412 SPECIAL REGULATIONS A EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT IN REGULAR ARMY 1920 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 \)^ 7> 5^ SPECIAL REGULATIONS A. AVAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, May 6, 1920. The following regulations for the examination of candidates for appointment in the Regular Army are published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [062.12, A. G. O.] By okder of the Secretary of War : PEYTON C» MARCH, Oeneral, Chief of Staff. Official : P. C. HARRIS, The Adjutant General. (2) »; ^t ®« OCT '^^- ^*»^'-* TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraphs. Section I. General information 1-3 II. General policy governing appointments 4 III. Examinations: a. Examination reipiired 5 b. Two parts, records and personal examina- ticm 6 c. One examination for eacli candidate 7 d. Examining boards to exercise tlieir best judgment 8 IV. Examination of records 9-12 Y. Personal examination 13-17 yi. Personal examiriing board : a. Composition 18 I. Medical Department boards 19 c. Change of membership 20 (I. Prorediire 21 Vll. Physic al examination 22-25 VIII. Moral examination 26 IX. Educational examination: Part A 27 Part B 28 X. I'l-ol'essional examination: General 29 Technical 30 XI. Recommendations of examining board 31-34 XII. Records of examining board 35 XIII. Boards of review 36-37 XIV. Selecting board 38 XV. Information regarding appointment 39 13451—20 (3) EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINT- MENT IN REGULAR ARMY. Section I. GENERAL INFORMATION. 1. Information as to authorized appointments, conditions of eligi- bility, etc., Avill be published as changes in tliese regulations when legislation has been enacted. 2. These instructions apply only to immediate examinations for ap- pointment under the law. Subsequent regulations will be issued rela- tive to filling vacancies existing or occurring after the general ap- pointments and promotions provided by the law are made. 3. These instructions do not apply to appointment as band leaders, chaplains, officers of the Medical Administrative Corps, and officers of the Philippine Scouts. Other regulations will be issued governing such appointments. Section II. GENERAL POLICY GOVERNING APPOINTMENTS. 4. Appointments are made with a view to a long term of service. The examinations should determine whether or not the candidate has the education, character, and capacity to successfully fulfill the duties of an officer, with gradually increasing rank and responsibility throughout his career. Educational qualifications should be such as to insure satisfactory progress in the various schools of the Army edu- cational system. Section III. EXAMINATIONS. 5. Regardless of such preliminary examinations as may have been held, no appointment will be made without a sufficiently thorough final examination of the candidate and his record to establish his fitness for appointment. ^- 6. The examination will consist of two parts, one to be an exami- nation of War Department records and the other to be a personal examination of the candidate. The two parts of the examination will be conducted independently, the results being considered together. 7. Each candidate authorized to appear for examination will be designated for examination for appointment in a branch of the service selected by him in his application for appointment. When he appears before the examining board, the candidate will be required to state the grade for which he desires to be examined. The candidate will be given but one personal examination, in accordance with the choice ex- 6 pressed by him. lu order to enable examining and selecting boards, if they see fit, to consider an appointment other than that for whicli the candidate is specifically examined, each candidate is permitted in the statement filed by him (Form No. 739-c, A. G. O.), when he ap- pears for examuiation, to state another choice of arm for ^appointment, and to further state the grade or grades below that for which he ap- plies for examination, in which he will consider an appointment if such is tendered him. No second examinations are contemplated, and a statement of such secondary choice in no way confers any rights to such second examination. 8. Examining boards are to exercise their best judgment as to the extent and character of their investigations in conformity with the spirit of instructions issued as to the scope of examinations and with due consideration to the application, age, and experience of the can- didate and the abilty shown by him. Boards are to consider them- selves in the position of making the best possible recommendation to the final selecting board, with a view to securing for the service the maximum number of well-qualified appointees and with a view to pre- venting the appointment of unsuitable candidates. Section IV. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS. 9. The examination of records will be conducted by boards of offi- cers convened by the War Department in Washington. Boards will consist of at least three officers each. There .shall be one or more boards to examine records of candidates for the following services : Cavalry, Field Artillery, Coast Artillery, and Infantry, and such board or boards may be composed of ofiicers of all these sex-vices. There ghall be a number of boards, each of which will be composed so far as practicable of officers of one of the remaining arms, corps, or services to examine records of candidates for sucli arms, corps, or services. For convenience in reference each board will be given a numerical or letter designation, which will be referred to in all reports, correspond- ence, etc. 10. These boards will secure and examine all records on file in the War Department of the candidates whose names are submitted to such boards as authorized candidates for examination. These boards will not consider records or recommendations not a part of the oflficial files of the War Department or some branch or office thereof. 