THE LOSS OF THE AUSTRALIA: A NARRATIVE OF THE LOSS OF THE BRIG AUSTRALIA, BY FIRE, ON HER VOYAGE FROM LEITH TO SYDNEY. WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE SUFFERINGS, RELIGIOUS EXERCISES, AND FINAL RESCUE OF THE CREW AND PASSENGERS. EDITED BY THE REV. JAMES R. M'GAVIN, NEW YORK: ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, 285 BROADWAY. 1853. ^97 M3Z tfbrtY NOV 2 2 196; I CONTENTS Page PREFACE, - - - - - - ' - -5 LIST OP THE CREW AND PASSENGERS, - 7 CHAPTER I. THE VOYAGE AND CATASTROPHE, - - - - 9 CHAPTER II. THE SUFFERINGS IN THE BOATS, - - - - 28 CHAPTER III. THE FORLORN LANDING, 47 CHAPTER IV. THE MELANCHOLY MARCH THROUGH THE WILDER- NESS, 60 CHAPTER V. • THE RESCUK, ------ 78 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress PREFACE BY THE EDITOR. The short and simple narrative which is introduced to public notice in the following pages, is a plain statement of facts ; and is submitted with unaffected diffidence, as an humble memorial of "the loving kindness of the Lord, and his great goodness, 7 ' in a season of extremity. The only preface which can be necessary in a publication so inconsiderable, is to certify its authenticity, by avow- ing the name and affixing the responsibility of the author. The following simple history of the narrative will, it is presumed, be sufficient to remove all scruples as to its truthfulness and reality. In the summer of 1844, Cap- tain Adam Yule, of Dundee, committed into my hands a large manuscript, containing the substance of the follow- ing pages, with a request that I would use my utmost freedom with the materials, and give them to the world in any form that was most agreeable to myself. I learn- ed that he had drawn up his account at the Cape of Good Hope, immediately after the occurrences detailed had happened, and that he had consigned it on his return to this country, into the hands of a venerable friend, who had retained it for two years, without finding the leisure necessary to correct and prepare it for publication. In the execution of the trust reposed in me, I considered it proper to reconstruct the narrative out of the materials 1* VI PREFACE. with which I was furnished ; retaining, at the same time, every important incident in its place, and in no case sup- pressing the utterance of the devout experience of the writer. For the fidelity with which I have adhered to the original facts, I hold myself responsible alike to Cap- tain Yule and to the Christian public ; and I am happy to acknowledge that I have received, both from himself and from several of his fellow-survivors in that disastrous voyage, the most pleasing assurances of the truthfulness of the statements. It is necessary that, in such circum- stances, I should exonerate Captain Yule from all res- ponsibility as to the manner in which these facts are now submitted to the public, — as I must be content, undivi- dedly, to bear whatever censure criticism may conde- scend to offer on the literature of this publication. The Editor dismisses his humble labours with satisfac- tion, that he has been permitted to aid in rearing this simple tribute on behalf of a class of men who must always hold a warm place in his interest and affections ; and whose perilous sacrifices of personal comfort and of religious opportunities, in their calling, entitle them to the cordial sympathy of all Christians. He accompanies the brief narrative with his prayers, that it may be the instrument of spiritual benefit to many souls, and may fulfil the only design in its publication, in promoting piety among sailors, and confirming the promise of God, " that He' is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth." JAMES R. M'GAVIN. Dundee, December. 1845. 9 LTST OF THE CREW AND PASSENGERS. Adam Yule, master ; Alexander Wallace, mate ; John Yule, second mate: William Yule, carpenter; George Young, stewai'd ; Thomas Bisset, cook ; George David- son, Thomas Souter, William Hay, John Allan, seamen ; Benjamin Aitken, Alexander Matthew, and James Hill, apprentices. CABIN PASSENGERS. Mr. Thomas Hams, London. Mr. , surgeon. Miss Margaret Brown, Fife. Miss Ann Sim, Edinburgh. Miss Ann Kniffht, Turrif. STEERAGE PASSENGERS. John Henderson, miller. Robert Elphinston. James Elphinston. •lames M'Lauchlan, farmer. George Peat. John Chisholm, George Chisholm, Jean Chisholm, )■ An orphan family. Agnes Chisholm, Margery Chisholm, LOSS OF THE AUSTRALIA. CHAPTER I. THE VOYAGE AND CATASTROPHE. " They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these men see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep." The life of a sailor, beyond the lot of most other men, discloses to a reflecting mind an impressive series of divine mercies and judg- ments. In a calling so singularly chequered by varying scenes and changing incidents, life is spent amidst remarkable adventures and romantic deliverances, so as to invest its course with an unusual interest, and to crowd its experience with the most solemn and memorable instructions of Heaven. The individual by whom the materials of the following narrative were contributed, is 10 THE VOYAGE himself a sailor ; and has borne a prominent part in the painful scenes which are here depicted. His life has been prolonged by divine mercy through almost every scene of sea-faring experience, and it has been pre- served by scarcely less ihan miracle, amidst perils to which not many sailors have been exposed. The following story, in all its facts and experience, is properly his own ; and, therefore, throughout he is preserved as the speaker. Only in the matter of construction and expression, another party must be held responsible, into whose hands the full mate- rials were committed to give them form. It was the devout desire of the original party not to forget Jehovah's benefits ; having, like the Psalmist (Psalm lxvi. 12,) "gone through fire and through water," he felt solicitous to say with the same holy minstrel, (verse 16,) " Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what he hath done for my soul." In the autumn of 1840, I accepted the command of the Australia, of Dundee, bound AND CATASTROPHE. 