Class JE Book >"R4G COFKRICHT DEPOSm ^' 'Jr.nJ ^ 9/,rr^ HUDSON- MOHAWK GENEALOGICAL AND Family memoirs A RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS IN NEW YORK STATE, INCLUDED WITHIN THE PRES- ENT COUNTIES OF ALBANY, RENSSELAER. WASHINGTON. SARATOGA, MONTGOMERY, FULTON, SCHENECTADY, COLUMBIA AND GREENE. PREPARED UNDER THE EDITORIAL SUPERVISION OF CUYLER REYNOLDS Curator of The .Albany Institute and Historical and -Art Society, since 1S98; Director of New- York State History Exhibit at Jamestown Exposition, igo7; .Autlior of ".Albany Chronicles," "Classified Quotations," and several other published works. VOLUME IV. LLUSTRATED NEW YORK LEWIS HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY COPYRIGHT LEWIS HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY 1911 :ci.A-;',s(;s;-o HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS. The family name of Dix is of the DIX same significance as the name Dicks or Dickens, the letter "s" being a contraction of "son," meaning the son of Dick or of Richard. Dick, the familiar abbrevia- tion of Richard, is thought to be derived from the Dutch word "Dyck" or "Dijck," a bank or dike (also dyke), mound or ditch, of earth, sand or stones reinforced, thrown up to pre- vent low land in Holland from being inun- dated by the sea or river. The reason for including the meaning "ditch" in connection with "mound" is because in the act of cre- ating a barrier, or diking, a ditch is created at the selfsame time ; but the intention being to create a wall of earth, chief thought is therefore directed to that meaning of the word. Based accordingly on this idea of the significance of the name's derivation, the con- clusion cannot be otherwise that this family, "before coming over to America, dwelt near a ■dyke in Holland, in the lowlands as they are called, undoubtedly along the coast. The name is therefore found in the spellings Di.K. Dikx, Diks, Dicks, Dyck, Dyk, Dijck and Dyke, and some families in America show that they came originally from such a locality in Holland by employing the prefix "van" or "von," as Van Dyke. The Dix coat-of-arms, of the Amsterdam "branch, was as follows: D'azur a trotis tetes et cols de cygne d'argent, accompagne de debx roses d'or en fiancs. That of the Har- lem line was as follows : D'or a la fasce d'azur, accompagne de trois corneilles de sable, souvent ecarteie de gules au chevron, accompagne en chef de deux etoiles et en pointe d'un croissant tourne, le tout d'or. Crest: Une corneille de sable entre un vol ■d'or et d'azur. Four distinct branches of the Dix family were started in .America in early times. These Watertown, Massachusetts, and the Dix fam- ily of Accomac county in Virginia. It is not known that anybody has been able to demon- strate the relationship reliably. Undoubtedly they were connected by the generation just previous to any one of them coming to America. Edward Dix and his wife, Deborah, canie from England and settled at Watertown, Massachusetts. They were in the fleet with Governor Winthrop, in 1630. He appears to have died at that place, prior to the re- moval of his immediate family into Connecti- cut, leaving a widow and three children. The widow, Deborah, married (second) October 16, 1667, Richard Barnes, of Marlboro, Massachusetts, by whom she had five chil- dren, between 1669 and 1683, according to certain published records ; but the dates seem somewhat averse to the fact. Children: i. Leonard, see forward. 2. John, who was in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1676; was taxed there in 1683 : sold his house and land in 1686: owned land in Hoccanum, near the mouth of the river bearing that name, in 1679; joined the Second Church of Hart- ford, September 10, 1686: married Mary Bid- well ; children : Sarah, John, Margaret, Dan- iel, Elizabeth, Susanna and Joseph. 3. Wil- liam, died in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1676. (H) Leonard, son of Edward and Deborah Dix, was known to be in Wethersfield, Con- necticut, after which he was in Branford, Connecticut, where he receive- and Geddes H. 5. Eleanor E., born July 'i, 1824. died October 5, 1896; unmarried. 6. Thomas V. S., born July 9, 1827, died May 12, 1852; unmarried. 7. James W., bom June 18, 1829, died June 17, 1830. 8. .Antoinette, born May 22, 183 1, died \\ 25, 1899; married James H. Barhyte, of Schenectady. 9. Jane, born July 9, 1833 ; married Newton Van Der- veer, now of St. Joseph, Michigan. Ann HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS i4-\v (Van Schaick) Edwards, wife of John Ed- wards, was the daughter of John and Eleanor (Geran) Van Schaick. (IV) Miriam Collins, fourth child of Ste- phen and Anna Maria (Edwards) Ostrom, was born in Glen. New York, November 29, 1847. She married, September 29, 1875, Rev. J. P. Dysart officiating and Rev. Frank V. Van Vranken assisting, W. Hoagland Baird, born in Charleston, Montgomery county. New York, February 10, 1849, see forward. Chil- dren : I. Nellie Ostrom, born October 29, 1877; member of Cayadutta Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, of Gloversville. 2. Ben- jamin H., born June 23, 1884; member of Fultonville Lodge, Free and Accepted Ma- sons, and Johnstown Chapter, Royal Arch Masons ; he is a Democrat in politics. Alar- ried, December 23, 1910, Grace Catherine Mead, Rev. Henry B. Kimmev, of Albany, of- ficiating. Both children reside at home. Mr. Baird, Sr., is a member of Fultonville Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons ; he is a Democrat in politics, and served two terms as super- visor. Mrs. Baird is a charter member of Caughnawaga Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, also charter member of Mohawk \'alley Order of Eastern Star. (The Baird Line). Major William Baird, great-grandfather of W. Hoagland Baird, was bom in Scotland, February 24, 1704, died 1793, son of Scotch parents who settled in New Jersey directly on their arrival from Scotland. During the war of the revolution Major Baird served in the Second Battalion Somerset County Mi- litia or State Troops. He was cajitain of the battalion, afterwards first major. He mar- ried and reared a family. (H) William (2), son of Major William ( I ) Baird, born in Somerset county, New Jersey, December 22, 1742, died Octo- ber 5. 1830: married, July 23, 1775, Cathnah Hoagland, born Februarv 27, 17S3, died July II, i887. (HI) Hon. Iknjamin, son of William (2) Baird, was born October 11, 1787, died 1873. He was elected a r^iember of assembly in 1846. He married. November 13, 1817, Eleanor Miller, born May 4, 1798, died June 20, 1882. (IV) William (3), son of Hon. Benjamin Baird, was born September 23, 1818, died July 19, 1893. He married D. Malina .\he\, born in Glen, May 10, 1816, died December 6, 1904, Rev. Christian Zabriskie Paulison officiating. Children: i. Mary E., married John H. Serviss, and resides in Closter, New Jersey; child, Ethel, married David D. Ack- erman. 2. Hepzibah Abel, married M. Mount Shelp ; child, Willis Baird, a resident of Am- sterdam. 3. W. Hoagland, mentioned above. The Scott family of Saratoga SCOTT Springs, New York, descend from an English ancestor, Ben- jamin Scott, who settled in Ireland in the reign of James I. (I) George Scott, born in Londonderry county, Ireland, came to the American colo- nies in 1773 and located on a farm in the town of Ballston, Saratoga county. New York, near the Milton line, on the "Middle Line Road." This was then but a clearing in the great northern wilderness, and the in- habitants were in a state of constant watch- fulness against the wild things of the forest. The danger from the Indians was very great, and in October, 1780, a band of Tories and Indians, under the leadership of Captain Munro, attacked the Scott homestead, which they pillaged and left the owner supposedly dead from a blow on the head from a toma- hawk. It was during this raid that General James Gordon and almost every settler along the "Middle Line," was captured and taken to Canada, some being killed. George Scott married a sister of General Gordon. She was born and married in Kilcaid county, An- trim, Ireland, and was of Scotch ancestors on both sides. Her brother, General Gordon, born October 31, 1739, came to America when a boy of seventeen, went back to Ireland, then came again to America, and after being in the Indian trade at Albany and army con- tracting, settled in Ballston in 1771-72. He was active in the revolutionary service, and was promoted through successive rank to that of brigadier-general by Governor Clinton in 1785. On October 3, 1780, he arrived at his home in Ballston from Poughkeepsie, where he had been attending an extra session con- vened by Governor Clinton. Some of the Tories in the neighborhood informed Munro, and the raid was made for the purpose of capturing the general. He was awakened by bayonets being thrust through the windows of his home. After his capture the mau- rauders went to the house of George Scott, who was felled by the blows from three toma- hawks. The Indians rushed forward to take his scalp, but were prevented. General Gor- don was carried to Quebec, thence to the Isle of Orleans, from whence he escaped with some of his old neighbors taken in the second raid of 1781. He was a large land owner and erected mills in Ballston. It was through his efforts that his brother-in-law, George Scott, located in that section. He married, March. 1424 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 16, 1775, Mary, daughter of Rev. Eliphalet Ball, who came from Bedford, Westchester ■county. New York, in 1700, purchased four hundred acres of land and established the first Presbyterian church. The town of Balls- ton is named in his honor. Rev. Eliphalet Ball was a second cousin of Mary Ball, tnother of General Washington. He had three sons, Stephen, John a colonel in the revolution, Flamen, and a daughter Mary, who married General James Gordon. Gen- eral Gordon had a distinguished civil as well as military career. He was the first super- visor of the town of Ballston, a member of the assembly, state senator for nine years, and representative in the second and third United States congresses. He was honored by a visit from President Washington at his home in Ballston when the president visited northern New York. He was judge of the Saratoga court of common pleas. He died in Ballston, January 17, 1810, leaving a daughter Melinda. Children of George Scott: James, see forward ; Mary, married William Marshall ; Margaret, unmarried ; Susan, mar- ried Daniel Starr. (H) James, only son of George and (Gordon) Scott, was born at the Gordon homestead in Ballston, New York. January 31, 1774, died in the same town in 1857. He was a well-known surveyor of his day. He mar- ried Mary Botsford, born in Derby, Connecti- cut, died the year of her marriage, leaving an only child. (HI) Judge George Gordon, only son of James and Mary (Botsford) Scott, was born in the town of Ballston, Saratoga county. New York, May 11, 181 1, died September 7, 1886. He prepared for Union College, where he was graduated in 1831, being then twenty years oif age. He embraced the pro- fession of law, for which he prepared with Palmer & Goodrich, at Ballston, finishing his ■course of preparation with Brown & Thomp- son, of the same village. He was admitted to the bar in 1834, and at once began the practice of his profession in Ballston. He soon became well established in business and commanded universal respect for his legal ability and manly, upright character. In 1838 he was commissioned judge of the •county courts by Governor Marcy, but re- signed before the expiration of his term. He was an active Democrat, and was elected to the state assembly in 1856, and re-elected in 1857. In the latter year he was elected state senator from the fifteenth district, and served his term, but declined re-election. In 1861 he was the nominee of his party for the high •office of state comptroller, but was defeated by Lucius Robinson. In 1859 he removed from the Milton part of Ballston Spa into his native town, and in i860 was elected super- visor, being re-elected each year for twenty- one years, generally without opposition. In 1863 and 1876 he was chairman of the board. He delivered the historical address at Balls- ton Spa in 1876, and in 1877 was presiding officer at Bemis Heights upon the occasion of the celebration of the one hundredth anni- versary of that decisive battle of the revolu- tion. He survived all his associates on the bench, and was the last of fifteen senators of Saratoga county who were contemporaries. He married Lucy, daughter of Joel Lee, of Ballston Spa, and left issue. (I\') James Lee, son of Judge Gordon and Lucy (Lee) Scott, was born at Ballston Spa, New York, January 9, 1856. He pre- pared for college at Greylock Institute, South Williamstown, Massachusetts, and entered Williams College in 1872, and was graduated from there in 1876. He prepared for the profession of law, and was actively engaged in legal practice at Ballston Spa until 1900, when he removed to Saratoga Springs. In 1886-87 he was county clerk of Saratoga county, and in 1898 was appointed referee in bankrutpcy for the counties of Saratoga, Schenectady and Warren, and held that office for twelve years. He has many important business interests. He is president of the Congress Spring Company ; president of the Ballston Refrigerating Storage Company, of Ballston; first vice-president of The Adiron- dack Trust Company, of Saratoga ; vice-presi- dent of the Security Steel & Iron Company, of Troy. His clubs are the University and Manhattan of New York City, the Maganas- sippi Fish & Game of Canada, the Saratoga and Saratoga Golf. Politically he is a Re- publican. He married a Miss Boone, of Louisville, Kentucky, a direct descendant of Squire Boone (brother of Daniel), and of Judge John Rowan, formerly United States senator from Kentucky. He has two sons, Brcnton and Gordon. The name Silliman, Sille- SILLLM.AN mant or Sillivant is derived from a silly man not silly or witless, as useil in modern times, but inno- cent, free from guile, a good man. About 1690 the name came to be spelled Silliman. It has been suggested by persons familiar with the pronunciation of family names that this family was of Irish extraction, but there has been no proof yet found. (I) Daniel Silliman was in Fairfield in 1658. He married (first), in July, 1661, Peac- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS able Eggleston, widow of John Eggleston. He bought of Joseph Middlebrook, "adminis- trator of John Eggleston's estate, ten acres of land left for the use of Eggleston's son. This lot was southwest of the present Black Rock bridge. He married (second) Hannara, Hen- ichy or Hannah Hendrickson, widow of ••Hendrick" or "Henry Hendrickson." He was one of the land dividend holders of the town. He died intestate in 1690, and the in- ventory of his estate, valued at three hundred and two pounds, was made January 13, 1690- 91. His property was divided between his wife Hannah and his three sons. It has not been determined whether he was related to Daniel Sillivant or Selevant. of New Haven, who married, before 1654, Abigail Cole, only daughter of 'James Cole, of Hartford, and who married, October 17. 1654, Eliza Lam- berton, daughter of Captain George Lamber- ton. master of the famous phantom ship, or the ship in the air, lost in 1646. In the New Haven records, it says that a William Trow- bridge married, March 9, 1667, at Milford, Elizabeth, widow of Sillivant and daughter of George Lamberton, but before this Eliza- beth deeded the house and lands given to her husband and his former wife, Abigail, by James Cole, her father, in his will, and it also says that the said Daniel died in Vir- ginia in 1655, and he left a will, proved June 1655, naming his widow. Tradition says that Daniel of Fairfield was from Holland. Chil- dren by first wife: Daniel, Thomas, Robert, mentioned below. (II) Robert, son of Daniel Silliman, mar- ried Sarah, daughter of Cornelius Hull. He died in 1748. Children: Sarah, baptized September 16, 1694; Nathaniel, September 27, 1696; Anne, March 12, 1698-99; Martha, August 24, 1701 ; Robert, March 19, 1703-04, mentioned below; Rebecca, April 8, 1705; Ebenezer, September 21, 1707. (III) Robert (2), son of Robert (i) Silli- man, was baptized Alarch 19, 1703-04. He married (first), October 20, 1715, Ruth, daughter of Samuel Tredwell, of Pequonnock. She died March 15, 1756. He married (sec- ond), Mary Morehouse, December 14, 1756. Children by first wife : Robert, born Septem- ber 26, 1716, mentioned below; Ruth, bap- tized August 24, 1718; Daniel, born Decem- ber 31, 1722; Sarah, February 17. 1728-29; John, April 9, 1731. By second wife: Ruth, born August 19, 1760. There were perhaps other children bv second wife. (IV) Rev. Robert (3) Silliman, son of Robert (2) Silliman, was born September 26, 1716, at Fairfield, died in 1781 at Saybrook. He married Annie, daughter of Samuel Cooke, granddaughter of Thomas Cooke and great-granddaughter of Thomas Cooke. Sam- uel Cooke was born November 22, 1687. and became a Congregational minister: settled in Stratfield, Connecticut, now Bridgeport, with a salary of a hundred pounds a year with his firewood. He is described as of dignified ap- pearance and manner, wearing a particularly careful ministerial dress. He married Anne Trowbridge, a girl of twenty, only daughter of John Trowbridge, of New Haven. For a time Cooke was the principal of the Hop- kins grammar school. The wife of John Trowbridge was a daughter of GoveVnor Leete, a distinguished member of an old Eng- lish noble family. Anne was the youngest child of seven. Robert Silliman moved to New Canaan, Connecticut, to succeed Rev. John Eells, as pastor, and continued there for thirty years. He accepted a call to Say- brook, Connecticut, January 8, 1772. Solomon A. Silliman has in his possession a copy of the old church record of Saybrook, which contains the proceedings of a meeting of the society to give a call to Rev. Robert Silliman. and his letter of acceptance. It was voted at this meeting to give him a salary of sixty pounds and twenty cords of firewood a year, the sixty pounds to be one-third in cash, and two-thirds in food products at the market price in that town. His wife died two years and a half before him. His own death came unexpectedly while he was visiting. Among his children were: i. Samuel Cooke, died February 14, 1798; married Elizabeth Strat- ton and Dinah Comstock. and lived on the homestead. 2. Dr. Joseph, mentioned below. 3. John, who built the first boat that navigated the Connecticut river propelled by any power but the wind, namely horse- power; he loaded it with grain to go up and down the river, and, running against a "snag," it sank. He afterward left that part of the country and moved to a place north of Troy, called Half i\Ioon, and from him have come three or four generations who have lived along the Hudson in this vicinity, some of whom have been prominent business men in Troy; one each of the third and fourth gen- erations are still living here, also some in West Troy, now called Watervliet. In the census of 1790, the only heads of families of this surname at Stamford and Norwalk. which are reported together, were Dr. Jo- seph, who had two sons under sixteen, and three females, and Samuel Cooke, who liad one son under sixteen and one female. (V) Dr. Joseph Silliman, son of Rev. Rob- ert (3) Silliman, was born about 1760. He removed from New Canaan at the age of fif- 1426 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS teen, but returning later settled there. He was a prominent physician and held various offices of trust and honor. He died in Bedford, New York, aged seventy-one. He married, No- vember 23, 1785, Martha Leeds. Children: Joseph, born August 13, 1786, graduate of Yale, married Martha Mitchell; William, January 17, 1788, graduate of Yale, married St. John : Eliabeth Leeds, October 22, 1789, married Hon. Minot Mitchell; Samuel Cooke, January 11. 1792, graduate of Yale, married Uriah Reeds' daughter: Elisha, De- cember 22, 1793; Ann, October 2},, 1795, died young ; John Leeds, mentioned below. (VI) John Leeds, son of Dr. Joseph Silli- man, was born at New Canaan, Connecticut, June 14, 1798, died at White Plains, New York, May 2, 1879. He was a farmer. Orig- inally a Whig, he supported the Republican party after it was established. In religion he was a Presbyterian and active in good works. He married, December 24, 1822. Catharine Mary, born at Poundridge, Westchester county. New York, October 13, 1802. daugh- ter of Solomon Lockwood (see Lockwood VI). Children: William, Joseph. John. Mi- not M., Ann Eliza, Chauncey M., Solomon Augustus. Charles H., Charles H. M. and Caroline M. (VII) Solomon Augustus, son of John Leeds Silliman, was born in Brutus, Cayuga county, New York, November 5, 1837. He was educated in the public schools of his na- tive town and the Union School at Weeds- port, New York. He also took a private course in accounting and commercial branches at Auburn, New York. He came to New York City in November, 1858. and engaged in temporary business for a year, then entered a firm dealing in trimmings and millinery goods. The firm imported goods extensively. He was in charge of the finan- cial part of the business and of the accounts. In 1888 he came to Troy. New York, and since that time has been virtually retired from business, though he has taken some engage- ments as an expert accountant. He enlisted in the Twenty-third Regiment (Brooklyn regiment). New York National Guard, in the civil war, in 1862, and served from Octfiber 6, 1862, to May i, 1867. He was for four years a member of the State National Guard Association. In politics he is a staunch Re- publican, and his first vote was cast for Abra- ham Lincoln. In religion he is a Presby- terian. He was formerly a member of the Union League club of New York City. He married June 26. 1879. Martha Ann. born at Troy, daughter of Henry Ingram (see Ingram VIII). The surname Lockwood LOCKWOOD is of very ancient origin and is mentioned in the Domesday Book. It is a place name, and the family has several branches in England, in Staffordshire, Yorkshire, county Essex and Northampton. The coat-of-arms borne by Rev. Richard Lockwood. pastor of Dingley, Northampton, was : Argent, a fesse between three martletts sable. (I) Robert Lockwood. immigrant ancestor, came to New England about 1630 and set- tled in Watertown. Massachusetts. He was admitted a freeman, March 9, 1636-37, and was the executor of the estate of one Edmund Lockwood, supposed to have been his brother. He removed to Fairfield, Connecticut. He was recorded as a settler there as early as 1641 and died there in 1668. He was admit- ted a freeman of that state. May 20. 1662. He was appointed sergeant at Fairfield in May, 1657. He is said to have lived for a time in Norwalk, Connecticut. He married Susannah , who married (second) Jef- frey Ferris, and died at Greenwich. Chil- dren: Jonathan, mentioned below; Deborah, born October 12, 1636; Joseph. August 6. 1638; Daniel. March 21. 1640; Ephraim. De- cember I. 1641 ; Gershom. September 6. 1643; John ; Abigail, married John Barlow, of Fair- field ; Sarah; Mary, married Jonathan Heusted. (II) Lieutenant Jonathan, son of Robert Lockwood. was born in Watertown. MassH- chusetts. September 10, 1634. died May 12. 1688. in Greenwich. Connecticut, in his fifty- fourth year. He married Mary, daughter of Jeffrey Ferris, who married, late in life, Mrs. Susannah Lockwood. widow of Robert Lock- wood, and Jonathan's mother. Jonathan signed a paper on January i. 1657. at East- towne, in the New Netherlands, in which he promised allegiance to the Dutch gover- nor as long as he lived within his jurisdic- tion. He lived in Stamford, Connecticut, Oc- tober 16, 1660, and in 1665 he sold his es- tate there and moved to Greenwich. He was made a freeman here in 1670. He was assis- tant in May, 1671, and in 1672 was "one of the twenty-seven proprietors." He repre- sented the town in the legislature for four years. At his death, the people met in town meeting and pas.sed resolutions deploring the loss of so valuable a citizen, and he was greatly mourned. He w-as deputy to the gen- eral assembly several times. He was ap- pointed by the court, with three others, to determine the boundary line between Green- wich and the colony of New York, from Mamaroneck river to Hudson river. On May HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1427 9, 1688, he made a deed, a division of prop- erty, and named his wife and children. This was three days before his death. His wife, after his death, made provision for her chil- dren, when about to marry Sergeant Thomas Merritt, of Rye. June 5, 1696. Children: Jonathan, born about 1663 ; Robert ; Gershom ; Still John, about 1674; Joseph, mentioned be- low ; Sarah ; Abigail. (HI) Joseph, son of Lieutenant Jonathan Lockwood, was bom in 1675, in Stamford, Connecticut, died 1759, aged eighty-four, at Poundridge, Westchester county. New York, where he moved in 1743. He was admitted a freeman, February 7, 1697. He married (first). May 19, 1698, Elizabeth Ayres, who died December 16, 171 5. He married (sec- ond), August 10, 1716, Margery, born Oc- tober 4, 1683, died January 2, 1736-37, daughter of James and Hannah (Scofield) Webb. Children by first wife: Joseph, born March 15, 1699, mentioned below; Hannah, March 24, 1701 ; John, September 18, 1703; Nathaniel, April i, 1706, died young; Eliza- beth, May 15, 1708; Israel, June 4, 1710; Mary; Reuben, December 15, 171 5. By sec- ond wife: Nathaniel, May 20, 1717; Nathan, March 25, 1719; James, July 15, 1722. (IV) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (i) Lock- wood, was born March 15, 1699, at Stam- ford. He moved with his father to Pound- ridge in 1743, and here he died June 15, 1757. He was one of the proprietors of the Stam- ford Patent, which was granted in 1685. He married Sarah, born April i, 1706, died in 1790, daughter of Joshua and Mary (Pickett) Hoyt. Children : Eliakim, born February 28, 1728-29; Joseph, June 30, 1731, men- tioned below; Elizabeth, March 7, 1733: Gil- bert, 1736, died 1740; Ebenezer, March 31, 1737: Rachel, January 19, 1739; Mercy; Hezekiah, killed by a fence rail, aged seven years ; Prudence. (V) Captain Joseph (3), son of Joseph (2) Lockwood, was born June 30, 1731, in Stam- ford, died March 17, 1792, at Poundridge. Joseph Lockwood was elected town clerk of Old Poundridge in 1760. He was chosen captain of a military company, and his com- mission was issued September 13, 1775. On June 10, 1775, a list of men who went from Manchester to Ticonderoga under him is given by him. He was chosen as one of the competent officers by the committee of safety at New York. He was unanimously chosen chairman of the first meeting of the congre- gation of the Presbyterian Society at Pound- ridge in 1760. He married Hannah Close, who died December 22, 1806, daughter of Solomon Close, of North Salem, New York. She married (second) Captain James Rich- ards, of New Canaan, Connecticut, a wealthy man, who died at New Canaan, May 17, 1810, aged eighty-seven, after being blind for sev- eral years. Qiildren : Hannah ; Sarah, born 1761 ; Joseph, December 3. 1764; Solomon, August 28, 1766, mentioned below; Prudence, 1767; Mindwell, married Jotham Waring; Mercy; Matilda, died young; Matilda, mar- ried Seth Kellogg; Nancy, married Henry Jones. (VI) Solomon, son of Captain Joseph (3) Lockwood, was born August 28, 1766, at Poundridge, died March 19, 1841. He mar- ried Mary Close, of Greenwich, born April 16, 1770, died May 6, 1848, daughter of Odle Close. Children: Bethia, born June 21, 1791 ; Odle, May 4, 1793; Leander, Novem- ber 21. 1794; Joseph. September 23. 1796; Hannah. Alarch 9, 179S: William, September 14, 1800: Catharine Mary, October 13, 1802, married John L. Silliman, died April 17, 1879 (see Silliman VI) ; Sarah Elizabeth, Septem- ber 10, 1805; Solomon, September 5, 1810, died September 22, 181 1. Randolph, son of Ingel'ram or INGRAM Ing'ram, was the sheriflf of Nottingham and Derby in the reign of Henry II, 1133-89. He had two sons, Robert and William. Robert Ingram, knight, son of Randolph, was of such importance in the reign of Henry III that the Prior and Convent of Lenton granted to him a yearly rent out of their lands in Sheynton and Nottingham, in recog- nition of his military service in their defense. His arms are painted in Temple Nevvsham, or Newsam, England, which is an immense estate, six miles long and four wide, about four and a half miles east of Leeds. It is now called the Ingram Estate, and at first it was a settlement of Knights Templar in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. After their disper- sion, it was granted by Edward III to Sir John Darcy, and descended to Sir Thomas Darcy, who was beheaded by Henry VIII, and the estate was forfeited to the crown. In 1354 it was again granted by Henry Ylll to Mathew, Earl of Lennox, and here was born his .son, Henry Darnley, who later mar- ried Mary, Queen of Scots. The estate de- scended to their son, James I, of England, and from him to his kinsman, Esme Stuart, Duke of Lennox, from whom it passed to Sir Arthur Ingram, the first of the Lords Viscount Irwin, one of the conditions being that the room in which Lord Darnley was born in should remain unaltered, and this room is still called the "King's Chamber." HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Sir Arthur Iiitjram, who is supposed to have been born about 1570, was celebrated for his valor as a cavalier. He was a near relative of Wentworth, the celebrated Earl of Stafford. He was twice married ; first to Eleanor, daughter of Sir Henry Slingsby, of the "Red House," and second to Lady Kath- erine, daughter of Thomas, Lord Viscount Fairfax of Gilling. Sir Arthur died in 1655. His portrait in cavalier costume, that of the First Viscount Irwin in full armor, and of Henr>', the second Viscount Irwin in half ar- mor, all nearly full length, were in the col- lection of the Bishop of California, William Ingraham Kip, D. D., LL. D., who died in 1894. His children were Henry and Arthur. Henry, son of Sir Arthur Ingram, was born between 1595 and 1600. At the time of the restoration, six years after the death of his father, he was created a peer of Scot- land by Charles II, with the title of Viscount Irwin, by letters patent, dated May 23, 1661, as a recompense to the family for their loy- alty. He married Anne, daughter of Mon- tacute. Earl of Manchester, a leader in par- liament. The male branch in England, as descended from Sir Henry, the second Vis- count Irwin, became extinct with Charles Ingram, ninth Viscount Irwin, who died in 1778. His daughter, the Marchioness of Hertford, and Lady William Gordon, suc- cessively inherited Temple Newsam, and from them it passed to their sister, Mrs. Hugo Maynell, whose son took the name of In- gram, and his descendants are the present owners of the family estate. Arthur, of P.arrowby, son of Sir Arthur Ingram, and brother to Henry Ingram, was born between 1595 and 1600. He married a daughter of Sir John Mallory about 161 5. and genealogists agree that it was from him that the Ingram family in America is descended. (I) Richard, dovibtless son of Arthur In- gram, came to America between 1638 and 1642. He settled in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, where he was a proprietor in 1645. Some years later he moved to Northampton, Massa- chusetts, where in 1668, late in life, he mar- ried, probably his second marriage, Joan Rockwell Raker, daughter of William Rock- well and widow of Jeffrey Raker, of Wind- sor, Connecticut. He contributed a sum at the time of the general sul)scription for the support for Harvard college in 1672-73. He died in August, 1683, and his widow died September 16. 1683, both at Northampton. He is thought to have been a brother of Jared and Edward Ingram, as they all lived near together at times, and the name is the same. F.dward came to America in 1635, and Richard between 1638 and 1642, and Jared in 1635. There is also a John Ingram, who settled at Roston and Hadley, who is thought to have been Richard's son. (II) John, very likely son of Richard In- gram, was born in England about 1642. He come to New England when a young man, and settled first at Roston, Massachusetts. He removed to Hadley, Massachusetts, with two others in 1661, and was admitted a free- man in 1663. He was a member of Joseph Kellogg's company of Hadley, under Captain William Turner, and was engaged in the fight at Turner's Falls, during King Philip's war. May ig, 1676. He died June 22, 1722. He married, 1664, Elizabeth, daughter of Sam- uel and Elizabeth Gardner, of Hadley, and she died November 29, 1684. Children: John, born June 29, 1665; Jadiah, August 16, 1668; Samuel, October 8, 1670; Ebenezer, February 3, 1673; Nathaniel, October 8, 1674, mentioned below; Jonathan, 1676; Elizabeth, Mav i, 1679; Abigail, January 12, 1683. (III)Nathaniel, son of John Ingram, was born at Hadley, October 8, 1674. He mar- ried, October 20, 1696, Esther, born March 31, 1674, daughter of Chileab and Hannah (Hitchcock) Smith, of Hadley. He and his son Nathaniel had a grant of land at South Hadley, which the Ingram family retained and occupied one hundred and seventy-five years. It was sold in the spring of 1904. Children: Esther, born July 23, 1697; Eliza- beth, April 6, 1699; Abigail, August 24, 1700; Alercy. April 15, 1702: Ebenezer, November 18, 1703; Nathaniel, May 18, 1708; Hannah, April 14, 1711; Jonathan, June 5, 1713, men- tioned below: Sarah, October 2, 1717. (IV) Jonathan, son of Nathaniel Ingram, was born June 5, 1713, died November 12 or 14, 1748. He married. May 18. 1743, Mary, daughter of John Montague, Jr. Children : Jonathan, born January 5, 1745, mentioned be- low ; John, August 9, 1746; Mary, Novem- ber 21, 1748. (V) Jonathan (2), son of Jonathan (i) Ingram, was born January 5, 1745. Children: Jonathan, mentioned below; Samuel, March. 1781 ; son, April 20, 1783; Joanna, baptized April 17, 1785; Ira, baptized December 31, 1786; Elisha, baptized April 17, 1789. (VI) Jonathan (3), son of Jonathan (2) Ingram, was born at Hadley, May 2, 1779, died at Marlborough, Vermont, August ir, 1855. He was a farmer. He moved to Marlborough among the early settlers. He was a deacon of the Congregational church there. He married, August 25, 1802, Polly, daughter of Jonathan Underwood. Children : C «N ^/ "//J^-Zi^r^ir^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1429 Henry, William, Jonathan, Porter, Harriet, Polly, Joanna, Lucy, Ira. (VH) Henry (2), son of Jonathan (3) Ingram, was born at Marlborough, Vermont, December 7, 1803, died at Troy, New York, August 10, 1890. He was educated in the Marlborough public schools, and worked dur- ing his youth on the homestead. He went to Northfield, Massachusetts, when he came of age, and in 1830 removed to Troy, New York, where he embarked in the grocery business. Subsequently he was engaged in manufacturing and in the wholesale liquor trade in the firm of H. Ingram & Company, in which his brother William was his partner. He was one of the organizers of the National State Bank and vice-president and president for many years. He retired a few years be- fore he died. In politics he was a Democrat, and greatly interested in public affairs, but never sought office for himself. He was a member of the Universalist church, and was one of the first of the family to leave the Presbyterian church and join the liberal de- nomination. He married, October 12, 1836, at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Martha, daughter of Simeon and Lucy (Deming) Butler. Chil- dren: I. James Henry, born at Troy, Feb- ruary 13, 1838, died at Brooklyn, New York, February 27, 1900; enlisted in the civil war in the Sixth New York Independent Bat- talion and served three years ; promoted to rank of sergeant; was in the mounted artil- lery in the Army of the Potomac and took part in nineteen important battles ; was for a time under General John A. Logan ; captured and confined in Libby prison and paroled. Soon after he engaged in business with his father and continued until the eighties, when his father retired, and he went into business in Brooklyn ; was chief of the fire department for years and captain of Read Steamer Com- pany ; was sheriff of the county ; was a Demo- crat; married, but left no children. 2. Jona- than E., born July 15, 1839, died April i, 1844. 3. Charles, December 7, 1841, died October 21, 1842. 4. Francenah J., July 10, 1843, died April 8, 1844. 5. Martha A., April 18, 1846. 6. Emma, June i, 1848. 7. George, October 17, 1851, died November 18, 1851. (VIII) Martha Ann, daughter of Henry (2) Ingram, was born at Troy, New York, April 18, 1846. She married S. Augustus Silliman (see Silliman VII). She was edu- cated in the public schools and private schools, graduating from the Troy high school in 1863 and from the Troy Female Seminary in 1865. She is a member of the Alumni Associations of the Troy high school and of the Troy Female Seminary, now Emma Willard school, and has been president of the Troy Chapter of the Emma Willard Alumnae Association for ten years. She has been presi- dent of the Young Women's Association for the past nine years, and on the board of man- agement for nearly twenty-five years. She was a charter member of the Samaritan Hos- pital 'and its treasurer for several years ; is vice-president of the board of women man- agers. She is regent of Philip Schuyler Chap- ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and had been vice-regent for several years previously. She is a director of the State Board of New York, of the Federation of Women's Clubs, and is vice-president of the Stephen Van Rensselaer Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire State. In religion she is a Universalist, and she is the active president of the Mission Circle of the church. She was formerly vice-president of the New York State Universalist Missionary Society. She is one of the managers of the Women's League of the Universalist church. She ia the tnistee of the William Ingram estate. During Troy Home Week Celebration, in 1908, Mrs. Silliman was chairman of the Women's Day celebration, and in 1909 she was appointed general chairman by Mayor Mann, of Troy, of the women's committee of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, held at Music Hall, October 8, 1909. (The Kellogg Line). (III) Nathaniel Kellogg, son of Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg (q. v.), was born October 8, 1669, in Hadley, died October 30, 1750, aged eighty-one. About 1739 he removed to Am- herst. He married, June 28, 1692, Sarah, daughter of Samuel Boltwood. She was liv- ing January 26, 1761. Children: Nathaniel, born September 22, 1693; Ebenezer, May 31, 1695 ; Ezekiel, April 15, 1697 ; Samuel, April 4, 1699, mentioned below; Sarah, March 12, 1701 ; Abigail, March 19, 1703; Mary, March 9, 1706; Ephraim, August 2. 1709; Experi- ence, married October 15, 1736. (IV) Samuel, son of Nathaniel Kellogg, was born April 4, 1699, died in South Had- ley, about May. 1741. He married. May 22, 1724, Sarah, daughter of Deacon John Smith. She married (second) January, 1749, William Montague. Children: Samuel, horn March 17, 1725 ; Joanna, married Jonathan Ingram ; Gad; Dan; Huldah, died October 3, 1756; Mary; Lucy; Sarah, died June 12, 1747. Captain Richard Bracket! BRACKETT was one of the first of the name in America. It is known that he was in the colony of Massa- '430 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS cluisetts Bay as early as 1630. Other Brack- etts in the Bay Colony at an early date were Peter Brackett, of Boston, and Thomas Brackett, of Salem. Captain Richard Brack- ett testified by affidavit on July 2, 1668, that the year of his birth was 1612. His tomb- stone says "aged 80 years," deceased March 5, 1690. If this be so, he was born in t6io, which would make him nineteen years of age in 1629, the year he came to America. On August 27, 1630, he was among the colonists with whom Governor Winthrop organized the first church of Boston. With this church he remained twelve years, when he removed to Braintree. He was made a freeman of Bos- ton, 1636, and November 23, 1636, he be- came a member of the Ancient and Honor- able Artillery Company. While in Boston he was appointed by the general court keeper of the prison, and was jailer for several years. It is stated that the jailer described in Haw- thorne's "Scarlet Letter" was Richard Brack- ett. Captain Richard Brackett was one of the early settlers and incorporators of Brain- tree. He sold his Boston property and re- moved to Braintree in 1641-42. He was or- dained deacon of the Braintree church. July 21, 1642, and this office he held until his death. He was the first town clerk and held office several years. In 1652-70-72 he was selectman; in 1654 he was elected represen- tative to the general court : was also deputy in 1655-66-67-71-72-73-74-75-80. He was sergeant of the train band, lieutenant, and about 1654 was attacked by the Indians dur- ing King Philip's war; Captain Richard Brackett and his men were constantly em- ployed in that war, but there is little record of their doings. As he advanced in years he sought to unburden himself of some of his public duties. In 1684 the general court al- lowed him to resign liis place as "chief mili- tary commander" of Braintree, after forty- three years of service, and thirty as captain. His business in Braintree was farming ; he had choice of the best land in the town, and acquired a considerable estate. When Bille- rica, Massachusetts, was incorporated, he be- came a freeholder; two of his sons and two daughters later settled there. It is said that at one time he taught the Braintree school. He was a busy man, highly honored and re- spected. He is buried in "the north precinct of Braintree, now Quincy. His wife's name was Alice . She was his lifelong companion after their mar- riage, she preceeding him to the grave but one year, in 1689. A silver cup inscribed B used in the Unitarian church in R and A i'.raintrce (in -early days Congregational) at communion service is the gift of Captain Richard Brackett and his wife Alice to the church. He made his will January 29, 1689, remembered all his children, and nominated his son James to be sole executor. The will was approved at Boston, December 19, 1690. Children: i. Hannah, killed by the Indians at Dunstable, now Nashua, New Hampshire; married (first) Samuel Kingsley; (second) Deacon John Blanchard. 2. John, married (first) Hannali French; (second) Mrs. Ruth (Morse) Ellis. 3. Peter, twin with John, married (first) Elizabeth Bosworth ; (second) Mrs. Sarah (Parker) Foster. 4. Rachel, mar- ried Simon Crosby. 5. Mary, married Jo- seph, son of Rev. William Thompson. 6. James, see forward. 7. Sarah, married Jo- seph Crosby. 8. Josiah, married Elizabeth Waldo. All of these reared families, some of them very large ones. { H) James, son of Captain Richard and Alice Brackett, was born in Braintree, Mas- sachusetts, about 1645. In deeds he is de- scribed as a "Cooper." In 1673 he removed to Boston, as shown by his letter of dismissal from the Braintree church to the Third (Old South) Church in Boston, where he was ad- mitted a member, March 2, 1673. In 1682 he returned to Braintree, according to similar evidence. He was admitted a freeman in Boston, May 12, 1675: clerk. 1689-94; was sergeant of the Braintree military company, 1695 ; selectman, 1701-03. He seems to have bought and sold a good deal of land and to have been a man of some distinction. He married, in Braintree, about 1674, Sarah, born in Hingham, Massachusetts, December 22, 1649, died October 6, 1727. daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Beal) Alarsh, and grand- daughter of George and Elizabeth Marsh, who came to America in 1635. Children: Joseph, of Braintree, married Mehitable Belcher; Nathan, see forward; Sarah, mar- ried Edward Adams, of Milford ; Mary, un- married ; Deborah, married Samuel Baxter, of Braintree; Anne, married Deacon Richard Paxon, of Braintree ; Abigail, baptized Octo- ber 20, 1689, in Braintree, married August 6, 1719, Gregory, son of Deacon Gregory. (Ill) Nathan, son of James and Sarah (Marsh) Brackett. was baptized in Braintree, Massachusetts, September 29, 1678. in the First Church. His birth occurred on the 23rd. He lived continuously in Braintree from 1683 until his death, in May, 1743. He led the quiet life of a farmer, and never held public office. In 1723 he was chosen constable, but prevailed upon his brother-in-law to accept the office in his stead, the selectmen giving their con.sent. Neither he nor his wife united HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1431 ^\■ith the church until well along in years. His farm is referred to as "at Mount Wollaston." He married, March 27, 1707, Hannah Veazy, baptized January 21, 1685, died before March 31. 1753. Children: James, married (first) Abigail Belcher, (second) Alary Brackett ; Jo- siah. married Anna Beale; Samuel, married Elizabeth Gomary ; Mary, married Silas Stet- son ; John, married Demaris Dean ; Sarah, married Jonathan Hayward ; Nathan, married Hannah Owen, served in French war ; his 5on Nathan served in the revolution. (IV) Nathan (2), youngest child of Nathan (i) and Hannah (V^eazy) Brackett, was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, July i, 1724. Farmer, removed to LTpton, Worcester county, Alassachusetts, in 1754. Name on list of Up- ton train band, dated March 23, 1757. Before the revolution he removed to Buckland, Frank- lin county, Massachusetts, where he died in 1795. He married. September 5, 1749, Han- nah Owen. Children : Nathan, was in almost continuous service in the revolution from the "Lexington Alarm" until August 8. 1780, and in 1831 was allowed a pension, no marriage recorded : Hannah, died young ; Jonathan, un- married ; Betsey ; Samuel, served in revolution from the "Alarm" of April 19, 1775, until (October 12, 1780, granted a pension in 1833, ■married Betsey Leonard: Sally; Benjamin, revolutionary soldier, under different enlist- ments, pensioned in 1833, married Susannah ^^'ashburn ; Hannah, married Thomas Wilson ; James, see forward ; Rebecca ; Lois. (V) James (2), son of Nathan (2) and Hannah (Owen) Brackett, was born in Upton, Alassachusetts, January 27, 1765, died at Delhi, New York, 1812. It is traditional that he served in the .A,merican army during the last year of the revolution. He was a farmer, and after the war ended removed to Buckland, thence to Ashland, Massachusetts, and later to Delhi, New York. He married, in Ashland, January i, 1798, Anna Watson Flower, died February 14, 1866, in Hannibal. New York, daughter of Major William (died at age of ninety-five years) and Hannah (Flower) Flower, his first cousin. Children: i. John Adams, see forward. 2. James Alanson, settled in Hannibal Center, New York ; miller and farmer ; class leader in the Methodist Episcopal church ; superintendent of Sunday school : largely through his liberality and ef- forts the Methodist church was built in that village : married Sarah Sherman, of Rhine- beck, New York. 3. William, merchant in Hannibal Center: married (first) Julia Flow- er; (second) Sally Ann, daughter of Rev. Isaac Teller. 4. Hannah, married Daniel Has- kins. S- Truman F., farmer; married Phoebe Perkins. 6. Harry A., farmer; married (first) Adaline Brown; (second) LoceUa Austin. 7. Harriet, married William Perkins, of Hannibal Center. 8. Fidelia A., married James A. Knowlton, of Hannibal, New York. (VI) John Adams, son of James (2) and Anna Watson (Flower) Brackett, was born in Ashfield, Massachusetts, September 16, 1798, died January 4, 1871, in Saratoga Springs, New York. He was a cooper and farmer. He resided in Pittstown, Wilton, Bald Moun- tain and Saratoga Springs, New York. He married (first) at Grafton, New York, Eliza Chase, died January 14, 1833; married (sec- ond) Abigail M. Sturges, died 1855. Chil- dren by first wife: James Sylvester, miller, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, married Nancy Sherman ; William Watson, see forward ; Henry Russell, died 1904, married Mary L. Ott ; John, died in infancy : George Russell, died 1901, married Mary J. Perry; Polly, died 1866, married Elisha Sherman ; Eliza M., married Cornelius H. Ott; Harriet, died 1883, married John Fryer ; John Adams, Jr., enlisted in the civil war in the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry ("Ellsworth's Avengers"), was promoted cor- poral, then sergeant ; at Gettysburg, when the regimental color bearer was shot. Sergeant Brackett seized and bore the colors until him- self shot. July 2, 1863 ; he lay on the battle- field until July 9, and died either on the 19th or 22nd day of July, 1863. (VII) William Watson, son of John Adams and Eliza (Chase) Brackett, was born in Pitts- town, New York, January 14, 1825, died in Mt. Vernon, Linn county, Iowa, June 15, 1891. He was a railroad bridge builder and followed his calling over a wide territory. In 1857 he went to Linn county, Iowa, on a visit, but made it his permanent home until his death. He married, in Wilton, Saratoga county. New York, March 4, 1846, Elizabeth A., daughter of Sylvanins and Clarissa (Slat- er) Sherman. Children: i. .Xnna Eliza, born October 24. 1847, in Wilton, New York; mar- ried, December 31, 1868, Myron K., son of Zebulon J. and Roxanna S. (Kibbe) Neff; children : Fred B.. Charles W. and Elizabeth. 2. Edgar T., see forward. 3. Clara .Ada, born September 9, 1859, at Ely, Iowa ; married Wil- liam Smith, deceased. (VHI) Edgar Truman, only son of William Watson and Elizabeth A. (Sherman) Brack- ett, was born July 30, 1853, at Emersons Corners (now Green Spring), in the town of Wilton, Saratoga county, New York. He was an infant when his parents removed to Iowa, where he was educated and grew to manhood. In 1872 he was graduated from 'Cornell Col- 1432 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS lege, a Methodist institution of learning at Mount Vernon. In September, 1872, he lo- cated in Saratoga Springs, New York, where he began the study of law in the office of Pond & French. In June, 1875, he was admitted to the New York bar, at the general term of the supreme court held at Elmira, and the same month his Alma Mater conferred upon him the degree of A.M. In the spring of 1876 he became the junior member of the law firm of Pond, French & Brackett, continuing this association for twelve years, when the firm be- came Pond & Brackett. He became the senior member of Brackett, Butler & Baucus; since 1891 he has practised his profession alone. He is a very able and successful practitioner, learned in the law, skillful in its application, wise and safe as a counselor. His advice and assistance is often sought by his legal breth- ren in the trial of cases, or in argument before appellate tribunals. In the year 1895 he began his public political career that continues to the present time (1910). In that year he was elected state senator from the district, com- posed of Saratoga, Schenectady and Wash- ington counties. He at once took prominent rank in the councils of his party (RepubH- can) and in the work of the senate. He has been in continuous service in the senate through successive re-elections, except the years 1907-08. His course as a legislator has met with the approval of his district, and has attracted a great amount of favorable com- ment outside district and state. He is inde- pendent in thought and action, and neither threats nor promises have induced him to swerve from his privately formed opinion. The undue promotion of private interests at the expense of the people has always had in him a vigorous opponent. To no one man is more credit due for recent legislation in regard to the control of insurance and other companies than to the fearless, upright Sen- ator Brackett. In 1898 he received a further evidence of the high esteem in which he is held by his "Alma Mater" by the conferring upon him of the degree LL.D. He has always taken a great interest in educational matters, has served for several years upon the com- mittee of public education, and most gener- ously aided Cornell College with his influence and financial aid. His business interests be- yond law and politics are largely in Saratoga Springs. He is president of the Adirondack Trust Company and other of the village's en- terprises. He finds relaxation at the Saratoga Club, of which he is a member. He belongs to Rising Sun Lodge, No. 103, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, Chapter and Washington Commandery. Senator Brackett's deepest in- terest is in the law. Valuable as his services have been to the state as a legislator, and apparently deeply engrossed in public affairs as he is, it is to the law that he has given his life's best thought and most earnest ef- fort, and it is as a lawyer that he prefers to go down in history. Still in the vigor of his manhood, he is actively engaged in his pro- fession, ranking with the most eminent in the state. He married, November 22, 1882, Mary Emma, daughter of Charles and Anna (Laing) Corliss. Children: Edgar Truman, Jr., born March 25, 1890, died July 10, 1899; "Charles William, November 26, 1892. The house of Argyll, head CAMPBELL of the Scottish Clan Camp- bell, have an authenticated history extending back to the great Diarmid 'Mac Dwibhne, who was contemporary with the 79th King of Scots, Anno Domini, 977. From him through lyric odes of the bards and tra- dition they trace thirteen generations further back into antiquity to Constantine, who came over from France in the year 404 and died Anno Domini, 420. In the seventeenth gen- eration from Constantine the whole clan O'Dwibhne in Argyllshire assumed the sur- name Campbell in courtesy to their chief, Ar- chibald, whose name or title was translated in the Latin Campus Bellus, and Campbell the name has since been. The family were noble for ten generations to Archibald, the tenth earl, who in 1701 was created by William the Third, Duke of Argyle. He was of the for- tieth generation. The present Duke of Argyle is the thirty-first Campbell in direct descent to hold the title. The first of the clan to come to America and settle in northern New York was Captain Laughlin Campbell, a soldier of great courage, who visited Washington county in 1737 in response to the invitation of the New York authorities to Scotch Highlanders to settle here. Laughlin Campbell was a younger brother of the then Duke of Argyle. Being pleased with the country, he was promised a grant of thirty thousand acres for colony use, for survey fees and quit rent, by Lieutenant- Governor Clark. He returned to Scotland, sold his property, raised a colony of four hun- dred and twenty-three adults, and with a part of them came the next year (1738) to New York, where Governor Clark insisted on full fees and a share in the land. Campbell re- fused his demands, and Clark recommended the legislature to grant the colony assistance, but that body, then at war with the governor, declined to respond, as they suspected the money would go to the colonial officials for HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS fees. The colonists were obliged to separate to earn their living, and Campbell, with the remains of his broken fortunes, purchased and settled down upon a small farm in the prov- ince. A few years after, in 1745, when the rebellion broke out in Scotland, he went back to that country and served under the Duke of Cumberland until the close of the war. He then returned to his family here, and died soon after from the effects of wounds received in the war. His children were afterward granted, in 1763, a tract of ten thousand acres in Washington county, in the town of Argyle, now Greenwich. (H) Duncan, son of Captain Laughlin Campbell, settled in the town of Argyle, Washington county, New York, on the "Camp- bell Patent," near the Batten Kill, in 1765. In 1803 the town of Greenwich was created from Argyle and his farm was in the new town. It contained four hundred and fifty acres. From 1772 to 1780 Duncan Campbell was supervisor of the town. He married and had .issue. In the old burying ground at. Fort Edward, New York, may be seen an old tomb- stone, which must not be confounded with the burial place of Duncan Campbell, although he was a kinsman. "Here lyes the body of Dun- can Campbell of Invershaw Esq. Major to the old Highland regiment ; aged 55 years who died the 17th of July 1758 of the wounds he received in the attack of the Retrenchments of Ticonderoga or Carillon 8th of July 1758." (HI) Archibald, son of Duncan Campbell, was born on the farm in Argyle in 1739, died at Jackson, New York, January 31, 1808. He was a merchant, and one of the five trustees appointed to divide and distribute the land to the grantees under the Campbell patent. In 1772-73-74 he was town clerk. In 1789 his name heads the list of subscribers to the fund for erecting a church building for the United Presbyterian congregation, of which he was one of the original members. He married Flora McNeil, born 1755, died in Jackson, New York, November i, 1825. They are buried on the old farm near Salem, New York. Children : Catherine, born January 4, 1772; Ann, April 27, 1774; John, June 15, 1776 ; Alexander, see forward ; Ellen, June 12, 1783; Duncan (2), September 26, 1785; Margaret (twin), October 8, 1787; Ann (twin) ; Archibald, Jr., 1790 (q. v.). (IV) Alexander, son of Archibald and Flora (McNeil) Campbell, was born at Jack- son, Washington county. New York, February ^9' 1779- He married, February 22, 1812, Eleanor, born 179 1, in Center Falls. Wash- ington county. New York, daughter of J. Ezra Dyer. Children: Angeline, born January 13, 18 13 ; Catherine, January 22, 1815 ; Alexander, October 19, 1817; Ezra Dyer, September 12. 1819; Melancthon Wheeler, see forward ? Nancy E., September 27, 1827; Esther Ann, April 21, 1830. (V) Melancthon Wheeler, son of Alex- ander and Eleanor (Dyer) Campbell, was- born in Jackson, Washington county. New York, November 9, 1822, died March i, 1894, at Troy, New York. He married Adelia Caro- line Schoonmaker, born in Stillwater, Sara- toga county, New York, June 12, 1825. Chil- dren: Alexander F.. born November 9, 1856, he is a lawyer of New York City, unmarried, Charles Dunning, see forward ; William- Melancthon. November 21, 1861, a physician of Cohoes, New York. (VI) Charles Dunning, second son of Melancthon Wheeler and Adelia C. (Schoon- maker) Campbell, was born in Stillwater,. Saratoga county, New York, March 17, 1859. He was educated in Troy, New York, and re- sided there until 1907, when he removed to- Newark, New Jersey. He is engaged in busi- ness in New York City and Troy. He mar- ried, April 27. 1886, in Troy, New York, Georgianna Sumner (see Sumner VIII), born February 22, 1863. Children: Sumner E., born January 30, 1887, a student at the Rens- saeler Polytechnic Institute ; Dorothea Adelia, July II, 1892. (The Sumner Line). The princijjal family of this name in the United States trace their ancestry to Roger Sumner, of Oxfordshire, England, a husband- man. He married, at Bicester, November 2, 1601, Joane Franklin, and died there Decem- ber 3, 1608. His widow married, January 10, 161 1, Marcus Brian, of Merton, a neighbor- hood parish, who died in 1620. Roger Sumner had a brother William, who died at Bicester in 1597. The only child of Roger and Joane Sumner was William. (I) William, only child of Roger and Joane (Franklin) Sumner, was born at Bicester, England, 1605. He married there and in 1636- emigrated to New England, settling at Dor- chester, Massachusetts. He became a man of importance there, holding many offices. He was made a freeman May 17, 1637, and was selectman of Dorchester for more than twenty years. From 1663 to 1680 he was one of the feoffes of the school fund, and from 1663 to- 1671 commissioner to try small causes. He was a member of the train band and clerk. In 1658-66-70-72-78-81-83-86 he was deputy from Dorchester to the general court. He- married, at Bicester, England, October 22, 1625, Mary West. Children, first born in 1434 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Bicester : William ; Joane, married Aaron Way, of Dorchester, and after his death went to South Carolina with two of her brothers ; Roger ; George, see forward ; Samuel ; In- crease. (H) Deacon George, fourth child of Wil- liam and Mary (West) Sumner, was born in Bicester, England, in 1634, died at Milton, Massachusetts, December 11, 1715. He formed part of the family emigration in 1636. He was made a freeman of Massachusetts May 6, 1657. He removed to Milton, Massachu- setts, where he was lieutenant of the train band. In 1693-1703-08-09 he was deputy to the general court from Milton. He was or- dained a deacon of the church July 30, 1699. He married, at Northampton, Massachusetts, November 7, 1662, Mary, died April i, 17 19, daughter of Edward Baker, of that town. Children : Mary, married Joseph Swinerton ; George (2), married Ann Tucker: Samuel, was sergeant in Captain Withington's com- pany in the Canada expedition of 1690 and was never heard from later ; William, lost on the same expedition as Samuel ; Ebenezer, married Abigail Lovett ; Edward, see forward ; Joseph, married Sarah Lovett ; Benjamin, married Elizabeth Babcock. (III) Edward, sixth child of Deacon George and Mary (Baker) Sumner, was born at Milton, Massachusetts, August 29, 1676, died in Roxbnry, Massachusetts, 1763. He removed from Milton to Roxbury early in life, and was a useful citizen. He married, at Roxbury, September 25, 1701, Elizabeth, died September 26, 1758, daughter of Samuel Clap, of Dorchester. Children, all born in Rox- bury: Edward (2), see forward: Elizabeth, died in infancy ; John, was a Harvard grad- uate, A.B., in 1723, married Susanna Stevens: Elizabeth, married Benjamin Boylston, of Brookline and Mendon, Massachusetts: Sam- uel, married Abigail, daughter of Increase Mather, of Boston ; Increase, married Sarah, daughter of Robert Sharp, of Roxbury ; Han- nah, married (first) Rev. John Newman, of Edgartown, (second) Jonathan Metcalf, of Dcdham ; Mary, married Rev. Thomas Balch, of Boston: Nathaniel, graduated A.B. from Harvard, class of 1739, resided in Dedham, where he was captain of militia, deacon of the church, selectman, and in 1757-62-69-70 deputy to the general assembly of Massachusetts fnim Dedham, married Hannah Bullard, of Walpole : Ebenezer, was a lieutenant in the expedition against I^uisburg in 1745 : Benja- min, lived at Ashford, Connecticut, where he was captain, deacon and deputy, married Bridget Perry. (IV) Edward (2), eldest child of Edward (i) and Elizabeth (Clap) Sumner, was born at Roxbury, Massachusetts. He removed to Ashford, Connecticut, where he died in 1780. He married Sarah . Children, all born in Ashford: Edward (3), married Experi- ence : Sarah, married Solomon Keyes ; Elizabeth, born in 1732 ; Mary, died in child- hood ; John, see forward ; Hannah, married Christopher Webber; Mary, married Daniel Allen ; Bridget, was of Corinth, Vermont, in 1819; Clap, removed to Corinth, Vermont, where he was a captain of militia, he mar- ried (first) Keziah , (second) Mehit- able Lassel, (third) Mary Stevens, who sur- vived him and was afterwards twice married. (V) John, fifth child of Edward (2) and Sarah Sumner, was born at Ashford, Con- necticut, in 1736, died in Edinburg, New York, August 6, 1804. He served in the revo- lution, attaining the rank of captain. Prior to 1800, with wife and family, he removed to the town of Edinburg, Saratoga county. New York, settling near Batchellerville, on the north side of the river. The sons, John, Rob- . ert, Amasa and Benjamin, all took up farms in the neighborhood. John Sumner built the first saw mill on Batcheller creek. Two of his sons, Robert and Benjamin, served in the revolution : Benjamin was taken prisoner and conveyed to England in chains. The long confinement and galling chains broke down his health and he never recovered. He is buried on his farm in Saratoga county. John Sum- ner was a cousin of the father of the illustri- ous Charles Sumner, United States senator from Massachusetts. He married, January i, 1761, Mehitable Perry, of Ashford, whefe all his children were born : Robert, see forward ; Mary (Polly), married Jonathan Smith, of Edinburg, she lived to be one hundred years old, dying in 1862 ; Benjamin, the revolution- ary soldier of previous mention, married Ruth Palmer : Amasa, married and had issue ; Me- hitable, married Milliard Trowbridge : Jane, died in childhood : Sarah, married Steelson Benson ; John, married and had issue : Eliza- beth (Betsey), married George Bradford and lived to the age of ninety-four years : Piercy, married James Perry ; Ebenezer, married and had issue. (VI) Robert, eldest child of John and Me- hitable (Perry) Sumner, was born in Ash- ford, Connecticut, September 18. 1761, died at Edinburg, New York, November 19, 1845. He served in the revolution, and was the first supervisor of Edinburg, serving four years. He married, December 22, 1784, Jemima, daughter of John Younglove, of Thompson, Connecticut, and later removed to Kdinburg, New York, where he died. His wife died May HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1435 5. 1849. Children, first four born in Connec- ticut, the last five in Edinburg: Clarissa, mar- ried Peter Thompson ; Elsie, married David Page, of Northampton, New York; Abigail, married Lebbeus Olcott, of Fabius, New York; Sarah, married (first) Good- win, (second) Elias Sheldon, of Fabius, New York ; Amasa, see forward ; Jane, married David Benson, of Fabius ; Robert, died in childhood; Alanson, married (first) Emily D. Beecher, (second) Diadama B. Fay, he re- moved to Albany, New York, where he died ; Jemima, married Joseph Covell. (VH) Amasa, fifth child and eldest son of Robert and Jemima (Younglove) Sumner, was born in Edinburg, New York, February 10. 1794. He lived in Edinburg all his days and died there May 2, 1871. He married, February 10, 1816, Abigail Ellithorp, who died in 1848. Children, all born in Edinburg: Emily, died in infancy; Elsie, born in 1821 ; Robert T., born March 12, 1824, married Mary Smith and removed to Brewerton, New York ; children : Courtland L., David C, Emma A. and Emily E. ; Solomon, born in 1827, married Mehitable Sumner, a kins- woman ; Alamson A., born February, 1829 ; Jackson A., see forward: Cyrus, born in 1833, married Mary Pullen; children: Charles M., William C. and Emma Helena ; Helena, born in 1835, married B. R. Jenkins, of Batcheller- \ille. New York. (VHI) Jackson Amasa, sixth child of Amasa and Abigail (Ellithorp) Sumner, was born in Edinburg, New York, October 16, 1831, died in Albany, New York, March 13, 1870. Fie was actively engaged in the lum- ber business in Albany. He was of political prominence in the Democratic party. He mar- ried, January 29. 1862, Katherine Elizabeth Smith, of Troy, born at Clifton Park. New York (see Smith HI). Children: Georgi- anna. born February 22. 1863, married Charles Dunning Campbell (see Campbell VI) ; Rob- ert, born June 30, 1868. died July 31, 1869. (The Smith Line). The family line of Katherine E. Smith (Mrs. Jackson A. Sumner) was founded in America by Johannes Schmidt, of Germany, son of Ludwig. Smith's "History of Rhine- beck, New York," records one Johannes Schmidt who was baptized there April 5. 1730, and married Elizabeth Zipperlee, February 3, 1 761, and had a son Frederick. The name being the same and the dates bfing nearly so, it is strongly probable that Johannes of Rhine- beck and Johannes of Brunswick are the same. (I) Johannes Schmidt, son of Ludwig Schmidt, was born in Germany, emigrated to America, and is found associated in Rensselaer county. New York, at an early date with the Wager family, with whom he is said to have emigrated. He married and had issue. (II) Frederick, son of Johannes Schmidt, was born in the town of Brunswick, Rens- selaer county, New York, February 19, 1783. He was a farmer there all his days. He mar- ried Eva File, born September 9, 1783. daugh- ter of an early settler of the town. Children : Katherine. John F., see forward, David, Bet- sey, Jonas, Sarah. Moses, Daniel and Silas. The File family are frequently found in the early records of Brunswick. The Schmidts were members of Gilead Lutheran church, where their family records are found. (III) John Frederick, eldest son of Fred- erick and Eva (File) Schmidt, was born in Brunswick, Rensselaer county. New York, De- cember 6, 1804, died at Clifton Park, New York, November 16, 1846. He was a farmer of the town and a member of the Lutheran church. He married Lanah Wager, born in Brunswick, Rensselaer county, "New York, November 3, 1810. Children: Mary Savilla, born October 6, 1831, married Francis A. Fales, of Troy; Evelyn, born May 7, 183—, married Fales, brother of Francis A. Fales; children: Louis H., a practicing phvsi- cmn of Madison, Wisconsin, and Ida B. Fales ; Katherine Elizabeth, married Jackson A. Sum- ner (see Sumner VHI) ; Francetta, married Richard James Richardson. (IV) Archibald (2),young- CAMPBELL est son and child of Archi- bald (q. v.) and Flora (Mc- Neil) Campbell, was born in 1790, died in Schenectady, New York. He was prominent in politics, and served the county of Sche- nectady as county clerk from 1837 until 1843. He was a successful man of business, dealing in wholesale tobacco, and a leading member of the Episcopal church. His residence in the city was the finest at the time of its erection, located on LTnion near Center street. Fle mar- ried and had issue. (V) Jacob, son of .\rchibald (2) Campbell, was born in the city of Schenectady, New York, May 3, 1818, died September 12, 1845. He succeeded to the business established by his father, which he enlarged and extended (wholesale tobacconist). He was a member of St. George's Episcopal Church. He was buried in the churchyard of that church ; when the church was enlarged the extension covered his grave so that it cannot be seen. He married, December 10. 1840, Sarah H., born January 26. 1820. died March 20. 1897, daughter of Elias Lyon, born January 27, 1436 HUDSON AND IMOHAWK VALLEYS 1796, died January 25, 1857, a contractor and builder of Schenectady, son of Jacob Lyon, born in England, died in Schenectady, Febru- ary 27, 1826, and his wife Catherine Von Ant- werp, born in Schenectady, December 27, 1799. Jacob and Sarah H. (Lyon) Campbell were the parents of an infant, Elias L., born July 7, 1841, died December 11, 1845, and Charles J., see forward. (VI) Charles Jacob, youngest child of Ja- cob and Sarah H. (Lyon) Campbell, was born in Schenectady. New York, May 31- 1844- He was educated in the public schools of Schenec- tady and the Business College of Bryant and Stratton at Albany. He is connected with some of the business interests of the city, and ■ devotes his time to the care of his personal estate. During the war of the rebellion he enlisted at age of sixteen as drummer boy in the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regi- ment. New York Volunteer Infantry. He served with the Army of the Potomac up to and including the battle of Gettysburg. He is a member of St. George's Episcopal Church, and St. George's Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. He married. May 27, 1869. Annie Elizabeth, born in Schenectady, daughter of Joshua Barker, of that city. Children, all born in Schenectady: i. Maud, April 7, 1870, died March 12, 1874. 2. Bertha, July i, 1871, died October 15, 187 1. 3- Elias Lyon, April 11, 1873, died June 7, 1873. 4. Charles Tracy, April 22, 1874, died January 6, 1875. 5. Madge E., February 14, 1876; married Ar- thur Savage; children: Elizabeth, Mary, Kathlenn and Charles Campbell Savage. 6. Leah B., June 8, 1880; married John J. Mc- Mullin; children: Marjorie C. and Douglass E. McMullin. The Baxters are of English BAXTER descent and first appear in America in 1630. They were numerous in all the New England states, many settling in Cape Cod, where they were sea- faring men and masters of ships. There was a numerous branch in Connecticut, but the emigrant cannot be stated. As far as can be learned, the progenitor of the branch herein recorded was Elihu Baxter, born December 18, 1750, at Norwich, Connecticut, died Au- gust 6, 1836, at Norwick, Vermont. He mar- ried, October 24, 1777, Triphena Taylor, born at Pelham, Connecticut, September 24, 1762, died at Norwich, Vermont, March 14, 1825. Children: i. William, a lawyer; married Lydia Ashley; had eight children. 2. Ira, married Arsena Sprague ; nine children. 3. Elihu (2), a physician; married Sarah Cone; died at Portland, Maine, 1863; six children. 4. Chester, married Hannah Root; died at Sharon, Vermont, October 16, 1865 ; one child^ Hannah. 5. Triphena, married Josiah Root, brother of Hannah Root, who was the wife of Chester Baxter. 6. Lavenia, died young. 7. Erastus, of whom further. 8. Lavenia, died in infancy. 9. Elimena, twin of Lavenia, died at Norwich, Vermont, aged twenty years. 10. James, a merchant of Stamstead Plain, Can- ada, a member of the Canadian provincial par- liament, 1829 ; member legislative council, 1832; married his cousin, CaroHne, daughter of William and Deborah (Buett) Baxter, of Rutland; eight children. 11. John, married Harriet Baxter. 12. Zilpah, married Dr. Sweet; died at Unionville, Vermont. 13, Harry, married (first) Sophronia Steele; (second) Avaline . 14. Hiram, died young. 15. Statira, married ■ — Shepard. Of the eight sons of Elihu Baxter reaching maturity, seven became men of great wealth for their day, although each started with little capital except muscle and brain. (II) Erastus, seventh child and fifth son of Elihu and Triphena (Taylor) Baxter, was born at Norwich, Vermont, December 14, 1787, died at Gorham, New York. He mar- ried Lucy Freeman; children: i. John F., married Elizabeth Russell ; died without issue. 2. Caroline, born January 10, 1815; married Stephen Brown, of Thetford, New York ; no issue. 3. George, of whom further. 4. James, born 1822 ; married Eliza Hazard, of Penn- sylvania ; six children. 5. Statira, born 1825; married Charles W. Fish, of Weymouth, Mas- sachusetts. 6. Marcia, died unmarried. 7. Mary, married Thomas McCullough, of Ban- gor, New York. 8. Morris, married Julia Renwick, of Elgin, Wisconsin. 9. Heartley, married Belle Mcintosh, of Malone, New York; eight daughters. (HI) George, second son and third child of Erastus and Lucy (Freeman) Baxter, was born at Norwich, Vermont, September 14, 1818. He married, 1850, .A.daline Peray. of Chateaugay, New York. She died at Goshen, New York, 1878. Children: Marice, born 185 1 ; Charles M., of whom further; Lucy, born 1854; John, 1856, died January 18, 1871 ; William, 1858, died January 23, 1871 ; Henry, i860, died January 8, 1862; Adaline, 1862; Ella, 1864; Bertha, 1865; Heartley, 1868; Elmer. 1871. (I\') Charles M., son of George and Ada- line (Peray) Baxter, was born at Fort Ann, New York, in. 1852, died November 8, 1906, at Fort Edward, New York. He was a well- educated man and began business life as a farmer, operating a farm near Fort Ann, New York. Later he purchased and conducted a /../•/... . //rr/fuur -I^Jrrx U)/ier^ rJff//o// HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS •437 hotel at Argyle, Washington county, for sev- ■eral years, after which he purchased a farm near there on which he hved for a time ; later he lived at Fort Edward, where he enjoyed the life of a retired g-entleman of wealth. He was a big, generous-hearted man and gave freely of his abundance to those less fortunate. He was a member of the Masonic order and was buried with full Masonic honors at h'ort Ann. his birthplace. He was a Democrat in politics, and an attendant of the Baptist church, of which he was a most liberal sup- porter. He was highly respected by all who knew him and left a memory yet tenderly cherished. He married Jane Ann Allen, who died December 15, 1905. They had two chil- dren who died in infancy, and an adopted daughter, Mary J. Allen, whom they took when she was a young girl and reared and educated as their own. She married, but her husband only lived about a year, and she re- turned to the Baxter home and remained with them until both died. Although never taking the Baxter name, she was regularly adopted and had for her adopted parents the deepest affection and received from them the utmost kindness, Mr. Baxter also generously provid- ing for her futirre. (The Allen Line). Mary J. Allen was a daughter of Samuel Allen and granddaughter of George Allen, born in England, a soldier in the English army. He came to the United States when a young man and settled in New York state. He married Charlotte McArthur ; children : Mary, Jane Ann, John, George, Richard, Samuel and Abijah. George Allen, the father, was a tailor by trade, settled in Dellii, New York. Both he and his wife were attendants of the Scotch Presbyterian church, she being a member. He was a well-informed, intelli- gent man and stood well among his acquaint- ances. His wife was a native of Scotland. (H) Samuel, son of George and Charlotte (INIcArthur) Allen, married Agnes, daughter of Colonel John Fulton, an ofificer in the Brit- ish army, "The Queen's Own." He died near Ayrshire. Scotland, a pensioner of the British government. They had three children : Mary J., of whom further; a son who died in in- fancy; Ruth, born in New York City, July, 1879. died August 9, 1908, was adopted by a member of the Fulton family who reside near \\'ashington, D. C. (Ill) Alary J., daughter of Samuel and Agnes (Fulton) Allen, was born in New York City, April 15. 1872. When about twelve years of age she was adopted by Charles M. Baxter, who had married her aunt, Jane Ann Allen. She received a good education and remained with the Baxters until her marriage, November 11, 1897, to Oscar C. Burritt, born at Hydeville, Vermont, July, 1864, died at Ar- gyle. New York, May, '1899. He was a civil engineer, being a graduate of a technical school, and later he took up railroad engineer- ing, and while in the employ of the Delaware & Hudson railroad received an injury that caused his death six months later. He mar- ried (first) Mary Sadler, who bore him three children, two deceased, and Nelson Burrilt, a resident of Saratoga, New York. Oscar D. was a son of Oscar D. and Abigail (Grey) Burritt. Children : Richard Nelson, Oscar D., Bertha and William L. The Burritts were early in New England, and Rev. Blackleach Burritt was a soldier of the revolution. Oscar D. and Mary J. (Allen) Burritt had one child (posthumous), Ruth J., born August 9, 1899, who resides with her mother in Albany, New York, in attendance at the public schools. The branches of the .Amster- HOWGATE dam branch of the Howgate family were founded by Jo- seph Howgate, who was born in England. The family in that country is a large one, and is found all over the kingdom. They are farm- ers, manufacturers, business and professional men of standing in these localities. (I) Joseph Howgate came to Florida, Montgomery county, from England, early in the nineteenth century. When a young man he married Ann, daughter of David Brown, one of the old-time school masters of the county. Joseph and his wife settled on a farm in Saratoga county, where she died. .'Vf- ter her death Joseph removed to Grand Rap- ids. Michigan, where he died at an advanced age. He was a man of prominence in both communities. He had one son and four daughters, all now deceased. (H) John A., -son of Joseph and Ann (Brown) Howgate, was born in Florida, Montgomery county. New York, February 7, 1S49, died at his home in Rockton, a suburb of Amsterdam, New York, November 17, 1893. He received his education in tlie town schools, and at the age of seventeen entered the em- ploy of Stephen Sanford in the carpet mills. He became an expert in rug manufacture, and after twenty years of faithful service with the Sanfords, left their employ to become the head of his own company, Howgate & McCleary, rug manufacturers. Toward tlie successful development of this business he devoted all his wonderful skill and enterprise. He brought to the company a lifelong experience and a determination to succeed. He was successful 1438 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS in his efforts, and the company is to-day one of Amsterdam's solid and prosperous con- cerns. Under the strain of excessive effort. both mental and physical, his health broke and caused his death at the early age of forty- four, just at the time when the business was firmly established on a sure and profitable foot- ing. His loss was a severe one to both the company and his family. He was a man of devout religious principles, being an elder in the church and superintendent of the Sabbath school. In politics he was a Republican, but beyond exercising his right as a citizen, took little part in public affairs. He married, in Troy, New York, October i8, 1872, Josephine Shadbolt (see forward). She bore him four children, one of whom, Jessie, died in infancy. 1. Fred, born May 30, "1876; was educated in tlie public schools, attended Troy Conference Academy at Poultney, Vermont, and Albany Business College : engaged in the automobile business : married Jessie Wilkes, born at Syl- van Beach, Oneida county. New York, March 14. 1877, of an old Mohawk Valley family. 2. EflSe May, August 14, 1878; married Rev. Putnam Cady, D.D., F. R. G. S., pastor of Emanuel Presbyterian Church in Amsterdam, New York. 3. Archer, May 9, 1883: was educated in Amsterdam common and high schools and at Union College, Schenectady, New York; he is with his brother Fred in the automobile business ; unmarried. Mrs. Josephine (Shadbolt) Howgate survives her husband and resides in Amsterdam. She is a member of the Presbyterian church. (The Shadbolt LineV Israel Shadbolt. grandfather of Mrs. How- gate, was of Welsh parentage. He was prob- ably born in the city of New York. He settled in Troy, New York, where he became prominent in the public life of that city. He was an educated, well-read man. dignified and manly in appearance, a gentleman of the old school. He represented Troy in the state legislature and was a justice of the peace. He died in 1858. at the age of sixty-four. He married Marilla Stevenson, who died in Troy about 1869, aged eighty. She was active in the Baptist church of Troy. Their children were: Charles, Maria, Martha Jane, La Fay- ette and James. (II) James, father of Mrs. Howgate. youngest son of Israel and Marilla (Steven- son) Shadbolt, was born in 1816, while his parents were residents of Dutchess county. New York, and died in Troy in 1889. He was known for his honest, upright character. He married, at Clinton Hollow. Effie Eighma, of an old Dutchess county family ; she died in Troy, in 1895, aged eighty-three years. She- was a member of the Christian Church, and mother of Mrs. Josephine Howgate, her only daughter. The founder of the Fryer family FRYER in Albany county, and of the present day fortunes, was John Fryer, born October 4, 1759. Tradition has- different stories to tell of him. One is that he was a fisherman and rendered some one high in authority a specially valuable service. For this he received a grant of several hun- dred acres of choice land lying at the gate- way to the Helderburgs, near the "Indian Ladder." Why the grant was allowed is tra- dition, but the grant of land is a fact. The- tract allowed John Fryer is the only land that was not leased to the early settlers by the Patroon, and later acquired by "soil title." The Fryer properties have never been held under lease, but title has always been held and passed from father to son down to the pres- ent. John Fryer built a log cabin on his prop- erty, and with the aid of his sons, who came- with him, cleared away the timber, broke the fields, and brought a good part of it under cultivation. The land in turn passed to his descendants, and the "Fryer farms" are noted all through the Helderburg section. He was strict in his observance of his church duties, and reared his sons to habits of industry and thrift. They have always been a hard-work- ing race, and have been richly repaid, as their well-kept fields and bountiful orchards tes- tify. John Fryer married. May 25, 1783, Maria Volweider, born February 16, 1764. Children: Maria, born .-\pril 14, 1786; John, January 7, 1788, settled on a farm in Ohio; Hannah, October 3, 1790, married Jan-ies Mesick; Elizabeth, September 12, 1793, mar- ried Frank Crounse ; Jacob, born July 18, 1797 ; Abram. see forward ; Alexander, born June 23, 1802. married Fanny Dollar; Barbara (twin of .Alexander), married Peter \'an Schaick, and lived in Berne, Albany county ; Richard, born .April 6, 1805, married Iluldah Beebe ; \\'illiam, August i, 1808, became a merchant of Amsterdam, New York. (II) .-\bram, son of John and Maria (\'ol- weider) Fryer, was born October 23, 1799, and lived to a very old age. He inherited the- farms granted to his father under the Helder- burgs, which he still further improved and brought under successful cultivation. These properties now came to be known as the "Fryer Farms." a name they still retain, and were among the most productive of that sec- tion. .Abram Fryer voted with the Whig party during his earlier years, and in his latter HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1439 life with the Republican. He married Nancy Crounse, born in the town of Bethlehem, Al- bany county, died in Bethlehem at the age of ninety-five years. She was an active mem- ber of the Lutheran church, as was her hus- band. Children : Conrad, a farmer of New Scotland ; John F., see forward ; James, a farmer of Guilderland ; Richard, a farmer of Schenectady county ; Harrison ; Margaret, married and had issue; Ellen, married An- drew McCard and left issue. (HI) John F., son of Abram and Nancy (Crounse) Fryer, was born in Guilderland, Albany county, New York, June 23. 1827, died in the same town in June, 1880. He in- herited a large portion of the Fryer proper- ties, to which he added and still further im- proved. He was a man of few words, but of great energy and untiring industry. He spared neither himself nor those around him. Idle- ness was to him a sin, and no one on the Frj'er farms sinned in that particular. He demanded no more of others, however, than he himself performed. He accumulated a substantial competence, which was willed to his children. He was a member of the Luth- eran church, and displayed the same activity in religious affairs as in temporal. He was a trustee of the church, and worked hard for its upbuilding. He was a Republican in politics. He married, in Guilderland, November 3, 1847, Eliza, born in that town, March 10, 1824, died February 14, 1907, daughter of Peter Crounse, born in Guilderland, where he died at the age of ninety-six years. He mar- ried Margaret Smith, born in Dutchess county, died in Guilderland. in her eighty-fifth year. They reared a large family, one of whom, William P. Crounse. a farmer of Guilderland, is one of two survivors (1910). Peter Crounse and his wife were active members of the Lutheran church, helpful and earnest in their religion. Children of John F. and Eliza (Crounse) Fryer: Abram. see forward; Peter, October 9, 1852, died aged sixteen years ; Emma, born May i, 1855, marriefl Seward Waggoner, now a retired farmer and justice of the peace of Guilderland Center ; Margaret, November 22, 1859, died in 1888, married Abram Tygert : Alburtus, see forward ; John H.. born July 15, 1867, since 1888 has been mechanical engineer in the employ of the General Electric Works, Schenectady, New York ; married Clara Norman ; child. Leroy. (IV) Abram (2). eldest son of John F. and Eliza (Crounse) Fryer, was born on the Fryer homestead in the Helderburgs, in the region known as the "Indian Ladder," Au- gust 8, 1848. He inherited three hundred acres of the farm, to which he has added property in various locations. He has been an industrious farmer all his days, and the success he has achieved has been fairly won. He followed the footsteps of his father, and has always displayed the same energy that characterized him. The Fryer boys are noted throughout the entire section not only for their indu.strious habits, but for their fair dealing and honorable lives. Mr. Fryer attends the Lutheran church, and is a Republican in poli- tics. He married, in Guilderland, February 10, 1887, Mary, born in that town, daughter of Jonas and Evaline (Vroman) Smith. Jonas Smith was a native of Guilderland. a farmer and a carpenter, member of Reformed church and a Republican. They had six sons and six daughters, all married and living, except one. Children of Abram and Mary (Smith) Fryer: Frank, died in infancy; Ethel, born March 6, 1893, educated in the public schools, a graduate of the State Normal School at Al- bany, class of 1912 ; Annie E., October 4, 1900, student of music. (IV) Alburtus, third son of John F. and Eliza (Crounse) Fryer, was born on the Hel- derburg farm of his father, October 26, 1861. He inherited one hundred and ten acres of the homestead farm, which he yet occupies. He has never departed from the habits of indus- try so sternly impressed upon him in his early days, but has been a worker all his life. The home which he occupies is built near the spot where the original log cabin stood, built by his ancestor who first occupied the land. This house he built after acquiring the property. He attends the Lutheran church, is a Repub- lican in politics, member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Lodge No. 668. of \^oor- heesville. He married, in (Juilderland, Febru- ary 15, 1882, Agnes .'\., born in the town of Guilderland, January 25, 1863, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hallenbeck) Spoor, and granddaughter of Jacob and Hannah (Smith) Spoor. John Spoor was born in Guilderland. May 9, 1827, died May 15. 1905. He was a prominent farmer and dealer in real estate in the town of Niskayuna. Schenectady county. New York. He married Elizabeth Hallen- beck, born November 30, 1830, who survives him, now aged eighty years, a resident of Schenectady, active both mentally and physi- cally. She is a daughter of Tennis and Mar- garet (Crounse) Hallenbeck. Her family were members of the Lutheran church, and the men voters of the Republican party. Chil- dren of John and Elizabeth (Hallenbeck) Spoor: I. Jacob, born .August 12. 1849: now living retired at Lisha's Kill. Albany county ; he married Alida \'an \'ranken : children : Peter, Lloyd and Arreta. 2. Isaac, Novem- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ber 20, 1851; a real estate dealer of Schenec- tady, New York ; married Jane Hallenbeck ; children : Lulu and Anna. 3. Agnes, Sep- tember 10, 1857, died April 21, 1861. 4. John, October 23, i860, died 1861. 5. Agnes A., January 25, 1863 ; married Alburtus Fryer. 6. Annie, June 17, 1868; married Ira Hurst, a retired farmer; children: Mildred and John J. 7. Margaretta, September 13, 1877; mar- ried Abram J. Pangborn, who is connected with the General Electric Works at Schenec- tady, New York. Children of Alburtus and Agnes A. (Spoor) Fryer: i. Grace M., born !March 9, 1884; received her early education in the public schools, and graduated with honor from the State Normal School at Al- bany ; married Cyrus Hilton, of Schenectady, connected with the Locomotive Works of that city. 2. Grant, April 26, 1886; a machinist at the General Electric Works, Schenectady, ■where he holds a good position. Jacob Fryer, second son of John FRYER '(q. v.) and Maria (Volweider) Fryer, was born July 18, 1797, died in Guilderland, Albany county, in 1873. He inherited part of the original Fryer grant from his father and spent his days engaged in agriculture. He was a prosperous man, and passed his farm along to his sons improved and enlarged. He was a Lutheran in religion, and for many years acted with the Whig party ; later with the Democratic. He married Margaret, who died about i860, daughter of Peter Livingston. Children: i. Mary, mar- ried Peter Barkofif, who located in Noahsville, now Altamont ; both deceased ; children : Wil- liam, Peter, John and Magdaline. 2. Eva Ann, married Peter McChesney, of Schenectady, New York; died November 6, 1910, in nine- tieth year. 3. John, see forward. 4. Peter, a retired farmer, now living in Voorheesville, New York; married Amanda Weaver; child, Emma, married Henry Relyea. 5. Magdaline, deceased. 6. Fanny. 7. William, died a young- man. (HI) John, son of Jacob and Margaret (Livingston) Fryer, was born on the old "Fryer farm," April 12, 1829, died August 25, 1888. He inherited a farm, and on it built the farmhouse now occupied by its owner. He was a man of industry and thrift, and proved a successful farmer. He was a member of the Lutheran church, active and useful, holding official position. He was a Republican in politics. He married, in Guilderland, Mary Crounse, born October 15, 1828. She sur- vives her husband, and is spending the latter days of an active, useful life with her son Wil- liam, who succeeded to the farm that has so long been her home. She is a daughter 01 Peter and Margaret (Smith) Crounse, of Guilderland, who died eighty and seventy years, respectively. She is a granddaughter of John and Elizabeth (Livingston) Crounse, also of Guilderland. John Crounse was seven years old when his parents came to America and settled in Guilderland at the foot of the Helderburgs. The settlement in that section was not intended, but the mother, worn out by weeks and months of travel by sea and land, refused to go any further. Land was leased of the Rensselaer estate, to which "soil title" was afterward obtained. The family was a large one, and is still well represented in Albany county. Children of John and Mary (Crounse) Fryer: i. Margaret, born March 14, 1852, died May 14, 1884; unmarried. 2. Sarah E., June 30, 1855 ; married in Rotter- dam, Schenectady county. New York, October 10, 1873, William G. Becker; child, George. 3. William, see forward. 4. Ida, born De- cember 14. 1858, died 1906; married Dr. A. M. Oliver, a practicing physician of Voor- heesville, New York ; children : Stanley, Wil- liard, Florence and Mildred. 5. Ada (twin of Ida), unmarried; resides on the home farm in Guilderland. 6. Peter E., born July 3, 1861 ; married Sarah Kelley ; resides in Schenectady. 7. Edna A., November 30, 1864; married Frank Spawn ; children : Eugenia, Ella, Edith, Leslie. 8. Schuyler C, March 23, 1868 : mar- ried Mary Green and resides in Rutherford, New Jersey ; children : Lulu, Marion and Wil- liam. 9. Mary, October 18, 1871, died No- vember 30, 1885. 10. Jennie, March 12. 1876; married Melvin L. Elsass, of Altamont ; no living issue. (IV) William, eldest son of John and Mary (Crounse) Fryer, was born on the homestead farm in Guilderland, October 27, 1857. He was educated in the public schools, reared a farmer, and for the past twenty-five years has owned and cultivated the homestead farm of one hundred and thirty acres. He has in- stalled many improvements and made farming a successful, prosperous business. He has been a member of the Lutheran church from boyhood, and for many years a deacon. He is a Republican in politics. He married. De- cember 2, i8qi, in Guilderland, Grace Wag- goner, born October 14, 1869, in the town of Guilderland, daughter of Peter G. and Eva- line (Livingston) Waggoner, natives of Guilderland, and members of the Reformed church. She was the eighth child of a family of nine. i. Magdalene, married Judson Law- son, of Coeymans, Albany county ; children : Ada, Eva, Harriet, Grace, Homer. 2. W. Seward, a farmer of Guilderland ; married HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1441 Emma C. Fryer. 3. George, died in infancy. 4. ^\'innie, died in infancy. 5. Rollin, of Giiilderland Center; married Sabina Wiltse ; children : Jennie I\L and Roy. 6. Anna, de- ceased ; married Howard Lasher, a farmer of the town of Coevmans ; children : Eleanor, Effie W., Margaret V., Pearl. 7. Elon M., deceased ; married Blanche McKinney ; chil- dren : Annie, Peter G., Pearl M. 8. Grace, married William Fryer. 9. Earl W., born February 5. 1893, died December 4, 1894. "William and Grace (Waggoner) Fryer have a son, William Seward, born October 23, 1903. Mrs. William Fryer is a member of the Lutheran church with her husband. The Sweet family of Amsterdam, SWEET New York, descends from Dr. Samuel Sweet, immigrant an- cestor, who came to America from Wales, where the family name is not uncommon. A remarkable fact connected with the family is that each of the four generations in the United States has produced one or more mem- bers who have been noted for their skill in the treatment of diseases of the bones and joints. Their methods have been handed down from father to son, and while dififering from the regular prescribed treatment for such diseases laid down by regular schools of medicine, have been very successful. Each generation of the four has had a Dr. Sweet who enjoyed more than a local reputation for skill in bone surgery, that is described as a "simple, natural treatment." ( I ) Dr. Samuel Sweet was born in Wales. He settled in Rhode Island at a date previous to the revolutionary war, and was then a com- paratively young man. He was noted around Providence for his skill in bone treatment and must have had the method taught him by his father in Wales. By his "natural treatment" he was able to perform some cures of dis- located bones and joints that were considered very remarkable. Leaving Providence. Rhode Island, he journeyed north and westward with his wife, whom he married in Rhode Island, using the method of transportation then avail- able — the covered wagon drawn by horses or oxen. He settled at Bullshead, Montgomery county. New York, on a farm where he re- sided until his death at an extreme old age. He was often called upon by his pioneer neigh- bors to treat their disabled or disjointed limbs and gained a reputation that extended far be- yond local limits. He reared a family and it is a matter of regret that the name of his wife has not been preserved. (II) Dr. Waterman, son of Dr. Samuel Sweet, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, April 8, 1776, died 1849. He inherited the method of bone treatment followed by his father. His fame extended over a large sec- tion of country, and he was much sought after by those afthcted with diseases he was reputed to successfully cure. To his business of a healer he added that of farmer, and was an active worker in the Baptist church. He studied theology and was licensed to preach, which he often did, in fact was known as widely as a preacher as a healer. During his latter years his eyes failed and he became totally blind. So skilled was he and of such delicate touch that his blindness did not in- terfere with his work of healing. He was greatly respected all over Montgomery county. At the time of his death, 1849. he was living in Amsterdam, New York. Rev. Waterman Sweet married, in New York, Elizabeth Hodges, born in New England, died in Ams- terdam, and buried in Florida, Montgomery county. New York. (III) Dr. Waterman (2), son of Dr. Water- man (i) and Elizabeth (Hodges) Sweet, was born in Florida, Montgomery county, New York, August 12, 1809, died August 20. 1886. He also became famous as a "bone healer," having succeeded to his father's practice. He cultivated a small farm successfully and died possessed of considerable property. He and his wife were members of the Baptist church. He married, in Florida, New York, Ruth Mal- lory, born in Florida, June i, 1815. died March 28, 1902. Children: i. Elizabeth, born Au- gust I, 1839, died July 25, 1859. 2. and 3. Twins, died in infancy. 4. Waterman (3), April 17, 1843. 5- David M., see forward. 6. Ira S., March 14, 1849; resides in Utica, New York, and is a successful practitioner of the family method of bone treatment : married Martha Brown and has five children. 7. Sherod L., November 6, 1850. died aged three years. 8. Leonard G., November 21, 1852, died Tanuarv 21, 1890. (IV) Dr.' David M., son of Dr. Waterman (2) and Ruth (Mallory) Sweet, was born in Florida, Montgomery county. New York, June 4, 1845. He quite naturally adopted the pro- fession of his father, in which he has achieved remarkable success besides a local patronage, peo])le from all over the United States coming to consult him concerning their bone ailments. He has resided for many years in .\msterdam, New York, where he is a highly respected citizen and professional man. He has now (1909) largely withdrawn from active prac- tice, surrendering it to his son, who is the fifth of his name to follow the particular methods employed. The "Old Original Sweet's Liniment" was made by the emigrant who 1442 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS settled in Rhode Island, and the same liniment is used to this day. Dr. David M. Sweet mar- ried, December 23, 1863, Hannah M. Greene, born June 11, 1843, in Greenfield, Saratoga county, New York. Children: i. Emma L., born November 11, 1864; married John S. Sterling, of Pattersonville, New York ; they have a son, Lincoln S., born October 11, 1894. 2. Harry L., November 30, 1869; was edu- cated in the public schools and is rapidly suc- ceeding to the business of his father, whom he will succeed as the fifth in direct line to follow the "natural method" ; married Harriet M. Ransler, born in Schenectady, New York, June 13, 1874; has one child, Vinnie M. 3. Vinnie E., August 21, 1873, died February 3, 1885. 4. Infant, deceased. Mrs. Hannah M. (Greene) Sweet is a daughter of Anson Greene, born in Saratoga county, New York, January 23, 1814, died June i, 1891, and Lucinda (Lincoln) Greene, born in Saratoga county, March 7, 1818, died November 9, 1851. Anson Greene was the son of James Greene, born in Rhode Island, died in Saratoga county. New York, aged seventy-seven. James Greene married Pamelia Hendrick, who died in May, 1868, aged seventy-one. Lucinda Lincoln, wife of Anson Greene, was daughter of Henry and Hannah (White) Lincoln, who were mar- ried in Rhode Island, settled in Saratoga county. New York, where they died, both having passed their eightieth year. The American ancestor of the RUDD Ruds of Bennington, Vermont, and Hoosick, New York, is Lieu- tenant Jonathan Rudd, who came from Eng- land, settled in New Haven, Connecticut, 1640; was freeman of Saybrook, 1644, took oath of allegiance in Hartford, 165 1, was of importance in the town of Saybrook, assistant to Captain Mason in the fort there, 1652, leather sealer, 1656, and held main public of- fices of trust. He married, 1646-47, the name unknown, but she was one of the principals in the most romantic marriages ever performed in Connecticut. The wedding day was fixed and a magistrate engaged to perform the cere- mony, but a great snowstorm prevented his coming. Application was made to Governor Winthrop, but he, deriving authority from Massachusetts, could not legally marry in Massachusetts, but proposed that the contract- ing parties come to the boundary of the col- ony, a narrow stream, and he would marry them from the Massachusetts side. This was done, and Winthrop and his friends from Pequot met the bridal party from Saybrook. Here the ceremony was performed "under the shelter of no roof, by no hospitable fireside, without accommodations, but those furnished by the snow covered earth, the over-arching Heaven and perchance the sheltering side of a forest of pines or cedars," never perhaps was the legal rite performed in a situation so wild and solitary and under circumstances so pecu- liar and interesting. From that day the little stream has been known as Bride Brook. Win- throp in his deposition says : "And at that time, the place had (received) the denomina- tion of Bride Brook." That a considerable party had assembled is evident from the nar- rative, and he further says, "all were well, satisfied with what was done." (II) Nathaniel, believed to be son of Lieu- tenant Jonathan Rudd, was born in 1660, died April, 1727. He settled at West Farms, in what is now the town of Franklin, where he was one of the organizers of the first church there. He married (first) April, 1685, Mary Post, died November, 1705; (second) Abigail Hartshorn, January 21, 1706. Children by first marriage: Jonathan, born May 22, 1693, married Joanna Gregory ; Mary, February 3, 1695, married Ebenezer Wood ; Lydia, died young. Children by second marriage : Na- thaniel, born April 6, 1707; Joseph, of further mention; Daniel, March 12, 1710, married Mary Metcalf; Sarah, January 23, 1712; .\bi- gail, August 6, 1713; Lydia, April 12, 1715; Anna, February 7, 1717; Susanna, March 15, 1719: Gideon, February 2, 1722; Patience, No- vember 6. 1723. (III) Joseph, son of Nathaniel and Abigail' (Hartshorn) Rudd. was born in Windham, Connecticut, October 31, 1708. He probably, died there shortly after the revolution. He married and h'ul several children, as Joseph his son says in this letter, written after the battle of Bennington that "Brother John and my- self," and closes by sending love to his broth- ers and sisters. (IV) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (i) Rudd, was born in Connecticut, 1740, died 1818. He settled in Vermont, married and was living in Bennington at the time the battle was fought with the British, in 1777. The following let- ter was written to his father : "Bennington, August 26, A. D. 1777. Honored Father: After my duty. I take this opportunity to write yon. hoping these line.'; will find you well, a.s through the goodness of God, they leave me and' my family. We met with a great deal of trnuhle on the i6th inst.. Myself and brother John were preserved through a very hot battle. We killed' and took according to the best account we can get, about one thousand of the enemy. Our loss was about thirty or forty. We marched right up against their breastwork with our small arms, while they fired upon us with their field pieces every half minute, yet they never touched ai HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS '443 man with them. We drove them out of their breastwork, and took their field pieces and pur- sued and killed a great number of them. We took four or five of my neighbors, two Snyders and two Hornbecks. The bigger part of Dutch Hoosac was in the battle against us. They went to the regulars a day or two before the fight. While I was gone, my wife and children went down to Williamstown. After I came home, I went after them and found them at Landlord Simons. I now have them home again. We soon expect the inemy will come upon us again and what I will do with my family, I know not. I want to inform you, that I received your letter, dated August i8. I want to come and see you very much, but when I shall I know not. Remember me to brothers and sisters and inquiring friends. Ko more at present, but I re- main, "Your dutiful son, until death, "Joseph Rudd." This letter is preserved in the Historical Museum at Bennington, Vermont. He was one of the signers of a petition sent to Eng- land and presented to the court of Great Brit- ain in 1767; this petition represented the grievance of the settlers against the govern- ment of New York, and prayed for a confir- mation of the New Hampshire grants held or occupied by them. At the raising of the Hubble house in 1769 a demand was made for a wedding. It was known that Joseph Rudd and Miss Story were engaged. She lived near by. Rev. Mr. Dewey said to Joseph : "If you go and lead Sarah over here I will marry you for nothing." "It's a bargain." Timbers were laid down and the ceremony performed. Joseph Rudd married Sarah Story, who died 1842. aged ninety-eight years. Sarah Story was of revolutionary stock and was acquainted with Colonel Ethan Allen. One of her broth- ers, a boy of sixteen, was taken prisoner with Allen. Another brother was captured by In- dians in Connecticut and the second night he made his escape. (The following record is taken from a paper written by a grand- daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, when over seventy years of age. The manuscript is neatly and plainly written.) Children: i. Celinda. married Zachary Brown, died at "Grand fathers place," leaving four children : i. Celinda, married Reuben Armstrong; ii. Harriet, married William Gould ; iii. Story : iv. Enos B. 2. Sally, married a Mr. Potter, and removed west. 3. Joseph, married a Miss Smith, and removed to western New York. 4. Lucy, married a Mr. Boice and lived in western New York. 5. Enos, married Abigail Wood, sister of Betsey, wife of David Rudd. Enos lived and died on "Grandfather's old place." 6. Patty, married Samuel Wadsworth, and lived in Bennington, Vermont. 7. David, of whom further. (V) David, youngest child of Joseph (2) and Sarah (Story) Rudd was born in Ben- nington, Vermont, 1786, died 1854. He was a farmer of substance and prominence, and a Democrat. He married Betsey Wood, born 1791, died 1856, daughter of Andrew and Abi- gail (Adams) Wood, who were the parents of : Aaron ; Wealthy, married Daniel Hamil- ton, and lived in the west; Abigail; Betsey, married David Rudd. Mr. and Mrs. Rudd had thirteen children, nine of whom reached the years of maturity, and all married except one: i. Sabrina, born May 27, 1814; mar- ried Luman Norton, whom she survived ; chil- dren : David and Marshal. 2. Elijah, born April 8, 1816; married Jane Maynard; chil- dren living: Fayette, Frank and Ella. 3. Martha, born April 23, 1818, died at age of forty-four years ; she married Andrew Saw- yer; had eleven children, eight of whom are living, mostly resident of the state of Michi- gan: Martha, Mary, Andrew, David, Sarah, deceased. Harriet. Romanzo, deceased, Salome, Laura, deceased, Sabrina, Addie. 4. John W., born July 22, 1820; married Charlotte .Andrews ; children living : George, Martha and Florence. 5. David, born June 29, 1822, died aged forty- three years: married Harriet Maynard: child living, Jessie. 6. Elizabeth, born October 19. 1825, married E. Stearns Harris; child, Emory ; at the age of seventy Mrs. Harris prepared a family record, to which this rec- ord is due. Besides her own son, Emory, she reared two girls, Laura Sawyer (deceased) and Mary Chase, "both good girls." 7. San- ford Highville, of whom further. 8. Ira, born July 15, 1831 ; unmarried. 9. Harriet, born October 11, 1832; married Edward Kinsley; they have no children, but adopted a daughter Addie, who married Sanford Rudd (2), whom she survived with two children : Allura and Kinsley. The four deceased children of David and Betsey (Wood) Rudd were: Abbie. the first born child, died aged two years; Cather- ine, born June 2, 1837, lived five years and three months ; Forrester, lived two j'ears ; Aaron, died aged two years. (YD Sanford Highville, seventh child of David and Betsey (Wood) Rudd, was bom in Bennington, \^ermont. March i, 1827. He was educated in the public schools and reared a farmer. In 1876 he settled on a large farm, which he purchased in Hoosick, Rensselaer county. New York, which he has since most successfully operated. He served the town as assessor for seven years, and has always been a man of influence. He is a Democrat in politics. He married (first) Fanny Wat- son, who bore him eight children : Ebb : Da- vid, deceased; Harriet; Bessie; Sanford (2), deceased; Edward, deceased; and Zoe, de- [444 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ceased ; Joseph D.. deceased. He married (second) Celestia, daughter of Joseph Matti- son, born in Rhode Island, July 25, 1795, died September 13, 1870; married, 1845, Phoebe Gates, born in Belchertown, Massachusetts, died June, 1858. Children of second mar- riage : Warren, Ernest and Archie L. Of these children all married but two, and there are thirty-one grandchildren and twelve great- grandchildren in the family. Settlement was made in the ;\Io- LEVEY hawk Valley by the founder of this family prior to 1804. James Levey was born in Schenectady county, New York, 1804, son of Dutch parents. He was a farmer of Amsterdam; late in life he re- moved to the city of Amsterdam, where he died January 22, 1884. He married, Oc- tober 29, 1829, Katherine Cain, born in Princetown, Schenectady county, December 24, 1806, died February 20, 1880. Children: i. Hiram, see forward. 2. John, born March 16, 1833; married Amanda j\L Lepper; they reside in Amsterdam, New York. 3. Wil- liam H., February 17, 1835; married Lydia Van Dyke, who survives him, with daugh- ters, Maggie and Lulu. 4. Paul, December 22, 1837, deceased; married Jane Ann Bunn and had Lydia. 5. Benjamin, December 20, 1839; removed to Rockford, Illinois; married Margaret Lepper, who survives him ; resident of Stillman Valley ; no issue. 6. Catherine, March 11, 1842, deceased; married Edward Hamm, of Amsterdam, and had Freeman and Jennie. 7. Margaret, May 12, 1844, de- ceased ; married Johnson Banta ; no issue. 8. Barbara, October 12, 1846, deceased; married Orvin Wessell, of Amsterdam ; no issue. 9. Maria, October 12, 1848; married Newton Merry, of Merry Brothers, truckmen, Amster- dam ; has a son. Earl Merry. 10. Susan, Oc- tober 17, 1852; married Jay Merry, brother of Newton; has Bertha and Anna Merry. 11. Nicholas, September 21, 1854; married Belle Hayes, of Troy, New York ; has a daughter Hazel. (II) Hiram, eldest child of James and Katherine (Cain) Levey, was born in Mont- gomery county. New York, August 29, 1830, died October 19, 1905. Early in life he re- moved to Fulton county. New York, where all his subsequent life was passed. He was a farmer. He married, at Broadalbin, Ful- ton county, Rachel H. Ockart, born in Al- bany, New York, June 14, 1839. She sur- vives her husband and resides with a daugh- ter. Carrie B., in Troy, New York. She is the daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth (Ruben) Ockart, who were born in France, reared in Germany, came to the United States, to Albany, New York, where they were mar- ried ; following the birth of their second child they removed to Mayfield, Fulton county, where they died. Children of Anthony and Elizabeth Ockart: i. Joseph Samuel F. C, resident of Gloversville, New York; by first wife has Philander and Alice. 2. Rachel H. (Mrs. Hiram Levey). Children of Hiram and Rachel H. (Ockart) Levey: i. James, born 1855; of Amsterdam; married Christina Beck, and has Laura B., married Marcus Rasmussen, and Urban. 2. Frank LI., see forward. 3. Carrie B., 1871, married Walter McClellan, of Troy, New York; has a son, Ockart McClellan, born January 25, 1897. (HI) Frank H., son of Hiram and Rachel H. (Ockart) Levey, was born in Amsterdam, Montgomery county. New York, September 30, 1857. He grew to manhood and was educated in his native town. On reaching man"s estate he removed to the city of Am- sterdam and obtained employment in a box factory, remaining until he became an expert workman and thoroughly understood every detail of box manufacturing. Having only a limited capital, he erected a small factory and began business for himself; without machinery he operated in a small way, making all his boxes by hand labor. He was industrious, ambitious, and bound to succeed. In a few years he had a large factory fully equipped with modern box-making machinery. After sixteen years close application to business, having an opportunity, he disposed of his entire business in 1900 and retired from ac- tive business life, to his beautiful home in Amsterdam, which he built. He is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church, as is Mrs. Levey. Never taking an active part in politics, he has always been a stalwart Republican. He is fraternally connected with .Amsterdam Lodge, No. 134, Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows, and Chuctenunda Lodge, No. 100, Knights of Pythias. In the days of the volunteer fire department in /Vrnster- dam he was a member of the "Bronson Hose Company," now known as the Bronson Social and Benevolent Association. He is an exempt member of Bronson Hose Company. He married, February 22, 1880, in Amsterdam city. Christina Miller, born in Saratoga county. May 24, 1858. She has been an ac- tive and important factor in his business career, assisting him in the earlier days by personal work, laboring by his side in the little shop until a safe start was secured, and now enjoying, with him. their well-earned competence. She is a daughter of Augustus and Mary (Saunders) Miller, born in Ger- cnyv^^^c^:.^^ /y cT'^-^'-'--'-^^^^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK ^•ALLEYS many, he in Berlin ; she in Pommern, West- plialia. They came to the United States be- fore their marriage, which occurred in Sara- toga county. New York, where they resided for several years, afterward removing to Rockton (now part of the city of Amster- dam) where he was a farmer and where he died May 19, 1893, aged seventy-four. His wife Mary survives him at the age of seventy- seven. The Millers were members of the German Lutheran church, as were their fore- bears. Children: i. Frederika, married Wil- liam Kernan. 2. Christina (]\lrs. Frank H. Levey). 3. Augustus, farmer of Perth, Ful- ton county : married Minnie Strumz. 4. John, of Red River, New York; married Marga- ret Pargo. 5. Charles, of Amsterdam : mar- ried Annie AI. Lebeahn. 6. Mary, married George Shuler, of Amsterdam. 7. Lizzie, married Nazarre Ross, of Broadalbin, New York. 8. George, of Amsterdam, unmarried. 9. Frank, married Jessie Ross. Children of Frank H. and Christina (Miller) Levey: i. Harriet, born April 7, 1881. 2. Francis, Oc- tober 5. 1894; both residing at home. The Wayne family are men- WAYNE tioned in the early records of Yorkshire and Derbyshire, Eng- land, where for centuries they held position among the lesser gentry. These old Waynes bore the Qiristian names of Anthony, Gabriel and Francis, and many of them were soldiers by profession, some of them in the "War of the Roses." and mostly upon the side of their king. Among them was Captain Gabriel Wayne, apparently a near kinsman of Captain Anthony Wayne, the founder of the Waynes in America. The family in Eng- land bore arms : "Gules a chevron ermine between three inside quantlets or." Anthony Wayne was born near the border line of Yorkshire and Derbyshire in the year 1666. He early became a soldier, and while yet a lad saw service in the low countries, it is said, under John Churchill, later the great Duke of Marllx)rough. He was with the English army in Ireland, and commanded a troop of horse at the "Boyne Water." in company with his lifelong friend. John Hunter, both of whom later settled down as farmers in county Wicklow, one having married a French woman, the other a native of Holland. .'An- thony Wayne settled near Rathdrum, Wick- low, Ireland, after 1690. His wife was named Faulkner, and he had seven sons, five of whom came to America. .Anthony Wayne and family landed near Boston. Massachu- setts, in 1723, and almost immediately pro- ceeded to Pennsylvania, where they settled M45 in Chester county. Here he found his old companion-in-arms, John Hunter, who had settled there in 1722. He purchased land at Easttown, Chester county, and is described in the deed as "Anthony Wayne, gentleman." Captain Anthony Wayne died in Easttown, December 2, 1739, and was buried in old St. David's, Radnor, where he was a vestryman and pewholder. Children: Francis, Gabriel, Isaac, Humphrey, Jacob, William, John, Sarah, Ann and Mary. The home Captain Anthony Wayne founded in Chester county was called Waynesborough. and is yet the home of descendants. (II) Isaac, third son of Captain Anthony Wayne, was born in Ireland, and died in Chester county, Pennsylvania. He was a cap- tain in the colonial wars, 1755, and is said to have been at Braddock's defeat. He served with honor all througli his military career, and died on the eve of tiie American revolu- tion, leaving a son wiiose brilliant record, cov- ering the entire period of the war, and ex- tending from the frozen Canada's to the tropic Florida, fills some of the most important pages of the history of our country. (III) Anthony (2), son of Isaac Wayne, and known as "Mad" Anthony Wayne, the hero of everywhere, was brigadier-general in 1777; major-general by brevet, 1783-92; nominated by Washington as commander-in- chief of the army, which position he held un- til his death, near Erie, Pennsylvania. Decem- ber 15, 1796. The Wayne family, of New Scotland, Albany county, New York, herein recorded, were planted in that county by Anthony Wayne, a grandson of Captain .-\n- thony, the American founder. He was a cousin of General Anthony Wayne, and was of the third generation of Waynes in .Amer- ica, and one of the early settlers in the town of New Scotland, the date of his settlement being during, or immediately after, the revolu- tion. He was an active patriot, and did not fall one whit behind his illustrious relative in devotion to the colonial cause. New Scot- land then had few inhabitants, and among the loyal ones were William McCullock, Anthony Wayne. John Furbeck. John Wanrls. Robert Hilton, Albert Bradt. and the La Grange fam- ily. He married and had issue. (IV) George, son of Anthony (2) Wayne, was born on the home farm in New Scotland, Albany county, New York, December 8. 1779, died May 10, 1837. He spent his life as a farmer of the town, prospered, and was a man of influence. He married. January 27, 1805, Elizabeth Couglitry. born August 17, 1783, died October 11, 1842. Children: I. Anthony, born January 19, 1806. died .\ugust 144''' HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 14, 1877; married, September 22, 1842, Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller. 2. James, August 12, 1808, died March 28, 1873; married, September 12, 1833. Judith Russell. 3. John Haswell, see forward. 4. Sarah Ann, September 12, 181 3, died April 18, 1848; married, March 26, 1834, George W. Bender. 5. William, June 19, 1 81 6, died April 13, 1892; married, Decem- ber 28. 1843, xMary Cook. 6. Elizabeth, De- cember 30, 1818, died May 25, 1868; married, November 23, 1842, William H. Slingerland, who died in 1910, an honored citizen of the village of Slingerland. 7. Jane, November 16. 1821, died March 22, 1902; became the second wife of her brother-in-law. George W. Bender. 8. Adaline, July 9, 1824, died July 23, 1869; married George M. Blodgett. 9. Susanna, julv 22. 1826, died October 2, 1828. (\') John Haswell. son of George and Elizabeth (Coughtry) Wayne, was born in the town of New Scotland, Albany county. New York, January 12, 181 1, died February 20. 1893, on the farm which had been his home for fifty-six years. He was a man of high character and purest purpose, and he commanded the respect of the community of which he was for so long a most prominent figure. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and a Republican in politics after the formation of that party. He married Catherine Stanton, born in Coeymans, Albany county. New York, October 19, 1823. died in New Scotland, same county, December 17, 1887. She was a devout Presbyterian, and reared her family of five in conformity with the tenets of that faith. Children: i. George, born August 10, 1846; after three attempts he succeeded in eluding the vigilance of his parents, ran away to camp, and enlisted (be- ing only eighteen years old) in the Union army; he saw some active service, sickened and died in the hospital at Washington, Dis- trict of Columbia. 2. Helen, August 23, 1848, died February 27, 1871 ; unmarried. 3. James, see forward. 4. Sarah Ann, born Sep- tember 4. 1852, died August 16, 1861. 5. Marv Jane, October 8, 1856, died August 19, 1861. ■ (\"l) James, son of John Haswell and Catherine (Stanton) Wayne, was born in the village of Slingerlands, Albany county. New "S^ork, September 6. 1850, died in New Scot- land, same county. May 23, 1910. He received a good education, and was a high-minded, public-spirited citizen. He was a leading farmer and stock raiser of the county, and was officially connected with the Albany County Agricultural .Association. His farm, well stocked and beautifully situated, was noted for its fine orchards and well-kept, highly-cul- tivated condition. He was an active man in politics, but never worked for his own private advancement, and never accepted office. He was liberal and helpful, always lending the hand of assistance to those in misfortune. He attended the Presbyterian church, and was a Republican in politics. He married, Decem- ber 23, 1875, in New Scotland, Alice, born December 9, 1856, daughter of David (2) and Lucretia (Reamer) Bradt, and granddaughter of David (i) Bradt, of New Scotland, a farmer, member of the Dutch Reformed church, and a Republican. He married Winne, a member of the old Dutch Winne family, so prominent in Albany county annals. David (2) Bradt was born in Knox, Albany county, New York, in 1818, and died in 1902. He married Lucretia Reamer, born June 25, 1830. Still lives in Voorheesville, and is very smart for her eighty years. These families date from the earlier Dutch settlement of Albany county. Children of David (2) and Lucretia (Reamer) Bradt: I. Catherine, born October 10, 1850, in the town of Knox, died in the village of Voor- heesville, July 29, 1895 ; married James Good- fellow, who survived her, and who married (second), a widow, Louisa (Hungerford) Taylor, who bore him a child, George. 2. Alice, married James Wayne. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne: i. Jennie W., born January 6, 1877; married Professor Newton J. Ferguson, principal of a Brooklyn, New York, school ; child, Helen O., born August 23. 1903. 2. Bertha, May 30. 1880; married De Forest S. Dunlap, now of RaVena, New York. 3. Dorothy C, November 18, 1883; unmarried ; prominent in local and church work. 4. David H., July 9. 1887; a gradu- ate of Albany Business College; was two years page in the New York state legislature; now department clerk ; married Jeane Wayne Bender, a graduate of Albany high school ; child, James Edward, born October 4, 1909. 5. Helen P., May 13, 1891 ; received a musi- cal education ; resides at home. 6. Catherine Stanton, February 16, 1895; a student at Al- bany high school. Airs. Alice Bradt Wayne survives her husband, and resides on her beautiful estate in New Scotland with her unmarried children. They are all well known in the social life of the town. Mrs. W'ayne attends the Presbvterian church. The first of this branch of the Rich RICH family in America was John Rigji, born in Kentmoor parish, England, 754. lie married there Elizabeth .\iken, irn in Glasgow. Scotland, in 1740. The HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1447 date of their coming to the United States is not given, hut they were residents of the town of Chatham, Hartford county. Connecti- cut, before they came to New York state in 1810. They settled in the town of Starkey, Yates county, New .York, w^here John Rich died, May 10, 1815; EHzabeth survived him initil December 17, 1837. Both are buried in the town of Starkey. Children: i. Richard, of whom further. 2. Ansel, born March 4, 1784, died July 30, 1852: married Rhoda Gris- wold, born November 14, 1786, died April 12, 1853; children: i. Minor, born January 2S. 1805, died January 14. 1819; ii. John, born August 3, 1808, died June 15, 1848, and married Lany Horning, 1823; iii. George, born August 5. 1810, died March 6, 1821 ; iv. Milo, born August 13, 1813, died 1886. married, December, 1832, Elizabeth Sutphen; v. Richard, born August 24, 1816, died February 23, 1838; vi. Henry, born No- vember 30, 1820, died 1878, married, Febru- ary 14, 1841, Sarepta Rich, a widow: vii. Sanford, born January 9, 1824; viii. Philann, born August 11. 1826, died October 5, 1800, married, December 5, 1841, Simpson Hal- lock. 3. Alfred, born April 21, 1786, died De- cember 10, 1847; married (first) Sarah Gris- wold, born 1785, died November 12, 1823: children: i. Harriet, born February 2, 1805, married Addison Lewis, and has a daughter Adaline: ii. Erastus, born May 7. 1808, killed •when young while engaged in a wrestling match: iii. Polly Ann, born October 10, 1809, died October 9, 1886, married, October 29, 1829, Joseph Reynolds, who died in Dundee, New York, a very old man : iv. Sarah Ann, born January 7, 1821, died 1852; married James' Hawley; had a son Erastus. Alfred Rich married (second) Almy Roberts and had a son Alfred, born December 7, 1824, died January, 1888; married Drake; they were both killed by a runaway team; chil- dren : Charles B.. and a daughter. 4. Elias, married, and had Richard and Amanda ; this family removed to Michigan, where all died; Amanda married and left children. 5. Clara. (H) Richard, eldest child of John and Elizabeth (Aiken) Rich, was born, probably in England, November 4, 1778, died July, 1839. He settled at Mason's Hollow, near Comstock's Landing. Washington county. New York. He married Amy Mason, horn 1782. died 1862. Children: i. Lyman, mar- ried Kate Dailey : children : Sarah Jane, mar- ried Ogden; Richard Henry; Owen: Mary Ann; Leonard: Emma, married Livingstone; Olin : Kate, married and removed to Canada. 2. Warren, married Helen Dailev; children: i. Cornelia, married War- ren Wilson ; ii. Scyniour. 3. Rosanna, mar- ried Barker Mason; children; Addison, George. Edgar, and three others. 4. Diana, married Cyrus Ferris ; children : i. Charles Edward, married Rogers, and removed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin; ii. Marian, married Rufus Gardiner; iii. Walter, married Eliza Kingsley: iv. Maria, married Noble Clark; children : Nellie, William and Sophia ; v. Leti- tia. married Russell Hall: children: .Anna Sweet, Harriet. Charles and Kitty; vi. Lyman, married Minerva Miller; children: George, Noble and James. 5. Maria, married Bel- den Rich, a kinsman, and removed to Michi- gan. 6. Jane, married John Gillette; chil- dren : Charles, Melvin, .'\very, and a son set- tled at Clyde, Warren county. New York. 7. Lucy, married Charles C. Rich, a kinsman; children: Charles, Henry, Cyrus. Amy, Jane and Alice. 8. Ellen, married Adolphus Hawes; children: i. Ada; ii. Cora E., died Februarv 14, 1905; iii. Clinton; iv. Ida; v. Lina. married H. F. Woodward: vi. Amy, married B. F. Irish, and removed to Fergus Falls, Minnesota, thence to Wapato, Washing- ton ; has daughter Nina. 9. Cyrus Ferris, of whom further. (III) Cvrus Ferris, youngest child of Rich- ard and Amy (Mason) Rich, was born at Comstock. Washington county. New York, December 23. 1826, died at Saratoga Springs, New York, "November i, 1897. He was edu- cated in the public schools, and, after com- pleting his school years, began the stud^v of dentistrv. He was regularly aldmitted to practice and followed this profession in Schuvjersville until 1865, when he removed to Saratoga Springs, his business home and residence until death. He was master of his profession and was well known and highly regarded. During the civil war he enlisted in*^ Company K, Seventy-seventh Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, with the rank of lieutenant. He was a Republican in poli- tics He married, November 11, 1852, Har- riet E. Cooke, born 1835, died June, 1872, daughter of Peter J. Cooke, of Edinburg, Saratoga county, New York. Children: Waldo" Leon, of whom further ; Amos Cooke, born April 5, 1856, married Ella Bristol ; Leigh, August, 1859, fl'^'l October, 1861 ; Guy Cyrus. Tilly, 1861, married Mrs. Katherine Nason; Lviin Richard, September 11, 1864. (IV) Waldo Leon, eldest son of Cyrus Fer- ris and Harriet E. (Cooke) Rich, was born in Schuylersville, Saratoga county. New York, November 11, 1853. His early and preparatory education was obtained in the public schools of Schuylersville and Saratoga Springs after which he entered Williams Col- [448 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS lege, where he was graduated A.B., class of 1876. He decided upon the profession of law and pursued a course of legal study under Judge Lester, of Saratoga, was admitted to the bar, but never practised. In 1876 he en- tered the employ of the old Commercial Bank (now out of existence), from there going to the First National Bank of Saratoga, where he remained until 1894. Then he formed a connection with the Adirondack Trust Com- pany, of Saratoga, and is now (1910) paying tell of that institution. Li politics he is a Republican. His social club is the Saratoga, and he holds fraternal membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He is also a member of the Saratoga Business Men's Association. He married, April 25, 1883, Sarah W., daughter of Alembert and Elizabeth (Lester) Pond. The founder of the McKin- ]\IcKINXEY ney family was Calinas Fitz- gerald, of Ireland, who as- sisted Alexander III, of Scotland, to repel the invasion of Haco, of Norway, 1261, and was rewarded by a grant of the lands of Kin- tail, county of Ross, in the north of Scot- land, and which was erected into a barony. The third baron assumed in name (in Gaelic), Kenneth McKenneth, hence the names Mc- Kennie, McKinney, and McKenzie. Members of the family bearing the last two names have been able, in this century, to trace their ancestry to an identical source. Alexander McKenzie, of Inverness, Scot- land, in his genealogies, traces the family back to the beginning of the ninth century. He finally states : "It scarcely needs to be pointed out that, through intermarriages the McKs. are also descended from the ancient Celtic McAlpine line of Scottish kings, from the original Anglo-Saxon kings, of England, and from the oldest Scandinavian, Charlemagne and Capetian lines, as far back as the begin- ning of the ninth century, forming a network of cousinship which ultimately included all the leading families in the Highlands, every one of which, through these alliances, have the royal blood of all the English, Scottish and Scandinavian kings, and many of the earlier foreign monarchs, coursing through their veins." Passing along the centuries, we come to that rcmarkalile man, the Rev. James McKin- ney, grandfather of James McKinney. He was born in Cookstown, Tyrone county, Ireland, in 1759. This county was included in that portion of Ulster made "Sword-land" by the Scots. He entered Glasgow College, where he took the regular course, and remained there several years after, engaged in the study of theology and of medicine. In due time he was ordained and installed pastor of Kirkhills, or Dervock congregations, in the county of Antrim, a county exposed to the inroads of the Danes, and also of the northern Scots, who ultimately effected permanent set- tlements. Antrim has always been one of the most decidedly Protestant counties in Ire- land, and of the Protestants a very great pro- portion are Presbyterians. (I) The last decade of the eighteenth cen- tury was pre-eminently distinguished for its revolutionary character in several European nations. Rev. James McKinney lived in revo- lutionary times. He came to America in 1793. As a friend of liberty, civil and re- ligious, he saw and felt with disapprobation the oppression of his native land, and, though he did not belong to the Society of United Irishmen, yet he was charged with influencing and encouraging them to throw ofif the Brit- ish yoke. The true cause of his leaving his native land was his sermon on the "Rights of God." This was denounced as treasonable by the secret spies of the British government. An indictment was found against him, and being feared by the government and an ob- ject of jealousy, they determined to seize and imprison him. He was providentially away from home when the soldiers came to arrest him, and as bail on a charge of treason would not be accepted, he escaped to America in the summer of 1793. 'i'hough not sent immediately by the church in Ireland to aid in promoting the Covenant- ing cause in this country, it is evident that lie was sent by the Head of the Church him- self. In an article on "The Life and Times of Rev. James McKinney," by Rev. S. Car- lisle, he .says: "We do not state too much when we assert he was the founder, under God, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the L'nited States, after the secession and backsliding in 1783." Dr. (jlasgow, in his "History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in America," and Sprague's "Annals of the American Pulpit." state that "for schol- arship and eloquence combined, he was not only the greatest man in the Covenanter Church in his day, but he was a great man among men of that age. His sermons were a continuous stream of thought, and for grandeur of conception and impressiveness of delivery such displays of eloquence were sel- dom heard." They also quote an eminent divine as .saying, "I have met with many con- siderable and some great men, Init not one equal to James McKinney." .Anotlier said, "He is like Leviathan — made witinnit fear." V^.-^/^'^ 7.^^-t^,^i^ HUDSON AND AIOHAWK \"ALLEYS '449- Such are the testimonies of men on both sides of the Atlantic to the character of Rev. James McKinney. Prior to 1812 four brothers of Rev. James McKinney had emigrated to America : Rev. Samuel McKinney, D.D., of Texas; Dr. Archibald JMcKinney, who was for some time partner of Dr. Rush, of Philadelphia, and died at Cincinnati, Ohio; Robert McKinney, who located, and died near Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania; and Hon. John A. McKinney, one of the framers of the constitution of Tennes- see, and who died at Rogersville, East Ten- nessee. Rev. James McKinney was called to the congregation of Rocky Creek, Chester Dis- trict, South Carolina, whither he removed, died in a few months, away from his family, and was buried in the old graveyard on Rocky Creek. It may be said of this family that they inherited and illustrated all the noble qualities of their heroic ancestors, and veri- fied the promise, "I will be a God to thee and thy children after thee." Freedom, civil and religious, was dearer to them than titles and wealth. (H) Four years later, in 1797, Mary (Mitchell) McKinney, wife of Rev. James McKinney, followed, with their five children, one of whom was James (2) McKinney, father of James (3) McKinney of this re- view. He was born in 1792. He was edu- cated for the ministry, but was not ordained. He lived a quiet, uneventful life, was se- dentary in his habits, and devoted to his books. James McKinney's maternal grandfather was John I. Netterville, who forfeited his succession to the peerage by coming to America. The family of Netterville is of Norman descent, and of considerable an- tiquity ; it took from an early period an im- portant and historic position in Ireland, and made high connections and alliances. It was settled at Douth, county Meath, in the reign of Henry II. During the persecution of the Protestants this family left France for the North of Ireland, and sailed up the coast. His maternal grandmother was Lady .Vnn Whitely, daughter of Lord Edward Whitcly, North of Ireland. Jane Frances (Netter- ville) McKinney. mother of James McKinney, came to America in 1802, when nine years of age. Such were the forebears of James Mc- Kinney, indicating that the blood flowing in his veins was of that sturdy, self-reliant qual- ity which knew no discouragement and feared nothing so much as untrustworthiness. (Ill) James (3), son of James (2) and Tane Frances (Netterville) McKinney, was born August 29, 1825, in Duanesburg, Sche- nectady county, New York. In 1838 he went to Canajoharie, Montgomery county, where for some years he attended Canajoharie Academy, making his home with his maternal grandfather, John T. Netterville, of the same place. In 1844 he accepted a position in the iron works conducted by Colonel George G. Johnson, of Palatine Bridge, New York, re- maining three years. In 1847 Mr- McKinney went to New York and sought employment with several concerns in different lines of the iron business in order to perfect himself in the industry, for, like many other young men, his aim wms to ultimately engage in business for himself, and he desired to obtain all the information and experience possible, with that end in view. In 18510 he came to Albany, and in 1857 began business for himself, forming a co-partnership with Abram Mann, under the firm name of McKinney & Mann, in a small foun- dry located on Lower Livingston avenue (then Lumber street). This foundry was demolished when the bridge was con- structed across the Hudson river at Albany, and the business was removed to buildings especially constructed for the firm at i8-20' De Witt street. In 1867 the partnership was dissolved, and Air. McKinney continued the business alone. About this time he observed the growing demand for structural and archi- tectural iron work for building purposes, and he decided to devote practically his whole attention to this branch of the iron industry. The business grew so rapidly that larger quarters were soon a necessity, and in 1872- he erected the works on upper Rroadway, where the business has since been conducted. In 1884 he admitted his son, Edward N. Mc- Kinney, into partnership, and this firm has ever since continued under the name of James McKinney & Son. When Mr. McKinney first engaged in business, he resolved to manu- facture only first-class work, for he realized that whatever was worth doing at all was worth doing well, and the result was that the reputation established at the beginning, for first-class work, was continued during all the years of his business career. He was a man of the highest ideals in honesty and in- tegrity, and as to what was due his fellow- men, and these qualities, combined with a genial disposition and a heart warm with generous impulses, attracted not only custom- ers and friends, who remained with him dur- ing his entire business life, but also the loy- alty and friendship of the men in his employ. In 1872 Mr. McKinney was elected a mem- ber of the board of aldermen and served 1450 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS two years. In 1856 he joined the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Albany, and in 1874 was elected to the eldership, which office he retained until the close of his life. He was devotedly attached to this church, and every branch of its work received his earnest sup- port. He was particularly interested in young men who wished to devote their lives to the Christian ministry, and was always a liberal ■contributor in aiding such to secure an edu- cation with this end in view, when their private means were inadequate for the pur- pose. He was elected a trustee of the Albany Exchange Savings Bank in 1886, and became its second vice-president in 1893. Mr. McKinnev married, in 1850, JuHa A., Poole, of Albany. Children : Ella F. ; Ida A., married David B. Hunt, of Montclair, New Jersey; Edward N. Mr. McKinney died Feb- ruarv 10. 1907. The worth of his character and the loss to the community in his death were attested by the local press in the fol- lowing : Albany Evening Journal, February II. 1907: ■"James McKinney's long career of usefulness came to an end about three weeks ago, and yes- terday death ensued. From the time he laid •down the cares of busine,ss life, which had ex- tended over half a century, his vigorous consti- tution gave way gradually, and in a compara- tively short time the vital spark went out. It was like passing to a peaceful sleep, and was in keeping with his gentle nature. His presence was like a healing balm, his counsel always on the right side, and his charity unostentatious. Mr. McKinney's record in the business circles of Albany, in the city's welfare and in church work, stands out a bright page. His genial ■disposition, his wise judgment in all matters in which he was enlisted, and his business acumen, will be missed by those who were thrown into his companionship." Ibid, same date: "The death of James Mc- Kinney, which occurred yesterday, makes an- ■other vacant place in the ranks of the old guard of Albany's business men — the men to whose activity and energy is due in gerat measure the city's very solidly founded prosperity. Fifty years of successful business activity, always char- acterized by strict integrity, made a record most honorable, a source of pride to those who mourn. Mr. McKinney's life is an example for emula- tion to those who are just beginning their busi- ness careers." Albany Times-Union, February 11, 1907: "In the death of James McKinney, .Mbany loses one •of its most progressive citizens. His splendid •efforts to promote the welfare of the large in- stitution over which he presided were crowned with success, and the iron works which bear liis name are known throughout the length and "breadth of the land. He was a generous em- ployer, a good citizen and a faithful friend, and a splendid type of virile manhood." Knickerbocker Express. February 11, 1907: "The close of Sabbath witnessed the death of one of those sweet, lovable gentlemen of the old ■school, of whom the world to-day has too few. A gentleman whose integrity was unimpeachable; in whom the milk of human kindness abounded in rich supply: whose optimism was ever most pronounced; whose life of four-score years and two speaks eloquently his own epitaph; whose love for humanity was as sweet as the perfume of incense — such was James McKinney, one of Albany's best-known business men." The paternal descent of the Daw DAW family of Troy is through French Huguenot ancestors, who fled from the city of Rochelle in France and came to America, where a large settlement of people of the same religious convictions founded New Rochelle, near New York City. The names of two of the Daw ancestors are on the Huguenot monument at New Rochelle as founders of New Rochelle. Through inter- marriage with the Denisons they obtain de- scent from Captain George Denison, a noted Indian fighter of Connecticut, whose wife, Ann Boradaile, was an English lady of rank. His father was William Denison, who came to America in 163 1 and settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Captain George Denison returned to England after the death of his first wife, joined the army of Cromwell, was wounded at the battle of Naseby. was nursed back to life at the home of John Boradaile by his daughter Ann, whom he afterward married; he returned to America and settled at Ston- ington, Connecticut, where he died in 1694. As a leader of the volunteer forces, he broke the power of the Indians and gave peace to the harassed settlers. The descent is through Captain John, eldest son of Captain George and .\nn (Boradaile) Denison: Daniel, child of Captain John and Phoebe Denison ; Daniel (2), who was the ninth child of Daniel (i) and Mary Denison; Daniel (3), second child of Daniel (2) and Esther Denison; Esther, born 1776, third child of Daniel (3) and Elizabeth Denison, who married Miner Wal- den, of Pawlet, Vermont ; removed to Albany county. New York, where the mother of George W. Daw, of Troy, was born. (I) Peter Ferris Daw was born October 22, 1808, at Ridgcfield. Connecticut. He em- braced the profession of law and practiced in Cohoes until his death. May 27, 1876. He married Sophia M. Waldcn. of Albany. New York, born November 19, 1815, at Berne, Albany county. New York. (II) George Weidman, son of Peter Fer- ris and Sophia M. (Walden) Daw, was born in Cohoes. New York. March 24, 1856, He attended the Cohoes public scliool until at- taining the age of fifteen, when he went to Albany to prepare for college. He entered HUDSON AND MOHAWK \^\LLEYS 1451 the high school in that city, from which he graduated, but the death of his father pre- vented the carrying out of his college plans. In 1877 he went to Troy, entered the law offices of Smith, Fursman & Cowen, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1S80. After two years of private practice, he formed a partnership with Eugene L. Pel- tier, which existed until 1890, since which date he has continued alone in his legal busi- ness. He is well known and prominent among the lights of the Rensselaer county bar. He lias held several important public positions in his profession, among them that of attor- nev for the excise board of Troy, for the years 1883-84-85. He has allied his energy and ability with •other enterprises not connected with his pro- fession. He was one of the organizers of the Union National Bank of Schenectady, New York, of the Albany Trust Company, of Albany, New York, of the Peoples Bank of Troy, and of the Troy Trust Company, in the last two of which he is a director at the present time (1910). He is also a direc- tor of the Pittsburgh-Eastern Company, of the R. T. French Company, of Rochester, New York, and of the Beacon Electric Light Company, and other local business enterprises •of importance. In the political life of Rensselaer county Mr. Daw has ever been active. From 1880 to 1884 he was secretary of the Re- publican county committee and acting chair- man during the Blaine campaign of 1884. He is interested in real estate operations, and in California plotted and promoted the now thriving town of \'ernondaIe. He was one of the organizers of the Rensselaer Union Club, now known as the Troy Republican Club. and member of the Troy Club, director of the Riverside Club, which he helped to organ- ize. He is a member of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, which he has .served many years as vestryman. He is a member of the New York State Bar Association, the Ameri- can Bar Association, the Rensselaer County Bar Association, the Huguenot Society of America, the Sons of the .\merican Revolu- tion, the Fort Orange Club, Country Club of Albany, New York, and Rensselaer County Society of New York City, New York. He •continues his legal practice in Troy, where he has an established clientage. He married. May 10, 1882, E. Eugenia, oply daughter of Daniel Wiedman. of Albany. Children : Elma F.lmina, a graduate of Emma Willard School •of Troy, and Bryn Mawr College. Pennsyl- vania : Georgena, also a graduate of the Emma Willard .'School. George Allen Ross, son of Adam ROSS Ross, was born November 10, 1870, at Troy, New York. His educa- tion was obtained in the common and high schools of Troy, after which he entered the Albany College of Pharmacy. He was regis- tered under the laws governing pharmacists in New York state in 1895. He was with Edward F. Leahy, druggist, of Troy, for nearly five years, then with his successor until 1890, when he removed to Hoosick Falls. He here entered the employ of Henry W. Stone, with whom he remained as prescrip- tion clerk and a.ssistant for five years. In 1895 he purchased the drug business of Henry W. Stone and opened under the firm name of Geo. A. Ross & Company, contin- uing under that name until 1900, when he purchased his partner's interest, and since then has conducted the business as George A. Ross. In 1905 he added to his store in Hoosick Falls the adjoining building, which he converted into a confectionery and ice cream store, wholesale and retail. He has been very successful. He was appointed by Colonel Lloyd and Captain F. R. Hudson, hospital steward of the Second Regiment, New York National Guard, with headquar- ters at Troy. He held this position four years, seven months, when he received an honorable discharge from the service. He had been active in the National Guard for several years, being on duty during the trol- ley strike of 1903 at Glens Falls, New York. He is an active Republican. He served as auditor of the Hoosick Falls village corpora- tion from 1899 until July, 1910, when he resigned. He is a member of the Presby- terian church, of Rensselaer Lodge, No. 400, Free and Accepted Masons, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and for four years (1896 to 1900) secretary of the Hoosick Falls Lodge, No. 178; member of the Hoosick Club since 1895, and of the Country Club, member of the New York State Phar- maceutical Association, and of the Ice Cream Men's Association of New York state. Mr. Ross married, June 14. 1899, ^I''^- Jo' sephine (Burtt) Cusson, daughter of Row- land Thomas Burtt, of Greenburg. New Hampshire. Rowland Thomas Burtt was horn December 2, 1821, died February 4, 1907, at Hoosick Fails. He was a well-known musi- cian and dancing master, and for fifty years leader of Burtt & Whitcomb's Orchestra, of Cambridge, New York. He was a most ex- cellent instructor and was well known and highly regarded all through that section of New York state. He was an accomplished performer on the violin and composer of a 1452 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS great amount of the music which was played by his own orchestra exclusively. In addition to his musical engagements he was an expert grainer and painter. In middle life his sight became impaired by cataracts forming, and at the age of fifty-seven he became totally blind. He continued playing in public until he was seventy-five, rendering his selections from memory. Until he was eighty-five he retained his musical skill and kept up his playing, although not appearing in public. His musical memory was wonderful, having a repertoire of sixty quadrilles and about thirty other compositions for dance and con- cert that he recited from memory without a discordant note, excelling in dance and popu- lar music, in which he delighted. After his dissolution of interest with Mr. Whitcomb, the organization was known as Burtt's Band. He removed to Hoosick Falls in 1899. He married Caroline Adelia. born in Pittstown, New York, daughter of Samuel S. Hastings, born April 25, 1812, at Pittstown, died June 20, 1887. He was a cooper and lived most of his life at Arlington, Vermont. He mar- ried Clarissa Baird, born 1814, at Allenville, Dutchess county, New York, died at Shushan, New York, May 6, 1862. They had thirteen children, of whom Caroline A. was the sixth. A son, Zechariah Hastings, enlisted in Com- pany E, One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment, New York Volunteers, and died in an army hospital. Another son, Abraham B. Hastings, was sent home from the army and died. He was a member of the same re.giment as his brother and father, who came through unscathed. The Hastings are of English descent, the father of Samuel S. hav- ing been born in England. Mrs. Josephine B. Ross is a skilled performer on the b-flat cornet, having been playing since the age of seven years. Prior to her marriage she toured the United States in concert accom- panied by her brothers, Neil and William. She now plays only in private or occasionally in church. All the children of Rowland T. Burtt inherited musical talent and are per- formers of high merit. Rowland T. Burtt was a son of Thomas Burtt, of New Hamp- shire, also a noted musician and violin per- former. He owned a genuine Cremona violin that is now in possession of a great-grandson, Harold John Cusson. The instrument has been in use by each generation owning it and it is of rare tone and beauty. Josephine Burtt married (first) December 16. 1884, John Lewis Cusson, born in Canada, November 19, 1858, died at Glens Falls, New York, Octo- ber 24, 1892, of French-Canadian parents. He was a professor of music, taught both vocal and orchestral music; was also a composer and performer on the violin. Of the four children of the marriage three died in infancy. Harold John Cusson, the only surviving child, was born in Newark, New Jersey, April 17, 1887. He is now (1910) in the senior class at Albany College of Pharmacy. He was a student at Troy Conservatory of Music four years under Professor Robert E. Fbote, and for two years under instruction on the violin' with Professor Harris, of Boston. He is the- leader of his own orchestra, located at Hoosick Falls and very popular over a large circuit. He owns the Cremona used by his great- grandfather, also the violin (a Stainer made- in 1775) used by his father, Mr. Cusson. He is an expert performer and does much concert work besides leading his orchestra. Jonathan Ruff was born in New RL'FF England in 1759, died May 13, 1804. He took an active part in the war of the revolution. He is credited' by tradition with being one of the active par- ticipants at the "Boston Tea Party." He- served in various commands during the war and ranked as major. Many stories are told' of his prowess that records fail to show. Shortly after the war closed Major Ruft' re- moved to New York state, settling at McKin- ney hill, town of Florida, Montgomery county, finding employment on the farm of Jesse- Price, whose daughter he married. After marriage he settled on a farm in the south- west corner of the town, later purchasing an- adjacent property upon which he lived until his death. He married Sallie, daughter of Jesse Price, who settled in Florida previous to the revolution. She was noted for her fleetness of foot and never was afraid of In- dians, saying she could outrun any red man in the valley. Both Jonathan and Sallie- (Price) Ruff are buried in the County Line- cemetery. Oiildren : Daniel. Jesse, Jonathan, Jesse (2), Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, twins ; Nancy, Priscilla and Sallie. (II) Benjamin Franklin, twin brother of Jefferson, son of Jonathan and Sallie (Price) Ruff, was born in 1803. died November 5,. 1876. He was a farmer of the town of Florida. While engaged with others in the patriotic celebration of July 4, 1826, he lost a portion of both arms by the premature discharge of a cannon, while he was ram- ming home a charge of powder. Despite this handicap he successfully conducted his af- fairs and performed farm labor. He was twice married. His first wife was Polly Merry. Iiorn in 1808, died October 4, 1830,. daughter of an early settler of the coiuity. ^/^(a/^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1453 ■Children: i. ^^'illiam Alonzo, see forward. 2. Sarah, died June 12, 1895; she married James \"ander Pool and hafl a son, J. Franklin Van- der Pool, who married Louise Groat, of Sco- tia, Schenectady count}'. Children : Frank, James, Bessie and Rose \'ander Pool. 3. Joanna, lives in Schenectady, unmarried. Ben- jamin F. Ruff married (second) Lavizer Chauncy : children : Albert and Lewis. (HI) William Alonzo, only son of Benja- min F. and Polly (Merry) Ruff, was born in August, 1827, died April 2, 1907. After his marriage he settled on the farm of his grand- father, where he resided until his death, a •well known and respected citizen. He was a deacon of the Baptist church for thirty years. He married (first) Mary J. Ladd, born in Duanesburg, Schenectady county, New York, died at the age of sixty-five, daughter of Ephraim Ladd. Children : William F., see forward, and Nettie E., born September 29, 1863 ; married James L. Dusler, pastor of the Baptist church at Springfield Center, New York. By a second wife William Alonzo Ruff' had Jessie, Mabel, William A. and Charlotte. (IV) William F., son of William Alonzo and Mary J. (Ladd) Ruff, was born Novem- ber 25, 1853. He received his early education in the town public schools and qualified as an instructor at the State Normal School in Albany, New York. He was engaged in teaching for several years. He had been reared on the farm, and after his years of teaching returned to the pursuit of agriculture, having a fertile farm of one hundred and forty acres near Minaville. L^pon it is a substantial brick house built in 1804, that is in perfect condition, giving no indication of having been built one hundred and six years ago. He is actively interested in the affairs of his town and has served repeatedly as su- pervisor and town clerk. He is a member of the Baptist church, and holds fraternal relations with Welcome Lodge, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, of Amsterdam, and Ticonde- roga Tribe, No. 176, Red Men, which he has represented in the state council. He married, in Duanesburg, November 22, 1876, Anna B. Filkins, born in the adjoining town of Prince- town, November 25, 1850. She was educated in the public schools. Miss Coley's Private Seminary at Albany, and for some time pre- vious to marriage was a teacher. Children : I. Lena M., born December 27, 1877; mar- ried William G. Ernest, a farmer of Florida ; children: Helen H., born June 15, i8gg, and Robert M., July 7, 1903. 2. Catherine, born .'^eptember 2, 1879; married Albertus Van Wie, a merchant and postmaster of Clarks- ville, Albanv countv, New York. Anna B. Filkins (Mrs. William F. Ruff) is a daughter of James and Selina (Holmes) T'ilkins, of Schenectady county. James Filkins was born in Schenectady in 1823, and died there in 1858; son of Benjamin and Susan ( Ijond ) Filkins. Selina Holmes is the daugh- ter of Thomas Holmes, born August i, 1788, died June 16, 1866. He married .Ann Miiner, born August 29, 1792, died April 18, 1881. Thomas Holmes was of English birth, his father being esquire of Staffordshire and of the gentry. Thomas was reared as an l£ng- lish gentleman's son, but he was independent and ambitious to make a name for himself. In 1830 he emigrated to the United States, bringing a wife and eight children. He set- tled first in Albany county, then in Duanes- burg, where he lived until his death, engaged in farming. Children of Thomas and Ann (Miiner) Holmes: i. Anna, born June 18, 1815, died June 29, 1904; married Alexander Sproul, a Scotchman. 2. Thomas, November 21, 1816, died March 21, 1885; married Har- riet Cooley. 3. John, June i, 1818, died March 16. 1887; married Emily C. Darling. 4. Pamelia E., July 7, 1820, died September 15, 1894; married Henry Quick. 5. Cathe- rine J., August I, 1822, died November 6, igo6, unmarried. 6. William G., April 11, 1824; married Sarepta Schofield. 7. Ann, De- cember 26, 1825, died September 8, 1849; unmarried. 8. Selina, April 11, 1826; widow of James Filkins, and mother of Mrs. William F. Ruff, with whom she resides. 9. Sarah L., June 25, 1831, died August 9, 1832. 10. Al- fred A., March 9, 1834, died May 29, 1905; married Sarah Waite. 11. Mary E., July 27, 1836; married Thomas Harden, of Loudon- ville. New York. Children of James and Se- lina (Holmes) Filkins, parents of Mrs. Wil- liam F. Ruff; Anna B. (Mrs. Ruff), and Alfred Allen Filkins, born October- 7, 1854, died in 1878; married Nettie McCulIom. Both the Holmes and Filkins families like the Ruffs were identifiecl with the Baptist church. The first of the Phelps family PHELPS to appear in the Mohawk Val- ley was Oliver Phelps, born in Hartford county, Connecticut, where he grew to manhood and married Abigail Brown. He removed to New York state and settled on a farm in Montgomery county. He was a pros- perous and prominent man. The site of his farm and burial place is now in the town of Johnstown, Fulton county. (II) Chester, son of Oliver and Abigail (Brown) Phelps, was born June 15, 1792, died March 13, 1870. He inherited lands from his father to which he added other farms, 1454 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS becoming one of the largest general farmers in the county besides devoting special atten- tion to fruit and dairy farming. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a man of high character. Phelps street near Gloversville was at one time owned and occupied by thirteen families of the Phelps name. He married, June 28, 1816, Sally A. Powell, born Alarch 4, 1796, died September II, 1857. Children: i. Charles A., born August 22. 1817, died September 28, 1847. 2. Gilbert, February 9, 1819, died November 16, 1900; married, September 30, 1845, Anna C. Van Nostrand ; child, Margaret, married Charles D. Massey. 3. Lucius A., March 20, 1821, died February 16, 1837. 4. Eliza Ann, February 24, 1823, died October 12, 1908; married. June 10, 1847, Hart A. Massey. born April 27, 1819, died February 20, 1896; six children : Charles, George, Chester, Lillian, Walter Hart and Fred Victor. 5. Sylvia Adelia, February 4, 1825, died November 3, 1901 ; married, October 7, 1845, Horace W. Porter; child, Mervin A., married Helen Frank and has Lottie Ann. married Arthur Adams. 6. William Henry, October 8, 1827, died January 24, 1899; married, August 31, 1849, Louise Deming ; children : i. Charles Edward, married Clara Wilcox ; ii. Albert, married Margaret Wells, whose daughter Brena married Charles Schoolcraft, also a son, Floyd ; iii. Nettie, married William Ballinger. 7. George R., of whom further. 8. Chester Powell, December 16, 1832; mar- ried Alice Brown ; children : i. David, mar- ried Cora ; children : Alice, Arthur and Floyd ; ii. Arthur. 9. Sarah Jane, July 6, 1835, died April 29, 1890; married, January 18, i860, Lehman Edwards. (HI) George Roswell, son of Chester and Sally A. (Powell) Phelps, was born in Johns- town, Fulton county. New York, June 2, 1830, died May 19, 1903. He was born and reared on the old homestead first settled by Oliver Phelps. He was educated in the public school, and always followed the occupation of agriculture. He succeeded his father in the ownership of the farm, which he converted into a veritable garden and orchard. He specialized in small fruits and berries, raising them in very large quantities, and continued the personal oversight of his farm until his death. Jn i89<) he purchased a city home in Gloversville and removed there, traveling back and forth each day to the farm. His heart was in his work and success came to him abundantly. He had business interests in Gloversville and always had a lively concern for the advancement and welfare of that city. He was a Prohibitionist in party principle and an out-spoken man on the subject of temper- ance. He married, March 17, 1858, Joseph- ine Matilda Whitney, born April 18, 1838, daughter of Asa Hervey Whitney, born 1812, died May i, 1846; married, September i, 1836, Almira RIatilda Wait, born February 8, 1815, died February 7, 1897. Asa H. Whitney was engaged in the lumber business but contracted consumption and died a young man. Children of George Roswell and Josepliine M. Phelps : I. Inez Marian, born July 15, 1859. died June 10, 1887. 2. William Edwin, born November 12, i860; married (first) December 27, 1882, Emily Ann Banks, born December g, i860, died May 29, 1888; children: i. Jessie Marian, born July 6, 1885, married, December 25, 1908, 'Walter A. Deford and has William Phelps, born January 26, 1910; ii. Harry Chester, June 24, 1887, died July 20, 1888. William Edwin married (second) April 6, 1898, Jane Munns, born November 9, 1862 ; child. Raymond Qiester, born December 28, 1900. 3. Warren Whitney, born August 23, 1863; married, August 30, 1884. Abbie Lan- sing, born September 21, 1867. died March 9, 1903; child, Florence Catherine, born May 31,' 1895. 4. Emma Belle, born December 28, 1865; married, February 15, 1884, Elmer J. Staley, born March 19, 1861. died February 20. 1900; child, Harold Phelps, born August 20, 1899. 5. Lillian Almira, born January 11, 1870; married, April 7, 1899, John AI. Smith, born February i, 1869. 6. Alma Leona, born October 26, 1877; married, September 15, 1910, Clifton Elliot Sanborn, born September 4, 1877. Mrs. Josephine M. Phelps survives her husband, a resident of Gloversville, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps were active mem- bers of First Methodist Episcopal church, in which Mr. Phelps was steward several years and i\Irs. Phelps was active for over forty- five years in every department, in Sabbath school work as well as in church work. Tracing the gene- SCHIFFERDFCKER alogy of this 'fam- ily back brings the searcher to the Duchy of Baden-Baden, now empire of Germany. There for generation after generation the family of Schifferdecker were prosperous and influential. They were intimately associated with public afifairs and furnished soldiers that made reputations for bravery on the field of battle. The first of the family to arrive in the United States was Henry Schiflferdecker, born in Baden-Baden in 1798. He was a butcher and dealer in meats, etc. This has been the i)revailing family occupation and business down to the present generation. He married and had a HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \-ALLEYS 1455 family of eight children, all born in Baden- Baden. He remained in business in Germany until his family were well grown and his sons liable to conscription for military duty in the Germany army. In 1849, '^^'^^^'' ^'''s wife and entire family, he took passage for the United States, where they arrived eight weeks later. The family settled in Albany where Henry began business anew, following the same line as in Germany. He continued the butcher business, assisted by his son, until his death in 1858. He was thrifty, indus- trious and highly respected. His widow sur- vived him until October 17, 1890, dying on her birthday, which was October 17, just eighty-four years earlier in the century, 1806. Children: Carl, deceased; Frederick A., see forward ; Morris ; Henry, deceased ; Louisa, deceased : Caroline ; Lizzie, deceased ; Rosa. (H) Captain Frederick A., second son of Henry Schiflferdecker, was born in Baden- Baden, Germany, February 2, 1836, died in Albany, New York. November 24, 1908. He came to Albany with his father in 1849, ^"d assisted him in the meat business until he arrived at the age of twenty-one, when he began business for himself. He w-as a suc- cessful business man and became prominent in city politics. In 1862 he responded to Presi- dent Lincoln's call for men to crush out the rebellion then existing in the southern states. He enlisted as a private in the Forty-sixth Regiment, New York \^olunteer Infantry, and came home after three years valiant service as captain. He won his commission for bravery on the field of battle and demon- strated the quality of his courage on more than one hard-fought battlefield. A proof of his valor now decorates the Hall of Flags in the State Capitol at Albany. It is a battle-flag captured from the enemy in battle and is a special credit to his company. He represented his ward in Albany as supervisor several terms, and in 1874 was elected a member of the state assembly of New York. He was a stalwart Republican and always active in politics. He was a member of Ver- non Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and a highly respected citizen. He was a Luth- eran in religious faith. He married, Anna Rapp, of Hanover, Germany. Children: i. Charles F., see forward. 2. Frederick A., born July 19, i860; was well educated in the public schools of Albany ; became an as- sistant in his father's meat market ; was su- pervisor of his ward several terms ; president of the first ward Republican committee for sixteen years, and was slated for the Re- publican party nomination for treasurer of Albany county, an intention frustrated by his death ; he was a rising and most promising young man, whose death was keenly re- gretted; married Louise Heidrich, who sur- vives him, living in Albany with children: Edna, Dorothy, Anna, Charles F. and George N. 3. Anna, married John Heidrich, of Al- bany; children: John, Frederick, Irene. .Anna and Arthur. 4. Loisetta, married Henry H. Wadbil, a gaugcr in the United States inter- nal revenue service, stationed at Plattsburg, New York; children. Jeannette, Elizabeth Doris, William, Mildred and Marvin. (Ill) Charles F., eldest son of Frederick A. and Anna (Rapp) Schifferdecker, was born in Albany, New York, April 4, 1858. He was educated in the public schools, worked with his father in the meat business until 1877, when he and his brothers established the ice business under firm name of Schiflferdecker Brothers. He has developed this to large proportions and is one of the largest dealers in Albany. He has a cold storage plant in Albany with a capacity' of twenty thousand tons. He is a prominent and active member of the Republican party. In 1897 he was elected sheriff of Albany county, and gave a practical business administration of the aflfairs of that important office. He was a member of the Republican committee of the first ward for six years. He is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity, belonging to lodge, chapter and commandery. His position in the city of Albany is an enviable one and has been gained by earnest, conscientious effort, doing well whatever came in his line of duty. His private aflfairs were no more carefully conducted than have been the public trusts committed to him. He married. May 16, 1883, in Albany, Elizabeth Bildhauser, born in Albany, Octo- ber 17, 1859. daughter of Frederick and Cathe- rine (Damm) Bildhauser, who came to the L'nited States from Laubauch, Hesse-Darm- stadt, Germany, and were married in Albany. Frederick Bildhauser died in Albany, June 24, 1909, at the age of seventy-four, after a life of fifty years in West Albany, His widow Catherine survives him, residing at 174 Broad street. Albany. Charles F. anil Eliza- beth Schiflferdecker have one child, Fred- erick G., born September 21, 1884, educated in the common and high schools of Albany; associated in business with his father. The Rose family that first settled ROSE in Stephentown, Rensselaer county. New York, came from Connecti- cut and were descendants of Robert Rose, of Scotch birth and ancestry, who was born in 1594. came in the ship "Frances" from Ips- wich, Suffolk county, England, in 1634. and 1456 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS settled in Wethersfield, Connecticut, where he ■was hsted a resident in 1639. The ages of his children were given to the officers of the Crown upon his receiving license to emigrate to America. Had wife Margaret and chil- •dren : John and Robert (twins), born 1619; Elizabeth, 1621 ; Mary, 1623; Samuel, 1625; .Sarah, 1627; Daniel, 1631 ; Dorcas, 1632. It is from this family that Nathaniel Rose, the founder of the family in Rensselaer county, New York, spriuig. Nathaniel shares with others the distinction of being the first set- tlers of the town of Stephentown, Rensselaer county, prior to the revolution. He settled about two miles from the village of Stephen- town and planted a homestead in what was then a wild and uncultivated region. He was a man of energy and possessed the attributes of character that successful pioneers must liave. He married and had issue. (H) Charles, son of Nathaniel Rose, "the pioneer," was born about the year 1770. He was a farmer of Stephentown and was pos- sessed of considerable land. He was a mem- iDcr of the Presbyterian church. He later removed from Rensselaer to Fulton county -where he owned and operated a farm of one liundred and sixty acres. He married and liad Willard, Charles, Rhoda, Molly and Sarah. (HI) Charles (2), son of Charles (i) Rose, succeeded to the family homestead in Fulton county, which he successfully operated as a grain, stock and dairy farm all his life. He was a Republican in politics and a Pres- byterian in religion. He married Christy Ann, daughter of John and Oiristy Ann (McNab) Carmichael. Children : John C, went west -where he was twice married and had issue; Charles W., of whom further; Mary E., born June 5, 1836, married George Rrownell, born 1827, died 1871 ; child, Frank R., married Emma Newkirk and had Helen, born July 17, 1872; Helen, married George Worcester; Wil- lard, a farmer and glove manufacturer, mar- ried Fanny Washburn ; Thomas Scott, died aged two years ; Anna ; Jennie, born Septem- ber 28, 1848; Simon Scott, married Ella Tim- merman ; children : Scott, Fred, William, John, Jennie and Katherine. (IV) Charles W., son of Charles (2) and Christy Ann (Carmichael) Rose, was born on the Rose homestead in Fulton county. New York, January 18, 1833. He was educated in the public schools and Kingsboro Academy. He worked on the farm for a time, then in i860 began his long career as a glove manu- facturer. He first began cutting at Bennett's Corners. Fulton county, at which place his uncle, Willard Rose, had been engaged as a glove manufacturer and farmer for many years. He first occupied a shop in Glovers- ville in 1862. In 1872 he erected a factory building at the corner of Pine and Mill streets, to which frequent additions have been made as the demands of his growing business needed. He has always made a specialty of fine goods for ladies' and gentlemen's wear, using principally imported kid leather. From a small beginning he has built up a very large business and is one of the oldest manufac- turers in his city. He is also a director of Gloversville Knitting Company. He was trus- tee of the village, and in his quiet way bore his full share in the development of Glovers- ville. He is a Republican in politics and a member of the Presbyterian church. He mar- ried, February 7, 1861, Ann Eliza Benedict, born July 7, 1835. Children: Ida. born May 3, 1863, died 1873; Charles, born and died 1867 ; Henry, born May 3, 1874, died October 4, 1910, married Eva Place; Harriet, June 5, 1878. Ann Eliza (Benedict) Rose is a daughter of John M. Benedict, and a granddaughter of Ira and Agnes (Mitchell) Benedict, of the Rhode Island family. John M. Benedict was born June 6, 1791, died June 12, 1880. He married, January 31, 1828, Bridget Tabor, born August 18, 1803, died April 7, 1866, daughter of Gideon and Rachel (Durfee) Ta- bor, of Rhode Island. Children of John M. and Bridget Benedict : Ira, born November 28, 1828; Gideon, March 21, 1830, died Sep- tember 5, 1858; Thomas Scott, j\iarch 8, 1833. died January 30, 1845; Ann Eliza, married Charles W. Rose ; Ira, born December 30, 1836, died April 24. 1858; Rachel .^gnes, born May 31, 1838, died August 6, 1866, married George B. Smalley ; Harriet, born September 9, 1839, died October 1, 1839; Sophia, born October 19, 1840, died February i, ^1843; Catherine Jemime, born January 13, ' 1842, died April 5, 1844; Francis, born March 27, 1844, died September i, 1844; Harriet Newell, born April 24, 1846, died January 24, 1875; Angelica, born January 12, 1848. The first authentic record of PALMER Walter Palmer, born 1585, (the American ancestor of the Palmers of Troy, herein considered) is found in Charlestown, Middlesex county, Massachu- setts. January 26, 1638, Abraham Palmer was chosen by the town "for keeing the Tovvne Booke." In his "Book of Possessions," page 31, was recorded "The possessions of Walter Palmer within Charlestownc." His acres were described as "Two acres in the East Field," and thus through his many parcels of land, HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS January 6, 1637, Walter and son John shared in a division of lands on "Mystic Side." He and his close friend, William Cheseborough, were among the original proprietors and set- tlers of '"Seacuncke" (Rehoboth), until in 1645 Walter Palmer represented the new town at the general court of Plymouth Colony. In 1643 he gave in the value of his estate as £419. In 1645 3'oung John Winthrop induces A\'illiam Cheseborough to New London to begin a settlement there. He viewed the land and selecting a large tract in the Pequot county called "Wequeteguoc" quickly induced Walter Palmer to join him. With his entire family excepting son Jonas, he started south in 1652-53, buying land on the east bank of Wequeteguoc Cove. He secured twelve hun- dred acres in the neighborhood. Troubles arose between Massachusetts and Connecticut, which were unsettled for years, but finally in 1665 the name was changed to Stonington and the territory awarded to Connecticut. In 1668 an act for the census was passed and on this were the names of Gershom. Closes and Benjamin Palmer, Gershom signing for Mrs. Rebecca Palmer. Walter Palmer's will was made May 19, 1658. At the general court heard May 11. 1762, the will was filed and approved. Walter Palmer married ("first) in England, Ann • (called Elizabeth to distinguish her from her mother). He married (second) (it is thought in Roxbury, Massachusetts, where she had been admitted a member of the Rev. John Elliot's First Church) Rebecca Short. They both joined the First Church of Charlestown in 1632, and his daughter Grace was admitted the same date. He died in Stonington, November 10, 1661. Children by first wife: i. Grace, married Thomas Mi- nor : ten children. 2. John, died unmarried. 3. William, died unmarried : removed to Kil- lingworth, Connecticut. 4. Jonas, married (first) Elizabeth Griswold ; (second) Mrs. Abigail Titus. 5. Elizabeth, married (first) Thomas Sloan; (second) Thomas Chapman. Children by second wife: 6. Hannah, married (first) Thomas Hewitt; (second) Roger Sterry; (third) John Fish. 7. Elihu, died aged twenty-nine years. 8. Nehemiah, deputy fif- teen sessions ; married Hannah Stanton. 9. Moses, a founder of the first church of Ston- ington ; married Dorothy Gilbert. 10. Captain Benjamin, married, August 10, 1691. but wife's name not known. 11. Gershom, see forward. 12. Rebecca, married Elisha Chese- borough, her father's most intimate friend ; (second) John Baldwin. fll) Deacon Gersliom, eleventh child of Walter Palmer and sixth by his second wife, Rebecca (Short) Palmer, was baptized in Charlestown, Massachusetts. He acquired a large amount of land, most of which he deeded to his sons before his death. He married (first) in Stonington, November 28, 1667, Ann, daughter of Ca'ptain and Ann (Bo- rodel) Denison. Her mother was of a good English family and from her Mrs. Palmer inherited such stately and gracious manners that she was commonly styled "Lady Ann." She was born May 20, 1649, cl'ed in Stoning- ton, 1694. He married (second) Mrs. Eliza- beth Mason (maiden name Peck), of Reho- both. Massachusetts. Children by first wife: I. Mercy, married John Breed; he died at ninety years of age, and she at eighty-three; they were the parents of twelve children. 2. Gershom. married Sarah Palmer. 3. Captain Ichabod, married Hannah Palmer. 4. William, married Grace Minor. 5. George, see for- ward. 6. Rebecca, died young. 7. Ann, mar- ried Benjamin Hewitt. 8. Walter, married Grace \^ose. 9. Elihu, died young. 10. Mary married her cousin, Joseph Palmer. 11. Re- becca, baptized July i, 1694. (HI) George, son of Deacon Gershom and Ann (Denison) Palmer, was baptized in Ston- ington, May 29, 1680, died May 28, 1728. He married, March 11, 171 1, in Stonington, Han- nah, born May 31, 1694, daughter of Joseph and Frances (Prentice) Palmer. She sur- vived him and married (second) William York. Children: i. Ensign Christopher, mar- ried E.sther Prentice. 2. Zebulon, married (first) Comfort Fairbanks; (second) Deborah York. 3. Joseph, married (first) Zipporah Billings; (second) Mrs. Elizabeth (Stevens) Stewart. 4. George, removed to Stillwater, Saratoga county, New York, where he bought five hundred acres of land on which there were mills, his farm was about three miles from the scene of Burgoyne's surrender ; he mar- ried (first) Hannah Marsh; (second) Amy Blodgett. 5. Gershom, see forward. By her second husband, Mrs. Hannah Palmer had Amos, Molly and Jonathan York. (IV) Rev. Gershom (2) Palmer, .son of George and Hannah (Palmer) Palmer, was born in Stonington, October 12, 1725, died November 6, 18 10. He was a minister of the Gospel. He was located at what is now Gris- wold, New London county, Connecticut. He married, November 5, 1747, Dorothy Brown, born in Preston, Connecticut, where she died March i, 1808. Children: i. Prudence, mar- ried (first) William Breed: (second) James Thompson. 2. Dolly (Dorothy), married Na- than Randall ; they removed to Paris. New York. 3. Zeruiah, born in Preston, 1756. 4. Naomi. 5. Esther. 6. Reuben, see forward. [458 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 7. Lois, born April 23, 1761. 8. Lucretia. 9. Keturah. 10. Amy. (\') Rev. Reuben Palmer, son of Rev. Gershom (2) and Dorothy (Brown) Palmer, was born in Stonington, June 12, 1759. He was ordained first an elder of the Baptist church of Preston and while there called to the old Baptist church in Montville, New London county. Connecticut. He served 'until he was publicly installed. December 25, 1798, and from then until his death, April 22, 1822. He married, November 16, 1780, Lucretia, born in Preston, No- vember 12, 1764, died in Montville, Au- gust 15, 1855. daughter of Caleb and Han- nah (Barnes) Tyler. Children: i. Hannah, born December 25, 1781. 2. Sally, October 16, 1783. 3. Rev. Reuben, December 26, 1784. 4. Lucretia, April 25, 1786. 5. Mary, De- cember 17, 1787. 6. Caleb, June 29, 1790. 7. Tyler, March 4. 1792. 8. Gideon, October 23. 1793. 9- Joshua, October 15, 1795. 10. Gershom, August 6, 1796. 11. Samuel, Feb- ruary II, 1798. 12. Rhoda, October 18, 1799. 13. Peter Avery, see forward. 14. Achsah, May 12, 1803. 15. Lois, December 30, 1804. 16. Emma, December 30, 1807. 17. Thank- ful, January 29, 1809. (VI) Peter Avery, son of Rev. Reuben and Lucretia (Tyler) Palmer, was born in (Montville), New London county, Connecti- cut, May II, 1801. died at Lansingburg, New York, January 28, 1892. He removed from his Connecticut home when twenty-two years of age, and located at Le Roy, New York, as one of the first settlers and took a prominent part in the building up of the town. While here he became interested in the stove busi- ness and invented various types of stoves and appliances, among which were the elevated oven stove, and the rotary grate. In 1858 he removed to Troy on account of the manu- facture of his stoves and established the firm of Peter A. Palmer. He was a Republican in political sympathy and a citizen held in high esteem. In 1875 he removed to Lansing- burg, where he resided the remainder of his life. He married, September 2, 1821, at New London, Connecticut, Naomi Caulkins, born December 5, 1803, died in Lansingburg. New York, May 27, 1892. Children: i. Eliza- beth A., born August i, 1823, at New Lon- don, Connecticut, died May 11, 1844, at Le Roy. New York. 2. Frances White, born September 20. 1825, died July, 1828. 3. James Thomas, born December 3, 1827, died June 12, 1871 : married Julia Starbuck, April 26, i860, and had one daughter. May Evelyn, born .April 27, 1868. 4. Frances Wright, born Jan- uary 31, 1830; married (first) Walter Smiji- son, October 13, 1852; (second) David Link, February 22, 1895. 5. Etzler, born September 20. 1832, died May 25, 1842. 6. Caleb Win- slow, born November 10, 1834; married, Grace Boynton, June 10, 1869 : children : Flor- ence S., born April 3. 1873, and Robert Clin- ton, born May 18. 1875. 7. CHnton E.. born December 6, 1838, died May 4, 1845. 8. Wil- liam B., born November 28, 1840, died Janu- ary 26, 1892. 9. Grace Greenwood, born August 25, 1849; married Herbert Bellows Millard, May 18, 1870; children: Maud Lovell, born September 2, 1871 ; Bertha Grace, born August 2, 1884; Herbert Palmer, born Feb- ruary 2, 1886. The family of Millard came MILLARD originally from the county of Southampton. England, wliere they possessed considerable estates now in the occupation of John Millard, of that county. The name first appears in .American colonial records in 1654 when lands in Massachusetts, and afterwards in New Hampshire, were granted to Luke IMillard. In 1670 John Mil- lard had a grant of land from William Penn in Pennsylvania, and another brother had lands in Virginia. John Millard, of South- ampton, England, was admitted a freeman of Newport, Rhode Island. He married Eliza- beth - — ■ ■. He later was of Rehoboth, Mas- sachusetts, and had issue. Through intermar- riages, the Millards are connected with the old- est English, Scotch and Dutch families of the United States, notably the Coffins. Folgers and Starbucks of Nantucket, and Massachusetts ; the Greenes and Brownes of Rhode Island, the Akins of Dutchess county. New York, the Ten Eyckes of Albany, the Bellows and Goulds of New Haven, and many others. (II) Robert, son of John Millard, was born in 1632. died in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, March 16, 1699. He married, November 24, 1663, Elizabeth, second child of William Sa- bin, the jirogenitor of the Sabins of America. William Sabin first apjjears in 1643, at the organization of the county of Rehoboth. Ma.s- sachusetts. It is not known when or how he came to America. He was a Hugxienot, and it is believed that after his flight from France he found refuge in Wales or the South of England. He was a man of wealth and culture, and of an exceedingly kind, generous nature if one can judge from his gifts to re- lieve the wants of those who suffered from Indian raids. He was a leader in Plymouth public affairs and in the church and schools of Rehoboth. His first wife died in 1660. Her name is not known. lie married (second) Martha, born December 11, 1641. (twin of -^ «^i ff.^.'K^, I^L^Ok^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS [459 I^Iary) daughter of James and Anna Allen, of j\iedfield. William Sabin died about 1687. His will was probated in Boston, July 17, 1687. In it he names sixteen of his twenty chil- dren. His eldest daughter and second child died February 7, 1717; married (first) Robert Millard. (HI) Nehemiah, son of Robert and Eliza- beth (Sabin) Millard, was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, June 8, 1668. died July 23, 1751. He married (first) Judith Mason: (sec- ond) Phoebe Shore, who died March ir, 1717. She bore him three sons, and two daughters. (lY) Rev. Robert (2) Millard, fourth child of Xehemiah and Phoebe (Shore) Millard, was born in Rehoboth, April 2, 1700, at Nine Partners, New York, died March 7, 1780. He was a minister of the Baptist church, his last charge being Pawling. Dutchess county, New York, where he continued until a short time before his death at the age of eighty years. He married, March 7, 1726, Hannah, born in Bristol, Rhode Island, daughter of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Cobb) Eddy, grand- daughter of John and Deliverance (Owen) Eddy, great-granddaughter of the American ancestor, Samuel Eddy, and his wife, Eliza- beth. Samuel Eddy was the son of Rev. Wil- liam Eddye, vicar of St. Dun^tans, Cranbrook, England. (V) Jonathan, son of Rev. Robert (2) and Hannah (Eddy) Millard, was born at Pawl- ing, Dutchess county, New Y^Ork, May 27, 1748, died 1785. He was of good education and in his younger days taught school in Con- necticut. He returned to Dutchess county, where he established and operated a tannery until his death at Nine Partners. He mar- ried Mary Akin, born September 24, 1747, died July 25, 1795, at Pawling, New York. She was of the family of John Akin, born in Scotland, 1663, founder of the Akin family in America. He was a Quaker and fled from Scotland in 1680 to escape the persecution his sect had to endure under English rule. He settled in Massachusetts, and after seeing four of his faith hanged on Boston Common, left that colony and went to the New Netherlands where the Dutch really allowed religious free- dom. David, son of John Akin, settled on "Quaker Hill." Pawling, Dutchess comity. New York, a locality that has long been the headquarters for those of the name. William .Akin, of the same family, moved from Quaker Hill to Rensselaer county. New York, where he purchased (with two others) a square mile of land from the Van Rensselaers, upon which in 1810 he founded the village of Greenbush, now the citv of Rensselaer. He was foremost in its upbuilding and has descendants still liv- ing there. (VI) Timothy, son of Jonathan and Mary (Akin) Millard, was born in Pawling. New York. He married Charlotte Roswell. who died in Ulster county. New York. The Ros- well family were of Vandy Hall, Ireland. They had issue. (VII) John Akin, son of Timothy and Charlotte (Roswell) Millard, was born in Del- hi, New York, October 10, 18 10, died in Troy, New Y'ork, January i, 1869. He was educa- ted for the law, and soon after his first mar- riage settled in Troy where he rose rapidly in his profession and became one of the leaders of the Rensselaer county bar. He was an ac- tive, public-spirited citizen, but would never accept public office, preferring to serve the in- terests of his fellows in rther ways. He was of fine physique, standing six feet in height and weighing two hundred and fifty pounds. He married, in Albany, February 6, 1840, Frances Mary, born in Rockingham. \^ermont, October 19, 1816, died in Troy, New York, June 14, 1853, daughter of Roswell and Mar- tha (Lovell) Bellows, granddaughter of Colo- nel John and Rebecca (Hubbard) Bellows, of Walpole, great-granddaughter of Benjamin Bellows, founder of Walpole, New Ilamp- shire, who died July 10, 1777, aged sixty-five years, and his first wife, Abigail (Stearns) Bellows, born in Watertown, Massachusetts, June 2 or 3, 1708, died November 9, 1757. Colonel Benjamin Bellows was the only son of Benjamin and Dorcas (Cutter) (Millard) Bellows, of Concord, Massachusetts, and grandson of John and May Wood, the~ pro- genitors of the Bellows family of Walpole, New Hampshire, the "Boy Emigrant," who came from England to America in the "Hope- well," April 6, 1635, aged twelve years. Chil- dren of John A. and "Frances M. (Bellows) Millard: i. Mary Lovell. born February7. 1841, married Tyrus C. Dickinson : children : Mary Hasting, Herbert Millard, Willis Clayton. 2. John Akin, born in Troy, January 13. 1843; served during the civil war in the Eighth Regiment, New York Artillery ; was comman- der and third lieutenant ; served with the .\rmy of the Potomac : practiced dentistry in Dinard, France; married (first), Sarah Wentworth Brown: (second) Mary Crocker Sears. 3. Anthony Gould, see forward. 4. Edward Walter, see forward. 5. Herbert Bellows, born in Troy. May 18, 1849: was of Lansing- burg, New York, and Newtown, Massachu- setts; married Grace Greenwood, daughter of Peter and Naomi Palmer, of Troy ; children : Maud Lovell, Bertha Grace, Herbert Palmer. (VIII) Anthony Gould, second son of John 1460 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS A. and Frances Mary (Bellows) Millard, was born in Troy, February 10, 1845, died April 19, 1902. He was educated in common schools of Troy, attended a preparatory school (Brookside Institute), Sand Lake, New York and graduated from Professor Charlier's School, New York City. He engaged with John Warr in the grocery business ; in 1880 he entered the employ of Rathbone, Sand & Company of Albany, and continued with them twenty-one years. He married, November 6, 1872. Adelaide Elizabeth Greene. Children: i. Elizabeth Virginia, born January 5, 1876. 2. Chauncey Stuart, born June 8, 1879; grad- uate of Troy Academy : superintendent of rail- road signal department of the Federal Signal Company ; residence. Troy : married Pearl Holt, of Oneida, New York, daughter of John and Margaret (Boylan) Holt, July 22, 1908. 3. Leonie Adelaide, born May 4, 1884. (VHI) Edward Walter, son of John A. and Frances Mary (Bellows) Millard, was born in Troy, New York, June i, 1847. He re- ceived a good preparatory and academic edu- cation in the public schools and at Troy Acad- emy. After leaving school he began the study of law with his father. Early in the civil war, despite his youth, he enlisted in Company B, Twenty-first Regiment, New York Cavalry. This regiment fought hard with the Army of the Potomac and was under the command of the gallant Sheridan. Mr. Millard was en- gaged in all the battles of his regiment, includ- ing F"re(Iericksburg. Winchester and all through Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley cam- paign, .^t Winchester he was shot in the leg and still carries a bullet. He served nearly three years, and was mustered out with his regiment at the close of the war. After his return to Troy, as one of the' firm of Fox- hall, Jones & Millard, he engaged in the manu- facture of kitchen utensils, continuing for two and a half years. He spent the following year in Bennington, Vermont, regaining his health (badly shattered by his army life). Returning to Troy he resumed his former business. In 1870 he engaged in business in Troy as Fu- neral director, in which he still continues (1910). He is an attendant at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, and is affiliated with the Republican party. After the war he enlisted in Battery B, Troy City Artillery, and served three years as lieutenant. Me married, February 9, 1870, at Troy, Am- elia M. Young, born in Troy, August 13, 1847, died in that city, January 16, 1909, daughter of Dr. Orange R. Young, born in 1816, at Williamstown, Massachusetts, died in Troy, March 17, 1892. He practiced dentistry in Troy until his death. He married Maria M. Bardwell, born and died in Troy. Children of Edward Walter and Amelia M. (Young) Millard, all born in Troy: i. Frances Mary, born March 8, 1871, died 1873. 2. Rufus Gould, born November 30, 1874; educated in the Troy public schools ; is engaged in the undertaking business ; married, Mary E. Ber- ger. 3. Edward Walter, Jr., born June 21, 1877, died December 17, 1909; he was an elec- trician : a thirty-second degree Mason of the Scottish Rite, an Elk and a member of the Masonic Club. (The Folger Line). Closely allied with the Coffin family of Nan- tucket Island was the Folger. When the first English settlement was effected on the island, July 16, 1661, the first great need of the colonists was for an interpreter through whom they might speak with the Indians who peopled the island. So they sent to the island of Martha's Vineyard, and offered to give a half of one share of their estate to Peter Fol- ger if he would come over to Nantucket and live with them. John Folger came from Eng- land in 1656 and as a surveyor laid out the town of Norwich, Suffolk county, Massachu- setts. He afterward settled on Nantucket. He married Meribah Gibbs and had issue. (II) Peter, son of John Folger, was an Englishman. He was a teacher to the Indians of the Vineyard. He knew how to measure and survey lands and laid out the original lots on Nantucket. He took up his residence on Nantucket, and in 1673 was clerk of writs and recorder of the court. There was a great deal of dissension and bad feeling in 1675-76 over the election, which seemed to be a tri- umph for the younger men over the older. Peter Folger in his letter of complaint to Gov- ernor Andros at New York speaks contemptu- ously of "our new young chief magistrates," whereupon he was put under arrest. He was ordered to produce the "Court Booke," but al- though he came to the court, answered not to the summons as required. Another was chosen clerk of the court and an indictment found against Peter for contempt of court. He was placed under £20 bail and not finding an im- mediate bondsman was locked up in a place which he describes as "A place where never any Englishman was put and where the neigh- bors hogs had laved but the night before and in a bitter cold frost and deep snow," but friends brought him bedding and food. His name aj^pears as a witness on the Indian deed of Nantucket, "Recorded for Mr. Tristram Coffin and Mr. Thomas Macy ye 29th day of June, 1671, aforesaid" (Deeds 11 1954, secre- tary office). Also on the Indian deed of HUDSON AND MOHAWK \-ALLEYS 1461 \\'onockmamack and other early official papers of the island. Peter Folger was a Baptist and helped to Christianize the Indians. When the Rev. Thomas Marpen went back to Eng- land he left his church in charge of Peter Folger. He married Mary Morrell and had issue. (HI) Elezer, son of Peter Folger, married Sarah, daughter of Richard Gardner. She died 1729. leaving issue. (IV) Peter (2), son of Elezer and Sarah (Gardner) Folger, born 1674, married Judith, daughter of Stephen Coffin, and granddaugh- ter of Tristram Coffin. She survived him and married a second and a third husband (see Coffin III). (V) Daniel, second child of Peter (2) and Judith (Coffin) Folger, was born November 13, 1700. He married Abigail Folger, born April 8, 1703. at Nantucket, died there No- vember 21. 1787. Daniel Folger was lost at sea, October 30, 1744, while going to Martha's Vineyard. (VI) Daniel (2), son of Daniel (i) and Abigail (Folger) Folger, was born March 25, 1736. He married, 1757, Judith Worth. They removed to Dutchess county. New York, where Daniel Folger was engaged in farming. They were members of the Society of Friends. (\TI) Clarinda, second child of Daniel (2) and Judith (Worth) Folger, was born at Northampton, Dutchess county, New York, .August 20, 1762, died May 22, 1804 (or 44), at Peru. Clinton county. New York. She married, October 23, 1783, Nicholas Barker, died in Peru, September 9, 1849. fVIII) Phoebe, daughter of Nicholas and Clarinda (Folger) Barker, was born in New York, March i, 1789. She married at Danby, Vermont, William (2) Greene, born at Gro- ton. Massachusetts, December 22, 1801, died at North Bridgewater, Massachusetts, Decem- ber 2, 1862. William Greene was a son of William Greene, born in Rhode Island, was of Groton, Massachusetts, then removed to Randolph, Vermont, afterward to Danby, Ver- mont, where he died. He was a stone cutter by trade. He married Betsey Hudson, of Mas- sachusetts, and had issue. (IX) Chauncey O., son of William (2) and Phoebe (Barker) Greene, was born in Weeds- port. New York, April 2, 1825. He was of Watervliet, New York, and for a time was in business in Canada. He soon returned and located in Troy, New York. He was of the firm of Sheldon & Greene, stove manu- facturers ; he retired from that firm in 1873, to engage in the insurance business, which he continued until he died. February 15, 1910. He was a Republican in politics and repre- sented the third ward in Troy common coun- cil. He married in Danby, Vermont, Novem- ber 6, 1847, Elizabeth Eggleston, born in Danby, May 28, 1828. Now (1910) resident of Troy. Elizabeth (Eggleston) Greene, wife of Chauncey O. Greene, was a daughter of An- drus Eggleston, born in Stonington, Connec- ticut, November 5, 1785, died at Danby, Ver- mont, April 18, i860. He was a school teach- er and for many years postmaster of Danby. He married, September 5, 181 1, at Dorset, Vermont, Nancy Curtis, born at Dorset, No- vember 28, 1787, died January 28, i860, daughter of Joseph and Delia (Mead) Curtis, of Manchester, Vermont. Timothy Mead, father of Delia (Mead) Curtis, prior to 1800 was the owner of about all of the present site of iManchester Centre, Vermont. The original proprietors in 1780 gave him a grant of five hundred acres in consideration of his building and maintaining a grist mill in the town. Joseph and Delia (Mead) Curtis are buried in the old Curtis burying ground at East Dorset. Their gravestones read : "Joseph Curtis died December 17, 1833, aged 75 years," "Delia, wife of Joseph Curtis, died March i, 1848, aged 81 years, 9 months." Andrus Eg- gleston was son of Benedict Eggleston. who during the revolution enlisted in the Second Connecticut Regiment when he was so young and undersized that he put on false heels to bring him up to hei.ght and perhaps did some- thing similar to bring his age up to the re- quirements. He was in receipt of a revolu- tionary pension for forty years. Born at IIop- kinton, Rhode Island, June 18, 1764, died at Dorset, Vermont, December 16, 1859, aged ninety-five years. He married, 1785, Con- tent Brown, born in Stonington, Connecticut, February 21, 1767, died 1808. (X) Adalaide Elizabeth, daughter of Chauncey O. and Elizabeth (Eggleston) Greene, was born in Brockville, Ontario, Can- ada. Her parents returned to the United States and located in Troy, New York, when she was an infant of three months. She was educated in Troy and was graduated from the Emma Willarrl School (Troy Female Seminary), class of 1868. She married. No- vember 6. 1872, Anthonv Gould Millard (see Millard VIH). Children: Elizabeth Virginia, Chauncey Stuart and Leonie .'\dalaide Millard. (The Coffin Line). The most ancient seat of the name of Coffin in England is now called Portledge in the county of Devon. The earliest mention of the name in any "Visitation of Devon" is in 1620. The family has been allied by intermarriages 1462 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS with many of the honorable families of Eng- land and even with royalty. Probably the most eminent of the name in England was Sir William Coffin. Knight in the reign of King Henry \'nL Tristram Coffyn, the American ancestor, was of the landed gentry, son of Peter, and grandson of Nicholas. According to his father's will he was to be provided for "According to his degree and calling." Therefore he must have had a calling or pro- fession, although he never in America made any pretentions. (I) Tristram ("Tristem") Cofifyn, as he al- ways signed his name, the founder of the family line in America, was born at Buxton, a small parish and village near Plymouth, in Devonshire. England, in the year 1605. He married Dionis Stevens, daughter of Robert Stevens, Esq., of Buxton, and in 1642 emigra- ted to America with his wife, five small chil- dren, his widowed mother and two unmar- ried sisters. He lived alternately in Salis- bury, Haverhill and Newbury, Massachusetts, until 1659, when he went to Nantucket Island and arranged for the purchase of the island by a company which he organized in Salis- bury. The island was then under the juris- diction of New York. He returned to Nan- tucket with his family in 1660, where he lived until his death, October 2, 1681, at his new residence on the hill at Northam, near Ca- paum pond. Tristram Coffyn was thirty-seven years of age upon his removal to America and fifty-five when he settled in Nantucket. Joan, his mother, died in Boston, May, 1661, aged seventy-seven years, "a woman of extra- ordinary character." Of his two sisters who came to America with him, Eunice married William Butler, Mary married Alexander Adams. Three of his children, Peter, Tris- tram (2), and Elizabeth, were inarried at the time of the removal to Nantucket. Tristram Coffyn was the leading spirit among the early islanders, and the large fam- ily interest gave him power to control in a great measure the enterprises of the island. During the first years he was the richest pro- jirietor except his son Peter, who possessed a large estate. He was very generous, public- sjjirited, and did not seek his own advantage in an unreasonable degree. He assisted in de- veloping the resources of the island, was friendly with the Indians and had great influ- ence over them. The first general court for Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard was com- prised of Tristram Coffyn, first chief magis- trate of Nantucket; Thomas Mayhevv, first chief magistrate of Martha's Vineyard, and two associates from each island. At their first session a law prohibiting the sale of in- toxicants to the Indians was passed. This is probably the first prohibitory law on record. His commission as chief magistrate of the isl- and bears date of June 29, 1671, and is signed by Governor Lovelace of New York. While he was reputed to be quite wealthy in goods and lands, owning together with his son one- fourth of the island of Nantucket and all of Tuckernuck island, he did not die rich. He made no will, but disposed of much of his land while he lived, by deeds, the consideration being, "regard and natural affection." Most of the remainder of his estate he deeded to his two youngest sons, John and Stephen, they to take possession after the death of Tristram and his wife. To each of his grandchildren he gave ten acres upon the island of Tuck- ernuck or to such of them "as would plant it." He was a man of strict integrity and generous kindly nature. He was buried in Nantucket, probably upon his own estate. His wife survived him and was tenderly cared for by her large family of children and grand- children. Children of Tristram and Dionis (Stevens) Coffyn: i. Hon. Peter, born in England; lieutenant in King Philip's war ; deputy to general court of Plymouth three sessions : re- moved to Exeter, New Hampshire, where from 1692 to 1714 he was at different times associate justice and chief justice of the su- preme court of New Hampshire, and member of the governor's council ; he married Abigail, daughter of Edward and Katherine Starbuck, of Dover, New Hampshire, and had ten chil- dren. 2. Tristram, born in England : was dea- con for twenty years of the First Church of Newbury, and filled many positions of trust; he was a merchant tailor; he married Mrs. Judith (Greenleaf) Somberly, daughter of Edward and Sarah Greenleaf, and had ten children. 3. Elizabeth, born in England ; mar- ried Captain Stephen Greenleaf and had ten children. 4. James, born in England ; was judge of the probate court and filled several of the important offices of Nantucket; this branch furnished the families that remained loyal to Great Britain ; General John Coffin and Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, two sons of General John, afterward held admiral's com- missions in the Royal navy ; one of America's most illustrious women. Lucretia Mott. was a descendant of James Coffin ; he married Mary Severance, of Salisbury. Massachusetts, who bore him fourteen children, all except two grew to maturity and married ; Delx>rah Cof- fin, the sixth child and third daughter, born on Nantucket, married, October 10, 1695, George, son of William P)unkcr. 5. John, born in England, died in infancy. 6. De- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1463 Lorali, tlie first Coffin born in America, died at Haverhill, Massachusetts (the town of lier birth) in infancy. 7. Mary, born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, February 20, 1645, married, at age of seventeen, Nathaniel Star- buck : their daughter ^lary was the first white child born upon Nantucket Lsland ; Mrs. Mary (Coffin) Starbuck was a most extraordinary woman, participating in the public gatherings and town meetings, where her words were listened to with marked respect ; she antici- pated the Woman's Rights and Suffragette movement by more than two centuries ; she was consulted upon all matters of public im- portance because her judgment was superior, and as the Rev. John Richardson says: "The Islanders esteemed her as a judge among them, for little of moment was done without her:" in town meetings she took an active part in debates, usually commencing her re- marks with: "My husband thinks" or "My Inisband and I, having considered the subject, think :" she was possessed of sound judgment, clear understanding, an eloquent, easy and natural mode of expression: in 1701, at the age of fifty-six, she became interested in the religious faith of the Society of Friends or Quakers, and took the spiritual concern of the whole island under her care : she held meet- ings at her own house, wrote the quarterly ■epistles and preached in a most eloquent and impressive manner and withal was as noted for her good housekeeping as for her ability as a preacher : says the same Rev. John Rich- ardson : "The order of her house was such in all the parts thereof, as I had not seen the like before :" she was the mother of ten chil- dren. 8. Lieutenant John, born in Haverhill : removed to Edgartown. Martha's Mneyard, after his father's death : he married Deborah, daughter of Joseph and Sarah .Austin : he had •eleven children, among them Enoch, who was judge of Dukes county, and had ten children, all of whom lived to be over seventy years of age, six above eighty years and two of them -to ninety years. 9. Stephen, see forward. (H) Stephen, youngest child of Tristram and Dionis (Stevens) CofYyn. was born in Kevvbury. Massachusetts, March ro, 1652, died November 14. 1734. He remained upon his father's estate and was helpful to his parents in their old age. He married Mary, daugh- ter of George and Jane (Godfrey) Bunker. They had ten children. (in) Judith, fifth child and second daugh- ter of Stephen and Mary (Bunker) Coffin, died December 2. 1760. She married (first) Peter Folger (see Folger I\') : married (sec- ■ond) Natlianiel Barnard: married (third) 'Stephen Wilcox. Gillett is the surname from GILLETT Guillot, the French diminutive for William. The family may have come with William the Conqueror into England from Gillette, a town in Piedmont, France. Gillette, the son of Giles. (Arthur's "Dictionary of Family and Christian Names," 1857, p. 140.) Another authority says Gillet (in pronunciation Jillet). The name is sup- posed to be derived from Gilleste. a town on the borders of France and Piedmont. When the "g" is hard, the name is probably a deriva- tion of Gillaume, William. (Sower's "Patro- nymica Brittanica," i860, p. 128.) According to Guppy. in his "Homes of Family Names, 1890." the name Gillett is now found chiefly in Oxfordshire, with a small representation in Kent and Somersetshire. In Lincolnshire it is found changed to Gilliart and Gillyett. In the thirteenth century the name took the forms in Cambridgeshire and Huntingdon- shire of Gillot, Giilote and Gilot. Gillett. French, Gillot, French Huguenot. ("British Family Names," Barber, 1894, p. 131.) "Burke's General .A.rmory," 1878, p. 400, noted the following grants of arms, omitting the date except in one instance : Gillet, alias Chandler (Ipswich, county Suffolk). .Arms: Ermine on a bend engrailed sable, three lucies heads erased or, collared with a bar genel gu. Crest: A lucy's head erased and erect, gu. Gillet, or Gillot (Broadfield, county Norfolk). Arms, same as above, lucies, heads or. Crest: A lucy's head erased and erect or, collared as in arms. Gillett (Halvergate, county Nor- folk). Arms: Same. Crest: .A lucy's head erased and erect or. collared gu. Motto: "Spes mea in Deo." Gillett (Visitation of Nottinghamshire. 1614). Arms: Erm on a bend sable, three lucies ; heads erased or. Crest: A lion ramp., holding in the dexter paw a battle axe ppr. The first of these grants is probably explained by "A Roll of Arms, 1673," contributed by .Arthur Schomberg to "The Genealogist," new series, 24: 261. On this roll appears "Gillett, Phillip, alias Chand- ler, of Woodbridge, gent." Arms: Ermine, on a bend engrailed three lucies' heads erased, collared with a bar gemel. Sir John Gyllot, K. B.. is mentioned (looi) in "Musgrave's Obituarym," published as vol- ume 46, Harleian Society Publications (p. 109). John Gyllot, Knight of the Bath. 14 Nov. 1501. mentioned in "Tiie Knights of England," by William A. Shaw, i ; 147. The will of Sir John Gilliot, "knight and alderman of the citie of York," made Decem- ber 28, 1509, proved March 4, 1509-10 (printed in Surtees Society Publications, 79: 12) mentions three sons, Lawrence, William 1464 HUDSON AND IMOHAWK \'ALLEYS and Peter; and two daughters, Maude and Margaret ; both daughters and Peter are under tutors. He had two wives, Katherine and "Dame Mawde," who survived him. The sec- ond wife, Maude, was a daughter of Sir Henry Vavasor, of York (Harleian Society Publications. 16:330). Peter Gilliott, citizen and merchant of the city of York, made his will in July, 1525, men- tioning his wife Alicia and daughter Matilda ; his brother's children, Robert and Maude, and other people not so nearly connected. (As the foregoing is published as a footnote to Sir John's will, it is to be supposed they were father and son. The inference is that Peter had no son. The male lines then have been continued, if at all, by Lawrence or William, one of whom was the father of Robert, alive in 1525.) Maude Gilliott, daughter and heir of Sir John Gilliott, Knight, mayor of the city of York, married John Langholme. (Langholme pedigree from Visitation of Lincolnshire, pub- lished in the "Genealogist," old series, 4: 187.) Sir Thomas Gilliott, of York, Knight, 1460, who married Martha, daughter of Sir Henry Vavasor, of Haselwood, high sheriff of York- shire (10 Ed. IV), may have been an ances- tor of Sir John, previously mentioned. Sir Henry \'avasor died 1460. (Betham's Bar- onetage, 1 : 356. This work is not, however, responsible for the suggestion of kinship be- tween Sir Thomas and Sir John.) Catherine, daughter and heiress of Peter Gilliot, of Broughton, married Roger, sec- ond son of Sir Richard Tempest. Living temp. Hen. VH. (Betham's Baronetage, 2: 346.) In Visitation of Yorkshire, 1584-85, p. 293, it is stated that Roger Tempest, of Broughton, married a daughter of Sir Piers Gilliot, whose wife was the daughter and heiress of Thorpe. Robert Gillett, of Thorp Arch, had a daugh- ter Isabel who married Matthew Usher, of Featherstone ; their son Robert Usher was seventeen years old in 1585. (Yorkshire Visitations, 1584-85 and 1612, p. 350.) Administration on the estate of Richard Gil- lott, of Treston, was granted December 17, 1656, to his widow Mary (Yorkshire Archjeo- logical Asso. Rec, ser. i: 166). Thomas Gillott, of Brighton See, parish of Bradfield, left a will, dated May 28, 1640, and proved in August, 1641. (Same 4) Visi- tation Yorkshire, 1653-54. (Harleian Society Publications, 16:315) show that Roger Tem- pest, above mentioned, and his wife, daughter and heiress of Pyers Gyllot, Knight, had great-grandchildren then living. (The an- nalist quaintly remarks that the jjcdigree docs not show whether Roger and his wife were in this world or the ne.xt. ) "Memoranda relating to the Gillet and Hol- combe Families, copied from an old Bible, printed 1599." Communicated by W. F. Hol- combe, Esq., M.D., to "Miscellanea Genea- logica et Heraldica." new scries, 2: 115. Records copied from an ancient Bible now in the possession of Deacon Anson Cooley. of North Granby, Connecticut. He received it from his grandmother. Lois Ilolcombe Cooley, born July 5, 1748, daughter of Deacon Azariah Holcombe, who was born about 1708, son of Jonathan Holcombe, born 1678, who was son of Nathaniel Holcombe, born in Windsor,. Connecticut, November 4, 1648, son of Thom- as Holcombe, the Puritan, who died in Poy- nonnock, Windsor, Connecticut, September 7, 1657. Jonathan Holcombe married (second) June 22, 172 1, Widow Mary Gillet, who had the Gillet Bible from her husband, who re- ceived it from his ancestors. Page first of Family Records : "June 30th, '^7n> Jonathan Holcombe, son of Jonathan Holcombe, Departed this Life ages 35 yrs seven months and five days." "July 29 Day ye year 1737 Jacob Holcombe my son died in the 22nd year of his Life aged." Page 2nd> "There was a flood in Conn, in the year i66r in June." "My father Gillet came into New- England the second time in June in the yeare 1634 and Jonathan his sonne was born about halfe a year after he came to land." Page 3rd. "(My) father Gillet died in 1677" and that "Jonathan Gillet his first maredge Apr. 22,. 1661, Mary, b. Oct. 18, 1667." "Jonathan b. Feb. 18, 1670." "William b. Dec. 4, 1673." "My second maredg in Decem. 14, 1676, my sonn Thomas born by second wife in May the last 16, 1678." "Ebenezer born in the year '80' Decem 17 his grandmother dyed in May 14, '81. Anna born September 18, 1682. 'A ^lan of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.' Jonathan born to me by my secon wife was born October 10, 1685. Mer- riam born in 1688 March 14." The history of this branch of the American family is traced through eight generations. (I) Jonathan Gillet, progenitor of this branch of the family, belonged to the com- pany of about one hundred and forty Puri- tans which was formed in the counties of Devonshire, Dorsetshire and Somersetshire, England. They sailed with Rev. John War- ham and Rev. John Maverick as pastors in the "Mary and John," March 20, 1630. and ar- rived off Nantasket, May 30 following, settle- ment being made at Dorchester. He was made a freeman there May 6, 1635, and had vari- ous lots of ground granted to him. With the HUDSON AND MOHAWK \- ALLEYS 1465 Dorchester church and Rev. Mr. Warham he and Nathan removed about 1636 to Windsor, Connecticut, where he had a lot granted to him near Mr. Warham. He and his wife Mary are included in Matthew Granfs church list, made thirty-seven years after the settle- ment, of twenty-one "members who were so in Dorchester and came up with Mr. Warham and arc still of us." They were also privi- leged, having paid six shillings, to sit in the long seats in the church. He gave four shil- lings six pence to the fund in aid of suffer- ers by the Indian war at Simsbury and Springfield, and was one of the committee of distribution. He died August 23, 1677, and his wife January 5, 1685. Their children were: i. Cornelius, born at Dorchester, died June 26, 17 — ; married Priscilla Kelsey. 2. Jonathan, born at Dorchester; married (first) April 23, 1661, JNIary Kelsey, who died April 18, 1676; married (second) December 14, 1676, Miriam Dibble, who died April 18, 1687; eight children. 3. Mary, married Peter Brown. 4. Anna, born December 29, 1639; married, October 29, 1663, Samuel Filley. 5. Joseph, baptized July 25, 1641 ; married, 1664, Eliza- beth Hawks. 6. Samuel, born January 22, 1642. 7. John, born October 5, 1644; married, July 8, 1669, Mary Barker. 8. Abigail, bap- tized June 28, 1646, died 1648. 9. Jeremiah, born February 12, 1647; married, October 15, 1685, Deborah Bardett. 10. Josiah, see for- ward. (II) Josiah, son of Jonathan and Mary Gillet, was born in Windsor, Connecticut, and was baptized July 14, 1650. He died Octo- ber 29, 1736. He married, June 30. 1676, Joanna Taintor, born April, 1657, daughter of Michael Taintor, of Branford, Connecticut. She died January 23, 1735. He moved to Colchester in 1702, being one of the first set- tlers. Children : Josiah, Joanna, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Mary, Dorothy, Samuel, Joseph, Mindwell, Aaron and Noah. (III) General Jonathan, second son of Josiah and Joanna (Taintor) Gillet, was born in Windsor, Conneticut, June 28, 1685, died in Colchester, January 3, 1755. He married, January 3, 1717, Sarah Ely, of Lyme, who died July 4, 1759. Children: Sarah, Jona- than, Mary, Joseph, Nehemiah, Jonah, Aaron and Joanna. (IV) Aaron, son of General Jonathan and Sarah (Ely) Gillet, was born May 23. 1732, died June 14, 1786. He served in the revo- lutionary war. He married, March 31, 1757, Anna Pratt, who died January 22, 1827. Chil- dren : Aaron, Anna, Joanna, Mary, Aaron, Ely, Russell, Hannah, Solomon, Mercy and Anna. (V) Ely, son of Aaron and Anna (Pratt) Gillet, was born May 14, 1767, died Decem- ber II, 1846. He married, April 8, 1790, Phebe Hall, born April 24, 1773, died March 24, 1859. Children: Ely Hall, Phebe and Sarah Ann. (VI) Ely Hall, son of Ely and Phebe (Hall) Gillet, was born October 6, 1794, died December 23, 1863. He married, September 30, 182 1, Mary Williams, daughter of bred- eric W. (5), Ebenezer (4), Park (3), Deacoa Samuel (2), Robert (i), who was the progen- itor of the Williams line, and a prominent citizen of Roxbury, Massachusetts, whither he came about 1638, probably born in Xor- rick, England, who was born December 28, 1788, died November 10, 1864. They resided in Colchester, where their children were born : Children: i. William Ely, born June 21, 1822; married, in Colchester, May 9, 1848, Bethiah Backus, born in Lebanon, April 22, 1829 ; four children. 2. Ezra Hall, born July 15, 1823, died September 2, 1875; graduated at Yale College, 1841, and Union Seminary, 1844: pastor at Harlem, New York, 1845-70; Hamilton College conferred upon him the de- gree of D.D., 1864 ; was professor of political economy and ethics at University of the City of New York, 1870-75 ; a voluminous writer and author; married (first) October 15, 1851, Maria II. Ripley, who died March 28, 1853 ; married (second) June 19, 1854, Mary J. Ken- dall, who died September 10, 1881 ; three chil- dren. 3. Mary Williams, born December 24, 1824, died in Hartford, Connecticut, Sei)tem- ber 3, 1888; married. May 12, 1846, Hon. Henry Alvord, born February 8, 1819, died May I, 1877; eight children; he was a mem- ber of the Connecticut senate. 4. Emma Louisa, born May 9, 1826, died April 29, 1856; married, August 10, 1852, Stephen H. Mat- thews. 5. John Elbert (see forward). 6. Salmon Cone, born June 12, 1830, died in his native town, June 5, 1890; he was president of the Colchester Savings Bank ; it is due to his painstaking genealogical research that the Gillette family history from which this record is compiled has been so faithfully and accur- ately preserved. He married (first) Novem- ber 14, 1852, Adelaide Huntington, who died' November 19, 1868; married (second) March 9, 1870, Mary Williard, of Wilton : two chil- dren. 7. Jane, bom June 19, 1834: mar- ried (first) May 9, i860. Stephen H. Mat- thews, born January 18, 1822, died May 14^ 1875: married (second) April 13, 1880. Darius M. Linsley, born July 21, 1820; four chil- dren by first husband, who was also the hus- band of her sister. Emma Louisa. (VII) Hon. Jolin Elbert Gillette, son of 1466 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Ely Hall and Mary (Williams) Gillette, was born October 4, 1828. He was a member of the New York Assembly. 1880-81. He mar- ried, June 19, 1854. Sarah Amanda Westfield. Children: Fannie Westfield, born April 3, 1855, died February 21, 1856: John Westfield (see forward) ; Grace Gatzmer, born June 21, 1865, died September 23, 1868; Ernest Simp- son, born September 18, 1873, died August •13, 1874. (V'HI) John Westfield, eldest son and sec- ond child of Hon. John Elbert and Sarah Amanda (Westfield) Gillette, was born March ■9, i860. He married, October 31, 1888, Grace Fidelia, daughter of Lyman D. and Helen (Field) Tames. Children: Helen Field, born December 19, 1889; John Westfield, August 26, 1892. (The James Line). (I) Grace Fidelia (James) Gillette de- scends through paternal lines from Philip James, who came to New England in 1638 "with wife, four children and two servants, from Hingham, England. They settled in Hingham, Massachusetts, where Philip "dyed soon after." He married Jane : (H) Francis, son of Philip James, married Elizabeth . (HI) Thomas, son of Francis James, mar- ried a widow. Patience (Tower) Farrow. (IV) John, son of Thomas James, married a widow, Deborah (Bates) Stodder. (V) John (2), .son of John (i) James, was in Captain Christopher Bannister's company, ■Colonel John Dickman's regiment, and marched to Bennington in August, 1777. He •engaged in the battles of Stillwater and Sara- -toga in the same company, with Colonel Ezra May. He married, .April 4, 1765, Lois Beal. (VI) Malachi, .son of John (2) and I-ois (Beal) James, married Elizabeth Lyman. (VII) Enoch, son of Malachi and Eliza- 'beth (Lyman) James, was a merchant and manufacturer of Goshen, Massachusetts. He •married Armanilla Dwight. (VIII) Henry Lyman, son of Enoch and Armanilla (Dwight) James, was a merchant, manufacturer, and one of the industrial lead- ers of the Connecticut Valley. He was for twenty-five years postmaster of Williamsburg, Massachusetts. He was an extensive traveler, and wrote much for the press under the nom- 'de-plume of "Peter." He married Maria Louise, daughter of Dr. Eldridge Timpson, of Hudson, New York. (X'lH) Lyman Dwight. son of Enoch and Armanilla (Dwight) James, was born in Wil- liamsburg, Massachusetts, January 21, 1836, -died there May 30, 1902. He was well edu- 'Cated, and was first a clerk for his brother, Henry Lyman James, in the Williamsburg store, then a partner, and finally sole owner, retiring in 1898. He was a director of the First National Bank of Northampton for twenty-five years, and at the time of his death vice-president ; also trustee of the Nonolusk Savings Bank, and trustee of the Northamp- ton Insane Asylum, serving until his death. A beautiful club house erected on the asylum grounds has been constructed by his widow as a memorial. He was most kind-hearted, and at the age of seventy his warmest friends were the young men. He stood the test of close acquaintance, and his death was universally regretted. He married, September 10, 1857, Helen Eliza, daughter of John and Fidelia (Nash) Field, and sister of Marshall Field, the greatest of merchants and princely philan- thropists, and a lineal descendant of Zechariah Field, who arrived in Boston from Bristol, England in 1629. (For complete Field and James genealogy see "Massachusetts Genea- logical and Personal Memoirs," by William Richard Cutter and William Frederick Adams, vol. I, pp. 312-319.) Children of Lyman Dwight and Helen Eliza (Field) James: Henry Dwight, of Haydenville, Massachu- setts : Howard, of St. Paul, Minnesota ; Grace Fidelia, married John W. Gillette, of Hudson, New York (see Gillette Mil) : Philip Lyman, of Chicago, Illinois. The Ashtons of Saratoga, New .\SHTON York, descend from Major James Ashton, born in Ireland about the year 1728. His wife Elizabeth was also of Irish birth and parentage. James had a brother, Thomas .Ashton, who with wife, Elizabeth, was the first of the Ashtons to settle in Washington county. New- York. Thomas Ashton came to America in 1769 and settled in what is now White Creek, Washington county. He cleared a farm from the wilder- ness and became a founder and a leader of the Methodist church. Both Thomas and Elizabeth were noted for their devoted piety and exerted a wide influence for good, adding greatly to the strength and usefulness of their church in Washington county. They died without issue. In 1772 James .\shton, wife Elizabeth, and children, Rebecca, John, Mar- garet, with a relative, Thomas Gee Ashton, then seventeen years, left Ireland and came to the colonies and settled at Ash Grove, now in the town of White Creek, Washington county. New York, where he purchased land adjoining his brother, Thomas Ashton. who had preceeded him by three years. No doubt he was influenced by his brother in making settlement. He became locally prominent in HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS [467 the town, was active in town and church and warmly espoused the cause of the colonies in their struggle for independence. It is related that he was a member of the "Vigilance Com- mittee" that kept watch over the doings of the Tories in their locality and that he was the recognized leader, dealing at times quite Tiarshly with those who were disposed to side •with the King. Needing some information that he thought a Tory neighbor could but -would not give him, James threatened to hang Tiim if he did not reveal the needed facts. The Tory was stubborn and neither gave the de- sired information nor did he hang, but es- caped to the British camp at Stillwater. Soon after James Ashton was captured by the In- dians who brought him to the British camp in a badly battered condition. His Tory neigh- tor saw him and successfully interceded with General Burgoyne to have him kindly treated. This "heaping of coals of fire" upon his head caused the sturdy patriot to have a more "kindly feeling for Tories ever afterward. Dur- ing the progress of the battle of Saratoga he was confined in a building near by, but soon after the retreat of the British he was re- leased and returned home. His service to the revolutionary cause must have been valuable, as on April 4, 1778. Governor Clinton issued him a major's commission: "We reposing es- pecial trust and confidence as well in your patriotism, conduct and loyalty as in your valor and readiness to do us good and faith- ful service." "With the advice and consent of our said Council of Appointment at Pough- keepsie, do appoint and constitute you the said James Ashton, First Major of the Regiment of Militia in the county of .Albany, whereof Lewis \'an Woert, esquire, is Colonel." Passed the secretary's office, July 4, 1778, by his ex- cellency's command. Abraham B. Banker, sec- retary. He probably held a lower rank in the volunteer army, although there is no rec- ord of rank or service in battle. He was a member of the Associate Reformed church, as was his wife, two daughters and their hus- bands. The meeting house was on the "Old Turnpike." near the "Old Graveyard." Major Ashton died October 9, 1802, in his seventy- third year. His wife. Elizabeth Ashton, died Novem- ber I, 1809, in her eighty-first year. Chil- dren: Rebekah, born in Ireland about 1760, died January 6, 1804; married her cousin, George Barbar (second wife) : he died June 14, 1832, in his seventy-ninth year; they left numerous descendants : John, of whom fur- ther ; Margaret, born in Ireland about 1765, died June 14. 1841, aged seventy-six years; married William \'an Kirk, from New Jersey, born of Dutch parents ; he died September 7, 1836, aged seventy-five years. Thomas Gee Ashton, the relative who came from Ireland with Major .Ashton, married Amity Pierce, of that vicinity. He died Au- gust 2. 1840, in his eighty-eighth year. She died August 18, 1830, in her sixty-seventh year. They have many descendants. He served in the war of the revolution and was a pensioner. Thomas Gee Ashton, private in the revolutionary war, received "Twenty-one Dollars and forty-four cents per annum dur- ing his natural life, commencing on the fourth of March, 183 1." His revolutionary claim is signed, "Lewis Cass." secretary of war. (II) John, only son of Major James and Elizabeth Ashton, was born in Ireland, July 8. 1763, died December 8, 1837, on his farm in the town of White Creek, Washington county. New York. He was nine years of age when his parents came to America. His after life was spent in agriculture, on the White Creek farm, first his father's, later his own by inheritance, which contained three hundred acres. When a boy he witnessed the after scenes of the battle of Saratoga, saw the dead buried and said, "They were scattered like shocks of wheat in the harvest field." He was prosperous, benevolent and charitable, giving one-tenth of all his crops to the worthy poor of his neighborhood. Of him it was written, "He was a man of good judgment and sound mind, and for honesty and sincerity had no superior." He was a member, with his wife and family, of the Associate Re- formed church and worshipped at the meeting house in Coila. He married Lydia Morford, born Monmouth county. New Jersey, died February 11, 1841, in her eightieth year. Chil- dren : James. John, William, Isaac, Thomas, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Rebecca and Sarah. There are many descendants of John Ashton. (III) Thomas, son of John and Lydia (Morford) Ashton. was born in the town of White Creek, Washington county. New York, in 1794. died in the town of Argyle, same county, March 21, 1869. He was a farmer all his life, which was lived in Washington county, and left an honored name behind him. He married Elizabeth Stewart, born 1793, died October 9, 1869. They had seven children. (I\') David B.. sixth child of Thomas and Elizabeth (Stewart) .Ashton, was born in Argyle, Washington county, December 9, 1824, died at Saratoga Springs, New York, May 23, 1891. He was well educated in local schools and learned the trade of carriage maker. He established in business in his na- tive town and carried on the manufacture of wagons and carriages there for many years, 1468 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS until his retirement from active life several years before his death. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and a Republican in politics. He married, January 29, 1852, Eliza- beth Stewart, born September 12, 1833, at Sterling, New York, daughter of George and Eva (Kilmer) Stewart. Children: Frances, Emma, Lydia Eva, William A., George F., Edward B., of whom further. (V) Edward B., son of David B. and Ehza- beth (Stewart) Ashton, was born in Argyle, Washington county, New York, August 7, 187 1. He was educated at Fort Edward Col- legiate Institute and Haley's Business College, Fort Edward, New York. He early entered active business life and was for a few years engaged in the grocery business in Fort Ed- wa'rd, later locating at Saratoga Springs. He established there in the grain trade and founded the business which he now conducts under the firm name of the Saratoga Milling & Grain Company, of which he is treasurer. He has acquired other important interests in Saratoga and vicinity. In 1900 he engaged in the coal trade and in 1904 organized the Saratoga Coal Company, which is a consoli- dation of the coal companies of Saratoga. He is actively interested in the management of the company, holding the offices of president and treasurer. In 1906 he organized the Ballston Coal Company, of Ballston Spa, New York, of which he is treasurer. In that year he ac- quired the ownership of the Saratoga Baggage & Express Company, of which he is treasurer. He is a member of the executive board of the Eastern and Central New York Retail Coal Merchants Association and is also interested in the coal trade at Albany, New York, being secretary of the New York & New England Coal Company of that city. He is a promi- nent member of the Masonic order, holding all degrees of lodge, council, chapter and com- mandery in the York Rite and is a thirty- second degree Mason, member of Oriental Temple. A. O. N. M. S. He is also affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Royal Arcanum, Modern Woodmen, and the Independent Order of Foresters. His club is the Saratoga. He married, September, 1895, Harriet Lohnas, of Saratoga, daughter of D. L. Lohnas. Child, Lohnas, born May 7, 1897. Coat-of-arms granted lohn WRIGHT Wright in 1590. "Azure, two bars argent in chief, a leopard's face or ; crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's head and neck pr." The English surname Wright is of pure Anglo-Saxon ori- gin, and is derived from the old word "wyrtha," meaning a workman of any sort. In England the name is quite frequent, ancf. there were many adventurers of this great family who came to America in colonial days- and identified the name with American prog- ress and improvement. English history says: "John Wright, Lord of the Manor of Kelve- don. Hatch, county Essex, England, accrued' Kelvedon by purchase in 1538." (I) John Wright, of Kelvedon Hatch, mar- ried Olive . He died October 5, 1551, and is buried with his wife in Kelvedon* church. (II) John (2), son of John (i) and Olive Wright, married Joane , of Kelvedon Hall. He died October 10, 1563. (III) Robert, son of John (2) and Joane Wright, was of Brook street, county of Es- sex, England. He married Mary, daughter of Robert Green, of Naverstock. (IV) John (3), of Wrightsbridge, son of Robert and Mary (Green) Wright, married Abis, daughter and sole heiress of Robert Rooke. of Havering, Essex. (V) John (4), son of John (3) and Abis (Rooke) Wright, of Wrightsbridge, anno* 1590, in thirty-second year of Queen Eliza- beth, gentleman ; married Emfell, or Linsell, for first wife. Arms were granted him June 20. 1590. (VI) Nathaniel (Sir Nathan), son of John (4) Wright, was a merchant of London, and member of Massachusetts Bay colony. He married Lydia, daughter and heiress of Ed- ward James, of London. A daughter Eliza- beth married Sir James Oglethorpe of His Majesty's forces ; six children. (VII) Samuel, son of Nathaniel (Sir Nathan) and Lydia (James) Wright, was of London. He married Margaret . They emigrated to America with the Winthrop col- ony in 1630. and settled in Springfield. Massa- chusetts. He was a deacon in the church in 1639 ; also in Northfield church in 1655. He died October 17. 1665. His wife, Margaret, died July 25, 1681. They had nine children. (VIII) Samuel (2), son of Samuel (i) and Mlargaret Wright, was born in England in 1629. He was brought to America by his parents in 1630, grew up in Springfield. Mas- sachusetts, and later was of Northfield. He was sergeant and lieutenant in command of the militia forces. He was one of the first three selectmen of Northfield, and met his death in the Indian attack on the town, Sep- tember 2, 1675. He married, November 24, 1653, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Burt. They had eight children. (iX) Ehenezer, son of Samuel (2) and Elizabeth (Burt) Wright, was born March HUDSON AND MOHAWK WVLLEYS [469 30, 1663, died 1742. He was one of the grantees of Northfield, 1682. He married (first) September 26, 1684, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Jedediah Strong, died February 17, 1691. He married (second) Hannah, daugh- ter of Jonathan Hunt, December 19, 1691. They had nine children. (X) Captain Noah, fifth child of Ebenezer and Hannah (Hunt) Wriglit, was born No- vember 29. 1699, died June 27. 1775. at North- ampton, Massachusetts. He married, Decem- "ber 12, 1721, Sarah, daughter of Major Eben- ezer and Sarah (King) Pomeroy, born Febru- ar}- 12, 1700, died April 3, 1777. They were the parents of two children. fXI) Captain Caleb, son of Captain Noah and Sarah (Pomeroy) Wright, was horn April 24, 1722, died February 12, 1780. He was a soldier of the revolution. (See "Massa- chusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolu- tion," p. 919, Vol. X\TI) : "Wright. Caleb, New Marlboro ; captain of a company of min- ute men. Colonel John Fellows' Third Regi- ment : marched April 21, 1775, in response to the Alarm of April 19, 1775, to Lexington ; service, one month, three days." There is also proof of his service at the battle of Ben- nington. He was a farmer of New Marl- boro, Alassachusetts. He married, Septem- ber 6. 1745. Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Mehitable (Stebbins) Strong. He had sons and several daughters. (XH) Caleb (2), son of Captain Caleb (i) and Sarah (Strong) Wright, was born April 24. 1747. died in Cambridge, New York, Feb- ruary, 1787. He was a farmer of Northampton, Massachusetts, until 1777, when he removed to the town of Cambridge. New York, where he ■engaged in farming until his death. He served in the war of the revolution. See Archives of the State of New York in the Revolution, Vol. I, Roster of State troops, p. 522.) "Caleb Wright, sergeant (Colonel "Lewis Van Woert's regiment), enlisted for short service four times in Van Woert's, Doty's. Well's and Gilmore's and Well's com- panies, 1 6th regiment of Albany county militia from August 13, 1777, to November 30, 1780." On page 373 it is found that Van Woert was also colonel of Cambridge regiment, that town then being in old Albany county. (These records of Captain Caleb and his son Caleb have been accepted by the Society D. A. R. and membership granted under national num- ber 37,414.) During the battle of Bennington the militia was ordered out : as there was a scarcity of ammunition, each man was ordered to procure his own as far as possible. Caleb removed the weights from the old "grand- father's clock," substituting pails of sand, then melted and moulded the weights into bullets, which he next day fired at the British. The old clock is still in the possession of his great- grandchildren, a highly prized revolutionary relic, and still measures the correct time. Caleb Wright married, about 1767, Elizabeth, daughter of Josiah Stillman, of Wethersfield, Connecticut. She survived him and married (second) William Hammond, of Pittstown, New York. She died August 4. 1824; no issue by her second marriage. Children of Caleb and Elizabeth (Stillman) Wright: i. Elijah, born in Sandisfield, Massachusetts, September 4, 1769, died May 25, 1832 ; mar- i-ied (first) Lavina Barber, of Cambridge, New York, and had issue. He married (sec- ond) Sara, granddaughter of Thomas Adkins (2) (a revolutionary soldier) and Mercy (Clark) Adkins. also granddaughter of Dea- con Robert (a revolutionary soldier) and Lydia (Parmalee) Griffing; children: Zalmon, Stillman, Lavina, Caleb, Daniel. William, Royal, Betsy, Harriet, De Witt, Jolin. Kirk- land. Griffin, Prudence, Jane. Elijah. 2. Lauchlin, see forward. 3. Elizabeth, born March 13, 1772: married, 1790. Joseph Slo- cum : children : Elizabeth. Reuben. Rachael, Caleb Wright, Azuba, Sarah. Humphrey, Annice. Joseph, Elias. 4. Sally, born March 2, 1774; married Ebenezer Moscley. who died September. 1850: children: Alvin, Betsy, Sally, Zenia. 5. Caleb, torn March 19, 1776, died December 30, 1838; married (first) Eunice Sprague, of Greenwich, New York, died May 20. 1812, who bore him five chil- dren: married (second) Mary Hanks, who died January, 1862; children: David, John Franklin, Sophia, Anne, infant daughter; by second marriage: Benjamin, Morgan, Leroy, Eunice, Mary. 6. Rachael, born April 26, 1779 ; married Increase Moseley, of Hoosick, New York ; children : Pardon, Betsy, Mary, Lucina, Rachael, Sally, Esther. Alvina, Polly, Stillman. 7. Josiah, born November 17. 1780, died June 22, 1835 ; married Freelove Wood- worth, of White Creek, New York : children : William, Maria, Eliza. Josiah, Freelove. John, Roxanna, Solomon Warner, M.D. 8. John Stillman, horn March lo. 1782. died October 5, 1849: married .A.senath Arnold, born August 20. 1785, of Hoosick, New York; children: Emily, Elizabeth. Mary. Flavona, Mordan. Victor Moreau, Wellington, Mary Eliza, Sarah Asenath. (Xni) Lauchlin. second .son of Caleb (2) and Elizabeth (Stillman) Wright, was born in Sandisfield, Massachusetts, December 5. 1770, died January 9, 1854. He was a farmer of U'ashington county, New York, where the familv are mentioned as "old and earlv" set- 14/0 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS tiers of the town of Cambridge. They were closely allied to the Wells family, descendants of one of the original patentees, Edward Wells, of Worcester, England. He married Roxanna, died July 14, 1855, daughter of David and Rachael (Griffing) Parks, grand- daughter of Robert and Rhoda (Parmele) Griffing, and also granddaughter of Nathaniel and (Clark) Park. (David added the "s" to the name.) David Parks enlisted in Amos Staunton's company, December 23, 1777, was transferred to S. B. Webb's regi- ment. May I. 1780, discharged December 23, 1780. He was borne on the rolls of revolu- tionary pensioners. Both Nathaniel and David Parks served in the revolution ; Nathaniel en- listed May II, 1776, discharged October 17, 1776: they served from Connecticut. Robert Griffing, while not a combatant, rendered the cause good service in bringing in salt and food to the army. He was working under' the orders and authority of the Connecticut governor and council. He was the great- great-grandfather of Dr. Wright. Children of Lauchlin and Roxanna (Parks) Wright: i. David, born February 8, 1794, died March 16, 1870: married, August 18, 1821, Betsey, daughter of Captain Lott Woodworth, of White Creek, New York : children : William Alfred, Jane Maria, Maurice Lauchlin, who served in the civil war. Eighty-fifth Regiment, New York Volunteers. 2. Elizabeth, born August 14, 1795, died February 3, 1863 ; mar- ried. May, 1 82 1, Alden Bennett, settled in New Haven, New York, died September 25, 1854: children: i. Charles W., born Sep- tember 25, 1822, killed in the civil war, 1864 ; married. May, 1845, Louise Dean ; ii. H. Veil, born December 23, 1825 ; died, unmarried, September 18, 1874; iii. Alfred Piatt, born May 7, 1829, died April 24, 1888; married Miranda Covert, in 1855, who survived him and married (second) B. Stout, who died May 30, 1896; iv. Walter Smith, born April 12, 1832 ; married Blanche Coryelle ; v. Julia Ann, born January 14, 1836, died April 14, 1864: married Delos Townsend, 1858. 