11. Based upon their examination of records the board will recom- mend that the candidate is or is not deemed qualified for appointment. The board will state the arm, corps, or department for which qualified and will recommend the grade for which qualified. The board will state briefly in its report any exceptional facts In the records bearing upon the fitness of the candidate. For each candidate found dis- qualified for appointment the reason will be briefly stated by the board. 12. The report of this board will be recorded on Form No. 739-e, A. G. O. This form and the records mentioned in paragraph 10 above constitute the records of the boards for the examination of records. Section V. PERSONAL EXAMINATION. 13. No candidate will be examined without an authorization from The Adjutant General of the Army to appear for examination. (Form No. 739-b, A. G. O.) 14. When authorized to be examined the candidate will be directed to report by letter to the president of the designated examining board for instructions relative to a time and place for examination. Subject to such instructions as may be issued by the War Department, exam- ining boards will regulate the attendance of candidates in accordance with facilities available. The date examinations are to begin will be announced by the War Department. Examinations will be completed with the least practicable delay and candidates kept before the board the minimum time necessary. 15. Commanding officers of stations at which boards are convened will afford the boards all necessary and proper facilities for the expe- ditious accomplishment of examinations and the accommodation of candidates during examination. 16. There are no (iovermnent funds from wliioh the expenses of candidates can be paid. Each candidate must therefore l»ear all ex- pense Incident to appearing for examination. 17. Candidates in the military service will be granted the neces.sary leave of absence or furlough or will be relieved from ordinary duties for the necessary time to take the examination. Section YI. PERSONAL EXAMINING BOARDS. IS. Boards for the personal examination of candidates will be con- vened pursuant to War Department instructions at various military stations. Each board will consist of not less than three officers of the Regular Army, at least two of whom will be officers of the Medical Corps designated as medical examinei-s. Separate boards for each arm will not be convened for examination of candidates for appoint- ment in the Cavalry. Field Artillery, Coast Artillei-y, and Infantry. Such candidates will be examined Ity boards designated as line boards, the members of which will include officers of all the above arms. Members of boards for examination of candidates for appointment in other arms, corps, or services Avill be, so far as practicable, officers of the arm, corps, or service for which the candidate is being examined. 19. Boards for the examination of candidates for appointment in the Medical Department will consist of not less than three officers of the Medical Coi-ps (two being medical examiners), two officers of the Dental (Jorps, and two officers of the Veterinary Corps. The medical examiners will participate in the complete examination of candidates for appointment in the Medical Corps, and may be excused by the president of the board from participation in other than the physical examination of candidate's for the Dental and Veterinary Corps. The officers of the Dental Corps will participate in the examination of candidates for appointment in that corps only. The officers of the 8 Veterinary Corps will participate in the examination of candidates for that corps only. 20. In the eveat that changes in membership of boards ai-e necessary at any time the president of the board will make prompt request and recommendation to the convening authority. For convenience, boards will be given lettei'ed and numerical designations, which will be re- ferred to in all reports, correspondence, telegrams, etc. 21. Procedure. a. Examining boards will meet at the call of the president of the board. At the first meeting of the board the following oath will be administered by the recorder to the members : " You (naming the members other than himself) do swear (or alhrm) that you will faithfully and impartially discharge your duties as meml)ers of this board in the matter now be- fore you. So help you God." By the president to the recorder: "You (naming him) do swear (or affirm) that you will faithfully and impartially discharge your duties as a member of this boiird in the matter now before you and that you will according to your best ability accurately and impartially i-e- cord the proceedings of this board. So help you God." Thereafter oaths will be administered only in the event of a change of membership. 6. As each candidate appears before the board, the recorder will read tlie orders convening the board and the authorization of the candidate to appear for examination. The right of challenge will be made known to each candidate. The relevancy and the validity of the challenge will be determined by the full board less the challenged member. In the event of a challenge being sustained, the challenged member will withdraw during the examination of the challenging can- didate. Such challenged member wlil not be replaced unless the board is reduced below three members. c. After the organization of the board and the disposal of all chal- lenges the board will inform the candidate of the general scope and character of the examination and of his opportunity to claim exemp- tion from certain parts of the examination, or to make any written statement he desires with reference to his examination or his qualifi- cations for appointment. The candidate will then be required to complete and submit to the board the individual Record of Candidate, Form No. 739-c, A. G. 0.. and sworn statement of commissioned Fed- eral service, Form No. 739-g, A. G. O., after which the examination will proceed in the following order : (1) Physical examination. (2) Moral character and fitness. (3) Educational and professional examinations. d. The examinations haying been concluded, the candidate will be excused from further attendance. The board will arrive at its recom- mendations and will forward the record of its proceedings to The Ad- jutant General of the Army without delay. Proceedings in individual cases will not be held pending completion of other examinations. Section VII, PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. 