Glass..? f^ (in_ Book-._._G£ PRESENTED BV J6{ J ccne CHLe of 6H)vieLYN \\ >>»j jj" j^ jj. J 5 J J i > ■.*'- * C Cbc ^.XZT>eZT>, and Uetenetb Cale of r^JL. and berkenetb arigbt, 6anielyn Hnd ^e scbuUe here a talking v^ of a dougbty knigbt; C\ ^ Sire loban of Boundys V^ was bis rigbte name, )^ o Re cowde of norture ynougb ^ ::v and mocbil of game* "' Cbre sones tbe knigbt badde tbat witb bis body be wan; Cbe eldest was a mocbe scbrewe and sone be bygan* Ris bretberen loued wel bere fader and of bim were agast, Cbe eldest deserued bis f adres curs and bad it at tbe last. Cbe goode knigbt bis fader lyuede so ?ore, Cbat detb was comen bim to and bandied bim f ul sore« Cbe goode knigbt cared sore sik tber be lay, Row bis cbildren scbolde lyuen after bis day* Re badde ben wyde-wber but non bousbond be was, HI the lend that be badde C Cbe it wae vcYvcy purcbas* Cale of ■payn be wolde it were Gatnelyn dre96ed among bem alle, Cbat ecb of bem badde bis part ae it migbte f alle* Cbo sente be in-to cuntre after wise knigbtes, Co betpe delen bis londes and dressen bem to-rigbtes* T>c sente bem worde by lettres tbey scbulden bye blyue^ Yf tbey wolde spehe witb bim wbil be was on lyue^ CCbo tbe knygbtes berden sih tbat be lay, Dadde tbey no reste notber nigbt ne day, Cil tbey comen to bim tber be lay stille On bis detb-bedde to abyde goddes wille* Cban seyde tbe goode knigbt syk tber be lay, Xordes, X you warne for sotb, witboute nay, ij m for tburgb godde9 wilte detb drawetb me to grounde/ Cber nae non of bem alle tbat berde bim arigbt* Cbat tbey ne badden reutbe of tbat like knigbt^ Hnd eeyde, 'sir, for godded loue ne diemay 50U nougbt; God may do bote of bale tbat 19 now i-wrougbt/ C Cban epak tbe goode knigbt sik tber be lay, ^Boote of bale god may sende I wot it is no nay; But I byseke ^ou, kni^tes for tbe loue of me, 6otb and dressetb my lond among my eones tbre* Hnd for tbe loue of god deletb bem nat amys, Hnd f orgetitb nat 6amelyn my ^onge 9one tbat is. Caketb beed to tbat on as wel as to tbat otber; 8etdc 5e see ony eyr C Cbe helper! bis brother/ Cale of Cfcho lete they the hnight lycu 6amelyii that was nought in hele^ Hnd wenten into counseil bis landes for to dele; for to delen hem alle to oon, that was her thought^ Hnd for 6anielyn was congest be schulde baue nought* HI the lond that ther was they dalten it in two^ Hnd leten 6anielyn the jonge withoute londe go, Hnd ech of hem seyde to other f ul lowde, Ris bretheren might ?eue him lond whan he good cowde* dhan they hadde deled the lond at here wille, Chey comen to the knight ther he lay f ul stille, Hnd tolden him anon bow they hadden wrought; Hnd the knight ther he lay liked it right nought* iv C Cbe Cban eeyde the knigbt Cale of 'by scynt jMartyn, ©amelyn fbr al tbat ?e baue y-doon yit ie tbe lond myn; fbr goddee loue, neybebours etondetb alle stiUe, Hnd I wil dele my lond rigbt after my wille, loban, myn eldeste sone scbal baue plowee f yue^ Cbat was my f adree beritage wbile be was on lyue; Hnd my myddeleste 9one fyue plowes of lond, Cbat I balp for to gete witb my rigbte bond; Hnd al myn otber purcbas of londeo and of ledes, Cbat X byquetbe Gamelyn and alle my good eteedes* Hnd X bysehe 30w, goode men tbat lawe conne of londe, fbr Gamelynes loue tbat my queste etonde/ Cbu9 dalte tbe knigbt bis lond by bie day, Right on bis detb-bcdde ni Hnd X wU into