j^ 4 '^^ .^x J ■^ :.^-. t^^* ^.* A. .' P^J Vi-l^ > »^^>'.5- r^ t. T: s< y-fmen/ of Educailon Class I 'dh^ Hook Jfr j '7Z> SMITHSONIAN' DKI'OSIT. ^y PEESPECTIYE AND GEOMETEICAL DRAWING ADAPTED TO THE USE OF CANDIDATES FOB SECOND AND THIRD-CLASS TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES, BY TTHOS. H. IVtcaUIRIv, B.A. CoiU(E££;iAL Master, CoLLUsfawooD Collsgiatb Instititts. AUTHORIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. TORONTO: WILLIAIvI BRIQQS, WESLEY BUILDINGS. C. W. COAXES. Montreal. Qub. S. F. HUESTIS, Halifax, N.a FEB QSVo^^ \^ \v K <^ '/ ^ Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the yea? one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, by William Briggs, Book Steward of the Methodist Book and Publishing Etouse, Tarcmto, ^t the Department at Agriculture. PEEFACE. Drawing having been at length recognized by the Educa- tion Department as an essential feature in High School edu- cation, it is necessary that a work, at once simple and concise, should be prepared on this subject. The incompleteness and want of definiteness in the existing works on perspective, have induced me to place this book before High School pupils. It consists mainly of problems, etc., that have been given from time to time in my own classes. To obviate the necessity of copying problems from the blackboard, I have added a num- ber in Geometrical Drawing, which will be found useful. Believing that this work supplies a want long felt in our schools, I have consented to place it before the public T. H. M. The Institute, MarcK 1887. CONTENTS. PAOE. Introduction 9 Drawing to a Scale 15 The Point 16 Exercise on the Point 22 The Line 23 Exercise on the Line , 27 Surfaces — The Square 28 Exercise on the Square 36 The Oblong 37 Exercise on the Oblong . . 38 The Triangle 39 Exercise on the Triangle 45 The Hexagon 47 Exercise on the Hexagon 52 The Octagon 54 The Circle 67 Exercise on the Circle 63 Solids 64 The Cube 66 The Plinth 68 Exercise on the Plinth 70 The Prism 72 The Cylinder 75 The Pyramid 78 The Cone 80 Exercise on the Prism and Cylinder 81 Exercise on the Pyramid and Cone 82 The Frusta 83 Exercise on the Frusta 85, 87 , VI CONTENTS. Solids — Continued. page. The Sphere 88 Exercise on the Sphere . 90 Foreshortening -92 Synthetic Perspective , 93 Perspective Effect 94 Angular Perspective — Figures on Picture Plane 96 Figures within the Picture Plane 99 Exercise in Angular Perspective 101 Miscellaneous Exercises 101 Geometrical Drawing 105 To draw a perpendicular to a given line from a point on the line or away from it 105 To describe a square on a given straight line 106 To describe a square on a given diagonal 107 To construct an oblong of given dimensions 107 To bisect a given line 107 To divide a given line into any number of equal parts 108 To draw a line parallel to a given line from an external point . 108 To divide a line proportionally to another divided line 109 To construct a triangle of given dimensions 109 To bisect a given angle 110 To trisect a right angle 110 To inscribe a circle in a given triangle Ill To draw a circle through three given points Ill To find the centre of a given circle or arc 112 To draw a tangent to a circle from a point without or on the circumference 113 To draw an isosceles triangle of given dimensions 114 To draw an equilateral triangle of given dimensions 114 To draw from a point an angle equal to a given angle 115 To construct a triangle similar to a given triangle within a given circle 115 To construct an equilateral triangle about a given circle 116 To construct a triangle similar to a given triangle about a given circle 117 Within a circle to draw any number of equal circles, each touching two others and the outer circle 118 To construct a polygon on a given line 119 CONTENTS. Vll GEOMHtlEitCAri BraWIN^g — Continmd. paqi&. To construct a regular polygon in a given circle %......»** v » . 120 To construct a regular pentagon oxi a given line . . . ^ ^ * 120 To construct a regular hexagon on ^ given line ***•..»... 121 To construct a regular octagon on a given line ,».*.. 122 To construct a regular octagon in a given squatie ..»..*» 122 To construct an ellipse with axes and intersecting arcs , 123 To construct an ellipse with concentric <3ircles , w . * • 124 To construct an ellipse when the longer axis only Is given . * *. . 125 To find the axes and foci of a given ellipse w .... * > . 125 To draw a tangent to an ellipse from a point in the curvie .... 126 To draw a tangent to an ellipse from an external point * . 127 To draw an oval of a given width 127 To draw an involute to a circle 128 To draw a mean proportional (greater) to two given straight lines 1^29 To draw a mean proportional (less) to two given straight lines 130 To draw a circle touching two lines not parallel » 130 To draw a circle touching another circle and a given line 131 Graded Exercise on Geometrical Drawing 132 DEAWING, caV A^ Q * 07 ^ / / L-- s length ; take any point C. V. in it, and draw line L.D. from it at right angles. Make C. Y. = 6 feet, or whatever may be the spectator's height, and through O draw B.L. parallel to H.L.; produce C.V. O to S.P., so that O S.P. equals distance 20 DRAWING. of spectator from base line. Then with centre C.Y. and distance C.Y. S.P. describe a semicircle, "cutting H.L. in LMP and RMP, the right and left measuring points respectively. In Hg 7, let any point A be taken, say 4 feet to the left, on the base line ; join A C.Y. Suppose we wish to find a point the same distance to the left that A is, but 4 feet within the plane : we know that the point lies somewhere on A C.Y., because every part of this line is the same distance from C.Y. O that A is. Now, we proceed by measuring the required distance to right or left of A, and joining the point thus found with the measuring point opposite — that is, if point be taken to the right of A, as O, we join O LMP ; if to the left, as E, we join E KMP. O LMP and E RMP will always cut A C.Y. at the same point Bif EA = AO. So also, if we take a lesser distance, as AD, and make AE = AD; join F RMP and D LMP; they will intersect in c, Now AO or AE = AB, hence B is four feet within the plane and four feet to the left. In practice it is not necessary to draw to both measuring points, one (the nearest) will answer every purpose. Example 1, — Find position of a point on the ground 6 feet directly in front, as seen by a spectator 6 feet in height, and 4 feet from picture plane. In fig. 8, we draw H.L. and B.L. 6 feet apart, and C.Y. S.P. perpendicular to B.L. from C.Y., and make O S.P. the spectator's distance from base line. Draw a semicircle to cut H.L. in LMP and BMP. Now, since point required is on line between C.Y. and O, we measure 6 feet either way on B.L., as A or B, and join to measuring point as B LMP or A BMP ; they will intersect in X, the point required. Example 2. — Find a point 3 feet (3^) to right, 4 feet (4') within the P.P., and 5 feet (5^) above it. Height of spectator 5 feet 6 inches (5' 6''), and his distance from P.P. 4 feet (4'). BMP Fig. 9. Draw H.L. and B.L. 5' 6'' apart; draw C.Y. S.P. cutting B.L. in O ; make O S.P. = 4'. Find EMP (C.Y. EMP must always be equal to C.Y. S.P.); make 0A = 3', from A measure 22 DRAWING. off AB equal to the required distance of point within the plane (4'). Join A C. Y. and B BMP, intersecting in C ; draw AD perpendicular to B.L., and make AD equal to required height (5^). Join D C.Y. Draw CX parallel to AD and meeting D C.Y. in X. X is position required. For, since AC = AB, and any point C in A C.Y. is same distance to the right that A is, then C is 3' to the right and 4' within P.P. Now, D C.Y. and A C.Y. are vanishing lines, and CX and AD are parallel lines drawn between them, then CX = AD ; but point D is 5' high, then X is the same height, and is vertically above C also; therefore X is position of required point. (Fig. 9.) Note. — ^All measurements must be made on the P.P. Exercise II. (In the following examples take height of spectator 6 feet, and his distance from P.P. 4 feet, and make scale ^ inch to one foot.) 1. Find position of a point directly in front, and 8 feet within P.P. on G.P. 2. Find position of a point 4' to left (L), 4' within P.P. on G.P. 3. Find position of a point 6^ to right (B), 6' within P.P., and 4' above G.P. 4. Find position of a bird flying 10' to B., 12' within P.P., and 8' above G.P. 5. Find position of a fish resting in water 4' beneath G.P., 6' to B., and 8' within P.P. 6. In Ex. 1, show that however far the point be away, it must always be nearer than the point C.Y. THE LINE. 23 THE PEESPECTIVE LINE. A straight line is the shortest distance between any two points. If we know the position of any two points we can locate the line between them. Example 1. — Draw a staff 8' high placed erect on ground plane, 6' to R., and M within P.P.; distance 4', height of spectator 6' (H = 6'), scale ^' = T. m? J'ig. 10. Draw H.L. and B.L. 6' apart ; draw C. Y. S.P., making O S.P. (LD) 4', and find PMP as before. Take A, 6' to riglit of O, and erect perpendicular AB 8' in height; join B C.Y. 24> DRAWING. and A C.Y.; take C 4' to left of A, and join EMP, cutting A C. Y. in E. Through E draw ED paraUel to AB ; ED is line required. Now, since AE = AC, E is 6' to right and 4' witliin P.P.; but ED = AB, then ED is 4' within P.P., S' high, and 6' to right. (Fig. 10.) Example 2. — Draw a line 3' long lying on G.P., parallel to P.P. (or base line), and 4' within it^ near extremity of line being T to left. H = 6', L.D. = 4^ scale I" = 1'. LMP HL w BMP •s A " 1 \ ""^^./ / 1 \ /" 7 / BL \ , / / ^^ / \ ^ [i Q E ■^ f 5P Fig.lL Draw H.L., B.L. and L.D. as before, and find also LMP. From O mark off OB = 2' (distance of near extremity from O), and make BA=3' (length of line) ; join B C.Y. and A C.Y. From B measure off BE = 4' (distance within Y.Y,)'^ join E LMP, cutting B C.Y. in D ; through D draw DC to line Ik. C.Y. and parallel to AB. CD is line required, for it is equal to AB, and its near extremity D is same distance to the left that B is, and BE = BD. (Fig. 11.) Example 3. — Draw a line 3' in length lying on G.P., per- THE LINE. 25 pendicular to P.P. (base line), 4' to R., and nearest extremity 2' within P.P. H = 6', L.D. = 4', scale \;' = T. RMP Draw H.L., B.L., L.D., as before, and mark point RMP. Make OC = 4', join C C. Y. From C measure off CB = 2^, and from B mark off BA=3' (length of line) ; join B RMP and A RMP, to cut C C. Y. in E, D. ED is the line required, for DE is parallel to LD, and therefore perpendicular to BL. EC = BC and DC = AC, then DE = AB, and point E is the same distance from L.D. that C is. (Fig. 12.) Example Jf. — Draw a line 3^ in length parallel to P.P. and 4' within it, and parallel to G.P., and 4' above it, line to be drawn with near extremity 2' to left. 11 = 6', LD = 4', scale :i'' = r. In fig. 13 draw H.L., B.L. and L.D., and find LMP, take B 2' to left and A 4' to left of B, also S 4' to right of B. Erect AC and BD perpendiculars to AB, and each 4' in height; join CD, C C.Y, D C.Y., B C.Y., and S LMP. Let S LMP cut B C. Y. in G; draw GF parallel to BD, and FE 3 26 DRAWING. parallel to CD : then EF is line required. For since BG = BS, and BD = FG, then DF = BG, so also CE = DF. But EF = CD, then EF is parallel to P.P., is same height above G.P. as BD, and the same distance to the left as BD. THE LINE. 27 Exercise III. (H = 6^ L.D. = 4^ scale Y = I'O 1. Draw a line 4' in length on G.P., parallel to P.P. and 4' within it, directly in front. 2. Draw a line 4' in length parallel to G.P. and 4' above it, touching P.P. 4:' to left, and perpendicular to it. 3. Draw a line 3' in length perpendicular to G.P., and 3' above it ; line to be 4' to right. 4. Draw a line i' in length parallel to G.P. and 5' above it, and in contact with P.P. ; line to have one extremity 3' to right. 