# LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. #' mj/ ^ $ wy ! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1 (jITYbUIDE or PRESENTED BY VI. J. MILIiiERp Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats, Caps, UOIHS* FANCY FURS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C., 63 South Pearl St. iS^ See pa(>re 20. McEntee, Dunham & Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Paper Hangings. Manufacturers and Dealers iu WINDOW SHADES, SHADE FIXTURES, PICTURE CORDS, AND TASSELS, No. 8 GREEN STREET, 4tli Door from State Street, ALBANY, N. Y. ALBANY STEEET DIRECTORY CITY aUIDE. CONTAIXIXG A LIST OF jpxjbijIO BTjiijiDiisra-s, TOST OJ^J^ICj^, Arrival and Departure of Mails, Money Order Office, Churches, Banks, Newspapers, Fire Alarm Stations, Arrival and Depart- ure of Trains, Calendar for 1869, &c., &c., &c. COMPILED AXD.PUBLISHED BY JOSEPH C. WALLACE, ALBANY, N. Y. 1869. X<' w ^ ■ CHAS. VAN BEXTHUYSEN A SONS' PRINT, ALBANY, N. Y. Entered according to Act of ConirreM, m the year 1869, by Joeeoh O. WftUace,|ln the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Northern DUtrict of New York. .„„„.„..„. ^IX'^N Steam Marble Works, Establislied 1826, GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS, Cor. Lodp aad iward Streets,, (0pp. Normal School,) ALBANY, N. Y„ WM. MANSON, Proprietor. (Late Dixon & Manson.) FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. 2.'Green and Neucella. 3. .Green and Arch. 4. Taylor's Brewery. 5. Green and Herkimer. 6. B'way and Madison Av. 7. Hamilton and Union. 8. Broadway and Hudson. 9. State and Green. 12. S. Pearl and Schuyler. 13. Morton and Grand. 14. S. Pearl and Westerlo. 15. Madison Av. and Pearl. 16. Madison Av. and Philip. 17. South Pearl and Plain. 18. Grand and Beaver. 19. South Pearl and State. 21. DeWitt «fe Montgomery. 23.* N. Ferry and Water. 2i.' N. Ferry and Broadway, 25. R. R. Crossing & B'dway 26. Lumber and "Water. j 35. Orange and Swan. 36. Canal and Hawk. j 37. Canal and North Pearl. 38. Lodge and Pine. 29. Eagle and State. 41. Wash. Av. and Hawk. 42. Lancaster and Hawk 43. State and Swan. 45. Lancaster and Dove. J46. Wash. Av. and Dove. 1 51. Central Av. and Knox. ' o2. Wash. Av. and Snipe. 53. Bradford and Robin. ; 54. Central Av. and Perry. 61. Eagle and Hudson. 62. Eagle and Elm. ; 63. Hamilton and Hawk, i 64. Madison Av. and Swan.' \ 6-5. Jefferson and Dove. ;71. Madison Av. and Lark. j72. Penitentiary. 27. Broadway & Clinton Av.; 73. Alms House. 28. Broadway ;& Columbia. 74. Paigeville. 29. B'dway & Maiden Lane. 81. Clin. Av. & Ten Broeck. 31. N. Pearl & Van-Woert. j 82. Second and Swan. 32. N. Pearl'and Lumber. -,83. Lumber and Swan. M. Monroe and Chapel. \ 84. Third and Lark. The L-arjfest Custom Shirt Itlaniifactory in the State is at John £. Pag-c's Oeut's Furnisihing' Store 40S and 4G4 B'way. ADVERTISEMENTS. MAURICE E.VIELE, IMPORTER Aad Wholesale and Retail De«Ier in English, French, German AMERICAN HARDWARE And Cutlery, Also Swedes, English and American Bar and Bundle Iron, Sheet Iron, Tin Plates, Copper, Zinc, &c. ALBANY, N. Y. GENERAL INDEX, Page. Albany Street Directory 9 Banks...' 53 Calender, 1669-70 Back cover Census of New York State 61 & 63 Churches 43&45 Fire Alarm Telegraph 3 Index to Advertisers 7 Lodges— I. O. of O. F 55 " Masonic 55 U. A. O. of D 57 " Temperance, &c 59 Newspapers 53 Post Office «. 47 " Money Order Office 47 Public Buildings 41 Rail Road Time Tables 49 Bathing: Suits Made to order at John E. Paee's Gent's Furnishing Store and Custom Shirt Manufactory, 462 and 4:04 Broad\i'ay. ADVERTISEMENTS. F. Iff. SIImJm, Dealer in all kinds of PEACH MOUNTAIN, CUMBERLAND A.TST> OHIO • AND WOOD. Yards, cor. Grand and Hamilton, and Broadway and Rensselaer Sts., ALBANY, N. Y. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS, We respectfully recommend the following First Class Firms to Public Patronage. Page. Bender E. H., Bookseller 52 Blasie W., Hair Dye 64 Boughton S. C. Florence Sewing Machine 44 Brolim B., File Manufacturer 50 Carter J. V. B., Carver 32 Commerce Insurance Company back cover Coogan Cleraent, Currier 24 Cozine George N., Paper Boxes 22 Orummey Michael, Baker 56 Davenport and Bedell, Patent Medicine 16 Foil John M., Furniture 36 Gavit & Co., Engravers inside back cover Haight J. O. & Son, Machinist 60 Haines E. S. M.. Photographer 8 Jones J. C, Merchant Tailor 54 Manson William, Marble Works 2 McEntee, Dunham & Co., Paper Hangings, inside fr'tcov. Miller W. J., Hats, Caps, &c 20 Osborn J. W. & Martin, Roofers 30 Page John E, Gent's Furnishing Goods, ...Lower margin Patterson P. J., Confectioner 48 Pryun, Gascoign»& Witbeck, Saddlery Hardware 18 Rodgers F. B., Boots, Shoes, &c 14 Rowlands Henry. Jewelry, »&c ..~. 10 Scott W. J. & R. H., Gun Smiths, &c 12 Shanks D. W., Upholsterer 38 Sill F. N., Coal & Wood 6 Stratton S. A., Real Estate 46 Taaffe Brothers, Turners 28 Taylor's John Son, Brewer 26 Thorburn S. T., Seeds &c 34 Van Heusen, Charles, & Co., China, «fec 58 Viele Maurice E., Hardware '. 