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M DCCO LIU. SCOTT & BASCOy: S PK^S: COLOBCS. OHIO. PREFACE. To STATE the reasons which have induced us to undertake the labor of collecting, and to assume the expense of publishing the Statistics, &c., of the Philomathesian Society of Kenyon College, maj not be profitless. In 1834, seven years from the establishment of the Associa- tion, a catalogue of the books belonging to the library was pub- lished. Again, in 1840, was issued a catalogue of books, together with names of members, active and honorary. Thus, in the first thirteen years of the existence of the Society, two publica- tions were given to the world, while in the last thirteen no account of our situation or doings has been rendered. Hence ancient usage and lapse of time might be given as reasons. If we publish at all, it is best to improve upon our former works. To do so, it is necessary to make our notices of members more complete, and it was thought that a condensed account of leading incidents in their lives, together with present locations and business, would be interesting and valuable. Old members of the Society who were consulted, agreed with us, and it is well known that classes at eastern Colleges, as well as societies, frequently collect and publish such accounts. Hence, ancient custom, and the length of time since anything of the kind has been done, rendered the publication of something imperatively necessary, and our own inclinarions. the advice of older heads, and the practice of other fraternities, induced us to present just vrhat we have. A committee consisting of Petep. Xzrr. Jr.. H. H. Moerell. H. D. Latheop. and Moses Ha^iiltox. was appointed to cany into effect the wishes of the Society. The labor was divided in the following manner: 'Mr. Seyi took the Correspondence, Alessrs. MoEPELL and Ha^iiltox the Library, Air. Lathpop the History and Honorary Members. Oui^ brother A. BAxyrs'G XoPTOX, of the Ml. Vernon True Whig, printed us a cii'cular letter, copies of which were sent to every member whose resi- dence could by any possibihty be ascertained. Many have not rephed. For this we are sorry, as the interest and value of our work are thereby impaii'ed: but we ti'ust that a subsecjuent edition may be complete. Our knowledge of many has been obtained through the kindness of acquaintances. The library has been carefully and laboriously examined, and the list of books is accui-ate. In preparing the history, old rec- ords have been ransacked; the contents of cupboards, drawers, and pigeon holes, scrutinized; old files of papers conned, and every attempt made to present a correct narrative, condensed as much as possible. The task of the committee has been a pleas- ant one. If the interests of our noble association shall be advanced by our labors, we shaU feel amply rewarded. Ga^iblee. Julv. 1853. HISTORY The Philomathesian Society is coeval with Kenyon College. May lOth, A.D. 1827, a meeting convened in tlie recitation room of the Institution, then located at Worthington, in Franklin county, 0. The object of this meeting was the formation of a literary association, and its result the Philomathesian Society, which then, with seventeen mem- bers, commenced its existence. "The Hall," in those days, was a log-cabin recitation room, and though our present place of meeting is more ornate, it may be doubted whether we experience more enjoyment or profit than our founders. In 1828, the Institution was removed to Gambler, and the first meet- ing of the Society in that place, held in the recitation room July 11th. March 25th, 1830, an exhibition was given, which in point of length, does not equal those of more modern date. The programme is as follows : KENTON COLLEGE. EXHIBITION OF THE PHILOMATHESIAN SOCIETY— THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1830. Poem— Athens, ------ H. Caswall, (Pronounced by S. T. Carpenter.) Forensic— Ought the principle of Ambition to be cherished? | ^ ^i i^iielps. ' Oration— Recollections, - - - - - - E[. Dyer, Forensic— Right of Instruction, - - - - 1 L.' H. Minor. Oration— Education and Morality the safeguards of Republi- can Governments, - - - - J. L. Minor. Our predecessors undoubtedly believed in condensation, and com- pensated in depth for deficiency in length. In former years, it seems to have been customary to have commencement exercises accompanied by Society exhibitions. Thus, at tlie commencement of 1831, the Phi Phi Alphas, a Society which long since ceased to exist, and tlie Philos, joined their forces, and presented the following bill of faro : EXERCISES— SEPT. 7th, 1831. OEGAN. Oration— Love of Glory, - - - A. G. Leary, Phi Phi Alpha. MUSIC. Oration — Influence of present upon succeeding generations, - - - S. A. Bronson, Philomathesian. MUSIC. Oration— Ahuse of Talent, - - - D. Davis, Phi Phi Alpha. MUSIC. Oration — Evils of rapid increase of Population in the TTest, - - - Ja's Denison, Philomathesian. During the year 1832, sectional differences sprang up, and increased to such an extent as to become extremely unpleasant. The number of students from northern and southern States was nearly equal, and a con- tinual struggle for predominance was maintained. No one was admit- ted to membership who would not unequivocally "define his position," and a system of "pairing" was observed, by which the same relative numerical strength was continually retained. Recourse was had to almost every means, in order to gain votes. A meeting was held at the room of a sick member, to secure his assistance upon an important question ; and once in a case of most urgent necessity, a member was sent for, and came from Martinsburg ; and another from about seven miles north. Contentions and difficulties increased until union was no longer tolerable, and separation was determined upon and effected. The property was amicably and equitably divided. S. A. Bronsox, since President of Kenyon College, and A. T. Bowie, "tossed up" a dollar for the name. Tradition says that Jenifer, seeing them return, inferred the result from their countenances, and exclaimed, " The Yankees have won it, The Yankees have won it." The thirteen southern members who withdrew, organized the Nu Pi Kappa Society. The commencement of 1832, was accompanied by the following exercises of the three societies : PEATER— MUSIC. Oration— Individual Influence, - - M. Mitchell, Philomathesian. Oration — Influence of Skepticism upon Individ- ual and Xatioual Improvement, F. H. McGuire, Xu Pi Kappa. MUSIC. Oration — The Aborigines of Xorth America, A. G. Leary, Phi Phi Alpha. Oration— The Drama, - - - W. M. Tilghman, Phi Phi Alpha. This is the last record we have of the public appearance of a Phi Phi Alphian ; but at this commencement it is seen that that association was of sufficient importance to have two representatives, while the oth ers had but one each. At the commencement of 1833 the Nu Pi Kappians and Philos appeared together, according to the PROGRAMME— KEN YON COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT— SEPT. 4th, 1833. PRAYER— MUSIC. Oration — The Early Settlement of America, a theme for an Epic Poem, - - - W, P. Davis, Philo. MUSIC. Oration— Character of Howard, - • - W. Hodges, N. P. K- Oration— The Revival of Letters, - - - J. A. Taylor, N. P. K. MUSIC. Oration — The Pilgrim Fathers, - - - N. Badger, Philo. Oration— Antiquities of Ohio, , - - - E. H. Davis, Philo. The ruling passion of Dr. Davis, even in those days, is seen from his choice of a subject for an oration. While a student, he was known as " Ned, the Mound Digger." He has dug mounds, and written upon the antiquities of Ohio, to some purpose, and Kenyon College and the Philomathesian Society have the honor of sending forth the man who 1 wrote (in connection with another) the first work published by the Smithsonian Institution. March 24th, 1834, the first united Society Exhibition not at com- mencement, was held. The programme follows : PRAYER — MUSIC. Oration— Ancient and Modern History compared, F. B. Meade, N. P. K. Oration— Influence of Republican Institutions upon Moral Character, - - - A. E. Wolcott, Philo. MUSIC. Oration — Influence of Revolutions, - - - F. H. BIcGuire, N. P. K. Oration — Importance of Rhetoric considered, - J. C. Weatherby, Philo. MUSIC. Oration— Character of Mason Good, - - W. J. Edmonson, N. P. K. Oration — Adoption and Influence of the American Constitution, .... A. T. McClintock, Philo. In July, 1834, the first catalogue of books belonging to the library of the Philomathesian Society, was published. From this it appears that the number of volumes was then, seven years from the formation of the Society, 923. The day previous to commencement in '34, the societies appeared together for the last time. Wo present the programme : PEATE R — M U 5 1 C . Orarion — IrLfiuence of Xational Recollections upon Xarional Character. - - - J. S. Davis, Philo. Oration— The Ohjects of Education, - - - J. T. Tories. X. P. K. Mrsic. Oration — Characters of the Demagogue and Patriot Contrasted. - - - - - H. Anderson, Philo, Oration — Influence of Benevolent Institutions upon National Prosperity, - - - E. K. Phillips. X. P. K. Jirsic. Oration— Etilogy on "VTirt, .... Rufus King, Philo. Oration — Character of Eamsav. the Historian. - A. il. Brooke, X. P. K. (Absent.) An interval of many years in the giving of exMbirions, here ensues. The reasons are iinknovm to the historian, and of coni'se in vrriting a veritable history he dare not conjectiire. The first Ad'dress hefore the societies, was delivered at the commence- ment of 1835. Hon. C. B. G-oddasd, of Zanesville, was the Orator npon that occasion. His address was pnbHshed by the Philomathesians. In the years lS36 and 1S37. society feeling was caiTied to extremes. It is said that members npon both sides carried arms, ready for attack or defence, but there is no record of the spilling of blood. At the commencement of 1S3S, Hon. J. TT. Axdeews. of Colnm- bns, addi'essed the PMlomathesian Society. In the fall of 1S39, the Society had its first attack of " Periodical " mania. After agitating the subject for some months, it was determined to pnljlish a monthly, bearing the title, "'' The Collegian and Kenyon Literarv 3Iagazine.'' Editors were appointed, prospectuses issued, subscribers solicited, and printers engaged. The fij'st number has not yet appeared. In 1840, the Society published its second Catalogue of Books, con- tainino" also names of members, active and honorarv. The number of volumes then in the library .was 1700, and '2'27 members had been ini- tiated. A memorial of the exciting political contest of this year is preserved in the library, in the shape of a diminutive barrel, bearing the well-remembered motto^ — --Hard Cider." Dr. Daxiel Brake was the Orator at the commencement of this year. In October, ten members were sent as volunteers for one year to assist the Xu Pi Kappa Society, which in numbers had become very much reduced. At the Junior Exhibition of 1S41. Eev. Br. Spaerow addressed the Societies. It is thought that Eev. S. G-. G-assawat read a Poem at the commencement of 1842. Addresses for several successive years were delivered by the follow- ing gentlemen : 1843— Rev. E. H. Gumming. 1844 — Hon. Thomas Sparrow. 1846 — Rev. W. A. Smallwood. In February, 1847, another periodical was enacted, proceeded about as far as the one of '40, and shared the same fate. Hon. I. J. Allen, the present Whig candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and a graduate member of the Society, delivered the Address at the commencement of 1847. An exhibition, the first for fourteen years, was held 22d February, 1848. The exercises and performers are presented in the programme: KENYOX COLLEGE — EXHIBITION OF THE PHILOMATHESIAIT SOCI- ETY, IN COMMEMORATION OF THE BIRTH OF WASHINGTON, FEB. 22, 1848. ORDER OP EXERCISES. MUSIC — PRAYER — MUSIC. Composition— Great Men, - - - - R. S. French, New York. Declamation — Irish Clergy, Phillips, - - J. C. Hazlett, Zanesville. Composition— Man, his Mental Eminence, - H. Brooke, Gambler. MUSIC. Oration— Depravity of the present Age, - - W. H. Scott, New York. Forensic— Is the power of Eloquence diminished ( Aff.—P. Neff, Jr., Cincinnati. by the progress of Literature and Science ? ( Neg. — T. E. Miller, Mt. Vernon. Oration— Washington, - - - - W. K. Rogers, Circleville. Colloquy-The Yankee in England, \ ^'- ^- lowers, Petersburg, Va. ^ "^ o ) I M. M. Granger, Zanesville. -^. . . , ^ ^ f Aff.—G. S. Doolittle, Fredericktown. Discussion- Are popular Governments, j l. Whitnev, Mt. Vernon. restrained by written Constitutions, \ Neg.-W. J. Scott Gambler. destined to became universal ? [ ^ ^-^ Ashland. Poem, W. H. Scott, New York. BENEDICTION. Rev. Dr. Brooke was the Orator of this year. His subject, " The Legal Profession.'^ The Address was published. At the commencement of 1849, Hon. Charles Anderson addressed the Society. His theme, ''Anglo-Saxon Destiny. ''' His oration was published, and afterward repeated before the New England Society of Cincinnati. February 22d, 1860, an exhibition was held, the programme of which is presented : 10 KEXYOX COLLEGE — EXHIBITIOX OF THE PHILOMATHESIAN SOCI- ETY— FEB. 2.3d, 1850, 7 p. M.— IX COMMEMORATIOX OF THE BIRTH OF WASHIXGTON. OEDEE OF EXEECISES. lirSIC—PEATEE— MUSIC. Composition— Importance of Xational Celebrations, - H. G. Perry. Declamation— Soldiers of the Eevolntion, - - S. Rogers. Composition— Tlie Girondists, - - - - E. W. Muenscher. MUSIC. Oration — Aim High, - - - - - - H. H. MorreU. Forensic — "Was Barbarism the primitive state of Society? | jVeo.— J. Ilochuly! MUSIC. Oration — Washington, - - - - - - E. H. Grant. Od(i) Latimim — Soliloquium Fresh-hominis, - - - C. W. Fearns. MUSIC. Debate — Do moral causes contribute more to the forma- | Aff. — M. M. Granger, tion of Xational character than physical? \ Neg.—J. B. Thomas. MUSIC— BEXEDICTIOX— MUSIC. The Orator of tlae year was Hon. Wm. Dexxison. Rev. Dr. Perry delivered an Address before the Society at the commencement of 1851. " The true Character of Mental Greatness.''^ The Address was published. March 12th, 1852, an unprecedented time in late years, an exhibi- tion was given, the exercises of which are annexed : KEXTTOX COLLEGE — EXHLBITIOX^ OF THE PHILOMATHESIAX SOCI- ETY—MARCH 12, 1852, 7 O'CLOCK, P. M. OEDEE OF EXEECISES. " We strive for Excellence: not for Excelling/' MUSIC — PEATEE — 3IUSIC . Composition— American Aristocracy, - Henry G. Perry, Cleveland. Declamation— The Patriot's Hope, - Thomas M. Green, Covington, Ky. MUSIC. Composition— Pohtical prospects of Europe, James X. Gamble, Cincinnati. Oration— A Xation's Literature its Glory, - Charles H. James, Cincinnati. MUSIC Forensic — "Were the Cuban Authorities justifi- ( jyr. p tt TTo-nfr^vr^ rorY,-h4o^ Composition — Duties of American Youth in the Xineteenth Century, - - - D. Brainard-Ray, Circleyille. Oration— Hannah More, - - - John Hochuly, Pittsburgh, Pa. 11 Debate— Should Roman Catholics in the United ( jj^ j g Brasee Lancaster States, be excluded from the right of suf- < j^' _^ 'jj Morrell Hinckley frage? ^ y • • i MUSIC— BENEDICTION — MUSIC. Hon. Bellamy Storer was the Orator of the Society at the com- mencement of '52. His subject, " The Idolatries of the Age.^' During the winter of '52 and '53, a furor for improvement has pos- sessed us. Conclusive evidence of vitality has been given. More has been expended upon the Hall than during any previous five years. The collecting and publishing such notices of our members as they would furnish us, together with a condensed and imperfect history, and a catalogue of our books, has been undertaken and completed, and yet more is to be done. A programme of the exhibition of Feb. 22, 1853, is annexed: KENYON COLLEGE — EXHIBITION OF THE PHILOMATHESIAN SOCI- ETY— FEB. 22d, 1853— 6V6 O'CLOCK, P. M. ORDER OP EXERCISES. "Alba ne careat pulchra dies nota.'^ 3IUSIC— PRATER— MUSIC . Latin Salutatory, ------ D. Brainard Ray. Composition — The age of Chivalry, - - - J. T. Sterling. MUSIC. Declamation— Apostrophe to Washington, - - - T. M. James. Oration— The Influence of Religion upon the destiny of Nations, T. BI. Green. MUSIC. Forensic — Were the principles of the Epicurean Philoso- ( Aff.—C. H. James, phers deleterious ? \ Neg. — J. N. Gamble. MUSIC. Composition— Conscience, - - - - - - W. T. Farly Oration— The Youth and the Man, - - - - C. T. Wing MUSIC. Colloquy— The Yankee in France, Napoleon the Little, - - - - T. M. Green. Simon Briggs, - - - - G. T. Chapman . MUSIC. Debate — Will the United States be justifiable in '^^^^S i Aff.—ll. G. Perry, force to open the Ports of Japan, for commer- < jsjeg.—li. D. Lathrop cial intercourse '? C ' ' MUSIC. Serio-Comic Poem- The Collegiate Olympiad, - - - li. G. Perry MUSIC— BENEDICTION — MUSIC. STATISTICS OF THE ^ljiloniatl]5uni Jodrti] of iiniDou CoIIcul ©Ijia. C. W. Adams; entered College 1827 ; left in 1829 ; was teller in the Bank of 31ississippi for some time, and a few years ago died at Zanesville. He was one of the seventeen founders of the Philo- mathesian Society, on the 30th June. 1827, at TTorthington.* •JoHX Ax-iSTAKi; hy birth a Greek; entered College in 1832; left before gTaduating. and returned to Greece. Isaac J. Allex ; not heard from ; is an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, at Mansfield; was a member of College in 1833. 