11 for Sydney, New South Wales. On the 2d October, our vessel set sail from Leith, having on board a general cargo of merchandize. Our ship's company consisted of twenty-eight persons, being thirteen of a crew, and fifteen passengers. My heart was buoyant with hope arid pleasing anticipations as I bade my family farewell, and weighed anchor for my destination. Everything gave promise of a propitious voyage. Our vessel was new and well found in every necessary, the crew were able, and well selected, and the passengers were agreeable, all being full of hope and fearless of evil. Indeed, if we could have an- ticipated results, my company were most unlikely and ill selected for enduring the hardships that awaited us ; three of the crew being but apprentice lads, and of the passen- gers, five being females, besides two boys and a girl of very tender years. But who has not seen, that while the helpless are sometimes the first to be visited by the storm, they fre- quently are found, also, to survive its fury; when the strong, who were the most likely to 12 THE VOYAGE brave its blast, are borne down and destroyed before it? "I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong — for man also knoweth not his time : as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, so are the sons of men snared, when it falleth suddenly upon them." The commencement of our voyage was sufficiently prosperous. We rounded Cape Wrath by an easy progress, and were in the latitude of Madeira in seven days from Cape Clear. Nothing remarkable occurred till after our departure from Rio de Janeiro, where we touched for a few days in the beginning of December. We were then baffled with boisterous weather and contrary winds, till the 27th of that month, when the wind became fair, and the weather improved. On the evening of the 29th, December, we had all sails set, with a strong fair wind, and a heavy sea. At this time, by recent observations, I found that we must have been in latitude 35° 51' south, and longitude 8° 8' east of Greenwich, or, in round numbers, about 600 AND CATASTROPHE. 13 miles from the nearest land, which was the Cape of Good Hope. Our passengers had as usual walked the deck after tea, until about eight o'clock, when, feeling it cold, they had gone below. In less than half an hour, I followed them to the after-cabin, having given the chief mate his orders for the night. We were all in excellent spirits, and speculat- ing how soon, and how safely we should reach our destination with so good a wind. Alas ! how little did we know the horrors that awaited us : destruction even then had begun its frightful work, and was silently, but too surely consuming our solitary and sea-girded habitation. Soon after entering the cabin, I was affected with a sense of something burning ; supposing that the ladies might have set something in their bed-rooms on fire, I ran forward in the dark to their cabins, but found everything safe. The sense of burning, however, became more strong and decided. I therefore snatched a light, and found, to my dismay, that smoke was issuing from the fore bulk-head on the 2 14 THE VOYAGE starboard side of the mainmast. It was but the work of an instant to clear away the goods with which that untenanted berth had been filled, if possible to reach the seat of the fire. My brother William, and four or five seamen withstood resolutely the suffocating smoke that surrounded them in this labour, while others stood arranged and ready with buckets full of water, to dash upon the first appearance of fire. But what was our horror to find, on emptying the berth, that the evil lay deeper, and was every moment on the in- crease ; in short, that the ship's hold was on fire ! This was too soon apparent, for, on re- moving a plank from the bulk-head, we saw the whole interior of the vessel like the womb of a volcano, and the entire cargo of coals and combustible goods in a blaze. It was impossible, from the superincumbent and in- tervening goods, to pour in water in sufficient qnantity to extinguish so extensive a confla- gration ; this I perceived at first glance, and therefore at once drove in the board to con- fine the flames, feeling, in the agony of des- AND CATASTROPHE. 15 pair, that the ship was irrecoverably to be consumed. It was an awful moment to every one of us. To die on so sudden summoning, and to be summoned to such a death, were suffi- cient to appal the stoutest heart. What were we to do ? — beneath us was a burning bier, and all beyond was a black and angry abyss. We could not abide where we were, and to go forth scarcely promised a better fate, for' no little boat could live long in such a sea. I saw in the countenances of the haggard beings around me, that they were fully alive to either fate. Some, frantic with terror, sent forth cries, which found no echo from our shoreless and surrounding solitude ; others clung around me, tormenting me with ques- tions which I could not answer; while the remainder stood silent and trembling, as if the presence of death had smitten them dumb. It was easy to discern their emotions in their demeanour— but why should I dilate on others' feelings, when I can but faintly recall my own ? I have a confused recollec- 16 THE VOYAGE tion of a tumultuous throng of momentous interests rushing upon me with an over- powering rapidity, and of a certain effort of self-possession seeking to stem, while it re- ceived the tide. Visions of danger — of self- protection — of death, mingled with thoughts of duty — of home — of a probably widowed wife and fatherless family — all flashed wildly through my brain. I felt that I stood in im- mediate contact with death, and the solemni- ties of a judgment to come rose in array before me. It is not for me to reveal the secrecies of such a situation ; but I can only say as one who has been "in deaths oft," and with all the solemnities of that hour before me, that I know but one confidence that has proved unfailing and infallible in such a crisis, and that is, a personal interest in the Lord Jesus Christ, and an implicit reliance on his perfect ivork. As I looked around upon the shivering group that had enclosed me, I became filled with one solemn conviction, — it was my official responsibility; and I was fired with AND CATASTROPHE. 