22. The physical examination will be conducted by the medical examinei's of the board and will be recorded ou Form No. 395, A. G. O. Each candidate will be subjected to a thorough and rigid physical examination. This examination will conform to the standard re- quired of recruits as prescribed in Special Regulations 65, as amended by letters A. G. O., 341.41, March 6, 1919, and 341.41, .January 19, 1920, i-elating to voluntary enlistments, except that unilateral or bilateral c-olor blindness will cause rejection. Care must be taken to differen- tiate color blindness from color ignorance. The physical examination will be made complete in each case, even though a disqualifying defect be discovered, in order to ascertain whether or not any other defect exists. The same physical standards will apply to all candidates re- gardless of the arm, corps, or grade in which appointment is desired, except that candidates for commissions as flying officers of the Air Service will be given the additional physical examination pre- scribed by Special Regulations 65c, 1919, special stress being laid upon 20/20 vision, perfect muscular balance in both eyes, and no color blind- ness. This examination will be recorded on Form No. 609, A. G. O. 23. The physical examination having been completed, the results thereof will be considered by the full board. If the candidate is found clearly physically disqualihed for appointment, his further examina- tion will be dispensed with. However, a disqualification discovered in the exauiination prescribed by Special Regulations 65c will of itself not terminate the examination of the candidate. The cause of rejec- tion will be so clearly established and stated as to be conclusive as to the reasonableness and propriety of the rejection. 24. If the candidate is found physically qualified, or is found to possess minor physical defects not in any way interfering with his future performance of duty, his examination will be proceeded with with the understanding that final action as to waiver of physical de- fect rests with the War Department. Boards so desiring will record on Form No. 739-d, A. G. O., their recommendations relative to waiv- ing an existing defect. In no case will action be taken by the War Department until the complete report of the personal examination has been received from the board. Candidates are not to be accepted subject to the perforuiauce of operations for the removal of physical ■defects. 25. The physical qualifications of the candidate having been deter- mined as prescribed herein, the medical examiners will be excused from further participation in the proceedings of the board, except as otherwise prescribed in Section VI above for boards of the Medical Department. SK( TIOX VIII. MORAL EXAMINATION. 26. The moral character and general fitness of each candidate who has been found physically qualified will then be inquired into. The hoard will give consideration to such letters and testimonials as the candidate may submit estabh'sliing his moral character and fitness for 10 the position of a commissioned officer. In addition tlie board will conduct sucli inquiries by verbal questioning of the candidate and by consideration of any other means locally available as will enable them to foi-m an opinion as to the moral character and fitness of the candi- date. Any candidate who in the opinion of the board is clearly de- ficient in moral character or fitness for the position of a commissioned officer will be rejected and his examination will cease. The cause of rejection will be recorded in sufficient detail to establish the propriety thereof. ..... Section IX. EDUCATIONAL EXAMINATION. 27. The mental or educational examination will be divided into two parts. Part A will consist of oral and written tests in United States history, geography, spelling, grammar and composition, algebra, plane geometry, elementary natural science, and ordinary problems involving the use of logarithms. This test is intended to determine the degree of education posses.sed by the candidate, the candidate's past and present knowledge of these subjects, and his ability to think clearly and to ex- press himself in a clear and logical manner. This part of the exami- nation will be required of all candidates regardless of the arm in which appointment is desired, unless in the opinion of the examining board the candidate's personal history, supported by evidence satis- factory to the board, shows him to be possessed of such educational qualifications as to render any or all parts of this examination unnec- essary in the determination of the candidate's educational qualifica- tions. In lieu of this part of the examination or any portion of it, candidates will be permitted to file with the examining board exemp- tion claims. The board will exercise its dsicretion as to granting such exemptions. Exemptions may in general be granted where there is es- tablished a previous satisfactory study of the subjects in which exemp- tion is claimed or a degree of education equivalent to such as would be established by satisfactory completion of this part of the examination. Exemptions are authorized solely for the purpose of obviating needless examinations and are not to be construed as establishing a low stand- ard for appointment. In view of the wide range of experience of can- didates, it is impracticable to prescribe authorized exemptions. The following are among those considered satisfactory : At least three years' satisfactory attendance at a recognized college or professional school, admission to the bar and the practice of law, or membership in technical societies insuring a high degree of education. In the con- sideration of exemptions under Part A of the examination, the board will give due consideration to the age of the candidate, the elapsed time since completion of schooling, and the character of business or profession successfully engaged in by him. 28. Part B will consist of oral or written tests in special subjects or such evidence of special educational qualifications as may be recom- mended by the chief of each arm or corps for appointment therein. Further instructions covering this part of the examination will be published as changes in these regulations. 