5. A xme 5' in length is drawn parallel to P.P. and 6' within it ; it is parallel to the G.P., one extremity being 3' to right, the other 2' to left. It is 4' above the G.P, 28 DRAWING. SUEFACES IN PEESPECTIYE. RECTANGULAR SURFACES. Xh.e Square. A square is a parallelogram having two adjacent sides equal, and the included angle a right angle. We said previously that an object appears to decrease in size as it recedes from the eye. If, therefore, a square is placed on the ground plane with one side touching the picture plane, it is clear that the side most removed will appear smaller than that touching the picture plane, and so the square may not appear to have even one right angle. Let AB, BC, CD, DE be all taken of equal length, and let C be on L.D., it is plain if lines parallel to AB and of equal length be drawn on G.P. within the P.P., they will appear shorter than AB. Find points M, N and join BM, CM, etc. Then AF = AB, GB = BC = AB, etc. Hence FG = AB, GH = BC, etc., also AF = BG, BG = CH, etc., and the squares AG, BH, CK, and DL will all be equal, and the only real right angles will be BCH and DCH ; all the other angles, FAB, ABG, etc., though really right angles will not appear so. (Fig. 14.) THE squab: 29 30 DRAWING. To represent a square perpendicular to G.P. and P.P. Let H.L. and B.L. be drawn, also L.D., and find X, Take any points A, B, C on B.L. at equal distances, and at each erect a perpendicular equal to AB or CD ; join EH, which THE SQUARE. 31 will .be parallel to AD; join A C.Y., B C.Y., C C.V. and J) C.Y. Take a point a at a distance from A equal to AB (on left), and join AX to cut A C.Y. in K ; draw KN parallel to AD, intersecting the vanishing lines in L, M, N ; at K, L, M, N, erect perpendiculars to meet the vanishing lines in Q, P, R, S ; join QS. Now, since AB = AE, AF is a square, (a) AF is said to be drawn to right, perpendicular to G.P., and touching or coincident with P.P. (b) Since A(X = AK = QE, then KE is a square drawn to right, perpendicular to G.P., perpendicular to and touching P.P. and parallel to L D. (c) Since AK = AB = KL = LB, AL is a square drawn to right, resting on G.P., perpendicular to and touching P.P. (d) Since AB = AK = QE = PF, QF is a square drawn to right, parallel to G.P. and raised above it, and perpendicular to and touching P.P. and parallel to L.D. The cube AP or BR will show the square in every position in parallel perspective, provided it touch the picture plane. (e) Similarly, square QL is drawn to right, perpendicular to G.P., parallel to P.P., and within it, (Fig. 15 ) Note. — If a figure be drawn parallel to the P.P. it will always be drawn in its true shape, but smaller, hence QL will be a true square. In above figure, take points a, 5, c, d etc., at equal distances to the left; erect perpendicular de at rf, and equal to do. Join e C.Y. and (i C.Y., also cX, 6X, aX, to meet d C.Y. in /, g, h. Through /, ^, h draw parallels to de^ meeting e C.Y. in I, m, n. Then, since de^ fl^ etc., are parallels between vanishing lines, they are all equal to each other and to dc^ ch^ etc., for de^dc. But df=^dc^ and fg = ch^ etc., hence e/J Ig^ mn are equal squares, and are said to be drawn perpendicular to G.P. and also to picture plane. One of them, e/J touches the P.P., the others are within it. It will be seen that as the squares recede they appear smaller. S2 DRAWING. Example 1. — Draw a square, side i\ i' to R, 4' within, lying on G.P., _L to P.P. H = 6^ L.D. = 4', scale ^ = V. Construct figure as before. Take AC one inch (4') and CD one inch, take AB to left one inch, join C C.Y., D C.V., B MP, A MP, cutting C C.V. in F, E. Draw EK and EG, parallel to AC, and meeting D C. V, in K, G : then EK is square required, for EG = EK = CD, EC = CA, and EF = AB. (Fig. 16.) CV WP Fig. 16. Example 2, — Draw a square, side i' and 6' to left, _J_ to P.P. and 3' within it, and _|_ to G.P. and 1' above it. Other specifications as in last example. Construct figure as before. Take C \y (6') to left of A, take B V (4') to right of A, erect CE _j_ to AC at C and l^ {r^') in height, and mark off* D Y (!') above C; join E C.Y. D C.Y., C C.Y., A MP and B MP. Through E, G draw EL and GS parallel to CE, and meeting vanishing lines in L, S and H, K respectively : LK is the figure required. Eor THE SQUARE. 83 LS = IIK-FG = AB-:4^, SE: = LH=ED = 4 and HF^DO = 1', also FC = AC = 6'^. (Fig. 17.) Fig. 17. Uxamph 3, — ^Dra^ a square 4' side directly in front, paral- lel to G.P. and 3' above it, and _|_ to P.P. and 3' within itw Same specifications as before. Construct figure and find M as before. From A measure off l'^ both ways to B and C (BC = 4') ; erect perpendiculars BF and €G, each f (3'); join FG, B C.T,, F C.Y,, and G C.Y. From B measure off BD f*' (3'), and from D measure off DE V (4') ; join DM and EM, cutting B C. V. in H, K, Draw HL, KK parallel to BF, and meeting F C.Y. in L, N; through L, I^ draw LJ and J^P parallel to FG : then LP is the square required. For FL = BH = BD = 3^, and NP = LJ = FG = BC = 4', L]^ = HK = DE = 4', andLH = FB = 3'; alsoSL = SJ = XF = XG = AB = AC = 2'. (Fig. 18.) DRAWING. ^ ^ / UJ o \ ^ \ C.V. and C C.V.] through G draw EF parallel to BC, and through B, C draw BE, OF perpendiculars on EF, at E and F. With centre C and distance OF, describe arc FL, cutting B L. in L; join LM, cutting C 0. V. in H ; through H draw KAH parallel to BC, cutting D C.V. in A ; join AB and AC : then THE TRIANGLE. 45 ABC is the triangle required. For AB = BG and AC = CG, and AD = DG = CF = CL, and KA = BD and AH = DC ; then KH = BC, and A corresponds to G; then angle BAC cor- responds to angle BCG. (Fig. 25.) Exercise YI. (H=6', LD = 4^ scale i'^==r.) 1. Draw an equilateral triangle, 3' side, lying on G.P., one side parallel to L.D., vertex directed to the left and distant from the L.D. 4' ; the triangle touches P.P. 2. Draw an equilateral triangle parallel to P.P. and 3' from it, _J_ to G.P., near angle 2' to left, triangle 3' to side, one side on ground. 3. Draw a triangle whose sides are 4', 5', 6^, respectively, 6' side on ground, _j_ to P.P. and 2' within it ; triangle 3' to right. 4. Draw an isosceles triangle whose base is 3^ and each equal side 4', lying on ground plane directly in front, vertex directed towards P.P. and 1' from it. 5. Draw a right-angled triangle whose hypothenuse is 5', and the perpendicular on it from the right angle divides it into segments of 3' and 2'. The triangle is parallel with G.P. and 4:' above it, and the vertex is directed away from P.P. at a distance of 4^ The right angle is directly in front, and the larger segment is to the right. 6. Draw a triangle, each side being 3', _|_ to G.P. and 1' above it, with a side parallel to it. The triangle is 4' to left, I to P.P. and 2' within it. 7. Draw an isosceles right-angled triangle, the equal sides being 3'; one equal. side is parallel to G.P. and 2' above it. The triangle is 2' to right, parallel to P.P., and 2^ within it. 8. Draw an isosceles triangle, base 4', equal sides 3' each, directly in front, paxallel to P.P. and 4' from it ; vertex touches ground, and base is parallel to it. 9. An equilateral triangle, each of whose sides is 4', lies on the ground, vertex directed away ; one side parallel to P.P. 46 DRAWING. and 2' from it. Triangle 2' to right. Within this place cen- trally a similar triangle whose sides are 2'. 10. An equilateral triangle, each of whose sides is 4', is _j_ to ground and also to P.P., which it touches at a point 5' to left; the vertex of the triangle is directed downwards, and one side is horizontal. Tlie triangle is buried one-fourth in the ground. Draw it. THE HEXAGON. 47 Ttie Hexagon. A hexagon is a figure bounded by six sides. When the sides and angles are all equal the hexagon is regular. Only regular hexagons will be considered here. In drawing a hexagon, a plan is made somewhat similar to that for the triangle. The following is the general form of the plan. Fig. 26. Let B.L. =base line, and AB given side of hexagon, and in given position. Bisect AB in C, make AD and BE each equal BC ; on DE describe equilateral triangle DFE, and construct oblong DL. Bisect DK in G ; draw GH parallel to KL ; join AG, GM, BH and HN. With centre D and distances DG and DK describe arcs to cut B.L. in X and P respectively. Like triangles, hexagons may lie flat on the ground, with a side parallel to the P.P. or to L.D., or they may be drawn perpendicular to the ground plane, with a side or an angle touching it ; and a side or an angle may touch the P.P. or be within it. (Fig. 26.) If a side touch the P.P., the extremity of it determines the 48 DRAWING. distance of the hexagon to the right or left. When an angle touches the P.P., that point determines the distance ; so also when the figure is within the P.P. Example 1, — Draw a hexagon, each side 2^, lying on G.P., one side coincident with P.P. and 4^ to R;. II = 6', L.D. = 4', scale ^'' = r. Let H.L., B.L. and L.D. be drawn. Take C.Y., find O and MP; take AB 4' to E. of Q, make AB = 2^ On AB con- struct equilateral triangle ABH, and produce to Y, Z, making HZ and HY each equal BH ; join AY and YZ, and produce YZ both ways. Through H draw GHW parallel to YZ ; through C draw CE parallel to AY ; draw also DWF parallel to AY. Join C C.Y., A C.Y., B C.Y. and D C.Y. ; also L MP and K MP, cuttin^ C C.Y. in N and P. Through N, P draw NT and PY : parallel to AB ; join SP, PA, TY and VB, then STYBAP is the hexagon required. For PC = THE HEXAGON. 49 CK = CG, and NP = LK = GE. Then SP = GY, also PA = AG = GY; similarly, TY = YB = B\y = Y/Z = AB, and QA = 4'and AB = 2^ (Fig. 27.) Example 2, — Draw a hexagon same as in Example 1, but I to G.P., and with an angle touching P.P. 4' to L. Fig. 28. Here take E 4' to left, and for plan of the hexagon we may proceed as follows : — Bisect EQ (4') in Z, also EZ, QZ in A, B respectively ; with centre A and distance AB describe arc BC ; similarly, draw arc AD. Draw EC and QD, perpendiculars to AB at E and Q respectively, meeting arcs in C and D ; produce EG to F, making CF = EC. Erect perpendicular EN and make it equal EF, and make 50 DRAWING. ES = EC; join N C.Y., S C.Y. and E C.Y., also AMP, B MP and Q MP, cutting E C.Y. in K, L, M. Through K, L, M draw paraUels to EN, cutting IST C.Y. in O, P, R ; join OS, SK, LT and TP : then OPTLKS will be hexagon required. For ES === EC and EN = EF, also KL - AB and EM = EQ. Then OS = SK = AB ; and PT = TL = BD. (Fig. 28.) Example S, — Draw a hexagon, 2' side, resting on G.P. _[_ to P.P., having one side coincident with it and 4' to right. H = 6', L.D. = 4; scale ^ = V. Fig. 29. We proceed as follows : — After drawing H.L. and B.L. and finding positions of O, MP and C. Y., take A 4' to right of S ; at A erect perpendicular AC = 4', and measure off AE = P and DE = 2'. Produce CA to B, making AB = AC and FX = DE ; make FG = FX and GH = GA ; join HKMP, GLMP, A C. Y., THE HEXAGON. 51 jD C.Y., E C.Y. and C C.Y. At K, L erect perpendiculars to meet vanishing lines in N and M ; join MR, MD, LE and LP : then RMDELPR will be hexagon required. For AK = AH and AL = AG = FX ^ 2', and DE = RP and ML = ISTK = CA. Then RM = MD - DE = 2', etc. (Fig. 29.) Example ^. — Draw a hexagon, 2' side, lying on ground, near side parallel with P.P. and 2' within it; hexagon to be directly in front. H = 6', L.D. = 4^ scale \;' = T. 52 DRAWING. Draw H.L., B,L., and find O C.V. and MP as before. Make SY and ST each = 1', and make TX and YA each = T ; make Ar = 2^, and draw it _]_ to AX; draw XP, TY, YZ parallel to AF. Make RG^RL or TY, and GZ also = RL, and complete the oblong MH. Make Aa = AF, Ab = AG and AE = AH; join EMP, hMV, aMP, and A C.Y., Y C.Y., T C.Y. and X C.Y. Through intersecting points D, C, B, draw parallels to AX, meeting X C.Y. in e, /, g, respectively ; join cf, /k, dC and Cm, completing the hexagon : then AB = Aa = T, and BC = CD = a6 = 6E = GH, and hence Cm = GZ and dC = YG = 2^, etc. (Fig. 30.) Exercise YII. In these examples take PI = 6', L.D. = 4', and scale ;|" = 1' ; but a scale of ^'^ = V may be used if thought more convenient. 