i i "f . A HISTORY OF THE Philomathean Society (FOUNDED 1813) WITH A SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ALL HER MEMBERS FROM 181 3 TO 1892. Philadelphia. AviL Printing Company. 1892. c.-t'l^..'' Infpoburfopg- It might be well to say, in the beginning of this little book, that the committee in charge of its publication has labored under more than ordi- nary difficulties. The work was originally planned out by the Class of '89, and was intended to be entirely the task of that body. It failed of completion, however, and for several years the whole work has lain dormant, while committee after committee has been appointed, only to be discharged without the publication of the much-heard-of Record. At one time some promise of real work was hoped for when the committee for 1891 was appointed. They labored for some days on the manuscript, until finally the work had to be thrown over on account of the pressure of college work. The present committee, realizing, at last, the burden that this unfinished work was upon Philo, and the obligation the Society was under to complete the publication, have made strenuous efl!brts towards this end, and are glad now to be able to report the completion of the Phi- lomathean Record. The work has been enormous, and would have been impossible without the distinguished aid of several of Philo's loyal gradu- ate members. We are especially indebted to Dr. Frazer, whose kindly assistance and co-operation, in every manner possible, have done much in putting us in a position to complete our difficult task. Our whole aim has been to put in the hands of her graduate sons some reliable record of their Mother Society from her founding to the present date, and we wish for no greater reward than the hearty approval of our older Philoma- thean brethren. f Justin R, Sypher, ^ G. A. Smyth, Committee.^ ^ ^ ^ George D. Col., president of stevens' institute of technology, Although the present writer had a good deal to do with the so-called Rosetta Stone Report, he is free to admit that it owed its inception and publication to the energy and persistence of his co-laborator, the Rev. Charles R. Hale, now Dean of Davenport Cathedral, Iowa. About the close of the college year of 1855-56 Mr. Thomas K. Con- rad, then a member of the graduating class, and now the Rev. Dr. Conrad, Rector of St. Paul's, Philadelphia, presented to the Philomathean Society a plaster-cast of the famous Rosetta Stone, at the same time reading an essay on "Hieroglyphic Research." About this time Mr. Charles R. Hale joined the class of 1858, then in its sophomore year, and also became a member of the Philomathean Society. His attention and interest were excited by this model of the Rosetta Stone, and asking many questions about it which no one was able to answer, he caused others to feel that the subject ought to be investigated, and accordingly a committee was appointed, with Mr. Hale for Chairman, and instructed to investigate and report upon the Rosetta Stone. The other members of this committee were S. Huntington Jones and the present writer. The latter had already taken some interest in the subject of hiero- glyphics, and when, after a preliminary report by Mr. Hale, the subject grew in importance in the estimation of the committee, he offered to do some serious work on the interpretation of the hieroglyphic text, and also to illustrate and illuminate the manuscript of the completed report. 55 The interest grew as the work proceeded, and, without any definitely pre-arranged plan as to division of labor, it arranged itself finally, as fol- lows : Mr. Hale took in hand the Greek and Demotic texts of the tri- lingual inscription, and gave valuable assistance in translating the hiero- glyphic text ; Mr. Jones contributed an historic essay on the " Egyptian king, Ptolemy Epiphanes," in whose honor the inscriptions were originally made, and the present writer took charge of the hieroglyphic text, and of the pictorial decoration of the work. The work progressed slowly, as it involved much study of books not readily accessible, and both the present writer and Mr. Hale spent many days of more than one vacation in the Astor Library in New York, as well as in the Philadelphia Library, where only certain extensive works on " Egyptology," and on " Hieroglyphics," were to be seen. Among these one of the most important was that of " Lepsius," which contained a com- plete drawing of an inscription on a temple- wall at Philse, which proved to be another copy of the inscription covering the Rosetta Stone. This Philse inscription was, in great part, effaced, but a careful collation of what re- mained of it (made for the first time by this committee) enabled them to throw a new light on many otherwise doubtful passages of the Rosetta Stone text. For the various reasons indicated, it was not until the summer of 1857 that the manuscript report of the Rosetta Stone Committee was finished, bound, and deposited in the library of the Philomathean Society. Almost immediately, however, it mysteriously disappeared, and for sev- eral months it was supposed to be lost. When, at last it was found and re- placed in the library, the circumstance of its temporary loss impressed some members of the desirabihty of reproducing, by some mode of printing, a volume representing so much labor. The reproduction of the Hieroglyphic and Demotic texts, and of the colored illustrations and illuminations, could only be accomplished by chromo-lithography, and the expense of preparing the necessary and nu- merous drawings on stone, if a professional artist were employed, was pro- hibitory under the existing conditions. The present writer, at that time, knew absolutely nothing about drawing on stone, but with the happy 56 temerity of youth, and inexperience, he felt that nothing possible to man ought to trouble a graduate of the Univei'sity of Pennsylvania, and of the Philomathean Society, and he, therefore, undertook, quite as a matter of course, to make all the required drawings on the stone. In this task he spent the entire summer and autumn of 1858, and during the same time Mr. Hale worked with unwearied diligence in per- fecting and enlarging the various parts of the work which came under his hands. Shortly before Christmas, 1858, the first edition of this report made its appearance, and was so highly appreciated by the public that in a few days the entire edition was exhausted, and many times the original price of copies was offered by those anxious to secure them. Under these conditions the Philomathean Society, who had found this committee so ready to execute its directions, at its meeting held Janu- ary 21st, 1859, expressed the desire that this committee should prepare a second edition of their report. This request involved more than might at first sight appear. To produce each one of the colored designs of the report, an average of four lithographic stones was required, and these, with the non-illumi- nated pages of Hieroglyphic and Demotic, made a total of several hun" dred stones. No lithographic establishment had such a stock of the same size, or could afford to keep them for our use ; therefore, when the first part of the report had been struck ofi", the stones were ground down to a new surface, and used for a new set of pages. Thus, when the Society de- sired its Committee to print a new edition, only the stones used in the pre- paration of the last twenty pages or so retained any designs, and thus the printing of a new edition involved the production on stone of more than a hundred drawings. Encouraged and inspired by the already realized success, the present writer willingly undertook this work, and, profiting by experience, made entirely new designs for all the pages it was necessary to reproduce. Thus the second edition was in its artistic portion largely a new work. This second edition came out in the spring of 1859, and, like its pre- decessor, was not very long in being exhausted ; so that for over twenty years the Rosetta Stone Report has been numbered among the " scarce " 57 publications only to be obtained from antiquarian book dealers, and at the sales of libraries. Among the many kind letters which members of the Committee re- ceived from various sources, none were more gratifying than one written by Baron von Humboldt, March 12th, 1859, in which he says, after ac- knowledging the receipt of a copy of the Eeport : " The scientific analysis of the celebrated inscription of Rosetta, which, despite the confusion of the hieroglyphic style, remains an historic monument of great importance, has appeared to me especially worthy of praise, since it offers the first essay at independent investigation ofiered by the litterateur of the New Conti- nent. It is for this national reason that I especially greet this independent work." Speaking further of "the so conscientious work of the learned Committee of the Philomathean Society," he goes on to say : " The pic- turesque ornaments added by Mr. Henry Morton add to the interest in- spired by a work well worthy to be widely spread in your learned and free country. I pray Mr. Charles R. Hale to receive with kindness the homage of my sentiments of high and affectionate consideration." In view of the rarity of the Rosetta Stone Report, it may be well to say here that the Rosetta Stone is a slab of granite bearing three inscrip- tions, one in Hieroglyphics, or the language of the Priests, one in Demotic, or the language of the people, used in common life and for commercial transactions in ancient Egypt, and one in Greek. This slab was found near the town of Rosetta," on one of the mouths of the Nile, hence its name. In substance, it is a set of resolutions or vote of thanks passed by the Priests, assembled on some occasion at Memphis about 200 B. C, in honor of Ptolemy Epiphanes. It recites the virtues of this king, some of the events of his reign, and decrees divine honors to him and his parents. Finally it provides for its own publication, as is usual nowadays, by order- ing that copies shall be set up in all the temples of Egjrpt. The slab or tablet is about 3 feet high, 2 feet 5 inches wide, and from 6 to 12 inches thick, being very irregular at the back. On its face are engraved 14 lines of Hieroglyphic text, 32 lines of Demotic text, and 52 lines of Greek text, each expressing in its own way the same subject matter. The original stone is preserved in the British Museum. 58 THE MEMBERS. Senior, Junior and Nominal Members. Senior Members are the Graduates of the Society. JuKiOR Members are the Undergraduates of the Society. Nominal Members are those leaving the Society before Graduation. N. B. — * Deceased. 1815. * John Bayard. A.M., '18. * George Buchanan. A.M., '18; Brig. Gen. Penna. Militia. * Henry Banning Chew. A.M., '18. * Thomas Gray Condie. A.M., '18 ; Ed. Condie' s Magazine ; lawyer. * Henry Sidney Coxe. A.M., '18. * Rev. Christian Frederic Cruse. A.M., '18 ; D.D., '38 ; Prof. Univ. of Penna. ; Prof. St. Paul's Coll., N.Y. * James Sproat Davidson. A.M., '18. * Rev. William Morrison Engles. A.M., '18; D.D. (Lafayette), '38; Ed. The Presbyterian; "The Soldier's Pocket Book." * Samuel Marx. A.M., '18. * Rev. Wm. Augustus Muhlenberg. A.M., '18 ; D.D. (Columbia), '34. * Hon. Thomas McKean Pettit. A.M., '18; Vice-Pres. Histor. Soc, Penna.-, Phila. City Solicitor ; Dep. Atty. Gen. Supr. Ct.; Mem. Penna. Legis. ; Mem. Phila. Select Council ; Pres. Judge Dist. Ct., Phila.; U. S. Dist. Atty. E. D., Pa. ; Supt. U. S. Mint, Phila.; "Visitor" to West Point. *Hon. Edward Rawle. A.M., '18; One of the founders of Publ. Sch. System in La. : Pres. N. O. Keystone Assn. ; Mem. Municipal Publ. Sch. Lye. and Lit'y Soc. ; Fell. N. O. Acad, of Sc. Judge. * Henry Rawle. A.B., '15. * William Henry West. A.M., '18. * George Bacon Wood. A.M., '18 ; M.D.,'18 ; LL.D. (Princeton), '58 ; Fell. Coll. Phys, Phila. ; Amer. Philos. Soc. ; Prof, and" Trustee Univ. of Penna. ; Prof Phila. Coll. Phar. ; Acad. Nat. Sc. ; Phila. Med. Soc; Pres. Amer. Med. Assn.; Ed. U. S. Dispensatory. * John James Richards. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer ; Captain Penna. Artillery. 1816. * Thomas Leech Boileau. A.M., '19. James Phillips Freeman. M.D., '19. * Nicholas Hammond, Jr. A.M., '19 ; M.D. (Univ. of Md.). '23. 61 * Isaac Hays. AM '19- M.D., '20; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc. ; P'res. Acad. Nat. Sc; Fell. Acad. Arts and Sc, Boston, Mass.; Mem. Ham- burg Med. Soc. * Jolm Julius Keating, Jr. A.M., '19 ; Trustee of Univ. of Penna. * William Hippolyte Keating. A M., '19; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc: Mem. Penna. Legis.; Prof. Univ. of Penna. * Rev. Thomas Meredith, Jr. A.M., '19 ; Founder and Ed. Baptist Inter- preter. * William N. Anderson. NOMINAL MEMBER. Samuel N. Davies. NOMINAL MEMBER. * James Hunter Ewing. M.D., '19 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Samuel Simon Schmucker. NOMINAL MEMBER. Isaac Willis. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1817. * Nathaniel Ogden Clark. A.B., '17. * Timothy Ward Coe. A.B., '17. * Hon. John Nesbitt Conyngham. A.M., '20; LL.D., '69; Mem. Wyoming Histor. and Geolog. Soc; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Amer. Philos. Soc; lawyer and judge. * Edmund Sidney Coxe. A.M., '20; lawyer. * John Mather Jackson. A.M., '20; lawj-er. ^ George Read. A.M., '20 ; U. S. Consul to Malaga, Spain. * John Wharton West. A.M., '20 ; Capt. U. S. N., '47. * McKean Buchanan. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Commodore U. S. N.;Brig. Gen. U. S. A. * Thomas Leaming Caldwell. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Jacob Baten Comegys. NOMINAL MEMBER; U. S. Agt. for Comm. and Seamen at "Trinidad. * Washington Harris. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Branson Lardner. NOMINAL MEMBER. '^ Alexander Magnus Murray. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Israel Pemberton Pleasants. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Benjamin Rush Rhees. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Jacob Lodenyk Sharpe. NOMINAL MEMBER. Charles A. Walker. NOMINAL MEMBER. William C. Walker. NOMINAL MEMBER. I«I5. * William Ashmead. A.M., '2L ^ Rev. Henry Michael Mason. A.M., '21 ; A.M. (Princeton '• causa hon- oris"), '21; D.D.,'.38; "Chrj'sostomonthe Priesthood " ; " Catholic Unity " ; " His- tory of the Reformation in Sweden." * James Murray Mason. A.M., '21 ; Mem. House of Delegates, Va.; Mem. Congress ; Pres. U. S. Senate ; Com- missioner to Europe from C. S. A. in '62. *Rev. Hugh McMillan. A.M., '21; D.D. (Miami Univ.), '55; Prof. Theol. Sem. Ref. Preshyt. Ch. ^ Rev. Theophilus Parvin. A.M., '2L 62 * James M. Staughton. A.M., "21; M.D., '21; A.M. (Princeton "causa honoris,") '21; Prol. Columbian Coll.; Prof. Med. Coll., Ohio. * Rev. Peter VanPelt, Jr. A.M., '21 ; D.D. (.St. John's Coll., Md.), '56 ; Pres. Bvirliugton Coll., N. J.; Prof. Div. Sch. P. E. Ch., Phila. 1819. * Francis Porteus Corbin. A.M., '22 ; la\vyer. * Samuel ISIickle Fox. A.M., '44 ; lawyer. * Henry Dilworth Gilpin. A.M., '22 ; Pres. Phila. Acad, of Fine Arts ; Vice-Pres. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Mem. Mass. Histor. Soc; Amer. Philos. Soc; Atty. Gen. of the U. S.; Ed. Atlantic Sou- venir. * William Sheaff Helmuth. A.M., '22 ; M.D., '24 ; Prof, in Hahnemann Med. Coll., Phila. * Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg. A.M., '22 ; M.D., '23 ; physician. * Rev. George Washington Potts. A.M., '22 ; D.D. (Univ. City, N. Y.), '38. John Selby Purnell. A.M., '22. William Underbill Purnell. A.M., '22. * William Rush. A.M., '22; M.D.,'23; physician. * William Biddle Shepard. A.M., '22; Mem. Congress, '27-'37 ; State Senator, N. C, '38-'48. Thomas B. Turner. A.M., '22. * Robert James Walker, A.M., '22 ; Reporter Supr. Ct., Miss ; U. S. Senator, Miss.; Secy. U. S. Treas.; Gov. Kansas Terr.; U. S. Financial Agent Europe, '63. * John Salter Wharton. A.M., '22 ; lawyer. * Samuel Wilson. A.M., '22 ; M.D., '23 ; physician. Henry Franklin. NOMINAL MEMBER. John Reynolds Knox. M. (Yale), '25; M.D., '27; NOMINAL MEMBER; physician. 1820. * Henry Paul Beck. A.M., '23. * William White Chew. A.M., '23. Samuel S. Cochran. A.M., '23. * Hon. Joseph Michael Doran. A.M. ,'23 ; Mem.Const. Com., Penna.; Judge Ct. Com. Pleas, Phila. John Norcom. A.M., '23 ; M.D., '24 ; physician. * John Rodman Paul. A.M., '23; M.D., '23; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Mem. City Council, Phila.; Trus- tee Univ. of Penna.; physician. ^ William Archibald Read. A.M., '23. * Rev. Henry Augustus Riley. A.M., '23; M.D., '25; physician; clergy- man. Thomas Stewart. A.M., '23. * Robert Watson. A. M., '23 ; lawyer. Samuel Jones. NOMINAL MEMBER. Alexander Neil. NOMINAL MEMBER. Thomas Willing. NOMINAL MEMBER. 63 A. M.. '24 ; Member of Penna. Legis.; law- yer. 182I. * Kobert McC. Barr. A.M., '24. * Hon, John Cadawalader. A.M., '24; LL.D., '70; Amer. Philos. Soc; Member of Congress ; Judge U. S. Dist. Ct., E. D., Penna. * Joseph Gibbons Clarkson, A. M.. '24 ; Member of Per yer. * Rev. Pierce Connelly. A.M., '24. William Dick, Jr. A.B., '21. * Rev. Robert "Wra. Goldsborougli. A.M., '24. * William Goldsborough. A.M., '24; lawyer. * William Harmar. A. M., '24 ; lawyer. ^Samuel Jones Henderson. A.M., '24 ; lawyer. * Roland Parry Heylin. A.M., '24 ; M.D., '25; physician. *Rev. Benjamin Hutcbins. A.M., '24. ^ Joseph Screven Inglesby. A.M., '24; M.D., '24 ; physician. Charles Bancker Jaudon. A.M., '24; M.D., '24; physician. Hon. John Richter Jones. A.M., '24; Judge Ct. Com. Pleas, Phila.; Col. 58th Reg. Penna. Vol., '61 ; " The Quaker Soldier." * William Jones Lieper. A.M., '24. * Rev. Charles William Nassau. A.M., '24; D.D. (Jefferson Coll.) ; Prof. La- fayette Coll.; Pres. Lafayette Coll. * Isaac Norris. A.M., '24; lawyer. * PhiHp Peltz, Jr. A.M., '24; M.D., '24 ; Mem. Phila. Co. Med, Soc; Phys. to Phila. Co. Prison. * John Read, Jr. A.M., '24 ; lawyer. * Daniel Charles Heath Sims. A.M., '24 ; lawyer. *Wade T.Smith. A.M., '24. * John Chew Thomas, Jr. A.M., '24; M.D., '24; physician. * Samuel Thomas. A.M., '24; M.D.,'25 ; physician. John Wiltbank. A.M., '24; M.D., '25 ; FeU. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Prof. Penna. Med. Coll.; Phila. Med. Soc; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Assn.; Phys. to Penna. Hosp. 1822. Charles Sidney Bradford. A.M., '25; lawyer. * John Chamberlain. A.B., '22. * Joseph Ashmead Clay. A. M., '25. William Dobson Gallaher. A.M., '25 ; M.D., '25. Charles IngersoU. A.M., '25. * Ralph Farley Izard. A.M., '25; lawyer. * Jonas Altamont Phillips. A.M., '25; lawyer. Wilham R. Price. A.M., '25. * William Bradford Reed. A.M., '25; LL.D. (Harvard), '60; Amer. Philos. Soc; Histor. Soc, Penna.; Prof. Univ. of Penna.; Mem. Penna. Legis. ; Atty. Gen., Penna.; State Senator, Pa.; U. S. Minister to China ; " Life and Corr. of Joseph Reed," "Life of Edith De- Berdt," etc 64 * William James Reese. A.M., '25 ; General in Ohio State Militia : lawyer. * John Stille, Jr. A.M., '25 ; la^vyer. * Richard Hervey Thomas. A.M., '25 ; M.D., '27; Prof. Md. Med. Univ. Phys. to Balto. Gen. Dispen. * Robert J. Thompson. A.M., '25. * Thomas Wharton. A.M., '25; M.D., '26. 1823. * Charles Frederick Beck. A.M., '26; M.D., '27; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc.; physician. * Gustavus Smith Benson. A.M., '26; "English Salutatory." * George Cadwalader. A.M., '26; Brig. Gen. U.S. A., '47 ; Maj. Gen. U. S. V., '62-5. * James Anthony Donath. A.M., '26. * Rev. James Read Eckard. A.M., '26; D. D. (Lafayette), '58; lawyer; Missionary to Ceylon ; " Hindoo Trav- eller " ; ""Ten years in Ceylon." * James Clayton Gallaher. A.M., '26 ; U. S. Consul to Ponce ; Porto Rico, '37-66. Rev. John Hall. A.M.. '26 ; D. D. (Princeton), '50 ; Histor. of N. J. ; Histor. Soc, Penna. ; Histor. Soc, Wisconsin; lawyer; clergyman; Transl. from Lat. " Milton's Letters"; " History of the Presbyt. Ch. of Trenton," etc. Rev. Alexander Heberton. A.M., '26. Rev. Thomas Leiper Janeway. A.M., '26; D.D. (Princeton), '50. Rev. Augustus Hoffman Lockman. A.M., '26; D.D., '56; Mem. First Board of Trustees of Penna. Coll. * John M. Marshall. A.M., '26. * John Mease (Butler.) A.M., '26 ; Capt. 3d Drag., U. S. A. * Rev. Eli Meeker. A.M., '26. Samuel Ogden Meredith. A.M., '26. * Charles Henry Mifflin. A.M., '26 ; M.D. ; physician. * Anthony Saunders Morris. A.M., '26; Chief Burgess of Borough of Pemberton, N. J. * Hon. Persifer Frazer Smith. A.M., '26; Mem. Penna. Legis.; lawyer and judge; Reporter Supr. Ct., Penna.; Gov. of Mexico and Comm. at Vera Cruz, '48 ; Private U. S. A., '63. * George Mifflin Wharton. A.M., '26; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc; Trus- tee Univ. of Penna.; U. S. Dist. Atty. E. D., Penna.; lawyer. William Sheaff Zantzinger. A.M., '26; M.D., '28; FeU. ColL Phys., Phila.; Mem. Phila. Med. Soc; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc Thomas Mease. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1824. * Rev. Lewis Richard Ashurst. A.M., '27. * Uselma Augustus Clarke. A.M., '27; M.D., '28; physician. * Samuel Gerardus Clarkson. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Robert Patterson Dubois. * Joseph Dickinson Fox. A.B., '24. * Thomas William Gilpin. A.M., '27; U. S. Consul at Belfast. * Alexander Wilcocks Ingersoll. A.M., '27. 65 George Jacob Janeway. A.M., '27 ; M.p., '30 ; Mem. Phila. Co. Med. Soc.; Mem. City and Co. N. Y. Med. See; Mayor of New Brunswick. * Hon. Edward Donald Kemp. A.M., '27. * Anthony Cuthbert Percival. A.M., '27 ; M.D., '27. * Henry Pettit. A.M., '27; M.D., '29; physician. *Henry Ralston. A.M., '27; lawyer. * James Cornelius Wiltbank, Jr. A.B., '24. George Halberstadt. NOMINAL MEMBER. Henry Helmutb Krebs. A.M. (Princeton), '27; NOMINAL MEM- BER. Thomas Bartow Sargent. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1825. * Adolphus Edward Borie. A.M., '28; Trustee Univ. of Penna.; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc; Secretary of U. S. Navy, '69. * Hon. Vincent Loockermans Brad- ford. A.M., '28; D.C.L.,'80; LL.D. (Wash, and Lee Univ., Va.), '74; State Senator, Mich.; Master in Chancery and Circ. Ct., Mich.; lawyer. * Anthony Banning Chew. A.B., '25. * Thomas Fitzgerald Dale. A.M., '28 ; M.D., '29. * George Fox, Jr. A.M., '28; M.D., '28; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Amer. Med. Assn.; Penna. Med. Soc. * Thomas Dobson Gallaher. A.M., '28. * James Goodman. A.M., '28 ; lawyer ; Mem. Penna. Legis. * Thomas Harper, Jr. A.B., '25. * Henry Hays. A.M., '28. * Richard Maris. A.M., '28; M.D., '29. * Henry Hope Reed. A.M., '28; LL.D. (Univ. of Vermont), '46; Amer. Philos. Soc; Prof. Univ. of Penna.; Provost Univ. of Penna.; Ed. " Reid's Dic- tionary of the English Language " ; Ed. "Graham's English Synonyms," etc. * Coburn Whitehead, A.M., '28 ; A.M. (Yale),'28 ; M.D., '31 ; phy- sician. * William Duane, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. * David C. Harker. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Rev. William Henry Reese. A.M., '44 ; D.D.(F. and M.), '60 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. * Levi P. Thompson. M.D. (Jeff. Med. Coll.), '27 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. 1826. * Thomas Latimer Bowie. A.M., '29; lawyer. * Joseph Carson. A.M., '29 ; M.D., '28 ; Prof. Univ. of Penna.; FeU, Coll. Phys., Phila.; Amer. Philos. Soc. Robert Baldwin Davidson. A. M., '29. * Thomas McKinley. A.M., '29. * Thomas Ross Newbold. A.M., '29 ; lawyer; Ed. oi North American. * Rev. Joseph Abbott, Jr. A.B., '27; A.M., '30; D.D. (Union), '60; NOMINAL MEMBER. 66 John.Ashliurst. NOMINAL MEMBER; Trastee of Univ. of Penua. * Hon. Edward Macfunn Biddle. A.M. (Princeton), '30 ; NOMINAL MEM- BER ; Atty. Gen. of Penna.; Maj. Gen. Penna. Vol.; lawyer. Frederick Simeon Eckard. M.D., '35; NOMINAL MEMBER; Asst. Prof Univ. of Penna.; lawyer ; physi- cian ; "Tale of the Winds." Isaac Hazlehurst. A.M. (Trinity), '31 ; NOMINAL MEM- BER, Vice Provost Law Acad.; Phila. City Solicitor ; lawyer. * John Jordan, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Histor. Soc, Penna. Henry Pratt McKean. NOMINAL MEMBER. Francis West. A.B. (Dickinson), "25 ; M.D., '32 ; NOMI- NAL MEMBER; Fell. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Penna. Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Assn.; Anier. Philos. Soc; Phys. to Episcopal, Christ's Ch., Hosp's., Phila. Dispens, etc 1827. * Rev. Frederick Williamson, Beas- ley, Jr. A.M., '30 ; D.D., '68. * Thomas C. Cadwalader. A.M., '30. Samuel Fisher DuBois. * Roland Edanus Evans. A.M., '30; lawyer. * Joseph Coleman Fisher. A.M., '35 ; Mem. Penna. Legis. ; lawyer. * William Tilghman Goldsborough. A.B., '27 ; State Senator of Md.; lawyer. * Edward Hallowell, Jr. A.M., '30; M.D., '30; FeU. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila.; Amer. Philos. Soc; Phila. Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Assn. * William Kirkpatrick Huffnagle. A.M., '30. William Keith. A.M., '30 ; M.D., '30. * William Henry Klapp. A.M., '30 ; M.D., '30 ; " Valedictory" ; Fell. Coll. Phys. Ptiila.; physician. * George Washington Norris. A.M. ';W; M.D.,'30 ; Fell. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Amer. Philos. Soc; Histor. Soc. Penna.; physician. Benjamin I. Phillips. A.M., '30. * Rev. Charles Frederick Schaeffer. A.M., '30; D.D. (Penna. Coll.), '50; Prof. Theol. Sem. Evan. Luth. Ch.; Prof Penna. Coll. * Henry Helmuth. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer ; Common Councils of Phila. Clerk of 1828. John Nostrand Brinckerhoff. A.M., '31 ; Princ Union Hall, Acad. Ja- maica, L. I. * Horace Evans. A.M., '31; M.D., '31 ; Histor. Soc Penna.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Phila. Horticult. Soc John Evans. A. M., ':?1 ; lawyer ; Asst. Med. Purveyor, U. S. A. * John Jacob Hartman. A.M., '31 ; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; U. 8. Consul to Baracoa, Cuba. * Emmanuel Helffensteinn. A.M., '31; lawyer. * Edward Miller. A.B., '28; "Math. Orator" ; Geolog. Soc, Penna. ; Amer. Philos. Soc. * Hon. George Sharswood. A.M., '31; LL.D. (Univ. City, N. Y.), '56; LL.D. (Columbia), '56 ; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Mem. Penna. Legis.; Prof Univ. of Penna.; Trustee Univ. of Penna.; Chief Justice Supr. Ct., Penna. 67 * George Roberts Smith. A.M., '31 ; lawyer. ^ Thomas Learning Smith. A.M.; Mem. City Councils, Phila.; lawyer ; Secy. Trustees Univ. of Penna. * Thomas Mackie Smith. A.M., '31 ; M.D., '31 ; physician. Benjamin M. Thomas. A.M., '31. Charles Pryor Massey. NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. 1st City Troop Cav. James C. Workman. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1829. * Clement Biddle, Jr. A.M., '32 ; lawyer. ^ James Curtis Booth. A.M., '32.; LL.D. (Univ. of Lewisburg), '67 ; Ph. D. (Rensselaer Poly. Inst.) ; Amer. Philos. Soc; Prof. Franklin Inst. ; Prof. Univ. of Penna. * John Biddle Chapman. A.M., '32 ; lawyer. Edward Alexander Nassau. A.M., '32 ; M.D., '32 ; physician. * Charles Theodore Potts. A.M., '32; Clerk, House of Reprs., Mich.; lawyer. * John Robertson. A.M., '32. * Joseph Wharton. A.M., '32. ^William White Jr.' A.B., '32; Mem. Penna. Legis. ; lawyer. 1830. * William Deal Baker. A.M., '33 ; Mem. Constitut. Conv. Penna., '73 ; lawyer. * Rev. James Clark. A.M., '33; D.D. (Jefferson CoU.), '50; Pres. of Washington Coll. Penna. * John Fries Frazer. A.M., '83 ; LL.D. (Harvard), '87 ; Ph. D. (Univ. of Lewisburg), '54; Amer. Philos. Soc; Acad. Nat. Sc; Vice Provost Univ. of Penna. * William Poyntell Johnston. M.D., '36; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Phys. to Blind Asylum ; Lecturer Med. Inst. * Horn Riley Kneass. A.M., '33 ; Dist. Atty. of Co. of Phila. Rev. Theophilus Adam Wylie. A.M., '33; D.D. (Princeton), '61 ; Prof, and Vice-Pres. Univ. Indiana ; D.D. (Miami Univ.), LL.D., '61 , D.D. (Monmouth Coll. 111.). Joseph Eastburn Harned. M.D., '34 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Surg, at City Point, '61 ; Surg. 5th Cav. Corps, '65. * Henry Zantzinger. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. 183I. * Thomas Armstrong, Jr. A.M., '34; lawyer. * Colin Arrott. A.M., '34; M.D., '34 ; Surgeon at Fort Del- aware. * Hon. George Augustus Bicknell, Jr. A.M., '34; LL.D. (Univ. of Ind.), '64 ; Mem. Congress ; Prof. Univ. of Penna. ; Judge Supr. Ct., Indiana; " Bicknell's Civil Practice" ; " Criminal Practice." * Conrad Richards Boyer. A.M., '34; M.D., '34 ; physician. * William George Caldcleugb. A.M., '34; TransL "Homer's Iliad" ; "Eas- tern Tales." * * Edmund Cadwalader Evans. A.M., '34; M. D., '35; physician. Rev. John Wylie Faires. A.M., '34 ; D.D., '6L 68 *Benjaraiu Brannan McKinley. A.M., '34. * Robert McMillan. A.M., '34 ; M.D., '37. Henry Warren Richardson. A.M., '34 ; M.D., '34 ; physician. Edward A. Watson. A.M., '34. John V. Wilson. A.M., '34. Solomon P. Allen. A.B. (Union), '31 : A.M.(Union), '34; NOM- INAL MEMBER. * Robert Caldcleugh. M.D., '32 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Charles Henry Fisher. A.B. (Princeton), '35; NOMINAL MEM- BER. * Hon. John Pringle Jones. A.B. (Princeton), '31 : LL.D. (F. and M.), '60 : NOMINAL MEMBER ; Pres. Judge Berks Co.; " Jones' Penna. Reports." Morris Meredith. NOMINAL MEMBER. Theodore Thomson. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1832. * William Newbold Bispham. A.M., '35 ; D.D.S., '38. George Correy Carson. A.M., '35. * Alexander Murray Mcllvaine. A. M., '35. * John Ringgold Wilmer. A.M., '35. * Rev. Andrew Gifford Wylie. A.M., '35. * John Charles Carpentier. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1833- * Robert Case Clark. A.M., '3G. * WilUam Elbert Evans. A.M., '36. * Warwick Bamfylde Freeman. A.M., '36. * Rev. Kingston Goddard. A.M., '36 ; D.D. (Kenyon Coll.), '60 ; Grand Chaplain, Penna. F. and A. M. * John Wolfgang Hoffman. A.M., '36. Norton Johnson. A.M., '36. * Rev. John McKinley. A.M., '36. * Rev. Charles Emlen Pleasants. A.M., '36. * Aubrey Henry Smith. A.M., '36; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Acad. Nat. Sc. ; Amer. Philos. Soc. ; U. S. Dist. Atty., E. D. Penna. '^'Samuel Lisle Smith. A.M.. '36; Dist. Atty. Chicago; lawyer. * William Wikoff Smith. A.M., '36. Edward Augustus Hall. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Furman Learning. M.D., '37 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; physi- cian. * Henry Ludlam. NOMINAL MEMBER. ''^ Franklin Perry Pope. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1834. * Evert John Bancker. A.M., '37; lawyer. * Henry Jonathan Biddle. A.M., '37; Adjt. Gen. Penna. U. S. V., '61. 69 Hon. John lunes Clark Hare. A.M., '37 ; LL.D., '68 ; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc; Trustee Univ. of Penna.; Pres. Judge Dist. Ct., Phila.; Pres. Judge Ct. Com. Pleas No. 2, Phila. * John Holmes. A.M., '37. Samuel Humes. A.B., '34 ; M.D., '37 ; physician. William Norman McLeod. A.M., '37; Drafter of the Constitution of Michigan ; lawyer. * John Moss. A.M., '37. * John Brown Parker, A.B., '34; Histor. Soc, Penna.; Mem. City Council, Phila.; Lieut. Col. U. S. A., '62. * Henry Hollingsworth Smith. A.M., '37; M.D., '37; LL.D. (Lafayette), '85 ; Prof. Univ. of Penn. ; Surg, to Penna. , St. Joseph's, Episcopal Hosps.; Surg. Gen. of Penna., '61-5; Pres. Phila. Co. Med. Soc; "Operative Surgery"; Principles and Practice of Surgery " ; " Treatment of False Joint." Franklin Bacon. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Davies Berrien. NOMINAL MEMBER ; 1st Lieut. 6th Reg. U. S. A. * William Richards Boyer. NOMINAL MEMBER. * James Thomas Caldcleugh. NOMINAL MEMBER. Thomas Jefferson Durant. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Stoddard Johnston. A.B. (Yale), '34 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Joseph Falkinburge Leaming. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William McMurtrie. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1835. * George Ashbridge. A.M., '38. Robert Young Black. A.M., '38 ; lawyer. * Rev. Charles Breck. A.M., '38 ; D.D. (Columbia), '69. Edward Ingersoll. A.M., '38 ; lawyer. * Alexander McKinley. A.M., '38 ; Secy, to Minister to China ; Secy, to Admirals Dupont. Scott and Farragut, U. S. N. Rev. David Jameson Patterson. A.M., '38 ; D.D. Richard Rundle Smith. A.M., '38; Mem. Penna. Legis.; Mem. House of Rep.; Mem. Select Council, Phila.; Judge Advoc. (Major) 1st Div. N. G. P. * George Leiper Taylor. A.M., '38 ; M.D., '38 ; Phys. to Eastern Pen- itentiary. * Henry Cadwalader. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mids. U. S. N. William Beck Goddard. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Francis Johnston. A.B. (Yale), '35 ; LL.B., '39 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. John Cowell Mitchell. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. John T. Montgomery. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. * Frederick Seckel Pepper. NOMINAL MEMBER. * John Seip. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1836. John Hazelhurst. NOMINAL MEMBER. * George Cooper Inglis. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Joseph Hampton Inglis. NOMINAL MEMBER. 70 * John Bohlea, Jr. A.M., '40; lawyer. * Charles Louis Borie, A.M., '40. * William Robert McAdam. A.M., '40; LL.B., '40; lawyer; Adjt. 109th Penna. Vol., '62. * John Philips Montgomery. A.B., '37; "Latin Salutatory." * Austin A. Phelps. A.M., '40 ; D.D. (Amherst), '56 ; " Theory of Preaching " ; " Men and Books " ; " Eng- lish Style in Public Discourse " ; " My Portfolio"; "My Study"; "My Note- book," etc. * Arthur Armstrong Burt. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Theodore Augustus Irvine. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Thomas Pleasants McCrea. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Pointell. LL.B. (Harvard) '42; NOMINAL MEM- BER. William Holme Vanburen. A.B.; A.M. (Yale), '64; LL.D., '79; M.D., '40 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Pres. N. Y. Patholog. Soc; N. Y. Acad, of Med.; Mem. Surg. Soc. of Paris, Fr.; Prof. N. Y. Univ. Med. Coll.; Prof Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll.; U. S. Sanitary Com.; Asst. Surgeon U. S.A., '40-5. James Corry Worrell. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1838. Alexander Biddle. A.M., '41 ; Lt. Col. 121st Reg. Penna. U. S. V. * James Lloyd Breck. A.M., '41 ; D.D. ,'60; Founder and Pres. Nashatah Theol. Sem; Founder and Pres. Seabury Univ. ; Founder of St. Augus- tus' Coll., Cal. * Samuel Fox Fisher. A.M., '41 ; lawyer. '^ Franklin Hewson. A.M., '41 ; U. S. " Visitor " to West Point. John Lambert, Jr. A.M., '41; Acad. Nat. Sc; Biolog. Soc; Histor. Soc, Penna.; lawyer. Lewis Allaire Scott. A.M., '41 ; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Nu- mismatic and Autog. Soc, Phila.; Amer, Philos. Soc; Amer. Histor. A.^sn. * John Gelson Smith. A.M., '41. * William Cadwalader. NOMINAL MEMBER. * George Colhoun. NOMINAL MEMBER. William John Grayson. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. Lawrence Lewis. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Laurence Seckel Pepper. M.D., '43 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. * George Emlen Scott. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Edward Twells. NOMINAL MEMBER. Francis Wharton. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1839. * Jonathan Williams Biddle. A.M. '42 ; lawyer. *Torben Bille. A.M., '42; M.D. ; Secy. Amer. Legat. Lon- don ; Minister to Brussels ; Minister from Denmark, Court of St. James. * John Delavan Bryant. A.M., '42 ; M.D., '48 ; physician ; " Pauline Lenard" ; "The Immaculate Concei)- tion— A Dogma." * Samuel Manuel Davis. A.M., '42; Commencement Orator ; law- yer. 71 * John Vigors Eustace. A.M., '42; Circuit Judge District 13, 111.; Capt. U. S. A. * Cadwalader Evans, Jr. A. M., '48. * Manlius Glendowr Evans. A.M., '42 ; lawyer. * Rev. Nicholas Collin Hughes. A.M., '42; D.D. (Univ. of No. Ca.), '83. * Rev. Edward Conway Jones. A.M., '42. * Charles Kuhn. A.M., '42. *Rev. Henry Eglinton Montgom- ery. A.M., '42 ; D.I).,'63 ; Valedictorian of Class. * Isaac W. Moore. A.M., '42. * George Washington Richards. A.M., '42 ; lawyer. * Emanuel Augustus Thouron. A.M.. '42. * Edward Coxe Watmough. A.M„ '42 ; lawyer. * William Gibson. NOMINAL MEMBER. Samuel Huston. NOMINAL MEMBER. Theodore Frelinghuysen Moss. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1840. * Henry William Ducachet, Jr. A.M., '43 ; M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll.), '43 ; Surgeon U. S. A., '62. Thomas Scott Harper. A.M., '43 ; M.D., '43. Rev. Edwin Harwood. D.D. (Trinity), '62; New Haven Colony Histor. Soc; Archaeology Soc. of Amer. ; Prof. Berkeley Div. Sch. Middletown, Conn. Charles Huston. A.M., '43 ; M.D. (JeflF. Med. Coll.), '42. * Stevenson Murgatroyd Learning. A.M., '43. William Bower Taylor. A.M., '43. * William M. Bell. NOMINAL MEMBER. Henry Bonsall. NOMINAL MEMBER * Edward Tristram Horatio Harper. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Henry Huntington. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Col. 18th Reg. La. Vol. C. S. A., '62. * Benjamin Sterling. -B. be: A.B^(Princeton), '40.; NOMINAL MEM- 184I. Samuel Keen Ashton. A.M., '44 ; M.D., '43 ; Penna. Med. Soc; Phila. Co. Med. Soc. Hon. Frederick Carroll Brewster. A.M., '44 ; LL.D., '68; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Judge; Atty. Gen. Penna.; Commence- ment Orator; "Brewster's Digest of Penna " ; " Brewster's Reports " ; " Brew- ster's Practice"; "Life of Moliere"; "Life of Disraeli." * Rev. John Agnew Crawford. A.M., '44 ; D.D., '75. Henry Augustus DeFrance. A.M., '44. * Rev. Richard Bache Duane. A.M., 44 ; D.D. (Kenyon Coll.), '69. * Gabriel Bertrand Duval. A.M., '44 ; lawyer ; Capt. 6th Reg. Ala., '62. * James Renee Ford. A.M., '44 ; lawyer. * Samuel Mickle Fox. A.M., '44 ; lawyer. 