Class GopyrightN? COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. M - W. MIRACLE The Gospel in Shadows Written by MERIDITH W. MIRACLE PRICE $2.00 POSTPAID ZACK C. HULL, Publisher ATLANTA, GEORGIA Copyrigted 1919 «A a zs JUi. i'd '9i9 ©CU586053 < I f THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 5 PREFACE Sensible toif my own imperfections and the momentous task before mei, I tremble, by my apprehensions of the shad^ owy consolations along the way from Eden to Calvary in- spires the undertaking of presenting a few of them, relying on God for gospel light and liberty. If I were master of all earthly knowledge and could qu'ote the entire Bible from memory, I could present hut a comparatively few of the gospel .sweets which lie hidden under the symbolic dealings of God with man from the creation to the giving of the law on Mount Sinai, and then meandering through the Jewish Ceremonials to the Great and bleeding Substance toif all shad*- ows on Calvary. I realize that unless my mind and pen are 'sanctified iby Almighty God to His own glory and honor and the peace and comfort of His Zion, all my efforts will be ibarren of any lasting good, John saw "a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feelt, and 'upon her head a crown with twelve istars." Rev. 12:1. This "Woman, we understand to be the bride of Christ, or the Church of the living God. This vision presents the Church under the gospel dispensation of time, with the "moon" (law) under her feet, hut we desire to pre- sent her as she existed under the "moon" (law). The "moon" epoch of -time was shrouded in shadows, but there was never a shadow without a "'substance," and Ithe following- pages of this book will present a few of the gospel shadows ex- tending back through the law, making more sweet and illus- trious the "Eternal Substance." I am sure tha|t the "Tahernacle" which was 'constructed in the wilderness, with all its gorgeous colors, and the 6 THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS twenty thousand singers, all in perfect order, rendering ac- ceptable praises, and the smoke of thousands of daily sac- rifices ascending up to a reconciled God — all this sublime arrangement could convey bult a dim shadow of the Great Anti-type. The crimson stream of atoning blood began to flow in covenant efficiency and sympolic sweetness with righteous Abie's sacrifice, and it has sanctified every shad- ow pointing ito the death of Christ on the cross, through the law dispensation otf time. It is the purpose of the following chapters to point out a few "way-marks" of salvation by grace, revealed in "moon- light 'shadows" and vindicated by the effulg&nlt light of the noon-day gospel. Every little "washing" and "offering" connected with the Ceremonial theocracy of the Jews has its anti-ltype in the gospel Church, and Jesus, its Great Author. By a careful notice of these types and shadows it is easy to recognize the true Church of Christ among so many worldly organizations claiming that sublime dignity. If I do no more than ithis, I am sure that my time and pains will meet an adequate return. Aside from this, I hope to give the gospel, as recorded in the Neiw Testament, a brighter lus- tre and 1 beget in the hearts of the sainlfs a deeper reverence •for our God, by pre.isenting symbolic evidences of the truth. The hour is approaching when my heart, my pen and my tongue, will foe no longer a'ble to move in the service of my Maker, Ibut I trust It'll at while my heart continues to beat, it may feed a warm love for the Zion of my God, and the prosperity of each little saint in her honorable courts. To this precious grace, I commend this little book, and I ear- THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 7 nestly entreat its readers to go to God in prayer for me, that I may finish my course in peace. Your little brother in hope, M. W. MIRACLE. Sta. A., Dallas, Texas, January 31, 1916. NOTE The author can assure the critic that he or she will be rewarded by searching tlhe pages of this book for imperfect diction and logic. He makes no pretensions to literary pro- ficiency nor elegance of composition. If the saints of God want to hear from home, and find rest under the Shadows of the Rock as they journey through typical Canaan and talk with typical Jews about Jesus and His kingdom, we invite you to read. May G.oki sanctify your investigation to your good and His glory. THE AUTHOR. THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 9 CONTENTS 1. The gospel from the shades of Eden. 2. True doctrine and its typical opposition from Eden. 3. The sad and shameful exodus from Eden. 4. The Lord's sheep pastured and school esd. 5. Abraham seeking a wife for Isaac. 6. God's ijudigments of Egyplt. 7. The Tabernacle service and its gospel shadows. 8. The Wilderness manna in gospel substance^ 9. \ The Wilder n e's s Rook smitten by Moses. 10. Typical Jacoh on Eagle wings. 11. The promulgation of the Ceremonial law. 12. The law and nature of pardon. 13. The Jewish Altar and its comforting shadows. 14. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz in Gospel Shadows. 15. Temporal Israel, a Bible shadow of the True Church. 16. The typical church, not a proselyting body. 17. The same, continued. 18. The typical deadness of Sarah's wom'b. 19. The spiritual birth proclaimed in baptism. 20. The shadow of the bride in water baptism. 21. Gospel baptism the shadow of organic Zion. 22. The typical Vineyard of the Lord. 23. The triumphs and conflicts of David in gospel shadows. 24. The triumph of Gideon in gospel terms. 