17 one desperate effort — the effort of rescue, Without a moment's delay, therefore, the plan of arrangements was fixed, and the orders were given. The mate was instructed to ease sail, and heave the ship to, in order to draw the fire forward, and clear the after- part of the ship from smoke, so as to allow us to labour with efficiency. A hole was then cut in the deck, above the strongest seat of the fire, and an uninterrupted stream of water poured down through the opening; but the rapid increase of smoke and flame soon con- vinced us that all idea of subduing the fire, and saving the ship, was impracticable. We then covered the deck with the loose sails, to smother, as far as possible, the smoke and flame ; for by this time the deck-plank was blistering beneath our feet, and it was im- possible to breathe amidships. Our next efforts were directed to launching the long- boat, whichj as usual, was secured on deck. This proved to be a work of great difficulty, and occasioned considerable delay, not un- mixed with danger. The boat had been 2* 18 THE VOYAGE converted into a stall for two live bulls, and in attempting to get them over the side, one of them, in the confusion, unfortunately got out of the slings, and ran frantic along the deck. This accident, as may be supposed, greatly increased the general consternation, and much invaluable time was lost ere the ferocious animal could be secured and des- patched ; so that when the tackles were hooked on to the boat, it was impossible to breathe in that part of the ship. The men could only take a hasty pull and then rush aft to breathe ; and it was only after repeated efforts, and great perseverance, that we got the bow of the long-boat sufficiently high for launching. We then manned the after-tackle, but, unfortunately, it unhooked aloft, and it required enormous exertions to get it repla- ced ; however, by fastening some guys round the rigging, and through the blessing of God on our efforts, we at length got the boat launched, and two good hands into her. To pass her aft, and preserve her from swamp- ing, were matters of great labour ; for the AND CATASTROPHE. 19 roll of the sea was so heavy, and the smoke was so dense over the lee-side, that we could not see what we were doing. While these things were going on, I had ordered the steward to prepare some bread, and small stores, to put into the boat ; and I now went down to see what progress he had made for our supply, leaving the mate on deck to roll some water casks aft, and after slinging them well, to drop them over the quarter to the long-boat. Every moment, by this time, was invaluable ; for the flames had now made their appearance up the fore-hatch, and very soon caught the rigging and sails. 1 can never sufficiently commend the energy of the mate, and the steadiness and good behaviour of the men during these exertions. There was no swearing, no inclination to fly to spirits ; every man was obedient to orders, and anxious to do his* utmost. Even the passengers revealed the same excellent spirit ; I heard no screams from the females, and even the children ceased to cry. All seemed to feel that every effort was making for their 20 THE VOYAGE safety, and they silently acquiesced in the arrangements. Our preparations were soon made. Two small bags of bread, two hams, two cheeses, two or three canisters of preserved meat, and a few bottles of wine, with a sextant, some charts, an almanac, my Bible and Psalm- Book, and some flannel shirts and blankets, 4 MARCH THROUGH done for his comfort which our circumstances would permit, but the poor lad was beyond the reach of relief. He lingered in painful unconsciousness till the following morning, when he died. The body ol John Chisholm was also brought on shore in the skiff, and covered with the Union Jack, until we had leisure to dig a grave. The two youths were respectfully buried on the successive after- noons, divine service being performed at their interment. They lie side by side on that de- sert shore where they met their fate, and their pilgrimage ceased, — where no footstep of friendship shall ever trace the unknown ?cene of their last repose, and only the mur- murs of ocean disturb its solitary stillness. After evening service had been conducted in the tent, we kindled a fire to preserve us from any attacks of wild beasts, and com- mitted ourselves to rest. I enjoyed a few hours of sweet sleep that evening, for the first time after my long watching, and awoke con- siderably refreshed and invigorated. By four o'clock in the morning our whole party were THE WILDERNESS. 65 astir, and went off in detachments at da} T - light, to seaich for water ; but after wander- ing for two hours, in survey of all the sur- rounding coast, they returned, as we feared, dispirited and unsuccessful. A vegetable was found in great abundance which was full of sap, but on tasting it we discovered that it was saturated w T ith salt, and unfit for use. The only supply which the region afforded was shell-fish, which for the same reason. with our scanty allowance of water, could only be sparingly used. The situation of our tent in the low grounds was now found to be insufferable on account of the intense heat, so that I proposed to shift it to the rising ground behind, in order to obtain a freer cir- culation of air. But our people were so fee- ble as to be unfit for the exertion, and it was only after great labour, and by bribing them with a tea-spoonful of wine, that this mea- sure of relief was accomplished. The ladies meanwhile were employed, in preparations for our journey of the following day, by making canvass bags to hold our provisions : 6* 66 MARCH THROUGH and the precious remainder of water was emptied from the cask into bottles and jars, so as to be easy of carriage on the road. T could only get an overhead observation for the latitude at noon, in consequence of the sun being over the land. My calculation agreed with my previous conjecture, that we were north of the Oliphant (or Elephant's) River, about eleven miles; but as Node's Epitome, which was my only book of refer- once snatched from the burning ship, gave me no example for working such an altitude, I could not certify the accuracy of the reck- oning. However, my repeated trials con- vinced me that I could not be more than a mile or two from the truth, and we deter- mined, therefore, to start in that direction on the morrow, in the hope of finding some set- tlement on the river's banks. Our preparations for departure being com- pleted, we lay down to sleep, under the same precautions as on the previous night, and were aroused at four o'clock to pursue our journey. Previous to starting, I distributed THE WILDERNESS. 