4 Weaver D. L., Umbrellas 42 WempleP. H., Doors, Sashes, &c 40 Withers George B., Silver Plater 62 BroTirn Linen Shirts, Only $2.00 each, at Jolin E.Pagre's Gent's Furnishing: Store, and Custom Shirt Manufactory, 462 and. 464 Broactiv'ay. ADVERTISEMENTS. "HAiiyrES," ri®ftiliPi€l 478 BRO^r)"WA.Y, (Opposite StauTTix If all.) Photography in all its Branches. Portraits, Views and Interiors, AND FINISHING IN Also Printing for the Trade, of Sculpture, Paintings, Engravings, &c., both by- Contact and Solar Process, at Lowest Market Rates. PUBLISHER OF Stereoscopes of Morbid Specimens FOR THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. STREET DIRECTORY. The aim of the Street Directory is to give the location of each Street, and show what other Street or Place runs from or across it with the number at which they inter- sect. By its aid any person, even a stranger, can go to any numbered-house without unnecessary travel. From this List the location of any number on a Street can be easily ascertained. For instance, you wish to know at what part of Washington Avenue 298 would come, you look for Washington Avenue, and find that Knox crosses at 260 left, and Snipe at 310 left, so that 298 would be the sixth house from Snipe on the left hand side. , Albany & Sclienectadyj Ash Grove place, from 45 Turnpike, from termi- Broad NV. to Grand, nus of Central and Clinton aves. W. A1e:x:ander, from 287 Pearl W. to boundary. Left . m. 10 11 Broad 22 23 Clinton 64 65 Elizabeth Arch, from Quay W. Grand. Left Rt. 10 9 Broadway 30 33 Church 48 49 Dallius 70 67 Green 96 99 Franklin no 111 S. Pearl 118 127 Broad 134 — Clinton 146 14o Grand s.! to .Bassett, fr. Quay W. to I 286 S. Pearl Left. 110 m. — Broadway — — Church 44 39 Dallius 56 53 Green 84 85 Franklin 96 101 S. Pearl Beaver, fr. 412 W. to 61 Eagle Left. Rt. 2.S 19 Green 48 — S. Pearl 58 5-5 William 66 — Grand — 71 Lodge 97 Wendell — Daniel 133 Eagle Broadway Shaker Knit Socks, only 30 cents, worth 50, at JTohn E. Pace's Oent^s Furnishing Store and Custom Shirt :?Ianufac'y, 462 & 4G4 Broadway. 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1832. Having this dav sold my entire stock of Diamonds. Watches, Clocks and Silver Ware to Henry Rowlands, I take this opportunit}- to tender mj' sincere thanks to my friends for the patronage bestowed on me for so many years, and most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same for my successor. Albany, Jan. 11,1869. BENJAMIN MARSH. HENRY ROWLANDS, (Late with Wendell & Roberts,) Successor to I5E1V JA.M:iIV 3£ji|^K{^II, 34 State Street, corner Broadway, Importer of FineWatclies, Clocks, Bronzes, Opera Glasses. Dealer in Rich Jewelry, Sterling Silver And Plated Ware of Every Description. Special Agents for LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Observatdry Time received eyery hoar. 1 STREET DIRECTORY. u to to Bleecker, fr. Quay W 136 S. Pearl Left. Rt. 6 7 Broadway 14 — Church 28 23 Dallius 40 39 Green 75 74 Franklin 91 94 S. Pearl Bleecker Place, from junction Myrtle ave. and Philip W. to 141 Eagle Bradford, fr. Snipe "VV boun(iftry. Left. Rt. — — Robin — — Perry — — Quail Broad, fr. 126 Madison ave. S. to S. boundary. Left. Rt. 40 45 Westerlo to S. 94 93 Arch 144 14.5 Schuyler ffiO 169 Alexander 197 183 Nucella Broad\ray, fr. N. boundaries. Left . Rt. — — Gansevoort — - Vine 20 19 Nucella — — Plumb — — Bassett — 67 Cherry \ — ^— Schuyler — — Mulberry — — Rens.selaer — — Arch 142 141 S. Ferry 146 147 John 162 163 Westerlo 178 177 S. Lansing 194 195 Herkimer 212 209 Bleecker — 252 Madison ave. — 283 Hodge 286 — Pruyn 324 319 Hamilton 348 347 Division 361 Trotter's alley 396 391 Hudson 412 — Beaver 430 427 State 441 Exchange 490 483 Maiden lane 554 531 Steuben 594 595 Columbia 638 — Van Tromp 646 643 Orange 682 — Clinton avenue . 683 Quackenbush 719 Spencer 740 — Wilson 786 777 Lumber 816 813 Colonic 823 North Lansing 841 De Witt 85^5 Lawrence — Van Woert 881 North Ferry 904 — King's alley 940 959 Thatcher Canal, fr. 64 N. Pearl W. to to Snipe. Left. Rt. 12 15 Chapel 40 — Eagle — 69 Cross 96 97 Hawk 154 155 Swan — — Dove — — Lark — — Knox — — Snipe Capitol Place, from 61 Washington, S. to 211 State Carroll, fr. 13 Spencer N. to 14 Lumber CatUariue, fr. 21 Clintoa W. to Elizabeth. Centre, fr. 15 Lumber N. to 8 North Lansing Left. Rt. — — Colonle — — North Lansing Silk lender Shirts] and DraTvers at John E. Pag-e's Oent*s Furni«»hin^ Store and Custom Shirt Manufactory, 402 & 4641Broadway. 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. W. J. & R. H. SCOTT, Manufacturers and Dealers in itary, Fire Department, BASB BALiI.^ THEATRICAL AND SOCIETY &OODS, Door and Penir Plates, Fire Arms, Fishing Tackle, Silver Letters, Figures and Ornaments, STENCIL PLATES, Stamps and Ink for Marking Clothing. ALSO. AGENTS FOE, KEHOE'S CLUBS AND BOOK, HANDICAP DVITIB BELLS, AND DUPONT POWDER COMPANY, :F0B ALBANY AND VICINITY. At the sign of the Big Gun and Pistol, and Gilt Cartridge. Sword, Pistol and Gun Bepairing done at short notice. Old Guns and Pistols taken in Trade. Second-hand Guns and Pistols sold on commission. . „ We will warrant all of our Guns sold, and if we cannot satisfy the purchaser, we will refund the money. We will also warrant all Kevolving Pistols sold by us, and should any of them get out ■of order, \Er>OTS : 133 Broadway, Albany, 33 4 GREENWICH ST., 23 and 25 JAY STREET, 117 Commercial Street, Boston. STREET DIRECTORY. 