necklace Colla re, to glue, to paste together to let down a rope, to hoist ; torture, rack, give the strappad Collare, and Collarino, m. a col lar, a band Collarettaio, m. a collar-maker Col lateral e, a. collateral Collateral, m. a paymaster; judge, delegate, commissary Collatore, m. a patron (that has living in his gift) Collattaneo, m. a foster-brother Collaudare, to praise Collazionare, to contront, to com pare [tion Collazione, /. conference, colla Colle, m. a hill Collega, m. a colleague [ion Collegam^nto, m. union, connex- Colleganza,/. confederacy Collegare, to make an alliance, to connect, to join Collegato, pari, allied, united Col legato, m. ally, confederate Collegatore, m. a plenipotentiary Collegazione, /. alliance, league Colle^ialmente, ad. with consent of the college, in common Colleginre, to consult, confer Collegia ta,/. a collegiate church Collegiato, a. collegiate Collegio, rn. a college ; far colld- gio, to consult, to discourse upon Colleppolare, to leap for joy Collera,/. anger, wrath; esser in coll era, to be angry Collericamente, ad. angrily Collerico, a. passionate, hasty Colletta, /. a collection; colletta, a collect, prayer Cnllettivamente, ad. collectively Collettivo, a. collective Collettizio, and Colletto, o. co't* lected COL ", ; collettodicuo- io. 3 jerkin ( a c Hector i . :lo of collector, .1 Collezi ■ . . compila- tion Collibeto, m. a collection ( iown 1 . m. a hillock I a mountaineer, m at, f. a hill I . . .a row of hills ( 1. /.a little hill 1 ve-salve : iking one ifi r>ack: .! inn in collo, to 1 child upon 1 .'. collo ad uno, to : i^ing of i I -nee I :i fruit Colloquio. m. a dialogue, conver- Collorn. . . bilious, ( . m, hvpoerite neck • collusion . deceit i 1 llusiori I 1 r alc/ino di be.. 1 -ure 1 ht, fulness . AI col- 1 1 >d Colombiio, m. -house i'jng COL Colombtno, m. chalk stone ; a mi. all pigeon CokunbfttO, o. dove*! ike, pure I Colon, TO, U gut Coloaia,/. solony Ci'hnna. /. a pillar, a prop, a sup- cokmne d' En Mars; le c-lounc d'uii «. J. and Colonn'io, TO. a oolonnaae Colonnello, to. a colom i : Pun libro, column in a Cotonne'tta, /. a Httli C Ion 1. in. an inhabitant of a colo- ny, a husbandman 1 , to, bad colour Cotoramento, to. dying, or tinc- ture ; c :li ocelli, tiimn 5 !ly, false- likely ; excuse ; un dir Colorazione./. aculourina, lishment, ornament Colore, m. colour, pretence, ap» _ : sotlo colore, under pre- tence ; non v' e alcfifl 1 ranee of tru'h ; colore del vollo, com- [l'lush ColorettO, TO. a faint colour, a Colortre, sie Colornre -mo, a. much coloured Coloritn, a. coloured ; un viso cnlorito, a blooming countenance Colorito, m. a colouring Coloritbre, m. a painter, limner . they m. a lar^e statue; un co- Colpa, /. sin, offence : 1 le sue c »« dar la cnljia, tn tax with a fa la colpa di chi rhnm'ifsi in olpa, to own on I Colpabilmenie, ad. guiltj 1 lv [in'o an error Coljiare. to blame, to sin, to fall •nke 91 COL 1. a little blow •. faulty, gailty Colpevolmente. ad. criminally Colptre. to strike; to succeed ; ha in quel che desiderava, led in his hope an. stru :k, su Colpo, m. a blow, a stroke ; eolpo di fortOna, a lucky hit; colpo, act, deed, attempt ; aveite fatto un brl colpo, you have d»ni: a tine thin?; un col- po da maestr 1, a masterly stroke: 1 1 colpo, to requite; di colpOj a on colpo, at once; col- po di taglio, a cutting blow j colpo niott.'i le, a mortal vound j colpo di mare, a billow, surge, or a mighty sea; colpo di dis- grazia, a misfortune; colpo di disperaadne, a despe rate attempt Colta, /. gathering, levying of a tax ; far colta, to strike, wound C oltdla, /. a knife ; a colter •-hare) Coitellaccio. m. a hanger, chopper Col ell'i'a, /. a blow, a cut ; far a rhl with swords 1. /. a sheath, a case of C iltelliaajo, 771. a cutler Coltellino, TO- a small knife, a pen- knife . to, a knife; coltello da . a wood-knife, hanger Colti Hon*', TO. a peal knife Coltivamento, m, husbandry, til- lage; worship . to till, manure, improve ; coltivir le arti e le scielnze, to promote arts and sciences ; colti- var la memoria, to exercise the memory . : art. cultivated CoPivaore, tn. a plou?hman, a husbandman, an encourager Coltivatdra,/. tillage Coltivazidne,/. husbandry, culture ,'hed Colto, rn. ploughed land, worship, honour ColtO, O. cultivated . gathered, collected ; . cheat' : mi vien ' olto, if I have an opportunity ; all' iniprovviso, he was taken unawares . a husbandman • 1 plough with a colter Cdltre, /. a quilt, counterpane, a ed, or pi rch Coltrice./. a fe.ather-bed COM Coltrice, /. a woman employed in husbandry Coltricina,/. a little feather-bed Coltro, m. a colter Coltrone, m. a counterpane Coltura, /. culture, tillage Colubrina,/. a culverin Colubrinetta, /. a small culverin Colubro, m. an adder, a snake Colli i, pron. he, or that ; chi e colui che vi parlava ? who is he that spoke to you ? Coluro, m. colure Coma, /. a head of hair Comandamento, ra. command, or- der, precept Comandante, and Comandatore, m. a commander, commandant Comandare, to command Comandata, /. the king's command Comandato, part, commanded Comandatore, m. commander Comandigia, /. recommendation Comando, ra. order, command Comare, /. a godmother, a gossip, midwife Comato, a. hairy Combaciante, a. fitting into Combaciare, to fit Combaciarsi, to kiss one another Combattente, m. a combatant Combattere, to fight, attack, be- siege, to agitate, disquiet, oppose ; combattere le sue proprie passib- ni, to resist one's inclination Combattimento, rn. fight, conflict Combattitore, ra. a combatant Combattuto, part. combated, fought, harassed Combiatare, to dismiss Combiato, m. dismissal Combinabile, a. that can be com- bined Combinam^nto, m. combination Combinare, to combine, to plot Combinat6re,m. he who combines Combinazi6ne, /. combination Combriccola, /. conventicle Combustibile, a. combustible Combustione, /. conflagration Combijs'o, a. burnt, consumed Come. ad. as, like, how ; because, when, &c. ; come ! non volete venire ? how ! will you not come ? vive come se avesse mille lire all' anno, he lives as if be had a thousand per ann. ; di'emi il come, tell me how ; so ben io il come, I know what way ; come non vi sia, io ci verro, pro- vided he is not there, I shall come; come vedrollo, when I COM see him, &c. ; come prima, as soon as Comecche, and Comeche, conj. although, because Corned ia,/. see Commedia Comentare, to expound ComentArio, ra. commentaries Comentato, part, commented Comentatore, m. a commentator Comentazione, /. a comment Comento, ra. exposition, comment- ary Cometa, /. a comet Comiato, m. see Commiato Comicamente, ad. comically Comico, ra. author of a comedy, a comedian Comico, a. comic [a house Comignolo, m. the top, or ridge of Cominciamento, ra. a beginning Cominciante, ra. a beginner, a novice Cominciare, to begin ; al comin- ciare, at the beginning Cominciato, part, commenced Cominciatore, m. founder Comincio, a. begun Comino, ra. cumin-seed Comitante, a. attending Comitate, rn. company Comitiva,/. attendants Comito, ra. a certain officer in a ship Comizio, m. comitia Commacolare, to stain, blemish Commedia, /. a play, a comedy, a play-house Commediaio, m. a comedy- writer, (contemptuously) [dian Commediante, m. and f. a come- Commediare, to make comedies, or get them acted Commemorabile, a. memorable Commemorare, to commemorate Commemorato, part, commemo- rated Commemorazione, /. remem- brance, commemoration Commenda, /. a commendam Commendabile, a. commendable Commendabilmente, ad. laudably Commendamento, ra. praise Commendare, to praise, to recom- mend Commendatnrio, and Commenda- tore, m. one that holds a benefice in commendam Commendatizia, /. a letter of rec- ommendation Commendatizio, a. commendatory Cominendato, part, praised, ap- proved COM Commendatore, m. and Commend atrice, /. one that approves Commendazione, /. commendation Commendevole, a. worthy to be praised Commensale, ra. and f. a guest at a feast Commensurare, to measure one thing with another Commentare, see Comentare, and its derivatives Commercio, and Commerzio, rn, trade, correspondence, inter- course ; commercio di iettere, a correspondence [office Commessaria, /. a commissioner's Commessario,and Commissario,ra. a muster-master, a commissary; commessario di citta, a judge by commission, an executor Commessazione,/. debauchery Commessione, /. commission, or- der, mandate Commesso, part, appointed, as- signed, committed, put together Commesso, m. a deputy, a boarder Commesso, ra. and Commessura, /. a seam, a chink, a suture; lavoro di commesso, Mosaic work Commestibile, ra. food Commestibile, a. eatable Commestione, /. a mixture Ccmmettente, part, enjoining Commettente, m. a correspondent Commettere, to command, charge; intrust ; to commit ; vi commet- to i miei affari, I leave my af- fairs to you ; commettere alia fortuna, to hazard, to sin ; com- mitter discordie, to make dis- cord [sedition Commettimale, rn. a firebrand of Commettitore, m. he that com- mits Commettitura,/. joining Commiato, m. leave, warning: prender commiato, to take leave ; chieder commiato, to ask leave ; dar commiato^ to dismiss; dar commiato ai piaceri, to bid adieu to pleasure Commilitone, m. fellow-soldiers Comminare, to threaten, to forbid Comminatoria, m. commination Comminazione, /. threatening Commischiamento, ra. a mixture Cornmischiare, to mix, to jumble Commischiato, part, mingled Commiserabilmente, ad. lamenta- bly Commiserare, to take pity COM Commiserazione, /. pit; passion [ed Comm - mmission- er ( '. a commission, ' . -.mblt- i • measure, to a.l- [denvatives Gnumuod I >, and its i. - . a i ultnous ; IniM l disturbed : ]K>ixilo commosso, a riot- I :\n. a. tnnc!»iii£r, moving Coninv M I'ated Commovimento, m. disturbance, agit.v ltnre, m. a dis.urber Commoi mncand CommoziAne, /. commotion, dis- C'Mnniunire, to strengthen Commi; . >, vex. distui: . ike ; to to be agi- Commutamento, m. change, alter- ation, commutation Ommur/mte. a. chaining, altering exchange, :•. xble, in- i -.'. uncertain '. exchan2?e, al'er- »'i"n, (tarbolenxa,) commotion, ince„ uproar, tumult ; Co m g iu t a rione di pena, commu- -';ment ' i /. conveniently, easily, wph ease I ■ . ' to fi«, to ( veniently, 1 I an fa Law term) i Mnodious- ■ - of a h • ; far le »ue como- COM 58, gain, . ! enefit, interesl . coniodo, at your leisure Conuxlo, a. commodious, profita- cvmodo, to be in easy circum- [cojnman I 6ne, m. a partner in the > tnmpwpi m Compagmh de, a. sociable, com- int, of rood company Compagnia, / company, corpora- . - ty, dub, i • rregati >n, mity ; compa Boldati, a company of soldiers (di ca\alleria,, a trbop of horse ; anlir in compagnia, to go to* ge her Compagno, m. a companion, fel- 1 nv, mate, partner, equal Compazine, m. (uomo gioviale.) i 'ii, a merry fel- bnv, a fovnl man Compan'itico. TO, food, meat, any thing 'bat is eaten with bread Conipar.'ibile, a. comparable, like, that may be compared Comparaiione, /. con.parison Comparare. to compare, set to- . confer; compararai, to compare one's self with; to vie with one Ccmpar'itico, m. the s*a'e of bein? | a god-parent, spiritual I Comparativamente, ad. compara- tively Compa'ra'ivo, m. comparative, a term in [ed Compar'ito, part. c'>m|>ared, liken- Comparazione, /. comparison, parallel ; senza coniparazione, .'. beyond comparison ; a com] ara/ione, in proportion Compare, m. a god-father, a man- ETOSSip Compari^ione, /. appearance . 'o aj pear in public, eo oat, , re tli . to make a show, cut a figure [ap| I ceoza, / beauty, figure, 1 i • ' parigiflne C'omp' rta, f. a] show ; fa- comparst, I figure, or show: a summons (to appear in C -urt ;) an attendant, rrr dumb figure, in plaj he. Comparsn, pnrt. a ' mui C impartici- pare, to partake with COM Compartecipe, a. sharer Compartiijuiitii, in. partition, di- visiou, compartment Compartlre, to partake, divide, share, impart, communicate Compartito, / art. shared, divided, imparted Compascuo, m. a common ! re, to measure with com- i ; to ponder, consi ler to, part, measured by the compass, pondered, consider- ed Compassionamento, m. compassion Compassionire, to pity Compassionatbre, m. a compassion- ate man Compassione,/. pity Compassionevole, and Compassi- vo, a. moving, pitiful Compassione^ tuziente, ad. pitifully Compasso, TO. a pair of compasses Compatimento, m. compassion Compatibile. a. pardonable, com- patible, as Compatibility. /. compatibility Compatimento. m. compassion, patience, indulgence Compatire, to commiserate, to par- don ; mi compatisca se non son venoto prima, excuse me that 1 did not come sooner Compatitn, part, pitied, excused Compatriotto. tmd Compatriotta, in. he who is of the same country .-. compact solid Conipazientemente, ad. patiently Compendia re, to abridge, to con- tract Compendiato, part, abridged Compendio, m. comjiendium, abridgment [shonly Compendiosamdnte, ad. briefly, Compendioso, a. compendious, short [pensated bile, a. that ran be com- Compensamentn, m. o*ufCompen- sagi6ne./. recompense, amends • re, to make an -ito, part, reu.i Compensatdre, m. who compen* [pense LZione,/. amends, recom- . remedy . rjomperezione, /. ana Comperam^nto, m. purchase, Comperare, to buy. purrfme Comperato, part. b.n_'ht, pur* Comperat6re, *7i. pi I at, fit, COM suitable ; ora competentc, a sea- sonable hour Competentemente, ad. comforta- bly ; ho da vivere competente- mente, I have enough to live competently Competenza," f. debate, quarrel, competency, conveniency Competere, to be competent, con- venient ; to quarrel ; non voglio competere con voi, I will have no competition with you Competitere, m. a rival Compiacente, a. complaisant Compiacenza, /. satisfaction, com- plaisance, condescension Cornpiacere, to humour, comply; si compiaccia, be pleased, be so good [charming Compiacevole, a. agreeable, Compiacimento, m. pleasure, de- light [pleased Compiaciuto, part. delighted, Compiagnere, and Compiangere, to bewail, lament Compiarite, part, regretted, missed Compianto, m. lamentation, con- dolence [perform Compiere, to finish, accomplish, Compieta, /. evening prayers ; in su la compieta, towards the evening Compigliare, to embrace, extend Compilare, to compile, to collect Compilato, part, collected, dis- posed Compilatore, m. a compiler Compilazione, /. and Compila- mento, rn. compilalion, collec- tion [plishing Compimento, rn. finishing, accom- Compire, to finish, to perfect ; non posso com pi re con tutti alia vol- ta, I cannot serve all at one time Compitamente, ad. perfectly Compitare, to compute, to reckon, to spell Compi»azione,/. spelling Compitezza, /. good breeding Compito, rn. a ta^k Compito, part, finished, perfected, excellent ; pagamento compito, full payment Compitore, rn. a finisher Compiti'ira, f. seed Compiutamente, ad. perfectly Compiuto, part, finished ; non so- no Ire anni compiiiti, 'tis not quite three years Compleni'jnto, m. complement Complessionnto, a. complexioned ; beq complessioDato, strong, lusty; COM mal complessionato, weak, sick- ly Comph ssione, /. habit, constitu- tion, quality/nature, condition Complesso, m. embrace Complesso, rn. and Complicazio- ne,/. complication Complesso, a. bulky, fat, stout Completivo, a. completing Complete, a. complete Complicate, a. complex, compli- cated Complicazione, /. and Complesso, m. complication Complice, m. and f. accomplice Complicity, /. the being an accom- plice Complimen'are, to compliment Complimento, m. civility, polite- ness Complimentoso, ad. full of compli- ments Complire, to compliment, to be proper Componente, ?n. author, composer Componimento, m. composition, writing, deportment Componitere, m. a compositor (at a printing-office) Comporre, to compound, mix, to agree, contrive, adjust; com- porsi, to compound with credi- tors Comportabile, a. tolerable Comportare, to bear, to let pass; 1' Aria lo comporta, the air re- quires it ; o cielo, come lo com- porti ! heavens, how can you bear it ! comportarsi, to demean, behave, act, do Comportevole, a. tolerable, decent, becoming [borne Comportevolmente, ad. so as to be Composite, m. the composite order of architecture Compositoio, rn. a composing-stick Compositere, m. composer of mu- sic [position Composizioncella, /. a short com- Composizione, /. composition Comp6sta, /. mixture; composta di pere, preserved pears Compostamente, ad. neatly, clev- erly Compostezza, /. modesty, decency Composto, m. mixture, compound Composto, a. composed ; parola composta, a compound word ; con animo composto, with a se- date mind C6mpra, /. and Compramento, m. purchase, bargain 94 COM Comprare, to buy, purchase, pro* cure Comprato, part, purchased Compratore, rn. buyer Comprendenza, /. comprehension Comprendere, to comprehend, to compromise, to surprise, to con* tain Comprendimento, m. comprehen* sion, understanding, district, precinct [hends Comprenditore, m. who compre- Comprendonico, a. witly Comprendonio, m. wit, good sense Comprensibile, a. intelligible Comprensione, and Comprensiva, /. comprehension, apprehension Comprensivamente, ad. with com- prehension [circuit Compresa, /. and Compreso, m. a Compreso, part, comprehended, conceived Compressionato, a. robust, stout Compressione, /. Compression Compresso, a. stout, pressed • Comprimere, to press, strain to- gether, to restrain Compro, a. bought Comprobare, to "approve Compromessario, and Compro- missario, rn. an umpire, arbitra tor Compromesso, m. compromise mettere in compromesso, to hazard Compromettere, to compromise, hazard ; compromettersi, to en- gage, promise ; compromettere 1' autorita, I'onore, &c. to ex pose one's character and honour Comproprietario, m. co-proprie- toi' (law term) Comprovamento, m. and Com- provazione,/. approbation Comprovare, to approve, allow Comprovato, a. approved Comprovatore, m. an approver Compto, a. adorned Compugnere, and Compungere, to vex, to grieve Compugnimento, m. compunction Compulse re, to compel Compungere, see Compugnere Compuniivo, a. affecting Compunto, part, grieved, vexed, penitent Compunzione, /. remorse Computamento, m. computation, reckoning Computare, to compute, reckon Computato, part, enumerated, computed CON Comp faming, account !.er Comti:. d . familiar ad. (comune< Derally pany. - mnity iraon ' . m. the commons, com- 1 . (i. common, universal, usual, trivial, vulgar Comuwlla./. a common woman ( ad. commonly, [ni-.nicable Comnr.icaH'c. n. social v I lunicatOrc, m. a commuoicant Comunicare. to communicate, im- part, reveal, converse ; connini- mmanioD v in mak- inicative I muni Conninic /"><■ n<\ /. communication, comn. if making u the consecrated : the Ro- man Catholic church; a conse- it of tlie eacbarist : communion Cotnun; >. In co- EiunilM. aa. in con.n. conranita, to tell publicly, or in public Comono, a. common Comunque, ad. however: co- however it be Con, prep, wi'h : r.,n che, ao that empt Conca, /. a hrre vessel. •hell, i Coocat* Conca!' J : un d!*- crrrsn'>, a logical dis- course CoocatenarinTie. /. and Concate- mm - Coocavato. and C'oncavo, a. con- cave. wne-a Concav . Cooced e nte, part, granting CON C on cpde r e, to n u know ledge : c ■ laughter Conor hbili . Coooedii - ; . m. per- re, in. -ranter I, iriven Concento, m. harmony GoiMentramento, m, arid Concm- ntration Couceutrare, to concentre ; eon- . ■ Concentrato, n. concentred Concentrico, a. concentric I to com- prehend Concepibile. a. conceivable Couct pimento, m» conception, notion Conoq ire, to conceive, to breed, to c ompr ehend j rinse, to entertain hope . / art. conceived Concernento, prep, concerning ConcernJnte, and Concernovole. nging relati . affinity . a rn ntrive ■ncer'ed . i c ntriver . m. concert, harmony ; Cir una cosa di concerto, to act by c Concession i rio, m. a Hmntee (law term- Concf«isione,/. permission, aispen- ! rui conceits iceit . /?i.coneei\fati. ] . repute: ha nerd'ito il concetto > .' ha il concr'to • : ; rs\ wi-ty repartee : un libro pi no ,]j belli concetti, k full of fine thoi ■ •. I Coocerionc, /. conception, com- prehension ^liell Conchindere, to infer, to coo- to convince ; to resolve; to enclose Conchinsione, /. conclu>ion, end, inference CnoehfojOj a. concluded '. tan, bark; a tan vat, or pit id- con Conciacal/ette, in. and f. a botch- n oder I abuse, tame, casti • ■i ir uno pel til delle feste, to ruin ; to spoil Itti, in. .1 :il< r Conciato, -'ied, &c. Conciatore, m. mender Conciatara, /. a mending, dressing Concidro, >;>. mending Conciglio, in. a council C nciliabile, a. that may be con- ciliated Conciliabolo, and Concilnbulo, in. a conventicle Conciliamento, m. reconciling Conciliare, to reconcile, to con- ciliate; coi:cili.\r>i, to be recon- ciled ; conciliare il sonno, to obtain sleep Conciliate, a. reconcile' 1 . Conciliatorr. m. and Concilia* '. a reconciler Conciliazione, /. agreement Concilio, m. a council ConciliOZZO, m. a Concimare, to dun : land ( onciin'ito. pari, dunged, marled Concime, rn. muck, marl, mend* in? Coucinnita, f. ornament Concio, a, a^settAto, fine, trim, Con Concio, rn. concord; ornament; in concio. in rea linen ■ cosache, Conckribase- che, and Conci i because, seeing that Concionare, to preach Condone. /. a sermon, an oration ConCibsiacne, ConciOsiaCOBache, since, because Concisione,/. concision . n. concise, succinct ConoBtoriale, a. con^is'orial Concistbrio, 771. con istory Concttaniento,nv incitemenf, pro? ocatien f'oncitirc, to provoke, incite Concitatfvo, a. apt to in- Concitdto, part, moved, incited C'oncitatore, m. disturber, muti Concitazione, f. a stirrinsr up Concittadino, m. a f< llow-citizen ("onrlainazione, /. applause „ . rn. a conclave ConcLivio, rn. a closet CON Conclavista, m. a conclavist Concludente, a. concluding Coneludentemente, ad. conclusive- ly, evidently Concludere, to finish, determine, enclose, infer [inference Conclusione, /. end, consequence, Conclusivo, a. conclusive, con- vincing Concluso, part, concluded Concomitante, a. accompanying; grazia concomitante, the con- comitant grace Concomitanza, /. going with Concordante, a. agreeable, agree- ing Concordanza, and Concordagi6ne, /. concordance, agreement Concordare, to agree, to reconcile, to conform Concordatamente, Concordamente, and Concordevolmente, ad. unanimously Concordato, rn. a concordat, a compact [upon Concordato, a. agreeing, agreed Concorde, a. unanimous, peacea- ble ; di concorde parere, of the same opinion [ble Concorde vole, a. suitable, agreea- Concordia, /. concord, harmony, peace ; metter a concordia, "to reconcile Concorporato, a. incorporated Concorrente, m. competitor, rival Concorrente, a. concurring Concorrenza, /. concurrence, rival- ship, canvassing Concorrere, to concur, to assemble, to compete, agree in opinion; concorrere alle spese, to pay one's share [sort Concorrimento, m. concourse, re- Concorso, m. concourse, resort Concorso, part, come together Concotto, a. digested, concocted Concozione, /. digestion Concreare, to create, to beget Concreato, part, created, begotten Concredere, to believe ; concre- dersi, to agree Concreto, a. concrete Concrezione, /. concretion Concubina,/". a concubine Concubinario, and Concubino, m. a concubine keeper Concubin/ito, m. concubinage Concubinesco, a. belonging to a concubire Concubito, m. coming together Concnlcamento, m. and Concul- cazione,/. trampling CON Conculcare, to tread on, to oppress Conculcatore, m. an oppressor Concuocere, to concoct, digest Concupire, to covet, to desire Contupiscei'za, and Concupiscen- zia, /. concupiscence Concupiscevole, and ConcupisCi- bile, a. concupiscible, desirable Concui)iscivo, a. concupiscible Concupiscibilita, /. unlawful de- sire, sensuality Concussare, to shake Concussatore, in. he that shakes Concussionario, m. a concussionary (law term) Concussione, /. concussion, com- motion, extortion Concussivo, a. shaking Condanna, /. condemnation, sen- tence Condannabile, a. condemnable Condannamento, rn. condemnation Condann/ire, to condemn Condanna to, part, cast at law, condemned Condannatore, rn. a condemner Condannazione, and Condanna- gione, /. condemnation Condannevole, a. guilty, con- demned Condecente, and Condecevole, a. decent, becoming Condecentemente, ad. decently Condegnamente, ad. worthily, deservedly Condernita, /. desert, merit Condegno, a. worthy Condennare, see Condannare, and its derivatives Condensamento, m. condensation Condensire, to condense, thicken Condenso, a. thick, condensed Condescendente, a. complaisant Condescendenza, /• and Conde- scendimento, m. condescension Condescend ere, to condescend Condescensione, /. condescendence Condescensivo, a. easy to conde- scend Condesceso, a. condescended Condimcnto, m. sauce, pickle Condire, to salt, to preserve, to supply, to provide Condiscendere, see Condescendere, and its derivatives Condiscepolo, rn. fellow-student Condito, a. built, founded Condi to, part, seasoned Conditore, m. a founder, author ConditGra,/. sauce, seasoning Condizionale, a. conditional, lim- ited 96 CON Condizionalmente, and Condizio* natamente, ad. conditionally Condizionare, to prepare, dispose, bargain Condizionato, part. qualified Condizione, /. rank, condition, terms. A condizione, ad. upon condition Condoglienza,/. condolence Condolersi, to complain, to con- dole with Condoluto, part, condoled CondonabHe, a. pardonable Condonare, to forgive Condonato, part, pardoned Condonatore, rn. he who pardons Condonazione,/. forgiveness Condotta, /. conduct, command prudence, wisdom, carriage Condottiere, m. captain, carrier a conduit, canal Condotto, part, eonducted Condotto, m. conduit, pipe Conducente, a. conducting Conducere, see Condurre [in Conducevole, a. conducting, lead Conducibile, a. fit, proper Conducimento, m. conduct, man agement, behaviour, deportment way Conduplicazione, f. repetition Condurre, to conduct, lead, guide Conduttore, and Conducitore, m. a leader Condutttira, /. a journey, wainage Con, prep, with ; con esso lui, Avith hirn ; con esso meco, with me ; con esso seco, with him ; con esso teco, with thee ConestaLile, m. a colonel ; a con- stable Conestabileria, /. the high con- stable's jurisdiction Confabulire, to talk together Confabula'orio, a. colloquial Confabulazione, /. confabulation Confacente, a. com^enient Cnnfaoeuza, /. agreenbleness Ccnfacevole, a. suitable Confare, to become, to be suita- ble; il vino non mi confa, wine is not good for me ; confarsi, to answer', to agree ; questo dis- coi-so non si confa ad un par suo, this way of talking does no? become such a man as you Confederarsi, to confederate Confederato, m. a confederate Confederazicne, /. and Confedera- m.-mto, rn. confederacy, alliance Conferenza, /. and Conferimento, m. conference, meeting C . >N Confrrlre, to confer, in Coofcrma, end I conrin Conft rn.jTv. r.nd Confirmare, to confirm, establish, ratify .. a confirmer •r. C(»nfirnn i Confermatore, in, a warranter, Mather Conferma7iope, f. confirmation iifessarsi. CoBfes- •' ssor . ' L nfessionario, i'essioaal chair 1 ne, /. confession Confess), and Confessa'o, a. con- fessed [c mt m v re, and Confessor >, in. a re, to preserve ; far stima, to cheri-h : tuahttfcui uno, to be civil ?.-> one r. preserved ore, and Confettiere, m. •inner TXtf. a box for sweetmeats . ind Con- fezione,/. preserves, sweetmeats, Conficnnrn'i. nu a firing Conficc'tre, to nail, fasten, to con- vic\ convince • >. part, nailed, fastened, convinced ding Cooficere. to consecrate Confidlnza. /. trust, confidence, hope; abbi confidinza, despair Ginfkhre, to tru«'. confide ; confi- nl upon one . i mfided Confiden'emente, ad. confidently, Coofiden?*. f. confidence, bold • ficc-Sre .r.z art. resemblin?. - ra'ion limit, to I anish CON ConfiseAbile. a. confiscable -■■ u[xm I'ed through, Conflagrtre, to set on fire i- nihrmtion her robot Coofuente, m. eonflai re, to confound, to de- ; cnnf:>n>U-rsi. to be OODl limento, m. confusion Coofooditore, m. whoconftaei Coofonn&re, to conform ; confor- . to conform <>n. 's self Conforma'ivo, a. c onfor mable Conforaonlo, and Confonne, a. fashioned, shaped Confonnaatee, /. confoi mation Conforme. a. conformable, similar Couforme, ad. according, as Conformemente. ad. pursuant to (onformelvole, a. suitable, agreea- ble Conformista, m. a conformist Conformiti./. conformity. In con- form^a. ad. conformably, /. and Conforta- mento, m. see Corifortaxiine Confortlnte, a. comforting Confbrtare, to comfort, advise, en- courare Confortativo. Confortatorio, and ConfortOvole. a. comfortable Confortatore, in. mid Conforta- trice,/. a comforter Confor*a7.ione,/. and Conforto, m. comfort, advice, corro'oora'ion ConfortinAio, m. gingerbread- baker Confortino. m. gingerbread Conforto, m. see Confortaaione Confrate, and Confratello, m. brother Confra'ernita.f. fraternity Confricnxione,/. friction Cirjfron'are, to confront Confmntato. -part, confronted C"nfron'a7ione. /. confronting • nfmnting. con- frrrior. A enfronto, ad. in • ■->>n e, /. disonh r, crowd Confuso, a. conf" "I'aMe Confnta Confularv, to oncf'jte 97 CON I Confutatora, in. a refuter ione,/. confutation I B, tO jive leave, to dil onge larsi, to 'ake have Congiido, in. leave, permission; dir conge lo. to dismiss: non jkisso dar quel che non e nno I cannot give v in' i- not mine without leave imento, m. and Cpngo- gnatora, /. assemblage. uniwi connect, join Congegnatn, part, connected Congeiamanto| m. fret nog Conge] icsi, to congeal, freeze Congelato, part, concealed, frozen Congelaxidne, /. congelation Congerie,/. heap, hoard Congettnro, and Conghiettura, /. sruess Congetturale, a. conjectural Congettuiahaenie, ad. by guess, or conjecture Conzetturare, to conjecture Conghietrarale, a. conjectural Conghiettnrato, part, guessed Condi iet'uratore, m. a conjecturer Con^iujale, a. conjngal Con^iusrare, see Coniu^ire Conaiuyazione,/. conjujation Congidgnere, and Congrangere, to join close ; congiugnersi, to approach Congiugniinento, and Congiungi- . m. conjunction Conriugnitore, m. he who joins Congiugnitura, j*. joint, seam Congi6nta,/. a wife Coneriuntamente, ad. jointly Cnnziuntivo, m. the conjunctive mood [joined CongiunMvo, and Congiunto, a. Congi6nto, in. kindred Consiuntura,/. conjuncture, union, joint Congiunridne,/. conjunction Congfiura, Con2iura7ione, /. and Consiurameuto, m. plot, con- spiracy Congrarante, m. a conspirator C'onriurare, to conjure, conspire, plot Conginrato, part, conspired Congiaratnre, in. conspirator rione,/. conyloba'ion Conglomer&to, part, heaped to- Con?lu»innre, to clue, knit, Conjrlntinattvo, a. viacona '. and Tongluti- '.. m. eongtntii CongratuLarsi, to congrahjlate CON Congratulate), part, congratulated Cor.-ratula'.ore, in. who congratu- lates Congratulalorio, a. congratulatory Congratulazione, /. congratulation Congrega, and Congregazione, /, a congregation Crngre amento, m. an assembly Congregare, to assemble Congrega 'o, part, assembled Congresso, m. congress, meeting Cong) ua, /. a sufficient income Congruamente, ad. congruously Congruence, a. sui able Congruenza, /. congruence, con- formity Congruo, a. congruous, proper Conguagliare, to equal Conguaglio, m. a levelling Coniare, to coin, to bind Coniato, part, coined Coniatore, m. a coiner Coniettfira,/. see Congethira Conietturare. s;e Congetfurare, and its derivatives Conigliera, and Coniglieria, /. a warren Coniglio, m. a rabbit Conio, m. a wedge, a stamp for coining; (moneta.) money Coniugafe, a. conjugal Coniuzare, to join, to conjugate Coniugito, part, conjugated, mar- ried Coniune,/. connexion Connessita,/. affinity Connesso, a. connected, joined Connest.'bile. m. a cons'able Connettere, to connect, join ; non conre f tere, to speak nonsense Connivenza, /. connivance Cormubjo, m. marriaze Conrumf-rnre, to enumerate Connnmera'o, part, enumerated C^no, m. a Cone Onocchia./. distaff Conoscente, a. knowing, thankful, acquainted Connsccptem.'nte, ad. knowingly C r no-c aaza, /. acquaintance Cono«cere, to know; dar-i a co- nrtscere, to rrnke one's self known; to acknowledge; far confrere, to prove ; conoscersi, to under -tand CON Conoscibile, a. cognizable, intelli- gible Conoscimente, m. and Conosci- tura, /. sense, wit, judgment, experience Conoscitore, in. a skilful man, a connoisseur Conosciu amente, ad. judiciously Conosciu. issimo, a. much known, skilful Conosciuto, part, known, noted Conquassamento, in. splitting to pieces Conquassare, to destroy Conquassate, part, destroyed Conquassavione,/. and Conquasso, in. havoc, destruction ; andar in conquasso, to go to ruin Conquidere, to affile*, to conquer Conquiso, part, vexed, conquered Conquista, /. conquest Conquistare, to conquer Conquistato, part, subdued Conquis'atore, m. a conqueror ConquistO, m. conquest Consacrare, and Consagrare, to consecrate [dedicated Consacrato, and Consagrito, part. Consacrazione, and Consagrazione, /. consecration Consanzu'meo, a. related, akm Consanguinita, /. relationship Consapevolc, a. _ conscious ; far consapevole, to. impart Consapevolezza, /. notice ; knowl- edge [flection Consapevolmente, ad. with re- Comcienza, f. sec Coscienza Con c cio, a. knowing of, conscious Conscritto, part, enrolled, regis- tered, written [register Conscrivere, to write, to pen, to Conspcrare, see Consacrare Consecutivamente, ad. one after another Consecutivq, a. successive Consecur.ione, /. acquisition Consegnare, to deposit, consign, intrust, to deliver Consegnato, part, consigned, de- livered, described [livery Consegnazione, /. deposition, de- Conses;uente, part, consequent, ensuing, following Cnnsezuente, ad. afterwards; per conseruen'e. consequently Consezuentemente, ad. by conse- quence, in course Cohseguenza, f. consequence, in- ference, conclusion, sequel ; mo- mem 1 , weight : (termine in logi- ca,) consequence CON Conseguimento, m. adoption, getting Conseguire, to obtain, get, gain, succeed in the pursuit of a thing} (succedere) to succeed, fol low- come next Conseguitare, to follow ; to acquire Consegui'.atore, m. who obtains Con-enso, and, Consentimento, rru consent, approbation Consen'&neo, a. agreeable, conso- nant, convenient Consent! re, to consent Consentito, part, consented Consentitore, :n. who consents Consequente, a. see Conseguente, and all its derivatives Consertare, see Concertare Conserto, m* concert, harmony Conserto, a. joined together Conserva, /. store-house, pantry, preserves ; far conserva, to make provision ; conserva d'acqua, a water-house ; andaf di conserva, (sea term) to keep company together Conservabile, a. preservable Conservadore, preserver Conservamento, m. preservation Conservare, to preserve, defend j conservarsi, to take care of one's self Conserva*! vo, a. preservative; m. a keeper, projector [saved Comerva'o, part, preserved, kept, Conservatoio, in. a reervoir Conserva'ore, m. and Conserva- trice,/. preserver Conservatory, m. a workhouse, a nunnery Conservazione, and Conserva- gione. /. preserva'ion Conservo, m. a fellow-servant Connesso, m. assembly Considernbile, a. considerable, re- markable [bly Considerabilmente, ad. consider*- Consider.') nte, a. considering Considerare, to think, to meditate, to observe [ly Consideratamente, ad. considerate- Consideiato. part, considered Considera'ore, in. who considers Considera7ione,/. and Considera* mentf), m. consideration Consi?lian f e. a. advising Consigliare, to advise ; consiglial^ si, to consult with ; lasciatevi considi'ir da me. take my advice Consirfia'ameVe. ad. advisedly C r nsi rlia'ivo, a. fit to advise Consigliato, p art. advised CON re, m. adviser ConsklL-re, TO. counsellor, an un-" der ; Con>t.:lh. m. advice, resolution; : prender consiglio, to council board : consiglio di guer- t.\. n covrtHmartial [term) re, m, a joint-lord, (law :.ble .:il ling •-"insistence : V eta dclla consis enza. ihe middle age -. to consist, to sand to- gether Consis orio, in. a consistory Consito, a. planted, c own over Consnbrin ■. m. a c Risin-germafl Consociazione, /. association, alli- ance ! '. m. a companion . comfort Consul inte. a. coi Consol\'-e, to comfort, console: si di - a, he is not much troubled for ConsoHre. a. consular: dignita TonsMarm n'e. aa\ consul-like micn'e. and Consolatoria- men'e. a mforting -::iship . a. omforted ; questa i vien consolata, this nun is comfortable tore, m. and Consolatrice. /. eon ' ■h, part, comforting Cousota.- i. a consul Convilidamento, m. closing up, sold • OnsM; : late, *o con* zia, to streng'hen friend- ship Ving •to, a. c >ns >li < * conform i consonant I conforma- bly ilchfi Iflno, to live in ^ooi uoders'aniing with somebody CON Consonare. fo azTee, to sin^ togeth- er ; cio non consona col mio in- . his i- not suitable to my interest COM mo, a. cor.cnrlant. a . m. ajirif. husband. « ife j ambo consorti, husband and wife Consorterfa, /. a society, company •i. a Compa ion Cons6rzio,m. fellowship,company, familiarity . are, to spr inkle re, to disc -m Conspfcu >. see Cbspletio Conspirare, to pin 1 , conspire Conspirato, pan. conspired, united Conspiratore, TO. a c >uspira*or Conspirazione, f. conspiracy . to appear; to consist of; consta a tntti, every body knows Consternazi6ne, /. consternation . cos'ive e, to cons iu'e, appoint ; Constitufre alcuno in dignita, to prefer to honours t. constituted Consfitu f 6re, to. lie wb > constitutes ".•ion Constr&to, i art. c unstrained Constrig • ingere, to .. force. Constri-Tiim^nto. and Costringi- n. compulsion Cnnstruire, to build, to construe words Construito, part, construed Construtro, part. i, to. pr -lit, s-ain ; non so che sarn il construttodi quest' aflare, I do not know what will be the result of that affair Constnrzione, /. construction, framing Consuetamente, ad. a« usual Cousuetn. a. usual, accustomed : queste sono cose cor.suete, th?,se thinrs usually ha] Consueru iinVi >. a. usual, ordinary Consu itadii c.f. custom, use . '. c msuttation ConsuPAre, to consul', 'nke advice Consoltato, part, consulted Consu Jtazione,/ consultation Consulfivo, a. fit to co: ^ult Consul on- . ible - ' /. consumption ting, consum- ing, accomplishing re, to waste, destroy, to CON accomplish ; connumarsi, to I \ ay Consuma Ivo, a. consuming Consumato, part, consumed ; sa- pienza consumata, perfect wis dom ; ur. urimo consumato, a man rience Consum&to, to. jelly [sumor irte, m.~ wa ter, con- Consumazione,/. consumption Consumo, m. waste, decay Consuntivo, a. consuming Consonto, a. consumed Consuneione,/. consumption ; con- sunzione de' sicoli. th : end of iIk- world Consummate, see Consonnre Consustauziabilita, /. con.mbstan- tiality Consus'anziale, a. consubstantial Consus'an-ialineute, ad. consub- [tiation Consustarntiazifme, /. consubstan* Conta Una,/, a country woman Contadinella, /. a country h s !Io, m. a country lad ContadinescO, and Contadino, a% nistic, rude Contadino. m. a coun ; iyman Coutido, to. fields, shire, country; the vicinity of a town . to. ami Con'agioue, /. infeciion, plague i, a. con'arious, catching Contamente, ad. properly, hand- s imely Contamento, m. an account \r]<\ a. what may be con tarn i Con'ai^iinainento, m. pollution, defiling [feet Co taminare, to contaminate, in- Contamicatissimp, a. quite polluted Contamin&to, a. infected, defiled Contamir.a'ore, m. who pollutes C Nataminazidce, /. contamination Con'ante, a. reckoning j danaro contaute, ready money ' > c unt ; to settle; to value : to relate Cont&'o, part, reckoned, told Contatore, to. a computist ' C intdtto, ni. touch, c ntact Contazione, /. an account Conte, in. earl, count Contea,/. coun'y mpu*e . f, a grave, jiroud coun- . to. contents ; appear- ance ; caminar in cont-jno, to «alk wi h gravity CON Cotitegnoso, a. sober, grave Contemperanza, /. proportion, suitableness Contemperare, to adapt Contempfcrato, part, proportioned Contemperazione, /. temper Conlemplamento, m. c ntempla- Uod Contemplante, a. contemplating Contemplare, to contemplate, view Contemplativo, a. contemplative Conicmplatore, m. a contemplator Contemplazione, /. contemplation Contemporaneamente, ad. con- temporaneously Contemporaneo, a. contemporary Coutemprare, to temper, moderate Contendere, a. contending Contendenza, /. a contention Contendere, to quarrel, debate, fight, to strive Coutendevolmente, ad. litigiously Contendimento, m. contention, strife Contenditore, 771. a quarreller Contenente, ad. directly Conten inte, a. containing ; conti- nent Contenenza, /. continence, capa- ciousness, gravity Contenere, to contain, comprise, refrain ; contenersi, to contain one's self [mien Contenimento, m. moderation ; Contennendo, a. despicable Contennere, to despise Contentamente, ad. contentedly Contentamento, rn. content, de- light Contentare, to content, please, sat- isfy; contentare le sue voglie, to gratify the inclination ; conten- tarsi, to be contented Contentato, a. sa'isfird, pleased Contentatura, /. content Contentevole, a. pleasing Contente/za,/. content, pleasure Contentibile, a. contemptible, mean Contento. a. contented, pleased; non mi terro mai contento se non lo vedo, I shall never be easy if I do not see him Contento, m. contentment ; the contents Contenuto, part, contained Contenuto, m. the contents ; vi diro tuito il contenuto, I shall tell y>u the st':ry Contention -, /. debate, dispute Contenziosaniente, ad. contentious- IK CON Contenzioso, a. quarrelsome Conteria, /. jet [contiguous (Jont rmmale, and Conterinino, a. Conterminare, to border upon Contesa, /. s' riving, struggling, quarrelling Conteso, part, hindered C'ontessa,/. countess Contessere, to join, warp Contessina, /. young countess Contestable, in. constable ; gran contestable, (in the order of St. Stephen,) the grand prior Contes are una lite, to bring an ac- tion at law [tention Con'estazione, /. pleadings, con- Conteslo, a. woven Contesto, m. context Contezza, /. information, news ; non posso darvene maggior con- tezza, I cannot tell you more about it Conticino, m. a small bill Contigia, /. ornament Contigi'ito, a. adorned Contiguita, /. neighbourhood, con- tiguousness, nearness Contiguo, a. contiguous Continente, a. containing; conti- nent, chaste Continente, rn. a continent Con'inentemente, ad. chastely Continenza, /. circumference, con- tinence, firmness Contingente, a. accidental ConM'nsrentemente, ad. casually Contingenza, /. contingency, casu- alty Contingere, to happen Contingibile, a. casual Contingibilita,/. casualty Contino, m. a young count Continovare, see Continuare, and its derivatives Con'inuameVe, ad. continually Continuamento, rn. Continua, and Conti nuazione, /. continuation Continuinte, a. assiduous Continuare, to continue, to last Continuatamente, ad. perpetually Continuato, part, continued Continuatore, m. a continuator Continuazione, /. continuation Continuity, f. continuity Continao, rn. a close body Conllnuo, a. continual ; febbre cbntinua, a c mtmual fever. Del, or Al conlinuo, ad. incessantly Conto, m. account, reck-ming, esteem ; me^'er a conto, to dis- count ; far conto d' una persona, to esteem: non fa conto di nes- 100 CON suno, he values nobody ; un u6» mo di con'o, a great man ; in conto alcuno, by no means j a buon conto, cheap ; per che con- to, foi what reason ? far i conti, to settle ace tints; conti chiari, amici cari, even reckonings make long friends ; voi me ne renderete conto, you shall be ac- countable to me for it ; non mi torna a conto, I do not find my account in it. Conto, a. known Contorcere, totwist,wring, writhe; contorcersi, to make wry faces Coutorcimento, rn. contortion Contornare, to sketch the contour Contornarsi, to have recourse Contornato, part . sketched Contorno, m. precinc*, circuit ; contorni, the contours of a pic- ture Contorsione, /. a convulsion, fit Contorto, a. twis'ed, crooked Contra, prep, (contro,) against Contrabbaudiere, in. smuggler Contrabbando, m. prohibited goods; far il contrabbando, to smuggle Contrabbasso, m. bass in music Contrabbatteria, /. counter-battery Contrabbilanciare, to counterbal- ance Contraccambiare, to recompense, reward, to truck Contraccambio, rn. mutual ex- change ; rendere il contraccam- bio, to be even with a person Contra cchi'ive, /. a fal e key Contraccif r a, and Contraccifera, f. a key for deciphering Contracc'uore, rn. p'tin, grief; a con'raccuore, against one's will Contrachiglia, /. the keel of a c hip Contrada, /. country, province, sfree' Contraddpnza,/. country dance Contraddetto, m. contradiction J senxa contraddetto, without dis- pu'e Contraddicente, a. contradicting Con'raddicitoie, rn. he who con- tradict Contraddire, to contradict, oppose ; contraddtrsi, to falter Contraddirltto, rn. fine, penalty Contraddistinguere, 'o distinguish, to si -"nalize one's self Con'raddi'^re. rn. antagonist Con raddittrtrio. a. contradictory Contiaddittoriamente, ad. contra- dictorily cox Contraddivieto, m, prohibited goods » lizktoe,/. and Contraddi- cin»< I •.nture iriare, and all iti Contraddfre, and all Iti Coiitrten-, stt Coutrarre i unento, m. c in< ind Contraffafdre, m. counterfeiter, in. Contraffirr, to counterfeit, mimic ; con'rx:^ Contrail Attn. ntramrr:oij 1 ->, , n, m. counter- razione, /. a contrary first and second stance i. 'he lex talionis, • the rrain [uilihrium •v'trf, to counterbalance, i mine .'buy, m, a counterpoise, ; posi'ion ( oppose ; contrap- 1 erpoint ; far il contrappunto, to accompa- ny (in ■ CON Con'rariamente, ad. oontrarily I 10 radict ContrarietA,/. op] aition, i .ersi'y coi trary. Pa eon- the contrary. Al 1 1 -. ,;■/. qui) contrary ■(. ih< contrary re, to eon- -. to unite, Join : contra rrv debi i. to run into debt ; contrnrre liiatrimonio, to couple in nsurriage w i'h one CoBtrarmpnndere, tn rejoin Coutrarrisposta, /. a rejoinder, or I duplication ' ' [change Cootrascambtameato, m. a counter- ..\ counterscarp itta, /. a c 'Untfihond Contrasertvere, to write against Contrascritto, m. a counterpart Contrasseguare, 1 1 countersign Contrassegnato, part, countersign- ed [nature • -natira, f. a COB Contrasa on .n..\rk. stimony ill/ire, to counterseal Contraataoile, a. contentious . ni. a dispute Dte, a. ; :i^ re, to withs'an I, resist : mal contrast iamo con' ro il nostra dt-s'lno, in vain we strive against our I . Con'ra-tatore, m. opposer IContrasto, m. and Contrast&nza, ! f. debate, q\iarrel ; contrast . ;. c luntry, (in p wtry) . n. and Contratta- gjone,/. dealing, trading mrac', harsrain npo, m. mischance. Di contralternpo, ad. unseasonably j fare una c^x a COutratteinpO, to do a tiling unseasonably Contraf' . ~*rument, Dent; contralto di I ?ift Contratto, pari, contracted ; Unie Contrat'ura,/. contract ion, shrink- ing Contraartare, to nan aeainst ( oi:»ravvallazione, f. on'ravalla- tion [u i'h an evil eye fon'ravvedere, to look at one Con-ravver.ire, to infringe a law, eantoa . Coutravventore, m. offender 101 CON Contravveuzidne. /. transirossioD Contra wersita, /. contrariety Contrazidne, /, i ml action Contributre, to contribute Conti ibuto, m. contribution Contributore, m, who contributes Contriburibne, /. contribution Contr'impannata, and Contr-'in* retriata, /. a countei frame (for a window) C'ontrirsi, to he contrite Contristamente, ad. with contrition ( ontristamento, m. and (Vintrista- zione, /. affliction, grief I ire, to afflict; c o nt ria tarri, to be afflicted Contristativo, a. afflicting Contristato, a. afflicted Contristatore, m. one who afflicts Contritamente, ad. with contrition Contritare, to mince Contrite, a. minced ; contrite, penitent Contrizione,/. sorrow for sin Contro, prep, against, contrary; darsi contro, to falter Con'r'or line. ??i. a ounterorfler Cbntiostoinaco, ad. unwillingly Controvire, to invent, feign Con'rovatO, part, invented, de- Controversia,/. di bite, dispute sista, m, i conti in r i\-( rsi il Controv^rti (' ntrovertibile, a. doubtful, dis- pirahle Contumace, a. stubborn, rebellious Contumacemente, ad. stubbornly Contumncia, /. awl Contumace, m. wilfulness, s'uhhornness , Ha,/, affront, abuse Con'unielio.-amente, ad. outrage- ou.-ly Contnme'ioso, a. affront ive Confurhamento, m. Conturhajione, and Conturbazioue, /. disturb- ance Conturbare, to dis'urb, vex, to throw into a confusion Conturbato, a. difturbed, vexed Con'usione, /. contusion, bruise bruited . rrntj. although (!ontu'tocio. any. however, yet Convalesoente, n. reentering ; esscr convalescente, to recover . ■ ' Dfirtti s'rrnzih- en : coi i rated Conville, f. a valley CON Convenente, rn. deed, agreement ; osservare il convenente, to keep a promise [lation Convenenza, /. agreement, capitu- Convenevole, a. convenient ; con- venevol cosa e, it is reasonable Convenevole, rn. propriety; fare i convenevoli, to make compli- ments; stare su i convenevoli, to stand upon ceremonies Convenevolezza, /. conveniency Con venevol issimamente, ad. most comfortably Convenevolmente,ami Convenien- temente, ad. commodioiuly, conveniently [is just Couveniente, rn. a decency, What Conveniente, a. proper, suitable Conveniciiza,/. decency Convenimento, rn. agreement, con- vention Con venire, to agree, to meet,- as- semble ; to be necessary ; ci con- viene partire, we must part Conveutare, to make one a doctor Conventazione, /. coronation (of poets) Conventicnla, /. and Conventicolo, in. private meeting Convento, m. an assembly ; con- vent, monastery, houie ; bar- gain, an agreement Conventuale, a. frate conventuale, a conventual friar Convenuto, part, agreed Convenzionale, a. conventional Convenzionarsi, to agree Convenzione, /. covenant, con- tract Conversa, /. a lay sister Conversabile, a. sociable [ry Conversamen'e, ad. on the contra- Con versa nte, a. conversant Con vers/i re, to converse Conversa fvo, a. sociable, affable Conver-A'o, part, frequen'.ed Conversatore, rn. who converses Conversazione, /. and Conversa- mento, in. discourse, assembly Conversevole, a. sociable Conversione, /. conversion, trans- mua^ion Convcrz^part. converted, changed. Per converso, ad. on the contrary Converso, rn a lay brother Convertere, to change, to turn Converribile, a. transformable Convertire, to convert, change; to apply, to turn ; converlire a se, to appropriate to one's use ; con- vertirsi, to be converted Convertito, part, converted COP Convertit6re, m. a converter Convessita,/. convexity ConvessO, rn. convexity Ctfhvesso, a. convex Conviare, to convoy, guard ConvkVo, part, convoyed, attended Convicino, a. neighbouring ConvincJnte, o. convincing, clear Convincentemente, ad. evidently Convincere, to convict, convince Convinto, part, convicted, con- vinced Convinzione,/. conviction Convit&re, to invite, to keep an open house Coiivit^to, part, invited Convitato, m. a guest Convitatore, m. an inviter Convito, m. banquet, feast Convitto, rn. intercourse Conviva, m. guest Convivare, to feast together Convivente, a. living with others Convivere, to live together Conviviale, a. belonging to a feast Convivio, m. a feast Conviziare, to insult Cnnvizio, m. insult Convocare, to call together Convocato, part, convoked, assem- bled Convocatore, m. who convokes Convocazione, /. and Convoca- mento, m. convocation Com- oxi i are, to convoy, attend Convoglio, m. a convoy Convolare, to marry again Convolgere, to wallow, tumble, roll Convolto, a. dirty, tumbled Convulsioncella, /. a slight convul- sion Convulsione, /. convulsion Convulsive, and Convulso, a. con- vulshe Cooperamento, m. co-operation Cooperante, a. working together Cooperante, rn. co-operator Cooperare, to co-operate Cooperatore, rn. a fellow-worker Cooperazione, /. co-operation Coordhnre, to arrange Coordinate, a. set in good order Coord inazione,/. order Coortare, to encourage Coorte, /. cohort of soldiers Coperchiare, to cover [trick Coperchiella, /. a cunning shift, Coperchio, m. a cover ; a lid ; il soperchio rompe il coperchio, too much of any thing is good for nothing 102 COR Coperta, /. a cover ; -^ope'rta da letto, a coverlet ; coperta di lana, a blanket ; coperta d'una casaj the roof of a house ; coperta di vascello, the deck ; sotto coperta, under pretence Copertamente, ad. secretly, closely Copenina,/. coverlet Coperto, a. covered, dark, obscure ; parlar coperto,ambiguous words, discourse; mettersi al coperto, to shelter one's self Coperto, m. a shelter Copertoio, m. a cover, roof; a double net Copertiira,/. cover, pretence Copia, /. plenty, copiousness ; far copia di se, prostitution ; copia (esemplare,) a copy, transcript, extract ; questo ci clara gran co- pia di ragionare, this will afford us great matter for discourse Copiare, to copy, transcribe Copiatore, and Copista, m. a copyist Copiosamente, ad. copiously Copiosissimo, a. most plentiful Copiosita,/. abundance Copioso, a. abundant, fruitful Copi.staccio, in. a scrawler Coppa, /. the nape of the head ; a cup ; servir di coppa, to be a cup-bearer Copparosa, /. copperas, or vitriol Coppella. /. a coppel ; argento di coppella, fine silver ; mertere alia coppella, to put to a trial Coppellare, to try gold or silver by tiie coppel Coppe, /. plur. cups, a suit of cei* tain cards, used in Italy, &c. Coppetta, /. a cupping-glass Coppia, /. a couple, a pair Coppiere, in. a cup-bearer Coppo, 77i. pitcher, a cup Copponi, m. pi. chips Coprente, a. covering Coprimento, m. a cover; non ha coprimento adosso, he is quite poor Coprire, to cover, hide, dissemble ; si copra, put on your hat Copritore, m. a coverer, a tiler, thatcher Copritura, /. a covering Copula, f. coupling, conjunction Copulare, to couple Copulativamente, ad. copulatively Copulativo, a. copulative Coragrio, m. courage, valour Coraggiosamente, ad. valiantly Corag^ioso, a. stout, brave, bold COR Orallino, a, coral coloured ■ I -rdially Conui . her (>olo, ad, in public, open- ly f« Uow ../. the [luck i. /. the liver of an animal Coratellina,/. the entrails I .a cuirass •: be d'uua •«or! of raven i with pride Corbell.ire, to make a Corbel 1 x .-jr-sts Corbellv Corbelleria,;. idle -luff Corbello, m. a basket ..,/. the arbutus Cotter -tree I j nun; crow Corbo, nu a crow ; aspettar il D vain : a match ; corda del collo. the tendons i of a ship be in a line ; e, riband, small cord a. /. a rope-yard a. sine re, affectionate , nemico cordiale, a declared . I Cordioella, and Cordicina, /. a eon Cordier", rru a rope- maker Cordi^licro, rru a cordelier, (a --iscan fiiar) OrdL ■ re, to grieve, be afflict- ed Cordoelio. rru erief, sorrow ; si e lella .sua more, his death has been great! y lamented rrowfully :. KMTOirfol Kre, rru a tanner, a shoe- maker Cordovano, rru Cordovan leather; COR tirar il cordovano, to m Core, m. bear! (in poetry) i , /. a I VI iiul io, m. a strap-maker • i, in. .1 ilail ae, nu a large sri ip ,/. chorography Coriandolo, and Conandro, m. Coric.ire, and Coricarsi, to lie mp down, slay Coricato, a. lying Corifeo, in. 'the chii f, principal man Corito, TO. hazel-tree . m, ivy berries Corintio, m. Corinthian order ,. the skin ; (out of joke) io ti trarro il corio, I will flay thee alive (.a chorister '. a rheum stopping the nose Coma. /. pL of Corno, hnnis Comacchia,/. a rook, a I Cornacchiamento, m. prating, chit-chat Cornacchiare, to prate, chafer Cornacchino, m. a young or rw ione, rru a prattler nto, 77i. a tingling, or noise in one's ears Cornamusa. /. a bagpipe Cornamusare, to play on the bag- pipe Cornare, to sound a horn Cornata. /. a How of a horn Cornea./, a portion of the eye about the ; }? [una corrnL'gia, the Corneo, a. horny, whitish -•raiment ; I aid, a toot) of horse (. a -mall horn . /. a cornice, a frame ; a raven Coroicione, m. a lar?r fnn.e Cornieolato, yart. honed Cornlfero, a. hav Corniola, ' Corniola,/. a c irnelian Coruiolo. m. thecorm 1 -. horn : far le coma ad enrk"! 1 ; o6n cito, the le coma ad uno, to reduce t i vale un com\ not worth a pin 103 COR Cornucopia, /. j ' . . : . in. a cuck Id Coro, in. i li urui| chou | i ind I . '. chorography ; liical CoroUlrio, m. inf Corona, /. a crown, kingdom, chaplet; f4rai corona d'u to take the a h thini Ooran -io, m. a chaplet*] Coronale, a. of a crown Coronamehto, m. coronation D crown Coronato,] art. crowned, rewarded Coronazione, /. corona - ion Corpacciata, /. a belly-full : far una corpacci&ta, to "stuff one's- self Cor] accio, m, a bulky body Corpaoriato, -*• corpulent Corpetto, 771. a doublet Corpicello, ami Corpicino, rru a weak body Corpo, ?/!. "holy, sdiape ; society' bello di corpo, well- shaped ; e^li ha il diavolo in corpo, the devil is in him ; c c val, called C^rpna-Christi-day I a. bulky, big-bellied Corpuzzo, rru a o 1 , tot quip, f'. m. i cross «.n .to croak cruc ; fy / Crocitis- :.\i">n rucifix i. h- crticifier iil nicely ; or make muc ( Km. a crucible p u;h Crollv. j, jogging • j°? . k iver mto cromatico, chroma' ic music -. chronicle • bad chronicle . and Chronic 1 . i\n Cronic-. a. chronic te-iious Cronol^dsta. m. chr n hard, to - uashinz; l r I •upcrficial . f. a kind of pastry cue -.>., /. pavement, incrusta- tion Gtw loo, m. touted bn 1 1 etnto, a. crusty iuo, m. a small or ist . ■. , CruccevoUnentO, Crucciatamente, and Crueciosamente, ad. pas- sionately f. a mattock . to a.ger, provoke ; cn.cci.'irsi. to be angry Crucci.'ito, and Crucciosi,u. anjry. [guish Cruccio, m. passion, ansrer, an- Cruciamento, and Cruciato, in. torment Cmci.ire, to torment Crum'o, part, tormented Cruciito. m. torment C rucifJggere, sea Crocifiggere v. ad. bitterly, cruelly, b'.un'ly, rashly Crudelaccio, a. cruel CrudJle, a. inhuman, fierce, bar* - ; un crudele, a cruel man [elly Cnidelissimame'nte, ad. most cru- >. a. most cruel . croelly inhumanity, barbarity . 7. almost raw Crudezza, and Cru li a,/, crudity, rawness, mdigestion CrQdo, a. raw, unripe, cruel CruenCre, to make Moody a. bloodv, horrible. frightful Cr ma. /. and Crino, in. the eye of a needle Cn'isca, /. bran ; the Florentine academy Cruscante, m. one who aims at exactness in the Tuscan lan- ->. f. nonsense ., m. fine bran Cruscone. in. cot: Crn^coso, a. full of bran . *o lie . m. K nare to catch birds '.hie. rrr cubical m. the elliow. a cubit . CuccWna,/. an ileal comTry Cucchi'iia. /. a charger, (for great snin-.i t Cucchian'a, f. a spoorful Cuccbbi -case Cuccbi'iio. m. a st>oon Cucchiaione, m. a soup-spoon 107 CUM Cucchiara, /. a trowel ; a chaiger i guns I'ucci.i. f. :i COUCfa ■• to lie down Ci cciolino, m. ■ young whelp Cucciolo, and Cuccio, in. a puppjj a 1 ip-Ic- Ciicco, {for uovo,) in. an egg, a favourite boy. a minion Cuccu, and CucQio, in. a cuckoo Cucina, /. a kitchen; di buona cucina, good for cooking Cucinare, to cook Cucinato, part, dressed, cooked Cucinielra, /. and Cuciniere, m. a cook Cucino, in. a cushion, pillow Cueire, to sew, or stitch Cucito, part, sewed, stitched Cucitore, m. he that sews Cue it rice, /. a seinstress C ucit ira, /. and Cucimento, m. a seam [ter Cuculinre, to lavish at, scoff, ban- CucuUatora,/. raillery Cuculla,/. a cowl, a hood Cucullato, a. hooded, cowled Cuculo, in. a cuckoo Cucurbita-/. a distilling vessel Cncuzza,/. a irourd . m, the top of the head Citlia. /. a cap; cufha da notte, a night-cap CuiTiire, to eat immoderately Cu-rina,/. and Cugino, in. cousin . w hose. Of which, of w horn ; di cui la bellezza, whose beauty ; a cui risposi, to whom I answered ; voi, cui fortuna tanto favorisce, you, whom for- tune favours so much ; da cui ebbi una favorevol risposta, from whom I had a favourable answer Culatta, /. and Culo, m. the breech, bum ; culatta, the bot- tom of a church lamp ; culatta d'un cann6ne, the breech of a eun [Rome, the Coliseum Culiseo, in. an amphitheatre at C'illa,/. a cradle Cullare, to rock the cradle Culmine, m. summit, height* Culmo, m. sb m Cultivire. su Coltivare, and its derivatives C ill to, m. worship Cumino, m. the h rb cumin (un: ul. 'ire, to heap, hoard Comulatameote, ad. aboodanfly Cumula'ivamente, ad. accumu- latively Cumulat'lvo, a. accumulative CUR Cumulato, part, heaped, hoarded Cumulatore, m. who accumulates Cumulazione, /. and Cumulo, m. accumulation, a heap Cuna, /. a cradle Cuneo, ra. a wedge Cuniculo, m. a mine ; far cuniculi, to undermine ; a rabbit Cuoca, /. a cook Cuocere, to dress meat ; to vex, fret ; me ne cuoce il cuore, my heart bleeds ; to concoct, digest Cu6cersi, to get drunk Cuoci6re, ra. smart Cuocitura, /. cooking, baking, &c. Cuoco, m. a man-cook Cuoiaio, ra. a leather-dresser Cuoio, ra. leather, skin, parchment ; tirar le cuoia, to die Cu6re, m. heart, life, mind, soul ; porsi in cuore, to resolve ; far cuore, . to cheer up ; far cuo** duro, to be obstinate ; pregar di cu6re, to entreat ; aver a cuore, to esteem ; crepar il cuore, to break one's heart. Con gran cuore, ad. courageously. A mal cu6re, ad. unwillingly. Di bu6n cuore, ad. heartily Cupere, to desire dupezza,/. depth Cupidamente, ad. gladly, fondly Cupidigia, /. covetousness, lust, greediness Cupidine, m. (in poetry) Cupid Cupidissimo, a. most desirous Cupidita,/. fondness, covetousness Cupido, m. Cupid, love Cupido, a. desirous, eager Cupo, a. deep ; uomo cupo, a cun- ning man ; nel cupo del mare, in the depths of the sea Cupo, ra. d^pth Cupola, /. a cupola Cupresso, m. see Cipresso Cura, /. care, diligence; darsi cura, to mind. Cura, parish ,• cura d' anime, cure of souls ; cure amorose, amorous torments Curabile, a. curable Curagione, /. cure, curing Curandaio, m. bleacher Curante, part, caring, minding Curanza, /. care Curare, to value, esteem ; non euro di voi, I esteem you not ; medi- care, to cure, attend, protect, de- fend Curata, f. the pluck Curatella, /. the liver Curat! vo, a. medicinal Curato, ra. a curate, a parson DA Curato, part, cured Curatore, ra. and Curatrice, /. keeper, a guardian, a trustee ; physician Curazioua, /. cure Curia,/, a court of justice Curiale, a. of the court, or council- house Curialita,/. kindness, civility Curiandolo, m. coriander Curiosamente, ad. curiously Curiosetto, a. rather curious Curiosita, /. curiosity Curioso, a. curious, inquisitive, rare ; un curioso, a curious man ; (dilettante di cose rare) a virtuoso, Curro, m. a chariot Cursore, m. a courser, a kind of messenger in the court of Rome Curule, /. a curule chair Curvare, to curve, bend Curvato, part, curved, bent Curvatura, Curvezza, and Curvita, /. curve, crookedness Curvilineo, a. curvilinear Curvipedo, a. cloven-footed Curvo, a. arched, bent Cuscinetto, m. a small pillow Cuscino, m. a cushion, a pillow Ciispide, /. point Custode, m. a keeper, a guardian Cusiodia, /. custody 5 dar in cu- stodia,to commit to one's keeping Custodire, to keep guard Custoditamente, ad. safely Custodito, part, kept, secured Custoditore, m. a keeper Cute,/, skin, bark Cuticola,/. cuticle, skin Cuvidoso, a. greedy [Russia) Czar, m. the czar (emperor of Czarina, /. the czarina D DA, prep, from ; da, about ; era- no da venti, they were about twenty. Da meno, of less worth ; da piii, of more ; da, to, for to ; buono da mangiare, good to eat ; da, (with me, te, se, loro,) alone ; io faro da me, I'll do it by my- self ; da me, da te, at my house, at your house ; da, like as ,' mi trattb da principe, he treated me as a prince ; da, fit ; donna da marito, a woman fit to be mar- ried ; da, to ; queste non sono cose da fare, things not fit to 108 DAN do. Da che voi volete cosl, since you will have it so; da banda, aside; da befTe, in jest j da indi innanzi, henceforward j da indi addietro, thence back- ward ; da indi in giu, thence downward ,• da indi in poi, since that time ; da indi in qua, hith- erto ; da indi in su, thence up- ward [thou. Da, (from dare,) he gives, or give Dabbenaggine, f. simplicity, good- ness Dabbene, a. good, honest ; da u6« mo dabbene, as an honest man Dacc4po, ad. anew Dache, conj. since * Daddovero, ad. in earnest Dado, m. a die Daga, /. a dagger Daino, m. a deer ; Daina, /. a doe Dal la to, ad. aside, near D' allora inninzi, from that time; d 'allora in poi, since ; d' allora in qua, hitherto Da lungi, at a distance, far off Dama,/. a lady ; queen at chess; (donna amata ; ) a mistress; fa la dama, she assumes the fine lady Damaschino, a. of damask Dameggiare, to court the ladies Damerino, m. a beau, a spark Damigella,/. a young lady Damigello, m. a page Damina, /. a young lady Damma, /. a doe (in poetry) Dammasco, see Dommasco Damo, m. a beau, a lover Damuzza,/. a low woman Da molto, a. of worth, of merit Danaio, and Danaro, m. pence, farthings ; non ho danari, I have no money [moneyed Danaioso, and Danaroso, a. rich, Danaresco, a. ready (of money) Danaro, m. money; danari con- tanti, ready money Danaruzzo, m. small money Da niente, a. worthless ; un u6mo da niente, an insignificant man Dannabile, a. damnable, blameable Dannabilmente, ad. damnably dangerously Dannare, to condemn, to damn, to blame ; to erase. Dannare la ragione to cancel a debt Dannarsi, to damn one's self Dannato,7>ar£. damned, condemned Dannati, pi. m. the damned Dannatore, m. a condemner Dannazione, /. damnation, con- demnation DAR Danneggiamento, m. damage Danneggiare, to damage, to hurt, to lose Dannejgiato, part, damage:!, hurt Dannesgiatore, r.i. he that does hurt Danuevole, a. shameful, infamous, prejudicial [damnably Dannevdmente, ad. injuriously, DanniticJre. to damage, hurt Daunifica to, part, damage i Danno. m. cost, hurt, damage ; a mio danno, to my cost Daunosamente, ad. hurifully Danuoso, a. hurtful Dante, a. giving; tra'l dante, e'l rieevente, between giver and re- ceiver D.inte. m. a kind of leather Danteggiare, to imitate Dante Dan'eseo. a. in the manner of Dante, the poet Da nulla, a. good for nothing Danza,/. a dance ; esser in d'mza, to be talked of ; entrar in danza, to do as others do Danzare, to dance Dauzatnre, m. and Danzatrice, /. a dancer Danzetta,/. a short dance Da og-i innanzi, ad. for the fu- ture : da parte, asid >, secretly; da parte a parte, through; da per ?e, by himself; da per tutto, everywhere Dappertutto, ad. everywhere Dappie, ad. from the foot Dappocaagine, and Dappochezza. /. ignorance, idleness Dappoco, a. idle, cowardly Dappoi, ad. since, after, afterwards Dappoi che, conj. since that Dappresso, prep. near, just by Da prima, ad. at first Da qua innanzi. ad. for the future Dardesr-rnre, to dart, cast, shoot Dardiero, m. a bowman DnrJo. m. a dart Dire, to save ; to strike, beat ; dar addos^o ad uno, to fall upon ; dar compimento, to finish ; dar ban- do, to banish ; dar da dormire. to l->dsre ; dar f^ndo. to cast an- chor : dar il buon vifisrgio, to wish a rood journey ; dar in uno, to meet one ; dar la b:iia. to jest ; dar la corda. to ?ive the s'rappa- do ; dar la mano, to c msent ; dar a credere, to make one be- lieve : darsi ad un->, (pari mdo d'nna donnaO to prs'itute her- self: darsi pace, to quiet one's self; darsi bi>6n tempo, to live a DEB merry life ; darla a gambe, to run away ; dar cue dire, to give occasion'to talk ; dar le carte, to deal at cards ; dar (aver qualche somiglianza) to incline to ; que- s'o panno da nel rosso, this cloth inclines to red, or is reddish ; non si da a tutti d'entrare, it is not permitted to every body to go in Darsena, /. (la parte piii interna del porto,) a wet dock Da scherzo, ad. in jest Da senno, ad. in earnest D'assai, a. (sufficiente) sufficient, very able ; tenersi d'assai, to think one's self very capable Dassezzo, ad. lastly Data, /. a date Dataria, and Dateria, /. the data- ry's office (at Rome) Dauirio, m. a Roman officer Dativo, m. the dative case Dativo, a. who gives Dato, part, given [that, &c. Dato, o dato che, conj. suppose Da ore, m. and Datrice, /. a giver D'Utero, m. the dare, a fruit Dattilo, m. a foot in Latin verse Dattorno, prep, about, round about Davante. or Davinti, ad. before ; pararsi davante, to remember D' a\ anzo, ad. overplus Da vero, and Davvero, ad. in truth, in earnest Dawantaggio, ad. more, moreover Davidico, a. of David Dazio, m. custom, toll Dazione,/. donation, surrendering ; dazion dell' anello, wedding- day De', 'art. (for delli,) of the. De', (for deve.) he must Dea. /. a goddess [passion Debaccare, to storm, to fly in a Debaccatore, m. a furious man Debellire, to overcome Debellito, part, vanquished Debellazione, /. conquest De-bile, a. feeble, weak Debili'a, and Debiliiamento, m. feebleness ; debilila d' animo, faint-hearteiness ^ebilitare, to weaken, enervate; debilitarsi, to grow weak Del ili'ato, part, weakened Drbilitazione./. weakening Dt-bilmen'e, ad. weakly Debitamente, ad. deservedly, justly Dsbito, m. a debt Debito, a. due : obliged ; vi sono deb : to per tu'*i qutsti favori, I 109 DEC am obliged to you for all these favours Debitore, m. a debtor Debitiizzo, m. a trifling sum Deboie, a. feeble, weak Deboletto,a?rous, decent Decorso, m. a coui-se, th^ end Decoro. a. passed ; la campagna decorsa, the last campaign Decotto, m, a decoction, a bank- rupt [cy (in law) Decnzione, /. decoction, bankrupt- Decremento, m. a decrease Decrepita, and Decrepitezza, /. old age Decrepito, a. decrepit, decayed Decrescere, to decrease ; le* acque decrescono, the waters ebb ; i giorni decrescono, the days grow shorter Decrescimento, m. see Decremento Decretale, m. decretals ; decree, order Decre'alis'a, m. a canonist Decre'almente, ad. decisively Decretnre, to decree, enact Decretato, part, decreed Decre'o, rn. decree, order Decreto, a. decreed Decuplo, a. ten times as much Decurione, m. captain over ten D&alo, a. skilful Dedie'ire, to dedicate, consecrate; dedicarsi, to devote one's self Dedicatoria, and Dedica, /. dedi- cation Dedicazione, f. consecration Delito, a. addicted Dedizione, /. a surrender Dedotto, part, deducted, led out, planted DEI Dediirre, to deduce, reduce ; de- dursi, to resolve Deduzione,/. inference Dtfalcamento, rn. deduction Defalcare, to aba'e, deduct Dcfatigare, to fatigue Defensore, m. a defender Deferenza,/. deference Deferire, to defer, to delay, to esteem ; io deferisco molto a voi, I have a great value for you Defe so, part, wearier!, tired Deficiinte, a. deficient Deficienza,/. deficiency Definire, to define Definizione, /. see DifEnizione, and its derivatives Deflorare, to deflower Deflorazione, f. defloration, or de- flowering Def.usso, 77i. flowing, illapse Deform'ire, to disfigure D -fnrmazione, /. deformity Deforme, a. deformed Deformemente, ad. deformedly Deformi'a,/. deformity Defraudare, to defiaud Def -into, a. deceased Defunto, rn. a dead man Degeneni nte, a. degenerating Degenerate, to degenerate Degeneni- o, part, degenerated Dejenerazione, /. degeneracy Degenere, a. that degenerates Demamente, ad. worthily Degn.'ire, and Degnarsi, to vouch- safe, tj value ; se degnerete favorirmi, if you condescend to favour me ; non degno la vosira compagnia, I do not value your company Degnazione, /. complaisance Degnevole, a. gentle, aflable Desnevolmente, ad. worthily (ironically) Degnific''re, to make worthy Degnila,/. dignity Ddgno, a. worthy, deserving, con- venient, fi f , suitable Degrad'ire, to degrade, deprive Degradato, part, degraded Degradazione, f. degradation Deh ! inter), alas! Dei ! inter}, gods ! Dei, (/ordevi.) thou must. Dei, art. pi. rn. of the Deicida, rn. a deicide Deicidio. m. deicide (the death of our Saviour) Deiezione, /. dejection Deificamento. rr. see Deificazi6ne Dei fi tire, to deil'v 110 DEM Deific'ito, part, deified [06il Deificazione,/. deification (apothe* Deifico, a. divine Deiforme, a. godlike l.'eismo, 77i. deism Deisia, m. a deist Deita, /. divinity ; deity Del, art. s. in. of the Delatbre, m. an informer, spy Del continuo, ad. continually Delebile, a. perishing Delegare, to depute Delegato, m. a delegate Delegazione, /. delegation Delet.nbile, a. delec:able Delettamento, 777. delight, pleasure Delettare, see Dilettare, and ite in delizia, to doat on [merry Delizi'tre, and Deliziarsi ? to make Deliziosamente, ad. deliciously Delizioso, a. delicious Del pari, ad. even, equally Del 'utto, ad. entirely, quite Delubro, 777. temple Delucidazione, /. clearing up Deludere, to delude, mock, de- ceive Deludimento, 777. and Delusidne, /. delusion, cheat Dtluditore, 777. a deceiver, delusion Deluso, part, deluded, mocked Dementare, to infuriate, to craze Demente, a. mad, fran'ic Demenza,/. madness, folly Demergere, to sink Demeritare, to do amiss Demeritevole, a. unworthy DEP Drmerito, t?j. dement, puniah- ; tpular i demolishing BD ID mad, pos- : t d v t i Demon io, m. devil, (Vinon to, sec -cure . t. denominative I I tying . \rk . i hi n. thick. -(.share . m. and IV..