3. James Harvey, born July 9, 1798, died in Saugatuck, Michigan, September 12, 1873 ; married, Octo- ber 3, 1826, Eunice, daughter of Hon. David Bradley, of Marcellus, New York. She died January 23, 1888; children: i. Edwin Brad- ley, born September 17, 1827, died January 2T, 1879; married (first) June 7, 1863, Lvdia M. Pratt, died October 7, 1864; (second) Phoebe Maris, October 23, 1865 ; child : Hat- tic, an adopted daughter, married, 1876, — ' Bird ; ii. James Harvey, born August 5, 1829: married, April, 1864, Jessie Sm'ith ; children : George Edwin, born December 28, 1865 ; Eugene Harvey, August, 1869 ; Ida',. August 3, 1871, died 1888; Simeon, August i, 1874; iii. Jessie, January 13, 1832, married, June 4, 1856, Harvey L. House, who died July 7, 1896, lived in Saugatuck, Michigan ; children : Dr. Walter B., born June 4, 1857, married Florence M. Lacey ; Rev. Herbert E., June 12, i860, married Alyrtle Ruggles, of Oak Park, Illinois, was missionary to Tien Tsin, China, came home in 1897 at the time of the great Boxer uprising: Alice L., born .•\pril 3, 1862, died June 11, 1889, married Fred G. Truscott ; two children ; Jessie M., June 15, 1865; Edwin H., May 16, 1875, mar- ried. May 23, 1900, Philanda H. Davis, both being graduates of Columbia School of Ora- tory ; iv. Cordelia, June 10, 1843, died March 12, 1844. 4. Walter, born July i, 1801, died January 30, 1875 : married, September 5, 1826, Frances Crane, of Marcellus, New York, died April 15, 1883; lived in Adrian, Michigan ; child : Ann Elizabeth, born April I, 1828, died December 30, 1899; married Nicholas Van Brunt, died October 20, 1896. 5. Dr. Albert, born April 14, 1804. died De- cember 10, 1874 ; married, June 6, 1832, Jane A. Barker; graduated from Vermont Acad' emy of Medicine, in 183 1, and located in Brooklyn, New York. His wife died Decem- ber 21, 1878; child: Annie Southwell (by adoption), born October 4, 1834. died May 30, 1890. 6. Dr. William, born September 24, 1806, died September 23, 1880; married, No- vember 27, 1835, Eliza Ann, daughter of Hon. Martin Lee, of Granville, Washington county. New York. He graduated from Vermont Academy of Medicine in 1833, and practiced his profession in Brooklyn, New York : chil- dren : i. Helen Mary, born September 13, 1836, died in infancy; ii. William H. Seward, January 17, 1839; married. July 5, 1863. Car- rie L. Willets, died November 12, 1901 ; mar- ried (second) Anna Hagedorn, and had an adopted daughter Bessie ; iii. Cornelia, born March 4, 1842. died November 2, 1903 ; iv. Martin, July 18, 1844, died in infancy; v. Albert James, March 16, 1848; married. Octo- ber I, 1879, Lillie Ames. He is a practicing dentist in Brooklyn, New York. 7. Morris Lauchlin, December 4, 1808, died June 14, 1884; married, February 22, 1849, Maria E., daughter of Captain Samuel Ruste. She died November 11, 1866. They lived on the old homestead in Cambridge, owned by his father and grandfather before him ; children : i. Helena Maria, born January 11, 1850: ii. Sarali Jane, May 4, 1852 ; married, March 28, 1893, Edward Payson Cramer, a widower, who died July 29, 1903. 8. Julia A., born March 28, 1812, died INlarch 6, 1897; married, Oi lyU.Lby^d. HUDSON AND ^lOHAWK VALLEYS '471 October 13. 1834, Lemuel Sherman, a farmer of Cambridge, New York, born September 6, 1809, died January 28, 1887; children: i. Frances E., born February 23, 1840: married, October 4, 1859, James, son of John and Nancy (McMurray) McFarland, and had a son, Frank Murray; ii. Mary, October 15, 1841, died June 28, 1899: married, December 4, 1864, Lieutenant Albert Shiland, a veteran of Company I. One Hundred and Twenty- third Regiment, New York Volunteers, died at his home in Denver, Colorado, leaving chil- dren, Fred, Helen C. and Francis ; iii. George Lemuel. January 15, 1846; married, December 28, 1887, Julia A., daughter of Peter and Maria (Gilchrist) Wheldon ; iv. Albert, Jan- uary 18. 185 1 ; married, December 4, 1872, Sophia Dobbin, born June 12, 1851, and had a daughter, Gertrude, who married S. F. El- lingwood. 9. Sidney Wells, see forward. (XIV) Sidney Wells, son of Lauchlin and Roxanna (Parks) Wright, was born at Cam- bridge. New York, February 14, 1815, died February 17, 1882. He was a prominent farmer of Washington county, and held sev- eral of the county and town ofifices. He was a leading member and an elder of the Presby- terian church of Cambridge. Politically he was a Republican, a great admirer and de- voted follower of Horace Greeley, even for- saking the regular party candidates and voting for Air. Greeley when he was the Democratic candidate for President. He married (first) September 19, 1837, Jane E., daughter of Rupel and Betsey (Wilcox) Brown, who bore him one child. He married (second) Maria Cramer Savage, born May 26, 1815, died March 29, 1876, daughter of Amos and j\Iaria (Cramer) Savage. She was a daugh- ter of Amos (2) and a granddaughter of .^mos (i) Savage, the revolutionary soldier, who served as a private, then was promoted by the governor and council of Connecticut in 1779 to be ensign of Second Company of alarm list in the Twenty-third Regiment of that state. Amos (2) .Savage married (sec- ond) Maria, daughter of John Nicklaus and Elizabeth (Tippel) Cramer, the latter a daugh- ter of Adam and Catherine Tippel. John Nicklaus Cramer and Adam Tippel were both soldiers of the revolution, serving in Colonel Morris Graham's sixth regiment, Dutchess county, New York, militia. Children of Sid- ney Wells and Maria (Savage) Wright: i. Jane B., born April, 1840, died in infancy. 2. Jane Maria, born February 22, 1843, died I'ebruary 12, 1858. 3. Adeline J., born No- vember 6, 1844, flied April 23. 1866: married, April 13, 1865, Thomas A., son of Benjamin H. Howell, head of the sugar refining house of B. H. Howell & Son, of Brooklyn. New York. He survived her and married a second wife, and died September 19, 1896. Their only child died in infancy. 4. Sarah Eliza- beth, born October 7, 1846, died March 19,. 1877; married, October 3, 1868, James E. Cady, of Brandon, Vermont, and had a son Lucian, born January 15, 1877. 5. Albert Maurice, mentioned below. 6. Emma Rox- anna, born July i, 1850. 7. Julia Antoinette,. October 3, 1852; married, December 28, 1887, Calvin, son of George and Josephine (Bow- man) Sims. He was born February 7. 1844. now a bookkeeper of Troy, New York, and has a daughter, Clara W. (by adoption), born January 28, 1892. 8. Walter Savage. June 26, 1854; married, April 28, 1886. Ber'nice, daughter of Jonathan and Adaline (McChis- tock) Long. She was born September 26, 1861. He studied law, was admitted to the bar and practiced in New York until 1887, when he removed to Pasadena, California, where he is now one of the prominent lawyers of that state. Children : i. Adaline, born Sep- tember 25, 1888 ; a graduate of Leland Stan- ford University, May, 1910; ii. Howard Wal- ter, September 6, 1892; iii. Catherine, May 16, 1895. 9. Mary Helen, born March 17, 1856; married, October 10. 1883, Matthew B. Hutton, M.D., a graduate of the University of Michigan, born August 12, 1854. son of Wil- liam and Mary Ann (Blair) Hutton, of Put- nam, New York; now (1910) a practicing physician of \'alley Falls. New York. ChiK dren : i. An infant daughter, deceased ; ii. Anna M.. born August 31, 1890. 10. Charles Sidney, born August 13, 1861 ; editor and' journalist, Saratoga, New York ; married (first) May 11, 1887, Clara M. Crocker, died September 22, 1893, leaving three children; married (second) April 24, 1895, Hannah, daughter of James and Carrie L. (Lewis) Butterworth, born November 27, 1868; chil- dren: i. Mabel C, born Saratoga, New York, February 14, 1888; ii. Albert C, January 29, 1890; iii. Julia Clara, January 28, 1892; adopted by her aunt, Mrs. Sims, and name changed to Clara Wright Sims ; iv. James But- terworth, March ir. 1897; v. Carrie E., De- cember 14, 1899; vi. Marion Helen, July i, 1906. (XV) Albert Maurice, son of Sidney Wells and Maria Cramer (Savage) Wright,, was born at Granville, Washington county. New York, 26, 1848. He was educated in the town schools of Granville and Cambridge, completing his studies at Washington .Acad- emy, where he was graduated in 1865. In 1870 he began the study and practice of den- tistry with Dr. Zina Cotton, of Cambridge, -^7-^uis and two others. (II) John, son of Matthew and Esther (Lewis) Wright, was probably born in Otsego county. New York. He lived to the age of sixty. He was married and left a family. His children were: John Y.. see forward; Justus, Samuel, Fanny, Ebenezer, Jane, and two who died in infancy. (III) John Y., son of John Wright, was bom near Cooperstown, Otsego county. New York, and died in Albany county at about the age of seventy-five. He married a descendant of one of the early Dutch families of .\lbany county, who bore him children : i. Justus, died in Albany, New York, shortly after his mar- riage. 2. Henry, born in Westerlow, Sche- nectady county, where he married Jane Liddle, of Schenectady county : they settled in Duanes- burg, where they died, leaving children: Thomas. John. Robert, Henry and Edward. 3. Charles, see forward. 4. George, died in Rochester, New York. 5. Sylvester, veteran of civil war ; now residing in Duanesburg. 6. Ann. 7. Eliza. 8. Miranda. (I\') Charles, son of John Y. Wright, was born in Westerlow, Schenectady county. New York, July 26, 1820, died in Amsterdam, July 26, 1893. When a young man he removed to Florida, Montgomery county, where he en- gaged in agriculture, his lifelong occupation. He married Olive C. Fancber, lx>rn August 19, 1826, died February 3, 1891. She was born on the Fancher homestead, settled by one of the early families of the town of Florida. She was the daughter of Schuyler and Eunice Fancher, whose forbears were pioneers of Montgomery county. The children of Charles and Olive (Fancher) Wright were: i. Schuy- ler F., born January 11, 1842, died July 23, 1907 ; married (first) Laura Parker, who bore him a son, George F., now of Amsterdam ; (second) Mrs. Alary (Brumley) Van Home, who survived him and resides in .-Xmsterdam. 2. George, see forward. 3. Richard, August 25, 1847 : a farmer and resides on the old Fancher homestead, where his mother was born ; married (first) Annie Parks, of Florida, who bore him a daughter, Caroline, now 1474 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \-ALLEYS wife of Charles McKinney; (second) Rachel Padgett ; they have no issue. 4. Caroline, Oc- tober 25, 1853 ; married Jesse May, of English birth ; they have no issue. 5. Cora Belle, 1862 ; married Cornelius V. Williams ; children : Olive, Charles W. (2), Ada and Clifton Wil- liams, and two who died in infancy. Their daughter Olive is married and resides in Cleveland, Ohio. It is worthy of note that Charles Wright and his wife Olive had a married life of over fifty years, the first death in the family being that of Mrs. Wright. (V) George, son of Charles and Olive (Fancher) Wright, was born on the old Fancher homestead, December 31, 1843. He was educated in the public schools of the town, and made the best possible use of his opportunities to obtain an education. Hte worked on the farm until he was twenty-two and then left home and learned the trade of carpenter. He was a natural mechanic and became an expert workman. In 1868 he settled in Amsterdam, and in a few years be- gan contracting. He has been very successful and is recognized as one of the leading con- tractors and builders of the city. He has erected some of the largest business buildings in the city, notably the Atlas Knitting Mills, the Pioneer Broom Factory, the Central Hotel, the Pythian Temple, and others of equal prominence, as well as many fine private residences. In politics Mr. Wright is a Demo- crat, and before the city was incorporated was assessor of the village for seven years. He is connected with the Presbyterian church, as is his wife. He holds fraternal relations with Woodbine Lodge, No. 250, Knights of Pyth- ias. He married, December, 1869, in Amster- dam, Julia O. Hart, born 1849, died September 3, 1870. He married (second) in Canajo- harie. New York, March 25, 1875, Mrs. Mary (Ellsworth) Collins, born February 21, 1845, near Sharon, New York. She is the daugh- ter of John and Jedida (Clum) Ellsworth, who died at Fort Plain, New York. John Ellsworth was a cousin of Colonel E. E. Ells- worth, who was one of the first victims of the civil war, shot in Alexandria by the owner of the house from which Colonel Ellsworth had just torn down a Confederate flag. The grandfather of John Ellsworth and of Colonel Ellsworth was George Ellsworth, of English descent. He was a resident of Half Moon, Saratoga county, before the revolution ; when Burgoyne invaded the territory he joined the continental army, though only fifteen. He was at the Itattle of Ikinis Heights and at the surrender of Burgoyne. He married Sarah Reynolds, who bore him fourteen children, one of whom was John, father of Mrs. George Wright; another, Ephraim D., father of Colo- nel Ellsworth, was a captain in the ordnance department during the civil war. He had an- other son killed in the war. Colonel Ells- worth was born in Malta, Saratoga county. New York, April 11, 1837. He went west and studied law with President Abraham Lin- coln, who was ever afterward his warm friend and sincerely mourned his tragic death. He was colonel of the First New York Zouaves, who instantly avenged his death. By her former marriage, Mrs. George Wright has a daughter, Emma J. (Collins) Watson, born June 8, 1870, wife of A. R. Watson, a flour and feed merchant of Amsterdam. They have Grace and George W. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright have a daughter, Grace Cora, born May 29, 1876; she married Clarence D. Dean, a commission merchant of Amsterdam, and has a son, Charles D. Dean, born May 27, 1895. Clarence D. Dean is a son of Cliarles D. and Melissa (DeGraff) Dean. Henry Wright was born in the WRIGHT town of Wright, Schoharie county, New York, November 30, 1833. He was the son of Tunis and Mary (Ketchem) Wright. He was the oldest child, and was but twelve years old when his mother died and the home was broken up. From that time forward he was obliged to support himself, never receiving a dollar's help from anyone. At the age of eighteen, while living at Gallupville, he was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church. Soon after he felt that he was called of God to the work of the ministry. There was at that time no fund in the Methodist church to aid young men in obtaining an education, but in 1862, after much hard work and rigid economy, he graduated with honor from Union College and in the same year joined the Troy conference. His first appointment was Wcstbush and Pleasant Square. Among his parishoners at Westbush was Miss Mary Elizabeth Shutts, who, on October 11, 1863, became his wife. They were married in the little church at Westbush on quarterly meeting day by the presiding elder. Dr. William Griffin. Many a time during the thirty-one years of his married life did he congratulate himself on having chosen so capable a helpmeet. For, with the meager salary of a Methodist preacher and a family of five children to be fed, clothed and educated, there was need of a wise manager, and such Mrs. Wright proved herself to be. The rule of the Methodist Episcopal church at that time permitted a pastor to serve a charge but two years, though the limit was soon after extended to three years. During HUDSON AND MOHA*WK VALLEYS the thirty-two years of his ministry Mr. Wright served fifteen different charges, in Fulton, Montgomery, Albany, Schoharie, Rensselaer. Warren, Washington and Saratoga counties, and at Stamford, Vermont. On some of them the work was laborious and diffi- cult, but every appointment was received as from the Lord, and with simple faith and lofty courage he performed with untiring faithfulness every duty. By his sweetness of spirit, gentle courtesy and sterling integrity he won the love of many and the respect of all. On some of his charges there were large revivals, and during every pastorate some were added to the church. He loved music, had a good voice, and in the absence of chorister or choir could lead the congregation in singing. He was never at a loss for an appropriate hymn, for his memory was well stored with the good old hymns of the church. An ardent temperance advocate, he sometimes incurred the wrath of the rumseller and his friends. He believed that religion and politics could be mixed without harm to either, and though it cost him a struggle to leave the ranks of the Republicans, some years before his death he became a third party Prohibitionist. A sunny disposition enabled him to enjoy to the full the simplest pleasures. The care of a garden, his horse and a few hens was his usual recreation, and an occasional fishing trip his extraordinary delight. Nowhere was he happier than in his own home. His son and his daughters were his greatest earthly treasures. Knowing that he could leave them little of material wealth, he sought to train them to habits of industry and self-reliance, and to give them the education his limited means would allow. He lived to see his eldest daughter and his son graduate with honor from Syracuse Univer- sity, and his second daughter from the State Normal College at .Albany. These children, when they had finished their school days, be- gan planning a home for father and mother when he should be old and no longer able to preach. A lot was bought in Gloversville that the mother might be near her relatives and the house was in process of building when the father was called to the Heavenly Home. Never in all his life had he had any protracted illness, and he had no experience of the in- firmities of age. His hair had become snowy white and was indeed "a crown of glory," but he was almost in his usual health when in the midst of his work God called him home. He died December 27, 1894, at Clifton Park, Saratoga County, and was buried in Prospect Hill cemetery, Gloversville. Children of Rev. Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Shutis) Wright: I. Mary E., born February 17, 1865; married 1475 Howard J. Banker. 2. Joseph A., June 11, 1868; married, December 25, 1901, Fannie Martha Russ ; children: Dorothy, born Jan- uary 3, 1903 ; Helen, July, 1905 ; George, July 17, 1907. 3. Anna C, September 4, 1869. 4. •Helen E., September 20. 1871 ; married, Sep- tember 3, 1888. Fred W. Pawling; children: Harold Ballantine. born February 14, 1896; Clarence Wright, June 17, 1898; Helen Bea- trice, February, 1906; Hazel M., July, 1908. 5. Emma Louisa, March i, 1877. The progenitor of the Shutts SHUTTS family of Gloversville, New York, was Silas Shutts, born in Canada, October 29, 1807, son of Simon Shutts, who emigrated to Canada from Mas- sachusetts. Silas Shutts came to the United States in 1827, settled in Johnstown. New York, and was an expert lumberman. He died April 26, 1902. He married Ann Maria Smith, born June 25, 181 1, in Fulton county, New York, died April i, 1904. Children: i. Ophelia, born October 27, 1832 ; married, Sep- tember 30, 1851, Miles Ephraim Wheeler; children : Ida, Arnold, Hamilton, Dewitt, Ma^. 2. Emily, born August 27, 1834 ; married, Oc- tober 25, 1853, James Holcomb ; children: Anabel, Burton James, Carrie M., Edward. 3. De Witt, born October 17, 1836, died August 5, 1862. 4. Mary Elizabeth, born August 7, 1838: married, October 11, 1863, Rev. Henry Wright ; children : Mary E., Joseph .'\., Anna C, Helen E., Emma L. 5. Cordelia, born March 3, 1840; married, February 8, 1865, Dr. John E. Burdick ; both deceased ; no chil- dren. 6. Harlan Page, see forward. 7. Wil- liam L., born April 25, 1846; married Altana Fosmire : children : Howard, a regular in the United States army ; and Burton A., married Emily D. Philips. 9. Minerva, born February 16. 1848; married, September 14, 1871, James E. Rice, born May 28, 1845. 10. Edward D., born May 16, 1850. 11. Ella C, born May 26, 1852 ; married, February 12, 1879, Charles H. Powell, born September 23, 1846; children: Roscoe. born November 25, 1879 ; John, born May I, 1883. 12. Howard, born April 6, 1855, died September 28, 1862. (H) Harlan Page, third child of Silas and Ann Maria C Smith) Shutts, was born in Ful- ton county. New York, October 2, 1841. He was educated in the public schools, and after completing his studies his father took him to the lumber camps with him, where he re- mained three years. He then began life on his own account. He ol)tained employment on the canal, and took the eastern trip as far as Albany, and returned west as far as Orrsville, where he decided he was not fitted for canal 1476 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS life and took sudden leave. He worked as clerk in the general store of William Putnam for two years, then returned to Gloversville, and entered the employ of Jonathan Ricketts, where he learned the trade of glove making. Later in life he formed a partnership with Denton Smith, and as Shutts & Smith manu- factured gloves and mittens until 1875, when the firm dissolved. Mr. Shutts then engaged in the sewing machine business, which he car- ried on with successful results until 1909. Since 1885 he has been a partner of E. S. Parkhurst & Company, and is also interested in western mining lands, the Glen Telephone Company, the Gloversville Knitting !\Iill and other enterprises of his city. He has been a member of the Knights of Pythias for forty- two years and is past chancellor and past chancellor commander of the local lodge. Politically he is a Republican. He married, January, 1888, Sarah Elizabeth, born November 7, 1845, daughter of Cornelius and Sarah Ann ( Gonsaulus) Fonda, aqd grand- daughter of Peter Fonda, a descendant of Jil- lis Fonda, the gunmaker of Schenectady, the ^andson of Jillis Douwerse, the founder, of Beverwyck as early as 1654. Sarah Ann (Gonsaulus) Fonda was born July 20, 1820, died January 31, 1893. She married Cornelius Fonda, born February 5, 1820. They had twelve children: i. Mary Jane, born October 4, 1840, died August 31, 1879; married, Feb- ruary 22, 1858, Benjamin Van Buren. 2. Catherine, March 16, 1842; married, Decem- ber 29, i860, James Bancroft. 3. Charles Wes- ley, December i, 1843, died October 14, 1909. 4. Sarah Elizabeth, married Harlan P. Shutts. 5. Henrietta, March 15, 1847; married, Feb- ruary 22, 1864, Henry A. Dopp. 6. Gradsir (?), April 26, 1849. 7. James M., October 30, 1851; married Elizabeth Sweet. 8. Har- riet, July 29, 1853. 9. William H., March 8, 1855 : married Jennie Young. 10. Ida F.. June 13. 1857, d'S'^1 October 27, 1895 ; married a Mr. Nellis. 11. Edwin L., January 21, 1859; married, September 25, 1890. Jennie Wells. 12. Margaret M., April 8, 1862. The Stevens family is of Eng- STEVENS lish origin and in 1620 were living in Cornwall and Berk- shire counties, England. Nathaniel Gove Stevens, born September 14, 1786. is de- scended from a member of this family who emigrated to .\mcrica and was one of the first settlers in Warwick, Massachusetts. His father, also nained Nathaniel Gove Stev- ens, was born April 7, 1752; married Lois Stowe, of Marlboro, Massachusetts, born 1752, died 1813; children as fol- lows : Lois, Abel. .Simon, Anna, Nathaniel Gove, Jr., Samuel. Besides being a prosper- ous farmer, Nathaniel Gove, Jr., successfully managed a saw mill and tan yard. He rafted lumber down the Connecticut river. In re- ligion he was a Unitarian. He married Nancy Stoughton. Children : Nathaniel Edwin. Sarah, married a Mr. McClenathan, Lois C, Charles, Mariah, Timothy Gilbert, Samuel Stoughton. (II) Samuel Stoughton, son of Nathaniel Gove and Nancy (Stoughton) Stevens, was born at Warwick, Franklin county, Massachu- setts, August 25, 1829. He acquired his edu- cation in the schools of his native village. In 1848 he went on a raft to South Hadley Falls. He journeyed from there to Hartford, Con- necticut, and other places, seeking a shop to learn the machinists' trade. In Worcester, Massachusetts, he engaged with the firm of Goddard & Rice, tool makers, and manufactur- ers of paper machinery, his only remuneration being board and lodging. He remained until the expiration of his apprenticeship, when he accepted a position with Severance & Tourt- lotte. who with others, had established a works for building paper machinery, taking the posi- tion of foreman. He remained with this firm three years in Hartford, Connecticut. From there he went to Troy, New York, to set up a machine which he had superintended in building for A. W. Orr & Company, with whom he remained five years. In 1858, in connection with the Orrs. he purchased the North Hoosick mill, which had been partly fitted up for making wrapping paper. He completed this mill to make hanging paper, and in a short time brought the production from one ton per day to that of two tons. He remained with the Orrs for about twelve years. In 1869, after the death of .Alexander Orr and William O. Cunningham, he, with George S. Thomjjson, bought out the interest of the Orrs and continued the business under the firm name of Stevens & Thompson. In 1874 Stevens & Thompson in connection with R. H. Thompson, leased the Walloomsac Pa- per Mill, formerly owned and managed by Austin and Pratt. .After running this mill for a term of six years they purchased the prop- erty from Henry Smith, of New York, and immediately commenced enlarging the plant. This in connection with the North Hoosick mill brought the production up to considerable over twenty tons per day. Mr. .Stevens, assisted by his .son Frank L. Stevens, had exclusive charge of the me- chanical departments. He had made several valuable inventions for which he had secured patents. The first, for a continuous process of the treatment of paper stock in the form of old HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1477 papers, by which the stock is not handled from the time it is put into the duster until it comes out on the machine in the form of paper. Another is a variable speed device for paper machines. His third invention is a centrifugal continuous process pulp dryer. In recent years he had introduced into this line several specialities of paper, the manufacturing of which his younger son, Fred N. Stevens, has full charge. Samuel S. Stevens married Marcia Maria Lamberton, of Ware, Massa- chusetts, daughter of Gideon Lamberton, born in Ware, 1798, died at the same place in 1892. He was a prosperous farmer, a Re- publican in politics and a member of the Pres- byterian church. He married in Ware and had three children: i. Alfred, born in Ware, died in Oregon, not married. 2. Melzar, died in Gilbertville, Massachusetts, married and had two children : i. Walter, died at age of twenty- four at North Hoosick about 1884; ii. Clara, married Fred Barlow and had two children : Marian, Stanley. 3. Marcia Maria, born July 18, 1830. died in North Hoosick, May 17, 1904. Children of Samuel Stoughton and Marcia Maria (Lamberton) Stevens: i. .A.nna Maria, married Hiland Carpenter, of North Hoosick, New York ; four children : Warwick, Harold, Samuel (deceased) ; and Marcia. 2. Lois, married .Arthur Bolton Cobden, cashier of People's Bank of Lansingburg : one child, Allen Stevens, born September 22. 1892. 3. Frank Lamberton, see forward. 4. Fred Na- thaniel, see forward. (HI) Captain Frank Lamberton, eldest son of Samuel Stoughton and Marcia Maria (Lamberton) Stevens, was born October 28, 1864. He was educated at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and early began his ca- reer in the paper making industry. He en- tered the mills of Stevens & Thompson in 1884, and continued until the incorporation in 1903, when he was elected vice-president, an office wliich he still holds. He is also vice- president of the Walloomsac Paper Company, a corporation in which he has been interested since 1900, when he purchased in connection with his brother, Fred N., the interest former- ly held by his father, Samuel Stoughton Ste- vens. I'rank L. has always been closely asso- ciated with the practical side of paper making, and was his father's assistant in the exclusive charge of the mechanical department of the mills. To a thoroughly practical knowledge of paper making he adds executive ability of a liigh order, which is recognized by his ciates in the various corporations in which he holds official positions. He is president of the Noble &- Wood Machine Company, of Hoo- sick Falls, New York ; vice-president of The Stevens & Thompson Paper Company of Mid- dle Falls, New York, and a director of the First National Bank, Hoosick Falls, New York. He served in the National Guard, New York, and during the Spanish-American war was captain in the Second Regiment of Infantry. He was captain of the Thirty-sec- ond Separate Company, New York National Guard, with which he had served sixteen years. He is a Repul^lican in politics and in 1904-05 represented his district in the New York State assembly. Mr. Stevens is a mem- ber of Van Rensselaer Lodge, No. 400, Free and Accepted ]\Iasons, of Hoosick Falls, New York; Raymond Chapter, No. 248, Royal Arch Masons, of Hoosick Falls, Hoosick Falls Lodge, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, and exalted ruler (19 10) of that body. He is a member of the Hoosicl- Club, the Pafraets Dael Club of Troy, and the Army and Navy Club of New York. He married, February 20, 1884. Frederica, daughter of Joseph Carl and Katherine (Schaffer) Wallich, of Detroit, Michigan. Joseph Carl Wallich was born at Trier-on-the-Rhine, Germany, in 1833. He learned the trade of cabinetmaker, which then included pianos and weaving machinery, the latter an important branch. He came to the United States in 185 1, locating first at Cleve- land, later in Berea, Ohio. During the civil war he was selected as carpenter to an engi- neering corps, his ability in construction being well known to the officer in charge. In 1862 he settled in Detroit, where he purchased a residence, now 405 Cass avenue, then far in the country surrounded by woods. He be- came a prominent contractor and builder, com- pleting several important government contracts including the post office and Marine Hospital buildings. He was deeply interested in the study of anthropology and was deeply versed in his favorite study. He was a .source of wonder to the professional men with whom he conversed. His last words expressed his life ambition "Ein guter erieirchterungs sim." (A good, well-enlightened perception.) He was at different times a member of the Concor- dia and Harmonic Singing Societies, and was affiliated with Zion Lodge, No. i. Free and Accepted Masons. He married, at Berea, Ohio, Katherine Schaffer. Children : Charles W., of Detroit, Michigan : Claud, superinten- dent of fisheries at Yes Bay, Alaska : Fred- erica, married Frank L. Stevens: Julia Mi- netta. married Fred N. Stevens, of whom fur- ther ; Lilly, married Gustav R. Schimmel. of Detroit: Wilhimina. of New York City, un- married : Julius of Buffalo, New York : Cath- erine, married George R. Docniling. of De- troit. Mr. Wallich died at Detroit, Michigan, 1478 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS at the age of seventy-three years. The chil- dren of Frank L. and Frederica (Wallich) Stevens: Lois, born December i8, 1892; Chris- tian. June 30, 1897; Samuel Stoughton, Sep- tember 2, 1 90 1. (HI) Fred Nathaniel, son of Samuel Stoughton and Marcia Maria (Lamberton) Stevens, was born at North Hoosick, Janu- ary 3, 1868. He was educated in the public schools of the district and at private schools, Peekskill Military Academy, Graylock Insti- tute, South Williamstown, Massachusetts, Wil- liston Seminary at East Hampton, Massachu- setts. Boston Institute of Technology. Boston, Massachusetts, one year. He entered the pa- per manufacturing business with his father in the firm of Stevens & Thompson. In 1900 he, with his brother, Frank L., bought out his father's interest in the Walloomsac Paper Company. They successfully operated as a firm until 1906, when they incorporated, with Fred N. Stevens as secr^etary. The business of this corporation is the manufacture of wall paper. Mr. Stevens is also secretary of Ste- vens & Thompson, Incorporated, manufac- turers of wall, filter, manilla, and tissue paper. The corporations are well managed and suc- cessful and add materially to the prosperity of the villages in which their works and of- fices are located. Walloomsac and North Hoo- sick. Mr. Stevens is a director of the Peo- ple's Bank of Hoosick Falls, New York, pres- ident of the Hudson Valley Humane Society (Hoosick branch), member of the Church of Christ (Scientist), member of the board of governors of the Floosick Club. In politics a Republican and fraternally an "Elk." He married, January 27, 1892, Julia Minetta Wal- lich, born in Detroit, Michigan, daughter of Joseph Carl Wallich, who was born at Trier- on-the-Rhine, Germany, 1833. Children: Frederick Wallich, born October 12, 1892, died February 28, 1901 ; Carl Wallich, born June 24. 1894, entered Culver Military Acad- emy. Culver, Indiana, for 1910-11; Marcia Lamberton. (II) Gilbert Timothy Stevens,* STEVENS son of Nathaniel Gove (q. v.) and Nancy (Stoughton) Stev- ens, was born May 23, 1827, at Warwick, Massachusetts, died at Walpole, New Hamp- shire. November 25, 1897. He was by trade a tanner and currier, but gave up his trade when a young man to become a farmer. About 1859 he removed to Walpole, New Hamp- shire, where he took iiromiiient part in church ♦In some branches of tlic family this name appears as Timothy Gilbert Stevens. and town affairs. He was an active Repub- lican, a member of the Christian church. He married. November 25, 1853, Elizabeth Ar- nold, now living in Walloomsac, New York, with her son William N. She is the daughter of William Arnold, see forward. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens : William Nathaniel, see forward ; Josephine Elizabeth, born Walpole, New Hampshire, January 14, 1856, died Jan- uary 18, 1871. (Ill) William Nathaniel, son of Gilbert Timothy and Elizabeth (Arnold) Stevens, was born in Warwick, Massachusetts, March 4, 1855. He was educated in Walpole's common and high schools. He learned the machinist's trade, but left it to become a bookkeeper and assistant superintendent for his uncle, Nath- aniel Edwin Stevens, at Winchester, New York, a farmer and currier, where he re- mained four years. In July, 1883, he removed to Walloomsac where he accepted a position as bookkeeper with the Walloomsac Paper Company; he is still with them, having been promoted to assistant superintendent. He owns and runs a farm of one hundred and fifty acres which he bought in 1906. It is his- toric ground, being land on which the first part of the battle of Bennington was fought, where Colonel Baum came to seize stores and was reinforced on this land. It is now called Hessian Hill. He is in the retail coal busi- ness in Walloomsac. He is a Republican, active in town affairs, having held the oftice of justice of the peace from 1901 to 1910, interested in education, having been trustee of the school district for several years. He is notary public, first appointed under the ad- ministration of governor David B. Hill. He is a prominent member of the Presbyterian church of Hoosick Falls : he was elected elder September 20. 1880, has been trustee since 1902, and has been clerk of the sessions since 1907. He has been elected several times to the Presbytery and by the Presbytery to the Synod in 1906, and also by the Presbytery to the general session of the Presbyterian Church of America in 1907. He has served several years as superintendent of the Sab- bath school and is a member of the Christian Endeavor Society. When the Presbyterian church was repaired in 1897-98, he was on the building committee and rendered efficient service. He is a member of the Masonic Order, having been made a Mason at Phile- cian Lodge, No. 40, Winchester, New Hamp- shire, in 1881, demitting from that lodge in 1S86 and joining Van Rensselaer Lodge at Hoosick Falls, New York. He is a Royal Arch Mason of Raymond Chapter. No. 248, Hoosick Falls, and has filled all the principal HUDSON AND ^lOHAWK VALLEYS 1479 chairs including election to the office of high priest, an honor he felt impelled to decline. He is past worthy patron of Van Rensselaer Chapter, No. 161, Order of Eastern Star, of Hoosick, having served two years. His social ■club is the Hoosick of Hoosick Falls. William N. Stevens married (first) Jane E. W'atkins, by whom he had one son, Wil- liam Earl, born in Walpole. 1878. He is living in Bellows Falls, Vermont, a machinist by trade. He is now engaged in a machinery and jobbing repair shop. He married Es- tella \\'illington and has three children : Wil- liam N. Stevens, married (second) October 13, 1886. at Hoosick Falls, Katherine Helen, daughter of Thomas JNIoses. who was a son •of Dr. Salmon Moses. Children of second wife: Mary Elizabeth, born September 28, 1887. died June 21, 1900; Nathaniel Edwin, March 4. 1889, died June 29. 1900; John Has- well. June 18. 1891. died March 16. 1896; Katherine Lois, July 28, 1892, died March 20, 1906: Ruth, November 30. 1897; Helen Jea- nette. November 16. 1900 ; Naomi and Anna, twins. March 19, 1903. Naomi died March 19. 1903. Anna died December 23, 1903. William Arnold, grandfather of William N. Stevens, was born in Westmoreland, New Hampshire. March 29. 1792. He learned the machinist's trade, and worked at that busi- ness in his younger days. At what time he came to Walpole is not known, but at one time he worked for Thomas Aloore as a hired man on his farm, and married one of his daughters, Naomi, October 3, 1822, who was born September 14, 1795. After his mar- riage he worked at his trade a while in Paw- tucket. Rhode Island, where some of his chil- dren were born. He returned to Walpole and purchased the Robinson tavern stand and commenced keeping a public house in 1837. in which business he continued till the building of the Cheshire railroad, when the tavern keeping was relinquished. When he com- menced keeping tavern there was a large amount of travel over the road that passed his house, it being the third New Hampshire turnpike. liere. he and his wife did their best to please, thereby securing a good share of customers, who were sure to be well cared for. After he relinquished tavern keeping, he turned his attention to farming, which oc- cupation he followed till the infirmities of age caused him to suspend labor. He died Au- gust 27, 1876. Children : Elizabeth, born May 22. 1823: married (first) Levi Winchester, of Westmoreland; one son. Frank L. : married (second) Gilbert Timothy Stevens, had two children : Mary P., born September 27, 1824, married O. FT. P. Watkins, May 14, 1847; three children : William, born December 26, 1826. married Mary S. Stevens, of Warwick, Massachusetts, September, 1852 : three chil- dren : Sarah Jane, born August 29, 1828, mar- ried Henry D. Bacon, and has one daughter, Sophia, born July 19, 1834, married Nelson Johnson, October 19, 1865 ; two children ; Frances N., born March 2, 1836, married George A. Sherman. June 13, 1866; no issue. John Moses of Plymouth, Massachusetts, ancestor of Katherine Helen (Moses) Stev- ens, was a shipwright ; he came to New Eng- land between 1630 and 1640. He died Octo- ber 14, 1683. (H) John (2), son of John (i) Moses, settled at Windsor, Connecticut, previous to 1647. He was a soldier of Captain John Mason's troop of horse. He married Mary Brown, May 18, 1653. He died October 14, 1683; she died September 14, 1689. Children, John, William. Thomas, Mary, Sarah. Nath- aniel, Dorcas, Margaret, Timothy, Martha and Mindwell. (III) John (3). son of John (2) Closes, settled in Simsbury, Connecticut, on his fath- er's farm near Mount Philip. He married Deborah Thrall, July 14, 1680. She belonged to the Puritan church, November 10, 1697, of forty-three persons. She died May 16, 1715. Children: John, Deborah, William, Thomas, Joshua, Deborah, Caleb (i), Oth- niel, Moses, Caleb (2), Mary and Martha. (IV) Joshua, son of John (3) Moses, mar- ried (first) December 12, 1717, Hannah Strickland. She died January 16, 17 18 or 1719, leaving twins three days old. He mar- ried (second) June 28. 1722, Mary Brook. He deeded lands in New Hartford in 1744 and 1745. We find in Norfolk records, deeds July 2, 1772, from "Joshua the elder to son Joshua." Also be bought lands in Norfolk in 1769. He died February 6, 1773, of an eating cancer of the mouth, aged about eigh- ty-five years. By his will dated September 18. 1772, he leaves property to "Sons Joshua Othniel and John: to daughters Flannah, Mary and Rachel." Children: Hannah and Mary, twins ; Rachel, Joshua, Othniel and John. (V) Joshua (2), son of Joshua (i) Moses, resided in Norwalk, Connecticut. From Nor- walk town records we find that on April 24, 1769, "Joshua Moses of Simsbury bouglit land in Norfolk of Matthew Phelps." Also a deed July 2, 1772, from "Joshua the elder to son Joshua." In the distribution of the estate of Joshua Moses, November 4. 1795, Norfolk. Pro. Rec. mention is made of wife .Abigail and the reservation of a "shop" to Jonathan ; then further distribution is made 1480 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS to Joshua, Thomas, Jonathan, Abigail Pahner and Jesse Moses and "heirs of Joshua." Pre- vious to this are recorded several deeds No- vember 30, 1792, for "love and good will" to "son Jesse" "son Thomas," "son Joshua Jr.," and September 17, 1794, to Jesse Moses from "his honored father." It seems a little singular that a son Jonah was left out of this distribution as we find in Norfolk records this entry: "Jonah Moses, son of Joshua Moses and Abigail, his wife, born October 25, 1777." In the history of the Terry fam- ily, we learn that Abigail Terry, born Janu- ary 18, 1740, married Joshua Moses, of Nor- folk. (VI) Thomas, son of Joshua (2) Moses, was born July 19, 1768, died September 24, 185 1. He spent his life on his father's old homestead at Norfolk, Connecticut. He mar- ried (first) November 24. 1791. Abigail Brown, born August 17, 1769, died February 16, 1823. He married (second) November II, 1839. Caroline Brown. Children: Sal- mon, Thomas, Jr., Ralph, Benjamin, Hiram, Betsy, Julia, Eunice, Abigail, Ruth. (VII) Dr. Salmon, son of Thomas and Abigail (Brown) Moses, was educated at Hamilton (New York) College, and had a large practice as a physician at Hoosick Falls, New York. An interesting letter from him is published in the History of Norfolk, Con- necticut. He was a zealous churchman, read- ing service for several years in the school house, until funds were provided to build the present St. Mark's Episcopal Church at Hoosick Falls. He married, February 18, 1823, Sarah Haswell. Children : Robert Has- well, Harriet Haswell, Sarah Julia. Thomas Salmon, Elizabeth Tweedale, Cynthia Has- well, Mary. Charles Arthur. (VIII) Thomas Salmon, son of Dr. Sal- mon and Sarah (Haswell) Moses, was born June 23, 1828, died April 28, 1902. He re- sided at Bennington, Vermont. He married Mary Ann Whitehead, of Hoosick Falls, New York. Children : Jane, Maria, Francis. Wil- liam, Catherine H., Thomas, Walter. Martha, Harriet, Alice. Among the Dukes of Aus- ALBRIGHT tria between 976 and 1493 was Albrecht II, who reigned as Margrave of Austria and Duke of Bavaria in the year 1139. He died with- out posterity. In 1282 Albrecht III, Duke of Austria, reigned as Albrecht I. Emperor of Roman Germany. He was born in 1248, and assassinated in 1308. .'\lbrecht II (The Wise) reigned as Duke of Austria, 1330-58. He married, and was succeeded by his son, Rudolph I\', who was succeeded by Al- brecht III (the astrologer), his brother, whcx reigned 1365-95. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Karl IV, German Roman Em- peror, who died in 1373. He married (sec- ond) Beatrixe, daughter of Friederich IV^ of Nurmberg. He was succeeded by his only son, Albrecht IV, who reigned 1395-1404. He married Johanna, daughter of Albert,. Count of Holland and Duke of Bavaria. Al- brecht V succeeded his father, and reigned Duke of Austria, 1402. King of Hungary, King of Bohemia and German Roman Em- peror, as Albrecht II, 1438-39, when he died. Six dukes of Austria now reigned until an- other Albrecht came to the throne. In 1475 Albrecht VI, born 1418, died 1463, came to the throne and reigned Count of Tyrol and' Duke of Austria 1457-63. In 1493 this par- ticular title seems to have become extinct with Maximillian. the First. It is from this line of Austrain dukes that Heinric Albrecht descended. The name in America has be- come Hendrick Albright, but the family name is Albrecht, and the given name Heinrich. The family were noble for centuries, and the emigrant to America was a man of means and education. The family everywhere that descend from this ancestor show the effects of those centuries of high breeding, and are distinguished in their several walks, inclin- ing largely to the professions, particularly the pulpit and music. In the L^nited States the name is a very familiar one, and has been given wide prominence by Rev. Jacob Al- bright, born near Pottsville, Pennsylvania, of German parentage, who became an exhorter and noted Methodist minister. He made many converts, almost exclusively Germans, and in 1800 a separate church was organized, Albright being first presiding elder. He was- appointed bishop in 1807. His denomination is now known as the "Evangelical Associa- tion," but in many places its adherents are called ".Albrights." (I) The American progenitor of the Al- bright family of \'oorheesville, .•\lbany coun- ty. New York, is Hendrick Albright, borrr in .Austria in 1716, and came to America in 1740. He was a man of means, as im- mediately upon his arrival he purchased four hundred acres of the best land in Guilder- land. Albany county, now tlie town of New Scotland. He married Elizabeth Folent (Po- land), and on their Guilderland farm, in 1783, he built the original stone house that was the family home for several generations, and' stood in good repair until destroyed by fire in 1894. He was an ardent revolutionist, and' so deep was his hatred of a Tory that it is HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS [481 said he ordered his son-in-law, Strauss (who had joined the British army during the revohition), to quit not only the farm and neighborhood, but to leave the country. Al- though this was after the war had closed, Strauss was so impressed with the old man's warnings that he removed to Canada, where he remained until his death. Part of the original purchase of four hundred acres, which was divided among the four sons, has always remained in the Albright family. His wife Elizabeth was of Scotch birth and an- cestry. Children : John, baptized August 6, 1749; married and had issue: Jacob, Hannah, Rachel, Elizabeth and Frederic; Eva, bap- tized September 29, 175 1 ; Anna, November II, 1753; Philip, September 28, 1755, died unmarried; Helena. January 15, 1758; Jacob, October 11, 1763; Hendrick, October 10, 1765 married Helen Bratt, and had children, in- cluding George W., a prominent attorney of Washington, District of Columbia ; Frederick, baptized April 10, 1768. (H) Jacob, son of Hendrick and Elizabeth (Poland) Albright, was born in Guilderland, Albany county, New York (now New Scot- land), baptized October 11, 1763, died March 20, 1829. He inherited part of the paternal acres, and was engaged in their cultivation all his active years. He was a Whig in poli- tics, and a member of the Dutch Reformed church. He married (first) Hannah Arnold ; (second) Elizabeth Wheeler, born and reared on the Albright home farm. Children by first wife: Elizabeth: John, born in 1786; Henry, 1788, married Rosa Bradt ; Hannah, 1793. Children by second wife: Philip, born 1794, died, unmarried, 1834; Mary, 1795; Isaac, see forward: Magdaline, 1798, died unmarried; Jacob, 1800, died 1896, a farmer of Jordan. New York; Peter, 1803, died 1886, leaving two married daughters; Eve. 1805, married Solomon Wiltse. died in Syracuse, New York; Sarah, 1807, died young; Catherine, twin of Sarah, died young; Diana, born 1810, died 1874; Gideon, twin of Diana; Susan, born 1813, married Abraham W'ynkoop; Mercy, twin to Susan, died in infancy. (HI) Isaac, seventh child of Jacob Al- bright, and the third by his second wife, Eliz- abeth (Wheeler) Albright, was born in the old stone house on the homestead farm in New Scotland, Albany county. New York, January 11, 1797, died January 20, 1888. He was a continuous resident of the original homestead farm until his death at the age of ninety-two years. He became the owner of that portion left to his father, and added many improvements. He was a faithful mem- ber of the Reformed church of New Salem, and never missed a service until a few weeks before his death, unless kept away by sick- ness or unavoidable detention. He was free from the bigotry of his day, called all Chris- tians his brethren, and was a friend to all those persecuted for conscience sake. He was a strong Democrat, as had been his father and grandfather. His last vote was cast for the same party as his first had been. He was prosperous in worldly affairs, and gave to each of his sons a good farm. He married, September 9, 1820, Cicely, born November 4, 1801, died December 29, 1885, daughter of Peter Sim- mons, an early settler of Clarksville. Chil- dren: I. Peter S., born on the homestead farm, February 8, 1821, died March 3, 1899; he remained on the home farm until eight years after liis marriage ; in 1854 he pur- chased ninety acres adjoining, which he added to the original farm and cultivated until he retired from active labor ; he was a Demo- crat, and a member of the Reformed church ; he was prosperous, and respected ; he mar- ried, March 14, 1846, in New Salem, Cath- erine Ellen Hallenbeck, torn in Bethlehem, May 22, 1828, who survives him and lives at the old home with children surrounding her to minister to her in her old age. She is a daughter of Ephraim G. and Mary Magdalene (Bartlett) Hallenbeck, grand- daughter of Isaac and Catherine E. (Pro- vost) Hallenbeck. a descendant of Caspar Jacolise Holenbeck, who was in Beverwyck in 1654. died about August, 1703, leaving two sons, Isaac and Jan. Children of Peter S. and Catherine E. (Hallenbeck) .\lbright : i. Mary Magdalene, born May 2, 1848; mar- ried Henry Moak, and lives in Elsmere, New York ; children : Dr. B. Harris Moak, the well-known bacteriologist of Brooklyn, New York, married Mary Smedley ; William A. V. D. H., of Schenectady, New York, married Catherine Whitman ; Marian G., unmarried, ii. Sarah M., November 18, 1849; married Franklin M. Jones, a merchant of Albany, and has a son Carlton F. iii. Isaac S., July I, 1852; a farmer on the home estate; married Ella McCormick. iv. Emmeline, March 10, 1858; married S. F. Fowler, whom she sur- vives, residing at Altamont ; has a daughter Lillian, who is connected with Dudley Obser- vatory. V. Rocelia, February 26, i860; mar- ried Alvenus Hurst, and has children : Ethlvn A., Mabel. Helen M.. Mildred C. Mary Elea- nor, vi. George H., February 22, 1862, died in Denver, Colorado, 1882. vii. Katherine M., March 30, 1864: unmarried; lives at home where her rare home-making talents are exer- cised for the comfort and happiness of her HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS aged mother, viii. Adelbert. March 17, 1871, graduate of Chicago Veterinary College; lo- cated in IMishwaukee, Indiana ; married Etta Weidman. deceased, ix. Odella, September 30, 1873 : married David Finch, and has Hilda E., Merlin, David Nelson. 2. Jacob, born March 28, 1822, see forward. 3. Harriet, October, 1824; married James Houck, now of Clarksville, New York. 4. Sarah, August 13, 1826; died, unmarried, aged seventy- years. 5. Emmeline. January 8. 1828; mar- ried Jolin Ward, whom she survives ; resides in Albany, New York; children: Julia, Celia, Nathan and Nellie, the latter deceased. 6. Mary E., August 2. 1830; married James W. Reid, and left a large family. 7. Isaac (2), see forward. (IV) Jacob, son of Isaac and Cicely (Sim- mons) Albright, was born in the old home- stead in New Scotland, Albany county, New York. March 28, 1822, died 1902. He was educated in the public schools, reared a farm- er and on arriving at man's estate was given the farm by his father on which stood the old stone house built in 1783 by his grand- father, Hendrick Albright, the founder of the family in Albany county. He was the last to occupy the old stone house previous to its destruction by fire. He was a man of thrift and energy, and highly respected in his com- munity. He was a Republican in politics, and a member of the Methodist church. He mar- ried (first) in New Scotland, Eliza E. Reid, born in the town in 1825, died 1867. She was a daughter of an early Scotch settler of Scotch parentage. She was also a member of the Methodist church, and reared her chil- dren in that faith. Children; i. Cicely, mar- ried James Beebe, a farmer of New Scot- land, whom she survives ; child, Irene, mar- ried John Weidman ; children : Maud and Kenneth. 2. Mary, married Abraham Koons, a farmer of the town ; children : Emma, Ros- etta, Jacob, George, Alice and Roy. 3. Emma, married William Relyea, a farmer of New Scotland ; child, Ada, married Frank Oster- hout; children: Myra, Willard and Mildred. 4. Catherine, married Lyman Bell: children: Jennie. Frederick, deceaserl ; Catherine, mar- ried James Harkey. 5. Isaac, graduated M.D. Albany Medical College, class of 1884, and is now practicing his profession in Chicago, Illinois. 6. James, a farmer of South Da- kota ; married Belle Furgeson ; children, Alice, Ralph, John. 7. Harriet, married John V. Wynkoop. born February 6, 1855, son of Abraham and Susanna (.Mbright) Wynkoop, and grandson of Joshua Wynkoop. a revolu- tionary soldier; he is a farmer of New .Scot- land; children: i. Newton .\., born January 4, 1876, died 1899; married Bertha Knee- holts, of Albany; ii. Edna B., September 15, 1878 ; unmarried ; iii. Margaret Van O'Linda, February 16, 1883, married Conrad D. Hal- lenbeck; iv. Elizabeth Shelp, October 10, 1894; unmarried. 8. John W.. see forward. 9. Jacob, born 1861 ; married Ella Koons, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, children: Henry. Raymond, George and Elsie. 10. Edward, a resident of Rutherford, New Jersey ; married Elizabeth Hotaling. of New Scotland ; chil- dren : Harry, Alice, Esther and Harold. Jacob Albright married (second), Amanda O'Brien. Children: 11. Ira, now a resident of Iowa, married Mildred Winne. 12. Ivy, mar- ried George Van Atten, a farmer of the town of Bethlehem, Albany county, and has a daughter Ruth. 13. Anna, married "Bert" Creble, a farmer of Feurabush, New Scot- land, and has a daughter Naomi. (\') John W., son of Jacob and Eliza E. (Reid) Albright, was born on the homestead farm in New Scotland, May 8. 1859. He was reared on the homestead, which came into his possession by purchase in 1908. He has brought the property to a high state of cultivation, and is considered one of the pros- perous and substantial men of his town. He is a Republican in politics. He married, in Lysander, Onondaga county. New York, Belle Bratt, born in that town August 9, 1864, daughter of John and Matilda (Wilson) Bratt. John Bratt was a carpenter by trade ; a member of the Christian church, and a Democrat, died in 1900. Mrs. Albright is the fourth of their six living children. Children of John W. and Belle (Bratt) Albright; i. Charles W., born May 14, 1889; served a term of enlistment in the United States Navy, and made part of the trip around the world with the battleship fleet in 1907-08; honor- ably discharged at San Francisco, account of sickness ; is now a machinist, unmarried. 2. Howard B., July 23, 1895. 3. Wesley A., -April 9, 1897. 4. Henry Cary, August 23, 1903. (IV) Isaac (2), youngest child of Isaac (i) and Cicely (Simmons) Albright, was born on the homestead farm in New Scot- land, March 29, 1833. Lie has been engaged in agriculture all his life, and is now retired, living in New Salem village. He is a Re- publican in politics. He married Hannah E., daughter of Peter A. and Eleanor (Ros- seau) Bradt, and maternal granddaughter of Frederick Rosseau, of French birth. Chil- dren: I. Peter, born October 19, 1858. died, June, 1908, unmarried. 2. Jacob, July 17, 1860: married Frances Gilbert, and resides in X'irginia City, Montana. 3. Adam, see for- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS M83 •ward. 4. Frank, born August 13, 1867 ; now a farmer of New Scotland ; married Eunice \\'heeler. Children : Mildred, Adelaide, Wal- ter \\'., Charles and Irene. 5. Ella, July 18, 1872; married Charles Livingston, and has a daughter Catherine, (see Living- ston MI). 6. Edna M.. May 20, 1874; a resident of Albany ; unmarried. 7. Isaac R., October 21, 1875; connected with the govern- ment mail service in Albany ; married Helen Taylor ; children : Denton, Robert R. and Alice. (V) Adam, son of Isaac (2) and Hannah E. (Bradt) Albright, was born October 15, 1862. He was educated in the public schools, and developing remarkable musical talent was placed under capable instructors, who en- couraged him to train and cultivate his voice for professional purposes. He placed himself under the best vocal instructors, including Madam P. H. Shaffer, the famous vocalist, of Albany; Madame Edna A. Hall, of Bos- ton, and other equally famed teachers. He worked hard to master his profession, and has gained fame. He sang in Trinity Church, Buftalo, and completely filled that great aud- ience room. He is also an accomplished in- strumentalist, and has charge of the auditing in the large Florida hotels during the winter months. He is well known in the musical world, and has established reputation both as an instructor and performer. He holds an important official position with the southern hotel syndicate. INIr. Albright is unmarried. There is historic propriety in GILBERT preserving the memory of the services and name of Gilbert, as no one is more honorably or intimately con- nected with American discoveries and early history. It stands conspicuous among such names as Raleigh, Drake and Cavendish, to whom the Gilberts were joined by lineage. The name is Saxon, and is written in the Roll of Battle Abbey and in the Book of Domes- day. Richard Fitz-Gilbert was a kinsman of the Conqueror. Sir Humphrey Gilbert devoted his life to geographical discovery, principally in North America. He was the first Englishman who projected settlements in America, in attempting which he lost his life. He projected the settlemenb, later per- fected by Sir Walter Raleigh. These men laid the foundations of the trade and naval power of Great Britain. Sir Humphrey was also an eminent scientific authority in "Computation astronomical and cosmograph- ical" and "a man both valiant and experienced in martial affairs." In 1758 Queen Elizabeth : granted letters patent to Sir Humphrey "to discover and take possession of all remote and barbarous lands, unoccupied by any Christian prince or people." On August 5, 1582, "he took Seizen of New Foundland and the adjacent territories for the Crown of England." The Gilberts of New England came from Devonshire, England. They set- tled in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maryland, some of the name also going to Mrginia. (I) John Gilbert was at Dorchester, Mas- sachusetts, as early as 1636. About 1640 four brothers, Jonathan, Thomas, Obadiah, and Josiah Gilbert, were living in Connecti- cut. Matthew Gilbert, one of the first col- onists of New HavSn, was the progenitor of the Gilbert families of Hamden. Connec- ticut. He is numbered among the first prin- cipal settlers of New Haven. He was one of the persons chosen in 1639 for the seven pillars of the church and one of the first magistrates of the colony and deputy-gover- nor. He left two sons, Matthew and Samuel. (II) Matthew, son of Governor John Gil- bert, died in 171 1, leaving a son, Daniel. (HI) Daniel, .son of Matthew Gilbert, died in 1753. He was a settler in that part of New Haven called Hamden. He left five sons, Matthew, Solomon, Michael, Caleb and John. Michael and John were killed when the British troops invaded New Haven, July 5- I779- John was captain of the Uptown militia. He met the troops at the head of his company and was killed with five of his men. (IV) Captain John was the grandfather of William and the progenitor of the Albany county Gilberts. (V) A son of Captain John Gilbert, (record wanting). (VI) William, grandson of Captain John Gilbert, of New Haven. Connecticut, was born about 1795. He removed to Albany covinty. New York, where he settled in the town of Bethlehem. He purchased a tract of land and followed the life of a farmer. He served in the American army during the war of 1812. He was a Whig in politics. He mar- ried (first) Ora Hart, daughter of one of the early families of the town. Children : Glazie, Noah, Elkanah, Maria, Laura, Ann, Bradley, Alvin and Calvin (twins) ; Prudence and William (2). He married (second) Charity Barber. Chiklren : Eliza, Rachel .'\nn, Toseph and Elisha. (VII) William (2). son of William (i) and Ora (Hart) Gilbert, was born in Beth- lehem, Albany county. New York, April i, 1823, died September, 1893. He settled on a farm in New Scotland which lie cultiva- 1484 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ted until 1856, then purchased a farm in the town of Guilderland, where he resided until 1865. In the latter year he sold his Guil- derland farm and removed to Glenville, Sche- nectady county, where he purchased an es- tate on which he resided until his death. He married, December, 1843. Hannah Houghton, born in New Scotland, April 4, 1821. died there January 19, 1895, daughter of David and Anna (Bryant) Houghton. David Houghton was born in Massachusetts, Janu- ary 24, 1778, died August 18, 1836. Anna Bryant, born February 2, 1777, in Massachu- setts, died January 18, 1859, daughter of John and Dorcas (Lawrence) Bryant, both of Mas- sachusetts, but later of New Scotland. Al- bany county, New York, where they settled on a farm and died. The Bryants and Hough- tons are of the oldest and best New England families. Children of David and Anna (Bryant) Houghton: i. Mary (Polly), born December 4, 1798, died April 11, 1858; mar- ried Joseph Phillips. 2. Lucy, born July 4, 1801. died February 20. 1881 ; married" James Hallenbeck : children : Rachel, Katie, Ann, Sarah. William, Silas. 3. John, born March 21, 1803, died December 26. 1859; children: John, David, James, Henry, Mary, Kate, Ann Margaret. 4. Silas, born November 13, 1804, died November 25, 1848: left no issue. 5. Eli. born May 21. 1808, died April 16, 1882; married Laura Gilbert, sister of William Gil- bert : children : William, David, Calvin, George, John. Henry, Charles, Hannah, Har- riet, Sarah, Calvin and George served in the civil war, now deceased. 6. Catherine, born September 25, 181 1, died March 13, 1883; married James Patrick ; children : Robert, James, George, Anna, Mary, Clarissa, Char- lotte, Lydia, Jennie; Mary, married Alexander Lloyd, she is deceased, but he is living at the present time (1910) aged nearly ninety years; children: Brigadier-General James H. Lloyd, of Troy, New York, proiriinent in state mili- tia, assistant chief of Troy fire department, thirty-third degree Mason and flag bearer; William, deceased ; Emma and Alexander. 7. Smith, born September 14, 18 14. died at age of eighty-five years; married Catherine Wetherwax ; children : James, Eli. David, Daniel, Andrew, William. Jane Ann. Sarah. Dorcas. 8. Sarah (Sally), born November I, 1816, died February 18, 1876; married John Hart; children: David; Eli, veteran of civil war ; Alexander, veteran of civil war ; all living; Margaret, deceased, and Mary. 9. Hannah, born April 4, 1821 ; married William Gilbert; child. Henry S. 10. Jane Ann. born October 7, 1823, died March 3, 1883; mar- ried Henry Retallick ; no issue ; by first mar- riage to Kate Ann Houghton, Henry Retal- lick had children : Maria, Martha, Henry. Hannah, aforementioned as the wife of Wil- liam (2) Gilbert, was the last survivor of the Houghton children. (Vni) Henry Smith, only son and child of William (2) ancl Hannah (Houghton) Gilbert, was born near the village of New Salem, town of New Scotland, Albany county, New York, March 5. 1846. He was educated in the public schools and rapidly developed a strong, robust physique. His early interest in political life was shown when at the semi- centennial of old Fremont political veteran's reunion at Saratoga, New York, in 1906, he was an invited guest, and won a badge made especially for the occasion. Among his treasures is the badge that was worn on that occasion. He remained with his father until the latter's death. He inherited the home- stead in Glenville which he sold in spring of 1874, and purchased his present one hundred acre estate at Fullers, to which he removed in 1875. His specialties are fine horses and cows and dairy farming. In 1889-90 he en- gaged in mercantile life at Fullers where he was also postmaster, holding the office under President Harrison. Not finding merchan- dising a congenial business, he disposed of his store interest and returned to his farm. He has been actively engaged in the sale of agricultural machinery for many years, and is director, stockholder and vice-president of the Altamont Driving Park and Fair Asso- ciation, also a prominent exhibitor. From the days of the organization of the Repub- lican party he has retained the liveliest inter- est in political life. To his early education he has added from wide experience and well- chosen reading, and has risen to the front rank as a leader in his town party. He is a pleasing, forceful speaker, and at county and' state conventions is often heard. He im- presses his audience with his sound, clear reasoning and earnestness. He fights all his battles in the open, and is intensely loyal to- party mandates as expressed in convention. He is one of the Old Guard, but never uses the knife to revenge convention defeats. He is truly a "lifelong" Republican. He is a member and a liberal supporter of the Metho- dist church of Guilderland. Mr. Gilbert is decidedly temperate in his tastes, never having tasted any kind of liquor and smoking but" little. He married, January 6, 1867, in Glen- ville, Schenectady county, Helen C, Weaver, born November 12. 1850, daughter of Ben- jamin and Hannah (Closson) Weaver. Chil- dren: I. William ^^'., born January 14, 1868, educated in the public schools, now in flour, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS 1485 feed and produce commission business at Voorheesville, New York ; a Republican in politics, member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Voorheesville ; he married Hattie L. Main ; children : Ethel and Flor- ence. 2. Burton H., born April 29, 1876, educated in the public schools; he is now operating his father's farm, and resides at home : a Republican in politics, member of Blue Lodge, of Masons at Altamont ; he mar- ried Floy Brown, born October 31, 1879. The Crocker family first ap- CROCKER pear in New England at Scit- uate and Barnstable, Massa- chusetts, where William and John Crocker, brothers, resided. They are said to have come to America in 1634. William united with the church in Scituate, December 25, 1636. He was of Barnstable in 1639. He \vas deputy and a man of importance. He married Alice ; children, John, born May II, 1637, at Scituate: Elizabeth, bap- tized December 22, 1639, at Barnstable, died at the age of eighteen ; Samuel, born July 3, 1642 ; Job, March 9, 1645 • Joseph, Septem- l)er 19, 1649; Eleazar, July 21, 1650; Joseph, 1654- (H) Eleazar, son of William and Alice Crocker, was born at Barnstable, Massachu- setts. He married, April 7, 1681, Ruth, daughter of John Chapman, who died April 8, 1698. Children: Benoni, born May 13, 1682. died at the age of nineteen ; Bethel, September 23, 1683; Nathan, April 27, 1685; Daniel, March 23, 1687; Sarah, March 23, 1688: Theophilus, March 11, 1691 ; Eleazar, August 3, 1693; Ruth, twin of Eleazar; Abel, June 15, 1695; Rebecca, December 10, 1697. Some of this generation settled in Tolland county, Connecticut. (IV) Eleazar, grandson of Eleazar and Ruth (Chapman) Crocker, was born April 10, 1754, died in Washington county. New York, September 10, 1820. He left Connecticut in 1787 and settled on a large tract of wild land, covered with forest, lying in the town of White Creek, Washington county. New York. This was cleared, improved and cultivated during his lifetime. He was one of the or- ganizers of the Presbyterian church in the town and a Wliig in politics. He married Susanna Hinkley, also of Connecticut, born November 30, 1755, died June 28, 1836. Chil- dren : Eleazar, (also spelled Eleasor) ; Benja- min, of whom further ; Colonel Francis : Ro- wena, married William Aikin ; Elizabeth. (V) Benjamin, son of Eleazar and Susanna (Hinkley) Crocker, was born in Willington, Tolland countj', Connecticut, July 4, 1788, died March 10, 1874. He was an infant in arms when his parents migrated to New York state, where he was educated and grew to manhood. His father gave him a farm con- taining between two and three hundred acres which he cultivated, being principally a wheat grower. He was prosperous and influential in his town. For many years he was justice of the peace; was supervisor and member of the state legislature. He was an elder of of the Presbyterian church and actively inter- ested in its advancement. He married, June 13. 181 1, Cyllinda Norton, died March 9. 1882, aged eighty-nine years, daughter of William Norton, of White Creek, an officer of the revolutionary war. She traced her de- scent to Thomas of Waters, born 1582, died 1648. The line traces through George (II), died 1659; George (III), born 1641 ; George (IV); George (V), born March 6, 1697; George (VI), born September 12, 1724, served in the revolution, wounded at the bat- tle of Trenton, New Jersey, 1776, died Feb- ruary 15, 1777. William (VII), born April 13. 1754' also a soldier of the revolution, married Lurana Kimberly, widow of a Mr. Morehouse. Their daughter, Cyllinda, of the eighth generation, married Benjamin Crock- er. Children: i. Nathaniel Scudder Prime, born May 19, 1814, died October 30, 1889; he married (first) January 4, 1837, Sarah Jane Day; (second) October 3. 1843, Helen Jea- nette Wilder; (third) Elizabeth Norman. 2. Mary Wood, of whom further. 3. Benjamin P., born July 22, 1817, died January 22, 1896; a merchant of Cambridge. Washington coun- ty, New York, postmaster for sixteen years, an organizer and director of the village bank and prominent in the church. He married. June 18. 1868. Sarah Josephine Weston, of Cohoes, New York, born in New Hampshire. 4. Rufus King, born August 16. 18 19, died November 2, 1891 ; a lawyer and editor and member of the New York legislature. He married (first) Sarah J. Meyers, October 18, 1848, he married (second), October 22, 1874, Abbie Sherman Taylor. 5. Celinda Ann, born April 27, 1822, died March 2, 1894. 6. Har- riet !\Iaria, born October 31, 1824: married, September 6, 1865, Frederick Julian. 7. James Norton, born May 13, 1827. married, June 17, 1852, Mary Ann Dillon. 8. William Harvey, born April i, 1830, died October 24, 1831. (\T) Mary Wood, daughter of Benjamin and Cyllinda (Norton) Crocker, was born in the town of White Creek, Washington coun- ty. New York, November 24. 1815, died June 24, 1896. She married. October 18, 1837, Nel-son Reid Simpson, born September 17, I486 HUDSON AND AIOHAWK VALLEYS 1806, son of David and Rachel (Reid) Simp- son. David Simpson was born October 26, 1762, Rachel born December 3, 1773. Nelson Reid Simpson was a farmer of Washington county, an elder of the Presbyterian church and a man of high character. Children : Hetty Cornelia, of whom further: Mary Francis, married Alexander Marshall Sher- man ; Annie Harriet, deceased. (VH) Hetty Cornelia, daughter of Nelson Reid and Mary Wood (Crocker) Simpson, married William Stanley Gilbert, born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, January 21, 1841, died August 18, 1885 in Cohoes, New York. He was a graduate oi Beloit College, Wiscon- sin. He served in the civil war in Company D, Forty-ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. He was one of the "for- lorn hope" that made the charge on the Con- federate works at Port Hudson that resulted only in the loss of many brave men. He ranked as sergeant and came through without serious injury. After the war he was in busi- ness for several years at Cohoes, New York, a member of the manufacturing firm of J. H. Parsons & Company. He was a Repub- lican in politics and served as alderman for several terms. He was a member and most generous supporter of the Dutch Reformed church. He stood high in his community as an able business man and exemplary citizen. His widow resides in Cambridge, New York. "Jeremiah Wood was married WOOD unto Dority Benett the 29th March 1709," is the first record found of the progenitor of the Wood family of Hoosick Falls, New York, herein recorded. This record is found in Lyme town records. Vol. 2, page 354. According to the tomb- stone record of Jeremiah Wood he was born in May, 1678. "Dorete" Benett was born May 16, 1688. While the parentage of Jere- miah can be traced no further, we find that his wife, Dorothy, was the granddaughter of Henry Champion, who was born in Eng- land in 161 1. He came to New England and was one of the first settlers of Saybrook and East Saybrook (Lyme), Connecticut. He married and had five children, the eldest of whom was "Saraw" (Sarah), born in 1649. Herriman, in his "Early Puritan Settlers of Connecticut," says: "Few families in the Connecticut Colony have been more pros- pered than that of Henry Champion." His descendants bore an important part in the revolution, among them Colonel Henry and General Epaphroditus Champion. Henry Champion removed to Lyme many years be- fore his death at great age, February 17, 1708. The papers concerning the final set- tlement of the estate are on file at the pro- bate office, New London, Connecticut. Among the heirs who signed a paper declaring them- selves satisfied with the distribution of the estate, is "Henry Benet." Sarah Champion, eldest daughter of Henry Champion, married Henry Benett. De- cember 9, 1673. He died in 1726, leaving three sons, and four married daughters. "Dorete," the sixth child and fourth daugh- ter, was born May 19, 1688. A "Deed of Gift" to his daughter "Dorathy" is found among the papers of her husband. (I) Jeremiah Wood, the American an- cestor, married Dorothy (as the name came to be spelled) Benett, March 29, 1709. He lived in Stow, Massachusetts, where his first four children were born ; the other eight were born in Littleton, Massachusetts, which may mean that the establishing of the boundaries of the town threw his residence in Little- ton. The birth of his daughter Luce is re- corded in Stow, the birth of the next in Lit- tleton, and it seems probable that he remained on the same estate from marriage until death. He is styled in his account books and papers a "Weaver," a "Yeoman" and "Gentleman." He was constable, collector, selectman and treasurer at different times of the town of Littleton. He was a member and supporter of the church at Littleton. He purchased his farm from the town, January 13, 1717, a part being still in possession of his descend- ants. He died July 15, 1730, aged fifty-two years, two months and eight days. His wife Dorothy was appointed administratrix ; the estate inventoried one thousand pounds. Dor- othy Wood survived her husband twenty-two years and two days. She was left with a large family, but she cared for them and im- proved the estate left her by her husband. In the inventory of her estate is sixteen barrels of cider and a gold necklace appraised at fourteen pounds. She died July 17, 1752, and was buried in the Littleton churchyard by the side of her husband where grave- stones mark the resting place of five genera- tions of their family. Children of Jeremiah and Dorothy (Benett) Wood: Sarah. Eliza- beth, Joseph, see forward : Luce, Benett, John, Jeremiah, Sarah (2), Jonathan, Elephalet. (II) Joseph, eldest son of Jeremiah and Dorothy (Benett) Wood, was bom in Stow, Massachusetts, May 22, 1713. He married Grace Whettemore, of Concord, Massachu- setts, daughter of Benjamin and Esther (Brooks) Whettemore. and sister of Rev. Aaron Whettemore, for many years min- ister at Suncook, (now Pembrooke) New HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 14S7 Hampshire. He first settled at Littleton where his first child was born. In May, 1738, Joseph and his wife were dismissed from the church at Littleton to the church at Suncook, New Hampshire. The births of some of his children are recorded at Concord, Massachu- setts, and Cambridge records show transfers of land. His wife survived him and married (second) Ephraim Stow, of Concord, Janu- ary 14, 1745, which would place the date of Joseph's death between 1741 and 1744. Chil- dren: Benjamin, born September 17, 1734; Aaron, see forward ; Grace, born in Concord, Massachusetts, December i. 1741, married William Wheeler, January 18, 1763. (HI) Aaron, second son of Joseph and Grace (Whettemore) Wood, was born in Suncook, New Hampshire, in 1739. He was a blacksmith. He settled at Pepperell, Mas- sachusetts, upon land bought of Jonas Wheel- er, as per record of 1762. He married Re- bekah Wheeler ; children : Rebecca, Lucy, Halah, Lydia, Grace, Hepzibah. Aaron (2), see forward ; Susanna, Benjamin, Joseph, Hannah and Sarah. (IV) Aaron (2), son of Aaron (i) and Rebekah (\\'heeler) Wood, was born at Pep- perell,. Massachusetts, May 30, 1776. died at Rensselaerville. New York, June 4, 1848. He removed to Mason, New Hampshire, where he resided many years and engaged in trade with marked success. By reason of unwise endorsements he lost heavily and returned to Massachusetts, for a time, from thence remov- ing to Rensselaerville, Albany county. New York, where he made wagons and was among the first to manufacture the celebrated "Jeth- ro Wood" cast iron plow. He carried on a successful manufacturing business, but his greatest success was in training and develop- ing in his machine shops, the founder of a great business, the product of which is adding to the world's comfort and wealth somewhere, every month and week in the year. Like the shot fired at Lexington, the click of the reaper is "heard round the world." Aaron Wood married (first) Eady Curtis, born January 10, 1778, died at Mason, New Hampshire, August 13, 181 1. Children: Beckey, Mary, Aaron Curtis, Suky, Benjamin F. and Eady. He married (second) February 2, 1812, Re- beckah Wright, of Westford, Massachusetts. Children: i. William Anson, a manufacturer and for fifteen years associated with his brother, Walter A. Wood, as head of a de- partment, later of the William Anson Wood Reaper and Mower Company, of Youngs- town, Ohio. He died November 18, 1884. He married Jane Dodge, daughter of Judge Luther Carter, and had two children, Mary Janette, Frank, who married Alice Cranford! Thayer, of Hoosick Falls, New York. 2. Walter Abbott, see forward. 3. Eliphalet, merchant of Albany, New York, partner of Gaylor Sheldon & Company, later Sheldon & Wood. In 1854 sold his .Xlbany interests and removed to Chicago, where he engaged in the lumber business under the firm name of the Newaygo Company. There he became an exceedingly wealthy and prominent man. He was well known in business and political' circles, was nominated for mayor of Chicago, in i860, but declined the honor; was of in- calculable value to the government, and the- Union cause, through his work on the Union defence committee ; was active and liberal ia church relation ; was trustee and treasurer of the Presbyterian North West Theological; Seminary, retaining his interest until 1869, when he retired to Irvington-on-the-Hudson^ He associated with the Walter A. Wood Com- pany and was manager of their New York City office. He married Mary J., daughter of Swelton Grant, of Hobart, Delaware county,. New York, and had eight children, seven dy- ing in infancy. Caroline Whitely, the only surviving child, married Joseph Ormsby Rut- ter, of Chicago, Illinois, a banker of that city. 4. Rebeckah Ann, born May 16, 1821,. died unmarried February 5, 185 1. 5. Sarah Jane, born March 18, 1823; married E. D. Selden, of Saratoga Springs ; no issue. 6. Harriet Newell, died in infancy. 7. Susan, died in infancy. 8. Luther Wright, died at the age of five years. (V) Walter Abbott, second son of .Aaron (2) and Rebeckah (Wright) Wood, was born at Mason, Hillsboro county. New Hampshire, October 23, 18 15, died at Hoosick Falls,. Rensselaer county. New York, January 15,. 1892. He was of a mechanical turn of mind and until he was twenty years of age re- mained with his father in his wagon and plow manufacturing works, where he became an expert machinist. In 1835 he went to- Hoosick Falls and worked at his trade in the machine shops of Parsons & Wilder, where- after a few years, having acquired a small capital, he established a like business of his own. He devoted his great mechanical skill and inventive genius to the improvement of the then crude and unsatisfactory farming machinery. The first result of his work was the introduction of the Manny Harvesting Machine with Wood's Improvements, and in the year 1852 over a hundred of these ma- chines were sold. In 1853 he had still fur- ther improved the machine, and the sales ran up to five hundred machines that year. He had now convinced the farmer of the great HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS value of his inventions, and half-satisfied him- self that they were practical and saleable. He now set about to increase his manufac- turing' facilities to meet the demand he had created. In 1859 he made and sold six thou- sand machines for harvesting and mowing; in 1869, 23,000; in 1879, 25,000; in 1884, 48,000. In the meantime other companies had •entered the field and the great war of the rival companies was under full headway. Mr. Wood conducted his great and growing busi- ness until 1865, when he organized a stock corporation under the laws of the state of New York, and in 1866 began business as the Walter A. Wood Mowing & Reaping Machine Company, with a capital of $2,500,000. Mr. Wood was the first president of the company and the only one up to the date of his death. In i860 and again in 1890 the entire works were destroyed by fire, but in each case were ■quickly rebuilt on a greatly enlarged scale. The Wood mowers and reapers were of su- perior design and construction, and up to the period of consolidation of several of the lead- ing makers, his sales surpassed in volume any single competitor. In field trials and com- petition events he easily was first and received from county, state, national and international ■expositions, medals and certificates of first merit and far in excess of any rivals. He developed the foreign trade, established a London ofiice, and sent abroad fifty machines, the first like shipment ever made. They were •soon sold and a foreign trade assured. He met all comers in the foreign field as he had at home, and received the highest awards in England, 1861, at Leeds, London. At Paris, in 1876, he took leading rank, receiv- ing the gold medal of honor, also the cross •of the chevalier of the Legion of Honor. At the French international field trial, he took first prize against the world. At the Vienna International Exposition in 1873, after a sharp contest, he was awarded the highest prize, the ■Grand Diploma of Honor, and knighted with the Cross of the Imperial Order of Francis Joseph, It was at this trial that he first brought into the field his celebrated harvester and binder. At the World's Paris Exposition of 1878, he won the highest prize and honor, the prize being "an object of art," the honor consisted of being promoted to "The Cross of an ofiicer of the Legion of Honor," His prizes numbered in 1885 over one thousand five hundred, many of them of great intrinsic value ; his home at Hoosick Falls being a ver- itable museum of rewards of merit. He con- tinued his successful career, and in perhaps the most bitter and costly war ever raged be- tween rival companies, upheld the honor of the Walter A. Wood Company, and fairly fought a winning battle. At last peace set- tled over the scene, and the efforts of the various companies turned to the legitimate ambition of furnishing the world with Amer- ican-made harvesting machinery. In this they have succeeded and brought untold wealth to their own country ; a white loaf to the count- less millions of our own and foreign lands, and everlasting honor and fortune to them- selves. In this great work the inventions of Mr. Wood have led, and he may justly be considered not only a benefactor to his own country, but to the entire agricultural world. During his absence in Europe attending the Paris Exposition in 1878 he was nomina- ted by the Republicans of the seventeenth New York congressional district, composed of Washington and Rensselaer counties, as their candidate for congress. On his return in Oc- tober, he acceded to the wishes of his friends and accepted the nomination. Although the district had elected a Democrat by five hun- dred majority the previous election, Mr. Wood was elected to succeed him, by a ma- jority of seven thousand. He was renomina- ted in 1880, and elected by seventeen thou- sand majority. He served creditably during his four years in congress but expressed no regrets when his term expired, politics being less congenial to him than his business. He was a warm and liberal friend of the church, belonging to the Episcopal denomination, and serving as senior warden of St. Mark's par- ish. Hoosick Falls, contributing largely to the building of the church edifice and to its sup- port. During the civil war he rendered val- uable service, and saw that no soldier's fam- ily was in need. At the immense works of his company at Hoosick Falls, a great many hundred men w-ere constantly employed and there existed between them and Mr, Wood the utmost harmony and good will. He married (first) in 1842, Betsey A., born at Hoosick Falls, New York, Jnne 19, 182 1, died May 24, 1867, daughter of Hon, Seth Parsons, of Hoosick Falls. Children : James S., died at the age of five years : Lyn P., born April 30, 1850, at P>rattleboro, Vermont, died April 22, 1877; married August 28, 1873, Mary E, Jack : child, Bessie Lyn, born De- cember 20, 1876, Mr. Wood married (sec- ond) September 2, 1868, Lizzie Warren, daughter of Rev. George Fluntington Nich- olls, rector of St, Mark's Episcopal Church, Hoosick Falls (see Nicholls IX). Children: Walter Abbott (2), see forward: Julia Nich- olls, born in London, England, June 9, T874, she was educated at Miss Peebles .School for Young Ladies, New York City, married, No- HUDSON AND AIOTIAWK VALLEYS 1489 vember 16. 1898, Hugh P. Blackinton, of Massachusetts, now of Hoosick Falls, treas- urer of Xoble & Wood Machine Company, no issue. (\'I) Walter Abbott (2), only son of Walter Abbott (i) and Lizzie Warren (Nich- olls) Wood, was born at Hoosick Falls, New York, January 2, 1871. He prepared for col- lege at St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire, and entered Yale University where he was graduated Ph.B., 1892. He traveled in Europe for a year before entering Yale, and after graduation entered his fath- er's business at Hoosick Falls, where he con- tinued four years. For several years there- after, until 1907, he was not engaged in busi- ness. This interval was spent in travel at home and abroad, and in various phases of public political life. He is a director of the Walter A. Wood Company ; vice-president of the First National Bank of Hoosick Falls, di- rector of Noble & Wood Machine Company, of which he was one of the founders, and has other and varied business interests. He enlisted in the New York National Guard, was promoted December, 1893. second lieu- tenant of the Thirty-second Separate Com- pany, and served until 1898. He enlisted for the Spanish-American war as first lieutenant of Company M. Second Regiment, New York Volunteers, and served during the war, was mustered out 1899 ; was elected captain of the same company, serving until February, 1908, when he resigned. He is an active Republi- can ; served as trustee of the Village Cor- poration of Hoosick Falls three terms; was supervisor 1904-08, and chairman of the county board, 1907-08. He is a frequent dele- gate to county and state conventions of his party, and prominent in party councils. He is a member of the Episcopal church and ves- tryman of St. Mark's. He has attained the thirty-second degree in Scottish Rite Mason- ry, and is now (1910) serving his second term as master of Van Rensselaer Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of Hoosick Falls. He is a member of the Berzelius Society of Yale, and of the Hoosick Club, the Troy Club of Troy, the Graduate of New Haven, and the University of New York City. He is interested in all that pertains to the welfare of his town ; is public-spirited, charitable and a good citizen. He married, October 6, 1906, Dorothy Lieb Harrison, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, daughter of Charles Custis, and Ellen Nixon (Wain) Harrison. Charles Custis Harrison, LL.D., was born in Philadelphia, May 3, 1844. son of George Leib Harrison; LL.D., and Sarah Ann (Waples) Harrison. George Leib Harrison was an honorary graduate of Harvard, where he received his A.M., 1878; was the founder of the Franklin Sugar Re- finery ; President of Pennsylvania State Board of Charities, trustee of the Protestant Episcopal Divinity School, Philadelphia, and author of works on sociology and philan- thropy. Charles Custis Harrison was grad- uated at University of Pennsylvania, Greek salutatorian, A.B.,' 1862; A.M., 1865. He was senior partner of Harrison Frazer & Company until the dissolution of that firm. He was elected a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, 1876; chairman of the com- mittee on ways and means, 1885 ; acting pro- vost, 1894: provost of the University, 1895, to present time. He was manager of the Pro- testant Episcopal Hospital ; member of Amer- ican Academy of Political and Social Science; Pennsylvania Historical Society ; American Philosophical Society ; Numismatic and An- tiquarian Society. He endowed the "George Leib Memorial Foundation," of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania by a gift of $500,000, and later, in connection with Mrs. Harrison, gave another $250,000 to the general purposes of the University. In 1895 Columbia Univer- sity conferred LL.D., and" Princeton the same, in 1896. He married, in 1870, Ellen Nixon, daughter of Edward Wain, of Philadelphia, and great-granddaughter of Robert Morris. (The Nicholls Line). . Mrs. Lizzie Warren (Nicholls) Wood was a descendant of that ancient English family of whom Burke says : "The origin of the an- cient family of Nicholls has been by antiquar- ians variously and largely treated upon. It is stated that at the time of Edward the Cori- queror, one, Nicholas de Albine, alias Ni- gell or Nicholl, came over from Normandy and was the common ancestor." The founder in America, from whom Mrs. Wood de- scends, was Francis Nicholls, born in Eng- land before 1600, son of Francis and Mar- garet (Bruce) Nicholls, and brother of Gov- ernor Richard Nicholls, who commanded the British fleet to whom the EHitch surrendered New Amsterdam. He received the surrender of the Dutch authorities, proposed the name New York for the new province, was gov- ernor of New York in 1664, and returned to England in 1667. Margaret Bruce was a daughter of Sir George Bruce, of Carnook, Scotland, and tenth in descent from King Robert Bruce, of Scotland. Francis Nicholls came to America prior to 1636, bringing three sons: John, Isaac and Caleb, and a daugh- ter, Mrs. Richard Mills. In 1639 he apjjears at Stratford, Connecticut, where he died 1650. I490 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS There is no mention of the first wife, and she is believed to have died in England. Francis was one of the original proprietors of Strat- ford, Connecticut, and one of the first band of seventeen families to settle there. He was sergeant and captain of "ye Train Bande." His second wife was Anne Wynes, daughter of "Saintly Deacon Barnabas Wynes," born in Wales, who was one of the original pro- prietors of Southold, Long Island. (H) Isaac, son of Francis Nicholls. was born in England, 1625, died at Stratford, Connecticut, 1695 ; was deputy to the general court, 1662-64. He married iMargaret and had issue. One of his daughters mar- ried Rev. Israel Chauncey, army surgeon dur- ing King Philip's war : pastor of the Strat- ford church, one of the founders of Yale College, and elected its first president. (III) Isaac (2), son of Isaac (i) and Mar- garet Nicholls, born in Stratford, died 1690, aged thirty-six years. He married Mary , and had issue. (IV) Richard, son of Isaac (2) and Mary Nicholls, was born in Stratford, November 26, 1678, died September 29, 1756; married, June 3, 1702, Comfort, daughter of Theophilus Sherman, and granddaughter of Hon. Samuel Sherman, ancestor of General William T. Sherman, the famous military genius of the civil war. (V) Theophilus, son of Richard and Com- fort (Sherman) Nicholls, was born in Strat- ford, March 31, 1803, died April 7, 1774. Magistrate, deputy to forty-one sessions of the Connecticut general court. 1736-72; ves- tryman of Christ Church, Stratford, 1746- 69 ; built the first store and opened the first trade on the harlxir of Bridgeport, Connecti- cut. He married, January 2, 1732, Sarah, daughter of Lieutenant Ebenezer Curtis, and granddaughter of Captain William Curtis, captain of "such forces as shall be sent from Fairfield county (Connecticut) against the Dutch of New York." (VI) Philip, son of Theophilus and -Sarah (Curtis) Nicholls, was born in Stratford, January 2, 1726, died May 15, 1807. He was captain and chairman of the committee to re- lieve the suffering poor under the Boston poor bill, 1794: vestryman of Christ Church, 1769- 85 ; first lay delegate from Connecticut to the general convocation of the Protestant Epis- copal church. He married (first) Mehitable, daughter of William Peet, who died Septem- ber 23, 1756: married (second) Mary, daugh- ter of Joseph Prince, and niece of Rev. Thomas Prince, pastor of Old South Church, Boston, 1718-58. "The most assiduous annal- ist of New England history since the first generation." She was the great-granddaugh- ter of Thomas Hinckley, governor of Mas- sachusetts, 1680-92. (\TI) Charles Theophilus, son of Philip and Mary (Prince) Nicholls, was born at Stratford, Connecticut, July 21, 1771, died at Bridgeport, Connecticut, October 19. 1849. Paymaster of the Fourth Regiment Connec- ticut Cavalry under General Joseph Walker, July, 1809. Senior Warden of St. John's Church, Bridgeport. Married (first) Sarah Lewis, daughter of Hon. Jabez Huntington Tomlinson, an officer of the continental army ; representative and magistrate, and his wife, Mrs. Harriet Heller (Morris) Tomlinson, daughter of Rev. James Heller, a chaplain of the British army during the occupation of New York City. Sarah Lewis (Tomlinson) Nicholls was also a sister of Gideon Tom- linson, governor of Connecticut, 1827-30. (VII) Rev. George Huntington Nicholls, only son of Charles T. and Sarah Lewis (Tomlinson) Nicholls, was born at Bridge- port, Connecticut ; graduated at Trinity Col- lege, 1839; ordained deacon Protestant Epis- copal church, 1841 ; priest, 1842; rector of St. John's Church, Salisbury, Connecticut, 1845 ; rector of Grace Church, Cherry Valley, New York, 1854; rector St. Mark's Church, Hoosick Falls, New York, 1865 ; rector- emeritus 1882 ; Hobart College conferred title of S.T.D., 1886. He married, June 8, 1842, Julia Louisa, daughter of Walter Phelphs, a direct descendant of Judge William Phelphs, born in England, settled in Windsor, Connecticut, 1635, and his wife Julia Steel (Beach) Phelphs, a direct descendant of Secretary John Steel, a pioneer of Hartford, Connecticut. (IX) Lizzie Warren, daughter of Rev. George H. and Julia Louisa (Phelphs) Nich- olls, married September 2, 1868, Walter Ab- bott Wood, Sr., of Hoosick Falls, New York (sec Wood V). TluTe was a town in Norfolk, 11 AM )h:.\ luigland, called Heydon, which was a mile long and half as much broad. The jiresent name of Heydon or Haydon, as it is commonly called, signifies the High Down, or plain on the hill, which is agreeable to its situation. It is located in the Liberty of the Duchey of Lancaster ; the seat and demesne were called Heydon Hall or Manor — alias Stinton Hall and Manor. Heydon and Stinton Manors were subse- quently divided. The legal settlement of Heydon Manor makes the eldest son heir. The town of Hcydnn lies about fourteen miles a little west of nortii from Xorwich, the shire HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1491 town of Norfolk county. The lands there, according; to Domesday Book, were at the time of the Conqueror's survey under the lord- ship of one Whither, a Saxon, from whom the Conqueror took them and hestowed them upon the Earl of Warren — William de Warrena. The lieydons must have had their tenure from the \\'arrens as adherents or retainers of theirs. Very early we find them intermarried with the Warrens, also with the descendants of the Conqueror, with the Says, Alowbrays, Longvilles, Gurneys, Boleyns, etc. We find the name of Tliomas de Heydon mentioned as one of the prominent men of the twelfth century. (I) Thomas de Heydon, above referred to, was born in April, about 1185, died about 1250. He lived in South Erpingham. and served as justice itinerant for Norfolk county in the reign of Henry HL 1221. The ofifice of justice (in Erye) was a commission held di- rectly from the king, having appellate jurisdic- tion of superior cases, to save going up to Westminster. One of the five provisions of Magna Charta signed by King John in 12 15 was that such local justice be appomted in the county. This was not fulfilled, however, until after the death of John, during the minority of his son, Henry HL and under the regency of Robert De Burgh. Thomas de Heydon, therefore, was the first judge in Nor- folk appointed under ]\Iagna Charta. (II) William Heydon, son of Thomas de Heydon, was probably born about 1220, died about 1272. He was the first of the Devon line. (HI) John de Heydon, son of William Heydon, was a younger brother of the Wil- liam who was the third of the Norfolk line. John served as judge in Devon county in the first year of the reign of King Edward L 1273, according to the records which we find in the Tower of London by Henry St. George Richmond. He was a younger branch of a knightly stock, so called, which flourished in the eastern parts of England, that is Norfolk. Whom he married is not known, but he had children, among them Robert. (T\') Robert Haydon, son of John de Hey- don. appears to have been the first to change the spelling of the first syllable by inserting "a" instead of the "e" which thenceforth dis- tinguishes the Devon line. He settled at Boughwood in the nineteenth year of Ed- ward I. The same year he deeded this estate to his son Henry and his wife Julian; the deed is attested by Thomas Frances, Ralph de Todwell and several others. His wife's name was Joan. (\') Henrv Havdon, .son of Robert and Joan Haydon, appears to have married his own cousin or near relation, as his wife Julian is stated to be daughter and heir to Heydon, of Ebford, which made said Henry possessor of several thousand dollars per annum. (\I) William (2) Haydon, son of Henry and Julian Haydon, inherited Boughwood. He married and among his children was Robert. (VH) Robert (2) Haydon, son of William (2) Haydon, succeeded him as owner of Boughwood. He married and among his chil- dren was John. (VHI) John (2) Haydon, son of Robert (2) Haydon, succeeded to the ownership of Boughwood. He married and among his chil- dren was Henry. (IX) Henry (2) Haydon, son of John (2) Haydon, was of Boughwood and Ebford, and seems to have been the first to come into full possession of both estates. This was in the twentieth year of the reign of Richard H, 1397. Henry was succeeded by his son, John, of Boughwood and Ebford. who came into possession the eighth year of the reign of Henry IV, 1407. He married and had issue which seems not to have lived to inherit, so he was succeeded by his brother, William. (X) William (3) Haydon, son of Henry (2) Haydon, was of Lymston. He succeeded to the estates of Boughwood and Ebford. He married and among his children was Richard. (XI) Richard Haydon, fourth son of Wil- liam (3) Haydon. was living on the estate during the fifteenth year of the reign of Ed- ward IV, 1476. He married and had two sons, Richard and John, and one daughter, Jane. (XII) Richard (2) Haydon, .son of Rich- ard (i) Haydon. was of Boughwood and Ebford, and was living there in the thirteenth year of the reign of Henry VIII, 1522. He married Joan, daughter of Morice Trent, of Ottery, St. Mary. They had three sons. Thomas, John and George. (XIII) Thomas (2) Haydon, eldest son of Richard (2) Haydon, succeeded his father to the estates. He married Joan, daughter of Richard Weeks, of Honey Onirch, and among their children was Thomas. (XIV) Thomas (3) Haydon, son of Thomas (2) Haydon, succeeded his father to the estates. He married Christiania, daugh- ter and heir of Robert Tidersleigh. They had two sons. Robert and Thomas. (X\') Robert (3) Haydon, son of Thomas (3) Havdon, became heir to his great-uncle, John, and on the death of this relative he removed his family to Cadhay and resided there. He served as justice of the peace, and was living in 1620. He married Joan, eldest 1492 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS daughter of Sir Ainias Paulet, of George Hin- ton Somerset, and had three sons, Gideon, Amias and Drew, and one daughter, Margaret. (XV'I) Gideon Haydon, son of Robert (3) Haydon. owned the estates of Ebford and Cadhay, having succeeded his father, and is quoted as a very worthy, honest gentleman. It is said that the estates of Cadhay have never changed hands except by inheritance for seven hundred years. Sir Thomas Hare, the pres- ent owner, received them through the female line from the Williamses, as he himself be- lieves. Gideon Haydon married Margaret, daughter of John Davy, Esquire, of Greedy, and had seven sons and five daughters. Three of the sons were William, John and James. Several of the sons grew to manhood and were living in 1630. Haydons, descendants of this line, are still at Tiverton, and a num- ber having this spelling are in London. The late well-known B. R. Haydon, painter and native of Plymouth, belonged to this line. The above account was originally taken from the English records. In 1888 Mr. Jabez Haskell Hayden, of Windsor Locks, Connec- ticut, wrote a book on the Hayden genealo- gies, and therein, through the researches of Rev. William B. Hayden, of Portland, Maine, and I\Ir. Levi Hayden, of Roslindale, Massa- chusetts, show that there were three brothers, William. John and James Hayden, who came from England on the ship, "Alary & John," in 1630, landing at Dorchester, Massachusetts. William is mentioned below. John remained a short time in Dorchester, later settled in Braintree, and his descendants are known as the "Braintree branch." James settled in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1635, and died in 1675. He had a family of eight children. The Haydens of Saybrook, now Essex, Con- necticut, belong to this line. There were several other men who came over from England on the "Mary & John," among them being Roger Clapp. He was then a young man of twenty-one. The Rev. John Warham and Rev. John Maverick, both older men, came over at the same time and gave considerable advice to the young men of the party, as is shown from the records. All of these men came from three counties in Eng- land, namely : Devon, Dorset, Somersetshire. (XVII) William (4) Hayden, son of Gideon Ilaydon, came from England on the "Mary & John," 1630, landing at Dorchester, Massachusetts. After remaining there a short time, he removed to Windsor, Connecticut, where he resided until his death, and from him sprang the numerous descendants who are known as the "Windsor branch" of the Hay- den family. He served under Captain Mason in the famous Pequot war in 1637. He re- ceived land in the first distribution made in Hartford in 1639, and sold the same with dwelling house thereon February 9, 1642. Also about this time he purchased lands in Windsor, towards "Pine Meadow," and built a house upon it. In 1859 the site of this house was occupied by the residence of the late Henry Hayden, on the east side of the high- way at the junction of the two roads, south of Hayden Station, near Windsor, Connec- ticut. On that part of his farm lying west of the railroad station, he had a stone quarry which was worked as early as 1654. In 1669 he deeded all his lands in Windsor, and build- ings thereon, to his son Daniel, who probably had not left the old homestead. His first wife died in 1655. He married (second) in Fairfield, Connecticut, Widow Wilcoxon. Wil- liam Hayden died at Killingworth, September 27, 1669. He was the father of three chil- dren: Daniel, born September 2, 1640; Na- thaniel, February 2, 1642; Mary, June 6, 1648. (XVIII) Daniel, son of William (4) Hay- den, was born September 2, 1640, died March 22, 1712-13. He married, March 17, 1664, Hannah Wilcoxon, who died April 19, 1722. They were the parents of eight children. (XIX) Samuel, fifth child of Daniel and Hannah (Wilcoxon) Hayden, was born Feb- ruary 28, 1677, died October 12, 1742. He married, January 24, 1703, Anna Holcomb, of Windsor, who died June 13, 1756, aged eighty-one years. They were tlie parents of six children. (XX) Samuel (2), second child of Samuel (i) and Anna (Holcomb) Hayden, was born October 7, 1707. He married, November 7, 1737, Abigail Hall, of Somers, who bore him eight children. (XXI) Moses, third child of Samuel (2) and Abigail (Hall) Hayden, was born Sep- tember 23, 1742. When a young man he left Windsor, Connecticut, taking up his resi- dence at Conway, Franklin county, Massachu- setts. He married twice, names of wives un- known, and had one child by first wife, Moses. (XXII) Moses (2), son of Moses (i) Hay- den, was born in 1761, died at the home of his daughter, Asenath (Mrs. Daniel Bloss), in June. 1855, aged ninety-three years, and was buried in the cemetery at the stone church at Day Center, near where he had lived so many years. It appears that the young boy and his stepmother did not agree very well, and at the age of ten years he left home and thereafter depended upon his own resources. He located at what is now known as Holyoke, Massachusetts, where he resided for several HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1493 years, and about 1790 or 1792, having heard favorable reports about the section of the coun- try in and around the town of Day (called Concord), Saratoga county^ New York, re- moved thither, purchased a farm, built a house, and in the course of a year or two re- turned to Massachusetts and married Mary Boyd, a resident of Holyoke, whom he brought to his new home, where they lived together until her death, in 1828. Mr. Hayden married (second) Eunice Deming. The farm where Moses Hayden lived has been known as the "Hayden Farm" for more than one hundred years. Moses Hayden was of a religious turn of mind and affiliated with the Baptists. There was no Baptist church in that locality but the inhabitants of that denomination were in the habit of gathering at the school house for worship. Children of Moses and Mary (Boyd) Hayden: Polly (Mary), born Novem- ber 8, 1795, died May 5, 1863; John Boyd, February 21, 1798, died July, 1831 ; Solomon, see forward; Asenath, April 4, 1802, died January, 1882. aforementioned as the wife of Daniel Bloss : Parmelia, January 2, 1804; Perces, December 20, 1805; JMoses, March 29, 181 1 : Susannah M., April 11, 1814, died 1887. (XXHI) Solomon, son of Moses (2) and Mary ( Boyd) Hayden, was born January 30. 1800. died March 20, 1879. He married, March 12, 1821, Annie Bloss, born March 3, 1805, died May 23, 1886. They lived on a farm in the town of Day, New York, near his father's farm, until 1850, when they moved to the town of Edinburg, Saratoga county, New York, where they purchased a fann. re- siding thereon until the death of Mr. Hayden. They were both members of the Baptist So- ciety at Day, and upon their removal to Edin- burg they joined the Baptist church at North- ville, New York, and were regular attendants at the services during the remaining years of their lives. Children: Bethiah R., born Sep- tember 27, 1822, died July 26, 1863 ; she mar- ried the Rev. Timothy Day ; three children, two sons and one daughter: the sons enlisted in the civil war and both lost their lives in their country's service; one was killed by a shell in battle and the other died of typhoid fever, contracted while at the front ; James H., February 12, 1824, died June 12, 1881 ; Rosina C. March 27, 1826, died April 30. 1830: Sally M., March i, 1828, died May 16, 1830; Elvira E., March 20, 1831, died August 15, 1857; John C, see forward; Adeline L.. February 22, 1836, died September 4, 1865; Rosannah E., August 17, 1838, died May 25, 1850; George Levi, April 18, 1841, died May 17. 1863; Anna M., September 22, 1844, liv- ing at the present time (1910). George Levi Hayden enlisted in November, 1861, at Sara- toga Springs, New York, and was assigned to Company D, Seventy-seventh Regiment, New York State Volunteer Infantry. He was trained at Saratoga Springs for some months and then his company was sent to the front. He was in several battles but escaped injury. In 1862, however, while the regiment was at White House Landing on the Pamunkey river, state of Virginia, he contracted typhoid fever. He was placed on a transport and sent with a large number of sick and wounded soldiers up the Potomac river to a hospital, but on the way up the river, during his delirium, he jumped overboard and was drowned. The body was recovered by his comrades and buried on the bank of' that river. (XXIV) John Carmi, son of Solomon and Annie (Bloss) Hayden, was born March 13, 1834, died March 24, 1899, in Saratoga Springs, New York, at the home of his son. Adelbert C. Hayden. Notwithstanding the fact that his brother had lost his life in the war, John C. enlisted for service in the fall of 1864. He enlisted at Amsterdam, New York, and was assigned to Company I, Ninety- first Regiment, New York State \"olunteer Infantry. Early in the following year he was wounded in battle in Virginia and was sent to the hospital at Alexandria, and while there, recovering from his wounds, occurred the as- sassination of President Lincoln. Shortly after the close of the war he was mustered out of the service at Washington and re- turned to the town of Northampton, Fulton county. New York, where he had purchased a farm during the early years of the rebel- lion, removing thither from his farm near Edinburg, where he resided for two or three years after his marriage. He continued to live on the latter-named farm until after the death of his wife, in 1891. He married. No- vember 19, 1856, Martha Haight Ouinby, daughter of Aaron and Mary (Wilbur) Ouinby (see Quinby VIII), who bore him six children, namely : Adelbert Carmi. see for- ward ; Willis Adelma, born October 16, i860; Charles Aaron, December 20. 1863; Mary Anna, June 3, 1866; George Jay, September 21, 1870; Eugene Elmer, December 13, 1873. The parents of John C. Hayden were mem- bers of the Baptist church, and the ancestry all seem to have been Baptists back through their history in this country. The parents of Mrs. Hayden were Quakers, members of the Quaker church at Quaker street. New York, and the ancestry for nearly three hundred years was known to have been Quakers. How- ever, the nearest church to their home on the 1494 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Sacandaga river at Osborne Bridge was a Methodist Episcopal church, which they both joined and continued to be members in good standing as long as they lived. (XXV) Adelbert Carmi, eldest child of John Carmi and Martha Haight (Quinby) Hay- den, was born April 26, 1858, at Northville. Fulton county. New York. He graduated at the State Normal School, Albany, in 1882. He served in the capacity of teacher in the schools of Conklingville and Crescent, Sara- toga county, and in Montgomery county, a position for which he was well qualiiied. Early in 1884 he accepted a position in the general postoffice department, Washington, D. C, and at the expiration of four years he resigned in order to accept a position at Sara- toga Springs, New York, where he has since resided. For the past six years he has served as vice-president of the Lincoln Spring Com- pany, and is actively identified with the inter- ests of the company. During his residence in Washington he was a member of the Cal- vary Baptist Church, a member of the board of trustees and a teacher in the Sunday school. After coming to Saratoga Springs he and his wife joined the First Baptist Church, in which he has taken an active part, serving as a member of the board of trustees for twelve years, superintendent of the Sunday school five years, and either an officer or a teacher in the school for twenty years. He has been an active worker in the Young Men's Chris- tian Association, been a member of the board of directors for almost fifteen years, being elected the first time under the presidency of G. F. Harvey, when they were located in the old Favorite Spring building; he served on the board while money was being raised and the site chosen for the present building. In igoi he was elected a member of the Board of Education of the village for a term of three years, re-elected in 1904, and was nominated for School Director of the town of Saratoga Springs in 1910 on the Republican ticket, but was defeated, owing to the Demo- cratic landslide. He was chairman of the teachers' committee for five years and a mem- ber of the teachers' committee for both his terms of office; he was also a member of the committee on schools for the entire six years ; these were important committees of the board. He was one of the special committee that recommended the adoption of the domestic science department in the local public schools, was a member of the special committee that recommended the addition of manual training to the local curriculum, and was chairman of the teachers' committee that engaged the first instructors in each of these departments. Mr. Hayden married, Alarch 9, 1887, Nellie Farr Lohnas, born in Schuylerville, New York, August 28, 1863, daughter of Deyoe and Hul- dali L. (Farr) Lohnas. Children: Grace Lohnas, born August 8, 1888, and Rita Mar- ion, born February 13, 1893. (The Quinby Line). The name of Quinby, spelled now Quinby, (^uimby and Quinbury, all of which are de- rived from the original name, Quinborough, corrupted to that of Quinbury, and finally Quinby, which is now the generally adopted style of writing the name. The name was derived from the name of a town in Norfolk county, England, called Quinborough. The family was originally of Norman-French ex- traction. The ancestors of the Quinby family in this country came from England. So far as known, only two men of that name came to America, viz., Robert and William Quinby. Robert Quinby settled in the town of Salis- bury, Massachusetts, in June, 1653. He mar- ried Elizabeth Osgood, who bore him four children: Lydia, William, John and Thomas. Two of the sons moved to the state of New Hampshire and are the progenitors of the Quinby family in that state and in Maine. Some families there spell the name Quimby. (I) William Quinby, the other early pro- genitor of the Quinby family in America, set- tled in Westchester, Westchester county. New York. In those early days the village of Westchester was only a small .scattered col- lection of houses and even up to 1700, one writer says, "the inhabitants lived up and down" and even in towns they lived on farms of ten acres. It is uncertain who William Quinby married. There is only one son named in the local history and family records. His name was John. (II) John, son of William Quinby, signed his name to one public document as "Quim- bie." He was a man of weight and influence in his community. In 1664, when a patent was given for the land he and his neighbors occupied, he with five others, received it in trust for all. In 1665 he was a representa- tive for his town in the assembly, summoned by Governor Nichols. He was a member of the organization corresponding to our present school board. He and his father were "dissenters," being members of the Con- gregational church, and when, at one time, they had no minister, John Quinby and three others were a])pointed to fill the vacancy. He married Deborah , who bore him four children: John, Charles, Josiah, Mary. (III) Josiah, son of John and Deborah Quinby, moved to .Maniaroneck, New \'ork. HUDSON AND ^lOHAWK VALLEYS 1495 where he purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land, comprising what was then called the "Great Neck." He is described later as being "late of Mamaroneck," so that it is probable that he returned to Westchester to live. He married Mary Mullinex (IMoly- neux), June 17, 1689. Children: Dorcas, Jo- siah, Jonathan. Samuel, Son. who died in .infancy: Ephraim, Aaron, Moses, Daniel, Phoebe, Isaiah, Martha. . It appears that Jo- siah Ouinby and his wife joined the "Society of Friends" while living in Mamaroneck. The Society met with much acceptance in this neighborhood, and Thomas Chalklcy mentions visiting there as early as 1725. In 1739 land was ]nirchased and a meeting house erected. The half-yearly meetings for Friends in all this section were held in this house. (I\') Moses, son of Josiah and Mary (Mul- linex ) Ouinby, married Jane, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Pelham, in 1730. Chil- of 1755-60; married Mary Reynolds, and had Mary, Joshua, Ebenezer, Jacob, Ra- chel. Daniel, and John. This family removed over the state line and settled in Cortland Manor, W^estchester county, New York. 4. Mary, born October 30, 1704, married Samuel Plum. 5. Ebenezer, born February 24, 1707, married Rebecca Benedict. 6. Su- sannah, born February 27, 1709, married Sea- born Burt. Children of Joshua Lobdell and his second wife, Eunice, all born in Ridge- field, Connecticut : 7. Sarah, born September 27, 1714; married, March 6, 1734, Jabez Northrup. 8. Caleb, born February i, 17 16; married (first), June 27, 1749. Elizabeth , who died 1752; (second) Bertha Pad- dock, who died after 1761 ; (third) Ruth . who survived him ; children : Caleb ( 2 ) . Paddock, and Philip. 9. John, of whom further. 10. Darius, born October 18, 1729; settled in Danby, Vermont; was a revolution- ary soldier and fought at Bennington ; he mar- ried Mary Balwin ; children : Mary, Eunice, Darius (2), Rev. Jacob, and John. 11. Eliza- beth, born November 13, 1732; married (first) Harrie Gunn, (second) Isaac Northrup (his second wife). 12. Simon. 13. David. (Ill) John, son of Joshua and Eunice (Olmstead) Lobdell, was born in Ridgefield, Connecticut, August 21. 1721, died in Brookfield, Connecticut, 1778. In 1742 he re- ceived from Daniel Sherwood, his father-in- law, various sums of money and tracts of land on his wife's, Ruth's, account. In 1746 John, being very sick and thinking himself near death, made his will giving all his possessions to his wife, Ruth, and an unborn child, and of this will he says, "I appoint my duly trusty brother, Samuel Lobdell. executor." John however, recovered and lived until 1778, hav- ing nine children. He married, June 25, 1744, Ruth Sherwood, born in Ridgefield, March 29. 1723. died May 4, 1787, daughter of Daniel and' Ruth (Bradley) Sherwood. Ruth Brad- ley was a daughter of John and Hannah (Sherwood) Bradley, of Ridgefield. Chil- dren, all born in Brookfield. Connecticut: i. Ruth, March 26. 1745: married Nathan Brad- ley. 2. John, September 21, 1746; married Abigail Barlow ; children : Orpha, Dennis Bar- low, Huldah, and Phoebe Ruthina. 3. Caleb, July 4, 1748; married in Westchester county, New York, Patience Boughton ; lived in Brookfield, but after the British raid of 1777 he nioved to New York state with his brother, Daniel. They stopped at Rensselaerwyck, where one or more children were born, then continued to Northville, Fulton county, New York, where Caleb and Patience died. Chil- dren : Jerusha, Lucy, Daniel, Caleb, Noble, John Boughton, Ruth. Lanie, Jacob, Elias. Melinda, Samuel, Abigail, George, Rodney and Pliny. 4. Sarah, baptized April 14, 1749, mar- ried Peck. 5. Abigail, born May 4, 1753; married Dunning. 6. Hannah, born June 4, 1755; married Hepburn. 7. Daniel, of whom further. 8. Lewis, born March 7, 1760; married, September 22, 1780, Elizabeth Osborn. 9. Chloe, horn 1765; mar- ried, July 10, 1782, Elijah Baldwin. (I\') Daniel, son of John and Ruth (Sherwood) Lobdell, was horn at North Brookfield. Connecticut, September 22, 1757, died at Northville, Fulton county. New York, June 13, 1843. In 1/77- '" company with his brother Caleb he left Brookfield, and journeyed north, and after a residence of several years at Rensselaerwyck (now Hudson, Columbia county), located, in 1790, in Northville (then called Old Ford, Fulton county. New York), where his relatives, Samuel Olmstead and Zadock Sherwood, had preceded him. Daniel and Caleb Lobdell were the third and fourth families to locate there. Daniel served six years as a revolutionary soldier. Northville then was in Montgomery county, Fulton county being erected later. Daniel purchased a farm of ninety-four acres and spent his after-life in its development and cultivation. He was a man of influence and possessed sterling quali- ties of character that he transmitted to his posterity along with his material wealth. He was a Whig in politics and public-spirited in all things. He married (first) Rachel Os- born, born December 13, 1757, at Brookfield, Connecticut, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Mead) Osborn. She died at Northville, July 13, 1821. He married (second) Betsey Bryant, who died without issue. Children of first wife: i. James, born October 25, 1784, at Hudson, New York, died in West Troy, May 19, i860; married. October 18, 1807, Sally Van Arman. of Pittstown. New York. He was a merchant of Johnstown and Troy; one of the first members of Trinity Episcopal Church, of which he was warden in 1834. Giildren : Rachel, .Alexander St. John, Maria, Harriet, Helen Maxwell, James Dow, Richard Saddler, and William Henry. 2. Daniel Granby, born March i, 1788, in Fulton county. New York, died unmarried, March 28, 1808. 3. Nathan Bradley, of whom further. (V) Nathan Bradley, son of Daniel and Rachel (Osborn) Lobdell, was born at Broad- t532 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS albin, Montgomery county. New York, July 15, 1 79 1, being the first white child born in that section. He grew up in the town, where he became a man of wealth and influence, highly respected, and enjoying, to the utmost, the confidence of his townsmen. He was the lawyer of his day, and did a great deal of the legal business of the town. He was justice of the peace, captain of militia, and for ten years postmaster at Northville. When Fulton and Hamilton counties were formed from Montgomery in 1888, he had charge of the work of transcribing the records belonging to the new county of Fulton. He was a Democrat in politics. When his wife died he did not again marry, but kept all of his large family together, none leaving until they went to homes of their own. He married, December 27, 1812, at Providence, Saratoga county, New York, Nancy Richardson, born October 2, 1788, at Providence, died Febru- ary 4, 1834, at Northville, daughter of William and (Montgomery) Richardson, a de- scendant of General Montgomery, of revolu- tionary fame. Children: I. Daniel Granbee, born December 7, 1813, died unm.arried, at Washington, D. C., July 9, 1875. He became a lawyer of prominence, and was a partner of Judge Yost, of Fort Plain, to whom he bequeathed his library. He entered government employ during Presi- dent Pierce's administration ; was supervising special agent of the Treasury. After visit- ing the principal custom houses in the United States he went to Europe and investigated the customs methods of diflferent countries. In politics he was a Democrat. He is buried in Albany, New York. ■ 2. Mary Ann, born January 12, 1816; mar- ried Gilbert Le Fevre ; child : Arthur Le Fevre, of Albany, New York. 3. James H., born February 14, 1818; mar- ried (first) Maria M. Greenfield, in 1845; (second) Mary Stone. Child of first wife: Helen, born April 6, 1846, married October 22, 1864, John Obias Van Hoesen, and re- moved to Wisconsin, where her husband died, January i, lyoi. Children of second wife: Emma, born March 15, 1856; James Edward, March 15, 1859: Mary Elizabeth. October II, 1861 : Charles E., March 15. 1864. 4. William Richardson, died in childhood. 5. Maria Rachel, born December 10. 1821 ; m;irried Truman Gilbert ; children : Truman James, William Nathan, Virginia and Eliza- beth. 6. Emily Nancy, born March 25, 1824, died unmarried, May 17, 1849. 7. Hiram W., born April 20, 1826; married Phoebe Eliza Hood, born July 24, 1837. He studied for a physician, located at Flat Rock, Michigan, where he died January 10. 1884. Children : Dr. John H., Daniel Granbee. and Mary E. 8. Charles Nathan, born January 3, 1829, died in infancy. 9. Bradley Nathan, of whom further. (VI) Bradley Nathan, son of Nathan. Bradley and Nancy (Richardson) Lobdell, was born in old Montgomery county, now Benson, Hamilton county. New York, June 20, 1832. He was educated in the public schools,, and until twenty-one years of age was en- gaged in farming. He then went West, and' for five years was in the lumber and real estate business. He went to Northville in 1859, and after a few years in the grain trade, began, in 1865, the manufacture of gloves and mittens, a business he conducted for twenty-three years with great success. He- was one of the board of charter members of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville rail- road, and mainly instrumental in having the road built to Northville. Mr. Lobdell may- claim to be one of the fathers of forest preser- vation ; certainly he has not only talked and fought for their preservation, but has prob- ably restored a larger area than any other single individual. In 1870 he first conceived a plan of replanting the former forest, and since that time has bought large tracts of despoiled land, and now has growing on lands of his own a quarter of a million white pine trees, all scientifically cared for. His experi- ment was with thirty-two acres of shade maple and a few pines that had sprung up. He trimmed and cared for them and was sO' well pleased with their growth and develop- ment that he has since made pines a specialty. Since 1899 he has planted chestnut, white oak and black walnut on old meadow and pasture land. In 1902 he planted a large quantity of black walnut, besides other kind of timber. He is enthusiastic over his favor- ite, tree culture, and cheerfully gives of his vast fund of information and experience to those desiring to follow his example and re- store the waste places. He also owns large and valuable tracts of lands in Michigan. He is a Democrat in politics, and has served as town clerk and assessor. He is connected with the Masonic order in Northville, and is a member of the Episcopal church. Mr. I,obdell married Sabrina E. Miller, born November 6. 1836, died June 5, 1890, daughter of David N. and Mardula E. (Olm- stead) Miller, of Northville. Children: i. Emilie Maria, born May 26, 1856; married Leander McLean. 2. Ida, born .\ugust 26, 1863, died March 5, 1864. 3. Josephine, born HUDSON AND MOHAWK \^^LLFA^S [533 Jnne 24, 1866; married William Hollearn ; ■children: Clara, born October 13, 1892; Mar- garet. April 25, 1894; Grace, January 25, 1806; TUanclie. November 19, 1897. The history of the Resse- RESSEGUIE guie family is unknown prior to the settlement of the American progenitor at Norwalk, Con- necticut, but it is believed they descend from the De Resseguie family, of the province of Languedoc, in southern France, and of Tou- louse, capital city of the department of Haute Garonne. (I) Alexander Resseguie settled in Nor- walk, Connecticut, in 1709. Tradition says he was the younger son of Alexander Resse- guie. a Huguenot refugee from France, who brought with "him a small hair trunk contain- ing trtle deeds to property in France. Hop- ing to return and establish his claims, Alex- ander educated liis eldest son to the law, but his death at the age of twenty years so dis- heartened the father that he gave up his intention and passed the trunk and papers into the possession of a younger son. Later they were destroyed by fire. Another theory is that the family fled to England before com- ing to America, and that Alexander Resse- guie. a silk manufacturer of London. 1696, was the father of Alexander of Norwalk. As there is no previous record of a male Resse- guie in America, Alexander must be consid- ered the ancestor. He purchased land in Norwalk. April i, 1709, and frequently there- after. There is little record of his life save that of his possessions. He died in October, 1772: his place of burial is unknown. He married, October 19. 1709. Sara, daughter of Pierre and Marguerite (Collinot) Bontecou, ■of New York. She was born in France and came to New York with her parents in 1689, and died in May, 1757. The estate of Alexan- der inventoried £10.500, an immense sum in that day. One-half the estate was left to his widow, Sara, during her widowhood. Chil- dren : I. Alexander (2), of whom further. 2. Peter, born December 19, 171 1. died young. 3. James, born November 6, 1713, died in the French and Indian war. 4. Abraham, born July 27, 1715, died July 31. 1797; married, and had six children. 5. Isaac, born May 24, 171 7; settled across the border in New York state. 6. Jacob, born August 14, 1719; mar- ried Mary Center; five children. 7. Sarah, born July 12, 1721, died May 25, 175:3. (II) Alexander (2), eldest son of .-Mexan- der (i) and Sara (Bontecou) Res.seguie, was born August 2-/, 17 10, and was living in 1793. He was a large landowner and farmer, much of his land being inherited from his father. His will, written in a beautiful script, is dated July 27, 1793. It is a relic from the hair trunk previously mentioned, and has the lower half of the sheet burned away. He married, in Wilton, Connecticut, February 16, 1738, Thankful Belden. who was living in 1793. Children: i. Sarah, died in childhood. 2. Margaret, born February 20, 1741, died in Ballston, Saratoga county. New York, Octo- ber 10, 1842. aged 101 years; she married, September 18, 1764. Joseph Riggs (second wife). She made the journey from Groton, Tompkins county. New York, to Ballston, during the last year of her life, driving the first forty miles to Syracuse ; six children. 3. Alexander, died in infancy. 4. Alexander, born December 10, 1745, died May 5. 1777; married Eunice Blackman, in Weston, Con- necticut ; three children. 5. William, married Susannah Patrick; removed to Fishkill, New York, where he purchased four hundred acres of land : he had seven children. 6. Timothy, born December 28, 1754, died at Verona, Oneida county. New York, January 19, 1838: served in the revolutionary war; removed to New York state after his marriage, and after several locations finally settled in Verona ; married, June 5, 1785. Abigail Lee; eleven children. 7. Mary, born 1764; married, No- vember 28, 1779, Thomas Cole, a soldier of the revolution. He was taken sick while the army of Washington occupied New York City and the British were at White Plains. She rode to headquarters from her home in Wilton, Connecticut, on horseback, passing through both British and American lines and brought her husband safely home. She drew a wid- ow's i)ension until her death ; seven children. 8. Daniel, of whom further. (Ill) Daniel, son of Alexander (2) and Thankful (Belden) Resseguie, was born in Ridgcfield, Connecticut. May i. 1769, died in the town of Northampton, P^ulton county. New York. February 2, 1825. He resided for a time on Long Island, removed to Charlton, Saratoga county, and in 1790 to the town of Northampton (then Broadalbin. Montgomery county), where he settled on and cultivated a farm until his death. He married Mary Monroe, born 1763. died October 2, 1828, daughter of Captain David Monroe. Chil- dren: I. David, of whom further. 2. Mary, born January 29, 1787, died in Houndsfield, New York, January 18, 1845: married. 1804. Joshua Crouch; children: Esther, died in in- fancy; Daniel Resseguie; Cynthia. Hannah Field. William Harri.son. Samuel. John, and Emily Samantha. 3. Esther, born March 31, 1788,' died August 6. 1844; married Charles 1534 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Scott, deceased ; no issue. 4. Hannah Maria, born 1790, died in Houndsfield, December 25, 1815; married, 1810, Spafford Field, of Watertown, New York. During the war of 181 2 he was employed by the government in building the naval vessel, "New Orleans," at Sackett's Harbor, and at the battle here served as a "minute man." For his services he received a grant of one hundred and sixty acres of land. He had one child, who mar- ried Nathaniel Warren Green. 5. Daniel, born March 9. 1792, died 1867; he was a farmer of Northampton, where he was born, lived and died ; married, in Benson, New York, about 1819, Eunice Crane, born Sep- tember 8, 1794, died June 9, 1870; children: Orville and Mary. 6. Alexander, died at age of seventeen years. 7. Charles, born in Northampton, September 9, 1797, died in Edinburg, Saratoga county. New York, April 18, 1881. At the beginning of the war of 1812 he walked, with his brother David, to Sackett's Harbor, where the latter enlisted, but Charles, being too young, was employed to draw wood to the barracks. During the construction of the Erie canal he had the superintendence of a portion of the work. Later he settled down to the life of a farmer. He was an official of the Methodist Episcopal church, and highly respected by all who knew him. He married, January 20, 1830, Lucy, daughter of Joseph and Anna (Runnells) Corey. She died December 13, 1889. Chil- dren : Charles, Edwin, Samuel, Daniel, Lucy Ann, and James Birney. 8. Samuel, born November 28, 1800, died in Houndsfield, March 24, 1853; married, 1822, Lydia, daughter of John and Lydia (Sprague) Brown, of Ballston, New York. After their marriage they made their way with a yoke of cattle through the forest to Houndsfield, spending days on the journey, the road being indicated by "blazed" trees. Children : Dan- iel, Esther. Belden, Samuel, Cordelia, David, Mary Emily, Minerva and John Brown. 9. Jacob, born October 21, 1803 died in Chili, New York, December 11, 1875. He was born and lived in Northampton a number of years, then removed to Chili. He was a railroad and canal contractor. He married, in Edin- burg, New York, 1826, Elizabeth Cole; children : Jerome, Fidelia and Charles Lester. 10. Belden, born May 2, 1806, died in Rock county, Wisconsin. February 9, 1874. He was foreman during the construction of the Erie canal, and also helped to build the Black river canal. He purchased a farm in Wilna, Jefiferson county, and during the winter months taught school, later removing to Wis- consin. He married, at Northville, New York, December 10, 1831, Polly Maria Carpenter^ born in Reading, Vermont, November 2, 1812. Giildren: Alexander, Elizabeth, Bel- den, Stephen Hubbard Wakeman, Samuel and Marion. 11. Gaylord, died unmarried. 12. Minerva, born February 9, 1809; married, in Northampton, January 11, 1832, Hiram, son of Joseph Lewis, of Northville. He was- born in that village January 22, 1804, died December 26, 1858. He was a farmer and tanner ; filled the offices of assessor, highway and poor commissioner. Children : Mary Maria, Celestia Ann and Hannah Minerva. (IV) David, son of Daniel and Mary (Monroe) Resseguie, was born May 19, 1784,. died in Northampton, New York, March 21, 1882. He removed, with his parents, to Charlton, Saratoga county. New York, and from there to Northampton (Broadalbin), reaching the latter place at the age of three years. He served through the war of 1812, and during the last twenty years of his life- drew a good pension. He was a member of the Methodist church, and very hospitable in his entertainment of the ministry and brethren. He died at the great age of ninety-seven years and ten months, ninety-four of these years having been spent in Northampton. He married, March 3, 1805, ?\Iary Case, born ni Massachusetts, died Northville, July 14, 1871, daughter of Aaron and Patience (Simmons) Case, of Northampton. Children: i. Miranda, born August 2, 1806; married, November 15,. 1826, Isaac Grosbeck. She married (second) February 10, 1845, Joshua Wells. 2. Maria, died at age of eighteen years. 3. John, of whom further. 4. Alexander, born September 13, 1809; married, February 24, 1839, Jerusha Norton, born June 10, 1816; the family re- moved to Janesville. Wisconsin. 5. Rufus, born February 23, 181 1; married (first) Au- gust 28. 1845, Lydia Ann Bennem, who died' December 17, 185 1 ; (.second) June 22, 1853, Phoebe Amelia Blachly. This family resides in Brooklyn, New York. 6. Mary, born Feb- ruary 17, 1813; married, November 23, 1830, Ebenezer Gifford, born February 26, 1804; this family resides in Hunter, Illinois. 7. Hiram, born June 13, 1815; married, January 8, 1840, Mary M. Rogers, born June i. 1818; this family reside in Northville, Dakota. 8. Hannah, born July 3, 1821 : married. May 17, 1842, Joseph McCuern. of Xorthville, New York. " (\') John, son of David and Mary (Case) Resseguie, was born in Broadalbin, I'ulton county. New York, February 8, 1808, died' May 27. 1898. He was educated in the pub- lic school and grew up a farmer. He owned ' a tannery at Hope Falls, where he produced HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1535 heavy sole leather in partnership with Wil- liam A. Smith. He was the contractor for buildings the railroad from Gloversville to Northville, and also had large lumber inter- ests. He removed to the town of Hope, Ham- ilton county, New York, a few miles from Northville. He was a trustee of the village and supervisor of the town. In all his enter- prises he was fairly successful. He held high rank in his town, where he was always influential and useful. He married, January 20, 1830, Velitta Palmer, who died March 31, 1878. Six children: I. Emily, born July 2, 1831 ; married, No- vember 29, 1849. Joseph Brooker, born Oc- tober 6, 1823, died August 27. 1881 ; chil- dren : i. Amay, born November 24, 1850, died May 13, 1907; married, December 27, 1868, William B. Abrams, and had four chil- dren : a. Delos, born January 25, 1870, mar- ried, June 27, 1894, Minnie Knight, and has Ruth, born June 7, 1895. and William, born November 8, 1897. b. Rupert J., born June 27, 1872, married, July 17, 1895, Edna Cole, and has Carrie, born June 27, 1896; Delos B., June 23, 1900; and Lewis E., August 28, 1902. c. Mae, born May 11, 1878, married February i, 1897, Charles R. Fowler, and has Charles, born November 8, 1897, died August 24, 1898; Kenneth, born October 8, 1900; and Marion C, born Septem- ber 30, 1907. d. Charles B., born Novem- ber 8, 1883, married, June 19, 1907, Jean W. Bearcroft, and has Dorothy, born October 9, 1909. ii. Lydia, born July 31, 1853, mar- ried Fred Benton ; children : Edwin, married Alice Keller, and has Mina and Raymond, iii. Hiram, born July 29, 1855. married Mary Gould; children: Catherine, married Alfred Noyes, and has Genevieve and Mildred, iv. Augusta, born March 14, 1873, married Grant HoUey: children: Grant (2), Milton. Eleanor May,' Mabel, Sterling R., and Ruth. 2. Hiram, born in Northampton, Fulton county. New York, September 5, 1833, died February 22, 1903. He was a most ener- getic and influential man. Though deeply interested in business he was ever mindful of his duty as a citizen. He served as presi- dent and again as treasurer of the village ; was treasurer of the school board, and helpful in every way. He was a trustee of the Metho- dist church and a most useful member. He married, August 4, 1861, Charlotte M. Stod- dard, born April 11, 1836; children: i. Alma C, born April 21, 1864. married Thomas N. Parker; ii. Charles H., born March 9. 1866, married Louise Balcomb, and has Ruth P>., born March 24, 1890, and Raymon. Decem- ber I, 1893; iii. Harriet R., born April 28. 1868, married A. J. Cooper, and has Mabel R., born March 21. 1900. 3. Alexander P., born in Northville, l"ul- ton county. New York, April 25, 1835. He was engaged in the lumber business in Brooklyn, New York, for several years, then returned home and was superintendent for his father in grading and building the North- ville railroad. He then began the manufac- ture of shoe lasts, in which he continued twenty-five years, building up a verv large business. He is now living retired, after a life of activity and success. He is a Re- publican in politics, and a trustee of the Methodist church. He has been a Mason for many years, and has always taken an active interest in that order. He married, Janu- ary 8, 1857, Mary A. Lawton. born May 15, 1835, daughter of Squire and Zarnis (Finch) Lawton. Her father served in the war of 1812, and her maternal great-grandfather Pixley served in the revolution. Cliildren : i. Estella A., born November 16, 1857; ii. Fred; iii. Louise D., born February 17, 1863, mar- ried, October 6, 1892, J. B. .\nible, bom Oc- tober 29, 1859. 4. John M., born September 11, 1838. He was engaged in tanning with his father un- til the outbreak of the civil war, when he en- listed in the Thirty-second Regiment, New York \'olunteer Infantry, and served four years. He returned home and soon after died from the efifects of exposure. He married Augusta Partridge. 5. Minerva F., born May 4, 1842 ; married, March 5, i860. Dr. John' F. Blake (second wife), born in Greenwich, Washington county. New York, June 8, 1821, died May 2, 1896. He practiced in Saratoga county, then took special courses in New York City, and located in Sacramento, California. In 1852 he returned to Northville, where he practiced until his death. His grandparents Blake were born in Scotland. He was a son of Andrew and Electa (Wood) Blake. Chil- dren of Dr. and Minerva F. Blake ; i. Clarence R., graduated from P)urliugton University, of \"ermont, M.D. ; in practice with father until the death of the latter ; married. May 27. 1886, Hattie .A. Brownell, born November 25, 1867, and has son. John Harry, born March 4, 1887; ii. Louise, born March 25. 1864, married, November 4, i8g6. James R. Willard, born July 23, 1855, and has James R. (2). born January 6, 1900, and Gladys, born July 13, 1901 ; iii. Margaret, born March 6, 1874. 6. Charles B., of whom further. (VI) Charles B., youngest son of John .ind Velitta (Palmer) Resseguie, was born in Northville, New York, November 9. 1847. '536 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS He was educated in the public schools and grew up in the tannery business. He became interested with his father in his various enter- prises while a young man ; then became a clerk for George A. Streeter & Brother, later Streeter & Son, finally purchasing their grain business. He next bought an interest in the hardware business of James B. Wilson, later becoming sole owner. He admitted Scott Partridge, and as Resseguie & Partridge they continued the hardware business and added glove manufacture. Mr. Resseguie has been a successful business man, and worthily carries his family name. He has been presi- dent of the village of Northville, and treas- urer of the village school board. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, the Improved Order of Red Men, and is a Republican in politics. He married, Septem- "ber 14. 1870, Robertina Hubbell, born Au- g^ust 23, 1847. Children: i. Ray, born No- vember 9. 1871, died May 5, 1902; married, June 17, 1893, Elizabeth Scribner, and had son, Clarence L., born April 9, 1894. 2. Fred, born August 12, 1874; a physician of Saratoga Springs ; married, October 27, 1905, Helen Hanson. 3. Edwin W., born July 3, 1880; married, June 27, 1906, Mae Carpenter, and has Helen, born February 16, 1908, and Margaret, January 5, igio. The present is the third genera- WEST tion of this branch of the West family in the United States. None of the name, honorably as it has been borne, will be more gratefully remembered or ten- derly cherished than Hon. George West, of Ballston Spa, New York. George West was born in Brandon, Eng- land, February 17, 1823. He received a good common school education, and early in life began work in a paper mill, where he thor- oughly mastered the various processes of mak- ing paper. He married, in England, in Febru- ary, 1840, and having then reached his twenty- sixth year he came to the United States. For one year he was employed in New Jersey, then removed to Massachusetts, where he obtained a position in a large paper mill. He soon became manager of the mill, and in a very few years was admitted a partner. In 1861 he removed to Ballston Spa, New York, where he was superintendent of one of the large mills at Rock City Falls. It was now the period of the civil war, and the scarcity of cotton was being severely felt, particularly by the mills producing cotton bags; many mills closed, and the demand for flour sacks be- came very great. .\t this juncture Mr. West saw his great opportunity. Leasing an idle mill he announced that he would make bags of paper. All doubted that he could make them strong enough to carry in safety fifty pounds of flour. He very soon demonstrated that he could, and began the manufacture of manila paper bags, and employed Martin V. B. White, an ingenious mechanic, to make the first lot by hand. The bags were all that Mr. West claimed for them, and orders began to pour in. He erected a bag mill adjoining his paper mill at Rock City Falls, and with a slow hand process laid the foundation of his large business and fortune. After he had been operating by the hand process for several months, a man of ordinary appearance called at his office one day and told him he could construct a machine that would do the same work far more rapidly. Mr. West at once entered into a contract with his visitor to build such a machine in his mill. The man made his promises good, and within a few weeks the machine was in successful oper- ation. The mechanical principle of his first bag-making machine is the same upon which the wonderful machines of to-day are built. Mr. West was the pioneer paper-bag manu- facturer, a business which has grown to be one of the world's greatest industries. In 1862 he purchased the Empire Mill at Rock City Falls, and in 1866 built the Excelsior Mill, at the same point, and from time to time, as business increased, built or purchased additional mills along the stream. The death of John Howey, in 1875, compelled the sale of his four cotton factories, his mansion in Ballston Spa, and a large number of tene- ment houses. Mr. West became the purchaser of the entire estate. He converted one of the factories into a paper mill and one into a bag mill. When the Milton avenue fac- tory was burned he replaced it with the large Union Mill. In 1880 he purchased the paper mill at Hadley on the Hudson, and erected another large mill. He was now the largest manufacturer of his specialties in the entire world. He owned and operated nine paper mills, a pulp mill and two mills making noth- ing but manila paper and paper bags. He admitted his son, George, and his son-in-law, Douglass W. Mabee, to the business, which in 1899 was sold in its entirety to the Union Bag and Paper Company, and Mr. West re- tired from active business after a career of unprecedented success. He died at his home on Milton avenue, September 20, 1901, in his seventy-ninth year. He gave a great deal of time to the pub- lic service. In 1871 he was elected to the state assembly, and re-elected 1872-73-74-75; in 1881 was elected to congress and 'served 'Orrrf/c '//r.j/ Kyc-c rr/r // r.j / HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1537 two terms; was again elected in 188". He spent eleven years in office and declined all further honors. He was an ardent Republi- can, and always retained an active interest in political affairs. He was a member of the -Methodist Episcopal church, his liberality •enabling: that society to erect, in 1892. their present fine church in Rallston Spa. He con- tributed one-half the cost, besides giving: the pipe organ and other fixtures. He contrib- uted a princely sum toward the erection of a fine museum building at Round Lake, New York, and provided an endowment fund for its permanent support. His liberality toward every worthy cause was very great, and he left behind a most gracious memory. He was large in physique as well as mentally. He accomplished much and left the world better for his having lived in it. He married Louisa Rose, born in England ; six children, three of whom lived to adult life, ■George. Walter S., and Florence L., who married D. W. Mabee, and has seven chil- ■dren : Louise, George, Walter, Florence, Al- fred, David, Margaret. (H) George (2), son of George (i) and Louisa (Rose) West, was born February 17, 1845. in Devonshire, England, died January 23, 1906. He was engaged with his father in the manufacture of paper all his life, and in later years was his partner. He was an •eminently capable business man, and of fine mind and character. He married, June 13, 1870. Emily Hewitt, born May 3, 1848, daugh- ter of Orrin and Cynthia (Hewitt) Hathorn, ■oi Greenfield, Saratoga county. New York (see Hathorn VIII). Children: Fred Hath- orn, Walter Scott, and George (3) West. (The Hathorn Line). This name is spelled either Hathorne, Hathorn or Hawthorne, by members of the same family, descendants of William and John Hathorn, of early colonial record. There have been many distinguished men who have Ijorne the name, and the curse pronounced liy the husband of a woman who was being tried for witchcraft before Judge John Hathorn in Salem, seems to have spent its force long ago. There are ugly records of these trials, but it is probably to this one that the traditional curse is traceable, the husband having exclaimed that God would avenge his wife's sufferings. William, the father of John Hathorn (also a magistrate), spent the force ■of his wrath against the Quakers, and was notorious for his remorselessness towards some of their women, "Annie Coleman and her four friends." Albeit, before being appointed a magistrate he had opposed the persecution of Quakers. Yet he is to be credited with the e.xecution of John Flint for killing an Indian, and to the protest against English interference with the internal affairs of New England, which sounded a note of independ- ence even at that early day.- (I) William and Sara Hathorn, of Bimfield. Berkshire, England, had eight children, three of whom, William, Eliza and John, emigrated to America. William, the eldest son, came over with Governor Winthrop's company in the "Arbella," and settled in Salem, ^lassa- chusetts, June 12, 1630. Eliza married Davenport. John came over in 1635 and set- tled in Salem. William became a man of great importance in the colony. He was deputy to general court ; major of the first regularly organized company, or train band, in Salem, and fought in the Indian campaigns ; was also a magistrate and sullied his fair fame by cruelly persecuting the Quakers, although, from the Puritan standpoint' they were doing God and the church a service. He died in 1681, in his seventy-fourth year; will proved June 28, 1681. Children: A daughter, who married Helwise; Sarah, married, April 13, 1663, Joseph Coker ; Eleazer, married Abigail, daughter of Captain George Curwen; Nathaniel, born August 11, 1639; John, see forward; Anna, married Joseph Porter; Cap- tain William, married Sarah ; Eliza- beth, married Israel Porter. (II) John, son of William and Anne (Dav- enport) Hathorn, was born August 4, 1641, died May 10, 1717. He was deputy, colonel, magistrate, judge, and a cruel and remorseless leader in the witchcraft persecution. Much as we may feel like condemning these men for their cruel and often inhuman treatment of those brought under their authority, all admit that they founded a state and reared a [josterity that make glorious the pages of American history. John Hathorn was the ancestor of the gentle and gifted Nathaniel Hawthorne, of the sixth generation, who in later years wrote of his two earlier ances- tors: "The present writer, as their representa- tive, hereby takes shame upon myself for their sakes, and pray that any curse incurred by them, as I have heard, and as the dreary and unprosperous condition of the race for many a long year back would argue to exist, may be now and henceforth removed." Cap- tain Daniel Hathorne, of the revolutionary army, and many, many others of note, also descend from John. He married, January 22, 1674, Ruth, daughter of Lieutenant George Gardner. Children: John (2), born Janu- ary 10, 1675; Nathaniel, November 25, 1678; removed to Gosport, England; Ebenezer, see 1538 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS forward; Joseph, married Sarah, daughter of Captain Bowditch; Ruth, married James Put- man ; Benjamin. (HI) Ebenezer, son of John and Ruth (Gardner) Hathorn, was baptized March, 1685, and was of London, England, in 1726. He married Esther Witt and children were born to them. (IV) Ebenezer (2), son of Ebenezer (i) and Esther (Witt) Hathorn, was baptized July 7, 1715. He was a soldier of the French and Indian war of 1755, and after the sur- render of Fort William Henry by the English, was taken prisoner by the Indians and after- wards made his escape by strategy and fleet- ness of foot. He was a blacksmith by trade, and carried on business with his brother. They also manufactured steelyards. In 1755 he was constable, and from 1777 to 1796 highway surveyor and auditor. He married Keziah CoUins, born October 11, 1730. They had three sons, all of whom were of Jaffrey, New Hampshire. (V) Collins, son of Ebenezer (2) and Keziah (Collins) Hathorn, was of Jaffrey, New Hampshire. He was an enrolled soldier in 1784. He married Sarah Dean. Children: Benjamin, born 1761 ; Keziah, 1763; Collins (2), 1765; Sally, 1767; Hepzibah, 1768; Wil- liam, 1772; Rebecca, 1774; Olive, 1776; Sam- uel, 1778: Pollv, 1781 ; Seth, 1785. (VI) Collins' (2), son of Collins (i) and Sarah (Dean) Hathorn, was born in Jaffrey, New Hampshire. He was 'the first of his family to settle in New York state. (New Hampshire state papers, vol. 15, pages 216- 217.) Payroll of Captain Salmon Stone's com- pany, in Colonel Nichols' regiment. General Stark's brigade .... which company marched from Rindge. in state, July 17, 1777, and joined the northern Continental army at Bennington and Stillwater ; Collins Hathorn, private; ditto; an enrolled soldier in 1784. He married Annie Smith, and settled in Greenfield, Saratoga county. New York. Chil- dren : Seth, born May 2, 1797, died March 13, 1880; Lyman, March 2, 1801 ; Smith, July 8, 1804, died about 1890; Orrin, September 7, 1806, see forward; William, Decernber 31, 1809; Phoebe, August 3, 181 1; Henry Har- rison, November 28, 181 3, died February 20, 1887; James D., July ^4, 1817. (VII) Orrin, son of Collins (2) and Annie (Smith) Hathorn, was born in Greenfield, Saratoga county, New York, September 7, 1806. He was a farmer all of his life; he was a Baptist and a Republican. He married Cynthia Hewitt. Children : Charlotte, Henry, Fannie, Cordelia, Emily H. and Isaac. (VIII) Emily Hewitt, daughter of Orrin and Cynthia (Hewitt) Hathorn, married George (2) West (see West II). John Hathorn, "distinguished in civil and' military affairs." (See Farmers' General Register of First Settlers of New England.) William Hathorn (and brother), in 1645, agent to treat with D'Aulnay, French agent at St. Croix ; deputy general court Massa- chusetts : first speaker; served in King Philip's war; ordered sent to England by Charles II. in 1660. (See Appleton's American Biogra- phy.) John Hathorn, great-grandson of Johni (11) Hathorn, although not in the line direct of Emily H. Hathorn West, was colonel of Orange County Militia, Fifth Regiment, New York ; was successively captain, colonel, briga- dier and major-general ; his military service covered a period of many years, 1775-1812; commanded at Minisink; member New York assembly, 1777-87; speaker of the assembly that met in New York in 1784; state senator, 1787, and in 1804 presidential elector; mem- ber of congress, 1789-gi, and from 1795 to- 1797- The West family were of Eng- WEST lish origin and were early settlers in New England. They have been prominent and influential wherever foimd. ( I ) Matthew West was of Lynn, Massa- chusetts, in 1636; freeman, 1637. In 1646 he was of Newport, Rhode Island, where he was made a freeman in 1655. He was a tailor by trade. There is no record of his marriage, and it is assumed by the Genealogist Austin in his "Genealogical Dic- tionary of Rhode Island" that his sons were Nathaniel, John, Robert, Bartholomew and Francis, who cannot be confounded with Francis of Duxbury, although the latter may have been related to the Rhode Island Wests. I. Nathaniel, died at Newport in 1659: he and wife were among the first twelve members of the First Baptist Church ; accidentally drowned. 2. John, of Newport ; made a free- man in 1655. 3. Robert, of Providence, Rhode Island, and Monmouth county. New Jersey; in 1667 was one of the original pur- chasers in Monmouth, New Jersey ; died 1697 ; married Elizabeth ; children : Joseph, John and Robert. 4. Bartholomew, see forward. 5. Francis, of Kingstown, Rhode Island ; married ; children : Francis and Richard. (II) Bartholomew, son of Matthew West, was of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, and Monmouth, New Jersey. In 1667 he was an early and original purchaser of lands in Mon- --^ «^..^^^^i%>c^^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK \- ALLEYS 1539 mouth with his brother Robert, and in the same year was elected deputy. He died prior to October 30, 1703, as is seen by a deed of that date from his son, John West, of Shrews- bury, New Jersey, wherein he reserves one- half acres of ground where his father is buried. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Audry Almy. Children: Bar- tholomew, William, John and Stephen. (HI) Stephen, son of Bartholomew and Elizabeth (Almy) W'est, was born in 1654. There is no record that shows whether he went to New Jersey with the family or not, but if he did he returned to Massachusetts and settled at Dartmouth, where his children were born. His wife's name is not recorded, but the births of nine children are as follows: Katherine, born September 9, 1684; Sarah, August I, 1686; Ann, July 9, 1688; Bartholo- mew, July 31, 1690; Amy, May 22, 1693; Stephen, May 19, 1695; John, April 27, 1697; Eunice, June 21, 1699; Lois, April 12, 1701. (IV) Stephen (2), son of Stephen (i) West, was born May 19. 1695, in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, died in that town between 1768 and 1770. He was a man of consider- alDle means, as shown by proceedings attend- ing the settlement of his estate. His first wife was Susannah , as in 1729 and 1730 Stephen and Susannah West conveyed lands. He married (second) Hopestill , who survived him, and made a quit claim of dower right October 15, 1778. Stephen had three sons and three daughters, mentioned in his will, which was made Janu- ary 3, 1768. Samuel, Stephen, Bartholomew, Anna, Susannah, Hannah. (V) Stephen (3), son of Stephen (2) and Susannah West, was born about 1730 in Dart- mouth, where he lived and probably died. He inherited property under his father's will, and in 1770 an indenture shows a division of Cedar Swamp property between him and his brothers, Bartholomew and Samuel. He was a private of Captain Robert Earl's company (Dartmouth), Colonel Josiah Whitney's regi- ment, in service from August 4, 1777, to Sep- tember 10, 1778; one month, seven days, at Rhode Island; also Captain Avery Parker's (first) company. Colonel John Hathaway 's, (second) Bristol company : entered service Au- gust 3, 1780, discharged August 8, 1780; ser- vice six days on an alarm at Rhode Island. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, vol. xvi, p. 901.) Stephen West married, and had issue, including a son, Jona- than, founder of the Saratoga county, New York, family. (VI) Jonathan, son of Stephen (3) West, was born about 1765 or 1770. He was the first of his family to settle in northern New York. He was living in New Bedford, Mas- sachusetts, and from there, in 1791, jour- neyed to Saratoga county with an ox-team, two cows, two sheep and such household goods as could be packed and transported in one wagon through an unbroken wilderness a good part of the way. He located in the town of Galway, purchased a tract of land, then in a wild state, that he converted into a fer- tile farm, and lived upon its proceeds until his death in 1857. He was twice married, his first wife, whom he married in Massachu- setts, succumbed to the pioneer privations after reaching New York. She bore him seven children. He married (second) Betsey Warren, in Galway, where she was born, lived and died. (\TI) Matthew, son of Jonathan West, was born in Galway, Saratoga county. New York, in 1816, died in 1881. He was a farmer and lived his entire life on the old West farm in Galway. He became an impor- tant man in the town ; was captain of militia and held many local political offices ; was a Democrat, ancl during the civil war was an intense Union man. He married, in Charles- town, Montgomery county, New York, Febru- ary 14, 1839, Elizabeth Doty, of Duanesburg, Schenectady county. New York, a descend- ant of Edward Doty, a "Mayflower" passen- ger (see Doty VII). Children: James Mar- vin, born March 12, 1840; William Henry, October 8, 1842, died July 5, 1861 ; George Nelson, October 17, 1849, <^I'ef' February 14, 1854; George Herrick, see forward. (VIII) George Herrick, youngest son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Doty) West, was born in Galway, Saratoga county, New York, December 23, 1854. He was educated in the public schools of Galway, Troy Business Col- lege and the Union Classical Institute of Schenectady. He taught school for four years, then engaged in mercantile life in Galway until 1891. In 1897 he removed to Ballston Spa and engaged in a general insurance and real estate business, continuing until 1905, when he retired. Mr. West has had an impor- tant and interesting public career, beginning when a boy of nineteen years of age. In that year he began his fight agaist licensing the liquor traffic under the law of 1874, elect- ing commissioners of excise, and was one of the five organizers of the first temi)crance society of the town of Galway. In 1889 he was elected school commissioner of the first school district of Saratoga county, New ^■ork, which office he held for six years. In 1897 he was special agent for the forest, fish and game commission. In 1898-99 he was elected to !540 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS the New York assembly, serving with credit and force. In 1901 he was appointed clerk of Saratoga county by Governor Benjamin B. Odell, and by successive re-election still retains that office. He has made a faithful and efificient county clerk, and has the confi- dence of the people, and the commendation of those having business to transact with that office. Was chairman of Republican county committee from 1895 to' 1909. The Secret Law and Order League of the State of New York was founded and organized in 1905 through his efforts, and he is now its president and superintendent, working with- out compensation. This organization was in- corporated in January, 1909, for the purpose of discouraging and suppressing Sunday desecration, distribution of obscene literature, the social evil, the white slave traffic, and to .•secure the enforcement of the laws against illegal liquor selling in license and no-license towns, gambling places and all dens of vice. The League has secured good results from tts efforts, and is continuing its work with vigor. In all reform movements, whether political or social, Mr. West has always taken an active part. He is a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal church, which he joined in 1870. His fraternal orders are the Free and Accepted Masons, International Order of Good Templars and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He married, May 18, 1881, Carrie L., of Galway, New York, daughter of Peleg Burdick, of that town. (The Doty Line). Elizabeth Doty, mother of George H. West, was of the eighth generation of Dotys in America, she being the daughter of the sev- enth Doty in direct succession, beginning with Edward Doty, a passenger on the "May- flower," 1620, and signer of the compact. Governor William Bradford, in his "History of Plymouth Plantation," gives, in his list of "Passengers of the Mayflower," this item: "Mr. Stephen Hopkins and Elizabeth, his wife, and two children, called Giles and Constanta, a daughter both by a former wife, anil two more by this wife, called Damaris and Oceanus, the last born at sea, and two serv- ants called Edward Doty and Edward Lits- ter." Further on he .states: "Edward Doty and Edward Litster, the servants of Mr. Hop- kins, Litster, after he was at liberty, went to Virginia and ther dyed, but Edward Doty, by a second wife, hath seven children, and both he and they are living" (1650). Stephen Hopkins was a tanner, and the term "servant" probably means a workman, or in this case an apprentice. Edward Doty was invited to sign the compact, was treated as one of the company, and received the same allotment of land and stores as all other single men. This would indicate that he had reached his majority, though he probably owed some ser- vice to Stephen Hopkins. He is spoken of as a youth, and the presumption is that he had reached his twenty-first year. If this be true he was born about 1599. The name is spelled variously Doty, Doten, Dote and Dotez. (I) Edward Doty arrived in America on the "Alayflower," 1620. He was a wild youth apparently, and was a principal in the first duel fought in New England. He settled down and became one of the leading land owners and respected citizens. In 1672 he was one of the purchasers of Dartmouth, and owned much land elsewhere. He died at Plymouth, August 23, 1675. He married Faith Clarke, who survived him, born 1619, daugh- ter of Thurston and Faith Clarke. She was but sixteen years old when married, January 6, 1635. They had ten children. (II) Joseph, youngest son of Edward and Faith (Clarke) Doty, was born at Plymouth, Massachusetts, April 30, 1651. He was a farmer and surveyor, and was one of the original purchasers and proprietors of Roches- ter, Massachusetts, where he was a man of importance. He was ensign, treasurer and large land owner. He married (first) Eliza- beth, born at Plymouth, September 5, 1654, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Walker) Warren. She died about 1679, and he mar- ried (second) Deborah Hatch, born in Scitu- ate, Massachusetts, about 1662, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth (Holbrook) Hatch. She died at Rochester, Massachusetts, June 21, 171 1, and he married (third), at Roches- ter, March 9, 1712, Sarah Edwards, who died about 1732-35. He had two children by first marriage, seven by second antl nine by third marriage. (III) John, son of Joseph and Deborah (Hatch) Doty, was born in Rochester, Massa- chusetts, March i, 1688. He left Rochester after his marriage and probably settled at Sharon, Connecticut, although there are no records to support the supposition. There is little record of him except land transfers in Rochester and Wareham, where he sold land in 1742-45. He married Elizabeth , and had two children, Samuel and Simeon. (IV) Samuel, .son of John and Elizabeth Doty, was born in Rochester, Massachusetts, about 1714. He was a mariner and was called "captain." He settled in Sharon, Con- necticut, where he was an active dealer in real estate and a surveyor. He later removed HUDSON AND MOHAWK \- ALLEYS to Amenia, Dutchess county, New York. He was a man of abilitj' and energy. He mar- ried (first), January 19, 1738-39, Zeruiah Lovell, who died December 11, 1760. She is buried at Sharon, Connecticut, where her tombstone says- "died aged forty-three years." He married (second), April 16, 1761, EHza- beth Southard. They had thirteen children, and he also had ten by his first marriage. (V) Asa, son of Samuel and Zeruiah (Lovell) Doty, was born at Wareham, Mas- sachusetts, November 6, 1746. He was fa- tally injured at Sharon, Connecticut, in 1788, by falling from a wagon. He was a soldier of the revolution, and in 1775 was an ensign in Albany county. He married Sarah Bar- num, in Sharon, Connecticut, who survived him and removed to southwestern New York with her daughter. They were the parents of seven children. [\l) Joshua Lovell, eldest son of Asa and Sarah (Ijarnum) Doty, was born in Sharon, Connecticut, 1769. He removed to Schenec- tady county. New York, where he died at Braman Corners in 1842. He married Mary Clayton, born in Connecticut, 1783. died in Schenectady county. New York, April i, 1868. They had six children. (VH) Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua Lov- ell and Mary (Clayton) Doty, born July 5, 1822, died 1893, married Matthew West (see West VH). (Vni) George Herrick, son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Doty) West, married Carrie L. Burdick (see West XIU). The Finch family was founded FINCH in the town of Broadalbin, Ful- ton county, by Rev. Jonathan Finch, a native of Saratoga county, a minis- ter of the Baptist church. During the war of 1812 he accompanied the American army as chaplain and received a wound which crip- pled one of his hands. He came to Broadal- bin in December, 1793, and there founded the first Baptist church in the town. He mar- ried, and among the children was a son. (H) Joshua, son of Rev. Jonathan Finch, was born in Saratoga county. New York, in the town of Providence. He was a farmer and contractor, prominent in town affairs and a member of the Baptist church. He mar- ried Sarah Clement and had children. Sam- uel Rogers, of whom further; Lansing; Jud- son ; Tudson ; Emily ; Thomas ; Charles. (HI) Samuel Rogers, son of Joshua and Sarah (Clement) Finch, was born in Provi- dence. Saratoga county, New York, August 18, 1815, died in Broadalbin. Fulton county, Mav 13^ 1895. He was a prosperous farmer, 1541 and after his active days were over, retired to Broadalbin, where his sons were living. He was a member of the Baptist church, and a Republican in politics. He married, Feb- ruary 15, 1842, Pamelia Shew, born May 11, 1821, died April, 1901. Children: i. Elizabeth A., born December 28, 1843; married, Sep- tember 4, 1865, John W. Gardiner; children: i. Irwin ; ii. Roger, married Harriet Smith, and has a son, Allen ; iii. John, married Cathe- rine Miller, and has a son, Wesley; iv. Bessie, married Howard Coombs, and has Elizabeth, Howard and Roger; v. Miriam. 2. William W., of whom further. 3. Susan E., born Sep- tember 26, 1848; married, December 23, 1874, Addison A. Gardiner, see forward; children: i. Fannie, born September 12, 1875, married, September 21, 1898, Daniel D. Nelson: chil- dren : Evelyn, Ruth and Donald ; ii. Harry, born January 25. 1877; iii. John, born Oc- tober 8, 1878, mariied. October 20. 1900, Miriam Burr; iv. Nellie, born April 28, 1883; v. Paul, born August 14, 1887. 4. Henry Clement, of whom further. 5. Alice C. born April 26, 1862, in Northampton, Fulton county, New York ; educated at Broadalbin high school and Cortland State Normal, since graduation has been engaged in teaching. Addison A. Gardiner, who married Susan E. Finch, was .son of Sylvester and Mary Ann (Perry) Gardiner. He was born October 10, 1844. in Athens, Greene county. New York, died May 7, 1909. He was educated in the public school, and worked with his father at brickmaking until he was seventeen \ear3 of age, when he enlisted in Company I, Ninety-third Regiment, New York N'olun- teers. and served for three years. He then re-enlisted. At the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864, he was wounded in the left leg in such a manner that amputation was neces- sary. He returned to Athens where he was appointed i)OStmaster and served for several years. Later he removed to Broadalbin where he opened a real estate and insurance office. He was also pension agent, justice of the peace and justice of sessions. He was editor of the Broadalbin Herald, and for ten years served as postmaster. He was a Republican in politics and represented his town in the Fulton county board of supervisors. He was a member of the board of education, and was connected with the difl'erent social and fra- ternal orders of the town, including the Grand Army of the Republic Post, which he helped to organize, and the local lodge of Red Men. He was an active and earnest member of the Baptist church, which he served as deacon and trustee. (IV) William W.. eldest son of Samuel 1542 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Rogers and Pamelia (Shew) Finch, was born in Old Saratoga, New York, April 2, 1846. He was educated in the public schools at Perth and Fish House. When but a lad of fifteen years he enlisted November 3, 1861, in Company D, Seventy-seventh Regiment, New York State Volunteers, Bemis Heights' Bat- talion, and served with that regiment for three years. He was honorably discharged and returned home and spent that winter in school. In April, 1865, he re-enlisted in the Eighth Regiment Veteran Volunteers, known as Hancock's Corps, from which he was hon- orably discharged in 1866. During his first enlistment his regiment was attached to the Army of the Potomac and for three years his fortunes were those of that hard-fought, often-whipped, but finally victorious army. He participated in forty-three battles. On his six- teenth birthday he was under fire at York- town, \'irginia. A few days after passing his seventeenth birthday he was wounded dur- ing the second battle of Fredericksburg, after he fell, severely injured, the Union forces re- treated, pursued by the Confederates, both armies passing over him. The L^nion troops rallied, repulsed the rebels, drove them back and when his own regiment again reached him they discovered the lad bruised and wounded. He was taken from the field, sent to the hos- pital, and, recovering from his injuries, re- turned to his regiment. At the battle of the Wilderness he received his second wound ; his third was received in conflict near Washing- ton. During his second term of enlistment he was on garrison duty while the Union army was being mustered out and disbanded. During his first term of service he was pro- moted to the rank of sergeant, and was dis- charged the second time, ranking as corporal. After the war he came to Broadalbin, where he joined his father and remained at home five years engaged in farming. He next en- gaged in mercantile life, first as clerk, later as a member of the firm of W. W. Finch & Company, general merchants, continuing un- til 1883. in that year he took advantage of the homestead laws and, going west, took up a soldier's claim and returned to farming, continuing four years, after which he was engaged in mercantile business until 1895, when he sold out. and returned to his eastern home. He established in Broadalbin a coal and wood yard, where he also operates a steam mill, grinding flour, feed, etc. He has had an adventurous, prosperous life and still con- tinues the active, energetic man of business. He is a member of Colonel McKean Post, No. 289, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he is past commander. He is a deacon of the Baptist church of Broadalbin, and a member of the Masonic order. He is Republican in politics and served for two years as town clerk. He married, November 4, 1871, Caroline E. Lee, born January i, 1846, daughter of Thomas and Adeline (Guinad) Lee (see Lee I). Children: Nelson L., born January 12, 1873; Ada, January 22, 1876, died May 3, 1888; W. Wallace, December 4, 1877; Lewis, January 19, 1878, married, August 15, 1907, Elsie Kerser ; children : Sayna and Gladys, born June 17, 1908; Bessie I\L, July 8, 1880; T. Rogers, February 10, 1888, died June 3, 1910. (IV) Dr. Henry Clement, fourth child and second son of Samuel Rogers and Pamelia (Shew) Finch, was born in Broadalbin, Ful- ton county. New York, April 27, 1858. He was educated in the common and high schools of his town. Deciding upon the profession of medicine he began his studies with Dr. Barker, of Broadalbin, after which he entered Albany Medical College, where he was gradu- ated RI.D., class of 1882. He at once en- tered on the practice of his profession at Broadalbin, where his medical and surgical skill, combined with rare personal qualities, have endeared him to the people and gained him a most satisfactory practice. Dr. Finch has not only achieved professional success and reputation, but is one of Broadalbin's most capable, successful business men. In 1884 he established a drug business in the town. In 1886 Richard Lee was admitted a partner under the firm name of Finch & Lee, and so continued until January i, 1909, when they consolidated with Bradford & Dickinson as the Broatlalbin Drug Company, with Mr. Bradford as president. Dr. Finch as vice-presi- dent, Mr. Lee, treasurer. He was one of the organizers of the Broadalbin Knitting Com- pany, of which he is president and treasurer. He is secretary and treasurer of the Broad- albin Electric Light & Power Company, presi- dent of the Kurje-Nuck Hall Association, and is a member of the firm of W. W. Finch & Company. He is a Republican in politics, and served a term as coroner of Fulton county, New York. He is an ex-president of the Ful- ton County Medical Society, and is a member of the State Medical Society. He is a mem- ber and trustee of the Baptist church of Broadalbin. He married, September i, 1881, Lottie A., born February 27, 1862, daughter of Dr. Barker, of Broadalbin. Children : i. Burton Roland, born September 20, 1882, died December 23, 1900. 2. Grace May, August 19, 1884, a graduate of Gloversville high school and Vassar College, class of 1908, now V'S^^'/ (Q/, Q^c^c-^: /C HUDSON AND MOHAWK N' ALLEYS 1543 a teacher in Broadalbin high school. 3. Percy Henry, January 21, 1890, a graduate of the Broadalbin and Gloversville high schools, now a student of Union University (Albany Medi- cal School), class of 191 1. 4. Cecil Clement, August 8, 1893, educated in Broadalbin high school, attended Colgate Academy two years, now a student in Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute, Troy, New York, class of 1914. 5. Millicent Marian, April 25, 1898. The Lees of Broadalbin, New York, LEE are of English ancestry, and but two generations removed from their na- tive land. Thomas Lee, born 181 8, in Barby, Northamptonshire. England, came to the United States in 1831, alone, and only a lad, settling at Greenbush (opposite Albany), now the city of Rensselaer. He here learned the trade of locksmith with a Captain Gaines. After completing his years of apprenticeship he formed a partnership with Lawrence Van Buskirk, and located in Troy, New York, as Lee & Van Buskirk. They carried on a prosperous business in Troy for several years when the firm dissolved, Mr. Lee going to Broadalbin, Fulton county, where he purchased a small farm of fifty-six acres and devoted the remainder of his years to its cultivation. During the civil war he enlisted in the Tenth Regiment, New York Cavalry, and served three years. He enlisted from Broadalbin, September 4, 1862, being then forty-four years of age, mustered in October 30, 1862, sick in hospital from April, 1864, to July, 1864. He was also sick in the First Division, United States General Hospital, Alexandria, Virginia, November and December, 1864; mustered out June 2, 1865. He saw much hard service with the "Tenth," a famous fighting regiment. He was a member of Colonel McKean Post, Grand Army of the Republic, a Republican in politics, and a member of the Baptist church. He married, March, 1844, Adeline Guinad, born February 28, 1827. Children: Caroline E., born Janu- ary I, 1846, married William W. Finch, No- vember 4, 1 87 1 (see Finch IV), and had chil- dren: Nelson L., Ada, W. Wallace, Lewis, Bessie AL, and T. Rogers ; Rebecca, married James B. Spence ; Charlotte, married William \'ail : Henrietta, married Thomas Cleveland, and had Lee and Percy; Lewis M., married Elva Stone, and had Miriam, Ernest, Elwood and Carrie: Richard H., of whom further; Jennie, died in infancy. (H) Richard Henry, second .son and fifth child of Thomas and Adeline (Guinad) Lee, was born in Broadalbin, Fulton county. New York. June 16, i860. He was well educated in the public schools, and, after completing his studies, taught in the public schools for four years. He began his commercial life in 1884, with Dr. Henry C. Finch as partner in the drug firm. Finch & Lee, continuing until the incorporation of the Broadalbin Drug Company, of which he is treasurer. He is an able business man and a citizen of high standing. He is a member of Kennyetto Lodge, No. 599, Free and Accepted Masons, and of Niskayuna Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men. He is a member of the Methodist Church and a trustee, in politics a Republican. He married, December 11, 1884, Ida R. Tym- erson, born May 3, 1861, daughter of Martin H. and Mary (Sawyer) Tymerson, who had children : Frances, married George A. Brum- mer; Ida R., married Richard Henry Lee; Mary, married William J. Sheldon ; Cora, mar- ried Walter A. Smith ; James ; Walter, mar- ried Nellie Skilif; Charles, married Rose Brennan, and had children, Herbert, lilise, Ruth, and Irene. Richard H. and Ida R. T. Lee have two children : Martha, born January 8, 1886, and Lessie, born December 4, 1889. The Murray family settled in MURRAY Massachusetts and Connecti- cut prior to the revolution. One branch settled at Torrington, Connecti- cut, and it is from this family that Daniel Murray, grandfather of Dr. William H. Mur- ray, of Albany, descends. Through the mar- riage of Francis M. Murray to Sarah Lock- wood, descent is obtained from Robert Lock- wood, "the emigrant," 1630, from England. Burke's "General Armory" gives the arms of Lockwood — Argent, a fesse between three martlets sable. Crest: On the stump of an oak tree erased proper a martlet, sable. Motto: Tutus in undus (Secure against the waves). (I) Robert Lockwood came from England about 1630 and settled in Watertown, Massa- chusetts, where six of his children were born. He was made a freeman, March 9, 1636. About 1646 he removed to Fairfield, Connec- ticut, where he died 1658. He was made a freeman of Connecticut, May 20, 1652. He was appointed sergeant of the train band, May, 1657. He died intestate, and the court ordered the division of his property: one- third to the widow, the ten children dividing the remainder. His widow, Susannah, mar- ried (second) Jeflfery Ferris, and died at "Grinwich," December 23, 1663. Qiildren : i. Jonathan, of whom further. 2. Deborah, born October 12, 1636. 3. Joseph, born Au- gust 6, 1638; "Sergeant Joseph Lockwood de- parted this life, April 14, 1717, aged seventy- 1544 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS eight years, eight months and eight days." 4. Daniel, born IMarch 21, 1640, died 1691. 5. Ephraim, born December i, 1641 ; married Mercy Sention (St. John). 6. Gershom, born September 6, 1643, died March 12, 1718. "Lieutenant Gershom Lockwood was the prin- cipal carpenter and builder in the town of Greenwich, Connecticut, and filled many of- fices of trust and importance." He married Lady Ann Millington. (This lady's romantic story has often been told, together with that of the chest containing a half bushel of guineas, and fine silk dresses.) The chest is yet in evidence in Greenwich. 7. John. 8. Abigail, married John Barlow. 9. Sarah. 10. Mary, married Jonathan Huested. (H) Lieutenant Jonathan, eldest son of Robert and Susannah Lockwood, was born in Watertown, Massachusetts, September 10, 1634, died in Greenwich, Connecticut, May 12, 1688. He signed a paper January i, 1657, at "Easttowne" in the New Netherlands, prom- ising allegiance to the Dutch governor, "so long as we live in his jurisdiction." He was of Stamford, Connecticut, October 16, 1660, resided there until 1665, when he sold his estate there and removed to Greenwich. He became a freeman there in 1670, was assist- ant in May, 1671, and in 1672 "one of the twenty-seven proprietors." He became a lead- ing citizen, and represented the town in the legislature four years. He died in 1688, the people met in town meeting and passed reso- lutions deploring the loss of so good a man and valuable a citizen. He married Mary, daughter of Jeffery Ferris, his stepfather, by a former marriage. Mary survived him and married (second) Sergeant Thomas Mer- ritt, of Rye. Children of Lieutenant Jonathan Lockwood: Jonathan (2), died November 9, 1689; Robert, died prior to January 23, 1732; Gershom, deputy to colonial assembly, married Hannah , and had nine children ; Jo- seph, of whom further ; Still John, an im- portant wealthy man ; married, and had thir- teen children ; Sarah, married Michael Louns- bery; Abigail. (HI) Joseph, son of Lieutenant Jonathan and Mary (Ferris) Lockwood, was born at Stamford, Connecticut, 1675, died 1759, at Poundridge, Westchester county. New York, where he removed in 1743. He married (first). May 19, 1698. Elizabeth Ayres, who died December 16, 1715. Married (second), August 10, 1 716. Margery Webb, born Oc- tober 4, 1683, died January 2, 1736, daughter of James and Haimah (Scofield) Webb. Children by wife: i. Jo.seph, of whom further. 2. Hannah, born March 24, 1701, married David Ham. 3. John, born Septem- ber 18, 1703, died 1776; married (first) Sa- rah Scofield; (second) Abigail . 4. Nathaniel, died young. 5. Elizabeth, married Job Hoyt, and had twelve children. 6. Is- rael, born June 14, 1710; married Susannah Smith. 7. Mary, married James Jump. 8. Reuben, born December 15, 1715, captain of Westchester county militia (see N. Y. Col. Mas. 85, for muster roll of Captain Reuben Lockwood's company, April 22, 1758). He married (first) Sarah Cramp; (second) Eliza- beth Stevens. Children by second wife : 9. Nathaniel, born May 20, 1717; married Mary Palchin, and had twelve children. 10. Na- than, born March 25, 1719. 11. Lieutenant- Colonel James, born July 15, 1722. From Colonial records, vol. 10, page 42, October 2, 1751 : "This Assembly do appoint Major Lockwood to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the 9th Regiment of the colony." He mar- ried May Norton, and had eight children. (IV) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (i) and Elizabeth (Ayres) Lockwood, was born at Stamford, Connecticut, March 15, 1699, died at Poundridge, Westchester county. New York, June 15, 1757. He removed with his father to Poundridge in 1743. He was a farmer. He married Sarah, born April i, 1706, died 1790, daughter of Joshua and Mary (Pickett) Hoyt. Her father was one of the proprietors of the Stamford patent, granted 1685. Qiildren: i. Eliakim, died in child- hood. 2. Joseph, of whom further. 3. Eliza- beth, born March 7, 1733; married Nathaniel Waring. 4. Gilbert, died young. 5. Major Ebenezer. born March 31, 1737; justice of the peace under the king until the revolution ; major of Westchester county militia, and was in active service during the revolution ; the British burned his house, drove of¥ his slock, then stripped him of his home and property; after the war he was judge of the county court, frequently elected to the legislature, en- trusted with loaning of the state money in his county. He married (first), February 16, 1761, Hannah Smithy; (second) .Sarah ; ten children. Major Lockwood died, aged eighty-four years, at Poundridge, New York. 6. Rachel, born January 19, 1739; married Ebenezer Wood. 7. Mercy, married David Dan. 8. Hezekiah, died aged seven years. 9. Prudence, married Elijah \\'eecl. (V) Joseph (3), son of Joseph (2) and Sarah (Hoyt) Lockwood, was born at Stam- ford, Connecticut, June 30, 1731, died at Poundridge, Westchester county, New York, March 17, 1792. He continued on the farm with his father until his death, when tlie estate of live hundred acres was di\ided be- tween his brother, Major Ebenezer Lockwood HUDSON AXD MOHAWK VALLEYS [545 and himself, being the only surviving sons. The farm is located on a beautiful ridge of land on which a pound being located gave it the name, Poundridge. (This properly is yet in the family name.) He was elected town clerk in 1760, was commissioned captain of a military company, September 13, 1775. He was at Ticonderoga in 1775 in command of his company. He married Hannah, daugh- ter of Solomon Close, of North Salem, New York. She survived and became the third wife of Captain James Richards, of New Canaan, Connecticut. She died December 22, 1806. Children: Hannah, married Captain Philo Lewis ; Sarah, married Thaddeus Hoyt ; Joseph (4), married ]\Iary Drake; Solomon, of whom further; Prudence, married John Smith; Alindwell; Matilda, died young; Mercy, married Jonathan Waring; Matilda (2), married Seth Kellogg; Nancy, married Henry Jones. {\'l) Solomon, son of Joseph (3) and Hannah (Close) Lockwood, was born at Poundridge, New York, August 28, 1766, died March 9, 1841. He married Mary, born April 16, 1770, died May 6, 1848, daughter of Odle Close, of Greenwich, Connecticut. Children : I. Bethia, born June 21, 1791 ; married Hon. Horatio Lockwood. 2. Odle, born May 4, 1793, died August 15, 1873; married Maria Barnum. 3. Leander, born November 21, 1794, died March 22, 1795. 4. Joseph, born September 2^, 1796, accidentally drowned in the Alleghany river, February 28, 1830. 5. Hannah, born March 9, 1798, died February 21. 1868. 6. William, born September 14, 1800, died November 15, 1880, at Bedford, New York. He married (first) Maria J., daughter of Rev. Daniel and Anna (Austin) Crocker; married (second) Jane, daughter of Joshua and Reuhuma Raymond ; married (third) Rebecca, daughter of Uriah and Sa- rah Raymond. Four children, two by the first and two by the second wife. 7. Catherine Mary, born October 13, 1802; married John L. Silliman; died April 17, 1879. 8. Sarah Elizabeth, born September 10, 1805, died June 30, 1884. married Francis N. Murray (see Murray H). 9. Nancy, born and died No- vember, 1807. 10. Solomon (2), born Sep- tember 5, 1810. died September 22, 181 1. (The Murray Line). Daniel ^Murray was of Scotch ancestry and may have been a descendant of William Mur- ray, of Amherst, Massachusetts, who was born in Scotland, i6go, came to America in 1720, married Hannah Dickinson, descend- ant of Nathaniel Dickinson, who came in 1635, one of the founders of Hadley. Massa- chusetts. Daniel Murray died in Connecti- cut, at the age of eighty years. He mar- ried and had a large family, including Edgar,^ married Lucinda Lodes, went to California in 1848, and was never again heard from; Hannah, married Samuel Whitlock, of Xor- walk, Connecticut, and had daughter, Sarah ; Francis K., see forward. (H) Francis N., son of Daniel Murray, was born in 1810, in Westport, Connecticut. He was educated and grew to manhood in that state. In 1849 '^^ caught the gold-seeker's fever and joined a company going to Cali- fornia. He left his family in Connecticut and traveled westward by way of the Isthmus. Taking ship from there he sailed for San' Francisco and died just before reaching that port. He was buried at sea and it was many months before his family learned his fate. He married Sarah Elizabeth Lockwood, born at Poundridge, Westchester county, New York, daughter of Solomon and Mary (Close) Lockwood (see Lockwood VI). (Ill) William H., son of Francis N. and Sarah Elizabeth (Lockwood) Murray, was born at Poundridge, Westechester county,. New York, December 2. 1845. He was five years of age when his father left home on his fatal California trip, and his early training and education depended upon his widowed mother. He was educated under a private tutor and at Rett's Military Academy, Stam- ford, Connecticut, where he was graduated in 1863. He entered Union College the follow- ing autumn and, pursuing a full course, was graduated A.B., class of 1867. He taught a private school at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, witli much success. At this time a young man in town was striving to secure an edu- cation. Dr. Murray, to help him both in his study and slender purse, allowed him to share his room and tutored him in Latin and Greek branches, in which he was unusually proficient and well qualified to teach. This young man was. later. Governor Hastings, of Pennsyl- vania. He never forgot the assistance rend- ered him, but always gave Mr. Murray great credit for his success in life. With the capital secured while an instructor he took a course at Albany Medical College, where he was graduated M.D., 1869. In 1870 he began the practice of medicine in Albany, where he yet continues. He is a popular and skilled physician and surgeon, standing high among his professional brethren and highly regarded everywhere. It was said at one time he could call every man in the city by name. He has been much in i)ublic life, and is identified with the leading social and fraternal organiza- tions. He is a member of the State and Coun- [546 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ty Medical societies, and was president of the latter. He was an organizer of the Hos- pital for Incurables, and since its inception has been president of the board of trustees. His desire to be of service to his city and fellowmen had induced him to accept numer- ous public trusts. He served as supervisor of his ward for five years ; president of the board of alderman for one year; district phy- sician ; police surgeon : county physician ; coroner's physician ; penitentiary physician and city physician. During his incumbency of the ofifice, president of the board of aldermen of Albany, the contest occurred between Dr. Swinburne and Nolan over the mayoralty. While this contest was passing the courts, Dr. INIurray, by virtue of his office, was act- ing mayor of Albany. He is a prominent member of the Masonic order, holding all degrees of the York Rite, and is a thirty- second degree member of the Scottish Rite ; and a member of the Shrine. He has passed all the chairs in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and the Red Men. His clubs are the University and Albany. He is a Democrat and retains his ac- tive influential position in the party he has served so well. He married, in Schenectady, in 1868 (Rev. Dr. Payne, Episcopal minister, officiating), Martha B., daughter of James M. Bouck, and granddaughter of William C. Bouck, gover- nor of New York, elected in 1842. James M. Bouck was a prominent lawyer of Schenec- tady, New York, and postmaster of that city. His brother, Colonel Gabriel Bouck, served in the civil war in 1861-65, removed to Osh- kosh, Wisconsin, where he became attorney- general and one of the most prominent and wealthy men of the state ; was grand master of the Free and Accepted Masons, and a man of sterling character. James M. Bouck ■married Charlotte Van Vorst, of Burnt Hills, Saratoga county, New York, sister of ex- Mayor Van Vorst, of Schenectady. Dr. and Martha B. Murray have one son, Frank N. born April 19, 1870, educated in the Albany high school, Boys' Academy and Business College, now (1910) private and confidential secretary to Vice-President Rice, of the Gen- ■eral Electric Company, who trusts to him in all matters affecting private and business af- fairs. He married Anna Bridges, and has Dorothy I'ouck Murrav. The Lohnas family herein re- LOHN.AS corded descend from Adam Lohnas, born in Germany, 1754, died in Valley Falls, New York, April 14, 1839. He was a private in Captain Chris- topher Kilmer's company. Sixth Albany Regiment Militia. Colonel Stephen H. Schuy- ler. He married Elizabeth Boritt, born May 22, 1 77 1, died February 15, 1858. Children: Jacob, of further mention ; Solomon, born April 8, 1806, died unmarried, March 24, 1893; Adam (2), born May 5, 1808, died November 2, 1883, he was a resident of Rens- selaer county. New York, where he followed the business of packer in the powder mills, he married (first) a Miss Siser ; children: Alonzo, Sarah and Jane A.; married (second) Jane Whalen, born March 14, 1820, died Feb- ruary. 1870; children: Nancy, Mary, George, Isabell, Clara, Adam. (II) Jacob, eldest child of Adam and Eliza- beth (Boritt) Lohnas, was born March 8, 1802, died August 29, 1839. He settled in the town of Pittstown, Rensselaer county. New York, where he is buried with his wife. He married, March 8, 1832, Charity Deyoe, born February 2, 18 12, daughter of Zachariah and Phoebe (Oakley) Deyoe (see Deyoe VII). Children, all born in the town of Pittstown, Rensselaer county. New York : Phoebe, born February 17, 1833, married David McWhit- hey, no issue ; Edwin, born December, 1834, married, December 15, 1882, Jane Rastel, no issue : Deyoe, of further mention ; Charity Maria, born 1839, died 1847. (III) Deyoe, son of Jacob and Charity (Deyoe) Lohnas, was born at Valley Falls, town of Pittstown, Rensselaer county. New York, December 15, 1836. He was educated in the public schools and at Schuylerville Academy. At the age of fifteen years he began business life in Schuylerville as a dealer in groceries and meats, continuing there until 1866, when he removed to Saratoga Springs, engaging in the same line of trade, dealing extensively in grain, flour, and groceries, and erected, 1881, the first cold storage plant in the state of New York. He first introduced Chicago dressed beef and erected, for the sale of same, wholesale houses in Glens Falls, Saranac Lake and Lake Placid. He has acquired large business interests, and is one of the leading citizens of Saratoga Springs. He was formerly a director of the First National Bank of Saratoga, and is the pres- ent principal owner and president of the well- known Lincoln Spring Company. He is a Republican in politics. In 1887 he was elected president of the village of Saratoga Springs and again in 1889. He served for three years as a member of the village board of education. He is prominently identified with the Ma.sonic order, beinq- affiliated with Lodge. Council. Chapter. Commandery, and is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He was y HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS a member of Saratoga Club, and is a mem- ber of the Saratoga Business Men's Associa- tion. He married, October 9. i860, Hulda L. Farr, born July 5, 1839, at Fort Ann, New York, daughter of Leonard and Amanda A. (Nelson) Farr. Children: i. Nellie Farr, born August 28, 1863; married, March 9, 1887, Adelbert C. Hayden, of Northville, New York ; children : Grace Lohnas Hayden, born August 8, 1888, and Rita Marion Hay- den. born February 13, 1893. ^- Harriet AL, born November 8, 1866; married Edward B. Ashton, of Argyle, Washington county, New York, September 9, 1897; son, Deyoe Lohnas Ashton. 3. Grace i\L, born July 11, 1875. died February 19, 1883. (The Deyoe Line). Among the twelve original patentees of the town of New Paltz, Lllster county. New York, the last to cross the ocean from France was the Huguenot, Christian Deyoe. He was ac- companied by his son Pierre, the latter's wife, Agatha Nickol, and child, and the unmarried daughters. Maria, Elizabeth and Margaret, who later became the wives respectively of Abraham Hasbrouck, Simon Le Fevre and Abraham DuBois. The earliest records in the Dutch church at Kingston and the Huguenot church at New Paltz show different ways of spelling the name, Doyau, Doioie, Doyo and Deyoe, the latter now being the generally ac- cepted form. In the treaty with the Indians in 1677, Pierre (also a patentee) wrote the name "Doyo." His father. Christian, did not write his name but made his mark and the name is written "de Yoo." The Huguenots, of whom there were quite a number at Kings- ton and Hurley, were desirous of forming a settlement of their own where they might speak their own language, French, and form a community of their own. They finally pur- chased land from the Indians which included all the present town of Lloyd, about two- thirds of New Paltz, one-third of Esopus and one-fourth of Rosendale. In the records of the patentees, as the twelve signers were called, long preserved in an ancient trunk in the Huguenot Bank at New Paltz, is the copy of the document, signed by the Indians on their part, and by Louis Du Bois and his elev- en associates, one of whom was "Christian de Yoo his X mark," and his son, "Pierre Doyo." The bargain was approved by Governor An- dros, April 28, 1677. The patentees at once settled on their purchase at the point now known as New Paltz, all undoubtedly living on what is now Huguenot street, in that vil- lage. The records of the church from 1683 to 1702 are written in I-'rench. and record many births, marriages and deaths of the De- yoes and others. The descent is through Pierre Deyoe, son of Christian, who died about ten years after the settlement at New Paltz and must have been a very old man. He made his will February i, 1686-87. There is a tradition that Pierre Deyoe, son of Chris- tian, died while on an expedition to find a route from New Paltz to the river, and that many years afterward a buckle from a truss he had worn was found among his bones. This Pierre was probably Pierre, a grandson of Christian and son of Pierre. (II) Pierre, .son of Christian Deyoe, came with his father to America bringing his wife, Agatha Nickol, and one child. He was one of the twelve patentees of New Paltz. He left four sons and two daughters. In 1675 he was still in the Palatinate of Germany, as shown by his certificate of good standing, yet preserved in the family. "This is to cert'ify that Peter Doio and Agatha Nickol, both in honor living in Curr Pfalz, Mutterstadt, cir- cuit of Newstadt, have been united in mar- riage, the intent of such marriage having been announced three times from the pulpit, that they are members of the Reformed Church and as far as we know the same are well be- haved people. Mutterstadt. Curr Pfalz 21 January, 1675. Jacob Amyot, Pastor." Chil- dren : I. Christian, of further mention. 2. Abraham, born at Hurley. New York, October 16, 1676: married, 1702. Elsie Clearwater; he died in 1725, leaving a son Abraham, and daughters Marytje, and Wyntje. Abraham (2) was the father of Abraham Deyoe, of the revolutionary army. 3. Pierre, baptized at New Paltz, New York, 1683 ; grew to man's estate ; left no issue. 4. Hendricus, baptized at Kingston, New York, October 12, 1690; married, at Kingston, December 31, 1715, Margaret \'on Bummel, baptized at Kingston, 1693 ; in the old graveyard at New Paltz is a gravestone believed to mark the burial place of Margaret, wife of Hendricus. Of the two daughters of Pierre Deyoe, Mary, the eldest, born 1679, married Jacob Clearwater, set- tled at Vontecoe, had son Abraham, baptized at New Paltz, 1699. Margaret, the second daughter, left no issue. (III) Christian, son of Pierre and Agatha (Nickol) Deyoe, was born in the Palatinate of Germany, 1674, and is the child alluded to as coming to America with his father and grandfather. Christian Dej'oe. He appears in the list of taxpayers in 1712; in the list of soldiers of Captain Hoffman's company, 1716, in the list of those who built the first stone church in New Paltz in 1728 ; in the list of slave-holders in 1755. He was a deacon of 548 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS the New Paltz church, 1733, and an elder in 1765. He married, at New Paltz, 1702, Marytje De Graff (in French Le Conte). He left sons Moses and Jacobus, and daughter Mary. Moses married Clarris Stokhard and had sons Christian and Johannes. Mary mar- ried, 1 73 1, Jeems Ackmoidi, a Scotchman, and ancestor of the Auchmoody family. (IV) Jacobus, son of Christian and Mary- tje (De Graff) Deyoe, removed to Kingston, New York. His name does not appear upon the records at New Paltz, but in 1738 it is found in a list of foot-soldiers of Kingston. Afterwards he or his widow moved to Dutch- ess county, and in the Poughkeepsie church records appears the following entry : "J'^"'" tje Freer, widow of Jacobus De Joo, born at New Paltz, married April 22, 1754, to Rich- ard Gryn, born at Oswego." In 1724 Jacobus Deyoe married, at Kingston, Janitje Freer, both at the time residing at New Paltz. They had several daughters, and one son, Jacobus, born 1732, also a son, Peter. (V) Peter, son of Jacobus and Janitje (Freer) Deyoe, was born in 1738, baptized by Dominie Mancius, October 21, 1739, as shown by the Kingston church records, James Auchmoody and Greetje Deyoe being spon- sors. He removed to Pittstown, Rensselaer county. New York, where he died in 1812. He married, 1765, Charity Maria Cramer, born 1745. They were married in New York City, but resided the remainder of their lives in Pittstown. Children: Zachariah, of whom further; James, Peter, Jacob, John, Sarah, Jane, Katherine, Charity. (\T) Zachariah, son of Peter and Charity Maria (Cramer) Deyoe, was born in Dutch- ess county, New York, September 24, 1774, died 1826, and is buried with his wife at Schroon, New York. He married, February 13, 1799, Phoebe Oakley. Children: Jacob, William O., who settled in the west; Dor- cas, married Ephraim Grimes ; Charity, of further mention ; Peter. (VII) Charity, daughter of Zachariah and Phoebe (Oakley) Deyoe, married Jacob Loh- nas (see Lohnas II). Jan Thomas \'an Witbcck, WIllTBICCK horn at Witbeck in Hol- stein (formerly a duchy of Denmark) was of Beverwyck in 1652. The name as first used was Van Witbeck (from W'itheck), the Van was soon dropped and Witbeck alone used as a surname. The name is written both Witbeck and Whitbeck, but the first of the name recorded in Albany is Jan Thomas Van Witbeck, who from 1652, when Beverwyck was laid out, to 1678, was the most considerable dealer in house lots in the village. In 1664, in company with Vol- kert Jan Douw, he bought the whole of Ap- jas or Schotack and the mainland opposite on the east side of the Hudson river from the Indians. He married Geertruy Andriese Dochter in New Amsterdam. Children : An- dries Janse, Johannes, Lucas, Hendrick, Jona- than, Thomas, Catharina, married Jacob San- derse, of Glen, and in 1696 married (second) Jonas Volkertse Douw. (II) Andries Janse Witbeck, son of Jan Thomas and Geertruy Andriese (Dochter) Van Witbeck, married Engeltje Volkertse Douw. Children and dates of baptism: An- dries, died young; Lucas, January 16, 1687; Jan, of further mention; Willetje, June 30, 1689: Andries, January i, 1692; Geertruy, December 26, 1694; Dorothee, January I, 1698; Jonas, November 10, 1700. (III) Jan, son of Andries Janse and En- geltje A'olkertse (Douw) Witbeck, was bap- tized April 24, 1687. He married (first) Agnietje Bronck ; (second) January 9, 1726, Maria Williams. Children and dates of bap- tism ; Andries, July 4, 1707 ; Lena, March 27, 1709; Jan, September 27, 1713; Volkert, of further mention; Pieter, May 6, 1722; Ag- nietje, October 8, 1827. (IV) Volkert. son of Jan and Agnietje (Bronck) Witbeck, was baptized August 10, 1718, died 1802. He was of Red Hook, New York. He held the commission of lieutenant in Captain Hoft'man's company, dated Feb- ruary 27, 1757, signed by Henry Livingston, clerk of Dutchess county. He married and had issue. (V) John, son of \'olkert Whitbeck (as the name was now written), was born April 13, 1747, died at Claverack, Columbia county, New York, and is buried in the old Dutch church in that place. He married Elizabeth Delameter, born January 31, 1746. He is said to have been an officer of the revolu- tionary army. Children : \'olkert, born Feb- ruary 10, 1770; John, of further mention ; Pe- ter, twin of John; Jeremiah, May 26, 1776; Dolly, January 30, 1778 ; Harman, August 18, 1780: Jacob, March 30. 1784. (\T) Major John (2), son of John (i) and Elizabeth (Delameter) Whitbeck, was born June 16, 1772, died .'\pril 15, 1859. He lived at Claverack, where he died and is buried. He learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed in connection with his farming oper- ations. He was an officer of the war of 1812, ranking as major. He married Maria Decker, born December 30, 1772, died April 28, 1854, daughter of George Decker. Children : Ma- ria, born October 27, 1797; John, October HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS '549 i8, 1799; Volkert, of further mention; Jacob, February 24, 1805; Elizabeth, July 12, 1807; Cornelia, twin of Elizabeth ; Jane, April 14, 181 1 ; Dorothy Augustina, June 24, 1817; John Henry, April 4, 1823; Calvin Augus- tus, Alay 22, 1825. (MI) Dr. \'olkert Whitbeck, son of Major John (2) and Maria (Decker) Whitbeck, was born in Claverack, New York, January 24, 1802, died in Hudson, New York, in 1887. He was educated at Hudson Academy, later in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He prepared for the profession of medicine and was graduated M.D. in 1835. After practicing in Greenport and Rhinebeck, New York, for a short time he settled in Hudson, where for a period of half a century he was the leading physician and surgeon. He had an extensive practice in and around Hudson, being well known as a skillful surgeon and medical authority. He was a member of the State and County Med- ical associations, taking an active part in their meetings and deliberations. He was health official of the city, where he held high posi- tion. He was interested in the National Guard of his state and held the rank of cap- tain of artillery, his battery being located at Hudson. He served his city as alderman and supervisor, rendering efficient service. Polit- ically he was a Whig, which had been the pre- vious family politics. He attended the Dutch church. He married ("first) Sharp; (second) Caroline, daughter of Captain Jacob and Gertrude (Schermerhorn) Rockefeller. Jacob Rockefeller died about 1858, in the town of Claverack, New York. He was survived by four children, namely : Seth I., a resident of Greenport, later in New York; Caroline, aforementioned as wife of ^"olkert Whitbeck, of Hudson; Harriet, wife of Peter Best, of Claverack, New York ; Catherine M., of Claverack, New York. Gertrude was a daughter of Riah Schermerhorn, who with his father owned a flour mill located on the Hudson at Rhinebeck that was burned by the English soldiers. Riah's father emigrated from Holland, where Riah re- turned and became a man of importance. The family have a portrait of him in his court dress and letters describing balls and func- tions he attended at the Dutch court. He started on his return to America, but was taken sick on board and compelled to go back to land, where he soon died. He left a will leaving a considerable fortune, including money and valuables on his person when leav- ing the ship that could never be found. Chil- dren of Dr. Volkert and Caroline Whitbeck: I. Jacob R., born in Greenport (near Hud- son), New York; became a dry goods mer- chant of Hudson; was a Whig, later a Re- publican ; an attendant of the Dutch Reformed church; married Caroline GifTord, of Hud- son; children: i. Willis Kendall, died in Brooklyn, New York, where he was engaged in the plumbing business; ii. George, now in jewelry business in Brooklyn; iii. Caroline, unmarried. 2. Dr. Ansel McKinstry, a phy- sician of Brooklyn ; practiced in Hudson and Albany, New York, before settling in Brook- lyn ; resides at 515 Eastern Parkway, Brook- lyn ; he married Emma Ellis ; child, Ansel McKinstry (2), of Detroit, Michigan. 3. John \'olkert, born April 8, 1838, at Rhine- beck, died June 29, 1907, at Hud.son ; he was a graduate of the Albany Law School, LL.B. ; was justice of the peace; surrogate of Co- lumbia county, 1896; president of the school board in Pludson ; captain of Company A, One hundred and twenty-eighth Regiment New York Volunteers ; assistant quartermas- ter-general on staff of General N. P. Banks, served three years in civil war and saw much hard service, wounded at New Orleans and compelled to return home, never fully recov- ered ; was past master of Aquilla Lodge, No. 700, Free and Accepted Masons ; a member of the Grand Army of the Republic ; he mar- ried Harriet Anna Ham, granddaughter of Rev. Herman Vedder and daughter of Colo- nel Henry H. Ham, who was born in Dutch- ess county, July 7, 1818, died at Pine Plains, August 5. 1895. Colonel Henry H. Ham married Clarissa Antoinette Esselstyn, born April 27, 1819, died September 9, 1872. Children of John \'olkert and Harriet A. (Ham) Whitbeck: i. Antoinette Vedder, mar- ried Charles Benedict ; child, Harriet A., de- ceased, ii. Ellogeane Ridner, married Abra- ham \'osburgh. iii. Henry Ham, born June I, 1875, resident of Hudson; iv. John Yol- kert (2), born June 2, 1878, a graduate of Albany Law School, 1900, L.L. B. ; city judge of Hudson, 1907; prominent in law, politics and fraternal orders ; married, October, 1902, Gertrude McEntee Hoysradt ; children : Eliz- abeth, and John Volkert, born March 14, 1905. 4. Volkert, of further mention. 5. Sherwood, born September 5, 1843, fl'^d Oc- tober I, 1844. 6. Ellogeane, born November 22, 1845. died June 27, 1887: married Joseph H. Ridner. 7. Charles, of further mention. 8. Gertrude, born August 24, 1850; married Edgar E. Wright.- (VHI) Volkert (3), fourth child of Dr. Volkert (2) and Caroline (Rockefeller) Whitbeck, was born in Hudson, November 28, 1840. He was educated in the district schools and Hudson Academy, April i8, 1861. he en- listed in Company K, Fourteenth Regiment, 1550 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \-ALLEYS New York Volunteers, served two years, and was honorably discharged with the rank of first sergeant. He served in the Peninsula campaign with the Army of the Potomac two years, was in the seven days' battles un- der General McClellan at Chancellorsville, un- der General Hooker at Fredericksburg, where he received a slight wound. He saw much hard service, as these battles testify. After his discharge from the army he returned to Hud- son. In 1863 he engaged in photography in that city, an art he still continues, having the leading studio in the city. He was one of the organizers of the Cowles Guard and captain for several years, and served as police com- missioner five years. He is one of the oldest members of the Masonic fraternity in Hud- son. He attends the Reformed church, and is a member of the Hudson Club. Politically he is a Republican. (Vni) Charles, son of Dr. Volkert (2) and Caroline (Rockefeller) Whitbeck, was born in Hudson, New York, April 3, 1848. He was educated in the public schools and at Bradbury School. He chose the profession of law, but never engaged in practice. For twelve years he was engaged in the insur- ance business in Hudson. For three years he conducted a retail coal yard. In 1879 he was elected clerk of Columbia county and served as such three years. In company with George C. Power, as the Hudson River Bridge Com- pany, engaged in the manufacture of iron and steel bridges and built up a large and pros- perous business, continuing five years. Through the failure of the Catskill railroad to meet a payment of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the Hudson River Bridge Company was forced to the wall. After ten years as a dealer in cotton, he organized the Athens Knitting Company for the manu- facture of knit imderwear. He was secre- tary, treasurer and manager of the company which has had a prosperous career. The com- pany was organized in 1897, with factory at Athens. Mr. Whitbeck continues (1911) in the same office mentioned. He is president of the Hudson and Catskill Ferry Company and secretary, treasurer, and superintendent of the Hudson and Athens Ferry Company. He is a Republican in politics, and served as alderman of Hudson. He is a member of the Dutch Reformed church, of the Masonic fra- ternity of Hudson, and a member and ex- president of the Hudson Club. He married, September 17, 1874, Margaret, daughter of George H. and Adeline (Coffin) Power. Chil- dren: I. Charles, born July 4, 1875, died July 28, 1875. 2. George Power, born 1876; a graduate of Hudson high school, engaged with his grandfather, George H. Power, and for three years was with him in New York & Hudson Steamboat Company; in 1897 he went with his father and is now superinten- dent of the Athens Knitting Company ; he married Mrs. Millie Harrington, daughter of Aaron Vanderpoel. 3. Adele, born 1879. died 1886. 4. Dr. Sherwood Volkert. 5. Kather- ine Power, a graduate of Hudson high school. (IX) Dr. Sherwood Volkert Whitbeck, son of Charles and Margaret (Power) Whitbeck, was born in Hudson, December 26, 1879. He was educated in the public schools, a graduate of Hudson high school, 1896, graduate of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, was two years at the Roosevelt Hospital, and at Sloan Maternity Hospital three months. In 1904 es- tablished in Hudson in general practice, spe- cializing in surgery. He served in the New York National Guard one year. He is a Re- publican in politics. He is a member of the Hudson board of health, surgeon of the City Hospital, consulting physician and sur- geon of New York State Training School for girls, a member and vestryman of the Christ Episcopal Church, a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, of the Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks, Elks Club, the Alumni Association of Roosevelt and Sloan Maternity Hospitals of New York City, Columbia County Society of New York. American Medical, New York State, and Columbia County Med- ical societies. He married, .'\pril 12, 1904, at Hudson, Caroline, daughter of Albert Hoysradt. and granddaughter of Jacob War- ren Hoysradt. Jacob Warren Hoysradt, grandfather of Caroline (Hoysradt) Whitbeck, was born in Columbia county. New York, died in Hud- son, New York, where he resided, October, 1890. He married Caroline Lucinda McAr- thur. Children : Albert, see forward. Charles, died in infancy. Arthur died in infancy. Grace, married Dr. William Stanton Gleason (always known as Dr. Stanton Gleason), graduate of New York University, medical department: resides at Newburg. New York; child, Charles B. Gleason, born June 22. 1890, graduate of Hotchkiss Preparatory School, sophomore at Yale, 1908. Jessie, married Dr. Theodore Von Riempst ; resides in Boston. Florence, married Dr. Clark E. Rossman. Warren Jacob, born December 7, 1878 ; grad- uate of Yale ; engaged in mercantile business in New York City ; resides in Lawrence Park, New York ; married Ethel Wolf, of Gettys- burg, Pennsylvania : children : John McAr- thur. born October, 1904, and Eleanor. Albert Hoysradt, father of Caroline (Hoys- radt) Whitbeck, was born in Hudson, New HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \ALLEYS York, February, 1854, died there in Decem- ber, 1896. He was a graduate of Yale, re- ceiving therefrom the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1877; he was a member of the Skull and Bones fraternity. He served as attor- ney for Hudson, in which capacity he ful- filled faithfully all the duties required of him, also served as county recorder, and was nomi- nated for the office of mayor, but was de- feated by his Democratic opponent. He was highly esteemed in his native town, in the affairs of which he took an active and lead- ing part. He married. July 10, 1877, at Hud- son, Alice, daughter of \Villiam Henry and Cordelia (Xewland) Gifford, and grand- daughter of Elihu Gifford. Children: Caro- line, married April 12, 1904, Dr. Sherwood Volkert Whitbeck (see Whitbeck). Gertrude McArthur. married, October 8. 1902. Judge John Volkert W'hitbeck. Sanford Gifford, born July 28, 1882 ; resides in Hudson. Mar- jorie, born June i, 1886, died August 7, 1902. Children of Dr. Sherwood \'olkert and Caro- line (Hoysradt) Whitbeck: Mary Gifford; \'olkert Sherwood, born January 30, 1910. (I\') Andries, son of Jan WHITBECK (q. v.) and Agnietje (Bronck) Witbeck, was baptized July 4. 1707, died' November 22, 1765. The family were now settled in the town of Coeymans, Albany county. New York, where they possessed lands and were well-considered among the settlers. Andries Witbeck married, about 1738, Mayke, first- born of Pieter Barentse and Elizabeth (Grev- eraad) Coeymans. Pieter Barentse was a son of Barent, "the Miller," and grandson of Pieter Coeymans. the emigrant to Rensse- laerwyck in 1636 from Utrecht. Mayke Coey- mans was baptized October 19, 1714. Chil- dren: Elizabeth, born in 1739, died July 29, 1820; married, 1757, Thomas, son of Hen- drick Hoogteling; Zelotte, born 1741 ; Ag- nietje. 1742; Peter, see forward; Charlotte, 1746, married, 1771, David McCarty, and died in Coxsackie, April 22. 1828; Gerritje, mar- ried Daniel \'an Antwerp ; Mayke, married Cornelius . (V) Peter, son of .\ndries and Mayke (Coeymans) Witbeck, was born March 22, 1744, died February 12, 1813. He married, October 16, 1766, Maria Van Alen. Chil- dren: Mayke, born March 12, 1769. died March 31, 1825; married, March 3, 1787, Pe- ter Van Bergen ; Catherina, born March 30, 1770, married John Ten Eyck ; Elizabeth, born July 12, 1778, died 1779; Elizabeth, born November 18, 1785, married David Ver- planck ; Andrew, see forward. (\I) Andrew, son of Peter and Maria (Van Alen) Witbeck. was born Februarv 3, 1790; married Charlotte Amelia Bronck. Children: Peter, died young; Elizabeth; John, see . forward ; William, David, Henry, \'an Alen, Maria and Peter. (\TH) John, son of Andrew and Charlotte A. (Bronck) Witbeck, (or Whitbeck) was born in the town of Coeymans, .-Mbany county. New York, about 1816, died in the town of New Scotland, same county, July 13, 1885. He was educated in the town schools, and grew up to the business of a farmer. He set- tled in New Scotland in 1847, where he pur- chased a farm adjacent to the village of .\ew Scotland. He was a thrifty farmer and a good man of business. He was an earnest, devoted Presbyterian, serving the New Scot- land congregation as trustee. He was a local leader of the Democratic party and a man of much influence. He was open and generous by nature, and had a wide acquaintance. He married in Coeymans a kinswoman. Maria Whitbeck, born 1817, died at the New Scot- land farm, January 11, 1899. She was an ac- tive, energetic woman and a devoted Presby- terian. Children of John and Maria (Whit- beck) Whitbeck: i. Catherine, died unmar- ried at the age of thirty-one years. 2. Gitty .Ann, born in 1838, died in \'oorheesville. New York, February 14, 1906; she married James H. Coughtry, born August 27. 1834, died in 1904, son of Jacob, born February 25, 1797, died 1829, and Rachel (Taylor) Coughtry, grandson of William Coughtry, born in Scot- land, January, 1765, married in New Scot- land, great-grandson of John Coughtry, bap- tized August 13, 1732, emigrated to this coun- try from Scotland, 1774, locating in New Scotland. .Albany county. New York, on a farm, and great-great-grandson of John and Margaret (Skellec) Mccoughtry (as the name was spelled in .Scotland), natives of Tamafed, Scotland. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Cough- try : i.- John W., now a merchant and ix)st- master of New Scotland; married ; children: Florence, married Calvin J. Nichol- son and has Elwood, Marie and Ruth ; tiiey reside in Tonawanda, New York : Ednnnul C, clerk for his father, unmarried ; ii. William M.. farmer of New Scotland; married Lizzie Wideman and has James. Minnie, Frank and Harriet; iii. Harriet M., born April 2, 1862, married Samuel D. Raynsford. of Voorhees- villc. New York, and has a son Raymond, born October 21, 1894; iv. Robert T., mes- senger and agent for National Express Com- pany at \'oorhecsville. New York, married Charlotte Stevens and has Gertrude. Laura and Royal. 3. Martin, a retired mechanic of HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS New Scotland; married Ellen J. Hotaling-; ■children : i. Sarah, deceased, married Jerry Mead and had Nellie and Martin M. ; ii. Car- rie, wife of Charles Underhill, merchant of Albany. 4. Andrew J., see forward. (Vni) Andrew J., youngest child of John and Maria (Whitbeck) Whitbeck, was born July 30, 1847, the year his parents removed from Coeymans to New Scotland. He was educated in the public schools and grew up a farmer. He owns and cultivates the home- stead acres and is a prosperous, highly re- garded citizen. He served the town as tax collector and enjoys the distinction of having turned over his books to the treasurer with every dollar collected. He is now serving his third term as supervisor. He is a Democrat in politics and attends the Presbyterian ■church. He married, December 2, 1868, in New Scotland, Amelia Hotaling, born Janu- ary II, 1846, daughter of Garret and Sarah A. (Relyea) Hotaling, both life-long residents ■of New Scotland. Child of Andrew J. and Amelia Whitbeck: Jay M., born 1871, edu- cated in the public schools, reared a farmer, now a hay, grain and produce dealer of New Scotland. He married Eretta Crouse, born in Guilderland, daughter of Henry P. Crouse. Child, Pauline, born 1896. The earliest record of Henrv WHITNEY Whitney, the American an- cestor of this branch of the Whitneys, is found October 8, 1649, when he was associated with two others in the pur- chase of land in Southold, Long Island. He was born in England in 1620, died in Nor- walk, Connecticut, 1673. He removed to Hunt- ington, Long Island, where he built a grist mill for Rev. William Leverich, about which there was some trouble resulting in law suits. He next removed to Jamaica, Long Island, where his name appears several times on the records — 1662-63-64. In 1665 he appears in Norwalk, Connecticut, where he built a "Grounde Corn Mill" at the mouth of "Nor- wake River by the falls." His last appear- ance on the records is October 11, 1669, in "A true and perfect list of all the freemen appertaining unto the plantation of Norwake." His will was dated June 5, 1672. An inven- tory was sworn to November 8, 1673. He was twice married, but nothing is known of his wives further than that his second wife was a Widow Ketcham. (II) John, son of Henry Whitney, "the founder," ("the only child mentioned in his father's will) was most likely born before his father went to Southold, Long Island, as he was of legal age prior to January 20, 1665-66. He settled with his father in Norwalk, fol- lowed the business of miller and millwright, succeeded him in the possession of the mill and homestead, later building a fulling mill at Norwalk, and seems to have been a busy, prosperous man. He married, March 17, 1674-75, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Smith. Children: i. John, born at Norwalk, Connecticut, March 12, 1676-77; married, March 4, 1709-10, Elizabeth Finch; he was a miller. 2. Joseph, of whom further. 3. Henry, born February 21, 1680; a weaver; he married, June 14, 1710, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of "the late lieutenant John" and Mary (Benedict) Olmstead. 4. Elizabeth, born about 1684: married Joseph Keeler, son of Samuel and Sarah (St. John) Keeler. 5. Richard, born April 18, 1687 ; a millwright ; married, April 7, 1709, Hannah, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Beers) Darling, of Fair- field, Connecticut. 6. Samuel, born 1688; removed to Stratford ; married, January 18, 1721, Anne Laboree. 7. Anne, born 1691 ; married, October 13, 1709, Matthew St. John, one of the original settlers of Ridgefield, Con- necticut. 8. Eleanor, born January 27, 1693; married, June 13, 1717, Jonathan Fairchild, a fuller and cloth dresser of Norwalk. 9. Nathan, settled, at Ridgefield after his mar- riage, about 1715, to Sarah . 10. Sa- rah, married, June 13, 1717, Samuel Smith, a farmer. 11. Josiah, married, October 30, 1729, Eunice Hanford. (Ill) Joseph second son of John and Eliza- beth (Smith) Whitney, was born in. Norwalk, Connecticut, March i, 1678, died 1741. After the death of his elder brother John, he came into possession of the grist mill by deed from his father, stipulating to pay all his debts and give him one-half the tolls which the mill should earn during his father's lifetime. He was a very eccentric man about whom many anecdotes are told. He married, in Nor- walk, July 6, 1704, Hannah, daughter of Ze- rubbabel Hoyt, of Norwalk. She was a mem- ber of the First Congregational Church in Norwalk in 1725. Children: i. Hezekiah, born April 10, 1705 ; married, January 3, 1732 Margaret Harris. 2. Hannah, born Novem- ber 5, 1707; married (first) Daniel Keeler, a farmer of Norwalk; married (second) Sam- uel Betts, of Wilton. 3. Joseph, born Decem- ber 6, 1710: married Mary Coit. 4. Thank- ful, born March, 1713; married Ebenezer Benedict ; settled at New Canaan, Connecti- cut. 5. Elizabeth, born 1717; married (first) June 26, 1735, Miles Riggs, of Stamford, Connecticut; married (second) David Rock- well, a great-grandson of John Rockwell, an early settler of Stamford in 1641 ; married HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS (third) 1791, being then about seventy years of age, Agur Fairchild, who was six years her senior; he died in 1797, after which she lived in Ridgebnry until she was ninety-four years old. then went to live with her son, Miles Riggs, at Newfield, Connecticut, where she died in August, 1815, aged ninety-eight years. Miles Riggs, her son, was a soldier of the revolution, and tradition says that on one of his visits home from the army he found two of his three children dead and his wife very ill. 6. David, of whom further. 7. Abraham, born February 23, 1723; married, December 23, 1750, Anne Plumb. (IV) David, son of Joseph and Hannah (Hoyt) Whitney, was born at Norwalk, Con- necticut, May II, 1721. He was an ardent patriot, and rendered good service during the revolution. "For many years he owned and commanded a sloop which was used by the Government in carrying de- spatches and supplies sometimes under the very guns of the enemy." "When Norwalk was burned in 1779 he ran out of the harbor with his sloop loaded with the families and goods of his neighbors, escaping from the British and safely reaching Stamford." He conducted a grist mill in Norwalk in which his son Ebenezer succeeded him. He married. May II, 1741, Elizabeth, born at Norwalk, June 6, 1718, daughter of Ebenezer and Eliza- beth Hyatt. She died October 28, 1798, aged "80 years, 4 months and 22 days." He died at Silver Mine in New Canaan, Connecticut, April 16, 1816. Children: i. Ebenezer, of whom further. 2. Timothy, born July, 1744; a cooper, served in the revolution ; married, February 25, 1770, Anna Wood, born No- vember 3. 1742, daughter of Alexis Wood, of Norwalk. 3. Betsey, born April 5, 1746; married, about 1767, James Jerrit. 4. David (2), born February 17, 1748, died March 30, 1748. 5. Anna, born February 14, 1749, died September 16, 1754. 6. Esther, born Febru- ary 3- 1751 ; married. October 27, 1773, Phi- neas St. John, son of Nathan and Lois (St. John) St. John; they settled in Wilton, Con- necticut, and later in Walton, New York, where they died ; Phineas was a soldier of the revolution. 7. Abigail, born April 3, 1754, married, July 6, 1775, John Reed, a soldier of the revolution. 8. Anna, born April 10, 1756. married Samuel Seymour; they settled at Walton, Delaware county. New York, where they died. 9. Deborah, born July 20, 1758; married, September 26, 1781, Isaac Keeler. 10. David Hyatt, born August 25, 1761 ; cooper, miller, millwright, farmer, and soldier of the revolution ; he married. May 12, 1796, Nancy Raymond, who survived him, dying at the home of lier son in Taylor, Cortland county. New York. (V) Ebenezer, eldest son of David and Elizabeth (Hyatt) Whitney, was born in Nor- walk, Connecticut, August 8, 1742. After fol- lowing the sea for forty-five years he moved to Silver Mine, in New Canaan, Connecticut, where he bought and managed a grist mill. He was a master mariner (or captain) but seems to have been equally proficient in the time-honored family business of milling. He died in Silver Mine, April 3, 1808, and is buried in the cemetery there. He married, December 19, 1771, in Norwalk, Ruth, born November 15, 1756, daughter of Simeon Ray- mond. Tradition says he was a paymaster in the revolutionary army and that it was he and not his father who took the sloop load of women and furniture out of Norwalk harbor in 1779. Children: i. Betsey, born Febru- ary I, 1773; married (first) January 31, 1793, Richard Sherman, of Albany, New York, a sailor who was lost at sea; married (second) January 5. 1812. Deodate Gaylord, a soldier and a pensioner of the revolution ; she died October 16, 1846. 2. Asa, born and died in 1774. 3. Abby, born June 8, 1775 ; married, July 19, 1796, Henry Fitch ; she lived to be eighty-three years of age; he to the age of "95 years, 9 months. 12 days." 4. Asa, of whom further. 5. Lucretia, born J.uly 19, 1778, drowned in a well. May 22, 1781. 6. Clarissa, born February 21, 1780, died in Dunsville, Ingham county, Michigan, in her ninetieth year; she married (first) Lockwood Hoyt; (second) Lewis Blackman ; (third) Ja- cob Wright. 7. Aaron Wilkes, born October 17, 1781; settled at Wilton, Connecticut, where he was ordained a minister of the Bap- tist church ; he married, July 5, 1804, Sarah Bennett. 8. Eben, born November 19, 1783 ; was bound to his brother Asa, May 15, 1798, to learn his trade of silversmith and watch- maker: he was in business many years in New York City ; his tombstone records that "The law of truth was in his mouth and in- iquity was not found in his lips. He walked with me in peace and equity and did turn many away from iniquity"; he married (first) Esther Patterson, born at Red Bank, New Jersey; married (second) Emeline Hoyt. of Stamford. Connecticut: married (third) Eliz- abeth Raymond, of Norwalk. 9. Lucretia, born June 2y, 1786; married Daniel Fitch. 10. Roxana, born October 26. 1789; married. March 19, 1815, James Taylor. 11. Maud, born in Troy, New York, June 27, 1792 ; re- moved to Norwalk, Connecticut ; married. Jan- uary 21. 1816. Benjamin Weeks, a soldier of the war of 1812; they settled in Henrietta, '554 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Monroe county, New York, then in Webster, same county, where he served the Baptist church as deacon for thirty years ; Maud lived in Webster until 1874, the last survivor of the thirteen children of her parents. 12. George Washington, born July 26, 1794; set- tled in East \'enice, New York, a farmer; married, April 4, 1816, Matilda Olmstead ; he died December 18, 1861 ; she was living in August, 1874. 13. Hannah Hoyt. born Feb- ruary 4, 1796, married, September 23, 1817, Miles Root, of New Canaan. (VI) Asa, son of Ebenezer and Ruth (Raymond) Whitney, was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, August 17, 1776, died in New York City, December 8, 1812. He learned the trade of silversmith and watchmaker; set- tled in New York City where the directory names him at dififerent business locations from 1798 to 181 1 and with home at 123 Cherry street, where he died. He and his wife are buried in the "Cemetery of the Brick Meet- ing-house" on Christie street. He married, in Norwalk, October 7, 1797, Catherine Leg- gett, born June 26, 1778, died December 31, 1813 or 1814. Children, all born in Norwalk: I. Edwin, died in infancy. 2. William Reed, born October 5, 1799; a jeweller of New York City; died December 16, 1824; his place of business was on Wall street near Broad- way. 3. Catherine, died in childhood. 4. Edwin Leggett, born July 15, 1803; a mer- chant of New York City and Philadelphia ; married, February 22, 1825, Joanna Eliza Bicknell, born in Portsmouth, England, Octo- ber 20, 1809. 5. Henry, died in infancy. 6. Thomas Richard, born April 30, 1807 ; author and engraver ; he was a senator of New York in 1854-55 from the fourth district, represen- tative in the thirty-fourth congress from the fifth New York congressional district, 1855- 57; he was at one time editor of The Repub- lican and The Sunday Times; published 1845 an historical poem "The Ambuscade" ; was also the author of the "American Policy" ; he died in New York City, April 12, 1858, and is buried in Greenwood; he married (first) October 7, 1827, Elizabeth Comstock, born November 6. 1808; he married (second) Sa- rah Ann Heustis, born at Westchester, New York, May 8, 1810. 7. Simeon Raymond, died in infancy. 8. Asa Harvey, of whom further. (VH) Asa Harvey, youngest son of .Asa and Catherine (Leggett) Whitney, was born at Norwalk, Connecticut, February 25, 1811, died May i, 1846. He engaged in the lum- ber business in northern New York, where he also owned a farm. He was a successful and capable business man, but at an early age contracted consumption which carried him away while still a young man. He married, September, 1836, Almira Matilda Wait, born February 8, 1815, died February 7, 1897. Children: i. Josephine, born April 18, 1838; married, March 17, 1858, George R. Phelps. 2. Isabelle Alsina. born January i, 1840. 3. Sarah Emily, born August 13, 1842; married William Rufus Washburn ; child, Charles. 4. Warren Edwin, of whom further. (VHI) Warren Edwin, only son of Asa Harvey and Almira Matilda (Wait) Whitney, was born in Hadley, Saratoga county. New York, December 24, 1844. He was educated in the public school, and for a few years engaged in farming. He later began work in the glove factory of William Case, fol- lowing with six years in the employment of Uriah Case. January i, 1871, he began glove manufacturing at 14 School street, Gloversville, where he remained two years, when he removed to Prospect street. He pur- chased a property on the Height on which he erected a home with factory on the same plot of ground. This has now developed and become one of the leading residential streets. His business is a large and prosperous one, his special line of manufacture being fine goods for men's and women's wear. Mr. Whitney has been a director of the City Na- tional Bank since its organization and vice- president since 1891. Since 1903 he has been treasurer of the Prospect Hill Cemetery As- sociation. He has now been in active busi- ness life for forty years and is gradually withdrawing wherever possible from outside affairs. Since 1901 he has been a member of the school board, and since 1898 president of the Nathan Littauer Hospital board, hav- ing been a director since its organization. He was chairman of the building committee that had in charge the erection of the new Con- gregational church in 1894; he is now an active member and trustee. Politically he is a third party Prohibitionist and supports his convictions with all his energy. He married, October 31, 1867, Anna Sarah Robertson, born February 25, 1843. daughter of Robert Robertson, granddaughter of Duncan Rob- ertson, and great-granddaughter of Robert and Jane (McMartin) Robertson, of Scotch ancestry. Duncan Robertson married Tirzah Woodruff. Their son Robert (2) married Angelina Brownell ; children : Mary, Jane, Duncan, Anna, Sarah and Frances. Children of Warren Edwin and Anna Sarah Whitney: I. Marion R., born September 26, 1869. 2. Florence Anna, born June 26, 1876; married, October 20, 1903, Charles J. Fox; born Octo- ber 20, 1873; children: i. Charles Warren, ^^1.^^^^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS '555 born July 24, 1904 ; ii. Marion Gertrude, Oc- tober I, 1906: iii. and iv. Donald Whitney and Dorothy, twins. March 7, 1909. 3. Walter Duncan, born January 25, 1878. 4. Jane Bell, born February 9, 1883. This name is of Saxon ori- CHAPMAN gin and one of the numerous class derived from an occu- pation, business or trade. The Saxon word Chapman means a chapman, marketman, mer- chant. The surname Chapman occurs among the earliest of English surnames, and the fam- ily in many of its branches was somewhat distinguished at an early period. The name occurs in several of the early settlements of New England, also in Maryland and Virginia. Fifteen of the name settled in these colonies at a date from about 1635 to 1645. Hence the diilficulty genealogists experience with the name, as they now number many thousands from one ancestor, Robert, of Saybrook, Con- necticut. (I) Edward Chapman came to Windsor, Connecticut, it is supposed in 1660. Accord- ing to the town records he married Elizabeth Fox in England. He died of wounds received in fighting the Indians, December 19, 1675. He resided in that part of Windsor called Simsbury. His widow married Samuel Cross, July 12, 1677. His children w^ere : Henry, Mary, Mary (2), Elizabeth. Simon (see for- ward), Hanna, Margaret and Sara. (H) Simon, son of Edward and Elizabeth (Fox) Chapman, was born April 30. 1669. His wife's name is unknown, but the marriage was performed in 1692-93. They were the parents of Samuel and Simon, the only two children of record. (HI) Captain Samuel, son of Simon Chap- man, was born JNIarch 2, 1696. He removed to Tolland, Connecticut, where he was admit- ted an inhabitant in 1726. In 1736 he was captain of the train band. He was killed in the French and Indian war while in his coun- try's service. His marriage to Hannah Strong, August 8, 171 7, is recorded in the Windsor records. Their children were: Eli- jah, see forward; Samuel, Ruth, Simon and Margaret. (IV) Deacon Elijah, eldest child of Cap- tain Samuel and Hannah (Strong) Chapman, was born in Windsor, Connecticut. , and died February 22, 1812. He moved to Tolland, wdiere he was a deacon in the church. He represented the town in the legislature of 1765-76-81-82. He married Ruth Steele, who died February 17, 1808. She bore him twelve children: loanna, married Joshua Griggs; Reuben; Sarah; Elijah; Ashbel (see for- ward); Sarah; Ruth, married John Palmer; Esther, married Ammi Paulk ; Roxanna, mar- ried Jabez West ; Aaron ; Dorcas, married \ine Robinson; Daniel. Samuel, brother of Elijah Chapman, commanded a company in the French war, and was also an officer in the revolutionary war. He represented Tolland in the legislature, 1755-90. with the excep- tion of three vears wdien absent in the armv. (V) Ashbel, fifth child of Deacon Elijah and Ruth (Steele) Chapman, was born in Tolland, Connecticut, June 28, 1755. died Oc- tober 26, 1822. He represented Tolland in the legislature, in 1 808- 1 1 -12-26. He mar- ried November 17, 1789, Lydia Lord. Chil- dren: Ashbel, born 1790: Carlos, 1792; Caro- line, 1793; Lydia, 1795; Mary B., 1796; John Buckley (see forward) ; Lucv, i8oi, (VI) John Buckley, sixth' child of Ashbel and Lydia (Lord) Cha])man, was born at Windsor Locks, Connecticut, May 12, 1799. He was a lumber dealer. He was at sea with a cargo of lumber when he was taken with yellow fever and died near the Cuban coast. He married (first) Lydia Holkins; children: Albert, Frederick Augustus (see forward) ; John E., Louise, Harvey. He married (sec- ond) Lydia D wight ; no issue. He married (third) Lydia Lord, no issue. (VII) Frederick Augustus, eldest child of John Buckley and Lydia (Holkins) Chapman, was born May 25, 1832. died July 19, 1889. He began his business life as a clerk in the Albany, New York, stores. He then went to Chicago, where he engaged in a wholesale hardware business, the firm being Loomis, Abbott & Chapman. He sold his interest in that firm and engaged in the wdiolesale bag business with his brother in Chicago, and died while on a business trip to Minneapolis. His remains were brought to Lansingburg, where he is buried, in Oakwood cemetery. He was a member of Trinity Episcopal church in Chi- cago. He married, in 1855, in Lansingburg, New York, Sarah Louise, born 1833, o"'y child of Gilbert Eddy Vandercook (see \'an- dercook R'), Children: i. Hattie, born in Lansingburg, July 25, 1858; married Abra- ham Reamer, born August 12, 1855, a coffee importer of New York City; children: i. Fred Chapman, born September 14, 1883, died August I, 1884; ii. Dexter Wright, born Sep- tember 14, 1885; iii. Louise, born July 11, 1887, died January 25, 1907; iv. T. Murray, born November 25, 1890. 2. Kathleen, born January 31, 1870, at Lansingburg. died at age of nineteen. Mrs. Chapman survives her hus- band, and lives in Lansingburg. New York, She was educated at Lansingburg Academy and Troy Seminary. 1556 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS (The Vandercook Line). (I) Michael Vandercook, founder of the town of Cooksborough, New York, was of Holland descent, born in the province which today is the state of New Jersey, November lo, 171 5. He came with his family to New York state and patented land, settling on what is known as "Cooks Patent," in May, 1762. Here he founded the town of Cooksborough (now Cooksburg), and died in 1786. His name on the tombstone in the Cooksborough cemetery is "d Cook." He married Cornelia Van Ness in 1742. She was born in 1721, and a direct descendant of the famous Anneke Jans. Children: Michael (2); Simon (see forward); Henry, born 1751 ; Hester, 1752; Cornelius, 1754; Isaac; Cornelia; Sarah. (H) Simon, eldest child of Michael and Cornelia (Van Ness) Vandercook, was born in New Jersey, August 17, 1749, and died in Cooksburg, Albany county, New York, No- vember 28, 1829. He was a soldier in the revolutionary war, holding the rank of ensign in Captain Henry Van Der HofT's company, Albany county (New York) militia. Colonel Peter Yates. A Michael Vandercook was a private in the same regiment, but it is hardly likely that it was his father, as he was sixty- one years of age in 1776. Simon Vander- cook married Levina \'an Der Hoff, born May 5, 1754. Children: Michael S., see for- ward ; Hetty, Peter, Henry, Simon, Gilbert, John, Cornelia, and Sarah. (HI) Major Michael Simon, eldest son of Simon and Levina (Van Der Hoff) Vander- cook, was born in Pittstown, New York, April 5, 1774, and died there February 17, 1852. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, attaining the rank of major, commanding New York state troops. He was a general man of business and of high standing in the community. He was three times married. His first wife, whom he married August 27, 1792, was Mehitable Haskins. She died June 19, 1806. He mar- ried (.second) December 14, 1806, Sally Eddy, born January 30, 1789, died April 4, 1823, a daughter of Major-General Gilbert Eddy. He married (third) September 25, 1825, Mrs. Betsev Roberts Pickett, born September 4. 1784. died October 28, 1865. Children of Major Michael S. Vandercook, by first wife, Mehitable Haskins: i. Simon, born January ID, 1794, died October 20, 1794. 2. Michael M., born March 2, 1795, died August 24, 1873. 3. Polly, born April 10, 1799. 4. Sally, born July 24, 1803. By second wife, Sally Eddy: 5. Gilbert Eddy, see forward. 6. Simon Henry, born June 24, 1812, died September 25, 1884. 7. Russell A., born August 25, 1814, died August 24, 1839. 8. Tisdale Eddy, born June II, 1818, died November 15, 1869. 9. Charles Raney, bom I\Liy 20, 1819. 10. Pru- dence, born April 20, 1821. By third wife, Mrs. Betsey Roberts Pickett: 11. Roberts, born September 3, 1826, died in San Fran- cisco, California, March 29, 1871 ; he was a California pioneer of 1849; member of the California Pioneer Society, Sons of Revolu- tion, and became a man of prominence on the Pacific coast. 12. Frederick Augustus, born September 28, 1829, died May 29, 187 1, in San Francisco, California; he was a banker of that city. (IV) Gilbert Eddy, son of Major :\Iichael Simon and his wife Sally (Eddy) Vandercook, was born in Pittstown, New York, July 25, 1808, died in Lansingburg, Rensselaer county. New York. June 13, 1886. He was educated at Pittstown. He was a man of good business ability, and operated along various lines. He conducted the United States Hotel at Sara- toga Springs for some time, and owned and operated a farm in Brunswick, called "Hill- crest." He built a house in Lansingburg, where he died. He was an attendant of the Episcopal Church. He married, January 31, 1833, Sarah Fox, born November 13, 1813. Their only child, Sarah Louise, married Frederick Augustus Chapman (see Chap- man). The Miller family has for many MILLER years been established in Mont- gomery county, New York. The founder, Conrad Miller, was probably an emi- grant from Germany. He had nine children, Peter, Conrad, Daniel, Henry, John, George, Christiana, Mary and Nancy. (II) John, son of Conrad Miller, married Margaret Garlock and had children : Henry, Adam, Conrad, John, Jacob, Peter I., Eliza- beth. (III) Peter I., son of John and Margaret (Garlock) Miller, born in the town of Minden, Montgomery county, New York, May 5, 1789, died October 12, 1841. He was educated in the district schools. He was a tavern keeper at Mohawk, New York, for several years, after which he turned his attention to farming, fol- lowing that occupation for (he remainder of his active life. He was a Whig in politics. He married Christina Devendorf, born No- vember 27, 1798, died in Minden, January 28, 1867, daughter of Solomon and Christina De- vendorf, granddaughter of Jacob Devendorf, one of the original patentees of the town of Minden. The Devendorf s came from Swit- zerland prior to the revolution, and one of the name served under General Herkimer and was killed at the battle of Oriskany in 1777. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1557 Children of Peter L and Christina Miller: Chauncy, married Barbara Stauring; Harvey, married Margaret Staiirins:; Mary, married Charles J. Devendorf; Martha, twin of Mary, married Stephen Z. Walrath ; Jerome, married ( first j, Louisa Wah-ath, (second), Martha Davy; Peter, of whom further. (I\') Peter, son of Peter L and Christina (Devendorf) Miller, was born in the town of Minden, March 17, 1839. He was educated in the district schools and at Fort Plain In- stitute. For several years he engaged in farm- ing in Minden, then spent two years in Can- ada in the produce business. On his return from Canada he disposed of his interest in Minden, and settled in Lockport, New York, where he engaged in the wholesale grocery business, under the firm name of Miller & Smith. He continued in active business life until about igoo when he retired from active business ; since which time he has spent the greater portion of his time in his native town, and now resides at the village of Fort Plain, New York. He has had a successful business career and has been the architect of his own fortune. He is well known in the community as a man of high character and generous im- pulses. He is a Republican in politics and served while living in the town of Minden as school trustee. In rehgion he is a Universal- ist. He married, December 30, 1868, Kather- ine, born July 29, 1841, daughter of John I. and Eliza (Sanders) Zoller, granddaughter of Jacob I. Zoller, who was a son of Jacob Zol- ler, one of the four brothers, Jacob, Henry, Casper and Andrew, who came into the Mo- hawk Valley from their native land, Switzer- land, during the revolutionary war, settling at Fort Willett, in Dutchtown, Montgomery county. Jacob and Andrew Zoller served in the battle of Oriskany, where Andrew was taken prisoner and Jacob was .shot through the shoulder and also taken prisoner. An- drew returned but Jacob was never after heard from. Jacob I. Zoller was born in Minden, where he died June 18, 1863, aged eighty-six years. He served in the war of 181 2, and was stationed at Sacketts Harbor. He mar- ried Katherine, daughter of John Christian and Elizabeth Ehle. She was born August 30, 1782, died October 29, 1868. Their children are: John I., of whom further; Mary, born May 9, 1807, married Henry I. Crouse; James born -April 20, 1809, removed to northern New York and settled near Ogdensburg; Jacob, born July 29, 181 1, died at the age of seven- teen years; Josiah, born September 27, 1813, built the Zoller House at Fort Plain of which he was proprietor for many years; Henry Chauncy, born December 18, 181 5, removed to Columbia, Herkimer county, where he still resides (1910) ; Abraham, born May 16, 1818, died September 27, 1854, at Racine, Wiscon- sin ; Katherine, born October 25, 1821, mar- ried John C. \'an Camp, and removed to Ot- ranto, Iowa; Elizabeth, born August 16. 1825, is living at Otranto Station, Iowa, unmarried. John I. Zoller, eldest child of Jacob I. Zoller, was born in Minden, March 9, 1805, died No- vember 15, 1 891. He was for many years engaged in mercantile business. In 1843 he was a member of the New Y'ork legislature. He married Eliza Sanders. Children: i. Katherine Elizabeth, died young. 2. Jacob, born April 15, 1833, died January 27, 1907; he was engaged in the wholesale grocery and provision business in Little Falls, New York; married Mary Jane Dygert. 3. Abram P., born July 28, 1835, died April 8, 1908; mar- ried Rachel Newkirk ; no issue ; he was a resi- dent of Fort Plain. 4. Martha, born May 4,. 1837; married Robert Smith, of Hallsville; three children living: Fred J., Robert Z. and Claude A. 5. Mary, born May 26, 1839, de- ceased. 6. Katherine, married Peter Miller. 7. Elizabeth, died aged thirteen years. 8. Charles, married lanthe Klock, and died on the homestead farm, October 3, 1902, aged fifty-five years. Peter and Katherine Miller have no children. If, as is believed, this name was MILLER originally Muller, the family in Slingerlands can claim descent from Cornells Stephense Muller, of Green- bush, Rensselaer county, New York, 1663 ; also a land owner in Albany, devising same to sons Jacob and John. (I) Russell Miller died in Westerlo, -Mbany county. New York, in 1829, in middle life. He was a farmer and land owner and died on his own farm. He was a member of the Christian church, and an active worker lor good. He married Nancy Conger, who died April I. 1868, aged seventy-two years, twelve days. The Congers are an old Albany county family. Children: i. David, born in Berne, died February 2-j, 1866, aged forty-nine years; a farmer of that town ; he married Catlierine daughter of Duncan Fisher ; children : i. Rus- sell, deceased ; ii. Caroline, deceased, married Walter Clapper, who died in the west. 2. Margaret, died at the age of seventy years; married Ambrose Lamb, a farmer of Wester- lo ; no issue. 3. Eli, died aged forty-seven years ; a farmer of Westerlo, later of the town of Coeymans, Albany county ; married Hannah Nodine, who died leaving two sons, James and Jarvis, who are married, and have families at Indian Fields, New York. 4. James, see 1558 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS forward. 5. Emnieline, born in W'esterlo, New York, 1824 died January 28, 1906; mar- ried George Lawson, who died in Berne. (H) James, son of Russell and Nancy (Conger) Miller, was born in Westerlo, Al- bany county, New York, July 14, 1822, died in New Scotland, April 4, 1904. He located in the village of Reedville, town of Berne, where he was a merchant for twenty years. He was a farmer of New Scotland for thirty years, owning one hundred and thirty acres now a part of his son's estate. He was a man of substance and influence. He was ac- tive in the Democratic party, and while in Reedville was postmaster for several years under Buchanan and Lincoln. He married, in Westerlo, July 4, 1842, Julia A. Adriance, born in that town, September 4, 1825, died in New Scotland, September 5, 1901. She was possessed of the womanly virtues of gentle- ness, patience and piety, coupled with great courage, strength and endurance. She was her husband's trusted partner and associate, and contributed a full share to his success in life. She was a daughter of Albert and Cath- erine (Snyder) Adriance, who both lie in the Snyder burying ground in Westerlo. They were members of the Christian church. Their children were: i. Eliza M., born March 29, 1823; now a resident of Westerlo, aged eigh- ty-seven years, widow of Nelson Appleby; ■children: Julia and Abraham. 2. Julia A., married James Miller. 3. Henry D., born January 4, 1828, now a resident of Westerlo, aged eighty-two years; married Katherine Betchem, born in Albany, February 22, 1848, and has three living children : William H., Al- bert G. and Charles M. 4. Caroline, October 8, 1830; unmarried. 5. George A.. March 27, 1833, died July 28, 1906; married Lucy Smith, deceased ; children : Annie and Emma, married ; deceased after marriage. Children of James and Julia A. (Adriance) Miller: i. Charles, see forward. 2. Mariette, born May 15, 1846; married John J. Mahar, a farmer of the town of Bethlehem ; child, James H., born May 29, 1868; married Nettie Bennett, and has a son James B., born December 26, 1909. (HI) Charles, son of James and Julia A. (Adriance) Miller, was born in Westerlo, Al- bany county. New York, at the Miller home- stead, July 12, 1844. His early years were spent in Berne, and in the store of his father at Reedville. He bought land in Berne, which lie sdld and removed to a farm he purchased in New Scotland on Norman's Kill in 1876. Here he remained two years, then purcha.sed his present estate of one hundred and ninety- six acres consisting of two farms with all improvements on both. This was the "old Taylor farm," and was partly owned by his father, who died at this place. Mr. Miller is a modern farmer and everything about his home and farm bespeaks progress and pros- perity. He stands high in his community and highest where best known. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and a Democrat in politics. He married, January 3, 1876, Edith J., born in the town of Guilderland, May 27, 1855, daughter of John and Edith (Jacobson) Oliver, and granddaughter of Evert and Mary A. (Albright) Oliver. John Oliver was born in Bethlehem, New York, January 12, 1836, died January 23, 1907, in New Scotland. He was a farmer, married (first) Edith, daughter of Jacob and Maria (Leonard) Jacobson, of Bethlehem. They were members of the Pres- byterian church. Children of John and Edith (Jacobson) Oliver: i. Daniel, died in 1904, at Binghamton, New York ; he was a railroad man ; married Elizabeth Hines, also deceased ; had issue. 2. Adeline, married Christopher La Grange, of Bethlehem, New York; issue: Emery, married ; Hattie, married ; Alice, mar- ried ; Raymond ; Wesley, deceased ; Maude, married and lives in Binghamton, New York. 3. Edith J., married Charles Miller. 4. Sarah Alice, married Myron Hungerford, a farmer of New Scotland ; no issue. 5. Elizabeth, mar- ried Jacob Wagoner, of Albany; two daugh- ters: Minnie, married; Jennie, married. John Oliver married (second) Margaret Hart; no issue. He married (third) Lavinia Dyer, now deceased ; children : 6. Irving, a farmer of Bethlehem, New York, married Alary Mc- Narry ; has issue. 7. Lewelyn, married Jacob Weis, of New Scotland, a farmer; three chil- dren. 8. John, a farmer of Bethlehem ; mar- ried Sadie Rathburn ; six children. 9. Chris- topher, a farmer of New Scotland ; married Hattie Hallenbeck ; four children. 10. George, a farmer of New Scotland, married Eva C. Albright ; one child. Children of Charles and Edith J. (Oliver) Miller: i. Victor, born October 24, 1876; graduated Albany Business College, 1894; now a farmer of Bethlehem; he married Sarah A. Fitch, and has a son, Charles A., born August 2, 1909. 2. Ernest, born October 12, 1878; educated at Albany high school; now a farmer of New Scotland; married Edna J. Mackey. 3. James, born De- cember 5, 1881 ; educated in Albany high school, 1898, now a farmer of New Scotland; married Nettie Johnson ; children : i. Julia, born July 9, 1906; ii. Jane, l-"ebruary 29, 1908; iii. Edith, July 3, 1909. 4. Julia A., born March 12, 1884; well educated, resides at home. 5. Frank, born May 15, 1886, resides at home. The family are members of the Pres- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1559 "byterian church, and the sons are Democratic in principle. The ancestor of the \'an \AX ORDEN Ordens of New Balti- timore, Greene county, Kew York, is \\'iniam Van Orden, who came from Holland in the ship "Arms of Norway" -about 1670. He settled at Katts Kill, where in 1718, after his marriage, he took possession in right of his wife of lot No. 4, containing about fifteen hundred acres. Here he built a house that was his home until death and stood for over a century and a half before being torn down. It wa.s built partly of logs and partly of stone quarried from the Kalk- "berg. It was built against the hill, so that it was two stories high on the east side and one story on the west. In front was the Hud- son, and the jealously guarded "canon place" at which the boats were tied. William was one of the first elders of the Dutch Reformed church at old Catskill, where he was well known and highly respected. He died in 1765, and was buried on the brow of the hill north- -west from his house. The stone that marked his grave bears the inscription "W. V. O. 1765." The inventory of his property shows liini to have been a wealthy man for his day. He married, in 1716, Temperance, daughter of William Loveridge (the patentee of what is known as the "Loveridge Patent"), and his wife, Margrietje Dumond. Children: i. Wil- liam, born 1717; married, December 22, 1842, Sarah Dubois, died March, 1793, aged sev- enty-six years, daughter of Hezekiah Dubois of Kingston ; children : i. Temperance, mar- ried John Burhans : ii. Hezekiah, married (first) Engeltje Loeck ; (second) Elizabeth \'an Vecten : iii. Annatje, married James Mil- liken. Hezekiah served in the revolutionary war: was justice of the peace, supervisor and very influential. 2. Margaret, baptized Janu- ary 23, 1726; married Jan Baptist Dumond; •children : Ignatius, Temperance Loveridge, William Van Orden, Ignatius (2), David, Jan Baptist. 3. John, born May 26, 1727: mar- ried, February 15, 1751, Tryntje (Catherine) Dubois: children: Catryntje, William, Benja- min, Sarah, Peter, John, Margery. John was too old to become a soldier of the revolution, but he was very active and zealous in the cause of the colonies. William, his oldest son, fought at Stillwater and Saratoga, and died in the service. Benjamin, the second son, was commissioned quartermaster of the nth Regi- ment, New York Volunteers, and served until the close of the war. 4. Elizabeth, baptized June 29, 1729; married David Dumon. 5. Ignatius, of whom further. 6. Peter, baptized December 9, 1732, died before January 30, 1761 ; no issue. 7. Sarah, baptized 1735. (II) Ignatius, third son of William and Temperance (Loveridge) \'an Orden, was baptized at Kattsbaan, February 4, 1731, died July 9, 1807. b'rom 1765 until his death he lived in the house which "his father built near the Hudson. In 1778 he received a major's commission in Colonel Anthony \'an Bergen's regiment, and saw active service. He married (first) Annatje Oosterhoudt, who was the mother of his children ; married (second) Sa- rah Breasted Mynderse. Children: i. Sarah, born July i, 1758; married, March i, 1781, Jeremiah Overbagh. 2. Jane, married Hen- drick Freligh. 3. William, of whom further. 4. Ignatius, died about 1854. (III) William, son of Ignatius and Annatje (Oosterhoudt) Van Orden, was born April 4, 1765, died November 14, 1840. He built his house on the beautiful knoll "Green Point." He was a farmer and a noted sportsman. At the age of seventy-five, while out gunning for wild ducks, he was drowned in the Hudson, on the flats near his dwelling. He married, December 19, 1787, Catherine Ten Broeck, born October 19, 1766, died February 12, 1820, daughter of Wessel and Jannetje (Per- sen) Ten Broeck, of Germantown, New York. Children: i. Wessel Ten Broeck, of whom fur- ther. 2. Henry, born September 4, 1790; mar- ried, February 20, 1822, Temperance, died July 13, 1863, daughter of Henry and Cath- erine (Dumond) De Witt. 3. William, born October 16, 1794, died July 18, 1839. 4. Jane Ann, born February 3, 1799, married Ben- jamin Van Denburg. (IV) Wessel "Ten Broeck Van Orden, M.D., eldest son of William and Catherine (Ten Broeck) Van Orden, was born Septem- ber 12, 1788. died at New Baltimore, New York, January 31, 1871. He married Maria Schumacher (Schoonmaker), born 1793. died May, 1892, daughter of Tjirck and Jane Myn- derse Schoonmaker, of IJlster county. New York. Children: i. Jane Catherine, born November 12, 1812; married John Ham, of Columbia county. 2. We.ssel Ten Broeck (2), born January 24, 1821, died August 11, 1877. 3. Edmund Henry, of whom further. (V) Edmund Henry, youngest child of Wessel Ten Broeck and Maria (Schoon- maker) Van Orden, was born at Germantown. Columbia county. New York, October 7, 1828, died at Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 27, 1909, and was buried at New Baltimore, New York. He was an extensive farmer and an influential citizen. He married, November 17, 1859, Almyra Van Bergen, \yho was horn August 20, '1827, died .\ugust 20, 1874, 1560 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS daughter of Philip and Sarah Ann (Bush- nell) Van Bergen. (VI) Wessel Ten Broeck, only child of Ed- mund Henry and Almyra (Van Bergen) Van Orden, was born December 2, 1861, at New Baltimore, Greene county, New York. He was educated in public and private schools, and succeeded to his father's estate, and has spent his life in its management. He is a member of the Holland Society of New York; Philip Livingston Chapter, Sons of the Rev- olution; Social Friendship Lodge, No. 741, Free and Accepted Masons of New Balti- more, of which he is past master ; non-resident member of the Albany Club and Pike's Peak Club, Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a member of the First Reformed Church of New Baltimore; is a Republican in politics, and belongs to the Greene county Republican As- sociation. He married, January 7, 1885, Jen- nie A., daughter of William and Lydia A. Fuller of New Baltimore. (The Van Bergen Line). (I) Almyra (Van Bergen) Van Orden de- scends from Martin Gerretse Van Bergen (or Marte Gerretse, as he always called himself), who came to New Netherlands about the year 1640. He is said to have been a relative of Killian Van Rensselaer, patroon, of Amster- dam, and to have come to Rensselaerwyck un- der his patronage. He soon became a man of note in the colony and for many years was commissary of Fort Orange, a member of the governor's council; one of the justices of the peace for the county of Albany, and captain of the militia company. He was a wealthy and liberal man, and gave freely of his substance when the colony or his church was in need. In 1689 few subscribed a greater sum than he for the defence of the frontier, and no one paid a larger sum for the support of Godfrey Dallius, the minister of the Dutch Reformed church of Albany. He died in 1696, on his estate of several hundred acres, lying on the west side of the Hudson. It is a well founded tradition of the family that a party of Cana- dian Indians attacked his house with the in- tention of carrying him off a prisoner; he re- sisted the attack, and was killed in the affray. He left a large estate consisting of lots in Al- bany and farm properties. He married, (first) Jannetje Martense; (second) in Albany, Jan- uary 21, 1686, Mdltje, daughter of Myndert Frederickse Iveren, who survived him. Chil- dren : Gerrit, Myndert, Martin, Pieter (of whom further) ; Johannes. (II) Pieter, son of Marte Gerretse Van Ber- gen, was baptized in Albany, February 21, 1694, died January 4, 1778. He married, No- vember 7, 1724, Christina Costar, born 1700, died December, 1777, daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth (Ten Broeck) Costar. Chil- dren: I. Martin Gerritse, born September 9, 1725; a prominent burgher of Albany, magis- trate, member of the governor's council ; he never married, and was familiarly known as "Mart Gers, the bachelor." 2. Elizabeth, died in infancy. 3. Anthony, of whom further. 4. Henry, born November 6, 1 731. married Nelltje, daughter of William and Tuntje (Staats) Salisbury. 5. Elizabeth, born Janu- ary 8, 1733, married Harmanus Cuyler. 6. Myndert, baptized October 16, 1739. 7. Peter, born April 23, 1742, married Ehzabeth, daughter of John Fryer. (HI) Anthony, son of Pieter and Christina (Costar) Van Bergen, was born November i, 1729. His will is dated February 10, 1792. He was an officer of the revolutionary war, a colonel commanding the nth Regiment, of which Ignatius Van Orden was major and Henry Van Bergen, his brother, was captain of the First Company. This regiment be- longed to the northern army, and was en- gaged at the battles of Stillwater and Sara- toga, and present at the surrender of Bur- goyne. He married in Catskill, in 1762, Maria Salisbury, baptized April 22, 1739, daughter of Abraham and Rachel (Ten Broeck) Salis- bury, granddaughter of Francis and ]\Iaria (Van Gaasbeck) Salisbury and great-grand- daughter of Silvester Salisbury, born about 1629, in England or Wales, came to the New Netherlands in 1664. Children: i. Peter, born July 11, 1763, died August 30, 1804; a large landowner, and state senator 1802-4, dy- ing while in office ; married Hester, only daughter of Thomas Hoogteling and his wife,. Elizabeth Whitbeck. 2. Abraham, born De- cember 3, 1764, died unmarried, November 11,. 1848. 3. Myndert, baptized in Coxsackie. Jan- uary 17, 1767. 4. Catherine, baptized July 17, 1767, married Conradt Hoogteling. 5. Martin Gerritse, of whom further. 6. Chris- tina, baptized Jtily 17, 1774; married Arthur MacClo.skey. 7. Henry Costar, baptized 1777, died unmarried, August 11, 1816. 8. Rachel, baptized July 16, 1780. The last six children- were baptized at Coxsackie, New York. (I\') Martin Gerritse, son of Anthony and Maria (Salisbury) Van Bergen, was born De- cember 17, 1768, he married, March. 30, 1793, Sallie, daughter of Philip and Conimertje (Bronk) Conyn. He died August 2, 1855, Children: i. Anthony M., born February i, 1794, married Maria Vandenburg; (second) Pamelia Prentiss; (third) Susan, daughter of Leonard Bronk, and widow of Philip Conyn. 2. Maria, born March 24, 1796; married An- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1561 thony Hoogteling. 3. Philip, of whom fur- ther. 4. Hannah, bom April 15, 1803; mar- ried Henry, son of Peter Coeymans and Eliz- abeth (Van Wie) Bronk. 5. Catherine, born March 16, 1806; married Andrew T. Van Slyck. (V) Philip, son of Marten Gerritse and Sallie (Conyn) Van Bergen, was born March 21, 1797. He married Sarah Ann Bnshnell and they are the parents of Almyra (Van Ber- gen) Van Orden. (See Van Orden V.) (H) William (2), eldest VAN ORDEN son of William (i) and Temperance (Loveridge) \'an Orden (q. v.), was born 1717, died March 17, 1793. He lived a quiet, uneventful life in the Inbogt. In a deed of indenture he is described as a weaver, but it is doubtful if he ever worked at his trade, as his farm of one hundred and twenty-four acres supplied all his wants. He built his own house in 1742 and it stood for nearly one hundred and thirty years. An addition was built at the request of his son, Hezekiah, who wanted a "Yankee House," that is, one built of wood, and of this material the addition was made. He married, December 22, 1742, Sarah, daughter of Heze- kiah Dubois, of Kingston, Children : Tem- perance, married John Burhans ; Hezekiah, of further mention ; Annatje. married James Mil- liken, a private of the continental army. (HI) Hezekiah, only son of William (2) and Sarah (Dubois) Van Orden, was born in Germantown, New York, January 22, 1749, died August 18, 1796. During the war of the revolution he was an ardent Whig. As a member of the military committee of the Groote Inbogt district he kept close watch upon the Tories of the neighborhood and took his turn in patrolling the roads. In October, 1777, he joined the yeomen who flocked to Green Point and Alaquaa's Hoek to oppose the Britisli in their progress up the Hudson. In 1781, at the age of thirty-two, he was a justice of the peace, an office at that time of considerable honor and usually conferred upon older men. He married (first) Engeltje Luke; (second) Elizabeth Van Vechten. (IV) Jacob, son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Van Vechten) Van Orden, born September 5, 1788, died March 25, 1833. He married Harriet Schuyler, born September 15, 1783, died December 4, 1868, daughter of Philip Pieterse and Annatje (Wendell) Schuyler. (V) William (3), son of Jacob and Har- riet (Schuyler) Van Orden, was born at Cat- skill, February 9. 1816, died April 18, 1894. He was educated in the schools of Catskill and Albany. After his graduation he entered the law office of Abram Van X'echten, a prom- inent lawyer of Albany. He was admitted to the bar and practiced his profession in Cat- skill. During his later years he resided on the old Van Orden farm, situated about two miles from Catskill. He was master in chan- cery in Greene county. He was a member of the First Reformed Church to which he contributed liberally. He married, lune 24, 1840, Mary, daughter of Caleb and Katurah (Hill) Hopkins. Children: Philip V., born March 11, 1841, died December 13, 1910; William, of further mention; Charles H., April II, 1847; Mary Louise, March 11, 1856; Anna, January 3, 1858. (VI)" William (4), son of William (3), and Mary (Hopkins) Van Orden, was born November 20, 1845. He received his educa- tion in private schools, and attended an acad- emy conducted by Rev. Dr. R. B. Fairbairn,, an Episcopal minister. Upon the completion of his schoohng he took up agricultural pur- suits on the farm which is now his home. He is a member of the Holland Society, also a member of the Dutch Reformed church of Catskill, In politics he is an Independent Dem- ocrat, but never held office. He is unmarried. Two members of the Lipe family LIPE came from Germany to the Ameri- can colonies prior to the revolution, Johnannes (John), born 1764, settled on a farm in Montgomery county near Sprakers, During the revolution he owned the land on which the defences of Fort Plains were built. The property descended to his son David ; later to his grandson, Seeber Lipe. With the consent of the owner, the Montgomery county Historical Society erected small marble mon- uments in August, 1882, marking the site of the original fort erected 1776, and another the block house built in 1781. John engaged both in farming and in trade at Sand Hill, at that time in the town of Minden. He passed through the trying scenes of the rev- olution safely, although Minden suffered much from the Indians and Tories. After the war was over John married. November 11, 1788, Elizabeth Lambert, and left numerous descendants. He continued in business until his death. The ancestor of Ephraim Lipe, of Cana- joharie, is also John Lipe, of the town of Root, Montgomery county. New York. He was a farmer and was killed by a running horse while attempting to cross the road. He lived in the troublous times of the revolution and served with the militia against the Indians. He married a Miss Hays and had four chil- dren: Delia, married Adam Dockstader; Eva,, 1S62 HL'DSON AND MOHAWK \- ALLEYS married John Burns; ]\Iary. married John A'ancroast; Adam L, of whom further. (II) Adam I., son of John and (Hays) Lipe, was born in the town of Root, I\Iontgomery county, New York, June 28, 1794, died June 28, 1872. He grew upon the homestead "farm, and later became a land own- er and farmer. He was a soldier in the war of 1812; was a Whig in politics and a man of influence in his town. He married, about 1 816, Catherine Rickard, of German and revolutionary ancestry, born March 17. 1796, died November 19, 1884. Children: i. John L., born October, 1817, died December 28, 1883; he married Elizabeth Wormuth ; chil- dren : i. Martin ; ii. Adam, married Margaret Pullman, of Johnstown, New York, and had Earl ; iii. Jeanette, married Charles Snow. 2. Kate, born May 29, 1821. died December 31, 1908; she married Jacob Bellinger, a descend- ant of William Bellinger, born in Germany; children: William and Adam. 3. Delilah, born March 2, 1824, married Jacob Mowers; chil- dren : Wesley and Edna. 4. Hiram, born February 9, 1828. 5. Eve, born March i, 1831 married, March 7, 1849, Charles H. Hubbs, born September 3, 1824, died November 20, 1892, son of Charles Root Hubbs, of Long Island, New York, settled in the town of Root in 1802 near Rural Grove; he married Miriam Coffin and had ten children. Children of Charles H. Hubbs : i. Catherine, torn July 3, 1 85 1, died November 16, 1851 ; ii. David, March 4, 1855, married Addie Burroughs; iii. Carrie, October 20. 1857, married, June, 1893, Simon Van Buren ; iv. Adam, June 4, i860, ■died November 24, 1889; v. A. Seymour, De- cember 9, 1862, married Hope Conover ; vi. Lillian, July 5, i8(')6. married, October 19, 1892, Dorris Carr; children: Edwin J., born August 17, 1889; Leland, November i, 1891 ; vii. Raymond B., August 16, 1871, married, October 17, 1889, ; viii. Iva A., May 19, 1875. 6. Harriet, born February 16, 1834; married Samuel Jamison and has son Morti- mer. 7. Ephraim, see forward. (Ill) Ephraim, youngest .son and child of Adam I. and Catherine (Rickard) Lipe, was born in the town of Root, Montgomery coun- ty. New York, July 14, 1837. He was edu- cated in the public school and reared on the farm, succeeding to ownership of the home- stead on the death of his father. Here he lived until after the birth of all bis children, a period covering twenty-five years of owner- ship. The farm contained one hundred and fifty-five acres and he managed it profitably. In 1868 he began buying and selling hay in rather a small way but the business soon took ■on large porportions, and in 1883 he left the farm and located in the village of Sprakers and carried on business on a much larger scale. In February, 1889, he removed to the village of Canajoharie, which has since been his home. He remained in active business un- til 1909. when he retired. He became a very large dealer in hay and was well known throughout the valley where for forty-one years he bought hay from the farmers, doing business with some of them for nearly the entire period. About 1878 he admitted his eld- est son to a partnership, the firm name being E. & W. H. Lipe. He is held in the highest regard in the community where his entire life has been spent with the exception of seven years he spent in New York City taking charge of and marketing the hay shipments. During his residence in the town of Root he was much in the public service, serving as town collector of taxes and highway commis- sioner. In Canajoharie he has served as trus- tee and auditor of the village. He is a Re- publican in politics. He has been for many years a devoted active worker in the Dutch Reformed church which he serves as trustee. He married, February 23, i860, in St. Mark's Lutheran Church, (Rev. Lewiston Hip- pee officiating ) Eliza .Anne Wood, born in Can- ajoharie, New York, August 16, 1840. They began their married life on the farm near Sprakers, their home until 1883. Mrs. Lipe is a devoted member of the Dutch Reformed church, and with her husband has contributed much to the church and social life of the community. On Wednesday, February 23, 1910, Ephraim and Eliza Anne (Wood) Lipe celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their' wedding day, an occasion that will long live in the memories of the one hundred and sev- enty-five guests present, including every liv- ing son and daughter. Eliza A. Wood is a daughter of Abram and Ann (Wiles) Wood, granddaughter of David and Elizabeth (Van- derberker) Wood, and maternal granddaugh- ter of Joseph Wiles, old Montgomery county families. Children of Abram and Ann Wood : John, married Elizabeth Moguin ; Isaac, mar- ried Elizabeth Flatner ; Eliza Anne, married Ephraim Lipe ; Mary, married De Witt Davis ; Boyd, married Elizabeth Wills; David, mar- ried Ella Harp ; Richard ; Margaret, married Charles H. Burdick ; Jennie, married William Lausen. Children of Ephraim and Eliza .Anne (Wood) Lipe: i. W'alter H., born December 4, i860; educated in the public schools, en- gaged for many years in business as junior member of E. & W. H. Lipe; in 1890 he or- ganized the Imperial Packing Company and for ten years was engaged in curing and pack- ing the well known "Beech Nut" products ; in HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ■563 1900 Bartlett Arkell became a partner and as the Beech Nut Packing Company, the busi- ness continued with Waker H. Lipe as treas- urer and general manager ; he married, July 20, 1896, Christina A. Goodall ; children: i. \'irginia, born Alay 24, 1900; ii. Rose Ann, ]March 5, 1906. 2. Mary Estelle, born April ID, 1864; married, October 3, 1889, William E. Tompkins, a hay and grain merchant of Toledo, Ohio; child. Anna Eliza, born Sep- tember 25, 1890. 3. Fred Willard, born March 1, 1866; a hay and grain merchant of Toledo, Ohio; married. May, 1899, Sadie Allen. 4. Raymond P., born October 6. 1870; a hay and grain merchant of Toledo. Ohio ; he married, March 3, 1893, Maude \'osburgh ; children: Katherine Vosburgh, born March 14, 1896, Elizabeth Bartlett," November, 1898. 5. Ber- tha Virginia, born September 25, 1874 ; mar- ried, June 25, 1902, Lyell T. Hallett, assist- ant treasurer of the Beech Nut Packing Com- pany ; children : Walter Wellington, born March 11, 1906; Florence Elizabeth, May 11, 1908. Two children died in infancy. Anna and Ephraim (2), and Jennie, who died in her nineteenth year. John Brown was born in New- BROWN port, Rhode Lsland, in 1695, died January, 1764. He was a large vessel owner and a very wealthy man for his day. The family, however, lost most of their property during the revolution, as they remained loyal to the King. He married Jane Lucas, and had issue. (H) Colonel Robert, son of John and Jane (Lucas) Brown, of Newport, was born April 9, 1735, died August, 1794. His wife Elizabeth was born January 28, 1744, died No- vember 27, 181 5. The tradition of the family is that this Robert was the Robert Brown captured by pirates, together with two boys who were with him on his vessel. Brown and the two boys (not his own) were set afloat in a rowboat near some rocky cliffs, the pirates supposing they could not land. But Brown being a good sailor landed in safety, although in ascending the rocks one of the boys was lost and drowned. Colonel Robert said, "He hoped and prayed that he would live to see the day when they were hung." He did live to see them hung at Newport and told them of his wish, which they remembered. Colonel Robert Brown married Elizabeth ; chil- dren : I. Colonel Robert B., born November 19, 1763. died October 2-j, 1845; he was the father of eight sons, Peter, Barker, Philip, Robert, George, Henry, Edmund and David. 2. John, born January 10, 1765, died Decem- ber 19, 1836, leaving nine children: John, James, Samuel, Clark. Charles, Betsy, Becky, Mary and Susan. 3. Silas, born November 28, 1766. died May 18, 1820; children : Silas, Brin- ton. Fanny, Elizabeth, Susan and Sarah Ann. 4. Elizabeth, born July 27, 1767, died young. 3. Peleg, of whom further. 6. Tames, born July II, 1771, died July 31, 1839! Mary, his wife, was born September, 1778; children: Robert, John, Benjamin, Mary, Lucy and Ta- bathy. By his second wife: Henry, Peleg, James, Caroline and George. 7. Henry, born July 2, 1773. died September 25, 1845 ; his wife was a Miss Hamnon ; they left one son, Silas. (HI) Peleg, son of Colonel Robert and Elizabeth Brown, was born August 7, 1769, died September 23, 1838. He married Dorcas , who died September 15, 1856. Chil- dren: William B., born .September 22, 1793, died December 27, i860; Mary, July 6, 1795, died June 22, 1875; Tabathy, .\ugust 13, 1797, died November 26, 1825; Elizabeth, Septem- ber 30, 1799, died October 17, 1799; Joseph W., March 27, 1801, died June 5, i878;,Eliza- beth C, December 30, 1802, died June 29, 1872; Ann M. June 22, 1805, died June 7, 1884; Jeremiah G., May 22, 1807, died No- vember 24, 1820: Peleg, of whom further. (IV) Peleg (2), son of Peleg (i) and Dor- cas Brown, was born June 28, 18 10, died June 23, 1891. He married, March 10, 1836, Ann Hoxie. born March 23, 1810, died February 17, 1887. Children: 'john P., born July i, 1838, died May 24, 1881 ; Joseph H., of whom further; William H., born September 7, 1843, died February 17, 1844; Infant son, deceased; Mary Esther, May 15, 1849. fl'^d April 16, 1884, married Charles H, Bradish, Decem- ber 21, 1881 ; children: Leila and Annabel. (V) Joseph H., son of Peleg (2) and Ann (Hoxie) Brown, was born January 12, 1841, at Petersburg, New York, died March 27, 1904. He was a successful farmer of Hoosick where he lived all his life. He was a Re- publican and took a deep interest in the poli- tics of the county, holding local offices. He was a member of the Baptist church. He mar- ried June 16, 1861, Mary E. James. She died August 13, 1898. Children: William Joseph, born June 23, 1862, died March 8, 1893; Hat- tie M. ; Edward James, of whom further. (VI) Edward James, son of Joseph H. and Mary E. (James) Brown, was born June 2"], 1866. He was educated in the public schools of Hoosick, and then followed the occupation of his father, that of farming, and remained on the homestead with him. In 1894 he re- lieved his father of the care of the farm, tak- ing full charge. He removed to Piattsburg, New York, for a nuich needed rest and re- mained there two years. 1895-96, and then re- IS64 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS turned to the farm where he has made his home. His farm is a dairy farm, requiring much extra work. He is a Republican in poHtics and takes an active part in town af- fairs. He is a member of All Saints Episco- pal Church. He married, November 28, 1879, Slarion Stetson, daughter of Elizur Larkin, died April 25, 1891 ; and Helen (Stetson ) Lar- kin. Children : Helen Mary, Rowland Hoxie, Elizabeth Larkin. The progenitor of the Turner TURNER family in Amsterdam was of English descent and Irish birth. The founder of the family in Ireland was born in England of English parents. He came to Ireland when a young man, settled in Wexford county, where he married Bridget Doyle, born in Wexford, where she died at the age of eighty-nine. The husband changed his religious belief and became, like his wife, a communicant of the Roman Catholic church. They ivere the parents of a son, Patrick. (II) Patrick, son of James and Bridget (Doyle) Turner, was born in Wexford, Ire- land, died at New Castle, same county, at age of fifty-two years. He was a successful con- tractor. He married and had issue, i. Rich- ard, married Ellen Bell ; removed to England, reared a family, one coming to the United States. 2. Jennie, married Henry Jordan, with whom she emigrated to Van Diemen's Land, Australia, where they died, leaving two sons and three daughters. 3. Eliza, mar- ried John Whalen ; they removed to Marlbor- ough, Australia, leaving a daughter, Mary, who is also deceased. 4. Patrick, was for fifteen years on the Irish constabulary force, was transferred to England, where he was killed in the performance of his duty ; he mar- ried in England. 5. James, married Maria Wright, of Irish parents, settled in England, later on emigrated to Marlborough, Australia; had Emily, Maria and Catherine. 6. Terrence, came to the United States, settled in the south, where he died. 7. John, married Eliza Fox; came to the United States, settled in Amster- dam, New York, where he died from sun- stroke, eleven days after his arrival here; he left John and Mary ; the former a soldier of the One Hundred and Fifteenth New York Volunteer Regiment ; died in the service. 8. William, settled in Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng- land ; married Ellen Thompson, of that town, and had William and Emily. 9. Catherine, also removed to Halifax, England, where she married Whalen; they are both de- ceased, leaving a daughter, Mary. 10. Michael, see forward. 11. Mary, died aged three years. 12. Bridget, born September 22, 1832, in Wicklow county, Ireland; educated in Dublin ; came to the United States on the sailing vessel, "P. Sage"; after a six weeks' voyage arrived in New York, proceeded to Amsterdam, New York, where she married Alexander Doyle, born in Wicklow county, Ireland, December 25, 1828, came to the Uni- ted States when a young man, died in Am- sterdam, November 9, 1904; children: Mary, Charles, William, Jennie, all deceased, John, Jane, Catherine F., Martha, Elizabeth and James Doyle. (III) Michael, tenth child of Patrick Tur- ner, was born in Ireland, 1828. He emigrated to the United States in 1849, coming on a slow sailing vessel. He settled in Amster- dam, where he became a well known and pros- perous mason and builder. He was also a builder of tan bark furnaces for the consump- tion of old tan bark. He met a tragic death, April 24, 1876. The spring freshets had car- ried away the bridge across the Mohawk river at Amsterdam ; late in the evening in com- pany with two attorneys of Amsterdam, John- son I. Snell and Cuthbert Patterson, he at- tempted to cross the river in a small boat, which on the way across overturned and all three were drowned. Mr. Turner's body was found eleven months after on Scotia Flats, Schenectady. The tragic death of these three well-known men caused universal sadness in their city. He was a man of thrift and energy, highly respected. He mar- ried, in Amsterdam, Bridget McCormick, born in county Meade, Ireland, emigrating to the United States about the same time as her husband. They settled on a farm in the town of Day, Saratoga county, where she died in 1873, aged thirty-eight years. He married (second) Kate Burns, who survives him, a resident of Amsterdam. Children of first wife: I. John J., see forward. 2. William, in the undertaking business in Amsterdam; married Eleanor Fox and has George, D.D.S., William and Florence. 3. Richard, married Mary Bowes and had a son Richard (2), de- ceased. 4. Eliza, widow* of John H. Den- ning; resides in Saratoga; has children: Mary, wife of John Sheridan, Hugh and John Den- ning. 5. Mary, died in youthful woman- hood, unmarried. 6. George, resident of Sche- nectady, New York ; is in the employ of his brother John J.; married (first) Angle Dailey and has a daughter Theresa. 7. Ellen, died young. 8. Catherine, educated for the church, at Notre Dame, is a sister at Notre Dame, Washington, D. C. 9. Nora, died in infancy. Child by second wife: 10. Jessie, born Sep- tember 19, 187 s. (IV) John J., eldest child of Michael and HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1563 Bridget (McCormick) Turner, was born in Day, Saratoga county. New York, November 19. 1853. He learned the mason, building and contracting trade with his father, work- ing in connection with him until the death of the latter in 1876, when he succeeded him, took the business in charge and has since successfully conducted extensive building operations all over the section known as East- ern New York. He was for a time, 1890-97, in partnership, but since the latter date has carried on the business alone. He is one of the best-known contractors of his own city and has erected many large and costly build- ings in neighboring and distant cities. For years he has erected many of the buildings of the General Electric Company of Schenectady the largest being eight hundred fifty-two by one hundred fifty-three feet in size. Among public buildings may be noted : the Elk Club House, and St. Mary's Parochial School, re- cently completed. Much of his success in his building operations he ascribes to the com- petent co-operation of the architect, C. M. Underwood. Politically Mr. Turner is a Dem- ocrat. He is a member of the Amsterdam board of trade, and since 1903 has been a member of the board of water commissioners. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, Amsterdam Lodge, No. loi, Benevolent Pro- tective Order of Elks ; Ft. Johnson Club and Country Club. The fajnily are members of the Roman Catholic church. He married, June 5. 1878, in Amsterdam, New York, Marie, born there in 1853, daughter of Thomas and Marie (Dooley) Egan, both born in Ireland, but residents of Amsterdam for many years. Thomas Egan was a baker and died in 1882. Marie, his wife, died in 1897. They were ■extremely old people. Children of John J. and Marie (Egan) Turner: i. Elizabeth, educated in St. Mary's Convent; resides at home. 2. John P., a civil engineer ; educated at St. Mary's and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; is engaged with his father; married October, 1909, Agnes Schermerhorn, of Troy, New York. 3. Richard, civil engineer ; edu- cated at St. Mary's and the Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute ; unmarried. 4. Thomas A., associated with his father: was educated at St. Mary's and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ; unmarried. Tliis particular branch of the PHILLIPS niillips family has been seated in the Mohawk valley for more than a century. They descend from the New England family of Phillips, whose ancestors date back to an early period in tlie bistory oi that section. The history of the Schenectady branch begins with George Phil- lips, of Montgomery county. New York, •^vho was born at Fort Plain about 1800. and died near that village aged sixty-five years. He married Miss Adams, who survived him, but a short time. He was a farmer and a Demo- crat. Children: i. Robert, of further men- tion. 2. Winchell, lived and died at Little Falls, New York ; married Sarah Marsh, who survives him, a resident of Little Falls. 3. Julia, married Gottlieb Ludwig; children: Harry and Harriet. 4. Matilda, married, but left no issue. 5. Sarah Jane, unmarried, the only surviving child. (II) Robert, eldest son of George Phillips, was born in Fort Plain, New York, June 27, 1823, died in 1885. He received a good edu- cation in the public schools and for several years was a teacher and instructor. He later engaged in mercantile life and was a merchant of Fort Plain. Later he engaged in the lum- ber business and removed to Bridgeville. He was a Democrat until the outbreak of the civil war, when feeling that his party was not liv- ing up to the promises of its platform, he voted the Republican ticket. He married, in Fort Plain, Sarah, born June 8, 1828, daughter of Jonas and Wyncha A. (Low) Myer. \\'yn- cha Low was of the Low family of Saugerties, Ulster county, New York, and was related to ex-Mayor Seth Low, of New York City. The Myer family were early settlers of Ulster county ; Jonas died in Saugerties at the age of fifty-six. and Wyncha, his wife, at the age of sixty. Of their family, two daughters, An- gelina and Sarah, arc the only survivors (1910). Robert and Sarah Phillips were formerly Presbyterians, but later connected with the Congregational church. They were brought into the latter communion through the preaching and teaching of Henry Ward Beecher, the eminent divine of Brooklyn, New York. Children: i. Eugene Wilson, born August 29, 1849, now a merchant of Sauger- ties, New York; married IMartha J. Decker, and has a daughter Ella, married Edward Morgan. 2. George Wellington, of further mention. 3. Sarah Lavina, born March 8, 1856. deceased. 4. Henry Ward born April II, 1858, deceased. 5. Estelle, born June 27, i860, deceased. 6. Ann Grace, born March 19, 1862; married David W. Tobinson, and resides in Saugerties. New York; eight liv- ing children. 7. Ella Frances, born Septem- ber 22, 1865; married Sheppard Guise, of Camden, New Jersey, and now resides in Schenectady, New York ; three daughters, one of whom. Hazel, married Hiram Williams and has issue. Mrs. Sarah (Myer) Phillips sur- vives her husband, and is a resident of Sau- 1566 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS gerties, New York, with her son Eugene W. Phillips. She is now (November 2~, 1910) eighty-two years of age, yet so well preserved in mind that she has contributed many of the dates and facts contained herein, but says she "is weak and feeble and cannot write as I once could." (HI) George Wellington, second son of Robert and Sarah (Myer) Phillips, was born in Saugerties, Ulster county, New York, Oc- tober 16, 1852, In 1865 his parents removed to Bridgeville, Delaware, where he completed his studies. His father was engaged in the lumber business until his death, at the age of sixty-two years. He worked with his father at lumbering, and later became his traveling salesman. An important feature of their busi- ness was the burning of charcoal, and George W. traveled among the leading users of char- coal, disposing of large quantities of their prod- uct. After the death of Robert Phillips, his wife and family returned to Saugerties. While in Delaware, George W. had become greatly interested in the fruit and nursery farms of that section, and after his return to New York started a nursery in Saugerties, which he con- tinued until 1897. Finding soil and climate not well suited to this enterprise, in Septem- ber of that year he removed to Schenectady, New York, where he established the coal bus- iness, which he has since successfully oper- ated. He has taken more than passing interest in local afifairs, and when civic conditions were not satisfactory, organized and was secretary of the Taxpayer's Association, that brought about some needed reforms. He is a member of the Albany Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and a Republican in politics. He mar- ried, in Saugerties, Josephine Trought, born near New Brunswick, New Jersey, September 24, 1857, and came to Saugerties, New York, with her parents in 1865. She is a daughter of Robert, son of John Trought. Robert Trought enlisted in 1861 in Company S, 30th New Jersey Volunteers, recruited from New Brunswick, and served until the close of the war. He was a good soldier and made an honorable war record. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His daughter, Mrs. Josephine Phillips, is a mem- ber of the Dutch Reformed Church of Sche- nectady. Children of George W. and Jose- phine (Trought) Phillips: i. George H., born October 10, 1874; educated in Sauger- ties ; now a photographer with a studio in New York City ; he married Effie Bailey, of Glens Falls, New York. 2. Robert, died in 1876, aged ten months. 3. Lillian, born 1877, died aged twenty months. 4. Bertha M., born October 29, 1879, married Lawrence Kemp- ton, manager of the Phillips Coal Company. 5. Maude, born June 16, 1884; married Wil- liam H. Pier, of Schenectady. 6. Mabel, born October 6, 18^8, died aged seven vears. The many forms of spelling PHILLIP this name is confusing when an attempt is made to trace from the present to past generations. It is supposed that Philip, Phillip, Phillips, Philips, Phillipse and Philipps are families all owning a com- mon ancestor. The name Phillips is derived from the Greek and signifies "horse lover.'' Its use as a surname has continued in Wales and other parts of Great Britain for at least five centuries, perhaps longer. There are many branches of the family in the LInited States dating from 1630 at Watertown, Massachu- setts. "A Phillips crossed the water with John Winthrop and from him descended a long line of ministers, judges, governors and council- lors, — a sturdy race, temperate, just, and high- minded." From the address of Dr. Porter at the centennial celebration of the Claverack Church we find that the ancestor of the Phil- lip family in Columbia county was an early settler of Germantown. He had six sons, four of whom removed to Claverack : George, Wil- liam, Henry and David. Two sons remained in Germantown. Germantown was settled by the Palatines but not exclusively. In a list of heads of families reported as willing to re- main in Germantown, August 26, 1724, is the name of Hans Peter Phillip. He may be the ancestor referred to by Qj^rPorter. The vil- lage of Philmont, in the town of Claverack, is named in honor of George P. Phillip, who was the first to manufacture there on an im- portant scale. A branch of the Philip family settled in Mellenville, where George Philip and Stephen Miller were among the first to engage in trade. They were succeeded by their sons and afterwards by William Phillip, who was long in trade there. Captain George Phillip kept one of the first public houses there, which other members of the family continued. The branch of the family that settled in Ghent, Columbia county, were among the most num- erous in that town, where one of the name still owns the old homestead. Mellenville was or- iginally known as "Hard Scrabble," and the Phillip family were among the first settlers. George Phillip was a blacksmith. He served in the revolution and gained the title and rank of captain. (I) William Phillip was long in trade in Mellenville, (Hard.scrabble). He married Re- becca Ostrander, who bore him David, Aaron, (see forward) ; John, Gertrude, Catherine and Elizabeth Ann. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1567 (H) Aaron, second son of William and Rebecca (Ostrander) Phillip, was born in Claverack, Columbia county, New York in 1819, and died in Mellenville, January 26, 1905. He was quite young when his parents removed to Mellenville, where he obtained his education. His parents were religious people and trained the boy to read and study the Scriptures, which in later life gained him a reputation as a Bible scholar. He learned the carpenter's trade, worked for several years as a journeyman, later became a contractor, and in Claverack and Mellenville erected many buildings and dwellings. He was a most tire- less worker in the Dutch Reformed church at Mellenville, and was an elder and superintend- ent of the Sunday school for many years. He was charitable, generous and ever thought- ful of others. He married Ann Fowler of Mellenville. who survived him four years, dy- ing in August, 1909. . Children : Oscar W. ; Harriet Elizabeth: Rebecca (see forward); James E. ; Sarah E., married Frank Horton ; John H., married and has Fred W. and Cath- erine ; Emma, married Jacob Fassett ; Mary Augusta ; David Franklin ; Gertrude. (HI) Rebecca, third child of Aaron and Ann (Fowler) Phillip, was born in Mellen- ville, Columbia county, New York, where she received her education. After leaving school she removed to Troy, New York, where she entered the factory of William A. Harden; she was capable and ambitious, soon rising to the position of forewoman, becoming a trusted and valuable employee. She was generously re- membered in ^Ir. Harden's will. The first Burdick of record in BURDICK America, and the ancestor of the Burdicks of Galway, Sara- toga county, New York, is Robert Burdick, of Westerly, Rhode Island, who died in 1692. He was a farmer of Newport, Rhode Island, 1655, and was of Westerly, November i, 1661. He was a seceder from the Baptist church, join- ing with the Seventh Day Baptists. He was in the thick of the fight with Massachusetts over jurisdiction, and was arrested with To- bias Sanders and others, brought before Gov- ernor John Endicott. charged with "forcible entry and intrusion" into the bounds of Sou- thertown in the Pequot country. He admit- ted he was upon the lands mentioned and had built a small house there. He and Sanders were committed to prison, both refusing to give bail for their appearance at general court, denying that Massachusetts had any juris- diction over them or the territory in which the house was built. They were committed to the Boston jail and kept there two years, finally being exchanged for two Massachusetts offi- cials taken in retaliation by the Rhode Island authorities. May 8, 1669, he was on a list of the inhabitants of Westerly. May 17, 1671,. he took the oath of allegiance. July, 1675, he and his family went to Newport on account of the Indian war, but later returned to \\'est- erly. May 17, i(3gi, he and wife Ruth sold one hundred acres of land for ten pounds. March 8, 1692. he made an agreement with his son-in-law, Joseph Crandall, by which the latter was to take care of his father-in-law and "find him with suitable meat, drink, washings lodging and apparel, etc., for life, in consid- eration of which Joseph Crandall was to have the dwelling house and land adjoining for- ever." He died October 25, 1692. He mar- ried, November 2, 1655, Ruth Hubbard, who was the first white child born in Springfield, Massachusetts, January 11, 1640, died 1691, daughter of Samuel and Tacy (Cooper) Hub- bard. Children: i. Robert, married Dorcas Lewis. 2. Hubbard, died 1758; married Han- nah Maxon, died 1752; children: Hubbard (2), Nathan, John and Ezekiel. 3. A son, died 1683. 4. Thomas, married (first) Mar- tha ; (second), February 9, 1738, Pene- lope Rhodes. 5. Naomi, married Jonathan Rogers; child, Content. 6. Ruth, married, in 1682, John Phillips. 7. Benjamin, died in 1741 ; married (first) Mary ; married (second) Mrs. Jane Shelley, a widow, died 1748. He was a deacon of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. By first wife he had eight children: Mary, Rachel, Peter, Benjamin, John, David, William and Elisha. 8. Samuel, died 1756; was one of the thirty who pur- chased five thousand three hundred acres of "vacant lands." He married Mary , and had five children. 9. Tacy, died 1747; married Joseph Maxon, born 1672, died 1750; children : Joseph, John, Tacy, Mary, Judith, Ruth and Elizabeth. 10. Deborah, married Joseph Crandall, died September 12, 1737; children : John, Joseph, and a daughter. From this sturdy, conscience-guided ancestor, Rob- ert, sprang all the Burdicks who claim an early Rhode Island ancestry. The history of the Saratoga county family herein recorded begins with Daniel, a descendant of Robert Burdick, of Westerly. (\T) Daniel Burdick was born in Rhode Island, and settled in Saratoga county. New York, He married Nancy Lewis, in New London, Connecticut. Children: i. Pardon, died young. 2. Lewis, went west, all trace lost. 3. Mary, married Josiah Gibbs, lived in Michigan, and is buried there. 4. William, married (first) .Arnold, of Saratoga; married (second) Mary Pulling, of East Gal- t568 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS -vva\', New York. 5. Truman, married Pa- tience Webb, of Greenfield, Saratoga county. 6. Frank, married Susan Tabor, of Benedict Corner, Fulton county, New York. 7. Peleg, see forward. (MI) Peleg, youngest child of Daniel and Nancy (Lewis) Burdick, was born in the town ■of Galway, Saratoga county, New York, Sep- tember 30, 1826, died December 28, 1894, in the same town. He was educated in the town schools, and was still a young man when he •engaged in agricultural pursuits in Galway. He owned a farm in the town which he opera- ted until seven years before his death, when Tie retired to the village of Galway. He was a prominent man of Galway ; was an active Democrat, and a leader of that party in his town, holding many local offices. He married (first) August 26, 1849, Louisa Clark, of Gal- way, daughter of William V. and Mary J. Clark, who bore him a daughter, Mary Am- elia, November 4, 1851. She died in 1890 after her marriage to Allen S. Glenn, a sol- dier of the civil war. Peleg Burdick mar- ried (second) March 21, i860, Clarissa More- house, born June 13, 1840, who yet survives him (1910). She is a daughter of William and Rhoda (Monroe) Morehouse, of Galway, and granddaughter of Caleb Morehoiue, born February i, 1767; married. May 7, 1794, Rhoda Peck. Children of Caleb and Rhoda (Peck) Morehouse: i. Ransom, born June 5, 1795, died November 24, 1824. 2. Carlton, December 11, 1797, died April 7, 1855. 3. Erastus, October 19, 1800, died August 26, 1857. 4. Orrin, March 24, 1804, died April 24, 1804. 5. Henry, June 30, 1805, died Feb- ruary 2, 1875. 6. William, August 17, 1812, •died March 22, 1884; married Rhoda, daugh- ter of Eliphalet and Rebekah (Nash) Mon- roe. Children of William and Rhoda More- house: Clarissa, born June 13, 1840, married Peleg Burdick. 2. Frances, November 30, 1842, married John Waring. Children of Pe- leg and Clarissa (Morehouse) Burdick: i. Carrie Louise, born April 5, 1861 ; married George Herrick West, then of Galway, now •of Ballston Spa, New York. (See West VHL) 2. Scott M., May 6, 1863, died April 12, 1865. 3. Frances, June 4, 1865. married, May 22, 1907, Thomas Chester Kelley, who ■died April 7, 1908. She survives her husband and resides at Ballston Spa, New York. (Monroe Line). Rhoda Monroe, wife of William Morehouse, Cfam .JJ/'own ^• i^Ua.r/9[ ^,rMe. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS '577' acquired and continued the business and kept the family of twelve children in affluence. Her eleventh child, Arthur Fenner, was the popu- lar governor of Rhode Island, 1790- 1805. His son, James Fenner, was elected governor 1807-11, re-elected in 1824, serving until 1831, elected again 1842, serving until 1844. He was United States senator from 1805 to 1807, resigning to become governor. 6. Hosanna, married Mary Hawkins. 7. Jonathan. 8. Daniel (2), a cooper of Providence; married Mary Sprague. (HI) Judah, eldest soti of Daniel and Alice (Hearnden) Brown, died January 18, 1734. He lived in Providence and Scituate, Rhode Island. He married Hannah , who died after 1745. Children: Joseph, Deborah. Abigail, David, Hannah, Elisha, Phoebe. (IV) Joseph, eldest son of Judah and Han- nah Brown, was born in Rhode Island. He settled in the town of Malta, Saratoga county, Xew York, where he died aged about eighty years. He married a Miss Chase and had issue. (V) Josiah, son of Joseph and ■ (Chase) Brown, was born in Malta, Xew York, 1800, died June 22, 1888. He married (first) Betsey Ashley; (second) Ruth Pettit. (VI) Hiram, son of Josiah and Betsey (Ashley) Brown, was born in Malta. Sara- toga county. New York, September 20, 1830, died at Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, June 13, 1900. Hiram Brown was educated in the pub- lic schools where he acquired a good knowl- edge of the English branches. He tauglit school for two years, and then removed to New York, where he was clerk in a grocery store. In 1856 he made permanent location in Coxsackie, first engaging in coal trade, later in a general lumber business. He was an energetic, prosperous man of business and stood well in his community. He was a strong supporter of the cause of Prohibition, and to its upbuilding devoted much time and money. For forty years he was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal church, serving on the official board and as superintendent of the Sunday school. He was not a mere money maker, but devoted himself in a large degree to the service of his brethren. His life teemed with kindly deeds and he left a well-cherished memory. He was married December 25, 1854, to Phoebe, born January 16, 1836. daughter of Richard F. and Elizaljeth (Gritman) Buck- bee, of Dutchess county, New York, (see P.uckbee IV). She survives her husband and lives a qm'ct life in her Coxsackie home. She has no children. (The Buckbec Line). This family settled first in Westchester and' Dutchess counties, New York. Their origin is difficult to determine as the name is evi- dently a corrupted form of another surname. The Bockee family of Dutchess county have as branches claiming common origin, Buckey, Bocke, Bowker, Bockes and Barikes. The surname Buckbee may come from a descend- ant of Matthias Buquet. The first of mention in Dutchess county annals is Israel Buckbee, of Stanford, horn about 1740, died 1820. Ten of the name Buckbee served in the revolution from New York state, but the family identi- fication is impossible. Israel had sons. (II) John, son of Israel Buckbee, of Stan- ford, Dutchess county, New York.died 1821. He married Nancy Cole. His descendants settled in the town of Chatham, Columbia county. New York. (II) Richard, son of Israel Buckbee, was born in Stanford, Dutchess county. New York, about 1780. He continued his residence in Stanford, until 1837, when he removed to- Washington county, New York, settling near Sandy Hill. He later removed to Saratoga county. New York, where he died in 1848. He married Phoebe Boyce. (HI) Richard Ferguson, son of Richard and Phoebe (Boyce) Buckbee, was born in Dutchess county. New York, 1808. died in Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, 1874. He was educated in the public schools, .-\fter the removal to Saratoga and Washington counties, where he followed the occupation of a farmer, he finally located in Coxsackie where he engaged in the lumber business, continu- ing until his death in 1874. He married Eliz- abeth Gritman, and had two children: i. El- zada. married Gilbert Fitchett, and had' one daughter, Julia F.. wife of Dr. .A. Beach and has one son, Richard B., married Claribel Newberry. 2. Phoebe, see forward. (IV) Phoebe, daughter of Richard F. and Elizabeth (Gritman) Buckbee, was born Janu- ary 16, 1836, married, December 25, 1854, Hiram Brown, Ixirn 1830, died 1900 (see Brown \I). The ancestor of this P.\TTERSON branch of the Patterson family in America was James Patterson, born in Scotland about 1633. He was one of the prisoners of war taken by Cromwell, probably at the battle of Worcester, September 3, 1651. These prison- ers were sold as lx)nal ser\ants by the English government and a large number of them were sent to New England in the ship "John and' Sarah" of LnndDn, Captain John Green, Mas- 1578 HUDSON AND xMOHAWK X'ALLEYS ler. They embarked November 6, 1651, sailed about November 14, 1651, and arrived at Bos- ton in tlie May following. In 1658 James Patterson was a resident of Billerica, Massa- chusetts, where he received a grant of land from the town followed by sixteen other grants issued between the years of 1658 and 1685. He was admitted a freeman, April 18, 1690. At a meeting of the selectmen and committee held October 8, 1675, an order from the honorable council sent them was read "twelve garrison's were formed in Bil- lerica." "They appoint James Paterson's house for garrison, etc." His will was dated May 12, 1701, and he died in Billerica, July 14, 1701, aged about sixty-eight years. He married. May 29, 1662, Rebecca Stevenson, before married to Thomas Dantforth, Esq. She was born about 1642, daughter of An- drew Stevenson, of Cambridge, Massachu- setts. Children : Mary, James, Andrew, John, Joseph, Rebecca, James and Jonathan. (H) Andrew, son of James and Rebecca (Stevenson) Patterson, born in Billerica, Massachusetts, April 4, 1672, was a mariner and tradition says "was lost at sea." He was alive March 27, 1707, as appears by deeds. He married, 1697, Elizabeth Kebbe, of Charlestown, Massachusetts. She died in Reading, Massachusetts, June, 1738. Child: James. (HI) James (2), son of Andrew and Eliza- beth (Kebbe) Patterson, was born in Med- ford, Massachusetts, October 5, 1707, died at Princeton, Massachusetts, May 4, 1766. He was a blacksmith and in 1730 purchased a homestead in Sudbury where he resided till 1763, he later was of Princeton where he died. He married, October 14, 1730, Lydia, born in Lexington, daughter of Deacon Jonathan and Abigail (Reed) Fisk. Children: Jona- than, David, Andrew. (IV) .'\ndrew (2), son of James (2) and Lydia (Fisk) Patterson, was born in Sud- bury, Massachusetts, April 14, 1742. He later lived in Princeton and then removed farther west. He married (first) in Worcester, Mas- sachusetts, October 21, 1761, Elizabeth Bond, who died September 13, 1772, aged thirty- six years. He married (second) Mrs. Anne Russell, a widow. Children of first wife: Sa- rah, James, died young. Children of second wife: David and perhaps others. (V) David, son of Andrew (2) and .\nne (Russell) Patterson, was born in Sudbury, Massachusetts, August 31, 1778. He married and had a son Levi. (\'I) Levi, son of David Patterson, was born in Princeton, Massachusetts, in 1800, .Nmerica from Mattock, Derbyshire, Eng- land, in 1638, with his wife Margaret, and' settled at Concord, Massachusetts, where he- filled some of the important offices of the town and died May 14, 1671. His wife died September i, 1659. Children: Michael and' Ruth. (II) Michael, son of William and Margaret Wood, was born in England and came to America with his parents in 1638. He was a farmer and said to have had an interest in the Concord Iron Works. His- wife's name was Mary. He died suddenly, j\Iay 13, 1674. Children, born in Concord : Abigail, April 10, 1642; John, Nathaniel, Mary, Thomson,. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. (HI) Jacob, youngest child of Michael and Mary Wood, was born in Concord. March 3, 1662, died October 6, 1723. He married, April' 15, 1697, Mary, born in Concord, September 15, 1673, daughter of John and Sarah (Lar- kin) Wheeler. Children, born in Concord: Jacob, Mary, Ephraim, of further mention; Dorcas, Hannah. (IV) Ephraim, son of Jacob and Mary (Wheeler) Wood, was born in Concord, Feb- ruary 4. 1702, died March 20, 1789. He lived upon the farm occupied by father and' grandfather before him. He was selectman in 1749, and is called "Captain" on the Con- cord records. He married Mary Bass, who' died September 11, 1781. Children, born in- Concord: Oliver, Ephraim. .\inos, Peter, Mary, Rebecca. (V) Ephraim (2), son of Eplu-aim ( i) and' Mary (Bass) Wood, was born in Concord, August I, 1733, died April 8, 1814. He was a shoemaker by trade, and was town clerk, selectman, assessor, overseer of the poor and' re-elected twenty-seven years. He was one of the first justices appointed by the council after the war of independence and held the of- fice until his death. He was also one of the judges of the court of common pleas. ".\s a Cliristian he was humble and devout, sin- cere and ardent." He married (first) Octo- ber 24, 1758, Mary, bom IVTarch 23. 1737, died July 13. 1807, daughter of Amos and Eliza- beth (Billings) Heald. (VI) William, son of Ephraim (2) and Mary (Heald) Wood, was Ixirn at Concord, January 10, 1775. He removed to Charles- town. New Hampshire, where he died Au- gust 24. 1841. He married (first) Nancy Myrick, bom in Charfestown, May 3, 1780,. died August 22. 1844. He married (second) Mary Pillsl)ury. born .April i. 1780. died No- vemJjcr 27, 1852. Children, eight by first wife: William (2). of further mention: Dan- iel, Ann, Mary, Edward Myrick, Martha M.,. Caroline. Alexander. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS isSi (\ lit William (2), eldest son of William (i) and Nancy (Alyrick) Wood, was born in Cliarlestown, September 23, 1801. He removed to Springfield, Vermont, where he settled on a farm. He married Frances (Gla- zier ) White, widow of Luther W'hite, by whom she had sons Calvin and Henry. The Glazier family were from Massachusetts where many of the name are shown on revolutionary war records. Her Grandfather Glazier fought at the battle of Lexington and brought away as a trophy the red coat of a British soldier. Children of William and Frances Wood : Eliz- abeth, died at the age of twelve years, Ann, Harriet. Ellen, Willis. Charles Frank. (\'ni) Charles Frank, son of William (2) and Frances (Glazier) (White) Wood, was "born at Springfield, \'ermont, March 28, 1843. He was adopted by James Madison Aldrich, •of Weathersfield, \'ermont. and his wife Mary (Atwood) Aldrich. Charles Madison Aldrich Avas a prominent citizen and a member of the ^'ermont legislature. The adoption was le- gal and Charles Frank ever after bore the ■name of Aldrich. He married Abbie Louise Spaulding, born at Cornish. New Hampshire, November 3. 1847, ^rid had issue. (IX) Charles Spaulding, son of Charles Frank and Abbie Louise (Spaulding) Aid- rich, was born at Weathersfield Center, Ver- mont, April I. 1 87 1. He prepared for col- lege at Vermont Academy, Saxton"s River, Vermont, where he was graduated, class of 1890. He then entered ]3rown University, whence he was graduated A.B., class of 1894. During 1895 an^' 1896 he took post graduate work at Wesleyan University where he was also an instructor. In 1896 Wesleyan con- ferred upon him the degree of A.M. Decid- ing upon the profession of law he prepared in the offices of Shaw, Bailey & Murphy, at Troy, New York : was admitted to the bar in 1898 and has since been engaged in legal practice in Troy. He pays especial attention to corporation, probate and real estate law, confining his practice to these special lines. He is director and vice-president of the Illi- um Realty Company : treasurer of the Stock- well Purser Realty Company ; treasurer of the International Land and Development Company ; secretary and tieasurer of the Col- lar City Land Company: and director of the Union National Bank. He served a term of enlistment in the Troy Citizen's Corps, and while at Brown University in the Rhode Isl- and National Guard. W'hile usually acting with the Republican jxirty he is thoroughly independent in politics. In religious faith Mr. Aldrich is a member and trustee of the First Particular Baptist Church of Troy. He mar- ried. September 9, 1897, Helen Parker, born at Manchester, New Hampshire, April 8, 1871, daughter of Frank James and Harriet Charlotte (Eaton) Drake, of Manchester, New Hampshire, who were married June 7, 1869. Frank James Drake was born in Pitts- field, New Hampshire, November 3, 1842, died August 20, 1891. He was a son of James Drake, born June 29, 1805, at Pittsfield, New Hampshire, died April 7, 1870, and Betsey (Seavey) Drake, lx>rn October 14, 181 1, died September 28, 1865 ; they were married Au- gust 13. 1834. James Drake was a son of James Drake, born November 14, 1775, at Pittsfield, New Hampshire, died February 26, 1834, and Hannah (Ward) Drake, born Oc- tober 31. 1763. died December 17, 1848; they were married December 17, 1781. The first settlement of the FITCIIETT Fitchetts of which there is record was in New Jersey where Isaac Fitchett was born in 1725. In 1750 he removed to the colony of New York, settling at Poughkeepsie. He married Fran- ces LeRoy, of that city, October 5, 1753. In 1774 he removed to the Wyoming valley of Pennsylvania, settling at Nanticoke, now in Luzerne county. He remained there until his death. (II) Isaac (2). son of Isaac (i) and Fran- ces (LeRoy) Fitchett, was born in New York, and removed with his parents to Pennsyl- vania, later settling in Dutchess county New York, where there are many descendants. He married Polly Hart. Children: Isaac (3), Pe- ter, of further mention; Catharine, Frances, Caroline, Maria. (III) Peter, son of Isaac (2) and Polly (Hart) Fitchett, was born in the town of Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, April 4, 1809. He was educated in the town schools, and early began boating on the Hud- son river, later engaging in mercantile life as a dry goods merchant and groceryman. Aher several years spent in business of tliis nature he purchased a farm near the village on which he resided until his death. He was prosper- ous in all his business affairs and was well regarded in his locality. He married, Feb- ruary, 1834, Susan Nelson, born 1810, died March 8. 1904, daughter of Gilbert Nelson, of Gay Head. Greene county, formerly of Dutchess county. New York. Children: i. James H., born March i. 1835 ; resides in Cox- sackie, New York. 2. Gilbert Isaac, of later mention. 3. Frank L., born October i, 1838, now a resident of Omaha, Nebraska : mar- ried (first) Mary J. Cook: (second) Isabella McGeorge. 4. Sarah E., born March 25, 1841, 1582 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS died June 17, 1884: married Palmer Searles and had two daughters : Addie. born Decem- ber 22, 1868, married Floyd Kniffen, October 3, 1888; Grace, born March 2, 1871 ; mar- ried, April 6. 1892, Clarence Woolford, who died 1896 leaving a son, Leroy Woolford. 5. Charles, born September i, 1843, died Janu- ary 9, 1889; married, November 12, 1867, Frances Bouton ; had one child, Jennie C, born February 19, 1869, married Schuyler C. Bishop, November, 1892. 6. Caroline, born May 3, 1845, in the town of Coxsackie, where she was educated in the public schools and resided on the home farm until the death of her father, when she removed to the village of Coxsackie, where she now resides having with her as companion her deceased sister's daughter Grace, and nephew, Leroy Woolford. She is a member of the Dutch Reformed church, having joined many years ago. 7. ]\Iyra S., born April 15, 1848: married (first) Nelson Van Bergen; (second) Lewis Flans- burg : resides in Coxsackie. (IV) Gilbert Isaac, son of Peter and Susan (Nelson) Fitchett, was born in the town of Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, March ID, 1837. He was educated in -the public schools. He engaged in farming for a few years after reaching manhood but soon aban- doned the farm for a business career. In 1861 he established a coal trade in Coxsackie and pursued that line of business with energy and success until 1907 when he retired. He occupies a beautiful residence overlooking the Hudson and here passes a quiet life amid con- genial surroundings. He never sought or held public office, but is a supporter of the Demo- cratic party. He married (first) 1857. El- zada Buckbee, died 1885, daughter of Richard P.uckbee. He married (second) Alice, daugh- ter of Henry Fitchett, of Watervliet, New York. Child of first marriage: Julia Clear- water, married Dr. Ambrose Beach, of Cox- sackie. The Van Denhurgs are VAN DENBURG of mention in early records of .'\lbany. New York. Arent was a corporal of the serv- ice of the West India Company at Fort Or- ange, 1654, and still there in 1666. Claas Cor- nelis was in Beverwyck, 1660-65. Tlie his- tory of this branch of the family begins with Richard Janse \^an Denburg, who married, November 13, 1699, Tryntje, daughter of Mat- thias Hooghteling; children: Maria, baptized May 12, 1701 ; Antje, May 17, 1702; Jan, Sep- tember 19, 1703: Matthys, January 15, 1706; Racheltje. February 22, 1708; Dorotia, Octo- ber 30. 1710; Hendrick, of further mention; Lidia, April 24, 1715; Robert, June 31, 1717. Richard Van Denburg settled in Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, at a date not def- initely known. April 18, 1729, he bought land of Thomas Williams and in the same year leased land from Petrus Van Bergen but he owned land and built a stone house on the banks of "Mender's Kill" before 1725. This land was known as the Matthias Houghtaling patent. Through subsequent purchases by sons of Richard, the family became the own- ers of a large tract of land west of the upper village of Coxsackie. Robert, son of Rich- ard J., built a sawmill on a small stream which flows into the west branch of Potick creek, the remains of the dam being yet visible. (II) Hendrick, son of Richard J. and Tryntje (Catrina) (Hooghteling) (Hotaling) Van Denburg, was baptized October 19, 1712, A deed dated October 20, 1770, recites that Hendrick Houghtaling for the sum of ten shil- lings and other consideration did convey to Hendrick and Robert Van Denburg "All that southermost half of the whole tract XX\' con- taining eighteen hundred forty-three acres XXXX and one-half of all mines which may be found hereafter on the above lands." This tract of land thus set oflf to the brothers be- came popularly known as the "Van Denburg Patent" though it was not an original patent grant. Later it was divided into lots and De- cember 21, 1745, Hendrick Van Denburg con- veyed to Richard, Wilhelmus and John \'an Denburg seventeen of the lots each contain- ing it was supposed fifty acres, but of one of them the story is told that by some reason it contained sixty acres. This caused later legal proceedings which gave it the name of "Chancery lot," Hendrick resided in the stone house, north of the creek, which he built. He married, November 21, 1743, Kathcrine Ho- taling, Children: Catherine, Lena and Ryc- kert," (III) Ryckert, only son of Hendrick and Katherine (Hotaling) Van Denburg. was bap- tized in Albany, New York, June 24, 1753, He married Maritje, daughter of (jodfrey Brandow, a revolutionary soldier in Captain John \'an Denburgs, Coxsackie company of nine months men. Eleventh Regiment, .Mbany county militia. He had part of the "\'an Den- burg Patent," and built a stone house on the hill along an Indian foot path. (I\^) Henry, son of Ryckert and Maritje (Brandow) Van Denburg, was born March 17, 1776, died May 12, 1853. He was known locally as "Bush Hank," probably from the fact that his farm was covered with trees and undergrowth, which kept him employed in clearing and burning the bush. He mar- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS 585 ried Rebecca \'an Loon, born October 22, 1777, died February 3, 1852, a descendant of Jan \'an Loon, the first settler of the name and ancestor of a numerous famil_v ; supposed to have come from Holland about 1686. The present village of Athens is built on the old farm owned by his son Matthias. (Y) Richard, son of Henry and Rebecca (\'an Loon) \'an Denburg, was born Feb- ruary 8, 1817, died July 21, i860. He had a share of the \"an Denburg lands, inheriting his father's farm, and always followed farm- ing as an occupation. He married, November 30, 1842, Rachel Lampman, a descendant of Stephen Lampman, of German parentage. She was born August 26, 1824, died March 4, 1910. (VI) Albert, son of Richard and Rachel (Lampman) Van Denburg, was born Febru- ary I, 1846, at Coxsackie, Greene county. New York. He was educated in the public school and at Coxsackie Seminary. He was a prosperous farmer and a highly regarded member of his community. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed church, and a Repub- lican in politics. He married, August 30, 1868, Emma, daughter of Lewis and Hannah Augusta (Roberts) Powell. (MI) Richard Henrj-, only son of Albert and Emma (Powell) \'an Denburg, was born in I\Iidway, Greene county. New York, No- vember 2, 1877. He was educated in the Coxsackie common and high schools. After completing his studies he taught school for six years, in the meantime preparing for the profession of medicine. In 1900 he entered Albany Aledical College (Union University) where he was graduated I\I.D.. class of 1904. He was interne at St. Peter's Hospital, Al- bany, for one year, then in 1905 began the practice of his profession in Coxsackie, where he is enjoying a satisfactory patronage. He is a member of the Greene County Medical Society, State Medical and American Aledical Associations : Free and Accepted Masons, master of Ark Lodge, No. 48 ; Coxsackie Chap- ter, No. 85 : Lafayette Commandery, No. 7 ; Coxsackie Lodge, No. 351 ; Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows; Eureka Lodge No. 131, Knights of Pythias : Coxsackie Camp, No. 8490. Modern Woodmen of America. He is a member of the Methodist church, and affiliates with the Republican party. He married, June 14, 1905, Carrie F., born February 13, 1877, daughter of Charles Warner and Hannah V. (Collier) Mackey, a descendant of John Mackey, who came from the north of Ireland to this country during the war of the revolu- tion in which he fought as a soldier of the continental armv. He was of Scotch ances- try. Jeremiah, son of John Mackey, married Anna Tuttle. Fermon, son of Jeremiah and Anna (Tuttle) Mackey, was born in the town of Milton, Saratoga county, New York. He married Eliza Strait. Charles Warner, son of Fermon and Eliza (Strait) Mackey, mar- ried, in 1876, Hannah V. Collier and had two children: Carrie F., who married Dr. Richard Henry \'an Denburg, and Eliza S. Mackev. The founder of the Bogar- ROGARDUS dus family in America was the famous Dominie Ever- ardus Bogardus, pastor, counsellor and friend of the early Dutch settlers of New Amster- dam, who cheered them amid their toils and adversities and in dark hours of peril ; joined many of them in marriage : baptized their chil- dren ; oft performed in their stricken homes the last sad rites and frequently acted as guar- dian of their estates. He was the first settled minister of the Dutch church at New Am- sterdam, where he continued until his last trip to Holland in 1647. He sailed from New Amsterdam in the ship "Princess" in company with Director Kieft, August 16, 1647. O" September 27, having mistaken their course, they were wrecked upon a rock on tlie coast of Wales. Dominie Bogardus and Director Kieft both perished, although many were saved. (For an extended account of his ca- reer see Bogardus in Gray family history.) He was a valuable man in the settlement, his advice was constantly sought in matters af- fecting both individuals and the community and the amount of public business with which he was intrusted on his final departure for Holland evinced the continued respect and con- fidence of his people. He married, June 21, 1642, Anneke (.Annetje) Jans, or Jansen, who had a grant of sixty-two acres between the present Warren and Christopher streets, New York City. This land has probably caused more bitter controversy than any other on earth. It forms the basis of dispute between the heirs of Aimeke and Dominie Bogardus on the one hand and Trinity church corpora- tion on the other. Its immense value makes the ownership a prize worth striving for and fierce legal battles have been fought over it. The title, however, seems to rest with Trinity corporation. After the death of Dominie Bo- gardus, his widow took up her residence in Albany, continuing there until her death in 1663. Children: \\'illiam, in 1656 a clerk in the secretary's office in New Amsterdam and in 1687 postmaster of the province; Cornelis, baptized September 9, 1640. in New ^'ork Citv, later of Albanv, married Helena Teller : 584 HUDSON AND jNIOHAWK VALLEYS Johannes or Jonas, baptized January 4, 1643; Pieter, of further mention. (II) Pieter, son of Dominie Everardus Bo- gardus, was baptized April 2, 1645. He re- sided in Albany, New York, until near the close of his life, when he removed to King- ston, New York, where he died in 1703. In 1673 he was one of the magistrates of the town and in 1690 was commissioned with others to treat with the Five Nations and to look after the defence of the town. He made his will February 3, 1701-02. He married Wyntje Cornells Bosch. Children: Evert; Shibboleth; Hannah, born January 22, :679, married Peter Bronck ; Maria, married Johan- nes Van Vechten, of Schagticoke ; Anthony ; Rachel baptized February 13, 1684; Ephraim, of further mention ; Petrus, baptized April 30, 1691. (III) Ephraim, son of Pieter and Wyntje Cornells (Bosch) Bogardus, was baptized Au- gust 14, 1687. He married. September 23, 1719, Agnietie De Garmo, born March 20, 1692. Children baptized: Petrus, April 10, 1721 ; Catherine, September 16, 1722, died young; Wyntje, March 8, 1724; Ephraim, of further mention; Jacob, July 14, 1728; Cath- erine, February 7, 1730; Maria, May 7, 1732; Anna, October 6, 1734. (IV) Ephraim (2), son of Ephraim (i) and Agnielie (De Garmo) Bogardus, was born August 7, 1726, in Coxsackie, Greene county. New York. He served in the war of the revolution as private of Captain James Waldron's company. Eleventh Regiment, Al- bany county militia. He ran a' licensed ferry across the Hudson river at the Upper Land- ing shortly after the revolution. He was a farmer. He married, October 19, 1748, An- -netje Hallenbeck. (V) Anthony, son of Ephraim (2) and An- netje (Hallenbeck) Bogardus, was baptized in the Dutch Reformed church at Coxsackie, Greene county, New York, 1772. He was a farmer of the town of Coxsackie and a mem- "ber of the Dutch church. He married Eliza- beth Vander Hoof. (VI) Ei)hraim (3), son of Anthony and Elizabeth (Vander Hoof) Bogardus, was born in Coxsackie. New York, June 27, 1795, died April 21, 1866. He served in the American army during the war of 1812. He was a farmer, owning the homestead farm of his grandfather, Anthony Bogardus, located just ■outside the limits of the village of Coxsackie. This was his home and place of death. He was a member of the First Reformed Dutch 'Church, and a Democrat in politics. He mar- ried, January 21, 1823, Hannah, born June 6, .1801, died July 25, 1885, daughter of James and Helena (Groom) Rea. Children: An- tliony, born December 29, 1823 ; William, Au- gust 7, 1825 ; John, September 7, 1827; Joseph, June 14. 1830; Charles (q. v.). (\'II) Charles, youngest son of Ephraim (3) and Hannah (Rea) Bogardus, was born on the Bogardus homestead in the town of Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, Sep- tember 16, 1833. He was educated in the pub- lic schools, and early became engaged in the ice business. He continued in this line all his active life and reaped a prosperous harvest. In 1895 he retired from active labor, devoting himself to his own private affairs. For twelve years he served on the Coxsackie school board. He is an attendant of the Methodist Episco- pal church, and a Democrat in politics. He married, December 17, 1857, jilary Helen, born October 12, 1836, daughter of Henry B. and Esther (Wilson) Briggs, of Coxsackie. Children: Mary Esther, Charlotte. Mary Esther married Charles Crabbe, of Far Rock- away, Long Island, New York ; children : Daisy M. (married Robert Nelson Curtis, of Rochester, New York, November 5, 1906 ; child: Marv Helen) ; Bernice, Bentha Helen, Phyllis Esther, Ruth, Charles Bogardus. The Lampmans of Coxsac- LAMPMAN kie, Greene county. New York, descend from German ancestors, long seated in the Palatinate, Ger- many. The emigrant ancestor settled in (ireene county at the south end of Kings Hill in the town of Coxsackie. (I) Stephen Lampman, with whom the his- tory begins, was born in Greene county, about the year 1730. He married and had issue. (II) Peter, son of Stephen Lampman, was born about 1760. He married and had issue. (IH) John Peter, son of Peter Lampman, was born September 17, 1792, died January 2, 1855. He married Abigail King, born N(V vember 11, 1795, died January 2, 1882. They removed from Kings Hill some three miles to the eastward where they settled on a farm. (IV) Obadiah, son of John Peter and Abi- gail (King) Lampman, was born on the Greene county homestead upon which his par- ents settled prior to his birth. May 25, 1818, died at Coxsackie, New York, 1901. He was first a farmer, but the greater part of his life was spent in the general mercantile busi- ness. He married Elizabeth \^andenherg, born November 22, 1817, died October 31. 1890, daughter of Peter R. Vandenberg. They were the parents of five children, two of whom survive, Catherine Elizabeth Burroughs, of Brooklyn, New York, and Rev. Lewis, of fur- ther mention. -^a^yCe^ ^^j^^.r2>^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS (V) Rev. Lewis Lampman, son of Obadiah and Elizabeth (Vandenberg) Lampman, was torn in the town of Coxsackie. Greene coun- ty, New York. February 5, 1843. He was educated at Claverack Institute on the Hud- son, where he prepared for college. He en- tered Yale University, where he was gradu- ated in the class of 1866 with the degree of B.A. The following year he entered Union Theological Seminary, then spent one year in Europe, and on his return re-entered the Union Theological Seminary, where he was gradua- ted, class of 1870. He was ordained a minister of the Presbyterian church and at once entered upon active work. He was first stationed as pastor in charge of the First Presbyterian Church of Jamaica, where he re- mained until 1888. In that year he accepted a call from the High Street Presbyterian Church in Newark, New Jersey, where he con- tinued until December, 1906, when he retired from active work in the ministry. During his thirty-six years of active pastoral labor he served only these two churches, serving each eighteen years. He married, December 5. 1871, Adelaide Ely. daughter of Leonard (2) Bronck, a descendant of Jonas Bronck (see Bronck VII). Children: Leonard Bronck and Maria Bronck Lampman. (The Br els Line The founder of the Bronck family in Anierica was Jonas Bronck. born in Copen- hagen, Denmark, died at Bronxland, West- chester county. New York. He married An- tonia Slagboom. He came to America in 1639 from Amsterdam where he had married. He came in his own ship "Fire of Troy," a private armed vessel manned by himself, ac- companied by his friend and officer in the Danish army. Captain Jochiem Pietersen Kuy- ter. He brought a cargo of cattle and each was attended by his family and a number of farmers or herdsmen. He was a man of means, and loaned money in large sums to his friends. He was of a family long dis- tinguished in Sweden, though probably him- self from Copenhagen. He located his land north of the Great Kill and built a "stone house covered with tiles, a barn, tobacco house, two barracks, etc." He later purchased from the Indians five hundred acres on the now Bronx river, later included in the Manor of Morrisania. He had cattle, servants, landed possessions, a substantial home, and his vrouw pronounced "a good housekeeper." He was a devoted Lutheran, and brought with him Luth- er's Catechism and a folio Danish Bible. From it he drew a name for his home "Emaus." It was here that Director Kieft send dele- gates to meet the Indian chiefs and made a treaty. This treaty was followed by the un- proved murder of the Indians for which they exacted frightful vengeance upon the Dutch settlers. It was at this time that Jonas Bronck met his death, perhaps at the hands of the savages, but as his property was spared, they may have been guiltless. "Seignor" Bronck, as he was styled, must be rated above the or-* dinary colonist. His Danish and Latin libra- ry', stored with law, history, and books of di- vinity, indicate taste, culture and piety. His widow, Antonia Slagboom, daughter of Ju- riaen Slagboom, whom he married in Amster- dam, Holland, married (second) Arent Van Curler, of Rensselaerwyck, whom she also sur- vived. She died at Schenectady, New York, December 19, 1676. (II) Pieter Jonasen, son of Jonas Bronck, was born in Holland, died in Coxsackie, New York, 1669. He was a brewer of Beverwyck as early as 1645, owned houses and lots which he sold in 1662, and purchased land in Cox- sackie. which was the colonial grant known as the Bronck patent, upon which he settled. His wife was Hilletje Tyssinck. Of their chil- dren there were two sons, Pieter, Jan. (HI) Jan, son of Pieter Jonasen and Hil- letje (Tyssinck) Bronck, was born in Albany, New York, 1650, died at Coxsackie, New Y'ork, 1742. He built a saw and grist mill. He married Commertje Leendertse Conyn. His will speaks of the following five sons only : Pieter, Jonas, Philip, Casper, and Leendert Janse. Daughters, Antje and Helena. (IV) Leendert Janse (Leonard Janse), son of Jan and Commertje Leendertse (Conyn) Bronck, was born about 1699. He married, February 26, 1717, Anna de Wandalaer. Chil- dren: Jan Leendertse, Sara, Commertje and Catharina. (V) Jan Leendertse, son of Leendert Janse (Leonard Janse) and Anna (de Wandalaer; Bronck, was baptized July 14, 1723, died 1794. He married (first) June 17, 1747. Elsje \ an Buren; (second) Susanna Hotaling (lloogh- teeling). Elsje Van Buren was a descendant of Cornelis Maase and Catalina .Martense Van Buren, who came to America on the ship "Rensselaerwyck;" Cornelis M., died 1643, h's wife, 1648. Their son, Martin Cornelis Van Buren, was born in Ilouten, province of Utrecht. He married Maritje . Their son, Pieter Martinse Van Buren, of Kinder- hook (1720), married .\ricntje Barentse. Jan- uary 15, 1693. Their son, liarent Van Bur- en, married (first) December 29. 1719. Maria Winne, daughter of Livinus Winne and Wil- lempje (N'iele) Winne, widow of Simon Schermerhorn, and granddaughter of Peter m86 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS Winne, from Ghent in Flanders, and Jannetje (Adams) Winne, of Friesland. Their daugh- ter, Elsje \'an Buren, married Jan Leendertse Bronck. They had an only son Leonard. (VI) Leonard, only child of Jan Leendertse and Elsje (Van Buren) Bronck, was born Alay II, 1751, died April 22, 1828. He was a member of the New York state assembly, 1786-98; of the state senate, 1800. Was first judge of the court of appeals of Greene coun- ty ; was an officer in the revolutionary army, first as a lieutenant, later as captain, and was discharged with rank of lieutenant-colonel; was supervisor of Albany county. He was an intimate friend of General Schuyler and General Gansevoort. He married (first) Jan- uary II, 1779, Tryntje, daughter of Robert Van Denbergh ; (second) Albertje Van Bu- ren. Tryntje (Catherine) Van Denbergh was a daughter of Robert and granddaughter of Richard Janse Van Denbergh and Catherine (Tryntje) Houghtaling (Hotaling), who were married November 13, 1699. Catherine was a sister of Matthys Houghtaling, born 1644, died 1796. Robert Van Denbergh married Brandow. Their daughter Tryntje (Catherine) married Hon. Leonard Bronck. Children of Leonard and Tryntje (Catherine) Bronck : Elsie, born December 23, 1782, mar- ried, November 27, 1799, in Kinderhook, Rev. Jacob Sickles (see Sickles VI), and Leonard, see forward. (VH) Leonard (2), son of Leonard (i) and Tryntje (Catherine) (Van Denbergh) Bronck, was born June 29, 1797, married Ma- ria, daughter of Dr. John Ely. Their daugh- ter, Adelaide Ely Bronck, married Rev. Lewis Lampman (see Lampman V). Children: Leonard Bronck, and Maria Bronck Lamp- man. John Lusk, of Massachusetts, was LUSK an associate of General Hyde, of Lenox, Massachusetts, in the set- tlement of "Township 13, Range 7" of the "Phelps and Gorham" purchase and had fif- teen hundred acres of land at the head of Iron- dequoit Bay (now Monroe county, New York). He was a pioneer in the settlement of that township, going with his son Stephen and a hired man early in the summer of 1789. The father went by way of Schenectady, from there by batteau ; the son and hired man drove cattle overland, crossing Lake Cayuga on a raft, swimming their cattle. They returned to Massachusetts in the fall. In the spring of 1790 lie returned with his family and perma- nently settled on his tract. He died 18 14, aged sixty-six years. He had sons, Stephen, Erastus, Norman, John Kellogg and Aaron. (II) John Kellogg, son of John Lusk, was born in Massachusetts, April 25. 1781, died in Coxsackie, Greene county, New York, No- vember 23, 1818. He lived for a time in Cox- sackie, later removed to West Coxsackie,^ where he was engaged in general mercantile business until his death. He married Chris- tina Van Denburgh, and had children : John Kellogg (2); Jacob; William Henr\- and Matthias. (III) Matthias, son of John Kellogg and Christina (Van Denburgh) Lusk. was born September 9, 1807, died April 13, 1883, in Coxsackie, New York. He was a graduate of Rutgers College, New Brunswick, New Jersey, also of the Theological Seminary of same college. Ordained a minister of the Gospel, and was pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Jersey City for seventeen years, when he retired, and moved to Cox- sackie in 1864. He was a man of substance and high character. He married Ann Sickles, born April 23, 1806, in Kinderhook, Colum- bia county. New York, died November 30, 1872, daughter of Rev. Jacob and Elsie (Bronck) \Sickles. (See Sickles VII; the Bronck line appears in preceding sketch). Children, born in Jersey City, New Jersey: Jacob S., died in childhood ; Elizabeth C., born November 10, 1840; Anna L., July 3, 1843 ; Sarah C, twin of Anna L.. died 1882. Matthias Lusk in 1864 purchased the hand- some residence in Coxsackie, New York, which has since been his home. (The Sickles Line). Zachariah Sickles was born in X'ienna, .Aus- tria, about 1630, went to Holland, thence to Curacoa, where he served as a cadet. When Governor Stuyvesant returned from a visit to Curacoa in 1655 Sickles came with him and was soon after attached to the garrison at Fort Orange. He remained in Fort Orange until after the surrender in 1664; removed to New York, 1693, admitted a freeman, 1698. He married, 1658 or 1660, Anna, daughter of Lambert and Annatie Van Valkenberg, who were residents of New Amsterdam, 1644, af- terwards settled in Albany. (II) Zachariah (2), son of Zachariah (i) and Anna (Van Valkenberg) Sickles, was born in Albany in 1670, died January 20, 1729. In 1693 he went to Harlem where he bought land of his father-in-law. He married (first) August 23, 1693, Maria, daughter of Jan Hendricks and Annatje (Bastiens) Bre- voort; married (second) July 19, 1717, Mynt- je Dyckman. Sons: Johannes, Jacobus, Zach- ariah, Hendrick, (Jeraldus, William, Cornelis and Robert. HUDSON AND MOHAWK WKLLEYS ■587 (\"l) Rev. Jacob Sickles, descendant of Zachariah Sickles, was born April 25. 1781. He lived in Tappan, Rockland county, New York. He married Elsie Bronck, November 27. 1799 (see Bronck \'I). (\'II) Ann, daiisjhter of Rev. Jacob and Elsie (Bronck) Sickles, was born April 23, 1806, at Kinderhook, Columbia county, New York, died November 30, 1872. She mar- ried ^latthias Lusk (see Lusk HI). Children: Jacob S., died in childhood : Elizabeth C, Anna L., Sarah C, deceased. The Story family of Catskill, STORY New Y'ork, are of Scotch de- scent. The founder of the fam- ily in Greene county, Francis Story, was bom in Birgham on the river Tweed, Scotland, near Berwick, in the year 1804. died in Cat- skill. New York, June 26, 1891. Leaving his native land he began a long search for a promising location. He located successively in Edinburg, London, Quebec, ^Montreal, Can- ada and New York City, finally at Catskill, where he engaged in merchant tailoring. He continued in active business for twenty or thirty years, then retired from business to an estate near the village where he lived the quiet life of a gentleman farmer until his death. He was a man of quiet habits and cultured tastes, having had the advantages of a good education. He married, October 27, 1832, Jane Overbagh, born January 27, 1813, died October 16. 1888, daughter of Frederick Overbagh, of Catskill. Children : Anna, born 1833, married Henry Wynkoop, of Catskill ; Robert F., of further mention : Frederick, 1837; John, 1839; James, 1841 : Margaret M., 1843, died 1868; Alartha T., married Sanford D. Plank, of Catskill: Francis. 1845, died 1906 married Mary Lucinda \'an Orden ; Isabella, married Charles H. Person, died 1898 ; Jacob, deceased. Jane (Overbagh) Story was a de- scendant of Johann Pieter Overbagh, who came to this country in 1722, bought land in the second division of the Loveridge Patent, and died in 1734. He had six children, name- ly : Johannes, Johann Jury, Marytje, Cath- arine, Annatje, Elizabeth. He devised his land to his two sons. Johann Jury married Catha- rine, daughter of Paulis Smith: four children: i. Catharine, married William Dewitt : ii. Pe- ter, married Catharine Fiero : iii. John, mar- ried Hannah Conyes and their children were: a. Frederick, born March 22, 1784. died June II. 1861, married (first) Catherine Mallory, died June 5, 1809, (second) Hannah, daugh- ter of Abraham and Rachel (Freligh) Over- bagh. she was born November 7, 1791, died April 6, 1864; child of second wife, Jane, aforementioned as the wife of Francis Story ; b. Jacob : c. William : d. Rebecca : e. Hannah ; f. Rachel, iv. Jeremiah, married Sarah \'an Orden. (II) Roliert F., son of I-'rancis and Jane (Overbagh) Story, was born at Catskill, New York, June 30, 1835. He was educated in private schools and at Fcrgusonville Acad- emy, Delaware county, New York. He began farming iminediately after leaving school and followed that business all his active life. In 1906 he retired from the farm to a pleasant home in Catskill: here he now (1911) resides. He is vice-president of the Catskill Traction Company and is the oldest director in the Catskill National Bank ; was an original di- rector and stockholder in the Catskill Cement Company; was member of the school board six years. He is an attendant of the Re- formed church, and in politics a Republican. He married. November 25, 1857, Esther Du Bois, born August 28, 1833, died .\ugust 16, 1891, daughter of Joel and Sally Jane (Hun- ter) Du Bois, a descendant of Louis Du Bois, a Huguenot, born in the province of Artois near the ancient city of Lille. He was one of the twelve original proprietors of New Paltz. where he lived until 1689 then removed to Kingston where he died in 1695.. Of the children of Robert F. and Esther (DuBois) Story, two died in infancy, and the surviving children are: i. Jane, born October 18. 1858, married Charles A. Elliot, of Catskill : their son, Edsall DuBois Elliot, is a practicing phy- sician. 2. Sarah (Sally), born December 7, 1862. 3. Mary B.. born November 26, 1865. 4. John H., born October 2. 1867, married Grace Donohue. 5. Martha T.. born Febru- ary 13. 1870, married Fred W. Cussler, of Catskill. The DuBois and Overbagh families of Cat- skill are intimately connected with the early history of the village and town. The farm of Johann Jury Overbagh was in the form of an oblong, and near the center he built a stone house twenty feet square. During the revolution the cottage was a place of muster for the minute-iiierisof the district and a ref- uge for their fiiirrilies when it was rumored that the Mohawks were about. The tomb- stone of John Pieter Overbagh, a narrow slab of gray flagstone, bears the inscription "1734, September 14, J.P.O.B." It is the old- est tombstone in Catskill. (The DuBois fam- ily is further considered in this work.) The Penfield family of Con- PENFIELD nccticut were early settlers of ancient Farmington, which then contained the territory now known ;S88 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS by many names. The first settlers in the sec- tion were emigrants from Boston. Newtown and Roxbury, New York. Settlement was begun in 1640 in Meriden, Wallingford, New Britain and other towns of the section. The history of the Penfields of Catskill, New York, begins with Samuel Penfield, who in 1675 married Mary Lewis. Whether he was the emigrant or the son of the emigrant does not appear. His wife, Mary (Lewis) Pen- field, was born in 1652. Children : Samuel, of further mention ; May, born 1678 : John, 1680: Sarah, 1683: Isaac, 1685; Hannah, 1687: Jonathan, 1689; Rebecca, 1692; Abi- gail, twin of Rebecca: Benjamin, 1696. (H) Samuel (2), son of Samuel (i) and Mary (Lewis) Penfield, was born 1676, died at Wallingford, Connecticut, 17 14. He was a resident of that town for several years and left a W'idow and four children : Samuel, born 1700; Peter, of further mention; Abigail, 1704: Nathaniel, 1706. (HI) Peter, son of Samuel (2) Penfield, was born 1702. He removed to Fairfield, Connecticut. He married, in 1730, Mary Al- len, born 1708. They had an only son, Sam- uel. (IV) Samuel (3), son of Peter and Mary (Allen) Penfield, was born 1734, died April 2, 181 1, at Fairfield, Connecticut. He served in the French and Indian war and in the rev- olution. He was lieutenant of Captain Thorp's company. Colonel Whiting's regi- ment, Fourth Militia, at Peekskill, in Octo- ber, 1777; marched October 5, discharged Oc- tober 30. He married, September 2, 1757, Elizabeth Lewis. (V) Samuel (4), son of Samuel (3) and Elizabeth (Lewis) Penfield, was born in 1763, died 1 79 1. Fie married Hannah Hoyt, born 1766, died 1825. (\'I) Samuel (5), son of Samuel (4) and Hannah (Hoyt) Penfield, was born in 1790, died at Catskill. New York, 1851. He mar- ried, April 6, 1812, Ximena Taylor, born 1794, died 1856. (VII) Samuel (6), son of Samuel (5) and Ximena (Taylor) Penfield, was born in Cat- skill, New York, 1823, died there in 1894. He married, April 19, 1872, Harriet T., daughter of Danforth K. and Almira (Blanchard) 01- ncy, (see Olney VIII). Two children. (VHI) George, only son of Samuel (6) and Harriet T. (Olney) Penfield, was born in Catskill, New York, 1872. He was early educated in the public school; entered Yale University, whence he was graduated in the class of 1894. He is by profession a civil engineer. (\TII) Ellen, only daughter of Samuel (6) and Harriet T, (Olney) Penfield, was born in Catskill, New York. She married Pierre Jennings, of Catskill, and has two chil- dren : Frances E., and Penfield S. Jennings. (The Olney Line). Mrs. Harriet T. (Olney) Penfield de- scends from Thomas Olney. born in St. Al- bans, Hereford county, England, 1600, came to America in 1635 on the ship "Planter"; settled first in Boston, Massachusetts, later in Providence, Rhode Island. He was thirty-five years of age at the time of his coming, and was accompanied by his wife, Mary, aged thirty years. He brought with him a certifi- cate from the minister of St. Albans to show the authorities at London, lest they delay his departure. October 8, 1638, he was one of the twelve persons to whom Roger Williams deeded land that he had bought of the In- dian Sachems, Cononicus and Miantonomo. The same year he was elected treasurer of the town. In 1639 one of the twelve original members of "The First Baptist Church." July 27, 1640, signed with thirty-eight others in an agreement for a form of government. Dur- ing the years 1649-53-54-55-56-64-65-66-67 he was assistant; in 1656-58-59-61-63 he was commissioner; 1665-67-70-71 he was deputy; in 1665-66-69-70-71-74-77-81 he was a mem- ber of the town council ; in 1669 he was town treasurer. His will was proved October 17, 1682. He married, in England, Mary Small, born 1605, died 1679. Children: i. Thomas, born 1632; town clerk of Providence, 1664- 65-66-67, and continuously from 1683 to 1715: he was an ordained minister of the Baptist church ; six years assistant : thirty years a member of the town council ; four- teen years deputy : he married Elizabeth Marsh, died 1722. 2. Epenetus, of further mention. 3. Nedediah, born August, 1637, died young. 4. Stephen, died 1658, unmar- ried. 5. James, died October, 1676, unmar- ried ; he was one of those "who staid not away" in King Philip's war and so had a share in the disposition of the Indian captives whose services were sold for a number of years. (II) Epenetus, son of Thomas and Mary (Small) Olney, was born in St, Albans, Here- ford county, England, 1634, died June 3, 1698. lie was a year old when his parents brought him to America. He kept tavern at Providence. In 1666-76-84-86 he was dep- uty : 1695-96-97 he was a member of the town council. He married Mary, born 1648, died 1698, daughter of John and Sarah Whipple. Children: i. Mary, born January 13, 1668, died 1725; married, May 9, 1692, Nathaniel IIUDSOX AND MOHAWK \ ALLEYS 1589 \\'aterman. 2. James, November 9, 1670, died October 6, 1744; married, August 31, 1702, Hallelujah Brown. 3. Sarah, September 10, 1672. 4. Epenetus (2), January 18, 1675, died September 18, 1740; married Mary Wil- liams. 5. John, of further mention. 6. Thomas, born May 18, 1686, died January 28, 1752; married, June 15, 1710, Patience Burlingham. 7. Lydia, January 26, 1688, died 1727, married Henry Harris. (HI) John, son of Epenetus and Mary (\Miipple) Olney, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, October 24, 1678, died No- vember 9, 1754. He was a blacksmith by trade. He married, August 11, 1699. Rachel Coggeshall, died June 24, 1760. Children: John, born May 27, 1701 ; William, February 22, 1706; Jeremiah, November 4, 1708; Free- love, November 10, 171 1; Nebadiah, Febru- ary ID, 1715; Stephen, Abigail; Tabitha, 1733; Jabez. (IV) Jeremiah, son of John and Rachel (Coggeshall) Olney, was born in Smithfield, Rhode Island, November 4, 1708, died 1765. He married, 1734, Susanna Brown. (V) Ezekiel, son of Jeremiah and Susanna (Brown) Olney, was born in Eastford, Con- necticut, 1740, died 1826. He served in the revolutionary army with the rank of captain. He married Mary Warner. (VI) Jeremiah (2), son of Ezekiel and Mary (W'arner) Olney, was born in East- ford. Connecticut, 1775, died 1826. He mar- ried Abigail Cheney. (VII) Danforth K., son of Jeremiah (2) and Abigail (Cheney) Olney. was born in Eastford, Connecticut. 1807, died in Catskill, New York, 1872. He was a leading lawyer of Catskill. He married, 1837, Almira Blanch- ard, born 1813, died 1846. Children: Ellen, born 1841 : George, 1842; Harriet T., 1844; Elisha. 1855. (Mil) Harriet T., daughter of Danforth K. and Almira (Blanchard) Olney, married, April 19, 1872, Samuel Penfield (see Pen- field VII). (The P.Iancliard Line). Almira (Blanchard) Olney, was a descend- ant of Thomas Blanchard, who came to Am- erica in 1639 on the ship "Jonathan" ; settled in Braintree, Massachusetts, where he died. The line of descent is through his son, by his first wife, whom he married in England. (II) Samuel, son of Thomas Blanchard, was born in France in 1629, was brought to America by his parents in 1639, died in An- dover, Massachusetts, 1707. He married, 1654, Hannah Daggett, born 1646, died 1725. (III) John, son of Samuel and Hannah (Daggett) Blanchard. was born 1677, died at Andover, 1750. He married, 1701, Mary Crosby, born 1680, died 1748. (IV) Simeon, son of John and Mary (Crosby) Blanchard, was born 1726, died 1796. He married, 1746, Rebecca Sheldon, born 1729, died 1814, at Billerica, Massachu- setts. (V) Justus, son of Simeon and Rebecca (Sheldon) Blanchard, was born 1758, died 183 1, at Catskill, New York. At the age of seventeen he joined the patriots on the alarm at Lexington, fought with them that memor- able day and later at Bunker Hill. He was captured by the British and confined in the old "Sugar House" on Liberty street. New York City. On his release he again joined the patriot army. He was with Washington's army at Valley Forge, and in their subse- quent marches and victories. He married Chloe Marshall, born 1767, died 181 1. (VI) Joseph, son of Ju.stus and Chloe (Marshall) Blanchard, was born in 1788, died 1850. He married Mary Woodruff, born 1792, died 1832. (VII) Almira, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Woodruff) Blanchard, was born 1813, died 1S46. She married, 1837, Danforth K. Olney. (VIII) Harriet T., daughter of Danforth K. and Almira (Blanchard) Olney, married Samuel Penfield. It has been transmitted from FANNING one generation to another that in the Fanning family their ancestor, Edmund Fanning, escaped from Dublin in 1641, at the time of the great rebellion, and after eleven years of wandering and uncertainty he found a resting place in that part of New London, Connecticut, now called Groton, in the year 1652. On the town records his name is not mentioned until ten years later, but it is then in such a way that denotes previous residence. In the inventory of goods of Richard Poole, April 25, 1682, one article is "two cows and one steere now with Edmon ffanning." After this he had a grant of land and is propounded to be made a freeman in Stonington. His estate was dis- tributed to his widow and four .sons, Ed- mund, John, Thomas and William. A de- scendant, Captain Edmund Fanning, of Ston- ington, Connecticut, in 1797-98-99 made a voyage for seals in the ship "Betsey." He discovered several islands near the Equator not before laid down on any chart. They are known as Fannings Islands. Nathaniel Fanning, a brother of the discoverer, was an officer in the ship commanded by Paul Jones in his famous naval battles and by his gallant. [590 HUDSOX AXD MOHAWK VALLEYS daring: contributed to the brilliant result. He was stationed in the maintop of the Ameri- can ship and led his men upon the interlocked jards to the English ship's top which was cleared by the well-directed fire from his men. He died in Charleston, South Carolina, Sep- tember 30, 1805. (H) Thomas, son of Edmund I-'anning, was born in England. He married Elizabeth Capron, born in England, and settled at Gro- ton, Connecticut. (IH) Walter, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Capron) Fanning, was born in Groton, Con- necticut. Died April 19, 1820, at Gilboa, Schoharie county, New York. He enlisted as a private. May 9, I775, in Captain Waterman Clifif's sixth company in Colonel Samuel Par- son's sixth Connecticut regiment of New Lon- don, Hartford and Middlesex Volunteers. He married, at Preston, Connecticut, November 6, 1771, Grace Benjamin, who died July 2, 1832. They had thirteen children among whom was Benjamin. (IV) Benjamin, son of Walter and Grace (Benjamin) Fanning, was born in Preston, Connecticut, August 30, 1776, died at Gilboa, Schoharie county, New York, 1854. He was a well-to-do farmer. He marriecl Christina Dies. (V) Nelson, son of Benjamin and Chris- tina (Dies) Fanning, was born in Gilboa, Schoharie county, New York, February 14, 1808, died in Catskill, New York, February 28, 1896. The following obituary notice from his brethren of the profession is inserted in full: "It is scarcely five months since this So- ciety was called upon to mourn the death of Dr. Nelson Fanning, Senior, of Catskill, New York, whose death at an advanced age re- moves from this Society its oldest practition- er ; from his many patients a warm friend and physician ; from the county a reputable and upright citizen, and from his family a kind and most indulgent father. His burial was marked by a large attendance of his friends and patients' who thus offered a last tribute of res]iect to the memory of a friend and of sympathy with the family in their bereave- ment. "Dr. Nelson Fanning was born at Bristol (now Gilboa), February 14, 1808. He began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Gaius Halsey of Kortright. Delaware county. New York, and graduated from the Berkshire Medical College in 1830. He began the prac- tice of his profession at Broome (now Cones- ville), and in 1837 moved to Gilboa. On the 25th of September, 1861, he went as surgeon with the 134th New York Volunteer Infantry to the front, and was present in many en- gagements. He was also Brigade Surgeon of the nth Army Corps, his commission dat- ing from July 23, 1862, under General Si- gel, occupying the Chancellorsville church as hospital headquarters during the battle of Chancellorsville. He returned home from the war on account of ill health during the sum- mer of 1863, his discharge dating. May 22, 1863. November i, 1863, he moved to Cat- skill in which place he lived and practiced steadily until he died, never having been known to take a vacation. "He became a member of the Greene coun- ty Medical Society in 1864, was its vice-presi- dent in 1867, and its president in 1867 and during 1868. He was elected to permanent membership in the New York State Medical Society in 1871 and was an Honorary mem- ber of the same at the time of his death. He also served as supervisor for the town of Cat- skill and was coroner, by appointment of the Governor for the county of Greene in 1875. He died in Catskill, February 28, 1896, at the ripe age of eighty-eight years and four- teen days, being the oldest practicing physic- ian in the county, if not in the state. "The funeral took place at Catskill March 2, 1896 from Christ's Presbyterian church, Reverend C. G. Hazzard, pastor of the church, officiating. In addition to the tribute offered by Mr. Hazzard. Reverend G. A. Howard, D. D., former pastor of Christ's Church, wrote beautiful letters of condolence to the family, he being at Washington at the time, and Reverend E. Van Slyke, D.D., of the Reformed Dutch church of Catskill assisted at the services and spoke feelingly of his many good qualities as physician, friend and citizen. "The local physicians attended in a body acting as pall-bearers. The burial was in the village cemetery. "WnF,RE.\s. In the death of Dr. Nelson Fanning of Catskill. New York, this Society has lost its oldest and most prominent mem- ber, therefore be it "Resolved, That the Society hereby express its sense of loss and sympathy with the family of the deceased in their bereavement, and fur- ther be it "Resolved, That a copy of this record of the life of our late member, together with these resolutions, be inscril^ed in the minutes of this Society : a copy sent to the family of the deceased, and a copy furnished the Cat- skill Recorder and Examiner for publication. "Committee. Robert Selden. M. D. ; Charles E. Willard, M.D. ; Elmore E. Elliott, M.D." cy/i'/d-c^ii c^'r:z^7Z'^/Z'iy/'. ^ ^""a y HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Dr. Fanning married Anna Howell, daugh- ter of Richard and Sarah Hoy, of Albany, where Richard Hoy was engaged as a mer- chant. Children: i. Mary who died in in- fancy. 2. Benjamin, of Gilboa, New York. 3. Nelson, who was a prominent physician, and met with an accident that resulted in his death. 4. Walter Dies, died, aged five years. 5. John Tuttle, died at the age of fifteen years. ■6. Harriet C. 7. Sarah E. Mrs. Anna (Nancy) H. Fanning died January 24, 1893. This name is a corruption of LESTER Leicester which as a surname is taken from the locality of that name and has been borne by some of the most powerful nobles of Great Britain. The first authentic record in New England is of Andrew Lester, 1648, although in June and July, 1635, John Lester was master of the ship "Blessing." As early as 1623, Thomas Leister, aged thirty-three, was living at or near "James Cittye," Virginia. Andrew Les- ter first appears at Gloucester, Massachusetts, Avhere he was licensed to keep a house of entertainment by the county court, February 26, 1648-49. The births of four of his chil- dren are recorded at Gloucester. He removed to New London, Connecticut, in 165 1, where he was constable and collector in 1668. He died June ", 1669. His first wife, Barbara, died February 2, 1653-54, and is the first ■death of a woman recorded at New London. He married (second) Joanna, believed to be a daughter of Isaac Willey and widow of Robert Hemstead. She died without issue prior to 1660. He married (third) Anna , who survived him and married (sec- ond) Isaac Willey, died 1692. Children by first wife: Daniel, born April 15, 1642, set- tled in Bolton, Connecticut ; Andrew, born De- cember 26, 1644, married Lydia Bailey ; Mary, "born December 26, 1647, married Samuel Fox; Anna, born March 21, 1651, married Thomas Way. Children by third wife : Tim- othy, born July 4, 1662; Joseph, born June 15, 1664: Benjamin, of further mention. (II) Benjamin, youngest child of Andrew and Anna Lester, was born in New London, 'Connecticut. He was an inhabitant of New London all his fife, and died there in 1737. He married Ann, daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Isabell) Stedman. She died Janu- ary 27, 171 1, "after living with her husband twenty-two years, left nine sons and two daughters." Only six children are found re- corded at New London. Timothy, John, .^nn, Benjamin, Isaac and Jonathan. Where the other five were born, or if in New London, why they were not recorded cannot be ex- plained. One of the five was undoubtedly Simeon, born early in the year 1700. (IV) Simeon, grandson of Benjamin and Ann (Stedman) Lester, removed to Lester Junction, Vermont, where he 'married Sally, daughter of Captain Nathaniel Gove, of Ver- mont, a descendant of Major Nathan Gove, of Fairfield, Connecticut, assistant 1657-95, a "Gentleman" of high reputation in New Eng- land. His son Nathan (2) was long engaged in the public se'rvice, was recorder of the town of Fairfield for many years, assistant 1694-1723: lieutenant-governor, 1698, chief justice of the supreme court of Connecticut, 1712, Captain Nathaniel Gove was an officer of the revolution. Children of Simeon and Sally (Gove) Lester: Charles Gove; Maria, married Ralph Taylor, of St. Albans, Ver- mont. (Y ) Charles Gove, only son of Simeon and Sally (Gove) Lester, was born 1780, died in Bethlehem, Albany county. New York, 1836. He was a graduate of Middleburg College, Vermont, and was for a long time engaged in mercantile business at Montreal, Canada. Later he settled in Albany county. Tie mar- ried Susan Wells Smith, born in Massachu- setts. Children : Charles Smith, of further mention : Elizabeth Curtis, married Alembert Pond, of Saratoga Springs, New York, a law- yer and member of the New York constitu- tional convention of 1867-68. (VI) Charles Smith, only son of Charles Gove and Susan Wells (Smith) Lester, was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, March 15, 1824, died at Saratoga Springs, No- vember 17, 1904. He was educated in the public schools and at Washington Academy, Salem, New York. In September, 1841, he entCFed the law office of Crary & Fairchild as a clerk, and in October, 1843, removed to Sar- atoga Springs where he continued his law studies with his uncle. Judge John Willard, then circuit judge and vice-chancellor of the fourth district. He was admitted to the bar as solicitor and counsellor in chancery at the age of twenty-one years, and in 1845 to prac- tice in the supreme court. He establisiied his practice in Saratoga and quickly won pop- ular favor. In 1859 he was elected district attorney on the Democratic ticket, although that party was then in the minority in Sara- toga county. He held the office three years, and then retired to private practice. In 1870 he was elected county judge, holding the of- fice six years, and after quitting the bench again retired to private practice. He had a large and varied practice and was especially noted for his fidelity and devotion to his cli- ents. He was an orator of high order, direct, 59^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK \"ALLEYS forcible and logical in his argument, yet pleas- ing and happy in his lighter vein. As a judge he was noted for his quick dispatch of busi- ness and the justice and impartiaHty of his decisions. He held many positions of honor and trust other than those mentioned. He was supervisor of the town ; president of the village corporation ; president of the board of education ; president of the commercial bank and business agent for A. T. Stewart, the merchant prince of New Yo^k City, after his purchase of the Grand Union Hotel in 1872. Judge Lester possessed literary merit of a high order, in recognition of which Yale Col- lege conferred upon him in 1854 the degree of A.M. He married, in 1849, Lucy L. Cooke, of Otsego county, New York, born 1828, daughter of Timothy Cooke. She survives her husband and is now (1910) a resident of Saratoga Springs. Children: i. Charles Cooke, of further mention. 2. John Willard, a graduate of Union College. 3. Susan, mar- ried Professor Bernadotte Perrin, of Yale University. 4. Colonel James W., born at Saratoga, September 8, 1859, a graduate of Union College, A.B., class of 1881 ; Columbia Law School ; served in the New York Na- tional Guard, entering as private, and rising through the intervening ranks to colonel, sec- ond Regiment, served in the United States army during the Spanish-American war as major, Second Regiment New York Volun- teers, May 2, 1895, to October 25, 1898. He is a member of the law firm of C. S. & C. C. Lester, of Saratoga Springs, and secretary of the United States Hotel Company; member of the State Bar Association. He married. Bertha North Dowd. Children: James Dowd ; Charles Willard, Dudley Gove, Ralph Westcott. (VII) Charles Cooke, eldest son of Judge Charles Smith and Lucy L. (Cooke) Lester, was born at Milford, New York, June 27, 1850. He was educated in the public schools of Saratoga Springs and was graduated from Union University, A.B., class of 1870, enter- ing at the age of si.xteen years, receiving the A.M. degree three years later in 1873. He decided upon the legal profession and began his studies with his father. In 1873 he was admitted to the bar and at once formed a partnership with Judge Lester under the title of C. S. & C. C. Lester, the firm continuing until the death of his father in 1904. He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1894, and in 1901 was elected surrogate of Saratoga county, serving until January i, 1906, when he resigned. In November, 1905, he was appointed miscellaneous reporter by Governor Higgins ; reappointed to same office by Governor Hughes, January, 1907. He is the author of the law framed in 1904, sim- plifying the proceedings for the sale of real estate of decedents for the payment of debts and funeral expenses, also of the bill provid- ing for recording agreements for the settle- ment of estates. He is a learned lawyer and a skillful practitioner. He is a member of the State Bar Association ; has been a trustee of Union College ; representing the Alumni ; trustee of Albany Law School ; member Phi Beta Kappa fraternity ; State Historical So- ciety, and Saratoga Club of Saratoga. He married (first) 1876, Catherine Perrin, died 1886, daughter of Dr. Lavelette Perrin, a member of Yale University Corporation. He married (second) December 24, 1889, Mary Lane, daughter of George O. and Sarah (Strachan) Tuck, of Petersburg, Virginia. Children : Charles Tuck, born December 14, 1893 ; Bernadotte Perrin, ]May 19, 1896. Aaron Weatherbe was W'EATHERBE born September 5. 1780, died May 25, 1840. He married in August, 1801, Sarah Smith, born April 23, 1783, died May 8, 1847. Children: Eliza, born February 9, 1803 ; died Decem- ber 16, 1842; Sally, January 22, 1805; Aaron,. July 17, 1808; Orril, mentioned below; War- ren Smith, March 4, 1812, died in March, 1888; Mary, October 12, 1814; James, De- cember ID, 1817; Charlotte, September 13,. 1820; Caroline, April 7, 1823, died Novem- ber ID, 1844. (II) Orril, daughter of Aaron Weatherbe,. was born March 12, 1810; died May 26, 1891. She married (first) BHss ; (second) Henry V. Middleworth, who was born in- Greenwich, Saratoga county, New York, De- cember 7, 18 13, son of Henry and Jemima (Flagler) Middleworth. Henry V. Middle- worth came to Sandy Hill, New York, about 1840 from Adamsville, New York, and be- came an apprentice to Philip Neer, a wagon maker and blacksmith, and in 1831 cstab- lisheil himself as a manufacturer of wagons. He continued in this business for a number of years. Afterward he bought land and erected houses in various parts of Washing- ton county. New York. His building opera- tions in Sandy Hill were very extensive and he contributed materially toward the devel- opment and improvement of the village. He built tiie Middleworth House, which is one of the most important business buildings of Sandy Hill. He opened River street and' laid out Walnut street, which he gave to the village. Mr. Middleworth was also for a time owner of a livery stable. He was kindly,. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLFA'S '593 sympathetic and generous to a fault, and held the confidence and esteem of the entire com- munity. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Middle- worth : I. James Henry, died in infancy. 2. Ella Josephine, born August 21, 1843; "lar- ried (first) October 25, 1859, Frederick C. Burdick; (second) April 16, 1867, Burton Cuyler Dennis, of Albany, New York, who died October 23, 1890, aged fifty-eight years: Mr. Dennis was a clerk for a number of years in Albany, coming to Sandy Hill in 1865 and conducted the Middleworth House to the time of his death; child of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis: Fred M. Dennis, born February 21, 1874, died June, 1881. 3. Warren H., born June 4, 1848: married, May 27, 1870, Eunice, daugh- ter of Perry and Sophia (Ives) Scoville. The ancestor of all who DE LAMATER inherit the name De Lamater in the United States is Claude Le Maitre (De Lamater), a native of Richebourg in Artois, France, a scion of an ancient family in Picardy. He was a Huguenot who, like the Puritan of England, found in Holland a temporary home as well as a safe refuge from the storm of persecution that swept over both countries and drove thousands of the best families into exile. He located in Amsterdam, Holland, where. April 24, 1652, he married Hester, daughter of Pierre Du Bois, of that city. Claude and Hester Le Maitre came to Ameri- ca, where they resided at Flatbush, Long Is- land, from 1652 until 1662. Here four of their children were born. In 1662 they re- moved to Harlem, New York, which was their home the remainder of their days. Claude was one of the sturdy, successful pio- neers of early New York. He secured lands by allotment and purchase; held various civil and church trusts ; aided in the defense against hostile Indians; and by industry and thrift accumulated a fortune. He was of a determined and obstinate temperament. Be- tween 1666 and 1673 he served four terms as magistrate. He died about 1683. Hester, his widow, survived him many years. Children: first four born at Flatbush.: i. Jan (John), born 1653, died 1702; married Ruth, daugh- ter of Resolved Waldron. and had six chil- dren. 2. Abraham, born 1656, removed in early manhood with his brother Jacobus to Esopus (Kingston), Ulster county, New York ; became an elder in the church, and prominent in public affairs; married (first) Celeste, daughter of Cornelius Vernoye; (sec- ond) Elsie Tappan; seven children. 3. Isaac, born 1658; married Cornelia Evarts, of Al- bany, eight children, was deacon of the Har- lem church ; constable and commissioner. 4. Susannah, born about 1660; married .\lbert Hermans Bussing, two children. 5. Hester, born at Harlem, 1662; married Moses Le Count De Graf, and resided in Kingston. 6. Jacobus, of further mention. (II) Jacobus (James), youngest child of Claude and Hester (Du Bois). Le Maitre, was born at Harlem, about 1665, died 1741. In 1680 he settled at Kingston, New York, where he resided in the section called Marbletown, on a farm of two hundred and ninety-six acres bought in 1715. He was trustee of Kingston village, and a devout member of tiie Dutch Reformed church. Me married, in 1688, at Kingston, Gertrude, daughter of ]\lartin Cornelis Ysselsteyn, of Claverack.. Children: i. Claude, of further mention. 2. Isaac, born June 3, 1694, died at Amenia, 1775; he was known as Captain Isaac, served in the French and Indian war; was justice of the peace ; married his cousin, Rebecca De Lamater. 3. Martha, November 8, 1696. 4. Jacobus. 1699. 5. Martin, 1701, married Elizabeth Nottingham. 6. Bata, 1705; mar- ried John Leg. 7. Hester, 1706. 8. Cor- nelius, 1708; married Catalyna Osterhout. 9. Jannetke, 1711; married Joris Middagh. lo. Susannah, 1713; married Thomas Notting- ham. (III) Claude (2), eldest son of Jacobus and Gertrude (Ysselsteyn) De Lamater (as the name was then written), was born 1692, died at Qaverack, New York, 1770. He resided on the farm at Claverack left him by his fa- ther, who divided the Marbletown farm be- tween his sons Isaac and Martin. Claude De Lamater married Christina , and had sons : Jeremiah Jacobus, John, Dirck ; daugh- ters : Gertrude, married John M. \'an Valken- burgh ; Catalina Christina, married John Van Deusen ; Rachel, married John Leggett. (IV) Dirck, son of Claude (2) and Chris- tina De Lamater, was born at Claverack. died at Greenport, New York. He married Thryn- tie Osterhout and had issue, including a son Claudius. (V) Claudius, son of Dirck and Thryntie (Osterhout) De Lamater, was born at Clav- erack, later settling at Greenport, New York. He was a farmer, and a strong supporter of the Whig party. He married Elting and had issue. (VI) Tunis Osterhout, son of Claudius and (Elting) De Lamater, was born in Greenport, Columbia county. New York, where he died. He was a Whig and Repub- lican, and a member of the Dutch Reformed church. He married Mary (always known as Polly), daughter of Nicholas Decker, a 1 594 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS prominent, wealthy farmer of the town, de- scendant of one of the old families of the Hudson Valley. Twelve children, seven of whom grew to maturity: i. Jane Ann. 2. Henry, see forward. 3. Christina, married Henry Seism. 4. Harriet D., married, Feb- ruary 14, 1876, Jacob Mandeville Rivenburg, born June, 1835, died December, 1900, a prominent merchant of Hudson. 5. George, ■of further mention. 6. Albert, born in Greenport. New York, 1842, died at Hudson, June 18, igoo; a merchant of Hudson; Re- publican in politics, member of the Dutch Re- formed church, and of the Masonic order; married Albertina, daughter of Jeremiah and Ann Sagendorph ; children : i. Maud, married John Lee, now of Oklahoma ; two children : Jeannette, died in infancy, and Agatha ; ii. Clarence, of Poughkeepsie. iii. Jessie, grad- uate of State Normal College, Albany, class •of 1899: teacher in the public schools of New York City; iv. Jennie, twin of Jessie, grad- uate of the Nurses' Training School, Hudson Hospital. 7. Mary Adalah, married Luke Wvnds, now a retired educator living in Fish- kili. New York. (\'n) George, son of Tunis Osterhout and Mary (Decker) De Lamater, was born in •Greenport, Columbia county. New York, June 17, 1838. He has followed farming on a very large scale and is an extensive and success- ful stock breeder and dealer. His farming operations included a large dairy, although the feature is not now so prominent. He is an ardent Republican, and supporter of the Methodist Episcopal church. He married, in 1865, Sarah Louise, daughter of Dr. Richard Henrj' i\Iesick, of Mellenville, a prominent physician noted for his skill and liberal treat- ment of those unable to pay for his services. Dr. Mesick married (first) ; married (second) Mary Groot, of a prominent family of the town of Ghent ; she died at the age of forty-five years; married (third) Mary, ■daughter of Dr. Elton Palmer, of Mellen- ville. Sarah Louise is the daughter of Dr. Mesick and his second wife, Mary Groot. Children of George and Sarah Louise De Lamater: i. Harriet, married Martin H. Sim- mons, of Hillsdale, New York ; children : Blanche Louise, a teacher, and Myrtle, a senior at Hillsdale Free School. 2. Harry, born August, 1867, a progressive, successful farmer of Hillsdale; married, March 19, 1894, \'alona Tyler. 3. Andrew, August 25, 1870, -educated at Troy P>usiness College and for twelve years bookkeeper for his uncle, Jacob Rivenburg; now with the Van Deuscn Com- pany of Hudson. 4. Wilbur Mesick, January 22, 1880; a successful modern farnur witli farm in Hillsdale ; married Lillian, daughter of James and Philena (Dickey) Benner; children: Ira George, born April, 1909; Douglas, May. 1910. 5. Ira George, of fur- ther mention. (\TII) Ira George, .son of George and Sarah Louise (Mesick) De Lamater, was born on the homestead farm (where his par- ents have lived ever since their marriage and where all their children were born) at Hills- dale, New York, September i, 1883. He was educated in the public schools of Hillsdale and New Paltz Normal School, spending three vears at the latter institution and graduating with honor, class of 1904. On the high recom- mendation of the principal of his alma mater, he secured a position as teacher and for two years taught at Hillsdale. Not being satis- fied with a teacher's life he took a course at Eastman's Business College.took the necessary examinations, and was appointed. February i, 1909, clerk in the railway mail service with headquarters at Albany. He has also land and farming interests that are cared for by others. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the North Hillsdale Methodist Episcopal Church. He is unmarried. (\TI) Henry De Lamater, eldest son of Tunis Osterhout (q. v.) and Mary (Decker) De Lamater, was born at the homestead farm in Columbia county, New York, January 7, 1820; died at Hudson, New York, April 5, 1900. He was educated in the public schools and spent his minor years on the farm. He later learned the carpenter trade and became a well-known contractor and builder. In connection with his trade and building opera- tions, he owned and operated a farm in the town. He was a man of quiet tastes and habits ; a member of the Dutch Reformed church, and a supporter of the Republican party. He figured little in public official life beyond serving as commissioner of highways. His character was of the highest and no man was more truly respected. He married, De- cember 5, 1849, Cornelia, twin sister of Cor- nelius F. Moul. Children, five dying in in- fancy: I. Charles, deceased. 2. Richard, born in Greenport, March 6, 1855; educated in the public schools, worked with his father on the fami. also learned the trade of carpenter; at the age of twenty-three years he went to Texas where he spent several years ; then re- turned to Greenport where he was associated with his father in contracting and building; since 1900 he has been in business alone; he is a Republican in politics ; he married, .Au- gust 8, 1902, Anna M., daughter of Philip Coons, of Germantown ; no issue. 3. I'Vank Spoor, of further mention. 4. Mary Louise, HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS f593 married, December 12, 1882, Charles Henry, son of Charles and Frances Bronk, and grandson of Henry and' Anna (Sharp) Bronk, of Stuyvesant Landing, New York, and grandson of Foy Rronk, a descendant of Jonas Bronk, one of the founders of upper New York in the region now known as the "Bronx"; Mr. Bronk resides in Hudson, where he is engaged in the jewelry business; children: Edw-ard Henry, born March 15, 1884; in New York Central railroad employ, married, December 19, 1905, Blanche Wes- cott; Bessie Louise, born January 31, 1889, died October 16, 1889; Florence Cornelia, born December 20, 1894, died Februay 13, 1895. (VIJI) Frank Spoor, third son of Henry and Cornelia (Moul) De Lamater, was born in Greenport, Columbia county. New York, on the home farm, September 17, 1856. He was educated in the public schools, and re- mained on the farm with his parents until 1879. when he purchased the homestead farm of his father, and until 1887 remained there, engaged in cultivating his own acres. In that year he removed to the city of Hudson. He had learned the carpenter's trade during the years spent wdth his father, and after his re- moval to Hudson worked at this trade, be- coming a well-known building contractor. He has always been a Republican in politics, and while living in Greenport served as commis- sioner of highways, town clerk and inspector of elections; in 1887 he was appointed deputy sheriff of Columbia county, holding that posi- tion three years. He married. May 20, 1879, at Hudson, Mary A., born April 12, 1856, daughter of Thomas and Harriet (Clum) Lasher, of Germantovvn, New York, a de- scendant of Sebastian Loescher (Lasher), (The Lasher Line). Little is known further of Sebastian loescher (Lasher) than he was in all probability a Ger- man ; was at West Camp, now town of Saguer- ties, Ulster county. New York, in 1710; was in the list willing to stay at Livingston Man- or, East Camp, now Germantovvn, Columbia county, on lands surveyed to them, date of August 26, 1724, and that his wife's name was Elizabeth. Children: i. Sebastian, born 1696, married Elizabeth Livingston and had nine children. 2. Conrad, of further mention. 3. (jeorge, married Elizabeth Hemmon and had eight children. 4. Maria Elizabeth, born April (June) i, 1710. (H) Conrad, son of Sebastian and Eliza- beth Lasher, was born in 1708. He married Angeline Sestis and had children, baptized at Athens, Germantown and Rhinebeck, New York: i. Gerrit, baptized December 29, 1723; lived at Germantown and served in the Eleventh Regiment, Albanv county militia, during the revolution. 2. Sebastian, of fur- ther mention. 3. John, baptized November 27- 1733: married, April 6, 1756, Christina Holtzappel. 4. Anna Maria, baptized March 6, 1735, died March 15. 1813. 5. George, baptized January i. 1739. 6. Conrad, bap- tized January 18, 1741. (HI) Sebastian (2), son of Conrad and Angeline (Sestis) Lasher, was baptized 1729. He married Margaret Schumacher, April 4, 1748, and lived at Germantown. New York. Children: i. Conrad B., baptized .August 2, 1749. died 1824; served as a soldier of the revolution in the Tenth Regiment, Albany county militia, and was later second lieuten- ant of the First Regiment, Dutchess county troops; he married Catharine Clum. 2. John B.. baptized November 28, 1756, died 1834; he was a soldier of the revolution, serving in the Eleventh Regiment, Albany county mili- tia; married .Annie Moore. 3. Jacob B., of further mention. 4. Philip B., baptized Oc- tober 29, 1774; married Catharine Moore: four children. 5. George B.. died 1849; was a .soldier of the revolution, serving in the Eleventh Regiment. Albany county militia : married Christina Clum. 6. Christina. 7. Peter B,, married Gertrude Lasher. 8. Se- bastian. 9. Mark, married Christina Best. 10. Adam, married Catharine Schoonmaker. (IV) Jacob B., son of Sebastian (2) and Margaret (Schumacher) Lasher, was bap- tized August 22, 1773, died 1857. He made his will May 5, 1853, proved July 9, 1857. He married (first) Maria Saulpaugh (second), when about fifty-seven years of age. Cather- ine, widow of Jacob Finger. Children, all by first wife: 1. Maria, baptized June 8, 1799. 2. Jacob (2), baptized June 17. 1801 ; mar- ried Catharine Malinda Rifenberg. 3. Eliza- beth, baptized November 12, 1805, died 1831. 4. Elias, baptized July 3, 1808: marrie-, engaged in the manufacture of articles of brass composition. He remained with William Kemp until his retirement about five years prior to his de- cease. He was a member of the Park Pres- byterian Church of Troy, and a Republican, but took no active part in politics. He mar- ried Anna Brown, daughter of John Cantrell, of Troy. Child : Harold Kemp, of whom further. (III) Harold Kemp, only child of Edward Halley and Anna Brown (Cantrell) Down- ing, was born in Troy, New York, Septem- ber 21, 1875. He was educated in the public sdiools of Troy, New York, and began his business career as messenger boy in the Na- tional State Bank of Troy, rising through successive promotion until February i, 1898, when he was appointed receiving teller of the Manufacturers' .National Bank, where he remained until December, 1901. At the or- ganization of the Troy Trust Company in the latter year he was elected assistant secretary and treasurer. In 1907 he was elected treas- urer, an office he is now (1910) filling. His I Goo HUDSON AND :\IOHAWK VALLEYS entire business life has been spent in banking, and he occupies a commanding position among the financier of his native city and state. He is also assistant treasurer of the Rensselaer Improvement Company of Troy. He served in the Troy Citizens Corps from 1894 to I goo, ranking as corporal. He is a member of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, and in politics a Republican. He stands high in the Masonic order, both in the York and Scottish Rites, belonging to Com- ■mandery. Consistory and Shrine. Is a mem- ber of the IMasonic Club of Troy and the ■Commercial Travelers' Association, and presi- dent of the Alumni Association of the Troy High School. He married, June i, 1899, Jen- nie Riggs, daughter of Cornelius Luckerhofif. of Boston. Mr. Luckerhoff was manager of a large estate in Boston, but in igo8 settled in Troy; he married Gertrude, daughter of and Eleanor Riggs. Harold Kemp and Jen- nie (Riggs) Downing have a daughter Eleanor. Edward Hogben was born in OGDEX Sandgate. England: married and had children : Charlotte, Thomas, George, Eliza and Edward. (11) Edward (2). son of Edward (i) Hogben, was born in Sandgate, England, November 11, 1826, died in Albany. New York. September 23, 1900. He was an archi- tect by profession, and a man of good educa- tion and fine ability. He came to the United States and settled in Albany, where he fol- lowed his profession. In some manner the name after coming to Albany became Ogden, and as such he was known everywhere. He admitted his son Charles G. to a partnership under the firm name of Ogden & Son. archi- tects. He married Julia Hand (.see Hand A'll), born 1827, now living in Albany, New York. Children: Edward (3), deceased: Mary, married George H. Stevens, of Albany, ■child, Ogden Stevens ; Jennie, deceased ; Charles G., of further mention. (Til) Charles G., son of Edward (2) and Julia (Hand) Ogden, was born in Albany. New York, January 25, 1858. He was edu- cated at Albany in a private school and at the Boys' Academy, continuing his studies there initil seventeen years of age. At eighteen he iDcgan the .study of architecture with his fa- ther, and in 1892 was admitted to a partner- ship. The firm of Ogden & Son established offices at 61 State street, and conducted a large and successful business. After the death of Edward Ogden in 1900, Charles G. •continued the business alone at the same lo- ■catiiin. During his jirofessional career, Mr. Ogden has planned many noted buildings in Albany, in New York state and throughout the United States. Some of his more impor- tant works in Albany include St. John's Ro- man Catholic Church in the South End ; Aca- demy of The Holy Name and the Young Women's Christian Association building. He married, September 6, 1881, Lizzie D.. daugh- ter of Peter Kinnear, of Albany. Children: Kenneth, born March 3, 1884; Jane, Septem- ber 6, 1893. (The Hand Line). The Hands originally came from England, settling at Lynn, Massachusetts. The tradi- tion is that the emigrant ancestor returned to England to obtain his share of some property which he inherited in common with others, and on his return voyage was murdered. He left two sons, of whom John of Easthampton is the progenitor of the family here recorded. The English arms of the family are: "Argent, a chevron azure between three hands, gules. Crest : on a wreath argent and gules a buck trippant or." John Hand was one of the nine first settlers of Easthampton, Long Island, coming as did five others from Lynn, Massachusetts. He was originally from the village of Stanstede in the county of Kent, England. The exact date of his coming to Easthampton is not known, but a power of attorney given by him is dated October 31, 1649, which is probably the year after the settlement. His name ap- pears on a whaling list at Southampton in 1644. One of the oldest deeds on record in Easthampton is dated 1660 for lands pur- chased by John Hand and others from the Indians. He died 1663. He married Alice, sister of Josiah Stanbrough, one of the early settlers of Southampton. Children : John, Stephen, Mary, Joseph of further mention, Benjamin, Thomas, Shamgar and James. (II) Joseph, son of John and Alice (Stanbrough) Hand, was born 1638, died January, 1724. He removed to Guilford, Connecticut, the other children are supposed to have remained on Long Island. He mar- ried, 1664, Jane, daughter of Benjamin and Jane Wright, of Killingworth, Connecticut. Children: Sarah, born March 2, 1666, died 1751; Jane, September 9, 1668, died Decem- ber 13, 1683; Joseph (2), April 2, 1671 ; Ben- jamin, February 8, 1673; Stephen, of further mention: Elizabeth, RIarch 12, 1677, married Benjamin Wright; Silence, March 12, 1679. married Ephraim Wilcox; Annie. July 10. 1683. married Jonathan Wi-ight ; Jane, April 25. 1686. married Cornelius Dowd. (Tin .'^tephen. son of Joseph and Jane (^\■right) Hand. Ixirn February 8, 167(1. "died 7frJfi.Jn 'rtt^ -^t^jMa^"^ 9 y/ r ,/,// HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1601 in Guilford, Connecticut, August 14, 1755. He married (first) November 6, 1700, Sarah AN'right, died September 18, 1706. Children: Joseph, died young; Joseph (2), of further juention; ]\lary, born October 30, 1704, mar- ried Josiah Meigs ; Sarah, September 9, 1706; Stephen. He married (second) No- vember 16, 1708, Sarah, daughter of Abra- ham Pierson, of Killingworth, Connecticut. Children: Stephen, born June 13, 1710; Abi- gail, October 20, 1712, married Daniel Brad- ley. (I\V) Joseph (2), son of Stephen and Sarah (Wright) Hand, was born in Guilford, Con- necticut, January 10, 1703. He married, Au- gust 31, 1731, Hannah, daughter of Na- thaniel Holabird. Children: Sarah, died young; Sarah (2), died young; Samuel, born February 5, 1736; Sarah (3). March 30, 1744, married William Throop; Joseph, of further mention ; Hannah, December 28, 1753, married Jared Leet. (\') Joseph (3), son of Joseph (2) and Hannah (Holabird) Hand, was born April 15, 1749. He married, May 8, 1771, Pru- dence Wright. Children : Luman, Stephen, Prucia, Sarah, Amiinda, Elizabeth, Huldah, Josiah, of further mention. (\'I) Josiah, soa of Joseph (3) and Pru- dence (\\'right) Hand, was born about 1790. He married Jane Pierson and had issue. (MI) Julia, daughter of Josiah and Jane (Pierson) Hand, was born 1827. She mar- ried Edward (2) Ogden (Hogben). The early spelling of this name AL^BEE was JNIebie, and in that form was borne by Jan Pieter Mebie, the Dutch ancestor, who was of Schenectady, New York, at an early date. His home lot in the village was on the east side of Church street, next door to the Dutch church. He also had farm land on the Third Flat on the south side of the Mohawk, eight miles above Sche- nectady. The house on the farm, known as the "Old Mebie House," was built or at least its stone walls date from 1670-80, and is doubtless the oldest house in the Mohawk A'alley. In 1697 Rode, a Mohawk Sachem, called Dirk by the settlers, with the consent of all the other Indians, granted eighty acres •on both sides of Schoharie Creek to Jan Pie- ter Mebie. who married Anna Pietrcse, daugh- ter of Pieter Jacobus Borsboom. He made his will, April 3, 1725, died April 8, following. Children : Pieter, of further mention ; Cath- erine, married Arent Samuelse Bratt, died 1773, aged eighty-two years, two months, sev- enteen days; Annetje. baptized April 16, 1693, in Albany, married Helmers Veeder; Abra- ham, baptized June 26, 1695; Engletie, No- vember ID, 1697, married Pieter Danielse Van Antwerp; Jacob, baptized May 5, 1700, died April 18, 1755; Maritje, married Cor- nells Van Dyck ; Margaret. (II) Pieter, son of Jan Pieter and Anna P. (Borsboom) Mebie, was baptized in Albany, New York, January 20, 1686. He settled on the north side of the Mohawk river on "Arent Mebie's Kill," just north of the stone bridge on the New York Central railroad. He mar- ried, November 12, 1721, Susanna, daughter of Arent Vedder. Children baptized : Anna, October 26, 1722, married Abraham Van Ant- werpen; Sara, March 21, 1725, married Abra- ham Yates; Johannes, January 19, 1728; Arent, 1729; Margarieta, April 15, 1733; Marietta, October 13, 1734; Hermanns, Oc- tober 9, 1737; Maria, April 13, 1740; Petrus, November 14, 1742; Rebecca, October 6, 1745, married Simon Van Antwerpen. (III) Jan (Johannes), son of Pieter and Susanna (Vedder) Mebie, was born Janu- ary 10, baptized January 19, 1728, died No- vember 24, 1796, and was buried in the Fifth Flat. He married, December 13, 1755, Alida, daughter of Simon Toll, a revolutionary sol- dier who served under Colonel Philip Schuyl- er, First Regiment, and in the Fourteenth under Colonel John Knickerbocker. Children baptized: Susanna, May 2, 1757; Simon, Au- gust 2, 1 76 1, died young; Pieter, August 5, 1764, "a practitioner of physic"; Hesje, No- vember 9, 1766; Simon, August 13, 1769. The family residence had up to 1705 Ijeen in and around Schenectady. In that year "John Mabie was granted eighty acres of land in the town of Glen, and in 1722 a tract of six hundred acres was granted to his brother Peter ( Pe- trus)." Jan and Peter are believed to have been the first permanent white settlers in the town of Glen, Tryon county, now Montgom- ery county. New York. '(IV) Simon, son of Jan and Alida (Toll) Mabie, was born July 21, 1769, at Westina, Albany county, and baptized August 13, 1769. In 1799 he was a resident of the town of Charleston, with his wife, Susannah. About 1797 he and his brother Pieter built the first sawmill and carding machine in that section. (This is now the town of Glen. Montgomen,' county.) In 1799 Jan (John) sold his land there, and probably returned to Schenectady. He served in the revolutionary war as a pri- vate of the Second Regiment, Albany county militia. Colonel .Abraham Wcmple command- ing. He married Susannah Nexsen, and had issue: Catherine G., George J. W.. Jacob S. G. and Elias A. N. (\') George James Warner, son of Si- i6o2 HUDSON AND IMOHAWK \-ALLEYS mon and Susannah (Nexsen) Mabee, was born in the town of Charleston, Montgomery county, New York, February i6, 1814, died September 25, 1870. He was educated in the pubhc schools, and became a merchant of New York City with a home in Brooklyn. He was a member of the wholesale drug firm of Williams, RIabee & Clapp, whose place of business "at Old Slip" was totally destroyed in the disastrous fire that devastated New York City in 1835. Later he engaged in the same business under his own firm name. He married Margaret Tiers Nostrand, born Feb- ruary 7, 1818, died September 27, 1900, daughter of Foster and Christianna (Tiers) Nostrand, of the old New York family. Chil- dren : I. Foster Nostrand, born December 6, 1839, educated in the public schools, enlisted in the Seventh Regiment New York Volun- teers, April 18, 1861, went to the front with his regiment and served through three cam- paigns and is a member of the Seventh Regi- ment Veteran Association. For eighteen years he was chief paymaster for the Erie railroad with headquarters at Owego, Tioga county, New York, which is still his legal home. Since 1896 he has been statistician of the New York state department of excise, created in that year. He is a member of the Masonic order, in which he holds high posi- tion; is past master of Friendship Lodge, No. 153; past high priest of Jerusalem Chapter, No. 47, both of Owego ; past eminent com- mander of Malta Commandery, No. 21, Bing- hamton ; past grand commander of New York State Grand Commandery, Knights Templar; thirty-second degree Mason of Corning Consistory; a charter member of Mecca Temple. New York City, and past grand sword bearer of the New York Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Politi- cally a Republican, and in religious faith an Episcopalian. He married Sarah Elizabeth Campbell and his children : Susan Campbell and Marian Bowers. 2. Edward Tiers, born March 22, 1841, died August 12, 1843. 3- George J. W., born October 26, 1842, resi- dent of Denver, Colorado. 4. Emily Tiers, born May 8, 1844, married George Cronyn, whom she survives, a resident of Brooklyn, New York. 5. Julia Bach, born April 5, 1846, married Edward Schofield, and resides in Brooklyn, New York. 6. Douglass William, of further mention. 7. Addie Tiers, born December 27, 1851, died January 16, 1897. 8. Maggie Nostrand, born September 12, 1853, died October 21. 1862. 9. Courtland Bab- cock, born July 21, 1855. 10. John AlLston, born May 25, 1857, died September 13, 1899. II. William Marsh, born January 30, 1859. (MI) Douglass William, son of George James Warren and Margaret Tiers (Nos- trand) Mabee, was born in Brooklyn. New York, March 5, 1848. He was educated in the public schools, and entered business life as a clerk in his father's wholesale drug house in New York City. For several years he was ticket agent for the Erie railroad at Bing- hamton, New York. After his marriage he became manager of the estate of his father-in- law, George West, of Ballston Spa, New York, and now resides at Saratoga Springs. He is a member of Saratoga Lodge, Benevo- lent and Protective Order of Elks of Sarato- ga ; Knights of Pythias, of Ballston Spa; member of Saratoga Club, Eutopian Club of Ballston and the Republican Club of New York City. He is vice-president of the Adi- ondack Trust Company, of Saratoga, direc- tor of the First National Bank of Ballston Spa, director of the National Folding P.ox & Paper Company of New Haven, Connecti- cut. He married, October 13, 1875, Florence Louise, daughter of Hon. George and Louisa West, of Balston Spa. Children: i. Louisa West, married William P. Boone ; they have three children: Douglass M., John Rowan, Florence Mabee. 2. George West, married' Blanche Aiken Wiley. 3. Douglass Walter, married Edna L. Marvin ; they have one child, Edna Louise. 4. Alfred Lounsbury. 5. Flor- ence Jane, married C. H. R. Compton ; two- children : William R. and Douglass M. 6. David Walton. 7. Margaret Nostrand. The Odell family, so long occu- ODELL pying a prominent place in the county of Westchester. New York, descend from William Odell, who was of Concord. Massachusetts, 1639. He came to New England with the Rev. Peter Bulkley, who was rector of the parish of Odell in Bed- fordshire, England, 1620. William Odell' died at Fairfield, Connecticut, June. 1676, and from his sons John and William the West- chester family spring. The family have been' eminent in war, politics and business. Jonathan Odell, the Patriot, great-grandfav ther of William Odell, owned a large estate- in the town of Greenburg, Westchester coun- ty, and lived in the old Stone Inn, still stand- ing on the roadside at Albottsford just below Irvington. This old Odell Inn at Albottsford was erected by Captain John Harmse prob- ably as early as 1693. It is noted as having been the building in which a session of the provincial assembly was held August 31, 1776. Jonathan Odell served in Colonel Sam- uel Drake's regiment, Westchester county militia, as did many of his sons and nephews. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1603 He was lield a prisoner in the old Sugar House Prison at New York City for a time and suffered much loss of property from the depredations of the British General Vaugh and his troops. Jackson Odell, also a soldier of the revolution, was probably a brother of Jonathan. The line of descent is thus traced. ( I ) William Odell. of Concord, .Massachu- setts. (ID William (2), son of William (1) Odell. married \'owles. (HI) John, son of William (2) Odell, married Johanna Turner. (I\') Johannes, son of John Odell, mar- ried Johanna Vermilye. (\') Jackson, son of Johannes Odell, born in Westchester, New York, about 1735, served in the revolutionary war under Colonel Van Cortlandt. He lived and died in his native county, married and left a son, Jackson. (Vi) Jackson (2), son of Jackson (i) Odell, was born in Van Cortlandt, Westches- ter county. New York, in 1770, died there in middle life. He was a farmer. He married and had children; i. John, of further mention. 2. William, a farmer of Peekskill, New York ; married Hattie Ten Eyck. 3. Gilbert, mar- ried Kate Foster. 4. Nathan, lived and died a farmer of Westchester county ; he married and had issue. 5. Sarah, married Hiram Booth. (MI) John (2), eldest son of Jackson (2) Odell, was born in Van Cortlandt, West- chester county. New York, in 1790. died near Peekskill, New York, in 1845, and is buried with his wife in the old Van Cortlandt church- yard. He was a farmer, a Whig and member of the ]\lethodist Episcopal church. He mar- ried Nancy Foster, born in 1800, died in 1866, daugiiter of Robert and Martha Foster, both of Westchester county, where they died, leav- ing children : Nancy, Kate, Phoebe, Charlotte, Ruth, Robert, John and James, all of whom lived to mature years, married and reared families. Children of John and Nancy (Fos- ter) Odell: I. Isaac, "died unmarried at the age of twenty-two years. 2. Sarah, married Jacob Lent, of Peekskill, New York, both now deceased ; children : .Arthur and Martha, both married and have families ; residence Peeks- kill. 3. Martha, married Elias MacLean, and lived in Peekskill, where they died, leaving Jane, who married Captain L. C. Trott. 4. John W., of further mention. (VIII) John W., son of John (2) and Nancy (Foster) Odell, was born on the Odell farm near Peekskill, New York. .September 10, 1839. He grew up on the farm, and was educated in the schools of Peekskill. He was reared to habits of industry, and at the age of eleven years was self-supporting. These hab- its of industry and thrift contributed in a large measure to his success in after life. He was not contented with a farmer's life, and leaving home began teaming and trucking. In this manner he secured a foothold in the business world, and made many friends who were disposed to help a young man of such energy as he displayed. In 1876 he sold his teaming outfit and came to Albany. Here he secured an appointment as special deputy sheriff and held that office eleven years. He saw an opportunity to increase his capital and purchased a small restaurant, which he oper- ated for six years, when he disposed of it at a good profit. His next venture was in a large restaurant at Troy, New York, which he did not long operate, selling out and re- turning to Albany where he purchased the Globe Hotel Restaurant. Here he success- fully continued the catering business for ten years, then retired after eighteen years spent as a caterer. During these years he had pros- pered and he invested his profits in real e,s- ■ tate, to the management of which he now de- votes his entire attention. He owns several apartment houses and other business renting dwellings in Albany and has other business in- terests. He is a member of the Masonic or- der, belonging to Lodge, Chapter, Temple and Consistory, being a thirty-second degree Ma- son. Politically he is a Republican. He mar- ried (first) in Peekskill, Theodosia Hadden, born in Peekskill X'alley, 1849, died in 1886, without issue. He married (second) in Al- bany, Sarah Coleman, born in Leicestershire, England, daughter of John and Fannie (Tur- ner) Coleman, of old English families. She came to the United States in 1879, and is an earnest member of the First Methodist Epis- copal Church of Albany, as is her husband. He served as steward for several years and since 1906 has been trustee. A handsome memorial window in the church is the gift of John W. and Sarah Odell. The Dorrs are an ancient luiglish DORR family. Joseph Dorr, ancestor, came to .America from England in 1670. took the oath of fealty at Pemaquid, purchased land in Bo.ston in 1674, afterward removed to Roxbury, where he died. The family in .Mbany herein traced descent from Edmund, son of Joseph Dorr, born in England, died in 1734, at the age of eighty- six years. He came to .America in 1674, landed in Boston. later settling in Roxbury, Massachusetts, near Boston, where he be- came selectman and influential in town affairs. He married (first), 1679, Elizabeth Howley, i6o4 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS of Roxbury, born 1656, died 1719, in Rox- bury. He married (second) Elizabeth D. Clapp, born 1669, died 1773. Children, all by first wife: i. Edward, born 1680, died in in- fancy. 2. Ann, died in infancy. 3. Edward, died in infancy. 4. Edward, died in infancy. 5. , unmarried. 6. Edmund, born 1686, died in infancy. 7. Ebenezer, June 7, 1688, died in Roxbury, Massachusetts, February 25, 1761 ; married and left numerous descend- ants. 8. Rev. Joseph, 1690, died March 9, 1760; a graduate of Harvard College, was ordained to the ministry and settled over the church at Minden, Worcester county, Massa- chusetts, for forty years. His son, Joseph (2) Dorr, attained local eminence and left a notable posterity. He had several daughters all of whom married clergymen. 9. Edmund, of whom further. 10. Harbottle, born May II, 1696; married and settled in Boston; chil- dren: Susannah, born January 24, 1725, died unmarried; Harbottle (2), born January 24, 1729, died unmarried. 11. Elizabeth, married — Scutt. 12. Clarence, born July 17. 1700; married, July 8. 1725, a daughter of Edmund Weld, and had six children. (II) Edmund (2), ninth child of Edmund (i) and Elizabeth (Hawley) Dorr, was born in Roxbury, October 19, 1692. He settled in Lyme, Connecticut, where he died November 21, 1776. He married, in Lyme, September 24, 1719, Mary, born April 24, 1794, daugh- ter of Matthew and Phoebe (Hyde) Gris- wold, of Lyme, both prominent families of early Connecticut. Children: i. George, born August 4. 1720; was a lawyer and magistrate of Lyme for thirty-three years, and attorney for the king for thirty-three years; died 1786. 2. Rev. Edward, born November 2, 1722, a graduate of Yale College; married Helena, daughter of Governor Talcott, of Connecticut ; he settled in Hartford, where he was pastor of the First Church ; died there October 20, 1772, without issue. The Rev. Dorr is buried in the old Centre Church cemetery. The stone covering the Rev. Dorr's grave is a table monument, on which is cut the following in- scription : "Here lies interred the body of The Rev- erend Edward Dorr, the late Learned and Pious Pastor of the first church of Christ in Hartford, who departed this life Oct. 20th Anno Domini 1772 in the 50th year of his age and 25 of his ministry And Jesus said I am the Resurrection and the Life." 3. Matthew, of whom further. 4. Elizabeth, i)orn 1725; married (second) Dr. Elisha Tracy, of Norwich, Connecticut. 5. Mary, born 1727, died July 6, 1742. 6. Eve, born 1733; married George Griffin, of East Had- dam, Connecticut. 7. Deborah, born 1739, died 1768, unmarried. (III) Matthew, third son of Edmund (2) and ^lary (Griswold) Dorr, was born in Lyme, Connecticut, 1724, died at Athens, Ohio, 1801. He married (first) November 4, 1747. Elizabeth Palmer. She died about 1775. He married (second) Lydia Wood, died at Athens, Ohio, 1815. By first wife he had seven sons and three daughters; by sec- ond wife three sons and two daughters. (IV) Elisha, son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Palmer) Dorr, was born in Lyme, Connecti- cut, March 27, 1764, died in Albany, New York, April 30, 1843. He came to Albany when a young man and became a furrier and dealt in furs and skins, many of which he bought of John Jacob Astor, a business he was engaged in until his retirement through ad- vancing years. He was surrogate of Albany county, 1808-10, and an incorporator and di- rector of the Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank. He was a member, deacon and elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Albany and a potent force for good in the city. He mar- ried, in Albany, Elizabeth Brouer, born 1776, died September 19, 1837. She was also a worker in the First Presbyterian Qiurch. Children: i. Palmer, born November 4, 1797, died July 30, 1840; unmarried; a graduate of Middlebury College, Connecticut; a physician of Albany. 2. Cornelius, born July 30, 1799, died September 17, 1820: unmarried; he was admitted to the bar, but died before establish- ing a practice. 3. Harriet, born December 25, 1802. died March 31, 1819. 4. Alfred, born March 27, 1806, died April 17, 1849; grad- uate of the LTnited States Military Academy at West Point; married Mary C. Milderber- ger, died December 18, 1836, in her thirty- fourth year ; children : i. Harriet, died in child- hood ; ii. Elizabeth, married James Dempsey, of Albany, and left two sons, William James and Elisha Dorr Dempsey, both of Newark, New Jersey ; iii. Ellen R., born July 20, 1834, married William Livingston Ostrander, of Hud.son, no issue. 5. Edmund, of whom further. 6. Elisha (2), born July 9, 1810, died October 2, 1882. (V) Edmund (3), son of Elisha and Eliza- beth (Brouer) Dorr, was born in Albany. New ■S'ork, August 11, 1808, died October 10, 1 881. He was educated in Albany and for many years was a commission merchant of that city. He, together with Arthur Root, of Albany, were promoters of the board of trade of Albany. He was an energetic, prosjicrous and public-spirited man, highly regarded in his HUDSON AXD MOHAWK VALLEYS ir«5 city. He was a Presbyterian, and a Repub- lican but never active in political affairs. He was married in New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 26. 1836. by Rev. Dr. Howe, to Maria ^L Englehart, born in New York, November II, 181 5, died near Albany, New York, June 7, 1888. a woman of strong mentality and high character, a member of the Presbyterian church and interested in many good causes. She was a daughter of George and Margaret (Hartell) Englehart, of New York City, the former of whom was a wholesale leather mer- chant of New Y^ork City, with Jacob PL Loril- lard, who was his cousin. She was a grand- daughter of George Englehart, who was twice married, one of his wives being Mary Loril- lard of the well-known Lorillard family of New York and New Jersey. Children of Edmund and Maria M. Dorr: i. Margaret Elizabeth, born March 19, 1838. on Ferry street, Albany, New Y'ork, then a noted resi- dential street. She was educated in Albany private schools and Female Academy, and with her sister resides at Glenmont, near Al- bany, unmarried. 2. Emma Lorillard, born April 3, 1840, at the northeast corner of Swan and Lydins streets, now Madison avenue, Al- bany, the old home there being yet a land- mark. She was educated in private schools and Female Academy, and now has her home in the most beautiful surroundings overlook- ing the Hudson Valley. The sisters are mem- bers of the Presbyterian church, and are women of culture and refinement. This family has for several BARCKLEY generations been prominent in the history of the town of Guilderland and Albany county, where the pioneer of the family settled prior to 1790. Michael Barckley, born in Germany, came when a young man to America, perhaps then the Lnited States, settled on a farm in Guil- derland, where he married and died in middle life. He was a member of the Dutch Re- formed church. He had a son Evert. (H) Evert, son of Michael Barckley, was born in Guilderland about 1785, died there in 1816. He was a farmer and a member of the Reformed church. He married Gertrude Wal- dron, born April 27, 1793, died March 28, 1864. Children: Henry, of whom further; Henrietta, torn 1814, died unmarried at the age of sixty-seven years. She survived her husband and married (second) Dr. Jonathan Johnson, an early practitioner of Guilderland. By her second husband she had children : Ade- line, born 1818, died immarried ; George Young, born 1820, married Mrs. Ella Corbett, now of Binghamton, New York; Elizabeth, born 1822, unmarried; Jane Ann, born 1824, unmarried. (HI) Henry, only son of Evert and Ger- trude (Waldron) Barckley. was born in the town of Guilderland, Albany county. New York, in 1812. He learned the trade of black- smith, which he followed in early life. He later purchased a farm in the town of Knox near the village. In 1856 he opened a gen- eral store, but continued the operation of his farm. He conducted a prosperous mercantile business, and accumulated a substantial for- tune. Lie was prominent in the politics of his town, being a Whig and later a Republican. Lie was town clerk, supervisor and postmas- ter for many years. He was a man of ster- ling character and held in universal esteem. He was an active member of the Reformed church which he served as elder. He was a big-hearted, generous soul, and none were turned away empty-handed that appealed to him for aid. He was a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows and took a deep interest in that order. He married in Guilderland, Magdalene (or Madeline) Liv- ingston, born 1814, died in Knox, December 6, 1900, daughter of Aaron and Nancy (Hal- linbeck) Livingston, lifelong residents of the Helderberg region, where they died in old age, faithful members of the Presbyterian church. Children of Henry and Magdalene Barckley: i. Michael, born in Knox in 1840, educated in the public schools, and grew to manhood on his father's farm ; when the civil war broke out he was active in raising a com- pany and went to the front as lieutenant of Company K. Seventh New York Heavy Ar- tillery: at the battle of Cold Harbor he was wounded by a bursting shell, taken to a mili- tary hospital at Washington, D. C, where he died from the effects of his wound, 1864; he was unmarried ; his memory is preserved in Altamont where Michael Barckley Post, Grand .Army of the Republic, is named in his honor. 2. Edward Livingston, of whom further. (IV) Edward Livingston, second son of Henry and Magdalene (Livingston) Barck- ley, was born on the farm in Knox, June 9, 1842. died October 3, 1905. He was educated in the public schools and at Knox Academy. He grew up on the farm, and at an early age became his father's trusted assistant, both in farm management and in the store, thus ac- quiring a thorough business education that stood him well in the heavy responsibilities of his later life. Years before his father's death Edward L. had assumed full control of both store and farm of one hundred and thirty-five acres, later becoming owner of both and con- i6o6 HUDSOX AND MOHAWK VALLEYS tinuing in active business until his death. He was a Repubhcan in politics and became the recognized leader of his town. In the years 1885-86-87 he represented Knox on the Al- bany county board of supervisors. In 1895 he was appointed commissioner of prisons and in 1896 was elected treasurer of Albany county. He served the full term of three years, declining re-election. He was fre- quently a delegate to county and state con- ventions, where he was counted among those whose opinion was of weight. During the administration of President Harrison he was postmaster at Knox, where in private or pub- lic life he was the soul of honor and held the confidence of his townsmen in a degree sel- dom equaled. He was a warm-hearted, gen- erous man and a friend of education, the church, and all good causes, supporting liber- ally the institutions that depended on the pub- lic for their existence. He was a member of the Masonic order and of the Lutheran church. He married, in Knox, November 22, 1865, Eunice Esther French, born in East Worcester, Otsego county, New York, De- cember 12, 1 841. At the age of ten years her parents removed to Kno.x where she comple- ted her studies, being a schoolmate of her late husband. In 1905 she purchased a home in Altamont, New York, where she removed in June, 1906, and still resides. She is a daugh- ter of -Alva and Amanda (Tyler) French. Alva French was born in Nashua, New Hampshire, came to Otsego county. New York, later to Knox, Albany county, and died in Guilderland, 1870, at the age of seventy years. He was a Baptist in religion, and a Democrat in politics. .Amanda (Tyler) French, born in Knox, 1803, died 1850, was a daughter of Jesse Tyler and a granddaugh- ter of John and Eunice (Crarey) Tyler, of Connecticut. (This is the family to which John Tyler of Virginia, president of the Uni- ted States, belonged.) Jessie Tyler was a farmer and a carpenter, owning a large farm which he operated in connection with his building operations. He was a Whig, and a member of the Reformed church. He died at the age of eighty years ; Amanda, his wife at the age of eighty-seven years. She was a Methodist. Children of Alva and Amanda French: i. Eunice Esther, married Edward L. Barckley and has a daughter, Grace Tyler, born February 6, 1867, a graduate of .-Vlbanx Girls .Academy, resides with her mother at Altamont, New York, unmarried. 2. Sarah, married Ezra Wright, lived in Schoharie county, where he died leaving a daughter Amanda, also deceased. 3. Datus, died in Kncjx : married .Margaret Reid, of Guilder- land: child, Mary, married Alber Hansen, of Schenectady. 4. Dorothy, married Edmund Crawford, of New Scotland, died June i, 1910, without issue. 5. Harriet, died at the age of six years. The Relyeas were early settlers RELYE.A in the town of Guilderland, Al- bany county, where they at- tained honorable position. They descended from a Huguenot family of France, one mem- ber of which settled in America prior to the revolutionary war. (I) Adam Relyea was born in Guilderland, Albany county. New York, in the year 1800. He was a prosperous farmer, living to a good old age. He married Margaret Van Patten and had issue. (II) Jacob A., son of Adam and Margaret (\"an Patten) Relyea, was born February 27, 183 1, died May 3, 1907. He was educated in the public schools and grew to manhood on the farm. He later took up farming as a life occupation, possessing a farm in the beauti- ful Helderberg region. He was assessor of his town and otherwise politically important in town life. He was a Republican, and a member of the Reformed church. He mar- ried, January 17, 1852, Nancy Maria, daugh- ter of John P. and Anna Barbara (Crounse) Livingston and granddaughter of Peter I. Livingston. She was born June 21, 1834, on the old Peter I. Livingston estate, in the same house which she still owns and has oc- cupied during her lifetime, with the exception of seventeen years of her married life, when she resided in another part of the town. Chil- dren of Jacob -A. and Nancy Maria (Living- .ston) Relyea: i. Orpha, born .August 27, 1853, married Cornelius Hallenbeck, who died October 16, 1894, aged forty-one years; chil- dren : Alta, Laura N., .Anna and Charles H., the three daughters are married. 2. Edward, born .April 22, 1856, now a resident of Sche- nectady ; married Julia Sharp and has one son, Lloyd \erner. 3. Anna, born March 16, 1859, resides in Dunnsville, married Frank Coss, deputy sheriff of .Albany county ; chil- dren : .Alta and Addic, twins ; Addie, deceased : Leland. 4. Jacob H., born August 9, 1872, resides in Albany, train master, Boston & Al- bany railroad, married Sarah L. CroUnse, and has children : .Amelia and Barton. Clhe Livingston Line). I'cler I. Livingston was born in .Mbany county. New York, where he died December 18, 1838, aged sixty-nine years and nine days. He owned and cultivated the Livingston homestead farm now owned by his grand- HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLEYS daughter. Mrs. Jacob A. Relyea. This farm commands a grand view of the "Indian Lad- der" entrance to the Helderberg mountains, and the picturesque scenery together with its fertile, well-kept condition, render the estate unusually attractive. He married (first) j\[aria Warner, who died aged fifty-five years and thirteen days; he married (second) Eva Frederick. Children of first wife : Aaron and Anna, both deceased. Children of second wife : John P., see forward : ^largaret, mar- ried Jacob Van Wormer; Magdalene, mar- ried Jacob Fryer: Catherine X.. married Frederick Mynderse. (H) John" P., son of Peter I. and Eva (Frederick) Livingston, was born on the homestead which he later owned, November 20. 1807, died in 1894. He was a farmer, a Lutheran in religious belief, and politically a Republican. He married (first) in Guilder- land. Anna Barbara Crounse, born .Xpril 16. 1808, died February 4. 1861, daughter of Conrad and Margaret (Livingston) Crounse; he married (second) Mrs. Catharine (Ostran- der) Stevens, no issue by this marriage. Chil- dren of John P. and Anna P.arbara (Crounse) Livingston: Evaline. born Septem- ber 18. 1 83 1, married Peter Wagoner, died leaving no issue. 2. Catharine, born .-Xugust 14, 1832, married Isaac Smith, died leaving no issue. 3. Xancy Maria, born June 21, 1834, married, January 17, 1852, Jacob .A. Relyea (see Relyea H). 4. Rebecca, born January 10. 1837. widow, living in Pough- keepsie. has three living children. 5. Julia, born March 29. 1839, widow, residing in Greater New York, has one daughter. 6. Peter I., born August 26, 1841, resides in Schenectady, married Mary E. Mann, of Guilderland Center, has one daughter. ;\Ieta L. 7. Harriet, born June 15, 1844, married and lives in Union, P.roome county, Xew York. 8. Helen, born September 6, 1846, died young. 9. Helen (2), born February 18, 1849, married and lives in Guilderland Center. This is an ancient family of LITHGOW Scotland, famed for its schol- ar artists, men of letters and ministers. A noted member of the family, William Lithgow, born in Lanark about 1582, eldest son of James Lithgow, burgess of Lan- ark, and Alison Gahame his wife, published in 1632 a collected edition of his travels under the title of "The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures and painefull Peregrinations, of long nineteen yeares Travayles, from Scotland to the most Famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Aflfrica." He was educated at Lan- ark grammar school and acording to .Sir Wal- ter Scott was "bred a tailor." He seems to have started his travels at an early age. He says "neither ambition, too much curiosity, nor any reputation I ever sought, did expose me to such long peregrinations «nnd dangerous ad- ventures past" — but, that "underserved Dalida wrong." From Paris on March 7, 1609, he set out on the first of the three journeys of which he gives an account in his "Totall Dis- course," where he claims that his "payneful feet traced over (besides my passages of seas and rivers) thirty-six thousand and oddc miles, which draweth neare to twice the cir- cumference of the whole earth." It was on the second of his journeys, while passing through Spain, that he was thrown into pris- on in Malaga as a spy and severely tortured. He was released by the intervention of the English consul there and the English ambas- sador at Madrid backed by a division of King James navy. On his arrival at Datford, fifty days after leaving Malaga, Lithgow was car- ried to the court at Theobalds and exhibited his "martyred anatomy" to the whole court, "Even from the King to the Kitchen." Al the king's expense he was sent twice to Bath, where he recovered his health although his left arm and crushed bones were incurable. Early in 1622 he was sent to Marshalsea pris- on for a long period for assaulting in the presence chamber Gondomar, the Spanish am- bassador, whose empty promises of redress for his sufferings at Malaga had exasperated Lith- gow beyond endurance. In 1624 he preferred a bill of grievance to the House of Lords, which he daily followed for seventeen weeks, witlutut result. In 1627 he left the court for Scotland, traversed the Western Isles and was "kindly cntertayned" in Bodick Castle by James "Marquiss of Hamilton." In 1637 he left Scotland mounted on a "galloweigan nagge" for another journey to Russia, but in- stead went to Breda publishing a volume on his return. In 1643 he again left Scotland, embarking at Prestonpans for London. "In all which deserted way between Forth and Gravesend wee found only three ships, two Scotsmen, an Norwegian, and one of the royall whelps lying at anker in .•\ermouth." He published his tast work in 1643. From this date all trace of him is lost; the date of his death and the place of his burial are un- known, though there is a tradition that he died in Lanark and lies buried in the church- yard of St. Kentigern there. It is from the same Lithgow family that David C. Lithgow, of .Mbany, descends. (I) Robert Lithgow, of Lin Lithgow. Scot- land, the first of the name of whom we have knowledge, married and had children : Gil- i6o8 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS bert, a teacher of Stevenson, Scotland ; James, a designer ; John, a potter ; WilHam, of furth- er mention ; EHzabeth and Janet. (H) Rev. WilHam Lithgow, son of Robert Lithgow, was bor^ in Alexandria, Scotland. He was a graduate of the L'niversity of Glas- gow ; became a minister of the Church of Christ and has been continuously in the active ministry for the past thirty years, and is still preaching (1911), although eighty years of age. He married Catherine, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Corcoran) Cunning- ham and granddaughter of Alexander Cun- ningham, a soldier of the Crimean war. Chil- dren : Elizabeth, Gilbert, David C, of further mention, Robert, Jessie (or Jesse), Catherine, Margaret, John, William. (IH) David Cunningham, son of Rev. William and Catherine (Cunningham) Lith- gow, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, Novem- ber 12, 1868. His preparatory education was obtained in the Glasgow public schools sup- plemented by a course at Glasgow Technical College. Having artistic talent and desire he became a pupil at the Haldean Academy of Art, at Glasgow, where he pursued his studies until 1887, when he went to London and en- rolled as a student at Kensington School of Art under Sir Frederick Leighton. After completing his studies he came to the United States in 1888, establishing himself in New York City, where he remained until i8go. In that year he came to Albany where he opened a studio and still continues (191 1) in land- scape and portraiture. He is a member of the Albany Club and a charter member of the Albany Art League. In religious faith he is a Baptist. He married, February 10, i8go, at Altamont, New York, Amelia, daughter of Edward and Augusta (Crounse) Kenholts, both old Albany county families. Child, Mil- lie, born November 4, 1900. Three generations of the Geiger GEIGER family are herein recorded, each generation claiming a different country as a birthplace. George Geiger, grandfather of Albert Geiger, of Hudson, was a native of Poland, and fled an exile from his native land, taking refuge in Germany. He was a man of ability, and is supposed to have become implicated in some revolutionary movement that placed him under the ban of the government. He settled in the province of Wiirtemburg, Germany, where he lived and reared his family. He was twice married and one of his sons, John, was a noted sculptor of Munich, giving promise of becoming famous in his art, when he was stricken by death at the earlv age of twenty-five vears. The only record of others of his family is of Leonard, founder of the American branch. (II) Leonard, son of George Geiger, the Polish exile, was born in Wiirtemburg, Germany, October 23, 1829. He remained there until 1849 when, to avoid military serv- ice, he came to the United States. He was educated in the German schools, secured a good education and developed a strong genius for invention. He learned the trade of stone and marble cutting, but on his arrival in New York worked for a time for the Hudson River railroad. He did not long remain in that employ, but soon settled in Hudson, New York, where he followed his trade. In 1858 he formed a partnership with James N. Town- send and until 1870 operated a stone and mar- ble yard, doing principally monumental work. In the year mentioned the partnership was dissolved and he continued the business alone for a year or two, then sold out to his former partner and retired from that line of business, devoting himself to his inventions. These in- cluded many articles of value which should have netted him a large fortune! but through the chicanery of those whom he trusted, he received only a small return for the product of genius. Two of his inventions were of the greatest value in military warfare and were universally adopted. His greatest, perhaps, was the breech-loading ritle which he brought out in 1864. While he was well-paid for his invention, the amount was but a trifle com- pared with the value of the invention. Those promoting the gun received large suins. An- other invention was a copper- jacketed bullet, which is yet in use in several of the armies of the world. While his pay for this was to have been $30,000, he really received but a small sum. being swindled out of his right. Mr. Geiger was a Republican in politics, but extremely independent. He joined with the Liberal movement of 1872, and supported Horace Greeley for the presidency. After the overwhelming defeat of his favorite he took little interest in political affairs. Aside frorn one term as alderman of Hudson, he held no public office. He was reared in the Catholic faith, but after coming to the United States attended the Episcopal church, later be- coming a follower of Robert Ingersoll. He was a member of the Masonic order, charter member of Aquilla Lodge of Hudson, also a Chapter Mason and a Knight Templar. He married, February 14, 1852, Margaret Fire- wig at Hudson, New York, who survives him, residing in Hudson. She was born in Nurem- berg, Germany, and came to the L'nited States in 1850. Children: i. Frederick, a resident of Hudson. 2. .\lliert, of further mciition. 3. (Z-.e>~2^^ i^:t^ ^: ^^^ <:r-cy>~^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLEVS 16091 Emma, married Daniel W. Bugel; four chil- dren : Leonard G., married Mabel Hallen- beck, one child, Leonard ; Daniel ; Winifred and Gladys, twins. 4. George W., born 1858, died 1869. 5. Fannie, married Thomas J. Zimmer, of Poughkeepsie, New York; chil- dren : Thomas J., Margaret, Gertrude and Leonard G. 6. Rosa (twin). 7. Lillie (twin), married John Dillingham. (HI) Albert, son of Leonard and Margaret (Firewig) Geiger, was born at Hudson, New York, January 25, 1854. He was educated in the public schools, and after completing his studies entered business life as a clerk, con- tinuing as such in the dry goods business for eighteen years. In 1892 he entered the employ of the New York and Hudson Steamboat Company, and in 1895 was appointed gen- eral agent of the company, with headquarters at Hudson, which position he now holds (1911). He has served eight years in the National Guard, enlisting in the Twenty-third Separate Company as a charter member. He is a Republican in politics and served on the board of fire commissioners in 1906-07-08. He is an earnest worker for the good of the serv- ice in the Hudson fire department, which he joined in 1873, and is still on the roll (1911) of J. W. Hoysradt Hose and Chemical Com- pany No. 8, and also was an active member of the Firemen Association of the State of New York in the early years of its existence, serving on many important committees. He is a member of the Masonic order, the Knights of Pythias and the order of Elks. He mar- ried, February 2, 1902, at Hudson, Ruth Lud- low, daughter of John Jessup, who died in 1857. During his earlier days Hudson was a great whaling port and Mr. Jessup sailed as a seaman on several whaling trips. The Van Slykes of Cox- VAN SLYKE sackie. New York, de- scend from Willem Pie- terse Van Slyke, who was in Beverwyck in 1655. He had sons: Pieter, Jacob, Dirck and Teunis. There were Van Slykes, early set- tlers in Beverwyck ; Cornelius, whose descend- ants settled in the Mohawk Valley, and Wil- lem, whose descendants settled below Albany in Columbia county, then crossed over into Greene county where they held large posses- sions. (H) Teunise Willemse. son of Willem Pie- terse \'an Slyke, was born at Heyvelt, prov- ince of L'trecht, Holland. Fie was of Bever- wyck in 1666, when he sent to Holland for his inheritance. Fie was the founder of the \'an Slykes, who settled on the west bank of the Hudson, now Greene county. New York. In 1678 he purchased and occupied a farm at Niskayuna, Schenectady county, New York. In 1713 he built the stone house on the west bank of the Hudson, one mile south of where the village of New Baltimore now stands. In 1733 'le was one of the four church officers who received the deed for the land upon which to build the Dutch Reformed church at Coxsackie. The Boston Morning Journal of January 12, 1903, described the Bible once owned by Teunise Willemse \'an Slyke as the oldest printed Bible on earth, made in. Dordrecht, 1518-55, now owned by Benjamin Fredenberg Van Slyke, of Saginaw, Michi- gan, handed down from father to son, about four hundred years, and containing the fam- ily record. The paper devoted a column and a half to the description of this Bible, which was seventeen inches long, eleven inches wide and five and three-quarter inches thick. The workmanship on the same was equal to that of the present time; the binding was of calf, and the illustrations (which were beau- tiful), as well as each initial letter, was all' hand work, there being no modern machin- ery (such as used to-day) at that early period. It was claimed that the Massachusetts His- torical Society offered $10,000 for the book; that an attemjjt was made to secure it for the World's I-'air at Paris: that it took thirt_v- seven years to make the book, made by Rich- ard Paul Eelbo. It was taken from New Baltimore to Michigan in 1858 by Benjamin's father, Peter J., son of General Pieter \"an Slyke, a general in the revolution, son of Gerrit, son of Teunise Willemse \'an Slyke. Teunise Willemse Van Slyke's wish was to be buried in sight of the passing vessels on the Hudson, and his grave on a knoll in the- woods south of his house is yet to be found. The Van Slyke coat-of-arms comes down from the fourteenth century. A clover leaf on one side of a battlement, three fish natant on the other side. He married, February 6, i6g6, Jannetje, daughter of Flenrick \'an Wie, a volunteer in the colonial war, in Rensselaer- wyck in 1654. Children, born at .\lbany: Beertje, November 15, 1^)96: Willem, Octo- ber 23, 1698: Hendrick, November 3, 1700; Ida, June 28, 1702: Andreis, September 17,. 1704; Gerrit, May 19, 1706; Pieter, Septem- ber 26. 1708: .Alida, November 5, 1710: Dirk, March i, 1713: Agnietje, June 19. 1720; and others. (Ill) .Xndreis (.\ndrew). son of Teunise Willemse and Jannetje (Van Wie) \'an Slyke, was born in Albany. Septcm!)er 17, 1704. Fie married Maria Van Benthuysen, born July 16, 1721, daughter of Balthus, born I-^bruary 22. 1707, son of Pauhis Martinse- i6io HUDSON AND ?kIOHA\VK VALLEYS and Catalyntje Barentse Van Benthuysen, the latter daughter of Barent Balthus, of Flat- bush, Long Lsland, who died before 1660. All the children born after 1747 were baptized in Coxsackie, New York. i. Jannetje. born March i, 1747, married in the Helderbergs and when over one hundred years of age visited New Baltimore. 2. Baltus, of further mention. 3. Lydia, June 9, 1751, married John Van Den Berg, of Coxsackie. 4. Tunis, February, 1754, married Jane, daughter of Peter \'an Slyck. 5. Mary, March 28, 1756, married John \'an Pelt, of Staten Island. 6. Catherine, July 3, 1757, married Albert Van Derzee. 7. Gertrude, March i, 1761, mar- ried Clow. 8. Alida, May 5, 1765, married Tunis, son of Peter Van Slyck. 9. Jane, married John Reamer. 10. Andrew, born 1704, built the stone house still standing by the New Baltimore depot of West Shore railroad. (IV) Baltus, eldest son of Andrew and Maria (Van Benthuysen) Van Slyke, was baptized at Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, February 26, 1749, died September 19, 1827. He served in the war of the revolution as private in the Coxsackie company, Albany -county militia. He married Annatje Lewis, born November 10, 175 1, died November 2, 1819. daughter of Barent, born February 17, 17 17, in New York, and Catherine (Van Slyck) Lewis. Children: i. Andrew, born April 25, 1773, married Matthews. 2. Barent, June 3, 1775, married Jenny Bronk. 3. Catherine, May 3, 1777, lived to near ninety years of age, married Charles McCardell. 4. Maria, December 25, 1779, lived to be very •old. married James Dunn. 5. Jane, October 27, 1780, married Norman Humphrey. 6. Lydia, April 13, 1783, lived to be ninety-seven years of age, married John Van Slyck. 7. Alida, January 7, 1785, lived to ninety-seven years of age, married Henry Hosford. 8. Teunis, of further mention. 9. Peter, born April 14, 1790, married Sally Coovert. (V) Teunis B., son of Baltus and Annatje (Lewis) Van Slyke, was born October 14, 1787, died December 18, i860. He married, December 19, 1812, Judith Bronk, born March 13, 1788, died December 27, 1864, a descend- ant of Jonas Bronck, who came to New Am- sterdam in 1639, purchased land now known as "The I'ronx," upjjer New York City. His son, Pieter Bronck, of Beverwyck, purchased Coxsackie of the Indians. He had a fine col- lection of books brought from Holland when he came in his own ship with family, servants and wealth, and these books arc said to be the first library of mention in New York State. He met his death, it is sujiposed, at the hands of the Indians, although his property was un- disturbed, which may prove that he came to his death in a less horrible manner than by the tortures said to have been inflicted upon him ere death mercifully released him. The belief is that he came to America from Den- mark via Amsterdam. Rev. Everardus Bo- gardus, the first settled minister of New Neth- erland, assisted in the administration of his estate (See Bronk, in this work). The Bronck family had a coat-of-arms, as displayed on a silver cup brought by Jonas Bronck — a shield bearing a rising sun, rayed, with the motto: A't- cede mails (Yield not to evil). The descent from Jonas Bronck to Judith (Bronk) Van Slyke is through his son, Pieter, who married Hilletje Tyssinck. Jan Bronk, son of Pieter, born 1652, married Commetje Conyn, and served in the wars. She was daughter of Leendert Philipse Conyn, in Bev- erwyck, 1655, married Agnetje . Peter Bronk, son of Jan, married, in Albany, Antje (Anna) Bogardus, born January 22,- 1679, daughter of Pieter Bogardus, born April 19, 1644, and granddaughter of Rev. Everardus Bogardus, the first settled minister of New Netherland (See Bogardus genealogy). Peter Bronk, son of Peter, born November 10, 1707, married Rachel \'an Hoesen, a descendant of Jan Franse Van Hoesen, who bought Clave- rack. New York, from the Indians in 1662. Ephraim Bronk, born March i, 1755, served in Coxsackie company. Eleventh Regiment, Albany county militia, was at the surrender of Burgoyne ; married Annetje Knott, lx>rn 1756 in New York City, daughter of James Knott, buried in Trinity churchyard, and his wife, Nancy Dunbar. Judith Bronk, born March 13, 1788, married Teunis B. Van Slyke. A descendant of Jonas Bronck, Amelia Cornelia Bronk, widow of Andrew Whitbeck, of Coey- mans, and likewise a great-granddaughter of Hendrickse Van Wie, died in Coxsackie, aged one hundred and three years. Children of Teunis B. and Judith Van Slyke: i. Hannah Jane, born August 7, 181 3, married Benoni Clapper. 2. Ephraim T., of further mention. 3. Baltus, April 28, 1817, married Esther Garnsey. 4. Barent, October 15, 1819, mar- ried Elizabeth Hawley. 5. Charlotte, April 25, 1831, the only surviving of all the above children, lives at New Baltimore, New York. (\'I) Ephraim T., eldest son of Teunis B. and Judith (Bronk) Van Slyke, was born March 5, 1815, died June 19, 1899. He re- sided on the ancestral lands in Greene county, New York, all his life. He married, Sep- tember 21, 1840, Mary, born March 3, 1816, died May 13, 1898. daughter of .Andrew and .Xnna (Ten Fyck) \'an Derzee. She de- HUDSOX AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS •scends on the paternal side from Storm Van Derzee and on the maternal from Coenradt Ten Eyck, both icarly Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam and Rensselaerwyck. Storm Van Derzee was born on tlie ocean while the ship "Rensselaerwyck" was passing through a fu- rious storm, 1636, w-Tiich accounts for his peculiar name. The line of descent from Storm \'an Der- zee to Mary \'an Derzee is through his son Wouter (Walter), who married, July 2, 1695, Jannetje Swart. Storm (2), son of Wouter ^^an Derzee. was baptized .August 3. 1701, married, September 5. 1735, Elizabeth Sling- erland. Andrew, son of Storm (2) \'an Der- zee, was born April 10. 1781, died March 8, 1829, captain of New Baltimore militia com- pany and served at Sackett's Harbor, war of 1812, married. November 12, 1807. Anna Ten Eyck. born May 17, 1786. died September 8, 1872. She received revenue from the Ten Eyck estate in Holland until near her death, when she relinquished her right, signing the necessary papers with the Dutch consul at Albany. ^lary, daughter of Andrew and An- na (Ten Eyck) Van Derzee. married Eph- raim T. \'an Slyke. Conradt Ten Eyck, who ■died 1687. the ancestor of Anna (Ten Eyck) Van Derzee, was of the wealthy and important Ten Eyck family of Holland. The coat-of- arms borne by the Holland family may be seen on the windows of the Ten Eyck Hotel, Al- bany, but without the motto "Mea virtute in- volve'" (I wrap myself in my virtue). Coen- radt Ten Eyck was a boot and shoe manu- facturer of New Amsterdam, and ow-ned a tannery. The first map of New- York City, made 1640, shows two lots owned by him and Coenties Slip, the dock used by the early Hudson sloops, was named for him. He mar- ried, 1646-47, Maria Boelc, a devoted worker in the early Collegiate Dutch church. Jacob, son of Coenradt Ten Eyck, was born 1647 in New Amsterdam, moved to Albany, 1675, married, 1676, Gertruy Coeymans, born 1654, died February 27, 1735. daughter of Barent Pietersen Coeymans, the Dutch emigrant. Coenradt. son of Jacob Ten Eyck, was born April 9. 1678, died 1753, married Geertruy Van Schaick, September 8, 1687, daughter of Anthony, born 1655, and Maria Van DerPoel, and granddaughter of Captain Goosen Van Schaick. 1649, and Teunise Cornelise Van DerPoel, 1660. Anthony, son of Coenradt Ten Eyck, was born September 17, 17 12, and was a merchant of New York City. He mar- ried, November 29. 1740. Sara E. Ten Eyck, a great-granddaughter of Coenradt Ten Eyck. Coenradt A., son of Anthony Ten Eyck, was born May 15, 1746 ;( the name is written with a small / in the records of the Collegiate Dutch church in New York), died December 14, 1825. He owned the land where the village of Ravena, Albany county, now stands. He and his wife are buried on the knoll west from the depot. He married Rachel Hallenbeck, of Cox- sackie, born .April 18, 1752, died .April 19, 1839, daughter of Martinus and descendant of Caspar Jacobse Hallenbeck. who was of Bev- erw}ck, 1654; his son, Jan Caspar Hallen- beck, died at Albany, December. 1730, mar- ried Rachel ^\■illemse : their son, Caspar Janes Hallenbeck. died 1756, married Magdalena . Their son, Martinus Hallenl)eck, born December 19, 1715. married, January 30, 1736, Annatje, daughter of Cornelius Woomer. Their daughter Rachel married Coenradt Ten Eyck. Their daughter .Anna married Andrew Van Derzee. Their daugh- ter Mary married Ephraim T. Van Slyke. They had tw'O sons: Andrew W., of further mention ; Bronck, of New Baltimore, New York, born Julv 20, 1852. (\ II) Dr. Andrew W. \'an Slyke. eldest son of Ephraim T. and Mary (Van Derzee) Van Slyke. was born in New Baltimore, De- cember 5, 1846. He prepared for the pro- fession of medicine at Rutger's College, New Brunswick, New Jersey, attended .Albany Medical College, where he was graduated M. D., class of 1869 : also took post-graduate course in New York City. He has practiced medicine at Coxsackie, New York, since 1872. and is held in high regard as a physician and a citizen. He is greatly interested in matters genealogical and historical, owning many treasured mementoes of his Dutch an- cestors, including wills, deeds, and articles of household use. It is to him that this family record is in a large measure due. He is, moreover, the accepted authority on many other Coxsackie families, not of his own name, and constantly called on for genealogical data. He attends the Dutch church. He is a trus- tee of Heennanse Memorial Library and president ( 191 1 ) of the board. He was raised a Mason in April, 1868, in Ark Lodge, No. 48, I-'ree and Accepted Masons, of Coxsackie, New York, and passed through the degrees to Commandery. He is a Republican in politics and served as health officer of the town of Coxsackie since the organization of the state board of health and has also served in the office of coroner. He married (first) January i, 1877. Marie Antoinette McCarty, who died February 18, 1907, without issue. He married (second) Henrietta Houghtaling, July 22, 1907. Child, Maria E. G., born September 2, 1909. l6l2 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS The JNIac Cabes were one of McCABE Ireland's most powerful clans. Originally coming from county Cavan, they spread over Cavan and the neigh- boring counties, dominating wherever the branches of the family settled. They were descended from Colla da Chrioch, founder of the Kingdom of Origiale, the first king of which was a Mac Cabe. His descendants continued to rule over that kingdom, and were also styled Kings of Ulster down to the time of the subjugation of that province by the English in the twelfth century. The Mac Cabes were men of great strength and valor, and in the old days gave many famous com- manders and galloglasses to Ulster. With the decline of Irish influence in Ulster the hand of adversity fell hard upon the Mac Cabe clan. The clansmen, although subju- gated, were never conquered. The spirit of the old chieftains was inherited by their de- scendants, and the Mac Cabes, broken in for- tune but not in. spirit, kept up an almost con- tinuous warfare against the conquerors. In the course of the centuries, however, the Mac Cabe clansmen became scattered over the widely distant parts of the world, carrying in their hearts, however, a wildly passionate devotion to Hibernia, and as passionate a hatred of her conquerors. They also carried with them the same rugged strength and cour- age which characterized them in the early his- tory of Ulster. In the days of their supremacy in Ireland they had allied themselves with the O'Reillys anci the O'Neils, who with the Mac Cabes were the three most powerful families in county Cavan. Their influence was para- mount in every branch of county aiTairs, mili- tary and civil, and they also contributed many powerful prelates to the Irish church of that period. (I) Descended from a long line of those pure Celtic ancestors was James McCabe, who emigrated with his family to America in 1844, and settled in Albany, New York. (II) John, son of James McCabe, married, in Albany, Anne, daughter of Patrick and Mary (Daley) Cassidy, both of whom were natives of Dunganna, county Tyrone, Ireland, and who had come to the United States in 1828, and after a three months' voyage across the ocean settled in Albany, where March 9, 1833, their daughter Anne was born. Anne survived her husband and is still living in Al- bany, being now in her seventy-eighth year. She is a fine type of Irish-American woman- hood, and now in the winter of her life may well look back with pride upon a life full of good works. The writer, an old friend, re- members her as always a sweet, charitable and neighborly woman, deeply religious, and an earnest and constant advocate of total ab- stinence, in a field in which she accomplished' immeasurable good. Her life's story, far- reaching and womanly as it has been, is an inspiration to all who know her. Children : I. James, born 1857, died 1898, married Mary J. Holton, also deceased, leaving one child, a. son, John J., who is unmarried and resides in Albany. 2. Patrick Edgar. 3. John P., born 1 86 1, married Catherine Reagan, and still re- sides in Albany. 4. Mary T., born 1863, died 1885, unmarried. The sons were all educated' in the Christian Brothers' Academy, at Al- bany, New York, and have all manifested con- siderable activity in political affairs, Patrick E. being especially prominent. (Ill) Patrick Edgar, second son of John' and Anne (Cassidy) McCabe, was born in' Albany, New York, June 26, 1859. Upon leaving school he learned the trade of moul- der, moulding being at the time about the most remunerative trade open to a young man. Dissatisfied with the limited opportuni- ties whic-h his trade seemed to hold out tO' him, he took the United States civil service' examination and in 1885 was appointed to a clerkship in the Albany, New York, post of- fice. Here his early education and great nat- ural ability soon asserted themselves, and, to- gether with his constant activity in politics, caused him to be appointed assistant county treasurer, an ofiice which he filled with signal' ability. He occupied this position for six years, and at the end of that time had become one of the recognized leaders of the Demo- cratic party in the county of Albany. In 1 80S he was elected clerk of the county of Albany, and in the year 1900 was chosen as the representative of AHjaiw county on the Democratic state committee, a position which he still holds. He has since become one of the recognized leaders of the Democratic- party in the Empire State, and is always a familiar figure in state and national conven- tions. He has proven himself an able and resourceful leader and counsellor, and has often exhibited qualities of rare courage and strategic genius in the face of odds which would be the undoing of a less able man. On January 4, 191 1, Mr. McCabe was elected clerk of the senate of the state of New York, a position the importance of which can hardly be over-estimated. His conduct of this office- has met the unquahfied approval of all stu- dents of public affairs. He is a Roman Cath- olic and a member of the congregation of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. A\- banv. In 1898 he married Elizabeth T. Kielev,. HUDSON AXD MOHAWK WALLEYS 1613 a native of Albany, daughter of Jeremiah and Anne (Kennedy) Kieley, both now de- ceased. Jeremiah Kieley, who died in 1863, was a man of considerable wealth and in- fluence in his day, and was supervisor in the •old first ward of Albany sixty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe reside in Albanv, New York. The Sutherlands came SUTHERLAND to America from Scot- land, and are of Scotch and English ancestry. The family in Cox- ■sackie descend from Joseph Sutherland, of Horseneck, Connecticut, who came from Scot- land. He married and left sons. His de- scendants are found in Columbia, Greene, Al- "bany, and Schoharie counties, New York. The first of the line in Coxsackie was the fol- lowing named : d) James Sutherland, who owned property and died there. He married and left several ■children. (11) .•\bram. son of James Sutherland, was liorn at New Baltimore, Greene county, New Y'ork. He married Jane, daughter of Henry and Cornelia (Van Pelt) Van Slyke (see Van Slyke VI). (HI) George, son of Abram and Jane (Van Slyke) Sutherland, was born in New Balti- more. He located in Coxsackie, New York, where he was extensively engaged in the harvesting and shipping of hay. He married Lettie A. Rowe, born in New Baltimore, of an old New York family. (I\") Frank Herbert, son of George and Lettie A. (Rowe) Sutherland, was born at New Baltimore, New York. He was educated in the common schools. He has for many years been engaged in the freighting business and in other enterprises. He is a director of the National Bank of Coxsackie, having served in that capacity for many years. He is prominent and active in public affairs, and for many years has been president of the vil- lage corporation. He is prominent in the Masonic order, holding the degrees of Knights Templar. In political faith he is a Democrat, and in religious faith a Methodist. (The Van Slyke Line). There were two early settlers of Bever- wyck of this name. Cornelius, whose descend- ants settled in the Mohawk Valley, and Will- iam Pieterse, whose descendants settled below Albany in Columbia and Greene counties. The name originally \'an Slyk is now spelled both Van Slyck and Van Slyke. (II) Tetuiis Willemse, son of William Pieterse Van Slyk or Van Slyke, of .Amster- dam, married, February 5, 1696, Jannetje Hendrickse Van Wie. He settled on a large tract of land in Greene countv. and one mile south of New Baltimore built, in 171 3, the stone mansion which was long the family seat. His family Bible, printed bv hand, 15 15- 18, said to be the oldest printed Bible on earth, is owned by a descendant in Saginaw, Michigan. Children: Hendrick, Ida, Andries, Gerrit, of further mention, Pieter, Alida, Dirck, Agnietje, Willem. Jannetje H. Van Wie, wife of Tennis Willemse \'an Slyke, was the daughter of Hendrick Gerritse Van Wie, who was in Beverwyck. 1659-91 ; made liis will in 1690. wherein he spoke of his wife and eldest son Gerrit. In 1691 Pieter Schuvler petitioned the governor for the relief of Ilen- drick Gerritse \'an Wie, "a volunteer in the late expedition to Canada, who was desper- ately wounded at Prary in Canada and was cared for at the house of the widow of Jacob Tys \'an Derheyden." He died soon after. (III) Gerrit, son of Tennis Willemse and Jannetje H. (\'an Wie) Van Slyke, was bap- tized May 19. 1706, married Annatje Turk. Children: Catharyna, Sara, Jacobus, of fur- ther mention, Sarah, Teunis. (IV) Jacobus, son of Gerrit and .Annatje (Turk) Van Slyke, served in the revolution, Captain Cox's company, Eleventh Regiment, Albany county militia. He married Jannetje Clow. (V) Henry, son of Jacobus and Jannetje (Clow) Van Slyke, married Cornelia \'an Pelt, descendant of Wouter Teunise Van Pelt, of Long Island, was the daughter of John \'an Pelt, of Staten Island, who married Van Slyke, daughter of .Andries, son of Teunis Willemse. son of William Pieterse \'an Slyke, the founder. Andreis \'an Slyke married Maria \'an Benthuysen, daughter of Balthus, .son of Partus Martensc Van Ben- thuysen, an early settler of Fort Orange and extensive land owner in the village. He mar- ried a daughter of Barent Balthus, of Flat- bush, Long Island. Balthus \'an Benthuy- sen was a merchant. He married, February 22, 1707, in New York City. Maria, his youngest daughter, baptized July 16. 1721, married Andries Van Slyke. They had daugh- ters : Jannetje, Lydia, .Alida. one of whom married John Van Pelt, father of Cornelia \'an Pelt, wife of Abram Sutherland. (VI) Jane, daughter of Henry and Cor- nelia (Van Pelt) Van Slyke. married Abram Sutherland (see Sutherland II). These lines carry back to the early Dutch occupation and to the families of \"an Slyke, \'an Pelt, Van Benthuysen and Van Wie, an indisputably strong Dutch lineage. i6i4 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \-ALLEYS William Parker came from PARKER England in the autumn of 1633 in the ship "James." He was an original proprietor of Hartford, Connecti- cut, 1636. About 1649 he removed to Say- brook, Connecticut, where he was a large land owner, also holding a large tract in Hebron. He probably served in the Pequot war. He filled several tQwn offices, served on numerous committees, and was deputy to the general court at the special session of 1652 ; also served 1678-79-80. About 1636 he married (first) Margery , who died December 6, 1680. He married (second) Elizabeth Pratt, widow of Lieutenant William Pratt. He died at Saybrook, December 28, 1686. He had ten children, of whom Joseph (i), Jona- than and Deborah died early. They were: Sarah, Joseph (i), John, Ruth, William, Jos- eph (2), Margaret, Nathan, David, Deborah. Sarah, Ruth and Margaret married. (H) John, son of William and Margery Parker, was born at Hartford, Connecticut, February i, 1641-42, died at Saybrook, same state, 1706. He was regarded as a proprietor of Saybrook and given one hundred pounds acconmiodation. He was active and influen- tial in town affairs. He was deputy to the general court, 1686-88-99-1700. He was a large land owner at Saybrook and Hebron. He was appointed gunner and master of the artillery at Fort Saybrook, November 30, 1683, and was in charge of the fort under Governor Andros with rank of lieutenant. He married, December 24, 1666, Mary, daughter of Thomas Buckingham, a settler of Milford, Connecticut, and sister of Rev. Thomas S. Buckingham, pastor of the Saybrook church in 1670. Children : John, Deborah, Ebenezer, Samuel. (HI) John (2), son of Lieutenant John (i) and Mary (Buckingham) Parker, was born October 6, 1667, died at Norwich, Connecti- cut, December 24, 1709. He served as con- stable 1694, and was one of the first to act as attorney-at-law under the act of 1708. He married, December 11, 1690, Mary, daugh- ter of Lieutenant Samuel and Mary (Bush- nell) Jones. They had seven children. (IV) John (3), son of John (2) and Mary (Jones) Parker, was born March 11, 1696. He was prominent in the Ecclesiastical So- ciety ; sergeant of the "train band" 1731 ; en- sign in the Cape Breton expedition, and died at Louisburg, May 15, 1746. He married (first) May 8, 1723, Mary Chapman ; mar- ried (second) Elizaljeth Dunk; seven chil- dren. (V) The earliest settler in Northern New York of this branch of the New England fam- ily of Parker was Nathaniel, son of John (3)' and Mary (Chapman) Parker, who settled in- Middle Granville, Washington county, about 1778. He came from Connecticut, where he was born January 6, 1738. Eliphalet and Mi- chael Parker settled on farms adjoining his on the Poultney road just north of the middle- village. He was in the British army, and with Wolfe at Quebec. He served in the revolu- tionary army, and was with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga. "New York Men in the Rev- olution" gives the enlistment of five men by name Nathaniel Parker. The exact date of his settlement in Washington county cannot be given, but it was prior to 1782, as in that year he is recorded as assisting in raising a- company of troops from hi's town to serve in- defense of the northern frontier. He married and had children : Cynthia, unmarried ; Su- san, married Levi Miller; Nathaniel, settled in- Granville ; Asa, see forward ; Tamson, mar- ried Luke Hitchcock : Eliud, settled in Gran- ville ; Matthias, settled in Granville ; Emily, unmarried. (VT) Asa, son of Nathaniel Parker, the pioneer, was born on the homestead farm in Middle Granville, Washington county, New York, in 1790, died in 1880. He grew up on- the farm and spent his life as a farmer. He was a young man when the second war with England broke out, and enlisted in the Amer- ican army and was in active service. He married Laura Whitney, who bore him nine children: i. Nathaniel, born 1825, died 1900; married. March 13, 1856, Cynthia, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Carpenter) Rogers. 2. Sidney. 3. Julia, married Mordecai Bull. 4. Esther, married David Woodward. 5. Enime- line. married William Sweet. 6. Delia, mar- ried Stephen Rogers. 7. George, married Mary Norton. 8. Frank, married .Alma Nor- ton. 9. Eliud, see forward. (VII) Eliud, .son of Asa and Laura ( \\'hit- ney) Parker, was born in South Granville, Washington county. New York, December 8, 1838, died Septemijer 28, 1896. He was edu- cated in the town schools, and reared a farmer, an occupation he followed all his life. He was a man of energy and character, gain- ing and holding the esteem of his fcllowmen. He married Sarah, daughter of George, and granddaughter of Burdick W^oodell, of Rhode Island. Children: i. Clarence, see forward". 2. Nathaniel W., born March 25, 1874; inar- ried Bertha Crosby. 3. Herbert F., December 10, 1877; n-iarried Mary Ackley and has a daughter Emily. (\'III) Clarence E., eldest son of Eruiil and Sarah (Woodcll) Parker, was born on the farm in South Granville, Washington county. HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLEYS New York. October i6, 1872. He was edu- cated in the local schools, jjrepared for and entered Williams Colleg;e, where he was grad- uated, class of 1896. In 1898 he was admitted to the New York bar and at once began prac- tice in Granville, where he is now (1910) lo- cated. He is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Granville Lodge. No. 55, Free and Accepted Masons, Saratoga Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and W'ashington Com- mandery. Knights Templar. In politics he is a Republican. (The Woodell Line). Sarah (Woodell) Parker is a descendant of William Wodcll, of Boston, Massachu- setts, and Portsmouth. Rhode Island, who died in 1693. He was of Boston, 1637, and evi- dently embraced the religious views of Rev. Wheelwright and Ann Hutchinson, for on November 20, 1637. he was ordered with otliers to give up all guns, pistols, swords, powder, shot, etc., because "the opinions and revelations of William Wheelwright and Mrs. Hutchinson have seduced and led into dan- gerous errors many of the people here in New England." January 12, 1643, he and ten others bought of Aliantonomi for "144 fath- oms of Wampum" a tract of land called by tlie Indians Shawomet (Warwick). Here began his trouble with Massachusetts Bay Colony, who claimed jurisdiction and title to Rhode Island. September 12. 1643, '^^ with others of Warwick was notified to appear at general court at Boston to hear complaint of two Indian sachems, Pomham and Socon- occo, as to "some unjust and injurious deal- ings toward them by yourselves." The War- wick men declined to obey the summons, de- claring they were legal subjects of the King of England, and beyond the limits of Massa- chusetts territory, to whom they would ac- knowledge no subjection. Soldiers were sent, who besieged the settlers in a fortified house. In a parley it was said "they held blasphemous errors" which they must repent of "or go to Boston for trial." November 3, 1643, having been brought with others before the court at Boston charged with heresy and sedition, they were sentenced to be confined during "the pleasure of the court," and should they break jail or preach their heresies or speak against the church or state, on conviction their sen- tence would be death. Extreme as such meas- ures now seem, they are matched by the un- daunted courage of the men who in the face of such danger held to their religious convic- tions and defied their enemies. William Wo- dell was sent to Watertown, but not to prison, and remained at large until the following March and was then banished from both Mas- sachusetts and Warwick. He thereupon re- turned to Portsmouth. Most of his compan- ions in the trial suflfered close imprisonment for several months. In 1655 he was made a freeman; 1656-63 was commissioner; 1664- 1686 was sixteen times elected deputy to the Rhode Island general court. April 4,' 1676. it was voted "that in these troublous times and straits in this Colony, this Assembly desiring to have the advice and concurrence of the most judicious inhabitants of it may be had for the good of the whole, desire at their next meeting the company and counsel of Mr. Ben- edict .Arnold," and fifteen others among whoni was William Wodell. May 5, 1680, he was- appointed as a committee to "put the laws and acts of the colony into such a method that they may be put in print." In 1684 he was elected assistant (to the governor), but posi- tively refused to serve. His will was proved May 2, 1693. An extract throws some light upon the charges made by the sachems for which he was first "haled to Boston," ".And whereas it hath been said by several persons that I with some others did go about to wrong the town of Portsmouth in purchasing Hog Island of an Indian sachem called Mossosup, I am so far from doing any wrong therein that I do give unto the free inhabitants of the said town of Portsmouth * * '' Hog Island and other land." He makes the same state- ment in regard to some land bought on Rhode Island. He married Mary , and had a son Gershom, born July 14, 1642, who married Alary Tripp and had sons. William Wodell also had daughters Mary, Sarah, Alice and Frances, who married and had large families. The .Vmerican progenitor of C.ARHART the Carhart family, Thomas Carhart, arrived at New York, August 25, 1683, holding the appoint- ment of private secretary to Colonel Thomas Dongan, English governor of the colonies in .'\merica at that date. He was the son of Anthony Carhart, of Cornwall, England, and was born about 1650. "The bible of .'\nthony Carhart — more than two hundred years old — containing the name of Tliomas Carhart is still in existence in England." "The earliest mention of the family in the Herald's office and British Museum. London, is 1420, where the name is found to liave been Carharta and Carhurta. .Arms ; ar. two bars sa. in chief, a demi grififin issuant of the last : Crest, a demi man naked ar. a wreatli about his head. sa. in right hand an oaken branch, vert, acorns or."" These arms were granted either during the reign of Richard II. of England or soon after. i6i6 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Descendants of Thomas Carhart are found all •over the United States. In Westchester •county, New York, the name is found as Car- hartt, Carehartt and Carhart. The first rec- ord found in America referring to Thomas •Carhart is of a joint petition with William Britton for lands on the south side of Staten Island at a place called Great Hill, dated May, 1691. In that year he was clerk of Richmond county (Staten Island), New York. Novem- ber 22, 1691, "a marriage license was granted to Thomas Carhart of Staten Island in the •county of Richmond, gentlemen, and Mary Lord." The date and place of marriage have not been found. May 24, 1695, "A deed of Thomas Carhart of Woodbridge, Middlesex ■county. New Jersey, gentleman, and Mary his wife, to John Loofburrow of Woodbridge, for ■ one acre of upland on the south side of Crane Creek, to frame and erect a grist mill, with right of way through the lands of Thomas Carhart." This shows that Thomas and Mary had removed to W'oodbridge, New Jersey, prior to 1695. His will proved April 6, 1696, devised his property to his wife during her lifetime and named her sole executrix. Sons, John Robert and William. These were reared under the care of their stepfather, Thomas Warne, of Woodbridge, to which place he had removed from Monmouth county, New Jer- sey, at the time of his marriage with Mary 'Carhart, their mother, in 1698. When the Carhart boys became of age he gave them a •deed for six hundred acres of land in Middle- sex county, New Jersey. (II) John, eldest son of Thomas and Mary (Lord) Carhart, was born on Staten Island, New York, 1692. He removed from Wood- 'bridge. New Jersey, to Rye, Westchester •county, New Y'ork, before 1717, as his name is found in a list of religious teachers at Rye, ■completed in that year. Later he became ■clerk of the vestry of Grace Episcopal Church, Rye, an office he held many years. He was a lawyer and practised his profession at Rye from 1717 to 1750. The date of his death is unknown. June i, 1717, he signs a deed with Anne, his wife. This is the only record known of her. In 1745 he signs a deed with Jane, his second wife. Children by first wife: Thomas ; Mary, married Caleb, son of Nathan, son of George Kniffen. of Stratford, Connec- •ticut, in 1666; John; perhaps others, but the records do not show whether others of the •name were children or nephews from New Jersey. (III) Thomas (2), eldest son of John and Anne Carhart, was born in Rye, Westchester •county, New York, about 1718, died 1761. He resided in Westchester countv all his life. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Annie (Brown) Purdy. She died "Novem- ber 26, 1798, a few weeks over eighty-four years." Children: i. John, removed about 1800 to Orange county, later to Oxford, Chenango county. New York, where he died January 2, 1836, aged ninety-six years : he married Hannah, daughter of Sylvanus Mer- ritt. and had issue. 2. Annie, born May 5, 1742, married Joshua Gednay, of Rye, born February 11, 1742, died August 28, 1786, re- sided in New York City. 3. Thomas, born about 1744, removed to town of Bethlehem, Albany county. New Y'ork, where he died ; he married Alary Merriam, of Rye, and had issue. 4. Daniel, of further mention. 5. James, married Elizabeth \'anderbilt. 6. Hackaliah, married Margaret Anderson. 7. Joshua, mar- ried Phoebe Baker. (lY) Daniel, third son and fourth child of Thomas (2) and Elizabeth (Purdy) Carhart, was born at Rye, New Y'ork, 1746, died at Coeymans, Albany county. New York, August 24, 1829. He removed from Rye to Coey- mans in 1793. He married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Captain Robert Bloomer, of Rye. Chil- dren: I. James, born 1774, married Susan Jerolomon, of Coeymans, and had issue. 2. Annie, born 1776, married Elijah Utter, of Coeymans, and removed to Weston, New York. 3. Daniel, born September 13, 1777, resided at Coeymans; married, October 5, 1799, at King street, Rebecca, daughter of Sands and Mary Sutton, of Westchester county ; nine children. 4. Hackaliah. 5. Solo- mon, of further mention. 6. Robert, born July 2, 1784, died 1872 ; married, June 29, 1807, Catherine Rowe, of Coeymans, died February 7, 1850 ; six children. 7. Thomas D., torn March 15, 1786, at Rye, died at Albany, New York, January 2, 1861 ; married. March 4, 1810, at Rye, Mary Totten, of Guilderland, New Y'ork, born July 23, 1785. died Novem- ber 2, 1837; six cliildren. 8. Isaac, born March 4, 1789, at Rye, died at Manlius, Onondaga county, New Y'ork, March 17, 1845 ; he settled in Manlius in 1827 ; married, May, 1807, Hannah Rowe, born November 6, 1790, at Coeymans, New York, died at Manlius, 1867; nine children. 9. Barbara, born 1792; married (first) Stephen Rowe, no issue; married (second) Samuel Goodfellow, of Syracuse; one son; married (third) Pray, no issue ; she removed to Indiana. (V) Solomon, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Bloomer) Carhart, was born at Coeymans, Albany county. New York, September 6. 1782, died there August 30, 1861. He was a farmer. He married, at Coeymans, March 16, 1804, Catherine Fires (or Fryer), born .-Xpril 4, HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \-ALLEVS 1617 1784. died 1871. Children: i. Anna, born April 24. 1805. died unmarried. 2. Catherine, born August 20, 1807; married. October 30, 1830, William Tuttle, of Coeymans : she died February, 1877, leaving five children. 3. Sarah Maria, born September 2, 1808, died at Washington, D.C., November i. 1868: mar- ried. 1S28, Hiram Tompkins, of Litchfield, born February 13, 1810, at Westerlo. Albany county. New York, died at Washington, D. C", December 27, 1875 ; eight children. 4. Hack- aliah. born July 6. 1810: married, 1834. Eliza- beth Shultz. and settled at Penn Yan, New York : three children. 5. Peter, born .^pril 19, 1812: married, February, 1842, Ellen Coonly, and removed to Janesville, Wisconsin ; two children. 6. Solomon, horn February 4, 1814: married, 1844, Hester Holating: five children. 7. Jane Eliza, born April 21, 1816: married, October, 1834. James Terry, and re- moved to Michigan: eight children. 8. Levi, born April 20, 1819: married, ]\rarcli, 1841, Catherine Spring, and settled at Schodack, New York : two children. 9. Judith, born June 16, 1821 : married (first) January i, 1851, George Martin, of New York City: re- moved to Dodge county, Minnesota, where he died June 21, 1865: married fsecond) August 12, 1867, George Duffy, of Claremont, Dodge county, Alinnesota : three children by first mar- riage. 10. Margaret Louise, born June 6, 1823, died September 8, 1874: married. Octo- ber 17. 1842. John Van Buren, of Schodack, Rensselaer county. New York : born Novem- ber 13, 1820: they settled at Ellington, Dodge county, IMinnesota: four children. 11. Leon- ard A., of further mention. 12. Fletcher, born IVIarch 24, 1827; married. 1853, Jane Weeks, and settled in Brooklyn, New York ; seven children. (VL) Leonard Arkell, son of Solomon and Catherine (Fires or Fryer) Carhart, was born in Coeymans, Albany county. New York, May 22, 1825. He was a merchant of Coey- mans. He married, September 14, 1851, Elizabeth Smith, of Springfield, New York ; children: i. Leonard Romaine. of further mention. 2. Anna G., born November 8, 1856. 3. Ella M.. born March 2, 1859, grad- uate of State Normal College, Albany, New York. 4. Truman S., born March 15, 1864. 5. Milburn, born July 31, 1867. fX'H) Leonard Romaine, son of Leonard Arkell and Elizabeth (Smith) Carhart, was born in Coeymans, Albany county. New York, June 7, 1852. He was educated in the pub- lic schools, and has spent his life in Coey- mans engaged in the boot and shoe business, also being a poultry fancier and raiser. He is a man of high princii^Ie and universally respected. He is a Republican in politics and has served his town as assessor and in other public oflSce. ■ He married, .August 4, 1880, Ella Jeannette, born at Hudson, New York, 1853, daughter of Whiting Benjamin Sheldon, born March 2, 1823, now a retired merchant of Hudson : trustee for years of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a strong adherent of the Republican party; married, October 13, 1842, Caroline Williams, of Connecticut. He is a son of Benjamin Sheldon, who lived and died at Johnstown, New York. Children of Whiting Benjamin Sheldon: Delia A., died young: Sarah, born 1843: Mary E., born 1848, married Frank J. Matthews, a manu- facturer of Brooklyn, New York: Charles, born 1850; Ella Jeannette, born 1853, mar- ried Leonard Romaine Carhart : Edward, born 1857; Harriet, born 1859, married Bennett Quinlan. Children of Leonard R. and Ella ]. Carhart: i. Sheldon Romaine, born May 16, 1881. educated in the public school, now drv goods merchant of Hudson : he is a member of the New York National Guard, a com- municant of the Methodist Episcopal church, aflfiliated with Hudson Lodge, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, a Republican in politics ; he married. March 3, 1903, Emma Ham: chil- dren : Albert Sheldon, born May 3, 1905 ; Harold, May 4, 1907. 2. Claude Bentley, born June 5, 18S3, educated in the Hudson com- mon school and high school and is a book- keeper of Hudson : member of the Methodist Episcopal church, secretary of the Sunday school, member of the Young Men's Christian Association, Republican in politics, unmar- ried. 3. Caroline Sheldon, graduate of Hud- son high school. 4. Clayton Sereo, born April 4, 1888, graduate of Hudson high school, now clerk with George Harris, gentleman's fur- nishings, Hudson : an active Republican : mar- ried, November 2, 1906, Lillian Maratskey ; children : Harry Sheridan, born 1907 ; Clay- ton Sereo, born June 26, 1909. 5. Leonard Arkell, born April 24, 1892, educated in the public schools, now clerk in Hudson ; a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Leonard R. Carhart survives Iier husband, a resident of Hudson. The history of this branch of L.ASHER the Lasher family begins in West Camp. Columbia county. New York, in 1710, with Sebastian Lasher, of whom little is known. There are many theories concerning his nativity, but nothing is proven. The first positive record is of the birth of his daughter Maria Elizabeth, and her baptism in the church at West Camp in 1710. The only other record is that he i6i8 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS was among those willing to remain at West Camp in 1724. if lands were surveyed to him. He married Elizabeth ; children : Se- bastian, of whom further; George, born 1703; Conrad, 1708; Maria Elizabeth, baptized June I, 1710. (U) Sebastian (2), son of Sebastian (i) and Elizabeth Lasher, lived at Livingston Manor (then Albany county. New York). His will, dated June 11, 1775. proved February i, 1776, names wife Elizabeth and nine children. He married Elizabeth Livingston. Children : Sebastian (3), married Gertrude Shultis ; Samuel, married Jannecke . he was a soldier of the revolution in the Eleventh Regi- ment, Albany county militia; Elizabeth, mar- ried Samuel Coon ; Helena, married Jury Rossman ; Hannah, married Peter Bain ; Vel- tern, baptized May 6. 1738; Frederick, May 6. 1738; Markus (Marcus), of whom fur- ther : Herman, baptized June 4, 1742. (HI) Marcus, son of Sebastian (2) and Elizabeth (Livingston) Lasher, was baptized June 4, 1742. He married Elizabeth . Children, all baptized at the Lutheran church at Manorton, Columbia county. New York : Hermanus, baptized December 10, 177 1. mar- ried Mary Kilmer, October 19, 1796; George, baptized August 14, 1773, was one of the early settlers of Duanesburg, Schenectady county. New York, married Helen McMillan, born in Scotland ; Catherine, baptized May 7, 1776; Hannah, baptized August 24, 1780; Marcus (2), of whom further; John; Sebas- tian, moved with family to Canada, married (first) Elizabeth Doll, (second) Anna Erk- nowbruch ; Joseph, lived in the town of Beth- lehem, Albany county, New York, married Eve Snyder. (IV) Marcus (2), son of Marcus (i) and Elizabeth Lasher, was born in Germantown, Columbia county, New York, died in Albany county. New Y'ork, aged over seventy years. His will dated October 6, 1833, was proved November 6, 1835. He married in Columbia county Elizabeth Kilmer (also spelled in the records Cilmore and Gilmore). He settled after marriage on a farm in the town of Beth- lehem, Albany county, which he owned, cul- tivated and passed down to his children. His children were: i. Catherine, born June 10, 1793; married Shubal Palmer. 2. Marcus, married (first) Margaret Race; (second) Cor- nelia Springstead : no issue. 3. Peter, born December 29, 1796, died in Bethlehem, New York, at the age of seventy years, unmar- ried. 4. Joseph, born December 30, 1798, died in Coeymans, New York, at age of sev- enty-five years ; married Maria Joralarmon and" left issue. 5. Magdalena, born April i, 1801 ; married (first) Edwin Burham. July i, 1824; married (second) John Corning. 6. John, of whom further. 7. Maria, born Octo- ber 29, 1807 ; married George Hill, July 21, 1829 ; lived in Saugerties, New York, no issue. 8. Eve, born June 5, 181 1; married \Villiam Wood ; children : Charles, Abner, Captain Stiles M., Eliza, Margaret, Matilda, Jane and Caroline. 9. Elizabeth, married John B. Statts ; they lived in Albany, where he died before 1833. 10. Hannah, married Africa Clapper; children: George, Peter, William H., John D., who was killed in the civil war, Re- becca and Elizabeth A. 11. Elnora, who died unmarried. (V) John, son of Marcus (2) and EHza- beth (Kilmer) Lasher, was born in Bethle- hem, Albany county. New York, July 27, 1803, died in the town of Coeymans, same county, at the home of his son. May, 1876. He followed the occupation of a farmer until his latter years, when he retired to Coeymans with his son. He was a Democrat. He mar- ried Eleanor Waggoner, of Bethlehem, born 1814, died October 4, 1887, in Albany, daugh- ter of Henry and Margaret (Vroman) Wag- goner, early residents of Coeymans, where they died, leaving Christopher, Cornelius, John, James, William, Eleanor, Magdelene, Maria, Ann, Jane, twin of Ann. She was a member of the Dutch Reformed church. Children: i. Henry, born 1833, died in Al- bany, 1888; member of the police force: mar- ried Sarah Wemple: children: Harvey. Etta, Ella and Emma. 2. Elizabeth, born 1835; married Simeon Garrett, of Coeymans, New York ; both deceased ; children : Lyman, rail- road engineer of Ravena ; Horace, railroad man of New York ; Ardell, died young. 3. .Maria, died young. 4. Louisa jane, born 1S37, married Ezra Swartout, of South West- crlo ; left child, Cora, married Archie W. Smith, of Mechanicsville, and has issue. 5. James, of whom further. (VI) James, son of John and Eleanor (Waggoner) Lasher, was born in Bethlehem, November 16. 1842. He was educated in a private school, grew up on the Bethlehem farm, and after marriage settled in Coe\-mans, where he built up a profitable trade in meats and groceries. After twelve years in Coey- mans he sold his interests and removed to Albany, where he resumed the grocery busi- ness on Madison avenue, later removing to Pearl street in the same line. After several years he located on JefTcrson street, where he continued until his retirement in 1905. His business career has been an active and suc- cessful one. In politics he has always been an active Democrat. While in Coevmans he HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS .19 was president of the village corporation, clerk of the town, and a leader of his party. He was a membty of the Dutch Reformed cliurch of Coeynians and for many years a deacon. He married, in Bethlehem, February 17, 1869, Alary C. Clapper, born there December 5. 1850. Children: i. Alva J., of whom fur- ther. 2. Harry C, born June 30, 1872, died November, 1898, in .-\lbany, buried in Beth- lehem : married Catherine T. De Freest, of Ravena, who survives him without issue. 3. Ella May, born June 8, 1875, died September 9, 1876. Mary C. (Clapper) Lasher is a lineal descendant of Peter and Margaret (Hess) Clapper. William, son of Peter Clapper, was born in Bethlehem, where he died in old age. He married Magdalena Kilmer. Children : David. John, Peter, Mary, Hannah, Catherine, Eve, Sarah, Margaret and Elizabeth. Peter, son of William Clapper, died of sunstroke in Bethlehem, aged fifty-six years. He was a farmer. He married Sarah Ann, daughter of Elias and Susannah (Van O'Linda) Oster- hout, granddaughter of Henry, son of William Osterhout, a pioneer of the Hudson Valley. Children of Elias and Susannah Osterhout : Henry, Jacob, John, Catherine, Van O'Linda, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Jane, Catherine (2), Susannah M., Sarah Ann, twin of Susannah M. Children of Peter and Sarah Ann (Osterhout) Clapper: i. William, his only surviving child, Catherine, is of West Troy; ii. Charles Henry, farmer and hotel propri- etor of New Scotland, where he died without issue; iii. Helen M., married Adam Westfall, of Altamont, farmer; children: Daniel Wil- liam, Amos, Charles, Adam and Mary; iv. Mary C, married James Lasher. (VH) Alva J., son of James and Mary C. (Clapper) Lasher, was born in Bethleliem, Septetnber 19, 1870. Educated in the public and private schools. He was for ten years representative of Whiting Manufacturing Company, silversmiths, New York, and for the past twelve years with the International Silver Company, representing them as travel- ing salesman, covering a large territory. He retains his home at Glenmont, where he pur- chased "Rockhill Manor," the former home of Judge Nott. He is a Republican in poli- tics. He married, July 2. 1895, in Jersey City. New Jersey, Augusta, born May 12, 1872, in New Baltimore, Greene county. New York, daughter of John A. and Susan M. (Hotal- ing) Davis. John A. Davis was born in Greene county. New York, 1832, died July 24, 1898, a ship and dry dock builder, of Al- bany and New York City, a son of William Livingston Davis, who was in the same busi- ness, died in Albany, i88o, aged seventy-nine. He married Sarah Hotaling and left children : ^^■illiam L, John A. and Catalena Davis. John A. Davis was a deacon of the Reformed church at one time. Susan M. (Hotaling) Davis is a descendant of the old Greene county family of Hotaling, among the early families of that county. Children of John A. and Susan M. Davis: i. James H., of Peeks- kill; married three times: ii. Catalena, married Cornelius Waggoner, a farmer of Bethlehem; no issue; iii. Elmina, married Williard El. McHarg, of Albany, a reporter on the Jri^iis, has daughter May Louise, graduate of .Albany high school, now student at Albany Normal College; iv. Augusta, married Alva j. Lasher; V. Edgar S., ofPeekskill, with the New York Central Railroad Company, married l-"lorence Shire, and has Susan D., born 1906, and Gladys, born and died 1910; vi. Anna Guest, married Malcolm Wood, of Peekskill. New York : children : Edgar, Davis, John, Mal- colm (2), Alice May. Alva J. and Augusta Lasher are members of the Dutch Reformed church. They have no children. This is one of the oldest MYNDERSE families of the Mohawk Valley ; has been prominent in Schenectady from the earliest period of its history, and descendants two and a half cen- turies later are found occupying high positions of trust and honor. These descendants are to be found not only bearing the name of Mynderse, but also that of Van Inveren. the name of the town in Holland from which the immigrant ancestor came. As will be seen in the following record the intermar- riages of the heads of each generation con- nect the present with the principal early settlers of Schenectady and the Dutch pio- neers of .