■ m not h ___ MUiH«INDIIiaU|Hp|f ' " ' VM^'ViViiv't'^'Vi V-\ "'/^\ /"> r ^vsmM- <\irs Whw : \ ■■ 4 £IM M/~\!; 'M^^iasi W P\ ^v/. 6^5 I /S ^VK/^ 7^^W/0>.W^kwrJ ^pK >*\ /"' / '/"V/^V W& A^ ; ran 91 sg^aQsoogsgccg^aaocggaose ssag BSi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, PiS ^Vlw^ViW^. : jmXm *'T1 w^w^mm /N /T> >*<: r~\ *Mf^ ri - - «M* A ^M : m„mm ■ r ■ ■^M'A W WiWM m k Bmcsm Wbtt imm ! mm HAA mmm An'S'W 3 ^ A X \:!A'!IA \/~V',-x' §N9R$ aaA^A; fi'A /€V y^HI HyC\ :^vA p^ IS^M^oa^^H mn «Hi« An' *\ ,; /^ mm . ■,-;■-.. . -.y HVfj^sV'AW ,,\'A mmwsm SHAKESPEARE'S WILL COPIED Fl'.OM THE ORIGINAL IN THE PREROGATIVE COURT. ^resierbtng t6e tfnterlmeattong, FACSIMILES THE THREE AUTOGRAPHS OF THE POET. SEttfj a feto $reliminar|j ©foserbations, y by , J. O. HALLIWELLT ESQ., F.R.S., F.S.A. /^ F *Hfc ! * 1890 * v LONDON: JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO SQUARE. 1851. ,H3 PREFACE. Some years ago, an attempt was made to present Shakespeare's Will in a form which should clearly exhibit its original character, with the interlineations and corrections, to those who had not seen that most interesting document. The authorities of the Prerogative Court stedfastly refused to allow a facsimile of the Will to be made, and the only course which remained was to print it as nearly in its original form as was practicable with modern type. This was executed in the three following leaves (representing the three sheets of common legal brief paper, on which the original is written), by the late Mr. T. Rodd, who, however, having discovered some errors in the transcription, carefully suppressed them from the public. On a minute examination of Mr. Rodd's copy, it was discovered that the chief errors of importance had been made in the preliminary sentence, and that, on the whole, it was a tolerably accurate transcript of the Will. Thus, at the commencement, unice should be nunc ; Rx should be the letter R. with a contraction, of course standing for regis ; Sextie should be Scotie ; and January, Januarii. In the Latin at the end, we have Magistri Willielmi for Magistro Willielmo, etc. On p. 1, 1. 27, we should have, are to paie her. Lower down, attaine should be att anie, the word time having been accidentally omitted in the original. At p. 2, 1. 7, the word her is cancelled in the manuscript. It will be observed, that although these are, for the most part, very IV PREFACE careless oversights, they do not prevent the reader having a much clearer view of the character of the original-, than in any edition of the Will that has yet been published ; and it was thought that an acceptable service would be rendered to the Shakespearian student by its pub- lication. The impression is limited to one hundred copies. Avenue Lodge, Brixton Hill. May 1851. !! [ SHAKSPEARE'S WILL.] Mtij Vicesimo Quinto Die Jp^v.-ar-y A Anno Regni Dm nri Jacobi unice Rx Anglie &c. Decimo quarto & Sextie xlix Annoq DnI 1616 T, W m J Shackspeare In the name of god Amen I Willim Shackspeare of Stratford vpon Avon in the countie of warr gent in pfect health & memorie god be praysed doe make & Ordayne this my last will & testam 1 in manii & forme followeing That ys to saye ffirst I Comend my Soule into the hands of god my Creator hoping & assuredlie beleeving through thonelie meritts of Jesus Christe my Saviour to be made ptaker of lyfe everlastinge And my bodye to the Earth whereof yt ys made Itm I Gyve & bequeath vnto my sc - r^s -fe Daughter Judyth One hundred & ffyftie pounds of lawful English money to be paied vnto her in manii & forme followeing That ys to in discharge of her marriage porcon saye One hundred pounds A w th in one yeare after my deceas w th consideracon after the Rate of twoe Shillings in the pound for soe long tyme as the same^ shalbe vnpaied vnto her after my Deceas & the ffyftie pounds Residewe thereof of vpon her Surrendring A or gyving of