Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 \ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1 BULLETIN No. 916 Contribution from the Bareaa of Plant Industry WM. A. TAYLOR, Chief 4\-^^W'(U ji\^?^^§*Lnu Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER June 13, 1921 FREEZING INJURY TO POTATOES WHEN UNDERCOOLED.^ By R. C.^ Wright, Physiologist, and George F. Taylor, Chemical Lahoratoriany Office of Horticultural and Pomological Investigations. CONTENTS. Page. Scope of the investigations 1 Physiology of the freezing process 2 Plan of the work 4 Page. Inoculation of uudeicooled potatoes- 7 Summary 14 Literature cited 15 SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATIONS. Each year the loss to growers, shippers, and carriers of potatoes due to freezing reaches an enormous figure. This is particularly true of the late or main crop produced in the Northern States. This crop is usually in constant danger of exposure to freezing tempera- ture from just before it is harvested until it reaches the consumer. There are two general classes of frost-injured potatoes — ^those frozen solid and subject to collapse immediately on thawing and those that show evidence of injury only on being cut open a few hours after being warmed. The first class of injured potatoes is easily identified by the soft, wet condition that develops on thawing. This type of injury is due to the potato being subjected to freezing at very low temperatures or to prolonged exposure at higher freezing tempera- tures. The second type of injury is not apparent on superficial ex- amination. It is due to exposure to temperatures just below the freezing point or to a very low temperature for a short time. If after the potato has been thawed a few hours it is cut open, evidences of this type of freezing injury are apparent by the presence of vascular discoloration of three types or a combination of any of the three. 1 This bulletin gives the results of a portion of the work carried on under the project " Factors affecting the storage life of vegetables." 11310°— 21 %(l^ mJ/' 2 BULLETIN 916, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FREEZING PROCESS. The frost necrosis of potato tubers is described by Jones, Miller, and Bailey (4)^ as being characterized by three types, viz, ring, net, and blotch. In the ring type only the vascular ring, an area near the surface, is discolored. In the net type threadlike areas radiating from the center are discolored. The third type is marked by irregular blotched areas. Ordinarily no further change takes place after the injured potato thaws, although in the most severe cases the tubers soon begin to break down if kept warm. Frost injury seems to be the result of actual ice formation within the i^otato tissue. Abbe (1) , in his investigations of the effect of freez- ing upon plant tissue, considers that as the tissue cools water exudes from the cells into the intercellular spaces. After sufficient under- cooling this water freezes. The concentrated sap remaining in the cells will not freeze until cooled below the freezing point of water. On thawing, this intercellular water escapes by transpiration and the plant wilts. Goppert (3) and Sachs (6) both observed the presence of ice within the cells and the intercellular spaces of pla-nt tissue. However, Sachs found crystals of ice usually present in the inter- cellular sjDaces. Miiller-Thurgau (5) was one of the first to publish (1880) upon frost injury of potatoes in his investigations upon the freezing point of plant tissue. The phenomena of undercooling were investigated by him to a considerable extent. He showed that plant tissue required undercooling below the true freezing point before actual freezing commences. He also showed that the expressed sap of the potato tuber freezes at a higher temperature than the living tis- sue. The ultimate freezing point of potatoes is placed at 30.21° F. by Miiller-Thurgau and between 28° and 26° F. by Appleman (2). Vaughan and Miller (T) state that " actual freezing does not begin in potatoes until the temperature drops below 28° F." Jones, Miller, and Bailey (4) place the freezing point at 28.4° F. The author of an unsigned article in the Potato Magazine (8) states that exposure at 30° F. for 9 or 10 hours or at 16° F. for 1 hour will develop signs of frost necrosis. In results published by Wright and Harvey (9) the freezing point varied from 29.67° to 28.13° F. according to variety and season. In this investigation the freezing points of 18 different varieties were determined. The freezing points varied in different varieties and according to family groups. The early and medium-early potatoes froze at a higher point than the purely late varieties. The subject of undercooling was discussed. It was stated that potatoes, since their sap consists of salts, sugar, and other soluble material, freeze at a lower temperature than pure water. 2 The serial numbers in parentheses refer to " Literature ci ted " at the end of this bulletin. -■ — •"-"^ — ' " ^ LlSRAI^V'Cf CONGRESS •V^' JUN2lt9^1 DOCUMENTS DIVISION s. Freezing Injury to Potatoes Artificially Produced. The potatoes were undercooled at 25° F. for 24 hours, then inoculated by dropping 6 inches. In one hour after inoculation they were removed to a warm room. One specimen (Irish Cobbler, fig. 1) shows only sUght freezing injury of the ring type. The other specimen (American Giant, fig. 2) shows severe injurj' of the ring and blotch typo. rREEZIN"G INJURY TO POTATOES WHEN UNDERCOOLED. 