67 among the ladies and cabin passengers, so far as they would go, seven of my white shirts to serve as change of linen, they having been discovered in the boat on our landing. We had at this time six days' allowance of water, at the rate of three bottles a day to our twenty-six persons, or scarcely three table-spoonfuls to each, which, in our already fevered and maddening thirst, and under a broiling tropical sun, was not nearly sufficient to sustain life. A small surplus, however, was found in the water-cask after all our bottles were filled, which was distributed among the company, and served to refresh us at departure. We broke some oars for carry- ing-poles, and distributed the stores among the responsible persons in the company, with strict injunctions that they should restrict themselves to the general allowance, as any breach of fidelity might sacrifice the lives of the whole party. After the celebration of divine worship, in which we committed our way to God, we set out on our melancholy journey. Our road lay before us through " a 68 MARCH THROUGH waste howling wilderness," and we "went out, not knowing whither we went ;" but our trust was in that God, "who had found Israel in a desert land, and kept him as the apple of his eye," and we hoped that he would lead us also forth "by a right way, that we might q-o to a place of habitation." Our company presented a most wretched appearance in the march, and we soon proved ourselves to be indeed miserable travellers. Our limbs had swelled to an inordinate size in consequence of our confinement and ex- posure in the boats, and they were so stiffen- ed with inactivity as only to be dragged along with difficulty. The ground over which we toiled our way was unfavourable for progress in our faint condition, being, for the most part, loose and sandy, and occasion- ally tangled with small shrubs : and as we went our way. struggling, and staggering beneath our light loads, we bore a striking resemblance to the last remnant of a famished garrison, or the latest fugitive survivors of a siege We accomplished about a mile, when THE WILDERNESS. 69 we sat down to rest, and stripped ourselves of all our upper clothing, on account of the op- pressive heat. After a short pause we again resumed our journey, and with great difficulty reached a similar distance. It was only after much persuasion that I induced them again to stir ; but there was no shelter in the place from the fierce rays of the sun ; and I was extremely anxious, in our desperate circum- stances, which were every moment growing darker, to make all the progress possible. About noon we discovered two huts under the cliff, and were of course anxious to reach them ; but they were inaccessible to us, in our weak condition. We halloed, however, with all our might, to find if they had any inmates ; but as " there was no voice that answered, neither any that regarded," we justly concluded that they were uninhabited, and could furnish no relief to us, so that we turned mournfully away, and pursued our journey. I afterwards learned that these huts belonged to a fishing company, and were deserted ; a few casks of water were kept there, for the supply of their 70 MARCH THROUGH vessels, but these were kept under ground, so that we would have found no relief by visiting the place, and most probably would have perished in the attempt. Soon after we like- wise descried traces of a path which led into the interior, which some of our people were inclined to follow ; but I dissuaded them from the attempt, as the coast was the coolest legion, as well as the most likely to lead us to water ; whereas we might only wander in the wilderness to die the most horrid death. We accomplished altogether about six miles by this day's journey, and halted at last, in utter exhaustion, on a promontory, where we were exposed to the sea breeze. On collecting our party, to overhaul onr stock, I found that one of the cabin passen- gers, who had been quite delirious for some days, having fallen behind us on the day's march, on account of weakness, had cast away his coat, containing two bottles of water, from anxiety to overtake his party. Every search was made for this lost treasure and valuable supply, but to no purpose. To THE WILDERNESS. 71 add to the misfortune, another cabin passen- ger, from whose education I might have ex- pected better conduct, alone, of all the people, proved himself unworthy of trust. Of the two bottles committed to his charge, one was found empty. He had stolen from his party during the day, under pretence of tracking the path into the interior, and the temptation proving too strong for him, he had consumed a whole bottle for his own use. This I con- cealed from our people, for I am certain that ; if they had known it, they would have taken his life on the spot. But I was deeply grieved to find that a whole day's supply of this scarce and vital commodity had been lost to us through the imbecility and profligacy of our companions. To prevent the recurrence of such a calamity, which would have endan- gered the lives of all of us, I put the water, henceforth, under the charge of my confiden- tial seamen; and after our evening's repast and prayers, we betook ourselves to sleep. During night a heavy dew fell, mingled with a few drops of rain, which roused us 72 MARCH THROUGH from our slumbers, and our people commenced greedily to suck the moisture from the blan- kets ; but they having been soaked by sea water, and only dried in the sun, were so impregnated with salt that we soon desisted from an endeavour which brought us no re- lief. As morning dawned our pleasing expec- tation of rain departed, and with heavy hearts we prepared to pursue our course. The con- dition of our people at this time was extreme- ly distressing, their faces had become bloated and disfigured, and their lips were rent and chapped, while the painful swelling in the arms and legs was rapidly on the increase, so that I apprehended some of them would not be able to hold on till night. I sought to rally their downcast spirits, by feigning a cheerfulness which I did not feel, and point- ing to some mountains in the south-east, I prompted them to proceed, by assuring them, that wherever mountains appeared, water was always to be found. I was certain, moreover, by the calculations which I had made, that we could not be more than five THE WILDERNESS. 