such sufficient securitie as the overseers of this my Will shall like of to Surrender or grante All her estate and Right that that shee shall discend or come vnto her after my deceas or A nowe hath of in or to one Copiehold teiite w th thapp'tennSs lyeing and being in Stratford vpon Avon aforesaied in the saied countie of warr being pcell or holden of the manno 1 ' of Rowington vnto my Daughter Susanna Hall & her heires for ever Itm I Gyve & bequeath vnto my saied Daughter Judith One hundred & ffyftie pounds more if she or Anie issue of her bodie be Lyvinge att thend of three yeares next ensueing the Daie of the Date of this my Will during w ch tyme my executo rs to paie her consideracon from my deceas according to the Rate aforesaied And if she Dye w th in the saied terme w th out issue of her bodye then my Will ys & I Doe gyve & bequeath One Hundred Pounds thereof to my neece Elizabeth Hall & the ffiftie Pounds to be sett fourth by my executo rs during the lief of my Sister Johane Harte & the vse & gffitt thereof cominge shalbe payed to my saied Sister lone & after her deceas the saied F shall Remaine Amongst the children of my saied Sister Equallie to be Devided Amongst them But if my said Daughter Judith be lyving att thend of the saied three yeares or anye. yssue of her bodye then my will ys & soe I Devise & bequeath the by my executors & overseers saied Hundred & ffiftie pounds to be sett out A for the best benefitt of her & her the Stock to be issue & A not A paied vnto her soe long as She shalbe marryed & covert Baron *v r "7 ----"« tc £S & \,';zrzzz~^ but my will ys that she shall have the consideracon yearelie paied vnto her during her lief & after her deceas the saied stock and consideracon to bee paied to her children if she have Anie & if not to her execute" or assigns she lyving the saied terme after my deceas Provided that if such husbond as she shall att thend of the saied three yeares be marryed vnto or attaine after doe sufficientle Assure vnto her & thissue of her bodie lands Awnswereable to the porcon by this my will gyven vnto her & to be adiudged soe by my execute" & overseers then my will ys that the saied C l u shalbe paied to such husbond as shall make such assurance to his owne vse Itm I gyve & bequeath vnto my saied sister lone xx h & all my wearing Apparrell to be paied & delivded w th in one yeare P^^MMr f , -p. . . _ _ the house j. ~ ~u*< alter m Y deceas And I Doe will & devise vnto her A w th thapp>tenn8s in Stratford wherein "** W* she dwelleth for her naturall lief vnder the yearlie Rent of xii d Itm! I gyve & bequeath f vnto her three sonns Willifii Harte Hart & Michaell Harte ffyve pounds A peece to be payed w th in one yeare after my deceas the saied Elizabeth Hall (except my brod silver & gilt bole) her Itfn I gyve & bequeath vnto fes? All my Plate A that I now have att the date of this my will Itfh I gyve & bequeath vnto the Poore of Stratford aforesaied tenn pounds to Mr. Thomas Combe my Sword to Thomas Russell Esquier ffyve pounds & to ffrauncis Collins of the Borough of warr in the countie of warr gent thirteene pounds Sixe shillings and Eight pence to be paied w th in Hamlett Sadler one Yeare after my deceas Itfn I gyve & bequeath to Sfe — Riehr.r - d to Willim Raynolds gent xxvj 9 viija to buy him A Ringe Tyler thcld r xxvi s viij d to buy him A Ringe A to my godson Willm Wallfer xx s in gold to Anthonye Nashe gent xxvj s viii d & to Mr. & to my ffellowes John Hemyngs Richard Burbage & Henry Cundell xxvj 5 viij d Apeece to buy them Ringes John Nashe xxvj s viij d fe- - geld - A Itfn I Gyve will bequeath & devise vnto for better enabling of her to pforme this my will & towards the pformans thereof my Daughter Susanna Hall A All that Capitall messuage or tehte in Stratford aforesaid w th thapptennfis A called the newe place wherein I nowe Dwell & twoe Messuags or tentes w th thapptennSs