TX 715 .C525 1921 Copy 1 llllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilillllllllllililllllllllllllllll restipterian Cook l^ook Fourth Edition 1 CHESTER, ILL. illllllllill] «l Fourth Edition Copyrighted. i CHESTER, ILL. 1 iRjiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii2J Printed on Miller Auluuiaiic I'ress by Chester Herald T)(7/i~ Cszs' PREFACE. The Ladies Aid Society of the First Presbyterian Church com- piled the first edition of the "Presbyterian Cook Book" in April, 1905. Since that date 2500 books have been sold. The last edition was exhausted more than two years ago, still the demand continues. And so earnest has been the request, and from so many sources, even from other states, that the Society has now placed on sale thft fourth edition. In arranging these pages the ladies have endeavored to fur- nish simple, practical, well-balanced recipes with special attention to economy to meet the present high cost of living. In most cases the matter has been inserted as received, where condensed it has been to save space. In this book some material has been omitted in order to make room for new contributions. The Steeleville department has been arranged under the classified headings of the book. We heartily thank those who have so willingly furnished re- cipes or in any way assisted in the compilation of the book. m 20 192? HOME CANNING BY THE COLD-PACK METHOD. The following instructions are taken from Farmer's Bulletin 8o9 which '.an be obtained from the U. -3. Department of Agricui- tu.e, Washington, D. C, care of Publications Di.v "Those engaged in the work should start with clean hands, clean utensils, clean, sound, fresh products, and pure, clean soft water. No vegetables or fruit which are withered or unsouna should be canned. If po.^sible, only fruits and vegetables picked the day of canning should be used. Peas and corn, which lose their flavor rapidly, should be canned within five hours after gathering. The jars for canning should be placed in a ves:el of cold water over a fire to heat while products are being prepared to insure their being thoroughly heated when needed. The canning proceedure for most products consists of five teps — scalding or blanching, cold-dipping, packing, processing, and sealing. With berries and soft fruits the blanching is dispensed with. To blanch, place the product in a cheesecloth bag or dipping basket into boiilng water and allow to remain from one to fifteen minutes depending on the kind of product. Next dip it into clean cold water and remove. Pack carefully into hot pars adding hot water and salt for seasoning- The scalded rubbers and tops of jars are put into place; after turning the lid tight reverse it one-quarter round to allow for expansion. Then place in hot-water bath foi processing, the length of time being determined by accompanying table. Immediately after the termination of the processing period while products are still hot, remove from container and seal very tightly. Jars should then be turned upside down to cool closely ex- amined for leak;. If leakage occurs covers should then be tightened until completely closed. If defective rubbers are found the contents must be replaced in container and reheated after new rubbers are fitted. Homemade outfits are as good ag commercial if properly made with false bottom to prevent direct contact with heat from below. Have the hot water cover tops of jars at least one inch. Count time as soon as the wa^er begins to boil vigorously. Remove jars and tighten covers as soon as time is up. Time Table for Cold-Pack Method. Products. Tomatoes Sauerkraut Sweet Corn Field Corn Beans (wax) Beans (stringless) Cauliflower All roots and tubers Swiss Chard AsparagUg All soft fruits All hard fruits Blanch 1 y^ minutes 3 minuteg 5 minutes 10 minutes 5 to 10 minutes 5 to 10 minutes 3 minutes 5 minuteg 15 minutes 15 minutes 1 to 2 minutes 1 1/^ minutes Hot Water Bath 22 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 180 minute'i 120 minutes 120 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes 16 minutes 20 minute? This time schedule is based upon the one quart pack and at altitude of 1,000 feet. For higher altitude increase the time 10 per cent for each 500 feet. Caution:- — Use only the best new rubbers. Avoid drafts of cold air when removing jars from container. Have jars thoroughly sterilized." SOUPS. BEAN SOUP. Mrs. Wayne Baughman. Boil 1 pint of white beans with a small piece of pork or bacon and an onion until done, adding water as needed. Salt to taste. Add V2 cup tomato catsup or chili sauce, and 2 tablespoons of flour orowned in 1 tablespoon of butter. POTATO SOUP. Mrs. J. M. Tindall. Boil seven potatoes until soft, season with salt, pepper and butter. Press through a colander, add one and one-half cups milk. Juice of one onion, three dashes celery salt; stir to a cream. Beat mixture steadily for ten minutes. Just before se.ving, add one-half pint milk and some finely chopped parsley. CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP. Mrs. L. B. Torreiioe. One pint tomatoes, one quart milk, one slice onion, one sprig parsley, one tablespoon butter, two teaspoons flour, one bay leaf, one teaspoon sugar, one teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon soda. Stew tomatoes, onions, bay leaf and parsley for 20 minutes Removp seasonings and presg through sieve and return to the stove. Scald milk, rub flour and butter together till smooth. Add a little of the hot milk to this mixture. Stir until the lumps are smooth, add to the remainder of the milk, and stir until it thickens to a cream. Add sugar and salt to the tomatoes, then the soda dissolved in a little water. Heat the soup tureen, turn into it the tomatoes, then add the milk slowly, stirring briskly to prevent the milk from curd- ling. Serve immediately. Mrs. R. E. Sprigg. One quart fresh milk, heated in double boiler, and quart can- ned or fresh tomatoes, run through sieve, boil in separate vessel, add pinch of soda to tomatoes, thicken milk with one tablespoon of flour rubbed smooth in a little milk, then add tomatoes, butter size of a hickory nut, salt and pepper. QUICK EGG SOUP. Mrs. Nathan Randolph. Put a grated onion, one-half cup chopped celery, one teaspoon salt and a little peper into one quart of stock, and bring to a boil. Strain. Pour while hot into the well beaten yolks of two eggs Add four tablespoons of carefully boiled rice, and serve at once TOMATO SOUP. Miss May Mc Adams. One quart tomatoes, one and one-half quarts hot water, two tablespoons sugar, two teaspoons salt, eight cloves, eight whole black peppers, two tablespoons butter, one tablespoon chopped onions, three tablespoon j flour. Put butter in frying pan, when it bubbles add onion and fry five minutes, then add fiou.', mix well and stir into soup. Cook slowly fifteen minutes, strain and serve hot. LIMA BEAN BISQUE. Miss Kate Roberts. One cup lima beans, two cups milk, one cup water, one bay leaf, two tablespoons butter, one tablespoon flour, one small onion, salt and pepper. Slice the onion and brown in the butter; add the flour, stir until smooth and b.'own; add the water, bay leaf and beans, cook until the beans are soft. Pres3 through sieve, scald the milk, add beans and cook until thickened. Season and serve. SPONGE DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP. Mrs. George Pillars. Put on one quart of milk to boil. When it boils thicken with one and one-half cups of flour smooth with water, stir constantly for five minutes. Remove from fire, add salt, three eggs, stirring in one at a time. When cool drop in the soup by tablespoo"v,fui. Let boil until thev come to the surface, then remove from fire. TOMATO BUULLION. Mrs. Myrtle Holman Marsh. One quart of tomatoes, one and one-half quarts water, two tea- spoons sugar, two teaspoons salt. Add four or five cloves and same of black pepper and a little onion if liked. Add a tablespoon of but- ter, cook and strain through a cheesecloth bag. Re' urn to stove and add a dash of cayenne and serve. OYSTERS AND FISH. BAKED FISH. Mrs. G. A. Pierce. Grease the bottom of an open baking pan that the fish may not stick to it. Salt and pepper the fish inside and out, rub thor- oughly with oil, butter or lard, and place in the pan. Break one or two eggs on the top and run evenly all over the top of it, place in the oven on the upper grate till it is a golden brown. Serve with drawn butter sauce with two chopped cold eggs in it. Serve the fish with slices of lemon and cold sliced eggs and parsley on it. , FISH CHUWDEK. Mrs. E. J. Gale. Two pounds of fish, five medium sized potatoes, two onions, two inches square of salt pork, one quart milk, two-thirds table- spoon butter, salt and pepper. Slice the pork and onions and fry. Pare and cut potatoes in small dice and put in same pan, place pork and onions in a strainer and pour enough boiling water through it to cover potatoes, add salt and cook until done, then add the milk an when ready to boil add the fish which should be in small dice. Cook about ten minutes or until the fish is done, just before remov- ing add the butter. Serve with oyster crackers. OYSTER COCKTAIL. Mrs. P. H. Ravesies. Mix two teaspoons grated horseraish, one teaspoon salt, two table ;poons tomato satsup, a very little tobasco sauce and juice of two lemons. Have six oysters in each glass, and divide the sauce between them evenly. Chill thoroughly before serving. ESC ALLOWED OYSTEKS. Mrs. M. Weld. To one quart of oysters uje one cup of cream, one-half cup of butter. Place alternate layers of cracker crumbs and oysters in a baking dish, season wi'h salt, pepper and butter and pour over the liquor from the oysters. Bake thirty minutes in a moderate oven. ESCALLOPED SALMON. Mrs. W. A. Pinkerton. Remove oil, boneis and skin from can of salmon and, flake with a fork. Put layer of salmon in bottom of baking dish, cover with cracker crumbs, dot with pepper, butter and salt. Add more salmon and crumbs until dish is filled. Add two cups of milk and bake half an hour. SALMON LOAF. Mrs. W. C. Allen. One can shredded salnion, one-half can small June peas, one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour (browned), three crackers. Heat peas, add salmon in layers, make thicking of butter and flour and add to moisten it. Lay rolled crackers oVer top, salt to taste and bake 20 minutes in Casserole. Mrs. Wm. R. MacKenzie. One large can of salmon, three egg>j, one cup of bread crumbs, four tablespoon.3 milk, four tablespoons melted butter, one-half teaspoon salt, one'-fourth teaspoon pepper, mix well and steam one hour. SAUCE: — One cup of milk, one tablespoon catsup, liquor oif the salmon, one tablespoon flour, one tablespoon butter, let it all simmer together and add one egg just before taking off the stove CODFISH BALLS. Mrs. W. W. Collier. Boil together one quart of sliced raw potatoes and one cup of fish. Mash when the potatoes are tender, and add two tablespoon ; of cream or milk, piece of butter the size of an egg and one egg well beaten. Beat with spoon and fry like doughnutg or pancakes. MEATS. HAMBURG LOAF. Mrs. Ruth Chapman. Three pounds beef, one pound pork, not too lean, two eggs, one-fourth cup butter, salt and peppei- to taste, three-fourths cup oweet milk, one-half cup fine cracker crumbs. Chop beef and pork very fine, add seasoning, then stir in the eggs beaten very light and the melted butter, mix in the cracker CiUmby and last the milk. Press into round loaf and bake two hours in a moderate oven, bast- ing occasionally with melted butter. POT ROAST. Mrs. T. W. Tackenberg. Take a nice roast and trim from it some suet if there is much on it; if there is no suet butter may be used instead. Put suet or butter in a vessel and when smoking hot lay in the meat. When browned on all sides add a little water an continue adding water a litMe at a time until meat is tender. Remove the cover and cook until the water is all gone from vessel and give the meat another light browning, being very careful not to scorch it. Sp.inkle dry flour in the hot fat and when flour is brown add water for gravey; salt about 20 minuter before it is done. LOIN POT ROAST. Mrs. li. .\sziiian. Soak roast three days in one pint of vinegar, laurel leaf, sliced onion, salt and pepper. Brown in kettle and add vinegar. Let boil down, then keep adding water enough to keep from burning. Add leaf again and cook until done. SWEDISH ROAST. Mrs. C. \V. Barnard. Get round steak one and one-half or two inches thick, sprinkl^ well wi^h salt and pepper and roll in flour, then pound well. Flour again and brown in hot greaje. Pour in a small quantity of water, cover, set on back of range or in oven, and cook until tender. FRIED PORK CHOPS. Mrs. Don E. Detrich. Roll first in egg, then in bread or cracker crumbs, fry slowly till thoroughly done. FRIED BRAINS OR SWEET BREADS. Mrs. D. H. Holnian. Boil fifteen minutes in salt water, pour off water, cut in pieces size of an oyster, dip in beaten eggs, roll in cracker meal and fry in hot lard till rich brown. CHICKEN PIE. IMrs. \V. A. Pinkerton. Cook chicken until meat falls from bones. Remove the bones and place in baking dish and pour in sauce made of three table- spoons melted butter, three tablespoons flour, five cups broth, one cup milk. Over ihis spread a batter made of two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, two tablespoons shortening, one egg, one cup milk and pinch of salt. Bake until golden brown. CHICKEN DUMPLINGS. Mrs. Wallace Snook. Take from two to three cups of flour and add a teaspoon baking powder to each cup flour, one-fourth teaspoon soda, a little salt and enough milk to make a soft dough. Roll out, cut in square,!, and place in chicken broth. Cover and boil for twenty minutes. PORK CHOPS SERVED WITH FRIED BANANAS. Mr.s. G. L. Brush. Select chops from the loin. .Salt, pepper and flour and fry in hot fat. Peel and cut in halves length-wise as many bananas a^? wanted and fry a delicate brown in the hot fat left from the chops. BAKED SPRING CHICKEN. Mrs. W. C. Roberts. Take young chickens weighing from two to three pounds, split and rub well with flour, put in baking pan and place six or eighi small lumps of butter on each piece. Place in hot oven, when brown pour in a cup of hot water, cover the baking pan and bake slowly three-quarters of an hour, add salt to taste about fifteen minutes before it is done. 10 SMOTHERED CHICKEN. Mrs. Sip: C. Heuer. Cut chicken up as for frying, flour each piece and lay in roaster. Pour enough hot water over chicken to almost cover. Cover tight- ly and when almost done turn each piece so as to brown on each side. Bake in moderate oven. VEAL BIRDS. Mrs. Wm. R. MacKenzie. Use veal steak off the round, cut thin and about the size of your hand. Make a dressing as you would for turkey and lay a little on each piece of meat, fold meat over and around the dressing and place in pan. Fill the baking ban with these pieces, cover with flour and brown in oven. Then pour in boiling water and let sim- mer until tender, serve with gravy. VEAL SOUFFLE. Mrs. A. L. Stoke.s. Make a thick cream sauce of two tablespoons butter, two table- spoons flour and two cups milk. Season with salt and cayenne pep per. Add enough chopped veal to thicken and yolks of three eggs. Set to cool. Add whites of eggs and bake 20 minutes. Serve at once. MEAT PIE. Mrs. Andrew Cleiman. One an one-half pounds of chopped beef, boil for one and one- half hours. Line a bake pan with rich biscuit dough, pour in meat and gravy, season with salt, pepper and butter the size of an egg. Lay six hard boiled eggs cut in halverj on top. Cover with biscuit dough and bake one hour. CORN OYSTERS. Mrs. L. W. Morrison. To a pint of grated sweet corn pulp, add one egg well beaten, a small teacup flour, half gill of cream and a saltspoon of salt. Fry like oysters in deep boiling fat, by spoonful! size of an oyster. 11 CROQUETTES, CANAPES. TOMATO CKOQUETTES. Miss Kate Roberts. One cup strained tomato juice, three tablespoong farina, one- half tablespoon butter, three fourths teaspoon salt, one-half tea- spoon celery salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper. Bring the tomato sauce to a boil, sift in the farnia slowly, stirring until boiling, then cook for twenty minutes. Mix in the rest of the ingredients and turn out to cool. Form into cork shaped croquettes, coat with egg and bread crumbs, frying in deep fat. Serve alone or with cream sauce. SALMON CROQUETTES. Mrs. H. Clay Horner. Drain the oil from a can of salmon, remove the skin and bones, mash fine, season with pepper and a little salt if needed. Add a large cup of cracker crumbs. Mix thoroughly and add enough sweet milk to moi.