\lbany. Maria Wcmp ( Wemple) was a daughter of Jah Wemp and a grand- daughter of Jan Barentse Wemp, who came to Beverwyck in 1643 O"" "'HS- Married Maritje Myndertse, who after his death mar- ried Sueer Teunise Van Velsen, "the village miller,"' both of whom perished in the Indian massacre of February 9, 1690. Sarah Swart was a (laughter of Esaias and Eva Jan Scho- enderwocrt (alias Van Woert^ and grand- daughter of Teunis Cornelise Swart, one of the original proprietors of Schenectady, who married Elizabeth \'andcr Linde. Geerdriy Van Slyck was a granddaughter of the first settler of the name in Beverwyck. and An- netje A'edder was of the fourth generation from Herman Vcdder, the "founder;" Other prominent and familiar names will be noted in the record. Two brothers, Mvndert and Carsten I'red- l620 HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \'ALLEYS erickse, came to Beverwyck from Holland and were among the early settlers. They were smiths and followed their trade there. Among their landed estate was the property now the corner of Broadway and Spanish (now Hud- son) street, Albany. They were members of the Lutheran church, of which Myndert was an elder and Carsten deacon in 1680. The latter died about 1690, leaving four children. Myndert Frederick se was armorer to the fort in 1697. He made his will, March 21, 1703- 04, proved May i, 1706, in which he speaks of "My house hard by the church on Cow Street" (now Broadway) and of "my church book with silver clasp and chain." He mar- ried (first) Cathalyn Burchard (Burger) in New Amsterdam, August 5, 1656; (second) Retertje Teunise Van Vechten, in 1663. At the date of his will he had five living children : Frederick, born in 1657; Burger, 1660: Neelt- je, married Hendrick Douw ; Reinier and Jo- hannes, who settled in Schenectady. (H) Johannes Myndertse or Mynderse, son of Myndert h'rederickse, of Albany, settled in Schenectady in 1700. By trade he was a blacksmith and armorer to the fort. Like most of the other residents of the village, he was an Indian trader. In 1723 he was ar- rested by the sheriff of Albany county and brought before the Albany common coun- cil for having, contrary to the ordinances of the city of Albany, "received into and har- bored in his house Indians with beaver and other peltry." This was a serious charge, as the Albany traders claimed exclusive privi- leges with the Indians. He was fined ten pounds, which he refused to pay, whereupon the sheriff was ordered to keep "said Myn- derse safely in the common jail." But he shortly escaped, and as a punishment for his negligence the sheriff was ordered to pay Mynderse's fine and cost. Mynderse appealed his case to the supreme court of the province, sitting in New York City, and gained his case; he received from the common council damages which with fees and costs amounted to forty-one pounds nine shillings and three pence. It is believed the decision effectually established the rights of citizens of Sche- nectady to the same privileges of trade as the citizens of Albany. Johannes Myn- derse made his will, May 4. 1754, proved September 7, 1757, wherein he speaks of his three sons, Myndert, Jacobus and Reynier, and distributed his estate between them. He then owned property on the west corner of Mill lane and State street, also on the north side of State street, where he had a black- smith sliop and a bolting house. He married Gcertruy, daughter of Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck, and granddaughter of Cornelise, the first settler of the family in Beverwyck. Chil- dren : I. Myndert, see forward, f 2. Margaret, baptized in Albany, June 8, 1707; married Pieter Groenendyk. 3. Jacobus, baptized April 22, 1709, in Albany. 4. Reynier, Octo- ber, 1710. 5. Petries, April 19, 1718. (III) Myndert, son of Johannes and Geer- truy (Van Slyck) Mynderse, learned and followed his father's and grandfather's trade of blacksmith. He inherited under his father's will lot No. 93 State street, Schenectady, and the blacksmith shop next east of it. He made his will in 1761, proved July 18, 1763, and speaks of wife Maria, sons Johannes, Barent and Harmen, and daughters Geertruy, Mar- gareta and Sarah. To Johannes he gave his house and blacksmith shop. He married, Jan- uary 15, 1736, Maria, daughter of Jan and Sara (Swart) Wemp (Wemple). Children: I. Geertruy, baptized July 11, 1736; married Petrus Vander Volgen. 2. Parach, January 7. 1739- 3- Margareta, September 28, 1740. 4. Johannes, see forward. 5. Margareta, May 27, 1744; married Teunis A. Swart. 6. Bar- ent, February 8, 1747. 7. Harmen, July 2, 1749. 8. Sara, December 26, 1752. (IV) Colonel Johannes (John) Mynderse, son of Myndert and Maria (Wemp) Myn- derse, was baptized October 18, 1741. died October 29. 1815. He was also a blacksmith, judging from the fact that to him his father left by will his blacksmith shop and tools. Many of this generation are borne upon the revolutionary rolls of New York state as sol- diers both in the line and in the Albany county regiments. John Mynderse was captain of the Second Regiment, Albany county militia, commanded by Colonel Abraham Wemple. He was colonel of militia after the revolu- tion and a man of pfominence. He married Annetje, daughter of Simon and Maria (Truax) Vedder, granddaughter of Arent and .Sarah (Groot) "V'edder, and great-grand- daughter of Harmen .Albertse Vedder. the first settler of the \'edder family in America, and trader in Beverwyck before the year 1657. She died March 9, 1825. Children: i. Simon, bap- tized January 23, 1785. 2. Simon (2), bap- tized June 10, 1787. 3. Barent, bom July 17, 1790, died March 8, i860; married Catherine Douw Ten Eyck, who died December 14, 1852, daughter of Barent and Annatje (Hoff- man) Ten Eyck, a descendant of Conrad Ten Eyck, of New Amsterdam, New York. 4. Aaron, see forward. 5. Maria, born January 8, 1797, died October 25, 1805. (Y) Aaron, son of Colonel Jolin and .Annetje (\'eddcr) Mynderse, was born in Sclienectady, New York, November 3, 1793, HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \ALLEYS i6j died September 14, 1834. He married, in Schenectady, Anna Maria, daughter of Rev. Herman Vedder, of Gallatin, Columbia county, New York, and his wife, Harriet (Van \'ranken) Vedder, who was the daughter of Maus Van Wanken, of Schenectady. Chil- dren: I. Barent Arent, see forward. 2. Har- riet \'edder, born 1830, died 1868; married Peter Edward \an Alstync, son of .\dam Van Alstyne, an early settler of Kinderhook. 3. Anna ilcClellan, born 1832. unmarried. 4. ;Mary Lynn, born 1833, died September 18, 1834. 5. Catherine Douw, born December, 1834, died March, 1902, unmarried. (\'l) Barent Arent (or Aaron) Myndcrse, i\l.D., eldest son of Aaron and Anna Maria (Vedder) Mynderse, was born in Schenec- tady, New York, June 15, 1829, died October 2, 1887. He was educated in the public schools ; entered Union College, graduating in class of 1849. He chose medicine as his pro- fession. He was graduated from Albany Medical College, with degree of M.D., in 1853, and was for years a leading physician and prominent citizen of Schenectady. He was curator of Albany Medical College; president for eight years, 1879-87, of Schenectady board of education : member of the Delta Phi fra- ternity of Union College ; director of the Mo- hawk Bank of Schenectady ; one of the or- ganizers and member of the board of censors of the Schenectady County Medical Associa- tion ; member of the congregation of the First Dutch Reformed Church, and a Democrat in politics. He married Albertina Sanders, daughter of General Leonard William and Helen (Livingston) Ten Broeck, born April 23, 1835. died November 13, 1900, a descend- ant of Major Dirk W'esselse Ten Broeck, born in 1642: was of Beverwyck in 1662, and founded the Ten Broeck family in the Hud- son \alley. Children: i. Helen Livingston, born September 13. 1867; married Edwin .Mc- Clellan. of Cambridge, Washington county, New York, now a prominent wholesale drug- gist of London, England ; no issue. 2. Her- man Vedder (see forward). 3. William Ten Broeck. born August i, 1871 ; Union College, class of i893;'Delta Phi Fraternity; architect of Schenectady; married Sarah Hulme Wil- son, born in Clermont, Columbia county. New York, May 12, 1871, daughter of Harold and Mary E. (Sanders) Wilson, and granddaugh- ter of Judge William Henry Wilson, of Cler- mont, New York, and his wife, .Anne (Hulme) Wilson, daughter of one of the old and aristocratic families of Philadelphia. -Mary E. Sanders was a daughter of Judge John Sanders, a writer of note and editor of a valuable history of Schenectady county, New York. He married Jane Livingston, a direct descendant of Robert Livingston, first "Lord of the Manor," Columbia countv, New York. (\TI) Herman \'edder Myndcrse. M.D., eldest son of Dr. Barent Aaron and .Albertina Sanders (Ten Broeck) Mynderse, was born in Schenectady, New York, May 29, 1861. He prepared for college in the Schenectady schools, entered I'nion College and was grad- uated with degree of A.B. in class of 1884; entered Albany Medical College and was graduated with degree of M.D., class of 1887. He at once began the practice of his profes- sion in his native city, where he is still ac- tively engaged in general practice. Follow- ing the example of his honored father, he ha.^ given freely of his time to the varied business, and other interests of Schenectady. He has been a director of the Mohawk National Bank since 1891 : was first vice-president for several years, and in 1908 was chosen president; is now and has been for several years trustee of the Schenectady Savings Bank ; he is a mem- ber of the Schenectady County and State Medical societies ; American Medical As- sociation and member of medical staff of Ellis Hospital, Schenectady. He is an active member of the Delta Phi fraternity of Union College; president of the Village of Scotia, from 1894 to 1900. (his home); dea- con and former member of the consistory of the First Reformed Church, and a Demo- crat in politics. Dr. Mynderse married, Oc- tober I, 1900, Helen Louise Douw. born in Poughkeepsie, New York. July 30, 1864, daughter of John De Peyster and Mary (Lanman) Douw. John De Puyster Douw was born in Albany in 1812. died in Poughkeepsie, New York, February. 1901 ; he was a lineal descendant of Hendrick Douw, the early settler. He was a prom- inent business man of .Albany for many years, and a man of large means and exten- sive interests. His wife, Mary (Lanman) Douw, was a daughter of Charles Lanman. of Connecticut, and sister of Charles Lanman, for several years secretary to the Ja|>anese embassy at Washington, D. C. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Douw: i. Mary L., married Morris Ferris, of New York City; children: Mary, married Joseph Roberts, of New York City; Morris J., an attorney of New York City ; \'an Wyck. 2. Margaret L., married Edward N. Townsend, of Garden City, Ij:)ng Island. 3. Charles C... civil engineer; unmar- ried in Schenectady, New York. 4. William D.. died young. 5. Helen Louise, married Dr. Herman Vedder Mynderse; they have no children. 1622 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS James Cowee was born in the COWEE old world in 1726 or 1727 of unknown parentage. He died April 29, 1801. He was the ancestor of those distinguished by that name in this vicinity, if not in the entire country. While yet a lad, as the story goes, his mother died. A step- mother coming into the family did not take kindly to him or his brother Bartholomew, but neglected and abused them. The father, as they grew older, conceived the idea of sending them to America to seek their for- tunes and work out their destinies. He made an arrangement with the captain of a vessel about to sail thither, a warm personal friend of his, to take the youths with him, paying him liberally for their passage and entrusting him with additional funds to be given them when they should disembark, as a means of getting a'start in the new land. During the voyage Bartholomew, the younger brother, died, which was a sad misfortune to the sur- vivor. The captain of the ship proved recreant to his trust, betraying the confidetice of his friend and cheating an innocent, destitute and needy young man, a stranger in a strange -land, out of his rightful due. He not only 'withheld from the lad what he had received from the father for the sons' special use to be paid upon landing here, but actually sold him into temporary service, as the custom sometimes was in those days, for the second payment of the passage money across the sea. After the term of servitude he worked his way tback into the country among the new settle- ments, tarrying here and there as he could find employment, at length reaching Chocksett (now Sterling), where he remained a while, but ere long he came to Narragansett No. 2, where October i, 1750, he bought of Rev. Elisha Marsh lot number 96. He at once be- gan improvements, cleared six acres, erected a good cellar house, set out an orchard and had things well under way before the follow- ing July. He was an industrious, skillful, prosperous farmer, a man of much independ- ence and force of character, becoming one of the largest land holders of the town and hav- ing one of the most valuable residences at the time of the levying of the general United States tax in 1798. He married, March 3, 1757, Mary, daugh- ter of John Pearson, of Rowley. She died March 11, 1813. Children: i. John, born July 20, 1758, married Mary Rand, .settled in Chittenden, Vermont. 2. Sarah, October 12, 1759, married Zeeb Green. 3. Mehitable, March 21. 1761, married Nathan Wood. 4. David, of whom further. 5. James, February 31, 17^)5, married Susannah Baldwin. 6. Mary, January 17, 1767, married John Bige- low. 7. Rebecca. September 14, 1768, mar- ried (first) Jonathan Eager, (second) John Bigelow. 8. Nathan. June 19, 1770, died April 21, 1814. 9. Rhoda, April 30, 1772, married William Sawin. 10. Joel, February 15, 1774, died in infancy. 11. Pearson, October 9, 1775, married Susannah Upton. (II) David, son of James and Mary (Pear- son) Cowee. was born March 2, 1763. He spent most of his life near the North Com- mon, but about the year 1826 removed to Troy, New York, where he died in 1828. He mar- ried Millicent, daughter of Edward and Jemima (Trowbridge) Jackson, December 22, 1789. Children: i. Farwell, of whom fur- ther. 2. David, born 1792, died September 9, 1814. 3. Adolphus, no date recorded, dis- appeared in 1841. 4. Ann Maria, July 5, 18 TO, married Nahum P. Dole. (III) Farwell. son of David and IMillicent (Jackson) Cowee, was born in 1790. died in 1837. He was an active, enterprising, public- spirited man. He started in trade with Tim- othy Doty : they built the Doty store and ran it for several years. He removed to Troy, New York, where he engaged in the hotel business. He married (first) Abigail, daugh- ter of Nathan and .'\bigail (Holden) Mer- riam (see Merriam VII). She died Septem- ber 15, 1830. He married (second) Eliza Dole in 1832. Children of first wife: i. David, of whom further. 2. Farwell Mal- colm, of whom further. 3. Millicent, born June 22, 1822, married James Pierpont. 4. Abigail, April 24. 1824, died April 6, 1830. 5. Ann Eliza, July 19, 1829, married David Judson. Children of second wife: 6. George R., born 1833, died 1862. 7. Mary, 1835, died November 27, 1887; married Edgar T. Wait. (IV) David (2), eldest son of Farwell and Abigail (Merriam) Cowee, was born at West- minster. Massachusetts. June t6, 1818, died November 27, 1887, at Troy, New York. As a young man he entered the store of John L. Thompson as a clerk, and in 1841 was ad- mitted a partner and so continued during his lifetime. He was a director and vice-presi- dent of the Manufacturers National Bank and interested in other Troy business afifairs. He was an elder of the First Presbyterian Church, and a Republican in politics, serving as school commissioner. He married, Decem- ber 28, 1843, 3t Troy, Mary Elizabeth Young, born August 19, 1819, now (1911) living in Troy in her ninety-second year. Children : I. James Farwell, of whom further. 2. David, born September 30, 1849, a teller in the United National Bank of Troy. 3. Mary Louise, mar- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1623 ried Walter R. Biisli, Jr. 4. Clara Elizabeth, a resident of Troy. 5. Eleanor Gertrude, also a resident of Troy. (I\') Farwell Malcolm, son of Farwell and Abigail (Merriam) Cowee, was born in West- minster. Massachusetts, January 8, 1820, died in rierlin, New York, February 13, 1895. He lived in Westminster during his boyhood days ; in 1838 he removed to Troy, where he •entered business. In 1844 he bought a farm in Berlin, New York, where he was also in- terested in the Henry Harrington ]Manufac- turing Company, makers of mowing machines, but his principle business was farming. He ■was a Republican and was elected and served as supervisor for several years. He was a very prominent church worker, a member of the First Baptist Church and a deacon, and was active in Sunday school as a superin- tendent for many years. Farwell M. Cowee was married, February 15, 1844, to Sarah Elizabeth Godfrey, born in Berlin, August 8, 1820, died July 14, 1889, daughter of Josiah Godfrey, of Rhode Island, and Sarah (Burnell) Godfrey. Josiah Godfrey was the son of Robert Godfrey, born 1733, son of John (2) Godfrey, born January 31. 1703, son of John (i) Godfrey, born 1680, married. May 28, 1701, Elizabeth, daughter of Caleb Carr, who was governor of Rhode Island. Children of Farwell Malcolm and Sarah Elizabeth (Godfrey) Cowee: Abi- gail; Millicent; Malcolm G. ; Anna; Arthur: Willis Judson ; James Clarence, born August 25, 1863, a prominent business man of Troy, president and treasurer of the David Judson Coal Company, married, June 25, 1891, Bertha, daughter of Theodore and Matilda E, I Price) Hyatt; children: Marjory IT., Con- stance H., Theodore H. and James Farwell. (Vj James Farwell, eldest son of David (2) and Mary Elizabeth (Young) Cowee, Tx)rn in Troy, New York, September 23, 1844. He was educated in the public schools and Troy Academy, entered Williams College, •class of 1865, but left college during his jun- ior year. He entered the store of John L. Thompson Sons, as a clerk, January 18, 1864, was admitted as partner, February i, 1869, and so continued until the incorporation of John L. Thompson Sons & Company, July i. 1903, when he was elected president of the company, a position he now (1910) most worthily fills. He is a director of the Manu- facturers' National Bank and is interested in other Troy enterprises, but his greatest in- terest through his entire business life has been the Tolin L. Thompson & Sons Com- pany. He is an elder of the Presbyterian church and actively interested in church work. He is a member of the Masonic order. Sons of tlie Revolution, and Delta Kappa Epsilon fra- ternity. His social clubs are the Troy and Pafraets Daei, both of Troy. He married, April 22, 1869, Nancy Louise Denison, of Berlin, New York, daughter of Pardee N. and Aurora (Streeter) Denison. Child; Harvey Denison, born May 22, 1874; educated at Al- bany Boys Academy and Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University ; he was elected vice- president of the John L. Thompson Sons & Company in 1903, after a previous service of six years ; he married Louise Bontecou Cluett. (Tlie .Merriam Line). Nathan Merriam was a lineal descendant of Joseph Merriam, who came to .\merica about 1638 and settled in Concord, Massachu- setts; with him came brothers Robert and George. They were sons of William Mer- riam, of Hadlow, Kent county, England. Jo- seph was the founder of the Merriam family of Westminster. Massachusetts. (II) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (i) Mer- riam, married Sarah Stone. (III) Thomas, son of Joseph (2) and Sarah (Stone) Merriam, was born in 1672, married Mary Harwood. (IV) Thomas (2), son of Thomas (i) and Mary (Harwood) Merriam, married Tabitha Stone, of Waltham, and located in Lexington, Massachusetts. (V) Samuel, eldest son of Thomas (2) and Tabitha (Stone) Merriam, born December 21, 1723, was dismissed from the Lexington church to the Westminster ciiurch. He mar- ried Anne, daughter of David and Rebecca Whitney, of Waltham, June 4, 1752, and had seven children. (VI) Nathan, sixth child and second son of Samuel and .Anne (Whitney) Merriam, was born April 29, 1764, married Abigail, daugh- ter of .Abner and Elizabetii (Darby) Holden. (VH) Abigail, daughter of Nathan and Abigail (Holden) Merriam, born January 29. 1795, died September, 1820, married Farwell Cowee. (The Holden LineV Abigail Holden, wife of Nathan Merriam. was a descendant of Justinian Holden, who at the age of twenty-one years, in tlie year 1634, sailed from Ipswich, England, for .Vmer- ica; became one of the first proprietors of Watertown, Massachusetts, where he died. He became a man of substance and owned a farm of two hundred and ninety-four acres, now (1910) one of the most valuable tracts in the suburbs of Boston. Name of his first wife is unknown; he married (second) Marv, 1624 HUDSON AND AIOHAWK AWLLEYS daughter of Thomas Rutler, who bore him four sons, all of whom were prominent in the growth and development of Westminster, Massachusetts. (II) Deacon Joseph Holden, son of Justin- ian and Alary (Rutler) Holden, was born at Watertown, Massachusetts, September 6, 1683. The inscription of his gravestone best ex- presses his standing in Westminster, ■"Dea- con Joseph Holden, deceased November 3, 1768, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. He brought his family into this town in ye year 1737, being ye second family; was ye first Deacon of ye Church gathered here and faithfully discharged the duty thereof. Mark ye perfect and behold ye upright for the end of that man is Peace." He married (first) Abigail Shattuck ; (second) Elizabeth , who survived him. He had seven children, all by his first wife. (III) Abner, fourth son of Deacon Joseph and Abigail (Shattuck) Holden, was born November 2, 1722. He was clerk of the dis- trict and town of Westminster for many years, was repeatedly on the board of asses- sors, for nearly twenty years selectman, and for twenty years was the leading magistrate of the town. He was a member of the first provincial congress in 1774, a delegate to the convention called to adopt the state constitu- tion in 1779, and the first representative of the town to the general court established by that constitution. He was a brave and de- voted champion of the cause of independence, and did his utmost for its success. He mar- ried, February 25, 1752, Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Darby, who shared his fortunes more than half a century and survived him seven years. He died October 22, 1805, aged eighty-two years ; she died No- vember 12, 1810, aged eighty-three years. They were the parents of nine children. (IV) Abigail, eighth child of Abner and Elizabeth (Darby) Holden, was born August 25, 1767. married Nathan Merriam (see Mer- riam \T). The maternal line of the McKie McKlE family of Cambridge, New York, traces to Phineas Whiteside, born June 31, 1716, in county Tyrone, Ireland, died in the town of Cambridge, Washington county. New York, 1793. He came to the Ameri- can colonies about the year 1736 with his brother, landing at Philadelphia, and making settlement in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. He was a man of education and maintained a iirivate school, which he taught until he moved from the state. He was Protestant in religion and probably a Covenanter, if the fact that he was associated with John Cul- bertson, may be taken as evidence. John Culbertson was a Scotch Covenanter and mis- sionary. In 1764 or 1766 he came to Wash- ington county on a mission to the Secession church. He was accompanied on this long and perilous trip by Phineas Whiteside, who made permanent location in West Cambridge. He purchased a tract of fourteen hundred acres which he cleared in part and cultivated. The war of the revolution prevented his get- ting title to the land which he held on per- petual lease at a rental of one shilling per acre. The land was not held in "fee simple" until 1877, when it was purchased. As his sons came of age he gave them each two hundred acres of land. The homestead he erected is still standing and owned by a de- scendant, Mrs. Catherine Hobson. He was a very patriotic man and during the war of the revolution espoused with fervor the colo- nial cause, subscribing one thousand pounds to aid the colonial government. He also ex- erted himself in behalf of some soldiers who were being tried for desertion. He defended them with much skill and restored them to their commands. His wife at her death left one hundred pounds for the erection of a church in the locality, other members of the family contributed enough to complete it. It has always been known as the "Whiteside church." • He married Ann Cooper, while yet a resident of Pennsylvania. Children, the sons all settled on farms in the town : John, of further mention ; William, married Lois Freeman ; Peter, married Ann Robertson ; Thomas, married Betsey Cramer ; Edward, married Ann French : Ann, married Thomas- Cochrane ; Oliver, married Susanna Pender- gast. (II) Jolin, son of Phineas and Ann (Coop- er) Whiteside, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, 1752. He came to Washing- ton county with his parents in 1764 or 1766 and became a prosperous farmer of the coun- ty. He married Margaret Robertson. Chil- dren : Elizabeth ; Phineas, married Abigail Hunt; Thomas J., married Sophia Morse; Ann, married Peter McMurray ; Robertson, married Maria Pcndcrgast; Catherine, of fur- ther mention. (III) Catherine, youngest child of John and Margaret (Robertson) Whiteside, married John McKie. Children: John, Jr., was major of the Twenty-second Regiment, New York Infantry, organized June, 1861, later was com- missioned lieutenant-colonel ; unmarried. Wil- liam, of further mention : James, married' Annie Whiteside. (IV) William, eldest son of John and Cath- HUDSON AND MOHAWK WALLEYS 1625 erine (Whiteside) McKie, was born in West Cambridge, Washington county, New York. He married Minerva, born in West Arlington, \'ermont. daughter of Samuel and Mina (An- drews) Buck. Child, Kate M., now resident of Cambridge. New York. The Chatham, New York, SINCL.AIR branch of the Sinclair family was founded in New York state about a century ago by John Sinclair, who was born in England in 1804, died in Greene county, New York, in i860. When a young man of twenty years he came to the United -States, where he became a manu- facturer of woolen goods and a prominent citizen of Greene county, New York. He married Ann Jane Buchanan, who died in 1886. She was a daughter of John Buchan- an, born in the north of Ireland, came to the United States when a young man, loca- ted in New York City where he died at the extreme age of ninety-four years. He was engaged in manufacturing and was a well- known and successful man. He and family were members of the Presbyterian church. Ann Jane Buchanan was born in New York City about the year 1810 and died at Adams, Massachusetts. After her marriage to John Sinclair they lived in Greene county. New York. They were the parents of five sons and five daughters, including John B., of fur- ther mention, and Margaret, married Albert Plannum. (H) John B., son of John and Ann Jane (Buchanan) Sinclair, was born in Freehold, Greene county, New York, February 22, 1848. He was educated in the public schools, and in early life was a worker in the woolen mills of the section, later becoming a manufac- turer. After several years of active life in the woolen business he removed to Seymour, Con- necticut, where he was proprietor of the Windsor Hotel and manager of the Tingue Opera House. In 1880 he assumed the man- agement of the Nassau House, where he re- mained for several years. In 1896 he located in Chatham. New York where he pur- chased the Chatham House. He was a suc- cessful, popular "Mine Host," and made the "Chatham" the most delightful and best pat- ronized house in Columbia county. He con- tinued in its management until September, 1906, when he sold his entire hotel interest. He then established a plant in Chatham for the manufacture of barrels of all kinds, and has since been devoted to its management and successful operation. Since 1907 Mr. Sinclair has been continuously in public life. In that year he was elected by the Republican party to represent his district in the New York house of assembly, where he served with, credit on committees on internal affairs, com- merce and navigation, public lands and for- estry. In the same year (1907) he was elected mayor of Chatham, and his conduct of public affairs was so satisfactory to his townsmen, that he was re-elected in 1908-09-10. and is now serving his fourth term. He has proved a most valuable public official and under his watchful eye the public business of Chatham is vigorously and carefully conducted. He belongs to many societies and organizations and is a life member of Oriental Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of Broadbrook, Con- necticut. He married (first) in 1870, at North Adams, Massachusetts, Amanda L. Moon, born in Adams, Massachusetts, 1847, died at Seymour, Connecticut, 1889, daugh- ter of John Moon. Children: i. Anna J., horn in Clarksburg, Massachusetts, 1871, mar- ried Stillman Wright, of Seymour, Connecti- cut, where they now reside. Qiild. Helen, deceased. 2. John B. (2), born at Clarks- burg, 1873, "ow a resident of Seymour, Con- necticut, in the employ of the Day Manufac- turing Company. He married Ida Reigal. of Seymour. Child. Harold, died in early child- hood. John B. Sinclair married (second) in- Petersburg, New York, Mrs. Mary A. Scho- field, born in Adams, Massachusetts, in 1846, daughter of Thomas and Maria (Fuller) Lyons, and widow of George Schofield. The line of descent of SLINGERLAND this branch of the Slingerland family is as follows: (I) Teunis (Tuenise) C. Slinger- land, torn 1617. (II) Albert, born 1666. (Ill) Johannes, baptized 1696. (I\') Albert, born 1733. (V) Henry, .son of Albert and Elizabeth (Moak) Slingerland, was a farmer of the town of New Scotland, .Mbany county, New York. He married a kinswoman, Jemima Slingerland, and had children, among whom was Henry H. (\T) Henry H.. son of Henry and Jemima (Slingerland) Slingerland, was born in the town of New Scotland, .\lbany county. New York, 1808. He established in .Mbany the wholesale house of H. H. Slingerland & Son, which he operated successfully until i8cthlchem. .Albany county. New York, 1850. He was educated in the public 1626 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \-ALLEYS schools, and began his long and active business life in Albany as a clerk and bookkeeper for the firm of H. H. Slingerland & Son. In 1889, in association with his brother, John C. Slingerland, they purchased the business and together continued a wholesale and retail grocery business. Mr. Slingerland is a suc- cessful business man, and has reached a posi- tion of honor and influence in the city of Al- bany. He is a member of the Masonic order, ■belonging to Ancient City Lodge, No. 452, Free and Accepted Masons. He is a Repub- lican in politics, and a member of the Uncon- ditional Club. He married, March, 1875, Alice Cuyler, daughter of George Nelson and Eliza Ryckman (Martin) Geary, and grand- daugliter of George Geary, born in New- foundland in 1799. He was a merchant tailor. George Nelson Geary, son of George Geary, ■was born in Albany, New York, in 1824. He married, in Albany, in 1849, Eliza Ryckman Martin, born in Rochester, New York, in 1827. They had nine children, four of whom survived childhood. Children: i. Alice Cuyler, married De Witt C. Slingerland. 2. George Nelson. 3. Abraham Lincoln. 4. Grace May, married William H. Chamber- lain, of Albany, and has a son, Harry L. Cham- berlain. Children of De Witt C. and Alice Cuyler (Geary) Slingerland: i. Henry Cuy- ler, educated in the public schools of Albany ; a graduate of Albany high school, and for two years attended Williams College. He is asso- ciated with his father in business. He is a member of the University Club, and is ser- geant of Troop B., New York National Guard. 2. Frank Nelson, educated in the public schools ; graduate of Albany high school and Albany Business College. He is engaged in the automobile business in Albany. He mar- ried Anna MacDonald, and has a son Donald MacDonald Slingerland. Daniel McClure, ancestor of WARDLE Mrs. Alena Wardle, was of Scotch-Irish parentage ; he was a farmer of Albany county, New York. He was twice married and had five children by first wife: i. Wellington, torn on the home farm in southwestern .Mbany county, August 18, 1815, died at Saugerties, Ulster county, New York, July 8. 1875; he was a farmer; married Phoebe Kelly, November 10, 1830; children: i. James Edgar, died in infancy; ii. Catherine Ann, married, June 6, 1866, Robert DeLaVergne, bom March 30. 1840, in Al- bany county, New York, son of Moses Smith and grandson of Theodore P>. DeLaVergne, born in France. Moses Smith DcLa\'ergne was born in Massachusetts, settled in Albany county, where he was engaged in the under- taking business. He was an active Republi- can, town clerk and member of the Dutch Reformed church. He married Fannie Aikin. Child: Robert DeLa\'ergne, a traveling sales- man all his life until his retirement in 1908, for the last twelve years "on the road" he represented the Hammond Beef Company of Chicago. He is a Democrat in politics, and resides in Hudson. New York. Children of Robert and Catherine Ann (McClure) De La \'ergne: a. Fannie, married Norton M. Dene- gar, June 15, 1892; child, Norma DeLa Yergne; b. Maretta, born April 16, 1870, died March 19, 1883; c. McClure, born April 27, 1871. died September 4, 1871 ; d. Nora Mc- Clure, married, December 30, 1896, Edward W. Harrington. 2. Nelson, of California. 3. William, of Michigan. 4. Jeanette, of Illinois. 5. Hannah, of Albany. Daniel McClure by a second marriage to Widow Cobden had three children : 6. James Emory, of whom further. 7. Frances Asbury. twin of James E., born 1839. 8. Daniel, removed to the west. (II) James Emory, son of Daniel and (Cobden) McClure, born in 1839, died April 5, 1888. He was an architect, builder and con- tractor. Among his large contracts were the Freylinghuysen residence at Lenox, Grand Hotel at Summit, Chatham Depot and Cox- sackie schoolhouse. He built many of the local residences in Hudson and the Dutch Re- formed church at Germantown. He was a Republican in politics, a member and one of the official board of the Methodist Episcopal church in Hudson. He was leader of the choir and through his eiTorts a handsome pipe organ was obtained for the church. He was superintendent of the Sunday school, a worker for the welfare of the church, to which he gave liberally. James E. McClure married, in 1861, Kate Utter, born 1840, died May 17, 1887, daughter of Welcome and Pauline (Bogardus) Utter. The latter died July, 1888. Welcome Utter was a boot and shoe maker and formerly lived in Catskill Mountains. Kate Utter was the eldest of three children ; her brother Edgar died September, 1888, her sister Alice died aged eight years. Children of James E. and Kate McClure: i. Alice P., died in infancy. 2. Alena, born in Hudson, New York ; re- ceived a musical education, becoming a well- known and proficient performer on tx)th piano and pipe organ ; she is the organist of the Methodist Episcopal church at Hudson and an instructor of piano classes ; she married, De- cember 29, 1898, James Harold Wardle, son of Dr. John Knight Wardle. Child, James McClure, Ixirn November 19, iS9<). j^ ':) ■J^Jm/t^-*^ HUDSOX AXD MOHAWK VALLEYS revolution in the Seventh Regiment, Albany county militia. He married, about 1760, Jo- hanna Van Slyck, born October 23, 1736, died April 5, 1815, also a descendant of an early Dutch Mohawl< Valley family. Children: Barent, born September 28, 1762, died Febru- ary 20, 1763 ; Angelica, January 22, 1764, died February 19, 1850; Barent F., born November 26, 1769, died January 7, 1862; Harmon F., of whom fur- ther. (VI) Harmon F., son of Francis and Jo- hanna (Van Slyck) \'an Buren, was born March 29, 1775, died September 30, 1858. He accompanied his father to the Mohawk Valley and became the owner of one-quarter of the Mayfield purchase. Here he followed agricul- ture all his days, becoming prominent in town and church affairs, being especially active in the latter. He married, about 1796, Cather- ine Miller, born 1774, died March 13, 1845. Children: Hannah, born February i, 1798, died in infancy; Charles, March 5, 1799, died February 15, i860; Johanna, October 10, 1800, died January 18, 1853 ; Lucinda, No- vember 22, 1802, died March 3, 1874; Fran- cis, February 22, 1805, died March, 1872; Oliver Miller, of whom further ; Angelica, March 4, 1809, died August ii. 1884; Peter, Mav 4, 1813, died November 17, 1885. (VH) Oliver IMiller, son of Harmon F. and Catherine (Miller) Van Buren, was born in Mayfield, Fulton county, New York, April 4, 1807, died June, 1882. He was a farmer and a devoted member of the Presbyterian church. He married, January 21, 1829, Sallie Maria Hayes, born April 9, 181 1, died April 18, 1883. Children: Elizabeth, born January 9, 1830; Charles Henry, May 17. 1836; Har- mon E., June 28, 1839 ; Ansel Hayes, April 17, 1846, died August 31, 1910; Granville, August, 1853. (VHI) Charles Henry, son of Oliver Mil- ler and Sallie Maria (Hayes) Van Buren, was born May 17, 1836, died March 2, 1897. He married. March 30. 1864, Tsadore (Dora) Case. Children: i. Nellie Elizabeth, born February 27, 1865, married Foster G. Hearst, January 7, 1910. 2. Ada Blanche, of whom further. 3. Grace, born December 31, 1870, married. September 6, 1893, Owen G. Smith ; child, Paul, born January, 1902. 4. Hiram Gates, born March 27. 1876, married, September 2, 1903, Lizzie B. Morri- son ; children : Elizabeth and Margaret May. (IX) .'\da Blanche, daughter of Charles Henry and Isadore (Dora) (Case) Van Buren, was born January 29, 1867, married. December 15, 1886, James E. Kellv (see Kelly III). The Palmatiers of Cats- PALMATIER kill, New York, descend' from a French ancestor believed to have been named Jean. He came to America and settled in Albany county. New York. He was a farmer, married and reared a family. (II) Peter Palmatier, son of the emigrant, was born in Albany county, New York, im the town of Coeymans. Here he was edu- cated and learned the business of a farmer. He later purchased a farm in Greene county,. New York, about two miles from the village- of Catskill, where his children were born and' where he died. He married Deborah Hallen- beck. Children: i. Catherine, married Fred- erick Ocumpaugh, of Catskill, died in Troy, New York. 2. Peter (2), born 1805, died' 1883. 3. Moses. 4. John. 5. ^^'alter \V., of further mention. 6. Mellisa, married Asa Bullock and settled in the west. 7. Julia, mar- ried Emery Happy, of Columbia county, New- York, and settled in the west. 8. Abel B., a; Baptist clerg)'man, who preached in Essex county, New York, and died 1898. (III) Walter W., son of Peter and De- borah (Hallenbeck) Palmatier, settled on lot No. 78, the southwest corner of the patent known as Loonenburg Patent. In the deed' its location is mentioned and reference is made to the "ancient birch tree." This lot is in the town of Catskill, the town line crossing- the patent line about halfway between the Kings road and the Vosen Kill. He married, September 4, 1852, Jane, daughter of Wil- liam and Julia (Hollister) Magilton. Chil- dren: I. Frederick W., born May 4, 1854, of Catskill. 2. William, of further mention. 3. Julia, born December 25, 1862, unmarried. (IV) William, son of \\^alter W. and Jane (Magiiton) Palmatier, was Ixirn August 18, 1857. He spent the early part of his life on his father's farm just outside of Catskill. He was educated in the local schools of Jef- ferson and Catskill, Greene county. New York. In December, 1875. he began the read- ing of law in the office of King & Halleck, of Catskill, New York, and at the February terin in Albany was admitted to the bar. He con- tinued with King & Halleck and their suc- cessors until November 13, 1883. In 1891 he entered the Tanners National Rank at Cats- kill as bookkeeper and was later made assist- ant cashier. In 1894 he was promoted to the office of cashier, a position he still holds (1910). He has been a director of the Tan- ners National Bank of Catskill, New York, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALL1-:V; 1629 for several year* ; is trustee of Catskill Sav- ings Bank and treasurer of Jefferson Rural Cemetery Association. He married, June i, 1898, Keturah Louise, daughter of Joshua At- water and Louisa (Hopkins) Cooke. They have one son. \\'illiam Atwater Cooke Palma- tier, born October 21, 1899. (The Cooke Line). Henry Cooke, born in Birmingham, Eng- land, was of Salem, Massachusetts, before 1640. He had four sons, Isaac, John, Henry and Sannit'l. Isaac is supposed to have re- mained at Salem and John to have settled at Middletown, Connecticut. Henry and Sam- uel settled at \Vallingford, Connecticut, and are the ancestors of most of the name of Cook or Cooke in Connecticut, as well as having numerous descendants in other states. (II) Samuel, son of Henry Cooke, came to New Haven, Connecticut, in 1663. After his marriage he settled in WalHngford, April, 1670, with the first planters. He was the first shoemaker and tanner in the town. He held many offices of trust in town and church. He died March, 1702, leaving an estate of three hundred and forty pounds. He married (first) May 2, 1667, Hope, daughter of Ed- ward Parker, of New Haven. He married (second! July 14, 1690, Mary Roberts, who survived him and married (second) April 9, 1705, Jeremiah How. Children by first mar- riage: Samuel, bom March 3, i(568; John, December 3. 1669; Hannah, March 3, 1671-72, in WalHngford; Isaac, March 10. 1673, died April 7. 1673; ?^fary. April 23, 1675, married, April 5, 1699, Nathaniel Ives; Elizabeth, Au- gust 22, 1677, died young; Judith, February 29, 1679, died March 20, 1708, married, April 20, 1704. Jeremiah How ; Isaac, January 10, 1681 ; Joseph. February 25, 1683; Hope, born Septcmlicr 27, 1686, died January 30, 1731, married, Decerriber 18, 1706, Joseph Benham. Children by second marriage: Israel, May 8, 1(192; Mabel, June 30, 1694; Benjamin, April 8, 1697. died 1717, unmarried; Ephraim, April 19, 1699: Elizabeth, September 10. 1701, married, .\ugust, 1717. -Adam Mott. (III) Samuel (2), eldest child of Samuel (i) and Hope (Parker) Cooke, was born March 3. i6(j8, at New Haven, Connecticut, died September 18. 1725, at WalHngford. He was a farmer of the western part of the town of WalHngford, near the line that now divides Cheshire from WalHngford. Descendants yet occupy tlie land. His estate inventoried three hundred and ninety pounds. He married (first) March 3, 1692, Hannah, daughter of William Ives, of New Haven ; he married I (second) EHzabefh Bedell, who survived him. She married (second) Captain David Harris, of New Haven. Children by first wife: i. Hannah, born May 28, 1693, died November 22, 1735; married Jeremiah Hull. 2. Samuel, March 5, 1(395. 3- Aaron, of further men- tion. 4. Lydia, January 13, 1699, died Octo- ber 12, 1738; married Daniel Dutton. 5. Moses, January 4, 1700, died December 25, 171 1. 6. Miriam, November 4, 1703; mar- ried. December 12, 1727, Benjamin" Curtis. 7. Thankful, December 24, 1705, died .-\ugust 19, 1714. 8. Esther, March 8, 1707; married, July 22, 1730, Abel Yale. 9. Eunice, Febru- ary 25, 1709. 10. Susannah, September 5. 1711; married, December i, 1735, Joseph Cole. II. Hope, died September 18, 1728. Children by second wife: 12. Moses, Novem- ber 6, 1716. 13. Thankful, November 14, 1718; married, December 31, 1742, Stephen Hotchkiss. 14. Asaph, June 23, 1720. 15. Hannah. November 4. 1721 ; married Zeph- aniah Hall, of Cheshire. (IV) Aaron, son of Samuel (2) and Han- nah (Ives) Cooke, was born December 28, 1696, died October 14, 1756. He was a very large landowner in the southeastern part of the town of WalHngford. He married (first) November 14, 1723, Sarah, daughter of James Benham. He married (second) Sarali Hitch- cock, who died August 11, 1735. He married (third) February 7, 1736, Ruth Pnirrage. of Stratford. She survived him until July 2, 1786, dying at the age of seventy-nine years. Children of first marriage: i. Samuel, born September 25, 1725, died before his father. 2. Stephen. December 28, 1727. 3. Titus, I-'eb- ruary 25, 1730. 4. Abel, February 23, 1732. Child by second marriage: 5. Sarah. June 2, 1735. Children by third marriage: 6. Lydia, 1736, died January 9, 1793; married Uriah Collins. 7. Ruth, September 7, 1738, died June 9. 1780: married William Collins. 8. lEsther, May 14, 1740. 9. Elizabeth, March 16, 1741-42, died January 27, 1751. 10. Aaron. June 5, 1744. u. Miriam. June 30. 1746, died December i, 1750. 12. Lucy, Sep- tember 20, 1748, died .April 29, I7rx3. 13. Elizabeth, Tune 7, 1751, died October 19. 1762. (V) .Aaron (2), son of .-\aron (i) and Ruth (Burrage) Cooke, was born June 5, 1744, died September 14, 1825, and is buried in North- ford graveyard. He married (first) Lucretia, daugiiter of Oliver Dudley, of Guilford, Con- necticut, died April 16, 1771. Sons: i. Al- vin Dudley, who was graduated from Yale College in 1735. 2. .Aaron, born 1768. 3. In- crease, graduated from Yale, 1793. 4. Kil- burn, twin of Increase, born in 1771. He married (second) Elizabeth, died 1816, aged i6^o HUDSON AND MOHAWK XALLEYS sixty-five years, daughter of Captain Nathan- iel Lainter, of Bran ford, Connecticut. Cliil- dren: 5. Nathaniel Lainter, born 1775, mar- ried Susanna Baldwin. 6. Elizabeth, 1776. married Joshua Atwater. 7. Thomas Bur- rage, of further mention. 8. Lucretia, 1780. 9. Lydia, 1784, died 1861 ; married Dr. Amos G. Hull. 10. Apollos, 1786, died 1832; mar- ried Ruth Atwater. 11. Henrietta. (\T) Thomas Burrage, son of Aaron (2) and Elizabeth (Lainter) Cooke, was born 1778, died 1853. After his marriage he re- moved, in 1800, from Wallingford, Connecti- cut, to Catskill, Greene county. New York, where he died. He married, November 28, 1799, Catherine, daughter of Captain Caleb and Ruth (Wadsworth) Atwater. Children: I. James Wadsworth, born October, 1800, died the day following birth. 2. Catherine, 1802, died 1854. 3. Thomas Burrage (2), 1804, died 1825. 4. Henrietta Eliza, 1806, died 1886. 5. Harriet Louisa, twin of Henrietta Eliza, died 1886, surviving her sister but a short time. 6. Ruth. 1808. 7. Wadsworth, 181 1, died 1873. 8. Joshua Atwater, of fur- ther mention. 9. Elizabeth Lainter, 1817. 10. James, 1820, died in infancy. 11. James (2), died in infancy. 12. William Goodall, 1822, died 1906, at New Haven, Connecticut, leav- ing one daughter. (VH) Joshua Atwater, son of Thomas Burrage and Catherine (Atwater) Cooke, was born 1814, died in Catskill, New York, in 1896. He was educated in the public schools of Catskill, New York, and the Pittsfield Academy, Massachusetts. He was engaged during his active years in mercantile life. He was prominent in public afifairs, and was elected clerk of Greene county. He was an official member of the Dutch Reformed church and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He married Louisa Hopkins, born 181 5. died in Catskill, New York. 1899. Child : Keturali Louise, married William Pal- matier (see Palmatier IV). John Beach is first on record in BI'".\CH New Haven Colony in 1643, when he is fined "2 shillings for twice late coming'' and another 2 shillings for "defect gun." Richard Beach appears earlier, in 1643. John Beach became a householder in 1647. The last entry concerning him on the New Haven Colony is : "John Beach came to Stratford and bought his first land, May 21, 1660 of Ensign Bryan of Milford, one house lot, two acres : he had then a wife and two children." In January, 167 1, he was made an auctioneer by the following vote : "John Beach was chosen crier for the town and to be allowed four pence for everything he cries, that is to say for all sorts of cattle and all other things of smaller value, two years." He was a large land owner in Wal- lingford. Connecticut, also. He married, in 1650, Mary — ; children: i. Elizabeth, born i\larch 8, 1652, married Elisaph Preston, son of William Preston, one of the first set- tlers of New Haven. 2. John, born April, 1654, married Hannah Staple. 3. Mary, born 1656. 4. Thomas, born May, 1659, married (first) Ruth Peck; (second) Phebe \\'ilcox- son. 5. Nathaniel, of further mention. 6. Hannah, born December, 1665, married (first) Zechariah Fairchild : (second) John Burit. 7. Sarah, born November, 1667. 8. Isaac, born June 29, 1669, married Hannah Birdsey, born February, 167 1. 9. Joseph, born February 5, 1 67 1, married Abia Booth. 10. Benjamin, born Alarch, 1674, married Mary Hitchcock. (II) Nathaniel, third son of John Beach, the emigrant ancestor, was born in Stratford, Connecticut, March, 1662, died 1747. He married, 1686, Sarah, died 1734, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Groves) Porter. Chil- dren: I. Ephraim. born May 25, 1687. mar- ried, 1 712, Sarah Patterson. 2. Elizabeth, born November 11, 1689. 3. David, born May 15. 1692, married. 1717, Hannah, daugh- ter of Matthew Sherman, ami granddaughter of Samuel Sherman. 4. Josiah, born .\ugust 18, 1694, married (first) Patience Nichols in 1721 ; married (second) Abigail Wheeler in 1750. 5. Nathaniel, of further mention. 6. Sarah, born November 12, 1699, married, 1726, Rev. John Beach (her cousin). 7. Dan- iel, born January 15, 1700, married, 1724, Hester, daughter of Benjamin Curtiss. 8. Anna, born March, 1704. married, 1728, El- nathan Beers. 9. Israel, born May, 1705, married, 1731, Hannah Burrit. ro. James, horn .August 13, 1709, married Sarah Curtis, born September 2, 17 10. dll) Nathaniel (2), .son of Nathaniel (i) and Sarah (Porter) Beach, was born in Strat- ford, Connecticut, December 28, 1696; died 1734. He married, November 3, 1720, Sarah, daughter of Solomon Burton, who sur\ived him and married (second) William Odell. Children : Elizabeth, Charity, Thomas, Joseph and Nathan. (IV) Joseph, son of Nathaniel (2) and Sarah (Burton) Beach, w-as born in Stratford, Connecticut, about 1735. He removed to Waterbury, Connecticut. He married Experi- ence Beecher. Children : Mary, married David Frost ; Joseph ; Amos, died young; Amos (2) ; Asa, of further mention. (V) Asa, son, of Joseph and Experience (Beecher) Beach, was born iu 1759. He re- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \-ALLEYS 1631 moved to Saratoga count j'. New York, where he settled in the town of .Milton. He was a farmer, and with his wife is buried in the town which was his home for many years. He married Hannah Stiles, born 1758. Chil- dren : four sons and daughters, among whom were: Daniel, of further mention; Jonathan F. ; Joseph ; Isaac. (VI) Daniel, son of Asa and Hannah (Stiles) Beach, was born in the town of Alil- ton, Saratoga county, New York, March 25, 1793, died March 28, 1890, nearly reaching the century mark. He was a farmer of the town of Charleston. He married, August 19, 1818, Elizabeth Ross, born October 4, 1791, died August 13, i860, at Charlton. Children: I. Harriet Ross, born June 30, 1823, died May 7, 1865 ; married Wakeman Buell. 2. Olivia, born May 24, 1825, died 1868; married, Oc- tober 3, 1845, William Wayne. 3. Ann Eliza, born September i, 1828, died February 23, 1830. 4. George Ross, of whom further. 5. John C, born July 13, 1833. (\'II) George Ross, son of Daniel and Eliz- abeth (Ross) Beach, was born July 19. 1831, at Charlton, Saratoga county. New York. He was educated in the public schools, and until 1 87 1 worked the "Old Beach Farm" with his father. In 1871 he located in Ballston Spa, where he established a real estate and insur- ance business. He married, December 21, 1854, Henrietta Belding, born July 22, 1836, daughter of Melancthon and Hester M. (Con- de)' Belding, of Charlton (see Belding VIII). Child. I'^rederick Henry, of whom forward. (\'Iir) Frederick Henry, only son of George Ross and Henrietta (Belding) Beach, was born in the town of Charlton. Saratoga county. New York. .August 5, 1858. He was educated in the public schools of Charlton and Ballston Spa, where his parents removed when he was a lad of thirteen years. He be- came engaged with his father in the real estate and insurance business immediately after leaving school, and has continued the association until the present time (1910). In 1908 he was appointed receiver for the East- ern New Y'ork Electric Railway Company, which he is still managing. He is a director of the First National Bank of Ballston Sea. and interested in other business enterprises of the village. He is a member and vestry- man of Christ Episcopal Church, and prom- inent in the Masonic order, affiliated with Franklin Lodge, No. 90, Free and Accepted Masons : Warren Chapter, No. 23, Royal .^rch Masons, both of Ballston Spa; Washington Commandery, of Saratoga Springs : Oriental Temple. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Troy, and .\ll)any Consistory, thirty-second degree, Scottish Rite. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. He married, January 5, 1881, Esther Bennett Doolittle (see Dool'ittle VII). Children: i. Margaret Lee, born Oc- tober 29, 188 1. 2. Priscilla Lee, December 2, 1883, died July 3, 1892. 3. Frederick Henry (2), October 24, 1884. 4. Esther Belding, March 24, 1895. 5. George Ross, March 30, 1897. 6. Geraldine Bennett, June 19, 1902. (The Belding Line). Richard Belding from Staffordshire, Eng- land, was among the early settlers of Wethers- field, Connecticut, which was founded by col- onists from Watertown, Dorchester and New- town, ^lassachusetts, in 1634. The date of his settlement is not known. His name first appears on the town record, February 7, 1641. In Trumbull's "Memorial History of Hart- ford County" is a map on which the location of his house is shown. Little is known of his family further than the fact that he had a wife and two sons, William and Samuel. (II) \\illiam, son of Richard Belding, was born in Stafl^ordshire, England, about 1623. He married, in 1644. in Wethersfield, Connec- ticut, Thomasine, and in 1646 removed to Norwalk, Connecticut. Children: i. John, born January 9, 1645. 2. Daniel, see for- ward. 3. Samuel, July 20, 164.7. 4- Susannah, November 5, 165 1. 5. Marie, February 2, 1652. 6. Nathaniel, November 13, 1654. (III) Daniel, son of William Belding. was born November 20, 1646 (another record says 1648). He was of Hartford, Connecticut, in 1671, and of Deerfield in 1686. A great part of his family was killed or captured by In- dians, September 16, 1696. He was a leading- man in the town where he died, August 14, 173 1. He married (first) November 10, 1670, Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Foot, of Wethersfield. She was killed September 17, 1696. He married (second) February 17, 1699, Hepzibah Buel, widow of Lieutenant Thomas Wells. She was captured by Indians, February 29, 1704. and killed on the route to Canada by her captors, aged fifty-lour years. He married (third) Sarah, daughter of John Hawkes, widow of Philip Malloon: she died September 17, 175 1, aged ninety- four years. Children: i. William, born December 26, 1671, married Margaret, daughter of William Arms. 2. Richard, March 29, 1672. 3. Elizabeth, October 8, 1673. married Ebenezer Brooks. 4. Nathaniel, January 26. 1675, captured .Sep- tember 15, 1696, died .\ugust 21, 1714. 5. Mary, November 17, 1677. married. K'igS, James Trowbridge. 6. Daniel. September i, 1680, killed September Hi, 1696. 7. Sarah, March 15, 1682, married March 27. 1702, •1632 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS TBenjamin Bent, captured 1702. 8. Hester, September 29, 1683, captured September 16, 1696, not afterward heard from. 9. Abigail, March 10. 1686, died June 25, 1686. 10. Samuel, of further mention. 11. John, June 24, 1689, died next day. 12. Abigail (2), Au- gust 18, 1690, wounded September 16, 1696, died before 1732. 13. John (2), February 28. 1693, killed September 16, 1696. 14. Thankful. December 31, 1695, killed Septem- ber 16, 1696. (IV) Samuel, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Foot) Belding, was born April 10, 1687. His mother was killed in the Indian attack on Deerfield in 1696. Samuel, then a lad of nine years, was wounded at the same time, but ■escaped capture. He died December 14, 1750. He married (first) February 26, 1724, Anna Townes, died December 13, 1724; married (second) September 26, 1726, EHzabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Ingram, of Hadfield. Children: i. Samuel, of further mention. 2. Elizabeth, born November i, 173 1, married, January 24, 175 1, Seth Hawks. 3. John, Au- gust 15. 1734. 4. Daniel, June 17, 1737. died August 27, 1743. 5. Lvdia, married Joseph Mitchell. (V) Samuel (2), son of Samuel (i) and Elizabeth (Ingram) Belding, was born April I, 1729. He resided in Deerfield. previous to Tiis locating in Ashfield or Huntstown, as it was then called. He was a rope manufacturer ^nd a farmer, prominent in town affairs and first town clerk. He married, June 28, 1753, Mary, daughter of Joseph Mitchell, of Deer- field. Children: i. Daniel, born June 17, 1754, settled in Shelburn, Massachusetts. 2. John, December 17, 1756, married Priscilla Waite. 3. Mary, March 3, 1758. 4. IMercy, Novem- ber 29, 1759, married, September 6, 1781, Azariah Cooley. 5. Esther, April 18. 1761. 6. Samuel, died young. 7. .'\senath. February 20, 1764. 8. Louisa, June 6, 1765. 9. Samuel, of further mention. 10. Elizabeth, January 7, 1770. II. Aaron, July 21, 1774. (VI) Samuel (3), .son of Samuel (2) and Mary (Mitchell) Belding, was born Novem- ber 10, 1767. In 1790 he joined Chauncey Belding in the town of Charlton, Saratoga county, New York, both becoming prominent men of the town. In 1794 they engaged in mercantile life in company, succeeding Davis & P.ostwick. Chauncey Belding was a mem- ber of the state assembly, 1807-08. and Sam- uel in 1823. Samuel Belding held the office of town clerk from 1802 continuously until 1838, except the years 1813 to 1818. when he was supervisor. He was then succeeded by Hiram Belding. Samuel married and had issue. (\'II) Samuel (4), son of Samuel (3) Bel- ding, was born in Charlton, Saratoga county, New York, died 1865. He married and had issue. (\'III) Melancthon, son of Samuel (4) Belding, was born September 5, 1813. in Charlton, Saratoga county. New York, died October 15, 1883. He married, January 14, 1835, Hester j\I. Conde, born May 14, 1813, died February 28, 1889. Children: i. Hen- rietta, married George R. Beach. 2. Alice L., married David Foote Wicks, of Charlton, New York. 3. Eva, married John M. Wells, of Johnstown, New York. (The Doolittle Line.) Abraham Doolittle, the Puritan, was the progenitor of all the Doolittles in America who claim early Connecticut ancestry. He spelled his name Dowlittell. He was born in England in 1619-20. He married (first) in England, Joane Allen (spelled Ailing on the colonial records) and at about the age of twenty-one came with his bride to America. He was in Boston, 1640, and of New Haven, Connecticut, 1642. He built a house, had land granted him, took the oath of fidelity in 1644, was chosen deputy seven terms, and served many terms as selectman, was treas- urer of the town of W'allingford, whither he removed in 1670. He held about every office in the town and was sergeant of the military company. His gravestone yet stands in Wall- ingford, marked : "A. D. 70" 1690 Joane, his first wife, died after twenty years of married life, and he married (second) Abi- gail Moss, born April 10. 1642. Children by first wife: Sarah, Abraham, Elizabeth, Mary, John, Abigail. Children by second wife : Samuel, Joseph, Abigail (2), Ebenezer, Mary, Daniel, Theophilus. (II) Theophilus, youngest child of Abra- ham and Abigail (Moss) Doolittle, was born in Wallingford, Connecticut, July 28, 1678. died March 26, 1740. He was a farmer. He married (first) Thankful Hall, Ix>rn Decem- ber 29, 1679, died lune 2, 171s, daughter of David and Sarah (Rockwell) Hall, of Wall- ingford. He married (second) Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah Howe. Children, all by first wife except the last child: Thankful. Sarah, Henry, David, Theophilus (2), Solo- mon, Benjamin. (HI) Theophilus (2), son of Theophilus (i) and Thankful (Hall) Doolittle, was lx>rn at Wallingford, Connecticut, June 20. 1709. His will was probated November 10, 1783. In HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \ALLEVS iC^i^ 1756 he was appointed ensign of the First Company in WaUingford, by the assembly. He married (first) October 10, 1733. Su- sannah, daughter of Deacon Samuel and Su- sannah (Hall) Moss. He married (second) November 15, 1738, Sarah Dorchester. Chil- dren: Susannah, Solomon, Theophilus (3), twin of Solomon, Theophilus (4), Sarah, Solomon (2), Isaiah, Eliasaph, Stephen, Isaac. (I\') Eliasaph, son of Ensign Theophilus (2) and Sarah (Dorchester) Doolittle, was born in WaUingford, Connecticut, June I, 1730, died April 28, 1817. He married (first) Ruth Hall, January i, 1772, and settled in WaUingford. He married (second) • Mabel Potter, April 8, 1776. Children: Lucy, Charles, Miles. Ruth, Isaiah, Eliasaph, Porter, Sally. Ann Giles, Betsey. (\) Miles, son of Eliasaph and Ruth (Hall) Doolittle, was born in WaUingford, Connecticut, March 5, 1775. He removed to New Lebanon, Columbia county. New York, Avliere he died. He was a prosperous farmer. He married, November 6. 1803, Esther Ben- nett, of New Lebanon ; ten children. (\'I) James Frederick, son of Miles and Esther (Bennett) Doolittle. was born at New Lebanon, Columbia county, New York, March 26, 1825, died at Ballston Spa, New York, December 19, 1902. He married (first) Mar- garet Stuart Lee, of Wilkes Barre, Pennsyl- vania, died in Ballston Spa, New York, in 1865. Children: i. Esther Bennett, of fur- ther mention. 2. Priscilla Reed, born Sep- tember 6, 1862. 3. James Lee, September 18, 1865. He married (second) Fannie Buckley, of Ballston Spa. Children: 4. William Fred- erick, M. D., of Cleveland, Ohio. 5. Harry J., lawyer, of Cleveland, Ohio. (VH) Esther Bennett, daughter of James Frederick and Margaret Stuart (Lee) Doo- little, was born December 3. 1859. She mar- ried Frederick Henry Beach, of Ballston Spa, New York (see Beach VHI). Jan Van Loon, blacksmith, VAN LOON was of Loonenburg, 1690, of Coxsackie, 1720. He emigrated from Luyck, Holland, and was a landowner of Coxsackie, 1684. He married Maria Albertse in New York, February 23, 1676. Children: i. Jan, married Rebecca Hollenbeck. 2. Elsie, married (first) Omie La Grange: (second) Barent Egbertse, in 1727. 3. Albertus, baptized October 31, 1683, married Maria Caskersen. 4. Nicholas. lx>rn in New York. October 14, 1694. 5. Matthias, baptized December 10, 1696, married .Xnnatje LaGrange. The Loonenburg patent for lands in Greene county, New York, included the entire purchase made from the Indians in 1665 by Johannes Clutc (Jan Cloet), and Jan Hendrickse Bruyn. In 1681, .April 7, Johan- nes Clute sold a large tract to Jan \an Loon and Peter Bosie, who gave a mortgage for "50 beavers" as part payment. By a deed dated March 2, 1684, Peter Bosie sold his part to Jan \'an Loon in consideration of the fact that he had paid the mortgage. Jan built his house in the lower part of what is now the village of Athens, a short distance north of Black Rock, on ground later occupied as a shipyard by Matthias \'an Loon. .-\ stone from the original house bearing the inscrip- tion 1706, J. V. L., gives the name of the builder and the date of erection. Jan Van Loon conveyed all his property in the patent to his sons, Jan, /Mbertus, Matthias and Nich- olas. By deed of April 11, 1720, the four sons gave to their father and mother, Maria, for life one hundred morgens (two hundred acres) at the \lught Hook and fifty morgens on the flats with all the buildings. The deed provided for a division of this propertv after the parents died. One of the celebrated land cases of after years, in the Greene county courts, was over the V'an Loon lands. (II) Nicholas, son of Jan "the founder" and his wife, Maria Van Loon, had for his share of the estate lands on "the flat." He married, November 19, 172 1, Rachel Clow, of Claverack. Children: Maria, born 1722; Junge; Elsie; Johannes, 1726; Matthias, 1736; Petrus, twin of Matthias: William, 1739; Abraham, 1740; Isaac, of further men- tion. (HI) Isaac, son of Nicholas and Rachel (Clow) Van Loon, was born at Loonenburg, now .Athens, Greene county. New York, July 22, 1743. He married, 1763, Catherine, born November 16, 1743. daughter of Jacobus and Rachel Hallenbeck. Children: Jacob, Nich- olas I., of further mention. (IV) Major Nicholas I. V'an Loon, son of Isaac and Catherine (Hallenbeck) V'an Loon, was born at Athens, Greene county. New York, 1766. died 1846. A tombstone in .Ath- ens cemetery with the inscription "N. I. \'an Loon, aged 80," marks his resting place. He led an active, busy life, and was prominent in the community. He met his death by acci- dent, being caught on a picket fence he was attempting to climb in the night : being unable to extricate himself, he was found dead in the morning. He married Hannah, daughter of Isaac Hallenbeck. Children: Isaac N.. Jacob N.. Caspar N., William Nicholas, of further mention. Prentice, Catherine, Cornelia. (V) William Nicholas, son of Major Nich- olas I. V^an Loon, was born in Athens, Greene 1 634 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS county, New York, in 1806, died in that vil- lagfe, 1893. He was associated with his father in brick manufacturing and was captain of the Hudson River vessels for many years. He held all the local offices of importance in his town, and for forty years was vestryman of the Episcopal church. He married, in 1838, Mary Stitt, of Nantucket, Massachusetts, be- longing to the religious Society of Friends. They had three children: i. , died in infancy. 2. Eugene, of further mention. 3. Thomas, born January 5, 1845, ^^ Athens, New York ; educated in the public schools ; at fourteen removed to New York City and from then until the present time (1910) has been identified with the coffee trade of that city ; he resides in Brooklyn, New York ; he mar- ried, December 2, 1874, Harriet B. Winans ; children : Eugene and Schuyler. (VT) Eugene, son of William Nicholas and Mary (Stitt) "V'an Loon, was born in the vil- lage of Athens, Greene county. New York, December 2, 1842. He was educated in the public schools, and at an early age located in Little Falls, New York, where he learned the details of woolen manufacturing. He became a manufacturer of woolen goods of Little Falls, a line of activity he continued until his retirement from business. He is a Republican in politics, was presidential elector in 1908, and has filled all the principal town offices. He is one of the original members of the Holland Society of New York, and was for ten years vice-president of the society. His social club is the Union League of New York City. He married, September 30, 1869, at Worcester, Massachusetts, Ella Maddock, born June 11. 1847, daughter of David R. Maddock, cashier of the Camden National Bank of Camden, New Jersey. One child, William T., born December 3, 1873, in Nut- ley, New Jersey, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, class of 1894, now a resident of Athens. The Dempster family of DEMPSTER Glovcrsville, New York, are descendants of an an- cient Scotch family whose ancestral seat was near Edinburg. The head of the present fam- ily and the American ancestor was Rev. James Dempster, a Scotch minister of note, who withdrew from the established church, and joining with the Wesleys (founders of Metho- dism) came to the United States. He settled in the town of Florida, Montgomery county. New York, where he died and is buried. He married and had three sons, James, John, Joel, and a daughter Pamelia. John was a noted missionary and the first Methodist missionary to the Argentine Republic. He afterwards was instrumental in founding the great North- western University at Evanston, Illinois. (H) Joel, son of Rev. James Dempster, was born in Edinburg, Scotland, and came to the United States, settling in Fulton county, New York, where he was a man of prominence. He was twice married ; his first wife was a Mur- dock ; his second Lois Spaulding, who bore him David Spaulding, Delos C, Juha E. and Jane. (HI) David Spaulding, eldest son of Joel and Lois (Spaulding) Dempster, was born in Lasselville, F"ulton county, New York, March- 31, 1845, died in Gloversville, New York, Feb- ruary 26, 1907. He secured his early educa- tion in the public schools, finishing at Fultore Academy, Fulton, New York, where he took an advanced course. After completing his studies he became a traveling salesman for local glove-making firms. In January. 1879, in company with George Place, he organized! the firm of Dempster «& Place, and began ini a small way the manufacture of gloves, on the corner of Main and First avenues, Glov- ersville, where they remained eight years. la January, 1888, their business had so growni that they moved into the three-story brick property on Bleecker street, which they had previously erected and equipped for a moderm glove factory. The firm manufactured a gen- eral line of light and heavy buckskin gloves,, and a line of fine kid gloves. They pros- pered and obtained a firm footing in the trade. Since the death of Mr. Dempster, his wife- has capably filled his place in the firm, which. still continues a prosperous career as Demp- ster & Place. Mr. Dempster, while always- solicitous for the welfare of his city, and gen- erous in his support of all public enterprises, was never connected with political affairs. His public service was confined to the board of water commissioners, of which he was- president. He was a director of the Manu- facturers Bank, a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a Methodist in religion. He- was a man of fine business ability, upright and honoralile in his business affairs, and' held in the highest esteem. He married Sarah J., born February 12, 1856, daughter of Wiilard and Ellen '( Put- nam) Brownell, and granddaughter of James and Rhoda (Rose) Brownell. Ellen Putnam> was a (laughter of Ralph and Jane (N'oor- hees) Putnam. Wiilard and Ellen (Putnam) Brownell had three children : Anstress. mar- ried Henry Knoff, and had Sarah and Miriam. Sarah J., married David Spaulding Demp- ster. Charles, unmarried ; an extensive ranch owner in southern California. Children of-" 0av,J S^ 0e,,./.>/, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS 1635 David Spaulding and Sarah J. (Brownell) Dempster: i. Willard J., born June 18, 1877; educated in the pubHc schools and at a pre- paratory school in Massachusetts, after which he went west, locating at Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia, owning and operating an orange grove ; also a director in the Automatic Signal Light Company of Colorado Springs, Colo- rado. 2. Rena, died at the age of sixteen months. 3. David Dudley, born March 15. 18S4, was educated in the public school and at a preparatory school at Williston, Northampton, Massachusetts : he had recently returned from a trip around the world when he died October 22, 1907. 4. Dorothy. Mrs. David S. Demp- ster survives her husband and continues her residence in Gloversville. She is a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, and active in social, benevolent and educational work. For eight years she has been a member of the school board of Gloversville; is a member of the hospital board of directors, and of the Young Women's Christian Association ; also actively engaged in church work. John Thompson, born in THOMPSON Scotland, and his wife Mary, removed to Belfast, Ireland, w-here he was engaged in business. He was a man of considerable influence in the city, was master of the Masonic lodge, and a devoted member of the Scotch Presbyterian church. He and his wife are buried in Green- wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York. Among bis children was a son James. (U) James, son of John and Mary Thomp- son, was born in Belfast, Ireland, March 12, 1831, died in Valley Falls, Rensselaer county, New York, April 11, 1899. He received a good education and was engaged with his father in the manufacture of linens. In 1852 he came to the United States, landing in New York, where he worked in the cotton and linen factories of that section and in New England. In 1859 he started in business for himself in New York, continuing until 1872, when he settled at Valley Falls and established a mill on the south bank of the Hoosick river. He demolished, with one exception, all the old buildings which were on the premises, and which had been operated as a twine mill by Lape & Sproat. He erected a large brick mill and engaged in the manufacture of flax and hemp twines. Later he built a large cotton mill in which he manufactured mosquito netting, tarlatans, buckrams, and similar goods, such as previously made at his New York City plant. In 1878 the firm of James Thompson & Company was formed. R. A. Schoneman, of New York, being admitted a partner. Four additional buildings were erected in 1880, and another in 1881. In the latter year the \'alley Falls Water Power Company built a new dam, James Thompson & Company being a leading spirit in the en- terprise. Further improvements in water power were made in 1886 by the firm, build- ing a new flume, and making extensive rock excavations. In 1887 the old building was de- molished and a substantial brick structure erected. Previously they had built a commo- dious store house along the line of the Fitch- burg railroad, and in 1894 acquired possession of the Valley Falls Paper Company's prop- erty on the north bank of the Hoosick river. In 1895 a large brick structure was added tc^ the mills, devoted to the finishing of cotton goods. The mills were equipped with all mod- ern improvements and constitute the principal manufacturing plant of the village. Mr. Thompson was a man of high character and of most excellent business quality. He was made a Mason in Ireland, his father being master of his lodge. In Valley Falls he was a useful member of the Baptist church, and liberal in his benefactions to all churches, re- gardless of creed, contributing to the building funds of the Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic churches. He was a Republican in politics, and served the town as road commissioner. He was of a quiet, genial nature, and made many friends. He was a great lover of the horse, and on his farm of one hundred and fifty acres had many choice specimens of the Wilkes breed of trotting horse, the particular strain in which he was most interested. He married (first), in 1854, Isabella Curran, of Belfast, Ireland, who died October, 1879. Children : i. Mary Jane, married .Allan Milks, of Valley Falls ; children : Clarence and Ellis. 2. Hannah, married Adam Lohnes, of Valley Falls: children: i. James, married Ada Har- rington, and has James (2); ii. Isabella: iii. Estella, married Lieutenant Albert Baker, of the United States Navy, and has Janet. 3. James, of further mention. 4. Isabella, mar- ried Thomas Doran ; children: Arthur. Ed- ward, Isabella, Rita, Leo, Clare. 5. William, married Theresa Barrett. 6. Eliza, married Frank Stover, and has Jennie, died at the age of seventeen years, and Allan. 7. William. James Thompson married (second) Lucy E. Larken. of New York ; child. Leslie Eugene, of Valley Falls. nil) James (2), son of James and Isabella (Curran) Thompson, was born in New York City, October 25, iSCii. He was educated in the city schools, and the College of the City of New York, from which he was graduated 1877. After leaving college he at once be- 1636 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS came associated with his father in the manu- facture of linens and cottons in New York City, and later at \'alley Falls, New York. He became superintendent of the plants, and on the death of his father in 1899 came into possession of the latter's interest and suc- ceeded him as general manager and principal owner. He is a director of the National City Bank of Troy, and the Rensselaer County Bank of Rensselaer, New York, and of the Prixite Comb Company of North Adams, Massachusetts, and president of the Valley Falls Improvement Company. He is an active Republican, and was the first president of the village of Valley Falls, and county committee- man and leader of the party in the town of Pittstown, Rensselaer county. In 1910 he was Republican candidate for state comptroller. He was a delegate to the national convention of his party in 1908 that nominated Taft and Sherman, the successful candidates for presi- dent and vice-president of the United States, at the ensuing election, and has at various times sat as a delegate in State Conventions of his party. He is a member of the Benev- olent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Rensselaer County Republican Club. He mar- ried, October, 1881, Caroline Smodell, born 1861. daughter of George W. and Elizabeth Smodell, of Valley Falls, New York. Chil- dren: I. Mary. 2. Flora, married, June, 1910, Dr. Charles Sproat, of Valley Falls. 3. Eliza- beth. 4. Caroline. 5. Viola Isabella. Mr. Thompson maintains a residence both in Sara- toga and Valley Falls. The Finches are an old New FINCH England family, and figure quite prominently in the early annals of Connecticut and New York states. Finchville. in Orange county, is named in honor of John Finch, the first emigrant in that section, who came from Horse Neck, Connecticut, and set- tled at Goshen, New York, the tradition being that he was the first adult buried in the grave- yard of Goshen church. His son, James Finch, settled in the town of Walkill, his farm now being the site of the village of Middle- town. When marching to the ill-fated field of Minisink during the revolution. Colonels Phillips and Wisner with their troops were entertained at his house, and arrangements made for him to feed the soldiers on their return next day. But alas ! there were but few of his friends and neighbors who re- turned. He also served in the army. His son, James (2) Finch, was justice of the peace and county judge. His son, Coe Finch, was justice of the peace, supervisor twelve years in succession, and a member of the New York house of assembly thirteen sessions between 1802 and 1832. A branch of the family headed by Ebenezer Finch, born in Stamford, Connecticut, settled in Greene county, New York, in the town of Greenville. Ebenezer married Hannah Newman, and had two sons, Seth and Ezra. The branch herein recorded settled in Dutchess county, but soon removed to Rensselaer county, New York. The first of the name in America was Dan- iel Finch, who came in Governor Winthrop's fleet and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts, where he was made a freeman. May 18, 1631 ; removed to Wethersfield, Connecticut, where he was constable in 1636; removed to Stam- ford, Connecticut, where he was one of the original proprietors, and in 1653 to Fair- field, Connecticut, where he made a con- tract marriage, December 25, 1657, with Elizabeth, widow of John Thompson, and died March, 1667. His will names son Nathaniel. Daniel Finch had a brother Abraham, who was killed in open Indian war- fare. Others of the name settled in Massa- chusetts. (I) The founder of this branch of the fam- ily was Jonas Finch, who lived in Rhode Island, a descendant of the Connecticut fam- ily. He settled in Nine Partners, Dutchess county. New York. He married, and among his children was a son Obadiah, who may have preceded bis father to New York state, but the supposition is they came together. (II) Obadiah, son of Jonas Finch, was born in Rhode Island, and when a young man came to New York state, settling at Nine Partners, Dutchess county. Later he removed to Rensselaer county, where he owned and operated a farm in the town of Nassau. Here he resided for many years. After the death of his wife he went with a married daughter, Susan, to Grand Ledge, Michigan, where he died at the age of seventy years. He married Wilbur, born in Rensselaer county. New York, where she died. Children: i. George W., of further mention. 2. Lynis, born in Rensselaer county, New York, re- moved to Grand Ledge, Michigan ; enlisted from that state and served with honor during the civil war ; he followed the occupation of a farmer all his life: married (first) Turk; children: Alfred, Alice. Ada and George: married (second) a wife of whom no record is obtainable. 3. Susan, married James Wincham ; they removed to Grand Ledge, Michigan, where both died, leaving a son and daughter. (III) George W., born in Nassau, Rens- selaer county. New York, February, 1821, died at Ancram, Columbia countv, New York, HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLEVS 1637 September, 1882. He was a natural mechanic, expert as a machinist and millwright, follow- ing these trades all his life. He was well known and highly respected. He affiliated with the Republican party, but did not aspire to public office. He married, in East Nassau, Rensselaer county, February 10, 1849, Olive Hayes, born in Nassau county, April 12, 1832, died in Ancram, in 1894 (see Hayes V'l). Children of George W. and Olive (Hayes) Finch: i. Obed, born in Columbia county. New York, February 18, 1852; educated in Sand Lake Academy, Scharm Collegiate Col- lege, and Lowell, Massachusetts, Business Col- lege. He engaged in mercantile life until 1890. when he purchased a farm in Ancram, to which he has since devoted his energies. He is a Republican in politics and served as supervisor during the years 1888-89-90. He married Hannah L. Thompson, horn in Stan- ford, Dutchess county. New York, March, 1855, daughter of William S. and Catharine (Lewis) Thompson, of Dutchess, later Co- lumbia county, where both died. Children : i. Susan T., born July, 1884, graduate of Al- bany Normal College, class of 1904, now a teacher in the public schools of New York City; ii. W. Thompson, born April 13, 1887, educated in the public schools, now his father's assistant at the farm : unmarried. 2. Hugh, born 1857, died 1861. 3. Lebus B., born March 6, i860; educated at Sand Lake Acad- emy, now a farmer of Galvin, Columbia coun- ty, unmarried. 4. George H., of further men- tion. 5. Mary, born 1868; married Frederick B. Keller, now of Somerville, Massachusetts. He is employed in the United States railway mail service. Children : , born August 7, 1891, and Helen F., September 3, 1898. 6. Augusta v., born February 20, 1872; married Jay Woodward, a farmer of Ancram. (IV) George H., son of George W. and Olive (Hayes) Finch, was born at Ancram, New York. May 29, 1863. He was educated in the public schools, and began his business life as a merchant in association with his brother Obed. He was elected superintendent of the Columbia county farm and hospital at Ghent, an office to which he was re-elected in 1909. He has proved a most capable official and is highly commended by his townsmen for his business-like administration and for his considerate, humane and sympathetic treat- ment of the unfortunates who are committed to his care. He is an active worker in the Republican party and deeply interested in its success. He has served the town of Taghkan- ick, as supervisor, holding office continually from 1896 to 1901. He is a member of Hud- son Lodge, No. 7, Free and .•\ccepted Masons ; Hudson Lodge, No. 787, Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks ; the Modern Wood- men ; Patrons of Husbandry ; Claverack Grange, and the Order of Dutch Arms, of Claverack. He married, in 1886, Bertha Bas;hford, born in the town of Taghkanick, Columbia county, New York, February 25, 1866, daughter of Henry and Caroline (Shel- don) Bashford, both deceased, leaving chil- dren: Bertha, married George H. Finch, no issue. Amy, married (first) Reuben Sheldon, and had son John, who married Bertha Mil- ler and has a daughter Myra; she married (second) Edgar Sickles; children: Calvin and Harriet. (The Hayes Line). George Hayes, pioneer ancestor, was of Windsor, Connecticut, coming from Scotland as early as 1680, beir. •; then about twenty- eight years of age. 1 le settled in Windsor, Connecticut. In 1798 he removed to the ham- let of Salmon Brook, in that part of Sims- bury now town of Granby. He married (first) Sarah , who died at Windsor, March 27, 1683, leaving a son George, born March 26, died April 3, 1683. He married (second) August 29, 1683, Abigail Dibble (also writ- ten' Dibol, Dible, Deble and Deeble). George Hayes died at Simsbury. Connecticut, Sep- tember 2, 1725, his second wife, their five sons and six daughters surviving him. (II) William, third son of George and Abi- gail (Dibble) Hayes, was born at Windsor, Connecticut, June 13, 1697. Married (first) September 4, 1723, Joanna Lee, who died De- cember 27, 1748; married (second) a wife, name unknown ; by first marriage he had four sons and five daughters. (III) William (2), son of William (i) and Joanna (Lee) Hayes, was born .April 5, 1725. Married (first) Elizabeth Ilolcomhe; (sec- ond) January 15, 1761, Rachel Lewis. He is on the church covenant at Salmon Brook among the earliest members as William Hayes, Jr.. and .served in the revolutionary war in a Connecticut regiment. He had nine children. (IV) William (3), son of William (2) and Elizabeth (Holcombe) Hayes, was born at Sim.sbury. Connecticut, 1750, died at East Na.ssau, Rensselaer county, New York, 1800. He removed to New York about 1785. Mar- ried, before 1776, Eleanor Boughton, and had nine children. (V) Harry, seventh child of William (3) and Eleanor (Boughton) Mayes, was born in East Nassau, Rensselaer county, New York, October, 1792, died October. 1840. He was a farmer of Nassau, where he married, in 181 1, Eunice, born in Stephcntown, Rensselaer 1638 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS county, died at East Nassau, April, 1872, daughter of Silas and Olive (Swetland) Bail- ey; seven children. (\'I) Olive, youngest child of Harry and Eunice (Bailey) Hayes, married, February 10, 1849, George W. Finch, of Ancram, New York (see Finch HI). The families of Wademan \VADE:NLAN and McNab were early settlers in Albany county, where their descendants are still numerous. They have been agriculturists for many gen- erations and men and women of both char- acter and substance. (I) John J. Wademan was born in the town of Guilderland, Albany county. New York, April 9. 181 5, died in the town of Bethle- hem, same county, in 1903. He was an ener- getic, successful farmer, and notwithstanding his many years retained his activity to the very last. He was a man of upright charac- ter and honorable in all his dealings, and was respected wherever known. He was a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church, and served on the official board. He was a Whig and later a Republican, supporting that party with all his energy. He married, in Guilder- land, Elizabeth Ostrander, of the same town, born, of Dutch ancestors, January 15. 1819, died 1902, in her eighty-fourth year. She was an active Methodist and an earnest Chris- tian. Children: i. John H., born October 24, 1838, died February 15, 1894: he was a farmer of the town of New Scotland, and died on his farm in the Helderbergs. He married Margaret Warner, who survives him, a resident of Schenectady ; children : i. Etta, deceased, married Burton Albright ; ii. Anna, married James Campbell. 2. Aaron, see for- ward. 3. Mary F., born July 27. 1842, died February 12, 1878, unmarried. 4. William J., born August 28, 1848, died May 16, 1874. (II) Aaron, second son of John J. and Elizabeth (Ostrander) Wademan, was born on the farm in New Scotland, Albany county, New York, tliat was owned and operated so long by his father, July 13, 1841, died there August 27, 1900. He was educated in the town schools, and always lived on the farm. In his younger days he assisted his father, and at the death of the latter inherited the farm. He made many improvements during his lifetime, and brought the land under a high state of cultivation. He developed the fruit department of the farm and planted or- chards of the best varieties suited to the soil and climate, added to the home and buildings, and left the farm one of the best improved in the town. He was well known, and bore the best of reputations as a man and a neighbor. He was a capable business man, which fact added to his industry brought him a good de- gree of this world's goods. His genial na- ture won him many friends, and he died deeply regretted. He was a Methodist and a Republican. He married, December, 1861, in the town of Berne, Albany county, Hannah McNab, born in Berne, April 14, 1842. She survives her husband and owns the homestead farm which she makes her home. She is a daughter of Jasper and Maria (Pier) Mc- Nab, both born in Berne. Jasper McNab, borri August 16, 1812, died June 26, 1894, in New Scotland. He was a farmer and a mem- ber of the Reformed church. His first wife, Maria Pier, died aged thirty-five years. She was a daughter of Jacob and Hannah (Sever- son) Pier, both of Scotch parentage. Jasper McNab was a son of Hugh and Angelica (Hallenbeck) McNab, of Berne and New Scotland, the former being of Scotch, and the latter of Dutch ancestry. They were mem- bers of the Presbyterian church, and lived to be very old. Jasper and Maria McNab had children : Sarah J., see forward ; Jacob, died young; James, died young; Hannah M., mar- ried Aaron Wademan ; Mary E., died aged twenty years; Jacob (2), married and resides in New Scotland ; six children ; Helen, died in childhood. Jasper McNab married (second) Angeline Radley W'right : children : Ellen, twice widowed ; lived at Feurabush ; died No- vember 20, 1910; Carrie, married Kenney Parish, of New Salem, New York ; Amos, a ceamster of the town of Colonic : Alida, mar- ried Lewis Pier, a farmer of Bethlehem : John P., a bill clerk in Albany ; married : no children. Children of Aaron and Hannah (McNab) Wademan: i. Elizabeth, born June 16. 1864, in New .Scotland; married William, son of James H. Coughtry ; children: i. How- ard, died aged nineteen years : ii. James, lives with his parents ; iii. Harold, died aged twelve years; iv. Minnie A.: v. Frank: vi. Harriet. 2. Minnie, born in New Scotland, 1866; re- sides at home. 3. Emma, born 1868: married Frank Martin, a farmer of Feurabush; child, Catherine. Sarah J., eldest child of Jasper and Maria (Pier) McNab, was born in the town of Berne, Albany county. New York, May 26, 1836. She married (first) Durham Nelson, a farmer of the county, who died leaving two children, Celestia and Jasper Nelson. She married (second) Hezekiah \'an Buren, by profession a carpenter, a cousin of President Van Buren ; children : Anna, married Oscar Haswell. of Delmar: Hattie, died in infancy. She married (third) Henry A., son of David HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS ■639 !Mallary. He was a prosperous business man of Bethlehem. By a first marriage to Ellen Bullock he had six children, of whom Thomas, Anna, Henry and Hiram are living. Sarah J. Mallary survives her husband, and resides in Delmar, New York. Also as Stuart, this family STEWART name has been familiar in Scotch and English history for centuries. The founder of the Mont- gomery county family was Donald Stewart, born in Scotland, of an ancient branch of the line. He emigrated to the United States about the year 1800, settling on a farm in Mont- gomery county, town of Amsterdam, on what is known as the "Ridge Road." He married Elizabeth and reared a family of three sons, all of whom met violent and accidental deaths on the farm after they had attained manhood. The founders both lived to old age. Children: i. Is only remembered by the familiar name of "Captain" ; he was un- married, and met his death from a fall from the hay mow of his father's barn. 2. Archi- bald, when at the age of twenty-one and un- married, came to his death from a kick by a horse he was leading. 3. Damon, see for- ward. (H) Damon, son of Donald and Elizabeth Stewart, was born in 1792, on the homestead farm, which he afterward inherited and on which his long and active life of ninety-two j-ears was passed. He met his death also in a violent manner, September 12. 1884. He was riding an unruly horse which threw him, death resulting immediately. His unusual ac- tivity may be inferred from the fact pf his attempting to ride a fractious horse at his then age of ninety-two. He married, in .Amster- dam, when he had attained the age of almost si>m-. Effie , an orphan, bom in Kings- boro, Xevv York, died June 19, 1899. Both Mr. and 1\Its. Stewart were members of the Presbyterian church. Children: i. Jane E., born ' January 21, 1852 : married James O'Brien, of Amsterdam, and has a daughter ]\Iarv. born in 1884. 2. Mary, born May 25, 1853: married Rev. Williard Scott, a minister of the Presbyterian church, now superannu- ated, and has a daughter Marion, aged seven- teen. 3. Archibald, see forward. 4. Sarah, born ^rarch 5, 1857 ; married Horace Cowling, of Johnstown, Ne'w York. 5. John, born May 5, 1839: married Marilla Cole: children: Duncan, Raymond. Harry, Hattie, Marian and Marguerite." 6. George H., born .A.pril 6, 1862: a farmer of western New York. 7. Maeeie D., born .August 21, 1865; married L. II. \'an Anthrop, of Johnstown, New York: children: George (2), I^urens Yates and Pearl. (Ill) .Archibald, eldest son and third child of Damon and Effie Stewart, was born March 5, 1855, on the homestead farm, where his father and two uncles met violent deaths, and* which has descended to him, the third in di- rect line and ownership. He has devoted his life to agriculture and has achieved success. He owns the homestead farm of one hundred and eighteen acres, with attractive buildings, and another of one hundred acres in another locality. He is a well-known and much re- spected man in his community. His political preference is for the Republican party. He married, December 10, 1892, in .Amsterdam, Jennie, born in Monmouth county. New Jer- sey, December 28, 1876, daughter of John and Jennie (Dey) Howland. John Howland lived in Monmouth county and died there in 1879, at the age of twenty-seven. His wife, Jennie (Dey) Howland, was born in New York City, died in Monmouth county. New Jersey, Jan- uary 18. 1877, aged twenty-three. Jennie Howland, their only child, being early left an orphan, ivas reared in Charlton. New York, by friends and kinsmen. Mr. and Mrs. Archi- bald Stewart have one child, Irving, born No- vember 12, 1907. The Coonley family of Cox- COONLEY sackie, New York, was orig- inally a Dutchess county family living in the town of Clinton, near the old stone meeting house. The American an- cestor and emigrant was John Coonley, born in Germany, who with his young wife came to America in 1760. The family tradition is that the young couple ran away to get married and chose America as the place where they would begin their married life. They had a quick voyage over, but when almost within sight of the shores of America a storm drove their vessel far out to sea and delayed their landing several weeks. They settled in Dut- chess county. New York, where John died in 1810. They had sons: Solomon, George. John, David, Samuel and Frederick. John Coonley, the father, is buried in the old stone church graveyard in the town of Clinton. (II) Jacob, son of John Coonley, the emi- grant, was born in Clinton. Dutchess county, New York, July 30, 1763, died March 15. 18 18. He continued his residence in Dutchess county, where he married (first) Elizabeth Brill. February 14, 1792. He married (sec- ond) Elizabeth Ham. She died June 13. 1827. Children by second wife: Catherine, horn February 19. 1793. married Benjamin Wil- bur; Abigail, February 14, 1797, married [640 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Humphrey Mosher and removed to Mills, Bradford county, Pennsylvania ; Elizabeth, born July 28, 1799, married John W. Bedell, and removed to New Baltimore, New York ; Frederick, of further mention. ■ (HI) Frederick, only son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Ham) Coonley, was born in Clin- ton, Dutchess county, New York, October 31, 1802, died 1892. He remained oij the Dut- chess county farm with his parents until after his marriage in 1826. He removed to the town of Greenville, Greene county. New York, where he purchased a farm at the south end of the Prevost patent. He brought his farm to a high state of fertility and became one of the prosperous men of the town. He con- tinued his residence there all his after life, and when overtaken by years spent a quiet life amidst its congenial surroundings. He was a man of untiring energy and was highly respected for his many good qualities. He married (first) January 21, 1826, Anna Maria, daughter of Joseph Haight. She died De- cember 28, 1830. He married (second) April 2, 1835, Eliza Griffin, died July 23, 1878. By first marriage he had two sons : i. Jacob, born November i, 1826, married Alvira, daughter of Jonatlian Yeomans : children : Adelaide, married John Stevens, and had two daughters : Zallah and Hattie ; Eliza ; Annie. 2. Piatt, of further mention. By second marriage he had seven children : 3. Henry, born Alay, 1836, died 1857. 4. Theodore, born April 3, 1838, married Augusta Goff, and had a daughter Susan. 5. Maria, born April 17, 1840, mar- ried Pierce Stevens. 6. Alary E., born April 25. 1842, died 1859. 7. Dr. 'Edgar D., born July 12, 1844, married Amelia Durland ; chil- dren : Frederick, Mary E., Carlcton. 8. Lor- enzo, born January 12, 1847. married Sarah A. Smith. 9. Charles A., born August 29, 1849, married Ella Roe: child, Henry G., born November 28, 1878. (IV) Piatt, second son of Frederick and Anna Maria (Haight) Coonley, was born in Greenville. Greene county, New York, Au- gust 28, 1828. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of Greenville and a private school at Freeliold, Greene county. He remained on the home farm with his father until 1866, when he removed to Coxsackie, where he first conducted a meat market, later added a gro- cery store, continuing until 1883. In that year he became interested in river transpor- tation, a business he has ever since continued. He became associated with the Reed & Powell Transportation Company, of which he was for several years treasurer and is now presi- dent. He was elected president of the Cox- sackie National I'ank in 1870, an office he now fills. He was elected trustee of the vil- lage corporation, 1871-72; supervisor, 1872; sheriff of Greene county, 1873-76, proving a most popular and efficient official. He was appointed postmaster of Coxsackie by Presi- dent Garfield in 1881, but resigned in 1883. He is a Republican in politics, and a vestry- man of Christ Episcopal Church. He mar- ried Kate, daughter of James Kent and Eliza Mosher Adams, of Troy, Pennsylvania. James Kent Adams was born in 181 1, died 1895. Eliza (Mosher) Adams was born in Stanfordville, Dutchess county. New York, died in Troy, Pennsylvania, 1886, daughter of Humphrey and Abigail (Coonley) Alosher, the latter a daughter of Jacob and grand- daughter of John Coonley, the emigrant from Germany. Humphrey Mosher was a son of David and (Haight) Mosher. who had children : Humphrey, Stephen, Mary and David. The progenitor of the Mosher family of Dutchess county. New York, is David Mosher, who was born in England, came to America prior to the revolution. He had sons : Jonathan, born 1755. died 1843 ; mar- ried Catherine Green, served in the revolution- ary army, and later settled in the town of Coeymans, Albany county; David, born 1760, settled in Dutchess county, where he married. His son David married Haight, and they are the parents of Humphrey Mosher and grandparents of Eliza Mosher, who married James Kent Adams. Their daughter, Kate Adams, married Piatt Coonley, of Coxsackie, New York. They have no issue. (\") Gerrit (5) Lansing, son LANSING of Gerrit (4) Lansing (q. v.), married (first) Annatje Yates ; (second) Wyentje Van Den Bergh. (VI) Gerrit J., son of Gerrit (5) and Wyentje (Van Den Bergh) Lansing, was born August 24, 1752. died in Charlestown, Montgomery county. New York. He mar- ried, April 15, 1787, Mary Van Dusen, born January 10, 1762, died May 2, 1842. Chil- dren : Leah, Helena, Jacob, Cornelius, Helena, Gertrude, Noah and Garrett. (VII) Gerrit (6), son of Gerrit J. and Mary (Van Dusen) Lansing, married, Octo- ber 14. 1828, Rebecca \"an \'echten Mount. They lived and died in Montgomery county. She was a daughter of Matthias Mount and a granddaughter of John Mount, the pioneer of the family in the county, coming from New Jersey, where the family originally settled. They settled in the town of Glen, where they owned and improved large farms. Children of Garrett and Reliecca V. V. (Mount) Lan- sing, all born in Charlestown: i. Mary, mar- ^iZ^^6&- ^ ^^ir-:t^ Ay HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS ried Isaac Schuyler. 2. Douw \'., a farmer of the town ; married Linda Houghtaling and has a son Eugene. 3. Dr. Benjamin, a lead- ing physician of Rhinebeck, New York, where he died; he married (first) Mary Barrington, who bore him a daughter Molly, now de- ceased : married (second) Jennie ; chil- dren ; Frederick and Florence ; his widow sur- vived him and married Bromley. 4. Jennie, married Philip J. Schuyler ; resides on a farm near Syracuse, New York ; no issue. 5. Garrett J., resides on the old homestead of the Lansings in Montgomery county, town of Charlestown ; married Amanda Iloag; chil- dren : Helen, married John Ingersoll, a farmer of Glen, and Frank H. 6. Matthias Mount, see forward. 7. Helen, married Rev. John ]McLaughlin, a minister of the Church of Christ ; she survives him, a resident of Charlestown. 9. Dr. Zachary Taylor, died un- married at the age of thirty-five. 10. Horace Greeley, a prominent attorney of the city of Brooklyn, now deceased ; married Franc Mc- Masters, who resides in Brooklyn, with daugh- ters, Florence and Jennie, teachers in the city public schools. (VHI) Matthias Mount, sixth child of Gerrit (6) and Rebecca Van Vechten (Mount) Lansing, was born in Charlestown, Montgomery county, New York, October 10, 1842. When he was thirteen years of age he went to live with his grandfather, Matthias Mount, in the town of Glen, where he was educated and grew to manhood. He suc- ceeded to the ownership of the Mount farm of one hundred and ten acres of fertile land, where he has since lived and carried on the business of a general farmer. He has been successful in his undertakings, and is one of the substantial men of the town. He is a Republican in politics, and a deacon of the Christian Church at Randall. He married, in Randall, town of Root, Mrs. Helen M. Yates, born in Onandaga county. New York, No- vember 7, 1840, daughter of Lewis and Cor- nelia (\'an Valkenburg) Lounsbury. They have no issue. Lewis Lounsbury, father of Mrs. Matthias AL Lansing, was a son of Lewis and Lucy (Howe) Lounsbury; he was born in Ulster county. New York, July 6, 1813, died Novem- ber 21, 1895. He became a noted surveyor and civil engineer. While following his pro- fession in Onandaga county. New York, he married and settled a few years later at Ran- dall, Montgomery county. He was a promi- nent -politician and business man of that county. He was past warden of New York City, superintendent of canals and held other less prominent positions; for many years he owned a line of packets that operated on the Erie canal. He married (first) Cornelia \an Valkenburg, born in Schenectady, died at Randall. Children: i. Helen M., married Matthias M. Lansing. 2. John E., born No- vember 29, 1842, now deceased; married (first) Helen Wires: (second) Kate Seeber, of Oneida, New York; both wives are de- ceased; by the second wife he had sons: Louis E. and George Williard, now real es- tate brokers of McAllister, Oklahoma. 3. George H., for many years cashier at the New York City post office ; now deceased : he married Jennie Eartlett. of Jersey City, New Jersey, who bore him Georgia B. and Frank B., the latter of Waverly, New York, mar- ried Lenna Beekman. This branch of the Lansing L.-\NSING family setled in or near Co- hoes about 1760. They de- scend from Gerrit Lansing, the founder, and date in the Mohawk Valley from about the year 1650. Many of the family are now liv- ing on land that is part of the original grant from the King or his representatives. For detailed genealogy see the Lansings of Al- bany, Troy and Cohoes. The particular branch of the family that is here considered is closely allied with the Fonda family of .Al- bany county, descendants of Jellise Dounse Fonda, who was in Beverwyck as early as 1650. In a later generation the only child and daughter of a wealthy Fonda married a Lansing, thus uniting two large estates. The descent of Alida M. Lansing from Gerrit Lansing, the founder, is through eight gener- ations, she being the ninth. (VI) \\'illiam, son of Hendrick (Henry) Lansing, was a farmer of Cohoes, where he lived and died. Fie married -Alida Fonda. Children: Henriette, Sarah. Maria. Down, Isaac. Jacob, William and Abraham Fonda. (VII) Abraham Fonda, youngest son of William and Alida (Fonda) I^nsing, was born in Fonda. August 10. 1803. died there, June 6, 1883. He was educated in the public schools, and was all his life a farmer, owning a large estate just outside the present limits of the citv of Cohoes. He was a member of "The Boght" Dutch Reformed Church, lo- cated about two miles from Cohoes on the bend of the river, which gave the name "The Boght." He married. December 8, 1823, Jane Fonda, born December 8, 1802, died June 6, 1883, only daughter of Douw A. and Derrica A. (Lansing) Fonda. By this marriage alt the property of Douw A. Fonda came into- possession of the Lansings upon his death, Jane being the sole heir. Children: i. Abran* 1642 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Fonda, born October 2. 1824. 2. William H., September 20, 1826. died December 19, 1903. .3. Richard Down, January 3, 1829, died April 30, 1891. 4. Henry Truax-, August 20, 1831, •died August 20, 1832. 5. Jacob, September 28, 1833 ; died June 30, 1888. 6. Sarah Ann, February 11, 1836, died August 28, 1889. 7. Alida M., born March 16. 1839; resides in ■Cohoes, the last survivor of the nine children •of her parents. 8. Isaac, May 22, 1842, died March 2, 1881. 9. Emily Jane, ]\Iay 18, 1845, •died April 14, 1855. The Douw A. Fonda farm was situated west of Cohoes and is now all included in the city limits. The City Park on Columbia street was also included in the farm. (The Fonda Line). (V) Abraham Douw Fonda, lineal descend- ant in the fifth generation from Jellise Dounse Fonda, the founder of the family in America, was born 1733, died October 10, 1799. He was a farmer of the town of Watervliet, as then constituted, a member of the Dutch church, and a man of considerable property. He married, August 20, 1771, Hendrica Lan- sing, who died February 7, 1840, aged ninety- one years, five months. Children : Douw, died in infancy. Sara, born November 7, 1773. Alida, December 28, 1775. Douw Abraham, see forward. Anna, died in infancy. Anna (2), October 14, 1781, died March 28, 1831. Maria, January 10, 1784. (\T) Douw Abraham, son of Abraham Douw and Hendrica (Lansing) Fonda, was born October 13, 1776, died May 15, 1868. He married Derrica A. Lansing and had an •only child, Jane, born December 8, 1802. (\Tr) Jane, only child of Douw Abraham and Derrica A. (Lansing) Fonda, married Abraham Fonda Lansing. This family is of English ancestry PITTS and was founded in America by John Pitts, son of Berwick Pitts, •of Lyme, Regis county, Dorset, England, a small seaport of the southern coast. Here John was born in 1668 and came to America in 1695, settling in Boston, where he was a successful and prominent merchant. He mar- ried Elizabeth Lendall, of Duxbury, Massa- chusetts, granddaughter of James Lendall, of England, who died in 1652. His will was witnessed by Miles Standis'h and John .Mden. John Pitts had a son James, who graduated at Harvard in 1728, and rose to a high posi- tion in the colony. He was a noted patriot and with his sons, John, Samuel and Lendall, at his side, equally devoted to the cause of liberty, walked the stormy path of the revo- lution when failure led to the scaffold, the axe or the gallows, and success led to liberty, free- dom and glory. It was a family noted in the annals of early Massachusetts, where Pitts street, Pitts wharf and Pitts tomb are yet to be found. The family is now scattered, but few if any are to be found in or around Bos- ton who can justly claim descent from James. There is no record to connect the New York family of Colonic, Albany county, with the Boston family. They trace five generations to William Pitts, of Chatham, Columbia county, who was son of Joseph. There were several of the name resident of the town of Chatham, where their descendants are still to be found. (I) William Pitts, son of Joseph Pitts, was born in the town of Chatham, Columbia county. New York. He was a school teacher in his younger days, but later a farmer. He was a devoted Methodist and a class leader in that church, and was of the Democratic faith. As a boy he recalled the incidents of the revo- lution and often told of his visits when a boy to the camp of the soldiers, driving cattle which were to be killed for their sustenance. He married (first) Salome Wickham, who bore him twelve children; (second) Charity Couse, who was the mother of two. (II) David W., son of William and Salome (Wickham) Pitts, was born in the town of Nassau, Rensselaer county. New York, where his father had removed from Columbia county. He also followed the occupation of a farmer all his days. He enlisted and served in the American army during the war of 1812-14. He was a prominent and useful member of the Methodist church and an ardent Democrat. He married Susanna, daughter of Ebenezer Boyce, of the town of Schodack, where she was born. They were the parents of thirteen children. (III) Sylvester, son of David W. and Su- sanna (Boyce) Pitts, was born in Nassau, Rensselaer county. New York, April 4, 1818, died in Colonic, Albany county, March 27, 1886. He was a farmer of Colonie all his adult years and prospered. He was a con- sistent member of the Methodist church, a good but not an austere man, liberal in thought and deed and highly respected in his community. He departed from the family political faith and joined the Republican party when the party was formed. He was em- phatically a home man, holding no public office nor belonging to any fraternal organi- zations, lie married, in 1849, Mary Ann Wetherwax, born in 1828. died in 1901'. Chil- dren : I. Emerson A., died in infancy. 2. Se- bastian W., see forward. 3. David W. (2), born July 12, i860; married Daisy, daughter HUDSON AND MOHAWK \' ALLEYS 1643 of Judge ]\Iart"ni, of Helena, Montana, and they live in Garden City, Kansas, he being witli a packing company of Topeka, Kansas. 4. Ida L., born in Colonie, New York, mar- ried Edward M. Dennison, of the same town ; she died Ftbruary 26, 1908: he died four years before. 5. Blanchard E., died in Albany City Hospital. December 11, 1909: no issue. 6. Albert F.. born December 24. 1868: married Hattie R. Rowe, and resides in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, sales agent for Watson & Com- pany, of Caiiastola, New York. (IV) Sebastian W., eldest son and second child of Sylvester and Mary Ann (Wether- wax) Pitts, was born in the town of Colonie, Albany county. New York, June 28. 1858. He was educated in the town schools, has all his life been a farmer, owns and lives upon the old Pitts homestead farm in Colonie. He has given much of his time to the public service of his country and has always been an adher- ent and supporter of the Republican party. For several years he was on the school board ■of his town, and in 1895 was appointed deputy sheriff of Albany county. He served as deputy for three years and was then appointed under sheriit. which office he held continu- ously until 1904, in which year he received the nomination of his party for the office of sheriff'. At the ensuing election he was the choice of the people and held the office for three years. On January 14. 1907, he was elected clerk of the county board of super- visors, and is now serving in that capacity (191 1 ). He has aUvays stood high in the local councils of the party and has been their choice, ratified by the party conventions, as delegate to the county and state conventions. He is a member of the Unconditional Club of Albany, and the Colonial Club of Watcrvliet. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and with liis family a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, taking an active and promi- nent part in church affairs. He married, at Colonie, November 5, 1880, Mary E. Lewis, born at Greenfield, Saratoga county, New York, April 12, 1859, daughter of George Van Rensselaer Lewis, a mill owner of Saratoga county, and his wife, Sarah M. (Weed) Lewis. She has one brother, George L. Lewis, a resi- dent of Whitestone, Long Island, and an at- torney in New York City. Children of Se- bastian W. and Mary E. (Lewis) Pitts: i. Clarence \'an Rensselaer, born in Colonie, August II. 1881 : married. November 8, 1905. Marv Seisel, and has a daughter Dorothy and a son Edwin Lewis Pitts. 2. Clifford Sylves- ter, twin of Clarence V. R. ; married, in 1904, Effie Swatling. Botli Garence V. R. and Clifford S. are f-armcrs. and cultivate tlie old Pitts homestead farms, tlie property of their father. 3. Bertha L., born March 16, 1883; married Irvin Dedrick, a farmer of Colonie. 4. Arthur Emerson, born June 23, 1885 ; he was educated in the town schools, afterward taking the full course and graduating from the Cohoes high school ; he then entered Union College ; at the expiration of his first year he was compelled by failing health to abandon all idea of completing the course: later he took up the study of medicine, spent four years at .Albany ATedical College, graduating and receiving his degree of Doctor of Medi- cine in 1909: he then took a course at the Lying-in Hospital of New York, and was on the staff of the Albany Hospital, but now is practicing medicine and surgery at 255 Quail street, .Albany, New York. Arthur Emerson Pitts married, September 17, 1910, Carrie Louisa Becker, of East Schodack, Rensselaer county, New York. All the children of Mr. Pitts are graduates of the Cohoes high school. TJiis branch of the Hoff family HOFF was founded in America by Rich- ard Hoff, born in Holland. He came to .America about the year 1750, and settled in the town of Glen, Montgomery county, where he died about 18 10. leaving a large familv. (ID Richard (2). .';on of Richard (i) Hoff, was born 1758. died March -20, 1856. He was a farmer in Glen. He niarriecl there. June 24, 1784, Marguerite, born 1765. died February 20, 1837, daughter of Jacob Put- nam. Children : i. Cornelius R., born June 25, 1785, died May 27, 1837. 2. Hannah, July 23, 1790, died August 15, 1846. 3. Elizabeth, September 16, 1792, died January 25, 1833. 4. Jacob, see forward. (HI) Jacob, youngest child of Richard (2) and Marguerite (Putnam") Hoff, was born March 30, 1796, died June 20, 1841. He mar- ried, December 24, 1824, Nellie, born 1795. died December 28, 1890, daughter of William and Mary (Marlctt) Newkirk. \\'illiam New- kirk, born November 27. 1764, lost liis life January 26, 1828, in Schoharie creek. In company with one daughter, two nieces and a Mr. Chase, lie was attempting to cross the creek on the ice, which was apparently strong enough to carry the weight, but gave way when they were in the middle of the creek. They were all thrown into the icy waters and none of the party was saved. He was the son of Garretl Cornelius Newkirk, born about 1720. in Holland, came to .America, was a pioneer settler in Glen, where lie died at an advanced age. leaving a familv. Children of lacoband Xellic (Newkirk") Hoff: i. William i644 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS N., born October ii, 1825, died November 9, 1907; married, October 11, 1853, Maria A. Shelp, born May 6, 1835, died October 31, 1905, leaving children: i. Mary E., born March 13, 1855; married Jay H. Faulknor, born February 8, 1849; children: Abram M. Faulknor, born July 10, 1873; married Sarah J. Miller, born March 22, 1874, and Glen H. Faulknor, born May 22, 1886; ii. Elizabeth A., born June 18, 1857; married Burr Rock- well, both deceased ; iii. Cornelius J., born August II, 1859, died August 27, 1898; mar- ried Ida Barlow, and left a daughter Eleanora A.; iv. Henrietta, born October 10, 1863; married Abram L. Van Home. 2. Cornelius, born 1828 ; married Susan C. Sweet, January I, 1856, both deceased. 3. Mary M., born March 11, 1830. died June 24, 1854; married Jeremiah A. Blood, both deceased without issue. 4. John, see forward. (IV) John, youngest child of Jacob and Nellie (Newkirk) Hoff, was born November 12, 1834. He was reared on the old Hoflf homestead, began a farmer's life in early boy- hood, and has always followed that occupa- tion. He owns the homestead farm on which he was born and his life spent. He is un- married. This family now in the BUHRMASTER second American gen- eration is native to the town of Minden, Westphalia, Empire of Ger- many. Through intermarriage, however, they are connected with one of the old revolution- ary families of the Mohawk \'alley. Dutch and German blood in that section has inter- mingled with that of other nations and pro- duced a race of men and women in which the essentially Teutonic traits, thrift and frugal- ity, predominate. The first of this family to come to America was Christian Buhrmaster, who descended from a long line of German ancestors, hardy farmers of the former king- dom of Westphalia, now a constituent part of the German Empire. (I) Frederick Ikihrmaster was born on his father's farm in the town of Minden, West- phalia, Prussia, in the year 1820, died there in 1907. He followed the usual family vocation, farming, all his life. He married a girl of the same province, Caroline, born about 1830, died in 1899, daughter of Frederick Bartling, a worthy man, and like the Buhrmasters a faithful member of the Lutheran church. Be- sides his daughter Caroline he was the father of Frederick Bartling and other children, one of whom survives, 1909, a resident of Minden. Frederick Buhrmaster and his wife were the parents of six children: i. Frederick (2), who came to the United States, settled in Amster- dam, New York, where he married Carrie- Shumyer; children: Anna, Frederick (3), Edward and Henry. 2. Mary, married a farmer of her native town, where they reside.. 3. Henry, who also came to the United States*, settled in the town of Florida, Montgomery county. New York ; married Sophia Shumyer ;■ children : Charles, Emma, Lena, Mattie. 4. Christian F., see forward. 5. Charles, a farmer of Minden, living on the Buhrmaster homestead ; married, and has a family. 6: Sophia, resides in Minden with her brother Charles ; unmarried. (II) Christian F., fourth child of Frederick and Caroline (Bartling) Buhrmaster, was born in Minden, Westphalia, Prussia, Decem- ber 9, 1864. He received the customary edu- cation of the German public schools which- fairly equipped him for life's battle in the- far-away land to which he emigrated in the year 1882. He sailed from Bremen on the steamship "Elba," and landed in New York City in April of that year. He did not long remain there, but soon is found in jMontgom- ery county, \vhere he worked at farming, the occupation he had followed in Westphalia. He was then just past sixteen years of age. He- possessed those two essentials to success, in- dustry and thrift. After years of effort and frugality he became, by purchase, the owner of two hundred acres of land in the town of Florida, part of an historical estate near Scotchbush. He has since resided on this farm, which he has greatly improved. He is interested particularly in fine stock breeding, although the products of his farm are of the- usual character general in the neighborhood. He is a Presbyterian in religion, and a Demo- crat in politics. He married, in Florida, De- cember 24, 1893, Emma Jane Hutton. born there September i, 1873. She descends from- an old Columbia county family that settled in Montgomery county about the year 1800 (see forward). Children of Christian F. and Emma J. (Hutton) Buhrmaster: Roy H., born June 15. 1895, and C. W. Fay, born November 4, 1897. Mrs. Buhrmaster is also a member of the Presbyterian church. (The Hutton Line). Mrs. Christian F. Buhrmaster (Emma Jane- Hutton) descends from Christopher Hutton, born in Colurnbia county. New York, about 1750. He removed to Troy, New York. He enlisted in the revolutionary army and served' also on the Troy committee of safety. He- married and had issue. (II) Timothy, .son of Christopher Hutton, was born at Bed Rock, Columbia county. New HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS '645 York, about 1780, died in Montgomery county, August II, 1862. He settled in the town of Glen, Montgomery county, about 1800. This ■was before his marriage. He married Mary Onderkirk, born in the village of Curry, town of Root. They had issue : (HI) John v.. son of Timothy and Mary (Onderkirk) Hutton, was born in the town of Florida, Montgomery county, March 29, 1815. He married Mary Jane Voorhees, of Cherry \'alley, Otsego county, New York, bom in 1824, died in Florida in January, 1890, daughter of John and Mary (Francisco) Voorhees, of Dutch and French ancestry. Mary Francisco was a niece of General Row- land, of revolutionary fame. John V. and Mary Jane (\'oorhees) Hutton were the par- ents of James. (I\') James, son of John V. and Mary Jane (Voorhees) Hutton, was born September 3, 1848. He was a farmer of the town of Flori- da. He married Sarah, born in Florida, July 24. 1852, daughter of Isaac J. and Catherine ( Lingenfcltcr) De Grafif. of that noted Mo- hawk \'alley family. Children: i. Emma Jane, wife of Christian F. Buhrmaster (see Buhrmaster H). 2. John, married May Dou- gall. 3. Elbert J., born September 8, 1886, died June 7, 1909; he enlisted in the United States regular army. Sixth Infantry Regi- ment ; he had an unblemished military record and died suddenlv at Fort Harrison, Montana. The date of this particular SMITH branch of the Smith family in Montgomery county, New York, is somewhat obscure, but taking the facts as known, 1780 approximates the year of the migration of Charles Smith from New Jer- sey, where he was born about 1760. He was married about this time, and it was a very young bride who helped him make a home in the then wilderness of southern Glen. But the farm was cleared and the home established which they occupied during their joint lives. He married, either in New Jersey or soon after his coming to New York, Anna Ding- man, born 1765. died in Glen, 1844. The an- cestors of both Charles Smith and Anna Ding- man were Dutch, and settled in America at a very early date. Children : Polly, married Frank Perrine: Gertrude, married John Da- vis : John Andrew, died young ; George A. (li) George A., son of Charles and .Anna (Dingman) Smith, was born in Glen, Mont- gomerv county. New York, April 20, 1793, died August 18, 1879. He was reared, passed his life "and died on the original homestead farm cleared bv his father. He married, in Glen, j\Iay 20, '1822, Elizabeth Bellows, born in tiiat town, April 27, 1804, died January 9, 1889. Both are buried in Glen cemetery. Children: i. Andrew S., see forward. 2. Eliza Jane, born December 9, 1824; married, January 10, 1843, Priest Rider, born May 17, 1817, died March 9, 1876; she survives her husband and is still a resident (1909) of Glen, physically and mentally bright and quite ac- tive ; child, Howard L. Rider, married Delia Rider and has Groot T. and Jennie. 3. Har- riet, born December 10, 1841 ; married Wins- low Dievenpeck, a farmer of Glen, born April 14, 1837, died May 22, 1870, son of Cornelius and Alargaret (Van W'ormer) Dievenpeck, early settlers of Glen, where they died, leav- ing children : Ann, Susan, Mary, Caroline, Sarah, Margaret, Abram, Isaac and Winslow ; all grew to maturity but Mary, who died >oung: and all married but Sarah, who resides in (lien. C'hildren of Winslow and Harriet (Smith) Dievenpeck: i. Flora V., died in in- fancy ; ii. Smith, born February 5, 1862, died January 18, 1894; married Minnie , now deceased, leaving Merwin Dievenpeck, born November 30, 1890; iii. Ivy, born Feb- ruary 5, 1865, married John Becker, and has Newell Becker, born December, 1907 ; iv. Me- lissa, born July 10, 1866, married Jerome Brown, born July 18, 1856, has Jay Brown, born May 24, 1884 ; May Brown, born Octo- ber 31, 1885, and Smith Brown, born Decem- ber I, 1888. (III) Andrew S., only son of George A. and Elizabeth ( I'ellows) Smith, was born in Glen, June 9, 1823, died at the home of his daugh- ter in Mohawk, Montgomery county, New York, September 30, 1905. He was a farmer. He married, in Glen, January 10, 1843, Ruth, born in Princetown, New York, April i, 1826, died in Glen, August 6, 1893, daughter of Lewis and Nancy (Van) Rider, of Sharon, Schoharie county. New York. Children: i. Eliza J. (Jennie), born November 23, 1845; married Milan Pierce, a veteran of the One Hundred and Fifty-third Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry; served through the war of the rebellion, now resides at Fort Hunter, New York ; children : Adclbert, Fanny, Ruth, Charles, William. Andrew B. Hunter. 2. George H., see forward. (IV) George H., only son of Andrew S. and Ruth (Rider) Smith, was born in Glen, Montgomery county. New York, September 19, 1848. He is one of the substantial farm- ers of Glen, living near Auriesville. He is a Democrat politically, and a member of the Reformed church. Me married, February 17, 1875, Ada, born in Glen, March 2^, 1855, daughter of Isaac N., born June 7, 1802, died March 20, 1885, and bi- ^.>.-. ..1.! wife, Eliza- 1646- HUDSON AND MOHAWK A'ALLEYS beth (Miller) Ouackenbush. This is one of the oldest families of this section of the AIo- hawk Valley. Isaac X. was a son of Nicholas Qiiackenbush, who was born December 9, 1750, on his father's farm along the banks of the Mohawk east of what is now Fultonville. His father came into the town about 1740, built a log cabin along the Indian trail near the river, and literally wrested a farm from the wilderness surrounding him. After gen- erations made further improvements and the place is still known as the Quackenbush farm. Nicholas Quackenbush (son of the pioneer) married. April 17, 1777. Helen Collyer, born May 19, 1761, died June 14, 1843 ; among their children was Isaac N., who married (first) March 18, 1823, Mary Turnbull, born August 10, 1805, died January i, 1842. Children: Nancy C., born July 18, 1824, died aged sev- enty-seven, unmarried. Peter, born Decem- ber 10, 1825, died in childhood. George W., March 18, 1829, died February 22, 1907. Isaac N. Quackenbush married (second) Elizabeth Miller, born June 19, 1822, died October 28. 1902. Children : Mary, born March 15, 1849, married James F. Polhamus, of Au- riesville. New Xork ; no issue. Ada, married George H. Smith. Children: i. Jay, born December 9, 1875, died January, 1876. 2. Ruth E., August 24, 1877 ; married Daniel Ar- gersinger, of Amsterdam, and has George Giles, born November 2, 1908. 3. Blanche, September 19, 1881, died February 22, 1882. 4. Charles Q., see forward. 5. Milton, Julv 29, 1898. (V) Charles Q., son of George H. and Ada (Quackenbush) Smith, was born July i, 1884. He completed his education in the public schools and decided on agriculture as his life work. He is the owner of a good farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres, not far from Glen Village, and is one of the prosper- ous, ambitious and progressive young farm- ers of the section. He is a Democrat politi- cally, and a member of the Reformed church. He married, June 28, 1905, in Glen, Laura, born January 5, 1886, daughter of Jacob Clement. In an old graveyard at Larison FISHER Corner, New Jersey, is the grave of Peter Fisher. Whence he came to this country and when is not known. From a careful examination of the old records it would seem that he could not have settled in New Jersey later then 1725, with the strong probability that it was much earlier. His wife's name was Maria, believed to have been born in Germany and most likely married there. Peter Fisher, upon his re- moval to New Jersey, settled in Somerset county, where he remained until 1730, when he removed to Hunterdon county, where he purchased a two-hundred-acre farm ; the deed bears date of March 30, 1730, and states the consideration to have been £132 of "lawful silver money." He had eight children, the eldest born 1725: Anthony, John, Elizabeth, Christopher. John, Peter. Jacob, and another daughter. Christopher, born 1730, married Charity Boss and had six children. It is from Christopher that the Fishers of Montgomery county here under consideration are believed to descend, but the connection cannot be defi- nitely traced. (I) Samuel Fisher, born in New Jersey, later a resident of Montgomery and Herki- mer counties, New York, died in the latter county, where he had removed after his sec- ond marriage. His wives were born in Mont- gomery county, where he lived in the town of Charleston. By his first wife, Anna (Craig) Fisher, he had six children: i. Rebecca, born in the town of Charleston ; married John P. Miller, son of Jacob Miller; left sons: Charles F. and Abraham J. D. 2. Amelia, married Peter J. Weldon ; died at age of sixty years ; her husband married (second) and settled in Herkimer, where he died at age of eighty years. 3. Jane, married Joel Smith; they settled in Herkimer and died at advanced ages ; leaving Samuel, John, Peter, Charles, Nettie and Annie Smith. 4. Samuel, settled in Glen when he was over sixty years old; he was a farmer there the remainder of his days ; married Mary Harris ; children : Anna, Rebecca, Jennie, Elizabeth, Charles. Hattie. 5. Ellison E., see forward. 6. Catherine, mar- ried John H. Bell, a farmer of Glen: he died at age of seventy-two and she at sixty-five; children : Ephraim J. and Charles Bell. Sam- uel Fisher married (second) Catherine \'an Patten and had a daughter, Hannah, married Joel Davis ; both deceased ; without issue. (II) Ellison E., son of Samuel and Anna (Craig) Fisher, was born in Charleston, Montgomery county. New York. July 8, 1826, died in Glen, October 20, 1894. At age of twelve he left home to do battle with the world and carve out his own fortune. He went to the town of Glen, where he found employment on a farm. He was determined to succeed in life, and by untiring industry, economy and right living became a substantial land owner in Glen, where he resided until his death. He was a man of integrity, whose word and promise always held good. He was a religious man and gave liberally of his sub- stance for the support of his church, the Dutch Reformed. He married in Glen, l-'ebruary 14, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS 1 047 1850, Elizabeth J. Serviss, born in Florida, August 27, 1825, of the early Montgomery county family of Serviss. She was a woman of rare force and character. She died August 3, 1910. Children: i. Alary, born July 14, 1851 ; married Jacob Clement. 2. Annie, April 6. 1853, died May 27, 1866. 3. Jay, see for- ward. (HI) Jay, only son of Ellison E. and Eliza- beth J. (Serviss) Fisher, was born in Glen, Montgomery county. New York, October 21, 1854. He is a successful farmer and a man of high standing in the community. He is a member of the Dutch Reformed church, and politically a Republican. He married (first) in Center county, Kansas, June 13, 1886, Nancy S. Baird, born in Will county, Illinois, May II, 1855, died at their home in Glen, October 3, 1889. Child, Floyd E., born Sep- tember 29, 1889; married Adelia Minch and has a son, Edward J. Fisher, born December 15, 1908. Floyd E. Fisher is one of the rising young farmers of Glen. Jay Fisher married (second) in Glen, May 5, 1907, Mrs. Nettie (Hoag) Crouse, born in Argusville, New York, August 3, i860, daughter of Ira and Annie M. (Gordon) Hoag, of Schoharie county, their lifelong home. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Hoag: Amanda, married Garrett Lansing, a farmer of Charleston ; children : Frank and Leland Lansing. Mark, deceased ; married Anna E. Kling; children: Irving and Anna Hoag. Charles, married Hattie Neskern and has issue. Nettie, married Jay Fisher. Mrs. Annie M. (Gordon) Hoag survived her first husband, Ira Hoag, and married (second) John Heyney ; children : Ella. Elmer, married Luella Kellogg; children: Lela and Mervin Heyney, the latter of whom married Dora Frank and has a daughter, Celia Heyney. Jay Fisher by his second marriage had no children. The Shibleys of Glen. New SHIBLEY York, descend from Swiss an- cestors on the paternal and Dutch on the maternal side. John Shibley, born in Switzerland, started when a young man to emigrate to America. While on his way he met Jane Wagman, a young girl born in Holland. They were married and continued their journey to the new world together. They landed in New York City, where they re- mained for a time, later settling in Schodack, Rensselaer county. New York, where they (lied at very advanced ages. They left one daughter and several sons. (II) Henry, son of John and Jane (Wag- man) Shibley, was born in Rensselaer county. New York. ' After his marriage he removed to Charleston, Montgomery county, where he purchased a tract of five hundred acres of land heavily covered with timber. He made a clearing and with the help of a good wife com- pelled the forest to make way for the fields, and left for his children a well-improved prop- erty. He married, in Rensselaer county, Elizabeth Shuntz, born of German and Eng- lish parents. She died October 30, 1847. Her husband survived her, dying at the age of ninety-three. Children : Jacob, John, George, Jeremiah. Mahala, Serena, Henry (2), see forward, Samuel. (III) Henry (2), son of Henry (i) and Elizabeth (Shuntz) Shibley, was born in Charleston, Montgomery county. New York, January 30, 1805, died Octol>er 4, 1895, on the old homestead he had helped to erect in the wilderness. He lived the life of a farmer. He married Jane Frank, born 1814, died No- vember 21, 1847. daughter of Andrew and Jane (Conover) Frank, and granddaughter of Adam Frank, one of the first settlers of the town of Glen, and a well-known patriot dur- ing the revolution. \\'ith Peter Hall and Isaac Conover he formed a trio that gave con- stant exhibitions of active muscular patriotism that brought woe to the offending Tories, and caused a reward of one hundred pounds to be offered for their heads : but they outwitted their enemies and came through the war safely. Andrew Frank, son of the patriot, owned a large property in Glen, known as Logtown, which he purchased. He erected an inn on this property, where he entertained the early-day travelers. He was a man of large business interests. He married Jane Conover, born in Glen, where she died. Children of Henry (2) and Jane (Frank) Shibley, his first wife: H. Milton, .\ndrew, see forward, Adam, George and Elizabeth. He married (second) Caroline Thorp, of English birth (said to descend from the royal family of Stuart). Child by second marriage: Lucy J., a resident of Charleston, New York, unmar- ried. (IV) Andrew, son of Henry (2) and Jane (Frank) Shibley, was born in Charleston, Montgomery county, New York, June 29, 1835, died August 22, 1905. He adopted agri- culture as his business and was one of the substantial men of his town. He purchased a farm of two hundred and thirty acres in Glen, in 1883, on which he resided until his death. He gained an envial)le name in the community for his manly, upright life, his strong advocacy of the cause of temperance, and his devotion to his principles. For many years he voted the Prohibition ticket. He married, at Charleston. January 9, 1890, Lucy C. Becker, born in that town, June 2. 1865 ifqS HUDSON AXD MOHAWK VALLEYS (see Becker V). She survives him and re- sides on the farm previously alluded to, which she manages with skill and success. She has no children, but has an adopted daughter, Bertha E., born September 9, 1885, married Richard Anderson, September i, 1902, and thev have Lucy A. Anderson, born February 27,' 1909- (The Becker Line). Johannes Becker, born in Holland, January, 1690, came to the American colonies early in "the eighteenth century ; settled in Washington county. New York, married Sarah \'an Deu- sen, born in Holland, 1692, died 1726, in Washington county, where their children were born. Children (perhaps others) : Johannes (2), born January 29, 171 8, married and had issue ; Abraham, see forward. (H) Abraham (or Abram), son of Jo- hannes and Sarah (Van Deusen) Becker, was born in Washington county, New York, Jan- uary 21, 1720, died 1784 ; married, 1743, Eliza- beth Van O'Linda, born January, 1725. Chil- dren: Johannes (3) and Martinus, see for- ward. (HI) Martinus, son of Abraham and Eliza- beth (Van O'Linda) Becker, was born May 31, 1749, died January 28, 1843; married, March 31, 1775, Lena Van Buskirk, born June 13, 1758, died July 27, 1821. Children Abram, born July 27. 1776. died May g, 1784 Esther, August 4, 1778, died January 9, 1842 John, August 31, 1780; Martha, February 10, 1783 ; Cornelius, see forward ; Elizabeth, No- vember 13, 1798. (IV) Cornelius, son of Martinus and Lena (Van Buskirk) Becker, was born August 30, 1796, died July 18, 1848; married Mary Mc- Duffee, born July 10, 1800, died July 9, 1876. Children: Sarah, Milton, John, William, Hiram, Frederick F., see forward, Calvin and Daniel. (V) Frederick F., son of Cornelius and Mary (McDuffee) Becker, was born Febru- .ary 2, 1826, died in Charleston, Montgomery county. New York (the town of his birth), July 28. 1895; married, December 26, 1848, Mary Barber, born March 23, 1823, died May ■9, 1891, daughter of Abram and Lucy (Pen- dleton) Barber. Children: i. Milton, born May 9, 1850, died February 9, 185 1. 2. Mary A., March 4, 1852, died December 18, 1871, unmarried. 3. William N., January 14, 1854, married Clara Shibley, has a daughter Angie 'L., who resides with her father at his home in Charleston. 4. Anna A., July 12, 1855, died December 29, 1885 : married Ambrose Sny- der, and left Frederick and Bertha E. Snyder. 5. Ida F., January 25, 1857, married Clinton De Nice; she survives him and resides on the old Becker farm with children: Allison, Jes- sie M., Harry C. De Nice. 6. Francis, June 7, 1858, died February 7, 1896, unmarried. 7. Alice P., November 21, 1859, married (first) Nelson Tallmadge, (second) Daniel Dodge ; children by second marriage : Fair- fax, deceased ; Harry and Winifred Dodge. 8. George McClellan, Decembei; 22, 1861, died May 15, 1863. 9. Lucv C, married Andrew Shibley (see Shibley IV). The Rossman family of ROSSMAN Claverack, Columbia county. New York, descend from Jo- hannes Roseman, who came from Germany to the town of Livingston, Columbia county, 1709, with the German emigration early in the eighteenth century. He married and had two sons, George and Conrad, and four daughters. (II) Conrad Rossman, son of Johannes Roseman, married and had children by first wife: Fite, Jacob, Jonas, who had two sons, Peter and Terry or George ; daughters, Mrs. Petrie, Mrs. Cone, Mrs. Prinder and Mrs. Brizer ; by second marriage he had five sons and one daughter : Conrad, Hendrick, Phillip, Adam, Samuel or Tobias, Hannah. (III) Fite, son of Conrad Rossman, was born 1743, died 1831. He was a farmer of the town of Claverack, Columbia county, near the village of Martindale. He married Ann Ham, of Pine Plains, New York. Children: I. Peter, of further mention. 2. John, died 1829 ; married Esther Hoffman. 3. Freder- ick, born 1775, died 1850; married Cornelia Van Deusen and had two sons : Stephen, mar- ried and had Edward and Augustus ; Josephus, married and had three daughters, Gertrude, Caroline and Margaret. 4. Jacob, born 1785, died 1854; married. 1812, Nancy M. Latting; had three sons and three daughters : Allen, Richard, Refine, Ann, Phoebe, Harriet. Re- fine had Richard, .Mien, Refine, Mary. 5. Margaret. 6. Catherine. (IV) Peter, .son of Fite and Ann (Hani) Rossman, married Alida \'an Deusen and had children: i. Fite, married and had Mary and Robert. 2. Daniel, of further mention. 3. Robert, married and had John, Gerald, Har- riet, Alida. 4. Elizabeth. (V) Daniel, son of Peter and Alida (Van Deusen) Rossman, was born at Martindale, town of Claverack, Columbia county, New York, December 15, 1800, died there April 9, 1845. Tic was a farmer and an honored citi- zen. He was for two years deacon of the Dutch Reformed church, and in politics a Whig. He married, March 28, 1826, Char- lotte Bortle, born May 18, 1803, died January HUDSON AND :kIOHAWK \'ALLEYS 1649 30, 1898. She descended from Michael Hor- ton, a captain in Washington's army in 1776; married Elizabeth Esselelyn. Their daughter, Rachel liorton, married John Eortle. Their daughter, Charlotte Bortle, married Daniel Rossman. Children: i. Frances E.. married Dr. Thomas T. Calkins; she is now a resi- dent of New York City. 2. Rachel A., mar- ried Abram F. Philip, of Philmont. 3. Louisa, died in childhood. 4. Sarah, born August 6, 1833, died July 31, 1854. 5. Catherine. 6. Emily, born November 18, 1837, died Octo- ber 8, 1858. 7. Bethia. 8. Louisa, married, October 28, 1888, John A. Nichols, who was born August 28. 183 1, and died December 22, 1905. (VI) Daniel P., son of Daniel and Char- lotte (Bortle) Rossman. was born February 5, 1846. He is now a resident of Claverack. He married Laura M. Fielder, born January 28, 1852. died February 26, 1898. Children: i. Frank, born October 27, 1876, died October 9. 1902. 2. Florence, March 8, 1879, died Jan- uary 16, 1907; married, April 19, 1902, Ar- thur Le Grand Dotv. The Eraser family is one of the ERASER ancient ones of Scotland, and a number of worthy members of it have become citizens of the United States. The particular branch of which this sketch treats is descended from the Lord Lovet clan, and has been domiciled in this country for a number of generations. The representatives of the family in the present generation are the Misses Altonah and Elizabeth Nevius Eraser, who were born in Athens. New York. Rob- ert Eraser, a brother of John Eraser, spoken of hereinafter, was engaged in the lumber business in the Bay of Honduras, died there and left a considerable estate. Word was sent to John Eraser, at "some place on the Hudson River," as the document read, but as travel was attended with great difficulties in those days, no steps were ever taken to ac- quire title to this property, and it probably passed into the hands of the partner of Robert. (I) John Eraser, the first of the family of whom we have detailed information, came from Edinburg, Scotland, at the age of eight- een years, and settled in Athens, New York, where he followed the occupation of cabinet- making. He was a stanch supporter of the Democratic party in politics, taking an active interest in all matters which concerned the public welfare, and his religious affiliations were with the Methodist church. He mar- ried, July 31, 1796, Patience Bradwell, and had children: Mary, born September 17, 1797; William, September 27, 1799; Hannah, July 17, 1801 ; Jane .Ann, January 7, 1804; George Bradwell, March 12. 1806, see forward; Rob- ert H., July 25, 1808; Eliza, August i, 1810; Sarah Ann, March 3, 1821. Patience (Brad- well) Eraser was the daughter of General Ja- cob Bradwell, of revolutionary fame, who lived at Coeymans, New York, and married Mary Guackin. The latter was the daughter of Guackin, who married Patience Potts, born in Pennsylvania, educated at the Moravian School in liethlehem, from whence she was married. (H) George Bradwell, second son of John and Patience (Bradwell) Eraser, was born in Athens, New York, March 12, 1806, died Sep- tember 14, 1884. He established and con- ducted a factory for the manufacture of stone ware, in which enterprise he was eminently successful, as he was in a number of other matters which he took in hand. He was at one time president of West Troy, New York, director and vice-president of Bank of West Troy for a number of years, and in church affairs took a prominent part, being vestry- man, junior and senior warden for a number of years of Trinity Church at Watervliet, New York. Mr. Eraser married, April 20, 183 1. Catha- rine Tolley : children : Mary Jane. Hannah. .M- tonah and Elizabeth Nevius. Catharine (Tol- ley) Eraser, born July 28, 1810, died Febru- ary 15, 1872, was the daughter of George Tol- ley and granddaughter of Dr. Frederick Tol- ley, who arrived at New York, August 12, 1753, having come from the Electorate of Hanover, Germany. He married, March 13, 1760, Catharine Voland, and had children: Henry B., born December 15, 1762; John Philip, March 11, 1766; Catharine, December 5, 1767; John Frederick, August 28, 1769; George, the father of Catharine (Tolley) Eraser: and William, born .April 12, 1781. (HI) Altonah and Elizabeth Nevius, the two youngest children of George Bradwell and Catharine (Tolley) Eraser, were born in .Ath- ens, New York, leaving there when infants, their parents moving to Watervliet. Tiiey at- tended for a number of years the Willard Seminary, where they received an excellent education, and this has been supplemented during the entire course of their lives by read- ing and study. They are members and faith- ful attendants at the services of the Episcopal church, in whose interests they are active. Their interest in music is a deep and lifelong one, and they are associate members of the Vocal, Choral and Chromatic societies, and are in all the entertainments which are instituted bv these associations. 1650 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS The history of the Norton NORTON family begins at tlie time of the Norman Conquest, when Le Signeur de Norville crossed over to Eng- land with King William the Conqueror, Sep- tember 29, 1022, and was his constable. The name at that time was Norville, which in French signified North Village. The name was afterward changed to Norton, which in English means North-town. It is supposed that all the families of this name in England, Ireland and America were derived from one man. (I) Benjamin Norton was a descendant of John Norton, of Branford, Connecticut. He was born in Stonington, Connecticut, 1793, died in Rome, New York, 1834. He served in the war of 18 12. He married Nancy Gor- don, of Scotch descent, at Albany, New York. (II) Cornelius H., son of Benjamin and Nancy (Gordon) Norton, was born in Rome, New York, August 27. 1828, died in Glovers- ville, New York, April 15, 1900. He mar- ried Sarah Darrow, born in Rome, New York, April II, 1824, died January i, 1901, in Glov- ersville. New York, daughter of Captain Pliny Darrow (whose ancestors were of revo- lutionary fame) and Sarah (Martin) Darrow. (III) Alfred Darrow Norton, son of Cor- nelius H. and Sarah (Darrow) Norton, was born in Mexico, New York, January 31, 1851. He succeeded his father in the jewelry busi- ness, coming to Gloversville from Rome in 1869, and has successfully conducted the same to the present time (191 1). He is con- sidered one of the most prominent and suc- cessful jewelers in the Mohawk Valley and Central New York. He married (first), Oc- tober 28, 1877, in Kingsboro. New York. Susie, daughter of Jonathan and Mary A. Wooster; died June 12, 1879; married (sec- ond). May 25. i88r, Phoebe D. Briggs, of Fonda, New York, daughter of Delavan and Almira (Dockstader) Briggs. Samuel .Mien, a farmer of the ALLEN town of Galway, Saratoga county. New York, married Cath- erine Cole. They continued their residence in Saratoga county until 1855, when they re- moved to Fulton county, which was their residence until. death. Children: John C, see forward : Sarah, married John R. Berry, who afterwards associated with her brother, John C. Allen, in glove manufacture: Lucy E., un- married ; Rebecca, married .'Xmatus R. Bel- lows, and had a daughter Beulah : Clara, mar- ried James Billings : Mary, married Timothy Davenport, and had Allen and Marion. (II) John C, son of Samuel and Catherine (Cole) Allen, was born in the town of Gal- way, Saratoga county, New York, January 27, 1838, died at Gloversville, New York. July 30, 1909. He was educated in the Galway schools, and was a resident there until he reached his- seventeenth year, when the family residence was removed to Gloversville. New York. For several years after locating in Gloversville, he learned the process of tanning leather and the manufacture of gloves, and became thor- oughly familiar with every detail of these in- dustries. He had become possessed also of some capital, and in 1873, in company with John R. Berry, began the manufacture of gloves under the firm name of Berry & Allen, succeeding to a business established in 1846. This was a most successful enterprise, and continued until the death of Mr. Berry in 1890, when Mr. Allen became the sole owner and continued the business. In 1900 he ad- mitted his son, Harry John Allen, as partner,, and the firm became J. C. Allen & Son. This firm became one of the largest glove-making concerns of Fulton county, and continued as J. C. Allen & Son until the death of the father, when it became an incorporation, un- der the name of J. C. ,\llen & Sons. Mr. .'\llen possessed special aptitude for business life, had intense powers of application, good executive ability, coupled with courage and an indomitable will. He won a success in life that was well deserved. He stood high among his brother manufacturers in the trade, who chose him president of the Fulton County Glove Manufacturers' .Association, of which organization he was always an active, inter- ested member. He was also a Inember of the board of directors of the Fulton County National Bank, and was a valuable member of that board. Business interests, while carefully managed, did not make up the sum total of his activities. His deep interest in church and Sunday-school work, the public schools, the public library and other Gloversville public institutions, was one of his prominent charac- teristics. Public-spirited to an unusual de- gree, nothing that tended to promote the com- mon good failed of his support. His love of music was a marked trait, and to him is largely due the introduction of musical in- struction in the public schools. He served in the public library as a member of the board of directors, and was always a warm friend of the free library. He was one of the orig- inal members of the First Presbyterian Church of Gloversville, which he served for twenty- five years as ruling elder. His interest in the Sunday-school was equally marked and con- tinued all through life. He never grew old, save in years, but retained his youtiiful sjiirit. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS and probably enjoyed the friendship of more young people than any man of his years in the city. His tastes were domestic, and in home and family he found his chief delight. He married, February 8, 1871, Genevieve L. Seaver, born in Galway, Saratoga county, New York, April 19, 1847. daughter of A. J. W. Seaver, born September 25, 1807, son of Josiah Seaver, of Galway, New York. Josiah Seaver was the owner of a farm of two hun- dred acres in Galway, which he cultivated all his active years. He and his wife were active Methodists, and lived the quiet lives of the well-to-do farmers of their jieriod. A. J. W. Seaver married Sophia Ann Fuller, born May 14. 1808, daughter of Gideon Fuller, born ^lay 19, 1780, and his wife, Christina Stearns, born August 27, 1785. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller had seven children: Alonzo, born September 3, 1803; Orancie, August 10, 1806; Sophia Ann, married A. J. W. Seaver; Harvey, born March 19, 181 1; Mercy, August 19, 1819; David, June 28, 1823 ; Mary, November 16. 1825. A. J. W. and Sophia Ann (Fuller) Seaver had five children : i. John Willis, born April 28, 1835; married Mary D. Ball (both deceased) : they left children, residents of Newark, New Jersey: Nathaniel. Jennie, Lizzie, Isaac, John. 2. Sarah, Ann, born No- vember 19, 1837: married John Taylor (de- ceased) ; they removed to Grass Lake. Alichi- gan, where their children yet reside: William, Laura, Jennie, Frederick, Nellie. 3. Charles Henry, born January 10. 1839; married Eula- lia Hayes : children : Cora, Florence, Lorene, Jessie. Tliis family resides at Jackson, Michi- gan. 4. Mary Jane, born December 10. 1843; married Sherwood Haggart ; children : Mary S., born November 18, 1870; George S., March 2, 1877. 5. Genevieve L., married John C. Allen, whom she survives, a resident of Gloversville, where her entire life since her marriage has been spent ; she is a member of the Presbyterian church, and interested in church and charitable work. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Allen: i. Katherine S., born Jan- uary 15, 1872; married, June 3, 1902, Charles T. Coombes, of Johnstown. New York, born May 14, 1871. 2. Harry John, see forward. 3. Genevieve, born February 12, 1876. 4. Richard Berry. November 6. 1878, of the firm of J. C. Allen & Sons. 5. Howard Washing- ton, February 22, 1882. 6. Susan Doty. De- cember 12, 1883: married, June 8. 1909, Ralph Prescott Beardsley, and has a daughter Gen- evieve, born June 3, 1910. 7. Samuel Gardner, November 12, 1885, of the firm of J. C. Allen & Sons. (HI) Harry John, eldest son of John C. and Genevieve L. (Seaver) .Allen, was born in Gloversville, New York, October 29. 1873. He was educated in the public schools and at Peekskill Military Academy. In 1894 he be- gan working in the glove factory of his fatiier, who in 1900 admitted him to a partnership, and re-named the firm J. C. .\llen & Son. After the death of Mr. Allen, senior, the busi- ness was incorporated as the J. C. Allen & Sons, with Harry J. .'Vllen as president. In this capacity he continues the business that was established by Berry & Allen, and now one of the leading industrial plants of Glovers- ville. He is director of Fulton County Na- tional Bank. Mr. Allen inherits the family love and talent for music, and has devoted a great amount of time to voice culture and instrumental music. For many years he had been director of the choir of the First Presby- terian Church, one ci the best musical or- ganizations of the city, now (1910) director of choir of Congregational church. He is a trustee of the public library, a member of the First Presbyterian Church, the Eccentric and Automobile clubs, and an interested, public- spirited citizen of his native town. Politically he is a Republican. He married. June 7. 1900. Marie Louise, born October 2, 1875, daughter of Samuel Harvey and Jane Elizabeth (Ev- erit) Shotwell, of Gloversville, New York. Child: John C. Allen (2), bom July 29, 1908. The Getman family of Glov- GETMAN crsville. New York, are of German ancestry and descend from Frederick Getman. who came to .Amer- ica from Germany in 1720. In 1740, in asso- ciation with Jonathan Rierman, he bought a tract of land in the Stone .Arabia Patent, Montgomery county. New York. Later Fred- erick bought his partner's interest and owned the entire tract, part of which is yet in the Getman name, lie married a Miss Bierman. who tore him sons: Frederick, George, John and Christian, all of whom took part in the war with the French prior to 1757. (II) Christian, eldest son of Frederick Getman. was a farmer, and during the French war was captain of a company of rangers in the colonial army. He married a widow: children: Peter, Christian (2). .Adam, Jacob, John, George, see forward ; Thomas, Peter, the eldest .son, served in the colonial army with his father against the French and Indians. (HI) George, son of Chri.stian Getman, was a farmer. He married and reared a large family, among them being a son George (2). (]V) George (2), son of George (i) Get- man. was lv>rn in the town of Mf>hawk. Mont- uomcrv count V. New \nvk. He was a farmer. 1652 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS and during the revolution held a lieutenant's commission in the regular. army commanded by Colonel Willett. He married Annie Shu- maker : children: i. George, married a Miss Empie ; children : Charles, David. 2. Peter, married and had fourteen children. 3. Jos- eph, married and had one son. 4. Benjamin, see forward. 5. Christopher, married Mary Miller ; son. William. 6. William, married Catherine Charlesworth ; children : Charlotte and William C. (V) Benjamin, .son of George (2) Getman, was born on the homestead in Montgomery county, June i, 1791, died at the age of eighty- eight years, his death resulting from a kick received from a vicious horse. This home- stead is now in the town of Ephratah, Fulton county, Montgomery and Fulton counties hav- ing been created from Tryon. He inherited the homestead, and was a farmer all his days of activity. He served in the war of 1812 and was engaged at the battle of Sacketts Harbor. He held the office of justice of the peace and was a man of importance in his town. He was a leading member of the Dutch Reformed church, which he served officially. He married Mary Van Antwerp, of Mohawk, Montgomery county: children: i. Deborah, died in infancy. 2. Elizabeth, married Josiah Williamson ; children ; Lycena, Jane C, Delia and Mary. 3. Washington, married Catherine Cook; children: Alida, Caroline, Benjamin, Elmer. 4. Chauncey, married Catherine Like ; children: Adelbert, Amy. 5. Jane, married John Schultz ; children: Elvira, Benjamin, John P., Henry, Maria, Eugene, Rachel, Mel- vin, Irving. 6. Delia, married Casper Saltz- man : children : Harvey and Carrie. 7. Ra- chel, married David Baker ; children : George G., Charles, Mary. 8. Nancy Catherine. 9. Oliver, see forward. 10. William, married Mary Bcntley. 11. Asa M.. married Mary Er- win : children : Crawford O., Pauline, Etta, Helen. 12. Crawford. 13. Mary Ann, mar- ried Jonathan Saltzman. (VI) Oliver, son of Benjamin and Mary (Van Antwerp) Getman, was born on the old Getman homestead in the town of Ephratah, Fulton county, New York, February 4, 1829. He was educated in the common schools, and passed his life engaged in farming, manufac- turing, and in the public service. In 1862 he was appointed deputy-sheriff of Fulton county, and in 1863 special deputy to United States provost marshal, holding the latter office until the close of the civil war. He was deputy- sheriff continuously until 1871, when he was elected sheriff. On retiring from the sheriff's ofifice he returned to the farm, remaining until the death of his father in 1879. In that year he associated with his brother Crawford in the manufacture of window glass. He removed to Cleveland, Oswego county. New York, where their plant was located, remaining there until 1889. During a great part of these years he was traveling in the interest of the com- pany, and as salesman of their factory prod- uct. \\niile in Oswego county he was elected supervisor, and served four years. In 1890 he removed to Johnstown. New York, and was elected a supervisor of Fulton county, and re-elected in 1891. During 1892 he organized the Getman Glass Manufacturing Company, of which he was president, and erected a plant at Avonmore, Pennsylvania, for the manufac- ture of window glass. Mr. Getman removed to that state and superintended the erection of the plant, and remained in the management until 1895. In that year he returned to Johns- town, where he engaged in the real estate and loan business, settlement of estates and gen- eral office business, continuing until his retire- ment from all active business. He has been identified with many of the business interests of Johnstown; was a member of the first board of directors of the First National Bank, of the People's Bank, and of the Fulton County Savings Bank ; was president of the Fulton County Agricultural Society. He al- ways continued the operation of the old home- stead farm, settled by his emigrant ancestor, and inherited by him from his father, Ben- jamin Getman. He is connected with the Ma- sonic order, holding membership in Garoga Lodge, No. 300, Free and Accepted Masons, Johnstown Chapter, No. 78, Royal Arch Ma- sons, and Holy Cross Commandery, No. 51, Knights Templar. Politically he is' a Repub- lican, and in religion is a Presbyterian. He married, October 31, 1855, Lovina Wood, born in Ephratah, Fulton county. New York, in 1834, daughter of Dr. Henry and Polly (Smith) Wood. Children: i. Leander, married Catherine Empe ; children : Henry and Catherine. 2. Lovina, married Oliver Getman. 3. Levi, married Myra Keith ; chil- dren : i. Lavina, married Everett Stephenson, and has a son Everett ; ii. Charles, married Grace Sarah Yanney, and has a son Harold; iii. Grace, married John F. Rickard, and has three children : Margaret, Florence and John W. (II) George, son of Frederick GETMAN Getman, "the founder," was born in the town of Ephratah, now Fulton county. New York. He succeeded his father in possession of the Ephratah iiome- stead. He married and had five sons, all of whom died in the cause of the revolution. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS i'i53 (HI) George (2), son of George (i) Get- man, was born in Ephratah, Fulton county, New York, about the year 1770. He was a captain in the war of 1812. He was a farmer of Ephratah all his life. He married Cath- erine Cook and had six sons. (IV) David, son of George (2) and Cath- erine (Cook) Getman, was born in 1809 in Ephratah, Fulton county, New York, died March 3, 1890. He removed to the town of Mayfield, same county, in 1846, and engaged in mercantile life, continuing until 1863, when he retired. He was a justice of the peace for twenty years, and an active worker and liberal supporter of the Dutch Reformed church of Mayfield. He married Mary Burdick, also born in Ephratah. They had five children, two only arriving at maturity. David, of whom further ; Sarah. (V) David (2), son of David (i) and Mary (Burdick) Getman, was born in Ephra- tah, Fulton county, New York, January 21, 1836. He was educated in the public schools and Kingsboro Academy, where he was grad- uated. When he was ten years of age his parents removed to Mayfield and after David had completed his studies he worked as a .clerk in his father's store. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted, August, 1861, in Company I, Seventh Regiment, New York Volunteers. This company was recruited in F"ulton county and was mustered into the United States service, October 30, i86i. He was commissioned first lieutenant, later cap- tain, and assigned to the Tenth Regiment, New York Cavalry. His army record is ex- ceedingly honorable, and is thus recorded in the history of the Tenth Regiment. "Captain David Getman, Jr., age twenty-six, commissioned from Ma>-field, October 17, 1862, with rank from September 17, 1862, mustered in October 30. 1862, wounded by saber-cut of arm and taken prisoner at Brandy Station, Virginia, June 9, 1863 ; escaped while in transit near Winnsboro, North Carolina, February 14, 1865; arrived in General Sherman's army February 21, 1865; returned to duty June 3, 1865; transferred June 24, 1865, to Company L, First New York, Prov. Cavalry. "The first and only captain of the initial com- pany of the new battalion was David Getman, Jr. This officer entered the service as Captain of Com- pany I and remained as such to the termination of its service. .'\t the time of the dissolution of the regiment he was transferred as Captain to Com- pany L of the First New York, Prov. Cavalry. No braver knight or more courteous gentleman ever led men to battle. He came of fighting stock, his grandfather George Getman, being an officer in the American army in the war of 1812. Captain David Getman, Jr., in civil as well as military life has exhibited a dignity of character and a spirit of enterprise that causes his fellow-citizens to mention his name with pride. While in Libby Prison, on the sixth day of July, 186^; his name, with seventy-four other prisoners of the rank of captain, was placed in a ballot-box, from which two names (Captain Sawj'er, of the First New Jersey Cav- alry, and Captain Flinn, of the Fifty-first Indiana Irifantry) were drawn for execution. President Lincoln (informed of the circumstances by Mrs. Sawyer, who had received a letter from her hus- band) held General W. H. F. Lee and Captain Winder, hostages for Sawyer and Flinn. and they were subsequently exchanged by special order from the Confederate War Department. Captain Get- man, with other officers, was for sixty-four days under fire in the city of Charlestown, South Caro- lina. General Foster had erected batteries on Mor- ris Island and was shelling the city, inflicting seri- ous damage. In order to save it from destruction these officers were placed in this position, and General Foster was notified that he jeopardized his comrades if he continued firing. It failed. However, it had the desired effect, as Foster erected other batteries and increased his fire, which resulted in the Federal officers being removed to Columbia, South Carolina. A man of excellent judgment. Captain Getman so regulated his habits and daily life while a prisoner of war that he emerged from the terrible ordeal with less of the evil effects than most of his associates. He has always manifested a deep interest in the members of the regiment, the feeling partaking of the paternal in regard to those who composed his old company." After the war he returned to Fulton county, New York, where until 1880 he was engaged chiefly in the purchase and sale of patent rights. He employed at times a score of men and double teams and carried on a very large and profitable business. In 1880 he began operations in real estate and made many of Gloversville's most substantial improvements. The Getman and Choral Union blocks, now known as the Martin & Nailor and \\'eed & Willoughby department stores, are monu- ments to the activity during this period of his eventful life. He purchased a farm in May- field where he indulged his love for horses and stock to the utmost. He built a track for training purposes and has owned some of the best horses in the county. Recently he pur- chased the old Judson mansion on Kingslxjro Heights, surrounded by two acres of land, where he intends to found the David and Helen Getman Old Ladies' Home. Denied children of his own Mr. Getman had taken unusual interest in young men, two of whom he educated and furnished with clothes during their school years. During his long life he has strictly adhered to principles of sobriety and abstinence from hotli liquor and tobacco. He is a Republican in politics, and for many years was notary public and was the first elected president of the village of Mayfield. He is a member of Canby Post, Graml .Army of the Republic ; the Veteran Association ; the Cavalry Society of the ITnited States : the Sons of Veterans of Glovcrsvillc, and named 1654 HUDSON Ai\D MOHA\\'K \^\LLEYS their camp David Getman Camp or post in his honor. He was made a Mason nearly half a -century ago, while at home on a furlough, receiv'ing from the New York Grand Lodge a special dispensation to receive the three de- grees in less than the constitutional time. He is a member of Gloversville Lodge, No. 429. He is a most liberal and generous-hearted man, using his wealth in and for churches, schools, hospitals and other charitable insti- tutions. He is well known and everywhere respected. He married, November 6, 1881, Helen Morris Van Buren, a descendant of President Martin Van Buren. Jonathan Reynolds, descen- REYNOLDS dant of the New England family of that name, mar- ried and had a son Job. (H) Job, son of Jonathan Reynolds, was born in 1778, settled in Washington county, New York, where he cleared a farm and es- tablished a home. He married .Anna Hanks, iborn 1784. Children: i. Porter Hanks, of "whom further. 2. Schuyler, married Mabel Hubbard ; children : Dudley, Schuyler, Ed- Avard, Warren and Frank. 3. Harriet, mar- ried Franklin Sheppard. (HI) Porter Hanks, son of Job and Anna (Hanks) Reynolds, was born in Greenwich, Washington county. New York, December 4, 1803. He married, December 12, 1825, Mary Sheldon Remington, born July 25, 1807. Chil- dren: I. Mary, born June 31, 1829, died June J 2, 1834. 2. Amander Porter, of whom fur- ther. 3. Arthur D., born July 12, 1835 : mar- ried, March 21, 1855, Martha Dobbins: child. Porter, died young. 4. James Herbert, born September 12, 1837, died January 19, 1897. 5. M,crritt L. (twin), born April 15, 1840; married, October 15, 1862, Caroline Simmons: children : Porter H. : Mary S.. married Charles Hosmer. 6. Mary Sheldon (twin) married, June 8, 1864, William Tybrant Mc- Master, born October 15, 1835, died July 4, 1870 : children : Porter Robert, Mary Lena and Henry William. 7. William Pitt, born Deccmljcr 7, 1843; married, January 2, 1866, Harriet Preston, who died August, 1908; child: Daughter, married Rev. D. H. Clark- son. 8. Job, born .April 30, 1846, died July 29, 1847. (IV) Amander Porter, son of Porter Hanks and Mary Sheldon (Remington) Reynolds, was born June 6, 183 1. died November 22, 1864. He was a farmer, lived and died in the ■old homestead built by his parents. He mar- ried, March 6, 1855, Mary E., daughter of Adley and Harriet (Stanley) Sherman: child, Adley Job, of whom further. Mary E. (Sher- man) Reynolds was a granddaughter of Adley Sherman, who died December 16, 1821. He was a farmer of Washington county, owning land in the town of Easton, where he lived and died. He married Susanna Huddleston. Children: Martha F., born July 22, 1794; Jonathan, September 30, 1795 ; Stephen, April 23. 1797: Almira, April 23. 1799; Peleg, Au- gust 9. 1801 ; Medusa, June 16, 1802 ; Susanna, January 27. 1804: Adley. May 31, 1805 : Char- lotte, September 9, 1806; Elizabeth, Mav 10, 1808: Polly Maria. November 10, 1809:' Eli- sha Brownell, October 13, 1812; Minnie, Sep- tember 13, 1813; Caleb, December 7, 1814; Olive, September 17, 1817. Adley (2) Sher- man, son of Adley (i) Sherman, was born in the town of Easton, Washington county. New York, May 31, 1805, married, July 4, 1852, Harriet, daughter of Abiel and Rizpah (Bail- ey) Stanley, born June 2. 1815, died January 31, 1898. Children: John: Mary E., mar- ried Amander Porter Reynolds ; Rizpah, mar- ried Jerome B. Wright. ( \' ) Adley Job, son of Amander Porter and Mary E. (Sherman) Reynolds, was born on the old homestead in North Greenwich, Wash- ington county. New York, April i, 1858. His early education was obtained in the public schools of the town, followed by courses of study at Greenwich high school and Troy Con- ference Academy at Poultney, Vermont. He owns and cultivates a fine farm, wiiich is part of the original tract settled by Job Rey- nolds prior to the year 1800. He is also a director in the First National Bank of Green- wich, and for two terms represented Green- wich on the Washington county board of su- pervisors. He is prominent in the Masonic order, master of Greenwich Lodge, No. 554, Free and Accepted Masons, and district dep- uty grand master for the district comprising the counties of Washington, Saratoga and Warren. Politically he is a Republican ; a member of the Baptist church. The Daleys of Ballylin parish. D.SLl'^Y Ireland, were one of the old and well-established families of that district. They were conservative memlx^rs of the Roman Catholic church and occupied a good position in the county. ( I ) Michael Daley was born in Ballylin parish, and there received his education and became superintendent of the vast King es- tate. He married in his native parish, and in 185 1, after the death of his wife, came to the United States with his children, the eldest be- ing about eighteen years of age. He settled in Albany. New York, where he died in 1861. During his residence in Albany he lived prac- HLDSOX AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS tically a retired life, taking an active part in political life as a Democrat, and worshiping Avith St. Joseph's Roman Catholic congrega- tion, of which he was a member. Children : I. Michael (2), of whom further. 2. Joseph, married Lena Hodder. and is engaged in cigar manufacturing at Gloversville, New York; no issue. 3. Bridget, never married, died in Albany, New York. 4. ,\nna, mar- ried a Mr. Carroll : both deceased ; left issue. 5. Ellen, married Charles Hotaling, of Albany. New York: children: Charles, Joseph. De Los, Anna (deceased), Elizabeth and Matilda. ■6. Elizabeth, married Robert Begley. of Al- banv : she died, leaving Anna and Margaret. (ID Michael (2), son of Michael (i) Da- ley, was born in parish Ballylin, Ireland, in 1833, died in Albany, New York. August 19. 1905. He was educated in the parochial schools, and at the age of eighteen years came to the L'nited States with his father, settling in Albany. New York, where he finished his ■education and learned the trade of mason. After several years' work as a journeyman, he began business on his own account. His rise was rapid, and he became one of the lead- ing building contractors of the city. Among the public buildings he erected is the Pruyn Public Library, The Consolidated Car Heating Plant. St. Margaret Home and The Hudson \'alley Railroad Car House. Numerous private buildings were erected imder his supervision, and many contracts of a varied nature were successfully completed. He prospered in business and secured a competence through his capable management and untiring energy. In physique he was large and commanding, with a warm, sympathetic nature that endeared him to all. While a member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church and a faithful com- municant, his religion went beyond his creed, and all men were his brethren. In political faith he affiliated with the party that he thought furnished the best candidate. He married (first), in Albany, Mrs. Mary •. who died in middle life, leaving children: i. Mary, married Michael McGowen, who sur- vives her, a resident of the Far W'est. 2. Michael, died in youthful manhood. 3. Eliza- "beth. married Thomas Reidy. who survives "her in .Albany : children : Joseph and Michael. Michael Dalev married (second), in .Albany, ]Vfarie (Mary P..) Boden. born in Hanover. Gernianv, daughter of William Frederick and Alma (Struve) Boden, and granddaughter of Frederick Boden, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Hanover. He was a man of deep learning and made frequent visits to the Uni- ted States. His only daughter. Wilhelmina, married Charles Henning, a prominent citizen of Saxony, Germany. William Frederick Bo- den was born in 1832, died 1903. He was a man of great learning and for twenty-seven years occupied the chair of geometry in the College of Hanover. He was a famed educa- tor, ranking with the best-known in his state. In military life he attained equal honor as colonel of the thirty-second regiment, German cavalry. He led his men in the war of 1866 and in the Franco-Prussian war had a most brilliant career, making his regiment conspicu- ous even in that great army which Germany sent again France. He held communion with the Reformed church of Germany, and was a well-beloved and highly-respected member. He married (first) .Alma Struve, also a native of Hanover, where she died, leaving an only child, Mary B. He married (second ) Caro- line Arnemann. Children : William Freder- ick (2), George D. and Frederick F. .All married and are prominent educators of their native city, Hanover, Germany. William Frederick and his two wives died at and are buried in Hanover. Mary B. Boden, only child of her parents, was at the age of eight years brought to the United States by her grandfather, Frederick Boden, five years after the death of her mother, and placed under the care of an aunt in Albany, New York, by whom she was carefully nurtured and finely educated. She married, January 9, 1890, Michael Dalev. whom she survives, a resident of Albany. Child. William B., born in Al- bany, January 28. 1891, educated in the pub- lic school of Ossining, St. John's Seminary for Boys, and now is a student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, class of 1913. Mrs. Daley and son are members of the Protestant Episcopal church of Albany. This family name in Holland WILTSIE is Wiltsee.'but some branches spell it Wiltsie, as does the family herein recorded. (I) Phillippe Martin Wiltsee, of Fort Or- ange and Waalbogt, was born in the latter part of the si.xtecnth century in Holland (probably at Tirlamont). and died in Swaanendacl. March, 1632. He was a soldier under Mcw- rice toward the close of the war between Hol- land and Spain, and emigrated with his wife, two children and two servants to .America on the .ship "New Netherlands" in 1632. He was one of those detailed to I)uild Fort Orange. When the Indians forced the first colonists to return to New .Amsterdam, he and his fam- ily settled at Waal-I'.ogt. Wishing to visit the colony at Swaancmlael. he took with him his sons, Pierre and llcndrick, and was killed t6:;6 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS by the Indians in the fort, he at that time be- ing sick. His wife was Sophia Ter Bosch, born in Holland. After the death of her hus- band she is believed to have returned to Hol- land with the younger members of the family. Children, first two born in Holland prior to 162 1 : Tyntje, died 1646; married Adam Roelantsen, the first school teacher in New Amsterdam; Pierre (see Hendrick M.) ; Ma- cheltje; Hendrick M., Martin, Maria. (II) Hendrick Martensen, son of Phillippe Martin and Sophia (Ter Bosch) Wiltsee, was born in Waal-Bogt, New York. He was on the sea in 1623, coming to America with his parents, but must have been then a young boy. He and his brother Pierre are said to have been taken prisoners by the Indians when the settlement at Swaanendael was destroyed and their father killed, in 1632. They were taken to Quebec in 1633 and given to the Jesuit fathers, who kept them a year under their training. They were then taken to the Huron country, and made their escape in 1640. They spent two years at Esopus trading with the Indians, then went to sea for several years as sailors. Hendrick M. was a freeholder in Newtown, Long Island, in 1655. In 1658 he went from Fort Orange to Quebec with the Mohawk Indians as interpreter. He had a lawsuit in New Amsterdam in 1660. He was commander of a vessel in that year, and wrote a letter to Governor Stuyvesant from the Island of Aruba, Dutch Antilles. He was a soldier in Kingston, New York, between 1660 and 1667, and was erroneously reported killed in 1663. He had a son Hendrick, baptized in New Amsterdam, 1669. He was on the list of inhabitants in Newtown, Long Island, in 1675, and purchased land at Hell Gate in 1681. He was mentioned in the Newtown patent by Governor Dongan in 1686. Up to about 1690 his name is always written Hen- drick Martensen, then he began to assume his ancient tribal, or national, name in signing documents and records. On the baptismal rec- ord of the old Dutch church in New York City where his granddaughter, Margaretta, was baptized July 6, 1701, his name is signed "Hendrick Martense Wiltsee." He married Margarita Meyerings, daughter of Jan Meyers and Fenntje Straitsman, and widow of Her- man Jansen Fenette, who lived in the Dutch colony at Fort Maigriette in Brazil, and had four husbands, of whom Jan Meyerings was the first. Children: Sophia, born 1660; Jen- netje, 1663; Barbara, 1665; Marten. 1667; Hendrick, 1669; Myndert, 1672; Theunis, 1674 ; Jacob, 1676. (III) Marten, son of Hendrick M. and Margarita Wiltsee, was baptized in Esopus, New York, April 3, 1667. He married, in Flatbush, Long Island. June 26, 1690, Mar- retje, daughter of Cornelius Barent Van Wyck and Anna, daughter of Rev. Theodorus Pol- hemus and Catherine Van Werven. Children baptized: Cornelis, 1691 ; Hendrick, 1693; Johannes, 1695; Margarett, 1697; Maria, 1702; Catharine, 1704; Anatie, 1706; Sophia, 1709; Martine, 171 1. (IV) Cornelis, son of Marten and Marretje (Van Wyck) Wiltsee, was baptized July 23, 1691, and lived in Flushing and Jamaica, Long Island. He removed to Dutchess count}'. New York, in 1734. He married, in 1712, Rachel (Ruth), daughter of Jeremiah Smith, of Hempstead, Long Island, who removed from New England to Long Island because not in accord with the teachings of his sect. Chil- dren : Elizabeth, baptized 1713; Martyn, 1715; Anna, 1717; Jermyas, 1718; Marrja, 1720; Rutie, 1722; Cornelis, 1723; Jacobus, men- tioned below: Hendrick, 1726; Johannes, 1728; Jacob, baptized 1732. These children were all born in Jamaica, Long Island. (V) Jacobus (James) son of Cornelis and Rachel "(Ruth) (Smith) Wiltsie, was baptized April 12. 1724. He was a farmer of the town of East Fishkill, Dutchess county. The fam- ily were prominent in Peekskill and were largely engaged in the early river transporta- tion business. (Uncles and cousins of James, descendants of Marten, spell their name Wiltse.) James married and had issue, among whom was a son William. (VI) William, son of Jacobus (James) Wiltsie, was born in East Fishkill, Dutchess county. New York, in 1750. He removed to the town of Bethlehem, Albany county. New York, 1795. He purchased a farm in South Bethlehem from Stephen Van Rensselaer, buying possession from Nicholas See, who had previously taken up the land and made some improvements on it. William Wiltsie died in 1797, and the property passed into the hands of his children, the youngest son, Ambrose, finally becoming the owner, and at his death, in 1856, it became the property of his eldest son Ambrose (2), who had previously worked it on shares with his brothers. William Wilt- sie, according to the census of 1790. was in that year a resident of the town of Half Moon, Albany county, coming to Bethlehem from there. He was a soldier of the revolution, serving in the Second Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, commanded by Colonel Abra- ham IBrinkerhoflf. (See New York in the Revolution, p. 139.) He married and had is- sue, the youngest being Ambrose, born in Half Moon, Albany county, the others most likely in Dutchess county. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS •657 (VH) Ambrose, youngest son of William Wiltsie, was born in Albany county, New York, June 20, 1787. He was about nine years of age when his father removed to South Bethlehem, where Ambrose died Feb- ruary 15, 1856. He became a substantial farmer and a highly respected citizen of the town. He was an active member of the Meth- odist Episcopal church, and a liberal sup- porter. In politics he was a strong Democrat. His entire life, from his ninth year, was spent in the town of Bethlehem. Lie married Mag- dalena Miller, born December 25, 1784, in Connecticut. Her parents settled in the town of Coeymans from Dutchess county the same year her husband's father settled in Bethle- hem, 1796. She died in September, 1878, aged ninety-four years. She was a daughter of John Miller, born in Alsace, Germany, and during the revolutionary war came to America with General Lafayette and fought for the cause of freedom. After the war he settled in Connecticut, where he married Zabrina Bradford. Later he removed to Dutchess county, then to Coeymans, Albany county, New York, where he died. Children: I. Hannah, married George Lasher, a farmer of Bethlehem ; had issue. 2. Sarah, married George Coonley, a farmer of Bethlehem. 3. Ambrose (2), a farmer of Bethlehem ; married (first) Hannah E. Whitbeck ; (second) Cath- erine Kimmey, widow of Frederick Slack. 4. James, a farmer of Coeymans ; later engaged in the coal trade in the city of Albany, where he died after his retirement from business. He had a son Ambrose, died a young man, by his first wife, Catharine Coonley; his second wife was Margaret Bender, now of Albany. 5. Dr. David, a graduate of Albany Medical College; practiced his profession for many years' in Chicago. Late in life he returned to his boyhood home, where he died at the farm of his brother near South Bethlehem, in town of Bethlehem, Albany county; he married, but had no issue. 6. Hiram, see forward. 7. William, married, and died, leaving sons Da- vifl, Peter, James, and a daughter, Elizabeth, all of whom married. 8. John, (q. v.). (VIII) Hiram, son of Ambrose and Mag- dalena (Miller) Wilt.sie, was born April 17, 1822, in Bethlehem. Albany county. New York, and died on his farm in New Scotland, same county, January 8, 1895. He settled on a farm in Feurabush in 1863, and was one of the largest land owners in the town. He was a successful farmer, and bore the best of reputations as a man. He was upright and always reliable, had a scrupulous regard for his word and despised a lie. He was an active and useful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a Republican after the formation of that party. He married, October 13, 1847, Charlotte Ann, daughter of Henry Y. Schoon- maker, born March 26, 1791, died September I, 1864; she was born in Bethlehem, Albany county, New York, March 10, 1831, who yet survives him, being almost eighty years old. She resides in the town of Bethlehem, and is a well-known and much respected woman. Children: i. Evaline K., born in Bethlehem, May 3, 1850; married Harman Van Derzee, farmer of New Scotland, whom she survives ; child, Harman IL, married Rachel Wiltsie, and lives in St. Louis, Missouri. 2. Hester, born March 6, 1852; married Peter \'an Nat- tan, a farmer of Bethlehem ; child, George C, married Ivy Albright, and has a daughter Ruth. 3. Martha Alida, born January 22, 1858; married Rev. Andrew Schriver, a min- ister and presiding elder of the Methodist Episcopal church ; now retired at Chester. New York ; children : Hiram, married Ruth Edge- comb : Newman ; Paul Revere ; Charlotte A. ; Franklin A. 4. Franklin A., born October 17, 1863; a farmer of Bethlehem; married (first) Adelaide Cole; no issue; (second) Harriet Dimon ; child, Marion. 5. Annie B., born Sep- tember 19, 1866; married Hiram J. Nodine, of Coeymans ; she is now of Philadelphia ; two children: Charlotte W., and Ambrose James, see forward. (IX) Ambrose James, son of Hiram and Charlotte Ann (Schoonmaker) Wiltsie, was born on the farm near Feurabush, New Scot- land, October 9, 1873. He was educated in the town public schools, Cazenovia Seminary and Albany Business College. He then re- tired to the farm which he inherited at his father's death. The estate comprises two hun- dred and forty acres, of which two hundred are under cultivation, and twenty acres in fine fruit orchards, with substantial and roomy homestead, farm and other necessary build- ings. These were erected by his father, who left the estate in good condition. Ambrose J. is a modern farmer and maintains his farm in perfect condition, and it is regarded as one of the very best in Albany county. Every- thing about the farm bespeaks the careful, thrifty man of business who does not depend so much on his muscle for success as he does upon scientific handling of his acres with care- ful method and system. He is a member of the Reformed church, and a Republican. He married, in New Scotland, February 24, 1897, Elizabeth Loncks, born November 9, 1870. educated at Albany Normal College, promi- nent in local, church and social circles, and a woman of excellent business capacity. She is a daughter of John Albert and Susan (Slin- 1658 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ■gerland) Loucks. Her father was born July 19, 1841, was a thrifty, prosperous farmer and fruit grower of New Scotland, owning large landed estates, and is now (1910) living re- tired in the village of New Scotland. He was a son of James Harris Loucks, of Schoharie ■valley, and his wife Hester, daughter of John Albert Slingerland, and sister of the late William H. Slingerland. of Slingerlands. James Harris Loucks was a son of John, and ■grandson of Peter, who came from Holland in 1772. and settled at Sharon, New York. "then almost a wilderness. His wife was Betsey . who bore him six children. David, William, John, Andrew, Sarah, and Mary. John Albert and Susan (Slingerland) L^oucks had five children, i. Elizabeth, mar- ried Ambrose J. Wiltsie. 2. Anna, born April 20, 1871. married John V. D. Bradt, a farmer •of New Scotland. 3. James Harris (2). born November 13, 1877; a graduate of Albany Law school, class of 1908; now (1910) a practicing attorney of Albany ; married Sarah Creble, daugliter of Francis and Sarah (Cal- lanan) Creble (see Creble IX) ; they have a •daughter, Frances Elizabeth. 4. Agnes Es- telle, born December 13, 1887; a graduate of Albany Girls' Academy: unmarried. 5. John A. (2), born July 23, 1894; at home; in Al- Ijany high school. Susan (Slingerland) Loucks, mother of Mrs. Ambrose J. Wiltsie, is a daughter of Peter, granddaughter of Maus, and great- ■granddaughter of Peter Slingerland, a de- ■scendant of Tennis Cornelis and Engeltie Al- "bertse (Bradt) Slingerland, of Holland, who -emigrated to America from Amsterdam in 1650. Montgomery county. N e w SEEGER York, has always had a great attraction for the German peo- ple, and perhaps from no particular section of Germany have more families settled there than from Westphalia. They have always proved desirable citizens, and have added materially to the wealth of the country. (I) Martin Seeger, with whom this family record begins, was born in Greifenburg. West- phalia, Germany (then Prussia), in 1803. His parents also lived and died in that town. Mar- tin was in the employ of a wealthy resident of the town for many years previous to the date of his death in 1855. He married Marie Dorn, born in the same province ; she survived her Tiusband. and at the request of her children joined them in the United States, where she died in Amsterdam, New York, at the home of her daughter Hannah, at the age of ninety- two. Roth Martin and Marie (Dorn) Seeger were members of the German Lutheran church. They were the parents of eleven children, who grew to maturity, five of these came to the United States, and will be named: i. Ernest, settled in Iowa in 1870. and died at the age of forty-five, unmarried. 2. Herman, served in the German army four years, including the period of the Franco-German war : he came to the LTnited States in 1872. and settled in Am- sterdam, New York : he married Minnie Gi- sen, deceased, and had issue ; he is now ( 1909) a resident of Racine, Wisconsin. 3. Fred Augustus, see forward. 4. Minnie, came to the United States in 1867: settled in Iowa, where she married Herman Jarlin, a wealthy land owner and farmer : they reared a family of five. 5. Hannah, married in Germany, Henry Juetes : they settled in Amsterdam, New York, where he died in 1899 and she in 1898, leaving children : Augustus William. Charles. Henry, Fred, Hannah, Minnie and Bertha Juetes. (II) Fred Augustus, son of Martin and Marie (Dorn) Seeger, was born in Greifen- burg, Westphalia, Germany, April 22, 1846. He grew up in his native village, and when nineteen enlisted in the public civil service and served for three and one-half years. The war with France broke out shortly after his discharge from the service, and he at once enlisted in the service of the fatherland. He joined the ranks of the cavalry, Plummer regi- ment No. 2 Passawalk. and saw hard service, as that regiment was in many engagements. He was in the ranks something over a year and escaped without a scratch, laying down his iron shield and hood at the close of the war, he says "with regret,'" as he liked the life of a .soldier. He received an honorable discharge, and in 1872 with his brother Her- man took passage from Bremen for New York, where they arrived April 7. 1872. He soon came to Amsterdam, where he worked for the farmers until his marriage, when he leased land and farmed on his own account. In 1884 he purchased a good farm of one hundred and twenty acres near Hagaman, town of Amsterdam, uix)n which he settled and remained until 1906. when he sold the farm to his son and retired from active life. He married, in Hagaman. January 21, 1874, Caroline Borwhat, born in Germany, in the province of Westphalia, near the village of Greifenburg, September 30, 1856, died in Am- sterdam, Novcmljcr 30, 1902, daughter of Charles Borwhat, with whom she emigrated to the United States in 1871. The family set- tled in Amsterdam, where Mr. and Mrs. Bor- what died at advanced ages. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick .\. Seeger were members of the Ger- Hl'DSOX AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS 1659 man Lutheran church. Children: i. Edward F., born October 18, 1877: married Edith Kas- dorf ; children : Leon C. and Marian A. ; he is a carpenter and builder of Rockton, a sub- urb of Amsterdam. 2. Charles P.. born July 9. 1879: purchased the homestead in 1906 and now operates it : married Elizabeth Rogers, of Amsterdam. 3. William S., born April 11, 1881 ; married Annie Pagel : children: Elvie and Amelia ; he is a dairyman of the town. 4. John, born April 16, 1885; married Emily Sterne ; he is a dairyman of .Amsterdam. 5. Anna ^L, born October 7, 1900: she is the particular attendant of her aged father, for whom she cares with devoted interest. This family was found- MAISONNEU\"E ed in the United States by William Maison- neuve, of Canada, grandson of a prominent mason and builder of Terbonne, Canada, who w-as the builder of many of the stone churches found in that country and section. (I) .Vntoine Maisonneuve was born at St. Jerome, Province of Quebec, Canada, in 181 1, died at St. Phillippi. Canada. October 25, 1894. He learned the trade of his father and became a contractor himself. He always remained in Canada, where he married Angelica Constan- tineau, born in Canada, who survives her hus- band, a resident of Ottawa. Canada. Chil- dren: I. William, see forward. 2. , born 1857 : a stone mason of Brownburg, Can- ada. 3. Mary Louise, born in Ottawa, Can- ada : married John Patrie. 4. -Annie, married Le Blanc : resides in Michigan. 5. Ma- thilda, married Leon De Lome, of a wealthy and prominent family of Canada : resides in Ottawa. (H) William, son of Antoine and Angelica (Constantineau) Maisonneuve, was born in Ottawa. Canada, January 28. 1855. He was educ-ited at St. Joseph's College of that city, graduating in 1868. and in 1872 settled in the United States at Marquette. Michigan, going from thence to Woonsocket, Rhode Island, where he remained two years. In 1876 he settled in Cohoes, New York, remaining but a short time. After two years spent in IVlon- tana he returned to Cohoes. In 1880 he was appointed to the police force, where he con- tinued si.x years. In 1886 he resigned and established himself in the business he has since .so successfully conducted. He deals in smoked meats, prepared by the Swift Company of Chicago, and has an extensive trade in Co- hoes and surrounding towns. He is inde- pendent in politics, supporting the National Republican candidates, but in local affairs fol- lows his preferences, acting usually with the Democratic party. He served one term as school commissioner, elected in 1899. He is a member of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, and is an active and intluential mem- ber of the Society of St. Jean Bapliste, a na- tional benevolent, charitable and six-ial organ- ization, organized in 1871, maintaining read- ing rooms and libraries and providing for the social and spiritual uplift of its members. He was corresijonding secretary of the Cohoes branch, in 1882-87-88; president in 1895, and again in 1899. He married (first). May, 1876, Octavia Gi- roux. born in Canada, died March 15, 1893, in Cohoes, daughter of Louis and Octavia Ma- guin, of Canada. Children, nine in number, six of whom died in infancy: i. Joseph Is- rael, born June 17, 1884, in Cohoes; resides in .Albany, where he is connected with the New York Central Railroad Company. 2. \ictor, born in Cohoes, June 13, 1885, resides in Co- hoes, where he is an employee of the Page Rolling Mill Company; married Elizabeth Mc- Namara and has a daughter Mildred. 3. George William, born in Cohoes, July 31, 1890: resides in .Albany: in the employ of the New York Central Railroad Comi)any. He married (second), March 27. 1894, Mary Es- ther Ruboi, born at Rouse's Point, New York, daughter of Joseph Ruboi, born at Three Riv- ers, Canada, in 1847, now (1910) a carpenter and builder of Cohoes, and his wife, Esther (Chevalier) Ruboi, born in Rouse's Point, New York. .Among the numerous families DUFEL that have settled in .Montgomery county. New York, from the kingdom of Westphalia, empire of Germany, are the Dufels of Mohawk, whose ancestry dates back over three centuries. Henry Dufel, grandfather of Henry Dufel, of Mohawk, was born in the village of Hille, Cln-ist Minden, Westphalia. He came from an ancient family of agriculturists, and was born in a stone house built by an ancestor in 1667. He met his death at the age of fifty trying to protect some children from the attack of a mad dog. He was himself bitten and died of hydropho- bia. He literally died to save others. His wife, whose name was Whittemeyer, bore him two children: i. Henry .Augustus, mentioned below. 2. Frederick, grew to youthful man- hood in his native town, then came to the United States, lived for a time in New York City, then settled permanently in Dalton, Massachusetts, where he was engaged with the Crane Paper Manufacturing Company for several years until his accidental death. He married Marv Schmidt, now deceased, who t66o HUDSON AND ^lOHAWK VALLEYS bore him John, WilHam, Carrie and Louise, all prosperous residents of Massachusetts, and all married except the eldest daughter, Carrie. (II) Henry Augustus, eldest son of Henry Dufel, was born in Hille, Christ Minden, Westphalia, in 1820, died in 1897, on the old homestead so long the home of his fathers. Like the former generation, he was a faithful member of the Lutheran church. He married Mary Whittemeyer, who died at the age of seventy-two, surviving her husband three years, their term of years on earth being the same. Children, all born in Christ Minden, Westphalia: i. Christopher, now a prosper- ous and wealthy resident of Black Hawk county, Ohio ; married Minnie Droudhouse, and has Christopher (2), Henry, Fred, So- phia, Carrie and a twin to Fred, died in in- fancy. 2. Louise, deceased ; married Charles Book, a farmer near Schenectady, New York, and left children: John, Emma, William, Ella and Louise Book. 3. Mary, married Au- gustus Schube, a retired resident of Amster- dam, New York, and has a daughter, Carrie, who married Fred Friday, a restaurateur of Amsterdam, and has two children. 4. Henry, mentioned below. 5. Fred, born October 23, i860, was a farmer of the ancestral acres; in March, 188 1, he sailed for the United States from Bremen on the steamship "Zalea," land- ing in New York City ; he proceeded to Al- bany and later to Amsterdam, New York, where for six years he was a broom maker, then a farmer, owning a substantial farm near Amsterdam, which he conducts as a market garden, since being seriously injured by an accident to his harvesting machinery. He married Carrie Turner, born in Christ Min- den, February 3, 1864; she came to the United States the same year as her husband, and was subsequently married in Amsterdam. Her father, Christopher Turner, is living in West- phalia; her mother is deceased. Children: i. Ella, born August 5, 1887, married P'loyd Mosier, and \\as a daughter Catherine ; ii. Wil- liam Fred, born October 16, 1889; iii. Minnie, born July 8, 1891 ; iv. Carrie, born January 5, 1893; v. Albert, born March 16. 1896. (III) Henry, fourth child of Henry Augus- tus and Mary (Whittemeyer) Dufel, was born in Christ Alinden, Westphalia, on the old homestead, February 6, 1858. At the age of sixteen he sailed for the United States on the steamship "Vazel," arriving in New York City, March 30, 1874. He was for a time resident of Schenectady, later settled in Am- sterdam, where for several years he was a broom maker. He then began farming as a tenant farmer, later in 1887 purchased his present farm of two hundred and thirty-five acres located in the town of ]\Iohawk. Mont- gomery county, where he is now successfully engaged in general and dairy farming. He married, in Florida, Montgomery county, Alin- nie Cruzer, born in Christ Minden, December I. 1857, came to the United States on the same vessel with her husband and became his wife after settling in Montgomery county. She is a devoted wife and mother, of great energy and determination. Children, all un- married and all residing at home : Fred, born July II, 1881 ; Charles, September 14, 1882; Henry, September 14, 1885 ; Louise, Decem- ber 30, 1887; William, November 25, 1889; Louis, July 30, 1892 ; Arthur, January 9, 1894. The family are attendants of the Lu- theran church. The McCalls of Fulton county McCALL descend from Scotch ancestors. The American ancestor was An- drew McCall, born in Scotland. He came to the United States, and settled in New York state. He married and had issue. (II) Andrew (2), son of Andrew (i) Mc- Call, the founder, was a manufacturer of to- bacco, with a factory in Gloversville. lie mar- ried Mary Husted ; children: i. Ida M., mar- ried Edwin Potter; children: Nathan and Ruth. 2. Lawrence, married Nettie Hallen- beck; children: i. Alice, married Edward Braun and had Albert ; ii. Laura, married James Friend : iii. George ; iv. Charles. 3. Al- berta, married Harmon Jansen ; child, Lucille. 4. Nettie, married Henry Jansen; child, Marion. 5. Harry, of whom further. 6. Eleanor, married .'\rthur Foote ; child, Helen. (III) Harry, son of Andrew (2) and Mary (Husted) McCall. was born in Newark. New Jersey, October 25, 1869. He'was educated in the public schools. When a young man he became associated with his father in the to- bacco business and mainifacture of cigars, and later succeeded his father in the business. He is a successful business man and has one , of the principal factories of the district. He has always been actively interested in county politics and in 1908 was the successful candi- date of the Republican party for the oftice of sheriff of Fulton county, an office he held un- til January i, 191 1. He was an efficient and popular official, fulfilling his often disagree- able duties with tact and courtesy. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and of Arietta Tribe. Improved Order of Red Men. He married Catherine Peffer Robinson, born November 20, 1872, daughter of William Se- mon Robinson, of Amsterdam, New York, born April 4, 1845, niarried Margaret Ilart- nett, of Albany, born August 8, 1848, who bore HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS him seven children: i. Catherine, married Harry McCall. 2. Nettie O., married Albert \'anderpool. 3. William Semon (2). 4. Harry H. 5. Margaret, married Robert I. Hil- lock : child, Roberta Winona. 6. Roscoe C. 7. W. Huijcne. William S. Robinson was a son of Isaac G. and Catherine (Peffer) Rob- inson. Margaret (Ilartnett) Robinson was a daughter of Michael and Nellie (Roach) Hart- nett. Tliey had three children: Michael David, Daniel, John and Margaret. Catherine Peflfer (Robinson) ^TcCall is an active and promi- nent member of the Degree of Pocahontas. She is a member of Gloversville Council, No. y2. which she joined in 1895. She passed all the chairs in her local council, and in 1907 was elected Great Minnehaha of the state of New York. She was advanced each year through the chairs of the Great Council un- til June 15, 1910, when she was elected Great Pocahontas of the state of New York, which comprises one hundred and twenty-eight sub- ordinate councils. The Crandalls of Rhode Isl- CRANDELL and are of Welsh descent, the name in that language being Craum Dell, meaning. Iron Dell. The name is spelled both Crandall and Crandell, tlie branch settling in Ghent, Columbia county. New York, using the latter form. Sev- eral of the name arrived at Boston, Massa- chusetts, as early as 1634. The ancestor of the New York branch. Rev. John Crandall, appears in Massaclnisetts records in 1635. At that time the persecution of Roger Williams was causing great excitement in the colonies, many being opposed to the extreme measures of the Puritans. In the autumn of 1635 the church at Salem dismissed him from their pulpit and he was ordered to leave the col- ony in six weeks. In the winter of 1636 the authorities at Boston ordered his arrest, but he learned their plans and fled into the wil- derness, reaching Narragansett liay in the spring. He was treated kindly by the Sa- chems of Narragansett Indians, from whom he obtained large grants of land and founded the city of Providence. Rev. John Crandall was also persecuted for his religious opinions, and after his imprisonment in Boston sought safety in Providence ; soon after was of New- port where he was associated with the early Baptists, later still was of Westerly, Rhode Island, where he was the first elder of the Baptist church. He was prominent in the lat- ter town, which he represented as deputy. He ■died at Newport, Rhode Island, 1678, having removed there on account of the Inrlian war. He had two wives, the first died August i, 1670. His second wife, Hannah, died 1678. By the tirst wife he had children: John, James, Jane, Sarah, Peter, Joseph, Samuel. By sec- ond wife, Jeremiah and Eber. (II) Joseph, sixth child of Rev. John Cran- dall, was born before 1663, died 'September 12, 1737. He lived in Westerly and New- port, Rhode Island. He was called to the pastorate m the Seventh Day Baptist church in 1715. He married Deborah, daughter of Robert and Ruth (Hubbard) Burdick. Chil- dren : John, Joseph and Deborah. (III) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (i) and Deborah (Burdick) Crandall, was bom at Westerly, Rhode Island. He married there, February 15. 17 16, Ann Langworthy. Chil- dren: Joseph (3), James, William, Simon, Joshua, Ezekiel, Ann, Benjamin. (IV) James, second son of Joseph (2) and Ann (Langworthy) Crandall, was born in Westerly, Rhode Island, May 12, 1719. He married (first) Damaris Kenyon ; (second) Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders. (\') James (2), son of James (1) and Elizabeth (Sanders) Crandall, was born in Westerly. Rhode Island, in 1783. He settled with Samuel Crandell in the town of Ghent, Columbia county. New York. Their names are entered there as Crandell. a form main- tained by the descendants of James. James Crandell married and had issue. (\'I) Solomon, son of James (2) Cran- dell, was born in Ghent, Columbia county, New York, in 1806. He was educated in tlie public schools, and remained on the home farm in Ghent until he was eighteen years of age. He was a hard student and secured a good education. .\t eighteen he began teach- ing in the public schools during the winter months, returning to the farm for the sum- mer work. This he continued for several years, then removed to Kinderhook. where he was clerk in a general store for two years. He removed to Chatham. Columbia county. New York, in 1829, where he purchased the homestead now occupied by his son Homer. He was one of the early settlers of Chatham, where he built and conducted one of the first general stores in 1827, continuing in mercan- tile life until his death at the age of seventy- three years. He was a most useful and exemplary citizen, supporting liberally the in- stitutions of his town with his means and per- sonal effort. He was elected justice of the peace in 1833-36. He was a member of the Friends church, and a Democrat in politics. He married, December 20, 1832, Mary Eliza Wheeler of Coxsackic. Greene county. New York, daughter of William and Martha (Thorne) \Viieclcr, who came from England i662 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS to Concord. Alassachusetts, about 1640. Mary E. Wheeler, born May 8. 1809, was the fifth child of a family of ten children. Her brother Joseph, ninth child, was the father of Dr. John Thorn Wheeler, "the beloved physician of Chatham, New York." Children : Homer, of further mention ; Frank, a resident of De- troit. Michigan, since 1885 ; married Mary P. Raymond of that city, and has''a daughter Florence, wife of Captain Frank Lacey. grad- uate of West Point, and captain in regular army, son of Lieutenant-Colonel Frank E. Lacey. (\'ir) Homer, eldest son of Solomon and Mary Eliza (Wheeler) Crandell, was born June 20, 1836. He was educated in the pub-. lie and private schools of Chatham, finishing his studies at Albany Boys' Academy. He was associated with his father in the Chatham store, and after his death succeeded to the business which he successfully and profitably conducted for many years until his retirement from business. He is a Republican in poli- tics and for several years has held the office of justice of the peace. He is a member of the Dutch Reformed church. He married Mary, daughter of Ezra and Ann (Knapp) Hawley, she died December 31, 1910; was a member of Reformed church. Children: i. May. married John H. Page, now owner and proprietor of the business established by Solo- mon Crandell and continued by his son. Homer Crandell, until 1891. 2. Fred H., mar- ried Adaline McManus. and resides in New York City; children: Mary, Adaline. Rich- ard, and Homer. 3. Walter S.. married Bess Rain, of Kinderhook. New ^'o^k. and resides in New York City. The Gardner family of Co- GARDNER lumbia county. New York, trace to James D. Gardner, along paternal and to James L Gardner on maternal lines. James D. Gardner was born in 1769. died at Livingston, Columbia county, New York. December 11. 1831. He was a farmer. He married Gertrude Hyser, born August 17, 1770, died February 10, 1863. ("H) Frederick David, son of James D. and Gertrude (Hyser) Gardner, was born at Liv- ingston, Columbia county. New York. August 21. 1801, died August 31, 1883. He was a farmer of Greenport. Columbia county. New York. He married. December 6. 1825, Caro- line Kipj). born March 17, 1801. died Sep- tember, 17, 1887, daughter of Peter James Kipp, who died March 8. 1856. aged eighty- one years, and Sarah Coffin, died .'\pril 4, 1866, aged ninety-five years. -Children of Frederick David and Caroline (Kipp) Gard- ner: I. Ann Eliza, born October 12, 1827, died August 26, 1910; married, June 8, 1847, Philip H. Lambert, born January 22, 1828, died I\Iay 25, 1896: children: i. Emma, born November 22, 1849, married, September 2^. 1875, Thomas A. Patrie : children : Grace, born December 8, 1876; Clara E., born July 2, 1882. married William J. Parker, ii. Fra- leigh G., born October 15, 1859. married, July 5, 1875. Henrietta \'an Duesen : children: Edith, born July 9. 1876, married, De- cember 12, 1894, Horton Gardner, born March 2. 1871, son of Peter and Caroline (Post) Gardner; children: Earl Peter, born March i, 1905, Alma C. February 26, 1909. Philip, born December 25, 1881, married Eli- za \'an Duesen, October 12. 1904: child, Hen- rietta, born November 19, 1909. 2. Peter James, of further mention. 3. Milton H., born January i. 1834, died September 22. 1900; married, June 2, 1863. Helen Wise, born 1841, died 1905 ; child, Frederick D.. born May 28, 1865. died June 14. 1885 : married Minnie Hallenbeck ; children : Andrew Milton, born July 10, 1883. married, October 15. 1902. Ger- trude Augusta Peister : children: Clarence- Milton, born December 6, 1906; Stewart Da- vid, born July 11, 1909. Andrew Milton Gardner is living on the old homestead. (HI) Peter James, son of Frederick David and Caroline (Kipp) Gardner, was born De- cember II, 1829, at Greenport. Columbia county, New York, died at Hudson, New York, February 7. 1906. He removed from Greenport at the age of twenty-one years and settled at Claverack, where he followed the business of a farmer until 1876, when he re- tired from active life. He settled in Hudson where he lived a quiet rctirgi life until his death. TTc was a Republican in politics, and' attended the Dutch Reformed church. He married at Livingston, New York, Elizabeth Christina (a kinswoman), daughter of Rob- ert and Christina (Rorabach) Gardner, who survives him and resides with her daughter, .Mma C. (Gardner) Ten Broeck. Alma C. married Everts Ten Broeck, born May 5. 1S53, son of William Henry and Mary Jane (Everts) Ten Broeck. He is a director of the Farmers' National Bank of Hudson and interested in other business enterprises. He is a member of the Dutch Reformed churcn. Caroline Gardner Ten Broeck, only child of Everts and .\lma C. (Gardner) Ten Broeck, was born Sejitember 20, 1879, and died Feb- ruary 21, 1880. Robert Gardner was the son of James 1. Gardner, who was born May i, 1768, at Clav- erack. New York, died June 24. 1842. He married, June 2/, 1793, mizabeth Harder, V' /. iiwi #.. ' ^■^■iA'^/yytf HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ ALLIiVS 1 66 J born February 12, 1769, died August 15, 1834, daughter of John, born October 20, 1740, and Alagdalena Harder. Robert Gardner was born in Living-ston. Columbia county. New York, December 3, 1807, died there February 13, 1872. He married, September 19, 1827, Christina Rorabach, born October 8. 1804, at Livingston, where she died I'ebruary 8, 1885, daughter of Peter Roraback, born 1778, died May 15, 1847, married Catherine, daughter of Frederick (died April 30, 1814, aged sixty- six years) and Christina (Silvernail) Flint (died aged eighty-nine years). Children of Robert and Christina Gardner: i. Elizabeth Christina, aforementioned. 2. Catherine, born May 23, 1832. 3. Peter, born August 19, 1835, died February 9, 1903 ; married, November 12, i860, Caroline Post, has a son, Horton Gardner, a farmer of Livingston, New York, who married Edith, daughter of Fraleigh Lambert, and has Earl Peter and Alma C. 4. Robert R., born February 27, 1839, died May 30, 1897 ; served in the civil war, sergeant in the One Hundred and Fifty-ninth I^eginicnt, New York Volunteer Infantry, served during the war; married, December 5. 1866. Sarah Kipp : children : i. Louise, married William E. \'anderbilt, missionary to Mexico ; ii. Carroll Kipp, born 1873. 5. James R., twin of Rob- ert R., married, October 4, 1866, .\nna Lap- ham. The earliest record of the La- L.\SELL sell family is of John Lzell, who married Jane Gates, and settled at Hingham, Massachusetts, in 1686. The name is also spelled Lasalle and Lassell and originally was undoubtedly La Salle. The Troy branch of the family was founded by Samuel Hubbard Lasell, son of James La- sell, of Providence, Rhode Island, and Phoebe (Hall) Lasell, of North Bennington, Ver- mont. Samuel H. Lasell married Emma Quackenbush, of Troy, New York, and they are the parents of a son, Edwin Quackenbush. see forward. The Quackenbush family is de- scended from fl) Pieter Quackenbos, of Holland, who settled in Albany, New York, in 1668. He married Adryana Van Ilpendam. (II) Adrian Quackenbush, son of Pieter and Adryana (\'an Ilpendam) Quackenbos, married Catherine Van Schaick. (III) Svbrandt, son of Adrian and Cath- erine (Van Schaick) Quackenbush, married Elizabeth Knickerbocker. (I\') Harman. son of Sybrandt and Eliza- beth (Knickerbocker) Quackenbush, married Judith Morall. (V) Sybrandt (2), son of Harman and Ju- dith (Morain Quackenbush, married Eliza- beth Van Schaick. (\T) Gerrit \an Sciiaick, son of Sybrandt (2) and Elizabeth (\'an Schaick) Quacken- bush, married Hannah Abigail Bayeux. He founded the dry goods business of G. \'. S. Quackenbush, which after his death was con- ducted by Samuel Hubbard Lasell and lias now passed into the hands of his son, Edwin Quackenbush Lasell. Edwin Quackenbush Lasell, son of Sainuel Hubbard and Emma (Quackenbnsh) Lasell, a resident of Troy, New York, married, 1890, Edna Long Maynard, of Washington, D. C, daughter of Edward and Caroline Ellen (Long) Maynard, the latter of whom was of Savannah, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Lasell have one child, Dorothy Maynard Lasell, bom in Troy, New York. Edward Maynard, father of Mrs. Lasell, was born at Madison, New York, 1813, died at Washington, D. C., 1891. He was the inventor of the Maynard rifle which was used by the United States government at the time of the civil war, and was also adopted by Germany and Sweden. He was descended from John and Mary (Gates) Maynard, of Sudbury : David and Ilannah ( Wait ) May- nard : Jesse and Phoebe (Fiske) Maynard; Lemuel and Sarah (Wright) Maynard, and Moses and Chloe (Butler) Maynard. The families of Wemple and \\'EMPLE Wemp descend from Jan Ba- rentse Wemp, who was Iwrn in Dort, Holland, in 1620, came to America, 1640, arrived in Beverwyck in 1643-45. He appears in several land transfers, including a "bouwery" on the Poestenkill, and in 1662 a patent for the Great Lsland lying west of Schenectady, and a house lot in the village. He marriccl Maritia Mynderste, who survived him, and married ( second ) Sweer Teunise \'an \'elsen, the village miller, with wliom she perished in the massacre of February 9, 1690. Children of Jan Barentse Wemp: Myndert. torn 1649: Grietje, 1651 : .\nna, 1653, married Sander Glen: Barent. i')55; Johannes ; Aeltje, married Jan Cornelise Van Derheyden. (II) Myndert Wemple, eldest son of Jan Barentse and Maritia (Mynderste) Wemp, .was born in 1649. He was appointeti justice of the peace by Leisler in 1689 and was killed in the massacre of i6<)o, where his mother was killed, and also his son Johannes was carried away captive but later redeemed. He married Dicwc, daughter of Evert Janse Wendel. Chihlren : Johannes, Susanna, mar- ried Johannes Simonse N'ceder. 1 664 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS (HI) Johannes, only son of Myndert and Diewe (Wendel) Wemple, died in Schenec- tady, October 14, 1749. He was one of the trustees of the Schenectady patent. In 17 11 was "of the Mohawk's country on the Mo- hawk River," owned land on the south side of the river, in the present town of Rotter- dam ; he made his will March 5, 1748. He married (first), June 15, 1700. Cataline, daughter of Ryer Schermerhorn ; (second) Ariantje, daughter of Isaac Swits. He had twelve children, of whom Isaac was the sev- enth. (IV) Isaac, son of Johannes and Ariantje (Swits) Wemple, was born August 28, 1715. He married Elisabet Newkirk and had issue. (V) Johannes (2), son of Isaac and Elis- abet (Newkirk) Wemple, was born about 1750. He married Maria, daughter of Isaac Swits, and had nine children. (VI) Isaac (2). son of Johannes (2) and Maria (Swits) Wemple, was born in Rot- terdam, Schenectady county, New York, Sep- tember 8, 1777, died September 7, 1855. He was a farmer, justice of the peace and of considerable influence locally. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed church and a Democrat. He married Margaret Brott, born December 4, 1779, in Princetown, died at the age of seventy years. The Brott block- house was built on her father's farm in Prince- town. Children : Fulda, married Edward Van Der Poel ; Caroline, died unmarried ; Eliza, married John Kaley; Aaron, of whom further ; Henry, married Sally Ann Swits and settled in Owego, New York, left Annie and Swits; Edwin, '^now of Quaker street, Albany county. New York, on October 20, 1910, cel- ebrated his eighty-seventh birthday ; married Eveline Wilbur, no issue. (VII) Aaron, son of Isaac (2) and Mar- garet (Brott) Wemple, was born in Rotter- dam, Schenectady county, New York, August 15, 1804. He grew up on the home farm and followed agriculture all liis life. He married Agnes Van Der Poel, of Princetown, died December 11, 1885, daughter of James Van Der Poel, a soldier of the revolution. Chil- dren of Aaron and Agnes Wemple: Isaac, died in childhood; Isaac (2), of whom fur- ther; James, born January 23, 1835, joined the army of western adventurers and died in California in 1874; Margaret, July 10, 1837, now a resident of Syracuse. New York ; Catherine, July 15, 1846, died July 30, 1876, leaving a son James. (VIII) Isaac (3), son of Aaron and Ag- nes (Van Der Poel) Wemple, was born on the Wemple homestead in Rotterdam, Schen- cctadv county. New York, October 20, 1833. He was educated in the public schools ; grew up to the occupation of a farmer ; purchased in 1878 one hundred acres of the old Pang- born estate in Rotterdam upon which he still resides. He has always been active in town affairs, and for fourteen years held public office, part of that time being supervisor. He is a Democrat in politics, and a man highly regarded by his neighbors. He married, in Rotterdam, Eliza Pangborn, born on the Pangborn homestead (part of which is now her home) in 1844, daughter of Abraham and Eliza (Vollick) Pangborn, both of Rot- terdam, where they died on the homestead, both being over eighty years of age. Abra- ham was the son of John Pangborn, who located the homestead prior to the revohition- ary war. He accumulated a large estate which he divided into two farms, giving one to his son James, the other to son Abraham. Chil- dren of Isaac and Eliza Wemple : Alonzo, died at the age of five years ; Charles, died at the age of fifteen years ; Ira, died at the age of five years; Frederick, died at the age of twenty-two years, married Lilliam Light- foot, who married a second husband ; James, married Welty, resides with his father and has a child, Blanche ; Addie, married Alexander Blessing, a lawyer of Schenec- tady ; children : Harold and Agnes ; May, married Emmett Blessing, of Schenectady. (V) James, son of Jo- LA GRANGE hannes (John C.) (q. v.) and Anna Maria (Morde- cai) LaGrange, was born on the south side of Norman's Kill, LaGrange homestead, Albany county. New York, in 1784, died at Mc- Gowan's, town of Guilde;"land. 1826. His death was caused by poisoning from eating cherry pies. He was a hotel man and a, owning two farms in Guilderland. He maintained a house of entertainment in Mc- Gowansvillc, but at the time of his death kept an inn on the Hugh Kelly property on the western turnpike. He married Hester Van- derzee, born in New Scotland, 1785, surviving her husband's death several years. They had a large family, i. Hester, married Colonel Daniel Davis, of Canadian birth; they re- sided on the homestead farm on the south side of Norman's Kill, now known as the Jacobson farm. 2. Eve, married Stephen Thorn, who was associated with the old- time circus firm of Thorn & Spalding, whom he accompanied on their fatal South Amer- ican trip when all were lost at sea. 3. Mag- dalene, married Christopher Batterman, one- time sheriff of Albany county, later settled in Pesotum, Illinois, where Magdalene died; HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS 1665 he survived her until extreme old age, when he was killed by the cars. 4. Myndert, see forward. (\i) Myndert, youngest child of James and Hester (Vanderzee) LaGrange, was horn near Guilderland Center. Albany county. New York, November 17, 1815. died in Al- bany, New York, December 28, 1892. at the home of his daughter. He was a lifelong farmer of the county, retiring to Albany only when his active days were over. He was "a man of industrious, steady habits and highly respected in his community. He was captain of tl-.e local military company for several years and a member and elder of the Dutch Reformed church. He was first a Whig and later a Republican. He married, in Giulder- land, Julia Ann, born in Guilderland, 1821, died on the farm in 1902. daughter of Andrew and Angelica (Bloomingdale I LaGrange, and granddaughter of Peter LaGrange. The Bloomingdales were also an old county fam- ily. Myndert and Julia Ann LaGrange had twehe children who reached maturity. i. James, settled and married at Pesotum, Il- linois. 2. Andrew, of Guilderland Center, married and has Williard and Ella, both mar- ried. 3. Eleanor, married Joseph Schwarts, •of Albany, whom she survives, in that city, with children. 4. IMyndert (2), farmer on the old homestead, married, and has a fam- ily. 5. X'anderzee, of further mention. 6. Julia F., married William Bradt, whom she survives, a resident of Voorheesville, has three sons and one daughter. 7. Norman, died in youth. 8. Hester, married Rev. John M. Forbis, a Presbyterian minister of Lin- coln, Illinois, has daughter Jessie, married Edward ^^'iley. 9. Angelica, married Cyrus Crounse, of Voorheesville, and has issue. 10. Ada J., married Alfred Frederick, a farmer of Meadowdale ; has two sons and two daugh- ters. II. Magdalene, married Aaron Merritt. of Voorheesville, has no issue. 12. Harlan Morse, met with a serious accident in youth that resulted in a derangement of mind; he is kept in the asylum at Pouglikeepsie. 13. Clinton, married and died without issue. 14. Mary, killed in childhood by a runaway team. (VII) X'anderzee, fifth child and fourth son of Myndert and Julia Ann (LaGrange) LaGrange, was born on the LaGrange farm near Guilderland Center, Albany county. New York, September 8. 1845. He was reared on the farm and educated in the public schools, later attending Albany Business College. He remained with his parents until his jjurchase in 1889 of his present farm of one himdred and two acres, near the village of L'nionville. He has a well-cultivated, fertile farm, well stocked with choice grades of cattle and horses. A feature of the farm is twenty acres of fine fruit orchards in full bearing. He has been for si.xteen years justice of the peace for the town of New Scotland, and is man of infiuence in his community. He is Re- publican in politics and a member and elder of the Dutch Reformed church. He married, in New Scotland, Agnes M. Slingerland, born in that town in 1844, reared and educated there. She is the daughter of James and Hester (Slingerland) Slingerland, and ma- ternal granddaughter of Albert and Agnes (Vanderzee) Slingerland. James and Hester are descendants of Tunise Cornelise Slinger- land, founder of the family in America. James and Hester Slingerland, after their marriage in New Scotland, settled on a farm on Ouesquethan Creek in the same town, where they lived until old age and died. They were devoted church workers, and well known for their charitable Christian lives. Children of \'anderzee and Agnes M. La- Grange: I. Janes S., born in New Scotland, December 27, 1872, educated in the public schools and Albany Business College, mar- ried Mary A. Oliver, of Bethlehem, born De- cember 7, 1876, daughter of Andrew \". D. H. and Salina (Solway) Oliver: child. James Earle, born ]\lay 23, 1903. 2. Hester E.. born October 13, 1874, educated at .Albany Female Academy: she died March 8, 1900, when bud- ding into useful, promising womanhtxid. 3. Anna Katherine, born September 15, 1886, educated in the .Mbany (iirls Academy, re- sides at home. Parents and children are all members of the Dutch Reformed church at L'nionville. The first of the family of SHAX'ER whom we have information is Bartholomew Shaver, from Ilnlland. a farmer and early settler of what is now Fulton county. New York. He was a soldier of the revolution, serving in the Sec- ond Regiment, Tryon county militia. Colonel Jacob Klock ("New York in the Revolution"). He evidently died prior to 1790, as the first census taken that year does not contain his name. He married and has numerous de- scendants yet settled in the Mohawk X'alley and in Northern New York. (II) John, .son of Bartholomew Shaver, was born in the town of Ephratah, Fulton county. New York, in 1778. died there March 23, iSf'o, after an active, well-spent life. lie fol- lowed the occupation of a farmer with much success and was one of the substantial men of the town. He was a con'^istent member of the Dutch Reformed church, and a Whig in 1666 HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLEYS politics. During the war of 1812-14 he served with the rank of major, and was engaged at Sacketts Harbor, where he received a wound. He married, in his native county, February 21, 1802, Catherine Empie, born in Fulton county, where she died March 30, 1869, aged eighty- five years three months twenty-two days. She was a member of the pioneer family of that name who have figured so prominently in the history of Fulton county. She was a member of the church, worshipping with her husband's congregation. Children: i. Daniel, born April 17, 1803, died May 8, 1841 ; married. May 15, 1825, Mary Best. 2. Benjamin (see forward). 3. Nancy, born January 5, 1808, died April 8, 1828; married, October, 1826, William Claus. 4. Mary, born July 10, 1809, died young. 5. Aaron, born September 21, 1814, died July 25, 1856; married, November 5, 1836, Mary Flanders. 6. Catherine (Cady), born February 6, 1818; married, October 31, 1839, David Saltsman. (Ill) Benjamin, son of John and Catherine (Empie) Shaver, was born in Ephratah, New York, October 5, 1805, died February 19, 1879, aged seventy-three years four months fourteen days. He was reared a farmer, which occupation he successfully followed throughout the active years of his life. He was a man of prominence in his community, where he was highly respected. His religious connection was with the Dutch Reformed church ; his political faith, Whig and Repub- lican. He was a public-spirited man, and in- terested in all that pertained to the welfare of his town and coimty. He married, in his native county, June 26, 1831, Nancy Klock, born in the town of Palatine, New York, June II, 1813, died March 27, 1881. She was a member of the old historical family of Klock who made settlement in Fulton county in pioneer days prior to the revolutionary war. She was a woman of many sterling qualities and in full sympathy with her husband in all things. Children: i. Nathan (see forward). 2. Stephen, born May 28, 1835, died March 6, 1896: married, October, 1852, Mary Saltsman, of Fulton county. New York, where they lived and died ; he was a farmer. 3. Albert, born September 20, 1836. 4. John, born March 5, 1839; married. February 13, 1867, Mag- dalene Fox. 5. Webster, born February 7, 1841 ; a battle-scarred veteran of the civil war, being five times wounded ; married, October i, 1867, Loretta A. Houghton; lives on the old homestead, Epliratah, New York. 6. Catharine, born I'cbruary 21, 1843, died September 17, 1870: married, Jan- uary 6, 1870, George G. Griffin. 7. Hiram, born June 14, 1845, died April, 1898; mar- ried, May 17, 1875, Julia Wade. 8. Reubert, born May 25, 1850; married, February 2, 1871, Celia Ash; resides on a ranch in West- field, Texas. 9. Alpha, born June 25, 1852; married, February 14, 1875, Catharine Smith; resides in Fulton county; is a farmer. (IV) Nathan, son of Benjamin and Nancy (Klock) Shaver, was born in Ephratah, New York, August 13, 1832, died November i, 1887, at Cohoes, New York. He was a con- tractor in early life, later engaging in the dry goods business in Cohoes, and was a director of Manufacturers' Bank of Cohoes for years. Fie was a capable business man and possessed a character beyond reproach. He was a mem- ber and president of the board of trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, and an exemplary Christian. He was a member of the board of aldermen, second ward of Co- hoes, for some years : was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, both lodge and encampment, and a Knight of Pythias. He married Alice J. Howarth, born in Nis- kayuna, Schenectady county. New York, daughter of Henry Howarth, born in Eng- land, came when a boy to Niskayuna, and settled in Cohoes about the year 1840. The Howarth homestead in Cohoes is now occu- pied by the "Old Ladies' Home," and the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal church stands upon his old garden patch. He was a contractor and builder, erecting nearly all the buildings known as the "Harmony Mills," tene- ment houses, private residences and other large buildings in Cohoes. He performed' considerable of the heavy mason work in and along the Erie canal ; built No. 2 reservoir of city water works, and conducted other large operations. Children of Air. and Mrs. Shaver: I. Henry Lincoln (see forward). 2. John W., born 1867; died 1896; educated at Saratoga Institute ; was a fruit and confectionary mer- chant ; married Emma Marsh, now a resident of New York City ; left a daughter, Madeleine. (V) Henry Lincoln, son of Nathan and Alice J. (Howarth) Shaver, was born in Cohoes, New York, March 4, 1861. He was educated in the public school. Mount An- thony Seminary, Bennington Center, Ver- mont, and Troy Business College. After completing his studies he began his business career as a clerk with Hugh McCusker, a dry goods merchant of Cohoes, with whom he re- mained two years, after which he was em- ployed with R. Wilcox, of Cohoes, and dur- ing his engagement with Mr. Wilcox his father became a member of the firm. At the expiration of two years Mr. Nathan Shaver retired from the firm and established a dry goods business at the corner of Remson and' o^T^'^^^ -rt--'^ ^5^<^l^i.^-^ti^^^^ ^w^^^^^^^--^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS 1667 Ontario streets, of which he was proprietor until his death in 1887. Henry L. Shaver went with his father to the new store and remained with him until his death. At the death of his father, Henry L. formed a co- partnership with his mother, under the firm name of Shaver & Son, and continued till 1892. He then assumed control of the busi- ness, moving to the opposite side of the street, and continuing in that location under the same name until 1896, when the firm became "The Golden Ball Dry Goods and Shoe House," under which name it still continues at 128-130 Remsen street, in the Masonic Building. The firm conducts a modern department store, em- ploying a large force of clerks. Mr. .Shaver is known as a most capable and energetic busi- ness man, managing w-ell his own great busi- ness, and mindful of the interests of those who are subordinate to him. He has been a member of the Cohoes board of water commis- sioners for sixteen years, eight of which he has been president of the board. He is a Re- publican, and frequently a delegate to party conventions. He is a lifelong member of the Methodist Episcopal church, served on the official board four years, since 1887 he has been a trustee, succeeding his father, making thirty years of official service, and also served as superintendent of the Sunday school for eight years. He married, March 2, 1881, Estella J. Scott, of Cohoes, daughter of Wil- liam and Eliza (Veile) Scott, of Cohoes, the former of whom was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, died in Cohoes, August, 1891, and the latter born in England, died in Cohoes, 1902. She came to the United States when a girl. Mr. Scott was a prominent mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and an exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal church, as was his wife. Oiild of Mr. and Mrs. Shaver: Henry N., born Sep- tember 20, 1892 ; educated in the public schools, now a member of the class of 1912, of Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, preparing for entrance to Yale. This family descends from McQUADE the famous O'Neil clan of Ireland and trace their his- tory back to the tenth century. The Amer- ican head of the family is Anthony McQuade, born in county Fermanagh, Ireland, son of Peter and Susan (McDermott) McQuade, grandson of Anthony and Catherine (Mc- Nabb) McQuade, great-grandson of Raymond and Sarah (McKeough) McQuade. The family was originally seated in county Ty- rone,Mac Cathmhaoil of Cinel-Fearadhaigh, pronounced Mac Cawell of Kinel-Farry, being the ancestral name of the McQuades of Ty- rone. Authorities: "Annals of Ireland," by the Four Masters; "Annals of Ulster," pub- lished by authority of the British Govern- ment ; "O'Neills of Ulster," by Matthews. The territory of Cinel-Fearadhaigh, the patrimonial inheritance of the .Mac Cathmha- oil, the descendants of Fergal, son of Muiread- hach (Murrough), son o"f Eoghan (Owen), son of Niall of the Nine Hostages (monarch of Ireland), was nearly co-extensive with the barony of Clogher in county of Tyrone. The Cinel-Fearadhaigh, viz. : the Clan- Aengus (Magennis), Clan-Duibhinreacht, Clan-Fogarty, all of Tyrone, and the Ily-Kcn- noda (Kennedy) and the Clan-CoUa, both of Fermanagh, were under the leadership of Mac Cathmhaoil, Lord of Cinel-Fearadhaigh. The lly-Kennoda gave name to the barony of Tir- kennedy in the east of Fermanagh, adjoining the barony of Clogher in Tyrone. The family of Mac Cathmhaoil, a name gen- erally anglicized to Mac Cawell or Mac Cagh- well, and Latinized Cavellus, who supplied several bishops to the See of Clogher, are still numerous in their ancient territory (southern Tyrone and northern Fermanagh), and the name is found in other counties anglicized variously as Campbell, Caulfield, and Howell. From "O'Neills of Ulster" : O'Duggan in his topographical poem written about A.D. 1350, describing the ruling tribes of Ulster, says : The festive Cinel Fearadhaigh Constantly noble are their genealogies A clan without disgrace from their arms And the warlike Clan Cathmhaoil The two eastern septs are of every tribe In the high Cinel Fearadhaigh. Cinel-Fearadhaigh or Cincl-Farry, now the barony of Clogher, Tyrone county, the patri- mony of Mac Cawells or Mac Cathmhaoil. The Mac Cawells who were P.rehons (judges of the Brehon laws) in Cinel Owen (Tyrone) are fa- mous in Irish history for their learning and the many dignitaries they supplied to the church. In Cinel Owen about this time, A.T)., 1300. the Mac Cawells were the hereditary advisers of the king. The standard of the king of ,\ileach that day (Battle of Lcitherbe. A. D., 636). who was of the sept of the Mac Cawells (Cinel- Fearadhaigh). is stated to have been black and red. The king was Suibhne Meann. who was not only king of Aileach. but also monarch of Ireland (.\rd-Righ). at that time. In this battle Suibnhe Meann was overthrown. The name McQuade instead of Mac Cathm- haoil seems to have been adopted by the fam- ily as an iMiglish name about 1600. .\. D. Peter McQuade, who died October 18, 1855. who spoke Gaelic as well as English in speaking to his grandchildren, McQuade, frequentlly called them by their ancient Gaelic name Mac Cawell (Mac Cathmhaoil). The natives when speaking the Irish language always pronounce the name Mac Cawell. i668 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS The Irish annals show that the family Mac Cathmhaoil occupied the territory named above from the time of the assumption of family names A. D., and under the name Cinel- Fearadhaigh from the time of Niall of the Nine Hostages, A. D. Irish authors, annalists, say that a chief of this family, converted by St. Patrick, proceeded to the Isle of Man and converted the people of that island to Chris- tianity. His name was Maughold and a town of Man is called by his name and was the seat of his bishopric. The name Mac-Cathmhaoil (signifying "Son of the Hero in Battle") has ■existed in Man from very early times and still continues there under the form of Cowell, like all Gaelic Manxnames having dropped the pre- fix Mac, meaning son. The head of the Irish militia, Fionn Mac Cuill, tradition says, was of this family. Fionn Mac Cuill is the great hero of legendary history, claimed alike by Ireland and also by Scotland under the name of Fingal. Ossian, the son of Fionn, has been immortalized by the researches of the Gaelic ' authors, prompted by the partial fabrications of Mac Pherson. The great Scotch family of Campbell is said to be a branch of the Mac Cathmhaoil, and Irish genealogists say that the Campbell arms, the gyronny of eight, is the common property of the Mac Cathmhaoils. Ancient maps showing the possessions of the •clans of Ireland before the confiscation of Ulster by the English, place the Mac Cathm- haoils in the southern part ct 'lyr.'iiv and the northern part of Fermanagh. 1 hi^ cnfi^cation deprived them as well as the c.tlur 1 rw'n clans of their ancestral possessions and tlitv became tenants where formerly they were masters. The Patent Rolls, James I., of England, from 1607 and after, show numerous pardons to Mac Cawells and McQuades, for their rebellion, but few if any restorations of land. In these the variety in spelling the names shows that the English clerks were sorely put to straits when it came to spelling Irish names. Among these varieties are, McQuoyd, McQuod, ilc •Coade, Mc Quaide, Mc Quoad, and Mc Cooade. Mac Cathmhaoil is generally spelled McCawell or McCaghwell, sometimes McCuill, McCooel!, or Mc Cowell. (Extracts from "Annals of Ulster"). ^ A. D. 1185, Gilchreest Mac Cawell, chief of Kinel-l'arry and the Clans, viz.: Clan-Aengus, Clan-Duibhenreacht, Clan-Fogarty, Hy-Ken- noda, and Clan-CoUa in Fermanagh, and who was chief advisor of all the north of Ireland, was slain by O'Heghny and Muinter-Keenan, •who carried away his head, which however was recovered from them in a month afterward. {There were no wounded or prisoners after conflict in those times, those vanquished for-, feited their heads, which were taken home by the victors as tokens of triumph.) A. D. 1215, Murrough Mac Cawell. chief of Kinel-Farry, was slain by his kinsmen. i2-!8, Flaherty Mac Cawell, Chief of Kinel- Farry and Clan-Congail (Connell) and of Hy- Kennoda in Fermanagh, the most illustrious in Tyrone for feats of arms and hospitality, was treacherously slain by Donough Mac Cawell, his own kinsman. 1 25 1, Donough Mac Cawell, Chief of Kinel- Farry. was slain by the people of Oriel. 12 = 2. Conchohar (Conor) Mac Cawell, Chief cf Kinel-Farry and many other territories, and peacemaker of Tir-Connell, Tir-Owen, and Oriel, was slain by the people of Brian O'Neill while defending his wards O'Kane and O'Gormley, against them. 1261, A victory won by O'Donnell over Niall Culanagh O'Neill. Many of the chiefs of Kinel- Owen (Tyrone), under the conduct (leadership) of Mac Cawell, Chief of Kinel-Farry, were killed or taken prisoners. 1262, Donslevey MacCawell, Chief of Kinel-Farry, was slain by Hugh Buidha O'Neill. (Yellow Hugh O'Neill.) 1346, Cu-Uladh Mac Cawell, Chief of Kinel-Farry, was slain by Donnell Mac Cawell. (Cu-Uladh means Warrior of Ulster.) 1356, Brien Mac Cawell, Bishop of Oriel (Clogh- er), died. 1365, Rory, the son of Donnell O'Neill, was slain by the shot of an arrow by Melaghlin (Malachy), Mac an Ghirr Mac Cawell of Tyrone. 1368, Cu-Uladh Mac an Ghirr Mac Cawell, chief of his own tribe and a son of his, who was a learned and illustrious professor of Sciences, died in England. 1370, Gillapatrick Mac Cawell, Chief of Kinel- Farry, Cu-Uladh, his son and his wife, the daughter of Manus Mac Mahon, were treacher- ously slain by the sons (clan) of Hugh Mac Cawell. Murrough, his (CJillapatrick's) brother then became Chieftain of Kinel-Farry. 1-579. Richard Mac Cawell was slain by Philip McGuire and Donnell O'Neill. 1403, Cu-Uladh, son of Gillapatrick Mac Cawell, was treacherously slain by his own people at an assembly. 1404, Donough Mac Cawell, Chief of tlie two Kinel-Farry's, was killed by Mac Guire. 1432, -\rt Mc Cawell, Bishop of Clogher, died. 1434, Mac Cawell, Hugh Mac an Easpuig Mac Cawell and many others were slain the day after Michaelmas, in an encounter with the Eng- lish. 1444, Ducoolagh, daughter of Thomas Mac Guire, Lord of Fermanagh and wife of Owen Mac Cawell, a humane, charitable and truly hos- pitable woman, died. 1461, A.D., Mac Cawell, i.e., Brien, Lord of Kinel-Farry died; and Owen Mac Cawell was made Lord. 1467, Owen Mac Cawell died. 1474, Don Roe, the son of Cu-Connacht Mac Guire, was slain by Richard Mac Cawell. 1480, O'Donnell accompanied by the sons of Art O'Neill and the sons of Phelim O'Neill, committed great depredations on Mac Cawell in Kinel-Farry, and slew Brian, son of Turlough, son of Henry O'Neill, and the son of Mac Cawell, i. e.. James. 1481, In a war between O'Neill and John, Buidhe O'Neill, a son of Gillapatrick Mac Cawell, was slain. 1492, Gillapatrick Mac Cawell, taken prisoner and Mac Cawell, that is, Edmond, slain by the sons of Redmond Mac Mahon. 1493, Donough Mac Cawell taken prisoner in a battle between the two O'Neills, Donnell and Oge, the sons of Henry, son of Owen O'Neill. 1498, Gillapatrick Mac Cawell slain at Cav- eny's Cross. 1508, William Oge, the son of .'\rt Mac Cawell, dean of Clogher, died. He was brother of Owen, Bishop of Clogher. This is the prelate called Eugene (Eoghan or Owen) Mac Camaeil in Harris's edition of Ware's Bishops, page 187. He succeeded in 1508 and died in 1515. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1669 15 15. Owen (son of Art, son of John, son of Art Mac Cawell), Bishop of Clogher, died. 1518, Mac Cawell (Donough, the son of Ed- niond), was wounded in a battle between the O'Neills and many of the Kinel-Farry (Mac Cawells) were slain. Mac Cawell died of his wounds afterwards. 1519, In a war between the O'Neills, Mac Cawell (Cu-L'Iadh the son of Edmond), Thomas the son of Edmond, and Edmond the son of Gillapatrick Mac Cawell, were slain. (English Patent Rolls, James I.). February 23, 1609. Pardon among others to Donogh Oge MC Cooell, gentleman, of ' Dun- gannon, Tyrone county. October 20, 1609. Pardon among others to Edmond DufFe Mc Cawell (Black Edmond), James Rowe Mc Cawell (Red James), Edmond Brier Mc Cawell. July 21, 1610. Pardon among others to Patrick Oge Mc Cawell (young Patrick). July 22, 1610. Pardon among others to Gill- Patrick Mc Cuill, Shane Mc Cuill (John). July 6, 1710. Pardon among others to Eugene Mc Cahill, John Mc Cahill, Connor Crone Mc Quod, Brian Dorlogh Mc Quoyd, Patrick Oge Mac Cawell (young Patrick), all of Tyrone county. June 18, 1612. Pardon among others to Tir- lagh Grome Mac Cawell, yeoman (yellow Tir- lagh), Brien Glasse McOwen McCawell (Brien, son of Owen Mc Cawell). Maj' 25. 