25. The Lord's Supper a Sacrament. 2!6. Why two emblems in Ithe, communion? 27. The Sabbath gospelly considered. 28. The Ark of the Deluge in shadows. 29. The typical birth of the bride in blood and water. 30. The gospel in literal matrimony. 31. The 'bride possessed toy her husband. 32. Judgment, Justice and mercy agreed. 33. A gospei dream. 34. Condensed sermons. THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 11 CHAPTER 1 THE GOSPEL FROM THE SHADES OF EDEN. The word "Eden," in the Hebrew language, denotes "pleasure and delight." The "Garden of Eden" was the residence of our first parents in their state of purity and blessedness. It is not my purpose to present any claim as to its location. I am sure that for most wise purposes God has cast into the silent realm of oblivion every identification of this fair portion and location of His works. The charming delights of that sweet spot were unfitted for sinful eyes to behold its sublime beauties, or polluted ears to listen to its perfect harmonies. They were only adapted to .beings of innocent purity, and when sin entered on that unsullied stage, with all its curses and blights, the curtain fell, and like a dark pall hid away from man the scene of the world's greatest and saddest tragedy. Like the sin- cured cities of "Sodom and Gomorroah," which were con- sumed by fire from heaven and the verdant valley on which they rested s'unk under the Dead Sea, the Lord obliterated from the face of the earth every identity of primitive Eden and it can now only be found on the "page of holy writ," or in our wondering imaginations. Though the Garden of Eden mestles on the sun-rising shore of the Ocean of Time, her stately shadows reach across to the sun-setting shores of the gospel day, revealing her former beauties in gospel shadows to God's spiritual people. It is my delight to hold up for those having "eyes to see," and "ears to hear," the spiritual telescope through which they can behold the past beauties of Primitive Eden, the sweet gos'pel shadows that find substance in the organic kingdom, or Church of Christ, and on to the heavenly Eden, 12 THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS •whose' beauties and delights are there a thousand-fold en- larged. Earthly Eden was made to respond to the delight- ful requirements of earthly, yet, innocent beings, but Heav- enly Eden is far more resplendent in eternal charms, to suit the requirements' of spiritual and heavenly beings. Paul was caught up to the Paradise of God, and saw things which were "unlawful to utter." Ever after, he wanted to go to that rapturous abode.__0 dear Pilgrim saints, let us hope that we are nearing the' blissful borders of heavenly Eden. Eden was a symbolic figure of the Church in many shadows. It is often referred to as "Paradise," and that word denotes an enclosed place of delight. The' true church of Christ is an inclosed place of spiritual delights. 'Like primitive Eden it is the abode of innocent beings. God's children are made innocent by the blood of Jesus. Innocence is the opposite of guilt, and loving Jesus bore the guilt of His bride, the church. The same Lord that "walked in the midst of earthly Eden in the cool of the day," crying, "Adam, where' art thou,' walks in His spiritual Eden today "crying the life-giving words, Adam, where art thou?" His elect bride is< in the fallen Adam, and must be "called out." 'Like His Edenic creatures, His "sheep hear His voice', they fol- low Him, and He gives unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish." Oh, the worth of that life-giving call, which resurrects our dead souls from the sinful slumber of death, unto life eternal. O, what a similarity of the Eden call to Adam, with that of a spiritual call of the bride to spiritual life, in regeneration, or the spiritual birth ! "Adam, where art thou?" Adam heard the words of his Lord, and crouched behind hisi flimsy apron of "fig leaves" to hide himself, because he was naked. O, how like poor trembling sinners, when called to spiritual life. They never fail to "hear," but, O, how poor and naked they do feel. They, like Adam and Eve, crouch behind their own "fig- THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 13 leaf apron" of self righteousness, as the Lord tells them of all their sins. l It is then that the "pains and pangs" of their spiritual birth take hold upon them, and there is no more ease until their deliverance from the scrutinizing gaze of an offended God, gives way to the smiles of a redeeming Savior, whose adorable' righteousness covers all their shame. *It is a consoling truth that our first parents were clothed, before being turned out of the Garden, thus signi- fying a robe of righteousness already prepared in Christ to cover their sin, even before leaving the immediate presence of an offended God. Their clothing was of "skins," which would signify the offering of sacrifices to God, symbolically pointing to the approaching sacrifice of the Son, and this, before man had transgressed the law of his Maker. O, what a sweet shadow of a complete redemption for the bride of Christ, already prepared, and reserved, before its need, in fact, existed. Their clothes were prepared and put on them, before they were turned out of the garden. IWe would fail to do this instructive subject justice by leaving out some thoughts regarding the formation of mother Eve. (She was taken out of Adam while he was in a "deep sleep," by the almighty power of God. This was a great miracle, but it was no more wonderful than the daily and hourly occurrence of od taking out His spiritual Eve from "sleeping" Adam in time, and presenting her to His' Son, the "Second Adam." Man is as powerless either to help or to hinder this spiritual "taking" out of elect Eve, today, as was> father Adam im the Garden, to help or hinder the miraculous work of "taking a rib from his side," and making of it a woman. lit is also a peculiar fact that Eve was taken from near Aldam's heart, thus signifying her right to his affections and protection. She was not taken from his head, that he might oppress her, neither was she takein from his feet, that he might abuse her, but she was taken from his side, denoting 14 THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS affectionate companionship. In respect to Christ and His Church, she nestles near His loving heart, with His super- lative wisdom above in the Head, to devise her eternal sal- vation, and the power in His feet below, to tread the' "wine- press" of God's just wrath, thus executing a full and com- plete solvation for her. O, what a Husband for strength, for wisdom, for affection and eternal riches! How His ten- der, dependent bride should love, honor and obey Him! The garden of Eden was profuse in rare fruits and flowers. The foliage of evergreen trees, which shaded bub- bling fountains of pure water, and the perfume-laden air; all combined to make Eden a Paradise indeed. No death there. No sickness, no sighing, no poverty, no fear, no cold, no heat and no discord in that happy place. All was har- mony. The rippling brooks, the singing birds, the' rustling leaves, the zephyr breeze and the affectionate voices of manly Adam and womanly Eve, all combined in one con- tinual strain of sinless melody. "In the midst of that gar- den grew two trees, the fruits of which, man was not to eat, to wit: the "Tree of Life," and the "Tree of the knowl- edge of good and evil." There was a special penalty at- tached to the "eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil," and that penalty was death. "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the' tree of the 'knowl- edge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Now, I am sure that there is not a larger text in the Bible than this one quotation, yet, there is no gospel in it. It doesn't reveal a Savior to lost and guilty sinners, but it reveals the need of one, for Adam transgressed the law of his Maker, and died. There can be no hope in a broken law. 'While the woman did not receive the commandment which caused her death, directly from the mouth of her Maker, yet she was conscious of its existence, and its penalty, for THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 15 she told Satan all about it, and the devil made her believe it meant something else, and succeeded in getting her to eat of "the forbidden fruit" He did not try his seduction on, Adam, for he knew that he had already accomplished that, through his wife. He was aware of the supernal love Adam had for Eve, and he knew that he would suffer the pangs of hell with her, rather than refuse to eat of the fruit she had eaten, and be' separated from her through all time and eternity. O, what a type of Christ and His spiritual Eve. The; Son loved His Bride, and He voluntarily endured, not only temporal death with her, but He endured the pangs of he'll in "dark Gethsemane," for her. The devil presented all the desirable features of that tree to Eve, and through her plastic and innocent mind, instilled his poison of sin into her nature. He planted in her fertile nature the seed of lust, and it inflamed her imagination, and enlarged her vision of earthly conquests The result was, self was enthroned in the heart where God had reigned. Satan knew the weakness of women, in meeting his arguments. He told her that "the tree was good for food," it was pleasant to the eyes and "a tree to be desired to make one wise." Gen. 3-6. We have many such women of modern times. Some have ignored Jesus Christ, as a Divine Substitute for His people, formed an illegal alliance with the devil, and established a cult of human (Christian) science, by which alien sinners can pass right imto the "garden of Eden," by the "Cherubim and naming sword," and "pluck spiritual fruit from the Tree' of Life, and live forever." Lust for beauty, for knowledge and for things ,to eat had taken root in Eve, and through her siren arguments, together with his love for her, Adam eat, and they both died in each other's arms. Guilty lust closed the eyes of sinless innocence, and opened a distorted vision of the playthings of earth. This world's saddest tragedy was enacted in the ab- 16 THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS sence of the Lord, and when He walked through the gar- den, in the "cool of the day," He was not greeted byi the % usual running to meet Him, and the caresses from His innocent creatures, but what an unspeaka'ble silence must have pervaded that once delightful garden, exuberant with innocent prattling joy! (All nature was "draped in mourn- ing." The former melodies of song and praise's were silenced with guilty shame. In that painful gloom of all things animate, Adam and his wife were missing, "and the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?" (Verse 9.) Dear trembling one's, that Godly inter- rogation has reverberated and echoed down the centuries, among the elect sons and daughters of Adam, and always finds them just where' the Lord found Adam and Eve. They crouch in hiding behind their self-made "fig leaf aprons," which typifies self righteous works, and they say, "I heard thy voice, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself." Such