- set of • hed IX:nte, »i. tooth; tenJr IVmimo co' deni. !<• mostrare i den'i, lo 1 pisli-ir il morso co' denti, to be ire .1 denti Becchi, to be idle : to be very poor Dentellito. part. den'H, indented ;. notching Den'm, prtp. within Denud'ire. to strip naked, expose, di-r Denu ! Denunzia. nfnrm arainst Dertunzia^ore, m. an informer Denun/iazione. f. i>cV Denunzia- i ■■• irvtion I ..■pendently faro tijtto Depenn'TP, to erase rVpila'orio, m. oilmen 1 for hair DeplorM « Deposto, ; art. deposed, put out of : lepnsto ogni timdre, 1 ty- ill fi ir station, testimony re, to corrupt, viia'e to, a. de] raved, spoiled i iva! »re, to. a c irrupter Depravazione, /. depravation i, a. sup] liant Deprecazi6ne,/< i i ■ . to pn y upon . Depredazione, /. and Depreda- • la: ion Depressione, /. de] r — i in Depurate, part, cleane I. purified Depurazione,/. deputation ■ p tint ; a Borta d'&lberi bisngna de- an terreno gi must choose fat ground for that Depu'ato, ; art. deputed, sent Dtreli'to, n. forsaken Derelizione,/. forking . a. hind, Inst bo deride, scorn . a. con'emptible -ion • '. con'rmp f ibly ■ ' id Diri- . derider, jeerer Derisori . riving re; tatfi i vizj derivano drill' Azio, idleness is the root of all vicea ivative . : art. derived Derivazione, /. derivation ; deri- va>ione di VOci, e'vmology of 111 DES ■able Derogare, to derog ite, u aaen a buona derrdta, ihi- ia very ebe «p Descendente, a. deact n ting . .v,c DWcendere . to. a deai ent Dew I. itl i, m. a footstool Deac >, in. a table ; s'nil Descnttibile, a. descrbable D< set itltvo, «. describing . | art. desoi ih a Descrittore, to. a describe? Deacrlvere, to fl« i Descrivibile, a. that can be de» acril e I Descrizione, /. description . to Waste, spoil, destrov to. a wilderness Desertb, part, abandoned Deserzione, /. desertion Desiare, to desire (in poetry) Desi'ito, part, (in poetry) desired bile, Di Bidet sitlvo, ana lerevole, a. desirable Desiderabilmente, ad. deurably I ■ Desi leratissimo, n. most desirable Desidera!ivo, a. d< . -siMT Desiderk), m. desire; desideriodi vender! ■ . Desiderosamente, ad, eagerly 6so, a. desirous Desidia./. idleness . lo desigUj assign i"ne, /. design . to dine TO. and Desin'ita, /. \ dinner Desinenza,/. termination Deal i, ni. (esire, Inat ardently Desidso, a. desirous Desirare, to de-ire, wish Deslro, tn. de-ire bear Des ilare, to desolate i, a, desolated, mined . in. a aesolatoT I)esola7ione, /. desolation, ruin DKspem7ibne. /. despair Despdtto, m. spite, malice I lespota, m ■'ically Deapotico, a. xrc Disp-.tico DET Dispoto, ?n. a despot Dessa, pron. f. she herself Desso, pron. m. he himself ; questo e desso, this is he; questo non mi par desso, I do not think this is the same Destamento, m. awakening Destare, to awake, revive Destato, a. awaked Destatoio, m. alarm-clock, waker Destatore, m. awaker Desterita, /. dexterity Destinare, to design Destinato, part, destined Destinatamente, ad. fatally Destinazicne, /. appointment Destino, m. destiny, fate Destitute, a. destitute, deprived, abandoned Desto, a. awaked, sprightly Destra,/. the right hand Destramente, ad. dexterously Destreggiare, to manage dexter- ously Destrezza,/. dexterity, craftiness Destriere, and Destriero, m. a horse ; destriera, /. a mare Destro, m. opportunity ; the neces- sary-house. Lo faro subito che mi vedro il destro, I will do it as soon as I have an opportunity Destro, a. dexterous, propitious Destruggere, see Distruggere Destruztone, /. see Distruzione Desumere, to infer, to conjecture Desviare, to draw away, deprave Detenere, to detain Detentore, rn. one that keeps wrongfully another man's estate Detenzione, /. a detention (law term) Detergente, a. detergent Detergere, to scour, rub off Deterioramento, rn. aiul Deterio- razione,/. depravation Deteriorare, to grow, or make worse [bounds Determinare, to determine, to set Determinatamente, ad. resolutely Determinativo, a. definitive Determin'ito, part, determined Determinazione,/. resolution Detersivo, a. cleansing Deter^o, -part, cleansed Detestabile, a. detestable Detestabilmen'e, ad. detestably Detestando, a. de'estable Detestare, to abominate, abhor Detestazione, /. abhorrence Detrarre, to detract, slander De'ratto. pari, slandered Detrattore, rn. slanderer DIA Detrazi6ne, /. detraction Detrimento, rn. loss, damage Detrimentoso, a. hurtful Detrunizzare, to dethrone Detriidere, to push downwards Detta, /. a debt ; tagliar la detta, to come to an agreement Dettame, m. dictates, precepts Dettare, to dictate, to teach Dettato, m. diction, style Dettato, part, dictated Dettatore, rn. the dictator Dettatura, /. dictation Detto, m. word Detto, part, spoken, called ; detto fatto, said and done Deturpare, to disfigure Devastamento, m. devastation, destruction Devastate, to waste, destroy Devastazione, /. laying waste Deviamento, m. deviation Deviare, to deviate, go from ; senza deviare dal nostrodiscorso, with- out losing the thread of our dis- course Deviate, pari, deviated Devoluto, part, devolved Devoluzione,/. devolution Devotamente, ad. devoutly Devote, a. devout, affectionate Devozione, /. devotion Di, prep, of ; with, than, from, to ; piu ricco di me, richer than I; di giorno in giorno, from day to day ; godo di vederla, I am glaa to see you Di, «i. day; di di, day time; a' gran dl," in the summer; il di fra di, the afternoon ; di dl in di, from day to day Dl, (from dire) dl arditamente, speak boldly Diabolicamente, ad. diabolically Diabolico, a. devilish, wicked Diaconato, m. deaconship Diaconessa, /. a deaconess Di'icono, m. a deacon Diadema, rn. diadem, crown Diafanita,/. transparency, a. transparent Dia^onale, a. diajon.J Diagonalmente, ad. diagonally Dialettica,/. logic Dialetticamente, ad. like a lo- gician Dialcit'ico, a. dialectical DialJMico, m. a logician Dialut'o, m. dialect Diates^hetto, rn. short dialogue Dial'itr'ista, rn. a dialogue-writer Dialogo, m. a dialogue 112 DIB DiamantAccio, m. a bad diamond Diamante, m. a diamond Diamantino, a. adamantine Diametr'ile, a. diametrical Diametralmente, ad. diametrically Diametro, m. a diameter Diamine ! inter], the deuce ! Diana,/, the morning star Dianzi, ad. before Diario, m. journal, diary - Diarrea, and Diarria, /. the loose- ness Diascolo ! intcrj. the deuce! Diaspro, m. jasper Diastole,/, the heart's dilatation Diavola, Diavola ccia, and Diavo- lessa, /. a termagant, she-devil un buon diavolaccio, a good natured fellow Diavoleria,/. a devilish affair Diavoletto, rn. a young devil Diavolo, m. devil, evil spirit; far il diavolo, to play the devil diavolo scatenato, a devil incar- nate ; sapere dove il diavol tien la coda, to be cunning diavolo di mare, the sea-cor morant Diavolone, m. a great devil Di balzo, ad. at once Di bando, ad. gratis, for nothing Dibarbicare, to root up Di bassa lega, di bassa mano, a. base, low, mean Dibassamento, rn. fall, abasement Dibassare, to debase Dibassato, ynrJ. debased Di has; are, to unsaddle Dibastato, part, unsaddled Dibattere, to shake, to beat, to de- bate ; dibattersi, to struggle Dibattimento, and Dibattito, m. collision, striking Dibattitore, m. who debates Dibatto, m. a del a'e Dibattuto, part, afflicted, dejected Di bel nuovo, ad. again Di bisogno, ad. necessarily Dibonai'iefa,/. affability Diboscamento, rn. felling of trees Dibosc^re, to cut down trees Diboseato, part, cleared of trees Dibotlo, ad. immediately Dibrancare, to dilate, spread Di brigata, ad. all toother Dibruc.-re, and Dibruscare, to prune, lop Dibruscato, part, pruned Dibucciare. to peel bark Dibucciato, part, peeled, barked Di 1 uoii' aria, ad. cheerfully Di buon' aria, a. jovial, merry DID l mattlno, (1^. betimes Diem, m. bank, cauai I . rn. December ii ; tener '.ilk much rtainly Dicervell . r>-i . to think intensely hair-brained .nice, de- cency . id. decently iblish Dichiv lainly Dichiarativo, a. declaratory (law I I . part, declared DicMnratore, TO. .1 declarer 0ichiA'n7:<'{! ••. f. and Dichiara- m. declaration, iuter- e. to clear up t-nto. m. stooping down, . decline Dichiaare, to decline, decav, stoop . m. decline, <: bisojna niol'o per n least thing ■nd a. nine'een . a. the nineteenth • 1 d m. seventeen Dicibile. a. that can be said Dicifenre, to decipher Dicif-: .'red -••ore. m. decij I I -cak off fruits, or • *een e of speaking ; una bella dicitura, to have 1 § Di coir", a' once - — Concordia, ad. unanimously .ally ■ id. in running •e by I -.vane I : ike a decoCion, Di amir. ad. heartily Didascalico. a. DIF Di drntm, jrcp. within thaw . thawed Di di itro, prep, behind I / Died, in. and a. ten .1 musical tone mbly) Dietro, fires), behind, if in dietro, to draw back : tir r in die'ro un all. it e, to put off .in atl.iir; tir.'irsi dietro qualche disjrazia, to brim: some misfor- tune 0] • lia. f. the tear ^uard Di fatto. n-l. effectively Difendere, to defend," protect, to forbid V. a. defensible DifenditOTe, and Difensore, m. defender Difenditrlce,/. a protectrix Difensivo, a. defensive me,/, defence . - import trt. defended DifettAre, to stand in need of Difettivames e, ad. defectively . default, defect i. defectively I Difettiiccio, and Difettuzzo, m. a : uilt '. /. imperfection Diffalcire, to abate, cut off Diff; Ico, in. defalcation . fault, crime ; per mia diff Ira mi trovo in qui it is my fault thai 1 am in this condition Diffaltare, to fail, decrease Diflamare, to defame, slander I'idered DiffamatoriO, a. dc DiffamazKtoe, f. and Diffamamen- !■>. TO. di f •tuition DirTerehte, a. difl Different rcntly Differenzi'ire, to disin.ruish ■ *. distinguished : lay Differlre, to differ, 'o defer • Diffcile. a. hard, difficult I fficultly Di (Tirol .a. /. difficulty; diftir- I ilfies DifficoltAre, 'o s'art difficulties Difucol'' 113 DIG Diffidanza, /. and Diffidamento, TO, QUI Diffidare, to mistrust, suspect Diffid iti>. }Hirt. die Diffideute, a. mistrustful Diili de'naa, /. diffidence Diffinfre, to define, or decide DifjBnitanie'nte, and Diffmitiva- ■ /. d( lini'ively Diffinitivo, a. definitive Diffinitore, m. a definitor in con- vents : one who defines Ditliniiotio, a. definitive Ditlini/ione,/. definition Diftbnderc. to pour out Diffbndimento, m. diffusion Diftbrraare, to deform, spoil Dill'ormatameiite, ad. deformedly Dillormato, part, disfigured Difforme. a. defbrmed, ugly Difformita,/. deformity Diffusamente, ad. diffusively Diifi'sione,/. effusion Diifuslvo, a. diffusive •. diffuse, ample Difilare, to file off Difilato, part, marched off Di filo. and Di lilato, ad. without intermit Difinimcnto, m. definition Difinire, see Diffniire, and its de- rivatives Difhnnare, see Difformare, &c. 1 L lately, newly Di fuori. ad. without 1 bank, mole, or pier ■ner.'ire to digest, discuss; di^erfre un affrhnto, to brook an affront Digertto, part, digested le, and Digesttvo, a. di- Digestione, f. digestion . to arrange, order; to reflect Digestivo, a. digestive • 1. arranged . 171. direst of civil law . ilrea ly re, to unyoke . /'a;?.'tinyoked Di ^'iorno in giAmo, ojI. everj- day Di riorno, aa. by day . i ftnier I'i .'ii!. prep, below, beneath Di sii di gia, al. up and down i t-jriersi, to con ■ : and Di^iuno, pari, fasted DIL Digiunatore, m. a faster Digitate,/, pi. ember weeks Digiuno, m. fast, fa ting Digiuno, a. fasting; desirous; gia iii vedercoetOi non son digiuno, 1 have seen him before. A di- giiino, a. fasting Digiunto, part, disjointed, parted uiin, a. most worthy , . di ;nity, greatness Digutoso, a. worthy Di jocciolare, to drop Dyozzare, to cut the throat Digradamento, m. a degrading, degradation (in painting) Digradare, to shorten, to descend by degrees, to degrade Dia'-'adalamente, ad. gradually Digradato, part. d e jra I ed Dig»-adazi6ne, /. sec Di2,radamento Di grodo in grado, ad. by degrees Di gran h'mga, ad. by far, much rather DUmss'ire, to take off fat Di grazia, ad. pray, prithee Digiedire, to digress, swerve Digressione. /. digression Digressivo, a. digressing Digrfjsso, a. wandering Digrignare, 10 grin, to snarl Digrignante, a. grinning to, part, grinned, snarled Digrossamenio, m. forming, sketch- ing Digrossare, to form, fashion Digrossito, part, fashioned Digrumare, to chew, ruminate, ponder, consider, part, ruminated Digruminare, to runiiuate, con- sider [ing Diguazzamento, m. motion, shak- Diguazzare, to shake, to stir Diguazzato, part, shaken, stirred Di^u>ci;'ire, to shell Digusciato, part, shelled Di la, prep, and ad. beyond, from thence; secondo il costume di la, according to the custom of that country" Di qua, di la, ad. here, and there Dilaccare, to tear to pieces DOacciare, ( o unlaw-, untie Dilaceramento, m. laceration Dilacerare, to rend, tear, mangle Dilacerato cart, rent, torn Dilagare, to overflow Dilagatarnente, ad. ;mpe'uously pari, overflowed Dilancio, ad. direcijy, at once Dilani're, to lacerate, to mangle Dilapidare, to waste, squander DIL Dilargare, to thin, rarefy Dilata,/. delay Dilatamento, m. widening Dilatinte, and Dilatativo, a. di- lated Dilatare, to dilate, spread Dilatazione,/. extension Dilatorio, a. dilatory Dilavameoto, m. washing Dilavare, to wash away Dilavato, part, washed' away Dilazioncella,/. short delay Dilazione, /. delay, stop Dilegare, to untie Diieggiamento, m. and Dilegione, /. mockery, scorn Dileggiare, to deride, scoff Dileggiatezza, /. effrontery Dileggiato, part, bantered Dileg^iatore, m. jester, banterer Di leggieri, ad. easily, prooably Dil.^ino, m. a spark, a fop Dilegine, a. weak, soft Dileguare, to avert, to run away dileguarsi, to go oft'; si dileguo come da corda cocca, he ran away as swift as an arrow Dileguo, m. disappearance Dilemma, m. dilemma Dileticare, to divert, flatter Dileticato, part, tickled, Diletico, m. a tickling Dileticoso, a. ticklish Dilettabile, a. delightful Dilettabilitn,/. delight DilettabUmente. ad. delightfully Dilettamento, m. delight Dilettante, m. a lover of any art Dileltare, to delight ; dilettarsi, to take a delight in any thing Dilettatore, m. he that delights Dilettazione,/. delectation Dilettevole, a. delightful Dilettevolmente, and Dilettosa- meute, ad. delightfully Diletto, m. delight, pleasure ; andar a diletto, to go a walking ; prendere a diletto, to laugh at Di!et ( o, part, beloved A diletjo, ad. on purpose Dilettosamente, ad. agreeably Diletfoso, a. delectable Dilezione, /. benevolence Dilibeiamento, m. deliverance Diliberare, to set at liberty; to deliberate, resolve, purpose Dilibe.ra'ank-nte, ad. considerately Dilibera'ivo, a. deliberathe Diliberato, jurt. de'ermined Diliberazione, /. determination Dilibrarsi, to tumble, trip Dilicatamente, ad. delicately 114 DIM Dilicate'zza, /^delicateness, volup- tuousness Dilicato, a. soft, delicate, weak Diligente, a. diligent Diligi n'emente, ad. carefully Diligenza,/. diligence, care Diliquidafe, to melt Diliquidato, a. explained Diliscare, to Lone (fish) Diliticare, to tickle awa Diloggiare, to remove, to stea Diloggiato, part, removed Dilombarsi, ">o brtak the back DilombitOj part, broken-backed Di lontano, ad. at a distance Diluciflameiite, ad. plainly Dilucidare, to cltar, explain Dilucidativo, a. illustrative Dilucidazione, /. explanation Dilungamento, m. distance, absence Dilungare, to stretch, extend dilungarsi, to ran.ble, to lengthen Dilungato, part . removed; mi son molto dilungato dal mio pro- posito, I have made a long di- gression from my subject Di lungi, ad. far' ri posso far dimeno di non ridere. I cannot help laughing Dimensione,/. dimension Dimentare, to make mad, to be- witch DIN DIP • iieu and* DimentieAg- gine,/. f ir^e' fulness nticatbio, to put in Oblivion . arid Dimentico, I the lie, to belie I iliarly i. m. intimacy ' I '-.arize ito, a'td Din: .1 inured to labour I [tinue, to to discon- ; . i.le ed .Ana '. j much non Dim^ra. f. Dimoro, m. dwell- •y ; senza dltnoro, '• nee i f. iivinr. dwelling 1 i I :eak with one's tee-h lemonstrable 1 \meuto, m. den. proof e, ad, 'demon- ! I 1 il verno r winter ; cotne ,-x, before he comes Di dasoob . Dinegaz* - . Icen t^t.-iin . Dinoecam, to break the head Dinoccol i . cone's neck Dinomin&re, to name, mention Dinomin I. called Dinominizione./. dedominati m . to indicate, to examine Di ndtte, ad. by night, ni-h ly DintornamentOj m. drawing, con- tours, limits Dintornire, to delineate Dintorno, m. adjacent places j the contours (in drawing] D' infcjrno, d' intorno, ad. round : d' infOrno a died anni, al>out ten -ears ago Dinudire, to strip naked, to display . I Dinun.?razionc, f. enumeration Dinuozia, -. Dinunzi -use Dinanzial . cing Dinunziatdre, m. an act Dim.nziazione, /. denunciation Di nu r >vf>. n.i'. again, once more Dili. m. G 1 vine : vescovo diocesano, a, diocesan ' I to wind Di p'iri, ad. alike, equally i. and Dipartita, /. de- rar'ure DipariimdntD, m. a parting, par- vi-ion Dipariire, to divide, separate, de- part Dipelare, to make bald 0. tal I DipeNre, to Bay, to ^kin Dipell'ito. part .'^k'mT)" ', flayed Dipendetrt Dipendentemente, ad. .iependently Dipen l.nza. /. dependence Dipen^er . : qu'^'o benefi' living is in the king's eift ; cio dipende da me, that lies in my Dipennire, to erase Di r*r se, nd. by himsel'. ■ DIR Diptgnere, ere, to ■ vxn Dipfnto, , ictnra id Di- . Milling - DiplOma, Diplomatico, a. diplomatic Dg since Dipopolan . ■. imr Diportarsi, to divert one's self, to Diportevole, a. diverting .!. ^port • positare, and its deriv.v Di posta, ad, at once . ; rep. near by — prima, ad. first, before — qoa, | — qua entro, aJ. from hence within — qui gin, ad. from hence below — quando in quando, ad. now and then . ad. from hence above — qui, di quinci. ad. from hence — quindi, ad. from thence — qui a jtoco, ad. in short Din l>re, to rarefy, to thin - . to ^ro\v thin . thinned Diradicare, to root up, to overthrew '. si Id mi Di ragione, ad. by ri°;ht Diramare, to spring out, 'o branch Diramato, a. pruned, I Diramazione. /. branching Dire, to speak, talk, relate ; voter dire, tnmean ; chevuol direcibr what is the meaning of that ? . to disinhi rit trt. disinherited . m. the las', the back 1. backward Direttamdnte, ad. directly Din i'ivo, a. directing . ^'rai'ht. ri.-ht; directed . m, director Direzione,/. direction Dirteere, to direc*. rule, govern Di ril'neio, ad. d : rectly — rimando, ad, aga*n la >. ad. accidentally Dirim-'nte, n. impedimenta) dirv ,'f impediment (thai invalida'es ■ mat • Dirimerc, to divide, to decide DIS Di rinvpetto, di rincdntro, prep. over against Di rintoppo, ad. with opposition Diripata,/. a precipice Diritta, /. straight road ; a diritta, on the right hand Diritramente, ad. directly Dirittezza, /. squaring, or a row JJiritto, and Dritto, m. the right, justice, tax; niuno ne sail di- ritto vero, nobody knows the real truih of it Diritto, and Dritto, a. straight, di- rect, jast, crajy; la diritta e di restare dove siamo, the best is to stay where we are Diritto, and Dritto. ad. rightly Dirittone, m. an old fox Dirittura, /. integrity Dirizzamento, m. direction Dirizzinte, part, directing Birizzire, to direct, to make straight, to address one's self Dirizzato, part, made straight Dirizzatore, m. director Diro, a. cruel Diroccamento, m. dismantling Dirocoire, to destroy, demolish Dirocc'ito, part, destroyed, ruined Diroccatore, m. a destroyer Dirocciare, to faii down from a rock Dirog'ire, to derogate Dirogatdrio, a. derogatory Dirompere, to break, to soften Dirompimento, m. interruption Dirotta, /. a shower Dirottamente, ad. immoderately ; piangere dirottamente, to shed a shower of tears [ing Dirdtto, a. loose, soft, s*eep, pour- Dirovinare, to ruin, destroy Dirozzare, to polish, smoo'h Dirozz'tto. a. polished, ius'ructed Dirujgin'ire, to polish off rust Dirupamento, m. a fall from a precipice, a precipice Dirupare, to precipitate ; dirupar- si, to throw one's self headlong Dirupa to, part, fallen from a preci- pice [pice Dirupo, and Dirupato, m. a preci- Din'itn, part, demolished Disabellire, to make ue out of tune DIS Disacerbare, to assuage, appease Disacerbato, part, assuaged Disacqui^tare, to loose, free Disadat agine,/. impropriety Disadattamente, ad. foolishly Dhadatto, a. unapt, unfit Disadorno, a. careless, undressed Disaftaticarsi, to rest one's self Disaffezionire, to alienate Di-.ij.'ivole, a. difficult, hard Disagevolezza,/. difficulty Disagevolnninte, ad. witli trouble Disag^radare, to displease Disag^radevole, a. unpleasant Dis-ujua rli.inza. /. inequality Disn iguagliarsi, to differ [ly Diiazgu agliatamente, ad. different- Disagguaglio, rn. difference Disagiare, to trouble, dis.urb Disa:iatamente, ad. inconveniently Dfsagiato, a. troublesome, infirm Disagio, in. inconveniency, pover- ty, want; stare a disagio, to be uneasy Disagiosamente, ad. uneasily Disa^ioso, a. inconvenient, uneasy Disiiut'ire, to trouble DUaiuto, m. hinderance Disalberg^jre, to remove Disalbergato, a. wi hout lodging Disalloggiare, to dislodge Di sal to, ad. immediately ; di sal to in sal f o, leaping Disamabile, a. unamiable Disamare, to hate Disamato, part, hated, disliked • Disania'ore, m. ha'er, enemy Disameno, a. disagreeable Di-amicizia,/. enmity, grudge Dis'imina,/. examination Disaminamento, ru. examination Disaminante, a. who examines Disaniinnre, to examine, to weigh Di=aminazione, /. examination Disamorare, to forsake Di-amorato, a. without love Disamore, m. ha f e, grudge Disamorevole, a. unkind Disamorevolezza, /. insensibility Disamoroso, a. insensible Disanimare, to discourage Disanimato, a. lifeless, discouraged Disapparare, to unlearn, forsret Disappassi-na'ezza, f. indifference Di^appassionato, a. insensible Disapplicare, to live lazily Disapplicatezza, and Disapplica- zifSne. /. inat'en'ion Disapplicato, a. inattentive Di-apprendere, to unlearn Disapprensione, /. courage I Di^approvare, to disapprove U6 DIS Disapprovazione, /. a disapproba- tion Disarborare, to unmast Disarginare, to demolish banks Disarginato, a. without banks Disarmament, m. disarming Disarmare, to disarm Disarmato, part, disarmed Disarmonia, /. discord, irregulari ty, fault Disarmonico, a. discordant Disascondere, to discover Disasprire, to appease Disassediato, a. no longer besieged Disastrare, to toil, to cause disaster Disastro, m. disaster, mischance Disastroso, a. disastrous Disattento, a. inattentive Disattenzione, /. inattention Disautorare, to degrade Disavanzare, to be a loser; disa- vanzo molto in questa mercan zia, I am a great loser by these goods Disavanzo, m. detriment, loss Disavvantaggiare, to wrong, injure, hurt Disavvantaggio, m. disadvantage Disavvantaggiosamente, ad. disad- vantageously Disavvantaggioso, a. disadvanta- geous Disavvedime'nto. m. carelessness Disavvedutamente, ad. inconsider- ately Disavveduto, a. imprudent, rash Disavvenente, a. unpleasant Disavvenenza, /. ugliness Disavvenevole, a. offensive, ugly Disavvenire, not to suit Disav ven'.ura, /. misfortune Disavventuratamente, and Disav- venturosamente, ad. unluckily Disavventunito, a. unlucky Disavventuroso, a. unfortunate Disavvertenza, /. inadvertency Di?avvezz''re, to disuse Disav vezzatn, part, disaccustomed Disavvisamento, m. imprudence Disbandeg ;iato, a. banished Disbarbare, to shave the beard Disbarbao, a. bsardless Disbarcare, to land Disbramare, to gratify Disbrancare, to sever, to part Disbrandare, to disarm Disbrigare, to despatch, hasten ; di-brigirsi, to disentangle one^s self Discacciamento, m. expulsion Discaccnre, to expel Discacciato, part, expelled DIS Vorr, m. an cxpc'.ler Discadere, to t\ . decay !. wasted away re, to pull off shoes and stockings efboted . \-ion •o in questo, I 1 -. thit Discaricameuto, and D\> unl onload, ease Discaricato, part, dtsciu Discarnare, to pick, the flesh off Diseam. ; 1* ho . I am very soiry : m' e discara la vita, my life is b urdenso m e to me ire, to unchain ilight Discedere. to depart • f. descended Discen! i. raw . to spring from [clivity rnento, m. descent, de- Discenso. in. descent . who descends ning ■i. scholarship . m. and Di.scepola, /. a scholar DiscerneVe, a. discerning Discernere, to discern, p Discernevole, a. quick- Discern imeuto, m. act of discern- ing Discernitr-re. m, a skilful man I to tear v-parate ^cendent I - impute ; disceve- rtrsi. to f.irt with Dischiarire, to declare -a # e • rated I Disdngere, to ungird DIS Discin'o, part, ungirded, unbound, negli ,vnt DjscJogTiere, to untie, diss Discioglln ning, the I plot re, in. he that interprets, ate, ad. npidly l)i-oiol;o, a. until I. igliere : Bip&re, and itsde- rivaives Disciplino,/- education, discipline, eorrecti >n, the stripes Disciplinare, to instruct, to scourge Disciplinato, a. disciplined Disdplinevoje, and Disciplinable, a. docile, teachable Disco, m. quoit, disk • nte, ad. licentiously Discoletto. a. waggish, knavish Disc do, a. dishonest, lewd, saucv, will Di-colorniTit'nto, m. paleness Discolorire, and Discolorire, to discolour j discolorarsi, to grow pale to, and Discolorito, a. Disc*>lorazinne, /. paleness . t. and Disrnlpamento, m. ezcus re, to excuse, jusl lita,/. inconvenience Diacdmodo, a. inconvenient Discompn gn bile, a. separable Dbcompagnare, to separate DiscompagnAto, part, unaccompa- nied DiscompaTTiatura,/. separa'ion Discompdrre, to confound, to d order Discompos"e77a, /. unbecoming- 1 1 gence Discr mposto, part, discomposed Disc 'uiciamente. ad. unhandsomely re, to disorder . a. unhandsonae Diecondaao, a. broki a Disconcordia./. discord Di--c rafeaaare, to deny Disconfiggere, to rout, defeat Disconfitia,/. rout, defeat Di«ccnfitto, a. muted Disoonfbrtare, to afflict ■ 'i. in. affliction • another '. unknow itimento. m. disagreement 117 DIS tm am w Discohsentire, to d Disconsigliamento, m. dissuasion Disconsigli ire, to di Disconsigliato, a. dissuaded, inv prudent Discontdnto, a. dissatisfied Disc intinuat >. part, discontinued Discontinuazione, /. discontinu- ance Disconvendvole, and Diseonve* niente, a. indecent [ly Discouvenevotmdnte, ad. indecent- Disconvcnienza,/. indecency Disconvenire, to misbecome ; di- Bconvidnsi a signdr d'esser si par co, it is unbecoming a gentleman to be so niggardly Discoperto, n. discovered Hisc ipriniento, m. discovery Discoprlre, to discover Disccpritdre, m, discoverer Di&coraggjante, a. discouraging Discoraggiamdnto, m. discourage- ment, affright re, to dishearten . to frighten N. R. Such words as cannot be found by Disco, look far Sco . a. discouraged Discordamento, m. disagreement Discordant . ad. irregularly za, /. discord, strife, de- bate [jar (in music) to dissent, disagree ; to Discordato, a. out of tune re, m. a litigious man Discdrde, a. discordant, jarring Discordemente, ad. disagreeingly Discorddvole, a. contentions Discord ; a./. dissension, division Discordioso, a. quarrelsome Discorrente, a. tattling, running Discorrere, to ramble, to discourse , e cosl va discorrendo, and so forth Discorrevole, a. wandering Discorrime'nto, m. a concourse, talk Discorritore, m. a talker Discoraivo, a. discouraive Discdrso, m. discourse, concourse, lapse Discortese. a. uncivil, nnkind * inente, ad. uncivilly Discortesla,/. discourtesy . m. a precipici* Into, r?i. departure, r&- mnteness move part, removed DIS Discosto, ft. remote, far. Da dis- costo. a K from alar off Discoverto, a. discovered Discovrimento, in. discovery Discovrire, to discover Discovritore, m. discoverer Discreden e, a. incredulous Discredenza, /. incredulity Discredere, to disbelieve*; discre- dersi, to undeceive one's self; tut- to il mondo non me 1' avrebbe fatto discredere, all the world could not have made me believe the contraty- Discredilare, to discredit Discre litato, a. discredited Discre.lito, in. discredit, disgrace Discrepauza, /. dissension, a con- trast of opinions Discrepar^, to disagree Discrescenza,/ - . decreasing Discrescere, to decrease, decry Discretamente, ad. discreetl y /wise- ly, warily, prudently, distinctly, clearly, plainly Discretezza, and Discrezione, /. prudence, wisdom Discrete, a. discreet, prudent Discucire, to unsew Discuoiare, to skin an animal Discuss'tre, to discuss _* Discussione,/. discussion Discutere, to examine, sift Disdegnamento, m. indignation Disdegnare, to disdain, scorn ; dis- degnarsi, to be angry Disdegnato, a. angry Disdeguo, m. anger, disdain Disdegnosamente, ad. disdainfully Disdegnoso, a. disdainful, irritated, furious Disdetta,/. contradiction Disdetto, a. forbidden Disdiccia ; o, a. unlucky at play Disrl ice vole, a. unbecoming Disdicevolezza, /. indecency JDisdire, to refuse, deny ; to be im- proper ; di dirsi, to go from one's word ; disdire il fitto, to give warning [zione, /. drying up Diseccamento, m. and Disecca- Diseccare, to dry, to wither Diseceativo, a. apt to dry up Disegnamento, m. design Disegnare, to design, sketch I ore, m. designer Disegna'ura, /. see Disegno Disegnetto, m. a sketch Disf;.rno, m. design, sketch ; far distrno sopra una cosa, to set one's heart upon a thing Diseguile, a. uneven DIS Disegualmente, ad. unequally Disellare, to unsaddle Disellato, a. unsaddled Disenfiare, to reduce a swelling Disenfiatoj a. not swelled Disennato, a. senseless Disensato, a. unwise, stupid Disenteria, and Dissenteria, /. bloody flux Diseppellire, to unbury Diseppellijo, part, unburied Disequilibrarsi, to lose the balance Diseredare, to disinherit DiseredStp, part, disinherited Diseredazione, /. disinheriting Diserrare, to open, unlock Diserrato, part, opened Disertare, to ravage, spoil, waste Disertato, part, spoiled, pillaged Disertatore, m. a destroyer Disertazione,/. and Disertamento, m. desolation Disertn, a. desolated, abandoned, unhappy, miserable Diserto, m. desert, wilderness Disertore, m. a deserter Diservigio, m. an ill office Diservire, to disserve, to hurt Diservito, part, disserved Di-fachnento, in. destruction Disfacitore, m. a destroyer Disfamamento, m. defamation Disfamare, to fill, to satiate, to de- fame, traduce Disfare, to undo, ruin; non mi lasciar cosi disfatto, do not leave me in this miserable state Disfatta, /. a defeat, a rout Disfatto, part, defeated, routed Disfavillante, a. sparkling Disfaviilare, to sparkle Disfavore, in. displeasure Disfavorevole, a. unkind, adverse, contrary [bly Disfavorevolmente, ad. unfavoura- Disfavorire, to oppose, cross Disfavor! to, a. out of favour Disfermare, to enervate Disferrare, to draw out iron ; dis- ferrare un cavallo, to unshoe a horse Disfrrrato, part, unshod Disftda, f. challense Disfidante, a. diffident D i > fi d a nza, /. d i strust Disfidare, to challenge, defy; to mistrust, suspect Disfigurare, to disfigure Disfigurato, a. deformed Disfigurazione, /. disfiguring Disftngere, to dissemble Disfingimento, m. dissimulation m DIS Disfinire, to define, explain Disfinitore, m. who defines Disfioramento, m. defloration Disfiorare, to deflower Disfiorato, part, deflowered Disfogamento, m. relief Disfognre, to evaporate Disfogliare, to strip off leaves Disfogwito, part, stripped of leaves Disformare, to disfigure Disformato, part, deformed Disformazione, /. deformity Disforme, a. irregular Disformita,/. deformity Disfornare, to take out of an oven Disfornire, to unfurnish Disforni to, part, unfurnished Disfortunato, a. unfortunate Disfrancare, to weaken Disfrenamento, m. profligacy Disfrenare, to unbridle Disfrenatamente, ad. fiercely Disfrenato, a. unruly, fierce Disgenio, m. aversion Disgittarsi, to be disheartened Disgiungere, to disjoin Disgiungimento, m. separation Disgiuntamente, ad. separately Disgiuntivo, a. disjunctive Disgiunto, part, disjoined Disgiunzione, /. separation Disgombramento, m. parting, clear* ance Disgombrare, to clear, to remove ; 1' aere comincia, a disgombrarsi, the air begins to clear Disgradare, to dislike, despise, .scorn ; io te ne disgrado, I do not thank you for it Disgradato, part, disliked Disgradcvole, a. disagreeable Disgradimento, in. contempt Disgradire, to dislike, displease Disgrado, m. a disgrado, in spite of Disgrato, a. disagreeable Disgravam^nto, in. unloading Disgravare, to unload, ease Disgravitlamento, m. delivery Disgravidare, to bring forth Disgrazia, /. disaster. Per disgrl- zia, ad. unfortunately DisgraziSre, to disgrace Disgraziatamente, ad. unluckily Disgraziato, a. unhappy, disagree- able Disgrazioso, a. uncivil, rude Disgregare, to separate Disgregato, part, separated Disgre^razione, /'. dispersion; dis- gregazione di spirito, a wander« ing of the mind Disgrignare, to grin DIS Pis^roppare, to untie Disguagli.u.zu,/. inequality Piagua. .;ual nequal gustarsi, to begin to loathe able . u displeasure \o\is I .to desire, ile, a. de- B : . . Piously - n^us . j. unimpeded u 1. to deliver • disengage : dis- ; irola, to - word Pbinfiguere. or Pisiufinsere, to . 'id. sincerely niple I odeceive r. undeceived iving . to cease loving Trial uteresse, m. disinterestedness •us, easy . vivacity, skill. 7 desire usly - trsi, to rest oue's self Pwisttma,/. cr>> I vend Pisleale, a. unfaithful, treacher- . false L perfidiously : Dislezan-. to untie, loose ; to ex- Dtslexhevole. a dissoluble ' move I Dnlogazirvne./. a. id DMogamento, ug out of joiijt DIS . l.i the mails rei, to uncloak Pismammento, ... Pamembr&re, to dismei DismenHcanl Dismeotu oblivion .rare, to forget • . to dismiss j ho dis- ; ; liere, 1 have left olF drinking Disniisiia. /. excess. A dismisura, I .re, to go beyond the Dismisuratameate, ad, immode- rately rcessive DiMnisurato, a. immeasurable, ex- i Dismodato, a. dis i Pismonacare, to take one out of a I convent j Dismontare, to dismount, alight I Dismuovere, to stir up, excite | Pisnamorare, to love no more ' Disnaiurare, to cliamre nature I Disnatun> I Disnebtiiare. to grow fair to, a. unclouded Di-nervare, to enervate Pisnervato. part, tveakened Disnidarsi, to leave the nest Disnodare, to undo, untie ; to ex- plain Disnodcvole, a. easily untied Disnore, in. (in poetry) dishonour . to strip Disobbedienza./. disobedience -inte. a. disol li= ntemente, ad. impolitely . discharge, ': lige .ntal, re- . displeasure j Disocciip'ire, to fn-e fr^m care ; disoccuparsi, to free one's self ! from business to. a. at leisure, free i Disoccupayione,/. leisure ; retiring from 1. Pisolamento, m. Pisolare, tr. ruin, lay " ra, /. the cutting off the I Pisonestamente, ad. dishonestly 119 1 ihoDoar i, to be dishonest .■able . Disonoramento, m. dishonouring . . . m. and Di.-.onoran2a,/ dishonour . de, a. dishonourable Disonorevolmente, and Pisonora tain.;: .'illy . .iuously much to, ad. secretly Pisoppilare, to loosen the belly , . above, over Di s iprappiu, ad. over and above . sarbitant, ex* travagant [gantly . nd. extra va- Pisorbitanza, j. exorbitance sorder, confusion sorderj disordi- 1 mangiare, to eat ini- modi- imente, ad. disorderly to. a. saucy, insolent, Disdrdine, ??j. confusion . that has the organs dis dishonourable . i acefully l)i sor'a cl . to take out the bones ■ e, to anbury .'"juried I /■<,' . undi r Di soverchio, ad. too much Dispaccare, to cut asunder Pispacciare, to ' Dispaccii . Rispaiare, to unmatch Djsparlre, I . \arious, different :. ]l. Beveral Du-parecchiire, to clear the table . '. disappearing . m. variance, contest Pisparevole, a. transitory Dispargimento, m. dispersing Dispari, a. unlike, uneven] no* •pari, an odd ., we are not of Uie sai. DIS Disparimente, ad. unequally Disparire, and Disparere, to disap- pear [ured Dispariscente, a. unsightly, disflg- Disparity f. inequality ; disparita d'opinioni, contrarie'ty of opin- ions Disparito. a. altered, pale Disparmente, ad. unequal ly Dispartamente, ad. here and there. dispersedly Disparte, ad. aside, apart Dispartire, to part, separate Dispartitamente, ad. asunder Dispartito, part, parted- divided Dispartitore, m. who divides Disparutezza, /. slenderaess Dispariito, a. thin, slender Dispassionamento, m. apathy Dispastoiare, to take oft' the fetters from a horse's leg Dispegnere, to extinguish Dispendere, to expend Dispendio, m. expense, cost Dispendiosamente, ad. costly Dispendioso, a. chargeable Dispennato. a. featherlass Dispensa, /. distribution, dispensa- tion, a pantry, a larder Dispensable, a. dispensable Dispense re, to distribute, divide, to administer [power Dispensativa, /. the dispensative Dispennato, part, distributed Dispensatorc, m. dispenser Dispensazione, /. and Dispensa- mento, m. dispensation, license Dispensiero, and Dispensiere, in. butler, steward Dispento, part, extinguished Disperabile, a. despaired of Disperare, to despair ; deh ! perche mi fate disperare ? why do you tease me so ? Disperatamente, ad. desperately ; alia disperata, rashly Disperato, a, despaired of, despe- rate [m. despair Disperazione,/. a??tf Disperamento, Disperdere, to consume" Disperdimento, m. dispersion Dispergere, to scatter, to squander, disperse Dispergimento, m. scattering, ruin, rout, defeat Dispergitore, m. a destroyer Disperse, ad. separately Dispersione, /. dispersion Disperso, part, dispersed Dispeso, part, spent Dispettabile, a. despicable Dispetu'tre, to despise DIS Dispett&to, part, vexedj slighted Dispettevole, and Dispetto, a. despicable, contemptible Dispettivamente, ad. disdainfully Dispetto, m. an affront, spite c avere in or a dispetto, to despise'. In dispetto, ad. in spite of Dispettosamente, ad. spitefully Dispettoso, a. reproachful Di piacente, a. displeasing Dispiacenza,/. and Dispiacere, m, displeasure, sorrow ; pigliar di- spiacenza d'una cosa, to take something ill Dispiacere, to displease ; mi dis- place non potervi servire, I am sorry that I cannot oblige you Dispiacevole, a. unpleasant Dispiacevolmente, ad. grievously Dispiacervolezza, /. and Dispiaci- mento, m. discontent Dispiaciiito, part, displeased Dispianare, to explain, to level ; dispianarsi, to lay one's self down Dispianato, a. plain, explained Dispiccare, to pull up Dispicciare, to despatch Dispiegare, to display, set forth j dispiegarsi, to stretch one's self Dispietatamente, ad. cruelly Dispietato, a. unmerciful Dispitto, m. an affront, contempt Dispodestare, to put out of power ; dispodestarsi, to resign one's power, authority Dispogliare, to undress Dispogliato, part, undressed Disponimento, m. disposition, or- der Disponitore, m. who disposes Dispopolatore, m. a destroyer Dispone, to dispose, prepare. Disposare, to marry Dispositore, m. a disposer Disposizione, /. disposition, ar- rangement Dispostamente, ad. orderly Dispostezza, /. agility, grace Disposto, part, disposed Dispoticamente, ad. despotically Dispotico, a. arbitrary Dispotismo, m. despotism Dispregevole, a. despicable Disprtj'.ri volmente, ad. scornfully Dispn'-ciamento, m. contempt Dispregiare, to despise, scorn Dispre^iato, part, coniemned Dispregiatore, and Disprezzat6re, m. despiser Dispre^io, and Disprezzamento, rn. contempt, scorn 120 DIS Disprezzdbile, a. despicable Disprezzante, a. disdainful Disprezzantejnente, ad. proudly Disprezzare, \o despise, slight Disprezzativo, a. contemptuous Disprezzato, part, contemned Disprezzevole, a. contemptible Disprezzevoimente, ad. scornfully disdainfully Disprezzo, m. contempt, scorn Disprigionare, to free from prison Disproporzionare, to disproportion Disproporzionato, part, dispropor* tioned Disproporzione, /. inequality Disprovvedutamente, ad. unawares Disprovvediito, part, unprovided, unfurnished Disprunare, to cut thorns Dispulzellare, to deflower Dispumato, a. frothy Disputa,/. dispute, debate Disputable, a. disputable Disputamento, m. and Disputa zione,/. disputation Disputante, a. disputant Disputare, to dispute, debate Disputativo, a. disputable Disputato, part, disputed Disputatore, m. a disputant Disquisizione, /. disquisition Disradicare, to root up Disramare, to prune Disredare, to disinherit Disredato, part, disinherited Disregolatamente, ad. disorderly Disrompere, to burst asunder Disruvidire, to quicken Dissagrare, to profane Dissagrato, part, polluted Dissalare, to unsalt Dissaporito, a. insipid Dissavoroso, a. insipid Dissecazione, /. dissection Disseccare, to dry up Disseccativo, a. apt to dry Disseminare, to sow, spread Disseminatore, m. a dogmatizer Dissennare, to make mad Dissennato, a. senseless Dissensione, /. dissension Dissenteria,/. bloody flux Dissenterico, a. troubled with the bloody flux Dissentire, to dissent Dis?eparare, to separate Disserrare, to open, unlock Disserrato, part, unlocked Dissertazione, /. dissertation Disservire, to injure Dissestare, to disorder Dissetare, and Dissetarsi, to quench bts Dig Dlssexione, /. dissection s I'vimi Dissi^illare, to break i seal . .nl ike . •'. dirlerence differ : like . /. unlikeness Dissiniulare, to dissemble; dissi- mulo la moneta, he d< CO ill vertly Dissinr n bled * Dissim mbler Dissimulazione. /. hy po cri sy, dis- guise [zione, /. dissipation Dissipamento, in. and Dissipa- itter; la nebbia si rses isteful [ed . part, dissipated, dispers- Dissipatort\ in. a waster Dissipazjone. /. a squandering -pid Dissndare, to crnb up, to plough Dissolubile, O. dissolvable Dissolutamente, ad. dissolutely Dissnlutezza, /. excess, licentious- ness Diswlutivo, a. dissolving Dissolut- .debauch- ed, r DLssoluzione,/. dissolution Dissnlvente, a. dissolvent Dissomigliante, a. unlike . f. unlikeness Dissomidiare, to differ, vary Diasomigtiato, a. uniike rent I < irreeing Disaovv rotten i Dissuasionc. /. d ■ Dissuiso. part, dissuaded Dtssuasnno. a. dissuasive DMsuerellir.-, to break a seal ' .'sealed . /. difficulty in making wa'er Distaeramento. m, a pulling away, ment (in war) Distaceare, to d. staccarti, to part ; non posso . I cannot leave this place Divarliare, to cut in pieces, to divide Dis\a;:liatura, /. separation, in- Dht&nte) a. distant . and Distaneia, /. dis- '.) be distant . ad. iti summer time ramdnto, in. distemper rinza, and Dis . intemperance atamdnte, ad. exces- sively [position ratura, /. disorder, indis- Dnrtemperkto, a. intemperate i read, ex- tend Dis'endimento, m. and Distendi- iiira, f. extension, stretching re, to dear up Distenere, to restrain • . /. extension . ire, to exterminate, ex- tirpate /. a stretching. Alia I . ad. at large nte, ad. extensively ■ extensive, large, long; tutto disteso, sprawling n. a distich Distillamdnto, m. distillation stilling Distillate, to distil ; distill.irsi il cervello sopra qualehe cosa, to pule one's brains about some- thing Distillate, fro*, distilled 10, in. a still Distillatore, in. a distiller Distillazkme, /. distillation Distimroere, to distinguish ; dislin- guersi, to signalize on nente, ad. distinctly Distintiva, /. and Dis'intivo, m. mark, sign, token DisttatO, part, distinguished -Miction vert from Distoglimento, m. the act of di- verting Distonare, to en out of tune \ wrt-.Th Distornamt'nto, 'in. bin ierance Dis^nrnAre, to dh novo . 1o avert Aram; quando uno invecchia in BB rfxfo, diffidl old sinner seldom re- Di straforo, ad. by stealth DM DMralto, a. ■action Distrvita. 7. irons]/ seva ity Distretto, il. pressea, crowded amico distre'tu, intimate friend, parenti dis'r.tii. near relation* . in. district Distribuimdnto, m. distribution Distributre, to divi.: Distribufto, part, dis 1 il n'ed Distribuithre, m. distributer Distributivamdnte, ad. distinctly Distributlvo, a. distributive Distributor?, m. divider Distrinuzione,/. distribution Distrigare, to disentangle ; to un- fold ; distrigarsi, to disentangle Distrig.nere, to tie; bind; &sere li pa'ira.'to be in B fright Distrignimento, m. binding, tying Distruggere, to destroy: dis'triig- cersi, to melt Distruggimento, m. and Distru- EJdne, /. destruction, overthrow -itivo, a. destructive gitore, in. a destroyer Distruttivo, a. destructive Distrutta, part, destroyed I)istrutt6re, m. a destroyer 1 unstop nto, in. and Distur- 1 '.'in /a,/, disorder, confusion re, to disturb Distmhato, part, disturbed, disor- dered DistuTbabVre, m. a disturber Disturl o, m. disturbance Di SO, prep, above, upon Disubbidiente, a. disobedient Disubbidientemente, ad. disobedi- ently Disulibidienza, /. disobedience Disubbidire, todii Disubbidito, part, disobeyed Di subito, ad. immediately ; .'ire, to unseal lato, pari unsealed Disuiuaglianaa, and Disugualita, /. inequality Disuguale, a. unequal Disugualmdnte, ad. unrqnally Disumaoare, to make inbuman; disuman'irsi, te become inhuman Disuman&to, and Disumano, a. inhuman, cruel Dismiit.ile, a. divisible • - Disuntm, to disi 1 Ite, dtrtde. . ne disu- DIS nisei hi, s'am6r ne stiinge ? why, cmcl destiny, do you part us, since love unites us ? Disunitamente, ad. separately Disiinto, a. lean Disusanza, /. disuse ; aver disu- • sanza d'un luogo, to be a stran- ger to a place Disusare, to disuse Disusatamente, ad. unusually Disusato. a. unusual Disuso, m. disuse Di suso, di sii, prep, above, upon Disutife, a. useless Disutilita, /. uselessness Disutilmente, ad. unprofitably Disvalere, to prejudice Disvalore, rn. weakness Disvantaggio, in. disadvantage Disvariamento. m. variation Disvariare, to differ Disvariato, a. dirierent Disvario, rn. difference, controver- sv, a mistake ; v'e gran disvario fra questo e quello, there is a great difference between this and that DisveglrJre, to awake [veiling Disvelamento, m. discovering, un- Disvelare, to unveil Disvelato, part, discovered Disvelaiore, m. a discoverer Disvellere, to pluck, to pull up, wring, get out Disvenire, to faint, waste, decay Disventiira, /. misfortune, mishap Disventuratamente, ad. unfortu- nately Disventurato, a. unlucky Disverginare, to deflour Disverre, to roo up Disvestfre, to undress Disvezzare, to disuse Disvezzato, part, disused Disviamento, m. a wandering Disviare, to draw out of the way, to degenerate ; disviarsi, to wander Disviatamente, ad. wanderingly Disviatezza, /. a straying Disviato, a. wanderin? Disviatore, m. and Disviatrice,/. a wanderer, debaucher Disviluppare, to disentangle, ex- plain Disviscerare, to disembowel Disvischiirsi, to get rid of a scurvy business • Disviticchiare, to disembarrass Disviziare, to correct, reclaim ; purify ; disviziarsi, to leave ofl' vice DIV Disvolere, to refuse Disvolto, a. unembarrassed, free Ditaglio, ad. with the edge Di a,/, pi. the fingers Ditale, m. a thimble Di tanto in tanto, ad. now and then Ditello, m. the armpit Ditenere, to detain Diterminare, to determine Diterminato, a. determinate Diterminazione,/. resolution Ditestazione, f. detestation Dito, in. the finger, the toe ; il dito grosso della mano, the thumb; dito, an inch, a ringer's breadth ; mostrarealcuno a dito, to point at one ; aver qualche cosa su la punta delle dita, to have a thing at one's fingers' ends Ditono, a. of two parts in music Ditrappare, to steal Ditrarre, to usurp, to deprive of Di tratto, ad. suddenly [then Di tratto in tratto, ad. now and Ditrazione, /. detraction Ditrinciare, to cut in pieces Dittamo, rn. dittany Dittare, to dictate Diltato, m. a dictate, a precept Dittalore, m. a dictator Ditatorio, a. dictatory Dittatura, /. dictatorship Dittongo, rn. a diphthong Diturpare, to disfigure Diunviri, rn. pi. duumvirs Diiiretico, a. diuretic Diurno, a. daily Diuturnamente, ad. diurnally Diuturnita,/. Ion? continuance Diuti'irno, a. lasting Diva, /, (in poetry) a goddess, a mistress Divagarnento, m. a wandering Divagare, to wander, rove Divallamenfo, rn. a descending Divallare, to descend Div.impare, to flash, flame Diva no, in. the divan (in Turkey) Divantaggio, ad. more Divariare, to vary, differ Divario, rn. difference, variance; e grande il divario, the difference is great Divastamento, m. and Divasta- zioue,/. devastation Divecchiamento, m. growing young Divecchiare. to grow young Divedere. to show, convince ; dare a divedere, to convince : vi daro 122 DIV a divedere ch' avete torto, I wil. convince you that you are in the wrong Divellere, and Diverre, to pluck up, root up Divellimento, m. plucking Divelto, part, plucked out Divenire, to become; to befall; il numero divenne piu grande, the number grew greater; che diverro ? what will become of me? Diventare, to become ; diventar milk' eolori, to change colour Diverbio, m. a dialogue Diventato, part, become Di vero, ad. truly, in truth Diversamente, ad. diversely Diversare, to differ Diversificamento, m. difference Diversihcare, to diversify, to vary Diversificato, part, diversified Diversificazione, /. variation Diversifico, a. different Diversione,/. diversion Diversita,/. variety, cruelty Diverso, a. diverse, unlike, barba rous Diversi, pron. pi. divers, many Di verso, prep, towards Diverborio, rn. inn, tavern Divertere, to divert Diverticolo, rn. a digression Divertimento, m. act of diverting diversion Divertire, to divert, interrupt ; di vertirsi, to take one's pleasure Divestire, to undress Divettare, to beat the wool Divettino, m. beater of the wool Divezzare, to wean Divezzo, part, unaccustomed D' ivi, ad. from thence Diviare, see Deviare Diviaiamente, ad. nimbly, quickly, readily Diviato, a. quick Dividendo, rn. a dividend Dividente, a. dividing Dividere, to divide; dividersi, to separate Dividitore, m. a sharer Divietamento, m. prohibition Divietare, to forbid Di vietato, part, prohibited Divietazione, /. and Divieto, m. prohibition Divimare, to set free [lently- Divinamente, ad. divinely, excel Divinamento, m. divination Divin'ire, to divine, guess at Divinatbre, m. conjurer DIV . and Divioay.ione, intioo 1 . m. aJid Divinco- lazione, f, contortion » rest Divin. \ine \ ] ne Divinizzazione./. a deifying . divine * [of arms i a. a livery, a coat i efy Divisan, i, thought, project . to 'hir.k. imagine, to de- scribe, divide ; share, determine, div. ■ . ad distinctly quite another nnn isible Divisibilita, j. divisibility ...ision, disunion, •able I - . . Divisor- . •• ; i frutti | lentiful i-iful ry) divine, excel- lent, 1. Dlvo. m, a deity . n. divuliin^ i .to translate into T . part, divulged zione,/. divulgation -ip Drvoracita, and Divoragi6ne, /. elu* . Greediness abvss . quarrel- some :"■ ] v >uring Divnr I .ouring izione, /. • irture bhsh ' vulgel . torn up DOL . 1/1. a dictionary Dizione,/. a word, diction, domin- . and Doblone, m, a Doocia,/. an earthen conduit to drop Docciatura, /. the. act of pouring Doccio, nut Doccione, m. u n conduit-pipe tractable Docilita,/. tractablenesi Documento, to. instruction Dodicesuuo, a. the twelfth DoJici, a. twelve . m. three parts of four . ducal 1) ig&na,/. custom-house, custom . £6 officer • gird about, to put, or mend tfa •oral IV oggi in domani, ad. every day . /. grief, pain, complaint Doglie, f. fl. labour, travail (in ch Id-birth) Dogtiente, a. grieving I. a tun. cask "• fully .r 1 ictrine '. a. dogmatic re, to dogmatize Do^'. in. bull-dog D' ogni interne, ad. on every side Dolce, a. sweet, fresh, pleasant, agreeable; partirsi a boccadolce, to' retire quite happy ; c me dolce paria '. what a sweet, polite woman '. [by li'tle Dolce dolce, ad, agreeably, little Dolcemente, ad. softly, gently, fooli-hly D -i'cez-a," /. sweetness, charm, Dolcia, /. swine's blood et, cliarming Dolcicanoro, a. nv I ire, to calm, ap] Dolcificazione, /. a sweetening Dilcigno, a. sw< Dolcioue, a. silly, dull Dolco, a. niild (of weather only) • mente. ad. dolefully a. so r ro wf ul, miserable. Dime doleu'.e ! t7i/i i'lu'zza,/. familiarity, kind- Domes! ico, m. a servant I) mesrico, a. familiar, tame Domevole, '7. tameable, decile Dnmictlio, m. habitation Dominante, a . reigning Dominare, to domineer; unmonte che dnmina la citta, a hill com- manding the town Dominatbre, m. ruler, lord Dominazi6ne /. and Domlnio, m. dominion, power, authority Don due, in. sir, lord Ddmine ! inter}, the deuce ! Dominicale, a. dominical Domma. in. a dogma [coloured Denunaschino, a. of damask, rose I Donunatico, a, tjngmajfa DOP Domo, part, subdued ; worn Donagione, /. and Donamento, m. a gift, present Donnnte, a. giving Ponare, to give Donalario, m. a donee (law term) Donativo, m. and Donazione, /. gift, present, donation Donato, part, given Donatore, rn. a giver Donde ? ad. whence ? donde, •prom. rel. whereof, which, of whom Dondeche, ad. wheresoever Dondolare, to swing, loiter Dbndolo, m. the thing swinging; volere il dondolo, to'love a joke Dondolona, /. and Dondolone, m. a loiterer. A dondolone, ad. dingle-dangle Donna,/, woman, wife, mistress; Nostra Donna, the Virgin Mary ; donna novella, a new-married woman Donnnccia,/. a silly slut Donnaio, and Doniiaiuolo, m. one who runs after women Donneare, to make love Donneg^iare, to domineer, sway Donnescamente, ad- effeminately Donnesco, a. effeminate, wanton Donnicciuola, Donnetta, and Don- nicuia, /. a mean woman, a wench Donno, m. master, lord Donno, a. gentle, happy Donnola,/. a weasel Donnone, m. a large woman Dono, m. gift, present; in dono, as a gift Donuzzo, m. a small gift Donzella, /. a young lady, a maid- servant Donzeilo, m. bachelor, knight, bailiff, esquire. tipsTaff, servant Donzelletta, /. a damsel Dopo, prep, after, since, behind Dbpo che. conj. after that D6ppia, /. pistole, a hem, flounce Doppiamsnte, ad. doubly Doppi'ire, to double, multiply, in- crease Doppia' ura, /. the act of doubling, auzmentation Doppiere, and Doppiero, m. torch, taper [deceitfulness Doppir'zza. /. slyness, cunninzness, Dopr/io, m. double, twice as much ; e il floppio pin ricco
  • J tbis and that -■\ e, he is; cosi e, so it is he, it in. a worker in ebony F. bano, in. ebony Bbbene, inter], well ! . Ebbrieta, and Ebbria ch a >•.../. drunkenneei 0, a. (Inmk, drunkard E'bbro, and Ebbrioso, a. foolish; ebbro d'amore, passionately in love Ebdomadario, m. head of the con- vent for the week E'bere, to grow weak E'bete, a. weak Ebollimcnto, TO. and Ebollizi6ne, /. boilinir; ebolliziouedi sangue, heat of blood Ebriico, a. Jew ish Ebrafsmo, m. Hebraism . Jew Ebriarai, to svt drunk Ebriato, «. drunk, fuddled Ebrezza, and Ebiicta,/. drunken- ness E'hrn, and Ebrioso, a. drunken E'bure, to. ivory Eborno, and EbQrneo, a. of ivory, w bite as ivory Ecatonbe, and Ecatumbe, /. a hecatomb (a sacrifice of a hun- dred cattle) Ecce ttinfe, a. exceeding I ■ mente, ad. exceedingly Eccedenza,/. excess • rarj as, excel Ecceflente, a. exci llent llently EcceU inza, and EcceHenzia, /. • v. Pet ecceilenza, ad. excellently , to excel Eccelsamente, ad. loftily . line, /. highness (title of a prince) . a, high, lofty Becentricamente, ad. eccentri- cally Ecren'tricit^. /. eccentricity, de- via'ion from the centre C '. a. ecrrurric lively ■ Ecccsso, m. superiority, exces EDI Eceetera, /. (note of abbrevia- tion,) &c. Eccetto, a/id Eccettoche, conj. but, except [cept Eccettuare, and Eccettare, to ex- Eccettuato, a. excepted Eccettuazione, and Eecezione, /. exception, difference Eceheggiare, to echo, to resound Eccidio, m. ruin, slaughter Eccitamento, in. incitation Eccitare, to instigate Eccitaiivo, a. exciting, provoking Eccitato, pay -t. instigated Eccitatore, in. encourager Eccitazibne, /. see Eccitamento Ecclesia,/. the church Ecclesiaste, or Ecclesiastes, m. Ecclesiastes (a book of the Old Testament) Ecclesiasticamente, ad. ecclesias- tically Ecclesiastico, a. ecclesiastical Ecclesi/istico, m. a clergyman E'cco, ad. behold ,• ecco" '1 vostro libro, here's your book ; eccolo li, there he is ; ecco, then ; eccomi pronto, here I am ready ; eccoci arrivati, here we are ar- rived E'cco, rn. echo Echeggi'mte, a. resounding Echeggiare. to echo, resound E'chio, m. hart's tongue (an herb) Eclissire, to eclipse Eel issato, fart, eclipsed Eclisse, and Ecli?si, m. an eclipse Eclit;ic*a,/. ecliptic line » E'co, /. the echo Ecnnomato, rn. s'ewardship Economfa,/. economy Economicamente, ad. economically Economico, a. sparing, saving Ecbnomo, m. an economist Economa,/. a good housewife E converso, ad. nn the contrary Eculeo, rn. an instrument of tor- ture shaped as a horse Ecumenico, a. general Edace, a. voracious Edacita,/. greediness E'dera, /. ivy Ederoso, arid Ederaceo, a. full of ivy [fying Edificamento, m. a building, edi- Edificare, to build, edify Edificato, part, built, edified Edifica'ore, m. a builder Edifica'orio, o. edifying [ing Edificazione, /. edification, build- Edificio, and Edifizio, rn. edifice EdUe, m. a sort of magistrate EGR Edilita,/. the office of edile Ed i tore, m. editor Edito, m. edict, decree Edizione, /. edition Educare, to educate Educato, part, educated Educazione,/. education E'cfulo, a. esculent Erie,/, the letter F Eftemeride, /. ephemeris Eff'eminameiito, m. effeminacy Effeminare, to effeminate Elf'eminatamente, ad. effeminately Effeminatezza, and Eft'eminalag- gine,/. effeminacy Effeminato, a. effeminate Eft'eratamente, ad. cruelly Eft'eratezza, /. cruelty Efferato, a. fierce, cruel Efferita,/. fierceness Eflerveseenza,/. heat, vigour, force Eft'ettivamente, ad. effectively Etlettivita,/. efficacy Eff'ettivo, a. effective Effe ; to, m. effect, success. In effetto, ad. in fact ; l'ho fatto a quest' effetto, I did it with this intent ; in effetto e come voi dite, really it is as you say Effettore, rn. a maker, a worker Effettuale, a. effectual Effetfualmente, ad. effectually Eff'ettuare, to accomplish Effezione, /. execution, or effect- ing Efticace, a. efficacious Eftlcacemente, ad. effectually Efficacia,/. efficacy Efficiente, a. efficient Effigiare, to draw, to paint EITi i'i a to, part, drawn, painted Eft'igie, /. image, picture Effluvio, m. an evaporation Effondere, to pour out Effrenatamente, ad. excessively, rashly Eff'renato, a. immoderate, unruly Effusione, /. and Effbndimento, m. effusion Efimera, /. a one-day fever ; an animal which lives but one day Egente, a. needy E gide, /. iEgis, shield of Jupiter E'gli, proii. he, him, it, they E'arlino, pron. pi. they Egli stesso, pron. himself E'gloga, /. pastoral poem E. ; art. cat efully wrought I E \ m> lean I > Eruanc ; ijiatioa ; ! -stone En»l>!' uatic E mbrice, /. tile ; trifle Emhrinne. m. an are, to make an embroca- Emenda, /. emendation Emendabile, a. easy to be correct' t ! Emend ire. to correct, mend corrected, amend- ed, in.; E -■ dor I one. /. anrl mento. Emendo, »/i. correction, reparation . iwim •■ ont . a. and m. emetical, % and Emigrinia, /. h«» J ■ finr . a. eminent, approach- ENF Eminent I -, icuously 1 Emis&rio, and Emisl hen i>i ii m [lion, spy Emhsibne, /. emission, vent, 1 . m, a aemitertian fever, . the letter M . rival Enuduntdnto, to. emolument Emorroidale, a. of, ur bel the piles •./. the piles a ring- worm, or Lb' L cruelly, wicked* Empiastrare, to plaster . , I of matter ■ . and Empire, to satisfy-, I . : an accom- rmance I . ■ ; . pyreal; cielo em- . Empireumatico, n. an entering ring ; (ardito) rioiii enti n' i, convinc- uments : nil* i ntr&ntedel ii the beginning of the month Entrare, I a t.ivola, c.iniiiii- no, (o set (nit ; entrar in hallo, to leal thl :.i altrn, to r! as • d rare in trare ne? fetti d' altri, to with another's affairs ; entrare in relirione. to op into a convent; entrare in edfiera, to fall into a passion; questa cosa noo m'en* tra, I do not comprehend this thin? Entrata,/. entrance, income, rent, beginning Entrato, part, entered Entra'ore, m. a man making an entry Entratora, /. entrance, access , - i trnt'ira con, to be ac- quainted n\ Ufa % ep. in, within Entusiasmo, TO. enthusiasm .ii enthusiast E'nula, '■ plant) i unento, »»• enumeration Bnumerftri . Epumer&to, fart, esnn • ! Enumerazione, /. enumeration re, to declare . Enunciatlvo, a. expressive EQU Enunciato, part, proclaimed, de- clared Enunciazione,/. expression Eoo, a. eastern Epatica,/. liver-wort (a plant) Epatico, a. hepatic (belonging to the liver) Epatta, /. the epact Epicedio, m. a funeral song E'pico, a. epic, heroic Epicureo, a. epicurean Epidemfa,/. epidemic disease Epifania, f. twelfth-day, epiphany Epigramma, to. an epigram Epilessia, and Epilesia, /. epilep- sy, falling -sickness Epilettico, a. epileptic Epilogare, to sum up Epilogazione, /. conclusion, end Epilogo, m. an epilogue Episcopale, a. episcopal Episcopate, m. a bishopric Episodico, a. episodical Episodio, m. digression Epistola,/. an epistle Epistolare, a. epistolary Epistolario, m. letter-book Epitaffio. m. epilaph Epitalamio, m. nup.ial song Epiteto, rn. epi'het Epitomare, to abridge Epitome, m. abridgment, abstract Epittima, /. an epithem (an out- ward application) Epittimare, to make or apply epi- thems [of epithems Epittimazione, /. the application E'poca, /. epoch, an epocha, era, period of time Epopeia, /. a heroic poem Eppure, ad. and even Epulone, w. a slutton Equabile, a. equal, like Equabilita,/. equality Equal ita, /. equality, evenness, uniformity Equamente, ad. justly Equanimita, /. equanimity, mode- ration Equanimo, a. moderate Eqiato, a. levelled Equatrtre, rn equator, the equinoc- tial line [division Equazi6ne, /. equation, an equal Equestre, a. equestrian, belonging to a horseman, w knight Equiangolo, a. equiangular Equicrure, m. isosceles Equidis'nnle, a. equidistant Equidistantemente, ad. equidis- tantly Equidistinza,/. an equal distance ERE Equilatero, m. equilateral Equiiibrare, to equiponderate Equilibrio, to. equilibrium ; met- tere in equilibrio, to poise; tener V equilibrio, to k^ep tbe balance Equinoziale, a. equinoctial Equino, a. of a horse Equinozio, to. equinox Equipaggio, rn. equipage, crew Equiparare, to equal, to compare Equipoi;derare, to weigh equally Equistto, m. horse-tail (herb) Equita,/. equity Equitare, to ride horseback E 'quite, m. a knight Equivalente, a. equivalent [ly Equivalentemente, ad. equivalent- Equivalenza,/. equivalence Equivalere, to be equivalent Equivocate, a. equivocal Equivccamente, ad. equivocally Equivocante, a. equivocating Equivocare, to equivocate Equivocazione, /. equivocation Equivoco, m. equivocation Equiv^co, and Equivocoso, a. equivocal E'quo, a. just, equitable E'ra, f. era Eradicare, to eradicate Eradicatore, m. a destroyer Erario, m. the exchequer, treasury E'rba, /. grass ; ogni mal erba cresce, ill weeds grow apace. Non e erba dal vostro orto, this is not of your doing. Far f ascio d'ogni erba, to go through thick and thin Erbaccia, f. weed Erba colombina, /. vervain Erbaggio, m. kitchen-herbs, herb- age Erba gialia,/. sweet maudlin Erbaio, m. grass, pa'ture Erbaiuolo, to. an herbalist Erbato, a. grassy [words Erba trastulla, f. ribaldry, idle Erbetta, /. fine grass Erbolaio, m. an herbalist Erbbso, a. grassy, full of herbs Erbucce,/. pi. small herbs, parsley Erede, rn. andf. heir, heiress Ereditfiggio, to. and Eredita, /. inheritance Ereditire, and Eredare, to inherit Ereditario, a. hereditary Eremita, to. a hermit Eremitaggio, and E'remo, to. hermitage Eremitico, a. solidary Eremitorio, and Eremit6ro, w. solitude, hermitage 128 ERU Eresia, /. heresy Eresiarca, m. chief of a heresy Ereticale, and Eretico, a. heretical Ereticamente, ad. heretically Eretico, to. a heretic Eretto, part, erected, raised Erezione, /. erection Ergastolo, to. a prison E'rgere, and Erigere, to erect, build, raise Erine, or Erinni, erinnys (the infernal furies) Erisamo, to. wild-cresses, hedge- mustard Ermafrodito, to. hermaphrodite Ermellino, to. ermine E'rmo, a. (in poetry) desert, soli tary E'rnia, /. a rupture Erniaria,/. a kind of plant Ernioso, a. ruptured Eroe, to. a hero Eroessa, /. a heroine Erogato, a. disbursed Eroicamente, ad. heroically Er6ico, a. heroic, noble ; ve» eroico, heroic verse Eroieomico, a burlesque Eroina,/. a heroine Erompere, to burst out Erotico, a. amorous, Erpicare, to harrow Erpicato, part, harrowed E'rpice,/. a harrow Errabondo, a. fugitive Errante, and Erratico, a. wander- ing Errare, to err, mistake; errare cammino, to lose one's way Errata,/, portion, share Errato, a. confused, mistaken Erre,/. the letter R E'rro, to. a hook, brace Erroneamente, ad. erroneously Erroneo, a. erroneous Errore, to. error, fault, sin Erroruccio, m. a small fault E'rta, and Ertezza, /. declivity ; stare all' erta, to stand on one's guard E'rto, a. steep, upright; fra 1'erto e piano era un sentiero sghembo, between the hill and the plain there was an oblique path Erubescenza, /. bashfulness En'ica, /. the herb rocket, a cater- pillar Erudimento, to. learning Erudire, to teach, instruct Eruditamente, ad. learnedly Erudito, a. learned, skilful Erudizione,/. learning ESC Eruttarr, to throw up, to belch Eruttatm Eruttaxioae, /. belching iption I I . part, irritated ring ■ -ated Esagerazioue, /. amplification -. the sixth part of an Esagitare. to aj I ), a. six- . m. hexagon i.m, recre- I I ireful Enudevole. a. placable . and Esaudizione, ] .rants E^us* visted E id. ■ irement ; ->ir 1' esca al fuoco, to ex- MM '■ AsjHJpBf ! -. \rrath E scar*. | Escarotico, a. bringing a scab ESE Esrfto, »?i. a trap snare Eechievino, m, municipal officer, sheriff E xhio, »>• the beech-tree . »>. .1 swarm of bees . ut, sally, B, en 1. issue Eadre, ' '.a way out re, to cry out. exclaim [claiming i'ion Escludere, to exclude, n Eachiabne, and Esclusiva, /. ex- clusion ink, imagine Escofpzione,/. jus - a Eacomui wunicate Escoriaziont ,/. and Esooriamento, m. excoriation, a Baying Escrementale, and Escremcntizio, a, feculent, dn Eacremeuto, m. excrement, drczs Eserementoso. a. excrementitious (./. excrescence EscorsiAse, J. excursion Eacusibile, a. excusable . lustify . / art. f-xcus«-d Escusazione, /. an excuse . and Esecrimdo, a. execrable Esccrare, to curse, deiest : . airsed /). 