1613. Pardon among others to Brien Derry Mc Cawell, Donnell Carragh Mc Cawell, yeomen of Tyrone county. March 7, 1614. Pardon among others to Tir- lagh Mc Manus Boy Mc Cawell (Turlough, son of Yellow Manus Mc Cawell), of Killetragh, Tyrone county. February 15. 1613. Pardon among others to Conchobar Mc Shane Mc Quade (Connor, son of John Mc Quaide). Professor Patrick H. McQuade (Gaelic, Mac Cathtnhaoil, pronounced Mac Cawell), traces under the name McQuade four gener- ations to Raymond ^IcQuade, a farmer of Tyrone, who married Sarah, widow of Ed- ward McKeough. (H) Anthony, son of Raymond and Sarah (McKeou2;h) McQuade, was born in county Tyrone, Ireland, where he lived and died, a farmer. He married Catherine McXabb. He died suddenly in middle life, leaving issue. (HI) Peter, son of Anthony and Catherine (McXabb) McQuade, was born in Dromore, county Tyrone, Ireland, 1778. He removed to county Fermanagh, parish of, Clarnagh, where his children were born and grew to manhood. After the sons had emigrated and settled in the L'nited States, Peter and his wife joined them in Albany, New York, where he died October 18, 1855. He married Susan, born 1770, daughter of John and Mary (McGhirr) McDermott. She died in Albany. October 6, 1868. Pioth were devoted members of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church. (IV) Anthony (2), son of Peter and Susan (McDermott) McQuade, was born in Clar- nagh, Fermanagh county, Ireland, January 27, 1805, died at Albany, New York, Septem- ber 8, 1864. He came to the United States in ^^33' joining an uncle in Albany. He became a street contractor, and graded, curbed and paved many miles of Albany streets, including State street, from Eagle to Washington Park ; the streets south of Slate to Elm and all cross streets from Eagle to the Park. At that time these were only roads, and a great deal of filling and grading was necessary. Later he became a manufacturing brewer, in which business he continued until death. He mar- ried in his native town. February 7. 1830, Eleanor McKeough, born there February 7, 1805, died in Albany, New York, April 6, 1887; she was a great-granddaughter of Ed- ward McKeough, whose widow Sarah mar- ried Anthony (i) McQuade. Edward (2), son of Edward (i) and Sarah McKeough, married Margaret Kelly. Their son Pat- rick, born 1/68, died November 12, 1831 ; married Ann McMullen, born 1761, died 1847. Their daughter, Eleanor McKeough. married Anthony (2) McQuade. They were both members of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church. (V) Patrick H., son of Anthony (2) and Eleanor (AIcKeough) McQuade. was born in Albany, New York, August 29, 1844. He at- tended the public schools and .\lbany Boys' Academy, being graduated froin the latter in- stitution in 1862. at the head of his class, re- ceiving in addition to his diploma the Gannon Philosophical Medal for proficiency in the natural sciences. After completing his course at the academy, he entered the employ of his father as tookkeeper. continuing until the death of the latter in 1864. From that date his life has been devoted to the cause of edu- cation in Albany, a period covering nearly half a century. 1864-1911. He was appointed May 12, 1865, principal of public school Xo. I, where he remained until September, 1877, in which year and month he was appointed prin- cipal of school Xo. 13. In September, 1886, he was appointed principal of school Xo. 21, which position he now fills (1911). In addi- tion to his daily labors. Professor McQuade has for eleven years been principal of the .\1- bany evening high school, receiving his ap- pointment in September, 1900. He stands Iiigh as an educator and is well known be- yond the confines of his own city. In 1S86, in collaboration with Professor josiah Gilbert, he published "Xumber Lessons in .Arithmetic," that was adopted by the schools of Albany and catne into quite general use. He has also written much on various subjects. Prior to the passage of the law placing the American 1670 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS flag on all school houses, the schools of Al- bany had a "Flag Raising," for which occa- sion Professor McQuade composed a "Song to the Flag," which came into universal use and may be found in Eleanor Smith's "Musi- cal Series," among the patriotic songs. He is a member of the Albany Academy Alumni Association, and worships at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, of which he is a com- municant (as were his parents and grand- parents), serving also in the church committee. He married, in Albany, New York, May 12, 1872, Julia Ransom, daughter of Justus Has- well, for four years surrogate of Albany county, 1860-64, who married Nancy L. Ran- som. Through her mother, Mrs. McQuade traces to many of the oldest families of New England ; to Robert Ransom, of Plymouth, Massachusetts; to Samuel Chapin, of Spring- field, Massachusetts; to Rev. John Sherman, of W'atertown, Massachusetts ; Philip Sher- man, first secretary of the Colony of Rhode Island (from whom Vice-President Sherman also descends) ; to Richard Smith, one of the first settlers of Rhode Island ; to Thomas Bliss, of Flartford, Connecticut, whose widow, Margaret, moved to Springfield, where Mar- garet and Bliss streets are named for her ; to James Comstock, whose name is found on the monument at Groton Heights, Connecticut, erected in memory of those who fell there during the revolution ; to Thomas Stanton, the Indian interpreter, and many others of the early settlers. Through her father, Justus Haswcll, she descends from John and Mary (Halliday) Plaswell, of Stainmore, Westmore- land, England, who came to America about 1775, settling in the town of Bethlehem (Watervliet). Albany county. New York. Their son, Edward, married Anna Russell, descendant of William Russell, the early Mas- sachusetts settler. Their son, Justus, married Nancy L. Ransom as stated. Children of Pro- fessor Patrick H. and Julia Ransom (Has- well) McQuade: i. John D., born in Albany, New York, 1872 ; educated in the public ancl high school, now an accountant with the Gen- eral Electric Company at Schenectady, New York ; unmarried. 2. Eleanor Haswell, edu- cated in the public and high school, now a teacher in the Albany public schools. David Du Four, immigrant an- DE\'OE cestor, whose posterity spell the name Devoor, Devoe, etc., was a native of Mons, in Hainault, and when this place was threatened by the successes of the French in the Walloon districts, he retired with others of the family to Sedan, and after- wards to Amsterdam, where Du Four, though fitted by education for a better position, be- came a hopperman, or drayman. Left by the death of his wife, Mary Boulen, with a young child, Jean or John, born during their stay in Sedan, he married (second) Jeanne Frances, aged thirty-two, from Queivrain, a little east of Mons, July 10, 1657. In the same year, with wife and son, he came to New York. After their arrival he settled in Harlem, where he obtained some ten morgens of land in 1662, and he was living there in 1674, when Nicho- las deVaux arrived. It is believed that the change in spelling was due to the similarity, perhaps the identity of the name with that of the new neighbor. In 1677 David and his son obtained a grant of sixty acres of land near Turtle bay on the East river, where he re- sided until his death, about 1698. Children mentioned in his will: John, mentioned be- low, David, Peter, Claude, Adrien. (II) John Devoor, son of David Du Four, was born about 1655. He married (first) Jannetje Van Isselteyn in 1676; (second) Mary Van Woglum, of Albany. In his will he bequeaths to wife, children and some of his grandchildren. Children by first wife: Mary, John, Margaret, David, Peter, men- tioned below, Rachel, Arientie (Harriet), Jannetje, Elizabeth, Teunis, William and Abraham. (III) Peter Devoe, son of John Devoor, was born in 1685. He married Annatje Bis- set, at or near Albany. He became a boat- man and was captain of a sloop carrying freight and passengers between New York and Albany. Children : George, mentioned below, Anna, Alichael, Roelof, Marguerite, born 1721. Jacob, born 1723, John. (IV) George, son of Peter Devoe, was born in 1713. He married, in 1735, Catharine Keller. Children : George, mentioned below, Daniel, Jannette, died young. (V) George (2), son of George (i) De- voe. was born in 1736. He was a soldier in the revolution and engaged in various battles, but escaped without wounds. A mirror which, according to family tradition, was brought from France with the family was buried by him at the beginning of the war and dug up afterward. He left it to his youngest daugh- ter and it has been handed down to the young- est in each generation to the present. He settled in Rensselaer county, New York. He married (first) Anna Kelder, who died in 1764: (second) Elizabeth Dunning. Children of first wife: John, settled in Kinderhook, New York, at the age of fifteen was in the revolution ; Anthony, mentioned below. Chil- dren of second wife: Elizabeth, born 1768; Maria, 1771. n\^u:sKji\ nAU aujh.awk VALLJiYb 1071 (M) Anthony, son of George (2) Devoe, was born March 11, 1762. He was a soldief in the revolution at the age of eighteen and settled afterward at Schaghticoke with his father and brother John. He married, in 1783. Helen (Helena) Vanderbiirg or Van- denbiirg. He removed to Andrustown in 1798, and died January 12, 1844, aged nearly eighty- two. He was a man of undoubted integrity. Chiklren : George : Cornelius, mentioned be- low ; John, lived at Warren : \\'ynant, of War- ren : Mrs. Maria Osterhout ; Elizabeth Jewell; Hannah Springer; Sarah Brown and one other. (MI) Cornelius, son of Anthony Devoe, was born April 30, 1797. He was a farmer all his active life at Warren, Herkimer county. New York, where he died in December, 1888. He married Ann Deyoe, of Pilestown, Rens- selaer county, in 1819; children: Wallace G., married Emma Mattison and lived at W'arren ; Julia A., married Joseph Ludden and lived in Columbia ; Daniel Anthony, mentioned below ; Julia Groddis; Sarah, married David Wal- lace. (VHI) Daniel Anthony, son of Cornelius Devoe. was born in \\'arren, Herkimer county, New York. April 19, 1820, died De- cember 27, 1898. He was educated in Spring- field high school and academy. He assisted his father on the farm in summer and taught school in winter. When twenty-seven years old he married Maria Snell, of Fords Bush. Herkimer county. New York. He leased a farm. May 6, 1847, bought it in 1851, and lived in his native place until 1863, when he moved to town of Canajoharie, New York, where he bought a two-hundred-acre farm, on which he lived until he died. He was a pros- perous farmer and a prominent citizen. He was school trustee for a number of years, a member of the local lodge of Free and Ac- cepted Masons. ?Ie was deacon of the Uni- vcrsalist church for many years at Fort Plain. Children: i. Nelson, died aged four years. 2. Margaret .Ann, married Schuyler Duryee, of Everett, Washington : children : i. Leverick Duryee. married Alice McFarland and has son Schuyler Duryee; ii. Albert Duryee, mar- ried .Alice Gardner ; iii. Daniel A. Duryee, married Clotilda Robinson ; iv. Korekiyo Tackahash Duryee, married Louise Thomp- son : v. Agnes Duryee. 3. Charlotte N., mar- ried Dr. Alvero Zoller, of West Union. Iowa ; children: Leslie A. and Maud A. Zoller. 4. Daniel Isaac, mentioned below. 5. Ida, died young. 6. Demetra Estelle, married Frank W. Bauder. (IX) Daniel Isaac, son of Daniel Anthony Devoe, was born in Warren, January 19, i860. He attended the district schools and Clinton Liberal Institute, from which he was graduated in 1878. He then took a course in the Rochester Commercial College. In 1879 he became a clerk in the drug store of Petit & Read of Fort Plain. After three years there he went to Canajoharie and engaged in business as a druggist, in partnersliip with John N. Snell, under the firm name of Snell & Devoe. Mr. Snell sold his interests after- ward to Thomas E. Dygert, and the firm name became Devoe & Dygert. In 1885 Mr. Devoe sold out and formed a partnership with W. F. Shumway, under the title of Devoe & Shum- way, as wholesale and retail druggists. Fort Plain. After having conducted a successful business. Mr. Devoe, in 1893, sold his interest in the drug business to his partner and started manufacturing knit underwear. The business was incorporated in 1902 as the Fort Plain Knitting Company, and Mr. Devoe is treas- urer and general manager. He is a member of Fort Plain Lodge, No. 433, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, Hiram Union Chapter, No. 53, Royal .Arch Masons ; Commandery, No. 26, Knights Templar, of Little Falls ; Ziyara Tem- ple, Mystic Shrine, of Utica. He was master of his lodge for four years. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Fort Plain Club. In politics he is a Repub- lican, and was county treasurer of Montgomery county for three years. He is a prominent n-iember of the Universalist church at Fort Plain and has been for the past twenty-four years a trustee. He married, May 24, 1882, Agnes E. Shumway, born August 19, i860 (see Shumway VTI). They have one child, Ethel, born September 24, 1884, a school teacher; graduate of Dean .Academy and of Dr. Savage's Normal College of Physical Education ; teaching at present at Kenwood, Albany, and has private classes. (The Sliumw.iy Line). Peter Shumway, immigrant ancestor, was of French Huguenot ancestry. After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, when many Huguenots sought refuge in .America, he came, before 1675, to Massachusetts and lo- cated in Topsfield. The name was originally spelled Chamois or Charmois. We are told that the home of the family in France was in the neighborhood of St. Maixent in tiie old province of Poitou. Peter Shumway came to this country before the time that Peter Fan- euil and other French Huguenots came, and he \vas not with the settlement at O.xford, Worcester county, Massachusetts, where his son, a few years later, was a settler. Peter Shumway lived for a time at Salem V'illage, 1 672 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS now Danvers, Massachusetts; was a soldier in King Philip's war, and on account of that service his son years afterwards petitioned for a grant of land, March 23, 1749-50, stating that his father was at the taking of the In- dian fort. Judging from his time of coming here, the fact that he did not speak or write French apparently and associated only with English settlers, it is hardly to be doubted that he came from some part of England thither and that his parents or earlier ances- tors went, like many others, for refuge to England. He was born in 1635. He was evidently frequently in the military service, for his son Peter says he was "a long time in the service of his country." He resided at Topsfield, according to his son's statement, and his wife attended church there and their children were baptized there. He was a hog- reeve in 1681-82 in Topsfield. His will was dated April 10, 1695, and his estate appraised June 10 of that year. In the will his resi- dence is given as Boxford. His wife Frances made her will April 3, 17 14, and gives her home as Topsfield. These towns were ad- joining and the families intimately associated, the boundary indistinct. Her will was proved August 2, 1714. Children: i. Peter, men- tioned below. 2. Samuel, born at Topsfield, November 2, 1681, probably lost at sea; un- married; estate settled in 1715 by brother John. 3. Dorcas, born October 16, 1683; married Valentine Butler and Henry Withing- ham. 4. Joseph, born October 13. 16S6. died unmarried, 1715. (II) Peter (2), son of Peter (i) Shum- way, was born at Topsfield, June 6, 1678. Being the only son having sons, he is ancestor of all bearing the name of Shumway in this country. He removed from Topsfield to Ox- ford, Massachusetts, in the "Nipmuck Coun- try." He was granted the right of Joshua Chandler. He was one of the early settlers of Oxford in 1713, the original settlement by the thirty Huguenot families having been abandoned on account of Indian massacres and hostilities in 1696. None of the French returned. Peter Shumway spent the re- mainder of his days there. His will was dated May 12, 1741, and bequeaths to his wife and children. His home lot in Oxford embraced that now or lately, owned by Josiah Russell (H. 185). His family was one of the best- known and most-respected in the town of Ox- ford. He married (first) February n, 1701, Maria Smith, who died January 17, 1739. It is said that her father built the third house having a cellar in the town of Boston. He married (second) February 28, 1740, Mary Dana, who is mentioned in his will. Children of first wife: i. Oliver, mentioned below. 2. Jeremiah, baptized at Topsfield, March 21, ^703- 3- David, baptized at Topsfield, De- cember 23, 1705. 4. Mary, baptized at Tops- field, May 9, 1709. 5. Samuel, baptized March 6, 171 1, at Boxford. 6. John, born at Box- ford, June 26, 1713. Born at Oxford: 7. Jacob, March 10, 1717. 8. Hepzibah, April i, 1720. 9. Amos, January 31, 1722. (HI) Oliver, son of Peter (2) Shumway, was born at Boxford, ]May 10. 1702. He lived quietly and followed farming at Ox- ford. He married. September 3, 1724, Sarah Pratt. Children, born at Oxford: i. Oliver, mentioned below. 2. Levi, April 8, 1727. 3. Keziah, May 25, 1729. 4. Nathan, April 21, 1731. 5. Susanna, August 21, 1733. 6. Stephen, March 25. 1736; soldier in the revo- lution. 7. Sarah, June 28, 1738. 8. Reuben, February 2, 1740; soldier in the revolution. 9. Ebenezer, June 25, 1743. 10. Jonathan, No-, vember 8, 1745. 11. Lucy, July 18, 1749. (IV) Oliver (2), .son of OHver (i) Shum- way, was born at Oxford, October 12. 1725. He was a carpenter by trade, and is said to have served in the revolution. He :narried, April 15, 1747, Elizabeth Holman. Children: Abner, mentioned below ; Betsey. (V) Abner. son of Oliver (2) Shumway, was born at Oxford, June 9, 1748, died Sep- tember 13, 1813. He was a soldier in the revolution and was in camp at Roxbury in October. 1775, a drummer in the Oxford com- pany : also served in various companies after- ward. In 1786 he removed to Lebanon Springs, New York, where he spent his last years. He worked at his trade as carpenter and some houses that he built in Oxford are still standing. He married, April 19. 1770, Lucy Howe, born in 1752, died January 3, 1837. Children: David, born ]\Iarch 30, 1771 ; Rufus, April i, 1774, died at Decatur, Otsego county. New York, about 1836 : Allen, March 19, 1778: Paul, mentioned below; Silas ; Alpheus ; Jeremiah D., January 12, 1793; Leonard: Clarissa: Lucy. (\T1 Paul, son of Abner Shumway. was born May 19, 1781, at Oxford, died February 3, 1849. H<^ was a carpenter by trade. He married, March 4. 1804, Mercy Gates, born August 10. 1786. in Norwich, Massachusetts, died February 25. 1872; resided at Lebanon Springs. New York. Children, born at Le- banon Springs: Charlotte, April 29, 1805; Henry Edward, November i. 1807; Elizabeth Maria, June 30, 1813; William Dennison, July 13, 1817; Joseph Hill, mentioned l)clow ; John Brainerd, November 5, 1822 : .Antoin- ette, April 19, 1824, died young: Ellen Tane, January 19, 1826; Charles Frederick, March 6, 1828; Lucy Ann, October 19, 1830; Samuel Gates, June 9, 1833. (\'II) Joseph Hill, son of Paul Shumway, was born at Lebanon Springs, New York, August 27, 1820. He was educated in the public schools, became postmaster, was super- visor several terms, and a prominent Repub- lican. He was a member of the Universalist church. He married, September 6, 1854, Cornelia \'an Horn, born December 12, 1832 (see Van Horn VII). They resided at Van Hornsville, Herkimer county, New York, where he w-as a merchant until he retired. Children: i. Walter F.. born April 22, 1858; married, September 7, 1880, Alfa Ackler, born October 15, 1858. 2. Agnes E., August 19, i860; married. May 24, 1882, Daniel I. De- voe (see Devoe IX). 3. Ellen M., October 1, 1867; married, October 22, 1889, John M. Farley ; children : Worthington S. Farley, born June 6, 1892; Walter Van Horn Farley, February 13, 1894; Dorothy Farley; John M. Farley, jr. (The Van Horn Line). Jan Corneliessen \'an Horn, or \'an Home, came from Holland to New Amsterdam as early as 1645, and he drew his money from his guardian in Holland in 1647. His wife's name is unknown. He became a member of the First Dutch Reformed Church of New York, October 6. 1685. He sold a house and lot south of Marketfield street, part of the premises patented to Jan Corneliessen \'an Home. June 23, 1645. He sold another lot on the east side of Fort .Amsterdam, near Marketfield street. He was entered in New Amsterdam as a small burgher and was taxed twenty-five guilders. Children: i. Cornelius Jansen, mentioned below. 2. Jan Joris. mar- ried Maria Rutgers. 3. Garret.- married, July 2, 1693, Altje Proohost. (II) Cornelius Jansen, .son of Jan Cor- neliessen \'an Home, married, according to the register of the Dutch Reformed Church of New York. October 4, 1659. Anna Maria, daughter of and Annaka (Webber) Jans, granddaughter of Wolford Webber, of Holland, who married .\nnaka Cock, daughter of Hendrick and Neisgen Seleyns Cock. Wol- ford Amant Webber, son of Wolford Webber, came over in 1649, received a grant of sixty- two acres fronting on the East river and run- ning through Chatham square from Governor Peter Stuyvesant. and afterward Webber con- veyed it to his aunt, .-\nnaka (Webber) Jans. Wolford .\mant Webber was a grandson of King William of Orange. Children of Cor- nelius Jansen and Anna Maria (Jans) Van Horn, lx)rn in New Amsterdam and baptized on the following dates in the Dutch Reformed .71 i.n \\ IX \ .ALLT. 1 :^ "J73. church: Johannes, January 17. 1003; \rouchie, January 25. itrfrfj; Cornelius J.,. January 31, 1667; Garret, December 17, 1671 ; Altge, October 31, 1673; Abram, mentioned below. (III) Abram, son of Cornelius Jansen \'aa Horn, was baptized in the Dutch Reformed church, January 20, 1675, died in 1741. He married, September 6, 1700, Maria Provost. Children, baptized in New York: Anna Maria, January 28, 1702; Catharine, July 30,. 1704; Cornelius, mentioned below; Janetje, November 7, 1708; Helena, September 24, 1710; Abram, March 8. 1713: David. .August 8. 1714: David, July 20, 1715; Margaretta, ]\Iarch 6, 1717; Samuel, April 6, 1720. (IV) Captain Cornelius Van Horn, son of Abram \'an Horn, was iiaptized in New York. October 16, 1706. He married (first) Catha- rine Cox; (second) Elizabeth Lawrence;, (third) Hannah Sebrook. He settled in Mon- mouth, New Jersey. After his third mar- riage he removed to Hunterdon county, where his brother Abram and sister Helena also lived. He and his brother bought the lime of a German emigrant for a term of years to pay his passage to this country. This man bargained to build three houses in three suc- cessive years for his freedom, he having all the spare time. One of these was a stone house with the initials C. V. H., dated 1753,. and stood half a mile west of the White House station, and north of the railroad. Captain \'an Horn's will, dated December 24, 1743, with a codicil February 3. 1744. proved .March 16. 1744. bequeathed to wife Hannah and his children. He was buried in 1744 in the old \'an Horn graveyard at White House and the gravestone is standing. It gives the date of death as February 12. 1744. His widow married Benjamin Drake, of Hopewell, near Trenton. Child of first wife: Thomas, born December 4, 1722. Children of second wife: Mathias, 1724; Catharine; Elizabeth. Chil- dren of third wife: Mary. .April 12. 1733; Cornelius, May 4. 1737 ; .Abram. mentioned below; James. April 23. 1740; John. May 3, 1742; Daniel, May 2, 1743. (V) Sheriff .Abram \'an Horn, son of Cap- tain Cornelius \'an Horn, was born .August 28. 1738. He emigrated alwut 1771 to what was then Warrensbush and settled on a farm in the present town of Florida. Montgomery county. New York. He moved Iiis family thither the following summer, and they were four days in making the voyage from New York to Albany on a sloop. He was elected a member of the Tryon county committee of safely in June, 1773. from the Mohawk dis- trict and continued a member several years. 16/4 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS He was a staunch Whig, and it was rumored that an attempt was about to be made by the Tories and Indians to massacre him and his family. A neighboring Tory was appointed to go at night and shoot him in bed through the window, but fortunately, on the appointed night, his wife was awake, on account of a sick child, and after building a big fire in the fireplace had just laid down on the front side of the bed with the child, when the mur- derer came to the window. He weakened in his purpose when he saw that to kill the hus- band he would have to shoot the wife and child. She was a kindly, charitable woman, who had nursed the sick even in that man's own family. Afterward a blockhouse was built for the defense of the family. Van Horn was a member of the state assembly from 1777 to 1781 and was high sheriff of Tryon county in 1 78 1. In 1783 he moved to Cansede- banak Church, near Fort Plain, and thence up to Otsquaga creek, where he built a mill, which bears the name of Van Homsville. He died there March 5, 1810, aged nearly seven- ty-two years. He was married (first) to Jane Ten Eyck ; (second) December 9, 1763, Hannah Hoff, of Montgomery county, New York, daughter of Richard Hoff, of New Jersey. Children of Sheriff' Abram and Hannah (Hoff) Yan Horn, his second wife: Cornelius, born No- vember 22, 1764, married Elizabeth Youngs ; James, September 16, 1766; Daniel, Septem- TJer 23, 1768; Richard, born October 15, 1770, mentioned below; Thomas, Decem- "ber 20, 1772, married Lucy Terry : Catharine, September 8, 1775 ; Hannah, January 18, 1778 : Abram D., June 26, 1783. (VI) Richard, son of Sheriff Abram Van Horn, was born October 15, 1770. He mar- Tied Cornelia Ten Eyck. Children : Cornelius, born December 21, 1801, died July 19, 1873, married Mary Kinter; Alexander, December ID, 1804; Walter, mentioned below; Anna Maria, February 25, 1808 : Catharine. January 20, 1810; Richard R., February 14. 1812; Abram R., August 30, 1816. (VII) Walter, son of Richard Van Horn. Avas born June 10, 1806. He married Eliza Sleighter. Children: Agnes, born November '8, 1829, died October 8, 1854, married Henry Hawm; Cornelia, December 12, 1832, mar- ried Joseph Shumway (see Shumway VII) ; ■George, December 21, 1836, married Maria Hawks; Cornelius S., March 2, 1838, died December 21, 1868. married Marie Wagner; James E., February 2, 1842, married Mary Dunn ; Maria, September 29, 1846, married John W. P.randow, Jr. : Nicholas. .April 14, 1852, married Ida Countryman. The Congers are first men- COXGER tioned as settlers in Berne, Al- bany county. New York, about 1790. They are descendants of the Vermont family who lived in the town of Danby, where Gershom Conger was an early settler. He married Frances Ballard, of Tinmouth, and was an influential and worthy man of that town. Children: Isaac, Enoch, Ashen, Ger- shom, William, Ruth and Dorcas. (II) William, son of Gershom and Frances (Ballard) Conger, was born in 1790, near Reidsville, town of Berne, Albany county, New York. Here the Conger homestead was located, lying in the eastern part of the town. The improvements were yet crude, but Wil- liam considerably improved his farm and pros- pered. He was a Whig in politics, and a Methodist, being one of the pioneer members of the Berne congregation. He married Han- nah Babcock, born in Berne, died in Albany, aged eighty-one years, long surviving her hus- band. Children: i. Catherine A., married Elias Reynolds, a farmer of the Helderbergs; child, Eugene, married Leonora Irving, who survives him, with daughters, Catherine A. and Blanche. 2. W'illiam M., of further men- tion. 3. Almira, married Morgan Hungerford, at attorney-at-law of Albany, where he died ; children : i. Emma, married William Winne, whom she survives, a resident of Troy, New York, with daughter Audna; ii. Jessie, mar- ried William Bender, then of Albany, now resident of Greater New York, has son Clar- ence ; iii. Hannah, married George Atherton, now of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has daugh- ter Olive. 4. Hannah, married (first) Chester Flagler; child. \'ictoria, married George Tubbs, and had daughter Grace, married and lives in East Durham; married (second) Wil- liam Wilson ; children : Rev. William Conger and Josephine. Rev. William Conger Wilson, Methodist minister of Broadalbin, New York, married Minnie Cook and has Leora ; Jose- phine Wilson married DeWitt Benjamin, a merchant of Stamford, New York, and has a son Guy. 5. James Enos, died, aged forty-five, January 9, 1875, unmarried. 6. Josephine Amelia, born in Berne, Albany county. New York, 1842, died in Albany, 1904 ; educated in Female Academy, Albany, and a member for many years of First Presbyterian Church. She married Dr. William Morgan, born in Al- bany, 1842, died there 1898; graduate from Albany Medical College, class of 1868 ; some years later succeeded his brother in the insur- ance business, in which he became very suc- cessful ; was active in local politics as a Re- publican. Children: i. William Jr., born 1874, postgraduate of Yale, class of 1896, HLUbU.N .\.\U MUHAWK \ ALLEYS Ph.D., now professor of chemistry of Uni- versity of California. Berkeley, California; married Charlotte Lansing and has sons, Alan and Conger ; ii. James Pettit, born March 19, 1876. graduate of high school, class of 1894, succeeded to his fatlier's business ; married Marv A. Chandler, no issue. (I'm William IL, son of William and Han- nah (^Babcnck) Conger, was born on the farm in P.crne. January 27, 1824, died at his home in Xew Scotland, September 7, 19 10. He was a farmer of his native town until 1850, when he purchased and removed to a farm of two hundred acres in New Scotland, near the vil- lage of Unionville. He became a man of abundant substance and a leader in his town. Hi? natural powers of conversation and argu- ment were unusual and were enhanced by a mind well-stored by serious study and wide reading. His manly character and open- handed generosity were proverbial. None were ever turned away empty-handed, and in his will he remembered those whose only claim was having been in his employ. His lifelong abstinence from the common habits of tobacco and liquor using was well known and widely commented upon. He was an earnest, zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a liberal supporter of all Chris- tian and charitable societies. Politically he was a Republican, but never sought public office. He married (first) in 1847, '" Berne, Xew York. Louisa Hotaling, born in the Helder- bergs. August 25, 1829, died May 9, 1872. She was in full sympathy with her husband in his church and benevolent work and his valued co-worker in all things. She was a daughter of Aaron and Mary (Rogers) Hotal- ing. of Albany county. Mary (Rogers) Hotaling died in middle life, and .Xaron mar- ried a second wife, later removing to Albany, where he was engaged in the ice business. He had five children, the only survivor (1910) being Hiram Hotaling, born March 28, 1828, who resides with his widowed daughter, .Anna (Hotaling) Saxton, in Albany. William H. Conger married (second) in New Scotland, March 5. 1874, Mrs. Hannah Eliza (Hotaling) Oliver, born in New Scotland, January 9, 1832. There she was reared and educated. She married (first) John A. OHver, who died in the prime of life, leaving a daughter, Cath- erine M., born April 2, 1852; she married John ^L \"an DerZee, born in New Scotland, June 6, 1849, a carpenter contractor of Schen- ectady. They have living children : Sarah Elizabeth, unmarried, general secretary of Young Women's Christian Association of "Worcester, Massachusetts ; Nettie ^L, married 1675 William Glen, of Elmsmere, New York, and has William O., John E., Agnes A., Paul L., deceased, and Elizabeth. Mrs. Conger sur- vives her husband and resides with her daugh- ter in Schenectady, retaining to a remarkable degree her youthful vigor and giving little evi- dence of her seventy-nine years. She con- tinues her membership in the Reformed church, of which she is a lifelong member. She is a daughter of Tunis W. and Magda- lena (Winne) Hotaling, of New Scotland, who were married by Dominie Yan llousen, who also christened the wife Magdalena. After marriage some years Tunis W. and Magdalena Hotaling removed to Rotterdam, Schenectady county, where he died at the age of seventy-four years, she at sixty-five years. They were both communicants of the Re- formed church. Tunis W. was a son of Wil- liam Hotaling, who came to Albany county from Holland with two brothers and settled on adjoining farms south of Feurabush. This was prior to the revolution. They were a thrifty family and succeeded well in their new home. William Hotaling was twice mar- ried and had issue by both wives. Magdalena Winne. wife of Tunis W. Hotaling, was the daughter of Adam and Christianna (La Grange) Winne, early settlers of New Scot- land. She was of French ancestry, and he of Dutch. Tunis W. and Magdalena (Winne) Hotaling were the parents of thirteen chil- dren: I. , died in infancy. 2. Adam, a farmer of Rotterdam, Schenectady county ; married Sarah Allen, who survives him. 3. Hannah Eliza, married (first) John A. Oliver: (second) William IL Conger. 4. William, of Fullers Station, now retired : married Eliza- beth Fuller, deceased. 5. Francis, died in South Dakota, a farmer; married and left issue. 6. Simeon W., deceased ; married An- nie M. Fitch, now a resident of Albany, and second time a widow. 7. Garret, now of Syracuse, New York : married Jane Bogart, deceased, five children. 8. Christianna, mar- ried James W. Wilmct, both deceased, also their only daughter. 9. John, of \'ictor. New York : married Jeanette Bennett ; three chil- dren. 10. Mary, deceased: married Walter Bond: two children. 11. Eleanor \'an Der- veer, married Alexander Yceder, of Rotter- dam, Schenectady county. New York ; two living children. 12. Lsaac, of Schenectady; married Julia Chapman: child, Ira. 13. Peter J., deceased : married Ella N^edder, a resi- dent of Schenectady : child, George. William H. Conger had by his first marriage the fol- lowing children: i. Emerette, of further men- tion. 2. Hannah A., born in New Scotland, July 24, 1851 ; married Garrett \'an Derpoel, 16-6 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS a retired fanner, now of Delmar, New York; children: Conger and Chester, the former died at the age of eleven years. 3. William A., of further mention. Two granite shafts mark the resting places of William H. Conger and family in the burial plot on his own farm. (I\') Emerette, eldest child of William H. and Louisa (Hotaling) Conger, was born September 23, 1849, in Berne, Albany county. New York. She was one year old when her parents settled in New Scotland, where she was reared, educated and married, February 26, 1873, Taylor McIMillen, born in New Scot- land. March 7, 1849, son of Henry and Mary Jane (Taylor) McMillen. Henry McMillen was the son of Alexander McMillen, who died in New Scotland, and is buried in the Presby- terian churchyard. For the past ten years Taylor McMillen and wife have resided at the Conger homestead, he having charge of the estate. They are both members of the Presby- terian church, and Mr. McMillen is a strong Republican. They have no children. (R') \\'illiam A., son of William H. and Louisa (Hotaling) Conger, was born in the town of New Scotland. Albany county, New York. November 2, 1853. He was well edu- cated in youth, and has spent his active years in the town of his birth. A man of means, he has not actively pursited any special line of activity, but has lived more the life of a country gentleman. He has always been an active worker in the Republican party and aided in county management as district presi- dent of the county committee. He is now a resident of Albany, where he retired in 1910. He married. December 13, 1883, Sarah E., daughter of Rev. .Alexander and Sarah A. CBarriclo) Millspaugh. Children; i. William H., born January 3, 1885; graduated at Al- bany Medical College, M.D., class of 1908, now practicing his profession at Tivoli, New York. He married Iva Brown, of Fort Plain, New York. 2. Alexander M., born February 18, 1887; graduated at Rutgers" College, classical department, class of 19 10, now studying for the ministry at Princeton Uni- versity Theological Seminary. 3. Mabel, born March 6, 1889, died July 12, 1909. 4. Bertha, born June 14. 1894, attends Girls Academy, Albany. 5. Irving B., born October 7, 1896, died .\ugust 31, 1899. (The Millspaiigh Line). This name is found on the early records of Orange county as Miltzpatch, Miltzpach and Milsbagh. The emigrant was from Germany and canie to the United States accompanied by a grown-up family. The valley of the Wal- kill was settled by German, Dutch and Hugue- not emigrants, who, frugal and industrious, very soon became possessed of competence and wealth. The Millspaugh family settled in the town of Montgomery, Orange county. New York, about 1730. They were from Holland and Protestant in religion, from which they suffered persecution which led them to emi- grate to America. Jacob, the father, was evi- dently an old man, as the records do not men- tion any land purchased by him. The printed records of the family begins with his son, Matys (Matthias). (H) Matthias, son of Jacob Alillspaugh (Miltzpach), was born in Germany, as the journal of the New York assembly for 1735 shows a bill for the naturalization of several persons, among them Matys ]Milsbagh, Philip Milsbagh and two members of the Crist fam- ily. This would indicate that he had reached' manhood before coming to America in 1730. Philip was evidently his brother. In 1738 Henry Crist, Stevanus Crist and Matthias Miltzpach purchased of William Sharpus, of New York City (a patentee of the two-thou- sand-acre tract), four hundred and forty-two acres in the town of JMontgomery on the north side of Walkill, opposite the later day village of Montgomery, a little back of the stream. They had previously purchased two- hundred acres, known as the "Crist Mill Lot." The land was of the finest quality, deep and fertile. They divided their purchase and at once began to clear and cultivate. The first home was dug out of the side of a hill and there the family was comfortably housed until the dugout was replaced by a house of logs. They were an energetic family and soon were in fairly comfortable circumstances. They were members of the Dutch Reformed church, and with their neighbors of that faith erected a log church in which they worshipped for many years. Matthias married Elsie Kim- bark, daughter of one of the numerous French Huguenots, who like their Holland co-religion- ists found the Walkill \'alley a safe and pleas- ant refuge. The Kimbarks first settled in Ulster county near Kingston, but later joined their brethren in the Walkill \'alley, where thev afterward lived and died. (Ill) Charles, son of Matthias and Elsie (Kimbark) Millspaugh. was born in the town of Crawford, then Montgomery, Orange county. New York, January 18. 1781 ; the town of Crawford was erected from Mont- gomery in 1823. He received a share of his father's estate to which he added by purchase, becoming a prosperous farmer and highly re- .spected citizen. He married Mehitable Van' Tassel, born in Orange county. New York, August 9, 1781, a descendant of Jan Cornelius HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS [67; \an Tassel, who founded a conspicuous fam- ily particular!)' prominent in the revolutionary war. There is on file in the state archives at Albany the original petition for relief pre- sented to Governor Clinton, February 9, 1781, ■which among other things recites : Notwithstanding the enemy have not left us one single head of our cattle, furniture, etc., but has plundered us of all. we beseech that you will look with an eye of pity on us and have some consideration for our past services, and that a years imprisonment and five years exile, the ruin of our fortunes, and the submission with which we have born these punishments and the zeal which we are still ready to show for our country's cause, if your Excellency and the Sen- ate and the Assembly do not make some provis- ion for us, we and our families must inevitably perish. Signed — 1SA.\C V.\\ T.ASSEL. six in family, released from imprisonment. D.-\XIEL VAX TASSEL, five in family, released from imprisonment. ABRAHAM VAN TASSEL, seven in family, released from imprisonment. JACOB VAN TASSEL. seven in family, and still a prisoner. Twenty-four of the family were regularly enlisted privates and officers of the revolution- ary army. Children of Charles and Mchitable Millspaugh: JMaria, Howard, Isaac, Alex- ander, of further mention, Leander, Albert, William, Charles. (I\') Rev. Alexander Millspaugh, son of Charles and Mehitable (Van Tassel) Mills- paugh. was born in Orange county, New York, town of Montgomery, January 12. 1810, died at Feurabush (Jerusalem), town of New Scotland, Albany county. New York, Decem- ber 5, 1885. He was educated in the schools of Orange county and prepared for the minis- try at Rutgers Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, New Jersey, from whence he was graduated with honors, class of 1842. He was ordained a minister of the Dutch Reformed church, and spent his subsequent life engaged in that holy profession. He was for twenty- five years pastor over the Middletown church. Afonmouth county. New Jersey, and during his quarter of a century in that field built up a strong congregation and did good and faith- ful work for his Master. He was not only an acceptable pulpit orator, but the "beloved pastor," known far and near in the county. His second pastorate was assumed in response to a call from the congregation in New Scot- land, which he accepted and where he passed a life of great usefulness, continuing in the active ministry until his death. He married Sarah A. Barriclo. born in Marlboro, New Jer- sey, August 14, 1818, died in the village of L'nionville. She was a devoted Christian wife and mother, nobly seconding her husband's efforts and working hand in hand with him for the betterment of humanity. Children, all born in Middletown: 1. Hul'dah C, mar- ried James Baird. and resides in Marlboro, New Jersey ; has sons, Alexander and Carlton A. 2. Charles H., now a real estate dealer of Brooklyn, New York: married Jennie Con- over; children: Lafayette C, Josephine S.. Eleanor C. and Charles' E. 3. Harriet, resides in New York City, unmarried. 4. John B., now a hardware merchant of Spokane. Wash- ington : married and has Sloan and Barriclo. 5. Sarah E., married .William A. Conger and resides in Albany. New York (see Conger IVL 6. Catherine L. T., died in earlv child- hood. The Gordon family is doubt- GOIvDOX less of Norman origin, but was prominent in Scotland before the year 11 50. No Scotch surname is more honored and perhaps none more widely known. The family is found as early as 1150 in .Aber- deenshire. Kirkcidbrightshire. Banffshire, Ber- wickshire, Sutherlandshire and in other coun- ties of Scotland. The family possess the dukedom and marquisate of Gordon and Hunt- ley : earldoms of Aberdeen, Aboyne, Eozie. Huntley, Moray; viscounties of Formartine, Inverness, Kenmure, Meldrum ; lordships of Badenoch, etc., Haddo. etc., Lochinvar, Strathaven. etc. \'arious branches bear coats- of-arms. A branch of the family went to Scotland about 161 o when Ulster was settled by the Scotch Presbyterians by order of King James, and many of the .Vmerican Gordons descend from this branch. Before the revolution the family was numer- ous in New York state. The New York revo- lutionary rolls show that .\hraham, Charles, Robert, Alexander, Cornelius. Lieutenant- Colonel James, Joseph and William Gordon were in the service. Doubtless there were others. Joseph, Charles and Robert were of Albany county. Charleston was part of the old town of Mo- hawk, and was incorporated in 1793. .Ac- cording to the town history, Ezra Gordon was one of the numerous New England set- tlers who came there directely after the revo- lution. The county of Montgomery was set ofT from .Albany county in 1773 and called Tryon county until the close of the revolution. In 1790 there were several heads of families, according to the first federal census, in Mont- gomery county. In Mohawk we find Joseph Gordon with three males under sixteen and four females in his family ; Timothy Gordon, with three males under sixteen and four fe- males. Evidently they were of alj<3ut the same I67« HLUbUi\ A.\U AlUHAWK VALLEYS age and born not earlier than 1750. !\Iary Gordon lived at German Flats and William at Harpersfield, in the same county. An older man, James Gordon, was living in 1790 in Ballstown, Albany county, and had in his family four males over sixteen, two under six- teen and four females. Ezekiel Gordon, men- tioned below, was a son of James Gordon, and afterwards moved from Albany county to Montgomery county. James Gordon, also of Ballstown, had a family, and was the son of the James Gordon mentioned heretofore. Eze- kiel Gordon was born about 1773-80. He settled in Charleston Four Corners in what is now the town of Root, Montgomery county, and followed farming. It is more than likely that his family was Scotch-Irish coming with a flood of emigrants before the revolution to New England and New York. He was a member of the Christian church in later life, and a Whig in politics. Children: David, mentioned below ; James Schuyler and Peter. (II) David, son of Ezekiel Gordon, was born in Montgomery county, about 1800. He was educated in the district schools, and was a farmer. He was a deputy sheriff of Mont- gomery county, 1838-40. He was an expert cheese-maker, and used to travel from town to town in following this trade. He was a member of the Christian church, and a Whig in politics. His home was at Brown's Hol- low, Montgomery county. He married Lydia Hoag. Children: i. Frank, married Henri- etta Davis ; children : Luella, married Wil- liam Allen ; Hattie ; Horace. 2. William James, mentioned below. 3. Burton, married Ellen Zoller, children : Florence and Helene. 4. Mary, married Edward Clark ; children : Eugenia and Hattie Clark. (III) William James, son of David Gor- don, was born in Montgomery county, August 29, 1835, "^'ed at Johnstown, New York. Feb- ruary 13, 1907. He attended the district schools of Browns Hollow, his native village. When a young man he engaged in the trade of cheese-making, and also learned the trade of miller in a grist mill at Browns Hollow. He then moved to the town of Carlisle. Scho- harie county, and followed the occupation of miller until shortly before his death, when he sold his mill and business and retired. He was interested in town affairs and held the office of commissioner of highways. He be- longed to the Christian church. In early life he was a Whig, afterward a Repuljlican. He married, in March, 1863. Emma, horn March 13, 1843, daughter of John and Maria Tyme- son, whose children were: Henry; Jay; Nor- man, married Mary Heagle and had Cora, Maud, and Leslie Tymeson ; Charles ; Cor- nelius ; John ; Emma ; Jane, married Samuel Reynolds, of Racine, Wisconsin, and had a son, Jay Reynolds. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon : Edgar D.. mentioned below ; Wil- liam J., Jr., born November 27, 1869, married, October 11, 1904, Elda Hutton. (IV) Edgar D., son of William James Gor- don, was born at Browns Hollow. Montgom- ery county, May 17, 1865. He attended the public schools of his native town, and after- wards for a period of six years was clerk in a general store at Ames, Montgomery county. New York. In 1890 he came to Johnstown, New York, and for eighteen years was in charge of the bookmaking of the firm of J. H. Decker & Son & Company. He has held many offices of trust and honor. He was for four years water commissioner of Johnstown ; in 1905 he was alderman-at-large for four months, and mayor the remainder of the year; in 1907 he was elected county clerk of Fulton county and took office January i, 1908: he served three years, and in 1910 was reelected for a second term of three years. He is a member of Knights of Pythias ; Oliver Com- pany, Ll'niformcd Rank of Knights of Pythias, and Grand Orient : Royal Arcanum : Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows ; Acorn Re- becca Lodge : Council of the Order of United American iMechanics, in which he has held all the offices and has been state councillor. He is a member of the Lotus club and the Board of Trade. In religion he is a Baptist and is trustee of the society. In politics he is a Re- publican. He married, November 21, 1886, Mina D., born April 9, 1867, daughter of Samuel and Marion (Dingman) Collins, granddaughter of James and Charlotte K. (Geantier) Collins, also granddaughter of John .'\. and Electa E. (Goodemote) Ding- man, father and mother of Marion (Ding- man) Collins. Children of Mr. and ^Irs. Col- lins: I. Ella, married (first) Phillip Conrad and had son Sherman Conrad; married (sec- ond) Smith Fay, and had son Theron Fay. 2. Mina, married Edgar D. Gordon, men- tioned above. 3. Elizabeth, married Theron Sipperly. 4. Lottie, married Charles Ives. 5. Merritt. married Lulu Van Kie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon have one child, Merritt W., born October 23, 1895. The Speed family in ."Kmerica de- SPEED scend from James, son of Dr. John Speed, of Southampton, England, where James was born September 28. 1679. He settled in Virginia in 1695 and became a wealthy planter. He married, 1711, Mary Pulley and had four sons : James, John, William T. and Thomas. Branches of the u )rlA\^ IV \ .ALU-, \ b 1079 family settled in New York state, in Tomp- kins and Columbia counties. The line in the Hudson \'alle)' begins with Richard Speed, a farmer of Columbia county, New York, who married and had issue. (II) .\hraham. son of Richard Speed, was born in Columbia county, New York, 1814, died in \\'est Ghent, same county, 1885. He learned the carpenter's trade and became a well-known builder and contractor of the county. He was an elder of the Dutch Re- formed church, and a Republican in politics. He married Caty Snyder Smith and had issue. (III) .Sylvanus, son of Abraham and Caty Snyder (.*^mith) Speed, was born in town of Ghent, Columbia county, New York, May 13, 1839, died there January 31, 1879. He was etkicated in the public schools, and learned the trade of builder with his father, continu- ing in business with him until his death. He was a deacon of the Dutch Reformed church, and a Republican in politics. He married, Oc- tober 18, i860, at Ghent, Jane Helen Leggett, born March 10, 1836, died January 28, 1906, at Hudson, New York, daughter of William Leggett (see Leggett III). Children: Wil- liam Leggett and Harry S., of further men- tion. (I\^) William Leggett, son of Sylvanus and Jane Helen (Leggett) Speed, was lx)rn in town of Chatham, Columbia county, New York, May 2, 1862. He was educated in the public schools, and is now engaged in a hard- ware and carriage business in Hudson. He is a member of the Dutch Reformed church, and a Republican in politics. He married, .\u- gust 13, 1885, Augusta, daughter of Dr. ( harles W. Hinsdale, born in Claverack, New York, :\Iay 2, 1828, died April 19, 1887. at Hudson, a druggist and physician ; married Amelia Harnes Shepherd. Dr. Charles W. Hinsdale was the son of Dr. Stephen Hins- dale, of Claverack town, who married Eliza Cain. Amelia Harnes Shepherd was the daughter of Abraham and Margaret J. Shep- erd, the latter a daughter of Robert and Sally Rorick, and granddaughter of Gasper Rorick, who fought in the revolutionary war. (I\') Harry Sargent, son of Sylvanus and Jane Helen (Leggett) Speed, was born in West Ghent, Columbia county, New York, August 26, 1864. He was educated in the public schools, and began his business career as clerk in a shoe store in Hudson. In 1889 he established in business for himself as retail shoe merchant and as such still continues (1911). He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Dutcli Reformed church. He married, July 25, 1888, Emma, born in Hud- son, New York, October 13, 1865, daughter of Francis Henry Bagley : died at Hudson, October 20, 1902 (see Bagley I\'). Child, Sherwood Bagley, born October 8, 1891 ; now a student at Williston Seminary, class of 191 1. (The Leggett Line). Jane Helen Leggett, wife of Sylvanus Speed, was a great-granddaughter of jacobus Leggett, of Ghent, born 1729, died 1785 : mar- ried, 17(39, Catherine Reyne (or Peyne). (II) John, son of Jacobus and Catherine Leggett, was born in town of Ghent, Colum- bia county. New York: married, February 12, 1795, Mary \'an .Alstyne, born January 6, 1771, at Cihent, died there, April 15, 1863. Children : Catherine, born November 9^ 1795 : James, November 18, 1797; Maria, No- vember 30, 1799; Bertha, February 3, 1805; William, of further mention. (III) William, son of John and Mary (Van- Alstyne) Leggett, was born in Ghent. Sep- tember 9, 181 1, died there in the same house in which he was born, March 17, 1874. He was a farmer, elder of the Dutch Reformed church of Claverack, and a Democrat in poli- tics. He married. October 28, 1833, Emily Augusta Sargent, born at West Boylston, Mas- sachusetts, June 13, 1813, died at Hudson, New York, August 13, 1885. Children: i. Mary Persis, died in infancy. 2. Jane Helen,, born March 10, 1836 ; married Sylvanus Speed (see Speed III). 3. Julia Harriet, twin of Jane Ilelen, died March 25, 186 — ; married, June 19, 1856, Robert Lapham: children: Mary Augusta and Walter. 4. John, born March 27, 1838, died aged eight years. 5. Frazier, died in infancy. 6. Mary Catherine. 7. Persis Ann. 8. Charles Frazier, born .Au- gust 27, 1845 '• "ow living in Brooklyn, New York : married Helen .V. Ferguson, October 25, 1870; child, William Ferguson. 9. Wil- liam James, born October 12, 1848; now of Chatham, New York. 10. Georgiana, died in infancy. (The Bagley Linet. The earliest Bagley given in Savage's "Gen- ealogical Dictionary," is John Bagley, of Say- brook, Connecticut, 1637. Orlando Bagley, of Salisbury (perhaps son of John Bagley), married, March 6, 1654. Sarah, daughter of .Anthony Colby ; both were living in 1662 and both died in 1700. Chil- dren: Orlando, of further mention: Sarah, married .April 5, 16S1, John Mack. Orlando (2), son of Orlando (i) and Sarah (Colby) P.agley, married (first) December 22. 1681. Saraii, daughter of William Sar- gent; she died October 3. 1701 ; married (sec- ond), 1704, Sarah Annis. He was made a freeman in 1690; constable in 1692. Children: i6So HUDSON AND MOHAWK \-ALLEYS 'Orlando (3), Sarah, John, Jacob, Judith, Jo- seph, Benjamin, Anne, Hannah. From this branch, the family in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and other New England states must liave come. The first ancestor of whom we have authentic information was Luther Bagley, of Providence, Rhode Island, although a great many Bagleys served in the revolution from different parts of Massachusetts and •other colonies. (I) Luther Bagley, born about 1775 in Providence, Rhode Island, was a marble cut- ter and dealt in monuments; was justice of "the peace; prominent in the ^Masonic order. He married Sarah Baker. (II) John, son of Luther and Sarah (Ba- ker) Bagley, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, September 9, 1806. He married Clem- entine Nye, born October 11, 1808, died 1888, •daughter of Moses and Chloe (Gifford) Nye. Chloe GifTord was daughter of David and Temperance (Dimmock) Gifford, of Fal- mouth. Massachusetts. Moses Nye. born in Sandwich, Alassachusetts, 1774, died there November 16, 1869, was son of Lemuel, born January 29, 1741, died before 1797, married, February 7, 1774, Mary, daughter of David and Thankful (Hatch) Dimmick. Lemuel was the son of IMeletiah (2) Nye, born in Falmouth, Massachusetts, April 13, 1719, died in Pocassett, Massachusetts, December 23, 1777, married, December 18, 1740, Ruth, daughter of Afoses and Mary Swift. Mele- tiah (2) was the son of Meletiah (i) Nye, born in Falmouth, Massachusetts, 1682, died there 1749; married (first), December 11, 171 2, Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Hatch) Wing. She was the mother of all his children and died 1734. Meletiah (i) Nye was the son of Ebenezer Nye : married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Gibbs. He was selectman of Falmouth, 1705-06; died, 1734, according to town records ; family records say 1744. Ebenezer was the son of Benjamin Nye, the .A.merican ancestor, born at Bidlen- den, Kent, England, May 4, 1620, son of Thomas and Agnes Nye. Benjamin Nye came to America in the .ship "Abigail" to Lynn. Massachusetts, in 1635, with Edmund Free- man's company. In 1636 he removed to Sand- wich, Massachusetts, where he built both saw and fulling mills. In 1661 he was constable and juryman. In 1673 he was again chosen constable. He married Katherine, daughter of Rev. Thomas Tupper, October 19, 1640. (III) Francis Henry, .son of John and Clem- entine (Nye) Bagley, was born at Hudson, New York. October 26, 1830, died there, Oc- tober 20, 1902. He was connected with the Now York Central railroad; Democrat in poli- tics ; member of the Dutch Reformed church. He married, at Athens, New York, January 26, 1853, Phoebe Ann Van Hoesen, born March i, 1833, died December 15, 1891. (IV) Emma, daughter of Francis Henry and Phoebe Ann (Van Hoesen) Bagley, was born in Hudson ; married, July 23, 1888, Harry Sargent Speed (see Speed IV). (The Van Hoesen Line). In 1645, Jans Frause Van Hussuen, with his wife, \'olkie Jurrianse, and son Jurrian, came to America and settled at Fort Orange and Beverwyck (now Albany), where he pur- chased land. His principal purchase was that of Claverack land, made June 5, 1662, of several hundred acres, including the site on which the city of Hudson now stands. It was bought for the sum of five hundred guild- ers, in beavers. The land was owned by two Indians, Parnetepiet and Tatan Kenaut : the sale was confirmed June 11, all the signatures being made with signs or marks. He died about 1667 and letters of administration were issued to his son Jurrian, August 2, 1703. Jurrian, eldest son of Jans Frause. by the laws of primogenturc became seized of the land, hut an amiable petition was made by which he conveyed the lands adjoining the Hudson river, southerly of the ferry, to his brother Johannes, and notherly to his broth- er-in-law, Francis Harding, and wife Cath- erine and brother, Jacoh Jans \'an Hoesen. The deed was executed January 7, 1704. and recorded in Albany. Children of Jans Frause Van Hussuen: Jurrian: Jacob Jans; Anna, married Laykas Gerrites : Styntie, married Fan Tys C^.oes : Maria, married Hendrick Cocu- raltse : Catherine, married Frank Harding; Johannes ; X'olkert. (II) Jacob Jans \'an Hoesen. son of Jans Frause and Volkie (Jurrainse) \'an Hussuen, was a freeholder in Claverack in 1720. He married Judith Cleaum. Children : Francis ; Jan or Jan Jacob; Elsie, twin of Jan, born February 12, 1696. (HI) Francis, son of Jacob Jans and Judith (Cleaum) Van Hoesen, married Martijc \'an De Kar, widow of Garret \"an Hoesen, in 1739. One child. (IV) Jacob F., son of I'rancis and Martije (Van Dc Kar) (\'an Hoesen) Van Hoesen, was born February 13, 1740, died November 14, 1819; married Rachel, born December 5, 1738, died 1796. daughter of Jan Casper and Hcndriske Van lioesen. Children: Cas- per, born June 23, 1768; Maria. March 31, 1770, died March 7, 1790; Francis, August 9, 1772, died February 20, 1847. (V) Casper, son of Jacob F. and Rachel HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS 1681 (\'an Hoesen) Van Hoesen, was born June 23, 1768, died January 5, 1855. He married Elsie Clow, died February 7, 1829. Chil- dren : Rachel, born December 4, 1790, died August 30, 1832; Jacob C, October 29, 1794; Garret. September 5, 1798; John, March 24, 1800: Isaac, September 10, 1802. (\l) Jacob C, son of Casper and Elsie (Clow) \'an Hoesen, was born October 29, 1794. died August 30, 1832; married, Octo- ber 28, 1826, Sophia Van Dyke, born Decem- ber 28. 1790, died July 13, 1857. Children: John, born November, 1827, died August 3, 1830; Catherine, October, 1829, died August, 1830; Catherine Sophia, June 31, 1831, died Jannnry 29, 1832 ; Phoebe Ann. (\"li) Phoebe Ann, daughter of Jacob C. and Sophia (\'an Dyke) Van Hoesen, was born March i. 1833: married. January 26, 1853. Francis H. Bagley (sec Bagley HI). Child, Emma. (VHI) Emma, daughter of Francis H. and Phoebe Ann (\^an Hoesen) Bagley, born Sep- tember 13, 1864, married Harry Sargent Speed (see Speed IV). The clan Armstrong was ARMSTRONG famed in Scotland for courage and patriotism. Scott, in the "Lay of the Last Minstrel," makes the chief say, when about to assemble the clans for some daring enterprise : "Ye need not go to Liddisdale, For when they see the blazing bale Elliots and Armstrongs never fail." The family tradition is that the name was originally bestowed upon a Highland chief for his great courage and physical powers. An- other and better authenticated tradition is that the name Armstrong is derived from the fol- lowing circumstance: "An ancient king of Scotland, having his horse killed under him in battle, was immediately remounted bv Fair- baim, his armor bearer, who took the king by the thigh and placed him in the saddle, al- thoiigh "heavily weighted by armor. For this timelv assistance and feat of strength, the king amply rewarded him with lands on the border ; gave him the name of Armstrong, and as- signed him for crest an armed hand and arm ; in the left hand a leg and foot in armor couped at the thigh all proper." (I I The emigrant ancestor of the Arni- strongs of Hudson, herein recorded, is Wil- liam, a descendant of the Scotch family that settled in the north of Ireland. He may have been connected with the .Armstrongs of Mas- sachusetts and Connecticut, but seems to be an independent branch in this country. Wil- liam came from Ireland and settled early in the town of Warwick, Orange county. New York. He had several children who were grown up at the time of the revolution. The family tradition is that his wife was a descend- ant of Bishop Lattimore. (II) Benjamin, son of William Armstrong, was born about 1760. He settled in Albany county. New York, later becoming a farmer of the town of Duanesburg, Schenectady county, where he reared a family and died. He married and had William. (III) William (2), son of Benjamin Arm- strong, of Albany and Schenectady counties. New York, was born about 1770, died in New York City, early in the nineteenth century. He was ty occupation a weaver and settled in New York City after learning his trade. He married Elizabeth Reed, died in New York City prior to 1834. (IV) William (3), son of William (2) and Elizabeth (Reed) Armstrong, was born in Schenectady, New York, October 22, 1800, died in Hudson, New York, April 18, 1891. W'hen nine years of age his parents removed to New York City, where he was educated and learned the tailor's trade. About 1830 he removed to Hudson, where he started a merchant tailoring establishment, continuing successfully until his retirement in i860. He was a member of the Presbyterian church of Hudson, and a Democrat, although never ac- tively engaged in politics. He married, in Hudson, November 20, 1834. Mary Clark, born in that city July 5, 1807, died there. May 3. 1889. daughter of Cornelius Clark, born in 1773, died in Catskill, New York. January, 1814: married, 1805, in Albany, New York, Elizabeth Case, born in Rhode Island in 1790, reared by her Grandmother Johnson in Leba- non, New York, died in Hudson, August 3. 1834. a devoted member of the Protestant Episcopal church. Children: i. Ellen E., married William Hedges, a wood engraver of New York City, their prescut home. 2. Mary J., married Edwin Hedges, whom she sur- vives, a resident of Washington, D. C. : child, George P. 3. Lou M., resident of New York City. 4. James Clark, of further mention. 5. Charles O., for many years a locomotive engineer, now of New York City. (V) James Clark, son of William (3) and Mary (Clark) Armstrong, was born in Hud- son, New York. January 30, 1843. He was educated in the public schools. On .\pril 20, 1863, he began his career as a railroad man, taking a position as fireman on the Western railroad (now Boston & Albany), April 15. 1864. he was promoted engineer, and is still running on the same road. In 1886 he was elected alderman from the second ward of 1682 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Hudson. He has been connected with the fire department of Hudson since 1863, and in 1873-74 was chief engineer of the department. In 1905 he was appointed fire commissioner, serving until elected mayor of Hudson in 1909. He has admirably filled the office of chief magistrate of his city and still continues in that office (1911). He is an active Demo- crat and influential in his party. He is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Lodge, Chapter, Council, and Commandery of Knights Templar, all of Hudson. He is a member of Greenbush Division No. 59, Broth- erhood of Locomotive Engineers. He mar- ried, February 22, 1869, Mary, daughter of Eli Abbey, a blacksmith of Albany, i^'here he is buried in Rural cemetery, and Mary (Col- lings) Abbey. Children: i. Mary Abbey, married Fred N. Spencer, an optician of Hud- son, son of Edmund Spencer ; children, Ralph and Margery A. 2. James Clark (2), born August 13, 1880, educated in the city schools, now in the plumbing business in Hudson. The founder of this branch of DALEY the Daley family, which has been seated in the town of Chat- ham, Columbia county. New York, for nearly a century and a half, was Obadiah Daley, born in the north of Ireland, between the years 1750 and 1760. He was a Protestant in religious faith and a communicant of the Presbyterian church. He married, in Chatham, New York, a widow, Mrs. Betsey Chadwick. They were the parents of a large family, all members of the Presbyterian church. They settled in the town of Chatham, New York, in the part known as Old Chatham, where they are both buried. (H) Joseph, son of Obadiah and Betsey (Chadwick) Daley, was born in Old Chatham, Columbia county. New York, in 1785. He became a farmer of the town, and was noted for his methodical, thorough habits. A stone wall, built by him to enclose his farm, well illustrates his character. Though built a cen- tury ago, it still stands in good condition, serving the purpose for which it was intended. Some years after the death of his first wife he removed to the state of Ohio, where he died, aged eighty years. He was Whig in politics, affiliating late in life w-ith the Republican party. He continued in the family faith, a consistent member of the Presbyterian church of Chatham. He married (first) Hannah Sonn, who died in Chatham. New York, [irior to his re- moval to Ohio. He married (second) a wife who died without issue. Children : Daniel, of further mention ; Lewis, Hiram, Henry, \\'illiam, Hezekiah, John, Dyer, Lester, Sa- phronia. (HI) Daniel, son of Joseph and Hannah (Sonn) Daley, was born in Chatham, New York, in 1814, died there in 1890. He was a life-long resident of Chatham. Early in life, he was a blacksmith, and later a farmer of the town, successful and highly respected. He was an active Republican, and an exem- plary member of the East Chatham Baptist church. He married, in Chatham, Mary A, Champlin, who, like her husband, was a de- voted Baptist, and a truly good Christian woman. She was born in Westerly, Rhode Island, a descendant of the early pioneer of that name. Her parents were William and Polly (Kenyon) Champlin, who came from Westerly to Chatham, where all their children were born except the eldest, Mary A. Chil- dren of Daniel and Mary A. Daley: i. Mary, died unmarried. 2. Sarah J., married James Albertson, whom she survives, a resident of Millbrook, New York, having issue. 3. Lucy, died young. 4. William, an attorney at law, now deceased ; he married Kitty Bailey, who survives him with issue. 5. George K., of further mention. 6. James B., who is yet liv- ing, a widower with issue. 7. Henry, of Cox- sackie. New York, married Harriet Osborne, and has issue. 8. Charles, resident of Chat- ham, married Maria Palmer, who died leaving issue. 9. Joseph, died young. (I\") George K.. son of Daniel and Mary A. (Champlin) Daley, w-as born on the old homestead in Chatliam, New York, February 28, 1842. He was educated in the public schools, and choosing the profession of law ]M-epared in the office of Judge Straight, of Nassau, and Judge Cadinan, of Chatham. In 1863 he was admitted to the bar of Columbia county, and established his law office in Chat- ham, u'here he has since been continuously in the practice of his profession. He is a lawyer of high standing and has a state-wide reputa- tion. He has built up a large and lucrative practice and has been particularly successful in his numerous damage suits against corpora- tions. For forty-one years he has been a prominent factor in the upbuilding and devel- opment of Cliatham, giving freely of his time and ripe experience to assist in creating a modern, prosperous village. He has served in many of the town offices, and since 1898 has been justice of the peace. He was for many years an active Republican, but later affiliated with the Democratic party. In church fellowship he unites with the Re- formed congregation. He married, November 4, 1879, in Chatham, Mrs. Emma C. (Lasher) Decker, burn in Stanford, Dutchess county. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1683 New York, in December, 1847 (see Decker (VI). She was well educated in the public schools, and after her marriage to Mr. Daley began the study of law under his direction. She pursued a thorough, systematic course of study, and although not a member of the bar is well versed in legal lore, and is a wise and safe counsellor. Her ability is so well known that she was selected to prepare a digest of decisions of the United States supreme court and some fifty volumes were prepared under her able management, and bear her name. Her mental equipment is of the highest order, and in her husband's legal practice she is an active partner, stopping only at actual court- room presentation of the trial causes. She stands second to none in the county in her knowledge of the law and its skillful applica- tions. She is a daughter of Edward Lasher, of whom further below. (The Lasher Line). The Lashers of Columbia county descend from Sebastian Loescher, who came to W'est Camp (Saugerties, Ulster county. New York) in 17 10, With his wife Elizabeth and children. He is supposed to have been a German and a Palatine, although there is no positive proof that he was either. I^Liny of the family be- lieve he was a descendant of Solomon La Chaire, of New York city, a lawyer, prac- ticing there from 1645 to 1662. Others claim that he was an elder brother of John Lasher, who came with him to this country, remaining in New York city, working at the cord- wainer's trade. The actual fact known is that he was at West Camp in 17 10, and that his name appears (under the date of .•\ugust 26. 1724) on a list of those willing to stay at Livingston Manor, East Camp (Germantown, Columbia county, New York). He had chil- dren: Sebastian, born 1696: George, born 1703: Conrad, of further mention; Maria, baptized June i, 1710; Elizabeth, baptized June I, 1710. (H) Conrad, son of Sebastian and Elizabeth Loescher (Lasher), was born in 1708. He married Angeline Sestis. and had children baptized at Athens, Germantown and Rhine- beck, New York. Cliildren : Gerrit, a soldier of the revolution ; John, of further mention ; Anna Maria; George: Sebastian; Conrad (2). (HI) John, second son of Conrad and An- geline (Sestis) Lasher, was baptized Novem- ber 27, 1733. will proved November 16, 1796. He married, April 6, 1756, Christina Holtz- appel. Children: i. Philip, married Elizabeth Schumacher. 2. William, a soldier of the revolution, married Susanna Klein. 3. Mar- kus, baptized January 4, 1764. 4. Peter B., of further mention. 5. Gertrude, married Peter B. Lasher. 6. John (2), baptized De- cember 4. 1772. 7. Christina, January 2, 1774. 8. Conrad C, April 11, 1775. 9. George, born in Germantown in 1768: settled in the town of Root, Montgomery county. New York; married, November 22, 1795, Catharina Ecker ; both are buried on the old farm where they settled. (R") Peter B., son of John and Christina (Holtzappel) Lasher, was baptized July 12, 1765, died June 8, 1841. He lived at Gal'latin- ville. New York; married Elizabeth Erken- bright, who died May 25, 1843. Children: i. Anna, married Jeremiah G. Ham. 2. Philip P., baptized November 13, 1803; married, .Au- gust 30. 1826, Sally Snyder. 3. Jacob, bap- tized February 9, 1806: married, June 23, 183 1, Maria Van Tassel. 4. Margaret, bap- tized July 12, 1812. 5. Peter P., of Cler- mont, New York : married Elizabeth . 6. Samuel, of further mention. 7. John, mar- ried. May 30, 1833, Christina Patrick. (V) Samuel, son of Peter B. and Elizabeth (Erkenbright) Lasher, married Hannah Tin- klepauph, who died at the advanced age of ninety-four years. She was a member of the Dutch Reformed church, as was her husband. They lived at Manorton, Columbia county. New York. Children: i. Edward, of further mention. 2. Sabrina, baptized June 12, 1825, married Caleb Walcott, and resided at Gallatinville. 3. John, baptized December 5, 1827: married and has children. 4. Al- mira, baptized November 8, 1829. (VI) Edward, son of Samuel and Hannah (Tinklepaugh) Lasher, was baptized .August 25, 182 1, died at Valatia, New York, in 1888. He was a farmer and hotel keeper, and lived at Gallatinville. Columbia county. New York. He married Catharine C. Card, born in Colum- bia county, 1822, died 1900, daughter of Eaton and Charlotte (Wintherell) Card. She was a member of the Lutheran church. Children: 1. Remus E., a real estate dealer of \'alatie. New York, and owner of the local telephone line : married Vinnie Y. Rander.son ; children : Harry B., Edward C, James E., Matthew C, Frances \"., Emma C. 2. Sarah, died at the age of sixteen years. 3. Emma C, married (first) Sidney Decker, born 1842, died 1870, leaving a son Homer L.. born Septemlicr 2^, 1867, in the town of Livingston, Columbia county. New York ; educated in the public schools of Chatham ; first engaged in the jewelry business, later in Chatham as a livery- man and still continues ; he married Charlotte Rarringer; Emma C. married (second) George K. Daley; no issue (see Daley I\'). 1 684 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS The Behan family of Albany BEHAX descend from an Irish ancestry seated in Adare, Ireland. The grandfather of Thomas Frederick Behan, the representative member of the present day family, was John Behan, born in Adare in 1780; followed the occupation of a farmer; was a member of the Roman Catholic church ; married. 1804, Katherine Cullen, and had chil- dren : Thomas, of further mention ; James, born 1829; Katherine, 1831 ; Mary, 1833. (II) Thomas, eldest son of John and Kath- erine (Cullen) Behan, was born in Adare, Ire- land, August 15, 1827, died in Albany, New York, June 15, 1888. He began his business life as manager of a tobacco and snuff factory in Adare, continuing in that position until 1850. when he came to the United States, lo- cating in Albany, New York. He again en- gaged in business as manager of the firm of Reed & Davis, one of the largest importing and wholesale wine and liquor houses in the state. In 1857 he resigned his position and established the same business under his own name, continuing until his death in 1888. He prospered exceedingly and in 1870 was rated one of Albany's wealthiest business men. Most of his fortune, however, was lost during the disastrous panic of 1872-73. He was a de- voted member of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church and one of its greatest benefactors. When the new church edifice was erected in 1867. he was the business adviser of the Rev. Clarence A. Walworth, the pa.stor, who relied implicitly on his judgment in matters regard- ing the financing of the building, a large under- taking in those days. In 1866-67 ^^' '" asso- ciation with the late Peter Cagger and Wil- liam Cassidy, acted as a committee in pur- chasing the property on the Troy road as a site for St. Agnes's cemetery, and was one of the original trustees of that corporation. He was a Democrat in politics and although tendered several local offices of importance by his party, steadfastly refused political prefer- ment. i-Ie possessed a large library of care- fully selected books and was a close student of the best in literature. He married, at Troy, New York, November 25, 1855, Winifred, born in Plattsburg, New York, .April i, 1831, daughter of James McManus. The McManus family came originally from the north of Ire- land. James McManus, born in the town of Boyle, 1797, a school teacher, later teller of the' Agricultural Bank of Boyle, emigrated to America in 1850 and settled in New York. His son, Thomas McManus, settled in Troy, New York, where he made a fortune in river transportation companies. During the civil war the steamers and barges owned by his companies were in the service of the govern- ment transporting men and supplies from northern ports to Fortress Monroe. He studied law and in 1871 was admitted to the bar, and became one of the leading lawyers of Troy, and held elective local office. He mar- ried, in 1867, Isabella Montague. Elizabeth McDermott, maternal grandmother of Thomas F. Behan, was born in 1796 in French Park, Ireland, daughter of Luke and Winifred (Mc- Dermott) McDermott (not related save by marriage). Thomas and Winifred Behan had children : Mary, Katherine, Winifred G., John v., Margaret, Emma R., Thomas F., of fur- ther mention, Joseph C, Jay W., all born in Albany, New York. (HI) Thomas Frederick, son of Thomas and Winifred (McManus) Behan, was born in Albany, New York, January 10, 1869. He was educated in public and private schools of that city. On completing his studies he en- tered the New York State Insurance Depart- ment at Albany as junior clerk. From his en- trance in 1883 until 1905 he passed through several grades of promotion until he reached the grade of chief clerk. In 1906 he was ap- pointed third deputy superintendent of insur- ance and served as such under the administra- tions of Otto H. Kelsey and William H. Hotchkiss, 1906-10. In 1906 Mr. Behan was admitted to the bar of the state, having pre- pared thoroughly and passed the necessary ex- amination. He is a Democrat in politics ; member of Cathedral of the Immaculate Con- ception. His club is the Albany, which he joined in 1897. In 1904 he was elected to the board of governors, serving 1904-05-06. He is unmarried. Among the early settlers of the G.\RNER northern part of the town of Ghent. Columbia county, New York, was Godfrey Garner, born 1739, died 1807, who purchased a tract of land including the farm later occupied by his grandson, Aaron C. Garner. He married Catherine Cooper, and had sons, Godfrey Martin and Christopher, who became prominent citizens of the town and were pillars of the early Dutch Reformed church. (II) Christopher, .son of Godfrey and Cath- erine (Cooper) Garner, was born in the town of Ghent, Columbia county. New York, in 1786, died 1853. He was a farmer, and in 1841-42 was supervisor of the town. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed church, as were many of the Garners, his relations. He married Helen Huyck and had issue. (III) Aaron C, son of Christopher and Helen (Huyck) Garner, was born in Ghent, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLi:VS Columbia county, New York, in 1820, died January 9, 1892. He was educated in the town schools, grew up a farmer, owned and cuhivated the Garner homestead, first taken up by his grandfather, Godfrey Garner. He was a successful man of business, and a lead- ing member of the Dutch Reformed church of Ghent. He married (first) Sarah Snyder, (second) Christina \'an Deusen, died June 21, 1904 : sons : Christopher H., Martin, George R. and Frederick. (IV) George R.. son of Aaron C. and Chris- tina (\'an Deusen) Garner, was born at Ghent, Columbia county, New York, on the Garner homestead, July 4, 1879. He was edu- cated in the public schools and at Chatham Academy. After completing his studies he re- turned to the farm and became his father's assistant. After the death of the latter, the son continued the operation of the farm and so continues. He is modern and up-to-date in his methods and is rated a man of success. He served as collector of the town two years, col- lector of the school district four years, and since 1907 has been supervisor, being elected in 1909 without opposition. He adheres to the religious faith of his fathers, worshipping with the Dutch Reformed congregation of Ghent. His orders are the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Hudson Lodge, No. 787; Knights of Pythias; Cascade Lodge, No. 197. of Philmont ; Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica, Chatham Camp, No. 10,315. Mr. Garner is unmarriecf. The branch of the Brown fam- BROWN ily herein recorded traces its origin to the year 1538. when Henry VHL gave to Sir .Anthony Brown, Knight, divers manors in Sussex and the priory of St. Mary Overy in Southwark. He died in 1568. His eldest son. Anthony, who was created Viscount Montague in 1554, died before his father, in 1562, leaving children by two wives. By his first wife, Jane, daughter of the Earl of Sussex, he had one son, .An- thony, who succeeded his father to the title of viscount, and later to his grandfather's manors and priory, died in 1592 without leav- ing legal heirs, and the estate and title then passed to the children of his father by his second marriage with Margaret, daughter of Lord Dacre. Although there were several sons by this marriage, strange to say none ever appeared to claim the estate and title, and all attempts to trace them in England signally failed. It is believed in England that the heirs of the two younger sons, George and William, emigrated to America about the year 1680, and that the heir of the latter, William Brown, settled in Pennsylvania. (I) The first Brown of record to settle in the state of New York was Henry Brown, one of the first settlers, who purchased a tract of land, part of which was in Mapletown. but on account of threats of the Tories, who had their ammunition near the White House bridge, and after the burning of his house, he changed his place of residence to Albany, ac- companied by all his family with the excep- tion of Nathaniel. He was the father of sev- eral sons and daughters, among whom was Nathaniel, see forward, Nicholas, Peter. In the documentary history of New York there is record of a grant of land to Henry Brown's wife that was confiscated. She was related to the late President Rutherford B. Hayes. (II) Nathaniel, son of Henry Brown, was born in Hoosick, New York. He was a farmer and large land owner, possessing four farms, on one of which were fine quarries of slate, which he opened and operated ; these quarries were on the road leading from Hoosick vil- lage to Hoosick Falls and were considered of great importance. He was a member of the Baptist church and otherwise prominent in the town. He married Margaret, daughter of Nicholas and Margaret Powers, who came from Livingston Alanor to Hoosick, one of the first settlers, whose farm joined that of Henry Brown. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Powers: Eve. born December 6, 1773; Cath- erine, November i, 1775; Margaret. April 15, 1779; Hannah, July i, 1781. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Brown : i. Adelia, married Jesse L. Raymer; she died about 1890; children: Al- len and .Almon ; grandchildren : Adelia, Mary, Nellie, Amelia. 2. Albert, of whom further. 3. Amelia, married Hiram Knapp, who was a prosperous farmer, owning an estate in North Bennington, Vermont, where his wife died about 1835. which is now owned and cultivated by his only son, Charles Knapp, who married Mary Helen and has a son Edward. 4. Nicholas P., born May 29, 1809, died July 24, 1893 ; he was a farmer of the town of i loo- sick ; married, October 18. 1838, Minerva Lamb, of Pittstown. born September 22, 1S18, died March 14, 1897, who bore him six chil- dren, three sons and three daughters, two are deceased, Caroline L., the eldest, and .Amelia E., a graduate of Lansingburg I'emalc Semi- nary ; the remainder, Mary Jane. Willard, Hayner and George Edward, reside on the old homestead on the Hill road to Hoosick Falls, where their father and grandfather Powers lived. 5. Abigail, married Harvey Russell; children: Two sons in civil war; George, deceased ; Joseph, living ; she died J 686 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS •^bout 1850 and is buried in Mapletown cem- -etery. (HI) Colonel Albert Brown, son of Na- thaniel and Margaret (Powers) Brown, was born at Hoosick in August, 1806; died Decem- ber 22, 1883. He started out in life when quite young with little capital, but with an energy and ambition that nothing could daunt. He became a farmer, accumu- lated a goodly estate, attained a prominent po- sition in the town, reared a large family, and died universally respected. He was active in military life, beginning in the ranks and rising to the rank of colonel of the regiment, in which capacity he served ten years, holding the same until his resignation. He served as justice of the peace, being repeatedly elected, and there was no more active or useful citizen in the town than Colonel Brown. He was a regular attendant of the Baptist church, and an ardent Democrat. He married, September 8, 1830. Millissa D. Covell, born March 4. 1810. died March 19, 1872. Children: i. George Washington, of whom further. 2. Adelia M., born May 18, 1833 ; married, Sep- tember 22, 1852, Addison H. Armstrong; lives in Marcellus, Onondaga county. New York ; children : two deceased ; Lewis ; Lyman ; Al- bert : Florence, married Gilbert ; has three children : May. 3. Priscilla L., born April 27. 1835, died September 9, 1870; married, October i, 1855, G. Edward Armstrong; chil- dren : Charles, married, one child ; Moses, married, has Fremont, Charles, Sarah, Dora, Julia. 4. Charles A., born May 7, 1837 ; mar- ried (first) June 10, 1863, Mary A. Babcock ; (second) Atarion A. Babcock; children: i. Charles Albert, resides in Jacksonville, Flor- ida, engaged in the real estate business and prominent as a citizen ; married and has two children; ii. Alice, married Charles Fischer; one child. Albert; resides in Rochester, New York, where he is a successful plumber ; iii. Katharine, married Harry Greene ; two chil- dren, Charles and Marian ; resides in Plain- field, New Jersey ; iv. Henrietta, married Ray- mond Greene in 1910; resides in Brooklyn, New York ; v. Almond, married and has a son and daughter ; resides in New York City ; vi. Harry, married and has three children, two daughters and a son ; resides in Brooklyn. 5. "Richard C, born April 22, 1839, of whom fur- ther. 6. Julia Francis, born July 26, 1841 ; married (first) John H. Armstrong. Janu- ary 9, 1866; (second) C. H. Plant: now liv- ing in Syracuse, New York. 7. Mary M., born December 25, 1843, 'I'^d September 21, 1845. 8. Henry Marcus, born March 29, 184^). died 1905. 9. Ethel D.. born Sep- tember 3, 1849, died July 24, 1880; married C. H. Plant (his first wife), April 17, 1873; children: i. Mabel, married j\Iarx Haswell, 1910, one son ; resides in Hoosick, New York; ii. Ethel, lives in Syracuse, New York. 10. Florence, born May 19, 1852 ; married Dr. J. W. Joslyn, one son Whitman ; resides in Johnstown, New York, a successful physician. II. Mary Melissa, born August 21, 1855; married, September 12, 1876, Royal Bosworth ; children : Grace and Alfred ; resides in Hoo- sick village. (IV) George Washington, son of Colonel Albert and Millissa D. (Covell) Brown, was born in the town of Hoosick, New York, June 28, 1831. In 1852, at the age of twenty-one, he married Mary J. Wallace and settled on what is known as the Wallace farm, on the River road, between Hoosick and Hoosick Falls, living there all their lives ; his wife died March 6, 1910. Mr. Brown dealt in general produce, fertilizer, coal, feed, etc., at one time, while living in Hoosick village. He held im- portant town offices, was justice of the peace several terms and poor commissioner for three terms. He has always been an ardent Demo- crat, and during the civil war was firm in his support of the Union. He was a member of the choir of the Hoosick Baptist Church, hav- ing sung with that musical organization for twenty-two years. During a period of nearly fifty years the entire choir was composed mostly of the Browns and their relatives. Children of George W. and Mary J. (Wal- lace) Brown: i. Mary Elizabeth, married J. M. Haswell; children: i. William W., married Gertrude Richmond and has son, Joseph : ii. Albert, an osteopath physician in Springfield, Massachusetts; iii. King, residing at home at present (1911); iv. Kenneth, residing at home; Mr. Haswell died in 1910. 2. Georgi- anna M., married Frederic Pickering, Septem- ber, 1910. (IV) Richard Covell, son of Colonel Al- bert and Millissa D. (Covell) Brown, was born on the old Hoosick homestead of the Brown family, .A-pril 22, 1839. He purchased a farm in Cattaraugus county. New York, on which he lived for several years, and in 1885 returned to Hoosick and purchased the old homestead, consisting of one hundred and eighty-five acres, where he resides at the pres- ent time. Mr. Brown, his wife, during her lifetime, and seven of their children are mem- bers of the Baptist church in Hoosick, in which he filled the office of trustee for eight- een consecutive years. He is a Democrat in politics, highly respected for his sterling quali- ties. He married. May 16, 1865, Mary Cran- dall, born April 5, 1845, died January 6, 1901, daughter of Lewis and Amanda (Gleason) HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1687 Crandall. Children: i. Clarence C, born Oc- tober, 1866; resides in state of Washington, Teal estate dealer: water power; married Jen- nie Dorn, of Sloansville, New York ; has a son Dorn Brown ; he is a Blue Lodge Mason. 2. Lewis C, born April 2, 1868; resident of the city of New York : principal owner of the New York Tin Roof Painting Company ; ran for state senator, congress, etc., on the Prohi- "bition ticket ; member of Baptist church ; a Shrine Mason. 3. George E., born March 7, 1870: resident of Jacksonville, Florida, en- gaged in building and real estate; mar- ried Lela Grogan : children : Dorothy, Mil- dred and Richard. 4. Frank M., born April 19, 1872; a resident of Greensboro, North Carolina ; married Alice Harris and lias a daughter. Elizabeth, born in 19 10. 5. Ellen A., married Dr. \L \V. Stearns, of Schenectady ; daughter, IMary Ellen, born in 1909. 6. Albert, born February 19, 1877; married Minnie Burton and has a son Bur- ton, born 1905, lives in Lansingburg: laundry- man. 7. Marcus H., born 1879: a resident of the state of Oregon, real estate dealer and property owner. 8. Arthur R.. born 1884; en- gaged in business with brother, Marcus H., in Oregon. 9. De Witt, born September 18, 1885 : married Emma Sweet in 1910. This branch of the SLINGERLAND Slingerland family de- scend from Tuenise Corneliese Slingerland, born 1617, who emi- grated from Amsterdam. Holland, in 1650, •settling in Beverwyck. He purchased from the Indians a tract of ten thousand acres lying in what is now the towns of Bethlehem and New Scotland, Albany county. New York. The chiefs who conveyed the land. Wolf. Bear and Turtle, represented three tribes who were original owners of the land. Much of this land yet remains in the Slingerland name. He married (first) Engletje Albertise Bradt ; (second ) April 9, 1684. Geertie Fonda, widow of Jan Bikker. Of his children those who reached maturity and left families are: Ar- ent. Albert, Cornells, Elizabeth, who married Thomas Eackars. of New York City. .-Mbert is the ancestor of the family in Slingerlands, Bethlehem town, whose leading representative, AVilliam Harris Slingerland, died at an ad- vanced age, ninety-two years, in 19 10. (11) -A rent, son of the "emigrant and found- er," Tuenise Cornelise Slingerland, inherited lands from his father to which he added. He was twice married, his second wife being Ger- trude \'an Voorst, whom he married October, 1688. In his will, made January 28. 1712-13, he mentions children : Johannes, torn May 10, 1685; Engeltje, November 10, 1689; Tuenise, of further mention ; Gerrit, May 2, 1697 ; Sara, Julv 21, 1700; Alberties, Januarv 2, 1704. (HI) Tuenise, son of Arent and Gertrude (\^an Voorst) Slingerland, was baptized March 18, 1694. He married (first) Eliza- beth \'an Der Zee, October 4, 1719; (second) Cornelia Kipp, July 5, 1724. He was buried June 29, 1746, his wife, March 16. 1745. Chil- dren baptized: Arent, April 24, 1720; Wouter, November 4, 1722; Hester, January 19, 1729; .\lbert, November 27, 1732; Isaac, August 13, 1734; Geesie, September 12, 1736; Engeltje, December 25, 1738: Abram, of further men- tion; Anna, February 22, 1741 ; Geertruy, September 25,-1743. (I\') Abram, son of Tuenise and Elizabeth (\an Der Zee) Slingerland, was baptized No- vember 29, 1739. He married, December 4, 1756, Rebecca X'iele. Children : Tuenis, bap- tized October 2, 1757: Petrus. of further men- tion: Abraham, born December 13. 1762; Catherine, May 10, 1765; Cornells, .-Kugust 28, 1767: Maria, December 15, 1769: Albert, De- cember 24, 1773; Stephanes, October 23, 1775. (\') Petrus, son of Abram and Rebecca (\'iele) Slingerland, was born March 4. 1760. He married. January 2, 1785. Maritie Van der Werker. Child, Abraham. (M) Abraham, son of Petrus and Maritie (Van der Werker) Slingerland. was born May 20. 1793. He married Lydia \'an Pelt. Children : Christopher D. : Charles B., of fur- ther mention ; Louisa Malvina ; Hiram : Julia ; George Oscar. All deceased except George Oscar, now living in St. Louis, Missouri, who was a private in a regiment in New York. Abraham was a soldier in the war of 181 2. (\TI) Charles B.. son of Abraham and Lydia (\'an Pelt) Slingerland, was born at Detroit, Michigan, September 5, 1829, died at Round Lake, Saratoga county. New York, in 1897. In 1 84 1 he settled in Troy, where he was educated and passed his business life. He was a successful business man, engaged prin- cipally in manufacturing lumber and in real estate. In 1880 he retired from active life. He married Delia .\nn Slingerland. of Yates county. New York, who bore him seven chil- dren, now (1910) all deceased except George O.. and .\ugusta Thankful, who married H. L. Kemp, of Cohoes, New York. (\TII) George Oscar, son of Charles B. and Delia .Ann (.Slingerland) Slingerland, was born in Green Island, .Mbany county, New York, .August 12, 1872. He was educated in the public schools of Green Island and Troy. He began his business life in a paper lx)x factory and later became a manufacturer, a XI L u::>yj^\ business he is yet engaged in, in a factory and office at Mechanicsville, New York. He is a prosperous and efficient man of affairs and prominent in public life. He is now serving a third term as trustee of the village corporation and president of the !\'Iechanicsville chamber of commerce. He is affiliated with Montgom- ery Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of Stillwater, Ondawa Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Mechanicsville, and the Knights of Pythias of Cohoes. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. He belongs to the Holland Society of New York by virtue of his Dutch ancestor, Tuenise Cornelise Slingerland. He married, December 24, 1895, Isabelle Agnes, daughter of David and Mary (Robbins) Robertson, of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. George Casev Van Tuyl (2), VAN TUYL son of George Casey ( i ) and Angelina Elizabeth (Hawley) Van Tuyl, was born in Albany, New York, April 3, 1872. He received his education in the city of his birth, and in starting on his career was connected with the National Exchange Bank in a minor capacity, but remaining with that institution until 1900, was its teller when called to the position of secretary and treasurer on the organization of the Albany Trust Company. In October, 1906, he was made its vice-president as the result of the expansion of the company by its rapid growth. On the retirement of Mr. Horace G. Young, Mr. Van Tuyl was made the president of the Albany Trust Company, which office he assumed July 3, 1908, and by his courteous consideration shown to cus- tomers he not only acquired a large circle of valued friends but advanced the interests of the corporation in proportion, so that it has prospered materially. Among the offices he holds are : president and director of Albany Trust Company, director of the First National Bank, trustee of the Albany Exchange Sav- ings Bank, director of the Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, of the Niagara Falls Trust Company, of the First National Bank of Ravena, New York. He attends the Episcopal church, and is a member of the Fort Orange, Country and Albany clubs. He married, at Albany, October 14, 1903, Georgina, daughter of George Archibald and Sarah (Cook) Birch, who died at Albany, May 17, 1906. This family descends from POWELL Thomas Powell, of Wales, Great Britain, who was one of the purchasers and patentees of Huntington, Long Island, in 1664. He was a man of means and of prominence. He purchased. Au- gust 18, 1695, from "Mawmee, alias Sere- wanus, William Chepy and all ye rest of ye Indian proprietors" for and in consideration of one hundred and forty pounds, the tract land on which the village of Bethpage is now situ- ated. Patents were issued for these pur- chases by Governor Dongan to Thomas Powell in 1664 and in 1695. The latter purchase be- came the family seat, Thomas (2) settling thereon the same year. (I) Thomas Powell was born in Wales, Great Britain, August, 1641, died at West- bury, Long Island, December 28, 1721. Hun- tington records show that he was frequently elected to fill important positions in the town- ship, the first of which appears to have been in 1663, when at the age of twenty-two he was made recorder, which office he held for about twenty years; in 1667 he was constable. "Every constable shall have a staff six feet long with the king's arms on it, as a badge of his authority." He was appointed surveyor,, in 1679, to lay out land in the East Riding, and overseer in 1672. He was again chosen constable in 1682, but refused to serve, being "scrupulous of swearing as the law directs." The constable had to swear to levy and collect the church rates. After the year 16S8, at which tiine he was surveyor, he was more en- gaged with appointments in Friends Meetings than public business. He attended the month- ly meetings which were held alternately at Jericho and W'estbury. The last mention of his name on the records was in this wise: "28-i2mo. 172 1 died Thomas Powell Senr., being well respected as a worthy Friend, and died in Unity with Friends." His first wife was unknown. Children: i. Thomas, of fur- ther mention. 2. Abigail, born April 18, 1668; married Richard Willits, March 13. 1690, at Huntington, Long Island ; she died February 9> '757- 3- Elizabeth, married Samuel Titus,. June 9. 1691, at Bethpage; she died Septem- ber 2, 1704. 4. John, married Margaret Hal- lock, October, 1704; he died 1738. 5. Jonas, married Anna . 6. Caleb, married Sarah ; he died 1741. 7. Wait, died 1750. 8. Elisha, married Rebecca ; he died 1734. Thomas Powell married (second) Elizabeth Phillips, of Jericho, Long Island,. February 9, 1690 (at Edmund Titus' in W'est- bury). Children: 9. Hannah, born ^lay 28, 1691 ; married William Willis, 1712, at Beth- page. 10. Phoebe, born October 6, 1693 ; married Henry Willis. 1712. at Bethpage; she died 175 1. II. Rachel, married Thomas Wil- lets in 1719. 12. Mercy, born 1702; married Jacob Seaman, 1726; she died March 13, 1759. 13. Solomon, married Ruth Carman, 1730; he died February 23, 1736. 14. Sarah, married Nathaniel Seaman, 1722. 15. Amy. Elizabeth Phillips, second wife of Thomas Powell, was daughter of John Townsend and widow of Theophilus Phillips, of Flushing; she was his third wife. (II) Thomas (2), son of Thomas (i) Powell, was born in Wales, Great Britain, died at Dethpage, Long Island, September 27, 1731. His home was the first white man's house built in that vicinity, although there were many Indian wigwams in the neighborhood. In 1727 Friends Meetings were held once a month, in first days, at his house, and in 1744 a meeting house was built. In his will he left his son Thomas four acres of land and the house that stands upon it — "My father's home- stead," more than any other of the sons. He married Alary, daughter of Thomas Willets, of Jericho, Long Island, and Dinah Town- send, his wife. Children: i. Samuel Prior, born 1692, died May 21, 1776. 2. Thomas, born May 30, 1693 ; married, December, 1724, Abigail Hallock ; he died March i, 1757. 3. Mary, born November 4, 1694, died February, 1695. 4. Abigail, born December 13, 1695; married, 1733, Peter Hallock. 5. Mary, born March 16. 1697; married, , August 16, 1728. 6. Wait, born September 29, 1698; mar- ried, January 15, 1723. Mary Mudge; he died in 1782. 7. Amos, of Islip, born May 9, 1700, died January 14, 1749; in the year 1747 he accompanied John W'oolman through Connec- ticut, when Woolman was on a religious visit to New England. 8. Moses, of further men- tion. 9. Richard, born April 17, 1704; mar- ried (first) Freelove Weeks; married (sec- ond) July 28, 1748, Jerusha Weeks; he died Alarch 7. 1774. 10. Elizabeth, born October II, 1705. II. Hannah, born July 18, 1707; married Henry Whitson ; born 1705; she died 1790. 12. Joshua, born May 18, 1709; mar- ried Phoebe, daughter of Richard Post. 13. Isaac, born April. 1711, died 1794; married, January 2, 1733, Marthe Whitman. 14. Mar- tha, born June 29, 1713; married Francis Keen; she died March 24, 1773. 15. Deborah, born October 28, 1715; married, 1744, John Whitson. (III) Moses, son of Thomas (2) and Mary (Willets) Powell, was born May 4, 1702, died 1774. In 1754 he sold his home and lands at Eethpage. Long Island, to Joseph Prior, and removed to Westchester county. New York, where he made his will dated 1774 at North Castle. He married, 1732, Catherine, daugh- ter of John and Hannah Hallock, of Brook- haven. Children: i. Moses, born January 26, 1733, died 1737. 2. John, of further mention. 3. Anna, born October 26, 1737; married. March 17, 1757, Samuel Quimby and had Catherine and Jane. 4. Nathaniel, born 1739; married, 1767, Anna Sutton, born January 11, 1751, daughter of Joseph and Deborah 'Sut- ton. 5. Moses, born November 5, 174 1 ; mar- ried Hannah Wheeler. 6. Hannah, born No- vember 5, 1742; married, December 17, 1761, Benedict Carpenter. 7. Obadiah, born May 16, 1744. 8. Catherine, born March 30, 1746;. married a Mr. Ilaut and had Mary .Ann and Rebecca. 9. Edward, born March 5, 1748; married, had issue. 10. James, born Decem- ber 25, 1750; married (first) ; (sec- ond) Martha Townsend, April i, 1804. 11. Samuel, born November 30, 1752. 12. Eliza- beth, born January 25, 1755 ; married Zehediah Dickinson and had Daniel, Isaac and Jacob. 13. Mary, born May 23, 1757; married a Mr. Gleason. 14. Isaac, born August 8, 1759; married, 1788, Phoebe Fowler. (IV) John, son of Moses and Catherine (Hallock) Powell, was born November 10, 1734-35- He married, November 11, 1754-56, Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Kipp, born October 4, 1738. Children: Jacob, Daniel, Ann, Sarah, Abigail, Nathaniel and Benjamin. (V) Jacob, son of John and Elizabeth (Kipp) Powell, married . Children: I. James, deceased. 2. Henry J., of further mention. 3. James, married and had five chil- dren. 4. Ammon, married and had five chil- dren. 5. Ruth, married (first) Booth; (second) Benjamin Shelden. (\T) Henry J., son of Jacob Powell, mar- ried Judith Rider. Children: i. Jonathan R., of further mention. 2. Wilson M., married' Sarah, daughter of Samuel Browne. 3. Al- bert G., married Eva . 4. Maria, mar- ried Edwin Blackburn. 5. Mary. 6. Louisa, died November 27, 1884. (\'II) Jonathan R., son of Henry J. and Judith (Rider) Powell, was born in Old Chatham. February 2, 1828. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Chatham and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His occu- pation is farming, his property being one of the well-cultivated, attractive farms of "Old Chatham. " He is a member of the Society of Friends, inheriting the faith of his early an- cestor. Thomas Powell. He served his town- .several terms as supervisor. He married (first) Elizabeth Stark; (second) .Anna, daughter of John and Ida Morrell. Children of second wife: i. LeiTerts M.. born February 15, 1862; married Martha Carbee. 2. Jona- than R. (2), born May 11. 1864; married (first) Mary Belts, child, Jonathan R. (3); married (second) Lallia Bent ; children : \Vil- son Randolph and Bevcrlv. 3. .Anna L., borm October 18, i8r.6. a 690 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS The American ancestor of this FOSTER branch of the Foster family came to this country from Exe- ter, Devonshire, England. He brought with him his wife Judith, five sons and two daugh- ters. He settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts, about 1638, being one of the earliest settlers of the town. His descendants are many, and are to be found in every state in the Union. ( I ) Asa Fitch Foster, the first of the line herein recorded, married and had a son, John Newton, see forward. (H) John Newton, son of Asa Fitch Foster, was born in Utica, New York, June 28, 1836. He lost both parents while he was yet an in- fant, and the persons who reared him re- moved to Albany, New York, in 1836. He received his education in the Albany public schools, and on arriving at a suitable age was apprenticed to Lawson Annesley, who taught him the gilding trade. He later formed a partnership, and as Chapin & Foster was en- gaged in business in Albany, dealing in gilders' materials, pictures and frames. In 1873 he first connected with the fire insurance busi- ness patrol of Albany, and was appointed superintendent. Fie was prominent in public life, and held important public office. In 1878 he was elected to the state legislature and made a good record. For two years he was superintendent of the poor for Albany county, and during the panic years following 1872 was in charge of the relief store maintained in Albany. He married Mary A. Snyder, who bore him six children. He died x'\pril 13, 1895. (Ill) Henry S., son of John Newton and Mary A. (Snyder) Foster, was born in Al- l>any, New York, July 16, 1865. He attended the public schools until he reached the age (if fifteen years, and then became a clerk in the office of the Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany of Albany (incorporated 1836). His en- tire business life has been spent in the service of this company, and to no one man should more credit be given for the high standing of this company. He has been successively book- keeper, cashier, and in November, 1893, suc- ceeded George Cuyler as secretary and gen- eral manager, the office becoming vacant by death. This is one feature only of Mr. Fos- ter's activity. He maintains close relations with many of the leading home and foreign insurance companies, representing them in all lines, life, fire and accident. His business is a large one, and is thoroughly systematized and ai)ly managed. He is also a director in other associations, and connected with various busi- ness interests. He is a member of Temple Lodge, No. 14, Free and Accepted Masons, of Albany. He is prominently connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and was an officer of the Grand Lodge. He is a mem- ber of the Albany Club and numerous associa- tions, and politically a Republican. The Montgomery county family SMITH of Smith here considered are of German descent and originally were Schmidt. They have been residents of the county since prior to the revolution. The emigrant ancestor came to America and Mont- gomery county at an early date, which can- not be given nor can his name. The family history begins with his son Jeremiah, see for- ward. (II) Jeremiah Smith, son of the emigrant, was born near St. Johnsville, Montgomery county. New York, 1774, died in 1859. He learned the trade of a cooper, which he fol- lowed all his days. He was twice married, but there is no record of the names of his wives. Children: i. Eleanor, married Nich- olas Kretser, a harnessmaker of Amsterdam, New York, where their son, Eli Kretser, has succeeded him in business. 2. Jane, married Peter Allen, a farmer of Ephratah, Fulton county. New York ; they had sons : Jeremiah, Emanuel, Ambrose, Fliram, Archibald and Clark ; Archibald and Hiram are deceased (1909). 3. Jeremiah, lived many years at Rockwood, New York, where he died, an old man, leaving a family. 4. John, was a suc- cessful farmer of Fulton county. New York, where he died at the age of eighty ; he mar- ried and reared a family. 5. Emanuel, en- listed for three years in the Thirteenth Regi- ment, Heavy New York Artillery ; served his term and was honorably discharged ; married Susiana Campbell, who survives him with an only son, Peter, in Fairfield, Herkimer county. New York. 6. Peter, a successful farmer of western New York : married and has sons : Asa, Cornwallis and John E. ; Asa, the eldest son, served for over three years in the Union army during the civil war ; was three times wounded and died two years after his return from the war; unmarried. 8. David, see for- ward. (III) David, son of Jeremiah .*>mith, was born in Montgomery county, New York, Jan- uary I, 1 82 1. He followed farming until 1863, when he enlisted in the Thirteenth Regi- ment, New York Heavy Artillery, Colonel Walsh's regiment : remained in service two years : received serious injuries for which later he was granted a pension. He returned to Fulton county, New York, where he was a farmer and also carried on a mason business until his death in 1907. He married in Ephra- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1 691 •tah, Fulton countj', New York, Nancy Coole, "born there in 1823, died March 19, 1907, ■daughter of John and Ehzabeth (Baum) Coole. lifelong residents in the Mohawk Val- ley. She was a granddaughter of Philip Cool, a native of Holland, an early settler in the vicinity of Fonda. Montgomery county, where lie was killed by the Indians, with part of his family, in 1804. Nancy (Coole) Smith had a sister Mary, widow of Jacob Welrath. who ■still survives, resident of Ephratah. She also had a brother and three other sisters of whom there is no record. Children of David and A'ancy (Coole) Smith: Adam K.. living (1909): Anna, deceased: Alice, deceased; Mary E., living; Aaron, deceased; Stephen, deceased: Ambrose, living; David J., see for- ward : Oscar, living ; Magdalene and Worth, ■deceased, dying on the same day from scarlet fever ; of these children, Mary E. Smith married (i) Daniel D. Nellis; children: i. Leali, married Avery Smith, of Montgomery county, and has Ethelyn, aged twelve, and Al- Ijerta. aged seven, ii. Raymond D., married Jessie Flandei^. and lives on his farm at Pala- tine Church. Mary E. (Smith) Nellis married (2) Alonzo Duesler; child: Effiner A. (R') David J., son of David and Nancy (Coole) Smith, was born in Ephratah, New Y^ork, July 31, 1864. He was reared a farmer and has always followed that business. He •owns and cultivates a fine farm of one hun- dred and sixty-seven acres in Minden that is Ijeing rapidly brought to a high state of culti- vation. His native mechanical genius is turned to good account in his business, where so much machinery is now used. He is a mem- "ber of the LTniversalist church, and supports the principles and candidates of the Demo- cratic party. He married, in St. Johnsville, New York, Jennie M. Duesler, born in 0])pen- lieim, Fulton county. New York, October 27, 1870, daughter of Menzo and Emma (Nellis) Duesler, both natives of Fulton county, par- ents of Jennie M., married David J. Smith ; Frasier, died in infancy: Eva, born in 1880, married Howard Snell, a farmer of Oppen- licim : Chauncey, born April 3, 1883, now of St. Johnsville; married Perly Failing. The Dueslers were of Dutch descent, their forbears Ijeing early settlers in the Mohawk Valley. ^Tenzo Duesler died in 1897, aged fifty years: liis widow, Emma (Nellis) Duesler, is still living (1909) on the old farm settled by her grandfather, Isaac Duesler, in the town of Oppenheim. where he died aged seventy-two. Children of David J. and Jennie M. (Duesler) Smith: Floyd, born September 13, 1890; Min- nie M., Alarch 8, 1892: Leah E., November 14, 1893 : Frieda E., October 6, 1895. This family is native to the GANGLOFF Empire of Germany, where they have been established as artisans and agriculturists. (I) Anthony Gangloff, the first of this line to settle in the United States, was born in Germany in 1822, died at Philmont, 1898. He was educated in the German schools, and learned the trade of shoemaker, a calling he followed all his life. In the year 1830 he came to the United States and settled in Paterson, New Jersey. He was a member of the Cath- olic church, and a supporter of the Demo- cratic party. He married Mary Hummell, born in Germany in 1827, died at Philmont, 1900. Children: Sarah, married John Tompkins; Mary, married George A. Stein ; John J., mar- ried Lena Culmer; Nellie, married George Taylor; Margaret, married .-Vugustus Rucket; Joseph F., of further mention ; Frances, un- married. (II) Joseph F., son of Anthony and Mary (Hummell) Gangloff, was born in Oxford, Chenango county, New York, December 3, 1869. He was educated in the public schools, finishing his studies at grammar school No. 25, New York City. Since youth he has been connected with manufacturing interests. For sixteen years he was with John Hay & Com- pany, manufacturers of knit goods at Philmont, New York, occupying an important position. In September, 1906, he effected a reorganiza- tion of the McNamee Knitting Company and fills the position of superintendent and man- ager, being also a member of the board of directors. He is an active, energetic man of business and held in highest esteem by his associates. Politically he is a Republican ; served as trustee of the village corporation of Philmont and is a member of the Republican committee. In religious faith he is a Catholic, and with his family communicant of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church at Philmont. He is an active member of the Knights of Columbus, Philmont Council. He married, February 14, 1900, Lillian M., born in Phil- mont, daughter of Edward L. and Maria (Van Clack) Bashford. Edward L. Bash- ford is a farmer of Columbia county. Chil- dren : Clement A., born February 11, 1901 ; Joseph A., September 6, 1902; Harold, August 5, 1904; Arthur, November 30, 1905; Mary, October 25, 1907; Robert, February 20, 1910, In "Documentary History of New BEST York," volume III, page 58, among the list of emigrants who em- barked in the ship "Beaver," May, i66i, are the names of several persons all ending in Van Beest, which is taken to mean that this 1692 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS was intended to designate them as being from the village of Beest in Holland, from which place they came. In early Dutch records the name Best first appears about 1700, which is the first since the before-mentioned emigration in 1661. (I) Jacob Be§t settled at what is German- town, in 17 10, on or near the lands bought for the German Palatines from Robert Liv- ingston. He was a Palatine who volunteered for the expedition against Canada in 171 1, his name being written Bast. Before 1750 his descendants were living on the Flats in Liv- ingston Manor, near the Hollanders. Jacob Best married Anna Christina Dietrichin (Dederick), of Kingston. Children: Anna Maria, married John Mare ; Elizabeth, mar- ried Heinrich Berringer; Johannes, of further mention ; Harmanus, married Marytje Ruigh ; Jacob, married Annatje Tact; Edward, mar- ried Coenradt Ray ; Coenradt. (H) Johannes, son of Jacob and Anna Christina (Dederick) Best, settled on a life- leased farm of one hundred and thirty acres in the northern part of Livingston Manor in the town of Clermont, Columbia county, New York. His name appears on the register of the Dutch church of Johnstown, as deacon, January 7, 1759. elder, December 18, 1763. He served in the revolutionary war in the Tenth Regiment (Land Bounty Rights), Cap- tain Conrad Cline. and in the Independent Company. Captain Petrus Van Gaasbeck. Five of his sons also served in different bodies of troops constituting the Albany county militia. One of the earliest wills on record in Columbia county is that of Johannes Best, made December 10, 1787, probated April 4, 1788. In it he speaks of himself as being "sick and weak of body," mentions his "dear and lovely wife," to whom he bequeaths two negro women, "Bet" and "Rose." He mar- ried, about 1740, Eva, daughter of Philip Lounart, of "Rhinebeck Precinct, Livingston Manor, Yoeman." Eva Best survived her husband and was living in 1790, occupying the old homestead "on the right hand side of the road to the Manor House from the Lir- ilithgo Reform Church, being the first house." Children: George (Jury), revolutionary sol- dier, married Marytje Hooft ; Eva, married Hendrick Platner; Johannes, revolutionary soldier, married Margaret Mesick ; Elizabeth, married Jacob Power ; Jeremias, unmarried ; William (Wilhelmus), revolutionary .soldier, married Mary Platner ; Anna, married Philip Rockefeller; Jacob, married Elizabeth (Eva) Smith ; Benjamin, revolutionary soldier, un- married ; Catherine, married Elias Young; Hendrick, unmarried; Peter, of further men- tion. (III) Peter, youngest child of Johannes (John) and Eva (Lounart) Best, was a farmer of Livingston Manor, Columbia county, and an important public man. He served in the revolution as lieutenant in Captain Leon- ard Ten Broeck's company, Albany county militia. Tenth Regiment, Colonel Peter R. Livingston, appointed May 28, 1778 ; also served in the Independent Company of Cap- tain Petrus Van Gaasbeck. He was constable of Livingston Manor and serving in 1776. He married, in 1778, his cousin, Christina (Deder- ick) Best, daughter of Harmanus and Alarytje (Rurigh) Best. Harmanus was a son of Ja- cob and Anna Christina (Dederick) Best. (IV) Henry, son of Peter and Christina (Best) Best, was born at Livingston, Colum- bia county, New York, about the year 1800, died 1850. He was a farmer ; member of the church and a good citizen. He married a Miss Hicks and had sons, Henry and Herman B., perhaps others. (V) Herman B., son of Henry and (Hicks) Best, died in Hudson, New York, 1899. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and lived a quiet, retired life on his estate at Carmel, New York. He married Jane E., daughter of Cornelius and Jane Bodley, of Rondout, New York. Chil- dren : Josephine, unmarried ; Henry, de- ceased ; Rockwell ; Mattie ; Gertrude ; Jennie, deceased : Dean. (VI) Dean, youngest child of Herman B. and Jane E. (Bodley) Best, was born in Car- mel, New York, November 21, 1865. He was educated in the public school and at Drew College, Carmel. Dean Best early became interested in man- ufacturing, a business he has followed all his life. He was superintendent of the Bailey Knitting Mills Company of Fort Plain for two years and since 1895 has been super- intendent of the carding department of the Acorn Knitting Mills at Philmont. He is a Republican in politics and has always taken an active interest in public afTairs. Since Feb- ruary 5, 19 10, he has been postmaster of Phil- mont, New York, his home. For ten years he has been a member of the county committee. For four years he served in the New York National Guard in the Twenty-first Separate Company of Hudson. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church ; Agawamuch Lodge, No. 841, Free and Accepted Ma.sons; Cascade Lodge, No. 197, Knights of Pythias, and of the order of Maccabees. He married, in Pludson, New York. July 20, 1887, Mary A., born in New York City, daughter of John HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \'ALLEYS 1693 Edward Hetlierington. Child, Henry B., born Aiieust 21, 1892. Lawrence andLvdia (Town- COPELAXD send) Copeland, of Brain- tree, Masachusetts (1651), Tiad a family of nine children. Three of their sons, Thomas. William and John, lived to manhood and are the progenitors of nearly all the Copelantls in the United States. (ID \\'illiam, son of Lawrence and Lydia (Townsend) Copeland, was born September 15. 1656: married, April 3, 1698, Mary, widow of Christopher Webb, Jr., and daugh- ter of John and Ruth (Alden) Bass. Ruth was the daughter of John Alden, the Pilgrim. William and Mary Copeland had eight sons and one daughter. (Iin \\'illiam (2), son of William (i) and Mary (Bass) (Webb) Copeland, was born ^larch 7. 1695: married. June 15, 1718, Mary, daughter of Richard and Rebecca (Micall ) Thaver. They had seven children. (I\-| William (3), son of William (2) and Mary (Thayer) Copeland, was born De- cember 6, 1730; married. May 3, 1753, in Brooklyn, Connecticut. Sarah Smith, and lived in Thompson, Connecticut. They had prob- ably twelve children. (V) Jonafhan, son of William (3) and Sarah (Smith) Copeland, was born September 29, 1757: married (first), March 9, 1780, Esther Chapman, of Hampton, Connecticut ; she was born January' 12, 1761, died April 15, 1795- Jonathan married (second). May 22, 1795, Sally Chollar (or Collar), who died June II, 1826. Children of first wife: i. Jonathan, born November 15, 1781. 2. Esther. April II, 1783. married Danifl Corbin, died Noveinber 21, 1870. 3. Jonathan, October 16, 1786, died Decemher 5, 1858. 4. David, Sep- tember 8. 1788. 5. Eunice, March 8, 1791, married Harvey Adams, died September 5. 1864. 6. Royal, March 20, 1793, inarried Har- riet Hyde, died March 2, 1866. 7. Elizabeth. March, 1795. Children of second wife: 8. Sally, born April 10, 1798, died October 30, 1843. 9. Abigail, April 19. 1800. married Ichabod Upham, died January 2 1882. 10. Asa, October 26, 1801, died August 26, 1820. II. Abiel. May 3, 1803, died May 10, 1863. 12. Elizabeth W.. January 26. 1805, died Septem- ber 29. 1869. 13. Daniel, November 13, 1806, married Pamelia Hibbard. died May 22, 1882. 14. Cynthia, Novemher 14, 1808, died Decem- "ber II. 1808. 15. Joel, November 20. 1809, died June 24, 1886. 16. Amasa, January 7. 18 1 2." died JMay 22, 1859. (VI) David, son of Jonathan and Esther >{ Chapman) Copeland-, was born September 8, 1788. died June 10, 1878: married, June 29, 1814, IMartha Shepard. Children: i. Jona- than, born February 20, 1816. 2. Gerry Shep- ard, July 2. 1819, died December 10, 1873. 3. Martha, July 26, 1821, died August 4, 1821. 4. William Eaton, June 15, 1823. died ^L^v 10, 1882. 5. Mary May, December 5, 1825,'died June 23, 1827. 6. Mary, February 19, 1826. died March 15, 1828. 7'. Mary Jane, January 30, 1830, died November 29, 1905. 8. David, August 17, 1832, died September 16, 1890. 9. Martha, June 28, 1835, died September 7, 1843. (\'II) Jonathan (2), son of David and Martha (Shepard) Copeland, was born Febru- ary 20. 1816, died December 9, 1890: mar- ried, January 30, 1844, Kezia, daughter of John and Kezia (Failing) Clark, of Schen- ectady, New York. Kezia (Clark) Copeland died August 8, 1885. Children: i. Martha E., born February 21, 1845, died October 16. 1846. 2. J. Clark, April 26, 1847; married (first), July 20. 1869, Lottie A. Schenck, who died May 25, 1870; child, Grace Augusta, born Mav 24, 1870: married (second). April 5. 1882, Adella M. Billings. 3. Edwanl Pay- son, October 9. 1849, died September 13, 1876. 4. William Henry. September 5, 1S52; married, October 12, 1881, Julia Burchard. 5. Emma Catharine, April 3, 1854. 6. Mary Kezia, October 18, 1856: married. December 29, 1886, Frank Holley : children : Ralph, born January 29, 1889, and .Alma Kezia. February 8, 1893. 7. Alice Moore, October 26, 1861, died September 23, 1889: married. Mav 6, 1885. J. R. Hawley: child, Kathleen Alice, born February 27, 1887. The English ancestry of the HARTT Hartt family of America is un- questioned but difiicult to un- ravel. I-'rom the will of William Harte of the parisii of St. Thomas the Apostle. Lon- don, England, proved in 1632, it is learned he had three sons, William. Richard and Thomas Hartt. (He wrote his name Harte, but the will gives the sons' names as Hartt.) Three of the name, Samuel Hartt, John Harte and Nicholas Hart, came from London, Eng- land, to America between 1631 and 1642. and may have been sons of one or each of these three sons of William, as they are believed to have been brothers or cousins. Samuel Hartt in 1653 called himself thirty-one years of age and said he was sent over from England to the Iron Works at Lynn. Massachusetts, in 1640. He married Mary How, a widow, and is the progenitor of the New Hampshire branch. Nicholas Hart, supposed son of Richard of London. England, was the progen- [694 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS itor of the Dutchess county, New York, branch from whom Arthur Hartt, of Ravena, New York, descends, spelled his name Hart. Where or when the tt came into use does not appear, probably this was at first a local spell- ing, as is Harte. Nicholas was of Taunton, Massachusetts, 1642; in 1643 was of Boston, remaining there until 1648, then settling at Warwick. Rhode Island, where he was a mer- chant. He served in the colonial wars of 1643 as a soldier in Captain William Pool's company. He married Joanna, youngest daughter of Edward Rossiter, of Rhode Island, who came from London, England, with and was assistant to Governor John Win- throp, of Massachusetts. There are no rec- ords of the death of Nicholas Hart or his wife. Austin's "Genealogical Dictionary" says they left one son only. (II) Richard, only son of Nicholas and Joanna (Rossiter) Hart, was born in Eng- land about 1635 ; came to America with his father and lived at Portsmouth, Rhode Island. He was a sailor and lost his life at sea, near Boston harbor, in January, 1695. The last vessel he sailed on was the sloop "Dragon," Captain Robert Glover. He had a grant of eight acres in Portsmouth in 1657, half of which he sold in 1662. He married Hannah Keen. Children born in Portsmouth, Rhode Island : Alice, married George Reace ; Rich- ard (2), of further mention: Mary, married John Tripp ; Nicholas, lived at Little Comp- ton, Rhode Island; William, lived at New Bedford, Massachusetts; Samuel, lived at Tiverton, Rhode Island. (III) Richard (2), son of Richard (i) and Hannah (Keen) Hartt, was born in Ports- mouth, Rhode Lsland, in 1667; made his will April 19, 1745, probated June 10, 1745. He lived at Little Compton. Rhode Island, near the Tiverton line. Tradition says his wife Amy long outlived him. There was a path on his farm to five graves of Hartt families, with plain granite gravestones that was called "Amy Hartt's Path," so worn was it by her frequent visits to the graves. He married (first) in 1693, Hannah Williams; married (second) at Little Compton. October 31. 1708, Amy Gibbs. Children, born in Little Comp- ton (vital records) : Alice, married Nathan Closson : Mary, married a Mr. Peacham ; Sarah, marriecl Daniel Wilcox; Richard (3). of further mention. Children of second wife: Comfort, married John (jififord : .Stc])hen. born August 2. 17 12. (IV) Captain Richard (3) 1 lartt. son of Richard (2) and Hannah (Williams) Hartt, was born in Little Compton, Rhode Island, where he died July 22, 1792. He was a farmer and gained his title in the militia service dur- ing the Indian wars. He married (first), Feb- ruary 4. 1725, Mary Taber, who died Novem- ber, 1760: married (second), October 18, 1761^ Abigail Fabee. Children, born in Little Comp- ton (vital records) : i. John, born April 4, 1729. 2. Hannah, December 5, 1730; mar- ried John Macomber, of Dartmouth. 3. Wil- liam, January 3, 1733, lived at Tiverton,. Rhode Island. 4. Phoebe, May 15, 1735 ^ married a Mr. Howard, of Little Compton, and had twelve children. 5. Richard, of fur- ther mention. 6. Mary, July 28, 1739; mar- ried Nicholas Lapham, of Dartmouth. 7: Lombard, February 3, 1742; married Re- becca Sheldon. 8. Susannah, April 9, 1744; married Philip Macomber. 9. Jeremiah, April' 5, 1745, lived at Saratoga. New York. 10. Pliilip, January 12. 1749, lived at Hart \'il- lage, Dutchess county. New York. (\') Richard (4), son of Captain Ricliard' (3) and Mary (Taber) Hartt, was born in Little Compton, Rhode Island. About 1760 he settled in Dutchess county, New York, and bought a large farm on the "turnpike," leading from Poughkeepsie to Sharon, Connecticut. Here he built a large stone house about fif- teen miles east of Poughkeepsie, which was- later occupied by his brother Philip and is still standing. About 1767 he executed sev- eral deeds signed by himself and wife Ruth. He styled himself a "clothier." He afterward' removed to Albany, New York, where on January 7, 1783. he deeded his interest in the farm to his brother Philip. On September 18, 1793, Abigail Hartt, widow of Richard Hartt, of Little Compton, Rhode Island, deerled her right to the same I'hili]:) Hartt. making him' exclusive owner of the Dutchess county farm. Soon after 1770 a large population from Dart- mouth. Massachusetts, settled at this point,, among them several Hart families, and it be- came known as Hart Village, now Mill- brook. Richard Hartt marriecl (first) at Tiv- erton, Rhode Island, March 8, 1759. Ruth Borden; married (second) Abigail Irish; among their children was a son John. (VI) John, son of Richard (4) and Ruth (Borden) Hartt, was born in Hart N'illage, Dutchess county. New York, about 1767. He was a farmer ; married and had issue. (VH) John (2), believed to have been the son of John ( i ) Hartt. was born at Hart \'illage. Dutchess county, January 5. 1792, died at Norton Hill. Greene county. Nev\r York, April 20. 1868. He was one of the old- time shoemakers, a good workman, an indus- trious and upright man. He worked in Al- bany county, New York, when a young man, following his calling from house to house aft- HUDSON AND .MOHAWK VALLEYS 1695: er the manner of the olden-time shoemaker, this inetiiotl being known in the trade as "whipping the cat." In 1819 he settled at Norton Hill, Greene county, and opened a shop, where he did a good business. About 1820-21, he kept a tavern, said to have been the first or one of the first kept in the village. He lived to a ripe old age, dying in the com- munion of the Christian church of Freehold, New York, of which he had long been a member. He married Salome, daughter of Ezra Miller, who survived him many years. Children : Mary A. ; Franklin A. ; James S., n'erchant ; Edgar, now a merchant of Green- ville, New York: William R., a farmer; John G., of further mention ; George A. ; Edgar and George A. Hartt, of Albany, New York, being the only survivors (1911). fVHI) John G., son of John (2) and Sa- lome (Miller) Hartt, was born at Norton Hill, Greene county. New York, October 3, 1829, died April 6. 1901. In 1856 he began business as a general merchant at Greenville, Greene county, New York, in partnership with his brother. Edgar. They continued in suc- cesssful operation as partners for fifty-five years and the firm was only dissolved by the death of John G. Hartt. Edgar still survives (1911) and continues the business, making sixty-five years in the same business in the same town (see "Greene County History"). He w-as a Republican in politics, and a sup- porter of the Greenville Presbyterian church, of which his wife w-as a member. He married Jane A. Talmadge, born in Greenville. New N'ork, April 4. 1837, died May 8, 1906. Child, Arthur, of further mention. (IX) Arthur, only child of John G. and Jane A. (Talmadge) Hartt. was born in Greenville. Greene countv. New York, July 2^, 1865. He was educated in the ijuhlic schools : spent nine years at Greenville Academy and one year at Riverview Military .\cademy at I'oughkeepsie, New York. He learned the printers' trade, and for two and one-half years was foreman of the printing offices of the Grcem-Ule Local. September 28. 1896. he es- tablished in business at Ravena, Albany coun- ty, New York, w-here he still continues a suc- cessful general store. He is a director and stockholder of the First National Bank of Ravena ; w-as one of the organizers and vice- president and director of Ravena and Med- way Telephone Company, now merged with the State Telephone Company ; an organ- izer, vice-president, and director of the Atlan- tic Light and Power Company of Coeymans, New York. He is a public-spirited citizen, interested and helpful in all that concerns the welfare of his community. He is a Republi- can in politics ; in 1898 he was appointed post- master at Ravena and is still the incumbent of that office. He is a prominent member of James M. Au.stin Lodge, No. 557, Free and Accepted Masons, Greenville, of which he is past master ; charter member of Russell Lodge, No. 850, Ravena; charter member of Green- ville Chapter No. 283. Royal Arch Masons ; member of Temple Commandery, No. 2, Knights Templar, of Albany; Albany Con- sistory, thirty-second degree, Scottish Rite; Cyprus Temple, Nobles of the ]\Iystic Shrine. Albany ; charter member of Ella C. Perry Chapter, No. 461, Order of the Eastern Star. He is also an Odd Fellow, belonging to Hud- son River Lodge, No. 817, Ravena; a member of Pulver Council, No. 14, Junior Order Am- erican Mechanics, and of Kaa Rheu Vahn, Gralto No. 20, of Albany, Mystic Order of \'eiled Prophets. His religious membership is in the Christian church, which he serves as trustee and treasurer. He married, June 12, 1890, Rose A., daughter of Isaac L. and Eliza M. (Gififord) Willsey, of Freehold, New York. Child, Harold A., born July 19, 1898. The name Den or Dene, which is DKAXE the ancient way of spelling what is now- written Deane, makes its appearance in England .soon after the intro- duction of surnames. John and Walter Deane, w-ho are the progenitors of many of those now bearing the name Deane and Dean in the United States, came to this country about 1637. .After stopping in Boston a year they settled at Taunton, Massachusetts. It has been a tradition in the family that John and Walter Deane came from Taunton, England, but an authority states they w-ere from Chard near Taunton. Another tradition is that a younger brother of theirs came to this country after them and settled in Connecticut, and" that from him, Hon. Silas Deane, of Connecti- cut, descended. (This is the line of the Deanes of Catskill. New York). There was a Thomas Deane in Connecticut in 1643 who possibly may have been the brother referred to. (See "Hinman's First Puritan Settlers," p. 21). The earliest ancestor of Hon. Silas Deane, who is probably the most prominent public character of the Deane family, is his great- grandfather, James Deane, of Stonington, Connecticut, who may have been a son of Thomas Deane, the emigrant, 1643, to whom Hinman refers. There is. however, abundant evidence that James Deane, of Stonington,. was a son of Walter Deane. of Taunton, Mas- sachusetts. This evidence is so convincing that Arthur D. Dean, compiler of a history of 1696 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS tlie descendants of Ezra Dean, of Plainfield, Connecticut, so places him in that work. (I) Walter Deane was born in Qiard, Eng- land, between 1615 and 1620. He took the freeman's oath in Massachusetts, December 4, 1638. He settled in Taunton, Massachu- setts, was deputy 1640, and selectman of Taun- ton 1679-86. He was by trade a farmer. He married Eleanor, daughter of Richard Strong, of Taunton, England. Children: Joseph, Ezra, Benjamin, James, perhaps two others. (II) James, son of Walter and Eleanor (Strong) Deane, was a blacksmith and iron worker at Taunton, later of Scituate, Massa- chusetts. February 26, 1676, the town of Stonington. Connecticut, at a town meeting voted to donate a home lot of twenty-four acres of land to James Deane to induce him to settle there and follow his trade of black- smith. One hundred acres of farm land was also included in the offer. He accepted and followed his trade in Stonington until 1698, when he removed to Plainfield, Connecticut. There he was elected the first town clerk in 1699, filling that office many years. He was a large land owner in Plainfield and in Volun- tovvn" He died at Plainfield, May 29, 1725, Tiis wife, April 26, 1726. Children: James, born October 31, 1674; Sarah, September 4, 1676; John, of further mention; Onecephorus (twin), died in infancy; Mary (twin), born March 28, 1680, married Thomas Thatcher; Francis, September 8, 1682; William, died young; Hannah, baptized April 4, 1686; Wil- liam, born September 12, 1689; Nathaniel, baptized .\pril 2, 1693, married Joanna Fish- er; Jonathan, baptized April 22, 1695, married Sarah Douglas. (III) John, son of James Deane. of Ston- ington and Plainfield, Connecticut, was born May 15, 1678. He married Lydia Thatcher, June 10, 1708. (IV) Silas, son of John and Lydia (Thatch- er) Deane, married, and among his children was Silas. (V) Hon. Silas (2), son of Silas (i) Deane, was born at Groton, Connecticut, De- ■cember 24. 1737, died at Deal, England, .\n- ^ust 23, 1789. He was graduated with high honors at Yale College in 1758, when twenty- one years of age. He entered public life, was an ardent patriot and skillful diplomat. He took a prominent part in equipping naval forces, and was elected a memljer of the first continental congress in 1774 and was regarded as an able member. He was sent by congress to France as political and financial agent of ihe government. He arrived at Paris in June, 1776, with instructions to ascertain the temper of the French government concerning the rup- ture with Great Britain, and to obtain military support and supplies. When in September it was determined to send ministers to negoti- ate treaties, Franklin and Arthur Lee were commissioned to join him in Paris. He assist- ed them in the negotiation of the important treaties with France, and enlisted the sympa- thies of Lafayette. In consequence of the ex- travagant contracts he had entered into, not authorized by his instructions, he was re- called November 21, 1777, John Adams be- ing appointed in his place. He left Paris, April I, 1778, and returned to America. On his return he was called before congress and required to give an account of his contracts with foreign officers and to make a detailed statement of financial transactions on the floor of the house. He evaded a complete explana- tion and disclosure of his accounts on the ground that his papers were in Europe. He memorialized congress, but did not succeed in removing the suspicion from himself of hav- ing overstepped his authority and of having misappropriated the public money. He re- turned to France, but the French government declining to receive him he went to Holland, where he spent his entire private fortune in procuring proofs and in preparing an address backed by irrefutable evidence that none of the public money had been appropriated to his own use. This was published in 1784, but he had so bitterly attacked congress and his fellow commissioners, for the suspicion they had thrown around him. that they refused him justice and would do nothing to right the wrong they had done him. He had said he would vindicate himself if it took every dollar and it did. He returned to England, where he died in poverty. He was the soul of honor, as is shown by the testimonials from his neigh- bors and acquaintances. Says the historian, Hildreth : "No proof appears that he had been dishonest, or had employed the public money in speculations of his own, but he had occupied the unfortunate position of having large sums of public money pass through his hands be- fore any proper system of vouchers and ac- cotmting had been established, and he fell be- fore the same spirit of malignant accusation which presently assaulted Wadsworth, Greene, Morris, and even Franklin himself, but which they had better means of warding off." In 1842 congress at last adjusted Deane's ac- counts and paid to his heirs about $37,000. Yale College conferred tlie degree of A. M. in 1763. He is the author of "Paris Papers, or Mr. Silas Deane's late intercepted letters to his brother and other friends (1751) and pub- lished in his own defence" ; ".An address to the Free and Independent Citizens of the HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLFA'S 1697 United States of North America" (1784). He married and liad issue. ( \'I ) Zephaniah, son of Hon. Silas (2) Deane, settled first in Pennsylvania, where he owned a large farm of four hundred acres. This he sold to a syndicate who later opened upon it one of tlie first coal mines. Other members of his wife's family (.'^^bbott). hold- ing smaller areas of land, leased their coal lands on a royalty that made them very wealthy. After selling his Pennsylvania lands he settled in New York on the shores of Lake Skancateles on a farm, now the site of a large jiapermaking plant. He later settled in Cox- sackie. Greene county. New York, and still later in Connecticut, where he died. He mar- ried Catherine Abbott, of Brooklyn, New York. They had sons, Zephaniah and Silas. (VH) Silas (3), son of Zephaniah and Catherine (Abbott) Deane, was born July 24, 179S, died at Athens, Greene county. New York, August 24, 1849, from Asiatic cholera. He was a carpenter and contractor, and set- tled in Coxsackie, New York. Pie was the first "square rule" carpenter in Greene county. He made the screw hay presses that were used in this country. He traveled south in the winter time and erected sugar giims and other farm machinery. He married Eleanor Salis- bury, born October 8. 1804, died December 20, 1884. daughter of Francis and Persis (Wright) Salisbury, of Leeds, Greene county. New York. Children : Phoebe Ann, born Oc- tober 12. 1823, died September 3, 1907; Fran- cis William. June 26, 1825 ; Jeremiah, April 3, 1829: Elvira. June 3. 183 1, died May 18, 1887; Hannah, October 30, 1833, died January 24, 1901 : I\rary, December 9, 1834: Emmeline. September 10, 1837, died November 16, 1871 ; James A., of further mention ; Eleanor D., November 8, 1843, died February 13. 1870; "Louisa, November i, 1846; Silas Wright, February 20, 1849, died in 1880. Eleanor (Salisbury) Deane was a direct descendant of Silvester Salisbury, born about 1629, in Eng- land or Wales, came to New Netherlands in i(')64. His will was probated March 24, 1680. He married Elizabeth Beck. (For an ex- tended account of Silvester Salisbury and de- scendants, see Salisbury family in this work). Francis, son of Silvester and Elizabeth (Beck) Salisbury, was born 1679, died about 1755. He married Maria Van Gaasbeck and had eight children. William, son of Francis and Maria (\'an Gaasbeck) Salisbury, was bap- tized at Kingston, New York, December 25, 1714, died 1801 : married. March 27, 1740, Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, daughter of Barent and Neeltje Garritse (Van Denberg) Staats, and had eleven children. Sylvester, son of William and Eunice (Staats) Salisbury, was baptized in .Albany, January 27, 174 1, died 1815 or 1816 at the home of his brother Abra- ham at Leeds, Greene county, New York. He married, in 1764, Neeltje Staats and had elev- en children. Francis, sixth child and fifth son of Sylvester and Neeltje (Staats) Salisbury, was born December 5, 1775, died May 23, 1823. He married Persis Wright, who sur- vived him until December 10, iSijo. Children: Sylvester, born April 3, 1802, died September 8, 1840: Sophia, born July 14, 1803; married Jeremiah Gay; Eleanor, born October 8, 1804, married Silas Deane; Ruth, born November II, 1805, married Casper Van Iloesen; John, August 31, 1807; Eunice, born February 3, 1809, died December 23. 185 1, married Casper Spoor; Elizabeth, born February 2, 181 1. mar- ried Michael Hallenbeck : Ann, March 15, 1812, married Madison Parker; Melinda, March 3, 1814, died December 21, 1897. mar- ried Warren Howland ; Mary, born July 9, 1815, married William Beatty ; Lydia, Febru- ary 19, 1817, died October 31, 1898, married Reuben Coffin ; Catherine, April 7, 1820, died August 2, 1849, married Evens Backus; Em- meline, born March 27, 1823, married William H. Shaw. (Vni) Dr. James A. Deane, son of Silas (3) and Eleanor (Salisbury) Deane, was born at Coxsackie, Greene county, New York, No- vember 26, 1840. He was educated in the public schools, prepared for college at Coey- mans .Academy and Claverack Institute, en- tered Rutgers College at New Brunswick, New Jersey, but failing health compelled him to quit college. He later regained his health and chose the profession of medicine, study- ing with Dr. Mackey. of Catskill, New York. He entered Bellevue Medical College of New York City, where he was graduated M. D., class of 1865. He practiced his profession in Catskill for a time, then removed to Battle Creek, Michigan, where he practiced for seven years. In 1873 he returned to Catskill, where he again entered active practice, continuing until 1898, when he retired to private life. His home is the famous Rip \'an Winkle farm. He attained high rank in his profession, and holds membership in the leading medical so- cieties, holding the office of president of the Greene County Society. He served three terms as coroner of Greene county and was on the staflF of hospitals and institutions. He is a member of the Dutch Reformed church of Catskill, and a Democrat in politics. He mar- ried (first) Selena Post, of Saugcrties, New York, who died November 5, 1888. He mar- ried (second) Ellen M. Osborne, who died July 21, 1895; married (third) June 12, [698 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1899, Helene, daughter of Charles A. and Amelia (Raeder) Vedder, of Leeds, New York. No issue by any of the marriages. The Wood family now seated in WOOD Chatham, New York, are of old Massachusetts ancestry. Through intermarriages they are related to many noted New England families, and themselves were of more than local celebrity. One branch in- termarried with the Quaker family of South- wick that suffered much persecution at the hands of Massachusetts authorities. The di- rect ancestors were whipped, imprisoned, and finally banished and their property confiscated, their sole offence being that they dared wor- ship God in a manner not dictated by Massa- chusetts statutes. The Rice and Taft families are also Wood connections. In the revolution, Ezra Wood and Captain Josiah Wood, both descendants of Thomas Wood, the founder, gave patriotic service. This particular branch inclines to the professions, and a num- ber of ministers, physicians, lawyers and pro- fessors, are found in several of the genera- tions. The family appears in New York after the revolution, Wheelock Wood being the first of his line permanently to settle in Herki- mer county, New York. (I) Thomas Wood, of Rowley. Massachu- setts, is supposed to be the first of this branch in this country. His ancestors have not been discovered, although there is some reason to believe he belonged to the Wood family of Norwich, Norfolk county, England. In 1763 Colonel Eliphalct Dyer visited England and brought back for Annie (Wood) Elderkin, wife of Colonel Jedediah Elderkin. and daughter of Thomas, son of Thomas Wood, of Rowley, a crest and coat of arms, supposed to be those of the Wood family to which she belonged, the Woods of Norwich. The first known of Thomas Wood is his marriage re- corded in Rowley. Thomas and Ann Wood were married 4 months, 7 days, 1654. His wife was Ann Hunt, of Ipswich, Massachu- setts. Rowley records show him to have been a man of excellent Christian character and of high standing among his townsmen. He was buried September 12, 1687. Children: i. Mary, born March 15, 1655, supposed to have been the Mary Wood who married Edward Ordway. 2. John, born November 2, 1656; settled in Bradford, Massachusetts, then in Littleton ; married Isabel Hazen. 3. Thomas, born August 10, 1658; married Mary Hunt. 4. Ann, born August 8, 1660; married Benja- min Plummer. 5. Ruth, born July 21, 1662; married (first) Captain Joseph Jewett, (sec- ond) Jdhii Lunt or Hunt. 6. Josiah, born September 5, 1664; married Mary Felt. 7. Elizabeth, twin of Josiah, married Captain Joseph Boynton. 8. Samuel, born December 26, 1666; married Margaret Ellithorpe. 9. Sol- omon, born Alay 17, 1669; married ^lary Hazeltine. 10. Ebenezer, of further mention. II. James, died at age of twenty years. (II) Ebenezer, tenth child and sixth son of Thomas and Ann (Hunt) Wood, was born in Rowley, Massachusetts, December 29, 1671, baptized in the First Church, December 31, 1671. He lived in Rowley until July 14, 1717, when he and wife were dismissed to the Alen- don Church. He married, April 5, 1695, Ruth Nichols. Children born in Rowley: i. James, born April 28, 1696. 2. Ebenezer, De- cember 6, 1698. 3. Jonathan, of further men- tion. 4. David, Rlay 30, 1704. 5. Samuel, May 21, 1706. 6. Jesse, March 2, 1709. 7. Moses, April 3, 17 12. 8. Eliphalet, baptized August 15, 1714. (III) Jonathan, third son of Ebenezer and Ruth (Nichols) Wood, was baptized in the First Church at Rowley, Jilassachusetts, No- vember 2, 1701, by Rev. Edward Payson,^ the fourth settled pastor of that church. He married Hannah Dresser and had issue, in- cluding sons Jonathan and Josiah. (IV) Captain Josiah Wood, son of Jona- than and Hannah (Dresser) Wood, was born in Mendon, died November 3, 1815. He lived on the Lake Faron place in Northbridge. Mas- sachusetts, and was said to be a Universalist. This may be true, as in the Orthodox church records the names of Josiah Wood and Tip- porah Wood appear as uniting with the church in 1765, by confession, also that she was ex- pelled, August 24, 1802, and he, November 26, 1809 (revolutionary record). Josiah Wood appears with the rank of captain on Lexington alarm roll of Captain Josiah Wood's com- pany which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Northbridge to Roxbury. Length of service, ten days. Town to which each sol- dier belonged, Northbridge. (Vol. 13, p. 163). Josiah Wood appears among a list of officers dated July 9, 1776, chosen by the sev- eral companies in Colonel Ezra Wood's (Third Worcester Company) regiment. Rank, captain, Seventh Company. Reported com- missioned, July 9, 1776. (Vols. 43 & 28, pps. 222 & 119). Josiah Wood appears among a list of officers appointed to command men listed in or drafted from (Worcester Com- pany) brigade, as returned to Major General Warren (year not given). Rank, captain, of a company drafted from Colonel Ezra Wood's regiment, company to join Colonel Josiah Whitney's or Colonel Nathan Sparhawk's regiment, residence. Northbridge. (Vol. 1.2). lU'DSOX AXD MOHAWK \ALLRVS 1699 Josiali Wood, of Upton, ami Tipporah Wheel- ock. of ^lenclon, were married by Artemus Wood, justice of the peace, February 12, 1757. Children : Emory and others. (\') Emory, son of Captain Josiah and Tip- porah (Wheelock) Wood, was born in 1768, died March 2. 1835. He married Patience, daughter of Ezekiel Wood. Children: i. \\heelock, of whom further. 2. Sophia, mar- ried Sylvanus Taft, lived to be ninety-four years of age ; no children. 3. Nancy, married Caleb Sturtevant and had issue. 4. Lucinda, married Comfort Rice. 5. Submit, married Henry Pelton. 6. Abigail, not married. 7. Rhoda, married Mason White. 8. Cynthia, married Lyman Callum. 9. Josiah, unmar- ried. 10. Planning. 11. Emory Jr. fX'T) Wheelock-, son of Emory and Pa- tience (Wood) Wood, was born in North- bridge, Massachusetts, September 7, 1794, died in Herkimer county, New York, April 10, 1887. He married Hannah Comstock, born in Smithfield, Rhode Island, July 15, 1797, died January 20, 1892. after many long years of wedlock. They settled in Herkimer county in 1829 and resided there until their deaths. Chil- dren : I. Charles O., born 1821; married Martha Western ; died January 8, 1900. 2. Susan, born 1823: married William Com- stock (deceased) ; she removed to South Da- kota: died December 26, 1895. 3. Martha E., born 1825: married Lorrin Kelley : died Feb- ruary I, 1885. 4. Elias W., born 1828: mar- ried Laura Hodge of a prominent family in the neighborhood. 5. Rev. William A., born 1830 in Oliio, Herkimer county. New York ; married Margaret Lightbill,of Madison county. 6. Rev. Benjamin Franklin, of whom further. 7. Hannah Melissa, born July 30. 1834: mar- ried William Comstock. 8. .\manda S.. born Inly II, 1836: married (first) Oliver Darl- ing: (second) Philip Walthcr, of Allegany county. New York. 9. Rhoda Matilda, born October 9, 1838; married John S. Wood: died January 8, 1892. 10. Sarah W., born Au- gust 18. 1841 : married Benjamin E. Western, of Herkimer: died February 7, 1898. ("X'll) Rev. Benjamin Franklin Wood, son of Wheelock and Hannah (Comstock) Wood, was born in Ohio, New York, August 14, 1832. He was licensed to preach under the rules of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1852: was admitted on trial to Black River conference (now Northern New York con- ference) in 1854, and filled the following ap- pointments: Steuben circuit (junior preach- er), 1853-54, (conference year): Belmont, 1854 (part year) : Brasher, 1856 (part year) ; Brockets and Stratford, 1859; Ohio and Gray, 1860-61 ; St. Johnsville, 1863-65 (two years) ; Middleville, 1865-68: Port Leyden. 1868-71; Constablevillc, 1871-73: P.lack River, 1873-76; Theresa, 1876-77: presiding elder, Watertown district, 1877-81: Port Leyden, 1881-84; Co- penhagen, 1884-85: Adams district, 1885-91; Turin, 1891-94: Martinsburg. 1894-99: Chau- mont, 1899-1900. He was superannuated in 1900, since which time he has resided in Wa- tertown, New York, and has officiated exten- sively as supply. In the fall of 1861 he en- listed in Company G, Eighth Regiment, New York \'olunteers. He was in the Peninsula campaign under McClellan ; his regiment was in the advance of Fair Oaks and its ranks terribly thinned. After escaping unharmed in open battle, it remained for him to become a victim of malarial fever while encamping in White Oaks swamps, and on a surgeon's cer- tificate, he resigned. In 1862, in June, he was mustered out as second lieutenant. For many years he was president of the Riverside Camp ^Meeting Association. He married ( Asenath, daughter of John and Rosalinda (Higley) Barnes, who removed from Connecticut to Herkimer county. New York, in their early married life. They were very thrifty and brought up a family of seven children : Hiram, Jolm. Rosalinda, Amanda, George, Asenath, mar- ried Rev. B. F. Wood, Lyman. John Barnes died at the age of seventy-eight years while his wife lived to be upward of ninety-two years. Mrs. Asenath (Barnes) Wood was noted for her lovable disposition. She at- tained special prominence as a teacher. .She married, August 23, 1853, and died January 3, 1865. Children of Rev. B. F. and Asenath (Barnes) Wood: 1. Dr. Gary Hosmcr, born December 10, 1854 ; graduated from Fairfield Seminary, 1874, graduated from Long Island College Hospital, 1877, since which time he has practiced his profession at .Antwerp, New York : in politics he is a Republican and has served in the following offices: Coroner three years, supervisor of town of .Antwerp, Jeffer- son county, from 1890 to 1899; member of assembly from second assembly district. Jef- ferson county, from January i, 1906, to Janu- ary I, 191 1 ; he is ex-president of the Jefferson County Medical Society and member of the New York State Medical Society, prominent in the Masonic order, and past district (lc|)uty of the twenty-fourth Masonic district, state of New York. He married Mary F. Tambjin, .Au- gust 30, 1876. Children : i. Ethel May Wo(hI, born November 26, 1882, died June 19, 1884; ii. Lillian Asenath V\\)od, born October 19. 1884, graduated from Vassar College, 1904. married T. D. MacGregor, .August 25, 1909; iii. Isabelle Tamblin Wood, born March 24, 1700 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1891, graduated from \'assar Collej^c. 191 1. 2. Dr. Emory Hamlin, born October 14. 1859; he was graduated from Ives Seminary in 187G and from Hahnemann Medical Col- lege of Cliicago in 1881 ; in 1883 he removed to South Dakota, and later he returned to New York ; he has practiced his profession in the following places: Copenhagen, New York, 1881-83; Hand county, South Dakota, 1883-94; Salisbury Center, New York, 1894; he has served repeatedly as coroner and health officer ; in South Dakota he held the position of county superintendent of schools. He mar- ried Eunice Brooks, August 16, 1882. Chil- dren: i. Laura A., born July 12, 1886; ii. Hazel E., born November 27, 1888: iii. Brooks Franklin, born July 17, 1892. 3. Professor Frank Higley, of whom further. 4. Harriet Libbie, born in St. Johnsville, Montgomery county, New York, .Kugust 18. 1863; married Bower Thomas Wliitehead in Fremont town- ship. Moody county. South Dakota, March 20, 1887, who has latterly been in charge of the department of pharmacy in the State Agricul- tural College at Brookings, South Dakota. Children : i. Lindsey Wood Whitehead, born in Fremont township. Moody county. South Dakota, June 16, 1888: ii. Lyndall Whitehead, born in Brookings, Brookings county. South Dakota, December 23, 1900. Rev. B. F. Wood married (second) October 5, 1865, Jane A. Dorn. by whom he had three sons, all of whom died in infancy, and one daugh- ter, Florence, who married Charles Palmiter, •of Watertown, New York, September 11, 1889, and to them one son was born Novem- ber 17, 1891, Clebron Wood Palmiter. (\"in) Frank Higley Wood, A. M., son of Rev. Benjamin Franklin and Asenath (Barnes) Wood, was born in Oliio, Herkimer county. New York, May 23, 1861. Receiving his elementary training in district schools, he graduated from Ives Seminary in 1879, and from Syracuse L'niversity in 1885, comi)leting the course in approximately three years, win- ning the possible honors, including member- ship in the Phi Beta Kappa. Choosing teach- ing as his calling, he occupied the following positions: District school, town of .Antwerp, winter of 1879-80: di.strict school, village of P.Iack River, winter of 1882-83. After spend- ing the summer of 1883 on a preemption claim in Hand county, Dakota (now South Dakota), he served as principal of the graded school at West Carthage, 1883-84. Cranville high school, 1885-87; Yates high school (Chit- tenango), —1887-89; Chatham high school. 1889-95, Entering the state service through civil service examination, he was inspector of training classes, 1895-99; supervisor of bu- reau of training classes, 1899-1902; super- visor of bureau of inspections. 1902-04; chief, inspections division, state education depart- ment. 1904. He is prominent in the Masonic order ; is a past master of Columbia Lodge, No. 98, Free and Accepted Masons; niemljer of Lindenwald Chapter, Kinderhook ; Lafay- ette Commandery, Hudson ; Cyprus Temple, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Albany; also a past regent of Nat H}att Council, Royal Arcanum, and is a mem- ber of the Order of Modern Woodmen, Chatham, New York. He has long been a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church, of the Chatham high school, and of the Chatham Rural Cemetery Association. He is also the first president of the Morris Memorial Histor- ical Society. July 3, 1889, Professor Wood, as he is popularly known, married Dora Fos- ter, of Chittcnango, daughter of Albert and Elsie (Cook) Foster, who on account of the early death of her mother was brought up in the home of her grandparents, Clement Cook, a former inhabitant of Otsego county and a veteran of the civil war. and Louise (French) Cook, a member of a prominent Vermont fam- ily. Children: i. Elsie Louise, born Octo- ber 20, 1891 ; died March 28, 1907. 2. Har- riet Asenath, August 26, 1896. 3. Helen Florence, June 11, 1900; died February 13. 1904. 4. Frank Higley, Jr., August 8, 1903. 5. Theodore Wheelock, March 22, 1906. This is a genuine German sur- DRCKER name. Decher. as the name is frequently spelled, re]3rcsents in German the number ten. and was ajiiilied to the tenth child. Some assume, however, that the family name was derived from the occupation of a decker — one who builds or lays the decks of vessels. The name is com- mon in Germany and in the United States. The family is found in Holland, whither it is believed they fled to escape religious persecu- tion. The name is first found in New Eng- land in 1^)72. when John Decker was a resi- dent of l-'xeter. The name is found at a still earlier date in the early records of Staten Island, where Johannes De Decker arrived in .\pril. i('/)3. The family became very nuiuer- ous on Staten Island, frequent intermarriage making ibe tracing of their genealogy exceed- ingly difficult. Johannes De Decker was a ])rominent man in the colony, filling various offices of responsibility, and after a public service of several years retired for the re- mainder of his days to his farm of one hun- dred and twenty acres on .Staten Island. (I) The line from whicli Edward C. Decker is descended begins with Ian I'.nKTsin Decker, HUDSON AND .AIOHAWK VALLEYS 1 701 who with other Hollanders was at New Dorp, New Netherland, and he was one of two mag- istrates appointed at Marbledorp (later ]\Iar- bletown), October 6, 1673. Further particu- lars of him do not appear. (H) Cornelius, son of Jan Broersen Decker, married, December 22, 1695, Elsie, daughter of Wessel and Marya (Ten Eyck) Ten Broeck, and had four children. She died June 9, 1725, and is buried beside her hus- band. Children : Johannes, baptized August 16, 1696; Maria, May i. 1698; Heyltje, Janu- ary 14, 1700; Wessel, January 25, 1702. (HI) Johannes, son of Cornelius and Elsie (Ten Broeck) Decker, married (first) Ca- trina Wynkoop, baptized December 17, 1699, died January 2, 1724. The Decker family Bible record is, "My wife Catrina Wynkoop is at rest in the Lord and buried the 4th (Janu- ary, 1725) among her friends and beside her mother." She was a daughter of Evert and Guertje (Elmendorf) Wynkoop. They had one daughter, Guertjen, baptized October 15, 1721. He married (second) Marytje Jansen, May 17. 1726, daughter of Mattheus and Rachel (Popinge) Jansen. Children: Elsie, born March 26, 1727; Rachel, February 28, 1728-29; Cornelis, January 6, 1731-32; Mat- thewis, December 14, 1733 ; Marya, January 9. 1736-37; Catharyna, February 17, 1738-39; Johannes, April 16, 1741. Johannes, the father, died January 23, 1741-42. (I\') Cornelius (2), son of Johannes and Marytje (Jansen) Decker, married (first) July I, 1762, Elizabeth Van Wagenen, born November i, 1739, died March 12, 1764, daughter of Symen and Sara (Du Bois) Van Wagenen. They had a daughter Sarah, born January 16, 1764. He married (second) Eliz- abeth Decker (presumably a cousin), who died June 10, 1813. Children: Johannes, born June 2, 1767; Cornelius, July 13, 1770; Catharine, February 2, 1774: Elizabeth. Octo- ber 8, 1778, died August 11. 1795; Maria, November 22, 1780. (VI) John G., grandson of Cornelius (2) Decker, and son of either Cornelius or Jo- hannes Decker, was born in Columbia county. New York. He removed to Fulton county, where he was one of the early farmers of the town of Johnstown. He married Nancy Ru- pert : children : John H., see forward : Eliza- beth M., George F., Eleanor B., William A., Ann S. (VH) John H., eldest son of John G. and Nancy (Rupert) Decker, was born in the town of Johnstown, Fulton county, New York, July 15, 1826, died March 14, 1901. He was one of the pioneer glove manufacturers of Gloversville, where he was associated with Josiah C. Leonard for many \ears. In 1875 he established the glove-making business in Johnstown, conducting it alone until 1880, when he admitted his son, Edward C. Decker, to the firm, wh.ich then became J. H. Decker & Son. In 1882 Sidney Argersinger was admitted, and the firm has since been known as J. H. Decker Son & Company. John H. Decker continued at the head of the business, which developed into one of the largest in the county, until his death. He became a resi- dent of Johnstown village the year after his marriage (1854), and was prominent in pub- lic afifairs. He served three terms as trustee of the village, was trustee of the district six- teen years, and was president of the village board of education. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and politically a Repub- lican. He married, February 8, 1854, Marian E., born in Johnstown, 1835, daughter of Jo- siah C. and Mary Leonard. Children : i. Mary L. (or Minnie L.), born in Johnstown, 1856; married, January 8, 1880, Sidney Ar- gersinger; (child) Edward D., married Mary C. Sammons. 2. Edward C, see forward. 3. Celia A., born March 25, 1861 ; married, April 14, 1886, Asa J. Browne, born in the town of Mayfield, Fulton county. New York, April 7, 1840. 4. William H., born December 28, 1867, died May 3, 1885. 5. Luella C, born December 8, 1872; married Charles R. Mosher. (VIII) Edward C, eldest son of John H. and ]\Iarian E. (Leonard) Decker, was born in Johnstown, New York, October 26. 1858. He was educated in Johnstown LTnion School and Academy. He early began an active busi- ness life as an assistant to his father in glove manufacturing, and in 1880 was admitted a partner to J. H. Decker & Son. On the death of the senior Mr. Decker, in 1901, Edward C. succeeded him as head of the firm of J. H. Decker Son & Company, which continues one of the most important glove manufacturing firms in the county. He is a thoroughly capa- ble, earnest man of affairs, and occupies a commanding position in his city. He was a charter member of the board of library trus- tees and still holds same. He is a director of the People's Bank of Johnstown, and inter- ested in other of the business enterprises of Johnstown. He is a member of the Presby- terian church, and in politics supports the men and measures of the Republican party. His clubs are the Eccentric of Gloversville, the Automobile, Lotus and Colonial of Johns- town and the Antlers of Amsterdam, New York. He is interested in the history of his county, and holds membership in the Fulton County Historical Society. He married, Octo- I702 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ber 20, 1886, Louise, daughter of Robert Henry, of Johnstown. Children, Marian L. and Katherine B. Curtis N. Douglas, son of DOUGLAS John Pettit and Henrietta (Hughson) Douglas, was born at Watertown, New York, May 28, 1856. He attended Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytech- nic Institute from 1864 to 1870, and John C. Overheisus Classical School from 187 1 to 1873. He then entered the University of Roch- ester, from which he was graduated, class of 1877, with the degree of A.B. He at once began an active business life ; from 1877 to 1880 he was secretary and assistant to his father, the most extensive land owner in Jef- ferson county, New York. He assisted in the management of farms, stock breeding and lumber operations, all of which were of large proportions requiring expert knowledge and careful supervision. But his tastes were not satisfied by a business life, being inclined towards a literary or professional career. From January until June, 1881, he was head master of Betts Academy at Stamford, Con- necticut, and from there went to J. H. Massis College Preparatory School in New York, where he was assistant master. From 1882 to 1886 he conducted a college preparatory school of his own. In 1886 he returned to commercial life and since that date he has been genetal manager of L. Thomson & Company, wholesale lumber merchants of Albany, New York. He has always taken a lively interest in public affairs. In 1894 he represented the tenth assembly district of Albany in the state legislature, and in 1899-1900 w-as state sena- tor from Albany county. He is an ex-presi- dent of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion of Albany. He married, June 24, 1886, Nancy Sherman, daughter of Lemon Thom- son, of Albany, and granddaughter of Au- gustus Sherman, of Glens Falls, New York. (See Thomson IV). Mr. and Mrs. Douglas have three children: Kenneth Thomson, Dor- othea and Gertrude Thomson. (The Thomson Line). Douglas and Thomson is a blending of Scotch-Irish blood that has produced, as it always does, men and women of high charac- ter and strong physical as w-ell as mental at- tributes. The name of Thomson is common to England, Scotland and Ireland, differing only in the addition or omission of the letter P. Douglas is the name of an ancient Scottish clan whose history has been told in story and song for centuries. Both families have pro- duced men of note in the political, military, lit- erary, professional and business life of the United States. New Jersey was the home of John Thomson, shot and scalped by Indians, and his wife, Juda, who drew her little son John two hundred and fifty miles over the mountains of Pennsylvania after the killing of her husband. They were the grandparents of Judge Thomson, of Hunterdon county, New Jersey. (I) Benjamin Thomson, American ancestor of this branch of the Thomson family, was born in the north of Ireland, died at Eliza- beth, New Jersey. The date of his emigra- tion and settlement in New Jersey is not def- inite. He was a magistrate under the Crown, and a man of importance and means, as his son received a college education. His wife came from Scotland. They were both mem- bers of the Presbyterian church. (II) Charles, son of Benjamin Thomson, was of Elizabeth, New Jersey. He was a graduate of Princeton College, and during the war of the revolution went to England, where he married the widow of an Episcopal minis- ter. He returned to America, where he died, leaving two sons. (HI) Charles C, son of Charles Thomson, was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, July 8, 1788, died in Johnsonburg, New York, March I, i860. He married, about 1819, Susanna Harris Williams, a daughter of Joseph Wil- liams, a soldier of the revolution, who was wounded in battle and received a pension. Their children were Lemon, see forward ; Ed- ward, married Maria Morehouse; William; Susan, married John Wakely. (I\') Lemon, son of Charles C. Thomson, was born in Athol, Warren county, New York, January 22, 1822. He was educated in the public schools, and at the age of seven- teen began teaching, and when twenty-one was elected county superintendent of schools. He prepared for college at Glens Falls Academy, and at the age of twenty-five entered the soph- omore class at Union College, graduating in 1850. After leaving college he read law with Judge Rosekrans, but never practiced, prefer- ing a commercial career. In 1855 he removed to .Albany, where he formed a partnership w ith Iiis father-in-law, Augustus Sherman, un- der the firm name of L. Thomson & Com- pany. The firm owned large tracts of timber in Northern New York, and dealt extensively in manufactured lumber. He was a very ener- getic, capable business man and ranked among the leading successful merchants and bank- ers of Albany. His religious connection was with Emmanuel Baptist Church, of which he was an active member and liberal supporter. In politics he w^as originally a Democrat, but HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS 1703 •when slavery became the issue joined the Re- jnibhcan party. He was a frequent contrib- ut(jr to the papers and periodicals of his day. His articles, mostly on local or political sub- jects, were both pleasing and logical, display- ing a broadness of vision and deep familiarity witli the topics he was discussing. He served the city of Albany as alderman from 1864 to 1867. In councils he was an early advocate of reform and economy in the administration of city business. In 1882 he was a candi- date for congress on the Citizens' ticket. In the board of trade, in business associations and party conventions he w-as active and pro- gressive, always advocating measures tending to the public good. Mr. Thomson married, June 25, 185 1, Abby G.. died February 24, 1907, daughter of Au- gustus Sherman, of Glens Falls, New York, a descendant of Roger Sherman, a signer of tlie Declaration of Independence. Their chil- dren were: i. Burke, who died in infancy. 2. Hattie Darling, who died in childhood. 3. Gertrude .-Vlden, w^ho became the wife of John A. Dix. 4. Nancy Sherman, wife of Curtis N. Douglas, mentioned above. The early Gardners of Dutch- G.KRDNER ess and Orange counties, New York, were descendants of Benoni Gardiner, of Rhode Island, died 1 73 1. The record is not clear, but the prev- alence of the names Stephen and Nathaniel in the family of Benoni and other facts taken in consideration lead to the conclusion that Be- noni Gardiner w^as the eldest son of George Gardiner, died 1677, who was admitted an in- habitant of the Island of Aquidneck (New- port, Rhode Island), 1638. In 1642 was con- stable and senior sergeant: 1644 was ensign. His first wife was Herodias Hicks^^^ His sec- ond wife, Lydia Rallou. died G??^ By both wives he had fourteen childrenT (II) Benoni, eldest child of George and Herodias (Hicks) Gardiner, died 1731. By one record he is said to have been one hun- dred years of age, which is evidently errone- ous, as he took the oath of allegiance. May 19, 1671. being then probably just come of age. In 1727 he calls Iiimself ninety years of age, which is also improbable. In 1679 he and forty-one others of Narragansett signed a pe- tition to the King praying that he would "put an end to the difference about the government thereof, which has been so fatal to the pros- jjerity of the place." He owned land at Kings- town, Rhode Island, as several deeds testify. His wife, Mary, born 1645. rn March 20, 1796, died March 20, 1855. Children by first wife: i. Weynant, born November 15, 1801, died Feb- ruary 17, 1866. 2. John, November 15, 1802, died June 29, 1803. 3. Catherine, November 4. 1803, died December 7, 1833. 4. Harriet, November 20, 1804, died December 29, 1804. 5. Harriet. September 8, 1806, died January 28, 1866: married John Weuzel. 6. Helen January 26, 1808: married Abraham Van Vechtcn. 7. John, August 22, i8og, died March 12. 1854. 8. Gysbert, December 19, 1810, died September 9, 1850. 9. Eva Edith, March 8. 1812, died February 15, 1819. 10. Fannie Maria, June i, 1813, died September 16, 1876; married Gilbert Lansing. 11. Jacob Lansing, October 19, 1814, died April 19, 1820. 12. Sarah, born September 2, 1817; married (first), October 15, 1833, Jacob Price: (second) Abraham Sweet; (third) \\'illiam Wilson ; she had one son, Abraham, who had one son, John Price. 13. Peter \"an Wort, August II, 1818, died September 14, 1818. Children by second wife, Ann Osborn Blair: 14. Jacob Lansing, November 17, 1825, died November 21, 1887; married Fran- ces Cartwright: died February 4, 191 1,; chil- dren : Elizabeth and Frank, died in childhood. 13. James Henry, December 3, 1827 (still liv- ing) ; married Lydia Huffcutt; chiklren : Em- ogene, married Charles Benjamin Prouty and has a son, James H. Lansing Prouty: Mary Frances, married George A. Nash and has a son, Howard B., and a daughter, Bessie Eliz- abeth, married Frank Galusha. 16. Mary Ann, September 20. 1834, died May 18, 1879; mar- ried, December 25, 1856, Loren Allen (see Allen): children: i. Mary Ida, married George Henry Liddell and has a son. Loren Allen Liddell, born December 27, 1885. ii. Charles Loren, died June 6, 1910: married, at Fort Edward, New York, February i, 1893, Jennie Augusta Fox, born October 26, 1871, and has a son, Adelbert Clifford, born March 21, 1894. iii. Clifford Hiram, of pre- vious mention. The Everts family of Gran- E\'ERTS ville, Washington county. New York, are of English descent. The name was also early written Evarts, Everst. The family was early in New Eng- land, the emigrant ancestor being John Evarts, of Concord, Alassachusetts. (I) John Evarts, founder of the family in New England, was made a freeman of Con- cord, Massachusetts, March, 1637-38. He re- sided there for several years, having at least two children born there. He removed to Guil- ford, Connecticut, where he took the freeman's oath, February 5, 1651-52. In 1655 lie was in court in two civil suits as defendant. In 1667 he was appointed tithingman. He is said to have lived for a time in New Haven. He died May 9. 1669. He married ( Elizabeth — — ; (second) May 27, 1663, Elizabeth, widow of John Parmalee. She died Novem- ber, 1688. Children by first marriage: i. John, born February 29. 1639-40, at Concord, died December 28, 1692, 3. Judah, October 27, 1642, died November, 1696. 3. Daniel, 1645, died December 5, 1692. 4. James, of further mention. 5. Elizabeth, married, 1665, Peter .Ablwtt. (II) James, son of John and Elizabeth Ev- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS arts, was born in 1648, died April, 1682. He married, in 1660, Lydia, daughter of Richard Goodrich. Children: i. Mary, born March 26. 1661. died young. 2. John, 1664, sergeant of the Guilford training band ; married, 1688, Sarah Crampton. 3. Lydia, died December 27, 1750; married, August 19, 1692, Caleb Bishop. 4. James, 1667, died January 3, 1739 ; married, March 7, 1694, Mary Carter. 5. Jo- seph, 1669, died 1679. 6. Judah, of further mention. 7. Mary, May i, 1674, died June, 1734; married, June 8, 1694, John Munger. 8. fiannah. September 22, 1677. 9. Joseph, February 24. 1679. died 1710; married Han- nah Scranton. 10. Dorothy, 1683; married, April 6, 1710, Samuel Munger. 11. Jonathan, died unmarried, October. 1696. (HI) Judah, son of James and Lydia (Goodrich) Everts, was born 1673, died Oc- tober 28, 1748. He was of Guilford, Connecti- cut. He married, September 5, 1706, Mary, daughter of Samuel Eggleston, of Middle- town, Connecticut. .She died April 2, 1762. Children: i. Caleb, of further mention. 2. Ju- dah. born May 19, 1712: married Abigail Dudley. 3. Ebenezer, July 11, 1720, died prior to 1748. 4. Amos, September 23, 1725 : mar- ried, \larch 5, 1747, Mary Eggleston, perhaps a kinswoman of his mother ; had a daughter, Mary, died 1785. (IV) Caleb, son of Judah and l\Iary (Eg- gleston) Evarts, was born in Guilford, Con- necticut, May 27, 1707, died August 21, 1751. He married (first) November 19, 1729. Alind- well Cook, of Wallingford, Connecticut, died December 31, 1736; married (second) 1740, Elizabeth Stocker. Children of first marriage. I. Mindwell, born November 4, 1730, died un- married, 1756. 2. Ebenezer. October 22, 1732, died November 18, 1765: married Ruth Chit- tenden, who survived him and married (sec- ond) Eber Norton. 3. Sarah, October 9, 1736. Children of second wife: 4. Caleb, August 29, 1740, died August 21, 1751. 5. Judah, Oc- tober 20, 1745. 6. Amaziah, of further men- tion. 7. Edward, March 3, 1752, died 1836; married Selphenia Culver. (V) .Amaziah, son of Caleb and Elizabeth (Stocker) Evearts (as this generation spells the name, was born in Guilford, Connecticut, June 30, 1747. He married, June 5, 1776, Su- sannah Crittenden, daughter of Zachary Dowd. and widow of Gilbert Crittenden (this name is in the Guilford records, Crittenden, Cruttenden and Crittendon). and died in Sun- derland, Vermont, April 16, 1790. He was corporal in the Guilford company under Cap- tain Noah Fowler, that went to the relief of Boston from Guilford in the first Lexington alarm, April, 1775. Children: i. Elihu Bragg, born March 4, 1777; married, May 30, 1830, Polly (Spalding-Graves) Young; lived in Granville, New York ; after marriage re- moved to Freedom, New York: died 1861. 2. Amaziah, June 22, 1779. 3. Caleb, of fur- ther mention. 4. Ruth, May 10, 1782, died in infancy. 5. Gilbert, 1783-84; took part in the battle at Plattsburg in 1812; lived in Pawlet, \'ermont : removed to Wheatland, Monroe county. New York, in 1819, and died Febru- ary 14, 1827; married Polly , who died April 4, 1833 ; children : Caleb, Ormus Eu- gene, Sarah, married Edgar Cliandler; Phy- lena, married Israel P. Jakway, October 10, 1844, she died j\Iarch 4, 1899 : two other daughters. 6. Cyrus, ]May 10, 1782; lived in Granville, New York, for a time, and had a son Jonathan. 7. Polly, married Alva Button. It would seem that Amaziah Everts had a sec- ond wife, named Ruth, for it appears in the records of the town of Sunderland, Vermont, that "Ruth, wife of Amaziah Everts, died June 1st, 1789." (Yl) Caleb (2), son of Amaziah and Su- sannah (Dowd-Crittenden) Evearts, was born June 27, 1781, at Guilford, Connecticut, died in Pawlet, Vermont, 1822. He was a man of feeble constitution, and poorly equipped phys- ically to fight life's battle. He was left a widower with five young children and did not long survive his wife. He married Sarah, sister of Gershom Gifford. Children : i. John Alonzo, of whom further. 2. William, mar- ried Nancy Martin ; children, Samuel and Al- bert. 3. Don Alphonso, born in Pawlet, \^er- mont, October 22, 1806; married Sophia Hos- ford ; child, Edna Annette. 4. Gershom, died without issue. 5. Sarah, born January 14, 1813: married Peter Gowcy. March 17, 1836, died June 26, 1869 ; child, Ella Gertrude, born August 26, 1854. (VII) John Alonzo, son of Caleb (2) and Sarah (Gifford) Everts, was born in Pawlet, \^ermont, February 29, 1808, died in Gran- ville. Washington county, New York, Janu- ary 26. 1866. He settled on a farm in Gran- ville, where he spent his subsequent life en- gaged in agriculture. He was prosperous and influential, a Democrat in politics and a warden' of Trinity Episcopal Church. He married, in 1842, Mary Ann Barker, born December 25, 1818. at White Creek, New York, died in Poultney, Vermont, May 25, 1889, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Bowen) Barker. Children: i. Palmer D. of further mention. 2. Silas W., born July, 1846, un- married. 3. John L., liorn May 27, 1850 ; mar- ried (first) Alice N. Norton; (second) Ella A. Scofield, born October 16, 1852, at Med- ford, .Massacluisctts, married, Octolicr 24, HUDSON AND AIOHAWK \"ALLEYS -09 1886, resides in Ashby. Minnesota. 4. Mar- tha Ann, born May 25, 1856, died in Poull- ncy. \>rmont, June, 1888: married Harry Tay and had George and Clarence. (MH) Pahncr D., son of John Alonzo and Mary Ann (Barker) Everts, was born in Granville, Washington county. New York, February 22. 1843, died October 17, 1894. He was educated in the public schools, finishing at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. He taught tor a time, and was principal of the Middle Granville school. Later he engaged in agriculture and became one of the leading men of his town. He was prominent in local poli- tics, served as supervisor and held other of- fices. He was a member and warden of Trin- ity Episcopal Church. He married, Decem- ber 20. 1866, Elizabeth Ruth Perry, born April 25. 1842, died July 24, 1907, daughter of Dr. Asaliel and Eveline (Slocum) Perry, who was a graduate of the Ladies' Seminary of North Granville. Dr. Perry was born at Claremont, New Hampshire, in 1806, died March 16, 1878. He was a graduate of Dartmouth Col- lege and a leading physician of Washington county, practicing in South Easton. He mar- ried, in 1840, Eveline Slocum. Eveline (7) Slocum, born at Easton. New York, June 24, 1821, died at Granville, New York. August 17, 1879, daughter of .Alexan- der Slocum. Alexander Slocum (6), born I79r), died March 4, 1873, ^^'^s a son of Matthew (5), born March 21, 1752, and Ruth Hoag. born 1764, died November 19, 1866. Matthew Slocum (5) was the son of Giles (4) Slocum, born May 15, 1713, and Susanna P.rownell (daughter of Stephen Brownell and Martha Brownell). He removed from Rhode Island to Easton, New York, among early set- tlers there. Giles (4) Slocum was the son of Giles (3) Slocum. the son of Giles (2) Slocum, born March 26, 1607; married Anna Lawton, March 26, 1669. Giles (2) Slocum was the son of Anthony ( I ) Slocum, who was born in Somersetshire, England, and settled near Newport, Connecti- cut, in 1638, died in 1682. (See published historv of Slocum family.) Palmer D. and Elizabeth R. Everts had two children : ( IN) Silas E., son of Palmer D. and Eliza- beth Ruth (Perry) Everts, was born in Gran- ville, \\'ashington county. New York, Sep- tember 17, 1867. He was educated at North Granville Military Academy, graduating in 1887, Williams College, where lie was grad- uated A. B., in 1890. entered the law depart- ment of tlie University of the Citv of New York, graduated LL.B., 1892. After his ad- mission to the bar in 1892 he established an office for the practice of his profession in Granville and is one of the leading members of the Washington county bar. He was elected special county judge of Washington county, and is prominently identified with the leading interests of his town and county. He is a director of the Granville National Bank, and interested in several other enterprises. He is warden of Trinity Episco[)al Church, and in politics a Republican. He is a member of the State Bar Association, State Historical Association, and stands high in the Masonic Order, belonging to Granville Lodge. No. 55, I'ree and Accepted Masons, and Granville Chajiter, Royal Arch Masons, and Washing- ton Commandery. Knights Templar, of Sara- toga. He married, June, 1892, Lucina, daugh- ter of Daniel and Miriam (McNitt) Wood- ard. Children : Palmer W., born September 2, 1893: Miriam, July 12, 1897; Roscoe S., February 20, 1902. (IN) 'Ruth L., daughter of Palmer D. and Elizabeth R. (Perry) Evarts. was born April 7. 1872: married, August 24, 1904. Lewis Dougan. principal of a public school in St. Louis. .Aiissouri. Children: Alice and Eliza- beth. (The Wo.Klard Lino). The following material is largely furnished l)y Rev. D. IT. Woodward, North Abington, Massachusetts, to whom credit is freely given. The name Woodward or Woodard is supposed to be a trade name, probably derived from the Eliglish common noun woodward. The Woodwards were park and forest keepers. (I) Richard Woodward embarked at Ips- wich, England, April 10, 1634, with his wife, Rose, and their two sons. George and John. 1 le was forty-five years of age ; was admitted a freeman, September 2, 1635. at Watertown, Massachusetts, and his name is on the earliest list of proprietors of that town. He owned fourteen lots of land amounting to over three hundred acres. His wife. Rose, died October 6, 1662. aged eighty years, and he soon after married Ann Gates, widow of Stephen Gates, of Cambridge. Massachusetts. His sons (Jeorge and John were his administrators. (See Bond's History of Watertown. Massa- chusetts). He died February 16. 1664-65. (II) George, son of Richard Woodward, was born in 1619. He was admitted a free- man at Watertown, Massachusetts, May 6, 1646. He was selectman in 1674. died May 31, 1676. (Bond's- Watertown). By his first wife, Alary, he had eight children: Marv, Sarah, Amos, Rebecca, John, Susanna, Daniel anil Mary (probably Mercy). He married I7IO HUDSON AND MOHAWK A'ALLEYS (second) Elizabeth Hammond, August 17, 1659, and they had five children : George, Thomas, Elizabeth, Nathaniel and Sarah. (HI) John, son of George Woodward, was born at Watertown. Massachusetts, March 28, 1649. He removed from Watertown to New- town, Massachusetts, about 1675. He married (first) Rebecca, daughter of Richard Robbins ; (second) Sarah Bancroft, who died Septem- ber 22, 1723. He was a weaver by trade and owned and resided on a farm near Newton _ Upper Falls. He died November 3, 1732. His will dated February 26, 1727-28, mentions his children: John, Richard, Daniel and Jona- than, and heirs of his son Joseph, Ebenezer, Rebecca Hunting and Abigail Greenwood. Of these children, John, Richard and Joseph, set- tled in Connecticut early in the eighteenth century. {IV ) John (2), son of John (i) Wood- ward, was born in Newtown, Massachusetts, or possibly W'atertown, Massachusetts, April 16, 1675. He married, January, 1698, Hannah Hyde, born March i, 1677-78, died January 15, 1724. Children: Hannah, Mary, John, Ephraim and Deliverance. John Woodward married (second) Abigail • — ■ . There is no record of any children. He was elected first deacon of the first church of Brooklyn, Connecticut, in the second quarter of the eighteenth century, and was moderator of the town meeting in Canterbury, December 10, 1717. His will dated April 15, 1743, men- tions his wife, daughter Mary Cleveland, chil- dren of daughter Hannah Bacom, and sons John, Ephraim and Deliverance. He died April I, 1767, at Brooklyn, Connecticut. (See "Larned's History of Windham county, Con- necticut.") (V) John (3), son of John (2) Woodward, was born at Newtown, Alassachusetts, March 2, 1702, died at Pawling, Dutchess county, New York. He married, December 28, 1727, Mary Spalding; he removed to province of New York in 1749; died in 1773. Children: i. Hannah, born August 8, 1728. 2. John, May 9, 1730. 3. Samuel, July 24. 1732, died young. 4. Phineas, December 9, 1734. 5. Mary, March 26, 1737. 6. Bridget, February 28, 1739-40. 7. Samuel, of whom further. 8. Jonathan, June 12, 1744. 9. Sibbil, February 14, 1745-46. 10. Josiah, April 28, 1748. 11. Ephraim, Septem- ber 16, 1750. 12. Joseph, October 7, 1754. The will of John Woodward, of Pawling, Dutchess cuunty. New York, is on record in the surrogate's office of the county and gives Samuel Woodward his Duroy coat. (VI) Samuel, son of John and Mary (Spalding) Woodward, was born June 5, 1742. He served in Colonel Svvartwout's regi- ment in the American revolutionary war, and probably removed to Washington county shortly before 1790. (See census record.) He married and had issue : Samuel, John, Archibald, of whom further. (VII) Archibald, son of Samuel Woodward, was born April 16, 1769, died February 5, 1841. He settled in Hebron, New York, pre- vious to 1790. He married Anna, daughter of Peter Scott, and had issue: Squire, died aged five; Daniel, of whom further; Benja- min: Sally, born June 10, 1797; Polly, August 14, 1799; John; Anne; Phoebe; Archibald; William ; Samuel. (\'III) Daniel, son of Archibald and Anna (Scott) Woodward, was born at North He- bron, New York, January, 1792, died May, 1877. He was a prominent farmer of North Hebron, and a leading member of the Baptist church. He married, January, 1813, Anna Case, born August 8, 1795, died May, 1877. She was a daughter of Abram Case, of He- bron, New York, and granddaughter of Phillip Case and Othneil Preston, both in tlie revo- lutionary service. Children: i. Lucina, born 1814, died May 6, 1900; married Daniel Bray- mer. 2. Abraham, married Hercelora Thomp- son ; child, Hercelora. 3. Archibald, born 1818, died May 10, 1885, married Mary Her- ron ; children : Fannie and Archibald. 4. Wil- liam, born 1820, died in Aliens Grove, Wis- consin, December 23, 1883, married Achsa Nelson ; children : William, Harriet and Al- mond and one son who died in childhood. 5. Lucinda, born September 24, 1824, married, March i, 1849, Jesse Sherman; children: Sterling, Daniel, Cora, William, Carrie and Emma. 6. Mary, born March 21, 1827, mar- ried Edwin Temple ; children : Charlotte, Or- ley, Ralph. 7. Martha, born December i, 1831,^ married, March i, 1852, John Qua; children : Andrew, Mary, Anna and Adelaide, 8. Daniel (2), of whom further. 9. Anna, born October 4, 1830, married, January 31, 1850, Joseph Ely: children: John D., Helen and Annita. 10. Phebe, January 19. 1837, married, March 25. 1856, James E. Pratt; child, Carrie. 11. Ely, died young. (IX) Daniel (2), son of Daniel (r) and Anna (Case) Woodard, was bom in North Hebron, New York, August 31, 1822, died June 13, 1887. He married, January 7, 1845, Miriam McNitt, born March 2, T826, died October 20, 1902, daughter of James and Lydia (Martin) McNitt. James McNitt was born January 17, 1782, died January 22, 1861. He was a son of Daniel McNitt, born 1750, died November 21, 1829, at Salem, New York, a sergeant in a Salem company in tlie revolu- tion, and a grandson of Captain .Alexander HUDSOX AND MOHAWK WALLFA'S McXitt. Alexander McNitt. born in Scot- land in 1720, died November 29, 1807. On comintf to America he settled first at Poiigh- keepsie, New York, later removed to Salem, Washington county, New York. He served in the revolution as captain of militia and saw service in the camjiaign against Burgoyne. Lydia (Martin) McXitt, born in 1792, died May 17, 1846, was a daughter of Moses Mar- tin, born 1744 (adjutant in Colonel Williams' regiment from Washington county), and Lydia (Moore) Martin, and granddaughter of Adam and Sarah (Xewell) Martin, and great-granddaughter of John Xewell. Chil- dren of Daniel and Miriam (McXitt) Wood- ard : I. Lydia, born January 30. 1846; mar- ried William Shaw, died April 18, 1900 ; chil- dren : Carrie, Emma, John and Woodard. 2. Emma, born December 29, 1847 ; married Cap- tain Joseph Hays ; children : iliriam, Roscoe, Horton, Georgia, died unmarried, and Mary. 3. James McXitt. born September 8, 1849; married (first) Georgia Bockes : children: Bertie and Ross: (second) Elizabeth Stetson; child, ]\Iarion. 4. Francis, born December 22, 1 85 1, unmarried. 5. Daniel D., born Janu- ary 7, 1854; married, January 29, 1879, Eliza- beth Westcott : children : Ethel, ^born 1882 ; Allan, born 1885. Madeline, born 1890. 6. Martin, born January 19. 1856. died April 5, 1899 ; married : children : Frankie and Mabel. 7. Eli, born January 13, 1857 ; mar- ried Nettie Bush ; children : Irene, died in childhood, and Henry. 8. Archibald, born Oc- tober 27, 1859, died in childhood. 9. Marian, born May 10, 1863; married S. F. Farrar. re- moved to Braymer. Missouri. 10. Lucina, b' "n .August 9, 1867: married Silas E. Everts. (IX) Lucina. daughter of Daniel and Anna (Case) Woodard. was born in Hebron. Wash- ington county. New York, July 17, 1814. died May 6, 1900. She married Daniel Braymer ("see Braymer HI), son of Jacob and Anna (Blakslee) Braymer. Children: Jenette, Ja- cob. Alfred, Daniel, Rosalinda, George. Win- field. (X) Rosalinda, daughter of Daniel and Lu- cina (Woodard) Braymer, was born June 3, 1846. She married, Afarch 12, 1868, Richard Durham, son of Durfee and Anna (Hall) Durham, born May 6, 1838, at Easton. Wash- ington county. Xew York. He died December 9, 1901 (see Durham I\'). The Braymer familv of BRAYMER Granville, Xew York, de- scend from German ances- tors. The first of the line here under con- sideration of whom we have information was David Braymer, born in Baden, Germany, March 23, 1733. He was pressed into the British army while pursuing studies at a med- ical college in England, given the rank of sur- geon, came to America in the British army in 1754, served throughout the French and In- dian war, and was discharged. He returned to Germany, married, and again returned to. America, settling in Xova Scotia, where he engaged in the tanning trade. He left Xova Scotia in the year 1776, going to Xew York City, where he followed the trade of tanner and furrier until 1781, when he moved to- the town of Hebron, Washington county, Xew York, engaging in the trade of tanner. A child named George was born to David Bray- mer by his first wife in 1765, but beyond this there is no knowledge concerning his first marriage. He married (second) Phryria , of German descent. Children : An- drew, of whom there is no information ; Wil- liam, went to Erie county, Pennsylvania ; Ja- cob, see forward; John, died August 27, 1817,. aged eighteen years; David, went to Craw- ford county, Pennsylvania. Both David Bray- mer and his second wife are buried in the Braymer burying ground in the town of He- bron, Washington county, Xew York. He died February 23, 1814, aged eighty years; she died January 28, 1825, aged eighty-one years. (II) Jacob, son of David Braymer, was born Februarj' 8, 1779. He located in the town of Hebron, Washington county, Xew York, followed the trade of tanner in addition to farming, made shoes, and lived on the same farm until his death. Some traces of the old vats can be seen there today. As he pros- leered, he remodeled the buildings and built the brick house which still stands there. He- was married, January 7, 1802, at the old Blaks- lee homestead in Granville, Washington county. New York, by Phineas Hitchcock,, Esq., to Anna Blakslee, born 1782. died Jan- uary 25, 1857. He died March 2, 1855. Chil- dren : I. Sarah, born December 25, 1802, died February 10, 1881 ; married, September 12, 1824, Stephen McFadden, born in Sligo,. province of Connaught, Ireland, September 22, 1795, died May 8, 1870; children, born in Waterford, New York: i. Michael, born Au- gust 30, 1825. died April 17. 1904. married, December 23, 1858. Margaret A. McClellan, born April 11, 1833; children: (a) Stephen John, born September 21, 1859, married (first) December i, 1881, Mary Luella Tem- ple, no children; she died August 17, 1894; married (second) October 30, 1897, Harriet Crosier, born February 20, 1870; children: Jessie, born May 24, 1898, and Elsie Marga- ret. June 13. 1900: (b) Sarah Margaret, born- HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \-ALLEYS December 19, i860, married (first) Bert Holmes, no children; married (second) George Ely, no children; (c) James Henry, born April 18, 1862, married (first) February 17. 1890, Elizabeth A. Kieffe. born June 25, 1864, died August 14, 1908, married (second) September 7, 1908, Mrs. Chloe B. Lee, born .'September 22, 1867; children by first wife: Herman C. born January 27, 1892; Marion H., May 31, 1898; John Joseph, March 5, 1902; Elizabeth Ann. February 21, 1908: no 'Children by second wife; (d) Cornelius, born January 28, 1864, married Mary Beebe, no -children; (e) Mary Jane, born October 7, 1866, married Will O. Jones, no children; (f) infant son, born October 10, 1865 ; (g) Ja- son, born August 31, 1869, died December 13, 1869; (h) Emma C, born August 7, 1871, married Eugene Barden ; child, Azelda, born August 3, 1901. ii. Henry McFadden, born December 2, 1826, died January 11, 1905; married (first), December 25, 1850, Calista Rogers, born August 9, 1830, died February 25, 1872; married (second) Mrs. Ellen Paul, Ijorn April 3, 1843, was thrown out of a sleigh and killed January 14, 1900 ; children of first wife: (a) Charles Edward, born October 9, 185 1, married, November 25, 1875, Lenora Clough, born May 24, 1853, no children; (b) ]\Iary Esther, born July 16, 1853, died July 5, 1863; (c) Sarah Emily, born April 18, 1857, died July 4, 1863; both buried in one coffin; (d) Alice Emeroy, born January 29, 1859, married Charles Porter; (e) Benjamin Rog- ers, born May 17, 1862, died November 26, 1885, at Greenburg, Kansas; (f) Albert Henry, born April 15, 1867; (g) Florence, born January 9, 1872, married Frank Brom- ley, no children, iii. Edward McFadden, born August 18, 1828, died May 2, 1896, at Patoka, Illinois; married, June 13, 1865, Bridget Ken- nedy, ten children, iv. Jacob McFadden, born May 17, 1830, died November 18, 1903; mar- ried, September 27, 1863, Charlotte C. Whe- don, born April 19, 1842; children: (a) infant daughter, born April 19, 1866, died same day; (b) Fay, born April 9, 1870, married Grace G. Garfield at Waltham, Massachusetts ; child, Athena, born May i, 1900; (c) Mary Whe- don, born August 9, 1874, married, March 14, 1900, Eugene Hanscom ; he died at Pcnsacola, Florida, August 26, 1905, no children. 2. Dan- iel, see forward. 3. Henry, born January 11, 1809, died August 9, 1874; married Eliza Montgomery, born January 13, 1816, died No- vember 7, 1893; children: i. Sarah E., born July 13, 1835, died August 16, 1835; ii. James F., born April 29, 1837, married, December 19, i860, Susan W'elch, born June 8, 1841 ; children: (a) I^rank II.. horn Sejitember 22, 1861, married, June 5, 1889, Jennie A. Goss, of North Granville, Washington county. New York ; children : Clarence J., born July 5. 1893, and Marion B., September 24, 1898; (b) Jen- nie E., born February i, 1867, married, De- cember 25, 1883, Henry C. Hitt, born at Ru- pert, Bennington county, Vermont ; children : Lulu E., born April 26, 1886, and James H., August 24, 1891 ; iii. Ann, born May 19, 1839, married (first) Merritt Phelps, of East Ru- pert : child : Albert, born December 25, 1862, married Nettie Garfield, children: Guy and Roy; Ann married (second) Stur- devant : no children. 4. Frederick Augustus, born April 2, 1814; married (first) — Flowers; no children; married (second) Cor- delia Blakslee, who died October 25, 1846. aged eighteen years ; child, Cornelia ; married (third) February 11, 1847, Louisa A. Wait, born in 1818, died February 10, 1891 : chil- dren : (a) Frederick Augustus, born February 16, 1848, married; (b) Marron Wait, born November 18, 1850, died September 10, 1S68; (c) Albert Ernest, born February 16, 1852, married Crosby. (HI) Daniel, son of Jacob Braymer, was born at Hebron, Washington county. New York, October 26, 1806, died May 20, 1890. He passed his early life on his father's farm and during that time received his education at the district schools. He was a farmer all his life, owning about nine hundred acres of land in one body. He married, January 2, 1834, Lucina Woodard, born July 17, 18 14, died May 6, 1900. Children: i. Jennette, born September 17, 1834, died December 19, 1857. 2. Jacob, born February 6, 1836, died July 17, 1903; married. December i, 1857, Charlotte Dibble, born August 24, 1835, died October I, 1892: children: i. Jennette, born November 9, 1858, died February 16, 1888; married Dan- iel Sherman, born March 11, 1854, died , children: (a) Milton J., born July 6, 1880, married Rose Gannon Vans Worth, .April 20, 1908; (b) Stanley B., born Octo- ber II. 1881, married Adelaide ; child, .Stanley Braymer Sherman, Jr., born 1909. ii. Mary, born October i, i860, mar- ried, June 3, 1892, Daniel Sherman, who mar- ried (first) her sister Jennette; child, Fred, born June 24, 1893. iii. Eli Daniel, born Feb- ruary 8, 1874, married. June 12, 1894, Nettie Rafter, born March 11, 1876; children: Er- nest, born May 29, 1895, and Gladys Mae, Au- gust 15, 1907. iv. Richard Jacob, born January 15, 1879. 3. Alfred, born February 25, 1837, married, November 5, 1859, Antoinette Nel- .son ; children : i. Anna Lenora, born June 28, 1861, married. March 21, 1889. Frank Peets, born June 12, 1859; child, Howard: ii. .Albert, HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \\\LLEYS 1713 born September 5, 1863, married Mae Diirfee ; iii. Charles, born February 16, 1867; iv. Har- lev. born October 31, 1869: married, Septem- ber 2. 1891, Euphemia Temple, born February 23. 1872; children: (a) Albert, born August II, 1892; (b) Mary Louisa. April 23, 1894: (c) Alfred, June 28. 1896; (d) Doris Euphe- mia. October 7, 1897; v. Daniel, born January II. 1873, married, November 21, 1894, Myrtle Lincoln, born August 20, 1873; children: (a) ^lary Antoinette, born November 4, 1895 ; (b) Anna Lenora, September 16, 1897: (c) Charles Howard, March 11, 1900; (d) Law- rence Daniel, May 8, 1902: (e) Iren Myrtle, September 4. 1904: (f) Ray Bernice, April 19. 1907. 4. Daniel, born March 17. 1844. in Hebron, New York : he went to Kansas when about twenty-two years of age and en- gaged in the manufacturing of brick for one year : he then went to Caldwell county, Mis- souri, about fifty miles from Kansas City, and purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land and engaged in farming and cattle raising; he continued jjurchasing land until he owned sixteen hundred acres in one body. He started a town on the Chicago. Mil- waukee & St. Paul railroad, between Kansas City and Chicago, which bears his name, and which now has a population of two thousand. He was president of the Braymer Bank for a number of years, and holds a large amount of interest in the town at present. He was interested in the cattle-ranch business with his brother-in-law, Richard Durham, for ten years, when they sold out and Daniel Braymer engaged in the sheep ranch business in Idaho, which he sold out, and now owns about twenty thousand acres of land in different states in the L'nion. He is a iNIethodist in religion, a Republican in politics, a IMason of the thirty- second degree, a man respected and liked by all that know him. He married, December 30, 1869. Nancy Ann Woodard, born in Hebron, New York, December 5, 1840. Children: i. George \'ilroy, born January 27. 1871, mar- ried (first) December 21, 1892, Stella Electa Feese, born January 31. 1872, died February 7, 1897: child, Pauline, born November 4, 1894: married (second) October 12, 1898, Alice Gallagher Morris, born June 11, 1873; children: (a) Daniel Richard, born July 6. 1899; (b) George X'ilroy. Jr.. December 15, 1906: (c) Mildred, December 20, 1907; ii. Stella, born December 8, 1872 ; iii. Frank Woodard, born June 4, 1875, <^l'ed January 16, 1890; iv. -Vnna Lucina, born November 30, 1879, married, December 17, 1905, Cardinal Boone W'oolsey. M. D.. born January 4, 1881 ; no children. 5. Rosalinda, born June 3, 1846, in Hebron, New York, married, March 12, 1868, Richard Durham, born May 6, 1838, died December 9. 1901 (see Durham) ; no children. 6. George Winfield. see forward. (I\') George Winfield, son of Daniel Bray- mer, was born in Hebron, New York. March 13. 1861. He was educated in the public schools of his town, completing his studies at the high school at West Pawlet. \ermont. He began his business career early, carrying on the home farm from the age of seventeen. In 1892-93 he added to this two other farms in the town of Granville, besides being owner of four hundred acres of land in Missouri, which he purchased later. At the settlement of his father's estate he purchased the home- stead farm on which he was born. He con- ducts his business operations with judgment, and is one of the prosperous and influential men of the town. He is a member of the Bap- tist church, and a Republican in politics. Mr. Braymer is a member of Granville Lodge, No. 55. Free and Accepted Masons, and Gran- ville Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. He mar- ried, February 13. 1883. Jennie Cordelia Smith, born in Hebron, February 29, 1864. daughter of Harvey and Olivia Cordelia (White) Smith. Children: i. Daniel Har- vey, born November 29. 1883. married. De- cember 26, 1908, Elizabfeth Case Temple, daughter of Abraham Temple, born May 10, 1885: child, Daniel Temple, horn October 31, 1910: 2. Clara Vivian, born March 21, 1885. 3. Lucina Woodard, born December 2, 1889. 4. George Winfield, Jr.. born March 12, 1896. The Durham ancestors came DURHAM from England to America. Uzziel Durham, the first mem- ber of the family of whom we have informa- tion, died March 18, 1828, aged eighty-eight years His wife, Mary Durham, died April 16, 1806. Among their children was a son Joseph, see forward. (II) Joseph, son of Uzziel and Mary Dur- ham, was born May 23, 1770, died April 6, 1850. He married Mary Durfee. born July 2, 1780, died June 6, 1858. Children: Ann, born March 14, 1800: Stephen, .-Xugust 8, 1801 : Benjamin, February 25, 1803; Julia, April 8, 1807 ; Durfee, see forward ; Anson, March 24. 1820. (III) Durfee, son of Joseph and Mary (Durfee) Durham, was born February 28, 1810, in Easton, Washington county, New York, died April 24, 1889. He married, Jan- uary 30. 1837, Anna .\nn Hall, born in Eas- ton, New York, died September 14, 1900. Children, the first eight born in Easton and the two youngest in Hebron : Richard, May 6, 1838: Joseph, December 8, 1839; Dialoan, Oc- I7I4 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALL.EYS tober 14, 1841 ; Stephen, April 20, 1843 ; Mary, May 31. 1845; Albert L., November i, 1847; Anna Eliza, December 11, 1849; Lois Amelia, March 14, 1852; Emily, June 24, 1854; George. November 24, 1856. Rufus Hall, grandfather of Anna Ann (Hall) Durham, was born in Exeter, Rhode Island, June 19, 1747, son of Samuel and Dinah Hall, who were members of the So- ciety of Friends. He appeared in the public ministry' in the twenty-sixth year of his age ; in 1775 he removed to Easton, New York, and in 1804 removed to Northampton, where he died May 26, 1818, aged seventy years. He married Anna Hoxie, and they were the par- ents of Richard Hall, father of Anna Ann (Hall) Durham. Richard Hall was born No- vember 19, 1783 : married (first) Europa ■ — , born October 22, 1788; married (sec- ond) Rebecca ; children of first wife: Hiram, born May 6, 181 1; Susanna, Janu- ary I, 1813; Anna Ann, April 2, i8i5;/Eme- line. June 27, 1817; Lois, March 14, 1819; children of second wife: Eunice, born July 19, 1825 ; Isaac, July 5, 1827 ; Mary Antoinette, March 5, 1831 ; Rufus, August 24, 1832. (IV) Richard, son of Durfee and Anna Ann (Hall) Durham, was born May 6. 1838, at Easton, Washington county. New York, died December 9, 1901. He enlisted in Com- pany A, One Hundred and Twenty-third Reg- iment, New York State Volunteers, from Greenwich and Easton. This regiment was enlisted in Washington county, New York, in August, 1862, mustered into the United States service. September 4, 1862, joined the Army of the Potomac. It was engaged in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg in May and July, 1863: was transferred to the Army of the Cumberland, was engaged in the campaign of the Carolinas, and mustered out at Washington, D. C, at tlic close of the war, June 8, 1865. Its first camping ground was Capitol Hill, Washington, where it re- mained until .September 17, drilling, equipping and performing camp guard duty : it next went to Arlington Heights, where it drilled until September 29. and from there pitched camp in Pleasant Valley. Here the regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade (Briga- dier-General Thomas C. Kane), First Divi- sion (Brigadier-General A. S. Williams), Twelfth Corps (Major-General H. W. Slo- cum). The regiment went into camp in Lou- don Valley during the months of November and December, 1862, and was thoroughly drilled : on January 24. 1863, the regiment went into camp at Stafiford Court House to remain fur the winter. On the morning of April 27, 1863, orders came to ])ack up and move on the thirtieth; it struck the Freder- icksburg plank road, and here was ordered to silence a battery worked by rebel cavalrymen, which they did — this was the first time the boys had been under fire. It was the begin- ning of the Chancellorsville battle. On May 3, 1863, the battle commenced and raged with great fury for more than four long hours, and finally ended in repulse (although the boys fought like Spartans) and were ordered back behind their breastworks, where many of their brave comrades lay dead and many were wounded : this ended the battle, with one hun- dred and thirty-five killed, wounded and miss- ing. The following is an account of the battle of Gettysburg: July i, 1863, the regiment struck the road leading to Gettysburg; news came from the front that our forces were en- gaging the rebels near Gettysburg, near Span- gle Springs ; they threw up breastworks, mak- ing works that would stand a shell ; on July 3, at I o'clock p. m.. the enemy opened fire with one hundred and fifty guns on the center and left, the position of General Hancock's corps ; the Union batteries, equal in number and calibre, replied promptly, and for the fol- lowing two hours the earth shook and trem- bled under the feet of the two armies with the terrible concussion ; the air was filled with iron missiles ; forest trees were riven and torn and splintered as if struck by lightning; shells fell thick and fast around the regiment, three hundred pieces of artillery were in action, and such a terrific roar was never heard before and probably never will be heard again. .'\n- other sharp fight occurred later in the after- ncxjn, driving the rebels back with great slaughter; this ended the terrible Gettysburg battles. On July 4th large details were made to bury the dead, and this duty occupied the entire day. The corps to which the regiment belonged buried that day fifteen hundred dead rebels ; the dead lay in every imaginable shape. On Cemetery Hill and in the National Ceme- tery now sleep the brave boys who fell at Get- tysburg; here repose the precious oft'erings laid upon the altar of the country by the loyal states ; there they lie, those of the rank and file, "Unknown" ! "Unknown" ! the only epi- taph of hundreds. Eight hundred and sixty- seven dead .sons was the sacrifice which New York gave at this battle ; the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment lost twelve in killed and wounded. New York furnished four hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty men to repress the rebellion ; ninety-two separate commands were engaged in this battle. Richard Durham, as corporal, jiarticipated HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 171S in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863 ; battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. He was also engaged under General Sherman in Geor- gia as follows : Battle of Resaca, Georgia, May 15, 1864, with eight men killed and wounded; battle of Cassvillc, May 19. 1864, the regi- ment gaining this battle without loss of life and took possession of Cassville, the enemy falling back : battle of Dallas, or New Hope Church, May 25, 1864, killed and wounded in this division nine hundred and fifty men ; bat- tle of Gulp's Farm, June 22, 1864, in this fight the regiment losing forty-eight men killed and wounded and missing, while only eighty-three men were lost in the entire brigade ; after the battle the boys buried their comrades, burying them in their army blue where they fell fight- ing the foe. The boys were thoroughly ex- hausted by the incessant marching, exposure and privation of a fifty-nine days campaign. Corporal Richard Durham was taken prisoner at the latter-named battle, was confined in An- dersonville prison, and was prisoner of war until close of hostilities, June 8, 1865. He made several attempts to escape, but was each time recaptured ; on his way to prison he jumped from a moving train, shots were fired after him, missing their mark ; he ran to the woods, bloodhounds were put on his track, which chased him up a tree, and at the point of bayonets he surrendered ; he escaped again, living on berries and persimmons for four days, at the expiration of which time nature gave out ; he then went to a southern home for food and gave himself up. Another time he managed to secure a rebel suit, and went into their camp, but when roll call came was unable to give a rebel name and was arrested for a spy and sentenced to be shot, when a hasty call came for more men, and for some reason, which he never learned, his life was spared and he was made a prisoner again. He made two other unsuccessful attempts, after which he concluded it was impossible to reach the L^nion army. Andersonville Prison, Georgia, was one of the worst during the civil war. A brute named W'irz. the keeper, will go down in his- tory for his inhumanity to the men ; he placed the slop houses over the little stream of water running through the stockade, polluting the water used for all purposes. While Corpo- ral Durham was confined there, after a hard shower one night, a pure flow of water burst forth from a rise of ground within the stock- ade : the prisoners named it "the Providential Spring." and spoke of it with great reverence. Who will say this was not the work of a kind heavenly Father to place pure water within reach of the famishing prisoners, making it impossible for the cruel Wirz to pollute; it was still flowing at the close of the war. In this prison pen many of our noble boys were laid to rest through exposure, starvation and the dread disease, scurvy, with the added bru- talities of Captain Wirz. the Swiss keeper, who showed a fiendish delight in adding to the tortures of those committed to his care, and who richly merited being tried and sen- tenced to the hanging which he suflfered. No- vember 10, 1865. He was the only person ex- ecuted for the part he took in the war. At the close of the war, Corporal Richard Durham returned to his father's home in North Hebron, Washington county. New York, and remained there until March 12, 1868, the date of his marriage to Rosalinda, daughter of Daniel and Lucina (Woodard) Braymer. The following eleven years he en- gaged in farming in Hebron, New York, then removed to Salem, Washington county, where he engaged in the feed business for three years. He then went west and entered into partnership with Daniel Braymer, his brother- in-law, in the ranch and cattle business in New Mexico, continuing for ten years. He then returned to Hebron, New York, and engaged in the general grocery business in Granville, continuing for seven years. He was a man o'f sterling worth, honorable and upright in all his dealings, charitable and kind hearted, giving liberally to all good works. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Gran- ville, and was a Republican in politics. He served as captain on the round-ups in New Mexico, and as assessor and supervi.sor for two terms in the town of Hebron. He was a member of the Free and Accepted Masons. The widow of Corporal Durham resides in Granville. The name of Eldredge. or, ELDREDGE as it was originally written, Eldred, is of Saxon origin. The name dates to the very earliest Saxon days in England. John Eldred, of Great Sax- ham, in Suffolk, England, was born in 1552 and died in 1632. He was one of the found- ers of Virginia, and from 1609 to 1624 was a member of his Majesty's Council for the Virginia Company of London. The brass tab- let to "John Eldred, the Navigator," at Great Saxham, England, has the arms of the East India Merchants, the Levant or Turkey Mer- chants, and the Russia Merchants Companies. He left four sons and two daughters. The Pilgrims who came to America in the "May- flower" in 1620 obtained a patent from the London Company, and through contrary winds were landed at Cape Cod instead of in Mr- lyie HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ginia, as tliey intended. As John Eldred was for fifteen years a director of the Virginia Company of London, it is likely that the El- dreds who appeared in New England between the years 1635 and 1645 were in some way connected with him. The name was early spelled Eldred, Eldredg and Eldridge, and later Eldredge, some branches using Eldridge. (I) The family appeared in the Mohawk Valley about the years 1780- 1790, the first set- tler being Barnabas Eldredge, who settled in Schoharie county. He reached his destina- tion with a cash capital of ten dollars, en- gaged in farming and other business enter- prises, and at his death possessed an estate of one thousand acres in Schoharie county, besides property in Ohio. He was the lead- ing financier of his town and had the privi- lege granted him of issuing his own script or money. He married Doshia Wadsworth, and had Nancey, Robert, David, Adna, Franklin, Seth, Charles, Leray, Sally and Clinton. Do- shia died ]\Iay 30, 1831. Barnabas then mar- ried Sarah Peck, who died April 25, 1873. (H) Clinton, son of Barnabas Eldredge, was born in Schoharie county. New York, in 1812, died 1897. He was a prosperous farmer of the county, his farm lying in the town of Sharon. He married Catherine, born August, 1812, died May, 1900, daughter of Andrew Moyer. Children, all born in Schoharie county: i. Seward, married Eliza Best; chil- dren : i. Orin, married Estella Ward, and had Seward and Joseph, ii. Lena, married Duane Snyder, resides at Sharon Springs, and has a large family. 2. Wadsworth. married Cath- erine Eckler ; children : Myron, Beardsley, Ella and Bertha. 3. Sarah, married Thomas S. Powell: children: J. Sands, Thomas, Anna and Bessie. 4. James P., married Louise Al- ger, and had a large family. 5. Odillon B., married Mary Ough ; children: Ford, Harry and Ethal. 6. Henry, died in infancy. 7. Harry Moyer, of further mention. 8. An- drew, died at the age of thirty-six years. 9. Grace G., married Henry Skinner, and has Bertha. (HI) Henry Moyer. son of Clinton and Catherine ( Moyer ) Eldredge, was born in Leesville, Schoharie county. New York, March 27, 185 1. He was educated in the pub- lic schools and under private instruction. He decided upon a profession, and choosing law, entered the law office of Alonzo B. Coons, at Sharon Springs. April, 1876, where he made thorough preparation. He taught in the pub- lic schools of Montgomery county during his years of legal preparation, and in 1877 was elected justice of the peace of the town of Sharon. He was admitted to the bar Septem- ber 5, 1879. He practiced for one year in Sharon Springs, then in March, 1880, removed to Fort Plain, Montgomery county. New York, where he has passed thirty busy, event- ful years in the practice of his profession, in official life and as general man of business. For several years he was corporation attorney for the villages of Williston and Fort Plain, and successfully defended every case brought against them both in the lower court and on appeal to the appellate division. Two of these suits against the village of Fort Plain were for large amounts. They were decided in favor of the village, but appeals were taken. Mr. Eldredge argued the cases before the ap- pellate division of the Supreme Court, which sustained the decision of the lower court. Numberless instances could be cited of im- portant cases in which he has figured as the successful chief or assistant counsel. He is a capable, skillful lawyer, a trusted and effi- cient public official, and in business most ener- getic and successful. His generosity is pro- verbial and unostentatious. For eight years he was clerk of the board of supervisors of Montgomery county, for sixteen years justice of the peace ; director of the Farmers and Me- chanics Bank : director of the Empire State Metal Wheel Company ; treasurer of the school board, and interested in other activi- ties of his village and county. In 1906 he was the candidate of his party for county judge, but failed of an election. He is a Methodist in religious faith. He is a member of Fort Plain Lodge, No. 433, Free and .'Xccepted Ma- sons, and of the Knights of Pythias. In poli- tics he is a Democrat. He married, Septem- ber 29. 1880, Ida C. Dunkle, daughter of Aaron and Irena (Hess) Dunkle, whose chil- dren are: i. Mary, married George W. Spra- ker. 2. Adam, married Elizabeth Eldredge. 3. Saline, married George H. Eldredge. 4. Ida C, married Henry M. Eldredge. 5. Mar- garet, married Edward Copley. 6. Lewis A., married Florence Giesler. The Cottrells of Greenwich, COTTRELL Washington county, New York, descend from Nicho- las Cottrell, of Westerly, Rhode Island, wdio was an inhabitant there in 1638. and in 1670 a deputy. There is no record of his birth, death or marriage, but there are records of four chil- dren — Nicholas (2), Gershom, John and Ja- besh. Nicholas (2) died 1716; was constable i688, deputy 1696; admitted to Stonington church, July 24. 1709. In 171 1 was concerned with thirty-three others in the purchase of fifty-three hundred acres of vacant land in Narragansett. I le married Dorothy, died HUDSON AND .MOHAWK XALLIiYS 1717 1747, daughter of James and Hannah (Good- enow) Pendelton, and had five children, in- cluding sons Nicholas (2), Nathaniel and Samuel. Gershom, the second son of Nicho- las (2), died 171 1. He was of Westerly and Kingston. Rhode Island. He married Bethea . died 171 1. They had ten children, in- cluding sons Gershom and Stephen. John, the third son, died 1721 ; was of Kingston. Rhode Lsland; he married Elizabeth, and had four children, including a son Samuel, born 1687. Jabesh. the fourth son, was of Pea- body, Rhode Island; he married Ann, daugh- ter of John Peabody ; no issue recorded. It is" from this family that Nathan Cottrell, the Washington county pioneer, came. There is an interval between the second and the sixth generations that cannot be supplied, but the proofs are strong as to his descent. His mar- riage to Mary TefTt, a daughter or relative of Judge Nathan Tefift, who came from the same state, Rhode Island, shows family ac- quaintance in their New England home. < \T ) Nathan Cottrell was born in West- erly or Kingston, Rhode Island, April 11, 1755, died August 8. 1842. He settled in Washington county, New York, prior to 1786. He was a prosperous farmer for his day, and was one of the pioneers who faced the dan- gers and privations attending the early settle- ment of that wild and heavily timbered region. He married, January 20. 1786, in Washington county, Mary Teflft, born May 2, 1758, died July I, 1837. Children: i. John, born De- cember 8, 1786, died April 5. 1791. 2. Thomas, born September 20, 1788, died April 16, 1864: was justice of the peace in 1832; married Mary Crandall. 3. Adam, born May 14. 1790, died October 2, 1791. 4. John, of whom further. 5. Adam, born July 26, 1793, died August 22, 1796. 6. Perlina. 7. Mary, born August 2, 1796, died October i, 1797. 8. Adam, born April 30. 1798, died November 25. 1877. 9. Mary, born October 28, 1800, died June 5. 1876. (\'II) John, son of Nathan and Mary (Tefift) Cottrell, was horn November 7, 1791, died May 19, 1851, in Washington county. New York. He grew up a farmer and always followed that occupation. He was a member of the Baptist church. He mar- ried. June 16, 1816, Betsey Dwelle, born April 27, 1798, daughter of Abner and Miriam (Martin) Dwelle. Children: i. James Har- vey, born September 23, 1817, died July 12, 1843. 2. Horace, born November 27, 1820, died August 15. 1867. 3. John Horton, of whom further. 4. Charles Henry, born Sep- tember 21. 1828. died August 4, 1873; mar- ried (first). December 28, 1854, Wright, (second) Helen Burdick. 5. Mary Elizabeth, born March 25, 1835. died May 3, 1861 ; married. February 22, 1858, William Mowry. (VHI) John Horton, son of John and Bet- sey (Dweile) Cottrell, was born January 6, 1823, on the homestead farm in Washington county, and in the house erected by his father in 18 1 6. He was reared a farmer, and spent a life devoted to agricultural and kindred pur- suits. He married, T'ebruary 22, 1870, Mar- tha L., daughter of Josephus and Lucy (Pa- len) Martin. Children: i. Mary, married Frank L. Fisher. 2. Lucy Martin, married Dr. Clayton E. Shaw ; child, Clayton E. 3. Horace, of whom further. (IX) Horace, son of John Horton and Mar- tha L. Cottrell, was born on the old home- stead in Greenwich. New York, June 3, 1877. He was educated in the public schools, pre- pared for and later entered Williams College, where he was graduated in the class of 1899. He began his business career in a bank at Hoosick Falls, New York, later returned to Greenwich, where he became cashier of the First National Bank, being at the time of his appointment the youngest cashier in the state. He is also a director of the bank. He is a member of the Bottskill Baptist church of Greenwich, and a supporter of the Repub- lican party. He married, September 20. 1899, Jane Elizabeth Warren, born August 18, 1877, daughter of William Russell anci Jane Eliza- beth (Smith) Warren. Child: Gundrieda, born (Dctober 11, 1900. (The Warren Line). Sellick Warren, son of James, was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer county, New York. After his marriage he removed to Mentor, Ohio, where he purchased a farm on which he resided until his death. The adjoining farm was that of the Garfield, whose son James A. was afterward president of the United States. He married Mary V^an Am- berg Yates, daughter of "Squire" Yates, of Pittstown. Children: i. Frances Mary, mar- ried John T. Tweddle. 2. Jane, married Ad- dison Goodell ; children : Frances, married William Strong ; Warren, married Lucy Wendland, and had Helen E., Addison. War- ren S. and Philips; Nathan Phillips, married Eleanor Gray, and had Martha Jane and Frances Warren ; Bertha, married Dr. Mor- timer Keegan, and had Elizabeth Jane. 3. Sellick, married Emily Huestis ; children : Huestis S., married Margaret, and had Imo- gene and Sellick; Marshall, married Harriet Lakin, and had Mary Emily and Frances; I'Vancis Perry, married Nellie Newman, and I7i8 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS has a son Perry. 4. William Russell, of whom further. William Russell, son of Sellick and Mary Van Amberg (Yates) Warren, was born in Mentor, Ohio, about 1843, died May 31, 1907. He was educated in the town of his birth, and for many years resided in Mulvane, Kansas, where he owned a private bank. He mar- ried, in 1869, Jane Elizabeth Smith, born 1850, died 1890, daughter of James and Hulda (Waddell) Smith. Children: i. Rich- ard, born February 18, 1872, married Laura Yarnell; children: Richard and Russell. 2. John Tweddle, born December 26, 1875, mar- ried Agnes Crawford, and has a son Russell. 3. Jane Elizabeth, married Horace Cottrell. 4. Helen, born January 11, 1883, married Jud- son Watts, and has children Judson and Perry. (The Tefft Line). (I) John Tefft, the immigrant ancestor, set- tled in Portsmouth, King's Town, Rhode Island, where he became a freeman in 1655. In 1648 William Tefft, of Boston, died, and in his will gave to the eldest child of his brother Tefft "least steer Calf." William may have been a brother of John. John Tefft is next mentioned in 1662, November 22, when he and his wife Mary sold seven acres of land to Robert Shink, of Newport. May, 167 1, his name is recorded as an inhabitant of Pettaquamscott. His will was dated No- vember 30, 1674, and mentioned his son-in- law, Samuel Wilson ; wife Mary ; sons Samuel and Joshua, and daughter Tabitha. On Janu- ary 26, 1676, his death is mentioned in a let- ter from Captain James Oliver (written at the house of Richard Smith in Narragansett). Captain Oliver says first, that Joshua Tefft had married a Wamponag squaw, then that he had shot twenty times at the English in the Narragansett fight, and was captured and executed at Providence, and declares that he was "a sad wretch, he never heard a sermon but once these fourteen years. His father, going to recall him, lost his head and lies un- buried (i(')76)." On November 19 the widow signed in satisfaction of her thirds, her sig- nature being witnessed by Tabitha Gardiner. She died in 1679. Children: Daughter, mar- ried Samuel Wil-son ; Samuel, born 1644, men- tioned below; Joshua, died January 18, 1676, executed by the English; Tabitha, born 1653, died 1722. (II) Samuel, son of John Tefft, was born in 1644, and died in 1725. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Joseph and Esther (Pjal- lard) Jencks. She was born in 1652, and died 1740. In 1677 he was admitted a freeman {Providence). On May 12, 1679, he was fined twenty shillings for not attending jury, but March 12, 1680, his fine was remitted by the assembly, as he had had no warning by the general sergeant. September 6, 1687, he was an inhabitant of King's Town, and was taxed there. On June 28, 1709, )ie and twenty-six others bought the tract of land called Swamp- town, part of the vacant lands of Narragan- sett. On March 20, 1721, he called his age about seventy-seven years, and October 29, 1722, his wife Elizabeth called her age seventy years, though other evidence makes her not quite so old. His will, dated March 16, 1725, proved December 20, 1725, mentions his wife Elizabeth, sons John, Samuel and Joseph, daughters Elizabeth Carpenter, Esther Mum- ford, Mary Newton, Susanna Crandall and Mercy Tefft; also children of Sarah Witter, deceased. The inventory was 1,010 pounds, 3 shillings, 8 pence. His wife's will was dated July 4, 1733, and proved May 12, 1740. Chil- dren : John, mentioned below ; Samuel, died 1760; Peter, died 1725; Sarah, married Eben- ezer Witter; Elizabeth, died 1750; Esther, died 1726; Mary, married Newton; Tabitha, unmarried ; Mercy, unmarried ; Su- sanna, married Peter Crandall. (III) John (2), son of Samuel Tefft, died in 1762. He married Joanna, daughter of Jonathan and Mehitable (Holbrook) Sprague. He lived in South Kings Town, Rhode Island. On June 28, 1709. he was among those en- gaged in Shannock purchase. His will, dated January 5, 1754, codicil December 22, 1757, proved January 21, 1768, mentions his wife Joanna, sons John, Joseph, Samuel, James and Nathan, daughters Mary Barber, Mercy Rogers, Mehitable Rogers, Tabitha Tefft and Sarah Brown, and six grandchildren. The codicil mentioned the decease of his wife in 1757, and gave the 600 pounds formerly left to her, to the five daughters. The inventory was 6,148 pounds, 16 sliillings, 5 pence. Chil- dren : John, born December 4, 1699 ; Joanna, 1701 : Joseph, January 8, 1710; Samuel, mar- ried October 7, 1827; James, born April 21, 1715 ; Nathan, March 14, 1717, mentioned be- low ; Mary, married, January 11, 1729, Ben- jamin Barber; Mercy, married Rev. James Rogers ; Mehitable, married Captain John Rogers ; Tabitha, married James ; Sarah, married, March i, 1744, Hezekiah Brown, (second) Cottrell; Elizabeth, married Skellie. (IV) Judge Nathan Tefft, son of John (2) Tefft, was born in South Kings Town, Rhode Island, March 14. 1717. He moved from Rhode Island to Albany in 1766, and from there to Washington county. New York, trav- eling on horseback. He passed through track- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1719 less forests, being guided by marks cut on the trees, passing through Petersburg Valley as far as Cambridge, and from there across to A\'ashington county. His son Stanton, a sur- veyor, accompanied him and laid out the tract of land now embracing the Rogers', Colla- mer's, Richardson's, Parker's, Babcock's, and Tcfft's farms. One year later Nathan brought his family to Galesville, New York, and built there a sawmill, the first one on the Batten Kill. In 1763 and 1764 he was justice of the -court of common pleas for Kings county. He •was lieutenant of the Third Company militia, Colonel Pendleton's regiment, in 1750 and 1753 : he was captain in 1753 and 1754. Judge Natlian Tefift married (first) September 16, 1742, Isabel Stanton, born August 13, 1716, died 1777. He married (second) E. Dareis (Dorcas) Sheldon, who survived him but a short time. ?Ie died April 3, 1782 or 1789. Children: Stanton, born July 9, 1744, died 181 1, married Mehitable Rogers; Isabel, born March 14, 1745-46, married Caleb Tefift ; Mer- cy, born December 14, 1749, married James Rogers : Nathan, born August 28, 1752 ; died September 18, 1828; John, born March 3, 1756: j\Iary, bom May 2, 1758, married Na- than Cottrell (see Cottrell) ; Sarah, born Au- gust 14, 1762, married Asa Crandall. Three generations of Al- IMacDONALD exander MacDonalds have resided in Glengarry boun- ty, Canada. The family is of Scotch ancestry. (I ) Alexander ]MacDonald was a farmer of Glengarry county, Canada. He married Mar- jorie Kennedy, and had issue. (ID Alexander (2), son of Alexander (i) and Marjorie (Kennedy) MacDonald, was born in Glengarry county, Canada, 1840, died 1872. He was first lieutenant in the Ninety- seventh New York Volunteers during civil war, and after he was in lumber business at Ray City, Michigan. He married Caroline Alexander, born 1844, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Clark) Alexander. Children: William Alexander; Wallace Roderick Joseph, died in infancy. (Ill) William Alexander, son of Alex- ander (2) and Caroline (Alexander) Mac- Donald, was born in the town of Floyd, Oneida county. New York, February 25, 1868. He came to Gloversville in 1873. He graduated from the Gloversville high school in 1886, and the following year entered Union College, whence he was graduated, class of 1891, with the degree of A. B. Later the degree of A. M. was awarded him. He was admitted to the bar September 14, 1893, and •in that year established law offices in Glovers- ville, where he continues in the general prac- tice of his profession. He is a member of the state, county and city bar associations, and has served as corporation counsel of the city of Gloversville from 1902 to 1909. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Glov- ersville Free Library. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a trustee. He is a Free Mason, affiliated with Glovers- ville Lodge, No. 429, Free and Accepted Ma- sons ; Johnstown Chapter, No, 78, Royal Arch Masons; Holy Cross Commandery, No. 51, Knights Templar. He married, September 4, 1894, Minnie E, Baird, born October, 1868, daughter of Stephen and Ann (McAllister) Baird. Children: iMarjorie Baird, born April II, 1904; Marion Alexander, October 30, 1908. This branch of the Miller fam- MILLER ily of Albany traces through four generations direct to the Fatherland. The name was anglicized in the first generation and has always since been spelled Miller, although the German family, who are numerous in Hanau, are Muellers and Muhlers. (I) Christian Miller, founder of this branch, came to New York City when a lad of twelve years. He was born in Hanau, Ger- many, and died in Albany, New York. He settled in New York City on coming to this country, and served an apprenticeship with William Smith, a grocer, who so thoroughly taught him the business that in a few years he was capable of conducting a store of I'lis own. He located in Albany, where he conducted a general store on the same plot of ground now occupied by John Keeler's State Street Res- taurant. This property which he purchased remained in the family until a few years ago, passing out of their control in 1906. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed Church of Albany, and a man of good standing in the city. He married. (II) William C, son of Christian IMiller, was born in Albany, New York, where his life was passed. He died in Albany. He married (first) a Van Schaick. (HI) Ernest John, son of William C. Mil- ler, was born in Albany, New York, and died in that city in 1896. He was educated at Al- bany Boys' Academy and graduated from Rut- gers College, New Brunswick, New Jersey. He chose law, and fitted for that profession at the Albany Law School. He practiced in Albany for several years, then abandoned his profession for the sake of engaging in manu- facturing as vice-president and treasurer of the Albany Card and Paper Company. He HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS was a member of the Dutch Reformed Church and a Repubhcan in politics. He married Jes- sie, daughter of Dr. Peter MacNaughton, of Albany, for over half a century a leading citi- zen and physician of that city. Children: i. William C, of New York City, now connected with the Edison Electric Company as engi- neer to the controller ; he married Virginia Temple. 2. Jane Guest, died August 4, 1888. 3. Ernest Livingston, a retail coal dealer of Albany, married Edith, daughter of Edward Easton, Sr. 4. MacNaughton, of further mention. (IV) MacNaughton Miller, youngest son of Ernest John and Jessie (MacNaughton) Miller, was born in Albany, New York, April 19. ^^73- He was educated at the Albany Academy, and began his business career as a messenger in the Commercial Bank of Al- bany, rising through successive promotions to the position of individual bookkeeper. In 1902 he became assistant cashier of the Park Bank, holding that position until the Park be- came merged with the Union Trust Company. He was elected assistant treasurer of the lat- ter institution, advanced to the position of sec- retary, and is now (1911) secretary and treas- urer. He is a deacon of the Dutch Reformed Church, and a Republican in politics. He is a member of the Albany Academy Alumni Association, and the Fort Orange and Rac- quet clubs of Albany. For seven years Mr. Miller served in the Third Signal Corps, New York National Guard, ranking as first ser- geant. He married, June 20, 1899, Caroline Baxter Cobb, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, daughter of Rev. Sanford H. Cobb, a minis- ter of the Dutch Reformed Church. Child, Ernest John Miller (2), born July 21, 1906. The family name of Cuyler is CUYLER believed to have been derived from the German word " Kel- ler" — a wild boar of the forest — and would therefore signify a powerful man. "Keiler" is also spelled "Keuler," and both of these words have exactly the same sound as the Dutch "Cuyler."' Had the name been adop- ted in what is understood as modern times, then it would corresjrand to the form "Kui- ler" or "Kuilder," meaning a man who fishes with a "kuil." which is a bag-.shaped fishnet, and the family name would accordingly sig- nify one who was a fi.sherman when the name was originally applied. The Dutch word "Kuyl" signifies a pit or hole, and it is not so consistent to state that "Kuyler" meant one who digs a hole, or is a delver. or to follow the analogy by employing other synonymous terms. The Cuyler arms, modified and bv some considered more attractive than the earliest form known, both in design and coloring, and which has been in common use in America for probably a century or more, is described as follows : Shield : Per pale, embattled gules and azure, an arrow in bend, or, barbed and flighted, argent, point upwards. Crest: On a mural crown proper, a battleaxe erect, sur- mounted by two arrows in saltire, or. flighted argent, points downwards. Motto: (Dutch) Ik vertrouw op God, niet op pijlen; (Latin) Deo non sagittis fido ; (English) I trust in God, not in arrows. When printing the mot- to in capital letters in Dutch, the word "pij- len" would be spelled "pylen," with the two small marks above the letter "y," a form not always accessible in printing books, conse- quently the equivalent "i j" is employed. At tention is here called to the fact that "God" is the Dutch word for "Gott" in the German, and the motto is in Dutch. The impression in the wax, made when Annatje Schepmoes, widow of Hendrick Cuy- ler, the progenitor, sealed her will, about the year 1700, shows the single arrow in the field, pointing upwards, with the initial letter of his Christian name, "H," in the lower left cor- ner, and the letter "C" in the upper right corner. This is the property of Mrs. De Lancey Nicoll, of New York City. That the Cuyler family held eminent posi- tion in Holland long before the year 1600 has been demonstrated by the thorough research made among the archives in that country through the persistence of Mrs. Maud Churchill Nicoll to seek out the family's early history, and the interesting fact has been es- tablished by her that this family probably antedates any other in Holland in the use of a surname, which goes to show the advance- ment of the family at an early period. In this country it was not long before the family was recognized in a distinctive manner, beyond all disputation, for the appointments of the chief officials in the colony were made by the English Crown, and the choice in- variably fell to the man of eminence. Next after the position of governor, which office was filled by the English government send- ing an Englishman of prominence across the water to represent the king or queen, as the case might be, the selection of a mayor was the highest rank, and he was a man residing in the colony, hence the colonist could receive no greater recognition. New York and Al- bany were the principal cities in the colony. The Cuyler family was the peer of all oth- ers, as the following facts will show, aside from what creditable estimates many histor- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1721 ians have written respecting it, and it is here set forth that from the time Albany became a city, July 22, 1686, to the time of the revo- lution, some one of the Cuyler name and direct line was either mayor of Albany or closely related to one who was, such as a wife, brother or son. It is interesting to the gen- eral historian as an illustration of the inter- marriage of leading families in founding a city. Johannes Cuyler, son of Hendrick Cuyler, the progenitor, was appointed (14th) mayor of Albany by Cov. William Burnet, and offi- ciated from (ktober 14, 1725. until November 7. 1726. ■ Cornelis Cuyler, son of Mayor Johannes Cuyler and Elsje Ten Broeck, was appointed (20th) mayor by Lieut.-Gov. George Clarke, and officiated from October 14, 1742, until September 28, 1746. Colonel Abraham Cornelis Cuyler, son of Mayor Cornelis Cuyler and Catalyntje Schuy- ler, was appointed (26th) mayor by Lieut.- Gov. Cadwallader Colden, and officiated from September 10, 1770, until April 16, 1778. Mayor Johannes Cuyler married ( 1684) Elsje, daughter of (4th) Mayor Dirck Wes- selse Ten Broeck. Mayor Cornelis Cuyler married (1726) Catalyntje, daughter of (loth) Mayor Jo- hannes Schuyler. Abraham Cuyler. secpnd child of Hendrick Cuyler, the progenitor, married (1689) Cath- erine, daughter of (7th) Mayor Jan Jansen Bleecker. Sara Cuyler, third child of Hendrick Cuy- ler, the progenitor, married (6th) Mayor Pie- ter \'an I'.rugh, in 1688. Rachel Cuyler, fifth child of Hendrick Cuyler, the progenitor, married (13th) Mayor Myndert Schuyler, in 1693. Maria Cuyler, sixth child of Hendrick Cuy- ler, the progenitor, married (ist) Mayor John Cruger, of New York City, in 1703, and John, son of Maria Cuyler and Mayor John Cruger, was mayor of New York, 1756-65. Sara Cuyler, daughter of Mayor Johannes Cuyler, married (17th) Mayor Johannes Han- sen, in 1723. Sara Cuyler's husband. Mayor Johannes Hansen, had sister Debora, who was mother of (29th) Mayor Johannes Jacobse Beeck- man, having married Jacob Beeckman. Anna Cuyler, daughter of Mayor Johannes Cuyler, married (1712) the nephew of (ist) Mayor Pieter Schuyler, Anthony Van Schaick. Sara Cuyler, daughter of Mayor Johannes Cuyler, married (1723) Johannes, son of (5th) Mayor Hendrick Hansen. Elsje Cuyler, daughter of Mayor Johaiuies Cuyler, married (1724) Hendrick Roseboom, tirst cousin of the wife of (24th) Mayor Sy- brant Gosen Van Schaick, Alida Ro.seboom. .\braham Cuyler's wife, Caatje (or Cath- erine) Bleecker, was a sister of (8th) Mayor Johannes Bleecker, Jr., and also of (15th) Mayor Rutger Bleecker, both being sons of (7th) Mayor Jan Jansen Bleecker. Abraham Cuyler's son, Johannes .'\braham Cuyler, married (1727) Catharina Wendell,, whose aunt, Maria \\'endell, was wife of (23rd) Mayor Robert Sanders. .