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Francis, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. / &S~?. Clayton &, Van Norden, Printers, 49 William-street, New-York. A VIEW PHRENOLO G Y I DESIGN to present a general view of phre- nology, its origin, nature, and progress. The literal signification of the term, is — a dis- course concerning the mind. By phrenology, however, is usually understood that system of mental and moral philosophy, which recognises the brain as a congeries of organs, by which the mental and moral faculties are manifested, during the connexion of the mind and the body. It makes no pretension to ascertain the nature of the mind itself, nor to determine whether it be material or immaterial, destined to immortality, or to perish with the body. Wisely does it leave these interesting inquiries to be solved by knowledge of a different kind. As phrenology, in connexion with other branches of science, such as those of insanity, legislation, and education, may be regarded as the greatest and most important discovery of modern times, it becomes us to attend to the 1* A VIEW OF history of its origin and progress. The ho* nour of the discovery is unquestionably due to Dr. Gall, of Vienna, Dr. Spurzheim and Mr, Combe merit the praise of having been the most successful cultivators of the science. Dr. Gall, from an early age, was disposed to observation. He noticed the fact, that his brothers, and sisters, and schoolfellows, were each distinguished by some peculiarity of ta- lent or disposition. He found that the scho- lars with whom he had the greatest difficulty in competing, were those who learned by heart with much facility ; and such individuals fre- quently gained from him, by their repetitions, the places of honour and commendation, to which he had justly gained a title by the merit of his original compositions. His schoolfel- lows so gifted were observed to possess pro- minent eyes, and subsequently, in similar cases, he found this to be uniformly true. This fact, we are told, suggested to him the propriety of looking to the heads around him for other or- gans, either of intellect or of sentiment. From the first he referred the cause to the brain, and not to the bones of the head, as it has been ab- surdly represented by the opponents of the system. Dr. Gall studied the metaphysical writers with but little satisfaction. Being fully con- vinced there was a natural difference between PHRENOLOGY. 7 individuals as to talents and dispositions, and finding those writers not acknowledging this principle, but speaking of all men as born with equal mental faculties and moral susceptibili- ties, and maintaining that the differences ob- servable between them were owing either to education or to accidental circumstances, he laid aside all reliance upon their theories, and devoted himself to the study of nature. " He visited prisons, and resorted to schools ; he was introduced to the courts of princes, to col- leges, and the seats of justice; and wherever he heard of an individual distinguished in any particular way, either by remarkable endow- ment or deficiency, he observed and studied the developement of his head. In this manner, by an almost imperceptible induction, he con- ceived himself warranted in believing that par- ticular mental powers are indicated by particu- lar configurations of the head." Anatomical investigations next occupied his attention, and he made several important discoveries respect- ing the structure of the brain and nerves. The fibrous constitution of the brain has by him and Dr. Spurzheim been demonstrated to the satisfaction of all anatomists, even of them who continue opposed to the peculiar doctrines of phrenology. Dr. Gall did not, as he has been falsely re- presented, first map out a head and assign a fa- A VIEW OF culty to each part, according to his fancy or caprice ; on the contrary, he remarked an agreement between certain mental faculties or moral dispositions, and certain forms of the cra- nium, and they were located one by one as they were presented to his observation. Dr. G. Spurzheim began the study in 1800, as a student of Gall, and has been an indefati- gable labourer in the fiejd of phrenological investigation, and a strenuous and successful advocate of truth and humanity. He has lec- tured in France, Great Britain, Ireland, and the United States, He arrived in New-York in July, 1832, and proceeded to Boston, where, after lecturing several weeks, he terminated his valuable life. Worthy of all eulogium and of all regret, he sleeps in our land : but his works survive, and may be considered as a valuable bequest to the friends of wisdom and virtue. His powers of analysis were great ; and much of the order and harmony of the science may be fairly attributed to him. Nor were his mo- ral sentiments less valuable or endearing. In this country (and I am proud to mention the fact) he was received with enthusiasm, enter- tained with cordiality, and lamented with sin- cere esteem, as well as heartfelt sorrow. " Re- quiescat in pace." In 1816, Mr. George Combe became a con- vert, and he has published a treatise on phre- PHRENOLOGY. \) nology, which is one of the best written and most interesting books in the English lan- guage. The Phrenological Journal and Mis- cellany has also contributed to the wide diffu- sion of knowledge on this increasing, and, as I firmly believe, enduring science. Dr. Charles Caldwell, of Kentucky, and others in this country, have given it their de- cided approbation ; and we may confidently say that the subject has received an impulse which will render its continuance perpetual, its progress certain, and its triumph complete. When we reflect upon the capacity and en- ergy of the mind; when we remember its boundless range and high destiny ; when we car- ry our thoughts forward towards its nobler anti- cipations and glorious endowments, and at the same time realize how unsatisfactory have been the speculations of metaphysicians, and how inadequate consciousness is to reveal its nature and properties ; we cannot but highly value the inestimable benefits