place go to lohe if I may speede/ ^By god!' eayde the frankeleyn ^anon it ecbal be doon; X wil my-9elf be tby man and drawen of tby scboon, Hnd wende tbou into place lesu Cri8t tbe dpeede^ Hnd drede not of tby clotbes nor of tby goode steede/ C Barf oot and vngert 6amelyn in cam, Hlle tbat weren in tbe place beede of bim tbey nam Row be durste auntre bim of bim to doon bie migbt Cbat was so dougbty cbampioun in wrastlyng and in f igbt^ Vp sterte tbe cbampioun rapely anoon, Coward ^onge 6amelyn be bigan to goon, Hnd sayde, 'wbo is tby fader and wbo is tby sire? xvij for 80tbc tbou art a gret fool C, Cbe that tbou come birel' Cale of 6airielyii answcrde 6atiiet>m tbe cbamptoun tbo, Xbou hncwc wel my fader wbil be coutbe go, Hlbilee be was on lyxic by eeint JMartyn! Sir loban of Boundys was bis name and I 6amelyn/ 'felaw/ seyde tbe cbampioun 'also mot I tbryue, X knew wel tby fader wbil be was on lyue; Hnd tbiself , 6amelyn I wil tbat tbou it beere, dbil tbou were a ^ong boy a mocbe scbrewe tbou were/ Cban seyde 6amelyn and swor by Cristes ore, ')Sow I am older woxe tbou scbalt me fynde a more!' 'Be god!' sayde tbe cbampioun 'welcome mote tbou be! Come tbou ones in my bond scbalt tbou neuer tbe/ xviij H Cbc It wae wel witbCnnc the night Cale of and the moone 9cbon, ©amelyn dben Gamelyn and the champioun togider gonne goon, Cbe cbampioun caste tomes to Gamelyn tbat was prest, Hnd Gamelyn stood stille and bad bim doon bis best« Cbanne se>Kle Gamelyn to tbe cbampioun, Xbou art faste aboute to brynge me adoun; J^ow X baue i-proucd many tornes of tbyne, ^ Cbow most/ be seyde, 'prouen on or tuo of myne/ Gamelyn to tbe cbampioun ^ede smertely anon. Of alle tbe tornes tbat be cowtbe be scbewed bim but oon, Hnd kaste bim on tbe lef te syde tbat tbre ribbes tobrafe, Hnd thereto bis oon arm tbat }^f a gret crak. Cbanne seyde Gamelyn smertely anoon, xix 'Scbal it be bolde for a cast Cbe or elles for noon?' Cale of *Sy godi' eeyde the cbampioun Gamelyn ^wbetber tbat it bee, Be tbat cometb ones in tbin band ecbal be neuer tbee!' Cbanne seyde tbe f rankeleyn tbat bad bis sones tbere, 'Blessed be tbou, 6anielyn tbat euer tbou bore were! Zhc f ranheleyn seyde to tbe cbampioun of bim stood bim noon eye, Xbis is yonge Gamelyn tbat taugbte tbe tbis pleye/ Hgein answerd tbe cbampioun tbat lihed notbing wel, 'Re is our altber mayster and bis pley is ri^t f el; Sitb I wrastled first it is i-go f ul ^ore, But I was neuere in my lyf bandeled so sore/ 6amelyn stood in tbe place allone witboute serk, Hnd seyde, 'if tber be eny mo lat bem come to werh; XX C 0^« Cbe cbampion that peyned bim Cale of to werke eo eore^ 6anielyii Xt eemetb by bie cotitinaunce tbat be wil nomore/ 6aiiielyii in tbe place stood as stiUe as stoon^ for to abyde wrastelyng but tbere com noon; Cbere was noon witb Gamelyn wolde wrastle more, fov be bandied tbe cbampioun so wonderly sore* Cwo gentil-men tber were tbat yemede tbe place, Comen to Gamelyn (god jeue bim goode grace!) Hnd sayde to bim, 'do on tbyn bosen and tby scboon, for sotbe at tbis tyme tbis f eire is i-doon/ Hnd tban seyde Gamelyn ^so mot I wel fare, I baue nougbt ?et baluendel sold vp my ware/ Cbo seyde tbe cbampioun 'so brouhe I my sweere, xxj Re 18 a fool that tberof byetb for it 19 many day i-gon eitbtben it was bou^t; for, brotber, tbou bast i-bad by eeynt Ricber, Of f iftene plowes of lond tbie eixtene yer, Hnd of alle tbe beestes tbou bast f ortb bred, Cbat my fader me biquatb on bis detbes bed; Of al tbis sixtene ^eer I ^eue tbe tbe prow, for tbe mete and tbe drynh tbat we bave spended now/ Cbanne seyde tbe false hnyjt (euel mot be tbe!) 