73 miles from Oliphant River, where 1 felt as- sured that relief would be afforded. We made indeed most wretched progress in that morning's journey ; ere three quarters of a mile had been accomplished, we were com- pelled to halt, and after receiving our allow- ance and singing a hymn, we proceeded on our way. Scarcely another mile had been overtaken ere we were again forced to rest ourselves, and here I felt alarmed lest some of the company should never be able to re- sume the march. The old gentleman, who had lost his coat on the previous day, was especially overcome ; he seemed so thoroughly exhausted in spirit, and so worn out in frame — being covered over with sores in face and limbs — that it seemed impossible to rouse him to any further effort, and others were inclined, with him, to resign themselves to despair. I was greatly perplexed how to act in this extremity. I could not bear to leave the wretched alone to die; and to detain the others on their account, would be certain de- struction to us all. In this painful crisis I 7 74 MARCH THROUGH secretly sought direction from God, and had resolved to remain with the desperate, leaving the others to press on, and send back for us if they should find succour. This purpose I only communicated to my brother William, and urged him to use every exertion to reach a place of safety, and in case of my death, to be kind to my dear wife and family. He, however, sternly refused to accede to my wishes, and declared his resolution, if I per- sisted, to abide and die with me. By his per- suasion I was shaken in my purpose, and by dint of great exertion, we managed to assist our invalids on through another stage. On looking out for our next halting-place, I observed a rising ground a little in advance of us, and urged our people to reach it ere they rested. This was done, because I thought something like the entrance of a river appeared beyond, and I was resolved to ascertain the fact by crowning the hill. We had nearly reached the place, when the mate, who was a little in advance, cried out, " There is the river." I ran forward at the THE WILDERNESS. 75 transporting tidings, and by advancing a few paces, a scene of overpowering interest burst upon my view. Not only was the river dis- tinctly visible as it rolled its broad waters through a fertile valley, until they mingled with ocean at our feet ; but I could also dis- tinctly descry a settlement, with its dwelling- houses and offices, on the opposite bank. Never did scene more sweet open upon human vision, than met my ecstatic gaze in that landscape. I had no eye — no heart for its natural beauties ; but thoughts of life and of rescue arose within me in that glance. It seemed to me an opening paradise: visions of home — of happiness — rushed back upon my desolate soul. The tide of sorrow, in a heart ready to perish, was turned within me, and joy rose in such sudden revulsion from recent wretchedness, that I was completely overpowered. The same excess of emotion filled every heart that now crowded around at the tidings. We grasped each other's hands in convulsive silence ; our hearts were too full for utterance, and, for a considerable 76 MARCH THROUGH time, tears were the only expression that came from our overcharged bosoms. Rap- ture was in our glance when we saw human beings moving about on the opposite bank, and we became rivetted in delighted gaze upon the neat white-washed house, with its clear blue smoke curling up into the sky, and all the accompaniments of European com- fort around it. I was the first to break the interesting silence, by saying, " Now, my dear friends, the Lord has led us by a way that we knew not, to a land inhabited." We then gave thanks to God, who had done so great things for us, and we served out a little of our remaining stock of water. As we were still a mile from the river, I preserved a small portion, in case the river water should, prove salt, which, on reaching it, Ave found to be the case. We had carried our English ensign as a signal in case of meeting any vessel, and now, by tying two broken oars together, we elevated it to attract the notice of the persons on the opposite bank. They evidently had descried us ; for we observed a THE WILDERNESS. 77 boat push off from the shore, and advance straight toward us across the stream. This was to us a gracious token that the season of succour was at hand. We immediately thereupon drank off our last remaining bottle of water, and prepared to greet our deliverers. The moment of our rescue was especially interesting and solemn. While the boat ap- proached, we all joined hands and united in singing the 23d Psalm, and, as the faint con- cert arose from our famished group, it seemed, to our overflowing hearts, to ascend to hea- ven, alike as the devout dirge of our depart- ing sorrows, and the joyous anthem of our coming deliverance. 78 THE RESCUE. CHAPTER V. THE RESCUE. " When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry laud springs of water." The boat, which seemed to our view like a messenger of mercy, approached within hail, when, with due precaution, it halted, and to our delightful surprise a voice in the English language demanded to know who we were, and what was our business. We immediately declared our doleful story, when the party landed without farther ceremony, and told us that we had come among a Christian people. The meeting was most affecting on either side ; it was with difficulty that our people, in the ecstasy of rescue, could refrain from falling down at the feet of their THE RESCUE. 79 deliverers ; and the strangers, as they sur- veyed our emaciated and wretched company, were quite unable to suppress their tears. Our first appeal to them was for water, and they communicated the joyful intelligence to us, that there was an excellent fountain on the other side, where our wants would be abundantly supplied. I immediately em- barked, in company with the ladies, and by three successive trips, the whole of our people were safely landed on the other side, where we were all received with unbounded affection and hospitality. We instantly repaired, with incontrollable avidity, to the fountain, where we sought to satiate our maddening thirst by deep and frequent draughts, until we had gorged ourselves with the exquisite supply, and felt life reflow in cooler currents through our parched and fevered frames. A princely meal was also provided for us on the instant consisting of a whole sheep, and part of a wild buck, which had been shot on the farm in the morning ; but our hearts were too full to possess a keen appetite, and we could only 80 THE RESCUE. taste of the bounteous provision amid many tears, when we contrasted the scantiness and misery of our morning repast with our present profusion, and the hearts of many of us rose in silent gratitude to " God, who had done so great, things for us, whereof we were glad." We found that the settlement which we had reached belonged to a warm-hearted Dutch farmer, named Mynheer Low, of whose unbounded generosity and kindness it. is impossible for me to speak in excessive terms. His family consisted of an amiable wife and daughter, w T ho shared in all his own benevolence, and loaded us with attentions, which can never be forgotten, and it would be impossible to repay. The Englishman, who had accompanied our host in the* boat which ferried us over the river, and who acted as our interpreter during our stay, was a sailor belonging to a whale and seal fishing company. He had been left by his employers, in company with another person, to reside during the fishing season, on a neighbouring island, in order to preserve THE RESCUE. 81 the fishing grounds, which were rented from the colonial government. He and his partner were obliged to visit the settlement very fre- quently for supplies of water, which they re- quired to keep, alike for their own use, and in case of their schooner running short during her voyage. I learned from this person that the coast to the north of Oliphant River is entirely destitute of water, and without in- habitants ; and I mention this in case any persons who peruse this narrative should be driven on this coast, that they may know where to obtain succour. Mr. Low's farm is situated on the south bank of the Oliphant River, about four miles from the sea, and two hundred miles from the Cape of Good Hope. Soon after our arrival I communicated with Mr. Low as to the necessary provision for our future accommodation. It was impossible with his limited resources, that he could lodge and sustain twenty-six persons for many days ; and it was plain from the distressing condition of our people, that they would re- quire several days of careful nursing and 82 THE RESCUE. rest, before they could bear removal by land journey. Having learned that an English gentleman kept a store at Donkin's Bay, twenty -four miles distant, I immediately despatched a messenger to solicit his assistance. This per- son, whose name was Mr. R Fryer, proved to us to be indeed " a brother born for adver- sity." No language can adequately express his unremitting kindness and unceasing ex- ertions for our welfare, and for which he would never listen to any proposals of remu- neration whatever. He came down on horse- back immediately on receiving notice of our condition, and despatched a message to the nearest field cornet, to make provision for our succour. On his arrival he proposed to take the ladies at once to his house, they being the only parties fit to be removed. It may seem strange that the most delicate members of our company should have borne the hard- ships of our situation with greater hardihood than men of robust frame ; and yet it was remarkable throughout the whole of our af- THE RESCUE. 83 Mictions, that the ladies and even the children bore the sufferings with the greatest magna- nimity, and discovered a spirit of patient en- durance which might have put to shame the hardiest men. It is thus that God sometimes, as of old, " out of weakness maketh strong." and causeth "things that are not to be as though they were, that no flesh should glory in his presence." In accordance with this arrangement, our ladies set off in a waggon for Mr. Fryer's house, under charge of our host's daughter, on the evening after our arrival at Oliphant River ; and in twenty-four hours, the waggon returned loaded with provisions, luxuries and medicines. Mr. Fryer also sent four sheep on the same day. and gave his shepherd orders to supply us with as many as we wanted ; and yet these things were but a tithe of the kindness which we received at the hands of this good Samaritan. We were at this time also under great obli- gations to Mr. Francis J. Troutar, who had come down the river at this time, along - with 84 THE RESCUE. his mother-in-law and a few servants, to fish. The good old lady took our three children to her hut, supplied them with frocks and under clothing, and treated them with the solicitude and kindness of a mother, so as to merit our warmest gratitude. In the course of a few days, the effects of our long fasting and exposure and fatigues began to appear, and to make shocking havoc on the persons of our people, in loathsome bloaches on the face, and excessive swelling of the arms and legs. The steward was par- ticularly in a pitiable condition with his face, and one of the cabin passengers was confined to his couch. One of his legs burst, and his hand was obliged to be laid open by a deep incision of a razor, so that I was afraid at one time, that he would not rally. In the course, however, of four or five days, through the unremitting nursing of the Dutchman's family, and by the kind providence of God, we all began to amend. Our recovery soon revealed itself in an incessant craving for food ; for some days it was almost impossible THE RESCUE. 85 to satisfy our intense appetite, and we were in danger of creating a famine in the Dutch- man's settlement, as a sheep was killed every day for our use, and we consumed great quantities of wheat, which we prepared for boiling by pounding it in a mortar, and some- times made into bread after grinding it in a hand-mill. On the 13th January I received a letter from Mr. Rennyfield, civil commissioner, Clan William, to meet him at Mr. Fryer's on the following day, in company with Mr. Troutar. We accordingly set off next morning, at five o'clock, and as I was but an indifferent horse- man, I was greatly exhausted by the ride. The country in this quarter is chiefly sandy, and blows with the wind like dust, but it is thickly studded with sundry kinds of shrubs and bushes, which are valuable for the feed- ing of cattle and sheep. On reaching my destination, I was most hospitably received by Mr. Fryer, and his lady, and was happy to find my lady passengers in good health and spirits. The civil commissioner made full 8 86 THE RESCUE. arrangements with me for our journey to Cape Town. I received a letter to produce to each field cornet on the route, containing instructions to provide us with w r aggons, and to supply us with every necessary on the road. Mr. Troutar, who was the field cornet of the district, was to provide the waggons and to be our conductor through the first stage ; and our departure was arranged for the 19th of January, by which time it was hoped that our invalids would be so far reco- vered as to bear the journey. On the day appointed we prepared for our departure amidst much bustle and confusion. The yoking of fourteen or sixteen oxen in a waggon is like getting an East India trader under weigh, and the chattering of the Hot- tentots in the excitement of the occasion was quite amusing. The scene of separation with our dear friends and deliverers was exqui- sitely affecting. The kind Dutchman's fa- mily were weeping aloud ; Mr. Troutar's mother-in-law clung to our little orphan fa- mily, and refused to part with them : even THE RESCUE. 