^ten well, form into coneg or elongated balls, roll, first in sweet milk, then in cracker crumbs and fry a golden brown in hot fat. Serve while hot. Mrs. Laura Brinkman. One can salmon, pick out the bones and measure. Add same amount of cold boiled rice and mix well. Season to suit taste Roll into long, thin rolls, and dip in cracker crumbs and fry a light brown in half butter and lard, enough to cover well. FRESH FISH CROQUETTES. Mrs, Wallace Snook. Take the remnants of boiled or fried fish with all skin and bones removed, or drain the oil from a pound can of salmon, mince it fine, add a half teaspoon salt, a dash of cayenne pepper, a tea- spoon of lemon juice. Set a tablespoon of butter over the fi.e. when it begins to bubble add a heaped tablespoon flour and sti ■ until the flour is cooked, but not brown, then add a gill of cream or milk, an lastly the fish, stirring until all is smooth. If it is too thick a little more milk. Make into pear shape, with a wine glas^ for a mould; moisten with yolk of egg, roll in bread crumbs and fry. milk. Make into pear .ihape; moisten with yolk of egg, roll in bread crumbs and fry. 1.2. CALLAS. Mrs. Norman .ray. Three cups cold cooked, rice, two beaten eggi, third cup sugar, eighth nutmeg, two heaping teaspoons baking powder sifted in enough flour to make a stiff dough. Drop by spoonsfuls in deep hot lai'ti. Eat while warm. CHEESE BALLS. Mrs. H. Clay H;orner. Mix one and one-fourth cups grated cheese, one-fourth teaspoon salt, dash cayenne pepper, one tablespoon flour, the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs. (Shape into balls an inch in diameter, roll in cracker crumbs and fry a delicate brown in deep hot fat. Chee.se balls should be served cold. 13 VEGETABLES. POTATOES AU GRATIN. Mrs. J. W. Nesbit. Boil Irish potatoes in salted water until nearly done. Cut in squares and butter baking di^h, put layer of potatoes then grated cheese alternately On top layer sprinkle grated bread crumbs. Put scant pink of milk on stove to heat. Thicken with one tablespoon of flour made into a paste with little cold milk. Add a good table- spoon of butter. Pour over potatoes and bake until brown. POTATO PUFF. Mrs. Laura Brinkman. Put two cupfuls mashed potatoes in a pan. Add yolks of two eggs, two tablespoons of cream, a little salt and stir over the fire until hot. Take from the fire and add the well beaten white3 of the oggs. Put in a greased baking dish and bake in a quick oven until brown. BAKED POTATOES. Miss L. Blanch Schlensker. Bake 12 smooth potatoes until tender, cut end from each, care- lully remove potatoes from jackets with spoon. Cream briskly with one cup of sweet cream or milk, butter size of an egg, salt and pep- per to taste. Replace in jacket, stand in pan, open end up until a light brown. Serve very hot. LIMA BEAN LOAF. Miss Josephine Edwords. One can lima beans, one can tomatoes, one tablespoon parsley, one tablespoon minced onion. One well beaten egg, one cup bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Bake in casserole. ESCALLOPED POTATOES. Mrs. Chas. E. Luke. Slice raw potatoes very thin, put a layer of potatoos in a baking dish, season with salt, pepper and but*^er, sprinkle a tliin layer of bread crumb.i over them, then another layer of potatoe.s, v.ith soa- soning until dish is filled, pour over enough milk to cover potatues and ])ake one hour. 14 SARATOGA CHIPS. Mrs. E. J. Gale. Pare smooth potatoes and slice very thin, put in ice water for 15 minutes, spread on clean cloth and with another cloth dry thor- oughly, touching with the hands ag little as pOoSible. Drop one piece at a time in smoking lard, until they cover the top, with a forlc turn each piece, when a delicate brown take up and place on paper, sprinkle with salt. If made in quanUty they may be kept in close covered dish and freshly crisped in the oven ju^t before using. SPAGHETTI. Mr.s. Gene Beare. ^''ry four sninll onions in one-fourth pound butter, uniil I>rov>n. Add one pound hamburger steak to this and cook until brown. To th:s mixture add one can of tomatoes, one-half box of spaghetti (previously c(>oked tender) and one-half can of kifluey bean?. Season with fait, a little sugar, black pepper, and plenty of rml chili pepper. Cover the mixture with water and let simmer one hour in ca^.^erole. CARAMEL SWEET POTATOES. Mrs. J. "W. Nisbet. Boil sweet potatoes until tender, allowing water to boil down to two tablespoons. Remove potatoes and add a small teacup of light brown sugar to water, making syrup. Add generous lump of butter and pour all over potatoes in baking dish. Bake one-half hour. BAKED PEPPERS. Mrs. J. D. Gerlach. One-half dozen large sweet pepper ., cut in half and seeds taken out, soaked in salt water for one hour, one pound ground cooked steak, four ounces grated cheese, one large tomato, one tablespoon butter, salt and pepper to taste, three or four crackers crushed, mix all together and stuff peppers. Put in pan with a little water around them, bake half-hour. CHILI CON CARNE. Mrs. Cole Cleiinan. One pound Hamburger steak, 6 medium onion ■ cut fine, fried in 1 heaping tablespoon of lard. Add 1 can kidney beans, salt, red pepper and 1 ta1)lespoon of Chili powder. Cook 1 hour. 15 CANNELON WITH MACARONI. Mrs. C. Howorth. Chop some round of beef and a small piece of pork. Soak bread crumbs in cold water and squeeze dry. Add two well beaten eggs, onion juice, mace, salt and pepper. Form roll of crumbs and meat and bake. Prepare macarouj and sauce of butter, flour, salt, pepper and grated cheese. When roll is cooked, place on large plat- ter with macroni around it, over which pour sauce. On top of roll place slice of lemon and sprig of parsley. CHILI VERDI. Miss K. Pohlman. Take three or four mangoes, toast them before the coals, when well blistered peel off all the blistered skin, cut out the hard s'em and chop them fine, put a tablespoon of butter in the frying pan and cook them slowly for fifteen minutes, season well with salt and pepper, then break twelve eggs in a bowl (four eggs to each mango) turn them into a frying pan and stir all quickly until the eggs are cooked, pour over it three tablespoons good vingar and serve, either hot or cold. CREAM ASPARAGUS Mrs. Chas E. Luke. Boil in salted water until tender, drain and add one level tea- spoon of flour, dissolved in a lump of butter size of walnut and one-half cup of cream or rich milk, add a dash of pepper, let jim- mer a few moments. CHEESE SOUFFLE. Mrs. Adeline Gant. One cup grated cheese, one cup of milk, yolks four eggs, one tablespoon butter, one-half cup grated bread crumbs, or two table- spoons of flour, a dash of cayenne pepper, one-fourth tea ;poon of salt, whites of three stiffly beaten eggs. Bake about 20 minutes. CORN PUDDING. Miss May Mc Adams. One-half dozen ears corn, one-half pint milk, three well bea'^en eggs, two tablespoons butter, sugar and salt to taste, one scant tablespoon flour. Grate and scrape the corn; mix thoroughly and bake one-half hour. 16 TOMATOES IN CASSEROLE. Mrs. Tuck. Peel eight medium sized tomatoei, cut into quarters three green peppers, (cut fine with seeds removed), place these on medium fire with small amount of water to simmer for thirty min- utes, then add one large sliced onion, one cup bread crumbs, two tablespoons sugar, one teaspoon salt; put in casserole and bake for thirty minutes. OKRA AND TOMATOES. Mrs. C. H. Gnaegy. Put on to boil in small amount of water twelve pods of okra (sliced) and one cup tomatoes. Add one slice of minced bacon fried until brown, season with salt and pepper, cook until done. ESCALLOPED CORN AND TOMATOES. Mrs. Fronie Gray. Line the bottom of a deep baking dijh with a layer of cracker crumbs, then a layer of corn and a layer of tomatoes. Seasoo well with salt, pepper and lumps of butter, then another layer of cracker crumbs, corn and tomatoes until you have the quantity desired, then pour over enough sweet milk to cover well and bake. BOSTON BAKED BEANS. Mrs. Ada Morison. One pint beanj soaked over night. In the morning drain and place in bean pot with one-half pound or fresh or salt pork and one-half cup of molasses. Cook with hot water, adding more water as it evaporates. Bake four hours. Mrs. Chas Thies. Soak one quart of beans over night, then boil until you can pierce with a pin, put in a baking dish with one-quarter pound of pork, one-fourth cup of molasses, one teaspoonful mustard, and bake eigh^ hours, keep covered with water until the last hour, raise meat to surface and brown. If you do not like pork add more salt and one-third cup butter. I add one onion while boiling, and un- less pork is fresh prefer the butter. MINT SAUCE FOR LAMB ROAST. Mrs. W. A. James Two tablespoons mint chopped fine, two tablespoons vinegar, two tablespoons water, one tablespoon sugar. Mix all together, but don't cook. 17 TURKISH PILAFF. Mrs. W. S. Ward. Into one and one-half cups of soup stock put two cups of stewed and strained tomatoes, and set on the stove to boil. When that point is reached, add one cup of rice and one-half teaspoonful of salt, stirring occasionally with a fork until the liquor is ab- sorbed and the grains of rice separate. Then add one-half cup of butter and cook in double boiler until tender. Remove the cover and stir with fork before serving. GREEN PEAS. Miss Josephine IDdwords. Slice a small onion and fry for a few minuLej, then put in your peas, with one sugar -spoon of sugar, pepper and salt to taste, and after the peas begin to boil put in a small lump of butter. When ready to serve, beat up three teaspooUg of milk, with one egg in your vegetable dish, then pour in peas, stirring as you pour them. SPAGHETTI AND TOMATOES. Mrs. W. A. Pinkerton. Put spaghetti in boiling salt water and cook 30 minutes. Turn into colander and pour cold water over it. Strain can of toma- toes, add pinch of soda and cook a few minutej. Grease a baking dish and put in a layer of spaghetti, sprinkle with a little grated cheese, cracker crumbs salt, pepper and butter. Pour over thi.s part of the tomatoes, add more spaghetti, etc., until dish is filled. JAMBOLI. Mr.s. J. M. Randolph. Mince two slices of bacon and half an onion and fry until brown, then add four tomatoes, one cup rice, one teaspoon, salt and a pod of red pepper. Put in a pint of water and keep adding water as needed until rice is done, then boil dry and serve. Be careful to stir, an it is easily burnt. WHOLE WHEAT FAMILY BREAKFAST FOOD„ Mrs. L,. A. Kennedy. Get the wheat from the mill or farmer. Pour a cupful on a white platter. Look it over carefully and remove all black par- ticles, then wash in two waters. Put the wheat into a cooking vessel with a tight lid, to prevent steam from escaping. Cover with water and add a little salt. Cook slowly until grain , open. Serve one or two rablespoonfuls wi'h milk. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. MAYONNAISE MAKING SIMPLIFIED. Mrs. H. C. Cole. Have the egg. the oil and the bowl cold. Put into the bowl the yolk of one egg, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon sugar, a da..h of cayenne or Tobasco sauce, and if one likes mustard, one- fourth spoonful. Mix this quite smooth with one tablespoonful vinegar or lemon juice. When it is quite blended, add a small spoonful of oil, beat very hard until it is well mixed, then another .poonful and beat and another, then a tablespoonful, beating hard all the time. When it becomes thick, you can thin with about two tablespoonsful of vinegar or lemon juice, thickening again with oil You can use a pint of oil with one yolk, and two yolks will be plenty for a quart of oil if you wish a larger amount. Should you fail, begin with a fresh yolk and when it is well started use the "failure" to thicken the new batch, don't throw it away as useless. Some- times to flavor the mayonnaise you can use Tarragon vinegar, just a trifle, or mint vinegar, or rub the bowl with garlic. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. Miss Pearl Gorsuch. Yolks of four eggs well beaten, add four tablespoonsful of vinegar, one tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon of mustard, one salt, pinch of cayenne pepper. Rub well together and add to vinegar and eggs. Last of all add butter size of hickory nut Cook until creamy. Then remove from fire and beat until cool. Add one pint whipped cream just before serving. CREAM SALAD DRESSING. Mrs. W. W. Collier. Rub the yolk'j of two hard boiled eggs very fine, adding by degrees a desert spoonful of mixed mustard and a tablespoon melted bu*ter, one-half cup of cream, one tablespoon of horse radish, one- half teaspoon salt and pepper, a few dropi of Worchestershire sauce. Add carefully enough vinegar to reduce to a creamy consistency. Pour on a bed of lettuce and serve. 19 SALADS. SALMON SALAD. Mrs. J. W. Spinner. Dissolve one package gelatine in three-fourtho cup hot may- onaise; add to this one cup salmon, one-half cup water, one green pepper, one-half cup celery or cabbage, one table-spoon vinegar, two tablespoon chopped olives, one teaspoon salt. Mrs. W. A. Pinkerton. One can salmon, three times its quantity of finely chopped cabbage; season with salt, pepper and celery seed and add the following dressing. One tablespoon butter rubbed in a little flour, one tablespoon dry mustard, one teaspoon pepper, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons brown sugar. Mix with a little hot water and add yolks of two eggs well beaten) and one cup cream. Cook until z-eaches boiling point. Let cool then add vinegar to taste. NUT SALAD. Mrs. Wm. Bryden. Walnuts, butter nuts or pecan nuts make a delicious salad. Have half as many meat nuto broken into pieces as you have crisp cut celery, and mix them with mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves. SHRIMP SALAD. Mrs. Ij Yourtee. ' ■'■ ' •• One can shrimp, one head lettuce, two tablespoons cliopped capers. Turn shrimp from can and remove black ligament. Dre.s with French dressing and set on ice. Clean and crisp the inside leaves of lettuce and arrange in salad bowl. Sprinkle with finely chopped ice. Turn the shrimp into the center, dress wiUi mayon naise and sprinkle with capers. Miss Maryalma Thies. One pink fresh shrimp (or two cans of shrimp), one cup celery and one small cup pecans. Remove black ligament from shrimp, cut celery in small pieces, and use pecans in large pieces. Seive on lettuce leaves with Thousand Island dressing. 20 CUCUMBER SALAD. Mrs. Win. Hempler. Boil potatoes in salt water and cut up when cold. Slice two cucumbers and one onion and one head tender lettuce. Sprinkle with a little celery seed. Dressing— One -half cup rich milk, one- half cup vinegar, one teaspoon sugar, pinch salt, one teaspoon pre- pared mustard. When this boils thicken with two teaspoons flour. When dressing is cold pour over salad and serve. CHICKEN SALAD. Mrs. Ijizzie A. Zang. One chicken boiled tender, two cup.s celery cut fine, one cup of any kind nutmeats. Mix with mayonaise dressing. If liked several hardboiled eggs may be added. Cut chicken and celery with scissors in«tead of grinding. EGG AND CHEESE SALAD. Mrs. T. J. Howorth. Slice a dozen hard boiled eggs and put a layer of egg into a salad dish, grate on a thick covering of cheese, then another layer of egg; alternating with the cheese until the eggs are u-jed up. Sprinkle over the top a few capers and finely chopped pickles. Pour over it mayonnaise and cover with grated cheese. HERRING SALAD. Mrs. Fred Von Gruenigen. Soak three herring over night, then skin and pick out all bone:., and cut into small cubes. Boil three small potatoes with jackets, peel and cut into cubeg when cold. Five medium apples peeled and cut into cubes, a few sour cucumber pickles and red beets cut into cubes also. Take small piece of bacon cut up fine, brown and pour over other mixture and add vinegar to taste. Then mix thoroughly but gently. SALTED ALMONDS. Mis.s Marie Middendorf. To prepare salted almonds blanch them by pouring boiling wa- ter over them, and after they have stood a few minutes, put them in cold water and rub the brown skino . Dry and measure them. Sprinkle a teaspoon of olive oil over each cup of nuts; let stand two hours, sprinkle one teaspoon salt over each cupful mixing thorough- ly. Spread in pan and place in oven until a delicate brown. 