3Ir. Allen is the Whig candidate for the office of Lieutenant Governor of Ohio. Henry P. Ames; not heard from; was from Cincinnati, and a member of College in 1833. Ho3iER Andeesox. of Troy. Xew York : not heard fi'om ; entered College in 1831; left before graduating. Henry TT. Aydelott, of Cincinnati; not heai'd from; entered College in 1834:, left before graduatinor, and has been enoa^ed in the steamboat business on the western rivers. Bela Bronson Adajvis; bom 1st April, 1815; entered the Freshman class in 1835; left Sophomore year, 1837; manled, and had four children ; resided at Columbia, Lorain county, and died Augaist, 1819. Edwaed Adams ; not heard from ; entered College in 1836; left before graduating; is a merchant in Chillicothe. * "VTliere the name of the State is nor menrioned. the place is to be understood as beins in Ohio. 13 Ethan Allen, Jr., A. B. ; entered College in 1837; graduated in 1841; not heard from ; is a merchant in California; was one of the ten Philomathesian '' volunteer s,^^ who, on the 28th October, 1840, went over to the Nu Pi Kappa Society, to '' aid^'' it. LoRiN Andrews, A. M. ; entered College in 1838; left before gradu- ating; not heard from ; studied law, and practiced in Columbus; is at present the able advocate of popular education in Ohio; lectures before the State Teachers' Association, of which he was one of the six originators; is a candidate for the Superintendency of ihQ Ohio State Public Schools; resides at Columbus; received the honorary degree of A. M., from Kenyon College, while Prin- cipal of the High School, at Massillon, 1846. Peter Dewalt Ankeny; born February 3d, 1826; entered the Fresh- man class in 1844; left College in his Junior year, December, 1846 ; studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1848 ; served in the Mexican War as 2d lieutenant, from May, 1847, till July, 1848; is practicing law at Millersburg, Holmes county. EiCHARD C. Anderson, A. B., of Cincinnati; not heard from; was at Miami University, Oxford, for some time; but graduated at Kenyon College in 1849 ; is engaged in farming near Louisville, Kentucky. Bev. Benjamin Austin; not heard from; studied Theology in 1849- '50, at Bexley Hall, Gambler; (Theological students, not mem- bers of Kenyon College, by a provision in the constitution of the Society, can become active members;) is rector of St. James' Church, Amesbury, Mass. Mathew Page Andrews; born December 7th, 1834, at Annfield, Clarke county, Ya. ; entered the Sophomore clsiss September, 1852 ; residence Annfield, Va. Rev. Alfred Blake, B. D. ; born at Keene, New Hampshire, Octo- ber 27, 1809; entered Dartmouth College August, 1825; left Dartmouth May, 1827; entered Kenyon College, then in Wortli- ington, in June, 1827; studied for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at the Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Ohio; ordained September, 1837; married Miss Ann J. Leon- 14 ard, August, 1841, and has three sons; has resided in Ohio since 1827, with the exception of one year spent in Virginia; now resides at G-ambier; principal of "Harcourt Place," a private school for boys. Rev. Erastus Buer; not heard from; entered College in 1827; left before graduating; studied Theology at the Theological Seminary of Virginia; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and rector of All Saints' Church, Portsmouth; is a trustee of the Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Ohio ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomathesian Society, on the 30th June, 1827, at Worthington. Charles T. Bronson; not heard from; entered the Freshman class in November, 1828, and left college Sophomore year, 1830, from ill health; was for some time engaged in teaching in Warren, Trumbull county. Rev. Norman Badger, A. M. ; born at Springfield, Mass., January 3d, 1812 ; came to Grambier in Nov. 1828, and entered the Fresh- man class in 1830 ; graduated, and received the Master's degree in course ; studied for the ministry of the P. E. Church, and was ordained by Bp. Mcllvaine in 1837 ; married Miss M. E. Leon- ard of Circleville, June 7th, 1837, and has two sons and five daughters. For one year he had charge of St. Paul's church, Utica, Licking county, and of Trinity parish, Knox county ; then he accepted a call to Trinity church, Troy, Miami county ; in the spring of 1840 he returned to G-ambier, where he has since con- tinued, constantly engaged in teaching, as principal of Milnor Hall Preparatoiy School, and Kenyon College Senior Grammar School; since 1849, in addition to his teaching, he has been proprietor and publisher of the Western Episcopalian and G-ambier Observer ; he has recently resigned his connection with Kenyon College, and has charge of a select family school for boys, Gambler. David C. Briggs, A. B., of Cleveland; not heard from; graduated 1830 ; was valedictorian. James Boyle ; entered College in 1829 ; left before graduating. FoBES Britton ; entered College in 1829 ; left before graduating. 15 Rev. Sheklock Anson Bronson, D. D.; born 21st April, 1807 ; en- tered the Freshman Class of Kenyon College in 1829; gradu- ated ; was valedictorian; received the Master's degree, in course ; was tutor in Kenyon College 1834-36 ; married 2d September, 1835, Miss M. A. Putnam, who died at Glambier 1848 ; in April, 1850, married Miss M. B. Estabrook, of Columbus, and has three children; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and was missionary for one year at Lancaster ; for nine years he was pastor at Granville; and from 1845 to 1850, was President of Kenyon College ; was the instrument of carrying a measure, viz., the sale of the College lands, which will save the endowment of that institution. For two years he has been rector of Grace church, Sandusky City. William H. Blodget, A. B., born 23d June, 1815; entered College 1830 ; left, and graduated at Cannonsburg, Penn., in 1833 or '4 ; was an attorney at law ; was editor of the Democratic Herald in 1838 ; was clerk of the House of Representatives of Ohio, for the term of 1838-9 ; was in 1839 prosecuting attorney of Montgom- ery county; resided at Dayton, where he died on the 24th March, 1842. "A young man of great promise." James A. Bond, M. D., of St. Leonard's, Calvert county, Md.; not heard from; entered College 1830; left before graduating; be- came a Physician, and is engaged in farming in Virginia ; was one of the 13 who, on the 25th June, 1832, resigned their member- ship of the Philomathesian Society, and founded the Nu Pi Kappa Society. A. T. Bowie, of Upper Marlboro, Prince George's county, Md. ; not heard from; entered College 1830; left before graduating ; was one of the 13 founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, 1832. John Bond, of St. Leonard's, Calvert county, Md.; not heard from ; entered College 1831; left before graduating; was one of the 13 founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, June 25th, 1832. Gxyj&B Burnley, of Court House, Louisa county, Va.; not heard from ; entered College 1831 ; left before graduating, and is a teacher in Virginia; was one of the 13 founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Soci- ety, June 25th, 1832. 16 William W. Backus; entered College 1834; left before graduating; became a lawyer in Columbus, and died there. Howard S. Burnside, A. B. ; entered College 1833 ; graduated in 1837; was editor of a newspaper at Marshall, Texas, where he died in 1852. George Burnside; entered College 1838; left before graduating; and died in Texas a few years ago. R. P. Bucklaxd; not heard from; entered College 1834; left before graduating ; at present he is practicing law at Fremont. Jerome Buckingham, of Norwalk ; not heard from ; entered College 1839 ; left before graduating ; is practicing law in Newark. Albert B. Buttles, A. B.; not heard from; entered College 1837 ; left and graduated at Yale College, Conn.; is an attorney at law and solicitor in chancery at Columbus. John Milton Boyd, A. B.; entered College 1839; graduated in 1842 ; not heard from. Rev. John Boyd, A. M.; graduated in 1844; not heard from; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and Rector of St. Luke's Church, Marietta. Rev. Hiram Nelson Bishop, A. M. ; born May 28th, 1824, at Man- chester, Yt. ; entered the Freshman class in 1841; graduated, and received the Master's degree, in course ; studied theology at Bexley Hall, Theological Seminary of the diocese of Ohio; was ordained by Bishop McHvaine in August, 1848; during 1849-50 was Professor of Mathematics in the "Episcopal High School," of Yirginia. For three years he has been rector of St. Philip's Church, Circleville; is now rector of St. Matthew's Church, Ke- nosha, Wisconsin. John Buckingham, of Putnam; not heard from; left College about 1843, and is a merchant in New York City. William H. Beaumont, M. D., of Warrensville ; not heard from; left College about 1844; studied medicine, and is a druggist in Cleveland. 17 E.Milton Buckingham, A. B., M. D. ; born August 15tli, 1824; entered the Freshman class in 1842 ; graduated in 1846 ; October, 1850, married Miss M. M. Berdaw; is now a physician in Spring- field. Levi Buttles, A. M. ; not heard from; graduated in 1847 ; read law ; but is now engaged in the lumber business in Cleveland. G-EORGE Douglass Brewerton; born June 3d, 1828; entered the Freshman class in 1845, and left College 2nd term of same year; was from Newport, Rhode Island; December 27th, 1848, married Miss F. A. Whiting, and has one son; was 2nd lieutenant in the U. S. Army, in California and Mexico, from August, 1846, to June, 1850, when he was promoted to the 1st lieutenancy; re- signed December 31st, 1852, and is an artist in New York city. During his lieutenancy, he served as quarter master of U. S. Military Academy, for a short period in 1851. A full account of his life and travels may be seen in the July and August num- bers of Harper's Magazine of 1852. Hunter Brooke, A. M. ; born at Georgetown, D. C, May 20th, 1830; entered the Sophomore class in 1846; graduated and received the Master's degree in course; studied law in Washington county, Md. ; was admitted to the bar in Frederick county, Md. , in No- vember, 1851. His present residence is Cincinnati; an attorney at law and solicitor in chancery. William H. Bowers, A. B.; not heard from; graduated in 1850, and is now teaching at Natchez, Miss. John S. Brasee; not heard from; left College senior year, 1852, and is studying law at Lancaster. John Turk Beecher; born July 23d, 1831; entered the Freshman class in 1850; but left College in December, 1850; has since been reading law at Sandusky. G. R. Bearss; not heard from; left College in 1850, and is engaged in agricultural pursuits near West Port, Mo. Benjamin Joseph Brown; born July 7tli, 1833; entered the Fresh- man class in 1852; is a machinist in Mt. Vernon. 3 18 James B. Chase, A. M. ; not heard from; graduated in 1829; is principal of the select academy at Lockport, N. Y. ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomathesian Society, on the 30th June, 1827, at Worthington. Edward F. Chase; not heard from; entered College in 1827; left before graduating ; is a lawyer in Lockport, N. Y. ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomathesian Society, on the 30th June, 1827, at Worthington. Rev. Samuel Chase, D. D. ; not heard from; graduated in 1829; is a professor and Yice President of Jubilee College, Illinois. George F. Cook; entered College in 1827; left before graduating, and died while a member of the General Theological Seminary of New York city ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philo- mathesian Society, on the 30th June, 1827, at Worthington. Rev. Henry Caswall, A. M. ; born at Yately, Hampshire, England, on May 11th, 1810; came to America in September, 1828, and entered the Senior class; graduated in 1829; married Miss M. C. Batcheller, at Gambier, October 14th, 1830, and has four daugh- ters and one son, who is now at Trinity College, Glenalmond, Perth, Scotland. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Chase, in 1831, and presbyter by Bishop Kemper in 1837; was rector of All Saints' Church, Portsmouth, from 1831 to 1833; then resided at Andover, Mass., till April, 1834; elected Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary of Kentucky, May, 1834; rector of Christ Church, Madison, la., in June, 1837; was appointed Llead Master of the Government Classical School, at Brockville, Upper Canada, by Sir George Arthur, in 1838; was appointed professor in Kemper College, St. Louis, Mo., in 1841; returned to England, and was admitted to the full privileges of the Church of England, by a special act of Parliament, in 1843; was presented to the curacy of Figheldean, Wilts, in October, 1843; presented to the vicarage of the same in January, 1848; elected one of the two Proctor in Convocation for the diocese of Salisbury, in 1852; is the author of several publications, viz: "The American Church," 1839, " The City of the Mormons," 1842, &c. ; is now vicar of Figheldean, near Amesbury, Wilt- shire, England. 19 Rev. Edward Cusspack, A. B. ; not heard from ; entered College in 1828; left before graduating; returned to England, entered the University of Cambridge, where he took his degree about the year 1835 or '36, in his 52d year; was ordained at Quebec, and became a missionary at Gaspi Bay, in Lower Canada ; resided there some years, and then returned to England, where he resides with- out parochial charge, at No. 14 Henrietta street, Bath. He is an Irishman, and is about 68 years of age. Rev. Benjamin Chidlaw ; not heard from ; a native of Wales ; entered College about 1839 ; left before graduating ; became a minister in the Presbyterian Church, and is agent for the American Sunday School Union in the west. Rev. Anson Clark ; born December 10th, 1806 ; entered the Fresh- man class in September, 1832; left College at the close of his Sophomore year, and entered the Theological Seminary of the diocese of Ohio ; married Miss S. E. Prichard, April 12th, 1837, and has two daughters ; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episco- pal Church, and rector of St. Andrew's Church, Elyria. James Giddings Calender; born March 26th, 1814; entered the Freshman class in 1833; left College Sophomore year ; married Miss D. P. Bosworth, November 21, 1841, and has four children ; read law ; was a teacher for some years, and then became a mer- chant; was auditor of Trumbull county for four years, ending March 1st, 1845 ; resides at Newton Falls, Trumbull county, and is engaged in the manufacture of stone pumps, water pipes, &c. John J). Caldwell; not heard from; entered College in 1833; left before graduating, and is a grocery merchant in Cincinnati. Herman Canfield; not heard from; entered College in 1834; left before graduating, and is a lawyer at Canfield. Rev. Samuel T. Carpenter ; not heard from ; left College about 1835, is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and rector of St. Peter's Church, Smyrna, Del. Matthew Comstock; entered College 1835; left before graduating, and died soon after. 20 Arxer Lord Cass, M. D. ; born October 10th, 1817 ; entered Fresh- man class in 1835; left at the close of his Junior year; married Miss M. Kerr in 1847, and has two sons; is a physician in Coshocton, Coshocton county. Eev. Hexrt Calhoun, A. B.; not heard from; entered College in 1837 ; graduated in 1841 ; is a Presbyterian minister at Coshocton. Douglass Case, M. D. ; born March 21st, 1818; entered the Fresh- man class in 1838, and graduated in course; was tutor in Kenyon College 1841-42 ; married Miss Jane Morris October 19th, 1848, and has one son : entered the medical profession, and remained a practitioner in Columbus till the fall of 1851, when he removed to Cleveland, and engaged in the lumber business under the firm of "A. Buttles and Sons." He spent the winter of 1843 and '44 at the Medical Department of Harvard University, Mass., and the winter of 1844-45, in the University of Pennsylvania, at Phil- adelphia; was one of the ten " volunteers," from the Philomath e- sian Society, to "aid" the Nu Pi Kappa Society, on the 28th October, 1840. Leander Comstock, a. B.; not heard from; was from Worthington ; entered College 1838 ; graduated in 1842 ; was tutor in Kenyon College 1843 ; was one of the ten " volunteers " from the Philo- mathesian Society, to " aid " the Nu Pi Kappa Society, on the 28th October, 1840 ; is now in the mercantile business at Mil- waukie. Wis. Ezra Cridland, of Philadelphia, Penn.; not heard from ; entered Col- lege 1838, but did not graduate. Havens Cowles; born October 3d, 1819, at Worthington, Franklin county; entered the Freshman class in 1839, and left at the close of his junior year; became a merchant, and resided at Worthing- ton till 1844; since then he has been in business at Columbus; was one of the ten " volunteers " from the Philomathesian Society to " aid" the Nu Pi Kappa Society, October 28, 1840. David Meade Creighton ; born March 9, 1825; entered the Fresh- man class in 1840, but left College in April, 1844, in his senior year ; read law ; formerly resided in Chillicothe ; is now a stock farmer in Madison county. 21 G-EORGE L. CuRTiss, of Oakland, Michigan; entered the Freshman class in 1840; left, and entered the Junior class of Washington College, Penn., 1841; died March 9th, 1842, at New Athens; at the time of his decease he was a member of the Junior class of Franklin College, at that place. Charles Henry Cooley, A. M.; born Dec. 4, 1822, at Troy, Athens county; entered the Freshman class in 1842, and received his degrees in course ; in April, 1847, married Miss E. N. Fuller, and has a son and daughter ; studied medicine, but did not enter the profession; from 1845 to 1850, was engaged in miscellaneous business on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers ; moved to California in 1850, and is engaged in agricultural pursuits, at Cooley's Ranch, west bank of the Sacramento river, Yolo county, Cal., one and a half miles above Sacramento city ; is one of the Board of Su- pervisors for Yolo county. J. T. Coleman, of Yicksburg, Miss.; not heard from; left College Sophomore year, 1851, and entered William and Mary College, Yirginia. George Thomas Chapman, of Ohio City; born April 15, 1836; entered the Freshman class in 1852; residence Ohio City. Rev. G-eorge Denison, A. M.; born April 24, 1809, at Bethel, Yt.; entered the Freshman class of Dartmouth College in the fall of 1825; in the spring of 1827, he, with three others, viz., Messrs. Blake, Chase and Cook, all of Episcopal families, left Dartmouth College, and organized the first Sophomore class of Kenyon Col- lege. In the summer of 1828, the temporary buildings at Gam- bier were so far completed that the professors and students removed from Worthington to Gambier. In 1829 he graduated with the first class in course; was appointed tutor in 1830, and afterwards elected Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Ken- yon College ; received the Master's degree in course ; Sept. 16, 1832, married Miss J. B. Ralston, and has four children ; entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1832, and was engaged in parochial duties till 1848. In 1841 he resumed the charge of Trinity parish, Newark, whore ho continued till Dec, 1838, when he was again elected by the Trustees of Kenyon Col- lege, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, which ' -22 he had resigned fifteen years previous, and now vacated by the resignation of the late lamented Prof. E. 0. Ross, LL. D. His published solution of the problem involved in the " Foucalt Expe- riment," is dated June 11, 1851, and has never been impugned. He was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomath esian Soci- ety, June 30, 1827. Henry Dickinson, of Steubenville ; left College about 1828; died some years ago ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philo- mathesian Society, June 30, 1827. Rev. Wm. Dunlavy ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1827 ; but did not graduate ; is a minister in the Methodist Epis- copal Church ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philo- mathesian Society, June 30, 1827, at Worthington. Arnold H. Dohrman; was a member of College in 1827. David Davis, A. B.; born in Cecil county, Md., March 9, 1815; entered the Freshman class in 1828 ; graduated Sept., 1832 ; was married in Lenox, Berkshire county, Mass., Oct. 30, 1838, to Miss S. W. Davis, and has two children; studied law in Lenox, Mass., and graduated at the Law School in New Haven, Conn.; has resided in Bloomington, McLean county. 111., since 1836, in the practice of his profession; in Sept., 1848, was elected by the people sole Judge of the eighth Judicial Circuit of Illinois ; was a member of the Illinois Legislature in 1844-5 ; and was a mem- ber of the State Constitutional Convention in 1847. Rev. Thomas J. Davis ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1828 ; but did not graduate ; is a minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is now rector of the Church of the Res- urrection, Rising Sun village, Philadelphia county, Penn. Wm. S. Drummond, A. B.; entered College 1828; graduated 1830; and died soon after at Steubenville. Edwin H. Davis, M. D.; not heard from; was a member of College in 1830 ; but did not graduate ; is now Professor in the New York Medical College, at New York City ; is connected with the first publication of the Smithsonian Institution, at Washington, D. C, viz., " Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, comprising the results of extensive original surveys and explorations, by E. a. Squier, A. M., and E. H. Davis, M. D." Rev. John H. Drummond, A. B.; not heard from ; graduated in 1830 ; and is a minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the dio- cese of Indiana. Rev. Heman Dyer, D. D.; not heard from; entered College in 1829; graduated, and received the Master's degree in course ; is a cler- gyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is residing in Philadelphia, Penn., as agent of the "American Sunday School Union;" was President of the "Pittsburg University," Penn., for a few years. James Denison, A. B.; born March 3, 1813, at Bethel, Yt.; entered Junior class in 1830; graduated 1832; was valedictorian; stud- ied law in Vermont ; and is an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery at San Antonio, Texas ; married Mrs. Roy all, and has one daughter ; was a member of the Congress of the Republic of Texas, before its annexation to the United States. Algernon S. Duvall, of Benton, Miss.; was a member of College in 1830 ; but did not graduate; died some years ago on his planta- tion in Mississippi. Joseph S. Davis, A. B.; not heard from; entered College in 1833; graduated in 1835 ; is an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chan- cery at Mt. Vernon. Wm. Vanlear Davis; born at Chambersburg, Penn., Oct. 9, 1813; entered Washington College, Penn., in 1831 ; left, and entered the Junior class of Kenyon College in 1833 ; but left during his senior year; married Miss C. W. Acheron, Sept. 8, 1834, and has seven daughters ; read law in the law department of Marshall College ; was elected Principal of the Chambersburg Academy in October, 1834, in which situation he remained for fifteen years ; during 1849-50 was engaged in business in Indiana; returned to Chambersburg, and practiced law in 1851 ; is at present Prin- cipal of the High School at Lancaster, Penn. Tuos. R. Davidson, of Brownsville, Penn.; not heard from; was a member of College in 1834 ; but did not graduate. 