87 the Hottentots could not refrain their tears. I confess that I never felt myself so unman- ned in my life, and it was only after an hour had been wasted in ineffectual efforts to say farewell, that by a desperate resolution we at last tore ourselves away. They followed us for a short distance, and then stood, and waved their hands as long as we could see them. Thus we parted from kind strangers, who had entwined themselves around our hearts in fondest endearments ; and while memory holds her seat in our bosoms, I trust that we shall never cease to pray for richest blessings on the heads of our benevolent friends of the Oliphant River. We reached Mr. Fryer's at Donkin's Bay about midnight, where our party was rejoined by the ladies, and we remained in the enjoy- ment of this excellent family's hospitality until the next afternoon. Another painful scene of leave-taking had here to be repeated, and it was with difficulty that our ladies could command themselves in parting, from one who had proved so lavish in his generosity OO THE RESCUE. to all of us in our distress. " May the Lord reward him," and u think upon him for good," according to all the kindness that he showed unto us. It would be tedious to enter into minute details of our land journey to the Cape. It presented all the usual adventures of that tedious mode of travel ; — sometimes plough- ing sandy deserts deep to the axles, — and occasionally land-locked by an interminable maze of tangled brushwood. Frequently we lost our path in the darkness, the over-laboured brutes were many times at a stand-still from exhaustion, and scarcity of water ; and once or twice, we had nearly suffered a second shipwreck in the desert, to the great alarm of the ladies, and not without the hazard of broken bones. Mr. Troutar accompanied us with his wag- gons and cattle, through several dreary stages, until we reached Mr. Vanzells' farm. This gentleman was uncle to our worthy conduc- tor; and also a field cornet. Here we obtained fresh cattle, and started under a new convoy. THE RESCUE. 89 It was with extreme regret that we parted from Mr. Troutar, whose kind and gentle- manly deportment had endeared him to ns all. I was also compelled to leave Mr. Harris our cabin passenger here, under charge of our surgeon, as he was so ill as to be unable to proceed ; Mr. Yanzells promising to for- ward both gentlemen to Cape Town on horseback, so soon as Mr. Harris was able to bear the journey. After travelling by uneasy stages for several days, we crossed the Peak Berg range of mountains, the Boers through- out treating us with unvarying kindness, and we furnishing much amusement to the inqui- sitive and simple people, by the strangeness of our dress, and speech, and psalmody. At length on the 28th January at midnight, we entered Cape Town, fatigued with our iourneyings in the wilderness, and happy in being able once more to mingle in the society of our countrymen. The luxury of a good bed, which for the first time 1 had here en- ioyed, since leaving the ship, could not induce me to sleep. The whole scene of dangers 90 THE RESCUE and deliverances, through which the Lord had led us, here rose vividly before my view, and I could not refrain from giving fervent thanks to Him, "who had not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities." He had indeed "chastened us sore, but he had not given us over to death ;" and we could adopt the language of the Psalmist, "Thou, who hast showed us great and sore troubles, shalt quicken us again, and bring us again from the depths of the earth." " So will we sing praises unto thy name for ever." Immediately after breakfast, on the morn- ing of the 29th January, I waited on Colonel Bell, at that time Deputy-Governor of the Cape, and represented to him the miserable condition in which my crew and passengers were. He immediately sent for one of his officers to accompany me to our lodgings, and to make arrangements for the payment of our board. Being in miserable plight for want of clothing, I was at this time greatly indebted to Captain Christie of London, who THE RESCUE. 91 presented me with an excellent suit of his own. I had the pleasure, also, of meeting an excellent friend in Dr. Brown (belong- ing originally to my native town of Peter- head), who took me to his own house, and entertained me most hospitably during my stay at the Cape. Meanwhile, the merchants and gentlemen of the place opened a public subscription on our behalf, which was hand- somely headed by Colonel Bell, and soon amounted to the sum of £120. By this money, a sum equal to a month's wages, was distributed in clothing to each of the crew, and the passengers received a similar supply, in equitable proportions, — the three children being fully furnished with all necessaries for the continuance of their voyage, and the ladies being supplied with clothing and a little money. I also received £10 of this money, along with a letter of commendation, and I am thus minute in detailing the bene- volence of the people of Cape Colony, as it is deserving, alike of personal gratitude and public praise. 92 THE RESCUE. Every effort was now made to forward the p issengers to their destinations, and to dis- pose of the crew by drafting them into diffe- rent ships. After a little exertion, this was happily accomplished on behalf of all, with the exception of two steerage passengers, who preferred to accept of situations in the colony. So soon as I had thus discharged my obligations to the people under my care, I began to think how to dispose of myself. After various friendly offers of employment, none of which exactly suited me, I finally accepted of a passage home in a London schooner belonging to Mr. Fletcher, and bound to Bristol. My kind friends in Cape Town affectionately accompanied me to the ship, and, after taking grateful leave of them, our vessel set sail for England, and in due season, "by the good hand of my God upon me," I returned in peace to the bosom of my wife and family. Thus terminated a voyage replete with judgment and mercies. In the review of its* "affliction and miserv — the wormwood and THE RESCUE. 