fF 68 .S65 Copy 1 GENERAL SOCIETY OF Mayflower DescendantB Organized at Plymouth, Massachusetts January 12, 1897 GENERAL SOCIETY OF Mayflower Descendants Orgfanized at Plymouth, Massachusetts January 12, 1897 yy-^d^^/ Gm from Mrs. Marcus Benjamll) Dec. 5, 1932 Extract from Constitution. Article II. The object of this Society is to promote the interests that are common to aU the State Socie- ties of Mayflower Descendants, which can best be served by a federal body, and more especially to secure united effort to discover and publish original matter in regard to the Pilgrims, to- gether with existing data known only to anti- quarians, thus honoring our epoch-making sires. Akticle III. All persons, over eigliteen years of age, who are descended from a passenger on the "May- flower," on the voyage which terminated at Plymouth, Wew England, in December, 1620, or from a signer of the "Compact," shall be eligible to membership. - They must be proposed, seconded, and elected. They shall j^ay the initiation fee and dues, and comply with the conditions in the Constitution and the By-Laws. OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS. Governor General, Hox. Hexry E. Howl and, of NeAV York, Deputy Governors General, Hox. WixsLOW Waukex, of Massachusetts, Francis Oi.cott Allex, of Pennsylvania, William Waldo Hyde, of Connecticut. Captain General, Capt. Myles Staxdisii, M. D., of Massachusetts, Elder General, Rev. Eoderick Terry, D. D,, of Xew York. Secretary General, George Erxest Bowmax, G2o Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. 8 Treasurer General, James Mauran Khodes, of Pennsylvania. Historian General, Richard Henry Greene, of New York. Surgeon General, Orlando Brown, M. D., of Connecticut. Assistants General, Rev. Edward Lord Clark, D. D,, of Massachusetts. Frank William Sprague, of Massachusetts. HowLAND Davis, of New York. Edward Clinton Lee, of Pennsylvania. JosiAH Granville Leach, of Pennsylvania. Percy Coe Eggleston, of Connecticut. William Molthrop Stark, of Connecticut. Society of Mayflower Descendants IN THE State of New York. OFFICERS. Governor, Hon. Henry E. Howland. Deputy Governor, John T. Tehry. Captain, Col. Joseph J. Slocum. Elder, Rev. Roderick Terry, D. D. Secretary, Frederic Horace Hatch, 30 Broad Street, New York City. Treasurer, William Milne Grinnell. Historian, Richard Henry Greene, Surgeon, J. DOUGAL BiSSELL, M. D. Assistants, Walter Scott Allerton, Henry Farnam Dimock, Edward Loudon Norton, J. Bayard Backus, Hoavland Davis, Waldo Hutchins, George Herbert Warren. 5 Members of New York Society. Richard Henry Greene New York City Edward Loudon Norton " " " William Milne Grinnell " " " J. Bayard Backus " " " Edward Clinton Lee Walter Scott Allerton Joseph Jermain Slocum Waldo Hutchins, James Henry Hoadley Helen Melinda Fisher Victor August Seggermann Marshall Winslow Greene Margaret Olivia (Slocum) Sage (Mrs. Russell Sage) Susan Taber Martin Louise Bliss Grinnell Francis Bacon Nancy Grinnell Augustus Schell Hutchins George Herbert Warren Edward Bruce Hill Amelia Leavitt (Foote) Hill (Mrs. Edward Bruce Hill) William Henry Doty Katharine Elizabeth (Searle) McCartney Wilkesbarre (Mrs. William H. McCartney) Catherine Louisa (Adams) Washington, New York City (Mrs. Allan Cooper Washington) Mary Gertrude (Munson) Greene New York City (Mrs, Richard Henry Greene) G Philadelphia, Pa. Mt. Vernon New York City Brooklyn New York City New York City Bronxville New York City Yonkers New York City Yonkers Pa. Ida Xesbitt (Tucker) Morris Chicago, III, (Mrs, Tyler Seymour Morris) Kev. Brady Electus Backus, D. D. New York City Edna Munson Greene " " " George Bird Grinnell " " " William Morton (irinnell " " " Mary (Grinnell) Landon " " " (Mrs. Edward Hunter Landon) Laura (Grinnell) Martin Xew York City (Mrs. Newell Martin) Helen Jesup (Grinnell) Page New York City (Mrs. William Drummond Page) Rev. Roderick Terry, D. D. New York City Pelham Winslow W^arren Yonkei-s Rowland Davis NeAv York City Louise Engel (Seggermann) Norton New York City (Mrs. Edward Loudon Norton) Jane Terry (Sheldon) Smith New York City (Mrs. Andrew Heermance Smith) Clarence Lyman Collins New York City James Hathaway Jackson Dansville Maria Averill Backus Schenectady Helene (Allen) Moller New York City (Mrs. Charles George Moller, Jr.) Henry Theodore Munson New York City Frederick Krueger Seggermann, East Orange, N. J. George Franklin Newcomb New Haven, Conn, John Henry Washburn New York City Minnie Louise (Norton) Little " " " (Mrs. Willard Parker Little) Charles Shubael Child Philadelphia, Pa. John Thomas Waring Yonkers Janet Waring ' ' Julia Waring (Roberts) Rundall Brewster (Mrs. Clarence Aubrey Rundall) Francis Olcott Allen Philadelphia, Pa. John Taylor Terry Tarrytown Henry E. Howland New York City James Anderson Halves Xew York City Marcus Benjamin " " " Martha (Morton) Hartpenee Philadelphia, Pa. (Mrs. Alanson Hartpenee) Annie (White) Gleason New York City (Mrs. Jolin Blanehard Gleason) Henry Colvin Brewster Rochester Levi Parsons Morton Rhinecliff Clinton Brooks Sears, Major Duluth, Minn. Corps of Engineers U. S. A. Edgar Cotrell I^eonard Albany William Ptipley Strong Golden' s Bridge Thomas Snell Hopkins Washington, D. C. Sherbm-ne Gillette Hopkins " " Lucy (Otis) Bruggerhof Noroton, Conn. (Mrs. Edward Everett Bruggerhof) Ida May (Frost) Kobinson New York City (Mrs. Frank Tracy Robinson) Jane Eunice Brewster Rochester William Post Hawes Bacon Brouxville Anna Fosdick Bacon " Rosalie Bacon " Frederick Chandler Seabury Brooklyn William Watson Webb Rochester Alonzo Howard Clark Washington, D. C. Charles Hedges McKinstry Newport, R. I. 1st Lieut. Corps Engineers, U. S. A. Charles Harrod Vinton, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin Sedgwick Chittenden St. Paul, Minn. Elisha Williams McKinstry San Francisco, Cal. George Alfred Stringer Buffalo Mary Louise (Cheney) Elwood Rochester (Mrs. George May Elwood) Henry Farnam Dimock New York City Margaret Antoinette (Lennig) Oglesby, New Orleans, La. (Mrs. Joseph Henry Oglesby) Susan Cornelia (Whitney) Dimock, New York City . (Mrs. Henry Farnam Dimock) 1 5asan Maria Diiiiock New York City Trace Goodwin (Fuller) Reynolds, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (Mrs. Benjamin Reynolds) Flelene Bartlett (O'Leary) Davis, Brookline, Mass. (Mrs. Langdon Shannon Davis) ['aul Allen Langevin Doty Paterson, N. J. Reginald Henshaw Ward Xew York City John Balcli Blood Schenectady \nna Willis (Lawrence) Brown New York City (Mrs. Charles Hilton Brown) Lillie Collins (Whitney) Barney New York City (Mrs. Cliarles Tracy Barney) Sarah Howard (Loomis) Pitkin Hartford, Conn. (Mrs. Albert Hastings Pitkin) William Wolcott Strong Kenosha, Wis. [lenry Clark Coe, M. D. New York City lieorge Frederick Hunter Bartlett, M. D. Buffalo, Lily Virginia (Brandreth) Larkin Sing Sing (Mrs. Francis Larkin, Jr.) Helen Murray Reynolds Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Elizabeth (Reynolds) Ricketts Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (Mrs. R. Bruce Ricketts) Henry Raymond Howland Buffalo Percy Bryant, M. D. Helen Ward (Brandreth) Potter Sing Sing (Mrs. Frederick Potter) James Dougal Bissell, M. D. New York City Mary Louise (Trumbull) Allen " ■' " (Mrs. Henry Allen) Harry Weston Van Dyke Washington, D. C. Fanny Randall (Brandreth) Kane Sing Sing (Mrs. John I. Kane.) Grace Mason (Weston) Allen New Haven, Conn. (Mrs. Waller Allen) Frank Birge Smith Washington, D. C. Henry Bowers Brooklyn Edwin Proctor Andrus Fort Ringgold, Texas Captain 5th Cavalry, U. S. A. Charles Pahner Robinson Brooklyn Louise Terry (Collins) Butler Yonkers (Mrs. AVilliam Allen Butler, Jr.) John Reynolds Totten New York City George Congdon Gorham Washington, T). C. Xella Sumner (Phillips) Shuart Rochester (Mrs. William Herbert Sliuart) Emory Hawes New York City JNIargaret Bradford (Otis) Scrugham Yonkers (Mrs. William Warburton Scrugham.) Edward Milton Adams Chicago, III. Mary Adams (Beardsley) Maynard Utica (Mrs. John Frederick Maynard) George Ernest Bowman Boston, Mass. Elizabeth Chester Backus New York City Mervyn Edward Johnston (Chicago. 111. Edith (Parker) Stimson New York City (Mrs. Daniel M. Stimson) Victor Clifton Alderson Chicago, 111. Fanny Delphine (Williams) Rawson New York CUty (Mrs. Warren Rawson) Thomas Lincoln Manson, Jr. " " " Harriet Lothrop Robbins " " " Josiah Granville Leach Philadelphia, Pa. William Greene Binney Burlington, N. J, Martha Vanderburg (Gleason) Seggermann, New York City (Mrs. Henry Seggermann) Anna Segge nnann " " George Whitfield Newcomb Chicago, 111. Mary Eriiily (Sowles) Perkins New York City (Mrs. Newton Perkins) Elizabeth Bishop Perkins '• Wyllys Terry Biooklyn Josiah Lewis Lombard Chicago, 111. LeBaron Bradford Prince Sante Fe, N. M. John Bearse Newcomb Elgin, 111. Cornelia Katherine Chittenden 8t. Paul, Minn. Frederic Horace Hatch New York City 10 Elizabeth Alice (Miller) Minton Brooklyn (Mrs. Henry Brewster Minton) Mary (Brewster) Minton " (]Mrs. Henry Minton) Chandler Robbins Xew York City William Collins Whitney " " " George Wentworth Freeman Portland, Ore. Benjamin Knower New York City Jean Holberton Ricketts Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Alma Barton Strong (4olden's Bridge Morgan Gardner Bnlkeley Hartford, Conn. Linda (Marqnand) Terry New York City (Mrs. Roderick Terry) Margaret ]Maria (Bromley) Greene Xew York City (Mrs. Charles Arthur Greene) Benjamin Brewster Xew York City Cornelia Trimble (Macy) Walker " " •'■ (Mrs. Isaac H. Walker) Caroline Carson (Woolsey) Mitchell Xew York City (Mrs. Edward Mitchell) Edward Christopher James " '^ Rebecca Elizabeth (Spooner) LaAvrence Yonkers (Mrs. Albert Effingham Lawrence) Mary Jerusha (Bulkeley) Brainard Hartford, Conn. (Mrs. Leverett Brainard) Henry Melville Whitney Boston, Mass. Emma (Tower) Reilly Philadelphia, Pa, (Mrs. Thomas Alexander Reilly) Wadsworth Jackson Brewster Hannibal Charles Waldo Haskins New York City Gorhani Bacon, M. D. " " " Katharine (Alden) Dodge Brooklyn (Mrs. Omri Alonzo Dodge) John Robbins Tracy Stamford, Conn. Abbott Augustus Low Brooklyn Seth IjOw New York City Frank Hallett Lovell " " '' 11 Isabel Lovell New York City Frank Hallett Lovell. Jr. " '• "" Frank Willing Leach riiiladelpliia. Pa, Charles A. Brinley " " Charlemagne Tower, Jr. " " James Maiiran Rhodes Ardmore, " Charles Edwin Mayo St. Paul, Minn. Seott Jordan Chicago, 111. Ada (Walker) Adams St. Paul, Minn. (Mrs. John Qnincy Adams) Charles Eliot Pike St. Paul, Minn. Lauren E. Crane Minneapolis, " Harmon Pumpelly Head Albany Charles Whiting Plyer New York City Samuel Brown Hawley Yonkers (George Hiram Griffing Philadelphia, Pa. Carrie Buddington (RaM'son) Davis Cincinnati, Ohio (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Davis) Dorrance Reynolds Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Josephine C-olston Criffin New Y'ork (Uty (Mrs. Addison Leroy Griffin) Grace Louise Griffin New York City John Smith Sargent Chicago 111. Edith Lyman Collins New York ('ity Horatio Victor Newcomb " " " Ellen Douglas Morris Ardmore, Pa. (Mrs. Effingham Buckley Morris) Henry Cushmau Worthington, M. D., Chicago, 111. Florence Earle Coates Germantown, Pa, (Mrs. EdMard Hornor Coates) Henry Stanton New Y'ork City Hannah Haskins Gould Mynderse Brooklyn (Mrs. Wilhelmus Mynderse) Emily Theodosia (Hatch) Roessle Albany (Mrs. Elwood Osborne Roessle) William Macy Walker New Y^ork City Anne Grey Soule Lapham Charleston, S. C. (Mrs. Samuel Lapham) 12 Mary I. (Macy) Kingslaiid, Scaiborough-on-Hiidson (Mrs. William M. Kingsland) Charlotte Johnson Sayre Boornian Xew York City (Mrs. Thomas Hugh Boorman) Annie Waters McLean, New Hartford (Mrs. Charles McLean) Mary Watson ( Brandreth) Borup, Germantown, Pa. (Mrs. Henry Dana Borup) Bessie Simpkins Bacon Xew York City (Mrs. Gorham Bacon) Almira Little Peterson Colkett, Philadelphia, Pa. (Mrs. Charles Howard Colkett) George Henry Macy Xew York City Amelia Elizabeth (Williams) Paulison, West Hartford, Conn. (Mrs. John C. Paulison) Chandler Pease Chapman Madison, Wis. Susan Rogers White Hoyt Rochester (Mrs. William Edwin Hoyt) Charles Volney Wheeler Little Falls Anna Griswold Alden Field New Haven, Conn. (Mrs. William T. Field) William Park Metcalf Washington, D. C. Frederick J. Huntington Norwich, Conn. Herbert Jenney Cincinnati, Ghio Mis. ]MaryKn»>wer Penniman New York City William Isaac Walker Xew York City John Newell Tilden, M. D. Peekskill Elizabeth Strong New York City Mason Whiting Tyler Plainfield, N. J. Lawrence Brainerd, 2nd St. Albans, Vt. Charles Spooner Forbes '* " Henry Brewster Minton, M. 1). Brooklyn Ruth Winton Cronkite Larchmont (Mrs. Elisha Packer Cronkite) Charles Ridgeley Springfield, 111. Daniel Gould Francis West Hartford, Conn. Fannie Sara Miller Xew York City Edwin Linus Todd Sing Sing Evelyn Goss Curtis Cincinnati, Ohio (Mrs. Henry Melville Curtis) George Davis Terry Brooklyn Adelina Tower New York City Sarah Adeline Lovell McKinlay " " " (Mrs. James M. McKinlay) Charles Goddard White Boston, Mass, Alfred Sidney Johnson Buffalo Edward Stephen Rawson Cincinnati, Ohio Walter Shaw Brewster Brooklyn Lester Orestre Goddard Chicago, HI. Mary Clark Hoyt Madison. Wis. (Mrs. Frank Williams Hoyt) James Kneeland Milwaukee, '• Frances (Kneeland) Flint " " (Mrs. John Gardiner Flint) Ella (Kneeland) Gregory " " (Mrs. Arnold (Gregory) Wyman Kneeland Flint '* Adelhert H. Alden New York City Charlotte Ffirth Sturdivant Vaill Brooklvn (Mrs. Edward E. Vaill) Horace Stuart Cummings Washington, D. C, Caroline Homans Patterson New York City Nathan Henry Jones Plattsburgh George Worthington Bennington C^entre, Yt. Cassius Milton Wicker New York City Elijah Bobinson Kennedy " " " Julia Bowen French Metcalf St. Paul, Minn. (Mrs. Geo. R. Metcalf) Rebecca Moore Thorne Donaldson, AYhite Bear Lake, Minn. (Mrs. William T. Donaldson) Kate Morgan Brookfield New York City (^Nlrs. William Brookfield) Frederick Kellogg Arnold Portland, Ore. William Farley Peck Rochester 14 Philip Clolden Bartlett New York City Leaiider Newton Lovell Plainfield, N. J . Jane Trowbridge Hotciikiss New Haven, Conn. (Mrs. Henry L. Hotclikiss) Sallie Warren Waterman Pliiladelpliia, Pa. John Howard Abbott jSIinneapolis, Minn. Emily Strong Davis Taintor Hartford, Conn. (Mrs. (reorge E. Taintor) Hoswell Lockwood Hallstrora New York City ]\Irs Amelia Elizabeth Nevers Chicago, 111. Rodney Strong Dennis New York City Charles Hervey Townshend New Haven, Conn. Eliza M. Schroeder Tyler Plainfield, N. J. (Mrs. Mason W. Tyler) Jessie Patterson New York City Henry Peter Renouf Holt Washington, D C. Edward Wilkins Dewey New York City Caroline Lonise Seabury Brooklyn Benjamin Walworth Arnold Albany Clarence Egberts Newman Albany Jared AYeed Bell New York City Curtiss Crane (rardiner St. Louis. Mo. fiber Richards Ticonderoga Mary Elizabeth Brown New York City (Mrs. John Crosby Brown) James Le Baron Willard Brooklyn Joanna Williams Yonkers Sarah AYilliams •' LeRoy Dwight Farnham, M. D. Binghamton Anita Newcomb McGee, M. D. Washington, D. C (Mrs. W. J. McGee) Hosalie Greenleaf Ford Barr New York City (Mrs. William Rufus Barr) Alice Eudocia Cheeseman Denver. Col. (Mrs. AYalter Scott Cheeseman) 15 Society of Mayflower Descendants IN THE Commonwealth of Massachusetts. OFFICERS. Governor, Gamaliel Bradford. Deputy Governor, Xathan Appleton. Captain, Capt. Myles Standisit, M. 1). Elder, Uev. Edward Lord Clark, D. D. Secretary and Historian, George Ernest Bowman, t>2.3 Tremont Building, 13oston. Treasurer, Marcus Morton. Surgeon, Charles William Galloi pe, M. D. Assistants, Hon. Winslow Warren, Mrs. Ellen Sever Hale, Hon. Charles Francis Adams, 2d, GeOKOE WniTEFIELD StONE, Mrs. Emily Marshall Morison, Charles Peter Clark, Jr., Mrs, Lucretia Smith Remick. 16 Members of Massachusetts Society. (reorge Ernest Bowman Boston, Arthur Payson Dana Myles Standish, M. I). Winslow Warren " Nathaniel Upham Walker " Charles Peter Clark. Jr. " Henry Diirfee Pope *' Rev. Edward Lord Clark. I). 1). Solomon Lorin Keith Bridgewater Nathan Appleton Boston Charles William Galloupe. M. I). Charles Francis Adams Gamaliel Bradford " Charles Francis Adams. 