27 Morris, fr. Deleware sq. to N. boundary. Morton, fr. 9 Clinton W. to Delaware turnpike. Left. Rt. ~ 15 Grand 44 35 Elizabeth — — Eagle — — Hawk -^ — Swan — — Dove — — Deleware turnpike Mulberry, fr. Quay W. to 93 Franklin. Left. St. — — Broadway 14 19 Church 26 27 Dallius 38 41 Green 60 75 Franklin Myrtle Ave., fr. 123 Grand W. to W. boundary. Left. Rt. M 23 Phillip 52 53 Eagle 74 75 Hawk 96 — Swan — — Dove — — Lark — — Knox — — Snipe — — Robin — — Perry — — Quail — — Ontario — — Partridge — — Erie — — Main North Ferry, fr. the River W. to 881 Broadway. Left. Et. — — Water — — Montgomery — — Rathbone — 59 Learned 98 99 Broadway IVorth liansin&r, fr. Water W. to 82:3 Broadway. Left. Rt. 8 — Center 16 27 Montgomery 10 81 Broadway. Nortb Pearl ,fr. 77.State N. to Thacher. Left. Rt. 14 23 Maiden lane 46 51 Steuben 58 63 Columbia 64 — Canal — 83 Van Tromp 84 — Monroe — 95 Orange — 107 Clinton ave, 142 143 Wilson 192 193 Lumber 216 217 Colonic 272 275VanWoert 503 Kirk's Alley 342 343 Thacher Norton, fr. ,7 Green W. to 24 S. Pearl. Nucella, fr. Quay W. to.W. boundary. Left. Rt. — — Broadway — — Church — — Dallius 58 61 Green 78 79 Franklin — 95 Onet's Alley 98 99 S. Pearl 108 107 Broad 118 117 Clinton — Elizabeth — Eagle Onet's Alley, from 95 Nu- Ontario, fr. N. to S. bound- aries. - — Clinton ave. - — Elk - — Shermanj - — Washington ave. - — State Chest Protectors for Invalids at Jno. K. Pag-e's Ocnt's Furnishing^ Store and Custom Shirt and Collar Manufactory, 462 and 464 Broadway. 28 ADVEETISEMENTS. TAAFFE BROS., TUBNINi} & SAWING ESTABLISHMENT, ALBANY, N. Y. KAUl Kinds of Work Done, such as" Stoop and Stair Newels, Balusters, TABLE STANDS AND DESK LEGS. Base Ball Bats^ On hand and made to order. Also Scrolls, Brackets? Cabinet and other Sawing done at the Short- est Notice, ITT" rarticular attention paid to turning Ten Pin and BUliard Balls. STREET DIRECTORY. 29 — — Western ave. - — Bradford — — Madison ave. — — Central ave. — — Myrtle ave. — — Sand Oak, W. of Knox, Arbor Hill. Orani^e, from Quay W. to Dove. - -Elk Phoenix Place, fr. 114 Hudson S. 2 ' iVater Pine, from Eagle E. to 7 Chapel. 18 15 Montgomery 30 25 Broadway Left. at. - 9 Lodge 50 37 N. Pearl - 19 Chapel - - Clinton Pbilip, fr. 114 Hudson S. to 56 55 Chapel to Morton, 104 — Cross Left. at. 132 135 Hawk - - Plain 194 189 Swan 426 32 Hamilton 226 227 Dove 44 - Van Zandt Osborn, fr. Elizabeth S. to Bethleham line. 54] 49 Madison^ ave. 60 59 Elm Park, fr. 154 State S. to 11 76 - Wilbur Lancaster. — 91 Bleecker Place Park Ave., fr. 149 Grand 98 97 Myrtle ave. W. to Deleware turnpike. 108 105 Johnson Alley Left. RL 118 115 Park ave. 38 37 Philip — — Warren 76 75 Eagle — — Morton — — Swan Pier, fr. the foot of Law- — — Dove rence S. to the foot of — — Deleware turnpike Hamilton. Park Place, rear of Capi- Plain, fr. 51 S. Pearl W. to tol and Academy Parks. 89 Eagle. Partridgre, fr. S. boundary Left. Hi. N. to Central ave. 8 — Fulton — — Myrtle ave. 18 19 Grand — — Madison ave. 38 31 Philip — — Western ave. - - Eagle — — State Pleasant, fr. Madison ave. N. to Schenectady turn- — — Washington ave. — — Schenectady turnp'e pike. Perry, fr. Alms House sq. N, to N. Boundary. Plumb, fr. Quay W. to opp. 146 Franklin. — — Myrtle ave. Left. JRt. — — Madison ave. — — Broadway — —Hudson — — Church — — Western ave. — — Dallius — — State -^ — Green: — — Washington ave. — — Franklin Sole Manufactory of the Paris Pattern Perfect Fitting Shirt, at John E. Padre's Gent's Fur- nishing Store, 402 and 464 Broadway. ADVERTISEMENTS. a. w. omm a mmn, DEALERS IN ROOFING SLATE, 10 James Street, Albany, N. 7. Eflofs Covered wi Slate, Tid aiifl Gravel J. W. OSBOKN, BRADLEY MARTIN. 8TKEET DIRECTORY, 31 Providence, fr. Delaware _ — Arch turnpike N. to Schenecta- — — Rensselaer dy turnpike. — — Mulberry Pruyn, fr. 310 Broadway W. — — Cherry to 36 Liberty. — — Bassett Left. m. 2 1 Broadway — — Plumb — — Nucella — 3 Eagle — — Vine 10 11 Liberty — - — Gansevoort Ctuackenbush, fr. Quay Railroad Ave., fr. Lum- ber N. W. to 19 Van Woert W. to 685 Broadway. Xeft. m. Left .Rt. — — Water — Lumber 14 13 Montgomery — — Broadway — 29 Broadway — — Van Woert' Quail, from N. to S. bound- Ratbbone, fr. N. Ferry N. aries. to Thacher. Left. Bt. Rensselaer, fr. Quay W. — — Myrtle -ave. to 232 S. Pearl. — — Madison ave. Left .Rt. — — Hudson — Broadway — — Western ave. — Church — — State 28 29 Dallius — — Washington ave. — — Bradford 42 43 Green 66 65 Franklin — — Central ave. 84 81 S. Pearl — — Sherman Road, fr. 144 Canal S. W. to Elk Swan. — — Clinton ave. Robin, fr. S. to N. bound- Quay, along the Dock from 2 Quackenbush S.* to S. aries. Left. Rt. boundary. — — Myrtle ave. Left. Rt. — Morris — — Orange — — Yates — — Columbia — — Madison ave. — 35 Maiden Lane — — Hudson — 47 Exchange — — State — 52 State — — Washington ave. — Bradford — 57 Hudson — - 71 Division — Central ave. '• — 79 Hamilton : — Sherman - 95 Hodge — Elk — 96 Madison ave. — Clinton ave. — lOOBleecker — First — 108 Herkimer — Second — 114 S. Lansing — Third — 125Westerlo — Lumber — 130 John — Colonie Pocket Policeman, at Jobn E. Pace's Gent's Furnisbing- Store and Custom Sbirt Manu- factory, 4G2 and 404 Broadway. 32 ADVERTISEMENTS. J. V. B. CARTER, AND DESIGNER. ORIENTAL AND MODERN No. 18 LIBERTY STREET, ALMPtY, PC. Y. PATTERNS OF ALL 3KINBS, MADE AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ALSO, iwcooEL ttouk:, WITH DISPATCH. Turning and Scroll Sawing, CARVING AND OBNAMENTING, STREET DIRECTORY. 