Bryant's Thanatopsis" Spiritualized By Millard R Snider It Clarksburg, West Virginia ^ By ti*ans.f er The ttite House, Thanatopsis ' ' Spiritualized To him who, in the love of his Creator, Holds communion with the Holy Spirit, He Speaks a certain language; for his darkest Hours He hath a gleam that leads him to the Light; for his brighter, a voice of gladness, A smile of beauty and eloquence that Wafts him into spiritual truths, along Paths miraculous; He glides into his Life with a mild and healing sympathy That dispels his doubts ere he is aware. His deepest grief is but the chill water To the glowing steel applied, more usefid him To make in all his work. Thoughts of the last Bitter hour are relieved of their sting. No blight comes o*er the soul, sad images Of agony, shroud and pall, and breathless Darkness, and the narrow house, make him not To shudder and grow sick at heart. But he Goes forth to the open Book, and lists To the Spirit* s teachings, while from within There comes a still small voice: Yet a Jew days. And thou, the all-beholding Son of Righteousness, shall see, in all his glory. Yet, in the affections of thy friends On earth, shall still exist thy image. God, That gave and nourished thy soul, will claim it. To be returned to Him again, nor lost. Nor surrendered up shall each trace of thy Individuality be, but thou shalt Go forever to associate with the Infinities— to be a brother to The Risen Rock, the resurrected clod, and the sainted Swain, that brings the sheaves with him. Gabriel Will send his notes abroad, and luake thy moidd. Yet, not to thy abiding place eternal , Shalt thou ascend alone, nor couldst thou wish Mansion more magnificent. Thou shall stand Up with the patriarchs and prophets of The Israel World, with kings of peace — the Most powerful of the earth— the wise, the Pure, fair forms and hoary seers, of ages Past, all in one mighty Resurrection, The Heavens, gold paved, more ancient than the sun. Vales, stretching from the Throne beyond, beyond, Groves of celestial trees with healing leaves. Rivers of life, that move in majesty. And singing brooks that satisfy; and poured Round all, the ocean of Redeeming Love Are but in part the splendid decorations of Thy final home. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all the infinite host of heaven. Will shine on thy abode through eternity. All that tread the globe are but a handful To the throngs that in heaven's bosom sing. Take seraphic wings of the morning and Pierce as far as thou wouldst go, or content Thyself in continuous rounds, where Rolls no sound hut praises to the Lamb— yet — The living are there. And millions in this Blissful state, since first the stars of creation Sung, have been basking in one great day. The Living reign there alone— So shalt thou live, And what if thou art called before thy Friends, and they at thy departure weep? Duration is not measured there; a million Years as a moment are, and all that Breathe the Holy Spirit will come to share Thy grand Reality. The saints will sing When thou art gone, the humble Church of Christ Move on, and each one as before will love His separate calling; yet all these will Hear the welcome plaudit of the Son, And come and make their home with thee. As the Long train of ages glides away, the sons of Light— the youth in lifers green spring, and he who Goes in the full strength of years, matron and Maid, the sweet-faced babe and gray-haired man — Will, one by one, be gathered to thy side By Him who, in their turn, shall gather all. So live, that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable procession which moves To that celestial realm, where each shall take His role in the radiant City of Life, Thou go not, like the unbeliever, without hope. But, sustained and soothed by the Holy Spirit, ivrap the drapery of the Covenants Abovt thee and glide out into the future, As the mariner, with trusty compass, sails home. Millard F. Snider. Clarksburg, W. Va. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 988 960 9 •