7?i. a sort of oath ne,/. execration, curse Esecutivo, a. executive Esecutore, and Eseguitore, m. executor Esecuzione, /. execution Es*'?uimento. rn. execution, pun- >cute ■'. for example . m. example, model, re, to imitate, copy Esemplare. m. a copy, model, copy-book .a. exemplary r ! .i. /. equity , justice, in- DOCI ■;. n rtd E«-mplati- ■id. exemplarfly Esetnplafh i, part. drawn, r-pied Esemplificire, to exemplify irf. exemplified : pi ifi ra- tion • hr, copy Esemplo, m. ana ESO tnpt, discharge . En ed Esenzionare, to present one with a freedom Esenzione, /. exemption Eaequi ir . ■• quies .i ted mend obsequies, funeral Esercitante, a. exercising Eserdtamehto, m. < cercin, prac- tice [cise, practise Eserdtare, and Esercere, to exer- EserdtatJvo, and Eseratato, a. Esercitatore, m. exerciser Esercito, m. an army, a number Of people Eserciao, m. and Esercitazione, . rise Eeereditare, to disinherit Esibfre, to Offer, present; m'esi- l.isco di servirla, I offer my ser- vices to you Esiblta, /. presentation flaw term) Esiliiiore, 77). be that offers Esihizione,/. offer, proffer ■ iicy .xact, require Belle, a. thin, slender ■ EsiliAre, to banish Esiliatn, part, banished Esilio, or E-L'lio, m. banishment Eshnere, to exempt, free Esimio, a. chosen, singular .a. existent Esistenza,/. existence to exist re, to esteem Esit.nre, to sell, to hesitate Esi:a7ione,/. hesitation E'sito, m. issue, end, event, sale ; matter qualche cosa nel libro detP esito, to give a thing for lost Esiziale, a. destructive Esizio, m. destruction E*aodo, m. Exodus Esnfazo. in. the thmat EsorbitAnte, a. exorbitant Esorbitinza, /. extravagancy Es/)rrismo, 771, exorcism, conjura- tion 1 . j/j. exorcist, conjurer re, 'o exorcise . m, preface, jireanihle . and r:s/ ir tatf)rio, a. Esortazione, /. exbortatka ESP Esbso, a. odious, hateful Esbtico, a. exotic, foreign Espansidne, /. expansion Espediente, a. expedient Espediente, m. means, expedient E sped ire, to despatch Espedito, a. expedited, ready EspediziOne,/. expedition Espellere, to expel Esperientemente, ad. experiment- ally Esperienza, and Esperienzia, /. experience Esperimentale, a. experimental Esperimentfire, to experience, to make experiment Esperimentato, a. experienced Esperimentatbre, m. a maker of experiments Esperimento, 772. experience, ex- periment, trial, proof Esperio, a. western, Hesperian E'spero, m. the evening star Espertamente, ad. expertly Esperto, a. expert, skilful Espetibile, a. desirable EspettAnte, a. expecting Espettare, to expect, wait for Espettativa, and Espettazibne, /. expectation Esplare, to expiate, atone Espiazidne, /. expiation Espirare, to die, expire Espirazibne, /. expiration Esplicabile, a. explicable Esplicare, to explain Esplicatbre, 771. commentator Esplicazibne,/. explication Esplicitamente, ad. explicitly Esplicito, a. explicit Esplodere, to explode Esplorare, to explore, search Esploratbre, rn. scout, spy Esplorazibne, /. an exploring, spying Esponente, m. expounder Esporre, to expound, explain ; esporre l'ambasciata, to open an embassy ; esporre i fanciiilli, to expose children ; esporre alle fiere, to expose to wild beasts Espositivo, a. explaining Espositore, m. ex}X)sitor, inter- preter Esposizibne, /. interpretation Esposto, part expounded Espressamente, and Espresso, ad. expre^ly, clearly, evidently Espressione, f. expression, signifi- cancy Espressiva,/. an expression Espressivo, a. expressive EST Espresso, a. plain, manifest, posi- tive Esprimente, a. expressing Esprimere, to express, utter Esprobare, to reproach Esprobazione,/. reproach Espugm'ibile, and Espugnato, a. taken by force, or that may be, &c. Espugnare, to conquer, force Espugnatbre. 771. a conqueror Espugrazibne, /. a conquering Espulsione,/. expulsion Espulsivo, a. forcing out Espiilso, part, expelled Espurgare, to purge, cleanse, scour Esquisitamente. ad. exquisitely Esquisitezza,/. exquisiteness Esquisito, a. exquisite Esquisitore, ra. observer, searcher Esse,/, the letters Essecrazibne,/. execration Essempio, rn. an example Essenza, and Essenzia, /. essence, substance Essenziale, a. essential, necessary Essenzialmente, ad. essentially E'ssere, to be. to exist, to become ; pub essere, perhaps, it may be ; che sara di lui ? what will be- come of him ? sarb da voi do- mani, I will come to your house to-morrow E'ssere, m. being, state, condition ; di grand' essere, of great quality ; le cose sono in buon essere, things are in a good way ; non conviene all' esser mio, not suit- able to me [to dry Essiccante, and Essiccativo, a. ap"t Essiccazibne,/. a drying Esso, pron. he, it ; con esso voi, along with you Essuto, part, been Est, 77i. east E'stasi, /. ecstasy, rapture Estate, and Esta, /. summer Estatico, a. ecstatic Estemporaneo, a. extemporary Estendere, to extend, stretch, en- large ; non m'estendo a dir piu sopra questo soggetto, I will not dwell any longer on this subject Es'ensibne, /. extension, extent Estensivo, and Estenso, a., ex- tensive Estenuare, to extenuate Estenuativo, a. that can lessen Estenuato, a. lessened, emaciated ; estenuato di forze, exhausted Estenuazibne, /. extenuation, lean- ness 130 EST Esteribre, a. external Esteriorita,/. the outside Esteriormente, ad. outwardly Esterminare, to exterminate Esterminato, part, destroyed, e» cessive Esterminatbre, 771. a destroyer Esterminazibne, /. destruction Esterminio, 771. ruin, destruction Esternamente, ad. externally Esterno, a. external, of yesterday E'stero, a. foreign Esters} vo, a. detersive, cleansing Estesamente, ad. extensively Esteso, a extended Estimare, to esteem, value, to ex- amine, appraise Estimativa, f. discernment Estimafo, part, estimated, valued Estimatore, 771. valuer, rate" Estimazibne, /. esteem, judgment Estimevole, a. estimable E'stimo, 771. impost, tax, custom Estinguere, to extinguish Estinguibile, a. quenehable Estinguirnento, rn. and Estill zibne,/. extinction Estinguitbre, m. extinguisher Estinto, a. dead, extinguished Estirpamento, m. extirpation Estirpare, to extirpate Estirpatbre, m. extirpator Estirpazibne, /. extirpation Estivo,. a. estival, summer* E'sto, pron. this Estollenza, /. pride Estbrquere, to extort Estbrre, to except, exempt Estorsibne, /. extortion Estraneamente, ad. strangely Estraneo, and Estranio, a. strain ger, foreign Estrano, a. foreign Estraordinariamente, ad. extrao** dinarily Estraordinario, a. extraordinary Estrarre, to extract Estrattivo, a. extractive Estratto, 77i. an extract Estratto, part, extracted Estravagante, a. ex + ravagant Estravaganza, /. extravagance Estrazibne, /. extraction Estremamente, ad. extremely Estremita,/. extremity, misery Estremo, ft. extreme, last Estremo, 771. extremity Estrinsecamente, ad. extrinsically, evidently, externally Estrinseco, a. exterior E'stro, 771. poetic rage Estrudere, to thrust out, to extrodo EVE Esuberante, a, exuberant, /. luxuriance, abun- dance f. milk-thistle (a plant) Esul.ire, ' Esulcerare, to make ulcer* exulceration m. an exile i iltin? Esultare, to emit, rejoice I v citation ■ >lo,) one hundred [air, ether t re, m. the pure real . a. eternal aeute, ad. eternally -nize Eterniia, /. eternity Eterno. a, eternal. Ab eterno, ad. from the bezinniu^ temcli- . .• :eous . hectic fever I ite, ad. morally moral } ymol >jy -zzare, to form etymolo- i. etymolnrist . ai'id Etiopeo, a. -, pagan E'tera Eucari^ -.icrament Eucari<»ico. a. enchari>tical EuforNo, m. euphorbius (a tree) Eurico, r/u an eu uch Eupa'orio, m. liverwort E uro, m. the east wind E \. f. Europe Evacuamento, m. evacua'ion i I ■. evacuation ape ;e, /. interruption, dis- . ad. evang?lical- } • i^eliral I m. an expounder; FAC Evenimeuto,aNrf Evento, >n. event, Evci-sione, /. overthrow Otj clt.TT , inente, ad. evidently Evidehza,/. evidence, perspicuity I ire, m. an emboweller . to disembowel i, part, eviscerated . it. av.j.hl le • i avoid, shun . ided . m. a shunner Evi:azione, /. an avoiding, shun- ning Evmone,/. eviction E \i >. m. age . to nil for*!) Ewiva, inter], long live! huzza! Ex abropto, ad, abruptly Ex prof-sso, ad. by pr>fc-«ion L on purpose pore, ad, in an instant Eziandfo, an", ah ■■ Eziaudio che, ad. although ;. and Evapora- "■ •in? ration I up FATORICA,/. building, fabric, •<. manufactory Fabbncare, to build, form, frame Fabbricato, part, bull Fabbricato, m. a bl-x-k, or row of buildinss Fabbricatore, m. a builder, work- man, in'riguer, liar Fabbricazione, /. construction, building Fabbrlle. and Fabrile, a. (in po- etry) belonging to smiths, or to any manual art ind, m. (in poetry) a smith, forser. inventor; fabbri si.amo noi delle miserie n'«tre, we are the cause of our own misf > r [pose fables I r>. to recount, or coni- . a. fabulous race nil. f. business; far fira'-n- rbusy body 1 re, m. an arV. Farceiiduzza, /. small I ■ - . brisk •. facet < io. m. a mean f How Faccbineria,/. work for a porte' FaccbJnO] m. a porter. scoundrel ire: non FAL aver f.iccia, to be without shame. In (accia. /'»<;>. over against F iff. hoot, face Face,/, (in poetry; a torch, splen- dour, Ugbt [tapt r. link Fa ce 1 1 a . and Fa eel I i na , ?, llambeau, ite, ad. meiiiiy US, eomical Kice/ia, /. merry conceit, or say- in? [face Facialmente, ad. facing, face to Facile, a. easy ; uomo facile, a ■natured man Faeilita,/. facility Facilitare. to facilitate Facilmente, ad. easily Facimale, m. a naughty child Facimehto, m. wore Facinoroso, a. villanous Facitoio, a. feasible Facitore, m. a maker, doer Facolta, and Faculta, /. power, faculty, riches Facoltoso, a. rich, wealthy Facondamehte. ad. eloquently Facondia, and FaconJita, /. elo- quence Facondioso, a. fluent Facondo. a. eloquent, fluent Faculta,/. power, wealth, talents Fagjgem, m. a place full of beech- F&ggio, m. berch-tree : eruastir la coda al faiiano, to leave out the beat of the story Fa.iuolita, /. silliness Fagiuolo, m. a French bean Fagotto, m. a fagot j far fag6tto, to bundle off Faina, /. a polecat Falange, f. phalanx Fabngio, m. a tarantula F&lbo, a. yellow, tawny Falcare, to bend, to crook, to de- duct, cut off Falc'istro, m. a hunter's staff Faleato, part. h>oke 1, crooked Falce, /. a sithe, or sickle ; metter la falce nella hi a la d' altrui, to meddle with another's b'isiness FalotStto, 77i. a little sickle Falchetto, m. a young falcon F.ilci'ire, to mow Falciata,/. a Mow with a sithe Fileia'ore. T71. a mower Falctdia, /. a law among the Ro- Falcinello, m. a bank martin Fileione. m. a Faleola. /. awl Falcolotto, m. a wax -candle FAL Falcon&re, to hunt with a falcon Falcone, in. hawk, falcon Falconeria, /. falconry Falconetto, m. a young falcon ; a piece of artillery Falconiere, m. a falconer Falda, /. a fold, or plait, flake oF snow, lock of wool, hair, flax, skirt, border, hem ; falda del monte, the side of a hill Faldato, a. folded Faldella,/. lint Faldellato, part, folded, plaited Faldiglia, /. a hoop-petticoat Faldislorio, in. a bishop's stool Faldone, m. a large fold Falegname, m. a carpenter Falimbillo, m. a wag Fallace, a. deceitful, crafty Fallacemente, ad. deceitfully Fallacia, /. fallacy, deceit, fraud Fallare, to fail, offend, err, omit ; di poco fallo ch' io non cadessi, I was very near falling Fallalo, part, failed [gressor FallatOre, m. a deceiver, trans- Fallibile, a. fallible Fallibility,/, fallibility Fallimento, m. fault, failing Falli re, to fail, sin, transgress, de- ceive [cy Fall ire, m. error, fault, bankrupt- Fallito, part, failed Fallitore, m. offender Fallo, rn. fauU, error, trespass ; metter il piede in fallo, to make a false step ; verra senza fallo, he will come without fail Falo, m. a bonfire ; andare a far falo, going to be burned Falotico, a. fantastical Falsamente, and Falso, ad. falsely Falsamonete, m. a false coiner Falsarda,/. a witch Palsare, to falsify fing on) Falsarfga, /. black-lines Cfor writ- Falsario, and Falsatore, 1,1. an im- postor, former Falseg^iare, to fakify [sic) Falsetto, m. a false treble (in mu- Falsidico, a. deceitful Falsificamento, m. a falsity Falsificare, to falsify, counterfeit, forge, adulterate, embezzle Falsifkato, part, falsified Falsihcatore, rn. a falsifier Falsificazione, /. falsification Falsita, /. falsehood, lie Falso, a. false ; mettere il piede in falso, to make a wrong s'.ep Falta,/. want, fault F<are, to want ; be deficient FAN Fama, /, fame, report Fame,/, hunger, scarcity; want Famelico, a. hungry Famigerato, a. famous Faiui^lia,/. family, retinue Famigliare, and Familiare, rn. and a. servant, follower, a bai- liff, intimate [familiarity Famigliarita, and Familiarita, /. Famigliarmente, and Familiar- mente, ad. freely Fainiglio, m. a servant, thief-taker Famigliuola,/. a small family Famosamente, ad. publicly Famosita,/. fame, report Famoso, a. famous, known Famuccia, /. a small appetite Fanale. m. a lantern Fanatico, a. fanatic Fanatismo, m. fanaticism Fanciullaggine, /. childishness, youth Fanciulla,/, a girl Fanciullaia, /. many boys Fanciulleria, /. childishness Fanciullescamente, ad. childishly Fanciullesco, and Fanciullo, a. childish Fanciulletta, /. and Fanciulletto, m. a little girl, or boy Fanciullezza,/. childhood, infancy Fanciullo, and Fanciutluzzo, m. a child, a boy Fandonia,/. a lie Fanello, m. a linnet Fanfalla,/. see Farfalla Fanfaluca, /. spark, whim, fancy, gewgaws, trifles Fanfano, m. a romancer Fanferina, /. jesting, mocking Fangaccio, rn. and Fanghiglia, /. mire, puddle Fango, m. dirt, clay; far delle sue parole fango, to break one's word Fangoso, a. dirty, miry Fantaccia,/. a bad servant-girl Fantaccino, m. foot soldier Fantaio, m. a lover of waiting- women Fantasia, /. fancy, imagination Fantasima, anrfFantasma, m. and f. (in poetry) phantom, vision, spirit Fantasticaggine, and Fantastiche- ria,/. whim, caprice Fantasticamente, ad. fantastically Fantasticare, to devise, invent Fan'asticatore, m. a capricious Fan'.astico, a. fantastical Fante, m. and f. man-servant, maid-servant : foot-soldier 132 IAS Fanteggiare, to perform domestic affairs Fanteria,/. infantry, foot Fantesca, /. maid-servant Fanticella, /. a servant-girl Fantino, rn. infant Fantineria,/. malice Fantocceria, /. childishness Fantoccio, m. a doll, a simple- ton Faraone, rn. a game of hazard Farchetola,/. a teal (a bird) Farciglione, m. a sort of teal Farda, /. spittle Fardaggio, m. baggage Fardello, m. truss, bundle ; far fardello, to pack off Fare, to do, make; farsi, to ap* proach ; fatevi a me, come near me ; farsi alia finestra, to come to the window ; tre rcesi fa, three months ago ; al far del giorno, break of day ; al far della notte, in the dusk of even- ing ; farsi tardi, to grow late ; far sembiante, to dissemble ; far motto, to mention ; far aiuto, to assist Farea, /. a sort of serpent Faretra, /. a quiver Faretrato, a. armed with a quivei Farfalla,/. butterfly Farfallone, m. a tale, a fib; far un farfallone, to blunder Farfaro, m. footstool, coltsfoot (a plant) Farina,/, meal, flour; questo noD fa farina, this is useless; tu non sei farina da cialde, you are a cunning fellow Farinaccio, rn. a die marked but on one side [mealy Farinaceo, and Farinacciolo, a. Farinaiuolo, m. a meal-seller Farinata, /. broth, porridge Farinello, m. an assassin Fariseo, m. Pharisee Farmacia,/. pharmacy Farmaco, rn. a drug, remedy Farneticare, to rave Farnetichezza, /. dotage, madness Farnetico, a. delirious Faro, m. watch-tower, strait Farragine, /. mixture of grain, mixture of words Farricsllo, m. spelt, a kind of cora Farro, m. corn, wheat Farsa, /. a farce Farsettaccio, m. a jacket, a doublet Farsettaio, m. a jacket maker Farsetto, m. a doublet Fascetto, rn. a little bundle Fa-ciuo Fa.*-./. Fa>t. n i i Ft- FAT infant in . to bind, tn tie I I ; bound, surn>: . truss • . Wood . ind Fascino, m, bewitching Fiscio, »?j. a bun lie: a sheaf; fasces ; andare in l.iscio, to go to ruin . m. a heap of rubbish Fa>ciuol.\. f. a little band I • su o, rii. a large bundle ill made • sheaf •>t, disturb, vex, '. molested, trou- } troublesome :n|ortunate 1 i hsome, --Tae I abhor, to . ired roubles .'ion I . proudly I ; ry rt of bird ; ! -stine tee Fatalmente arm. sorcery t • irJ ; le ■ I rious i - ; aiati- I Faticowmentt, ad. laboriously FAV •ious . m. a coniurer t, kind, fashion ad. effectively ; te, in such a maimer Fatterello, »i. a trifle . •. feature, shape, fashion, manner Fattibeilo, m. p.ilnt [Me Fattibile, n/if/ 1 i I . n. fictitious : vino fat- lulterated wine Fattlvo, a. active . a. artificial art. done, made; tanto fatto. so large : im DOmo COsl fat to, an apple so large; ubmo fatto, a full grows man Fatto. m. fact, deed, action; pf' fatti sn6i. to ?o about one's bomnesa : ho inteso paiiare molto malede 1 fatti vnstri, I beard you verv ill spoken of. Di fatio,"(u/. really so Fattoiano, m. one that works at an nil press ; a busybody Fattoio, m. an oi k a doer, maker, factor, apprentice [*h*P -. factorship, steward* Faftorino, m. a si i'oint Fattuechiera,/. a witch Fattucchieria,/. witchcraft Fattura, /. fashion, make, witch craft, charm Fatturito, part, bewitched ; vino fhtturato, adulterated wine Fatuita,/. stupidity Fatno, a. stupid Fauci, /. pi. throat, gullet, a riv- er's mouth F.'iuno, m. faun, sylvan god I rtunate Fan tore, in. a favourer Fava,/. a bean, a vote, pride, pre- sumption : pigliare due colotnbe id una fava. to kill two birds with i. handkercblef Fe. /. gee Fade, faith . m. February Feobre, f. fever ; febbre tervnna, a ternan ague; febbre perico- losa, a hard fever Febbncittnte, a, feverish Febbricitare, to have a fever Febbricone, m. a burning fever Febbricoso, a. feverish Febbrffugo, m. febrifuge Febbrile, a. belonging to a fever Febeo, a. poetic FeecisL. /. dregs: excrement; la f. : ccia del popolo, the mob Feoeiaia,/. bunghole of a cask 1 . n. full of dregs, ill-nA- tured. u niente, ad. fruitfully 1 tictrfy one that makes fruitml i le, ". fruitful ■apondita. /. fertiliry Fecondo, a. fruitful FEN Fede, /. faith ; testimonials ; dar fede, to give credit ; di buona fede, sincerely ; uomo degno di fede, a credible man Fedecommessario, m. feoffee, he who is enfeoffed Fedecommesso, part, committed to care [trust Fedecommesso, m. feoffment on Fedecommettere, to feoff Fededegno, a. credible Fedele, a. faithful, honest Fedelmente, ad. faithfully Fedelta,/. fidelity Federa,/. a pillow-case Fedita,/. f.lthiness Fedo. a. filthy, foul Fegatella, /. liverwort Fegato, m. the liver Fegatoso, a. diseased in the liver Felee, /. fern (an herb) [plant) Felcequercina, /. polypody (a Fele, rn. (in poetry) gall Felice, a. happy Felicemente, ad. happily Felicita, /. happiness Felicitare, to felicitate Felicitalore, m. one that makes happy [a thief Fellone, and Fello, m. (in poetry) Fello, a. impious, wicked Fellonescamente, ad. feloniously Fellonesco, a. felonious Fellonia,/. felony Felpa, /. plush, shag Feltrare, to filtrate, strain Fehro, m. felt [ship Feliica, and Felucca, /. a small Femmina, f. female, woman Femminaccia, /. a large, vile woman Femminacciolo, a. effeminate, soft Femminefla, /. a poor woman, a common woman [woman Femmineo, a. belonging to a Femminescam^nte, and Femrni- nilmente, ad. effeminately Femminezza, /. female sex Femminiera, /. woman's apart- ment [feminine Femminfle, and Femmniino, a. Femminuzza, /. a despicable little woman Femore, rn. thigh, thigh-bone Fendente, m. cut Fendere, to cleave, split, cut, sever, plough ; fendere i campi, to grub up the ground ; la Mnsa e'l Reno fendono l'Olanda, the Meuse and the Rhine go through Holland FER Fenditoio, m. a cleaver Fenditura, /. cleft, crack, chink Fenestra, /. see Finestra Fenice,/. a phoenix Fenicontero, m. a sort of bird of a crimson colour Fenile, rn. a hay-loft Fenomeno, m. phenomenon Fera,/. (in poetry) a wild beast Ferace, a. fruitful [ful Ferale, a. deadly, mortal, mourn- Feretro, m. a coffin, tomb Feria, m. a festival, holyday Feriale, a. common, ordinary, trivial Ferialmente, ad. commonly Ferijto, a. vacant;^ giorno feriato, festival Ferimento, m. a wounding Ferino, a. wild, savage, fierce, cruel Ferire, to wound, strike, hit; la barca feri sopra '1 lido, the boat struck upon the shore Ferita,/. a wound, hurt, cut Ferita,/. fierceness, cruelty Ferito, part, wounded Feritoia, /. a loop-hole Feritore, m. a striker Ferma, /. decree, arrest Fermaglio, m. a buckle, clasp Fermaniente, ad. firmly Fermamento, rn. and Fermanza, /. the firmament, sky Fermare, to stop, stay; fermarsi, to pause ; mi fermai di non partire senza vederlo, I was re- solved not to go away without seeing him Fermata, /. rest, pause Feimato, part, stopped Fermentare, to ferment Fermentato, part, fermented Fermentazione, /. leaven, yeast, fermentation Fermento, m. ferment, yeast Fermezza,/. firmness Fermo, a. firm, fast Fermo, m. a compact, decree Fero, a. wild, fierce, cruel Feroce, a. fierce, brave, horrid, rough Ferocemente, ad. fiercely Ferocia, and Ferocita, /. fierce- ness, cruelty [ous sting Ferraccia, /. a fish with a poison- Ferraccio, m. bad iron Ferragosto, rn. lammas-day Ferraio, rn. a smith Ferraiuolo, m. a cloak Ferramenti, rn. pi. iron tools Ferrare, to bind wi'h iron ; fer- rare un cavallo, to shoe a horse 134 FES Ferrata, /. an iron grate Ferrato, a. done with iron Ferratore, m. a farrier, smith Ferratiira, f. iron work Ferravecchio, rn. a broker Ferreo, a. of iron Ferretti, m. small iron tools Ferreria, /. a quantity of iron Ferriera,/. forge Ferrigno, a. hard, of iron Ferro, m. iron : venire a' ferri, to come to the fact ; metter a' ferri, to chain ; battere il ferro mentre e caldo, to strike the iron while it is hot [iron-like Ferrugigno, and Ferruginoso, a. Fertile, a. fruitful Fertility /. fertility Fertilmente, ad. fruitfully Feruggine, /. rust Ferula, f. palm (a plant) Fervente, a. boiling, ardent Ferventemente, ad. ardenfh eagerly Fervenza, /. fervour, heat Fervere, to boil, to rage Fervidamente, ad. fervently Fervidezza, /. fervency F^rvido, and Fervoroso, a. fervent Fervore, m. fervour ; il fervor del sole, the heat of the sun ; in su'l fervore del giorno, in the middla of the day Ferza, /. whip, scourge Fescera, /. white vine (a plant) Fesso, m. and Fessura, /. chcj crack, chink Fesso, part, chopped, cleft Festa, /. festival, holyday, joy, mirth ; far festa, to feast ; far festa a qualcheduno, to use one kindly [merry, gay Festante, and Festeggiante, a, Festare, to revel Festeggevole, and Festevole, a. feasting Festeggevolmente, and Festevol- mente, ad. cheerfully Festeggiamento, and Festeggio, m. exultation Festeggiante, a. gay, cheerful Festeggiare, to feast, solemnize, celebrate Festereccio, a. holyday; panni festerecci, Sunday clothes Festichino, a. sea-green Festinamente, and Festinatamente, ad. has'ily [ously Festinare, to hasten, to act zeal* Festinazione, /. haste, diligence Festino, m. entertainment, baJUl, feast FIA s. eager, prompt y, pleas- I in j giorno ■'. merrily, joyfully . mote . uid Feti.lo, a. stinking, V oente, ad. stiukingly i I I .. stench .'. bit I :. of the manor Feudatario, in. i< I I . weakly jHaccam&ro. m. a fracture, bruise ik, bruise, cut, to v . weakened Little weakened F weariness, feeble- ness, b V ;, faint, weary :•.-. ruin h. flambeau I .a honey- comb [ ■'. vial, bottle } . /. flame, splendour, i fuoco e fiamma, to burn, destroy ; fiimma di va- SOilK - flaming ; nuovo fiammante, quite new F ■. '. a dry itch Fian.r zing Fiaminesgiare, to glitter, shine } 'i. and Fiammetta, /. a Lame i . '". a blow on the side } , to flank, to sup- Fianch i-nded FiAnco. sempre a -ir me . a. broaJsided, having Unks • -comb ind Fiaschctta, /. a flat Fiascaio, rru a bottTe-maker Fiascheppire, to buy wine by the Fiaschetto, m. a small bottle FIE Fiasco, m. a Bask Fiascone, ui. .i large Bask 'mie ; nua iiata, once ; te, often Fia'aincnto, m. breathing Fiat ante, a. breathing renthe . . breath, odour, word Fihbia,/. buckle, clasp Fibbiagfio, and Fibbiule, m. buckle, clasp clasp, to buckle FibHctta, /. a small buckle Fibra. /. fibre, filament Fibroao, a. tibi-ous Fibula,/, a clasp 1 . m. a little fig Ficaia, f. the fig-tree [in Ficcabile, a. that maybe driven Ficcamento, m. and Ficcatura, /. thnlsting, chiving in Ficcare, to fix, drive; ficcAr gli occhi, to fix the eyes; ficcarsi, to introduce one's self ; ficcdr carote, to tell fibs Fiecato, part, driven, thrust in Fichere'o, and Ficheto, m. a fig- garden Fico. m. a fig-tree, a fig; fichi fiori, green figs ; fico secco, a dri ■ i fig Fidagione,/. a pledge, assurance . •. confidence, trust ; sotto til .1)71. with promise ; darfidan- za, to give bail Fi'ianz'ire, to warrant, to promise, to betroth Fidanzito, part, betrothed Fi fare, to trust; fidirsi, to depend upon Fidata,/. an oath of fidelity Fidatamente, ad. confidently Fidato, cmd Fido, a. trusty, faith- ful Fidecommisso, m. see Fedecom- Fidelita,/. fidelity Fiducia,/. confidence, hope Fiduciaimente, ad. boldly Fiedere, to wound, to lead to . rail : non aver fiele, to be good-natured Fienaio, and Fien'de, a. belonging to hay ; falce fien.iia, a sithe Fien'.le. m. hay-loft, rack Fieno, m. hav Fi foa, y. .i wjH beast, a public fair Fieramente, ad. cruelty, fiercely : fieramente aceeso d*am6re, pas- skmatelj in love and Fierita,/. fierceness, dexterity, alacrity FIL Finro, a. cruel, savage, wild, arro- Fjevole, a, G 1 1 le, wt tk, faint i'ie\olc//i. /. frailty, Weakness • lakly Fifa,/. a lapwing Flggere, set I [ter ; Figliuola, f. a daugh- Figliare, to bring t rib. produce Figliftstra, /. and FigliaMm, in. a daughter-in-law, son-in-law FigliaUccio, a. proper to beget children Figliatura, f. the time a femala goes with young Figlio, and Figliuolo, m. a son, a child Figlioccio, TO. a godson Figliuola,/. a daughter Figliuolaccjo, ni. a clumsy boy Figliuol iggio, 77i. infancy Figliuolanza,/. filiation, sonship Figliuolino, m. a little child Fi'/liuolo, m. a son Fignere, to feign, forge Ffgnolo, TO. a bile, felon Figura, /. figure, fashion, form. Foniam ligifra, let us s-ippo^e Figurabile, a. figurable Figurale, n. mysterious Figuralmente, ad. figuiativdj Figuraminto, to. a figure Figurare, to figure, fancy and Figurativa- •••'. figurattyely Figuratlvo, a. figurative . part, figared Figurazione,/. figure, form, aspect Figurina, /. a little image Fila,/. file, row. Alia fila, ad. together, one after another Filadoro, m. a gold wire-drawer Filamento, to. a rtring, a thread Fil'ire. to spin, to arrange; filir dell' oro o dell' argento, to wire- draw gold or silver Film-. TO. a row Filastrricca, Filastroccola, Filatera, and Filattera, /. a story, tale, trifle, prolixity : dire delle fila- strocche, to talk i Ily Filat.'ria, /. ])hylactery Fila'essa,/. a contused rank FilaMccio, m. a thread made of silk, spun silk rt. spun . m. spinning-wheel FilaV)ie. m. and Filatrice, /. a spinner Filet to, 77j. a fine thread Filiale, a. filial Fiiiazione, /. filiation FIN Filiera. /. a wire-drawing instru- ment, a row Filiggine,/. soot [full of soot FiliggiuOso, and Filigginato, a. Filo, m. thread ; filo di perle, a string of pearls ; filo di ferro, wire ; mandar a fil di spada, to kill with a sword ; per filo, ex- actly ; filo delle reni, the back bone Filologia,/. philology Filologo, to. philologer Filomena, /. a nightingale Fil6ne, to. the principal thread, fee. Filonio, to. a sort of electuary Fil6so, a. fibrous Filosofale, a. philosophical Filosofante, and Filosofo, to. phi- losopher [philosophize Filosofare, and Filosofeggiare, to Filosofastro, to. a smatterer in philosophy Filosofia,/. philosophy [ly Filosoficamente, ad. philosophical- Filosofico, a. philosophical Filosomia, /. physiognomy Filtro, to. a potion, "charm Filugello, rn. a silk-worm Filunguello, rn. a chaffinch Filuzzo, m. a fine thread Filza, /. a row, string Fimbria,/, hem, edge Fimbriato, part, bordered Fime, m. dung Finale, a. final, last Finalmente, ad. finally Finanze, /. pi. finances Finamente, and Finemente, ad. perfectly, excellently Finare, to desist, finish Final tantoche, and Finche, conj. until, as long as Fine, m. aadf. end; gitignere al fine, to come to an end ; io 1' ho fatto a buon fine, I did it with a good intention Fine, a. crafty, subtle, thin, fine, excellent Finestra,/. a window Finestrato, a. full of windows Finestrella, Finestruzza, /. Fine- strino, and Finestrucolo, to. a little window Finestrone, m. a large window Fin^zza, /. fineness, artifice, per- fection, civility, favour Fingente, a. pretending Fingere, to feign, forge, dissemble Fingimento, rn. fiction Fin^itore, rn. a dissembler Fiuiente, a. finishing FIO Finime'nto, to. conclusion Finimondo, to. a great ruin, the world's end Finire, to finish ; chi ben vive ben finisce, who lives well dies well Finita, /. end, conclusion, death, determinate quantity Fir.itamente, ad. finitely FiMitimo, a. close, near to Finitivo, a. finite Finito, part, finished Fino, a. fine, pure, good Fino, prep, until, unto ; fin addesso, till now ; fin a Roma, as far as Rome ; fin dal tempo, from the time Finocchio, and Finocchino, to. fennel ; voglio la mia parte fino al finocchio, I will have my money to a farthing Fin6ra, ad. until now, thus far Finta,/. dissimulation, guise, feint Fintamente, ad. feignedly Finto, part, counterfeited, dis- guised Finzi6ne,/. fiction, invention Fio, to. fee ; pagir il fio, to pay dear for [hoarseness Fiocaggine, and Fiocagione, /. Fiocamente, ad. weakly, faintly Fioccare, to snow Fiocco, to. and Fiocca, /. snow ; a tassel, tuft of hair; un abito coi fiocchi, a fine suit Fioccoso, a. full of flakes, tufts, &c. Fiochetto, a. hoarse Fiochezza, /. a hoarseness Fiocina, /. a hook, or harping-iron Fiocine, to. a grape-stone Fioco, a. hoarse, faint, feeble ; ac- que fioche, still water Fionda, f. a sling Fiondatore, to. a slinger Fioraliso, to. blue-bottle, flower Fiorcappuccio, to. lark-spur Fiordaliso, to. lily, flower-de-luce Fiore, m. a flower, bloom, blos- som ; fi6r di latte, cream ; fior di farina, flour ; se tu mi volessi un fior di bene, if you loved me a little ; un fior non fa primave- ra, a swallow does not make summer Fioreggiare, to blossom Fiorellino, and Fiorello, to. a little flower Fiorente, a. blooming ; stato fiorente, a flourishing condition Fio r entinamente, ad. like a Flor- entine 136 FIT Fioretto, to. a little flower ; a foil (to fence with) Fiorino, to. a florin (a coin) Fiorire, to blossom, to flourish, to grow gray Fiorito, part, blossomed, elected, hoary ; pasqua fiorita, Whitsun- day Fioritura,/. a blossoming Fiorrancio, to. marigold ; a wren (a little bird) Fi6tola,/. flute Fiottare, to float Fiotto, to. wave, flood, tide, crowd Fiottoso, a. floating, tempestuous Firma, /. signature Firmamento, to. the sky Firmare, to sign Fisamente, ad. earnestly Fisare, to fix one's eyes on a thing Fiscale, avvocato fiscale, to. the attorney -general Fiscella, and Fiscina,/. a basket Fischiare, to whistle Fischiata,/. a whistling Fischiatore, to. a whistler Fischio, to. a whistle Fisco, 771. an exchequer Fisica,/. natural philosophy Fisicaggine, /. caprice Fisicale, a. natural, physical Fisicare, to invent Fisico, 77i. physician Fisico, a. physical Fisicoso, a. difficult, scrupulous Fisionomo, and Fisiomante, TO. physiognomist Fisionomia, and Fisonomia, / physiognomy Fisionomista, 777. physiognomist Fiso, a. (in poetry) fixed, attentive Fiso, ad. fixedly, attentively Fisonomico, a. physiognomical Fisonomista, to. physiognomist Fissamente, ad. attentively Fissare, to fix one's eyes Fissile, a. that may be split Fisso, a. fixed, steady ; occhi fissi, a steady look Fistella, /. a wicker basket Fisii'ire, to whistle, hiss [ing Fistierolla,/. a kind of bird-catch- Fistola, /. a fistula, pipe, stem Fistolnre, a. belonging to a fistula Fistolazione, /. fistulation, ulcera- tion Fistolo, 77i. a demon, devil Fistula,/, a pipe Fitone, to. spirit of divination Fitonessa, and Fitonissa, /. a witch, a woman conjurer Filonico, to. a conjurer FLO Fltta, /. stitch, acute pain ; quag- mire farmer, tenant ! Fittivamente, ad. arthen Mjlid measure of I, formed i /. feiguedly ious ire a fitto, to let 1 n*. drove, thrust j a capo m. the principal root of a FOG , to final . a. flow in? nuideta, and Fluidity/, fluidity fluent, running .\ Bui 1 BoW, ri'.n Flossibile, a. fluid, fluent, loose, slothful Flussione,/. defluxion Flu- so, TO. flux; rlusso e rifliisso, ebbing and flowing Flusso, a. transient Flutto, TO. a wa\e Fluttuamento, m. float i: Ira ), m, see Fittaiuolo , a. river l,/. a river, whirlpool :o. a. of .1 river m. a river rino, and Fiu- \ulet, brook mehto, m. flarellation I little whip i, nu a whip, punishment, i. to. crime ninal rious a, /. heart's ease (an herb) m. and Flatuosita,/. wind B body, in the stomach ' .lent o, m. a small flute m- a flute a. yellow , a. tooani mare, and Flobotomare, to [bleeding Flotjotomia, /. -nee .he nature, quali- -. licding, 1 > ry, florid Fkwcio, a. faint, Weak Fiona,/, a fleet Fluttu.ire, to vacillate Fluttuazione, /-a fluctuation Fluttnoso, a. swelling with the . stormy Fluvi'ile, a. like a river Foca, /. a sea lion Focaccia, /. a cake ; render pane per focaccia, to requite . a flint Foeaiuolo, a. flinty Foce, /. the throat : foce d' un . the Booth of a river Focherelb, Focollno, and Focon- to strike fire Fccn. ??j. (in pot • . m, a hearth, a chafing- Focone, TO. pan of .a run Focosamente, ad. ardently Fr-cnso, a. unruly, furious, hot Fodera. /. a lining Foderare, to line Foderato. part, lined Foderatura,/. a lining, a fur-lining Fodero, m. a BCaM ar.l Fnra. /. f'jry. imi . and Foggetttua, /. a I little bonnet ■'. fashion, form ; se tu fai i. if you go on in | this manner Foelia. /. a leaf; la fozlia delle . the literal sen-e of the Foeli.ime, m. leaves F . to Uaf Fogliato, a. full < ! . f. a sniall leaf, a pint I ■ il f'>2rIio bianco, to give one fi)'! Foglioso, and Fogliuto. a. full of, Foena, /. a comrn- 1 Fognire, to make sewers, or con- FON dnits ; fognara Ie mistirc, to I 1 into crowd, a -•hen . a flight of bir . of n nut Foldre. to pmp [ful F ilgorante, a. thunderin - Folgorare, to thunder, to I Folgorato, a. thai Fdlgore, or Fulgure, to. and f. thunder, lightning '. thundering i ue, to thunder Folia,/, crowd, multitude Folic, a. mad, foolish Folleggi&nte, n. playing the fool Folleggiamento, m. (buy, eitravap irance Follesijiare, to play the fool Folleggiatore, m. ? fool, madman Follemehte, ad. foolishly Fr.lletto, TO. hobgoblin Follia, /. folly [husk, snell Follicola, /. ajid Fnuicolo, in. . i roller, a dyer omnany, crowd Foltamente. ad. erowdi Folto. a. thick ; folte teu'ebre, a Fomentare, to foment, soak Fomentato, part, i ■ nter Fomenta 'ion Fomento, r/j. a | ■i. an incentive, tinder Fonda,/, a purse, funds Fon !ac:iio, TO, a wareboose-keepei Fond'iccio, m. and Foudaia, /. Irega I anal] warehouse F"n i.uhii-re, to. a draper Fondaco, m. a warehouse, a shop Fondamentale, a. fundan Fondamen'riliii-M'-. and Fondatm- ..•■ ntally,> nndly I ition, basis, principle, 1 eginning lav foundation Fondato, part, founded ; disc^r*) I ndato, the middle of Fondatore, m. founder Fondello, m. a buttou-bole r FOR F6ndere, to melt, to waste Fonderia, /. a foundery Fondigliuolo, m. lees, dregs of liquor Fonditore, m. a metal founder; spendthrift, prodigal F6ndo, m. depth, bottom, funds Fondo, a. deep Fond u to, part, melted Fontana, /. fountain Fontanella, /. a little fountain Fontaneo, and Fontaniero, a. waterish, of a spring, or fountain Fonte, m. andf. fountain, spring; font ; levare al fonte un bambino, to stand godfather or godmother Fora, for Sarebbe (poetical) Foracchiare, to pierce through Foracchiato, a. pierced Foraggiare, to forage Foraggiere, m. a forager Foraggio, m. fodder, forage Forame, m. a hole F&raneo, a. of a bar, court Forare, to penetrate Forasiepe, rn. a sort of little bird ; a poor man Forata, /. a hole Fora terra,/, a dibble Forato, part, bored Foratoio, rn. an auger, piercer Foratore, in. one that makes holes Forbice, and Forbicia, /. scissors Forbicette, /. pi. small scissors Forbid, /. pi. scissors ; the claws of a crab, or scorpion ; avere uno nelle forbici, to have one under one's thumb Forbiciata, /. a cut, a snip Forbire, to furbish; fdrbirsi gli 6cchi, to rub one's eyes; forbirsi le lagrime, to wipe away tears Forbito, part, furbished, cleaned, polished Forbitoio, m. a furbishing tool Forbottare, to beat again Forbottato, part, beaten Forca, /. a pitchfork, a prong ; the gallows Forcata, /. a fork-full, the opening of the legs Forcato, part, forked Forcatura, /. the parting of the thighs Forrella,/. a little fork Forcelluto, a. forked Foxchetta, and Forcina, f. a fork to eat with ; favellare in punta di forchetta, to speak with affec- tation Forchettiera, /. a sheath for a fork Forchiudere, to exclude FOR Forci, /. pi. scissors Forcone, rn. an iron fork Forcutamente, ad. like a fork Forciito, part, forked Fnrellino, m. a little hole Forense, a. of the bar Forese, m. and f. a rustic, coun- tryman Foresozzo, m. a country lad Foresta, /. a forest Forestieramente, ad. stranger-like Forestiere, a. strange, foreign Forestieria, /. a quantity of stran- gers; an inn to receive stran- gers Forestiero, m. a stranger, guest Foresto, a. savage, wild Forfattura, /. cheat, imposition Forfecchia, /. a sort of worm with a forked tail Forfice, /. shears, scissors; essere tra le forfici, to be in danger Forficette, and Forficine, /. pi. little scissors Forficiata, /. a cut with the scissors Forfora, and Forforaggine, /. scurf, dandruff of the head Foriere, m. forerunner Foriero, a. preceding Forma, /. form, shape, figure Formabile, a. which may be formed Formaggio, m. cheese Formal e, a. formal Formalita,/. ceremony Formalmente, ad. formally Formamento, m. the creation of the world Formante, a. forming Fonnare, to form, make Formatamente, ad. formally Formativo, a. forming Formato, part, formed, shaped; uomo formato, a grown man Formatore, m. former, framer Formazione, /. fomiing, foimation Formella, /. a furrow, ditch Formentare, to ferment Formentato, part . leavened Formento, rn. corn, ferment Formica, and Formicola, /. an ant Formicaio, m. an ant-hill, a throng, a crowd ; stuzzicAre il formicaio, to run into mischief Formicare, to be numerous Formicolaio, m. a swarm of ants Formicolamento, m. a prickling in the body like the stinging of ants Formicone, rn. a large ant Formidabile, a. terrible Formidine, /. fear 138 FOR Formisura, ad. excessively Formola, and Formula, /. foxxa Formosita, /. beauty Formoso, a. beautiful Fornace, /. kiln, furnace Fornacella, and Fornacetta, /. furnace, a kiln Fornaciaio, m. a kiln-man Fornaia, /. a baker's wife Fornaio, m. a baker Fornello, m. a small oven, a stov« Fornicare, to commit fornication Fornicatore, and Fornicatorello, rn. fornicator Fornicatrice, /. a harlot Fornicazione, /. fornication Fornimento, m. supply; forni- mento d'un abito, trimming of clothes ; fornimento di sella, the harness ; da camera, furniture Fornire, to finish, to furnish, to adorn [adorned Fornito, part, furnished, endowed, Fornitura,/. ornaments Forno, m. an oven, a baker's shop non e in forno, ma e in su la pala, he is almost ruined Fornuolo, m. a lantern to hun birds by night Foro, rn. a court of justice, market-place, a hole, a crack Forosetta, /. and Forosetto, m. little rustic Forra, /. a defile, a pass Forse, ad. perhaps, why ; forse di si, may be so ; forse di no, may be not ; forse non bello ? why not handsome ? Forsechc, ad. perhaps that Forsennare, to rave, to dote Forsennataggine, and Forsenna- tezza, /. folly, madness Forsennatamente, ad. madly Forsennato, a. mad, extravagant Forte, a. strong, sturdy ; desidero forte di vederlo, I am very de» sirous to see him ; fa forte tem- po, it is very bad weather Forte, rn. flower, strength, nerve, fortress [ously Fortemente, and Forte, ad. vigor* Fortenizzo, a. rather strong, sour Fortezza, /. steadiness, fortitude J a fortress; fortezza d' animo, constancy Fortiflcare, to fortify Fortificatore, m. a fortifier Fortificazione, /. and Fortifica* mento, m. fortification Fortino, m. a small fort Fortitudine,/. fortitude Fortdre, m.. force, sharpness FRA Fortuitamente. ad. I tuito. chance I Fortdre, m. things I i>rtune I Fortunare, to make fortunate, to try one's luck Fortuna'ameire. ad. luckily Fortun\to, m. fortunate t make happy \ . i /. by chance I - . and For;un ruinate ": > will Forza, J. ad. by force ; far forza. to com- [vfolenee F : : >rz.'irsi, to strive 1 > } ..a zallcy -lave . hi. he that compels « mink-maker ink rcibly .rely i, a. brown, tawny, dark, -phoric >ro. m. the mora ve ; chi \ -I si che cosa e'l . ■ xperience mikes us wise Foasaccia./. a '1 itch I .. a li'tle 'orrent f. a little ditch, or prave -. any thin* dug up ; sal . mineral salt F . a ditch I kestrel . amomrst, ; fra quin- ine ? . (for Frate,) brother, rrmnk i. clutter, havoc rrak 1 F . m. cra-h, ruin FracfcsG, m. crash, ruin, havoc, F I oness "ing • •mous tongue FRA Fracilume, and Fracidfccio, m. rottenneas, putrefaction rotten ■ . see Flagellare, and its derivatives Fragile, a. brittle, frail Fragilexza, and Fragilita, /. brit-- Frazil nit ; nte. ail. weakly, feebly to break . /. strawberry . m. noise; fragrancy ■. noisy i . a. fragrant Fragranza,/. Eragrancy Fr.'iie, a. Weak, feeble Fralc/za,/. .?.t '-//a Fralmen'e. Oaf. weakly, feebly Frummento. ?/». fragment Frammescouire, to mix, mingle BO, m. a thing inserted Frammesso, part, put between Frammeltt' putting between ; n>. a go-between re. to put among; Cram- to intermeddle Frammischiure. to mix with Frammtato, n. mixe 1 Frana, /. a precipice . to fall down Francamente, ad. freely, openly Francan, delivery Francare, to free, i Francesc u i eh-like Francescano, t?j. a Franciscan Francesco, a. French Francesc, a. French Franchersriare, »o countenance Franchezza, /. boldness, integrity, freedom, liberty Franchisia,/. franchise, privilege Franco, in. a franc Franco, a. free, bold, sincere, open Francolino, in. a heath-cock Fransente, m. misfortune, misery, a wave . to break, split; franger- si. to be filled with pity Franzia. /. fringe Franglbife, a. brittle, fragile Frantribilita./. frailty Franzimento, in. a breaking, trembling j frangim- 1 ments Frannonnolo, m. an old fool Fnntendcre, to understand contra- rily Fran'o, part, broken •■. a. French 1 ..illicism Frappa, /. lappet 139 FRA Frappa re, to cut, Jagg, snip ; to cheat cozin Frappato, yart. jagged, cheated Frappatore, m. a sharper, boaster Frappeggiare, to paint foliages Frapporre, to interpose ; senza frapporvi dimora alcana, with out any delay Frappdeto, part, intermeddled a bongh, a bush, branch. an idle story, a \ain man ; ai boon vino non biadgna frasca, good wine needs no nosh 0,171. arbour, a shade tare, to bustle, murmur, to play the fool [trifle I u /. wantonness, jest, Fraschetta, /. a small branch, a blunderer [person Frascheftino, m. a hare-brained ■ , m. an inconstant, giddy person v/" birding, fowling Frasconi, m. pi. dead branches to burn ; silly thing or saying Frase,/. phrnse [dittany) La, /. fraxinella (bastard . a. of ash [wood Frassindto, m. an ash-grove, or Fraasino. m. an ad i iraento, m, and Frasta- gliatnra, /. a cutting, a notch, nib, slit Frastagliante, a. cutting, notching re, to cut, notch, to con- fuse Frastagliata, /. confusion, disorder Frastagliatamente, ad. confusedly Frastagliato, part, notched, cut Frastaglio, m. a cut, gash Frastenere, to detain FrastoruAre, to disturb, interrupt ; (rastornar uno dal cammino, to mislead [noise Frastuono, m. a sound, confused Fratacrio, rn. a wicked friar ■■•!. meanwhile ■. friar, brother, father Fratellanza, /. brotherhood Fratellcvole. a. brotherly !mente,o*f. like a brother Fratellino. m. a younger brother . m. brother Fraterla. /. a convent, monkery Fraternale, a. bat Fraternalmente, and Fraterna» mente, ad. brotherly Fraternita, /. brotherhood . a. fraternal . n. ke, fumble ; fru- I fuoco, to stir the fire . m. a child full of tricks and noise piece of . t blow \vi;h OB Frutre, to enjoy ;tion . to mar ; il vento frulla, the wind blows hard i othirur at all : rK>n ne darvi dd frullo, I no' rive a pit: Frullon sit meal Frument.ino, a. of corn Frumen'iere, m. a soti Fruroento. m. corn, wheat * wheat Fruscilrt i and Fniscolo, m. straw, - ;. a kind of ?ame at cards *. a whip, a sc .. m. fu«'ian, dimity ip : tni-tare un . to wear out clothes whipped, used, frostra'ed, deluded vain, useless • 'ipping : '-ce out .. shrub, sprout fruit !o, and Fruttar fruiterer produce I } T i Fruttuare, to Frttto, m. fruit, rent, interest FIM Fruttuosamente, ad. usefully, prof- inblv ■>./. fruit fulness Fruttuoso, a. proti'able, fruitful Baed ; il fn re, the late king lisctl Fm-il. •. to, the steel to strike fire ; a musket ; fuolc dell" archibu- gi<\ fire] >ck \ ivrze Fuciuata. /. a great number FOOD, m. drone Fu.'a, /. rli-lit, escape j a row of moms, <;c. ; mettersi in fuga, to run away, a fu^ue in music >\% ift, fugitive oto, m. rout, disorder Fu_rare, to chase FugitO, part, chased Furaore, m. he that chases : , a. fly- iiu away i mehte, ad. by stealth Fuggiasco, a. fugitive Fuggtbile, a. avoidable >. in. an idler nto, in. flight •« tly away, shun, avoid ; mo di vederlo, 1 it the courage to see him '. flight .. and Fuggitivo, a. | nrt. fled away m. a runaway Fafo, a. ob-cure, darg Fulclre, to underprop Fulgeote, a. shining, bright Fulgere, to shine a. and Fulgidita, /. ful- eency F'llri to, a. shining, bright . a. brilliant Hour . f. soot Fuliggiooso, n. nub Fulminante, a. thundering Fulmin'ire, to thunder, rare, to sentence, to be in a pal Fulmina'o. part, falmil Fulminazione, f. fulmination Fulmine, m. than Palmlneo, a. thunder-like F'llvo. a. yellow, ruddy Fumacchio, m. fumigation, a coal which smokes much Fumaiunlo, m. a smoky coal, the chimney-'np •. smoky Fumin'e. a. smoking Furuare, to 141 FUR Fum'itn, /, a smoke made for a -moke Fumicante, a. smoking Fuimcare, to smoke, to perfume Fumido, a. smoky Fumica/ione. Fumi ra/ione,/. and Fumtgi >. //;. fun Fummare, see Fumare, and all its derivatives Fiimo. in. smoke, fume; conver- tirsi in fumo, to vanish, fume. vai>o\ir ; aver fumo, to be proud Fumosiia,/. fume, steam Fumoso, a. fun.y, haughty Fumostemo, to. fumitory (a plant) Funaiolo, to. a rope-maker Fun.ame, m. cordage Funata, /. many people tied to- gether ; fare una funata, to make many prisoners Funditore, m. aslinger Fune, m. and f. a rope, rack, torture ; tenere uno in sulla fune, to keep one in suspense Funebre, and Funoreo, a. funereal Funerale, m. fun Funesi.are, to sadden Funesto, a. fatal, unlucky Fungo, m. mushroom ; fiingo ma rino. sea spon.ce Inn .""is Funicella./. a little cord Funicolo, tn. a small cord Funzione, /. duty, function Fu6co, m. fire, passion, discord, love; i oaani al fuoco, I could take my oath oa it ; mettcre tmppa came al fuoco, to undertake too many things at once Fuora, and Fnori, ad. and prep. out, abroad, from home ; fuor di mano, out of read) ; fuor di mi" sura, very much Fuorche, j'rrp. except, only Fuorchii'i'leie, see Forchii'i.lere ! Foormnura, ad. excessively Fiiorsolaniente, ad. except Fuonisci'o, >n. an exile Funice, and Furinte, a. thieving Furare, to steal .'. stolen Furatore, m. a thief Furbaccio, m. rojue. knave Furbamente. ad. cunningly Farberta, f. a cheat unente. art. ro-uishly itfol m. a knavish man i knave, a rogue Fure, m. thief GAB Furente, a. raging Furetto, m. a ferret Furfantaccio, m. a scoundrel Furfantare, to live the life of a scoundrel Furfanie. m. a rogue, rascal Furfantello, and Furfantino, m. a little rogue Furfameria,/. wickedness, wicked action [lain Furfantone, m. a great rogue, vil- Furia, /. fury ; passion ; a furia, ad. furiously Furialmente, ad. furiously Furibondare, and Furiare, to rage like a madman Furibondo. and Furiato, a. full of madness Furiere, m. harbinger Furiosamente, ad. madly Furioso, a. fierce, mad Furlana, /. a dance Furo. a. thievish ; rn. a thief Furore, m. madness Furtivamente, ad. secretly Furtivo, a. stolen ; furtivo desio, unlawful desire [privately Furto, m. robbery; di fiirto, ? Fusaggine, /. the spindle-tree Fusaio, to. spindle-maker Fusaiuolo, rn. a whirl for a spindle Fuscello, ?n. straw j meal, mill- dust Fusco, a. dark, brown Fusione, /. fusion, melting, thaw- ing ' [lar Fuso, rn. a spindle, shaft of a pil- Fuso, part . melted Fusone, m. a sort of stag; a fusone, ad. plentifully Fusta, /. a sort of light galley Fus'iagno, rn. fustian Fusto," m. stalk, stem, shank, trunk of a tree, shaft of a column Futile, a. trifling Futuramente, ad. for the future Futuxo, a. future G GAKBADE'O, rn. a hypocrite Gabbarnento, rn. a cheat, trick Gabbamondo, rn. a cheat, quack Gabbanella, /. ridinghood, or surtout Gabbano, rn. a felt cloak Gabbare, to deceive, jest; gab- barsi, to mistake Gabbatb, part, deceived GAL Gabbatore, rn. deceiver Gabbia, /. a cage, a jail Gabbiaio, m. a cage-maker Gabbiano, m. a sea-mew, cob, gull Gabbiano, a. clownish, unpolite Gabbiata, /. a full cage Gabbiere, and Gabbiero, m. an employment at sea Gabbiolina, /. a small cage Gabbionata, /. a bulwark Gabbione, m. a large cage ; met- tere nel gabbione, to allure by flatteries Gabbo, m. jeering ; prender a gabbo, to banter Gabella, /. toll, duty, tax Gabeliare, to pay duty ; non ga- belio quel che dite, I do not be- lieve a word of what you say Gabelliere, m. customhouse officer Gabinerto, m. closet Gaggia, /. the scuttle of a ship Gaggia, /. acacia (a tree) Gagiio, m. hostage, pledge Gagliardamente, ad. briskly, boldly Gagliardezza, and Gagliardia, f. strength, courage, prowess Gagliardo, a. stout, strong ; far del gagliardo, to brave it Gaglio, m. rennet, that turns milk Gaglioffaccio, a-iik Gagliofto, m. rascal, rogue, knave, coward Gaglioffagine,/. roguery GagliofTameme, ad. roguishly Gagliofferia, /. knavery Gaglioso. a. clammy, gluish Gagliuolo. rn. cod, husk, shell Gagno, m. a stable, sheepfold ; a maze, snare Gagnolamen+o, and Gagnolio, rn. the howling of a dog Gagnolare, to howl, roar Gaiamente. ad. merrily, pleas^ antly, gayly Gaiettb, a. "cheerful, gay Gaiezza, /. gayety, cheerfulness Gaio, a. gay. joyful Gaioso, a. gay Gala, /. ornament, finery, dress : star sulle gale, to follow the fashion [plant) Galanga, f. galangal, (an aromatic Galante, a. accomplished, brave Galantemente, ad. genteelly Galanteria./. civility, bravery Galantino, a. pretty, delicate; un galantlno, a beau, a spruce fellow Galantuomo, rn. a gallant man Galappio, rn. a trap Galassia,/. the milky way 142 GAN GaMno, m. the gum galbanuni Galea, and Galera, /. a galley Galeazza, /. a double gallery Galeone, m. a galleon Galeotta, /. a small galley Galeottaccio, m. a vile fellow Galeotto, rn. a galley-slave Galera, /. see Galea Galla,/. a gall nut, an acorn ; luck; essere a galla, to get the beV ter of Gallare, and Galleggiare, to swim, to exult, to tread like a cock Galleggiante, a. swimming Gallerfa, /. a gallery Galletto, to. a young cock Gallicinio, rn. cock-crowing time of xhe night Gallina,/. a hen Gallinaccia, /. a useless hen Gallinaccio, a. of a hen Gallinaccio, m. a kind of mush room ; a turkey-cock Gallinaio, to. a poulterer Gallinella, /. a chicken . Gallo, to. a cock ; gallo d'I'ndia, turkey Gallonato, a. adorned with lace Gal lone, to. galloon, lace Galloria, /. transport of joy ; fa galloria, to make a holyday Gallozza, and Gallozzola, /. nut-grt.ll ; bubbles formed by rain in water Galluzzare, to be merry, to laugh Galoppare, to gallop Galoppatore, to. a galloper Galoppo, m. a gallop Galuppo, m. a poor object Gamba, /. leg ; dolersi di gamba sana, to complain without rea son ; darla a gambe, to run away Gambale, to. a stem of flowers Gambaruolo, and Gamberuolo, m. see Gambiera Gambata, /. a gambol, a kick Gamberaccia, /; a sore leg Gambero, m. craw-fish ; far come il gambero, to go backwards Gambetta, /. a wooden leg Gambettare, to play with one's legs Gambetto, to. a trip up ; dare il gambetto ad uno, to trip one up Gambiera, /. armour for the legs Gambo, to, stem, stalk Gambuccia,/. a small leg Gambuto, a. high-stalked Gana, /. fare di gana, to do wil- lingly, with a good heart Ganascia,/. the jaw Ganclo, to. a hook CAR Gangherare, to set on hinges >, m, a hinge, pivot ; dAre ne' pnghfTi, to take heed ; uscir . t-ri, to blunder Gin. /. strife, contention; fare a gara. to be rivals Garabullare, to cheat Garbare, to smile upon, please; to have a genteel air Garbauniente, ad. gracefully Garbatezza,/. gracefulness Garb.ito, a. polite : uu uomo gar- !i»an of address . irarb, carriage ; con bel . civilly - >, m. 'tumult ; confusion; mettere in garbuglio, to put in disorder Gareggiamento, m. see Gara nte, a. striving re, to contend ; gareggia- re nello studio, to study with emulation Garegsiatore. m. a rival litigious person . •-;. the thigh, the ham re, to murmur a.f. a paddling. dabbling Gargantigtia,/. a necklace . gargle Gargarizzare, to Gargozza, /. and Gargozzule, m. windpipe, throat Gariandro, m. a sort of precious stone Garibo, m. dance, ball Garofanare, to spice Garofanato, part, spiced Garofano, m. clove, gillyflower Garontolare, to beat with one's fists Garosello, and Garoso, a. litigious, quarrelsome, stubborn Garpa,/. spavins Garrevole, a. scolding Garrimento, and Garrito, m. a chiding Garrfre, to chide, blame, scold, to chirp, warble, sing, chatter Garrlto, in. warbling Garritore, in. a -molding man Garrulaxe, to pni'e [railing Garrulita. /. babblin?, chattering, G'tn-uln. a', prattling, chattering a jay, a sort of magpie il lad Garzoncello. and Garzoncino, m. a youn? lad Garzrine. in. a lx>y, a lad, servant Garzonile, a. boyish, childish GEL Garzonotto, in. a young man Garzuolo, hi. the" heart of herbs, &c. cabbage, lettuce, &c. ; a sort of hemp-seed Gastigagione,/. and Gastigamento, in. punishment, chastisement ; education Gastigante, a. chastising .to chastise, to teach ire, m. punisher, censor Gasttgo, in. Gasti^ahira, and Ga- stisazione,/. chastisement Gattaiuola, /. a cat's hole Gatio, m. and Gatta,/. a he-cat, a she-cat ; a warlike engine ; ven- der la gAtta in sAcco, to sell a pi? in a poke ; far la gatta mor- ta, to dissemble ; voler la gatta, to be in earnest ; chiamar la gatta, to speak plaia GaUiuo, m. a kitten Gattomammone, ;??. a kind of ape Gattone, m. a large rat; fare il gattone, to connive at Gattozibitto, 77i. a civet cat G.\udentemente, cd. joyfully . .... joy, mirth Gaudioso, a', joyful, glad Gavazza,/. Ga vazzo, and Gavazza- mento, m. shout for joy Gavayzare, 'o rejoice much Gavazziere, '.n. he that rejoices with much noise Gaveggiare, to regard Gavezgino, in. a fop Gavi'tta, /. a bunch of music strings [throat Gavicrne, /. pL kernels id the Gavillare, sec Cavillare, and its de- rivatives Gavine,/. pi. the king's evil Gavocciolo, m. a bile, a tumour Gavonchio, m. a sort cf eel Gavotta,/. a sort of fish Gazofilacio. m. treasury Gazza, and Gazzera, "f. a jay, a marpie Gazzet'a, /. gazette [noise Gazzurro, m. noise, thundering Gelamento, m. and Gelata, /. frost Gelare, to freeze, to be fr zen with cold ; gela, it freezes Gelatamente, ad. coldly, chilly, fearfully Gelatin.i, and Geleria, /. jelly Gel.'i to. and Gelido, a. frozen, ter- rified Geldra, /. rabble, mob of people i Gelicidio, rn. frosty wea'her G< lidezza, /. cooling, freshness Gelo, m. ice, fros', cold 143 GEN GelosAccio, a. very jealous Gelosamente, ad. jealously Gelosia, /. jealousy ; a lattice, Qt grate Geloso. a. jealous ; negozio geloao, a nice point Gelsa,/. a mulberry Gelso, m. a mulberry-tree Gelsomino, m. a jasmine, or jessa- mine Gemelli, m. pi. the celestial sign Gemini Gemello, m. a twin Gemente, a. groaning Gemere, ana Gemire, to groan , to drop, trickle Germnare, to double Geminato, a. doubled Geminazione, /. doubling, redu- plication Gemino, a. double Gemito, m. groan, lamenting, complaint; spring, dropping of water Gemma,/, a jewel, a bud Gemmare, to bud, to shoot Gemmato, part, covered lritb gems Genealospa, /. genealogy Generabile, a. begotten Generabilita, /. the power of ev gendering Generalato, m. generalship Genera le, a. general Generate, rn, a general Generalissimo, m. and a. the su- preme commander, very gene- ral, common Generalita./. generality Generalmente, ad. generally ; gen- eralmente parlando, commonly speaking Generante, a. begetting Generare, to beget, bring forth Generative, a. generative Generato, part, begotten Generatore, m. progenitor, father Generazione, f. and Generamento, rn. generation, progeny Genere, 777. genus, species, sort, way, manner ; gender ; un ge- nere di vita, manner of life Genericamente, ad. see General- mente Generico, a. generical, common Genero, m. a son-in-law Generosamente, ad. generously Generosita,/. generosity Generriso, a. generous, fruitful Genesi, m. and f. Genesis (the first book of Moses) Gengia, and Gengiva, /. the gums GER Gengi6vo, rru ginger Geniale, a. agreeable j letto genia- le, gtnial bed Genio, m. genius ; a familiar spirit; wit, talents, parts; au- dare a genio, to please Genitale, a. genital Genitivo, m. the genitive case (in grammar) Genito, a. begotten Genitore, rn. father Genitrice, /. mother Genitura, /. birth ; la prima geni- tura, birthright ; semen, casting one's nativity Gennaio, m. January Gentaceia, Gentaglia, /. and Gen- tame, 7n. rabble, mob Gente, /. nation, men, people, crowd, kindred, family ; la gente del re, the king's soldiers ; gente a cavallo, horsemen ; buona gente, good people ; di bassa gente, of a mean extraction Genterella, /. common people Gentildonna, /. a gentlewoman Gentile, and Genfildtto, a. genteel, noble, nice ; gentili, gentiles, pagans Gentilesco, a. handsome, genteel Gentilesimo, 771. heathenism Gentilezza, /. gentility, courtesy, kindness Gentilire, to make noble Gentilita, /. hea'henism, nobility Gentilizio, a. common to a coun- try, or family Gentilmente, ad. courteously, rich- ly, splendidly Gentilotto, m. a nobleman Gentiluomo, 771. a gentleman Gentuccia, /. rabble, mob Genuflessione, /. genuflexion Genuflesso, a. kneeling Genuflettere, to kneel Genuino, a. natural, genuine Genziana,/. gentian, felwort Geografia,/. geography Geografo, 771. geographer Geomante, 771. geomancer Geomanzia,/. a kind of divination Gedmetra, m. geometrician Geometria,/. geometry [ly Geometrieamente, ad. geometrical- Geometrico, a. geometrical Georgica, /. agricultural poetry Georgico, a. agricultural Gerarca, m. a high-priest Gerarchia, /. hierarchy, church government, embarra sment Gerarchico, a. of heaven, heaven- ly GHI Gergo, and Gergone, m. slang, cant Gerla, /. a dorser Germana, /. sister Germanico, a. German [man Germano, m. brother, cousin-ger- Germano, a. right, proper, true Germe, 777. a bud, a shoot Germinare, to bud, shoot Germinare, m. a budding', shoot- ing forth Germinativo, a. fit to engender Germogl iamento, m. a budding, a bud, or sprout Germogliante, a. budding Germogl iare, to bud, blossom Germogl io, m. shoot, bud, blossom Geroglificare, to make hieroglyph- ics Geroglifico, 771. hieroglyphic Geroglifico, a. hieroglyphical, ob- scure Gerretiera, f. order of the garter Gersa, /, a sort of paint Gerundio, 777. a gerund (in gram- mar) Gessfito, and Gessoso, a. chalky Gesso, 777. chalk, plaster Gesta, /. pi. acts, exploits Gesteggiare, and Gestire, to use too much gesture Gesto, 777. action, gesture, exploit Gesuita, m. a Jesuit Gettare, to throw, shoot, hurt; gettar sospiri, to fetch sighs ; gettar via, to throw away; get- tar motto, to mention ; gettare, to bud, bloom ; gettar la sorte, to cast lots; gettar a male, to consume ; gettar il tempo, to spend time ; gettare, to cast in a mould ; gettarsi ad una cosa, to apply one's self to a thing Gettata, /. a cast, a throw Gettato, a. thrown, cast, melted Gettatore, 777. caster, founder Getto, 777. throw, cast ; cannone di getto, a brass cannon ; ad un getto di pietra, at a stone's throw Gheppio, m. kestrel ; far gheppio, to die Gherbino, rn. the south-West wind Gherminella,/. juggling tricks Ghermire, to snatch, seize Ghermito, part, snatched, seized Gherofano, rn. a gillyflower, or clove, pink Gherone, rn. a piece, gusset Ghitto, m. an abode for Jews Ghezzo, 777. a moor, a negro Ghiacciua,/. an ice-house Ghiacciare, to freeze 144 GHI Ghiacciato, a. frozen Ghiaccio, m. ice Ghiaccioso, a. of ice Ghiacciuolo, m. icicle Ghiacinto, 777. a stone so called Ghiado, rn. extreme cold ; a gbi& do, with a sword-cut Ghiaggiuolo, m. corn-flower sword-grass Ghiaia,/. gravel Ghiaiata,/. a gravel place Ghiaioso, a. sandy, gravelly Ghianda, /. the acorn Ghiandaia, /. a jackdaw Ghiandifero, a. bearing acorns Ghiandola, /. kernel in the flesh, glanders Ghiandnccia, and Ghianduzza, / a small acorn; tumour, swell- ing Ghiara,/. gravel Ghiarabaldana, and GhierabalcU*- na,/. trifles, nonsense Ghiattire, to yelp Ghiazzerino, rn. a coat of mail, sort of cuirass Ghiazzeruola,/. a cock-boat Ghiera, /. a ring, an arrow Ghignantemente, ad. in smiling Ghignare, to smile, simper Ghignata, /. laughter in derision Ghignatore, 771. a grinner Ghignazzare, to laugh, grin Ghignettino, and Ghignetto, m. a smile, simper Ghigno, rn. a smile Ghinea,/. guinea Ghiotta, /. a dripping-pan Ghiottamente, ad. greedily G iotterellino, and Ghiotterello, a. dainty, nice Ghiotto, 777. a glutton Ghiotto, a. greedy, desirous Ghiottone, tti. a glutton Ghiottoneria, and Ghiottornia, /. gluttony, daintiness, waggishness, knavery Ghiova, /. clod, turf of earth Ghiozzo, m. a bit, morsel, a block- head ; a gudgeon (a fish) Ghiribizzare, to devise, forge, ro- mance Ghiribizzat6re, tti. a fantastical, whimsical fellow Ghiribizzo, tti. a device, invention Ghiribizzoso, a. fantastic Ghirigoro, ra. a dash, a stroke of a pen GKrlanda,/. garland Ghiilandare, to crown Ghiro, tti. a dormouse Ghironda,/. a musical instrument GIA Gia. ad. formerly, already : gia la •era. r vennta. it is aires! Giacche, conj. since Giacchera, /. a play, a roguish trick Giacrhio, m. a sweep-net, tram- mel ; gittare il gi.iechio tondo, to 6pare no person ; giitire il giacchio sul.a siepe, to do a prejudice Giaccio, in. ice Giacente, a, lying, situated, seated low Giacere, to be indisposed, to lie diwn, to be situated ; Londra E'ace alia ripa del Tamigi. sndon is situated on the Thames Giacere, in. a hare's form, lodging Giacimento, nu a lying down Giacin'o, m. a hyacinth Giacitoio. m. bed, or lodging Giacitura,/. posture in lying, or- der, or arrangement of words Giaciuto. part, lain Giaco, m. coat of mail Giallamlna, and Giallomina, /. lapis calami naris Gialle«iinte. a. yellowish Gialleggiare. to crow yellow Gialletto. and Gialliccio, a, yel- lowish Giallezza, /. paleness GiaJlo, a. yellow, pale Giall6gno. and Giallognolo, a. yellow, pale GiaJlosintn, m. a light yellow Gialloso, m. a sort of worm Giallore, and Giallume, m. yel- lowness Giambare, to jest, jeer Giambo. m. iambic verse Giammai. ad. never, ever Giammengola. /. a small matter, or thing Giannetta. /. a sort of arms, stick GianneUario, m. a soldier armed with a pike Giannettata,/. a blow with a pike Giannettina./. half pike Gianne'to, in. a Spanish horse Gianntzzftro, m. a janizary Giara,/. a flagon Giarda, /. mockerv, trick GiardinAio. and Giardiniere, m. a gardener [garden Giardino, and Giardinetto, m, a Giargnne, m. a stone so called Gi.'TT'i. m. ajar GiattAnzia, f. brag •house Giavellotto, m. a javelin 10 GIO I Gfbbo, t?u a hump j Gibboso, and Gibbuto, a. hunch- 1 acta 1 , Giberna, f. a scrip ; Gielo, m. ice, frost, cold ■ a jig Gigante, m. a giant - unenle, ad. giant-like Gigantesco, and Giganteo, a. gi- gantic [money) Gigliato, t?i. Florentine (piece of Gigliato, a. strewed with lilies i. a lily garden Giglietto, m. a small lilv, fringe Gigiio, m. a lily Giuepra./. the "juniper-berry Ginepraio, and Ginepreto, m. a place where juniper grows Ginepro, nu a juniper-tree Ginestra,/. broom Ginestreto, m. a place where broom grows Gingia,/. the gums Gingillare, to be fantastic Gingillo, r.i. a subtle but fantastic invention Ginnisio, m. academy Ginnastico, a. belonging to exer- cise Ginnettc, m. a Spanish horse Ginnico, a. of a wrestler, of wres- tling Ginocchiello, m. a hog's foot, or knee-piece Ginocchietto, m. a small knee Ginocchio, m. a knee Ginocchione. ad. kneelingly Giocare, to play Giochetto, m. a petty game Giochevole, a. merry, jocose Giochevolmente, ad. merrily Gioco, m. see Giuoco Gioeoforza, /. necessity, force Giocolare, a. jocular, merry Giocolare, to juggle, or play leger- demain Giocolarmsnte, ad. merrily Giocolat6re, m. a juggler Giocolo, in. game, sport Giocondamente, ad. joyfully Giocondare, to rejoice Giocondnto. a. contented, joyfr.l Giocondevole, a. joyful, agreeable Giocondezza, and Giocoudita, /. mirth, jollity Giocondo. n. merry, gay Giocosamente, ad. 'merrily Giocoso, a. gamesome, sportful Giogaia, /. the dewlap of an ox ; rid re of hills [darnel .a. mixed with tares, or Gioglio, m. darnel 145 GIO . i j ke, -livery, bon* dage; top of a mountain Giogoso, a. moumainous Gioia,/. jewel, joy. mirth Gioi date, a. cheerful Gioiellato, a. set with jewels Gioielliere, m. a jeweller Gioiello, m. a jewel Gioiosamente, ad. joyfully Gioioso, a. merry, cheerful Gioire, to rejoice, to cheer, enjoy Giomedla,/. measure of two hands' full Ghrgeria,/. valour, courage Giornale, in. journal, diary Giornale, and Giornaliero, a. daily Giornalmente, ad. daily Giornata, /. a day ; a day's march ; a day's work; a grin giornate, with speed. Alia giornata, ad. daily, now-a-days Giorno, rn. day, "day-light ; buon giorao, good morrow ; 1' aspetto di giorno in giorno, I expect him every day [combat Giostra, /. justing, tilting, fight, Giostrante, m. a juster, tilter Giostrare, to just Giostratore, m. a juster Giovamento, m. good, benefit Giovanaccio, m. an unexperienced youth [young people Giovanaglia, /. youth, quantity of Giovane, m. andf. a young person Giovane, a. young, tender Giovant^sco, a. of a young man, childish Giovanetto, a. very young Giovanezza,/. youth Giovanile, a. youthful Giovanilmente, ad. youthfully Giovanotto, m. a fine young man Giovare, to help, aid, profit, please, or delight ; il vino non mi gi6va, wine does me no good ; a che giova ? to what purpose ? Giovatfvo, a. pmfitable, useful Giovatore, m. an aider, helper Giove, rn. Jupiter Giovedl, m. Thursday Giovenca, /. a heifer Giovtnco, m. a bullock, steer Giovenile, a. juvenile Gioven f ii,/. youth Giovereccio, a. agreeable, clean Giovevole, a. useful, profitable, available Giovevotezza, /. profit, utility Giovevolmente. ad. usefully Giovi'de, a. jovial, pleasant Gi6vine,'m. and a. tee Giovane GIU Giovinino, a. of a young man Giralfa, /. a beast like a camel and panther Giramento, m. a turning round, winding, wheeling Girandola,/. a sort of chandelier ; evasion, excuse, a wheel fire- work Girandolare, to feign, devise, imagine Girare, to turn, wind, rove, en- compass ; qucsfo luogo gira tre niiglia, this place is three miles about ; girare i danari, to as- sign money ; far girar il cervello ad uno, to make one mad ; in un girar di ciglia, in an instant Girasole, m. sunflower Giraia, /. turn, way, compass; far una girata, to take a walk Girativo, a. circular, orbicular Giravolta, /. a turning and wind- ing ; dare una giravolta, to take a little turn Girazicne, /. a turning round, vi- cissitude " Gire, to go Girella,/. a small wheel, weather- cock, pulley, turnstile ; dar nelle girelle, to grow mad Girellaio, m. a maker of pulleys ; an inconstant person Girello, m. a circle, weathercock Girevole, a. light, fickle, winding Girfalco, m. a gerfalcon (a hawk) Giro, m. a turn, tour. In giro, ad. by turns. Per giro, ad. round about Girone, m. a great circle, or cir- cuit, a whirlwind Girovago, a. wandering Gita,/. going, walking Gito, part, gone Gittare, to throw, cast Gittata, /. a cast, throw Gittato, a. thrown, ruined Gittatore, m. a darter, a thrower GHto, arid Gittamento, m. a throw, loss, damage. A gitto, ad. ex- actly, to a nicety Giii, ad. down, below, beneath ; giu per le scale, down stairs Giub'ia, f. a petticoat, a coat Giubbercllo, and Giubbetto, m. a little doublet Giubbetto, m. the gallows Giubbil'ire, see Giubilare Giubbileo, m. a jubilee Giubbilo, in. joy Giubbone, m. a doublet,undercoat ; correre in giubbone, to run very fast GIU Giubilare, to rejoice Giubilatore, m. one leaping for joy Giubilazione, /. and Gitibilo, m. rejoicing Giucare, see Giuocare, and its de- rivatives Giudaico, a. Jewish Giudaismo, m. Judaism Giudaizzare, to imitate the Jews Giudeesco, a. Judaic, of the Jews Giudeo, m. and Giudea, f. a Jew, Jewess Giudeo, a. Judaical, of the Jews, obstinate, unbelieving Giudicamento, m. judgment, opin ion Giudicante, a. judging Giudicare, to julge Giudicativo, and Giudicatdrio, a. judicial Giudicato, m. jurisdiction, office of a judge, judgment, sentence Giudicato, part, judged ; giudicato nel letto, given over by the phy- sicians Giudicatore, m. a judge Giudicatura,/. judicature Giudicazione, /. judgment Giudice, m. judge Giudichevolmente, ad. justly Giudiciale, Giudizi'ile, ana Giu- diciario, a. judicial Giudicialmente, ad. judicially Giudicio, and Giudizio, m. court of justice, judgment, sentence, decree, reason, understanding, opinion Giudiciosamdnte, and Giudiziosa- mente, ad. judiciously Giudicioso, and Giudizi6so, a. ju- dicious Giugero, m. an acre of land Giuggiola, /. the fruit of the jujub Giuggiolino, a. sort of muddy red colour,- sirup of jujub Giuggiolo, m. a jujub-tree Giugnere, to arrive, join, reach, catch Giugnimento, m. union Giugno, m. month of June Giuladro, m. a buffoon Giulebbe, and Giulebbo, m. julap Giulivamente, ad. joyfully Giulivetto, a. joyful Giuiivita, /. gayety, mirth Giulivo, a. merry, gay Giullare, m. buffoon Giulleria,/. buffoonery Giumella,/. two handfuls Giurn;';i)fa, /. a breeding mare Giumentiere, m. a driver Giumento, m. a 1 ibouring beast 146 GIU Giuncaia, /. and Giunchetp, n%* a place full of rushes Giuneare, to strew flowers Giuncata,/. cream cheese Giuncato, a. covered with rushes Giunchiglia,/. jonquille Giiinco, m. rush, bulrush Giuncoso, a. full of rushes Giungere, see Giugnere Giunta, /. arrival, addition, in* crease,overplus. A prima giunta, ad. immediately Giuntare, to join, to deceive Giuntatore, m. a cheat, deceiver Giunteria, /. fraud, deceit Giunto, part, arrived, joined, de* ceived ; a die son giunto ? what am I come to ? a man giuntej joined hands Giuntura, /. joint, seam Giuocacchiare, to play for trifles Giuocare, to sport, to "play Giuocatore, m. a gamester Giuoco, rri. game, play, sport J voglio vedere a che e '1 giuoco I will see the end of this bus- iness [sity Giuocofdrza, /. unavoidable neces* Giuocolare, to play, toy Giuocolatore, ni. a toyer, wanton Giuramento, m. an oath Giurantemente, ad. with an oath Giurare, to swear Giuratamente, ad. upon oath Giurato, part, sworn ; fratelli giu* rati, sworn brothers Giuratore, m. a swearer Giuratorio, a. swearing ; or to be sworn (law term) Giura, m. law, jurisprudence Giureconsulto, m. a lawyer Giuridicamente, ad. legally Giuridico, a. lawful Giuridizionale, a. belonging to a judge, or judgment Giuridizione,/. jurisdiction Giurisperito, and Giurisprudente, m. a lawyer, jurist Giurisprudenza, /. science of law Giurista, m. a lawyer Giusarma,/. a sort of hatchet used among the ancients Giuso, ad. down, below Giusta, prep, according to Giustamente, ad. justly, agreeably Giustezza, /. exactness, justice Giustificante, a. justifying Giustificare, to justify; giushficaiw si, to clear one's self Giusfificatamente, ad. justly, justi fiably Giustificativo, a. justifiable GOB GiustificAto, part, justified GiastificatOre, nu ajustifier i/ione, /. justification Glusttzia, /. justice ; chianur in -. to sue at law ire, to execute malefac- tors, to torment, vex Giustiziere, nu au executioner :.just. rizht ; questo Abito e troppo giusto, this coat is too tkht • i. an honest man ; justice Giusto. ad. justly, precisely Giuvenca,/. a heifer a young plant, or slip Glaci ile. a." of ice Glalia^ore, nu gladiator, sword player Gladio. m. a sword Glandula./. kernel, eland Glanduloso, a. slaudulous Gttnco, a. azure ■'. glebe, clod of earth Gli. art. the : gli Boolari, the scholars ; di. pron. to him ; gli dis*i, I told him j gli parlai, I spoke to him Glotv-v. nu a globe ular Gloria, f. glory, honour : aspettAre a gloria, to wait with impa- tience -, a. boasting Glori >re. to praise, extol, to boast, praise one's self . a. glorious ; and Glo- rioso, famous Gloriazione. /. os'en'ation Glorificare. see Gloria re Glorifica'ore. m. elorifier Glorificazione./. glorification ad. gloriously, w'rh honour Gk>rio-o. a. glorious, vain Glosa,/. oonum . to comment, expound ; art. crmnirn'ed upon re, m. commentator . f. slue .'inous ca-ite ' I nu dunce, blockhead, a dumpline [dial , m. a rnomon of the sun- r \nt '. hump . a. humped GON Go'obo, m. a hump, a hump-badr- eu ; a Spanish this'Ie Gobbo, a. bunch-1 Goccia, and Gocciola, /. a drop, a crack in the wall, where the water enters [by drops Gocciare, and Gocciokire, to fall Gocciolamento, m. a dropping Crocciol.'mte, a. dropping Gocciolato.