1. Draw a hexagon, side 2', lying on ground plane, one side perpendicular to P.P., and an angle touching it at a point 4' to right. 2. Draw a hexagon, side 3', standing on edge, _J_ to ground plane and P.P., and having an angle touch the P.P. 3^ to left. 3. Draw a hexagon, side 2', standing on edge, parallel to P.P. _l_ to ground plane, directly in front, and 3' away. 4. Draw a hexagon, 2' side, lying on G.P., one side parallel to P.P. and 3' away ; hexagon 4' to left. 5. Draw a hexagon, 3' side, resting on an angle _|_ to G.P. and P.P., one side parallel to P.P. 4' to right and 4' within it. 6. Draw a hexagon whose edge is coincident with that of a square, and lying in same plane. The square is 2' to the side, and is placed _j_ to P.P. and G.P. 2' to right and 2' within. 7. Draw a hexagon, 3^ side, parallel to G.P. and 4' above it, 4:' to right, 3' within P.P., and one side parallel to P.P. 8. Draw a hexagon 3' to side, 4' to right, one angle touch- ing P.P.; hexagon to be __[_ to P.P. and parallel to G.P. THE KLXAGON. 63 9. Draw a hexagon 3' to a side, directly in front, lying on ground plane, one angle touching P.P., and sides _]_ to it. 10. Draw a hexagon about an equilateral triangle lying on G.P., vertex directed away from observer ; the triangle is 3' to a side, and one side is parallel to P.P. and 3' within it. The vertex of the triangle is 4' to left. 11. Draw a hexagon, 2' side, placed _[_ to P.P. and G.P., 4' to right, lower side parallel to ground plane and 4' above it. 12. Draw a hexagon, 4' side, lying on Gr.P., near side paral- lel to P.P. and 2' within it; hexagon to be 4' to right. Within this draw (centrally) another hexagon, whose sides shall be 2' in length. 13. Draw a hexagon, side 2', parallel to P.P. and 2' within it, lying on G.P. directly in front. 14. Represent a hexagon, side 3', half buried vertically in the ground, one side parallel to G.P.; hexagon __|_ to P.P. and 3' within it, 4^ to left. 54 DRAWINv The Octagon. The drawing of an octagon diflfers but little from that of the hexagon, we shall, therefore, merely show the plan. The following are methods of drawing the plan: — C A OS D H v% \ v^ P K <) N i L Af^ F Fig. 31. Let AB = given side (on B.L.) ; bisect AB in O, and draw OG _J_ to OA and equal it, and describe semicircle AGB; THE OCTAGON. OD join AG and GB ; with centres A, B, and distances equal to AG, describe arcs to cut AB produced in C and D ; on CD describe square CDFE. With centre A and distance AB describe arc to cut CE in H ; find P similarly ; with centres H and P and distances equal to PIA, describe arcs to cut CE and DF in K and N respectively, and with same distances describe arcs to cut EF in L and M ; join AH, KL, MN and BP, which will complete the octagon, (Fig. 31.) Another way : a 56 DRAWING. Let AB = given side ; take centre O, and with distance AO describe circle AGD ; draw diameter CD _J_ to AB. Join CA and produce it. With centre A and distance AB describe arc to cut CA produced in E; then draw EF _J_ to BA pro- duced, and produce FE, making EG = EA, etc. (Fig. 32.) Note. — In parallel perspective a hexagon or an octagon must be supposed to have a side parallel or perpendicular to, the picture plane. THE CIKCLE. 57 The Circle. Hitherto we have been dealing exclusively with straight lines, in so far as the appearance of figures is concerned ; we now proceed to represent curved lines in perspective. It is evident that a curve cannot be correctly represented, without the aid of straight lines. There is only one -position in which a circle will appear true to the eye, and that is, when the eye is in a line exactly per- pendicular to its plane, at its centre. In all other positions it will appear an ellipse, varying from a circle to a line. If, for instance, we place a hoop on the ground, and look at it directly, it will appear true, but if turned on an imaginary axis it will assume the form of an ellipse. The height or diameter of the hoop corresponding to the imaginary axis will remain the same, while the diameter at right angles to it, or the revolving axis, will diminish, till at length it is a mere point. Hence, to know the appearance of a circle not viewed directly, we must know the angle the eye makes with its plane, or its appearance in relation to some figure easy of representation, contained by straight lines. Now, a square answers admirably for this purpose, for if we draw the diameters of a square, and then draw a circle so as to touch its sides at the extremities of the diameters, we can without much difficulty represent the circle, for we will have four j^oints as guides. If, however, the diagonals also, of the square be drawn, the four points where they cut the circum- ference of the circle will furnish additional points, so that we will have altogether, eight points _f or guidance in drawing the circle. Thus, — 5 58 DRAWING. Let KLMO = given square, draw diameters and diagonals, and inscribe circle cutting the diagonals in A, C, G, E; join AC and GE, and produce them to meet KL in S, S ; join THE CIRCLE. 59 K C.Y., S C.Y.,. etc.; also mafe KIl = KB and RX^BO or KB. Join X MP and B MP, and where they meet K C.Y. draw parallels to KL : then hf will represent the diameter BF, and it will be easily seen that a, 5, c, d^ e^f^ g^ h will cor- respond with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H respectively, and the curve traced between them will represent the circle (in this case) lying on the ground plane. (Pig. 33.) Lxample 1. — Draw a circle, diameter 4', lying on G.P., cen- tre 4' to right and 2' within P.P. H = 6', L.D. = 4', scale X" _ ] / c v_ i^LP Fij?. 34. Here ED = 4^, EA = 2\ DB = 2'. Describe semicircle ASD, draw AG and BM J_ to AB, and draw GSM through S, 60 DRAWING. parallel to AB ; make AE = AG and AF = AB; join F MP and E MP, also A C.Y., D C.Y., B O.Y. Join DG and DM, cutting curve in H and K. Draw HO and KL parallel to AG; join C C.Y. and L C.Y.; complete square NABP, draw diagonals; then on the eight points thus shown draw the curve required. (Pig. 34.) Example 2. — Draw a circle touching P.P. M to left, stand- ing on G.P. and _[_ to it and P.P. ; circle to be M in diameter. H = 6', L.D. = 4^ scale ^'' = 1^ Fig. 85. Here take A 4' to left, bisect it in G ; describe semi- circle, and complpt^ oblong APQB ; join GP, GQ, cutting curve in P, S ; dviw RF, SH _|_ to AB ; join A C.Y. Erect at A the peri^-^ndicular AC = AB, and bisect it in X; join C C. Y., X r. 7., also F MP, G MP, H MP, B MP. At points of section v, L, M, E draw parallels to CA; draw diagonals THE CIRCLE. 61 CE, AD, and trace curve between the eight marked points. (Fig. 35.) Example S. — Draw a circle, diameter 4^, directly in front, lying on G.P., centre i' within P.P. H = 6^ L.D. = 4', scale 62 DRAWING. Here take OA, OB, each = 2'; upon AB describe square ACDB; bisect BD in E, and draw EM parallel to CD; describe semicircle and find points F, G, as already shown. Make BK = BD, BH = BE and KL = DE; join L MP, K MP, etc.; also A C.Y., G C.Y., etc.; and on eight points thus formed describe circle required. For BX = BH = BE = 2', and XZ = HL = BD = 4', etc. Example ^. — Draw a circle, diameter = 4', _J_ to G.P., parallel with P.P. and 2' within it; centre of circle b' to right. H = 6', L.D. = 4', scale ^ = !'• CV_ MP Here take A 5' to right of O ; erect the perpendicular AB. 2' = radius of given circle; join B C.Y. and A C.Y.; take 2' to left of A; join MP, cutting A C.Y. in D. Draw DE parallel to AB ; then with centre E and distance ED describe circle required. For AD = AC = BE; then E is 2' within P.P. and 5' to right, also DE = AB = 2', etc. (Fig. 37.) THE CIRCLE. 63 Exercise YIIL (H = 6^ L.D. = 4'; scale ^ = V.) 1. Draw a circle, diameter 4^, resting on ground plane and touching P.P. at a point 4' to right. 2. Draw a circle, diameter 4', resting on G.P., centre 4' to left and 4' within P.P. 3. Draw a circle, diameter 4' its plane perpendicular to G.P. and touching it at a point 4' to left; the circle is per- pendicular to P.P. and touches it. 4. Draw a circle, diameter 4^, lying on ground plane directly in front, centre 5' within P.P. 5. Draw a circle, diameter 4^, parallel to G.P. and 2' above it, placed with centre 4' to right and 4' within P.P. 6. Draw a circle, diameter 4', coincident with P.P. and touching G.P., centre 4' to right. 7. Draw a circle, diameter 4^, plane perpendicular to G.P. and P.P.; the centre of the circle is 5' to left and 3' within P.P. 8. Draw a circle, diameter 4', parallel to G.P. and 9^ above it, directly in front, centre 4^ within P.P. 9. Draw a circle, diameter 4', parallel to P.P. and 6' within it; centre of circle V to right and 3' below" G.P. 10. Draw a circle, diameter 6', lying on G.P., centre 4' to right and 4^ within P.P., and wdthin it draw a concentric circle of 3' diameter. 11. Draw a quadrant, radius 2', lying on G.P., vertex directed away, and placed 4' to left and 4' within P.P.; the radii make an angle of 45° with P.P. 12. Draw a circle, diameter 4', buried vertically in the ground to a depth of P; the circle is perpendicular to P.P., and its centre is placed at a point 5' to left and 3' within P.P. 64 DRAWING. SOLIDS It is expected that the pupil will have drawn all the figures mentioned in the exercises. Unless the problems have been thoroughly understood, comparatively little progress can be made in the perspective of solids. Solids may be classified thus : I. Those contained by plane surfaces. II. Those partially or wholly contained by convex surfaces. They are sometimes classified as solids with Developable, or with Undevelopable surfaces. Those belonging to Class I. are Cubes, Plinths, Parallelo- pipeds. Prisms, Pyramids, Wedges, and Frusta. Of those contained by convex surfaces in part, are Cones, Cylinders, Hemispheres, and frusta of Cones. Those contained wholly by convex surfaces are Spheres, Spheroids, Ellipsoids, Cylindroids, Spindles, etc. All the latter have undevelopable surfaces, ^.6., they cannot be straightened out to a plane surface. Solids contained by plane surfaces may be subdivided into : 1. Those rectangular throughout. 2. ir partly rectangular. 3. ff wholly oblique. The latter class of solids cannot be readily drawn in per- spective, and will not be treated of, here. Of (1) are Cubes and Plinths or Parallelopipeds. A cube is a solid contained by six equal squares, and aU its angles are right angles. A plinth is a solid contained by three pairs of equal and similar oblongs. Each pair of surfaces may be equal or SOLIDS. 65 unequal to one or both of the other pairs, but the angles are right angles. (2) A prism is a solid contained by two regular polygons whose planes are parallel to each other, and whose like sides are joined by rectangular planes, A pyramid is a solid formed by joining the angles of a triangle, square, etc, with some external point. If the exter- nal point be vertically above the centre of the pyramid, the pyramid is said to be right ; if in any other position, oblique, A frustum of a pyramid is the part remaining after a smaller pyramid is cut off loj a plane parallel to the base. Of solids with convex surfaces : — A sphere is formed by the revolution of a semicircle around the diameter, which remains fixed. A cone is formed by the revolution of a right-angled triangle around one of the containing sides, which remains fixed. A cylinder is formed by the revolution of an oblong around one side, which remains fixed. A spheroid is formed by the revolution of a semi-ellipse around one of the axes, which remains fixed. If the fixed axis be major^ the spheroid is prolate • if ^QfiinoT^ oblate. DRAWING. Tine Cube. The drawing of the cube is so simple that a single example will suffice for its explanation. THE CUBE. 67 Example 1, — Draw a cube, edge 4', placed on G.P., one side parallel to P.P. and 2' within it, near angle 3' to right. H = 6; L.D. = i\ scale ^' = V, Draw B.L., H.L., and O, C.Y. and find IMP as before. Take A 3^ to right, and B 4' to right of A ; take 2' to left of A, and D M to left of ; join A C. Y., D MP and C MP, cutting A C.Y. in F and E. On AB describe square ASMB; join S C.Y., M C.Y. and B C.Y.; through E and F draw parallels to AS, meeting S C.Y. in H and G ; through G, H draw parallels to SM, meeting M C.Y. in K and L. Draw LN from L J_ to MB, and EN" from E parallel to AI5. This will complete the required cube. For XA = 3', and AE = AC = 2', AF = AD and EF = CD = AB = 4'; also FG== EH = AS = 4', and GK = HL = EN = AB = 4': thenEF = GH = KL=4', etc. (Fig. 38.) 