21 CHEESE STRAWS. Mrs. Hattie Walsh. Grate any quantity of cheese, same quantity of flour, add sail and dash of cayenne pepper, mix with ice water, use fork and set on ice till chilled, roll thin, cut in strips and bake. Serve with salads. Mrs. Mollie Dowell. One-half cup butter, 2 cups grated cheese, one tablespoon wa- ter, a little salt, one cup flour, pinch cayenne pepper. Mix, roll thin, cut in strips one-half inch wide and six inches long, bake until light brown. WALDORF SALAD. Miss Alice Crissey. Two cups celery cut fine, one cup chopped apples, one-half cup chopped nuts, hickory or English walnuts. Mayonnaise dre ,s- ing. DEVILED EGGS. Mrs. Gus Knapp. Take six hard boiled eggs cut in halves, remove yolk antl mash fine. Add a tablespoon prepared mustard, one grated onion, salt and pepper to taste, moisten with vinegar to consistency of dry paste, and fill the halves of eggs. PERFECTION SALAD. Mrs. P. E. Stadler. Dissolve one package Knox gelatine in one pint boiling water. When cold add juce of three lemons, one-half cup sugar, one tea- spoon salt, one cup celery, one cup cabbage, one cup nuts all chop- ped very fine, also one small can pimentos. Pour into moulds, when set serve on crisp lettuce leaves. FRUIT SALAD DRESSING. Miss Edith Staley. Three whole eggs, beat light, one teaspoon salt, three heaping tablespoons sugar, one-half cup vinegar or lemon juice, one-half cup boiling water, butter size of egg, when hot add tablespoon flour mixed with a little cold water, stir all the time, add one cup whip- ped cream just before serving. 22 A DELICIOUS SALAD. Mi-.s. Josc'ijh Kiiaijp. One cup each of pineapple, marshmallow, shredded cabbage, nut meats, and grapes. Mix with sweetened mayonnaise just be- fore serving. CHERRY AND PINEAPPLE SALAD. Mrs. .Joseph Knapp. To one cup of shredded pineapple add two bananas sliced, one cup of stoned cherries, one cup nutmeats chopped, the juice of half a lemon, and powdered sugar to ta^te. Make French dressing, using cherry juice for vinegar, and serve on c.isp lettuce leaver. FRUIT SALAD DRESSING. Miss Margaret Bcare. Two whole eggs well beaten, Uiree tablespooug sugar, one scant cup vinegar diluted if very strong) or lemon juice. Cook until thick stirring often. When ready to serve add one-half cup cream, whipped if des'red. PRUNE SALAD. Mrs. P. N. Ellis. Cook one-half pounds prunes, with one-fourth teaspoon salt and one-half teaspoon paprika, cut prunes in length-wise strips.. Cut one-fourth pound pecans in four pieces each. Beat one cup double cream and two tablespoons lemon juice till firm, mix three- fourths of cre^m with prunes etc. Arrange on lettuce leavej and decorate with nuts and rest of cream. PEAR SALAD. Mrs. P. N. Ellis. Select perfect halveg of canned pears. Arrange on hearts of lettuce. Fill pears with the following dressing: Into one cup of heavy cream crumble one cake of cream cheese, beat till firm sprinkle with nuts. MARSHALLOW SALAD. Mrs. R. C. Mann One pound marshmallows, one can sliced pineapple, one-half pound nuts, dice these and mix. DRESSING: One cup pine- apple juice, three tablespoons sugar, two tablespoons butter, one talilespoon corn starch, two eggs, stir and cook until thick, pour over mixture. 23 POTATO SALAD. Mrs. Prank C. Hirte. •Slice one quart of cold boiled potatoes, one small onion, and three hard boiled eggs. Season to taste, and mix. Add following dressing: One-half pint vinegar sweetened to taste, one teaspoon mustard, a piece of butter size of an egg, one tablespoon cream. Let come to boiling point and pour over other ingredients; garnish with slices of hard boiled eggs. Mrs. J. M. Tindall. Six boiled potatoes, isliced while hot and allowed to cool. One small onion minced fine. One-half teaspoon salt. Two hard boil- ed eggs cut fine. One-fourth teaspoon pepper. Use egg yolks, mix with pepper, salt, mustard, one-third cup vinegar, one tablespoon melted butter and one-half cup cream. Ser\^ on lettuce leaves. Pickled onions may be added. Mrs. H. C Adderly. Boil ten or twelve potatoes with jackets on. When cold skin and chop very fine with three onions. Season with salt, pepper and celery seed. Dressing: Two eggs, one tablespoon sugar, one tablejpoon butter, one tablespoon prepared mustard, one tea-cup vinegar, add a little water if vinegar is too strong. Cook all to- gether until thick. When cold pour over potatoes, then add cup of cream. Mrs Henry Dandes. For eight large potatoes sliced when cold use one grated onion, salt and pepper to taste. Put in frying pan three tablespoons ham or bacon grease, three-fourths cup vnegar, one-fourth cup water, two tablespoons sugar, pour while boiling hot over potatoes, serve at once. Slice cold, hard boiled egg.3 over salad. Emma Bigelow. One cup chopped cabbage, one cup boiled potatoes cut in small pieces, sugar, ground mustard, one teaspoon black pepper, butter size of walnut, one egg, two tablespoons vinegar. Beat egg and butter with the vinegar, heat and pour over the other in- gredi€(nts. Salt to taste. 24 SPAGHETTI SALAD. Miss Metta K. Duden. Boil one cup of spaghetti in salted water until tender, turn into colander and dash cold water over it, and then set on ice until thoroughly cold. Before serving add one-half cup of celery and a few pimentos, two hard boiled eggs, a small cucumber, a few tender nasturtium leaves and buds, all finely cut and mix with a cup of jalad dressing. Serve on large nasturtium leaves. DALE SALAD. Mrs. W. H. Schuwerk. One can of peas, two cups celery cut fine, one cup chopped nuts, one-half can pimentoes, three hard boiled eggs, one-half cup grated cheese, one cup seeded grapes or white cherries. Add mayonnaise dressing. CREAM POTATO SALAD. Mrs. S. E. McMurry. Beat the yolk of four eggs, add four tablespoons strong vine- gar, two tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon ground mustard. Cook in double boiler until thick. Cut ten small boiled potatoes into dice, and add one small minced onion, salt to taste, one teaspoon celery seed. Pour dressing over potatoes and at serving time add one cup whipped cream. Chopped celery may be added. 25 BREAD, MUFFINS, ETC. RYE BREAD. Mrs. Chauncey Staley. One and one-half quarts warm water, two tablespoons sugar, two Fleishman's yeast cakes, two tablespoons salt, two tablespoons melted lard, flour. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water, add lard and enough wheat flour to make a light sponge; add salt and beat well. Work in enough rye flour to make a stiff dough; let rise about two hours, shape into loaves, let rise one hour and bake. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. Mrs. M. C. Crissey. Two tablespoons lard, two tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon salt, one pint each of hot water and milk. One cake of yeast dis- solved in one-half cup of warm water, two cups of white flour, enough whole wheat flour to make a soft dough. Mix, knearl ten minutes, let rise twice its size. Place in greased pans, let rise until puffy and bake. RAISIN BREAD. Mrs. W. A. Glore. Three pints flour, half teacup lard, one teacup each yeast sponge and sugar, tablespoon salt, two teacups seeded raisins, enough water to make a soft dough, cinnamon or spice may be added to flavor. Let it rise twice and bake same as light bread. BREAKFAST ROLLS. Miss L. Blanch Schlensker. One tablespoon butter, one quart flour, one-half cake yeast, one pint sweet milk, one-half teaspoon salt. Scald the milk at night, add the butter, let cool, then add he flour and salt, mix well and beat briskly for ten minutes and put in a warm place. In the morning roll out to one-half inch thickness, cut with cutter, fold over (half round), wetting a little between folds to make stick. Put on buttered tins (not touching each other), let rise 45 min- utes, bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven, brush over with milk to gloss. The same rule may be followed for tea rolls by setting- the yeast in the morning instead of at night. 26 RICE CORN BREAD. Mrs. Postal. Boil one scant cup rice in water until soft and every grain sep- arates. Take pint corn meal and scald with pint sweet milk. Stir in rice while meal and milk are hot. Beat four eggs separately and stir in, add a little :iugar and tablespoon butter and pinch of salt. OYSTER SANDWICH, Mrs. M. G. Keller. One pint raw oysters chopped fine, one fourth teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, put in sauce pan with two tablespoons butter and three tablespoons crackei- crumbs. Heat until steam- ing, add half-cup thick sweet cream in which has been beaten the yolks of two raw eggs and stiru ntil the mixture thickens. When cold serve between slices of buttered bread. This is excellent for lunch. BROWN BREAD. Mrs. J. M. Dickson. One pint molasses, one quart but'ermilk, one cup oUgar, two eggs, butter size of egg, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons soda, Jlraham flour to make rather stiff. Bake in tin cans. FRENCH ROLLS. Mrs. Elias Feaman. One pint sponge, one-half pint sweet milk, one tablespoon lard, one tablespoon sugar, pinch of salt. Do not make too stiff. NUT BREAD. Mrs. C. H. Thies. Two eggs, one-half cup brown sugar, one-half cup molasses, one cup flour, two and one-half cup graham ^our (sifted) twc cups four ;pilk, one cup chopped nuts, one teaspvon salt and tv/o tea- spoon-- soda. Bake thirty minutes. WAFFLES. Miss Myra M. ^Morrison. Beat four eggs until light, then add tw^o tablespoons sugar, one quart sweet milk, one quart flour, one teaspoon salt, four tea- spoons baking powder. Beat batter until smooth then add four tablespoons melted lard. Will serve six or eight persons. 27 STEAMED BROWN BREAD. Mrs. T. J. Howorth. Two cups sour milk, one cup mola ;ses, two and one-half cups corn meal, two cups flour, two teaspoons soda. Steam two and one-half hours. Bake one-half hour. NANTUCKET BROWN BREAD. Mr.s. E. P. Bronson. One pint of corn meal, one-half pint of Graham flour, one pint of sour milk, one-half teacup of molasses, one-half teaspoon- ful soda, one teaspoonful salt, one-half cup of raisins. Steam three hours, and if neccessary, place in the oven a few minuter. This makes a medium sized loaf. BAKED BROWN BREAD. Mrs. E. P. Gray. Mix two and one-half cups sour milk with one-half cup sugar, four cups Graham flour, two teajpoons soda, ag many raisins as liked, three-fourths cup molasses, a pinch of salt. Let stand in cans in which it is to be baked one hour, put on covers and bake slowly one hour. CORN BREAD. Mrs. E. J. Gale. One cup corn meal, one-half cup flour, one tablespoon sugar, pinch of salt, one-half teaspoon soda, one cup sour milk, one-half cup sweet milk, one large tablespoon cream or melted butter, one egg. Miss Clem Cole. One egg, two teaspoong sugar, one cup sweet milk, one tea- spoon salt, one cup meal and one cup flour sifted with one and one-half teaspoons baking powder, one-half cup melted butter. Bake in shallow bread pans or gem pans. Have pan hot and well larded before putting in the bather. EGOLESS CORN BREAD. Mrs. W. W. Collier. Two cups sOur milk, one teaspoon soda, one-half teaspoon salt. three cups cornmeal. Mix well, add one teaspoon lard. Pour into pan and bake in moderate oven. 28 COFFEE CAKE. Mrs. Rose Tackenberg. One and one-half pints bread dough, one egg, one teaspoon salt, one table ;poon lard, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup milk, Make a soft dough and let rise. Work into layers and again rise. Melt butter and put over top with sugar and cinnamon; bake. Mrs. R. Aszman. One cup sweet milk, two cups sugar, one cup butter, three well beaten eggs, three teaspoons baking powder worked into flour enough to make stiff dough; roll thin and sift ground cin- namon on the sheet and roll into a roll, cut slices about one- quarter inch thick and place on tins. Before baking sprinkle rather thickly with granulated (or powdered) sugar. DUTCH COFFE CAKE. Mrs. C. P. Weinrich. One quart light bread sponge, one pint sweet milk, two table- spoons melted butter, one cup sugar, one egg. nutmeg. Flour not to make so stiff as bread. Let rise. When light put in pan^. Let rise again and spread with butter, sugar and nutmeg and bake. MUFFINS. Mrs. H. E. Mann. One egg, two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons sugar, one cup milk, one-half teaspoon salt, two and one-half cups flour, three and one-half teaspoons baking powder. Very hot oven. Mrs. T. J. Howortb. One egg, two tablespoons sugar, one cup sweet milk, pinch of salt, two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, piece of butter :Aze of egg melted and put in last. Bake in quick oven. GRAHAM MUFFINS. Mrs. Chas. Oausniaii. Mix one pint Graham flour, one egg, one tablespoon melted butter, one tablespoon brown sugar or molasses, one-half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon baking powder, enough milk to make a thick batter. 29 NUT BREAD. Mrs. Lillian Pinnero. Mix four cups of flour, four teaspoons baking powder, one-lialf cup sugar, a little salt, one egg, one cup of nuts and one cup of milk. Let rise twenty minutes and bake three-fourth of an hour. CORNMEAL MUFFINS. Mrs. Fred Ruppert. Sift together three-fourths cup cornmeal, one and one-fourth cups wheat flour, one-fourth cup sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, four teaspoons baking powder. Beat one egg, add one cup sweet milk, and three tablespoons of melted shortening and stir into the dry- ingredients. Bake in hot, well greased muffin pans for about 2.5 minuteis. SCOTCH SHORT BREAD. Mrs. J. McAdams. One pound flour, one-half pound butter, one-quarter pound sugar. Mix butter and sugar together, then add the flour gradu- ally. Roll out three-quarters inch thick, cut in any desired shape and bake in papered tins. SALLY LUNN. Mr.s. li. W. Morrison. One quart flour, butter size of egg, two eggs, three tablespoons sugar, two teacups milk, two teaspoons baking powder and a little salt. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together, add milk and eggs, melt butter in a little hot water and stir steadily for a few minutes, split open, butter and serve hot. Miss Eugenia Roberts. One and one-half cups flour, two eggj, beat whites separate, one cup sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half cup butter, one teaspoon baking powder and two-thirds cup sweet milk. FEATHER GRIDDLE CAKES. Mrs. S. A. Douglas. One pint milk, one egg, two cups flour, two teaspoons of baking powder. The addition which makes these cak&3 so exceptionally lii^'ht is two tablespoons of butter, meajured and then melted. 30 DATE SANDWICHES. Mrs. Myrtle Marsh. Mix one pound of raisins, one pound of dates, one-half pound English, walnuts nieats, grind and add the juice and pulp of tw.> oranges an-^two lemons, one cup of sugar and a pinch of salt. Spread on buttered bread. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. Miss Sophia Peldman. One-fourth cup butter and scant half cup sugar, one quart light bread sponge, enough flour for soft dough. Let rise twice and roll out like biscuits, spread butter over top, and fold over a knife and put in pan and let rise again again and bake. 31 PIES. LEMON PIE. Miss Minnie P. Adams. Line a pie plate with good pie crust, bake, then fill with the following filling: Mix one heaping tablespoon flour with a little water and three-fourths of a cup ofsugar, add one cup of boiling water, cook until thick, then add juice and rind of one lemon and one whole egg, yolks of two eggs. Take from fire and pour into pie shell, set in oven a few minutes, then cover with meringue. "Aunt Jennie Steber's. Three eggs, one lemon grated, one heaping teaspoon flour, one cup milk. Squeeze lemon on sugar, add flour, beat eggs, add to sugar, then milk, leave out the whites of two eggs for top of pie. Miss Alice Mehrer. Two lemons, 12 table.3poons sugar, two tablespoons melted but- ter, two tablespoons of flour, 12 tablespoons water, yolk of four eggs using whites for top. Two pies. Mrs. Henry Pohlman. One lemon, juice and grated rind, two eggs, six tablespoons milk, one teablespoon butter, one cup of sugar, beat the whites of two eggs for the top of the pie. Bake the crust first. LEMON CUSTARD PIE. Mrs. Carrie Hathaway. Yolk of one egg, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, two crackers rolled fine, juice of one lemon. Cook until thick, pour into previously baked crust and add beaten white for top. PINEAPPLE PIE, • Mrs. Maurice Mudd. One cup milk, one-half cup sugar, one-half can pineapple (grat- ed) piece of butter size of walnut, yolks of three eggs. Use whites for top. 32 CHOCOLATE. PIE. iMrs. Win. Barnard. Simmer one cup milk and tour tablespoons chocolate a few minutes, then add two yolks of egg;, two tablespoons cornstarch, six tablespoons sugar, one-half cup milk, cook until thick and pour into pie crust. Add meringue of whites and a little sugar and brown. Mrs. Laura Brinkman. Place two cups of milk in a double boiler and let it get thor- oughly heated. Mix one cup of -sugar, yolks of four eggs, butter size of a walnut, three tablespoons grated chocolate and three tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in a little milk. Stir this in the hot milk and let cook until thick, then add vanilla. Bake the crust, when cool fill with chocolate cu'jtard and put the beaten whites on top and return to the oven for a few minutes to brown. STRAWBERRY MERINGUE PIE. Miss Mattie Nisbet. Bake a lower crust, then fill with fresh strawbe.Ties, cover with meringue of whites of two eggs, three tablespoons sugar. Bake delicate brown. CREAM PIE. Mrs. Chas. Middlesworth. Pour one pin*^ cream upon a cup and a half of powdered jugar tablespoon flour to thicken, and let stand until you have beaten the whites of three eggs, add eggs and a little nutmeg to the cream and bake in two pies, with lower crust. BANANA PIE. Mrs. CMclle Weinrich. One quart rich milk, yolks of four eggs, teaspoon vanilla, four tablespoons cornstarch, one cup of white sugar. Beat the yolks of the eggs into the milk, then add the sugar, moisten the cornstarch with a little cold milk and eggs, boil until thick. Place a layer of banana slices in a baked pie crust, pour the above filling into the crust, then place another layer of banana slices. Beat the whites of four eggs for frosting, place the pies in the oven for a few min- utes. This recipe makes two pies. 33 CRANBERRY AND RAISIN PIE. Mrs. A. P. Hohl. One cup cranberries, one-half cup raisins, chop together; one cup sugar, one-half cup water, one tablespoon flour, one teaspoon vanilla. Bake with two crusts. CHESS PIE. Mrs. L. Blanch Schlensker. Cream together one cup sugar and heaping teaspoon butter. Add three eggs, troroughly beaten, one cup sweet milk, one tea- spoon cornstarch and vanilla. RHUBARB PIE. Mr.s. H. Clay Horner. Line a pie pan with crust. Peel and slice the rhubarb thin, fill the pan with the rhubarb and pour evenly over the top a cup of sugar, an egg, and a heaping tablespoon flour creamed together. Cover with top crust and bake. This is simple, yet excellent. RAISIN PIE. Mrs. Edw. Meredith. Put one cup of raisins into a stew pan with one cup of coM water and half a cup of sugar, and let come to a boil. Have a tablespoon of flour stiiTed smooth in five tablespoons of water Stir this into the raisins, stirring them constantly, add a teaspoon ofb utter and three tablespoons vinegar. Cook two or three min- ues and bake between two crusts. COCOANUT PIE. Mrs Emma Baronnwsky. One cup sugar, two cups milk, three eggs, small bo\ of co- coanut. S'ir well and bake with under crust. MOCK MINCE PIE. Mrs. M. C. Crissey. Boil two Clips of rai ins in two cupg of water. Add four brok- en crackers, one cup sugar, one-half cup vinegar. Allow the mix- ture to cool. Add a dash of nutmeg and bake in covered pies. This is enough for two pies. WHITE AMBER PIE. Mrs. A. Hood. Three-fourths cup sour milk, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup raisins, one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour, one tablespoon vanilla, two yolko of eggs, using white] for meringue. AMBER PIE. Miss Mattie Nisbet. Three-fourths cup sugar, three-fourths cup sour milk, one-half cup raisins, one tablespoon flour, one table ;poon butter, one tea- spoon vinegar, one teaspoon of spice (cinnamon, allspice, cloves) yolks of two eggs, u-,e whites for top. PEACH PIE. Mr.s. Clarence L. Staley. Line a pie-tin with puff paste, fill with sliced peaches, well covered with sugar, add three tablespoons rich cream, put on upper crust and bake. MINCE MEAT. Mrs. Ada Morrison. Three pounds of beef from round, .:ix pounds apples, one and one-half pounds of suet, one glass grape jelly, two lemons, grated peel and juice, two oranges, one and one-half pounds brown sugar, one pint molases, three grated nutmegs, one teaspoon mace, four tablespoons salt, six teaspoons cinnamon, two teaspoons ginger, all- spice and clove;, one and one-half pounds citron, two pounds raisins, two of currants. Mrs. Wm. Bryden. Four pounds of lean beef, three quarts chopped apples, one qua.t stoned raisins, one quart English currants, one pint suet, three quarts sugar, one fourth pound citron, one-half cup salt, one- half cup cinnamon, one tablespoon cloves, two tablespoons all- spice, two tablespoons mace, three nutmegs. Mrs. A. a. Gordon. One bowl of meat, two of suet, three of sugar, two of currants, two of raisins, five of chopped apples, two tablespoons each of cinna- mon and cloves, one nutmeg, one tablespoon salt, ne pound citron. Boil all for five or ten minutes. 35 TWO-CRUST LEMON PIE. Mrs. Irving Douglas. Mix three-fourths cup sugar, two eggs, the juice and pulp of one lemon. Cut the pulp of lemon in small pieces and let the mix ture stand while making the crust. Fill and bake in slow oven. Enough for one pie. PUMPKIN PIE. Mrs. E. A. Douglas. Beat four eggs separately, add one cup sugar, one and one-half cups pumpkin, one and one-half cups milk, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Three pies. CARAMEL PIE. Mrs. H. H. Weinrich. Two cups sweet milk and three fourths cup sugar heated to boiling point, then add two heaping tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk, and two egg yolkg mixed with the moistened cornstarch. Then add one tablespoon butter, one teaspoon vanilla and three tablespoons burnt sugar syrup. Pour into baked crust, add meringue and brown in oven. CHOCOLATE PIE. Mrs. Prank C. Hirte. Cook until thick custard one cup milk, one tablespoon cocoa, yolks of two eggs and white of one saving remaining white for meringue, one tablespoon cornstarch. Pour into baked crust, add meringue and brown in oven. MOCK CHERRY PIE. Mrs. Chas. Gordon, Sparta, 111. One teacup cranberries, split in halves, one teacup raisins, seeded, one teacup sugar, one teacup boiling water, two small table- spoons flour. Mix all the ingredients adding the boiling water last. Cook until the cranberries seem done and the whole a smooth mass then put into a previously baked pie shell, or it may be baked as an ordinary pie with two crusts. PIE CRUST. Mrs. Irving Douglas. Mix well three cups flour, one cup lard or Crisco; add one-half cup cold water, knead as little as possible. This makes two large two crust pies. 36 BUTTER SCOTCH PIE. Katherine Yourtee Werner. Cook in double boiler until thick one cup brown sugar, one cup milk, one heaping tablespoon butter, three rounding table- spoons flour, and yolks of two eggs, leaving whites for meringue. Bake crust separately and pour custard into it. Beat whites with a pinch of salt, and baking powder, add two tablespoons sugar, beat until stiff and brown in oven. DUTCH APPLE PIE. IMr.s. Lizzie A. Zang-. Line a pie pan with rich paste, sprinkle about one tablespoon each of sugar and flour in bottom. Then fill with sliced apples, add half cup raisins, a little nutmeg, and bits of butter, springle liberally with sugar, pour over all enough milk to fill pan. Bake until apples are cooked, when almost done dot top with marsh- mallows, put back in oven to brown. 37 PUDDINGS, SHORTCAKES. SUET PUDDING. Mrs. B. Sykes. Two cups bread crumbs, one-half cup suet, one-half cup of dark molasses, one egg, one cup currants, one cup milk, one-half tea- spoon each soda, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. Steam two hours. Serve with hard sauce. Mrs. Susan Harrtier. One cup chopped raisins, one cup English currantij, one cup sugar, one cup suet, two cupi flour, one-half cup molasses, and cold water, one-half teaspoon baking powder, spice to taste. Bake one hou/. MOCK PLUM PUDDING. Mrs. D. H. Holman. One cup bread crumbs, browned and rolled fine, one-half cup each raisins and currants, one cup chopped apples, one-half cup butter, one cup ougar, teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves and all- spice, put in pudding dish, cover with sweet milk and bake one-half hour. Serve with any kind of sauce. PLUM PUDDING. Mrs. P. C. Kennedy. One cup butter, one cup sugar, one cup sour milk, one cup molassi3S, three eggs, one and one-half cup 5 bread crumbs, one cup chopped sue*, one cup raisins, one cup currants, one half cup dates, one-half cup figs, one teaspoon soda, two anr one-half uups flour. Flavor with spices anh vanilla. Steam in pudding moulds four hours. Serve hot with sauce. SWANWICK ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING. Mrs Ada Morrison. One pound of bread crumbs, one-half pound suat, one-half pound flour, one pound raisins, one pound currant;, one pound brown sugar, one-fourth pound citron, two ounces candied orange peel, two ounces candied lemon peel, grated rind and juice of one lemon, seven eggs, big tablespoon ground cloves, two tablespoons cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, one teaspoon salt, one-half cup milk. 38 APPLE PUDDING Mrs. Sarah Stewart. Pare some ripe apples and put them in a sauce pan with a few cloves, some orange peel and stew fifteen minutes in two cup- fuls of water. Put I hem in the pudding dish, having made the fol- lowing custard: One pint of milk or cream, four eggs, sugar to taste, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of flour, beat eggg and sugar well, add the flour, some ground nulmeg, add cream, slowly stirring all the time. Pour this over apples and bake in quick oven. WOODFORD PUDDING. Mrs. K. A. Douglas. Three eggs, one teacup sugar, one-half teacup butter, one and one-half teacup flour, one teacup jam or preserves, one teaspoon soda dissolved in three teaspoons sour milk, cinnamon or nutmeg to taste, mix thoroughly, bake slowly and serve with following sauce: The grated rind and juice of two oranges, one cup sugar, a piece of butter, a pint of hot water, and cornstarch to slightly thicken. GRAHAM PUDDING. Mrs. Edward Leslie. One and one-half cups Graham flour, one-half cup molasses, one-fouith cup melted butter, one-half cup sweet milk, one-half teaspoon soda dissolved in warm water, one cup seeded raisins, on!e egg, one teaspoon cinnamon, one-half teaspoon cloves. Steam two hours. .3AUCE — Two eggs, two cups milk, four tablespoons sugar, a pinch of salt, one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon vanilla. Mrs. .1. C. Brown, Sparta, 111. One cup sweet milk, one-half cup molasses, one cup raisins, one and one-half cups Graham flour, one teaspoon .soda, one teaspoon salt. Steam two hours. SAUCE — Yolks of three eggs, nine table- spoons sugar, three tablespoons butter, vanilla to taste. Beat very ligh'. FOOD FOR THE GODS. Mrs. Albert "Welge. One-half pound English walnuts, one-fourth pound dates, cut fine, three and one-half tablespoons cracker crumbs, one cup gran- ulated sugar, three eggj beaten separately, one teaspoon baking powder mixed with cracker crumbs. Mix dateg and nuts witli sugar, add cracker crumbs then add eggs. Bake in slow oven one- half hour. Cut in squares when cold and ^.erve with whipped cream Serves eight people. 39 CHERRY TAPIOCA WITH CREAM. Mrs. H. C. Horner. Soak one-half cup of tapioca over night, or according to di rections on box, add the juice of a can of cherries, with a little water to make the pint altogether. Cook in a double boiler until per- fectly clear, adding water as needed. When done add the che.ries, seeded, juice of one lemon and sugar to ta^te. Stir well, pour into a pudding dish and bake half an hour. Serve hot or cold with plain or whipped cream. If preferred, serve without baking, and if fresh cherries are used the lemon juice is not necessary. COTTAGE PUDDING. Mrs. Kendall Cole. One-fourth cup butter, two-third 3 cup sugar, one egg, one cup milk, two and one-fourth cups flour, four teaspoons baking powder, one half teaspoon salt. Cream butter adding sugar gradually and egg well beaten. Mix and sift flour, baking powde.- and salt. Ad,l alternately with milk to first mixture; turn into buttered cake pan, bake thiry-five minutes, serve with lemon or vanilla sauce. LEM- ON SAUCE — One-third cup butter, one cup sugar, yolks of three eggs, one-third cup boiling water, three tablespoons lemon juice, few gratings of lemon rind. Ci^eam butter and sugar gradually and yolks of eggs olightly beaten; then add wate.- and cook over boiling water until mixture thickens. Remove from range, add lemon juice and rind. BAKED APPLES. Mrs. Sig C. Heuer. Take firm, medium sized apples, peel and core. Mix sugar and flour together and sprinkle over apples. Fill each apple with candy "redhots" and put a few in pan with apples, then pour enough water over them to make sauce, bake in moderate oven. LEMON PUDDING. Mr.s. .1. Fred Gilster. Mix one pint flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one table- spoon lard, a pinch of salt, one teaspoon sugar with milk enough to make a dough. Line bottom of baking dish with dough. SAUCE -. Three eggs, one-half cup butter, two scant cups sugar, one quart boiling water, juice of two lemons and rind of one. Pour sauce over dough and bake in moderate oven. Will serve eight persons. 40 PERSIMMON PUDDING. :\Ir.s. O. V. Todd. Two eggs, one cup sugar, one pint persimmon pulp, one or one- half cup butter, two teaspoons baking powder, pinch soda in per- simmon pulp, one pint sour milk and water, one teaspoon cinnamon, flour to make thin batter, bake one hour in moderate oven. BURNT SUGAR CUSTARD. Miss Edna Smith. Make a plain cuslard, burn two-thirds cup sugar, stir into the warm custard, cool; serve with nuts and whipped cream or fruit. SAUCE FOR PLUM PUDDING. Mrs. John Lickiss. Take about one quart boiling water and a piece of butter size of egg. Melt together and thicken with cornstarch to the consis- ency required, flavor with whiskey, brandy, wine or any other flavoring desired and sweeten to taste. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE. Miss Eliza Mann. On'j egg, half cup butter, one cup ^ugar, two-thirds cup sweet milk, two cups fiour, one and one-half teaspoons baking powder. Flavor to taste and bake in two layers. Just before serving spread be'ween layers filling of one cup sugar, white of one egg (not beaten), one cup ma.;hed berries. Beat the filling thirty minutes. SHORT CAKE. One-quar'er cup of butter, one and two-thirds cups of flour, one cup sugar, one and one-half teaspoons baking powder, one-half cup milk and one egg. COTTAGE FRUIT PUDDING. Mrs. Chas. Thies. Two eggs, one cup sugar, butter size of walnut, one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half cupg flour, two teaspoons baking powder. Pour in a pint of sweetened plums and bake. Any kind of fruit may be used. PUDDING SAUCE — Four tablespoons sugar, two of butter and one of flour, stir together to a cream, beat white of an egg to a stiff froth and add to a gill of boiling water, stirring Very fast. Flavor wi*h lemon or vanilla. 41 CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Miss Emma Weinrich. One quart of sweet milk, one-half package Knox gelatine dis solved in one cup of cold water. Boil milk, add three-forths cut sugar, gelatine, four tablespoons grated chocolate and let boil ten minutes. Then beat the yolks of two eggs, to which add a little cold water and stir in mixture. Let boil again. While cooling add beaten whites of two eggs. Put on ice. Serve with whipped cream. SNOW PUDDING. :Mrs. Wm. R. MacKenzie. Pour one pint boiling water over one-third box gelatine that has been soaked in a little cold water, add one and one-halfs cups sugar, juice of two large lemons, strain and set away to get cold. Have ready the beaten whites of three eggs, beat all together twenty minutes or until a mass of snow, mold and when ready serve with this custard: One pint of boiling milk, one-half cup of sugar, yolks of three eggs. Flavor to taste. RICE SNOW BALLS. Mrs. M. C. Crissey. Boil one pint of rice until soft, with teaspoon salt. Put in small cups, and when cold place in a dish. Make a boiled cus- tard of yolks of three eggs, one pint swe'et milk, and one teaspoon of corn starch; flavor with lemon. When cold pour over the balls half an hour before serving. BREAD PUDDING. Mrs. Lil. P. Perry. One cup bread crumbs, two cups scalded milk, one egg or two yolks, one-fourth cup sugar, one-eight teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon vanilla or one-eighth teaspoon nutmeg, one tablespoon butter. ITALIAN FIG PUDDING. Mrs. Wm. R. MacKenzie. One pound figs, one cup suet, two cups bread c.umbs, one- half nutmeg, three eggs. Cut figs, add the other ingredients with enough milk to make a stiff dough, tie in a cloth and boil two hours. Serve with any sauce denred. 