^iarf. dropped, speckled Gocciolatoio. m. gutter, drain Gocciolino, /. a small drop Gocciolo, in. a drop, a bit Gocciolone, in. a dunce, a block- head Goccioloso, a. dropping Godente, a. rejoicing; m. order of knighthood GodJre, "to enjoy, rejoice ; del pre- sente mi godo, e meglio aspeUo, I enjoy what I have, and hope for better times Godereccio, a. agreeable Godevole, a. pleasant Godimento, m. enjoying Goditore, m. a luxurious person Goduto, part, enjoyed Goffas^ine, Gofi'eria, and Goffe'zza, /. dulness Goffamente, ad. foolishly Gotib, a. foolish, stupid Gbgna, /. an iron collar, string, net. embarrassment Gogna, m. a villain Gola, /. the throat; lust, passion, mouth Goleegiare, to wish Goletta,/. a H-or?e f , a stock Gblfo, in. a zulf. a bay ; and.'ire a golfo lanciato, to sail straight to a place GoHsamente. ad. greedily ./. gluttony Golos-\, a. ravenous Golpato, n. bad, spoiled Golpe, /. a fox, rust which falls upon corn Golpone, m. a large fox, a saga- cious craf'y man Gombito. nu elbow, a cubit . a cable .. f. blow wi'h the elbow Gomito. m. elbow, cubit. anxle Gomftolo, m a ball of thread Gomi'onc, ad. s'ar gomitone, to lean upon the elbows Gomma, f. sum. a son of disorder Gommar'ibica. /. i. flock, lien!, drove . ii >ck, sheepfold -. a. iaide, unpolished l, f. a little flock Grembiale, m. an apron Grembiata,/. a lapful Grembiale, m. a woman's apron, a riding apron Givmlx), ami Greniio, m. lap, middle, womb Gremire, to gripe, lay hold of Gremlto. a. thick, locked, shut . /. rack, stall, manner . /.(. a precipice, a butt, a bank ; a broken earthen pot Greto, m. hank, a sandy ground Greto, a. thick Gretola, /. bar of a cage; way, means, opportunity ; trovar la i, to find the "opportunity Gretoso, a. gravelly, sandy Grettamente, ail. niggardly Grettezza, and Grettitodine, /. avarice, men: Gretto, a. covetous, stingy Grave, a. (in poetry.) heavy, Weighty, grievous ' [ously ire. ad. heavily, griev- Gia-zzo, o. coar-e, clownish Gricciolo, ?n. caprice, fancy Gi iccione. m. a kind of water-fowl Gri la./, edict, rumour, report Gridare, to cry, scold, murmur (as water) Grid ita, /. c»y, reprimand Gridatore, m. a common crier Grido, m. cry, clamour Grieve, a. heavy, dull, grave, se- rious, majestic" ~ [ously Grievemente, ad. heavily, griev- Grifagno, a. ravenous Grifire, to rub snout against snout Grifo. m. snout, face of a man ; deliberar tutti tre di trovir modo d'ugnerai il grifo alle spese di Calandrino, all three resolved to find means to have a nice dinner at the expense of Calan- drino ; torcere il giifo, to grin Grirlo, and Grifone. in. a griffin ; dare un grifone ad uno, to give a box on the ear Grigio, a. gray, grizzle Grillaia./. a barren place Grillare, to simmer Grilletto, m. trigger of a gun Grillo. T7J. a cricket, grasshopper, maggot, whim 149 GRU Grilloso, a. fantastical GriUotaJpa,/. b Grimaldello, m. a picklock Grlmo, a. w rinkled Grlnza,/. wrinkle Grinzoso, a. wrinkled Grisolito. in. chrysolite Griaopazio, m. a sort of topaz Grispignolo, m. sow-thistle Gi omnia,/, tartar, mud Gromm&to, a. full of tartar Gronda, and Gronl.iia, /. gutter, the eaves of a house, a sort of tile Grondante, a. dr ipping Groddare, to drop, to flow in gutters Groppa,/. crupper, rump ; port.lre in groppa, to take up behind on horseback Groppiera, /. crupper Groppo, in. knot, bunch, knob; group ; solvere il groppo, to clear a doubt Groppone, m. crupper Gropposo. a. knotty Gitissa, /. a gross, twelve d ^zen ; alia grossa, coarsely, grossly ; grossa d'un flume, the swelling of a river Grossacciuolo, a. ill-built, ill-made • ma,/, a sort of stuff Grossaroente. ad, clownishly, se- verely, rigidly, in a great quantity ire, to be pompous i,/. dulness . ,;. rather large Grossezza, /. anri Grossiime, m. bigness, thickness, pregnancy Grossiero, a. dull, stupid Gros3o, 77i. the biggest part ; il grosso delja gamba, the calf of a lex; il grosso d'un esercito, the body of an army; vendere in grosso, to sell by wholesale ; merc'inte in gr6sso, wholesale merchant ; ve lo diro al grosso, 1 will tell it yon in general Grosso, a. great, huge, coarse; il dito grosso, the thumb; uomo di gros-o ingegno, a stupid man Grossolanamente, ad. clownishly, coarsely Grossolario, a. coarse, thick Grotta, /. grotto, cave; a steep place Grottesca,/. grotesque work Grotticella, f. a hollow, cavity Grotto, m. a bitten (bird) GrottOSO, a. like a grotto, hollow, cavernous Grovigliola. /. twisting, winding Gni,/. the ciane, a bird GUA Griiccia,/. a stick, crutch Grufolare, to grunt, to grub Grugnire, to grunt, to growl Grugnito, 771. grunting of swine Griigno, m. snout ; far il grugno, to scowl [benumbed Grullo, a. lulled asleep, drowsy, Gruina,/. crust, tart Grumato, ra. a sort of mushroom Grumo, ra. clotted blood Grumolo, rn. a cabbage lettuce, the head of greens Grumoso, part, clotted, thickened Gruogo, m. saffron Gruppetto, m. a knot, lump Gruppo, ra. a group, knot Gruzzo, and Gruzzolo, m. a heap, quantity, a heap of money, a hoard Guadagnabile, a. to be attained Guadagnare, to get, gain, deserve Guadagnato, part, go i ten, gained Guadagnatore, m. a gainer Guadagno, and Guadagnamento, rn. gain, profit ; mettersi a guadagno, to prostitute one's self Guadagnoso, a. profitable, lucrative Guadare, to ford, wade Guade, /. a sort of fishing net Guado, m. a ford ; rompere il guado, to undertake a thing be- fore any body else Guadoso, d. fordable Guaime, m. after -grass ; blast Guai ! htterj. wo ! alas ! guai a me ! wo to me ! Guaina, /. a sheath Guainaio, rn. one that makes or sells sheaths Guaio, ra. misfortune Guaire, Guaiolare, and Guaiolire, to howl like a dog 5 to bewail, to bark (as a dog) [press Gualchiera, /. a calender, cloth- Gualcire, to rumple, crush, squash Gualcito, part, rumpled, crushed Gualdana,/. an army, troop Gualdo, m. a defect, wound, sore Gualdrappa,/. a horse-cloth Guancia, /. cheek ; battersi la guancia, to repent of something Guanciale, ra. a pillow Guancialetto, m. a little pillow Guanci&ta, f. a box on the ear Guancione, ra. a sound slap Guanfaio, ra. a glover Guantiera,/. a silver basin, waiter, dish Guanto, ra. glove ; amor passa il guanto, among friends no cere- Guarda,/. a guard, or parry GUA Guardacorpo, m. a body-guard Guardadonna, /. a nurse Guardamacchie, m. the guard of a gun Guardamento, m. a look, glance Guardanappo, m. a napkin Guardanidio, m. a nest-egg Guardare, to look, to behold ; to keep guard, defend ; guardate a' fatti vcstri, ' mind your own business Guardaroba, /. wardrobe Guardaroba, m. a yeoman of the wardrobe [guard Guardatore, ra. a keeper, inspector, Guardatura, /. regard, a guard Guardia, /. guard ; prender guar- dia r to have a care Guardianeria,/. office of a guardian Guardiano, m. keeper, guardian Guardinfante, m. a hoop-petticoat Guardingamente, ad. cautiously Guardingo, a. circumspect Guard ingo, ra. a castle, fortress Guai-diolo, ra. a guard, guardian Guardo, m. a glance, look Guarentigia, and Guarentia, /. guarantee, safety, defence Guarentire, to warrant, defend Gu'iri, ad much, long, many; guari di tempo, a great while; non e guari, not long since; questo libro non e guari piu bello del mio, this book is not much handsomer than mine Guarigione, /. cure, recovery Guarire, to cure, to heal, to re- cover ; guarirsi, to be cured Guarito, part, c'sfed, recovered Guarnaccia, /. night-gown Guarnelletto, m. a thin veil, or summer's garment Guarnello, m. fustian Guarnigione,/. garrison Guarnimento, rn. furniture, orna- ment, fortification Guarnire, see Guernire Guarnitura, mid Guarnizione, /.' trimming for clothes Guascappa, /. a sort of ancient dress Guascherino, a. young, little (as birds in a nest) [Gascon Guasco, and Guascone, ra. a Guastada, f. a decanter Guasfafeste, rn. a disturber Guasfamento, ra. ruin, waste Guastames f ieri, ?n. one who un- dertakes what he knows little of Guas'are, to spoil, mar, deprave, debauch ; to rot, squander, de- I stroy ; guastarsi, to hurt one's self 150 GUF Guastato, a. spoiled Guastatore, rn. a squanderer ; a pioneer Guastatiira, /. and Guasto, m. spoil, desolation ; dare il guasto, to lay waste Guasto, a. spoiled Guatamento, rn. and Guatatura, /. a gazing, watching Guatare, to look, watch, peep ; guatirsi, to behold one another with astonishment Guatatura, /. look, eye, counte- nance Guato, rn. snare, ambush Guattero, a?id Guatteraccio, m. a scullion Guazza, /. dew Guazzabuglio, m. mixture; medley Guazzare, to shake, toss ; to wade, ford ; to rejoice Guazzato, part . shaken, waded Guazzatoio, ra. a watering-place Guazzerone, ra. a fragment, a piece Guazzetto, ra. mince meat, a hash Guazzo, ra. a ford ; passar un fiiime a guazzo, to ford a river Guazzoso, a. dewy, fenny Gubernaculo, rn. helm Guelfi, ra. pi. Guelfs (a faction against the emperor) Guercio, a. squinting, one-eyed Guerigione, /. and Guerimento, ra. cure Guerire, sec Guarire Guernigione,/. a garrison Guernim^nto, m. a garrison, trim- ming of clothes, defence, fortifi- cation Guernire, to store with ammuni- tion ; to adorn Guernito, part, stored, adorned Guernizione, and Guernitura, / ornament, furniture Guerra, /. war, strife, enmity; uomodi guerra, a soldier; odiare uno a guerra finita, to hate one mortally Guerreggevole, and Guerreggi6so, a. warlike, threatening, terrible Guerreggevolmente, ad. terribly Guerreggiamento, ra. a battle, combat Guerreggiante, a. fighting Guerreggiare, to make war, quar- rel, dispute [war Guerreggiatore, ra. one that makea Guerricciuola,/. a slight skirmish Guerriere, ra. a warrior Guerriero, and Guerresco, a. war* like, brave Gufare, to mock H an owl -. an obelisk, .1 needle 1. f. a needleful . guide [the flock Guidaiuola,/. the leading beast of Guidalesco, m. a fraction Guidameuto, m. conduct Guid.uite, a. guiding Guid.ire, to guide, govern lucted Guidatore, m. and Guidatrfce, /. tor, governor, gov- eruess, cond .. Guiderdonamento. rn. reward Guiderdonare, and Guidardouare, to reward, gratify Guiderdonato, part, rewarded Guiderdone, and Guidardone, in. reward Guidone, m. a rogue, cheat, knave . . Guindnln. m. a reel, spindle Guinzaglio, m. a cane-knot, a hat- ban 1 Guirminella,/. a trick Guisa./. way. manner, fashion ; in gnisa, ad. like, so ; in nissuna . I y no means ~->rd:d - i ling Guizzar. . 1. the sliding of a fish in water, or of a snake on land 1. withered Gumina,/. a cable .. cult" . m. bark, scale, shell Gus'al.ile, a. tasiable, that may be tasted 1. rn. a depraved taste o. m, a tasting, the taste . relish .part, tasted •aster •■, a. pleaZ. the Hyades lambico, a. iambic (said of a kind of verse) Iambo, rn. iambus Iaro, 771. the herb wake-robin laspide, in. (diaspro,) jasper, a precious stone Iato, rn. (apertura,) hiatus, an opening Iattanza, /. jactation, vain-glory lattire, to yelp, squeak Iattura,/. less, misfortune Iberno, a. of winter Iconoclasta, m. iconoclast Icon6maco, a. averse to images, iconoclast Idatide,/. a bubble, or blister Iddio, 771. (Dio,) God ; Iddio non vo^lia, God forbid Idea, /. idea Ideale, a. ideal ; of, or belonging to an idea Ideare, to imagine, form ideas Idedto, part, imagined Identico, a. the same Identita, /. identity, the sameness of a thing [month I'di, m. ides, certain days in the I iioina. 7/1. idiom Idiota, a. idiot, silly, foolish; un idi6t?, an idiot, a fool, a ninny Idiotaggine, /. foolishness 151 IGN Idiotismo, 7/1. idiotism, vulgar speech, expression re, t<> speak incorrectly Idolatra, m, see Idolatra Idolatramento. m. idolatry 1 lolatrare, to idolatrize Idolatria,/. idolatry Idol.itrio, a. of, or belonging to an idol Idol.itro, 777. idolater I dolo, m. idol, image, or statue of f.dse deities; an object that one is fond of Idoneamenle, nd. sufficiently, con- ve: iently, aptly Idoneita, f. fitness, aptness Idoneo, a. fit, proper I'dra,/. hydra, a fabulous serpent Idnileo, m. a sort of medicament I'dria,/. a sort of pitcher I'dro, rn. a water-snake Idromante, m. a conjurer Idromanzia, /. hydromancy, divi- nation Idromele, m. hydromel, a decoction of honey and water Idropico, a. hydrcpical Idropisia,/. dropsy Idrostatica,/. hydrostatics Ieinale, a. winterly, hyemal lera,/. a sort of medicinal confee Ierarchia,/. hierarchy leratte, /. a precious stone Ieri, ad. yesterday Ierlaltro, ad. the day before yes- terday Iermatt'ina, ad. yesterday morning Iernotte, ad. yesternight", the night before [short hand Ierogllfico, m. cipher, a kind of Iersera, ad. last night Ignaro. a. ignorant Ignatone, m. a great eater, a man of no worth Ignavia,/. ignorance, cowardice I'gne, rn. fire I'gneo, a. igneous, fiery Ignicoio, 771. a spark of fire Ignito, a. Darning, burning, shining [gnobile, a. of mean birth Ignobilmente, ad. basi ly Ignobilta, and Ignobilita, /. mean "birth Ignominia, /. ignominy Ignominiosamente, ad. infamously [gnominioso. a. ignominious [gnorantaggine,/! folly, ignorance Ignorinte, a. ignorant Ignoranternente, ad. ignorantly Ignorantonc, m. a coxcomb Iguoranza, /. ignorance IMA »gnorare, to be ignorant of; igno- re la cagione di cio, I do not know the reason of it Ignorato, a. unknown, hid Ignotamente, ad. unknowingly Ignoto, a. unknown, private Ignudare, to strip Ignudato, and Ignudo, a. naked, bare Iguana, /. a water-lizard 11, art. the ; pron. him ; il caval- lo, the horse ; il conosco, I know him ; il cui, (il di cui,) whose ; si sa il perche ? do they say upon what account ? I'lare, a. merry, joyful liarita,/. mirth II di che, ad. wherefore niacciare, to tie, embarrass, en- tangle, to be entangled LUanguidire, to languish, to be sick, or faint lllanguidito, a. languid, faint Elaqueare, to ensnare Illazione, j. inference Elect bic, f .pl. allurement, charms Illecitamente, ad. unlawfully Illecito, a. unlawful Illegittimo, a. illegitimate Illeso, part, unhurt Elibato, part, unspotted Iliibatezza, /. purity Illiberale, a. illiberal, covetous Elicitamente, ad. unlawfully Illicito, to. a crime, wickedness lllimitato, a. boundless Illiquidire, to liquefy Illucente, a. brilliant Illudere, to illude ; delude, jeer Illuniinamento, to. an illumination Illuminante, a. enlightening Eluminare, to illuminate Illuminativo, a. illuminative Ulumi nato, part, enlightened Illuminatore, m. enlightener Eluminazione, /. illumination Illusione, /. illusion, cheat Illuso, part, mocked, railed at Blus6re, to. a deceiver Ulustramento, to. an illustration Elustrante, a. explaining Elustrare, to illustrate Elustrato, part, illustrated Illustratore, to. one that illustrates Elustrazi6ne, /. explanation Elustre, a. illustrious Elustremente, ad. eminently Elustr£zza, /. illustration Illustrissimo, a. most illustrious II perche, ad. why, wherefore Image, and Imago, /. (in poetry) an image, figure, resemblance 1MB Imagine, /. see Immagine, and all its derivatives Imbaccolato, a. bearing a pack Imbacuccare, to disguise, to mask ; to dress, cover [ed Imbaccucato,yarL disguised, mask- Imbagnato, a. wet, sagacious, cun- ning [a rose) Imbalconato, a. purple (said of Imbaldanzire, to imbolden Imbaldanzito, part, imboldened Imballare, to pack Imbalordire, to stun Imbalordito, part, stunned Imbalsamare, to embalm Imbalsamato, part, embalmed Imbalsimire, to become balsam Imbambagiato, part, wrapped in cotton Imbambolare, to be affected Imbambolato, part, affected, hav- ing tears in one's eyes Imbandimento, m. and Imbandi- gione, /. a dish, or mess Imbandire, to get dinner ready Imbandito, part, dressed, prepared Imbarazzare, to perplex ; imbaraz- zarsi, to entangle one's self Imbarazzo, m. confusion j embar- rassment, intricacy Imbarberire, to grow barbarous Imbarberito, a. cruel lmbarbogire, to grow childish through age Imbarbottato, a. made like a bark Imbarcamento, m. embarcation Imbarcare, to embark ; imbarcar- si, to engage; imharcarsi senza biscotto, hand over head Imbarcato, part, embarked Imbarcatore, m. a sea captain Imbirco, to. embarcation Imbardare, to barb a horse Imbardarsi, to become very amo- rous Imbardare, to allure, captivate, procure a friendship Imbarrare, to bar ; imbarrare la strada, to stop the way Imbarrato, part, barred Imbasamento, to. a basis Imbasceria, /. embassy Imbasciadore, and Lnbasciatore, m. ambassador Imbasciata, /. embassy Imbasciatrice, /. an ambassadress Imbastardire, to degenerate Imbastardito, a. degenerated Imbastare, to pack-saddle Imbastinumto, to. and Imbastitiira, /. a basting on a piece of cloth, sewing on slightly 1MB Imbastire, to baste, or sew with long stitches, to lay a table, be- gin an affair Imbasto, to. a pack-saddle Imbattersi, to meet with Imbatto, to. an obstacle, hinderance Imbavagliare, to cover a person's face, blindfold a person Imbavagliato, part, having the' face covered Imbavare, to slabber Imbeccare, to bill as birds, to bit a horse, to give one his own Imbeccata, /. a bill-full ; pigliar 1' imbeccata, to be bribed, to swallow the bait [deceived Imbeccato, part, fed with a bill, Imbecherare, to suborn, corrupt Imbecille, a. weak Imbecillita, /. feebleness Imbelle, a. cowardly, fearful Imbellettare, to paint Imbellettato, part, painted Imbellire, to embellish Imbendare, to bind, put a band Imberbe, a. beardless Imberciare, to hit, stick Imberrettato, a. with a cap on Imbertescare, to fortify with para- pets Imbertonarsi, to fall in love Imbestialire, to become a beast mad, or cruel, brutish Imbestialito, a. like a beast Imbestiarsi, to be like a beast Imbere, and Imbevere, to imbibe, infuse, to inspire, to drink up Imbeviito, part, imbibed, &c. Imbiaccamento, to. a painting Imbiaccare, to paint with white Imbiadato, part, sown with corn Imbiancamento, to. a white-wash- ing Imbiancare, and Imbianchire, to wash, whiten, to grow gray, to suborn, seduce Imbiancato, part, whitened Imbiahcatore, to. a whitener, washer-man Imbiancatura, /. washing Imbietolire, to be affected, to swoon Imbiettare, to put in the wedge Imbiondire, and Imbiondare, to grow fair Imbisacciare, to put in a bag Imbizzarrimento, to. waspishness Imbizzarrire, to fall into passion Imbizzarito, a. very angry Imboccare, to feed, cram ; to dis- charge, disembogue, to instruct Imboccato, part, fed, discharged, instructed 1MB IMM lmboccatura, /. .1 liTse-bit, th? Imbrocc'tto. part, opposed entrance of a street, mouth of ;i river Imbolatore, m. a rol>l>er, thief ieamento, in. Mister InibollicAre, to break out into blisters [breath Imbolsimento, rru straitness of Iiubolsire, to be short-winded ; to grow pursy Imbolsito, a. pursy [pease Imbonire, and Imbuonire, to ap- Imborsare, to pocket Imborsato, part, pursed Imborsatura, and Imborsazione, /. a laying up in a purse ImboscAre, to lie hid Imboscata, /. and Imboscame"nto, m. ambush Imboscato, a. in ambush Imboschire, to crow wild Imbosehiti, a. crown woody ImbossolAre, to lay the beams of a ,. house Imbottire, to put in a cask Imbottatoio, t?i. a funnel Imbottire, to quilt Imbottito, part, quil'ed Imbottitura,/. a quilting Imbozzimare, to starch ImbozzimAto, part, starched Imbracciare, to embrace, to put in one's arms Imbracciatura, /. a handle ImbrancAre, to flock together Imbrandire, to handle a sword, &c Imbrattamondi, m. a spoil-trade ; a busybody [soil, to stain Imbrattare, and Imbruttare, to Imbrattato, part, soiled Imbra*tat6re, m. a dauber Imbrattatura, /. and Imbratta- roento, m. filthiness ImbrAtto, m. dirtiness, food for fowls, hoj's wa5h Imbriacarsi,' to cet drunk Imbriacato, part, fuddled Imbriacatiira, Imbriachezza, /. and Imbriacamento, m. drunk- enness Imbriacone. m. a drunkard Imbriccnnire, to grow knavish Imbri?amento. m. perplexity Iml-risrAre. to perplex •i. to shift, endeavour: imbricar cV fatti mi6\, do not trouble yourself about my affairs [der Imbricliare. to bndK to keep un- Imbrieliato, part, bridled Imbroccare, to aim at, to oppose lmbrodolare, to soil, dauh [mbrodolato, part, daubed Imbrogliare, to perplex ImbrogliAtO, part. perplexed Imbrogiietto, m. slight ditliculty Imbroglio, and Imbrogliamento, in. trouble, confusion, encum- brance Imbroglione, m. a trifler, cheat Imbrogliuccio, in. a bad aflair ImbronciAre, to be angry Imbroueiato, a. angry Imbrunire, and Imbrunare, to grow brown, black, daik; rail 1 imbrunire. about dusk; il tempo comincia a.l imbrunirsi, the weather begins to grow cloudy Imbruschire, to grow sharp Imbruschito. a. sharp, 'art Imbruttire, to grow ugly ImbucAre, to put, or creep in a hole Imbucatire, to wash with lie Imbufonchiare, to grumble Imbufre, to become ignorant Imbullettare, to stud Imbullettuto, part, that has a bill upon [great store Imbuoudato, ad. abundantly, many, Imburchiare, to dictate Inibiisto, m. body, breast, bulk, Tntbuto, m. a funnel ; mangiir coll' imbuto, to swallow Imeneo, m. nuptials [ble Imitabile, and Imitativo, a. imita- ImitAnte, a. imitating ImitAre, to iuiitate Iniitativo, a. imitable Imitatore, m. and Imitatrice, /. imitator Imitazione, /. imitation Immacchiare, to hide behind a bush Immaculato, a. unspotted Immaginabile, a. imaginable fmmaginamento. m. imagination Immaginire, to imagine; immagi- ir'irsi. to believe [rily hnmaginariamente, ad. imagira- [mmagmario, a. imaginary Immacinativa,/. imagination Immaginativo. a. imaginative Immaginato, a. imagiped Imma/inazione, /. fan^y ImmAgine,/. imace, picture [mmaginevole, a. inventive Immaginevolmente, ad. in imagi- nat ion Immaginoso, a. fanciful Immago,/. (in poetry,) an image Immagrirc, to grow lean 153 IMM Immalsnnire, to weaksn, enfeeblt . Ulibly Immane. a. cruel Immanife private Immamla, /. ci in I'y Immansueto, a. cruel Immantinente, aa\ in mediately^ new Immareesolbile, a. ircorrrptible Immarcire, to pine away, to fret ImmarginAlo, a. Imniascherarsi, to mask Immascherato, a. di vuiscd, dis« sembled Immastricciire, to plaster Immateriale, a. immaterial Immaterialmeute .ad. immaterially Immatoramente, ad. untimely Imma'uro, a. unripe Immediatamente, od. directly Immediate, a. immediate ImmedicAbilc, a. remediless, incu- rable [honey ImmeLare, to rive the laste of ImmelAto, a. sweety agreeable Immelatura, /. a mixing .vith honey Immemore, a. forgetful, uncratefui Immemorabile, a. past memory Immensam&ite, ad, immensely infinitely Immensita,/. immensity Immensn, a. immense re, to immerge Immeri'amente, ad. undeservedly Immeritevole. a. undeserving Immerito, a. unworthy Immersione,/. dipping, plungiDg Immerso, a. immersed ImmezzAre, and Immezzire, to Crow flaggy Imminente, a. imminent ; peri- colo imminente, a threatening dancer [sion, threat Imminenza. /. declivity, propen- Iministricor lioso, a. unmerciful Immisto, a. unmixed ImmisuTabile, a. unmeasurable Immobile, a. immoveable bnmobilita./. immobility Immobilmente, ad. immoveably firmly ImmoderanZa, /. incontinence, in- temperance [ately Immoderatamente, ad. immodcr- rnunod( r 'to. a. excessive, violent Immodestam^nte, ad. immodestly Immodest ia, /. immodesty Immoddsto, a. immo. ?d. a making white l . to make white Inalber.ire. to mount a tree ; to set up ; inalberar la croce, to set up the cross Inalberato, a. up in a tree Inalidire, to grow dry Inalterabile, a. immutable Inaltcrabilita,/. immutability Inalterato, part, unaltered, un- changed In alto, ad. highly ; in alto mare, in the main sea Inalzare, to raise, advance Inamabile, a. hateful Inam'ire, to take with a hook, to enamour Inamarire, to imbitter Inamidare, to starch re, to enter into friendship with any one Inammendabile, a. incorrigible InaneKare, to curl, put in rings Inanellifo, part, curled Inanimare, to animate Inanimato, part, encouraged ; in- animate Inanimatore, m. an encourager Inanime, a. inanimate Inanimire. to encourage Inani»a, /. vacuity Inaperto, ad. openly Inappassionare, to put in a passion Inappellabile, a. not to be ap- pealed from Inappetente. a. squeamish Inappe'enza,/. littleness of appetite Inarhorire, to plant trees Inarborato, part, planted with trees Inarcare, to arch, to stow crook- ed ; fare inarcarlecigliaad uno, to astoni-sh | . r rooked | t --owns Inareentare, to silver over Inargentato, part, silvered Inaridi- Inaridi*o, part, dried up Inarpicare. to climb Inamvabile, a. inconceivable INC Inarsicciato, part, burnt, blasted Inarticolftto, part, inarticulated Inasinire, to be a fool, an ass Iuasperare, to vex, exasperate, to become cruel Inaspettamente, ad. suddenly Inaspettato, pan. unexpected Inasprlre, and Inasprare, to exas- perate, become cruel, severe [nasprito, part, exasperated Inaudibile, a. not to be heard Inaudiio, part, unheard Inaurato, a. gilt, of gold In avnnti, ad. before; d' or in avanti, hereafter Inavvedutamente, ad. imprudently Inawe lutezza, /. imprudence Inavveduto, a. unwar)-, heedless Inavvertentemente, and Inavverti- tamente, ad. inconsiderately Inavver'.euza, /. inconsideration Inavvertito, a. imprudent Inazione, /. inaction In breve, ad. shortly Incaci'ire, to season with cheese Incadaverire, to become lean Incadaverito, a. like a skeleton Inca^li'ire, to stick to; to be at a stand ; to run aground Incagliato, part, stopped Inc-<°:lio, m. obstacle Incalappiair, to snare, to confound, to plot, embroil Incalcare, to trample under foot, to press, squeeze, crowd Incalciamento, m. flight Incalciare, to hunt, drive away, chase, pursue Incaleinare, to calcine Incalcin'ito, part, calcined Incalcok'ibile, a. incalculable Incallimento, m. callosity, a corn Incallire, to grow hard Incallito, part, hardened [bald Incalvare, and Incalvire, to grow Incalzare, to chase, pursue I ncalza to, part, chased, pursued Incalza'ore, m. a per-icutor Incalzon'ire, to put on breeches IncambiO, ad. instead Incamerire, to imprison in a chamber, to confiscate Incamer'ito, part, imprisoned, confiscated fac&miciare, to whi'ewash a wall or house asrain ; to put on one's snirt, or shift Incamiciata,/. a cami^ado Incarniciato, part, roughcasted, I with a shirt Incamiciatura, /. a roughcasting of a house or wall 157 INC Incamminamento, m. putting for* wards Incamminare, to begin, to set out Incamminato, part, forwarded Incamufi'ato, part, disguised Incaneherare, and Incancherire, to fester [trefied Incancherito, part, festered, pu- Incanito, part, enraged Incannare, to wind bobbins, to swallow up, devour Incannata, /. a string of cherries j intrigue, embarrassment Incannucciare, to cover with reeds Incannucciata,/. a sort of band?ge Incannucciato, part, closed, shut up with reeds Incantamento, m. and Incanta- gione,/. enchantment Incantare, to enchant, charm Incant.ito, part, enchanted Incantatore, m. a sorcerer Incantesimo, and Incanto, m. an enchantment, charm, auction ; guastar 1'incanto, to frustrate another's designs ; andarvi come la biscia all' incanto, to do a thins against one's will Incantucciare, to hide one's self in a corner Incanutimento, m. gray hairs, old age Incanutire, to grow gray Incanutito, ]>art. hoary, gray Incapnce, a. incapable Incapacita,/. incapacity Incaparbire, to be obstinate Incaparbito, a. obstina'e Incapn.rsi, to be obstinate Incaparrare, to give earnest, to en- sure a bargain Ineapestrare, 10 snare, catch, to halter Incapestrato, part, haltered Ineapestratiira, /. manner of put- ting on a muzzle; a mark of a muzzle or hal'er Incapocchire, to become stupid Incaponire, to persist, to be obsti- nate Incappare, to stumble, to fall into a snare, to be catched Iccappato, part, ca'ched, snareid Inco- mincianza. f. a beginning Incuninci inte, m. beginner Incomineiare, to begin Incominci.'ito, part, bezpn Incomincialore, m. a beginner Incommensurabile, a. incommen- surable [surability Incommensurability, /, incommen- fncommodo, m. see Incomodo, and its derivatives Inconimutahile, a. constant Incomniutabilita,/. constancy Incomodamente, ad. incommodi- ously Incom'odAre, to incommode Incomodita, /. inconveuiency Incomodo, m. trouble, disadvan- tage Incomodo, a. inconvenient Incomparable, a. incomparable Incomparabilmente, ad. incompar- ably Incompatibile, a. disagreeing Incompatibility. /. inconsistency Inconipens'ibile, a. not to be "re- garded Incompetente, a. incompetent Incompetentemente, ad. incompe- tently Incompete'nza,/". insufficiency Incompiuto, a. imperfect Iiicoinplesso, a. without mixture Incomportabile, and Incomporte- vole, a. intolerable Incomportabilmente, ad. intolera- bly Incomposto, a. disordered ; simple Incomprensibile, a. incomprehen- sible [sibility Incomprensibilita,/. incomprehen- In comune, ad. in common Incomunicabile, a. "incommunica- ble Inconcepibile, a. inconceivable Inconcepibilita, /. incornprehensi- bleness Inconciliibile, a. irreconcilable Inconclud'jnte, and Inconcluso, a. inconclusive In conclusione, ad. finally Inconciisso, part, unshaken Inconfusamente, ad. confusedly Inconsiungibile, a. that cannot be joined Inconjiunto, part, divided Incongruente, a. incongruous Incongruentemente, ad. improper- ly Inconeruenza, /. Incongruity Incongruita,/. disproportion 159 INC Ineongruo, a. incongruous Inconocchiare, to mnd a distaff I:iconoscit:to, a. unknown Incooqaassabile, part, unshaken Inc inseguenza, f. inconsequence Inconsiderabile, a. inconsiderable Inconsideratamente, ad. inconsid- erately Inconsiderate, a. rash Inconsiderazione, and Inconsidera- tezza,/. inconsideration Inconsistente, a. inconsistent Inconsolabile, a. inconsolable Inconsolabilmente, ad. inconsola* bly InconstAnte, a. inconstant Inconstanza,/. inconstancy Inconsueto, a. unusual [ly Inconsultamente, ad. inconsiderate- InconsGHo, a. inconsiderate Incontaminabile, a. incorruptible Incontaminatezza,/. purity Incontaminato, part, unde'filed Incontanente, incontine'nte, ad presently IncontentAbfle, a. insatiable Incontentabilita, /. insatiablenes* IncontesUibile, a. indisputable Incontinente, a. unchaste Incontinenza,/. incontinency Inconto, part, unadorned Incontra, prep, against Incontramento, m. a conference, a meeting Incontrare, and Incontrirsi, to meet, to happen Incontrast/ibile, a. indisputable Incontrastato, part, incontested Incontro, m. a rencounter, acci- dent, chance; andar all' incon- tro, to meet ; farsi in c6ntro, to advance Incontro, prep, against, towards Incontrover.ibile, a. not to be questioned Inconveniente, and Inconvenevole, a. inconvenient Inconvenientcmente, ad. incon- veniently [disturbance Inconvenienza, /. inconveniency, Incoraggiamento, m. encourage- ment [encourage Incoraggiare, and Incorasgire, to Incorajgiato, part, animated Incorare, to persuade, encourage, to take in one's head Incordare, to be benumbed Incordato, part, benumbed Incordatwra, /. a stiff' neck Incorniciare, to frame Incoronare, to crown IucoronAto, part, crowned INC Incoronazi6ne, /. coronation Incorporate, a. incorporeal Incorporalka, /. incorporeity IncorporamentOj m. incorporation Ineorporare, to incorporate Incorpora*o, part, incorporated Ineorporazione, /. i nc uporation Incorporeo, a. incorporeal Incorre, to surprise Incorrere, to incur ; incorrere in errori, to commit faults Incorretto, a. incorrect Incorrigibile, and Incorreggibile, a. incorrigible Incorrigibilita, /. obstinacy, stub- Incorrotto, a. incorrupt Incorruttibile, a. incorruptible Incorruttibilita, /. incorruptibility Incorruttibilmente, ad. incorrupti- bly Incorruzione, /. incorruption Incorso, m. meeting, encounter Incorso, part, incurred Iacortinare, to set curtains round Incortinato, part, surrounded In coscienza, ad. in conscience Iucostante, a. inconstant Incostantemente, ad. inconstantly Incostanza, and Incostanzia, /. fickleness Incotto, part, boiled, baked ; in- cotto dal sole, sun burnt Increanza, /. incivility Increato, a. not created Incredibile, a. incredible Incredibilmente, ad. incredibly Incredulita,/. unbelief Incredulo, a. incredulous Incremento, m. increase Increpazione, /. a reprimand Increscere, to be tired ; to com- miserate, to be sorry ; quanto m' incresce la sua conversazi6ne ! how tired I am of his conversa- tion ! Increscevole, a. tedious Increscevolmente, ad. tediously Increscimento, m. weariness Increspamento, m. and Increspa- tura,/. a curl, or curling Increspare, to curl, to shrink ; in- crespare la fronte, to contract one's eye-brows Increspato, part, curled, shrunk IncretSre, to daub with clay Incrinare, to crack Incrociamento, 771. a crossing, in- tertvvining Incrociare, /. cruise (a sea term) Incrociato, part, laid across Incrocicchiare, to cross IITD Incrocicchiato, a. crossed, across Incrostare, to incrust Iucrostato, part, crusted, rough- cast Incrostatura,/. a crusting Incrudelire, to grow cruel Incrudelito, part, become cruel Jncrudire, to make harsh, rough Incruento, a. not. bloody Incruscare, to lill with bran I'ncubo, m. nightmare Incnde, /. anvil Incddine,/. an anvil Inculcare, to inculcate Inculcatamente, ad. earnestly Incuicato, part, inculcated Inculto, part, uncultivated Incumbenza, /. charge ; assumersi 1' incumbenza, to take upon one's self [to scald Incuocere, to boil or bake a little, Incuorare, to take in one's head Incurabile, a. incurable Incurato, a. uncured Incuria, /. negligence Incursione,/. incursion Incurvare, to bow, bend ; incur- varsi, to prostrate one's self Incurvato, part, bent, crooked Incurvatura, and Incurvazione, /. incurvation, or bending Iucjrvo, a. benf, crooked Incusare, to accuse, blame Incustodito, a. not guarded Incutere, to thrust with violence I'ndaco, m. indigo (blue colour) Indagare, to search into Indagazione, and Indagine, /. a careful search Indarno, ad. in vain Indebilire, to grow weak Indebitamente, ad. unduly Indebitare, to run in debt Indebitato, part, indebted Indebito, a. undue ; ora indebita, an unseasonable hour Indebolire, to grow weak Indebolito, part, weakened Indecente, a. indecent Indecentemente, ad. indecently Indecenza,/. indecency Indeciso, part, undetermined Indeclin'ibile, a. indecli-nable Indecoramente, ad. shamefully Indecore, a. (in poetry,) unbecom- ing Indecoro, a. indecent Indefessamente, ad. indefatigably Indefesso, a. unwearied Indeficiente, a. not deficient Indeficientemente, ad. continually Indeficienza,/. abundance 1G0 IND Jndefinitamente, ad. undetermi naiciy Indefinito, a. indefinite Indegnamen'e, ad. unworthily lndegnarsi. to be angry Indegnazi6ne, /. indignr.tion Indegnita, Indtguitade, and Inde- gnitate,/. indignity Indegno, a. unworthy Indelebile, a. tliat cannot be can- celled, or blotted out Indelebilmente. ad. indelibly Indemoniato, part, possessed with a devil Indenne, a. unhurt, safe Indennita, and Indennitade, /. in- demnity [term) Indennizznre, to indemnify (law Indennizzazione,/. indemnification (law term) Indentro, prep, within, inward Independente, a. independent lndependentemente, ad. independ- ently Independenza, /. independency Indeterminatamente, ad. indeter- minatively Indeterminate, a. undecided, wa- vering, doubtful - t [tion Indeterminazi6ue, /. indetermina- Indettare, to agree, resolve Indevoto, a. ungodly Indevozione,/. ungodliness I'ndi, ad. from thence; after, af- terwards ; indi a poco, a little after; indi a pocbi dl, a few days after [monds Indiamantare, to counterfeit^ dia- Indiana, a. Indian stuff, printed cotton Indiato, part. de ; fied Indiavolare, to fall into a passion Indiavolato, a. mad, furious Indicare, to show, indicate Indicativo, m. the indicative mood (in grammar) Indicativo, a. demonstrative Indicate, part, indicated Indicazione, /. and Indicamento, m. indication [finger I'ndice, m. index, contents, fore- Indicere, to imitate Indicibile, and Indiceyole, a. in effable, unutterable Indicibilmente, ad. inexpressibly Indicio, m. si?n I'ndico, a. Indian, of India Indietro, ad. backwards ; v61gersi indietro, to look back; correr indietro, to run after Tndifeso, a. defenceless [lar Indifferente, a. indifferent, simi- IndifTerentemente. ad. indifferently Indifferenza, /. indifference Indigene, a. native i .rent Indige> -ible '. indignation Indiirrossn, ad. one w ilh another ; • Ire, or t endeie indigrosso, i I -rabile, a, not demonstra- ble Indire, to announce, tell Indirettamente. ad. indirectly Indiretto, a. indirect I ire, to direct ; indirizzarsi, • 001 IndirizzAto, part, directed ■Indirlzm, a?ui Indirizzamento, m. dirt- I Ibile, a. imperceptible Indisciplirubile, a. undisciplina- ble, indocile Indiscipliaato. a. unruly ad. indiscreetly I : : id Indiscretezza, rction Indispensabile, a. indispensable Indispensal iliti, /. an indispensa- ble net [sably sabilmente, ad, indispen- :Tended /innc, /. indisposition r. inlisposed ■' i!e, a. incontestable Indi* indoppia colla Scoaria, England and Scotland are con tigoous; la rostra belMsza va iadoppiando, you grow more beautiful every "day Indorare, to s:ilrso. to • da se, to v.o the snare . !e-row Inhlzato, and InliLito, part, thread- ed Infimamentc, ad. basely mp, tilest nto, and Infmattantocbe, ad. until, until that Infinche, and Infincche, ad. since, until Infin da on, ad. benceforwards Iufine, ad. in short ,a nd Iufingarderia, i Inhngirdo, a, .- and Infingitu- •. dissimulation infinity id. infinitely . md Inriniivo. m. the in- fini'ive mood (in grammar- a. infinite. In iufinito, ad. infinitely, endless . until ; infino dal priacipio, from the be^innin^: infino ad ora, till now, from that moment; infino allora, until then ; infino a quando, until. wben, h>w ! went with . ;i, ad, hitherto Infinoat artoche. ad. until that Infinocchiare, to impose Jnfinocchiatura,/. deceit Infinoche, ad. ur.'il Infin'amen'e, ad. deceitfully . and Infintantocbe, ad. ntil •. and Infinto, m. duplici- -•jise I art. feijnH I • i blossom, to adom with INF trt. fixed info Innutollre, to turn into a fistula [nflazione,/. swelling,.>, o. in:' s • i natcly ■ r.f. inii. ctioa Inflesso. part, bent . to bend, curb ntli'to, fa t. inflicted '. f. influence Liflulre, and Inilue-r, to influence Influsso, and Iufluvio, m. influ- ence, flux DID, Infuocame'nto, rru and Infoca7ionc, /. conflagra- tion, beat, fervour bribcare, to beat, make red hot Infocato, a. on fire Infocazione, and Infuocazione, /, b it, ardour i nd I'nfula,/. fillet Infonkre, to infuse, influence, overflow Infon iimento, m. infusion Inforcire. to fork, bang h a pitch- fork [full Inhrca'ura, /. a body deft : a foi k- . to inform; infonnarsi, f o .nquire rart. informed Informatore, m. infirmer Infof i inaio me,/. information, edu- cation, instruct] >n Informe, a. formless Inf Vn.ip.ine, m. a baker's shovel InfornAre, to put in the oven fatonata,/. an oven-full ' iked • Dot in doubt In fop*-, ad. in doubt, in danger ; lasci.'ire una ODaa in (brae, leave a thinz at random ; io era in forse rtunate [nfo-rtunio, m. misfortune Inforz.iiv. . to grow strong '. itrong Infnscitn, part, darkened to Mmm, or blow i,/. infirmity inf irmc, a. infirm ; art. laid in the erave I'nfra, '. in, about ; infra il m« 7- 20 gioroo, about noon : infra me, 1G3 ' INF within myself; infra, on this side Infracidame'nto, and Infradicia- mento, to. corruption Infraeid.'ire, and Infmdiciare, to i infraci lire uno, to iru- ]> irrunc, ( r weary one >. and Ini'rudiciato, part. corrupte 1 Infracid.itiira, and Infradiciatiira, /.rottenness putrefaction . and Izifnuigere, to . crush Infragnimento, m. and Infragni- tun,/, a breaking ! in the fact InfirJimento, m. fainmess, or de- jec'ion Infralire, to grow weak Inframessa. f. and Infiamesso, rru interposition [meddle Infnimet'ere, to insert, ic inter- Infranciosato, part, diseased Infrnngere, to break Infra nto, part, broken Infrantoio, m. an oir-mill, or press Infrantura,/. sec Infngniinento Infrascameuto, rru a stripping of leaves Infrasc.'ire, to cover with branches, to entangle, involve Infrascrittn, part, underwritten, subs 'scribe Infrazirine, /. mpture, fraction ; a breach, violation lorreddAre, to tike cold [nfreddatiro, a. giving cold . part, having got cold Infreddatara, and Infreddagi6ne, /. a col J Infremere, to shod ler Infret.ire, to bridle, curb; to keep under, or in Infrene-ire, to grow frantic intrequente, a. rare Infrequenza,/. un frequency Infrescameiito, m. refreshment Infretta, ad, in'e Infrigid'.nte, a. eooling Infrizid/.re. and IntVindlre. to coot, to grow cool, frigid lofrfgno, part, wrinkled Infrinz-re. to infringe [nfrondirsi, to shoot firth leave* '. ir. a conifiany InfniscAre, to confuse /. dark, ambiguous, ob- scure Infru'tifero, a. unfruitful -)fitably , a. unfruitful ING Infun&re, to tie with ropes Infunatura, /. a binding with ropes Infundibulo, m. a funnel lnfuojure, see Infocare, and all its Derivatives Infurfantire, to grow knavish Iufuriare, and Infuriarsi, to be mad Infuriatamente, ad. furiously Infuriate, a. furious Infusamente, ad. confusedly Infusione,/. infusion Infuso, part, infused Infuturarsi, to grow old, or to be prolonged Ingabbiare, to put in a cage Ingaggiare, to engage ; ingaggiare a usura, to pawn Ingaggiato, part, engaged Ingagliaidia,/. weakness Ingailiardire, to grow strong Ingagiiardito, a. brisk, strong Ingalappiare, to catch in a trap Ingalluzzarsi, to be proud Ingalluzzato, a. proud Ingambaxe, to run away Ingangherare, to put, or hang on 'he hinges Ingamrbile, a. deceitful Ingannare, to cheat ; ingannarsi, to misake ; s'io non m' inganno, if I mistake not Ingannate, part, cheated Ingar.natore, m. a cheat Jjgannevole, and Ingannabile, a. deceitful Ingannevolmente, ad. deceitfully Inganno, and Ingasnamento, m. cheat, trick ; trar d' inganno, to undeceive Ingarabullare, and Ingarbugliare, to deceive, perplex Ingarbare, to adorn Ingastig'ito, part, unpunished Ingastigazione,/. impunity Ingegnamento, m. craft, cunning ; industry Ingegn'irsi, to endeavour : cias- cheduno s'ingegna, every body does what he can Ingegnere, and Ingegnero, m. an engineer Ingegno, m. genius, wit, craft Ingegnosamente, ad. ingeniously Ingegnoso, a. ingenious, witty Ingegnuolo, m. malice, craft Ingelos^re, to grow jealous Ingelosito, a- become jealous Ingemmamento, in. an adorning with jewels Ingemm'ire, to deck with jewels Ingernmato, a. adorned with jew- eb ING In generate, ad. generally Ingenerare, to engender Ingenerazione, /. and Ingenera- mento, in. generation Ingenito, a. inna'e Ingentilire, to become noble, to tame Ingentilito, a. ennobled Ingemiamente, ad. sincerely Ingeuuita, /. sincerity Ingenuo ? a. ingenuous, freeborn Ingerirsi, to intermeddle Ingermatura, /. a sheath, covering, prelection Ingessare, to chalk Ingessato, part, chalked Ingessatura./. a chalking Ingesto, a. inserted Inghio timento, m. a swallowing ; pool, pit, abyss Inghiottire, to swallow, absorb ; inghiottire altrui, to surpass one ; inghiottire un' ingiiiria, to put up with an affront Inghiottito, a. swallowed up Inghiottitoio, m. the throat Inghirlandamento, m. a crowning with a garland Inghirlandire, to crown with gar- lands} fuor di qual mar chela terra inghirlanda, out of that sea which encompasses the earth Ingiacare, to put on the cuirass Ingiallire, and Ingiallire, to dye or grow yellow Inginocchiarsi, to kneel Inginocchiato, a. kneeling Inginocchiatoio, m. a stool to kneel on Inginocchiatura,/. a bending Inginocehiazione. /. a genuflexion Inginocchione, and Inginocchioni, ad. kneeling upon one's knees Ingiocondo, a. displeasing Ingioiellare, to adorn with jewels Ingiovanire, to grow young Ingiii, ad. downward Ingiugnere, to charge, command lnginncare, to strew rushes Jts-i'iiVo, a. enjoined Ingiiiria, /. injury Ingiurhre, to injure, abuse In-riuriato, a. injured Ingiuriatore, m. an injurer Inriurinsamente, ad. injuriously Ingiurioso, a. injurious Ingiustaminte, ad. unjustly Ingiustizia, f. injustice Ingius'o, a. uniust Inghrioso, a. inglorious Inglivie, /. gluttony Ingobbire, to grew 'hump-backed 164 ING Ingoffo, m. a fisticuff; bribery Ingoiare, to engulf, to swallow Ingolfare, to encounter the main ocean ; ingolfarsi, to gratify one's self Ingolfato, a. addicted, engulfed Ingollare, to swallow Ingollato, part, swallowed Ingombramento, m. encumbrance Ingombrare, to hinder, stop, to oc- cupy Ingombrato, a, hindered Ingombro, and Ingombrio, m. im- pediment Ingombro, a. encumbered Ingorbiare, to put a ferrule on a cane Ingordamente, ad. greedily Ingordigia, and Ingordia, /. greedi- ness Ingordo, a. greedy, eager ; prezzo ingordo, an exorbitant price ; strumento ingordo, a sharp in- strument Ingorgamento, m. gorging . Ingorgare, to gorge ; flume che s' ingorga, a swelling river Ingorgato, a. gorged Ingorgiare, to swallow down Ingozzare, to gorge, cram, swallow Ingrandimento, m. advancement. use Ingrandire, to increase, enlarge, advance, to aggrandize Ingrandito, a. enlarged, advanced Ingranditore, m. an amplifier Ingrassamento, m. a fattening Ingrassare, to fatten ; ingrassar campi, to manure Ingrassativo, a. fattening Ingrassato, a. fattened Ingratamente, ad. ungratefully Ingraticolare, to enclose, to rail Ingraticolato, a. railed Ingratitudine, and Ingratezza, /. ingratitude Ingrato, a. ungrateful Ingravidamento, m. ingravidation Ingravidare, to impregnate, to breed Ingraziars', to ingratiate Ingrediente, m. ingredient Ingresso, m. ingress, access Ingroppare, to add, to carry on one's back Ingrossamento, m. an increasing, swelling, thickness Ingrossare, to make big, increase, to get with child Ingrossito, a. grown bigger Ingrosso,ad. by f he whole ; vender all' ingresso, to sell by wholesale INN Ingrognire, or Ingrogoare, to be *n*ry to, or IngrognAto, a. angry Inguantarsi, to pal on oi Inguintito, a, that has gi I'ngui: forbid Inibita./. inhibition (law term) hibits .ibition Lnimic.m-. to use like an enemy ; ininiu i ncmy Inimic'itc. a. used hkt \ Inimichevolmeute, ad. like an enemy ria,/. enmity Inimitabile. a. inimitable I finitely I . •bscure 1 /. perfidiously I quality Iniquo. a I . a. instructed n. l>ezmmng ! into snares 1 to 1 come languid ; ; of praise 1 . : i. unlawfully iwful InlecriaJri;<>, a. embellished . illezi'imacy ate. ! ' arned mre Inlividirc, to bruise Inlunn. inlnngo, ad. minl'ir in : in lungo : - ime Inmalincnnire, Inmalinconicblre. and InmalinconicAre, to be mfl'nrWy I lambis«are. to be «w allowed up, Innacertir*, to ir ik, sprin- kle ; innicquAre il vino, to mix wine with ■ lunacquato, a. watered INN Ininftl'ire, to water . ; art. watered lnnatliatoio, m. a catering pan re, to grow s >ur _ : ap n tree into, m. and Innalza- tum,/. exaltation . to exalt, raise, advance, InnamidArv, to s'arch Iiiiianioracchiarsi, to fall in love Inn inn .ramento. and Innajnorazza- . m. courtsiiip Iunamorr'ire, to fall in love ; in- namorArsi al primo ii>cio, to fall in love at fir^t sight Innamorata, /. a p Innamor.itamente, ad. lovingly Innamorato, in. a lover Inuamorato, part, enamoured Innamorazzare, to be in love InuanellAre, to curl, to give the nuptial ring Innanellalo, a. curled [animate Inmnimare, and Innanimire, to Iunanimato, yart. heartened Innante, and Inn'in i, } up. (in . Inaintichi', ad. before . "i. a model, original Imuuzi. prep. P tfc w b r, after- wards; and'ire inn'uiri. I ■ lit <)!](■'> self; piii innanzi. farther; mct- tere innanzi, to propose; non andate pni inn/inzi, say no more IiunnA ti-a'to. ad. firs*, of all Innariditv. to grow dry Innarrabile, a. not to be told Innarsiccia'o, m. a burning Innascondere, to hide Innascoso, a. hid. concealed buaaapare, to wind yam Innasprire, to make hard innate, natural Innatunle, a. unnatural Inmlbiarsi, to grow dark Innibbriare, to make drunk . a. incontestable re, to ingraft Innestato, a. inerafted Inne-tatura, Innestagione, /. and . TO. a graft, a scion ■ a eTaft I'nno, m. a hymn Innobilita, /."i "mobility Innoc'jnte, a. innocent Inrmcfnteme'nte. ad. innocently baoeenan, and Innocenzia, /. in- nocence 165 INO Innoltrarsi, to advance, exceed InnOfflin&tO, a. nameless Innond ire, sic Inondare . -/. harmless . to cover "ith scarlet clo:h . to innovate Innovatore, TO, an innovator Innovazione, f. Change Innovi ll.'ire, to rcnew Innnmerabiie, a. innumerable, numberless Innnmerevole, a. innumerable Iunuzzolire, to excite a desire Iuobbediente, a. disobedient Inobbedienza, /. disobedience Iuoculare, to inoculate Inocula/ione,/. inoculation Inodorifero, a. m hut any smell Inoflicioso. a. uncivil In osmi modo, ad. however it be Inoliare, to oil [noliato, part, oiled [i I Itrtrn, see Innoltrarsi Inoltto, and Innoltre, ad. besides Inomb.-are, to shade Inondare, to overflow [nondazione, /. and Inondam^nto, TO. inundation Ino.ies'amente, ad. dishonourably Inones'a,/. dishonesty Inonesto, a. disnoneM [nonorato, a. dishonoured 1 i ] e, 'i. indigent Inoperoso, a. lazy, idle Inopia. /. indigence Inopiaabile. a. credible unente, at unawares Inopinato, a. nnthought of Inopixntunameu'e, ad. unseasona- 1 !y Inopportuno, a. unseasonable Inorire. to gild over; to honour, [ly InordinatTmente, ad. immoderate- Inordinatezza,/. confusion . a. out of order InorgojUre, to make proud; inor- gogiirsi, to grow proud Inor|>ellamt-nto, rn. a painting, a Inorpell '.re, to counterfeit, to adorn With false gold Inorpi llito, a. counterfeited Inorridtre, to shake for far, to frighten [mus end InospiUle, a. inhospitable, barba- . f. inhoroitalitj ?. uninhabited n 'Me DZk,/. unobvrvanco ) berved INS Inostrare, to cover with purple In palese, ad. publicly In paragone, ad. comparatively to In parte, ad. partly In particolare, ad. particularly In perpetuo, ad. perpetually In persona, ad. personally In piedi, ad. on foot In proft'ilo, ad. in profile In punto, ad. ready ; sono in punto, I ani ready In qua, ad. since, this side ; da allora in qua, since that time In quanto. and In quanto che, ad. inasmuch as, concerning ; in quanto a me, as for my part Inquartare, to quarter Inquieta,/. anxiety Inquietamente, ad. unquietly Inquietare, and Inquietire, to dis- quiet, vex [trouble Inquietazione, /. the act of giving Inquietezza,/. uneasiness Inquieto, a. unquiet Inquietudine,/. disquiet Inquinare, to soil, pollute Inquisire, to accuse Inquisito, part, accused Inquhitore, m. inquisitor, sheriff', coroner Inquisizione, /. inquisition, search Inraecontabile, a. that cannot be related Inrngionevole, a. see IrragLonevole Inrazionabile, a. irrational! Inregolare, a. see Irregolare Inreligiosita,/. irreligion Inreligioso, a. irreligious Inremediabile, and Inrimediabile, a. irremediable > Inreprensibile, a. irreprehensible Inreprobabile, a. irreprovable Inrepugnabile, a. unquestionable Inresoluzione,/. irresolution Inretamento, m snares Inretare, to catch in nets Inretrattabile, a. irrevocable Iurevocabilita, /. irrevocability Inricchire, to enrich Inrigidire, to grow stiff, hard Inritrnsire, to grow unruly, sly, stubborn Inriverente, a. see Irreverente Inrossare, to dye with a red hue Inruvidire, to make hard N. B. For all other words begin- ning with Inr, see In Insaccare, to sack, to bag Insaccato. part, bagged, sacked Insalare, Insalinare, and Insaleg- gi'ire, to salt lnsalata, /. a salad ; non sono an- INS c6ra all' insalata, I have scarce begun Insalato, a. salt, salted Insalatura, /. a salting, or pickling Insaldare, to starch ; to confirm, assure Insalsarsi, to become salt Insalubre, a. unhealthy Insalvatichire, and Insalvaticare, to grow savage, wild Insalvatichito, a. wild, savage Insanabile, a. incurable Insanamente, ad. foolishly Insanguinare, to make bloody Insanguinato, part, bloody Insania, /. madness, folly Insanire, to grow mad Insanito, part, mad Jnsano, a. insane, mad Insaponare, to soap, flatter, cajole Insaponato, part, soaped Insaporarsi, to acquire flavour Insaziabile, and Insaturabile, a. insatiable Insaziabilita, a?7d Insazieta, /. in- satiability, unsatisfiedness Insaziabilmente, ad. insatiably Inscampabile, a. unavoidable Inschiavire, to enslave Inschidionare, to put upon the spit Insciente, a. ignorant Inscritto, part, inscribed Inscrivere, to inscribe, to write, or to engrave an inscription Inscrizione, /. inscription Inscrutabile, a. impenetrable Insculto, a. engraved, impi Inscusabile, a. inexcusable Insegua,/. arms, colours, marks Insegnamento, m. document, in- struction Insegnare, to teach Insegnativo, a. instructive Insegnato, part, taught Insegnatore, m. a teacher Insegreto, ad. secretly Inseguire, to pursue Inseliciato, part, paved Inseliciato, m. pavement Inselvare, and Inselvaticare, to grow woody; inselvarsi, to take refuge in a wood Insemprato, a. immortalized Insensatamente, ad. foolishly, madly Insensataggine, and Iusensatezza, /. stupidity, folly, madness Insensato, a. foolish, senseless Insensibile, a. insensible Insensibility, /. insensibility Insensibilmente, ad. impercepti- bly, by degrees 166 INS Inseparable, a. inseparable Inseparabilmente, ad. inseparably Insepolto, a. unburied Inserenare, to clear up, to cheer up Inserenato, a. serene Inserire, to insert Inserito, part, inserted Inserrare, to shut up Insertare, to graft Insertazi6ne, f. grafting Inse>to, part . inserted Inserviente, a. good, useful, fit Inserzione, m. insertion Insetare, to wrap up with silk Insetto, m. an insect Inseverito, a. grown severe Insidia, /• snares, deceit Insidiare, to lie in wait, to contrive Insidiato, part, plotted, contrived Insidiatore, m. a traitor Insidiosamente, ad. treacherously Insidioso, a. ensnaring Insieme, arid Insiememente, ad. together, likewise, with Insieme, or Ben' insieme, m. (in painting,) the whole Insieparsi, to hide one's self in a hedge Insigne, a. renowned, excellent Insignemente, ad. notably Insignificante, a. insignificant Insignire, to decorate, adorn Insignito, part, adorned Insignorire, to make one master Insinattanto, Insintanto, Insintati* toche, ad. until Insino, Insinoche, and Insinche, prep, till, until Insinqua, ad. as far as here Insinuare, to insinuate ; insinuarsi, to steal, creep in Insinuazione, /. insinuation Insipid amente, ad. foolishly Insipidezza,/i insipidity, flatness Insipidire, to become insipid Insipido, a. insipid, unsavoury Insipiente, a. foolish Insipienza, and Insipienzia, /. ig« norance, foolishness Insistenza,/. obstinacy Insistente, a. pressing Insistere, to insist, persist, to be above I'nsito, a. innate, natural Insoave, a. unpleasant Insocinbile, a. unsociable Insofferenza,/. intolerable ourden Insofficiente, a. see Insufficidnte, and its derivatives Insoft'ribile, a. insufferable Insoggettabile, a. untameable Insognarsi, to dream, fancy INS Insngno, m. dream, fincy I of ■ ad. insolently Insolentire. to grow saucy Insolenta, a/ui las^U nzi.i, /. iaao- leuce Insolito, a. unusual, rare . to grow sofi, lo diminish, I re. to rise up in arms Insohih. i problem. &o. ilnt eunol 1 e boIvi 1 Insolubilmente. ad. indissolubly v, ad. at last Insonna: I ■mless portable e, to deafen, to become 1 B, to rise against :. insurmountable 1 o up [suspect , icious, to 1 . . - .-picious I !'ile, a. unwarrantable Insozzare, and Insozzire, to foiJ, rty ile. a. unhoped-for I . id. unexpectedly .a. unexpected -inkle n. condensity 1 • ctor Inspezione. /. inspection N. B. The letter ;j, in the follow- in? worth, as far as Instiipid'itc. left out : see Ispezione I ,re with, to sug- ; rompt I part, inspired i he who inspires Inspirazione, /. and Inspiramento, m. inspiration Inspon'ineo, a. involuntary i . ■ stable ! '-.hiliry I , a. indefa finable I namente, ad. immediately eo, a. momentary, done in a n Instante, m. an instant Instant?, a. earnest, urgent I • isi, press ln>t.iui ire, to renew, rebuild [nsterilfre, to .:r.>u barren . to ins igate, si . i ne, /. and Instigamento, in. ins •;_ Instillare, to instil, infuse, pour . | art. iostilled Imtjnln, m. instinct lustituire, to institute; institirire alc'.ino erede, to make somebody one's heir Instituta,/. institutes Iurtitutista, m. a reader of the in- stitutes Institato, m. an institute, an estab- lishment Institutnre, m. an institutor Instituzioue, /. institution, instruc- tion Instruire, to instruct Instruito, part, instructed Instrumentale, and Instmmentario, a. instrumental; muaica instru- mentale, instrumental music Instrument, m. instrument Instruttivo, a. instructive Instrutto, part, instructed In^truttore, m. a tutor Instruzioue,/. instruction Inatapktire, to be surprised Instupidito, part, stupified, sur- prised . above ; andare in sii e in ghi. to go up aud down ; da due in sii. except two ; in sii la tavo- la, upon the table Insucidare, to grease, foul, soil Insueto, a. unusual Insufficientc. a. insufficient Insufficientemente, ad. insufficient- ly Insufficienza,/. insufficiency In sul, ad. upon ; in sul far del dl, by break of day ; in su'l bel del dacorso, in the middle of the discourse Insul.'mo, a. insular _-...e, /. dnlness foolish Insultare, to insult . z. affronted Insulto, nu an insult, affront Insuperabile, a. insuperable Insuperbire. to prow proud I mud Insureere, to rise against, to resist In^jrto, part, risen up Insuso, ad. above, on high INT tent, not Mil si^, in? the invalidity uf anj tiling [nsusurrure. to murmur, [ntabaccarsi, to fall in love; to give miic's self Up I . ootch, to offend) hurt, injure, conti icl a debt notched, injured, wounded fhtaccatura,/. a notching, cr notch [ntagHamentbj m, incision, cut Intagliare, to engrave, to carve: intagliare ad acqua forte, to etch [ntagliato. part, engraved, carved, proportioned, well shaped Intagliat6re,m. an engraver, carver Intaglio, 171. and Intagliatiira, /. an engraving, carving; intaglio <1" acqua forte, an etching Intagliuzxare, to mince Intamburare. to accuse, impeach Intamburazirtne, /. impeaching Intanare, and IntanArsi, to hide one's self in a cave Intanfarsi, to grow mouldy In'angibile, a. impalpable Infants, ad. inasmuch, in the meanwhile Intantoche, ad. whilst, so that ; aspettatenii qu! intanto ch' io . itay here til! 1 come Intarlamehto, m, worm-hole Intarlare, to be moth or worm- eaten Intarlato, a. moth or worm-eaten In'arsiare, to inlay mtarsiato, part, inlaid Intai-sia'ura,/. inlaid work Iniartarito, a. coven d with tartar Intasamento, m. and Intasatura, /. the act of stopping, an obstruc- tion Intas&re, to ^et slits close together, to fill with tartar Intascare, to pocket up, to seize Intatto, part, untouched Intavolare, to wainscot, or rail in ; to make a drawn game at chess, draujhts, Stc., to tI in Dotes, to place boards; intavolare un ne- 1:0710. to propound an affair Intavolato, part, w Intavolatura, /. wainscot, rule, in- struction, a tablature (music term) Integrate, and Integrante, a. into gral ; p rti integrali, the parts which make up the whole INT Integralmente, ad. completely Integrameflte, ad. honestly, exac'ly Integrare, to make entire Integrate, fart, made entire lutegrita, /. integrity, perfection, sincerity [just Iutegro, a. whole, entire, honest, Intelaiare, to put upon the loom Intelaiatura, /. the skeleton of a building, &c. Intelleitiva, f. and Intelletto, m. understanding, intellect, capacity Intellettivo, a. intellectual, rational Iutellettuale, a. intellectual Intellettualita,/. intellectual facul- ty Iiitellezione, /. intelligence Intelligente, a. intelligent, well- knowing, skilled, learned Ictelligenza, /. knowledge, corre- spondence, learning; intelligen- za secreta, a collusion, deceit Intelligere, to understand Intelligibile, a. piain, easy Intelligibilmente, ad. intelligibly Intemerata, /. perplexity, conspira- cy Intemerato, a. undefiled, pure Iotemperante, a. intemperate luteniperanza, and Intemperatura, /. excess, intemperance Intemperarsi, to grow temperate Intemperate, a. immoderate, ex- cessive Intern perie,/. inte.mperature Intern peslivo, a. unseasonable In tempo, ad. in time Intendente, m. an attendant, a con- noisseur [knowing Intendente, a. intelligent, skilled", Intendenza, /. understanding Intendere, to understand, to design, intend, to agree together; inten- der gli 6ccbi, to fix one's eyes Iutendevole, a. intelligible lntendevolmente, ad. learnedly, carefully Intendimento, m. understanding, intention, meaning ; essere d'in- tendim^nto, to understand one another, to play booty Intenditore, m. an understanding man ; a bu6n intenditor poche par61e, a word to the wise Intenebramento, m. a darkening Intenebrare, and Inlenebrire, to darken [plexed Intenebrato, part, obscured, per- Intenerire, to mollify, soften; in- tenerirsi, to be aflecled Inteaerito, part, mollified, softened Intensamente, ad. intensely INT Intensivo, and Intense, a. intense, excessive Intentamente, ad. attentively Intentire, to attempt Iutentato, a. attempted ; not tempt- ed Intentazi6ne, /. attempting Intento, m. design, intention Intento, a. attentive, ready, dis- posed Intenzionale, a. intentional ■ [ly Intenzionalmente, ad. intentional- Inteuzione,/. intention Intepidire, to grow lukewarm Interame, m. the entrails Interamente, ad. entirely Intercalare, to add, to insert Intercalare, m. intercalar or odd day Intercedere, to intercede _ Intercess'tene, /. intercession Intercessore, m. a mediator Intercettare, to intercept Intercetto, part, intercepted Intercezione, /. intercepting Interchiudere, to enclose Intercidere, to divide in two, to hinder [columns Intercolonnio, m. space between Interdetto, m. interdiction, suspen- sion, prohibition Interdetto, part, forbidden Inter-dire, and Interdicere, to pro- hibit, forbid Interdizione,/. and Interdicimen- to, m. a suspension Interessante, a. interesting Interessare, to interest Interessato, part, interested, con- cerned Interesse, and Interesso, m. inter- est, profit; loss, prejudice; ba- dare a suoi interessi, to mind one's own business Interezza, /. entireness Interieztene, and Interghiezione, /. interjection (a sudden ex- clamation) I'nterim, ad. meanwhile Interiora, /. pi. and InteriOri, m. pi. entrails Interi6re, m. mind, heart Interiore, a. internal, interior Interiormente, ad. internally Interito, 771. death Interlineare, to interline Interlineare, a. between line and line Interlineato, part, interlined Interlocutore, m. a speaker, actor Interlocutorio, a. interlocutory Intermedio, m. an interlude 168 INT Intermedio, a. intermediate Iutermentire, to be benumbed Intermesso, part, intermitted Intermettere, to interrupt, d' tinue Intermettimento, mi. discontiira ance Intermezzo, a. intermediate Interminato, a. boundless Intermissi6ne, and Intermittenza, /. intermission Internal sto, pa?*, intermixed Intermittente, a. intermitting Intermittenza, /. intermittency Internamente, ad. internally Internare, and Internarsi, to pene- trate Internato, part, pierced through Interno, a. infernal, inward Interno, m. the interior InternOnzio, m. an internuncio Intero, a. entire, perfect, ingenious Interpellate, to summon Interpellazione, /. a legal call Interpetrare, see Interpretare, and its derivatives Interpolate, part, interrupted ■ Interponimento, m. interposition Interporre, to interpose Interpositore, m. intercessor Interpos^izione, /. interposition Interposto, part, interposed ; inte?. {)6sti alquanti dr, some days after erpretare, to interpret Interprctativo, a. interpretative Interpretato, part, interprett Interpretazione, f. interpretation Inierprete, and Interpretatere, m. an interpreter Interpunzione, /. punctuation Interrare, and Interriare, to do over with clay ; to bury Interrato, and Interriato, part. glazed, pale Interregno, wi. interregnum Interrogate, to examine Interrogate, part, questioned Interrogatorio, m. and Interroga- zione,/. examination Interrompere, to interrupt, stop Interrompimcnto, m. and Interru- zione,/. interruption , Interrotto, part, interrupted Interruttore, m. an interrupter Intersecare, to cut asunder Intersecato, part, cut asunder Interserire, to insert Interserito, part, inserted Intersezione, /. inters' ction Interstizio, m. interval of time Intertenere, to detain ; intertenersi, to dwell INT INT Intertenime'nto, in. entertainment \ m. interval i. intervention Intervening, to happen ; interve- ntre id una cnsa. to be present •. in. presence Interveuut i, part, happened, en- intention, understanding Interment*, ad. attentively bborn Inteso, peat, unu Intessoto, pari, woven . •. i be obstinate Intestato, a, stubborn, intestate Intesttno, a, intestine Intestini, m. pi. intestines Intesto, part, woveu Intiepiiare, and Intiepidire, to cool Intiepidato. and Intiepidito, a. kewarm ate, ad. entirely | erfect ntimameote, ad. intimately ntimariOue. /. intimation fearful ■. bold, intrepid 'ntim<\ a. inward, intimate terrify ntiiporito. part, frighted . and Intlnto, m. a ragout, sauce. _- ked, plunged . lipping, dying: '■ Ding In'irizzire, to be benumbed 'fened . to ctow consumptive ; Ir tisico, to cause a con- • . *o, m. a title . to entitle a thin? to, to inscribe, give a title ; intitolarsi, • . rort. entitled -*e, /. title, dedication, . a. in'anzilde • Imente. ad. intolerably nfonacAre, and Intonicare, to Intonicato, and Int6nico, Intonire, to rone, to sing fntonato, part, tuned, resounded Intonatore, m. a tuner, siuger [ntDoaxione,/. tune [ntoochiire, to be eaten up with iiiites Intonicatura,/. rough-cast Intonso. a. anshaven, unshorn ntoppame'nl ■>. m. binderanco re, to nit et with ■i. a meeting, obstacle [ntonre, to put em's self in a passion Intorbidamen'o, in. and Intorbida- zione, /. a troubling Intorbidare, Intorbidire, and In- torbare, to make thick, or mud- dy ; to disturb, vex, confound Intorbidato, a. thick, muddv, trou- bled Intormentimento, in. numbness, stiffness [stiff Intormentire, to benumb, make Intorniare. and Intorneare, to sur- round, encompass Intorniameuto, m. a turn, turning round Intnrniato. part, surrounded Intorno, prep, about, concerning; all'intonio, round about ; guardar in'nrno. to lo >k alout; la in'or- no, thereabout] d'ozni intonio, from all sides ; v' b intorno intorno, I have looked : everywhere tntorpidire, to grow stupid Intnrriidito, part, stupid, drowsy Intorticciato, and Intorto, a. twist- ed Intossicare, to poison Intossicato, part, poisoned btosadue, to grow thick I'ntra, prep, between, amongst [ntrabesclre, to fall in love In'rabiccolare, to clamber up Intrachiiideie, to enclose, encom- 1 ns< Intrachii'iv). part. shut up Intradi'ie, a. doubtful, uncertain bltnfttto, ad. entirely Iutralasciinierito, »». interruption, intern Intrala«ci:'ire, to interrupt, to inter- I « ave f >ff Intralasciato, part, interrupted Intralciamento, m. an intrigue, em- -ment In'ralciare, to embarraw. involve Intralciatjra, /. intricacy, entan- glement . ivid Intramendue, o. both, l>oth together IntrameVo, in. en'rance 169 INT Intramessa, /. interposition, media* tion part, interposed IntraniMtere, to put between J in- tramettersi, to intermeddle (htramischianza, f. a mixture Intramischiato, a. mixed to.'cthe* .:e, /. mediation (ntrammeBare, to interpose Intransilvo, a. intransitive Intrante. a. insinuating [ntnporre, to interpose Intraprendere, to intercept, to un* deilake Intraprcndimeuto, m. enterprise, undertaking Intraprendil6re, and IntraprensOre, in. an undertaker [prise Ir.trapresa, /. undertaking, euter- Intrapre'so, a. undertaken Intra re, to enter Intrarompere, to interrupt Intratessere, to intermix Intrattabile, a. intractable Intrattanto, ad. in the mean while Intrattenere, to entertain Intrattenimento, m. delay, stop Intravenire, to happe:i, befall lntraversare, to cross, to lead ■stray, go astray, to oppose 0, a. lai I across, crowd In'raversatura,/. opposition, Intrecciire, to wot Intrecciato. part, woven, I Intreccia'.oio, m. ornament for the head [knot Intrecciatura, /. a tre^s, garland, Intreccio. and Intrecciameiito, m. mixture, tress, tm ist Intrementito, a. shaking for fear Intremfre, to shake for fear In'repi'lamente, ad. intrepidly Intrepidezza,^. intrepidity Intrepido, a. intrepid Intre^cnre, to involve, intricate Intricare, sec Intrirare Intridere, to temper, dilute, allay, sr>il, dirty, stain Intrinmento. ?