68 DRAWING. The Pllntti. The plinth differs from a cube only in the rela- tion of its dimensions; the principle employed in drawing them is the same, but a particular side of the plinth is men- tioned in reference to the P.P. or G.P. In the cube this is quite un- necessary, as all the sides are equal. oi Example 1, — Draw a .fcjD plinth whose dimensions ^ are 4' x 3^ x 2' (4' long, W wide and 2' thick), the side 4' x 3' rests on the ground plane, and side 3' X 2^ is parallel to P.P. and 2' from it; the plinth is 2' to the left. H = 6^L.D. = 4',scale Draw H.L., B.L. and find C.Y.,OandMPas before. Take B, 2' to left, and A, 3' to left of B; also M, 4' to right of O. On AB THE PLINTH. 69 construct the oblong ABDC, 3^x2'; join C O.V., D C.V., A C.V., B C.V.; also O MP and M MP. Prom points K, H, where B C. V. intersects O MP and M MP, erect KN and HG parallel to BD ; and through N, G draw NE and GP paral- lel to CD, Draw EL J_ '^<^ EN and KL J_ to EL, which will complete the plinth. For BK =^ BO and KH ^ OM ; then EP-NG-KH-OM-4>ndPG-EN-LK-AB-3^GH -NK-DB-2', etc. Example 2, — Draw a flight of four steps, each step 4' x 1' X r. The ends of the steps are coincident with the P.P., and i' to right. H - 6', L.D. - i', scale ^ ^ ^'* Fig. 40. Here take A, i' to right of E, and B 4^ to right of A ; on AB describe square ABDC, and divide it into sixteen equal squares ; join each angle, as shown in figure, with the C.Y. ; join also E MP, cutting A C. V. in P ; draw FG parallel to AC, GS J_ to GF, etc. Then FG - AK = 1 ', tmd GS = KJST = r, etc.; and AF = AE = AB = 4'. (Fig. 40.) 70 DRAWING. Example S, — Draw same, with ends perpendicular to P.P., one step being coincident with it and i' to left. Fig. 41. Draw H.L., B.L., and find C.Y. and MP as before. Take A, i' to left, and B, 4' to left of A ; on AB construct square ABCD ; join O MP ; and on AE, complete square ADFE ; then draw steps similar to preceding example. Exercise IX. (H = 6^ L.D. = 4; scale l'' = r.) 1. Draw a cube, edge 4', 2' within P.P. parallel to it, and 4' to right. 2. Draw a cube, edge 3', directly in front, at a distance of 3' from P.P., resting on G.P. 3. Draw a cube, edge 5', parallel to G.P. and 2' above it; cube 3' to right, parallel to P.P. and touching it. 4. Place two cubes, each 4' edge, on a line parallel to L D., cubes to be 4' apart, and nearest 4' from P.P. and 4' to left. 5. Draw a cube, edge 4', touching P.P. and 4' to right; and place a cube, 2' edge, centrally upon it. THE PLINTH. 71 6. Draw a plinth 6' x 4' x 2', side 4' x 2^ on ground, side 6' X 2' parallel with P.P. and 4' to left ; figure to be 2' within P.P. 7. Draw a slab 4' x 2' x 2', lying on ground directly in front, side 4' x 2' parallel to P.P. and 4' from it. 8. Draw a slab 5' x 5' x 1' lying flat on G.P., side 6' x 1' parallel to P.P. and 3' from it; slab to be 4' to left. Place centrally on this slab a cube whose edge is 3'. 9. Draw a cube, 2' edge, on each side of L.D., 2' from it, and touching P.P.; on these cubes place a slab 6' x 2' x 1' coincident with the cubes. 10. A wall 8' high and 2' thick starts from a point on the P.P. 4' to the left, and runs straight forward to the horizon ; at distances of 6^ and 12' doors 5' x 3' are placed. 11. Draw a cross whose beams are 7' x 1' x 1' and 5' x 1' x V respectively ; the cross-beam is placed at a height of 3^ The cross stands erect, its cross-beam parallel to P.P. and 4' within it ; the foot of the cross is 4' to right. 12. Draw same, with end of cross-beam coincident with P.P., 4' to left. 13. Draw same, lying on G.P., cross-beam _[_ to P.P. and its end coincident with it, 3' to right. 14. Draw same, lying on ground directly in front, cross- beam directed away, end of main beam coincident with P.P. 15. A circular table 4' in circumference is supported by four legs 2' high, which proceed from the edge of the table ; the legs form a square whose side is parallel to P.P. and 3' within it. The centre of the table is 4' to right. Thickness of neither table nor legs, taken into account. 16. Draw a set of four steps, each 4' x 1' x 1', ends parallel to P.P. and 2' within it ; to be 5' to left, facing toward right. 17. Draw same, ends perpendicular to P.P. and 2' within it, and 3' to right. 18. Draw same, with steps descending as they recede ; back coincident with P.P. and 2' to left. 19. Draw same, directly in front, steps ascending as they recede, and 2' within P.P. 72 DRAWma. TThie Prism, Prisms are square, triangular, hexagonal, etc., according to their ends or bases. The square prism may oe considerea as a mere modification of the plinth. To draw a prism, we have only to draw the two surfaces forming its ends, and join similar angles. Example 1, — Draw a triangular (equilateral) prism, length 6', side of base 2', lying on G.P., one end perpendicular to P.P. and 3' to left; prism to touch P.P. II = 6^ L.D. = 4', scale i'' = r. MP CV Take B, 1' to left, A, 3' to left, and D, 6' to left of A. On AB describe equilateral triangle ABC; draw CL | to A3 THE PRISM. 73 and bisecting it. Draw AE _[_ to AB and equal to CL; simi- larly draw DF; join F C.V., E C.V. and A C.V., also B MP and L MP ; through M draw MG- parallel to AE, meeting E C.Y. in G; draw GH parallel to EF; join HD, AG and GK, completing the prism. Then AK = AB - AC = BC == 2^ Hence AG - KG = AK, and GM - E A = LC - required height, and HG = FE = DA = 6', etc. (Fig. 42.) Example 2, — Draw a hexagonal pri^m (edge of base 2')' whose length shall be 4', one side touching P.P. 4^ to right; prism to stand on end. H = 6'; L.D. = 4'; scale, :|'' = 1. Fig. 43. 74 DRAWING. Draw the plan in proper situation, as already explained; then draw the hexagons, one on G.P., the other 4' above it; then join similar angles in each, forming the required hexagon. (Fig. 43.) THE CYLINDER. 75 TThe C^rlinder. The drawing of the cylinder differs from that of the prism, only in the plan. Draw the circles, forming the ends, in the proper positions, and then draw tangents to them, forming the cylinder. Example 1, — Draw a cylinder, length M and diameter 4', lying on ground plane parallel to P.P. and 2' within it; the end of cylinder ^ to left* Fig. 44. 76 DRAWING. Example 2. — Draw a cylinder lying on G.P., 4' to right, having end perpendicular to P.P., and touching it; cylinder 8' long and 3' in diameter. Ta^^e A, 4' to right and E, i' to left; make AB = 1^-', and describe circle; join B C.Y. and A C.V., also E MP, and from C, draw CD parallel to AB, and describe smaller circle; then draw common tangents, completing the cylinder. (Pig. 45.) THE CYLINDER. 77 Example S. — The figure shows how to draw a common pail, showing staves and hoops. 78 DRAWING. Ttie Pyramid. We now come to consider solids, which are not wholly rec- tangular; they are cones and pyramids and their frusta. In speaking of the height of a pyramid or cone, we mean the distance from the vertex perpendicularly to the base, yhis is important, especially in frusta, where the slant height might be mistaken for the real height of the solid. Example 1. — Draw a pyramid, 8' high with square base, each side of which is 4', and touches P.P. 4' to right. H = 6', L.D. = 4^ scale 1'' = ; K L M Fig. 47. Take A, 4' to right and B, 4' to right of A; complete the square ABDC; draw diagonals intersecting in O; join O with THE PYRAMID. 79 C.Y. and produce it backward to meet base line in E; at E erect perpendicular, 8' in height to M; join M C.Y.; through O, draw OX, parallel to EM; join XA, XB, XC, completing the pyramid. ^Now, OX = EM = 8', and this represents the vertical height. (Fig. 47.) It is not absolutely necessary to join O with C.Y. We may draw it to any point on the H.L., as K or S., and pro- duce it backward to F or A, and erect a perpendicular from either of these points; but it must be carefully remembered, that the so-found point K or L, must be joined to S or K respectively. Such lines, KS, LN, M C.Y., etc., will all pass through same point X, which may be considered as a locus for all such lines. For convenience, however, the line O C.Y. should be used, unless the solid be directly in front. 80 DRAWING. TTbie Cone. The drawing of the cone does not differ materially from that of the pyramid. The circle forming the base being drawn, and the position of the vertex found, it is only neces- THE CONE. 81 sary to draw the tangents from it to the circle. We give a particular example: — Draw a cone whose base = 6' in diameter and slant height 6\ The cone lies on its side; pla^ie of base, _|_ to P.P., and the line joining the centre of base with the vertex is parallel to the "P.P. and 4' from it. The cone is 4' to the right. H = 6', L.D. = 4', scale l'' = r. Take A, 4' to right and C, 6' to right of A; on AC describe equilateral triangle ADC; draw DB perpendicular to AC; join A C.V., B C.Y., C C.Y.; take Y and E, 3' from O; join E MP, O MP and Y MP; through F, G, H draw parallels to AB; through S, R, K draw parallels' to DB; join PF, ISTG, MH; then in square PH describe circle; produce GB to L, and from L draw tangents LX, LX to circle, completing the cone. (Fig. 48.) Exercise X. — On the Prism and the Cylinder (H = 6', L.D. = 4^ scale Y = V.) 1. Draw a prism 6' in length, triangular base, each side of which is 2'. The prism stands on end 4' to right, with one side coincident with P.P. 2. Draw same, 3' to left, one side perpendicular to P.P. 3. Draw same, directly in front, one side parallel to P.P. and 2' from it, vertex away. 4. Draw same, lying on ground plane, perpendicular to P.P., 3' to right and 3' within P.P. 5. Draw a hexagonal prism 6' high, each side of base 2\ standing on end directly in front, one side touching P.P. 6. Draw same, lying on ground parallel to P.P. and 2' within it; one end projecting 2' to right, and opposite end 4' to left. 7. Draw same, lying on ground perpendicular to P.P., 3' to right and 3' within P.P. 8. Draw a cylinder, diameter of base 4', height 6', lying on ground, parallel to P.P. and 4' within it; left end just in line with L.D. 82 DRAWING. 9. Draw a cylindrical vessel 4' feet in height and 4' in diameter, standing on end, touching P.P. 4' to left] show 4 hoops at distances of 1' from each other, 10. Draw a hollow cylinder, 4' in length, outer diameter 4', inner diameter 3', lying on ground perpendicular to P.P., 2' to riffht and touching: P.P. • Exercise XI. — On the Pyramid and Cone, (H = 6', L.D. = 4^ scale Y = 1'.) 1. Draw a square pyramid 5' high, each side of base 3', standing on ground, directly in front, touching P.P. 2. Draw same, 4' to right, parallel to P.P. and 4' within it. 3. Draw same, standing on a 3' cube, parallel to P.P. and 2' within it, M to left. 4. Draw same, 3' above ground plane and parallel with it, 4' to right and touching P.P. 5. Draw same, with vertex downwards, base parallel with ground and P.P., vertex, 4' to left and 3' within P.P. 6. Draw a cone, height 5', diameter of base 4', standing on ground M to right and 4' within P.P. 7. Draw same, touching P.P., 3' to left. 8. Draw same, directly in front, 3' from P.P. 9. Draw same, standing on a cylinder 4' in diameter and 4' high, 3' to right and touching P.P. 10. Draw same, placed centrally on a cylinder of 5' in diam- eter, directly in front and touching P.P. 11. Draw a cone, base 4', slant height 4', lying on side; base perpendicular to P.P. and touching it, 4' to left; vertex directed toward left. FRUSTA. 