42 QUEEN OF PUDDINGS. Mrs. A. G. Gordon. One pint bread crumbs, one quart milk, one cup sugar, yolks of four eggs, piece butter size of an egg, add grated rind of lemon. Bake and sPread with layer of jelly. Whip whites of eggs stiff with fivet ablespoons sugar, and juice of one lemon. Spread On top and brown. PORTLAND FANCY. Mis.s Liaura Von Gueiiison. Slice three oranges and six bananas, chop one-half pound Eng- lish walnuts, dissolve one box gelatine with one and one-half pints hot water and mix grated orange peel. When cool strain through cloth and pour over alternate layers of fruit and nuts. Serve with sauce made of one cup sugar, one quart milk, one tablespoon coin- starch and two eggs. ORANGE SHORTCAKE. Miss Metta K. Duden. Pare five oranges, remove the pith and seeds, and cut into small pieces. Cover with a cupful of sugar and let stand for an hour or so. Just before serving beat the whites ot three eggs to a stiff froth, add three tablespoons of sugar, and beat this into the oranges. Use your favorite baking powder biscuit recipe for the pastry part. ICE BOX PUDDING. Mrs. .1. E. Clark. Danville. Break one-fourth Angel, Sunshine or Sponge Cake in pieces, and mould in layers with the following sauce. Melt two ten cent cakes of sweet chocolate with three tablespoons hot water. Beat yolks of four eggs very light with three tablespoons sugar, stir melt- ed chocolate in this, then add beaten whites. Set in ice box over night, or several hours. Serve in sherbet cups with whipped cream. Enough for six or seven. DATE PUDDING. Kunice Holman White. One cup chopped dates, one cup chopped nuts, two eggs, three tablespoons flour, two and one-half teaspons baking powder, one cup sugar. Mix egg yolks with dry ingredients. Beat whites sep- arate with sugar, then add to other mixture. Bake one hour in moderate oven. Serve with whipped cream. 43 PRUNE WHIP. Mrs. E. A. Douglas. Stew one pound of prunes until very tender in as little water as possible. Remove pits, stir until fine and add two-thirds cup sugar, replace over fire and stir constantly until boiling hot. Pour over the well beaten whites of four eggs and continue beating ters minutes. Add the grated rind and juice of one orange; set aside to cool. Serve with whipped or plain cream. ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING. Mrs. John Lickiss One pound each raisins seeded, currants, sugar, beef suet, chop- ped and rolled fine (remove all strings), soda crackers rolled fine, one dozen eggs, half pound butter, teaspoon ground cloves, one nut- meg grated, five cents worth candied lemon peel cut fine, half tea- cup cornstarch, half teacup sweet milk. Boil four hours. FRUIT SALAD DRESSING. Mrs. M. C. Crissey Three-fourths cup of sugar, two egg yolks. Stir well in sauce- pan. Add one-half cup of lemon juice, cook slowly stirring con- stantly. When thick, add butter size of a walnut. 44 CUSTARDS. CARAMEL CUSTARD. JTrs. R. E. Spring-. One pint milk, scalded, three eggs, yolks and whites beaten with one-half cup sugar. Put one-half cup sugar in vessel to brown for caramel, add little water, until thick syrup, then add the custard with a teaspoon of vanilla, and bake twenty minutes or until it sets well in the oven. RASPBERRY CREAM. iMrs. J. ]McCune. Put two large tablespoons or raspberry jam in a fine sieve, pour over and work through one pint of cream, then whip it until it thickens. Dissolve half an ounce of gelatine and two ounces of white sugar in a teacup of milk and add gradually to the cream. When quite thick turn into a mold. PINEAPPLE CREAM. Mrs. L. W. Morrison. One can pineapple chopped and two cups sugar, cook twenty minutes. While cooking, soak one-fourth box gelatine in part of juice of pineapple. When dissolved add to the pineapple and sugar and beat. Whip a pint of cream, flavor to taste, add to the beaten whites of three eggs, and mix with the fruit. CREAM CHOCOLATE. Mrs. Naomi D. Brown. Put one quart of milk and three-fourths cup sugar on to boil. When nearly boilng add four tablespoons of corn starch dissolved in a little milk, and just before removing from the stove add well beaten whites of four eggs, vanilla flavoring. When done take out about four tablespoonfuls and mix with almost an ounce of chocolate, and then put alternately one layer of white and one layer of brown. Serve with this sauce: One pint milk, yolks of four eggs, four tablespoons sugar. Put on to boil and when done add vanilla. 45 CHARLOTTE RUSSE. M:; G. W. Nord^ren. Cook one and one-fourths cups milk, one-half cup sugar and one egg to a custard. Then add one tablespoon gelatine, after having soaked it in water. Flavor with vanilla. When cold add one cup whipped cream and let set WHIPPED CREAM. Mrs. J. D. Gerlach. >' One pint of rich cream, whites of two eggs, one cup of pow- dered sugar. Whip half the sugar into the cream, the rest into the whites of the eggs. Mix these and add teaspoon vanilla. LEMON FOAM. Mrs. W. A. Pinkerton. Stir two tablespoons of cornstarch, dissolved in a little cold v/ater, into two cups boiling water to which has been added one cup sugar. Cook four minute.j and add juice of one lemon. When cool add the beaten whites of two eggs and whip thoroughly. Serve with custard made of one pint milk, two tablespoons sugar, yolks of the eggs, and teaspoon of vanilla . LEMON JELLY. Miss Alice Adani.s. Tu one package of gelatine add one pint of cold water. When dissolved, add one pint hot water, two cups of sugar, juice of six lemons and cherries. Stir slowly until well dissolved then strain into molds. STUFFED APPLES. Miss Kate Pohlman. Core fix tart apples and fill the cavitiej with chopped pecan kernels season with sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle enough sugar over apples to sweeten. Pour very little water around them and bake. Serve with whipped cream. BREAD PUDDING. Mrs. T. A. Gant. One cup bread crumbs, two cups scalded milk, one .quare chocolate, one cup boiling water, one-third cup sugar, one egg, one- fourth teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon vanilla. KISS PUDDING. .Mrs. K. P. Gray. Loil one quart of sweet milk in double boiler with four heap- ing tablespoons sugar, four tablespoons cornstarch, dissolved in a li tie milk), (pulverized tapioca may be used instead of cornstarch if preferred). Allow this to boil up then add well beaten yolks of four eggs and boil about two minutes. Beat white j of eggs with a cup of pulverized sugar, flavor with vanilla, add one-half cup shredded coconut and add this to the pudding. Beat thoroughly and let boil up again. Remove from the fire and sprinkle cocoanut on top and serve with whipped cream. MARSHMALLOW CREAM. Miss Maryalma Thies. Soak one-half envelope Sparkling gelatine in one-half cup cold water five minutes, and dissolve in one-half cup boiling water. Add one cup sugar and cool, but do not chill. Beat whites of four eggs and add liquid gelatine and sugar (a few spoonfuls at a time), beating constantly. Divide quickly in three parts. Color first part pink, add chopped nuts and one teaspoon vanilla flavoring To the second part add one and one-half squares melted chocolate ando ne teaspoon vanilla flavoring; and to the third part, chopped cherries and one teaspoon lemon flavoring. Mold in square mold, and let each layer harden a bit before adding the next. .Serve in slices with whipped cream. LEMON CUSTARD. Miss Jennie Morris. Three eggs, one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons cornstarch, three-fourths cup sugar, two cups water, one large lemon. Beat the yolks of eggs, butter and sugar together, mix the cornstarch with a little of the water, stir all together and cook same as boiled custard. Remove from the fire, pour in mold, spread the beaten whites of the eggs on top, set in the oven to brown, serve with sweet cream or alone. 47 FROZEN DESSERTS. ICE CREAM. Mrs. Isaac Beare. To make one gallon cream, use one pint sugar, two heaping tablespoons flour, one-fourth teaspoon salt, sift these and add one quart milk and cook over hot water one-half to one hour. Add one quart good cream and one quart milk, any flavoring desired, and freeze. When frozen, add the beaten whites of two eggs and stir well, then pack. Four times this recipe will make five gallons of cream. CARAMEL ICE CREAM. Mr.s. W. A. Pinkerton. Make custard of one and one-half quarts of milk, two cup ; sugar, four eggs, pinch of salt, one tablespoon flour mixed smooth in cold water. Brown one cup sugar and add to custard, cook about five minutes after adding the caramel. Cool, then add one quart cream, vanilla flavoring and freeze. PINEAPPLE ICE. Mr.s. Emma Holman. Make a cyrup of one and one-half pints of sugar and one and one-half pints of water, let cool, add juice of two lemons and one can of shredded pineapple (or strain out the juice) one-third box gelatine dissolved in cold water, and enough clear water to make a gallon freezer a little over half full, when nearly frozen stir in one egg beaten to stiff froth, freeze hard. PEACH ICE CREAM. Mrs. P. C. Kennedy. Sweeten one quart cream and flavor with vanilla, freeze until begins to stiffen, then stir in a quart of peaches that have been chop- ped fine and sweetened. Freeze as any ice cream. PLAIN ICE CREAM. Miss Sophia Feldman. Two quarts milk and one pint cream, two eggs, two cups sugar, tablespoon flour, one tablespoon vanilla. Cook egg ,, milk, sugar and flour in a double boiler until consistency of sweet ceam; cocl and add vanilla and cream and freeze. 48 FROZEN ORANGE SOUFFLE. Mrs. Max. Aszman. Cover one-half box gelatine with a half cup cold water and soak one hour, then add a half cup boiling water to dissolve. Mix one pint orange juice and one pound sugar. Whip one quart cream. Beat yolks six eggj until light, add them to the orange juice and sugar, then add gelatine (strained) and freeze. When frozen, remove dasher, stir in the whipped cream and set aside two or three hours to ripen. MAPLE PARFAIT. Mrs. J. S. Johnston. Beat yolks of six eggs until light, add three-fourths cup maple syrup. Place mixture on stove and stir constantly until eggs have thickened enough to make thick coating on spoon. Turn into a bowl and beat until cold, when it should be light. Add one-half ounce gelatine dissolved in three tablespoons water and melted over hot water. Beat five minutes hastily. Whip one pint cream to thick froth and mix lightly with egg mixture. Turn into mold holding three pints. Pack in ice and salt for three hours. STRAWBERRY FRUIT SALAD. Mrs. Cole Cleiman. Arrange ripe strawberries in ne^ts of crisp, white, lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and orange juice, cover with one cupful of whipped cream to which has been added one-half cupful of mayannaise dressing and one-fourth teaspoonful each of salt and paprika. Garni h with strawberries and slices of lemon dipped in sugar. DEUGHT. Mrs. D. H. Holman. One-half pound white grapes cut in halves and seeded, one- half pound of English walnut meats, one-half pound of marsh- mallows rut in cubes, one-half can of sliced pineapple cut in cubes. Pour over this a pint of cream whipped and sweetened, chill or freeze. ORANGE CHARLOTTE. .Vdaline AlacKenzie Gant. Three fourths cup of orange juice, the juice of one lemon, one-half box of gelatine, one cup of cold water, two cup3 boiling water, three-fourths cup sugar, one cup of whipped cream, whipped after it cools. Serve with whipped cream on top and cut like pie. 49 APRICOT SHERBET. Mrs. J. M. Tindall. One quart can apricots, one lemon, one and one-half cups fugar, one quart water. Boll sugar and water together for fivo minules. Press apricot thru sieve, add to syrup with lemon juicf^. Let cool and freeze same as ice cream. Beat the white of one egg until frothy add one tablespoon powdered sugar, and beat until stiff. Remove the dasher, stir in the meringue, re-pack and let stand till wanted. Mrs. W. C. Roberts. Boil one quart water and two sups sugar fifteen minutes, let cool, then add one quart can sweetened a,pricots rubbed through eollander, juice of two lemons, one-half box Knox gelatine dissolved In cold water and stirred into hot sugar and water; let cool, add one quart cream and freeze. Make one gallon. 50 CAKES. ANGEL FOOD CAKE. Mrs. J. M. Dickson. Whites of twelve eggs well beaten, one glass flour sifted four times, one and one-half glasses sugar, one level teaspoon cream tartar, one teaspoon vanilla. Add cream tartar to eggs when about half beaten, sift sugar and flour together and add a little at a time to eggs, put in ungreased pan and bake in very slow oven 45 minutes. BUTTER CUP CAKE. Mrs. Alfred Durkee. Yolk3 of three eggs, one and one-half cups white sugar, one- fourth cup butter. Add the beaten whites and one cup milk, three cups flour and two heaping teaspoons baking powder. Use flavor preferred. Bake in layers or a loaf. BURNT SUGAR CAKE. Mi-ss Mattie Nisbei. One-half cup butter, one and a half cups sugar, one cup water, two cups flour, yolks of two eggs. Beat five minutes, add two teaspoons of caramel, one-half cup flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon vanilla and whites of two beaten eggs. Bake in layers and put together with boiled icing to which has been added one teaspoon vanilla and two teaspoons of the caramel. CARAMELr — Put one cup sugar on stove, gtir until it melts, then burn until it throws off intense smoke. Move to back of stove and add one-half cup of boiling water. Cook until a thick syrup. CARAMEL CAKE. iMrs. Carrie Hathaway. Three eggs, one and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, two teaspoons baking powder, one-half cup milk, two and a quarter cups flour, flavor with lemon or vanilla. FILLING — One cup brown sugar, one-fourth pound chocolate, one-half cup milk, butter size of Ggg, two teaspoons vanilla. Cook until thick enough to spread. 51 BLACKBERRY CAKE. Mrs. Ruth Chapman. One and one-half cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, five eggs, two teaspoon^ of cinnamon and allspice, one grated nutmeg, two cups blackberry preserves and four cups flour. Cream butter and sugar, then add the un- beaten eggs one at a time until all are thoroughly mixed. Next add the milk in which the soda has been dissolved, stir in the preserves and spices, and last mix in the flour and' beat well before baking. This may be baked either in a loaf or layers. BLACKBERRY LAYER CAKE. :\liw. Edw. Meredith. Six eggs, two cups sugar, one cup butter, one ctip blackbe.ry jam, one nutmeg, four teaspoons cinnamon, one spoon allspice, one-half cup sour cream, two teaspons soda, four cups flour. Bake in layers and put together with caramel icing. CARAMEL ICING. Miss May McAdams. One cup sugar, five tablespoons milk or cream, one tablespoon butter, boil until thick, add one teaspoon vanilla and beat until cool. One-half cup chopped nut kernels or raisins adds materially to this. CREAM LILLIES. Mrs. Samuel Colbert, Four eggs, one and one-half cups sugar, stir and add one cup melted butter, one and one-half ctips flour, one scant teaspoon baking powder, last add one cup milk. Drop on pan from a -poon, leave plenty of room, keep apart. When they begin to brown on edges take out and form in shape of a lily. When cold fill with whipped cream. Put a small piece of pretty jelly in center. COFFEE FILLING FOR CAKE. Mrs. Wm. Barnard. One-half cup butter, thoroughly cleansed of salt, two heaping cups powdered sugar. Cream the butter and ::ugar, add two table- spoons cold coffee and one teaspoon vanilla and beat thoroughly. 52 CHOCOLATE NOUGOT CAKE. Mrs. Win. R. MacKenzie. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, two thirds cup sweet milk (scant) yolk of one egg and one whole egg, two cups flour, one level tea-ipoon soda, dissolved in milk, teaspoon vanilla. After cake is thoroughly slirred together, add the cold custard and stir all together. Bake in two layers in moderate oven. Frost with l)0iled icing with nuts on it. CUSTARD — One-half cup sugar one- half cup milk, yolk of one egg. four tablespoon) chocolate, cook in double boiler. Get thoroughly cold. CHOCOLATE CAKE. iNlr.s. W. .