garments- will do to hide our guilt and shame before men, but they utterly fail before God, and every trembling sinner called by the sovereign voice of Almighty God, knows from experience, what "a fearful things it is to fall into the hands of God," and are called to account. "Till now I saw no danger nigh; I lived at ease, nor feared to die; Wrapped up in self-conceit and pride, I shall have' peace at last, I cried. But when, great God, thy light divine Had shone on this dark soul of mine, Then I beheld with trembling awe, The terrors of thy holy law." THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 17 CHAPTER 2. THE TRUE DOCTRINE AND ITS TYPICAL OPPOSITION FROM EDEN. The Lord had told Adam, "that in the day thou eat est thereof, thou shalt surely die." In his interview with the woman, the sergent told her that "Ye shall not surely die." Dear reader, in these two antagonistic and opposite state- ments of Adam's (man's) future destiny, and his present condition, we have a premise for the two prevailing systems of religion on earth today. One of the&e systems teach that man is not dead, and the other one teaches that man is dead in "trespasses and in sins." One sprang from the devil and the other sprang from the Lord. Satan told Eve that man would not die as a consequence of his disobedience, and he is telling people today, through his multitude of hu- man agents, that MAN IS NOT DEAD, but "knows good from evil," and can choose the "good** and be saved, or "choose the' evil and be lost." That is exactly the doctrine Satan preached to Eve, but it disputed the doctrine of God, His Son and the holy Apostles. God said, "ye shall surely die," and Paul says, "death passed upon all men," by one mam's offense. Rom. 5-12. Centuries after, His only begot- ten \S'on came on earth and said, "the hour is' coming and now is, that the dead shall hear the voice of the ISon of God, and they that hear shall live." Jno. 5-25. This "hearing" and "living' evidently refers to the. "new birth," or regeneration; then Paul says, You hath He (God) quickened, who were dead," (Eph. 2-1.) referring to the same death state of fallen Adam. One of these Ede'nic doctrines proclaims a "DEAD" sinner, and the other proclaims a "LIVING" sinner, both in a state of nature. We have produced three unquestion- able witnesses', who testify) that man is DEAD, before regeneration and shown that nothing short of the "Voice 18 THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS of the Son of God" can put life into him, and that every one who hears that voice, lives. There is a "general call," which is the voice of the gospel, but there is a "special call," which is the "Voice of the Son of God." In the ab- sence of the latter, the former is wasted on "desert air," so far as eternal results are concerned iGod's covenant "sheep" are DEAD sheep, before He calls them to spiritual life. He says, "My sheep hear my voice, they follow Me. I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish." The dead state of Adam and his posterity is the gospel theme, and redemption of the elect through the atoning blood of Jesus its eternal remedy. I believe that about nine-tenths of the numerous sects claiming to be followers of the Meek and Lowly Lamb of God, teach that alien sinners are no: spiritually dead, but that they are in possession of spiritual volition, and are naturally capacitated to "accept Christ and by so doing, come into possession of eternal life. We have shown that Christ is the "Tree of "Life" in the midst of the Garden," and that the "Flaming Sword," (the divine law of God) "turns every way" to prevent natural Adam from partaking and eating of its fruit, which is eternal life. Xow, dear friend, under which one of these opposing banners do you march? Are you one among the innumer- able host of Midianites, who look for salvation in the arm of flesh? If so, there is coming a day when a small 'army of Spiritual Jews will put you to flight, and cause you honor the power of God, in the salvation of helpless, death- stricken sinners. Are you one of that modern army of prosl elyters our Lord denounces? '1Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is made, ye make him two-folcl more the child of hell than yourselves." Mat. 23-15. This is the inevitable result of "taking the world for Christ," under modern methods. Modern efforts to "evan- gelize the world," is founded on the false assumption that THE GOSPEL IN SHADOWS 19 the world is "NOT DEAD," which is the Edenic "lie' of the "serpent." This false doctrine lurks in the heart of every unre- generate son or daughter of Adlam, aind it is but natural for them to proclaim it to the world, "outside the walls" of Jerusalem. The .blood was sprinkled on the altar, the ground around it, on the "veil 1 " of the temple, and then the High Priest would go into the "Holy of holies," and sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the ark and "mercy-seat." This symbolic work of applying the blood of the slain lamb to the temple and its holy utensils, sanctified them for their typical offices. There was no way /to the "Holy of holies," which is a type of heaven, but by and through the blood of the sacrifice, which typified the blood of Jesus, the pur- chase price eternal redemption for His people, -and His life, which was given, to apply the "purchased redemption." This crimson way was opened up for every heaven-bought and glory-bound son and daughter of Adam, to the "throne of grace." '0 how sweet it is to walk to the throne, on the precious blood of King Jesus, our Immanuel,"