which phrenology has bestowed upon the science of mind, and the brilliant light which it has shed over the men- tal, and moral, and physical constitution of man. The time of ridicule has passed away. A sneer is no shield for ignorance ; and who, I inquire, is wise, that is ignorant of himself? I have never known a person disparage the va- lue of phrenology, who was not unlearned in 10 A VIEW OF its principles, or prejudiced against its truth. All the writings of metaphysical authors, how- ever valuable they may be as testimonies of the nicety of thought and of the power of the human intellect, leave us almost in total dark- ness regarding the composition of the mental faculties. The perusal of these authors has, however, some advantage; and, at present, a person who has never turned his attention to subjects of this kind, can hardly be regarded as a man of knowledge and learning. Locke, in my opinion, is decidedly the best of these writers in the English language, nor am I conscious he has any superior in any other. Neither Reid nor Stewart has improved upon him on the whole, though in some particulars of no great importance it may be conced- ed they have brought forward some useful thoughts. Brown was a man of greater depth and reach of thought than either Reid or Stewart ; but it may be doubted if he has es- sentially improved the cause of true know- ledge. These authors have all failed in their researches, because they neglected the mate- rial organization of the brain and nervous sys- tem. They have merely drawn from the foun- tain of their own consciousness, and such streams can never extend to the real fertilization of the mental field. Phrenology, on the other hand, is founded upon the simple fact, now scarcely PHRENOLOGY. 11 denied or doubted, that the brain is the organ of the mind, or, more correctly, that it is a con- geries of organs, each one of which is subser- vient to a particular function. Phrenology does not assert that the mind is material, or that it cannot exist and act sepa- rate from the body. It only states, that, while united with the body, it employs material or- gans for its manifestation. It is impossible to define the nature of the soul, or to decide upon its duration by scientific research. Would we know the truth on these recondite subjects, we must consult a higher source; and by faith in divine revelation, we have our desires gratified in the most satisfactory manner. For my own part, I believe the soul and spi- rit dwell in clay until the death of the material frame, and then are not found naked, but im- mediately are " clothed upon" with a spiritual body, or inhabit a " house not made with hands, but eternal in the heavens," there to abide, as enduring as the days of eternity, and as blessed as the beatitude of God. I speak, of course, of those who are justified, sanctified, and saved. We may then believe that the mind uses the eye to see, the ear to hear, the hand to feel, and the brain to think ; and, if so, why not one part of the brain to enjoy the pleasures of friendship, another part to raise the emotion of 12 A VIEW OF benevolence, and still another to quicken the energy of resentment ? The brain is, therefore, a congeries of or- gans : these are numerous and multiform : phrenology collects and arranges them in three great classes. The first class embraces those organs which give rise to the animal propensi- ties, and are nine in number. The second class contains those of the moral feelings or sentiments, nine or ten in number. The third class comprehends the intellectual organs or faculties, which are subdivided into the know- ing and the reflecting organs. Generally speaking, we say, the animal propensities are situated in the lower and posterior parts of the head, the moral sentiments in the superior la- teral parts, and the intellect in front. All arise from the medulla oblongata at the base of the scull, and are mostly extended to the surface of the cranium. Having indulged in these preliminary remarks, we shall now proceed to mention the various organs in their order, and shall briefly notice their functions and con- nexions. It should be remembered that they are all double, that is to say, that one of each name exists on either side of the brain. The brain is divided into two hemispheres by the falx, and the opposite sides are connected by commissures. But this rather belongs to the anatomy of PHRENOLOGY. 13 the brain, of which we cannot speak particu- larly at present. CLASS I.— PROPENSITIES. No. I. — Amativeness. This is the organ of sexual love. The cere- bellum is its seat at the lower and posterior part of the head. It is very small in children, attains its full size between the ages of four- teen and twenty-four, and in old age often diminishes. It is less in females than in males* Dr. Spurzheim says, " It is impossible to unite a greater number of proofs in demonstration of any natural truth, than may be presented to determine the function of the cerebellum.' 7 This organ exerts an influence manifestly be- neficial, giving rise to politeness and mutual good feeling between the sexes. Like the other faculties, it is liable to abuse. There is a connexion between this portion of the brain and the eyes, so that these sometimes convey all necessary intelligence from the lover to the beloved object. No. II. — Philoprogenitiveness- This long name simply imports love of off- spring. The attachment of several species, in- 2 14 A VIEW OF deed of most species, of animals to their young, is worthy of admiration. The instinct of nature, as it has been called in them, is but another name for the activity of this or- gan. The love of children is innate, arising, not from reason, nor from a sense of duty, but spontaneously. It is larger in females than in males, among all classes of animal exist- ence. It was discovered and established by Dr. Gall. Sometimes it has been deranged ; and women under this derangement have ima- gined themselves mothers, nurses, he. Were it not for the exercise of this faculty, the con- dition of helpless infancy would be truly de- plorable. It is situated in the posterior ex- tremity of the cranium, above the first-men- tioned organ. No. III. — CONCENTRATIVENESS OR INHABI- TIVENESS. Dr. Spurzheim observed this part to be large in those animals and persons who seem attached to particular places, and hence named it inha- bitiveness, or sense of habitation. Mr. Combe observed that some persons possess a natural facility of concentrating their thoughts and feelings, without the tendency to distraction by the intrusion of ideas, or emotions foreign PHRENOLOGY. 