\. JaniL-s. Two cups sugar, two-thi.ds cup butter, not quite two-thirds cup sweet milk, whites of eight eggs, three small teaspoons baking powder thoroughly sifted with three cups flour. Stir sugar and butter to a cream, add milk and flour, and last white of eggs FILLING— Two cups sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, one-half cup butter, scant half cup chocolate or cocoa. Let it come to a boil quickly, stir constantly, take off, beat till cool enough to spread. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Mr.s. Wm. B. .\Hoii. Two cups brown sugar, half cup butter, two eggs, half cup sour milk, a pinch of salt, three cups flour, one teaspoon baking powder. Mix and add half cup boiling water, in this dissolve half a cup of chocolate and one teaspoon soda. Bake in layers. FILL- ING — Two cups brown sugar, half cup butter, half cup sweet milk, cook to a syrup, then add vanilla. Mrs. H. C. .\dderly. Cream together one-half cup butter, one and one-half cup-? Higar and the yolks of two eggs. When light, add one-half cup grated chocolate or cocoa, melted in three tablespoons hot water and beat more. Now add two-thirds of a cup of sweet mlk in which one level teaspoon of soda has been well dissolved. Add two cups floui" in which one heaping teajpoon of baking powder has been well mixed. Lastly add the well beaten whites of the eggs and flavor to taste. Bake in two thick layers putting together with soft icing. 5?, FRUIT CAKE. Mrs. L. H. Yourtee. Two scant cups butter, three cups brown sugar, six eggi beat- en separtely, one pound raisins, on© pund currants, one-half pound citron cut fine, one-half cup molasoes, one-half cup sour milk, stir butter and sugar to a cream, add one-half nutmeg, one tablespoon cinnamon, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon mace, add molasses and milk, stir well, then put in beaten yolks. Stir all together then add four cups flour, alternately with the beaten whites, dissolve one teaspoon soda in milk, brown the flour and measure after browning, add cup of chopped nuts. Mrs. I^. W. Morrison. One pound of sugar, 14 ounces of butter, cieamed, add 12 eggi beaten separately, alternately wth one pound of flour, in which One tablespoon of cinnamon, one of mace, one of cloves have been mixed ad sifted together, one nutmeg and one gill of cream, grated peel of lemon, and three pounds of raisins, two pounds of Sultan raisins, one pound of currants and one pound of citron, keeping out a part of citron for top. Bake for three hours in pan lined with several thicknesses of paper, last one buttered. Leave in pan until cold, rub with flour, dust off and ice. FEATHER CAKE. Miss Lizzie Beg-geman. Dark Part — One cup brown sugar, one-half cup butter, one half cup sourm ilk, two cups flour, one cup chopped raisins one tea- spoon soda dissolved in a little warm water, one tablespoon molasses, yolks of three eggs, one teaspoon each cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. White Part — One cup flour, one-half cup cornstarch, one-half cup sweet milk, one-half cup butter, one cup white sugar, two teaspoon -, baking powder, whites of three eggs, flavor to taste. Bake in lay- ers. HICKORY NUT CAKE. Mrs. J. D. Gerlach. Two cups sugar, two-thirds cup butter, mixed to cream, three eggs, one cup of milk, three of flour with two teaspoons baking powder sifted in and lastly a cup of finely cut kernels. Flavor with vanilla and bake in a loaf one hour. 64 FUDGE CAKE. Rirs. Cha.s Gausman. One cup sugar, two-thirds cup butter, three eggs, one cup milk, two and one-half cups flour, one heaping teaspoonful of bakine pwder, one fourth cup chocolate, one-half cup English walnuts (broken coarsely). Cream the but'ter and sugar and add the milk, then the flour in which has been mixed the baking powder, then stir in the nuts, then the chocolate dissolved by putting in a cup and placing in hot water. Add the eggs beaten separately. FR0.3T ING — One and one-half tablespoon.? butter, one-half cup cocoa, one and one-fourth cups confectioner's sugar, a little salt, one-fourth cup milk, one-half teaspoon vanilla; let come to a boil and continue to boil about eight minutes, bea* until creamy and spread on cake. SOFT GINGER BREAD, Mrs. James, Farmer, Jeffersonville, Ind. One cup molasses, one cup sugar, half cup butter and lard mixed, one cup sour milk, three cups flour, two eggs, two tea spoons (even) soda, two teaspoons cnnamon, one and a half tea- spoons ginger, one teaspoon cloveg and a little nutmeg. Mrs. August Bosshard. One-half cup sugar, one cup molasses, one-half cup butter, one teaspoon each ginger, cinnamon and cloves, two teaspoons soda dissolved in one cup boiling water, two and one-half cups flour, add two well beaten eggs the last thing before baking. LANCASTER GINGER BREAD. Mrs. E. P. Bronson. One cup of sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of melted butter, one cup of sour milk, one teaspoonful of soda, four cups of flour, two eggs, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves, one-half teaspoonful of ginger. Sweet milk may be substituted for sour, in which ca^e use three teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake in a shallow pan, and cut in blocks. This makes a good dark cake by adding one cup of chopped raisins, citron. Bake in deep pan. WHITE LAYER CAKE. M. E. S. Two cups sugar, one-half cup butter, beaten to a cream, one cup milk, whites of eight eggs, two and one-half cupj flour, two and one-half teaspoons baking powder, lemon or vanilla to taste. 55 THREE LAYER CAKE. Mrs. B. Sikes. Half a cup butter, one and one-half cups granulated sugar, one-fourth teaspoon salt, a cup of lukewarm water, two and one- half cups flour, three eggs, or yolks or whites of four, a heaping teaspoon baking powder. Flavor according to filling. WHITE LOAF CAKE. Miss Cora Philips. One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup sweet milk, whites of eight eggs beaten to a stiff froth, two and one-half cups sifted flour, one-half cup cornstarch, two teaspons baking powder. Flavor with vanilla. LEMON JELLY CAKE. Mrs. Henry Dandes. Two cups sugar, one-half cup bu'ter, sti/ until creamy, add three-fourths cup milk, two and one-half cups flour, beaten whites of .six eggs (in which has been beaten a pinch of salt), two tea- spoons baking powder sifted with flour. FILLING — Take one cup sugar, two tablespoons butter, two whole eggs and juice of two lemons, beat all together and boil until consist^cy of jell.-. For orange cake, use ovange: instead of lemons. LEMON JELLY FILLING. Mi.s.s Liezzie Be^geman. Grate the yellow from the rinds of two lemons, add the juice, two cups sugar, yolks and whites of two eggs beaten separately. Mix the sugar and yolka, then add the whiles, then the lemons Now pour on a cup of boiling water, stir into this two tablespoons sifted flour, rubbed smooth in a cup of water, then add a tabL^- spoon of melted butter and cook until thickens. MINNEHAHA CAKE. Miss Lena Labrier. Cream one and one-half cups sugar and one-half cup butter. add three eggs, one-half cup milk, two cups flour, one and cne half teaspoons baking powder. FILLING — Boiled icing with on • cup chopped raioins or hickory nut meats stirred in. 56 MARBLE CAKE. Mrs. John T. McBride. White part — Whites of seven eggs, three cups white sugar, one cup of butter, one of sour milk, four of flour, sifted and heaping, one teaspoon soda, flavor to taste. Dark Part — YoIks seven eggs, three cups brown sugar, one of butter, one of sour milk, four of flour, sifted and heaping, one tablespoon each of cinnamon, allspice and cloves, one teaspoon soda. Put in pang a spoonful of white and then a spoonful of dark and so on. Bake an hour and a quarter Use coffee cups to measure. Mrs. Louisa Hilton. White Part — One cup white sugar, one-half cup butter, one- half cup milk, whites of three eggs, two cups flour, and one tea- spoon baking powder. Dark part — one cup light brown sugar, one- fourth cup butter, one-half cup milk, two cupo flour, yolks of three eggs, allspice, cinnamon, and nutmeg, one teaspoon each, and one teaspoon baking powder. WHITE FRUIT CAKE. Mrs. Maurice Mudd. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup sweet milk, two and one-half cups flour, whites of seven eggs, two even teaspoons baking powder, one pound raisins, one pound figs, one pound al- monds, one cup cocoanut, one-fourth pound citron, mix thoroughly before adding frui*^, one teaspoon lemon extract. Bake two hours. MARSHMALLOW CAKE. .Mrs. A. E. Crisler. The whites of eight eggs, two cup 3 of sugar, two-thirds cup« v{ buter, one cupful of sweet milk, three cups of flour, two heap- ing teaspoons of baking powder, flavor with lemon extract. FILL- ING. — Whites of two eggs and sugar enough to make a soft icing. ;pread a layer over the cake then put on the marshmallows. Mrs. H. C. Watts. Two cups sugar, two-thirds cup butter, three cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one cup water, whites of five eggs, one half cup melted chocolate, flavor with vanilla. ICING — One cup of sugar, six tablespoons hot water, set on stove to boil. Beat to a stiff froth the whites of three eggs. When syrup will string pou.- over beaten eggs while hot, beat until smooth. One-half pound marshallow; cut fine, pour in icing and beat good. Flavor with vanilla. MAHOGANY CAKE. Mrs. H. E. Mann. One and one-half cups sugar, onehalf cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one teaspoon soda dissolved in milk one-half cup grated chocolate cooked in one-half cup milk, ,coOi and stir in cake last, three eggs, flavor with vanilla. ICING. — Two and one-half cuPs sugar, one cup milk, yolks of two eggs, two tablespoons butter. Beat until cool. ORANGE CAKE. Mrs. George Fillers. One-half cup butter and two cups sugar stirred to a cream, with the yolks of five eggs added after they have been well beaten, then stir in one cup milk, beat the whites of three eggs to a siff froth and add, put in three and one-half cups sifted flour with three teaspoons baking powder. Bake in layers. Put together with boiled icing. oy» r which sprinkle finely chopped oiange. PRINCE OF WALES CAKE. Mrs. H. C. Cole. White Part. — One cup white sugar, one-half cup butter, two scant cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half tea- spoons baking powder, whiter of three eggs. Flavor to suit. Dark part. — One cup brown sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup soui milk, tv/o heaping cups flour, one cup raisins, citron and currants mixed, yolks of three eggs, three tablejpooug molasses, two tea- spoons different spices. POTATO CAKE. Miss Alice Mehrer. Two cups sugar, three-fourth cup butter, one cup cold boilec' grated potatoes, one-half cup milk, two and one-half cups flour, one cake sweet chocolate, five eggs, one-half pound chopped al- monds, two teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Bake 45 minutes. SUNSHINE CAKE. Mrs. R. E. Sprig-g-. Beat whites of six eggs and fhen half finished add level tea- spoon of cream tartar and beat to stiff froth. Add one cup sugar, after it has been sifted four times, then the yolks which have been well beaten and three-fourths cup of flour, pinch of sar and flavor- ing to tajte. Bake in moderate oven forty-flve minutes. 58 PORK CAKE. Mrs. W. Gilbreath. One pound of raw pork chopped very fine, add half a pint of boiling water, one pound of seeded raisins, one-fourth pound of shredded citron, two cups sugar, one cup molajses, one teaspoon soda dissolved in a little water. Mix these ingredients, add one tablespoon cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir in sifted flour to the consistency of common cake mixture. Bake slowly for one hou/ and forty minutes. RIBBON FIG CAKE. One cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups flour, four eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, one cup milk, three heaping teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon vanilla. Take half bat ter, pour it into jelly tins, on each put a layer of split figs, seeds up. Bake. To the rest of batter add two tablespoon; molasses, one cup raisins, one-half cup currants, one teaspoon cinnamon, one- half teaspoon cloves and a little more flour. Put together with white icing. SPICE CAKE. Mrs. Gus Knapp. One-half cup butter, one cup sugar, the well beaten yolkg of three eggj, one cup sour milk, in which is dissolved a good tea- spoon soda, add one cup seeded raisins, one cup currants, mixed with a little flour, also some citron, three cups flour, one teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. Lastly add the well beatfu whites of three eggs. WHITE LAYER CAKE. Mrs. G. L. Brush. Two cups sugar, one-half cup butter, two and one-half cups flour, two rounding teaspoons bakirj^- powder, one cup water, whites of fou/ eggs, flavor with vanilla. This leripe make; two large lay- ers or three small layers. CHOCOLATE ICINO -One cup grated chocolate, one cup sugar, one-half cup milk. Cook until smooth and shiny on spoon. Beat until cool. SPONGE CAKE. Four eggs, one and one-half cups white ■ugar, two cupg flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one-half cup boiling water. 69 SPONGE CAKE. Mrs. E. H. Glister. The yolks of eleven eggs well beaten, one cup sugar, one cup flour, add one tablespoon baking powder, one-half cup hot water, a little salt and flavor with lemon. A good recipe to use up yolks of eggs after making angel food. WHIPPED CREAM CAKE. Mrs. John P. Herschbach. One-half cup butter, one and one-half cups granulated sugar, one cup milk, two and one-half cup3 flour, two and one-half tea- spoons baking powder, whites of five eggs, one-half teaspoon vanilla. Bake in layers. FILLING. — Beat one pint cream until stiff, sweeten to taste, flavor with vanilla and add about one dozen chopped English walnuts. WHITE CAKE. Mrs. A. Hood. One cup butter, onec up sweet milk, three cups flour, two cups sugar, whites of Ave eggs, two teaspoons baking powder. Mrs. Susan Harmer. One-half cup butter, one cup sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, one large cup flour and the stifl^y beaten whites of three eggs, one teaspoon of baking powder, flavor to taste. WASHINGTON CAKE. Mrs. Andrew Clelnian. One cup butter, two cups brown sugar, one cup milk, four eggs, one teaspoon each cinnamon, nutmeg, all vpice, one cup seeded raisins, three cups flour two teaspoons baking powder. DATE STICKS. Mrs. Max Aszman. Mix one cup sugar and the yolks of three eggs, then add one cup date^ cut once and lightly floured, two-thirds cup flour, one scant teaspoon baking powder, one cup English walnuts, a pinch of salt and teaspoon vanilla, and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Bake in long pan; when baked, cut in barg and roll in powdered sugar. 60; POTATO CAKE. Miss Mabel McCoiikej". Cream one cup butter and two cups sugar, add one cup warm mashed potatoes, four eggs beaten separately, one-half cup milk or cream, one cup raisins, one cup nuts and two cups flour, two tea- spoons baking powder, two tablespoons chocolate, one-half tea- spoon each cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Bake in a loaf in moder- ate oven. MEASURED ANGEL FOOD CAKE. Mrs. Louis Kuhrtz. One level cup egg whites (from 9 to 11 eggs), one level tea- spoon cream of tartar, one-half teaspoon salt. Put these in a large bowl and beat with a wire egg beater until very stiff. To this gradually add one and one-half cup ougar, then one teaspoon vanilla and one teaspoon lemon extract. Lastly, gradually fold in one cup Swansdown cake flour which has been sifted five time before mea- suring. Bake in a moderate oven forty-flve minutes. SPONGE CAKE FILLING. Mrs. Lizzie A. Zang. Put one pint of milk on stove to boil. Mix three-fourths cup sugar and two heaping tablespoons flour, then add two eggs and a little cold milk. When mixed add to boiling milk, cook until thick and when cold spread between layers. CREAM CAKE. Mrs. I:. H Holm. Beat two eggs in a teacup and fill the cup with sweet cream. Add this to one cup sugar, one cup flour, one teaspoon baking pow- der, a pinch of salt mixed. Favor with lemon and bake in a moderately heated oven. Good for layer or loaf. CREAM PUFFS. Mrs. Anna Stahlberg-. Half cup butter, and one cup boiling water put on stove and come to boil, and while on stove boiling stir in a cup of flour, then t;ike off and let cool, add two eggs well beaten, separate the eggs and beat each separately), and soda size of pea. Drop the batter on a greased pan and bake. When cool break open the puffs and fill with v.iiipped cream flavored with vanilla. 