33 Rose, fr. 72 Hamilton S. to 85 Madison ave. _ — Sherman — — Elk LefU Rt. — 17 Rose St. al. — — Clinton ave. — - First 20 19 Madison ave. — — Second Rose St. Al., fr. 17 Rose N. — — Third Schiiyler, fr. Broadway W. to 36 Clinton. Left. at. — — Lumber — — Colonie South Ferry, fr. 142 Broad- — — Church way W. to 196 S. Pearl, 28 27 Dallius Left .Rt. ■ 46 45 Green XV 11 Church 78 81 Franklin 28 27 Dallius 92 93 S. Pearl 44 41 Green 98 97 Broad 70 71 Franklin 110 109 Clinton 82 83 S. Pearl Second, from opp. 47 Ten South L.ansinsr, fr. Quay W to 21 Franklin. Broeck W. to W. boundary. Left. at. Left. Bt. - - Hall Place — Broadway 54 55 Swan 1 7 Church 158 159 Lark 28 27 Dallius — — Knox 42 43 Green Snipe 72 71 Franklin — — Robin South Pearl, fr. 88 State S Sherman, fr. 14 Lark W. to W. boundary. to Gansevoort. Left. Rt. Left. Bt. 13 Howard — — Knox 24 — Norton — —Snipe 19 Beaver — — Robin 52 35 Hudson — — Perry — 51 Plain - - Quail 72 — Division — — Ontario 94 75 Hamilton — — Partridge 87 Van Zandt Snipe, fr. S. to N. boundary. 126 101 Madison ave. Left. Rt. 136 — Bleecker — — Myrtle ave. 142 — Herkimer — — Morris 168 157 Westerlo — — Yates 196 — S. Ferry — — Madson ave. 216 207 Arch — — Hamilton 232 — Rensselaer — — Hudson 262 253 Schuyler — — Lancaster 286 — Bassett - - State 287 Alexander — — Washington ave. 316 305 Nucella — — Central ave. 334 — Gansevoort Liinen Under Shirts, Draxrers and Socks at Jno. E. Pace's Gent's Furnishingr Store and Custom Shirt Manufactory, 463 and 464 Broadway. 34 ADVERTISEMENTS. Established 1831. THORBURN'S ALBANY SEED & FRUIT STORE, 388 Broadway, opp. Mansion House. Vegetable, Field and Flower Seeds, Bird Seeds, Bulbous Roots, Greenhouse, Strawberry and Raspberry Plants, Roses, Grape Vines, Garden Tools, Books, &c.. Whole- sale and Retail. BOUQUETS OF CHOICE FLOWERS Fertilizers, Timothy and Clover. Catalog^ues on Application. Fruit delivered, -crith care to any part off tlie City. For Mocking Birds, Thrushes, Nightingales, Robins, Blackbirds, Starlings, Sky Larks, &c.. Wholesale and Retail The only place of sale for this genuine food. All other kinds of Bird Seed for sale. Beware of imita- tions, bottled up in the same way. Orders by express promptly attended to. STREET DIRECTORY. Spencer, fr. Water W. to Steuben, fr. Montgomery f 719 Broadway. W. to Eagle Left. m. Left. Rt. 2 1 Water — — Broadway - 13 Carroll 14 15 James 30 31 Montgomery — — N. Pearl — 47 Jackson 36 - Chapel 60 61 Broadway 44 43 Lodge Spring, fr. 21 Dove W. to Knox. Left. Rt. 2 1 Dove 136 131 Lark — — Knox — — Eagle Swan, fr. N. to S. bound- aries. Left. Rt. — — Colonic 17 20 Lumber 41 40 Third Spruce, fr. 3 Columbia pi. W 61 .62 Second Left. Rt. 79 84 First • — — Hawk — — Clinton ave. — — Swan — — Orange — — Dove — — Canal - - Lark — — Road State, fr. 52 Quay W. to 1 — — Spruce 139 138 Elk Western ave. Left. Rt. 143 — Fayette 16 17 Dean 147 158 Washington ave. 32 — Broadway — — Congress 50 - Green — 172 State — 63 James — — Chestnut 88 - S. Pearl — - — Lancaster — 77 N. Pearl — — Jay — 91 Chapel 181 180 Hudson 116 99 Lodge 144 125 Eagle 191 — Watson ave. 195 196 Hamilton 154 —Park 209 210 Madison ave. 168 —High 221 216Jeflferson 184 —Hawk 225 224 Elm — 211 Capitol pi. — — Myrtle ave. 234 241 Swan — — Park ave. 294 293 Dove — — Warren 346 347 Lark — — Morton 362 — Willett — — Delaware 402 403 Knox — — Alexander — — Snipe Ten Broeck, fr. 35 Clinton — — Robin ave. N. W. to Colonie. — — Western ave. Left. Rt. Steamboat I. a n d i n ar , Quay, bet. Hodge and 22 — First. — 33 Wilson Madison ave. — — Second The ISew Cravat Botv at .John E. Paffe-s Gent's Furnisbingr Store, Custom Shirt Manufactory, 462 and 464 Broadw^ay. ADVERTISEMENTS. Jolm m. Foil, UNDERTAKER, And Retail Dealer In f UPHOLSTERY, Cabinet Ware, 274 SOUTH PEAEL STREET, ALBANY, N. Y. Constantly on hand an extensive assortment of desirable and Don't Forget tlie Address. STREET DIRECTORY. 37 — — Third . — — Lumber — — Colonie Tliacher, from the Erie Canal W. to 343 N. Pearl. Left. Rt. — — Water — — Montgomery — — Learned — — Rathbone — — Broadway — — N. Pearl Tbird. from opp. 79 Ten Broeck W. to boundary. Left. Rt. 'kS 49 Swan. 158 159 Lark — 315 Knox — — Snipe — — Robin Tivoli, (formerly Tivoli Hollow), fr. Troy Road to N. bonndary. Trotter's Alley, fr. Quay W. to 361 Broadway, Union, fr. 42 Hudson S.:to47 Madison ave. Left. Rt. 12 11 Division 24 2-5 Hamilton 66 61 Madison ave. Van Tromp, fr. 638 Broad-' way W. to So N. Pearl. Van Woert, fr. 868 Broad- way W. Left. Rt. 18 19 Railroad ave. 20 — N. Pearl Van Zandt, fr. 87 S. Pearl AV. to 44 Philip. Left, Rt. — — Fulton 24 25 Grand 52 51 Philip Vine, fr. Qray W. to 169 » Franklin. Left. Rt. — — Broadway Fancy Cretonnes — — Church — — Dallius — — Green — — Franklin Warren, fr. 157 Grand W. to Alms House. Left. Rt. — — Elizabeth — — Philip — — Eagle — — Hawk — — Swan — — Dove — — Delaware turnpike Warren St. Alley,fr.AVar- ren S. W. to Elizabeth. IVasbin^ton Ave., fr. Eagle opp. City Hall W. to W. boundary. Left. Rt. 2 1 Park Place — 29 Hawk — Capitol Place 91 Swan 145 Dove 199 Lark — Knox 325 Snipe — — Robin — — Perry — — Quail — — Ontario — — Patridge — — Erie — — Main ave. Wasliinffton Square, State and Madison ave.bet. Willett and Knox. Water, fr. 15 Columbia N. to 1 N. Ferry. Left. Rt. 46 — Orange 70 — Quackenbush — — Spencer 112 109 Lumber 126 — Colonie — — N. Lansing ffor Custom Sbirts made 64 90 150 200 260 310 to measure antl a perfect fit guaranteed at Juo. E. Pag:e's, 462 and 464 Broadway. 