24 John Davis; bom Feb. 25, 1816; entered the Fresbman class in 1834; left College in bis Sopbomore year; Sept. 9, 1838, mar- ried Miss A. E. Sbaw, and bas tbree cbildren ; studied law, and resided at Mt. Vernon till 1848 ; since tben bas been an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Cbancery at Madison, Ind.; in 1842 was a member of tbe Indiana House of Representatives; and in 1850 was a member of tbe State Constitutional Convention of Ind. Rev. Werter R. Davis ; was a member of College in 1834; but did not graduate ; died some years ago. Samuel H. Dawson, of Brownsville, Penn.; not beard from; was a member of College in 1834 ; but did not graduate. Rev. Sheldon Davis, A. M.; born Jan. 1, 1813 ; entered tbe Sopbo- more class in 1834 ; left, and entered tbe Junior class of Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., in 1835, and received bis degrees in course; Marcb 22d, 1840, married Miss M. Cburcb, of Derby, Conn.; entered tbe ministry of tbe Protestant Episcopal Cburcb in 1840 ; since wbicb time be bas been engaged eitber in parocbial or missionary duties, in tbe State of New York ; is at present missionary at Pleasant Valley, Ducbess county, N. Y. Luke R. Douglas, A. M.; not beard from; entered tbe Fresbman class in 1834, and received bis degrees in course; studied, and is practicing law at Cbillicotbe ; delivered tbe address before tbe Alumni of Kenyon College at its commencement in 1852. Rev. Charles E. Douglass, A. M.; not beard from; graduated in 1837 ; afterwards went to England, and graduated at Oxford University ; is now a clergyman in tbe Cburcb of England ; is a son of President D. B. Douglass, LL. D. Andrew E. Douglass, A. M.; not beard from; entered tbe Fresbman class in 1834, and received bis degrees in course; is a mercbant in New York city ; son of President D. B. Douglass, LL. D. R.ev. Malcolm Douglass, A. B.; not beard from ; entered Fresbman class 1841 ; left at tbe close of bis junior year, 1844 ; graduated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; is a clergyman in tbe Prot- estant Episcopal Cburcb ; is now Rector of Cbrist Cburcb, Albion, Orleans county, N. Y.; is a son of President D. B. Douglass, LL. D. 25 Henry Douglass; not heard from; entered the Freshman class in 1842 ; left during his Sophomore year ; graduated at West Point, N. Y.; is an officer in the United States Army ; is a son of Pres- ident D. B. Douglass, LL. D. Wm. Dewalt, a. B.; entered College in 1837 ; graduated in 1841 ; studied law ; for two years he practiced in St. Louis, Mo.; his health became much impaired, and he returned to Canton, where he died April 12, 1848, aged 25 years, 4 months and 18 days. Nathaniel Willis Doddridge; not heard from; entered College in 1839, but did not graduate; is residing in Circleville. Andrew Kershner Dunn; born 3d January, 1823; entered Fresh- man class August, 1839; left College in his Sophomore year ; studied, and practiced law in Mt. Vernon, till April, 1848, when he removed to Mt. Gilead, Morrow county, and is now an attorney at law and solicitor in chancery at that place. Anthony S. Davenport, of Chillicothe ; not heard from ; was a mem- ber of College in 1841, but did not graduate. f Wm. H. Delano, of Henderson, Ky.; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1842 ; left during his Sophomore year; is now a lawyer in that place. Harrison Horton Dodd; born February 24th, 1824; entered the Freshman class in 1843 ; left during his Sophomore year, 1844 • in May, 1847, married, and has two sons; is a forwarding and commission merchant at Toledo, where he has resided since 1833 : a member of the board of aldermen of Toledo for 1852-53. Kev. Columbus S. Doolittle, A. M. ; born October 24th, 1819; entered the Freshman class in 1844; graduated in 1848; was valedictorian ; received his degree of A. M. in course ; was engaged in teaching for some years at Columbus, and tutor in Kenyon College for 1850-51 ; studied theology at Bexley Hall, Theological Seminary of the diocese of Oliio ; was ordained dea- con by Bishop Mcllvaine in August, 1852, and has since been engaged in parochial duties at Canfield and Boardman; was mar- ried to Miss P. A. Lindly, December 31st, 1852; resided for many years at Fredericktown, Knox county. 4 26 William J. (Edmondsox) Tuck, A. M., of Bannister, Halifax county, Virginia; not heard from; entered the Fresliman class in 1S31; gi'aduated in 1S35, and received his Master's degi'ee in 1S15. By an act of the Legislature of Tii-ginia, he had his name changed to Tuck; vras one of the thirteen -who, on the 25th June, 1832, resigned their membership of the Philomathesian Society, and founded the Xu Pi Kappa Society. Datid L. Eldek ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1838, but left before graduating ; is an ai'tist, and was editor of the True American, published at Lexington, Ky. Rev. Robert SirARi Elder; born 1S12 ; was a member of College in 1835, but left before gi-aduating; studied theology at Bexley Hall, and was a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; was for some years rector at "Worthington. In 1846 he went as missionary to the parishes of Jonesville and Hillsdale, Michigan, where he died August 28th, 1850. By a truly Christian spirit, he not only rendered himself eminently usefid, but gained the esteem and love of all who knew him; married, in Columbus, September, 1S4:4:, Miss Tan Yechten, of Xew York. His wife and children, two sons and one daughter, reside in G-ambier. Hexry Jackson Eager, A. B. ; born October 14th, 1820, at Gran- rille ; entered the Freshman class in 1836; left at the close of the year; resided at Granville till 1839, when he entered the Junior class of Marietta College, and graduated in 1841 ; married Miss L. M. Rouse, of London, on the 20th April, 1843, and has one son; was engaged in merchandizing in London till 1852, when he removed to Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois, where he is engaged in the mercantile business. Benjamin Emmons, of "Woodstock, Vermont ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1836, but left before graduating. Joseph D. Ebersole, A. B. ; entered Freshman class in 1>'44 ; gradu- ated in 1848, and engaged in teaching for one year, in Virginia ; studied law in Erie, Penn., and was admitted to the bai' in 1851. His studies had been close and laborious for many years, and just as his future was dawning prosperously upon him, death summoned him hence. He died in 1851. 27 William Townsend Early ; bom at Witney, Oxfordshire, England ; came to Gambier in November, 1852, and is a member of the Freshman class. He contemplates entering the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Philander Chase Freeman, A. B. ; born in Plainfield, New Hamp- shire, August 27th, 1807 ; entered Kenyon College, then located at Worthington, Franklin county, in November, 1826, and was one of the members of the first Sophomore class formed in that Institution; graduated in 1829, with the first class that was grad- uated from Kenyon College. On the 30th April, 1838, married Miss S. Norton, who died April 25th, 1844. June 4th, 1846, he married Miss M. S. Norton, and has one son; was admitted to the bar in May, 1833, in Windsor county, Vermont. In Decem- ber, 1833, he removed to Claremont, Sullivan county, N. H., where he still resides, an Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery ; was Representative in the State Legislature for 1843-44, and was a member of the State Constitutional Con- vention, in 1849-50; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomathesian Society, on the 30th June, 1827, at 10 o'clock, A. M. In speaking of College incidents, which "happened more than a quarter of a century since," he writes: "When I first entered Kenyon, then located at Worthington, Ohio was in its infancy, and its inhabitants not much advanced in knowledge, or even civilization. My first years in Kenyon were spent in a log cabin for my study. I went to Grambier before the College was erected, and before any improvements were made on the College Hill. The first night I spent on College Hill was in a cabin of boughs, covered with English blankets, the donation of English liberality. While the foundations of Kenyon College were being laid, in the winter of 1827, I was engaged in teaching the first rudiments of the English language to original settlers, in a log cabin, situated about forty rods north-west from the college build- ing, on the banks of 'Owl Creek,' alias Vernon River. I spent three months of the winter of 1828 in Perry township, teaching the good people^ s children. My terms of tuition were $2.00 per scholar, for three months, payable in corn at 10 cents per bushel, or wheat at 25 cents per bushel. I had a school of 80 scholars and upwards. My recompense in corn and wheat all went to 28 Kenyon, to pay for my lioard and tnition. The College was not completed, to receive inhabitants, till alrtout three months before I received my degree ; consec|nently, during all my College course, I lived in temporary buildings, except three months.'" JoKs B. FosTEE. A. 31.. 31. D., of Cincinnati: not heard from : en- tered College in 1833 ; graduated in 1835 ; received his Master's degree in 1S39 : -was a physician for a short time in Cincinnati. Kev. WiLLiAii Fagg, a. 31. ; not heard from : entered the Freshman class in 1835, and received his degrees in course ; studied The- ology at Bexley Hall. Gambler ; is a clergyman ui the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is now rector of Immanuel Church, La Grange, Tenn. : was one of the ten Philomathesian '•' volunteers, ^^ to aid the Xu Pi Kappa Society, on 28th October, 1840. Prof. Calze Cx. Foesket ; not heai-d from ; was a member of College in 1835, but left CoUege to pursue his studies at West Point, X. T. ; has been for many years Professor of 31athematics in Jeffer- son CoUege, 3Iis5. Hexet Tudoe Fat ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1887, but left before graduating : is a merchant in Columbus. Tea Daewix FszycH. A. 31. : bom 7th Sept. 1823, at TVethersfield, Wimisor county, Yt. ; entered the Freshman class Sept. 1837 ; graduated 1841 ; married 3Iiss S. Davis, 3Iay 4, 1848 ; was admitted to the bar in 1845, and is an attorney at law in Cin- cinnati. Kev. "WiLLiAJi Claek Feexch, A. 31. : bom at Livonia, Livingston county, 3s". Y., June 3d, ISIS; entered the Freshman class, half advanced, in 1838; graduated 1841; studied Theology at the Union Theological Seminary, New York city, fi-om 1841 to 1845 ; 8th August, 1844, married 31iss 31ary C. Johnson, and has two sons and one daughter; Jan. 25th, 1846, was ordained Beacon by Bp. 31cllvaine, and Presbyter Dec. 25th, 1846 ; was rector of St. Luke's Church, GranviUe, from 1845 to 1850; 1850-51, rector of St. Peter's, Delaware, and is now rector of St. John's, TVorthington. Has been Secretary of the Convention of the P. E. Church of the Diocese of Ohio since 1847. 29 Robert S. French, A. M. ; not heard from ; entered the Freshman class in 1845, and received his degrees in course; attended lec- tures at the Medical College in New York city. In 1851 he married Mrs. S. Evans, of Gamlbier ; is now engaged in agricul- tural pursuits, near Gambler. Charles Wesley Fearns, A. B. ; born 17th Sept. 1831, in Ireland; entered the Sophomore class in 1849; graduated 1852; is a can- didate for Orders in the P. E. Church, and is a member of the Junior class of Bexley Hall, Gambler. Robert Gray; born Dec. 1811 ; entered College 1828, and died 12th Dec. 1829 ; was interred in the church-yard of Harcourt parish. Gambler. David B. Gill, of Clarksborough, New Jersey ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1833, but left before graduating. Abram E. Gwynne, a. M. ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1835 ; left, and graduated at Harvard University, Mass. ; is an attorney at law and solicitor in chancery in Cin- cinnati. Lewis Granger, of Granville; not heard from; was a member of College in 1836, but left before graduating. Rev. Charles Gibbs, A. M., of Norwalk; not heard from; entered the Junior class in 1837 ; graduated, and received his Master's degree in course ; studied Divinity, partially, in the Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Ohio, Bexley Hall; was tutor in Kenyon College in 1842 ; is a Presbyterian clergjmian. Jacob J. Greene, A. B., of Defiance; not heard from ; was a mem- ber of College in 1837; left, and graduated at Yale College, Conn., and is now a lawyer in Cincinnati. C. Griffin, of Granville; not heard from; was a member of College in 1841, but left before graduating. Alexander W. Griffith, A. M., of Wheeling, Va. ; not heard from ; entered the Freshman class in 1842, and received his degrees in course; studied law in Baltimore, Md., and is now an attorney at law and solicitor in chancery at Connersville, Indiana. 30 Joel W. Garrett, of Upper Sandusky ; not heard from ; entered the Freshman class in 1843, and left during his Sophomore year, 1845. Moses Moorhead Granger, A. B. ; horn 22d October, 1831, at Zanesville ; entered the Freshman class 6th October, 1846; graduated 1850; was valedictorian; studied, and is practicing law at Zanesville. Richard Gray, M. D. ; born 7th April, 1830 ; entered the Freshman class in October, 1846 ; left College a few weeks afterwards, and entered the Medical College of Ohio ; graduated 1st March, 1853 ; is now a physician in Cincinnati. Edwin Hodges Grant, A. B., M. D. ; born 27th February, 1831, in Syria, Asia; entered the Sophomore class in 1848; graduated 1850; studied medicine with Dr. W. H. Mussey, of Cincinnati; received his degree in medicine March, 1853. George W. Gregg; born 16th October, 1834, at Circleville; entered the Freshman class in 1850, but left during his Freshman year; is a farmer, near Circleville. James NoRRis Gamble ; born 9th August, 1836, at Cincinnati; en- tered the Freshman class in 1850, and is a member of the Junior class; residence, Cincinnati. Thomas Marshall Green; born 23d November, 1836, at Danville, Ky. ; entered the Freshman class in October, 1851 ; left in April, 1853, of his Sophomore year; is residing in Newport, Ky. Leo B. Ganter; born 24th July, 1835, at Huntersville, Va. ; en- tered the Freshman class Aug. 4, 1852 ; residence, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Henry N. Hedges; not heard from; was a member of College in 1827, but left before graduating; was one of the seventeen found- ers of the Philomathesian Society, on the 30th' June, 1827; is a lawyer in Circleville. Elmer W. Hersey ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philo- mathesian Society, on the 30th June, 1827, and died at Newark, while an active member of the Society, in 1827. 31 Thomas B. Harris; not heard from; left College about 1828; was from Canton. James Hunter, A. B. ; not heard from; entered the Junior class in 1828 ; graduated in 1830 ; was from Brooklyn, N. Y. Mackall Harris, of Cincinnati ; not heard from ; entered College about the year 1831. William A. Hoey ; was from Ireland ; was a member of College in 1831, and was then contemplating the ministry of the gospel, but left College soon after; studied and practiced law in Mt. Yernon till 1852, when he died. George E. Hogg, A. B. ; not heard from ; entered the Freshman class in 1832; graduated in 1836; is a farmer near Pittsburgh, Penn. ; was from Brownsville, Penn. RoLLiN C. HuRD ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1833, but left before graduating; has practiced law in Mt. Yernon for many years, and is now Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Knox county, the highest judicial office in the county. Charles Augustus Harper; born October 7th, 1817, at Zanesville; entered Freshman class in 1834; left at the close of his Junior year; married in 1845; his wife and a son survive him; was a lawyer in Zanesville, where he died September 28th, 1848. John Howard, A. B. ; born October 5th, 1813, in Belmont county; entered the Sophomore class in 1834: graduated in 1837; mar- ried Miss A. E. Lowry, of Dayton, the 6th April, 1841, and has a son and one daughter; studied law; since 1840, he has been an Attorney at Law in Dayton; has been Mayor of Dayton since 1847. Kev. Joseph Hunter ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1834; but left before graduating; is a clergyman in the Protest- ant Episcopal Church ; and is now re(i|;or of Prince Frederick's Church, Pee Dee P. 0., Georgetown, S. C. Rev. Sarin Hough, A. B.; not heard from; entered College in 1835; left in his Junior year, 1838 ; received the honorary degree of A. 32 B. in 1^39 : was from ColmnbiLS : for many years was Profe^or in :ie ^Mii-iiiesii TTniTersirr : was a oler^nnin in 'ji^ Pr-jtesuSknt Wii. W. E;ii::rz7 :: E:l:-::; i:: i:;: ". - i; vi-- E! i::^^- in and graaer. in Galifomii. s: iir-rz:. E-.^^ BrrLz^ Rllz. A. B.: b;- I.'z. -. 1-1 ; : 2:::'^^^. L-^ IMand; entTiri TZr Frrsliman cla^ 1837 : ^':iini:fi ji cinrs^ : was Tale»i: : 1 TT - " 1S46, marri i -^i^ ^ . ^ ~ ^^^ lias &ree -111 __ :: ivllawtill l^-" : -_ z It ^^i^ziin 15 : : ti: l ir 'dug bnsinfES. nnirr :Ji z :i^ : Stniges Cenrrr. La Grange gog^zj. is : and holds Andiior. JOHX Habbis. in l-^oS : Erz3izz.r:7.: B~.::l.7- E,^— ^ A. M.; AuomeT :.- L:--7 -:z::"r A 'An; :- An: _ n :m Octiober 4. 1 -: m ::t At Freshman class 1888; graduated 1842; was Yaledktnraan ied law at Gohnnbos, and Gamlffidge, Ma^.. fr:n lS4o : : A^ : was a lawjer at Eremont from 1845 tol85-. wnen Zt : n; t1 to Cimiiinad; mamed at Gindnnad 1852. Mr. HaT^s ^is :n:- s^L at &e last annnsd meeting of the AInnnA :: KrZ i ...r. to deliver the address before thOTAssocAnin ntir li : Azgzs:. 1853. TV ---.- .