\braham Cuyler's daughter, Catharina, married (22nd) Mayor Jacob Coenraedt Ten Eyck, in 1736. Abraham Cuyler's daughter, Margarita, married (21st) Mayor Dirck Ten Broeck, in 1714. Margarita Cuyler's daughter, Christina Ten Broeck, married (1740) Philip Living- ston, signer of the declaration. Margarita Cuyler's granddaughter, Cather- ine Livingston, married (32nd) Mayor I'hilip Stephen \'an Rensselaer, in 1787. Margarita Cuyler's son, Dirck Ten Broeck, married (25th) Mayor \'olckert P. Douw's daughter, Anna, in 1761. Margarita Cuyler's grandson was (28th) Mayor Abraham Ten Broeck. .■\nna Cuyler, daughter of Rachel Cuyler and Mayor Alyndert Schuyler, married (i6th) Mayor johanpes De Peyster, in 1715. .\ critical inspection of the above list shows that thirty of the earliest thirty-two mayors of Albany were of close Cuyler blood or else married into the family. James Riker, in his "'History of Harlem." says, in speaking of Mayor Johannes Cuyler. eldest son of the progenitor: "Erom him and his brothers come the respectable family of Cuyler, allied from an early day to many oth- ers noted in the annals of New York." ( I ) Hendrick Cuyler was progenitor of the entire family of that name in this country. His father was Isobrant Cuyler, whose wife bore the Christian name of Evertien. or Ev- ertje. He was born at Has.selt, a city in the prov- ince of Overyssel, Holland, a few miles north' of Zolle. and he was baptized there .August II, 1637.* TTc (lied in New York, N. Y., in 1690. Hendrick Cuyler settled in Beverwyck in 1664, when the place was changing from the Dutch rule, known as Dorpe Beverwyck, to that of the English, when it became known for the first time (Sei)tember 24, 1664) as Albany. He was a tailor, and was successful *Froni the papers of Maml Churchill Nicoll. 1722 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS in accumulating considerable property. He bought a lot on the hill, on the east side of North Pearl street, near State street, and ■owned a lot in 1680 on the south side of State, west of Pearl street, "near ye Fort," which was located in the center of the former broad thoroughfare at its intersection with Lodge street. After his death this lot and house passed into the possession of his son- in-law. Mayor Pieter Van Brugh. In 1675 he made his brother Reynier, then residing in Holland, "cnoopemaecker tot Am- sterdam" (button-maker residing at Amster- dam), his attorney, in order to receive cer- tain property from Pieter Nicolaas Gouver- neur. He had a house built for him at Al- bany in 1680, evidently the one on the lot last described. It was erected from timber cut and prepared in New York City. Jan Nagel, Jan Dyckman, Arent Hermens Bussing, Adolph Meyer and Jan Delamater were kept busy in that year hewing timber to fill a contract made January 2, 1680, with Nico- laas de Meyer, as his agent, for whom they were to furnish timber, including "beams, posts, rafters, plates, sleepers, door-posts and casings, according to the plan thereof," to be delivered in the ensuing May, part at the waterside and part in New York City at tiie Burgher's Path, for which they were to re- ceive "1,300 guilders, with a half-ancker of rum, to-wit : one-third in silver money or sewant, one-third in good winter wheat, and one-third in goods at such price as he (De Meyer) sells the same at his store for cur- rent .sewant." He eventually returned to New York to live, where he and his wife united with the Dutch church by letter, November 29, 1688, two years before his death. He married, at New Amsterdam (New York City), Annatje Schepmoes, born in that city and died there, daughter of Jan Jansen Schepmoes and Sara Pieterse. Cliildren : Johannes, Abraham, Sara, Delia, Rachel, Maria. Eva. Hendrick. (II) Johannes Cuyler, first child of Hen- drick Cuyler and Annatje Schepmoes, was born in Holland in 1661, and died at Albany, New York, July 20, 1740, where he was bur- ied in the Dutch church. He was one of the most prominent traders of the place, and acquired wealth ; was admit- ted a freeman of New York City in 1696, where he resided for a time; attended the Dutch Reformed Church of Albany, where- of he was a deacon in 1695 and 1700, and in later years was elder. He was Commissioner •of Indian AflFairs for a number of years, be- ginning with 1706, and was also alderman. 'Gov. William Buniet appointed him four- teenth mayor of Albany, and he officiated from October 14, 1725, to November 7, 1726. His residence was on the east side of North Pearl, the second house south of Steuben street, with his extensive lot extending through the block to Yaugh (now James) street. His son, Cornells Cuyler, became the twen- tieth mayor of Albany by appointment of Lieut.-Gov. George Clarke, serving from Oc- tober 14, 1742, to September 28, 1746, and, in turn, the .son of Mayor Cornelis Cuyler, Colonel Abraham Cornelis Cuyler, became the twenty-sixth mayor of Albany by appoint- ment of Lieut.-Gov. Cadwallader Golden, serv- ing from September 10, 1770, to April 16, 1778. His daughter Sara married (Apr. 25, 1723) Johannes Hansen, seventeenth mayor, by appointment of President Rip Van Dam, and reappointed by Gov. James De Lancey, with terms from October 14, 1731, to October 22, 1732, and from 1754 to 1756. In this manner, it might be put, that Johannes Cuy- ler. his son. grandson and his daughter, occu- pied the municipal "White House" through- out fourteen years. Mayor Johannes Cuyler married, Albany, November 2, 1684, Elsje Ten Broeck, born at Albany, died there June 29, 1752. and buried in the Dutch Church, July 2nd. She was the second child and eldest daughter of Mayor Dirck WesseLse Ten Broeck (born, Holland, Dec. 18, 1638; died, Clermont, Co- lumbia county, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1717), who married (Albany, 1663) Christina Van Buren (born May 19, 1644; died Nov. 24, 1729). Johannes Cuyler and Elsje Ten Broeck had issue: i. Anna, born at Albany, November 26, 1685, died there ; buried in Dutch Church, March 9, 1743; married, Albany, May 24, 1 712, Anthony Van Schaick. 2. Christina, baptized, Albany, September 25, 1687: died young. 3. Christina, born at Albany ; baptized December 4, 1689; buried, Albany, November 20, 1755. 4. Hendrick, born at Albany; bap- tized January 10, 1692. 5. Sara, born at Al- bany; baptized October 22, 1693; married. Al- bany, April 25, 1723, Mayor Johannes Han- sen. 6. Elsje, born at Albany ; baptized Au- 25, 169s; married, Albany, October 25, 1724, Hendrick Roseboom. 7. Cornelis, bap- tized at New York, N. Y., February 14, 1697; died at Albany, March 14, 1765; mar- ried, Albany, December 8, 1726, Catalyntje Schuyler. 8. Johannes, horn at .Albany, Feb- ruary 12, 1699; baptized February 21; mar- ried Catharina Glen. 9. Maria, born at New York; baptized there, November 25, 1702; married, .Mbany, October 11, 1733, Cornelis Ten Broeck. 10. Elizabeth, born at Albany; HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 723 baptized May 13, 1705; married, Albany, De- cember 29, 1732, Jacob Sanderse Glen. 11. Rachel, born at Albany; baptized there, Sep- tember 21, 1707; died young. 12. Rachel, born at Albany ; baptized there, November 27, 1709. (II) Abraham Cuyler, second child of Hen- dricU Cuyler and Annatje Schepmoes, died at .Mbany, New York, and was buried there in the Dutch Church, July 14, 1747. Through shrewdness as a trader he acquired much valuable property, both at Albany and else- where. He married, Albany, November 17, i6Sg, Caatje (or Catherine) Bleecker. She died at Albany, April 8. 1734. Her father was Mayor Jan Jansen Bleecker, born in Holland, 1641 ; came from Meppel, province of Overyssel, Holland, 1658, to Rensselaers- wyck ; appointed seventh mayor of Albany by Earl of Bellomont, officiating 1700-1701 ; died at Albany, November 21, 1732; buried in Dutch Church there, November 25 ; mar- ried (Albany, January 2, 1667) Margariet (daughter of Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- derwoert), born 1647, ^'^d 1733. Abraham Cuvler and Caatje Bleecker had issue: i. Hendrick, born at New York, N. Y., De- cember 22, 1690; married, Albany, New York, December i, 1722, Margarita Van Deusen. Born in Albany: 2. Margarita, Oc- tober 26, 1692; died there. May 24, 1783; married, Albany, November 26, 1714, Mayor Dirck Ten Broeck. 3. Anna, baptized April 14, 1695; died November, 1709, unmarried. 4. Johannes Abraham, June 21, 1698; died October 24, 1746 ; buried October 27 ; mar- ried, Albany, October 28, 1727, Catharina \\'endell (see forward). 5. Sara, baptized April 28. 1700; died young. 6. Maria, March 30, 1703; died February 16, 1722. 7. Sara, baptized October 6, 1706; died in Albany, buried there, August 28, 1746: married, Al- bany, July 6, 1729, Johannes janse Beeckman. 8. Catharina, baptized February 18, 1710; married, Albany, August i, 1736, Judge Jacob Coenraedt Ten Eyck, mayor of Albany. 9. Abraham, December 27, 1713: married, Al- bany, May 5, 1744, Jannetje Beeckman. 10. Nicolaas, June 27, 1716; married, Albany, May II, 1745, Maria Schuyler. (II) Sara Cuyler, third child of Hendrick Cuyler and Annatje Schepmoes, resided in early life in New York City, later in Albany. She married. New York, November 2, 1688, Captain Pieter Van Brugh. born at New .Am- sterdam. July 14, 1666, died at Albany, and buried in the Dutch Church there. July 20, 1740. He was son of Johannes Pieterse \'an Brugh. born in Holland, 1624; left Harlem for .America, settling first in New Amsterdam, before 1657, for in that year he sent down the Hudson river from Beverwyck, three hun- dred beaver skins, and who married, at New Amsterdam, March 29, 1658, Catharina Roel- offse (widow of Lucas Rodenburgh), born before 1636, being daughter of Anneke Jans and her husband, Roeloff Jansen. Jo- hannes P. Van Brugh died in 1697, having made a will December 22, 1696. Captain Pieter Van Brugh was appointed sixth mayor of Albany by Lieut.-Gov. John Nanfan, officiated 1699-1700, and served a second term, from November 9, 1720, to 1723, by appointment of Gov. William Burnet. He and his wife had a house lot on the south side of State street, in Albany, west of Pearl, near the stockades, the same having been the resi- dence, of his father-in-law, Hendrick Cuyler, the progenitor. His family name. Van Brugh, was also spelled Van Brug and Verbrugge, possibly derived from the fact that the family had residence in Bruges, Belgium, more likely than of the small town of Brugg, Switzerland, and yet the English equivalent of the Dutch word (which has been used) w-as Bridge, sig- nifying a family from near a certain bridge. Pieter Van Brugh and Sara Cuyler had issue: Catharina, born in New York, N. Y. ; baptized there, November 10, 1689; died February 20, 1756; married, Albany, Sep- tember 19, 1707, Philip Livingston. (II) Delia Cuyler, fourth child of Hen- drick Cuyler and Annatje Schepmoes, was a resident of Albany and latterly of Schenec- tady, New York. She married. New York, N. Y., September 19, 1694, Johannes, son of Pieter Groenendyk, progenitor of that fam- ily in America. He was born in New York ; baptized there, March 24, 1675; died in Sche- nectady, and buried in the Dutch Church there, December, 1739. .After his youth spent in New York he moved to Albany, where he was made sheriff of Albany county, 1698-99, and later removed to Schenectady, where he was a trader and continued to reside until his death. His wife conducted his business some years longer. Delia Cuyler and Jo- hannes Groenendyk had issue, born in New York and baptized there: i. Mary, baptized September 16, 1696. 2. Sara, baptized April 28, 1700; died at Albany, June 5, 1774; mar- ried, Albany, December 9, 1729, James Ste- venson. 3. Pieter, baptized September 7, 1 70 1. 4. Hendrick, baptized September 19, 170^. c;. Anna. (11) Rachel Cuyler. fifth child of Hendrick Cuyler and Annatje Schepmoes, resided all her life at Albany, New York. She married, Albany, October 26, 1693, Mayor Myndert Schuyler. He was born in Rensselaerswyck, 1724 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS January i6, 1672, and was buried in the Dutch Church at Albany, October 21. 1755. President Pieter Schuyler, of the province of New York, appointed him thirteenth mayor of Albany, ofificiating from 17 19 to No- vember 8, 1720; appointed for a second term by Gov. William Burnet, serving from 1723 to October 13, 1725. He was member of assembly, October 20, 1 702-1710: 1713-17 13: 1724; 1 728- 1 737; church master, 170'): In(li.^n commissioner, 1706-1720; captain of militia. 1710; alderman, first ward, 1718-1719; colonel before 1754; deacon of Dutch Church; bought land on the Norman's Kil, near Al- bany, and at Huntersfield (Schoharie, New York) Patent: in 1703, occupying in Albany a lot on the south side .of State street, the third east from South Pearl, formerly Gerrit Bancker's. His father was David Pieterse Schuyler, one of two brothers of the name who came from Amsterdam, Holland, to Bev- erwyck, purchasing land there in 1672 from the Van Rensselaers. He died, Albany, Feb- ruary 9. 1690, and had married, at New Am- sterdam, October 13, 1657, Catalyn Ver Planck, daughter of Abraham Isaacse Ver Planck and Maria Vigne. Rachel Cuyler and Myndert Schuyler had issue : Anna, born at Albany, New York ; baptized there, February 28, 1697; buried in Dutch Church there, September 16, 1750: married, Albany, November 24, 1715, Mayor Johannes De Peyster. (U) Maria Cuyler, sixth child of Hen- drick Cuvler and Annatje Schepmoes, was born in New York. N. Y., March 3. 1678: baptized there, March 13 ; died September 14, 1724. She married, March 5, 1703, John Cruger. He was the progenitor of the entire Cruger family in America. He came to New Amsterdam prior to 1700; settled there; be- came alderman, 1712-1733: was mayor of New York beginning with the year 1739 until his death in 1744; died in New York City, August 13, 1744, and was buried in the old Dutch Church. During early history, and at different pe- riods, the ancestral members of the Cruger family settled in Germany, Holland, Den- mark and England. At the time of the Dan- ish invasion of England, or possibly after the conquest of England, about 1016, it is prob- able that some of the members of this family went to England, as Sir Philip De Cruciger (from whom the English branch traces de- scent) subsequently accompanied King Rich- ard on the Crusades. Other members of the familv remaining in or returning to Germany, and they, as also those emigrating from there, trace their descent from the baronial house of Van Cruger. One of the translators of the Bible, with Luther, was named Cruciger (Cruger). At Bristol, England, within the old Cathedral walls and in the adjoining church yard, are many ancient monuments and slabs to the memory of members of the Cruger family, some of whom came from the continent in the reign of Henry \"nL Regarding the name of Cruger, in the transmutations which this family name has undergone, the origin is found to be Cruci- ger, derived from the Latin Crux-Gero, to carry the cross, or cross-bearer. The Cruger Arms: Shield: Argent, a bend azure charged with three martlets or, between two greyhounds courant, proper. Crest : A demi- greyhound statant, gorged or. Motto : Deo non fortuna; beneath the crest. Fides. Maria Cuyler and John Cruger had issue, born in New York, N. Y. : i. Anna, born March 28. 1704: died there, before her father (1744), and was buried in the old Dutch Church. 2. Tieleman, born November 11, 1705: died there, November 16, 1730: un- married ; buried in the old Dutch Church. 3. Henry, born November 25, 1707; died at Bristol. England. February 5, 1780: buried in center aisle of old Cathedral : married (first), at Teganie, Jamaica, West Indies, September 28, 1734, Hannah Slaughter, widow of Patrick Montgomery; (second), at Linquanese, Jamaica, West Indies, Decem- ber 21. T736, Elizabeth Harris. 4. John, born July 18, 1710. died at New York, December 27, 1791, unmarried; mayor of New York, 1756-1765; first speaker and president of the first Colonial assembly and member for seven- teen years. 5. Maria, born January 6, 1712; died at New York, July 20, 171 5. 6. Sarah, born December 5, 1714: died at New York, March 4, 1766; buried there in new Dutch Church ; married Gouverneur. 7. Ma- ria, born May 10, 1718: died at New York, April 14, 1787; buried there in the new Dutch Church. 8. Rachel, born May 10, 1721 ; died at New York. March 25, 1775: buried there in old Dutch Church. (II) Eva Cuyler, seventh child of Hendrick Cuyler and Annatje Schepmoes, resided at Albany, New York. She married, Albany, August 26, 171 2, Dominie Petrus Henricus Van Driessen, Dominie Petrus Vas officiating. He was the son of Petrus Van Driessen ; matriculated at Groningen University, No- vember 2, 1705, giving his residence then as Coevordiensis, and came to Albany. April, 1712. He was made seventh minister of the "Nether Dutch Reformed Congregation of the City and County of .Mbanv." succeeding Dominie Tohannes Lvdius. He was the one HUDSON AND .MOHAXM-C WXLLEYS 1725 who was energetic in erecting a new church edifice at llie intersection of Broadway and State street, which was built of stone about the dilapidated one which had been con- structed of wood in 1656, and no picture of any other subject in entire Albany is now re- garded as more typical of the old Dutch days. He drew up a ])etition June 8. 1714, signed by himself, the elders and deacons, requesting the approval of Robert Hunter, captain-gen- eral and governor of the ])rovinces of Xew York and Xew Jersey, for proceeding there- with, which was granted, and the building was first occupied October 30, 171 5, conse- crated November 13. He also had the church incorporated by petition of August 3 : ap- proved August 10, 1720, and this building endured until rebuilt on the south side of Beaver street, in 1806, from the same ma- terial, in order to facilitate traffic on State street, where it had stood in the middle of the principal thoroughfare. He also supplied Kinderhook. 1712-27: Linlithgow. i722-37,and occasionally Schenectady, as well as being missionary to the neighboring Indians. Dominie A'an Driessen made a will. Albany. January 29. 1737-38, in which he bequeathed all his estate, real and personal, to his wife. Eva Cuyler. for use during lifetime, with power to sell and dispose of the same. She •did sell, in conjunction with two of her chil- dren. Hendrick and Annatje. on July 21. 1748. and Philip Lansing bought it for a nominal sum. reconveying it to her in fee. Some time later her son, Petrus, conveyed his own interest to his brother. Hendrick, as he moved to Schenectady. Dominie \'an Dries- sen died at Albany. January. 1738. and was buried in the Dutch church there. February 3. 1738. Eva Cuyler and Petrus Henricus \ an Driessen had issue, born in Albany: i. Pe- trus. baptized January 17, 1713: removed to Schenectady, ]\'ew York : married. Schenec- tady, June. 1738. Engeltje Vrooman. 2. Hen- drick. baptized October 30, 1715: removed to New York City. 3. Johannes, baptized Sep- tember 29. 1 71 7. 4. Annatje, baptized No- vember 15, 1719. 5. Maria, baptized Sep- tember 16. 1722; died at Albany; buried there, Kovember 19. 1722. flT) Hendrick Cuyler, eighth child of Hen- drick Cuyler and Annatje Schepmoes. was a merchant residing in New York City. His will, bearing date New York, New York, July 23. 1763, was probated C liber 2=;. surrogate's court, countv of Xew York) December 20, 1766.* *This line lias been traced by Maud Clutrehill 'Nicoll. He married, in the Middle Dutch Church of New York City, license dated April i. 1710, Maria Jacobs. (HI) Johannes Abraham Cuyler, fourth child of Abraham Cuyler and Caatje (or Cath- erine) Bleccker, was born at Albany, New York, June 21, 1698, and died there October 24, 1746: buried October 2-j. He had a house-lot in 1729 on the east corner of Broad- way and Steuben street. He married, at Albany, October 28, 1727, Catharina Wendell, born at Albany, baptized there January 10, 1705; died at Albany, April 12, 1746: was buried in the Dutch church, April 14th, and was the daughter of Har- manus Wendell (born Albany, 1678: died there: buried in Dutch Church, December 15, 1731), who married (about 1699) Annatje Glen (died, Albany: buried Sept. 19, 1756). Johannes Abraham Cuyler and Catharina Wendell had issue, born at Albany: i. Elsje, baptized September 15, 1728. 2. Harmanus. baptized May 3, 1730: married, Coxsackie, New York, 1771, Elizabeth Van Bergen. 3. Johannes, baptized September 21. 1731 : mar- ried, Schenectady, New York, July 5, 1763, Susanna \'edder. 4. Abraham, baptized Sep- tember 3, 1732. 5. Catharina, baptized May 12, 1734. 6. Cornelis, baptized October 19, 1735: married, Albany, March 16, 1763, Anna Wendell (see forward). 7. Anna, baptized September 5, 1736. 8. Margarita, baptized April 20. 1740. 9. Jacob, baptized September 28, 1741, died June 5, 1804, aged sixty-two years, six months ; married, Albany, March 5, 1764, Lydia Van Vechten. 10. Jacob, bap- tized January 10. 1746; died at Coxsackie. New York, October 2, 1823. (This Jacob seems wrong; but so appears on records in Pearson ) . (I\') Cornelis Johannes Cuyler, sixth child of Johannes Abraham Cuyler and Catharina Wendell, was born at Albany, New York ; baptized there, October 19, 1735. He mar- ried, at Albany, March 16, 1763. Annatje Wendell, born at Albany, June 5, 1737, bap- tized there, June 12. 1737; died at Schenec- tady. New York, February 25, 1775, daugh- ter of Jacob Wendell (born Albany, Nov. 22, 1702: buried at Greenbush, or later, Rense- laer. New York, Sept. 5. 1745). who married (Albany, Dec. 19, 1728) Helena \'an Rensse- laer (born, Albany, Oct. 4. 1702). Cornelis Johannes Cuyler and Annatje Wendell had issue: i. Catharina, born at Albany, Janu- ary 4, 1764. 2. Jacob Cornelis. born at Sche- nectady, June 9. 1765. 3. Johannes Cornelis. born at Schenectady. December 7. 1766; died there, October 25, 1828: married Hannah Ma- ley (see forward). 4. Harmanus. born at 1726 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Schenectady, October 9, 1768. 5. Jannetje, born at Schenectady, June 10. 1770. (V) Johannes Cornells Cuyler, third child of Cornelis Johannes Cuyler and Annatje Wendell, was born at Schenectady, New York, December 5, 1766, and died there October 25, 1828. In later years he was known by the Anglicized form of his name, or John C. Cuyler. He was an incorporator of the pro- posed Clinton College in 1779, at Schenec- tady, which inaugurated the establishment of Union University. He married, at Albany, Hannah Maley, born at Albany, October 12, 1769, daughter of John Maley, one of Albany's richest men, and Catherine Tremper, whose Huguenot family name on coming from France was Trompour, and thev resided at Kingston, New York. John Cornelius Cuyler and Hannah Maley had issue: i. Catherine (baptized Caty), born May 12, 1788. died in Albany, Novem- ber 3, 1794. 2. Ann. born October 2, 1794; died at Watervliet, New York, November 29. 1830; married, Albany, 1814, Capt. John Gansevoort. 3. John Maley, born November 25, 1796: died in Albany, September, 1836; married Sarah Colton, of Fishkill, New York. 4. Augustus, born January 7, 1799; died in Albany, October 12, 1825. 5. William Trem- per, born December 22, 1802; died at Cuyler- ville. New York, December 21, 1864; married (first), at Rochester, New York. Charlotte Hanford ; (second), at Leicester. New York, Nancy Bancker Stewart; married (third), at Boston, Massachusetts, May 9, 1850, Anna De Peyster Douw, widow of Samuel Stringer Lush (see Douw family). 6. Frederick, born June 22, 1804; died February 14, 1837; mar- ried, Hackensack, New Jersey, Caroline Ro- meyn. 7. Catherine Maley, born February 6, 1807: died at Eastport, Maine, May 15, 1832; married. Albany, October 14, 1825, Captain Henry Donnelf Hunter, U. S. N. 8. Mary Magdalen, born February 3, 1810; died at Al- bany, October 4, 1847; married, Albany, April 5, 1827, George Dexter (see Dexter family). The last named child was born in Fort Johns- ton, Johnstown, New York, the others in Al- bany. (\T) Col. William Tremper Cuyler, fifth child of Johannes Cornelis Cuyler and Han- nah Maley. was born at Albany. New York, December 22. 1802, and died at "Woodlands," Cuylerville, Livingston county, New York, December 21, 1864. He was buried in the Cuyler lot of Mount Hope cemetery at Roch- ester, New York, and his grave indicated by a granite monolith. He received his education as one of the first students attending the Albany Academy,, and resided in that city until about the time- of his majority. The Erie canal was then nearing completion, and he was imbued witb the idea that it was to open up the rich grain and grazing sections of the western part of the state, for up to that time very little of the population had settled to much of any extent farther westward than Schenectady, except- ing in isolated cases, and such cities as Roch- ester, Buffalo and Detroit were hardly more than embryotic villages when he was a youth. Rochester was his choice, and he bought the- "Crystal Building," on East Main street, es- tablishing a large carriage manufactory,, while his residence was on North St. Paul street. It was here that he married Char- lotte Hanford, about 1823, probably on at- taining his twenty-first year, and she a girl of seventeen years. He became a member of the Presbyterian church of Rochester, and' this change of his religious views from the- Dutch Reformed church of his ancestors for two centuries was probably due to the fact that his second wife, Nancy Bancker Stewart,, came of a Scotch family ; but the other mem- bers of his family turned instead to the Epis- copalian faith. He received his title as colonel' of the New York state militia. About the year 1830. Colonel Cuyler de- cided to dispose of his property in Rochester so as to participate in the development of the country near Geneseo, New York. He turned his business over to his brother-in-law, George Hanford, who formed a partnership with Thomas Askin, both of whom had been his apprentices, and in 18..13 they removed their manufactory to Cuylerville. The Genesee- Valley canal was being dug at the time Colo- nel Cuyler decided on exchanging his Roches- ter property for a large tract of most admir- able farming land in that beautiful valley. He seized the opportunity to lay out the town, some four miles southwest of Geneseo, which grew into a thriving village and was given his name — Cuylerville. His own property, on which he resided, he named "Woodlands," because at the rear of his handsome home was a dense forest of pines. The house' stood at the top of a long and gradual in- cline leading to a wooded plateau ; but before- it lay the valley unobstructed to the view. Any number of letters of that time which were written by visitors to his home to friends at other places never failed to style it "a pal- ace," and undoubtedly it was then one of the- finest specimens of colonial style of architec- ture in the state, if people still living are tc be believed. It was of wood, painted white- and cream ; had the ornamental, tall columns,. HUDSON AND IMOIIAWK \'ALLEYS 1727 and an elaborate portico. We are told by those who have been there, that the view from his piazza across the valley was entrancing, for the landscape comprised miles of the rich- est verdure in the state, and much of it was owned by him. It was his pleasure, as was common with the \\'ads\vorths and other wealthy neighbors with landed estates, to breed fine horses, as well as superior strains of sheep and cattle. The property named "Woodlands," which Colonel Cuyler owned, had been bought in 1810 by Hon. Samuel Miles Hopkins, jointly with B. W. Rogers, "which tract of land had been reserved by the Indians as, above all others, choice and delightful," as is recorded in the autobiography of Mr. Hopkins, a law- yer of standing, who lived in New York and Albany, before going West. Mr. Hopkins further said of the locality: "If the habitable globe contains any places more entirely ex- cellent and desirable than these two adjoin- ing tracts (Mount Morris and Leicester, in Livingston county, N. Y.) I know it not." Regarding the time when the house was built, he says: "In 1811, I removed to Geneseo, the village of my old and excellent friends, James and William Wadsworth. From here I superintended my farm with unsparing dili- gence and care, until I could have a house prepared. In 1812, the war. In 1813-14, I was a member of the thirteenth congress, an election which was contrary to my expecta- tion and wishes, and to the duties of which my farm and building forbade my giving much attention. * * * So I staid in Washing- ton as little as I could. * * * j„ these same years I built my house. In August, 1814. I laid out the village of Moscow on a plain which far and wide was covered with a young growth of oak and hickory, so thick as to be almost impervious, and such as pre- vented me from getting any just knowledge of the extent and shape of the plain, except bv actual mathematical survey. * * * From the Genesee river my operations ex- tended back to the pine woods, near three miles." Moscow is about one mile distant from Cuylerville. and the dense pine forest back of "Woodlands" had never been entered up to this time by any other man than the wild Indian. The estate of Mr. Hopkins was valued in 1817 definitelv at $7.=;.ooo, but in 1822, be- cause of hard times throughout the country, it had so depreciated that he "was glad to accept a check of $2^,000 for the whole," and "in the spring of 1822, I sold off, paid off, broke up. and traced my course back to Al- bany," where he resumed his practice of the law. Colonel William T. Cuyler obtained the property by a deed of conveyance from Camp- bell H. Young, of Geneseo, and on his death it remained in control of his third wife, Anna De Peyster Douw (Cuyler) until it passed into the hands of Colonel Cuyler's son, George M. Cuyler, on the probate of her will at Al- bany, November 9, 1871, together with "all my horses, cattle, livestock and implements of husbandry upon the aforesaid property." The home of Colonel Cuyler was constantly the scene of guests and of much entertaining. He was somewhat handsome in appearance, stately in bearing, standing erect, blue eyes and auburn-brown hair. About the home- stead were a great many flower-beds, which, were attended by the women of his family.- The house was furnished with the beautiful furniture of the day when the carving of solid mahogany pieces was at its height in art treat- ment. There were many family portraits upon the wall, and the silver was of the quaint pattern of the C'olonial period, which had been handed down for generations. Disaster over- took much of this valuable household prop- erty, for a fire broke out at noon on Febru- ary 22, 1857, caused by a detective flue in Mrs. Cuyler's room, and the residence was burned to the ground quickly. One of the mose serious losses was that of the old family Bible, with its entries in the Dutch language. The sideboard, which was saved, was offered for sale in 1910 for $500. Colonel Cuyler did not rebuild : but removed his family to Rochester, where he resided on South Wash- ington street ; but his only living son, George, remained at "Woodlands" for twenty years thereafter, occupying one of the other houses on the estate. Colonel Cuyler died there, while on a visit to his son. He was stricken with apoplexy while inspecting the stock ; was carried into the house bv his son, and died within a few hours, although the previous night he had been in unusually good spirits and enjoying apparently excellent health. Colonel William T. Cuyler married (first) Charlotte Hanford. in 1823, or January, 1824, as their first child was born in November, 1824. She died at "Woodlands," Cuylerville, April 12, 1831, "in her 26th year," and, when twenty-five years old, had borne four chil- dren. She was born, accordingly, in 1805 or 1806, and is buried in Mount Hope cemetery at Rochester, with all her children and her husband. Colonel Cuyler married (second), at the Clute homestead, between Moscow and' Squawkie Hill, in 1837, Nancy Bancker Stew- art, born at Leicester, New York. March, 1 8 10, died at "Woodland.s." Cuylerville, Feb- ruary 3, 1848, buried in Mount Hope ceme- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS .tery, daughter of John Stewart (born June 15. 1783), of Leicester and Pike, Wyoming county, New York, who married Nancy Bancker Clute (born Schenectady, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1776; died, Moscow, N. Y., April 28, 1864; buried there). By his second wife he had three children. Colonel Cuyler married (third), at Boston, Massachusetts, May 9, 1850, Anna De Peyster Douw, born at Al- bany, New York, January 31, 1797; married (first) Samuel Stringer Lush (by whom she had two children who died young), and she died at No. 123 State street, Albany, August 15, 1871, daughter of Johannes De Peyster Douw (born in "Wolvenhoeck," Greenbush, later known as Rensselaer, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1756; died, Albany, Feb. 22, 1835), who mar- ried (Albany, Dec. 20, 1795) Margaret Li\-- ingston (born, Albany, June 3. 1768; died, Albany, Jan. 21, 1802). By his third wife he had no issue. (.See Douw and Livingston Families.) Colonel William Tremper Cuyler and Char- lotte Hanford had issue: i. William Maley, born at Rochester, New York, November i. 1824: died there, .March 28, 1826. 2. Wil- liam .\ugustus, born at Rochester, November I. 1826; died there by drowning, July 18, 1828. 3. George Maley, born at Rochester, August 22. 1828; unmarried; died there, of pneumonia, March 11, 1910. 4. Charlotte Hanford, born at Cuvlerville. New York, March 9, 1831 ; died there, of scarlet fever, January 18, 1842. Colonel William Tremper Cuyler and Nancy Bancker Stewart had issue: 5. William Tremper, Jr., born at Cuylerville, May 11, 1838 : died there, of scarlet fever, January 22, 1842. 6. .^nnie Bancker, born at Cuylerville, July 6, 1842; married, Rochester, March 22, 1865, Henry Lyman Churchill, born at Curtis- ville, Massachusetts, September 29, 1839, son of Henry Churchill and Sarah Dewey; by whom : Alice Dewey, born at Rochester, March 12, 1867: she was residing at No. 8 Union street, Schenectady, New York, in 1911. 7. Catherine Maley, born at Cuylerville, New York. December 2, 1844 ; died at Rochester, New York, October 23, 1875 ; married in St. Luke's Episcopal church, Rochester, by Rev. R. Bethel Claxton, .'Xpril 19, 1865, Dexter Rey- nolds, born at Albany, New York, Decem- ber 22. 1828. died there, August IQ, 1906, and was a lawyer, son of Marcus T. Reynolds and Elizabeth Ann Dexter (see Reynolds and Dexter families). Is.sue: i. Cuyler Reynolds, born at .Mbany, August 14, 1866; married, at .Mbany, September 24, 1891, Janet Gray Gould, Ixirn at Albany, July 22. 1871. daugh- ter of Capt. Charles Gould and Janet Gray: by whom: Kenneth Gray Reynolds, born at Albany, September 17, 1892. ii. Marcus T. Reynolds, born at Great Barrington, Massa- chuetts, August 20, 1869, architect, resident of Albany, New York in 191 1. The family name of Dexter is DEXTER derived from the title of the English city, Exeter, in Dev- onshire, written as though the person came from there, D' Exeter, and then contracted into Dexter. The Dexter arms : Shield : Ar- gent, two chevrons azure, a canton gules. Crest : A tree, pendant therefrom two weights. Richard de Excester, progenitor of the fam- ily in Ireland, and who died in 1269. was governor and lord chief justice of Ireland, and it is believed that he emigrated from Dev- onshire, for there are good reasons. Other changes in the spelling of the name, leading to the common and more modern form of Dexter, were de Excester, Dexcestre, Dex- cester, Dexetir, Decetir, de Exon, de Exonia and de Exeter. The family traces descent from Richard de Exonia (Exeter), to whom was certified a grant by Edward I., king of England, August 9, 1 28 1, made by Philip de Monte Gomeri (filed '"MtGomery"), which reads, in part: "Know all men both of the present and the future that I Philip de Monte Gomeri have given and granted and by this my present charter confirmed to my Lord Richard de Exonia and his heirs or his assignees one townland in Connaught — which is called Moyletrath which my Lord the King gave to me with all its appurtenances — for him and his heirs or his assignees to have and to hold in chief from my Lord the King — with moors, pastures, waters, and all liberties and free usages pertaining to the said townland ; — free- ly, quietly, happily, peacefully, entirely, hon- orably and hereditarily forever, and for this, to my Lord the King and his heirs Richard himself and his heirs or his assignees are to give the twentieth part of the service in fief of one soldier for all service, suit in court, collection or demand." King Edward I. made a grant on June 12, 1304, to Richard de Exonia for an important tract situated in Connaught, Ireland, as fol- lows: "Be it known that we have given and granted on our own part and that of our heirs to our beloved and faithful Richard de Ex- onia nine townlands with their appurtenances in Connaught, in Ireland, namely townlands of Dengvnmacossen, Conylloscv, Narraghtyn, Corkillebrangyle, Corcropanlistostv, Rathfar- eth. Tohirnetalpie. Torpan and Monynannan HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS [729 which the same Richard holds in tenancy by ihe commission of our beloved and faithful John Wogan our Justiciar in Ireland, made for the same Richard under our direction for ■eighteen pounds delivered to us yearly at our •exchequer in Dublin, in accordance with the certification made at our order by the afore- said Justiciar and returned to us under the seal of the same Justiciar." Concerning the appointment of Richard de Exonia as Chief Justiciar on the bench in Dublin: "Be it known that we have ap- pointed our beloved and faithful Richard de Exonia our Chief Justiciar on our bench in Dublin for hearing and deciding pleas on the same bench, together with our other faithful Judiciars assigned to this place according to law and custom of these parts as long as we shall please. In (testimony) of which, etc. L'nder the hand of the King at Langeleye on the fifth day of June, 1308." Carrickdexter was long the seat of the chief ■branch of the Dexter family, until Genet Dexter, its heiress, married into the Rock- fort family. Two miles from there, in the year 1585, lived Margaret Dexter, in the Cas- tle of Rathaldon. She married ^lichael Cu- sacke. This estate is now in the town of Slane, and is possessed by the Marquis of Conyngham, while upon the property still may be seen the ruins of the house that is called Castle Dexter. ( I) Richard Dexter, progenitor of the fam- ily in America, was born about the year 1606. He came from within ten miles of the town •of Slane. in county Meath, Ireland, where lived the descendants of Richard de Excester, the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. When the great Irish massacre of the Protestants be- gan, October 27, 1641, Richard Dexter took his wife, Bridget, together with three or more children, and fled to England. He remained there only a brief time, for he was residing in Boston, Massachusetts, prior to February 28. 1642, as on that day he was admitted a "Townsman" of that place. Upon what ves- sel he sailed is unknown. He signed a peti- tion as an inhabitant of Charlestown, Mystic side. May 16, 1648. and he resided there un- til he purchased a farm in Maiden, Massa- chusetts, December 7, 1663; but from Janu- ary, 1677-78, until his death, he probably lived with either his daughter Elizabeth or Aun. He and his wife were members of the church at Maiden, and in 16^0 she signed a petition from that church to the general court. He signed a remonstrance to the general court. May 16, 1643, with the inhabitants of "Mvstic side, against a proposed highway from W^innisimmet to Reading, as the Maiden rec- ords state. He received a deed from Edward Lane, of Boston, December 7, 1663, of a farm containing forty acres, in Maiden, and the same property, later increased to two hun- dred acres, was occupied several centuries by his descendants in direct line. He re- ceived a deed as early as 1650, from Robert Long, and still others, at subsequent periods. In 1666-67, he gave a deed of some of his property to "James Melius," who 1iath mar- ried my daughter Elizabeth, — mariner, of Charlestown," and who was supposed to have been lost at sea practicing his vocation. In a deed of January, 1677, he speaks of his de- ceased son-in-law as "the late James Meal- ings." By a deed dated February 24, 1674, evident- ly looking to the closing of his estate before his death, he made provision as follows: "to my Sonne John, of Charlestown, of all my farm-houses and lands, and appurtenances be- longing, which I have in Maiden, and which I bought formerly of Mr. Edward Lane : and half of my land and wood near Spot Pond, being part of the lot given me by the town of Charlestown — excepting one acre of marsh land near Blanchard's farm, and about four acres my dwelling house stands upon, for my daughter Ann Pratt's use, where her house now standeth — John to pay him 10 pounds a year during his life — 5 pounds in Indian corn and pork, at prices current, and 12 loads of wood, to be delivered at his dweel- ing house in Charlestown, with half of the apples." It is set forth in the records of those times that Richard Dexter was a tythingman, prob- ably of Boston, and according to the records of the Middlesex court he was styled "Con- .stable." According to his testimony in that court in 1666, he was that year sixty-eight years of age. In 1652 he was residing in Misticke, as then written, according to a docu- ment of September 22 of that year. His wife, who was born about 1612. died about 1675, and he died at Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1680. Children: i. Alice, died between Novem- ber 25, 1681, and August 22, 1682; married, about 1653, Benjamin Muzzy, and had Ben- jamin, born April 16, 1657; Joseph, horn March 1, i6!;8-59, and Sarah. 2. Elizabeth, died about October. 1693; married (first) James Mellins, a mariner; by whom: Eliza- beth, born September 4, 16^9: Mary, July 8. 1661 ; James. April 14, 1663: Mary, 1664': Richard, April 24, 1665; John, September 17, 1666; Sarah, November 27, 1668; Thomas, May II, 1670; \\'illiam, August 22, 1671 : she married (second). May 14, 1680, Stephen 1/30 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS Barrett. 3. John, born in 1639, see forward. 4. Ann, married John Pratt. 5. Sarah, born at Charlestown, November i, 1644; married, 1666, Edward Pinson. (H) John, third child of Richard and Brid- get Dexter, was born in 1639, died at ]\Ialden, Massachusetts, December 8, 1677. The farm upon which he lived was transferred to him by his father, February 24, 1674-75 ; but re- serving to himself for life a free rental. At this time his residence was stated as Charles- town, where his daughter was born. He was fatally shot in the back by Captain Samuel Hunting, surviving the accident four days. He married Sarah, who afterwards married (before April 2, 1684) William Boardman, and possibly had a third husband, Daniel Hitchins. of Lynn, Massachusetts. Boardman was admitted freeman of Maiden, March 12, 1689-90, and was elected constable of Rum- ney Marsh. Children: i. John, born Au- gust 21, 1 67 1, see forward. 2. Sarah, born Charlestown. Massachusetts, June 11, 1674; married, Reading, May 19, 1697, John Brown. 3. Richard, born Cambridge, ^Massachusetts, November 6, 1676, died at Alalden, April 21, 1747- (HI) John (2), eldest child of John (i)and Sarah Dexter, was born August 21, 1671, died at Maiden, Massachusetts, November 14, 1722. In deeds he was styled a weaver, and possessed the farm at Maiden, receiving a deed for one-fourth of it from his brother, Richard, May 19, 1703, in consideration of sixty pounds, and one-fourth from his sister, Sarah, of Boston, May 6, 1697, for a like amount, and as his father made no will, he probably acquired the half of it as being the oldest .son and so entitled by the law of that period. He was a deacon in Maiden church ; selectman in years 1709- 10- 16- 17-21 ; moder- ator of a town meeting in 1722. Captain John Dexter was in command of a company of foot under George I. The commission issued to him is of interest, and it reads : "To John Dexter, Gentleman, Greeting: "By ver- tue of the Power and Authority, in and by His Majesty's Royal Commission to Me granted, to be Captain-General, &c. over His Majes- try's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, aforesaid; I do (by these Present) reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and good conduct, constitute and appoint you, the said John Dexter (to) be Captain of the Company of Foot in Maiden in the Regim. of Militia whereof the Hon- orable Spencer Phipps, Esq. is Colonel. You are therefore carefully and diligently, to dis- charge the Duty of a Captain in Leading, Or- dering and Exercising said Foot Company in Arms, both Inferior Officers and Souldiers;. and to keep them in good Order and Disci- pline; hereby commanding them to Obey you as their Captain." This was dated September 16, 1717, and was signed by Samuel Shute. He left all his estate to his wife for his chil- dren, with the conditional understanding that if she remarried, John and Richard were to pay her twelve pounds yearly. Captain John Dexter married Winnefred Sprague. born at Maiden, December 31, 1673,. died there December 5, 1752, daughter of Samuel Sprague (baptized June 3, 1632) and Rebecca (Crawford) Sprague, who were mar- ried at Boston, August 23, 1655. Children: I. John, born at Maiden (as were all the oth- ers), January 3, 1696-97, died there :\Iarch 4, 1696-97. 2. Winnefred, March 30, 1698, died there June 30, 1698. 3. Samuel, October 23, 1700, see forward. 4. John, April 10, 1702, died at Maiden, July 4, 1705. 5. Tim- othy, July 28, 1703. died at Maiden, Novem- ber 30, 1703. 6. Timothy, July 28, 1704. died at Maiden, October 17, 1704. 7. John, Decem- ber 19, 1705. died at Maiden. May 17, 1790. 8. Richard, June 15, 1713, died Topsfield. No- vember 25, 1783. (IV) Rev. Samuel De.xter, third child of Captain John (2) Dexter and \\'innefred (Sprague) Dexter, was born at JNIalden, Mas- sachuetts, October 23, 1700, died at Dedham,. Massachusetts, January 29. 1755. He received from his father by will one hundred ]X)unds. being a smaller sum than was bequeathed to his brothers, with one hundred and fifty pounds to be added after his mother's death, and for this extra allowance he waited long, for she lived a widow thirty }ears. However, when his father made the distribution of his property while alive, he recorded the fact that he had given to Samuel both learning and books. He was of unusual studious quali- ties, and was .sent to Harvard, graduating in 1720. He was admitted to the church May I, 1720, ordained May 6. 1724. as the fourth mini.ster of the First Church of Dedham. and continued as such until his death, at that time under the charge of Rev. Alvan Lamson. He had kept school previously at Taunton, for six months, and commenced a school at Lynn, February, 1721, where he continued for one year, and then engaged in teaching in Mai- den, continuing for six months. From that time he improved himself in preaching. He received an unanimous call to be rector, with- an oflFer of one hundred and fifty pounds yearly salary. His reply shows the sincerity of the man, and in its quaintness is of inter- est, commencing as follows : "Honored and' Beloved : Seeing that the Sovereign Jehovah,. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLF.YS 1731 in whose hands are the hearts of all men. hath so far united the affections of the church and congregation in this place, that they have elected me (who am less than the least of all saints) to the work of the evangelical minis- try among you. and hath inclined your hearts freely to offer, of your temporal good things so far as you have done for my support, 1 do therefore hereby declare (though with trem- bling, do I engage in so great a work, for who is sufficient for these things?) that I freely embrace your invitation, because I be- lieve it to be my incumbent duty, and thank- fully accept your offers." He married, Boston. Massachusetts, July 9. 172^, Catherine Mears. born at Boston, Sep- tember 25. 1 701. died at Dedham, June 10, 1797. daughter of Samuel Mears (born May 22. 1671. died May 10, 1727) and Maria Catherine (Smith) Mears, daughter of Cap- tain Thomas Smith, mariner, whose portrait is in the Hall of American Antiquities at Worcester. Massachusetts. Mrs. Samuel Dex- ter married, when a widow, Samuel Barnard, of Salem, Massachusetts. The Rev. Samuel Dexter had all the temer- ity of the timid lover of the stage or novel when approaching the subject of selecting and winning a life partner. In his diary he made record on November 22, 1723: "This day was very cold. I communicated .something of my mind to the young lady — which I hope (and I think I have reason to hope), may, through the smiles of indulgent Providence be the Person in whom I may find the good thing, and obtain favor of the Lord. I think I have not been rash in my proceedings, she is as far as I can find, a Woman of Merit, a woman of good temper, and of prudent con- duct and conversation, and oh ! Lord I would humbly wait upon thee for so signal a Bless- ing." He was evidently successful in his hopes and surmises, for he wrote in his diary, under date of October 23, 1724, this quaintly worded sentence: "My companion is a kind, tender, and virtuous person, and I hope I have in her a good thing, which is from the Lord God, make her so to me." Her father kept a public house, as then termed, called the "George Tavern," located on the line between Boston and Duxbury, which was burned July 31, 1775, and he then conducted the Sun Tavern in Cock-court, Dock Square, and after that the "Governor Hancock." ^^'hen Samuel Mears died, Rev. Mr. Dexter wrote of him: "He was in gen- eral, a just, honest man and very charitable for one of his capacity ; had a very hard death, and I hope has exchanged earth for heaven. My wife has lost a tender, loving father, and I have lost a very kind, bountiful friend." Children of Rev. Samuel Dexter and Cath- erine Mears, all born at Dedham, were: i. Samuel, born March 18, 1725; baptized March 21, died at Dedham, April 9, 1725. 2. Samuel, born March 16, 1725-26; baptized March 20; died at Mendon, June 10, 1810. 3. John, born January 30, 1727-28; baptized February 4 ; died at Dedham, November 5, 1731. 4. Ebenezer, born October 17, 1729, see forward. 5. William, born September 12, 1731 ; baptized September 19; died at Ded- ham, May 26, 1736. 6. Catharina, born Sep- tember 28, 1733: baptized September 30; died at Dedham, February 2, 1734-35. 7. John, born August 12, 1735; baptized August 17; died at Marlborough, February 7, 1800. 8. Catharina. born November 21, 1737; bap- tized November 27: died August 30, 1814. 9. Rebecca, born October 4, 1739; baptized Octo- ber 7; died May 31, 1823. 10. William, born July 17, 1741 ; baptized July 19; died at Ded- ham, June 9, 1749. II. Mary, born October 12. 1743; baptized October 13; died May 13,. 1775- (\ ) Dr. Ebenezer Dexter, fourth child of Rev. Samuel and Catherine (Mears) Dexter,. was born at Dedham, Massachusetts, October 17, 1729, baptized October 19, died at Marl- borough, Massachusetts, May 4. 1769. He was a physician, practicing at Marlborough. He married, Marlborough, February 7, 1754, Lydia Woods, born at Marlborough, October 17, 1736, died there December 24. 1774, daughter of Colonel Benjamin Woods, born Marlborough, June 5, 1691, died in 1740, mar- ried, August 8, 1717, Elizabeth Morse, born January 4, 1699, daughter of Joseph and Grace (Warren) Morse. After the death of Dr. Dexter, she married. Marlborough, June 30, 1771, Dr. Samuel Curtis. All their "chil- dren were born at Marlborough, Massachu- setts. Children: i. William, born April 17, 1755, died at Marlborough, December 4, 1785. 2. Samuel, November 14, 1756, .see forward. 3. John, December 10, 1758, died at Boston, October 31, 1807. 4. Jason Haven, June 25, 1762, died at Marlborough, August 25, 1770. (\T) Samuel (2), second child of Dr. Ebe- nezer and Lydia (Woods) Dexter, was bom at Marlborough, Massachusetts. November 14, 1756, died at Albany, New York. August 29, 1825. He was an apothecary, and took up his residence in Albany at the end of the eighteenth century. He married, Northamp- ton, Massachusetts, May 29. 1790. Elizabeth Province, born at Northampton, July 4. 1763, died at Albany, October 18, 1846, at the resi- dence of her son, James, on the north side of 1732 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Beaver street, opposite where stood the "Mid- dle" Dutch Church. She was the daughter of John Province (son of John Province and Margaret Jer), born at Glasgow, Scotland, in 1 7 19, came to America, May 10, 1740, set- tling in Boston, died July 6, 1792; he married, May 9, 1748, Sarah, daughter of Captain Jo- seph and Mary (Townsend) Prince, born in 1730, died March 11, 1810, and was buried in the Prince family tomb in the Granary burial-ground at Boston. Massachusetts. Of the remarkably fine character of Mrs. Samuel Dexter, it was said: "Seldom has death during the last half century bereaved us of one leaving such records of goodness as the late Mrs. Samuel Dexter. So well was her kindly heart known and appreciated, that when strangers in former times made this city their temporary residence, often disheartened and afflicted, they were reminded that one hospitable door was open to them, where they could meet a cordial welcome, and find all the delights of home, in which word is cen- tered most that is dear to us. In her dwell- ing was seen all that taste and ingenuity could dictate. So entirely free was she from all sel- fishness, that no enjoyment was prized unless shared with others. If truth showed frailities in members of the community, she never cen- sured them. The poor had experienced her kindness so long, that they relied as confi- dently upon the stores set apart for them as if in their own possession, and her contri- butions were bestowed in so kind a manner that the wretched never lost their self-re- spect." Children: i. Eliza Hunt, born March 25, 1791, died May 7, 1799. 2. Frederick Sam- uel, January 25, 1793. died June 30, 1793. 3. James, born at Albany, New York, January 17, 1795, died there August 14. 1867, unmar- ried; graduated at Union College. 1813; was admitted to the bar by the New York supreme court. January 17, 1823, and was one of Al- bany's leading i^ractitioners. 4. Elizabeth Ann, born at Albany, March 24. 1797, died there August 30, 1840; married, .Mbany, May 6, 1823, Marcus Tullius Reynolds, who was born in Minaville. Florida township. ^lont- gomery county. New York. December 29. 1788, died in Albany, July 11, 1864, son of Dr. Stephen and Lydia (Bartlett) Reynolds. 5. George, see forward. (\'1I) George, son of Samuel (2) and Eliz- abeth (Province) Dexter, was born at Al- bany, New York, July 2, 1799. died there July 21, 1883. After being given an elemen- tary education in the city schools, he was sent, at the age of sixteen, to Union College, from which he graduated with full honors. He studied law, was admitted, but never prac- ticed. In his early life he manifested those traits of self-reliance and energy which en- abled him subsequently to be the architect of his own fortune. About 1827, when he mar- ried, he engaged in business with Henry Rawles and James Archibald McClure in the drug business, locating on the south side of State street, which firm became one of great prominence, as its business spread, un- til it eventually vied with those in the me- tropolis. After a time he withdrew and went into business on his own account at No. 57 State street, and his place was known as "Apothecaries' Hall." In 1850 he formed a partnership with Joseph Nellegar, and ac- quired the property at the northeast corner of State and Pearl streets, the most promi- nent intersection of streets in Albany's busi- ness section. This partnership continued for eighteen years when, having secured a com- fortable fortune by the application of the rule of absolutely fair dealing, he retired. In 1839 ^nd 1840 he yielded to solicitations of friends to enter political life, and was chosen to represent the old fifth ward in the board of supervisors, and he was elected in 1848 and 1849 to represent the sixth ward in the common council. He was actively con- cerned in the founding of the Albany I\ledi- cal College, and for a number of years was a trustee. For a very long time he was a ves- tryman of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, and on his death w^as senior warden. The rector. Rev. Dr. Walton W. Battershall, paid his memory the following tribute: "His life of eighty-three years was to a singular degree identified with the history of the parish. From his baptism in the little, stone church that stood underneath the fort in the middle of State street, the first Episcopal church west of the Hudson river in all America — what a host of memories concerning the history of this city and this parish were gathered up in his life. He represented much that was best in its type of character and life. The cour- tesy of the old days, the simple tastes, the spotless integrity, the faith and reverence, the .serenity and content and freedom from the push and rush of these more recent days — all these were conspicuous traits of his char- acter, and entered into the kindly, genial flow of his life. He was a man who won your trust and love, and he never betrayed them. The world, the church, the life of the house- hold, and friendship, and business, has need of such men — men whose fidelity you can lean on as an oaken staff. They are the moral salt of a community, and their memories are a ])rccious inheritance and an inspiration to HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1733 gentle and true and loyal living." The vestry of St. Peter's made record, in part, as follows : "He was a man of great beauty of character, whose kind and genial nature made his life rich in friendships, and who sustained all the trusts and relations of life with a rare cour- tesy, dignity and fidelity. He was for many j'ears a member of the vestry, giving to it his judicious counsel and unwearied labors. We order the chancel draped with the customary badge of mourning." .Vfter retiring from business, he continued to occupy an office on the ground floor of the same building, where he was wont to meet with his friends daily for the sole pur- pose of continuing the intimate companion- ship of a large circle of acquaintances, and was a most entertaining conversationalist, for his recollections comprised a varied lot of most interesting local history, dating back to the time when he made the trip, in company with his father, upon the first journey of Robert Fulton's famous steamboat, the "Clermont." He could also vividly describe the visit of Lafayette, September 17, 1824, when given a rousing, public reception by the city. He was in his nature strongly conserva- tive, always honest, sincere and upright in his purposes and conduct. He was a staunch adherent of the old Whig party, as long as it lasted, and he then became an earnest sup- porter of the Republicans. He was a liberal contributor to all the public charities and be- nevolent enterprises. He was a trustee of the .Mbany Savings Bank for many years, un- til his death. Bishop \\'illiam Croswell Doane made this tribute in his address before the convention of the Episcopal Church, in 1884. "A very prominent figure has passed away from Al- bany in the death of Mr. George Dexter, for many years one of the active and useful members of the vestry of St. Peter's church, and at the time of his death, its senior war- den. I miss his kindly greeting, which was almost a daily pleasure in my life upon the street, and the whole town misses him. as one of the few left of the old-fashioned gentlemen of Albany, 'a serene and genial old friend, who. without being garrulous, took pleasure in stirring up his old-time reminiscences of people and things in the Albany of a former day. He loved to talk,' I quote from the same graceful notice of him l)y my dear friend, Mr. Orlando Meads, 'of the school and school- mistresses of his early years, of the clergy- men, and especially of the old rectors of St. Peter's, their habits, peculiarities and the manv interesting facts connected with them. All these things made him a centre of loving interest to his friends. His was a beautiful, serene old age, tempered by time; strength- ened by a firm and quiet religious faith ; but ever preserving its interest in the happiness and welfare of those about him, and thus it came gently and peacefully to its close, leav- ing us pleasant remembrances of a good and useful and benignant life.'" He was buried in the Albany Rural cemetery, and in the nave of St. Peter's Church a window of beau- tiful, artistic execution was placed to his memory as its warden. George Dexter married, at .Mbany. New York. April 5, 1827, Mary Magdalen Cuyler, born at Fort Johnson, Johnstown, New York, the historic place of Sir William Johnson, February 3. 1810, died at Albany, October 4, 1847, daughter of John Cornelius and Han- nah (Maley) Cuyler. Children, born at .Al- bany: I. .Anna Augu.sla, July 16, 1833, see forward. 2. Catherine Cuyler, March 4, 1837, unmarried. 3. Cynthia Reynolds, October 14, 1839, died at Albany, November 23, 1893. un- married. 4. Mary, June 27, 1845, died there, February 7, 1848. (VHI) Anna Augusta, eldest child of George and Mary Magdalen (Cuyler) Dex- ter, was born at .Albany, New York, July 16, 1833. She married (first), in St. Peter's Church, Albany, .April 6, 1858, William James Noyes, who died at Old Lyme, Connecticut, January 31, i860, without issue. She married (second), in St. Peter's Church. Albany, Oc- tober 25, 1866, William Henry Bradford. He was born at New York. New York, Septem- ber 22, 1812, died at his home in that city, December 30. 1895. .son of William and Eliza (Price) Bradford. In the latter years of his life, he bought property at Lenox, Massachu- setts, where his family was living in 191 1. Mr. Bradford was eighth in direct descent from William Bradford, governor of Plym- outh Colony. The line of descent reaches to William Bradford, of .Austerfield. a small village on the .southern border of Yorkshire, England, who held the rank of "Yeoman," and was one of the only two persons of prop- erty then in that place. His .son, William, was born in 1561. died in i.Sgi; married Alice Hanson, in 1584. Their third child (first son). William, was born in .Austerfield, March, 1^90: was placed in care of his grand- father, being left an infant, and when he died, was brought up by an uncle. When twelve years old, he was deeply impressed by listening to the reading of the Scriptures, and later joined the band of worshipers known as .Separatists, who were accustomed to assemble in the house of 1734 HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \ALLEYS William Brewster, in Scrooby, an atljacent village. Religious persecution followed, and James I. declared he would "harry them out of the land, or worse." Under such condi- tions, they removed to Holland, where they could worship freely in their own way. They were about to start from Boston, England, when the king, through the treachery of the captain of the vessel, confined seven of them in prison. Bradford, being youthful, was re- leased sooner than the others, and proceeded to Zealand, Holland, where he was accused of being an English fugitive ; but, on explain- ing his cause, was allowed to go, and joined his friends at Amsterdam, where he became a silk dyer. At the end of three years Bradford came into possession of his inheritance, which he converted into cash, and established him- self in business. In 1609 the colony removed to Leyden, staying there about ten years, when he was one of those agitating for moving elsewhere. They proceeded to England. With others, he engaged in purchasing the sailing vessels "Speedwell" and "Mayflower." The former proving unseaworthy, they em- barked aboard the latter, and, although in- tending to settle near the Hudson river, they entered Cape Cod harbor on the morning of November 11, 1620, and just before passing in, drew up a compact which they signed. In the explorations to select the most prop- er place to locate, Bradford was one of the prime movers. While away on one of these hazardous trips, likely to come across sav- ages and wild beasts, his wife was accidentally drowned. On December 21, 1620, the band landed at Plymouth. It was a forlorn party of courageous souls, and their struggle that winter was severe, for six of them died in December, eight in January, seventeen in Feb- ruary and thirteen in March. The following month, the "Mayflower" sailed back to Eng- land, and they were left to their own re- sources, cut entirely loose from home and all assistance or supplies. Shortly thereafter. Carver, their leader, died, and William Brad- ford was chosen governor. He ruled wisely, holding this office for the long jieriod of thir- ty-seven years, with the exception of the three-year term of Edward Winslow and the two-year term of Mr. Prince. He won the unbounded respect of all in the colony. Understanding the character of the Indians thoroughly, his tact and bravery counted for much at several critical periods. A new and larger patent was granted them in 1629, in the name of "William Bradford, his heirs, associates and assigns." Bradford displayed judicious management and lessened their extreme misery as time went on. De- spite his meagre opportunity in youth to ac- quire more than a fair education, he was by natural bent able to improve himself, and he studied the languages that he might, as he put it, "see with his own eyes the ancient oracles of God in their native beauty." In this manner he became familiar with Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Dutch, at the same time reading much of history, philosophy and re- ligion. He was unusually active with his pen, as was discovered after his death, and his writings have been published, but only one appearing in print while he lived. Governor William Bradford married, in 1623, the widow, Alice (Carpenter) South- worth, for his second wife, who died at New Plymouth, Massachusetts, March 26, 1670, aged eighty years, and he died May 9, 1657. By his first marriage he had a son named John, who was a deputy to the court at Plym- outh, from Duxbury, iii 1651, and from Marshfield, in 1653. No record of his mar- riage has ever been learned. By his second wife, he had William. Mercy and Joseph. The eldest of these. Major William Brad- ford, was born June 17, 1624, died February 20, 1704, and married successively Alice Rich- ards, of Weymouth ; the Widow Wiswall, and Mary (Atwood) Holmes, widow of Rev. John Holmes, the first minister of Duxbury and daughter of Deacon John Atwood, of Plym- outh. The Bradford arms : Shield : Gules, on a fesse azure, three stags" heads erased, argent. Crest: A stag's head erased. Children of William Henry Bradford and Anna Augusta Dexter: i. Grace, born at New York, New York, September 2, 1868; married, at New York City, February 14, 1889, Lindsay Fairfax. He was born at "Oak Hill," Aldie. Loudoun county, Virginia, May 5, 1857, .son of John Walter and Mary Jane (Rogers) Fairfax, by whom: Bradford Lind- say, born in New York City, February 11. 1893. and Grace I,indsay, born at Eastbourne, England. April 21. 1898. 2. William Henry, born at New York City, March 19, 1872; mar- ried, at New York City, February 8, 1892, Mary Kingsland Jones, born at New York City, October 4, 1870, daughter of Herman LeRoy and Augusta (Kingsland) Jones, by whom : William, born at Babylon, Long Island, November 20, 1893, died at New York City, March 20, 1900, and George Dexter, born at New York City, June 12, 1897. 3. George Dexter, born in New York, New York, May II. 1873, died there, November 24, 1894, un- married ; he was educated by tutors and also attended St. Paul's School, at Concord, New Hampshire. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS •735 Tudge Randall James Le LE BOEUF Hoeuf, son of Peter J. and Sarah A. (Saunders) Le r>oeuf. was bom in Cohoes, New York, March lo, 1870. Judge Le Boeuf's father was of French descent, and a resident of Canada in his youth, coming there from France when a xrhild. He was sent into the United States for his education, and graduated from the Fort Edward Institute in New York state. Shortly afterwards he engaged in the manu- facture of axes in Cohoes. After that he removed to Troy, New York, where he was actively concerned in the manufacture of collars, cuffs, and shirts, the leading industry of that city. He was for a number of years a member of the firm of Wheeler, Allendorf & LeBoeuf, afterwards Wheeler, Le Boeuf & Company. The ancestors of Judge Le Boeuf's mother, the Saunders family, came to this country from Scotland in colonial days, settling first on the Taunton and Providence, Rhode Island "plantations," as they were then styled, several of this family playing most important parts in the struggle for independence. Her father was Randall Saunders, a well-known resident of Albany in 1830, and members of this family moved into Columbia, Greene and L'lster counties. She was born at Albany, and was educated at the State Normal Col- lege. When nine years old. Judge Le Boeuf came to live in Albany, and attended the high school, from which he graduated in the class of 1887. He then took up the study of law in the office of the late Eugene Burlingame, an unusually bright lawyer and district attor- ney. In the fall of 1889, Judge Le Boeuf en- tered Cornell L'niversity, and graduated from the law department in 1892, with the degree LL. D. He was there one of the prize de- baters, and also received the thesis prize for his treatise of the law. He was made a mem- ber of the Delta Upsilon fraternity, and was president of both the junior and senior classes of the law school. A part of his work at Cor- nell was done under the supervision of Charles E. Hughes, later the governor of New York state and afterwards judge of the United States supreme court, then professor of law, and Mr. Le Boeuf's thesis on the rights and remedies of abutters on streets over which the elevated railroads were con- structed, procured for him, through the inter- est of members of the faculty of Cornell, a position as managing clerk in the law firm of Sackett & Bennett, who at that time did a large business for jjroperty owners in actions brought against the New York and Manhat- tan Elevated Company. During his connec- tion with this firm, he formed, what is be- lieved to have been, the first linotype labor union organized in the I'nited States. He also had considerable experience in the forma- tion of the model village of Larchmont, New York, which was built up from the proper- ties of the Larchmont Manor companies. Upon the return of Charles E. Hughes to his firm in New York City, known as Carter, Hughes & Kellogg, he entered the office of that firm as assistant attorney. He was of- fered the position by Walter S. Carter, who was the senior member of the law firm, fath- er-in-law of Governor Hughes, and a man of country-wide reputation as the friend and starter of young men. Mr. Le Boeuf consid- ered his connection with Governor Hughes to be equivalent to a liberal education in law matters, and the latter evidently noticed his response to earnest effort, for later Mr. Le Boeuf's application brought its reward. Mr. Le Boeuf was admitted to the bar at .Sara- toga Springs, New York, September 14, 1892. In 1895. Eugene Burlingame, with whom Mr. Le Boeuf had read law, having been elected district attorney for Albany county, Mr. Le Boeuf returned to Albany and formed a law partnership with him, which continued throughout Mr. Burlingame's first term and ended only with the-latter's sudden death in 1898, during his second term of office. In November, 1897, j\lr. Le Boeuf drew the charter for the new city of Rensselaer, Co- lumbia county. New York, and was appoint- ed its first corporation counsel, remaining in that office consecutive years until 1902. It has ever been a source of satisfaction to him that he made a great number of friends dur- ing that period, and likewise had the benefit of the experience. After Mr. Burlingame's death, he formed a partnership with Surro- gate Newton B. Van Derzee and John T. Cook, ex-district attorney, and for several years they practiced in the Municipal Gas Company building on State street, Albany. In the year 1900 Mr. Le Boeuf undertook the formation of what became the Albany Trust Company, enlisting the assistance of a number of prominent citizens, both at .Albany and in New York, and the handsome building of its own was opened on September 5, 1904, the organization dating from March 20, 1900, when Mr. John D. Parsons, Jr., was chosen its president, who was also the president of the National Exchange Bank of .\lbany. He has given, since then, much time to its af- fairs, and has been a director and its legal counsel. He has also been interested in bank- 1736 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ing institutions in other cities, and as such was made a director of the Schenectady, Troy and Syracuse Trust Companies in those three cities. He has had large experience also in litigation affecting gas and electric lighting companies. He has been engaged in legal work for railroad corporations, and was at- torney for the Albany & Hudson Railroad Company, participating in the work of reor- ganization when forming the present Albany & Southern Railroad Company. His practice has not been confined to New York state, but has included cases of moment in the circuit courts of the United States and other Federal courts. He has had considerable familiarity with litigation affecting the rights of vessels navigating the waters of this state and tide waters. Governor Charles E. Hughes ap- pointed him a justice of the supreme court for this district, December 26, 1909, to suc- ceed the late Judge George H. Fitts, which appointment was generally satisfactory to those who knew him. To this high office he gave his best endeavors. When Justice Le Boeuf retired from office upon the expiration of his term, December 31, 1910, it was made a notable occasion by those with whom he had been brought in contact. His desk had been piled high with a display of American Beauty roses, and he was over- come by the marks of appreciation. The Al- bany County Bar xA.s.sociation had drawn reso- lutions, to the effect that "his service upon the bench has been marked by the greatest degree of expedition consistent with a proper consideration of the multitude of important cases which have been presented to him for decision, and that the uniform patience and courteous consideration which have charac- terized his judicial relations, manifest that he is possessed of the temperament necessary in a judge." The resolutions further recited that the members of the bar in .\lbany county appreciate his service, which had served to demonstrate his worth, his excellent judg- ment, absolute fairness, energetic promptness in the despatch of matters brought before him, and his clear and unbiased interpretation of the laws. Judge Le Boeuf is a member of the New York State Bar Association, the .American Society of International Law, and of the Bar Association of Albany County. He is promi- nent among Masons, being a member of Mas- ters' Lodge. No. 5, and Capital City Chapter, Royal .4rch Masons, of De Witt Council, Royal and Select Masters, and vice-presi- dent of Cornell Alumni Association ; member of the executive council of the Delta Upsilon fraternity, of the Unconditional Republican Club and of the National Geographic Society, Fort Orange, University and Aurania clubs, and Pine Hills Association of Albany, and the Republican, Cornell and Railroad clubs of New York City. He is a trustee and vestry- man of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Albany, and resides at No. 531 Western ave- nue. Judge Le Boeuf married, at Albany, New York, June 3, 1896, Katharine Washburn, daughter of Hiram L. Washburn. Judge and Mrs. Le Boeuf have one child, Randall James Le Boeuf, Jr. Hiram L. Washburn was a dealer in real estate, residing at the northeast corner of Western avenue and Quail street, Albany. Frank Sweet Black, ex-governor BLACK of the state of New York, was- born at Livingston, York county, Maine, March 8, 1853. He was one of a. family of eleven children who were reared on a rocky farm with a fractious soil that did not respond liberally to the farmer's efforts. At the age of eleven his parents removed to Alfred, RIaine, where he attended the school' now known as Limerick Academy, going" from there to Lebanon Academy. He was a poor boy and his school days were frequently interrupted by the need of earning money. He taught school to earn enough to continue his course at Lebanon, where he organized a debating society and was one of the chief debaters. With some money gained in teach- ing and some obtained from his father (which later was repaid from his first earnins:s) he entered Dartmouth College in 1875. He was not well prepared, but by hard work made good the studies, in which he was deficient. As before, he taught school to pay his ex- penses ; one year he taught school at Cape- Cod. In his junior year he could only attend his classes eleven weeks of the session. While a senior he taught in Provincetown, Cape Cod, where he met Lois B. Hamlin, who on Thanksgiving Day, 1879, became his wife. Despite all his handicaps. Mr. Black was one of the honor men on Commencement Day, had been the editor of two college periodicals and had twice been chosen a prize speaker. His success in teaching brought him the high endorsement of the college faculty, and on graduation day he had the choice of three principalships offered him. But the law, not teaching, was his goal, and all the offers were refused. He joined forces with a fellow stu- dent, Henry W. Smith, of Troy, and together they established headquarters at Rome. New York, and began the sale of pictures, the craze at that particular time being chronios. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS -^lU \\'hile so engaged, he became acquainted with \V. M. Irehmd, editor of the Johnstown, Ful- ton count)-, Journal, and librarian of the state senate at Albany, who was in need of a com- petent man to take charge of the journal. Mr. Blaclv accepted this position, and he was soon hard at work on both editorial and local pages of the journal. The great struggle was then on between the national giants, Blaine and Conkling. Being from Maine he warmly sup- ported the man from Elaine, overlooking the fact that Mr. Ireland was a political follower of Conkling. This led to a rupture and Mr. Black resigned. While engaged in editorial work he had begun the study of law with \\'ells, Dudley & Keck, of Fulton county. He now removed to Troy, New York, where he continued his legal study with Robertson & Foster, working in the meantime as reporter on the Troy Whig, in the office of the regis- try department of the Troy postofifice, and in the service of various legal papers. He soon became managing clerk in the office of Robertson & Foster, and had the distinction of operating the first typewriter ever used in Troy. He earned a part of his expense money by copying papers, becoming exceedingly ex- pert on the machine. In 1879, four years after his graduation, he was admitted to the bar. He accepted an offer of a partnership and became junior member of the la\v firm of Smith, Wellington & Black, continuing for one year, then went into business for himself, and opened offices in the Young building in Troy. He went into debt for law books, but when he had them, read and knew them. He worked hard, thoroughly prepared his cases and each year showed an increase in practice and income. In a few years he became known as a leader of the Rensselaer county bar and had his choice of cases. He always avoided criminal cases, but there were few civil cases of importance in the county in which he was not offered a retainer on one side or the other. His law library was one of the best in Troy, and every book in it gave signs of usage. In one month. August, 1893, there came to Mr. Black's legal care, the largest business that ever came to a law office in Troy in the same time. The passing into receivership of the Troy Steel & Iron Com- pany, and of the Gilbert Car Company, was an indication of his high standing in the legal fraternity. He was always a Republican in conviction, in experience and in service. lie was a campaign speaker for the Republican county committee in 1888 and 1892. Becom- ing aware of the election frauds in Troy, he drew up bills for presentation to the legisla- ture to make these frauds impossible. An ex- citing election followed, at which a Republican watcher, named Robert Ross, was murdered by a man named "Bat" Shea. Mr. Black or- ganized a committee of public safety, to se- cure the punishment of the murderer, who- ever he might be, and accomplished his ob- ject. Shea, after trial, was convicted and electrocuted. Mr. Black then continued his efiforts to reform the election laws and secured the passage of the O'Connor Inspector Act. As a natural result of his political activity in the fall of 1894, he was nominated and elected to congress. In the house he served on com- mittees, Pacific railroad and private land claims. In 1896 he was renominated, but there w-as a greater office before him. 1 le had been a delegate to the Republican Na- tional Convention that nominated McKinley, and had made a brilliant speech, when New York City ratified the nomination. His ca- pacity for public work of a high order had become known when his name was presented by Rensselaer and Columbia counties at the state convention held at Saratoga as a candi- date for governor, his speedy nomination over several strong candidates following. He made a series of strong speeches in the campaign that followed, and had the gratification of being elected by the largest plurality ever given a Republican candidate for governor, 212,992. He was sworn into office January i, 1897. He gave the state a strong administra- tion, which was specially marked by the com- pletion of the state capitol, which had been in course of construction so many years. The governor took hold of this problem in his u.sual thorough, vigorous manner, and the capitol w^as finished. After retiring from of- fice he returned to the practice of law, in which he has since added to his fame. He married, as stated, Lois Hamlin, daughter of Dr. Hamlin, of Provincetown, Massachusetts. He has one child, Arthur, who was fifteen years of age when his father was elected governor of New York state. Few men can look back over their lives with greater satis- faction than Frank Sweet Black, who, by .sheer force of character, rose from a lowly position to the highest. The Backus family is one of the B.\CKUS oldest in this country and in England, the line going back to Ecgberht, the first king of England, from him to Cerdic, the first king of the West Saxons, and tradition has it that this last named was a lineal descendant of Woden (or Odin), who was supposed to be descended from the eldest son of Noah. There have been many distin- guished men in this familv in addition'to those 1738 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS mentioned in detail below, among them being : Rev. Dr. Charles Backus, of Somers, Con- necticut, president of Yale College ; Rev. Dr. A. Backus, a former president of Hamilton College. New York; Rev. Backus, a distin- guished Baptist minister of New England during the revolution; Rev. Simon Backus, who married a sister of the celebrated Jona- than Edwards ; and a number of clergymen equally noted. In other walks of life members of this family have become equally famous. (I) William (i) Backus is the immigrant ancestor. He is supposed to have come to this country from Norwich, England, his name ap- pearing as crossing in the "Rainbow" in 1637, and the town of Norwich, Connecticut, was so named as a mark of respect and esteem for William Backus, Norwich, England, having "been presumably his birthplace. The fine Backus Hospital at Norwich, Connecticut, also commemorates this fact. He was at Saybrook, Connecticut, in 1638, and was one of the thirty-five original proprietors of Norwich, who established the town in 1660. His death occurred prior to May 7, 1664. He married (first) Sarah, daughter of Rev. John Chodes, of Branford, Connecticut. He married (sec- ond) before 1660, Ann (Stenton) Bingham, widow of Thomas Bingham. She died in JVIay, 1670. Children, all by first marriage: I. William, see forward. 2. Stephen, mar- ried, December, 1666, Sarah, who died at Canterbury, Connecticut, daughter of Ensign Jared and Hannah Spencer, of Cambridge and Lynn, Massachusetts, and of Haddam, Con- necticut. Children: Sarah, married David Knight, of Norwich ; Stephen, died at Can- terbury ; Mary ; Ruth, married Robert Green, of Canterbury ; Lydia ; Deacon Timothy, of 'Canterbury, married Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Reynolds) Post, of Norwich, and had eight children ; Elizabeth, married Na- thaniel Bond, of Canterbury, son of Nathan- iel and Bethia (Fuller) Bond, of Watertown, Massachusetts ; Rebecca, married William Blake, of Canterbury. 3. Sarah, married John Reynolds, of Norwich. 4. Mary, married, 1665, Benjamin Crane, of Wethersfield, Con- necticut. 5. , married John Baylev. (11) William (2), eldest child of William (i) and Sarah (Chodes) Backus, was born in England, died at Norwich, Connecticut, in 1 72 1. He was ensign of the train band in May, 1680, appointed lieutenant in May, 1693, and represented the town at the general court at Hartford in May, 1680-84. and October, 1680-83-84-89. He married Elizabeth, born at Saybrook, Connecticut, I'-ebruary i. 1641- 42. died in 1730, daughter of Lieutenant Wil- liam and Elizabeth (Clark) Pratt, of Say- brook. Children: i. Sergeant William, born May II, 1660, died at Windham, Connecticut, January 25, 1742-43, where he had gone about 1692, in which year he was sergeant of the Windham train band; he married (first), No- vember 3, 1681, Elizabeth ■ — , who died March 28, 1687-88; married (second) Au- gust 31, 1692, Mary Dunton, born in March, 1662, died December 16, 1757, possibly a daughter of Samuel Dunton, of Reading ; chil- dren by first marriage: Sarah, John and Wil- liam ; children by second marriage : Samuel, married Sarah Card and had six children ; Abigail ; Mary ; Daniel ; Hannah ; Peter, mar- ried Mary Arnold; William, married (first) Sarah • Bennet and had three children, and (second) Mary Dimmock, and had one child; Stephen ; Ephraim, married Colaty Vining and had seven children. 2. John, born February 9, 1 66 1, died at Windham, Connecticut, March 27, 1744; he went to Windham about 1692, and was deputy from 1704 to 1711 ; he mar- ried, February 17, 1691-92, Mary, born July, 1672, died February 19, 1747, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Rudd) Bingham, of Nor- wich ; children : i. Mary, married Joshua, son of Joshua and Hannah (Bradford) Ripley, of Windham. ii. Lydia, married Colonel Thomas, son of Deacon Joseph and Hannah ( Baxter) Dyer, of Weymouth, Massachusetts. Colonel Thomas Dyer married (second) Me- hitable Gardiner, and (third) Sarah (Bing- ham) Walden. iii. John; iv. John, married Sibyl, daughter of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth (Adams) Whiting, of Windham, and had twelve children ; v. Abigail, married Elijah Hurlbnrt, of Windham ; vi. Jerusha, became the second wife of Daniel Stoughton, of Windham, who married (third) Sarah Kim- ball; vii. Zerviah, became the second wife of Rev. Hezekiah Lord, of Preston, son of En- sign James Lord, of Saybrook ; viii. Nathan- iel. 3. Sarah, born June 14, 1663; married, January 15, 1681-82, Edward, son of Edward and Ann Culver, of Norwich and Lebanon. 4. Samuel, born May 2, 1665. 5. Joseph, see forward. 6. Nathaniel, born April 15, 1669, died August 16, 1728 ; he was of Norwich ; married (first ) Lydia, daughter of Richard and Mary (Sylvester) Edgerton ; (second) Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary (Wins- low) Tracy; children of first marriage: i. Daniel ; ii. Lydia, married David, possibly a son of Samuel and Anne (Calkins) Birchard, of Norwich ; iii. Nathaniel ; children of second marriage : iv. Nathaniel ; v. Nathaniel, mar- ried Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Abi- gail (Lay) Baldwin, and had seven children; vi. Mary, married Nathaniel, son of Nathan- iel and Abigail (Hartshorn) Rudd; vii. Eliza- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS 1739 "beth. who became the second wife of John, son of John and Experience (Abell) Hyde; viii. Josiah, married Love, daughter of Dea- con Joseph and Ruth (Denison) Kingsbury, and had eight children: ix. Jabez, married (first) Eunice, daughter of Deacon Joseph and Ruth (Denison) Kingsbury: (second) Esther, daughter of Aaron and Susanna (Wade) Clark, of Lebanon, and widow of Ezra Lathrop ; he had six children by the first marriage and two by the second. 7. Eliza- beth, died December 29, 1728; she married, February 10, 1686-87, Deacon Thomas Hunt- ington, of Mansfield, son of Christopher and Ruth (Rockwell) Huntington. 8. Hannah, died in February. 1752; she married (first), February 17. 1691-92, Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary (Rudd) Bingham; (second) March 4, 1711-12, Daniel, son of Lieutenant Thomas and (Mason) Tracy; (third) Novem- ber 18. 1729, at Lisbon, Samuel, son of Lieu- tenant Francis Griswold, of Norwich. 9. ]\Iary, died March 27, 1752: she married, De- cember. 1697. Tliomas, son of Samuel and Jane (Lee) Hyde. (HI) Lieutenant Joseph Backus, fourth son and fifth child of William (2) and Eliza- "beth (Pratt) Backus, was born September 6, 1667, died in Norwich, December. 1740. He was considered one of the most influential men in the town of Norwich, representing it for about forty years at the general court at Hart- ford. He was ensign of the train band in 1690, and lieutenant in May, 1693. He mar- ried. April 9, 1690, Elizabeth Huntington, iDorn October 6, 1669, died in 1762 (see Hunt- ington H). Children: i. Joseph, born March I, 1691 : went to Hartford in 1725; sherifif •of Hartford county, September, 1726: re- turned to Norwich in 1736; he married. Alarch I, 1721-22, Hannah, born January 3. 1696, •died October. 1747, daughter of Richard and Mary (Talcott) Edwards, of Hartford; chil- dren: William. EHsha. Mary, Hannah and Joseph. 2. Lieutenant Samuel, born January 6, 1692-93. died of the measles. November 24. 1740; he was lieutenant of the Second Com- pany of the train band of Norwich, May. 1727; representative, October, 1738-39-40: he married. January 18, 1715-16, Elizabeth, born April 6. 1698, died January 26. 1769. daugh- ter of John and Elizabeth (Leffingwell) Tracy : children : i. Captain Samuel, married (first) Phebe. daughter of Hugh and Phebe (Abell) Calkins, and had five children: mar- ried (second) Elizaheth, daughter of Joshua and ]\Iary (Welch) Wedge, and had three children ; ii. Ann, became the second wife of Captain Joshua, son of Dr. Samuel and Eliza- heth ( SbuTan) Abell; iii. Elizabeth, married General Jabez, son of Captain Joshua and Hannah (Perkins) Huntington; General Ja- bez Huntington married (second) Hannah Williams, of Pomfret ; iv. Rev. Isaac, was or- dained pastor of the Baptist church, Titicut parish. Middleboro. Massachusetts, April 13, 1748 : he married Susanna, daughter of Sam- uel Mason, of Rehoboth. Massachusetts, and had nine children; v. Captain Elijah was very prominent in the military afifairs of his time ; he married (first) Lucy, daughter of John and Hannah (Lee) Griswold, of Lyme, and had nine children; he married (second) Mar- garet (Grant) Tracy, widow of Jared Tracy; vi. Simon ; vii. Eunice, married John, son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Birchard) Post : John Post married (second) Abigail Lelifingwell ; viii. Major Andrew, also prominent and dis- tinguished in military afifairs ; he married Lois, daughter of Thomas and Mary Pierce, of Plainfield. and had seven children ; ix. Asa, also prominent in military afifairs ; married Esther Parkhurst, of Plainfield, and had eight children: x. Lucy, married Benajah, son of Benajah and Joanna (Christophers) Leffing- well : xi. Deacon John. 3. Ann, born Janu- ary 27, 1694-95, died August 24, 1761 : she married, April 25, 1717, Nathaniel, son of Samuel and Hannah (Adgate) Lathrop. 4. Rev. Simon, born February 11, 1700-01. died at Cape Breton. February 2, 1746; he was chaplain in the colonial army in 1746; he mar- ried. October i, 1729, Eunice, fjorn August 20. 1705, died June i. 1788, daughter of Rev. Timothy and Esther (Stoddard) Edwards, of East \\1ndsor ; children : i. Clarinda, married Zebadiah, son of Nathaniel and Ann (Backus) Lathrop. of Norwich ; ii. Eunice, died unmar- ried : iii. Elizabeth, married David, son of Ensign David and Sarah (Grant) Bissell, of East Windsor: iv. Rev. Simon, pastor at Granby, Massachusetts, and at Guilford, Con- necticut ; he married Rachel, daughter of Ab- ner and Elizabeth (Lyman) Moseley, and had twelve children: v. Esther, married Benjamin Ely, of West Springfield, now Holyoke. Mas- sachusetts ; vi. Joseph, died young : vii. Jeru- sha. married Smith Bailey, of East Windsor; viii. Mary, died young. 5. James, born Au- gust 14, 1703, died in Norwich, in 1756; mar- ried. November i. 1747, Lydia Huntley, and had : Joseph. Mary, Ezekicl, Lus and Mary. 6. Elizabeth, born October 27. 1705. died August 7, 1787 ; she married. September 26, 1725, Cyprian, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Lord, of Saybrook. 7. Sarah, born July. 1709, died November 22, 1790; she married, July 6. 1732, Isaac, son of Deacon Nathaniel and Sarah (Lobdell ) Bingham, of Scotland. Con- necticut. 8. Ebenezer, see forward. I740 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS (IV) Ebenezer, youngest child of Lieuten- ant Joseph and Elizabeth (Huntington) Backus, was born March 30, 1712, died in Norwich, Connecticut, November 4, 1768. He represented his town in the general court. May, 1746-47-48-49-50-62, and October, 1744- 45-46-47-48-49-64. He married (first), Janu- ary 29, 1740-41, Abigail, born about 17 19, died March 26, 1744, daughter of Captain Joseph and Hannah (Higley) Trumbull, of Lebanon, and sister of the first Governor Trumbull. He married (second) May 2, 1745, at Wind- ham, Eunice, born June 5. 1727, died October 25. 1 75 1, daughter of Colonel Thomas and Lydia (Backus) Dyer. He married (third) July 26, 1753, Sarah, born July 28, 1726, daughter of Benjamin and Aliriam (Kilby) Clark, of Boston, Massachusetts. Children by first marriage: i. Abigail, born March 6, 1742, died December 22, 1760; she married, June 12, 1760, Colonel Simeon Perkins, of Norwich, and later of Liverpool, Nova Sco- tia, son of Jacob and Jemima (Leonard) Per- kins, of Norwich. Colonel Simeon Perkins married (second) Elizabeth (Young) Had- ley, widow of John Hadley, of Manchester, Nova Scotia. 2. Mary, born March 20, died March 24, 1744. Children by second mar- riage: 3. Eunice, born May 26, died Novem- ber 5, 1746. 4. Ebenezer, see forward. 5. Eunice, born August 2, 1749. died February 3, 1826: she married, December 24, 1767, Gov- ernor Jonathan, son of Governor Jonathan and Faith (Robinson) Trumbull, of Lebanon. Among her children are : Mrs. Silliman, of New Haven, and Mrs. Daniel Wadsworth, of Hartford, Connecticut. 6. Roger, born Octo- ber 5, 175 1, died young. Children of third marriage: 7. Benjamin, born June 26, 1754, died unmarried at Mendon, Massachusetts, in 1777. 8. Roger, baptized October 27, 1755, at the First Church of Norwich, died young. 9. Sarah, baptized at the First Church of Nor- wich, October 17, 1756. also died young. 10. Christopher, born August 6. 1758, died unmar- ried in 185 1. II. Sarah, born February 7, 1760, died October 3, 1839; she married, De- cember 6, 1778, David, son of Governor Jona- than and Faith (Robinson) Trumbull, of Leb- anon. 12. Abigail, born November 6, 1761, died March 6, 1781 ; she married, October 14, 1779, Thomas Huntington, of Norwich, Con- necticut, of Middletown, \'ermont. and of Dresden, New York, son of Dr. Christopher and Sarah (Bingham) Huntington, of Bozrah. Thomas Huntington married (second) Griswold. (V) Ebenezer (2), eldest son and second child of Ebenezer (i) and Eunice (Dyer) Backus, was born August 17, 1747, died in Norwich about 1786. He married, JanuaT3* 7, 1767, Elizabeth Fitch, born February 12,. 1748-49, at Lebanon (see Fitch VH). She- married (second) 1791, Albertus Sirant Des- touches, of Norwich, formerly of Essequibo, South America. Children: i. Eunice, born May 5, 1768. 2. Eleazar Fitch, see forward. 3. Elizabeth, born March 22, 1775, died young. 4. Betsey, born about 1779, died at Norwich, November 5, 1813; she married, be- fore 1798, John Converse, of Troy, New . York. 5. George, baptized April 23, 1780, at Christ Church in Norwich; died in' 1828; re- moved to Virginia ; he married (first) ;: (second), 1813, Dorothy Chappell, of Amelia county, Virginia. 6. Benjamin, baptized Au- gust 5. 1781, in Christ Church, Norwich. 7. Lydia, baptized at Christ Church, Norwich,. February 13, 1785, died December i, 1832; she married, October 27, 1801, Nathan Whit- ing, of New Haven, son of Colonel William^ B. and Amy (Lathrop) Whiting, of Wind- ham. Nathan Whiting married (second), 1835, Nancy (Breed) "Williams. 8. Juliet, baptized in Christ Church, Norwich, April 30, 1786, died in New York state : she married (first) Eben Jones, (second) Samuel Chee- ver. 9. Charlotte, baptized in Christ Church,. Norwich, February 14, 1790. (VI) Eleazar Fitch, eldest son and second child of Ebenezer (2) and Elizabeth (Fitch) Backus, was born January 13, 1770, died in Philadelphia, January 22, 1859. He was the founder of the Law Publishing House of W. C. Little, of Albany, New York. He married (first) Harriet, born September 14, 1779, died' July 13, 1804, daughter of Colonel William B. and Amy (Lathrop) Whiting, of Norwich, Connecticut, and of Canaan, New York. He married (second) June 8, 1807, Elizabeth Chester, born November 10, 1774, died Au- gust 14, 1847 (see Chester IX). Children:- I. Jonathan Trumbull, see forward. 2. Rev. Dr. John Chester, prominent for more than' half a century in the church at large and as pastor of the First Church of Baltimore, Maryland, through whose influence most of the growth of Presbyterianism throughout that section was largely due. He was a lead- ing member of the board of directors of Princeton Seminary. 3. Mary, married James Bayard, Esq., of Philadelphia, born Alay 20, 1802, died August i, 1874. His line of descent is as follows : I. Rev. Balthazar Bayard, a Huguenot settler in Holland'. II. Nicholas. HI. Peter. IV. Samuel, who had twins; James and John. Of these, James was a.' physician and had a son, Hon. James A., whose son, Hon. Thomas F., was secretary of" state during the first administration of Presi- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \- ALLEYS 1741 '3ent Cleveland, and who was the first ambas- sador to the Court of St. James during Cleve- land's second administration. The other twin was: V. Colonel John. VL Andrew. VH. James, Esq., mentioned above. (MI) Rev. Jonathan Trumbull Backus. D. D., L.L. D., son of Eleazar Fitch and Eliza- beth (Chester) Backus, was born at Albany, New York, January 2j, 1809, died at Schenec- tady, New York, January 21, 1892. Dr. Backus was prepared for college at the Albany Academy, from which he was graduated at the age of fourteen years, and the home influ- ence of his mother, a woman noted for her sincere piety, left a deep impression upon him, which made its influence felt throughout his life. At the age of seventeen years he joined the Second Presbyterian Church of Albany, of which his uncle, Rev. Dr. John Chester, was the pastor. He was graduated from Co- lumbia College with honor in 1827, standing with the Hon. Hamilton Fish at the head of his class, of which he was the valedictorian. He was graduated from the Princeton Theo- logical Seminary three years later, then spent one year at the Andover Theological Semi- nary, and a part of a year at the Yale Divinity School. He was licensed at the New York Presbytery, October 15. 1829, and was or- dained and installed in the First Presbyte- rian Church of Schenectady, to which he had received a call, December 6, 1832. He was pastor of this church until 1872, a period of forty years, and pastor emeritus from June 18, 1873, until his death, frequently preaching during this latter period, although for nine years he was totally blind as the result of cat- aract. Union College bestowed upon him the degree of S. T. D. in 1847, and that of LL. D. in 1875. He was a member of the Albany Presbytery during his entire ministry, and in- fluential in its councils as well as in those of the synod and the general assembly. He served on many important committees, was a leader in the movement to unite the old and new school churches, and his ability was rec- ognized when he was elected, by acclamation, moderator of the reunion general assembly of 1870, at Philadelphia. He was also foremost in the movement for the first Presbyterian Hymnal. He laid the corner stone of Reunion Hall, at Princeton, New Jersey. One of his marked characteristics was his executive abil- ity. As chairman for many years of the Home Mission Committee of Presbytery, he was of great influence in furthering the cause of for- eign and domestic missions. He served as trustee of Union College from 1852 until 1888, and for a number of years was president of the board of trustees. He was president of the board of trustees of the Young Men's Christian Association of Schenectady from its incorporation in 1871 until liis death, and was president of the board of trustees of the Home for the Friendless from its foundation in 1868. His high character won for him the confidence of men both within and without his church, so that his counsel was widely sought and his words always listened to with unfeigned respect. It was largely through the efforts of Rev. Dr. Nott, who' early recog- nized the ability and worth of Dr. Backus, that he was brought to Schenectady, and they co-operated in furthering the interests of the city and the college. Dr. Backus was a mem- ber for several terms of the board of educa- tion of the city and his influence helped greatly to keep the schools in line with the more prcn gressive methods of education. In associa- tion with Dr. Nott he developed the beauty of the city by means of planting shade trees, the college nurseries furnishing many of the fine old elms which now adorn the streets. He was thoroughly catholic in spirit and sym- pathy, encouraging all feasible Christian union. The impression of Dr. Backus on the life of his own church, that of the city, its religious, educational and philanthropical de- velopment, is a lasting one, and one which will be of benefit for many generations to come. At the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of Union College, which was held .at Schenectady, June 21, 1892, it was decided to put on record the following tribute to Dr. Backus: "Though a graduate of Columbia, he was for nearly sixty years closely identi- fied with the life of Union College. During forty years, as the minister of the Presbvte- rian Church, in the City of Schenectady,' he was the religious teacher and guide of many hundreds of her students, and stood in inti- mate relation with a long line of Presi- dents and Professors. For thirty-five years he was a Trustee of the Institution, eminent and influential in her councils, zealous and untiring in his eflforts to advance her inter- ests." The familiarity of Dr. Backus with the Scriptures was wonderful. During his later years, after the affliction of blindness had come upon him, he nevertheless fre- quently preached, and in the course of his ser- mon would recite long passages from the Bible and hymns, from memory, and was practically letter perfect. At the sermon preached be- tween the death and burial of Dr. Backus, by Rev. A. Russell Stevenson, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, he said in part: "Our church is one hundred and twen- ty years old, and to-morrow we bury the pas- 1742 HUDSON AND MOHAWK ^■ALLEYS tor who has been in our midst for the half of that period — but in estimating the influence of the man, the latter half of the one hundred and twenty years is manifold more valuable than the former." Rev. Dr. Backus married, April 30, 1835, Ann Eliza Walworth, born September 29, 1817, at Plattsburg, New York, died October 3, 1895 (see Walworth V). Children: i. Elizabeth Chester, born April 19, 1842 ; mar- ried, June 29, 1865, Rev. Dr. Alexander Ran- kin. 2. ]\[ary Walworth, born July 29, 1844. 3. Rev. Dr. Clarence Walworth, born April 20, 1846, was graduated from Union College in 1870, and from Princeton Theological Sem- inary in 1873 ; he married. April 30, 1873, Su- san. Washington, born December 2, 1847 ; children: Anna E., died yoimg; R. Living- stone, died in infancy ; J. Trumbull, born Oc- tober I, 1878; Mary B., died in infancy; John C, died in infancy. 4. Maria Averill, born May 25, 1847. 5- Ella Fitch, born July 31, 1848. 6. J. Bayard, born September 20, 1853 ; he was graduated from Union College, 1874; admitted to the Illinois state bar, 1879 ; ad- mitted to New York state bar, 1878; located in the city of New York, 1881 : he married, March 29, 1877, Cornelia N. Price, born June II, 1858, daughter of Joshua C. Price, of Rockingham county, Virginia, and sister of the late Professor 1. B. Price, of Union Col- lege, and of Dr. M. Price and Joseph Price, distinguished physicians of Philadelphia; only child: Elizabeth Chester, born January 10, 1878. (Chester Line). (I) William Chester was of London and Barnet, Hertford county, England. (II) Leonard, son of William Chester, was of Blaby, Leicestershire, England. He mar- ried (second) Bridget, daughter of John Sharpe, of Frisby-Super W'reke, Leicester- shire, England. (HI) John, son of Leonard Chester, of Blaby, was also of Blaby, and married Doro- thy, daughter of Thomas Hooker, of Leicester- shire, England. (IV) Leonard (2), son of John Chester, of Blaby, was born in 1609, in England, died in Wethersfield, Connecticut. 1648. He came to New England in 1633, settled first at Wa- tertown, Massachusetts, and in 1635 at Weth- ersfield. He married Mary, probably a de- scendant of Hugh de Neville. (V) John (2), son of Leonard (2) and Mary Chester, was born at Watertown, Mas- sachusetts, August 3, 1635, died February 23, 1698. Admitted freeman at Wethersfield, May, 1658 : member of the First Connecticut Troop; deputy in the house, 1675; and was otherwise prominent. He married, February, 1653-54, Sarah, born in 1631, died December 12, 1693, daughter of Hon. Thomas Welles, of Connecticut. Children: Mary, married John Wolcott ; John, see forward ; Sarah, married Simon Wolcott; Stephen, married Jemima, daughter of James Treat ; Thomas, married Mary, daughter of Richard Treat ; Samuel ; Prudence, married James Treat ; Eu- nice, married Rev. T. Stevens. (VI) John (3), son of John (2) and Sarah (Welles) Chester, was born January 10. 1656, died December 14, 171 1. He was of Weth- ersfield, Connecticut. He married, Novem- ber 25, 1686, Hannah, born 1665, died 1741, daughter of Samuel Talcott, of Glastonbury, Connecticut. Children: i. Mehitable, inar- ried Nathaniel Burnham and had five children. 2. Mary, married Jonathan Burnham and had five children. 3. Penelope, married Rev. Ebenezer Williams and had six children. 4. Hannah, married Gideon Welles and had nine children. 5. Prudence, inarried Colonel John Stoddard and had four children. 6. Eunice, married Joseph Pitkin. 7. John, see forward. 8. Sarah, married Israel Williams. 9. Thomas. (\TI) Hon. John (4), eldest son and sev- enth child of John (3) and Hannah (Talcott) Chester, was iDorn June 3, 1703, died suddenly in his hay field, September 11, 1771. He was of Wethersfield, and in 1748 it was said that he was the only male in this line bearing the name of Chester. He was judge in the county court and representative to the general as- sembly of Connecticut. He married, Novem- ber 19. 1747, Sarah Noyes, born March 29, 1722. died January 27, 1797. She was a di- rect descendant of William the Conqueror. (See Noyes XXIII.) Children: i. John, see forward. 2. Leonard, married Sarah Wil- liams and had ten children. 3. Sarah, mar- ried Thomas Coit and had five children. 4. Abigail, married Joseph Webb and had ten children. 5. Stephen, married Elizabeth Mitchell and had nine children. 6. Thomas, married Esther M. Bull and had five children. (VIII) Colonel John (5) Chester, eldest child of Hon. John (4) and Sarah (Noyes) Chester, was born January 29, 1748, died No- vember 4. 1809. He was of Wethersfield, was graduated from Yale College in 1766 and from Harvard Law School in 1775. He es- pecially distinguished himself at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was appointed colonel in 1776 and was called "the friend" of General Washington. From 1772 he was a prominent figure in public life, served as representative, speaker of the house, state counsellor, judge of probate and county courts and supervisor of Connecticut. He married. November 25, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS f743-. 1773. Elizabeth Huntington, born February 9, 1757. died July, 1839 (see Huntington \"I). Children: i.' Elizabeth, see forward. 2. Mary, married Ebenezer C. Wells, of Brat- tleboro, \'ermont, and had three children. 3. Hannah, married Charles Chauncy, of Phila- delphia, and had six children. 4. Sarah. 5. Rev. John, D. D., married Rebecca Ralston and had five children. 6. Charlotte. 7. Henry. 8. Julia, married Matthew C. Ralston. 9. Henry, who had five daughters but no son. 10. Rev. William, D. D.. married Frances White and had two children. 11. George. 12. Charles. ( IX ) Elizabeth, eldest child of Colonel John (5) and Elizabeth (Huntington) Chester, married Eleazar Fitch Backus (see Backus VI). (Fitch Line). ( I ) Governor William Bradford, born at Austerfield, Yorkshire, England, 1588, died in New England, Alay 9, 1657. He came to this country in the "Mayflower" in 1620, and was governor of Plymouth Colony for thirty- three years. He married (first) Dorothy — , who was accidentally drowned De- cember 7, 1620, the first Englishwoman who died in New England. He married (second) August 14, 1623, Alice, whose maiden name is supposed to have been Carpenter, and who was the widow^ of Constant Southworth. Child of first marriage: i. John, who died in 1678. Children of second marriage: 2. Wil- liam, see forward. 3. Mercy, born before 1627, married Benjamin \'ermales. 4. Joseph, born in 1630, married Jael, daughter of Peter liobart, first minister at Higham. (II) Major William (2)" Bradford, eldest child of Governor William (i) and Alice (Carpenter) (Southworth) Bradford, was born June 17, 1624, died February 20, 1703. He married (first) Alice, who died December 12, 1671, daughter of Thomas Richards. Mar- ried (second) Widow Wiswall. Married (third) Mary, daughter of John Wood or At- wood, of Plymouth, and widow of Rev. John Holmes, of Duxbury. Children by first mar- riage: I. John, married Mercy, daughter of Joseph Warren, of Plymouth. 2. William, married Rebecca Bartlett. 3. Thomas. 4. Samuel, married Hannah Rogers, of Dux- bury. 5. .Alice, see forward. 6. Hannah, mar- ried Joshua Ripley, of Higham. 7. Mercy, married Samuel Steel, of Hartford, Connecti- cut. 8. Melatiah, married John Steel, of Nor- wich, Connecticut. 9. Mary, married Wil- liam Hunt. 10. Sarah, married Kenelm Ba- ker, of Marshfield. Child of second marriage: 11. Joseph, married Anne, daughter of James and Priscilla (Mason) Fitch. Children of tliird marriage: 12. Israel, married Sarah I'.artlett. 13. Ephraim, married Elizabeth. Bartlett. 14. David, married Elizabeth Fin- ney. 15. Hezekiah, married Mary Chandler. (HI) Alice, eldest daughter and fifth child. of Major William (2) and Alice (Richards) Bradford, was born in 1661, and married: (first) Alarch 27, 1680, Rev. William Adams, minister of Duxbury, whose second w-ife she was. She married (second) jMajor James Fitch. (I\') Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. William and Alice (Bradford) Adams, was born Feb- ruary 21, 1681. She married, September 14, 1696, Rev. Samuel Whiting, born April 22, 1670, who was the first minister of Windham. (V) Anne, daughter of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth (Adams) Whiting, was born June 2, 1(398. She married, December 29, 1721,. Joseph Fitch, born in November, 1681, at Nor- wich, she becoming his second wife. (\T) Colonel Eleazar, son of Joseph and' Anne (Whiting) Fitch, was born August 29, 1726. He was of Lebanon, Connecticut, and was graduated from Yale College in 1743. He married, April 4, 1746, Amy Bowen. (\'II) Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Elea- zar and Amy (Bowen) Fitch, married Eben- ezer Backus, Jr. (see Backus \'). (Huntington Line). ( I ) Simon Huntington was born in Eng- land, where he lived in Norwich or its vicin- ity. According to one tradition he sailed for this country, dying of smallpox on the voy- age, and was buried at sea. According to an- other, he left England in 1639 or 1640 with his wife and three children, his family land- ing at Saybrook, Connecticut, he having died off the coast and his body was buried ashore. He married Margaret Baret, and it is possible that his widow married (second) Thomas Stoughton, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, who- later removed to Windsor, Connecticut. Chil- dren : I. William, married Joanna, daughter of John Bayley ; children : John, James and Mary. 2. Thomas, married (first) ,. daughter of William Swain, of Wethersfield ; (second) Hannah, daughter of Jasper Crane, of Branford : children : Samuel and Hannah. 3. Christopher, married Ruth, daughter of William Rockwell, of Windsor; children: Christopher, Ruth, Ruth, Christopher, Thomas, John, Susannah, Lydia and Ann. 4. Simon, see forward. 5. Ann. (II) Deacon Simon Huntington, son of Si- mon and Margaret (Baret) Huntington, was born in England in 1629, died at Saybrook, Connecticut, June 28, 1706. He was one of the settlers of Norwich in 1660, and repre- 1/44 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS sentative in the general court several times. He married, at Saybrook, October, 1653, Sarah, born in 1633, died in 172 1, daughter of Joseph Clark, of Windsor. Children: i. Sarah, married Dr. Solomon, son of Lieuten- ant Thomas Tracy, and had children: Lydia and Simon. 2. Mary, married Forbes, of Preston. 3. Simon, see forward. 4. Jo- seph, married Rebecca, daughter of Deacon Thomas Adgate and his second wife. Widow Bushnell ; children : Joseph, Nathaniel, Jona- than, David, Solomon, Rebecca, Sarah and Mary. 5. Elizabeth, died in infancy. 6. Lieu- tenant Samuel, married Mary, probably a ■daughter of William Clark, of Wethersfield ; children: Elizabeth, Samuel, Caleb, Mary, Rebecca, Sarah, John and Simon. 7. Eliza- beth, married Joseph, son of Lieutenant Wil- liam and Elizabeth (Pratt) Backus (see Backus HI). 8. Nathaniel, died young. 9. Daniel, married (first) Abigail, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Rudd) Bingham; (sec- ond) Rachel Wolcott, of Bingham, who mar- ried (second) Joseph Bingham, of Windham; children by first marriage : Abigail, Mary, Daniel, Anna, Jonathan, Benjamin. 10. James, married Priscilla ^Miller; children: Je- rusha, James, Peter, Jacob, Nathaniel, Eliza- beth. (HI) Deacon Simon (2) Huntington, eld- est son and third child of Deacon Simon (i) and Sarah (Clark) Huntington, was born at Saybrook, Connecticut, February 6, 1659, '^^^'^ in Norwich, November 2, 1736. He married, October 8, 1683, Lydia, born in Norwich, Au- gust 8, 1663, died August 8, 1736, daughter ■of John Gager. Children: i. Simon, died from the bite of a rattlesnake. 2. Sarah, mar- ried William Lathrop, of Norwich, son of Israel and Rebecca (Bliss) Lathrop; children: William, Joshua, Ezra, Jeremiah, James, An- drew. 3. Deacon Ebenezer, married Sarah, •daughter of Deacon Thomas and Lydia (Tracy) Leffingwcll ; children: Sarah, Simon, Lucy, Lydia. 4. Joshua, see forward. (IV) Joshua, youngest child of Deacon Si- mon (2) and Lydia (Gager) Huntington, was born in Norwich, December 30, 1698, died August 26, 1745. He was an active business man and added greatly to the family wealth and distinction. He married, October 16. 1718, Hannah, born in 1701, died in 1745, ■daughter of Jabez and Hannah (Lathrop) Perkins. Children: i. Jabez, see forward. 2. Jedediah, died young. 3. Andrew, died at the age of fifteen years. 4. Lydia, married 'Captain Ephraim Bill, of Norwich; children: Sylvester, Lynde. Gordon, Lydia, Gordon, Ephraim, Abigail. Zachariah, William and Hannah. 5. Zachariah, died unmarried. (V) General Jabez Huntington, eldest child of Joshua and Hannah (Perkins) Hunt- ington, was born August 7, 1719, died Octo- ber 5, 1786. His career is a matter of na- tional history. He married (first), January 20, 1741-42, Elizabeth, born February 21, 1 72 1, died July i, 1745, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Tracy) Backus. He married (second), July 10, 1746, Hannah Williams, born July 23, 1726, died March 25, 1807; children by first marriage: i. General Jede- diah, who married (first) Faith, daughter of Governor Trumbull, and (second) Ann, daughter of Thomas Moore ; child by first marriage: Jabez; children by second mar- riage : Elizabeth Moore, Ann Channing, Faith Trumbull, Harriet Smith, Joshua, Daniel and Thomas. 2. Judge Andrew, married (first) Lucy, daugliter of Dr. Joseph and Lydia (La- throp) Coit, of New London; (second) Han- nah Phelps, of Stonington ; children by first marriage : Joseph and Hannah ; children by second marriage: Lucy and Charles Phelps. Children by the second marriage of General Jabez Huntington : 3. Colonel Joshua, active participant in the revolution ; he married Han- nah, daughter of Judge Hezekiah and Doro- thy (Williams) Huntington; child: Elizabeth, married Flon. Ferdinand Wolcott, of Litch- field, brother of the third Governor Wolcott, son of the second, and grandson of the first governor of the state. 4. Hannah, died young. 5. General Ebenezer, married (first) Sarah Isham, of Colchester; (second) Lucretia Mary McClellan ; child of first marriage : Al- fred ; children of second marriage: Wolcott, Louisa M., George Washington, Emily, Xancy L., Walter, Sarah Isham, Elizabeth and ?\la- ria H. 6. Elizabeth, see forward. 7. Mary, married Rev. Joseph Strong; children: Josepli H., Mary Huntington and Henry. 8. General Zachariah, married Hannah Muinfcird ; chil- dren : Thomas Mumford, Jabez Williams and Elizabeth Mary. (VI) Elizabeth, second daughter and fourtli child of General Jabez and Hannah (Wil- liams) Huntington, married Colonel John Chester (.see Chester VIII). (Walworth Line). (I) William Walworth, of Fisher's Island, was the progenitor of all the Walworths in America. He claimed descent from Sir Wil- liam Walworth, lord mayor of London during the reign of Richard II. He came to the New London Colony in 1689. He married, in 1690, Mary Seaton, born in England in 1669, who came to this country in the same ship that he did. Children: 1. Martha, born in March, 1 691. 2. William, horn in January. 1694. died \ HUDSON AND MOHAWK \^\LLEYS 1745 JVlay 17, 1774; lie married (first) Mary, ■daughter of Captain Samuel and Susanna C Palmes) Avery, of Poqiianoc ; (second) Elizabeth Hinckley; children by first mar- riao;e: Nathan, Amos, James, Elijah, Mary, Susan, Lucy and Abigail ; children by second marriage : Eunice and Charles. 3. Mary, born in February. 1695. 4. John, see forward. 5. Joanna, born in October, 1699. 6. Thomas, "born in May, 1701 ; he married, at least as early as June 20, 1724, Phebe. daughter of William Stark, of Groton, and had one child : William. 7. James, twin of Thomas. (H) Captain John Walworth, second son and fourth child of William and Mary (Sea- ton) Walworth, was born on Fisher's Island, in June, 1697, died of the smallpox in 1748. He married, November, 17 18, Sarah B., •daughter of Captain Richard, Jr., and Hannah or Elizabeth (Bailey) Dunn, of Newport. Rhode Island. Children: i. Samuel, married Hannah Woodbridge: children: Samuel, John and Hannah. 2. John, Jr., married (first) Mary, daughter of Captain Rufus Minor ; (second) Patience Denison, of Lyme; child l)y first marriage : John : children by second marriage: John, Griswold, Elizabeth. Polly and Abigail. 3. Sylvester, married Sarah Holmes, of Stonington : children : Lucy, George, Philena or Phila, Sylvester, Edward, Holmes and Abigail. 4. William, married Sarah Grant, of Stonington ; children : Gilbert. A\'illiam, James, Sarah and Abigail. 5. Ben- jamin, see forward. 6. Philena or Phila, mar- ried Joseph Minor, of Groton : children : Jo- seph, Anna, Rufus, Philena, Sarah, Jerusha, Polly, Abigail and Clarissa. 7. Sarah, mar- ried Benjamin Browm : children : Benjamin, Jr.. Sarah. Catherine, .Abigail, Lydia, Kesiah, Frances, Elizabeth and Pliilena. (Ill) Benjamin, son of Captain John and Sarah B. (Dunn) Walworth, was born at •Groton, November 11, 1746, died at Hoosick, New York, February 26, 1812. Fie was quar- termaster and adjutant during the revolution. He married, 1782, Apphia Hyde, born in Nor- wich in 1757, died at Frcdonia. New York, February 8. 1837 (see Hyde V). She was the W'idow of Captain Samuel Cardell, of New "London, who left her with one child: William S. Children: i. Rosamond Butler, married (first) Oliver Barbour and had: Benjamin W., John M. and Oliver Lorenzo: married (second) Benjamin Randall. Esq.. whose first wife was Mary Lathrop, and had : Marvin Tra- cy and Rosamond Walworth. 2. Major John, married (first) Sarah, daughter of Colonel Jonas Simonds; (second) Catherine M., daughter of Judge William Bailey and grand- daughter of Colonel John Bailey ; children : William, Sarah, Charlotte and Catherine. 3. James Clinton, married (first) Helen Talcott, daughter of Deacon .-\ndrew Sill, of Burling- ton, New York; children: Clinton, Benjamin, and two who died in infancy ; he married (second) Maria M., daughter of John and Phoebe (Peck) Haynes, and a direct descend- ant of Jonathan Haynes, the first, of New- bury, who came from England in 1635 ; child: Helen Maria. 4. Reuben Hyde, see forward. 5. Sarah Dunn, married Field, son of Water- man Dailee, of Fredonia, New York ; chil- dren : Frances H., Jedediah and Stella. 6. Dr. Benjamin, married Charlotte, eldest daughter of Jonathan and Rebecca (Rouse) Eddy, of Hoosick, New York. Children: Kosciusko and Rebecca Eddy. 7. Apphia L., married David J. Mattison ; children : Charles Frederick, John Crane, Clarissa Henrietta, Eliza Ann and Helena Walworth. 8. Jede- diah was a lawyer and died unmarried. 9. Hiram, married Delia Arabella, daughter of Judge Jonathan and Hannah (Parker) Griffin, of Plattsburg, New York ; children : Mary Elizabeth, Hiram, James G. and Graham. 10. Ann Eliza, married Commander Charles Theo- dore, son of Theodore and Charity (Peltz) Piatt, of Plattsburg; children: Charles Henry, Benjamin Walworth, Caroline. Sarah Louisa and Eliza Ann. (IV) Chancellor Reuben Hyde Walworth, third son and fourth child of Benjamin and Apphia (Hyde) Walworth, was born at Boz- rah, Connecticut, October 26, 1788, died at Saratoga Springs, New York, November 28, 1867. He was appointed chancellor of the .state of New York in 1828 and held the office for some twenty years, being the last chan- cellor of the state. He served as adjutant- general during the war of 1812. He married (first) at Plattsburg, January 16, 1812, Maria Ketchum, born December 31, 1795, died April 24, 1847, eldest child of Nathan and Mary (Ketchum) Averill. He married (second) at Harrodsburg, Kentucky. April 16. 1851, Sarah Ellen, daughter of Florace Smith, of Locust Grove, Kentucky, and widow of Colonel John J. Hardin, by whom she had children : Ellen, Martin D., Lemuel Smith and Elizabeth. Children of first marriage: i. Mary Elizabeth, married Edgar Jenkins, of Albany, son of Marshall and Sarah Jenkins, of Hudson, New York. 2. Sarah Simonds, married Mason, son of Gideon M. Davison, of Saratoga Springs, New York. 3. Ann Eliza, see forward. 4. Clarence A., rector of St. Mary's Parish, Albany, New York, and noted for various publications. 5. Mansfield Tracy, lawyer and novelist ; he married his stepsister, Ellen Ilardin; children: Francis 1/46 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Hardin. Jolm T., INIary Elizabeth, Ellen Har- din, Clara Theresa, Mansfield • Tracy, Reu- bena Hyde and Sarah ]\largaret. 6. Frances De Lord, died at the age of five years. Only child of the second marriage: Reuben H., who died young. (V) Ann Eliza, third daughter and child of Chancellor Reuben Hyde and Maria Ketchum (Averill) Walworth, married Rev. Jonathan Trumbull Backus (see Backus VH). (Hyde Line). 1 1 ) William Hyde probably came to this country with the Rev. Thomas Hooker, in 1633, and his name appears in Hartford in 1636. He was one of the original proprietors of Norwich in 1660, and died January 6, 1681. The name of his wife has not been preserved. Children: i. Samuel, see forward. 2. Hes- ter, born, probably, in England, died in 1703 ; married John Post. (H) Samuel, son of William Hyde, was born at Hartford, Connecticut, about 1637, died in 1677. He was a fifth great-grandfather of Grover Cleveland, and fourth great-grand- father of Professor M. Perkins, of Union College. He married, June, 1659, Jane, daughter of Thomas and Phoebe (Brown) Lee, of East Saybrook, now Lyme. Chil- dren: I. Samuel, married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of John and Sarah Calkins, of Norwich ; children : Samuel, Daniel, Elijah, Caleb, David Ebenezer, Sarah, Elizabeth, Lydia and Anne. 2. John, married Experience, daughter of Ca- leb and Margaret (Post) Abel; children: John, Eleazer, James, Matthew, Experience, Margaret, Esther, Lucy and Deborah. 3. William, see forward. 4. Thomas, married Mary, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Gard- ner) Backus, of Norwich ; children : Thomas, Jacob, .Vbner, Mary, Phebe and Jane. 5. Ja- bez, married Elizabeth, a sister of the wife of his brotlier William ; children : Jabez, Phin- ehas, Joseph, Elizabeth and Abigail. 6. Eliza- beth, married Lieutenant Richard, son of Wil- liam Lord, of Saybrook ; children : Richard, John, Elizabeth, Phebe, Jane, Mary, Lydia, Deborah and .Abigail. 7. Phebe, married Mat- thew, son of Matthew and Anna (Wolcott) Griswold, of Lyme : children : Matthew, John, George, Samuel, Thomas, Phebe, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary, Deborah and Patience. 8. Sarah, died young. • (III) \\'illiam (2), son of Samuel and Jane (Lee) Hyde, was born at Norwich, January, 1670, died August 8, 1759. He married, Jan- uary 2, 1695, Anne, born December 4, 1674, died July 8, 1745, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Adgate) Bushnell, of Norwich. Children: i. William, died young. 2. Captain William, married Anne Basset ; children : Fla- vins. William, Elizabeth, Anne, Mary, Pris- cilla and Hannah. 3. Richard, married Anne, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Lefiingwell) Tracy, of Norwich ; children : Theodore, Elihu. Peleg, Zebediah, Lucretia, Lucy and Lucretia. 4. Ezra, married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Captain John and Sarah (Abel) Lef- fingwell, of Norwich ; children : John, Ezra, Uriah, Eunice, Sarah and Sarah. 5. Jede- diah, see forward. 6. Elisha, married Lydia, daughter of Captain Joseph and Mary (Abel) Tracy, of Norwich ; children : Elisha, Joseph, Lydia, Anne, Anne, Amy, Hannah and Mary. 7. Benjamin, married (first) Abigail, daugh- ter of Captain Stephen and Abigail (Lord) Lee, of Lyme, and had : Alexander, William, Rufus, Joseph, Lee, Amelia, Amelia, Elizabeth, Phebe and seven others; married (second) Widow Abigail Chadwick, daughter of Lewis De Wolf, of Lyme, and had Abigail ; mar- ried (third) Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Wil- liam Miner, of Lyme, and widow of Elijah Lord, and had: Benjamin, Parthenia and Anne. 8. Anne, married John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Allen) Waterman, of Nor- wich; children: John, William, Jedediah, Da- rius, Anne, Anne, Freelove and Phebe. 9. Elizabeth, married Dr. Theophilus, son of Captain Ezekiel and Lois (Ivory) (Bligh) Rogers ; children : Ezekiel, Theophilus, Uriah, Zabdiel, John, Lois, Anne, Elizabeth and Lu- cretia. 10. Hannah, married Matthew, son of Deacon Thomas and Ruth (Brewster) Ad- gate ; children : Benjamin. Andrew, Daniel, Matthew, Elijah, Jabez, William and Lucv. ( I\') Rev.JedediahHyde.sonof William'(2) and Anne (Bushnell) Hyde, was born at Nor- wich, June 2, 1712, died September 26, 1761. He married (first) July 17, 1733, Jerusha. born September i, 171 1, died February 8, 1 74 1, daughter of Deacon Joseph and Martha (Morgan) Perkins, of Norwich. He married (second) May 17, 1742, Jerusha Tracy, born May 23, 1723, died /August 20, 1764. She- married (second) Daniel Peck, of Norwich West Farms, now Franklin, and had one child l)\ tliis marriage, whom she named Jedediah ]I\(lc (see Tracy XXX). Children by first marriage of Rev. Jedediah Hyde: i. Captain Jedediah, married (first) Mary, daughter of .Asa and Lucy (Hyde) Waterman, and had: Jedediah, William, Arunah W., Thomas W., Pitt William, Jerusha, Mary and Deborah : married (second) Elizabeth, daughter of Humphrey and Mary (Fanning) Brown, and widow of David Parker, and had: Reuben C, Russel Brown, Jabez Perkins. Hiram, Mar- tha, Post, Elizabeth and Diadama. 2. Martha, married Jabez, son of Nathaniel and Abigail HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1747 ( T.irchard) Post, and had: Jabez P. and Jede- diah Hyde. Jabez Post married (second) Lucy, daughter of Richard and Anne (Tracy) Hyde, and had five children. 3. Jerusha, mar- ried Silas, son of Abial and Mary (Wal- worth) Stark, and had: Simeon, Silas, Jede- diah, Abel, William and Jerusha. 4. Diadama, married Dr. Benjamin, son of Thomas and Abigail (Craft) Butler, and had: Benjamin, Thomas. Jerusha, Rosamond and Minerva. Dr. Benjamin Butler married (second) Ruth, daughter of Peter and Ruth (Edgerton) Huntington. Children of second marriage of Rev. Jedediah Hyde: 5. Reuben, married and went to sea when he was about nineteen years of age, and was never heard from again. 6. Apphia, see forward. 7. Elizabeth, married John, son of Benjamin and Anne (Water- man) Harris, of Norwich; children: Jedediah Hyde, John, John Waterman, Benjamin, Tracy, Hyde, Hiram, Alfred, Thomas Jeffer- son, Rosamond B., Elizabeth H. and Apphia. (V) Apphia, daughter of Rev. Jedediah and Jerusha (Tracy) Hyde, married Benjamin Walworth (see" Walworth HI). (Tracy Line). (I) Ecgberht, first King of England, reigned 800-838. He married Lady Red- burga and had: Aethelwulf, Aethelstan and Eadith (St. Edith). (H) Aethelwulf, son of Ecgberht and Lady Redburga, married (first) Osburga, daughter of Oslac, and had: Aethelstan, Aetheibald, Aethelbert. .Aethalbald L. Aelfred fthe Great), see forward, and .A.ethelswitha. He married (second) Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald. Emperor and King of France, and great-granddaughter of Emperor Charle- magne. Judith married (second) Baldwin, the first count of Flanders, and became the ancestress of Matilda, wife of \\'illiam the Conqueror. (HI) Aelfred (the (Ireat), son of Aethel- wulf and Osburga, married Ealswitha, daugh- ter of the Earl of Lincolnshire, and had : Ead- mund, Eadward, see forward, Acthelwald, Aethelfleda, Aethclgida and Aelfthrvth. (IV) Eadward (the Elder), married (first) Ecguina and had three children; (second) Ealfleda. and had eight children; (third) Ead- gina, daughter of Earl Sigeline, and had : Eadmund. see forward, Eadred, Eadburga and Eadgina. (\') Eadmund I. married .Velfgifu, and had : Eadwig. Eadgar. (\T) Eadgar, son of Eadmund I. and Aelf- gifu, married (first) .Xethelflaeda (the Fair), daughter of Earl Ordmar, and had : Ead- ward. He married (second) Aelfthrvth, daughter of Ordgar, Duke of Devonshire, and widow of Earl Aethelwold. Children: Ead- mund and .^ethelred, see forward. (\TI) Aethelred II. (the Unready), mar- ried (first) Ealrtcda, daughter of Erldorman Thored. Children: Edmund (Ironsides) and eight others. He married (second) Emma, of Normandy. Children : Aelfred, Eadward (the Confessor), Coda, see forward, (VIII) Princess Goda, daughter of .Aethel- red II. and Emma of Normandy, married (first) Dreux, Count of Vexin, in France, called by English historians Count of Mantes, and said to be a descendant of Charlemagne. Children: Gauthier, sometimes called Walter; Rudolf, see forward; Foulgues ; Poutoise, (IX) Rudolf, son of the Count of Mantes and Princess Goda, also called Rudolph or Ralph de Mantes, was lord of the manor of Sudeley and Toddington, and was created Earl of Hereford by his uncle, Edward the Confessor, and deprived of his earldom in the reign of William the Conqueror. He married Gethe, and had one son, Harold. (X) Harold, only son of Rudolf and Gethe de Mantes, married Matilda, daughter of Hugh-Lupus, first Earl of Chester and nephew of William the Conqueror. Children : John de Sudeley and Robert de Ewyas. (XI) John de Sudeley, son of the preced- ing, married Grace, daughter and heiress of Henri de Traci, feudal Lord of P>arnstaple in Devonshire. Children : Ralph, who became the heir of his father, and William de Traci, concerning whom see forward. (XII) William de Traci inherited the lands of his mother and assumed her family name, becoming as a knight of Gloucestershire, Sir William de Traci, and held the lands of his brother by one knight's fee. He married Ha- wise de Born and left one son and two daugh- ters. (XIII) Sir Henry de Tracy, of Todding- ton, died about i24fK leaving: Margery, Henry and Thomas. (Xl\') Sir Henry dc Tracy, of Todding- ton, had children : William and Eve. (XV) Sir \\'illiam Tracy (the "de" being omitted in this generation), of Toddington, had command in the Scottish war in the reign of Edward I. (XVI) Sir William Tracy, of Toddington, held high oflSces. Children: Margerv and William. _ (XX'll) William Tracy, Esq.. was of Tod- dington. (XVIII) Sir John Tracy, of Toddington, was sheriflf of the county five years in suc- cession, and died in 1363. He left children: John, Margaret and Dorothy. [748 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS (XIX) Sir John Tracy, of Toddington, was a member of parliament and sheriff. Chil- dren : William and Margaret. (XX) William Tracy, Esq., of Todding- ton, was high sheriff of Gloucestershire in 1395, and died in 1399. (XXI) William Tracy, Esq., of Todding- ton, was called to the privy council of Henry I v., and was high sheriff during the reign of Henry V. He married Alice, daughter of Sir Guy de la Spine, and widow of William Gifford. Children : William, John and Alice. (XXII) William Tracy, Esq., of Todding- ton, was sheriff of Gloucestershire during the reign of Henry VI. He married Margery, daughter of Sir John Pauncefort, Knight. Children : Henry, Richard and Margery. (XXIII) Henry Tracy, Esq., of Todding- ton, died about 1506. He married Alice, daughter of Thomas Baldington, Esq., of Al- dcrlcy, county of Oxford. Children: Wil- liam, Richard, Ralph, Anne, Elizabeth. (XXIV) Sir William Tracy, of Todding- ton, was sheriff of Gloucestershire during the reign of Henry VIII. He married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Throckmorton, of Cross Court, Gloucestershire. Children : Wil- liam, Robert, Richard and Alice. (XXV) Richard Tracy, Esq., of Todding- ton, was sheriff' of Gloucestershire during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. He married Bar- bara, daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy, of Char- lecote, Warwickshire. Children : Hester, Na- thaniel. Susan, Judith, Paul and Samuel. (XXVI) Nathaniel Tracy, of Tewksbury, received lands at that place from his father. (XXVII) Lieutenant Thomas Tracy, son of Nathaniel Tracy, of Tewksbury, was born at Tewksbury about 1610, died at Norwich, Connecticut, November 7, 1685. He came to Salem, Massachusetts, in April, 1636, removed to Wethersfield, and was one of the original proprietors of Norwich in 1660. He married (first) at Wethersfield, 1641, Mary, widow of Edward Mason. (Second) at Norwich, prior to 1679, Martha, daughter of Thomas Bourne, of Marshfield, and widow of John, the son of Governor Bradford. (Third) at Norwich, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Demming) Eoote, of Wethersfield, and widow of (first) John Stoddard, (second) John Goodrich. Children, all by first mar- riage: I. John, see forward. 2. Thomas, married and had : Nathaniel, Jeremiah, Daniel, Thomas, Jedediah, Sarah, Deborah and Je- rusha. 3. Jonathan, married (first) Mary, daughter of Lieutenant Francis Griswold, and had : Jonathan, Christopher, David, Fran- cis, Samuel, Hannah, Mary, Mariam and Sarah. He married (second) Mary Richards, who married (second) Eleazer Jewett. 4. Dr. Solomon, married (first) Sarah, daughter of Deacon Simon Huntington, the first, and had : Simon, Solomon and Lydia. Married (sec- ond) Sarah Bliss, widow of Thomas Soluman, and had one son. 5. Daniel, married (first) Abigail, daughter of Deacon and Mary (Bushnell) Adgate, and had: Daniel and Abi- gail. He married (second) Widow Hannah (Backus) Bingham, and had: Samuel and Elizabeth. 6. Samuel, died without issue. 7. Miriam, married Lieutenant Thomas, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Bourn) Waterman, of Marshfield. (XXVIII) Captain John Tracy, son of Lieutenant Thomas and Mary (Mason) Tracy, was born at Wethersfield in 1642, died at Norwich, August 16, 1702. He was one of the original proprietors of Norwich, jus- tice of the peace, represented his town in the legislature at six sessions, and was prominent in all public affairs. He married, August 17, 1670, Mary, born in 1646, died July 21, 1721, daughter of Josiah and Margaret (Bourn) Winslow, and niece of Governor Winslow of the "Mayflower." Children: i. Josiah, died young. 2. John, married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Thomas Lefifingwell, of Norwich, and had : John, Hezekiah, Joshua, Isaac, Eliza- beth. Aime and Ruth. 3. Joseph, see for- ward. 4. Winslow, married Rachel, daugh- ter of Joshua and Hannah (Bradford) Rip- ley, and had : Joshua, Perez, Josiah, Elipha- let, Nehemiah, Samuel, Solomon. 5. Eliza- beth, married Nathaniel, son of William and Elizabeth (Pratt) Backus. (XXIX) Captain Joseph Tracy, .son of Captain John and Mary (Winslow) Tracy, was born at Norwich, April 20, 1682, died April 10, 1765. He was a justice of the peace, and frequently a representative in the legisla- ture. He married, at Norwich, December 31, 1705, Margaret, born at Norwich in 1685, died January 17, 1751, daughter of Caleb and Mar- garet (Post) Abel. Children: i. Joseph, married Anna, daughter of Gresham and Mary (Buel) ITinkley, and had: Jared, Fred- erick, Uriah, Ruby, Anna and Lois. 2. Dr. Elisha, married (first) Lucy, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah (Leffingwell) Hunting- ton : children : Lucy, Alice, Lucretia, Lydia and Philura; married (second) Elizabeth Door, and had : Phineas, Philemon, Elisha, Jose]ih, Winslow, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Mary, and Deborah Door; married (third) Lois (Hinkley) Huntington, widow of Nehemiah Huntington, Esq., of Bozrah. 3. Phineas, died unmarried. 4. Mary, married Wentworth. 5. Margaret, married William Waterman and had six children. 6. Zervia, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS f749 died unmarried. 7. Lydia, married Elislia, son of William Hyde. 8. Irene, married Dan- iel, son of Ebene'zer and Lydia (Waterman) Burnham, and had four children. 9. Jeru- sha. see forward. 10. Elizabeth, married An- drew, son of Benjamin and Lydia (Hazen) Abel. (XXX) Jerusha, daughter of Captain Jo- seph and ATargaret Abel, married Rev. Jede- diah Hyde (see Hyde IV). (Noycs Line). (I ) A\'illiam the Conqueror, King of Eng- land. (ID Lady Gungreda. daughter of William the Conqueror, married William de Warren, Earl of Surrey. (III) William, son of William and Lady Gundreda de Warren, was the second earl of Warren and Surrey, and died 1131. (IV) Lady Isabel, daughter of Earl Wil- liam de \\'arren and Surrey, married Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk. (V) Hugh, son of Roger and Lady Isabel Bigod, was the third earl of Norfolk, and died in 1225. (VI) Ralph, third son of Hugh Bigod, mar- ried Lady Berta Furnival. (\"II) Lady Isabel, daughter of Ralph and Lady Berta (Furnival) Bigod, married (sec- ond) John Fitz-Piers Fitz-Geoffrey, lord of Birkhampstead, who was justice of Ireland in 1 246. (VIII) John Fitz-John, son of the pre- ceding, was chief-justice of Ireland in 1258. (IX) Lady Maud, daughter of John Fitz- John, married (first) Gerard de Furnival, (second) William, sixth Baron Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. (X) Guy, second Earl of \\'arwick, mar- ried Lady Alice, daughter of Ralph, Baron de Toni. and widow of Thomas de Layburne. (XI) Thomas, third Earl of Warwick, was one of the original Knights of the Garter. He married Lady Catherine de Mortimer, daugh- ter of Roger, Earl of Marche. (XII) Thomas, fourth Earl of Warwick, Knight of the Garter, married Lady Marga- ret, daughter of William, third Lord Ferrers, of Groby. (XIII) Richard, fifth Earl of Warwick, and Earl of Albemarle, was also a Knight of the Garter, and guardian of Henry VI. He married Lady Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, twelfth Baron Berkeley. (XIV) Lady Margaret Beauchamp, daugh- ter of the preceding, was the second wife and widow of General Sir John, sixth Baron Tal- bot, created Earl of Shrewsbury. She mar- ried (second) Sir William Cavendish. (XV) Thomas, only son of Sir William and Lady Margaret (Beauchamp) Cavendish, (lied in 1524. He married Alice, daughter of lohn Smith, of Padbroke Hall, Suffolk. (XVI) Sir William Cavendish, Knight, was of Chadsworth. Tie married (first) Lady Elizabeth, daughter of John Hardwick. of Hardwick, Derby, and widow of Richard Barley, of Barley. Among his children was : W'illiam, Earl of Devonshire, who was active in establishing the colonies in America, par- ticularly those in Virginia. (XVII) Lady Frances, daughter of Sir ^\'illiam Cavendish, married Sir Henry Pierrepont. Knight. (XVIII) William Pierrepont. (XIX) James, son of William Pierrepont, was of London, England, died at Ipswich, Massachusetts. He married Margaret , and had children: i. Hon. John, see forward. 2. Robert, married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Lynde. 3. Mary. 4. Anne. 5. Mar- tha, married Rev. William Eaton, of county Dorset. (XX) Hon. John Pierpont (as the name was now spelled), son of James and Marga- ret Pierrepont, was born in London, Eng- land, in 1 619, died at Roxbury, Massachu- setts, December 7, 1682. He settled near Bos- ton in 1640. He married Thankful Stowe. (XXI) Rev. James Pierpont. son of Hon- John and Thankful (Stowe) Pierpont, was born in 1660, died in 1714. He was of New Plaven, Connecticut, and was one of the founders of Yale College. He married (first) ; (second) Sarah, daughter of Rev. Jo- seph Hayne, minister of Hartford, who died May 14, 1672. He married (third) Mary Hooker, granddaughter of Rev. Thomas Hooker. (XXII) Abigail, daughter of Rev. James and Sarah (Haynes) Pierpont, married, No- vember 6, 1746, Rev. Joseph Noyes, born in 1688. died in 1761. (XXIII) Sarah, daughter of Rev. Joseph and Abigail (Pierpont) Noyes. married Hon. Jolin Chester (see Chester VH). The Barker family of Trov, BARKER New York, is of English an- cestry, the present being the third generation in the United States on the paternal side. The maternal lines they trace back to the landing of the Pilgrims and the "Mayflower." Their line connects with sev- eral of the oldest New England families — the Molines, Aldens, Daytons, Gallups, Averys and others. Tlie English line is traced three generations in England to the first authentic date and record. '750 HUDSON AND .MOHAWK \'ALLEYS (I) Francis Barker, of Halthaw, York- shire, England, married, March ii, 1777, Ehzabeth Fieldhouse, "after the banns had been duly published by the rector of the parish church, Rev. J. Stittingfleet, on the four pre- ceding Sabbaths. (H) Francis (2), son of Francis (i) and Elizabeth (Fieldhouse) Barker, was born at Halthaw, England, January 21, 1778, died at Scalter, Lincolnshire, England, August 9, 1842. He was a gamekeeper on the estate of the Earl of Yarborough. His wife kept a small store in the village. He married Re- becca Whitlow, born in Lincolnshire, Eng- land, June 19, 1788, died August 5, 1844. Children : Francis, Rebecca, William, Eliza- beth, Thomas and Mary. (HI) Thomas, son of Francis (2) and Re- becca (Whitlow) Barker, was born at Scalter, Lincolnshire, England, April 3, 1819, died at Watervliet, Albany county, New York, De- cember 22, 1900. He was a blacksmith by trade. He emigrated *to the United States in 1848 and settled at West Troy, New York (now city of Watervliet), where he lived and worked at his trade. He was a devout fol- lower of John Wesley, and was an exhorter or local preacher. He was an original member of the Troy Praying Band, and for some time the leader. This was a church organization of note in Troy in that day. During the civil war he served on the Christian Commission and rendered such service as he was able. He married, at Martin, Gainsboro, Lincolnshire, England, October 2, 1841, Eliza Cook, born in that shire, September 11, 1819, died at Water- vliet, New York. She was a milliner by trade and kept a shop in West Troy. She was a de- voted Alethodist, and was noted in the church for her sweet singing at the revival meetings and other services. Children : Twin daugh- ters, died at birth; John, died in infancy; William (see forward). (IV) William, only child tu survive infancy of Thomas and Eliza (Cook) Barker, was born in Brigg, Lincolnshire, England, Octo- ber 4, 1844. He was brought to the United States in 1848 by his parents, and in West Troy, New York, was educated and taught the blacksmith's trade by his father. In Au- gust, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Com- pany H. One Hundred and Thirteenth New York Volunteer Infantry, afterward New Y'ork Heavy Artillery, again an infantry regi- ment, nicknamed "Hancock's Cavalry." He was mustered in August, 1862, promoted cor- poral, June 6, 1863, promoted sergeant, De- cember 14, 1863, mustered out June 16, 1865, at the close of the war, at Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, Maryland. He saw hard service with the Army of the Potomac, and engaged in many of the hard-fought battles which made that army famous. After the war, be- ing still a young man, hardly out of his teens, he served an apprenticeship at collar cutting, and worked at that with several firms, finally becoming manager for Douglass Corning. This was the forerunner of several partner- ship agreements, D. Corning & Company, Corning & Barker, and on the death of Mr. Corning, Mr. Barker assumed the business under his own name and so continued until 1899. In that year, desiring to admit his' son and some others to an interest in the business, a corporation was formed called the William Barker Company, of which he was the first president and so continues (1910). The com- pany manufactures the Barker brand of col- lars and cufi's ; their plant is located at Water- vliet, New York. Mr. Barker has other busi- ness interests and connections. He is di- rector of the Union National Bank, Troy, and of the National Bank of Watervliet, New York. He was a director of the Round Lake Camp Meeting Association, and of the Ameri- can Bank and Trust Company, of Pasadena, California, as well as having an interest in other corporations in which he held no offi- cial connection. Although he has retired from the more arduous labors of business, he re- mains at the head of William Barker Com- pany and retains all the interest of his younger days. He is a Republican in political sympathy, but never took active part in public affairs. He is a member of many of Troy's social and out-of-doors clubs, namely: The Troy, Colonial, Island Golf, Round Lake Golf and others. He married, at West Troy, Albany county. New York, June 23, 1868, Mary Emeline Day- ton, born in West Troy, December 15, 1844, daughter of Nathan Crary and Margaret (MacGillway) Dayton (see "Mayflower" line forward). The family residences have been at West Troy, Troy, Round Lake, New York, and Pasadena, California. The latter resi- dence is used a great deal by Mrs. Barker, who finds in that genial climate relief from bodily ailments that afflict her. Children: i. Edwin Dayton, died at age of nine years. 2. William, see forward. 3. Frank Halliday, died aged five years. 4. Charles Moore, died aged three years. 5. Douglass Corning, died in infancy. 6. Irving Haynes, born at West Troy, May 31, 1882, 7. 'Mary Dayton, born March 23, 1886. Four sons died in December, 1879. two on one day, during an epidemic of scarlet fever. (Y) William (2), son of William (i) and Mary E. (Dayton) Barker, was born in West ZQ=i2^ar^x^ HUDSON AND MOHAWK \' ALLEYS 1751 Troy. Albany county. New York. August i, 1873. He escaped the epidemic that carried off four of the brothers. He was an attend- ant at the private school of Aliss Harris; later at Troy Academy and Albany Academy. He left school at the holiday recess, 1889, to go to work, starting as an apprentice in the cut- ting room of his father's factory the first Aionday in January. 1890. He rose through successive grades to be a member of the Wil- liam Barker Company. He is a member of the Troy Citizens Corps, Pafraet Dael Club, Colonial Club. Chamber of Commerce, Albany Academy Alumni Association, Island Golf Club, Lamctide Fish and Game Club, Beck Literary Society, and others. He is secretary of the Society Sons of the Revolution, and greatly interested in the compiling and pres- ervation of family records and genealogies. It is from his perfectly kept and arranged rec- ords tliat the material for this family line is obtained. He married, October 12, 1899, Florence Herring, born in Harrington Park. Bergen county. New Jersey, and educated at tlie Englewood and Paterson, New Jersey, high schools. Child : William, born in Troy, New Y'ork, March 25, 1908. Mr. Barker re- sides in Troy, New York. ("Mayflower" line of Mary E. Dayton, wife of William Barker). The Dayton family of England can be traced to Robert de Deighton. and the year 1305. In America the family begins with Ralph Dayton and the year 1636. He was born in St. Martin-in-the-Fields. London, England, 1598: married there Agnes, daugh- ter of Henry Pool, and by her had two sons, Robert and Samuel. After the death of his wife he emigrated to New England (Boston), where he arrived in 1636. In 1639 he was of New Haven, Connecticut, where he is men- tioned at length in the early records, church and town. He was one of the original set- tlers at Easthampton, Long Island, where his deed to land is the earliest on record except perhaps the Indian deed. He was constable and a man of importance. He married (sec- ond) in New Haven it is believed, Dorothy Brewster, by whom he had a son, Brewster Dayton. He married (third) Mary, widow of John Haynes, in June, 1656. He died at Easthampton in 1658. (II) Robert, eldest son of Ralph and his first wife, Agnes (Pool) Dayton, was born in London, England, in 1630, died at East- hampton, Long Island, April 16. 1712. He married. 1652, Elizabeth, daughter of John (2) and granddaughter of John (i) and .An- nie WoodrulT, the first settlers. Children : Elizabeth, Samuel (see forward). Beriah. (Ill) Samuel, eldest son of Robert and Elizabeth (Woodruff) Dayton, was born in Easthampton, Long Island, in 1665, died there January 30, 1746. He married Dorothy , who died March 22, 1750, aged eighty-six years. Children : Robert, Daniel, Joanna. Nathan, Jonathan, Samuel and Eliza- beth. (I\') Nathan, son of Samuel and Dorothy Dayton, was born at Easthampton, Long Island, 1702, died there October 3, 1763. He married. November 11, 1725. Amy Stratton, born 1698, died September 25, 1749. Chil- dren : Samuel. Nathan, Nathan, Amy, Eliza- beth, Abraham, Joana, Abraham, Jonathan. (\') Captain Nathan (2), son of Nathan (i) and Amy (Stratton) Dayton, was bap- tized at Easthampton. Long Island, 1728, died there 1773. He married, January 27, 1751, Phebe Mulford. Children: Nathan, Jonathan. Samuel, Elizabeth, Mary, Abraham, Elias, Joana. Amy and Phoebe. (YI) Nathan (3), son of Nathan (2) and Phoebe (Mulford) Dayton, was born at East- hampton, Long Island, about 1754, died in Rensselaerville. Albany county. New York, October 26, 1842. He left Long Island about 1800 and settled in Albany county, where he died. He served in the revolutionary war, enlisting in March or April, 1776, as private in Captain John Davis's company. Colonel Henry B. Livingston's regiment, New York militia, served nine months. He drew a revo- lutionary pension, and the papers, still pre- served, show his service. He was a farmer of Albany county. New York. Nathan Dayton married Mehitable Hutch- inson, and they were the parents of twelve children. He married (second) Ruth, widow of Nathan Crary, of Mystic, Connecticut. Children : Nathan, Abraham, Hannah, Phoebe, Elias. Maria, Henry, Lewis M., Helen, Sam- uel H., Eliza C. (VH) Samuel H., son of Nathan (3) and Mehitable (Hutchinson) Dayton, was born in Easthampton, Long Island, where he was bap- tized 1790; he died in Troy, New York, July, 1864. He was a farmer of Albany county ; later removed to near Troy, Rensselaer coun- ty. New York, where he died. He served in the war of 1812. He married, in 1812, Sarah Searles Crary, born in Groton, Con- necticut. May 25, 1793. died in Troy. New York, March 6. 1846. daughter of Nathan and Ruth (Searles) Crary. Her widowed mother became the second wife of Natlian Dayton. Children of Samuel H. and Sarah S. (Crary) Dayton: Harriet. Nathan C. Clarice. Emma P.. Edwin C. Jesse C, George C, Helen, Eliza C, Mary A. It is through 1752 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS the Searles marriage that the line of descent to the "Mayflower" is traced. (Vni) Nathan Crary, son of Samuel H. and Sarah S. (Crary) Dayton, was born in Rensselaerville, Albany county, New York, April 2, 1816, died at West Troy, same county, December 21, 1859. He was a farmer. He married, March, 1841, Margaret MacGilvray, born in Troy, New York, July 24, 1826, died in West Troy, February 11, 1878. Children : Mary Emmeline, Delia Searles, Emma Jane. (IX) Mary Emmeline, daughter of Nathan Crary and Margaret (MacGilvray) Dayton, was born December 15. 1844. She married William Barker (see Barker IV). (The Crary Line). (I) The American ancestor was Peter Crary, born in Scotland, about 1640 ; settled at New London, Connecticut, 1663 ; married Christobel, daughter of John and Hannah (Lake) Gallup, and granddaughter of John and Christobel Gallup, of Massachusetts. (II) Peter (2), son of Peter (i) and Chris- tobel (Gallup) Crary, was born in Stoning- ton, Connecticut, April 30, 1682; married, January 11, 1709-10, Ann Culver. (III) Nathan, son of Peter (2) and Ann (Culver) Crary, was born in Groton, Connecti- cut, October 7, 1717. He was a soldier of the revolution. He was in Captain Cady's com- pany. Colonel Chapman's regiment, August 2, 1778; discharged September 12, 1778. He married Ruth Searles (see Searles), born at Preston, Connecticut, in 1773. Children: Jesse, and Sarah Searles Crary, the latter of whom married Samuel H. Dayton (see Day- ton VH). (The Searles Line). (I) The emigrant ancestor was Robert Searles, who died in Dorchester, Massachu- setts, February 17, 1717. He married, in 1660, Deborah , who died March 2, 1714. (II) Nathaniel, son of Robert and Deborah Searles, was born June 9, 1662. died 1749-50. He was of Little Compton, Rhode Island, about i6g6, where he was the first school teacher in the town. He married, about 1(594, Sarah Rogers, born in Duxbury, Mas- sachusetts, May 4, 1677, died January 19, 1770, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Pea- bodie) Rogers. (It is through the Peabodie family the line continues to the "Mayflower.") John Rogers was a son of John and Ann (Churchman) Rogers, and grandson of Thomas Rogers, a "Mayflower" passenger. (III) Nathaniel (2), son of Nathaniel (i) and .Sarah (Rogers) Searles. was born April 26, 1703, died December 8, 1781. He mar- ried, January 18, 1722, Elizabeth Kunnicutt,. born 1701, died December 11, 1781, daugh- ter of John and Elizabeth (Luther) Kunni- cutt, and granddaughter of Roger and Joana (Stephenson) Kunnicutt, who were married November, 1661. (IV) Constant, son of Nathaniel (2) and Elizabeth (Kunnicutt) Searles, was born at Little Compton, Rhode Island, June 17, 1728, died July 3, 1778. He married, and in 1773; moved to the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylva- nia. He served in Captain Samuel Ransom's- independent company during the revolution, fought at Millstone River, Round Brook^ Brandywine and Germantown, under Washington : went into camp at Valley Forge and suffered to the full extent the privations of the awful winter of 1777-78. In the spring of 1778 he returned to Wyoming and perished with his son-in-law. Captain Delhi Hewitt, m the Wyoming massacre. Ruth Searles, his daughter, with her sister Sarah, escaped the massacre, and with some of their cousins, the Gallups, made their way back to Connecticut. On the day of the massacre Ruth wore a string of gold beads around her neck, which an Indian snatched from her ; the string broke, and some of the beads caught in her clothing. These beads are still preserved as relics of that dreadful day. (Tonstant Searles mar- ried, May 16, 175 1, in Stonington, Connecti- cut, Hannah Miner, daughter of Simon and Hannah (Wheeler) Miner, of the fifth gen- eration on the paternal side from Thomas Mi- ner and his wife, Grace (Palmer) IMiner, the latter the daughter of Walter Palmer ; died 1661. On the maternal side (Wheeler) she was of the fifth generation from Thomas and Mary Wheeler, who were married 1645. Through the Wheelers she traced descent to Benadau Gallup and his wife, Hester (Pren- tiss) Gallup, and to Robert Park and his wife, Martha (Chapin) Park, the Americanf progenitors of their respective families. (V) Ruth, daughter of Constant and Han- nah (Miner) Searles, was born March i, 1765, in Preston, Connecticut. After her escape from Wyoming and return to Connecticut, she taught school. She became the wife of Nathan Crary when she was twenty-one years of age and he seventy (see Crary HI). After his death she went to Knox, Albany county, New York, and there married Nathan Day- ton, whose first wife was her cousin. (See Dayton VI.) (\T) Sarah Searles, daughter of Nathan and Ruth (Searles) Crary, married Samuel 11. Dayton, grandfather of Mary Emmeline (Dayton) P.arker. HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \'ALLEYS 1753: Elizabeth Peabodie, mother of Sarah Rog- ers, born April 24. 1647, died 1707, was the daughter of William Peabodie, born 1620, died December 13, 1707. He married Eliza- beth Alden, born 1623-24. died May 31, 1717. Elizabeth Alden was daughter of John Al- den, born 1599, died September 12, 1687; married Priscilla IMolines, daughter of Wil- liam Molines, died February 21, 1621, and his wife Alice. William Molines was a passen- ger on the "Mayflower," as was his daughter Priscilla. later wife of John Alden, immor- talized by the poet Longfellow in his poem, '"The Courtship of Miles Standish." John Rogers (2), who married Elizabeth Peabodie, was a grandson of Thomas Rogers, who was the eighteenth signer of the "May- flower Compact," and died during the "first sickness." It is tlirough Hannah Miner, wife of Con- stant Searles, the Wyoming "martyr," that descent is traced from the Barkers of Troy to Christopher Avery, born 1590. died 1670, founder of the Connecticut family of Avery. The names traced in this brief genealogy in all cases lead to the first settlers in America and there are many not mentioned. The Mul- fords of Southampton, Long Island ; Thomp- sons of Roxbury, Massachusetts ; Palmers of Stonington, Connecticut : Wheelers of Ston- ington, Connecticut ; Parks of Salem. Massa- chusetts ; Lakes, Gallups. Woodruffs, and others, were all of English ancestry, and were among the very earliest settlers in America. The lines traced from Barker to the "May- flower" are fully authenticated and no link is missing to complete the record from William Barker (2) to Thomas Rogers and John .M- den and Priscilla Molines. Volumes could have been written concerning the pioneers of these families in settling early towns, in Mas- sachusetts and Connecticut, of their prowess as Indian fighters in King Philip's war, the French and Indian wars, the revolution, the war of 1812. the Mexican war and the great civil war: of their services in colony and state as officials ; of their piety and concern for the welfare of the church ; of their part in es- tablishing new industries and carrying them forward until the fame of New England as a manufacturing center was world-wide. Men high in the professions, in public life and in business bear these names which are now to be found in every part of the United States. Thomas Laing, the first of the L.MNG line here under consideration, was born in Langholm. Scotland, about the year 1723, died in Salem, New York, August 27, 1825, aged one hundred and two years. He came to this country wheni about forty years of age. The supposition- is that he came with the company of Scotch under Campbell who came to Saratoga county,. New York, under promises of grants which were not kept. On the voyage he met and' became enamored with Agnes Miller, born in Scotland, 1747, whom he subsequently mar- ried. They settled in Saratoga county, New Y'ork. Some time later, according to tradi- tion, they walked over to Cambridge, Wash- ington county, a distance of eighteen miles,, in order to be married by a Scotch preacher,, located at that place in the wilderness. They later removed to Hebron, Washington county, where he purchased land and became a farmer. They later settled in Saratoga county, where they reared a family of eight children, i. John, moved into the wilds of Canada after the last war with England and was not heard from again. 2. Thomas, ac- companied his brother to Canada, was not heard from again. 3. Jennette, born about 1777, died in Salem, New York, June 20, 1839: married, about 1798. Ephraim Edic, born 1775, died July 6, 1838. son of James and Jane (Miller) Edic, of Glen Ross, Scot- land. 4. Mary, born about 1779, died at Rouse's Point. 1870; married. 1802, Robert Irvin, born in Scotland, died in Salem, New York, 1835 ; they were the parents of nine- children. 5. Adam, born May 15. 1780. see forward. 6. Nancy, born 1782, died in Har- wich, Ontario, 1874; married, February 23, 1809, Niel McQuasie, reared a large family. 7. Margaret, born 1784, died February 23, 1864, unmarried. 8. Eleanor, born 1791, died' July 10, 1877, at Edinburg, New York : mar- ried, 1808. Israel Stiles : children : Thomas- and Margaret, who have left descendants. (U) .^dam, son of Thomas and Agnes (Miller) Laing, was born in Stillwater, Sara- toga county. New York, May 15, 1780, died in Hebron, New York, September 8, 1859. He was a farmer, owning land in Hebron,, Washington county. New York. His home- stead is still in the possession of his descend- ants. While a resident of Wilton, Saratoga county, he owned a timber lot and sawmill ; he manufactured and dealt in pine lumber, rafting it down the river to Albany where he found a market for it. At the time of the- non-intercourse with England there was a pe- riod of dull times, and Mr. Laing tied up- his raft at Albany, still continuing to manu- facture and log and raft, thinking that in the near future times would improve. When the embargo was laid and the last war with Eng- land was concluded, his debts became so press- ing that he was obliged to sell his stock of" 3754 HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLEYS luiiiher. mill and lot at a sacrifice, only realiz- iiiij a lew hundred dollars in money and a negro boy whom he later sold to Archibald Woodard, of Hebron ; he was known as Jack Woodard and died after his emancipation. ISlv. Laing was a member of the state militia and was called out with a company of mili- tia at the time of the battles on Lake Cham- plain and the capture of the British fleet at Ticonderoga ; they were instructed to sup- port the gunboats, but they really took no ac- tiye part in the fight. He was a Presbyterian in religion, but joined the Baptist church of which his wife was a member. Fie married, December 26, 1805, Azuba Durham, born in .Saratoga county. New York, 1785, died in Hebron, New York, January 11, 1870, daugh- ter of Uzziel and Mary (Northup) Durham; she was a woman of unusual character and mental ability. Children: i. Eliza, born in Wilton, Saratoga county. New York, Septem- ber 8, 1806. 2. Thomas, Wilton, March 10, 1808; married Elizabeth Gould: children; Mary, Hepsibah, Azuba, George, Henry, Fay- • ette. 3. Adam, Wilton, December 24, 1809; married Mary Jessie ; children : Al- fred, Ella, Josephine ; Alfred was a volunteer in civil war, holding rank of first lieutenant : after the war was a Universalist minister of Joliet, Illinois. 4. John, Hebron, F'ebruary 6, 1812; married Minerva Pierce; children: Solon, Emma. Annie, Frank, De Witt. 5. Uzziel D., Hebron, March 24, 1814, see for- ward. 6. Mary D., Hebron, April 20, 1816; married William Sweet; children: Amanda, Josephine, Agnes. 7. Stephen D., Hebron, April 5, 1818: married Arvilla Pratt; chil- dren: Owen, Fremont, Dora, Grace, Philip, Mary, Stephen. 8. Joseph, Hebron, March 17, 1820. 9. Chauncey D., Hebron, April 3, 1822. 10. Azuba Ruhama, Hebron, Decem- ber 10, 1823. II. Josephine W., Pawlet, Ver- mont, January 10, 1826; married William Dennison ; children : Stephen C, Elizabeth, Eliza, twin of Elizabeth, Amos Franklin. (Ill) Uzziel Durham, son of Adam and Azuba (Durham) Laing, was born in North Hebron, New York, March 24, 1814; died March 20, 1895, at Granville, New York. He was educated in the schools of his home town. He owned a farm near North Hebron and was a prosperous farmer, following that line of work throughout his active years. He was a Democrat in politics, but held no office, and was noted for his integrity and mental capa- bilities. He married, at Granville, January 15, 1841, Jane, born March i, 1818, died April II, 1908, at Granville, daughter of William and Susannah (Rice) Reynolds; their an- cestors came from Rhode Island and were early settlers in Hebron and Granville. Wil- liam Reynolds was son of Stephen Reynolds, who came from Providence, Rhode Island, and who married Sally Wightman. Susan- nah (Rice) Reynolds was a daughter of Allen and Waitie (Briggs) Rice. Children: i. William Franklin, born June 25, 1844; see forward. 2. Azuba Delia, born March 13, 1846; educated at Ripley College, Poultney, \'ermont ; married Abram Temple ; chil- dren : i. Edith, born November 23, 1870, edu- cated at Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, \'ermont, and at Art Students League, New York City, married Charles M. Bowen, of Brooklyn, New York ; children : Dorothy Temple, born October 6, 1894, Abram Tem- ple, August 16, 1897, Edith Marian, October 16, 1906; ii. Truman, born July 17, 1874, educated at Columbia College, New York City, married, June 22, 1905. Georgia Dyer Hulett ; children : Priscilla Gray, born No- vember 20, 1906, Abrah Richard, July 10, 1907; iii. Jennie, died young; iv. Delia, died young; v. Elizabeth, Case, born May 10, 1885, educated at Miss Wheelock's Private School, Boston, Massachusetts, married Dan- iel Harvey Braymer, December 26, 1908 ; child, Daniel Temple, born October 31, 1910. 3. Emma Louisa, born June 29, 1848 ; mar- ried Theodore Stevens. 4. Susannah Eliza, born September 17, 1850; married, December 27, 1870, George L. Ayres, son of Samuel and Elmira (Hatch) Ayres; he was born September 12, 1847, died March 23, 1902; children ; i. Frank Laing, born January 5, 1874; married Hattie Sheldon; children: Charles, Helen, Eraser, Lillian, George Lewis, Sheldon, Edson W., Francis R., Walter Laing, Lawrence Sweet ; ii. Georgianna, born December 10, 1876, married Charles Scaver ; children : Aziiba Ruth, born September 3, 1904; Charles William, October 20, 1908, Beatrice Louisa, December 30, 1909; iii. Azuba Mary, born November 7, 1880, mar- ried, July 3, 1906, Neal Dow Hulett ; child : Merritt Lee, born June 22, 1907; iv. Uzziel Samuel, born March 12, 1889. 5. Mary Elizabeth, born September 15, 1853; educated at Oswego Normal School, Oswego, New York, afterward studying two years in German universities ; late a post-graduate of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, and University of Chicago in Psychology and Ped- agogy ; author of Manual for Teachers and other educational ])ublications. 6. Minerva Abigail, torn March 13, 1856; educated at Oswego Normal School, Oswego, New York, and Institute of Technology, Boston. Massa- chusctis; teacher of science in Ilyannis Nor- mal School. 7. Patience Jane, born July 8, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS 1858, died I^Iay 8, 1874. 8. Infant son, born January 15, 1862. died January 17, 1862. (I\"j William Franklin, son of Uzziel Dur- liam and Jane (Reynolds) Laing, was born in North Hebron, New York, June 25, 1844. He attended the district schools and the North Hebron Academy, and then followed farming in North Hebron up to 1880, and in Novem- ber of that year moved to Waterloo, Ne- braska, where he became a dealer in real es- tate and a negotiator of farm loans. In De- cember. 1896. he removed to Granville, New York, and in July, 1900, to Rochester, New York, where he is engaged in fruit culture. He and his wife are members of the Park .Avenue P.aptist Church of Rochester, and a Democrat in politics, but has never held pub- lic otifice. He married, November 24, 1886, at Granville, New York. Alary Grace Whit- ing, born in Hebron. New York, May 13, 1849. daughter of Edward C. and Charlotte M. (Decker) Whiting, who are the parents ■of six other children, namely : Gertrude. Adele H.. George A., Louise B., Ernest and Tav Edward Whiting. Thomas Harvey died in Som- HAR\"EY ersetshire. England, prior to 1647. He had sons William, born about 1614, and Thomas born 1617, both of whom came to .America in 1646 and set- tled at Dorchester, Massachusetts. Both mar- ried and founded families. Thomas settled at Taunton. Alassachusetts, where he died in 1728. He married. December. 1679, Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon John Willis of Bridge- water, Massachusetts. He had eight chil- dren. From Taunton, descendants of Thomas Harvey settled in Lyme and other Connecti- cut towns. The first to settle in Greene ■county, New York, was a direct descendant of the emigrant Thomas, and by name also Thomas. (I) Thomas Harvey was born in Taunton, Massachusetts, died in the village of Cairo. Greene county. New York. He was educated in Taunton, which was his home until middle life. He then removed to Greene county. New York. He was a jeweler and watchmaker by trade. He married Abigail Eliott, and their first three children were born in Taunton: i. "William, settled in Troy, New York ; he was a river captain, and navigated the Hudson for many years : he married Mary Ann Wells, and had Margaret, who married Theodore Painter, of Watcrvliet, and had children — Allen of Rhode Island : William of Schenectady and Thomas of Troy. 2. Captain Asahel. of fur- ther mention. 3. Charles, settled and died at Cairo, New York. 4. Henry, deceased. 5. Joel, settled in Albany, New York, where he died ; married Rosetta Dean, and had John, and Hannah, who married (first) W'ilson Worthy; (second) Barrett Cook; she died in Sharon, Connecticut. fll) Captain Asahel Harvey, son of Thomas and Abigail (Eliott) Harvey, was born at Taunton, Massachusetts (Freetown), February 10, 1810. died at Cairo, Greene county. New York, July 14, 1879. He was a river captain, and for fifty years navigated the Hudson, owning his own boats used in freight and passenger business between river points and New York City. He was a man of sturdy integrity and was well known all along the river and among the many shippers and passengers using his lines. He married, at Athens. New York. February 13, 1837, Rhoda Rossman, born March 7, 1820, at Cairo, died May 22, 1899, at Hudson, New York. Children; i. Adeline Elizabeth, mar- ried (first) Sylvester Coffin. January 9, 1859; he was born May 15, 1837, died April 5, 1861 ; children: i. Jennie, married Russell Brewer, and had Mary, who married Harry Hicks, and has Harold ; Ferdinand, married Mabel Snyder, ii. Sylvester E. Coffin, born July 28, 1861, married Josephine Cotte. After being left a widow, Adeline E. (Harvey) Cof- fin married (second) June 17, 1868, Captain James Stratton Reynolds, born October 3, 1825, died Afarch 16, 1900, at Hudson. He entered, April 30. 1861. Company K, 14th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, was promoted sergeant. May 17. 1861 ; com- missioned second lieutenant, September 5, 1862 : mustered out at Utica. New York. May 25, 1863. He re-enlisted December. 1863. and was commissioned first lieutenant of Company K. 159th Regiment New York Volunteers, was promoted captain of Company G, same regiment, commission dated February 8, 1864 ; was mustered out and received honorable dis- charge at Augusta, Georgia, October, 1865. After the war he became an engineer on the Boston & Maine railroad, remaining twenty- two years in continuous service. He had two children: i. James Stratton. marine engineer, Brooklyn. New York, married Emily .Smith. and has Emily and James S.. who died aged four years, ii. Beulah, married George Ed- ward Jacquins, May 21. 1894, at Athens; he was born in Syracuse, New York, April 17, 1871, son of Reuben W. and Sarah E. (Cos- tar) Jacquins, grandson of Chauncey, and great-grandson of John Jacquins, a revolu- tionary soldier. 2. Wilson I., born October 25, 1840. at Athens. New York. 3. Captain George Eugene, born November 16. 1842. at Hudson : married Mary Selby, of Athens, 1756 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS New York, and has Edward Asahel, a pilot on the Delaware & Lackawanna ferry to Ho- boken, New York. 4. Hiram V., born Oc- tober II, 1844, married Sarah Gifford ; has Nellie, who married Frederick Hallenbeck, and has William Hiram. 5. Captain Edward Mandeville, born April 14, 1849; in the boat- ing business on the Hudson. 6. Katherine N., born August 5, 1850, died April 5, 1853. 7. Aurila, married Matin Bej-er, and has Kittie and Charles M. 8. Charles S., of further mention. 9. Anna Maria, born August 5, 1858, died October, 1907, married Henry Skinner Moul. (See Moul Family.) (HI) Charles Samuel, son of Captain Asa- hel and Rhoda (Rossman) Harvey, was born at Hudson, New York, October 28, 1856. He was educated at Hudson Academy. He en- gaged at Hudson in the manufacture of to- bacco, continuing until his retirement in 1905. He has given much valuable service to his city and county. In 1889 he was appointed deputy sheriff, remaining in that position six years ; he was appointed postmaster of Hud- son by President Cleveland during his second administration ; elected mayor of Hudson in 1897, and was in office two terms. During his administration the tax rate of the city was reduced and the bonded debt of the city low- ered from three hundred to one hundred thousand dollars. He was elected chairman of the Democratic city committee and still re- tains the city leadership of his party. He is active and influential in party councils, and holds the confidence of his colleagues. He is an attendant of the Presbyterian church, a charter member of the -Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks, and has an active inter- est in the city volunteer fire department, hav- ing been for many years an active worker with C. H. Evans Hook & Ladder Company. He married Anna Grififin, daughter of John and Nora (Grady) Griffin, both of whom were born in Ireland. John Griffin died at Stockport, New York, buried at Valturia. Norah Grady died and is buried at New Ha- ven, Connecticut. Her mother, Catherine Grady, came to the United States and is hur- ried at Valturia. Charles S. and .Anna Har- vey have: i. Captain Asahel Griffin, born July 7, 1884, educated in the public schools of Hudson and Albany Business College. He was connected with the American Express Company, Union Mills Company of Brook- lyn, and is now a bookkeeper at Firemen's Home, Hudson. He enlisted in 1901 in the New York National Guard as private, and rose through successive promotions until in 1910 he was commissioned captain of Com- pany F, loth Regiment of Infantry. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of C. H. Evans Hook & Ladder Company. 2. Edna ]\Iay. The Nasons were among the NASON early settlers of New England, and all may be said to trace from either Richard, Joseph, John, or Benjamin Na- son, who came from Rainsford Island, Eng- land, about the year 1648, and settled at South Bewick, Maine. They soon became numerous and could be found in the other colonies prior to the revolution. The definite history of the branch begins with (II) Thomas Nason, of Walpole, Massa- chusetts, son of Willoughby Nason, of Boston, born 1691, married (second) Mary Camper- nell, of Ipswich, Massachusetts, and had chil- dren : By first wife, Sarah , who died August 10, 1748: Thomas, born about 1739; Nathaniel, born 1740, married Abigail Harts- horn, of Walpole, and had fourteen children ; Abigail, born March 24, 1741 ; ]\Iargaret, Oc- tober 28. 1745. Children by second wife: Willoughby, of whom further; Mary, born December 27, 1759. Mary, the second wife of Thomas Nason, died March 3, 1769. The three sons — Thomas (2), Nathaniel and Wil- loughby — occupied the Elikiam farm in Wal- pole after the owners' flight to Boston in 1775, and they were all engaged in the revo- lutionary army in 1776-77. (III) Willoughby, son of Thomas and Mary (Campernell) Nason, was born in Wal- pole, Massachusetts, February 21, 1750, died April 9, 1838. He was a soldier of the revo- lution, as the following copies from Massa- chusetts Records attest. Willoughby Nason; Appears with rank of pri- vate on Lexington Alarm Roll of Captain Sabin Man's company. Col. Creaton's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Wal- pole. Town to which soldier belonged, Walpole. Length of service, 12 days. (Vol. 13: 5.) Willoughby Nason ; Appears with rank of pri- vate on muster and pay roll of Capt. .^aron Guild's Co., Col. Lemuel Robson's Regt., in service at Dorchester Heights. Time of enlistment. January 27. 1776. Town to which soldier belonged. Wal- pole. (Vol. 19: 152V2.) Willoughby Nason : Appears with rank of pri- vate on muster and pay roll of Captain David Hen- shavv's (loth) Company, Colonel Craft's (.\rtil- \ery) Regiment Service from November 24. 1776, to February i, 1777. Time of service, 2 months, 6 days. (Vol. 38: 73-) Willoughby Nason : Appears with rank of Bom- bardier on muster and pay roll of Captain David Henshavv's (loth) Company, Colonel Thomas Craft's .Artillery Regiment. Service from Feb- ruary I, 1777, to May 8, 1777. Time of service, 3 months, 7 days. Town to which soldier belonged, Walpole. (Vol. 38: 74-) I certify the foregoing to be true abstracts from HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \' ALLEYS 1757 tlie Record Index to tlie Revolutionary War Arcliives deposited in this office. (Signed) VViixiAJr M. Oldim. Sec. Commonwealth of Massachusett.s. He niarned, July 8, 1772, Mary Borden, of Walpole. born November 18, 1753, died May 25, 1844- (I\') Jesse, son of Willoiighby and Mary (Borden) Xason, was born February 27, 1776, (lied -Mav 24. 1S4S. He married and had issue. ( \' ) (icorsrc Warren, son of Jesse Nason. (\'I) William Emmons, son of George Warren Nason. (\II) Williard Hohman, son of William Eiumons Xason, was born in Alassachusetts, June 26, 1857. He prepared for the practice of law and was admitted to the bar at Frank- lin, Massachusetts, in 1880. In 1881 he re- moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. He was formerly a Congregationalist. but is now a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he is a Republican. He married Clara Louise Warren. (^'III) Adelbert Warren, son of William H. and Clara Louise (Warren) Nason, was born in Cleveland, Ohicx January 7, 1884. He was graduated at Harvard University, A. B., class of 1905. He is a broker, dealing in stocks and bonds. He is a member of the Sons of the Revolution. He married Eliza- beth M. Sitson. Nicholas Rousseau, the first ROUSSEAU of the line here under con- sideration of whom we have knowledge, emigrated to this country from France and landed at Baltimore, Mary- land, from whence he removed to Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, and became a dealer in ■dry goods. He died in the year 1798. He was the father of seven sons, four of whom came to this country, namely: Achille, John, Peter and Alexander. Achille became a farmer and resided in Butternuts, near Au- burn, New York. John and Peter went to Montreal. Intercourse between the brothers soon ceased, and little or nothing is known of their descendants. (II) Alexander, the other son of Nicholas Rousseau to come to this country, was born in liordeaux, France, May 7, 1766, died in Troy, New York, March 2, 1812. He left his native land for this country and landed at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1787. About four years later he made his way up the Hud- son river as far as Troy, which was then be- ginning to shape itself for a village, and was •grcatl\- jileased with the place and the pros- pect for its future growth. There he made the acquaintance of Mary Frear, who was born June 12, 1772, and she became his wife in 1793. She died in Troy, New York, May 16. 1847. Children: Achille J., born Feb- ruary 3, 1796 (see forward) ; John, born Feb- ruary 2, 1799; Henry, November 12, 1801 ; Lewis. September 24, 1804; Alexander, July 24, 1806; Benjamin, March 3, 1810; John, died when thirteen months old. (HI) .\chille J., -son of Alexander Rous- seau, was born February 3, 1796, died March 26, 1858. He was a well-known business man of Troy, New York. On March 5, 1822, he was admitted a partner in the firm of Esaias Warren & Company, continuing after the dissolution of that firm, March t, 1827, as the senior partner of Rousseau, Richards & Company, successors. He was married by the Rev. William Butler, of Troy, New York, January I, 1823, to Esther Hayden Richards. Children: i. ]\Iary Catharine, born Novem- ber 14. 1824: married. May 14, 1846. Henry King. 2. Sarah Elizabetli, born September i, 1826; married, May i, 1849, Robert Luding- ton. 3. Margaret Esther, born June 30, 1828. 4. Lewis Alexander, born November 17, 1832; married, 1867, Mary Fellows. 5. .Achille John, born November 18, 1833 ; married, June 16, i8s8, Emma L. Whipple (children: Han- nah Elizabeth, born July 24, 1864, Whipple Hayden, born April 20, 1870) ; Helen Fran- ces, born September 8, 1836; William White (see forward). (IV) WilHam White, son of Achille J. Rousseau, was born in Troy, New York, Sep- tember 15, 1838, died in that city January 18, 1897. He was educated in the city schools and for two years was a student at Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute. He engaged in the insurance and real-estate business in Troy and represented for over twenty-five years a prominent New York brokerage house. He was for many years closely identified in the management of the e.state of N. B. Warren & Brothers, later heirs of N. B. Warren, and the estate of George Henry Warren. He was a capable business man, and large interests were committed to his care with the utmost security. In 1862 he enlisted in the United -States navy and served until the close of the civil war. He was prominent in musical cir- cles, and the composer of a large amount of sacred music, the greater part of it in use in the services of the Episcopal church. Rev. Dr. John Ireland Tucker, rector of the Church of the Holy Cross, founded by Mary Bouton \\'arren, widow of Nathan Warren (see War- ren family), and Mr. Rousseau collaborated in the composition of Episcopal hynmals that 1758 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS are extensively used throughout the United States. These works were "Parish Hym- nals," "The Church Hymnal" and "Hymnals for Sunday Schools." Mr. Rousseau also published (alone) "The Twenty Selections," set to Gregorian tunes, and "The Service Book." He was organist of the Church of the Holy Cross for thirty years, and with Dr. Tucker was instrumental in furthering the in- troduction of choral music as part of the church service, one of the objects which in- duced Mrs. Warren to establish the church. The experiment met with a large amount of opposition, but is now firmly established in all Episcopal churches. Mr. Rousseau was a member of the Masonic order, and for many years served as organist of Mt. Zion and Apollo lodges of that order. His political preference was for the Republican party, but he took no active part in political affairs. He was a member and past commander of Gris- wold Post, No. 338, Grand Army of tlie Re- public. ^Ir. Rousseau married, in Troy, October, 1868. Jeanette. daughter of John T. and Mar- tha (Laselle) Parker. Children: 1. Harry Harwood, born in Troy, New York, April 19, 1870; educated in the public schools, graduated from the high school in 1887, entered Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, where he was graduated civil engineer, class of 189 1. He spent a year in Albany, New York, then took the position of engi- neer of structural ironwork for the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company. Until 1898 he was designing engineer for the Pittsburg Bridge Company. In that year he became a member of the engineer corps of the United States navy, engaged in the construction of buildings, dry docks and similar work. His success in designing a method for deepening and maintaining the channel leading to Mare Island navy yard brought him increased repu- tation and preferment. In 1906 he was made chief of the bureau of yards and docks. United States navy, with the rank of rear-admiral. In the same year he was appointed a mem- ber of the Panama Canal Commission as civil engineer of the commission representing the navy. He is now (1911) stationed at Cule- bra. He stands very high in the engineering world. He is a member of the Rensselaer Society of Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Sigma Xi, an honorary society of technical schools, and other promi- nent societies of his profession. He married, in Panama, April, 1908, Gladys, daughter of Hon. Plerbert Squiers, United States minis- ter to Panama. 2. William White, Jr., born in Trov, New York, April 18, 1873; educated in public schools and Troy Academy, graduated frorm the high school, 1891, entered Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he was gradu- ated civil engineer, class of 1895. For a year he was engaged with the Delaware & Hud- son River railroad as engineer of construc- tion work on the Susquehanna division. Then he was engaged in dyke construction at Corn- ing, New York, for one year, and in 189^ re- turned to Troy. After the death of his father, he succeeded him in the management of the George Henry Warren and Nathan B. War- ren estates. His professional career is con- tinued as assistant professor of geodesy and' railroad engineering at the Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute (1911), and as superintend- ent of construction of the Troy Water Works, to which position he was appointed in 1907 by the mayor of the city. He is a member of the real estate and insurance firm of Breese & Rousseau of Troy. He is an active Repub- lican, and a member of the Republican Club, also a member of Mt. Zion Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 311, Troy, New York. He is a mem- ber of the Church of the Holy Cross, and is- organist and choir master, succeeding his father. The choir is largely composed of girl's- from the "Mary Warren Free Institute," a school founded and endowed by Mary War- ren, founder and donor of the church. He is- an associate member of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; a member of the Society of Engineers of Eastern New York, also of the Rensselaer Society of Engineers, the Sig- mi Xi and the Tau Beta Pi societies, the lat- ter two being honorary societies in technical colleges. He married, in Troy, June 5, 1901, Frances, daughter of William D. Hardy, born in Can- ada, now a retired merchant of Troy, and' Ruth (Horton) Hardy. Children: Carolyn' Hardy, born December 31, 1904; Parker Hor- ton, April 8, 1908. Martin Ingham Townscnd, TOWNSKND son of Nathaniel and Cyn- thia ( Marsh) Townsend^ was br)rn in Hancock. Massachusetts, Febru- ary (). 1810, died in Troy, New York. March 8, 1903. At the age of six years he removed with- his parents to Williamstown, Massachusetts, where he was reared on a farm and received a practical education in the common schools, which was supplemented by attendance at Williams College, from which he was gradu- ated with degrees of A. B., 1883, .A. M., 1836. He was admitted to the New York- bar, May 13, 1836, and commenced the prac- tice of his profession in Tnoy, where for many C' >i,u|iuMM .^.svu,v,ui, il. *:'0. HUDSON AXD MOHAWK VAI.LF.YS 1/59 years he was associated in partnership with his brother, Randolph Wanton Townsend (A. B., Wilhams, 1836, A. M., 1839), which was both successful and remunerative. He was employed by the United States government to attend and report upon tlie trial of Cadet Whittaker in New York City, which contin- ued for two years, and which resulted in Whittaker's acquittal. He also acted for de- fense in the noted cases of Henrietta Robin- son, Andrus Hall, Whitbeck and George E. Gordon. He retired from practice in 1901. Martin I. Townsend received the honorary de- gree of LL. D. from his alma mater in 1866, and was a regent of the University of the State of New York, 1873-1903, a period of thirty years. He served as district attorney of Rensselaer county. New York, 1842-45 ; was a delegate from the state-at-large to the constitutional convention, 1867-68; a Repub- lican representative from New York in the forty-fourth and forty-fifth congresses, 1875- 79 ; United States district attorney for the northern district of New York, 1879-87, and a member of the constitutional commission of 1890, by appointment from Governor Hill. Until 1848 Mr. Townsend was an adherent of the principles of Democracy, but, influenced by the proceedings of the Democratic na- tional convention of that year at Buffalo, he became a strenuous opponent of the resolu- tions then passed upon slavery, and his home in Troy was raided on July 15, 1863, by an anti-draft mob. Mr. Townsend married, in 1836, Louisa B. Kellog. of Williamstown, Massachusetts. who died in 1890. Their daughter married Professor H. B. Nason of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. This familv settled in VAN BROCKLIN the Mohawk Valley at a date prior to the revolution. Tlie records of "New York Sol- diers in the Revolution" show many of the family to have been engaged in the struggle for independence. One of the number. Nicho- las, an enlisted member of Captain Jillis Fon- da's company of "Associated Exempts" was taken prisoner by the Indians and Tories, taken into the wilderness and was never heard of again. The region in which the family settled was the theatre of the operations of Brant and the Johnsons and the cruel, re- morseless Tories and Indians were only held in check by the determined bravery of the Mohawk settlers and patriots. The Van Brocklin family in the Mohawk Valley was founded by two brothers one of whom was Gilbert. There were four brothers that came from Holland about the year 1730 with their sister Barbara. They were Gilbert, Malachi, Nicholas and Harpet. Two of the brothers never married and from the other two have sprung probably all the \'an Brocklins of New York state. (I) Gilbert Van Brocklin, immigrant an- cestor, came from Holland to .America in 1730 and settled in what is now Montgomery county, New York. Pie married and had issue. (II )_ Gilbert (2), son of Gilbert (i) Van Brocklin, was born in 1768, died April 15,, 1849. He was a farmer of Montgomery county, a Whig, and a member of the Lu- theran church. He married Jemima , born 1783, died February 3, 1849. Children: I. Hannah, born 1806, died 1870; married Michael Stotter, born 1803, died 1880. 2. Matthias, of whom further. 3. John G., died May 9, 1852, aged thirty-four years : his son John enlisted in the One Hundred and Fif- teenth Regiment, New York Volunteers, at the age of sixteen years, and was the first man' killed in that regiment ; he was orderly for Colonel Sammons and was instantly killed by a shell while in the performance of duty. 4. Margaret, died unmarried at the age of sixty- seven years. (Ill) Matthias, eldest son of Gilbert (2) and Jemima Van Brocklin, was born in the town of Johnstown, then Tryon, now Fulton- county, New York, January i, 1813, at the locality known as Albany Bush, died at Am- sterdam. New York, August 28, 1889. and is- buried in the family plot in Green Hill ceme- tery. He learned the carpenter's trade at which he worked for several years. In 1868 he began the manufacture of stockings in Am- sterdam, meeting with such success that in 1872 he enlarged his plant, added underwear to his line of manufacture, and admitted his son William to the firm. In 1873 Matthias withdrew as an active partner and formed a company called the American Hosiery Mills- Company, which continued imtil September, 1876. At that time their mills were destroyed' by fire and were never rebuilt. He was a strong Republican, and served as president of the Amsterdam village corporation the last year prior to its becoming a city. lie was an active member and in the early years the chief supporter of the West Amsterdam Lutheran' Church. He married, at Albany Bush, De- cember 27, 1836, Charlotte Stoller, born June- 3, 1815, at Albany Bush, twelfth of the thir- teen children of Michael and Magdalene Stol- ler. Michael Stoller died May 9. 1853, aged" eighty-one years. Magdalene died December 21, 1859, aged eighty-four years. Charlotte- a76o HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS (Stoller) Van Brocklin is a resident of Am- sterdam, New York, retaining to a remarkable •degree her mental and physical activity, al- though in her ninety-sixth year. She is a lifelong member of the Lutheran church. Children: i. William Shields, of whom fur- ther. 2. John, born February 20, 1842 ; mar- ried Louise Revies, June 15, 1864; resides with mother in Amsterdam : has a daughter Clara, who married Wenans, of Roch- ■ester. 3. James, born July 6, 1844, died No- vember II, 1909; married, October 20, 1868, Katherine Simpson, who survives him; chil- t winter General Lafayette was in .America he was stationed with his troops in West- chester county ; the paymaster had his head- quarters in the Lyon Stone House ; after La- fayette and his troops went away, a company of British Light Horse from New York burned the house and all it contained, con- sidering Lyon an enemy to the King ; he is described as having been distinguished for his luxuriant hair which he wore in a queue, so long that when sitting it could be tied in a knot underneath his chair ; he married Anna Miller. 2. Elizabeth, born June 28, 1730. 3. Elnathan, died at Clinton, Dutchess county. New York; he married (first) Susanna , (second) Mary Ann jjush. 4. Israel, of further mention. 5. Phebe, marriel a kins- man. Roger Lyon. 6. Captain David, died at North Castle. New York ; he served in the revolution with the rank of captain in 1775 under Colonel Alexander McDougall, First Regiment, New York Troops ; he served later in the Second Westchester County Regiment, Colonel Thomas Thomas ; married Freelove Forman. 7. Peter, died at No. 37 Pump street. New York City, July 4, 1824; he was a farmer and for many years justice of the peace in North Castle, New York, and it is said that Major Andre was brought before him after his capture. (Christian Advocate, July 18, 1895.) 8. Naomi Thatcher, born January 31, 1747; died before 1783. (I\') Israel, son of Jonathan and Eliza- beth (Mead) Lyon, was born at Greenwich, Connecticut, December 20, 1734, died in Bed- ford, New York, December 28, 18 16, and is buried in Hill cemetery, Bedford. Pie was a farmer, as were his ancestors. In 1779 his home was burned by the British under Tarle- ton. He was a devoted patriot, serving on the Westchester county committee of safety, lie married Abigail Husted, born in Green- wich, June I, 1734, died January 14, 1815, and is buried in Hill cemetery with her husband. Children, all born in Bedford, New York: r. Israel (2), born February 12, 1755; married Hannah Merritt. 2. Moses, born 1758; mar- ried Diadamia Banks and settled at Bloom- field county, New Jersey. 3. Charity, born September 28, 1760; married Samuel Banks, of Bainbridge, New York. 4. Elizabeth, mar- ried Joseph Park. 5. Spardon, of further mention. 6. Ann, married (first) Thomas Park, (second) Lot Searles. 7. Susanna, born 1768; married Enoch Raymond. 8. Abigail, born August 11, 1770: married Josiali Wool- sey. 9. Sarah, married Ellie Sealey. 10. Jerusha, born 1775, died April 27, 1863: mar- ried William Woolsey. 11. ]\iary, married Daniel \'arian. (\') Spardon, son of Israel and .Abigail (Husted) Lyon, was born in Bedford, New York, October 26, 1764, died there May 3, 1845. ^'■'d is buried in the Presbyterian bury- ing ground. He was a farmer, and in 1822 connected with tlie Presbyterian church of Bedford ; previous generations seemingly hav- ing adhered to the Quaker faith of the founder, Thomas Lyon. He married. .April 16, 1788. Phebe Scofield (Presbyterian rec- ords) born February 10. 1767, died February 27, 1848, buried in Bedford. Children: i. Seth, of further mention. 2. Alvah, born June 6, 1797, died September 11, 1878; mar- ried, February 27, 1824, Sarah (Carpenter. (\'I) .Seth, eldest son of Spardon and Phebe (Scofield) Lyon, was born in Bedford, New York, August 31, 1794, died January 31. 1878, and is buried in the Union cemetery at Bed- ford. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church in Bedford, ordained March 19, 1815. He married (first) Clarissa Rundle, born March 9. 1793, died in Bedford. August 14, 1836. He married (second) Mary Woolsey, born March, 1805, died April i, 1S94, daugh- ter of William and Jerusha (Lyon) Woolsey. Jerusha Lyon was a daughter of Israel, son of Jonathan, son of Thomas (2), son of Thomas (i) Lyon, the founder. Children by first wife: I. Solomon R., of further mention. 2. Char- lotte Rundle, born February 19, 1814, died April 8. 1850; married Phineas Lounsberry, a merchant of New York City. 3. Mary E., born .April 23, 1816, died March 28. 1837. 4. Clarissa, born May 10, 1820, died FcJiruary 1766 HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \'ALLEYS 28, 1837. 5. Seth Jay. born about 1822, died December 8. J883; married at Bedford, Octo- ber 12, 1849. Frances Elizabetb, daugbter of Jeremiab and Emmeline (Smith) Clark. (VH) Solomon Rundle, eldest son of Seth and Clarissa (Rundle) Lyon, was born in Bedford, New York, January 31. 1812. died there March 19, 1868, and is buried in Union cemetery. He was a farmer, owning and oper- ating the farm owned by his father and grand- father and later by his son Phillip. In 1865 he was ordained an elder of the Bedford Presby- terian Church. He married, September 12, 1837, Hannah Rundle. born September 12. 1818. died April 18, 1883, buried in Union cemetery, daughter of Solomon and Hannah (Phillips) Rundle. Children: i. Phillips Run- dle, born July, 1838; married Susie : in 1906 was living in Bedford, New York. 2. Irving W'hitall. of further mention. 3. Anna, born August 10, 1842, died October 22, 1863. 4. DeWitt (i), born March 30, 1844, died August 27, 1844. 5- Mary E., born July 27. 1845. died August 28, 1867; married Stephen Terry. 6. Emma Constant, born April 15, 1847, died October 26, 187 1 ; married, April, 1871, Henry D. Jennings. 7. Josephine C, born August 19, 1848; married Edward P. Holley, of Cos Cob, Connecticut. 8. Hannah Rundle, born June 8, 1850: married, Decem- ber 19, 1883, Edward A. Raymond, of Bed- ford, New York. 9. DeWitt (2), born April 15, 1853. died November 23, 1854. 10. Isabel G., born November 18, 1855, died September 4. 1866. II. Clarissa Rundle, born i\Iarch 19, 1859: married Clifford R. Weld, of Boston. (VIII) Irving Whitall Lyon, M. D., son of Solomon R. and Hannah (Rundle) Lyon, was born in Bedford, Westchester county. New York, in 1840, died in Hartford, Connecticut, March 4, 1896. He received a good education and chose medicine as his profession. He entered the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York City, where he received his degree of M.D. He established in practice at Hartford, Connecticut, continuing until his death. Although a learned and skillful physic- ian he is perhaps better known and remem- bered as an authority on American antiques. His work on "Colonial Furniture," published in 189 1, was the pioneer work of its kind, and although two decades have passed since it was published, it is an unquestioned authority, and subsef|uent writers have not changed a date nor controverted any statement of fact in the work. It is a classic and an infallible guide. Another work of Dr. Lyon's on which he was engaged at the time of his death was, "Colon- ial Architecture of America," being uncom- pleted ; this was never published. Wherever his name is known and spoken, he is referred to always as "the father of American an- tiques." He was president of the Hartford Medical Society, member of the State Medical Society, and a member of the Connecticut His- torical Society. He was a Christian without a creed and of so pure and blameless a life that death brought him no fear. He was just to all men, kind and unfailingly courteous, a man of the highest ideals, which he did not fail to attain in his daily life. As a physician he was beloved and trusted. Dr. Lyon mar- ried Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Frederick Darrow and Louise (Jacobs) Tucker, of New York state. Children: i. Mary Phillips, mar- ried Chester B. Albree, of Pittsburg, North Side. Pennsylvania. 2. Irving Phillips, a well- established, skillful physician of Buffalo, Ne\\- York. 3. Charles W.. of further mention. (IX) Charles Woolsey, youngest son of Dr. Irving \\'. and Mary E. (Tucker) Lyon, was born in Hartford, Connecticut, December 10, 1862. at No. 27 Buckingham street. He was educated in the common schools of Hartford, then entered Hartford high school, where he prepared for college. He entered Sheffield Sci- entific School (Yale University) in the second year, but before graduation received so flat- tering and tempting a business oft'er that he did not stay to finish the full course. He had inherited his father's love of the antique, and had sat under his teaching so effectively that although a young man he had an established reputation among collectors. His ability to distinguish the rare, beautiful and valuable at- tracted the attention of the famous collector of American antiques, Charles H. Taylor, of Boston, who engaged him to travel and buy for his private collection, one of the most valuable in the United States if not in the world. For four years he traveled for Mr. Taylor in New England and through the Hud- son-Mohawk valleys, finding the latter espe- cially rich in the rare and valuable of a long ago period. In 1903 he began collecting for the public and opened a store at No. 47 Wash- ington avenue, later removing to the corner of South Hawk street and Washington avenue, Albany, where his store has become the mecca of American collectors of the antique. He is a member of the Chi Phi (Yale Chapter) and the University Club, of .Albany. Charles Woolsey Lyon married, August 6, 1898. Kathlyn Thatcher, daughter of San- ford Thatcher, of Cobleskill, New York, a de- scendant of four of the "Mayflower" pas- sengers (1620), and of a long line of New England ancestors. Children: i. Irving Whit- all (2), lx>rn October 2. 1899. 2. Charles \\'oolsey (2), torn October 2, 1905. HUDSON AND MOHAWK N'ALLKYS .767 The Farringtons of Troy FARRIXGTOX are of English ancestry and birth. The father of John Farrington, of Troy, was John Farring- ton, of Preston, England, a well-to-do mil- ler, owning and operating a prosperous busi- ness. He married Hamburg, born in Preston, England, who bore him nine children, all born in Preston. England: i. Mary. 2. Jane. 3. Robert, was elected a member of the House of Commons. 4. Samuel. 5. Thomas, came to the United States ; married, in Old Kewburg, New York, Alvina Lane. 6. Wil- liam, came to the United States : married Jane Lane, of Pleasant Valley. New York. 7. Val- entine. 8. John, see forward. 9. Solomon. (II)- John (2), son of John (i) Earring- ton, was born in Preston, England, June 7, 1S27. died in Troy, New Y'ork, 1869. He mar- ried, in 1849, -•'^"" Ferguson, born in Scot- land. Children: i. Mary Jane, married Horatio Wilson, born in Kentucky, son of Horatio and Thuney Lair, and grandson of Horatio Wilson; Horatio Wilson (2) died at Lafayette. Illinois, in 1899, aged eighty years. He had children : Thomas, William, Everly, Elizabeth. Jane, John and Horatio (3). Ho- ratio and Mary Jane (Farrington) Wilson had children: Walter W., married Maud and has three children : Elizabeth, mar- ried Dr. Sabin. 2. John Roberts, died in Boughton. Illinois. 3. Elida .A., died young. 4. Florence, married Philip Sanford Young, torn December, 1842, at Sand Lake. New York, died 1905 in Troy, son of Philip Young, torn in Germany, came to the United States, settled at Sand Lake, New York, where he was a farmer the remainder of his life; he married Mary Gearhart. born in Germany, ■died in Sand Lake : children : George P.. died at Sand Lake; Philip: Martin L.. lived at Averill Park. Child of Philip and Flor- €nce (Farrington) Young: Everett G.. mar- ried Mattie Stanley, of Averill Park, and lias a son, Everett Stanley Young. The branch of the Hough- HOl'GHTON ton family from wliich Judge Houghton is de- scended migrated from England in 1650 and settled at Lancaster, Massachusetts, then a part of the Massachusetts P>ay Colony. This colonial ancestor, John Houghton, and his de- scendants, Jonas, James, James, Jr., and Na- thaniel, all lived in that immediate locality. His grandfather. Tilley Houghton, settled in Corinth in t8oo and died there, leaving sev- eral children, among them Tilley. Jr.. and Dr. Nathaniel. The Houghtons remained residents of that town until their deaths. James Warren, son of Tilley, Jr., and Char- lotte (Dayton) Houghton, was born at Co- rinth, New York, September i, 1856. He was graduated from Canandaigua Academy, 1876; studied law, and was admitted to the bar at Rochester, New York, in 1879. He began practice of the law at Saratoga Springs in 1880, was elected judge of Saratoga county, New York, in 1888, aftd re-elected success- ively until 1899. when he resigned, having been appointed to the supreme bench of the state of New Y'ork by Governor Roosevelt in December, 1899. In 1900 he was elected a justice of the supreme court of the state of New York for the fourth judicial district, for a full term of fourteen years. In September, 1903, he was designated to serve as associate justice, appellate division, third department, and relieved from this designation, October 28, 1905, and immediately designated associate justice, appellate division, first department. and on January i, 1910. he was again desig- nated to serve as associate justice of the ap- pellate division, third department. Judge Houghton married. 1884, Elizabeth M. Smith, of Saratoga Springs, and has a son. James T., recently graduated from Harvard Medical College, and a daughter, Elizabeth. The earliest Stroud record is STROUD of Jacob Stroud, of Amwell, New Jersey, 1735. He with three brothers entered the provincial army and were at the battles of Fort William Henry and Quebec, where Jacob Stroud, John F'ish and Matthias Hutchinson, being the three sol- diers nearest General Wolfe when he fell, car- ried him to a sheltered spot where he died. One of the Stroud brothers was killed on the "Plains of Abraham" during the battle. Ja- cob Stroud returned to New Jersey and later settled in Pennsylvania, where he founded the town of .Stroudsburg. He afterward fought in the war of the revolution, became a colonel in rank, commanded at Fort Penn, and was a member of the constitutional convention that framed the first constitution of the state of Pennsylvania. He died 1806 and was then the owner of four thousand acres of land in and around Stroudsburg. Nothing definite seems to be known of the other two surviving broth- ers. They evidently settled in Massachusetts, as four of that name served in the revolution- ary war from that state. George. Prince, Wil- liam of Sherburne, and another William. The family in Ballston Spa, New York, descends from one of the two brothers before men- tioned. (1) Tiie first of the family of whom we have direct record is lohn Stroud, a descend- 1/68 HUDSON AND MOH.WK VALLEYS ant of George Stroud, the revolutionary sol- dier. He lived in or near Sherburne, Massa- chusetts, where he married and reared a fam- il)-. He had several daughters and sons. John, Dolman, Charles, Ira and Sylvanus. (H) Ira, son of John Stroud, was for many years engaged in milling, farming and mer- chandising. His mills and store were located near North Adams, ^Massachusetts. He had previous to settling there resided in Stamford, Vermont. In 1866 he disposed of his North Adams properties and removed to the town of Cambridge, Washington county. New York, where he died. He married Dolly, daughter of Colonel William McElwain, of Massachu- setts. Children: i. Corridon, deceased. 2. Elizabeth, married A. J. Houghton, of Bos- ton, Massachusetts. 3. Harriet, married Ed- mund B. Penniman. 4. Charles, lawyer of Hoosick Falls, New York. 5. Sylvanus I., of further mention. (Ill) Sylvanus I., youngest son of Ira and Dolly (McElwain) Stroud, was born in Stam- ford, \^ermont. September 22, 1843. Later he removed with his parents to North Adams, Massachusetts, and he was educated in the public schools of these towns. He was en- gaged with his father in business for several years, but abandoned the farm to follow an- other line of activity. He first became pro- prietor of the Union House at Cambridge, New York, and in 1876 removed to St. Al- bans, Vermont, where he conducted the Amer- ican House, continuing a most successful busi- ness there until 1893, when he sold out and bought the Medberry House at Ballston Spa, New York. After several years spent there he purchased a farm on the outskirts of the village which he operated as a stock and breeding farm, specializing in high-grade horses. He served during the civil war, first with the Army of the Potomac during the Peninsular campaign, under General Hunt, be- ing in charge of an ambulance train. His second enlistment was in Company B, Eighth Regiment, Massachusetts, Volunteer Infantry (its third organization). He was mustered in July 16, 1864, enlisting for one hundred days. The regiment was organized at Reading. Mas- sachusetts, for one hundred days, July, 1864, and attached to the Third Brigade, Eightli Army Corps, Middle Department : mustered out November 10. 1864. Mr. Stroud was with his regiment during this entire period, rank- ing as sergeant ; was mustered out with the regiment at expiration of term of service. He enlisted from the town of Adams, Massachu- setts, at the age of twenty. He has had a busy, successful business career and now is- happily situated to pass his declining years. He mar- ried, January 24, 1872, Adeline C. RusselU born in Cambridge, New York, October 13, 185 1. Child, Lamont Russell, born November 13, 1872; graduate of St. Albans, Vermont, high school, class of 1892 ; spent one year at Boston Polytechnic Institute, entered Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute, graduating as civil engineer: he has followed his profession since graduation in different parts of the L^nited States, now (1910) traveling in Europe. Adeline C. (Russell) Stroud is a grand- daughter of David Russell, born at ^lalone. New York, married and had Mortimer, Wil- liam, Alvin, John, Sydney, David, Eliza Ann and Emmeline. John Russell, son of David Russell, was born December 28, 18 16, at He- bron, New York; was a farmer of the town of Hartford and Jackson, New York. Dur- in^ the civil war he sold his farm and removed to Washington county. New York, where he was first a resident of Cambridge, later of Sa- lem, where he died and is buried. He mar- ried. March 5, 1839. Louise Ann Townsend, of Hartford, New York, born December 26, 181 7, died December 15, 1891. Children: i. Ma- rion E., born March 28, 1840. died April 8, 1842. 2. Marvin, born January 18, 1842, died July II, 1842. 3. Anna May, born July 16, 1857, died March 5, 190 1, at Luxor, Egypt, where she is buried : she was an accomplished linguist, an extensive traveler and a writer of higli reputation. 4. Adeline C, married Syl- vanus I. Stroud. Archibald Bain, born 1819. died in BAIN 1891, was a resident of the town of Argyle, Washington county. New York, and of Greenwich, where he died. He was a carpenter and wheelwright, and worked at his trade in both towns. He was a great lover of music and possessed consid- erable vocal talent. He taught singing classes and was leader of the United Presb\'terian Church choir. He married Ann Eliza, daugh- ter of Robert and Isabella (McKinley) Kel- Icy. Children: i. Belle M., born December, 1859; married Dr. James A. Smallie. 2. Wil- liam Henry, of further mention. (H) William Henry, only son of Archibald and .Ann Eliza (Kelley) Bain, was born in Argyle. Washington county, New York, April 2, 1861. He was educated in the pul^lic schools of Argyle. He came to Canajoharie, Montgomery county, when about sixteen years of age, and entered the high school in that vil- lage, graduating in the class of 1878, the first graduate of the school and the only one grad- uated that year. He entered Eastman's Busi- ness College at Poughkccpsie and was gradu- ated, class of 1879, leading the class of one HUDSON AND MOHAWK \AIJ,FA'S 1769 Inindred students and being eight points ahead of his leading competitor. After leaving East- man's he taught the public school at Galway for one term. Then he returned to Canajo- harie, where for eighteen months he was drug clerk. He formed a connection with the Reed Manufacturing Company and until 1887 was secretary and treasurer of that company. Next he formed a partnership with Mount A. Yates, and as Yates & Bain conducted a retail coal business for six years. In 1893 he purchased his partner's interest and operated the coal yard alone until 1907, when he disposed of his entire interest. In 1899 he was appointed postmaster of the village of Canajoharie by President McKinley. In 1903 he was reap- pointed by President Roosevelt, who again conferred the honor in 1907. He is an active worker in the Republican party, and a lead- ing member of the Dutch Reformed church, in which he holds the office of deacon. He mar- ried, September 21, 18S7, L. Katherine. daugh- ter of Adam Smith, born March 17, 1826. died July 23, 1901 : married. September 15. 1859, Catherine Van Slack (or Slvck), born June 22. 1S34. died May i. 1886. 'Children of" Mr. and Airs. Smith: i. Elizabeth, born July 16, i860 : a graduate of Vassar College, class of 1881 : married Burton K. Yates: children: i. Sheldon Smith, born March 14, 1887: gradu- ate of Yale University, class of 1910; ii. L. Katherine. born August 30, 1889, senior at \'assar College, class of 191 1. 2. L. Kathe- rine, born January 7, 1862 ; graduate of Yas- sar College, class of 1884, married William Henry Bain. 3. Alargaret, born February 23. 1864, died April 27, 1879. 4. George How- ard, born September 20. 1865. died March 18, 1003 : graduate of Yale Universitv, class of 1887. married. February, 1895, Ti'lle Elliott; child, Lillian, born March 20, 1896. 5. John, born July 28, 1867, died May 23, 1870. Chil- dren of William H. and L." Katherine Bain: I. Margaret K., born December 31, 1890. 2. Therese Sterling, born April 8, 1893. John Combes, great-grandfa- COAIBES ther of Charles Isaac Combes, married Hattie and had seven children: John (2), William. Peter, James, Phoebe, Leah and Isaac. John (2) was a farmer and an early settler in the Mo- hawk Valley. (II) Isaac, youngest child of John and Hat- tie Combes, was born December 3, 1807, died October 10, 1869. He was educated in the public schools, was reared on the farm, but preferring a mercantile life settled in Fulton- ville. New York, in 1837. where he was in the grocery business until 1852, locating in Glov- ersville in tiie same line of business, later add- ing dry goods to his line. He was also en- gaged in manufacturing. On February 13, 1855, he was appointed postmaster of Glovers- ville, holding that position until May 30, 1861, when he was succeeded by Elisha L. Burton. He was a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Congregational church. He married Eliza Ann Burton, born July 10, 181 1, died 189s, daughter of Nathan and Eleanor (Con- over) Burton, of Charlestown, Montgomery county, New York. Nathan Burton was born May I, 1764. Children of Isaac and Eliza A. Combes: i. Henry Belding, born and died 1833. 2. Mary Eleanor, born March 20, 1835. 3. Eustatia F., born January 13, 1837. 4. Elisha Barton, of whom further. 5. William Henry, born November 30, 1841 ; married Me- rita Hedge and had a son George L., who mar- ried Madge Mason ; children : John, born 1904, and Winfield H. 6. Charles I.^ born 1843, died 1863. 7. Eliza Ann. born 1845. died 1847. (III) Elisha Burton, son of Isaac and Eliza Ann (Burton) Combes, was born October 23, 1839. He was educated in the public schools, and early engaged in the grocery business as a clerk for his father, being so engaged all his active years. He married Mary 'Elizabeth Kennedy, born June 18, 1839, daughter of Ly- sander, born 1807. died 1895, and Elizabeth (Allen) Kennedy, born 1801, died 1900, granddaughter of Daniel and Lucinda Ken- nedy, who had seven children : Lysander. Pal- mer L., Daniel Lorain, Susan, Harriet, Nancy and Esther. Daniel Kennedy was a merchant of Johns- town until his place of business was destroyed by fire, when he engaged in teaming from Fonda, delivering goods from the railroad to interior towns. He was a deacon of the Bap- tist church and a Democrat. Lysander. eldest .son of Daniel Kennedy, was a farmer of Ful- ton county, owning a farm of four hundred acres. He was a school trustee, a member of the Methodist church, and a Democrat. He married Elizabeth Allen and had ten children : Catherine, Daniel, Lucretia, Landon, Mary Elizabeth, who married Elisha Burton Combes, John Henry, Margaret, William Henry, Daniel and Sarah Jane. Children of Elisha Burton and Mary Elizabeth Combes: i. Anna E., born October 10, 1869: married, October 21, 1892, Eugene D. Smith. 2. Charles Isaac, of whom further. 3. Harry, born November 26, 1874: married .A.nna Baker. (IV) Charles Isaac, eldest son of Elisha Burton and Mary Elizabeth (Kennedy) Combes, was born in Johnstown. New York, May 14, 1871. He was educated in the pub- lic schools, and at Gloversvillc Academy,. 1770 HUDSOX AND MOHAWK VALLEYS where he was graduated. After completing his studies he entered the printing office of the Glovcrsz-ille Leader in 1888 where lie learned the trade of a printer and became familiar with every detail of a newspaper printing office. He later formed a partnership with William B. Collins, the owner and proprietor of the Leader, continuing until 1902 as Collins & Combes. In January, 1903, they formed a corporation and purchased the Johnstown Re- pitbl'ican, publishing both the Leader and the Republican until 1908 when a transfer of stock was made, Mr. Combes becoming owner ■of the Republican and Mr. Collins continuing the Leader. The Republican was originally started in 1838 by Darius Wells and has passed through many changes ; it is Repub- lican in politics, publishes a daily and a weekly edition, and is an acknowledged influence in Fulton and adjoining counties. Mr. Combes is a charter member of the Johnstown Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. His clubs are the Colonial of Johnstown and the Eccentric of Gloversville. He married, June 3, iy02, Katherine S., daughter of J. C. Allen. The first account we have DORR AN CE of the Dorrance family in America tells that on April 17, 1723, the people of Voluntown, Connecti- cut, gave Rev. Samuel Dorrance a call to preach the Gospel at a salary of "£60 per year for the present and £50 in such species suit- able to promote his building and settling." On the same day a number of persons "as a special token of their love and goodness" pre- sented Rev. Dorrance with "five thousand ■shingles, three pounds money in shingle nails, five pounds in work, three pounds in boards and plank, two hundred clapboards, breaking up two acres of land, a cow and a calf." The Voluntown church was the first, and long the only Presbyterian church in Connecticut. The adoption of the Westminster Confession by the new church caused immediate rebellion, and a determined effort was mafle to j^revent the ordination of Rev. Dorrance. These pro- tests, in part, made to the council cjuotes : "We protest against settling Mr. Dorrance because he is a stranger and we are informed he came out of Ireland, and we do observe that since he has been in town the Irish do flock to town and we are informed the Irish are not whole- some inhabitants and upon this account we are against settling Mr. Dorrance, for we are not such persons as you take us to be, but desire the Gospel to be preached by one of ■our own and not by a stranger, for we cannot •receive anv benefit for neither soul nor body and we would pray him to withdraw himself from us." The council took all day to hear the case which they decided for both parties. The good minister, however, was ordained December 23, 1723. He is found in the ministry of Voluntown in the year 1760, and drawing a salary of £300. He died Novem- ber 12, 1775, at the age of ninety. Two of his sons, John and George, settled in the Wyom- ing Valley. Pennsylvania. George was lieu- tenant-colonel of militia and third in com- mand of the battle of W'yoming, where he was wounded, and on July 4, 1778, slain by his In- dian captors. His descendants have been in- fluential citizens of the valley, where they fig- ure largely in political, financial and military records. . Through the intermarriage of the Dorrance and Fox families, the family line can be traced to 1653 in ]\Iassachusetts, and 1723 in Connecticut. A connection cannot be made between Alexander, of Hampton. Con- necticut, and Rev. Samuel, but there is no doubt he was a great-grandson. Another in- termarriage was with the McBurneys of county Antrim, Ireland. Eliza McBurney was a daughter of James, of the north of Ire- land. She and two brothers came to America. Eliza married James A. Dorrance, while the brothers cannot be definitely traced. One of them, Thomas, enlisted in the Union army and died in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1862. The other, James, went west and died in Elko, Nevada. The Young family is also one of the old and prominent Troy families. The family in Troy was founded by James Alex- ander Dorrance of New England birth, and early of Hampton, Connecticut. (I) Alexander Dorrance was born in Con- necticut, died at Chaplin, Connecticut, Sep- tember IT. 1870. He was a shoemaker of Hampton. He married, April 25, 1825, Mary Lucretia Fox, born at Woodstock, Connecti- cut, November t6, 1801. and accidentally killed by being thrown from her carriage while returning from church, September 9, 1849. She was a daughter of William and Mary (Coburn) Fox, of Woodstock, Con- necticut, and a lineal descendant in the seventh generation from Thomas Fox, the immigrant ancestor, who was of Cambridge, Massachu- setts, in 1638, and one of the original pro- prietors of that town then called Newton. They resided at Woodstock, Connecticut, for about ten years after marriage, then at Can- terbury and Scotland of the same state. Later they returned to Hampton, where Mrs. Dor- rance was killed. Children: i. James Alex- ander, see forward. 2. Abby Caroline, born at Woodstock, Connecticut, April 18, 1829; married George Mason Holt, November i, JiA HUDSON AND MOHAWK WALLEVS 1771 1854, and had issue: Helen Cornelia, Mary Loui;;e and Frank Henry. 3. William Friend, born at \\'oodstock, May 10. 1832; removed to California, where he enga£;:ed in the sad- dlery and hardware business. 4. Francis Au- gustus, born at Woodstock, June 29, 1836, died June 23, 1870: he was a member of the iirm of A. W. Prentice & Company, the old- est hardware business in Norwich, Connecti- cut, and held many offices of trust in public and private life: be married Mary T.. daugh- ter of Amos W. Prentice, September 11, 1858, and left a son Amos Prentice, born .August i, 1865. 5. Mary Eleanor, born at Canterbury. June 4. 1839, died July 3. 1839. 6. Mary Re- becca, born at Scotland. Connecticut, Septem- ber 19, 1840: she was finely educated and fol- lowed the profession of teaching until her marriage. December 5. 1867, to George Clary, M. D., son of Rev. Joseph Clary. Dr. Clary was a graduate of Dartmouth College, and Yale ]\Iedical School. He served as assistant surgeon of the Thirteenth Regiment, Con- necticut \'olunteers, in the civil war, and at the close of that conflict settled in New Brit- ain. Connecticut, where he engaged in the practice of medicine : children : Eliza P., Ma- bel. George Bancroft and Harriet Dorrance. (11) James Alexander, eldest child of Alex- ander and Mary Lucretia (Fox) Dorrance, was born at Woodstock, Connecticut. March 26. 1826, died in Troy, September 6. 1905. He was educated in the public schools, and in 1847 settled in Troy, New York, and was a clerk in that city for several years. On Feb- ruary 27, 1864, he began business for himself, opening a shoe store in Troy on that date that prospered and grew until it ranked as one of the largest and best of its kind in the city. He continued alone at the bead of his business until 1 88 1, when his son, William J., was ad- mitted a partner, and the firm became J. A. Dorrance & Son. Fie was a devoted member of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church of Troy, which he served faithfully as member and official for over half a century. He did not take an active part in public afifairs, his business, church and home claiming bis great- est interest. He married. December 31. 1850. Eliza McBurney, of Troy, born in 1829. died July 12, 1909. Children, all born in Troy: I. Mary E.. September 22, 1852; married. June 16. 1875. George A. Huestis, of Troy, later of Kansas City, Missouri, where he died, leaving children, Eliza D. and Edna H. Hues- tis. 2. \\'illiam James, see forwartl. 3. Fran- ces. Afarch 20, 1863. 4. Jessie A., October 20. 1872. (TIT) William Tames, only son of James Alexander and Eliza (McBurney) Dorrance, was born in Troy, New York, August 17, 1854. He was educated in the public schools of Troy, and when a young man entered the store of his father as clerk. In 1881 he be- came associated with him as partner and after his death became the responsible head of the business which he yet retains. He has been one of Troy's successful business men. and has served the city well in public office. From 1887 until 1893 he was a member of the school board, served for twenty years in the fire de- partment, a member of Trojan Hook and Lad- der Company No. 3. as election inspector, and in other city business he has always borne his part of public duty. He is a member of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, and in political preference is a Republican. His fraternal connection is with the Knights of Maccabees. He married, November 24. 1881. Mary A., daughter of James J. and Elizabeth (Hicks) Young, of Troy. Children: i. Frank Young, born at Troy. August 27, 1882 : was educated in the Troy public schools, entered Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, from which he was graduated, class of 1906. 2. Jessie Elizabeth, born at Troy, October 29, 1890; educated in Troy public schools, and is a graduate of North .Vdams, Massachusetts, Normal School. John Sheldon, an inhabitant SHELDON of Providence, Rhode Island, was born in England, in 1630, died in 1708. He settled at Providence, where he was a tanner. He was deputy in 1702. He deeded his homestead, March 20, 1708, to his son Nehemiah on condition that he would maintain his father the remainder of his life. He married, in 1660, Joan \'incent, who died in 1708. Children: i. Timothy, born March 29, 1661, died 1744: married Sarah, daughter of Alexander and Jane (Hol- brook) Balcom; children: Martha, born May 5, 1687; Timothy, March i, 1689: Samuel, January 29, 1691 : Mary. August i, 1693. 2. John, of further mention. 3. Mary, died April 28, 1735; married, January 12. 1688, Stephen, son of Stephen and Sarah (Smith) Arnold; children: Stephen: Philip, born Feb- ruary 12, 1693; Edward: Phoebe, born March 5, 1695; Sarah: Penelope, torn 1701 : Sa- vana, born 1703. 4. Nicholas, died November 23. 1747: married Abbie Tillinghast, horn March, 1674, daughter of Purden and Lvdia (Taber) Tillinghast: children: Mary, Nicho- las, Joseph, .-Xbigail, Lydia. 5. Nehemiah, born 1672. died 1754: married Rachel Mann, horn April 15, 1679, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Wheaton) Mann: children: .Abraham, Philip: Mary, married, December 18, 1721. William Rliodes : Rachel, born 1705. married. 1772 HUDSON AND MOH-UM-C \-ALLEYS March 6, 1728, Pearnot Packer; Wealtherm, married, June 6, 173 1, John Williams. (II) John (2), son of John (i) and Joan (Vincent) Sheldon, was born in Rhode Island, died at Pawtucket, that colony, Au- gust 16, 1741. Pie was a tanner and cord- wainer. He married and reared a family of eight children: i. Roger, married Mercy . 2. John (3). 3. William, of further mention. 4. Edward. 5. Patience, married Thornton. 6. Deliverance. 7. Eze- kiel, married Joanna . 8. Sarah. (III) William, son of John (2) Sheldon, was born in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, about 1710. He married Rebecca Rhodes, 1737. Children: i. Deliverance, born 1740, mar- ried Nathan Jillson. 2. Robert, born 1741, married Hill. 3. Roger, born 1745, was of Cumberland, Rhode Island. 4. Wil- liam, born 1747, was of Cumberland, Rhode Island. 5. Benjamin, born 1750, settled at Unadilla, New York. 6. John, see forward. 7. Rebecca, born 1754, married John Phillips. 8. Susanna, married Nathan Jillson. 9. Anna, married Potter, of Cranston, Rhode Island. 10. Mercy, married Randall. II. Daughter, married Ezra Dav. (IV) 'John (3). son of William and Re- becca (Rhodes) Sheldon, was born in Rhode Island, 1752. He settled in the northern part of Adams, Berkshire county, Massachusetts. He married Abigail Phillips, a descendant of John of Duxbury, 1638. They both lived to a great age, and are buried in North Adams, Massachusetts. Children : Elizabeth ; Na- than, of further mention ; Naomi, married An- thony Sheldon, of Adams, Massachusetts ; Amasa ; Roby, married Dyer Eaton ; Salome, married Harrington ; John, Hezckiah, Daniel, Abigail, Patience, .A.nn. These can- not be given in the order of birtli. (V) Nathan, son of John (3) and Abigail (Phillips) Sheldon, was born in North Adams, Massachusetts, 1775, died January 29, 1862. He married Hannah , who died January i, 1835, aged sixty years. Children: Lorenzo, see forward ; Lucy, Electa and Mary. (VI) Lorenzo, son of Nathan and Plannah Sheldon, was born at North .Adams, Massa- chusetts, September 6, 1808, died there Feb- ruary 15. 1895. He married (first) Amarillis Wilbur, born in the same town, died at Adrian, Michigan. Married (second) Electa C. Parker, daughter of Oliver Parker, of North Adams, born March 20, 182 1, died Sep- tember 13, 1897. Children by first marriage: John and Mary. Children by second mar- riage : Charles Albert, see forward ; Sylvia, died August. 1902: Iva ; J. Warren; Lewis, drowned ; John, Ijorn 1858, married Mollie Claybel, had son Frank E. ; Mary M., unmar- rieci. (VII) Charles Albert, son of Lorenzo and' .\marillis (Wilbur) Sheldon, was born Octo- ber 29, 1842, at Adrian, Michigan, died De- cember 29, 1881. He married Eliza Mary Dunham, born May 21, 1846. at Savoy, Mas- sachusetts. Children: i. Charles, died in- infancy. 2. Fred Charles, see forward. 3. Adelaide, married Frank Hartley Brown ; children : Donald Sheldon, born August 24,. 1904; Ramona Adelaide, born June 19, 1906; Margaret Elizabeth, born January 18. 1909. 4. Gertrude Eliza, married Fred E. Clark- son. (\TII) Fred Charles, only son of Chaides- •Albert and Eliza Mary (Dunham) Sheldon,, was born at North Adams, Massachusetts, June 27, 1871. He was educated in the pub- lic schools, and as soon as his education was finished he began work in a shoe factory, working his way up to the position of foreman' of a department. He then formed a partner- ship with Edward Pratt and represented the- firm, carrying a line of shoes made by the Pratt factory. In 1900 he removed to Gran- ville, Washington county. New York, where he purchased a slate quarry and began the manufacture of roofing slate and other slate products. He faced almost insurmountable obstacles, but with courage and perseverance overcame them all and became the largest sin- gle producer in the entire district. His inter- ests are now merged in a single corporation, the Sheldon Slate Company, of which he is president. He has other business interests of importance. He is a director of the Farmers' National Bank of Granville, New York, and in civil affairs trustee of the village corpora- tion. He attends and supports the Episcopal church, and is a Republican in politics. He married, February 8, 1899. Bertha Genevra, born August 21, 1877, daughter of Leonard C. and Hannah Eliza (Rogers) Thorne. The Lipes family of Cobleskill, LI PES New York, while not long settled in that town are of a German an- cestor that early settled in the coimtry. The record deals largely with the present genera- tion, Henry, father of Dr. M. D. Lipes, who was a resident of Kendallville, Indiana. He was born April 26, 1840; married Sylvia Barbour, born July 7, 1843. Children: i. Estella, married (first) Clare l\resereau ; chil- dren : i. Bessie, married Ward Crane, and has George, born September 7, 1907, and Ward (2) born .August 15, 1908; ii. Genevieve; iii. Helen; Estella married (second) Harry Gif- ford. 2. Harry J., born in Chicago, Illinois,. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1773 December 29, 1871 ; a practicing physician of Albany. New York; married, January 22, 1897, Lulu Sagendorf, born November 4, 1870, daughter of Harmon Sagendorf, born July. 1840. married. December 19, 1868, Ra- chel P.aiimer. born May 12, 1850: Harmon was ;a son of George and Catherine Sagendorf ; Ra- •chel Baumer was a daughter of John and I\Ia- ria (Kilmer) Baumer. and a granddaughter •of George and Rachel (Stoneman) Baumer. Dr. Harry J. and Lulu Lipes has a daughter Caroline E., born November 14, 1898. 3. Myron D., of further mention. 4. Robert, a practicing physician ; married Lillian Ford, and has Robert (2). (H) Myron D., son of Henry and Sylvia (Harbour) Lipes, was born in Kendallville. Indiana. He was educated at Richfield Springs high school, graduating in 1894. He •entered Syracuse University, taking the course in 1896-97, and finishing his studies there with a special course in medicine 1898- •99. He was graduated M. D. from Balti- more ]\Iedical College, 1901. He first began practice at Howes Cave, New York, in 1901, where for two years he did a general prac- tice in medicine and surgery. In 1903 he lo- cated in Cobleskill, New York, where he is now in general practice, well established and popular. For five years he has been coroner, is ex-president of the County Medical Society, and a member of the State Medical Associa- tion. He is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Cobleskill Lodge, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, T. L. Lewis Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and Albany Council, Royal and Select Masters. He is also affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being a past grand, and is a Knight of Pythias. He married, August 28, 1901, Carrie A\'est- fall, born August 22. 1873. daughter of Adam M., born June 8, 1846. and S. Esther (Bent- ley) Westfall, born March 28, 185 1, grand- daughter of John Andrew and Catherine (Miller) Westfall. Adam M. Westfall had two children, Carrie, wife of Dr. M. D. Lipes, and Floyd B., born October 6, 1875, married Alice May and has a daughter Mil- dred, born May 8, 1907. Dr. Myron D. and Carrie Lipes have a son Henry, born Septem- ber 8. 1902. (Mil) John, son of .•\mbrosc WILTSIE (q. V.) and Magdelena (Mil- ler) Wiltsie, was born on the old U'iltsie homestead in South Bethlehem, Albany county. New York, and died on his own farm in that town, July 26, 1863. He was an energetic farmer and capable man of business, ranking with the prosperous men of his town. He was a member of the Dutch Re- fcirmed church, and a Republican in politics. He married, in Bethlehem, Hannah Hicks, of Dutchess county, daughter of one of the old families in that section. She was a devout church woman ; her death preceded that of her husband. Children: Caleb; John; Am- brose, of further mention: Hannah; Marga- ret: Julia. Other children died in infancy; those mentioned grew to maturity and most of them married. (IX) Ambrose, son of John and Hannah (Hicks) Wiltsie, was born in the town of Bethlehem, Albany county. New York, near the South Bethlehem railroad station, in 1847, and died on his own farm in the same town April 2, 1867, at the age of twenty years and six months. He was a farmer, and possessed elements of character that promised a suc- cessful future when his life suddenly termi- nated. He was a member of the Alethodist church, and married, in Bethlehem, Mary K. Shaffer, born in that town in 1847, who sur- vives him and continues to reside on the farm left her by her first husband. She married (second) Henry Rupert, born in Germany, who came to the United States early in life and settled in South Bethlehem, where he died leaving: Walter, Israel, Anna, Catherine and IVIamie. Ambrose and Mary K. (Shaffer) Wiltsie had two children : John A., of fur- ther mention ; and George, born July, 1866, a carpenter and farmer of South Bend ; mar- ried Ada Robertson, widow of Barnet Ten Eyck, child, Charles ; by a second marriage he has Rupert. Pearl. Blanche and Florence. Mary K. (Shaffer) Wiltsie, is a daughter of George Shaflfer. born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, in 1838. He was educated in the State Church government schools (Lutheran) and grew up a farmer. His brother Henry, who had previously emigrated to the United States, returned to his native town and by his persuasions induced George Shaffer to accom- pany him to the United States. Before leav- ing. Henry Shaffer married Mary Ringle, his brother (George having married three years before her sister Margaret. They all came to the United States in 1845, landing in New York City, where George Shaffer remained. Henry and his wife continued their journey northward, finally settling in the town of Bethlehem, Albany county. New York. George Shaffer remained in New York City about one year, and then removed to the town of Ballston. Saratoga county, New York, where he remained until 1857. when he joined his brother in Bethlehem. Here he purcha,sed a farm which he cultivated successfully imtil his death in February, 1902. His wife died •774 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS March 20, 1856. He was a Lutheran in re- h.g^ion and a Republican in pohtics. George and Mary (Ringle) Shaffer had: i. Marga- ret, born in Germany in 1843, being two years of age when her parents came to the United States ; married John Carkner, a farmer of Bethlehem, and has Richard, George and Eliza. 2. Mary K.. born in Ballston, Sara- toga county. New York, June i, 1846, the first American-born child of her parents; she married (first) Ambrose Wiltsie, (second) Henry Rupert : both of whom she survives. 3. Maria, married Silvanus Misner ; resides at Cedar Hills, New York, and has: Lester, Amanda. Lester (2). 4. Elizabeth, married (first) John Snyder, deceased, leaving chil- dren: Steven. Arthur, Catherine and Fred- erick. John Snyder was killed in the disas- trous quarry explosion which brought sorrow and desolation into so many homes in that sec- tion. She married (second) Charles Mosher, and has a daughter, Nellie. 5. Catherine, married Elmer Brown, of Cedar Hills, New York. Henry Shaffer, brother of George, was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, in 18 15, died on Thanksgiving Day in 1895, in Duanes- burg. Schenectady county, New York. He came to the United States, spent two years in the city of Albany, and then returned to the land of his birth, where he married Mary, sister of Margaret Ringle, wife of George Shaffer, and all came to the United States together in 1845. Henry settled in the town of Bethlehem, where his wife died in 1853, leaving children: Elizabeth, John H., George H., Robert, the latter dying young. He mar- ried (second) Mary Beaneau, of Albany, who died in Duanesburg, September 7, 1910, aged eighty-seven years, leaving children : Henry, Anson, Charles, Catherine, Peter (deceased), and John. (X) John A., son of Ambrose and Mary K. (Shaffer) Wiltsie. was born on his father's farm near South Bethlehem .station. Albany county, New York, February 20. 1865. He was but an infant when his father died. He received a good education in the public schools, and was reared a farmer, which occu- pation he followed all his life. In 1890 he purchased a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in South Bethlehem, near his birthplace, which has ever since been his home and the scene of his activities. He has prospered in business and is a man highly respected in his community. He is a member of the Methodist church of South Bethlehem. He married, in Bethlehem, December 2, 1883, Minnie E. Fer- rell. born in Summit. Schoharie county, New York, May 26, i860, daughter of Ebenezer H. and Emmeline .A. (Boughton) Ferrell. Eben- ezer Ferrell was born in Schoharie county in 1836, removed to Bethlehem, Albany county, where he died in 1872, son of Andrew and Emmeline (Hicks) Ferrell, of Dutchess county. New York. He resided in Schoharie county from the date of his marriage until 1866, when he removed to Bethlehem, where he died a few months afterward at the age of fifty-two years. They were both devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal church. His wife, Emmeline A. (Boughton) Ferrell, was born in Schoharie county, New York, May 14, 1838, died in Bethlehem, March 11, 1904. daughter of Henry and Rosanna (Row- land) Boughton, both born in Schoharie county, lived in Rensselaerville, Albany coun- ty, on the Schoharie line for many years, where he kept a hotel. Ebenezer H. and Em- meline A. (Boughton) Ferrell have two chil- dren: i. Minnie, married John A. Wiltsie: ii. Emmett, with W. Sandford Van Derzee, mar- ried Elizabeth Van Allen, of Bethlehem, and has J. Allen, born 1890, now a student irr the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy,^ and Margery, born 1897. John A. and Minnie (Ferrell) Wiltsie have four children: i. Mary K., born October 28, 1884: married Charles Baumes, educated in the State Normal College, formerly a teacher in the public schools, now employed in the clerical department of the General Electric Works at Schenectady. 2. Anna E.. born De- cember 23. 1886. 3. Rov, born July 14, 1888. 4. Edith M.. born April 12, 1890. The family are all members of the Alcthodist Epis- copal church. Peter Close was a manufacturer CLOSE of scythes in the town of May- field, Fulton county. New York. He married Mary A., daughter of Nathaniel and Cynthia (Wood) Brown. Nathaniel Brown was a prosperous farmer of Fulton county, a member of the Society of Friends, locally known as "Quaker" Brown. Children of Peter and Mary A. Close: i. Abram B., of whom further. 2. Isaac, married Almeda Huntley: children: George and Hewson. 3. Darwin, married Eunice Pierce: cliildren : Pe- ter, Sherman, Corey and Anna. 4. Cynthia, married George Potter, of the United States army: child. Mary. 5. Emily, married Henry Piper, removed to the west. 6. Delia, mar- ried James Kelly, of the United States army; child: James (2). 7. Erwin. married Jemima Laird ; child, Frank. 8. Mary Etta, married Edward Stewart : child, Daniel. 9. Harriet, married Charles Childs ; children : Clara, mar- ried Baltrus Dickson ; Edward ; Kate. HUDSON AXD MOHAWK X" ALLEYS ^77S (H) Abram R., son of Peter and Mary A. (Brown) Close, was born in ALiyfield, Fulton county. New York, September i6, 1827. died December 27, 1900. He received a good edu- cation and at tbe age of eighteen began to learn the art and trade of glovemaking. About 185 1 he engaged in mercantile pursuits and for half a century was a merchant of . ^^ayf^eld. His first partner was John Rrown, later Amos Christie, the firm being Close & Christie. In 1869 they engaged in the manu- facture of gloves and mittens and continued in successful operation until the death of Mr. Close. In 1887 their store was destroyed by fire, but was at once replaced with a large brick block accommodating store and factory. After the death of Mr. Close this block was sold to Eugene Heacock. He was a most suc- cessful business man and stood high in the commercial world. He was constantly in the service of the public. For thirty-three years he was postmaster of Mayfield, and for seven- teen years justice of the peace and notary public. He was Republican in politics, always taking an active part. He was a member of the Society of Friends, his wife being a Meth- odist. He died very suddenly and was sin- cerely mourned. He married, January 5, 1852, Harriet, born December 3, 1828, daugh- ter of John and Mary A. (Woodworth) Hol- lenbeck. She survives him, a resident of Mayfield. Children: i. Mary A., born De- cember 25, 1857, died October 9, 1894; mar- ried George M. Woodworth. 