38 ADVERTISEMENTS. Feathers and Feather Beds^ ij BOLSTERS AND PILLOWS, QUILTS, BLANKETS, COMFOETERS, SHEETS, Etc., STREET DIRECTORY. 89 — — Lawrence — — Patridge — — N. Ferry - - Erie TTatson's Ave., fr. 42 — — Main Hawk W. to 191 Swan. VVliiteliall Road, from Tt'endell, fr. 97 Beaver N. Bethleham N. W. to 52 Howard. Wilbur, fr. 93 Grand W. to \f endell's Alley, from 104 Eagle W. to 54 High. 76 Philip. T^lllett, fj. 362 State S. to West, fr. Robin W. to Quail. 447 Madison ave. Left. Rt. Left. Rt. — — Perry 44 — Lancaster — — Quail IVesterlo, fr. 125 Quay W. 68 — Hudson 112 — Madison ave. to 40 Broad. ^ ^ William, fr. 22 Howard S. to 87 Hudson. Left. Et. 5 — Broadway Left. Rt. 13 12Cliurch — 12 Beaver 29 30 Dallius 33 34 Hudson 41 42 Green W^ilson, fr. 740 Broadway 67 66 Franklin W. to 33 Tea Broeck. 79 78 S. Pearl Left. Rt. 95 86 Broad 14 15 N. Pearl IVestern Ave., branches 32 27 Ten Broeck fr. i325 Washington ave. ITates, fr. Delaware Square and Snipe W. to W. bound- W. to W. boundery. ary. Left. Rt. Left. Rt. - - Lark — — Perrv — — Knox - - Quail - - Snipe — — Ontario — — Robin liife Preserving: Vests at jrobn X!. Pag-e's Cent's Furnisbing- Store and Custom 8hirt and Collar Manufactory, 4G3 and 4G4 Broadway*. 40 ADVERTISEMENTS. Sash, Door and Blind Factory P. H. WBMPLB, 7 & 9 GEAND STREET, SelTeenBeaTeiSHuajoi, AIiBANY, IT. Y. Wholesale and Retail Dealei* and Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shutters, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, Bahsters, Stair Railings of any Style, &c. A large assortment kept constantly on hand or made to order at short notice, at the lowest market prices. ^ ORDEES RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Albany Academy, Eagle, between Fayette and Elk. Albany Hospital, Howard corner Eagle. Albany Orphan Asylum, Robin north Washington ave. Alms House, south of Madison avenue near Snipe. Ames' Building, 4o'and 47 South Pearl Association Hall, 40 State street. Beaver Block, South Pearl, between Norton and Beaver. Bleecker Hall, 531 Broadway. Bureau of Military Statistics, 219 State. Capitol, Eagle, between State and Washington avenue. Central Block, Broadway corner Columbia. City Hall, Eagle, between Maiden lane and Pine. City Offices, 15 North Pearl corner Howard. Commercial Building, Broadway corder Hudson. Cooper's Building, State corner Green. Custom House, Hamilton between Broadway and Quay. Douw's Building, State corner Broadway. Dudley Observatory, N. junct. of N. Pearl and R. R. ave. Exchange Building, Broadway bet. State and Exchange. Female Academy, 28 North Pearl. Fryer's Building, Broadway corner Hudson. Geological Hall, State corner Lodge. Home of the Friendless, 15 Park. Jail, 77 Maiden lane, rear City Hall. Lansing Block, Broadway corner Hamilton. Masonic Hall, 41 and 43 North Pearl, Medical College, Eagle between Jay and Lancaster. Morange Buildings, 492 to 502 Broadway. Museum Building, State corner Broadway. Odd Fellows' Hall, Green corner Beaver. Penitentiary, Delaware turnpike, below Madison ave. Post Office, Broadway corner State. Ransom's iron Building, 463 Broadway. State Arsenal, Eagle corner Hudson. State Hall, Eagle, between Steuben and Pine. State Library, State street, rear Capitol. State Normal School, Lodge corner Howard. Strong's Building, 443 Broadway. Temperance Hall, 586 Broadway. Tweddle Hall, State corner North Pearl. Van Rensselaer Buildings, State corner South Pearl Van Vechten Hall, 119 State. Puffed Bosomed Shirts only S2 eacb, at .Toliii E, Page's Gent^s Furnisliiuf^ Store and Custom Shirt Manufactory, 462 and 4 64 Broad^vay. 44 ADVERTISEMENTS. I CHURCHES. 45- Lutlieraii. Evaug'l Lutheran Ebeiiezer.Pine corner Lodge. First German Evan. Luth....Nucella corner Franklin. Second German Evan. Luth.State above Swan. Ev. Lutb. St. John's Ger Central avenue. • ]>l!etli.ou.tcli. First Ref. Prot. Dutch North Pearl corner Orange. Second Ref. Prot. Dutch Hudson below South Pearl. Third Ref. Prot. Dutch Ferry corner Green. Fourth Ref. Pr. Dutch (Ger)..Schuyler below South Pearl. Holland Ref. Prot. Dutch Orange corner Chapel. Park Chapel Hudson corner Lark. Xlomaii Oatliolic. Cathedral, Xmmac. Concep...Eagle corner Madison ave. St. Marj-^'s Lodge corner Pine. St. John's Ferry corner Dallius. St. Ann's Nucella corner Franklin. St. Joseph's. ..„ Ten Broeck corner Second. St. Patrick's Central ave. corner Perry. Church of Holy Cross (Ger).. Hamilton corner Philip. Acad'y of the Sacred Heart..Kenwood. Chapel of the Asylum Western avenue. Only One Dollar for a. Good l¥liite Shirt, at , John £. Pace's Gentlemen's Furnishing: Store, 463 and 464 Broadway. 