- Brzi RLznzii : Am ATigastOfli, 1823 : -n:-rA Ae Bresli- n. _ ; _ - 1 ^ : : left College at the doee of A- S z n<3moxe year; -:. :_nA z: n Aant in ZanesAZle. Imt is s: ires-nt -rent for -7 Z-..nl. n:n Mills. College in 1S8S : but left before graduating. William Connel Hedges, of Tiffin; born August 11, 1820; entered the Fresbman class in the fall of 1839; left College at the close of his Junior year ; entered the law school in Harvard University, Mass., August 1843; graduated August 1845; July 20, 1846, married Miss Sarah B. Waggoner, and has one son and two daugh- ters; was engaged in the banking business at Holly Springs, Miss., from 1848 to 1851 ; since, has resided at Tiffin; an Attor- ney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery; was one of the ten Philo- mathesian "volunteers" to aid the Nu Pi Kappa Society, Octo- ber 28, 1840. Edward A. Hopkins, of Prince George's county, Md.; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1841 ; but left before gradu- ating. John HuMRiCKHOUSE, M. J)., of Coshocton; not heard from; was a member of College in 1841 ; but left, and studied medicine in Philadelphia, Pa.; practiced for a short time at Cleveland, also at Coshocton; is now engaged in mercantile business. Edgar L. Hinton; born Nov. 11, 1826, at Delaware; entered the Freshman class 1840 ; owing to protracted ill health, he left Col- lege during his Junior year, 1843 ; commenced the study of law; but his health required more active business. In May, 1846, he joined the Scarlet Rangers at St. Louis, Mo., destined for the fron- tier of Texas ; engaged in many hard fights during the Mexican war, and entered the city of Mexico with Gen. Scott's victorious troops; returned home in July, 1847, and studied medicine for one year; went to New York, and sailed for China, aboard the merchantman " Sea Witch;" has visited almost every country in the world ; and sails from place to place, more to gratify his curi- osity than to be permanently attached to the same vessel, or bound by its destination. By last advices from him, Aug. 20, 1852, he was again bound for California, from England ; his letters are very interesting; he enjoys good health, and writes that he dislikes the seaman's life, but feels that he cannot live ashore. James B. Hogg; not heard from; was from Pittsburg, Pa.; entere. Freshman class September, 1843; left College in his Sophomore* year, 1845. 5 34 Alfred M. Hoyt, A. M.; born December 22d, 1829, at New York city; entered the Freshman class of Kenyon College August 4, 1843 ; graduated, and received tbe Master's degree in course ; read law, but did not enter the profession ; in 1849, removed from New York city to East Saginaw, Saginaw county, Mich.; engaged in real estate, and miscellaneous business connected therewith; in November, 1852, was elected to the Legislature of Michigan for two years. JohnHazlett; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1847; left College Sophomore year ; graduated at the Western Military Academy, of Ky.; is now studying law at Zanesville. E,ev. Elijah W. Hager, of Skaneateles, N. Y.; not heard from ; grad- uated at Bexley Hall Theological Seminary, in 1850. By a pro- vision in the constitution of the Philomathesian Society, students at Bexley Hall can become members of the Society. He is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; was chaplain in the New York Penitentiary, at Auburn, for some time ; is now rector of St. John's Church, Clayville, Oneida county, N. Y. John Hochult, A. B.; born August 7, 1824, in Canton Berne, Switz- erland; immigrated to the United States in 1829, and settled at Pittsburg, Pa.; entered the Freshman class 1848 ; graduated 1852 ; is a member of the Junior class of Bexley Hall Theologi- cal Seminary, of the diocese of Ohio, and a candidate for Orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church. Stephen Johnson Hubbell ; born March 8, 1834 ; entered the Fresh- man class 1848; but left College the same year; has been en- gaged in the mercantile house of Messrs. Hubbell & Co., of Wheeling, Ya., till April, 1853, when he commenced the study of medicine. Moses Hamilton; born September 1st, 1829, in Ireland; immigrated to Zanesville in 1849 ; entered the Freshman class of Kenyon College, May, 1851, and is a member of the Junior class; resi- dence, Zanesville. Kaymond Wheeler Haneord ; born at Middlebury, June 24th, 1829; entered the Freshman class in 1851, and is a member of the Sophomore class ; is a printer by trade. 35 John Eldin Hamilton; born at New Castle, Ky., August 1st, 1835; entered the Freshman class, October, 1852; residence, New Castle, Kentucky. William Ijabis ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philoma- thesian Society, on the 30th June, 1827, at Worthington ; left College in 1828. Rev. Jehu Jones, of Wheeling, Va. ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1829, but left before graduating, and studied The- ology in Cincinnati ; was a candidate for Orders in the diocese of Ohio ; was ordained by Bishop Doane, of New Jersey ; has not been heard from lately. Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer; born July 21st, 1814, in Charles county, Maryland ; entered College in 1829 ; left in 1832 ; studied medicine at Baltimore, Maryland, and was admitted to the practice in 1837 ; was a physician in Charles county, Md., where he died in the autumn of 1843. He became a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church while at Kenyon College, and con- tinued an exemplary Christian until his death. He was one of the thirteen founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, on June 25th, 1832. John Campbell Jenifer; born April 25th, 1813, in Charles county, Md.; entered College in 1829 ; left in 1832 ; studied medicine in Baltimore, Md.; graduated, and went south in 1834; was a phy- sician at Helena, Arkansas, and died there in successful practice, October, 1845 ; was one of the thirteen founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, June 25th, 1832, who resigned their membership of the Philomathesian Society at that time. Andrew K. Jackson; born at Zanesville in 1815; entered College in 1833, but left before graduating; married Miss M. Mitchell. For some years he was engaged in teaching, and in 1847 he was editor of the Zanesville Whig ; was a surveyor, and is at present in California. Rev. Samuel Lee Johnson, A. M.; born May 21st, 1812; entered the Freshman class in 1835; graduated in 1839; received his degree of A. M. in course; was a teacher in the Ashland Acad- 36 emy, Ashland county, for a short time ; entered Bexley Hall, Theological Seminary, 1840 ; was Tutor in College for 1840-43, and was one of the ten Philomathesian "volunteers," to " aid " the Nu Pi Kappa Society, October 28th, 1840; was ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church 1843, and presbyter in 1844; was rector of Christ Church, Indianapolis, la., until his death, December 24th, 1848 ; resigned the charge of St. Mary's Semi- nary, Indianapolis, la., July 7th, 1848, which he had held for five years, in connection with his parochial duties ; was married to Miss Julia A. Pratt, in Granville, July 18th, 1843. William Yittz Janes Johnson, of G-ambier; born May 14th, 1829; entered the Freshman class in 1844; left College January, 1846, Sophomore year; was engaged in Indianapolis, la., from 1847 till March, 1852, as clerk in a mercantile house, and studied medicine at his leisure ; then, being in feeble health, went to Oregon by the overland route, where he arrived October, 1852. His health is entirely restored. He is settled in Tualiton Valley, Oregon. William James, of Chillicothe; not heard from; was a member of College in 1837 ; left, and is now a lawyer in Chillicothe. Robert Jones, of Lafayette, la.; not heard from; was a member of College in 1837, but left before graduating. Orville Johnson, M. D.; born at Henderson, Jefferson county, New York, December 4th, 1822 ; entered the Freshman class in 1844; left College Sophomore year, January, 1847 ; studied medicine in Columbus, at the " Starling Medical College," and graduated there February, 1852; was formerly printer; in 1843 publisher of the " Maumee River Times." Since May, 1850, he has been publisher of the "Lutheran Standard," and also engaged as physician in Columbus ; now practicing medicine at Worthington. LoNGWOETH Jones; born at Cincinnati, March 31st, 1830; resided in the city of Mexico with his father in 1835-6 ; was a member of St. Mary's College, Md., 1840-43; then resided in Hancock county. 111., till 1847, since which time at Cincinnati; entered Freshman class of Kenyon College 1849 ; left April, 1850 ; is now a bookkeeper at Cincinnati. 37 Charles Hervey James; "born June 11, 1833, at Cincinnati; entered the Freshman class 1850 ; is a member of the Junior class ; resi- dence, Cincinnati. Thomas Mecker James; born September 27, 1837, at Cincinnati; is a member of the Freshman class since October, 1852; resides in Cincinnati. RuFUS King, A. M.; born May 30, 1817, at Chillicothe; entered the Freshman class 1831 ; left September, 1834, and graduated at Harvard University, Mass., 1838 ; graduated at the Harvard Law School 1841 ; married Miss Kives, of Cincinnati, May, 1843 ; since 1841 has resided at Cincinnati; is an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. John Knox, A. M., M. D., an eminent physician of New York city; not heard from ; entered the Freshman class 1835, and received his degrees in course. Edward T. Kellogg, of Cleveland ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1838; but left before graduating; is now in Cali- fornia. Levi H. Kilbourn, of Granville ; not heard from ; entered the Fresh- man class October, 1842, and left same year. William B. Lloyd, of Hartford, Conn.; not heard from; was a mem- ber of College in 1830 ; but did not graduate ; was for one term a member of the Ohio Legislature, from Cleveland ; he obtained some notoriety at the passage of the "Benton expunging resolu- tion," in the Congress of the United States. John Lewis, of Litchfield, Conn.; not heard from; was a member of ""College in 1832 ; left before graduating. Rev. Edwin N. Lightner, A. M.; not heard from ; entered the Fresh- man class 1832, and received his degrees in course; studied Divin- ity at the General Theological Seminary, N. Y., and is a clergy- man in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; rector of Christ Church, Upper Merion ; P. 0. Norristown, Montgomery county. Pa. Rev. Milton C. Lightner, A. M.; not heard from ; entered the Fresh- man class 1835 ; and received his degrees in course ; is a clergy- 38 man in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and rector of Christ Church, Eeading, Pa. Ebexezer S. Laxe, 31. D.; born August, 1819; entered the Fresh- man class 1835; graduated 1839; is a physician in Sandusky City. Altax Laaib, of Delaware ; not heard from ; was a member of Col- lege in 1838; but left before graduating; is now residing in California; was one of the ten Philomathesian "volunteers" to aid the Xu Pi Kappa Society, October 28, 1840. Samuel Hiram Lee, 31. D.; born Jan. 16, 1820; entered the Fresh- man class 1838 ; left College in August, 1839 ; entered and grad- uated at 3Iarietta College, 1842; October 14, 1849, mai-ried 3Iiss A. E. Triplett, and has one daughter; was a physician for some time in Coshocton; is now located at Peru, la. Eev. Charles Ferris Lewis, A. 31.; bom June 12, 1818; entered the Freshman class 1839, and received his degxees in course; November 6, 1849, maiiied 3Iiss 31. C. Kiloh, and has two sons; studied theology at Bexley Hall, and is a clergyman of the Prot- estant Episcopal Chui'ch ; is Principal of the "Burgess Hall Select Female Boarding School," at Springfield. Bexjamix Lock Laxg, A. 31.; not heard from; graduated in 1844; was valedictorian ; received the 3Iaster's degree in course ; from 1845 to 1847, was Principal of the Senior Grrammar School of Kenyon College ; married 3Iiss H. Thi'all, of Grambier ; has been Principal of the High School of Lidianapolis, la., since 1847. J. Loxg; entered College 1840 ; left before graduating. JoHX A. Little, A. 31., 31. D.; entered College in 1841 ; graduated 1845 ; and received his blaster's degree in 1848 ; married 31iss Cai'oline Williams, and has two children ; is a practicing physician in Columbus. Bev. Be "Witt Clixtox Loop, A. 31.; bom at Elmira, X. Y., August 31st, 1826; entered the Sophomore class October 9, 1843; left August 7th, 1844; entered Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., and graduated August 6th, 1846; is a minister in the Protestant 39 Episcopal Church, and was ordained deacon in Brooklyn, Long Island, June 29th, 1851, by Bishop Be Lancey. From 1844 to 1848, he was engaged in teaching. October 2, 1848, he entered the Greneral Theological Seminary, N. Y. Since January, 1853, he has been minister of two parishes in Trumbull, Fairfield county, Connecticut. Joseph Lindly, A. M.; born June 9th, 1821; entered the Sophomore class May, 1846; graduated August, 1848, and received his Master's degree August, 1851; was principal of New Hagerstown Academy from November 1, 1848, until January 10, 1853; is President and Professor of Languages, and Mental and Moral Science, in Richmond College, New Bichmond; April 5, 1853, married Miss M. 0. H. McGowan. Charles J. Lyndb, of Zanesville ; not heard from; left College during his Freshman year, 1848; is clerk in the Commissary's Depart- ment, Fort Gibbs. BiCHARD D. Lynde, M. D., of Zanesville ; not heard from; left College in his Freshman year, 1848; studied medicine at Fort Gibbs, and graduated at the Medical School of Philadelphia, Penn. Benjamin Ludlow, of Cincinnati; left College in his Freshman year, 1849, and not heard from. Picket E. Latimer, of Norwalk; not heard from; left College during his Freshman year, 1850. Henry Durant Latiirop; born at Elmira, N. Y., September 13th, 1829; entered the Sophomore class of Kenyon College, October, 1850; is a member of the Senior class, which graduates August 3d, 1853; has been a teacher for some years; now engaged in Harcourt Place Select School, and contemplates preparing for the ministry at Bexley Hall. William G. Le Due, A. M.; born at Wilkesville, Gallia county, March 29, 1823; entered the Freshman class in 1844, and received his degrees in course; married Miss Mary E. Bronson, of Mt. Vernon, April, 1851, and has one daughter; traveled during 1848-9 through the south and west, as agent for several publishing houses; read law in Boston, Mass., in the winter of 40 1849-50, when lie opened a law office and bookstore at St. Paul, Minnesota ; is still in the same business. For a short time he edited a newspaper, and now is one of the commissioners from Minnesota to the World's Fair, New York city. James McAboy Le Due ; born at Wilkesville, Gallia county, February 14th, 1832; entered the Freshman class, August, 1850; was absent from College one year, and is in the present Sophomore class. Joseph H. Larwill; born December, 1833, at Wooster; entered the Sophomore class, October, 1852; residence, Wooster. John L. Miner, A. B., of Cincinnati; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1828; graduated 1832; is an Attorney, at Law, Cincinnati. Lewis W. Minor, of Fredericksburg, Ya; not heard from; was a member of College 1828, and left before graduating. Rev. Lancelot B. Minor, A. B., of Fredericksburg, Ya.; entered the Freshman class 1829; graduated 1833; was a missionary to Africa, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and was the first missionary of this Church who died in Africa ; was one of the founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, June 25th, 1832. Lucius H. Minor, of Fredericksburg, Ya.; not heard from; was a member of College in 1829, but left before graduating. John B. Minor, of Cincinnati; not heard from; was a member of College in 1830, but left before graduating. Matthew Mitchell ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1829, but left before graduating ; married Miss A. Sparrow, of Gambler, and has two sons and one daughter ; is an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, at Mt. Yernon, and was a member of the Ohio State Constitutional Convention, 1851. W. W. McNair, of Steubenville ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1830, but left before graduating. Rev. Joshua Morsell ; not heard from ; was a member of College 1881, but left before graduating ; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episco- pal Church, and rector of St. Anne's parish ; P. 0. Annapolis, Md. 41 Rev. F. H. McGuiRE, A. B.; not heard from; entered tlie Freshman class in 1830; graduated 1834; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and rector at Boyden, Mecklenburg county, Va.; was one of the founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, June 25th, 1832. A. T. McClintock, of Wilkesbarre, Pa.; not heard from; was a member of College 1831, but left before graduating. James Maxwell, of Philadelphia, Penn.; not heard from; was a member of College in 1831, but left before graduating. Asa L. Mehurin, A. B.; entered the Freshman class of Kenyon College 1832; graduated 1836; studied law in Grambier; was a lawyer in Toledo for some time. He located at Vicksburg, Miss., and died there some years ago ; was from Salem, Washington county. New York. Rev. John G-ordon Maxwell, A. M.; not heard from; entered Col- lege 1832 ; graduated 1835 ; received his Master's degree 1846 ; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is rector of Emanuel Church, Kensington, Philadelphia, Penn. Joseph Mitchell, of Steubenville ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1833, but left before graduating. Nicholas S. Malbone, of Brooklyn, Long Island ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1833, but left before graduating. Rev. William Henry Moore; born August 7th, 1814; entered College 1834 ; left September 6, 1837 ; married, July 2nd, 1840, Miss Isabella Gr. Boyd, Brooklyn, L. I., and has three sons and one daughter. He graduated at the General Theological Seminary, New York, in 1840 ; a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and has been constantly engaged in parochial duties. Since 1849 he has been rector of St. George's, Hempstead, L. I. Cyrus Munson, of Greenfield, N. Y.; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1834; but left before graduating. Hon. Joseph W. McCorkle; not heard from; was a member of Col- lege in 1835; but did not graduate; is a Representative in Con- gress from California. 6 42 John K. Miller, A. B.: not heard from; was a member of College in 1835; left, and graduated at Washington College, Pa.; is an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery at Mt. Vernon, and was Kepresentative in Congress from Knox county, for the term of 1849-50. JoHX W. Maesh, a. B., of Montebello, 111.; not heard from; entered College 1836; graduated 1839. Fitch Ja:mes Mathews, A. B.; graduated 1840; studied, and is practicing law at Columbus. George W. Masox, of Steubenville ; not heard from ; was a member of College in 1838 ; left before graduating. Miller Moody, of Belleville ; not heard from ; was a member of Col- lege in 1838 ; left before graduating. Werter W. Madeira, of Chillicothe; was a member of College in 1840 ; but left before graduating; not heard from. Joseph "W. McIlyaixe; son of Bishop Mcllvaine ; entered College 1840 ; left 1842 ; is clerk in the Department of the Interior, at Washington, D. C; not heard from. Rev. William Miller, A. B.; not heard from; entered CoUege in 1840 ; graduated 1842 ; studied divinity at Bexley Hall, Theo- logical Seminary of the diocese of Ohio ; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and missionary at Connersville, la. Joseph W. Muexscher, A. M., of Mt. Ternon; entered College in 1840, and received his degrees in course ; graduated at the Law School of Harvard University, Mass.; was a lawyer in Sandusky; where he died, of the cholera, in 1849. He feU a victim to the scourge while devoting himself untiringly and almost single-handed, to the dying and the dead of that panic-stricken city. Emory W. Muexscher, A. B.; not heard from; entered the Sopho- more class 1847 ; gTaduated 1850 ; is now engaged in civil engi- neering, Mt. Yemon. Charles H. MrExscHER, of Mt. Yemon ; not heard from ; entered the Freshman class 1852; left the same year, owing to ill health. 