2. John P., born June 22, 1859: married Eliza Goode- mate; child, Mary Inez. 3. Hattie J., born August 5, 1862 ; married Alva O. Seeley ; cl ''dren : P>eatrice and Wayne D. Harriet (Hollenbeck) Close descends from Peter Hollenbeck, of Holland. The name is variously spelled Hallenbeck. Hollenbeck, Hellenbeck, etc. Peter was a shoemaker; married Alma Fonda and had an only son, John, who was a farmer, school teacher and no- tary public, transacting business for the entire community. His father, Peter, was a Presby- terian and many of the family were Friends. John was a Christian and lived an honorable, manly life but was not connected with any special denomination. He married Mary, daughter of Sela and Rebecca (Dcenham) Woodworth. John and Mary Hollenbeck had four children: i. John, married Hannah Brownell and had Horace and Frank, who survive, five being dead. 2. Mary Ann, mar- ried Orville Brown : children : Edward, Har- riet, married Granville Baker, Sela, married Brown Hollenbeck, George. 3. Harriet, mar- ried Abram B. Close. 4. Sela, married Caro- line Dennv. Sela Woodworth, maternal grandfather of Harriet (Hollenbeck) Close, came to May- field during the troublous Indian times during the revolution and took up land near the fort that stood on the present site of the Johnstowrr jail, seeking the shelter of the fort when dan- ger threatened. His father was killed by In- dians who shot him from ambush. Sela's wife, Rebecca, shared these dangers with him and on one occasion fled with her babe in arms to the sheltering forest, leaving the house which a band of Indians was approach- ing. They tried to fire the house but failed. Her father, Ebenezer. was killed by Indians while plowing in his fields. They cut otT his head and fastened it to the horns of the oxen, who came home to be fed bearing their ghastly burden and the first news to the fam- ily that the father and husband was dead. But these times of danger passed and in quieter time Sela Woodworth reared his family. He- was a good man as well as a brave one and became one of Mayfield's leading men. He donated the ground on which the Mayfield- church is built, and there his granddaughter, Mrs. Close, has erected a tablet to his memory. Among her treasures is a clock owned by Sela that passed through the perilous times re- corded. Mrs. Close has long since passed her allotted "three score years and ten" and is al- most the last of her generation. She inherited the vigor, tenacity and brave spirit of her pio- neer ancestors, who amid scenes of peril and death laid broad and deep the foundations for the prosperity that now surrounds her. The first of the Keck family of KECK which there is record in Fulton county. New York, is George Keck, a farmer of the county. He married' Catherine Coughnet and had twelve children: Catherine, George, John, Jacob. Martin, Eliz- abeth, Isaac (see forward), Peter, Joseph, Margaret, Mary Ann and .-Mbert. (II) Isaac, fourth son and seventh child' of George and Catherine (Coughnet) Keck,, was born in Johnstown, New York, May 15, 1814, and died there. He was reared on the- farm and given a good common school educa- tion. He remained with his parents on the- farm until arriving at man's estate. He then settled on a farm of his own near Keek's Cen- ter. Fulton county, where he lived the re- mainder of his days. He married. October 15, 1836, Eliza .'\. Burns, born February 13, 1818, died February. 1857, daughter of Wen- dell and Eliza Burns, of Montgomery county. New York, a descendant of the Burns family of Scotland, and related to the poet, Robert Burns. Children: i. Tiniothv. horn February 17/6 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 15. 1838 (q. v.). 2. George Henry, born September 3, 1839; married, February 3, i860, Mary Jane Martin, born December 20, 1843, daughter of John and Catherine (Da- vis) Martin ; she was one of a family of eleven children : they had one son, Addison Keck, born July 6, 1862, married Alberta Stoller, and has Dora G. Stoller, born March 13, 1891. 3. Leander, born October 2, 1841 ; married Nancy Bander; children: Elsie. Mar- garet and Hiram Keck, who reside at Mont- gomery, Illinois. 4. Mary E. 5. Jeremiah, born November 9. 1845 (see forward). 6. Philip, born October 26, 1848 (see forward). 7. Alelissa, born April 16, 1853; married. De- cember 28, 1879, William H. Meserve, born January 27, 1847, at Cherryfield. Maine, died in Albany, New York, October 6, 1909. He was attending a preparatory school in Mat- thias. Maine, fitting for college when the civil war broke out. Being unable to get parental permission, he left school secretly and went to Boston, Massachusetts, where he enlisted in 1862. He was connected with the signal corps, Department of the Gulf. After receiv- ing an honorable discharge from the service he settled in New York state, where he en- gaged in teaching for several years, and for nine years was principal of Salmonsville, New York, Union school, and brought that institu- tion to a high state of efficiency. In 1883 he located in Johnstown, New York, where he engaged in the insurance business until 1895. In that year he was appointed inspector of the State Land Survey and took up his residence in .Albany. In T905 he retired from office on account of ill health, and died October 6, 1909, in that city. He was a son of William Meserve, of Cherryfield, Maine. Children of William H. and Melissa (Keck) Meserve: i. Lora, born August 16. 1881 : educated in public schools of Johnstown, high school at Albany, and State Normal College ; is now a teacher in Schenectady public schools, ii. Frank L., born June 12, 1887: educated in the common and high school at Albany ; is connected with the drug firm of Walker and Gibson, of Albany, iii. Earl, born February 23, 1889; educated at Albany common and high schools : is a bookkeeper with Walker & Gibson, iv. William Keck, born August 22, 1890: died March 16. 1893. v. Alice Ethel, born July 3, 1893. vi. Harlan Bums, born - October 19. 1894. Mrs. Melissa (Keck) Me- serve survives her husband and retains the family home at No. 165 Lancaster street. .\1- bany. (HI) Timothy, eldest son of Isaac and Ehza A. (Burns) Keck, was born on the Keck homestead farm near Keek's Center, town of Johnstown, Fulton county. New York. Feb- ruary 15. 1838. He was educated in the pub- lic schools and grew up on the farm, where he remained as his father's valued assistant until 1863, when he assumed the sole charge and management. He was an early volunteer in answer to President Lincoln's third call for men, but owing to some slight physical defect his services were not accepted. He continued on the farm until 1874, when he located in Johnstown and began the manufacture of heavy gloves of sheep and buckskin. For a time he was his own traveling salesman, going on the road and disposing of his factory prod- uct. In the first years in business he was as- sociated with the firm of Keck & Dudley. Later Mr. Van .Alstyne succeeded Mr. Dudley, as \'an Alstyne & Keck, and later the firm be- came Timothy Keck & Son, so continuing un- til T907, when ]\Ir. Keck. Sr.. retired from active business, which was continued by his son William T. Keck until the factory was de- stroyed by fire in the spring of 1910. Mr. Keck was an energetic, capable man of busi- ness and stands high in the regard of his community. Politically he is a Republican, and is a member of the Lutheran church. He married, November 20, 1862, Charlotte, third daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Martin. Children: i. Elizabeth A., born April 4, 1865 ; married Ferdinand Fisher of Johnstown and has children : i. Charlotte E., who died in infancy, ii. Victoria, born in 1893. iii. Myrtle, born July 3, 1906. 2. William T., born July 15, 1869: educated in .'Mbany and common schools : he associated with his father in glove manufacturing until the fire of 1910; he married, July 11, 1890, Charlotte May An- thony, fourth daughter of Martin J. and JEliza- heth M. Shear: children: i. Elsie May, died in infancy, ii. Lillian Beatrice, born I'ebruary, 1893. iii. Theresa E.. February. 1896. iv. \'iola M., l\Iay. 1899. (Ill) Judge Jeremiah Keck, son of Isaac and Eliza Ann (Burns) Keck, was born near Keek's Center, town of Johnstown. Fulton county. New York, November 9, 1845. He attended the public schools of his town, and worked with his father on the farm until he was sixteen years of age. The civil war then broke out and he was among the first to vol- unteer for service. He enlisted in Company C. Seventy-seventh Regiment New York Vol- unteer Infantry, and with his regiment served at Yorktown, Malvern Hill. Gaines Mills and Fair Oaks, in the Peninsula campaign of the .Army of the Potomac, then under command of General George B. McClellan. He was stricken with a fever which so disabled him that he was honorably discharged. He re- HUDSON' AXD MOIIA\\'K \' ALLEYS ^777 turned to Johnstown and began studies pre- paratory to the profession of law, which he had decided to follow. He attended Clinton Liberal Institute and Whitetown Seminary. After completing his preparatory studies he read law with Judge John ^^'ells and James M. Dudley, entering their offices for that pur- pose in April. 1868. Having passed a suc- cessful examination he was admitted to the bar at the general term of the supreme court held at Schenectady, .-\pril 8, 1869. He was at once admitted to a partnership with his preceptors, becoming junior member of the law firm of ^^'ells, Dudley & Keck. This firm continued in successful practice until the dis-- solution in 1877. He then entered into a part- nership with his brother, and as J. & P. Keck transacted a successful legal business until 1883. He was elected district attorney of the county in 1874, and re-elected in 1877. I" 1883 he was elected county judge and surro- gate, and held those offices for eighteen years, imtil such offices were separated a little over nine years ago. He has held the office of surrogate ever since, with an unexpired term of three years to serve. A\'hile prominent as a lawyer and successful in private practice. Judge Keck is best known in his public capacities as district attorney, county judge and surrogate, covering a pub- lic service of nearly thirty-six years. During this long term of service he has been many times before the voters of Fulton county as their candidate, and rarely had opposition from the opposing party. His nominations bave nearly always been made by acclamation and re-election without opposition— a tribute rarely paid to any man. During his profes- sional career he has been connected with most of the important litigation of the county, both civil and criminal. He has always been known as an able, upright and conscientious lawyer, taking rank with the ablest members of the Fulton county bar. As judge and sur- rogate he has been fair and impartial, rapidly transacting the business before him, ruling -with such accuracy and fairness that there have been very few reversals of his decisions when reviewed by the higher courts. He is held in high esteem by bis .brethren of the profession as a jurist, and by the people gener- ally as a good friend and neighbor. He has always been a student, and has a fine law li- brary, including law works issued in London over two and a half centuries ago. Judge Keck is known as a forcible speaker before a jury and in the argument of causes, and of very pleasing address on subjects out- side of his professional work. When a young man be constantly received flattering press no- tices in their reports of Memorial Day ad- dresses and other occasions of patriotic com- memoration. In 1889 he delivered a brief ad- dress at the dedication of a monument to his old regiment at Gettysburg. Pennsylvania, which though impromptu was widely reported and greatly admired, and will be found in the work entitled "New York at Gettysburg"' re- cently issued by the state of New York. This address shows his readiness and ability to speak without previous preparation. He said : "Nothing new can be said and nothing new need be sought, for the greatness of the struggle and tlie grandeur of the victory are more appreciated as they are more studied and better understood. And so it will be while patriotism dwells in the hearts of the American people. What was done here was not done for that day and tiine, but for all days and for all times. When the martyred Lincoln here expressed the hope that the result of the great con- flict might be 'that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth,' the dark clouds of war rolled over and en- shrouded the land. That hope has been triumph- antly fulfilled. Not only has this government been established, but before the eyes of all other nations has a grand proof been given of the permanence of free institutions and the power of an intelligent and devoted people to maintain the stability of their country in times of the greatest trial. ' Times of trial and danger may come upon the nation, very different from those we commemorate and yet very great, and when those times do come we believe it is not in vain to hope that the memory of . this struggle will encourage and anitiiate the hearts of her citizens to maintain that union which has been purchased with so much blood. We felt that our country was at stake, but the nations of the civ- ilized world felt that something still greater was imperilled— the principle that a Republic could by the devotion of her citizens save her national life in the greatest struggle that has as yet been re- corded in the history of the world. We, my com- rades, who have done what we could, here in tjie time of our country's need, now do this, as the last permanent thing that we can do. for we shall soon pass away to join our comrades and our names will be forgotten, but the work we have done will live for us, and this monument will speak for us to the generations to come, and tell where the Remis Heights battalion stood, in this harvest field of death." His pa])er on the life of Sir William John- son, prejjared for and read before the State Historical Association in 1903, and after- wards published in its records, and his recent address on behalf of the members of the Grand Army of the Republic at the dedication of the Soldiers' Monument of Johnstown, October 5, 1910, in the presentation of such monument to the city, have been regarded as worthy of the occasions. For fourteen years Judge Keck has been and still is a member of the executive com- mittee of the State Bar Association, and also a member of the committee of that bodv on the selection of candidates for judicial offices. 17/8 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS I-\>r nineteen years he was commander of Martin McAIartin Post, No. 257, Grand Army of the Repubhc. of Johnstown, and is still an interested member. He is prominent in the Masonic order, belonging to St. Patrick's Lodge, No. 4, Free and Accepted Masons ; Johnstown Chapter, No. 78, Royal Arch Masons ; Holy Cross Commandery, No. 52, Knights Templar. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Po- litically he has always been a Republican. His first presidential vote was cast for General Grant in 1868. His friends are not confined to his party associates, but are numerous and steadfast, regardless of party affiliation. Judge Keck married (first) in June, 1874, Jennie A., daughter of Thompson P. Kibbie, a connection of the old de Fon Claire family of Johnstown, New York. She bore him a daugnter, Flore de Fon Claire. He married (second) in November, 1890, Sara R„ daugh- ter of Joseph Riggs, of Detroit, Michigan. (HI) Philip, fifth son and sixth child of Isaac and Eliza Ann (Burns) Keck, was born in Johnstown. Fulton county. New York, October 26, 1848. He was educated in the public schools, Clinton Liberal Institute, W'hitestown Seminary, and attended Hamil- ton College two years. Leaving college in 1873. he began the study of law with Wells, Dudley & Keck of Johnstown, following this preparation by a course at Albany Law School, where he was graduated LL.B., class of 1876. In 1877 he associated with his brother Jere- miah (afterward Judge Keck), continuing as J. & P. Keck in a general legal practice until 1884, when they separated. Until 1890 Philip Keck conducted his business alone, but it be- came of such magnitude that in that year he admitted Clarence W. Smith as partner in Keck & Smith, a partnership that existed until it was dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Keck has achieved an enviable success in his pro- fession. He prepares his cases carefully, and presents them to judges and juries in a logical and impressive manner. He is learned and skillful in the law, painstaking and persever- ing in his clients' interests, and scrupulous in his integrity. lie has always been a sup- porter of the Republican party : was deputy collector of revenue in 1882-83-84, and repre- sented his district in the state legislature in 1893. He has always taken a deep interest in city, county and state politics and all matters pertaining to civic betterment. He is a promi- nent member of the Ma.sonic order, being affiliated with St. Patrick Lodge, No. 4, F. and A. M. ; Johnstown Chapter, No. 78, R. A. M.; Johnstown Council, No. 51, R. and S. M. ; Holy Cross Commandery, K. T. ; and Albany Consistory, A. A. S. R., where he has attained the thirty-second degree, and Cyprus Temple (Mystic Shrine). He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and of the Lotus and Colonial clubs. He married, October 8, 1879, Florence M. Alitchell, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Spraker) Mitchell, of ^lontgomery county. They have one child. Phillip Mitchell, born May 14, 1898. (II) Abraham Janse, \'AN ALSTYNE son of Jan' Ma'rtense (q. v.) and Dirckje Harmense \'an Alstyne. owned and cultivated the homestead farm at Kinderhook, deeded him by his father. This land, as well as the deeds of conveyance, have ever since been in the possession of his descendants. The name of his first wife is not recorded. He mar- ried (second) January 17, 1694, Maritje \'an Deusen. Children: i. Janneke, born March 15. 1685. 2. Jan, born May 22. 1687: buried September 27. 1738; married Elizabeth . 3. Jacob, born September 8, 1689, see forward. 4. Johannes, born August 26, 1694. 5. Matthew, born June 14, 1696. 6. Dirckje. born December 4, 1698. 7. Sander, born January 5, 1701. 8. Abraham, born Au- gust 15, 1703. 9. Lena, born November 18, 1705. 10. Isaac, born January 28, 1708; buried July 6, 1746; married Maritje \'an den Rergh. January 23, 1728. 11. Dirckje, born April 30, 1710. 12. Catryntje, born October 12. 1713. 13. Jacobus, born April 21. 1717. 14. Alarten, born May 3, 1719. (HI) Jacob, son of Abraham Janse and Maritje (Van Deusen) \'an Alstyne. was born at Kinderhook. New York, September 8. 1689. He was buried November 4, 1730. He married, October 10, 1722, Pietcrtje Van Tvcren (alias of Myndertse), born August 22, 1703, daughter of Myndert and Saartje (liratt) \^an Iveren. Children: I. Jannetje, 1)1 rii Xfivember 22, 1723. 2. Reynier, torn April 4. 1725, see forward. 3. Sara, born June 4, 1727. 4. Maria, born July 27, 1729. (I\") Reynier or (Reinier), son of Jacob and Pietertje (\'an Iveren) \'an .Alstyne, was born at Kinderhook, New York, April 4, 1725. He settled near Blooming Grove, town of North Greenbush. Rensselaer county, which he bought from the Rensselaers in 1794. He married, November 5. 1748, Cornelia \"an den Bergh, born May 24. 1724, daughter of Mat- thias and Cathalyna (Van Deusen) Yan den Rergh. Children: i. Jacob, born May 28, 1750. 2. Catalyntje. born March 17, 1751. 3. Matthew, born June 3, 1753, see forward. 4. Pietertje, born August 31, 1760. (V) Mathys (Matthew), son of Reynier HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS 1779 (Reinier) and Cornelia (Van den Bergh) \'an Alstyne, was born June 3, 1753. Served in the revolution as a member of Tryon county, first regiment, militia (Land Bounty Right's). He married, March 31, 1782, Rachel De Forest, born March 23, 1764, daughter of Marten and Tanneke (Winne) De Forest, a descendant of the early De Forest family of Harlem and New Amster- dam. Matthew \'an Alstyne located in the town of North Greenbush, Rensselaer county, on the homestead farm purchased in 1794. Children: i. Marten, see forward. 2. Cor- nelia, born February 3, 1788. 3. Reinier, had the old farm. 4. Peter, lived a mile north. He also had three other daughters. (VI) Marten, son of Matthew and Rachel (De Forest) \'an Alstyne, was born July 19, 1784, died March 23, 1849. He resided in the village of Bath, in North Greenbush, Rensselaer county, New York, where he owned a farm. He also had a scow ferry across the Hudson which he operated in con- nection with Jeremiah Clark. He married and left three children, Matthew M., Eliza J., married A. T. Lansing, and Edward M. Mar- ten, the father, enlisted in the war of 181 2, but his company was not called into active service. (\'II) Matthew (2), son of Marten Van Alstyne, was born in Bath, Rensselaer county. New York, in 1810. He married and had issue, including a son Reinier. (VHI) Reinier (2), son of Matthew (2) Van Alstyne. was born about 1840. He lived in the village of Bath. Rensselaer county. New York, where he was engaged in business. He married Alice Catherine, daughter of Edwin and Catherine (\Vhitbeck) Brownall. Child, Matthew, of further mention. fIX) Matthew (3), son of Reinier (2) and Alice Catherine (Brownall) Van Alstyne, was born at Bath-on-the-Hudson (Rensselaer), New York. October 9. 1870. He was edu- cated at Troy Academy, finishing his studies at Albany high school. He at once entered upon an active business, that has continued without interruption, with the Albany Belting & Supijly Company. He entered the employ of that company in a minor position ; served well through various promotions until 19 10, when he was elected president of the com- pany. He is an energetic, capable man of business and has fairly earned the important position he occupies. He is an attendant of the First Dutch Reformed Church of .Mbany, and in political preference a Democrat. His clubs are the Fort Orange and .Albany County. He married, at .Albany. .Adalain Yerks, born in that city, January i, 1874, daughter of George Wilbur and Adalain (Benjamin) Yerks, of .Albany. George \\'. Yerks was born at Unionville, Westchester county. New York, February 4. 1843, died at .Albany, .Au- gust 9, 1903: .'ion of William 11. and ^lary A. (Clark) Yerks. Mary A. was a daugliter of Amos and (Van Warts) Clark. Through both Clark and Van Warts lines she was of splendid revolutionary stock. George W. Yerks was educated at Claverack .\cademy and Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. .After graduation he entered the employ of the L^nited States government. lie came to .Al- bany and established in the fancy grocery business on Broadway, under the firm name of Benjamin & Yerks, and in 1877 became sole proprietor. In 1878 he admitted a partner imder the firm name of George W. Yerks & Company. He held offices of honor and trust in the city : was trustee of the Madison Ave- nue Reformed Church and a member of the Fort Orange Club. He died August 9. 1902, expiring as he was leaving the Fort Orange Club. He married, in 1868, Adalain (or .Ade- line), daughter of George W. Benjamin. Adalain Yerks was educated at Albany Fe- male Academy and is a member of the Albany Country Club and the Sesame Reading Club. Child of jMatthew and Adalain (Yerks) Van Alstyne: Wilbur Yerks. born in Albany. De- cember 14, 1904. The first record of the BIRDSALL Birdsalls in America is of Nathan Birdsall. who in 1657 lived near the north end of East Hamp- ton, Long Island. In 1666 he purchased five acres of land at Matinecock. Long Island, of . Mark Meggs, and in 1667-68 made further purchases of the Indians. In 1678, in com- pany with Captain John Underbill. Matthew Pryor, James Cook and John Peaks, he formed the settlement at Killingworth. Oys- ter Bay. Long Island. In 1679 he purchased a tract at Jerusalem (Little Britain), and in 1679 land at Jerusalem called Birdsall's Swamp. He died 1696. He married, between 1640 and 1650. Temperance Baldwin at New Haven. Connecticut, daughter of Richard Baldwin and granddaughter of Sylvester Baldwin, who died in 1638 while coming to .America with his wife. Sarah (Ryan) Bald- win, and his family. From Oyster Bay the family spread to other parts of New York state, being prominent in Westchester, Orange and Yates counties. The Steuben county branch settled at the village of Hammonds- port at the head of Lake Keuka in the town of LVbana. where William Birdsall, grand- father of Rev. Paul Birdsall, of .Albany, died, 1780 HUDSON AND AIOHAWK \ALLEYS aged forty years. He was twice married, hav- ing issue by boti: wives. His second wife was Maria Theresa Trotwood. Children by sec- ond wife: John, Ehas, of further mention, Hugh, Norman and another. (H) Rev. Ehas Birdsall, son of Wilham and Maria Theresa (Trotwood) Birdsall, was born at Hammondsport, New York, February 21, 1830, died November 4, 1890. He was early called to the ministry, for which he prepared at Nashotah School of Divinity in Wisconsin, where he was graduated Bachelor of Divinity in 1857. In 1889 his alma mater conferred 'upon him the degree of Master of Arts. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Uphold, of Indiana, in the same year. He began his ministerial career at Elkhart and Mishawaka, Indiana, and in 1858 was or- dained to the priesthood of the Protestant Episcopal church by Bishop Uphold. His first call was from St. Paul's, Evansville, Indiana, where he remained from 1861 to 1865. Dur- ing this period he was sent as a delegate to the general convocation of his church, then meeting in New York. In 1865 he accepted a call "from St. Athanasius' Church at Los Angeles, being the first settled rector in south- ern California. He later became assistant to Dr. \\'yatt at Trinity Episcopal Church, San Francisco, from whence he accepted a call to St. John's Church at Stockton, California, where he served as rector three diiTerent terms, leaving on account of ill health each time, and accepting two recalls. During this period he again served as assistant to Dr. Wyatt, president of the standing committee of the diocese of California, then returning to St. John's. In 1880 he was called back to St. Athanasius' at Los Angeles, then became rector of a new church in that city. St. Paul's. This was his last charge. In 1889 he re- moved to Glendale. California, where he died in 1890. His work in southern California was most useful and lasting; through his efforts several parishes of the Episcopal church were established and great good accomplished. He was highly honored in the ministry and was often sent as delegate to the general convo- cations of the church. He married Cornelia Bennett, born at New Berlin, Otsego county. New York. September 7. 1834, who survives him. a resident of New York City. dll) Rev. Paul Birdsall. son of Rev. Elias and Cornelia (Bennett) Birdsall, was born at Evansville. Indiana. June 4. 1862. He at- tended Trinity School and the public school of San Francisco, California. In 1882 he matriculated at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, whence he was graduated A.B., class of 1886. He prepared for the priest- hood at Berkeley School of Divinity, Middle- town, Connecticut, where he was graduated in June,. 1890. In 1886 Trinity College con- ferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Arts and in 1889 blaster of Arts. He was ordained deacon, June 4, 1890, in Holy Trin- ity Church, Middletown, Connecticut, by the Right Rev. Dr. John Williams, bishop of Con- necticut, and to the priesthood of the Pro- testant Episcopal church, May 18, 1891, in St. Thomas' Church, New Haven, Connecticut, by the same bishop. During 1890 and 1891 was deacon in St. Paul's Church, New Haven, Connecticut, and from 1891 to 1893 was rector of the Church of the Ascension in the same city. From 1893 to 1894 he was curate of St. John's Parish, W"ashington, D. C, in charge of St. Mary's Church. From 1894 to 1899 he was curate of St. Peter's Church, Albany, and in the latter year became rector of Grace Church, of that city. June 11, 1891, Rev. Paul Birdsall married Eliza Gerry, daughter of the late Dr. George J. Townsend, of South Natick, Massachusetts. Children : Townsend, lean and Paul. Walter Hendrick Hanson was HANSON born at Saratoga Springs, New York, August 21, 1866. He was educated in the public schools of Fairview, Saratoga Springs district schools, and at Philip's Academy, Exeter, New Hamp- shire. He was engaged in business at Albany, New York, but always has maintained a Sara- toga residence, and was trustee of the village corporation, 1894-96. Mr. Hanson has for many years been engaged in business in New York, being connected with the stock exchange houses of Henry Allen & Company, Bell & Company, and C. H. DeWitt & Company, all of New York City. He was a member of the Albany Burgess Corps with the rank of lieu- tenant, 1894-97, resigning in the latter- named year. He is prominent in the Ma- sonic order, belonging to Lodge, Chapter, and Commandery of tlie York Rite, and is a thirty-second degree Mason of the Scottish Rite, and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He married, June 21, 1889, Annie Gardner, daughter of Daniel S. Lathrop, of Albany. Child, Walter Lathrop Hanson, born January 28, 1891, graduate of Chester Military Acad- emy, Chester, Pennsylvania. Mr. Hanson re- sides at No. 474 Washington avenue, Brook- Ivn, New York. The family name of Peltz is I'F,LTZ derived from the German, and signifies hides, pelts or skins of animals, and was originally applied to a hunter HUDSON -VXD MOHAWK \- ALLKVS 1781 or else one who dealt in these. For the first one Inindred years in Albany, at the time when the place was known as Beaverwyck, Fort Orange and Rensselaerwyck, the chief men of the colony were engaged in the hunt- ing and traffic of beaver and other skins, and by this means made their fortunes which en- titled them to be classed among the wealthy and most respected merchants or burghers of the settlement in the wilderness. So promi- nent was the trade that the skins of any num- ber of animals passed current as money, and the ancient trading-books of some of these old burghers show that they kept their ac- counts in a peculiar, pictorial fashion, to be understood by the Indians with whom they dealt, and in them the column of figures gave way to lines of rude sketches of various skins, for each variety had its special value. The progenitor of the Peltz family in America was John Peltz, who came to this country from Hesse, in Germany, and settled first in Philadelphia. He had had his own convictions in the other country about affairs of that period, and to stand by these and not be enrolled in the army in opposition to his principles, he was forced to locate elsewhere, hence he selected this country as a refuge, as had hundreds of others who sought relief from religious persecutions abroad. He was born May 19, 1714, died November 19, 1791. He married, while in Germany, Gertrude Grau. She was born in that country, 1717, died in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, February 27, 1787. They had among those of their small family a son named Philip. (H) Philip, son of John and Gertrude (Grau) Peltz, was born August 10, 1762. died at Philadelphia, February 25, 1846. He re- sided most of his life in that city, and accu- mulated a fortune of good proportions. It was he who inaugurated the Peltz Family Bible, which was owned in 191 1 by William L. Learned Peltz, of Albany, New York. He married (first) Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, February 3, 1789, Rebecca P.rown, born Jan- uary 2. 1770. died at Philadelphia, January 18, 1830. He married (second) September 24, 1833, Elizabeth Scheiner, who died April 6, 1838. Children: i. John, born November 21, 1789, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (where all the children were born), died there May 17. 1790. 2. Philip, June i, 1791. died in Philadelphia, .April 26, 1793. 3. William, September 2, 1792, died February 2, 1826; married, November 4, 1813, Elizabeth Lyle. 4. Elizabeth, March 29, 1794, died February 7, 1836: married, June 3, 1816, George Mar- qucrt. 5. Richard, see forward. 6. John, April I. 1797, died April 16. 1797. 7. Re- becca, February 21, 1798, died at Philadelphia, February i6, 1830: married, October 16, 1817. Dr. Henry Klapp. 8. Mary, January, 1800: married. August 15, 1816, Samuel Eskel. (HI) Richard, son of Philip and Rebecca (Brown) Peltz, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October i, 1795, died there February 25, 1847. He married, in Philadel- phia, February 8. 1816, Sarah Lentz, borrt May 3, 1797, died in Philadelphia, September 15. 1846. Children: i. John, died I'^liruary 16, 1876: married Mary Young. 2. Rebecca, died September, 1904: married Joseph An- thony. 3. Philip, see forward. 4. Sarah, died in 1892, unmarried. 5. Gertrude, married Samuel Stringfellow. 6. Richard, born July II, 1832; married Annie Stevens. 7. Samuel, married Margaret Shelly. 8. Elizabeth, died at Coeynians, New York, married Theodore Robb, of that place. 9. William, married Elizabeth Cole. (IV) Philip, son of Ricliard and Sarah (Lentz) Peltz, was born in ]'hiladel[)hia, De- cember 16, 1823, died in Coeymans. New York, June 26, 1883. He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. His parents dying when the children were young, he looked after the welfare of his brothers and sisters. He was a minister of the Dutch Re- formed church, and officiated first at Coey- mans, then at New Paltz, also at Paterson, New Jersey, and other places. He became secretary of the board of missions. Ill health, before reaching advanced age, caused him to retire from active engagements, and he re- turned to his Coeymans home, where he lived an estimable life for the remainder of his days. He married (first) at Philadelphia, Annie Sailor. He married (second) at Al- bany, March 17, 1852, Mary De Witt. She was born in Albany, February 19, 1819, died there January 15, 1903. She had married previously Stephen Van Dyck, in 1843. who died in 1846, leaving two children. Abraham, who died aged fifteen months, and Sarah, who died the day of her birth. She was the daugh- ter of Rev. John and Sarah (Schoonmaker) De Witt. Rev. John De Witt was born December 15. 1788, died at Albany. October 11. 1831. and was the son of John I. and Mary (Breestede) De Witt. He was a man of varied scholarly attainments and of versatile talents. It is said that he was acquainted with nine lan- guages, among them Hebrew and Arabic. He was graduated at Rutgers College. New Brunswick, New Jersey, and at the New- Brunswick Theological Seminary. He was much dcvntcd to botany and had considerable 1782 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS musical talent. He was an eloquent public sj^eaker ; was of fine personal appearance, somewhat over medium height, and had a re- markably handsome head and face, as may be seen from his portrait, the original of which, painted in oil, is in Rutgers College. He had a cheerful temperament, high spirits and gen- ial social qualities. It is a tradition in the family that his father had intended that he should be a lawyer, but he himself felt his vocation to be the ministry. In 1814 he ac- cepted a call to the pastorate of the Reformed Dutch church of Albany, which was then what was styled a "Collegiate Church," a sys- tem, in accordance with the custom in the larger cities in the United Netherlands, of hav- ing under one organization two or more church buildings with as many pastors as there were houses of worship, they officiating alternately in the different church buildings. The Albany church was, in the early part of the nineteenth century, the most important in the denomination outside the city of New York, as Albany was the city of second size and importance in the state. There were, in 1814. two houses of worship belonging to the Albany Collegiate Church, one on the west side of North Pearl street, corner of Orange, finished in 1798, and the other on a large lot extending from Hudson avenue to Beaver street, east of Pearl street, completed in 1810. The latter edifice was an imitation of the Church of St. Alartin's-in-the-Field, London, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, and was regarded (razed about 1890) as a fine exam- ple of church architecture. When Rev. John De Witt became pa.stor in 1814, the Rev. John M. Bradford, D.D., was his colleague. In 181 5 the collegiate form of pastorate was dis- continued, a new corporation was formed for the more southerly church, and the landed property of the old corporation, which was considerable, was divided into two equal parts, each of the church organizations taking one part. It was determined by lot which of the two pastors should take the north and which the .south church, and the result was that John De Witt became the first sole pastor of the South Church, then so called, and Dr. Bradford sole pastor of the North Church. On account of the population moving wester- ly, a new edifice was erected on Madison ave- nue, to which the congregation removed in 1881. and the old building sold for mercan- tile purposes. In the interior of the new church was erected a marble tablet to his memory and also one in the Dutch Church of Kew Brunswick, where he was liuried. the latter reading: "To the Memory of the Rev. John De Witt, D.l).. Professor of Sacred Literature and Biblical Criticism in the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Dutch Church, and of Logic and Belles Lettres in Rutgers College, who, after discharging the duties of a Christian Pastor with much zeal and success, during several years at Albany, entered September, 1823, upon his Profes- sional Labour, which he executed with dis- tinguished ability, and died Oct. 11, A.D. 1831, aged 41 years and 10 months. This monument, erected by the general synod of the Reformed Dutch church, is designed to express their high regard for the Deceased. Ah! nimium citus decessit." His wife, Sarah Schoonmaker, w-as the daughter of Tjerck Schoonmaker and Jane Breestede (or Brais- ted), the latter a daughter of Peter Breestede. His second wife, Anna Marcia Bridgen, born October 10, 1796, died at Albany, April 12. 1843, daughter of Charles and Maria (Ten Eyck) Bridgen. The father of Rev. John De Witt was John I. De Witt, born May 13. 1760. died Febru- ary 19, 1816; lived at Saugerties, New York, where he owned property, which was the site of the Exchange Hoterin 1910, and he mar- ried, July 6, 1782, Mary Breestede, born May 9. 1766, died October 18. 1853, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Mynderse) Breestede. Re- garding him, Simeon P. De \\'itt writes: "I can well remember his features. He had the most commanding and noblest physiognomy of any De Witt I have ever seen, — when once seen, never to be forgotten. He was a very intellectual man ; owned a sloop which he used in the transportation business on the Hudson River ; made money rapidly, and at last sold his slooj), and purchased property, mills and farms at Catskill, N. Y. This was of course before the era of steamboats." John I. De Witt's father was Captain John Lucas De Witt, born April 18, 1731, died May 27. 1803; married. May 13, 1758, Anna Maria De Witt, born March 8, 1730, died July i. 1814. daughter of Peek and Maria (Dunges) De Witt, whose name was otherwise written Tennis and also Deunies, and was the widow of Jacob De Moot. John L. De Witt was called "Captain" and was captain of a mili- tary company during the revolution, which served for the special purpose of protection of the Kingston district, of whom his grand- son. Simeon P. De Witt, writes: "He be- came conspicuous as a captain of infantry under Colonel Pawling in the Northern Divis- ion of the American Army in the war of '76. At the death of his colonel, he acted in that ca])acity through the war. at the taking of Burgoyne at Schuylerville and Cornwallis at Yorktown, and in many other bloody battles." HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLF.YS 1783 Captain John Lucas De \\'itt's father was Lucas De \\'itt. who was baptized September j, 1703: married. January 17, 1729, Catrina Roosa, baptized February 16, 1709. daughter of Evert and Tietje (Van Etten) Roosa. Lucas De Witt's father was Lucas De Wilt, who married, December 23, 1695. Antje De Iva, daughter of Anthony and Jannetje (Hille- ■brants) De Iva (or Dclva). This Lucas De Witt was the son of Tjerck De Witt, the progenitor of the family in America, who was born in Holland, died February 17, 1700; mar- ried, April 24, 1656, Barbara Andriese. Philip and Mary (De Witt) Peltz had issue: I. John De Witt, born, Coxsackie, New York, June 26. 1853 : died at Albany, New York, May 7, 1904 (see forward). 2. Sarah, "born. Coxsackie. June 26, 1853 (twin) : died at Coeymans in 1883. unmarried. 3. Rich- ard, born September 19. 1857; died at Pater- son, New Jersey, July 23, 1859. ( \' ) John De Witt, son of Philip (q. v.) and Mary (De Witt) Peltz. was born in Cox- sackie, New York, June 26, 1853. died at his home. No. 323 State street. Albany. New York, May 7, 1904. He passed his boyhood and received the rudiments of early education in New Paltz. New York, where his father -was pastor. After that he entered Rutgers 'College, from which institution he graduated in 1875, and, engaging in the study of law, •graduated from the Albany Law School in 1876. He studied law in the office of De Witt & Spoor, a then famous law firm in Al- "bany. On account of the ill health of his wife, he removed to Colorado Springs, where lie engaged in practice and became the city attorney and leading corporation counsel. His wife died in 1888. but he remained there until the fall of 1890. when he returned to Albany. •and resided there until his death. He en- joyed a very extensive law practice, with •offices in the Volckert Building on State street. He was a member of the State Bar Association and the second vice-president of 'the Albany County Bar Association. He was vestryman of St. Peter's Episcopal Church ; trustee of the Albany Rural Cemetery Asso- -ciation and of the Union Trust Company ; first vice-president of the Albany Exchange Sav- ings Bank : director of the Albany Insurance 'Company : trustee of Rutgers College, and a member of the Fort Orange Club of Albany and of the University Club of New York City. He was a progressive and patriotic citizen, a ■good lawyer, kind and affectionate husband and father, a true and sincere friend. The announcement of his death was made that morning at a special term before Justice D. 'Cady Herrick, by Hon. Simon W. Rosendale. and a large number of the members of the bar were present. After remarks by Justice Herrick. Mr. Rosendale and Corporaition Counsel Arthur L. Andrews, all of whom spoke feelingly of the loss sustained by the Albany bar, court was adjourned out of re- spect to the memory of Mr. Peltz. He was vice-president of Philip Livingston Chapter, Sons of the Revolution, which placed on its records a minute expressive of the sad loss to that body by his death, stating that he was an excellent citizen, one whom the people had frequently desired to run for the office of mayor of Albany, one who could well be proud of his ancestry as well as of his own clean record ; who did always what was for the best in life ; liberal in culture, a gen- tleman in his treatment of others and a law- yer the equal of any in his city. The Albany Insurance Company recorded its estimate of him as "an upright citizen, loyal friend in perfection of manhood," and that "truth and honor lived in him, for he was just, honor- able, courageous, gentle and yet strong." The board of the Union Trust Company spoke of him as a faithful director, showing pro- nounced interest in that institution's welfare. The directors of the National Commercial Bank resolved: "For many years a member of the executive committee, no one was more faithful in attendance, more willing to apply his labors and influence in its behalf. His record in this city is one worthy of emula- tion and his life's history may well stand as an encouraging example to the young men of this day and generation. Depending upon his own efforts and exertions, he was a generous and helpful friend, responding to the great confidence placed in him. and was at the head of our largest business concerns." John De Witt Peltz married (first) at Al- bany, New York. April 16. 1881, Mary Mar- vin Learned, born at Albany, April 16. 1856, died at Colorado Springs. Colorado. Novem- ber 23. 1888, daughter of Judge William Law and Phoebe Rowland (Marvin) Learned. Children: i. William Law Learned, born at Albany, graduated from -Albany .Academy and Yale, 1904 : married, at Albany. April 29. 1907, Katharine, daughter of Dr. Edward Reynolds Hun, and had Caroline, who was born at Albany, and William Learned, who was born at Albany. 2. Philip, born at Al- bany, April 20, 1884. died there, May 26, 1892. John De Witt Peltz married (second) at Albany. New York, April 5. 1894, Cathar- ine Barnard Walsh, born in Albany, daughter of Augustus Henry and Laura Spencer Walsh. Children: 3. John De Witt, born in Albany and residing there in 191 1. 4. Cathar- 1784 HUDSON AND MOHAWK WALLFA'S ine Walsh, born in Albany and also residing there in 191 1. (The W'alsh Line). Dudley \\'alsh was the progenitor of this family in America. He was born in Dublin in 1756, and came to this country soon after the revolution, settling in Albany, New York, where he was a general merchant, and died there May 24, 1816. He formed the firm of Walsh & Staats, which dealt in domestic prod- ucts, imported articles and landed property. Transportation in this state was in a very primitive condition in those days, large wag- ons and sloops being used instead of steam- boats and rail lines. Their business grew rapidly, and becoming extensive, his brother Charles joined him, but died after a few years' residence. His sister Alice, who lived near Dublin, died unmarried, and another sister married an officer in the British army, named Palmer, who was killed in the battle of New Orleans. Dudley Walsh was a faithful member of St. Peter's Episcopal Church at Albany. His sagacity, energy and integrity rendered his business career very prosperous, and he closed his life with the record of ranking among the most prominent merchants in this country. He had often to contend against adverse con- ditions, but his great ability enabled him to surmount all obstacles. On the retirement of Mr. Staats from their business, he took into partnership Harry Beekman, of New York City, and for many years had branch offices there in lower Broadway, as well as in Al- bany, doing much banking business and being well known in London. The late Myndert \'an Schaick, president of the Croton Aque- duct board, said he was one of the first men in this country. He was president of the Bank of Albany, the earliest institution of the kind in that city. He loaned large sums of money to General Stephen Van Rensselaer, the last Patroon. He was a contributor to the found- ing of Union College in 1795, and also con- tributed to the founding of the Albany Boys' Academy. He imported his carriage from London, and his porcelain was brought from China by Captain Stewart Dean aboard his sailing vessel, which was the first to engage in traffic with that distant country, sailing around "the Horn." This rare and beautiful old china is preserved with reverence by the family, as is the Napoleon clock brought from Paris and the celebrated Walsh wine from Madeira. He advanced to Sir William Poult- ney, afterward Earl of Bath, about twenty thousand English pounds sterling, to finance his land purchases in this country, and had much difficulty and considerable delay in get- ting his money back at a discount from that shrewd and eccentric man. Dudley Walsh married, Albany, New York, September 24, 1793, Sarah Stevenson, born at Albany, September 25, 1772, died at the Manor House of General Pierre \'an Cort- landt, at Croton-on-Hudson, June 22, 1816, and her body was brought to Albany in a sloop- for burial there in the Stevenson vault. Sarah Stevenson's parents were John and Magda- lena (Douw) Stevenson. John Stevenson- was born in Albany, March 13, 1735, died there April 24, 18 10. He was the first presi- dent of the Albany St. Andrew's Society, organized October 19, 1803, composed of Scotchmen of good standing in the commun- ity. Upon his coat-of-arms, displayed on a- copper plate, a gold seal and an old silver salver, still in possession of his descendants, appears the pious legend : Coelum non solum ; Heaven, not Earth. John Stevenson was a neighbor of Philip Livingston, the Signer, living on State street prior to the revolution, and tenants in common of an estate of more than eight thousand acres on the Mohawk, called Lilac's Bush. The original deed of Livingston to Stevenson for half of this prop- erty was in the famous autograph collection' of the late Rev. Dr. William Buel Sprague. He also owned other large tracts of land,, and a curious record in his family Bible sets forth that some of his male slaves ran away and one was incarcerated. His earlier mar- ried career was clouded by the loss of several' of his children, but despite all adversities he was known as a man of engaging character and well-beloved by brother Scotchmen. His sister married General Gabriel Christie, of Montreal, who had a seigneurie near Rouse- Point, New York. His .son, James Stevenson, was born at Albany, November 25, 1788, died there, unmarried, July 3, 1852, and was the thirty-sixth mayor of Albany, officiating twice, 1826 and 1827, when he resigned office.. His son was a warden of St. Peter's Chiu-ch, trustee of Albany Boys' .Academy, one of the first governors of the Albany Hospital, a man of wealth and a polished gentleman. One of John Stevenson's daughters married General Pierre Van Cortlandt, a patriot of the revolu- tion, and known widely as one of nature's noblemen. John Stevenson married. Albany, August 30, 1770, Magdalena Douw, born May 25, 1750, died December 20, 18 17, daughter of Mayor \'olckert Petrus and Anne (De- Peyster) Douw, her grandfather being Cap- tain Petrus Douw. who married Anna Van Rensselaer, and was thus descended from the- first Patroon. Kiliaen \^an Rensselaer. Mag- dalena Douw was also a descendant of Anneke- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1785 Jans. Through her s^randmother De Peyster she was descended from David Pieterse Schuyler, who was a brother of the celebrated Pieter Schuyler, first mayor of Albany. She was also descended from Olof Stevense \'an Cortlandt, who came from Holland and settled in New Amsterdam, and established the \'an Cortlandt Manor, on the Hudson. John Stevenson's father was James Steven- son, born in 1697, died February 2, 1769, who married, December g. 1729, Sarah, daughter of Johannes Groenendyk, born March 24, 1675, sheriff of Albany county, who married Delia Cuyler. Dudley Walsh and Sarah Stevenson had issue, all born in Albany, New York: i. Mar- garet, born June 2^, 1794, died at Albany, October 3, 1794. 2. John Stevenson, born October 14, 1795, see forward. 3. Margaret, born September 24, 1797; betrothed to Peter Gansevoort; died Albany, November 5, 1817, 4. Infant. 5. Ann. born July 20, 1800, died May I, 181 1. 6. William, born January 23, 1802, died December i, 1863; married Mary Bay. 7. Catharine, born April 25, 1803, died in 1876; married ^ Hon. Daniel Dewey Barnard, United States minister to Prussia in 1852, by whom, Sarah Walsh, born March 3, 1835, died Albany, August 17, 1903. 8. Sarah, born December 20, 1805, died May 5, 1842: married Richard Varick De Witt. 9. Charles, born May 9, 1807, died at Mur- freesborough. North Carolina, November 8, 1828, unmarried. 10. James, born June 21, 1809. died at Albany, October 23, 1835, un- married. II. Dudley, born November 5, 1810, died at Albany, July 2, 181 1. (H) John Stevenson, son of Dudley and r.arah (Stevenson) Walsh, was born at Al- bany. New York, October 14, 1795, died there February 15, 1857. He was a graduate of Yale in 1820 : attended St. Peter's Church ; had the rank of major, being appointed to the stafT of Governor William L. Marcy. Af- ter his marriage he went into the mercantile business, but .soon retired and removed to Mulberry Hill, at Normansville, Albany county, which had been the residence of Mrs. Walsh's grandfather, Judge Ambrose Spen- cer, who was also mayor of Albany. About five years before his death he came back to Albany. He was kind, generous and manly, his sympathies ever alive to the wants of the suffering. He was the kindly, cordial host at many an entertainment, and he lived a life of purity and benevolence. In the latter years of his life a German wished to repay him a loan of two hundred dollars made some thirty years previous. Afr. Walsh had intended it as a gift and did not recognize his caller. The latter requested him to examine his books and receive the four hundred dollars which had brought him wealth and he was glad to be able to repay it. John Stevenson Walsh married, Albany, April 27, 1831, Laura Spencer Townsend, born at Albany, April 16, 1811, died there September 15, 1863, daughter of John and Abby (Spencer) Townsend. John Townsend, born at Sterling Iron Works, New York, June 14. 1783, died at Albany, August 26, 1854; was the thirty-seventh mayor of Albany ; presi- dent of the National Commercial Bank; in- corporator of Albany Savings Bank and its vice-president ; organizer of Albany Insurance Company ; president of Albany Exchange Company : jjresident of Albany Water Com- mission ; adviser of Governor De Witt Clinton in the project of the Erie canal, and was much esteemed. An uncle of Mr. Townsend's, Peter Townsend, made the great chain stretched across the Hudson at West Point to prevent the English from going up the river. This chain was made at Sterling Iron Works. He married, Albany, July 7, 1810, Abby Spencer, daughter of thirty-fifth mayor of .'Al- bany, Judge Ambrose Spencer, who was born at Salisbury, Connecticut, December 13, 1765, died at Lyons, New York, March 13, 1848; came to Albany from Hudson, New York, in 1802; was attorney-general in 1802-04; judge of supreme court, 1804; chief justice, 1819- 23 ; member of constitutional convention, 1821 ; member of congress, 1829-31, a most capable, honest citizen. Mr. Spencer's father- in-law, the Hon. John Canfield. was for many years a judge of the court of Litchfield county, Connecticut; in 1777 he joined Major Sheldon's troop of Light Horse. He served as adjutant in the battle of Saratoga and finally became brigade major. Children of John Stevenson Walsh and Laura Spencer Townsend: i. Laura Spencer, see forward. 2. John. 3. Dudley. 4. Abby, born in Al- bany. 5. Dudley, born in Albany. (HI) Laura Spencer, daughter of John Stevenson and Laura Spencer (Townsend) Walsh, was born in Albany, New York. She married, at .\lbany. New York. Augustus Henry Walsh, who was the .son of Henry Jansen and Mehitable (Bull) Walsh. Henry Jansen Walsh was the son of Thomas and Margaret (Brush) Walsh. Thomas Walsh was the son of Thomas and Mary (Higgin- botham) Walsh. Thomas Walsh was the progenitor of his family in this country, to which he caine about 1710. .\ugustus Henry Walsh graduated from Union College when he was nineteen years of age, in 1849. He studied law in New York with die Hon. HUDSON AND ^lOHAWK \'ALLEYS Charles O'Connor, and was admitted to the New York bar in 1852. He had offices at Wall and Hanover streets, New York. Later he moved to Albany, where he was residing in 191 1. His ancestors fought in the colonial and revolutionary wars. His grandfather, William Bull, served as captain in the regi- ment of Colonel Oliver Spencer in the revo- lution. His grandmother, Bethia Reeve, was a relative of Judge Tapping Reeve of the Litchfield Law School. Judge Reeve's niece married Governor Alston, of South Carolina. He was also related to the Peppards of Castle Peppard, province of Ulster, Ireland. He is a collateral descendant of Peter Bull, who came to America about 1705 from Wolver- hampton, Staffordshire, England. Children of Augustus Henry and Laura Spencer Walsh: i. Laura, died young. 2. Catharine Barnard, born in Albany; married John De Witt Peltz (see Peltz V). 3. Henry Stevenson, born in Albany, was educated at the Albany Academy : he is teller in the Me- chanics' & Farmers' Bank, and is a member of the Fort Orange Club, the Young Men's Christian Association, Ridgefield, Burns and Country clubs. 4. Richard Varick De Witt, born in Albany, prepared for college at the Albany Academy and graduated from Har- vard in 1889 ; member of Fort Orange and University clubs, and is in the insurance busi- ness. 5. Julia Stevenson, still living. 6. Townsend, born in Albany, graduated from the Albany Academy and from Harvard Uni- versity in 1895 ; interested in the drama and newspaper work, and has traveled extensively in Europe and America ; member of the Plavers' Club, New York. The Alex family of Albany de- ALEX scend from the ancient Alex fam- ily of Saxon-Weimar, Germany, where they have been prominent for many years. The family held a good position in the principality, where they were persons of wealth and held high governmental and ju- dicial positions. (T) Karl .'Mex was born in Saxon-Weimar, Germany, about 1780. He owned laud and a mill site where he had a flouring mill which he operated until incapacitated by old age. A brother of Karl Alex was a magistrate of an upper court, a corresponding title in the United States to judge of the supreme court. The wife of Karl Alex was a native of the same province. They both died in Germany, where they always lived. (H) Nicholas, son of Karl .Alex, was born in Saxon-Weimar, Germany, in 181 2. died in Albany, June 19, 1875. He was educated in the German schools, and on arriving at a suit- able age was taken into the mill and taught the miller's trade by his father. After master- ing the trade, as then carried on, he left home and worked_ for two years in mills in dift'er- ent parts of Germany. He was drawn for service in the German army and continued in the army until the revolution of 1847, when being strongly in sympathy with the revolu- tionists, he escaped from the army and took ship for Liverpool, England.. From there he went to Halifax, Nova Scotia, going from there to Albany, New York, where he resided the remainder of his life. He was a man of large and portly figure, well known and liked among the Germans of Albany. He was prominent in their social, musical and frater- nal societies, and in the Lutheran church. He was a Republican in politics. He married (first) in Albany, Suflfers, a sister of Captain Suffers, of Kingston, Pennsylvania. She bore him children : Gustav, Louis and Caroline, all of whom married and have fam- ilies. He married (second) Elizabeth Wol- bert, born in Saxon-Weimar, died in Albany, December 19, iS^'S- She was a member of the Roman Catholic church. Children, all born in Albany, New York: i. Catherine, resides in Oakland, California, unmarried. 2. Frederick, a retired ice dealer of Albany : married Afary Mink, and has Mary. Elizabeth and John. 3, Margaret, deceased : was twice married and left issue. 4. John F., see forward. 5. Jacob, an ice dealer of Albany ; married Agnes Mc- Kean and has a daughter Margaret. 6. Eliza- beth, married Peter Anton, and resides ir Oakland, California. (HI) John F., son of Nicholas and Eliza- beth (Wolbert) Alex, was born Novembci 18, 1859. He was educated in the Albany schools. He learned the trade of blacksmitJ- and wagonmaker. After working as a jour- neyman for several years, he established s shop and factory of his own. which he has successfully conducted up to the present time (1910). The ]ilant is a substantial one anc has given employment to a' large number oi men in the making and repairing departments Mr. A\ex is a skilled mechanic and has alway; been noted for the excellent grade of work turned out of his factory. He inherits hi? father's large, portly figure and genial, socia disposition that has gained him a wide circle of friends. lie is a liberal thinker. Republicar in politics, and while diligent and careful ir business, takes a deep enjoyment in the lightei side of life. He married (first) in .Mbanv. ir 1882, Elizabeth Ruhl. born in that city, Feb- ruary 12, 1857, who bore him George anr Elizabeth ; the latter married Edward I il.,x-n HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS '787 IRancke, of Brooklyn, New York, and has a •daugliter Randaline. He married (second) :\Irs. Clara (Corey) Woodbeck, born in 1859, died January 11, 1907, daughter of Captain John C. Corev. Judge James Gibson was a C.IBSON direct descendant of John Gib- son, of Providence, Rhode Island, and through his grandmother is ninth in descent from John Rrown, the assistant of Plymouth Colony, and by his mother, seventh in descent from John Townsend, of Warwick, Rhode Island, afterwards of Oyster Bay, Long Island. He was a son of James B. and Mar- garet (Townsend) Gibson. His father was a lawyer of distinction and held in high es- teem in the county. He died May 10, 1827. ^largaret, his wife, died July 20, 1825. (II) James, son of James B. and Mar- garet (Townsend) Gibson, was born at Salem, New York, September 5, 1816. He was eleven years old when his father died, leaving his •children little beyond his good name and ex- ample. James was educated at Washington Academy, Salem, and while yet a student en- tered the law office of his uncle, Samuel Stev- ■ens, a former partner of his father, at the time an eminent practitioner and later a lead- ing member of the Albany bar. He studied after his uncle's departure with Cyrus Stev- ■ens, of Salem, and later with John H. Boyd, •of Whitehall. In 1836, at the October term of the supreme court, he was admitted to the "bar. He formed a partnership with Cyrus Stevens which continued one year and until the latter removed to Albany. From that time forward Mr. Gibson practiced his pro- fession alone and in his native town, Salem. He was successful from the beginning. His •qualifications were such as to attract the at- tention of the public and in a short time he ■commanded an extensive practice. Many im- portant cases were committed to his care, in- volving novel questions, requiring deep re- search into the principles and logic of law and the science of jurisprudence. The first case lie tried which was carried to the supreme ■court on appeal and in which he prepared the argument was that of Prindle vs. Anderson (Reported in 19 Wend, 391). This was a case in which he raised and succeeded in the contention that the receipt of rent by land- lord, after service by him of notice to quit on his tenant, was a waiver of the notice. This decision was affirmed in the court for the cor- rection of errors. In the case of Shaw vs. Beveridge (3 Hill, 26), he succeeded in estab- lishing as law, that an action of trespass would he, for disturbing a party in possession of a pew in church. In Stevenson vs. Bar- din, tried in i860, the court held that on his motion that photographs of an instrument alleged to be forged could be used to estab- lish such forgery. As this was the first at- tempt to use photography in the courts the decision was of general interest. After 1853 I\lr. Gibson was largely engaged in railroad suits and became attorney for the Boston Hoosac Tunnel and Western Railway Com- pany in several important cases, notably, re- opening the Albany Northern railroad. .\fter becoming a voter, Mr. Gibson became an active Whig, later joining the Republican party. In 1838 he assumed the editorial chair of the li'asluni:;ton County Post, at Salem, and continued as editor through the presiden- tial campaign of 1840, and until January i, 1841, when he sold the paper. At the first judicial election after the adoption of the con- stitution of 1846, he was nominated by the Whigs as a candidate for justice of the su- preme court. One of his associates on the ticket was Daniel Cady, of Fulton county, who was the only candidate elected. Mr. Gib- son ran over a thousand votes ahead of his ticket but was defeated, his connection with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows oper- ating against him, the feeling against secret societies being very strong. In November, 1850, he was elected judge of Washington county, serving four years with great honor and usefulness. In November, 1866, he was elected state senator from the twelfth sena- torial district composed of the counties of Rensselaer and Washington. He was well known and was placed at the head of com- mittee on claims and on the judiciary commit- tee. He accepted the chairmanship of claims with reluctance, knowing the pressure that would be brought to bear on him to report favorably in iniquitous claims. He served, however, during his entire term : examined and passed on claims against the state aggre- gating over one million dollars and with few and meritorious exceptions, rejected them, in which course he was sustained by the senate. He made a strong effort to have the Cham- plain canal enlarged from Troy to White- hall, had his bill passed in the senate but the house rejected it. He was a member of the senate when George W. Smith, of Oneida county, was tried by the senate for various crimes and misdemeanors. He voted to re- move Judge Smith and in his speech explain- ing his vote, said, "Tlie land wants such as dare, with vigor, execute the laws." He took a very active part in legislation in the senate : made several sijeeches and in every way did his full dutv as a senator. He was an active HUDSON AND :yiOHA\VK VALLEYS Republican until 187 1, when he became a Lib- eral and later became identified with the Dem- ocratic party. He was always interested in military affairs. In 1840 he raised and was made captain of a company of light infantry attached by special order to the Fiftieth Regi- ment in the state militia. Later he was com- missioned major and lieutenant-colonel, on the disbanding of the Fiftieth he was attached to the Thirtieth Regiment and promoted to the colonelcy of that regiment. During the civil war the Thirtieth was twice filled up by draft in readiness for service, many of the members volunteering into the United States service. In 1867 he became brigadier-general of the Twelfth Brigade which was disbanded in 1874. This was one of the best-drilled and best-disciplined brigades in the state, outside of the large cities. In 1845 Judge Gibson be- came an Odd Fellow, passed the various chairs in Salem Lodge, No. 45, served as dis- trict deputy grand master for the years 1856- 57, and was grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Northern New York in 1857 ; dep- uty grand master in 1858 and grand master in 1859. In i860 he was elected worshipful master of Salem Lodge, No. 391, Free and Ac- cepted Masons. In 1862 was appointed sen- ior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of New Y'oris. In 1863 he was elected junior grand wajrden ; in 1865 elected senior grand warden, an office he held three years: in 1868 he was elected grand master and re-elected in 1869. As grand master of the state of New York he, June 8, 1870, assisted by the officers of the Grand Lodge and twelve others of the craft, laid the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple in the city of New York. During his entire connection with the Grand Lodge he occupied a commanding position and served as chairman or member of many important com- mittees. The honor of being grand master of both these leading fraternities is one in which he stands alone in the state, no other man having been grand master of both or- ders. During the civil war he was a strong union man and spoke and worked for the cause. He was a member of the war commit- tee of Salem, that did its duty so well that the town had its quota raised in advance of every draft except the first. The old Court House in Salem wa^ erected in the year 1800, and had outlasted its useful- ness. The judges, lawyers and laymen com- plained of it, but there was strong opposition from other towns, who wished to get the coun- ty seat away from Salem. In 1868 Judge Gib- son was elected supervisor for the purpose of carrying out the desires of those who wanted the new court in Salem. In December of that year he brought the matter before the- board of supervisors who appointed a com- mittee with Mr. Gibson to obtain plans. In January following it was resolved to build in' Salem and he was made chairman of the- building committee. Thirty thousand dollars- was appropriated for the building, and it is worthy of mention that the committee kept the cost within the appropriation. Judge Gib- son was always identified with the cause of education, serving from June 17, 1845, until' his death, June 6, 1897, as a member of the board of trustees of Washington Academy. In every way he was closely conected with the development of his village. He drew the charter which went into effect in 185 1 which provided for a new school system and drew the agreement between the board of trustees and the academy and the board of education, of the village, wliereby the common schools- were consolidated and sheltered within the walls of the academy. This led to the adop- tion of the Union or graded system of educa- tion, that has proved so beneficial to Salem' youth. He was elected a member of the hoard of education soon after its organization and held until his death. In i860 he assisted in organizing St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Salem, was chosen one of the wardens, and soon afterward was licensed a lay reader by- Bishop Potter of the New York diocese in i860. He was deeply interested in the local his- tory of Washington county, and at the for- mation of the county Historical Society, in 1876, was elected president. On the occasion of his election he delivered an address on the history of agriculture in the county. At the laying of the cornerstone of the new court house at Sandy Hill (Hudson Falls), June 8, 1872, he delivered an historical address on the bench and bar of the county for one hundred years. He also published sketches on the graves and gravestones of the county, pn jour- nalism and various other subjects. He was a member of the American Geo- graphical Society and took deep interest in its work. Although not looked upon as a busi- ness but as a professional man, he was for many years a director and vice-president of the National Bank of Salem and was officially connected with the management of Evergreen cemetery. It is worthy of mention that four generations have been connected with the l^ress of Washington county. James B. Gib- son owned the Rei^istcr and conducted it sev- eral years. James Gibson owned and edited the Post. James (2), son of Judge James (i) Gibson, edited the SaJcm Press for three years. James (3), son of James (2) Gibson, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS 1789 was manasjer of Salem Rcziezi'-Prcss for five years. JiKli;e Gibson married. October 17, 1841, Jane, tlaughter of Ira and Wealthy Ann (Gil- bert) Woodworth. Children: Mary, mar- ried T. A. Wright, died August 22. 1902. James, a lawyer of Salem, died October 9. i88i. Jennie, married Charles W. Tovvnscnd. This personal appearance of Judge Gibson is thus described in '"Life Sketches of the Legislature" published in 1867: "Senator Gibson is a gentleman of quiet dignity. His long flowing hair and whiskers tinged with gray, his mild eye which seems to be over- flowing with kindly feelings ;. his low, persua- sive voice, which is seldom brought up to a liigh pitch, unite in throwing around him a personal atmosphere which renders his pres- ence both pleasant and powerful." The name Mansfield, "A MAXSFIFJ.D man in the field," is be- lieved to be of Saxon origin. In Germany the name is Mansf eld ; in England, after the Saxons mixed with Nor- mans. Danes. Celts and others, it easily be- came "Mansfield." The noble family of Mans- f eld of Germany is very ancient ; traces nearly to the time of Charlemagne, and flourished down to the present time. Exeter. England, the place from which the original Mansfield departed for America, has been a city since the year 1200. There was a Sir John Mans- field mayor of the city a few years prior to the emigration. He was also "Master of the Manories and Queens Surveyor under Queen Elizabeth." The American ancestor and founder of the family in Connecticut, most of them in Xew York state and in the west and south, was Richard Mansfield, of Exeter, Devonshire, England, and New Haven, Con- necticut. (I) Richard Mansfield witli his wife Gillian (maiden name unknown), settled in Quinni- piack (Xew Haven), Connecticut, in 1639. A deed for land, now the northwest corner of Church and Elm streets, proves this date. In a list of first planters, 1641, he is jnit down at £400. thirty acres in the first division, six acres in the "Neck," twenty-two acres of meadow, and eighty-eight acres in the second ■division. He owned other lands probably by purchase and established his home on his large farm in the second division called the "East farms," some four and one-half miles out on the present North Haven road, which was his Tiome until his death. January 10, 1665. He took the oath of fidelity, July i, 1644. before Governor Eaton and the general court at New Gillian, his wife, survived him and married, in 1667, Alexander Field. After the death of her second husband she lived with her son Moses in New Haven. She died 1699. Children: Joseph, see forward, and Moses, born in 1639: married (first) Mercy Glover, (second) Abigail Yale. He was ma- jor of militia and in honor of a victory he and his command gained over the Indians, the town of Mansfield was named after him. He was a member of the general court forty-eight sessions (two sessions annually); judge of the probate and of the county court. ( n ) Jdscph, eldest son of Richard and Gil- li;in Mansfield, is believed to have been born in England in 1636. He took the freeman's oath. February 8, 1657, or as soon as he was of age. He died November 15, 1692. He in- herited his father's large farm and had a town lot and house in New Haven, as well as a large amount of land in other parcels, in- cluding the grounds now owned and occu- pied by Yale University buildings. His es- tate inventoried four hundred pounds. His seat in the "meeting house" was No. 8 in the "long seats for men." He married, about 1657, Mary . Children: i. Mary, un- married. 2. Martha, married, December 16. 1680. Richard Sperry. and had eight chil- dren. 3. Mercy, married P>ristol. 4. Silence, married Chalfield, of Killing- worth. 5. Elizabeth, unmarried. 6. Comfort, married John Benham. 7. John, died Decem- ber 22, 1690, aged nineteen years. 8. Jo- seph, see forward. 9. Ebenezer (changed from Tchabod), married Hannah Bassett : he was very well to do, his estate inventorying £1217. 10. Japhet, married Hannah Bradley. (Ill) Joseph (2), second son and eighth child of Joseph (i) and Mary Mansfield, was born December 27. 1673. He was admitted to the First Church of New Haven. August 14. 1735. his wife, May 31, 1733. He married Elizabeth Cooper (?), who died March 4, 1763. His gravestone is in the old North Ha- ven burying ground, hers is in the Grove Street cemetery. Children: i. Mary, mar- ried Daniel Tuttle. 2. Lydia, unmarried. 3. John, married Lydia Tuttle, granddaughter of William and Elizabeth Tuttle. who came from England in 1635. 4. Elizabeth, born Oc- tober 23. 1706. 5. Joseph, see forward. 6. .Amos, no record of marriage. 7. Josiah, mar- ried and left issue. 8. Abigail, married Jacob Turner. 9. Thomas, married Hannah Good- year. His name appears in thirty-seven deeds recorded from 1739 to 1786: he' left no male descendants as his son Samuel never married. 10. Ebenezer, died unmarried. (I\') Joseph (3), second son of Joseph (2) and Eliz.-ibcth Mansfield, was born August 17. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1708. He was a large land owner and ap- pears as grantor or grantee in many of the deeds recorded between 1739 and 1761. He married, October 10, 1732, Phebe Bassett, who died 1762. Children: i , mar- ried Sarah Cooper. 2. Titus, married Mabel Todd. 3. Captain Joseph, see forward. 4. Phebe, married Leman Potter. (V) Captain Joseph (4) Mansfield, third son of Joseph (3) and Phebe (Bassett) Mans- field, was born April 16, 1737. His home, like those preceding him, was at "Mansfield Farms" where he lived until 1784, and where all his children were born. His gravestone is in Litchfield, Connecticut, where he re- moved, owned a large farm and died June 6, 1821, aged eighty- four years. When the rev- olutionary war broke out he enlisted and rose to the rank of captain, serving until the end. He took with him to the war his son Charles, aged fifteen, who played the fife. Captain ^tansfield married Hannah Punderson, born October 21, 1740, eldest of the twelve children of David and Thankful (Todd) Punderson. She died August 26, 1826. aged eighty-five years. Children: all born in New Haven: i. Charles, married Molly Howard, of Win- chester, New Hampshire ; he went to the war with his father as a fifer ; the fife he used is preserved in the family. 2. Elisha, removed with his parents to Litchfield, afterward to Canaan : married Rebecca Camp. 3. Joseph, married and had issue. 4. Sally, died young. 5. David, married (first) Louisa Harmon, (second) Melinda Harmon, a younger sister; they settled in Westmoreland, Oneida county, New York : he lived to be ninety-six years of age. 6. William Punderson, see forward. 7. John Todd, married Dolly Steele. 8. Sally, married Lewis Spooner, no issue. 9. Tim- othy, married .A.nnie Carter : settled in Penn- sylvania, afterward at Castletou, Ontario county. New York. (VI) William Punderson, fifth son of Cap- tain Josepii (4) and Hannah (Punderson) Mansfield, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, September 6. 1774, died March 16, 1855. He was a merchant of Litchfield, afterward re- moved to Kent, Connecticut, where he was in business with his father-in-law, Bradley Mills. as Mills & Mansfield. He joined with his son-in-law, Hugh White, in building a flour- ing mill, later occupied by the Munson Manu- facturing Company at Waterford, New York, where he removed in 1833. He married, in 1807. Sally Alills. died February, 1842. daugh- ter of Bradley and Hannah (St. John) Mills, with whom he became acquainted while she was a student at the >rorris Academy, Litch- field, Connecticut Children: I. Maria, mar- ried Hon. Hugh White, of Oneida county. New "\'()rk: he was the first manufacturer of hydraulic cement in the United States, and furnished large quantities for the building of the Croton aqueduct. New York City; he was- member of congress, 1844, served three terms; graduate of Hamilton College and member of the New York bar, but never practiced law ; ten children. 2. Florilla Punderson. died aged seventeen years. 3. Bradley Mills, died aged twenty-one years. 4. Lewis William, see for- ward. (\'n) Lewis ^Villiam, second son and' youngest child of William Punderson and Sally (Mills) Mansfield, was born in Kent, Litchfield county, Connecticut, May 16, 1816. He prepared for college in the schools of Sharon, Connecticut. Chittenango, Madison county, New York, and at Montgomery, Or- ange county. New York. He entered the ju- nior class at Union College in 1833. and was graduated 1835. He embarked in business life with his brother-in-law, Hon. Hugh White, in the manufacture of hydraulic cement, con- tinuing for fifteen years with successful re- sults. He had developed an unusual literary talent and on going out of business gave him- self up wholly to authorship. He wrote and published "The Morning Watch," a narrative poem, published by G. P. Putnam, 1850; "Up Country Letters," Appleton. 1852 : "Country Alargins," a joint work with S. H. Hammond, published by J. C. Derby, 1855. In 1855 he engaged again in business in Cohoes, New York, where he had a knitting mill, and con- tinued ten years During the war, and strictly in reference to the army in the field, he began a daily hour prayer meeting in his mill at the noon hour, and on Sunday afternoons had a union prayer meeting for the same purpose at his home on the north side of the river. 11iis prayer meeting continued at the mill without any interruption for about five hun- dred days, up to the close of the war, the last meeting being held .\]iril 5, when the news came of the taking of Richmond. His health failed him and he again retired from business. The next year, 1866, the mill was sold and he retiu-ned to literary pursuits. His first work was "The Outlines of the Mental Plan," fol- lowed bv the "Precepts and Doctrines of Christ," published by Phillips & Hunt, 1883, and by E. & T. B. Young, 1884. He is the author of the tracts "My Token," "The Spir- itual Body," and books "Hymns and Poems,"' "Looking up the Plan." "Overwork" and "Coming into Form." He was a man of ver- satile talent, and great ability, whose influence ff>r good cannot be estimated. 1 le was reared a Congregationalist, l)ut HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLFA-S I79r about the time of his first marriage becairie a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. He continued his Hterary and religious work up to the year of his death, 1899. He mar- ried (first ) Carrie AI., daughter of Rev. Lewis Bayard, LL. D. ; married (second) December 19," 1855, Sarah B., born in York, New York, 1837, died in \\'aterford, March 10, i860, daughter of Samuel and Hannah Lewis, of York, Livingston county. New York : mar- ried (third) June 4, 1862, Mary J. Hogan. Children: i. William K., see forward. 2. Joseph Punderson. born November 30, 1858, died September 23, 1859, both children of his second marriage. (Vni) William K., eldest son of Lewis William and Sarah B. (Lewis) Mansfield, was born in Waterford. New York, in the old Mansfield home on Saratoga avenue, Septem- ber 17, 1856. He obtained his primary and preparatory education at St. John's Episco- pal School and the public schools of Cohoes. He entered Amherst College where he com- pleted his freshman and sophomore years. He left college and entered the knitting mill with his father, remaining one year. He then took the management of a flouring mill owned by Mr. Alansfield, senior, at Crescent, near Wa- terford. It was his father's wish that he fin- ish his college course and he hoped to discour- age him with business life, so the positions given the young man were not sinecures, but he was determined to succeed in busi- ness and stuck to his work so faithfully that the mill property was deeded to him. He remained at the mill seven years, made many improvements and did a prosperous business, disposing of the plant finally at a very advantageous figure. . In 1884 he embarked in journalism by purchasing the Cohoes Daily A'ezi.'s. of which he was editor and owner for fourteen years. He made the paper a paying property and an in- fluential factor in the politics of the city. He retained control of the editorial page and sup- ported only men and measures that in his judgment made for good government, na- tional, state and local. In 1898 he disposed of his newspaper plant and engaged in brick manufacturing at Crescent, where his yards and kilns are located. This enterprise he still continues. He retains his home at the home- stead on Saratoga avenue in Waterford, but designated Cohoes "North Side." His brick- making plant is a large and modern one, the output being between three and four millions of merchantable brick annually, that find a ready market. Mr. Mansfield has always been an active Republican and has spent much of his time in the public service. In 1878 he was appointed justice of the peace to fill a vacancy in the town of Half Moon, Saratoga county, and was twice elected to the same office, while living in Crescent. On his return to Water- ford, Albany county, he was elected to the same office, there continuing through four terms of four years each, representing the "North Side." In 1896 he was appointed gen- eral committee clerk at Albany by the assem- bly and was assigned to duty at the desk of the journal clerk during sessions. The fol- lowing year he was appointed deputy journal clerk, continuing as such by successive ap- pointments until 1901. At the session of 1901-02 he represented his district in the assembly, serving on the insurance, excise and labor committees. In 1903 he was again appointed assistant journal clerk and in 1905 general clerk of the assembly, and has been successively appointed as such up to the pres- ent time (1910). He is secretary of the coun- ty Republican conmiittee, and a man of in- fluence, experience and ability. He is a mem- ber of St. John's Episcopal Church, Cohoes, and affiliated with the Masonic fraternity. He married, October 30, 1882. Etta C. Clute, born in Crescent. Saratoga county. New York, daughter of Charles F. and Delia (Teachout) Clute, the latter born in Half Moon, died 1900. Charles F. Clute was born in Half Moon. 1834. died 1903. He was a farmer : also interested with his son-in-law, Mr. ATansfield, in the brick business, and' nearly his whole life owned and conducted a general store at Crescent. He was a Demo- crat and served as supervisor of the town of Half Moon several terms. The family tradition of the No- NOBLF ble family herein traced is that they descend from Scotch an- cestry, although the Massachusetts and Con- necticut families are given as of English birth. The name is found in both countries and the early settlers were no doubt of both nationalities. The first record in this line- was Moses Noble, horn in Portsmouth. New Hampshire. While the connection cannot be proved from the records puljlished. yet there is strong proof that he was a descendant of Thomas Noble, born in England in or about 1632, died in Westfield, Massachusetts, Janu- ary 20, 1704. He is mentioned in Boston his- tories as early as 1653. when he was admit- ted an inhabitant January 5 of that year. That same year he removed' to Springfield. Massachusetts, where he opened an account at the store of John Pyncheon. He later re- moved to Westfield. Massachusetts, where lands were granted him Tulv. iC^CiG, but he 1792 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS •did not settle there until 1669. He was chosen constable of Westfield and took the oath of office, April 7, 1674. He was granted per- mission to erect a sawmill in 1685, and also became a well-to-do farmer, leaving a con- siderable estate. He married, November i, 1660, Hannah Warriner, born in Springfield, Massachusetts, August 17, 1643 ; she survived him and married (second) Deacon Medad Pomeroy, whom she also survived. Thomas and Hannah Noble had ten children, including six sons, all of whom married and had fami- lies. From one of these, Moses Noble, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, may have de- scended, as members of the family settled in that state and Kittery, Maine. (I) Moses Noble was born October 25, 1731, died May 7, 1796. He resided in Ports- mouth, New Hampshire, where he married, December 7, 1756, Hannah Simes, born Au- gust 14, 1732, died August 23, 1798. Chil- dren: I. Mark, born October 3, 1757, died unmarried. 2. Mary, died unmarried. 3. John, married Sarah Chadbourne. 4. Joseph, born July 12, 1762. 5. Robert, of further mention. 6. Hannah, died unmarried at the age of thirty-three years. 7. Dorothy, died unmarried at the age of fifty-eight years. 8. Moses, born January 22, 1770, died at sea unmarried, at the age of twenty-three years. 9. Betsey, died unmarried at the age of twen- ty-six years. 10. Jeremiah, died at sea un- married, at the age of twenty-six years. 11. Ann, married and lived in Portsmouth. (H) Robert, son of Moses and Hannah (Simes) Noble, was born June 10, 1764, died October 20, 1828. He was a resident of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where his chil- dren, Jerry. Moses and Mary, were born, al- though the name of his wife has not been pre- served. (HI) Moses (2), son of Robert Noble, was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, June 17, 1787. He was a farmer of the town of Berwick, Maine, and later engaged in the manufacturing of cigars, known to the trade as "Long Nines" and "Short Sixes." He did an extensive business, and the fence in- closing his farm was built from cedar staves, taken from the hogsheads in which his leaf tobacco came packed. He lived to the good old age of eighty-six years, dying in Berwick, Maine. He married, in Portsmouth, October 7. 1810, Hannah Harvey, of Kittery, ]\Iaine, born August 11, 1790, descendant of the Mas- sachusetts Harveys. She was killed accident- ally at the Boston & Maine railroad crossing at Berwick, when well advanced in years. Moses and Hannah (Harvey) Noble were the parents of a very large family including Mo- ses, the eldest son, of whom further mention is made ; George, died in California ; Mary, Samuel, Robert, Anna and Martha. (IV) Moses (3), son of Moses (2) and Hannah (Harvey) Noble, was born in Ber- wick, Maine, about 1812, died in Windham, New Hampshire. He married Elizabeth Jen- kins. Children: i. George, born at Great Falls, New Hampshire, now a resident of Worcester, ]\Iassachusetts, in the employ of Grattin & Knight, leather manufacturers; married Belle Holt and has living children: Elizabeth, Goldie, Frank and William. 2. James Albert, of further mention. 3. Mark William, of Windham, New Hampshire. (\') James Albert, son of Moses (3) and Elizabeth (Jenkins) Noble, was born Feb- ruary 5, 1845, at Great Falls, New Hamp- shire, in the part lying across the river now called Berwick. He was educated in the pub- lic schools, afterward working in the mills. On November 2, 1861, being then in his sev- enteenth year, he enlisted in the Union serv- ice as a private of Company G, Thirtieth Mas- sachusetts Volunteers. This regiment entered the service as the Second Eastern Bay State Regiment. His service extended over a pe- riod of four years, nine months, and eight days. He served in the Army of the Gulf under the immediate command of Generals Benjamin F. Butler and N. P. Banks; later under General Phil. Sheridan, with whom he campaigned after his second enlistment m 1864. He was with Sheridan in his Shenan- doah \'alley campaign, and was wounded at \\Mnchester, though not seriously. He was engaged at the battles of Plain Store, siege of Port Hudson, Baton Rouge, Opqyihanic Creek, and other minor engagements during his first enlistment, and was in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek under General Sheridan. Being so much un- der age, the records of the war department show him to have been two years older than he really was at date of enlistment. Fie was a good soldier and shirked no duty. After returning to civil life he engaged with his father at carpentry in Lawrence, Massachu- setts, remaining with him two years. He then took tip the business of a millwright, working in various positions. For twenty years he was employed in the mechanical department of the Russell Paper Company of Lawrence, Massachusetts, and was master mechanic of the Tillotson & Hollingsworth Paper Com- jiany at Groton, Massachusetts, then occupied the same position with the Hudson River Pulp & Paper Company at Palmer's Falls, New York, later returning to Lawrence, Massa- chusetts, with the I'jiierson Manufacturing HUDSON AXn MOHAWK WVLLEVS 1793 Compan\'. In 1894 he established in Hoosick Falls. New York, as the senior member of the firm of Noble & Foss. manufacturers of paper mill machinery. In 1895 the firm became No- ble & Johnson, continuing; the same line of manufacture until 1902, when their plant was destroyed by fire. The business was then incorporated as the Noble & Wood Ma- chine Company, with James .A. Noble as vice- president and g^eneral manasjer. The company manufacture all kinds of paper mill machin- ery, including several proprietary machines. In addition they manufacture a line of opera chairs and school desks, their jobbing houses handling their output in the latter line. The company is a prosperous one and owes much to the wise management and executive ability of Mr. Noble. ^Ir. Noble is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having passed through all the chairs of a subordinate lodge. He is also affiliated with the Benevo- lent and Protective Order of Elks. Politi- cally he is a Republican, although never ac- tive in party work. He married, June 7, 1867, Diana, daughter of William Preston, of Leeds. England. Chil- dren : I. Fred W., married Myrtle Gleason, and has a son Fred. He is employed with the Noble & Wood IMachine Company. 2. John E., married Minnie Richards, and resides in Lawrence, Massachusetts, being engaged in paper manufacturing. 3. Arthur M.. married Maud \'an Buren : engaged with the Noble & Wood Machine Company. 4. Clarence W., married Jennie Stewart, engaged with the Noble & Wood Alachine Comjiany. 5. Her- bert D., also employed witli the Noble & Wood Machine Company. Tlie Dutch ancestor of VAX Bl-REN .Anna L. ^an Buren) Schuyler is Cornelis Maas \'an Buren. who witli his wife, Catalyntje Martense. arrived on tlie ship "Renssclaer- wvck" frc-.n (ielderland, Holland, in 1(131. They were amcne the earliest settlers of Bev- erwyck (now .Albany), their farm being at Papsknee. a little below Greenbush. where they both died and were buried on the same day in 1648. They had children: Hendrick, Marten, Maas, Styntje, married. 1663, Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. who was the first re- corder of .Albany, 1686: mayor, 1696-98. and major of Colonel Peter Schuyler's regiment in 1700: Tobias Afarten, one of the sons, de- posed he was born in Houten, province of I'trecht, Holland. Marten is the ancestor of I'resident Martin \'an Buren. (II) Hendrick, eldest son of Cornelis Maas and Catalyntje f Martense) \'an Buren, mar- ried and had sons: Maas. Cornelis and Hen- drick. (TH) Maas, son of Hendrick \ an Bm-cn. was of the manor of Rensselaerwyck in 1720, and was buried at Schodack, April 14. 1733. His will was dated April 7, proved June i, 1773. In it he spoke of wife Magdalena and three children. He married (first). Septem- ber 17, 1698. Ariantje \'an W'ie, who died I'^ebruary 3, 1706. He married (second), about 171 1. Magdalena Bogard. Children mentioned in will : 1 lendrick. baptized Janu- ary 7. 1700; Hendrick, December 28, 1701 : Jo- hannes, August 13. 1704. -A fourth child. Cat- alyntje, was born .April 20. 1712. but she is not named in his will. (IV) Hendrick (2), mw (if Maas an and knit goods, both being founded by liini. Amsterdam originally had sufficient water ])()wer from Chuctenunda creek to run its mills, but with the denuding of the northern hills and mountains, the supply was decreased. Dams were resorted to, but in 1855 it was necessary to again increase the supply of water. In that year a reservoir was con- structed in Galway, covering four hundred and fifty acres, which was enlarged in 1865 to five hundred and fifty acres. In 1875 the banks of the reservoir were raised, increasing the area of stored water to one thousand acres. Through all these operations Mr. (jreene bore a conspicuous part. He was one of the in- corporators of the water supply company and, when the first board of trustees was formed, for the purpose of maintaining the supply, he was chosen one of the Water Supply Com- pany. This permanent settlement of the ques- tion of power has been of immense advantage to .Amsterdam, as it attracted many new in- dustries, and has resulted in making the city one of the most noted manufacturing centers in Central New York. In this, as in the start- ing of pioneer industries, great credit must be awarded William Kimball Greene. He was a man of great energy and initiative and a born leader of men. He was interested in all forms of charity and benevolence for the benefit of those less fortunately situated than himself, and he and his wife gave generous aid to the institutions of the city. The record he left is a noble one, and his memory is still warmly cherished. Mr. Greene married, December 22, 1838. Jane M. Priest. Children: i. Elijah Priest, see forward. 2. Henry Eckford, see forward. (IX) Elijah Priest, eldest son of William Kimball and Jane M. (Priest) Greene was born May 22, 1843, died December 9. 1876. To a great degree he inherited the mechani- cal ability of his father. He was an exten- sive traveler, a great lover of beauty in art and nature, his collection of geological speci- mens .showing him to have been a geologist of no mean merit. On SejHember 28, 1865, he married at Ilion, New York, Ella, born June, 1845, daughter of Pliilo Remington, well known to the world as the inventor and manufacturer of the Remington typewriters and rifles. Children: 1. l-" red Remington, see forward. 2. William Kimball, born December IS. iSfMj. 3. Harry Priest, born November zj. 1871, (lied in New Haven. Connecticut, June '798 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS lo, 1892, just prior to his graduation from Yale University. (IX) Henry Eckford, second son of Wil- liam Kimball and Jane M. (Priest) Greene, was born April 10, 1849, cl'ed September 20, 188 1. He was a prominent knit goods manu- facturer in Amsterdam, New York, and was highly honored and respected for his sterling worth as a business man and as a citizen. He married Helen K., born in Troy, New York, June 28, 185 1, died May 26, 1880, daughter of Ransom Baldwin and Elizabeth (Winne) Moore; granddaughter of Charles Moore, a soldier of the revolution, who died September 21, 1821 ; also a granddaughter of Robert Winne, and great-granddaughter of Moses and Elizabeth (Adams) Winne, who were among the first settlers in the Hudson-Mo- hawk valley. Children: i. Jane M., married Hon. Spencer K. Warnick, born September 9, 1874, a graduate of Yale University, and an attorney at law in Amsterdam. Children: Spencer K., born Maj' 20, 1899 ; Henry Greene, April 17, 1902. 2. "Henry E., born May 2, 1880, is engaged in business in Amsterdam; married, October 8, 1902, Florence Irene Tay- lor; son, Henry E., born Sept 24, 1903. (X) Fred Remington, eldest child of Elijah Priest and Ella (Remington) Greene, was born in Amsterdam, New York, November 4, 1867. He married, January 4, 1893, '" Atlanta, Georgia, Harriet Estelle Delbridge, born July 24, 1873, and has one child : Emily Hughey Delbridge, born November 30, 1907. Mrs. Greene is the daughter of Dr. George Wash- ington and Emily Mandeville (Hughey) Del- bridge, the latter born May 5, 1847, daugh- ter of Joseph, and granddaugliter of John Hughey, of South Carolina, whose family dates back to the Huguenot settlers of early colonial days. Dr. Delbridge, born in Peters- burg, Virginia, November 18, 1826, was a well-known physician of Atlanta, Georgia, where he died June i, 1900. His father was James Kimmeburgh, his grandfather Edward "Delbridge, of Virginia, tlie latter being a sol- dier during the revolution. The line goes back to Richard Delbridge, the immigrant an- cestor, who came from England to .'\merica in 1619, and had special rights granted him with reference to the Atlantic coast fisheries. The Ostranders have been OSTR.WDER for several generations residents and natives of New York state. The first of the line herein recorded was John Ostrander. who lived near Round Lake, Saratoga county. He married Rebecca, daughter of Stephen Southard, who served in the revolutionary army as sergeant of Colonel Pope's Tenth Massachusetts regi- ment. He fought at the battle of Saratoga, and soon afterward made permanent settle- ment near Round Lake. (II) Nelson, son of John and Rebecca (Southard) Ostrander, was born at Stillwa- ter, Saratoga county. New York. He was a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Epis- copal church. In politics he was a Whig and Republican. He married Eliza Baker. Chil- dren: George W., Perry N., Bell, Rose, Helen and Frankie. (HI) George W.. eldest son of Nelson and Eliza (Baker) Ostrander, was born in Still- water, Saratoga county. New York, in 1840. He was a real estate broker and a lumberman. He was a veteran of the civil war, having served three years in the One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment, New York Volunteers. He was a Republican in politics. He married Hortense Lewis, born 1853, died 1898. (IV) George Nelson, son of George W. and Hortense (Lewis) Ostrander, was born at Troy, New York, July 11, 1869. He was educated in the public schools of Albany, New York, Troy Conference Seminary, Poultney, Vermont, Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain, New York, and Albany Business Col- lege. He decided on the profession of law, made the necessary preparation, passed the re- quired examinations, and was admitted to the bar of New York state in 1899. Since that time he maintained an office in Albany and continuously practiced his profession. He has other important business interests. In 1890 he engaged with his father in the real estate business in Albany, and since 1906 has been a member of Finch, Pruyn & Company, paper manufacturers of Glens Falls, New York, and manager of their timber land department. He is also a director of the Glens Falls Trust Company, of Glens Falls, New York. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Episcopal church. His fraternal orders are: The Free and Accepted Masons and the Knights of Pythias. His clubs are the Al- bany of Albany, New York ; Republican of New York City; Glens Falls of Glens Falls. New York; Saratoga and the Saratoga Golf of Saratoga. New York. He married (first) in .Albany, December 22, 1894, .Augusta Tur- ner, born in Albany. He married (second) June 22, 1907, Harriet E. Smith, born in Northville, New York. Child of first mar- riage: George N., born November 23. 1898. Charles Kimball Gallup de- GALIAJP scends in direct line from John Gallop falso Gollop and Gal- lup) born 1590, fourth son of Thomas Gal- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS (799 lop, gentleman, of North Bowood. county Dor- set. England, and whose wife was a daughter of Thomas Crabb, of Nosterne. same county. John Gallop came to .America in 1634. His wife. Christobel. followed soon after. They settled in Boston, Massachusetts, where he died in 1650. The Gallup family spread over New Eng- land and adjacent states, a branch settling in Greene county. New York. Charles Kim- ball Gallup is a son of Henry Schuyler Gal- lup, a resident of Coxsackie. Greene county, New York, who was a member of the Meth- odist church and a pronounced Democrat. He married, December 17, 1835. Anna Maria \'an Den Berg, born April 9, 1819, at Coxsackie, New York. He died July 9. 1888, aged sev- enty-eight years : his wife died October 10. 1897, aged seventy-seven years. Children : Horatio Nelson, born December 28. 1836, died January 25, 1837 ; \\'illiam Henry, December 26, 1838, died 1910: James Harvey, Novem- ber 24, 1841, died August 28, 1844: Charles Kimball, see forward. (H) Charles Kimball Gallup was born at Coxsackie, New York, September 8, 1845. He was graduated at Coxsackie Academy, one of the best of the academies of that period. He has been connected with one corporation for thirty-seven years, and is still an active business man. He is a Marxian Socialist but rarely exercises his right of franchise, believ- ing it to be in the final analysis a farcical per- formance. He is a member of the Episcopal church. He married, September 3, 1872, Car- rie Nichols (see Gardner VHI). (Van Den Berg Line). .Anna Maria (\'an Den Berg) Gallup, wife of Henry Schuyler Gallup, and mother of Charles Kimball Gallup, is a direct descend- ant of Richard Janse \'an Den Berg, who was living at Coxsackie in 1720. He married, at .Albany. November 13, 1699, Catherine (Trynije), daughter of Matthias Houghtaling. who in 1697 received a patent for a large tract of land at Coxsackie. Children bap- tized: Maria, May 12. 1700: .Antje, May 17. 1702: Jan, September 19, 1703; Matthys, Jan- uary 15, 1706: Racheltje. February 22. 1708; Dorotea. October 30, 1710: Hendrick. Octo- ber 19. 1712; Lidia, April 24, 1715: Robert, see forward. (H) Robert, son of Richard Janse and Catherine (Houghtaling) \'an Den Berg, was born June 30. 171 7. He married Catharine Brandow. Children: Wilhelmus (W^illiam), and others. (HI) William, son of Robert and Catha- rine (Brandow ) \"an Den Berg, was baptized July 29, 1750, at .Albany, New York. He married Elizabeth Brandow. (IV) Richard, son of William and Ehza- beth (Brandow) Van Den Berg, was born at Coxsackie, New Y^ork, March 16, 1786, died October 11, 1826. He married, ^Iarch 11, 1805, Catherine Heath, born January 23, 1789, died March 7, 1848. Children: .Angenat, born March 29, 1806; Elizabeth Christina, De- cember 28, 1808: Robert, May 20, 1812; Catherine, December 6, 1813; William, Feb- ruary 4, 1816: .Anna Maria, see forward. (V) .Anna Maria, daughter of Richard and Catherine (Heath) \'an Den Berg, was born April 9, 1819, at Coxsackie, New York. She married Llenry Schuyler Gallup. (VI) Charles Kimball, son of Henry Schuy- ler and .Anna Maria (Van Den Berg) Gallup, married, September 3, 1872, Carrie Nichols (see Gardner VIII). The name of Ford is one of the FORD oldest found in New England rec- ords, John of Plymouth being named as one of the "First Comers" who landed from the "Fortune" in 1621. The first of record in New A'ork state is Simon Ford, of Saratoga county, who settled at an early date, procured land, which he cleared and cul- tivated. He married and had issue. (II) James, son of Simon ^ord, was a farmer of Saratoga county, New York. He married and had issue. (HI) John, son of James Ford, was a farmer of the town of Edinburg. Saratoga county. New York. He married \"ilda, daugh- ter of Syrill (or Cyrill) and .Anna (Young- love) wheeler. (I\') John Wheeler, son of John and \'ilda I Wheeler ) Ford, was born in the town of Edinburg, Saratoga county. New Y'ork. May 15. 1848. He was educated in the public schools and under private tutors. He took a course in civil engineering at Bachelorville Academy, completing his professional studies under private instruction. He became a well- known civil engineer and has many important works to his credit. For eleven years he was engineer for the city of Cohoes. and was closely identified with the vast engineering work done in that city in connection with the hydraulic power canals of the Cohoes Com- pany. In 1882 Mr. Ford removed to Water- ford, New York, where he engaged in the manufacture of knit goods, continuing un- til the present. He has been very successful in business and is one of the leading manufac- turers of his section. He is a man of strong character and holds high position among men of mark, lie is a Re|>uhlican in politics, and i8oo HUDSOX AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS an attendant of the I'resbyterian cliiirch of Waterfonl. lie married. September 24, 1873. Minnie Smith, daughter 01 _id;!ell and Mar- garet (Cook) Peverly, bo..i of whom were born at Xewcastle-upon-'lyne, England. Chil- dren of John W. and Minnie S. (Peverly) Fcrd: Helen, married James D. Shroeder ; Peverly W., married Elvira Haight. (The Yoiinglovc LiiK-). ( I ) .Anna ( Younglove) Wheeler, mother of \ilda (Wheeler) Ford, is a descendant of Samuel Younglove, aged thirty years, who. with his wife Margaret, aged twenty-eight years, and son Samuel, aged one year, sailed from London, England, in August, 1635, in the "Hopewell," came to America and set- tled in Ipswich, Massachusetts, where he died, 1668. Children: i. Samuel, died young. 2. Samuel, a wheelwright ; admitted freeman 1671 ; married, August, i6(k), Sarah Kens- man and had issue. 3. Joseph. 4. Rev. John, of further mention. (H) Rev. John Younglove, son of Samuel and Margaret Younglove, died in i6go. He became a minister of the Presbyterian church and a schoolmaster. He lived a life of great usefulness. He married Sarah and had children; i. John (2), from whom the branch herein recorded descends. 2. Samuel, ancestor of T. S. Pope, of Great Barrington, Massachuse'tts. 3. James. 4. Joseph, an- cestor of James S. Younglove. of Johnstown. New York. 5. Sarah. 6. Mary Hannah. 7. Lydia. (HI) John (2). .son of Rev. John and Sarah Younglove, married and had issue. (IV) John (3), son of John (2) Young- love, married Jemima . Children : John, Samuel, Sarah and Jemima. (V) John (4), son of John (3) and Je- mima Younglove, married, September 30, 1749, Abigail BIoss. Children: Patience, Al)i- gail, John, Jemima and Elizabeth. (VI) John (5), son of John (4) and Abi- gail (Bloss) Younglove, was born December 11. 1756; died January 13, 1840. He mar- ried Thankful Copeland, born .\pril 17, 1760, died September 26, 1839. Children: i. John, born April 18, 1780; married, October 9, 1804, Betsey Tyler. 2. Thankful, born November 13, 1781 ; married, February 24. 1805, Weeks Copeland. 3. Abner, born July 8, 1784: mar- ried. January 26, 1805. PoUey Rogers. 4. Anna, twin of Abner, see forward. 5. Wil- liam, born June 5. 1786; died March 26, 1790. 6. Sally Smith, born Septemlier 18, 1788; mar- ried, Xovemljcr 18, 1806, Solomon Clark Pratt. 7. David Copeland. born I'ebruary 26. 1791 : married ( tir>t ) I'V'bruary 17, 1S14: Elizabeth Stimson, of Edinburg, New \ ork. Married (second) April, 1852. a widow, Mrs. .\nna Smith. Children by first marriage : i. Truman G. Younglove, born October 31, 1815, died September 7, 1882; married (first) Janu- ary 7, 1841, Elizabeth McMartin ; (second) November 6, 1850, Jane McMartin. ii. Moses S. Younglove, born August 7, 18 18. died March 20. 1882; married. December 25, 1853, Mary Humphreys, iii. John Orlando Young- love. born July 25, 1825 ; married, March, 1852, Evelyn Padden. iv. Samuel Abner Younglove, born August 8, 1827, died in Bradford, Pennsylvania, November, 1894; married. IMay, 1852. Rhoda Main. v. David Earl Younglove, born October 27. 183 1. died in Syracuse, New York, February 12. 1896; married Clara . vi. Mary Jane Young- love. born January 12, 1834, diei. t'liildren 'of sec- HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \'ALI.EVS 1801 oikI wife; 7. Thomas, born 1764; married Elizabetli Mark. 8. Richard, born 1765 : mar- ried Deborah .Mark. 9. Margaret, born 1767; married Isaac Mark. 10. Isabella, born 1770; married Jeremiah Wood. 11. Edward, born 1773; married Ann Russell. 12. Hannah, born 1777: married Jntkins. 13. John, born 1780; married Peggy Burhans. 14. .\ son, born 1782. iv William, born 1784: married Elizabeth Udell. (II) Robert, son of John and .Mary (Mil- ler) Haswell, was born March 22, 1755, died January II, 1820. With his wife, Sarah (Mark) Haswell, who died October 11, 1823, aged sixty-two years, he settled in Hoosick. New York, in the year 1799, purchasing a tract of land on the banks of the Hoosick river of five hundred and six acres from the state called the Expense Lot, paying some- thing over three thousand dollars. Children : I. Mary, born ]\Iarch I, 1781, died April 15, 1825, unmarried. 2. Elizabeth, born January 13, 1785, died January 27. 1835 ; married Wil- liam Tweed Dale. 3. John R., born August 8. 1789, died i\Iay 30, 1863: married Ann Montgomery. 4. Deborah, born March 10, 1792, died August 25, 1863 : married \\'illiam Joslin. 5. Robert, born March 16, 1794, died February 12, 1867; married Cynthia Haswell, Caroline Hewitt and Mary Hewitt. 6. Joseph, born October 17, 1796, see forward. 7. Har- riet, born July 18, 1799, died February i, 1882 ; married Isaac Armstrong. 8. Sarah, born August 28, 1801, died March 4, 1858: married Dr. Salmon Moses. 9. Philip, born August 26, 1805, died March 29, 1819. 10. Julia Ann, born February 16, 1808, died 1863; married John Lottridge. (HI) Joseph, son of Robert and Sarah (Mark) Haswell, was born October 17, 1796, died October 22, 1856. He settled on the road from Hoosick to Hoosick Falls, on a farm consisting of about three hundred and fifty acres adjacent to his father's land. The home was beautifully located on a high eleva- tion known in those days as "The Haswell II ill." It gave a view of the surrounding country which was most picturesque, looking down on the Hoosick \'alley. He was a man of sterling equalities, independent in his views, a strong advocate for the cause of temperance which was not popular in those days. He was a member of the Presbyterian church at Hoosick Falls. He was one of the first breeders of Spanish Merino sheep in this section of the state, and the first man to bring his Hock to such perfection that they sheared fi\e pounds of wool to a sheep. At the time of bis death he was the owner of nearly six li; nc'red sleep, wb.ich was a Iar'.;c (|tiantity for those days. He was a stockholder and director of the old stage road which ran from Albany to ^lontreal called "The Montreal -Adams road." It was the great thoroughfare from Xew York to Canada, and for many years a large portion was under his super- vision. He was a man that commanded re- spect, a gentleman of the old school and one that lield an enviable position in the ommu- nity where he resided. He married (first) .Adelaide Leet : married (second) Eliza Haynes; married (third) at Hoosick, New York, Susan Rogers Whiskey, born Feb- ruary 2, 1815, died April 5, 1870, daughter of Jolm and Elizabeth (Rogers) Whiskey. Chil- dren: I. Mary Frances, born May 9, 1843, died .May 5, 1857. 2. Joseph Mark, born March 10, 1846, died November 15, 1909, at Hoosick: he was educated in the public schools : he inherited many of his father's characteristics and propensities, and one con- spicuous one was his love and rare judgment of blooded stock, and on his farm at Hoosick on the P)ennington road he kept blooded stock of all kinds ; he was a member of the Presby- terian church at Hoosick Falls, and a man of high character and firmness of purpose and wonderful energy and courage. In his early days he was a member of "old Capitol police" of Troy under Captain Northrup and Ser- geant Rogers: he married, February. 1875. Elizabeth, born January 4, 1856, daughter of George and Mary (Wallace) Brow^n : chil- dren : i. Joseph King, born January 10, 1876, died April 2, 1883 : ii. William Wallace, born October 16, 1879, married, 1902, Gertrude R. Richmond, born September 16. 1885 : child, Joseph Edward, born September 9, 1906; iii. George Albert, twin of William Wal- lace, an Osteopath physician, settled in Springfield, Massachusetts ; iv. Mark B., born June 24, 1884, married, 1908, Mabel Plant Brown : child, Wallace Mark, born June 9, 1910; V. Thomas King, born Feb- ruary 2, 1893 : vi. Kenneth Gorton, born March 18, 1898. 3. Amelia Elizabeth, born in Hoosick, New York, March 11, 1848: re- sides in Troy, where her life is being spent in philanthropic and charitable w-ork ; in 1881 she accepted a position as church missionary to the Second Street Presbyterian Church, where she labored faithfully for many years ; she was then called to serve as city mission- ary where there were no limitations to her work : for twenty-one years she has been an ardent worker for fresh air children : for many years she was president of this organ- ized enterprise in Troy : scarcely a poor child in Troy but does not know and love her: for a luunbcr of years she had charge of a (lospel l802 HUDSON AXO MOHAWK \-ALLEYS rescue mission and held weekly prayer meet- ings at her home known as "Miss Haswell's Tuesday Night jMeeting" ; one important and special feature of this meeting was the privi- lege of sending requests for prayer which sometimes came through the mails ; she is well known in this city as an earnest, strong Christian character; she has her own idea of duty, and like some of her antecedents is not controlled merely by public opinion ; she has a heart full of sympathy and love for those fighting the hard battles of life, and the poor, suffering and down-trodden know they will find a friend in her; she is a woman of un- wavering faith in God, and is not daunted by severe testings; she believes "the things that are impossible with man are possible with God," and this thought inspires in her great courage, perseverance and hope to face great difficulties ; one of her favorite mottoes is "Attempt great things for God, and expect great things from God." 4. Susan, died in infancy. 5. Harriet Josephine, born April 20, 185 1 ; married, in 1870, John Dickinson War- ren, son of Dr. Warren, who was a practicing physician at Hoosick for many years, and Susan (Dickinson) Warren. John D. War- ren is a Presbyterian minister in Elmira, New York, and has labored in this capacity for many years with success here and elsewhere, and with the aid in his church work of his modest, charming, yet efficient wife, who has this work at heart, their united labors have been richly rewarded in many ways ; child, Joseph Haswell, died in infancy. 6. Sarah, died in infancy. Thomas and John Wiswall, WTSWALL both prominent among the early settlers of Dorchester, Massachusetts, came from England, 1635, leaving behind them brothers .A^dam, Abiel and Jonathan. This record deals with the de- scendants of Thomas Wiswall. Both were el- ders of the church, both selectmen and sub- scribers to the school fund. Thomas, the younger brother, was a subscriber in 1641 ; selectman from 1644 to 1652. He died De- cember 6, 1683. No monument marks his grave, but that over the grave of Elder John states he was born in 1601, died in 1687, aged eighty-six years, which gives the a])proximate birth of Elder Thomas Wiswall. His farm of four hundred acres was in the limits of Dor- chester, and included a pond that bore his name. His house stood upon the southerly bank of the pond, and is described in his will On the day Rev. John Eliot (2 ) was ordained pastor of the Dorchester church, July 20, ^C^C)^, Thomas Wiswall was ordained ruling elder and assistant pastor in inspecting and disci- plining the flock. He married (first) Eliza- beth . Children: i. Enoch, born 1633. 2. Esther, 1635. 3. Ichabod, 1637. 4. Noah, of further mention. 5. Mary. 6. Sarah, baptized 1643. 7- Ebenezer, 1646. El- der Wiswall married (second) Isabella Farmer, a widow from Ansley, England. She survived him and died in Billerica, Massachu- setts, May, 1686. (H) Captain Noah Wiswall, son of Elder Thomas and Elizabeth Wiswall, was baptized in Dorchester, Massachusetts, 1638. He was killed in battle with the Indians at Wheel- wrights Pond, July 6, 1690. He was a man of education and was employed. 1681, to transcribe the town records, was selectman in 1685, assessor in 1686, and served on impor- tant committees. He was captain of the mili- tary company. When in 1690 a band of French and Indians were committing depreda- tions Captain Wiswall was slain in a battle with them. Tradition says he had a son John who fell in the same battle. Lands were granted the heirs of Captain Noah Wiswall in 1683 for his patriotic service. He married, December 10, 1664, Theodosia, daughter of John Jackson.- Children: i. Thomas, of fur- ther mention. 2. Elizabeth, born July 30, 1668; married, December 28, 1693, Rev. Thomas Greenwood, of Rehoboth, Massachu- setts. 3.- Caleb. 4. John (perhaps). 5. Mar- garet, born January, 1672 ; married Nathan- iel Parker. 6. Mary. 7. Esther, born Janu- ary 2, 1678. 8. Sarah, May 11. 1680: mar- ried, 1702, Joseph Cheney. (III) Lieutenant Thomas Wiswall. son of Captain Noah and Theodosia (Jackson) Wis- wall, was born February 28, 1666, died 1709. He inherited the homestead of his father, and was highway surveyor, 1694, constable, 1699, selectman, 1706 and 1707. Fie married, July. 1696, Hannah Cheney, who survived him and married (second) David Newman, of Reho- both. Children: i. Hannah, born October 15, 1697. -■ Noah , of further mention. 3. Sarah, born March 4, 1701 : married, 1730, John Newman. 4. Mary, born October r, 1702. 5. Elizabeth, born August 25, 1704; married Nathaniel Longley. 6. Thomas. 7. Ichabod. (IV) Captain Xoali (2) Wiswall, son of Lieutenant Thomas and Hannah (Cheney) Wiswall, was born September 7, 1699. died June 13, 1786. He inherited the homestead and in 1744 rebuilt the house. He was select- man three years. He was one of the earliest Baptists in Newton, having been baptized in 1754, and was one of the founders of the Bap- tist churcli in Newton in 1780. The first HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1803 meetings were held in his house, and he gave the land on which their first meeting house was erected. S. F. Smith's life of Rev. Air. Grafton states that Captain Noah Wiswall was in the battle of Lexington. Three of his sons and some of his sons-in-law were in the East Newton company, commanded by his son, Captain Jeremiah Wiswall. .After the company had marched for Lexington he start- ed on foot and alone to follow them, saying, "I wish to see what the boys are doing." It seems almost impossible that he could have endured the march and the fatigues of the day, as he was then seventy-six years of age, but the roll of the East Newton company in the battle of Lexington, now in the office of the secretary of state of Alassachusetts, and sworn to by the captain of that company be- fore Judge Fuller, shows that he was in the company, and also several other aged men were volunteers in the ranks of the company on that day. He married (first) in 1720, Thankful, daughter of Jeremiah Fuller. She died in 1745. Married (second) in 1752, De- liverance, daughter of Ebenezer Kenrick, of Brookline. Children by first wife: i. Thomas. 2. Elizabeth, married, December 17, 1741, Wil- liam Baldwin. 3. Jeremiah, born October 27, 1725. 4. Thankful, born September i, 1727, died 1728. 5. John. 6. Thankful, born Au- gust II, 1729; married, 1750, Ebenezer Gee. 7. Alary, born April i. 1731 ; married, 1752. Samuel Norcross. 8. Sarah, born December 23, 1734; married, 1761, Dr. John King. 9. Esther, born December 2, 1737; married, 1768. Benjamin White. 10. Noah, of further men- tion. II. Samuel. 12. Ebenezer, born 1742. 13. Margaret, born February 24, 1744; mar- ried, 1766, Thomas Palmer. 14. Hannah, born March 31, 1745: married, 1769, Eben- ezer Richards, of Dedham. (Y) Noah (3), son of Captain Noah (2) and Thankful (Fuller) Wiswall, was born July 7, 1740. He married, December, 1769, "Mary Palmer, and settled in Fitchburg, Mas- sachusetts. In 1796 his estate was set ofif from Fitchburg and annexed to Westminster. Children: i. Mary, born April 4. 1770; mar- ried White : her only child, Juliet, was left an orphan when an infant and was reared anfl educated by her uncle, Joseph Wiswall, win married her when seventeen years of age, a sin her Puritan mother never forgave her; they resided in Troy. New York, a few years, then removed to Alobile. Alabama, where she died. 2. Noah, born October 22, 1772; no authentic record of him is found. 3. John Palmer, born January 29, 1775; married (first) Melita Green, settled near Burlington, \'ermont; married (second) Sarah Thurston ; he is buried in Moimt Ida cemetery, Troy. 4. Ebenezer (Eben), a leading business man of Troy. 5. Jane, born April 5, 1779. 6. William, born March 11, 1781. 7. Joseph, born February 2, 1784. 8. Japheth, born No- vember 18, 1785. 9. Seth, of further mention. 10, Sarah, born September 17, 1788. 11. Howard, born February 18, 1791. 12. Nancy, born November 16, 1792. (\T) Seth, ninth child of Xi.iah (31 and Alary (Palmer) Wiswall, was born in West- minster, Alassachusetts, Alay 10, 1787, died in .Albany, New York, about 1834. He grew up on the homestead farm and was educated in the town schools. After arriving at ma- ture years he removed to New York state, set- tling in -Albany county. He there purchased a farm overlooking the Hudson which he cul- tivated for several years, later selling it to his brother Eben (or Ebenezer) who had become heavily interested in ferry and real estate en- terprises. Seth, after disposing of his farm ( now a part of the corporate limits of West • Troy) settled in Albany where he died. He was a man of energy and enterprise, and bore a high reputation in his community. He mar- ried, about 1814, Nancy Pendleton, who died in Albany in 1847, a descendant of the Pen- dleton family of Rhode Island, one of a large family of daughters (eleven) and one son, William Pendleton. Children of Seth Wis- wall: I. Alary, born about 1815, died 1845, unmarried. 2. Alartha Nancy, born October 26, 1817, see forward. 3 and 4. Two sons, died in infancy. 5. Angelica Schuyler, born Alarch. 1823 : married Thomas Barber. 6. Elizabeth, twin of Angelica S., died in infancv. (\TI) Martha Nancy, daughter of Seth and Nancy (Pendleton) Wiswall, was born October 26, 1817, died in Albany, August 31, 1880. .She married, August 8, 1843, John Henry Van Antwerp, a descendant in direct line from Daniel Janse Van Antwerp and Alaritie, daughter of Samuel Groot, both of Holland. Daniel Janse was an early propri- etor of Schenectady, where several of his chil- dren were killed or taken prisoners to Alon- treal, when that town was burned by the In- dians in 1690. He was a fur trader and a man of means. He was a member of the Dutch church and donated, in 1715. the land on which the Dutch Reformed church of Sche- nectady now stands. John H. \'an .Antwerp's grandfather, Daniel Lewis \'an .Antwerp, 1771 to 1832, was of Schenectady and Albany: was a member of the constitutional convention of 1801, member of the legislature from Sara- toga county, 1808-10: district attorney, 181 r, for counties of Albany, Schenectady, Sara- toga. Alontgomery and Schoharie, being ap- i8o4 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS pointed March 9. 181 1, by Governor Daniel D. Tompkins. When Albany county was erected into a separate district, April 21, 1818, he was reappointed by Governor De Witt Clin- ton, June II, 1818, his commission being in each case unlimited, but continuous during the pleasure of the governor and council. He was brigade-quartermaster in the war of 1812, judge of the court of sessions, 1820. \\'illiam Van Antwerp, son of Judge Daniel Lewis Van Antwerp, was a prominent lawyer of Al- bany, 1799-1829. Married Sarah Meadon and had John Henry, William Meadon, Daniel Lewis (2) and a daughter. John Henry, son of William and Sarah (Meadon) \'an Ant- werp, was born in Albany, October 12, 1823. He was educated in the private schools and began business life as a clerk. He rapidly rose in business affairs and was one of the founders and original trustees of the National Savings Bank of Albany, and in May, 1872, was elected president. His connection with the New York State National Bank began July 17, 1847, ^s corresponding clerk. Jan- uary I, 1856, he was appointed cashier, serv- ing until 1880, when he was elected vice-presi- dent. As a financier he was connected with the banking interests of Albany for over half a century, and his rare ability is indicated by the high standing of the institutions with which he was so long connected. He was a member for over eighteen years and vice- president of the New York state board of charities and gave much of his time to this. He was one of the originators of the plan for the creation of Washington Park, Albany, and one of the commissioners named in the act of the legislature creating it, was the first president of the board and served for about twenty-one years during the formation pe- riod of the Park, then declining a reappoint- ment by the mayor. Both Mr. Van Antwerp and his wife became members of St. Paul Episcopal Church, Albany, of which he was for many years senior warden. He was a member of the Holland Society, Sons of the Revolution, fellow of the American Geo- graphical Society and of the Albany Institute. His clubs were the Manhattan and St. Nicho- las of New York City, the I'ort and Country of .Albany. Children of John II. and .Martha Nancy (Wiswall) Van .Antwcr]): i. .\melia King, born December ii, 1844; married, November 8, 1866, John McMurray. of New York City: sle died May 25, 1867. 2. Henrietta Wiswall, of further mention. 3. Rufus King, born July 25, 1849, died Mav 8, 1S8S. 4. Kate Jo- sephine, liorn June 24. li^S')- •1''^'' .li"if (''■ 1907: m;irric(l. June 14, 1882. Jcisiali i\, Stan- tun, paymaster in the L'nited States navy ; child, Martha \"an Antwerp, born Octo- ber 10, 1883; marrieleecker) Van Rensselaer, was born in (jreenbush (Rensse- laer), New York, October 12, 1838, and was residing there, with his wife, in 191 1. He married, Schoharie, New York, September 5, 1866, Alary Augu«a Miller, born at Schoharie, New York, April 22, 1847, daughter of Charles L. and Sarah (Markle) Miller. Children: i. Katharine Westerlo, born at Esperance, New York, September 3, 1867, died in Albany. New York, February 12, 1896: married, Greenbush, New York, Janu- ary 23, 1894, Benjamin Walworth Arnold, Jr., born in Albany, April 30, 1865, son of Ben- jamin W. and Frances Treat (Avery) Arnold ; child. Katharine Westerlo Van Rensselaer, born at No. 13 Ten Broeck street. Albany, January 28. 1896. 2. Cornelius Glen, born in Esperance, New York, September 24, 1869; married. New York, New York, October 8, 1898, Genevieve, daughter of Philip John and Nancy Stewart (Keating) Vesel, born at Ilion, New York, October 20, 1868; children: Katharine Stewart, born at Schenectady, New A'ork, June 4. 1903, died at Rensselaer, New York, February 15, 1909, and Justine Livings- ton, born at Schenectady, February 26, 1907. 3. Cornelia Living.ston. born at Quaker Street, New "S'ork. New York, June 5, 1879 : she mar- ried at Rensselaer, New York. March 21. 1900, Hon. Theodore Strong, of "Stronghold," New Brunswick, New Jersey, son of Hon. Benja- min Ruggles Woodbridge and Harriet A. (TTartwell) Strong: children, all born at New Brunswick, New Jersey: Theodore, Jr., bom Tanuary 3, 1901 : Cornelia Livingston Van Rensselaer, born November 16, 1902 ; Kathar- ine \'an Rensselaer, born November 10, 1904 : Stephen Van Rensselaer, born November 30, 1906: Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge, born May 17, 1910. George McClellan, son of McCLELLAN judge Hugh W. and Emma "(Marvin) McClellan. was born in the town of Schodack, Rensselaer coun- I822 HUDSON AND MOHA\\'K VALLEYS ty, Xew York, October lo, 1856. His early edu- cation was obtained in the public scho(5ls. supplemented by full courses at the academies of Chatham and Spencertown. He chose the profession of law ; entered Albany Law- School, wlience he was graduated LL.B., class of 1880. He was admitted to the bar the same year and opening an office in Chatham prac- ticed alone for a time. When the firm of AlcCIellan & Brown was dissolved, he formed a law partnership with his father under the firm name of H. \V. &r G. McClellan. January I, 1894. John W. Dardess was admitted and the firm name changed to McClellans & Dar- dess. Judge McClellan, the senior partner, died October 12, 1896, since which time the business has been conducted as McClellan & Dardess. The firm has always been a highly regarded one and transacts a large volume of important business. For'twenty years Mr. McClellan has been a member of the Columbia County Agricultural Society and for the past ten years has been president. He was twice elected police justice of Chatham, serv- ing until the office was abolished by legislative enactment. In 1907 he was elected surrogate of Columbia county and has most capably discharged the duties of this responsible office. These are the only offices he has ever run for. He is a Democrat in politics, and a mem- ber of the Reformed Church. In both public and private life, he is highly respected and honored. His unfailing patience, tact, and good nature peculiarly fit him for his office, while his knowledge of the law and its just application command the respect of the entire bar. He married, November 22, 1882. Eliza- beth Sliufelt, who died April 4. 1894. Chil- li ren : Laura C, Hugh W. (2). George. The \'an Olindas of W'a- \".\X OLIND.A tervliet descend from Pieter Danielse \' a n O'Linda. who married Hilletje Cornelise, sis- ter of Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck. She w'as the daughter of a Mohawk mother and Cor- nelis Antonissen Van Slyck. For several years Hilletje was employed with Jan Bap- tiste \'an Epps and Lourens Claese \'an Der X'olgen. as provincial inter])retcr to the In- dians. The Mohawk sachems gave her the great island in the Mohawk river at Xiska- yuna in 1667, which her husband. Van O'Linda. .sold to Cantain Johannes Chite in 1669. The sachems also gave her land at Willow Flat, below Port Jackson, and at Watervliet. She died February 10. 1707. Her husband, Pieter Danielse, made his will .August i, 171 5. w^hich was proved December 27. 1711'). He gave to liis eldest son ten shillings, probably having given him his sliare previously. To his son, Jacob, he gave the use of the land above Schenectady, called the Willow Flat, "pat- ented to me and William Van Coppernol till my son Matthew (now non compos mentis) shall die." He also spoke of lands in Water- vliet. (II) Daniel, eldest son of Pieter Danielse and Hilletje (Van Slyck) Van 0"Linda, mar- ried Lysbeth, daughter of Mortimer Cregier, of Xiskayuna, June 11, 1696. at Albany. Children: Pieter, born November 8, 1696; Johannes, September 3, 1699: Martinus. Oc- tober 25. 1702: Maria, 1704. ( II ) Jacob, son of Pieter Danielse and Hil- letje (Van Slyck) Van O'Linda, inherited the use of a large portion of his father's estate as sh(nvn. He married Eva. daughter of Claas De Graff. Children baptized : Pieter. Febru- ary, 1712, in Albany: Willem, October 13. 1716: ]\Iartin, January 18, 1718; Nicholas. May 30, 1719; Helena, February 12, 1721: jiliza- beth, June if), 1723. (III) Martin, son of Jacob and Eva (De Graff) Van O'Linda, w-as born January 18, 1718. He married (first) July 25, 17^1, . He married (second) December 7. 1754, Cornelia, daughter of Benjamin Van \'leck. Children baptized : Jacob, June 13, 1742; Francyntje, January 15. 1744; Eva, No- vember 24, 1745: Pieter, January 17. 1748; Frederick, May 13, 1750; Catherine, August 10, 1755; Benjamin, December 25, 1757; Wil- lem, April 27, 1760, died young; Willem (2), February 2, 1766: Johannes, October 3, 1768. (I\') Johannes, youngest child of ]\Iartin and Cornelia (Van Vleck) Van O'Linda, was Ixirn October 3, 1768. He married and had issue. I \') Jacol) \'an O'Linda. son of Johannes \'an O'l-inda. was born in 1706. He married and had issue. (VI) Abraham, son of Jacoli \'an O'Linda, married and had issue. (\TI) Garrett, .son of .\hraham \'an O'Linda. married. (\'1I1) Mary G., daughter of Garret Van ( )linda. resides in Watervliet, New York, where she is a teacher in the public schools. The name in England was for STE.\RNS centuries Sterne, coming from Germany with the Norman in- vaders under William the Conqueror. For a brief ])eiiod in .'\merica. the spelling remained the same, but changes soon crept in until we have not only the prevalent form Stearns, but Stearnes, Sternes, Sterns, Starnes and Starns, all simple variations of the old English name. I'lu- ancestors of this family in .\merica HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \'ALLEVS 1823 came from England in the "Arabella," landing at Salem, Massachusetts, June 12, 1630. O.S. These is a tradition prevalent in Lynn, Mas- sachusetts, that three brothers, Daniel. Shu- bael and Isaac, came from England in 1630 and settled near W'atertown. ]\Iassachusetts : that Daniel died unmarried ; that Shubael and Isaac brought their families with them ; that Shubael and wife died soon after landing, leaving two sons, Charles and Nathaniel, eight and ten years of age, who were reared and cared for by their uncle, Isaac ; that these •sons married, and each, as well as their uncle Isaac, left a large family, from whom are descended all of the name of Stearns with its variations of spelling, excepting that of .Stern, which is distinctly Jewish. The family crest is formed with a chevron and three crosses on a field of gold, together with various ornamental variations. (II Charles Sterne, born in England, date and place uncertain. He was admitted a free- man of ^\'atertown, May 6, 1646 (this shows him to have been of legal age and a church member). "Isaac Sternes" mentions him in his will as "My kinsman, Charles Sternes." showing the first change in the spelling. He was elected constable in 1681, but refused to take the oath; in that year he sold his land in Watcrtown to his son, Samuel, and moved to Lynn with liis son Shubael. He married (first) Hannah , who died June 30, 165 1, leaving one son, Samuel ; (second) Rebecca Gibson, June 22, 1654. daughter of John and Rebecca Gibson, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Seven children were born to him : Samuel, Shubael (of fur- ther mention), John. Isaac, Charles, slain in the King's service prior to 1695: Reljecca and Martha. I II) Shubael Sternes. son of Charles ami Rebecca (Gibson) Sterne, was born Sejitem- ber 20, 1655. He settled in Lynn. ^lassa- chusetis, and was a member of the famous Narragansett expedition. His will is dated November 19. 1733, and probated September 2. 1734. There has been discovered no record of his marriage, but "Mary Upton, of Read- ing. Massachusetts, married Shubael Stearns, of Lynn (here showing for the first time the present spelling of the name). There were nine children: Shubael (2d). Samuel: Han- nah, who married Dr. Charles Stimson : Mary ; John: Ebenezer. of further mention: Martha; Eleanor, and Rebecca. (HI) Ebenezer Stearns, son of Shubael and Mary (Uplon) Sternes, was born in i(')93. He settled in Sutton, Massachusetts, and mar- ried Martha Rurnap, of Reading. Massachu- setts. He had a familv of ten children, all born in Sutton: Ebenezer (2d), of further mention ; Elizabeth, John, Jonathan, Hannah, David, Mary, Bethia, Thomas and Ruben. (IV) Ebenezer Stearns (2d), son of Ebene- zer and Martha (Burnap) Stearns, was born February 26, 1720, in Sutton. Massachusetts. He was a soldier in the French and Indian war, and died in the garrison at Lake George, New York. He married, in 1742, jane Stock- well, who was born in 1722, and died July 16, 1808, at Hinsboro, Vermont. After his mar- riage he settled in Sutton. Massachusetts, where his five children were born : Ebenezer Isaac, of further mention ; Jonathan, a captain in the revolutionary war; Rebecca, Abigail and a daughter. (\') Ebenezer Isaac Stearns, son of Ebene- zer and Jane (Stock well) Stearns, born in Sutton, RIassachusetts, in 1743. He settled in Northampton. Massachusetts, and married in 1776, Thankful, daughter of Jonathan Alvord, of Northampton. He died in 1801, and was the father of seven children : Olive : Achsah : Ebenezer: Nathaniel Stockwell, of further mention: Erastus. Hcnoni and Jonathan Al- vord. (\T) Nathaniel Stockwell Stearns, son of Ebenezer Isaac and Thankful (.\lvord) Stearns, was born in Northampton, Mas- sachusetts, May 28, 1783, and died June 12. 1861, in Lyden. Massachusetts. He was commonly known as Stockwell Stearns, and lived in Westhampton. Massachusetts. He married, October 31, 1805, Seviah, daughter of Zebulon and Mary (Litchfield) W'illcutt. of Goshen. Massachusetts. His wife was born September 23. 1780, in Cohassett, Massachusetts, and died February 22, 1859, ill Colcrainc. Massachusetts. Her name is variously spelled Zerviah. Serviah and Seviah. I'liere were eight chiklren : Elienezer, Rev. Joseph Willciitt, of further mention : Minerva, Ursula, Rev. .Xnson llo, sec forward, Mary, Elizabeth. (II) James, son of John and Marion (Wil- son) McKie, was born July 7, 1760, in Wig- tonshire, -Scotland, died June 14, 1843. He was a private in the revolutionary war, and on I\Iarch 4, 1848, his widow was granted a pension of fifty-six dollars and forty-one cents. He married, January 27, 1785, Eliza- beth Wilson, born June 19, 1765, died De- cemljer 27, 1849. Children: i. Sarah, born November 24. 1785, died August 30, i860. 2. Alary, born September 27, 1787, died No- vember 27, 1846. 3. John, see forward. 4, George, born .Vugust 14, 1791. died January 15, 1861, 5. Elizabeth, born September 18, 1793, died llarch 5, 1855. 6. William, born October 21, 1795, died' April 15, 1863, 7. .\nn, born November 28, 1797. died January 18, 1856, 8, Margaret, born May 4, 1800. 9. , born June 11, 1802, 10, James, born b'ebruary 24, 1805. 11, Peter, born January 16. 1S08, died January 11, 1856. (Til) John (2), son of James and Elizabeth (Wilson) McKie, was born June i, 1789, died Sei^tember 9, 1864, lie married Catherine, daughter of John and Margaret (Robinson) Whiteside. Children : William, see forward ; James, married Anna Whiteside ; John. (I\') William, son of John (2) and Cath- erine (Whiteside) McKie, marriel Minerva, born in West Arlington. \'crmont, daughter of S;unuci and Miua (Andrews) Buck, HUDSON AND MOHAWK WALLEYS 1825 Child. Kate M., now resident of Cambridge, New York. (See McKie, p. 1624.) John Reynolds ( i ) , jiro- REYXOLDS g;enitor o'f this branch of the family, is supposed to have sailed from the port of London — i. e., Ipswich, England, in 1633. Sarah Reynolds (his wife), aged 20, was a passenger on the ship "Elizabeth," which sailed from Ipswich "bound for New England the last of April, 1634." Among the passengers were many who set- tled at Watertown, Massachusetts, and sub- sequently removed to Weathersfield and Stam- ford, Connecticut, but John Reynolds was not among them. John Reynolds was admitted a freeman of Watertown, May 6, 1635. Robert, his brother, had been admitted Septemlier 3, 1634. Sir Richard Saltonstall, together with a body of Pilgrims or Separatists, had founded Watertown, Massachusetts, where a church was "gathered" under Phillips as pastor, Au- gust 27, 1630. The latter came from Box- ford, county Essex, and most of tlie colonists were members of his former charge. Un- fortunately, the records describing the settle- ment of Watertown are not in existence, but on page 4 of the earliest book of records is the first entry in which the names of colonists are mentioned: "Nov. 14, 1635 — agreed that Daniel Patrick, Brian Pemberton, Richard Bernard, Ephraim Child. .Abram Browne, Charles Chaddock and John Reynolds shall divide to every man his Property and Meddow and upland that is plowable and the rest to lie common." The first book of deeds entitled "The Wa- tertown Lands. Grants and Possessions" page 157 and constituting the second inventory, de- scribes his allotment as follows : "John Rei- nolds. An Homestall of five acres and half by estimation bounded the North with the Highway, the South with Isaac Mixer and the East with John Sherman granted to him." Learning of the rich meadows along the Connecticut river, some few of the Water- town colonists, in the late autumn of 1634, founded the settlement of "Pyquag," now Wethersfield, and spent the winter there. On May 29th of the year following, six persons (among them Robert Reynolds) under the head of Rev. Richard Denton, who had re- ceived their dismissal from the Watertown church March 29th of that year, set out to "form a newe in a church covenant in the River of Connecticut" Conn. Col. Records, p. I). On October 15th, 1635, about sixty colon- ists set out from Watertown to the new set- tlement. Such was the general distress that many of them returned in December, but in the early spring of 1636 once more repaired to "Watertown on the Connecticut River." It was not until J'eb. 21, 1637, that the settle- ment received the name of Wethersfield. The colonists were continually exposed to danger from the Pequots. In April, 1637. they way- laid the settlers as they were going into their ing with those from Windsor and Hartford fields and killed six men and three women. On May 26, 1637, the Wethersfield men, unit- ing with those from Windsor and Hartford and with seventy Mohegans under their sachem, Uncas, attacked the Pequots, burnt seventy wigwams and killed five or six hun- dred of the enemy. (See Trumbull, vol. I, chap, v.) Both John and Robert were among those who reinoved from Watertown prior to July 25, 1636, as they did not share in that divi- sion of land. As stated above, John still owned property in W'atertown at the time of the second inventory, i. e., 1644. Robert Feke, Brian Pemberton and Daniel Patrick are also included, although all of them had removed to Wethersfield and Stamford. Robert removed from Wethersfield to Bos- ton, where he died April 27, 1659. His will. executed 20, 2, 1658, proved in Boston, July 27, 1659, gives the names of Mary, his wife, and children : Nathaniel, Ruth Whitney, Ta- bitha Abdy, Sarah Mason, and Mary Sanger. His will concludes with the statement, "I and my wife being stricken in age and are almost past our Labour." From this we must con- clude that he was born about 1590, and was either much older than his brother John, or that the latter was born earlier than 1612, the date of birth attributed to him. (See New Eng. His. & Gen. Reg., vol. ix, p. 137.) His only son Nathaniel removed to Bristol, Rhode Island, where the family still continues. The tombstone of Joseph, Nathaniel's son, still standing at Bristol, is well known as a fine example of early carving and shows the Reynolds coat of arms — three foxes .statant in pale proper, crest on an Esquire's helmet, a fox statant proper. John Reynolds' house as given in the map of Wethersfield was on High street, the third from the meeting .house and near the center of the town. This and other ]iroperty were recorded by him, "the 12th month and 11 dale, 1640," and again recorded by John TTol- lister on 3m 2od 1644, as "bought of John Reynolds." It was not long before internal dissensions were disturbing the church at Wethersfield i826 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS and dividing inhabitants as well as the breth- ren. The Rev. Richard Denton became the leader of the more progressive and radical party. The ministers of the other churches of the river, and Mr. Davenport from New- Haven, successively tried to unite the fac- tions. The latter suggested the expediency of one of the parties removing and making a new settlement. At length a number of men who were the most pleased with the advice of Mr. Davenport and the New Haven breth- ren, and to whom the government of that colony was most agreeable, determined to re- move and settle in combination with New Haven. Nathaniel Turner had on July ist, 1640, on behalf of the New Haven Colony, bought of Ponus, sagamore of Toquams, and of Wascussee, sagamore of Shippan, a tract of land which includes the present towns of Darien and Stamford and part of Greenwich paying about 33 pounds for a tract of land of one hundred and twenty-eight square miles. This tract, Rippowanis, Mr. Andrew Ward and I\Ir. Robert Coe, of Wethersfield, on October 30, 1640, purchased of the New Ha- ven Colony on behalf of themselves and about twenty other planters on these conditions: 1st. The Wethersfield men were to give the price paid to the Indians for the land by Mr. Turner, and. A fifth part of the lands were to be reserved to be disposed of by the court to such other settlers as they saw fit. 3d. They were to join with the New Haven plan- tation in the form of government there adopted. Twenty men were to aettle in .Stam- ford by the last of November, 1641. It was decided that the majority of the seven church members, church membership being essential to becoming a freeman, should remove, with a minority of the planters and that they should take the church organization with them. Thirty men, among them John Revnolds, volunteered as pioneers of the new colony. These subscribed "100 bushels of corne" to be paid May or June, 1641, to the New Haven Colony, to make good the pur- chase price of the land, each man giving as he was able and receiving a proportional amount of land. In this subscription. Mr. Denton ranks third with 4.1 bu. : Jo. Rey- nolds, eighth with 3.2. bu. (Stamford Rec- ords, p. 5.) Of these thirty, twenty-eight removed to the site of Stamford in the summer of 1641. On October 19th they held their first meeting, electing five men to form a provisional gov- ernment and dividing the land between them. An account of this is to be found at Stam- ford in the earliest town record entitled "1640- 41 a towne book of yc free holders of ye towne of Stamford as it was after wards called but now Rippowan, containing the acts and conclusions of the companie of Wethers- field men." At this meeting "the man under consideration absenting himself while his case was in hand and so successively and when he was called in again and demanded if so much gave him content and so content and satisfaction was by every one of these men acknowledged and they set down these num- bers of acres of marsh and upland after the same proportion that followeth xxx Mr. Den- ton 14 acres xxx John Renoulds 11 acres." (Stamford Records, p. 7.) The New Haven Colony had not been fully satisfied by the one hundred bushels of corn, so that an assessment was laid to make this good. The following is John Reynolds' ac- count : "For rate — now 56.10.0 and due at W. 13. s. 6 d and to received Jo Renoulds 17 S. II d. makes 4. lbs. 08-3.,' each of whom sub- scribed a 'pick.' The next mention of him is in a list of twelve men. Here his name ap- pears as Jo. Renoulds. Latter is a tax list to make good the loss of the town mill and dam and for building a "captain's house.' 'Jo. Reynoulds debtor for loss by mill 2 6 9, house 13 both 39.9 and he hath paid (for loss) at mill, First bill 9 s. 6. and dam .9 s. 3 s. house, 12 s. last charge 5. s. all 38 s. 6d.' " The last mention of him is in a deed recorded March, 1651, of property in the extreme west section of the town, near the site of Old Greenwich, bounded by "ye lot which was John Renoles." (Stamford Records, p. 51.) On page 55 of the original Stamford rec- ords is recorded the marriage of his daugh- ter: "Peter Ferris and Elizabeth RinealL- joyned ye 15 July, 1654." Her husband. Free- man, of Stamford, Connecticut, 1662, repre- sentative 1(567, was the son of Jeflfrey Fer- ris, one of the seven original proprietors of Greenwich, who had, like John Reynolds, re- moved successively from Watertown and Wethersfield to Stamford. They had the fol- lowing children: i. Joseph, son of Peter Fer- ris, b. 20-6-1657, (Stam. Rec. p. 74.) 2. Illeg- ible, son of Peter Ferris, illegible. 1659. 3. Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Ferris, b. 28-11-1659 — d — 5-2-1660, Stamford Rec. p. 98. 4. Mary, dau. of Peter Ferris, b. May 2, 1662. (Stam. Rec. p. 76.) 5. Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Ferris, b. Jan. 2, 1664. (Stam. Rec. p. 76.) As Peter Ferris is mentioned as Sen. in the entry of his death, September 28, 1706, it is probable that the illegible name was Peter. On page 19 of the Stamford Records is en- tered the death of the wife of John: "Sarrah Reanolds died 3i-i()-i657." On page 20 a second entry gives it as "Sarra Reanols died HUDSON AND .MOHAWK N' ALLEYS 1827 yQ 31 August 1657." We have records of only tliree of John's chiUhen : i. Lhzaheth, h. about 1634. 2. Jonathan, b. about 1636. 3. John, b. about 1638. 'l"he subsequent history of John is unde- termined. A John Reynolds, often confused with him, was at Wethcrsfield as early as June 29, 1674, when he had by Naomi Lati- mer a son John, and a second son Jonathan. As Naomi Latimer was born April 4, 1648, he would have been appro.ximately thirty-six years older than his wife, and sixty-two years of age when the first child was born. These children are not to be confounded with the John and Jonathan of Greenwich, as the his- tories of all four are well known. It is said that only a few years ago there was at Weth- crsfield a tombstone to a certain John Rey- nolds who died in 1662. The constant recur- rence of the names John and Jonathan in the Greenwich and Wethersfield families implies an intimate connection. Jonathan, eldest son of John the Emigrant. The site of "Old Greenwich," now Sound Beach, lying some three miles to the west of Stamford, had been purchased from the In- dians on behalf of the New Haven Colony, on July 18, 1640, by Robert Peaks and Cap- tain Daniel Patrick, the latter a companion of Tohn Reynolds of W^atertown and Wethers- field About 1653 many of the settlers of Stam- ford had moved there, and among the earli- est inhabitants were Jonathan and John Rey- nolds, whose land lay along the Two Brothers' Brook, which fact probably suggested its name. Subsequently to 1653 the name of Jonathan Reynolds appears but once in the Stamford Records: "Jan. 7, 1666, Wm. Grimes for swearing veanly by ye name of God it being fully proved by Mr. Jones and Jonathan Re- nolds and Jos. Knapp ye said Grimes is fined ten shillings and to pay all charges of his be- ing to Stamford which is four shillings to each man." This Grimes at that time was an "Inhabitant" of Greenwich, as were the wit- nesses. In the Greenwich Town Records is an ac- count of a town meeting held February 5, 1664, in which it was proposed to divide the ■"conmion lands by a rule of proportion accord- ing to what each man's estate shall be visable." The proprietors are given as follows : "Jeflfre Ferris Sense, Joshua Knapp Sense, Joseph Ferris, Jonathan Reynolds, .\ngell Heus- ted, John Mead Sense, John Hobbe." These were termed the "Seven Proprietors." (Sense is an abbreviation for Senior.) One of the earliest deeds recorded at Green- wich (p. 3. vol. A.) is a bill of sale bearing date December 13, 1665, from Richard V'owles of Rye to Jonathan f^onalds, of Green- wich, of "seven acres of upland more or lesse which lieth within the compass of ye land that was called ye ox pasture, situate in Green- wich, bounded as followeth, northerly by ye hye way, westerly by Grimes land and south- erly by Joseph Ferrises land, Easterly by a Swamp, also three acres of Maddow more or less liounded southwest by Jonathan Ronaldoes land. North east by Joseph Ferris, Westerly by Joshua Knapps' land and Eastardly by Jonathan Ronoldes upland also a sartaine par- soli of upland XXX also my whole rite and interest Elizabeth Neck also my whole inter- est in land unto Myanos River." .Xt the bot- tom of the page is the following: I, Jonathan Ronalds do by this firndy ahsigne and make over this within bill of sale unto my Brother John Ronalds freely oneing and ac- knowledging the whole rite and interest in ye aforsayd bill of sale to be his to wit my brother John Reynolds and for a witness of ye truth of ye same I have set to my hand according to date within written, Jonathan Ronalds. In presence of Joseph Mead. Timothy Knapp. This bill and deed entered in the year of our Lord 1682. Februari 27. In 1667 Jonathan Reynolds was made a member of the .Assembly for Greenwich, and on October 24th, 1669, he was made a free- man of Connecticut by the Assembly of Green- wich. On December 28th, 1669, Jonathan Rey- nolds, Sargent Lockwood, John Hobby, Joshua Knapp, John Mead, and Joseph Mead, were appointed to free the town of all claims by Daniel Patrick, the son of Daniel Patrick, formerly Patroon of the Manor, who now ap- peared laying claims to his fathers land. The committee for the settlers who held by squat- ter sovereignty bought him off by paying a horse, saddle and bridle and fifty pounds. He served on various important committees for tlie laying out of lands, for making survey of Horseneck to see if it be suitable for the settlement of a township," as surveyor of highways, etc., all of which appointments are recorded in the Common Place Book of Green- wich. The following is a last mention of Jonathan in the Greenwich Records : ".\t town meeting 13, 12th month, Joshua Knapp is chosen to be a townman in the room of Jonathan Reynolds." No other business was considered at this meeting. The last previous meeting was November 13, 1673. ^^ is there- fore probable that he died in November or December, 1673. Letters of administration on his estate now 1 828 HUDSON AND MOHAWK X'ALLEYS filed at Fairfield. Connecticut, January 23, 1673-74, speak of him as "lately deceased," and mention his children : Jonathan R., about 13 years: John R., about 11 years; Joseph R., about 4K' years: Rebecca R.. about 14 years; Sarah R., aged 8 last November 6th; Elizabeth R., aged 6 last August. Apportionment was by Angell Heusted and Jonathan Knapp. He left a "widow Renals" and a total estate of three hundred and fifty- eight pounds. Inventory taken March 10, 1673-74. Ebenezer, a posthumous child, was born in 1673. The apjiortionment was by Angell Heusted, and showed a total estate of three hundred and fifty-eight pounds. The will of Angell Heus- ted, also filed at Fairfield in 1706, mentions his "son-in-law Jonathan Renalds." It is possible that the "widow Renals" mentioned in the apportionment might have been a daughter of Heusted. While the above estate would not to-day be considered a large one, it was sufficient to place him second among the "Twenty-seven Proprietors of 1672," who purchased the Horseneck track, for at that time the rights in the distribution of land were based upon the wealth of the colonists. The following are the descendants of Jona- than Reynolds as far as they have been as- certained : unle:ss otherwise stated it may be assumed that they were all of Greenwich, Connecticut. We have no information concerning the eld- est child, Rebecca, excepting that she was born in 1659. 2. Jonathan — Jonathan — John. The second child, Jonathan, was horn in 1660, and married, Dec. 7th, 1682. Nevill Ridewere. The marriage is recorded in the Common Place P)Ook at Greenwich, as are the births of their children, i. e., I. Jonathan — Jonathan — Jonathan — John. Their eldest child was Jonathan, who was born in 1683, and who married, April 13, 1703, Rebecca Seaman, and had ist, Rebecca, b. I'"eb. 12, 1704, married, Jan. 29, 1727, Isaac Knapp; 2nd, Sarah, b. 1706, married, Feb. 7, 1744. P.cnjamin Holmes, and had Enoch Holmes; 3rd, Jonathan, b. Jan. 26, 1707-08; married. May 6, 1731, Elizabeth Briggs, dau, of Daniel I>riggs of Stamford, by whom he had: ist, Mercy, b. June 23. 1736: 2n(l, Dan- iel, b. Aug. 7. i'739:"3i'd. liannah. b. Jan. 21, 1742: 4th, Phillii5. b. Mch. 30. 1744; 5tii, Sam- uel, b. Mch. 29, 1747. Abigail, fourth child of Jonathan and Re- becca Seaman, was born about 1709, and mar- ried, July 17. 1731, John Martin and had John Martin, b. Dec. 24, 173 1, and possibly others. 2. John — Jonathan — Jonathan — John. John, the second child of Jonathan and his wife, Nevill Ridewere, was born about 1684, and m. Hannah Jessup, dau. of Edward Jessup of Stamford. His will, dated at North Castle, Westchester county, New York, June 14, 1764, proved in New York City, liber 246, p. 590, Oct. 25, 1764, mentions his wife Hannah and his children: ist, Margaret, m. Andrew Purdy. 2. Robert, of Bedford, N. Y., who, in his will, executed Apr. 8, 1808, proved at White Plains, April 10, 18 10, mentions his wife Ann, widow of John Kipp, his brother Sutton, and his children : 1. Elijah, of New Castle, whose will, exe- cuted Jan. 26, 1814, proved at White Plains, Nov. 1st that year, mentions his wife Abigail and his daughter Ann Maria, who died unm., and whose will is probated at White Plains, Apr. 9, 1829. 2. Elias, whose will, executed Oct. 7, 1814, probated at White Plains, Nov. ist, 1814, mentions no children. 3. Rebecca, of Bedford, who died unm., and whose will is probated at White Plains, Mch. 2nd, 1818. John, the third child of John Reynolds and Hannah Jessup, lived at North Castle, West- chester, and married .Ann Finch, who died in 1787, and had: ist, John, m. Rebecca Run- dell, in 1759, he was of North Castle, and she of Poundridge : she m. after his death Isaac Clark; they had: 1st, Jonathan, b. 1761, m. Sarah St. John, and d. at Bedford, N. Y.. in 1823 ; 2nd, Solomon, b. June 3rd,- 1763, m. Joanna Miller, and d. Jan. 23. 1848, at Elniira, X. Y., leaving ist, Isaac, b. Feb. 13, 1786, d. at F'lmira, 1864, and 2nd, Wright, b. Dec. loth, 1787, d. Mch. 14, 1855. Rebecca, third child of John and Rebecca Rundell, m. Timothy Newman, and moved to Rensselaer county, N. 'S'. : 4th, Robert, m. Lydia St. John; 5th, Jonah, m. 1st Polly Tilton, and 2nd widow ISetsy White; 6th, John, m. Esther , and d. 1809; 7th, Jesse, d. at I'otmdridge ; 8tli, Richard, who d. young. Ann, second child of John Reynolds and .Ann Finch, m. Stephen Edgett, and removed to Nine Partners, N. Y, ; 3rd, Sarah, m. John Knapp, and removed to Nine Partners, N. Y. ; 4, Polly, m. 1st Jehiel Davis, and 2nd David Cook and removed to Delaware county, N. Y. : 5. Edward, who m. Polly Chapman ; 6. Lizzie, m. John Ranks, and d. at North Castle. 7. Jessup, m. Millicent Green : 8. Han- nah, m. Jeremy Green and resided in West- chester county ; 9. Jerusha, m. Jonathan Finch, and lived in North Castle : 10. Jonah, m. Ireland; 11. Deborah, m. James Smith, moved to northwestern part of New York state. Nothing is known about Joseph, the fourth HUDSON AND .MOHAWK VALLEYS child oi John Reynolds and his wife Hannah Jessup. 5. Richeson had a son Richeson. 6. James. 7. Sutton, was of New Castle, Westchester county, N. V.. and his will, executed August 12, 1824, probated April 9, 1829, mentions his wife Anna and his children: i. Amy. 2. Sutton, who lived at Billings, in town of Beekman. Dutchess county, N. Y., and m. Phebe Seaman, and had Mary, who m. James Johnson. Sutton and his wife Anna also had : 3. 1 lannah. wife of Thomas Dodge. 4. Joseph. 5. Jonathan. 6. .Vndrew. .\uthing is known of .Andrew, the eighth child of John Reynolds and Hannah Jessup. 3. Nathan — Jonathan — Jonathan — John. Nathan, third child of Jonathan and his wife. Nevill Ridewere, was born about 1688, and d. in 1748, and m. Ruth Reynolds, and had Joim, b. Aug. 16, 1727. 4. Peter— Jonathan — Jonathan — John. 4. Peter, son of Jonathan and his wife Ne- vill Ridewere. was born about if>gi. We have no other information concerning him. 5. Josiah — Jonathan — Jonathan — John. 5. Josiah, b. Jan. 13, 1708, m. May i, 1735, Barbara Briggs, dau. of Daniel Briggs, and had: i. Elizabeth, b. Mch. 23, 1737. 2. Mar- tha, b. Dec. 29, 1739. 3. Sarah, b. May 21, 1742. 4. Barbara, b. Nov. 14, 1744. 5. Jo- siah. b. July 31. 1747. 6. Jonathan, b. ilay 6. 1750. 7. Obediah, b. Jan. 21. 1753. 8. Briggs, b. July 21, 1754. 3. John — Jonathan — John. John, third child of Jonathan, the eldest son of the emigrant John, was born in 1662, and married Ruth Knapp, b. 1667, dau. of Joshua Knapp; he d. in 1736, and his will executed Sept. 22, 1732, proved .■Xpr. 6, 1736, states that he leaves no issue, but leaves his property to his wife, Ruth. He describes him- self as "the present Deacon of West Society." Ruth, his widow, when the will was proved, describes herself as the wife of Ebenczer Mead. 4. Sarah, b. Nov. 5, 1665, m. Joseph Mead. 5. Elizabeth, b. .Aug.. 1667, m. Mch. 16, 1687. Joshua Knapp. 6. Joseph — Jonathan — John. 6. Joseph, b. in 1669, m. in 1698. Abigail Finch: d. in 1727. His wife Abigail was dau. of Joseph Finch, of Greenwich. She d. in 17 1 5. and he then m. .Abigail Rundell. On June 6, 1727, Andrew l'>urr, judge of the court of probate of the county of Fair- field, appointed the widow .Abigail and his eld- est .son, Joseph, as administrators of his estate. The widow. .Abigail Reynolds, joined the Second Society at Greenwich. December 16, 1728. and the church records show that Abigail Reynolds, wlio was probably identical with the above, was married at the church, Nov. 19, 1729. to John Benedict, of Norwalk. I . Joseph — Joseph — Jonathan — John. Joseph and his wife, Abigail F'inch, had: i. Joseph, b. at Greenwich. ]\Iay 15, 1699, m. Ruth Ferris, Mch. 5. 1721-22. They joined the church F^eb. 28, 1733. He had by her three children, and the others were by a second wife: he removed with his brother Nehemiah to Nine Partners, or North-east Patent, now Pine Plains, Dutchess county, N. Y., where he owned an immense tract of land. He had the following children: i. Ruth, b. Dec. 13, 1722. 2. Rosanna, b. Sept. 6, 1724. 3. Joseph, h. .Aug. 27, 1727. He was of Crum Elbow in 1748, and d. Nov. 12, 1799. He m. on Jan. 21, 1745. Ruth Rich, who d. Aug. 5, 1750; he m. at Bedford, N. ¥., for his second wife, Lydia Parker. Alay 12. 175 1 : she d. Marcli 28, 1789. Joseph and Ruth Rich had the following children : I. Joseph, b. July 23, 1746, ni. Lydia Jenks ; d. in 1799. 2. Ruth, b. Aug. 5, 1749; bpt. at .Vnienia, N. Y.. Oct. 25, 1752, and d. Aug. 5, 1776. Joseph had by Lydia Parker: 3. Lydia, b. Feb. 20, 1752. d. Sept. i, 1804; m. Joseph Jenks. 4. Israel, b. Dec. 25, 1753 ; bpt. at Amenia, N. Y., Mch. 17, 1754, lived at Peru, in northern N. Y.. and d. Nov. 22, 1812. He m., Alch. 5, 1778, Deborah Thacher, who was b. Apr. 9, 1760, and d. Jan. 26, 1813, and had the following children: i. Lucy, b. Jan. 6, 1779, d. Dec. 6, 1852; m. Simeon Frisbie, Apr. 10, 1796, and removed to Essex county, N. Y. and left issue. 2. Leonard, b. Jan. 9, 1781. 3. Solomon, b. Sept. 5, 1783. 4. Raymond, b. Feb. 18, 1786. 5. Josiah, b. Aug.' 10, 1788. 6. Irena, b. Sept. 2, 1790. 7. Harvey, b. .Aug. 26. 1793- 8. Seneca, b. Mch. 7, 1796, d. Apr. 14, 1872, removed from A'ermont to Michigan, and m. Ann , July 3rd, 1823 and had: i. George, b. Feb. 19, 1825, d. Dec. 30. 1891. 2. Pre.ston, b. :\Iay 5, 1828; d. Oct. i 1847. 3. Edmund, b. Mch. i8, 1831 ; d. Dec. 13. 1904. 4. -Myron, b. Aug. 12, 1839. Israel and his wife. Deborah Thacher, had also a ninth child, Israel, b. July 11. 1800, re- moved to Michigan. Joseph and his wife, Lydia Parker, had a fifth child, the Rev. Parker, b. Oct. 10. 1755, at Nine Partners, d. at Canton, N. Y., 1826, m. first Esther Dagett. and second Rhoda Carter and had : i. Lydia, b. July 6. 1778 ; m. Ethan Branch. 2. Esther, b. July 4, 1780, m. Benjamin Warren. 3. John Parker, b. Sept. 21. 1782, m. Rebecca Newell, and second Patience Wilson and had Laura Patience, b. Oct. 23. 1818, at Middletown, Ohio; m. An- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS drew Campbell. Ruth, fourth child of the Rev. Parker, was b. Mch. 7, 1785. 5. Cynthia, b. May 20, 1787. 6. Werden Peter, b. Feb. 6, 1789; m. I. Emme, dau. of Asa Reynolds; 2nd Beulah Wentworth ; 3rd Nancy Purdy. 7th Lynas, b. Nov. 3, 1790; m. Alice Baker. Nothing is known of Joanna, the sixth child of Joseph Reynolds and his wife, Lydia Parker. Asa, the seventh child', d. Aug. 8, 1729. All of the above seven children were born at Nine Partners, New York. Samuel, fourth child of Joseph, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonathan, the son of John the emigrant, was born Aug. 8, 1729. 5. Roo- lah, b. Nov. 8, 1731. 6. Israel Jacob, b. Jan. 16, 1734. 7. Reuhama, b. Feb. 2. 1735. 8. Ra- chel, b. Aug. 16. 1738. 9. Johanna, b. Dec. 21, 1740. 10. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 9. 1744; m. Calvin Averill. 11. Phebe, b. Feb. 25, 1749; m. John Howe. 2. Abigail — Joseph — Jonathan — John. Joseph had a second child, Abigail, b. Apr. 3, 1701 ; m. David Reynolds, son of John, the third child of John the emigrant. Their mar- riage occurred Nov. 24, 1720, and the issue will be found under the record of her husband. 3. Samuel — Joseph — Jonathan — John. Samuel, third child of Joseph, was born July 16, 1703; m. Jan. 26, 1727-28, Rebecca, dau. of Ephraim Palmer. He d. Mch. 6, 1727-28. and had Rebecca, b. Nov. 4, 1727; m. Joseph Palmer, Jr., of Crum Elbow, N. Y. 4. Benjamin — Joseph — Jonathan — John. 4. Benjamin, b. Mch. 26, 1705 ; d. in 1727. 5. John — Joseph — Jonathan — John. 5. John, b. May 23. 1708: m. Nov. 19, 1729, Ruth, dau. of John Reynolds, "The Cooper," the son of John, the son of John the emigrant and had: i. Ruth, b. Sept. 28, 1730. 2. John, b. Nov. 7, 1732. 6. Nehemiah — Joseph — Jonathan — John. Nehcmiah. si.xth child of Joseph, was b. Apr. 8, 1709, at Greenwich. In a deed of May 20, 1743, he described himself as being of Filkintown, Nine Partners. N. Y., and to- gether with Peter Palmer sold over 4,000 acres to Joseph Reynolds. He m. first Abigail, who, in the above deed, resigned her right of dowry, and second in 1743, at Nine Part- ners, N. Y., I\Iary . He had the fnllow- ing children: I. Nehemiah, who m. first, Mary Arm- strong, and had: i. Jacob, b. 1761 : d. 1831 ; lived at Chatham, N. Y. ; m. first, Sarah Hart, and had: i. Robert, b. 1798; hved at Austerlitz, Columbia county, N. Y., and m. Amelia Horton, and had: i. Lewis Hart. b. 1822. 2. Truman Horton, b. 1824. 3. Clar- issa, b. 1826; m. David E. Hawes. 4. Fidelia, b. 1828; m. Anson E. Barrett. 5. John Mofifitt, b. 1832 ; m. Lucy Rhodes. 6. Rhoda Elizabeth, b. 1834; m. James H. Milling. 7. Robert Edwin, b. 1837 ; m. Mary Reynolds. 8. Milton Duane, b. 1839 ; m. Ellen H. Smith. 9. Sam- uel Moore, b. 1842. Jacob and his wife, Sarah Hart, had: 2. Hiram, m. Rachel Westcott, and had: i. Hen- ry. 2. Hiram. 3. Betsy. 4. Frank. 5. Rob- ert. Jacob and Sarah Hart had also: 3. Salome. 4. Phebe. 5. Hart. Jacob, after the death of his wife, Sarah Hart, m. Mary Olds, and had by her: 6. Nehemiah. 7. Milton. 8. George. 9. Eliza- beth. ID. Serepata. 11. Leonard. 12. Sarah. 13. Mehitable. 14. Jacob Alonzo. Nehemiah had by his wife, Mary Arm- strong: 2. Benjamin. 3. Nehemiah. After the death of Mary Armstrong, Nehe- miah m. Anstres, and had by her: 4. David N., b. Oct. 3, 1785; d. 1867; m. 1807, Amy, dau. of Solomon Reynolds, and had : i. Edward W., b. at Chatham, Sept. 3, 1836; d. Jiuie 18, 1838. 2. Lewis, b. Oct. 21, 1809; d. Jan. 17, 1894; m. Ann Goodfellow, no issue. 3. Rachel. 4. Pamelia. 5. Abraham. 6. Ste- phen, b. Nov. 3, 1815; d. July 30, 1848; m. 1847, Sabrinia Van Alystyne, and had: i. Frederick; d. Apr. 17, 1893. 2. Stephen, b. Nov. 19, 1848: m. June 10, 1869, Ida Hatch, and second Feb. 27, 1883, Elizabeth Rey- nolds, dau. of Harvey. He had by his first wife: I. Frederick, b. June 19, 1876; lives at Ravville, N. V. 2. George N., b. Apr. 7, 1880. ' David N. and his wife, Amy, had : 7. Mal- vinia. 8th. Salomy. 9. Jane, who m. David Wickham. 10. Elizabeth, m. Eben Phelps. II. James, b. Mch. 17, 1831 ; m. at Niverville, N. Y., Julia Turner, in 1857. 12. Mary. Nehemiah and his wife, Anstres, had: 5. William, who m. Sarah Mosher, and had: 1, Martin, 2. Seneca, 3. John, who m. Char- ity Carnell, and had Martin, 4, Isaac, m. Mary Woodward, and had : Horace. 5, Jane. 6. Wm. Henry, m. Eliza Melius, Nehemiah had by his wife Anstres: 6. Andrew. 7. Abram. 8. Jane. 9. Mary. 10. Sarah. 11. Rachel. 12. Salome. 13. Amia. 14. Ruamia. Nehemiah, sixth child of Joseph, who was the sixth child of Jonathan, the second child of John the emigrant, had also: 2. Mary, who m. Solomon Finch, lived in Chatham, N. Y,, and had nine children, 3. David, son of the above named Nehemiah, born Nov. 24, 1745, removed to Chatham, N. Y. in 1764, and (1. 1820, in Chatham. He m. Lois Finch and had: T. Joel, m. Elizabeth Crandall, lived in Clarkvillc, Otsego co., N. Y. 2. Nehemiah, lived near Hallsville, Otsego co., N. Y. 3. IIUDSOX AM) MOHAWK \AL1.I-:V T831 Amos, 111. Patty Thompson, removed to Fond- dii-lac, Wis. 5. Titus, b. Dec. 10, 1770; lived in Chatham, N. Y., d. Alch. 30, i860; m. tirst EHzabeth Brown, in 1792; she was b. Oct. II, 1770; d. July 29, 1826: and second widow Margaret Brown Finch, her sister, b. 1770; d. i860, and had: ist. Wm. L., b. Aug. 22, 1794; d. Apr. 5, 1871 ; m. Matilda Hotch- kiss, and had: Eliza, b. Apr. 18, 1815. 2. Lydia, b. July 25, 1817. 3. George Mead, b. Nov. 9, 1820. Titus had by Elizabeth Brown: 2. Chloe, b. Nov. 8, 1798; m. Nicholas Wilbur. 3. Ira, b. Nov. 8, 1805 ; m. Elizabeth Burton. 4. Alan- son, b. Aug. 14, 1808; d. Sept. 23, 1878; m. first Caroline Ashley, second Patty Shumway Hunt, third Lydia Ray Gale, and had : I. Oliver, m. Gertrude Pierce, had an only son, Orlando. 2. Albert. 3. Smith, m. Julia Carpenter, lived in Stockbridge, Mass. Titus had also: 5. Alzena, b. May 29, 1814; d. Aug. 15, 1856. 6. Lavinia, b. Oct. 17, 1801 ; d. July 4, 1858. 7. Harvey, b. Jan. 29, 1820; d. Feb. 3, 1891, and had: i. Water- man, b. Jan. 9, 1844: d. June 7. 1883. 2. Wm. T., b. May 24, 1849; d. Oct. 5. 1855. 3. Elizabeth S., b. Sept. 18, 1854. David Reynolds and his wife Lois Finch had also : 5. Zaida, m. James Murphy. 6. Rebecca, m. Stephen Finch. 7. Lydia, m. Arnold Wooley. 8. Esther, m. Oliver Allen. 9. Solomon, b. Dec. 23, 1766; d. Aug. 21, 1850; m. Dec. 24, 1786, Deborah Brown, a sister of the wives of Titus Reynolds and had: i. David S.. b. Sept. 4, 1787; d. June 24, 1866; m., Apr. I, 1809, Sarah Gillette, and had: i. Harris, b. Mch. 18, 1810; d. at Battle Creek, Apr. 15, 1888. 2. Isiah, b. Oct. 2, 1813: d. at Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 12, 1889: m. first Mary Hicks, second Har- riet Marcv, and had:' i. Walter B., b. ATch. 4. 1837, at Nassau, N. Y.. d. Feb. 4, 1885, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. Phebe Crandall. 2. Joseph H., b. Nov. 15, 1846, at Nassau ; d. Feb. 25, 1848. 3. Bernard H., b. June 28, 185 1, at Nassau. 4. Sarah G., b. Veh. 10, 1848 ; ni. Sterling F. Havward, of Yonkers, N. Y. David and his wife. Sarah Gillette, had also : 3. Norman, b. Apr. i, 1816, at Westford, Otsego CO.. N. Y.. d. Oct. 2. 1888; ni. Clar- issa Chapman, and left no issue. 4. .\del- phius. b. May 30, 1812; d. Jan. 13, 1854; m. Lydia Bowman, who d. Jan. 13, 1859 ; no issue. 5. Claudius, b. June 30, 1827; d. at Chatham, Jan. 27. i860, and had: i. Clar- ence Eugene, b. July 30, 1856; resides at Battle Creek, Michigan. 6. Charlotte. 7. Or- pah, b. July 29, 1832. d. unm. Solomon and his wife Deborah I'.rown also had : 2. Titus S., b. at Chatham, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1790; d. Apr. II, 1862; m. Dec. 11, 1813, Hannah Brockway, of Columbia co., who was born Mch. 12, 1794; d. 1881, and had: 1. Horace, b. 1814. 2. Lester A., b. 1816, removed to Lucerne, Minn. 3. Sylvester, b. 1816; d. at Toch, Wis., Dec. 4, 1890. 4. Elias B., b. 1818; d. at Lyons, Wayne co., N. Y., May 24, 1880. 5. Mary Ann, b. 1820. 6. Warren, b. in Chatham, Col. co., Sept. 19, 1821; lived at Amenia, N. Y., and had: i. Alvah. of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 7. Deborah J., b. 1823. 8. Laura, b. 1824. 9. Isa?ic B., b. 1824. 10. Julianna, b. 1828. 11. Freeman, 1). Apr. 16, 1831 ; lives in .\lbany, X'ermont. 12. Ahda, b. 1833. Solomon Reynolds, ninth child of David Reynolds, had by his wife, Deborah Brown: 3. Joseph S., b. Feb. 12, 1794; d. Oct. 11, 1842; m. Delia Brown, and had:, i. Con- stance. 2. Catherine. 3. Deborah. 4. John. Solomon Reynolds also had. 4. James, b. July II, 1796; d. at Chatham, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1864, in. Sarah Irish. 5. Jonathan, b. Mch. I, 1799: d. ]\Iarch 22, 1858; m. Nancy Green, and had: i. Henry, d. at Rayville, 1893, who had: i. Lavinia, m. Rensselaer Palmer, and d. in 1894. 2. Maria, m. 1858, Emeritt Gillett, and resides at Rochester, Indiana ; Solomon also had: 6. Enos, b. May 18, 1807; d. Sept. 3. 1868: m. Caroline Bristol. 7. Eunice, b. Dec. 27, 1808: d. Feb. i, 1872; m. Abram Doughty, of Nassau, Rensselaer co., N. Y. 8. .\my. b. Dec, 16. 1791 : d. May 12, 1844; m. David M. Revnolds. 9. Annis. b. Mch. ist. 1809: (1. Tune' I, 1886. 10. Allen, b. Dec. 18, 1810: d. Oct. 20, 1835. David Reynolds, who was born Nov. 24, 1745, and who mar. Lois Finch, had also: 10. Mary, who m. Job Thompson. 11. Lois, who m. first Francis l'>arnard : lived at Clarks- ville, Otsego Co.. .\'. \'.. and second James Wilbur. Nehemiah, sixth child of Joseph, the .son of Jonathan, the son of John the emigrant, had in addition to I. Nehemiah: 2. Mary. 3. David, previously mentioned. 4. Rosanna, 1). 1750: d. June 8, 1833; m. Jabez Finch, and had nine children ; also 5. .Amos, b. June 10, 1759; m. Elizabeth Mosher, lived at Chatham. They settled at Galway, Saratoga co., N. Y., ami had: I. David, lived at Galway. 2. Sam- uel, lived in Saratoga co. 3. Judith, m. John Allen. 4. Phebe, no issue. He also liad : 6. .\bigail, b. Nov. 21. 1747; m. John Bishop, and lived at Granville, N. Y. 7. Anna. b. Oct. 30, 1754. m. Stephen Howland, lived at Galway, Saratoga co., N. Y. 8. Rebecca, m. Noah Ashley and had ten children. 7. Isaac — Joseph — Jonathan — Jolin. 1832 HUDSON AND MOHA\\K \" ALLEY Joseph had in addition to x. Joseph: 2. Abi.i,'ail. 3. Samuel. 4. Uenjaniin. 5. John, and 6. Xehemiah, whose dc-jondants have al- ready been given ; a seventh child, Isaac, b. June 15, 171 1, at Greenwich, and removed to Crum Elbow, N. Y. 8. Reuben — Joseph — Jonathan — John. He also had an eighth child, Reuben, b. Dec. 4, 1713, at Greenwich. He d. in 1765. He m. Mch. 19, 1734, Elizabeth Alead, who was b. Apr. 5, 1709. He left a will executed Aug. 1st, 1765, proved at Stamford, Oct. 31, 1765 ; his widow survived him. The following are his descendants: i. Reuben, b. Mch. 14, 1735; m. Hepzibah . and had: i. An- drew, b. Mch.. 1764, wl:o m. Sarah Cleveland and had the following children: i. Isaac. 2. Hosea. m. Elizabeth EuUer. 3. Henry. 4. Sally. 5. Andrew, b. Hepzibah. 7. Lucy. 8. -Amy. 9. Patty. 10. John. 11. Charles. 8. Reuben and his wife, Elizabeth Mead, liad also: 2. Titus, b. about 1736: lived at North Salem, Westchester co., N. Y., m. Sarah — — , who was b. in 1741, and d. 1833. He d. in 1808, and had: i. Benjamin, b. 1770; d. 1850: and had. i. Mary, b. 1812; d. 1876; m. Lobdell, and lived at North Salem, Westchester county, N. Y. 2. Samuel. lived at North Salem, Westchester co., N. Y., and had: i. Frank S. Reuben and his wife, Elizabeth, had also: 3. Moses, b. about 1739. 4. Elizabeth, b. about 1741 ; m. Chas. Howe. 5. Joel, b. 1743; re- moved to Albany county, N. Y. 6. Bethania, b. about 1745. 7. Jonah, b. about 1747, and : 8. David, b. June 6, 1753. He lived during the Revolution in We-stchester co., and Gen. Washington and Gen. Lafayette stayed in his house several times. His house was fired by the British on three occasions. He d. Aug. 30, 1827, at Scotchtown, Orange county, N. Y. He m. Margaret Crisey, July 12, 1787; she was b. Nov. 7. 1863. in Westchester, and d. Ai:g. 12, 1858, at Lake Sheldrake, Sullivan CO., N. Y., and had: i. Andrew Reynolds, b. May 26, 1792: d. May 11, 1876. He m. Oct. 20, 1813, Katrina Van licncheton, and had: i. James Yan Bcnchcton, b. Dec. 4. 1816; d. Sept. 13, 1867, at Fallsburg, Sullivan CO., N. Y. He m. Hannah Knapp, Oct. 25, 1840, and had: i. Elmer E., who m. Nannie E. Howe, and lives at Oneida, N. Y. Reuben and his wife, Elizabeth Mead, had, in addition to the above: 9. Mary, b. alx>ut 1752. 10. Hannah, b. about 1754, m. in 1786, Israel Wood, of South Salem, N. Y. 11. Martha, b. about 1757. 9. Elizabeth — Joseph — Jonathan — John. Joseph, sixth child of Jonathan, the second child of the emigrant John, had : 9. Eliza- beth, b. .Aug. I, 1717: ni. l-tichard Everitt, of .Xorwalk, Conn. ; they sold to Joseph Rey- nolds, her brother, Dec, 1742, their interest in the estate of her father, :\lr. Joseph Rey- nolds, and all claim on the estate of her "Un- cle Deacon John Reynolds, late of Greenwich, ileceased." 7. Ebenezer — Jonathan — John. rSesides the above mentioned children, Jona- than, the second child of the emigrant, had a posthumous child, b. 1673-74, who was his seventh child, named Ebenezer. He was pro- vided for by a gift of land from his brother, Jonathan, which is recorded on page 65 of \ol. Ill, of the Greenwich deeds. This Ebenezer, seventh child of Jonathan, the son of the emigrant John, was married to -Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer Smith, and d. in 1749. He had the following children: i. Deborah, b. Feb. 3. 1705, who m. Robert Peck. 2. Ebenezer, b. Mch. 6, 1707, who had : I. Ebenezer, b. Oct. 23, 173 1 : d. unm., in 1761. 3. Lydia, b. Mch. i, 1709-10. 4. Sarah, b. 171 1 ; m. Peter Peck. 5. Abigail, b. 1713: m. William Johnson. f). Nathaniel — Ebenezer — Jonathan — John. 6. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 27, 1715, m. Nov. 8, 1743, Sarah, dau. of Nathan Lockwood, and had: i. Nathaniel, b. Sept. 7, 1745, m. , Jan. 23, 1772, and 2. Apr. 2, 1878, to Deborah, dau. of Benjamin Heusted and Sarah Newman. He died June 6, 1822, and had by his first wife: i. Nathaniel, b. 1773. 2. Zadoc, b. 1775. 3. Rebecca, b. 1777; by his second wife he had : 4. Ard. b. Mch. 20, 1781 : m. Dec. 13, 1810, Anna Eliza Doell, who d. Feb. 25, 1858; he d. Apr. 26, 1857, and had: i. Elizabeth P. 2. Sally D. 3. lienjamin IL, d. voung. 4. Ann Eliza, d. unm. 5. John G., b. Mch. 25, 1821. 6. Harriet E. 7. Julia H., m. to Seneca T lowland. 8. Maria. Nathaniel had also by Deborah Heusted : 5. Harriet. 6. Benjamin. 7. Heusted. Nathaniel, who was b. Jan. 27, 1715, had by Sarah Lockwood, his wife: 2. Ezekicl, h. Oct. 13, 1747, d. Nov. 24. 1833, m. July 4, 1770, Mary, dau. of Captain Caleb Mead. 3. .\I)igail. b. Dec. 11, 1749, d. May 27. 1839, m. May 21, 1778. Nathaniel IngersoU. 4. ncnjamin. who was killed in the Revolution, iiuni. 5. Phebe, b. Apr. 26. 1757; d. unm., June 19, 1829. 6. lames, b. Afav 8, 1759; d. Mch. 2, 1833; m". Oct. 18, 1786: Abigail Knapp. who was born Oct. 4, 1755. They lived at .South Salem. N. Y. Their children were baptized in the Church of Christ, Salem, Westchester, N. Y. (see N. Y. Gen & Biog., \'ol. xxxiii. p. 38-39). I. Stephen, b. July 29, 4. 1856. 2. Ezekiel, b. Aug. 7, 17SS; ,1. Jan. 24. 1881; m. May 1776, HUDSON AND .MOHAWK VALLEYS '833 Phebe. tlau. of Ezekiel Reynolds ; she d. Sept. 21, 1855, and had: 1. Adehne, b. Oct. 20, 1 810 ; m. Erastus Riindle. 2. James, d. young. 3. \Vm. T., b. July 18. 1814; d. Jan. 11, 1881 ; ni., Feb. 23, 1836, jMary Ann Halsey. 4. Stephen, b. Dec. 22, 1815; d. unni., in 1841. 5. Elkanah M., b. Sept. 8, 1817: d. Jan. 16, 1892; m. Jan. 31, 1844, Sarah Sackett Wil- son, who d. Aug. 27, 1903. James and his wife, Abigail Knap]), had also : 3. "James, b. Sept. 27, 1789; lived at Somers, Westchester co. ; his will was probated at White Plains, May 28, 1855; he d. Apr. 29, 1855; and m., Sept. 17, 1820, Sarah . by whom he had: i. Wm. Edward. 2. Sarah Louisa. 3. James Richard. 4. Jane Matilda; m. Randolph. James and his wife, Abigail Knapp, had also : 4. Josiah, b. Feb. 19, 179 1 ; d. Nov. 24, 1874; m. Dec. 16, 1815. 5. Silas, b. Mch. 12, 1792; d. Mch. 23, 1878; m. Dec. 18, 1824. 6. Ebe- nezer, b. July 4, 1793 ; d. July 2nd, 1869 : m. Oct. 31, 1815. 7. Enoch, b. Dec. 19, 1794; d. Sept. 9, 1878; m. first, Dec. 15, 1819, .Maria Reynolds, dau. of Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel, son of James, son of John, .son of John the emigrant ; m., second, Sept. 11, 1848, Deborah .Ann Finch; by first wife he had: 1. Ann .\melia, b. Nov. 3, 1821. 2. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 2, 1822. T,. James, b. Nov. 8. 1825 ; d. July 18, 1891 ; m. Carrie Cole, Sept. 12, 1849. 4- Josiah, b. Oct. 6, 1827; d. Jan. 17, 1846. 5. Alvah, b. May 22, 183 1. 6. Hanford, b. Dec. 27. 1833. 7. Catherine, b. July 7, 1836. James, b. Alay 8, 1759, had by his wife, Abigail Knapp, in addition to the i . Ste])hcn : 2, Ezekiel. 3. James. 4. Josiah. 5. Silas. 6. Elienezer. 7. Enoch, enumerated above. 8. Abigail, b. Mch. 26, 1796; d. Oct. 28, 1858: m. Dec. 16, 1815. 9. Reuben, b. Oct. 10, 1797; d. Feb. 9, 1855; m. Oct. 9, 1823. 10. Rachel, b. Sept. 29, 1800: d. .Apr. i, 1879; m. .Aug. 31, 1826. II. Hanford, b., 1802; d. June 3, 1858: m. .Nov. 12, 1829. 12. Lock- wood, b. Oct. 14, 1804; d. Oct. 25. 188 1 ; m. Nov. 25. 1829. 13. Joseph, b. Aug. 26. 1807; d. June 8, 1874: m. Dec. i6, 1835. 14. Sarah, b. .Apr. 28, 18)39; d. Jan. 15, 1888; m. Nov. 7. 1827. 15. .Amanda, b. Feb. 11, i8ii; d. Mch. 30. 1861 : m. Nov. 11, 1828. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 27, 1715, had by his wife Sarah Lockwood, in addition to the children enumerated above: 7. Sarah, b. Feb. 8. 1762, d. -Aug. 31. 1849. m. Mch. 29, 1784. Smith. 8. Philemon, b. Feb. 21, 1764, d. July 28. 1835, m. first, Oct. 21, 1787, Hannah, dau. of Caleb Mead, who was born Jan. ft. 1756, d. Feb. 24. iSii, and second .'^arah Holmes, on I'"eb. 20, 1S14. by whom he had no issue. His will is recorded in White Plains, X. V. He had by Hannah .Mead: i. .Amy, b. Sept. 17, 1788, "m. Samuel I'.uddington. 2. .Arney, b. Sept. 22, 1790, m. Henry Close, Sept. 29, 1812, and d. .Apr. 9, 1870. 3. Hiram, b. Dec. 14, 179^. 4- Hannah AL, b. h^eb. 2, 1795, m. .Amos Searles. 5. Theresa AL, b. Oct' 10, 1797, m. George Miller, fi. Warren, b. I-eb. 18, 1800. 7. Rachel, b. June 11, 1802, m. James Scoffield. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 2-. 1715. by his wife Sarah Lockwood, in addition to the above: 9. Ebenezer, d. unm. 10. Deborah, b. Alay 13. 1766. m. L'riah Lockwood. 11. Lockwood, 1). .Mch. 20, 1768, d. June 7, 1827. Ebenezer, seventh child of Jonathan, the second child of John the emigrant, had in ad- dition to the children enumerated above: 7. Enos, b. about 17 17. 8. Timothy, b. about 1 7 19, d. 1 78 1, served in the French and Indian war : his widow, Anna, survived him and was appointed administratrix of his children, all infants: i. Jeremiah. 2. George. 3. Asa. 4. .Abel. 5. Jared, d. 1822, without issue. 6. Timothy, d. 1816, had: i. Samuel H. 7. Elijah. 8. Abigail. 9. .Anna. Ebenezer, the posthumous son of Jonathan, the second son of John the emigrant, had also: Q. Rebecca, who m. Samuel Bursham. 10. Eliphalet, b. about 1722. settled at Nine Part- ners, Dutchess CO., N. Y. The above dates, which have been obtained from the original records, do not agree as far as the day of the month is concerned with the genealogy of the children of Ebenezer. which dates are probably the dates of baptism. The above completes the"" descendants of Jonathan, the second child of the emigrant John, as far as they have been ascertained. JOHN REYNOLDS. (SECOND) .SON OF JOHN THE EMIGRANT. The first entry on the first page of the first book of deeds in Greenwich, February i, 1663, records the purchase from Angell Heusted of sixteen acres of land on the west side of the Myanos river, by John Ronalds, of Green- wich. This purchase was augmented by five pieces of land which Jonathan Ronalds had purchased of Richard \'owles, December 15, 1665, and transferred on the same day to his "brother John Ronalds." On October 24, 1669, John was made free- man of Greenwich. On July 18, 1670, William Grimes left all his "lands to ye disposal of Joseph Mead, John Renals and Eliphalet Jones to be dis- |)osed of by tlicni in such a waye as they shall judge meet for ye inlarging of ye town 1 834 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS of Greenwich by accomodating such inhabitant or inhabitants as shall be admitted into ye town in an orderly way, provided they bee such men as ye afore sd Mead, Renols & Jones shall bee desirable for ye promoting of church & commonwealth." This William Grimes had on January 7, 1666, been fined for swearing and Jonathan Renolds had gone from Green- wich to Stamford to appear against him. It was not until March 7, 1694, that it was de- cided to dispose of the land "for ye use of a ministrie and if no ministrie be in ye place ye profit of sd land and meadow shall go to helpe maintain such as shall be employed in teaching children to reade." In 1669 John was appointed one of a com- mittee of five to purchase from the few re- maining Indians living about the west end of the town, the Horseneck tract three miles to the west of "Old Greenwich," from which it was separated by the Myanos river. The original settlers remained for the most part in the homelots at Old Greenwich and Horse- neck, now Greenwich, was largely settled by their children, who styled themselves as the " 27 Proprietors of 1672. " Among these Jonathan Reynolds ranked second and his brother John was the twenty-second among the proprietors. By the Greenwich inventory of 1688 it ap- pears that the number of "Inhabitants" had increased to fifty, among whom was John Reynolds, who was the wealthiest man. It would appear that his homelot adjoined the Church of the Second Society, for on Novem- ber 28, 1694, he was appointed "to supervise the building of a meeting house which is next his own house." His name constantly appears in the Greenwich Records up to the time of his death. John was appointed justice of the peace for Fairfield county, February 24, 1687, and King's Commissioner, 1690-97. His will, recorded in Fairfield, Connecticut, dated April 21, 1699, and a codicil dated No- vember 8, 1701, mentions his wife. Judah, and children John, Judah (or Judith), James, Mary, Jonathan, Joshua and David. At the time of his death in 1701 he was the wealthiest "Inhabitant" of Greenw^ich. The widow was appointed administratrix and the inventory was taken prior to December 17, 1701, when it was filed. The three distributors were all of Stamford. Joshua, the son of the deceased, chose his brother, John Reynolds, as guardian, while David chose Joseph Knapp as guardian. To James was given land next to Gearsham Lockwood. Joshua received land next to Jno. Heusted, and David land next to Joseph Fer- ris and Ephraim Palmer. The widow, his son John, and son-in-law Samuel Betts, were ap- pointed overseers. The daughter, Mary, had already received her portion. The town tax list of Greenwich in 1701-02 contains the following of the name: Mr. John Renalls, 93 pounds; Sargent Jona- than Renalls. 22 pounds; Joseph, Jr., 5^ pounds: Jonathan. Jr.. 27 pounds; John, Jr., 72 pounds; Ebenezer, 44 pounds; James, 46 pounds; John. Sr., 71 pounds. On February 4, 1701-02, the town made another distribution of land ; eighteen acres were allotted to "Mr. Renalds deceased."" He was the largest landholder in Greenwich at the time of his death, and this land was dis- tributed among his sons, who, in 1706, .sold to one another the various portions which their "honored father, Mr. John Renals de- ceased" had obtained from the many distribu- tions of town land, with the evident intention of concentrating their individual holdings. Judah, the wife of John, was probably the daughter of John Palmer, one of the early settlers of Greenwich. In the settlement of his estate recorded at Fairfield, Connecticut, the heirs of Judah Reynolds appear with Wil- liam, Ephraim, James and Joseph Palmer. John Palmer is stated to have "died many years ago." This bears the entry "due .August, 1716," an addition was made to the inventory on April 17, 1778. Her mother's name was Judah, who w-as married after the death of John Palmer to JefTery Ferris, one of the two purchasers of Greenwich Point, July 18, 1640, w-hose will, executed January 6, 1664, recorded in Fair- field, mentions his wife, "Judy," who was his third wife. She receipted for her dower May 6, 1667, as "Judah Bowers, lately widow Ferris, sometime wife to JefTery Ferris." Ferris left ten pounds apiece to the four "boies" of his wife, evidently the William, Ephraim, James and Joseph Palmer above mentioned. This is still further confirmed by the will of Ephraim^Palmer above mentioned, who died .August 19, 1684, and whose will is filed at Fairfield in book 1675-1689, page 140. The inventory was taken by John Reynolds : John Bowers was the administrator, and mentions his daughter Judith, aged 11 years. If the above relationship is correct, John Reynolds would have been the brother-in-law of Eph- raim Palmer, John Bowers would have been his stepfather, and his daughter, Judith, born in 1673, would have been named for his sister Judith, w-ife <>i John Reynolds, or for his mother. The will of John Bowers, of Greenwich, drawn March 16, 1693-94, gives property "that was her mother's to his daughter-in-law, HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS ■835 Mrs. Jiulah Reynold?," and again speaks of his "daughter Juda Reynolds and son Mr. John Ronalds." In Colonial times the stepchildren were re- ceived into the family and referred to as sons and daughters, thus in a deed dated April 8, 1675, and recorded at Greenwich in Vol. A., p. 64, John Bowers gives land bounded by that of John Renalds to his son "Rpbraini Palmer." Judah, the wife of "Mr. John Ronalds," had her first child as early as 1670. As Su- sanna Lockwood, the second wife of Jeffery Ferris, did not die until Deceinber 23, 1660, she could not have been a daughter of Jeffery Ferris by his third marriage. Since Jeffery Ferris did not die until May 31, 1666, it is still less possible that she could have been a daughter of John Bowers. We are forced, therefore, to conclude that Judah Reynolds was the daughter of Judah by a marriage pre- vious to that to Jeffery Ferris, and the Palmer records above quoted make us consider the conclusion warranted that her father was John Palmer. John Bowers married, after the death of Judah, Hannah Knapp. widow of Joshua Knapp, the parents of Ruth, born 1667, who married John Reynolds, son of Jonathan, and of Joseph Knapp, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Reynolds. John Reynolds and his wife, Judah Palmer, had the following children : I. John, born about 1670. 2. Judith, born about 1672. 3. James, born 1674. 4. Mary. 5. Jonathan, 1682. 6. Joshua, born about 1686. and 7. David, bom about 1689. I. John — John — John. T. John was known as "The Cooper," and was born about 1670. He received from his father in 1695 his house and homelot at Horseneck. He died in December, 1732, and left a will in which he appointed his brother James and his son-in-law-, Samuel Mills, as his executors. He left the following children : I. Peter, born about 1695. 2. Judith, b. about 1697. 3. David, b. about 1699. 4. Lydia and 5. Ruth". I. Peter — John — John — John. 1. Peter, the eldest son, was b. about 1695, and i\. in 1743. He m., Jan. 14, 1718, Sarah Knapp, who survived him. Their children were the following: i. Peter, b. Dec. 14, 1719. 2. Sarah, b. Aug. 19. 1721. 3. Han- nah, b. Sept. 6, 1723. 4. John, b. Aug. 16, 1725. 5. Lydia. b. Mch. 6. 1727, who m. a Ferris. 6. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1729. 7. Judith, b. July 29, 1732. 2. Judith — John — John — John. 2. Judith, the second child of John, "The Cooper," was b. alx)ut 1697, and m. Samuel Mills. 3. David — John — John — John. 3. David was b. about 1699, ^n<^' <^'- •" ^75^- Letters of administration recorded at White Plains, June 3, 175 1. He m. Lydia, a dau. of Caleb Knapp. lie had three children who are known: 1. David, who was born about 1730. 2. Penelope, who was b. about 1732. 3. James Reynolds, b. 1738, m. Judith , b. 1743. He lived in New Rochelle, and was elected constable and collector, Dec. 22, 1783. They had: i. David, b. 1761. 2. Mary, b. ^7^3- 3- Samuel, born 1766. 4. Penelope, b. 1769. 5. Peter, b. 1772. 6. Joshua, b. 1775. 7. Enos, b. 1778. 8. Nathan, b. 1785. 9. Elizabeth, b. 1786. 7. Enos, b. 1778; married Hannah Love, and had: i. Mary, b. 1801, m. Job Tripp. 2. James, b. 1803, m. Harriet Boyden. 3. So- phia, b. 1804. 4. Sidney, b. 1806, m. Juliana Brewster. 5. Ira, b. 1807. 6. Francis, b. 181 1. 7. Eliza, b. 1813. 8. Vincent, b. 1815. 9. Milton, b. 1817. ID. Lawson, b. 1820. Nothing is know^n of the descendants of 4. Lydia, the fourth child of John, "The Cooper," but 5. Ruth, the fifth child, who was born in 1702, m. Nov. 19, 1729, John Reynolds, the son of Joseph, who was the son of Jonathan, the son of the emigrant John, and had: I. Ruth. b. Sept. 28, 1730, and 2. John, b. Nov. 7, 1732. 2. Judith — John — John. Judith was born about 1672, and married Samuel Betts, of Norwalk, Dec. loth, 1692, and had the following children: i. Mary, b. Sept. 10, 1693. 2. Samuel, b. Oct. 28, 1695. 3. Stephen, b. Aug. i, i6()8. 4. Nathan, b. Nov. 5. 1700. 5. Hepzibah, b. Oct. 29, 1703. 6. Judith, b. Oct. 25, 1714. The descendants of James, the son of John, are given hereinafter. Nothing is known of the descendants of Mary, the fourth child. 5. Jonathan — John — John. The fifth child, Jonathan, b. about 1682, was made an inhabitant of Greenwich, May 3, 1704, and d. in 1708. He m. Mary Mead, of Greenwich, and had one child, Hezekiah, who was born about 1707, and d. in 1756, and m. in 1734, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Webb, and had the following children: i. Hezekiah, b. May 22. 1738. 2. Jonathan, b. Feb. 28, 1739-40. 3. Joseph, b. Nov. 19, 1741. 4. David, b. Mch. '25. 1743-44. 5. Israel, b. May 11, 1746. 6. Sarah, b. Oct. 4, 1749. 6. Joshua — John — John. Joshua was born about 1686, and was a member of the Connecticut -legislature. He left the following children: i. John, b. about i836 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS 1/12. 2. Daniel, b. about 1714. 3. Caleb, b. about 1717, and 4. ^lary, b. Apr. 28, 1723. I. John — Joshua — John — John. I. John (b. about 1712), m. Feb. 16, 1740, Johannah Winans, by whom he had : i. Eliza- beth, b. Apr. 5, 1742. 2. Joshua, b. Nov. 30, 1743. 3. Sarah, b. Apr. 15, 1746. 4. Geradus, b. Oct. 17, 1748. 5. John, b. Oct. 29, 1750. 6. Joanna, b. Dec. 11, 1753. 7. Jacob, b. May 23, 1756, and 8. Alpheius, b. May 11, 1760. The seventh child, Jacob, was born May 23, 1756, and removed to Westerlo, Albany co., N. Y., where he organized a church in 1804. He died in 1828, and had by his wife, Martha Winans: i. Alphius. 2. James. 3. John. 4. Ira. The latter was b. in 1794, and d. in 1844, and in 18 14, m. Maria Snyder Westerlo, by whom he had: Jacob Ira, b. in 1815, d. 1870, who m. in 1840, Amelia Disbrow, of Westerlo, by whom he had David H., the father of Hoffman Kissam Reynolds, of New York City. 2. Daniel — Joshua — John — John. Daniel, the second son of Joshua, was b. about 17 14, at Greenwich, and removed to Courtlandt Manor, Westchester, N. Y. He died in 1803 and had: i. Samuel, whose de- scendants are unknown. 2. Daniel, who was b. Nov. 9, 1768, d. June 2, 1831, and was buried at Old Greenwich, Conn.; he m. Oct. 3, 1790, Sarah Heusted, who was b. Apr. 13, 1766, and d. Nov. 3, 1848. They had: i. John H., b. July 23, 1791, at Greenwich, and removed to Courtlandt Manor. 2. Shubal. 3. Isaac. 4. Hannah, and 5. Anna. 3. Caleb — Joshua — John — John. Caleb, the third son of Joshua, was b. about 1717. and d. in 1765, leaving a son: 1. Caleb, who was b. about 1739, and was m. to Hannah Brown, a granddaughter of James Winans. He removed to Pine Plains, Dutch- ess CO., N. Y.. where he had: i. Abraham. 2. David. 3. Daniel. 4. Nathaniel. 5. Isaac. 6. John. 7. Caleb. 8. Anna. 9. Rhuama. 10. Phebe. and 11. Clara. Caleb, the son of Joshua, had besides the above: 2. Anna, b. about 1741. 3. Mercy, b. alx>ut 1743, who m. a Carjjenter. 4. Joseph, b. about 1745. 5. Eunice, b. about 1747. 6. David, b. about 1749, d. unm. in 1770. 7. Mary, b. about 1755, and d. young. Nothing is known concerning the fcnuth child of Joshua, i. e., Mary, excepting that her birth is given in the Greenwich records as .\pril 8, 1723. 7. David — John — John. Tlie seventh child of John, the son of the emigrant John, was David, born about 1689. In October, 172a he was appointed ensign of the Company, and in May, 1729, was created a lieutenant of the Connecticut Regu- lars. He died in 1749. He m., Nov. 24, 1720, at the Second Society of Greenwich, Abigail, daughter of Joseph Reynolds, who was the son of Jonathan, the son of John the emigrant. His widow survived him, and was granted per- mission by the General Assembly, held in Hartford. May ist, 1751, to sell enough of his land to pay 598 pounds, which was the amount of his debts. The tax books of Greenwich show that his estate for the times was a very large one. He had the following children: I. David, b. Sept. 19, 1722, d. unm., Oct. 12, 1745. 2. Abigail, b. Mch. 9, 1724, m. Mch. 26, 1756, \Villiam Blake. 3. Jemima, b. July 27, 1726. m. James i\Iead. 4. Benjamin, b. Nov. 27, 1728, d. before 1753, m. Susanna ; no issue. 5. Abraham, b. Sept. 19, 1731. 6. Elizabeth, b. Oct. i, 1733. 7. Deborah, b. Feb. 24, 1734-5, removed to Xorwalk. Con- necticut, prior to 1758, and probably married a Reynolds. 8. Sarah, b. Aug. 7, 1740, m. Jonas Weed, of Stamford, Connecticut. James— John — John. 3. James Reynolds, son of Jnhn and his wife Judah, was born in Greenwich, in 1674, and on May 10, 1697, together with several others of "ye young men belonging to the towne," received an allotment of a homelot at Horseneck (three acres at Horseneck and ten between the Two Brothers' Brooks). Up to 1703 all town meetings had been held at Greenwich Old Towne, but in that year it was determined to hold half of them at Horse- neck, which was rapidly outgrowing in im- portance the older settlement, and James was one of those who signed the petition to the (General Assembly. In 1705 the town was divided into two societies, and he was ap- pointed selectman (Dec. 31, 1705) to the Sec- ond Societv on "ye West sd. of Mvanos River." In the Common Place liook at Greenwich is the entry: "Nov. i, 1706. Recorded unto James Renals his ear mark which is a cross upon ye top ye neer ear and two half pennies under ye side of ye same ear." James was elected lieutenant of the train band. May 14, 17 19, and captain May 9, 1728. 1 Ic was the dcjiuty from Greenwich to the (k-neral Assembly, 1721-24, and 1727-38, and justice of the ])cace of Fairfield county, 1735- 1741. Beginning with 1723 he was for many years the moderator of the Second Society. The last record of him in the books of the Society is dated December 7, 1750. That James Reynolds was a very large land holder is made apparent from the many deeds recorded in Greenwich. .\s early as April 21, 1706, he obtained by grant of the town eight HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS 1837 acres at Clap-board-tree-ridge, a hill lying about a mile and a half back of Greenwich. This was increased by purcliase from his brother John, December 2. 1712, and other grants November, 1707 and 171 2, until he owned a large tract. On March 14, 1710, he sold to Edward Avery "a piece of ground in Horscneck, my homelot of 14 acres with present dwelling, house barn and orchard bounded on the east by a highway, southerly and westerly by ye highway and northerly by ye land of Kbenczer Mead and common land." There was recorded at Wliiic Plains, De- cember 13, 1745, the deed from James Rey- nolds anelle. 3. Cornelius A. Pugsley, b. 1806, d. Jan. 7, 1865, at Danby, N. Y., m. Louisa Clark, of Danby, N. Y., and had: i. Abraham Bockie Pugsley, b. 1854, m. Blakesley, lives near Ithaca, N. Y., 2. Cornelia Pugsley, m. Oscar Jennings, of Danby, N. Y., and had three children, 3. Mary Pugsley, m. William R. Humphrey, of Ithaca, N. Y. Stephen and his wife Rachel Denton also had: 6. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1785, d. at Pine Plains, Apr. 10, 1844, "nm., 7. Rachel, b. Oct. 14, 1785, d. at Pine Plains, Mch. 24, 1861, 8. Samantha, b. May 27, 1768, d. at Amenia City, Sept. 27, 1822, unm. Stephen — Stephen— Nathaniel — James — John — John. I. Stephen Reynolds, M.D., son of Stephen Reynolds and Rachel Denton, was born in Amenia, Dutchess coimty, N. Y., September I, 1765 (o. .s.), July 31, 1765 (n. s.). His class poem written in his freshman year, which is still in existence, is evidence that he went to college, but to which one is unknown. He died in .Amsterdam, N. Y., July 8th, 1833, while visiting his nephew, Deodatus Wright, and was buried there. He studied medicine with James Potter, M. D., at New Fairfield, Connecticut, 1784; removed to Minaville, town of Florida, Mont- gomery rountv, N. Y., in 1785. and practiced there until May, 1832, when he removed to Schcni'clady. X. ^■., liaving inirchascd No. 25 1842 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS No. Church street, the next building north of the Dutcli Church. He was a celebrated Latin scholar and something of a poet. He was the founder and president of the Wash- ington Benevolent Society, and going to Phil- adelphia he commissioned Sir Gilbert Stewart to paint a replica of his portrait of Washing- ton, which he presented to the Society. When the Society was disbanded the portrait was returned to him, and it is now in the posses- sion of his great-granddaughter, ,Mrs. Frank P. Wilder, of Saratoga (Josephine \'oorhees). He was the president of the Montgomery Medical Society, which issued certificates en- titling its members to practice medicine, and was one of the first in this portion of the coun- try to hold clinics. Portraits of Stephen and his wife Lydia Bartlett, painted by Ames, about 181 2, are in possession of their granddaughter, the widow of Rev. William C. Hopkins, of Toledo, Ohio. He married, at Warrensburgh, Florida, Montgomery county, N. Y., October 29, 1787, Lydia Bartlett, who was born at Lebanon, Connecticut, August 27, 1770, and died at Amsterdam, N. Y., August 27, 1843. Her father was Nathaniel Bartlett, born at Goshen, Conn., November 23, 1727; removed to Flor- ida, N. Y., in 1785, then to Charlton, Sara- toga county, N. Y., died there, and was the son of Capt. Josiah Bartlett (born Marshfield, May 24, 1701, removed to Lebanon, Conn., died March 16, 1782), who married at Marsh- field, Jan. 3, 1723, Mercy Chandler, born in 1705; died Feb. 17, 1781 ; she was the daugh- ter of Edmund Chandler, of Duxbury, b. 1680, d. 1721, and Elizabeth Aldcn, b. 1680. d. 1732. Edmund Chandler was the son of Joseph Chandler, died 1666, and Hannah, and grandson of Edmund Chandler. Elizabeth Alden was daughter of Jonathan Alden, and granddaughter of John Alden, b. 1599, May- flower, 1620, d. Sept. 12, 1686, m. Priscilla Mullins, b. 1602, Mayflower, 1620. Josiah was the son of Ichabod Bartlett. born 1664, married Dec. 28, 1699, Elizabeth Water- man (1679- 1 708), died Plymouth, 171 5. Eliza- beth Waterman was the daughter of Joseph Waterman, b. 1643, '^- Jan- i. 1712, m. 1672. Sarah Snow (b. 1650, d. Dec. 11, 1741). and granddaughter of Robert Waterman, m. Dec. II, 1638, Elizabeth Bourne, daughter of Thomas Bourne, b. 1581, d. May 4, 1634. Ichabod was the son of Benjamin Bartlett, born 1638, married Sarah Brewster, 1656, died 1691. She was daughter of Love Brewster, b. 1607. d. 1650, ATayflower, 1620, m. Mch. 15, 1634, Sarah Collier. He was the son of El- der William Brewster, b. 1560, Mayflower, J ^120, d. .Apr. 16. 1644. Benjamin was the son of Robert Bartlett. born in England, in 1603, came to Plymouth in ship "Ann" in 1623, and died in 1672, who married Mercy Warren, daughter of Richard Warren, who came in the Mayflower, and whose wife was Elizabeth Jouatt, b. 1588, d. Oct. 2, 1673. Lydia Bartlett's mother was Mercy Otis, born in Colchester, Conn., July 3, 1734; mar- ried, Dec. 14, 1752, Nathaniel Bartlett, and was the daughter of Nathaniel Otis (born in Scituate, Jan. 30, 1690, died in 1772), who married Hannah Thacher (born Oct. 9, 1690. died Colchester, 1776), daughter of Col. John Tiiacher (born Marshfield, Mass., Mch. 17, 1639, at Marblehead, Rep. 1668-1680, d. May 8, 1710, and Lydia Gorham, his wife, b. Nov. II, 1661, at Barnstable, Mass., who was a daughter of John Gorham, b. at Bernesfield. Northampton, England, Jan. 28, 1621, settled at Marshfield, Mass., later of Barnstable, cap- tured in King Phillip's war, died Feb. 5, 1776, and of Desire Howland, his wife. m. 1643, d. Oct. 13, 1683, who was the daughter of John Howland, b. 1592, Mayflower, 1620, d. Feb. -3- 1673, and Elizabeth Tilley, b. 1607, May- flower, 1620, d. Dec. 21, 1687. John Gorham was the son of Ralph Gor- man, who settled in Duxbury, 1637. Col. John Thacher was son of Rev. An- thony Thacher, b. 1587, at Salisbury, England, removed to Holland, removerl to Boston, June 3- 1635. r.emoved to Yarmouth ifi43, and died there Aug. 22, 1667. He married, 1635, in England, Elizabeth Jones. Children of Stephen and Lydia Bart- lett : I. Marcus Tnllius, b. in Minaville, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1788, died in Albany, N. Y., July II, 1864, married first, Cynthia Herrick, mar- ried second, Albany, May 6, 1823, Elizabeth .\nn Dexter (see hereinafter). 2. Betsy, b. Dec. 9, 1790; d. in Amsterdam, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1858. and buried there, married, Amsterdam. Apr. 24, 181 1, Dr. Samuel Voorhees (Van Vorhees) of that city, b. Nov. i, 1787, gradu- ate of Union, 181 1. He studied medicine with Stephen Reynolds, died .-Xmsterdam, 1870, and had: i. Marcus Tullius, b. May 19. 1812, d. in Puebla, Mexico, Dec. 13, 1844, and liuried there. 2. James Leslie Voorhees, b. July 22, 1815, Union College, 1835, d. unm. at .Am- sterdam, N. Y., 1891. 3. Stephen Reynolds \'oorhees, b. in Amsterdam, July 13, 1S18, died there Nov. 15, 1901. 4. George Max- well A'oorhees, b. in Amsterdam, March 16. 1826, died there, Sept. 14, 1909; m. in North- ampton, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1852, Hannah .Mex- andcr Slocum, b. in Pawling, N. Y., June 5, 1832, died Apr. 3, 187 1, three children. No descendants. (See Voorhees family.) IIUDSOX AND MOHAWK XWLLEYS 1843 Stephen and his wife Lydia Bartlett also had : 3. Marcia Pliebe, b. Apr. 7, 1794, died in Auro^^, 111., Sept. 11, 1856, m. Aug. i, 1825, Alexander Cruikshank Gibson, b. in Hebron, N. Y., Mch. 6, 1794, mayor of Schen- ectady, N. v., for many years, died in Au- rora, 111., Aug. 14, 1874, and had: i. David Gibson, b. May 27, 1826, d. Aurora, 111., June 4, 1887, m. at Fairfax, Iowa. Dec. 27, 1877, Laura P.. Hedges (b. at Elmira. X. Y., Oct. 4, 1834), and had one child. 2. Charles James Gibson, b. Oct. 2, 1827, Union College, 1846, d. in Aurora, 111., Apr. 14, 1852. 3. Frank- lin Gibson, b. Mch. 7, 1830, d. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Feb. 20. 1892 ; m. Mariaville, N. Y., Alch. 26. 1857, .\nn Marilla Marsh, no children. 4. Julia, b. .Aug. 19, 1832, m. Aurora, 111., Jan. 2, 1877. Rev. William C. Hopkins, and had: I. Frank Gibson Hopkins, b. Feb. 25, 1879, at Champaign, 111, Marcus Tullius — Stephen — Stephen — Nathaniel — James — John — John. I. Marcus Tullius. son of Dr. Stephen Rey- nolds and Lydia Bartlett, was born in Mina- ville, Florida township, Montgomery county, N. Y., December 29, 1788; died at his resi- dence. No. 25 No. Pearl street, Albany, N. Y,, July II, 1864, and was buried in the Albany Rural Cemetery. When he was ten years of age he was sent to the high school at Canajoharie, N. Y., where he remained three years, and on leaving there he entered a collegiate school at Utica, where he was fitted for college. In 1805 he entered Union College, and was graduated, ranking second in the class of 1808. He was an excellent classical student, and also en- joyed the study of philosophy. He began the study of law in the office of Matthias B. Hil- dreth, of Johnstown, Fulton county. New York, who was many years the attorney gen- eral of New York state. He was admitted to the bar February 14, 181 1, and early evinced those talents which enabled him to advance rapidly. He practiced at Johnstow-n for sev- enteen years, where he was compelled to con- tend with the talented lawyer, David Cady. In May, 1828, he removed to Albany, N. Y., where he passed the remainder of his life. "From the year 1837 down to the adoption of the Code of Procedure, Marcus T. Rey- nolds, Samuel Stevens and Nicholas Hill were regarded impartially as the three most prom- inent lawyers in New York state. It was said that a reference to the reports of cases argued in the appellate courts of the state from 1817 to 1853, when he retired, will show that Marcus T. Reynolds was counsel in more cases adjudicated in the supreme court and the court for the correction of errors than al- most any other lawyer of this state. During a period of twenty-six years he was second to none as a barrister, and the story of his career during that time is the history of the supreme court, court of correction of errors and the court of appeals, "He had the faculty of passing from grave to gay, from lively to severe, with surprising facility. He carried his cases by being thor- oughly imbued with them himself, and then, by a clear and well defined statement to the court and jury, imparting the impression that he had no doubt of the right of his case. Be- fore a jury he had a sort of magnetic power, by which he photographed his own ideas and reasons upon the minds of the jury." (See Proctor's "Bench and Bar," and "Proceed- ings of the Albany Bar on the Death of Mar- cus T. Revnolds," Albany Evening Journal, July 15, 1864, He was confirmed by the senate as justice of supreme court, July 7, 1849, and was also elected congressman. Within a year or two of the operation of the first passenger railway train, in 1831, he became concerned in the organization of steam roads, and when on May 5, 1836, several small lines consolidated as the Albany & West Stockbridge railroad, the last line to the west of what later be- came the Boston & Albany road, he was elected president of the new company. He was also chosen president of the Utica & Schenectady railroad, later merged into the New York Central lines, and was president of the .Albany & Northern railroad. He was a director of the .-Mbany Insurance Company from 1835 to 1863 : a director of the New York State Bank from June, 1840, to July, 1861 : a founder of the Albany Hospital, or- ganized in 1849; a founder and trustee of the Albany Orphan Asylum, organized May 19, 1830; an organizer and fourth largest con- tributor to the Albany Rural Cemetery, and one of the largest contributors to the found- ing of the Dudley Observatory in 1852 : elected a vestryman of St, Peter's Episcopal Church in 1842, and advanced to warden in 1843, serving through i860, and chairman of its most important committees, e. g., March 25, 1845, to sell the church land on Maiden Lane, Pine and Lodge streets : 1845, to pro- cure a new rectory: 1855, to secure funds for the new church edifice which was consecrated October 4, i860. He resided a long time at No. 7 Park Place. .Albany, which site was taken about 1870 for the new capitol. His last residence was at the south east corner of Maiden Lane and Pearl street, where he practiced law and lived with his familv. 1 844 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Many years before his deafh he was thrown from his horse, the fall producing an injury to one of his knee-pans, of such serious na- ture that amputation became necessary. He was immediately carried into a store, where a skilled surgeon determined that an opera- tion must inevitably follow, stating further that perhaps it had better be done on the following day. "I wish you to proceed in- stantly, for I cannot have the matter upon my mind," said Mr. Reynolds. The surgeon obeyed. This was before the day of either chloroform or ether, but the patient sub- mitted without a groan. From this time on he generally conducted his cases sitting. Marcus T. Reynolds married (first) Cyn- thia Herrick, born at Amenia, Dutchess county, N. Y., December 26, 1794. died at Amsterdam. N. Y., November 25, 1820, and was buried there. She was the daughter of Benjamin Herrick, died at Amenia. March 11, 18 10, aged 54, who was the son of Benjamin Herrick, died at Amenia, January 10, 1779, aged 46, and Sarah Denton, died at Amenia, December 8, 1778, aged 47, who was the sis- ter of Rachel Denton, the wife of Stephen Reynolds, where her ancestry is given. All of the above are buried at the City grave- yard (now Smithfield), Dutchess county. N. v., where the inscriptions were copied in 1897. The mother of Cynthia Herrick was Cyn- thia Brush, who died at Amenia City, Nov. 19, 1815, aged 50. Cynthia Brush was the daugh- ter of Richard Brush, of Amenia, who made his will August 27, 1795. leaving "all real estate to Richard Brush Herrick, the pres- ent youngest son of Benjamin Herrick." The same document mentions his wife Hannah, and is copied in a Greenwich, Connecticut, deed. Here also is entered his birth record, "Richard Brush had a son Dec. 17, 1727, named him Richard." The Herrick home- stead at Amenia adjoined on the north that of Stephen Reynolds. Children: i. Lydia Maria, died in infancy. 2. Lydia Louisa, b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., Sept. II, 1817; d. in Albany, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1876; married Albany, at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. Horatio Potter, April 29, 1841. Dr. Thomas Hun, son of Abraham Him and Maria Gansevoort, who was born in Albany, Sept. 14, 1808, was graduated at LTnion, 1821, died in Al- bany, June 23, 1896, by whom five children: i. Edward Reynolds Hun, born Albany. .Apr. 17, 1842 ; was graduated at Harvard, 1863, married in Troy, N. Y., April 29, 1874, Caro- line DeForest Gale, died in Stamford, Conn., March 14, 1880. 2. Marcus Tullius Hun, b. in .Mltany, May 22, 1845, ^^'''■^ graduated at Union, 1865, married Albany, Dec. 21, 1875, Mary Keith \^anderpoel (see Van Derpoel Family). 3. Leonard Gansevoort Hun, b. in Albany, May 10, 1848, was graduated West Point, 1869, d. unm. in Somerville, Mass., March 11, 1891. 4. John Hun. b. at Albany, June 10, 1852, d. Aug. 16, 1852. .5. Henry Hun, b. in Albany, Alarch 21, 1854, was grad- uated at Yale, 1874: m. in Albany, Apr. 28. 1892, Lydia Marcia Hand (see Hun Family). Marcus T. had also by his wife Cynthia Her- rick: 3. Cynthia, b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., in 1819, d. there Mch. 25. 1837, and buried there. Marcus T. Revnolds married (second) at St. Peter's Church. Albany, N. Y., May 6, 1823, Elizabeth Ann Dexter. She was born in Albany, March 24, 1797. and died at her home, No. 7 Park Place, Albany (where the capitol stands in 1910), on August 30, 1840. Her father was Samuel Dexter, born in Northampton, Mass., Nov. 14, 1756, removed to Albany between 1790-5, where he was a druggist ; died there at No. 56 State street, Aug. 27, 1825, being the son of Ebenezer Dexter, born October 17, 1729, died May 4, 1769, who married, in 1754. Lydia Woods, born Oct. 17, 1736, died Dec. 24, 1774. (See Dexter Family.) Her mother was Elizabeth Province, born in Northampton, Mass., July 4, 1763, died at her residence opposite the Middle Dutch Re- formed Church, on Beaver street, Albany, October 18, 1846, being the daughter of John Province, born in Glasgow, Scotland, came to America, RLiy 10, 1740, settling in Bos- ton, Mass., died July 6, 1792, who married May 9, 1748, Sarah Prince, born in 1730, died March 11, 1810, and was buried in the Prince tomb in the Granary Burial Ground at Boston (see Prince Genealogy for an- cestors). Samuel Dexter and Elizabeth Prov- ince were married May 29, 1790. By his wife Elizabeth Ann Dexter, Marcus '!". liad : 4. Mary Dexter, born in Amsterdam, X. ^■.. m. .Vug. 14. 1824: d. at 98 Columbia street, Albany, Jan. 29, 1897, buried in Al- bany Rural Cemetery ; married by Rev. Hora- tio Potter, at St. Peter's Church, Albany, Apr. 29, 1847, Dr. Frederick Cholet Adams, son of John Adams, and his wife Laura Farmer, who was born at Catskill, N. Y., May 25. 1823: Williams College. 1843, died in .\lhany, .Scjit. 22. 1862, by whom two chil- dren: I. .Vlmiral James Dexter Adams, U. S. N., born in Catskill, N. Y., May 4, 1848, married, \'allejo, Cal., May 6, 1873, Margaret Jane Phelps, dau. of .■\dmiral Thomas S. Phelps, has (lircc cliildren. 2. William Rev- nolds Adams, born in Albany, Mch. 7, 1853, HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS '845 d. in AIban\-, Jan. 30, 1855. huricil there 5. Dexter, born in Albany. \^ V.. Dec. 12. 1828, d. in Albany, Aug. 19, 1906: married in Roch- ester, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1865, Catherine Maley Cuyler, born in Cuylerville. Livingston county, N. v., Dec. 2, 1845. daughter of Col. William Tremper Cuyler and Nancy Bancker Stew- art (see hereinafter). 6. Laura, born in .Al- bany, N. v.. Nov. 22, 1830 : married at her father's residence, No. 25 No. Pearl street, .\lbany, N. Y., by Rev. Horatio Potter, Feb. I, 1854, r.ayard V'an Rensselaer, son of Gen. Stephen \'an Rensselaer and Harriet Eliza- beth Bayard, and who was born in Albany, Sept. 8, 1833, died in Pau, France, Jan. 12, 1859, by whom two children: i. William Bayard Van Rensselaer, b. at 98 Columbia street, .Albany, N. Y., Oct. 4. 1856, died in Albany, Sept. 25, 1909 ; was graduated at Harvard College, 1880: married in Cam- bridge, Mass., Nov. 3, 1880. Louisa Green- ough Lane, born Nov. 21, i860, dau. of Prof. Geo. Martin Lane, of Harvard University : 2. Dr. Howard Van Rensselaer, born at 98 Co- lumbia street, Albany, N. Y., June 26, 1858, Yale, 1 88 1 (see \'an Rensselaer Family). Dexter — Alarcus Tullius — Stephen — Ste- phen — Nathaniel — James — John — John. 5. Dexter Reynolds, son of Marcus T. Rey- nolds and Elizabeth Ann Dexter, was born in Albany. N. Y., December 22, 1828, and died at 98 Columbia street. Albany, August 19, 1906. He received his early education at the College Hill Academy in Poughkeepsie, N. \^., and continued his preliminary studies at the Albany Academy, which he entered in the fall of 1842, remaining two years, when he was prepared to enter Union College in 1844. Here he joined the Sigma Phi fraternity, and was a classmate of President Chester A. Ar- thur, who was an intimate friend in later years. He graduated July 26, 1848, ranking second in his class of 120, and was honored with the Latin salutatory. He attended the Lawrence Scientific School at Cambridge, Mass., the year of its founding, 1848-9, and was a graduate of the Harvard Law School, class of 1850. He was admitted to the bar at Albany, December 2, 1851, and in 1853 wrote the volume published by Gould, Banks & Co., Albany. 1853, "A Treatise on the Law of Life Assurance." He formed a partner- ship with Orlando Meads. Afterwards he was in partnership with John Olcott, son of Thomas Worth Olcott. the banker. Later on he was associated with the law firm of M. T. & L. G. Hun, nephews, at 25 No. Pearl street. With his friends, Erastus Corning and J. Howard King, he made a nuinbcr of visits to Western states on inmtiiiii trips, and it was then he purchased large tracts of land in Iowa e(|ual in extent to nearly half the area of that state. His final sale in closing the in- vestment was 210,000 acres. In the Civil War he was paymaster of the Third Regiment, and went to Richmond, X'irginia, under Gen. Fred- erick Townsend, commanding. His patented inventions numbered twenty or more, and each of these was among the pioneers of very important lines. He first gave considerable study to the manufacture of paper from wood pulp at a time such processes were not practical or paying. In 1858 he pub- lished a treatise on the subject. His investi- gation was most thorough, and gave an im- petus to the trade at a time of di.scouragement. -Among the earliest .of his inventions was a typesetter, which he manufactured in Roch- ester, previous to 1875, and followed this with an automatic distributor, which was the first attempt to di.stribute movable type by machine. In this comiection he invented the notching of type. It was placed in a publish- ing house in Albany about 1876, and was dis- countenanced by the printers, who saw their means of support about to disappear through a saving to the employer. The theory of this machine was utilized by a manufacturer of such machines, and a tedious lawsuit for in- fringement resulted, which was finally com- promised. A direct steel and wrought iron process occupied his attention for some twenty years, which led to an experimental furnace erected in the early spring of 1903, which was the first to nodulize fine ores in a revolving cylindrical furnace, which ores had hitherto been of value only when briquetted. This proc- ess, the furnaces now enlarged to over a hun- dred feet, is in general use throughout the country for nodulizing flue dust and magneti- cally separated ores. Dexter Reynolds married, at Rochester, N. Y., April 19, 1865. Catherine Maley Cuyler (see Cuyler Family). Rev. R. Bethell Clax- ton, of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, officiat- ing. They resided at 20 Elk street, Albany, N. Y. She was born in Cuylerville, Living- ston county, N. Y., December 2. 1845 ; was educated at a boarding school in Utica, X. \'., died while visiting in Rochester, October 23, 1875, and was buried in the Reynolds lot in the Albany Rural Cemetery. Her father was Col. William Tremper Cuyler, who was born in Albany, December 22, 1802, died in Cuy- lerville, N. Y., December 21, 1864, and was the .son of John Cornelius Cuyler (born in Schenectady, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1766, died there October 25, 1828), and Hannah Maley (b. Oct. 12. 1769). Her mother was Nancy I'.ancker Stewart, who was born in Leicester, 1846 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS N. Y., Feb., 1810, died Feb. 3, 1848. and was daughter of John Stewart and Nancy Bancker Clute (born in Schenectady, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1776, died in Moscow, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1864). Dexter Reynolds and Catherine Maley Cuyler had children — Cnyler and Mar- cus Tullius. Cuyler Reynolds, son of Dexter Reynolds and Catherine Maley Cuyler. was born at 98 Columbia street, Albany. N. Y., August 14, 1866. At the Albany Academy and a board- ing school in Catskill, N. Y., he received his education, which developed particularly his faculties as a writer, establishing in 1885 the school paper, of which he was made its editor- in-chief. He engaged in newspaper work and followed it some fifteen years, at the same time contributing to more than a score of the better magazines. Turning his attention then to the writing of books, novels and ref- erence works, he produced ten or more, the most valuable of which were his "Classified Quotations," Putnam, 1905, and "Albany Chronicles," 1907, the latter a volume so com- prehensive and copiously illustrated that it is likely to endure and be cited as one of the best authorities of state history. Later he be- came editor-in-chief of the "Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs," in four octavo volumes. By a scientific study and enumeration of the letters of the alphabet as they occurred in books, magazines and newspapers, he ar- ranged a table of the recurrence of letters, which results he set forth in a monograph entitled "The Recurrence of Letters," read be- fore the Albany Institute in 1894, then pub- lished in Paper and Press in 1895, and while it served as a key for the solution of ciphers or secret writing, its more practical use was in its application to the keyboards of type- setting machines, and in this form is univer- sally used. Much interested in historical research, es- pecially as it concerned his home city, he was made director of the Albany Institute and His- torical and Art Society at its annual meeting in 1899, and continued as such for ten years. He made for this society several of its most noteworthy collections, numbering a dozen or more, at the same time filling the office of librarian. As librarian, he gathered nearly one thousand books written by Albanians, which list composed a biographical catalogue of 114 pages in 1902. The opening of this in- stitution's new building. May 12, 1908. gave him opportunity to originate the novel sys- tem of indexing and the method of keeping the various record books. In March, 1907, he received the appoint- ment of director of the New York State His- tory Exhibit for the Jamestown Exposition; collected and installed it in systematic order, the features of which he set forth in an elab- orately illustrated Catalogue of Exhibit, with the Exposition's Gold Medal as the result. Afterwards he wrote the State's report, a handsome volume, copiously illustrated, and of about five hundred pages, published in 1910. He was elected to honorary membership in the American Scenic and Historic Preser- vation Society in 1908, and in the New York State Historical Association in 1909. He is also a member of the National Geographic Society, American Historical Association and of the American Copyright League. He has resided all his life in Albany. He married, at the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany, N. Y., Dean Wilford L. Robbins offi- ciating, September 24, 1891, Janet Gray Gould. -She was born in Albany, July 22, 1871, and was educated at the .'\lbany Female Academy. Her father was Captain Charles Gould, born in Albany, October 28, 1848, died in Albany, July 4, 1896, who was the son of William Gould (b. in Caldwell, N. J., Nov. 26, 1814, d. in Albany, June 27, 1886), and Sarah Margaret Hartness (b. in Albany, Sept. 24, 1821, d. there, December 12, 1884), and married, in Albany, September 12. 1842. Her mother was Janet Gray, born in Albany, Sep- tember 20, 1850; married, Albany, October 4, 1870, died at Montclair, N. J., April 6, 19 10, who was the daughter of Daniel Alex- ander Gray (b. in New York City, in 1817, d. in Albany, Nov. 19, 1880), and Catherine Mevers (born in Hanover, Ger., Aug. 2, iSifi, died Albany, Apr. i. 1880). They' had: Kenneth Gray, b. in Albany, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1892, educated at the Albany Academy and St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. Dexter Reynolds had also by his wife Cath- erine iVIaley Cuyler: Marcus Tullius, born at Great Barrington, Mass.. August 20, 1869 : prepared for college at St. Paul's School. Concord. New Hampshire, 1882-86; entered Williams College, 1886, Sigma Phi fraternity, and was graduated July 2, 1890. He studied architecture in the School of Mines, Columbia University, and was graduated, 1893, with the degree of Ph.B. He is author of "Housing of the Poor in American Cities," the prize essay of the American Economic Society for 1893, and received therefor the degree of M.A., Williams College. 1893. He studied archi- tecture in Paris, Rome, .Athens, etc., and re- turning to America in October, 1895. began practicing architecture in .Mhany, N. Y., and lias there contiinicd. His s])ecialty is tlic dc- HUDSON AND .MOHAWK VALLEYS 1847 signing of banks, of which he has been the architect of sixteen. He has collected and compiled the earlier and collateral data presented in the above genealogical tables, supplementing the work begun by his father, Dexter Reynolds, who began with the descendants of James, the son of John, the son of John the emigrant. HISTORICAL APPENDIX ALBANY COUNTY. The original counties into which the New York colony was divided numbered twelve. The division was made pursuant to the act of 1683. The twelve counties were then named Albany, Cornwall, Dukes, Dutchess, Kings, New York, Orange, Queens, Richmond, Suf- folk, Ulster and West Chester. It may seem strange in these times, but Cornwall county consisted of the district known then as Pemaquid, now in Maine, and Dukes county was composed of some islands off Massachusetts. This was because this land was included in the patent of the Duke of York and Albany. They were detached in 1 69 1, upon reorganization of the govern- ment. On October 17, 1683, the first "General Assembly of the Colony of New York," chosen by "the planters or inhabitants of every part of the government," met at Fort James in the city of New York, with "free liberty to con- sult and debate among themselves all matters as shall be apprehended proper to be estab- lished for laws for the good of the govern- ment of the said Colony of New York and its dependencyes." In preparation for this meeting, it was "ordered that the Sheriff of Albany and Ran- celaers Colony cause the freeholders to meet and choose two persons to be their repre- sentatives in the General Assembly, to be holden at the City of New York, October ve 17th, 1683." .\mong the acts bearing the date November I, 1683, resultant of the meeting mentioned, was one "To divide this province and depen- dencyes into shires and countyes * * * for tlic better governing and settling the courts in the same." This act having specified the twelve origi- nal counties, defined "The County of Albany to containe the Towns of .Albany, the Collony Renslaerwyck, Schonectcda. and all the vil- lages, neighborhoods, and Christian Planta- cons on the east side of Hudson River from Roelof Jansen's Creeke, and on the west side from Sawyer's Creeke to the Sarraghtoga." Attention is called to the fact that the names of the original counties were distinctively English in their derivation ; but after the Revolution, when new divisions were made so as to split the original into more numerous and smaller counties, the names bestowed were indicative of the Indians who had been associated with certain sections, or else honored the name of American patriots. When the Council held a session at Fort William Henry in New York City. October I, 1 69 1, the previous Act was confirmed; but in describing the County of Albany, there was an omission of "the Town of Albany," and a substitution of "Mannor of Ranslaerswyck" for the "Collony of Renslaerwyck," as well as an extension, "to the uttermost end of Sarraghtoga," instead of "to the Sarraghtoga." At the Council's session held at Fort George, in New York City, May 27, 1717, the area of Albany county was enlarged further by "An Act for annexing that part of the Mannor of Livingston which now lyes in Dutchess Cnuntv. unto the Coinitv of .\lbanv." HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS The counties of Dukes, consisting of Nan- tucket, Martha's Vineyard, Ehsabeth Island and No Man's Land (now in Massachusetts) and Cornwall, consisting of Pemaquid and ad- jacent lands and islands (now in Maine), which lands were included in the patent given to the Duke of York, were set off upon the reorganization of the colonial government, about 1691, or soon after the abdication of King James IL, and the succession of William and Mary to the English throne. There were but few changes in the ten orig- inal counties left within the borders of New York until the year 1770. It is surprising what the real extent of Albany county was in those days. It embraced the whole territory lying north of Ulster county, west of the Hudson River, and it took in nearly the whole State, going northward to the lakes and Can- ada ; and north of Dutchess, on the east side of that river, including the entire State of Vermont. Plainly stated, within the bounds of Albany county were the State of Vermont and the fifty counties of the State of New York erected since the 1683-1691 period men- tioned, excepting Putnam, Sullivan, Rockland, and part of Greene and Delaware. The ten counties formed directly from Al- bany county, and before some of them were again subdivided into other counties, were : (i) Gloucester, March 16, 1770; included what is now Orange, Washington, Caledonia, Orleans, and Essex, X'crmont. (2) Tryon, March 12, 1772: changed to Montgomery, April 2, 1784. from which and the wilderness then known only as land of the Indians, the counties west of Greene, Scho- harie, Schenectady, Saratoga, and the Adiron- dack counties have since been formed. (3) Charlotte, March 12, 1772; changed to Washington. April 2, 1784, from whose terri- tory have since been erected Warren, Clinton, St. Lawrence, Essex and Franklin. (4) Cumberland, April 4, 1786: covering the present counties of Bennington, Windsor, Windham, Rutland, Addison and Chittenden, in \'ermont. (5) Columbia, April 4, 1786. (6) Rensselaer, February 7, 1791. (7) Saratoga, February 7, 1791. (8) Schoharie, April 6, 1795. (9) Greene, March 25. 1800. ( 10) Schenectady, March 7, 1809. .Albany county, in 1900, was bounded as fol- lows : On the north, by the counties of Sara- toga and Schenectady ; on the west, by the county of Schoharie ; on the south, by Greene county, and on the east by Rensselaer county. The eastern boundary is very marked, being the Hudson river, flowing between Albany and Rensselaer counties, '"a line drawn through the middle of the main stream * * * with such variations as to include the islands !)ing nearest to the west bank thereof." The northern boundary, between .Vlbany and Saratoga counties, "made by a line be- ginning at a point in the middle of the main stream of tlie Hudson River in the westerly Map of 1614. HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS v boundary of Rensselaer cmnity, opposite to of the said Mohawk River, westerly, to a point the middle of the most nortiierly branch of in said river where it is nearest the north the Mohawk River, and running thence line of the Manor of Rensselaerswyck, at throutrh the middle of said northerly branch Xiskayuna." CITIES AND TOWNS. Albany. — The city was incorporated by patent issued by Lieut. -Gov. Thomas Dongan. July 22, 1686, and is the oldest existing char- tered city in the United States. Its history, in its wealth of details covering three centuries, is of interest equal to that of any other in the country, and a resume of it merits attention. Giovanni de Verrazano, an expert Italian navigator, commissioned by Francis I., to seek a direct route to the East Indies, sailed in 1523, aboard La Dauphine, with about fifty men, from Dieppe, France, and entered New York Bay in 1524; but after making investi- gation, did not pursue his course up the river. In 1540, a small band of French fur-traders, bent on bartering with the Indians, sailed up the river and erected a stone "castle," or forti- fied trading-post, 26 x 36 feet, on an island at the southern boundary of the present city of Albany. Their records were so meagre that they have not been accorded due fame as the first white men to sail up the Hudson river'. Henry Hudson, an English navigator, was employed by the Dutch East India Co., under contract dated January 8, 1609, to explore the Grande (Hudson) river, noticed by him on a French map, and he sailed on the Half Moon from the Texel river, Holland, March 25th of that year. He entered New York Bay September 3rd : passed through the Narrows on the 6th, and it is calculated that he reached the site of Albany on September 19th, where he anchored and investigated, until he decided to sail down the river on .September 23rd. His record is preserved. The Lords States-General at The Hague, Holland, on October 11, 1614, granted a li- cense to fur-traders to traffic with natives in New Netherland, who send Hendrik Cor- stiaensen, of Amsterdam, in 161 5, and he re- builds the "castle," which tlic fur-traders of 1540 had erected on the island immediately south of Albany, calling it Fort Nassau, which was wrecked by the freshet of 1618. and abandoned. The Dutch West India Co. was incorpor- ated under the seal of Lords States-General of Holland, June 3, 1621, intending to colonize or trade in America. The Walloons, or perse- cuted French Protestants who had fled to Belgium, liked by the Dutch because of their thrift, petitioned this company, February 5, 1622. to be allowed to settle along the Hud- son river. They were given permission in 1623, and in March, 1624, thirty families sailed on the New Netherland, commanded by Captain Cornells J. Mey, and entered New York Bay in May. They proceeded up the river to the site of Albany; building Fort Orange close to the western shore, in com- mand of which they placed Arien Jorise; but in 1629, the company abandoned sending set- tlers because of the heavy expense. The Dutch W^est India Co. having aban- doned the settlement policy, adopts the plan of allowing manorial grants, which is approved by the Lords States-General at Amsterdam, June 7, 1629. Kiliaen \'an Rensselaer, Direc- tor of the Amsterdam Chamber and wealthy pearl merchant of that city, obtained on No- vember 19. 1629, the first concession to estab- lish a colony. He wrote at once to Sebastiaen Jansen Crol, at Fort Orange, to purchase a tract from the Mohawk Indians for him and his associates. The first lot of colonists sailed on The Unity (de Eendrach) Captain Jan Brouwer commanding, March 21, 1630. On July 27, 1630, Crol bought the tract on which .Albany is built, extending it southward by purchases along the west shore from Beeren to Smacks Island, .April 30. 1631. The Unity reached Manhattan Island May 24, 1630. and arrived at Fort Orange June ist. The deed of the Indians, dated August 13, 1630, trans- ferred the land on which Albany is built to Kiliaen \'an Rensselaer, and in 163 1 he formed a partnership with a limited number of Hollanders, who eventually withdrew their interest in the land. Jan Baptist Van Rensse- laer was the first of the family to come to this country, arriving- in 165 1, and became HUDSON AND .MOHAWK X'ALLEYS t iUL ^^_J.^ JP W^ 'yXMfl ^^Sj Fort Crailo ( VankL-e Doodle house), erected by Ilen- drick Van Rensselaer, at Greenbnsh. opposite Albany. "Director" of the Manor of Rensselaerswyck, May 8, 1652. He was the seventh child of Kiliaen, and never was the Patroon. The second Patroon was Kiliacn's second child, Johannes, never came to this country, and died in 1662 or 1663. The third Patroon was Jeremias Van Rensselaer, eighth child of Kiliaen. and he came to America to take up his residence in the Manor, marrying at New Amsterdam, July 12. 1662, Maria \'an Cort- landt. The name Beverwyck came into use when Director-General Pieter Stuyvesant. chief official for the Dutch West India Co. in New Netherland, with headquarters on Manhattan Island, visited Fort Orange on April i, 1652, and proclaimed that the land built up about the fort be known as Dorpe Beverwyck. The name .Albany came into use for the first time -on September 24, 1664. The English had coveted New Netherland, claiming it as a portion of the territory granted by Queen Elizabeth in 1584 to Sir Walter Raleigh, and also of right by the discovery of the Cabots in 1497. The Plymouth Colony had grown jealous, and influenced King Charles II., of England, who made a grant of the territory embraced in New Netherland (and more be- sides) to his brother, James, Duke of York and Albany, on March 12, 1664. The English fleet entered New York Bay August 26th, and its commander, Colonel Richard NicoUs, de- manded of Director-General Stuyvesant that he surrender New Amsterdam. He made re- sistance as best he could ; but signed the capi- tulation September 8, 1664, and Vice-Director La Montague, for the Dutch West India Co. at Fort Orange, peacefully changed to the English rule, September 24, 1664. But the name Albany was to give way in succession to Willemstadt. This it did on .August 5. 1673. King Charles II., of Eng- land, broke the peace of Breda (July 31, 1667), by declaring war on March 17, 1672, against Dutch provinces. A Dutch fleet of twenty-three vessels, with si.xteen hundred men aboard, entered New York Bay on July -9j 1673, and demanded the surrender of Fort James. It was not many hours later that day that it complietl, and when the news had time to travel to .Albany, Lieutenant Salisbury concluded that Fori Albany was properly once more under -the Dutch rule, so he acquiesced on August 5, 1673, and the place, to the south of Rensselaerswyck colony became known then as Willemstadt. This change to Dutch rule did not endure a decade, for when the treaty of Westminster was signed, whereby the Dutch stipulated on February 19, 1674, that all lands, islands, cities and forts that they had captured from the English should revert to that nation, there was nothing else for the inhabitants of Wil- lemstadt to do except conclude they were in- cluded within British territory, and the place was once more known as Albany. .\lx)ut a dozen years later, or July 22, 1686, Dongan granted the charter making Albany an incor- porated city. Pieter Schuyler, by the terms of the charter, became the first mayor. Thereafter the exe- cutive was appointed by the governor of the Colony of New York until after the Revolu- tion, when the Common Council voted for mayor; but the charter election held May 5, 1840, inaugurated the election of that official by the people. The city of Albany is located on the west bank of the Hudson River, about 142 miles north of New York City, along which river it extends for three or four miles, and its east and west direction is about the same. The latitude of .Albany is 42°. 39', 13" Dutch Church in Beverwyck (Albany). HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS North. Its longitude is 73°, 46', 42" West of Greenwich, or 3', 17', 15" East of Wash- ington, and is but a fraction east of New York City. In time, Albany is 4 hours 55 minutes 6.8 seconds later than Greenwich, or 13 min- utes 9 seconds earlier than Washington, and about 46.8 seconds earlier than New York- City. The river at Albany is only 2.6 feet above sea level, while the highest street elevation is 230 feet above this. The depth of channel permits vessels drawing 12 feet of water to dock there. It also has the mercantile advan- tage of two canals and five or more of the large steam railroads. The average date of opening of the river is March 17th, and the average closing date December i6th, making an average closed season of 90 days. The average yearly temperature, based on government records for 30 years, is 48'. The highest temperature ever recorded there was 100'' on July 3, 1898, and the coldest, minus 24°. on January 5, 1904. The average annual precipitation is 36.9 inches. The population was 100,253 by the United States Census of 1910. Berne. — This town was formed March 17, 1795, from Rensselaerville, and from it Knox was taken off in 1822. It derived its name from Berne in Switzerland, the native place of Jacob Weidman, one of the first to locate there. an657. Gl'iij)eri-\nd. — 1 his town was formed Fcl> ruary 26, 1803. from Watervliet. The name was derived from Guilderlandt in the Netherlands, w'hence had come many of its original settlers. The northwest portion of Albany city was an- nexed to this town, February 26, 1871. It is bounded on the north by Schenectady coun- ty, on the east by Watervliet and .Mbany, on the south by Bethlehem and New Scotland, and on the west by Knox. Area : 38,784 acres. Population. 1910 Census: 3,333, including Altamont village, with 674. Knox. — This town was formed Febru- ary 28, 7822, from Berne. The name was derived from John Knox, eminent divine and Scotland's reformer. It is situated in the northwest corner of the county, and is bounded on the north by Schenectady county, on the east by Guilderland, on the south by Berne, and on the west by Schoharie county. The inhabitants forcibly resisted the posse comitatis in the anti-rent feud of 1839, when Van Rensselaer sought to collect rentals under the peculiar leases. .Area : 26.402 acres. Population. 