15 to the subject under consideration ; and find- ing this portion large in such persons, has called it concentrativeness. Dr. Spurzheim does not admit this power of continued atten- tion as a primitive faculty, but supposes each organ to have the power within itself of direct- ing its own attention. The truth may be, that this organ comprises two faculties, and that, one part of it is concerned in inhabitiveness, and is large in birds of several kinds, and also in animals, while another part is the source of the power of intense attention, as supposed by Mr. Combe ; and if this be true, the difference can be readily reconciled. Nothing but ob- servation can decide the question. Abstruse reasoning is not admitted as proof in our sci- ence, which is built upon induction. It lies above philoprogenitiveness and between the organs of adhesiveness. No. IV. — Adhesiveness. When very large, two anular protube- rances will be found above philoprogenitive- ness, near the lamdoidal suture. If the neighbouring organs are large, then only a general fulness will be observable. " This faculty gives rise to the instinctive feeling of attachment, and causes us to experience the greatest delight in a return of affection." It 16 A VIEW OF prompts to attachment, even to inanimate things; — hence the love of the girl for her doll, and the devotion of the adult for his coun- try and familiar institutions and manners. Patriotism is a compound emotion, and em- braces benevolence, conscience, and fortitude. Morbidly acute, it produces home-sickness and country-sickness in those who are banished from their native land and the home of their youth. The soldier on the field of battle dies remembering his home, and sweet recollec- tions of his distant country return to his mind, with mingled sweetness and regret. This organ is larger in women than in men. Those in whom it is largely developed, become mutually good friends, while those in whom it is deficient may have many acquaintance, but they will never enjoy the delights of pure friendship. In the inferior animals, as the dog, for instance, it exists oftentimes very strongly marked. It is the bond of union, and causes animals to herd together, and maintains harmony and peace. No. V. — CoMBATIVENESS. This is the propensity that leads to combat. I think it can be better understood by viewing it in relation with destructiveness. It is placed partly behind the ear and above the mastoid process. PHRENOLOGY. 17 No. VI. — Destructiveness. Above the orifice of the ears, giving the disposition to destroy. Combativeness in- spires courage, and, when properly directed and controlled by the moral and mental powers, enables us to maintain the right and the truth. It is indispensable to the form- ation of an energetic character. Its undue excitement leads to war. Warlike nations have combativeness and destructiveness large. Com- bativeness gives resolution to meet danger unappalled, and to resist it; destructiveness renders the onset perilous and terrible. Com- bativeness enables us to encounter difficulty, and, having overcome it, is satisfied ; destruc- tiveness prompts us to exterminate our adver- saries. Destructiveness gives energy to the will, and, if combined with firmness, results in persevering activity in the pursuit of any ob- ject. Children frequently exhibit the possession of destructiveness and of combativeness. Their fondness for soldiers and warlike display, and their tendency to destroy their playthings, are evidences of the activity of these organs. In men, these faculties give the propensity to witness battles, either of other men, or of the inferior animals. To destructiveness must be 2* 18 A VIEW OF attributed the desire to see a fellow being suf- fer the extreme penalty of human law; and I am sorry to add, this desire is by no means confined to the stronger sex. This has been regarded as unaccountable. Phrenology re- veals the cause of the fact, which is too noto- rious to be disputed. Destructiveness is large in wilful murderers, and therefore was at first called the organ of murder. Now phrenolo- gists ask for facts. If the science be not true, certainly it would not be difficult to pre- sent one case in which murder had wilfully been committed by a person of comparatively small destructiveness and large benevolence, with an ordinary endowment of the mental and moral faculties. Such a case, however, never has been adduced ! If we compare the head of an herbivorous animal with that of a carnivorous one, we shall at once perceive how much the head of the latter exceeds in size the head of the former at this particular part of the brain. The pleasure taken by the ancient Romans in gladiatorial games depended upon their large destructive organs. The spectators were by no means the refuse of the people, but the intelligent and the illustrious composed no small portion of the admiring and almost en- raptured assembly. Even the vestal virgins had their appropriate seats, and all classes PHRENOLOGY. 