43 John Sanford Mason ; born August 21st, 1834 ; entered the Fresh- man class 1840 ; left, and entered the United States Military Academy July, 1843; graduated June, 1847; July 15, 1847, married Miss Annie Judkins, of Steubenville, and has one daugh- ter. He immediately proceeded to join the army in Mexico ; and in July, 1848, returned with his regiment, and was stationed at Fort Adams, Rhode Island; January 1st, 1852, was ordered to Monterey, California; in August, 1852, was stationed at "Mis- sion De San Diego," California. He was 2d lieutenant in the 3d regiment of artillery, U. S. Army, from July 1, 1847, until September 7, 1850, when he was promoted to the 1st lieutenancy in the U. S. Army ; is now an ofl&cer at Mission De San Diego, Cal, He was one of the Philomathesian volunteers to aid the Nu Pi Kappa Society, Oct. 28, 1840. Samuel W. McDowell; born Oct. 8, 1819; entered the Freshman class 1840 ; left at the close of his Freshman year, and entered the Junior class of Washington College, Pa., 1841 ; left College 1842 ; studied law, and was admitted to the bar September 80, 1844; was engaged in agricultural pursuits near Clansfield, till 1852 ; and is now farming near Mansfield, Putnam county. Thomas Means, Jr., of Steubenville ; not heard from ; entered Fresh- man class 1841 ; left College 1842. Johnson McFarland, of Mt. Yernon ; not heard from ; entered Fresh- man class 1842 ; left same year. Thomas C. Miller; not heard from; entered the Sophomore class 1846; left during his Junior year; is now a merchant in Mt. Yernon. John H. Meacham, A. B.; born Nov. 16, 1822, at Springville, Pa.; entered the Freshman class 1846; left same year; entered Union College 1850 ; graduated 1852; is engaged in teaching in Hano- ver county, Ya. Egbert Morris Marshall, of Mt. Carmel, Ky.; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1847 ; left during his Sophomore year ; is a member of the Law Department of Yale College, Conn. Henry Hobart Morrell, A. B.; born at Flushing, L. I., May 17, 1828; entered the Freshman class 1848; graduated August 4, 44 1852; was valedictorian; is a member of the Junior class of Bexley Hall^ and a candidate for Orders in the Protestant Epis- copal Church. He has been tutor, in charge of the Senior Gram- mar School of Kenyon College, since the resignation of Rev. N. Badger, A. M., in May, 1853. Thomas Marshall, of Washington, Ky.; not heard from; entered the Sophomore class 1850; left 1851; residence, St. Louis, Mo. Edward T. Marble, of Newark ; not heard from ; entered the Fresh- man class 1850; left Sophomore year, 1852; is studying law in Newark. William H. Marble, of Newark ; not heard from ; entered the Fresh- man class 1850; left Sophomore year, 1852; is a merchant in Newark. Henry Hays Messenger; born in Greene county, Pa., Sept. 12th, 1828 ; entered the Freshman class October, 1851 ; is a member of the Junior class. J. W. Morris, of Chillicothe; not heard from; was a member of Col- lege in 1840 ; left before graduating. Samuel Driesbach Miller; born at Mifflinburg, Pa., April 15th, 1835; entered the Freshman class of Marietta College Sept. 27, 1850; left, and entered Sophomore class of Kenyon College Oct. 1852; left April, 1853; is now studying medicine at Circleville. Kev. Alexander Norris, A. B.; entered College 1827 ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomathesian Society, June 30, 1827 ; was a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; died some years ago. Rev. RoDOLPHUs K. Nash, A. B., not heard from; entered College 1835 ; graduated 1837 ; was tutor in Kenyon College 1839-40 ; studied theology at Bexley Hall, and is a clergyman in the Prot- estant Episcopal Church ; is rector of St. Paul's, Bellevue, and Trinity Church, Lyme. A. Baldwin Norton, A. M.; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1836 ; received his degrees in course ; studied law at Mt. Vernon, but did not enter the profession ; has since been engaged 45 in the milling and mercantile business, at Gambier and Mt. Vernon. A. Banning Norton, A. M.; not beard from ; entered Fresbman class 1836 ; graduated, and received bis Master's degree in course ; studied law in Mt. Vernon ; is editor of tbe "Daily True Wbig," Mt. Vernon ; and is otberwise engaged, as a mercbant and a law- yer. Mucb credit is due to bim for bis labors in publishing tbe " Catalogue of tbe Pbilomatbesian Society," in 1840. Daniel S. Norton; entered tbe Fresbman class 1843; left 1844; not beard from ; was in tbe war witb Mexico ; is now practicing law in Mt. Vernon. Rev. Rodney Sidney Nash, A. B.; born July 10 tb, 1821; entered tbe Fresbman class 1842; graduated 1846; was valedictorian; studied theology at Bexley Hall, and was tutor in Kenyon Col- lege 1848-49 ; married Miss S. G. Thrall, 1849, and has one daughter; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and from October, 1849, till 1851, was located in Lancaster county, Va.; since then has been connected witb tbe diocese of Ohio, as rector of St. Luke's Church, Milan, and now rector of St Philip's, Circleville. Peter Nefe, Jr., A. M.; born April 13th, 1827, at Cincinnati; en- tered tbe Freshman class of Yale College, Conn., September, 1845 ; left August, 1846, owing to ill health; entered the Junior class of Kenyon College, August, 1847 ; graduated August, 1849; received the Master's degree in 1852. During bis Senior year, 1848-49, be was a member of the Junior class of Bexley Hall Theological Seminary. From October, 1849, till November, 1851, he was employed in the stock grazing and farming business, near Paris, Edgar county, 111. , as tbe means of recruiting his health ; February 27, 1850, married Miss Sallie A. Biggs, of Cincinnati, and has one daughter; spent tbe winter of 1851-52 in Cincin- nati; July 21st, 1852, entered tbe Middle class of the Theologi- cal Seminary of the diocese of Ohio, and is a candidate for Orders in tbe Protestant Episcopal Church ; residence, Cincinnati. Myron Orton ; was a member of College 1829, but did not graduate. 4d HzsT.T S. Obtox, of Caldwell, N. J.; not heard rrom: was a mem"ber ■:f :ze Freslunan class 1843; left College lS-i4. ELamlzi Pzf.sxvs; a member of College 1S27. out left before gradu- ating. EeT. Dzxiz- P;iii7.. A. B.: b:m .Jan:is:7 9:h. ISll : entered tlie Presiunan class 1S27 ; at the close of his Junior year. 1^ : 1 late Bishop Chase delegated him to collect funds in the Ea,;[ loi KenTon College. In the meantime the Bishop resigned his charge of the diocese; in consequence of which, ]Mr. P. pursued his Senior studies at Harvard UniTersity, Mass. He received his graduating degree from Kenyon College 1882 ; studied divinity at the Greneral Theolo^eal Seminary, Xe^ York, and entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church ; married his second wife. Miss S. L. Cogswell, of Xew York city, 1845. and has three daughters. By long and assiduous labors in the Christian min- istry, his health is much impaiiei. Hf L ~ Lri les in Hempstead, Long Island, and is laboring for the es.i li-uiient of a parish in Eastern Xew York; was one of the seventeen founders of the Phil;:r£.:he5ian Sodety, June SO:h, 1S27. EdwailI' ]Maj. shall Phllps. A. B.: lom a: "^ocibuiy. Conn., No- vember 2c':h. 1^1 b ; T.::?:: - :':ie Freshman class November, 1S29: gradua:-:! 1-cc : ::::-: :^n5s L. E. Hamlin, of Elyria, August ITth, 1^:". ;i:. 1:e :-; i:::^ and two daughters; studied law., and was admitted to the Court in Bank, at Xorwalk, Decem- ber, 1835 ; removed to St. Mary's, Auglaize county, March, 1836, where he sffll reside in the practice of law, and ensaged in farming; was Treasurer of Mercer countr for 1S37. 1S39, and 1S41. Eev. RicHAED H. Phtlups, A. M.; not heard &om; was not a menn ber of Kenyon College ; received the honorary degree of A. M. from Kenyon CoUege 1834; studied theology at Bexley TTall- By a provision in the constitution ci the Philcmathesian Society, members of Besley Hall may become hth'tIs of the Societv; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episer::- --■.izh, and now prin- cipal of the A'irghiia Pemale Insritute, Staunton, Ta. Rev. SoLoy G-. Tz-y-Aii; bom at E::_r:.r.. Vt., 1S03 ; entered 47 Freshman class 1830; left College Sophomore year; graduated at the Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y.; entered the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, and was for some time pastor at Gruilford, N. Y., and Granville, Ohio, where he died February, 1839. In 1838 he married Miss De Forest, of Duchess county, N. Y., and had one daughter ; they survive him. Charles H. Piper, of Baltimore, Md.; not heard from; entered Col- lege 1831 ; was one of the founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, June 25th, 1832; left before graduating. Edward Plater, of Leonard Town, St. Mary's county, Md.; not heard from; entered College 1831; was one of the founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, June 25th, 1832 ; left before gradu- ating. Newton Peck; was a member of College in 1833 ; left before gradu- ating. Lucius G-. Peck, of New Haven, Conn.; was a member of College in 1839 ; left College before graduating, and entered Yale. Rev. WiNTHROP H. Phelps, of New York city ; was a member of College about 1841 ; left College before graduating; entered the Union Theological Seminary of New York, where he graduated 1844 or 1845, and is now a Presbyterian clergyman. Linton Weed Pettibone, A. M., of Delaware; entered the Freshman class 1841 ; graduated 1845; received the Master's degree 1848; was a lawyer in Delaware, where he died 1851. Charles W. Parker; entered the Freshman class 1845; left College Sophomore year, 1847; not heard from; resides at Mansfield, and is mail agent on the Sandusky and Newark Kailroad. Henry Gideon Perry ; born at Philadelphia, Penn., May 27th, 1832 ; entered the Freshman class in 1849; is a member of the Senior class graduating August 3d, 1853; residence, Cleveland. Rev. Peter S. Ruth, A. M.; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1832 ; graduated, and received the Master's degree in course ; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; officiating in St. Paul's Church, Troy, Bradford county, Penn. 48 Henry L. Kichards, A. M., of G-ranville; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1834 ; graduated 1838 ; received the Master's degree 1841 ; studied Theology at Bexley Hall; became a cler- gyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and was rector of St, Paul's Church, Columbus; went over to the Roman Catholic Church in 1851, and is now a clerk in New York city. William Richards, A. B.; not heard from; entered College 1835; graduated 1838 ; is now a lawyer at Newark. Rev. GrEORGE F. Richards, A. B., of G-ranville; entered Junior class 1845; graduated 1847; studied Theology at Nashota, Wis.; was a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and died at Ashtabula in 1851, while assistant minister of St. Peter's Church. Charles R. Rhodes, A. B., of Zanesville; not heard from; entered the Freshman class 1836; graduated 1840; is a lawyer at Mari- etta. Dudley W. Rhodes, Jr.; Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in Delaware; not heard from; entered College 1838; left before graduating. Loyal Reding; born May 21st, 1810; entered Junior class 1837; left Senior year, 1838 ; July 2nd, 1840, married Miss S. Johnson, and has one son and a daughter ; is a merchant tailor in Norwalk. Richard L. Russell, of Cleveland ; not heard from ; a member of College in 1838 ; left before graduating. William B. Russell; druggist in Mt. Vernon; not heard from; entered Freshman class 1847 ; left College 1848. Patterson Reece, A. M., of Martinsburg, Knox county; not heard from ; entered College 1839 ; graduated 1842 ; received the Master's degree 1845. William K. Rogers, A. B.; born October 14, 1828 ; entered Fresh- man class 1844; graduated 1848; studied law at Lancaster, and Cambridge, Mass., from 1848 to 1851; is an Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Cincinnati. Rev. Daniel Risser, A. M.; born in Germany, May 2nd, 1824 ; emigrated to Ashland ; entered Sophomore class 1846 ; graduated 49 1849 ; received the Master's degree 1852 ; studied Theology at Bexley Hall, Theological Seminary of the diocese of Ohio, from 1849 till August 1st, 1852, when he was ordained deacon by Bishop Mcllvaine ; now officiating at St. Paul's Church, Lancaster. Samuel Rogers, Jr.; not heard from; entered the Freshman class October, 1849; left College March, 1851; resides at Circleville. Joseph Evans Ryan ; born in Ireland, September 24th, 1822 ; entered the Freshman class of Western Reserve College, 1847 ; left Col- lege at the close of 2nd term Junior year; studying Theology at Bexley Hall 1850 to 1853; is a member of the Senior class, graduating July 31st, 1853; a candidate for Orders in the Pro- testant Episcopal Church. By a provision in the Constitution of the Philomathesian Society, members of Bexley Hall can become members of the Society. D. Brainaed Ray; born at Worthington, Franklin county, March 25th, 1836 ; entered the Freshman class 1851 ; is now a member of the Sophomore class ; residence, Circleville. Hon. Edward Sparrow, of Concordia, Louisiana; not heard from; is an eminent lawyer; was a member of College in 1827, but left before graduating ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Phi- lomathesian Society, June 30th, 1827. Thomas Sparrow, A. M.; Attorney at Law and Postmaster at Colum- bus; not heard from; entered College 1833; graduated 1837; received the Master's degree 1840. Rev. Nathan Stem ; not heard from ; was the first graduate in divinity from the Theological Seminary of the diocese of Ohio, 1829; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church; rector of St. John's Church, Norristown, Penn.; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomathesian Society, June 30th, 1827. The constitution of the Society provides that members of Bexley Hall may become members of this Society. Ho was not a member of Kenyon College ; and, in tlie early history of the Society, the students of Bexley Hall and Kenyon College acted very much together, owing to the fact that the Institutions were nominally one, and under the government of the same faculty. 7 50 BuENWELL B. Sayre, A. B.; entered College 1828; graduated 1829; was valedictorian. Rev. Isaac Swartz; not heard from; was a member of College in 1828, but left before graduating; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is now engaged in teaching at Jacksonville, Florida. Edward M. Stanton, of Steubenville; not heard from ; was a member of Colleo;e about 1830: left before OTaduatins;. Rev. Henry S. Smith; was a member of College in 1829; left, and studied Theology ; not heard from ; is a clergyman in the Protest- ant Episcopal Church ; is now rector of Union Church, Claremont, New Hampshii'e. MuRRY H. S311TH ; entered College about 1830 ; left before graduating. "William B. Scott, of Wilkesbarre, Penn.; not heard from; entered College 1831 ; left before graduating. Jonathan J. Slocum, of "Wilkesbarre, Penn.; not heard from; was a member of College 1831 ; left before graduating. Charles H. Siggurney, of Hartford, Conn.; not heard from ; entered College 1831, but left before graduating; was one of the thirteen founders of the Xu Pi Kappa Society, June 25th, 1832. Horace Smith, A. M., of Reading, Penn.; entered College 1833; graduated 1837; received the Master's degree 1840; not heard from. Rev. Albert P. Smith; not heard from ; entered College 1835; left before graduating ; studied Theology at the General Theological Seminary, New York ; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is now missionary at Cazenovia, Madison county. New York. William McKendree Scott, A. 31.; not heard from; entered Fresh- man class 1835; graduated 1839; received the Master's degree 1842 ; resides at Indianapolis, la. L. Denison Shoemaker, of WilkesbaiTC, Penn.; not heard from; was a member of CoUege about 1836 ; left before graduating. 51 Kev. John Carpenter Smith, of Flusliing, N. Y.; not heard from ; entered College 1836; left before graduating; studied Theology at the General Theological Seminary, N. Y., and is now rector of a parish at Flushing, Long Island. E. G-. Spelman, of Kenton ; not heard from ; entered College 1836 ; left before graduating. Franklin Barry Sain, A. B.; born at Thornton, Perry county, De- cember 8th, 1822 ; entered the Freshman class of Kenyon College 1837; graduated 1841; was elected Professor of Languages in the Norwalk Seminary, and died at Norwalk, November 3d, 1841, just two months after graduating. " At the early age of thirteen he sought an interest in Christ, lived an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, endured his illness with Christian resignation, and died in perfect peace. He was beloved by all who knew him, as a diligent student, an accomplished scholar, and a true, devoted Christian. ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.'" Orlando F. Stewart, of Uniontown, Penn.; not heard from; was a member of College 1839 ; left before graduating. Ptev. William Speer, A. B.; born April 24th, 1822 ; entered Jeffer- son College, Pa., 1837; left, and entered Junior class of Ken- yon College 1839; graduated August 5, 1840; studied medi- cine from August, 1840, to August, 1843 ; studied for the ministry from September, 1843, to April, 1846; resided at Philadelphia and Pittsburg, Pa., from 1840 to 1846'; is a minister in the Pres- byterian Church, and laboring in missionary fields ; married Miss Cornelia Brackenridge, May 7th, 1846, who died in Macao, China, April 16th, 1847; married Miss Elizabeth B. Ewing, at Washington, Pa., April 20th, 1852; a little daughter died in China; has one son; sailed for Canton, China, July 20th, 1846; remained at Macao from Dec. 26th, 1846, till May, 1847 ; then at Canton till Dec. 17th, 1849 ; on account of ill health he left for the United States; went to San Francisco, Cal., to labor among the Chinese, October 5th, 1852; arrived there Nov. 6th, 1852. See "Home and Foreign Record" of the Presbyterian Church, for accounts of his missionary employments ; he is now "preaching 52 the Grospel to tlie CHnese of San Francisco ; 1 Tim. 1 : 11, 14 ; Kom. 15: 20, 21; Isaiah 49 : 12/' John Stone; was a member of College about 1840; is now a mer- chant in Columhus. JosEPHrs M. Steixer, of Tiffin ; not heai'd from ; entered College in 1841 ; left same year. Thomas M. Steiner. of Tiffin ; not heard from ; entered College 1841 ; left same year. Solomon Xoble Saxtoed, A. 31.; "born at Hineshurgh, Yt., July 15, 1821; entered Freshman class Sept. 28, 1843; graduated 1847; was Taledictorian; received the Master's degree 1850; was tutor in Kenyon CoUege 1847-48; read theology at Bexley Hall at the same time ; mai'ried 3Iiss 3Iary L. Huggins, of Granville, July 3d, 1848 ; since 1848, he has been Principal of the Episco- pal Female Seminary of Granville, and is now Principal and Eec- tor of the same, and one of the editors of the Ohio Joui'nal of Education. TTiLLiAAi JoHxsox Scott, A. 31., 31. D.; bom in Culpeper county, Ya., January 25th, 1822; entered Freshman class 1844; grad- uated 1848; received the 3Iaster's degree 1851; was tutor in Kenyon College 1849-50 ; studied medicine under Prof. H. L. Thi-all, 31. D., Gambler; attended medical lectures in Cleveland ; and is now a physician at Gambler. William Hott Scott, A. B.; not heard from: entered Freshman class 1845 ; gTaduated 1849 ; is a lawyer in Xew York city. Stephen Beckingham Stteges ; bom 3Iarch 12th, 1827, at 3Iansfield ; entered the Sophomore class 1846 ; passed his examinations third term Senior year, July, 1849; but did not gi-aduate; spent two years in California and the Sandwich Islands ; is now a banker in Cleveland, of the firm of '-Sturges 6c Hale;'*' was maiTied to 3Iiss Sarah 31. Cary, January 13th, 1853. Eev. John Cotton Smith, A. 31.; bom at Andover, 3Iass., August 4th, 1826; entered Freshman class of Bowdoin College, 3Ie., 1848; graduated 1847: received the 3Iaster's degree 1850; 53 studied Divinity at Bexley Hall, Theological Seminory of the diocese of Ohio, 1847-49; was ordained by Bishop Mcllvaine, May, 1849; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church; from June 1849, till June 1852, was rector of St. John's Church, Bangor, Me.; since then he has been assistant minister of Trinity Church, Boston, Mass., ''on the Greene foundation;" married Miss Harriette H. Appleton, Dec. 19, 1849. By a provision in the constitution of the Society, members of Bexley Hall may become members of this Society. James TuTTLE Sterling ; born Nov. 29th, 1835; entered Freshman class August, 1852 ; residence, Cleveland. John A. Taylor, of Port Tobacco, Charles county, Md.; not heard from; entered College 1830; left before graduating; was one of the founders of the Nu Pi Kappa Society, June 25, 1832. Rowland E. Trowbridge, A. B., of Detroit, Mich.; not heard from ; entered Freshman class 1837 ; graduated 1841 ; was one of the ten Philomathesian volunteers to aid the Nu Pi Kappa Society, Oct. 28, 1840 ; is now farming near Chicago, HI. Wm. Trowbridge, of Buffalo, N. Y.; not heard from ; entered College 1837 ; left before graduating. William F. Turner, A. B.; not heard from; entered College 1838 ; graduated 1842 ; is a lawyer in Mt. Vernon. Rev. JoASH Rice Taylor, A. M.; not heard from; entered Freshman class 1838 ; graduated 1842 ; received the Master's degree 1845; studied theology at the New York General Theological Seminary, and Bexley Hall; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; was for several years rector of St. Luke's, Milan, and is now rector of St. Paul's Church, Newport, Ky. Rev. David W. Tolford ; not heard from ; entered College 1838 ; left before graduating; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; and at present is Principal of the Female Seminary at Wheeling, Va. Rev. George Thompson, A. M.; not heard from ; entered Sophomore class 1840; graduated 1843; was valedictorian; received the 54 Master's degree 1846; studied theology at Bexley Hall; is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; resides at present at Mt. Yernon. Datid Tuepie, a. B.; born August 8th, 1828 ; from Kemper Col- lege, St. Louis, Mo.; entered the Junior class 1846; graduated 1848 ; studied law ; was admitted to the "bar in May, 1849 ; is a lawyer at Monticello, White county, la.; was a member of the House of Eepresentatives of Indiana for the term of 1852-53. Seneca B. Thrall, A. B., M. D.; born at Utica, Licking county, August 9th, 1831; entered the Freshman class October, 1847; graduated August, 1851 ; from 1851 to 1853, studied medicine at Columbus, and at New York city ; is a physician at Alton, near Columbus. James Trimble, A. B.; born Sept. 14th, 1828, in county Tyrone, Ireland; immigrated to America May, 1848; entered the Senior class October, 1851; graduated August, 1852; is a candidate for Orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a member of the Senior class of Bexley HaU. Jesse B. Thomas, Jr., A. B.; not heard from; graduated 1850 ; is studying for the ministry of the Baptist Church, at Rochester, N. Y.; residence, Chicago, 111. Key. John L'rFORD, A. M.; not heard from; entered College 1833; graduated 1837; received the Master's degree 1840; studied for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at the Theologi- cal Seminary of the diocese of Ohio ; is now a missionary at Mus- catine, lowa- J. K. Yandetort, M. D., of Zanesville; not heard from; entered College 1833 ; left before graduating. Hezekiah G-. Wells, of Steubenyille ; not heard from ; entered Col- lege 1827 ; was one of the seventeen founders of the Philomathe- sian Society, June 30th, 1827 ; left before graduating. Hon. Francis A. Wells, of Steubenville ; not heard from ; entered College, 1828 ; left before graduating. Rev. James C. Wheaton, A. B. ; not heard from; entered College 55 1829 ; graduated 1830 ; is a clergyman of the Protestant Episco- pal Cliurch, and assistant minister of Trinity church, Staunton, Virginia. Rev. Joseph P. B. Wilmer, A. B. ; not heard from ; entered College 1829; left before graduating; received the honorary degree of A. B. from Kenyon College in 1837; is a clergyman of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church, and now rector of St. Mark's church, Philadelphia, Pa. Henry H. Wall, of Woodville, Miss. ; not heard from ; entered Col- lege 1831 ; left before graduating. Henry Woods, of Columbus; not heard from; entered College 1832; left before graduating. Allen E. Wolcott, of Cuyahoga Falls ; not heard from ; entered Col- lege 1832 ; left before graduating ; is now a lawyer at Cuyahoga Falls. Joseph C. Weatherby, M. D., of Clarkborough, New Jersey; not heard from; entered College 1833; left before graduating; is now a physician. Rev. George Wells, A. B., of Hanover, Licking county ; entered Sen- ior class 1834 ; graduated 1835 ; was a minister in the Presbyte- rian church ; died some years ago. H. D. WooDwoRTH, of Underbill, Yt. ; not heard from ; entered Col- lege 1835 ; left before graduating. David M. Wilt, of New York city ; not heard from ; entered College 1835 ; left before graduating. Christopher P. Wolcott, of Steubenville ; not heard from ; entered College 1838 ; left before graduating. B. C. Woodward, of East Union, Coshocton county ; not heard from ; entered College 1840 ; left before graduating. Francis E. Walker, of Henderson, Ky. ; not heard from ; entered Freshman class 1842 ; left College 1843. Leonard Whitney, A. B., of Mt. Yernon ; entered College 1847; 56 graduated 1849; studied law for some time ; is now a civil engi- neer in Indiana. Fredericq a. Warner ; born at Canfield, Mahoning county, August 18th, 1832 ; entered Freshman class 1847; left College in Junior year, 1850; studying medicine at Gambler, 1852-3. Charles Tudor Wing; born at G-ambier, January 14th, 1836 ; enter- ed the Freshman class in 1849 ; is a member of the Senior class graduating 3d August, 1853. William Sparrow Wing, of Gambler ; not heard from ; entered Col- lege August, 1851 ; discontinued his studies at the close of the Freshman year, 1852, owing to ill health; is now fai*ming near Gambier. Henry Butler Young, D.D.S. ; born at Zanesville, 4th July, 1823 ; entered Freshman class 5th August, 1839 ; left, and entered the Sophomore class of Granville college 20th March, 1840 ; left Col- lege in 1841, at the close of the Sophomore year ; married, Octo- ber 30th, 1848, Miss C. Pruden, of Athens, and has a son and daughter ; studied dental surgery, and is now Doctor of Dental Surgery, Zanesville. SUMMARY. The part which devolved upon myself, in this publication of the " Philomathesian Society of Kenyon College," was the correspondence with its members, and the preparation of such statistics as could be obtained by letter, or otherwise, which would either afford interest, or prove useful to its members. The labor was undertaken the 8th of February, 1853, and since then, no opportunity of obtaining any infor- 57 mation of absent and deceased members has been allowed to pass unim- proved. That there are inaccuracies in the foregoing statistics, is freely admitted ; but it will be found that they occur in those instances in which no personal information has been received by letter. The College records have been carefully searched for the correct dates, and I have availed myself of such means as could be resorted to, in order to obtain information, in the failure of receiving replies to our Circular letter. The work, though laborious, has been exceedingly pleasant. It has been necessary to abbreviate the letters received ; and it is to be re- gretted that more of their interesting contents could not have been pub- lished, for the benefit of those who can only see these brief statements respecting their College associates and friends. The Society numbers, of living graduate and active members, 345 : — 339 members were addressed, and of the remaining 6, no definite information of their residence could bo obtained. In reply, 132 letters have been received ; 207 members have not replied ; but of the greater number of these some information has been received from other sources ; 107 members arc graduates of Kenyon College; 19 are graduates of other Colleges ; 59 are lawyers ; 22 are physicians ; 14 are farmers ; 30 are merchants ; 66 are ministers of the gospel, of whom 59 are cf the Protestant Episcopal Church, 5 of the Presbyterian, 1 of the Meth- odist, and 1 is a Swedenborgian minister; 21 are teachers; 21 are active members of the Society; of the remainder, about 100, nothing certain is known of their employments. 34 members are known to have deceased ; making a total of 379 members, whose names have been en- rolled since the foundation of the Society. The proof-sheets have passed under the eye of the Rev. William C. French, whose position as a graduate member of the Society, and also as Secretary for many years of the Episcopal Church in this Diocese, has enabled him to make many additions and corrections, which will materially change some items in the summary of statistics above given. S 58 It is to be hoped that a more complete compilation of the Statistics of the Philomathesian Society will be attempted at no distant day, and if the present publication subserves no other purpose than to stimulate our successors to such a work, and to render their labor lighter and more satisfactory than ours has been, it will not be in vain ; for we have abundant illustrations, even within the compass of these few pages, to show in how brief a space all memorials or traces of our fellow-men perish from the earth, when not committed to the guardianship of "im- mortal types !" PETER NEFF, Jb. Gambiee, July, 1853. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. TITLES OF WORKS. Ancient Geography, 2 vols. 8vo. - - - Animals, History of, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Annals of the Empire, 2 v. 12mo. Antiquities, 2 v. 8vo. ----- Ancient History, 4 v. 8vo. - . - . Duplicate. Austria, 1 v. 12mo. - . - . . Alison's History of Europe, 4 v. Svo. - Atlas to Marshall's Washington, 1 v. Svo. American Colonial History, 1 v. Svo. Ancient city of York, 2 v. Svo. Ancient History, 2 v. Svo. - - - - Argentine Republic, 1 v. 12mo. - - - American Revolution, 1 v. Svo. . - - Ancient Nations, 1 v. 12mo. - - . Athens, 2 v. 12mo. Bolingbroke's History, 1 v. Svo. - - - Book of the United States, 1 v. Svo. Butler's History, 1 v. 12mo. _ . _ British and Foreign Bible Society, 1 v. Svo. - Burnet's History of His Own Times, 1 v. Svo. Book of the Navy, 1 v. Svo. - . _ Duplicate. Charles the Vtb, 1 v. Svo. - - - - Do. 3 V. Svo. - - - - Chivalry, Modern, 2 v. 12mo. - - - Constitutional History, 3 v. Svo. - - - Conquest of Mexico, 3 v. Svo. . - - Conquest of Peru, 2 V. Svo. - - - - Civilization, 1 v. 12mo. - . - . Chronology and Universal History, 1 v. 12mo. Caesar and Sallust, 1 v. Svo. - - . Contributions to Eccl. History, 2 v. Svo. Central America, 2 V. Svo. _ - - - Civilization, History of, 1 v. 12mo. Church, History of the, 3 v. Svo. - AUTHORS. John Horsley. Jobn Bigland. John Porter. C. Rollin. F. Shoberl. A. A. Alison. J.Marshall. Wm. Hargrave. Rollin. King. Bulwer. Lord Vt. Bolingbroke. a. Millen. F. Butler. Rev. J. Owen. Bishop Burnet. John Frost. Wm. Robertson. do H. H. Henry. Prescott. Prescott. Guizot. D. Haskell. Wm. Duncan. Rev. Dr. Hawks. J. L. Stephens. Guizot. Waddington. 60 2 V. 8vo. 3y. 8vo. .2 V. 8vo. 1 V. 12mo, 2v. 8vo. 1 V. 12mo. - )yo. Court of Charles I., 2 v. 8vo., Chronicles of France, Eng. and Spain, 1 v. 4to. Conquest of Ireland, 1 v. 12mo. - - . Charles XII., 1 V. 12mo. - - - - D' Aubigne's Hist, of the Reformation, 1 v. 8vo. England, History of, 4 v. 8vo. Do Do Do Do Do Duplicate. Do Duplicate. Encyclopedia of Greography, 3 v. Fall of the Roman Empire, 1 v. 8vo. Ferguson's Rome, 1 v. 8vo. „ = - Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 v. 8vo. = France, History of, 1 v. 12mo. = = =. Do 2 Y. 8vo. Flint's Greography, 2 v. 8vo. French Revolution, 4 v. 8vo. . - - Greek Revolution, 1 v. 12mo. . - = Geographical View of the World, 1 v. 12mo. - Greece and Rome, History of, 1 v. 12mo. Goodman's Natural History, 3 v. 8vo. - Grimshaw's United States, 1 v. 12mo. - Greece, History of, 1 v. 8vo. - - - Do do - . . Germany, History of, 1 v. 8vo. - - - Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri, 1 v. 8vo. - Guizot's Gibbon, 2 v. 8vo. - - - - Girondists, 3 v. 8vo. Gibbon's Rome, 6 v. 12mo. - - - - Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland, 2 v. 12mo. Hartford Convention, 1 v. 8vo. Historical Illustrations, 1 v. 8vo. - - - Hallam's Middle Ages, 2 v. 8vo. - Hallam's Literature, 2 v. 8vo. . - - Hale's United States, 1 v. 12mo. - - - History of the Popes, 1 v. 8vo. - - - Hungarian War, 2 v. 12mo. - - - - Indian Wars, 1 v. 12 mo. - - - - Do do . . „ , Indiana, History of, 2 v. Illinois, do 1 v. Inquisition of Spain, 1 v. Inquisition, 1 v. 12mo. Josephus, Works of, 1 v. 4to. Do 2 V. 8vo. - Jews, History of the, 3 v. 12mo 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. Lucy Aikin. Johns. J. Q. Adams. M. de Voltaire. J. H. M. D'Aubigne. - David Hume. - T. Smollett. - R. Bissett. - John Lingard. - Oliver Goldsmith. - T. B. Macauley. - J. Robertson. - Hugh Murray. - J. C. L. De Sismondi. - Adam Ferguson. = Wm. H. Prescott. =- Wm. Grimshaw. - Michelet. - Timothy Flint. - M. A. Thiers. - J. L. Comstock. J. G. Percival. Cooper. J. D. Goodman. Wm. Grimshaw. Soc. of Useful Knowl. Gillies. Kohlrausch. Lewis Beck. Guizot. Lamartine. Milman (editor.) J. L. Stephens. Theodore Dwight. John Hobhouse. Henry Hallam. Do. Hale. M. De Cormenin. General Klapka. Sam'l G. Drake. T. Flint. J. B. Dillon. Brown. Florente. Rev. C. Mason. Wm. Whiston. Do. H. H. Milman. 61 Kennett's Rome, 1 v. 8vo. - Kentucky, Butler's, 1 v. 8vo. Kentucky, History of, 2 v. 8vo. - Livy, Baker's, 6 v. Svo. Literature, History of Roman, 2 v. Svo. Modern Greece, 2 v. 12mo. - Modern History, 1 v. 12mo. - Do 2 V. Svo. - Middle Ages, 1 v. Svo. - . . McMahon's Maryland, 2 v. Svo. - Modern Europe, 3 v. Svo. - - - Moore's History of Ireland, 2 v. 12mo. - Morse's Geography, 1 v. Svo. Map of Italy, 1 v. Svo. Malte Brun's Geography, 6 v. Svo. Duplicate. Mexico, History of, 1 v. Svo. - - Naval Monument, 1 v. Svo. - - - - New York, History of, 1 v. Svo. - - - Naval History of the United States, 2 v. Svo. Neibuhr's Rome, 2 v. Svo. - - - - Natural History, 5 v. 12mo. Napoleon Dynasty, 1 v. 12 mo. - - - Ohio, History of, 1 v. Svo. - - - - Pict. Hist, of Mexico and the War, 1 v. Svo. Peninsular War, 1 v. Svo. - Pennsylvania, History of, 2 v. Svo. Pioneer's History, 1 v. Svo. - - - - Popes of Rome, 2 v. Svo. - - - Philosophy, History of, 1 v. Svo. - - - Reformation, 3 v. Svo. Do. 1 V. 12mo. - - - - Duplicate. Rebellion, History of the, 6 v. Svo. Reformation, do 4 v. 12mo. - Duplicate. Rebellion, History of, in Scotland, 2 v. 12mo. Roman Antiquities, 1 v. Svo. - - - Do. 1 V. 12mo. 1 - . Duplicate. Rome, History of, 4 v. Svo. - - - Duplicate. Russian Campaign, 1 v. Svo. Reminiscences of Spain, 2 v. 12mo. Revolution in England, 1 v. Svo. - Russia, 1 v. Svo. > _ . . 2 v. Svo. - 1 v. Svo. - 2 V. Svo. - 3 V. Svo. - 1 V. Svo. - - Basil Kennett. - Mann Butler. - H. Marshall. - George Baker. - John Dunlap. - An English Volunteer. - Rev. J. Adams. - Heeren. - H. Hallam„ - J. y. L. McMahon. - Wm. Russell. - Thomas Moore. - Sidney E. Morse. - M. Malte Brun. - Young. - Abel Bowen. - Wm. Smith. J. Fenimore Cooper. Neibuhr. Buffon and others. By the Berkley Men. Caleb Atwater. John Frost, LL. D. Napier. Robertson's Works, Scotland and India, Sismondi's Literature, Spanish Literature, Southern Africa, S. P. Hildreth. L. Ranke. Burnet. Rev. B. Allen. Clarendon. D'Aubigne. Chambers. - Alex. Adam. - C. A. Dillaway. - Edward Gibbon. - Porter. - C. Gushing. - Jas. Mackintosh. - R. Pinkerton. - Wm. Robertson. Do. - Thos. Roscoo. - Ticknor. - Moffat. 62 1 V Iv Scripture G-eograpliy, 1 v. 12mo. - Spain, History of, 1 v. 8vo. Series of Maps, 1 v. 4to. - - - Tytler's History, 1 v. 12mo. - Duplicate. Tytler's Elements, 1 v. 12mo. Taylor's Manual, 1 v. 8vo. - - - Trumbull's Indian Wars, 1 v. 8vo. Turkey, 3 v. 12rao. - - - - United States, History of the, 4 v. Svo. Duplicate. United States, History of the. Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Universal Gazetteer, 1 v. 4to. Universal Atlas, 1 v. folio, - - - Do 1 V. " - Do 1 V. " - Universal History, 2 v. 12mo. Virginia, History of, 2 v. 8vo. Webster's Antiquities, 1 v. 12mo. War, American, 2 v. Svo. - - - Woodbridge's Geography, 1 v. 12 mo. - Western Antiquities, 1 v. 8vo. Wars of the French Revolution, 4 v. 8vo Wyoming, History of, 1 v. 12mo. - Waterloo Campaigns, 1 v. 8vo. Wonderful Inventions, 1 v. 12mo. - vo. V. 12mo. V. 4 to, V. 12mo. V. 12mo. V. 12mo. V. 12mo. V. 8vo. 1 V. 12mo. - T. F. Smilie. - Soc. of Useful Knowl. - Alex. F. Tytler. Do. - C. S. Henry. - H. Trumbull. - F. Shobert. - Bancroft. =- Willard. - Noah Webster. - Hinton and Knapp. - Mease. - Chas. A. Goodrich. Do. - Wm. A. Grimshaw. - Timothy Pitkin. - 0. B. Taylor. - R. Brooks. - M. Lavoisne. - Halligate. - A. F. Tytler. - John Burk. - Charles Botta. - Wm. C. Woodbridge. - Caleb Atwater. - E. Baines. - Capt. W. Siborne. BIOGRAPHY. American Biography, 1 v. Svo. Do 1 V. Svo. Do 6 V. Svo. Do 10 V. 12mo. Do 1 V. Svo. Duplicate. Allen, B., Life of, 1 v. 12mo. Arnold's Life and Correspondence, 1 v. 12mo. Bonaparte, Lucien, Memoir of, 1 v. 12mo. - Barney, Memoir of, 1 v. Svo. Bonaparte, Lockhart's, 1 v. 12mo. Book of Martyrs, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Boswell's Johnson, 5 v. 12mo. E. Walters. Jared Sparks. Chas. A. Goodrich. Bedell. Stanley. Himself. Mary Barney. J. G. Lockhart. A. Blanchard. Jas. Boswell. ea Byron, Life of, 2 v. 8vo. - Thos. Moore. Bedell, do 1 v. 12mo. - - S. H. Tyng. Blannerbassett, do 1 v. 12mo. - - Wm. H. SafFord. Burr, Aaron, do 1 v. 12mo. - - S. Knapp. Do Memoir of, 2 v. 8vo. - M. L. Davis. Biographical Gallery, 1 v. 12mo. - - Chevalier Jones, 1 v. 8vo. - - J. H. Sherburne. Christopher Columbus, 3 v. 8vo. - Irving. Clay, Henry, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. - Geo. D. Prentice. Do 2 V. 8vo. - C. Colton. Do 2 V. 8vo. - Charles L, 1 v. 8vo. - - - - Harris. Cicero, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. - - J. Stucker. Cooper, do 1 v. 12mo. - - T. Taylor. Crabbe, do 2 v. 12mo. - - Rev. G. Crabbe. Cromwell, 1 v. 8vo. - - J. Stucker. Celebrated Women, 2 v. 12mo. _ Cuvier, 1 v. 12mo. - - - - Dobson's Petrarch, 1 v. 8vo. - - Mrs. Dobson. Decatur, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. - - S. P. Waldo. Dryden, do 1 v. 12mo. - - Walter Scott. Duchess D'Abrantes, 1 v. 8vo. - Duke of Wellington, 2 v. 12mo. - Capt. M. Sherron. Franklin, Memoirs of, 2 v. 8vo. - Wm. T. Franklin. Franklin, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. Do. Do do 1 V. 12mo. - Dr. Ben. Franklin. Goldsmith, Life of, 1 v. 8vo. - - Prior. George III., 2 v. 8vo. . H. Walpole. Grant, Memoirs of, 1 v. 16mo. - Rev. A. C. Lathrop. Goethe, do 1 v. 8vo. - Duplicate. Henry, Patrick, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. - - Wm. Wirt. Do do 1 V. 8vo. Do. Duplicate. Henry, Bev. M., do 1 v. 8vo. - J. B. Williams, Esq. Hewes, do 1 v. 12mo. - - A Bostonian. Hamilton, do 2 v. 8vo. - J. C. Hamilton. Heber, Bishop, do 1 v. 12rao. - - Harrison, W. H., do 1 v. 12mo. - - H. Montgomery. James I., 1 v. 8vo. - - - - Harris. Jackson's Remains, 1 v. 8vo, - Rev. Wm. M. Jackson. John Jay, Life of, 2 v. 8vo. - - Wm. Jay. Jones, Paul, do 1 v. 8vo. - - Josiah, do 1 v. 12mo. - T. H. Gallaudet. Leo X., 6 V. 8vo. ... - Roscoe. Lives of the Presidents, 1 v. 8vo. - R. W. Lyncon. Do Lord Chancellors, 7 v. 12mo. - J. Campbell. Lee's Memoirs, 2 v. 8vo. - H. Lee. Louis XIV., 2 V. 12mo. - Miss Pardee. Life of Kotzebuo, 1 v. 12mo. - A. Van Kotzebuo. Do Christ, 1 v. 8vo. - John Fleetwood. 