61 MIDNIGHT CAKE. Mrs. A. W. Eggers. Part One — Put one-half cup sweet milk on stove to heat and add one cup brown sugar, one cup cocoa or chocolate, stir until cocoa is melted. Beat the yolk of one egg, one tablespoon milk and add to the hot chocolate a little at a time. When all is melted re move from fire and when cool add one teaspoon vanilla. Par Two — Cream one-half cup butter, one-half cup brown sugar and add yolks of two eggs, beat well. One-half cup sweet milk, 2 cups flour sifted several times, and add Part One and the well beater whites of two eggs, one teaspoon soda dissolved in one table ;poon vinegar. Beat five minutes and bake in two layers. FILLING — Cook until it spins a thread, one cup white sugar, one cup brown sugar, one cup water, one tablespoon vinegar; add a few marsh- mallows and pour over the beaten whi*^es of two eggs. FRUIT CAKE. Mis. A. H. Trede. Cream three-fourths pound butter with one and one-half pints white sugar and eight eggs. Stir in one and one-half pints sif ed flour with one-half teaspoon goda dissolved in hot water. Add one and one-half pounds each of seeded raisins and currants, one-half pound citron sliced thin, all well floured. Add two gra*^ed nutmeg ;. two teaspoons cinnamon, one teaspoon cloves; mix all thoroughly, and bake two hours. SPICE CAKE. Mrs. Mary J. Hart. One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup each bu'^ter an4 sour milk, two cups rainns chopped, three eggs, half of nutmeg, one teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves and soda. Mix rather stiff and bake in loaf in moderate oven. NUT LOAF, OR POOR MAN'S FRUIT CAKE. Miss Edith Staley. One pound walnut halves, one-half pound dates, one-half pound raisins, one cup flour, one-half teaspoon salt, two rounding tea- spoons baking powder, one cup sugar, four eggs, one teaspoon vanilla, m ix salt and baking powder with flour. Bake in slow oven one hour, wrap in waxed paper. Will keep indefinitely, improving with age. 02 TILDEN CAKE. Mrs. James Hartley. One cup butter, two cups pulverized sugar, one cup sweet milk, three cups flour, half cup cornstarch, four eggs, two teaspoons bak- ing powder, two teaspoons lemon extract. SCOTCH CAKE. iMrs. Thos. Robertson. One cup melted butter, half cup sugar, three cupg flour. Roll, cut in squares and bake in hot oven. SPONGE CAKE. Mrs. Oscar Schroeder. One cup of sugar, four eggs, one cup flour, pinch of salt. Beat whites and yolks separately; mix sugar and yolks and one-half of whites; mix lightly then add remainder of whites and flavor to taste. Bake in a moderate oven. Good for loaf, cup cakes or layer. SUNSHINE CAKE. Mrs. K. J. Baronowsky. Elven egg whites, six egg yolks, one teaspoon cream of tartar, one and one-half cups sifted granulated sugar, one cup flour, one teaspoon orange extract. Beat whites until stiff and flaky then whisk in one-half the sugar. Beat yolks very light, add flavor and one-half the sugar; combine yolks and white mixture, then fold in the flour and cream of tartar sifted together. Bake fifty to sixty minutes in a slow oven, using angel food cake pan. CHOCOLATE CAKE. Mrs. Fred Kuppert. One-half cup sweet milk, one cup brown sugar, one cup bitter chocolate, yolk of one egg boiled together, when cool add vanilla. One half cup butter, one cup brown sugar yolks of two eggs, one- half cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one level teaspoon baking soda dissolved in one tablespoon vinegar. When first part ig cool ad.i to last part and beat hard for five minutes. Bake in moderate oven. FILLING — One cup whi'e sugar, one cup brown sugar, one cup water, one tablespoon vinegar boiled together. Pour over beaten whites of two eggs, add a fev;^ marshallows. 63 FUDGE FROSTING. Mrs. E. A. Pinero. Two cups light brown sugar, one cup cream, one square of chocolate. Add chocolate after cream and sugar begin to boil. Cook until it forms soft ball in water; remove from fire and beat un- til creamy. If it gets too stiff add a little water to make creamy ORNAMENTAL ICING. Mrs. I. C Beare. One cup sugar, two egg whites, four tablespoons cold water and flavoring. Put all ingredients except flavoring in the top oi double boiler, mix well, then place over hot water. Beat constantly with egg beater until stiff. Add flavoring and spread on cake. CHEAP CAKE. Mrs. Alpha Dudenbostel. Break one egg in a tea cup, fill cup til one-half full wi'h melted butter, then fill cup with cold water. Two cups sifted flour, one cup sugar, heaping teaspoon baking powder. .Sift togethei- two or three times, then sift in mixing bowl, then add cup of eggs, etc., and beat. For white cake take two whites instead of one whole egg. Bake in loaf or layer. SMALL WHITE CAKE. Mrs. Maurice Mudd. One scant half cup butter, one and one-half cups sugar, mix one and one-half cups flour and one-half cup cornstarch, or two large cup.3 flour, two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, scant cup water, beat well add whites of four eggs and one teaspoon lemon. CHERRY CAKE. Mrs. V. J. Veath. One and one-half cupg white sugar, one-half cup butter, foui- eggs, one teaspoon soda, three tablespoons sour milk, two cups flour, one teaspoon baking powder, pinch salt, one teaspoon cnna- mon, one tablespoon cocoa, one-half teaspoon vanilla, one cup of cherries. Cream butter and sugar, then beat in yolks of eggs, add soda dissolved in sour milk, then spices, salt, extract and flour in which baking powder has been sifted, las+ly fold in beaten white;; of eggs and cherries. Bake in Ijvyers. 64 NUT CAKE. Mrs. Maurice Mudd. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup milk, two cups flour, one teaspoon baking powder, two whites four eggs, one cup nuts chopped fine. GRAHAM CRACKER CAKE. Mrs. Ida Devine. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, yolks of two eggs, one- half cup flour, one teaspoon baking powder, twenty eight graham crackers rolled fine and put with flour, one and one-half cups milk, flavor to taste. ICING- — One cup powdered sugar, one-half cup butter, cream and flavor with vanilla. WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKE. Mrs. P. E. Stadler. One cup butter (scant), two cups sugar, one cup milk, two cups flour, one cup cornstarch, two teaspoons Prices' baking powder, fold in whites of seven eggs last, flavor to taste. FRUIT CAKE. Mrs. R. B. Aszman. Cream one cup butter with three cups brown sugar. Add three eggs well beaten, one-half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon soda dissolved in hot water, one cup raisins, one cup currants, and last- ly three or four cups flour (make dough stiff enough that it will not stick to the hands) ; form in small flat cakes and bake in a moderate oven. 65 COOKIES. COOKIES. Miss Lena Labrler. One egg, one and one-half cups sugar, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda in the milk, half a nutmeg, one cup lard, enough flour to roll. Mrs. Alice Polilman. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, three-fourths cup sweet milk, two eggs, five cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder. Roll thin and bake quickly. Season with two teaspoons lemon extract. Mrs. Don. E. Detricli. Three eggs, one cup butter, two cups sugar, two-thirds cup sweet milk, three pints flour, heaping teaspoon baking powder. Mrs. George Beever. One egg, one cup sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, two teaspons baking powder, flavor with lemon, flour to roll thin, sprinkle with sugar and bake in hot oven. EGOLESS COOKIES. Mrs. O. Schenkel. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, enough flour to knead well, teaspoon grated nutmeg, any flav- oring desired. CURRANT COOKIES. Mrs. R. Aszman. One and a half cups sugar, half cup butter, two eggs, one cup currants, one teaspoon cloves (ground), one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon soda dissolved in three tablespoons milk. Make dough very stiff and roll thin. CHOCOLATE COOKIES. Mr.s. James Gorsuch. Two cups brown sugar, three-fourths cup biutter, one-half cup sour milk, three-fourths cup chocolate melted over hot water, two eggs, one-half teaspoon soda, one teaspoon baking powder, pinch of salt. Enough flour to stiffen and roll. 66 FRUIT COOKIES. Four cups sugar, two cups butter, two cups seeded raisins, one and a half cups currants, half cup sour milk, four eggs, two tea- spoons soda, one teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Flour enough to roll. HERMIT COOKIES. Mrs. Maurice Mudd. Three-fourths cup of butter, one and a half cups sugar, two eggs, a level teaspoon soda in a tablespoon of hot water, one tea- spoon of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, one cup raisins, meat of nine walnuts, three figs, three cups of flour. Mix sugar and spices, break in the eggs, then one cup of flour before the soda, another before the fruit, then the last with the fruit which has been chopped fine. Roll thin and bake. MOLASSES COOKIES. Mrs. K. Sandifer. One cup sugar, one cup molasses, one cup lard, yolks three eggs, one cup boiling water with teaspoon soda, stand until cool, flour enough to make soft dough and bake in quick oven. Frost with whites, icing flavored with chocolate or lemon extract. GINGER COOKIES. Mrs. W. E. Songer. One cup molasses, two cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup buttermilk, four eggs, one tablespoon soda, one tablespoon ginger, fiour enough to roll. Mrs. Elias Feaman. One cup plantation molasses, one cup sugar (white), one cup lard and bu'te.- mixed, one pinch salt, one tablespoon cloves, one tablespoon ginger, one tablespoon soda dissolved in a little luke warm water, one and a half cups of cold water, and flour enough to make stiff dough. POP CORN COOKIES. Mrs. Eugene Gordon. Beat whites of two eggs until stiff, drop in two yolkg and beat again. Put scant teaspoon cream tartar and not quite teaspoon soda in pint of flour, mix a cup granulated sugar with the flour and then add beaten eggs, mix very stiff, flavor with vanilla and bake quickly. G7 LEMON COOKIES. Mrs. T. J. Howorth. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, four eggs, two teaspoon? baking powder, lemon flavoring. Flour to roll thin. RAISINS COOKIES. Mrs. Chas. Thies. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, two eggs, two tablespoons sour milk, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, two cups chopped raisins and flour enough to roll. SPICE COOKIES. Mrs. K. A. Douglas. Eight eggs, five cups sugar, two grated orange peelings and one lemon, four cups flour, two teaspoons cinnamon, one teaspoon cloves, one nutmeg, one pound nuts,, two teaspoons baking powder. ROLLED OATS COOKIES. Mrs. Wm. Barnard. Three-fourths cup butter, one cup sugar, one-half cup sour milk, two eggs, two cups flour in which sift three-fourths teaspoon soda, one cup raisins, one teaspoon cinnamon, two scant cups rolled oats stirred in last. Drop on buttered tins with teaspoon, smooth with spoon dipped in milk. SUGAR COOKIES. Miss Josephine Edwords. One cup sugar, one cup butter, one-half cup sour cream, one egg, one teaspoon of soda dissolved in hot water, flour to roll. Flav- or to taste. GRAHAM CRACKERS. Mrs .1. McAdams. Four and a half cups Graham flour, half cup butter, half cup sugar, one cup water, one-fourth teaspoon soda, pinch salt. Mix thoroughly, roll thin, cut in squares and bake. NUT CRACKERS. Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Spread crackerg with a thin layer of white of egg beaten verv stiff, chop English walnuts or pecans and spread on crackers, sea- son with salt (or sugar) and brown in oven. 68 SWEET CRACKERS. Mrs. (Jarrie Hathaway. Two and a half cups of sugar, one cup lard, one pint sweet milk, two eggs, 5 cents worth oil of lemon, 5 cents worth baking amonia dissolved in cup lukewarm water. Make pretty stiff, roll thin and pick with a fork. Bake. HICKORY NUT KISSES. Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Whites of six eggs beaten stiff, one pound powdered sugar, four tablespoons flour, one pound hickory nut kernels. Drop on well buttered pans and bake in moderate oven. PEPPER NUTS. iNIr-s. Alice Sauer. Four eggs, one pound sugar, three tablespoons citron cut fine, two teaspoug cinnamon, one-half teaspoon nutmeg, one-half tea- spon cloves, one pound or enough flour to roll. Cut in small cookies size of quarter and bake. SPRINGLES. Mrs. W. P. Stine. One pound flour, one pound powdered sugar, four eggs, butter the size of a walnut, beat the butter, sugar and eggs fifteen minutes one teaspoon baking powder. Roll and cut same as cookies, sprinkle with anise seed, and let stand over night. Bake. WALNUT COOKIES. Mrs. Ida Devine. One cup brown sugar, one tablespoon molasses, two eggs, two cups sifted flour, one cup floured walnuts and a little salt. Beat eggs separately, cream sugar, yolks and molasses, add flour and salt, then whites of eggs, lastly add nuts and drop by teaspoonsful on buteved tins. Bake in moderate oven. GRANDMA'S COOKIES. Miss Sophia Feldman. One cup sugar, half cup buUer, two eggs, pinch of salt, a tea- spoon soda dissolved in four tablespoons hot milk, four cups flour. one teaspoon cream of tartar, one cup fresh cocoanut. (If dry cocoanut is used, use less flour. 69 SAND COOKIES. Mrs. Kendall Cole. One-half cup butter, one cup sugar, cne egg, one and three- fourths cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, white of one egg, one tablespoon sugar, one-fourth teaspoon cinnamon. Cream but- ter and sugar, adding sugar gradually, and egg well beaten, then add flour well mixed and sifted with baking powder. Chill, toss one-half of mixture on a floured bard and roll one-eigth inch thick, shape with a doughnut cutter. Brush over with white of egg and sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon. Split almonds or pe- cans and arrange three halves on each at equal distances. Bake eight minutes in slow oven. CARAMEL COOKIES. Mr.s. E. J. Baronowsky. Four cups brown sugar, eight cups flour, one large cup butter or a substitute, four eggs, two teaspoons vanilla, one level tablespoon soda, and one rounding tabelspoon cream of tartar. Cream, butter, sugar, eggs, and add vanilla. Mix soda, flour, and cream of tartar and combine with other ingredients. Mix at night and form into two rolls, put in cool place and in the morning slice and bake- as oth- er cookies. COCOANUT DROP COOKIES. Mrs. T. A. Gant. Two eggs well beaten, three-fourths cup sugar, one table- spoon melted buf^er, six tablespoons milk, one and one-half cups flour, three-fourths teaspoon salt, two teaspoons baking powder, one cup grated cocoanut, one teaspoon vanilla. Drop the batter by spoonfuls on agreased baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven. CHEAP CAKE. Mrs. R. E. Sprig-g. To three-fourths pint boiling water add three pints of sugar and boil thoroughly. Remove from stove and add two grated c-mva nuts and one-half pint of citron cut fine. Mix one teaspoon cinna- mon, one-half teaspoon ground cloves, one-third teaspoon ground anise seed, and one teaspoon soda with flour enough added to above ingredients to make a soft dough. Let stand over night, roll and cut like cookies or in squares and bake in moderate oven. 70 CORN FLAKE MACAROONS. Mrs. W. A. James. Whites of four eggs, beaten very stiff. One and one-half cups sugar, two cups dry cocoanut. Two cups corn flakes. Bake in moderate oven. DOUGHNUTS. Mr.s. ,T. M. Dixon. Four eggs, two cups sugar, two cups sour milk, eight table- spoons melted butter, two tablespoons soda, two teaspoons cream of tartar, half teaspoon salt, flavor with nutmeg, put salt, sugar and soda in milk, and flour enough to roll out and fry in hot lard. C ". 