83 Kru^ta. The dimensions of a frustum may be given by stating dimen- sions of each end, and vertical height. 84 DRAWING. Example 1. — 5)raw the frustum of a square pyramid, whose bases are 6^ and 4' square, respectively ; the frustum touches P.P. 4^ to right, height 4'. (Fig. 49.) Prom the above the method of drawing may be easily understood. Example 2. — A pyranaid with square base, each side of which is 4', stands on the ground plane 4^ to the left, touch- ing P.P. The pyramid is 8' in height; 3^ from the vertex the pyramid passes through a square plinth 4' x 4' x^l' placed parallel to the ground plane. The pyramid cuts the plinth centrally. H = 6^ L.D. = 4^, scale \;' = V. (Fig. 50.) Fig. 50. By a careful observation of the lines drav/n above, the method may be easily seen. FRUSTA. 85 Exercise XII. (H. = 6^ L.D. = 4; scale Y = !'•) 1. A pyramidal frustum with square base, and vertical height 4', touches P.P. 4' to right, resting on ground plane ; the sides of the square are 3' and 6' respectively. 2. Draw a pyramidal frustum same as No. 1, 3^ to left, and 3' within P.P. 3. Draw a triangular frustum (equilateral), sides of base 5' and 3' respectively, height 4^ ; on G.P. 4' to right and 4' within P.P., vertex away, one edge parallel to P.P. 4. Draw a square pyramidal frustum, height 4^, sides of square 2' and 4' respectively, standing on G.P. reversed, directly in front, V within P.P. 5. Draw a conical frustum, height 5', diameters 5' and 3' respectively, on G.P., and touching P.P. 4' to right. 6. Draw No. 5, 6' to left and 3' within P.P. 7. Draw same, directly in front, 3' within P.P. and 3' above G.P. 8. Draw a hexagonal frustum, height 5', sides of bases 3' and 2' respectively, touching P.P., resting on G.P. 4' to right. 9. Draw same, 4' to left and 4' within P.P. 10. Draw an octagonal frustum, height 5', edges of bases 2' and V respectively, resting on G.P., and touching P.P. 4' to left. 86 DRAWING. Fig. 51 shows a method of laying out a plan for a frustum of a cone. FRUSTA. 87 Exercise XIII. (H = 6^ L.D. = 4^ scale ^=l^) 1. 4' to right and 2' within P.P. draw a frustum of a square pyramid, edges of squares 4' and 2' respectively, height 4'. 2. Draw same, touching P.P. 2' to left. 3. Draw same, directly in front, parallel to G.P, and 3' above it. 4. Draw a conical frustum, height 5', diameters 3' and 2' respectively; frustum rests on ground, with centre of base 3' to right and 3' within P.P. 5. Draw a frustum of a triangular pyramid, edges of ends 3' and 2' respectively, height 4'; it rests on G.P. with one edge coincident with P.P., and 3' to left. 6. Draw a frustum of a hexagonal prism, edges of bases 3' and 2' respectively, height 4' ; one edge of frustum is per- pendicular to P.P., and an angle touches it at a point, 3' to the right. 7. A cone, whose height is 8' and diameter of base 4', touches the P.P. 4' to left; it is encircled by a rectangular collar whose dimensions are 4^ x 4' x P, placed centrally over it, 4' above the ground. The cone rests on the ground. A frustum of a square pyramid, whose bases are 5' and 3' respectively, and whose height is 4', supports a cone placed centrally upon it ; the diameter of the cone is 3' and its height 3'. The edge of the base touches the P.P. 2' to right. 88 DRAWING. The Sptiere. The perspective o£ the sphere must necessarily be repre- sented by a true circle, and little difficulty will be experienced in drawing a complete sphere. However, when a hemisphere THE SPHERE. 89 is to be represented, an apparent fallacy appears, . owing to the representation of the circle that shows the section of the sphere, A sphere must always be supposed to be drawn with the radius of the circle as distance. However, as the per- spective of the circle, viewed in any oblique position, shows diameters of varying length, care must be used in drawing the curve of the hemisphere at the greatest apparent diameter, and this diameter cannot be definitely determined in perspec- tive, if drawn in any but a direct view. The sphere rests on the ground at a point directly beneath the centre, and it touches P.P. at a point perpendicular to the vertical, from the centre. Example 1, — Draw a sphere, radius 2', resting on ground at a point 3^ to right and 2' within P.P. H-=6^ L.D. = 4', scale ^''=r. Here FA = 3', BA = AD = 4' and AC = ED = 2'. (Fig. 52. ) Example 2. — On centre of the top of a cube of i' edge, placed 4' to left and touching P.P., place a sphere of radius 1|'. 90 DRAWING. Here CA = AB = AD = AE = 4^ EF = FM = 2', Gr=ll' hence K is centre at intersection of diagonals and HK = GF. (Fig. 53.) !NoTK — The sphere will not touch the P.P. unless HK = KF. Example S, — Draw a cube, edge 4', touching P.P. 4' to right, and in this place a sphere whose radius = sphere will touch the centre of each side. : 2\ Here the Fig. 54. Draw cube, and diagonals of those sides, perpendicular to P.P., join intersections, and bisect this horizontal line as shown. The circle drawn on this line as diameter will repre- sent the sphere, and touch the centre of each side. (Fig. 54.) Exercise XIY. (H = 6', L.D. = 4', scalei'' = l'.) 1. Draw a sphere, radius 2', placed centrally on a cylinder (on end), touching P.P. 4' to left, cylinder 3' high and diame- ter 4'. THE SPHERE. 91 2. Draw a sphere, diameter 3', 8' high, 6' to right and 6' within P.P. 3. Draw a sphere, diameter 4', directly in front, touching P.P. 4. Draw a sphere, radius 2', buried completely beneath the ground, centre of sphere 6' to right and 6^ within P.P. 5. Place a sphere in a cubical box of 4' edge, diameter of sphere 4'; cube to be 4^ to left, 4' within P.P., parallel to, and 2' above G.P. 6. A cylinder whose height is 4' and diameter 3' stands on end, touching P.P. 3' to right ; this cylinder passes centrally through a sphere whose diameter is 4' and whose centre coin- cides with that of the cylinder. 92 DRAWING. JE^ore^l:i.orten.ing. Foreshortening consists in re- presenting the apparent length of a visible object. It depends on the distance of the object, and its position with regard to the eye. Thus, a lead-pencil may be so turned as to show only the end, or it may be placed so as to show its whole, or greatest length. Again, if AB represent a line of definite length, and O, the ob- server, the apparent length of AB as seen from O will be AD. (Fig. 55.) This representation of a line AB by AD, which is always less than AB, is called " foreshorten- ing." KoTE. — AD is always perpen- dicular to the lonojest side OB. SYNTHETIC PERSPECTIVE. 93 Taking an object " out of " perspective means, that when an object is drawn, and the position of the observer's eye given, the size and position of the object may be determined. Fig. 56. Here, the figure BX only, would be given, and it would be assumed to touch the picture plane. We first produce the vanishing lines DX and AC to meet in C.Y., then draw C.Y. S perpendicular to B.L., and make it equal to height of spectator; then draw H.L. parallel to B.L. through C.Y. ; next take a point MP at a distance to the left equal to the height of spectator and his distance away, combined ; then join MP with C, and produce it to base at E. Then, scale being given, find BA, AD and AC, the dimensions of the solid, and AS will show its distance to the left. (Pig. 56.) 94 DRAWING. Perspective Hffect. This consists in showing merely the appearance of an object when placed in a certain position. The dimensions and dis- tance of the object are not taken into account. PERSPECTIVE EFFECT. 05 It will be remembered that if an object of less height than the observer, be placed on the ground, the observer will be able to see the upper side of it, and if placed above him he will see the under side ; if placed on his right, he will see the front and left sides ; if placed directly in front, he will see front side and upper or lower sides, according to the height of the object. Take a cube, for instance, placed on the ground parallel with the P.P. Now, if the cube be lower than the observer's eye, the upper face will be visible ; if raised above, the lower face, and so on. Figure 57 will illustrate perspective effect. (1) Shows object above and left of eye. (2) Above and directly in front of eye. (3) Above and to right of eye. (4) Level with and to left of eye. 3 (5) Level with and directly in front. (6) Level with and to right. 1 (7) Below and to left. ^ (8) Below and directly in front. "I (9) Below and to right. I If an object, as for instance a cube, is I to be drawn, say to right and above the ^ "^ — *N. '^. eye, draw first a square, then take a ^^^ ^ ^ point to left and below, draw the van- ishing lines to this point, and mark off Cl ^^ lines for thickness, etc. 96 DRAWING ANGULAE PEESPECTIYE. We now come to consider the rules pertaining to angular perspective, or the perspective of two vanishing points. If a rectangular object, as a cube, rests on the ground parallel to P.P., it is evident that its sides, if produced, will appear to vanish directly in front, at the point called the centre of vision. If we move the cube by even a small amount from the parallel position, its sides will no longer vanish at the centre of vision, but at a point to the right or left of it, and at a distance from it, depending on the angle which the sides make with the P.P. Now, in parallel perspective we deal with only one vanishing point — the centre of vision; but there are really two: for all lines parallel to the P.P., if pro- duced to an infinitely great distance, will appear to meet at a point to right or left. Hence in parallel perspective only one vanishing point is of practical utility. However, when the cube is moved out of its parallel position, this apparently- hidden vanishing point appears, and strikes the horizon at a distance from the centre of vision, depending on its angle, as already explained. Thus : — ^ In Fig. 59, AB on left side shows the base of a cube in parallel, perspective, while in Fig. 60 AB has been moved around to position of AD, and AC will not now vanish to C.Y., but to a point Y to right of it; so also AD will not vanish at a point parallel to AB, but at X, a point in the ANGULAR PERSPECTIVE. 97 Fr 60. horizontal line to left of C.V. We wi].. now proceed to ascertain the positions of these points. Example 1. — Draw a square (side 4') lying on ground; sides make an angle of 45° with picture plane, and the angle touches the P.P. at a point 4' to the right; scale ^ =-\\ DRAWING. ANGULAR PERSPECTIVE. 99 Here draw H.L. and B.L. as before, and take P.S. at given distance; then draw a straight line through P.S. parallel to B.L. and on each side of L.D. ; lay off the sides at required angle (in this case 45°); produce these lines till they meet the horizon in R Y.P. and L Y.P. (the vanishing points); with L Y.P. as a centre, and P.S. as distance, describe an arc to cut H.L. in R MP.; similarly find L MP. These are called measuring points. Now take A, 4' to right and draw A L Y.P. and A R Y.P.; take 4' on each side of A, namely, B and C, and draw B R MP and C L MP to cut vanishing lines in E and D. Draw D L Y.P. and E R Y.P. to cut in E. Then ADEE will be the square required. Eor AD^ and "f^E are parallel to P.S. R Y.P. placed at given angle, and AE and DE are parallel to P.S. L Y.P. also placed at given angle; and DE = AE = AB = 4^, and EE = AD = AC = 4\ (Eig. 61.) Example 2. — Draw a cube, edges 4', right face at an angle of 60° and left face at an angle of 30° with P.P. H = 6', L.D. = 4^, scale Y = !'