19 seemed equally to enjoy the bloody spectacle* The agony and death both of men and beasts contributed to the general excitement. Mo- dern civilization has abolished these cruel- ties. No. VII. — CONSTRUCTJVENESS. This is the faculty of construction. It is an essential ingredient in mechanical ingenuity. It gives birds the capacity for building nests, and beavers their wonderful instinct in con- structing their convenient habitations. Com- bined with ideality and causality large, it bestows the taste for ornamental architec- ture. Neither the hand nor the employment of any tool or instrument will supply the deficien- cy of size in this organ. They are not the pow- er, but simply the means by which architectu- ral designs, originating in this faculty, are car- ried into execution. It seems to be altogether wanting in such animals as make no attempts at building or any kind of construction. It lies in front^of destructiveness, and is covered by a considerable mass of flesh or muscle, for which due allowance should be made in esti- mating its size. 20 A VIEW OF No. VIII. — Acquisitiveness. At first this was denominated the organ of theft, or propensity to steal. This being only the abuse of the faculty, the name was changed to the present very appropriate ap- pellation. The function of it is the desire to accumulate. When properly restrained and directed by the higher faculties, it leads to frugality and well-ordered economy. When uncontrolled and of high activity, it hurries its votary into dishonesty and shame. Some persons have almost an irresistible propensity to steal, even when their circumstances and rank in life would seem to preclude all possibility of such a crime. This organ is large in misers, and is apt to increase with increase of years. For the most part, it should be repressed in chil- dren, but, unhappily, some endeavour to foster selfishness, and to smother all generous feel- ings in their offspring. Phrenologically speak- ing, such parents repress the action of benevo- lence, and stimulate acquisitiveness. This is the reverse of what ought to occur. There can be no danger that mankind should be too much disposed to deny themselves for the be- nefit of others. Selfishness will grow and spring with sufficient luxuriance, uncultivated, PHRENOLOGY. 21 and, like the poisonous upas, spread its baleful vapour on all around. This organ is found in several animals, as in the squirrel tribe, and in monkeys, and also in some birds ; hence do- mesticated crows, he. are often found to be ar- rant thieves. Drs. Gall and Spurzheim present us with many interesting anecdotes respecting the organ under consideration. It is placed somewhat behind and above constructive- ness and ideality. No. IX. — Secretiveness. Immediately above destructiveness we find this organ, which bestows the instinctive feel- ing of desire to conceal our opinions, ac- tions, and wishes. When too large, it leads to hypocrisy. It is the organ of what is com- monly called cunning. It contributes to form a prudent character, and is an essential ingredient in the constitution of human nature. " It prompts," says Dr. Gall, " the general of an army to use stratagem to deceive the ene- my, while it leads him to conceal his move- ments and enterprises, to make false attacks and counterfeit marches." Manifestations of the faculty in the insane are described by au- thors on that disease. The cunning shown by them in concealing their own state is often truly astonishing. 22 A VIEW OF CLASS II.— SEiNTIMENTS. This class corresponds to the emotions of metaphysicians. Some are common to man with the inferior animals, and others are pecu- liar or proper to man. These emotions or af- fective powers are numerous; — they do not form ideas or think, but feel ; they are blind, and require to be directed by the intellect en- lightened by knowledge. No. X. — Self-esteem. It is situated at the summit of the poste- rior part of the head : it inspires the feel- ing of self-esteem and self-satisfaction, and, when in excess, produces pride and arrogance. A due endowment produces that degree of complacency with our own character and va- lue, which leaves the mind open to the enjoy- ment of the bounties of Providence, and the amenities of life. It aids in giving dignity in the eyes of others, and restrains from low and degrading vices, and thus is productive of ex- cellent results. It is usually large in states- men and in conquerors. In some animals, such as horses, turkey cocks, &c, it is mani- festly in operation. The noble steed shares with his rider the pleasure and the pride, as PHRENOLOGY. 23 Pope says. When this part of the brain is disordered, men imagine themselves frequently to be princes, kings, &c. Some even fancy themselves angelic or superhuman beings. It was under the influence of this infatuation that Menecrates imagined himself the son of Jupiter, and requested Philip, King of Macedon, that he might receive divine honours. Philip, will- ing to humour him, invited him to a feast, and placed him at a table furnished with incense while the other guests were entertained with more substantial fare* At first he was highly delighted ; but, growing hungry, he felt himself to be but a man, and withdrew in his right un- derstanding. Thus Philip became a judicious physician. No. XI. — Love of Approbation. Placed on each side of number X., and dif- fering from it as vanity does from pride. It bestows the desire to please and to be agreea- ble. It is large in females, and is an ingre- dient in an amiable character. If too large or too active it occasions a fidgetty anxiety to know what others will think and say of us. Combined with large secretiveness it gives ori- gin to unmeaning compliments. It is possessed by the lower animals, and several of them evince tokens of pleasure when caressed. Children are 24 A VIEW OF commonly much influenced by it, and therefore its proper direction and exercise require great attention on the part of parents and teachers. It is a powerful motive of action, and should be directed, therefore, to pursuits truly noble and beneficent. Never should it be allowed to supersede the dictates of reason or the appro- bation of conscience. Public applause highly gratifies this feeling in those who have it large, and some require no other reward for services rendered to the public. It is generally large in popular public speakers, and is perhaps a necessary stimulus to the orator. It affords a means of government in the education of children, and needs constant address on the part of educators, lest, on one hand, it be immode- rately gratified, and be made to " grow on what it feeds on," and, on the other, lest it be too much crossed and outraged by injudicious treatment, or unmerited reproach. No. XII. — Cautiousness. This lays the foundation of the cardinal virtue of prudence. Sometimes it degenerates into cowardice. It is large in children ; hence their timidity, which is not unfrequently ag- gravated by the frightful tales told them of witches, ghosts, and robbers. I am confident that I have found this portion of the brain PHRENOLOGY. 