/i, intrigue, per- plodty, difficulty Intrigare, and Intncire, to embroil, confound, mingle, perplex ai.ente, ad. intricately Intrig'ito, a. intricate Intrirftore, m. a shuffling fellow Intrigo, m. intrigue Intrinsieameote, ad. intrin-sically Intrinsicare, to grow fastis one In'rinsicAto, part, intimate, famil- INU Intrinsichezza./. familiarity,friend- ship, intimacy Intrinsico, and Intrinseco, a. inti- mate Intrinsico, and Intrinseco, m. an intimate friend Intriso, m. dough Intriso, part, kneaded, tempered Intristare, to grow wicked Intristire, to dry away, not to grow Introcque, ad. (by Dante) at the same time Introdotto, part, introduced Introducimento, m. an introduc- tion Introducit6re, m. an introducer Introdurre, to introduce Introduttore, m. introducer Introduzione, /. introduction Introito, m. entrance lntromessione, /. introducing Intromesso, m. dainty dishes Intromesso, part, introduced Intromettere, to let in; intromet- tersi, to intermeddle Intronare, and Intruonare, to stun Intronato, part, stunned Intronatura, /. and Intronamento, m. stunning Intronfiare, to put one's self in a passion Intronizzare, to enthrone Intnidere, to intrude, thrust in Intruppare, to enlist Intrusione,/. intrusion Intruso, part, intruded Intuitivamente, ad. intuitively Intuitivo, a. intuitive Intuito, m. a looking upon In tutto, ad. quite, entirely Intuzzare, to blunt, abate, "repel Inubbidienza,/. disobedience Inubbriacare, to make, or get drunk Inudito, a. unheard of Inuggiolire, to set one a longing Inugnere, to anoint Inuguale, a. unequal Iniilto, a. unrevenged Inumanamente, ad. cruelly, inhu- manly Inumanita,/. inhumanity Inumano, a. barbarous Inumato, a. unburied Inumidire, to moisten Inumidito, part, moistened Inurbanita, /. incivility Inurbano, a. uncivil, discourteous Inusato, and Inusitato, a. not in use Inusitamente, ad. uncommonly Inutile, a. useless Inutilmente, ad. in vain Inuzzolire, see Inuggiolire INV Invadere, to attack Invagarsi, to be charmed with Invaghicchiare, to be a little amo- rous Invaghimento, m. desire, love Invaghire, to inflame with desire ; invagarsi, and invaghirsi, to fall in love Invaghito, a. in love Invaiare, and Invaiolare, to grow black Invalidam£nte, ad. vainly Invalidare, to annul Invalidita,/. invalidity Invalido, a. weak, invalid, of no force Invalorire, to grow strong Invalso, a. established Invanire, to grow proud, to baffle In vano, ad. vainly Invarcibile, a. impassable Invarabile, a. invariable Invariabilmente, ad. constantly Invasare, to invade, attack, possess, to be surprised, dip, plunge ; in- vasarsi qualche cosa nella me- moria, to imprint a thing on one's mind Invasato, part, possessed, amazed, stupid ; invasato nel giuoco, ad- dicted to gaming- Invasazione, /. possession, be- witching Invasellare, to put into a vessel Invasione,/. invasion Invaso, part, invaded [en Invecchiare, to grow old, to weak- Invecchiato, part, grown old Invecchiuzzare, to waste, decay In vece, prep, instead Invedovito, a. widowed Inveire, to inveigh against, censure Invelenire, to irritate Invelenfto, part, exasperated Invendicato, part, unrevenged Invenenato, a. poisoned Invenia, /. humiliation, worship, superfluous words and actions Invenire, to find Inventare, to invent, desire Inventariare, to make an invento- ry Inventario, m. an inventory Inventato, part, invented Inventiva,/. ingenuity, fancy Inventore, and Inventatore, m. in- ventor Invenzione, /. invention Inver, prep, towards Inverdire, to grow green Inverecondia,/. impudence Inverecondo, a. immodest 170 INV Inverisimile, a. improbable Inverisimilitudine, /. unlikelihood Invermigliare, to redden, to make red Inverminamento, m. corruption, breeding of worms Inverminare, to breed worms Inverminatb, part . corrupted Invernare, to winter Invernata, /. a winter Inverniciare, to varnish Inverniciato, part, varnished Inverniciatura, /. a varnishing Inverno, m. winter In vera, ad. in truth Inverso, prep, towards, against Invertere, to invert, to overturn, to bend Inverzicare, to flourish, wax green Invescare, and Inveschidre ? to in- snare, to daub with birdlime Invescato, part, entangled Inveschiatrice,/. who captivates Investigabile, a. not to be traced Investigamento, m. an investiga- tion Investigare, to investigate Investigato, part, investigated Investigat6re, m. a searcher Investigazione, /. investigation, tracing Investire, to invest ; investire un vascello, to board a ship Investimento, m. Investigione, and Investitura, /. investiture Inveterare, to grow old Inveterato, a. inveterate Invetrare, and Invetriare, to re- duce to glass Invetriata,/. a glass window Invetriato, part, glazed Invettiva, /. invective, railing Invettivo, a. railing ; parole in- vettive, abusive words lnvezione, /. invective, exclama- tion Inviamento, m. a way, or means to Inviare, to send; inviarsi, to set out Inviato, part, sent Inviato, m. an envoy Invidia,/. envy Invidiabile, a. enviable Invidi&nte, a. envious Invidiare, to envy Invidiato, part, envied Invidiosamente, ad. enviously Invidiatore, m. an envious man Invidioso, arid I'nvido, a. (inpO' etry,) invidious Invietare, to grow rank, or obsolete Invigilare, to watch INV Invigortre, to strenrthen ivned Invilire. I unento, m. confusion I • rap up Intilupp&to, part, wrapped up Inviluppo, m. bundle, parcel ; eoufusion. ili- Inviucibile. a. unconquerable Invinci lire, to soften, to grow soft, flabby iress I Iuviolabilmente, cvi. iuviolably . a, invi »late . a. mild, gentle Inviperire, to lO be tierce, cruel, to 1 •. part, enraged ■lare [els the bow- i :!> with birdlime . sible ! sibility I . to invite, allure, entice; J . :nviter i . J - u-il] Inum. in. Invrita, and Invitazi6- ne. /. invitation i. invincible Inviziare, to corrupt, spoil, alter '. to wither, decay I • , to call upon ! vokes Invocazione, /. invocation 1 • ipper Invogii • wire; invo- gliar V appeito, to whet the ap- 'h longing, desi- wrappH up f o, T7i. bundle, parcel i . steal; involarsi, I I :. up. to cover .. a beating about ; I [rily ite, ad. involunta- IPO Involontario, to. an involuntary deed. Involontario, a. involuntary Involp&re, to he blighted Invoipire. to crow cunning In volte, ad. about, here ami there ; M '.ir in VQlte, to gO BboOl ; met- tere in volta, to nut to flight Involtare, to wrap ip Involto, m. a bale Invoito. part, wrapped, involved lnvoltura, /. a round-about dis- course Involuto, part, involved Involvere, to wrap up lovolvjmentOj m. ami Involuzione, /. a wrapping up, craft, deceit ; involvimcn'o di lingua, an idle story Invulnerabile, a. invulnerable Inzaccherare, to cover with dirt Inzacchenito, a. dirty Inzampognare, to impose upon Inzavat grease Inzavardato, part, dirtied, spotted Inzeppaniento, TO. a heap Iuzeppare, to sather up, amass . part, perfumed Inoceolito, a. having wooden [coarse Inzotichire, to grow awkward, Inzucchenre, to sugar Iuzucchernto, part, sugared Inzuppamento, TO. soaking Inzuppare, to sop, or soak Inzuppato, part, soaked Io, pron. I, myself Ionico, a. Ionic Iota, to. iota, jot ; non vene darei un iota. I would not give you a tittle for it [bole Iperbole, and Iperbola, /. hyper- Iperboleg?i:'tre, to exaggerate Iperbolicamente, ad. hyperboli- cal ly [helical IperbOlico, and Iperbolo, a. hyper- Iperboreo, a. northern Iperico, m. St. John's wort Ipetro, a. hypethra] Ipocistide,/. the herb ristus Ipocondrta,/. melancholy Ipocondrico, a. hypochondriacal Ipocrisia,/. hypocrisy [crite Ij^»cri»a, and Ipocrito, m. a hypo- Ipocrito, a. hypocriticnl Ipocritone, m. a great hypocrite IposArra,/. a sort of dropsy . a. hypostatical . f. mortira^e to pawn I Ipotesi,/. hypothesis ' 171 IRR Ipotettco, a. supposititious Ipnoroane. m, a bit of flesh on the forehead of a colt [ppopotemo, in. a sea-horse Iptofatto, ad. presently, immedi- ately I'ra, and Iracondia, /. anger, wrath Lraoon lunente, ad. angrily lracondo, Iracundo, Iracondioso, and Iracundioso, a. hasty, pas- sionate I rare, to be angry Ir.xscibile, a. passionate Irascibilita,/. wrath ? anger Iratarnente, ad. angrily Irito, a. angry I rco, TO. a he-goat I 're, to go Ireos, m. a flower-de-luce 1 ride, and I'ri, /. (in poetry,) rainbow Ironia, /. irony Ironicamente, ad. ironically lronico, a. ironical [diate Irradiare, and Irra^gi.ire, to irra- Ii Tad tato, part, irradiated Irradiazione,/. irradiation I art. irradiated Irrazionevole, a. unreasonable Irr.A-rionevolmente, ad. unreason ably In\_'i'>n.ihiliia,/. unreasonablentsa Irrazionabilmente, ad. unreasona- bly Irreconciliftbile, a. irreconcilable Irrecupernbile, a. irrecoverable [rrefragibile, a. undeniable Irregolare, a. irregular Irregolarita,/. irregularity Irregolatamente, ad. irregularly . part, disordered Irremedi.'ibile, a. remediless Irremissibile, a. unpardonable Irremissibilmente, ad. unpardona- bly led Irremunertbile,a. not to be reward- Irreimmerato, a. not rewarded Irreparabile, a. irreparable Irreparabilmente, nd. irreparably breprensibile, a. faultless Irremiieto, a. restless, uneasy Irresoluto, a. irresolute Irretire, to net, insnare Irretito, part, caught in a net Irreverente, a. irreverent Irreverentemente, ad. irreverently, m lely Irrevenfnza, /. rudeness Irrevor.'ibile, a. iiTBVOCablfl ile, n. unmindful Irridere, to deride 1ST Irrigare, to wet, moisten Irrigatore, m. he that waters Irrigidito, a. hardened Irriguo, a, watering Irrisione, /. derision [rider Irrisore, m. a mocker, jeerer, a de- Irritamento, m. irritation Irritare, to incense Irritativo, a. provoking Irritato, part . irritated Irritatore, in. a provoker Irritazione, /. irritation Irriverente, a. see Irreverente, and its derivatives Irrugginire, to rust Irrugginito, a. rusty Irrugiadare, to sprinkle Irstito, and I'rto, a. (in poetry,) rough, bristled I'schio, in. a holm-oak Isiaco, a. of Isis I'sola,/. island, isle Isolano, m. an islander Isolato, part, surrounded with wa- ter, that stands bv itself Isoletta, /. a little island [herb) Isopo, and Issopo, m. hyssop (an Isoscele, a. isosceles Ispezione, /. see Inspezione, and its derivatives I'spido, a. rough, bristled Ispignere, to efface, put out Ispirare, to inspire Ispressamente, ad. expressly Istantaneamente, ad. instantly Istantaneo, a. instantaneous Istante, in. moment, instant ; in un istante, in an instant Istantemente, ad. instantly Istanza, /. instance, entreaty, soli- citation Istare, to insist Isterico, a. hysterical Ist^sso, ■pron. see Stesso Istigare, to instigate Istinto, in. instinct I'stmo, m. an isthmus Ist6ria, /. history Istoriale, a. historical Istorialmente, ad. historically Istoriato, a. set out with figures, painted Istoricamente, and Istorialmente, ad. historically Ist6rico, in. an historian Ist6rico, a. historical Istorietta, and Istoriella,/. a little story, a tale Istoriografo, rn. historiographer Istrascurataggine, /. negligence I'strice, m. porcupine Istrione, m. a comedian LAC Istromento, m. an instrument Istruire, see Instruire Istriitto, part, instructed Istupidito, part, stupified I'ta, ad. yes ltalico, a. Italian Iterare, to do over again Iteratore, m. he that does a thing over again Itinerario, m. itinerary I' to, part, gone [dice Itterico, a. having the yellow jaun- Itterizia, /. the jaundice Iiigero, m. an acre Iiigo, in. yoke Iugulare, a. jugular lure, m. law Iuridicamente, ad. lawfully lurid ico, Iurisperito, and Iurista, m. a lawyer Iurisdizione, /. jurisdiction, au- thority Ius, m. law, or right Iuspatronato, m. patronage Iusquesito, in. acquired right Iusquiamo, m. henbane I'va,/. St. John's wort I'vi, ad. there I'zza,/. anger Izzappare, to dig LA, art. and pron. the, her, she; la donna, the woman j la vedo, I see her La, ad. there ; andate la, go there ; la giu, below; qua e la, here and there ; correr qua e la, to run up and down ; passar piu la, to search mto Labarda,/. halberd Labbio, m. lip Labbro, m. a lip, brim, edge Labbruto, a. lipped Labe, /. stain Laberinto, rn. maze, trouble Labile, a. sliding, slippery Labore, rn. toil Laboriosamente, ad. laboriously Laboriosita, /. labour, trouble Laborioso, a. laborious Labrusca, /. a wild grape Lacca, /. a bank, descent, a leg : lacca di salvaticina, a haunch of venison ; lacca di castrato, a leg of mutton; cera lacca, wax Lacche, in. a running footman 172 LAG Lacchetta,/. a racket, leg, buttock, haunch Lacchezzino, and Lacchezzo, m. a dainty, or savoury thing Laccia, /. a shad -fish Laccio, m. a snare, a noose ; usclf dal laccio, to get out of trouble Lacciuolo, m. a springe to catch birds Laceramento, m. a laceration Lacerante, a. tearing Lacerare, to lacerate, tear ; to de- fame, slander Lacerato, part, lacerated, defamed Lacerazione, /. a tearing Lacero, a. torn, ragged Lacerto, m. the arm Lacoj m. a lake Lacrima, /. see Lagrima, and all its derivatives Lacuna, /. a fen, or marsh Lacunale, a. like a marsh Lacunoso, a. full of fens or marshea Ladano, m. laudanum Laddove, ad. provided that, there, where Ladra, /. a robber Ladraccio, m. a vile robber Ladrino, rn. a pilferer Ladro, m. a thief, a robber Ladro, a. bad, nasty ; non fu mai vista la piu ladra cosa, there never was a more disgracing affair Ladronaia, /. a set of thieves, a gang ; maladministration Ladroncello, m. a young thief Lad rone, m. a robber Ladroneggio, m. robbery Ladronesco, a. of a robber Laentro, ad. there, within Lag6na, /. a flagon Laggiu, and Laggiuso, ad. down, yonder Laghetto, m. a lake Lagna, /. grief Lagnamento, m. and Lagnanza, /. complaint Lagnare, and Lagnarsi, to grieve, moan, bewail Lagnevole, a. plaintive Lagnosamente, ad. with complaint* Lagnoso, a. plaintive L;igo, m. a lake, concavity Lagrima, /. a tear Lagrimale, m. the .corners of the eyes, from which the tears pro- ceed Lagrimare, to weep Lagrimevole, and Lagrimabile, a, deplorable Lagnm6so, a. weeping, woful LAM Laguna,/. and Lagrtma, in. moor. It :;. ■ m lis, plaints, cries :. secular nte, and Laicaln . secular, ignorant, silly 1 Laidam ; basel v. L'y jmiA^m a nd Laidi'a. /. deform i- foul, soil, I, lirty '. Isl :v. ' \ a thin plate of Bead ; ve- nire a mezza lama, to come to a cinrlusion :nbiecarsi il cervellp. to j>ii7/l one's brains ! to, pari, distilled . a lapping ! -rapes i nriw wild ilmente, ad, lamentably rtwand Lameutirsi, to rr : t. lamented u a lamen'er bncBtBttein, a. phin'ive plaintive, lament- Lameotevolrnente, ad. lamen*ab!y Lamento. m. cotaplaiut, groan, * I^mc n'osri. a. lamentable La mi en re, to drizzle ron pla te f. a plate of metal, a [me*3l ; la es of . sorceress, mph I : .mpade,/.alamp imp !iant. shining iize ; .amento, m. a lustre, ■hiniag LAP LampcsTjiare, to shine, blaze, flash _ ■. titui Limpo, in. a llasli. bla/e. Lightning Lampone, m, rat] ,/. a I unprey, eel I.uu./. wool, T. Lanaioolo, in. a ckfhafjf Laaato, a. wodlv alance . '. a lancet, a little lance ; the -'nonion of a dial, hand of a •fetch Lancia,/, a lance, a mom . to luirl, dart, throw, ' i strike, or wound with a 1 nice [a lance Lanci <'.i./. a dartins:, a blow with Lanci.'ito, part, hnried, darted Lanciatore, m. a lancer Lancio, m. a jump, musing a deer, starting a hare, iinkeniu ilittg a primo lancio. at the tirst [dart (T javelin Lancioniere, m. a thrower of a Lasciottiure, to wound with a dart Lauciottata. /. a (round of a dart Lanciotto, m. a dart, or javelin ; a lancrt . i plain, common field [mils ' . ut, feeble, amo- --. weakness . 7. 1 inguiahing . i.-li. ptno, droop r' ebteness Ijni ire. to tear, to manrle Laniato, pa^t. mangled, torn Laniatorr, m. he that mangles, • i pieces Laniere, m. a burner, a starhawk Lanffero, a. employed in the wool- len business, lanifemus Linificio, m. woollen manufacture LanificO, .;. ho- lly 'iicinz wool Lanino. in. a worker of wool nt. gladiator Lino, a. ma !e of wool voolly : mostrur altn'ii lucrioi •hin? ' i \ in. a lanterns . cotton o, n. downy . . Linzn, in. a German foot-sildipr herefore La ove. ad. there, n h< re LapAzio, m. sorrel Lapida, /. a stone, tombstone, tomb 173 LAS Lipidare, to stone, pelt with stones Lapidario, in. ■ lapidary, a jewel- ler \ part, stoned Lapidatdre, »/?. one that stones L-apiila/ione, /. lapiJation, stoning to death I precious stone Lapide, m. a stone, a tombstone, a I.ipi leo, a. StoUT, lur.l Lapiddeo, a. atony, full of stones Lapillare, to cut into small stones, to crwali/e Lapillato, a. cut into small stones Lapillo, m. small stone, flint, a crystal Lapi'slazzalo, Lapislisxari, Lapis- lazzoli, and Lapisl.izzuli, m. lapis lazuli, a sky-coloured stone Lappola,/. burdock, bur Laqueato, part, piled, boarded Lardare, to lard Lanlatiira,/. a larding Lardellare, and Lardare, to lard, grease Lardello. m. a piece of lard Lardo, in. lard l.arione. m. bacon [fully Largamente, ad. largely, freely, < nlanre I . ad. largely, atHtadantly ; anl'ir da che ebe si sia, to avoid all difficulties LarsYira,/. wi d I '. lares, household gods L'irice. in. the larch-tiee Laridno, a. of the larch-tree Larioge,/. the larynx, or throat I/iro, m. a sea eull Laira, f. a ehost, phantom, a viz ■ Baal Lasagna./. a kin d , m. one that makes thin [ [h-al LasagTuSne, m. a coxcomb, a block- LAT L4sca, /. a mullet Lasciamento, m. a leaving Lasciare, to leave, to forsake, to abandon ; lasciatemelo vedere, let me see it ; lasciate stare, let that alone Lasciato, part, left, abandoned Lascio, m. a legacy, will Lascito, m. a legacy Lascivamente, ad. wantonly Lascivetto, a. wanton Lascivia, /. wantonness Lasciviente, a. lustful, lascivious Lascivlre, to grow wanton Lascivo, a. lascivious ; parole la- scive, obscene words Lassa,/. a collar for hunting dogs Lassa, interj. alas ! Lassare, to weary, tire ; to allow Lassativo, a. laxative Lassato, part, wearied Lassezza, /. lassitude Lasso ! interj. alas ! Lasso, a. wearied, tired, fatigued, unhappy, miserable Lassa, and Lassuso, ad. (in poe- try,) there, above Lastra, /. a flat, bi oad stone ; porre uno in su le lastre, to kill one upon the spot Lastraiuolo, m. a pavier Lastrato, part, taken in a snare Lastricare, to pave, to prepare Lastricato, part, paved Lastricato, m. pavement Lastrico, m. the pavement; con- dursi al lastrico, to come to beg- . gary Lastricatura, /. a paving Lastrone, m. a large stone (to pave with) Latebra, /. obscurity, lurking-place Latente, a. secret, hidden Latentemente, ad. privately Laterale, a. side-way Lateralmente, ad. on the sides Latere, to hide Laterizio, a. of brick Laterina,/. a sir.k, privy Latinamente, ad. largely, comfort- ably, like the Latins Latinita,/. the Latin tongue Latinizzare, and Latinare, to speak or write Latin, to play the pedant Latino, m. the La'in tongue, lan- Sage, speech ; Latino di cucina, iv Latin; cantavanogli auzelii ciasciino in suo Latino, the birds sang every one in their way Latino, a. 'Latin, plain, intelligi- ble ; spacious large ; velalatina, the mizzen-sail LAU Latino, ad. in Latin Latitare, to hide one's self Latitudine, /. latitude ; largeness, breadth Lato, m. side ; lasciare da lato, to leave aside. A lato, and Allato, ad. by, near Latore, m. bearer ; latore di leggi, legislator Latra, see Ladra Latramento, m. barking Latrare, to bark, to cry Latrato, m. a barking Latrato, part, barked, bayed Latratore, 771. a barker Latria, /. worship (due only to God) Latrina, /. a dunghill, a privy Latro, m. robber Latrocinio, m. theft, robbery Latrocino, a. detestable Latta,/. tinned iron, tin Lattaiuolo, m. young tooth Lattante, a. sucking; nutrice lat- tante, a wet nurse Lattare, to give suck Lattata,/. orgeat Lattato, part', suckled Lattatrice,/. a nurse Latte, m. milk; latte rappreso, curdled milk ; vitella di latte, a sucking calf; fratello di latte, a foster brother; latte di galli- na, the best ; la bocca gli puzza di latte, he is very young Latteggiante, a. milky Latteo, a. lacteous, niilky Latteruolo, m. curdled milk Latticinio, m. milk food Latticinoso, and Lattifero, a. milky (speaking of plants) Lattime, m. scurf Lattimoso, a. scurfy Lattonzo, and Lattonzolo, m. suck- ing calf Lattovaro, Lattuario, and Lattua- ro, m. an electuary Lattuga,/. lettuce Lauda, /. a hymn, praise Laudabile, a." laudable Laudare, see Lodare, and its de- rivatives Laudato, part, praised Laudevole, a. laudable Laudevolmente, ad. laudably Laurta, /. crown of laurel Laurer'ito, a. laureate ; poeta lau- reato, poet laureate IJiureo, a. 01'Iauiel Laureola, /. spurge-laurel Larreto. m. a laurel grove Lauro, m. laurel 174 LEB Lautamente. ad. gallantly Lautezza, /. gaUantry, magnifr cence Lauto, a. fine, stately Lauzzino, m. he that lashes tha galley-slaves Lavacapo, m. a rebuke Lavaceci, m. a blockhead Lavicro, m. a bath, bagnio, font Lavagna, /. a slate Lavamane, m. wash-hand-stand Lavamento, m. a washing Lavanda, /. lavender (herb) Lavandaia, and Lavandara, /. a washer-woman Lavare, to wash ; lavar la testa ad uno, to speak ill of one ; lavar la testa all' asino, to lose one's labour Lavascodelle, m. a scullion Lavativo, m. a clyster Lavato, part, washed Lavatoio, m. a laundry Lavatura,/. a washing, bathing Laveggio, m. a kettle, or pot Lavendola, /. lavender (herbl Lavoracchiare, to work slowly Lavoraccio, m. clumsy work Lavorante, m. workman Lavorare, to work, labour; lavo- rar a gi ornate, to work by the day ; lavorare di sotto, to work underhand Lavorativo, a. arable ; giorno la- vorativo, a work daj^ Lavorato, part, tillea^ploughed, worked [band man Lavoratore, rn. workman, hus- Lavoreria, and Lavoriera, /. a cul- tivated land Lavoro, and Lavorio, m. work, workmanship Lazzeretto, in. a pest-house La.zzero, m. a leper, a beggar Lazzeruola, /. a* small medlar Lazzeruolo, m. a medlar-tree Lazzetto, a. sourish Lazzezza, and Lazzitk,/. sourness, tartne-s Lazzo, a. sour, tart Lazzo, m. drollery, jest; tenere il lazzo, to comply with Le, art. f. the ; le donne, the wo men. Le, pron. to her, them ; le conosco, I know them; parla tele, speak to her Leale, a. loyal, honest Lealmente, a r h loyally Lealta,/. fideli'y, loyalty Leardo, a. dapple Lebbra, and Lebbrosia, /. leprosy (a dry scab) LEG Lebbroao, a. leprous LeWte, m. a caldron Leccamento, m. the act of lickiug Leccapiatti, m. a parasite I^ccirdA./. dripping-pan lick op • L affectedly part, licked, pedantic r greedy- Leccahira,/. a scratch Lecceto. m. intricacy, maze 1 . "i. h->lm-tree u jrluttonv, lechery I glutton d Leccornia, /. gluttony, daintiness Leccume* m. a dainty, or titbit; vment Lecere, imp. it is permitted Lecitameute, ad. lawfully . awful Legs, n . ,:rue, alli- ance, allov, a league (three Legacci \ m. a s'rinr. band, garter - T i. lenl. lawful iliry LegalmeVe, ad. I i f xion id Legatura, /. .-. union Legire, to fie. bind, constrain ; le- to sleep very sound Legatario, m. legatee 'law term) m. the pope's legate ; a art. tied, bound ' gatore di l book-binder •. li.ra'ure, fillet ./. legation Legre. /. -'. 1, a silly story I. Leggere, to read ; ti leggoin fronte your de- a, and Leggierezza, /. rx*v Lecfrrmen'e. ad, lightly, ad. beautifully, . Leggiadro, m. a lover LEN Leggfbile, a. legible . lightly a. light, easy, little, si _ Alia leggiera, ad. rashly. Di -i. rid. easily • ote, and Leggeramente, ad. lightly .. a writing-desk . m. a lecturer, reader Legione./. a legion . a. legislative wgiver : slat ive authority Legislazione, /. legislature i./. portion by law Legittimamente. ad. lawfully e, to legitimate Legittimato, part, legitimated Legittiinazione,/. lejitimation Legittimita^/. legitimacy ao, a. lawful i I/jnie, /. pi. firewood . j/i. family, race, pedi- [carpenter Legnaruofe, and Lexnamaro, m. a . >/;. timber . to cut wood ■'. a Mow with a stick . wood, a ship . woody Legnrizia,/. liquorice [&c.) Legume, m. pul>e (as peas, beans, Lei, pron. pers. f. her I^llare, to dally, to linsrer Ivimbo, m. hem. edge, border Lemme-lemme. ad. gently Lena./, strength, vigour, breath Lendiie, m. a nit Lendindso, a. rail of nits Lene, a. kind, humane (in poetry) Leni«mte. a. softening Lenificamento, m. sof ness Lenificare, to ease, assuage, miti- gate Lenificativo, a. lenitive Leniroehto, m. a softening Lenfre. b •'ntil Lentlcchia,/. a snnll lentil 1"'. LET Lentiggine,/. a freckle, pimpJ* Lentigginoso, a. tr. i kl.-l . m. the lfniisk-lrce Lent >, ad. don ly Lento, n. dew, Idle, gentle Lenttre, m. beai ineas Leon,/, an angti Lenzuolo, m, a - Leoncello, and Leoncino, m. a young or little lion Leone, >n. a lion LeonlnO) a. leonine, of a lion Leonardo, m. a leopard Lepidaraente, ad. pleasantly Lepidezza, /. faceUousnea Lepido, a. pleasant, jocose Leporaio, and Lepor.irio, m. park for hires, a warren Lepore, m. gracefulness LeppAre, to rob, steal Lepratto, m. leveret, or youn* hare LepiT, /. a hare; far lepre viic- chia, to he cautious j utio leva la lepre, e unaltro la piglia, one has the trouble, and another the profit Leproncello, and Lepr6tto, m. a young hare, a i . to soil, sully lutein, O. dirty, f"ul' injuring [nesa I^esina, /. an awl, thrift, sparing- Lesione, /. wron?, hurt ■ /. wronged to boil ; art. boiled t. f. a Loil'ng Lessico, m. lexicon (a dictionary) I>essicografo, m. a UxicoiTapher Lesso, m. a boiling ; boiled meat Lesso, a. boiled I^estamente, ad. nimbly Lestezza, /. nimbleDess; cunning, craft Les'o, a. nimble, quick LetAle, a. mortal, deadly Letaraaio, m, a dunghill Letamare, and Letaminire, to dtinz, manure . part, manured Letame, m. dunz, muck, marl Letaminamento, m. Letaminahzra, and Le'aminazione,/. a rnanur- in?, marling [manure I^-rnininnso, part, covered with Letanle, and Let&Pe, /. pi. litany l>-tArerico, a. lethargic m. and Letargia, f, Letieoao, a. litigious Letificante, a. rejoicing Letific4re, to make glad LEZ Letificato, a. joyful Lettzia, /. mirth, joy Lettera, /. a letter ; lettera di cam- bio, a bill of exchange Letterale, a. literal Letteralmente. ad. literally Letteririo, a. literary Letterato, a. learned Letterato, in. a learned man Letteratura, /. learning Letticciuolo, in. a little bed Lettiera,/. a bedstead [ing-pan Lettiga, /. a horse-litter, a waim- Letto, part, read Letto, m. a bed Lettore, m. a reader, a lecturer Lettoria, /. a lectureship Lettuccino, and Lettiiccio, m. a couch, a couch bed Lettura, /. reading, a lecture Leiito, 771. a lute .» Leva, /. a lever ; leva da milizia, raising soldiers ; mettere o dare a leva, to lift up with a lever ; far leva di soldati, to enlist sol- diers Levabile, a. moveable [term) Levadore, m. a tax-gatherer (law Levaldina, /. a theftj robbery Levamento, in. a raising Levante, m. the east ; andare a levante, to turn highwayman Levante, a. rising Levantino, a. one born in the east Levare, to lift, heave, to take away ; levar il bollore, to boil ; levar soldati, to raise soldiers ; levar il cappello, to take off the hat ; le- varsi, to get up ; levar le carte, to cut at cards ; levar la pianta, to take a draught ; levare il capo to be puffed up with pride Levata,/. a raising up ; levata del sole, the sun-rising ; un uomo di gTan levata, a man of conse- quence Levato, part, drawn, copied ; stare a orecchie levate, to be attentive Levatoio, m. a drawbridge Levat6re, m. a puffer LevaMce, /. a midwife Levazione,/. a lifting up Leve, a. light Levistico, m. the herb lovage Levita,/. levity Levitare, to ferment Levriere, m. a ereyhound Lezia, /. and Lezio, in. endear- ments, caresses Lezi6ne, /. lecture, lesson Leziosaggine, /. softness, effemi- nacy LIC Lezi6so, a. wanton, effeminate Lezzare, to stink Lezzo, m. stink Lezzoso, a. stinking Li, art. the ; li rlumi, the rivers. Li, pron. to him ; li ho detto, I told !iim; li, them L\, ad. there j eccolo 11, there it is Libazione,/. and Libamento, m. a libation Libamina, f. pi. perfumes Libare, to fasie, to sip Libbra,/. a pound weight j a livre, a pound sterling Libecciata, /. a gale of south-west wind Libeccio, m. the south wind Libello, m. libel Libente, a. willing Liberale, a. liberal ; paroletta lib- erate, a liceaiious word j arti liberal i, the liberal arts Liberal ita,/. liberality Liberalmerite, ad. liberally Liberamente, ad. freely, absolutely Liberamento, m. delivery Liberare, to free, release Liberate, part, freed, released Liberatore, m. a deliverer Liberatrice, /. liberatrix Liberazione, and Liberagione, /. deliverance Libercolo, m. pamphlet Libero, a. free, frank Libert^,/, liberty Libertinaggio, and Libertinismo, m. debauchery [man Libertino, m. the son of a freed Liberto, m. one made free Libidine, /. lust, sensuality Libidinosamente, ad, lustfully Libidinoso, a. wanton, sensual Libito, m. pleasure [ac) Libra,/. Libra (a sign of the zodi- Libraio, m. a bookseller Libramento, m. a weighing ; libra- mento della luna, the libration of the moon Librare, to weigh, consider; li- brarsi, to balance or poise one's self Librato, part, weighed Librazione, /. libration Libreria, /. a library ; the book- selling business Libricciuolo, m. little book Libretto, and Librettino, m. a lit- tle book Librone, m. a large book Libro, m. a book Licenza, and Lic^nzia, /. license, leave : licentiousness LIM Licenziameiito, m. a dismission Licenziare, to dismiss, disband licenziarsi, to take leave of Licenziato, part, dismissed ; un lh cenziato, a licentiate Licenziatura,/. license Licenziosamente, ad. licentiously Licenzibso, a. licentious, loose Licere ? imp. to be lawful; non mi lice sperar cio, I cannot hope that ; se mi lice dirlo, if I may say so Lichene, m. lichen Lici, ad. here Licitamente, ad. lawfully Licitezza,/. right, justice Licito, a. lawful Licore, in. (in poetry,) a liquor Lido, m. bank, shore Lienteria,/. lientery (a disease) Lietamente, ad. gladly, merrily Lietezza,/. joy, mirth Lieto, a. merry, cheerful Lieva,/. a lever [way Lieva lieva, ad. stand out of the Lieve, and Leve, a. light Lievemente, ad. swiftfy, easily Lievezza, and Lievita, /. lightness Lievitare, to ferment Lievitato, part, fermented Lievito, m. leaven Ligame, m. a tie, binding Ligamento, m. a ligament Ligamentoso, a. full of ligaments Ligare, to tie, bind Ligio, a. subject to, servile Ligittimare, see Legittimare, and its derivatives Lignaggio, m. race, lineage Ligneo, a. woody Ligustro, m. a privet, shrub Lima, /. file, correction ; egli e una lima sorda, he is a contriving fellow Limaccio, m. mud, mire Limaccioso, a. muddy, miry Limare, to file, consume, wasce; to polish Limato, part, filed Linialura, /. filings, file-dust Limbello, and Limbelluccio, m. shavings of leather Limbiccare, to distil Limbicco, and Lambicco, m. a limbeck Limbo, m. limbo Limitare, m. threshold Limitare, to limit Limitativo, a. that limits Limitato, part, bounded Limitazione,/. limitation Limite, m. limits, bounds LIQ Limltrofo, n. bordering daw term) ' mire, inu .1, dirt Limcne. tiu a | Limonea. /. lemonade Limosinitre, a. mendicant Limosiuare, to bee, to give alms Limosinario, m, Limosiu.v Limosinatore, Limoeuuere, and Limosiniero. m. alms-fj I :., miry aa, /. clearness, bright- ness LUnpido, a. transparent Li nee, m. a lynx Linceo. a. of "a lynx, keen-sighted ! :.'e. nrf. fluently Linda ra, /. neatness Lind . . tine LlLea,/. a line, lineage Lineal nien'e. and Lineannente, arf. in a direct line [ture Lineun^nto, »«. lineament, a fea- LineArr, tn draw Unearir*, a. linear Line '.to. part, delineated Lineazirne. /. delinra'ion Lingerta. /. linen •". tongue ; pi- nella II and do j.i ha messn* la 1 i n rii a in his tongue runs upon wheels I iona,/. bud oss f herb) • rue Linruacci )■•-<. m. i prater intrua?e herb ad- ngue Lingueetiare. lot Linrue"- . a. chi'teriiz i liniment, or thin ointment [linen Don, m. line, flax ; panno lino, Linseme, in. linseed i 'liorn Liot'.n»e, and Lionfante, tn. ele- phant Liooe, am, I i./. * linn^S I Lippito-line. /. N<-»'--eyedness L*quefaUn, part, liquefied LIT done,/, a liquefying Liquidamente, ad. clearly, easily ire. to liquefy One, /. liquidation, set- tling accounts Liquidire, to become liquid Liquidity, /. liquidity Uquido, a. liquid," fluid, clear, plain Llquido, an. a liquid I.iquir'/.ia, /. licorice Uquore, m. liquor Liquoretto, tn. a lirht liquor lyre, a ban Lirico. n. lyric j pate lirico, a lyric ixv>t ' Bah-bone ; a trifle ; the herds of flax or hemp . /. smoothness Li>cia. /. a sleek stone Laaciamente, ad. fluently Lisciameuto, in. amootfaing Lisciare. to smooth, polish, flitter, wheedle Lisciarsi, to paint | art. smoothed LisciatOre, m. a polisher I.iscia'.iira./. polishing, printing Lisf io, m. paint I. polished, smoothed Lignite, j£. a cordial !-•. land, fillet, stripe, mil. catalogue Listare, to strip, to lace . » small square Litame, m. dun? Litargta,/. lethargy Litargico, a. le'hariic Litargirio, Litargrro, and Litar- -rilio. m. litharge; silver gilt Lite. /. strife: variance: a suit at law' ; nmover lite alia sanita, to take physic when one is well Litigamento, tn, contest, dispute Liligante, m. a pleader Liiigare, and LiticAre, to litigate LitiiTore. r?i. a pleader, a liti- gious wranzler . debate Li'itrioso. a. quarrelsome I -bore .. /. li'hology Litirale. and Littorale, a. belong- in? to a shore 0. literal Litteralmente, ad. literally . a. literary Lrtteratura, (. literature . a Ron, an lictor Lituo, ni. au?r.r'« staff Litura, /. a blotting off 177 LOG Liturgta,/. liturgy Linto, and Li no, tn. ■ lute (mu steal instrument! Livdlla,/.a level Livellare, to li vel, to make level Livellario, m, a tenant or copy* bolder Livellato, pari, levelled LivellatOre, m. I livelier, a lord of the manor I.iwllo. in. tribu'e-moncy, a level Lividezza. /'. envy, spile, lividity J.ivi do, (i. livid, black and bine Lividorc. m. ami Lividiira, /. livi li y, envy Liviritta, ntf/.just here Livdre, to. envy.ranconr; alivid- ity (black and bine sjKits) Livorosamdnte, ad. malignantly Livoroso, a. envious Livrea,/. livery Livrnre, to deliver, to finish, to wear out [pales Lizza, /. list, career; a rampart, Lo, art. in. the ; lo stQdio, the study; pron. him, it; lo vedo, I see him, or it Locale, a. local; costumi loc/ili, local customs [ally Localmente, ad. locally, person- Locanda./. iodgteig ready furnished Locandiere, tn. one that lets ready famished lodginga Locare, to jdace, settle, lay up in some place . inrt. j^laced, settled Locaz.ione,/. jtosition, place Loco, m. (luogo,) pla'-e ; opportn- nity, time Lociista, /. locust, an insect, a shell fish, a lobster [guage Locuzione,/. locution, phrase, Ian- L6da,/. praise Lodnbiie. a. laudable Lodabilita,/. what is commendable Lodamento, m. a praising Lod'ire, to praise, commend ; lo- darsi d' mm. to be well satisfied or contented with one Lodativo, a. demonstrative l>>datore. m. a praiser /. praised, commended Ivode, /. {.raise, commendation L .a. laudable, commenla- bte iit'nte, ad. laudably Lodo. m. opinion, sentence I/Sdola, /. a lark (a bird) Lo^ffia, f. a lodn. a thick bush Macchii - MacciAnrhen, a. strong-limbed, dull, stupid Macco, ni. beans boiled to a mash. A macco, nil. plentifully Mice,/, the middle hu^k of a not meg [bu'eher . and Macellaro, to, a Macellare, to butcher, kill, waste . to, shamble, si uighter- I . to steep, or soak, to Baacerato, part, ma ofusion, mortifi- cation, maceration ^ked irsley - ad. but what ? ma'che, . a heap of stones, a h:rk- iiu-hnle, a secret place Madgno, m. a kind of stone: macigna, a ?en bard [thin, pale Macilente, and Macilento, a. lean, Macilenza, f, leanness Macinamento, TO. Macinatura,a7u/ inding Macinire, to grind Macin.'ito. jarl. ground •). flour, mi t1 Macinatdia, m. an oil-mill ill'liT ; dna, f. a mill- 1 a macine, to be very j,'>or flax Maciullare, to ma h flax in, thin M&cula,/. a sj>ot, s'ain, a note of infamy [Ma re, to stain, blemish. MAG Macula?ione,/. a staining, spot Macules . Mad. una. /. in. 1 lain lla, /. a young lads miss • rnal Mi lia, f. a butch, ■ •. damp Madie, and Mauib, ad. in tro'h, in faith (Mary Madonna, /'. madam, thi Mulre, and Mitre, /. mother ; (oajpdne) cause, occasi in, spring, root, a mould or frame any thing in ; n lAtte, a foster d ire, to be like ou.-'s mother Madreperla, /. motlier of pearl Mi IriMJIva, /', honey-suckle Madrevtte,/ the worm ofascrew . and Madriale, m. mad- rigal, air, song, poem Madrigaleggiare, to^ri'e or aing maiin [mother Madrina. f. a midwife ; M lestade, awl I ' f. majesy; delitto di lesauiae- s!a, high treason and Maestevol sticaUy . mid Macstevole, a. in* jesiic [tress . /. mis- . to. the north-west wind re, to ?ive one the degree of doctor, or master of arts ; to teach, instruct . TO. maxistmey Maestrato, a. one made a doctor, &c. [mea )./. a company of trades- Maes; revole* a, mas'erly Maestrevolme*nte, ad. curiously, dexterously . /. art, skill, address, cunning, authority Maestro, a. skilful,' chief; strnda maestra, the higb road; mal maestro, the (ailing st\ TO. master, Or ti poller; ird ; mae- stro di camera, a lord cham- berlain M . >. /. a i ire n a, ■ «i»ch amenta, in. fault, blemish, defect I ; land;ino, m. a robber Malandrino, a. roguish, knavish Malanno, m. misfortune, disaster Malapproposito, ad. unseasonably Malardito, a. rash, imprudent Malarrivato, a. unfortunate Malassetto, a. disordered Malaticcio, a. sickly Mal.Vo, a. sick, ill Malatolta, or Mala tolta, /. a rob- bery, tbefc ; a lax, impost Malattfa, f. disease, sickness Malauguroso, a. HI -omened 180 MAL Vlalaventura, /. misfortune Malavoglia, and Malavogli^nza,/. ill-will, malevolence Malavveduto, a. imprudent Malavventurato, a. unfortunate Malavventurosamente, ad. unfor» tunately Malavvezzo, a. ill-bred Malazzaio, a. sickly [word) Malbigatto, a. ill-minded (a low Malcaduco, m. falling sickness Malcapilato, part, ruined, undone Malcauto, a. imprudent Malcomposto, part, disordered Malconcio, a. abused [sant Malcondescendente, a. uncomplai- Malcondotto, part, ill used Malconoscente, a. ungrateful Malconsigliato, a. inconsiderate Malcontento, a. discontented, itt affected Malcostumato, a. uncivil, jadecent Malcreato, a. ungenteel Malcubato, a. sickly Malcurante, a. supine, careless Maldicente, and Maldicilore, a. slanderous Maldicenza,/. slander Maldisposto, a. ill-minded Maldurevole, a. of a short duration Male, m. evil, mischief, harm, damage ; sickness, disease ; far male, to do wrong; farsi male, to hurt one's self Male, ad. ill, badly; avereamale, to take it ill [slanderer Maledico, a. slandering ; m. a Maledire, to curse [plague' Maledizione,/. curse, malediction, Malefica, /. a sorceress Maleficiato, part, bewitched Maleficio, m. witchcraft, crime Malefico, and Maleficioso, a. mis- chievous ; m. a sorcerer Malevolenza, and Malevoglienza, /. hatred Malevolo, a. malignant, envious Malfac'mento, in. a crime Mai fare, to do wrong Malfatto, m. a crime, guilt Malfitto, part, deformed MalfaUore, m. a malefactor Malfattoria,/. witchcraft Malfondato, a. ill-grounded Malfrancese, m. the venereal dia> ease Malgoverno, m. slaughter Malgradito, a. unacceptable Mnlgrado, prep, in spite of Malgrado, m. displeasure, spite; vos'ro malgrado, in spite of your teeth MAL .-•ioso, a, disagreeable • . « itchcraft » itch ficio, and ad. maliciously, w malignant dicious, hurtful j m. the devil Malinconia,/. melancholy - 1 My :. melancholy Malinc . Miconoso, a. nn'. ■ rowful | o, and Malincuore. ad. ■ unwillingly MaIinteV\ part, misinformed i, enchanting 1 quarter-master, a /. malice, craftiness. ue, sickness, in- . a. ma- -. mischievous ad. maliciously • . o. malleable (said of j. a hammer Mallevado- 1 one md Malleveria, /. [nuts u the green shell of wal- . the falling sick- [use re, to afflict, torment, ill ■. m. an ill office - away Malmondo, m. hell i. uncivil, rude f. andar in malora, to ruin [fused 'f. disordered, con- 1 to, evil, disease ' : .rovHed body MAN Malsaniccio, a. sicMy MiInmio. (i. unhealthy, insane, Malsicuro, a. uncertain Malsincero, a. unsincere , c n. impatien Malta./, din, mud. mortar ' Maltornito, a. rough, unpolished I ! use, abuse Malt mt lato, part, ill used Maltrovamcnti, ?;i. a had invention Malaria,/, bad omen Malusato, part, ill-employe 1 Malva, /'. mallow i(as irf of herb) i. /. malmsey wine Malvagiamente. ad. wickedly Malvgjo, a. wicked Malvagibne, TO, a villain Malvavischio, m. marsh-mallows Mnlvedere, to look witli an evil eye- shabbily dressed Malvicino. TO, an ill neighbour Mai vivo, n. ball devolent Malvolentieri, ad. unwillingly, with difficulty MalvoWre, m, ill-will Malvoluto, a. odious, hateful Mamma. /. mamm? ; a woman's breast (in poetry) Mammalucco, m. a blockhead Mammana, /. a governess, a mid- wife Mammella, /*. abreast M'mmola,/. double flowers MammoHno, a. childish Mammolo, m. a child, an infant Mammone. and Mammona, 77?. the god of riches ; a marmoset, monkey, wild cat . f. a handful Minca./. the left hand ato, m. vice, crimp, want Mancanza,/. want, defect, slip Mancare, to want ; to fail ; map- car di pamla, to break one's word ; manc;ir il colpo. to miss one's aim ; mancir d'animo, to be dishearv n»d j art. wan'cd . 77i. an linfnithful man Manceppare, to emaiM : nzione, /. emancipation Manch-Holf. a. imperfect and Manchezza, /. fault, imperfection 1-1 MAN M'mcia, f. diinkiug-moncy Iff. a handful Maudno, a. hf -handed J lato mancino, tlie UK side Manco, "i. Minco, ad. less; DC manco, nei- ther; non manco, not at all; manco male, so much the better ; venirsi manco, lo faint away Manco, a. defective, leas. 1 < f t Mandamehto, m, a mandate Mand.'ire, to send, order, infonn, acquaint ; niandar a dire, to send word; mandar fuora, to pour out; mand'ir ad eltetto, to ef- fect ; mandar male, bo der .' niandar sin, to ruin ; lo swallow down ; mandar via, to dismiss; mandar in lungo, to d- fer Mi nd Ma,/, a sending Mandat.'irio, ?m a commissioner Mandate, part, sent Mandito, m. an order, warrant Mmdola, and Mandorla, f. an al- mond [strument) Mnidola,/. cithern (a musical in- Mandorlo, m. an almond- M.-indra, /. a flock, herd, stable Mindrjcrhia, f. a pi Mandrazola, /. mandrake (a plant) Mandriale, and Mandiiano, m. a b eper of large cattle Mandritto, m. a dap Manduoire, to cat (Latin word) Mane,/, morning Maneggiabile, and Maneggevole, a. tractable Maneggiamehto, m. management Maneggiare, to govern, direct, to feel, touch ; maneggiar un ca- v/.llo, to manage a horse; ma- ne^2iar-i, to stir about to, part, handled Maneggiatore, m. a manager i, m. a riding-house; a negotiation, management j ma- neggio occulto, a plot Manella, /. a sheaf Manere. to remain, stay Manescalco, rn. sc* Maniscalco Mane^c.-uTiente, ad. with one's hands Manesco, a. handy, off hand, pas- sionate, angry Manette, f. pi. handcuffs Manfanile, m. the handle of a flail Man/anare. to calender Manganel] •. Manganelle, /. pi. benches (in choir*) Ilo, m. a cross-bow MAN Mangano, m. calender, mangle Mangereccio, a. eatable Mangeria, /. extortion Mangiabile, a. eatable Mangiaferro, to. a cut-throat, a bravo Mangiamento, to. an eating Mangiapane, m. one good for noth- ing but to eat, an idler Mangiapelo, to. a moth, tiny (a worm) [food, victuals Mangiare, to. the act of eating, Mangiare, to eat, waste Mangiata, /. bellyfull Mangiativo, a. fit to eat Mangia to, part, eaten Mangiatoia,/. a manger, a ?able Mangiatore, to. an eater Mangione, to. a great eater Mania,/, madness Maniaco, a. mad, furious Manica, /. a sleeve, the handle of a knife, &c. ; questo e altro paro di maniche, it is quite another thing Mar.icainento, to. an eating, a cor- roding, or corrosion Manicare, to eat, (low word ;) ma- nicarsi, to detest one another Manicareito, to. a ragout Manichetto, m. a small handle Manichino, to. a ruffle, a muff, a small handle Manico, m. a handle ; manico d' un violmo, the neck of a fiddle ; uscir del manico, to be extrava- gant Manicotto. to. a muff Manicottolo, to. a hanging sleeve Manicristo, to. a kind of confec- tion [haviour Maniera, /. manner, way, sort, Le- Manierare, to adorn Mamere, and Maniero, to. a pleasant and noble house Maniero, a. tame, tractable Manierona, /. a noble manner Manieroso, a. mannerly; render manieroso, to civilize Manifattore, to. workman Manifattura, /. workmanship, manufactory, affairs, business, art, skill Manifestamente, ad. plainly Manifestamento, to. manifestation Manifes'are, to manifest Manifestatn. -part, manifested Manifestazione, /. manifes'ation ' Manifesto, a. plain, evident Manifesto, to. a proclamation, proposals [bracelet Maniglio, to. and Maniglia, /. a MAN Manigoldo, to. executioner ; knave Manimesso, a. cut Manina, /. and Manino, m. a little hand Maninconia, /. see Malinconia, and its derivatives [hands Manipolare, to work with the Manipolare, a. soldato manipolare, a common soldier Manipolazione, /. composition Manipolo, to. a handful ; a mam pie (used by popish priests) Maniscalco, to. farrier, smith Manna, /. manna, an exquisite food ; a sheaf of corn Mannaia,/. an axe, a hatchet Mannaro, a. lupo mannaro, a man of the wood, or satyr Mannerino, to. a lambkin Mano, /. hand, hand-writing ; aid, assistance ; porger la mano, to favour ; cader per mano, to happen ; menar le mani, to beat ; menar per mano, to lead ; tener mano, to assist; fuor di mano, out of the way ; tigner le mani, to bribe; uscir di mano, to escape ; venire alle mani, to come to blows ; alzar le mani, to beat ; avere in mano, to have in one's power; metter tra le mani, to intrust with one N. B. For a more copious collec- tion of idiomatical phrases, com- pounded with Mano, see Al- bert's or Baretti's Diet. Manomettere, to make the first cut ; to set free ; to destroy Manopola, /. a gauntlet ; a half sleeve Manoscritto, to. a manuscript Manoso, a. soft, tractable Manotenenza, /. see Manutenzione Manovalderia, /. tuition Manovaldo, to. a tutor, or guar- dian of women Manovale, and Manoale, to. a manual, a bricklayer's labourer Manovella, /. a lever Manovra, f. the tackling, or the working of a ship Manrovescio, and Marrovescio, nt. a back stroke Mansare, to tame Mansionario, rn. a chaplain Mansione, /. abode ; baiting M'mso, a. mild, tame Mausuefnre, to tame, appease Mansuefatto, part, tamed Mansuescere, to grow tame Mansnetamente, ad. meekly Mansueto, a. mild, tractable 182 MAR Mansuetudine,/. meekness Mantacare, to blow Mantaco, to. bellows; the lungs Manteca,/. pomatum Mantellare, to cloak ; mantellars^ to cloak one's self Mantelletta, /. a rochet Mantelliuo, to. a veil, a curtain Mantello, to. a cloak ; sotto man- tello, under colour ; coat cr. colour of a horse Mantenente, ad. just now Mantenere, to keep, maintain, sup- port ; mantenersi, to subsist, live Mantenimento, to. maintenance; mantenimento in possesso, a pos- session adjudged upon a full trial Mantenitore, to. a preserver Mantentito, part, maintained Mantice, to. bellows Mantiglia,/. a woman's cloak Mantiglione, to. a large cloak Mantile, to. a towel Manto, to. a cloak, a mask, pre- tence, a woman's cloak Mantore, ad oftentimes Mantrugiare, to rumple, to handle Manuale, a. manual; to. brick- layer's labourer Manualmente, ad. manually Manubrio, to. a handle, lever Manucare, to eat Manumissione, /. manumission, (law term) Manuscritto, to. a manuscript Manutenzione, /. a possession ad* judged upon a full trial Manzo, m. an ox Manzotta,/. a heifer Maomettano, to. a Mahometan Mappamondo, to. a map Marachella,/. a spy ; a deceit Maragnu61a, /. a hay-stack Marame, to. refuse, parings ; abundance of every thing Marangone, to. a joiner, diver, a bird; one who dives Mar;ismo,TO. marasmus (a disease) Maraviglia, /. wonder. A mara* viglia, ad. wonderfully Maravigliabile, and Maraviglie- vole, a. wonderful, astonishing Maravigliamento, to. admiration Maravi^liarsi, to wonder Maravigliosamente, ad. wonder- fully Maraviglioso, a. marvellous Marca, fi token, sign ; a country Marcare, and Marehiare, to mark, to border upon [ral) Marcassita, /. marcasite (a mine* MAR . fart, marked l, and Marchesuna, f. a marchioness liarchesato, m. a marquisate irquis m. mark. •'. and Marciume, in. cor- ■ I .. causeway, foot- path putrefy I ..arciodispetto, in spite of : r\ /. corruption . part, corrupted, rotten r 'tten : . m. rottenness, mean I -> la, /. mercury (an herb) ; . the sta ; niar grosso, a criata,/. the tide, flux and reflux :~marea m issiina, spring tides; alta marea, high " mi upon the sea ; '>tf sta-sick . nu the billowing of the ar the shore maritime, marshy . m. a marshal ■ -ine Marese, m. a marsh, pond re, to marble, vein Marezzo, m. a nuUffll . marl (a sort of manure) ••., and Margherita, /. pearl ina,/. a daisy fa flower) . nu a scar ; margin, edge, . t brim Maren. m. margin, lank (in poe- ' ■ -rotta, /. ;lant) re, to set layers . arid malicious Marina, /. the sea coast. Marina tea coast Mariniere, nurinrt kle na,/. a naval army Marinescn, Marinaresco, and Ma- rino, I the sea j niariiKi, the west wind I a,/, a cheat Marblo, nu a rogue, cheat MAR \ m. maisha] :. marital, ot a husband -. matrimony marry rric 1 boaband, tppiQM Manttimo, a. maritime Mariuoleria, /. a knavish trick Mariuolo, HI. I knave, cheat Marmaglia./. the mob . marble Marmor.iria,/. sculpture, carving MariiKT.irio, 7?i. a stone-cutter Marmorato, nu incrustation of pieces of ma.ble Marmorato, a. marbled Marmoreo, a. like marble Marm6tta, /. and Marmotto, m. a marmot Maroso, in. a wave, billow ; a marsh, a bog:?y place ; perturba- tion of the mind Marra,/. pick-axe, mattock ; ferro di due marre, the anchor of a ship ; ferro di quattro marre, the anchor of a galley Marraiuolo, nu a pioneer, a delver Marrano, nu a traitor Marretto, nu a mattock Marritta,/. the riijht hand Marritto, a. rizht-handed .. a slap Marrobbio, m. horehound (a sort of herb) Marrocchtno, nu Morocco Marrone, rn. a mattock ; chestnuts; far un marrone, to blunder Marroneto, m. an orchard of chest- nut-trees Marrovescio, m. a back-stroke Mars (a planet) . m. Tuesday Martellare, to hammer ; tease, plague, to beat, or pant Martellata, fr a blow with a ham- mer MartelR m. a hammer Martinello, nu a craue (an engine) Marti rare, to torment Mart Ire, nu vexation, pang Marttri o, nnd Martfro, m. martyr- iom. pain, torment Martirizzamento, m. martyrdom Martirizzare, to martyr ; marti- ri77.Trsi. to torment o:.- ' Maitirizzato, part, martyred ;rio, nu marty: . '. marten fan animal) rn. a martyr : a clown Martorello, m. a poor fellow 183 MAS >ick - rental meat . tind Mailuro, m. tor- ment i graft, or graff to, 7/1. a kind of ointment, (r pa i lit ■. hi. marchpane . (7. martial, warlike . March Manocco, 7/i. a fool, a cast or painted lion Marzolino, and Marzuolo, a. be- longing t". or gTOWlfig in the month of March Mascagoo, a. canning] crafty Mascafcia, /. a farrier's art Mascalznue, m. a ruffian, a soldier Masceila,/. jaw, cheek Mascellare, nu side teeth Mascheraio, nu seller of masks Maschera, /. a BUtffc ; cavarsi la maschera, to speak one's mind freely ; mandar in maschera, to steal a thin? Maschera re, to mask Maschera ta, /. a masquerade Mascherato, part, masked Maschcrizzo, nu a livid mark Mascherone, nu a sculptured Or head MascbJarnente, ad. manly Maschiezza./. \irili!y, manhood Maschile, a. manly >7i. the male O. masculine, manly ; mascfa], noble thought! Ma-col inita,/. the Ik in? a male Mascolino, and Masculluo, a. masculine Maacolo, a. manly Masnada, /. a troop of soldiers, a family, a company Masnadiere, nu a soldier, robber, ruffian MAssa, /. heap ; la m.'is'-a del 'lie blood j far m.i-sa, to heard up . f. housewife Mass/iio, >7i. a s'ewanl . '. a farm-hjuse, a quan- tity of goods • in'ngness .mente, ad. solidly, mas sily -v, strong f. maxim, rule ially ially • -• ?reat Masso, T7i. a rock, a large stone MAT Mastello, m. a bucket, pail Ifasticare, and Masticacchiare, to deliberate upon, to chew; ma- sticar paternostri, to play the hypocrite Masticato, part, chewed Masticatura,/. arid Masticamento. m. chewed meat Masticazione, /. mastication Mastice, m. mastic, (a gum ;) lip- glue Mastiettare, to thrust in a hook for a hinge [a door Mastiettatura, /. the iron work of Mastietto, m. a hook for a hinge Mastino, m. a mastiff dog Mastio, m. the male Mastra,/. mistress M'istro, m. master Mastro, a. principal Mastrusciere, m. a door-keeper Matassa, /. skein, heap, parcel Matass:'ita, /. several skeins ; em- barrassment [nation Matematica, /. mathematics, divi- Matematico, rn. a mathematician, a conjurer Matematico, a. mathematical Materassaio, m. a mattress-maker Mafferasso, m. and Materassa, /. quilt, mattress Materia, and Matera, /. matter, subject, cause Materia le, a. material Material i, ?n. pi. materials Material ita,/. the substance of mat- ter [coarsely Material mente, ad. materially, Maternale, a. maternal, motherly Maternamente, ad. motherly Maternita, /. maternity, mother- hood Materno, a. maternal Matita,/! pencil, or crayon Matitatoio, m. a pencil-case Matraccio, m. a retort (a glass ves- sel) Mitre, /. a mother Matricale, m. mother-wort (herb) MatrSce,/. womb, mould Matricida, m. murderer of a moth- er, matricide Matricidio, rn. matricide, murder of a mother Matricola, /. matricular, book, money paid at setting up in any trade Matricolare, to matriculate Matrigna,/. mother-in-law, a rough mother ; far viso di matrigna, to pout Matrignare, and Matrigneggiare, MAZ to use roughly, like a mother-in- law Matrimoniale, a. matrimonial Matrimonio, m. matrimony Matrina,/. midwife Matrisal via,/, clary (a sort of herb) Matrona, /• a matron Matronale, a. matrou-like Matta.ccinata, /. a wanton trick Mattaccio, m. a droll, fool Mattaccino, m. a pantomimical dancer Mattamente, ad. madly Mattare, to mate (at chess) Matteggiare, to play the fool Mattematica, /. see Matematica, and its derivatives Matterello, m. a wanton fool ; a roller (to thin dough with) Mattezza, and Matteria, /. foolish- ness Mattia, /. folly Mattina,/. morning Mattinare, to sing under one's mis- tress's window at sun-rising Mattinata, /. a serenade, a morning Mattino, m. the morning Matto, a. mad, foolish, large Mattonare, to pave- with square tiles Mattonato, part, paved Mattonato, m. a pavement Mattone, m. brick, an arrant fool Mattoniero, m. a brick-maker Mattutinale, a. matutinal Mattitino, m. morning-prayer ; matins ; morning Mattutino, a. of the morning Maturamente, ad. maturely Maturamento, rn. maturation Maturare, to ripen, to finish Maturato, part, ripened, old Maturazione, Maturezza, and Ma- turity, /. maturity, ripeness ; wisdom, moderation Maturo, a. ripe ; eta matera, ad- vanced age ; u6mo maturo, a dis- creet man ; consiglio maturo, mature judgment Mausoleo, m. a sepulchral edifice, mausoleum Mazza, /. a club, a mace ; menar la mazza tonda, to spare nobody ; mazza da pado, a mallet ; con- diirre alia mazza, to betray Mazzacavallo, rn. an engine to draw water Mazzafrasta, /. ballast Mazzamarrone, rn. a blockhead Mazzamurro, rn. the crumbs of sea-biscuit [mallet. Mazzapicchiare, to strike with a 184 • MED Mazzapicchio, m. a mallet Mazzasette, m. a bravo Mazzata,/. a blow with a stick Mazzeranga, /. a rammer Mazzerangare, to ram Mazzero, m. a knotty stick Mazzetta,/. a mallet Mazzetto, m. a small bundle Mazzicare, to beat, bang Mazziculare, see Tombplare Mazziere, m. a mace-bearer Mazzo, m. a bundle ; mazzo di carte, a pack of cards ; mazzo di fiori, a nosegay ; alzar i mazzi, to run away Mazzocchiaia, /. a woman that dresses hair ; the whole hair of a woman's head, a large bundle of any thing Mazz6cchio, m. a kind of corn ; the sprouts of succory ; tuft of hair, a band, crowd, troop Mazzocchiuto, a. knotty, crabbed Mazzolino, m. a nosegay Mazzuola, /. a small stick Mazzuolo, rn. a little bundle, or nosegay ; a pick, a kind of ham- mer Me', ad. (for meglio,) better, or (for mezzo,) middle (in poetry.) Per me', ad. through the middle, between Me, pron. me Meandro, rn. windings Meare, to pass Meato r rn. a pore of the body Meccanicamente, ad. mechanically Meccanico, a. mechanical, vile, mean, low Meccanico, m. a mechanic Meccanismo, m. mechanism Meccere, rn. master (jocosely) Meco, pron. and prep, with me Medaglia, /. medal Medaglione, m. a medallion Medaglista, m. medallist Medemo, a. (see Medesimo,) same Medesimamente, and Medesimo, ad. likewise, also Medesimezza, and Medesimita, /. identity, sameness Medesimo, a. same, self; io me- desimo, myself Medesmo, see Medcr-imo Mediante, prep, by one's help, by means, through, amidst, between Med i ire, to intervene Mediatamente, and Mediante, ad. mediately, by means Mediato, a. interposed; commo- dious, fit Mediatore, rn. mediator MEL Mediaxi6n«,/. mediation Medica. /. lucern (herb) Medicahile, a. curable Medicai \-ime,ni. a mrdicame: Medic.v - Licinal ■ physician Medicare, to heal, cure iica.-trone, and Aledicastronrolo, m. a medicas- pack Medicato, part, medicated Medicatore, m. a physician M female physician Medicbevole, a, susceptible of cure Medicina. /. physic, medicine, the art of | Medirinale, a. medicinal ; m. Medicinalniente, ad. physically . ; medico d' acqua cotta. a quack Medico, a. medicinal m. the middle finger :. of the middle Mediocre, a. moderate . icL indifferently M . to meditate . id. designedly ven up to medita- tion peart, meditated Meditaxione, /. and Meditamento, neo, a. Mediterranean ; Mare Mediterraneo, the Medi- terranean Sea ad. better, best, rather more ; andar di bene in meglio, to emw better and better; alia • best re, ttt Migliorare, and all a'ives apple : i >. a. very sweet (of wine) Meladtola, f. ba! ma,/, a quince ito, a, sweetened with [pomegranate ate-tree holy Meuma«riDe, and Melensagnne, [orange .- la./, an ., and Mel an orange-tree "i. a bee-hive Mriassa ,/. treacle (lees of sugar) MEN '. the August dew ; an u-malade .. honeyed, sw< el . honey ; mele, /. pi. apples Mclenso. a. silly, foolish Meleto, m. an apple orchard Mdichino, m, cult r M< lico, a. melodious Melifero, a. fruitful in honey . Turkey corn Melissa./, balm-gentle Melliiic.ire, to produce honey Mellifluo, a. mellifluous, sweet [blockhead Mellone, m. a water-melon ; a Melma. /. mud, dirt Melmoso, a. muddy Melo, m. an apple-tree Bfefocotogao, m. a quince-tree Meloiia, and Melode, /. melody Melodiosamente, ad. melodiously Melodioso, and Melodico, a. me- lodious Melosrranato, m. pome?ranate-tree Membrana, /. membrane, skin Membranoso, a. membranous Membrare, to remember Membro, m. limb, member Membruto. a. strong-limbed Memma, /. mud. dirt [( . a. memorable Memorando, and Memorevole, a. celebrated Memorare, to call to mind Memorativa, /. the memorative faculty Memora'tivo, a. memorative Memorato, part, mentioned Memore, a, mindful, recollecting Memoria, /. memory, remem- brance; memoir; imparare a memoria, to lean by heart Memoriale, m. memorial, memo- randum Memorioso, a. memorable Memoriuccia,/. a short memory it ion, state, con dition, quality Menazeria,/. a menage rv . in business; metier indogio, to de- • .rvy; luAfeili a enrrere. ;on the highway ; tere I ::i^ftere a petto, to com- ncoarage : metter innanr . ter i< in noi nella \ to rrt^ r in serbo, rjlder r : lquv 'ireas • -/. v> so ftion Mezzanita, /. mediocr;' MIG . m. a metliator, interces- sor . a. middle, middling M .•.•ma. /. a pitcher verripe . the middle, half; nel lei cammino, naif-way ; in QoMn meao, in the mean while; produrre in mezzo, to allege ; tone ■ in common ; mdzao uhri.'ico, halfdnink; means, aid, media- tion ; an lame di mean, to be a victim to; star di mezzo, to be neuter M . a. middling Mezzobusto, m. a bust, or half bust bio, m. a semicircle Mezzocolore. m. a weak colour Mezzodi, Mezzo lie, and Mesxo- giorno, 77i. noon. DOOn-day; the southern parts of the world; the sou'h, south wii: ! Mezzorilievo. m. basso-relievo Mi,; to me; mi piace, it plea ■ 1 1. mem ing . and Miagolata, .Mm. ad. not, not a! all : bod vorrel mica che voi credeste, I would not have yon believe; mica di pine, crumb of Micante, a. shining, bright Miccia,/. match Miccino, 771. a little [a she-ass Miccio, m, and Miccia, /. an ass, Micidiale, and Micida, in. mur- derer [dering Micidiario, and Micidiale, a. mur- Micio, 77i. a cat Microsc6pio, m. microscope Midblla, /. marrow, pith, crumb Middllo, m. marrow, sn 1 ~ best ; perventre al midollo, to come to the purpose Mi I ->11 m.'iccio, 771. a blockhead Mi lolloso, a. full of marrow Mi< ; K\ and M •!<•. m, b rney Mietere. ' >p, gather Mieti'ore, m. a reaper ,/. harvest, crop Mietuto. part, mowed, reaped Man. ad. not at all Mizliacck), m. a mille* pudding Migliaio, m. a thoosao 1 ; a miglia- • ''i-anls Migliaiola, f. shot, hail-shot Mfglio, in. a mile ; millet, birse Miglioramento, m. ama Miglinrare, to mi to, part, grown better MIN Migliorc, a. better, best Migiutta,/. a leech Mignello, m. a miasr Mjgnolare, to bloom as the olivo* tree Mlgnolo, m. the little finger Mignone, m. darling Migrare, to migrate M1I1. pi, of Mille, thousands Milensaggine,/. foolishness Milenso, a. silly, foolish Milione, m. a million Militante, a. militant; la chiesa milit.uite, the church militant Milit.ire, to bear arms, to militate MilitAre, a. military; 6rdiuemili- tire, knighthood Militatbre, m. a warrior Milite, 771. a soldier, a knight Milizia./. militia, the art of war ; milizic, troops [to boast Millantare,to amplify; millantarsi, Millantatore, in. a vaunter Millantcria, /. and Millanto, m. boasting, bragging, ostentation Mille, 771. and a. thousand ; a mille a mille, by thousands; star in sul mille, to lord it Millesimo, a. thonsan Itb Millesimo, 771. a thousand years, the date of coins, &c. Millefoglie, m. milfoil (an herb) Mi!/ 1./. the spleen Mimico, a. mimic Mi mo, at. a mimic, a buffoon Mina,/. half a bushel, a mine Minaccevole, and Minaccioso, a. menacing [threat Min.iccia, and Minacciatura, /. Minacciare, to threaten Minacciato, part, menaced Min.'iccio, m. threat Minaccioso, a. full of threats Minace, a. threatening Minire. to mine Minalore, in. a miner Minatorio. a. threatening Mincbionare, to jest, to banter Minchionatore, 771. a railer,/. banter, raillery Minchioneria, /. folly, foppery, joke, jest, error, fault Minchione, ?77. a blockhead Minerals, a. mineral MiiiTile, 771. minerals Minestra,/. pottage, soup Minestrare, to serve up s->up Minestrina, /. a light v>up Miiii'hi rlino, n. thin, lean Miiii.irc, to paint in miniature; inini'irsi, to paint Miuiatore, m. a miniature painter MIR Mmiatura,/. miniature Miniera, /. mineral, a mine Minierale, a, mineral j acqua mi- nierale, mineral water Minimamento, m. diminution Minimare, to diminish Minimo, a. least Minio, rn. vermilion, painting Miuistero, and Ministerio, m. ministry Ministrare, to officiate, administer Ministra, and Ministratrice, /. disposer Ministro, to. a minister Minoranza,/. minority Minorare, to lessen Minorativo, a. diminutive Minore, a. less, least j m. a minor (in logic) Minorita,/. minoriiy Minuale, a. of a low descent Minugia, /. pi. and Miniigio, m. a gut, intestine Minulre, to diniinish Minuscob, a. least Miuuta,/. a minute [fully Minuiamente, ad. minutely, care- Minutezza, and Minuteria, /. a trifle, smallness Minuto, m. a minute ; ad. precise- ly, very small ; vendere a minuto, to sell by retail Minuto, a. thin, exact, particular; popolo minuto, the common people Minuzia, /. a small thing Minuzzame, m. a great many bits Minuzzare, to consider, to mince Minuzzato, pari, minced Minuzzolo, m. a morsel Mio, prom. my. mine Mira, /. aim, intent; pigliar di mira alcum, to prosecute one Mirabile, a. admirable Mirabilia,/. wonders Mirabilmente, ad. wonderfully Miracolo, m. miracle, wonder Miracolone, m. a great prodigy Miracoloso, a. miraculous Miraglio, to. a looking-glass Mirando, a. wonderful Mi rare, to behold, to aim at Mira to, fart, beheld, viewed Miratore, rn. a spectator Mirtfico, a. wonderful Miro, a. surprising (in poetry) Mirra,/. myrrh Mirteo, and Mirtino, a. of myrtle, or made of myrtle Mirt&o, m. a myrtle-grove Mirtillo, m. a myrtle-berry Mirto, m. myrtle-tree MIS Misalta, /. pickled pork Misaltare, to pickle pork Misantropo, to. a man-hater Misavvenimento, to. misfortune Misavvenire, and Miscadere, to mishappen Misav ventura,/. mischance Miscea,/. old stuff's, trifles Miscellaneo, a. miscellaneous Mischia,/. riot, fray, dispute Mischianza, Mischiata,/. a?idMls- chiamento, to. mixture, medley Mischiare, to mix, blend ; mis- chiirsi, to intermeddle Mischiatamente, ad. confusedly Mischiato, to. and Mischiatura, /. a mixture, medley Mischiato, a. mixed Miscliio, rn. mixture Misconoscente, a. ingrate Misconoscere, arid Miscognoscere, to despise, not to care for Miscontento, a. dissatisfied Miscredente, a. miscreant Miscredenza, /. incredulity Miscredere, to misbelieve Miscuglio, to. a mixture, adultera- tion Misdire, to slander, to contradict Miserabile, and Miserevole, a. miserable Miserabilita,/. calamity [rably Miserabilmente, ad. poorly, mise- Miseraccio, a. poor, wretched Miseramente, ad. miserably Miserando, a. wretched Miserazione, /. compassion Miserello, a. wretched Miserere, have pity Miseria, /- wretchedness, avarice Misericordia,/. mercy [fully Misericordiosamente, ad. merci- Misericordioso, and Misericorde- vole, a. merciful Misero, a. sad, wretched, covetous Miserta, /. stinginess, misery, pov- erty [vene Misfare, to do wrong, to contra- Misfitto, to. misdeed Misfattore, to. a malefactor Misleale, a. disloyal Mislealta, /. disloyalty Mi so, part, put Missionario, rn. a missionary Missione, /. mission Mistamente, ad. mixedly Misterio, and Mistero, to. myste- ry, secret Misteriosamente, and Misterial- mente, ad. mysteriously Misterioso, and Mistico, a. mysti- cal, obscure MOD Misticame'nte, ad. mystically Mistichita,/. mystery Mistione,/. mixture Misto, to. a mixture Misto, part, mingled Mistura, /. mixture Misvenire, to faint away, to mis- carry Misventiira, /. a misfortune Misura, /. measure, rule, order: romper la misura, to baffle. Fuor di misura, ad. excessively; a misura che, according as Misuramento, rn. measuring Misurare, to measure Misuratamente, ad. moderately Misuratezza, /. moderation Misurato, part, measured Misuratore, to. a land surveyor Misurazione, /. see Misuramento Misurevole, a. measurable Misusare, to abuse Misiiso, to. abuse Mite, a. gentle, mild Mitemente, ad. mildly Mitera. /. a paper cap Miterino, a. roguish Miti^amento, m. mitigation Mitigare, to pacify Mitigativo, a. lenitive Mitigato, part, allayed, eased Mitigazione, /. mitigation Mitologia,/. mythology _ Mitologo, to. a mythologist Mitra, and Mitria,/. a mitre Mitrare, and Mitriare, to make a bishop Mitrato, a. mitred Mitridato, to. a mithridate Mo, ad. now, even Mobilare, to furnish Mobile, to. movements, movea- bles Mobile, a. light, moveable Mobilita,/. mobility, inconstancy Mocceca, to. and f. a blockhead j idleness or foolishness Moccicare, to be full in the nose Moccichino, to. handkerchief Moccicone, m. a dunce Mocciconeria, /. foolishness Moccicoso, and Mocci6so, a. snotty Moccio, to. snot Moccolaia, /. a mushroom Moccolo, to. snuff of a candle or lamp ; a bougie j the tip of the nose Moda, /. mode, fashion Modano, to. a mould, model Modellare, to frame Modello, to. a model, rule MOL Moderare. to no Moderatamente, a I. in ieratc itor ne, and Mo DBOdl • >. <7. modern, n M sto, a. modest MMjm, a. moderate i >'ifv. Inrt derated -. modification ■in word) er, fashion ru>- • inryio. to find the way; oltre no! . wry much; di nixio che. Inasmuch ; I mlo modo, as I please ; ad ogni BOdO| by all means; far in . to endeavour ; iu che modo ? how so ? Modulare, and Modo'.are, to mod ulate none,/, art of tuning . m. a model r' measure of moggio di grino, a bushel of rim ma, /. my ... /. thy wife . m. nuptials Mo?l»e, Moiliera, and Moeliere, /. a wife [men's . ; ?. rndearments, allure- Moiniere, m. a coaxer M"!i. /• a mill-stone; tympany, moon-calf :rt. sharpened . soothe I heap : P imn del m :r:ure of mole dell' impe- :ht of command Moles'amente, ad. grievously, sadly ■ nto. m. vexation _ • . to moles', vex. disquiet a 'roubiesome n an jte*vile, a. i i. troublesome i «primr • . in. soft flen. impulse . m. mover Motoso, a. dirty, I letr, laush jeered i. a banterer, a vole, and Motteggioso, a. . . m. a jest, joke, banter iu a jerr. joke Motto, m. iiiOfo. or device ; a word, a jest ; eitt.ire un mot'o, to mention; non ne fa'e mo'to. say nothing of it ,- tar moto ad alaino, to salute one ; motto di rimando, a witty answer \ in? . and Movevole, a. move- able Movimento, m. Morittva, and r-, /. motion ; fare una oosa di suo proprio movimento, to do a thins of one's own head MovitUo, a. affecting; m. origin, cause Mozzamento, m. mutilation, maim- in.:, a cu'T | . ; art . cut off 1 dress . m. a stump i. bit, fragment : mozzo j mezzo di MUL nave, a ship-l>oy ; mozzo della ruota, the nave or stock of a Wheel ; mono di camera, a drudge chi, m. pettifog MGCChio, m. heap, mass, pile MaceOaggine, /. mucilage (a vis- ■ action) MaeeUaggiooao. a. mucilaginous Mucia, and Muscia, /. > foireminate Macido, a. musty, mouldy ; soft, Madlaggine,/. mucilage Mutilaggineso, a. mucilaginous Mucino. m. a kitten Mucosha,/. sliminess . mucous, slimy Moda, /. a mew, or mewing . a change, turn ; a muda, by turns .Mud ire, to mew (to cast feathers) Mutla. /. mouhlineos Mufiare, to g;-ow musty Mufiato. aitd Mtirlb, a. musty, moql !y Muftetto, m. a beau, spark ..ine,/. sec Mucellaggine Mugghiamenhk m. a bellowing :v. to bellow, or roar . m. bellowing, roaring H 'n : : a groaning noise Muggire, to bellow, roar in. bellowing Mugh&to, m. a lily of the valley Mngnaio, m, a miller Mi^nere, to milk Mugolam^'ito, and Mugolio, m. lamentation Mugolire, aiid Mugiolare, to yelp, to groan, lament Mala, /. a mule ; a slipper ; an obstinate woman Mul.'tcchia, /. a crow Mulacchiaia,/. a prating ; a flight of crows Mulattiere, m. a muleteer Mulenda, /. the miller's fee for grinding MulL ; bre, a. womanish Mulinare, to revolve in one's mind Mulinaro. m. a millor Mulincllo, m. a hand-mill Malfoo, m. a mill ; tirar 1' acqua al suo mullno, to bring gris* to th^ mill Mulino, o. muiish 1 mule Malta, f. a fine, or penalty Multilrjqaio, m, idle discourse MultilQstre, a. rt ify Monistem, and Munisterio, m. monastery, convent Mnnitorio, m. admonition Munizione, /. fortification ; muni- zione di guerra, ammunition J ammunition bread Mono, m. gift Monto, part milked Munuscolo, m. a small gift Muovere, to move, stir, alter, take ofT; muovere a pieta, to touch one's heart ; ritornai al luogo onde mi mossi, I went back to the place from whence I came ; questa strada muove da qui fin alia borsa, this street reaches as far as the bank Muraglia,/. a wall Murnle. a. mural Muramento, m. walling Murare, to wall about ; murare una porta, una finestra, to shut up a door or window Murato, part, walled Muratore, 771. a mason Murena,/. a lamprey Muriccia,/. a heap of stones Muricciuolo, m. a little wall Miiro, m. a wall ; muro d' una citta, ramparts Musa,/. muse, a pipe, a flagelet Musaico, m. mosaic work Musare, to gaze, stand idle Muscato,/. a nutmeg Musc'ito, part, musked ; vin mu- scato, muscadine wine Miischio, and Musco, 771. moss, mu-k Muschioso, a. mossy Muscolare, a. muscular ire, to articulate Moscolo, rn. muscle Muscoloso, a. muscular Mnseo, m. a museum Museruola. /. nose-band, muzzle Miisica,/. music NAP Mnticale, a. musical Musicalmente, ad. musically Musicare, to play music, to sing Miisico, a. musical Miisico, m. a musician Muso, m. muzzle, snoutj face, phiz,( jocosely,) mouth, grimace ; t6rcere il muso, to make faces Muso, a. pensive, musing Musoliera, /. a muzzle Musone, m. a dallier, delayer ; a box on the ear, a surly fellow Musorno, m. a dallier, a dunce Mussolina,/. Miissolo, and Musso- lino, m. muslin Mustacchi, m. pi. whiskers Mustella, /. a weasel (Latin) Mustio, 77i. moss, musk Muta, /. change, alteration ; muta di cani, a pack of hounds ; muta di cavalli, a set of horses. A mu- ta a muta, ad. by turns [able Mutabile, and Mutevole,a. change- Mutabilita,/. mutability Mutabilmente, ad. changeably Mutande, /. pi. trowsers Mutare, to change ; mutar verso, o vita, to alter one's course _; mu- tarsi, to put on one's shirt or clothes Mutato, part, changed Mutazione, /. and Mutamento, m. alteration Mutilare, to mutilate Mutilazione, /. and Mutilamento, m. mutilation Miito, and Mutolo, a. dumb Mutolezza,/. dumbness Mutuamente, ad. mutually Mutuazione, /. reciprocation Miituo, a. mutual Muzzo, a. between sweet and sour N NABISSA RE, to bluster, rage, destroy, ruin [boy Nabisso, m. hell ; a mischievous Nacchera, /. a kettle-drum, a child's rattle, snappers, any small animal ; mother of pearl Naccheiino, 771. a kettle drummer Naiade,/. a water-nymph Nanfa, /. orange-flower wafer Nano, 771. a dwarf, a shrimp Napo, 771. turnip Nappa,/. a tassel, a puff Nappe] lo, 771. aconite (a plant) Nappo, m. a cup, or bowl NAT Narciso, and Narcisso, m. daffodil (a plant) Narcotico, a. procuring sleep Nardo, m. spikenard N6.ri, Nare, and Narici, /. pi. the nostrils Narice, /. a nostril Narrante, a. relating Narrare, to relate Narrativa, /. a narrative Narrativo, a. nc.rrative Narrato, part, related Narrat6re, 771. a relator Narrazione, Narragione, /. and Narramento, m. recital Nasale, a. nasal (through the nose) Nasare, to scent, to smell Nasata, /. a reprimand, a rude negative Nascente, a. growing, rising Nascenza, /. nativity, birth ; swell- ing, tumour Nascere, to be born, to spring, pro- ceed, produce, happen Nascimento, 771. birth, rise, be- ginning, nativity Nascita,/. extraction, descent Nascondere, to hide, conceal, dis- guise [ing Nascondevole, a. hiding, conceal- Nascondiglio, and Nascondimento, »7i. a hiding or lurking hole Nascosamente,and Nascostamente, ad. secretly, hiddenly Nascoso, and Nascosto, a. hidden, concealed. Di nascosto, ad. privately Naso, m. nose ; rimaner con un palmo di naso, to be put out of countenance Naspo, 771. a reel Nassa, /. a fishing-net Nasso, 771. a yew-tree Nastraio, 7n. a ribbon-maker Nastro, 771. ribbon Nasturcio, and Nasturzio, m. cresses Nasuto, a. long-nosed Natale. m. and Nativita, /. nativi- ty ; il Santo Natale, Christmas Natale, a. native Natalizio, a. natal, of one's birth Natare, to swim (Latin word) Natatore, m. and Natatrice, /. 