72 Robert Patterson Harris. A.M., '44 ; M.D., '44 ; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc; Mem. Patholog. Soc, Phila.; Obstet. Soc, Phila.; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Post. Phys. of Phys. of Phila., '61-5. * Edward Hewson. A.M., '44. Horatio Gates Jones. A.M., '44; D.C.L. (Judson Univ.); State Senator Penna.; Act. Adjt. Gen. U. S. A., '64. William Eckart Lehman. A.M., '44 ; Member Congress ; Provost Mar- shal 1st Dist., Penna., '63 ; Capt. U. S. A., '64 ; lawyer. * John Hill Brinton McClellan. A.M., '44 , M.D., '44 ; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Surgeon to St. Joseph's, Wills Eye Hospitals; Surgeon U. S. A., '62. * William Duncan McLeod. A.M., '44. Henry Stafford Osborne. A.M. '44 ; LL.D. (Lafayette), '65 ; Amer. Philos. Soc, Virginia Histor. Soc; Vic- toria Philos. Soc, of London ; Prof. La- fayette Coll. ; Prof. Miami Univ. * William Henry Rawle. A.M., '44 ; Quart. Mast. (Sergeant), U. S. A., '63 ; lawyer. * Benjamin Brannan Reath. A.M., '44 ; lawyer. * Moreton Stills. A.M., '44; M.D., '44; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Phys. to Penna. Hosp., Alms House (dur. Cholera Ep.) ; Lect. Univ. of Penna. Alfred Bower Taylor. A.M., '44; Ph. M. (Phila. Coll. Pharmacy); Special Exam, of Drugs for Port of Phila. Edward Shippen Willing. A.M., '44. * Paul Julian Beck. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Henry Peter Borie. NOMINAL MEMBER. * James Burk. NOI^IINAL MEMBER. Seth Craige Holmes. NOMINAL MEMBER. * John Sergeant, Jr. A.B. (Princeton), '41 ; NOMINAL MEM- BER. John Cook Sherborne. NOMINAL MEMBER. James Somers Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. James Horatio Watmough. NOMINAL MEISIBER ; Paymaster Gen. U. S. N., '73-77. ^ Silas Ebenezer Weir. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1842. * John Bernard Chapron. A.B., '42. Thomas Franklin Cooper. A.M., '45. Edward Cronin, Jr. A.M., '45 ; M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll.), '44; physician. * Franklin Archibald Dick. A.M., '45 ; Mem. Missouri Legis.; lawyer; Lieut. Col. U. S. v., '62. WilHam Engles Hamill. A.M., '45. William Macpherson Hill. A.M., '45. Jared Ingersoll. A.M., '45. * William Lowber. A.M., '45; M.D., '45; Med. Inspector U. S. N.; Surgeon U. S.N. * Thomas Scott Martin. A.M., '45; Lieut. Col. 11th Reg., Penna. Vol., '61 ; Killed at BuH Run. * William McKinley. A.M., '45. Grayson Mallet-Provost. A.M., '45 ; M.D., '44 ; Asst. Surg. U. S. A., '44. 73 Thomas Lee Shippen. A. M., '45 ; Private C. S. A./62. * William Terry Taylor. A.M., '45; M.D., '48. Washington Stewart Toland. A.M., '45. * John Welsh Dulles. NOMINAL MEMBER. Albert Gallatin Freeland. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Kobert Newton. A.M. (Lafayette), '45 ; M.D., '45 ; NOMINAL MEMBER : Surgeon U. S. A. Jonathan Dickson Sergeant. NOMINAL MEMBER; Histor. Society, Penna.; lawyer. * Albanus Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER. Samuel Wilcox. NOMINAL MEMBER ; 2d Lieut. 1st Reg. Penna. U. S. V. Art.. '60-4. 1843. John Howard Atwood. A.M., '46. * John Alexander Brewster. A.M., '46 : Mem. Cal. Legis.; Surveyor Gen. Cal.; lawyer. * Theodore Hay Coe. A.M., '46 ; Capt. Cav. C. S. A., '61-4. ^ George Dawson Coleman. A.M., 46 ; Memb. Penna. Legis.; State Sen- ator Penna. Alexander Elmslie Harvey, A.M., '46 ; lawyer. Morton Pearson Henry. A.M., '46; lawyer; Served in Penna. Mi- litia, '64. Samuel H. Jarden. A.M., '46; PMla. Guardian of the Poor. Francis West Lewis. A.M., '46; M.D. (Jeiferson Med. Coll.), '46; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Amer. Philos. Soc; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Phys. to Penna. Hosp.; Phila. Dispens., etc.; Surgeon U. A., '62-4. * Philip Syng Physick Randolph. A.M., '46 ; Mem. Managers of Phila. House of Refuge; lawyer. * John C. Hains. NOMINAL MEMBER. * John Campbell Harris. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Lewis Theodore Laguerenne. NOMINAL MEMBER. * David James McKibben. M.B., '46; NOMINAL MEMBER.; Mem. Penna. Legis.; Pres. Schuylkill Co. (Pa.), Med. Soc; physician. 1844. * James Sterling Fenton. A.M., '47. * Hugh Cooper Hanson. A.M., '47. Rev. Daniel Kendig. A.B., '44 ; Chaplain U. S. A., '59. * Robert Wain Learning. A.M., '47. Rev. Daniel Lord. A.M., '47; A.M. (Rutgers), '47 ; M.D. (Chi- cago Med. Coll.), '73. * Andrew Harry Manderson. A.M., '47 ; lawyer. * Alexander McKinley. A.M., '47 ; Lieut. N. J. Battalion, '47. * Joel Barlow Reynolds. A.M., '47 ; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc. Rev. Samuel Moore Shute. A.M., '47 ; D.D. (Mercer Univ.), '70 ; Prof. Columbian Coll. ; Mem. N. J. Soc. Sons of Cincinnati; Ghapl. Gen. Soc. Sons Cin- cinnati. 74 * James Suddards. A.M., '47; M.D., '47; Medical Director U. S. N. * Elias Ely Wilson. A.M., '47 ; M.D., '49 ; physician. James Nathan Barnes. A.B. (Yale), '48. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. * Austin Montgomery Bowen. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Charles Cabot. NOMINAL MEMBER. * George Correy. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Silas Wood Sexton Culp. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Dulles. NOMINAL MEMBER. Solomon Allen Engles. M.D., '49; NOMINAL MEMBER. 1845. * William Henry Crabbe. A.M., 48 ; lawyer. * Henry Fling. A.M., '48 ; lawyer ; Mem. 1st City Troop Cav., Phila. * Joseph Rupert Paxton A.M., '48; lawyer; 1st City Troop Cav., '61; Capt. U. S. A., '61; "Jewelry and the Precious Stones." * Samuel Badger, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Philip Nicklin Dallas. NOMINAL MEMBER. Henry Sergeant Lowber. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. * James Davis Phillips. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Rodman Ruan. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Abraham Hilyard See. LL.B. (Harvard), '46 ; NOMINAL MEMBER: lawyer. * Fisher Coleman Smith. M.D., '47 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. 1846. * Alfred Witman Auner. A.M., '49. Thomas Hewson Bache. A.M., '49 ; M.D. (Jeflf. Med. Coll.), '50; Fell. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Penna. Med. Soc; Amer. Philos. Soc; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Patholog. Soc; Amer. Med. Assn.; Phys. to Penna., Howard, and Children's Hosps., Phila.; Surg. U. S. V., '62. * Caldwell Keppele Biddle. A.M., '49; Trustee Univ. of Penna.; lawyer. William Sergeant Blight. A.M., '50. * Charles Francis Burgin.- A.M., '49 ; LL.B. (Harvard), '48 ; lawyer. Samuel Wylie Crawford, Jr. A.M., '49 ; M.D., '49 ; LL.D.; Brev. Maj. Gen. U.S. V.;Brig. Gen. U. S. A. * James Ely. A.M., '49. James Sawyer Farmer, A.M., '49. Robert Morton Lewis, Jr. A.M., '49. Rev. William Phillips Lewis. A.M., '49 ; D.D., '72. Charles Piatt. A.B., '46. Rev. Peter Grubb Rambo. A.M., '49. EdAvard Shippen. A.M., '49; M.D., '57; physician ; Surg. 1st Reg. Penna. Lt. ArtUlery, U. S. V. * Henry Wharton. A.M., '49 ; lawyer. 75 * John Mason Duncan Chambers. A.B. (Delaware) ; A.M. (Delaware), '45 ; M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll.), '48 ; NOMI- NAL MEMBER. * Walter Colquhoun Cleemann. NOMINAL MEMBER. Henry Buchanan Edwards. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer ; Aide de Camp to Gen. Longnecker, '62. * William Penn Gaskell Hall. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mem. Hist. Soc, Penna. Francis S. Lewis. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Piatt, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER; U. S. Sanitary Comm., '61-5. Samuel Lieber Kuhn Shober. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Jackson Sudler. NOMINAL MEMBER. * George Decatur Twiggs. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Killed in Mexican War, '47. 1847. * Enoch Carroll Brewster. A.M., '50 ; lawyer ; 2d Lieut. 91st Penna. U. S. N., '61-2. * Rev. Francis Collins Clements. A.M., '50. * Charles Harmar. A.M., '50. Charles Hartshorne. A.M., '50 ; Pres. Lehigh Valley R. R. * Rev. William White Montgomery. A.M., '50. * Benjamin Johnson Crew. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Robert Forsyth Lapsley. NOMINAL MEMBER. * John McMillan. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Henry Price Toland. A.B. (Princeton), '47; NOMINAL MEM- BER. * Robertson Wharton. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1848. * John Harvey, Jr. A.M., '51 ; M.D., '51. * John Hughes. A.M., '51 ; lawyer; Major C. S. A., '62-5. * Thomas Newbold. A.M., '51 ; M.D., '52; Phys. to Eastern Peni- tentiary. * David Paul Brown, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER ; U. S. Commissioner ; lawyer. Francis Vincent Green. M.D., '51; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Surgeon U. S. N. Samuel Emlen Meigs. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Charles Howard Montgomery. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Samuel Joseph Guerard Nancrede. M.D., '50 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Thomas Mcintosh Stewart. A.B. (Princeton), '48; LL.B. (Harvard), '51 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. 1849. James Darrach. A.M., '52; M.D., '52; Surgeon to Cuyler's Hosp., '61-4. Samuel Brown Wylie McLeod. A. M., '52 ; M.D. (Coll.), Phys. and Surg., N. Y.), '52; Mem. Amer. Med. Assn.; Medico-Legal Soc, N. Y.; Surg. N. Y. City Police. Hon. Christopher Magee. A.M., '52; A.M. (Western. Univ. of Penna.), '79; LL.B., '53; Judge Ct. Com. Pleas Allegh. Co., Penna.; Mem. Council Pitts- burgh ; Mem. Acad. Sc. and Art, Pitts- burgh. 76 Charles Meigs Baclie. NOMINAL MEMBER. * George Hamilton Brown. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Isaac Davis Budd. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Samuel Franks Jacobs. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Finnix Stretcher Jaquett. M.D., '54 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Henry Lapsley. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Edward Wharton. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1850. * Alexander Benson, Jr. A.M., '53. * Joseph Blake Bispham. A.M., '53; Capt. 3d Reg. Penna. Heavy Artillery, U. S. V., '63. * Isaac Oliver Blight. A.M., '53. John Hill Brinton. A.M., '53 ; M.D. (JeflF. Med. Coll.), '52 ; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Patholog. Soc, Phila. ; Amer. Med. Assn.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Amer. Philos. Soc. ; Anier. Surg. Assn. ; Prof. JcfiF. Med. Coll.; Surgeon U. S. V., '61-5. William Rush Dunton. A.M., '53; M.D., 53; Fell. Coll. Pnys., Phila.; Act. Asst. Surg. U. S. V., '64. Alexander Cook Durbin. A.M., '53. * Nalbro Frazier, Jr. A.M., '.53; Capt. 2d Penna. Cav. U. S. V., '61-4. * Rev. William Wirt Harris. A.M., '53 ; Chaplain to 106th Reg. Penna. Vol. 'Gl-4 ; Treasurer of Princeton Coll. George Antes Jenks. A.M., '53 ; lawyer. * David Loughery. A.M., '53.: Founder and first Prin. Md. St. Inst. Blind. * George Pepper Norris. A.M., '53; M.D., '58 ; physician. John Hooker Packard. A.M., '53; M.I)., '53; Fell. Coll. I'hys. Phila; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; I'euua. Med, Soc; Amer. Med. Assn.; Patholu-;. Soc, Phila.; Medico-Legal Soc, N. Y.; Aiaer. Philos. Soc; Director of Acad. Fme .\rts ; Surgeon U. S. V. '61-5. Hon. Clement Biddle Penrose. A.M., '53 ; Mem. Hlstor. Soc, Penna. ; Judge Orphan's Ct., Phila. James Wiltbank Robins. A.B., '50; A.B. (Trinity), '52 ; A.M., '53; D.D., 71 ; v. Pres. Alumni Assu. Abraham Lewis Smitli. A.M., '53; LL.B., '53 ; Histor. Soc , Penna.; lawyer. * Alexander Murray Stewart. A.M., '53 ; lawyer ; Assist. Paymaster (Ma- jor) U. S. N., '61-5. Thomas Mayer Wetherill. A.M., '53 ; lawyer. Richard Meade Bache. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mem. Conn. Acad. Sc. and Arts; Amer. Philos. Soc; Engi- neers' Club ; Mem. U. S. Coast Survey. Albert Hewson. NOMINAL ME.MBER. * Rev. William Ransom Johnson. NOMINAL MEMBER. 185I. * Rev. Joseph Halsted Carroll. A.M., '54; D.D. (Hampden Sidney Coll.). '67. * Rev. John Keppele Helmuth. A.M., '54. * Thomas Linnard Hildeburn. A.M., '54. Rev. John Aspinwall Hodge. A.M., '54 ; D.D. (Princeton), '74. 77 James Clieston Morris. A.M., '54 ; M.D., '54 ; Acad. Nat. Sc; Frank- lin Inst.; Amer. Philos. Soc. ; Fell. Coll. Phys. PMIa.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Ob- stetrical Soc. Phila.; Amer. Acad, of Med. ; Phys. to Episc. Hosp. and Foster Home for" Children; Surgeon U. S. A., '62-5. Edward DeLong Porter. A.M., '54 ; Ph. D. (Delaware Coll.), '81 ; Life Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Franklin Inst. ; Prof. Del. Coll.; Prof, of Univ. of Minn.; Dean of Minn. Coll. Agricult; Adjt. Gen. (rank Brig. Gen.), of Del. '62-3. * Samuel Emlen Randolph. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. 