25 diseased, and giving rise to melancholy and low spirits, attended with an indefinable kind of dread or anticipation of evil. It lies partly over number \ r . and IX., and occupies the cen- tre of the parietal bone. No. XIII. — Benevolence. Its name indicates its function. Situated at the upper part of the frontal bone, and form- ing the summit of the forehead. It is a source of happiness to the possessor — making him realize the " luxury of doing good." Li- berality of sentiment flows from it, as from a fountain. Adhesiveness gives us individual attachments, but benevolence binds us to our species, and produces kindness towards all men. It exists in the lower animals, and, when large, renders them gentle and docile. It can be re- cognised in the horse, by a fulness in the centre of the forehead. Horses which are deficient in this organ will be ill-tempered and vicious. It is sometimes morbidly excited in man, and a wasteful expenditure and giving away of pro- perty is often the first symptom of insanity. 26 A VIEW OP No. XIV. — Veneration. At the middle of the coronal aspect of the head. It prompts to the feeling of reverence towards superior beings. This feeling is innate. Nations the most savage and unenlightened have some idea of a superior power, and fol- low some form of religious worship. " It is," as Dr. Gall observes, "an indirect proof of the existence of God." The Creator has bestowed it, and is himself the proper object of its exer- cise. This organ also produces the feeling of awe on viewing ancient majestic works of art. The lofty mountain, the deep valley, the yawn- ing abyss, and the mighty cataract, call it into activity. When misdirected, it leads to superstition. It is usually largest in females. No. XV.— Hope. This is located on each side of firmness, and inspires delightful anticipation of the fu- ture. It gilds and adorns every prospect. Large and active in youth, its possessors spring forward with vigour in the race of life, and are only repressed by the hard lessons of ex- perience. It has been sung by the poets, and rejoiced in by all. Deprived of this faculty life would be a blank, and existence a curse. PHRENOLOGY. 27 No. XVI.— -Ideality. This is the organ of poetry. It is on the side of the, head above VII. It is found large in celebrated poets, and in many po- pular orators. Those in whom it is small can scarcely form any conception of its true function. It inspires enthusiasm and ardour in pursuit of the beautiful and romantic. It delights in imaginary excellence. Wonder is in the neighbourhood of the above organ, but is not numbered in Mr. Combe's plates. Dr. Spurzheim regards it as established, calling it marvellousness, and we have numbered it XXXIV. It disposes mankind to admire, to be astonished, and to believe in ghosts and supernatural events. It lies in front of hope, and obliquely above ideality. Those who have it very large are disposed to see apparitions. No. XVII. — Conscientiousness. Upwards from No. XII. and backwards from No. XV. The discovery of this organ is attributed with justice to Dr. Spurzheim. It is the organ of conscience. When mis- directed, it may make a conscience of unim- portant matters, when very deficient, honesty and fidelity will be wanting. Philosophers 28 A VIEW OF have been divided in opinion whether man has any conscience naturally, or moral sense at all. Conscientiousness requires to be enlightened and instructed. It were as absurd to suppose man destitute of a faculty to feel moral differ- ences, and then attempt instructing" him in mo- rality, as to endeavour to impart a knowledge of the various colours of the rainbow to a per- son totally destitute of eyes. No. XVIII. — Firmness. It is at the top of the head between self- esteem and veneration. It bestows decision of character. Perseverance in enterprise and coolness in danger attend him who possesses it large. In excess, it leads to self-will and obstinacy. In deficiency, it leaves us a prey to circumstances, and renders us fickle and changeable. Note. — The faculties of veneration, hope, ide- ality, with wonder and conscientiousness, have been regarded as peculiar to man, and as con- stituting the superiority of his moral nature. Mr. Combe says, these convolutions of the brain are entirely wanting in the inferior ani- mals. On this subject! entertain some doubts. Do not animals exhibit firmness? and is not even " dogged obstinacy" a proverbial expres- sion for unreasonable self-will? Does not the fear PHRENOLOGY. 29 of man arise in some degree from an obscure or rudimentary feeling of veneration towards the lord of creation, as his own pride has called him ? Does not the dog hope for the appro- bation of his master, and the horse for rest and refreshment after his daily labour ; or are these the operation simply of fear and the result of habit? Is conscientiousness, or a sense of right and wrong, altogether wanting ? It seems to me that it is chiefly, if not entirely, in the pos- session of this last faculty that man is distin- guished from the brute. I am inclined to believe that animals have much more intelligence than is usually attributed to them. But, after all, these are mere speculations, and the inquiries can be answered alone by experience. CLASS III.