'Derhne, brotber 6amelyn wbat I wol jeue tbe; xxvitj €LCbe fbr of my body^ brother Cale of heir getcn bave I noon, Gamelyn I wil mahc tbe myn beir I 9were by eeint toban/ 'par ma foy!' sayde 6amelyn *and if it so be, Hnd tbou tbcnhe as tbou seyst god ?elde it tbc!' JSotbing wiste ©amelyn of bis brotberes gyle; Cberef ore be bim bigyled in a litel wbile, 'Gamelyn/ seyde be 'o tbing X tbe telle; Cbo tbou tbrewe my porter in tbe draw-welle, I swor in tbat wratbtbe and in tbat grete moot, Cbat tbou scbuldest be bounde botbe band and foot; Cberef ore X tbe bisecbe brotber Gamelyn, Lat me nougbt be f orsworen brotber art tbou myn; Lat me bynde tbe now botbe band and feet, xxix for to bolde tnyn auow CCbe ae I the bibeet/ Cale of 'Brotber/ sayde Gamelyn 6aniel>ni 'al-eo mot I tbe! Cbou scbalt not be f orsworen for tbe loue of me/ Cbo made tbey ©amelyn to eitte migbte be nat etonde, Cyl tbey badde bim bounde botbe foot and bonde^ Cbe false knigbt bie brotber of Gamelyn was agaet, Hnd eente af tir f eteres to f eteren bim fast* Ris brotber made leeynges on bim tbere be stood, Hnd tolde bem tbat comen in tbat Gamelyn was wood* Gamelyn stood to a post bounden in tbe balle, Cbo tbat comen in tber lohede on bim alle* euer stood Gamelyn euen vprigbt; But mete ne drynk bad be non neitber day ne nigbt* XXX C Cbe Cban seyde 6ainelyii Cale of * brother, by myn bale, Ganiclyn )Sow I baue aspied tbou art a party f ale; Rad X wist tbat tresoun tbat tbou baddedt y-f ounde, I wolde baue ?eue tbe strokee or X bad be bounde!' Gamelyn stood bounden etiUe ao eny etooti; Cwo dayee and two nigbtes mete bad be noon* Cbantie seyde Gamelyn tbat 9toode y-bounde stronge, ^Hdam epeneer me tbinfetb X f aete to longe; Hdam epenser now X bysecbe tbe, for tbe mocbel loue my fader loued tbe, Yf tbou may come to tbe keyes lese me out of bond, Hnd X will parte witb tbe of my free lond* Cbanne seyde Hdam tbat was tbe spencer, xxxj *X bauc eerued tby brother CCbe tbie eixtene yeer, Cale of If I Uete tbe goon 6amelyn out of bis bour, Re wolde eay afterward X were a traytour/ 'Hdam/ Q^ydc 6ainelyii ^90 X brouke X myn bale! Cbou ecbalt f ynde my brotber atte laete fate; Cberf or, brotber Hdam louse me out of bond, Hnd X wil parte witb tbe of my free lond/ *Vp 9wicb a forward' eeyde Hdam, *\-wye, X wil do thereto al tbat in me is/ 'Hdam,' eeyde Gamelyn 'al-eo mot X tbe, X wol bolde tbe couenant and tbou wil loee me/ Hnon ae Hdames lord to bedde was i-goon, Hdam took tbe heyes, and Icet Gamelyn out anoon; xxxij 4lV!hc Re vnlohked 6aTnelyn Cale of botbe bandee and f eet^ Gatnelyn In bope of auauncetnent tbat be bitn bybeet* Cbatine seyde Gamelyn 'tbanhed be goddes sonde! ]N[ow X am loosed botbe foot and bonde; Rad X now eten and dronken arigbt, Cbere is noon in tbis bous scbuld bynde me tbis nigbt/ Hdam took 6amelyn as stiUe as ony stoon^ Hnd ladde bim in -to spence rapely and anon, Hnd sette bim to soper rigbt in a priue stede. Re bad bim do gladl>> and Gamelyn so dede. Hnon as 6amelyn badde eten wel and f yn, Hnd tbereto y-dronke wel of tbe rede wyn, 'Hdam/ seyde 6amelyn ^wbat is now tby reed? xxxitj Cnber I go to my brother CCbe and girde of bis becd?' Cale of '6amelyii/ Qcydc Hdatn Gamelyn 'it ecbal not be so* X can tecbe tbe a reed tbat is wortb tbe two» X wot wel for sotbe tbat tbis is no nay, Hie scbul baue a mangery rigbt on Soneday; Hbbotes and priours many beer scbal be, Hnd otber men of boly cbircbe as X telle tbe; Cbow scbalt stonde vp by tbe post as tbou were bond-fast, Hnd X scbal leue bem vnlohe awey tbou may bem cast* ^ban tbat tbey bave eten and wasscben bere bondes, Cbou scbalt bisebe bem alle to bryng tbe out of bonds; Hnd if tbey wille borwe tbe tbat were good game, Cben were tbou out of prisoun and X out of blame; xxxtv C Cbe Hud if euerich of bcm CaU of say vnto vq nay^ 6amelyii I scbal do an other I ewere by this day! Cbou scbalt baue a good etaf and X will baue anotber, Hnd Cristes curs baue tbat oon tbat failetb tbat otber!' *^c, for gode'/ sayde 6amelyn ^t say it for me/ If X f ayle on my syde Juel mot I tbc! f we scbul algate assoile bem of bere synne^ QClarne me^ brotber Hdam wban X scbal bygynne/ ^6amelyn/ seyde Hdam ^by seynte Cbarite, X wil warne tbe byf orn wban tbat it scbal be; ^ban X twynke on tbe lobe for to goon^ Hnd cast awey tbe f eteres and com to me anoon/ *Hdam/ seide 6amelyn ^blessed be tby bones! XXXV Cbat is a good counseil Cbe ^euen for the nones; Cale of If they weme me tbanne Gamelyn to brynge me out of bendes^ I wol sette goode strokes rigbt on bere lendes/ C Cbo tbe Sonday was i-come and folk to tbe f este, f^aire tbey were welcomed botbe leste and meste; Hnd euer as tbey atte ballc dore comen in^ Cbey caste tbeir eye on ^onge 6amelyn* Cbe false bnigbt bis brother f ul of trecbery, Hlle tbe gestes tbat tbere were atte mangery, Of Gamelyn bis brotber be tolde bem witb moutbe HI tbe barm and tbe scbame tbat be telle coutbe* Cbo tbey were serued of messes tuo or tbre, Cban seyde 6amelyn ^bow serue }c me? XXXV) C Cbe It ie nou^t wel serued Cale of by god that al made! Gamelyn Cbat I eyttc f aetyng and otber tnen make glade/ Cbe false hnigbt bie brotber tber tbat be stood, Colde alle bie geetes tbat Gamelyn wae wood; Hud Gamelyn stood stille and answerde nougbt, But Hdames wordes be beld in bis tbougbt Cbo 6anielyn gan spehe dolf ully witb-alle Co tbe grete lordes tbat saten in tbe balle: Xordes/ be seyde ^for Cristes passioun, Relpetb brynge 6anielyn out of prisoun/ Cban seyde an abbot sorwe on bis cbeekel 'Re scbal baue Cristes curs and seynte JMaries eehe, Cbat tbe out of prisoun beggetb otber borwe, But euer wortbe bem wel >de 6amelyn *wbil we ben in-feere, Kep tbou wel tbe dore and X wol wercbe beere; 8tere tbe, good Hdam and lat tber noon flee, Hnd we scbul telle largely bow many tber be/ CCbe 'Gamelyn/ seyde Hdam Cale of 'do bein but good; Gamelyti Cbey ben men of boly cbircbe draw of bem no blood, 8aue wel tbe croune and do bem non barmee, But brek botbe ber legges and eitbtben bere armee/ Cbu9 6amelyn and Hdam wrougbte rigbt fast, 3nd pleyden witb tbe monhes and made bem agast* Cbider tbey tbey come rydyng ioUly witb swaynes, Hnd bom a^n tbey were i-lad in cartes and in waynee^ Cbo tbey badden al y-don tban eeyde a gray f rere, 'HUas! 9ire abbot wbat dide we now beere? Cbo tbat we comen bider it wae a cold reed, Vs badde ben better at bome witb water and witb breede/ Cdbil Gamelyn made ordreo of monkes and f rere, Gucr stood bie brother €[Cbe and made foul cbere; Cale of Gamelyn vp witb bie etaf ©atnelyn tbat be wel knew, Hud gerte bim in tbe nehhe tbat be ouertbrew; H litel aboue tbe girdel tbe rigge-bon to-barst; Hnd sette bim in tbe f eteree tber be sat aret* ^8itte tber, brotber^ eayde Gamelyn: ^foY to colen tby blood ae X dide myn/ He switbe ae tbey badde i-wrohen bem on bere f oon, Cbey aeheden watir and wieecben anoon, dbat eome for bere loue and eome for bere awe, Hlle tbe eeruantz eerued bem of tbe beete lawe. Cbe ecberreue wae tbennee but a f yue myle, Hnd al wae y-told bim in a litel wbile, €L Cbe Row 6ainelyii and Hdam CaU of bad doon a sory recSt Gamel^^ Bounden and t-wounded men a^ein the ktnges pees; Cbo bigan sone etrif for to wahe, Hnd tbe scberref was aboute 6anielyn for to tahe^ >me se; 60 agayn to tbe ^ate and dwel witb bem a wbile, Hnd tbou scbalt ee rigbt sone porter, a gyle, Hdam/ sayde 6amelyn Uoohe tbe to goon; Otte bave f oomen atte gate and frendes neuer oon; It ben tbe scbirref es men tbat bider ben i-come, Cbey ben ewore to-gidere tbat we 6cbul be nome/ ^6amelyn/ eeyde Hdam ^bye tbe rigbt blyue, xlv Hnd if I f aile the this day m ^by tbe goode roodc, I am war of gestea god sende vs non but goode; ?onder ben tuo ^onge men wonder wel adigbt, Hnd parauenture tber ben mo wbo 80 lohede arigbt^ Hrisetb vp, ^e ^onge men and f ettetb bem to me; It is good tbat we witen wbat men tbey bee/ Vp tber sterten eeuene fro tbe dyner^ Hnd metten witb 6amelyn and Hdam spenser* QQban tbey were neyb bem tban seyde tbat oon, *?eldetb vp, ^onge men 50ur bowes and ^our f loon/ Cbanne seyde Gamelyn tbat ^ong was of elde, ^)VIocbe sorwe mot be baue tbat to 50U bem yelde ! I CLCbe I curse non other Cale of but right iny-selue; Gamelyn Chey ^e f ette to ^owe fyue thanne ?e be twelue!^ Cho they herde by hie worde that might was in his arm, Cher was non of hem alle that wolde do him harm, But sayde vnto Gamelyn myldely and stiUe, Xom afore our maister and sey to him thy wille/ 'Y^^nge men,' sayde Gamelyn ^by 50ur lewte, •mhat man is ?our maister that }c with be?' HUe they answerde withoute lesyng, ^Oure maister is i-crouned of outlawes kyng/ ^Hdam/ seyde Gamelyn *gowe in Cristes name; Re may neyther mete nor drynk werne vs, for schame. If that he be hende and come of gentil blood, If Re wol ^eue V9 mete and dvyvk C, Cbe and doon V9 eom good/ Cale of *Sy eevnt lame!' seyde Hdam Gamelyn *wbat narm that I gete, I wil auntre to the dore that X badde mete/ Gamelyn and Hdam tvente f ortbe in-f eere, Hnd tbey grette tbe maieter tbat tbey f ounde tbere^ Cban seide tbe maister hyng of outlawed^ 'Cdbat seebe ?e, ^onge men vnder woode-scbawes?' Gamelyn answerde tbe kyng witb bie croune, ^Re moste needee walhe in woode tbat may not walhe in towne* Sire, we walhe not beer noon barm for to do, But if we meete witb a deer to 6cbeete tberto, Hs men tbat ben bungry and mow no mete f ynde, Hnd ben barde bystad vnder woode-lynde*' C Cbc Of 6amelyiie8 wordes Cale of the maister badde routbe^ G^mclyn Hnd scyde, ^^e scbal baue ynougb baue god my troutbel^ Re bad bem eitte tber adoun for to tahe reste; Hnd bad bem ete and drynke and tbat of tbe beste* Hs tbey sete and eeten and dronke wel and f yn> Cban 9eyde tbat oon to tbat otber ^tbis 19 Gamelyn/ Cbo was tbe maister outlawe in-to counseil nome> Hnd told bow it was 6amelyn tbat tbider was i-come* Hnon as be berde bow it was bif