46 ADVERTISEMENTS. S. A. STMTTO^ No. 7 Tweddle Hall, ^ ja.3srir, m-. "st. The Selling, Buying and Renting OF CITY AND COUNTRY Will be strictly and promptly attended to. ALBANY POST OFFICE. Office in Ezchange Building, Broadway corner State. FREE DELIVERY— Letters and Newspapers delivered free in the business parts of the city FIVE times, and in other parts THREE times a day. Open from 7.30 A. M. to 7.30 P. M. SUNDAYS from 8 to 9 A. M. and 6 to 7 P. M. HOLIDAYS from 8 to 9 A. M., 2 to 3 and 6 to T P. M. MAILS CLOSE. North, Midnight, 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. Troy, Mid- night, 11 A. M., 3 and 5 P. M. South, Midnight, 9 A. M., 3.20 and 9 P. M. East, Midnight, 3 and 7 P. M. West, Midnight, 11 A. M., 4 and 9 P. M. To Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgli, Midnight and 9 P. M. West Way, for Auburn Road, 9 P. M. Susquehanna Railroad, Midnight and 4 P. M. New Baltimore, 1 P. M. Guilderland, 3 P. M. Rensselaerville and Bern, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Midnight. California, daily at 9 P. M. Foreign Mails, daily at 3.20 P. M. A Mail for New York and South will close on Sundays at 9 A. M. All other Mails will close on Sunday at 7 P. M. Night Mails close on Holidays at 7 P. M. MAILS ARRIVE. North, 10.15 A. M. and 8 P. M. Troy, 7 A. M., 12 M., 5 and 6.30 P. M. South, 7 A. M., 1 and 9.40 P. M. and Mid- night. East, 5.35 A. M., 1, 4.25 and 10.4,5 P. M. West, 1.50 6 and 10 A. ]\I., 4.10 and 8.15 P. M. SuSquehanna Rail- road, 2.25 and 8 P. M. Mails arriving through, the day will be ready for delivery THIRTY minutes after their arrival in the office. Money sent Without D.4.nger of Loss.— Money Orders can be obtained at this Office upon any Money Order Post Office in the United States, a list of which can be seen in the Postmaster's Office. Orders issued from 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. daily, Sundays excepted. Rates of Commission Charged for Money Orders. — On orders not exceeding S20 10 cents. Over $20 and not exceeding S30 15 cents. do $30 do do S40 20 cents. do S40 do do S50 25 cents. No fractions of cents to be introduced in an Order. United States Treasury Notes or National Bank Notes only received or paid. Cartw^ri^lit «fc Warner's Kn^lisb Hosiery at John E. Pag^e's Kent's Furnisliinsr Store and CiistoBt Shirt Manuf., 462 and 464 B'way. 48 ADVERTISEMENTS. P. J. PATTERSON, Manufaetarer and Wholesale Dealer ia ' ^H Oonf BGtionBry | IN ALL ITS VARIETIES. 65 Green Street, Corner of Division, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE. BOSTON & ALBANY R. R. Leave Albany. . 2.00 A. M. Express, 6.25 " Way, 10.10 " Express, 4.10 P. M. " 4.50 " Pittsfield only. 8.20 " Arrive at Albany^ 5.30 A. M. 9.35 " 1.00 p. M. 4.25 " ao.45 " HARLEM RAILROAD. Leave Albany. 4.10; Arrive at Albany. 1.00 ^ 10.45 HUDSON RIVER R. R. Leave Albany. 1.55 A. M. Pacific Ex., 6.20 " Chicago " 10.15 " Cincinnati Ex. 11.40 " Way Passenger. 4.20 p. M. Buffalo Ex. 10.30 " Night " 4.00 " For Hudson. Arrive at Albany. 12.15 A. M. 6.45 " 8.40 " 1.00 P. M. 2.05 " 4.20 " 9.40 " ; Sunday Trains 155 and 10.15 A. m., and 5.15 p. m. NEW YORK CENTRAL R. R. Leave Albany. 12.25 A. M. • 7.20 " 8.45 " 12.15 P. M. 1.20 " 5.00 •« 11.00 " Arrive'at'Albany. 1.50 a.m. " 6.00 " lO.OO •• 2.00 P. M. 4.10 " 8.15 " Sunday trains leave 12.25 P . M. Ijeare your Measure for a Set of Perfect Fitting Sbirts at Jobn E. Pagre's Cuatom Sliirt ana Collar Manuf actorr? ^69 and 464 B'Tiray. 4 48 ADVERTISEMENTS. P. J. PATTERSON, | Manofaetarer and Wholesale Dealer iu GonfectionGry , IN ALL ITS VARIETIES. 55 Green Street, Corner of Division, AIiBANY", N. ir. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE. I BOSTON & ALBANY R. R. Leave Albany. . 2.00 A. M. Express, 6.25 " Way, 10.10 " Express, 4.10 p. M. 4.50 " Pittsfleld only. 8.20 " Arrive at Albany^ 5.30 A. M. 9.35 " 1.00 p. M. 4.25 " C10.45 " HARLEM RAILROAD. Leave Albany. 4.10; Arrive at Albany. 10.'45 HUDSON RIVER R. R. Leave Albany. 1.55 A. M. Pacific Ex., 6.20 " Chicago " 10.15 " Cincinnati Ex. 11.40 " Way Passenger. 4.20 p. M. Buffalo Ex. 10.30 " Night " 4.00 " For Hudson. Arrive at Albany. 12.15 A. M. 6.45 " 8.40 " 1.00 P. M. 2.05 " 4.20 " 9.40 " ; Sunday Trains 155 and 10.15 a.m., and 5.15 p. m. NEW YORK CENTRAL R. R. Leave Albany. 12.25 A. M. • 7.20 " 8.45 " 12.15 P. M. 1.20 " 5.00 " 11.00 " Arrive>t; Albany. 1.50 A. M. 6.00 " 10.00 '• 2.00 P. M. 4.10 " 8.15 •• Sunday trains leave 12.25 p . M. Lieave your Measure for a Set of Perfect Fitting Sbirts at Jolin E. Pagre's Custom Shirt and Collar Manufactory, 46)1 and 464 B'Tvray. 4 60 ADVERTISEMENTS. MANUFACTURER OP Cast Steel Files and Rasps, From the best English Cast Steel, Improved Metallic Temper. FILES AND RASPS RE-CUT, And warranted to be as good as new. IVORTH A1L.BA.IVY, r^. Y. Established 1&59. TERMS CASH. patoK 'im KOR RE-cvTTtKGt niu AND lun. Flat Flat.: Flat Mill Size. Bastard. 2d Cut. Smooth. Size. Files. doz. doz. doz. doz. 6 $ 1 16 $ 1 45 $ 1 81 6 $1 45 7 1 45 1 81 2 09 7 1 62 8 1 80 2 18 2 54 8 2 00 9 2 03 2 54 2 90 9 2 18 10 2 25 2 90 3 27 10 2 54 11 2 54 3 27 3 82 11 2 80 12 i 90 3 82 5 08 12 3 21 13 3 46 4 72 5 81 13 3 82 14 3:99 5 40 7 26 14 4 36 15 4 72 6 17 8 71 15- 5 45 16 5 81 7 26 10 16 16 6 54 17 7 26 8 71 11 62 18 8 71 10 16 13 07 19 10 16 11 62 14 62 20 11 62 13 07 17 07 Wood and Brass Files, 25 cents per dozen, extra. Saw Files, to five inches, 87>i cents per dozen. Saw Files, seven inches, and above, same as Flat. Second Cut, Round. Hall" Round, and Hand Files, advance one inch on Flat Price. Knife, Cross and Equaling Files, advance two inches on Flat Price. RAILEOAD TIME TABLE. 51 RENSSELAER «fe SARATOGA R. R, Arrive at Albany ' 9.00 A. M. 10.00 " 4.30 P. M. 6.00 " 8.10 " Leave Albany. 7.10 a . M. 8.25 it 2.00 P M. 4.30 »♦ 6.00 SUSQl Leave Albany. 7.00 a M. , F. & P. 8.00 " Ex. 1.30 p. M. Ex. 5.00 F. &P. Arrive at Albany. 