1 swimmer Natatoria, /. a pool, or pond Natica, /. buttock Natio, a. native Nativo, a. native Nativita,/. nativity; la nativita del Signore, Christmas Nato, part, born 192 NE Nato, m. son Natrice, /. a water-snake Natta, /. a trick, a bunch (a soft tumour in the mouth) Natura, /. nature. Di sua natura, ad. naturally Naturale, a. natural, easy, free, un- affected ; bastard Naturale, m. nature Naturalezza,/. nature, way, custom Naturalista, 771. naturalist Naturalita, /. naturality Naturalizzato, part, naturalized Naturalmente, ad. naturally Naturarsi, to become natural, or customary Naturato, a. natural, innate Naufragare, to suffer shipwreck^ Naufragato, and Naufrago, a. ship- wrecked Naufragio, m. a shipwreck Naufragoso, a. tempestuous, dan- gerous Nauseamento, m. Nausa, and Nausea,/, loathing Nauseante, a. loathing Nauseire, to nauseate Nauseato, part, nauseated Nause6so, a. nauseous, nasty Nauta, 77i. a sailor, a pilot Nautica,/. art of sailing Nautico, a. nautical Navale, 771. a dock-yard Navale, a. naval Navata,/. a ship's freight Nave, /. a ship, boat; la nave d'una chiesa, the nave or* body of a church Navetta, /. a small ship Navicare, see Navigare, and all its derivatives Navicella, /. a boat, a barge Navicellaio, m. a waterman Navicellata,/. a boatful Navigabile, a. navigable Navigante, 771. sailor, mariner Navigare, to sail Navigato, part, sailed Navigatore, tti. a sailor Navigazione, /. navigation Naviglio, Navilio, Navile, and Navigio, m. a fleet, a ship Navile, a. naval Navone, m. a turnip, a loggerhead Nazionale, a. national Nazione, /. nation, people, extrac- tion Ne, conj. nor, neither; ne l'ho caro ne l'amo, I neither esteem, nor love you ; ne l'uno ne l'altro, neither Ne, pron. of it, of them ; ne bo, I mm have soon? ; ocn nc h \ I have NebbU. ; : imbottar Nebbionaccio. and Neb! tone, m. Neceasariamente, ad. necessarily x - NecessitTne, to force' Neces*:' [S . and Ne- . a/icf Ne&rio, a. wicked, heinous . a. unlucky loble IN N _ ••i"n. a denial itively .-'igently ry, Hie IS _ ! entente/ and mente. ad, negligently ?ione, /. 'ealer, merchant, Negoziare. to trale, negotiate, Nego; \ted -e. tn. neroi- v.ion Negbzio, m. trade Negozioso, a. careful Negri; . ki-h - kish rore, m. blackness swarlhiuesa m. marician i. necromantic a conjuration - jrm Nenib Nrmlca- f. Nemicbivole. a. unfriendly NEU Nemlco, r7i. an cm n y adverse, cn*ss . enmity N ad. not at all, not even « | itch \(Tt Nepit< lla./. the herb catmint » ] i'i ne int no. ad, neither more Neppure, ad. not even W, niece he 10 NequitosbfO. wicked, vicious . and Nequila, /. wkk- [sinew ■ I. (nervo) ■ I Nerborato, and Nerbuto, a. ner- vous, stout [a. nervous tnento, m. blackening x :.v. a. blackish IS re, to grow or incline to Hack ' [a. blackish P . Nericcio. and Nericunte, . ■. Bwarthinen i\ck. n ickt 1 Nervo, m. nerve, sinew, vigour, b : 00 hi. on ; . i Dumber of arm- di buon nervo, to be robust -our . -wf Nerviito. a. nervous Nescienxa, /. ignorance ',. ignorant f. a medlar: m. a medlar-tree ly ; nessuna cosa, no'hinz a* all Nestaiubla, f. a t ursery-gTound NestO, m. a graff* cion •t. ad. neatly, mannerly, hone^'ly Nettapanni, m. a scourer Nettare, to clean, scour, to make a Si bt . nedar . a. cleansing i art. cleansed NVtta'ni-i, rn. a broom, a brush mentn, m. a cleaninz. a ch . •'. cleanliness, neatness Ntitto. a. eleas, neat ; rmrirarra ■ 'luar eoatcienci Via !i lk£ttO, to carry of]" at once; farh netto, to do it cleverly j ho i*o died doppie al ne ; - ro, I have cleared un pounds. niurx-'.r neuo, to proceed cau- Neutrale, 07id Neutro, a. neutral 193 NIT Neutralita, /. neutrality, indiffep> ence Neutralmentc. ad. neutrally St \ Eto, st. babitation Niegare, and Negare, to deny Niego, m. a denial, refusal aid N i ente, m. nothing ; not al all ; non ho dormlto niinte la notte passata, I did not sl( ep at all last night Ni-! te affatto, ad. Dothirg at all Nient( dimanon, Nientedimenn, and Nientemeno, ad. never- . and yet, notwithstand- ins:. however* snout, bill ; il nlffo, ', t'rown Nigfaittoao, a. idle, lazy Day Nimicare, to bats, persecute; nimicarsi, to quarrel Nimichevole, a. inimical Nimidzia. /. enmity Nimico, m. an enemy Nimico, a. adverse NiiiiiMa,/. hatred NSnfa,/. a nymph, fairy Ninfea, /. a wa'er-rose Ninferno, m. hell Ninnare, to lull to sleep, to rock Nipote, m. and f. nephew, niecs NipoMna,/. a little niece Niqnita,/. iniquity, cruelty Niquitdso, a. furious Niacondere, see Nascondere, and its derivatives Nissono, a. nobody Nitidezza, /. brightness Nitido, a. bright, shining Nitore, m. cleanliness, or bright ness Nitrtre, to nei?h . m. neighing Nitro, m. nitre, saltpetre Nitroso, a. nitrous NOI Niuno, pron. nobody No, ad. no; dico di no, I say no Nobile, a. noble Nobili a,/, nobility Nobiliiare, to make noble ; nobili- tarsi, to make one's self illus- trious Nobilitato, part, ennobled Nobilmente, ad. nobly Nobilta, and, /. no- bility, nobleness Nocca. /. knuckle, joint [pilot Nocchiere, and Nocchiero, m. a Nocchio, m. a knob, or knot Nocchioroso, Nocchioso, Nocchio- ruto, Nocchieriito, Nocchieroso, and Nocchioluto, a. stony, knotty, knobby (speaking of fruit) Nocciolino, m. a small fruit-stone Nocciolo, and Noccioleito, m. a fruit-stone ; non valtre una ma- no di noccioli, to be good for nothing; sono due anime in un nocciolo, they are like hand and glove Nocciuola, /. nut, filbert Nocciuolo, m. a nut-tree Noce, m. a walnut-tree;/, wal- nut; noce del coll^, the neck- bone ; noce del piede, the ankle- bone ; una ncce non suona in sacco, one cannot accomplish what many can Nocella,/. a filbert, hazel-nut Nocemoscada, /. nutmeg Nocente, and Nocevole, a. hurtful Nocentino, m. a foundling Nocere, to hurt Nocevole, and Nocfvo, a. hurtful Nocevolmente, ad. mischievously Nocimento, and Nocumento, m. nuisance, hurt, damage Nociuto, part, hurt Nocivamente, ad. perniciously Noder6so, Nodoso, and Noderuto, a. knotty, knobby Nodo, m. knot, knuckle, joint ; nodo corsoio, a running knot, a noose Nodosita,/. knottiness Nod6so, a. knotty Nodrice, /. a nurse Nodrimento, m. food Nodrire, to nourish Nodrito, part, nourished, kept, maintained [ment Nodritiira, /. education, nourish- Noi, pron. we, us N6ia, /. vexation, sorrow ; ill words; venire a noia, to dis- please NOT Noiare, to weary, to tire Noialo, part, tired, wearied Noievole, and Noioso, a. tedious, tiresome Noiosamente, ad. tediously Noleggiare, to freight Nolo, and Noleggio, m. freight; fare Nomare, to name (call) Nome, m. name ; renown Nomenclatore, m. nomenclator Nomenclature, /. nomenclature Nomina, /. nomination Nominanza, /. name, fame Nominare, to name ; call ; to pre- sent to a living Nominatamente, ad. one by one Nominativo, m. the nominative case [famous Nominate, part, named, called, Nominatore, ??t. a patron Nominazione, /. nomination, pre- sentation Nomisma, m. a medal Non, ad. no, not Nona,/, a none, one of the canon- ical hours [years old Nonagenano, a. fourscore and ten Nor.corrispondenza, /. dispropor- tion Ncncurante, a. supine, /. carelessness Nondimeno, and Nondimanco, ad. nevertheless, ah hough Nondormire, on. Avant of sleep None, /. pi. Roman nones Noresercizio, m. want of exercise Non meno, ad. not less, not only Nonna, /. grandmother Nonnannome, a. anorymous Nonnaturale, a. unnatural Nonno, m. grandfather Nonnulla, /. nothing Nono, a. ninth Non ostante^ conj. notwithstanding Non per cio, and Non per cio di meno, sec Nondimeno Non so che, I know not what; un non so clie, a something Norma, f. a rule, model Norte, m. the north Ndsco, ad. (in poetry) with us Nostrale, a. of cur town, or country Nostro, pron. our, our own Nota, /. a note of infamy ; mark, sign [eminent Nbtabfle, a. notable, remarkable, Notabilmente, ad. notably Notaio, m. a notary Notamento, m. swimming Notando, a. remarkable 194 NOV Notfre, to note, sign ; to remark ; to follow the notes ; to swim Notaria, and Noteria, /. profe» sion of a notary Notaro, m. a notary Notato, part, signed, marked Notatore, m. a swimmer Notatura,/. a swimming Noteria,/. a notary's profession Notevole, a. no. able Notevolmente, ad. notably Notlficare, to notify Noiificaio, notified Notificazione,/. and Notificame'n- to, m. notification Notizia,/. knowledge, notice Noto, part, known, noted Noto, m. the south wind Notomia,/. anatomy Notomista, m. anatomist Notomizzare, to anatomize Notomizzato, part, anatomized Notoriamente, ad. notoriously Notcrieta, /. notoriousness Noterio, a. notorious Notoso, pant, stained, spotted Nottare, to grow dark Nottata,/. a whole night Notte, ./'. night Nottetempo, and Nottetempore, ad. in the night time N 6* tela,/, a bat, a wooden latch Nottolata,/. a whole night"" Nottolo, m. a bat Nottolone, m. one who is active in the night Not tin no, a. nightly Novamente, ad. newly Novanta, a. ninety Novanttisimo, a. ninetieth Novatore, m. an innovator Nove, a. nine Novella, /. a story, fable, tale, novel ; news Novellare, to relate tales, to prat* tie ; novellarsi, to renew itself Novellata, /. a tale, story Novellatore, m. a relator Novellisla, m. a news-monger Novellizia,/. the first fruits of tho year Novel lo, a. new, modern Novellozza,/. a facetious tale Novembre, m. November Novena, /. nine days Noverare, to number Noverazione,/. a numbering Noverca, /. a mother-in-law Novero, m. a numoer Novesimo, a. ninth Novilfinio, m. new moon Novissimo, a. very new NUN Noviti,/. novelty ; die novita son thia ? M > . m. probation-time; a place where novices are kept Novizio, m. x new monk [ful cperienced, unskil- N u idea, notiou *. notion, idea ptial K . •'. ■ cloud on poetry) Nubile, a. marriageable . '". clou iiness Nubilo, and Nubiloso, a. cloudy, gloomy, dark \pe of the neck Nudamente, ad, nakelly Nudare. I ; to de- • - bailie Nudato, a. naked, deprived \ nakedness :. naked, uncovered; un paese nudo d'acqua, a country without . nourishment Nudrtre, to EDO* - part. nourished >\ nu a tutor Nudritura,/. nourishment ,e,/. a trifle f. tee Nuvola, and its deri i • ./. cloudiness Nu^oloso, a. d Nulla, m. nothing : non ne so nul- la, I know nothing of it ; vuoi tu nulla ? do you want any thin* ? per nulla altra ragione, for no otber reason n limeno, nd. however Nullia,/. no'hinmess i. null, void ine, m. Deity Numenihile, a. numerable . a. numeral Numerare, to number, count Numerario, a, numerary (of coin only) I TO, a. numerical Numertfo, part, numbered •ore. m. numerator Numerazione, /. numeration I |uantity merously .ndance . a. numerous Numn i 'id nu messenger, tmi m \ lav OBB NunciAre, and Nur.zi.'u-c, to an- nounce, tell Nuncupative, a. nuncupative, (ver- bal : i lestamehto nui nuncupative "ill . m. and Nur./iatura,/. the office of a nuncio Nun;'i.t!o, port, announced Nunzio, in. the pope's ambassa- dor ; l messenger hurt, prejudice Nuora,/. daughter-in-law NuotAre, to swim Nuotoj m. a swimming; pass&r un name a nuoto, to swim across a river Nuotatore, in. a swimmer -. news, notice Nuovamente, ad. newly Nuovo, a. new, inexperienced ; mostrarsi nuovo, to dis io son nuovo, I want experience Nuro,/. daughter-in-law Nutrfbile, a. nourishing Nutricamento, m. nourishment NutricAre, aiid Nutrire, to nour- ish : nutric'irsi, to feed upon K . part, nourished N i. trice, f. a nurse Nutrm.en'o. m. Nutritura, Nu- trizione, ani Nutricazione, /. nourishment, nurture Nutritive, Nutrimentoso, Nutri- . and Nutnmentale, a nutritive [brought up Nutrfta, part, nourished, fed, Nuvol'ito, m, a great many clouds Nuvolo, m. and Ni'ivola, /. cloud ; nuvolo di pe'echie, a swarm of bees; nuvola di buriana, fog la,/l cloudiness Nuvoloso, a. clou ly Nuznle, a. nuptial Nuzialmente. ad. wedding-like ; vesttto nuzialmente, in a wed- ding-dress occ O O inter}. O ; oh ! conj. or, ? either te, and Obediente, a, • mente. ad. obediently Obbedienza, /. submission . and Obedire, to obey ■ - I ObiettAre, to ob- 195 Obbietto, mid Obietto, m. au ob- otive Obbietto, part, opposed Obbiecion Obbliamehto, m. ami Obbliantav, /. forgetful ness, oblivion , to forget Obbliato, ; art, forgotten Obblico, a. oblique Obbligante, a. obi Obbligare, to oblige, to engage; obi lignrsi, to be bound Obbligato, part, obliged, bound ()bl)li_.itoiio, a. binding Obbtigazione,/. and Obbligamento, m, obligation, tie, eng i fare un obbligazione, to give bond •. in. obligation, duty Obblio, in. oblivion Obl.liosn. a. forgetful Obbliquamente, ad. indirectly, obliquely Obbliquita,/. crookedness Obbliquo, a. oblique, crooked Obbll o, part, forgotten Obblivion , and Gblivione, /. oblivion 01 broli f>, m. infamy, disgrace Obbrobriosameute, ari. infamous^ Obbrobrioan, o, opjirobrious, ig- nominious Obbumbrare, to overshadow Obbumbrazione,/. an overshadow- in? [rivativet Obedire, see Obbedlre, and its de- Obelfseo, m. an obelisk Obiettnre, see Obbiettire, and its derivatives Obioso, a. suspicious Obl&tO, m. a lay friar Oblatore, m. a bidder at a sale Oblatratore, m. a slanderer Obliare, tee Obbliire, and its do- rivatives Obliterfire, to erase Oblongo, a. oblong O'bolo, ???. a small coin Obtrenazione,/. detraction Obtundere, to blunt O'ca, /. a goose ; a simpleton barrow, to jrrub Occasional, a. occasional ire, to occasion Occasionato. part, caused Occa^one, /. occasion, pretr-noe '. (r>ccidente,) the west, Occbi accio. 771. i lar^e eye ; fare oc- 1 chiacci, to look with an evil eye occ Occhiaia, /. the hollow of the eye Occhialaio, m. a spectacle-maker Occhiale, in. spectacles, teles- copes,- dente occhiale, an eye- tooth ; occhiali di conserva, pre- servers Occhiare, to eye Occhiata, /. a look, glance, cast ; an ogle, a sheep's eye ; dar un' occhiata ad una cosa, to cast one's eyes upon any thing Occhiato, a. full of eyes Occhiazzurro, a. blue-eyed Occhieggiare, to ogle, to look to Oechiellatura,/. button-holes Occhiolio, m. a button-hole O'cchio, m. an eye, sight, a bud ; an oval, (chiefly in churches ;) 6cchio mio, my dear, my pre- cious ; esser 1' occhio d' alcuno, to be one's favourite ; 1' occhio vu61 la parte sua, we must please our eyes ; far d'occhio, to \\ ink ; guardar sott' occhio, to ogle ; andar a ehiusi occhi, to walk without fear ; in su gli occhi, or negli occhi, before one's face; piagnere a cald' occhi, to weep bitterly ; gettar 1' occhio, to cast an eye upon ; guardare con mal occhio, to look askew ; in un batter d' occhio, in the twin- kling of an eye Occhi iik), a. full of eyes, or buds Occidentale, a. westerly Occidente, m. west [rivatives Occidere, see Uccidere, and its de- Occipizio, m. the nape of the neck Occoltare, to conceal (in poetry) Occorrente, a. happening Occorrenza, /. occurrence, want Occorrere, to happen, occur ; to come to pass ; to meet ; to pre- sent one's self, to want, to be needful ; non occorre che mi scriviate, you need not write to me ; v' occorre niente ? do you want any thing ? Occorrimento, m. a meeting, a remembering Occorso, m. a meeting, want Occorso, part, happened Occuhamente, ad. secretly Occultamento, m. and Occulta- zione, /. a hiding, concealing Occulta re, to conceal Occultato, pat t. concealed Occul'ezza,/. secrecy, a hiding OecGlto, a. occult, secret Occupare. to po^ss ; occuparsi, to apply one's self ; occupare una casa, to occupy a house OFF Occupato, part, usurped Occupatore, ??». an usurper Occupazione,/. and Occupamento, m. business, trade, occupation Occursione, /. a meeting Oceano, m. ocean, sea che, conj. or else Oculire, a. ocular, (of the eyes;) testimonio oculare, an eye-wit- ness Ocularmente, ad. with one's eyes Oculatamente, ad. cautiously Oculaezza,/. circumspection Oculato, a. ocular Oculista, m. an oculist O'da, and O'de,/. an ode Odiire, to hate, detest Odiato, part, hated, detested Odierno, a. daily, hodiernal Odievole, Odibil'e, erne" Odiabile, a. odious, hateful, heinous O'dio, m. and Odiosita, /. hatred, odium, aversion Odiosamente, ad. odiously Odioso, a. hateful, odious Odorabile, a. sweet-scented Odoramento, m. and Odorazione,/. an odour, or smelling Odorante, a. odoriferous Odorare, to smell, to scent, to find out Odorato, a. odoriferous Odorato, m. sense of smelling Olore, m. a smell, odour, hint, knowledge ; dar di se buon odore, to have a good character ; avere odore d' una cosa, to have a hint of a thing Gdorifeio, Odorifico, and Odoroso, a. odoriferous Odorone, nx. a sweet smell Orfendente, a. oii'ending Oft'endere, to oft'end Oifendevole, a. offensive Offendicolo, m. an obs'acle Ottendiniento, m. an offence Oft'end i tore, m. an offender Odensione,/. injury Oil'ensivo, a. offensive Offensore, m. an offender '..'ll'rrente, a. offering Offerire, ' and Offerere, to offer, dedicate Offer a, /. offer, proffer ; andare a ofierta, to make an offering Offcrto, part, offered Onertorio, m. offertory Ofiesa,/. offence, injury Offeso, a. offended Officiate, m. an officer Gfficfoa,/. a shop Officio, m. an "fries 196 OLO Officiosamente, ad. officiously Officiosita,/. urbanity, kindness Oflicioso, a. obliging Off rire, to offer Offuscamento, m. and Offusca- zione, /. a darkening Orfuscare, to darken Orfuscato, part, darkened, dimmed Oficeria, f. office, vestry Oficio, and Ofizio, m. an office Oficioso, a. officious Oggettare, to propose Oggetto, m. an object O'ggi, ad. to-day ; oggi a otto, this day se'ennight; star d'oggi in dimani, to wait for to-morrow Oggidl, and Oggigiorno, ad. now a-days Oggimai. ad. now O'glio, m. oil Ognaccordo, m. a psaltery O'gni, a. every, each, all Ognidi, ad. every day Ognissanti, ra. All-saints' day Ognivolta che, ad. when, when- ever [always Ognora, Ognotta, and Ogniolta, ad. Ognuno, pron. every body Oi, or Ohi, inttrj. alas ! ah ! Oibo, interj. fie i fie on it ! Oime, and Ohime, interj. alas ! oh ! Oise, interj. alas ! poor he, or she Oitii, iiiterj. wo to thee I Ola, interj. oh ! ah ! Oleaeeo, a. oily Oleastro, m. wild olive-tree Olenie, a. odoriferous Oleoso, a. oily, greasy Olezzare, to smell 01 fare, to smell Oliandolo. m. an oilman Oliato, part, oiied Olibano, m. incense Oligarchia,/. oligarchy Olimpiade,/. olympiad Olimpico, a. Olympic Olimpionico, m. a conqueror in the Olympic games [in awe O'lio, m. oil ; tener 1' olio, to keep Olioso, a. oily Olire, to scent, smell Oliva,/. olive, olive-tree Olivastro, a. swarlhy 01 i veto, wi. a grove of olives Olivo, to. an olive-tree O'lla,/. a pot Olmeto, 77i. a grove of elms O'lmo, 771. an elm-tree Olocausto, 77i. a burnt-offering Olografo, a. testamento olografo, will all written with the testa tor's own hand OMB Itra. ynr. me OVrc Oltracl 'hit ' - deuce •it. and Oltrag- i'mnt ted, offend- it ore, m. an abusive man I ■ • . ml. outrageously I . Oltramv . :..irine, (a ■ «ign Oltram : < inderfuJ Oltrama. . Mini'o, a, immense urily I Oltnuiiontuio, a. beyoud the moun- tains, mr'li rn .•i, ad. beyoud the moun- tains I za, -i I ■ ince j. very wild e nearer ; and i her Oltreche, and Oltredicbe, conj. the sea Oltremir.'.hile, a. most a dmirable isora, ad. Oltre'n»ndo, and Oltramodo, ad. .iiuch .ti. ad. beyond the mmn- t-rably . ■ «pect . m. navel ; ombelico di ■■■■ ort le, ehnst. -ili. under i in, m. a 'hadow 0m bra re, to star!, as a bars* OND pied Ombrato, \ (i more, m. ombre (a .fame at imdnto, m, Ombratura, .../.shade shad- ow- ha le . -haled Oml.relh,/. umbrella Ombrellaio, m. an umbrella-oaki r Ombrelltno, m. | i Ombrdllo, m. an umbrella Qmbrifero, (7. shady Ombrosita,/. sha 1>"-, darkness Ombroa i, and Ombrifero, a. shady, dusky : skittish Omelfa,/. a homily Omero, m. shoul ler, back re, to omit, leave out Omet.o. in. a little man Omicciuolo, rn. a silly man Omicida, m. a murderer, a homi- cide Omicilile, and Omicidiirio, a. i. manslaughter OmissiOne, and OmmJaskme, /. ' esso iwettere (Ciiio, m. n. an . a. r.f the same nature Qmnlogare, to approve of Omologazione, /. approbation (law term) '. a. agreeing Omoniiiio, ( i. homonymous •. a. full of humours . m. and O'nagra, /. a i. frankincense O'r.cia,/. an ounce, an inch Onctao, m. a nook . billow ; Main. A ■ '. il aiing ; aiularaonde, Ondante, a. floa'in? Ondata,/. a surge, a mllins wave L whence : therefore . uL from " batever place uto, m. floating rite, a. waving re, to rise in ■■ dis'urb. perplex ; on ' un mar Hi pemieri, a thousand fhtl rmh on my miii'l . full of waves v where OPE O n era ri o, a. tutore onerario, a L'nardian in trust . heavy honesty Ones) im d Onestare, to embellish, cloak) Col- our •. honest i ire, to act h'>!ustly On i o, hi. decei cy Onesto, ad. hoi boaaal ; modest I t'i ice, f. an onj \ Onninamente, ad. entirely • tanipotente, and Unnipc almighty: 1' Onnipote'nte, God Almighty OnniponSnza, /. Omnipotence, Al- mightinesa Oiuiiscienza, /. omniscience Onnivede*nte, a. a!! Onorabile, id Ono- rando, a. honourable, deserving honour Onorante, a. honouring Onoranaa,/. honour Onnrare, to honour, to reaped Onnratamente, ad. honourably i. /. reputation Onor&to, a. honoun I, loyal, honest i more, >>i. honour. /i, and I'noiiiiceuza,/. dignity, honour ■ /. honourably (hiorific'ire, ate Onor.'ire Ouorlfico, a. honoured Onranza, see Ono Onta. /. scorn, disgrace; ad onta tua, in spi'e of your teeth Ontano, m. an < 1 i.r-tree Ont.are, to dishonour Ontosamente. ad. shamefully Ontoso, a. Bbamefu] Onoato, a. laden, loaded Opacit.i,/. opacity, darkness Ojwaco, a. opaque,' dark Opefice, 771. artisan O'pera, /. work, labour, action, i opera Ca play) Oj>erJl nl . Operaggio, m. a work, deed ()()' rarione, /. operation m.a workman . a. actins, operating Operante, 777. agent, workman "per. r-\ to work, OperaMvo, a. operative, lalxiriom art employed ^m^nto, 7/1. oper aaoa ORA Operetta, /. a little work Operoso, a. active, laborious Opifice, and Opefice, m. a work- man Opinio, a. rich, magnificent Opinare, to think, to fancy j to vote, or give one's opinion Opinione,/. opinion Oppiare, to give the opiate Oppiato, m. the opiate Oppilaie, to obstruct, stop Oppilato, part, stopped Oppilativo, a. oppila.ive, stopping Oppilazione,/. obstruction Oppintene, /. opinion O'ppio, m. opium ; the poplar- tree [against Opporre, to oppose ; opporsi, to be Opportuiiamente, ad. opportunely, conveniently [sity, need Opportunha./. opportunity, neces- Opportiino, a. seasonable Oppo-itamente, ad. oppositely Opposito, a. opposite ; 1' opposito, or 1' opposto, the reverse ; mi disse tutto 1' opposto, he told me the reverse Oppositore, rn. an opposer Opposizione, f. and Oppcmimento, m. opposition Opposto, m. the contrary Opposto, a. opposeJ, contrary Oppress'; re, to oppress Oppressione, and Oppressura, /. oppression Oppresso, part, oppressed Oppressore, and Oppressatore, m. an oppressor Opprimere, to oppress Oppugnamento, m. an attack Oppugnare, to oppose, confute Oppugnato, part, opposed Oppugnazione, /. opposition O'pra,/. (in poetry,) work, deed Oprare, to work Oprire, to open Opulente, a. opulent Opulenza, /. riches, wealth Opuscolo, m. a tract, or small work Ora,/. an hour, time ; va in bunn' ora, God speed you ; d' ora in ora, from time to time ; di buon' ora, early, hetirnes ; in poco d' , ora, in a short time. Tu sei , venOto nella tua n;al' ora, you | are come in an unlucky time for j you | O'ra, ad. now ; ora 1' uno, ora 1' al- tro, sometimes one, sometimes j another O'ra,/. a breeze ORD Oracolo, rn. an oracle O'rafo, rn. a goldsmith Oramai, ad. now Orare, to pray, adore, to make a speech Grata,/, the gold-fish, or dory Orato, a. gilded, prayed Oratore, rn. an orator, messenger Oratoriamente, ad. eloquently Oratorio, rn. an oratory, a chapel Oratorio, a. oratorical, of an orator Orazione, /. prayer, an oration Orbacca,/ a berry Orbare, to blind, to deprive Orbalo, a. blind, deprived O'rbe, m. orb, sphere Or bene, and Orbe, ad. well, well now Orbezza, /. a depriving OrbicoKre, a. orbicular Orbiculo, m. a pulley O'rbita, /. an orbit, or the rut of a wheel Orb Ha,/, blindness O'rbo, a. blind, or deprived O'rca, /. an ore, or whirlpool (a sea fish) Orchestra, /. orchestra, a gallery, or place for musicians to play in O'rcio, m. a pitcher, jug, jar Orciolaio, m. a potter Orcipoggia,/. larboard sheet Orciuolo, m. a jug, a pkcher O rco, m. a hobgoblin, (a spirit ;) Fluto, hell Ordkno, and Ordegno, m. an en- gine, tool, machine Ordinate, a. ordinary, usual Ordinalmente, ad. orderly, /. and Ordinamento, rn. ordinance, decree, law, or- der, array Ordinaire, to order, range, dispose; to ordain (to confer holy orders) Ordinariamente, ad. usually, gen- erally Oruinario, a. common, usual. All' ofdinario, ad. at the usual rate, as formerly Ordinario, m. the ordinary ; the post (a courier) [tinctly Onlinatamente, ad. orderly, dis- Ordinn.tivo, a. ordinal Ordinate, part, ordered Ord ; natore, rn. a disposer, con- triver Ordinazione, /. ordination, order, decrte O'rdine, m. order, disposition, files: a relighus order ; all' or- dine, ready ; cs er bene in ordine, to be well-Jressed : mal in 6r- 198 ORI dine, ill-dressed. In 6rdine, ad. with regard to Ordire, to w-u-p, to plot Ordito, part, weaved, projected, contrived Ordito, m. a weaver's warp Orditoio, m. a loom Orditore, m. a weaver Orditiira, /. a warping, or weaving Oiecchiare, to listen Orecchino, m. an ear-ring, a pen dant Orecchia, /. and Orecchio, rn. an ear ; parlar all' orecchio, to whisper ; dar orecchio, to heark- en ; star colle orecchie levate, to hearken attentively ; far orecchie di mercante, to give no ear; tirar gli orecchi, to reprimand j can tar a orecchio, to sing by ear ; venire alle orecchie, to have no- tice Orecchione, m. a large ear; an orillon, in fortification ; orec- chioni, rn. pi. a swelling about the ear Orecchiuto, a. large-eared Orefice, m. a goldsmith Oreficeria, /. a goldsmith's trade, or ware Oreria, /. gold-plate Ordzza,/. and Orezzo,m. a zephyr, a gentle gale OrezSamento, m. a fresh gate O'rfana,/. orphan Orfanezza, and Orfanita,/. orphan- ism (the state of an orphan) O'rfano, and Orfaneilo, m. an or phan Organale, a. organical Organico, a. organic Organista, m. an organist Organ izzare, and Organare, to or- ganize Organizzato, a. organized ; voce organizzata, a melodious voice Organizzazi6ne, /. an organizing O'rgano, rn. an organ Orgoglio, m. pride, arrogance Orgogliosamente, ad. haughtily Orgo.dioso, a. proud, lofty Oriafi'imma, /. oriflame Oricalco, rn. brass, yellow hrass Oricanno, m. a bottle for sweet wa» ;r [with) Oncello, m. orcel (a mineral to dye Orichicco, and Orichico, m. a gum Oricrmtto, a. that has goldeD hair Orientate, a. oriental, eastern. Oriente, m. orien*, east Orificeria, /. sce Oreficeria Oil I* and Orifizio, m. orifice, . brim [phot) irjoram (x i l >, a. origi- nal Oru'uniinrr.'f. ad. originally On;m i Jte, begin- i 'no, /. and Ori- ginan How Orina, /. uriiii' 1. chamber-pot • water . 7/1. a •maker Oriolo. and Oriuolo, m. a dock, or watch ; oriuolo a pblvere, an hour-glass m another vince Orione, i - ellation) Orire. to r gold 1 1 . ad. horizontally zrl. hemmed, s> ..mill; Orliccio. :-crust ; a brim, hem Orlicei izzo, m. a little crust O'rlo, • . edge Orraa,/. tract, tract, f. Ormai, ad. now (in poetry) see Oramai, and Omai Ormare. to trace OrmegeiarM, to moor across Oraamentale. a. ornamental Ornameuto, m. ornament, dress Ornare, to adorn Ornatamente. ad. elegantly Ornato. part, a I Qrnato, and Ornamento, m. or- nament Ornatiira,/. an adorning O'rno, m. 'he wild a>h Oro, m. gohl ; cio che luce non e sempre oro, all is not gold that glitters; c'ar rell" oro. to litre well : -old ; oro Orotor^ weed O*robo, m. a kind of tares k, or watch i Qrpellire, to '••nreal. Hoik, dissem- ble, to adorn with tinsel Orpellato, part, covered, disguised osc OrpAlo, m. tinsel Orpimento, m. orpiment ciiii, tamente, ad, cruelly -. a. borribto . .;. obreptitioua Orrevole, a. honourable Orrevolmente, ad. honourably Orresione, /. obreption (law term) Orrfblto, a. horrible Oiribilmente, axl. horribly i, Orribilita, and Orridita, /. horror O'rrido, a. horrid, hideous Orroiv, tn. fa HTOT Orsa,/. ■ she-bear complaints, gibberish On&ttO, rn. bear's cub (>i>ino, a. of a bear O'rso, tn. a bear ; a shovel ; pigliar 1' orso, to get drunk Orsii, intcrj. come ! away ! cour- age ! come on ! Ortaggio, m. ereens, herbs Ortica,/. a nettle Orticheggiare, to sting with nettles Orticello, m. a littln garden .. a garden ; birth, nativi- ta4 (in poetry) Ortbdossia, /. orthodoxy (a true belief) Or'oJi'-so, a. orthodox [jn? Orto^rafia, /. orthography, spell- Ortografioo, a. orthographical zzare, to spell rightly Oil Imo. a. garden Ortolano, m~. a. gardener ; an orto- lan (a bird) Or via ! inter}, see Orsu Orvietano, m. Orvietan Oriira./. gold-plate Orzaiu61o, m. a sty (a sore in the eye-lid) Orzare, to brinz the ship to wind Orzata, /. a barley decoction O'rzo, m. bailey Osire, to dare Os 1 erjo, m. a cuirass unente, ad. obscenely i, /. obscenity Osceno, a. obscene, filthy Oscuramente, ad. darkly Oscuram^nto, ni. a daiki n'mz Oscurare, to darken, to cloud ; to Uemiah OtCUT&to, part, darkened Oscurita, 0>ciirazi6ne, and 0-ru- rezza,/. darkness, ob curity, ig- norance DTBj dark ; mortc in iznominious death Ocuro, ad. darkly 199 OST Ospitale, and Ospilabile, a. Iios (Kpii.'ilc, tn. hospital Ospitaltta, f. hosi Ospitalmente, ml. hospitably O'spite, rn. guest, stranger, host, inn-keeper, landlord Ospiziare, to lodge, to enter! « in Osj ].M(,. rn. an hospital for monks; a dwelling-place Oasalida,/. Borrel (an herb) I ncs Ossatnra,/. disposition of the bones Ossccrare, to supplicate I fast >. a. bony ire, to lie obsequious (K>e<|iiio, tn. obse(|iiif»us.if>s Ossequioso, and Ossequente, a. submissive Oaservfibile, a. observable Oss. rvamente, m. atid Osserva- °;i6ne,/. observa'i"ii Bervante, a. res|>ectful Osservanza, /. observance, remark Osservair, to observe, revere Osservativo, a. remarkable Osserv&to, part, observed re, tn. observer 088ervat6rio, m, an observatory , me. /. observatiQn . a. possessed OssiJione, /. siege O'SSO, in. bone and Ow'iso, a. bony ' icle '. opposing. Nonostante, C071J. notwithstanding Ostare, to oppose Ostatore, m. \\ ho opposes O'ste, rn. and f. an inn-keeper, guest; a host, an army; far il con to senza 1' oste, to reckon without the host : venir all' oste, to engage in battle Osteggiamento, m. an encampment . to encamp, to attack _i'i, tn. an inn Ostell.ino, m. an inn-keeper Ostelliere, and Ostello, m. an inn, aboJe, or lo '^inu r Ostelo, m. stalk, blade, 6tem, or shank of a plant Ostensible, a. demonstrable Osh ntare, to boast re, m. boaster Ostentazidne,/. and Ostentamdnto, ntation Ostentn, m. prodigy (K'cria. /. tavern, inn Ostetrtce,/. a midwife OTT Ostia, /. the consecrated wafer, the host, a victim ; a wafer Osti.'irio, m, a door-keeper O'stico, a. morose, surly Ostieie, and Ostiero, m. a lodging, or an inn ; an inn-keeper Ostile, a. hostile Ostilita,/. hostility Ostilmente, ad. inimica«IIy Ostinarsi, to be. stubborn Ostinato, a. obstinate Ostinazione, /. obstinacy Ostracismo, rn. ostracism O'strica,/. oyster stro, m. scarlet ; the south-west wind Ostruire, to obstruct Ostruttivo, a. obs'ruetive Ostruzione, /. obstruction, hin- derance Ostupefare, to astound Otriaca, /. treacle (a sort of medi- cine) O'tro, and O'tre, m. a leather bag, to put oil or wine in tta, f. an hour, or time. A otta a otta, ad. every time Otta per vicenda, ad. from time to time Ottagesimo, a. the eightieth Ottagonale, a. octangular Ottalmia,/. blear-eyedness Ottalmico, a. blear-eyed Ottangolire, and Ottangulare, a. octangular Otiangolo, m. octagon Oltanta, a. eighty Ottantesimo, a. the eightieth Ottanzette, a. eighty-seven Ottarda,/. a buzzard (a bird of prey) Ottare, to wish Otfativo, rn. the optative mood (in grammar) Ottava, /. eight days ; a stanza of eight verses, octave in music; ottava di Pasqua, first Sunday after Easter Ottavo, m. the eighth part Ottavo, a. eighth Ottemperare, to obey (Latin word) Ottenebrare, to darken Ottenebrazione, /. darkness Ottenere, to obtain, get Ottenimento, rn. acquisition Ottenuto, part, obtained O'ttica,/. optics O'ttico, a. optic, optical Ottimamente, ad. perfectly well Ottimate, rn. the chief man in a state O'ttimo, a. perfectly good O'tto, a. eight PAC Ott6bre, m. October Ottomano, a. Ottoman Ottonaio, m. a brazier, tinker Ottone, rn. brass Ottuagenario, and Ottogenano, a. eighty years old Otturare, to stop Ottusita, and Ottusezza, /. blunt- ness, stupidity Ottuso, a. obtuse, blunt Ouest, m. west Ovaia, /. ovary, or roe Ovale, and Ovato, a. oval Ovazione, /. ovation (a triumph at Rome) O've, ad. where; provided that; ove siete ? where are you ? Oveche, ad. wherever Overo, and Ovvero, conj. or Ovile, rn. sheepfold ; dwelling- place 0' vo, see Uovo O'vra,/. work (in poetry) Ovveramente, cnnj. or, else Ovviare, to obviate Ovviazione, /. a hinderance O'vvio, a. common, trifling Ovunque, ad. wherever O'zio, m. and Oziosaggine, /. idleness Oziosamen'fe, ad. idly Oziosita,/. idleness Ozioso, a. idle, lazy Ozzimato, a. full of sweet basil Ozzimo. m. sweet basil PAC A TO, a. easy, calm Pacca, /. a blow, wound, (vulgar) Pacchiare, to eat greedily ; to eat together (vulgar) Pacchione, m. a glutton Pacciotta, /. gluttony [filth Facciume, and Pacciame, m. dust, Pace, /. peace; con buona pace, with leave; porre in pace, to pacify, calm Paceficare, see Pacificare, and its derivatives P.i ci are, to pacify Paciaro, m. a peace-maker Pacienza,/. patience Paciere, rn. mediator, peace-maker Paciftro, a. bearing peace Pacificnbile, a. placable Pacificamente, ad. peacefully Pacificamento, rn. act of pacifying 200 PAG Pacificare, to pacify; pacificarsi, to be reconciled Pacificato, part, pacified Pacificatore, rn. a pacificator Pacifico, a. pacific Padella,/. a frying-pan ; the whirl bone of the knee ; a bed-pan Padellaio, and Padellaro, m. a maker or seller of frying-pans Padellata, /. a panful Padiglione, rn. a pavilion Padre, m. father; padri, ances- tors, fathers; (of the church, of a state, &c.) Padreggiare, to be like one's father Padn'ma, /. a mistress Padronaggio, and Padronato, m. protection, patronage Padronanza, /. superiority Padronata, m. patronage, pro tection Padroncina, /. young mistress Padrone, m. master, lord ; patron ; protector; padrone di casa, a landlord ; padrone di cause, a lawyer ; padrdne di vascello, captain of a ship ; ella e pa- drone, do as you please Padroneggiare, to command, to patronise, protect, defend Padroneria,/. see Padronato Padronessa, /. a mistress Padule, rn. a marsh, a bog Paduloso, a. marshy Paesiino, m. peasant Paesano, a. of the same country Paese, m. country, land, region; tutto '1 rnondo e paese, one may live any where; scoprir paese, to view, observe Paesetto, m. a landscape Pafl'uto, a. plump, fat Paga, /. pay, salary; egli e una cattiva paga, he is a bad pay- master Pas^abile, a. payable Pagamento, m. payment Paganamente, ad. "pagan-like Paganesimo, m. paganism Pa^anico, and Pagano, a. pagan, heathenish Paganizzare, to live like a pagan Pagano, m. a pagan Pagare, to pay; pagarsi di ragi6ni, to be reasonable ; pagar d' in- gratitudine, to be ungrateful ; pagar il fio, to be punished; pag&p di contanti, to pay ready cash Pag.' - ) to, part, payed Pa^atore, m. pay-master Pagatorello, m. a bad pay-master PAL Paggfoo, m. little page 1 •:" .1 leaf Paglia, /. straw, chaff; col tempo in le ne- •pole, time brings a: m, pitiful fell uv \ and Paslieiiccio, in. ■ bed . m. a rick of straw, i c >ro Pagliolaia. /. dewlap (of an ox. straw . a. full of straw ; vicious, Pagliuccia, f. I 1 it of straw Pagliuola, /. spangle iff small straw raw Pago, o. contented (in poetry) [pie Pagonazzn. and PaonAzzo, a, pur- . m. a peacock vim ire one's self li carte, a pack of cards • leful Paiuolo, rru a kettle, pot 'he ladles idin ;ice of pales Pahfittaxe, to drive in piles ./. a pile-work Palaf eniere, to. groom of the sta- ble Palafreno, m. palfrey, a state horse ire '. f. a pilchard (a kind of tunny) Parinca,/. board, lath, pilisaJe Palanc I fence Palanlra./. a bomb ship Palandrino, m. and Palandrana, /. a gn [*e. Palire, to pale, fence, to prop trees, ■ : a shovel-full . >?>. j alatinate line : to. the palate ; pped : palch&ti d' un te'ttm, boxes [hovel Palchistuolo, m. a per.' | r. stage, scaffold j the b >n»of aaeer FAL IfcMo, m. a \vlii|)pin:-t.>p i. 'o, m. a declaration, re- veal ins? . to declare ; pa tutti, to proclaim Palesaro, /"1/r. d • Palesatdre, m. a n i ; ublic, manifest Palesemento, ad, openly [place Palestra. /. wrestling, a wresUiiig- Pali strtta, m. a wrestler Palerta,/. a Bn kilV, canoe, or ship-bat Palizzata, /. and Palizzato, to. ))alisule Palla./. a ball, bowl, bullet ; av r la palla in m.'ino, to have in one's : pr, n ter 1> palla al bal- zo, to seize an opportunity; la palla balsa in sul tuo te-tto, for- tune smiles upon you Pallaccorda, f. a tennis-court Pall'idio, a. of Pal I is Pallafreniere, m. a groom of the stable Palliio, m. a marker (at tennis,&c.) Pallamiglio, to, game of ball Pall^^i.'ire, to play at tennis, to brandish Pallinte, a. pale (in poetry) Pallerino. m. a player at tennis Palliamehto, m. palliation PalliAre. to palliate; palli'ire una mwlatrla, to patch up a distemper Palliativo, a. rime lio palliativo, a palliative Palli.Vo, part, palliated a I dli :)•'./. ondPallore, TTi. paleness Pallid'.ccio, a. palish PAllido, a. pile, wan Pallidore, to. pal Pallini, TO. pi. shot P'lllio, m. mantle, pall ; palliation, disguise Pall-ne, m. a balloon (a foot-ball) Pallottola,/. a hard ball Pa ' lotto] iera, /. a notch in a cross- bow 20i PAN Pal ma, /. a palm tree ; prize ; palm (the inner part of the hand) Pal n.'-- ». /. a blow « i b be hand ; dare la palmate, to bribe a in i risti i' . \ ■ . m.a mill ; a winepress ; iiiaeinne a due palmenti, to get I'ac en Is at once IMni ■:<>. in. a pvlm-xrove Palmiere, >n. a | il aim Pajmite, m, branch of a vine Palniizio, to. a palm-tree Palmo, to. a span Palmone, >n. a bongo Palo, m. a pale, a sake, a lever r i, TO, a diver Palombin (../. a b i I of crape Palombi . to. a wild pigeon: a kind of dog-fish Palp'.bile, a. palpable, piain Palpare, and Palpeggiare, to feel, touch, flatter, coax Palpatore, to. a flatterer Palpehra, f. the eye-li Is . to handle, feci Palpeggiatina,/..* gentle touch Palpi auicinto, to. a panting PalpitAnte, a. panting Palpitate^ to pant, throb Palpitazidne,/. palpitation Paltooito, a. beggarly l'altone, TO. a vagah in 1 Paltuneggiare, to beg about Paltooerfa, /. beggary, dissolute- n aa . to. a wandering b a ajf aM ', a d bauched fellow Paludale^xnd Paludano, a. marshy, !'or/y Paludam Into, m. a pafudament (a coat r.f armoui among the Ro mans) Palude,/. and m. a marsh, bog Paludoso, and Palustre, a. mai"shf fenny, moorish Palustre, a. fenny, bo '-'v Palvesata, /. a pavoisade, a target- fence [arm Palvese, m. a shield, a defensive Parnpanata, f. a burning of vine- I Lves in w ine- 1 P'mipano, m. vine-leaves i, and Pamphleo, a. full of vim-leaves Pampinifero, a. bearing vine-leaves Pampino, rn. a vine-leaf Pampinoso, a. covered with vine- Pun, f. pitch Paniccia, /. a confection to pre- • ine PanAce, to. and Panacea,/, wound- PAN wort, or panacea (a universal renie 4 y; PanAggio, m. a provision of bread Panata,/. a panado (a soup) Panattiera, f. a pantry, a shep- herd's scrip, a bread-basket Panattiere, m. a baker, pantler Panca, /. a bench, a stool Pancaccia, /. a bench in public places where people meet to charter Pancacciuolo, m. a corn-flower Pancale, ra. a bench-carpet Pancita, /. a full bench Pancia, /. paunch, belly Pancie'a./. a cuirass Panciolle, ad. s'are a panciolle, to want for no'hin? Panciuto, a. big-bellied Panconcellato, part, covered with laths [la h> Panconcellatiira, /. covering with Panconcillo, ra. a lath Pancone, rru a plank, a board, a bench for a. joiner Pancotto, to. a pa nado Pandere, to publish (Latin word) Pandette, /. pi. pandects Pane, ra. bread ; render pan per focaccia, to be revenged ; pan di zucchero, a sugar-loaf; pan di cera, a cake of wax ; pane azzi- mo, unleavened bread ; pan fre- sco, new bread ; pan secco, stale bread Panegirico, ra. panegyric Paneiirista. ra. a panegyrist Panel! o, ra. bonfire Panetto, m. a little loaf Pania, /. birdlime ; panie amo- rose, amorous snares ; la panda non tenne, the thing did not suc- ceed Paniccia. /. paste Panichina,/. a strumpet Panico, ra. panic, mhlet (a grain) Panico, a. panic Pan i era,/, a basket Panieraio, ra. a basket-maker Paniere, ra. a basket Panificarsi, to become bread Panione, ra. a lime-twig PaniOzza, Paniuzzola, f. and Pa- nitizzo, ra. a small lime-twi^ Pannaiuolo, and Panniere, ra. a woollen-draper Pannatura,/. and Panneargiamento, m. drapery fa term in painting; Panne^giare, to paint drapery Pannello. ra. a piece of clo r h Pannicello, and Pannicolo, ra. a little cloth ; diaphragm, midriff FAR Pannina,/. woollen cloth Pann^, m. cloth ; panni, clothes; starsi ne' suoi panni, to be con- tented with %vhat one has Pannocchia, /. the ear of Indian wheat Panuolino, to. linen-cloth Pantalone, m. pantaloon (a mask) Pantano, ra. a marsh, fen, bog Pantanoso, a. marshy, miry Pantcone, m. pantheon Pantera, /. panther ; a draw-net Panterino, a. of a panther Pantofola, /. a slipper [story Pantraccola, /. an old woman's Pantiifola,/. a slipper Panza, /. paunch, belly Panz~ ne, /. pi. nonsense Panziera, /. a cuirass Paolino, to. a bird, a fool Paolo, ra. a silver coin [pie P onazzo, a. violet coloured, pur- Paone, ra. a peacock Paonegnare, to s'rut Paones'sa, /. a peahen Papa. ra. the pope Papule, a. papal [ties Papasso, ra. a priest of false divini- Papaio, ra. papacy, the pope's dig- nity Papavero, ra. poppy ; papavero erritico, a wild poppy Paperello, and Paperino, ra. a gos- ling f young goose) Paperino, a. of a goose, papal Papero, ra. and Papera, /. a green goose Papesco, a. papal, popish Papilione, ra. butterfly Papilla,/, the nipple Papiro, ra. papyrus, (a plant ;) a sheet of paper Papiita, m. a papist Pappa,/. pap (an infant's food) Pappacchione, ra. a glutton, block- head Pappafico, ra. a hood PappagaUo, ra. a parrot Pappalardo, ra. hypocrite, a glutton Pappalecco, ra. a dainty bit Pappare, to gormandize Fappatore, ra. a greedy gut Pappino, ra. a servant of an hos- pital [mash Pappola'a, /. an idle story ; a hash- Pappone, ra. a devourer Parabola,/, parable, a fable Parabolano, ra. a great talker Parab'dano, a. false, vain Parabolico, a. parabolical Paracen'esi, /. paracentesis, or tap- ping for the dmpsy 202 PAR Paraclito, in. the Comforter, or the Holy Ghost Paracuor^, ra. lungs Paradiso, ra. paradise ; paradiso terrestre, the garden of Eden; mettere una cosa in paradiso, to extol a thing up to the sky Paradosso, ra. a paradox Paradosso, a. paradoxical Paraferna, /. paraphernalia Parafrasare, to paraphrase Parafrasi, /. a paraphrase Parafraste, ra. a paraphraser Paraggio, ra. a comparison Paragonabile, a. comparable Faragonanza, /. comparison Paragonare, to compare, to equal Paragone, ra. a touchstone, a com parison ; far para5one, to put in competition ; metter in para- gone, to set against ; oro di para gone, pure gold. A paragone, ad. comparatively Paragrafo, ra. paragraph Paialasse, /. a parallax (in astrono- my) [parison Para! silo, m. a parallel, a com- Paralello, a. parallel Paralisia,/. palsy Paralitico, a. paralytic Paralogismo, ra. a paralogism Pararnento, ra. furniture ; rich clothes, ornaments for a horse Paramosche, to. a fly-flap Parapetto, m. breast -work Parapiglia, /. confusion; crowd; disorder Parare, to adorn, dress, deck, to parry, keep off; parar un colpo, to parry a blow ; pararsi dinan- zi ad aictino, to present one's self Parasole, m. a parasol Parassitico, a. parasitical Parassito, ra, parasite, spunger Parassitone, to. a barefaced para- site ParLta, /. rampart, a parade Paratio, to. a partition Parato, to. see Pararnento Para to, part, adorned, decked, pre- pared, ready Paratura,/. adorning Paravento, m. a screen Parca, /. death, destiny ; le parcbe, the fates Parcamente, ad. sparingly Parcere, to forgive, to spare (Latin word) Parcita,/. moderation Parco, a. parsimonious, saving, sober, moderate Parco, to. park PAR PAR PA1 PAS Uta to be mistaken; donna di parti to, a strumpet PartUo, part, divided, departed Partitore, m, a divider, a firebrand of sedition Partizione, /. partition Parto, m. child-birth, child-bed ; child, infant ; essere a mal di parto, to be in labour; donna di parto, a Lying-in woman ; d'un parto, at one birth ; parto (effet- to) questo e parto, this is the effect ; parto del suo ingegno, the product of wit Partoriente, and Partoritrice, /. a woman that lies in ; a woman in the straw Fartorire, to be delivered, to be brought to bed, to produce Partortta, part, brought to bed, produced Parturire, see Partorire, and all its derivatives Ffcrtta,/. appearance Pariito, part, appeared, seemed Farvente, a. visible, plain Parvenza, f. appearance, smallness Parvificare, to diminish Farvifico, a. nigjardlv, stingy Farvipendtre, tn despi'se Parvita,/. smallness P.'irvo, a. little, small Parvoletto, and Parvolino, m. an infant, a little child Parvolo, m. a child Parzi'ile, a. partial Parziale, m. a partisan Parzialeg^i/ire, to be partial Parzialita, /. partiality Farziahruinte, ad,, partially Pascere, to feed ; graze ; to sup- port, nourish; pascersi, to feed upon Pascibietola, rn. a dunce, a fool Pascimento, m. a pasturing Pasciona, /. a pasture-ground, abundance Fascitore, m. a grazier Pasciiito, part, fed, grazed Pasco, m. a pasture (in poetry) Pascolare, to graze Pascolo, m. pasture, feeding Pasqua, /. Easter ; dar la mala ?asqua, to afflict; Pasqua rosa, Whitsunday PasquAle, a. paschal Pasquin'da, f. and Pasquillo, m. a pasquinade, or libel Pass') bile, a. tolerable Passigzio, rn. passage ; esser di pass'igdo, to be. a pa-senger Passamano, m. lace, livery PAS Passamento, m. a passage, or passing Passaute, a. and s. passing, or a leather band Passaporto, in. a pass, pas port Passare, to pass, go through, or go by ; passar il comando, to trans- gress ; come vela passate ? how goes it ? passar di sapere, to surpass; passar di vita, to die; passare, to be reputed ; passarsi, to be contented ; passar agli ordini, to be admitted to orders ; passar una supplica, to grant a request ; passar la serata, to spend the evening; passar una strada, un fiume, &c. to cross over a street, a river ; passar da banda a banda, to run through ; passarsi d' una cosa, to be con- tented with a thing; passar a nuoto, to swim over Passata, /. a passage ; dar passata, to omit Passatempo, m. sport, pastime Passato, a. past; passati, m. pi. ancestors Passatoio, m. a stone to cross over Passatoio, a. easy to be got over Passatore, m. a passenger Passavogare, to row amain Passavolante, m. a pass-volant, a fagot in the mustering of soldiers ; a piece of ordnance Passeggiamento, m. a walk Passeggiare, to walk I 3 asseggiata, /. a walk Passeggiere, and Passeggiero, m. a passenger, or a toll-gatherer Passeggiero, a. fit to transport; transitory Passeggio, m. walking-place Passera, /. and Passere, m. a spar- row; passere di Canaria, a Ca- nary bird Passeraio, m. confused chattering Passerino, rn. a great needle Passetto, a. a little musty ; braccio passetto, an ell yard Passibile, a. suffering Passibilita^/. passibility Passino, m. the length of the loom Passionare, to torment, suffer greatly Passionato, a. affectionate, fond Passione, /. passion, affliction, love; la passione di nostra Sig- nore, the suffering of our Saviour Passivamente, ad. passively Pas ivo, a. passive Passo. m. pace, step, passage ; per- der i passi, to lose our labour; 204 PAS uccello di passo, a bird of pas* sage ; uscir di passo, to mend one's pace. Passo passo, ad. softly, gently ; a passo a passo, one thing after another ; il piu dura passo e quel della soglia, the beginning of every thing is always the hardest Passo, part, dried, withered ; that has suffered; uve passe, raisins Passolo, a. uva passola, raisins Passonata, /. a pile (a wooden stake) Passuj'o, a. that is to suffer Pasta, /. paste ; uomo di grossa pasta, a dunce ; uomo di buona pasta, a good-natured fellow ; metter mano in pasta, to be meddling Pastaccio, m. silly fellow Pasteggiare, to feast, to eat together Pastel liere, rn. a pastry-cook Pastelio, m. a pie, a pastil, or crayon ; a little feast [enge) Pasticca, /. a pastil (a kind of loz- Pasticceria, /. a pastry cook's shop Pasticciame, m. pastry Pasticciere, m. a pastry-cook Pasticcio, m. a pie Pasticco, m. pastil Pastiglia, /. a pastil Pastinaca,/. a parsnep Pastinare, to hoe the earth Pastinazione, f. a digging up Pastino, ra. hoed land Pasto, rn. food, meat, a feast, or meal ; far pasto, to feast ; man- giar a pasto, to eat at an ordina- ry ; tre pasti al giorno, three meals a day Pasto, a. fed (in poetry) Pastocchia, /. a flam, or fib Pastocchiata, /. nonsense Pastoforio, m. the archives of a church Pastoia, /. a pastern, a shackle of a horse, a hinderance Pastone, rn. lump of dough Pastorale, m. a crosier, (a bishop's staff;) a pastoral (a sort of poem) Pastorale, a. pastoral Pastoralmente, ad. like a pastor, or shepherd Pastorare, see Pasturare Pastore, m. shepherd, pastor Pastoreccio, a. pastoral Pastore] la,/, a young shepherdess Pastorello, rn. a young shepherd Pastosita,/. softness Pastoso, a. plump, fat ; vin pa* stoso, sound wine ; pane past6so % doughy bread PAT Pastricciano, m. caraway ; a duiv Pastura. ' Pastorale, m. the pastern; acr> Pasturare, to |>asture cat'lc. to lead ca'tle .1 grazing, to f< to hive he charge of souls Pastan I f. the whirl-bone of the knee iment halice i. evident, plain; lettera . 1- 1 e s pa'ent openly Patera,/, a goblet Patereccio, to. a whitlow fa sore) . a. pa'ernal Pa'en i madly Paternita./. paternity Paterno, a. pal PalernosTn, to. Ihe Lord's prayer Pa'rtir bxally hetic Pallbo rrief d'una '-.-. I "an' for no hing ; bo pairlo, I hit;- him ■i'erer a. pa ho'ojical a part of m, fa'her fin poetry) Patria./. na'ivt- ' hrch I .ate (title, dignity of, he.) \. f. the residence of a i, m. murderer <-f a fa»h°r Patriefdio, m. ra'ricide; murder fa'her-in-law filial « i inheritance Pa'.rino. m. a eodfather; a second in ■ ! •ism (a pa'ri- cian> m. a patrician PAZ Pa'rizz/irc, to h- like one's fa'her ■< . a. protecting Pa'rocin ire, Patracinatbre, m. a protector, pa- Patrocinio, TO. patronage ' ' mike even -reement re, to bargain rreed on, bargain- ed IV* no, m. a skate Patto, to. compact, agreement. C in patio die, ad. on c m I 'i"i' thai ; per alcon patto, by no means Pattuire, to bargain, to arree PattOgUa,/. pr.r>>le PattQmc, to. sweepings, dirt ; graving (sea term) •. open, larze i ar, dread ; far paiira, to i ate. ad. timorously Pauroso, a. timorous, suspicious; te rible Pausa,/. pause, rest, . part, terrified , tof=ar r fearful I •, a. frightful Pavent >, to. fright, ■. a. afraid, timorous ; horrid, terrille Pavere, d. d.f. 3d pen. si?ig. pave, • f-ars Piv - ■, ?n. a large shield Pui do, a. fearful, timorous Paviment'ire, to pave Paviinen'o, m. a pavement, cause- nay Pavoo '77o, a. purple Pavonc -lla. f. a lapwing (a bird) Pavoiicr rave Pazzerta, f. folly, • Vi77"^T)p, m. a madman Pazzescamente, ad. foolishly PED Pa77 : sco, a. foolish, mad Paizta,/. folly, madness Pazzi.ire, to play the fool Pazziuola./. a foolish thing P.i7zo, n. mad; whimakal] ub paiXOda catena, a madman Pecca,/. vice, fault, defect I'< cr iblle, a. apt tO sin Peccadiglio, to. a peccadillo (a venial sin) Peceaminteo. a. sinful Pecc.inte. a. faulty Peccare, to Bin, transgress, rrr, fail Peccato, TO. sin, offence, harm, fault ; e peccato, "t is a pity Peccatore, TO, a sinner Peecatrfce,/. a prostitute Pecchero, m. a sort of drinking glass Pecchia, /. a bee Pecchiare, to suck, to drink bard Peccia,/. belly Pece, /. tar, pitch ; pece greca rosin; macchia'i d' una pece, all in the same fault Pccioso, a. pitchy Pecora, /. a sheep ; e una pecora, he is a harmless fellow Pecoraggine,/. foolishness Peeo ,'iio, '?i. a shepherd PecorecOO, TO. COnfUBiOD Prcoivlla, f. a sheep, or a ewe Pecorile, m. a sheep-fold Pecorfno, a. of a sheep P corino. rn. a lamb ; sheer 's dvmj? Pccordne, and Pecorino, m. a dunce PeculAto, m. peculation (the rob- bing of the public treasury) P. cuii'ire, a. peculiar Peculiarmiinte, ad. peculiarly Peculio, m. a sum, stock, effect; cattle, a herd Pecinia, /. ready money Pecuniale, and Pecuniativo, a. pecuniary Pecunialmente, ad. with money Pecuniario, a. pecunia-y Pedij?io, m. toll, custom Pedajiere, m. a toller herer Pedajnuolo, a. cut, pulled from the trunk of a 'ree Pedazo^ia, /. instruction Pelaro^ico, a. pedantic [er) F'eda:6;o. m. pe !a rogue fa leach- Pedale, m. the tmrk. stock of a tree ; ped.ale d'or'ano, pedal, Che low key of organ*) ; ped.ale di correggiato, the handle of a flail a. giddictJ ped.ineo, an inferior judge PEL Pedante, to. a pedant (a school- master) Pedanteria, /. pedantry Pedantesco, a. pedantic Pedantucolo, and Pedantuzzo, w. a palry schoolmaster Pedata,/. footstep, track ; a kick; seguitar le pedate, to imitate Pedestre, a. pedestrian, pedaneous J gente pedestre, f ot-soldiers Pedicciuolo, to. pedicle (stalks of fruits and plants) Pedicello, to. a hand-worm Pedieulare, a. pedicular (lousy) Pedignone, m. chilblains Pedina, /. a paw n at chess ; a com- mon woman Pedo, ?7i. a sheep-hook Pedona, /. a pawn at chess Pedonaggio, to. and Pedoniglia, /. foot-soldiers, infantry Pedone, to. a foot-soldier Pedo to, Fedotto, and Pedotta, to. a pilot, a steersman, a guide Peduccio, m. petty -toes ; a corbel (in architecture) [ings Pedule, to. the foot part of stock- Pegaseo, a. of Pegasus Pegaso, and Pegaseo, w. a winged horse, or a northern constellation Peggio, ad. worse, or the worst ; aver il peggio, to be worsted ; al peggio de T peggi, let the worst come to the worst ; di male in peggio, worse and worse Peggioramento, 771. a getting worse Peggiorare, to make worse ; peg- giorare nella malattia, to grow worse and worse Peggiora'ivo, a. worse and worse Peg^iorato, part, grown worse Peggiore, a. worse Peggiormente, ad. in a worse man- ner Pegno, 771. pawn, token, mark ; dar la fede in pegno, to p edge one' self Pegnonire, to seize a thing pawned Pegola,/. pitch, tar Pelacane, m. a tanner Pelago, to. sea, ocean, trouble Pelamantelli, to. a rascal, a rogue Pelame, to. hair, the quality of hair Pel amen to, to. a pulling of the hair Pelanibbi, to. an oppressor Pelapiedi, m. a mean fellow Pelapolli, to. a noddy, a ninny Pel'ire, to make Laid, or pick ; to fleece Pelatiua, /. a scald of the head PEN Pelato, a. bald, fleeced Pelatura, /. a picking, &c. Pellame, to. skin Pelle, /. skin, hide, pretence ; sot- to pelle d'amicizia, under show of friendship ; non capir nella pelle, to be ex remely glad ; scampar la pelle, to save one's self. Pelle pelle, ad. superficial- ly Pellegrina, /. a pilgrim Pellegrinaggio, to. pilgrimage Pellegrinare, to travel in foreign countries, to go in pilgrimage Pellegrinazione, /. pilgrimage, wandering Pellegrinita,/. a rarity Pellegrino, to. pilgrim, traveller Pellegrino, a. singular, rare, for- eign Pellicano, to. a pelican Pellicceria, /. a skinner's trade or street Pelliccia,/. a furred coat Pellicciaio, to. a furrier Pellicciire, to make furred coat Pellicciere, to. a skinner Pellicello, to. a hand-worm Pelliceo, a. of a skin or fur Pellicino, to. the bottom of a fish- ing net [membrane Pellicola, /. pellicle, skin, film. Pellucido, a. transparent Pelo, 771. hair; lasciar il pelo, to be a loser ; cercare il pelo nell' uovo, to seek for a quarrel ; pelo, a cleft in a wall ; rank, condi- tion ; pelo dell' acqua, the sur- face of the water. A pelo, ad. precisely ; andare a pelo, to please one ; voi mi andate molto a pelo, I like you very well Pelosella, /. mouse-ear (an herb) Pelosetto, a. a little hairy Peloso, a. very hairy Pelta,/. target Peltrato, part, tinned, tinned over Peltro, 777. pewter Pel una,/, the down Peltizzo, 771. a little hair, or down Pena, /. pain, punishment, grief, toil. A pena, ad. scarce, with difficulty Penace, a. that grieves Penale, a. penal Penality,/, penalty (a fine imposed) Penalmente, ad. under punish- ment fs'ay Penare, to suffer, endure, tarry, Penati, m. pi. penates (household gods) Penato, a tormented 206 PEN Pendaglio, to. belt, a hook, a bed- curtain Pendente, to. a pendant, bed-cur- tains, hangings ; a precipice J necklace, or ear-rings Pendente, a. depending Pendenza, /. bias, declivity Pendere, to hang, to bend, decline, to depend, to be depending (law term) Pendevole, a. hanging Pendice, /. the side of a hill ; pen* dici, /. pi. the utmost bounds of a city Pendio, to. steepness, declivity Pendolo, 771. a level, a plumb line, a pendulum clock Pendolo, a. hanging Pendolone, ad. in a hanging way Penduto, part, hanged Penetrabile, a. penetrable, pene trating Penetrabilita,/. penetrability Penetrale, to. the inmost part of a house or temple Penetramento, 771. see Penetrazi6ne Penetrante, a. penetrating Penetrare, to penetrate, to dive into, fathom [intelligent Penetrativo, a. penetrative, acute, Penetrajo, part, penetrated Punetrazione, and Penetragi6ne, /. sagacity, penetration Penetrevole, a. see Penetrativo Penisola, /. a peninsula Penitente, a. penitent [ment Penitenza, /. penitence, chastise- Penitenziali, a. i salmi penitenzia- li, the penitential psalms Penitenziare, to set a penance Penitenziario, and Penitenzie're, 77i. penitentiary Penitenzieria, /. penitentiary, the penitentiary's court or dignity Penna,/. feather, a pen, wing; top, height. A penna e calamaio, ad. exactly Pennacchiera, /. a plume Pennacchio, to. a plume, or bunch of feathers [case Pennaiuolo, to. a stationer ; a pen- Pennamatta, /. the down Pennata, /. a penful ■' f ink Pennato. a. feathered Penncicchio, to. a distaff-full Pennellnre, to draw, to paint Pennellata, and Pennellatura, /. a pencil stroke Pen nella to, part, drawn, painted Pennelleggiare, to paint Pennello, to. a pencil ; fattoapea» nello, elegantly done PEP Prnnino, m. a tuft of feathers I Pennoiu . r, a crest i Penosanunte. i. a talisman ^n herb) 50I0, 77). a pentagon fa n>irt of live sides) . /. Whitsuntide Pentimento, m. repen'anee Pentire, and Pentirsi, to repent, to be sorry Pentito. part, repented Pentola, /. a pit ; saper quel che bolle in pentola, to know what one ■ . and PentoLtro, m. a porter >ful • . m. small pot 7. repentinr. or repented PenuHmo, a. the last but one ; la a, the penultima ' penury . to t-e in want . a, penurious ingle I m. grapes, or bunches of Peoxolone, o. and ad. hangin?, danr Peonix. f. piony, or penny (an herb) Pepaiuola,/. a pepper-box PER Pepato, -part, spiced ; pane pepato, ginge; I i l !'P (>r Pcplo, 7?j. pur>lain.