alle. Re made bim maister vnder bim ouer bem alle^ ditbin tbe tbridde wyke bim com tydyng, Co tbe maister outlawe tbat tbo was ber kyng, Cbat be scbutde come bom bis pees was i-mad; m Hud of that goode tydyng C, Cbe be was tbo f ul glad* Cale of Cbo ecydc be to bis ^onge men Gstmdyn 80tb for to telle, *)Me ben comen tydynges t may no lenger dwelle/ Cbo was 6amel>m anon witboute taryyng, ]VIaad maister outlawe and crouned bere kyng« €L Cbo was 6amelyn crouned hyng of outlawes, Hnd walked a wbile vnder woode-scbawes* Cbe false knigbt bis brotber was scberreue and sire, Hnd leet bis brotber endite for bate and for ire* Cbo were bis bonde-men sory and notbing glad, ^ben Gamelyn ber lorde wolues-beed was cryed and maad; Hnd sente out of bis men wber tbey migbt bim f ynde, for to sefee Gamelyn vnder woode-lynde, Uv nid was went^ ©amelyti Hud al bie good reued and alle bis men scbent* C Cdban tbey bad bim f ounde on knees tbey bem sette^ Hnd a-doun witb bere bood and bere lord grette; ^8ire, wratbtbe ?ou nougbt for tbe goode roode, for we baue brougbt ?ou tydynges but tbey be nat goode* f4ow is tby brotber scberreue and batb tbe baillye, Hnd be batb endited tbe and wolues-beed dotb tbe crie/ C'HUas!' seyde 6amelyn tbat euer I was so slab Cbat X ne badde broke bis nekke tbo X bis rigge brak! Gotbt gretetb bem wel myn bousbondes and wyf , I wol ben atte nexte scbire baue god my lyf!^ ©amelyn came wel redy to tbe nexte scbire, Hnd tber was bis brother UZhc botbe lord and sire^ Calc of ©amclyii com boldelycb ©amelyn in-to the nioot-baUe, Hnd put a-doun bis bood amongc tbe lordes alle; ^6od saue you alle, lordynged tbat now bere be! But broke-bak scberreue euel mot tbou tbe! dby baet tbou do me tbat ecbame and vilonye, for to late endite me and wolues-beed me crye?' Cbo tbougbte tbe false knigbt for to ben awreke^ Hnd leete take Gamelyn moste be no more speke; JMigbt tber be no more grace but Gamelyn atte laste das cast in-to prisoun and f etered f ul f aste* C Gamelyn batb a brotber tbat bigbte sir Ote, Hs good a knigbt and bende as migbte gon on f oote. CCbe Hnon there ^ede a tnedsager Cale of to that goode knigbt, Gametyn Hnd tolde bim altogidere bow 6aiiielyn was digbt* Hnon as sire Ote berde bow 6anielyn was a-digbt^ Re was wonder sory was be no-tbing Ugbt, Hnd leet sadte a steede and tbe way be nam^ Hnd to bis tweyne bretberen anon-rigbt be cam* ^Sire^ seyde sire Ote to tbe scberreue tbo, ^de ben but tbre bretberen scbul we neuer be mo; Hnd tbou bast y-prisoned tbe beste of us alle; Swicb anotber brotber yml mot bim bifalle!' 'Sire Ote/ seide tbe false fenigbt Uat be tbi curs; By god, for tby wordes be scbal fare tbe wurs; Co tbe hynges prisoun anon be is y-nome, Ivtj Hnd tber be ecbal abyde C. Cbe til tbe lustice come/ Cale of ^parde!' seyde sir Ote Gatnelj^n ^better it scbal be; X bidde bim to maynpris tbat tbow graunte bim me Cil tbe nexte sitting of delyueraunce, Hnd tbanne lat Gamelyn stande to bis cbaunce/ ^Brotber, in swicb a forward I take bim to tbe; Hnd by tbi fader soule tbat tbe bygat and me. But if be be redy wban tbe lustice sitte, Cbou scbalt bere tbe luggement for al tbi grete witte/ *X graunte wel/ seide sir Ote ^tbat it so be^ Let delyuer bim anon and tak bim to me/ Cbo was 6amelyn detyuered to sire Ote bis brotber; Hnd tbat nigbt dwellede tbat on with tbat otben ivtij C Cbe On the mom eeyde Gatnclyti Cale of to sire Ote the betide^ Gamelyn 'Brother/ be seide, 'I moot for sotbe from tbe wende, Co loke bow my ^onge men leden bere lyf , dbetber tbey lyuen in ioie or elles in etryf / 'Be god!