64 Life of Livingston, 1 v. 8vo. - Do Marion, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Do Milton, 1 V. 12mo. - Do Mathew, 1 v. 12mo. - Do Ledyard, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Do Munson and Lyman, 1 v. 12mo. Do Medici, 2 v. 8vo. Do Mackintosh, 2 v. 12mo. Do Marion, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Do Gov. Morris, 3 v. 8vo. Library of Useful Knowledge, 1 v. Svo. Lafayette, 2 v. 12mo. Duplicate. Lady Montague's Memoirs, 2 v. Svo. Martyrs, History of, 1 v. 12mo. McDonald's Sketches, 1 v. 12mo. Memoir of Buchanan, 1 v. 12mo. Memoirs for the Young, 1 v. 12mo. - Do of Walter Scott, 2 v. Svo. - Do of J. Aikin, 1 v. Svo. Do of Dr. Milnor, 1 v. Svo. Medici, Lives of the, 1 v. 12mo. More, Hannah, 2 v. 12mo. - - - Martha, 1 v. 12mo. - - - - Napoleon, Life of, 2 v. Svo. - - - Ney, Marshal, Memoir of, 2 v. Svo. - Napoleon and his Marshals, 2 v. 12mo. Naval Biography, 2 v. 12mo. Putnam, Life of, 1 v. 12m o. Penn, do. 1 v. 12mo. Plutarch's Lives, 6 v. 12mo. Private Life of Napoleon, 2 v. 12mo. - Randolph, Life of, 2 v. 12mo. Roscoe, do 2 v. 12mo. Reminiscences of Col'ge & Southey, 1 v. 12mo. Do Dibdin, 2 v. Svo. - Richmond, Leigh, 1 v. 12mo. Statesmen of the Commonwealth, 1 v. Svo. - Do do 1 V. Svo. - Sheridan's Memoir, 2 v. 12mo. Schiller's Life, 1 v. Svo. - - - Scott, Life of, 1 V. Svo. . - - Do 1 V. 12mo. Scripture Biography, 3 v. 12mo. Schiller, Character of, 1 v. 12mo. Sketches of Public Characters, 2 v. 12mo. Thorburn, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. Washington, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. Do do 2 V. Svo. Wycliffe, do 1 v. 12mo. Washington and his Generals, 2 v. 12mo. T. Sedgwick. W. G. Simms. P. H. Morris. Jared Sparks. Rev. W. Thomson. Roscoe. M. L. Wecms. Jared Sparks. Lord Wharncliffo. Martin Butler. J. McDonald. Rev. H. Pearson, Lathrop and others. J. G. Lockhart. Lucy Aikin. Rev. J. S. Stono. Roscoe. Wm. Roberts. Rev. A. Reid. Walter Scott. His Family. J. T. Headley. J. F. Cooper. S. Swett. We ems. J. W. Langhorne. Count Las Casas. H. A. Garland. His Son, Cottle. Foster. J. 0. Choules. Thos. Moore. Geo. Allen. E. D. Mansfield. T. H. Gallaudet. Mrs. Ellet. Brougham. Grant Thorburn. M. L. Weems. J. Marshall. Margaret Coxe. J. T. Headley. 65 Washington, Life and Writings of, Youth of Shakspeare, 2 v. 12mo. 12 V. 8vo. Jared Sparks. MATHEMATICS AND PHILOSOPHY. Abacus, 1 V. 12mo. - - Astronomy, 1 v. 12mo. Animated Nature, 4 v. 8vo. - Book of Nature, 1 v. 8vo. Brown's Philosophy, 2 v. 8vo. Bacon's Works, 17 v. 8vo. - Berkley's Minute Philosopher, 1 v. 8vo. Berkley's Works, 1 v. 8vo. - Cousin's Philosophy, 1 v. 8vo. Do Psychology, 1 v. 8vo. Chemistry, 1 v. 8vo. - - - Do ... Catechism of Phrenology, 1 v. 12mo. - Dutton's Treatise, 1 v. 8vo. - Dick's Works, 2 v. 8vo. Duncan's Logic, 1 v. 12mo. - Duplicate. Enfield's Philosophy, 1 v. 8vo. Elements of Geology, 1 v. 8vo. Edwards on the Will, 1 v. 12mo. Encyclopedia of Arts & Sciences, 3 v. 8vo. Elements of Technology, 1 v. 8vo. Elements of Polite Literature and Moral Phi losophy, 1 V. 12mo. Footprints of the Creator, 1 v. 12mo. Greometry, 1 v. 12mo. Geology, 1 v. 12mo. - - Grammar of Philosophy, 1 v. 12mo. - Duplicate, ... Geological Survey, 1 v. 4to. - Hutton's Mathematics, 2 v. 8vo. Human Voice, 1 v. 8vo. Intellectual System, 2 v. 8vo. Introduction to Geology, 1 v. 8vo. Illustrations of Geological Survey, 1 v. 4to. Logic, 1 V. 12mo. ... Library of Useful Knowledge, 3 v. 8vo. Do do 2 V. 8vo. Light of Nature, 4 v. 8vo. - Mackintosh's Philosophy, 1 v. 8vo. - Mental and Moral Science, 1 v. 8vo. - Mechanics, 1 v. 8vo. - - - Natural Philosophy, 1 v. 12mo. Do 1 V. 8vo. Naturalist's Own Book, 1 v. 12mo. - [) Thos. Rainey. Herschel. Oliver Goldsmith. J. M. Good. Thos. Brown. Basil Montagu. George Berkley. Victor Cousin. C. S. Henry. E. Turner. D. Mitchell. Matthew B. Dutton. Thomas Dick. William Duncan. William Enfield. Charles Lyell. Day. - J. Bigelow. John Barcley. Hugh Miller. T. Walker. Comstock. Bev. D. Blair. D. D. Owen. Charles Hutton. James Rush. Cud worth. R. Bakewell. Owen. J. Watts. Tucker. G. Payne. J. Farrar. F. J. Gould. Fischer. 6o Observations on Insanity, 1 y. 8vo, - Physical Sciences, 1 y. 12mo. Phrenology, 1 y. 12mo. Do 1 Y. 8yo. 2 Duplicates. Philosophical Inquiry, 1 y. 8yo. Physiology, 1 y. 12mo. Philosophy of Sleep, 1 y. 12mo. Do of Religion, 1 v. Byo. Do of Rhetoric, 1 y. 12mo. - Duplicate. Rush on the Mind, 1 y. 8 yo. Stewart's Philosophy, 2 v. 8yo. Stewart's Works, 7 y. 8yo. Schlegel's PhilosojDhy of Life, 1 y. 12i Smellie's Philosophy, 1 y. 8yo. The Heavens, 1 y. 12mo. Treatise on Astronomy, 1 y. 12mo. - Trigonometry, 1 y. 12mo. Wesley's Philosophy, 2 y. 8yo. - Spurzheim. - Greorge Combe. - Spurzheim. - George Harris. - Greorge Haywood. - R. 3Iacnish. - Thomas Dick. - G-eorge Campbell - Benjamin Rush. - Dugald Stewart. Do. - F. Yon Schlegel. - R. Mudie. - Sir J. F. W. Herschel. - John Wesley. LAW, POLITICS, AND ORATORY, American State Papers, 10 y. 8yo. Do do 5 Y. 8yo. Acts of the State of Ohio, 1 y. 8yo. American Speaker, 1 y. 12mo. Annals of Education, 3 y. 8yo. Blackstone, 2 y. 8yo. Columbian Orator, 1 y. 12mo. Cong'al Doc'ts, 1st Ses. 30th Cong. 8yo. Do Do Do Do Do Do of 1830 of 1831, of 1832, of 1833-4 of 1835, of 1836, Canning's Select Speeches, Constitutions, 1 y. 12mo. Do Christian Politics, 1 y. 8yo. - Christian Orator, 1 v. 12mo. - Debates of Ohio Convention, 2 v Democracy in America, 2 v. Svo. Executive Messages, 1 v. 8yo. Federalist, 1 v. 8vo. - Land Laws of Ohio, 1 v. 8vo. Laws of Ohio, 1 v. 8vo. Lessons in Elocution, 1 v. 12mo. Manual, 1 y. 8yo. Svo. 8yo. Wm. C. Woodbridge. Caleb Bingham. Robert Walsh. WiEiam Hickey. Bates. M. De ToccjueviUe. Hamilton and others. William Scott. J. R. Swan. 67 8vo. 8vo. Mill's Political Economy, 2 v. 8vo. - New York State Documents, 1 v. Svo. Ohio Forms and Practice, " Oration on Lafayette, " Orators of the Age, 1 v. 12mo. Orators of France, " Political Ethics, 1 v. Svo. Practice and Precedents, 2 v. Political Economy, 1 v. Svo. - Duplicate, " Principles of Government, 1 sj Philips, Curran & others. Public Economy, Patent Office Keport, Do do Political Grammar, 1 v. 12mo Duplicate. Statutes of Ohio, 1 v. Svo. - Do do 3 V. Svo. - Science of Government, 1 v. 12mo Speeches, 1 v. Svo. - Story's Commentaries, 1 v. Svo. Spirit of Laws, 2 v. Svo. Specimens of American Eloquence, Statesman's Manual, 1 v. 12mo. Swan's Treatise, 1 v. Svo. Tucker on Money and Banks, 1 v. 12mo. United States Speaker, 1 v. Svo. Duplicate. U. States Diplomacy, 2 v. Svo. Vattel's Law of Nations, 1 v. Svo. Webster's Speeches, " Walsh's Appeal, " Walker's Elocution, 1 v. 12mo. 12mo. J. S. Mill. P. B. Wilcox. J. Q. Adams. J. H. Francis. C. H. Colton. J. R. Swan. J. B. Say. Dr. Way land. Chapman. C. Colton. Mansfield. S. P. Chase. A. W. Young. Joseph Story. Thomas Nugent. Coleridge. J. R. Swan. - J. E. Lovel. - T. Lyman, Jr. - M. D. Yattel. - Daniel Webster - Robert Walsh. - John Walker. THEOLOGY. Appeal to Christians, 1 v. 12mo. Analogy of Religion, 1 v. Svo. Bible the Young Man's Guide, 1 v. 12mo. Bible, 1 V. 12mo. - Bible Thoughts, 1 v. 12mo. - Book of Common Prayer, 1 v. Svo. - Do do 1 V. 12mo. - Chalmers' Works, 3 v. 12mo. Christ, Life of, 1 v. 12mo. Compend of Divinity, 1 v. 12mo. Chillingworth, 1 v. Svo. China, 1 v. 12mo. Churchman's Manual, 1 v. 12 mo. W. C. Brownlee. Dr. Wilson. Rev.G.B.Perry,D.D. Rev. H. Melville. Thomas Chalmers. Rev. J. Fleetwood. S. Cobb. W. II. Medhurst. Rev. B. Dorr. 68 Churcli of Rome, 1 v. 12mo. - Christian Library, 5 v. Svo. - Christian Stndent, 1 v. 12mo. Doctrines of Friends, 1 v. 8yo. Evidences of Christ 'tr k. Prophecy. 1 v. 1: Do ' do Future State, 1 v. 12mo. G-lad Tidings to Perishing Sinners, or G-ennine Gospel, 1 y. 12mo. Guide for Young Disciples, 1 v. 12mo. Harmony of the Gospels. Holy War, 1 y. 12mo. Holy Bible, Italy, 2 Y. 12mo. Immortality of the Soul. 1 y. 12mo. - Meeker's Sermons, 1 v. 8yo. - McIlYaine's Selected Discoui'ses, 2 v. 8yo. Duplicate. MeMlle's Sermons, 1 y. 8yo. McIlYaine's EYidences, Xatural Theology, 1 y. 12mo. Old and Xcyt Testament, 3 y. 8yo. - Preachers' 3Ianual, 1 y. 8yo. Pilgrim's Progress, 2 y. 12mo. Psalms of David, 1 y. 16mo. - Paley's Works, 5 y. 12mo. - Paley's Theology, 1 y. 12mo. Prayer, 1 y. 12mo. - Eobert Hall's Works, 2 y. 8yo. Saurin's Sermons, Sermons. Do Standard Works of tke P. E. Church. 3 y. Taylor's Works, 3 y. 8yo. - Theolorical Dictionai-v. 1 y. Syo. Do Librai'Y. 2 y. 12mo. the J. H. Hopkins. EcY. C. Bickersteth. Elisha Bates. Bogue and Keith. Dr. Alexander. Thomas Dick. EeY. J. G. Pike. Joseph Muenscher. John Bunyan. EeY. Abraham Booth. Beckford. 31. T;- Cicero. Eli Meeker. C. P. 3IcIlYaine. Do. Do. J. Mchols. Prideaux. Ebenezer Porter. John Bunyan. W. Paley. Do. James Saurin. 3Iassillon. L eight on. W. E. Whittingham. Jeremy Taylor. Buck. C. Webb. TRAVELS AND SKETCHES. Ali Bey, Travels of, 2 v. 8vo. All the Voyages Bound the World, 1 v. 12mo. Allen Prescott, 2 y. 12mo. - Buckeye Abroad, 1 v. 12mo. Clarke's Travels, 1 v. 8vo. Cyrus' Travels, 1 v. 12mo. - Cox's Adventures, 1 v. 8vo. - Cook's Voyages, 2 v. 12mo. - Dana's Sketches, 1 v. 12mo. - Dwight's Travels, 1 v. 8vo. = Doniphan's Expedition, 1 v. 12mo. - AH Bey. Capt. Prior. S. S. Cox. Edward D. Clai'ke. Eamsey. Boss Cox. A. Kipps. E. Dana. HemT E. D wight. J. T." Hushes. Egypt, Arabia, &:c., 2 v. 12mo. Duplicate. Expedition to the Dead Sea, 1 v. 12mo. Exploring Expedition, 1 v. 8vo. Four Years in Grreat Britain, 2 v. 12mo. France, 2 v. 12mo. - - - - Far West, " . - - - Gleanings by the Way, 1 v. 12mo. - Glances at Europe, " Duplicate. Hall's Travels, 2 v. 12mo. - Italy, 1 V. 8vo. . - . _ Isabel, or Sicily, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Journal, 2 v. 12mo. - - - - Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London, 1 v. 8vo. - » - - Narrative of Four Voyages, 1 v. 8vo. Notes on the Northampton Territory, 1 v. 8vo. Narrative of G apt. C. H. Brainard, " Northern Tour, 1 v. 12mo. - - = Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 1 v. 12mo. Polynesian Researches, 4 v. 12mo. Researches in America, 1 v. 8vo. Do in CafFraria, " Russian Campaign, " Ross' Second Voyage, " Residence in China, 1 v. 12mo. Retrospect of Western Travel, 2 v. 12mo. Sentimental Journey, 1 v. 12mo. Silliman's Tour, 1 v. 12mo. - Do Travels, 3 v. 12mo. Sketch of Chinese History, 2 v. 12mo. Sketch of Turkey, 1 v. 8vo. - Sequel to Riley's Narrative, 1 v. 8vo. Sketches of the West, 2 v. 12mo. Sketches, 1 v. 12mo. South Seas, 2 v. 12mo. Duplicate. Six Years in the Monasteries of Italy, 1 v. 12mo, Sketches of Yale College, 1 v. 12mo. - Ship and Shore, 1 v. 12mo. - Travels in the U. States, 1 v. 12mo. - Three Years in California, " Duplicate. Travels in Turkey, 2 V. 12mo. Thirty Years from Home, 1 v. 12mo. - Tour in the West Indies, " Traveler's Guide, " Duplicate. Two Years and a Half in the Navy, 2 v. 12mo Three Years in N. America, 2 v. 12mo. An American. Montague. J. C. Fremont. C. Colton. H. L. Bulwer. Rev. J. A. Clarke. Horace Greely. Capt. D. Hall. An American. H. T. Tuckerman. F. Ann Butler. R. Rush. Capt. Morrell. Burnet. - A. D, Lamartine. - Wm. Ellis. [Army, " An Officer of the U.S. - S. Key. - Sir J. Ross. - H. Martineau. - Sterne. - Prof. Silliman. Do. - An American. - W. W. Riley. - James Hall. - Mrs. Sigourney. - C. S. Stewart. Rev. S. J. Mahoney. Member of Institution. W. Colton. Lady Wortley. W. Colton. A. Slade. S. Leech. Thome and Kimball. E. C. Wines. Stewart. Universal Traveler. 1 v. 8vo. Yanhaleur's Xarrative, 1 v. 8vo. Visit to the Syrian Chnrch, 2 v, 12mo. Visits to Eemarkable Places, 1 v. 8vo. Voyage of the Potomac, " Voyages and Discoveries, " Voyages to various parts of the World, 1 v. Visit to the South Seas, 2 v. 12mo. - TVestern Adventures, 1 v. 12mo. Do Annals, 1 v. 8vo. - Tear in Spain, " Charles A. Goodrich. H. Southgate. Wm. Howitt. J. X. Reynolds. W. Irving. Georsre Coggeshall. btewart. J. A. AlcClung. J. H. Perkins. A Young A m erican. FICTION AND ROMANCE. Abbess, 2 v. 12mo. Alhambra, ■' - - Astoria, 2 v. 8vo. Bulwer's Novels, 2 v. Svo. - Blue Stocking Hall, 2 v. 12mo. Chronicles of the Canongate, 2 v. 12mo. Cyril Thornton, 2 v. 12mo. = Crichton, Dollars and Cents. 1 v. 12mo. De Vere, 2 v. 12mo. Darnley, 2 v. Svo. Don Quixotte, 3 v. 12mo. Dream Life, 1 v. 12mo. East and VTest, 2 v. 12mo. - Evenings at VToodlawn, 1 v. 12mo. - Fresh Gleanings, 1 v. 12mo. - Frontinac, 1 v. 12mo. Flag Ship, 2 v. 12mo. Faulkner, 1 v. 12mo. Fielding, 3 v. 12mo. - Frank Freeman's Barber Shop, 1 v. 12mo. Fables, 1 v. 16mo. - Gentleman of the Old School, 2 v. 12mo. Duplicate. George Barnwell, 2 v. 16mo. - Home is Home, 1 v. 12mo. - Helen Fleetwood, " Humorist, " Hungarian Brothers, 2 v. 12mo. Heidermauer, '' Hits at the Times, 1 v. Svo. - Homeward Bound, 2 v. 12mo. Hope Leslie, '• Love and Madness of Tasso, 2 v. 12mo. Library of Select Novels, Last of the Planta^enets, " - 3Irs. Trollope. - W. L-ving. Do. - E. L. Bulwer. = Sir W. Scott. - H. Ainsworih. - A. Lathrop. - Author of Richelieu. - Ike Marvel. - Auth. of Clinton Brad- - 3L:s. Ellet. [shaw. - Ike Marvel. - Alfred B. Street. - F. TV. Tavlor. Rev. B.R.Hall, D.D. G. P. R. James. T. S. Surr. Charlotte Elizabeth. Theodore Hook. 3Iis5 Porter. Author of the Prairie. Author of Redwood. E. H. Wilde. 71 Lady of the Manor, 8 v. 12mo. Mary of Burgundy, 2 v. 12mo. Mercedes, " Maid of the Mist, 1 v. 12mo. - Masterman Ready, " Master Humphrey's Clock, " Morton, Naval Stories, " New Forest, 2 v. 12mo. Norman Leslie, " Novels and Tales, 6 v. 12mo. Oliver Twist, 1 v. 8vo. Pickwick Club, 4 v. 12mo. - Pilgrims of the Rhine, 1 v. 12mo. Queechy, 2 v. 12mo. - - - Reveries of a Bachelor, 1 v. 12mo. - Rambler, 4 v. 16mo. Robinson Crusoe, 1 v. 12mo. Roxabel, 3 v. 12mo. - - - Scarlet Letter, 1 v. 12mo. Subaltern, 2 v. 12mo. Sir Andrew Wylie, 2 v. 12mo. Scottish Chiefs, 3 v. 12mo. - Snarley Yow, 2 v. 12mo. Saturday Evening, 1 v. 8vo. - Scenes and Legends of Scotland, 1 v. 12mo. Sequel to Old Jolliffe, 1 v. 16mo. Tales of a Grrandfather, 8 v. 12mo. - Tales, 1 V. 12mo. - Thaddeus of Warsaw, 2 v. 12mo. Traits of Travel, ' ' Traveling Bachelor, " Tales of the Great St. Bernard, 2 v. 12mo. Tom Burke of Ours, 1 v. 8vo. dps and Downs, 1 v. 12mo. - Uncle Tom's Cabin, 2 v. 12mo. Vicar of Wakefield, 1 v. 12mo. Wandering Jew, 2 v. 8vo. Waverly Novels, 36 v. 12mo. Wide, Wide World, 2 v. 12mo. Westward Ho, *' Yesterday in Ireland, " Mrs. Sherwood. Gr. P. R. James. Author of the Bravo Scott. Capt. Marryat. Charles Dickens. Wm. Leggett. Capt. Marryat. Fay. Crayon. Charles Dickens. Do. Bulwer. E. Witherell. Ike Marvel. A Chalmers. De Foe. Mrs. Sherwood. Hawthorne. E. T. Coke. Miss Porter. Capt. Marryat. Hugh Miller. Walter Scott. Hall. Miss Porter. - Charles Lever. - Mrs. Stowe. - Oliver Goldsmith. - Eugene Sue. - Scott. - E. Witherell. POETRY, AND THE DRAMA. American Common Place Book, 1 v. 12mo. - Burns' Works, 1 v. 8vo. - - - James Currie. Burns' Poetical Works, 1 v. 12mo. - - Do. Bryant's Poems, " - - Wm. C. Bryant. Bloomfield's do *' - - R. Bloomfiold. 72 Beauties of Shakspeare, 1 v. 12mo. - Burnett's Letters, " Byron's Poetical Works, " British Drama, 2 v. 8vo. British Poets, 24 v. 12mo. - Do 2 V. 12mo. - Byron's Works, 8 v. 16mo. - Do 1 V. Svo. Duplicate. Cowper and Thompson's Works, 1 v. Svo. Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats, " Duplicate. Campbell's Poems, 1 v. 12mo. Course of Time, " Cowper, 3 v. 12mo. - - - Dante, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Echo, 1 V. Svo. - - . G-ray's Poems, 1 v. 12mo. Hudibras, " Hemans, Heber and Pollock, 1 v. Svo. Howitt, Milman, &c., 1 v. Svo. Homer's Odyssey, 2 v. 12mo. Do Iliad, 2 v. 16mo. - Hogg's Poems, 2 v. 12mo. - Jerusalem Delivered, 2 v. Svo. Do 2 V. 12mo. Duplicate. Landon's Poems, 1 v. 12mo. - Lady of the Lake, " Lesser Poems, ^ " Madocq, 2 v. Svo. - . - Milton's Works, 3 v. 12mo. - Moore's Works, 1 v. Svo. Modern Standard Drama, 5 v. 12mo. - Marmion, 1 v. 16mo. Montgomery's Works. Milton's Poetical Works, 1 v. 12mo - Night Thoughts, 1 V. 12mo. - North Countrie, " Poems of Ossian, 1 v. Svo. - Do do 2 V. 12mo. - Poetical Quotations, 4 v. 12mo. Poets and Poetry of the Ancients, 1 v. Svo. Do do of Europe, 1 v. Svo. Poems, 1 V. 12mo. - Do " - . - Poems of the Becluse, 1 v. 12mo. Duplicate. Parsonage, 1 v. 16mo. Pope's Poetical Works, 1 v. Svo. Reid's Essays, 2 v. Svo. Dr. Dodd. Bev. J. Burnett. Davis and others. F. Campbell. J. W. Lake. Do. - Pollock. - H. F. Cary. - Samuel Butler. Pope. Do. Tasso. Do. Scott. Sumner L. Fairfield. Bobert Southey. Thomas Moore. Sargent. Scott. Rev. H. Stebbing. Young. A. M. Gluman. John McCallaum. James McPherson. I. F. Addington. W. Peter. Longfellow. Mrs. Sigourney. E. H. Dana. Mrs. Chapman. Dr. Johnson. Thomas Eeid. 73 Eogers, Campbell, and others, 1 v. 8vo. Shakspeare, 7 v. 8vo. - . _ Do 10 V. 12mo. Sterne's Works, 1 v. 8vo. - - - L. Sterne. Supplement to Shakspeare, 1 v. Svo. - Scott's Works, 6 v. 12mo. - . - Swift's do 2 V. Svo. - . . Roscoe, ed. Sacred Songs, 1 v. 12mo. . - - Tappan's Poems, 1 v. 12mo. - Yelasco, 1 v. 12mo. - - - - Epes Sargent. Winchester's Dialogues, 1 v. 12mo. - - E, Winchester. Wordsworth's Works, 1 v. Svo. Wills' Works, 1 V. Svo. Winter, 1 v. 12mo. - - - - K. G. Holland. ESSAYS, LETTERS AND LECTURES. Appleton's Lectures, 1 v. Svo. Arnold's Lectures on Modern Hist., 1 v. 12mo Brewster on Education, 1 v. Svo. 2 Duplicates. Belles-Lettres, 4 v. 12mo. - - •■ Beattie, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Blair's Lectures, 1 v. Svo. Burton's Essays, 1 v. Svo. - Bowden's Letters, 2 v. 12mo. Brownlee's do 1 v. Svo. - Cooper's do 1 v. 12mo. Campbell and Fenelon, 1 v. Svo. Creeds, 1 v. 12mo. - - - ■ Chesterfield's Letters, 3 v. 12mo. Cook's Essays, 1 v. 12mo. Dialogues, 2 v. 12mo. Downing, 1 v. 12mo. Duplicate. Discourses and Addresses, 1 v. 12mo. Do to Young Men, Elements of Criticism, 2 v. Svo. Do do 1 V. 12mo. Essay on Taste, 1 v. 12mo. - Ferguson on Civil Liberty, 1 v. Svo. - Ferguson's Lectures, 1 v. Svo. Flint's do 1 v. 12mo. Familiar Letters, " Foster's Essays, " Green's Discourses, 1 v. Svo. General Literature, 1 v. 16mo. Letters of Junius, 2 v. Svo. - Knox's Essays, 2 v. Svo. Lyttleton's Works, 1 v. Svo. - 10 J. Appleton. H. Reid. George Brewster. Rollin. James Beattie. H, Blair. A. Burton. J. Bowden. J. Johnson. H. J. Eipley. John Duncan. - J. Hervey. J. C. Verplanck. J. C. Budd. Henry Home. Do. A. Gerrerd. A. Ferguson. James Ferguson. T. Flint. B. Franklin. J. Foster. A. Green. James Montgomery. Vicesimus Knox. G. L. Lyttleton. 74 Locke's Essays, 1 v. Svo. Letters from Paris, 1 t. Sto. - Letters, 1 v. 12mo. - on tlie Eastern States, 1 v. 12mo. from the South, '2 t. 12mo. - to the Touns:, 1 t. 12mo. from Constantinople, of John Eandolph, 1 from the JEgean, to a Touns: Student. '2 T. 12mo. T. Svo. - 1 T. 12mo. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Lardner's Lectures, 2 y. ^vo. Lectnres on Shakspeare, 2 v. 12mo. Do on Science and Revealed 1 T. Svo. Do to Yonng People, 1 v. 12mo Do to Yonng Men, Miller's Letters, 1 t. 12mo. - Modem British Essayists, 1 - John Locke. Coleridge. - 3Iaria J. Jewsbnrv. - An American. - J. Emerson. Dr. H Religion, ^vo. Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Modern History, 2 v. Svo. Natnre and Tendency of Free List'ns, 1 v. Svo. Xatnral History of Man, 1 v. Svo. Duplicate. Xattiral Theology, 1 v. 12mo. Pliny's Letters, *' - - Past and Present, ■•' - - Political Essay, ' • - ■ Principles of Morality, 1 v. Svo. Rhetoric, Adams' Lectures on, 2 v. Svo. Remarks upon Usury, and its effects, 1 v. 12mo. Sabine's Lectures, 1 v. Svo. - Spectator, 10 v. 12mo. Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 1 v. Svo. TTalpole's Letters to H. Mann, 2 v. Svo. Lardner. A. Hudson. "Wiseman. Wm. B. Sprague. J. Havres. S. 3imer. Alison. 31acauley. Takourdtk; Stephenson. Sidnev Smith. Carlvle. Wils^on. Jeffrey. McLitosh. Wm. Smith. G-rimke. A. Kinmont. Brougham. W. Melmoth. Thomas Carlyle. Bacon. J. Dvmond. J. Q. Adams. Whitehook. James Sabine. Addison and others. Henrv Lee. PERIODICALS AND REVIE>A^S, American Eclectic, 4 v. Svo. - All Religions and Ceremonies, 1 v. 12mo. American Review, 10 v. Svo. Do Onarterly Review, 3 v. Svo. Do 3Iuseum, 1 v. Svo. Blackwood's Magazine, 3 v. Svo. Critical Review. 1 v. Svo. •J. H. Aonew. Wm. Ward. 75 Cobbett's Political Register, 1 v. 8vo. Christian Library, 2 v. 4to. - Democratic Review, 1 v. 8vo. Evergreen, 3 v. 8vo. - - - Eclectic Museum, 3 v. Svo. - Edinburgh Review, 8 v. 8vo. Family Magazine, 1 v. 4to. - Do 1 V. 8vo. - French Revolution, 2 v. 12mo. Foreign Quarterly Review, 7 v. 8vo. - Gavil, 2 V. 8vo. Gentleman's Magazine, 1 v. 8vo. Golden Rule, 4 v. 4to. Imperial Magazine, 2 v. 8vo. - Journal of Science, 5 v. Svo. Littell's Museum, 1 v. Svo. - Do Living Age, 12 v. Svo. London Quarterly Review, 7 v. Svo. - Do Westminster Review, 5 v. Svo. Monthly Review, 1 v. Svo. - Museum, 5 v. Svo. - - - Missionary Herald, 1 v. Svo. - National Register, 5 v. Svo. - Naval Magazine, 2 v. Svo. New York Review, 10 v. Svo. North American Review, 51 v. Svo. - National Gazette, 1 v. folio, - Ohio Journal of Education, 1 v. Svo. Penny Magazine, 1 v. 4to. - Quarterly Observer, 3 v. Svo. Do Review, 2 v. Svo. - Tribune, 2 v. folio, - Western Review, 3 v. Svo. - - Wm. Cobbett. - Joseph Srlkeld. - J. H. Agnew. - Origen Bacheler. - Caleb Cushing. - Sumner & Harris. - Wm. E. Burton. - S. Drew. - Littellifc Bros., Pub's. Do. Joel K. Mead. Rev. C. S. Stewart. Charles Knight. - Timothy Flint. MISCELLANEOUS. American Crisis, 1 v. Svo. - Do Annual Register, 5 v. Svo. Do Gentleman, 1 v. 12mo. Aids to Reflection, 1 v. Svo. - Analytic Magazine, " Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 v. Svo. - Abyssinia, 1 v. 12mo. Arts and Miseries of Gambling, 1 v. 12mo. Analysis of Derivative Words, " Adirondack, or Life in tlio Woods, " Anxious Enquirer after Salvation, " Annals of Tacitus, 3 v. 12nio. Annals of the Poor, 1 v. 12mo. Anecdotes, 1 v. 12mo. Thomas Paine. Charles Butler. James Marsh. Burton. Gobat. J. II. Green. S. Town. J. T. Ilcadley. Rev. J. A. James. Murray. Rev. J. Ayre. Percy. 76 Buchanan, Works of, " Biograpliical Dictionary, 1 v. 12mo. - Belles-Lettres Kepository, 4 v. 8yo. - Bolingbroke's Works, " Bible in Spain, 1 v. 8vo. Byron and Cotemporaries, 1 v. 8vo. - Butler's Works, 1 v. Svo. Blue Book, 1 v. 12mo. Bridgewater Treatise, 5 v. Svo. Beauties of History, 1 v. 12mo. Baxter's Call, Beauties of Waverly, " Do of Irving, '' Do of History, 2 v. 12mo. Book of the Boudoir, 1 v. Svo. Chronicles of Gotham, 1 v. Svo. Conversations on the Bible, 1 v. 12mo. Do on Chemistry, " Duplicate. Colleges and Schools, 1 v. Svo. Christian Memoirs, 2 v. 12mo. Chambers' Miscellany, 10 v. 12mo. - Cyclopedia of English Literature, 2 v. Svo Christian Library, 16 v. 12mo. Chalmer's Miscellany, 1 v. Svo. Classical Studies, 1 v. 12mo. Curiosities of Literature, 3 v. 12mo. - Christian Year, 1 v. Svo. Cabinet Library, 1 v. 12mo. - Camoen's Luciad, S v. 12mo, Cold Water-man, 1 v. 12mo. - Country Stories, " Crayon Miscellany, 3 v. 12mo. Conquest of Granada, 2 v. 12mo. Consolations, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Corner Stone, " Cushing's Manual, " Daughters, Women, and Wives of England, 1 V. 12mo. - . . - De Quincey's Writings, 1 v. 12mo. - Didactics, 2 v. 12mo. _ _ . Dialogues of Devils, 1 v. 12mo. Duplicate. Diary of a Desennuye, 1 v. 12mo. Domestic Manners of the Americans, 1 v. Svo. Domestic Portraiture, 1 v. 12mo. Drake's Medical Education, 1 v. 12mo. Exercises of French Speech, " Encyclopaedia Americana, 13 v. Svo. - Events in Indian History, 1 v. Svo. - Elegant Extracts, 6 v. Svo. - - - Claudius Buchanan. George Borrow. Leigh Hunt. S. Halifax. Chalmers and others. W. Dodd. II . Baxter. L. M. Stretch. [woodsman. Author of the Back- Lady of Philadelphia. J. L. Comstock. Wm. Chambers. E. Chambers. Thomas Chalmers. Sears and others. J. D'IsraeH. - Dr. Springwater. - M. B. Mitford. - W. Irving. Do. - H. Davy. - Abbott. - L. S. Gushing. Mrs. Ellis. Thomas De Quincey. B. Walsh. The Listener. Mrs. Trollope. Leigh Eichmond. Dan'l Drake. Lewis Chambaud. Francis Lieber. J. G. Percival. 77 Elements of Englisli Composition, 1 Evangelical Library, 14 v. 12mo. Elisha the Tishbite, 1 v. 12mo. Encyclopgedia, 12 v. 8vo. Entertaining Knowledge, 11 v. 12mo. England and America, 1 v. 8vo. England and the English, 2 v. 12mo. Farmers' Book, 1 v. 8vo. Family Library, 160 v. 12mo. Do 50 V. 12mo. Fanaticism, 1 v. 12mo. Freeman's Companion, 1 v. Svo. Fourfold State, 1 v. 12mo. - Franklin's Works, 2 v. Svo. - Familiar Science, 1 v. 12mo. - Fountain, 1 v. Svo. - - - First Settlers of New England, 1 v. 12mo G-rammar of the French Tongue, " Grlory of America, 1 v. 12mo. Guide to Social Happiness, 1 v. Svo. - German Selections, 1 v. Svo. - Glimpses of the Past, 1 v. 12mo. Goldsmith, 4 v. 12mo. Gil Bias, " - - Greenland, 1 v. 12mo. Great Cities of the World, 1 v. 12mo. Gold Mines of the Gila, Habit of Memory, 1 v. 12mo. Historical Dictionary, " Humphrey Clinker, " Home Library, " Hervey's Meditations, " How to Observe, " Hints toward Reform, " Homes of the Poets, 2 v. 12mo. Italian Sentences, 1 v. 12mo. Index to Subjects, 1 v. Svo. - Information for the People, 2 v. Svo. - Italy and Napoleon, 1 v. Svo. Infidelity, 1 v. 12mo. Indians of North America, 1 v. Svo. - Johnson's Works, 6 v. Svo. - Jefferson's do 4 v. Svo. - Kings and Queens, 1 v. 12mo. Kid well ant) Kay, " Kenyon llebellion, 1 v. Svo. - Key to Animal Magnetism, 1 v. 12mo. Koran, 2 v. 12mo. - - - Duplicate. Knick Knacks, 1 v. 12mo. - Lorenzo Dow's Works, 1 v. Svo. V. 12mo. David Irving. F. W. Kramer. Nicholson's. Bulwer. J. Pritts. - Thomas Boston. - E. E. Peterson. - H. H. Weld. - John Perrin. - R. Thomas. - Mrs. Ellis. - Edwards & Park. - Charlotte Elizabeth. - J. Aikin. John Frost, LL. D. Charles W. Webber. Wm Darby. J. B. Longley. Smollett. F. Adams. James Hervey. Harriet Martineau. Horace Greely. Wm. Howitt. - Chambers. - Botta. - Eev. Dr. Nelson. - Drake. - Arthur Murphy. - T. J. Randolph. - J. S. C. Abbott. - J. Kidwell. - C. F. Durant. L. G. Clark. Library of Ckristian Knowledge. 5 Letter Writer. 1 v. 12mo. T. 12mo. - H. Hooker. 1 V. Sto. Y. 12mo. Little Henry, 1 t. 12mo. Library of Standard Literatnre. 3 v. 8vo. Library of Choice Beading, 2 v. 12mo. Lardner's Cyclopedia, 13 v. 12mo. - Literary Miscellany, 1 v. 12mo. Lamb's TVorks, 2 y. Syo. Lacon, 1 y. 12mo. - - - Littleton's TTorks, 1 y. 4to. - 3Iaclure's Opinions, 1 y. 8vo. MuiTay's Sequel, 1 y. 12mo. - Manners and Customs, 2 y. 12mo. 3Ioral 3Ionitor, 2 y. 12mo. Modern Philosopber, 1 y. 8yo. 3Iammon and 3Ieeknes5, 1 y. 12mo. - Mother and Child, 1 y. 12mo. Hannah More, 2 y. 8yo. Do 1 Y. 12mo. Manual of Classical Literature, Matthias and his Impostures, 1 3Iodern Scepticism, 1 y. 12mo. 3Iilton's Prose Works, 2 y. 8yo. Miscellanies, 1 y. 8yo. . . - Morals, 1 y. 12mo. - - - - 3Iinnesota Year Book, 1 y. 12mo. Museum of Interesting EYents, 2 y. 12mo. Xatui-e and Art, 1 y. 12mo. - - - XineYoh and its Bemains, 1 y. 12mo. Xotes on the Iroquois. 1 y. 8yo. Ohio G-azetteer, 1 y. 12mo. - - - Duplicate. Portfolio, 4 Y. 8yo. - . - Pearl, 1 y. 12mo. . . - - PennsylYania Historical Society, 2 y. 8yo. Physician and Patient, 1 y. 12mo. Parker's Aids to Engl. Composition, 1 y. 12mo. Physical Theory of Another Life, 1 y. 12mo. Poetry of TraYeling, 1 y. 12mo. Palling's "Works, 1 y. 12mo. Pastor's Testimony, 1 y. 12mo. Picture of Boston, 1 y. 12mo. Pamphlets, (Sec, 1 y. 8yo. Plea for the West, 1 y. 12mo. Parisian Lights and French Principles, 1 y. 12 Beliques of Bobert Burns, 1 y. 12mo. Bemarker, 1 y. 12mo. ... Becueil Choisi, 1 y. 12mo. Barabler, 2 y. 12mo. Bural Life of England, 1 y. 8yo. Beport and plan of Education, 1 y. 8yo. - Mrs. Sherwood. - Burke. - 3IcIntosh and others. - Guizot. - Boy. C. C. Colton. - Wm. Maclui'e. - Lindley MuiTay. - BeY. J. Goldsmith. - M. Fiske. - C. Comstock. - H. Henry. - Abbott. X. W. Fiske. Wm. L. Stone. 3Iorrison. B. W. Griswold. Prescott. HenrY and WheweU. W. G. LeDuc. J. Taylor. Layard. H.^B. Schoolcraft. W. Jenkins. W. Hooker. B. G. Parker. Isaac Taylor. C. Gilman. BeY. J. A. Clark. Bovren. Dr. Beecher. mo. B. H. Cromek. E. Sampson. Dr. Johnson. Wm. Howitt. F. Lieber. 79 Eemains of Coleridge, 3 v. 8vo. Rush's Memoranda, 2 v. 8vo. Reminiscences of Bishop Chase, 2 v. 12mo. - Sterne's Works, 8 v. 12mo. - Synonymes, 1 v. 8vo. - _ - Scientific Class Book, 1 v. 12mo. Sabbath and Intemperance, &c. 1 v. 12mo. - Sights in the Gold Regions, 1 v. 12mo. Society in America, 2 v. 12mo. Student, 2 v. 12mo. Solitude, 1 V. 16mo. Scientific Dialogues, 3 v. 16mo. Sorrows of Werter, 1 v. 12mo. Student Life in Germany, 1 v. 8vo. - Sherwood's Works, 6 v. 12mo. Spirit of Popery, 1 v. 12mo. Sturm's Reflections, 2 v. 16mo. Specimens of Foreign Literature, 2 v. 8vo. Do. Table Talk, 2 v. 12mo. Statistics of the West, 1 v. 12mo. Seneca's Morals, 1 v. 12mo. Slavery in the U. S. A. 1 v. 12mo. - Students' Manual, 1 v. 12mo. Self-Education, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Scenes and Legends of N. Scotland, 1 v. 8vo. Tongue of Time, 1 v. 8vo., Treasures of Knowledge, 2 v. 12mo. - Tattler, 1 v. 8vo. - - - - Tooke's Pantheon, 1 v. 12mo. Temperance Documents, 2 v. 8vo. Up and Doing, 1 v. 12mo. - - - Village Dialogues, 2 v. 12mo. Wealth of Nations, 2 v. 8vo. Winter Evenings, 2 v. 12mo. Wonders of the World, 1 v. 8vo. Walker on Intermarriage, 1 v. 12mo. Walks of Usefulness, 1 v. 12mo. Young Man's Closet Library, 1 v. 12mo. Year Book, 1 v. 12mo. _ - - Yaradu, 1 v. 12mo. Young Man's Book of Knowledge, - Do do Own Book, 1 v. 12mo. Do Ladies' Companion, 1 v. 8vo. Do Man's Guide, 1 v. 12mo. H. N. Coleridge. Dr. Rush. Bishop Chase. Lawrence Sterne. Geo. Crabbe. Levi W. Leonard. Hooker & Beecher. T. T. Johnson. Harriet Martineau. Bulwer. J. G. Zimmerman. Rev. J. Joyce. Wm. Howitt. Mrs. Sherwood. Rev. J. Sturm. George Ripley. Coleridge. Jas. Hall. Sir R. L'Estrange. Paulding. Rev. J. Todd. Hugh Miller. Joseph Comstock. Addison. Tooke. Charlotte Elizabeth. Rev. R. Hill. Adam Smith. B. Knox. R. Sears. A. Walker. Mrs. Prior. R. Philips. Edwards. Freeman. T. Tegg. Margaret Coxe. LIBRARY OF TEXT BOOKS, FOUNDED AUGUST 1st, 1852, BY PETER NEFF, Jr. Cicero do Oratore, Cicero Delphini, Horace Delphini, Graeca Majora, 2 v. Longinus, Conic Sections, 80 Olmsted's Philosopliy, Duplicate. Cicero De Officiis, Herodotus, 2 y. Modem Geography, Jacob's Greek Eeader.. Antlion's Greek Grammar. To SallTist, Do Horace, Do Greek Lessons, Duplicate. Do Cicero, Do Latin Lessons, '2 Duplicates, risk's Greek Exercises, Tyler's Tacitus, Colbum's Algebra, Gould's Horace, French Grammar, Chemistry for Beginners, Scott's Lessons, 0"^en's Homer's Odyssey, 3Iattison's Astronomy, GoO"irich's Fourth Eeader, Emerson's Arithmetic, 2d part, Jacob's Greek Eeader, French Grammar, Xenophon, Justin, Webster's Dictionary, Greek Lexicon, Davies' Surveying, Do Descriptive Geometry, Do Legendre, Caesar Delphini, Buttman's Greek Grammar, Clark's Ctesar, Cooper's Virgil, Davies' Mathematics, Playfair's Euchd, Lpham's Text Book, Homer's Odyssey, 2 v. Andrews' Latin Lessons, Abridgment of Sacred History, Webster's SpeUing Book, Excerpta Latina, 3Iair's Introducrion, Xnmber of Volumes of Text Total number of Volumes in Worcester's Geography, Xenophon' s Memorabilia, Andrews' Latin Grammar, Whately's Elements of Ehetoric, Hecuba. Progressive Exercises in English Grammar. 4 v. Goodrich's Third Eeader, Xenophon, Demosthenes, Greek Testament, jEschiues and Demosthenes, Ciceronis Orationes, Gould's Virgil, Kirkham's Grammar, Weber's German Dictionary, Bonnycastle's Algebra, Grund's Plane Geometry, Duplicate. Porter's Ehetorical Eeader, Duplicate. ITpham's Mental Philosophy, Pinnock's Goldsmith's Eome, Goodrich's Greek Grammar, Duplicate. French Grammar. First Book of Astronomy, French Fables, Greek Verb, Anthon's Horace, Lincoln's Livy, Folsom's Livy, Knapp's Theology, 2 v. Stuart's Hebrew Chi-estomathy, Do do Grammar, Marsh's Bookkeeping. Arnold's 1st and 2d Latin Book, Do Greek Prose Compos'n, Do Latin do do Do First Greek Lessons, Do Cornelius Xepos, Greenleaf 's Algebra, Mandeville's Elements of Eea-iing and Oratory, Xational Speaker, Folsom's Cicero's Orations, Tacitus' Germania and Agricola. Books, - - - 106 Library, - - 2,176 Li addition to the above, there are in the Library 1,513 pamphlets and public documents yet unbotind. HONORARY MEMBERS. Hon. John Q. Adams,* Hon. William Allen, Gen. James Allen, John W. Andrews, Esq., B. Andrews, Esq., Charles Anthon, LL. D., Hon. John B. Aycrigg, Charles Anderson, Esq., Rev. B. P. Aydelott, Rev. Henry B Bascom,* Benjamin F. Bache, M. D., George Bancroft, Esq., Samuel Bell, Esq., T. Benham, Esq., Hon Thomas W. Bartley, Hon. Richard Biddle, M. C, Rev. Lyman Beecher, D. D., John Alexander Bryan, Esq., Cotesworth P. Bronson, Benjamin S. Brown, Esq., Hon. James Buchanan, T. J. Buchanan, C. P. Buckingham, Rev. E. P. Barrows, Hon. B. F. Butler, Rev. Norman Badger, Hon. Daniel D. Barnard, Hon. Wm. Bebb, Park Benjamin, Esq., Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Rev. Alfred Blake, B. D., Wm. K. Bond, Esq., Rev. J. T. Brooke, D. D., Rev. Sherlock A. Bronson, D. D.' Rev. Richard Bury, Judge Butler, J. S. Carpenter, Rev. D. J. Caswell, Hon. John C. Calhoun,* Hon. John W. Campbell, Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, D. D.,* Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Willis Gaylord Clark, Esq.,* Hon. Henry Clay,* Daniel J. Collier, Esq., Rev. Chauncey Colton, D. D., James Fcnimorc Cooper, Esq.,* Hon. Thomas Corwin, Moses B. Corwin, Esq., Hon. Judge Crane, Hon. William Crcighton, Rev. Harry Croswell, D. D., Otway Curry, Esq., Rev. Wm. E. Channing, D. D.,* 11 Hon. John M. Clayton, Cassius M. Clay, Esq., Henry Clay, Jr., Esq.,* Hon. John J. Crittenden, Rev. E. H. Gumming, Hon. Caleb Gushing, Henry Davis, Esq., Hon. John Davis, Rev. Jeremiah Day, D. D., LL. D., Hon. Richard Douglas*, Maj. D. B. Douglass,* Prof. Daniel Drake, M. D.,* Rev. Heman Dyer, D. D., Lewis Dyer, M. D., J. S. Drane, M. D., Henry Drisler, A. M., Rev. JPeoli Durkee, Hon. Columbus Delano, Rev. George Denison, A. M., Rev. A. F. Dobb, Rev. William Elder, D. D., Hon. Thomas Ewing, Hon. Edward Everett, LL. D„ Hon. Horace Everett, Prof. Joseph W. Farnum, M. D-, J. J. Faran, Esq., Rev. Prof. C. W. Fitch, A. M., Rev. Timothy Flint,* Henry A. Foster, David Fuller, Esq., Sherman Finch, Esq , Hon. Millard Fillmore, Hon. Theo. Frelinghuysen, LL. D., William D. Gallagher, Esq., Hon. James Garland, Hon. Charles B. Goddard, Hon. John M. Goodenow,* Hon. P. C. Goode, Hon. Francis Granger, J. L. Greene, Esq., Hon. Thomas S. Grimke,* Rev. Charles Gibbs, A. M., Hon. Horace Greely, Rev. Rufus W. Griswold, D. D. Hon. James Hall, Hon. Jeremiah H. Hallock, Rev. Luther Halsey, D. D., Charles Hammond, Esq.,* Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D. D., Rev. Anson B. Hard, Hon. Ogden Hoffman. Rt. Rev. John Henry Hopkins, D.D., Washington Irving, Esq., John H. James, Esq., * Deceased. 82 Col. John Johnston, C. W. James, Esq., Judge Wm. Jay, Rev, Samuel L. Johnson,* John Kendrick, Esq., Hon James Kent, LL. D.,* Rt. Hon. Lord Kenyon, Gen. Edward King, Hon. Moses H. Hirby, Hon. Ebenezer Lane, Hon. D. P. Leadbetter, Samuel Lewis, Esq., Rev. Philip Lindsley, D. D.,* William B. Lloyd, Esq., Henry W. Longfellow, Esq., Captain Isaac Lynde, E. D. Mansfield, 'Esq., Hon. Samson Mason, Prof. W. W. Mather, Hon. J. P. B. Maxwell, Hon. Duncan McArthur, Rt. Rev. Samuel A. McCoskry, D. D., D. C. L., Samuel W. McClure, Esq., Rev. James McElroy, Rev. William H. McGuffey, D. D. Rt. Rev. Charles P. McHvaine, D. D., D. C. L., Hon. C. Fen ton Mercer, John G. Miller, Esq., Rev. James Milnor, D. D.,* Hon. Jeremiah Morrow,* Rev. Joseph Muenscher, D. D., Hon. J. Marsh, Hon. J. K. Miller, Prof. William Nast, D. Ph., Hon. Charles Naylor, Rt. Rev. James Hervey Otey, D. D., Hon. James K. Paulding, George D. Prentice, Esq., Hon. S. S. Prentiss,* Hon. William C. Preston, Rev. William Preston, Prof. C. R. Prizriminsky, Rev. George E. Pierce, D. D., Hon. William Payne, Judge Jacob Parker, Hon. Franklin Pierce, Hon. James K. Polk,* Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., LL. D., Hon Sam. Prentiss, Hon. Josiah Quincy, Hon. Joseph Ridgway, Hon. William C. Rives, Hon. Benjamin Ruggles, Hon. Samuel Ruggles, Prof. E. C. Ross, LL. D.,* Hon. Judge Scott, Hon. Wilson Shannon, Thomas Shannon, Esq.,* Hon. Wyllis Silliman, Prof. Robert P. Smith, Hon. J. E. Smith, Hon. Samuel L. Southard, LL. D., Hon. David Spangler, Rev. William Sparrow, D. D., Henry Stanhery, Esq., Hon. David A. Starkweather, Hon. Joseph Story, LL. D..* Prof. Calvin E. Stowe, D. D., Hon. Gustavus Swan, Judge Joseph R. Swan, Noah H. Swavne, Esq., Prest. Thos. M. Smith, D. D., Rev. John Sandels. Noah Hunt Schenck, Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Hon. Wm. Slade, R. R. Sloane, Esq., Rev. Wm. A Smallwood, Elisha T. Sterling, Esq., Hon. B. Storer, Jared Sparks, LL. D., Rev. Wm. W. Spear, Gen. H. R. Smith, Hon. Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, Hon. Benjamin Tappan, Homer L. Thrall, M. D., Hon. Allen Trimble, Rev. S. H. Tyng, D. D., Rev. Dudley A- Tyng, Hon. J. R. Underwood, Hon. Joseph Vance,* Timothy Walker, Esq., Hon. Daniel Webster, LL. D.,* Hon. Albert S. White, Rt. Rev. Henry J. Whitehouse, D. D. John G. Whittier, Esq., Hon. Elisha Whittlesey, P. B. Wilcox, Esq., Hon. M. T. Williams,* Hon. Henry A. AVise, George P. Williams, A. M., Rev. M. T. C. Wing, D. D., Hon. John C. Wright. Francis Wayland, D. D., Hon. F. Wilson, Hon. Silas Wright.* * Deceased. ^^^um tife^iy^jj^" ERRATA The 1 Fai^e 11, 18. IS, 19, 20, 21, 30, 30, SO, 37. 4", 46. 49. der is 29, 6, 33, 1, 1, 36, 1, 14, 21, 4, 25, 24, requested to correct, Vv'ith his pencil, the following errors for " Farlv," read Early. ■ for •■' E. F. Chase," read E. J. Chase. for •'• Froctor," read Proctors. for " Cusspack," read Cusack. for " Arner," read A oner. for "1838," read 1948. for "J. W. Garrett," read J. .N^. Garrett. for "1850," read 1S51. for "ZN'evport," re^d Xorth Fork. Mason Co. for "Meeker," read luceker. for " T. C. Miller," read T. E. Miller. insert the Bar at, after imitted to." for " Beslev Hall," read Theological Seminary of the Dio- cese of Ohio. (Bexlej Hall wa,s erected in 1845 ; before this date, the Seminary was knoy^n only as the Theologi- cal Seminary of the Diocese of Ohio.) omit the word "livir.:^?." fSome letters yere addr^sed to the friends of Deceased Members.) for "379," read 345. [mSCOPALlAX PRESS, GAMBH-E. ^fttVsxfltr %^,^^^ ^J[^ t; ^^•» c»t**' J^Ki^-^3,.3- < ^ >:)3>J>:>. 3^::s^^ 3> ^ >3i>>>':>. f?5 IP '^: ^:>^ ■^. . "" '^ > "^3oI3^^35^ - >^ :> 'x- ^"^~^^^p^3)^ ''^^$^- D ■%': -3 ^ ZX3^ ^' /r>j3> '3> '^y S^IOP^^: HXI> ^ y" ' ]3. ► "i J2^^ 3^ ' 23 z^ 3 -- >__ ^^^^^^^ 73^r3> ^- ^>^^Xi ^^^_D j> -) ")' dS^r^^ I i^^3> ^ ?- ^ ^>53>:3>^ .: 3l» I> .^ ^^= '•)' :3»>D^>> > - 3> !Z> ^ -' — ^3»3> \ ^ s 3 "ii^ 5 3^13^ -^ Z>^ ^ D >:> ^^J)7)^^3^^- kz^^^ 2)v -J R i^ '^m 5 ^j>i^' tm^ »a» j> f^ :3^> r ' .:^> ^2>i). »>^^> > J);) o-.2> '^ %^^ ^B ^^^"^:» 3 >:>^ ;i^^ :»> 2>3> 3- > 35)^5> - 3 i- >7>^i-> >o» -^3M> 5:.)-^ 5i^^ ' 3^?3 ^ ^-^ '''? 3^^^,r 3>-:a^ 33|> 3>;;^'^^ >.^ 3>i)r^ 3 ^ ^-i^ /??-: