Princeton. N. J., June 15, 1910. The Annual Meeting of the Society was held at " The Indian King Tavern in Haddonfield, N. J., on May 21st. at 12:30 P. M. The following officers were elected : Presided, HON. RICHARD FOWLER STEVENS. Newark Vice-President, - - - GEN. ALFRED A. WOODHULL. Princeton Secretary, PROF. WILLIAM LIBBEY. Princeton Corresponding Secretary, ROBERT CHAMBERS BELVILLE. Trenton Treasurer, - - - - NEIL ROBERT MONTGOMERY. Trenton Registrar, FREDERICK HATFIELD CLARK, Trenton Historian, HON. CHARLES W. PARKER. Trenton Chaplain, REV. CHARLES MARTER PERKINS. Vineland Board of Managers: JOHN ALEXANDER CAMPBELL FOSTER C. GRIFFITH COL. THOMAS S. CHAMBERS HORACE FRANKLIN NIXON REV. DANIEL R. FOSTER WILLIAM E. REEVE EPHRAIM T. GILL REV. HAMILTON SCHUYLER JAMES HERVEY STOUT L2oz The Registrar's report on the membership of the Society shows that four- teen new members have been added to the roll of the Society during the past year, as follows : New members admitted : Mr. J. W. R. Besson, Hoboken Mr. J. A. Baird, Beverley Mr. W. Moore, Hopewell Mr. H. G. Taylor, Jr., Camden Mr. R. C. Tayior, Camden Mr. N. W. Foster, Trenton Mr. J. F. Sutton, New York City Mr. F. J. B. Sutton, New York City Mr. C. F. Adams, Trenton Mr. W. A. Newell, Trenton Mr. J. M. Green, Trenton Mr. W. G. Moore, Haddonfleld Mr. H. D. Moore, Haddonfield Mr. G. J. Bergen, Camden One member of the Society has died during the past year, Mr. Richard Coulter Oliphant, and one former member has been reinstated, Mr. D. S. Robeson. The total number of members so far enrolled was .... 242 Deceased 48 Dropped, 35 Leaving the number of active members . . 1 59 2 cJitt rVie Society The Historian has reported the following Memorial : EtrliarJj Oloulter (iltpl|attt Richard Coulter Oliphant died at his home in Trenton, New Jersey, on the fourth day of March, of the present year. He had been a member of this Society since May the tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and had been a faithful attendant at all meetings and showed much interest in its pros- perity and advancement. Descended from distinguished ancestry, he never forgot his obligations as a patriotic citizen of America, nor his duty to the public and to consistent honesty of thought or conduct. Genial, generous, cultivated, intellectual, manly and simple-minded, we shall miss the presence among us which the companionship of eighteen years has taught us to value most highly. He was descended from Benjamin Campbell, Sr., of Pennsylvania, who served in the New Jersey campaign during the Revolution ; also John Oliphant, from Pennsylvania, who served in Hand's Rifle Corps and was present on the skirmish line between Lawrenceville and Princeton, Jan. 2nd, 1 777, and also served with Washington at Morristown. ^*' ^* e^^ The Treasurer reports as follows : RECEIPTS TO MAY 1st, 1910. To Balance on hand May 1st, 1909 $1,237 46 Sale of American Tobacco Co. Stock 1 ,806 39 Dividend on American Tobacco Co. Stock 27 00 Interest on Mortgage 57 00 Sales of Wines, etc., left over from the Meeting of May 1 9th, 1909 12 62 Amount collected from the visiting Patriotic Societies tow^ards the expense of the lunch at the Meeting of February 22nd, 1910 143 50 13 Initiation Fees at $10 1 30 00 Assessments for National Guard Trophy 4 00 Dues and Registration Fees 803 75 Interest on General Fund to January 1 st, 1 9 1 115 Interest on Permanent Fund to January 1st, 1910 ... . 7 58 Total $4,230 95 DISBURSEMENTS. By Bond and Mortgage, (Investment) $2,300 00 Donation to Revolution Society of New^ Jersey 50 00 Donation to Revolution Society of Rocky Hill 25 00 Donation to French Soldiers Monument 75 00 Tablets for Fort Mercer 225 00 Expense of May, 1 909, Meeting 1 49 2 I Expense of Woodbury Meeting 2550 Expense of February Meeting. (This item was shared by the visiting Patriotic Societies as per the item $143.50, leaving a balance of expense to our Society of $220.15) 363 65 4 Dues to the General Society 31 15 Printing, Stationery, Postage and General Expense .... 1 32 32 $3,383 43 Bank Balance, General Fund $681 80 Bank Balance, Permanent Fund 1 65 72 $847 52 Total $4,230 95 *t ASSETS. Book Accounts Receivable $231 50 Bond and Mortgage 2,300 00 Bank Balance, General Fund 681 80 Bank Balance, Permanent Fund 1 65 72 $3,379 02 LIABILITIES-None. (Signed), N. R. MONTGOMERY, Treasurer. May 1st, 1910. Audited May 1 2 th, 1910, and found correct : BAYARD STOCKTON, ROBT. C. BELVILLE, Auditing Committee. 5 On February 22nd, 1910, a Union Meeting of the Patriotic Societies of the State was held in Trenton, N. J. The first portion of the exercises con- sisted of a Religious service held in St. Michael's and conducted by the Rev. T. Bond Holland, Rector of the Church, who delivered the sermon on the occasion. At the close of these services the Societies assembled in the State House where the various Societies were received and their fiags presented to the meeting. The following Societies were represented : Colonial Wars Colonial Dames Sons of the American Revolution Daughters of the American Revolution War of 1812 Daughters of 1812 Washington's Headquarters Association, and Sons of the Revolution The ceremony was concluded with the pledge to the flag repeated by all present. A patriotic address was delivered by Dr. J. M. Green, of Trenton, upon the subject of the Relations of the Society to the large number of Immigrants reaching this Country every year. Luncheon was served to the Societies after the address. At this Meeting a Committee was appointed to urge upon the Committee on appropriations of the State the necessity of securing the publication of all the War Records of the State, emd it is pleeisant to report that an appropriation of $3,500 was secured with which to commence this work. The Society has also taken action endorsing the plan proposed by the State Commission appointed to properly mark the place where Washington crossed the Delaware. WILLIAM LIBBEY, Secretary. lUL 8 19t0 m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 730 765 5 HoUinger pH 8.5 MiU Run F03.2193