— INTELLECTUAL FACUL- TIES. Before I proceed to the enumeration and de- scription of the organs which compose this class of important endowments, it will be ne- cessary to notice the organs of the senses, as they are called. These are all external to the brain, and brought into connexion with it by means of appropriate nerves. External objects are presented to these sensitive organs, and im- pressions made upon them, or rather upon their nerves, are transmitted to the brain, which 3* 30 A VIEW OF forms ideas, or in other words perceives their existence and properties. The internal organs in the brain really take knowledge of these external things, and reflect, or judge of their relations — hence are subdivided into knowing and reflecting organs. The external senses are the eye, the ear, the nostril, the tongue, and the skin. The eyes see, the ears hear, the nostrils smell, the tongue tastes, and the skin feels. Thus, we have the sense of sight — hearing — smelling — tasting — and touch, or feeling. All these are capable of improve- ment, and are all instruments or means by which we are brought into relation with the external world. These afford inlets for knowledge, which is received, and digested, as it were, and incorporated by the brain ; and thus eternity is impressed upon knowledge. It becomes part and parcel of the soul, and is therefore more precious than rubies. Ci Wisdom is the prin- cipal thing." PART I. of CLASS III. —PERCEPTIVE FA- CULTIES. No. XIX. — Individuality. This organ since its discovery has been divided into individuality and eventuality. When the upper portion of it, or eventuality, PHRENOLOGY. 31 is large, it gives the power to observe facts and occurrences with facility, and of remem- bering them long and distinctly. Individuality, the lower portion, takes cognoscence of persons and things. Together they confer a talent for minute observation — hence their importance to the natural philosopher, to the chemist and the historian. They enable the counsellor or advo- cate to apprehend the various topics of his argu- ment, as well as to recollect the statements of his adversary or of the witness. These organs ought to be well developed in the physician ; accurate observation of symptoms, fkc. is indispensable to his success. Persons who have these organs large, and the reflecting organs deficient, may acquire much learning, but will never become profoundly wise. They may collect the thoughts of others, but will not be deep thinkers them- selves. They dwell on small circumstances and minute events, but do not form broad, and en- larged, and comprehensive views. These or- gans are situated in the middle of the forehead, extending upwards from the root of the nose. No. XX. — Form. This lies between the orbits of the eyes at the root of the nose. It gives knowledge of the configuration or form of bodies. It is useful in the arts, especially in engraving, 32 A VIEW OF painting, sculpture, he. Children whose eyes are widely separated are fond of drawing, and often show a talent for these employments. No. XXL— Size. It takes notice of the size and proportion of bodies, gives capacity for perspective, and informs us of the relative distance of bodies. It is a small organ. No. XXIL— Weight. This gives the sense of equilibrium, and forms conceptions of the gravity of things. It is affected in intoxication, and probably an irritation commenced here is the primary link in the chain of nausea or sea-sickness. With the last it is a small organ, and lies in the vicinity of the eyebrows, near the internal angle towards the nose. No. XXIII.— Colouring. The eyes do not conceive of colours, of their harmony or discord. This organ views the glorious spectacle produced by the va- riety and arrangement of colours. Some people, with no defect in their eyes, cannot discern the differences between colours. Mr. PHREXOLOGY. 33 Combe gives several cases, and I have heard of a gentleman who purchased and wore scarlet pantaloons, supposing them to be drab. "The faculty of colour is necessary to painters, ena- mellers, and to all who are in any way occupied with colours- It is through its agency that we are charmed with the beauty of the fiower-gar- den, and the variously tinted landscape, ancl show good taste in the choice of colours for our dress, and the furniture of our houses." Its seat is about the middle of the eyebrow. No. XXIV. — Locality. This imparts the power of recalling places to the memory. It is large in emiment ma- thematicians. Where it is deficient the person is easily lost or bewildered. It is possessed by the lower animals. Sheep and dogs fre- quently return to their homes after having been carried a long distance. The superior- ity of one of Dr. Gall's companions in find- ing places and remembering localities first called his attention to this organ. It produces desire to travel and see distant places. It is above size, and extends to the middle of the forehead on either side. It was very large in Capt. Cook, the circumnavigator. 34 A VIEW OF No. XXV.— Order. This gives the love of arrangement. It is gratified when every thing is in its place, and suffers when confusion reigns. It is use- ful to authors and orators. It is essential to n'eatness. When too small, the affairs, the clothes, and the furniture are never as they should be — hence its importance to the female, and to the order and harmony of household arrangements. It lies next to colour, over the orbit and under the eyebrow. No. XXVI.— Time. The ability to conceive of time, and of re- membering circumstances connected by no link but the order of succession, is the proper function of this organ. Time in music is recognised by the same faculty. The deaf and dumb frequently can keep good time in dancing, thereby proving that the hearing is not the source of this power. It is a special organ. No. XXVII.— Numeration. The organ of number includes whatver relates to calculation, unity and plurality, &c* PHRENOLOGY. 35 Remembrance of dates and of chronology depends upon it. Those who have it small cannot call to mind numbers, nor readily per- form the operations of arithmetic. It is si- tuated at the external angle of the eye. No. XXVIII.