o V •^--0^ . . % ^'^ms j>^\ °o^p/ .♦n HlElEiO Sc Xa]EA^J:):EJS., '•^S=^ Anon their sweets repair. Diffusing odours round. And wake to rapture the reviving plain 5 But we, when fate's remorseless pow'r Hastens th' inevitable hour. And points the downward path to Pluto's shade, £ 50 Heroes and gods resist in vain : '' Each in his narrow cell for ever laid*' No more we rise again : For ever and for ever o'er. The dream of life can cheat no more. Light lies the green -swerd on thy breast 5 Chain'd is the tuneful tongue Where music's sweetest air and pleasures hung. And fraught with love's ethereal heat, Thy trembling heart has ceas'd to beat, By dj5ath's cold hand opprest. Long groans and melancholy sounds succeed. And drown the sorrows of the Dorian reecL 51 ON THE EVENING STAR. MOSCHUS. Hail, Hesperus I bright torch of beaut/s queen. Dear sacred gem of dewy evening, hail I So shine thy rays above her spangled sheen. As glows the moon above thy radiance pale. When to th' accustom'd fair my footsteps stray. Now timely shine, for lo, the changeful moon Drives her dim chariot in the blaze of day. And envious sets ere half the night be done. No plunder tempts me through the treacherous shade. For me no nightly traveller shall mourn 5 'Tis Love that calls thee, be his voice obeyed ; Sweet is her love, and claims a sweet return. T. BENSLEY, PRINTER, BOLT-COURT, FLEET-STREET, LONDON. i5 ^ .^^ o.o ^^^> O M o ^0^0^ .V^ ^^ * ^^-^ V,^^ .^.Va^ V .^-^^ .^^ ^ j^ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. ^: >;^ 5/>. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide y/ lY "* Treatment Date: April 2009 7, inologies S PRESERVATION PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 ^■«' ■•-..** -A. \/ .-A'-- %,**