• Cube to have an angle 4^ to left and 2' within P.P. Draw H.L., B.L. and 00 as before; find also C.Y., R Y.P., L Y.P., R MP, L MP and MP (parallel perspective), as already shown. Take A, i' to left; join A C.Y.; erect AK = 4'; join K C.Y.; join also B M.P.; through E draw EL parallel to AK; join E RMP and E LMP, and produce them backwards to meet B.L. in Z and X. Mark off XC = 4; also ZD = 4'; join D RMP and C LMP, also L R Y.P. and LLY.P.; through E draw EM, and through G draw GH, parallel to EL; join M L Y.P. and H R Y.P. to meet at N, completing the required cube. Eor EM = EL = HG = AK = 4', and EG = EE = XC = ZD = 4'; so also MN = HL = GE, etc. (Eig. 62.) Note. — The point E must always be determined by parallel perspective ; hence necessity for finding MP ; also DP and Y.P. coincide at 45°, and Y.P. and MP coincide at 60°. 100 BRAWING. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 101 Exercise XY. — Figures in Angular Perspective, (In the following consider H = 6^ L.D. = i', scale ^ - V.) 1. A square whose sides are 4^, lies on ground; an angle touches P.P. 2' to right; angle 45°. 2. Draw same, 3^ to left arid 2' within P.P.; right side makes angle of 60°. 3. Draw same, touching P.P. directly in front; angle .45°. 4. Draw a cube, of 4' edge, touching P.P. at a point 2' to right; angle 45°. 5. Draw same, 4' to left and V within P.P.; angle 45°. 6. Draw a square pyramid, edge of base 4', height 8', angle 45°; touches P.P. 4^ to left. 7. Draw same, 4' to right and 2^ within P.P.; angle 45°. 8. Draw same, 2,' to left and 2' within P.P.; left and right angles, 30° and 60° respectively. 9. Draw a triangular prism, each edge of base 3' and b' long; standing on end, angle touching P.P. 4' to left; angles 60° and 60°. 10. Draw a square pyramid, edge of base 3^, placed cen- trally on a cube of 4' edge; angle 45°; touches P.P. 3' to left. Height of pyramid 4^ 11. Show perspective effect (angular) of a pyramid to left and above the eye. 12. Show angular perspective effect of a square pyramid placed centrally over a cube of smaller base, to right and below eye. Miscellaneous Exercises. (Unless otherwise stated, consider H = 6', L.D. = 4', and scale i'' = l'.) 1. Two circles, whose diameters are 4^, and intersect at right angles, having their common diameter perpendicular to ground and touching it at a point 4' to left and 4' within P.P. 2. Draw an equilateral triangle, lying on ground plane, side 3', vertex directed away, one side parallel to P.P.; vertex 4' to right and 4' within P.P. 3. Draw a hexagon, each side 2', standing on ground, _[_ to P.P., one side touching it 4' to left. 102 DRAWING. 4. Draw a circle, diameter 4', touching G.P. and P.P., and perpendicular to both, 4' to right. 5. A rod is placed obliquely in the ground, and its outside length is 5' ; it makes an angle of 30° with the ground and 60° with the P.P. The rod descends toward the left, and lower point is 6' within P.P. and 6' to right. Draw it. 6. Draw an octagon, side 2', lying on ground, touching P.P. 4' to left. 7. Within a circle, diameter 4', lying on ground plane, 4' to right and 4' within, describe a square whose side shall be parallel to P.P. 8. Draw a triangular prism, length 6', edges 2', parallel to P.P. and 3' within it, one end 4' to right, other 2' to left. 9. Draw a cone, diameter 4', height 4', standing on ground plane, touching P.P. directly in front. 10. Draw a pyramidal frustum (square), edges 2' and 4', height 4', touching P.P. 4^to left. 11. Draw same, in angular perspective, angle 45°, 4' to left, touching P.P. 12. Draw a sphere, diameter 4', half buried in ground, -6' to right and 6^ within P.P. 13. Draw a hemisphere, plane directed towards right and perpendicular to P.P. and G.P., touching each ; hemisphere to be 4' diameter and 4^ to left. 14. Draw a cylinder on end, diameter 4', height 4^, touch- ing P.P. 4' to right, and on this place a hemisphere centrally, 4' diameter, convex surface upward. 15. Draw a sphere touching sides of a cubical box of 4' edge, box on ground parallel to P.P., 4' to left and 4' within P.P. 16. Draw a pyramid, base 4' square, 4' high, 4' to right and 3' within P.P. 17. Draw an equilateral triangle, sides 3', in angular per- spective; angle 60°; 4' to left, 3' within P.P., on G.P. 18. A square, sides 4', stands on ground plane perpendicular to it, making an angle of 45° with P.P. and 2' from it at nearest lower point ; it is 3' to left. 19. Draw a triangular pyramid, height 8', each side of base 4', presenting an angle of 60° to the P.P. 4' to left. 20. A square prism, length 4', edge 2', stands on end, an angle touches P.P. directly in front; sides at 45°. This prism MISCELLANEOUS EXEBCISES. 103 supports a pyramid placed evenly upon it, of equal base and 4' in height. 21. Draw a plinth 6' x 4' x 2^, side 6' x 4' on ground, placed at angles of 60° and 30°, X to left, touching P.P. 22. Draw an ordinary Roman cross, beams 6' and 4' in length, and V square at ends, at an angle of 45°, 4' to right and 4' within P.P. 23. Place a cube of 4' edge on top of a cylinder (on end), of 4' diameter, centres coincident ; cylinder touches P.P. directly in front, 24. Draw middle zone of a sphere whose radius is 4', height of zone 2', plane parallel to ground plane, centre of zone 4' to right, 4' wit!:in P.P. and 4' above it. H = 6', L.D. = 6', scale 25. Draw four pyramids, each in contact at bases, 4' square and 4' in height, standing on ground plane at an angle of 45° with P.P., 4' to left and 2' within P.P. H = 6', L.D. = 6', scale J'' = r. 26. Draw a frustum of a cone, height 5', diameters 3' and 2' respectively, touching P.P. 4' to right. 27. A cone whose slant height is 6' and diameter of base 6', rests on ground plane, slant touching ground, parallel to P.P. and 6' within it, vertex directed towards left ; cone to be 4' to left, 28. A cube of 4' edge contains a cylinder of equal diameter and height; the cube makes an angle of 45° with P.P., and touches P.P. 4:' to right. The cylinder is vertical. 29. A pyramid, whose base is 4' square and whose height is 6^, presents an angle to the P.P. 4' to left, the inclination of the sides being 45°. This pyramid passes centrally through a plinth 4' X 4' X r, placed horizontally upon it at a height of 3'. 30. A cube, whose edges are 4', is suspended from an angle so as to just touch the ground directly in front, while another angle touches the P.P. directly in front. 31. Draw a stove-pipe elbow, diameter of ends 6'', length of each half (outside) l\ The elbow rests on the ground, one end touching P.P. 2' to left, the other bending towards tlie right and parallel to P.P. H = 6', L.D. = 4', scale V=V, 32. Show perspective effect of a pipe lying on ground paral- lel to P.P. and to left. 104? DRAWING. 33. Show same, standing on end to right and below e^e. 34. Show angular perspective effect of a square pyramid to riglit, and below eye. 35. Show perspective effect of a cylinder on end, to right and below. 36. Show perspective effect of a pail with three hoops, below and directly in front, 37. Show perspective effect of a water pitcher, to left and below; lip to right. 38. Show perspective effect of a chair, straight back, directed away, angle to right and below the eye, 39. Show hollow pipe lying on ground, perpendicular to P.P., to right. 40. Show perspective effect of an ink bottle (conical), 4L Show perspective effect of an ink bottle in form of pyramidal frustum, angle to left, below the eye. 42. Show perspective effect of a plinth to left and below, angular. 43. Show perspective effect of a teacup below the eye, 44. Show perspective effect of a sphere placed centrally on a cube, directly in front, below the eye, 45. Show angular perspective effect of a table below and to right. 46. Show perspective effect of a triangular prism on end, one side perpendicular to P.P., below and to right, 47. Show perspective effect of a reversed cone, below the- eye. 48. Show perspective effect of a hexagon on one side, per- pendicular to ground, to right. 49. tShow perspective effect of a hollow conic frustum lyings on ground parallel with P.P., larger end to right, smaller end to left. 50. Show perspective effect of a door in three different positions, revolving round an axis through the hinges : (a) When shut, parallel to P.P. , (h) When opened at an angle of 45° with P.P. (c) When opened perpendicularly to P.P. GEOMETRICAL DEAWING. 105 GEOMETEICAL DEAWING. To construct the following figures, pupils should provide themselves with a pair of good compasses with pen attach- ment, and a ruler, with marks for inches and fractions of an inch. No proof is necessary, but it will be well to investi- gate the methods as far as possible, many of which are but modifications of the Euclidian. JVo. i. — To draw a perpendicular to a given line (a) from a point on the line. Fig. 63.- Fig. 64. Let AB be the given line, and let B be a point at which the perpendicular to AB is to be drawn. In first, take any point C above, and with distance CB describe circle, cutting AB in E; join EC and produce to meet circumference in D; join DB, which will be the perpendicular required. In second, take any point C above, and with B as centre and BC as dis- tance describe arc, cutting AB in A; then with C as centre and CB as distance describe arc, cutting former arc in E; with E as centre and same distance describe arc, cutting in D} 8 106 DRAWING. join DB, which will be perpendicular to AB, at B. (Figs. 63 and 64.) (6) From a point above or below AB, ^ Fig. 65. Let AB be the given line and C given point above ; with centre C describe an arc to cut AB in D and E; with centre D and distance greater than half of DE describe an arc; with centre E and same distance describe an arc to cut former arc in F; join CF, which will cut AB at right angles at G. (Fig. 65.) iVb. ^.— To describe a square (a) on a given line. Fig. 66. In first, let AB be the given line; erect at A a perpendicular and make it equal to AB; with centre C and distance CA describe arc AD; with centre B and distance BA describe GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 107 arc to meet former arc in D; join CD and BD, completing the square. (Fig. Q6,) . (b) On a given diagonal AB. With centre A and distance greater than half of AB, de- scribe arc CD, and with centre B and same distance describe an arc to cut former arc in C and D; join CD and produce both wajs; with centre E and distance E A or EB describe a circle cutting diameter in F and G; join FA, FB, GA and GB, completing the square. (Fig. 67.) iTo. 3, — To construct an oblong of given dimensions. Fig. 68. Let AB represent the greater side; erect AG perpendicular to AB at A, and with centre C and distance equal to AB describe an arc; with centre B and distance equal to AC describe an arc cutting former arc in D; join DC and DB, Gompleting the required oblong. (Fig. 68.) iVo. ^.— To divide a given line into (a) two equal parts. Fig-. GO. 108 DRAWING. Let AB be the given line ; with centre A and distance equal to more than half of AB describe an arc, and with centre B and same distance describe an arc cutting former in C and D; join CD, cutting AB in E into two equal parts. (Fig. 69.) (b) Into any number of equal parts. Note. — Before this can be done it is necessary to show how to draw a line parallel to another from an external point. Cy -^ D Fig. 70. Let AB be the given line and C the external point; at any point B and distance BC describe an arc to cut AB; with C as centre and CB as distance describe an arc, and with B as centre and distance equal to AC describe an arc cutting former arc in D ; join CD, which will be parallel to AB. (Fig. 70.) (b) To divide a line into any number of equal parts. C Fig. 71. Let AB be the given line; draw DE parallel to AB on either side, and on this line set off the required number of GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 109 eqnal distances (in this case five); then join each point of section with A, which will divide AB into the same number of equal parts. (Fig. 71.) (c) To divide a given line proportionally to another line. Figr. 72. Let it be required to so cut AB, that the smaller part shall be to the greater, as the greater is to the whole line. Let any line CD not equal to AB, be cut in G, so that Ca:GD::GD:CD; place CD parallel to AB, and join CA and DB; produce them to meet in E; join EG to cut AB in F; then will AF : FB : : FB : AB. (Fig. 72.) 