'f :' '• Mrs. John Karsteter. ':■..' Three eggs, one cup sugar, one pint milk, two teaspoons bak- ing powder, salt, nutmeg. Flour to make s*iff batter. Beat till very light, drop with spoon in hot lard. SNOW-BALL DROPS. Mrs. J. M. Randolph. ' Make stiff batter with one egg, one small cup sugar, half plBt' milk and water mixed, one-fourth teaspoon each of salt and nutmeg, one and a half teaspoons baking powder sifted in two and a half cups flour. Drop in boiling fat teaspoon at a time. When nearly cold roll in powderd sugar. CREAM DOUGHNUTS. Mi-.s. M. C. Crissey. Beat well two eggs, add one cup sweet milk, one cup sugar, one- half teaspoon salt, a little nutmeg. Stir into this enough flour, with one teaspoon baking powder to roll out. Cut with doughnut cutter and fry in hot lard. 71 CANDIES. FUDGE. Miss Grace Bosshard. Boil for five minutes two cups granulated sugar, one half cup of sweet milk, butter size of egg, and two squares of sweet choco- late. Remove from stove and beat well. Put in buttered ting and let cool. Cut in squares. WHITE TAFFY. Mrs. R. H. Holm. One-half cup vinegar, one-half cup water, two cups white sugar, butter size of walnut, flavor to taste. Cook. Pull. MARSHMALLOWS. Mrs. Ida Devine. One package Knox gelatine, 10 tablespoons cold water, soak over night. Two cups sugar, 10 tablespoons water and boil till it balls. Pour over gelatine, beat until cold. COCOANUT CREAM CANDY. Miss Maude Gant. Three cups sugar, one cup milk, two teaspoons butter, two- thirds cup shredded cocoanut, one teaspoon vanilla, boil twelve minutes. Beat until creamy and pour into buttered pan. Mark in squares when nearly cold. COCOANUT BRITTLE. Miss Edna Smith. Three cups sugar, one-third cup syrup and milk of fresh cocoa- nut and one heaping cup grated fresh cocoanut. Boil until brittle when tested in cold water. Remove from fire and pour in tins to cool. FUDGE. Miss Edna Smith. Two cups sugar and one-half cup milk, three tablespoons of cocoa dissolved in milk, one third cup syrup. Boil until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water. Beat, add vanilla, nuts and two tablespoons Hypolite or marshmallows. Pour in tins and cool 72 FRUIT LOAF CANDY. Mrs. W. O. Roberts. White Part — Cook two cups sugar, one cup fresh milk, small lump butter, until you can pick up when dropped in cold water. Pour in platter to cool, work until creamy and add one cup nuts. Dark Part — Cook exactly as above, only use medium brown sugar instead of white, and work one cup of chopped figs or dates mixed into the fondant. Place one layer of white and one of dark, mold into loaf and slice ag wanted. CHOCOLATE CANDY. Miss C. M. Craig. Two-thirds cup cream, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup grated chocolate, butter size of walnut, half cup molasses, one teaspoon vanilla. Boil until brittle when dropped in cold water. Remove from fire and pour in tins to cool. CLUB CANDY. Mrs. Homer E. Beever. Allow to three cups of granulated sugar one and one-fourth cups milk (cocoanut milk preferred). Cook, stirring occasionally until a little dropped in cold water forms a soft ball. Take from fire and beat in six marshmallows cut in pieces, one cup of grated cocoa- nut, one-half cup each seeded raisins and chopped nuts. Pour in buttered tins and cut in squares. DIVINITY. Lois .\. Behrens. Boil three cups sugar and two-thirds cup water with one-half cup light molasses until it forms a hard ball in cold water. Pour slowly into the whites of two eggs which have been well beaten with a half teaspoon salt. Continue to beat until nearly stiff enough to hold its form then add one cup chopped nuts and one teaspoon vanilla, and turn into brick-shaped bread tin. When cold cut in squares. GOOD TAFFY. Mrs. Mary St. Vraln. Three pints granulated sugar, half cup water, half cup vinegar, two-thirds cup butter. Boil until brittle when dropped in cold water. Do not stir at all. Turn in buttered pans to cool, then pull. OPERA CREAMS. Miss Metta K. Duden. Two and one-half cups sugar and one cup cream. Boil the cream and sugar together until a soft ball can be formed when dropped into cold water. Remove from the fire, and when cold stir until it becomes a thick creamy mass. Then cover for twenty-five minutes with a napkin wrung out of cold water. Re- move the napkin and knead the mass as dough for a few minutes. Add flavoring and a cup of chopped nuts. Spread on oiled paper and cut into squares. 74 PICKLES. GREEN TOMATO CHOW-CHOW. Mrs. Constance Conner, Prairie du Itocher, 111. One peck tomatoes, one-fourth peck onions, large head cab- bage, one-fourtli peck peppers (without seed), one ounce felery see d,half ounce white mustard seed, half ounce tumeric, three lable- spoons ground yellow mustard, three-fourths pound brown sugar, three quarts cider vinegar. Boil vinegar and spices together and pour over pickles. Chop tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and cover over night with large teacup coarse salt. SPANISH SLICED PICKLES. Mrs. Don. E. Detrich. Four heads cabbage, one peck green tomatoes, twelve large onions, three ounces white mustard seed, one ounce celery seed, one ounce tumeric, one box mustard, two and a half pounds brown sugar, one and a half quarts good cider vinegar. Slice onions, cabbage and tomatoeg day before making and sprinkle with salt in the porportiou of half pint to a peck. Let all sim- mer slowly in kettle together for two hours. TURMERIC PICKLES. Mrs. .1. C. Brown, Sparta, 111. One quart chopped cabbage, one quart chopped green toma- toes, one quart onions, salt over night. In the morning press out the water and add two dozen pickled cucumbers sliced, three red peppers chopped fine. Boil one quart vinegar, three-fourths cup sugar, one teaspoon mustard seed, one teaspoon tumeric powder, about five minutes. Pour over pickles and seal. SLICED CUCUMBER PICKLES. Mrs. Robert Bilderbach. Slice 12 large green cucumbers. Prepare a pickle as follows: Allow a half-teaspoonful each of sliced garlic (or onion), grated horseradish, tumeric, ground black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, celery seed, ground cloves, allspice, and mace, a half teaspoonful of red pepper and a half pound of sugar to each half gallon of vinegar. Put in the cucmbers and simmer for two hours. Take from fire and put in jars. 75 SWEET PICKLED BEETS. Mrs. M. C. Crisey. Boil in a porcelain kettle till done, then cut lenthwise. Boil equal parts vinegar and sugar with half teaspoon of ground cloves tied in a cloth to each gallon. Pour boiling hot over them and seal. FRENCH PICKLE. Mrs. A. W. Eggers. Chop one-half peck green tomatoes, one peck cabbage, two quarts onions; salt and drain over night. Add three stalks celery. six green or red peppers. DRESSING — One-half gallon vinegar, four cups sugar, one-half cup white mustard seed, one tablespoon ground mustard, one-fourth teaspoon cayenne; pepper, one-half teaspoon tumeric powder, one-half teacup cornstarch dissolved in vinegar. Cook dressing five minutes after it comes to boiling point Pour over pickles while boiling hot. SWEET CUCUMBER PICKLE. Mrs. A. W. Eggers. Soak over nght twenty-five good sized cucumbers in cold water, then wash good and wipe dry and slice very thin. Slice twelve onions length-v>'ise and add to cucumbers. Pour one-half cup salt over and let stand one hour. Then add one quart vinegar, two cups sugar, two teaspoons celery seed, two teaspoons ground ginger, one teaspoon tumeric powder, one-half cup mustard seed, let boil three minutes and put in jars and seal. HOME CANNED PIMENTOES. Mrs ,T. H. Rickmaii. Take red sweet peppers, seed and cut in cross wise strips one- half inch wide. Soak in salt water over night. Drain and pack cloely in jars. Scald vinegar sweetened to tas^e, pour over peppars hot and seal. Do not allow vinegar to boil as it will soften peppo-S. BEET RELISH. Mrs. Robert Bilderback. One quart beets cooked and ground, one quart raw cabbage ground, one cup ground horseradish, two cups brown sugar, one tablespoon salt, pepper to taste, cover with vinegar and heat, then can. 76 GREEN PEPPER PICKLE. Mrs. J. H. Rickman. Twelve green sweet peppers, twelve red sweet peppeis, tv/elve white onions, twelve green tomatoes, have all about the same size Grind coarsely. Drain, then pour boiling water over this and let stand five minutes. D;*ain and wring in cloth, three pints vinegar, two cups sugar, two rounded tablespoons salt, mix and bring to a boil, then put chopped pickle in this and boil fifteen minutes. Seal in jars. GREEN PEPPER PICKLE. Mr.s. Elmer Beare. Grind coarse and drain one dozen green peppers, one dozen led peppers, or all, green, cue dozen white onions, one dozen green tomatoes, having all as near uniform in size as possible. Pour boiling water over mixture and let stand five mi.|utes and drain. Heat three pints vinegar, two cupg sugar, three tablespoons salt, and boil fifteen minutes. Seal in jars. Makes five pints. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE. Mrs. Irving Douglas, Slice seven pounds of g^een tomatoes and let stand over night wi'h a little salt. Next morning cook three pounds sugar, one tea- spoon cloves, one teaspoon cinnamon, a few whole cloves, and one pint vinegar. Add the tomatoes to this and cook thoroughly and can. PICKLED ONIONS. Mrs. J. H. Bl£.ck. Peel and lay in brine a peck of small v/hite silver skin onions, leave in brine three days. Drain and cover with a new supply of l)rine scalding hot and leave in this three days longer, then put the brine with onions over fire and bring to a boil. Take the onions out with as kmmer and drop into fresh cold water, let them lie in cold water 24 hours changing once in that time for fresh water. Drain once more, pack onions in pint jars and cover with boilng vinegar spiced to taste with blades of mace, white pepper-corns and a spoonful of sugar to a jar. Let stand in a dark place six weeks before using. CATSUP, CHILI SAUCE. INDIAN CHUTNEY. Mrs. W. R. Parks. Chop one quart green tomatoes fine, sprinkle with salt and let drain 24 hours. Add to the tomatoeg one quart sour apples, one pound raisins (chopped fine), one quart vinegar, one teacup brown sugar, one clove, garlic, one tablespoon celery seed, one lemon with peel grated, one red pepper and a little mace and cinnamon. Cook slowly three hours. TOMATO CATSUP. Mrs. Li. B. Torrence. Three gallons tomatoes, twelve onions, two cups sugar, three tablespoons salt, nine cups vinegar, package mixed pices, one- fourth teaspoon cayenne pepper. Boil three hours, or until thick. Press through sieve and bottle. Mrs. G. Schenkel. Two pecks tomatoes, boil and strain, add four tablespoons salt, four tablespoons pepper, two tablespoons allspice, two tablespoons cayenne, four teaspoons mutard, one quart vinegar, one cup sugar. Boil until thick. This makes one gallon. CHILI SAUCE. Mrs. Sig. Aszmann. Twelve large ripe tomatoes, four ripe or three green peppers, two onions, two tablespoons salt, two of sugar, one of cinnamon, three cups vinegar. Peel tomatoes and onions, chop (separately), very fine, add the peppers, chopped, wth the other ingredients, and boil one and a half houre. Bottle, and it will keep a long time. Stone jugs are better than glass jars. Mrs. Douglas Harkness. One peck ripe tomatoes, three teacups sugar, two teacups chopped onions, one-half teacup salt, three scant pints vinegar, three teaspoons cloves and cinnamon. Boil three hours and can hot. 78 Preserves, Jams, Butter. EASILY MADE APPLE BUTTER. Mrs. M. C. Crissey. Pare and cook one gallon of apples, put into sauce pan and cover. Set in oven and cook slowly. Make a syrup of one-half gallon of sugar; when apples are well cooked down, add syrup and cinnamon. Bake until thick. QUINCE HONEY. ilrs. Quals. Make a thin syrup of granulated sugar and water, when it comes to a boil add three large quinces peeled and grated to each quart of syrup. Boil fifteen minutes. Seal in jars. LEMON BUTTER. Mrs. Prazier. One well beaten egg, add to this one cup sugar, stir into it a small lump of butter, grate the rind of one lemon and add a half teaspoon cornstarch or flour. Stir well and put in the juice of the lemon and a fourth cup of water, boil briskly for five minutes stir- ring constantly. .... RHUBARB JAM. Mrs. H. E. Burns. To every pound of rhubarb allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar and half a lemon sliced. To every seven pounds of rhubarb a pound of fresh or prepared pineapple, chopped fine. Boil brisk- ly for half an hour, place in jars and seal. CRANBERRY JELLY. Mrs. Maurice Mudd. One quart cranberries, one pint water, cover and boil five minutes. Press through sieve, return to kettle and add one pound sugar, stir well and let boil up. Turn into moulds. STRAWBERRY-PINEAPPLE JAM. Mrs. I. C. Beare. Four boxes strawberries, one large pineapple or one can chop- ped. Measure and use equal measure of sugar. Boil until thick. 79 ORANGE MARMALADE. Mrs. John S. Bronson. One orange, one grapefruit, one lemon, chop line or put iliru grinder (rind and all), leaving out tough fibre. Measure fruit and add three times as much water. Let stand over night, then boil one hour. Let stand till next morning. Measure again and add as much sugar as fruit. Boil until desired thickness, about one hour. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. Mrs. Louis Pratt. Make a thick syrup of one quart sugar and a little water, then add one quart berries and boil about fifteen minutes or until thick. Seal tight. Beverages. RASPBERRY SHRUB. Mrs. Mary St. Vrain. Scant quart vinegar poured over three quarts red haspberries. Let stand in earthen dish three days, strain, add one pound sugar to one pint juice. 80 Measuring Ingredients. (Flat Measuve.) Flour, meal and powdered and confectioner's sugar, and soda should be sifted before measuring. Mustard and baking powder, from standing in boxes, settle, therefore should b^ stirred to lighten. A CUPFULL is measured level. To measure a cupful, put in the ingredients until it is slightly rounded, then level with a cnse knife, care being taken not to shake the cup. A TABLESPOONFUL IS MEASURED LEVEL A TEA- SPOON FUL IS MEASURED LEVEL. To measure teaspoon or tablespoonfuls, dip the spoon in the ingredient, fill, lift, and level with a knife, the sharp edge of the knife being toward the tip of the spoon. Divide with knife length- wise of spoon for a half-spoonful; divide halves cross-wise for quarters, and quarters crosswies for eights. To measure butter, lard and other solid fats, pack solidy into cup or spoon and level with a knife. Table of Weights and M->sures. One quart of sifted flour is one pound. One pint of granulated sugar is one pound. Two cups of butter, packed, are one pound. Ten eggs are one pound. Five cupfuls of sifted flour are ' minutes. Brown bread, steamed: — Three hours. Loaves of sponge cake: — Forty-five minutes; if thin, about thirty. Loaves of richer cakes: — From forty-five minutes to an hour. Fruit cake: — About two hours, if in two or three pound loaves. Small, thin cakes and cookies: — From ten to fifteen minutes, watch carefully. Pie Crust: — About half an hour. Time Table for Boiled Meats. Corned beef, tongue, ham or veal: — Half an hour to a pound. Mutton or Turkey: — Twenty minutes to a pound. Old Fowls: — Two or three hours. Time Table for Vegetables. Green corn: — Fifteen minutes. Peas, potatoes, asparagus, rice, summer squash, canned toma- toes, macaroni:- — ^Thirty minutes. Young beets, young turnips, young carrots, parsnips, baked po- tatoes, boiled sweet potatoes and canned corn: — -Forty-five minutes. New cabage, shelled beans, spinach and greens, cauliflower, oyster plant and winter squash: — Sixty minutes. Winter carrots, parsnips, turnips, cabbage and onions: — Two hours. String beans and old beets: — Three hours or more. 82 Food for the Sick. Barley Water. Three tablespoons barley, four cups cold water, salt, lemon juice and sugar. Soak barley over night, ov for several hours, boil gently one and a half hours. Strain, season with salt, lemon juice and sugar. Reheat and serve. Toast Water. Cut bread in quarter inch slices, put in a pan, and dry thor- oughly in a slow oven until crisp and brown. Break in pieces, add water, and let stand one hour. Strain through cheese cloth, and season. Serve hot or cold as desired. Koumiss. One quart of milk, one and a half tablespoons sugar, one-third yeast cake dissolved in one tablespoonful lukevvarm water. Heat milk until lukewarm; add sugar and dissolved yeast cake. Fill bottles to within one and one-half inches of the top, cork and invert The cork must be firmly tied down. Let stand six hours at a temperature of 80 degrees F. Chill and serve the following day. Albumenizetl Milk. One-half cup milk, white of one egg. Put white of an egg in a tumbler, add milk, cover tightly and shake thoroughly until well mixed. Boiled Beef Essence. Wipe one-half pound of steak cut from top of round, and place in a heated broiler. Broil three minutes over a clear fire turning every ten seconds to prevent escape of juices. Put on a hot plate and gash each piece which has been cut into one and one-half inch pieces. Ext.'act the juice with a lemon squeezer and turn into a cup, set in a dish of hot water, season with salt and serve. Boile