(an herb;) a veil | . I'\\ through, in ; per OU'ndi, this way ; per qnuiei. that way : per Mtto, every where ; una cosa per un' altra, one thing for another : per bella che sia, though she is handsome ; per uno, each of us ; per parte. in the name ; per me, for my part ; da per se, by himself'; pernodo, in manner; pendente, for Dotting ; mandar per uno, t<> r per ea- d^re, ready to fall ; e per morire, he is dyinx ; per altro, however ; son per dire, 1 dare saj : per l'a 1- dietro, heretofore ; per innanzi, hereafter : per appunto, exactly ; per 1o meno. a' 1 i-t : per 1 > piu, at most ; per minuto, by retaif Per ora, ad. now ; per tempo, l < r 'raversn, cms,- way Pera. f. i • \ part, passed over tnprehensfon Perche, ad. v. hy ? because,tbough j il perche, the cause ; Bl sail ;«r- che? is it known why ? mi mal- - nza dargjiene il perche, he abuses me without any man- ner of reason Perchio, m. a padlock Percio, ad. however, vet, therefore Percioeche, conj. and ad. since, for, in order to Percfpere, to conceive Percorrere, to say in a few words ; percorreie un libro, to run over •". stroke. Mow . a. s'ricken. be.aten Perco^sum, PcrcosMone.y. and Per- cotimento, m. a strikinx, a Mow re, and Percussore, 771. a striker Perco'hira,/. a Mow . to beat, strike Percussione, /. a blow It. a loser Perdere, to lose, to was*e ; pcrdere il prociss"), to be ca^t : | d'animo, to be d.' I ; to despond ; |>erdere la. vei to Income impudent or dishonest , /. a j ■ '-./. ruih, perT*io, and Perfido, a. perfidi- ous, base Pertisoir'ire, to imagine Perforamento, m. perforation Perforare, to bore, pierce Perforazione,/. perforation Perfrequentafe, to frequent Perstamcna, /. parchment j a lan- tern Per^amo, m. pulpit Perginrare, to forswear . m. perjure f. vine ai hour ; winter trrap s Pergolato, and Pergoletto, m. a vine-arbour PER Pergolese, /. a sort of grapes Periclitare, to be in peril Pericolamento, m. danger, peril Pericolan'e, and Pericoloso, a. dangerous Pericolare, to be in peril j to be ruined ; to risk Pericolo, rn. danger, peril Pericolosamente, ad. dangerously Pericoloso, a. dangerous Pericranio, m. pericranium Perifrasare, to paraphrase Perifrasi,/. paaphrase Perigeo, m. perigee Perigliare, to risk, endanrer Periglio, m. peril (in poetry) , Perigliosamente, ad. dangerously Periglioso, a. dangerous Perimetro, m. perimeter Periodico, a. periodical Periodo, m. a period, a close Peripizia, /. accident, unexpected event Perire, to perish ; to be ruined ; cast away ; to die Peris'.ilio, rn. peristyle Peritamente, ad. skilfully Peritanza,/. modesty, bashfulness Peritarsi, !o be bashful Perito, a. expert, skilful ; perished, dead Peritoso, a. bashful Perituro, a. transitory, fickle Periurio, rn. a perjury Feriuro, m. a perjurer Perizia,/. skill, experience Perla, /. a pear I Perlato. a. pearl -coloured Perlisnialtato, part, enamelled with pearh Perlone, a. idle, lazy Perlongare, to prolong Permaloso, a. moro e, sullen Permanente, Permanevole, and Permansfvo, a. lasting, durable Permanenza, /. duration Permanere, to preserve Permesso, a. permitted, lawful Permesso, m. and Permessione, /. permission Permettente, a. permitting Permettere, to permit, suffer ; mi permetta ch' io le dica da amico, let nie ca. f, a peach ; a black eye, a livnilty [p-irty Pesca. and Pescagione. /. a fishing Pescaia./. a sluice, a floodgate Pc s ca re, to fish Pescata,/. a netful . port, fished . m. a fisherman Pesce. m. fi-h ; ^esceduova, and Pesceduovo, m. an omelet, an eg? pancake Peschereccio. a. fishing sh-market, fishery Peschi in. Pesciaiunlo, m. a fishmonger Pesriart.Uo, m. fry f. a fish-pond Pescio, n\. a fish . a. full < f fish Pescivendolo. m. a fishmonger Pesco, m. a peach-tree Pescosc, a. fishy, full of fish Peo, m. weight, load, care, im- portance ; un uomo di gran pe*o, a man of consequence Pe«ol\ and Pe-olone, ad. dan- gling, hanging down . m. pessary (a sort of remedy* Pessimamen'e, ad. wretchedly -kedness ■ wicked, wretched Pessandare, to trample . erowd. thr»ng ; track. p : segmtar alia pesta, to trace ; lasciar ntlle peste, to leave in the lurch Pestamento. m, a pounding Pestapepe, m. a blockhead Pe»t'ire, to pound, bruise, trample upon 'sing Pestito, and Pesto, part, beaten, braked Pesta'oio. and Pestello, m. a pestle hrue. pevilence , a. pesti- lential, hurtful, m rzl 14 PEV Pratflenr*, and Pestilrnzia, f. pes- tilence, plagnej stink, infection Pes'ileir/i lie, and Pe.s!ilenzio>o, a. pestilential ratio, m. a trampling upon I'es'nne. rn. a pestle Petacchina, /. a slipper Peiaceiuola, /. plantain (an herb) l'e'.irlo, ;;>. | DI Mil Petecchia, ni. a niggardly fell >w Petecchiile. a. spotted : febbre petecchiale, spotted fever Petecchie,/.pii red spots Petereccio, m. a whitlow Petitore, m. a vest- ment Pianetio, ad. fair and softly Piaiif'zza,/. a plain- smoothness Piangere, to weep Plan , r e vole. a. deplorable ; plan- ed vol i onde, tears (in poetry) Piangevohnente, ad. sorrowfully Fian^imento, rn. crying, tears Piangitore, m. a weeper Fiangoiare, to cry a little Fi.'mo, m. a plain, or floor, story of a house; il piano duria casa, the floor of a house; al primo piano, the first floor Pi'no, a. plain, smooth, flat, clear ; affable, meek Piano, ad. softly, gently, low ; parlar piano, speak low. Pian piano, ad. fair and softly; di piano, easily, freely pianoforte, rn. piano-forte Fianta, /. a plant ; the sole of the foot ; plan, draught, model ; far di pianta, to do over again Fian'-iggine,/. plantain (an herb) Piantamento, rn. a planting fiantare, to plant ; piantar la ban- diera, to set up the standard ; to forsake, leave ; mi pianto, he left me ; piantarsi, to settle in Fiantata, /. a plantation, a row of trees Piantato, fart, planted Piantatore, m. a planter Piantazione, /. a plantation Pianto, rn. a weeping, tears Fiantone, rn. a shoot, sprig; off- spring, descent Fiinura,/. a plain, or even ground Piare, to chirp, to warble Piastra,/. a thin plate of metal ; a dollar ; a dry scab Fiastrella, /. tiles, or a quoit. (to play with) [spread plasters Pias'rello, m. a piece of cloth to Piastriccio, rn. a hodge-podge Fias'rone, m. a plastron Can arm) FiaM'-e, to plead, to sue at law; to contest, contend PIC Piatit6re, in. a pleader, a quarrel- some fellow Piato, rn. plea, suit in law ; a dis- pute, debate, an affair ; work Fiatla, /. a flat boat Piattaforma, /. a platform Piattello, rn. a dish Piatteria,/. a set of dishes Piatto, m. dish, course, service Piatto, a. squat, hidden, fiat. Di piatto, ad. secretly Piatto! a, /. a crab-louse ; egli e una piattola, he is a miserly fellow Piattoloso, a. lousy Piattonare, to strike with the fiat of a sword Fiattoiiata, /. a blow with a sword Piazza, /. a square, a fortress ; market ; place, room ; che fa la piazza ? how goes market ? far ii bello in piazza, to be idle; piazza d'arme, a fortified town Piazzata, /. fare una piazzata, to expose Pica, /. a magpie Picca, /. a pike, spear; pique, dispute Piccante, a. sharp Piccare, to prick, sting ; to offend ; piccarsi, to pretend to ; si picca d'essere un galantuomo, he pre- tends to be an honest man Piccaro, m. a beggar Piccata, /. a hit with a pike Piccatiglio, m. hash-meat Picchettato, part, spotted Picchetto, m. game at piquet Picchiamento, m. a knocking Picchiante, a. knocking Picchiapetio, rn. a hypocrite Picchiare, to knock; to beat; pic- chiarsi, to fight Picchiata,/. a blow Picchiato, a. stricken, struck Picchiare, m. a soldier armed with a pike Picchiettare, to speckle Picchiettatura,/. spots Picchio, m. a blow, a stroke ; a woodpecker (a bird) Piccia, /. several leaves together Piccino, a. little, small Piccioletto, a. very small Picciolezza, and Piccolezza, /i littleness Picciolo, rn. a farthing Ficciolo, a. little, small Ficcirmcino, m. a young pigeon Piccione, m. a nigenn Picciuolo, rn. the stem of fruit Picco, and PiccVn, a. stung 210 PIE Picco, m. peak Piccolamente, ad. meanly Piccoletto, a. very small Piccolezza, /. smallness Piccolo, a. little ; da piccolo, from infancy Piccone, m. pickaxe ; il capitan de' picconi, the governor of the pickaxe (jocosely) Picconiere, m. a digger, a pioneer Piccoso, a. easily angry Piccozza, /. a hatchet Ficea, /. the pitch-tree Pidocchieria, /. stinginess ; die stuff, trifle Pidocchio, m. a louse ; a miser ; scorticare il pidocchio, to be stingy Pidocchioso, a. lousy Piede, and Pie, m. a foot; the stump, tne stem of a tree ; sup- port, basis, ground ; levarsi in piedi, to get up; sono restato in piedi, I sat up; su due piedij immediately ; questo va co' suoi piedi, that goes in course ; of- ficiate in piedi, an officer in full payj essere in piede, to exist; pighar piede, to grow strong. A piede, or appie, ad. on foot Piedestallo, and Piedestilo, m. a pedestal Fiedica, /. snare (to catch birds) Piedistallo, rn. a pedes 4 al Piega, /. plait, or fold ; habit, cus- tom ; avere una cosa in piega, to have a thing at one's com- mand; dar piega, to resist Piegare, to fold, to bend, bow ; to persuade; piegarsi, to submit Piegato, part, bent, inclined Piegatura,/. fold, plait Pieghevole, o. pliant, pliable, easy, docile Pieghevolezza,/. flexibility Pieghevolmente, ad. pliably Pieggieria, /. a bail, security Piego, m. packet of letters Piena, /. a flood ; piena di p6polo, a throng Pienamente, ad. fully, completely Pienezza, and Pienitudine, /. pleni- tude, fulness Pieno, m. plenitude ; due ; nel pieno della notte, in the middle of the night; nel pieno dell' inverno, in the depth of winter Pieno, a. satisfied, full ; luna piena, full moon; in pieno con- siglio, before the whole of the council Pienotto, a. pretty full, plump, fiat PIG sorrow, pang (in poetry") de, /. pity, com- . ; piety : per pieta, for - -.ike -in all port 'mn /. a. horse (a wooden usly ■ j, godly viva, flint I focaia, a flint; I . the pbiiOSO- I ietra di parasone, a tnuclis one j pietra inoliia. a grinding stone ; tirar la pietra, e DMCtader la mano, to do mis- chit f. and to denv it . -. a blow with a stone Pietrificare, to petrify Pietmso, a. stony 1. parish-church . f. Eniphauy . f. a tife ;. a fife Pitferttto, m. a small fife . m. wild rue I trample upon . m. a tram pier ,/. a trampling nte, rru a . /. house-rent.; s'are a le, to live in lodgings into, m. seizure, prize . to take, seize, ca:ch ; re- : accept; cheat; pizliar 4ninm. to take courage ; pigliar . to determine, deliberate ; Ira, to hire : pigliar . • i borrow ; pigliar •di mira, to aim at: pigliar pa- rola. to get intelligence; pizli'r querela, to quarrel ; terra, to land ; pizlnrse la con uno, • nrla per • i take one's part ; pigliar . to experience ; pigliar DO cone- to a harbour ; breathe; pizli'.r a nale. DO 'ake amis-; pigliar cnnsi?li">. to take advice i ken it may be taken Pi?'n. m. hold : lo k, coun'e- piglio, to ink- rtzlio alia spada, Pigm- . ■■■ arf PIN Pignafta./. and Pignatto, nx. a jkM bo throw, push : to paint j Psi, to advance j pignere liscio ad uno, to shut the door si one of pines Pignone, m. a what", a dike PLnoramento, in. a seizure i , to give, or take as a [do) Pigol ire, to pip (as little birds, &C . m. brawler Pigramente, ad. idly, slowly Fi_:iii^i, to crow idle . /. idle- >/iness Pigro, a. lazy, idle Pila, /. pillar, a stone cistern; pila battesimale, baptismal font Pilastrata./. pilasters Filastro, m. a pilaster, pillar Pflalro, m. St, John's grass Pileo, m. liberty cap Piliere, m. a pillar, pilaster Pillacchera, /. dirt, splashing Pi 11. ire, to pound Pilliciaio. in. a furrier FUIt, m. a pevle • Ptllola, and Plllora,/. a pill f'illota. /. a ball ; a kind of tennis Pillottare. to lard' Pllo, m. a javelin Pildne, m. a pilaster Pilorcio, a. niggardly Pilo-o, a. hairy. Full of hair ,-i Fiiota. m. a pilot Piluccare, to pluck grapes, to de- vour Piluccone, m. a pilferer Pimaccio, m. a bols'er Pimmeo. m. a pvgmy, a dwarf Pirn; inelln, /. pimpernel (an herb) Pina,/. n pine-apple Pinacolo, m. pinnacle Pincema, m. a cup-bearer (Latin word) Fircione, m. a chaffinch ; meglio e pincione in mano, ehe tordo in frSsca, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Pincone, m. blockhead, fool Pindar ggiare, tn speak affectedly CO, a. Pin- daric, after 'he style of Pindar ;. glindula pineale, pineal eland Pi-e'o, m. a pine-grove to paint; j.ingersi, to ad- Plngue. a. fat, plump • I Pinguedinoso, a. trrea-y 211 PIO Piniera,/. a eallery Pinna,/ the fin of a fish Pinnacolo, m. a pinnacle Pino, in. a piiK-lr.e; a ship (in poetry) Pinocchio, in. pini i thrust, push,, an impulse Pinto, part, painted ; pushed, in- clined Pintore, in. a painter Pintono, a. picturesque, painter- like Fintura./. painting PinzacchlO, m. a mite, or weevil Pinzette, f. pi. pincers Pinzo, a. very full Pinzochera, /. a Bcguin (a sort of nuns) Pinzochero, m. hypocrite Pinzocherone, m. a irreat hypocrite Plo, o. pious, merciful, godly PfOggia,/. ram Pioggioso, a. rainy Piombaggine,/. black lead Piombare, to be perpendicular, to fall down plump ; piombarsi, to lay heavy upon Pionibaria, /. lead and silver ore Piombata, f, a leaden bullet Piomb4to, a. leaden, heavy, livid Piombinare, to level; to empty a privy Piomblno, m. a plummet, a plumb- line; a bucket to empty with; a crayon, a pencil Piombino, a. of the colour of lead Piombo, 771. leal, err a level. Apiombo, ad. peroendicularly ; fa che abbi senipre il piombo a e piedi. he always cautious in your undertakings ; andar ecl calz'ir del pionibo, to act wisely Piomboso. a. heavy as lead Pioppo, m. a poplar-tree Pio:a. /. t.'.e sole of the foot; a green turf I'io\n./. rnin (in poetry) Piovanito, m. a curacy, or ckarge of a parson Piovanello. m. a poor curate Pioviuo, m. a parson, a cui-ate Piovano, a. acqua piovana, rain- water Pioverc, to rain ; piovere a bigonce, to shower down Piovevr le, a. raining, rainy Piovtfi ro, a. rainy : c, and Pinve^ginAre, to mizzle, rr drizsde Piovigginoso, aiid Tiovoso, a. rainy. d->mp fillen PIT Pipa, /. a pipe Pipare, to smoke a pipe Pipistrello, vi. a bat Piptta, /. a flaw, or raising skin about the nails ; pip, a disease in fowls Ptppiona, /. a sort of common Spanish wine PippionAccio, m. a blockhead Pippionata, /. nonsense Pippione, m. a young pigeon Pira, /. a funeral pile ; a perfum- ing-pot Piramidalmente, ad. conically Piramidale, and Firamidato, a. pyramidal, of a pyramid Piramide, /. the fusee of a watch ; a pyramid Pirate; ia,/. piracy Piratico, a. piratical Pirato, m. a pirate Piroetta,/. a whirligig Piromanzia, /. divination by fire Pirometro, ?n. a pyrometer Pirone, m. a lever Piropo, m. a carbuncle Piscatorio, a. of a fisher PSscia,/. urine, water Pisciacane, m. choke- weed, 01 strangle- weed Pisciacchera, /. and Piscialetto, m. a piss-a-bed Pisciare, to urine, make water Pisciarello, m. thin wine, a sort of claret Pisciatoio, m. a chamber-pot Piscina, /. a ba'h, a fish-pond Piscio, wi. and Piscia, /. urine; foul water Piscioso, a. fuH of urine Piscoso, a. full offish Pisello, 77i. pease Pispigliare, to mutter Pispiglio, 77i. a muttering Pispino, m. % water-work Pispisstre, to buzz Pissi pissi, m. a buzzing noise Pisside, /. a pyx; a hollow, a cavity Pistacchio, m. pistachio-nut, or tree Pista^na, f. flap of a pocket, or collar of a coat Pistilenza, /. see Pestilenza, and its derivatives PUtola. '. an epistle, a letter Pist61a, f. a pistol Pistolese, m, a hanger Pistolessa, /. an ill-written letter Pistolett/.ta,/. a pistol-shot Pistore, m. a baker (Latin word) Pitaffio, m, an epitaph PLA Pitile, m. the pan of a close-stool Pitocco, m. a beggar ; a bigot Fittima, /. a cordial medicine Fitto, part, painted (in poetry) Fittore, m. a painter, a limner; pittore da sgabelli, a dauber Pittorescamente, ad. painter-like PittoresCQ, a. picturesque Fittura,^. picture, art of painting Pitturaccia, /. a daubing Pitturare, to paint Pituita,/. phlegm Fituitoso, a. phlegmatic Piii, ad. more ; il piu, the most ; assai piu, much more; piu tosto, rather; per lo piu, for the most part; piu d'un anno, above a year ; e piu ricco di me, he is richer than I; esser di piu, to exceed ; io son da piu di lui, I am above him ; piu anni, many years ; piu presto, faster ; piu che piii, much more ; piu fa, long while ago ; piu volte, seve- ral times Piiima, /. down ; a feather-bed, hair, a tuft of feathers Piumaccio, m. a bolster Piumacciuolo, 771. little bolster ; a pledget, or compress Piumata,/. down, feathers, broom Piumato, a. downy Fiumino. m. a tuft of feathers Piumoso, a. full of feathers Piuolo, 771. a peg; scala a piuoli, a ladder Piu presto, and Piuttosto, ad. sooner, rather Fiva, /. pipe, bas-pipe Piviale, m. a priest's cope Piviere, m. precinct of a parish; a plover (a bird) Fivo, m. a spark, a beau Pizza, /. a sort of cake Pizzicagnolo, ra. cheesemonger, pork-shop Pizzicaquistioni, m. a litigious fellow, to pinch, peck, itch, smart ; il pepe pizzica, pepper bites; egli pizzica, he has a smattering of, &c. Fizzicar61o,'ai7rf Fizzicaruolo, 771. see Pizzicagnolo Fizzico, and Fizzicotto, m. a pinch, 07" pinching Pizzicore. m. itching, tickling Flac&bile, a. placable Placabilmente. ad. peacefully Flacamento, m. an appeasing, an atonement Flacire, to pacifv, calm 212 POC Placato, part, appeased, pleased; mare placato, calm sea Flacazione,/. an appeasing Flacidamente, ad. quietly, pa- tiently Placidezza,/. mildness Placidita,/. gentleness Placido, a. pleasant, gentle, kind, quiet Placito, 771. will, pleasure Flaga,/. a climate, or coast Plagiario, 777.. a plagiary Plagio, 771. plagiarism Flantario, m. far plantario, to plant Plasma, /. a sort of green stone ; an earthen figure Plastieare, to make clay-work Platano, 771. a plane-tree Platea, /. plan, model, a ground- work ; the pit in theatres Platonico, a. Platonic Flatonismo, m. Flatonism Flaudente, a. applauding Plausibile, a. plausible Flausibilmente, ad. plausibly Fiauso, m. applause Plaustro, 771. cart, chariot Flebaglia, and Plebe, /. the mob, - populaee Plebeiamente, ad. vulgarly Flebeo, and Flebeio, a. vulgar, mean Flebiscito, m. decree of the peopla Flenariamente, ad. fully Flenario, a. full Flenil&nio, m. full moon Flenipotenza, /. full power Flenipotenziale, a. plenipotentiary Flenipotenziario, m. plenipoten- tiary Plenitudine, /. fulness Plettro, 777. a bow, fiddle-stick Fleurisia, and Pleuritide, /. a pleurisy (an inflammation in the pleura) Flico, m. a packet of letters Flinto, 171. plinth (the square foot of a pillar) Ploia, /. shower Plorare, to weep (Latin word) Piumbeo, a. leaden Plun'ile, a. plural Plural ita,/. plurality Pluralmente, ad. in the plural number Pluviale, Pluvio, andPluvidso, a. rainy (Latm words) Po', see Poco Poana,/. a buzzard Focanza, /. smallness Focciare, to suck the breast POL Pocci6so, a, large, fat Pochetto, in. u:i pochetto, a little Pochettluo, TO. a very little Pochezza,/. scarcity Pochmo m. I little poco, a. and ad. little, few: poco innanzi, a little while ago ; poco stante, a little after . ■ little Pocofila, /. a silly woman Poculo, rn. drink* •..,'. the gout xt, (.'. g iuty Podare, to prune trees . m. power, authori'y ; a manor, e-tate, farm Poderosamente, ad. powerfully Poderoso, a. powerful Fodesta,m.-a governor, a potentate ; \ ower. dominion Ebdesterla, f. the power or juris- diction of a governor, &c Podice, m. the anus Poema, m. a poem Foemetto, m. a short p«em . (the art ;) a po- em, a piece of poetry . a poet i '. m. a paltry poet Poetante, m. a rhymer versa ; to rhyme ; poetirsi, to be crowned a poet Poeta.stn, m. a paltry poet Poete^iare, and PoetezzAre, to Poetesco, a. poetical Poetessa, f. poetess ./. the art of poetry Poeticameute, ad. poetically Poeticherfa,/. a poetical turn Poctico, a. poetical . m. a little poet . to make verses poe'rizzn, m. a paltry poet Porta re. intcrj. eood God ! ; .. and Foggetto, m. a hil- -:. a little bill . f. starboard . to steer, sail, point ; to I, mount ; poggiarsi, to lean upon [cended sailed, as- . to. hill, cliff, ascent . 'hen, aPer ; da Og gj in twardice Poltronescamente, ad. idly Poltronesco, a. idle, lazy Poltroniere, m. an idle fellow Polve, /. dust (in poetry) Polveraccio, m. sheep's dung Polvere, /. dust, powder l'olveriera,/. a gunpowder mill Poiverina, /. an outside garment Polverino,m. a powder-box, iirim- ing powder, a cloud of dust Polverista, m. a gunpowder maker Polverizzamento, m. a pulverizing Polverizzare, to pulverize Polverizzato, part, pulverized Polverizzazione,/. pulverization Polverizz(5vole, and Pol verizzabile, a. that can be pulverized Poiveroso, a. dusty Pomario, m. an apple orchard Pomata,/. pomatum Pomato, a. full of apple-trees Pome, rn. an appie ; mezzo pome, a kind of wrestling formerly used in Florence Pomellato, a. dapple-gray Pometo, m. an orchard of apple- trees Pomfolige, /. tutty (a substance in brazen furnaces) Pomice, /. a pumice-stone Pomiciare, to rub with a pumice- stone Pomiere, and Pomiero, m. an or- chard, or any place planted with apple-trees Pomlfero, a. fruitful P6mo, m. an apple, fruit; p6mo salvatico, a crab ; porno cotogno, a quince ; porno gTanato, a pome- granate ; porno della spada, the pommel of a hilt Pompa,/. pomp, state Pompeggiare, to boast, vaunt Pomposamente, ad. pompously Pomposita,/. pomp, grandeur Pomposo, a. pompous Ponderare, to ponder, weigh, con- sider Ponderatamente, ad. maturely POP Ponderazi6ne, /. ponderosity Ponderoso, a. weighty Pondi, ra. bloody flux P6ndo, m. a weight, load ; im- portance (in poetry) Ponente, ra. the west ; vento di po- nente, west wind ; ponente gar- bino, south-west wind ; ponente libeccio, the west and by south j ponente maestro, north-west Ponere, to put, set Ponimento, m. a putting Ponitore, m. a planter Pontare, to push, thrust, to shove ; pontare i piedi al muro, to be obstinate Ponte, m. a bridge ; ponte levatoio, a draw-bridge ; tenere in ponte, to keep one in suspense Pontefice, m. the pope Ponticello, ra. a sma.ll bridge Ponticita, /. sharpness Pontico, a. sharp, sour Pontificate, a. pontifical ; ra. a book of pontifical rites Pontificato, m. popedom Pontificio, a. pontifical Ponto, ra. the sea (in poetry) Ponto, a. pricked, stung Pontone, m. a ponton (a bridge of boats) Pontura, see Puntura Ponzamento, m. a struggle Ponzare, to strain, or struggle Popolaccio, m. the populace . Popolano, and Popolare, a. popu- lar, common, mean, low Popolano, ra. inhabitant ; pa- rishioner Popolare, to people Popolarescamente, ad. popularly Popolaresco, a. popular Popolarita,/. popularity Popolarmente, ad. popularly Popolato, part, peopled Popolazione, /. population, peo- pling Popolazzo, m. the populace Popolesco, a. popular ; luogo popo- l£sco, a frequented place Popolezza,/. ignobility, mean birth Popolo, m. people, nation ; the common people; a poplar-tree; far popolo, to recruit Popoloso, a. populous Popone, m. melon P6ppa, /. a woman's breast, a poop, or stern of a ship Poppare, to suck Poppafola, /• a doll Popputo, a. that has large breasts PopuleOj a, poplar POR P6pulo, m. (in poetry,) see Popolo Populoso, a. populous Porca, /. a sow ; a slut ; a ridge of land [herd Porcaio, and Porcaro, m. a swine- Porcella, /. a young sow Porcellana, /. porcelain, china- ware ; purslain, (an herb ;) sea- snail Porcelletto, m. a pig Porcello, Porcelletto, Porcellino, and Porchetto, m. pig, porker (little pig) Porcheria, /. filthiness Porcile, m. a hog-sty, an infamous house [flesh Porcino, a. came porcina, hog's Porco, m. a hog; porco spinoso, a hedge-hog ; a. nasty, dirty Porfido, m. porphyry Porf ireo, a. of porphyry Porgere, to offer, afford, reach, pre- sent ; porgere aiuto, to assist ; porger orecchi, to hearken ; por- ger le mani, to stretch out the hands ; porgetemi quel cappello, reach me that hat ; porger cre- denza, to give credit; porgersi, to present one's self; la cosa non e cosl come la porgono, the thing is not as it is represented to be Porgimento, m. the act of reach- ing P6ro, >n. a pore Porosita,/. porosity Poroso, a. full of pores, porous Porpora,/. purple; purple cloth Porporato, a. in purple Porporeggiare, to incline to purple Porporino, a. purple-coloured Porrata,/. a leek pottag-e Porre, for P6nere, to put, place, fix; porsi a sedere, to sit down ; porre aguati, to lay in ambush ; porre bocca, to meddle with; porre in carta, to write down ; porre in luce, to publish; por legge, to give law ; por mente, to fix the mind, to suppose ; por mano, to set one's hand upon a thing; porre easo, to suppose; por da canto, to lay by ; por da parte, to hoard up ; por giu, to lay down ; porre in uso. in ope ra, &c. to make use of, &c. Porro, m. Porretta, and Porrina /. a leek ; a wart [ter Porta, /. a gate, a dnor ; m. a por- Portabile, a. portable Portacappe, m. a portmanteau bag [basket Portafiaschi, m. a hamper, or glass,- 2J.4 POS Portafogli, m. a port-folio Portalettere, m. a pocket-book a postman Portamantello, m. travelling-bag Portamento, ra. behaviour, look, presence, a carrying or bringing Poi tante, a. carrying ; cavallo por- tante, an ambling horse Portare, to carry, or bring ; to pro- duce,allege, cite ; to wear clothes, &c. ; to conduct, lead ; to induce, excite ; to protect, favour ; por- tar via, to take away ; portirsi, to behave one's self ; portare in palma di mano, to esteem ; por- tarsi in qualche luogo, to repair to a place ; porta la fama, it is said ; portar la fede in grembo, to be apt to break one's word Portata, /. equality, condition, reach, shot ; the litter of a she- animal ; ability [ble Portabile, and Pbrtativo, o. porta- Portatile, a. portable Portato, part, carried Portato, ra. a brood, litter; a ser- vice, a course of dishes Portatore, ra. porter Portatura,/. a burden, carrying, or carriage [organ) Portavento, m. a windpipe (of an Portella, /. and Portello, ra. a lit- tle gate, door Portendere, to presage Portento, m. a prodigy Portentosamente, ad. portentously Portentoso, a. prodigious Porte vole, a. portable, tolerable Porticato, ra. a porch Portico, ra. a portico, piazza Portiera, /. tapestry, &c. hung be- fore a door ; portiera di carozza, the boot or door of a coach Portiere, ra. a porter, door-keeper Portinaro, Portinaio, and Portini&» ro, ra. a porter Porto, ra. haven, port, harbour carriage Porto, part, given, presented Portolano, ra. a door-keeper j a pilot Portone, ra. a coach-gate Portulaca,/. purslain Portuoso, a. having a harbour Porzione, /. portion, share Posa, /. rest, quiet Posamento, ra. rest, quiet Posare, to put or set down, get rest Posata, /. rest, quiet ; . a cover, (plate, knife, fork, spoon, and a napkin) Fosatamente, ad. softly, gently POS ,/. tranquillity Posato, part, set down, hi I, i r • . m. a stick in a cage, a Posatura, /. dre^s, settling . then i since that ; . /. and Poscritto, m. a postKriptam. or postscript i, arf. the day after to- morrow [modestly 1 ad. positively ; . t. plain, modest ; positive (law •./. posture, situation e, /. position, proposal i. pause, rest crupper -\.f. a crupper . m. the dessert, fruits, &c. Posporre, to postpone, to despise, to neglect ;one,/. a postponing art. postponed i Possanza, /. power re. to possess Possedimento, m. possession Fosseditore, m. a possessor . part, possessed Possente, a. powerful, strong, able, sul; Possentemente, ad. powerfully ne, /. a possession ; a farm, an estate .. a. possessive to. possession Possessore, m. possessor [term) Paanewduo, m. possession (law Possibile, a. possible Possibility, /. possibility Pbsta, /. place, post, station, a post-house, or an ambush, snare, track, footstep, opportunity ; po»ta ferma, a settled affair ; posta fatta, ad* on purpose ; star alia posta, to lay in ambuscade ; b pAsb, to rendezvous; far la posta, to guard ; cavalli di ..iviglio di rta, a packet-boat j andar per -. to travel by post. A ad. on purpose ; a sua - own accord j re- quest. < . to encamp [abscess . and Postemazione, /. an Postern . ... .io, part. imposthumated Poster^are, to despise, to throw be- hind one's back Pdsteri, m. pi. posterity POV ■. a. posterior ; s. back- side, posteriors [ty Posterita,/. posterity, or posteriori- n. descendant [ship Posticcia,/. the upper part of a Posticcio, to. nursery of trees Posticcio, a. borrowed, false Post ici pare, to differ Postiere. in. post-master Postiglione, in. postilion Postilla, /. postil, explication, a note (in the margin of a writing) Postil lore, to make notes Postillato, part, explained Postil latura,/. notes, postils Posto, m. post, employment Posto, a. put, set Posto che, conj. suppose that Postremo, a. last Postribolo, m. a brothel Postulante, to. candidate Postulate, m. a demand (in math- ematics) Postumo, a. posthumous Postiira, /. posture, a secret com- plot Postutto, ad. entirely Posvedere, to see after Potabile, a. potable, drinkable Potaggio, m. pottage Potameuto, to. and Potagione, /. a pruning, lopping Potire, to prune, lop, cut, split Potato, part, pruned, lopped Potatoio, to. a pruning knife Potatore, m. pruner, vine dresser Potatura, and Potazione, /. a pruning, lopping, twigs of trees Potentato, and Potentario, rn. po- tentate, prince Potente, a. powerful, potent Potentemente, ad. potently Potenza, and Potenzia, /. power, force Potenziale, o. potential Potenzialmente, ad. powerfully, potentially Potere, to be able ; non posso, I cannot ; poter essere, to be possi- ble Potere, m. and Potest a,/, power Potesteria, f. see Podevte'ria Potissimamente, ad. chiefly Potisfdmo, a. chief, principal Poto, 77i. drink Potuto, part, been able Poveraccio, a. poor, unhappy Poverasrlia, /. poor people Poveramente, art. poorly Poverello, and Poveretto, a. poor, ■ ible Poverino, a. unfortunate 215 PRE Povero, O. poor, nee.iiy, vile ; bar- ren Poverta,/. poverty Pozioue,/. a potion Pozi6re, a. anterior (law term) P v.ioriia, /. anteriority Pozza, /. a slough, mire Pozzanghera,/. a puddle I'"-: la./, a dimple Pozzo, m. a will ; pozzo nero, a sink ; mostr.'ir la luna D< I . one believe any thing P< zzolana. /. pozzolana (sand) Piammatica,/. the pragmatic sanc- tion Prandere, to dine, or eat Frandio, rn. dinner Pranso, in. dinner Pranso, a. dined, satisfied Pranzare, to dine Pranzo, 7?i. dinner; a. satisfied Prasma, /. an emerall Pn'issio, rn. hoarhound (an herb) Piataiuola,/. a wild hen Praiellina, /. a daisy (a flower) Pratello, 771. a small field Praterla,/. meadows Prfitica, /. practice, usage, plot. Di pratica, ad., freely, easily Praticabile, a. practicable Praticamente, ad. by practice Praticante, m. a practitioner Praticare, to practise, consult, ne- gotiate, treat, fp Praticato, part, practised Pr'itico, a. expert, skilful Prato, to. meadows. fiel.N Pratolino, and Prataiuolo, m. a mushroom Pravamente, ad. wickedly Pravita,/. depravity Pravo, a. wicked, depraved Preaccennare, to announce before Preallegato, a. above cit^d Preambolare, to preface Preambolo, m. jireamble, preface Prebenda, /. prebSnd, provision Prebendato, a. having a prebend Precariam^nte, ad. precariously Precario, a. precarious Precauzi6ue,y. precaution Precazione, /. tntrea.y Prece, /. a prayer, entreaty Precedente, a. precedent Precedentemente, ad. formerly Precedenza, /. precedency Precedere, to precede Precen'ore, m. precentor Precessione, /. precession (in as- tronomy) Precesso, part, preceded Precessore, in. predecessor PRE Precetlare, to cite (law term) Precettatore. m. a tutor Precettivo, a. obligatory Precetto, m. precept, command Precettore, m. preceptor Precettorello, m. a pedant Precettoria, /. direction Precidere, to cut, shorten Precingere, to gird Preeiuto, a. girded [closure Prccinto, m. precinct, compass, en- Fivcipitamento, rn. overthrow, precipitation, ruin Precipitanza,/. see Precipitazione PrccipitAre, to precipitate, fall headlong, to hurry, hasten ; pre- cipitarsi, to ruin one's srlf Pi-ecipitalamente, ad. hastily Precipitate), part, precipitated Precipitazione, /. precipitation ; haste, rashness, indiscretion Precipitoso, and Precipite, a. in- considerate Preci. izio, m. a steep place ; an- dare or mandare in precipizio, to destroy, to squander away Piccipuamente, ad. chiefly Prccipuo, a. principal, or chief Pr^cisamente, and Preciso, ad. precisely Precisione, f. distinction Precisivo, a. exact Preciso, part, cut off; precise, exact Freclaramente, ad. excellently, nobly [mous Frecl.'iro, a. excellent, noble, fa- Precludere, to hinder Precluso, part, prevented Preco, in. a prayer Piecoce, a. premature Precogilare, to premeditate Precognizione, aiid Precognoscen- za,/. a foreknowing Precogn6scere, to foreknow Preconio, m. praise, encomium Freconizzare, to praise ; to pre- cognize Preconizzazione, /. preconization Preconoscenza, /. a foreknowledge Preconoscere, to foreknow Prec6rrere, to forerun Prec6rso, part, preceded Precursore, m. a forerunner Preda,/. prey, booty; dare in pre- da, to give up ; darsi in preda al dolore, to abandon one's self to grief Predace, a. rapacious of prey Predamento, m. pillage Predare, to prey, to rob, to pillage Predato, part. pilla?ed, robbed Predatore, rn. a robber PRE Predecessore, m. predecessor ; i nostri predecessori, our fore fathers Predefinito, part, predetermined Predella, /. a stool, the reins of a bridle ; a footstool Predellone, m. a bench Predestinare, to predestinate, des- tine, fix Predestinate), part, predestinated Predestinazione,/. and Predestino, m. predestination Predetto, part, foretold Predica,/. a sermon, an auditory Predicabile, a. predicable, special Predicamento, m. a preaching ; a predicament (in logic) Predicare, to preach, to praise ; to boast, extol ; predicare a porri, to talk to those who will not hear Predicato, part, preached, praised ; -rn. predicate (in logic) Predicatore, w. a preacher Predicazione, /. preaching Predicimento, m. prediction Prediletto, part, beloved Predilezione, /. predilection, first love Predire, and Predicere, to predict, foretell Predizione,/. prediction Predominante, a. overruling Predominate, to predominate Predominate, part, overruled Fredominio, rn. superiority Predone, m. a robber Preeleg^ere, to pre-elect Preelezione, /. pre-election Preeminenza,/. pre-eminence Preesisrdin\re, to predetermine Preparame'nto. m. preparation Prepaid re, to prri are Preparativo, aiui Preparatorio, a. • ■ itive Preparazione, /. preparation Prepo'denre. to preponderate Prepondera'o, part, weighed Preponderazinne,/. pondering Preporre. to prefer Prepositura, /. tee Proposi' jra Preposizione, /. preposition Prepossente, ai:d Prepotea'e, a. very powerful PrepWsero. a. unseasonable pari, preferred . rn. provost,/. a great power PrerogaliYx, and Prerogazione, /. prerogative i. s'eep Presa, /. a takin?, or prize ; scuf- fle; quarrel; una presa di ta- baccn, a pinch of snuff; far hold fast ; presa di eente. a ban 1. troop ; dar le prese. to give the choice ; venire alle pnise, to come to blows. Di prima pre>a, ad. at fir Presarlre, to pr* sa?e, foretell ninous Presigo, m. a diviner PRE Presame, m. rennet .
  • w, v. a. spar^ere Struck, a. \ Structure, *. struttura Struggle, •?. contesa, disputa; — v. 7i. muoversi, contendere, con- tra s'\ re ; struggle with death, combattere colla morte j — er, contenditore ; — ing, s. scossa Struma, .v. scrofola Strumous, a. <=crofoloso Strumpet, s. una ( rnarnito di corde . paoneg- ^iarsi ; stmt, s. V atto del pao- - ; camminando Stub, 1. tronco ceppo STU Stubnail, s. chiodo usato Stub up, v. a. sradicare Stubbed, a. robusto, membruto Stubble, s. stoppia Stubblegoose, s. oca d'autunno, oca grassa Stubborn, a. caparbio, ostinato ; — ness, s. caparbieta ; — ly, aa. caparbiamente Stubby, a. patfuto S;uceo, s. stucco Stuck, a. appiccato Stud, s. boichia, palo ; stud of mares, una razza di cavalle Stud, v. a. guarnire di borchie 5 studded with gems, tempestato di gemme Student, s. studente Studious, a. studioso ; — ly, ad. studiosam nte ; — ness, s. appli- cazione alio studio Study, s. studio, luogo dove si stu- dia, applicazione ; — v. a. stu- diare, meditare, comporre, os- servare per conoscere ; — v. n. studiarsi ; study one's brains about a thing, stillarsi il cervello in qualche cosa 5 — ing, s. studia- mento Stuff, s. panno ; household stuff, mobili ; what nasty stuff is this ? che porcheria e questa ? Stuff, v. a. stivarej stuff a chair, riempire una sedia di borra ; my head is stuffed with a cold, ho una grande infreddatura nella testa Stuffing s. stivamento Stum, s. mosto ; — v. a. mescolare il vino con certi ingredienti per farlo piccante Stumble, s. inciampo, granchio ; — v. n. inciampare Stumbler, . quello che inciampa Stumbling, s. inciampo ; stumbling horse, cavallo che inciampa Stump, s. tronco ; — of a tree, il tronco d'un albero ; — of a tooth, pozzo di dente ; stump-footed, che ha il piede tondo Stun, v. a. stordire Stung, a. morso, morduto Stunning, s. intronamento Stunt, t*. a. provenir male Stunted, a. bistorto Stupefaction, s. intormentimento, stupefazione [stupefa Stupefactive, or Stupefying, a. che Stupendous, a. stupendo Stupid, a. insen-ato, attonito ; ity, s. stupidita; — ly, ad. da stupido SUB Stupify, v. a. stupefare, istupidire, empir di stupore j — ing, s. stu- pefazione Stupor, s. stupore Stupration, s. stupro, strupo Sturdily, ad. bruscamente, inso- lentemente Sturdiness, s. rigidezza, insolenza Sturdy, a. robusto, gagliardo, bru- sco, insolente Sturgeon, s. storione Sturk, s. giovenco Stutter, v. n. tartagliare ; — er, s. tartaglione; — ing, s. il tarta- gliare Sty, s. porcile Stygian, a. Stigio Style, s. stile, titolo, la maniera di pingere ; — of a sun-dial, il ferro che mostra Pore nell' orologio sol are Style, v. a. chiamare; to style one's self, nominarsi Styptic, a. astringente Suasory, a. persuasivo Suivity, s. dolcezza, soavita Subalmoner, *. sottoelemosinario Subaltern, or Subalternate, a. su- balterno ; — s. un subalierno Sub-deacon, s. sottodiacono ; — ship, s. sottodiaconato Sub-dean, s. sottodecano Sub-delegate, s. deputato Subdititious, a. supposto Subdivide, v. a. suddividere Subdivision, s. suddivisione Subdolous, a. doloso Subdue, v. a. soggiogare, mortifi- care ; — er, s. soggiogatore ; — ing, s. soggiogazione Subitaneous, a. subitaneo Subject, a. soggetto, atto, dedito j — s. la materia della quale si tratta, suggetto, soggetto ; — v. a. soggettare, obbligare 5 — ion, s. soggezione, obbligazione, servitu ; to bring under subjec- tion, soggettare Subjoin, v. a. aggiugnere ; — ing, s. l'aggiugnero Subjugate, v. a. soggiogare Subjunctive, a. soggiuntivo Sublimate, v. a. sublimare; — s. sublimato [sublimamento Sublimating, or Sublimation, s. Sublimatory, s. vaso da sublimare Sublime, a. sublime ; — v. a. su- blimare, purificare Sublimeness, or Sublimity, s. su- blimita Sublunary, a. sublunare Submersion, s. sommersione 456 SUB Subminister, v. a. somministrare, dare Submission, *. sommissione Submissive, a. sommesso, umile j — ly, ad. sommessamente j — ness, s. umilta Submit, v. a. sommettere ; submit one's self, sommettersi Submit, v. n. starsene ; sottomet- tersi ; you must submit to that, bisogna che vi sommettiate a questo Submitting, s. il sommettere Subordinate, a. subordinato j — v. n. subordinare ; — ly, ad. su- bordiuatamente Subordination, s. subordinazione Suborn, v. a. subornare, sedurre Subornation, s. subornazione Suborner, s. seduttore Suborning, s. il subornare Subpoena, *. citazione j — v. a. chiamare in giudizio Subscribe, v. a. soscrivere Subscriber, s. sottoscrivente Subscribing, *. il sottoscrivere Subscription, *. soscrizione Subsequent, a. susseguentej — ly, ad. susseguentemente Subserve, v. a. servire Subserviency, or Subservience, s. utilita Subservient, a. utile Subside, v. n. abbassarsi Subsidence, or Subsidency, s. fbn- digliuolo Subsidiary, a. ausiliario Subsidy, s. sussidio, soccorso di da- nari Subsist, v. n. sossistere ;~ — ence, sussistenza, mantenimento Substance, s. sostanza, essenza, ma- teria, quello-che si trova di mi- giiore, realita, 1'essenziale Substantial, a. sosteuziale, essen- ziale, sustanzioso, benestante, reale, solido^ — ly, ad. sustan- zialmente Substantive, a. sustantivo ; — ly, ad. sustantivamente Substitute, s. sosiituto ; — v. a. sos- tituire ; — ing, s. sostituzione Subtract, v. a. sottrarre ; — ing, *. sottraggiamento ; — ion, s. sot- trazione Subtense, s. sottendente Subterfuge, s. sutterfugio Subterranean, or Subterraneous, a. sotterraneo Subtile, a. sottile, penetrativo Subtilization, *. assottigliamento Subtilize, v. a. render sottile, aguz» SUD hut 1'ingeguo, ghiribizzare ; — ing, *. assottigliamento Subtle, a. sottile, penetrativo, • in- gegnoso, astuto ; subtle trick, sottigliezza Subtlety, s. astuzia Subtly, ad. sottilmente Subversion, s. sovversione Subvert, v. a. sovvertere,, rovinare ; — er, s. distruggitore ; — ing, s. sovvertimento Sub-vicar, s. sotto vicario j — ship, s. sotto vicariato Suburb, s. borgo Succeed, v. n. succedere, avvenire j — v. a. riuscire ; — ing, s. suc- cedimento ; — a. seguente Success, s. successo Successful, a. felicej — ly, ad. av- venturosamente ; — ness, s. feli- cita Succession, s. successione ; — of time, serie d'anni Successive, a. successivo ; — ly, ad. felicemente ; — ness, s. progres- sione Successless, a. iufelice Successor, s. successore Succinct, a. corto ; — ly, ad. suc- cintamente ; — ness, s. brevita Succory, s. cicorea Succour, s. soccorso, aiuto ; — v. a. soccorrere ; —ing, s. soc- corrimento; — er, s. aiutatorej — less, a. privo di soccorso Succubus, s. succubo Succulency, s. sugosita, sostanza Succulent, a. sugoso Succumb, v. n. succombere Such, a. tale, simile ; such as, quelli, quelle j and such like, e altri simili Suck, s. Ex. to give suck, allat- tare Suckstone, (lamprey,) s. lampreda di mare Suck, v. a. succiare ; suck the breast, poppare ; a child that sucks, un bambino alia mammel- la ; suck in, v. a. succiare ; suck out, fare uscire succiando Sucker, s. quello che succia ; — of a pump, il cannoncello della tromba Suckets, s. zuccherini Sucking, s. succhiamento Suckle, v. a. allaltare ; — ing, *. l'allattare, agnello lattante Suction, s. succiamento Sudden, a. subitaneo, improvviso ; on a sudden, ad. subitamentej — ness, s. prontezza SUL Sudorific, a. sudorifico Suds, s. lisciva di sapone ed acqua ; to be in the suds, essere imbro- gliato Sue, v. a. citar in giudicio, litigare, pregare, supplicare Suet, s. giasso di came duro Suffer, v. a. sofferire; — v.n. pa- tire, comportare, permettere j — able, a. sopportevole ; — ance, v. soil'erenza, permissione ; this is not to be suffered, ques'o non e cosa da sopportarsi ; — er, s. quello che soii're, perditore; — — ing, s. sofferenza Suffice, v. n. bastare Sufficiency, s. sofficienza, capacita, orgoglio Sufficient, a. sofficien'e, sufficiente, capace ; — ly, ad. abbastanza Suffocate, v. a. suffocare Suffocation, or Suffocating, s. suffo- camento Suffocative, a. suffocativo Suffragan, s. suffraganeo Suffrage, s. suffragio, approvazione Suffumigate, v. a. suffumigare Suffumigation, y. suffumigamento Suffuse, v. a. spandere Suffusion, s. suffusione Sugar, s. zucchero ; to sweeten with sugar, inzuccherare j sugar- loaf, pan di zucchero Sugar, v. a. mctter del zucchero Sugary, a. zuccheroso Suggest, v. a. suggerire ; — er, *. suggeritore ; — ing, or — tion, s. suggestione Suicide, s. suicidio , Suillage, s. sporcizia Suing, *. lite Suit, s. processo, memoriale, do- manda, preghiera, assortimento • suit of clothes, abito intero da uomo ; suit, or set of things, nu- mero di cose corrispondenti fra se stesse ; a suit of cards, una seguenza di carte Suitable, a. convenevole ; — ness, *. convenienza; — ly, ad. con- formamente Suit with, v. n. accordarsi Suit, v. a. assortire, accoppiare Suiter, or Suitor, s. supplicante, amante Suitress, s. supplicatrice Sullen, a. ritroso, ostinato ; — ly, ad. ritrosamente ; — ness, s. umore ritroso, ostinazione Sully, v. a. sporcare, imbrattare Sully, s. lo sporcare Sulphur, s. zolfo; sulphur pit, zol- 457 SUP fanaria j sulphur-wort, finocchio porcino Sulphury, or Sulphureous, a. sul- fureo [metano Sultan, s. il sultano, principe Mao- Sultana, or Sultaness, s. la suhana Sultane, *. nave daguerra Turches- ca Sultry, a. frvido [pendio Sum, s. somma, sustanza, il com- Sum up, v. n. raccorre i numeri Summarily, ad. sommariamente Summary, a. sommario ', — *. il sommario, compendio Summed up, a. sommato Summer, *. la state ; summer weather, tempo estivo; summer- house, gabinetto di verdura j sunnner-quarters, quartieri di state [d'uu edificio Summer, *. la trave principale Summer, v. n. passar la state Summit, s. cima Summon, v. a. citare, chiamare in giudicio, comandare ; — er, *•. sergente; — ing, s. citazione Summons, s. comandamento Sumpter, s. somiere j sumpter- saddle, basto Sumptuary, a. suntuario Sumptuous, a. sontuosoj — ly, son- tuo5amente j — ness, or — ity, s. sontuosita Sun, s. sole ', sunshine, la chiarezza del sole; sun-rising, il levar del sole ; sun -burnt, a. abbronzato Sun, v. a. soleggiare Sunday, s. Domenica; Palm-Sun- day, la Domenica delle palme Sunder, v. a. dividere Sundry, a. diversi Sung, a. cantato Sunk, a. aflbndato; sunk in hia credit, screditato Sunless, a. privo di sole Sunned, or Sunny, a. soleggiato, aprico Sup, a. sorso ; — v. n. cenare Sup up, v. a. sorbire Superable, a. superabile Superabound, v. n. and a. soprab- bondare [za Superabundance, s. soprabbondan- Superabundant, a. soprabbondante j — ly, ad. soprabbondantemente Superadd, v. a. aggiugnere Superadd i tion, *. aumento Sujierannuated, a. vecchio ; super- annuated beauty, una bellezza stantia Supercilious, a. severe ; — ly, ad. severamente ; — cess, s. sussiego SUP Supereminence, s. preeminenza Supereminent, a. eminente; — ly, ad. eminentemente Supererogate, v. a. strafare Supererogation, s. il dare piu di quel che uno e tenuto Supererogatory, a. di supereroga- zione Superfetation, s. superfetazione Superficial, a. superficial j — ly, ad. superficialmente Superficies, s. superficie Superfine, a. finissimo Superfluity, s. superfluity Superfluous, a. superfluo ; — ly, ad. superfluamente Superhuman, a. soprumano Superinduce, v. a. coprire Superintend, v. a. soprantendere; — ency, -s. sopran'endenza ; — ent, s. soprantendente ; — ent, a. che governa Superiority, s. superiority Superior, a. suneriore ; — s. il su- periore Superlative, a. superlativo; — ly, ad. superlativarnente Supernal, a. supernale j — ly, ad. supernal mente Supernatural, a. soprannaturale ; — ly, ad. soprannaturalmente Supernumerary, a. soprannumera- rio Superscribe, v. a. soprascrivere ; — er, s. quello che soprascrive ; — ing, or superscription, *. sopra- scritta Supersede, v. a. soprassedere j — ing, s. il soprassedere Supersession, s. intermissione Superstition, s. superstizione Superstitious, a. superstizioso ; — ly, ad. con superstizione Superstruct, v. a. edificar sopra ; — ure, s. edifizio Supervacaneous, a. inutile Supervene, v. a. sopravvenire Supervise, v. a. soprantendere, ri- vedere ; — or, s. soprantendente ; — ing, s. il soprantendere Supervive, v. a. soprovvivere Supine, a. supino ; — s. supino ; — ly, ad. oz'.osamente ; — ity, — ness, negligenza [nistrare Suppeditate, v. a. suppeditare, mi- Supper, s. cena ; to uring in sup- per, servir la cena ; to eat one's supper, cenare ; supper-time, tempo di cenare ; supperless, a. senza cena Supping, s. il cenare Supplant, v. a, dare il gambetto ad SUR uno, ingannare ; — er, s. mgan- natore Supple, a. fiessibile, umile Supple, v. a. rendere fiessibile Supplement, s. supplemento Suppleness, *. flessibilita, sommis- sione Suppletory, a. che supplisce Suppliant, or Supplicant, s. suppli- cante Supplicate, v. a. supplicare Supplication, s. supplica Supply, s. soccorso, rinforzo ; — v. a. sovvenirealdifetto; supply one's place, empiere il luogo d'un altroj supply with, ministrare, fornire ; — ing, s. il supplire Support, s. sostegno ; — v. a. sup- portare, mantenere, assistere, proteggere, appoggiare, alimen- tare ; — able, a. tollerabilej — er, s. appoggio, sostegno ; — of a table, un piede di tavola Supposable, a. che si pub supporre Suppose, v. a. supporre, persua- dersi, credere ; it is to be sup- posed, bisogna credere j — ing, s. il supporre Supposition, s. supposizione Supposititious, a. supposto, falso Suppress, v. a. sopprimere, impe- dire, abbolire ; — ing, or — ion, s. soppressione Suppressor, s. colui chesopp r ime Suppurate, v. n. marcire Suppuration, s. il marcire Suppurative, a. suppurativa Supputation, s. compufamento Suppute, v. a. computare Supputing, s. computo Supremacy, s. supremazia Supreme, a. supremo ; — ly, ad. altissimamente Surbate, s. malattia che rende i cavalli spedati ; surbate a horse, v. a. spedare un cavallo Surcease, v. n. cessare ; — ing, s. il cessare Surcharge, s. sopraccarico ; — v. a. sopraccaricare j — ing, *. sover- chio, carico Surcingle, a. cintola Surcoat, s. saltambarco Surd, a. sordo Surdity, s. sordita Sure, a. sicuro, certo, indubitato, infallibile, fedele, fuor di perico- lo, fermo, solido ; to make sure of one, assicurarsi d'una persona ; be sure you do it, non fallite di farlo ; — ly, ad. certamente ; — ness, s. sicurez7a 458 sus Suretiship, s. malleveria Surety, *. mallevadore Surface, s. superficie Surfeit, s. crapula, noia ; to take a surfeit, avere un' indigestione ; surfeit water, acqua distillata con erbe buone contro l'indigestione ; surfeit one's self, saziarsi di qual- che cosa Surfeiting, s. stucchevolezza Surge, s. onda ; — v.n. ondeggiare Surgeon, *. chirurgo Surgery, s. chirurgia Surly, a. arc.igno ; — ily, ad. fas- tidiosamente ; —ness, 3. noia, sdegnosita Surmise, s. immaginazione ; — v. a. and n. pensare, credere ; — ing, s. pensiero Surmount, v. a. sormontare ; — able, a. che si pub vincere ; — ing, s. il sormontare Surname, s. soprannome Surpass, v. a. superare ; — able, a. che si pub superare j — ing, s. il superare ; — ingly, ad. straordi- nariamente Surplice, s. cotta Surplus, s. sopprappiu Surprisal, or Surprise, *. sorpresa, maraviglia [vigliare Surprise, v. a. sorprendere, mara- Surprising, s. il sorprendere; — ly, ad. con istupore Surrender, s. resa; — v. a. ren- dere ; — v.n. rendersi ; — ing, s. arrendimento Surreption, s. sorpresa Surreptitious, a. surrettizio ; — ly, ad. segretamenfe Surrogate, *. sostituto ; — a. sosti tuto ; — v. a. sostituire ; —ion, s. il sostituire Surround, v. a. circondare Surtout, s. zimarra Survey, s. rivista ; — v. a. osser- vare da ogni banda, misurare terreno ; — or, s. soprantendente, agrimensore ; — orship, s. l'offi- cio del soprantendente Survival, s. il sopravvivere Survivance, s. sopravvivenza Survive, v. n. sopravvivere, vivei piii Survivor, s. sopravvivente ; — ship, s. sopravvivenza Susceptible, or Susceptive, a. su»- cettibile Suscitate, v. a. suscitare Suscitating, or Suscitation, *. susci- tamento Suspect, v. a. sospettare, imrnagi- SWA nirsi ; — (jjl, a. sosi>ettoso j — ing, 5. il sospettare 8uspeuse, s. dubbio ; — to be in piccare, tener so- sion, *. so- BpODS j . s. bracchiere Suspicion.' j. diffidenza, sospetto ; to entertain a suspicion of one, . diffiden- mente S r. il sos Sustain. in a loss, fare una perdita ; — able, a. che Sustenance, *. alimento, sosteuta- a stezno . '.untello Sutler, s. vivandiere Suture, *. cucirura Swab, s. spun nio per lavare le caiir . — . . s 'pare . t. mozzo di vascello i ; — v. a. fivri- [s. f\scia lingcloth, i. u. cion- cia gli ci . v. n. vantarsi ; — *. unn ; — in.', s. millanteria r. un cootadino, ud pastore, un giovane j boatswain, s. bo- smaii j Swallow, s. mn line : water-swal- low, j. codiremolo : swallow- tail. *. coda di rondine . i. la sola ; swal- rt, s. celidonia Swallow, r. a. inghiotl low I.; ta swallow one's voids, clisdirsi ; — ing, s. inghiottimen'o Swam, pra. ot" Sicim. nuotare Swamp, j. pan) [cann Swan, s. cimn : will- Swap, i. Sward, ■ f 'he earth, la supcrficie delb terra ■ '-> SCiame, abbon- — t. gran qua: bees, sciame d'api ; — formicain Swarth. . mali?no j — r. a. auner.irt;, raider uero SWI Swarthy, a. gfcenB, nero ; — isb, ci. arsiceioj — mess, s. nerezxa Swash, s. torrente ; — v. a. sproa- ?.uv. sehermire Swath, s. un ciglione Swathe, v. a. fasciare Swathing-clothes, s. pL fascie . i oiero ; — 0. n. domi- na're, governan ; sway the scep- tre, portar lo scettro, regnare, do- miuare Swear, v. n. giurare, bestenum* are ; BWear one, fargiurare alcu- uo ; — er, s. giuratore j — ing, s. giaraxn sudore ; to cause sweat, tar sudare . a. and n. mandar fuor il sudore, l ar su lare ; — er, s. uno che e soggetto a sudare ; — ini. S. sudore i Sweepi v. a. scopare ; ehimney- . un i spazzacammino • tzzalura Sweepnet, ■ . lui die vince tut- to il denam degli altri Sweet, a. dolce, grato air odornto, . . die con pasta ; cezaa, piacere, profumo : swe.-t lo k, cera amena ; sweet smile, dolce sorriso ; .-■.. c infitture ; — ly, ad. d Icemen- te ; — ness, s. "dolcezza ; — ner, s. ciurmadore Sweet-smelling, odorifero Sweet-nature I, aflabile, cortese Sweetbread, (cairs,) auimella di vitella Sweetheart, s. aman'e Sweeten, v. a. addolcire. mitigare ; — with sugar, inzuccberare Swell, s. Ex. the swell of the sea, l'onde del mare Swell, v. a. ffonfiare, ingrossare — r. n. crescere ; swell out, far sac co Swelling', t. g^nfiamento » in the ^roin, tincone Swelter, v. ?t. afibgare Swehry, mr Sweltring, a. che affoga Swerve. 0. H. stornarsi Swerving, i. lo stornarsi •• el nee, presto ; — ly. (vl. velocemt-nte ; — ne?s, s. velocita Swi.'. v. a. here a gran sorsi Swill, s. broda ; — v. a. inghiot- tire ; — v. n. trincare Swill -bellied, a. pnnciuto Swill-bowl, s. bevi'ore 459 SYN Swilling, *. crapula Sa un, i'. it. nuotare ; swim away, sal vard nuotando ; swim over a river, passare on tiume a nuoto Su inmuT, t. nuotatore Swimming, *. nuoto ; — of the head, vertigine ; swimming* place, bagno Swine, *. |>orco ; swineherd, s. : Bwine-breadj s. tartu- Kl ; swine-sty, 3. porcile Swine-like, ad. da porco Swing, *. bindolo, spinta, altalena; to give one a Bwing, dar una s|iinta ad uuo; suing, v. a. doc dolare ; swing about, girare Swinish, a. grossolano Swipe, s. altalena Switch, s. bacchetta ; — v. a. bat- tore con bacchetta Swivel, s. perno [gonfio Swollen, or Swoln, a. gonfiato, Swoon, s. svenimento ; — v. n. svenire Swoop, v. a. afferrare co^li artigli Swop, v. a. barattare j — ping, *. baratto Sword, s. spada ; to wear a sword, i a la ; to put all to the sword, metier tutti a til di spada Sword -pi aver, s. un gladiators Sword-fish, s. pesce spada Sword-cutler, spadaio Sword-grass, gbiaccraolo 's-man, s. combattitore rtt. of Swear, giurare Sworn, a. giurato Swung, a. dondolato Sybil, s. sibilla Sycamore, *. sicomoro Sycophant, s. un adulatore Syllabical, u. di sillaba Syllable, s. sillaba Syllogism, s. sillogismo Syllogistic, — al, a. si'.logistico Syllogize, v. n. sillogizzare Sylvan, a. silvano; — s. un sil- vano Symbol, s. simbolo ; — ical, a. sim- bolico; — ize, v. a. simbolizzare Symmetrical, a. fatto con simme- 'tria Symmetry, s. simmctria Sympathetic, — al, a. simpatico ; — ly, ad. simpaticamente Sympathize, v. n. rimpatizanre Sympathy, s. simpatia, compas- 'sione Symphony^ 3. sinfonia Symptom, 3. sintomo, segno; — ic, — al, a. sintoma'ico Synagogue, a. 6inagoga TAC Syncope, *. sincopa, svenimento Syndic, s. procurator di comunita Syndicate, or Syndicship, *. sindi- cato Synecdoche, *. sineddoche Synod, s. sinodo Synodal, or Synodical, a. sinodale Synouyma. s. pi. sinouimi Synonymous, a. sinonimo Synopsis, s. compendio Syntax, s. sintassi Synthesis, s. sintesi [gare Syringe, s. siringa ; — v. a. sirin- Systeui, s. sisteuia j — atical, a. sistematico Systole, s. sistole T TABBY, s. taW J tabby, or tab- by-like, a. ondato Tabernacle, s. tabernacolo Tabid, a. magro, smunto Tablature, s. intavolatura Table, s. tavola ; — for meat, men- sa j — to write on, tavolino ; to keep a good table, trattarsi bene ; table of a book, indice d'un li- bro; iable-cloth, tovagliaj table- plate, vassellame da tavola ; ta- ble-beer, birra piccola ; table- book, libro in cui i caratteri non sono fatti coll' inchiostro, ma in- cisi ; table-talk, conversazione che si fa a tavola ; side-table, s. bud'etto Tablet, s. tavoletta Tabour, s. tamburino ; — v. a. suo- nare il cimbalo ; — er, s. colui che suona il cimbalo Tabouret, s. sgabello Tabular, a. tavolare, tavolato Tabulated, a. liscio, piano Tacit, a. tacito j — ly, ad. tacita- mente Taciturnity, s. taciturnita Tack, s. agutello ; tacks, (ropes,) armadure di vascello Tack, v. a. attaccare ; tack togeth- er, unire ; tack the ship, dar la volta al vascello ; tack about, pi- gliar altre misure [ame Tackles, or Tackle-ropes, s. sarti- Tackling, ». sarte, robe, masseri- zie ; tackling, (kitchen,) arnesi di (ucina; to look well to one's tackling, stare in cervello Tactics, s. l'arte dello schierare le truppe TAL Tactile, a. tangibile Taction, *. il tatto Tadpole, s. ranocchio Tafleta, or Taffety, s. taffetta Tag, s. puntale j — v. a. metter il puntale ; — v. n. c.odiare Tail, s. coda, il diretano ; plough- tail, s. il manico dell' aratro j tail-piece, fregi a piacere che si mettono per ornamento ne' libri Tailed, a. codato Taint, s. prova di delitto, mac- chia, disonore ; — v. a. corrom- pere, guadagnar con donativi } — less, a. puro, non infetto Tainture, s. macchia Take, v. a. prendere ; take one's part, pigliar la parte d'uno ; take a town, espugnare una citta ; take in marriage, pigliar per moglie ; take in pieces, mettere in pezzi ; take a walk, fare una passeggia- ta ; take one's pleasure, divertir- si ; take the law of one, muovere lite ad uno ; take for granted, supporre ; take a fancy to a thing, metter a more a qualche cosa ; take after one, rassomigli- are j take asunder, separare ; take away, sparecchiare ; take one down, abbassare ; take in hand, intrapprendere ; take off, levare, toglier via ; take out, ti- rare ; take up, alzare Take, v. n. riuscire Taker, s. prenditore [acevole Taking, s. prendimento ; — a. pi- Talbot, s. levriere Talc, s. talco Tate, s. novella, favola ; to tell tales, novellare ; to tell tales of one, sparlar d'uno ; telltale, or tale-bearer, s. un novellista Tale, s. conto, numero Talent, s. talento, capacita. Talisman, s. talismano ; — ic, a. magico Talk, s. parlare, discorso ; — v.n. parlare, discorrere j talk over, v. a. contare Talkative, a. ciarliero j — ness, s. ciarla, cicalio [more Talked of, a. di cui si fa gran ro- Talker, *. parlatore, millantatore ; much talking, cicaleccio, ciarla Tall, a. grande, alto Tallage, s. taglia, imposizione Talley, or Tally, *. tessera ; — v. . a. marcare ; — v.n. convenire Tallness, s. altezza Tallow, s. sevo, sego Tallow-chandler, s. candelaio TAR Tallow, v. a. insevare j —ish, a, pieno di sevo Talon, *. artiglio Tamarind, s. tamarindo Tamarisk, *. tamarisco Tambour, s. tamburo Tame, a. domato, domestico, uniile, sommessoj to grow tame, addom est i cars i Tame, v. a. domare, umiliare ; — ly, ad. sommessamente, vilmen- te ; — ness, s. sommissione ; to tame one's passions, rintuzzare le proprie passioni Tamer, s. domatore Tamper with one, v. n. tener pra- tica, sollecitare ; to tamper with a disease, usar dubbiosi medica- menti [abbronzare Tan, *. concia j — v. a. conciare, Tang, s. tanfo, cattivo gusto, suo- no ; — v. n. tintinnare Tangent, s. tangente Tangibility, s. qualita tangibile Tangible, a. tangibile Tangle, v. a. imbrogliare Tanhouse, s. concia Tank, *. cisterna da tenervi acqua Tankard, s. boccale Tanned, a. abbronzato Tanner, s. conciatore Tansy, *. tanaceto Tantalize, v. a. far una cosa cosi per giuoco Tantamount, a. equivalente Tantivy, s. gran galoppo Tap, s. botta, percossa ; — v. a. spillare una botte, battere ; tap a tree, scalzare un aibero Tape, s. fettuccia di filo Taper, s. cero Taper, — ing, a. conico, piramidale Taper, v. n. Tarsi in forma di pi- ramide Tapestry, s. tappezzeria ; tapestry- maker, s. quello che lavora di tappezzeria Tapping, s. paracentesi Tapster, *. colui che tira da bere in una csteria Tar, s. pece liquida, marinaio j — v. a. spalmare Tarantula, s. tarantola Tardily, ad. tardamente Tardiness, s. tardezza Tardy, a. tardo, pigro, negligente, colpevole Tardy, v. a. ritardare Tare, *. tara ; — v. a. tarare Tares, s. loglio Target, s. targa Tariff, *. tariffa TEA Tarnish. P. n. appannarti ; — t>. a. oscurare [nuxinaiu Tarpaulin?, s. catrame, mi vera Tarry, p. n. indugiare, diniorare ; i.i-ry for me tier.-, aspettatemi qui ccante ; — ly, art. •gramente ; — doss, .*. i : apple- tart, torta da pomi ; urt-pau, *. tortiera Tartane, *. tar'ana Tartar, s. tartaro Tartarean, a. iufernale Tartarons, a. pienn di tartaro Task. t. earico ; hard task, cosa saalagevole a fare -*er, *. esattore r. fiocco; tas el, (hawk,) s. teranolo - custo ; — v. a. gnstare, assaggiare, aver qualche gusto ; this wine tastes well, questo vi- no ha buon gusto ; well-tasted, gustoso ; ill-tasted, injrato : to be out of taste, es^ere n Taster, *. sustatnre ; the kine's taster, colui che assaggia le vi- iel re Taster, *. saggiuolo Tasting, *. gustamento Tasteless, a. insipido Tatter, s. cencio [povero Tatter denial ion. t. uno stracciato. Tatters!, a. stracciato [ciarla Tattle, p. ?u coaaacchiare ; — t. Tattler, t. un ciealone Ta"rv>. s. ritira, chiamata Taudry. a. sfoggjalo Taunt, $. motto ; — v. a. and n. —•iare, burlare ; — «r, x. burlone Tauutiuily, ad. in burla Taurus J." Tauro [sime cose Tautologize. t\ n. ridire le mede- Tantotogical, a. tautologico Tautology, j. tau'olozia Tavern, i. taverna ; tavern-hnnter, t. que»li die frequenta le taVer- ne ; tavern-keeper, *. un taver- naio [giuoca Taw. f. p*>77n di marmo con cui si Taw. p. a. ctnciare ;. bruno Tax. t. tassa, imposizi^ne ; tax- lleftOTC delle tasse Ta.v. p. a. tapwe, biasimare; tax- taase Taxation, t . basagiooe Taylor, t. sartnre [#. te Tea, (shrub.) *. il te ; tea, (liquor.) Teach, v. a. inse»nare, predicare ; —able, a, insegnevole TEN Teacher, *. predicatore, maestro Teal, a. farchetol.i Team, *. tiro ; — v. a. attaccare Tear, $. lagrima j to shed tears, pi> Utgera [stracciarsi Tear, r. a. st race i are ; — p. n. Tearing, .*. stracciamentQ, straceia- tin a ; — a. tor e ; a tearing lass, una (anciulla tutta briaj tearing, a. Ex. ihfl goes tearing tine, ella e sempre audi iti-suna Tease, p. a. aitamnre . poppa, tetta Teasel, 5. cardo Techiness, s. sdegnosita Technical, a. ttcuico Teeny, a. sdegnoso Tedious, a. tedioso, lento ; — lv, ad. nojosamente ; — ness, s. tedio Teem, v. n. generare, creare j — inz. a. fertile Teeth, ». denti Tegument *. integumento Trim, s. tinta Telescope, s. telescopio Tell, v. a. dire, contare Tell-tale, 5. rap|>orlatore Teller, s. dicitore Temerarious, a. temerario Temerity, s. temerita Temper,*, tempra, umore Temper, v. a. temprar del ferro, moderare, stemperare i colori Temperament, s. teinperamento Temperance, 5. temperai za Temperate, a. temperato ; — ly, ad. moderatamente ; — ness, s. moderarnento Temperature, s. tempra Tempest, s. tempesta j — uous, a. lempestoso Templar, s. templare Templars, s. pi. tenii)Iari Temple, s. tempio ; — of the head, tempia Temporal, a. temporale, secolare ; — ities *. i beni temporali j — ly, ad. temporalmente Temporary, a. chc dura a tempo, transitorio Temporize, v. a. tempores^iare ; — er, s. che seconda il tempo ; — ing, *. il fempore'giare Tempt, v. a. tentare, invitare, in- s'iiare Temptation, s. tentazione Tempter, *. tentatore ; the tempt- er, il diavolo [volte tanto Ten, a. dieci ; tenfold, a. dieci Tenable, o. che si puo tenere Tenacious a. tenace ; — ly, ad. te- nacemeute 461 TER Tenacity, s. viscosita, avarizia Tenancy, s. can che teniamo d'un altro Tenant of land. .t. fittflario Tenant of a bouas. *. puionale Tenantable, a. abitaluli- Tench, P. tinea Tend, v. 11. lendere, aver la miro, curare, bad art* Tendency, s. line, inclinazione Tender, a. tenere ; — i>. a. offe- rire ; — *. otl'erta, baltello Tender, v. a. amare, aver della tenerezza ; as they tender his majesty's displeasure, sotto pena d'incrrere l'in lignazione di sua maesta ; — ly, ad. teneramente , — ness, *. tenerezza, delicatezza, amore Tendinous, a. tendinoso Tendon, *. tendine Tendril, *. tenerume [tenebre Tenebrous, a. tenebroso j — ity, *. Tenement, *. case Tenesmus, r. tenesmo Tenet, 9. opinione Tennis, s. pallacorda ; tenniscour 1 , s. il luogo dove si giuoca alia pal lacorda Tenon, *. arpione Tenor, *. tenore, soggetto Tense, *. tempo Tension, s. tensione Tent, a, padi^lione ; tentcloth, *. fodera ; tentmaker, faciiore d« tende Tentation, or Tentative, s. sargio Tenter, s. uncino [cimo luogc. Tenth, a. decimo ; — ly, ad. in de- Ten I hs, s. pi. dec i me Tenuity, *. tenuita Tenuous, a. tenue Tenure, *. titolo [dezza Tepid, a. tepido ; — ity, *. tepi- Terce, *. misura di liquidi Tergiversation, *. storcimento Term, s. (ermine, confine ; term- time, giorni curiali Terms, s. pL condizioni Term, v. a. nominare 1 1 rmagant, *. campionessa ; — a. torbido, litigioso Termina'e, v. a. terminare Termination, ». terminazione Termless, a. illimitato Termly. ad. o?ni termine Ternary, a. ternario Terrace, *. terrazza Terraqueous, a. terracqueo Terreous, a. terroso Terrestrial, a. terrestre Terrible, o. spaventevole ', - THA 9. terribilita ; — ly, ad. terribil- mente [censi Terrier, s. can bassetto, registro di Terrific, a. terribile Terrify, v. a. atterrire Territory, s. territorio Terror, s. spavento [netto Terse, a. terso ; terse 6tyle, stile Tertian ague, s. una febbre terzana Tertiate, v. a. interzare Tesselated, a. commesso a scacchi Test, s. coppella, cimento ; to put to the test, far prova di uno Testaceous, a. testaceo Testament, s. testamento ; — ary, a. testamentario Testator, s. testatore Testatrix, s. testatrice Tester, s. cielo del letto, sei soldi Testicle, s. testicolo Testification, s. testificazione Testify, v. a. tes'ificare ; — ing, s. il testificare Testimonial, a. tes'imoniale ; — s. lettera testimoniale Testimony, s. testimonianza ; in testimony whereof, in fede di che Testiness, s. fantasticaggine Teston, s. testone Testy, a. aromatico [stoiare Tether, s. pasioio ; — v. a. impa- Tetrarch, s. tetrarca Tetrarchy, s. te rarchia Tetter, s."serpigine Teutonic, a. Tedesco, Teutonico Text, s. testo Textuarist, or Textuary, s. uomo intenden'.e de ? testi della scrit- tura Texture, s. tessitura Than, conj. di, che, piu che non, anzi che ; I know it better than you, io so medio di voi Thane, s. persona nobile Thank, v. a. rin?raziare; God be thanked, rltigfaziato Iddio Thankful, a. grato ; — ly, ad. gra- tamen*e ; — ness s. gratitudine Thankless, a. in^rato Thanks, s. grrazie ; ^\ve thanks, rende- ?razie Thanksgiving, s. rin^raziamento That, pron. quello, quella ; — prim. re 1 , chi, che ; —conj. che, acciocche Thntch, s. pallia Thatch, v. a. coprir di paglia ; thatched-house. s. casa col tetto di stoppia, o parlia Tha*cher, s. cmciatetti in parlia Thaw, v. n. dighiacciare ; — s. il THl dighiacciare j it thaws, dighiac- ci.i The, art. il, lo, la, i, gli Theatre, s. teatro Theatrical, a. teatrale Thee, pron. ti, te Theft, s. ladroneccio Their, pron. loro; their father, il pad-re loro Them, pron. pi. li, le, loro, gli ; I love them, gli amo Theme, s. soggetto, tema Then, ad. allora, in quel tempo ; now and then, di quando in quando Then, (afterwards,) poi, dopo Then, cm;/, dunque ; what shall I do then? che faro dunque ? Thence, ad. di la, indi ; he is gone from thence, egli e partitd di la Thenceforth, or Thenceforward, da quel tempo in qua Theogony, s. teogonia [go Theologer, or Theologian, s. teolo- Theological, a. teologale ; — ly, ad. teologicamente Theology, s. teologia Theorbo, s. tiorba Theorem, s. teorema Theorematic, a. teorematico Theoretical, a. speculative Theory, s. teorica Therapeutic, s. terapeutico There, ad. 11, la ; here and there, qua e la ; there is, or there are, v' e, vi sono Thereabout, ad. incirca, intorno, | intorno a questo Thereabouts, ad. la in'orno ; ten pounds or thereabouts, dieci lire incirca Thereby, ad. da cib Therefore, conj. per cib Therefore, (then,) dunque Therein, ad. in cib Thereof, ad. di cio Thereto, ad. a cio Thereupon, ad. circa di cib Therewith, con cib Theriacal, a. triacale Thermometer, s. termome*ro Thesaurize, v. n. tesaurizzare These, pron. questi, queste Thesis, s. tesi Th -y, pron. e^lino, elleno, loro Thick, a. spesso ; to speak thick, aver la lingua grassa Thicken, v. a. spessare; — ing, s. lo spessare Thicket, ». boscheffd, folto Thickness, s. spessezza Thickset, a. spesso THO Thief, s. ladro Thief-catcher, s. birro Thieve, v. ro. rubare Thievery, or Thieving, s. furto Thievish, a. inclinatoa rubare; — ly, ad. da ladro ; — ness, s. in- cJinazione a rubare Thigh, s. coscia Thill, *. timone di carro ; thill- horse, s. il cavallo che sta al ti- mone Thimble, s. ditale Thin, a. sottile, rado, piccolo, mi- nuto, magro ; — v. a. diradare ; to grow thin, smagrire Thin-bodied, a. smilzo Thine, pron. il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue Thing, s. cosa ; where are my things ? dove sono le mie robe? Think, v. n. pensare; think well or ill, pensar bene o male ; think of, or upon, considerare ; I think so, credo di si ; th'ink light of a thing, far poco conto di una cosa Thinker, s. un che pensa assai Thinking, s. pensamento \ in my thinking, a mio parere Thinking, a. giudizioso Thinly, ad. radamente Thinness, s. radezza Third, a. terzo, (in music,) un ter- zo ; — ly, ad. in terzo luogo Thirst, s. sete Thirstily, ad. avilfamente Thirsty,- a. sitibondo ; blood- thirsty, a. sanguinolente Thirteen, a. tredici Thirteenth, a. tredicesimo Thirtieth, a. trentesimo Thirty, a. trenta This, pron. questo, questa ; what does this mean ? che vuol dir questo ? Thistle, s. cardo ; thistledown, s. cottone di cardone Thither, ad. 11, la ; go thither, an- date la ; — to, ad. fin la ; — wards, ad. verso la Thong, s. striscia di cuoio ; — ed, a. legato con strisce di cuoio Thorn, s. spina ; whitethorn, or hawthorn, s. spinalba ; thorn- bush, s. spineto ; thornback, *. razza Thorny, a. spinoso, pien di spine, tedioso, molesto Thorough, or Through, prep, per traverso ; thorough change, inti- ero cangiamento Those, pron. quelli, quegli, que*, quelle THR Thou, }~rcni. tu ; — p. a. dar del Though, con;', benche : — ly, ad. cou \ — uess, *. UIIIT J . spensicrato ; — m.u verten/a le j — a.migliaio, I h, a. millesimo ThraJ rcuotere ; >. trebbiatofe; — inf, s. ■ - .- TIOSO — r. a. infilare ; - (j. filio di hlo . .1. i.l unentoso minaccia; a man full of ward, uu minac- e uii cxlardo . minaeciare Threalener, s. mioacc minaccevole; — ly. ;: . • he ha ire piedi Threeforked, a. triforcato Thrtecoru-red, a. triane Thrurf Id, a. :riplice. tripartita Three^c ; — v. a. sue- chiare Thrive. v. n. profittare Thriving. J. prosperiti — y, ad. prosppra- men'e; he goes on thrivingly, --. gola ; to have a sore Otal • alia gola ■ tbmatwort, *. nome di pianta Throb, en, palpi are Throbbin.'. t. palpi tameoto Throes, *. pi. (of a woman,) le do- glie TID Throne, s. trono ; to sit upon a throne, n Throne, v. a. poire in trono r. calca ; — p. tu — 0. ii. aftbllare Throttle, v. a. Btrangolare Through, prep, per, a tiaverso; — ly. ad. intieramente Throughout, p>ep. fuor, fuora, per Throw, s. tiro, colpo ; a stone- throw, in tiro di Throw, r. a. gettare ; throw silk, torcerdella Beta ; fo throw away one's money, get tar via il suo danaro Thrum, a, la rrangia delta Btamej — v a. bastbnare, strimpellare Thrash, s. tonio Tin ust, ». spinta. una botta -. a. spignere; thrust for- ward, spignere avanti ; thrust buck, rispi^nere ; thrust into prison, mettere in prigione j thrust in, eonficcare ; thrust au ay, allontanare Thumb, s. poll ice ; thumb's breadth, on poll ice ; thumb- stall, a. fascettadi tela per il dito ; thumb a book, v. a. Gquadernart Thump, s. col]) . ; — v. a. battere ; | ercuotimeuto Thimi] i Thunder, s. tuono Thunder-bolt, s. fulmine Thunder, v. n. tuonare, fulminare : it (bonders, luma Thundering, s. tuonamen'o ; — a terribile, erande ; thundering noise, strepito, srnn romore Thursday, ». Giovedl Thus, ad. c i -i Thwack, s. frusta, sferza ; — v. a. . sferzare Thwart, a. bieco, bis'.orto; — v. a. attraversare Thwarting, a. contrario ; — ly, ad. d'una maniera contraria Thy, pron. il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue [mollino Thyme, s. timo ; wild thyme, ser- Tiaia, s. tiara, mitra, la tiara del papa Tick, s. fodera ; — (insec\) zecca ; ( lisease in horses,) v. tiro Tick. 0. n. pigliare a credito Ticket, s. I Tickle, v. a. dikticare, piacere, . re. solleticare Ticklinz, s. solletico Tickli-h. a. sollelicnso, delicato Til, a. delicato, lezioao; a tidbit, un boccone ) TIM Tide. .