1910 Census: 1,007. New^ Scotland. — This town was formed April 25, 1832, from Bethlehem. It derived its name through the location there of a great number of settlers from Scotland. The first settler was Teunis Slingerland. a Hollander, who Ixiught 9,874 acres there from the In- dians, and erected mills. It is the central town of the county, and is bounded on the north by Guilderland, on the east by Bethle- hem, on the south by Coeymans and Westerlo, and on the west by Westerlo, Berne and Knox. Area: 34,324 acres. Population, 1910 Cen- sus : 2.834, including Yoorheesville, with 553. Rf.ns.sei-akrvimj;. — This town was formed March 8, 1790. Berne was taken off March 17, 1795, and the western part of Westerlo on Afarch 16, 18 15. It is the southwestern cor- ner tow-n of the county, and is bounded on the north by Berne, on the east by Westerlo, on the south by Greene county, and on the west by Schoharie county. It was named in honor I if (icn. Stephen Van Rensselaer, or for his family. .Area: 37,354 acres. Population, 1910 Census: 1,609. W.VTERVLiKT. — This town was formed March 7, 1788, and was the first incorporated town in .\lbany county, and it then included all of West Rensselaerswyck, and all of the present county excepting Albany city, as it was at the time of the Charter, in 1686. Its name is from the Dutch, signifying "water flood," as it was situated principally along the flats be- tween the Hudson and Mohawk rivers, and large areas of it werp inundated each spring. This caused the soil to be unusually rich, and it was consequently early settled upon. In 1809, Niskayuna, now in Schenectady county, was formed largely from it. Villages in it were incorporated as follows. ' Watervliet, March 30, 1801, changed to Colonie, April 9, 1804 : became obsolete and was annexed to .Albany city; Gibbonsville, April 23, 1824; changed to West Troy, April 30, 1836; Co- hoes, incorporated April 12, 1855: changed to city of that name, May 19, 1869 : Green Island, 387 acres, incorporated April 5, 1853. Within its limits are also Newtonville. named for John M. Newton, four miles north of .Albany; Lou- donville, at the same distance to the north of Albany ; Menands, named after its first set- tler, Louis Menand. two miles north of Al- bany. It surrendered a large tract (105 acres) to the Federal authorities by the cession laws of 1830 and 1833, conditionally "for the pur- pose of erecting and maintaining thereon ar- senals, magazines, dockyards and other neces- sary buildings," the first of which was erected thereon in 1814, under Col. Geo. I^urnford. The Albany Rural Cemetery Association se- cured a large tract, about one mile long in its shortest direction, chartered April 2, 1841, and adjacent tracts were secured by St. Agnes' and the .Anshe Emeth cemeteries. The State Fair Grounds occupied a large tract therein for years, until removed to Syracuse, and the Shakers established a settlement, or commu- nity, in 1776, under leadership of Mother Ann, a native of Manchester, Fng., who died there, September 8. 1784. Later changed name to Colonie. Area: 30.697 acres. Population, 1910 Census: 8,385. Watkkvliet. — Incorporated as a city on May 26, 1896. Population. 1910 Census: First Ward. 1,936; Second, 1,326; Third. 1,283; Fourth, 1,737; Fifth, 1,582; Sixth, 1,603; Seventh, 1,804; Eighth. 1,944; Ninth, 1,859. Total, 15,074. Westerlo. — This town was formed March 16. 1815, from Coeymans and Rensselaer- ville. It was named in honor of Dominie Filanlus Westerlo, wlio married Catherine HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Livingston, widow of Patroon Stephen \'an Rensselaer, in 1775, and was minister of the Dutch Church in Albany. 1760-1790. It is located in the center of the south- ern border of the county, and is bounded on the north by Berne and New Scotland, on the east by New Scotland and .Coeymans, on the south by Greene county, and on the west by Rensselaerville. It contains extensive quarries. Area : 35.976 acres. Population, 1910 Census: 1,237. Albax' Inhabitants. 6.827 5.357 5.781 4.979 5.354 4.278 5.085 S.004 3.78s 4.055 5.057 City Ward Inhabitants. 2 6,074 3 3.944 4 5.103 5 4.083 6 7.123 7 5.364 8 5,166 9 7.834 Total 100,253 United Year. City. County. State. States. 1850 50.763 93.279 3.097.394 23.191,876 i860 62,367 113,917 3.880,735 31.443.321 1870 69.422 133.052 4.382,759 38,558,371 1880 90.758 154,890 5,082,871 50,155.783 1890 94.923 164,555 5.997.853 62,622,250 1900 94.151 165.571 7.268,894 75,568,686 1910 100,253 PROGENITORS OR EARLIEST SETTLERS OF ALBANY COUNTY. Interest that is taken in the history of a country or in a family centers largely in the facts relating to the origin. The person who studies either desires accurate and compre- hensive information, and that means the names of the chief characters, together with definite dates and facts about their lives and where they were located. This is the perfectly natural scope, and it is as definite in its way as is any of the sciences. The person concerned with understanding particulars about his or her family is led on, generation by generation, each with its own wealth or paucity of detail, until it becomes more desirable than all else to learn as much as possible about the Progenitor, or founder of the family in .America. The accompanying list has been prepared as an enutneration of those first persons who set- tled in .\lbany or vicinity previous to the year 1700. It is practically a list of the heads of fam- ilies founding Albany city and the entire coun- ty. It does not pretend to deal with the descent ; but in those instances where two of the same surname, unrelated, were earliest settlers, both are given equal mention, for each started an independent line. The names of brothers are also treated, for the same reason, — each the "arriving" head of a family. .Accordingly, this not being a series of genealogies of fam- ilies, it has not been the aim to include facts relating to the issue of the founders, except to the extent of being in some instances proof of residence in the county before the year 1700, if it is found that the baptism of his child was recorded, which may be the only clue to the fact of his early residence. It is well to speak of the scope or extent of this list in its usefulness. Most likely it shows the names of a great proportion of the different families who lived within a radius of one hundred miles of the city of .-Mbany during the first one htmdred years of this country's existence, and therefore the research is decidedly extensive. It should be decidedly heli)ful to any person seeking information about a Progenitor in tlie section of the coun- try covered. This may be explained more clearly by calling to mind that nearly all the people who lived in early times at the few places of settlement, such as Schenectady, Kinderhook, Amsterdam, Coeymans, Coxsac- kie, Catskill, Hudson, Claverack. Esopus, .Amsterdam, and a few other localities, settled first at Albany, and then removed as it suited their inclination. There are other reasons giving this list even broader significance. It has its interest even in New York City, to a large extent, without giving thought to the ever constant shifting of family location. Those families arriving in this country by way of New .Amsterdam quite frequently remained there a time, establishing relationships before moving up the river. It was often the case that the newly-arrived youth took to himself a bride in Manhattan before desiring to risk adventure in an un- known kind of territory. Frequently fam- ilies would divide on landing, certain mem- bers remaining on the island, others prefer- ring to seek their fortune in the new colony of Rensselaerswyck. There were so few other localities whither a young man in either place might turn to find a bride, previous to 1700, that the intermarriages were of common oc- currence. The list might have suited a greater num- ber of persons the better by shifting the date of limitation to the year 1750; but that would have made it voluminous. As it is, the names of more than 450 distinct families are ade- quately mentioned as progenitors before 1700. Those who are surprised that they do not find their family name in the list should seek it in the list of .Albany County Freeholders of 1720, or in the 1790 U. S. Census of "Heads of I'amilies." To avoid semblance of conceit, it might be HUDSON AXD MOHAWK VALLEYS stated that with the application of from ten to twenty years devoted to the work, a dili- gent compiler could render excellent service to a large circle of genealogists by confining a volume to the subject, giving full biographies of each subject. Such a work should include the names of children of the progenitor, and would make a book of about five hundred pages limited solely to the Albany settlers, for it is not claimed that herewith are all the facts commonly known about these men. With the records carefully sifted, a page to each name would be an ordinary average, for what genealogist would not welcome an entire page filled with' the data on his progenitor. It is not claimed that the material comprised in this list has not been known in its several parts to some one previously, or that it cannot be discovered in the same manner as was the case when this list was specially prepared. But it has never been gathered as in this arrangement for reference, because it com- bines all the material in a number of works, and it is decidedly superior to anything like it. This can be maintained because it has those revisions or corrections suggested by following closely the information provided by the most excellent recent work of the New York State Archivist, .Arnold ]. F. van Laer, when translating with exceeding care and na- tive skill the documents of Patroon Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, preserved still in Holland, from which one gains much information re- garding when the colonist sailed, and specifi- cally, by the contract, learn definitely regard- ing his occupation. It is doubtful whether there is any family line more difficult to understand, or trace, than the Dutch. The pioneers in this par- ticular well deserve abundant credit. It is highly desirable for one to be an expert, or else leave it strictly alone. Every muddler creates more havoc for others to puzzle upon and untangle. Pointing out a few of the simplest forms of error may be a warning to others The novices and not infre(|uently the printer, quite commonly misinterpret the old form bouwcric, or bowery, for brewer. It is surprising to find it so often stated "he owned a brewery," when it is meant the person had a farm or home- stead. Some persons in an attemjit to an- glicize the Dutch names fall into error through ignorance. They misconstrue a name such as Jacobus to mean Jacob, not realizing that it means James, and they imagine the Dutch family name Jacobs to be Hebraic, whereas it signified in those early days a con- traction of Jacobse or Jacobsen, meaning a per- son who was the son of Jacob. Novices should be wary regarding the literal significance of Dutch measures, for many in their writing family descents have overlooked the fact that possibly the original statement was in Rhine- land measure. A large majority of the early Dutch set- tlers spelled their own names indiiiferentlv, that is, in a number of ways, possibly a dozen, when a man had an alias. Clerks would enter them on the records each according to his idea of phonetic spelling, and while we may not blame then:, we are bothered. Often the per- son who was a lowly emigrant could not be of much assistance in elucidating. Hence, it is difficult to make a list that shall be read- able like a directory. The classification of names of the first set- tlers of Albany is a most difficult task even for the most .skilled. The expert is non- plussed, for he is forced to make statements which show it. When a large percentage of the colonists signed contracts with Patroon Kiliaen \'an Rensselaer in Amsterdam, to go to his colony in .America, they frequently signed simply their Christian name. It was all by which the\- were known. If he was named John, or in their language Johannes or Jan, he could be distinguished in a few primordial ways from any other Jan. If his father were named Pieter, they called him '■John, the son of Pieter," or "Jan Pieterse." If he hved at some pecuHar location, as on a hill, he might be called "John from the Hill," or "Jan van den Berg," and again, if from a city, it would be associated with his name, and the John who lived in Vechten would be known to his fellow-men as Jan Van Vechten. Often his trade would suggest his future sur- name, and "John, the baker." would write his name "Jan Backer." In one case a colonist named Jan with a father named Pieter, after he had built a mill for the Patroon, was known as Jan Pieterse Meulenmaecker. A young fellow might have his name written in the contract "Jan Pieterse Jonger." Given such a mixture, of one set of names when they resided in Holland, and known by an alias after living in this country, it is a problem to distinguish father and children of the same family, but passing under diflferent names. The man named Jan Pietersen might have sons signing their names Jan Backer, Hen- drick Van Vechten, Pieter Meulenmaecker, Arent van den Berg. It merits attention that throughout the first one hundred years of .Albany's history, true of the city and possibly so about the county, there was hardly a person living in that re- gie m who was not a Dutchman. Let the doubter dissect the following list most care- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS fully, and those of other nationality than Hol- lander can be counted on the finsjers of one iiand. It is true that New Ln^land was prac- tically Cdiiteniporanei >u:^ in settlement, yet the English did not intermarry with the Dutch, at least not in Albany, before the year 1700. CuYM-.R Reynolds. Albany, March 12, 191 1. PROGENITORS. AiiEEL. — Stoffel Janse, born about 1623, was master carpenter at Beverwyck in 1653 ; mar- ried Neeltje Janse Croon, and their son, Johannes, born in 1667, was the 2nd Mayor of Albany, Oct. 14, 1694 — Oct. 14, 1695, and 1709-1710. Adri.aensen. — Gysbert, came from Bun- nick, near Utrecht, sailing on "'den Cabner Sleutel," from the Texel, Holland, December, 1637 ; aged 22 years ; began service as farm servant at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 2, 1638, for Brant Peelen. Jacob Adriaensen, from Utrecht, was at Beverwyck, from 1639 to 1657. Marinus Adriaensen, from Veere, Province of Zealand, arrived on the Unity, which sailed from the Texel shortly after July 7, 163 1, under contract with Patroon Kiliaen Van Rensselaer as a tobacco-planter for three years: in 1632 was made schepen there; is termed "a noted freebooter" in Pearson's. Rutger .Adriaensen, brother of Gysbert, came from Bunnick ; tailor, employed by Jan Mich- ielsen, and while the \'. R.-Bowier Documents state there was no record of him in Rensse- laerswyck after October, 1651, Pearson states he held a patent for a lot there in 1652. .A.ERTSE. — Rutger, owned a house on north side of State St., bet. Broadway and James St.. Beverwyck, in 1674. Wouter Aertse (van Nieukerck) was sashmaker and a soldier in the Dutch West India Co. employ ; bought a lot on west corner of Broadway and \'an Tromp St., Beverwyck, in 1678. Jacob .\ertse married Sarah Pels, and their child, Jacob, was baptized in Beverwyck. Feb. 20, 1695. Alderts. — Elbert (or Albertsen), came from Xykerck. Gelderland, sailing on "den Calmer Sleutel" from the Texel, Holland, De- cember, 1637: aged 18 years; weaver; set- tled in Beverwyck. Frans .Albertsen came on "den Harinck" (the Herring), arriving at New .Amsterdam, March 28, 1638; cooper; re- corded at Rensselaerswyck Apr. 27, 1638 ; re- moved later to New .Amsterdam. Hendrick Albertsen came from Doesburch, Gelderland ; recorded at Rensselaerswyck Apr. 2, 1641 ; aged 28 years ; baker ; contracted with the Pa- troon as ferry-master, June 7, 1642; died in 1649. Andriesex. — Arent (van Frederickstadt ), came to Rensselaerswyck in 1636; was pos- sibly the same person as Arent Andriesen ISrait. Jan Andriesen came from Dublin; Pearson says was in Rensselaerswyck before 1645; the V. R.-Bowier Documents show he was there by 1648; leased farm north of Stony Point (near Albany), Sept. i, 1649; re- moved to Catskill, 1656, where he bouglit 69 morgens of land from Pieter Bronck ; was complained of by Hans de Vos, in 1657, for selling brandy to Indians there, and died in 1664. Pieter .Andriesen was mentioned in Rensselaerswyck records as having the alias "Soogemackelyck" and also "Pieter Mack- lick" : tavern-keeper ; ordered sent to New .Amsterdam in 1656, for not paying the ex- Antiioxvse.— Egbert, had a child, ISarent, born in Beverwyck, May 10, 1684. .Appel. — Jan Louwrensen. also known as Jan Louwrensen, first recorded at Rensse- laerswyck, Oct. 12, 1648. Adriaen Janse Ap- pel came from Leyden, Holland : received pat- ent for lot in Rensselaerswyck in 1654, and was schoolmaster. .Appi-:i.STor\vx. — Julm (or .\p])letnn). was born in Leicester, Eng., and married Amietje Casparus at .Albany, October 11, 1701. -Ari.aen. — Doctor, was in Albany in 1665. .Ari.ssen. — Gerrit. had a son, .Arien. bap- tized at Beverwyck, Sept. 9, 1683. B.AKER. — Willem Juriacns (Backer), known without the surname "Backer," arrived at New .Amsterdam on "dc Liefde," Dec. 27, 1638; recorded at Rensselaerswyck as a baker. Hendrick Backer (or Baker) was in Rens- selaerswyck in 1642; fined 12 guilders, in 1660, for bringing load of hay into the village on .Sunday. P),\Mi;i-s. — Harnicn Jacobse, was in Rens- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ ALI.!-:V selaerswvck in 1656. and had a sloop, "Eiken- boom" ; shot by an Indian at Esopus in 1658, and buried in New Amsterdam. Bancker. — Gerrit. was in New Amsterdam before 1655 : removed to Rensselaerswyck in 1657. where he resided on south side of State street, three doors east of Pearl st. ; died there. Feb. 27. 1691 ; his son, Evert, born in All)any. Jan. 24. 1665. was 3d Mayor of .Al- bany. Oct. 15. 1695 — Sept. 28, 1696, and 1707- 1709. B.\RENTS. — Thys, arrived at New Amster- dam on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," March 4. 1637: a shoemaker: charged at Rensselaerswyck, June 5, 1637. 1!.\RHEIT. — Jeronimus Janse, married at Reverwyck. April 9, 1684. B.^ssETT. — Michiel. son of man of same name, was born in Albany, January 21. 1705, the parent evidently living there about 1700. Basti.\xsex. — Harmen, carpenter, first re- corded in Rensselaerswyck in 1647 • but was in New Netherland as early as Sept. 13, 1639, when he leased a sawmill on Nooten (Gov- ernor's) Is. ; built house on south side of State St., Rensselaerswyck, in 1650: surveyor, 1667: some consider his last name was \'isser or \'isscher. Becker. — Jan Jurrianse, in 1656, was clerk at Fort Casimir on the Delaware ; resided in Greenbush in 1663, and later a schoolmaster in Albany. Beeckman. — Marten, son of Hendrick, and godson of ]\Iarten Hendricksen of Fort Orange, came from Hamehvaard, in Duchy of I'.remen, in 1638. in the service of Patroon Kiliaen Van Rensselaer: married Susanna Jans, and died previous to June 21, 1677. This branch of family settling in Albany retained the "c" in the name : those in New York did not. Beekm.nx. — \\'illem. settled in New .Am- sterdam. I'lKNSox. — Dirck (Benseni, came from Gro- ningen, a carpenter, resided a time in .Am- sterdam, where he married Catalina Berck (or Bercx ) : arrived at New .Amsterdam about 1648: but was resident of Rensselaerswyck as early as 1653. and they had Johannes, Cater- yna and Maria, born there, up to July 15, 1659, although he died there, Jan. 6, 1659. Bercii. — Gysbert Cornelise. came from Breuckelen, near Utrecht ; employed on the Hoogeberch farm, hence commonly called "van den Hoogenberch," or "van den Berch," which probably resulted in "A'andenberg." He was charged at Rensselaerswyck with rentals beginning in 1648. Bo(;.\Ri)is. — .Anneke Jans, came to Rensse- laerswyck in 1630, as wife of Roelof Jansen (which see), and married, in 1637 or 1638, Dominie Everhardus Bogardus, or Bogart, minister of Dutch church in New .Amsterdam, after whose death, in 1647, she returned to Rensselaerswyck, where she died in her house, northeast corner of State and James street, soon after making her will, when sick, Jan. 29. 1663. B()(;art. — Cornelis Tennis, son of Teunis, lived and died at the homestead at Schoender- woert,.near Leerdam. So. Holland, and when he died, in 1661, his son. Gysbert, was liv- ing at Catskill, another son, Cornelis, then in Beverwyck, the latter born at the homestead, came to Rensselaerswyck previous to 1640 and buried in .Albany, July 28, 1665 ; the first son of the latter, named also Cornelis, settled in Co.xsackie. and the second son, Jacob, born in 1654. remained in Albany. The name is the same as Bogert, Bogaert and Bogardus. all signifying orchard in Dutch. BoGi. — Pierre, had a child, Marie, born in -Albany in 1686. BoxT. — Hendrick Lambertse, removed from Albany to Schenectady, previous to massacre there, Feb. 8, 1690. Boox. — Francis, a French trader, in Rens- selaerswyck in 1654. BoRDiXGH. — Claes, a trader in Rensselaers- wyck in 1654. Borrelingen. — Joris (Borlingen), English- man, servant of Cryn Cornelisen, arrived on "den Houttuyn," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642. and was recorded at Rensselaerswyck in 1642. Bos. — Cornelis Teunise (or Bosch), came to Rensselaerswyck in 1631, as bouwknecht to Cornelis Maase A^an Buren. Bout. — Willem Frederickse, came from Leyden, arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New .Amsterdam. .Aug. 4, 1642, and recorded at Rensselaerswyck soon after, as free carpen- ter : his surname, Bout or Boudt, given after his arrival : made the pulpit (existing in 191 1 ) and other pieces of furniture for the Dutch church, which edifice was the Patrcx)n's store- house then, converted into house of worship until church was built. Bouw. — Salomon Frederickse. married An- natje Bratt at .Albany, Jan. i. 1686. BoviE. — Matthys (or Beaufils), married Catherine Barrois, and had a daughter, Cat- arina, baptized at .Albany. Feb. 12, 1690. r>KADT. — .Albert Andriese, came from Fred- erikstad, in southeast of Norway (hence his designation in .America as "Noorman"), sail- ing on the ".Arms of Rensselaerswyck," Oct. 8, 1636: tobacco-planter; aged 29: arrived at New .Amsterdam, March 4. 1^137. ad apjieared first at Rensselaerswyck under date .\pr. 17, HUDSOX AND MOHAWK X'ALLEYS 1637; by contract with the i'atniun made Aug. 26, 1636, erected a mill : witli him came his brother Arent Andriese, alsf a tobacco-planter, and leased a farm opposite l]everwyck. May I, 1658. Arent removed to Schenectady, and Albert's son, Rarent, succeeded to the occupa- tion of his father's mill on the Normanskill, 1672. The spelling of the name then was as commonly Bratt as Bradt. Bries. — Hendrick, a shoemaker in Bever- vvyck, had a son, Antony, sufficiently- old to marry Catrina Ryckman, Sept. 21, 1692. Briggom. — Richard (Brigham?), an Eng- lishman, employed by Antony de Hooges, 1645-7, chopping wood, and by Sander Leen- dertse, in 1646. Bro.vdhi'Rst. — Jonathan, from Derington, Eng. ; married Catalyntjc Bensing (or Ben- sen) at Albany. Apr. 23, 161/1, and was sheriff of Albany county 1701-03. Brockhols. — Capt. Anthony, was a senior officer and commander of the military at Fort Orange : married Susanna Schrik. ^lay 2, 1681. The name also spelled Brockholst. Bron'CK. — lieter. was in New Amsterdam in 1643 ; leased a lot at Rensselaerswyck, in 1650, paying four beavers per annum, and re- ceived permit to erect tavern near house, Sept. 7, 1651, according to the \'. R.-Bowier Docu- ments ; but according to Pearson was a brewer in Beverwyck as early as 1645, the owner of several house lots, and Ixjught lands at Cox- sackie in 1662. Brouwer. — Jacob, received permission to build at Rensselaerswyck in 1649. Philip Hendrickse I'rouwer was a brewer of Bever- wyck as early as 1655. and became one of the original proprietors of Schenectady. 1662. Brown. — Robert, baptized a child. Thomas, at Albany, Dec. 20, 1693. Bru.ssy. — Christoft'el. was father of twins. Cornells and Michael, liajitized at P)Cverw\ck. July 2, 1686. Bri'yn. — Jan Hendrickse. dealer in real es- tate; took oath at Albany, 1678, that he had been a burgher of Beverwyck upwards of twenty years. Bruyns. — Hage, from Smallandt. arrived in New Amsterdam in 1653. and owned a lot at Beverwyck in 1656. BuRGii.vRT. — Isaac Hendrickse (or Bogart), married Judic Janse Hoes, and they had a daughter, .Mida. liaptized at .\lbanv. Sept. 4. 1698. Burgi:k. — Jori^. came from llersberg (or Hirschberg), Silesia, on "Arms of Rensselaers- wyck," arriving at New .\msterdam, March 4. 1637 ; went to Rensselaerswyck. as a smith, where recorded May 26, 1637. Buys. — Jan, married Hendrikje Damon. and their son. Johannes, was baptized at Al- bany. Nov. I, 1685. Bvv.\xcK. — Johannes, came from Olden- zeel, Holland: born in 1634: was at .\lbany in 1665. C.\.\i[!i:i oRT. (or Comfort), had remiived to Schenectady in 1690, buying land at Hoffman's Ferry, which he sold in 1694 to Carel Hansen Toll. C.\RSTE.\SEX. — Hendrick, came from Xor- den. East Friesland. sailing on ''d' Eendracht" ("The Unity"), May, 1634; served at Rens- selaerswyck as farmer under Brant Peelen for seven-years. Carsten Carstensen (or Christen Christens) arrived on "Arms of Rensselaers- wyck" at New Amsterdam. March 4, 1637: first recorded at Rensselaerswyck, .4pr. 17, 1637; sawyer and roof-thatcher. Johan Cars- tensen. came from Barlt, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642. and drew wages in Rensselaerswyck beginning Aug. 13. 1642; appears as servant of Michiel Jansen. Jul)', 1644. Ch.\mbers. — Thomas, a car])enter. first re- corded at Rensselaerswyck in 1646. as a ma- son : occupied farm on the Poesten kill ( Troy, N. Y.). for five years from Nov. i, 1647: then removed to Esopus : nicknamed Clab- bordt, or Clapboard. CiiRi.STi.\ — Christian, Ijuught a mor- gen and half of land at Schenectady from Paulus Janse in 1671, and sold it in 1694. Ci.AERHOUT. — Pieter, was in Beverwyck in 1659, where he was "voorzanger" in the church, and died before 1674. Cl.vesex. — Claes, came from Fleckero. Norway, arriving at New Amsterdam aboard "d" Eendracht" ("The Unity"). 1631, and was a farm-hand on De Laets Is., opposite Albany, Cysbert Claesen. of Claes, also known as Ciysbert Claes Jongen, "the boy," a carpenter, arrived on "Arms of Rensselaerswyck" at New .Am.sterdam, March 4. 1637; wages first re- corded at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 2, 1637. Pie- ter Claes (or Niclaesj came from Norden, East b'riesland. on same ship, beginning serv- ice at Rensselaerswyck Apr. 3, 1637: farmer at Bethlehem, Albany county; left colony be- fore June 5, 1649. Tjerck Claes was recorded at Rensselaerswyck for horse hire beginning May I, 1657. Tryntie Claes was servant girl of Director Jan Baptist \'an Rensselaer, 1656. Cr.AUW. — I'"rans Pieterse (Klauw). was a car])enter in Beverwyck as early as 1656. and resided in Kinderhook in 1683. Clock. — Abraham, carjienter. recorded at Rensselaerswyck in 1644. Cmtk. — Capt. Johannes, came from Nu- remberg to r.cverwyck. about 1656. and was a N .^ Hl'DSOX AXD MOHAWK X'ALLEYS trader, owning much land at Xiskayuna. Loo- nenl>erg; and Albany. He also spelled his name Cloet. That he had children is un- known. On his death, his property passed to his nephew. Johannes Clute, the "boslooper." This nephew resided in Xiskayuna. and mar- rier Bata \'an Slechtenhorst. Frederick Clute came uj) the river from Kingston, about 1703 ; bought land at Niskayuna from Johannes, and was at Half Moon. X. Y., in 1720. Their relationship is unsettled. Codes. — Ludovicus, was born in Herentals, Brabant, and was court messenger in Bever- ■wyck as early as 1656. CoKYMANS. — Pieter (also spelled Koije- mans), came from Utrecht. Holland, with his four sons, .■\rent, Barent, Jacob and Lucas, and (according to Pearson) was at Rensse- laerswyck in 1636. According to the V. R.- Bowier Documents. Barent Pieterse Coeymans came on "den Harinck" ("The Herring"), ar- riving at New Amsterdam. July 7, 1639 : re- corded at Rensselaerswyck, Aug. 14, 1639: worked four years under Pieter Cornells, the millwright ; contracted, Oct., 1645, to saw the boards at the Patroon's mill on the 5th creek ; leased it May 18, 1648: granted permit Aug. 3, 1656, to erect a third mill thereon ; was known as Barent de Molenaer : settled, proba- bly after latter date, on the large tract now known as village of Coeymans, which he claimed to have Ixjught from the Catskill In- dians and which Van Rensselaer disputed ; but quit-claimed to Coeymans by him in 1706. which patent was confirmed by Queen Anne. Aug. 6. 1714. Lucas Pieterse Coeymans was mentioned in Rensselaerswyck court proceed- ings, January. 1650, antl styled brother of Barent Pieterse Coeymans. Collier. — Michiel (or Caillier). son of Jo- chem Collier, or Caillier. of Xew Amsterdam, was born about 1657 ; married Fitje Jurriaense Van Hoesen. and some of their children (born between July 17, 1686. and Dec. Ci. T711 ) were baptised at .Albany. Collins. — Lieut. John, was both an officer and an attorney at .Albany, and married Mar- garita Schuyler there, X'ov. 2, 1701. Coneel. — John (or Conel). was a .soldier at Albany in 1666, and bought land from Capt. Johannes Clute and Harmen Gansevoort at fatskill. about 1678. CoNi.NGH. — Thomas, was in Rensselaers- wyck before October, 1647 • *^old brewhouse, Feb. 19. 1655. Frank Jacobsen Coningh rented a garden from Adriaen Janse Appel at Rensselaerswyck , May i, 1658. Cow.v. — Leendert (Leonard) Philipse. was in Beverwyck as early as 1655. Const.\ble. — Andries Herbertse (Consta- pel). this surname l)cing his alias (meaning "the gunner"), came from Blae>. Holland, on "den Houttuyn," arriving at Xew Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642, where he remained until 1654, when he removed to Beverwyck, where he jnirchased half of the island given his name, opposite Fort Orange, which, after his death in 1662, was sold to Jeremias Van Ressselaer ; was engaged at Rensselaerswyck to do gardening, cut timber, build fences and work in grist-mill ; killed Segar Cornelis \'an \'oor- hout in self-defense in 1662. C(W)L. — Pieter liarentse. married in .Albany in 1688. CooRN. — Xicolaas. F'rof. Pearson may have reason to .state that he was in Rensselaers- wyck in 1642: but the \'an Rensselaer-Bowie Documents set forth the facts that he came from Holland on ".Arms of Rensselaerswyck." arriving at Xew Amsterdam in March, 1644, having been commissioned by Patroon Kiliaen \'an Rensselaer, Aug. 26. 1643, ^t .Amster- dam, as commander and "commis" on Rensse- laerssteyn (also called "Castle") on Beeren Island, fortified as the southern limit in the Hudson river of Van Rensselaer's colony, and because of dispute with Director Pieter Stuy- vesant, of the Dutch West India Co., fired on the ship "Good Hope," July i, 1644, be- cause Skipper Govert Loockermans on sailing to Xew Amsterdam failed to lower his colors to \'an Rensselaer's fort; .succeeded Adriaen \"an der Donck as "sellout" of Rensselaer.s- wyck in sjiring or summer of 1646, until ar- rival of \'an Slechtenhorst, March 22. 1648. Cornells. — .Adriaen, came from Barsinger- horn. Xo. Holland, sailing from the Texel on "hct Wapen van Xoorwegen," arriving at Xew .Amsterdam, Aug. 4. 1638: recorded as foreman at Rensselaerswyck, May 10, 1638, and also referred to as Berghoorn and Van Barsingerwout. Jan Cornelis came from ITouten, near Utrecht, sailing from the Texel on "den Waterhondt." June, 1640; recorded at Rensselaerswyck. September, 1640. Cryn (Or Ouiryn) Cornelis came from Houten. on "Arms of Rensselaerswyck." arriving at New .\nisterdam, March 4 ,1637: recorded at Rens- selaerswyck, Apr. 20, 1639, as farm-hand in Greenbush, opposite Albany ; permitted to erect saw-mill on west side of the Hudson, north of Beeren Is. Roelof Cornelis. a brother, came with him, and was a thatcher. Pieter Cornelis came from Munnickendani, Xo. Holland, on same shi]j. and being mill- wright under contract with the Patroon, was know-n by surname "Meulenmaecker" ; re- corded in colony May 4, 1637. C0.STER. — Hendrick (also Costar and Kos- teri, died at .Albany, 1678, and his son, An- xviii HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS thun\-, a baker, married Elizabeth Ten Broeck, Dec' 15, 1698. Ckeevk. — Tain (Thomas), had a daughter, Neeltje, baptised at Albany. June 28, 1684. Ckiccikr. — Martyn, Jr. (Cruger), son of Capt. Martyn Cregier (ist Burgomaster of New Amsterdam and an exemplary magis- trate who removed to Niskayuna where he died in 1713). was a public clerk at New Amsterdam, 1646-61 : removed to .Albany, about 1685, where he owned lot on east side of No. Pearl, south of Steuben st. ; married at Albany. Oct. 11, 1671, Jannetje Hendrickse \'an Doesburgh, a widow. Cromwell.— Jacobus (James), had re- moved from Beverwyck to Schenectady, where he married Maria Philipse, Sept. 26. 1703- Ckdox. — Dirck Janse, came from Amster- dam ; carpenter ; erected a house at Beverwyck in 1650: appointed magistrate there, in 1655 and in 1658: superintendent of wells in 1660. Cruvf. — Eldert Gerbertse (Cruijfif or Kruyf), from Hilversum, in Gooiland, No. Holland, also known as Eldert de Goijer (or Goyer), on account of coming from there: rented more than one sawmill at Rensselaers- wyck, 1654-1658: leased Pieter Winne's farm, May I, 1655. for three years: rented mill (probably at Bethlehem), 1 658-1 671, and Jan Dircksen, from Bremen, conveyed his Catskill farm to him, Feb. 20, 1659, for house in Bev- erwyck. Crvnkn. — Cornelis. Jr. (Crijiien). came from Houten. near Utrecht, sailing on "den Waterhondt," June, 1640 : a mason : con- structed cellar of Dominie Megajjolensis' house at Rensselaerswyck. Jan Crynen came from same place at same time : entered service of Symon Walichs at Rensselaerswyck, and probably was son of former. CuvLER. — Hendrick. born at I fasselt, I'rov- ince of Overyssel, Holland, where he was liap- tised .Aug. it. 1637: son of Isebrant and Evertien Cuyler : settled in Beverwyck in 1664: a tailor and trader: the name derived from "Keiler." a wild lioar, and signifying a powerful man. CuYPER. — Gerrit Janse, arriving origiiiallv as "Gerrit Jans." came from Haerlem, sail- ing on "den Waterhondt," June, 1640: was a cooper, hence was given surname "Cuyper" or "Kuijper." Evert Janse Cuyper was in Albany, 1675-1725. D.\MEN. — Maritje. owned a house and land at Niskayuna and on Pearl street, in liever- wyck; married a third iiu^band, Cunu'li^; \'an Nes, 1664. Davids.— Chri-toflVl ( Davidts. l)avid>e. Davidscn). said to be native i>f l'jii,dand and born in 1616. arrived at New Amsterdam on "bet Wapen van Noorwegen." Aug. 4, 1638; aged 22 : traded in tobacco : leased the Dom- inie's Hoeck (\'an Wie's Point) on west side of Hudson below Albany. July 22, 1650, where he was to build his own house, the Patroon furnishing livestock : married Cornelia De \'os. of Beverwyck. who died in 1657. Decker.— Johan ( Deckere, Dekker. De Deckere). was appointed vice-director and secretary of New Orange. June 21, 1655; re- turned to New Amstertlam in 1656. De Forest. — Hendrick ( De Foreest), came from Utrecht : owned a bouw^erie on Manhat- tan Is., and died in 1638: his second son, Isaac, a brewer, married Sara Du Trieux, or Truax, at New Amsterdam. June 9. 1641, and their son, Philip, baptised July 28, 1652, re- iniived to Beverwyck. where he was a cooper. Dei-reeze. — Douwe Aukes (De Foreest), born in 1640. was innkeeper at Schenectady; killed in massacre there, Feb. 8. 1690, along with his wife and two children : had married at .Albany, Feb. 4, 1685. Maria \'iele. widow of Matth'ys Vrooman. De G.\rme.\ulx. — Pierre (alias Mlleroy), known also as "Pieter, the Frenchman," was in Albany as early as 1665, and marrying Caatje \"ander Heyden there, had a first child, Annatje, baptised there. Oct. 15, 1684. De Goyer. — Tys Evertse, was a planter at Rensselaerswyck in T664. Di'. (^RA.VF. — Andries. was a brickmaker in New Amsterdam in 1661. and his son, follow- ing same trade, lived in Beverw-yck in 1655, and was fined 500 guilders for selling liquor to Indians in 1658: his son. Claes .Andries De Graaf, born in 1628. settled in Schenectady. De Groot. — Symon, was employed on de X'lackte farm at Rensselaersw-yck. as early as .\pr. 10, 1647. Die Haex. — Isaac, was a trader in Bever- wyck, in 1663. De Hooces. — .Antony, sailed from Amster- dam. July 23, 1641, on "den Coninck David." arriving at New Amsterdam, Nov. 29. 1641, and reached Rensselaerswyck by .Apr. 10. i'i42; had business management of Rensse- laerswyck from time of \'an Curler's depart- ure for Holland, October. 1644, until Van Slechtcnhorst's arrival, March 22. 1648. and from then, until his death, about Oct. ii, 1655, was secretary. De Hui.TEK.— Jnb.-m. -ailed with his wife, Johanna De Laet. on the (Irafl ((iraef. or (iraaf), in May, 1653: obtained lease of farm north of 5th creek, Rensselaerswyck, March 7. 16^4: member of its court, April. 161^5: died before August 7. 1^158: also said "he established a pantile bake. HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \ ALLEYS D'Hi.NSSK. — Jacob, was a surgeon, coming to Beverwyck between 1654 and 1657, from Fort Casimir on the Delaware ; sued Thomas Powelson (or Powell), in 1657. for whose family he agreed to care, for two beavers ($6.40) a year, insisting that only natural sickness, and not willfully inflicted wounds, was intended in the yearly contract. Dk La Gra.nck. — Johannes, a Huguenot irom La I^oclielle, France, settled in New .Amsterdam about 1656, and his second .son, Omie, born there, came to Beverwyck as a trader in 1665, when he owned lots and also bought a tract on the Xormans kill from Johannes Hendrickse X'rooman, in 1686. Del.\.M().\t. — Jacob, lived in .Albany before 1700., and died there, March 14, 1719, aged 81 years; his son, Jan, moving to Schenectady, and his son. Marten Jacobse. marrying Lys- beth \'iele, .Albany, Xovemher 14. 1702, and removing to Scliagticoke. Du La\-.\i.. — Capt. Thomas, was a trader in Xew .Amsterdam and Beverwyck, owning houses at the latter place in 1668-82. Di-: La Warde. — Jan. came from .Antwerp in 1662. settling in Beverwyck; owned land at Xiskayuna and on an island in the Mohawk aliDve Schenectady, which he sold in 1698 to Juris .Aertse \'ander Baast : died at .Albany, January 28, 1702. r^E LooPER. — Jacobus Teunise, was in Be- verwyck in 1657, when he had an affray with Frans Barentse Pastoor ; he was a constable in 1658. Deelius. — Godefridus (van Dell), came to .Albany in 1683, as assistant minister to Do- minie Schaets, at salary of $360 per annum, residing northeast corner State and Pearl streets. De Maecker. — Pieter, was a house-builder in lieverwyck ; furnished the iron-work for thv Dutch church there, in 1657, as his con- tribution, and returned to .Amsterdam. Hoi., i6^(;. authorizing sale i;f his lot in Bever- wyck. De Marchal. — U'illem. a trader in Bevcr- w}ck in 1662. De Moer. — Philip Philiiisc. married l-'Iiza- beth Gansevoort at Beverwyck, and his son, Sander, was baptised there. January 24, 1686. De — Jan, a negro, recorded at Rens- selaerswyck in 1646; was hangman there, pro- vided such office existed, as it was known he performed an execution. De Pevster. — Johannes, grandson of Abra- ham De Peyster of New .Amsterdam, was born there, January 10, 1694; married .Anna Schuyler, .Albany, 1715, and was Mayor of Albany in 1729. De Ridder. — Evert, was schoolmaster at Beverwvck. and married .Anna \'an Ness in 1688. ■ ■ De \'oe. — Jean, born in New Amsterdam; removed to Half-Moon, above .Albany, prob- ably before 1700, marrying Catharina X'ander W'erken, .\lbany. May n, 1706. De \'os. — .Andries, arrived at New .Amster- dam on "den Eyckenb(Jom," .August, 1641 ; a carpenter; occupied farm at Bethlehem, 1642; magistrate of Rensselaerswyck court, 1648 ; owned several lots there. Cornelis De V'os was in employ of Dutch West India Co. at Beverwyck, in 1652, and married Dirckje Pieterse Coeymans, who died, 1665. De Vries. — Cornelis, appears on laerswyck records September 28, 165 1. .Ad- riaen De \ries owned a lot in Bever- wyck, in 1654. De V'roome. — Hubert Jansc. owned a lot on Maiden Lane, next east of iiroadway, .Al- bany, 1667-77. De W'axdelaer. — Johannes, a trader who came from Leyden, Holland ; married Sara Schepmoes in New .Amsterdam, March 17, 1672, and bought a lot in .Albany from Jan Tomase, in 1678. De Wever. — Jan Martense, owned a house in Beverwyck in 1657; removed to Schodack in 1664. and bought a farm at Kinderhook, in 1 67 1. De Winter. — liastiaen, came froiii Middle- burgh. Holland ; had house in .Schenectady in 1662, which he sold in 1670. and in 1678, the Dutch church claimed his property, he being dead. Dk Witt.— Tjerck Clacssen, son of Xico- laas De Witt, came from Zundcrland, Hol- land; married at New .Amsterdam, April 24, 1656, Barbara .Andriese from Am.sterdam ; had house and lot in Beverwyck, which he sold in 1666. DiNG.MAN. — .Adam, was born in Harlem, Holland, and was residing in (Ircenbusli, op- posite .Albany, in 1663; bouglit a farm at Kinderhook. 1677. DiRCK.sEN. — Jan. came from .Amcrsfoort, I'treclit. sailing from the Texel. Holland, on ■■hot Wapen van Xoorwegen," arriving at New .Amsterdam, .August 4, 1638: began serv- ice as farm laborer at Rensselaerswyck, Aug. 16, 1638. Jan Dircks, or Dircksen, came from Bremen, Ger., arriving on ".Arms of Rensse- laerswyck," at New .Amsterdam. March, 1644; commissioned skipper of colony's yacht, "Rensselaerswyck,'" .Aug. 25, 1643; occupied a farm at Bethlehem, Sept. 14, 1648; removed to Catskill, in 165 1 : returned to Beverwyck, in 1659. The name the same as Dickson. Dorw. — \'olckert Jansen, was driven from his home in Leeuwardcn, Holland, by reason HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ ALLEYS of religious persecutions. I'rof. Pearson prob- ably had reason to state that he was residing in Bevervvyck in 1638, as did S. V. Talcott, in his book ; but since then the \'an Rensse- laer-Bowier Documents have shown definitely that he arrived on "den Coninck David" at New Amsterdam, Nov. 29, 1641, when entered as "Volckert Hansen" ; his name first men- tioned at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 27, 1642 ; in harvest of 1647, was employed on the Vlackte farm ; charged with ground rent for "house on hill" at Beverwyck. built by him. 1649 to 1652: leased Papscanee Is., opposite lower part of .Albany, from May i, 1653 to May i, 1658, which he bought the latter year, with Jan Tomase, for 950 beavers : had patent for land at Schodack, Nov. 3, 1663 from Pieter Stuy- vesant ; owned a brewery at northeast corner Broadway and State street, Beverwyck, which he sold to Harmen Rutgers in 1675. Jan Andriese Douw, relationship to former un- known, bought a house in Beverwyck in 1678. and removed to New Amsterdam in 1690. DoxiE. — Samuel, born on Long Island ; re- sided some time in Schaghticoke, and married I'.arbara Janse Goewey, Albany, Sept. i, 1669; their children baptised in Albany. DoYSE.x. — Egbert, servant of Sander Leen- dertse Glen, was mentioned in Rensselaers- wyck court records, Apr. 3, 1649. Dret. — Jan, came from Utrecht : married Ryckie Van Dyck at New Amsterdam, Nov. I. 1654, and soon after removed to Bever- wyck, where he dealt in property and died there. May, 1669. Drie.s. — Hendrick (Driesen, or Andriesen), came from Doesburch, Gelderland, arriving at New Amsterdam on "den Houttuyn," Aug. 4, 1642; aged 21 ; a])pears in Rcii-'-^elacrswyck until 1 65 1. Dui.i.EMAN. — Jan liarentse, son of Barent Barentse Van Ernst, was a baker from Zwoll, Holland, and was in Beverwyck in 1661. Du MoREE. — Pieter. owned land near Kin- derhook in 1676. DuNB.\R. — John, was jjrdljahly in Albany before 1700, for in 1714 he was associated with Rev. Thomas Barclay in building St. Peter's Episcojial church there: but in 1730, removed to Sclienectady, and died in 1736. DvcK.MAN.^ — Jan, came to New Amsterdam in 165 1, as bookkeeper, and to Beverwyck in 1654, as "commis," and died in 1672; his son, Johannes, was of Benthem, Holland ; married Magdalcna Tourneurs, New Amster- dam, June 15, 1673, and their son, Johannes, was baptised in Albany, May 11, 1690. Eencluvs. — Hans Jansen, came from Rot- terdam, arriving at New Amsterdam, in 1639, and at Rensselaerswyck as early as 164 1, when emplo}ed in cleaning cannon; interpreter in 1650: operated sawmill for Evert Pels in 1651, and had permit, Nov. 3. 1651, to erect saw- mill on west side of tlie Hudson, north of Becren Island. — Barent, son of Egbert Teunise de Metselaer; married Maria De Garmeau, Albany, August 26, 1704, where their cliildren were born. Eg.moxt. — Jacob Clae.-e. had a son, Nico- laas, baptised at Beverwyck, April 13, 1684, and Jacob, December 27, 1685. Ellis. — Frederick, had a son, Nathaniel, baptised at Albany, Sept. 25, 1687. ItLBEKTSEN. — R e y e r, from Breuckelen, Utrecht, and his wife, ]\laritje Baerentse, were recorded at Rensselaerswyck. Sept. 25, 1651, when leasing land between the 3rd and 4tli creeks. Lucas Elbertsen recorded at Rensselaerswyck, May 29, 1643. Elmenixjrf. — Coenraad (ConraedtJ, mar- ried Ariaantje Gerritse, widow of Cornelis Martense Van Buren, at Albany, June 28, 1693. EssELSTEVx. — Marten Lornclisc, horn at Ysselsteyn, Holland, was one of the first set- tlers of Schenectady, and on Oct. 23, 1668, sold his bouwerie to Claas Frederickse Van Petten and Cornelis \iele, removing to Cla- verack, where he died before 1705. Enertsen. — Jan, was a master shoemaker at Bevervvyck in 1661. l\s Evertsen testified at Rensselaerswyck Jan. 12, 1651. Dirck Ever- tsen had children baptised at New Amsterdam as early as Aug. 31, 1664, and at Albany, l'"cb. 24, 1684. Janse Evert, possibly .son of last named, had a house in Albany, in 1706. Kaireax. — Thomas, an Englishman, em- ployed as a mason at Rensselaerswyck by Christoflfel Davidsen, in 1649. Ferlvn. — Jasper (Farlin), from Middle- burgh, Province of Zealand, arrived on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), which sailed from the Texel .soon after July 7, 1631 ; en- tered service of Marinus Adriaen^en as to- bacco-planter, for three years. b'lXE. — John, a cooper, came "van Water- fort in Yrlandt" : married Jopje Claase Van Slyck, June 4, 1696, and their first child, Wil- lem, was baptised in .Albany, Feb. 13, 1698. I'Onda. — Gillis (Jillis, Jellis, or Jellice), was probably at Rensselaerswyck about 1646, when Pieter Hartgers advanced money to a lad named Gillis, working for Antony de Hooges, and Oct. 19. 1651, Gillis Fonda was given permit to distill in Greenbush, next to Evert Pels' house; later spoken of as Gillis Douwes Fonda: probably a Fresian : his wife, Hester, sued in 1666 for removing neigIil)or's petti- coat from fence. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \AIJ.KYS Fort. — Jan, resided at Rensselaerswyck, and when a widower, married Maria Grande, Xew Amsterdam. Nov. 24, 1641. F"ki:di;rickseni.— Hendrick, from Bunnick, near Utrecht, arrived on "den Soutbertr," in April, 1633; aged 26 years: thatcher of roofs. Carsten Frcderickse van Iveren, or Yveren, had a brother, Myndert (the family taking the name Mynderse ) living in Albany, and he made a will with his wife, Trynljc Warner, July I, 1689. G.McxEN". — Francois, married .\riaantje Janse, at Albany. June 3. 1688. Gaxsevoort. — Harmen llarmense. was in Beverwyck as early as 1660: bought a lot at southeast corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane, in 1677, from Paulns Martense Van Benthuysen, where he conducted a brewery. Gardenier. — Jacob Janse, came from Kam- pen. Ovenvssel, Holland, on "den Harinck" ("The Herring"), arriving at New Amster- dam, March 28, 1638; a carpenter; had saw and grist-mill at Greenbush, opposite Albany, in 1647. snd leased mill at Bethlehem, Feb. 2. 1654: alias "Flodder." His son, Albert Jacobse, carpenter in Beverwyck in 1677. Hendrick Jacobse Gardenier had son, Hen- drick, born Albany, Aug. 18. 1686, Gerritsex. — The following bore the sur- name Gerritsen, Gerritse, or Gerrits, signi- fying that the father was named Gerrit. It is possible that each had his alias, such as "van Utrecht" : "but they did not so appear on the records. Albert Gerritsen, a carpenter, was granted a lot north of Laurens Jansen's house in Rensselaerswyck. Nov. 7. 165 1. Barent Gerritsen worked on a farm called "de Vlackte," about 1646. Claes Gerrits came from Schoonrewoerd, So. Holland, sailing on "den Waterhondt," June, 1640: recorded at Rensselaerswyck, Sept. 24, 1640, as farm la- borer. Goossen (or Goosen) Gerrits came from Westbroeck, Utrecht, on "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," arriving at New Amster- dam, March 4, 1637; wages began at Rensse- laerswyck, Apr. 8. 1637: became magistrate there, Nov. 19, 1648: became a tapster. July 18, 1650, and about July 19, 1659, was a tan- ner. Jan Gerritsen arrived on "Arms of Rens- selaerswyck," at New Amsterdam, March, 1644; a carpenter: recorded at Rensselaers- wyck, March 26. 1644. Reyer Gerritse mar- ried widow of Gerrit \'an Schaick at Bever- wyck, and in 1653. -had patent for land on the Vossenkill, south to Columbia St.. and from Broadway to No. Pearl St., .-Mbany. Wolfert Gerritsen came from Amersfoort, or from Couwenhoven, four miles northwest, Province of Utrecht ; engaged by Patroon \an Rensselaer to superintend establishing of farms: hut in 1632 was released from con- tract, and went to New Amsterdam. Gekhertsen. — Elbert, born at Hilversum, in Gooiland, Holland: was a sawyer; married Tryntje Janse, widow of Jan Janse Ryck- man. at Beverwyck. and they made a joint will, in 1663. (iiLBERT. — John, was a baker at Beverwyck, who married Cornelia Van den Bergh, and had a daughter, Maria, who was baptised there. May 24. 1685; he died May 11, 1707. Gilbertsen. — Claes, believed to have sailed from the Texel on "het Wapen van Noorwe- gen." arriving at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1638; served for Michiel Jans, at Rensselaers- wyck, in 1 64 1. Glen. — Sander Leendertse, sailed from the Texel on "den Harinck," ("The Herring"), May. 1639, arriving at New .Amsterdam, July 7. 1639. 3nd located as Rensselaerswyck, en- gaging in transportation of colonists by yachts, according to translation of papers of Patroon K. Van Rensselaer : but according to Prof. Pearson, he was in the employ of Dutch West India Co.. at Fort Nassau (Albany), in 1633, receiving a grant in 1651 ; and in 1665, he ob- tained a patent in Schenectady, which land along the Mohawk, opposite that place, he named Nova Scotia, as his family was origi- nally from Holland, known as Alexander (hence Xander, or Sander) before removing to Holland to escape religious persecution. His became the most important family there, with descendants residing in the same place in 1910. GoYER. — Claes .\ndriesen (or Goijer), came from Hilversum, North Holland, arriv- ing on ".Arms of Rensselaerswyck," at New Amsterdam, March, 1644: was servant of Jan Harentse Wemp (or Webb), at Rensselaers- wyck, March. 1650: surname applied after arrival, as he came from locality of Gooi, or Gooiland. Goes. — Matthys Janse (or Hoes), was in Beverwyck in 1661, and his son, Jan Tysse, removed to Kinderhook. GoYVERSENi. — Jacob, came from Fleckero, Norway, arriving on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), May 24. 1630. GoEWEV. — Salomon .Xbelse, born in Amster- dam, was a carpenter at Beverwyck, and had sons. Jacob and Jan. living there in 1668. (iRASMEER. — Wilhelmus, son-in-law of Do- minie Megapolensis, pastor of the Dutch church in Rensselaerswyck, sailed from Hol- land shortly after Apr. ifi, 1650. and preached in the Patroon's colony in 1650 ; returned to Holland, November. 1651. Gr.\uw. — Leendert .Arentse, had a child, Gysl)crtje, bajitiscd in .Mbany, May 19. 1689. HUDSON AXD MOHAWK \ALLEYS Greveraad. — Henricus. of New Amster- dam, married Sara Sanders at Albany, May 4, 1686, and their child, Lysbeth, baptised there, Dec. 25. 1686; but later ones in New York City. Groexendvck. — Johannes, son of Pieter, of New Amsterdam, and baptised there. March 24, 1675 : but came to Albany, where he was sheriff in 1698 ; married Delia Cuyler, daugh- ter of Hendrick Cuyler, of Albany, the pro- genitor of that family, Sept. 19, 1694. Groenwout. — Juriaen Janse, was in Be- verwyck in 1662, where he was a licensed butcher in 1670, and bought land. Groesbeck. — Nicolaas Jacobse, came from Rotterdam, Holland, and in 1662, was a car- penter of Beverwyck, with house on west side of Pearl, the second north of Maiden Lane. Groot. — Synion Symonse, was in employ of Dutch West India Co. at Beverwyck in 1654, and became one of first settlers of Schenectady. Gysbertsen. — Lubbert, came from Blari- cum, near Naarden, Province of North Hol- land, sailing with wife, Divertgen Cornelise, and three sons, Gy.sbert, Theus and Jan, on "d'Eendracht"' ("The Unity"). May, 1634: wheelwright, under contract with Patroon K. Van Rensselaer. H ALEX BECK. — Caspar Jacobse, was in Be- verwyck in 1654, and died there about August, 1703, leaving sons Isaac and Jan. Hansen. — Capt. "Hans" (Johannes), came to Beverwyck as trader ; married Eva Gillise there, Apr. 26, 1643; resided on east side Broadway, not far south of Maiden Lane, and was dead in 1697; his son, Hendrick, mar- ried Debora Van Dam at Beverwyck. Sept. 21, 1692, and was Mayor of Albany, 1698-99. Volckert Hansen (or Jansen), see Douw. as he was later called. Hardenbercii. — Gerrit Janse (Hertten- berch), was in Beverwyck as early as 1677, and in 1690 owned a sloop, "Royal Albany." Harding. — Frank, resided at Claverack : married Catrine Jansen Van Hoesen, and their daughter, Gertrude, was ba])tised Jan. 17, 1692. Harmensen. — Robert, arrived on "Arms of Rensselaerswyck" at New Amsterdam, March 4, 1637, and his account in Rensselaerswyck began Apr. 17, 1637 ; employed by Gerrit de Reux in splitting wood, thatching and grind- ing. Marten Harmensen was in Rensselaers- wyck as early as Jan. 12, 1651 : possibly the same as Marten de Metsclaer, or a mason, as early as May 25, 1647. Harris. — Jan, born in England : married L\sbet Claese, and their first child, Maria, was baptised at Beverwyck, Nov. 22, 1685, as were many others of their children. Hartgers. — Pieter (Hartgerts, Hartgars, Hartgras, Hertgers), recorded at Rensselaers- wyck Nov. I. 1644; had a brewery in 1646; joint lessee of Papscanee Lsland, near Al- bany, 1653; was a magistrate; married Sytje Roeloffse, daughter of Anneke Jans. Heemstraat. — Takel Dirckse (van Heem- straaten), had a son, Dirck Takelse, of Half- Moon, north of Albany, who married Claartje Quackenbos. .Albany, Nov. 3, 1700. Helmes. — Jan (Helms, Helmsen, Helmes- sen, Helmichsen), came from Barlt, Schles- wig-Holstein, Prussia, arriving on "den Hout- tuyn," at New Amsterdam, .\ug. 4, 1642; drew wages at Rensselaerswyck, Aug. 13, 1642: rented farm at Bethlehem, Albanv co., 1650-58. He.n'dricksen. — .\ndries. liorii at Otmars, in Twent : resided in Kinderhook, and made will Jan. 5. 1681. Dirck Hendricksen came from Hilversum. North Holland, arriving on the ".Arms of Rensselaerswyck," at New Am- sterdam, March, 1644: also known as Dirck Goi jer, or (ioyer : went to Rensselaerswyck as farm laborer, and removed to Catskill in 1652. Gerrit Hendricksen came from Ny- kerck, Gelderland, sailing on "den Calmer .Sleutel" from the Texel, December, 1637 ; aged 15 then; shoemaker; recorded at Rens- selaerswyck, .Apr. 2, 1641. Hendrick Hen- dricksen (van Ilarstenhorst) -was a baker at Beverwyck in 1656. and was dead Sept. 23. 1662. ATarten Hendricksen came from Ham- elwoerden, Hanover, on "den Harinck" ("The Herring"), arriving at New Amsterdam, July 7, 1639; recorded at Rensselaerswyck, Aug. [4. 1639. as farm hand under Michiel Jans, and had interest in brewery at Greenbush with Evert Pels, in 165 1 ; may be same as Marten Hendricksc N'erbeeck. Pieter Hendricksen came on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), in 1630, from Soest, either in Province of Utrecht or in W^estphalia ; engaged in that year as shepherd or plowboy, to serve four years. Rutger Hendricksen came from same place at same time, was a farmer on Castle Island, south of Albany city ; appointed schout in 1632; but did not qualify. Robbert Hen- dricksen sailed on "The Unity" from the Texel, May, 1634, engaged in furnishing stockade posts for the farm on Castle Island. Henvpot.- — Symon Jans, came from Mun- nickendam, sailing on "het Wapen van Noor- wegen," arriving at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1638; in Rensselaerswyck in 1639. Hessei.ingh. — Dirck. was in .Albany in 1666. subsequently in Schenectady, where he lionght a bouweric in 1 671 froin Juriaen Teun- HUDSON AXD .MOHAWK XAI.Ll'.VS ise Tappen, which he sold next year to Har- ineii \ etlder, and bought land at Lubberde's land, or Troy, N. V. Hevick. — Jacob, born in Mecklenburg ; was employed on de X'lackte farm beginning with 1646: rented bouse and garden opposite Cas- tle Island, March 3, 1649-1655, and in com- pany with Reyndert Pieterse bought Pieter Bronck's house, lot and brewery in 1666. The name was also spelled "Hevingh." HiGOiNS. — Thomas (Higgens, Higges. Hcg- gens, alias Compeer), worked on de Vlackte farm at Rensselaerswyck in 1647, in employ of Thomas Chambers ; removed to Catskill about 1650. HiLTEN. — W'illem (or Hilton 1, married Anna Berkhoven at Reverwyck, Apr. 6, 1693. The progenitor of the Hilton family in Amer- ica was probably Edward Hilton, who left Durham, Eng., settling at Dover, N. H., 1623. HoFFM.vN'. — Marten, was a saddler from Revel : married a second wife. Emmerentje De Witte, of Emberland. in New Amsterdam, May 16, 1664. although resident of Bever- wyck, 1662-76. HoFFMEYER. — Willem,was fined 500 guilders in 1656 for transporting beer from New Am- sterdam to Reverwyck and selling it to In- dians ; had to remove to latter place in 1657. Holland. — Capt. Henry, was probably in Albany before 1700, for he married Jenny Sehly, and their child, Mary, was baptised there, Feb. 9, 1701, he residing on west cor- ner of Rroadway and Beaver St., 1713-17, and commanding the garrison at Albany in 1732. His son, Edward, was i8th Mayor of Albany. Oct. 24, 1733 — Oct. 30, 1740, appointed by Gov. Crosby. HoND. — Willem (or Hunt), was born in London. Eng. : married Gertrude Gerritse \"an Schoonhoven at Albany, Oct. 27. 1700, and their four children were born there. HoNDECOUTRE. — Daniel, came to Beverwyck from New Amsterdam as a trader, living there 1661-73. HooGEP.ooM. — Cornelis Pieterse. a tile and brick-baker, came to New .Amsterdam in 1636: had a son living in Beverwyck in i''>57, and went there himself in 1660. HooGiiKERKE. — Lucas Lucasc, married at Beverwyck (first) Hendrickje Janse. Feb. 10, 1686; (second) Judik ^farselis, at .\lbany, Nov. 23, 1692. HooGHTEELiNG. — Matthys, was in Bever- wyck in 1676, then aged 32 years ; died there in 1706, and his son, Coenraad, married Tryntjc \\'illemse Van Slyck there, in 1688. Hrx. — Harmen Tomase, was the son of Tomas Hun, and came to Beverwyck, from .Amersfoort, Holland, in 1661 ; married at Be- verwxck. in 1661. Catalyntje Berck (or Bercx) who was born in 1625. and died at .\lbany, .\pril 14, ifKj3. while he was living there as late as 1703. Their son, Thomas Harmense, was born at .Albany, Oct. 2, 1668, and married .Mayeke Oothout. .Albany, Nov. 20. 1692. They had four children, born in .Albany up to June 9, 1700, hence three generations at .Xlbany previous to year 1700. Hint. — Willem. same as Willem Hond. HuviiERTSEN. — Adriaen, arrived on the ".Arms of Rensselaerswyck," at New .Amster- dam, March 4, 1637, and is credited in Rens- selaerswyck, .Apr. 8, 1637 ; worked for Cor- nelis Teunise ; rented farm irom Rutger Jacobs, on 5th creek, in 1652. Jan Huybert- sen arrived on the ".Arms of Rensselaers- wyck," at New .Amsterdam, March, 1644. and was a tailor at Rensselaerswyck. HiYCK. — .Andries Hansc (or Huyk or Huygh). resided in Kinderhook before 1700, probably previously at .Albany, as in his old age he made his will, .Aug. 23. 1705 ; his sec- ond son, Lambert, resided in .Albany, where he married .Anna Ratcliffe (Radcliiif), .Aug. 28, 1707. J.xcoBSEx. — .Aert, occupied a farm at Beth- lehem, Albany co., as early as 1648; then leased one in Greenbush, opposite .Albany, north of that of Cornelis Hendricksen Van Nes; removed to Esopus. about 1661. Caspar Jacobsen obtained lease of house-lot at Rens- selaerswyck in 165 1. Cornelis Jacobsen came from Martensdyck, near Utrecht, engaged as farm laborer for Rutger Hendricksen, on Rensselaers Burg. Frans Jacobsen testified at Rensselaerswyck in 1649 to being 17 years old. and may have been De Bruyn. Jan Ja- colxsen sailed from the Texel on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), May, 1634, and was farm hand under Brant Peelen on Castle Island. Nijs Jacobsen sailed from the Texel on "den Waterhondt," June, 1640; began service at Rensselaerswyck, Sept. 4, 1640. Rutger Ja- cobsen came from Schoonrewoerd (commonly written in records "Schoonderwoert," from which the name in .Albany, "\'an Woert") South Holland, arriving on the ".Arms of Rensselaerswyck," at New .Amsterdam, March 4, 1637: began service in Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 8, 1637. on farm of Cornelis Tennis; engaged as foreman on the Great Flat, Feb. 9. 1643 : lessee of farm on the 5th Creek from Jan. I, 1645, and rented sawmill thereon in 1654: owned a yacht about 1648: authorized to brew beer in 1650. Tennis Jacobsen came from Hamersvelt, Utrecht, when 20 years old, contracting with Jercmias Van Rensselaer, at .Amsterdam, June 14. i^.s6. to sail on "the Cotter," to do' farm work at Rensselaerswyck. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS Jansen. — This name is equivalent to John- son, or "son of John." It appears written "Ian" with any sort of a fanciful pen scroll fol- lowing the last letter, in order to indicate "Jan, son of Jan," and simply another form of Johannes, or contraction of it. It is tliere- fore possible to write out this scroll, indica- tive of possession, as Jans, Janse, or Jansen. It may be more clearly understood by remem- bering that the English, in olden times, wrote "John his book," which became after a while the custom to write "John's book." Doubt- less many have desired to know in what form to write the name which has often appeared as "Anneke Jansen," so as to follow her own form ; but one could simply write "Ian" or "Jan," and follow it with a flourish. The following names appear variously as Jans, Janse and Jansen on the old records ; but it would be correct to treat them all as "Jan- sen." In any event, it would merely depend on which particular signature is selected, for the same man wrote it differently at various times. Adriaen Jansen was schoolmaster, ap- pears recorded at Beverwyck, Nov. 23, 165 1 ; still so employed in 1657, and possibly was same as Adriaen Jansen Croon. .A.driaen Jan- sen came from Leyden, alias "Appel" ; was in Rensselaerswyck as early as 1649: bought house and brewery, Feb. 19. 1655; tavern- keeper in 1656. Albert Jansen came from Amsterdam, arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642: carpenter; recorded at Rensselaerswyck that year as building a house for Dominie Megapolensis. .\ntony Jansen was court-messenger of Bever- wyck in 1662 : innkeeper at Beverwyck, 1662-68. Arent Jansen was a master carpenter, in em- ploy of Dutch West India Co. at Fort Orange in 164T, and bought .southeast corner Broad- way and Maiden Lane, in 1667. Barent Jan- sen came on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), in T630, on the sailing list as from De.sens, in another place as from Esen, to be farmer for Brant Peelen. Broer Jansen had a child, Heyltjc, baptised at Beverwyck, A])r. 19, 1685. Claes Jansen came from Waelwyck, North P.rabant, arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New .Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642, and was in Rens- selaerswyck until 1649. Claes Jansen came from Breda, North Brabant, arriving on "den Houttuyn." at New .Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642 ; recorded then as a boy in service of Adriaen Van der Donck at Rensselaerswyck. Claes Jansen came from Nykerck. Gelderland, sail- ing from Texel, Holland, December, 1637, then aged 17; a tailor, at Rensselaerswyck. Claes lansen came from Bockhoven, North Brabant, also mentioned as Claes de Brae- bander; appeared at the Rensselaerswyck court in 1 65 1. Cornelis Jansen was first re- corded in Rensselaerswyck, Sept. 9, 1648. Dirck Jansen came from Edam, North Hol- land, on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," arriving at New Amsterdam, March 4, 1637, and was charged on accounts at Rensselaers- wyck, May 9, 1637; chosen member of the council of the colony the same year ; was de- ceased May 29, 1643. Evert jansen, tailor, was at New Amsterdam as early as February, 1643; granted permission to reside at Rensse- laerswyck, Oct. 13, 1648, provided he build house and obtained a lot, Nov. 7, 1651. Ger- rit Jansen married Maritje Louys (or Lewis), and had daughter, Antje, baptised at Albany, Feb. 12, 1693. Jacob Jansen came from Am- sterdam on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," arriving at New Amsterdam, March 4, 1637; carpenter ; charged on accounts at Rensse- laerswyck, Apr. 2, 1637; employed by Arent Van Curler in 1641, to do copying. Jacob Jansen came from Nordstrand, island off .Schleswig, arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642, and was em- ployed at Rensselaerswyck that year, by Cor- nelis Hendrickse \'an Nes. Jacob Jansen came from Stoutenburch, Utrecht; recorded in Rensselaerswyck as farmer on de Vlackte, June 18, .1648. Jacobus (same as James) Jansen was living in Greenbush, opposite Al- bany, in 1663. Laurens Jansen lived, with his wife, Styntje Pieterse, on a farm on the 5th creek at Rensselaerswyck. January, 1650. Marten Jansen married Jannetje Mingael and had a daughter, Maritje, born at Beverwyck, Dec. 27, 1685. Marten Jansen married Jan netje Cornelise and had a daughter, Maritje, baptised at Beverwyck, Feb. i, 1685. Michiel Jansen came from .Schrabbekercke, Zealand, sailing from the Texel, Holland, arriving at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1638 ; foreman of farmers at Rensselaerswyck in that year. Paulus Jansen came from Geerlruydenbergh, North Brabant, arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642; wages began as "young man," at Rensselaerswyck. .Aug. 13, 1642. Paulus Jansen came from Hoorn. North Holland, also known at Pieter Jansen de Boer and Pieter de Boer, or farm- er ; first recorded at Rensselaerswyck, Dec. 17, 1648. Paulus Jansen came from Corinchen, South Holland; testified at Rensselaerswyck, Jan. 20, 165 1, as to witnessing event there in 1649. Remmer Jansen came from Jever, Oldenburg, a smith, at New .Amsterdam in 1638; on Long Island in 1643; leased garden at Rensselaerswyck, May, 1650. Roelof Jan- sen came on ship "d'Eendracht" ("The LTnity"), arriving at New .Amsterdam, May 24, 1630, from Mastcrland (Marstrand, on HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ ALLEYS coast of Sweden ) in coin]iany with his wife, Annetje Jans, also with his daughters, Sara and Trijntje (or Tryntje ) and another child ; was a farmer on de Laets Burg, near Albany and was apix)inted "schepen," July i, 1632. Steven Jansen was a master carpenter, coming from New Amsterdam to Rensselaerswyck, July. 1649. Tomas Jansen came from Bun- nick, near Utrecht, on the "Arms of Rensse- laerswyck," arriving at New Amsterdam, March 4, 1637: farm hand; began service at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 8, 1637; occupied a farm there from May i, 1646: rented farm on east side of the Hudson, from Mav i, 1655. JoCHEMSE. — Hendrick, was in Rensselaers- wyck, 1654-69 ; lieutenant of the Burgher Company ; had lot northeast corner Broaclway and State st. JoNASEN. — Jacob, recorded in Rensselaers- wyck, June 12, 1643. Kalf. — Claes, was in Rensselaerswyck about 1647. and was son-in-law of Brant Peelen, who operated a farm on Castle Island, below Albany. Keiler. — (Cuijler), see Cuyler. Kettel. — Jochem (Kettelhuyn, Kettelheym. Kettelheun, Kuttelheym), came from Cremyn (or Kremmin), near Stettin. Pomerania, ar- riving on "den Houttuyn," at New Amster- dam, Aug. 4, 1642; began service as farmer in Rensselaerswyck under Andries de Vos, Aug. 13. 1642, and from Sept. 20, 1646, to Apr. 20, 1648, was employed on de Vlackte farm ; took over part of lease of farm of Evert Pels, in Greenbush, Jan. 14, 1649: also had lot on west corner Broadway and Maiden Lane, Albany. Kidney. — Jan (Cittene), came from Bar- bados: married Maritje Roeloffse van den Werke, May i, 1698, and had son, Roeloff, baptised at Albany, June 7, 1700. Kip. — Abraham, married Geesie Van der Heyden. .-Mbany. Oct. 16, 1687: resided south corner of Maiden Lane and North Pearl st. Ki^\uw. — Frans Pieterse ; see Clauw. Klevx. — Elderick, was in Beverwyck, with wife, in 1657; town herder of cattle, 1667-69. Johannes Kleyn resided in Schenectady ; mar- ried daughter of Ludovicus Cobes, and had child, Wevntje. baptised at Albany, Jan. 23, 1684. Kr.oMP. — Jacob Symonsen, took oath of fealty to the Patroon, at Rensselaerswyck, Nov. 28, 165 1, and rented a lot next to Ste- ven Jansen'?, Feb. i, 1652. KNicKERBACKER.^Wouter. resided in Al- bany, where he married Elizabeth Fonda, Jan. 9. 1735, and died at Saratoga (now Schuyler- ville), N. Y., Aug. 8, 1797, aged nearly 95 years. 'Die name, signifying baker of marbles or small clay toys, was later more commonly written Knickerbocker. Knikkelhakker. — Harmen Janse, came from Wye : married Lysbeth Janse Bogart, and had children baptised in Albany: Cornelis, Sept. 2, 1688 ; Cornelis, Jan, 6, 1692 ; Cornelia, July 21, 1695: Evert, Sept. 3, 1699; Pieter, Apr. 19, 1702. Koijemans. — Barent Pieterse : see Coey- mans. Koorenheurs. — Jacob, had a daughter, Catalyntje, baptised in Albany, Aug. 26, 1683. Koster. — Hendrick ; see Coster. KooRN. — Nicolaas; see Coorn. KuiTPER. — Gerrit Janse; see Cuyper. KuvPER. — Evert Janse, was in Willemstadt (Albany), 1675-1725. Lahatie. — Jean, also known on records as Jan Labaddie), was a native of France and consequently his name was sometimes written ■'Jolian Labatie fransman" ; arrived on the ■■.\rms of Rensselaerswyck," at New Amster- dam, March 4, 1637; journeyman carpenter; Ijegan service at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 2, 1637, for the Patroon; received permission, June 15, 1647. from West India Co., to erect a house in Fort Orange, and to brew therein ; was referred to as being in charge of the fort, in 1649 ; married Jillesje (or Jellice) Claes Swits, of Schenectady. Lambertsen. — Cornelis, came from Doom, near Utrecht, Holland, arriving on "den Hout- tuyn," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642 ; but although he sailed with Dominie Megapolen- sis, with e.xpectation of continuing to Rensse- laerswyck, his name does not appear in the colony, and probably remained in Manhattan. L.^N.siNC. — Gerrit Frederickse (Lansingh, Lansinck). was son of Frederick Lansing, came from Hassel, near Zwoll. Province of Overyssel, Holland, to New .'\mstcrdam, with his three sons and three daughters, and prob- ably settled in Rensselaerswyck about 1650. Gerritt F. Lansing was probably dead before Oct. 3, 1679, when his children executed a joint conveyance. Gerrit, the oldest child, was a baker, and had nine children, living in .Albany, the last of whom was baptised Jan. 20. 1689. Lassinc. — Pieter Pieterse (Lassingh), ran away from his master, Volckert Janse Douw, in 1659, to Hartford, Conn. ; purchased a brewery of Harmen Rutgers at northeast cor- ner Broadway and State St., Albany, in 1675, in company with Goosen Gerritse Van .Schaick : was at Esopus in 1685 ; his son, Pieter, born in Albany, married there, Cor- nelia Rees, of Claverack, Oct. 28. 1704. Laurensen. — Laurens (Laurence), came HUDSON" AXD MOHAWK VALLEYS from Copenhagen on "d'Eendracht" ('"The Unity"), sailing in July, 1531: engaged to erect a sawmill at Rensselaerswyck. Leendertsex.^ — Willem, was referred to as "Willem leenertsz geelgieter" and as "Willem de geelgietter," or brass-founder ; was em- ployed on de V'lackte farm in Rensselaerswyck, from July I, 1647. The name would signify Leonardson. LespiiNARD. — Antiiny, a baker at liever- wyck ; leasing that of Jan Kinckhout, in 1670, with permit to bake for both Christians and Indians ; made will Apr. 2, 1685. Levy. — Asser, a Hebrew trader of \ew Amsterdam, who owned a house and lot and did business in Beverwyck, 1661-65. Lewis. — Tames (Luwes), married Alary French and probably resided in Albany pre- vious to 1700, as their child. Tames, was bap- tised there, Nov. 19, 1707. LiEVENS. — Jans, conveyed his house and plantation of 25 morgens, near Hell Gate, to Andries Andriesen, in 1657, and removed to Beverwyck. Harmen, probably his son, had a farm on \'an Schaick's Island, at mouth of Mohawk river, in 1681 : married Maritje Teu- nise, and had these children, baptised there or in Albany : Tomas, Feb. 24, 1684 : Egbertje, Apr. 2, 1686: Pieter, Dec. 15, 1689: Rachel. Jan. 13, 1692. Livingston. — Robert, was the son of a Scotch clergyman, and for political reasons removed to Holland : came to Albany in 1674, and in March. 1675. bought land "on the hill," at the northwest corner of State and Pearl streets ; appointed secretary of Albany, Sep- tember, 1675, serving until 1721 ; married Alida Schuyler, .Albany, 1679, she being widow of Rev. Nicolaas \'an Rensselaer, who died November, 1678; petitioned for his first tract of land near Roelof Jansen's kill, Claverack, which was granted Nov. 12, 1680, and secured a deed for larger tract from Mohegan Indians, dated July 12, 1683, which patent was granted by Dongan Nov. 4, 1684. Lock. — Claes Hendrickse, was in Albany in 1665; owned a sloop in 1674; master of sloop "Sarah," plying Albany to New York City in 1684; married Cuiesje Hendricksen, widow, at New York, in 167 1. Lodewycksen. — Thomas, a carpenter at Rensselaerswyck in partnership with Reynier Wisselpenningh : recovered 270 guilders in suit brought for building the baptistrj', in 1658; built a sloop in 1661. Loockerm.\ns. — Jacob and Pieter Janse, two brothers, settled in Beverwyck. Jacob was there as early as 1657; commissioner to make peace treaty between Mohawk and Nor- thern Indians, in 1664. Pieter came there in 1656: boatswain for Dutch West India Co.. in 1658. .\ third brother, liovert, re- mained in New Amsterdam, and was skipper of the "Good Hope," on which Coorn fired when the vessel was passing Rensselaerssteyn. stone fort of castle, on Beeren Island, 14 miles south of Albany, July i, 1644, because Peter Stuyvesant's man refused to dip his colors in recognition of the staple right of \'an Rensselaer. Loveridge. — William, a hatter : bought house from Pieter Jacobse Borsboom on east side of Broadway (where crossed when Hud- son ave. was opened), Albany, 1671 ; owned farm at Catskill, 1680. Lubbertson. — Gerrit, came from New York cit\- ; married .Alida Evertsen, .Albany, March 12. 1684, and their three children baptised there, up to March 4, 1688. Ll'vcassen. — Evert, a baker at Beverwyck in 1657: bought land from Indians at Kinder- hook, 1655, which he sold to Jacob Janse Gardenier, 1677. Luversen.— Jacob, was in Rensselaerswyck before Oct. 19, 165 1. LvDRs. — Dominie Johannes, arrived in Al- bany from Holland with Dominie Barnhardus Freerman, July 20, 1700, officiating in Dutch church until his death, March i, 1710. Ma AT. — Jacob Hendrickse, innkeeper at i'everwyck : farmer of the excise in 1654; had alias "van Loosereght." Maesen. — Cornells, came from Buurmal- sem. Province of Gclderland, sailing from the Texel, Holland, on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), July, 163 1 ; engaged by Patroon Van Rensselaer as laborer, for three years. Possi- bly this name was corrupted into "Mason." Mangelse. — Jan, was in lieverwyck as early as 1657. AIarinus. — Willem, resided in Schenectady; married Baata Klein, and their child, Maria, was baptised at Albany, June 19. 1709. He was probably citizen of Albany before going there. Marselis. — Hendrick, was one i>f Melyn's colonists of Staten Island, arriving on the "New Netherland's Fortune," 1650 ; had grant of land at Beverwyck. in 1654, and lo- cated there ; removed to Kinderhook, 1673. Janse \'an Bommel Marselis was born at Bommel. Gelderland, Hoi. ; early settler at Beverwyck ; farmer of the excise, 1655 ; died before 1700. Gysbert Marselis, shoemaker, bought house on east corner of Maiden Lane and Pearl st., .Mbanv. from Gerrit \'an Slechtenhorst. 1680: buried. Albany. June 8, 1740. MiciuiC. — Jan Pieterse. removed to Schenec- tady ; married Antje Pieterse Borsboom, and ni'DSOX AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS had three chikheii baptised in Albany up to Apr. 1 6, 1693. ^Iegapolensis. — Dominie Johannes, was a minister at Schoorl and Bergen, near Alkmaar, Province of North Holland ; entered into con- tract with i'atroon Kiliaen V^an Rensselaer at Amsterdam, Apr. 6, 1642, to preach in his colony; sailed on "den Houttuyn," from the Texel, June, 1642, with wife and four chil- dren; arrived at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642; serving from August 13, 1642, until summer of 1649, and appears to have lived in the grenen bosch, or Pine Woods, and as the village opposite Albany, on east bank of the Hudson, was so called (Greenbush), it may be that he resided over there, which idea is strongly advocated by State Archivist A. J. van Laer, who also states that his real name was probably "Grootstadt," for in Kieft's letter of Sept. 11, 1642, he is men- tioned as "Do'e Grootstedius." Mensen. — Marcus, came from Culenburgh, or Cuylenborch, Gelderland, arriving on "den Soutberg," April, 1633; engaged as farm-boy, aged 17, by Brant Peelen. Metselaer. — Harmcn, was a mason at Al- bany in 1666; died there in 1667. Marten Metselaer (or De Metselaer) wounded Pieter Jacobse Borsboom in a fight at Reverwyck, in 1657, and was confined in the stocks. Ten- nis Teunise De Metselaer came to Rensselaers- wyck in 1641 ; married Egbertien Egbertse, and made will Aug. 7, 1685. MECLEWEL.S. — Jacques, testified at Rensse- laerswyck, March 4, 1649- Mevn'tex, — Willem, arrived at New .Am- sterdam on '"het Wapen van Noorwegen," Aug. 4, 1638: began service at Rensselaers- wyck as farm laborer. Aug. 14, 1638; carted the stone for house of Dominie Megapolensis. Probably a name similar to Minturn. MicniELSEN. — Jan (or Michaels), came from Edam, North Holland, arriving with his son on "het Wapen van Noorwegen," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1638; a tailor; was able to own his own house at Rensselaerswyck in 165 1, in which ])lace he located late in 1638; married Tryntje Jansen, who died in 1665; he left descent. MiLLiNCTON. — Thomas, was horn in Eng- land ; public carman ; married Tryntje Wendell at .-Mbany, Sept. 17. 1699. MoL. — Jacobus (or James), married Lydia Winne at Albany, and their child, Engeltje, was baptised there, Apr. 16, 1704; removed to New York. Moor. — Richard, born in the West Indies, married Geesje Janse Salzbergen (Salisbury), Nov. 3, 1700. and residing a time in Albany. Morris. — Frans, married Zytje Matthys Hooghteeling, and had two children baptised in Albany: Lysbeth, June 7, 1691 ; Maria, Oct. 23, 1692. .Mulder. — Jan Pieterse, soldier in service of Dutch West India Co., at Beverwyck, 1660- 61 ; at Esopus, 1663. Mui,LEK.— Cornells Stephense, was in Greenbush (Rensselaer), N. Y., 1663; in Claverack, 1720; owned large lot on west side of Broadway, north of Maiden Lane, Albany; married Hilletje Loockermans, and had ten children born there, previous to 1700. Jeremias Muller lived at Claverack, and mar- ried Lysbeth Halenbeck, I'^eb. 10, 1705, at Albany. Probably the name then was same as iMueller, or Miller. MvxDERSE. — Barent, was a master shoe- maker in Beverwyck as early as 1659, and (hed aooLu li^y, wuen t^ieter Vosburgn admin- istered his estate. It is unknown that he left a family. Myndert and Carsten Frederickse, two brothers, were smiths, came from iveren, hence some of the descendants assumed the name "Van Iveren"; owned house at north- west corner Broadway and State street, Al- bany. Myndert was the elder of the Lutheran church and Carsten the deason, in 1680. Myndert was armorer to the fort in 1697; married (first) Catharyn Burchharts (or Burger), New Amsterdam, Aug. 5, 1656; (second) Pietertje Teunise Van \echten, 1663; had five children living at date of will, 1704; and some of his children took the name Myndertse (later becoming Mynderse), others the name Van Iveren or Van Yvercn. Car- sten married Tryntje Warner, had four chil- dren, who were known by surname Freder- ickse, later as Fredericks, and died about 1690. Their descendants are to be found mainly in Schenectady and New York City. Nak.— Jan, a trader and gunstocker at Beverwyck ; married Catharina Roomers, in New Amsterdam, Oct. 28, 1663; had son, Matthys, and died Dec. 12, 1708. Nannincks. — Geertje (Nanning), came with her son and daughter on "den Cuninck David,"' from Holland, in 1641. settling in Rensselaerswyck. NijssEN. — Wolf, known also as Wolphert Nys. or Nijs, came from t'Stift, bishojiric of Utrecht, and bound himself, June 15, 1643. ^o serve Evert Pels at Rensselaerswyck, the lat- ter having farm at Greenbush. Nobel. — Willem, married Maritje Pieterse, and had son. Willem, born at .Albany, Feb. 14, 1(192. The name probably same as Noble. Thomas Noble married Catharine Morris and had son, David, baptised at .Albany, March 8, 1704. NoLDK.N. — Evert, accorded permit to be HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ ALLEYS schoolmaster at Rensselaerswyck. Apr. 30, 1648. Nottingham. — William, a trader in Albany, 1674-76; removed to Kingston, N. Y., where he was living in 1722. NoxoN. — Tomas, married Gertrude Hooge- boom at Albany, Dec. 23, 1691, and had child, Alida, baptised there, Apr. i. 1694. May be same family as Nixon. OoSTERu.M. — Gerrit Willemse, came to Be- verwyck in 1631. OoTHOUT.^ — Jan Janse (Oothoet), brewer in Greenbush (Rensselaer), N. Y., came to Albany as early as 1665, and had children: Hendrick, Johannes, Adriaen, Mayke, .\ntje and Jannetje, when he made will, March 13, 1688. Ihe son, Hendrick, was a surveyor of Albany in 1700, and married Caatje Volck- ertse Douw, Albany, Apr. 30, 1684. The son, Johannes, married Aeltje Evertse, Albany, May 5, 1689. The son, Adriaen, married Lammertje Loockermans, Albany. Nov. 3, 1700. Similar to the name "Ootland," which was also used then. Orchard. — Robert, was in Albany before 1671, for on May 31st, he and his wife. Jan- netje Donckertse, conveyed land at Kinder- hook to Lourens Van Alen and others. OsTR.\NDER. — Pieter, lived in Albany about 1700, or earlier; married Rachel Dingmans, and they had son, Petrus. baptised in Albany, Feb. 6, 1709. A rent Ostrander married Ger- trude \'an Bloemendaal, and had son, Petrus, baptised in Albany, Oct. 7, 171 1. Otte.w — Helmer, came from Isens (Essen?) was a baker in Beverwyck, 1663-1676, when he died; married Ariaantje Arentse Bratt ; conveyed his lot on north corner of Pearl and State sts., Albany, to Df)minie Nicolaas \"an Rensselaer, in 1675. Otterspoor. — Aert, was living at Bethle- hem in 1649, Albany co., on arrival was known simply as Aert Aerntse van Otters- poor, a place in Utrecht. Ouderkerk. — Jan Janse, a coojjer in Be- verwyck as early as 1664; resided on north side of State st., in 1692. Johannes Ouder- kerk married Neeltje Claase, widow of Hen- drick Gardenier, at Albany, May 20, 1695. Isaac Ouderkerk was living in Albany when he married Mayke Van Nes, May 3, T696; at Kinderhook, in 1709. and at TLilf-Moon. in 1720. Owens. — Owen, might Jiavc been in Al- bany before 1700. as he married Maria Wen- dell there, June 10, 1704. His name written also "Oyje," and "Oyjens"; "geboren tot Gork in lerlandt." Papenoorp. — Adriaen ( Icrritsc. was in Rensselaerswyck, probably in i<^>34 ; magis- trate; married Jannetje Croon; will made, Oct. 7, 1688. Parker. — Sergt. William, owned lot on the hill at .\lbany, which he sold to Dirck Alber- tse Bradt (or Bratt) and Ryck Claese (Van Vranken) in 1671. Pars. — Matthys, also known as Puis, was in Kingston, 1701 ; came to Albany; married Tanna Winne there, Nov. i, 1701 ; child, .•\dam, baptised there. Jan. 13, 1706; removed to Kinderhook that year. Pastoor. — Frans Barentse, a brewer, one of iJeverwyck's magistrates in 1654. Pauwelsen. — Juriaen (Pouwelsen, Powell, Pauwesen, Poulisen and Poulis), came from Sleswyck, or Schleswig. arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New .A.msterdam, Aug. 4, 1642, and recorded in Rensselaerswyck as farm hand (boy), Aug. 13, 1642; was servant of Michiel Jansen, July, 1644. Pearse.' — Nehemiah, bought house on the hill at Albany, from Evert Janse \\'endell, in 1675, and sold it to Samuel Holman, in 1676. The name allied with Parse, Parson, Peersen and Pierson. Peek. — Jan (also written Peeck), innkeeper of New Amsterdam ; removed to Beverwyck where he sold two houses to Johannes Dyck- man in 1655 ' Peekskill creek takes name from him, as owner of land there ; married Maria \olchers (widow of Cornelis \'olckertse), in New Amsterdam, Feb. 20, 1650; their son, Jacobus (or James), was born in New Am- sterdam, Jan. 16, 1656, and had a son, Ludo- vicus, born in Schenectady, baptised July 14. 1686 ; hence three generations in the colony previous to 1700. Peelen. — Brant (also written Brandt), came from Nykerck. sailing on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), arriving at New Amsterdam, May 24, 1630; engaged by Patroon Van Rens- selaer as a farmer for four years, at 1 10 flor- ins per annum, and in 1632 was appointed "schepen" ; had a farm on Castle Island ; mar- ried (first) Lubbertje Wouters ; (second) Maritje Pieters, the widow of Claes Sybrant- sen, and died before May i, 1644. His des- cendants known by name of Brandt. Peereni. — Wilhclm, married Lysbeth Sick- ell, and had child, Maria, baptised at Albany. March i, 1693. Pels. — Evert, came from Stettin, Pomcr- ania, arriving on "den Houttuyn," at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642, with wife and serv- ants ; engaged by Patroon V'an Rensselaer to be brewer at Rensselaerswyck ; leased farm on Papscanee Island, Feb. 28, 1647; but after erecting house, turned property over, March 23, 1649, having on the i8th leased a farm on .Mill Creek in Greenbush (Rensselaer), New HUDSON AXD .MOHAWK \ Al.l.l'.VS York; owned a sloop, sending 2,100 beaver- skins to New Amsterdam in 1657; removed to Esopus in 1661 : his son, Evert Evertse, married Brechtje Elswaerts. New Amsterdam, Aug. 13. 1670, and their son. Evert Evertsen, married Grietje Van Deusen. New Amster- dam. Sept. 29. 1695 ; hence three generations in the colony before 1700. Pennim.v.v. — James, bought a lot at Albany from John Cornell (Johannes Cornelis), which he sold to Andries Teller in 1677. I'lETiiRSEN. — -This family name the same as Peterson, Pieters. Peters, and Pieterse. .Adriaen Pietersen came from .Mkmaar, North 1 lolland province; leased house north of Fort Orange in 1 65 1. Arent Pietersen arrived at New Amsterdam on the "Arms of Rennse- laerswyck," March 4, 1637, and appears on records at Rensselaerswyck as "Arent Pietersz Jongen" (the boy), began service in charge of the granary there, Apr. 3, 1637. Carsten Pietersen came to Rensselaerswyck before 1646. Jacob Pietersen came from Utrecht on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," arriving at New Amsterdam, March 4, 1637 ; also re- corded at Rensselaerswyck as "Jacob Pie- terse van Uijtrecht, alias Veeltje," and as "Jacob Pieterse Veeltje" : engaged there under date Apr. 8, 1637, serving under Brant Peelen on his farm on Castle Island ; left the colony before Nov. 16, 1644. Meyer Pietersen was a carpenter at Bevervvyck ; married Elsie Hendricksc at New Amsterdam, July 6, 1642 ; bought house at Beverwyck in 1654; died in 1676. Ryndert Pietersen bought Pieter lironck's brewery at Beverwyck in 1662; died in 1673. Thys Pietersen recorded as being in Rensselaerswyck July 31, 1649. PiKK.\RT. — Bartholomeus, came to Albany from Leicestershire, Eng., married Aagje Claase, of Schenectady, Nov. 12. 1698. Name similar to Picard. Planck. — Jacob .Albertsc, came from Edam, Province of North Holland, sailing on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), May, 1634, bound as the "schout" and agent of the Rens- selaerswyck colony by contract of March 4, 1634, with Patroon Kiliaen \"an Rensselaer at Amsterdam, and although the second per- son appointed "schout," was probably the first to take the oath and hold court. The name was also written "Plank," and appears as "N'erplanck." Pi.OEG. — Pieter, was probably in Albany be- fore 1700; married Aeltjc Pels 'there, and their child. Catharina, baptised there. Jan. 25, 1708. PoE.XTiE. — for Poentje) .\lias for Tcunis Cornelis Van Vcchten. I'ooTM.W'. — \'ictor, removed from ."Xlliany to Schenectady, where he married Grietje Mebie, Dec. 13, 1706. Changed later to Put- nam and Putman. Poov. — Jan, also written Poeij, arrived in New .Amsterdam on "den Ilouttuyn." Aug. 4. 1642, and was sailor of the colony's yacht, ■' Ivcnsselacrsvvyck." I'ossi. — -Henri, born in England, came to .Albany, where he married .Antje Hoogeboom, .Sejjt. 10, 1695, and had child, Catri;ie, born there, baptised Jan, 12, 1697. Post. — Symon Janse, came to Albany, where he married Jannetje Paulusse, Feb. 11, 1685: their children baptised there: Jan, Nov. 14, 1682: Jan, Jan. 8, 1688; Maritje, Aug. 10, 1690. Elias Post came from .Amsterdam, marrying Catalyntje Coninck of Albany, May 6, 167 1, in New York City. Powell. — Thomas, was sergeant of Dutch West India Co.'s service in Brazil, 1641-1653; came to Beverwyck, 1657, where he owned land, residing there until he died in 1671. .Same name as Paulussen : being derived from "son of Paul." Pretty. — Richard, was collector of the ex- cise at Albany in 1677, and sheriff. 1678-90; owned lot at west corner Pearl and State sts., Albany, which he sold to wife of Capt. Silvester Salisbury, 1673. — Johannes, was clerk at Fort Orange under Johannes De La Montague; notary public there, 1656 to Nov., 1664, when he became secretary of Albany, until August, 1665, and from October, 1673 to .August, 1675 ; sheriff, 1678; died 1696. Also spelled Pre- voost and Prevost. Pruvn. — Johannes Pruyn. came from .Am- sterdam, Holland, and was enrolled as a burgher of New .Am.sterdam, Apr. 18, 1657; his son, Frans Janse Pruyn, removed to Al- bany as early as 1665, and was a tailor. Puis. — Matthys; see Pars. Ou.ACKENBos. — Pieter, bought .\driaen van llpendam's brickyard at Albany, in 1668; had a son, Wouter Pieterse, who married (first) Neeltje Gysbertse; (second) Cornelia Bogart, at .Albany, Oct. 4, 1696: liis third son, Jo- hannes, removed to Niskayuna, marrying (first) Magtelt Post: (second) Anna Clute, Oct. 20, 1700. Renier (or Reynier) Quackenbos came from Oestgeest, Holland, and married (first) Lysbet Janse, of Flush- ing, at New Amsterdam, March 2, 1674; (second) Claesje Jacobsen, .Sept. 13, 1692, and their children were baptised in .Albany. .Adriaen Quackenbos resided for a time at .Schodack, marrying Catharina Van Schaick, Jan. 18. 1699. The name was also spelled ( )uackcnbush, Ouackcnbusch, and Ouacken- bosch. HUDSOX AND MOHAWK \ ALLEYS Radcliffe. — Jan, was appointed city porter at Albany, in place of Hendrick Marselis, in 1697, and "klockluyer," instead of Hendrick Rosebooni, in 1703 ; married Rachel Lambertse Jochemse \'an \'alkenburgh, and they had six children born in Albany when William was baptised on Nov. 3, 1700. The name was also written Radclief, Radcliff, Ratecliffe, Ratte- lief, Redlif and Redhff. Rademaecker. — Jacob Adriaensen, probab- ly came' from Hilversum, North Holland, ar- riving on the "Arms of Rennselaerswyck," at New Amsterdam, March, 1644; went to Rens- selaerswyck, where he leased land opposite Mill kill, seeded by him in 1648. The sur- name was given to him after his arrival, being a wheelwright. Rees. — Willem. was a resident of Albany, where he married (first) Catrina Janse ; (second) Maria Goewey, and had (baptised) in Albany: Cornelis. Sept. 16, 1685; Benja- min, Feb. 7, 1694; Hendrick, Feb. 16, 1696; Willem, Oct. 31, 1703: was residing in Cla- verack in 1720. Andries Rees, who resided at Albany and Claverack, married Ariaantje Andries Scherp, Albany, Jan. i, 1697, and had children born there. Reims. — Edward, was victualler to the mili- tia at .'Mbany : made will Sept. 14, 1702. Reur. — Hendrick Janse, came from Mun- ster. West])halia ; made court messenger at Rens.selaersvvyck, Aug. 18, 165 1 : obtained lease of lot next to Juriaen Teunisen, Feb. i, 1652; owned property at Lubberde's land (Troy), and died before Feb. 4, 1664. Reux.^ — (jerrit Theusen (or de Reus), ar- rived on "den Soutberg," April, 1633: was a farmer engaged by the Patroon, on Blom- maerts kill, near .Albany ; appointed "schepen" of the colony, and died before -Aug. 4. \<\V>- Reydt. — Hendrick, resided in .\lbany. where his .son, [onathau, was born. |une ^o, 1689. Reyersen. — Jan, came fmm Houten, near Utrecht, sailing on "den Waterhondt." from the Texel. June, 1640: began service as farm- er at Rensselaerswyck, Sept. 4, 1640: leased Bethlehem Island, immediately south of .\1- bany, March 17. 1650, succeeding ivyckert Rutgersen : died in 1665. Revndektsen. — Rarent. a smith, bought lot in lieverwyck in 1(157. and lived there until death, 1682, which year he conveyed lot on .State St., Albany, to his son-in-law, Joachim Staats. Ri.NCKHoiT. — Daniel, was born in Pomer- ania. Prussia : was in Beverwyck as early as 1653. when he owned house on south corner Broadway and Exchange st. ; died in 1662, aged T,2. .-md left his house and all property to his brother. Jan, a baker, also living there. RoDGERS. — William, was probably in Al- bany before 1700, as a soldier in Capt. James Weems" company; married .Mary Johnson, of Boston, July 3, 1706. RoELOFKSE. — Jan. son of Anneke Jans by her first husband, Roelofl:' Jansen, came from Holland on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), with his i)arents. arriving at Xew Amsterdam. Ma}- 24, 1630, having lived previously at Marstrand, on coast of Sweden. See Jansen and Bogardus. RoESO. — Frans ; see Roos. RoL.'\NTSEN. — Adam, schoolmaster at Be- verwyck in 1639, afterwards in Xew .\mster- dam. Name same as Rolandson. RoM\iLLE. — Antoine, said to have been born "tot Vienne," was probably in Albany before 1700, marrying Heyltje FJekker there. Feb. 8, 1707. Roos. — Johannes, son of Gerrit Janse Roos, had a wife named Cornelia, and he died at Albany in 1695 : their children baptised there: Catrina, Oct. 7, 1683; Cornelia, May f>, i'i88; Jacobus (or James), March 29, 1689. i'os>ibly same family as of Frans Roeso, or Rousseau, who was born in Flanders, resided in -Albany, and married Maria Palsin, Apr. 11, 1758. Isaac Rosa married Marytje Van X'ranken, Albanw Xnv. 22. 1763. Jan Rosie was an early settler in Albany, .-uid was buried there in 1709. RosiE. — Jan, — See Roos. RoSEHooM. — Hendrick Janse, a trader, "voorlezer" and sexton, has suit in court against an "interloping grave-digger of the Lutheran church" in 1674; owned house on northeast corner of \o. Pearl and Columbia sts., through which land the stockades passed in 1677, hence the opening called "Roseboom's (iate": married (iysbertje Lansing, and their son, Johannes, was a trader, marrving (lerritje Coster. Albany. Xov. 18, 1688. RofssEAf. — Frans, — See Roos. Rr.M.NKY. — Jonathan, born in London. Eng., came to .Albany, where he married Johanna \'an Curler, Xov. 17, 1707, and died there. Sept. 16, 1722; their child. Robert, baptised at Albany, Oct. 30. 1709. Rutgers. — Rijck (Richard), arrived at Xew .Amsterdam on "het Wapen van Xoor- wegen," .Aug. 4, 1638; recorded as farm la- borer at Rensselaerswyck, .Aug. 16, 1638, and leased Bethlehem Is., south of Albany, Nov. 29, 1648. Rutger Jacobsen and Tennis Jacob- sen, brothers, came from Schoenderwoert and settled early in Beverwyck. each originating distinct families at diflferent localities. The former's descendants were known as Rutgers. settling in and near Xew ^■ork city. The lat- HUDSON WD .MOHAWK \ Al. :vs ter's family became known as \'an Sclioeii- derwoert. or simply as Van Woert, settling in Albany county. Rutger Jacobsen, also known as Rut Van Woert, was a man of in- fluence and wealth, serving long as magis- trate in Beverwyck ; owned a sloop ; dealt in lots : owned in part both Mohicander's and Constapel Islands ; bought Jacob Janse Van Noorstrant's brewery on north side of Beaver St., .-Mbany. in 1654; died in 1665: married Tryntje Janse Van Breestede, New .Amster- dam, June 3, 1646. and their son, Harmen Rutgers, born at Beverwyck, .soon after his father's arrival, was a brewer, still living there in 1720. .Antony Rutgers, son of the latter, was a baker, admitted freeman in New York, ifx)9; married Hendrickje X'andewater, New- York, Dec. 30, 1694. Hermanns Rutgers (second son of latter, Harmen), was a brewer, admitted freeman. New York, 1696; married Catharina Myer, New York, Dec. 25, 1706. RuYTixii. — Gerrit Janse. had a child, Louys (or Lewis), baptised at .Albany, June 22, 1690. RvCKM.\xx.— Harmen Janse, was a resi- dent of .Albany, 1666-1677. Jan Janse Ryck- mann resided in Beverwyck, where he died before 1663, when his widow, Tryntje Janse, married Eldert Gerbertse Cruyff : had a son, Capt. Albert Janse Ryckmann, born before 1663 at Beverwyck, a brewer, residing near southwest cor. laroadway and Hudson ave., formerly owned by Pieter Bronck, and was appointed 9th .Mayor of Albany, 1702-1703; buried at .Albany. Jan. 12, 1737. His son, Pieter, was a tailor, married Cornelia Ketel- tas. New A'ork, May 6. 1696, and his will proved Oct. 21, 1749. RvKRSK. — Gerrit, probably the son of Reyer Elbertse of Beverwyck, had children baptised in -Albany, — VVouter, .Aug. 12, 1683: Barent, Oct. 14, 1683: Goosen. Alarch 7, 1686; Bar- ent. June 4. 1688. RvvKRDiNT.n. — Pieter. was a clerk and court messenger at Beverwyck, 1654-55. S.\NDERS. — Thomas, was a smith in .Am- sterdam, Holland, before which time he was a member of the .Alexander family living in Scotland, the name thereafter being contracted to Xander, or Sander, and according to the usual transmutation, his children would be known as Sanderse, Sanders or Sandersen. the latter Sanderson when Anglicized. He was living in New .Amsterdam when he married Sara Cornelise Van Gorcum there. Sept. 16, 1640. who died in Albany. December. 1669. He received a patent from Gov. Kieft for house and 25 morgens of land on Manhattan : located in Rensselaerswyck about July 13, 1650, on the court granting permission to settle there. His oldest son, Robert, was bap- tised. .\ew .Amsterdam, .Nov. 10, 1641, was a smith in 1667; merchant in 1692; settled in .Albany in 1665; married Elsie Barentse, had four daughters and one son, Barent, who married Maria Wendell, .Albany. Sept. 19. 1704. and they had a son, Robert, born at .Al- bany. July II, 1705. a merchant, appointed 23rd Mayor of Albany by Gov. Geo. Clinton, serving 1750- 1754. This family was for two and a half centuries thereafter, 1650, prom- inent in .Albany and Schenectady. Scn.\KTS. — Dominie ("lideon. engaged on .May 8, 1652, as the second minister of the Dutch church at Rensselaerswyck at annual salary of 800 florins, evidently beginning his officiate July 24. 1652, and continued as pastor until death, Feb. 27, 1694, aged 82 years : was assisted in old age by Dominie Dellius, beginning in 1683; his oldest son, Reynier. a "chyrurgion," early settler in Schenectady, where he was appointed justice of peace by Leisler. 1689: and married Ca- trina Bensing, or Bensen. The name some- times and as properly spelled Schaats. Scii.\.\s. — Christiaen. lived in .Albany alxiut 1700: married Catharina \'an liuren, Nov. 8. 1 719. Same name as Schawns, .Schauns. T' Jaans or Jones. Scii.\RP. — Andries Hanse, was in Bever- wyck as early as 1660: bought farm behind Kinderhook, 167 1. The name same as Scherp and Sharp. -ScHKRMKRHORN. — Jacob Jansc. was born in 1622. it is said in Watcrland. Holland, and came to New .Amsterdam from Hoorn, Prov- ince of North Holland: was in Rensselaers- wyck in 1650, perhaps as early as 1648, yet Prof. Pearson states he was a brewer and trader at Beverwyck in 1636, and died soon after making will, Alay 20, 1688. He married Jannetje Seegers (van \'oorhoudt) and had nine children, of whom Reyer Jacobse. the eldest, born in Beverwyck in 1652, settled in Schenectady, marrying .Ariaantje Bratt of .Al- bany, in 1676: and the second son, Symon Jacobse. born in 1658. made Ihe heroic horse- back ride to .Albany the bitterly cold niglit of Feb. 8. 1690, to announce tlie massacre of Schenectady. ScHKRP. — .\ndries Hanse. — See Sharp and Scharp. ScHOON. — Jan Willenise. was a farmer at Rensselaerswj'ck in i6C)0. SciiooxM.AKKR. — Jan Barentse. came from Edam. Holland, was at Rensselaerswyck in 1636: still there in 1665. Harmen Schoon- maker owned house at .Albany in 1676. .SciiouTKN. — Gerrit Jacobse. was in .Albany and later in Kinderhook : marrying Lysbeth .Arnoutse (or .Arnold) X'iele, June 17, 1693. HUDSON AND MOHAWK \- ALLEYS SciioL-TiCK. . removed to Xiskayuna and had (bap.) Jurriaen. March 23. 1684 ; Jan, Apr. 18, 1686: Jacob. .March 2, 1690. Same as Schoute and Shuter. ScHUT. — W'illem Janes, was in P.ever- vvyck, 1657-68. a tailor, alias Doiiimclacr. Same as Schuldt. Jan Willemsen Schut wa-- a carpenter at Rensselaersvvyck in 1646. Schuyler. — David and Philij), two broth- ers, sons of Pieter Schuyler, came from Am- sterdam, Holland, and settled at Rensselaers- vvyck in 1650. David Pieterse married Cata- lyn \'erplanck at Xew .Amsterdam. Oct. 13, 1657, and resided in Rensselaerswyck on the south corner of jiroadway and Steuben street. Nov. 29, 1692. Col. Philip Pieterse was a trader ; married Margarita \"an Slechtenhorst, Dec. 12. 1650. and had his bouwerie in Water- vliet. four miles north of Albany, known as "the Flatts," which lie purchased in 1672. The name was written "van Schuyler" or "van Schuijler" when first in this country, as com- ing- from place of that title in Holland, — the Dutch word "schuil" signifying a place of shelter, and some of the early records at Rensselaerswyck show the spelling "Scheu- ler" and "Scheuller." which is close to the German word "schuler," a scholar or learned man. Seger. — Janse. came from Nykerck. Hol- land, on "d' Eendracht" ("The Unity"), in 1630, and was a farm laborer at Rensselaers- wyck. .Se(;i:ks. — Cornclis. came to Rensselaers- wyck in 1642, and succeeded \an der Donck on his W'elysburgh farm on Castle Is. ; mar- ried Bregje Jacobsen, and had five of his six children living when he died in 1663; was known as Cornells Segerse van Voorhoudi. SiCKELS.— Zacharias, in employ of Dutcli West India Co., as corporal, first at Curacoa. then from 1656-59. at Fort Orange: was town-herder, 1670-72. and 1681-83: "rattel- watch." 1689: had five or more children born in .A.lbany, and removed to New Amsterdam in 1693. Same name as Zikkels and Zichelson. Seickoten.— Willem Janse, was resident of Albany before 1700, where he was recorded as husband of Neeltje Frederickse, widow of Claas Hendrickse van Schoonhoven, in 1661. Slingere.v.n'd. — Tennis Cornelise. came from Holland, purchased tract of 9,874 acres along the Onisquethau creek in New Scotland township in 1658, wliere he erected mills: married (ist) F.ngeltje .Xlbertse Piratt : (2nd) Geertje Fonda (widow of Tan P>ikker). .\pr. 9, 1684. Smit. — Lucas (Smitt or Smits),came trom Johannisburg. in Fast Prussia, arriving on "den Coninck David" C" ), at Xew Amsterdam. Xov. 29. 1 64 1, when he entered the service of Dominie Bogardus : came to Rensselaerswyck .Aug. 13, 1642, from when until Alay i, 1644, employed at the Patroon's house: from when until Apr. 13, 1646. farm laborer and as a clerk on de \'lackte farm. Ren Janse Smit was in New Amsterdam. 1643-51 : in Bever- wyck. 1655-60: in Waleboght, 1663-85, own- ing a house in each ]ilace : married Jannetje Joris Rapailie. Slvter. — Captain, was charged with board at Director \"an Slechtenhorst's house, Rens- .selaersvvyck, beginning June 27, 1651, and the latter on being in New Amsterdam then, he appears to have managed the colony in con- junction with Jan Baptist \'an Rensselaer. SoEGEMAKELYK. — Pieter and Jacob Adri- aense, settled early in Beverwyck with their mother (Anna Pietersen Soegemakelyk). where both were innkeepers. Pieter bought a bouwerie in Schenectady in 1664, and his son. Captain Pieter, was skipper of a yacht named "The Unity" plying between Albany and New York, who bought a lot and garden at Lubberde'sland (Troy) in 1669. Soesisergex. — Reyer Cornelise, a miller: hired horse-mill from .Arent \'an Curler at I'>everwyck in 1660. Spierinck. — Cornelis. sailed on "den Wa- terliondt," June, 1640, from the Texel, Hol- land, and did copying at Rensselaerswyck for A rent \'an Curler. -SpiTsiiERGEN". — Tennis Cornelise (also writ- ten Spitsenberg, Spitsenberch. Spitsenbergh, Spitsenbergen. Spitsbergh, Spitsberghen and \'an Sjiitsbergen ), came early from Holland to Beverwyck, renting a mill on the 5th creek with llarent Pieterse Coeymans, Dec. 14, I '134 : authorized to build a mill on same, Aug. 3, 1656: member of Rensselaerswyck court in 1658, 1660. 1661 and 1664. See \'an der Poel. being same family. Spoor. — Jan (alias Wybesse), resided a time at Beverwyck, and (as Jan Wybesse van Harlingcn) bought 16 morgens of land on Catskill creek; removing to Niskayuna. where he bought land in 1698: married .Annatje Maria llanse, and their son, Johannes, lived in Kinderhook, joining the .Albany church in 1700, and married Maria Singer. Springsteen'. — Caspar, a miller early in Al- bany, residing in Selicnectady in 1707: liis fourth child, .Simon. ba])lisi'd in .\lb;ui\. June 19. 1709- St.xats.— Maj. Abraliam ( Staas. Staes, Staet), came from .Amsterdam, arriving on "den Houttuyn." at New .Amsterdam, Aug. 4. 1642: surgeon, aged 24 on arrival: located at Rensselaerswyck under contract with the 1',-itroon made Feb. 1. 1642. coming in com- IIUDSOX AND MOHAWK \ALLEVS pany witli Dominie Megapolcnsis ; member of the council, 1643; its president, 1644; also a trader, sending 4,200 beaver-skins to New Amsterdam in 1C57; owned a large bousverie ; after 1658, was styled "Captain," as com- mander of sloop "Claverack," which he owned and operated between Albany and New York up to 1684: married Catrina Jochemse, daugh- ter of Jochem Wesselse. Stavast. — Cicrrit and Claas Janse, came to All)any about 167J, the former dying aljiuit \uy(i. and the latter returned to New York in I (.86. Stekric\ Ei.T. — Cornelis Cornelisc, owned a house in Beverwyck, 1657-60. Stevens. — Abraham, arrived at New Am- sterdam on "het Wapen van Noorwegen." Aug. 4, 1638 : recorded as farm laborer at Rensselaerswyck, Aug. 14th, and leased the \'aleije farm, Feb. 3, 1650. Stol. — Jacob Janse, signed himself Jacob Jansen Map ; also Stoll ; first recorded at Rens- selaerswyck in 1645, according to the \'. R.- Bowier Documents ; but Prof. Pearson states he was there in 1630; was skipper of sailing vessel between there and New York in 1649; succeeded Hendrick Albertsen as ferryniaster about that time : bought land at and removed to Esopus, 1657-8. Willem Janse Stoll, prob- ably a brother, was a cooper, leasing a lot in Rensselaerswyck, May 20, 1650, which he ■sold to A rent \'andenbergh in 1661, which year he removed to Esopus, when he was known on records as husband f)f widow of Claas Hen- drickse van Utrecht. Story. — Robert, a trader at jMhany in i67r); bought house at north corner c^f Maiden Lane and North Pearl st. — (labriel Tomase. hired liimself as breadbaker to Thomas I'owel at Iicver- wyck in 1662: leased Jochem Ketelhuyn's house there, 1665 ; bought Jan Chile's house, 1670; master of sloop "Hoijewell." 1684: re- moved to New York, about 1690, where was innkeeper. Same name as Strudles. Stuart. — Jan (or Stewart), bought a lot on the hill at Albany, in 1670. of John Co- nell, wliich his administrators .sold to Laurens \an Alen in 1675. Si'iDAM. — Tennis Pieterse. married Mar- gariet Lawrense, and they had child, Pieter, baptised at Albany, Jan. 28, 1694. Swart. — Gerard (on some Rensselaers- wyck records as "Gerrit"), contracted to be "schout." or iM-osecuting officer of Rensse- laerswyck. Apr. 24, 1652, succeeding Brant \^an Slechtenhorst, July 24, 1652, serving un- til 1665. when the courts of Rensselaerswyck and Albany were consolidated, and he became sheriff of Albany county. Gerrit Swart ap- pears ti> have been made schoolmaster. 1676: also owned property at Lubbarde'sland (Troy), and a lot on upper Broadway, .Al- bany ; married .Anthonia Ryswyck, and made joint will in 1661. Cornells Swart, resident of Schenectady, was eldest son of Teunis Cor- nelise Swart and Elizabeth \'an der Linde, ant! was born in 1652: lived in Clster county in 1715. Esias Teunise Swart resided in Schenectady and married Eva Teunis \an W'oert. Adam Antonisse Swart was living in Schenectady in 1690: at Kinderhook in 1706: married Metie Willemse \'an Slyck of Albany, Jan. 15, 1690. Swartwoct. — RoelofY. a freeholder of Bev- erwyck until 1660. wiien made sheriff of Eso- ])us : married Eva .\lbertse Bratt of Albany, widow of Antony de Hooges of Beverwyck. Swir.'^. — Isaac Cornelise, removed to Sche- nectady and married Susanna Groot, and their child. Isaac, baptised July 28, 1691. SvMONSE. — Willem, employed by V^ilckert Janse Douw at Beverwyck in 1659. Pieter Symonse was a tobacco-planter at Beverwyck in 1661. The name same as Simonson. Tack. — Aert Pieterse, was liorn at Etten. in Breda, Brabant, resident of P.everwvck in i6to. Tappex. — Juriaan Teunise, alias Glase- maecker, was innkeeper at Beverwyck, 1654- ■//. and large dealer in real estate there : mar- ried Wybrecht Jacobse Dochter. and they made joint will. 1661. Teller. — Willem. arrived at New Amster- (him in 1639, and was sent as a corjOTral to I'ort Orange by Gov. Kieft : was promoted to be "wachtmeester" of the fort, residing at Fort Orange. Beverwyck and Albany from 1639 to 1692. when he removed to New York, where he died in 1701 ; was one of the earliest proprietors of Schenectady. 1662. and men- tioned as one of the five patentees in first pat- ent of the town, 1684; married (ist) Mar- garet Donchesen; (2nd) Maria Varleth. widow of Paulus Schrick. in 1664. One of his nine children, Andries, born in 1642. was merchant: married Sophia \'an Cortlandt. New York, May 6, 1671. whither he removed, and died Dec. 16, 1702. Tex P.roeck.— Dirck Wesselse, son of Wes- sel Ten Broeck of Munster, Westphalia, was born Dec. t8, 1638, and was employed at Bev- erwyck by Pieter \'an .Men as early as 1662 ; became a trader, exporting as many as 3,000 skins yearly : ap])ointcd commissary by Gov. Andros. 1676: Indian commissioner for thirty vears; a major of militia, 1691 ; deacon, 1673: alderman. 1686: first recorder of Albany from date of Charter, July 22, 1686 to 1696: mem- ber of first Assembly, 1691. and of four subse- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS quent sessions ; appointed 4th Mayor of Al- bany by Gov. Benj. Fletcher, serving 1696- 98; bought tract of 1,800 acres on Roelof Jansen's kil, in Claverack, Columbia county, from Robert Livingston, Oct. 26, 1694, where he had his "bonwerie" and erected mansion, and died there, Sept. 13, 1717; married Chris- tina Cornelise Van Buren at Albany, 1663, in which year, following the death of .Anneke Jans, he bought her house at northeast cor. State and James sts., Albany. Ten Evck. — Coenraad, was a tanner and shoemaker, residing in New Amsterdam : his son, Jacob Coenraetse, born there, removed to Albany, where he was a shoemaker ; mar- ried Geertje Coeymans, and they had a son, Coenraedt, born Albany, Apr. 9, 1678, a sil- versmith, who married Geertje Van Schaick, .Albany, Sept. 24, 1704, and they had a son, Jacob Coenraedt, born, Albany, Apr. 21. 1705, who was appointed 22nd Mayor of Albany by Gov. Geo. Clinton, serving Oct. i, 1748 — Oct. 14.1750; Indian commissioner, 1752-54; Com- mittee of Safety, 1775 ; Judge of Court of Common Pleas; married Catharyna Cuyler, .Albany, Aug. i, 1736, and died. .Albany, Sept. 9, 1793- Teinisex. — Lornclis. came from Meer- kerck. Province of -South Holland, arriving at New .Amsterdam on "den Soutberg," April, 1633, being then 20 years of age; engaged in cutting and hauling timber at Rensselaers- wyck. Cornelis Teunisen came from West- broeck. in Utrecht, on the ".Arms of Rensse- laerswyck," arriving at New .Amsterdam. March 4, 1637; shoemaker; began service at Rensselaerswyck, .Apr. 8. 1637; magistrate of Fort Orange prior to .Aug. 19, 1662; granted use of garden between first and second creeks, Apr. I, 1650. Jacob Teunisen was a tailor at Rensselaerswyck before 1649. Jan Teunisen came from Leyden on "den Coninck David," arriving at New Amsterdam, Nov. 29, 1641 ; was a carpenter at Rensselaerswyck in 1642. fannetie Teunisen arrived on "den Coninck David." and was recorded at Rensselaerswyck before Nov. 6, 1642; but married Dirck Janse Croon at New .Amsterdam, Dec. 22, 1641. Ju- riaen Teunisen, often mentioned as Juriaen de Glasmaecker, also signing his name "Jure Jan lunsen Tappen" or "van Tappcn" ; granted a lot at Rensselaerswyck, Jan. 25, 1652; kept a tavern, in 1659. Pieter Tetuiisen came from Brunswick, Ger., and was first recorded at Rensselaerswyck, ATarch 28, 1648, when lie removed to Catskill. Teunis Teunisen came from Loenen, Utrecht, on "den Houttuyn," arriving at New .Amsterdam, .Aug. 4, 1A42; a mason ; constructed chimnev in \';\u der Donck's house in 1642: cnntracted to i)tiilil a brick house for Jeremias Van Rensselaer, Sept 8, 1659. The above includes all those who wrote their name indicative of being the son of Teunis, — such as Teunis, Teunise, Teu- nisen or Teunisz, and sometimes in the form Theunis. Barent Thonisen (writing it "Tho- nisz") came from Hellesund, on south coast of Norway, .sailing on "d" Eendracht" ( "The Unity"), from the Texel. July. 1631: en- gaged to erect sawmill for the Patmon at Rensselaerswyck. — The early arrivals wrote their names Ihomase, Thomasen, Tomase or To- masen, therefore all were properly known by the same form, "Thomasen," which appears in most records, meaning a son of Thomas. Cornelis Thomasen came from Rotterdam, with his wife, on the "Arms of Rensselaers- wyck," arriving at New Amsterdam, March 4, 1637. a smith, was stabbed to death by his helper, Dec. 8. 1636, at Rensselaerswyck. Jan Thomasen was first recorded at Rensselaers- wyck in 1644, as servant of Adriaen Van der Donck ; joint lessee of farm on Papscanee Island. 1653-8. Paulus Thomasen testified at Rensselaerswyck, Feb. i. 1652, that he had removed to Catskill. TiETSooRT. — Willeni Abrahamse. removed from .Albany to Schenectady and then into Dutchess county; married Neeltje Swart, and they had a child, .Ariaantje, baptised, Albany, Aug. 2, 1685. TiMMEL. — Jan, was a resident of (Ireen- bush (Rensselaer), N. Y., in 1671. TiMMERMAN'. — Jan Cornelise, came jjroba- bly from Leyden, arriving on "den Ilarinck" ("The Herring"), at New Amsterdam, July 7, 1639; tobacco-planter and master carpenter; was employed that year at Rensselaerswyck, and engaged by the Patroon to build a church, July 1 8. 1 64 1. TjERKSEN. — Isaac, had a child, W'illcm. baptised at .Albany, May 23, 1686. ToiNMcr.. — Anthony, a trader of I'.evcrwyck as early as 1661 ; secretary of Rensselaers- wyck ; married widow of Dedrick Van llamel. Toll. — Carel Hansen, arrived early in .Al- bany and among the first to remove to Sche- nectady, settling near Hoflfman's Ferry ; owned Cuyler's flat. Cambefort flat, seventh flat and Maalwyck, and in 1712 had house on l^nion St.. .Schenectady; married I.ysbet Rinckhont (if Albany, and their first child, .Xeeltje, bap- ti>cd there, June 20, 1686. TdMASEN. — Jacob, had child. Rutger, bap- tised at .\lbany. .Apr. 17. 1687. Cnrneli'^e To- mase had child. Ayiiict. l)apti^ed at Allinnv. .\pr. 10, 1687. Tkki'IIAOicn. — Ji)h;innes. was jirobablv in Allianv before 1700, where he married .Aasjie HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ ALLEYS W iniic. and tlu-y had a cliild, W illcni. baptised tiiere, Jan. 8, 1706. Truex. — Pliilip, same' family name as Trnax, and a corruption both in spelling and pronunciation of De Trieux ; was an early set- tler in Xew Amsterdam, where he was court messenger : oldest child, Isaac, baptised there, Dec. 7, 1645, removed from .\lbany to Sche- nectady, where he married Maria Willemse Brouwer, and descendants living; there in 1910. 1A\i;rts. — Jan, came from I'Vanicker, Prov- ince of Friesland. on "d" Eendracht" ("The L'nity"), sailing from the Texel, July, 1631 ; was farm worker soon after in Kensselaers- wyck. TiRK. — Jactjbus (or James), resident of Albany probably before 1700, where he was high sheriff of Albany county in 1703: but later removed to Kinderhook : married Catha- rina \'an Pienthuysen at Albany (who died Feb. 4. 1705). they having had eight children born at Albany up to July 21, 1700. Turner. — \\'illiam, was born in England, and probably resided in Albany before 1700, where he married .Abigail Bogart. Nov. 7, 1702. thereafter removing to Kinderhook. Tv.MANSEX. — Reynier, came from Edam. Prt)vince of North Holland, on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," arriving at New Amster- dam, March 4, 1637. and recorded in Rensse- laerswyck, May 7, 1637. TvME.NSEX. — Cornelis, probably resided at Albany before 1700, although in later life in Niskayuna, marrying Maritje Ysbrantse, who made her will in 1713, and their first child, Tymen. bap. Dec. 13, 1691 : their second child, Eldert Cornelis. residing in Niskayuna and marrying Hester \'isscher, Nov. 7, 1709. \'.\x Aecken. — Jan Coster, was a trader in PiAerwyck, 1654-72, dealing in houses and lots: married Elsie Jansen. \ AX Alex. — Lourens, resided in Rensse- laerswyck, on east side of Pearl, between Maiden Lane and Steuben St., possibly as early as 1630, and had two sons, Pieter and Lourens. Pieter was a trader and tailor in Beverwyck, 1658-74; also owned a bouwerie in Kinderhook, some time before January, 1674. when he died; married AFaria Teller, and their son. W'illem. married Maritje Van Petten, Nov. 4, 1694. Lourens \'an Alen re- sided in Kinderhook, 1673-99; but in 1677 owned a lot on west side of Broadway, be- tween Maiden Lane and Steuben st.. Albany; justice of peace, 1703; and married Elbertje Evertsen. Lourens equivalent to Laurence, and some of the descendants preferred the spelling \'an Allen. \ AX .Ai.stvxe. — Isaac Janse, resided in Al- bany a time, but removed to Kinderhook, mar- rying (1st) Maritje Abberdje N'osburgh, Oct. 20, 1689; (2nd) Jannetje Jochemse Van Val- kenburgh. Feb. 10, 1689. Abraham Janse \'an Alstyne resided in Kinderhook and married Maritje \an Deusen. Jan. 17. 1694. Lam- bert Janse \'an .Alstyne lived in Kinderhook, and married Jannetje Mingael, dying Oct. 16. 1703. Marten (or .Martin) Janse \'an .Al- styne married (1st) Jannetje Cornelise, (2nd) Cornelia \'an den Bergh, Nov. 10, 1705. The name was then also spelled \'an .\lsteyn and Van Alstine. Their descendants by the name remained there to present time. \'ax Axtwerp. — Daniel Janse, was born in 1635, and came from Antwerp, .settling in Beverwyck between 1656-1661, .shortly there- after buying the "Third Flatt" on the south side of the Mohawk, some eight miles above Schenectady, owning also a house on the east side of Church street, there ; married Maritje droot. of that place ; possibly their first two children were baptised in .Albany, — Neeltje, July 27, 1690, and Rebecca. Dec. 25. 1692. The name was then more commonly written \'an .Antw-erpen. \'ax Arxhem. — Jan Janse, resided in Al- liany, marrying Hester Fonda, Oct. 14, ifx/i. and died. .Albany, Apr. i, 1708. Vax Baal. — ^Jan Hendrickse, was a trader in Beverwyck, 1661-78; with house in that village and land on the Normanskill. \'.\x Bexthuvsex. — Paulus Martense. set- tled early in Beverwyck. owning much prop- erty, including .southeast corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane, which he sold to Harmen Cansevoort in 1677: had sons, — Balthus (or P.altus), Barent, and Marten, the latter re- moving to Schenectady. \ AX I'lERGKX. — Ca]3t. Marten Gerritse, had lease of Castle Island, immediately .south of .Albany. in 1668, which was named ^larten Ger- ritsen's Island: residing in 1690, on west side of river, opp. this island ; bought 69 morgens of land at Coxsackie, 1699; magistrate. 1673- 85; captain of foot. 1685; married ( Jan- netje Martense; (2nd) Neeltje Myndcrtse. Jan. 21, 1686. \"ax BoECKiiovEX.— Claas Janse, owned land on the \'ossen kill, P>everwyck (Canal and Columbia sts.. .Albany) in 1662; bought land in Niskayuna in 1672; married (ist) \'olckertje Jansen; (2nd) Catalyntjc De \'os. and died about 171 2. \'ax Bom MEL. — Harmen Janse. lived at .\1- bany, where his son. Lourens. was baptised, Jan. I. 1686, and Cornelis, in 1688. \'ax Bra k el. — Gerrit Gysbertse, married (isti Reyntje Stephens: (2nd 1 Elisabeth [anse (widow of Jan \an Ejis), All)any, July HUDSON AND .MOHAWK \ ALLEYS 23, 1693; several children born in Albany, and then removed to Schenectady. Van BREifEN. — Jan Dirckse, was in Bever- wyck, 1655-62, contracting in the latter year to deliver 400 logs to Frans Pieterse Clau on the Plodder's kill in Columbia county. V.AN Breuckelen.- — Cornelis Teunise, was in Beverwyck, 1631-62. Same name as Van Brakel. Van Broeckhuysen. — Maurits Janse, was a young relative of Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, the first Patroon, arriving on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," at New Amsterdam, March 4, 1637, and was authorized. May 12, 1639, to establish a farm on de Laets Burg. opp. Al- bany ; returned to Holland just previous to Feb. 12. 1642. \'an Brugh. — Johannes Pieterse, was born in 1624; came from Harlem, Holland, and was a fur trader in both Rensselaerswyck and New Amsterdam, before 1657; married Ca- trina Rdcloffse (daughter of Anneke Jans, and widow of Lucas Rodenburgh), at New Amsterdam, March 29, 1658, and their son, Capt. Pieter, was 6th Mayor of Albany, 1699- 1700, and 1720-1723; who married Sara Cuy- ler, daughter of the progenitor, at New York, Nov. 2. 1688. Name also written then \'cr- brugge and \'erbruggen. Van Buren. — Cornelis Maas, came from Holland on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck." and had a farm on Papscanee Island : he and wife died in 164.9, leaving five children, living in I ()(]_'. \'a.\ Copper n'oll. — Claas Willemse, re- sided a time in Albany ; but removed to Sche- nectady and married a Mohawk Indian woman, they contracting to serve Jan Conell on his Catskill farm for 42 beavers a year, in 1678; their son, Willem, born in .•\lbany, baptised May 22, 1691 : others born in Sche- nectady. \'an Corlaer. — Benoni (or I'ennony), a glazier and master of sloop "Endeavor," 1684; married Elisabeth Van dcr Poel (widow of Sybrant Van Schaick), Albany, June 2, 1686, and died in 1704. Van Ci'RLER. — .'Krent, came from Nykerck, Gelderland, Holland, sailing on "den Calmer Sleitel," from the Texel, December, 1637, when 18 years old ; commissioned secretary and bookkeeper of Rensselaerswyck, May 12, 1639, holding the office of "Commis" from 1642 to 1644; took oath as "Gecommitteerde," Jan. 5, 165 1 ; became one of the leaders under- taking the settlement of Schenectady, making his application to Director Stuyvesant to set- tle upon the "Great Flat," by letter of June 18. i66r, and was drowned in Lake Clianii)lain in 1667. lie married Anthonia Sla.ghboom ( \\i(k)w of Jonas Bronck) about 1643: but left no issue. The spelling "A'an C(Mler" is also proper, and it has been written 'A'an Corlaer." \'.\N CovELENS. — Jacob Joosten (van der Coulen), owned a house in Beverwyck which he sold to Jan Dareth for 570 guilders in 1657, and was living near soutliwest cor. of Broadway and Hudson ave., in iCk/j: mar- ried .^driaantje \'an \elpen. Van Dam. — Claas Ripse, a carpenter at Beverwyck, 1657-93. residing on Bergh (Chapel) St.; married Maria Bords, and had son. Rip, born there about 1660; removed to New York about 1684, where he was mer- chant and became president of Provincial Council, and a daughter. Debora, who married Hendrick Hansen, Mayor of .Albany. \'an de.\ Berg. — Gysbert Cornelise Berch (alias "van den Berg") came from Breucke- len, near L'trecht, was ^ employed on the Hoogeberch farm, hence commonly called "van den Hoogenberch," or "van den Berch" : charged at Rensselaerswyck with rentals be- ginning in 1648. .Arent \'an den Bergh (or Van den Bergh) was a corporal in Dutch West India Co. service at Fort Orange, 1654. and still residing in Albany in 1666. Claas Cornelis \'an den Ber,gh was in Beverwyck, 1660-65. Gysbert Van den Bergh was in Bev- erwyck, 1660-67, buying property north of Bethleheiu. Gerrit \'an den Bergh was in Bexerwyck in 1663, as a wurker on Jan ISa- reiitse Wemp's farm. \'an de.n Uvtiioi-|-. — Wijuter Alhertse. a baker, was at Beverwxck in 1657. when he owned a house near southeast corner liroad- way and State st. Van der Baast. — Joris Aertse, a surveyor employed in Beverwyck, removed to Schenec- tady and was killed in the Indian massacre there, Feb. 8, 1690. \'\N DER BiET. — .\driaeii Tennis, came from the village of de Bill, near Utrecht, sailing from the Texel on "den VVaterhondt," June, 1640; recorded at Rensselaerswyck, Sept. 24, 1640, as a farm person in employ of Symon Walichs. Symon Walichs van Bilt (or Symon Walichs van der P.ilt), also known as Symon Walingen. came from Wijngaerden, district of "het Bildt," Friesland, on the ".Arms of Rensselaerswyck," arriving at New -Amster- dam, March 4, 1637 : recorded at Rensselaers- wyck, Apr. 17, 1637 ; occupied farm on Paps- canee Is., until May i, 1647; killed by In- dians near Paulus Hoek. March, 1649. .Adri- aen Dirckse \'an der Bilt, came from Bildt, Friesland, and had an action in the Rensse- laerswyck court, March 24. 165 1. Van DER BoGART. — Cornelis. died in Albany HUDSON" AKI^ MOHAWK \AI.I.I':YS about July lo, 1666. Hannen Mynciertse Van der Bogart came from Holland on "d' Een- dracht'' ("The Unity"), in 1631, as a surgeon. Myndert Harmcnse Van der Bogart was a gunstocker at Albany in 1689; trader in 1692. residing on south side of State street, west of Pearl ; removed to site of Poughkeepsie. which big tract he bought with Robert Sanders, and married Helena Schermerhorn. Van der Donck. — Adriaen, came from I'.reda, Xorth lirabant province, Holland, sail- ing from Amsterdam on "den Eyckenboom," arriving at New Amsterdam, August, 1641 ; commissioned "schout" or officer of justice of Rensselaerswyck, May 13, 1641, before his de- parture on May 17th ; occupied farm on Cas- tle Island, until Jan. 17, 1646; soon after May 3, 1646, established a saw-mill and plantation on the Saegh kill in his own colony, Colen- donck, or Yonkers, and died in 1655. \'ax der Hevden. — Jan Cornelise, was born at Sevenbergen, Brabant, Holland, was a trader in Beverwyck, 1663; married Aeltje Janse Wemp of Rensselaerswyck. Jacob Tys- sen Van der Heyden came to Beverwyck from New Amsterdam in 1654: married Anna Hals, July 25, 1655, and other son, Dirck, purchased a bouwerie of Pieter Van Woggelum at Lub- berde'sland (Troy, N. Y.), and married Ra- chel Jochemse Kettelhuyn, March 9, 1687. \'an der Hoeven. — Jan Cornelise, married Dorothe Jansen, and had seven children born in Albany, the first of whom. Cornelis, was baptised Sept. 16. 1683: removed to Kinder- hook. \'an der Kar. — Jan, was probably a resi- vvned a house on the east side of Broadway, opp. Beaver st. \'an der Poee. — Wynant Gerritse, came from Holland and settled at Beverwyck as early as 1657, the name signifying from the lake or marsh : bought sawmill on east side of the Hudson river, opposite the Schuyler l-latts, the stream since then known as the W'ynantskill ; married Tryntje Meljers ; died in if)99. Tennis Cornelise Van der Poel, alias "Spitsbergen," was a resident of Beverwyck •IS early as 1660; owned half of Constapel Island: magistrate, 167 1 ; married Catrina Janse Croon : made will June 17, 1687. \'an der Volgen. — Claas Lourentse, alias "van Purmerent," married Maritje Swart at Albanw where their children were baptised, tile first. Lysbeth. May 9, 1686; removed to Schenectady. Van der Werken. — Roeloff Gerritse, came to Albany ; but removed to Half-Moon in the Hudson above Cohoes, where he had a farm as early as 1677, also land on Haver Island, at mouth of the Mohawk, 1680; married Geer- truy Jacobsen, and had many children. Van der Wiege. — Johannes, was probably a resident of Albany before 1700, where he married Catryna Heyps, Sept. 6, 17 17. \'an der Zee. — Storm, son of Albert An- dries Bratt de Noorman, and according to tra- dition was born on the voyage to America ; ar- rived at Rensselaerswyck in 1630. The fam- ily name was evidently Bratt, for in a deed of Storm's son, it reads, — "Wouter Storm Bratt, alias Wouter \'an Der Zee." He was a trader, and married Hilletje Lansing. \'an Deu.seni. — Abraham, came from Hol- land, and his son, Teunis Abrahamse, was in Beverwyck, 1657-1700. Another son, Jacob .Mjrahamse, was a cooper, in Albany as early as 1677 ; married Catalyntntje Van Eslant, New Amsterdam, Sept. 23, 1663. Melgert .Abrahamse, resident in Albany, and married Engeltje Rutgertse Jacobsen there. Many descendants removed to Kinderhook and Cla- verack. Van Doesburgh. — Hendrick Andriese, alias Driessen, was in Beverwyck earlier than 1654; married Maritje Damen (widow of Dirck \'an Eps ) at Albany, and had a daugh- ter. Jannetje, born in 1653. \'an Dorlandt. — Jacob Lambertsen, came from Hilversum, arriving on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck" at New .Amsterdam, March, 1644; probably same jierson as Jacob Lam- bertsen Goyer, or Goijer. \'an Driessen. — Dominie Petrus, came to .Albany, April, 1712, marrying there, Aug. 26, 1712, Eva Cuyler, daughter of Hendrick Cuy- ler, the progenitor, and the dominie was bur- ied in the Albany Dutch church, Feb. 3, 1638. Van Dwingeeo. — Gertrudy Barentse, was wife of Jacob Hevick, at Beverwyck, in 1663. Van Dyck. — Hendrick, came to Fort Orange from Utrecht in 1645; was an official under Pieter Stuyvesant. His son, Cornelis, qualified as surgeon at Beverwyck, in 1661 ; married (ist) Elizabeth Lakens : secondly, Elizabeth Beck (widow of Capt. Silvester Sal- isbury), and after he died, in 1687, she mar- ried Capt. George Oct. 29, 1691. \'an Eeckeeen. — Jan Janse, resided at Be- verwyck, 1657-67 ; removed to Flushing, where he was a schoolmaster, 1691. Van Eps. — Jan Dirckse, removed from Al- bany to become one of the earliest settlers of Schenectady, where he bought a house, bouvv- HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS €rie, mill-house, etc., of the late i'liilip Hen- drickse Brouwer, in 1O64, and Curnelis \'an Nes, his step-father, convexed to him a house and bouvverie there, in 1667. \'ai\ Gudsenhoven. — Jan I'.astiaense. was first recorded in Rensselaerswyck as early as Feb. 8. 1652, when he appeared in court to testify and where he owned a house opposite the City Hall, which then stood on northeast corner of Broadway and Hudson ave. ; and died there between Apr. 3. 1666, and July 6, 1667. The name is also written \'an (iutsen- hoven. \'.\N (JrvsLi.NG. — Ehas, came from Zealand, arriving' on the "Bonte koe" ; was at Bever- wyck in 1659; removed to Schenectady, where he ])urchased Bastiaen De Winter's plantation in 1670: married Tryntje Claase : died Ijetore Apr. 13, 1695. \'.\x H.\.MEL. — Uirck, succeeded .\nton\- de Jlooges as secretary of Rensselaerswyck, Octo- ber, 1655, serving until his death, July 2, 1660: bought Madam Joanna De Hulter"s house for 2,100 guilders; married Sophia Wyckersloot. V.^.\• HoECK. — Arent Isaackse. was master shoemaker at Beverwyck in 1659; had son, liennony .Arentse, who lived in Schenectady, where he married Jaquimina Swart (widow of Pieter Cornelise V'iele) and he was killed in the Indian massacre there, Feb. 8, i6yo. Van Hoesen. — Jan F'rans, came to Bever- wyck about 1645 ; was a helper to Jan Barentse Wemp ; assigned a garden between the first and second creeks, Apr. i, 1650; married Vokkertje Juriaens, and their son, Jurriaen Janse, ijrobably came with them ; were Lu- therans ; bought land from Indians at Claver- ack in 1662. Descendants continued to reside in Albany, Kinderhouk, Claverack, Athens. €tC., up to 191 1. Van Ii.pendam. — .^driaen Janse, was teach- ing school in New Amsterdam in 1645 ; notary public in Albany, 1669-85 ; committed suicide by hanging, in 1685. Van Loon. — Jan, came from Luxck, iiol- land ; bought land at Coxsackie. 16S4: mar- ried Maria Albcrtse, New York, Feb. 23, 1676: blacksmith at Loonenburgh, 1699; at Cox- sackie, 1720. Descendants of name living at Catskill and along the Hudson, in 19 10. Van LfX)SEREr,HT. — Jacob I lendrickse. an alias of Maat, which see. Van Marcken'. — Jan Gerritse. came on the "St. Jacob" : received patent for lot at Ft. Casimir on the Delaware, 1657; came from New .-\msterdam to I'.everwyck in 1657, where he was a farmer of the excise : appointed "sellout" in Schenectady in 1673: married Geertje Gysbertse \'an den I'ergh at P>ever- wyck. \'an Mari.e. — Barent, was a trader in Be- verwyck. 1661-64. Van Neck. — Lambert Alhert^e. was in Be- verwyck, 1655-65, when on latter date he re- moved to New York. Van Nes. — Cornelis Hendrickse (\'an Ness, Van Es. or \"an Ess), came from X'ianen, South Holland, on "den Eycken- boom," arriving at New Amsterdam, August 1641, and from following spring was charged at Rensselaerswyck with tithes of farm at Bethlehem, occupied until 1648: leased farm in Greenbush, Aug. 25, 1650, formerly occu- pied by Tennis Cornelis \'an Vechten : was a brewer there : served as councilor of Rensse- laerswyck, 1652-58: when living upon the Havendyck in Holland in 1625. he married M'ayl-en Hendrickse I'.urchgraaf, wlin died ])revious to his coming to .America, and he married Maritje Damen (widow uf Dirck Van Eps). Their first child. Hendrick, mar- ried .A^nnatje Evertse and secondly Catryna Van Dam, Nov. 25, 1688. Their second child, Jan, was living in Greenbush in 1663: at Cohoes, in 1681 : at Half-Moon, in 1700. and married Aaltje . Their third child, Ger- rit. born in 1645, resided in Greenbush, and married Maria Pieterse Loockermans, in 1667. Van Xieuwkerk. — Cornelis Brantse. pos- sibly being the son of Brant Peelen van Nieuwkerk, was a resident of Beverwyck. for he was to sail from Holland with Gerrit Hen- drickse Reis, m 1664 Van Noorstrant. — jan Jacuh-e (van Oos- trand, becoming \'an Nostrandi, had a farm on Cohoes Island, in 1677, which he bought from Annetje Lievens (widow of Goosen Ger- ritse van Schaick) known in 1900 as \'an Schaick Island; bought land at Coxsac'-o and .Xiskayuna, 1685. Pieter \'an Noorstrant, resident of Beverwyck, removed to Kinder- hook, and married Rebecca Trephagen ; their sons, Pieter and Jacob, baptised before 1706. Willem Van Noorstrant married Maritje De Hooges, and had son, Johannes, bajitised Sept. 19, 1708. Van Norden. — Claes Jans, came from Naerden, Province of North Holland, on "den Harinck" ("The Herring"), arriving at New .Amsterdam, March 28. 1638; also known as Claes Janse Ruyter. or de Ruijter; a house carjjcnter ; aged 35 years on arrival ; was cre- dited with 60 weeks' board by \'an Curler at Rensselaerswyck ; but apj^arently was living in May. 1640. with his wife. Pieterje Jans, at the Manhatans. \'an Oi.ino.x. — Pieter Danielse ( \'an Der Linde), was a tailor; married Hilletje Corno- iisc \'an Slyck. a half-hrocd interi)rctcr ; her father. Cornelis Antonissen \an Slvck and HUDSON AND MOHAWK XALLl'.V^ her mother, a ^lohawk liulian, to wliom the Alohawk sachems gave Great Island in the Mohawk at Xiskayuiia, in 1667, sold to Capt. Johannes Cliite, in 1669, and she died in 1707. Their son, Daniel, married Lysheth Kregier, June II, 1(^)96. and was living at Half-Moon in 1720. Descendants of name living in 1900 at Albany, Troy, Cohoes and Schenectady. \'an Pettex. — Claes Frederickse, married Aefje Bratt, and was among the earliest fam- ilies living in Schenectady. Van Ravensteyn. — Elias, was in Alljany. 1666, until Feb. 9. 1696. \'an Rensselaer. — The progenitor of the family in tracing descent is recognized as Kil- iaen \an Rensselaer, the founder of the Col- ony of Rensselaerswyck (Albany), son of Hendrick \'an Rensselaer and Maria Pafraet, who was born in Hasselt. Province of Over- yssel, Holland, about 1580, and died in Am- sterdam, Holland, in 1644, without visiting this country, whose large tract in and about Al- bany was acquired by various deeds from the Indians, the first certificate bearing date Aug- ust 13, 1630. His son, Colonel Jeremias, born in Amsterdam in 1632, was the first Patroon to come to America, and was known as the Third Patroon, being the successor of his elder brother, Johannes, (born in 1625 and died in 1662), without coming to this coun- try, Jeremias sailed from Holland on "de Gelderse Blom," Aug. 4, 1654 ; returned on "den Beer," Oct. 28, 1655 ; sailed from Am- sterdam on the "Otter," shortly after June 14, 1656; succeeded his brother, Jan Baptist Van Rensselaer, as Director, Sept. 24, 1658, and held office until death, in 1674; stated in his letter to his mother that he married Maria \'an Cortlandt, July 12. 1662; but marriage entered in records of Reformed Dutch church of \ew York, as on April 27, 1662. Jan Bap- tist (Johan Baptista) Van Rensselaer, the first of the name in America, came from Hol- land, and was in Rensselaerswyck as early as June 29, 1651 ; member of the court from Oct. 18, 165 1, in place of Rutger Jacobsen ; cre- dited with annual salary of 1,000 florins as Director of the Colony, from July 24, 1652, to Sept. 24, 1658, when he returned to Holland, and was also paid salary for 13 months, June 29, 165 1, to July 24, 1652, when acting as Director in absence of Van Slechtenhorst at Xew .Amsterdam. He was not the progenitor of the family in .America. \'an Rotterdam. — Jan Janse, had children (baptised) in .Mbany: Rachel, Jan, 20, 1686: Sander, June 8, 1690; removed to Schenec- tady. \'an Salsbercen. — Jan Hendrickse (or later Salisbury), recorded convevance of land from Hudson river to Stone kill at Claverack, from Gerrit X'isbeeck, 1673; married (first) Emmeke Luycasse, (second) Tanneke Janse (widow of Ryk Riddersen), Jan. 30, 1693. and he died October, 1706. Their son, Lucas Janse, married Maritje Evertsen, .Apr. 4, 1689, \'an Saxtvoord. — Cornelis, went from .Al- bany to Schenectady as the fifth minister, where he died, Jan. 6, 1752: married .Annatje Staats, daughter of Johannes Staats, of Sta- tcn Island, Their eldest son, Cornelis, re- moved from Schenectady to .Albany, about 1747, marrying Ariaantje Bratt, Dec. 31, 1747, residing on Broadway, -Albany, site of the X. Y. Central depot in 1910. Their second son, Staats, was a gunsmith in .Albany about 1747, marrying \\111em])ie I'.ratt, of .Albany, Dec. 31, i7'47- \'.\x ScH.MCK. — Capt. (ioosen Gerritse, was a brewer in Beverwyck, 1649: married (first) Geertje Brantse Peelen van Xieuwkerk, who died about 1656; (second) .Annatje Lievens, 1657: he purchased Half-Moon Island, at the mouth of the Mohawk, from Indians, with Philip Pieterse Schuyler, in 1664, hence known as Van Schaick Island : bought house at north corner of Broadway and Columbia st., Albany, 1664, and died about 1676. \'ax Schelluyxe. — Dirck. arrived at Be- verwyck in 1650: was a notary public: secre- tary of Albany, 1665-68: given a tract at Nis- kayuna by Indians, 1667: married Cornelia \'an Buren. and had three children, baptised at X^ew Amsterdam, the third, Johannes, Sept, 14, .i653- \ AX ScHiE. — Dominic Cornelis, minister of Dutch church at Fishkill, 1731-33: called to .Mijany, May 11, 1733, where buried, Aug. 16, 1744: married Josyna Prys. \'ax Schi.ixck. — Cornelis Antonis, gener- ally referred to as Cornelis Teunisen, and often as Broer Cornelis, although signing his name as given above, came from Breuckelen, near Utrecht : was a carpenter and mason ; sailed on "d'Eendracht" ("The Unity"), May, 1634, from the Te.xel : much of the time be- tween 1643-48, in Manhattan, received patent for land at Catskill, from Director Kieft, Aug, 22, 1646: appointed the Patroon "s representa- tive, ^lay 12, 1639, \'an Schooniioven. — Geurt Hendrickse. a carpenter: was living at Half-Moon in 1675: had farm at Cohoes Island, 1681 : made will .Aug. 20, 1700. Claas Hendrickse \'an Schoonhoven was probably a brother of the former, coming from I'trecht : car|)enter at Beverwyck, 1634: married Cornelia I'reder- ickse, and died March 15, 1661, Van Sr.iCHTENHORST, — Barent .Aertse, came from Xvkerck, Gelderland, Holland, ar- xl HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS riving at Rensselaerswyck, March 22, 1648, and was director of the colony, serving until July 24, 1652, when Jan Baptist Van Rensse- laer succeeded him ; was still in the colony July, 1655; but returned to Nykerck in 1660, where he died about 1668; his daughter, Mar- garita, married Col. Philip Pieterse Schuyler. The name is also sometimes \'an Slecht- enhorst. Van' Slvck. — Cornelis Antonissen, alias "Broer Cornelis," was given a large tract at Catskill for service in bringing about peace with the Indians ; married a Mohawk Indian woman, by whom sons, Jacques, Cornelise and Marten, the former settling in Schenectady, where he owned half of an island in the Mo- hawk given by the natives, and the latter was in Beverwyck in 1661. Cornelis Teunis \'an Slyck was in Beverwyck, 1659-68, where he was "raets persoon." Willeni Pieterse \'an Slyck was at Beverwyck in 1655. Pieter Wil- lemse Van Slyck married Johanna Barheit, April 9. 1683, and resided in Kinderhook. Van Stefi-eniers. — Arent. arrived on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck." at New Amster- dam, March 4, 1637 ; hog dealer : engaged at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 17, 1637: married on March 22, 1637, at Manhatans. widow of Cor- nelis Tomasen. Vani Stettyn. — Evert : see Pels. Van Strev. — Jan, was a resident of Albany before 1700; married Johanna (or Annatje) Van der Poel, widow. New York, June, 1694, and had child, Lysbet, baptised .Albany, Jan. 5, 1700. \'an Tricht. — Abraham, resided in Al- bany before 1700: married Lysbeth Teller, daughter of Willem Teller, and had children (baptised) Magdalena, Oct. 21, 1683; Helena, May 30. 1686. His widow married Melgert Wynantse Van der Poel. Van Twiller. — Jan, probably a brother of Wouter Van Twiller, and cousin of Jeremias Van Rensselaer, was a commissioner in Rens- selaerswyck in 1649; boarding then with Van Slichtenhorst : was a councilor, July 24, 1652 — July 24, 1657; probably left colony in 1657. Johannes Van Twiller was a merchant in Beverwyck, 1654-62. Aert Goosense Van Twiller came from Nykerk, Geklerland, Hol- land, and was in Beverwyck. 1661-63. Van VAi.KENiiERf,. — Lambert (van Valck- enburch, X'alkenburg or \'alkenburgh), was mentioned in court records of Rensselaers- wyck, March 7, 1652: but was in New Amster- dam as early as January, 1644, where he bought a house and 25 morgens of land, re- ceiving a patent there, March 16, 1647: prob- ably an inhabitant of Fort Orange and not of Rensselaerswyck : married Annatje , in 1645; their son, Jochem Lambertse, bap- tised in New Amsterdam, Nov. 4, 1646; mar- ried Eva Hendrickse Vrooman, who died in 1706; secondly, Jannetje Mingael (widow of Lambert \'an Alstyne, Feb. 23, 1713, and was living in Kinderhook in 1720. Van V'echten. — Teunis Cornelise, came from Vechten, near Utrecht, on the "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," arriving at New Amster- dam, March 4, 1637, when a boy; entered at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 8, 1637; served under Alichiel Jans until May i, 1646, and then suc- ceeded him on his farm called "de Hooge- berch," which he occupied until May i, 1648; leased south end of "het greenebos" (pine woods, Greenbush), Oct. 15, 1648, from Di- rector Van Slechtenhorst, and the same sold to him a house south of fifth creek, Rensse- laerswyck, March 17, 1650. Teunis Dirckse \'an \echten came from \'echten, Holland, on "het Wapen van Noorvvegen" ("Arms of Nor- way") arriving at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1638, with wife and one child; farmed first for others at Rensselaerswyck ; but from 1640 occupied his own farm at Greenbush, formerly that of Teunis Cornelise Van Vechten, and in 1648 had a half interest in the colony's brew- ery (bouwery?) in Greenbush ; known by alias "Poentie." Dirck Van Vechten, son of Teu- nis Dirckse, came by "den Waterhondt," sail- ing June, 1640. Van Velsen. — -Sweer Teunise, alias Van Westbroeck, was residing in Albany about 1666, when he married Maritje Myndertse (widow of Jan Barentse Wemp) ; received conveyance of land at Lubberde'sland (Troy), where he had sawmill on the Poesten kill ; also bought west corner of Broadway and Van Trom]3 street, .\lbany, 1667; built grist mill in Schenectady, 1669, and thereafter resided there. Killed in Indian massacre there, Feb. 8, 1690. Van Vorst.— Gillis, resided first in .\lbany, and married Lysbeth Van Eps, Schenectady, July 16, 1699, where he continued to reside. Van Voorhout. — Cornelis Segersen (Zeger- sen), appears as "van Egmont" in contract with the Patroon, Aug. 25, 1643, before sail- ing, arrived with wife, Brechtje Jacobsen, 45 years old, and six children, on "Arms of Rens- selaerswyck," at New Amsterdam, March, 1644: leased Brant Peelen's farm on Castle Island. Cornelis Cornelise, eldest son of Cor- nelis Segersen Van Voorhout, arrived on "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," and leased farm in Greenbush. Claes Cornelise Van Voorhout, also called Claes Segersen, second son of Cor- nelis Segersen Van Voorhout, arrived on "Arms of Rensselaerswyck." at New Amster- dam, March, 1644. came to Rensselaerswyck HUDSON AXl) MOHAWK \AI,LEYS xli and (Kcupied a farm on Papscanee Island, in 1648-58. \'an Vranken. — Claes (alias "van Frank," \an I-'ranke, or \an Franken) early settler at Albany, then bought land at Niskayiina, 1672. Van Vredenbergh. — Willem, resided in Albany about 1700: married Heyltje \'an Et- ten. and removed to Kinderhook. where their child. Appolonia, was born. Jan. 13. 1706. \'an Wencom. — Gerrit (Gerardus). was at Bethlehem, Dec. 8, 1649, when assaulted by an Indian ; still living in the colony in 1653. Van Westbroeck. — Cornelis Teunise, came to Rensselaerswyck in 163 1, where he was an extensive trader in furs, sending 700 beavers to Manhattan in 1654: might have been a brother of Sweer Teunise Van Westbroeck, alias "X'an Velsen,"' who removed to Schenec- tady. \'an- Westervelt. — Juriaen (Bestval, Best- vall, Bestivall, Westval, Westvael, Westvaelt, \'an Westvaele. etc.), came from Leiderdorp, near Leyden. on "den Houttuyn," arriving at New Amsterdam, Aug. 4, 1642: wages in Rensselaerswyck began Aug. 13, 1642, and mentioned July, 1644, as servant of Michiel Jansen, but on Jan. 14, 1649, took over lease of Evert Pels' farm on Papscanee Island. \'an Wie. — Hendrick Gerritse, was in Be- verwyck, 1654-91 ; went on the expedition to Canada, where he was wounded, and Col. Pieter Schuyler petitioned the governor for his relief in 1691. about which time he died. Teunis Gerritse \'an Wie. perhaps brother of the former, resideci at Albany in 1666. \'an Wie's Point, south of Albany, named after his family. The name was also written Van Wye. \'an Wey. and \'erwey. Va^ Witbeck. — Jan Tomase : see Witbeck. \'an' Woert. — Teunis Jacobse and Rutger Jacobse, came from Schoonderwoert, Province of South Holland, sailing from the Texel. June, 1640, on "den Waterhondt" : engaged at Rensselaerswyck from Sept. 4. 1640. The name a contraction of \'an Schoonderwoert. See Rutgers. Van Woggelum. — Pieter and Jacob Adria- ense : see Soegemalyk. Van Wormer. — Henri, came from Wor- mer. Holland, about 1655, settling first in New Jersey, the family moving northward in New York state, settling even as far as the northern counties. Van Yveran>. — or Van Iveren ; see Myn- derse. Van Zandt. — Jan, the progenitor of this family was of Spanish origin and came to Albany, marrying Jannetje , by whom Johannes and Joseph, the former a turner. married ^Margarita \'an der Poel. removing to New York about 1693, after birth of five children in Albany : the second son, Joseph, marrying Seitje Alarselis at Albany, 1688; was naturalized Dec. 6, 1715, and had several children born at Albany. The first, Jannetje, baptised Aug. 11, 1689. Vastrick. — Gerrit. a commissioner of Rens- selaerswyck in 1650: but in New Amsterdam as early as July 16. 1644. Robert Vastrick was first mentioned at Rensselaerswyck, Jan. II, 1652; left the colony before Sept. 30, 1657. \'edder. — Harmen Albertse. a trader, early bought land at Schenectady and at Steen Raby ( Lansingburg, near Troy), and several house lots in Albany : his son. .Arent, residing in Schenectady, married Sara Groot, and their first child, Rebecca, was born Oct. 25, 1691. Families of this name living in 19 10 in Sche- nectady. Catskill and Hudson river towns. \'eeder. — Symon \'olckertse, a baker, owned a house in Manhattan in 1654. one in Beverwyck, and bought a bouwerie in Sche- nectady, where he settled among the first in 1662, and his four sons continue the name there to this day. V^ERBEECK. — Jan (or Johannes |. was born in 1612, came from Breda. North Brabant province, Holland, arriving at New Amster- dam. Nov. 29, 1641. on "den Coninck David" ("King David"), with wife, child and maid; was a tailor ; spent winter there, and was re- corded at Rensselaerswyck in 1642: house in Greenbush ; took oath as member of court of Rensselaerswyck, Jan. 12, 1651, and was or- phan master. Verbrugge. — Johannes Pieterse : see \'an Brugh. Vermeulen. — Hendrick Gerritse, was re- siding in Albany. 1667-71, buying a house on south corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane, from Cornelis Van Nes,' in 1667, which he sold to Arent Jansen. Vernoy. — Cornelis, probably resided in Al- bany before 1700, as he married Sara Ten Broeck there, and they had a child baptised in Albany, Jan. 6. 1706. Verplanck. — Abraham Isaacse, came from Holland, settling in New Amsterdam until he obtained a patent for land from Governor Kieft. at Paulus Hoeck. in 1638; married Maria, daughter of Guleyn Vigne and Ad- riaantje Cuilje, and died about 1691. Their second child. Catalyna, married David Piet- erse Schuyler of Rensselaerswyck. Their third child, Guleyn (born Jan. i. 1637, died Apr. 23, 1684: remained in New Amsterdam, marrying Hendrikje Wessels. Their ninth child, Isaac, baptised Feb. 26, 165 1, was a shoemaker in Albany, married Abigail Uyten- xlii HUDSDX AND MOHAWK VALLEYS bogart, and left ciescendanls of name living in Albany in 19 lo. Verwey. — Hendrick Gerritse ; see Van Wie. ViELE. — Cornelis Cornelise, owned a lot on west corner of State and Pearl sts., Albany, which he sold to Richard Pretty in 1673; bought a bovnveric in Schenectady in 1668. and exchanged it in 1670 with Jurriaan Teu- nise Tappen, for house on south side of State St., west of Pearl st.. Albany: had children: Arnout (or Arnold), Cornelis and Pieter. \'iLLEROY. — Pierre; see De Garmeaulx. X'lxiiAGEX. — Jan Dirckse, was born at Gee- men, Holland, in 1633; a tailor in Albany where he owned house on northeast corner of Broadway and State St., in 1669, and still living in 1708. VisBEECK. — Gerrit, was master of a sloop at Albany in 1665 : conveyed land at Claverack to Jan Hendrickse V^an Salsbergen and Gerrit Van Slechtenhorst, in 1672. VisscHER. — Harmen Bastiaanse, was a car- penter in New Amsterdam, as early as 1649, and soon came to Beverwyck where he had a garden near the southeast corner of Broadway and Hudson avenue, and house-lot on west side of Pearl st., between Maiden Lane and Steuben St.; was village surveyor in 1666; married Hester Tjerkse. The name was at that time frequently written Visser, Visger, Visselaer (or laar). De Visser, De Vyselaer and Fisher. Vos.— Cornelis Cornelise. was in Bever- wyck, 1654-67: owned sloop plying lietween there and New Amsterdam: married Dirckje Pieterse, who died in 1665. Han (or Jo- hannes) Vos came to Beverw^yck from Baden in 1642, and removed to Catskill ; was deputy sheriff, 1661. Jacob Cornelise Vos, alias Bo- gart, P.ogert, Van der Bogart, etc., married Jannetje Quackenbos at Albany, and their first child, Cornelis, baptised there, Sept. 28, 1683. The name was tlien also written Vosje, and meant fox. VosBURGH. — Pieter Jacobse. was the first of the name at Rensselaerswyck, and his son, Abraham Pieterse, was living there in August, 1649 ; the latter being a carpenter and trader, sending 1,500 beavers to New Amsterdam in 1654; leased a mill on creek south of Jan Barentse Wemp's farm, Sept. 30, 1656; died about 1660: owned sawmill on the Wynants- kill which his widow sold in 1674 to Wyant Gerritse Van der Pocl. The name was then also written Vosburch, \^osbergen, \^osber- ghen. Vrooman). — Bartholomeus, was an early set- tler in Beverwyck, where he had sons, Pieter. Jacob and Hendrick. Each of these in taking the father's given name contracted it to Mees. I'ieter lived on State St., near Broadway, Al- bany, in 1677; married \'olckje Pieterse (wi- dow of Gerrit Janse Stravast) and died in 1684. Jacob was a carpenter; married Eliza- beth (widow of Teunis Cornelise Swart) of Schenectady ; resided near Broadway and State St., Albany, and will probated Sept. 22, 1 69 1. Hendrick removed to Kinderhook, about 1670, engaging the farm of Robert Sanders at Steen Raby (Lansingburg, N. Y.) same year; removed to Schenectady in 1677, residing on site of the N. Y. Central railroad depot of 1910 ; killed in Indian massacre there, Feb. 8, 1690. Vysel.\er. — Jan Cornelise, alias Gouw, was in Beverwyck 1654-91 ; bought land and saw- mill on the Poestenkill (near Troy) in 1675. Waelingen. — Jacob, came from Hoorn, Province of North Holland, was living at New Amsterdam, Jan., 1639; and likely at Rensselaerswyck, May 12, 1650, when re- corded that he was about to leave the colony. Waert. — Gysbert Cornelise, came from Weesp, near Amsterdam ; was a tavern-keeper at Rensselaerswyck in the fall of 1644. Wagenaer. — J a c o b Arentse, originally known without this surname, was a wagoner, who had sailed from the Texel, Holland, on "den Calmer Sleutel," December, 1637, when 25 years old : was employed first at New Am- sterdam : but recorded at Rensselaerswyck, June 26, 1639. Wakefield. — Tonias, was an early resident I if .Albany, where his child, .\nna. was baptised -Aug. 25, 1689. Waldrox. — Willem, came from .Amster- dam, Holland : married Engeltje Stouten- burgh. New Amsterdam, Feb. 10, 1671, and their son, Pieter, was baptised there, June 25, 1675, married Tryntje Cornelise A'an den Bergh there, Sept. 9, 1698, and they removed to Albany two years later, where all but their first child were born, and where he died : bur- ied. May 3. 1725. Warmond. — -Matthys, resided in .Albany, where he married Susanna Heghs (or Hicks), and their first child, Willem, bajitised there, .April 13, 1696. Wemp. — Jan Barentse, was nicknamed Poest : appears on the Rensselaerswyck re- cords as early as 1643, serving under Cornelis Teunisen : from Apr. 10, 1645, to June 11, 1646, in charge of the Patroon's farm called "de \'lacktc," and Aug. 13. 1646, contracted to take charge of a grist-mill on the fifth creek : took a farm on the Poestenkill. Nov. i, 1654: married Maritje Myndertse; owned half of the Great Flat at Schenectady, where most of his descent resided. Wendell. — Evert Janse, was born at Em- HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS xliii den, in 1615, was a cooper; resided some years in New Amsterdam before coming to Bever- wyck, where lie owned house on northwest corner of James and Stale sts. ; married (first) Susanna Du Trieux (or Truax), New Am- sterdam, July 31, 1644: (second) ^Liritje Abrahamse Vosburgh in 1663, and died about 1702. The name was then also commonly spelled W'endel. Wessels. — Jochem, was a baker at Rens- selaerswyck ; recorded there first on his peti- tion of Sept. 28, 165 1, for a place in the vil- lage ; married Geertuy Hieronimus ; resided on southeast corner of Broadway and State St., and died in 1681. Name was also then spelled as properly Wesselse or Wesselsen. See Ten Broeck. W'estercamp. — Hendrick Janse, was a baker, permitted to locate at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 2, 1648 ; granted a garden between the first and second creeks, Apr. i, 1650; married Femmetje Albertsen ; resided at northeast cor- ner of Broadway and State St., and died in Eieverwyck about 1655. W'iBUSSE. — Gerrit, was probahly residing in Albany before 1700, where he married Maria Gilbert, June 8, 1706. WiLLEMSEN. — Adriaen. stole beaver-skins from Arent Van Curler in Rensselaerswyck and was banished Aug. 13. 1644. David Wil- lemsen married Rachel Hansen at Albany, and they had a child, Johannes, baptised there, Apr. 6. 1692. Teunis Willemsen was born at Heyvelt, Province of Utrecht, Holland, and came from Woutbergh. and after residing in Albany, occupied a farm at Niskayuna, 1678; marrying Jannetje Hendricksen. Name same as Williamson. Williams. — Thomas, came to Albany from New York City, and married (first) Agnietje Gansevoort, Aug. 7, 1692; (second) Ililletje (or Helena) Bronck, June 26, 1712; sheriff of Albany county, 1699, resided on east corner of Green St., and Hudson ave. Wii.i.ETT.- — Thomas, was a trader at Be- verwyck in 1663 ; originally from Bristol, Eng. : married Sara Cornell, New Amsterdam, Sept. I, 1643, and died about 1677. The name then also spelled Willet. Wir.sox. — Samuel, was a merchant in New ^'nrk and Albany, with house in latter place near the southwest corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane, in 1677. WixNE. — Pieter (Winnen). also recorded as "Pieter de Mamingh," meaning "the Flem- ing" ; was born in Ghent, Mandcrs ; charged on Rensselaerswyck accounts from the fail of 1652, for a farm, apparently at Bethlehem, just below Albany; bought half of Constapel Island from Volckert Janse Douw, in 1677, and a sawmill in Bethlehem from Nicolaas Van Rensselaer; married Tannetje Adams; made joint will July 6, 1684, which was pro- bated Feb. 22, 1696; their first child, Pieter, born at Rensselaerswyck, in 1643. WissELPENNiNGH. — Rcynicr, was a carpen- ter at Beverwyck, 1654-61 ; married widow of Symon Root, and she was dead in 1654. WiTBECK. — Jan Tomase, was born at Wit- beck, in Holstein ; one of the largest real es- tate dealers in Beverwyck, 1652-78; bought the whole of Apje's, or Little Monkey's, island (Schodack), with Volckert Janse Douw, in 1664. and the mainland opjiosite on the east bank; married Gertrude Andriese Dochter. Also called Van Witbeck. WiTiiARDT. — Johannes, was a trader in New Amsterdam as early as 1654; was at Bever- wyck in 1656; where he owned a liouse next west of northwest corner of Pearl and State streets. WiTMOND. — Jan and Cornells, owned a brewery in Greenbush (Rensselaer, N. Y.), in 1657, which they sold to Willem Brouwer for 1.207 guilders. Woodcock. — John, was born in Yorkshire, Eng., and probably lived in Albany before 1700, as he married Ariaantje Gardenier there, May 3, 1702. WvNCAART. — Lucas Gerritse. was a baker at Albany; married Annatje Janse Van Hoe- sen, and their second child, Maria, was bap- tised there, Feb. 15, 1685; his oldest son, Gerrit Lucasse, was a trader at Albany, and married Sara Harmse Visscher there, Nov. 4, 1694. WvNKoop. — Pieter, came from Holland on tlie "Arms of Rensselaerswyck," and was in Rensselaerswyck in 1644, and his son, Cor- nelis, bought a lot there in 1657. Y.XTES. — Joseph, was living in Albany prob- al)ly before 1684, where his son, ChristofTel, was baptised, April 16, 1684; was a smith; married Hubertje Marselis ; resided on the east corner of Green and Beaver sts., in 1713, and was buried May 22, 1730. The descen- dants of name resided in Albany and Schenec- tady in 1 9 10. Young. — Simon (Jongh), was sheriff of Albany county, 1696; married Anna Rowe, and their child, Elizabeth, baptised. Albany, Sept. 6, 1696. ADDENDA AND ERRATA INDEX ADDENDA AND ERRATA The following addenda and errata were received after the narrative pages had gone tliroiigh tin- press. Blaisdell, p. 796, 2d col. ; a son, Thomas Houghtahng. was horn to Robert V. B. and Marguerite V. (Briggs) Blaisdell, November 3, 1910. Bovie, p. 969; in this narrative the name Hoosac is preserved. The ancient spelling was Hoosac, or Hoosack, an Indian word meaning Owl Valley, but when the town was incorporated, for some unaccountable reason the spelling was changed to Hoosick, which means nothing. Every name is Hoosac across the state line m Massachusetts — Hoosac Tunnel, Hoosac Mountain, Hoosac River, etc. Mr. George M. Bovie"s first school attendance was in Hoosac, New York, not Vermont. Boyd, p. 444, 2d col. ; John Logan Boyd, or John Jr., as he was usually called (eldest child of John Boyd (l), was born October 8, 1758, in Ireland, and came to Albany with his parents in 1762. He was a millwright and farmer in Ballston, now Charlton, Saratoga county. Was first supervisor of Charlton, 1791, and later a justice of the peace; was therefore of good standing and repute. In politics he was undoubtedly a moderate Royalist, or "Tory" ; was once arrested on suspicion, by the commissioner of con- spiracies of .Albany county, and his father was one of his bondsmen in the sum of i200. He was driven from home, however, by Burgoyne's approach, and with his neighbors petitioned the authorities for better military protection. He married Anna Northrop, March 25, 1779. They had twelve children, ten of whom were born in Charlton, one, Polly, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 1782, and the youngest child was born in Newark, now Niagara, Ontario, Canada, to which place the family removed about 1799; there they prob- ably died and were buried. Burritt, p. 1437 ; for narrative of Robert Fulton see p. 302. Burton, p. 1097, par. i ; Richardson Clarke was evidently born in 1806. instead of 1866, as stated in the text. Conger, p. 1674, 2d col.; for William M., second child of William Conger, read William H. Culver, p. 532; David Culver (IV), lived in Northampton, L. I., and moved to Hebron, Conn.; he was in the battle of Germantown. David Culver (V) was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Stephen Lee was a great-grandson of Thomas Lee. Culver, p. 533, 1st par.; Charles Bellamy married Caroline Smith; same par., for Maria Eliza, daugh- ter of James Culver, read Mary Eliza, p. 534; Dr. Charles M. Culver is still (1911) a U. S. pension exam- ining surgeon. Cuylcr, p. 1727, 2d col., last par.; Charlotte Hanford wa> a daughter of Gershom Selleck Hanford and Sarah Hayes. Dempster, p. 1634, 2d col., last par. In correspondence received after pages had gone through the press, the name Putnam appears as Putman. Ralph Putnam (Putman) was son of Lewis; he married Mary Schenck ; her father was Ralph Schenck ; he was in the revolutionary war, and was in the battle of Monmouth, and others; he married Ann Taylor. P. 1635; corrected data of children of David S. Dempster: Willard J., born June 18, 1877; Rena L., March 15. 1879; David Dudley, July 29, 1884; Dorothy, Septem- ber 9, 1902. Everts, p. 1708; birth date of James Evarts, evidently incorrect, and not ascertainable. P. 1709, 2d col., 1st par.; for Miriam (McNitt) 'Woodard, read Mariam. Par. 2; for Evarts, read Everts. Same column ; wherever name Woodward appears, read Woodard. P. 1710, 2d col., last par., for Miriam, read Mariam. P. T711. 1st col., 1st par.; for Georgia Bockes read Georgianna Bockes. Same par.: Martin Woodard married Jemima Rea. Same par.; Supplemental dates: Lydia Woodard married William Shaw. August 26, 1863; Emma Woodard married Capt. Joseph Hays, November 15, 1866; Mariam Woodard married S. F. Farrar. February 14, 1887. Fuller, p. 173, 2d col., 1st par.; Charles H. Douglas and Sarah M. Root were married June 7, 1893. Gilchrist, p. 9.38; Robert Cuthbert writes to Mr. Frank Gilchrist: "Our great grandfather's name was .'\ndrew Gilchrist, father of Andrew, Robert and Thomas. Grandmother's- name was Elizabeth Dawson. Grandfather and family came to this country from Ncwbliss, county Monaghan. Ireland." Hilton, p. 370, 2d col.; Copies of headstones in Hilton burying plot at Meredith, N. H. : Capt. Daniel Hilton died July 30, 1827. aged 69. Major Daniel Hilton died Feb. 27, 1867, aged 72. Elizabeth M.. wife of Daniel Hilton, died May 13. 1869, aged 70. George, son of Maj. Daniel and Elizabeth M. Hilton, died .\pril 15, 18,30, aged 4 years and 6 months. George O., son of Maj. Daniel and Elizabeth M. Hilton, died .■\ugiist 22. 1838, aged 6 years and 6 months. Mrs. .-Xmanda .M. Garman, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Hilton, died Oct. 10, 1904. aged 81. Fannie E., daughter of Jabez J. and .Xmanda M. Garmau. died June 13. 1909. aged 63. Capt. D.miel was father of Maj. Daniel, who was the father of Maj. Charles, father of Col. George. xlvii xlviii HUDSON AND .MOHAWK \ALLEYS Husted, p. 985; corrected ancestry of lliaddeus Husted (V): (1) Robert Husted. CH) Angel Hus- ted. (Ill) Samuel Husted, born about 1670. probably in Greenwich, Connecticut; record not found; died 1741, in Stamford, Connecticut; married, about 1696, Sarah, daughter of Moses and Abigail (Wescoat) Knapp; she died November 20, 1717, in Stamford. Connecticut. Children; i. Nathaniel, born 1698, died April 9, 1758, in Greenwich, Connecticut, unmarried. 2. Joseph, married, December 2, 1731, in Stamford, Connecticut, Deborah Ferris, who bore him nine children. 3. Zebulon, see forward. 4. Elizabeth, died 1730; married, 1715, in Stamford. Connecticut, John Adams, of Greenwich ; five children, S.Sarah. 6. De- borah, married Samuel Adams, of Fairfield, Connecicut. (IV). Zebulon Husted, married Abigail ; children, born in Stamford, Connecticut: i. Samuel, born February 22, 1733, died young, 2. Sarah, born November 22, 1736. married, November 22, 1759, Josiah Waterbury. 3. Samuel, born October 7, 1738, 4. .'\bigail, born December 30, 1740, married, January 7, 1762, Peter Weed. 5. Hannah, born March 14, 1742-43. 6. Nathaniel, born May 19. 1746, married, .^pril 14. 1768, Hannah Webb. 7.. James, born August II, 1748. 8. Thaddeus, see forward. 9. Mary (twin), baptized August 5, 1755. in Congregational church, Stamford, unmarried in 1791. 10, Martha (twin), same as Mary, (V), Thaddeus Husted, born August 31, 1750; married (first) May 25, 1775, in Stamford, Connecticut, Rhoda Davenport; children: Sliadracli. Deborah, Catharine. For second marriage and children of second wife see p. 5^5. Miller, p. 1107, 2d col., 2d par.; for marriage date of Abraham J. D. Miller and Cornelia W, \'an Home, read December 29, 1857. Rossman, p. 1649, 1st col., ist par. ; for Catherine, daughter of Daniel Rossman, read Katherine M. Rudd, p. 1442, 2d col.; at the time of the Battle of Bennington. Joseph Rudd (IV) went to the battle, and his wife and four children went to Williamstown, slie and three children riding a horse, and Celinda, the oldest, seven years old, walking alongside, a distance of nineteen miles — a case of unusual hardship, espe- cially for the daughter Celinda. Serviss, p, 789, ist col,. 2d par.; concerning Sclniyler Bussing Serviss, for "leading educators" read "leading scientists." Thayer. Nathaniel. Jr., p. 27, ist col., 2d par.; he died at Boston, March 21, 1911, Vanderheyden, p. 683-685 ; later generations give the family name in the -form of Vanderheyden. instead of Van der Heyden. Van Rensselaer, p. 19, 1st col., 2d par.; for Philip Schuyler (Van Rensselaer), read Philip Stephen, Van Rensselaer, p, 1819, 1st col., 1st par.; Cornelia Paterson Turnbull was born Dec. 2, 1848, and died in Westchester, N. Y,, May 29, 1850, Wakeman, p, 1042; Abram Wakcman (VII) married (second), Kate Billings (widow), daughter of Dr. Price, of Utica, New York. Wheeler, p. 575, 2d col., last par.; Elizabeth ( B jyd ) Wheeler died January 2, igii, Younglove. p, 829, 2d col., 2d par.; for David, fifth child of Isaiah Vounglove (IV), read Isaiah. INDEX 1409 to end. Where ises pp. 1-484; Volume II, pp. 485-948; \'nlui ;m asterisk (*) appears against a name, referenc Abel .'Vncestry, 1027 Alvan, 1028 Andreas, 1027 Andrew, 1028 Michael, 1027 Philip, 1028 Abrams Ancestry, 1218 Augustus C, 1219 Benjamin, 1218 Elijah, 1218 Adams Ancestry, 9^)0, Amos M., g6i Charles H., 1508 Henry, 1507 Henry, Dr.. 1508 Ira L., 961 Isaac, 1508 Jacob, 960 Joab, 960 Joel, 960 John, 960 John, 1507 John Q., 961 Joshua, 1508 Peter, 1507 Peter C, Dr., Robert, 960 Williaip P., 1509 Adriance Ancestry, 425 .•\braham, 426 1508 Abraham J., 426 Elbert, 425 John, 426 Rem, 426 Thomas B,, 427 Thomas F,, 427 Thomas M,, 426 .'\gard .'Vncestry, 1706 Amos, 1706 James, 1706 John, 1706 .•\kin Ancestry. 124, ( David, 124 David, 913 Edward, 124 James, 124 John, 124 John, 913 Jonathan, 913 Martha T.. 914 William, 913 .•Mbright Ancestry, .\dam, 1483 Hendrick, 1480 Isaac, 1481 Isaac, 1482 Jacob, 1 48 1 Jacob, 1482 John W., 1482 Aldon ,\ucestrv, 42 480 HI. pp. 949-1408; Volume I\'. pp, i made to addenda and errata page. Charles L., 431 Charles S., 432 David. 429 Henry, 429 Henry, 430 Isaac, 430 John, 429 John. 430 John ('.., 432 Langford T., 432 William, 430 Aldrich, Charles F.. 1581 Charles S., 1581 .\lex .\nccstry, 1786 John F.. 1786 Kark, 1786 Nicholas, 1786 .'Mien Ancestr>-, 2O8, 348, 632, 1109, 1274, 1650 Bradford, 1275 Caleb, 632 Clifford H., 1706 Cyrus. 632 Daniel, 1109 David, 349 David, 1274 David I., 1274 Elisha, 1 109 Genevieve L., 165 1 George. 348 HUDSON AND MOIIAWK VALLEYS xlix George, 1437 George M., 349 Harry J., 1650 Henry A., 268 Henry A., 269 Hiram, i iii Horace, 268 Howard W., 165 1 James, 632 John. 34« John, 632 John. 1109 John, 1274 John C, 1650 Joseph, 268 Judah, 348 Loren, 1109 Marcus B., 349 Marcus C. iiii Mary, 632 Mary J., 1437 Prince, 348 Ralph, 348 Richard B., 1651 Rufus, 268 Samuel, 1437 Samuel, 1650 Samuel G., 165 1 William, 632 Alvord, Thomas G.. 669 Andros Ancestry, 1332 Abel, 1332 Benjamin, 1332 Charles B., 1333 Charles H., 1333 Daniel, 1332 John, 1332 William N.. 1333 Angell. Sarah, 1576 Thomas. 1576 Argersinger Ancestry, 1145 Catherine W., 1145 Chauncey E., 1147 Hiram, 1146 James P.. 1149 John, 1 145 John, 1147 Leonard, 1 148 Margaret S., 1149 Michael, 1312 Michael J., 1 148 Philetus P.. 1146 Philip, 1 145 Sidney, 1 148 Winfield S.. 1312 Arkell .\ncestry, 1327 James, 1,327 William, 1327 William J.. 1328 Armitage Ancestry, 1052 Aaron A.. 1053 .John P., 1053 John W., 1052 William. 1053 William P., io=;3 William P., 1052 Armstrong .Ancestry, 1349, 16 Albert B.. 1350 Barber C, 1350 Benjamin, 1349 Benjamin, 1681 George A.. Lieut., 1350 Hopestill, 1349 James C. 1681 John, 1349 Reuben, 1349 William. 1081 William. 1O81 William. 1O81 Zepbaiiiah, 1349 Arnold .\iiccslry, 126 Alice v.. 126 Anthony. 128 Benjamin W., 1816 David, 128 John, 127 Richard, 127 Sarah E., 1816 Thomas, 127 William, 1479 Arthur, Ale.xander, 1232 John. 1232 William, 1232 Ashton .-Xncestry, 14G6 David B., 1467 Edward B.. 1468 James, Maj., 1466 John, 1467 Thomas, 1467 Atwater Ancestry, 315 Caleb, 316 David, 315 John. 316 Joshua, 316 Joshua, 317 Atwood .\ncestry, 1346 Albert, 1347' Barbara, i.i47 Elisha. 1347 John. 1347 John X.. 1347 JonatlKui. Dr., 1347 Oliver, 1347 Ihomas, Capt., 1346 Wheeler. 1347 Avery Ancestry, 779 Christopher, 779 Eliphalet, 781 James. Capt., 780 John, 780 John, 782 John S., 782 Nathaniel, 780 Philo, 781 William, 781 Ayres .'\ncestry, 13 17 Alexander, Dr., 13 18 Douglas. Dr.. 1319 Henry. 1318 Jabcz. 1318 John. Capt.. 1317 Samuel. 1318 Babcock .\nccstry, 1093 Garret E., 1094 Gersham. Capt., 1094 James. 1093 James. Capt., 1093 John, 1093 Oliver, 1093 Sarah, 1094 Babbit .\ncestry, 267 Edward. 267 Levi. 267 Nathan, 267 Nathan, Lieut., 267 Sophia, 268 Williard, 267 Backus Ancestry. 1737 Ebenezer, 1740 Ebenezer, 1740 Eleazar F.. 1740 J. Bayard, 1742 Jonathan T., Rev., 1741 Joseph, Lieut., 1739 Mary W., 1742 William, 1738 William, 1738 Baebler Ancestry. 1237 Henry S., 1237 Louis H., Rev., 1237 Pierre B., Rev.. 1237 Bagley Ancestry, 1679 Francis H., 1680 John, 1680 Luther, 1680 Bailey Ancestrv. 1394 Charles. i.?'95 John. 1394 Joseph. 1394 Tbcnuas. 1.395 Bain Ancestry. 1768 - Archibald, 1768 Hugh, 1406 John, 1406 .Mary E., 1407 Norman, 1406 Proscus J., 1407 William H.. 1768 - Baird .-\ncestry, 1423 Benjamin, Hon., 1423 W. lloagland, 1423 William, 1423 William, 1423 Baker Ancestry, 869 .-Monzo E., 870 Ashley D. L.. 870 George O., 870 Joseph. 869 Samuel P.. 869 S. Park, 869 William H., 869 Ball Ancestry, 570 Allen, 570 Ailing, 570 Dayton, 571 Edward, 570 Ezckiel, 570 Jonathan I. D., 571 Mabel A.. 571 Thomas. 570 William. "571 Banker .Ancestrv. I0S5, 1152 Albert .M., '1355 Carlton B., 1153 Eleanor A., 1153 Ellen G., 1 153 Evert, 1152 Evert, I3S.S Gerit. 135.=; Gerrit. 1 152 Gershoni, 1 153 Grace L., 1153 Henry, 1355 Johannes, 1152 Johannes, 1 153 Mary E. A., 1356 Peter, 1153 Barbour, Francis E., 1329 William M., Rev., 1329 Barckley Ancestry. 1605 Edward L.. 1605 Eunice. 1606 Eunice E., i6o6 Evert, 1605 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Henry, 1605 Michael, 1605 Sarah. 1606 Barhydt Ancestry, 881 Andries, 881 Charles, 881 Charles H., 882 Frank, 882 George, 882 Jane, 882 Johannes, 881 Nicholas, 881 Tennis, 881 William P., 882 Barker Ancestry, 320, 13; 1749 Francis, 1750 Francis, 1750 FVank L., 1340 Jesse, 1339 John, 1339 John S., 1340 Thomas, 1750 William, 1750 William F., 1339 William, Jr., 1750 Barkley Ancestry, 1052 Alexander, 1052 Carrie M., 1052 James, 1052 Barney .Ancestry, 689 Constant, 690 Daniel, 690 Earl S., 691 Howland S., 690 Jacob, 690 Joseph, 690 Mary A., 691 Reuben, 690 Sarah C, 691 Zadoc, Dr., 690 Bartholomew Ancestry, 309 Jedediah, 310 Joseph, 309 Nancy, 310 Samuel, 310 William, 309 Bartlett Ancestry, 320 Amos G., Rev., 323 Ezra, Dr., 322 Ezra A.. Dr., 323 Frank S.. 323 Josiah, 321 Richard, 320 Stephen, 321 Barton Ancestry, i Andrew, 1195 Benjamin, 1194 Benjamin, Capt.. Maria L., 1196 Rufus, 1 194 Rufus, 119s William, 1195 William, Gen., Bascom Ancestry, 260, 194 II9S '19.S Artemidorus, 261 Benjamin H., 1123 Daniel, 981 Daniel W., 981 Elias, 260 Elias, 1 122 Ezekiel, 260 Ezckicl. 1 122 Frederick G., 263 Henry C, 981 John, 981 Joseph, 1 122 Mary L., 263 Robert O., 261 Robert P., 263 Samuel H., 261 Thomas, 260 Thomas, 980 Thomas, 981 Thomas, 1121 Thomas, 1122 William S., 1123 Wyman S., 263 Bassett Ancestry, 423 James, 423 John. 423 Oscar M., 423 Richard O., 424 William, 423 Battershall Ancestry, 217 Fletcher W., 219 Ludlow A., 217 Walton W., 217 Bauder Ancestry, 1379 Flovilla, 1381 Frank W., 1380 George U., 1379 John G., 1380 Nathan, 1380 Uriel, 1379 Victor S., 1381 Baxter Ancestry, 1436 Charles M., 1436 Elihu, 1436 Erastus, 1436 George, 1436 Bay Ancestry, 798 Anna, 799 John, 798 John W.. Dr., 799 William, Dr., 798 Baylies, Edmund L., 1819 Louisa, 1819 Beach Ancestry, 1630 Asa, 1630 Daniel, 1631 Frederick H.. 1631 George R., 1631 John, 1630 Joseph, 1630 Nathaniel, 1630 Nathaniel, 1630 Becker Ancestry, 628, 1648 Abraham. 628 Abraham, 1648 Abram, 628 Charles B., 629 Cornelius, 1648 Emma S., 1208 Frederick F., 1648 Henry, 629 Henry W.. 1208 Jan J., 628 Johannes, 628 Johannes, 1648 John, 628 John A., 628 Martinus, 1648 Willem, 628 ' Beebe Ancestry, 596 Edward. 597 John. 596 John T., 597 Samuel, 596 Thomas, 596 Thomas T., 597 Thomas W.. 597 William H., 597 Behan .Ancestry, 1684 John, 1684 Thomas, 1684 Thomas F., 1684 Belding Ancestry, 163: Daniel, 1631 Melancthon, 1632 Richard, 1631 Samuel, 1632 Samuel, 1632 Samuel, 1632 Samuel, 1632 William, 1631 Bell Ancestry, 1204 Bellows, Anna M„ 728 Edwin P., 728 Belser. Joseph, 941 Joseph. 942 Mary E., 942 Bennett Ancestry, 1314 Abraham, 1315 George W., 1315 Gethrue, 1315 Ida M.. 1315 Benschoten, Neeltje, 927 Solomon, 927 Theunis, 927 Benson Ancestry, 695, lOll Albert v.. 696 Barak, 1012 Gerrit, 695 Gerrit, 696 Johannes, 695 Johannes, Capt., 695 John, 695 John, loii Joseph, ion Richard v., 696 Russell F., 1012 Russell F., 1012 Squire. 1012 Berhaupt .-Ancestry. 1254 Anna M.. 1255 August, 1254 August J., 125s Mathias C. 1255 Berry, John. 1240 John R.. 1240 Bessoc. Henry \V.. 1 114 Best Ancestry. 264, 1691 Alonzo, 264 Dean, 1692 Henry, 1692 Herman B., 1692 Jacob, 264 Jacob, 1692 Johannes. 1692 John M., 264 May G., 264 Peter, 1692 Vroman H.. 264 Betts .Ancestry. 642. 643 Burwell. 642 Edgar K.. 644 Henry, 644 Hezekiah. Capt., 644 John T., 642 Nelson B.. 642 Thomas, 643 Thomas, 644 Beveridgc .Ancestry, 739 HUDSON AND .M01IA^^•K VALLEYS David I.. 740 James, 7J9 John, 740 Bigelow Ancestry, 971 Jason, 972^ John, 971 Samuel, 972 Bird Ancestry, 1193 Aaron, 1 194 Eleanor R., 1194 Joseph, 1 194 Matthew, 1194 Thomas, 1193 Thomas, 1194 Birdsall Ancestry, 1779 EHas, Rev., 1780 Nathan, 1779 Paul. Rev., 1780 William, 1779 Bishop. Charles B., 823 John, 823 Black, .Arthur, 1737 Frank S., 1736 Blaisdell Ancestry, 792 Anthony H., 795 Fletcher, 794 Henry, 792 Jonathan, 793 Levi, 793 Mary McC, 796 Oliver, 793 Ralph, 792 ♦Robert V. B., 796 Samuel, 793 Blanchard Ancestry, 1589 Almira, 1589 Harriet T., 1589 John, 1589 Joseph, 1589 Justus, 1589 Samuel, 1589 Simeon, 1589 Thomas, 1589 Bleecker Ancestry, 128 Garrett, V. S., 129 Jacobus, 129 Jan J., 128 Johannes, 129 Rutger, 128 Blessing Ancestry, 90, 1196, 1283 Aaron F., 1197 Adam, 1196 .\dam. 1283 .•\lfrcd, 1 197 Charles, 1197 Frederick, 1283 Frederick A., Iig6 James H., Hon., 90 J')lin. 1 197 .Martin. 1197 Martin, 1283 Martin F., 1283 William H., 1 197 William M„ 1284 Blood .'Ancestry. 761, 888 Daniel, 889 Jeremiah. 889 Mary D., 889 Reuben, 761 Robert, 761 Robert. 889 Boardman .Ancestry, 1 137 Cyrus, 1137 Cyrus T., 1138 Samuel, 1137 ius Ancestry, 504, 1583 Anthony, 1584 Charles, 1584 Cornel is, 505 Cornelis, 506 Ephraini, 510 Ephraim, 1584 Dominie Everardus, 1583 Everart B., 504 John. 510 John J., 510 Lewis, 507 Maria S., 509 Peter, 510 Pieter.'i584 Robert. in<) RoluTt. 507 WnshiUHton A^ H.'.' 509 Wa.sbinston, E., 509 Bolton, Joseph, 902 Samuel, 902 Sarah J., 902 Thomas, 902 Bourgeois, Henri, 1261 Henri J., 1261 Pierre A., 1261 Bovie .Ancestry. 967 Abraham, 967 *George M., 969 Lsaac, 968 Isaac W., 968 Jacob, 967 Boyd Ancestry. 444 Alexander. 576 James, 445 Jesse Conde, 446 John, 444 "John L., 444 William A., 576 Brackett Ancestry, 1429 Edgar T., 1431 James, 1430 James, 1431 John A.. 1431 Nathan, 1430 Nathan, 1431 Richard. Capt., 1429 William W., 1431 Bradford Ancestry, 1733 Anna A.. 1733 James. 1386 James T.. 1387 William, 17-?^ William, 1733 William, 1733 William, Gov., 174-? William. Maj., T743 William II., 1733 Bradt Ancestry, 606 .Abraham. 606 .Abraham A.. 607 Arent. 606 Henry. 607 John, 606 Samuel, 606 Brass .Ancestry, 797 Anna, 801 Charles W., 797 Elizabeth, 801 Richard W., 801 Brate .Ancestry, IT08 Belthassar. 119,? Ella A., 1199 1047 Henry. 1 1 98 Nicholas, 1198 Orville H.. 1 199 William, 1198 Braymer Ancestry, 171 Daniel, 1712 David. 171 1 George W.. 1713 Jacob. 171 1 Brayton Ance Francis, 1047 Gideon, 1047 John, 1048 Thomas, 1047 Thomas, 1048 William, 1048 Bresler, Frederick. 894 Frederick U., 894 Brethus, Frederick, 897 Brett Ancestry, 557 Arthur H., 559 Charles P., 559 Edgar, Rev., 558 Edgar A., Capt., 558 Francis, 558 George, Gen., 558 Roger. Lieut., 558 Brewster Ancestry. 99, 115 Anthony, 474 Foster, 474 George H., 893 Gilbert, 893 Hannah, 117 Henry, 474 John, 473 Jonathan, 99 Jonathan, 115 Valentine, 893 William, Elder, 99 William, Elder, 115 William, Elder, 473 Briggs Ancestry, 1092 Brockway Ancestry, 378 Artemas, 380 Emma, 380 Joseph, 380 Samuel, 379 Wolston,\v8 Wolston, 379 Wolston. 380 Bronck .Ancestry, 1585 Jan, 158; Jan L., 1585 Jonas. 1585 Leendert j., 1585 Leonard, 1586 Pieter J., 1585 Bronk, Charles H., 1595 Mary L.. 1594 Brooks Ancestry, 1705 Peter V. W., 1705 James E., 1705 James E., 1705 Brewer Ancestry. 875 Adam, 875 Jacob, 87^ John, 876 John H., 876 Nicholas, 87s Peter, 876 Philip H., 875 Brown Ancestry, 1563. 1576, 1685. Albert. Col., 1686 A. Louise (Gurley). 1350 1.303. 1706 Hi HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Chad, 1576 Chad, Rev., 1303 Charles R, 1706 Daniel, 1576 Devillo P., 1706 Edward J., 1563 Emma K., 1706 George N.. 1388 George W., 1686 Hattie M., 1563 Henry, 1685 Hiram, 1577 Isaac. 1387 James. 1303 John, 1563 John 1., 1303 Joseph, 1577 Joseph H., 1563 Josiah. 1577 Judah, 1577 Mary E., 1563 Mary J., 1686 Mott D., 1706 Nathaniel, 1350 Nathaniel. 1387 Nathaniel, 1685 Pel eg, 1563 Philip P., Rev., 1350 Richard C, 1686 Robert. Col., 1563 Thomas. 1303 William, 1303 William. Rev., 1350 William A., 1304 William E., 1304 Browne. Emma, 380 Grace E., 380 Henry L.. 380 William H., 380 Brower Ancestry, 875 Adam, 875 Jacob, 875 John, 876 John H.. 876 Nicholas, 87s Peter, 876 Philip H., 87s Buckbee Ancestry. 1577 Israel, 1577 John, 1577 Phoebe, 1577 Richard, 1577 Richard F., 1577 Buchheini, Peter A., 1376 William J., 1375 Buckingham Ancestry, 89 Ann, 90 Josiah, 89 Thomas, 89 Buckley Ancestry. 1216 Joseph J.. 1217 Marguerite G., 1217 Paul M., 1217 Peter H., 1216 Buchman, Edwin, 1310 Raphael, 1310 Buhrmaster Ancestry, 1644 Christian, 1644 Christian F., 1644 Frederick, 1644 Bulkley Ancestry, 1316 Esther, 1316 John, 1316 Peter, Rev., 1316 Thomas, 1316 Bunker Ancestry, 481 George, 481 Jabez, 483 Jonathan, 481 Peleg, 481 Samuel, 483 William, 481 William, 483 Burden Ancestry, 777 Henry, 777 Henry, 778 James, yTi John, 779 Peter, ^^^. Burdick Ancestry. 1301, 1567 Daniel, 1567 Hubbard. 1301 Joel W., 130J John, 1302 Palmer. no2 Peleg, 1568 Robert, 1301 Robert, 1567 Russell M., 1302 William, 1302 Burhans Ancestry, 986 Barent, 987 Jacob, 986 Jan, 987 Johannes, 987 Peter, 987 William, 987 Burke. Peter U.. Dr., 2i2 Thomas M. A.. Rt. Rev 232 Burns Ancestry, 1031 Cornelius F., 1031 James H., 1031 John. 1 03 1 John W., 103 1 Burrell .-Xncestry, 281 Harry. 281 *Burritt, Mary J., 1437 Oscar C, 1437 Burton Ancestry, 1094, 1331 Abraham, 1331 Abraham, 1332 Abram, 1332 Boniface, 1331 Elias C, 1095 *Frank, 1096 Huldah, 954 Isa.ic. 1 33 1 Jacob. 954 John, 1331 John R., 1332 Joseph. 1095 Judah, 954 Jiulah. 1095 Natlian, 1095 Seth C, 1096 Solomon, 1095 Bussing Ancestry, 789 Arent. 789 Harman. 789 Harman, 790 Harmanus, 789 Butler .Ancestry, II 12 Charles E., 11 13 Charles H., 1343 Eloise R., 1 1 13 Ezckiel, 1 1 12 Ezekiel, 1 1 13 John. 1 1 12 Jonathan, 11 12 William G., 1343 Button Ancestry, 667 Elizabeth, 667 Hazzard, 667 Lysander, 668 Matthias. 667 Matthias. Capt.. 667 Cadby .Xncestry. 569 Harold W., 570 John H. W., 570 John W., 570 William. 569 Cadman Ancestry, 867 Charles M., 867 Christopher. 867 Edward, 867 Henry. 867 Cady .\ncestry, 1171. 15 16 .Karon, 1171 David. 1 171 David. 1517 Da\id. Capt.. 1516 Jonathan, Capt., 1517 Joseph, Capt.. 1516 Lewis, 1517 Nicholas, 1 171 Nicholas, 1516 Sarah. 1171 Cagger, Mary C. 561 Peter, 559 Caleb. Daniel B., 1238 Harrictle .M.. 1238 Madison M.. 1238 Caldwell Ancestry. 956, 959 Edw-ard, 957' Edward H., 956 James, 959 James H.. 956 James H., 958 Vee, Samuel, 770 Samuel. Ensign, 770 Coss Ancestry. 1213 Abraham. 1213 David, 1213 Cottrell .Ancestry, 1716 Horace. 1717 John, 1717 John H.. 1717 Nathan, 1717 Nicholas, 1716 Cowee Ancestry, 1622 David. 1622 Farwell. 1622 Farwell M., 1623 James. 1622 James R, 1623 Cramer Ancestry, 997 .•\bram, 1000 Barney. 999 Conrad. 997 Conrad, 1336 George H., 998 Henrietta C, 999 James L., 1336 John, 997 Louis H., 1337 Crandell Ancestry, 1661 Homer. 1662 James. 1661 James, 1661 John, Rev., 1661 Joseph. 1661 Joseph, 1661 Solomon, 1661 Crane Ancestry. 1134 Azariah, 1134 Edwin, 1 134 Timothy, 1134 Crannell Ancestry, 1412 Charles R., 1414 Edward G, 1414 Francis F., 1413 Robert, 1412 William, I412 William W., 1412 William W., 1413 Crary Ancestry, 1752 Nathan. 1752 Peter. 1752 Peter. 1752 Creble Ancestry. 328, 918 Francis, 328 Francis, 919 Henry, 328 Henry. 919 Sarah B., 328 Creighton. Daniel, 1049 Lsabella, 1050 James, 1049 Crissey .Ancestry, 1013 Cyrus H.. 818 Gilbert R.. 10T3 Isaac W.. 1014 Nelson, 818 Rufns B.. 1014 Crocker .Ancestry. 1485 Benjamin, 1485 Eleazer, 1485 Mary W'., 1485 William. 1485 Crounse Ancestry, 1266 Adam, Rev., 1267 Franklin A., 1268 Frederick, 1266 Frederick, 1267 Henry, 1268 James P.. 1268 John. 1267 Peter, 1268 William P., 1268 Culver Ancestry. 531 ♦Charles M., Dr., 534 Cyrus L., 533 *David, 532 Edward, 531 Gershom, 532 *James, 532' Cunningham, Major, 943 Thomas, 942 Curran Ancestry, 1134 Edward, 1 134 Electa E. II3S James. 1134 John, 1 134 HUDSON AND .MOHAWK VALLEYS Mary A., 1 135 Philpot, 1134 Curtis Ancestry, 625, 627 Charles H., 626 Edgar S., O27 Frances A., 627 Frank C, 627 Gilbert, 627 Henry, 625 Henry, 626 James, 626 John, Capt., 626 Josiah, 625 Samuel G., 627 Silas, 627 Gushing Ancestry, 646 Alvin D., 647 John, 647 Matthew, 646 Matthew, 647 Noah, 647 Peter, 646 Cushney Ancestry, 1153 James, 11 53 Richard H., 1153 Cusson, Harold J., 1452 John L., 1452 Cuyler Ancestry, 1720 Abraham, 1723 Cornelis J., 1725 Hendrick, 1721 Hendrick, 1725 Johannes, 1722 Johannes, 1725 ♦Johannes C, 1726 ♦William T., Col., 1726 Daggett, David, 698 Harriet, 697 Stephen A., Judge, 698 Dalev Ancestry, 1654, 1682 Daniel, 1682 Emma C. 1682 George K., 1682 Joseph. 1682 Mary B., 1655 Michael, 1654 Michael, 1655 Obadiah, 1682 Dake Ancestry. 418 Danforth Ancestry, 221 Helen A., 223 Jonathan, 221 Jonathan, 222 Jonathan, Capt., 222 Keyes, 223 Samuel, 222 Dauchy .Ancestry. 1028 Charles. 1028 Charles H., 1028 Daum, Jacob. 1386 .Margaret, 1386 Davis .\ncestry, 990, 1199 Charlotte T., 1200 Erastus C, 991 Isaac M., 990 Jonathan, 1199 Matthew O., 990 Oscar F., 1199 Reuben, 1199 Daw, George W.. 1450 Peter F.. 1450 Daw.'Jon, Henr)', 1270 Herbert, 1270 John. 1270 Mary, 1270 William H., 1270 Dayton Ancestry, 1 75 1 Nathan, 1751 Nathan, Capt., 1751 Nathan C, 1752 Ralph, 1751 Robert, 175 1 Samuel. 1751 Samuel H., 1 75 1 Dealy. Jacob H., 939 Katherinc C, 939 Patrick, 939 Dean, .\inos, Hon., 540 Deane .Ancestry, 1695 James, 1696 James A.. M. D.. 1697 John, 1696 Silas, 1696 Silas, 1697 Silas, Hon., 1696 Walter, 1696 Zephaniah, 1697 Decker .Ancestry, 1700 Cornelius, 1701 Cornelius, 1 701 Edward C, 1701 Jan B., 1700 Johannes, 1701 John G., 1 701 John H., 1 149 John H., 1701 De Forest Ancestry, 422, 447 Benjamin. 422 " Caroline, 422 David, 422 David, 448 Elihu, 422 Henry S., 449 Isaac, 447 Jacob, 448 Jesse, 447 Lansing, 449 Marten, 448 Obadiah L., 448 Philip, 448 De Forrest .Ancestry, 705 - De Graff .Ancestry, 1275, 1574 Alfred. 1575 .Andries, 1276 " Andries, 1575 Claas .A., 1574 Daniel, 1574 Edward T., 1277 Emanuel, 1276 Emanuel, Capt., 1276 Emanuel E., 1276 Howard A., 1575 Jesse, IS74 Jesse, Judge, 1575 John Teller, 1277 John Teller. 1277 Prince. 1276 Deiseroth, George, 934 De Lamatcr .Ancestry, 1056. 1593 Abraham, 1057 -Abrahsm I., 1057 Claude, 1057 Claude, 1593 Claudius, 1593 Dirck, 1593 Frank S., 1595 George, 1594 Henry, 1594 Ira G., 1594 Jacobus. 1593 John. 1057 RadclifTe, 1057 Tunis O., 1593 De Land, Bertha, 900 James B., 900 De Long Ancestry, 317 Cutler J., 318 Daniel P., 318 James L., 317 John B., 318 Peter L., 317 Zopher I., 317 Dempster .Ancestry, 1634 ♦David S., 1634 James, Rev.. 1634 Joel, 1634 Sarah J., 1634 Denise, Edna J., 1378 Frank T., 1378 Joseph, 1377 Tunis, 1377 Dennis, Burton C, 1593 Ella J., IS93 Derby .Ancestry, 1294 .Archibald S., 1295 Benjamin, 1294 George P., 1294 James, 1294 Jesse, 1294 John, 1294 John H., 1294 John H., 1295 Deresewski, Joseph, Rev., 1230 Devine .Ancestry, 1046 Abram, 1046 George S., 1047 Sctb, 1046 Devoe .Ancestry, 1670 Anthony. 1671 Cornelius, 1671 Daniel .A., 1671 Daniel I., 1671 David, 1670 George. 1670 George, 1670 John, 1670 Peter, 1670 Dewey Ancestry, 736 Grotius, 738 Howard G., 738 Israel. 737 Jedediah, 737 Thomas, 736 Thomas. 737 William, 738 De Witt .Ancestry, 362 Andries, 363 .Andries. 364 Egbert, 363 Richard V., 366 Richard V., 367 Sarah W.. 366 Simeon, Gen., 364 Tjerck, 362 Dexter .Ancestry, 1728 Fbenezer, Dr., 1731 George, 1732 John, 1730 John, 1730 Richard, 1729 Samuel, 1731 Samuel. Rev., 1730 Deyoe .Ancestry, 1547 Christian, 1547 Ivi HUDSON AND .MOHAWK VALLEYS Pierre, 1547 Dickinson Ancestry, 550, 1571 Anthoyne, 1571 Augustus, 551 Elias, 550 Elias, 1573 Elijah, 550 Ellen S., 1573 Eliphalet, 1572 Experience, 550 Harvey, 1573 Joel, 550 John, 1571 Joseph, S50 Nathaniel, 550 Nathaniel, 1572 Obadiah, 550 Obadiah, 1572 William, 1571 Dievendorf Ancestry, 1007 Charlotte, 1008 Henry, 1007 Jacob, 1007 William B., 1008 Dillenbach Ancestry, 1092 Almira, 1092 Baltrus, 1092 Daniel, 1092 John D., 1092 Dillingham Ancestry, 349. 11 14, 1502 Aaron, 1115 Abraham, 350 Abraham, 1503 Allen J., II 15 Charles E., 1 115 Edward, 349 Edward, 11 14 Edward, 11 15 Edward, 1502 Edwin A., 1115 Hannah K., 350 Hannah K., 1593 Henry, 349 Henry, 350 Henry, 11 14 Henry, 1502 Ignatius, 11 15 John, 349 John, 1502 Joseph, 1 1 15 Joshua, 350 Joshua, 1502 Lemoyne, 350 Meletiah, 349 Mcletiah, 1502 Otis, 350 Otis, 1503 Stephen, 350 Stephen, 1502 Dix Ancestry, 1409 Edward, 1409 James L., 1410 John, 1410 John A., Gov., 141 1 Leonard, 1409 Moses, 1410 Ozias, 1410 Samuel, 1410 Doane Ancestry, 392 Daniel, 393 Ebenczer, 394 George W., 395 John, 392 Jonathan, 395 Joseph, 394 William C, Rt. Rev., 396 Donaldson Ancestry, 1228 Charles A., 1229 Samuel, 1228 Donnan, Marguerite B., 691 Doolittle Ancestry, 1632 Abraham, 1632 Eliasaph, 1633 James P., 1633 Miles, 1633 Thcophilus, 1632 Theophilus, 1632 Dorn, Elizabeth V., 812 John Y., 812 Dornin Ancestry, 480 Thomas, 480 William C, 480 William C, Jr., 481 William H., 480 Dorr Ancestry, 1603 Edmund, 1604 Elisha, 1604 Emma L., 1605 Joseph, 1603 Margaret E., 1605 Matthew, 1604 Dorrance Ancestry, 1770 Alexander, 1770 James A., 1771 Samuel, Rev., 1770 William J., 1771 Doty Ancestry, 1540 Almira P., 1059 Asa, 1541 Edward, 1058 Edward, 1540 Elizabeth, 1540 Prank A., 818 Isaac, 1058 John, 1540 John A., I0S9 Joseph, 1540 Joseph, 1058 Joshua L., 1541 Lena M., 818 Peter, 1058 Rachel, 1059 Samufi, 1540 Dougall Ancestry, 1222 Alfred ^^, 1223 Thomas, 1222 William, 1222 Douglas Ancestry. 392 Alan.son, 392 Asa, 392 Curtis N., 1702 John P.. 1702 Mary A., 392 Nancy S., 1702 Wheeler, 392 William, 392 Douw Ancestry, 383 Anna, 391 Jan. 384 Johannes D., 390 John D., 390 John D., Capt., 391 Jonas v., Capt., 385 Pctrus, Capt., 385 Volkcrt J., 384 Volkcrt P.. Maj., 387 Volkert P.. 390 Dowling .'\nccstry, 306 Isaac. 306 John, Rev., 306 Joseph I., 306 Joseph I., Dr., 306 Downing Ancestry, 1599 David, 1599 Edward, 1599 Harold K., 1599 Draper Ancestry, 110, 477 Andrew S., Dr., 112 Ebenezer, 478 Edward E., 479 Prederick E., 479 Prederick E., 480 James, 110 James. 477 James, 477 Joshua, no Joshua, III Philip H., 479 Stephen, 478 Stephen, 478 Stephen, 478 Sylvester, in Sylvester B., 112 Thomas, 477 William H., 479 Du Bois Ancestry, 1579 Charles, 1580 Cornelius, 1580 Jacques, 1579 Jonathan, 1580 Louis, 1579 Peter, 1580 Richard. 1580 Dudley Ancestry, 766 Edgar S., 768 Ella C, 769 Prancis, 769 George Harwood, 769 James M., 767 Peter, Gen., 767 Samuel, 766 Samuel, 767 Stephen, 767 Dufel Ancestry. 1659 Prederick, 1659 Henry, 1659 Henry, 1659 Henry, 1660 Henry A.. 1660 Dufresne, Arthur, 1244 Joseph, 1244 Oliver, 1244 Dunham Ancestry, 855 Ann M., 857 Eleazer, 856 Gamaliel, 856 John, Deacon, 855 Jonathan, 856 Joseph, 856 Lemuel, 856 Mary E.. 857 Sala E.. 856 Dunn .Ancestry. 1362 Andrew, 1362 David, 1362 Durham Ancestry, 1713 Durfee, 1713 Joseph. 1 7 13 Richard, 1714 Rosalinda, 1715 Uzziel. 1713 Durkee, William J., 305 Dussault Ancestry, 1241 Achille, 1242 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS 1160 Antoine, 1241 Frank A., 1242 Dwyer Ancestry, 1126 John, 1126 John, Maj., 1126 Peter, 1 126 Dyer Ancestry, 1220 Bradbury, 1220 David S., 1220 James, 1220 Zeb A., 1220 Easton Ancestry, 440 Charles P., 441 Edward, 443 Edward, Jr., 444 Ephraini, 440 Robert, 440 Eaton Ancestry, 1059 Barnabas, 1059 Daniel O., 1060 Darius, 1059 Francis, 1059 Oliver L., 1060 Samuel, 1059 Eddy Ancestry, 58 Constant, 589 Isaac, 1161 John, 5S9 Joshua, 1161 Mary E., 1 162 Newbury, 1161 Obadiah, 589 Samuel, 589 Samuel, 1161 Thomas J., 1 161 William, Rev., 589 William, Rev., 1 160 Zachariah, 589 Zachariah, 1161 Edwards Ancestry, 701, 740, 742 Alexander, 701 Alexander, 740 Harriet E., 762 Henry A., 742 Henry E., 701 Henry S., 701 Isaac, 741 Isaac, LL. D.. 741 John, 741 John, 742 Nathaniel, 741 Nathaniel, Capt, 741 Samuel, 701 Samuel, 741 William, 742 William H., 742 William H., 743 Ehle, Frank J., 1389 John, 13^^ John E., 1389 Eighmey Ancestry, 805 Benjamin, 806 Elias L., 806 Eugene, 806 Sidney S., 806 Eisenmenger, Frederick, 900 Eldredge Ancestry, 1715 Barnabas, 1716 Christopher, 1399 Clinton, 1716 Henry M., 1716 Herbert Q., 1399 James, 1399 Eliot Ancestry, 422 Elizabeth, 422 Hannah, 422 Jared, Dr., 422 Joseph, Rev., 422 Ellers, Margaret A., 1522 William F., 1522 Elliott Ancestry, 436 . Andrew, Hon., 436 Nathaniel, 436 Ellis Ancestry, 1035 Charles G.. 1037 Edward, 1036 Edward C, 1037 John, 1035 Mary C, 1036 William D., 1036 Elwood, David, 1265 Emery, 1265 Henry D., 1265 Peter, 1264 Thomas, 1264 Walter, 1265 Erving, Cornelia \'. R., 1815 John, 1815 Engle Ancestry, 510 Ardella B., 510 Martha C, 510 Wheeler W., 510 Evans Ancestry, 949 Carrie S., 1304 Cornelius, 1304 Cornelius H., 1573 Ellen S., 1573 Harold, 1304 Mary B. Y., 949 Richard, 949 Richard M., 950 Robert, 949 Robert J., 949 Robert W., 1304 Robert W., Jr., 1304 Everts Ancestry, 1707 Amaziah, 1708 Caleb, 1708 Caleb, 1708 *James, 1707 John, 1707 John A., 1708 Judah, 1708 Palmer D., 1709 Silas E., 1709 Fahrcnkopf, Francisca, 1248 Frank Jf., 1248 Joseph, 1248 Fairweather, Alexander A., 924 David, 924 Fanning Ancestry, 1589 Anna H., 1591 Benjamin, 1590 Edmund, 1589 Harriet C, 1591 Mary, 1591 Nelson, 1590 Nelson, 1591 Sarah E., 1591 Thomas, 1590 Walter, 1590 Farrell Ancestry, 544 James, 544 James C, 546 John H., 544 Farrington Ancestry, 1767 Ann, 1767 John, 1767 John, 1767 Fassett Ancestry, 521 Amos, 521 Asa, 521 Edgar S., 523 Lawrence i., 523 William H., 522 William N., 521 Faulds, Carrie L., 1336 James, 1336 Faulknor Ancestry, 760 Caleb, 760 Daniel, 762 David C, 762 James J., 760 Joel, 761 Mary A., 762 Mary E., 761 William A., 762 Favreau Ancestry, 908 Louis, 908 Napoleon, 908 Pierre, 908 Feke Ancestry, 230 Ferguson, .Alexander, 909 Alexander, 910 Ferris Ancestry, 866, 1050 Benjamin, 1050 Cyrus, 1050 George A., 105 1 James, 867 James, 1050 Jeiifrey, 866 John, 866 John M., 867 Jonathan, 867 Lyman R., 105 1 Reed, 1050 Zachariah, 1050 Field Ancestry, 549 Ebenezer, Dr., 550 Franklin, 550 Mary C, 549 Mary C, 550 Samuel, 550 William, 550 Zachariah, 550 Zachariah, Capt., 550 Fieldhauer, Benjamin A., 762 Charles, 762 Mary A., 762 Fikes, Adam, 1338 Harvey, 1338 Mary T., 1338 Finch Ancestry, 1541, 1636 Daniel, 1636 George H., 1637 George W., 1636 Henry C, Dr., 1542 Jonas, 1636 Jonathan, 1541 Joshua, 1541 Obadiah, 1636 Samuel R., 1540 William W., 1541 Finegan, Michael, '^Tj Thomas E., 378 Finley Ancestry, 323 David, 326 Goin, 324 Horace B., 326 John H., Dr., 324 Samuel, 325 Fisher Ancestry, 1060, 1061, 1646 Alice, 1062 Iviii HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Burton, 1061 Daniel, 1060 Daniel G., 1060 David A., 1061 Duncan, 1060 Ellison E., 1646 George, 1063 George \\'., 1063 Isaac, 1062 James, 1062 Jay, 1647 Joseph P., 1062 Oliver L., 1060 Samuel, 1646 Fiske Ancestry, 1317 Hannah, 1317 Jonathan, 1317 Josiah, 1317 Samuel, 1317 William, 1317 Fitch, Eleazer, 1743 Joseph, 1743 Fitchett Ancestry. 1581 Caroline, 1582 Charles, 1582 Frank L., 1581 Gilbert I., 13S2 James H.,' 1581 Myra S., 1582 Peter, 1581 Sarah E., 1582 iMtzpatrick. David M., 8S9 James C. 858 James S., 859 Jesse A., 859 John T., 859 Marion A., 859 Mary R., 859 Sarah H., 859 Fix, John, 135-' John. 1353 Sarah A., 1353 Flack Ancestry, 1020 Isaac G.. 1021 James, 1020 Richard, 1020 Robert, 1020 William A., 1020 Flanders Ancestry, 93 Arthur, 93 Daniel, 93 George L.. 93 Jedediah, 93 Stephen, 93 Fliegcl, Christopher, 1353 Philip, 1353 Philip J., 1353 Flynn Ancestry. 868 Daniel, 868 George, 868 John, 868 John W., 868 Folger Ancestry, 1460 Clarinda, 1461 Daniel, 1461 Elezer, 1461 John. 1460 Peter, 1460 Peter, 1461 Foil, Arthur M., 1386 George, 1386 John M., 1385 John M., 1386 Margaret, 1386 Fonda Ancestry, 1002, 1642 Abraham, 1002 Abraham D., 1642 Adam, 1006 Albert, 1006 Clinton, 1003 Douw, 1002 Douvv, 1005 Douw A., 1642 Douw H., 1006 Edwin M., 1004 Henry, 1006 Isaac, 1002 Jennie D., 1003 Jesse A., 1002 Jillis A., IOCS Lansing S., 1004 Nicholas V. B., 1007 Santvoord L., 1004 Sarah E., 1007 Foody Ancestry, 1227 Anthony, 1228 Bartholomew, 1228 James, 1227 Thomas, 1228 William, 1227 William, 1228 Foote Ancestry, 124 Daniel, 125 Lois, 125 Nathaniel, 124 Nathaniel, 125 Samuel, 125 Forbes, John, 982 Ford Ancestry, 1799 James, 1799 John, 1799 John W., 1799 Simon, 1799 Fort Ancestry, 1260 Charles H., 1260 John, J 260 Julia A., 1260 Foster Ancestry, 1689 Asa F., 1690 Henry S., 1690 John N., 1690 Fowler. Byron B., 1140 Charles, 1140 Frame Ancestry, 647 Elizabeth V., 648 John, 647 William H., 648 Frascr Ancestry, 319, 1649 Altonah, 1649 Elizabeth N., 1649 George R., 1649 John, 1649 Robert. 1649 Frear Ancestry. 468 Cliarles W., 471 Edwin 11.. 472 Joseph. 46') William, 469 William B., 471 William H., 469 French Ancestry, 102 Edward, 102 Harriet N., 103 Nathaniel, 102 Samuel, 102 Frisbie Ancestry, 618 Chester C, 619 Miles R., 619 Russell, 619 Fritts, Crawford E.. Dr., 1369 Wilham. 1369 Fryer Ancestry, 1438 Abram, 1438 Abram. 1439 Albertus, 1439 Jacob, 1440 John, 1438 John, 1440 John F., 1439 William, 144O Fuller Ancestry, 169 Anna E.. 173 Ebenezer, 171 Edward. 169 Edward D., 176 *Emma L.. 173 Howard N., 172 James. 175 Jeremiah, 174 John, 170 John, 171 Menzo R., 176 Peter, 176 Roger, 171 Samuel. 169 Samuel, 173 Samuel. 174 Thomas, 170 Wesley J., 176 William, 171 William H., 176 Zada C, 173 Fulton Ancestry, 302 Robert, 302 (Portrait 1437) Furbeck Ancestry, 1190 John, 1 1 90 John, 1 191 John T., 1191 Peter, 1190 Furman Ancestry, 1068 Catharine A., 1068 H. E:trl. 1068 James, 1067 Robert, 1068 Robert. Col., 1068 Russell W., 1067 Fursman .•\nccstry, 1064 Edgar L., 1064 Elizabeth R., 1405 James C, 1064 Jesse B., 1064 Jesse, B.. 1405 William, 1064 William, 1405 William H.. 1405 Gale Ancestry, 419 Abell, 419 Edmond, 419 Edward C, 421 Ezra T., 421 George, 1223 John, 419 John, 1223 Samuel, 419 Gallagher, John, 1231 Patrick, Capt., 1231 Gallup Ancestry, 1798 Carrie N.. 1799 Charles K., 1799 John, 1798 Galusha Ancestry, 601 Amos, 601 Daniel, 601 Elijah, 602 HUDSOiN AND .MOHAWK VALLEYS iClizabeth O., 602 Henry, 602 Jacob, 601 Gander Ancestry, 1361 Adam, 1361 Anton, 1361 Casper. 1361 Joseph, 1 361 ■Gangloff Ancestry, 1691 Anthony, 1691 Joseph F., 1091 Gansevoort Ancestry, 65 Harme, 66 Henry S., Col., 69 Peter, Gen., 67 Peter, Judge, 68 Susan, 68 W'esselias, 65 Gardiner Ancestry, 99 David, 99 Jerusha. 99 John, 99 Lion, 99 Gardner Ancestry, 482, 1270, 1662, 1703 Benoni, 1703 Charles H., 1270 Elisha, 483 Frederick D., 1662 George, 482 George, 1703 Henry, 1270 James D., 1662 James I., 1662 Jefferson, 1703 Jeremiah, 482 John, 482 John, 482 Nathaniel, 1703 Peter J., 1662 Robert, 1662 Stephen, 1703 Stephen, 1703 William H., 1271 Garner Ancestry, 1684 Aaron C, 1684 Christopher, 1684 George R., 1685 Godfrey, 1684 Garnsey. Lewis R., 706 Lizzie, 706 Garrett, Angus, 1237 ThoiTias, 1236 Gavit Ancestry, 1039 Erastus P., 1041 Helen P., 1040 John, 1039 John E., 1039 John P., 1040 Joseph, 1039 Joseph, 1040 Joseph, 1040 Joseph B., 1039 Phillipe, 1039 Walter P., 1040 Gccr Ancestry, 219 Asahel C, 220 Danforth, 223 Helen A., 223 Shubael, 219 Thomas, 219 Walter, 219 Walter, 220 Geigcr Ancestry, 1608 Albert, i6og George, 1608 Leonard, 1608 Rosa, 1609 Geise .\ncestry, 937 Frederick, 937 Johann. 937 William, 937 Gelston Ancestry, 270 Elizabeth, 270 Hugh, 270 Jane, 270 Maltby. 270 Genet, Augusta G. K., 519 Edmond C, 520 George C, 519 Getman Ancestry, 1651 Benjamin, 1652 Christian, 1651 David, 1653 David. Jr., Capt., 1653 Frederick, 140^ Frederick, 165 1 George, 1408 George. 1651 George, 165 1 George, 1652 George, 1653 Oliver, 1652 Robert, 1408 Thomas, 1408 Volkert L., 1408 Gibson Ancestry, 1787 James, Judge, 1787 James B., 1787 Gifford. Alfred, 1704 Ebenezer H., 1704 Eliza, 1704 Gilbert Ancestry. 1483 Daniel, 1483 Henry S., 1484 Hettie C, i486 John, 1483 John, Capt., 1483 Matthew, 1483 William, 1483 William S., i486 *Gilchrist Ancestry, 938 Alexander, 938 Frank, 938 Robert, 938 Thomas, 938 Thomas B., 939 Giles Ancestry, 84 Henry, 84 Henry G., 85 Henry S., 85 Leonard H., 85 Gillett Ancestry, 1463 Aaron, 1465 Ely, 1465 Ely H., 1465 Jonathan, 1464 Jonathan, Gen., 1465 Josiah, 1465 Gillette, John E., Hon., 1465 John W., 1466 Gilmour Ancestry, 995 Jennie M., c/of) John, 995 Gleason. Michael, 1354 William J., 1354 Goetz, Conrad, 1224 Goldring Ancestry, 121 1 Catharine, 1213 Esther, 1213 Frederick, 1212 Grace. 1213 Marjorie, 1213 William, 121 1 Winifred, 1213 Goodspeed Ancestry, 240 Anthony, 240 Anthony, 241 John, 240 Mary. 241 Roger, 240 Samuel, 240 Goold Ancestry. 310 Jacob. 310 Joaiuia, 310 John, 310 Robert. 310 Gordon Ancestry, 1677 David, 1678 Edgar D., 1678 Ezekiel, 1678 William J., 1678 Gorski Ancestry, 910 Anton, Rev., 911 Kasimir ^L, 911 Matthew, 910 Gorton Ancestry, 531 David. S3 1 David A., 531 Harriet B.. 531 John. 531 Joseph, 531 Samuel. 531 Graham Ancestry, 1271 Charles C, 1271 Daniel S., 1271 Granger Ancestry, 746 David, 746 Moise A., 746 Gray Ancestry, 502, 632 Archibald, 502 Daniel. 502 Jacob, 633 James A., 503 James S., S04 John J.. 633 Niel, 502 Samuel. Maj., 633 William J., 503 Green .\ncestry, 238 Arba R., Dr., 239 Crawford R., Dr., 239 John C. 2.^9 Lansdale B., 239 Richard, 238 Sara C, 239 William F., 239 Greene Ancestry, 241, 608, 1356, 1795 Adaline M., 242 Adelaide E., 1461 Barlow. 658 Beaumont, 658 Benjamin, 241 Benjamin, 1357 Benjamin F.. 241 Benjamin F., 1357 Chauncey O., 1461 Dyer, 658 Elijah P., 1797 Elizabeth E., 1461 Elizur, 658 Frank, 1357 Fred R.. 1798 Harold C. 242 Ix HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Harvey S., 242 Henry E., 1798 James, 241 James, 1357 John, 241 John, 658 John, 1356 John F., 1357 John S., Dr., 558 Joseph, 241 Joseph, 1357 Langford, 241 Langford, 1357 Nancy J., 658 Ohver, 658 Peter, 658 Phoebe, 658 Samuel, 1796 Samuel, Capt., 1795 Samuel, Deacon, 1796 Thomas, 1795 Thomas, Rev., 1796 William K., 170 William K., 1797 Griffith Ancestry. 187 Edwin H., 188 Joshua, 187 Smith, 188 William, 187 William H., 189 Groate Ancestry, 864 Groesbeck Ancestry, 907 Gurley Ancestry, 1129 Ephraim, 1129 Jonathan, 1129 Lewis E., 1 130 Samuel, 1129 William, 1129 William P., 1130 Haff, John. 926 Hale Ancestry, 568 Abner, 569 Jacob, 569 John, 569 Joseph, 568 Joseph, 569 Thomas. 568 Hall Ancestry, 1366, 1511 Benjamin H., 1513 Cornelius V. H., 1366 Daniel, 1512 Daniel. 1513 Derick L., 1515 Jacob W., 1366 James S., 1514 John, 1511 John, 1512 Joseph. 1512 Joseph N", 1515 Josiah. 151S Lot, 1512 Lot. Hon., 1512 Margaret M., 1514 Peter, 136s Peter, 1366 Richard F., 1514 William L., 1515 Hallenbeck Ancestry, 1,142 Caspar J., 1342 Hendrik, 1342 Isaac C, 1342 Jacob H., 1342 Jacob J., 1342 Jasper J., 1343 [13 Margaret J., 1342 Walter H., 1343 Hammond Ancestry, ii Abner, 1 1 14 Benjamin. 11 13 John, 1 1 13 Maretta, 11 14 Paul, II 14 Samuel, 11 13 William, 1113 Hand Ancestry, 927, 1600 John, 928 John, 1600 Joseph. 1600 Joseph, 1601 Josiah. 160 1 Julia, 1601 Marcus, 928 Peter, 928 Peter M., 928 Stephen, 1600 Hanratta, Eugene. 1234 Eugene J., Dr., 1234 Hugh, 1234 Hanson Ancestry, 263. 838 Abram. 263 Douw, 839 Hans. 838 Hendrick, 838 Hendrick, 839 John J., 839 May G., 264 Nicholas, 838 Peter, 839 Peter D., 263 Walter H.. 1780 Walter L., 1780 Hardin Ancestry, 933 Benjamin, 933 Emmor C, 934 James, 933 Jonathan T., 933 Harlfinger Ancestry, 1256 Augustus B.. 1256 Frederick, 1256 Frederick, Jr., 1256 Joseph, 1256 Harran. Matthew, 930 Patrick, 930 Thomas, 930 Harrington. David. 907 Horace, 907 Nicholas, 907 William H., 907 Harris Ancestry, Daniel, 305 Ebenezer H.. 304 Elmira N., 306 Frederick W.. 286 Hamilton H.. 287 Ira, Judge, 286 John L., 306 Jo.seph. 304 Josiah. 306 Nathaniel. 305 Robert, 305 Thomas. 306 Hart Ancestry. 638 Frances. 639 Nicholas. 638 Philip, 639 Richard, 638 Richard. Capt.. 638 Richard P., 639 304 Hartley .•\ncestry, 782 Isaac, 783 Reuben M., 784 Robert, 783 Robert M., 783 Hartt Ancestry, 1693 Arthur, 1695 John, 1694 John G., 169s Nicholas, 1693 Richard, 1694 Richard, Capt., 1694 Harvey Ancestry, 1755 Asahel, Capt., 1755 Asahel G., Capt., 1756 Charles S., 1756 Thomas, 1755 Haswell Ancestry, 997, i8o< Amelia E., 1801 George, 997 George S., Dr., 997 Harriet J., 1802 Isaac M., 997 John, 997 John, 1800 Joseph, 1801 Joseph M., 1801 Robert, 1801 Thomas, 997 Hathorn Ancestry, 1537 Collins, 1538 Ebenezer, 1538 Emily H., 1538 John, IS37 John, 1538 Orrin, 1538 William, 1537 Hatt Ancestry, 803 Joel, 804 Josiah. Rev., 804 Mary P., 805 Samuel S., 804 Haverly. Charles, 1335 John. 13.3s Josiah, 13.3.S Haviland Ancestry, 1810 Benjamin. 1810 David, 1810 Roger, 1810 Roger E., 1810 Theodore R.. 1810 William. 1810 Hawley .Vncestry, 1295 Gideon, 1297 Gideon A., 1297 Grace S., 1297 James L., 1297 Joseph, I296' Obadiah, 1296 Roswell. 1297 Samuel, 1296 Hayden -Ancestry, 1490 Adelbert C, 1494 Daniel, 1492 Gideon. 1492 Henry, 1491 John, T491 John C. 1493 ^[oses. 1492 Robert. 1491 Samuel. 1492 Solomon, 1493 Thomas. 1491 William, 1491 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS bd William, 1492 Hays Ancestry, 1140 Alexander, 1140 Alexander, 1 141 Daniel, 1141 David, 1 141 David A., 1141 James, 1141 John E.. 1 141 Hayes Ancestry, 1637 George, 1O37 Harry. 1O37 William, 1637 Heacock Ancestry, 1370 Eugene D., 1372 David, Capt., 1370 David G.. 1372 Elbert L., 1371 Job, 1370 Lemuel, 1370 Philander C, 1371 Heath Ancestry, 6yi Bartholomew, 692 Daniel N., 693 George W., 693 John, 692 Joshua, 693 Richard, 692 Solomon P., 693 Heckeler, Christopher, 892 Gustave, 892 Thomas, 892 Hellenbeck Ancestry, 1341 Ephraim G.. 1341 Isaac, 1341 Isaac B., 1341 Millard F., 1341 Herrick Ancestry, 1087 Daniel, ro88 Daniel D., io88 David, 1321 Ephraim, 1088 George I., 1088 Henry, 1087 Jacob, 1321 Marvin, 1321 Rufus. 1088 Samuel, 1088 Sarah A., 132 1 Stephen, 1088 Herrington Ancestry, Benjamin, 1132 John, 1 132 Josiah, 1 132 Merritt, 1389 Philip, 1 132 Silas, 1 132 Silas, 1389 Hewett, Daniel P., 1 172 John K., 1 1 72 Ozias, 1 1 72 Hewitt, Delevan, 1173 Joseph, 1173 Richard, 1173 Hicks Ancestry. 1524 Asa, 1525 David, 1525 Edwin B., 1525 Frank E., 1525 Joseph, 1525 Mansir W.. 1526 Thomas, 1525 Hilderbrand. James G., John, 1245 [132 182 Hildreth Ancestry. 1055 George W., 1056 James, 1055 Joshua, 1055 Noah, 1055 Rhoda J., 635 Survarus G.. 1056 Thomas. 1055 Timothy P., 635 Hill Ancestry, 1315 .^aron, 1316 Ida M., 1316 John, 1315 Jonathan. 1316 Lydia. 13 16 Nathan. 1316 William, 1315 Hilton .Ancestry, 367. 975. Abraham L.. 976 Andrew J., 976 Charles, 3/1 *Daniel, 370 Dudley. 370 Edward. 368 Edward. 369 Frank R.. 1184 George P., 372 Jacobus, 1 181 James. T181 James. 1183 Joseph. 370 Joseph, 1184 Joseph. Capt.. I Maria V., 1184 Peter L.. 975 Robert. 1181 Robert J., 1 184 Thomas, 976 Willem. 1 181 William, 975 William C, 975 Hilts. George H.. 1099 Harry G., 1099 Helen V.. 1099 Hinckel .'Xncestry. 1249 Antonc. 1249 Antone C. 1249 Frederick. 1249 Frederick. 1250 Helena. 1249 Hinckley Ancestry. 59s Ebenezer. 596 Harriet L.. 596 John. 596 Joseph. 596 Samuel. 595 Thomas, Gov.. 595 Hitchcock .(Xncestry. 1102 Alfred F., 1104 Alfred W.. 1104 Asahel, 1103 John, 1103 John, Capt., 1 103 Luke. 1 102 Noble B.. 1 103 Samuel. 1 103 Hoagland .Ancestry. 1319 Christopher. 1319 Christopher. 1320 Cora L.. 1321 Delmcr E.. 1321 Jacob. 1320 James, 1320 John. 1320 Nathaniel K., 1320 Hoff, Jacob. 1643 John, 1644 Richard, 1643 Holbrook, Catherine L., 1034 George N., 1035 Holdcn Ancestry, 964 Abigail, 1623-4 Abncr, 1624 Charles J., 965 Clarence E., Capt., 1368 Daniel, 964 Daniel, 965 James, 964 Joseph, 1624 Josiah. 1368 Justinian, 964 Richard, 964 Richard. 1368 William H., 965 Holmes Ancestry, 427 Burras, 427 Daniel, Rev., 427 Gilbert. 1351 Hector A., 1351 John. 427 Reuben. 427 Marv E.. 428 Wntsnn M., I3SI William S., 427 Hopkins Ancestry, 296 Caleb. 297 Charles V., 297 Giles, 297 Henry, 297 James, 297 Josephine, 297 Samuel C. 297 Stephen, 297 Hooker Ancestry. 839 Hezekiah. 841 James. 841 James. Col., 841 John, 840 Marquis de L., 841 Mary J., 841 Samuel. Rev.. 840 Thomas. Rev.. 839 Horsfall Ancestry. 863 Deborah. 864 Eleanor G.. 864 Elizabeth. 864 John O.. 864 Joseph. 863 Joseph. 864 Mar\' A.. 864 Rebecca. 864 Sarah, 864 William, 864 Hotalincr Ancestry, 1504 .Aaron, 921 Aaron. 1505 Anna H., 1506 Coenrad. 1504 Coenradt. 1504 Frank. 687 Hiram. 1505 John, 687 Jonathan. 1504 M.itbys. 1504 Osrar. 921 Willom. I!;04 William. 687 Houck .Ancestry. 713 Ixii Adrian, 713 Andries, 713 Burger, 713 Elizabeth A., 714 Hannes. 713 Jacob, 1266 Jacob A., 714 John G., 1266 Hough Ancestry, 544 Edward, 544 James, 544 Martha A., 544 Fhineas, 544 Reuben, 544 Samuel, 544 William, i44 Houghton Ancestry. 1213, 1767 Eli, 1214 H. Arthur, 1214 James T., 1767 James W., Judge, 1767 John, 1213 John, 1767 Nathaniel, Dr., 1767 Tilley, 1767 William, 1214 House, Eleazer, 85 Harriet. 86 Leonard, 86 Hovemeyer, Ernest H , 936 Henry, 935 Wilham, 935 Hover, John R, 87^ John P., 873 Peter, 873 Peters., 873 Hovvgatc, John A., 1437 Joseph. 1437 Josephine, 1438 Hoysradt, Albert, 1550 Jacob W.. 1550 Hoyt Ancestry, 1018 Eastman, 1019 Frederick M., 1019 John, 1018 John, 1019 Joseph, 1019 ■^Hudson Ancestry, 472 Daniel. 472 Henry W.. 473 John. 472 Jonathan, 472 Samuel, 472 Thomas, 472 Willi.-,m H., 47,3 HiiglKs, Annie, i ,6o l-;duar.l M.. ,360 I'hnnias. 1360 Hull Ancestry, 1501 Carrie, 1502 Daniel, 1501 Joseph, 1501 Lulu N., 1502 Nelson, 1501 Otis D., 1502 Peter, 1501 Hulst Ancestry, 1064 riarbara, 1064 Barbara A., 1065 Johannes, 1064 John, 1064 Matthias, 1065 Peter, 1064 Hun Ancestry, 195 HUDSON AND MOHAWK Abraham, 197 Edward R., 198 Harmen, 195 Henry, 202 Johannes, 196 Leonard G., 201 Marcus T., 199 Thomas, 196 Thomas. 197 Thomas H., 196 Hungerford Ancestry, 1268 Alexander, 1269 Alfred, 1269 Daniel, 1269 Henry, 1269 Isaac, 1269 John, 1268 Myron, 1269 Oliver W., 1269 Stephen, 1269 Hunter, .Alfred, 1242 Joshua W., 1242 Huntington Ancestry lyjj 1811 ■*' '^■^' Enoch, Rev., 181 1 Jabez, Gen., 1744 Joseph, 181 1 Joshua, 1744 Nathaniel, 181 1 Samuel G., 181 1 Simon, 1743 Simon. 181 1 Simon, Deacon, 1743 Simon. Deacon, 1744 Hurst, David T., 1218 Francis J., 1217 Robert, 1217 Husted Ancestry. 084 Albert N., Dr. 986 Angel, 985 Jonathan, 985 Mary J. K., 1348 Nathaniel, 985 Peter, 985 Robert, 985 Seymour, 1348 *Thaddeus, 985 William H., 1348 Wutchmson, James. 1230 John, 1230 Hutton .Ancestry. 1644 Christopher, 1644 James, 1645 John v., 1645 '1 miothv, 1644 Huyck Ancestry. 397 Andries H., 397 Andnes L., 398 Edmund N., 399 Francis C, 398 Francis C, 399 Henrie, 397 Jan, 397 John A,, 398 John N., 399 John S., 398 Lambert, 397 Solomon, 398 Hyatt Ancestry. 866 Esther A., 866 Eugene, 866 John S., 866 Louis E.. 866 Nathaniel, 866 VALLEYS Hyde. Jedediah, Rev., 1746 Samuel, 1746 William, 1746 Ida .Ancestry, 106 Alba M., 108 Benjamin, 107 George P., 107 Nicholas, 106 Nicholas, 107 William, 107 Inch, John VV., 1204 Joseph P., 1204 Ingalls Ancestry, 416 Daniel, 418 Edmund, 416 Edmund. 417 George VV., 418 Harriette A., 418 Henry, 416 Hosea, Rev., 417 John, 416 Robert, 416 Wallace, 418 Ingalsbe Ancestry, 402 Aaron, 402 Ebenezer, 402 Grenville H., 405 Grenville M.. 404 James, 402 Milo, 403 Ingram Ancestry, 142- Henry, 1428 Henry, 1429 John, 1428 Jonathan, 142S Martha A., 1429 Nathaniel, 1428 Randolph, 1427 Richard, 1428 Robert, 1427 Sir Arthur. 1428 Inwood, George J., 1340 Robert, 1340 Ireland, David, 887 David, 888 James, Rev., 887 Irwin .Ancestry, 912 Anna .M., 912 James, 912 William, 912 William P., 912 Isburgh Ancestry, 605 Alexander, 606 Charles H., 606 Grace V. B.. 605 Karl, 605 Ives Ancestry, 630 Chester, 631 Chester J., 631 Christopher, 630 Lazarus. 630 Tnunaii. 630 JaiiK-s Ancestry. 1466 Francis. 1466 Henry L,, ,466 John. I4«j Lyman D., 1466 Philip, 1466 Thomas, 1466 Jenkins .Ancestry, 582 Edgar. i;82 " Edgar M., 583 Joseph. 582 .Marshall, 582 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \ALLEYS Jermain Ancestry, 224 Ann R., 225 Barclay, 220 Catherine A., 225 Catherine B., 225 James B.. 225 John, Maj., 224 JuHa P., 225 Maria C., 225 Sylvanus P., 225 Jewett Ancestry, 631 Charles A., 632 Elijah, O31 Georgiana G., 632 Henry \V.. Dr., 631 Johnson Ancestry. 1289, 1291 Barcnt, 1290 Benjamin P., 1292 Benjamin \V., 1293 David, 1293 Evert, 1 29 1 Henry, 1291 Henry N., 1294 Isaac, 1290 Jellis, 1290 Noble H.. 1293 Sarah .A., 1294 William, 1291 Jones Ancestry, 1074, 1229 Abraham. 1077 Alfred A., 1076 Arthur O., 1229 Christina. 1075 Collins P., 1229 Cornelius, 1074 Edward L., 1075 Edward W., 1229 Isaac, 1078 James V. Z., 1075 John, 1074 Joseph, 1074 Joshua L., 1076 Lindell J. W., 969 Louis, 1075 Morgan A., 1076 Morgan L., 1229 Samuel. 1074 William, 1229 William J., 1075 Joy Ancestry. 1519 John, 1520 Joseph, 1519 Joseph, 1520 Relief, 1520 Thomas, 1519 Judson Ancestry, 735, 1238, 1368 Alanson, 1238 Charles W., 1238 Daniel, 735 Daniel, 1238 Daniel B.. 735 Edward W., 736 Elisha, 735 Elisha, 1238 Emma J., 1369 Isaac, 1369 John, 1368 John B., 736 Joseph. 1368 Timothy, 1369 William, 1368 William. 1369 Kaufman, Edward, 813 Karl, 813 William H., 814 Keck Ancestry, 1775 George, 1775 Isaac, 1775 Jeremiah, Judge, 1 776 Philip, 1778 Timothy. 1776 Keefer, Albert, 1365 Charles. 1365 Keeler, Daniel, 905 William H., 905 Keiner, Edward A., 1273 Henry C, 1273 John H.. 1273 Kclley Ancestry, 1174 David. 1 174 David H., 1175 Frances B., 1568 Harry, 11 75 Harry L., 1175 Jeremiah, 11 74 Joseph, 1 1 74 Joseph, 1 175 Thomas C. 1568 Kellogg Ancestry, 649 Ebenezer, 650 John, 650 John, 651 Joseph, 650 Joseph, Lieut., 650 Martin, 649 Nathaniel, 1429 Samuel, 1429 Seth, 650 bupplina. 651 Kelly Ancestry, 1395, 1627 James C, 1627 James E.. 1627 Joseph S., 1395 Robert. 1627 William, 1395 William N.. 1396 Kendrick Ancestry, 1762 Abraham, 1762 David, 1762 George. 1762 John, 1762 John R., 1762 Richard J.. 1762 William. 1762 Kennedy Ancestry. 299. 1151 1209 Elizabeth A., 1152 Everett M.. 1151 Howard S., 1210 Howard W., 121 1 James, 299 James C, 1151 Martin. 1151 Martin, Jr., 1152 Peter H.. 1209 Richard, 1210 Richard O.. 121 1 Thomas, 299 William L., 299 Kenyon Ancestry. 1570 Hiram, 1570 John, 1570 Sylvanus H., 1571 William, 1570 Ketchum .Ancestry. 1132 Charles L, 1133 Daniel R., Edward, 1132 Edward, 1133 Henry, 1133 Jonathan, 1133 Joseph, 1 133 Joseph, Lieut., 1133 Nathaniel, 1133 Kidd, Archibald. 454 James, 454 Kimball Ancestry, 610 Charles P., 612 Ebenezer, 611 Edmund, 612 James E., 612 Richard, 610 Richard, 611 Samuel, Ensign, 611 King Ancestry, 978 Charles, 1097 Dwight, 978 Dwight, 979 George, 979 James H., 1406 John v., 1097 John v., 1098 Michael, 1406 • Robert, 1097 Thomas, 979 Timothy, 979 William II., 979 Kinum Ancestry, 922 Andrew, 923 Frederick, 922 George J.. 923 Hans, 922 Klaar, Frederick. 1393 Frederick W., 1393 Nicholas, 1393 Klapp, Annie E.. 945 ilatthias, 945 Klein, .August, 839 Kline. George, 1760 Henry V., 1761 William, 1760 Knickerbocker Ancestry, 906 Knowlton Ancestry, 190 Daniel, 192 George W., 193 John, 191 John, 192 Manasseh, 193 Mary L., 193 Nathaniel, 192 William. 191 William. 192 Knox .\nccstry, 337, 833 Charles B.. 835 Charles M.. 834 Charles M., 836 Hugh, 338 Hugh. Rev., 337 James, 833 John H., 338 John L., 338 Mary E., 338 William. 834 Krank Ancestrv, 832 Charles J.. 833 George. Col., 832 George F., 833 Lawrence. 832 Kurlhaum. Ernest, 1347 Louise, 1348 L'Amore.iux .Ancestry, 424 Ixiv HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Jesse, 425 Jesse S., 425 Peter, 424 Lagrange Ancestry, 1323 Christopher C, 1324 Christopher 1., 1324 James, 1323 John, 1323 John C, 1324 Oniie, 1323 La Grange Ancestry, 1664 James, 1664 Myndert, 1665 Vanderzee, 1665 Lamg Ancestry, 1753 Adam, 1753 Minerva A., 1754 Thomas, 1753 Uzziel D., 1754 William F., 1755 Lally Ancestry, 903 Frederick, 904 George A., 903 Mary E., 904 Lampman Ancestry, 1584 ~ John P., 1584 Lewis, Rev., 1585 Obadiah. 1584 Peter, 1584 Stephen, 1584 Landon Ancestry, 621 Ashbel, 622 James, 621 James, Capt., 621 Judson S., 622 Mary T., 623 Nathan, 621 Robert J., 623 William, 622 Langford Ancestry, 435 George, 435 George, 436 John, 435 Northrnp. 435 Lansing Ancestry, 72, 904, 1 175, 1640, 1641 Abraham, 73 Abraham, 80 Abraham F., 1641 Abraham G., 73 Abraham J., 79 Abraham J., 905 Abraham L., 79 Abram W., 80 Alida M., 1642 Andrew, 80 Catharine, 79 Caroline M., 83 Charles B., 74 Christopher V.. 73 Cornelius, 905 Egbert P., 81 Egbert W., 80 Evert, 82 Francis P., 1 176 Franciscus, 1175 George W., 164 1 Gerrit, 72 Gerrit, 76 Gerrit, 76 Gerrit, 1640 Gerrit, 1640 Gerrit, 1641 Gerrit F., 72 Gerrit F., 1175 Gerrit J., 72 Gerrit J., 1640 Gerrit Y., 74 Gerritt, 904 Helen M., 1641 Hendrick, 979 Hendrick (Henry), 1641 Hendrick G., 904 Hendrick G., 1175 Hugh H., 83 Isaac De F., 76 Jacob C, 905 Jacob G., 72 Jacob H., 904 Jacob H., 1 175 James, 82 James E., 82 Johannes, 80 Johannes, 80 Johannes E.. 82 John P., 1 1 76 John T., 75 John V. S., 81 Levinius, 79 Levinius, 1175 Lewis E.. 1641 Mary J., 83 Matthias M., 1641 Nanning V. H., 79 Philip S., 76 Rutger, 76 William, 1641 Larrabee Ancestry, 747 Greenfield, 747 John, 747 John, 748 John E.. 748 Richard. 748 Roswell, 748 Seth, 748 Lasell Ancestry, 1663 Edna L., 1663 Edwin Q., 1663 James, 1663 John, 1663 Samuel H., 1663 Lasher .Vncestry, 1595, 1617, 1683 Alva J., 1619 Conrad, 1595 Conrad, 1683 Edward, 1683 Jacob B., 159s James. 1618 John. 1618 John. i(xS3 Marcus. 1618 Peter B., 1683 Samuel, 1683 Sebastian, 1595 Sebastian, 1618 Sebastian, 1683 Thomas, 1595 Laughlin. Edwin B., 906 Hough, 906 Lawrence Ancestry, 668 Egbert C. Rev., 670 John, 669 Silas R.. 6f)8 'I'homas. (/x) (169 Lawlon .Ancestry , 607 Edward P., 609 George, 607 George, 608 George F., 608 Robert, 608 William, 608 Le Boeuf Ancestry, 1735 Peter J., 1735 Randall J., Hon., 1735 Lee, Richard H., 1543 Thomas, 1543 Leeman Ancestry. 1359 George, 1359 Harvey, 1359 Robert, 1359 Lefevre Ancestry, 1361 Frances A., 1362 Roswell T., 1361 Sieroit, 1361 Leggett Ancestry, 1679 Jacobus, 1679 John, 1679 William, 1679 Lemon Ancestry, 723 George F., 723 George M., 723 Harold S., 723 Leo. James. 1247 Patrick. 1247 Leonard Ancestry, 553 lliMijamin. 554 Daniel, 555 Darnel. Capt., 555 Daniel. Lieut.. 555 Edgar C, 556 Gardner C, 556 Harriet O., 557 James, 555 John, 554 Nathaniel, 553 Lester Ancestry, 1297, 1591 Andrew, 1297 Andrew. 1591 Benjamin, 1297 Benjamin, 1591 Charles C, 1299 Charles C, 1592 Charles G., 1298 Charles G., 1591 Charles S.. 1298 Charles S., 1591 Jonathan, 1298 Simeon, 1298 Simeon, 1591 Willard, 1299 Levey Ancestry, 1444 Frank H., 1444 Hiram, 1444 James, 1444 Liddle. Harriet E., 702 Henrv S., 702 William J.. 702 Lincoln, Harvey, 1501 William P., 1501 Link, David, 1458 Frances W., 1458 Lipe Ancestry, 1561 Adam, 1562 Ephraim, 1562 Fred W., 1563 John, 1561 Raymond P., 1563 Walter H., 1562 Lipes Ancestry, 1772 Henry, 1773 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Ixv Myron D., M.D., 1773 Lithgovv Ancestry, 1607 David C, 1608 Robert, 1607 William, 1608 Little Ancestry, 281 David W., 263 Elmer, 283 George F., 282 Henry, 283 John, 282 John C, 282 Lawrence, 281 Naaman, 282 Seth, 283 Livingston Ancestry, 42, 302 Charles, 1346 Harriet, 302 Herman, 45 Herman, 46 Herman T., 45 James, Col., 1154 John, 45 ^ John, 1345 John, Rev., 42 John P., 1607 Peter, 1346 Peter G., 1607 Philip,. 44 Robert, 42 Robert, 44 Robert, 302 Robert R., 439 Robert R., 439 Walter, 302 Lobdell -Ancestry, 1530 Bradley N., 1532 Daniel, 1531 Daniel B., 1532 Hiram W., 1532 James H., 1532 John, 1531 Joshua, 1530 Nathan B., 1531 Simon, 1530 Lockwood .\ncfstry, 1426, 1543, 1762 Charles D., 1763 Duane, 1762 Jeremiah, 1762 Jonathan, 1426 Jonathan, 1544 Joseph, 1427 Joseph, 1544 Joseph, Capt., 1427 Robert, 1426 Robert, 1543 Robert, 1762 Solomon, 1427 Solomon, 1545 Lohnas Ancestry, 1546 Adam, 1546 Deyoe, 1546 Jacob, 1546 Longshore .-Xncestry, 1328 David. 1328 Solomon, 1328 Loomis Ancestry, 124, 641, 1819 David, 124 Eunice, 642 Ezekiel A., 1420 Hezekiah, 1420 Ichabod, 124 Isaiah, 642 Jeduthan, 1420 John, 124 John, 642 John R., 1420 Joseph, 124 Joseph, 641 Joseph, 1419 Lois, 124 Nathaniel, 1420 Solomon, 1420 Solomon, Ensign, 1420 Thomas, 642 Timothy, 124 Veach, 642 . Loucks Ancestry, 326 James H., 328 James H., 921 John A., 921 John A. S.. 328 John H., 328 Peter, 327 Philip, 327 Ludlow Ancestry, 300 Gabriel, 300 Henry, 300 Robert F., 301 Robert M., 301 William B., 301 William H., 300 Lunn Ancestry, 717 George R., Rev., 717 Martin, 717 Richard. 717 Thomas, 717 Lusk Ancestry. 1586 Anna L., 1586 Elizabeth C, 1586 John, 1586 John K., 1586 Matthias, 1586 Sarah C, 1586 Lyon .Ancestry, 1764 Charles W., 1766 Irving W., .M.D., 1766 Israel, 1765 Jonathan, 1765 Seth, 1765 Solomon R., 1766 Spardon, 1765 Thomas, 1764 Thomas, 1764 Lyons. Patrick, 1403 William H., 1403 MacDonald .Vncestry, 1719 Alexander, 1719 Alexander, 1719 William A., 1719 MacMurray, Henrietta W.. 1804 Junius W., 1804 McBurney Ancestry, 120 Alexander, 121 James, 121 McCabe .A.ncestry, 1612 James, 1612 John, 1612 Patrick E., 1612 McCall .\ncestry, 1660 Andrew. 1660 Andrew. 1660 Harry, 1660 McClellan Ancestry, 884 Charles H., 885 George, 1821 , Hugh, 88s Hugh, Col., 884 Michael, 884 Michael, 885 McClumpha Ancestry, 734 Thomas, 734 W. Frank, 734 William, 734 McClure Ancestry, 1626 Daniel, 1626 James E., 1626 McConnell .Ancestry, 796 McCoy, Harmon, 895 Henry. 895 -Matilda E.. 895 Shubboleth, 895 McCreedy, Charles, 1403 Charles O., 1403 Gordon S., 1403 John, 1403 McCulloch .\ncestry, 511 Aiken, 516 Andrew, 512 Anne C, 517 Hathorn, 511 Walter B., 518 WiUiani A., 512 William A., 517 William H., $1$ McElroy .-Xncestry, 566 Ebenezer E., 566 Hugh, 566 James F., 567 John, 566 Thomas G., 566 McElwain Ancestry, 854 Henry C, 855 Hoel S., 854 McEwan, Walter, 168 McFarlan Ancestry. 1048 Alexander, 1049 Archibald. 1049 Patrick, 1049 McGiniiis, Malachi. 1407 Mary M.. 1407 Patrick, 1407 McGrath, Edward, 1262 Edward C, 1263 Henrietta F., 1263 Mary E., 1263 Patrick, 1262 McKee, James, 838 James F., 838 McKie, Catherine, 1624 James, 1824 John, 1624 John. 1824 Kate M., 1625 William. 1624 William. 1824 McKinney .-Niicestry, 1448 .Mexander. 1448 Calinas, 1448 Ella F., 1450 James, 1449 James, Rev., 1448 Julia A., 1450 McKinstrv. Fred B. S., 889 Mary D., 889 McKissick .\ncestry, 168 Abby S., 168 Moses, 168 Stuart, 168 Zebulon. 168 McKnight .Ancestry. 1402 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Horace E., 1402 Horace R, 1402 John, 1402 McLeod Ancestry, 547 Augustus D., 549 Charles A., 547 Harvey S., 548 Hubert, 547 Murdock, 547 Sayre, 549 McMichael Ancestry, 757 Daniel, 757 Henry, 758 Robert, 758 McMillan. Alexander, 1676 Emerette, 1676 Henry, 1676 Taylor, 1676 McNab, Finley, 1096 John, 1096 McNair Ancestry, 343 Alexander, 344 Antoine, 344 Antoine de R., 344 David, 343 McPherson, Catherine \'. H., 79 John W., 79 McQuade Ancestry, 1667 Anthony, 1667 Anthony, 1667 Anthony, 1669 Anthony, 1669 John D., 1670 Patrick H.. 1669 Peter, 1667 Peter, 1669 Raymond, 1667 McWharton Ancestry, 371 Mabee Ancestry, 1601 Douglas W., 1602 George J. W., 1601 Jan, 1601 Jan P., 1601 Pieter, 1601 Simon, 1601 Machold Ancestry, 932 George N., 932 P. Bernhard, 932 Mackwirth Ancestry, 1259 Frederick J., 1259 John, 1260 Martin, 1260 Peter, 1259 Magivny, John, 901 John G., 901 Mary C, 901 Maisonneuve Ancestry, 1659 Antoine, 1659 George W., 1659 Joseph I., 1659 William, 1659 William, 1659 Victor, 1659 Mallary Ancestry, 1209 Augustus L., 1209 Ebcnczcr. 1209 David, 1638 Henry A., 1638 Martha A., 1209 Sarah J., 1638 Theodore A., 1209 Mann Ancestry, 841, 846 David, 846 Elias P., 845 Francis N., Col., 844 Francis N., Hon., 843 Herbert R., 846 Herbert R., 847 Jeremiah, 843 Joel, 843 Joseph, 842 Michael, 846 Nathaniel, 842 Richard, 842 Manning Ancestry, 213 Daniel, Hon., 213 James H., 214 John, 213 Mansfield Ancestry, 1789 Joseph, 1789 Joseph, 1789 Joseph, 1789 Joseph, Capt., 1790 Lewis W., 1790 Richard, 1789 William K., 1791 William P.. 1790 Marchant Ancestry, 482 Abishai, 482 Gamaliel, 482 John, 482 John, 482 John, 482 John, 482 Mark Ancestry, 352 George, 353 Isaac, 352 Sarah, 353 Thomas, 352 Markham, Annie L., 1033 Daniel. 1033 John H., 1033 Marley, John C. 1392 Joseph, 1392 Richard, 1392 Thomas, 1392 Maronc, Joseph, 1257 Michael, 1257 Niccoli, 1257 Marshall Ancestrv, 307, 726 Caleb, S., 308 Caroline A., 308 Daniel, 307 Elijah, 308 John, 307 Levi, 727 Levi T., 727 Samuel, Capt., 726 Thomas, 726 Thomas, 727 Thomas, Capt., 307 Thomas, Capt., 308 Martin Ancestry, 1205, 1277, 1279 Abraham, 1279 Albert, 1279 David, 1205 Frank, 1279 Frank W., 1279 John. 1277 John, 1279 John D., 1205 Peter, 1277 Phoebe R., 1206 Robert, 1278 William, 1278 Martratt, George B., 683 Martha A., 683 Marvin Ancestry, 496 Benjamin, 500 Benjamin, 501 Daniel M., Capt., 498 F"rederic R., 502 John 500 Reinold, 496 Reinold, Capt., 497 Reinold, Deacon, 498 Reinold, Lieut., 497 Richard P., 499 Selden, 498 Selden E., Col., 500 Selden E., Gen., 499 Uriah, 501 Uriah, Rev., 501 Mason Ancestry, 951 Amanda, 952 Caroline. 952 Isaac, 952 Mary A., 952 Nathaniel, 952 Sampson, 951 Sampson, 952 Matthews, Barnet, 1238 John, 862 John, 1238 John W., 863 Mattoon Ancestry, 857 Amasa, 857 David, 857 David, 858 David, 859 Marion A., 859 Philip, 857 William, 858 Maudrich, Ernest H., 1252 William H., 1252 May Ancestry, 610 Eleazer, 610 George, 610 John, 6ia Luke, 610 Thomas P., 610 William, 610 Mead Ancestry, 617 David, 617 Joseph, 617 Nehetniah, 617 William, 617 Zachariah, 618 Melville Ancestry, 61 Allan, 63 Sir John, 62 Thomas. 62 Thomas, Maj., 62 Thomas, Rev., 62 Merchant Ancestry, 527 Eliakim, 527 John, 527 Walter, 527 Merriani Ancestry, 1623 Abigail, 1623 Joseph, 1623 Nathan, 1623 Samuel. 1623 Thomas, 1623 Merriman .\ncestry, 1299 Harmon N., 1300 Jehiel, 1300 Moses, 1300 Nathaniel, 1299 Porter L.. 1301 Theophilus, 1299 HUDSON AND MOHAWK \'ALLEYS Ixvii Theophilus, 1300 Titus L., 1300 Willis E., 1301 Willis E., Jr., 1301 Merritt, Henry, 1264 Henr>- A., 1264 Sarah, 1264 Mickel, Augustus, 922 Millard Ancestry, 1458 Adelaide E., 1460 Anthony G., 1459 Edward W., 1460 Grace G., 1459 Herbert B., 1458 John, 1458 John A., 1459 Jonathan, 1459 Nehemiah, 1459 Robert, 1458 Robert, Rev., 1459 Miller .Vnccstry. 343, 391, 1033, 1 106, 1556, 1719 ♦Abraham J. D., 1107 Abram P., 1557 Charles, 1558 Christian, 1719 Conrad, 1556 David, 1108 Duncan F., iiots Eleanor P., 343 Elisha, 391 Ernest, 1558 Ernest J., 1719 Frank, 1558 George D., 392 Henry, 343 Jacob, 1107 Jacob, 1557 Jacob P., 343 James, 343 James, 1033 James, 1105 James, 1558 James A., 1034 John, 391 John, 1556 John P., 1 1 07 John P., 1 108 Justus, 1 106 MacNaughlon, 1720 Nathaniel, 673 Peter, 1557 Peter I., 1556 Robert. 1034 Russell. 1108 Russell, 1557 Samuel, 391 Solomon, 391 Thomas, 391 Victor, 1558 William, 1033 William C, 1719 William H., 673 Milliman Ancestry, 1761 John, 1761 John, 1 761 Myron C, 1761 Myron C, 1762 Nathaniel, 1761 Nathaniel N., 1762 Samuel, Capt.. 1761 Mills Ancestry, 527 Borden H., 529 Borden H., 530 Charles H., 530 George, 527 George, 528 George, 529 John, 528 John, Capt., 528 Jonathan, Rev., 528 Millspaugh -Ancestry, 1676 Ale.xander, Rev., 1677 Charles. 1676 Jacob, 1676 Matthias, 1676 Minicr Ancestry, 940 Abraham, 940 Belle, 941 Catherme T. B., 940 Katherine E., 941 Sylvester, 940 Moffitt, .Andrew W. M., 917 James, 916 Moir, John, 774 Robert 1 ., 775 Monroe Ancestry, 1568 Clarissa, 15O8 Eliphalel. 15O8 John, 1568 Rhoda, 1568 Rosbotham, 1568 Thomas, 1568 Montague Ancestry, 231 Johannes, Dr., 231 Monteath Ancestry, 576 George, Capt., 577 Harrictte, 577 Peter, 577 Sarah Anne, 577 Sara J., 577 Monty Ancestry, 1051 Abraham, 1051 Daniel M., 1051 Moore Ancestry, 825. 828, n Charles H., Dr., 826 De Witt C, 828 Eugene, 827 Frederick, 827 Frederick J., 827 George W., 1143 Godfrey, 827 Hugh, 828 James, 825 John, 826 John F., 827 Joseph, 825 Levi, 825 Levi, Dr., 825 Michael, 826 Robert H., 828 Sarah, 827 Spencer, 1142 William, 828 Morange Ancestry, 8og James, 8og James W., 809 Pierre L., 8og Morey .Xncestry, 685 Charles. 685 Elizabeth, 685 Nathan, 685 Morgan Ancestry, 1076 Edwin, 1077 Miles, 1076 Miles, 1077 Nathaniel, 1076 Phineas, 1077 Morrow .\nceslry, 1568 Anna, 1570 James, 1506 James L., 1570 Samuel 1-., Kev., 1569 bamuel R., Dr., 1509 Morton Ancestry, 859 Ephraim, 600 George, 859 George, iJeacon, 861 Manasseh, 861 Reuben, 861 Reuben, 861 Seth W., 861 Taber, 801 Warner G.. 861 Moseley Ancestry, 90 Abigail, 90 Abner, 90 John, 90 Joseph, 90 Moses Ancestry, 1479 John, 1479 Joshua, 1479 Salmon, Dr., 1480 Thomas, 1480 Thomas S., 1480 Mosher Ancestry, 659 Abijah C, 659 Albert B., 659 George A., 659 Hugh, 659 Nicholas, 659 Rodman, 659 iloul Ancestry, 1372 Cornelius !•'., 1373 Henry S., 1373 Jacob, 1372 John, 1372 Richard, 1372 Murdock Ancestry, 88 James, Rev., 89 John, 88 Louisa, 89 Peter, 88 Munsell Ancestry, 534 Charles, 538 Elisha, 535 Frank, 538 Hezekiah, 535 Jacob, 535 Jessie, 538 Joel, 536 Julia A., 538 Minnie, 538 Thomas, 535 William A., 538 Munson Ancestry, 785, 1497 Amy T., 1500 Daniel, 1498 Edward G., 1500 Garry, 1499 Harriet L., 1500 Obadiah. 1498 Oscar P., 1500 Paul B., 1500 Peter, 785 Reuben, 785 Samuel, 785 Samuel, 1497 Samuel L., 1499 Samuel L., 1500 Stephen, 1498 Thomas, 785 Ixviii HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Thomas, 1497 Thomas, 1498 Wilham, 785 William, 1500 William L., 1500 Murphy Ancestry, 289 Edward, 289 Edward, 291 John J., 291 Joseph J., 291 Richard C, 291 William E., 291 Murray Ancestry, 1543 Daniel, 1545 Francis N., 1545 William H., 1545 Mussey Ancestry, 745 Abraham, 745 Benjamin, 745 Daniel, 745 Elbridge G., 745 James E., 746 John, 745 Reuben, 745 Reuben D., 745 Myers Ancestry, 374, 748 Augustus, 749 Benjamin, 374 Benjamin i., 374 John, 748 John, 750 John B., 374 John G., 375 Mary A., 377 Nicholas I., 750 Stephanus, 374 Teunis, 374 William F., 749 Mynderse Ancestry, 1619 Aaron. 1620 Barent A., 1621 Carsten, 1619 Herman V., Dr., 1621 Johannes, 1620 Johannes, Col., 1620 Myndert, 1619 Myndert, 1620 Nadeau, Ale.xis A., 802 Charles .M., 802 Moses, 802 Nason Ancestry, 1756 Adelbert W.. 1757 George W., 1757 Jesse, 1757 Thomas. 1756 Williard H., 1757 William E., 1757 Willoughby, 1756 Naylon Ancestry, 897 Daniel, 897 Daniel, Jr., 897 Donald, 897 Thomas, 897 Neary Ancestry, 909 Charles E., 909 Frank W.. 909 James H., 909 John, 909 Neher, John H., 1203 Philip, 1203 Nelson, Charles C, 1384 Cora A., 1384 Oscar, 1384 Neuser, George, 896 John, 896 Newcomb Ancestry, 750, 1021 Andrew, 1021 Andrew, Lieut., 751 Daniel, 752 David, Dr., 1023 Edward, 753 Edward T., 754. Simon, 751 Simon, 1022 Simon, 1023 Simon, Dr., 1022 Thomas, 751 Thomas, 1022 Thomas W., 753 Wesley, Dr., 1023 William, 1023 Zaccheus, 752 Newton Ancestry, 1163 Eliza M., 1163 Eliza M., 1164 James, 1163 James, 1164 John, 1 164 John M., 1 164 Thomas, 1163 Nichols Ancestry, 1184, 1187 Charles, 1186 Christian, 1187 Edgar B., 1187 Ephraim, 1 186 Ephraim, Ensign, 1185 Florence E., 1187 Francis, 1 185 Francis, Sergt., 1184 Hobart, 1187 Isaac, 1 185 John H., 1 188 Peter, 1186 Peter, 1187 Nicholls Ancestry, 1481 Charles T., 1490 Francis, 1489 George H., 1704 George T., 1490 Isaac, 1490 Lizzie W.. 1490 Philip, 1490 Richard. 1490 Theophilus, 1490 Nicoll, Maud C, 1720 Nietsch, Charles J., 1243 Edward, 1243 Niles, Henry, 401 John, Hon., 401 Nathaniel, 400 Noble Ancestry, 1791 Arthur M., 1793 Clarence W., 1793 Fred W., 1793 Herbert D., 1793 James A., 1793 John E., 1793 Moses, 1792 Moses, 1792 Moses, 1792 Robert, 1792 Noeltner, Anselm, 925 Nolan, Michael, 898 William, 898 William P., 899 Northrop, Henry J., 1705 Herbert E., 1705 Sarah M., 1705 Northrup Ancestry, 962 Daniel, 962 James L., 964 Joseph. 962 Lewis, 962 Major D., 963 William S., 963 Norton .-Ancestry, 1123, 1650 Alfred D., 1650 Benjamin, 1650 Caleb, 1 123 Caleb, 1 124 Cornelius H., 1650 David, 1124 Eugene R., 1 124 Hiram E., 1124 James, 1124 Joseph, 1123 Rowland, 1 123 Noyes Ancestry, 335. 571 Henry, 573 James, Rev., 335 James, Rev., 571 James, Rev., 572 John, 336 John, 573 Joseph, Rev., 1749 Lucinda V. S., 574 Nathan, 573 Nathan H., 574 Oliver, Dr., 336 Sarah, 336 William, 573 William, Kev., 335 William, Rev., 571 Odell Ancestry, 836, 1602 Charles M., 837 Isaac, 837 Jackson, 1603 John. 1603 John W., i(>03 Jonalhan. lOoj j-eph.S37 J..>hu;,. S37 8^6 William. 837 William, 1603 Ogden, Charles G., 1600 Edward, 1600 Olcott .Ancestry, 133 Dudley, 136 Dudley. 137 Frederick P., 136 Josiah, 134 Thomas, 133 Thomas. 134 Thomas W., 134 Oliver Ancestry, 337. 1373 Andrew, Rev., 1373 Carrie C. (Stewart), 137 Charles, 1374 Evert, 1374 Frank D., 1374 Frank O., 1373 Jacob. 1375 Jacob v., 1375 John, 337 John, 1374 John E., 1374 Peter, 337 Richard, 1374 Sarah, 337 Thomas, 337 Olney .-Vncestry. 1588 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Ixix Danforth K., 1589 Epenctus, 1588 Ezekici, 1589 Harriet T., 1588 Harriet T., 1589 Jeremiah, 1589 John, 1589 Thomas, 1588 Ord, Joseph P., 254 Susan, 254 Osgood Ancestry, 602 David, 603 David, Capt., 603 Hooker, 603 Jason C., 603 John, 602 Stephen, 603 Ostrander Ancestry, 1521, 1798 George N., 17^ George W., 1798 Hendrick, 1521 John, 1798 John M., 1522 Margaret A., 1522 Nelson, 1798 Peter, 1521 Philip, 1521 Picter, 1219 Wilhelm, 1521 William J., 1522 William P., 1219 William S., 1220 Ostrom Ancestry, X420 Henry, Capt., 1421 John, 1421 Miriam C, 1423 Stephen, 1422 Ouderkirk Ancestry, 722 Charles, 722 Howard R., 722 Isaac, 722 Jan J., 722 Pieter, 722 William, 722 Packer Ancestry, 194 Eleazer, 194 Eli E., 195 Horace, 194 James, 194 John, 194 Page, Edward N., 667 George H., 667 Joseph, 667 Paige Ancestry, 663 Christopher, 664 John, 664 John K., 665 John K., 666 Nathaniel, 663 Winslow, Rev., 664 Paine Ancestry, 1024 Amasa, 1025 Esaias W., 1026 John, 1026 Samuel. 1024 Sarah G., 1026 Seth. 1024 Seth, 1025 Stephen, 1024 Palin, Pierre, 915 Wilfred. 915 Palmaticr Ancestry, 1628 Ketiirah L., 1629 Peter. 1628 Walter W.. 1628 William. 1628 Palmer Ancestry, 1162, 1286, 1456 Amos. Capt., 1162 Amos P., 1 162 Charles V., 1289 Daniel, 1287 Eliza M., 1163 Erastus D., 1040 George, 1457 Gershom, 1456 Gershom, Rev., 1457 Henry, 1288 Ichabod, 1162 James, 1287 Nehemiah, 1287 Peter A., 1458 Reuben, Rev., 1458 Robert, 1288 Robert J., Dr., 1289 Robert M., 1289 Samuel, 1288 Solomon, Rev., 1162 Walter, 1286 Walter. 1456 Pannaci, Charles E., Dr., 1238 Eduard, 1237 Paris Ancestry. 1043 Charles R., 1044 Michael. 1043 Russel C, Dr., 1044 Urias G., 1043 Parker Ancestry, 1503, 1575, 1614 Alexander, 1575 Allen J., 1576 Asa, 1614 Clarence E., 1614 Eliud. 1614 Elizabeth F., 1576 John, 1503 John, 1614 John N.. 1503 John R., 1504 Nathaniel, 1614 Robert, 1503 Samuel M., 1576 William, 1614 William H., IS7S Parkhurst Ancestry, 1307 Chester, 1308 Edward S., 1308 George, 1307 Hiram S.. 1308 John, 1307 Joseph, 1307 Josiah, 1307 Parmalee, Elias R., 995 Mary L., 995 Parry, John E.. 1189 John, Rev.. 1188 Joseph, 1 188 Parsons Ancestry, 270, 467 Agnes E., 467 Benjamin, 271 Gurdon, 272 Hugh, 271 James, 271 John. 271 John D., 467 John D., Jr., 467 Levi, 272 Samuel, 271 Stephen, 467 Tallniadgc L., 272 Thomas, 271 Patterson Ancestry, 1226, 1577 Andrew. 1578 • Clara P., 1227 David, 1578 David C, 1578 David C, 1579 James, 1577 James, 1578 James F., 1227 Levi, 1578 Merritt S.. 1578 Robert, 1226 Smith. 1578-79 Patton Ancestry, 698 Alexander, 698 Anna J., 698 Robert, 698 Thomas, 698 Payn Ancestry, 1807 Ebenezer L., 1807 Elijah, Judge, 1807 Louis P., 1807 Samuel. 1807 Stephen, 1807 Peck Ancestry, 728, 1 157 Abraham. 728 Abraham, 729 Alanson, 729 Benjamin R., 729 Daniel, 1158 Darius, Judge, 732 Frank B., 729 Ichabod. 1158 Jathniel, 1158 Jeremiah. 730 Joel, 1 158 Joel C, 1158 John, 728-9 John, 731 John, 732 John H., 733 Joseph, 1157 Joseph, II 58 Paul, 728 Paul, Deacon, 728 Samuel, 730 William, 729 Peckham Ancestry, 1155 Allen G., Dr., 1160 Alva G., 1159 Clement, 1158 Giles, 1 158 Giles H.. 1159 Harold P., 1160 Job, 1 1 58 John, 115s John. 1 156 John, 1 160 Jonathan, 1159 Joseph, 1156 Joseph W., 1 160 Reuben, 1156 Samuel, 1156 William H., IIS9 William M., K57 Peddie Ancestrv, 287 Daniel. 288' Edgar L., 289 William, 287 William J.. Dr., 288 Peebles Ancestry, 994 Ixx HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Anthony A., 994 Gerrit, 994 Thomas, 994 Peek Ancestry, 887 James C, 887 Jan, 887 John, 887 John H., 887 Maria, 887 Walter, 887 Pell Ancestry, 297 Benjamin, 2Cj8 John H.,^298 John, Maj., 298 John, Rev., 297 John, Rev., 298 Joshua, 298 Mary H., 298 Morris, 298 Thomas, 298 William R, 298 Peltz Ancestry, 1780 Catharine B., i; John, 1 781 John D., 1783 Philip, 1781 Richard, 1781 Penfield Ancestry, 1 Ellen, 1588 George, 1588 Harriet T., 1588 Peter, 1587 Peter, 1588 Samuel. 1587 Samuel, 1588 Perry Ancestry, 969 Benjamin. 970 James, 970 James H., 1356 John, 969 John, 970 John B., 970 John U., 1356 William B., 971 Pettee Ancestry, 267 Polly, 267 Samuel, 267 Simon, 267 William, 267 Phelps, Chester, 1453 George R., 1454 Oliver, 1453 Phillip, .'Varon, 1567 Rebecca, 1567 William, 1566 Phillips Ancestry, 353, 1565 De Witt H„ 353 Elijah N., 418 George, 1565 George H., 1566 George W., 1566 Henry, 689 John, 353 - John, 418 Joseph, 689 Mary A., 689 Philip, 688 Philip, 689 Philip, Rev., 688 Robert, 1565 Schuyler C, 354 Pierce Ancestry, 624 Emily A., 624 83 587 Joel, 624 John, 624 John, Deacon. 624 Joseph, 624 Pierson Ancestry, 226, 775, 950 .■\braham, 226 Abraham V., 776 Caroline. 951 David. 270 Eli, 776 Eli, 951 Henry, 226 Henry, 776 Henry, 950 Henry, 951 Henry, Col., 226 Henry, Col., 270 James D., 777 Joseph. 951 Joseph, Lieut., 776 Josiah, 226 Margaret, 227 Mary A., 951 Samuel, 776 Samuel, 951 Sylvanus, 226 Timothy, 776 Timothy, 951 Winfield S., 776 Pine. James, 648 James K. P., 649 Joshua, 649 Pitkin Ancestry, 155 Caleb, 156 John, 156 John R., 156 Roger, 156 William, 155 Wolcott H., 157 Pitts Ancestry, 1642 Arthur E., 1643 Berwick, 1642 Clarence V. R., 1643 Clifford S., 1643 David W., 1642 John, 1642 Sebastian W., 1643 Sylvester, 1642 William, 1642 Pittz, John, 1506 John, Dr., 1506 Place Ancestry, 977 George M., 978 John, 977 John S., 977 Uriah, 977 William H., 977 Piatt .'\ncestry, 263. 615, 1510 Dan, Capt., 615 Dan, Deacon, 615 Eliphalet, 1510 Elizabeth, 151 1 Elmore, 263 Epenetus, 263 Epcnetus, 1510 Frederick, 615 Gideon, 263 John, 1510 Joseph, 263 Joseph, 616 Joseph C, 616 Katharine J., 616 Mary L., 263 Myron, 263 Obadiah, 615 Richard, 263 Richard, 1510 William B.. 1511 Polk Ancestry, 914 Charles T., 915 Frederick, 914 Peter, 914 William F., 914 Pompili, Jean, 451 Potter, Piatt. 1763 Restcome, 1763 Potts Ancestry, 380 Daniel, 381 David, 380 Jesse, 381 Jesse C, 381 Jesse W., 382 Samuel, 381 Powell Ancestry, 1688 Henry J., 1689 Jacob, 1689 John, 1689 Jonathan R., 1689 Moses, 1689 Thomas, 1688 Thomas, 1689 Powers Ancestry, 1029 Albert E., 1030 Gideon, 1029 Isaac, 1029 Walter, 1029 William, 1030 Pratt Ancestry, 815, 1 174 Abiel, 1174 Henry C, 816 Horace, 11 74 John, 815 Matthew, 1174 Nathaniel, 1174 Peter, 11 74 Samuel, 1 174 William T., 815 Pray, .Arthur W., 442 Alice E., 442 Proudfit, Ebenezer, 77S Margaret E., 778 Pruyn Ancestry, 137 Anna' M., 227 Augustus, 149 Caspar L., 140 Casparus, 138 Casparus F., 138 Casparus F., 148 Charles L., 140 David. 144 Edward L., 227 Foster, 149 Francis, 137 Francis C, 138 Francis C, 148 Francis S.. 137 Frederic, 228 Johannes, 137 John V. S. L., 144 John V. S. L., 148 Robert C, 227 Robert D., 227 Robert H., 138 Ruth W., 227 Samuel, 137 Sarah T., 140 Pumpelly Ancestry, 451 Harmon. 452 HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS Ixxi John, 451 Putnian Ancestry, 1089 Aaron, 11 19 Abram V., 1092 Arent. io8g Comelis, 1091 Ernestus, 11 19 Gerrit D., 1090 Johannes, 11 19 John, 1089 John, 1 119 John v., 1091 Lodowyck, 1089 Richard, 1090 Victor, 1091 Victor A., 1091 Victor C. 1091 Putnam Ancestry, 179, 345, 474, 650. 1089 (see Putman) Albert A., 1090 Alonzo, Dr., 180 Betsey, 651 Cornelis, 179 Cornelius H., 180 Edgar S., 1090 Henry, 179 Israel, Gen., 660 James M., Col., 475 Jan, 179 John, 345 John, 474 John, 475 Mary L., 661 Mehitable, 661 Richard R., 1090 Seth, 346 Seth, 475 Thomas, 345 Thomas, 346 Thomas, 347 Thomas, Lieut., 474 Thomas, Sergt., 475 Timothy, 475 Victor, 179 William B., Dr., 347 William H., 1091 Quinby Ancestry, 1494 Aaron, 1495 John, 1494 Martha, 1495 Moses, 1495 Obadiah, 1495 Samuel, 1495 William, 1494 Race, Cornelius, 1399 George E., 1400 Richard J., 1400 Radley, Francis, 1203 John R., 1202 Richard. 1202 Randerson. John, 759 John P., 759 Ranken Ancestry, 182 Grace, 1131 Henry S., 182 John, 182 John, 1 131 William J., 1131 Rankin .\ncestry, 176 Catharine K. P., 179 Edward E., 177 Edward E., 179 Edward >W., 178 Edward W., 179 278 Herbert E., 179 Isaac O.. Rev., 178 John L., 179 William, 176 William, 177 William, 179 Rathbone Ancestry, 183 Albert, 187 Clarence, 186 Joel. 185 Joel, 187 John, 183 John, 184 Jonathan, 185 Joshua, 185 Samuel, 185 Thomas, 183 Rathbun .Ancestry, 277 .\cors. 279 Eliza C. 280 John, 278 Joshua, 278 Joshua, 279 Joshua, Rev., Richard, 278 Solomon, 279 Rawson .\ncestry, 1138 .A.nna, 1140 Anna H., 1140 David, 1 139 Edward, 1138 Eliza K., 1 140 Josiah, 1 139 Simeon, 1140 William. 1 139 Read Ancestry, 489 Delphine M., 496 Emily M., 496 George. Hon.. 490 Harmon P., 495 James, Col., 492 John, Col., 489 John, Hon., 492 John M.. 495 John M., Gen., 494 John M., Hon., 493 Thomas, Com., 491 Rcavy Ancestry, 1127 Frank C, 1127 Grace A., 1128 John, 1 127 John F., 1 128 Rector, Emma, 886 Jacob, 886 William, 886 Reich. Casper, 931 George, 931 Reid Ancestry, 670 Edward, 671 William, 671 William M., 671 Reisslg. Christian, 946 Ernest R.. 947 Frederick, 946 Relyea, .\dam, 1606 Jacob A., 1606 Nancy M., 1606 Repp, John, 1251 John H., 1251 Nicholas, 1251 Resscguie Ancestry, 1533 .-Mexander, 1533 Charles B., 1535 Daniel, 1533 David, 1534 Emily, 1535 Hiram, 1535 John, 1534 Reynolds .Ancestry, 1654- 1825 Adlcy J., 1654 .inlander P., 1654 Cuyler, 1846 David, 1831 David, 1835 Dexter R., 1845 Ebenezer, 1^2 Gideon. 18^ James, 1836 James, 1837 Job, 1654 John, 1825 John, 1828 John, 1833 John, 1835 John, 1836 Jonathan, 1654 Jonathan, 1827 Jonathan, 1828 Jonathan, 1835 v Joseph, 1829 ^ Joshua, 1835 Justus, 1839 Marcus T., 1843 Marcus T., 1846 Nathaniel, 1832 Nathaniel, 1839 Nathaniel, 1840 Neheniiah, 1830 Peter, 1835 Porter H., 1654 Solomon, 183 1 Stephen, 1840 Stephen R., Dr., 1841 Rich .Ancestry, 1446 Cyrus F.. 1447 John, 1447 Richard, 1447 Waldo L., 1447 Richards .Ancestry, 214 Eber, 216 Frederick B., 216 215 OrMMi 215, ii4 Richards, ,M, F.dwin C, 685 Elizabeth (Morey), 685 Ricketts, Esther, 1239 Jonathan, 1239 Thomas, 1239 Riggs .Ancestry, 154 Rertha E., 155 Cyrcnus. 155 Edward, 154 Frederick J., 155 Isaac, iss James. 155 Joseph, 154 Riordan. .Amelia A., 1244 Jeremiah, 1244 John, 1244 Robb .Ancestry, 917 .Alexander, 917 Cornelia V. R., 26 George. 917 James H., 26 James M., 917 Margaret J., 917 Nathaniel T., 26 Ixxii HUDSON AND MOHAWK VALLEYS William H., 918 Robertson Ancestry, 675 Angeline, 677 Archibald, 1379 Gilbert, 676 Gilbert, Hon., 676 Grace, E. C, 190 James, 1378 John, 675 Matthew H., 190 Peter, 1378 William, 675 Rogers Ancestry, 406, 657 1045 Azariah, 657 Charles, Hon., 1046 Clara P., 1227 David, 408 Deliverance, 407 Elizabeth, 657 Hannah, 657 Hannah E., 409 Huldah, 657 James, 1045 James, Capt., 1045 James, Rev., 1045 James C, Gen., 1046 John, 407 John, Rev., 406 Joseph. Lieut., 657 Mary, 657 Randolph, 1046 Thomas, 407 Thomas, 657 Thomas, Gen., 1045 Wing, 407. W. Seymour, 1227 Roome Ancestry, 847 John, 847 John P., 847 Mary E., 847 Peter, 847 Peter W., 847 Rosa Ancestry, 593, 1527 Albert H., 593 Albert H., 1527 Geysbert, 593 Geysbert, 1528 Henry, 595 Heyman, 593 Heyman, 1528 Isaac, 594 Isaac, 1528 Isaac R., 1528 James P., 1528 Jan, 594 Jan, 1528 Jane E., 595 Nelson W., 595 Richard, 594 Richard, 595 Ryckert, 1528 Rose, Charles, 1456 Charles W., 1456 Xathnnicl, 1456 Robert, 1455 Ross. Adam, 1451 George A., 145 1 Josephine B., 1452 Rosseau Ancestry, 1757 Achille J., 1757 Alexander, 1757 Harry H., 1758 Nicholas, 1757 William W., 1757 William W., Jr., 1758 Rossman Ancestry, 1648 *Catherine, 1649 Conrad, 1648 *DanieI, 1648 Daniel P., 1649 Fite, 1648 Johannes, 1648 Peter, 1648 Roth, Henry, 1259 Joseph, 1259 Rothemeier, Frederick, 890 Henry F., 890 Rudd Ancestry, 211, 1442 David. 1443 Jonathan, 211 Jonathan, 212 Jonathan, 1442 Jonathan, Deacon, 211 *Joseph, 1442 Nathaniel, 211 Nathaniel, 1442 Nathaniel, Capt., 211 Sanford H., 1443 William P., 212 William T., 212 Ruff Ancestry, 1452 Benjamin F., 1452 Jonathan, 1452 William A., 1453 William F., 1453 Rugge Ancestry, 1104 Daniel. 1104 George, 1105 John, 1104 Levi, 1105 Levi, Dr., 1 105 Ruhl, George, 946 Rulison Ancestry, 879 Abraham, 880 David A., 880 Frank H., 880 Frederick, 880 Hermanns, 880 Laurens, 880 Rusco Ancestry, 434 Ammi R., 434 David, 435 Nathaniel, 434 William, 434 Sage Ancestry, 682 Amos, 682 Charles R., 683 David, 682 Elisha, 682 Elisha M., 682 Martha A.. 683 Timothy, 683 Sagendorf, George H., 1306 Nicholas, 1306 Salisbury Ancestry, 1596 Abraham, 1597 Anna. isg8 Eli H., 1598 Elizabeth M.. 1598 Francis, 1596 Romcyn, 1598 Silvester, Capt., 1596 William, 1597 Saltonstall, Gurdon, 99 Nathaniel. 99 Richard, 99 Sammons Ancestry, 987 Frederick, 988 Grace M., 990 Henry G., 989 Jacob, 987 Johannes, 987 Sampson, 988 Simeon, 989 'i'homas, 988 Sanders Ancestry, 50, 181, Barent, 52 Barent, 1069 Charles, 1073 Charles, 1367 Charles J., 1074 Charles P., 1071 Charles P., 1072 James, 1367 James W., 1367 Johannes, 54 John, 1070 Laurence, 51 Livingston, 1073 L. Ten B., 1072 Peter, 1071 Robert, 51 Robert, 1069 Theodore W., 54 Thomas, 51 Thomas, 1069 William N. S., 55 Sanford Ancestry, 485 Ephraim, 485 Ezekiel, 485 John, 486 John, 488 Stephen, 486 Stephen, Hon., 486 Thomas, 485 Williani C, 488 Santoro, Giovann John, 1236 Savage Ancestry, 10 Asa, 109 Edward W. M., John, 108 Mary E., 108 Solomon, Dr., 109 William, 109 William, Deacon, 109 Saxton Ancestry, 103 George, 103 Gordon B., 103 Joseph, Capt., 103 Joseph, Ensign, 103 Noah, 103 Samuel, 103 Solomon B., 103 Schermerhorn Ancestry, 677 Jacob, 678 Jacobus, 678 John, 678 Ryer, 677 Simon, 679 Simon J., 679 Schifferdccker, Charles F., 145S Frederick A.. 1455 Henry, 1454 Schnurr, George, 1253 Max, 1253 Herman, 1254 Schryver, Abram