93 the gall — my soul hath them still in remem- brance, and is humbled within me.'' And " may my right hand forget its cunning, and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth," if I forget that "God who answered us in the day of our distress, and was with us in the way in which we went." I trust also that the same spirit and resolution may abide upon all the survivors of that disastrous voy- age which appeared in the day of our cala- mity. Even the most indifferent in religious things there owned that it was " a good thing to call upon God," and poured out a prayer when his chastening hand was upon them." May it never be said of any of us that " we flattered him with our mouth, and lied unto him with our tongues," or that " we forgat God and remembered not his wonders." The solemn professions which we then made are still before his throne, and He will never forget, however we may, the extraordinary obligations under which we lie, to dedicate our spared lives to His service. O that we may every day perform the vows which " our 94 THE RESCUE. lipsuttered — our moutihs spake when trouble was upon us ;" and that our future lives may realize the holy resolution of the man of God : " Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling ; therefore I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living." And surely this simple tribute to Divine goodness carries with it a solemn message to every reader's heart. How impressively does it declare uncertainty of life, even in moments of greatest seeming security. It was when least expecting it, that the foregoing calami- ties came. And who can tell how soon God may disturb our dreams of security, by the summons to the judgment seat ? " We stand in jeopardy every hour." In a world so full of sorrow and evil, we are daily expos- ed to the visitation of death. And does it not become us, in such circumstances, " to be always ready — to have our loins girt, and our lamps burning, and be like men that wait for the coming of the Lord V O that we were wise — that we understood this, that we would THE RESCUE. 95 consider our latter end." Sailors, above most men, ought especially to cultivate this spirit of habitual preparedness. Their calling pre- eminently exposes them to peril, and they are found " in deaths oft." The breeze that fills their sails, and wafts them to their destina- tion, may swell into tempest, and become " the breath of the blast of Jehovah's nos- trils " for their destruction. The ocean that, spreads around them a peaceful pathway to distant lands, may heave into huge and hoary billows, that yawn only to engulf them in its horrid grave. The very shore that greets them with gladness after long absence, may be changed into a scene of fatal ship- wreck, and death find them at the very door of supposed deliverance. Who does not feel as he treads the deck of his gallant vessel, that death is lurking near him in every ele- ment that lies over, and around, and under- neath his feet ; and that God is proclaiming, at every moment, in all the voice of nature, "As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, there is but a step between thee and death? 96 THE RESCUE. And can we be safe, in such circumstances, to live in un preparedness for that which may meet us the next moment, and must meet us ere long ? Or ought we to feel satisfied, in any circumstances, if we be living in a state of enmity with God ? What can the sinner do, and whither shall he flee, when judg- ments overtake him 1 He cannot look up to a neglected and angry God ; he dare not look down upon an undone eternity ; nothing remains for him but " a fearful looking for of judgment and of fiery indignation to destroy him as an adversary." Why, oh why, should we live in such a state of defenceless danger — exposed at every accident to the destroying vengeance of heaven 1 Is not a divine Sa- viour now offering us not only his protection, but also his propitiation? The merit of his sacrifice is able to screen all who confide in it, not only from temporal danger, but also from eternal destruction. Let us seek our present safety, in acceptance with God, through the blood of Immanuel ; and we shall find our security from all future evils in THE RESCUE. 97 the covert of his covenant. Then, " though we walk in the midst of trouble his right hand will save us," and we shall face every danger with a fearless confidence, while we can exclaim — " The Lord of Hosts is on our side, the God of Jacob is our refuge." For Immanuel shall be "an hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of waters in a dry place, and as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." If any truth be confirmed by the foregoing narrative, it is the truth of God's word, that " the Lord is good — a stronghold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth them that trust in him." The " profiting" of prayer in such a case must " be apparent to all." It was the smallest part of its advantages that it preserv- ed order, and prevented excess, — that it filled the fainting hearts of the crew and passen- gers with courage, and renewed their strength when they were sinking fast into despair. It did more ; their eyes turned heavenward in their helplessness, and they found a power superior to their own, interpose for their deli- 9 98 THE RESCUE. verance. These poor men cried, and the Lord heard them, and delivered them out of all their distresses." If any reader should doubt the truth of this conclusion, or deny it, let him go and " prove God," by the same means ; let him " in everything by prayer and supplication make known his request to God ;" and if his prayer be sincere the gra- cious answer will be certain ; his own expe- rience will but accord with the infallible tes- timony of all ages. " Ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." "For this shall every ONE THAT IS GODLY PRAY UNTO THEE IN A TIME WHEN THOU MAYEST BE FOUND J SURELY IN THE FLOODS OF GREAT WA- TERS THEY SHALL NOT COME NIGH UNTO