2.45 P. M. 2.2-5 " 8.45 " 4.40 A. M. 9.00 " The 9.30 p. M. train from Albany will not run Saturdays ; will leave Sunday nights. TROY & ALBANY R. R. Leave Albany. Leave Troy. 7.15 A. M. 6.30 a.m. 8.44 " 8.00 " 9.00 " 9.45 " 10.30 " 11.30 " 12.15 P. M. 1.00 P. M. 1.50 " 3.00 " 3.45 " 3.30 " 5.15 " 4.30 " 6.45 " 5.00 " : 10.30 " 8.00 " ■• Leave East Albany. For Greenbush 6.35 A. M. 6.05 A. M. 12.50 p. M. 10.00 " 4.10 " 4.05 P. M. ■ 9.30 " 10.00 " 12.05 Canes and Umbrellas at Jobn E. Pagfe's Gent's Furnishiniir Store and Custom Sliirt and Collar Manufactory, 462 and 4G4 Broadway. 52 ADVERTISEMENTS. 73 State St. Albany, N. Y. lOOiSELLIi, BM Book Mamifactirer, AND JOB PRINTER. flas constantly on hand th« works of all onr Standard Writers, the Miscellaneous Poblieations of the Day, and a fine assortment of FRAYEII BOOKS, BIBLES i ALBUMS, SCHOOL BOOKS, At Wholesale and Ketail. '1 — "•• Printed with Neatness and Despatch, in Colors or Plain. BLANK BOOKS, For Banks, Counting Houses, Insurance Companies, etc., made to Order. A full Stock of the Regular Sizes of Blank "Work, and a Complete Assortment of Law Blanks always on hand. Magazines, Periodicals^ and Pamphlets Bonnd in all styles. NEWSPAPERS. i ALBANY ARGUS, Broadway. Daily, semi-weekly and weekly. ALBANY EVENING JOURNAL, 61 State. Daily, semi- weekly and weekly. ALBANY DAILY KNICKERBOCKER, 1^ Green.] ALBANY EVENING POST, 7 Hudson. ALBANY EVENING TIMES, 17 Exchange Building. ALBANY MORNING EXPRESS. 52 State. CULTIVATOR AND COUNTRY, GENTLEMAN, 395 Broadway. "Weekly. FREIE BLAETTER, 44 Beaver. Daily. " B .A.]Sr KS. Albany City National, State:street. Albany National Exchange, 450 Broadway. First National, 71 state. Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays. Hope Bank of Albany, State corner James. Mechanics' and Farmers' National, Broadway cor. Exchange.*^ Merchants' National of Albany, 458 Broadway.'^ National Commercial, 38 State street. I .Discount days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. New York State National, 69 State. Discount day, Monday/ Union National of Albany, 446 Broadway. SAVINGS BANKS. Albany City, 47,State. Albany Exchange, 450 Broadway. Albany, 38 State. Mechanics' and Farmers', Broadway cor. Exchange. National, State street. Frencb 'S'oke, Perfect Fittins* Sbirts, made to measure at Jolin £. Pag^e's Gent's Furnisbiiig Store, "462 and 464 Broad\ray. 64 ADVBRTISEMENT8. I. ©. lOHES REMOVED TO NEW STORE eis BDRO A.r>"V7"-A."'5r^ Has al'ways on hand ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, FRENCH and GERMAN CLOTHS AND CAHRiS. All Orders Promptly Attended to, and a Perfect Pitting Suit Warranted. la MQi F. and. JL. IM., regulah communications At Masonic Hall, 41 N. Pearl Street, Albany. N, Y. MOUNT VERNON LODGE, 3, 1st and 3d Mondays. MASTERS' LODGE, 5, 2d and 4th Mondays. TEMPLE LODGE, 14, 1st and 3d Tuesdays. WASHINGTON LODGE, 85, 2d and^th Thursdays. WADS\yORTH LODGE, 417, 2d and 4th Wednesdays. ANCIENT CITY LODGE, 1st and 3d:Wednesdays. TEMPLE CHAPTER, 5, 2d and 4th Tuesdays. DE WITT CLINTON COUNCIL, R. & S. M.. 22, 4th Friday. TEMPLE COMMANDERY, 2, 1st and 3d Fridays. LODGES I. O. of O. F. DisTKicT Grand CoiriiiTTEE of Albany, meet on the last Wednesday in J anuary and on the third Wednes- day in March (annual meeting), at Odd Fellows' Hall, Green street, corner of Beaver. Cardigran Jackets and L.ap Rug:s, at JTobn E. Pag'e's Gent's Furnishing' Store and Custom Shirt Manufactory, 4G2 and 464 Broadw^ay* 56 ADVERTISEMENTS. MICHAEL GRUMMET, 75 Beaver St., cor. lodge, AND 60 K, Pearl St,, cor, ColnmMa- HOT ROLLS A Superior Quality of Pastries, Pure Graham Domestic and Cottage Also, Le Fain Francais or French Bread, FRESH EVERY DAY LODQES. 57 ENCAMPMENT. New York Encampment 1, meet on the first and third Fridays of every month at Odd Fellows' Hall. DEGREE LODGES. AiiBANY CiTT, 11, Tuesday evenings Cooper's Building. ExCEiiSiOR, 15, second and fourth Friday evenings. Odd Fellows' Hall. SUBORDINATE LODGES. Hope, 1, Monday evenings. Clinton, 7, Wednesday evenings, Odd Fellows' Hall. German Colonial, 16, Monday evenings, Commercial Building. Fireman's, 19, Thursday evenings. Odd Fellows' Hall. American, 32, Tuesday evenings, Cooper's Building. Mount Hermon, 38, Monday evenings, Cooper's Bldg. Phcenix, 41, Tuesday evenings. Odd Fellows' Hall. Mount Carmel, 76, Mondaj^ evenings, Commercial Bldg. Samaritan, 93, Monday evenings. Odd Fellows' Hall. Scho-Negh-Ta-Da, 87, Thursday evenings, Commercial Building. Odd Fellows' Funeral Aid Association of the County of Albany, meet the second and fourth Fri- days of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. U. A. O. of D. City Philanthropic Grove, 5, Friday evenings, Com- mercial Building. Schiller Grove, 4, Thursday evenings. Commercial Building. Union Supreme Arch Chapter, 4, first and third Sun- days of each month. Commercial Building. Grand Army of the Bepiiblic. Lew Benedict Post, 5, Friday evenings, Cooper's Bldg. Post, 44, meet first and third Fridays of each month at 110 State street. Nigrbt Sbirts and Nigrbt Caps at JoUn E. Pace's Oent's Furnishins: Store and Custom Sliirt Manufactory, 462 and 464 BroadTray. 