— Tune. It is large in those fond of music, espe- cially in those skilled in the art of musical per- formances. The faculty of hearing in general and this faculty are distinct. Those who can hear acutely often are entirely destitute of any relish for music, and incapable of distin- guishing harmony from discord. No. XXIX. — Language. This was the first organ discovered, and its history and location have been already given. It enables us to express our ideas in words. It confers ability to learn differ- ent languages. Those who are deficient in this organ, although men of talent and of information, make but a poor figure in the world. Those, on the contrary, having it largely developed with a good endowment of the know- ing faculties, often pass for men of greater abi- lities than they really are. It is usually large in females. Dr. Spurzheim supposes it consists &6 A VIEW OF of several portions, one of which is devoted to proper names. PART II. of CLASS III.— REFLECTING FA- CULTIES. No. XXX. — Comparison. It gives capacity for perceiving resem- blances, similitudes, and analogies. It takes a wide range. It is highly useful to orators and authors, enabling them to present their subject in an attractive form, and to embel- lish it with beautiful or splendid illustrations, especially if ideality be large. It is situated in the upper middle pnrt of the forehead. It is more rarely deficient than any other of the re- flecting organs. The Scriptures are replete with comparisons, figures, and similitudes. It must have been large in the author of Pilgrim's Progress. No. XXXI.— Causality. It prompts to inquiry respecting the came of phenomena, and thus leads us to admit a great primary Cause or Deity. The power of reasoning, and of drawing inferences, is possessed in very different degrees by differ- ent individuals. Individuality and comparison PHRENOLOGY. $7 lake cognisance of things, and causality searches after the cause of their existence, relation, and dependence. It is large and active in men dis- tinguished for great mental power. Such were Socrates, Bacon, Kant. This organ is the fountain of resources. It enables us to apply our knowledge, and confers the ability to think deeply and to argue logically. Causality, in- dividuality, eventuality, cautiousness, and firm- ness, form the stamina of true wisdom. Some, it is true, pass for wise men, in whom this organ is not very much developed ; but, when strictly examined, they will be found to be men of information, having large knowing organs, rather than men of great sagacity. They are clever and useful, but never give tone to their age. They acquire information, and if language be full, they can readily communi- cate it to others, but are not original thinkers. If the animal propensities are very large, while the moral sentiments are deficient, and causality large, the person so constituted probably will be a ringleader in iniquity. If the propensities are moderate, the sentiments small, and this organ full, the man will be dis- tinguished for mental ability, but his sincerity and integrity may be questionable. If the pro- pensities be moderate, the moral powers large, and the knowing and reflecting organs also large, the individual so endowed will, unless 4 38 A VIEW OF circumstances be very unfavourable indeed, at- tain the full perfection of his nature. Mora! worth is as essential to true greatness as intel- lectual ability- Causality lies just outside of comparison. No. XXXII.— Wit. " Every body," says Mr. Combe, " knows what is meant by wit y and yet no word pre- sents more difficulty in its definition." The moderate size and exercise of this organ in- duces a current of pleasing thoughts through the mind. It was first called "gayety," and seems peculiar to man. Dr. Spurzheim re- garded it as a moral feeling rather than an intellectual faculty ; but the Scotch phrenologists have classed it with comparison and causality. By these gentlemen, especially by Mr. Scott, comparison is supposed to take notice of simi- larities and resemblances, and wit to be occupied with differences and contrasts ; while causality, lying between them, judges of connexion and causation ; and thus collectively the three are considered the highest manifestation of intel- lect. Accordingly, in the busts of celebrated statesmen and philosophers, these organs, occu- pying the superior portion of the forehead, are represented large. Even the statues of heroes and of the gods among the ancient Greeks and PHRENOLOGY. 39 Romans, possess this configuration. Whence did this arise ? Evidently from the study of nature. Such men as were distinguished for intellectual power were observed by artists to have large foreheads, and as the gods were supposed to excel men in understanding, they likewise were represented with ample brow and expanded front No. XXXIIL— Imitation. Children and the young of many animals are prone to imitation. It is important, there- fore, that children should have good exam- ples set before them. This organ is lak'ge in good mimics and actors. It is situated above causality and next to benevolence externally. When large, and benevolence also large, the upper part of the forehead will be full and handsomely rounded. This, in the monkey and some other animals, appears as a propensity rather than an intellectual faculty; and in man, perhaps, it ought not to be regarded as an attain- ment of the higher order of excellence. No. XXXIV.— Wonder, see page 27. USES OF PHRENOLOGY. We have passed in review the several organs, and pointed out their specific functions — we have seen that man is a compound being*, not only composed of body of various parts and structures, and of mind in a mysterious con- nexion, but also that the mind itself embraces several classes of faculties, and that each of these faculties has its appropriate seat in the brain. Such is phrenology ! Some there are who are ever ready to inquire, " what is the use? where is the utility? &c." To such, and all others, phrenologists reply, that TRUTH is valuable for its own sake, and ought always to be so considered. Knowledge of truth is not only power, but happiness, — not only a means, but an end. Here we might rest our defence, but we are not without an answer of a different kind. I believe that the science is of immense importance, and I will briefly point out some of its uses. Phrenology is of paramount importance in its influence upon medicine, law, education, and the general welfare of mankind. In the treatment of the insane, a knowledge of phrenology is absolutely indispensable. This A VIEW OF PHRENOLOGY. 