scitvat lyeing & being in Henley Streete w th in the borough of Stratford aforesaied And all my barnes stables Orchards gardens lands tents & hereditam ts whatsoev scituat lyeing & being or to be had Receyved pceyved or taken w th in the towns Hamletts Villags ffields & grounds of Stratford vpon Avon Oldstratford Bushopton & Welcombe or in anie of them in the saied countie of warr And alsoe All that Messuage or tente w th thapptennSs wherein One John Robinson dwelleth scituat lyeing & being in the blackfriers in London nere the Wardrobe & all oth r _ my lands tents & hereditam ts whatsoev To have & to hold All & singler the saied pmiffs w th their App r tennt8s vnto the saied Susanna Hall for & during the terme of her naturall lief & after her deceas to the first sonne of her bodie lawfullie yssueing & to the heires Males of the bodie of the saied first Sonne lawfullie yssueinge & for defalt of such issue to the second Sonne of her bodie lawfullie issueinge & to the heires Males of the bodie of the saied Second Sonne lawfullie yfsuinge and for defalt of such heires to the third Sonne of the bodie of the said Susanna Lawfullie yssueing & of the heires males of the bodie of the saied third sonne lawfullie yssueing And for defalt of such yssue the same soe to be & Remaine to the ffourth . -Seeee ffyfth Sixte & Seaventh sonnes of her bodie lawfullie issueing one after Anoth r & to the heires n^v&n- Q-i^fy^ w Males of the bodies of the saied ffourth fifth Sixte & Seaventh sonnes lawfullie yssueing in such niann as yt ys before Lymitted to be & Remaine to the first second & third Sonnes of her bodie & to their heires males And for defalt of such issue the saied jJmiffs to be & Remaine to my sayed Neece Hall & the heires Males of her bodie Lawfullie yssueing & for defalt of such issue to my Daughter Judith & the heires males of her bodie lawfullie issueinge And for defalt of such issue to the Right heires of me the saied Willfh Itm I gyve vnto my wief my second best bed w" 1 the furniture Shackspeare for ever A Itrfi I gyve & bequeath to my saied Daughter Judith my broad silver gilt bole All the Rest of my goods Chattels Leases plate Jewels & household stuffe whatsoev after my Detts and Legasies paied & my funerall expences discharged I gyve devise & bequeath to my Sonne in Lawe John Hall gent & my Daughter Susanna his wief whom I ordaine & make executo rs of this my the saied Last will & testam* And I doe intreat & Appoint A Thomas Russell Esquier & ffrauncis Collins gent to be overseers hereof And doe Revoke All form wills & publishe this to be my last will & testam* In Witness whereof I have herevnto put my hand §*esie- the Daie & Yeare first above written. W*W ^j^4ff s/ ^ r Witness to the publishing hereof, Fra: Collyns Probatum cora MagrI Willimi Byrde Julyus Shawe legum Dcore Comiss on &c. xxii do die John Robinson menss Junij Anno Dni 1616 Juram t0 Hamnet Sadler Johannis Hall vnius ex &c. Cui &c. Robert Whattcott De bene &c. Jurat.— Resvat ptate &c. Susanne Hall alt ex &c. cu^ venit &c. petitur. (Inv 4 ex'"! SHAKESPEAKE'S WILL, COPIED FROM THE ORIGINAL IN THE PREROGATIVE COURT. ^regerfemg tbt Mtttlimution&, FACSIMILES THE THREE AUTOGRAPHS OF THE POET, tttfj a feto $reliminar|j ©fcser&ations, J. O. HALLIWELL, ESQ, F.R.S., F.S.A. LONDON: JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO SQUARE, 1851. Mfei ^A ! nA AlA fAlU /-, a'j» ' •"■" ' S A r- OA ^r\^//0 $w ! & : * ,r * A/r^ ' A A SSul u£ - A : A r^ iC '" ' ' N /-\ r^\f-\ h -\ I /~\ .-i^' - 8 rv> r " ;^. ^, ^ /-\ ^ ArA A AT IIIIIK ^AA( '. icnw >va!' a r^ - O ■■ r\ ■/-N ^ mmm a A A. NA/^O: HI w - \ ! 'Mr, ftf\ A Wn/ \fe£ jsi^iii v A. A IA AAAa^H^A' /"n/"S AC A ftO OaTS^sw^I? «r w^-s 1!A» ; ^A A A A/ A pSKramffiMi^O@iffilS - i . . -' . ' i .!■, y A jk- ■ • A SC^a/v^/V^aO' ?5t ^ wKBm •tvmftSHasfXtlM fflflBm I HffiiiS «■■ B iflffi IlKfflH i§iiij|H Hi ni ■■H ■■nrfll Me