2nd " Walter Kendall Watkins Gamaliel Bradford, Jr. Wellesley Hills Charles Peter Clark New Haven. Conn. Mary Adams Quincy Boston (Mrs. Henry P. Quincy) Marcus Morton " Ellen Sever Hale " (Mrs. George S. Hale) Lena Farrington Cushman Auburn.. Me. (Mrs. Charles L. Cushman) Charles Livingston Cushman '• '' " Lucretia Smith Remick Boston (Mrs. John A. Remick) Eleanor Armistead Appleton '• Elinor Curtis Mary Rivers Milton Austin Lord Bowman Kew York City Emily Marshall Morison Boston (Mrs. John H. Morison) 17 Francis Kussell -Stoddard Boston James Myles Standish '' Frank William Sprague Joseph Blanchard Ames Emma Pearmain Harris ( helsea (Mrs. A. S. Harris) M. Cordelia Loring Brooks Boston (Mrs. Lyman B. Brooks) Elizabeth Bass Hinckley '' (Mrs. JS. B. Hinckley) Helen Louise Goss " (Mrs. Francis W. Goss) Frank Ray Thomas Henry Francis Coe Sumner Bass Pearmain Alice Frances Sprague Robert Pearmain Loring, M. ]). Newton Centre Horace Sargent Bacon Lowell John Mason Little Boston Orilla Parke iVmes Swampscott Harriet Stetson Ames " L. Loring Brooks Boston George Whitefield Stone Harriet Kelley Clough Lynn (Mrs. M. P. Clough) Amelia Stone Quinton Philadelphia, Pa. (Mrs. Richard L. Quinton) Mary Savory Stevens Lowell (Mrs. Solon W. Stevens) Frederick Wesley Parker Boston Helen Lancaster Clark " (Mrs. Charles P. Clark, Jr.) Herbert Jenney Cincinnati, Ohio William Leonard Kelt Boston Nellie Washburn Pitkin " (Mrs. Charles L. Pitkin) Henry Stevenson Washburn •' Walter Curtis Brooks Lillie Blanche Titus (Mrs. Nelson V. Titus) 18 Mary Latham ("lark (Mrs. David Small Clark) James Parklmrst Trott Annie Eastham Guild (Mrs. Chester Guild, Jr.) Emma Frances Foster Georcje Adelhert Alden John Marshall Xewton ( Thomas Bradford Drew Frederick Clark ^Nloseley Mary Huggles Mixter (:Nirs William Mixter) Lucia Alden Bradford Knapp (Mrs, F. X, Knapp) Mary Frances Edson Allan Rogers Harriet Westcott Lawrie (Mrs, William Lawrie) Andrew Westcott Lawrie Mabel Lancaster Harwood (Mrs, Sydney Harwood) George Eliot Richardson EmmaWadleigh Allen (Mrs, diaries F, Allen) Louise Lawrence Fitch (Mrs. Charles E. Fitch) Henry Southworth Shaw Alfred Lyman Darrow Fanny Gay Darrow Arthur Fletclier Whitin Edward Whitin Samuel Appleton Melclier Mary Ann Mixter Mary AVestcott Buck (Mrs. Walter Buck) Fanny Eliza Coe Mary Russell Hodge Ellen Leora Pratt Edith Forrester Pratt Carrie Williams Clapp 1<» Derry, X. H. X'iagara Falls X^'ewton Boston 'incinnati, Ohio Plymouth Maiden Boston Plymouth Boston (xloueester Boston Newton Wellesley Hills Hyde Park Rochester Boston Whitinsville Boston Andover Boston Plymouth Boston Kingston. R. L Wakefield James Biriiey Alden Boston Emma Westcott Bullock Bristol, R. I. (Mrs. Jonatlian B, Bullock) Henry Darrah Sears Lynn Mary Barstow Pope ]5oston George Arthur Harlow, M, D. " Francis Walter Robinson " Louie Rogers Stanwood " Leah Leavitt Nichols Wellington Newtonville (Mrs. Andrew Wellington) Charles Truesdell Cxorhani Marshall, Mich. Rodney Macdonough Boston Arthur Herbei-t Chester Concord Miranda Burgess Chester Boston (Mrs. Charles E. Chester) Mary Augusta Cumings Boston (Mrs. Charles Bradley Cumings) Elmer Hooker Allen Boston Margaret Hopkins Pratt Chelsea (Mrs. Arthur M. Pratt) Sara Elizabeth Engles Chelsea (Mrs. S. Allen Engles) Cora Leslie Turner Chelsea (Mrs. Frederic Alonzo Turner) Mary Adeline Winslow Boston (Mrs. Edward Miller Winslow) Susan Barker Willard Hingham Livingston Warner Cleaveland New Haven, Conn, Amy Wenonah Alden Boston Charles Lathrop Parsons Diuham, N. H. Sarah Anna Prentice Hallett Boston (Mrs. Daniel Bunker Hallett) Clifton Sharp Thompson Denver. Col. Ida Barrett Adams Lowell (]Mrs. Charles E, Adams) Charles Stanley Symonds Utica Harriet Janvrin Huntington Amesbury (Mrs. James R. Huntington) Ella Brooks Hill Maiden (Mrs. Charles Colver Hill) 20 Rev. Thomas White Xickerson, Jr. Boston Mrs. Mary Loring Williams Urbana, Ohio Horace Homer Soule, Jr. Boston Edna Morton Pierce " (Mrs. Eugene Edgett Pierce) Susan Augusta Smith North Pembroke Abby Morton Kyle Plymouth (Mrs. William Seward Kyle) Arthur Emerson Thayer Boston Anna Brewster Carvelle Manchester, X. H (Mrs. Henry De W. Carvelle) Helen Frances Yeaton Boston (Mrs. George Walter Yeaton) Arthur Holmes James Boston Antoinette Clapp " Maria Eldredge Morton Xewtonville (Mrs. Marcus Morton) Emma Thatcher Leonard Xewtonville (Mrs. Charles Webster Leonard) 21 Society of Mayflower Descendants IN THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. OFFICERS. Governor, Charlemagne Towek, Jr., LL.D. Deputy Governor, Fkancis Olcott Allen. Captain, Charles A. Brinley. Treasurer, James Mauran Rhodes. Historian, J. Granville Leach. Secretary, Edavard Clinton Lee, 813 Drexel Building, Philadelphia. Assistants, Edward Clinton Lee, E. Spencer Miller. 22. Members of Pennsylvania Society. Francis Olcott Allen Edward Clinton Lee J. Granville Leach James Mauran Rhodes Frank Willing Leach Charles A. Brinley Charles Harrod Vinton, M. D. Mrs. R. Bruce Ricketts Jean Holberton Ricketts Mrs. Edward H. Coates Mrs. Effingham B. Morris Mrs. Henry H. D. Borup Anne Law Hubbell Mrs. Burr Churchill Miller Mrs. Benjamin Reynolds Charlemagne Tower, Jr. L Mrs. Thomas Alexander Reilly Mrs. William H. McCartney Mrs Alanson Hartpence Chauncie Emily Reynolds Mrs. Alexis T. du Pont James Mauran Rhodes, Jr. Mrs. Edward Y. Hartshorne Mary Aborn Rhodes Mrs. Effingham Perato Mrs. Josiali M. Bacon Rev. Irwin Pounds McCurdy Philadelphia Wilkes-Barre I. ( German town Ardmore Germantown Philadelphia Wilkes-Barre L. D. Philadelphia Wilkes-Barre Philadelphia Scranton Wilmington, Del. Ardmore Merion Ardmore Ardmore Philadelphia D. D. Litt. D., Harmony Grove, Md. Paul Barthalon, M. D. Philadelphia Leonard Eugene Wales, Judge U. S. Couit, Wilmington, Del. Elizabeth Miner Wilkes-Barre 23 Mrs. Nicholas Longwortli Lucretia Christophers Lennig William Henry Castle Mrs. John L. Garner George H. Earle, Jr. Charles William Cushman Mrs. Angelo T. Freedley Mrs. Charles Howard Calket Mrs. Gilbert Reilay E. Spencer Miller Cincinnati, Ohio Philadelphia Pittsburgh Philadelphia Kosemont Wilkes-Barre Philadelphia 24 Society of Mayflower Descendants IN THE State of Connecticut. OFFICERS. Governor, William Waldo Hyde. Deputy Governor, Henry Augustus Moegan. Captain, Captain Royal Bird Bradford. Secretary, Percy Coe Egglp:ston, l^ew London. Treasurer, Laurence Waterman Mixer. Historian, Frances Potter. Assistants, William Molthrop Stark, WoLCOTT Barbour Manwaring, Percy Coe Eggleston, Lucy Palmer Butler, Alice Stanton Turner, Mrs. Betsy Ingham Loomis Whittlesey Mrs. Mary Lydia Bolles Branch. 25 Members of Connecticut Society. Benjamin Stark New London Laurence Waterman Miner '' Frances Potter " Percy Coe Eggleston " William Molthrop Stark '' Mrs. Annie Holt Smith " Elizabeth Charlotte Grace Stark " Genevieve Stark " Mrs, Mary Lydia Bolles Branch " Lucy Palmer Butler "• Mrs. Sarah Louisa ('one Allender " Elizabeth Mussey Browne "■ Mrs. Frances Man waring Miner Graves "• Mrs. Mary E. Comstock Yiets " Henry Peter Renouf Holt '' Alice Stanton Turner " Elisha Turner, 2nd "■ Lucretia Wright Smith " Sarah Elizabeth Robinson '•'■ Mrs. Julia I. Loomis Havemeyer Hartford Henry Richardson Bond, Jr. New London Helen Morgan Avery Groton Capt, Royal Bird Bradford Tompkinsville, N. Y. (U. S. S. Montgomery) Mrs. Lizzie Pomeroy Fuller Litchfield Willimantic Mrs. Ellen Barbour Manwaring New London Wolcott Barbour Manwaring " Mrs. Betsey Ingham Loomis Whittlesey New London Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Thomson Kinney New Haven 26 Thomas Nicoll Browne Lyons, France Mrs. Mary Kliodes Ellis Cincinnati, Ohio Sarah Hinckley Morgan Groton Albert Eben Colfax Xew York City William Lowrey Marsh Washington, J). C. Mrs. Amoret McCall Eobinson Nonvich Town Mrs. Lucy Crocker Eaymond Smith New London Gilbert Smith Kaymond Norwich Mrs. Louise Morgan Zabriskie Aurora, N. Y. Henry Augustus Morgan "■ " William Waldo Hyde Hartford Mrs. Augusta Peck Clark Lyme Mrs. Myra Fitch Jennings New London Mrs. Jylia Kichards Haughton Murray Princeton, N. J. William Williams Butler New York City Mrs. Grace Turner Arms New London James Bowen Johnson Washington, D. C. William Wallace Case '' " Loren P. Waldo ]NEarvin Hartford ]\[inard Townsend Barbour Chicago, 111. Mrs. Jennie Law Hartwell " " William Ernest Bai-bour " " Alonzo Morgan Zabriskie Aurora, N. Y. William Stowell Mills Brooklyn, '' Frederic Haines Curtiss Boston, Mass. Mrs Louise Congdon Kudd New London Mrs. Charlotte Bishop Waller '' Arthur Train Whitman Chicago, 111. Mary Barbour Whitman " " Mrs. Sara Maria Adams Kings Ferry, N. Y. Mrs. Ida St. Clair Jerome Lippitt New London Mrs. Harriet Fisher Greve Cincinnati, Ohio AVilliam Francis Alden Washington, D. C. Mrs. Alice Minard Bodman Chicago, 111. Capt. Colby Mitchell Chester, League Island, Penn. (U. S. S. Richmond) Edward Lowell Kelly Denver, Col. Mrs. Elizabeth Waller Appleby Minneapolis.Miun. Mrs. Jennie Stevens Rose Lincoln, Xeb. John Crocker Foote Belvidere, 111. Hattie L. Alden Washington, D. C. Mrs. Eliza AVliite Osgood Norwich Harriet Foote Belvidere, 111. Mrs. Caroline Pendleton Meech Frink Chicago, 111. Mrs. Annie A. Fellows Cambridgeport, Mass. Mrs. Emma Rogers Babson Friend Oakland, Cal. Frank Eldredge Hyde Lyons, France Orlando Brown, M. D. Washington Frank Thornton Arms " D. C. Caroline Alathea Blodgett Waukegan, 111. Charles Adell Lewis Totten Milford Thomas Sedgwick Steele Hartford Eda Totten Milford Mrs. Frances Deering Jones Cincinnati, Ohio John Frederic Randall Alton, 111. David Crocker Mott Hamilton, N. Y. Eliza Warren Avery Xorwich Robert King Waller New London Fanny Reed Norwich, N. Y. Frederick Augustus Fuller Mt. Yernon, N. Y. Walstein R. Chester Boston, Mass. Rev. James Gibson Johnson Chicago, 111. Abiel W. Nelson, M. D. New London Mrs. Clara Anna Rich Devereux Cincinnati, Ohio Joel F. Vaile Denver, Col. Edith May Noyes Morgan Mystic Richard Huson Hart Denver, Col. Carlos Barry, Jr. New^ London G. Maud Barry " Nathaniel Emmons Robinson Washington, D. C. Theodore Otis Leonard Detroit, Mich. Charles Davies Jones Cincinnati, Ohio Mary Eliza Borrodell Williams New London Mrs. Mary Clarke Gardner " Mrs. INIartha Gardner Reeves " Charles Clarke Gardner " Susan Sherman Gardner " 28 LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 013 996 178 P