1852. * Dorsey Cox. A.M., '55; Prof. Burlington Coll., N. J. Brinton Coxe. A.M., '55 ; Pres. Histor. Soc, Penna. Richard James Dunglison. A.M., '55 ; M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll.), '56 ; Amer. Acad, of Med.; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Surgeon U.S. A.; "Dunglison' s Medical Dictionary." Rev. Alfred Langdon Elwyn. A.M., '55. Charles Hare Hutchinson. A.M., '55; Histor. Soc, Penna.; lawyer. Benoni Lockwood. A.M., '55 ; Major 6th Penna. Cav., '63. * Samuel Brown Wylie Mitchell. A.M., '55; M.D., '54; Mem. Histor. Soc. Penna.; Histor. Soc, Del.; Amer. Philos. Soc; Acad. Nat. Sc; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Mason ; Knights Templar ; Surgeon U S. A. Isaac Norris, Jr. A.M.;M.D., '55; Fell. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Amer. Philos. Soc; Acad, of Nat. Sc. ; Franklin Inst.; Histor. Soc, Penna.; Phys. to Phila. Dispens.; Lincoln Inst., etc; Prof, of Chem. Central High Sch. ; Surgeon U. S. A., '62. * William Lehman Wells. A.M., '55; M.D., '56; Phila.; physician. Fell. Coll. Phys., Rev. Edward Webster Appleton. A.M., '55; D.D. (Rutgers), '73; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Amer. Assn. Advance Sc. Rev. Samuel Etherington Appleton. A.M., '55 ; D.D. (Rutger's), '76 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Albert Dabadic Bache. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Paymaster U. S. N. * Henry Clifford Cave. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Francis Albert Lewis. NOMINAL MEMBER. Andrew Adams Ripka. NOMINAL MEMBER. Joseph Engles Sample. M.D., '53 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Surgeon U. S. N. (Brev. Major.), '65. 1853- James Cornell Biddle. A.M., '56; 1st Lieut. 27th Reg. Penna. VoL, '61-5 ; Maj. and A. D. C. U. S. V. * Zachariah Poulson Dobson. A.M., '56 ; LL.B., '56 ; lawyer. * James Henry Dunlap. A.M., '56. * William Henry Durbin. A.M., '56. * Daniel Smith Merritt. A.M., '56 ; M.D., '57 ; physician. Charles Herman Norton. A.M., '56. Henry Neill Paul. A.M., 56. Gideon Scull, Jr. A.M., '56. * George Warner. A.M., '56. * John Price Durbin, Jr. A.B. (Wesleyan),'53 ; NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. N. Y. 7th Reg. 78 William Stanley Hazeltine. A.M. (Harvard), '58; NOMINAL MEM- BER. Albert Hewson. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Huston, NOMINAL MEMBER. William Ransom Johnson. NOMINAL MEMBER. * John Kintzing Kane, Jr. M.D. (Jefiferson Med. Coll.), '55 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Surg, to Expedition to North Seas for relief ot Dr. Kane. Wilham Moss. M.D. (Jeff. Med. Coll.), '55; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila ; Sur- geon U. S. A., '61-3. * James Parke Farley Shippen. NOMINAL MEMBER. Samuel Grant Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Henry Courtlandt Whelan. NOMINAL MEMBER; Lieut. Col. Penna. Cav. U. S. V., '60. 6th 1854. Herman Aloysius Allen. A.M., '57 ; " Greek Oration " ; Prof, of Mus. R. C. Theol. Sem. * James Howell Hutchinson, A.M., '57; M.D. ,'58; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Med. Acad. Nat. So., Phila.; Patholog. Soc, Phila.; Assn. of Amer. Phys.; Obstetrical Soc, Phila.; Trustee Univ. of Penna.; Surgeon U. S. A., '62-5. Cooper Smith. A.M., '57. Rev. William Thomson. A.M., '57. Alfred Wharton. A.M., '57 ; M.D., '57 ; physician. * Henry Vethake Totten. B.S., '54. Hardman Philips Montgomery. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. 1855- Rev. Thomas Kittera Conrad. A.M.. '58 ; D.D. (Penna. Coll.), '68. Samuel Dickson. A.M., '58; LL.B., '59; Amer. Philos. Soc; lawyer. Hon. Simon Gratz. A.M., '58 ; Asst. Phila. City Solicitor ; Mem. Penna. Legis.; Mem. Board of Publ. Educ, Phila. ; lawyer. * Hugh Lenox Hodge. A.M., '58; M.D., '.58; Demonst. of Anat. Univ. of Penna.; Pres. Amer. Philos. Soc; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Phys. to Presbyt. and Childs. Hosps.; Surgeon U. S. A., '62. Rev. Samuel Laird. A.M., '58 ; D.D. (Thiel Coll.), '86. John Macrelish McGrath. A.M., '58; M.D., '58; Surgeon (Major) 23d Reg. Penna. Vol.; Surgeon 78th Reg. Penna. Vol. Alexander William Mitchell. A.M., '58. Rev. Joseph Dodge Newlin. A.M., '58 ; D.D., '86. Effingham Perot. A.M., '58. * John Smith Powell. A.M., '58 ; lawyer. George Houston Waring. A.M., '58 ; Col. C. S. A., '61-5. George Kirtley Bowen. NOMINAL MEMBER; Lieut. Col. 188tb Penna. Infty. William Kellam Foster. NOMINAL MEMBER. * John Beauclerc Newman. A.B., '55 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Oscar William Vezin. NOMINAL MEMBER; Served in 15th Penna. Cav., '60. 79 1856. George Stanislaus Allen, Jr. A.M., '59 ; Clerk in War Dept., '62-65 ; law- yer. Kichard Lewis Ashhurst. A.M., '59; LL.B., '59; Vice-Pres. Class; Mem. Histor. Soc., Penna.; Mem. Amer. Philos.; PMlada. Law Assn. * Rev. Francis Bartlett Converse. A.M., '59 ; Ed. Christian Observer. Alexander Brinton Coxe. A.M., '59. * James Devereux, Jr. A.M., '59. Charles Elihu Hackley. A.M., '59 ; M.D., '60 ; Surgeon in Chief 3d Cav. Div. Army of the Potomac. Robert Hunter McGrath, Jr. A.M., '59 ; LL.B., '60 ; lawyer. * Rev. Richard Channing Moore, Jr. A.M., '59. Edmund Cash Pechin. A.M., '59; Amer. Inst. Miu. E.; British Iron and Steel Inst.; lawyer ; Mech. En- gineer. William Reed. A.M., '59. * Rev. Howard Porter Dechert. A.M. (Princeton), '65; NOMINAL MEM- BER. 1857. John Ashhurst, Jr. A.M., '60 ; M.D., '60 ; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Acad. Nat. Sc; Amer. Philos. Soc; Patholog. Soc; Acad. Surgery ; Amer, Surg. Assn.; Obstet. Soc; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Penna. Med. Soc; Histor. Soc, Penna.; Surgeon to Episcopal, Child- ren's. Penna. Hospitals ; Prof. Univ. of Penna.; "Injuries of the Spine," etc. Rev. William Henry Hodge. A.M., '60. Samuel Huntingdon Jones. A.M., '60; L.L.B. '60; Mem. Rosetta Stone Com. ; lawyer. Henry Morton. A.M., '60 ; Ph. D. (Dickinson), '69 ; (Prince- ton), '71 ; Annual Oration ; Biennial Oration ; Mem. Rosetta Stone Com. ; Mem. Nat. Acad.; Amer. Philos. Soc; Amer. Chem. Soc; Soc. Mech. Eng.; Prof. Univ. Penna.; Prest. Steven's Inst. Tech.; "Various Sects"; Ed. Franklin Inst. Jour., etc. William Piatt Pepper. Lawyer ; Pres. Penna. Mus. Sch. and In- dustr. Art. George Randolph Wood. A.M., '60; LL.B., '60; Private 1st City Troop Cav., Phila. John Goddard Watmough. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1858. Henry Ashhurst. A.M., '61 ; lawyer. David Watts Biddle. A.M., '61 ; Capt. U. S. N., '61-4. George Tucker Bispham. A.M., '61; LL.B., '62; lawyer; "Princi- ples of Equity." Alfred Pancoast Boiler. A.M., '61 ; C. E. (Rensselaer Poly. Inst.), '61 ; Amer. Soc. C. E.; Amer. Soc. Min. E.; N. Y. Univ. Club. Charles Evert Cadwalader. A.M., '61; M.D., '61; Amer. Acad. Med.; Amer. Med. Assn ; Penna. Med. Assn. ; Fell. Coll. Phys.; Phila. Co. Med. Assn.; Franklin Inst.; Civil Service Assn.; Local Sc. Assn.; Brev. Lieut. Col. U. S. A., '61-5. Charles William Duane. A.M., '61 ; " Henry Reed," pr. William West Frazier, Jr. A.M., '61 ; Capt. 6th Penna. Cav. U. S. V., '61-4. Rt. Rev. Charles Reuben Hale. A.M., '61 ; D.D. (Hobart), '76 ; Bishop of Springfield Diocese ; Chaplain; U. S. N., '63. Rev. Gustavus Martin Murray. A.M., '6L 80 Charles Bingham Penrose. A.M., '61 ; Lieut. Col. U. S. A. John Sydney Crawford. M.E., '58; NOMINAL MEMBER; FeU. Geolog. Soc. of London, Eiig.; " Miniug- as Known to the Ancients"; "Geology of New Mexico," etc. Rt. Rev. William Hobart Hare. D.D. (Trinity), '72 ; D.D. (Kenvon), LL.D. (Columbia), '73 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Bishop, '73. * Alexander Heyl Freeman Wil- liamson. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1859. Edwin North Benson. A.M., '62; nistor. Soc. Penn.; Univ. Club; Pres. Elect. Coll. Peuna.; Private 32d Reg. Penua. Vol. '62. * Charles E. Buckwalter. A.M., '62 ; lawyer. * Rev. Edward Payson Capp. A.M., '62; "Henry Reed," pr.; Missionary to China. Cecil Clay. A.M., '62 ; Mem. Biolog. Soc, Washington, D. C; Brig. Gen. U. S. V. '65. * Henry Augustus Converse. A.M., '62; lawyer. * William Darrach, Jr. A.M., '62; M.D., '61; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. V. Benjamin West Frazier, Jr. A.M., 62 ; Prof. Lehigh Univ. Rev. Chandler Hare. A.M., '61. Rev. Edward Blanchard Hodge. A.M., '62; Jun. Essay, pr.; Sen. Greek, pr. * Henry Bainb ridge HofF. A.M., '62 ; First Lieut. U. S. M. C. Exped. for Capt. of Port Royal ; Lieut, of Ma- rines. * Nathan Clemmens Hunt. A.M., '62; Ed. "Poetry of Other Lands;" Asst. Ed. " Fireside Encyclopedia of Poetry;" Asst. Ed. "Amer. Edit, of British Encyclopedia." William McMichael. A.M., '62; Asst. Atty. Gen. U. S.; U. S. Dist. Atty. E. D. Peiiua ; Asst. Adjt. Gen. U. S. Vol. '62-5. Rev. Charles Tabele McMuUin. A.M., '62. David Pepper. A.M., '62. * John McDowell Rice. A.M., '62; A.M., (Weslevan) '62; A.M. (Princeton) '66; M.l)., '62; Asst. Surg. U. S. N.; Surgeon on " Ossipee " at trans- fer of Alaska to the U. S. William Bowdoin Robins. A.M., '62; lawyer. James Beattie Roney. A.M., '62 ; lawyer. George Wilbur Russell. A.M., '62 ; Private 8th Reg. Penna. Militia, '62. Rev. Henry Burman Townsend. A.M., '62. Frederick Brown, Jr. Ph.D., '59; NOMINAL MEMBER. Charles Marquedant Burns, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Instructor Haver- ford Coll. * James Harrison Lambdin. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Asst. Adjt. Gen. U. S. A., '62. * Rev. George Daniel Stroud. A.B. (Kenyon Coll.), '59; NOMINAL MEM- BER ; lawyer ; clergyman ; Capt. 20th Penna. Cav., U. S. V., '64. Benjamin Hutchinson Tatem. NOMINAL MEMBER. i860. * George McClelland Bredin. A..B, '60 ; 1st Sergeant U. S. A., '61-4. Caleb William Cresson. A.M., '63. 81 Lemuel Jacob Deal. AM '63 ; M.D. (Jefferson Med Coll.), '63 Ph D. (Wagner Free Inst. So.), '72 Franklin Inst ; Fell Coll. Phys. Phila. PMla. Co. Med. Soc; Penna. Med. Soc. Acad. Nat. Sc; West Va. Histor. Soc. Prof. Mo. Med. Coll.; Prof. Penna. Coll Phar.; Act. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. * Archibald Hill Engles. A.M., '63 ; Brev. Major U. S. A., '61. Woodruif Jones. A.M., '63 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Phila. Battery, '63. Eev. Charles Morison. A.M., 'o3. William Norris. Mem. Histor. Soc. Penna.; lawyer. Lieut. U. S. A., '61-3. * George William Powell. A.M., '63 ; lawyer. Hev. Robert White. A.M., '63. William Wurts White. A.M., '63; "Henry Reed" pr.; Valedic- torian. Rev. David Burt Willson. A.M., '63; M.D. (Jeff. Med. CoU.) '63; D. D., '90; Jun. Gr. pr.; Sen. Gr. pr.; Prof. Eef. Pres. Theol. Sem.; Asst. Surg. U. S. V. '63. Francis Wister. A.M., '63 ; Capt. U. S. Inf. '61-63; Col. U. S. V. '64 ; " History of the 12th U. S. Infan- try." Thomas Brown, NOMINAL MEMBER. Harry Connelly, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Robertson Leathem Macklin. NOMINAL MEMBER George Grice Myers. NOMINAL MEMBER. i86i. * Richard Hail Douglass. A.M., '64 : Paymaster U. S. N. Charles Wetherill Gumbes. A.M., '64; M.D. (Jefierson Med. Coll.) '64; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Act. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. '64. Rev. Chester David Hartranft. A.M., '63 ; D.D. (Rutgers) ; Prof, in Rutgers Coll.; Prol. in Hartford Theolog. Sem.; Capt. 18th Reg. Penna. Militia. Edward James Heyl. A.M., '64; LL. B., '65; Fresh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Soph. Lat. pr.; lawyer. * Rev. Martin Parkinson Jones. A.M., '64. Rev. Gregory Bernard Keen. A.M., '64; Fresh, and Soph. Gr. Pr. prs.; Jun. Lat. Pr. pr.; Mem. Histor. Soc. Penna.; Librarian of Univ. of Penna.; Prof. Theol. Sem. St. Charles Bor. Penna. Rev. Charles Joseph Little. A.M., '64; Ph. D. (De Pann. Univ.), '81; LL. D. (Dickinson) '85; Prof. Dickinson Coll.; Prof. Syracuse Univ.; State Libra- rian of Penna. John Alexander McArthur. A.M., '64 ; M.D. (Jeff. Med. Coll.) '64 ; phy- sician. James Rawle. A.M., '64. Charles Ashmead Schaeffer. A.M., '64; Ph. D. (Gottingen) '69; Amer. Inst. Min. Eng.; Mem. N. Y. Acad. Sc; Prof. Cornell Univ.; Pres: State Univ., Iowa ; Sergeant Landis Batt'y, '63. George Washington Wannemacher. A.M., '64. Frederick Meade Bissell. A.B., '84. NOMINAL MEMBER. Private 1st Reg. Penna. Militia. * William Henry Gumbes. NOMINAL MEMBER. Mem. Amer. Acad. Nat. Sc. * John Sergeant Meade. NOMINAL MEMBER. *' William Lehman Walker. NOMINAL MEMBER. ^ John Chester White. NOMINAL MEMBER. i862. Rev. Jesse Young Burke. A.M., '65 ; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Amer. Philos. Soc; Sec'y Trustees Univ. of Penna. * John Cadwalader, Jr. A.M., '65 ; lawyer ; Collector of Customs. * Charles Brinton Coxc. A.M., '65 ; Major 6tli Penna. Cav. Vols. '62-5. Persifor Frazer, A.M., '65; D. Nat. Sc. (Univ. of France), '82. Diploma from Roy. Sax. Sch. of Mines; Mem. Philos. Soc; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Mem. Brit. Ass'n Advance Sc, Mem. Penna. Histor. Soc; Assn. Geologi- cal Survey, '69 ; Prof, of Nat. Philos. and Chem. Univ. of Pa.; Ensign U. S. N., '64. Chmn. Matric Cat. Com.; "Tables for the Determ. after Wiesbach's method " et al. Charles Custis Harrison. A.M., '65; "Henry Reed" pr.; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Trustee of Univ. of Penna. Kev. John Sparhawk Jones. A.M., '65 ; D.D. (Princeton), '80. * John George Repplier McElroy. A.M., '65; Fresh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Soph. Lat Pr. pr.; Sen. Gr. pr.; Sen. Philos. pr. Mem. Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer.; Coa temp. Club. Phila.; Prof Univ. of Peima. " Structure of English Prose ; " "Essen tial Lessons in English Etymology ; " etc Thomas McKean. A.M.. '65. * George Pepper. A.B., '62 ; M.D., '65 ; Lieut. U. S. A. '63. William Pepper. A.M., '65; M.D., '64; LL.D. (Lafayette), '81; Patholog. Soc. Phila.; Amer. Philos. Soc; Acad. Nat. Sc; Obstetr. Soc; Amer. Med. Assn.; Penna. Med. Soc; Harrisburg Pathol. Soc; Amer. Acad. Med., etc; Prof. Univ. of Penna.; Provost Univ. of Penna. Rev. Robert Ritchie, Jr. A.M., '65; LL.B. '64; Served in "Emer- gency Corps," '62. Skipwith Wilmer. A.M., '65; LL.B. (Univ. of La.), '66; lavyyer. Lieut. C. S. A. '62-5. Edward Seymour Harlan. NOMINAL MEMBER , lawyer. Edwin Fisher King. NOMINAL MEMBER. Clifford Lewis. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Gould Meigs. A.M. (Lafayette), '65; NOMINAL MEM- BER ; Private 121st Reg. Penna. Vol. George Brinton Phillips. NOMINAL MEMBER. Private Penna. Military Emerg. Troops, '62. Thomas Leaming Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER. Private " Gray Re- serves," '63. Edward Starr. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1863. * Daniel Jacoby. A.M., '66. William Main, Jr. A.M., '66. James Logan Newbold. A.M., '66. * Rev. George Washington Pauly. A.M., '66. Charles Penrose Perkins. A.M., '66; Amer. Soc. C. E. William Brooke Rawle. A.M., '66; Histor. Soc. of Penna.; Military Histor. Soc. of Mass.; Phila. Law. Assn.; Lieut. Col. U. S. A. '65; "The Right Flank at Gettysburg ; " " Gregg's Cavalry Fight at Gettysburg." Eugene Irving Santee. A.M., '66; M.D., '66 ; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Phila. Co. Med. Soc,; Obstetrical Soc; Patholog. Soc; physician. * Francis Garden Smyth. A.M., '66; M.D., '66; Fell. Coll. Phys., Philo.; Acad. Nat. Sc; Penna. Med. Soc; Internat. Med. Cong. Phila. George Washington Spiese. A.M., '66; Histor. Soc. Inst.; lawyer. Penna.; Franklin 83 Rev. Samuel Young. A.M., '66; Fresh. Lat. Pr. pr. Wolcott Richards Bissell. NOMINAL MEJIBER- Charles W. Breaker. NOMINAL MEMBER. Rev. William James Day. NOMINAL MEMBER. John Woodbridge Patton. A.M. (Princeton), '66 ; NOMINAL MEM- BER. Lawyer ; Mem. City Council, Phila. Henry Baldwin Plumer. NOMINAL MEMBER. Eugene Miller Smyser. M.D., '61; NOMINAL MEMBER. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. '63-5 ; physician. Edward Willard Watson. M.D., '65; NOMINAL MEMBER. Fell. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Obstetrical Soc. Phila.; physician. 1864. Franklin Dick Castle. A.M., '67; M.D. Co. Med. Soc. physician. (Wurzburg), '70; Phila. Amer. Acad, of Med.; William Prichard Coleman. B. S., '64. William John Faires. A.M., '67 ; Private 32d Penna. Vols. '63. Alfred Craven Harrison. A.M., '67 ; Served as private, 1st City Troop Cav., Phila., '63. Richard Somers Hayes. Private 1st City Troop C.E., '65 M. E. Cav., Phila., '66; '63. Rev. Francis Heyl, Jr. A.M., '67 ; Missionary to India. Charles Eld ridge Morgan, Jr. A.M., '67 ; Mem. Law. Assn., Phila: CltySolic; Phila.; lawyer. Walter George Oakman. A.M., '67 ; 1st City Troop Phila. Cav. '64. Asst. Robert James Service Steen. A.M., '67; Private 1st Citv Troop Cav., Phila. Howard Wood. A.M., '67 ; Mem. Franklin Inst.; Engineers Club, Phila. ; Histor. Soc. Penna. Richard M. Crane. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Henry Smith Goodwin. NOMINAL MEMBER. * William Moore, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Private 1st Phila. Battery, Lt. Artill'y, '63. * James Cole Van Dyke, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1865. * William Samuel Armstrong. A.B., '65; M.D., '68; physician. Beauveau Borie. A.M., '68. John Sergeant Gerhard. A.M., '68; LL.B., '67; lawyer. Rev. George Woolsey Hodge. A.M., '68; Class Orator; "Henry Reed;" pr. John Thompson Lewis, Jr. A.M., '68. Horace Magee. A.M., '68 ; lawyer. Robert Emmet McDonald. A.B., '65 ; Class Historian ; Justice of the Peace. Rev. Wm. Woodrow Montgomery. A.M., '68; lawyer and clergyman. Rev. William Wilberforce Newton. A.M., '68. * Henry Pepper. A.M., '68 ; LL.B., '68. Hon. Henry Reed. A.M., '64; Amer. Philos. Soc; Judge Ct. Com. Pleas, Phila. 84 Samuel Ritchie. A.M., '68. Rev. William Ashmead Schaeffer. A.M., '68. John Clarke Sims, Jr. A.M., '68 ; lawyer; Secy. Penna. R. R. Thomas Diehl Stichter. A.M., '68 ; Mem. Reading City Councils. Rev. Richard Newton Thomas. A.M., '68. Louis Adolphus Duhring. M.D., '67; NOMINAL MEMBER; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Mem. Patholog. Soc; Prof. Uiiiv. of Penna.; "Diseases of the Skin." John Holbrook Easby, NOMINAL MEMBER. Inman Horner. NOMINAL MEMBER; Amer. Philos. Soc; lawyer. Henry Reed Julian. NOMINAL MEMBER. Thomas Carswell Miles. NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. 1st Reg. Penna. Reserves, '61. Thomas Clarkson Parrish. M.D., '71; NOMINAL MEMBER; State Senator, Col.; Phys. Penna. Hosp. William Evans Rogers. NOMINAL MEMBER; Private 1st City Troop Cav., Phila., '63. James Napoleon Walker. A.B.. A.M. (Lafavette), '68, NOMINAL MEMBER. Constantine Hering Williamson. NOMINAL MEMBER; Pres. Sect. Sc. Board, Phila. . S66. * Frederic Williamson Beasley, Jr. A.M., 'G9. Henry Clay Brown. A.M., '69 ; lawyer. Rev. Clement Cresson Dickey. A.M., '69. Isaac Minis Hays. A.M., '69 ; M.D., '68 ; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Assn. of Amer. Phys.: Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc.; Ed. Amer. Journal of Med. Science. John White Hoffman. A.M., '69. Otis Howard Kendall. A.B., '66: LL.B., '68; Ph.D. (Wittenberg Coll.), '85 ; lawyer ; Prof. Univ. of Penna. John Alsop King. A.M., '69 ; " Spoon man " of Class. Rev. Harry Ingersoll Meigs. A.M., '69. John Buck Morgan. A.M., '69 ; Class Orator. * Louis Horace Pauly. A.M., '69 ; " Henry Reed," pr.: Soph. Essay, pr.;Intell. andMor. Phil., pr.; lawyer. * William Rufus Bucknell. NOMINAL MEMBER. Charles H. Caldwell. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Samuel Hicks Clapp. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Hamilton Gray, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. Frank C. Headman. NOMINAL MEMBER. Craige Lippincott. NOMINAL MEMBER. John Robert Proctor. NOMINAL MEMBER : Mem. Geolog. See. of Amer.: Private C. S. A , '64; State Geologist of Ky. Rev. George Albert Redles. NOMINAL MEMBER. Francis ^^\. Rose. NOMINAL MEMBER ; no data. Charles Allston Stone. NOMINAL MEMBER. 85 1867. George Henry Ball. A.M., '70. Frederick Carroll Brewster, Jr. A.M., '70 ; lawyer. *Kev. Gerald Fitzgerald Dale, Jr. A.M., '70 ; Missionary to Syria. Alonzo Potter Douglass. A.M., '70; Secretary to Commodore U. S. N.; lawyer. Rev. Herman Cope Duncan. A.M., '70 ; Fell. New Orleans Acad, of Sc; " History of the Diocese of Louisiana." Robert Frazer, Jr. A.M., '70; Prof. Lafayette Coll. * Thomas Hollingsworth Lyman. A.M., '70. Archibald Roger Montgomery. A.M., '70 ; lawyer. Edward Fox Pugh. A.M.; '70; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Law Assn. , Phila.; Jun. Essay, pr.; Sen. Essay, pr.; Pres. of Class ; lawyer ; Ed. " Dunlap's Book of Legal Forms." Rev. Arthur Ritchie, Jr A.M., '70 ; " Spiritual Studies in St. John's Gospel" ; " Six Sermons to Men "; Ed. Catholic Champion. Newcomb Butler Thompson. A.M., '70 ; lawyer. Charles Edward Van Pelt. A.M., '70. * John Wansdeford Wright. A.M., '70 ; LL.B., '69 ; Vice-Pres. Sen. Class ; Greek Salutatory ; lawyer. Charles Willing Beale. NOMINAL MEMBER. Richard Wells Clay. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer, Charles Albert Duhring. NOMINAL MEMBER. Samuel Maxwell Mclntyre. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer ; 2d Lieut. 118th Reg. Penna. Vol., '62. Clement Stocker Phillips, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Gibbs Porter, Jr. M.D.,'68 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Patholog. Soc, Phila.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Obstet- rical Soc, Phila ; Fell. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Acad, of Surgery ; Amer. Surg. Assn.; Penna. Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Assn.; Surgeon U. S. A., '77. Henry Budd, Jr. A.M., '71 ; Histor. Soc, Penna. Edward Fenno Hoffman. A.M., '71; lawyer. * Gustavus Brown Horner. A.M., '7L Leighton Hoskins. A.M., '71 ; Lect. Univ. of Penna. Ewing Jordan. A.M., '71 : M.D., '71 ; Sen. Eng. History, pr.; Phys. to Preshyt. Ho.sp.; Phila. Disp.; Lincoln Inst., etc.; Life Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Mora v. Histor. Soc; Phila. Athenaeum, etc. William Robert McAdam, Jr. A.M., '71 ; lawyer. * John Elmore McCreary. A.M., '71. Carl Adolph Max Wiehle. A.M. '71 ; M.D., '71. Charles Frederick Ziegler. A.M., '71 ; lawyer and Notary Public. * Hon. Edwin John Baker. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Assoc. Judge Pik-- Co. William Henry Bennett. A.M. (Brown), '84 ; M.D., '69 ; NOMINAL MEMBER; Fell. Coll. Phys. Phila.; Patholog. Soc, Phila.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Phys. to Episc and St. Christoph. Hosps. Frederick John Boiler. C.E. (Rensselaer Poly. Inst.), '69; NOMI- NAL MEMBER. * Charles Camblos, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. 86 Robert Neilson Clark. NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. Araer. Inst. Min. Eiig.; Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila.; Eng, Soc, West. Peuna. Joseph Hornor Coates. NOMINAL MEMBER. James Hugh Elliot. NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. Delaware Histor. Soc. Walter Lippincott. NOMINAL MEMBER. George Deardorf McCreary. NOMINAL MEMBER: Treas. City of Phila.; Trustee Jefl'. Med. Coll. Charles Edward Ronaldson. M.E. (Lehigh), '69 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Trustee Lehigh Univ. ; Amer. Inst. M. E. ; Franklin Inst. Charles Henry Spencer. A.B. (Princeton), '681 NOMINAL MEM- BER. William Uhler. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1869. Robert Adams, Jr. A.M., '72; Biennial Orator ; Class presi- dent; Fresh. Decl., pr.; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Mem. U. S. Geolog. Survey ; State Senator ; U. S. Minister to Brazil ; lawyer. Rev. George Pomeroy Allen. A.M., '72;D.D., '87. Rev. John Grant Bawn. A.M., '69 ; Valedictorian of class. Ellis Yarnall Brown. A.M., '72. William Henry Burnett. A.M., '72 ; lawyer. James Hopkins Carpenter. A.M., '72 ; lawyer. Rev. Robert Graham. A.M., '72; Sen. Gr., pr. William Welsh Harrison. A.M., '72 ; Private 1st Reg., Penna. Rev. Thomas Reed List. A.M., '72 ; Mem. Gth U. S. Cav. Band, '61^ * Franklin Fisher Maxfield. A.B., '69. Rev. Edward Ritchie. A. M., '72. George Hay Stuart, Jr. A.M., '72. Richard Francis Wood. A.M., '72 ; lawyer. Albert Sidney Ashmead, Jr. M.D., 'Oil; NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. Med. Soc. Co. of N. Y.; physician. Rev. Henry Neidig Fegley. NOMINAL MEMBER. Albert Gallatin Heyl. M.D., '70; NOMINAL MEMBER. George McClellan. M.D. (Jefferson), '70; NOMINAL MEM- BER; Lect. Anat. Acad, of Fine Arts, Phila. 1870. Francis Enoch Brewster. A.M., '73 ; lawyer. Rev. George Martin Christian. A.M.. '73 ; " Henry Reed," pr.; Pres. Nasho- tah Theol. Sem., Wis. * Theodore Herman Ernst. A.B., '70. Harold Goodwin. A.M., '73 ; LL.B., '74 ; lawyer. William Woodnutt Griscom. A.M., '73; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc.; Amer. Assn. Advance., Sc; Inst, of Elect. Eng.; Franklin Inst. Robert Mendenhall Huston. A.M., '73; Asst. Eng. U. S. N.; Mem. 1st City Troop Cav., Phila. Charles Augustus March. A.M., '73. 87 George Fox Martin. A.M., '73 ; Class President, '68-88. Kev. Alexander James Miller. A.M., '73. Henry Galbraith Ward. A.M., '73 ; Juu. Essay, pr.; Sen. Gr., pr. Charles Douglass Barber. NOMINAL MEMBER. Frank Laurent Clerc. C.E. (Lehigh), '71 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mem. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. Hugh Craig, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Henry Trevor Eckert. NOMINAL MEMBER. Charles Fry. NOMINAL MEMBER. Rev. Charles Brassington Mee. NOMINAL MEMBER. Arthur Vincent Meigs. M.D., '71; NOMINAL MEMBER; FeU. CoU. Phys.. Phila.; Patholog. Soc, Phila.; Ohstetrical Soc.