41 Is now beginning; to be understood. In most forms of mania, one or more of the primitive faculties are diseased, and phrenology explains the seat of the lesion, and exhibits the nature and extent of the operation, whose result is erro- neous judgment or morbid feeling. Thus it unveils the true theory of insanity. Is not this an important benefit ? Who is there, having a friend, brother, parent, suffering under this dreadful malady, that could undervalue the light which phrenology sheds upon mind, in either its healthy or diseased state? Is it of no use to be put in possession of such a means of combating mental disorder, and of restoring the insane to their friends, to their usefulness, to themselves? Let the inmates of the lunatic asylum answer. Imagine an interval in their madness, in which this question should be put to them, and what think you would be the reply ? Nor is phrenology less important in a legal point of view. The question of insanity is of- ten involved in criminal proceedings. Surely, every means of investigation, promising hope of success, where the life of man is jeoparded, should be hailed with joy, and employed with understanding and zeal. Some one faculty may be diseased, while other faculties are in health- ful exercise ; and we may be enabled, by an ac- quaintance with this subject, to determine to 4# 42 A VIEW OF what extent such partial derangement ought to be a shield from punishment for any crime com- mitted in such circumstances. To deprive a person of life, who is a suitable inmate of a lunatic asylum, is revolting to every feeling of humanity. Here, then, our science appears the friend of the most miserable and pitiable of the human family. But this is not all. A skilful phrenologist would be able to detect, with a considerable degree of certainty, any imposition that a knave or criminal might at- tempt to make. Thus the ends of justice would be answered. Not only criminal legislation, but legislation of every kind, might receive much assistance from a knowledge of the true constitution of man. Political economy also draws largely upon the stores of phrenolo- gical truth, in its endeavours to promote the best outward interests of man ; but 1 cannot dwell upon this interesting relation of two sciences. Education will eventually owe much to phre- nology. Physical education, which prepares the body for activity and usefulness, demands far more attention than it has hitherto received. The mental powers should not be too early tasked. Let the young enjoy the springtide of life. Exercise, and sport, and play, com- pose not merely their delight, but best good. By exercise, their forms are expanded, their i>Hfc£NOLO&\\ 43 organic structure developed, and their muscles strengthened. Confinement to a sitting pos- ture, and constant attention to books, are alto-' gether wrong, and utterly injurious. Moral culture has not yet obtained that assiduous care which its importance demands. Phrenology, having discovered the mental and moral or- gans, and having ascertained that they exist in different relative proportions in different indivi- duals, reveals the correct principle and plan of education. Every child should be educated in accordance with his physical, moral, and intel- lectual constitution. Some faculties require restraint, others to be urged into action. It is absurd to endeavour to qualify children for such stations in society as nature never in- tended they should occupy* A uniform sys- tem of education is as ridiculous as it is nuga- tory. The knowing faculties should be directed to the acquisition of information, and the re- flecting faculties be taught to compare, ana- lyze, and determine. A person of great mus- cular power and small mental endowment, ought to be trained to hard labour. He is fitted for it. It is his proper calling by the voice of nature. He who possesses superior moral worth, or mental greatness, with less physical force, owes it to himself and to man- kind to take the exalted place assigned him 44 A VlfiW OF in the scale of being, and to devote himself to the cultivation and improvement of his fellow creatures, in some department of usefulness or other. The present system of education often re- verses all this; it is of course absurd and de- trimental. Phrenology is destined, soon or late, to revolutionize the common course of education, and to render man, physically, mo- rally, and mentally pre-eminent in this lower world. Compared with the present, of such a consummation it may be said, that men will become wiser and better — " Non DOCTIOR, SED IMBUTUS MELIORA DOCTRINA." In conclusion, we may say, that phrenology has unfolded to man his true character as a moral and intellectual being, and has taught him the important truth, that his highest hap- piness, and best interest, as well as his reputa- tion and consciousness of rectitude, lead him to repress the animal propensities of his nature, and to cultivate those nobler faculties, which give him the dominion over the creatures, and, to a considerable extent, the events which pass before him. The Creator intended the moral sentiments and the mental powers should have the supremacy, and constituted man in such a manner as to enable him, by the exercise of these talents, to enjoy himself, whilst he bene- fits others. This is the true, the only true irHRENOLOGY. 45 theory, of morality ; and when it is well un- derstood, and diligently practised, the rich and glorious imaginations of the poet and the phi- lanthropist will be literally realized. Mankind have hitherto supposed that their own interest was to be purchased at the expense of the wel- fare of others, and have acted accordingly. What wonder, then, that violence, and strife, and bloodshed, form so large a portion of the history of the human race ! This error has been adopted by the governments of the earth, and is as mischievous in national diplomacy as in the social circle. But a brighter dawn has arisen upon the destiny of man, and he will yet become wise and virtuous, and there- fore happy.