11. Skction X. PROFEtSSIONAL EXAMINATION. 29. The professional and practical examination will, unless other- wise prescribed, be in the discretion of the examining board and will be such as to reasonably satisfy the board as to whether or not the candidate possesses the required degree of adaptability for military service. This examination must necessarily be varied, due account being taken of the opportunities of the candidate for the acquirement of professional knowledge and for practical military work, the length and character of his service, the time elapsed since his discharge from the military service, his age, the arm and grade in w'hich appointment is sought, and the advantage the candidate has taken of his oppor- tunities. It is impracticable for the War Department to prescribe any .specific examinations that will meet the widely varying conditions. 30. For the technical arms and services the professional examination will consist of such tests, problems, or practical exercises as may be recommended by the chief of such arm or service to establish the suitability of the candidate for appointment therein. B'urther instruc- tions covering this part of the examination will be published as changes in these regulations. Section XI. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE EXAMINING BOARD. 31. Examining boards will, unless otherwise prescribed, aw^ard such marks in the various subjects as they may desire for their own guid- ance in arriving at a decision. The examination having been com- pleted, the board will arrive at a decision as to whether or not the candidate is phj'sically, morally, mentally, and professionally qualified for appointment. 32. Tlirougliout the examination the l)oard will bear in mind that their recomuu'udations are to cover the following : a. The suitability of the candidate for appointment in the ai'ui and grade for which examined. If not found suitable therefor reasons are to be stated. b. The suitability of the candidate for appointment in an arm other than that f or, ,\yhlcih, examined or in a grade lower than that for which examined, r,., •,.; i-r 33. While no second examinations ai"e contemplated, each examining board may extend the scope of its examinations as it .sees fit to arrive at a recommendation under (6) above. It is understood that such recommendation is not based ui)on a prescribed technical or other examination hut is arrived at from the general examination of the candidate which is basicly the same for all appointments and that .such recouuuendation is solely for the purpo.se of higher authority in considering the selection and assignment to other arms of surplus or not technically qualified candidates for a particular arm or service. 34. The board will record its recommendations on Form No. 739-d, A. G. O. Exceptional qualifications or fitness revealed by the examina- tion and a general estimate of the candidate will be stated by the 12 board in its report. The cause of disqualification of each disqualified candidate will be briefly stated by the board in its report. On this form will be stated any exemptions granted by the board and the basis therefor. Section XII. RECORDS OF EXAMINING BOARD. 35. Examining boards will render a separate report on Form No. 739-d, A. G. O., for each candidate examined. The records of the examining board in each case will be arrangetl in the following order securely bound and will be promptly transmitted to The Adjutant Oeneral of the Army : a. Report and recommendation of examining board, Form No. 739-d, A. G. O. b. Physical examination report, Form No. 395, A. G. O., and Form No. 609, A. G. O, c. Individual record of candidate, Form No. 739-c, A. G. O. d. Commissioned Federal service. Form No. 739-g, A. G. O. e. All letters, recommendations, testimonials, or statements sub- mitted to the board by the candidate. f. Candidate's authorization for examination. Form No. 739-b, A. G. O. g. Written examination papers. Section XIII. BOARDS OF REVIEW. .36. Boards of review will be convened for each of the various arms or services. To these boards there will be referred for their consid- eration all records and recommendations of boards for the examina- tion of records and all records and recommendations of boards con- ducting the personal examination of candidates. From a consideration of this data the board of review will determine whether or not the can- didate shall be recommended for appointment in the branch of the service which the board represents. If appointment in the branch is recommended the board will recommend the grade in which to be ap- pointed. If appointment is not recommended the cause for rejection will be stated. The proceedings of such board will be reviewed by the chief of the arm or branch who, if appointment is recommended, will state the initial assignment to duty desired. 37. The report of this board will be rendered on Form No. 739-f, A. G. O. Section XIV. SELECTING BOARD. 38. There will be convened a selecting board which will determine by an examination of the pertinent data whether or not a candidate shall be selected for appointment, and in the cases of those selected for appointment the arm and grade in which they are to be appointed. The report of the board will state briefly the reason for rejection of 13 auy candidate uot selected. The decision of this board will be recorded on Form No. 739-f, A. G. O., which with all records will be transmitted to The Adjutajit General of the Army to give effect thereto. Section X^^ TNFOIIMATION REGARDING APPOINTMENT. 39. As early as practicable selected appointees and candidates not selected will be notified of the action in their cases. From the time of examination until action is published by The Adjutant General of the Army, no information will be furnished by the War Department concerning the examination or appointment of any candidate. o Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 2J. 1908 »5S>!;- ;}.?'•-.''■