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Assn. of Amer. Phys.; Phys. to Penna and Child. Hosps. * Charles Rochester Parvin. NOMINAL MEMBER. Robert Maskell Patterson. NOMINAL MEMBER. Francis Clifford Phillips. A.M.'(causa honoris), '79 ; NOMINAL MEM- BER ; Prof. Western Univ. Penna. * George Sharswood, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. 187I, Louis Naglee Bruner. A.M., '74. Herman Burgin. A.M., '74: M.D. (Jeff. Med. Coll.), '79; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Penna. Soc. Sons of Rev.; Mem. N. J. Soc. of the Cincinnati Hampton Lawrence Carson. A.M., '74 ; LL.B., '74 ; Jun. Essay, pr.; Class Historian ; Master's Oration ; Amer. Phil. Soc; Histor. Soc, Penna.; Law. Acad., Phila.; Law Assn., Phila.; Ed. Legal Ga- zette. William Gardiner Freedley. A.M., '74. Craig Heberton. Charles Plenry Howell. A.M., '74 ; lawyer. Rev. Marcellus Karcher. A.M., '74. Newton Keim. A.M., '74 ; lawyer. Morris James Lewis. A.M., '74 ; M.D., '74 ; Ph.D., '74 ; Patholog. SoQ. Phila.; Mineralog. Soc, Phila.; Phy- sician. Rev. Everard Patterson Miller. A.M.. '74; B.D. (Episc. Theol. Sch. of Mass.), '74. William Rhoads Murphy. A.M., '74; lawyer. * William Pepper Norris. A.M., '74. Herbert Welsh. A.M., '74 ; Mem. Amer. Philos. Soc; "Six weeks among the Sioux Indians." etc. * Benjamin Hornor Yarnall. A.M., '74. Alan Howard Reed. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna. 1872. Richard Colegate Dale, Jr. A.M., '75 ; " Henry Reed" pr.; lawyer. Rev. James Sterling Fenton, Jr. A.M., '75; B.D. (Gen. TheoL Sem.), '82; lawyer and clergyman. Robert Patterson Field. A.M., '75; M. E., '74; Amer. Philos. Soc. * Charles Bloomfield Goldsborough. A.M., '75 ; M.D., '76; Soph. Pres. of Class ; Mem. Patholog. Soc. Phila.; Mem. Clini- cal Soc. of Baltimore ; Anier. Med. Assn. ; Surgeon Marine Hosp. Service. Edward Hopkinson. A.M., '72 ; lawyer. ; Rev. Louis Kalbfus'Lewis. A.M., '75.; William Montgomery Meigs. A.M., '75; M.D., '75; Mem. Histor. Soc. Penna.; Law Assn. Phila.; lawyer. Howard Murphy. M.S., '75. James Monroe Murray. A.M., '75; M.D., '76.-: Rev. Harry Walstane Nancrede. A.M., '75. John Rodman Paul, Jr. A.M., '75; Pres. Law Acad. Phila.; lawyer. Rev. Henry Robert Percival. A.M., '75 ; S.T.D.(Nashotah Theol. Sem.) '91. Rev. George Tybout Purves. A.M., '75 ; D.D.(Wash. and JefiF. Coll.), '88; Fresh. Decl. pr.; Soph. Decl. pr.; Jun. Oration pr.; Jun. Metaphys. pr.; Jun. Pres. of Class ; Prof. Princeton College. Franklin Lawrence Sheppard. A.M., '75 ; Jun. Oration pr. John Bonsall Taylor. A.M., '75 ; patent lawyer. Samuel Hinds Thomas. A.M., '75; A.M., (St. John's Coll., Camb., Eng.) '77; lawyer. William Herbert Washington. A.B., (gratia causa) '90 ; lawyer. Joseph Howell Burroughs. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. Arthur Burt. NOMINAL MEMBER; 1st City Troop Cav., '77. William James Campbell. NOMINAL MEMBER. Rev. Bennington Fitz Randolph Clark. NOMINAL MEMBER. Edward Cook Clay. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Logan Fox. C.E., (Rensselaer. Poly. Inst.) '75; NOM- INAL MEMBER. Alexander Purves Gest. NOMINAL MEMBER. James Robardet Hopkins. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Hamilton Murray. A.B., (Princeton) '72; NOMINAL MEM- BER. Hollings worth Neill. M.D., '74 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. Alfred Ingersoll Phillips. LL.B., '74; NOMINAL MEMBER; Ed. "Adam's Doct. of Eq'y."; Ed. "Scribner on Dower." Rev. Charles Ellis Stevens. NOMINAL MEMBER; LL.D.; (Univ. of Wooster;) D.C.L., (King's Coll., Canada;) Prof. Univ., City of N. Y.; F.S.A., (Edin- burgh ;) F.R.G.S., (London;) Fell. Amer. Geog. Soc; Mem. Amer. Ethnol. Soc; "The City." 1873- Rev. William Morris Barker. A.M., '76. Edward Jordan Bell. A.M., '76. * Charles Alrich Besson. M.S., '76; lawyer. Rev. William Boyd, Jr. A.M., '76 ; Soph. Lat., pr.; Jun. Gr. pr.; Jun. Oration, pr.; Sen. Gr., pr.; Commence- ment Orator. John William Brock. A.M., '76; lawyer. Joseph Crawford Egbert M.D., Soc, B.S., '73 ; Obstet. Penna. '80 ; Ph.D., '80 ; M«Bi. Phila.; Catholog. 8o«. Hugh John Fagan. B.S., '73. James Logan Fisher. B.S., '73 ; lawyer. Rev. Percival Holl Hickman. B.S., '73; Prof. Racine Coll.; "Talman Fellow," Gen. Theol. Sem. Charles Penrose Keith. B.S., '73; Class Historian; Histor. Soc. Penna.; lawyer. Henry Carvill Lewis. A.M., '76 ; Class Poet.; Amer. Philos. Soc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila.; Franklin Inst.; Fell. Geolog. Soc. of London ; Geolog; Survey of Amer.; Prof. Acad. Nat. Sc; Prof. Haverford Coll. Rudolph Lee NefF. A.M., '76 ; LL.B., '76 ; lawyer.;; Henry Pleasants, Jr. B.S., '73 ; lawyer. Coleman Sellers, Jr. M.S., '76; Mem. Amer. Soc. M. E.; Engi- neers' Club, Phila. ; Franklin Inst. Robert Meade Smith. A.M., '76; M.D., '76; Demonstrator'^Univ. of Penna. * Lester Wells. B.S., '73. Rev. William Force Whitaker. A.M., '73 ; Sen. Gr., pr.; Latin Salutatorian. Charles Addams Young. M.S., '76 ; Geolog. Survey of Penna. Francis Von Albadie Cabeen. NOMINAL MEMBER. WilHam Rudolph Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. William Von Albadie Williamson. LL.B., '75 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Deputy Clerk U. S. Circ Ct., Phila. Charles James Wills. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Fresh. Gr. Pr., pr. 1874. * Charles Alburt Ashburner. M.S., '77 ; C.E., '74 ; Mem. Wyoming Histor. and Geolog. Soc; Mem. U. S. A. Engi- neer Corps ; U. S. Lighthouse Service Sur- vey. George Henry Christian, Jr. B.S., '74. Francis Aloysius Cunningham. B.S., '74. Joseph DeForest Junkin. A.M., '77 ; lawyer. John Francis Maher. M.S., '77. Rev. Nalbro Frazier Robinson. A.M., '77; Jun. Gr., pr.; Latin Salutato- rian; Class Historian. Albert Borden Williams. B.S., '74;LL.B., '77. Charles Chauncey Binney. A.B.(Harvard), '78 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Fresh. Gr. Pr., pr. George Horace Burgin (3d). M.D., '76; NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Penna. Soc. Sons of Rev.; physician. Edward Dillon. NOMINAL MEMBER. Joseph Elenterio Hatton. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Barton Hopkins. M.D., '74 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Prof. Phila. Poly- clinic ; Asst. Demonstrator Surg. Univ. of Penna ; Phys. to Penna. Hosp. Rev. John William Kaye. NOMINAL MEMBER. Alexander Wilcocks Meigs. NOMINAL MEMBER. George Gluyas Mercer. NOMINAL MEMBER. Samuel Money, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER; Philo. Essay, pr.; lawyer. 90 Rev. William Parker Patterson. A.B. (Princeton), 74; NOMINAL MEM- BER. * Harry Edmunds Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER. Norris Wilcock Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER. * Harry Fulton Sterling. M.D., '76 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. 1875. Charles Wellington Freedley. A.M., '78 ; lawyer. Edward Baldwin Gleason. B.S., '75 ; M.D., '78 ; physician. William Henry Hollis. A.B., '75. Samuel Thomas Kerr. A.M.. '78. * Calhoun Megargee. M.D., '78. Ewing Lawrence Miller. Caspar Morris, Jr. A.M., '78; M.D., '78 : Asst. Prof. Phila. Polyclinic ; Mem. Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Fell. Coll. Phys., Phila.; Phys. toPenna. and Episc. Hosps. Effingham Buckley Morris. A.M., '78 ; LL.B., '78 ; " Spoon man" ; Mem. Council, Phila.; Pres. Alumni Assn. Univ. of Penna.; lawyer. William Ruckman Philler. A.M., '78 ; LL.B., '78 ; Law Orator at Com- mencement ; la^vyer. William Wagener Porter. A.M., '78; lawyer. John William Townsend. A.M., '78 ; Fresh. Pres. of Class. Frederick Diller Baker. NOMINAL MEMBER. Frank Eyre. M.D., '76; NOMINAL MEMBER; physi- cian. Daniel John Milton Miller. M.D., '78; NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. PatholoR. Soc. Phila.; Mem. Obstet. Soc, Phila.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc. John Campbell Sherlock. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1876. Charles Penrose Blight, A.M., '79 ; lawyer. William Christian Bullitt. A.M., 79 ; Sen. Pres. of Class ; lawyer. Walter Allen Fellows. 1st Lieut. 2d Maine Reg., '61. Frederick Augustus Genth, Jr. B.S., '76 ; M.S., '78. Harry Hunter Smith Handy. Frank West Iredell. B.S., '76 ; Junior Orator ; Ivy Day Orator ; Commencement Orator. * Lawrence Lewis, Jr. A.M., '79; Histor. Soc, Penna.; lawyer. Frank Hamilton Magee. B.S., '76 ; LL.B., '78 ; lawyer. Rev. John Jay Joyce Moore. A.M., '79. Alfred Pearce. AVilliam McCleery Potts. B.S., '76; Phila. Amer. Inst. Mech. Eng.; Mem. Franklin Inst.; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna. Robert Patterson Robins. A.M., '79;M.D., '80; Jun. Essay, pr.; Jun. Gr., pr.; Histor. Soc's Penna. and Va.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Penna. Med. Soc; Pell. Coll. Phys. Phila. : Instructor Univ. of Penna.; Phys. to Episc Hosp.; Police Surgeon, etc. William Lawrence Saunders. B.S.,'76 ; Jun. Oration pr.; Sen. Oration, pr.; Mem. Amer. Soc. C. E. * Henry Rush Biddle. A.B. (Princeton), '76; NOMINAL MEM- BER. 91 William Alexander Dick. NOMINAL MEMBER. Edmund Graff Hamersly. NOMINAL MEMBER. Edward Hazlehurst. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Ludwig Kneedler. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Surgeon U. S. A. Frederick Vogel Little. NOMINAL MEMBER. Harry Cavalier Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. William Henry Patterson. A.B., '76 ; PASSIVE MEMBER. William Ferris Sellers. B.S., '76 ; PASSIVE MEMBER. 1877. James Bond. B.S., '77. Walter Cox. A.M., '80. Henry Laussat Geyelin. A.M., '79; LL.B., '79; Pres. AthL 'Assn.; Pres. Law Acad., Phila.; Trustee Drexel Indust. Coll. Josiah Settle Graves. John Price Crozer Griffith. A.B., '77; M.D. '81; Ph.D. '81; Fell Coll. Phys., Phila.; Mem. Acad. Nat. Sc; Path- olog. Soc, Phila. *Eev. Charles Irvin Junkin. A.B., '77. Francis Albert Lewis, Jr. A.M., '80; LL. B., '80 ; Junior Oration pr.; lawyer. Hermann Adalbert Lewis. B.S., '77. John Neill, Jr. A.M., '80 ; Soph. Decl. pr.; Commencement Orator. George Stanley Philler. A.M., '77 ; LL.B., '80 ; lawyer. Thomas Robins, (3d.) A.M., '80 ; Sen. Essay pr.; Sen. Oration pr.; lawyer. Charles Augustus Oscar Resell. A.B., '77. Horace Wells Sellers. B.S., '77 ; Vice-Pres. Class. Arthur Whitcomb Sheafer. B.S., '77; Mem. Amer. Inst., Min., Eng.; Amer. Assn. Adv. Sc; Engineer's Club, Phila. Hugh Laussat Willoughby. * Joseph Warner Yardley. A.B., '77. FeHx Ariel Boericke. NOMINAL MEMBER. John Marie Chapron. NOMINAL MEMBER. Matthew Creswell, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER ; 1st Reg. N. G. P. Edgar Dudley Faries. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. Walter Lowrie Finley. NOMINAL MEMBER. Walter Horstmann. NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. Franklin Inst.; Amer. Folk Lore Soc; Histor. Soc. Penna.; Penna. Acad. Fine Arts. John Meiley, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Whitney Munroe. NOMINAL MEMBER. Clement Buckley Newbold. NOMINAL MEMBER. James Boyd Risk. A.M. (Lafayette). '80: M.D.. '79; NAL MEMBER ; physician. William Kilgore Sinclair. NOMINAL MEMBER. NOMI- 92 James Rundle Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. Franklin Inst. Charles Benjamin Howell. B.S., '77 ; PASSIVE MEMBER. Ernest Law. A.B., '77 ; PASSIVE MEMBER. Howard Sellers. B.S., '77; PASSIVE MEMBER. Edmund Richards Tatham. PASSIVE MEMBER. 1878. Rev. William Pratt Breed, Jr. A.B., '78. George Ethan Brooks. A.B., '78. William Henry Grant. Edward Garrett McCollin. A.M., '81; LL.B., '80; Fresh. Lat. Pr. pr.; lawyer; " Ben Franklin." * Edward Shippen Mcllvaine. M.D., '81. Thomas Barclay Prichett. A.M., '80. Isaac Scott Smyth, Jr. A.M., '81. William Murphy Bennerman. NOMINAL MEMBER. Rev, Rufus Howard Bent. A.B., '78; NOMINAL MEMBER. Washington Atlee Burpee. NOMINAL MEMBER. Laurin Whiting Burton. NOMINAL MEMBER. George Cuthbert Gillespie. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mem. Histor. Soc. Penna.; Mem. Penna. Sons of the Rev. Clifford Prevost Grayson. NOMINAL MEMBER. Charles Philip Henry. A.M., '81; M.D., '82; NOMINAL MEM- BER; Matric. Lat. pr.; Fresh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Soph. Decl. pr.; Soph. Essay pr.; Sen. Essay pr.; "Henry Reed'' pr.; Alumni Lat. Essay pr.; Asst. Surg. U. 8. N. (Ensign). Joshua Bertram Lippincott. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Kilbreth Lowrey. A.B., '78; LL.B., '82; NOMINAL MEM- BER ; Chicago Law Club ; Chicago Law Assn.; lawyer. Josiah Ogden Hoffman. A.B., '78 ; PASSIVE MEMBER. 