1^0. 5, — To construct a triangle of given dimensions. Fig. 73. Let AB, CD and EF be the given sides, no two of which, taken together, are equal to, or less than, the third. Take one of them AB, and with centre B, and distance equal 110 DRAWING. to CD describe an arc; with centre A and distance equal to EF describe an arc cutting former arc in G; join GA and GB, completing the triangle. (Fig. 73.) No, 6. — To bisect a s^iven an«:le. Fig. 74. Let BAG be a given angle; with centre A and any distance AB describe an arc BC ; with centre B and any distance less than half of BC describe an arc; with centre C, and same dis- tance, describe an arc to cut former arc in D; join AD, which will bisect the angle. (Fig. 74.) No, 7. — To trisect a right angle. Fig. 75. Let ABC be the given right angle; with B as centre and at any distance BA describe the quadrant AC ; with centre A and distance equal to AB describe an arc to cut AC in E; and with centre C, and distance equal to CB or BA describe an GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. Ill arc to cut arc in D. Then D, E will be points of trisection, and lines from D and E to B will trisect the angle. (Eig, 75.) J\^o. 8. — To inscribe a circle in a given triangle. Let ABO be the given triangle; bisect the angle at A by AD, and the angle at B by BD, cutting AD in D ; draw DE perpendicular to AB at point E ; then with centre D and distance DE describe the circle. (Eig. 76.) No, 9, — To draw a circle through three given points, which, however, cannot be in the same straight line. Fig. 77. 112 DRAWING. Let A, B, C be the given points; join them to form a tri- angle; with centre A, and distance greater than half of AC, describe an arc; with centre C and same distance, describe an arc to cut former; join points of section of arcs; this line will pass through the centre of the circle; draw similar arcs on AB, and join points of section to meet in D, the centre; then a circle drawn with centre D, and distance DA, will pass through A, B and C respectively. (Fig. 77.) 1^0, 10, — To find the centre of a whole or part of a circle. Fig. 78. Let BACD be a circle or arc; draw any two chords AB, CD, and draw arcs EF and GH, bisecting the chords, respec- tively; join EF and HG and produce them to meet in K; then K will be the centre, and if K and D be joined, KD will be a radius, and a circle may be thus described with it with the centre thus found. (Fig. 78.) GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 113 iVo. 11. — To draw a tangent to a given circle a) from a point in the circumference. Fig. 79. Let C be a given point in the circumference; let A be the centre; join CA; at C erect the perpendicular CE, which will be tangent required. Also if H be the given point, join AH and produce it, making HG equal to part produced ; bisect this line by KL, which will also be a tangent at point H. If AC be produced, the line FC, perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact C, is called a 'normal." (Fig. 79.) (b) To draw a tangent to a circle from an external point. Join point D with centre ; on DA as diameter describe a circle to cut given circle ; join D with points of section, which will form tangents with circle from external point D. 114 DRAWING. No. 12, — To construct an isosceles triangle of a given, altitude. A H Let AD be the given altitude ; at A and D draw perpen- diculars, and with A as centre and any distance describe an arc EF; with D as centre and any distance less than DA describe an arc to cut arc in E and F ; join AE and AF, and produce them to base, forming isosceles triangle ABC. (Fig. 80.) JS'o, IS, — To construct an equilateral triangle of a given altitude. S A F BOG Fig. 81. Let AD be the given altitude ; through A, draw EAF per- GEOMETRICAL DEAWING. 115 pendicular to AD; with centre A describe any semicircle EGHF, and with centre F and distance FA, describe arc to cut arc GH in H ; also with centre E and same distance de- scribe arc to cut GH in G. Join AG and AH, and produce them to meet BC in B and C : then ABO will be the equi- lateral triangle required. (Fig. 81.) No. 1^. — {a) To draw, from a given point in a straight line, an angle equal to a given angle. Let BAG be given angle and let the given point be at D ; with centre A and any distance less than a side describe an arc CB ; with centre D and distance equal to AB describe arc EF ; with centre E and distance equal to BC describe an arc to cut EF in F ; join DF : then the angle EDF will be equal to the angle BAG. (Fig. 82.) (h) Within a given circle to construct a triangle similar to another triangle. (Triangles are similar when the angles in one are equal to the angles in the other, each to each. They are similarly situated when the sides of one are parallel to the sides of the other, each to each. These are called homologous sides.) Let ABC be the given circle and LHK, the given triangle. At any point C, draw a tangent DE, and describe a semicircle DE ; with centre H, and any distance HM, describe an arc, and with centre K and same distance describe an arc. Make EG = NO and DF = MO ; join CF and CG, and produce tham 116 DRAWING. to the circumference in A and B ; join AB, completing the triangle required. (Fig. 83.) Fig. 83. iTo. 15, — To construct an equilateral triangle about a given circle. Fig. 84. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 117 Let BCD be given circle ; at any point A in the circumfer- ence, with distance equal to radius, describe an arc, cutting circle in B and C ; with centre C, and same distance describe an arc, cutting circle in D; describe similar arcs with centres B and D; these arcs intersect in points E, F and G; join these, completing the triangle required. (Fig. 84.) JVo. 16. — About a given circle to construct a triangle sim' lar to a given triangle. Fig. 86. Let DEF be the given circle and TON the given triangle ; find the centre G, and draw any radius GD ; at D, draw a 118 DRAWING. tangent to the circle. With centre N" and any distance MN", describe an arc MS, and with centre O, and same distance describe an arc RP ; with centre G, and distance equal to MN or OP, describe a circle cutting GD in H. Make arc HK = RP and HL = MS ; join GK and GL, and produce them to the circumference in E and F respectively. Draw tangents at E and F to meet the other tangent in A and C ; then triangle ABC will be similar to TON. (Figs. 85 and 86.) No. 17, — Within a circle to draw any number of equal smaller circles, each touching two others and the outer circle. Let KME be the given circle, and divide it (in this case) into six equal parts. Take centre O, and join any two, as OA, OB ; bisect the angle AOB by OE, and at E draw a tangent CD ; produce OA and OB to meet the tangent in C and D. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 119 Bisect the angles at C and D by CF and DF, meeting at F ; then with centre O and distance OF describe a circle ; also with centre F and distance FE describe a circle : this will be one, and the remaining five may be similarly drawn. (Fig. 87.) No. 18, — To construct a regular polygon {a) on a given line. Fig. 88. Let AB be the given line, produce it both ways; then with centre A and distance AB, describe the senucircle DEB, describe also a similar semicircle AFC. Divide the circumfer- ence DEB into as many equal parts as the polygon is to have sides (in this case five), and join A with the second point of division ; make the arc FC = DE ; join BF and with centres E and F and distance EA and FB describe arcs to intersect at G ; join GE and GF, completing the polygon. Note. — This method will be clear if it be remembered that, if from a point within a polygon straight lines be drawn to the angles, the figure will be divided into as many triangles as it has sides, and each triangle will contain two right angles, but the angles around the common point within, to- gether make four right angles. Then if N represent the number of sides, the number of degrees in the angle of a regular polygon will be — ^^ ^, that is, ^^ \ Now, 120 DRAWING. in the above figure the line DB may be called 180°, or two right angles. Then the angle EAB will be represented by 5-2 — -— , or f of 180°; hence it is always necessary to draw through the second point of division. (h) In a given circle. Let ABE be the given circle; draw any diameter FC, and divide it into as many equal parts as the figure is to have sides (in this case five) ; with centre C and distance CF describe arc FG, and describe similar arc CG, intersecting at G. Draw GA from A, through second point of division ; join FA, and continue this around the circumference, completing the polygon. (Fig. 89.) Ifo, 19, — To construct a regular pentagon on a given line by a special method. Let AB be the given line ; describe arcs CAD and CBD, with radius AB ; join CD ; with centre D and distance same as AB describe arc EABF, cutting former arc in E and F. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 121 Join FG and EG, and produce them to meet arcs in H, K; join AH and BK; with centre H and distance HA describe arc; and with centre K and distance KB, describe arc cutting former arc in L. Join LH and LK, completing the penta- gon. (Eig. 90.) ]Sfo, 20. — To construct a regular hexagon on a given straight line. Fig. 91. 122 DRAWING. Let AB be the given line ; with centre A and distance AB describe arc ; ^rith centre B and distance BA, describe arc cutting at C; join CA, CB. With centre C and distance CA, describe circle cutting in D, B and A ; join DC and produce to E; produce AC to G and BC to F; join AE, EF, FG, GD and DB, completing the hexagon. JTo. 21, — To construct a regular octagon {a) on a given strai^rht line. ( 5 H^ / \ \ f / > 1 ■f \ H 7 c h L ' Fi- 92, Let AB be the given line ; produce it both ways, and describe the semicircles CKB and AMD. Erect a perpen- dicular at A and at B ; bisect the right angles C AG and DBH by AK and BM, respectively, and erect perpendiculars KE and IMF, at K and ^I, respectively. With centre K and dis- tance KA describe arc EA cutting KE in E; draw similar arc BF cutting MF in F; with centre E and distance EK describe arc to cut AG in G ; similarly find H ; join EG, GH and HF, completing the octiigon. (Fig. 92.) (6) In a given square. Let BCDE be the given square; draw diagonals intersecting at A. With centre B, and distance BA, describe arc cutting sides of square in H and P ; similarly find points K, X, F, M GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 123 and G, L; join FG, PN, ML and HK, completing the octagon. (Fig. 93.) -.0 N M Fig. 93. No, 22, — To draw a perfect ellipse by means of the foci and intersecting arcs, axes being given. ^^^ Fig. 94. Let the axes, AB and CD, be placed centrally, at right angles to each other ; then measure from C the distance from A to D, and describe arc cutting AB in F and F : these are the foci. Between O and F, take any number of points, 1, 2, etc. — the more the better ; then with centre F (left) and dis- 124 DRAWING. tance equal to distance from 1 to B, describe arcs E, E ; and with centre F (right) and same distance describe arcs E, E. Then with centre F (left) and distance equal to that from 1 to A, describe arcs cutting the former, so also describe arcs from centre F (right). Thus for each point between O and F, we get four points. Having thus found a number of points, join them, or rather draw a curve through them : this curve will be an ellipse. (Fig. 94.) No, 23, — To draw an ellipse (a) by means of concentric circles and intersecting perpendiculars. Let the concentric circles EF and AB be drawn; draw diameters AB and CD at right angles to each other, divide each quadrant into the same number of equal parts, and join opposite points ; draw perpendiculars from the outer points and horizontals from the inner points to meet them ; thus draw perpendicular from H and horizontal from a to meet in 1 ; similarly find 2, 3, 4, etc., all around the circle. Draw a curve through the points of intersection thus found, which will form an ellipse. (Fig. 95.) GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 125 (6) When the major axis (transverse diameter) only is given. Let AB be the given diameter; divide it into four equal parts in G, M, D ; with centre D and distance^ DG describe arc EF, and with centre G and same distance describe arcs to intersect in E and E. Join EG, ED, EG and ED, and produce them to the circumference in C, H, K and L respectively. Then with centre E and distance EC describe arc CH, and with centre E and distance EK describe arc KL, completing the elliptical curve. (Eig. 96.) Note. — No part of a true ellipse is an arc of a circle. No. 24' — An ellipse being given, to find axis and foci. Draw any two parallel chords AB and CD; bisect each and join points of section EE, and produce each way to meet the circumference in G and H; bisect GH in K, and with centre K describe a circle to cut the ellipse in four points N, O, R and P; join these to form a rectangular paral- lelogram; bisect each side and join the opposite points of sec- tion, and produce both ways to meet circumference in L, M, T and V; then LM and TV will be the axes; and if the dis- 126 DRAWING. tance TK be taken with centre L or M, the arc will cut TV in S, S, which will be required foci. (Fig, 97.) Fig. 97. JTo. 25. — To draw a tangent to an ellipse (a) from a point in the circumference. Fig. 98. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 127 Let B, C be the foci and A, given point on the curve; join BA and CA and produce them to D and F; bisect the angle BAD by AK, and the angle DAF by AG. Then will KA be a tangent and GA a perpendicular or normal to it, at the point of contact, A. (Fig. 98.) (b) From an external point. Fig. 99. Let A be an external point; draw major axis BC, and on it describe the semi-circle BFC; draw a tangent AF to the circle at F; draw FE perpendicular to BC, cutting curve in G; join AG, which will be a tangent, to the curve. (Fig. 99.) N'o, 26. — To draw an oval of a given width. Let AB be the given width ; bisect it in C, and on it describe the circle ADB; draw CD at right angles to AB; with centre B and distance BA describe curve AE; similarly describe us DRAWING. curve BI ; join BD and AD, and produce them to meet curve in E and F ; with centre J) and distance DE describe curve EE, completing the oval. (Fig. 100.) Jfo, 27, — To construct the involute of the circle. Divide the circle into any number of equal parts and draw the radii, numbering them 1, 2, etc. Draw the tangents, mak- ing the first the length from 1 to 2, the second twice this length, the third three times, and so on. When all the tan- gents have been drawn thus, begin again at 1 by producing it, and so get a second series of points. Then draw a curve through the points, commencing with 8, or last, and joining it with 1, then 2, etc. (Fig. 101.) GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 129 7 f\ /t\' 5 / 3^ \ 5 . \y 3-. Fig:. 101. ]}^o. 28, — To find {a) a mean proportional between two given lines. Fig. 102. Let AC and BC be the given lines ; place them in a straight line AB ; bisect AB in D, and on AB describe 130 DRAWING. semicircle AEB ; through C draw CE at right angles to AB ' then will AC : CE : : CE : CB. (Fig. 102.) (b) To draw a third proportional to two given lines Let AB and BC be the given lines ; draw AE, making any angle with AC ; make AD = BC ; join BD, and through C draw CE parallel to BD, meeting AD produced : then will AB:BC::BC:DE. (Fig. 103.) If BC be greater than AB, DE will be a third proportional greater ; but if BC be less than AB, DE will be less IS Fig. 104. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 131 No. 29, — To draw a circle of given radius which shall touch both lines of a given angle. Let B AC be the given angle and ST the given radius ; bisect angle by line AF; erect on either line a perpendicular DE equal to ST; through E draw EG parallel to AD, and cutting AF in G ; then a circle drawn with centre G and radius equal to DE or ST, will touch the sides AB and AD. (Fig, 104.) iTo. SO. — To draw a circle of given radius which shall touch another given circle and a given straight line. Fig. 105. Let FG be a given line, BX a given circle, and DE a given radius; draw a line GH perpendicular to FG and equal to DE; through H draw HK parallel to FG; draw any radius AB and produce it, making the part produced equal to DE; then with centre A and distance AC, describe an arc cutting HK in K : the circle drawn with centre K, and at a distance equal to GH or DE will touch the circle BX and the line FG. (Fig. 105.) 132 DRAWING. Grraded E:?cerci^e«. 1. Construct a square whose side is V , * 2. Construct a square whose diagonal is M' , 3. Construct an oblong whose sides are \^' and 2|'' respec- tively. 4. A rectangular field is 900 yds. long and 400 yds. wide; divide it into four equal fields each 400 yds. long. Scale 100 yds. = 1". 5. Divide a line Z^ long into two parts in the ratio 3 : 4. 6. Draw a line parallel to and between two other parallel lines 2^'' apart, the line to be twice as near one as the other. 7. Construct an equilateral triangle whose side is ^" , 8. Centrally within the triangle in Ko. 7 construct a tri- angle whose side is \Y - 9. Construct a triangle whose sides are 2|-^^ 3;^'^ and 3|'' respectively. 10. Inscribe a circle in a triangle whose sides are same as No. 9. 11. The diagonal of a parallelogram is M and one side is 2'. Draw it. 12. Find the extent of an angle of 22l°,of 371°, of 41 J°. 13. Construct an isosceles triangle whose base is V and vertical angle 37 1°. 14. Construct an isosceles triangle whose base is 2'' and altitude 3^^ 15. Construct an equilateral triangle about a circle whose diameter is M' . 16. Construct a triangle whose sides are in the ratio 3:4:5 about a circle whose diameter is M' , 17. Describe a circle about a square whose side is Z'\ 18. Within a triangle whose sides are 3^', M' and ^" respec- tively, inscribe a circle. ^ 19. Construct a regular pentagon whose side is 1^'^ 20. Construct a regular heptagon in a circle M diameter. GRADED EXERCISES. 133 21. Draw a hexagon whose side is V , 22. Draw a hexagon within an equih^^teral triangle of 3''. 23. Construct a regular octagon whose side is \^\ 24. Construct a regular octagon in a square, side 3''. 25. Construct a regular octagon in a circle of 3^' diameter. 26. Inscribe seven equal circles in a circle of Z" diameter. 27. The diameters of an ellipse being ?)^' and2 ^ respec- tively, draw it. 2'^, Draw an elliptical curve on a transverse axis of 3'^ 29. Draw an elliptical figure from two squares, diagonal of each 3''. 30. A circle and an ellipse touch the angles of an oblong 2>" y. 5'', find axes and foci of the ellipse. 31. Draw an oval whose shorter axis is ^Y - 32. Construct an involute to a circle whose diameter is y , 33. Find a mean proportional between two lines 2^ and 3|'' respectively. 34. Draw a third proportional (greater) to two lines 2^' and Zy respectively. 35. Draw same as No. 34, less. 36. Lay out a circular garden whose radius is 30 yds., which shall just touch a fence on one side, and another garden whose radius is 50 yds. on the other. Scale 20 yds. = 1''. 37. Lay out a circular garden, radius 30 yds., which shall touch two fences not parallel. Scale 20 yds. = 1^^ 38. Lay out a circular garden, radius 30 yds., which shall touch two fences not parallel, and whose edge shall just touch a tree in a given position. Scale 20 yds. = \" , 39. The axes of an elliptical flower garden are 40 and 60 yds. respectively, and a point is taken 60 yds. to left of the shorter (produced), and 40 yds. above the longer (produced). Draw a path from this point to touch the elliptical garden. Scale 20 yds. = I'''. Longer axis horizontal. 40. Construct a triangle whose angles are 75°, 45° and 60° respectively, on a line 2" in length. 41. Two circles, whose diameters are each 3|'', intersect, the intercepted arc of each being one-fifth of the whole circum- ference. 42. The base of a right-angle triani]:lc being 2\ and the 134 DRAWING. perpendicular on the hypothenuse from the right angle being i^", construct the triangle. 43. Two lines meet at a point. Find a point between them that will be 2'' from one and 3'^ from the other. 44. Show that the number of degrees in the angle of any- regular polygon is represented by '^ \ where n = num- ber of sides. 45. Show that a circle is but a particular form of an ellipse. 46. If an ellipse be drawn with a string around two fixed pins as foci, show that the sum of the distances from any point in the curve to the foci is the same. 47. From the point found in 'No. 43 draw two equal straight lines to the given line. 48. Draw a parallelogram 3^ x 5^'\ and within this draw one of half the size similar and similarly situated. 49. If one hexagon be inscribed in, and another inscribed about, a circle, show that their areas are in ratio 3 : 4. 50. Three circular gardens, diameters 20 yds., 30 yds. and 40 yds. respectively, are to be placed with walks of 5 yds. between them. Scale 20 yds. = 1''. 51. Divide a triangle whose sides are 3^', V and 5'' respec- tively, into four equal and similar triangles. 52. From the vertex of a scalene triangle draw a straight line to the base which shall exceed the less side as much as it is exceeded by the greater. 53. One of the acute angles of a right-angled triangle is three times as great as the other; trisect the smaller. 54. One side of a right-angled triangle is V, and the differ- ence between the hypothenuse and the sum of the other two sides is 2" ; construct the triangle. 55. The altitude of an equilateral triangle is 2'^; construct it. 5Q. Place a straight line, 3'^ in length, between two straight lines, each 2^' in length, which meet, so that it shall be equally inclined to each of them. 57. Describe an isosceles triangle upon a given base, having each of the sides double of the base. 58. Draw a square equal in area to two unequal oblongs. GRADED EXERCISES. 135 59. Given the base, the vertical angle and the perpendicular of a plane triangle, construct it. 60. Cut off two-thirds of an isosceles triangle by a line parallel to the base. 61. Describe two circles with given radii which shall cut .each other and have the line between the points of section equal to a given, limited line. 62. Describe a circle with a given centre cutting a given circle in the extremities of the diameter. 63. Describe a circle which shall pass through a given point and which shall touch a given straight line in a given point. 64. Describe a circle which shall touch a given straight line at a given point and bisect the circumference of a given circle. 65. Two circles are described about the same centre; draw a chord to the outer circle, which shall be divided into three equal parts by the inner one. What are the limits of the diameters *? 66. The perimeter of an oblong is 20'^, and the sides are in ratio 3:2; construct it. 67. Construct an isosceles triangle of given vertical angle and given altitude. 68. Draw a square equal in area to an oblong 3'^ x V » 69. Describe a circle of given radius to touch two points. What limits the position of the points % 70. Show how to draw a similar triangle within another. 71. Two equal ellipses, axes ^" and Z\ cut each other at right angles, and their centres are coincident ; draw them. 72. Trisect a given line. 73. Show how an angle may be trisected (mechanically). 74. Divide a square into three equal parts by lines drawn from an angle. 75. Divide an oblong into three equal parts by lines drawn from an ano^le. 76. Find the number of degrees in the angle of a regular duodecagon. / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 942 166 1 •r^