^ eeyde eire Ote 'tbat is a cold reed, ^^ow X eee tbat al tbe cark ecbal fallen on m>m beed; for wben tbe Xudtice eitte and tbou be nougbt y-f ounde, I scbal anon be take and in tby etede i-bounde/ 'Brotber/ sayde Gamely n 'diemaye tbe nougbt, for by seint lame in 6ales tbat many man batb eougbt, Xf tbat god almigbty bolde my lyf and witte> I wil be tber redy wban tbe lustice eitte/ Cban eeide eir Ote to Gamelyn 'god scbilde tbe fro scbame; Hx Com wban tbou eeest tytne m and to bis f elawes alle^ ^Sir Ote stant i-fetered in tbe moot-balle/ ^?onge men/ seide Gamelyn ^tbis }c beeren alle; Sire Ote stant i-fetered in tbe moot-balle/ If god f\f vs grace wel for to doOt Re scbal it abegge tbat brougbte it tberetoo/ Cbanne seyde Hdam tbat lohhes badde bore, Xristes curs mote be baue tbat bim bond so sore! Hnd tbou wilt, Gamelyn do after my reed, Ixtij Cber is noon in the balU C Cbe scbal bere awey bis beed/ Cale of 'Hdam/ seyde Gametyn Gamelyn ^we wiln nougbt don so^ de wil sUe tbe giltyf and lat tbe otber go* X wil into tbe balle and witb tbe Xustice spehe; On bem tbat ben gultyf I will ben awrehe« Lat non shape at tbe dore tahe, jonge men, jeme; for X wil be Xustice tbis day domes for to deme. God spede me tbis day at my newe werh! Hdam, com on witb me for tbou scbalt be my clerk/ Ris men answereden bim and bade bim doon bis best, *Hnd if tbou to vs baue neede tbou scbalt f ynde vq prest; de wiln stande witb tbe wbil tbat we may dure, Hnd but we werhe manly pay vs non bure/ Mv HXlhc *Y^^S^ men/ ecydc 6amelyn Cale of 'eo mot I wel the! Gamclyn Hs trusty a maister ^e 9cbal fynde of me/ Right there as the Xudtice eat in the halle^ In wente Gamelyn amongee hem alle* ni, 'Lord, I crie tbe mercy brotber art tbou myn/ Xberfore/ eeyde Gamelyn 'baue tbou Cristes cure, for and tbou were maister 5it I ecbulde baue wore*' for to make ebort tale and nou^t to tarie longe, Re ordeyned bim a quest of bis men so stronge; Cbe iustice and tbe scberreue botb bonged bye, Co weyuen witb tbe ropes and witb tbe wynde drye; Hnd tbe twelue sisours (sorwe baue tbat rehkel) HUe tbey were banged f aste by tbe nekhe* Cbus ended tbe false hnigbt witb bis treccberie, Cbat euer bad i-lad bis lyf in f alsnes and f olye* ixviij C Cbe Re was banged by tbe nekhe Cale of and noujt by tbe purs, ©amelyn Cbat was tbe meede tbat be badde for bis f adres curs* m a wyf botbe good and f eyr; Cbey lyueden to-gidere wbil tbat Crist wolde^ Hnd sitben was 6anielyn grauen vnder niolde« Hnd 80 scbal we alte may tber no man fie: 6od bringe vq to tbe loye tbat euer scbal be! CCbe Cale of Gamelyn C Here endetb tbe Cale of 6amelyn now newly done into type from tbe text edited by tbe Reverend Cdalter QCl«Skeat and imprinted by me Clarke Conwell at tbe eL8CO)S press in pelbam Road^ New Rocbelle, JSew York and to be sold by me tbereat* Cwo bundred copies printed in tbis montb of ^Jovember )VIDCCCCL FEB 13 1902 FEB. t8 1902 J-- Deacidilied using the Bookkeeper proces: Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Feb. 2009 PreservationTechnologie A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATU ** 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 609 208 8