9 EXPERIMENT NO. 4. Duplicate lots of two potatoes of each A^ariety Avere held at 28° F. for 24 hours, after which all of one lot were dropped 1 foot. After another 24 hours all were remoA^ed. Examination showed no bruis- ing; hoAveA^er, most of the potatoes AAere frozen. The results are shoAA^n in Table IV. Table IY. — Freezinfj injury to potatoes of seven different varieties undercooled at 28° F. and dropped 1 foot. Variety. Dropped. Injured. Uninjured. Triumph 2 Irish Cobbler, 2 Spaulding No. 4 American Giant 2 Rural New Yorker 2 Russet Rural 2 Green Mountain Total 10 Check. Injured. Uninjured. 13 EXPERIMENT NO. 5. A total of 24 potatoes of the Eural Xew Yorker A^ariety were placed at 28° F. After 24 hours 12 were dropped 12 inches. In no case was a potato bruised or eA^en the skin broken. In 4 hours both lots were remoA^ed. Examination showed all of the lot that was dropped to be injured by freezing. None of the check lot Avas injured. EXPERIMENT NO. 6. This experiment was conducted to ascertain, if possible, the mini- mum distance from which an undercooled potato may fall and still succumb to freezing injury. FiA^e lots of 12 potatoes of the Rural New Yorker variety were held at 28° F. for 18 hours. Then lots were dropped 2, 4, and 6 inches, and in one lot each individual was struck with a pencil. After seven hours all were remoA^ed. Examina- tion showed that only the potatoes that were struck with the pencil were injured. EXPERIMENT NO. 7. Lots of three potatoes of each variety were dropped, as in experi- ment No. 6, with the exception that each potato was dropped six times instead of once. The results are shoAvn in Table Y. Practically the same amount of freezing injury was produced in all dropped pota- toes without relation to the length of the fall. The injury produced was of the blotch type. It may be stated here that the potatoes used in this experiment were i^urposely selected and weighed, so as to haA'e both large and small specimens in each lot, thus varying the force of 10 BULLETIN 916, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the blow caused by the fall. There was apparently no relation be- tween the weight of the ]3otato and the freezing injury. In addition to the lots already described in this experiment, an additional lot of two of each variety was treated by striking each potato sharply with a pencil once, with the results shown in Table Y. It is difficult to state why it was necessary to drop the potatoes several times from 2, 4, and 6 inch heights to produce frost injury, while one sharp blow with an ordinar}^ pencil results in serious injury. The possible expla- nation is that the blow from the pencil caused a more violent concus- sion in a smaller area, from which the whole potato was inoculated. Table V. — Freezing injury to potatoes of seven different varieties undereooled at 28° F. and inoculated in different ways. Variety. Dropped 2 inches. Dropped 4 inches. Dropped 6 inches. Struck with pencil. Check. In- jured. Unin- jured. In- jured. Unin- jured. In- jured. Unin- jured. In- jured. Unin- jured. In- jured. Unin- jured. Triumpli 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 Irish Cobbler Spaulding No. 4 American Giant Rural New Yorker. . Russet Rural Green Mountain 3 3 2 3 3 2 Total 19 2 20 1 18 3 11 3 2 19 EXPERIMENT NO. 8. Two lots of one specimen of each variety of potato were held at 28° F. for 24 hours, after which each potato of one lot was repeatedly bounced on the floor for about 10 seconds by dropping it from a height of not over 1 inch. After another 24-hour period all were removed. While none of the bounced specimens showed bruising or mechanical injury, they were all frost injured. The specimens of American Giant and Green Mountain froze solid, with resultant complete collapse on thawing. Of the check lot the Spaulding No. 4 and the Green Moun- tain varieties showed slight freezing injury. EXPERIMENT NO. 9. Lots of three potatoes of each variety were held at 25° F. for 18 hours, after which they were dropped once from distances of 6, 4, and 2 inches. After another hour all were removed. Examination showed that all dropped potatoes were injured, while in the check lot frost injury resulted to only one each of the Irish Cobbler, Ameri- can Giant, Russet Rural, and Green Mountain varieties. Several experiments were conducted to test the rate at which the temperature of a potato will fall when exposed to a temperature be- low its freezing point. Figure 1 illustrates a typical set of results. FREEZmG INJURY TO POTATOES WHEN UNDERCOOLED. 11 A Triumph potato was suspended in a metal container 18 inches long by 4 inches in diameter, which was in turn immersed in a brine tank. Thermoelectric couples were located at the center and near the surface of the potato; also one was suspended in the air 1 inch from the potato. Periodical readings were made from the time the temperature of the potato was near 40° F. The temperature of the atmosphere surrounding the potato gradually fell from 27.2*^ to 25.6° F. The temperature of the potato at the beginning was 40.8° at the surface ^^ /5 JO 4S 60 rs &0 /OS" /£V A3S /50 /65- /60 /9S 2/0 2eS 3^i7 eSS 2/^0 ^SS 30C Fig. 1. — Temperatures at the center and near the surface of a Triumph potato as it undercooled to between 26° and 27° P. At this point it was inoculated by tapping it sharply with a pencil. As the potato froze, the temperature rose. When all the heat was liberated, the temperature of the potato reached 28.7° F. and remained several minutes. The temperature of the air bath to which the potato was exposed is also slaown. Note the accompanying rise in the temperature of the surrounding air as the potato froze and liberated heat. and 39.9° F. at the center. The difference in temperature at the surface and center gradually diminished until at 240 minutes there was a di:fference of only 0.4 of a degree. After this the difference became somewhat greater. In 285 minutes the temperature fell from 40.8° and 39.9° F. at' the surface and center, respectively, to 26.7° and 26.2° F. At this point the potato was tapped sharply with a pencil, and freezing commenced. The temperature at both points began to rise as heat was liberated, due to crystallization of the water. In five minutes the temperature at the center rose to 30.2° F., and at the surface to 29.5° F. In 10 minutes the temperature at both points was practically the «>ame, 28.7° F. This represents the freezing point. 12 BULLETIN 916, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGPJCULTURE. The temperature of the air surrounding the potato at the time freez- ing took place rose from 25.6° to 26.6° F., due to heat liberated by the potato. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED BY DROPPING UNDERCOOLED POTATOES. When undercooled at 28° F. and dropped 4 feet and 2 feet, the potatoes were severely bruised and showed extreme freezing injury of the vascular type. When dropped 1 foot, no bruising resulted, but all varieties froze except the Green Mountain and Spaulding No. 4. The type of injury was a faint blotch. Wlien dropped 6, 4, and 2 inches once, no freezing injur}^ resulted ; but when drop]3ed six times from these heights, severe injury followed. When bounced several times by dropping 1 inch, severe injury followed; in some cases the potatoes were frozen solid. When undercooled at 25° F., dropping once from 6, 4, and 2 inches caused injury. Some further experiments were undertaken to determine what other forms of disturbances will inoculate undercooled potatoes. Duplicate lots of 12 specimens each of the Rural New Yorker variety were placed at 25° and 28° F. for 24 hours. At each temperature one lot was placed in the direct draft from an electric fan, while the other lot was protected from the draft to act as a check. At 25° F. 10 of the 12 potatoes in the draft showed injury; also 3 of the check lot were injured. At 28° F. no injury was found in either lot. A possible explanation for the fact that the potatoes froze when exposed at 25° F. to a strong current of air is that they undercooled much more rapidly than the lot not in the draft. Two lots of six specimens each of Rural New Yorker were held at 28° F. for 24 hours, then wet and removed after another 24 hours. All of the lot that were wet were injured, while three of the lot that were not wet also were injured. In the next experiment two lots consisting of two of each variety were held at 28° F. for 24 hours ; they were then wet and held for another 24 hours. The results ob- tained on examination are shown in Table VI. Table VI. — Fi^eezing injury to potatoes of seven different varieties Jield at 28° F. for 24 hours and then wet ivhile undercooled. Variety. Wet. Check. Injured. Uninjured. Injured. Uninjured. Triumph 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 Irish Cobbler 2 Spaulding No. 4 2 American Giant 2 Rural New Yorker 1 Russet Rural 2 Green Mountain 2 Total 10 4 1 13 a Faint blotch. FREEZmG INJURY TO POTATOES WHEN UNDERCOOLED. 13 The injury to these potatoes was not serious. All affected ones showed only a faint blotching. In the next experiment a mixed lot of 12 potatoes was held at 28° F. for 72 hours while supporting a 100-pound bag of sand. No evidence of injury was apparent. An attempt was made to show that potatoes when undercooled are liable to be injured by ordinary handling. Duplicate half-bushel lots of potatoes representing four varieties, viz, Triumph, Russet Rural, Spaulding No. 4, and American Giant, were put together in four bags and held at 28° F. for 24 hours. Then one lot of two bags was rolled across the floor for a distance of about 30 feet. After 24 hours all were removed. Examination showed the results pre- sented in Table VII. Table YU.— Freezing injury to potatoes of four different varieties held at 28° F. for 24 hours and then rolled 30 feet in a Mg while undercooled. Variety. Triiimph Spaulding No. 4, American Giant Russet Rural.... Rolled. Per cent injured. 10 20 50 Check. Per cent injured. A similar experiment was carried out in which two lots of 12 of each of the seven varieties were placed in two bags and held at 28° F. for 24 hours. One was then rolled about 50 feet. After another period of 24 hours all were removed and held for examination. The results obtained are shown in Table VIII. Table VIII. — Freezing injury to potatoes of seven 28° F. for 24 hours and then rolled 50 feet in a different varieties held at bag while undercooled. Rolled. Check. Variety. Number injured. Number uninjured. Number injured. Niunber uninjured. Triumph 5 12 2 12 8 7 7 12 10 4 5 12 Irish Cobbler 12 Spaulding No. 4 12 American Giant 12 Rural New Yorker 12 Russet Rural 12 Green Mountain 12 Total 46 38 84 A distinct varietal difference is shown here. In neither experiment did the Spaulding No. 4 variety show injury. The American Giant was also less susceptible than the rest of the varieties. The Irish Cobbler, Rural New Yorker, and Russet Rural showed the greatest percentage of injury. In these experiments the potatoes did not receive the amount of jolting or rough handling that they might be LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 000 931 039 3