1879. John Douglas Brown, Jr. A.M., '82 ; LL.B., '81 ; lawyer, Henry Taylor Dechert. A.M., 82; LL.B., '81; Fresh. Lat. Pr. pr.; Soph. Decl. pr.; Classday Orator ; Major 2d Reg. N. G. P. Rev. George Stewart Fullerton. A.M., '82; B.D. (Yale), '83; Amer. Philos. Soc; Prof. Univ. of Penna.; "Concep- tion of the Infinite;'" "A Plain Argu- ment for God;'' "On Sameness and Identity." John Marshall Gest. A.M., "82; LL.B., '82; Fresh. Gr. Pr.'fpr.; Fresh. Math, pr.; Sen. Lat. Essayipr.; Sen. Pres. of Class; "Spoon Man;" Histor. Soc. Penna.; Med. Jurispr. Soc; Law Assn. ; Law Acad. George Wood Hunt. A.M., '82. Rev. Henry Scott Jefferys. Assoc. Ed. "Apostolic Churchman." Emlen Hare Miller. A.B., '79. Rev. Richard Montgomeiy. A.M., '82. Henry Sargent Prentiss Nichols. A.B., '79 ; Jun. Pres. of Class ; lawyer. Rev. Charles Wordsworth Nevin. A.B., '79 ; Commencement Orator. 93 1 * Carl Santee Pauly. A.M., '82. Alexander Aden Powell, Jr. A.M., '83. Edmund Elliot Eead, Jr. A.B., '79; "Henry Reed" pr.; Liverp. Astron. Soc.; Camden Astron. Soe.; lawyer. George Wood Bissell Roberts. A.M., '82; "Henry Reed" pr.; "Josepli Warner Yardley " pr. William Moore Stewart, Jr. A.M., '82; LL.B., '81; Jun. Vice-Pres. Class ; Pres. Athl. Assn. William Bowen Boulton. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Wainwright Britton. NOMINAL MEMBER. John Aloysius Giltinan. NOMINAL MEMBER. Arthur Emlen Newbold. NOMINAL MEMBER. William McElroy. NOMINAL MEMBER. i88o. Harry Clifton Adams. A.M., '84; "Joseph Warner Yardley" pr. Morris Rex Bockins. A.M., '83; LL.B., '83; lawyer. Henry Houston Bonnell. A.M., '83 ; "Class Prophet." William Purves Gest. A.M., '83; LL.B., '83; Mem. Histor. Soc. Penna.; Law Acad.; Law Assn.; Soph. Pres. of Class ; Ivy Orator ; Fresh. Math, pr.; Soph. Decl. pr.; Sen. Lat. Essay pr.; lawyer. George Junkin, Jr. A.B., '80; Pres. of Class. Elihu Spencer Miller, Jr. Mem. Histor. Soe. Penna.; Mem. Penna. Soc. Sons of Rev.; lawyer. Huston Hammill Milligan. A.B., '80. John Perot. A.M., '82 ; Jun. Class Pres. Rev. George Read Savage, Jr. Anne Arundel Co. Histor. Soc, Annap., Md. Rev. Theodore Emanuel Schmauk. A.B., '80 Jun. Philos. pr.; Jun. Oration pr.; Sen. Essay pr.; Philo. Essay pr.; Valedic- torian ; Latin Salutatorian ; " Old Books ; " " Sensation and Sensibility ; " "History of Lancaster, Pa.;" "Motives, their Unconscious and Conscious Sway ; ' ' etc. John Reed Smueker. A.B., '80. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, Jr. A.B., '80. Hilary Missimer Christian. M.D., '82; NOMINAL MEMBER; Mem. Phila. Co. Med. Soc. * John Travis Cochran; A.B., '80; NOMINAL MEMBER. WilKam Dwight Church. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mem. Amer. Assn. Railway Chemists. Erskine Neide. NOMINAL MEMBER. James Burr Shreve. NOMINAL MEMBER. Ellis Ames Ballard. A.B., '81 ; Fresh. Math, pr.; Sen. Pres. of Class; lawyer. Elihu Spencer Blight, Jr. A.B., '81. * Louis Cornetti Brastow, Jr. William Allison Cochran. A.B., '81 ; Jun. Essay pr. John Francis Foulke. A.B., '81 ; LL.B., '83 ; lawyer. 94 William Henry Fox. A.B., '81; LL.B., '83; lawyer, George Howard Freedley. A.M., '84. * George Herman Gross. A.B., '81; LL.B., '83; lawyer; Willis Edward Hall. B.S., '81 ; M.E., '88 ; Histor. Soc. Penna. Amer. Soc. of M. E. John Jackson Henry. C.E. (Renssela-r Poly. Inst.), '81. Samuel Jamison. B.S., '81. Hermann Augustus Keller. B.S., '81 ; Amer. Inst. Min., Eng. * John Eatton Le Conte. A.B., '81 ; lawyer. R. K. Marlock. David Milne. A.M., '84; Penna. Ph.B., '85; Mem. Histor. Soc, Severo Mallet- Prevost. B.S., '81; lawyer. Eli Kirk Price, Jr. A.B., '81 ; LL.B., '83 ; Histor. Sac. Penna.; Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sc; Amer. Assn. Advanc. Sc; Ia\vyer. * James Hamilton Robins. A.M., '84. William Thomas Robinson. " Spoon Man ; " Pres. of Athl. Assn. Felix Emanuel Schelling. A.M., '85; LL.B., '83; Amer. Mod. Lang. Assn. ; lawyer ; Prof. Univ. of Penna. William Crowell Watt. Caleb Fellowes Fox. NOMINAL MEMBER. Percival Smith Hill. NOMINAL MEMBER. Clifford Pemberton, Jr. A.B., '81; NOMINAL MEMBER; "Joseph Warner Yardley " pr. Eversley Haynes Thomas. NOMINAL MEMBER. Charles Loss Thompson. NOMINAL MEMBER. *Charles Meigs Wilson. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1882. Herman Bryden AUyn. A.B., '82 ; M.D., '85 ; Patholog. Soc, Phila.; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; Phys. to Phila. and St. Joseph's Hosp. and Gynecol. Dispens. Charles Wardell Brown. B.S., '82. William Allison Cochran. * Frank Hallett DeSilver. Thomas Dickson Finletter. A.B.. '82 ; Asst. City Solicitor ; Dist. Atty., Phila.; lawyer. Henry Abbott Fuller. A.B., '82. Rev. Alexander James Derbyshire Haupt. A.B., '82. William MacPherson Hornor. A.B., '82 ; LL.L., '84 ; Mem. Penna. Soc. Sons of the Rev.; lawyer. Harry McKean Ingersoll. A.B., '82. George Edward Krauth. Joseph Campbell Lancaster. A.B., '82 ; LL.B., '84 ; lawyer. * Edwin Fussell Lott. A.B., '82; LL.B., '85; Jun. Oration pr.; Philo. Debate pr. ; Class day Orator ; law- yer. James Franklin McFadden. B.S., '82. George Lewis Plitt. A.B., '82; Fresh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Sen. "Alumni" pr. 95 Gustavus Remak, Jr. A.B., '82; LL.B., '84;. lawyer and notary public ; " Law of Negotiable Instruments in Penna." Guy Comfort Walraven. Thompson Seiser Westcott. A.B., '82 ; Md., '86 ; Mem. Patholog. Soc, Phila.; Phys. to Univ. of Penna. Hosp.; Fresh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Jim. Gr. pr. Rev. Isaac Keil Wismer. A.B., '82. John P. Wood. Samuel Brown WyKe, Jr. A.M., '85; Senior Essay pr.; Instructor Univ. of Penna. Edward Brown Fox. NOMINAL MEMBER ; Fresh. Decl. pr. Charles Edward Ingersoll. NOMINAL MEMBER. Stephen Decatur Smith, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Watmough Thayer. NOMINAL MEMBER. Robert Anderson Wurtz. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1883. Charles Young Audenried. A.B., '83; LL.B., '86; Fresh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Sen. Lat. Pr. Essay pr.; Sen. Pres. of Class ; Mem. Law Acad., Phila.; lawyer. George Fales Baker. B.S., '84; M.D., '87; Acad. Nat. Sc; Med. Jurispr. Soc, Phila.; Patholog. Soc, Phila. ; physician. Thomas Ridgway Barker. M.D. (Jefif. Med. Coll.), '86; Amer. Med. Soc. ; Internat. Med. Congress ; Phila. Co. Med. Soc; physician. Charles Oscar Beasley. A.B., '83 ; LL.B., '85 ; Mem. Select Council, Phila.; lawyer. Logan McKnight Bullitt. A.B., '83 ; Pres. Athl. Assn., Univ. of Penna. Charles Watts Burr. B.S., '83 ; M.D., '86 ; physician. Edward Potts Cheyney. A.M., '86; Class president; Histor. Soc, Penna.; Instructor, Univ. of Penna. Howard Cramp. William Howard Falkner. A.B., '83 ; Jun. Quaternions pr.; Jun. Ora- tion pr. ; Classday Orator ; lawyer. Rev. Edmund Morris Fergusson. A.M., '86 ; Philo. Oration, pr. Frank Lynwood Garrison. ■ Amer. Inst. Min. E.; Franklin Inst.; Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila.; Geolog. Soc, London; Iron and Steel Inst., London. Rev. James Powers Hawkes. A.M., '86. James Arthur Heaton. A.B., '83. Rev. Arthur Washington Hess. A.B., '83. Rev. John Robert Moses. A.M., '86; Mem. Oriental Soc of Amer.; Mem. Amer. Philolog. Soc. Thomas Lynch Montgomery. A.B., '84. George Washington Norris. Lawyer. Howard Wurts Page. A.M., '86; LL.B., '86; Fresh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Sen. Essay pr.; V.-Pres. of Class ; lawyer. WilHam Byrd Page. B.S., '87;M.E., '88. Henry Rankin Poore. Rev. Francis Edward Smiley. A.M., '86 ; Philo. Debate pr. Alpheus Waldo Stevenson. Rev. John Fleming Carson. NOMINAL MEMBER ; President of Class. Charles Burr Kellogg. NOMINAL MEMBER. 96 (*liarles Hinkle Marple, A.B., '84 ; LL.B., 'SO ; NOMINAL MEMBER; lawyer. Jolin William Savage. NOMINAL MEMBER ; lawyer. Harrison Smith, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. Henry Chapman Thompson. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1884. John Stokes Adams. A.B., '84; LL.B., 'SG ; Lat. Matric pr.; Fresh. Math. pr. Fresh. Class pres.; Class Orator; Philo. Oration pr. Histor. Soc, Pemia.; lawyer. John Pusey Croasdale. A.B., '84 ; LL.B., '80 ; Class clay presenter ; lawyer. Morris Dallett. A.B.T '84; LL.B., '87; Class Historian; lawyer. Rev. John Augustus William Haas. A.M., '87. Clemens Catesby Jones. B.S., '84; Ivy Orator; Mem. Amer. lost. Min. Eng. Rev. Frank Lambader, Jr. LL.B., 'SG. John Carnahan Milligan. Allen Carrington Prescott. B.D. (Nashotah Theol. Sem.), '8.5. Rev. Waters Dewees Roberts. A.B., '84 ; A.B. (Harvard), '85 ; B.D. (Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambridge, Mass.), '88; Jun. Essay pr.; Philo. Essay pr. * Charles Hopkins Small. B.S., '84; M.E., '85. Lewis Lawrence Smith. A.B., '84., LL.B., '86 ; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Sen. Pres. of Class ; lawyer. Rev. James Dallas Steele. A.M., '84; LL.B., '80; Ph.D., '91. Clarence Wills Taylor. Milton Cooper Work. A.B., '84 ; lawyer. Caldwell Kippele Biddle. A.B., '84; LL.B., '80; NOMINAL MEM- BER ; Mem. Franklin Inst.; lawyer. Thomas Cooke. NOMINAL MEMBER. Elliott Crissy Smith. NOMINAL MEMBER. John Moritz Zook, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Henry Bower. B.S., '80 ; PASSIVE MEMBER ; Sen. Pres of Class. ; Mem. Franklin Inst. Wilford Lawrence Hoopes. B.S., '84 ; PASSIVE MEMBER. 1885. Harrison W. Biddle. A.B., '85 ; lawyer. James Fry Bullitt. A.B., '85; lawyer. Rev. Henry Bell Bryan. Miers Eusch, Jr. Ph.B., '85; Histor. Soc. Pcniia.; Amer. Acad. Polit. Sch. Sc. Charles Howard Campbell. * Howard Lowe Cresswell. A.B., '85. Allen Brooks Cuthbert. B.S., '85; C.E., '80. Valentine Sherman Doebler. B.S., '85; C.E., '80 ; Ivy Orator. Snow Naudain Duer. A.B., '85 ; M.D., '90 ; physician. Roland Post Falkner. Ph.B., '85; Ph.D. (Univ. of Halle, Berlin), '88; Jun. Oration pr.; Mem. Amer. Econ. Assn.; Amer. Statist. Soc; Instructor Univ. of Penna. (7) 97 Leonard Finletter. A.B., '85; LL.B., '87; Asst. City Solicitor, Phila. George Kingsbury Fischer. B.S., '85; M.E., '86. Edward P. Greene. James Collins Jones. Ph.B., '85; LL.B., '87; Hony. Fell. Amer. History ; Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Class Orator ; lawyer. Charles Lester Leonard. A.B., '85; A.B. (Harvard), '86; M.D., '89. Harry Spencer Lucas. William Carmatt Scull. * George Ard Shoemaker. Charles Irwin Travelli. William Wilson Carlile. Ph.B., '85; LL.B., '87; NOMINAL MEM- BER ; lawyer. John Stephens Durham. B.S., '86; NOMINAL MEMBER; U. S. Consul to San Domingo; U. S. Minister to Hayti. John Simpson Fernie. NOMINAL MEMBER. Wilbur Paddock Klapp. NOMINAL MEMBER. Francis Benjamin Muhlenberg. NOMINAL MEMBER. George Rosengarten Bower. A.B., '85; PASSIVE MEMBER. i886. Walter Girvin Allison. David Sands Brown Chew. A.B., '86. William West Frazier (3d). A.B., '86. Rev. Crawford Dawes Hening. A.B., '86; lawyer. Rev. John Chester Hyde, Jr. A.M., '89 ; Missionary to Africa. George Quintard Horwitz. A.B., '86 ; LL.B., '88. Rev. Edward Miller Jefferys. A.B., '86 ; Class Pres.; Class Orator. Samuel Stryker Kneass. A.B., '86 ; M.D., '89. Christopher Magee, Jr. A.B., '87 ; LL.B., 89 ; lawyer. William Campbell Posey. A.B., '86; M.D., '89 ; Pres. AtliL Assn. Univ. of Penna. Henry Burnett Robb. B.S., '86; Soph. Pres. of Class ; lawyer. Jacob Martin Rommel, Jr. A.B., '86. Edwin Jaquett Sellers. A.B., '86; Sen. Vice-Pres. of Class; Life Mem. Histor. Soc, Penna.; Law Acad., Phila.; Zoological Soc, Phila.; lawyer. Earl Thomson. B.S., '86;C.E., '87. Charles Baeder Williams. A.B., '86 ; M.D., '89 ; physician. Thomas Passmore Berens. M.D., '87 ; NOMINAL MEMBER ; FeU. N. Y. Acad. Med.; Med. Soc. Co. of N. Y. ; Instructor N. Y. Post Grad. Sch. and Hosp. William Graham. NOMINAL MEMBER. Wyndham Harvey Stokes. NOMINAL MEMBER. 1887. Henry Clay Adams.' B.S., '87 ; M.E., '88 ; Class Pres.; Cremation Orator ; Ivy Orator. Charles Louis Eugene Amet. B.S., '87;C.E., '88. 98 David Werner Amrara. A.B., '87 ; LL.B. '89 ; lawyer. John Ashhurst (3d), * George Brinton. Fred Wm. Wilson Graham. A.B., '87. James Francis Magee, Jr. B.S., '87. W. Mallet-Prevost. Robert Bowen Salter. A.B., '87. Andr6 William S6guin. A.B., '87 ; Philo. Debate pr. Henry Naglee Smaltz. A.B. Crawford Coates. NOMINAL MEMBER. William Guy Bryan Harland. M.D., '90: NOMINAL MEMBER ; Mem. Phila. Co. Med. Soe.; Res. Phys. at Ger- mantown and Children's Hosps., Phila. Edward Alden Miller. NOMINAL MEMBER. George Wharton Pepper. NOMINAL MEMBER. Frank S. Pryor, Jr. NOMINAL MEMBER. Richard Wilson. M.D., '90 ; NOMINAL MEMBER. W. S. Wright. NOMINAL MEMBER. Norton Buel Young. LL.B., '91; NOMINAL MEMBER; Philo. Oration pr.; lawyer and journalist. i888. Eugene Delano Cleaver. B.S., '88 ; C.E., '89 ; Mem. Franklin Inst. James Haworth, Frederick Mervin Ives. Thomas Atkinson Jenkins. Walter Budd Keen. James Barton Longacre. Dickinson Sargeant Miller. Fell, in Phil. (Harvard), '91 ; Philo. De- bate pr. Horace C-lark Richards. A.B., '.SS ; Ph.B.,'91 ; Matric. Gr. pr.; Fre.sh. Gr. Pr. pr.; Jun. Gr. pr.; Jun. Math. pr. ; Instructor Univ. of Penna. Lawrence Savery Smith. Lightner AVitmer. A.B., 'i'^k ?y ' »;/ Ki Wl ■iM^'^^^mi •:V.i%