*. flusso del mare, riilusso, l'onde, tempo, starione J wind- ward-ti le, marea <• mtro vento ; leeward-tide, ventoemarea; to go with the tide, andarcolla nia- rea ; tide-man, or ti le-waiter, ; Whitsuntide, s. la Pentecoste ; Martinmastide, la festa di San Martino Tide, d. n. sospingi re col flutto 'tidings, s. novelle Tidy, a. destro, acconcio Tie, v. legame, nodo; — v. a. le- : he tied himself n ; » by a vow, egli s'ob- hl i^o eon voto Tier, s. una fila terza [bevanda Tift", v. n. pun^ere ; — s. collera, Tiflany, s. spezie di taffetta . iigre Tight, a. pulito. tirato 1 i-h i Q, o. a. legare che .sia bene si ret to Tightly, ad. attillatamente Tigbtn ss, *. proprieta, slrettezza Tigress, s. tigre ' cchio Tile, j. tegola; tilesfaeard, s. coc cia ; tile-inaker, 5. facitor di te- gole; tile-kiln, *. fornace da te- gole Tile, v. a. coprir con tegole Till, s. tiraloio d'una bottega, tavo- letla di stampatore Till, ad. rino, infino; till now, fin' Till the ground, v. a. zappare Tillage, s. agricoltura ; laud fit for tillage, terra arabile Tiller," s. lavoratore, querciuolo, liinone d'una barca Tilling, s. coltura Tilt, s. tenda Tiltboat, s. barca coperfa Tilts, s. ^iostra [giostra TiHyard, s. luo^o destinato alia Tilt', v. n. gins' rare Tilt with swords, armegejiare Tib, t\ a. alzar una botte di birra Tiltcr, s. giostratore Tilth, s. agricoltura Til'ing, *. torneamento Timber, s. legname ; timber-mer- chant, mercaute di lezname ; timber-work, s. lavoro di legna- me ; timber of skins, quaranta pelli Timber, v. n. annidarsi Timbrel, s. cemhalo Time, s. tempo, secolo. opportuni- ta, comodo, volta ; time out of TIT mind, tempo immemorabile ; in time, col tempo, dopo ; to come time enough, venire a tempo Time. v. a. prender del tempo Timely, ad. opportunamente, di buou' ora ; to give timely notice, avvcrtire in tempo Timid, a. timido ; — ity, s. timi- dezza Timorous, a. timido ; — ly, ad. timidamente ; — ness, s. timidita Tin, s. stagno, latta ,• tin candle- stick, un candeliere di latta ; tin- man, s. ferraio di latta Tin over, v. a. stagnai e Tincal, s. oricalco Tinct, or Teint, s. tintura Tincture, s. tinta, impressione, in- farinatura. infusione ; — v. a. dare una tintura Tinder, s. esca Tinderbox, s. scatola in cui si ticnc il fucile e l'esca da battere fuoco Ting, s. tintinno Tinge, v. a. tingere Tingle, v. a. tintinnire ; my ears tingle, mi risonan gli orecchi Tingling, s. tin inno Tinker, s. calderaio ; tinker's bud- get, sacchetto di calderaio Tinsel, s. drappo tessuto con or- pello Tint, s. tintura, colore Tiny, a. piccolo ; — s. tignuola Tip, s. punta, cima Tip-toe, punta del piede Tipstaff, s. tavolaccino Tip, munii^ di ferro ; tip down, abbattere ; tip one's hand, ugner le mani ad uno Tippet, s. ciarpa ; woman's tippet, coilare di pelle Tipple, v. n. ubbriacarsi spesso Tippler, s. bevitore Tippling, s. imbriachezza j tip- pling-house, s. osteria Tipsy, a. mezzo cotto Tire, for Attire, s. ornamento ; — tire-woman, cameriera Tire, v. a. ornare, acconciare, las- sare, fat i care ; I fear I shall tire you, temo d'esservi noioso Tire, v. n. lassarsi ; I am tired with walking, sono stanco di camminare [tedio Tiresome, a. noioso ; — ness, s. 'Tis, egli e Tissue, s. riccio [doncellina Tit, s. lui, cingallegra, cavalluccio, Tithable, a. soggetto alia decima Tithe, s. decima ; — v. a. deci- maxej tithe-gatherer, s. riscuo- TOL titor di decime ; — ing, *. una decima ; tithiug-man, s. il capo d'una decina Titillate, v. a. titillare Titillation, s. solletico Title, s. titolo, ragione Title-page,*, il titolo Title, v.'a. intitolare Titter, v. n. ridere sconciamente Tittle, s. punto [lone Tittle-tattle, s. cicalamento, cica- Tittle-tattle, v. n. gracchiare Titular, a. titolare To, prep, a, al, alio, alia ; he is gone to Rome, egli e andato a Roma ; to go to France, andare in Francia ; to have a title to a thing, aver ragione sopraqual- che cosa To, ad. verso ; my love to you, l'amor che vi porto Toad, s. botta, rospo j toadstone, s. chelonite ; toad-stool, s. spezie di fungo Toast, s. fetta di pane abbrustola- ta ; donna celebre Toast, v. a. arrostire Tobacco, s. tabacco ; to smoke to- bacco, f'umar del tabacco ; to- bacco-box, s. tabacchiera ; to- bacco-pipe, pipa Tobacconist, s. mercante di tabacco Tod, s. pesodi 23 libbre Toe, s. dito del piede ; great toe, il dito grosso del piede ; from top to toe, da capo al piede Together, ad. insieme; to gather together, raccogliere Toil, s. pena ; — v. n. faticarsi Toiler, s. lavoratore Toilet, s. tavolino a cui le donne s'acconciano Toiling, s. fatica Toilsome, a. fatichevole; — ness, s. affanno Token, s. segno, presente, regalo Told, a. detto Tolerable, a. tollerabile, mediocre ; — ness, s. mediocrita; — ly, ad. cosl cosi Tolerance, s. tolleranza Tolerate, v. a. tollerare Tolerating, or Toleration, *. tolle- ranza Toll, s. pedaggio ; to pay toll, v. a. pagare il pedaggio ; toll-gatherer, collettore del pedaggio ; toll- free, a. franco di pedaggio ; toll- booth, il luogo dove si paga il pedaggio Toll, v. a. and n. rintoccare, adescare, incitare 464 TOR Tomb, i. sepolcro Tombstone, s. pietra che copre la sepoltura [ovani Tomboy, s. sfacciata che ama i gi- Tome, s. tomo, volume Tomtit, s. cinciallegra Tone, *. tuono, accento ; one may know by his tone that he is au Italian, si pub conoscere dall' ac- cento ch' egli e un Italiano Tong of a buckle, ardiglione di fibbia Tongs, s. molle Tongue, s. lingua, linguaggio ; the English tongue, la lingua In- glese ; tongue-tied, a. mezzo iuu- to ; double-tongued man, uomo doppioj —less, a. che non ha lingua, muto Tonnage, *. dazio chi si paga per ogni tonellata di mercanzia Tonsure, s. tonsura Too, ad. ancbe ; too much, troppo ; too much of any thing is good for nothing, il soverchio rompe il coperchio Tool, s. stromento Tooth, s. dente ; tooth-ache, s. mal di denti ; tooth-drawer, ca- vadenti Toothing, s. morsa Toothsome, a. gustoso Toothless, a. sdentato ; Top, s. sommita ; — of a bed, il cielo del letto ; of the water, la superficie dell' acqua ; from top to bottom, da alto a basso ; top- heavy, a. troppo pesante in cima ; top-knot, s. nastro che le donne portano sulla testa; round top of a ship, gabbia; top-mast, or top-gallant-mast, s. trinchetto J top-sail, s. vela di trinchetto Top, s. paleo ; — v. a. tagliare la cima, coprire ; — v. n. maggio- reggiare Topaz, *. topazio Tope, v. n. trincare Toper, *. bevitore Topical, a. topico Topic, s. soggetto, materia Topographer, s. colui che fa la de- scrizione d'un luogo Topographical, a. topografico Topography, s. topografia Topping, a. principale, considera- ble Topsy-turvy, ad. sotto sopra Torch, s. torcia Torch-weed, s. tassobarbasso ; torch-bearer, *. che porta una torcia TOW Tore, prd. o/Tear, stnicciare Torment, s. tormento ; — v. a. tor- menUre ; — or, s. tormmiatore ; — ing. s. tormentazione Tom, a. stracciato Tornado, s. bttTTMCi Torpid, a. agdiiadato Torrent, s. toi rente TorriJ, a. torri do Tortoise, s. testuggine ; tortoise- shell, tartruu-M Tortuous, a. torti Torturable. eapacc di tortura Torture, *. torture ; — v. O. tor- mentare : — er, 3. caraefice ; — ing, s. tortura Torvi-y. «. .\-j etto barbaro, torvita Torvous, a. torvo : — 0. n. palleg- giare: — 0. a. scuotere : to ton one iu a blanket, dare la coper- taccia : to>s a ball, rimandare una palla : — in?, 3. scossa Total, a. to ale ; — s. la somma to tale, il totale ; — \y,ad. intera- mente T'other, a. l'i!'n Totter, t". 71. vacillare [a onde Tottering,*, vacillamento;— ly. ad. Touch, 3. taffo, tintuia. cimento, bottone : — v. a. toccaie, e^er viciu\ I uchstone, para gone ; be fears to come to the touch, teme di venire alle prove ; touch-hole of a gun, ipiraglio; touch-wood, esca ; touchpan, to- cone; this will never stand the touch, questo non puo resistere all' esame Touching. 3. toccamento Toucliin?, prep, intorno, circa Touchy, a. 1 • Tou^h", a. ti?li iso, duro, robusto, cruJele, Bpiegato, difficile; — ness, r. durezza Toupee, s. eiafib Tour, t. Tournament, ft. torneamento Toum*. v. a. searJassare Tow, 3. stoppa 1. rim>;rehiare Towage, 3. rimurchio rem Toward, a. inclii.ato. prono Towaf lliness. 3. docilita . . a. docile j — ad. de- stramente Towel, ft. tova?!ia Tower, *. torre Tower, ',. c >lui che rimurchia; — v. 7i. alza-si alto ; ■ i ng , a. altiero, superbo 30 TRA Town,*, citta, piazza ; town-bouse, lella ci ta ; tow n-w alls. mnra delta citta ; townsman. >. concit'adino; town talk, bisbi- glio ; township, .v. giurisdizione | .she was the town t -i 1 ic. non si parlava che di lei per l.i cittft Toy, s. begeJella, baia ; — v. 7?. Cianciaxe ; toyman, t. che veiiile gkrie Toyer, j. cianciatore 1 bj ing, s. ciancia T03 ish, a. aanante di bagatelle, la- scivelto Trace, s. traccia ; — v. a. trac- ci ire, aeguir la tnccia Trace to the original, ripi?liare il prineipio ; trace on', rintracciare Tracer, j. un che trova la traccia Track, s. vestigio, tracCJ 1 | track of hills, una gio,aia di monti Trackless, a. senza traccia Tract, s. tratto, spazio, tratfato Tractable, a. trattabile, benignoj —ness *• TraUabiliti; — ly, ~ ad. trattabilmente Trade, s. mesftere : — (tools,) or- digni ; — (traffic,) neguzio ; trade-wind, vento eliseo Trade, r. n. trafficare Trader, *. un merca'ante Tradesman, s. artista Tradeswoman, s. ariigiana Trad in?, *. negozin Tradition, s. tradizione; — al, or — ary, a. dj tradizione; — ist, s. colui che va dietro alle tra lizioni Traditive, a. che puo trasmettersi a' posteri Traduce, v. a. diffamare, accusare : — in?, .*. diitaziiazione ; — er, s. ditfamatore Traduction, 3. tiaduzioue, calunnia, tralizione Traffic, j. traffico ; — v. n. traffi- care, negoziare ; — er, *. mer- eante Tragacanth, s. drazan'e (zomnia) Tragedian, ft. componitordi trage- die, attore tn^ico Tra^, *. tragedia, accidente de- plorabile Tragic, or Tragical, a. irajico, do- lorosa, fa'ale; — ly. ad. tragica- mente ; — ness, s. mneria Tragi-eomedy, ». trancommedia Tragi-comical, trazicimico Trail, v. a. s'rascinare Trailing, 3. Mraacino Train. .». htihIo, s'ra-ciro, insi- die; he has a noble train, egli 4G5 TRA ha nohil corteggio ; train of ar- till.iy, tiaino' d' arti?liera ; to lay .1 iriin for one, tender iusidia aduno; train-hands, milizia Train, or 1 rain up, v. a. istruire, edu< are, disctplinare Train-oil, s. olio di baleno Traitor, s. tin lit.. re Traitorous, a. da traditore ; — ly, ad. truiitoriamente Trammel-net, .?. tramaglio Trample on, v. a. calpestare Trance, a. Trancjuillize, u. a. tranquillare Tranquillity, s. tranquiuita Transact, v. a. negoziare, aggiu- starsi Transacting, or Transaction, t. bransazione, convenzione Transactor, s. queljo che negozia Transalpine, a. transalpino Transcend, v. a. transcendere Transcende ncy, s. eccellenza Transcen lent, a. transcendente ; — ly, ad. perfettamente Transcolate, v. a. colare Transcribe, u. a. trascrivere; — er, s. copista ; —ing, s. il trascri- vere Transcript, s. copia Transcur, v. ji. tiascorrere Transcurrence, or Transcursion, 1. scorrimento Transfer, v. a. trasferire Transferring, s. il trasferire Transfiguration, s. trasfigurazione Transfigured, a. trashgurato Transfix, v. a. trasfusjere Transform, v. a. trasformare Transformation, *. trasformazione Transformer, s. quello che trasfor- Transforming, *. trasformamento Transfuse, u.a. trasfondere Transfusion, s. trasfondimento Transgress, v. a. trasgredire; — ing, — ion, s. tra«gredimento ; — or, 5. trasgressore Transient, a. transitorio ; — ly, ad, transitoriamente Transit, s. transito Transition, *. passaggio Tiansitory, a. transitorio Translate, v. a. traslatare, tradurre, 1iasj)>rtare Translating, or Translation, # tra-lazione Translator, 3. traluttore Transmarine, a. oltramarino Transmigiate, v. a. trasmigrare Transmigration, s. trasm'grazione Trao mission, 1. trasfondimento TRA Transmit, v. a. trasmettere Transmitting, s. il trasmettere Transinografy, v. a. trasmutare Transmutable, a. trasmuiabile Transmutation, s. trasformazione Transmute, v. a. cambiare Transom, s. traversa j transom window, telaio Transparency, s. tmsparenza Transparent, a. diafano ; to be transparent, v. n. traiucere Transpierce, v. a. trafiggere Transpiration, s. traspirazione Transpire, v. n. perspirare Transpiring, s. traspirazione Transplant, v. a. traspiantare ; — ation, s. tra^piantamento ; — er, s. quello che traspiauta ; — ing, s. traspiantamento Transport, s. estasi ; — ship, s. va- scello di trasporto Transport, v. a. trasportare, met- ter fuor di se ; —able, a. che si puo trasportare ; — ation, s. tras- porto ; — ing, s. il trasportare Transpose, v. a. trasporre Transposing, or Transposition, s. trasponimento [ziare Transubstantiate, v. n. transustan- Transnbstantiation, s. transustan- ziazione Transubstantiator, s. difensore del- la transustanziazione Transvasate, v. a. trasvasare Transverse, a. traverso Trap, s. trappola, insidia, trama : to set a trap, tendere una trappo- la ; mousetrap, s. trappola da sorci Trap, v. a. attrappare ; trap one, ingannare alcuno Trape, v. n. andar rammgo Trapes, s. una donnaccia Trappings, s. gualdrappe Trash, sT robaccia, frutti cattivi Travail, v. n. esser ne' dolori del parto Travel, s. sforzo, affanno, dolori del parto, viaggio Travel, y. a. tormentare ; — v. n. viaggiare, travagliare ; he has travelled all over France, e?li ha viaggiato per tutta la Francia Traveller, s. viaggiatore Traveller's-joy, g. viburno Travelling, s. viazgio Travelling bird, s. un uccello di passazgio ; whither are you travelling ? dove andate ? Traverse of a ship, s. b r >rdeggio Traverse,^*, (in fortification,) tra- versa TRE Traverse, s. (in heraldry,) sbarra Traverses, (troubles,) traversie, av- versita Traverse, v. a. atlraversare Travesty, a. travestito ; Virgil tra- vestied, Virgilio travestito Tray, s. truogo ; mason's tray, truogolo di muratore Tray-man, s. manovale Treacherous, a. perfido ; treacher- ous man, un traditore ; treacher- ous memory, memoria corta j — ly, ad. perfidamente Treachey, s. perfidia Treacle, s. teriaca Tread, s. camminatura, via,traccia; -— v. 7i. camminare ; to tread upon one's foot, camminare sulli piedi d' alcunoj tread softly, cam- minar pian piano ; tread upon, v. a. calpestare; tread the grapes, calpestar l'uva ; the cock treads the hen, il gallo galla la gallina Tread er, s. calcatore Treadle, s. calcole Treadles of sheep, stereo di pecora Treason, s. tradimento ; high trea- son, delitto di lesa maesta $ petty- treason, il delitti d'un servitore che ammazza il suo padrone Treasonable, a. traditoresco Treasonably, ad. da traditore Treasure, s. tesoroj treasure up, v. a. tesaurizzare ; treasurer, s. tesoriere ; lord treasurer, gran tesoriere ; treasurership, s. la ca- rica d'un tesoriere Treasury, s. luogo del tesoro : treasury-office, s. tesoreria Treat, s. convito ; to treat, trattare ; to give one a treat, dar un gran pasto ; treat kindly, trattare cor- tesemente Treatable, a, trattabile Treatably, ad. moderatamente Treating, s. trattamento Treating house, s. bettola Treatise, s. tratto Treatment, *. trattamento Treaty, s. accordo, trattato Treble, a. triplice ; we were treble their number, noi eravamo tre volte piii di loro ; treble, (inmu sic,) il soprano Treble, v. a. triplicare Trebly, ad. triplicemente Tree, s. albero ; truit-tree, s. albe- ro pomifero; apple-tree, s. me- lo ; pear-tree, s. pero Trefoil, s. trifoglio Trellis, s. (lattice,) gelosia ; trellis, (cloth,) traliccio 466 TR1 Tremble, v. n. tremare Trembling, s. il tremare ; to cause a trembling, far tremare ; — ly, ad. tutto tremante Tremendous, a. tremendo Tremour, s. brivido, tremore Tremulous, a. tremolante Tren. s. pettinella, fiocina Trench, s. fosso, chiassaiuola per seccare uno stagno, trincea, ripa militare; to open trenches, aprir le trincee ; trench about, v. a. circondar con trincee Trencher, *. tagliere e tagliero Trencher-man, gran mangiatore Trencher-fly, s. scroccone Trendel, err Trendle, s. il perno sul quale gira la macina d'un muli- no Trental, s. servizio per i morti che dura trenta giorni Trepan, *. trepano, furbo, trufFa- tore ; — v. a. trapanare ; — v.n. adescare ; — ner, s. un furbo Trepidation, s. trepidazione, tim' dezza Trespass, *. misfatto ; — v. a. of- fendere ; to trespass upon the law, trasgredire la leggej — er, s. trasgressore Tress, s. treccia di capelli j her golden tresses, le sue trecce d'oro Trestle, *. tripode, trespole Tret, s. sbasso accordato da' mer- canti all' ingrosso a que' che ri- vendono al minuto Trevet, s. treppiede Trey, s. un tre Trial, s. esperienza, sforzo, attenta* to, lite j to make trial, far prova ; to give a trial of one's skill, dar prova di quel che 1'uomo sa fare Triangle, s. triangolo " Triangular, a. triangolare Tribe, s. tribu, razza, famiglia ; he is one of the tribe, egli e della razza Triblet, s. ordigno che l'orafo ado- pera quando fa anella Tribulation, s. tribulazione Tribunal, s. tribunale Tribune, s. tribuno Tribunitial, o. tribunizio Tributary, a. tributario Tribute, s. tributo, tassa ; to pay tribute to nature, morire Thrice, s. Ex. in a trice, in un punto Trick, s. modo, burla, furfanteria ; — at cards, mano ; to play one a slippery trick, mancar di parola ad uno TRI Trick up, parare, nrnare ; to trick one's self up, pararsi Tricker, s. grillo [niento Tricking, s. I'abbozzare, abbiglia- Trickish, or. furfantesco Trickle, s. gocciola Trickle, vr Trickle down, v. iu gOCCiolare Trickling, a. gocciolante Trident, «. tridente Triennial, a. triennio Trier, s. saggiatore Trifallow. t'. a. terzare Trifle, *. baia, bagatella- Trifle, t\ n. eianciare ; trifle away one's time, spender il tempo in vano Trifler, *. bagatelliere Trifling, s. cnneia; trifling busi- ness, affile di nulla Triflingly. ad. di nessun peso Trig a wheel, incatenare una ru- ota Trigger, *. pezzo di ferro col quale si ferman le ruote d'un carro ; — of a gun, grillo Trigonometry, ». trigonometria Trilateral, a. che ha Ire lati Trill, s. trillo [lare Trill, v. a. eorghesr^iare, goccio- Trim, a. pulito, attillato ; — s. (dress,) abbigiiamento ; trim of a ship, stiva Trim, v. a. guernire, raderej trim a boat, mettere una barca in isti- va ; trim up, aggiustare, accomo- dare Trim, v. n. star in mezzo Trimlv, ad. pulitamen'e Trimmer, *. un che tiene dalle due bande Trimming, s. il guarnire Trimness, s. pulizia Trine, a. trino Trini'v. *. trinita Trinket, s. trinchetto Trinkets, j. ciancia, fniscoli Trip, s. inciampo, BOOtfsa Trip. v. Ji. inciampare, camminare sulla punta de 1 piedi, saltellare ; he trij»s with hi- tongue, egli non sa quel che dice : trip one up, dare il gambetto ad uno Tripartite, a. 'ripnr'ito Tripe, s. tnppa; tripe-woman, *. donna che vende delle trippe ; trip*--hoi>se, s. mercato dove si vendon le trippe Triphthonsr, *. trittongo Triple, a. triplice Triple-tree, s. f->rche Triple, v. a. triplicare TRO Triplication, s. il triplicare Triplicity, s. triplicita Tripod, 4'. tripode Tripoly, j. tripoli Tripping, s. inciampo Tristful, a. tristo Trisyllable, s. trisiliabo Trite, a. commie, usitato Triton, s. tritone, girella Triturable, a. che si puo tritare Triturate, v. a. tritare Trituration, s. lo stritolare Triumph, 9. trionfo, vittoria ; — v. n, trionfare ; triumph over, soggiogare Triumphal, a. trionfale Triumphant, a. trionfante; — ly, ad. tiionfalmente Triompher, * 'rionfatore Triumphing, s. il trionfare Triumvir, s. triunviro Triumvirate, s. triumvirate Triune, a. un solo in tre persone Trivet, s. treppiede Trivial, a. triviale m Trivially, ad. trivialmente Trochee, s. trocheo Trochisk, s. trocisco [batfuto Trod, or Trodden, a. calpestrato, Troll about, v. n. vagabondare ; troll away, sbrigarsi . Trollop, s. una schifa j Troop, *. truppa, compagnia ; : troops, s. esercito Troop, v. n. adunarsi Troop away, fuggire Trooper, s. uu cavaliere Trope, s. tropo Trophy, s. trofeo Trophies of honour, gli onori Tropics, s. pi. tropici Tropical, a. tropico, metaforico Tropological, a. tropologico Tropology, s. discorso morale Trot, s. tiotto ; — v. n. trottare ; trot up and down, correr qua- e la froth, *. fede ; in troth, da vero Trotter, s. trottatore j trotters, *. peducci Trotting, s. trotto , Trouble, s. fatica, disavventura, | imbarazzo, di^turba, sollecitu- dine ; to be a trouble to, incomo- dare ; wi'h little trouble, senza ! molta fatica Trouble, v. a. intorbidare. incomo- dare, interrompere, inquietare, travazliare affli rzere Troubler, s. perturbatore Troublesome, a. aff'annoso, cattivo, noioso, incomodo 467 TRU Trough, *. truogo ; kneading- trough, madia Trounce, v. a. maltrattare Trout, g. trota Trow, v. n. credere Trowel, s. cazzuola Troy-weight, *. peso di dodici once la libbra Truant, s. un infingardo ; to play the truant, fuggire la scuola Trub-tail, s. una donnicciuola Truce, s. tregua Trucidation, y. trucidamento Truck, s. baratto ; — v. a. barat- tare Truckle, s. girella Truckle-bed, s. carriuola Truckle, v. n. sommettersi Truckling, s. sommessione Trucks, s. trucco ; trucktable, la tavola dove si giuoca al trucco Truculent, a. feroce Trudge, v. iu trottare ; trudge a-foot, andare a piedi ; trudge, v. n» aft'aticarsi j — ing, s. tra\a- glio [franchezza True, (i. vero, esattoj — ness, *. True-hearted, a. franco True-hearted ness, s. sincerita Trug, *. truogolo Trull, s. una bagascia Trulv. ad. veramente Trump, s. trionfo ; to have trumps, aver trionfi ; trump of an ele- phant, proboscide d'un elefante Trump, v. a. prendere con un tri- onfo, magniricare Trumpe. ,, *. cenci Trumpet," s. tromba Trumpet, v. a. suonar la tromba, pubblicare, divulgare Tiaimpeter, s. trombettiere Truncheon, s. bas»one Trundle, or Trundle along, v. a. ruotolare Trundle-tail, s. una berghiuella Trunk, s. (chest,) c ofano Trunk covered with leather, un baule ; iron trunk, s. un forziera di ferro ; trunk-maker, un bau- laio ; trunk of a tree, il tronco d'un albero; trunk of a man's body, il busto Trunk, s. (pipe,) canna, canaletto di lesmo ; — of an elephant, la tromba d'un elefante Trunnions, s. pi. orecchioni di can- none Truss, s. fardello, brachiere ; — of hay, s. f.istello di fieno ; trusses, I s. (r^pes,) funicelle I Truss up, v. a. legare, annodare. TUM legarsi, imballare ; truss up a fowl, accomodare un polastro Trust, *. coufidenza, credenza, de- posito ; to put one in trust with a thing, contidare che che sia ad uno ; place of good trust, carica importante ; to go upon trust, pigliare a credenza Trust, v. a. confidare, sperare ; trust one with a secret, contidare un segreto ad uno ; — , (rely up- on,) confidarsi Trustee, s. depositario, curatore Truslily, ad. fedelmente Trustiness, s. fedelta Trusty, a. fidato, leale Truth, s. verita ; to speak the truth, dire la verita ; in truth, ad. se- riamente Try, v. a. fare il saggio ; — v. n. tentare, sforzare ; try a friend, sperimentare un amico ; try one for his life, fare il processo ad uno; try meta's, raffinare metal- li ; try experiments, fare speri- menti Trving, s. saggio l\ib, s. tina; bucking-tub, s. tinac- cio da bucato ; tale of a tub, s. novella vana Tube, s. tubo Tubercle, s. tubercolo Tuberose, a. tuberoso Tuberosity, s. tuberosity Tuberous, s. tuberoso Tuck, s. sorta di spaia Tuck, v. a. succingere Tucker, s. gala, follone Tucking up, s. il succingere Tuesday, s. Marte.1) ; Shrove-Tues- day, s. Martedi grasso Tuft, *. ciuffetto di capelli ; —of silk, flocco di seta ; — of feath- ers, mazzo di piume Tuft, a. velluto ; tuft-ribbon, s. nastro velluto; tufted-flower, fi- ore velluto ; tufted-lark, s. allo- dola crestata Tug, *. il tirare ; — v. a. tirare ; tug hard for a thing, v. n. darsi molta pena Tugger, s. quello che strappa Tugging, s. tiramento Tuition, s. condotta, protezione Tulip, s. tulipano Tumble, *. cascata ; — v. a. ca- dere, capitombolare ; tumble one upon a bed, rovesciare uno sopra un letto ; tumble a bed, sconvol- gere un lettd Tumbler, s. saltatore, tazza Tumbler-dog, *. un bassetto TUR Tumbling, s. il rotolare Tumbril, s. carretta Tumefaction, s. tumore Tumefy, v. a. gonfiare Tumid, a. tumido, gonfiato Tumour, s. tumore Tumult, s. tumulto Tumultuary, a. tumultuario Tumultuous, a. tumultuoso ; — ly, ad. tumultuosamente; — ness, s. perhirbazione Tun, s. botle ; tun, (weight,) s. to- nellata Tun of timber, misura di quaranta piedi di legname Tun-bellied, a. panciuto Tun, v. a. imbottare Tunable, a. armonioso Tunably, ad. armciosamente Tune, s. tuono, accordo, aria Tune, v. a. accordare Tuner, s. colui che accorda Tuneful, a. musicale Tuneless, a. scordante Tunic, s. tunica Tunic, or Tunicle, s. membrana Tuning, s. accordo Tunnel, t. imbuto, spezie di rete da prender pernici ; — of a chim- ney, il fumaiuolo Tunneller, s. colui che piglia le pernici col la rete Tunny, s. tonno Tup, s. ariete-; — v. n. cozzare Turban, s. turbante Turbary, s. diriito di prendere del- le piote nella terra Turbot, s. rombo Turbulency, s. turbolenza Turbulent, a. impetuoso, sedizio- so ; — ly, ad. con turbolenza Turcism, s. reli^ione de' Turchi Turcoise, or Turcoise-slone, s. tur- chi ',a Turf, s. pezze di terra coperte d'er- ba, sorta di terra atta a far fuoco Tur^ent, a. gonfio Turk, s. un Turco Turkish, a. Turchesco Turkey, s. Turchia ; Turkey-mer- chant, uno che mercanteggia con gente in Turchia [d'India Turkey, or Turkey-cock, s. gallo Titrmerie, s. turtumaglio Turmoil, s. fracasso; — v. n. far grande strepito Turn, s. lomin, pass?2t;nara, girata, vicenda, giro, rivoluzione, uffi- cio, servizio ; to take a turn, fare una gira'a ; every one in his turn, ojnuno in giro ; to do one a good turn, ren ler un buon uffi- 468 TWI cio ad uno ; a friendly turn, un tiro d'amico Turn, v. a. vol tare ; — v. n. an- dare in giro ; my head tun» round, la testa mi gira ; turn back, ritornare ; turn away a ser- vant, mandar via un domestico ; turn upside down, rovesciare Turn-coat, s. volta casacca Turner, s. torniaio Turning, s. giro ; — of a river, ser- peggiamenti d'un flume Turnip, s. rapa Turnkey, s. garzone del carceriere Turnpike, s. cancello Turnstile, s. girandola Turpentine, s. trementina; turpen- tine-tree, terebinto Turpitude, s. turpitudine Turrel, s. succhiello Turret, s. torricciuola Turtle,*, testuggine di mare; tur- tle, or turlle-dove, s. tortora Tuscan, a. Tosco, Toscano Tush, inta-j. o'ibb [cavallo Tushes of a horse, certi denti del Tusks, s. zanne Tusked, or Tusky, a. zannuto Tut, interj. oibb Tu'elage, s. protezione del pupillo Tutelar, or Tutelary, a. tutelare Tutor, s. precettore Tutoress, s. tutrice Tutor, v. a. addottrinare Tutorship, s. tutela Tutty, s. tuzia, mazzetto di fiori Twain, a. due Twang, *. suono acufo, cattivo ac- c^nto ; to speak with a twang, parlar col naso [to Twang, v. n. render un suono acu- Twattle, v. n. cicalare Twattling, s. ciarleria Tweag, or Tweak, *. imbroglio ; tweak by the nose, v. a. tirare per il naso Tweezers, s. pi. molletti Twelfth, a. duodecimo ; twelfth- day, s. epifania ' Twelve, a. dodici ; book in twelves, un libro in duodecimo Twelvemonth, *. un anno Twentieth, a. ventesimo Twenty, a. venti ; one and twenty, ventuno Twibill. s. piccone ice. a. due volte ; twicefold, ad. oppiamente Twig, s. vermena; lime-twig, s. paniuzzo ; to set lime-twigs, uo» cellare coll' uccellieia Twilight, s. crepusculo ULT Twin, *. gemello Twine, *. tilo ntorto ; — v. a. tor- twine about, al I Twinge, *. dolore acuto, lormeuto ; — v. a. erue Twinkle, 5. occhiata ; — v. n. sfawllare; in the twinkling sf an eye, in un 1 Ufa r I'occhio Twirl,' D. a> voltare Twist, s. tilo; —of the thigh, il delta coscia : — (gird- er,) travicelio; — P.O. toiverv ; twist hair, iiil!\oi;.uc expel li Twister, .«. tor. Ok riniproverare 0. cu pizzi- care ; — ing, s. pi/zicore Twitter, v. a. schernire Two, a. due . i, a. due tagli Tymbal, t. tabxllo >..., *. timpano ist, t. idropico ...*. spezie d'idropisia Type, a, symboto, modello Typical, a. figurative Typically, ad. figurativamente rjrapher, s. stampatore I hical, a, di starupatore • '. by, s. stampa Tyrannical, a. tirannico * Tyranically, ad. tiramiicamente ickfe, *. tinumicida Tyrannise, v. a. tiranneggiare Tyranny, s. tirannia Tyrant," *. tiruuno ; petty tyrant, "un tirannello Tvro, *. colui che non possiede an- enr bene la sua arte j un novizio Tythe, t. decima U UBEROSITY, *. abbondanza Uberous, a. copioso Ubiquity, *. ubiquiti Udder, '». telta •i. Lruitamenfe . Ugly, a- brutta, deforme, sconcio, "cattivo. indegno Ulcer, t. ulcera Ulcerate, r. a. ulcerare Ulcerating or Ulceration,*, ulcera' zione Ulcerous, o. ulceroso Ultimate, o. ultimo ; — ly, ad. ul tioumente UNB • Ultion, s. vendetta [a77iiro Ultramarine, a, ol ramarinoj — *. Ultramontane, a. oltramontano Ululate, v. (i. ululate . a. oml reg :iito Umbilical, a. d'umbilico Umbiage, t. amhra, so petto Umbrella, s. ombrello, ombrella, parasole Umpii ige, s. arbitrate Umpire. 1. ail itra Inability. *. incapacita l 111 ! u . .k, v. a. smascbeiare Unmast, v. a. levar l'albero del vascello Unmatch, v. a. spaiare Unmeasurable, a. immenso Unmeasurably, ad. smisuratamente Unmeet, a. che non e conveniente Unmerciful, a. spietato ; — ness. s. crudelta [s. negligenza Unmindful, a. negligente ; — ness, Unmingled, or Unmixed, a. sem- plice < [to Unmolested, a. che non e molesta- Unmoor a ship, v. a. salpare Unmovable, a. immobile ; — ness, *. fermezza ; — ly, ad. immobil- mente Unmoved, a. immobile Unnail, v. a. schiodare Unnatural, a. soprannaturale, inu- mano ; — ness, inumanita Unnavigable, a. che non e naviga- bile [necessita Unnecessarily, ad. senza veruna Unneedful, a. inutile [rato Unnumbered, a. che non e nume- Unoccupied, a. che non e occupato Unordinary, a. raro UNP Unorganized, a. che non e organiz- zato Unpack, v. a. sballare Unpaid, a. che non e pagato Unpainted, a. che non e dipinto Unparalleled, a. incomparabile Unpardonable, a. irremissibile Unpared, a. che non e mondato Unpartable, a. inseparabile Unparted, a. che non e separato Unpastured, a. a chi non s' e dato pascolo Unpatterned, a. senza esempio Unpave, v. a. disfare il selciato Unpeaceable, a. torbido Unpeaceably, ad. torbidamente Unpeople, v. a. spopolare Unperceivable, a. impercettibile Unperceived, a. del quale uno non s' e accorto [mente Unperceivedly, ad. irnpercettibil- Un performed, a. che non e stato messo in esecuzione Unperishable, a. incorruttibile Unpetrified, a. non impietrito Unpin, v. a. toglier via le spille Unpitied, a. che non e compianto Unplait, v. a. spiegare Unpleasant, a. ingrato ; — ly, ad. iu^ratamente; — ness, s. spiace- votezza Unpliant, a. inflessibile Unploughed, a. chs non e arato Unpolished, a. ruvido Unpolite, a. incivile Unpolluted, a. puro Unpractised, a. non praticato Unpreferred, a. che non e preferito Unprejudicated, a. che non e pre- occujjato [nuto Unprejudiced, a. che non e preve- Unpremeditated, a. che non e pre- meditato [to Unpreparec 1 , a. che non e prepara- Unpreposse^sed, a. che non e pre- meditafo [muto Unpressed, a. che non e stato spre- Unpretended, a. non preteso Unprisable, a. inestimabile Unprofitable, a. inutile, che non e profittevole ; —ness, s. inutilita ; — ly, ad. inutilmente Unpronounced, a. che non si pro- nunzia Unproportionable, or Unpropor- tioned, a. sproporzionato Unprosperous, a. infelice Unproved, a. che non e provato Unprovided, a. sprovvisto Unprovident, a. imprudente Unprovoked, a. non provocate Unpruned, a. non potato 472 UNS Unpunished, a. impunito Unqualified, a. che non e capace Unquenchable, a. inestinguibile Unquestionable, a. indubitabile, d'intera fede Unquestionableness, s. certezza Unquiet, a. inquieto ; — ly, ad. in- quietamentej — ness, *. inquie- tudine Unravel, v. a. sviluppare Unready, a. che non e in ordine Unreasonable, a. irragionevole ; — ness, s. ingiustizia ; — ly, ad. ir- ragionevolmente Unrebukable, a. irreprensibile Unrecallable, a. irrevocable Unreclaimable, a. che non e ridot- to alia ragione Unreconcilable, a. irreconciliabile Unreconciled, a. che non e ricon- ciliato [rate Unrecovered, a. che non e ricupe- Unredeemable, a. che non si pu6 red i mere Unreformable, a. incorrigibile Unregarded, a. disprezzato Unrelenting, a. inflessibile, duro Unrelieved, a. che non e soccorsc Jnrepaired, a. che non e riparato Unrepealed, a. che non e abolito Unreprovable, a. irreprensibile Unrequited, a. irremunerato Unresistible, a. irresistibile Unrespectful, a. screanzato Unrespectfulness, *. incivilta Unrest, s. inquietudine Unrestored, a. non restituito Unrestrained, a. illimitato Unreturnable, a. che non pub ri- tornare i [velato Unrevealed, a. che non e stato ri Unrevenged, a. invindicato Unrewarded, a. non rimunerato Unriddle, v. a. spiegare Unrig, v. a. toglier le sarte Unrighteous, a. iniquoj — ness, $ iniqui'a Unrip, v. a. scucire Unripe, a. immaturo Unripeness, *. lo stato d'una cosa che e immatura Unript, a. scucito Unrivalled, a. che non ha rivale Unjoll, v. a. sviluppare Unroost a bird, v. a. snidare Unroot, v. a. sradicare Unruffled, a. tranquillo Unruly, a. sfrenato, indomito Unsaddle, v. a. levar la sella Unsafe, a. pericoloso Unsafely, ad. pericolosamente Unsaid, a. dis/ietto UNS Unsaluted, a. non salutato Unsancritied, o. che non e santifi- cato Unsatisfactory, a. imperfetto Unsatisrialle, a. insaniabile iriness, *. ineipidexaa Unsavoury, a. ineipMo Uns.iv, p. a. disdirsi . v. a. suggliare I Decriptunl, a. che non e fondato nella scrittura sacra Unseal, v. a. levare il sijillo ible, a. imperscruttabile Unseasonable, a. fuor di stagione ; — ly, ad. intempestivamente Unseasoned, a. che non ha sale Unsecure, a. che non e sicuro Unseemliuess, s. indecenza Uuseenily, a. indecente Unseen, a. invisibile Unsent, che non s' e mandato a cercare Unserviceable, a. inutile; — ness, *. iuutilita Unset, a. che non e piantato Unsettled, a. incostante, che non e stabilito ; — ness, s. incosianza Unshackle, D. a. scatenare Unshaded, a. aprico Unshaken, a. che non e smosso Unshamefaced, a. sfacciato j — ness, *. sfacciatagsine Unshanen, a- deforme Unahaved, or Unshaven, a. che non e raso Unsheath, v. a. ssruainare Unshoe, v. n. sferrare un cavallo Unshorn, a. che non e tonduto Unsilvered, a. che none inargenta- ti Unsincere, a. efie non e sincero Unsincerity. *. di>siinulazione Unsinninz. a. perfetto Unskilful, a. ignorante ; — ly, ad. malamente ; — ness, s. ignoran7a Unslouzh a wild boar, v. a. lau- ciare un cinzhiale i"ario Unsodden, a. che non e bollito . a. netto Unsolder, v. a. levare la saldatura Unsole, u. a. levar la suola Unsolid, a. non solido Unsolicited, a. non sollecitato Unsought, a. non ricercato Unsound, a. malsano, corrotto, guasto Unspeakable, a. ineffabile; — ly, ad. ineffabilmente Unspent, a. che non e q ■ Unspoken of, a. del quale non s' e parlato UNT Unspotted, a. puro Unstability, s. istabilita Unstable, o. istabile Unstained, a. senza macchia Unstaid, a. volubile Unsteadiness, s. leggerezza Unsteady, a. leggiero UnsteadDSt, a. incostante Unsteadfastness, s. incostaan Unstirred, a. non mosso Unstitch, p, a. scucire I'nstock a gun, v. a. smontare uno schioppo Unstop, v. a. sturare Unstrung, a. scordato Unstufled, a. che non e ripieno Unsubdued, a. che non e vinto Unsuccessful, a. infelice j — ness, s. sventura Unsufierable, a. insopportabile Unsullied, a. non sporco Unsure, a. incerto Insurmountable, a. in>uperabile Un>waddle, or Unswathe, v. a. sfasciare Unwell, v. a. and n. tgonfiare Unsworn, a. che non ha prestato giiiramenfo [e corrotto Untainted, a. immaculato, che non Untaken, a. che non e preso Untamable, a. indomabile Untamableness, s. qualita indoma- bile Untamed, a. indomito Untangle, v. a. distrigare Untasted, a. che non e stato assag- giato Unteach, v. a. far scordare Unteam, v. a. levare i cavalli dalla carozza TJnterrified, a. intrepido I'u'estale, a. intestato Unthankful, a. ingraft) J — ly, ad. ingratamente ; — ness, s. in- gratitudine [ciato Untnawed, a. che non e di^hiac- Unth ; cken, O. a. rarificare; — v. n. rarificarsi Unthinking, a. indiscrete Untbought of, a. inopinato Unthread a needle, v. a. sfilare un asro Unthrift, i. prodigy Unthriftily, ad. prodiramente Unthriftiness, *. prodigalita Unthrifty, a. prodigo Unthriving, a. che non cresce Unthrone, r. a. levar dal trono Untie, v. a. scio^liere Untile, v. a. scoprire il tetto d'una casa Until, ad. fino 473 UNW Unfilled, a. inculfo rutnne I, a. fatto fuor di tempo Untimely, a. ioteBipeativsmefita ; — a. (irimaticcio ; —birth, scon- ciatura Uutirable, a. lafaNcabita Untired, a, the non h fettiemta I'n o. prep t a, al. ;tllo, alia ; he said unto him. • Untold, a. non detto, non nnmerato Untoothsomc, a. che non k grStOll gusto [toccare Untouchable, a. che non si pub Untouched, a. intatto Untoward, a. malva^io; — ly, ad. ostinatainente j — ness, $. cap.n- bieta Untraceable, a. intrattabik Untrap, v. a. levar gli arneri Untiimmed, a. che non e ornato, che non e raso Untrod, or Untrodden, a. che non e calpestato [data Untrouble I, a. che non e intorbi- Untrue, a. falso, iofedele Untruss, v. a. scio^liere Untrusty, a. perhdo Untruth, s. falsi'a Untuck, v. a. calare Untunable, a. sconlante Unturned, a. che non e volta'n ; to leave no stone unturned, fare o^ni sforzo Untutored, a. che none stato ri preso Untwine, or Untwist, v. a. storccre I'n veil, v. a. svelare Unvaluabte, a. inestimabile UnvancjuisDed, a. invitto Unvariable, a. invariable Unvariab'.y, ad. invariabilmente Unvaried, che non ha variato Unversed, a. inesperto Unuseful, a. inutile Unusual, a. straordinario Unusually, ad. raramente Unutterable, a. ineftabile Unwalled, a. senza. mura Unwarily, ad. impruden'emente Unwaritiess, s. imprudenza Unwarrantable, a. che non si puO Eriustificare Unwary, a. imprudente Unwashed, a. sporco [to Un watered, a. che non e adacqua- Unwaverinz, a. fermo Unwearied, a. riposato, infaticabile Unweave, v. a. sfilare Unwedded, a. che non e maritato Unwelcome, a. che non e benvc- nuto Unwholesome, a. malsnno Unwieldiness, i. lentezza UPS Unwieldy, a. pesante Unwilling, a. che non ha voglia ; — ly, ad. mal volentieri j — ness, s. ripugnanza Unwind, v. a. distrigare Unwise, a. imprudente Unwisely, ad. imprudentemente Unwished for, a. che non si desidera Unwitherable, a. che non pub ap- passire Unwithered, a. incorrotto Unwitting, a. che non sa Unwittingly, ad. senza saperlo Unwitty, a. sciocco Unwonted, a. insolito; — ness, s. rarita Unworn, a. che non e usato Unworthily, ad. indegnamente Unworthiness, s. indegnita Unworthy, a. indegno Unwrap, v. a. sviluppare Unwreathe, v. a. storcere Unwring, v. a. sciorre, disfare Unwrinkle, v. a. levar via le rughe Unwritten, a. non iscritto Unwrought, a. crudo Unyielding, a. inflessibile Unyoke, v. a. disgiugnere, levare dal giogo Up, ad. su, in su ; to look up, guar- dare in su Up, (rise,) inter j. in piedi ; to be up, esser levato dal letto ; to run up and down, andar qua e la Up hill, in su Upbear, v. a. alzare Upbraid, v. n. rimproverare Uphold, v. a. sostenere ; — er, s. fautore, intraprenditore ; — ing, s. mantenimento Upholsterer, s. tapezziere Upland, s. paese montagnoso Uplander, s. monlanaro Upmost, a. il piu alto Upon, prep, su, sopra Upon, prep, (about, towards,) per, presto, incirca; upon the news of his coming, alia novella della sua venuta Upper, a. superiore ; upper-room, camera alta ; upper hand, s. vantaggio Uppermost, a. il pin alto, primo ; to be uppermost, v. n. vincere Uppish, a. fiero ; — ness, s. super- bia Upright, a. rilto in piedi, onesto, giusto ; — ly, ad. dirittamente — ness, s. dirittura Uprise, s. il sorgere Uproar, s. tumulto Upshot, s. successo, fine UTM Upside-down ? ad. sotto sopra Upsitting, s. il tempo che una don- na si leva di parto Upstart, s. villan rifatto Upward, or Upwards, ad. in su ; upwards and downwards, per di sopra e per di sotto Urbanity, s. urbanita Urchin, s. ricchio, nano Ure-ox, s. spezie di bufalo Ureter, s. uretra Urge, v. a. sollecitare, irritare Urgency, s. urgenza Urgent, a. urgente; — ly, ad. in- stantemente Urinal, s. orinale Urinary, a. dell' orina Urinator, s. pescatore Urhie, s. orina ; — v. n. orinare ; to provoke urine, fare orinare Urn, s. urna [line Ursulines, s. (a sort of nuns,) Orso- Us, pron. pi. noi ; with us, con noi Usage, *. uso, trattamento Usance, s. uso [teresse Use, s. uso, servigio, costume, in- Use, v. a. usare, servirsi ; to use one well or ill, trattare uno bene o male Use, v. n. solere, esser solito ; do as you used to do, fate come so- lete Useful, a. vantaggioso, aecessario ; to make one's self useful, render- si utile ; — ly, ad. utilmente ; — ness, s. utilita Useless, a. inutile Usher, s. bracciere d'una dama, sottomaestro Usher, v. a. introdurre Usquebaugh, s. sorte di liquor forte Ustion, s. ustione Usual, a. ordinario, solito; — ly, ad. comunemente ; — ness, s. il frequente uso di che che sia Usufruct, s. usufrutto Usufructuary, s. usufruttuario Usurer, s. usuraio Usurious, a. che contiene usura Usurp, v. a. usurpare j — ation, s. usurpazione ; — er, s. usurpa- tore j — ing, s. usurpamento Usury, s. usura ; to lend upon usu- ry, usureggiare ; I shall pay you with usury, ve la renderb con usura Utensil, s. ordigno Uterine, a. uterino Utility, s. utilita Utmost, a. il piii rimoto ; Ex. I shall do mv utmost, faro Ogni pOSaiunc 474 VAL Utter, a. totale Utter, v. a. proferire, esprimere, dire ; utter, (wares,) vendere Utterance, s. maniere di parlare J vendita Utterly, a. interamente Uttermost, a. il piu estremo grado Uvula, a. ugola Uxorious, a. che ama troppo la propria moglie ; — ness, *. amore soverchio per la propria moglie VACANCY, s. spazio vuoto Vacant, a. vacante Vacate, v. a. votare, annullare Vacation, s. vacazione Vaccary, *. stalla da vacche, pasco- lo da vacche Vacillant, a. vacillante Vacillation, *. vacillazione Vacuity, or Vacuum, s. vacuita Vacuous, a. vacuo Vafrous, a. astuto Vagabond, s. un yagabondo Vagary, s. fantasia Vagrancy, s. vita vagabonda Vagrant, a. vagabondo, uno sciope- rato Vague, a. incerto Vail, s. velo ; — v. a. velare : vail one's bonnet, levar il cappello ad uno Vailing, s. velamento Vails, s. mancia Vain, a. inutile, orgoglioso Vain-glory, s. vanagloria Vain-glorious, a. vanaglorioso Vainly, or in vain, ad. vanamente Vain, s. vanita Valance, s. cortinaggi Vale, s. valle Valediction, *. licenza Valerian, *. Valeriana Valet, s. servo Valet-de-chambre, s. cameriere Valetudinarian, or Valetudinary, a. infirmiccio Valiant, a. valcroso, bravo; — If, ad. valorosamente ; — ness, *. bravura Valid, a. valido Validate, v. a. corroborare Validating, or Validation, s. cor* roborazione Validity, s. validitk Valley, s. valle I Valorous, a. coraggioso VAU VEN VER Valour, *. valors Valuable, a. pretioso, importante Valuation, s. valuta Value, i . : —v. a. stimare, pregiare ; — ii ne Valve, t. tata Vamp, s. taOMUO -, — v.a. accomo- date, rappezzare . j. guanto di ferro ^uardia Van. s. (fbl c >rn.) \-aglio Mare Vane. s. ?irella [nire Vanish, or Vanish away, v. a. sva- r. inutili a. vanagloria Vanquish, v. a. vincere j — er, *. vincitoie Vapid, a. Bvaporato Vaperatkm, t. vaporazione .-. a. pien di vapori Vapour, 5. vapore ; — d. a. far il bravo ; tap ur away, svaporare ; vapours, *. pL vapori ; — ing, *. a : — ish, a. bixzarro Variable, a. variabile ; — ness, s. variazione ; — ly. ad. variamente Variance, *. lite, variazione, cangi- ameuto Varicoloured, a. variato . v. a. variare Variesatinn, s. variazione . s. varieta [mente .1. vano ; — ly, ad. varia- Varlet, *. briccone Varnish, s. vernice ; — v. a. inver- niciare ; — er. s. colui che fa la vernice ; —ing, s. il dar la ver- nice . p. a. variare .-. ». variazione Vase. t. testo vasaalk) YaanhfT, s. vassal laegio Vast, a. vaato, grande. molto ; — t. spazio vasto non occupatoj — lv. ad. jrandemente •... s. desolazione iezza no ; cheese- vat, *. fiscella Vault, t. VOfta, cantina, cesso Vault upon a horse, v. n. volteggi- are un cavallo Vaul- rleste Vaulter. t. volt - - Vault v. a. voltato r. vanto jr Vaunt of. v. n. vantarsi Vaunter, #. vantatore Ventilator, t. ventilatore Ventoaity, s. ventoaRa Wnt rich-, .*. ventricolo Venture, .». riscliio ; at a venture, per suite ; to put a thing to a venture, mettere che che sia alia Vaunting, s. vacLainento ; —1 , ad. Ventiduct, *. condotto di vente c , m VAu:o ; Ventilate, r. a. ventolare vitella Ventilation, s. ventilazione Veer, v. a. girare ; — v. n. (as the wind.) cangiarsi Vegetable, o, vegetabile -. $. i vegetabili •izione getaiivo, che vege- ta, che vive Vegetive, a. forte, vigoroso Veln-nietice, or Vehemeucy, s. ve- emenza Vehement, a. violente Vehemently, ad. veementemente Vehicle, s. veicolo Veil. s. velo ; — v. a. velare Vein. s. vena ; to open a vein, v. a. cavar sangue Veined, or Veiny, a. venoso Velleiv. 9, velleita Vellum, s. caitapeeora Vellicate. t;. a. pizzicare ; — , (rail at.) sbottonare Vellication, s. pizzico Velocity, s. velocita . velluto; velvet-like, vel- lutato ; velvet-coat, un abito di elluto venale, mercenario Venal, Venality, s. venaUla Vend, v. a. spacciare Veil lee, s. compratore Vendible, a. vendevole Vending, s. vendita Vendition, s. vendimeuto Vendor, s. venditore [so Vcnefical, or Veneficial, a. veleno- Venefice, s. venenaniento Venenaous, a. venenoso Venerable, a. venerabile Venerate, v. a. venerare Venerably, ad. venerabilmente Veneration, *. venerazioue Venereal, a. venereo Venery, *. libidine, caccia Vengeance, *. vendetta ; to take vengeance, far vendetta ; with a vengeance, alia maP ora Vengeful, a. vendicativo Venial, a. veniale Venison, t. salvaticina Venom. J. veneno Venomous, a. venenoso, mordace ; —ness, *. vtlenosita . venoso Vent. *. vento, aria ; — of a gun, focone ; vent-hole, s. sniraglio ; vent, or sale, vendita ; give vent to a cask of wine, aprire una bot- te di vino [«. a. fiutare Ve, ', v. a. scoprire, palesare j — 475 ventura Venture, n. a. arrischiare ; — v. n. venturarsij he ventured too far, troppo avventurato Venturer, *. venturiere [dito Venturesome, or Venturous, a. ar- V nturously, ad. alia ventura Venue, 3. tin law,) vicinato Venus, s. Venere Veracity, s. veracita Verb. s. verbo Verbal, a. verbale ; — ly, ad. ver- balmente ; — ity, s. qualita di quel che e verbale Verberation, s. riverberazione Verbose, a. verboso Verbosity, s. loquacita Verdant, o. verde Ver li^ris, s. verderame \\n: ict. 9. eiudizio, parere Verdi ture, *. verdeporro Verrlure, s. verzura Verdurous, a. verdeg2;iante Verge, *. verga, niazza, giurisdi- zione, orlo [dral, bidello mazziere ; — of a cathe- Veridical, o. veridico Veriest, Ex. he is the veriest rogue that ever lived, egli e il piii gran hriccone che niai sia stato Veritication, *. verificazione Verify, v. a. verificare Verifier, *. quello che verifica Verifying, n. prova Verily, ad. veramente Verisimilar, a. verisimile Verisimilitude, or Verisimihty, t. verisimilitudine Verity, *. verita Vermicelli, s. vermicelli Verjuice, *. ajresto Vermiculated, a. vermicolato Vermilion, s. vermiglio Vermin, J. vermi Vernacular, a. vernacolo Vernal, a. di primavera Versatile, a. flessibile Verse, *. verso, ver'etto j to make verses, versezsiare ; verse-ma- ker, *. versificatore Versed, a. venatO Verakle, *. piccol ver«r> i Versification, *. versificazione VIC Versifier, *. versificatore Versify, v. n. verseggiare Version, s. traslazione Vert, s. gli alberi d'una foresta Vertebre, s. vertebra Vertex, s. vertice Vertical, a. verticale Vt rtiginous, a, vertiginoso Vertigo, s. vertigine Vervain, s. verbena [no Vervise, s. sorta di panno grossola- Very, a, vero, stesso, medesimo ; he is a very knave, egli e un pretto furbo ; — ad. molto ; very faithful, molto fedele ; very late- ly, poco fa ; I am very much afraid of it, ne temo moltissimo Vesicatory, s. vescicatorio Vesicle, s. vescichetta Vespers, s. vespero Vessel, s. vaso, vascello Vest, s. camiciuola Vest, v. a. investire Vestal, s. vestale Vestiary, s. vestiario Vestibule, s. vestibulo Vestige, s. vestigio Vestment, s. vestimento ; a priest's vestment, paramento da prete Vestry, s. sagrestia, assemblea ; vestry keeper, s. sagrestano ; to call a vestry, fare adunare i prin- cipal i del la parrocchia riella sa- grestia ; vestry-men, quelli che compongono 1' assemblea della sagrestia ; vestry-clerk, s. secre- tario esture, s. vestimento, investitura Vetch, s. veccia Veteran, s. veterano Vex, v. a. angosciare ; it vexes me to the heart, mi dispiace fino all' animo ; vex one's self, v. r. af- fliggersi Vexation, s. affanno, cruccio Vexatious, a. fastidioso Vexer, s. un molesto Vial, s. caraffina Viand, s. cibo Viaticum, s. viafico Vibrate, v. a. penzolare Vibration, s. vibrazione Vicar, s. vicario, curato Vicarage, s. cura di vicario Vicarious, a. di vicario Vicarship, s. vicariato fnaglia Vice, s vizio ; vice, (smith's,) ta- Vice-admiral, s. vice-ammirailio Vice-chancellor, s. viee-cancelliere Vicegerent, s. viceregente Vice-pin, s. la chiave d'una morsa Viceroy, s. vicere VIN Viceroyalty, s. carica di vicere Viciate, v. a. viziarej to viciate a girl, corrompere una zittella Vicinage, or Vicinity, s. vicinanza Vicious, a. viziosoj — ly, ad. vizi- osamente Vicissitude, s. vicissitudine Victim, s. vittima Victor; s. vincitore Victorious, a. vittorioso ; — ly, ad. vittoriosamente Victory, s. vittoria ; to get the vic- tory, trionfare Victual, v. a. vettovagliare Victualler, s. oste che da a mangi- are Victualling-house, s. taverna Victuals, s. vettovaglie, viveri Vidame, s. giudice temporale d'un vescovo, vidame Videlicet, ad. cioe Viduity, s. vedovita Vie, s. (in" cards,) invito Vie, v. a. contestare, invitare View, s. vista, prospettiva, esamej to take a view of, riguardare View, v. a. esaminare Viewer, s. quello che vede Viewers, s. esperti Vigil, s. vigilia Vigilance, s. vig : lanza Vigilant, a. vigilante ; — ly, ad. vigilantemente [di Spagna Vigonia, s. vigogna, spezie di lana Vigorous, a. vigoroso ; — ly, ad. vigorosamente Vigour, s. vigore, forza, fermezza Vile, a. vile, abbietto Vilely, ad. male Vileness, s. vilta [male Vilify, v. a. -vilificare, sparlare Villa, s. villa Village, s. villaggio Villager, s. villano [briccone Villain, s. lavoratore, contadino, Villanage, s. condizione di conta- dino [villanamente Villanous, a. infame ; — ly, ad. Villany, s. infamila Villatic, a. campestre Villous, a. velloso Vimineous, a. vimineo Vincible, a. vi nee vole Vincture, s. legatura Vindemial, a. di viudemmia Vindemiate, v. a. vendemmiare Vindemiatory, a. di vendemmia Vindicate, v. a. difendere, giustifi- care, vend i care [tore Vindicator, s. protettore, vendica- Vindictive, a. vendicativo Vine, 8. vignaj vineyard, s. vigne- VIS to ; vine-dresser, s. vignaiuolo ; vine-knife, s. falce Vinegar, s. aceto ; vinegar-cruet, * vaso di aceto Vinosity, s. qualita vinosa Vinous, a. vinoso Vintage, s. vendemmia Vintager, s. vendemmiatore Vintner, s. tavernaio Vintry, s. luogo dove si vende vino Viol, s: viola Violable, a. violabile Violate, v. a. violare Violation, s. violazione Violator, s. viclatore Violence, s. violenza; to offer vio- lence, far violenza Violent, a. violento, acerbo ; — ly, ad. con violenza Violet, s. violetta ; sirup of violets, sciroppo violato Violet, a. (purple,) paonazzo Violin, s. violino Violist, s. sonator di viola Viper, s. vipera Viperine, or Viperous, a. viperino Virago, s. gigantessa Virelay, s. strambotto Virgin, .v. vergine, zittella; — a. vergineo ; virgin-honey, miele vergine ; virgin-wax, cera ver- gine ; virgin-like, a. verginale; virgin-milk, s. latte verginale Virginals, s. spezie di spinetta Virginity, s. verginita Virile, a. virile Virility, s. virilita, cuore, animo Virtual, a. virtuale ; — ly, ad. vir- tualmente Virtue, s. virtu ; to make a virtue of necessity, far della necessita virtu [tichita Virtuoso, s. uno che s'intende d'an- Virtuous, a. virtuoso ; — ly, ad, virtuosamente - Virulency, s. marcia, veleno Virulent, a. velenoso, mordente j — ly, ad. mordacemente' Visage, s. visaggio Visceral, a. delle viscere Viscid, a. viscoso Viscosity, s. viscosita Viscount, *. visconte ; viscountess, s. viscontessa ,• viscounty, s. vi- scontado Viscous, a. viscoso Viser, s. visiera Visibility, *. qualita visibile Visible, a. visibile Visibly, ad. visibilmente Vision, s. il vedere, apparizione Visionary, a. uno che s'immagina VOL aver delle vi«ioni ; — a. che ap- partiene all,- \ Visit, *. visita;— • i\ n. visitare, affliz- I u'tiils, vi- visit us vs i fa dir> ci vhitaafce con qualche ma- lattia Visitatiot . Visiting, s. visitaniento ; to go a r, tndare in visita Visito-, s. vi-itit r>spettiva Visual, a. visuals Vital, a. vi'ale Vitals, j. ^/. le parti vitali Vitiate, t«. a. viziare Vitreous, i Vitriticable, a. che si puo conver- ting in t' ro Vitrification, s. il c^nvertir? in vc- Vitrify, r. a. ridurre m vctro Vitriol, s. vitriuolo Vitriolous, a. vitriuolato Vitupemblc, a. vituperabile Vituperate, o. o. vituperate Vituperation, *. vi'uperazione Vivacious, a. vivace Vivacity, s. vn i Vivan, ,' (in law.) s. un parco Vivcr, j. Jnjo di mare Vives, *. vivoK Vivid, a. allerro Vivifical, a. vivificante Vivificate, v. a. vivificare Vivificatiou. ». vivifkazione Vixen, *. una Ttrri'rice ; un raaaz- 20 che nin fa altro che gridare ; un volpicino Viz, *. cine Vizard. *. masche'-a ; to put on a vizard, metersi inn n.aschera Vocabulan-, *. vocabulario Vocal, a. vocale [vocale Vocality, t. qualita di quel che e Vocatio'n, *. vocazione Voca'ive, a. voca'ivo Vocifrra'ion. t. vociferaione Vocifri, invalidare Voidance. ». vacanza Voider, t. Voiture, *. vetura Volatile, a. vola lie ; — Sty, *. vola- Volatiliza'ion. ». vok'ilizTazione Vola'ilize, v. a. voia.ilizzare WAD Volery, .*. uccelliera Volitate, p. n. >\ >:.izzare Volition, *. volonta Volley, 5. grido ; — of musket- shot, una salva di n*oachetta(B Volubility, s. volub li'.a ; — of tongue, pres t ema di lingua Voluble, a. volubile Volume, s. volume, ooda Voluminous, a. volmninoso Voluntarily, ad. volun ariamente Voluntary, a. spoutaneo; — s. ca- priccio Volunteer, *. voluntario :y, s. ucmo voluttuoso Voluptuous, a. aensoale ; — ly, ad. sensual mente ; — ness, s. volutt.i Vomit, s. votnitivo, \ mjj 1 : — v. a. vomilare; — ing, *. il vomi- tare Vomitory, a. vomitivo Voracious, a. vorace, rapace ; — ly, ad. voracememe Voracity, s. voracita Votary,**, un devoto > — of love, on' amante ; — of learning, de- dito alle lettere Vote, s. voto, opinione. sentimen- to ; — v. a. dar la sua voce, sta- bilire per plurali a di voce Vouch, v. a. afiermare Vouch one, (in law,) citare uno in giudizio Vouchee, s. chee citato in giudizio Voucher, s. chs chiama uu altro in giudizio ; tesfimonianza Vouch -afe, v. n. degnarsi ; — 0. a. concederej — ing, s. coudescen- denza Vow, s. voto ; — v. a. votare, gi- urare, protestare j I vow, vi gi- uro Vowel, s. una vocale Voyage, a viaggio ; to go a long . fare on lunjo viag^io r. viaggiatora Vulgar, a. volgare ; — .t. il volgo ; — ity, s. baswzza; — ly, ad. vol- garniente Vulnerable, a. vulnerabile Vulnerary, a. vulnerario Vulture, *. avvoltoio W WABBLE, v. a. volte?!riare Wad, s. cuscinetto ; — of pease, un fasciu di piselli Wad-hook, s. cavastoppa 477 WAL Wad, v. a. guarnire una c di cuscinetti Wadable, a. ^uadoso Waddle, t'. n. dimenarsi a. ruadare an fiume . ci.\i !.i, osUn Wafer-iron, j. f.rro di cialde Waft, *. segnale ; — v. a. cooto- gliare Waiter, r. (regnfal di convoglio Utore Wagtail, .t. cutrettola Wag, v. It, muoversi i'egno '. scommettere Wage war, v. a. n>uover guerra Wa^e, (at law,) v. n. dar malleT©- ria, litigare Wager, s. scommessa ; to lay a I are KosuBean Wages, s. sala' io [20 . or Waggishness,*. pcher- 0. a. dimenarsi; — v. a. eliminate Waggon, s. carretta Waggoner, s. carrettaio Wait, a. che non ha padrone Wail, v. a. deplorare Wailing, «. lainento Wain, *. carro ; wain-driver, f. un carrettaio ; wain-load, *. carret tata ; Cliarles' wain, s. orsa mag- giore Wainable, a. arabile Wainscot, s. tavolato Wainscot, v. a. coprir le muradel le s'anze di tavole Wair, .1. pezzo di ligname hingo due braccia e largo un piede Waist, *. cintura Wait, s. agguato Wait, v. a. attendere Wait on, v. a. servire, accompa gnare ; to wait on a friend, vwi- tare un amico Waiter, s. servo Waiting, s. a^jiet'amento ; to be in waiting, ca e er di guard ia ; a la- dy's waiting woman, damigella d' una signora Waits, *. spe7Je di piva Waive, v. a. lasciare Wak'-, 5. feMa ; — of a ship, sole© Wake, v. a. svegliare ; — v. n. desta^i, svegliare Wakeful, a. svegliato ; —ness, ». vigilanza Wakes, s. certe feste rustiche Wale, t. pezzi di lezno attaccafi alia banda d'un vascello che ser- vono di gradini a que' che mon* tano WAR Wale-knot, nodo rotondo Walk, s. viale, passeggiata ; to take a walk, fare una passeggiata Walk, v. 7i. spasseggiare ; let us walk thither, andiamo la ; walk in, entrare ; walk out, uscire Walker, s. camminatore ; night- walker, s. una bagascia ; walk- ers, s. guardiani di foresta Walking, s. spasseggiata Walking-staff', s. bastone Wall, s. un muio ; partition-wall, parete ; wall-creeper, s. sorta d' uccello ; wall-louse, s. sorta di cimice ; wall-tree, s. spalliera ; wall-wort, s. parietaria Wall, v. a. circondar con muro ; wall a town, murare una citta Wallet, s. valigia Wallow, s. voltolarsi ; — ing, vol- tolamento ; — ish, a. insipido Walnut, s. noce ; — tree, s. albero che produce le noci ; — shell, s. scorza di noce Wamble, v. n. bollire j — , (as an arrow,) vaciliare Wan, a. pal lido Wand, s. verga Wander, v. n. vagare, smarrirsi ; — er, s. un uomo errante ; — ing, s. vagamento ; — ing, a. errante Wane, v. n. diminuirsi Wanness, s. pallidezza Want, s. mancanza, talpa Want, v. a. mancare ; what do you want ? che vi manca ? Wanting, a. bisognevoie Wanton, a. scherzevole, lascivo, impudico ; — *. puttana ; — v. n. bagordare ; — ly, ad. scher- zevolmente, lascivamente j — ness, s. scherzo, impudicizia Wapentake, s. cantone War, s. guerra ; to make war, mu- over guerra ; man of war, solda- to ; nave da guerra Warfaring-man, s. uomo di guerra War, v. n. guerreggiare Warble, v. n. cantare (come fanno gll uccHli) gorgheggiare Warbling, s. canto d'uccelli, trillo Ward, s. una delle parti nelle qua- li si divide Londra ; pupillo ; carcere j — of a forest, parte d' una fores'a ; — of a lock, s. la guardia d'una toppa ; watch and ward, agguato Ward; v. n. far la guardia j ward off a blow, v. a. parare Warden, *. guardiano ; — of a col- lege, ii rettorc d'un collegio Warder, s. guardia WAS Wardmote, s. sorta di giudicatura Inglese Wardrobe, *. guardaroba Ware, 5. mercanzia ; earthenware, *. vascellame ; chinaware, por- cellana ; small wares, s. merce- ria ; haberdasher of small wares, merciaio Warehouse, s. magazzino ; — man, s. magazziniere Warfare, s. vita militare Warily, ad. sagacemente Wariness, s. prudenza, economia Warlike, a. bellicoso Warm, a. caldo, stizzoso, ardente ; to be warm, aver caldo j to make warm, v. a. scaldare ; to grow warm, v. n. scaldarsi ; luke- warm, a. tiepido Warm, v. a. scaldare Warm again, v. a. riscaldare Warming-pan, s. scaldaletto Warmly, ad. caldamente Warmness, or Warmth, s. caldezza Warn, v. a. ^.vvertire Warner, s. avvisatore Warning, s. avvertimento ; to give one warning, avvertire qualche- duno ; to take warning, pigliar esempio Warp, s. ordito ; — v.n. piegarsi ; warp a ship, v. a. rimurchiare un vascello ; — ing, s. piegamen- to ; weaver's warping-loom, or- ditoio Warrant, s. ordine, autorita ; — (for a place at court,) patente ; — of attorney, s. procura Warrant, v. a. assicurare, promet- tere ; — er, s. mallevadore Warranty, s. malleveria Warren, *. conigliera ; warren- keeper, s. guardiano di conigliera Warrior, s. guerriero Warring, s. il guerreggiare Wart, s. pono ; wart- wort, s. erba buona contro i porri ; warty, a. pieno di porri Wary, a. prudente, parco Was, pret. of I am ; I was there, vi ero, vi fui, vi sono stato Wash, s. imbratto, acqua artefici- ale ; wash-house, *. lavatoio ; wash-pot, s. bacino da lavare ) wash-ball, s. pal la di sapone j wash-tub, s. tino da lavar . Wash, v. a. lavare Washerwoman, s. lavandaia bian- cheria Washing, a. lavamento Washy, a. debole Wasp, s. vespa 478 WAT Waspish, a. fastidioso ; -- ly, acU fantasticamente j — ness, a. fau- tasticaggine Wassel, s. pasto ; Wassel-bowl, *. una gran tazza ; wassellers, *. ta- volata di gente che bevono e si divertono insieme Waste, a. inutile ; waste paper, s. carta straccia ; waste ground, terra incultaj to lay a country waste, rovinare un paese Waste, s. preda, rovina ; — v. a. consumare, desolare, diminuire Waster, s. distruggitore Wasteful, a. prodigo ; — ly, ad. prodigalmente ', — ness, s. prodi- gal ita Wasting, s. guastamento • Watch, s. guardia, vegghia ; to be upon the watch, far la guardia ; watchman, s. un uomo che fa la guardia j watch-light, *. fa- nale Watch, s. un oriuolo ; alarm watch, s. sveglia ; watch case, s. cassa d'oriuolo ; watchmaker, s. un orologiaio Watch, v. n. vegliare ; watch one, codiare alcuno ; watch an oppor- tunity, spiare l'occasione Watchful, a. vigilante; — ly, ad. vigilantemente ; —ness, s. vigi- lanza Water, s. acqua, urina ; spring wa- ter, s. acqua di fonte ; holy wa- ter, s. acqua santa ; to go by wa- ter, andar per acqua ; waterman, *. barcaruolo ; waterfowl, s. uc- cello acquatico ; water-dog, s. . bracco da acqua ; water-wagtail, s. cutrettola ; water-trough, *. abbeveratoio ; water-pot; s. vaso da acqua ; water-mill, s. mulino a acqua ; water-works, s. giuo- chi d'acqua ; -water-spring, s. fontana ; waterfall, •?. cascata J waterspout, s. getto d'acqua Water-colours, s. acquerfello ; to paint in water-colours, acquerel- lare Water-gold, s. oro macinato Water-borne, a. galleggiante Water-gage, s. strumento da misu- rare la profondita delle acque Water, v. a. adacquare 5 water a horse, abbeverare un cavallo Watered, a. (as stuffs,) ondato Waterfall, s. cataratta Watering, *. adacquamento Watering-place, *. abbeveratoio Watering-pot, s. annaffiatoio Waterish, or Watery, a. acquoso J WEA watery eyes, occhi biguati di la- grime' t. filo Wattle, o. a. ingra'icolare Wattle-wall, s. niuro fatto di gra- tkei Wave, *. on la ; — u. n. oiides- ghn: ; — v. a. fare .1 0:1 ia. \ m> . t - [ere ; w ive .1 ; . n. mittuare j dubbio ondato Wawl, sa ■ ..< v.n. enaulare a ding-wax, s. ee- I : wax nn lie. - di cera : H ax cia ; wax-maker, s. colui che fa la ccra ;, s. ceraiu- olo Wax. v. a. incerare, di venire Wag . s. s r\ ! \, [arte, ban la, mez- zo, espediente, maniera; high- way, *. strada maestra : deep way. r. ■trada. rotta ; covered •". strala oojpei the same way, p'uliare la me'e- sima stra la j every way, da ogni banda ; I will show 'ynu the way, vj mostr-rb il modb ; to be out of the way. ingannarsi ; cross-way, s. capocroce ; way through, j. paasaggio; way in. *. intrata ; way ou\ s. uscita rn, *. spezie di ginestra r, j. mendico [lo Way. i'. a. incamminare un caval- Wayfaring-tree, *. vibumo Waylay one, v. a. tendere insidie ad urn 1. a, fantastico ; wav- ward sisters, le streghe ; — ness, t. fantasticagzine We, pron. (plural of I,) noi ; we love, noi amiaruo Weak, a. debole, sempliee Weaken, v. a. debilitare; — ing, or weakning, debilitamento Weakling, t. un deboletto Weakly,'a. impotente; — ad. de- bolmente Weakness, *. debolezza Weak side, 1. il debole Weal, s. bene Weald, *. le fores f e ; •' Kent, boschi deila provincia di Wealth, s. beni, ricchezze ; com- monwealth, «. repubblica Wealthiness, t. opulenza Wealthy, a. opaknte, ricco Wean, r. a. svezzare, spoppare ; WEE to wean one^ self from pleasure, -i di qualche p 1 ;. s. creaturina d'eta da Weapon, *-. anna -Uve, s. ungueuto sim- Weaponleas, a. disarmato Wear. I. o^ui sorta d' che si portan per vestimentij ordigno che serve a pigliar peso m'riumi kportare; wear a a word, portar la spada ; wear away, v. n. consumarsi Wearable, a. pjrtabile Wearer, ft. p rta'ore "Weariness, s. stanchezza _ ipparel, abiti, vestimenti me, a. noioso ; — ness, s. ambascia r. a. fiaccare ; to grow weary, v. n. stufirsi ; to weary- one wi'h di>courses, tediare ai- cuno con disc >rsi Weasan !. .«. str <7./i Weasel, s. donnola Weaifaer, ». temjK); fine wea' her, s. bel tempo ; rainy weather, tempo piovoso Weatherglass, s. barometro Weathercock, s. sirandola Weather wise, a. che sa prevedere il tempo che fara Weathergage, a. vantaggio del vento Weather, v. a. trapassare, vincer una difficolta ; weather a hawk, svolazzare un falcoue Weave, v. a. tessere Weaver, s. tes-itore Weaving, s. tessitura Web, s. tela ; cobweb, *. ragnatelo ; web of It-ad, .?. un fo^l'io di piom- bo ; — (in tlie eye,) ma^lia Wed, v. a. sposare j wed a wife, animo^liarsi Wedding, s. <; Wedding-garment, vesta nuziale ■. conio, verg . ^ise. a. in forma di conio . s. matrimonioj joined in wedlock, marita'o Welneslay, s. Mercoledl Weed, *. erna saha'ica, ve«timen- to ; black weeds, s. abito lu^ubre ; seaweed, t. al-ra 'iare r. sarchiatore Weeding-book, v. sarchio Week. s. (-even 1 \y-.) settimana ; so much a week, un tanto la set- timana ; next week, la settimana 479 pia WEX prossimaj — ly, ad. ogni setti* . n. pensare, credere -. t. penaiero — er, #, iangitore ping -v. piangimentoj — ly, ad. c 'ii pianto Weerish, a. inaipido, scipito Wei vi I. r. gorg igiione Weft, s. un tessuto ; — of hair, una treccia di capelli Weigh, v. a. peaare, eaaminare, ponderate ; weigh down, pesar pi-.i Weigh, v. 7i. eseacre, 8. uno scimunito Wisely, ad. saviamente Wiser, s. pin savio ■. il pin savio Wish, f. desiderio : to hai wish, avere quel che si d Wish, v. a. braxnai I wish you a h o ; well- vrisher, .». un boon amico Wisket, s. caueslro WOL Wisp, s. strofinaccio "Wistly, ad. fissamente Wit, s. ingegno, genio, giudizio, senno, acutezza ; to teach one wit, scozzonare alcuno; to wit, ad. cioe Witch, s. strega Witchcraft, s. stregoneccio With, conj. con, col, colla; with me, meco [anche, ancora Withal, prep, con, da, perj ad. Withdraw, v. a. ritrarre, alienare ; — v. n. andarsene ; — Ing, s . ri- tirataj — ing-room, s. retroca- mera [s. aridezza Wither, v. n. appassarsi ; — ing, Withers, s. garrese Withhold, v. a. ritenere ; — er, s. ritenitore; — ing, s. ritenimento Within, prep, in, fra, dentro ; wi'hin a few days, fra pochi giorni ; from within, di dentro ; is he within ? e in casa? to keep within doors, restare in casa Without, ad. fuori, faora; he is without, egli e fuora; without, prep, fuor, fuori, senza ; with- out the town, fuori della citta Witbsay, v. a. negare Withstand, v. a. resisterej — er, *•. quello che resiste j — ing, s. resistenza Withy, s. vinco Witless, a. balordo Witness, s. testimonio ; eye-wit- ness, .v. testimonio oculare ; ear- whness, s. testimonio che testi- fica per aver sentito dire ; to call to witness, v. a. chiamare in tes- timonio Witness, v. a. testificare ; — ing, s. testimonianza Witticism, s. concetto spiritoso Wittily, ad. in^egnosamente Wittingly, ad. a posta Witty, a. spiritoso, ingegnoso Witwal, s. (bird.) picchio Wizard, s. indovino ; — ly, mago, stregone Wo, or Woe, s. guaio ; — interj. guai j wo is to me, sventurato me Woad, s. guado Woful. a. tristo, dolente ; — ly, ad. miseramente Wold, s. una campasna aprica e montagnosa senza alberi Wolf, s. lupo; she-wolf, s. lupa; young wolf, s. lupicino j sea- wolf, s. lupo rnarino Wolf. s. ulcera che viene nelle ga.mbe WOO Wolf's teeth, s. sopraddenti di ca- vallo Wolf's milk, s. titimaglio Wolf-bane, s. aconito Wolfish, a. goloso, vorace Woman, s. donna ; young woman, giovane; old woman, vecchia; lady's woman, $. una cameriera d'una dama ; — of the town, s. una donna di partito Womanlike, a. donnesco Womanhood, s. stato d'una donna Womanish, a. femminile Womanise, v. n. prender maniere o costumi donneschi Womankind, s. il femmineo sesso Womanly, a. muliebre Womb, s. utero Wonder, s. maraviglia Wonder-working, a. stupendo Wonder, v. n. maravigliarsi ; I wonder at it, me ne maravigiio ; — er, s. ammiratore W'onderful, a. ammirabile; — ly, ad. maravigliosamente j — ness, s. qualita maravigliosa Wondering, s. ammirazione Wonder-struck, a. istupidito Wondrous, a. maraviglioso; — ly, ad. maravigliosamente Won't, Ex. I won't, non voglio Wont, a. avvezzo ; — s. costume ; after my wont, secondo il mio costume ; wont, or to be wont, v. n. solere ; wont, v. n. (fre- quent,) frequentare Woo, v. a. amoreggiare Wood, s. bosco, selva, legno Woodbine, s. rcwireselva Wood-cleaver, s. taglia legna Woodpecker, s. pecchio Woodcock, s. beccaccia Woodculver, s. colombaecio Wood-louse, s. cento cambe Wood-fretter, s. gorgoglio Wood-sorrel, s. acetosa salvatica Wood-pease, s. cece Wood-house, s. luogo dove si ten- gon le legne Wood-pile, s. catasta di legn<^ Wood-yard, s. cortile dove si Ten- gono'le legna Wood-land, s. paese boscoso Wood-monger, s. mercante di leg- na Wood-men, s. pi. guardiani de' boschi del re Wood-ward, B. ufficiale di foresta Wooden, a. di legno; woody, a. boscoso, pien di boschi Wooer, s. amatore Woof, s. trama 482 WOR Wool, s. lana ; wool-driver, s. che compra la lana in campagna e la rivende nel mercato; wool- staple, s. luogo dove suole ven- dersi la lanaj wool blade, *. (plant,) tasso barbasso Wool-gathering, a. Ex. your wits are a wool-gathering, voi avete dato le cervella a rimpedulare Woollen, a. di lana ; — s. panni- na j woollen-cloth, s. panno j woolly, a. lanoso Woolpack, s. fascio di lana Word, s. parola, termine ; in a word, in una parola ; to keep one's word, mantener la parola \ word, v. a. scrivere, esprimere j he had not a word to say for him- self, non seppe che dire in sua difesa Work, s. travaglio, lavoro ; an in- genious piece of work, un' opera ingegnosa Work, v. n. and a. lavorare, ope- rare, effettuare ; to wort a man's, ruin, macchinare l'altrui rovina ', — (as liquors,) bollire, fermen- tare ; work out, finire ; to work upon the humours, mover gli umori Worker, s. lavoratore Working, s. lavoro, lavorio Workman, s. operaio Workmanship, s. lavoro Workmanlike, a. ben fatto, ben la- vorato Work-day, s. giorno di lavoro World, s. il mondo ; to come into the world, nascere ; the new world, le Indie Occidentali ; he has seen the world, egli ha prati- cato il mondo ; to know the world, saper vivere ; a world of people, una gran calca di gente ; what says the world of me ? che dice la gente di me ? Worldliness, .