58 ADVERTISEMENTS. Van Heusen, Charles & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in ^Hlii. GLISS, And Earthen Ware^ KEROSEIIE GOODS, GAS FIXTURES, 468 and 470 Broadway, TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. Temples of Honor. Albany Social Temple, 22, Thursday evenings, 586 Broad- way. Excelsior. Temple of Honor, 23, 110 State Street. Iturea Council, 3, " " Star of Peace Social Temple, 4, " " Tivoli Temple, 22, Tuesday evenings, 586 Broadway. I. O. of G. S. and D. of S. Excelsior Union Lodge, 7. Friday evenings. Armory Building, Washington Parade Ground. Graham Union Lodge, 16, "Wednesday evenings, 74 State. Wesley Union Lodge, 4, Tuesday evening, Lark corner Madison ave. il. O. of G. T. Albany City Lodge, Wednesday evenings, 110 State st. Arbor Hill Union Lodge, Wednesday evenings, lecture room of the Arbor Hill M. B. Church. Harrison Lodge, Tuesday evenings, 44 State st. S. of T. Albany Division, 24, Monday evenings at 586 Broadway, Band of Hope Mission, Sunday Mornings at 9 o'clock Philip cor. Hudson, D. L. Weaver, Supt. Piccadilly and Bishop Collars at John E. Pag^e's Gent's Furnishing Store and Custom; Shirt ITIanufactor» 462 and 4G4 Broadway. 60 ADVERTISEMENTS. J. 0. HAIGHT &, SON, 4 Manufacturer of Haight's Patent Packing Springs, AND SMITH WORK IN GENERAL, II & 13 CHURCH STREET- Particnlar attention giyen to all kinds of E3 1> jf\. I n. I rsr C3- j And done at the shortest notice, and in the most workmanlike manner. CENSUS OF 1865. Population of the State of New York, giving the total Population of each County, and the Population of the largest City or Village in each County, taken from the United States Census of 1865. Albany 115,504 Albany city 62,613 Allegany 40,285 Wellsville 3,070 Broome 37,933 Binghamton 10,092 Cattaraugus 42,205 Clean 2,701 Cayuga 55,720 Auburn city 12,567 Chautauqua 58.528 Dunkirk 7,452 Chemung 31,923 Elmira city 13,130 Chenango 38,360 Norwich , 4,331 Clinton 45,713 Plattsburgh 7,195 Columbia 44,905 Hudson city 7,831 Cortland 24,815 Cortlandville 5,008 Delaware 41,638 Tompkins 4,064 Dutchess 6.5,192 Poughkeepsie city 16,073 Erie 157,150 Buffalo city 94,502 Essex 28,644 Moriah 4,640 Franklin 28,575 Malone 6,330 Fulton 24,512 Johnstown 9.805 Genesee 31,728 Batavia 6,004 Greene 31,710 Catskill 6,679 Hamilton 2,653 Wells 692 Herkimer 39,154 Little FaUs 5,588 Jefferson 66,448 Watertown 8,194 Kings 310,824 Brooklyn city 296,112 Lewis 27,840 LowA'ille 2,574 Livingston 37,555 Mount Morris 3,770 Madison 42,607 Lennox 8,45 None but tbc best Workmen Employed at Jobn E. Pagre's Gent's Furnisbing- Store and Custom SUirt inanufactory, 462 and 464 Broadway. 62 ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGE 6. WITHERS, Ellifll FLIfll, CALVANIZER, And Manufacturer of PINE SILVER DOOR PLATES, Carriage Plates, Letters, Figures, Crests, &c., Also, Coacli aafl Saiery Triiiffliiiis, &c. Wo. 52 Hudson Street, ALBAMY, H. Y. All kinds of Jobbing: Punctually Attended to. 63 Monroe.., 104,235 Rochester city 50,940 Montgomery 31,447 Amsterdam 5,135 New York city 726,: Niagara 49,655 Lockport 13,937 Oneida 102,713 Uticacity 23,( Onondaga 93,332 Syracuse city 31,7^ Ontario 43,316 Seneca 8,553 Orange 70,165 Newburgh 17,389 Orleans 28,603 Barre 6,845 Oswego 76,200 Oswego city 19,288 Otsego 48,616 Otego 4,292 Putnam 14,845 Phillipstown 5,436 Queens 57,997 Newtown 13,891 Rensselaer 88,210 Troy city 39,293 Richmond 28,209 Castleton 7,683 Rockland 20,788 Orangetown 6,136 St. Lawrence 80,994 Oswegatchie 11,091 Saratoga 49,892 Saratoga Springs.. 7,307 Schenectady 20,888 Schenectady city.. 10,685 Schoharie 33,353 Middleburgh 3,267 Schuyler 18,441 Hector 5,048 Seneca 27,653 Seneca Falls 6,490 Steuben 66,192 Corning 6,724 Suffolk 42,869 Brookhaven 10,159 Sullivan 32,741 Mamakating 4,222 Tioga 28,163 Owego 8,865 Tompkins 30,696 Ithaca 7,264 Ulster 75,609 Kingston 17,296 Warren 21,128 Queensbury 7,623 Washington 46,244 Whitehall 4,422 Wayne 47,498 Galen 5,314 Westchester 101,197 Yonkers 12,756 Wyoming 30,033 Warsaw 2,824 Yates 19,338 Milo 4,194 Total Stat-e 3,831,777 Imported and Domestic Hosiery, from Auction— at less tlian cost— at John E. Pajje's Gent's Furnisliing^ Store, 462 and 464 Broadway. 64 ADVKRTISEMENT3. SUPERIOR INSTANTANEOUS BLACK OR BROWN, Positively the Best in Use. THY IT AND BE CONVINCED. It Saves Time and Labor. For example, the liquid No. 1 is applied to the Hair or Whiskers without previ- ously washing the same. No. 2 is applied without going through the process of drying No. 1. The Hair or Whiskers require no drying after No. 2 is applied,_but are immediately ready to be washed out, thereby avoiding the time and labor as in other dyes. DIT" "Wholesale dealers supplied at the lowest cash market prices. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50 CUNTS. The attention of Barbers is especially called to tliis Dye. It is put up in bulk expressly for their use. Orders Solicited a&d Promptly Attended to. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 23 HUDSON ST., ALBAISTY, ]Sr. Y. GAVIT Sl CO., EstalDlislied. 1840. PRIifflUITlimEESanflSTllTliS * No. 57 State Street, Albany. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, BILL AND NOTE HEADS IN THE VERY BEST MANNER. pBp^, §00^ iIIiii^toti0E^, &r., Holts 11)01 Stamps & PaM Marlii Wheel, SEAL PRESSES, STENCILS, STENCIL INKS And Ribbons for all Size Stamps. WEDDING, VISITING and AT HOME CABDS COLLEGE NOTES at Shortest Notioew DESIGNED, ENGRAVED AND PRINTED. French, American and English Stationary of all qualities: J8®*0rder8 by Mail receive prompt attention. r u > •H IlSrSXJPlB IKT TUB COMMBRC Of Albany, N.Y 2 3 10 16 2.3 6 10 17 24 3031 29!30 16 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18|l9 .>6 1 28 i 11 18 25. 3 10 1617 5r X B ADAM van: ALLEN. President, Q. A. VAN ALLEN, Vice-President, R. M. HAMILTON, Secretary.