h- ■ -J / / - - "~*^ 1 IP ■^•- V^* " y ^H^fpi it' • A (;i:\]:al()(;ical mxoiu) OF Tiu: i)i:sci:ni)ANTs of ANDllKW M:Wl]AKi:ii Ol^ 1 1 Am ) WICK TOAVXSIIIP WAWKFN COUNTY N. J. toctEThkk wh'h historical and bio. cikaphical sketches and illus- TltATEU WITH I'OUTKAITS AND oTirKIJ ILEFSTirVTlONS I'.V in:v. A. J. fim:t/ :\iii/r()N, N. .1. IDOS I'NION IIMKS IMUNT Nttcoiifr, N J. C ^1 . 1\ -^ ^^ \^o ^ I' i; F. 1- \i ]■:, It liJis bfeii .'i ;,ML'!it iilfjisiuc ti this work f(jr a iiuinlici- of vciirs jjiist to collect together ami publisli in liooU tOriii for permanent preservation, tjenealoj^ies nf liis ancestry throii^'h various lines of descent from ])ioneer ancestors, as well as those of other families not lelated to him. In tiie ))resent instance, though not connected in any way hy the ties of blood, he was happily im- pressed with the idea of ci)mpilin<.> and pul)lishing this work from a long aiid intimate acijuaintance from boyhood with meml)ers of the family, some of whom were his schoolmates, and one of his early teachers in the public school is a mendier of the family, and the fact that he made his home with members of tlif family fur some years, and from which associations In- has many hapi>y and tender recollections. One of the chief objects, however, ot thi> work, as all genealogies are. is to |)re.serve from oblivion the more remote history of the pioneer ancestor. Andrew Newbaker, and his immediate descenchmt.s from fatlu-r to son n of the family, for the ln-netit of future generations. The study of (Jeiiealogy i.-, both interesting an^enealog'ical trees will become heirlooms in the family, and volumen will be sought for and placed in public libraries. In the family, too, they will wield an inliuence, as the lives of unselfish devotion to God, conscience and family, of the forefathers, are recounted, to keep unsullied the family name. A. J. FRETZ. Milton, N, J., .March, 1908. am)Rp:\v n;:\vhakkk ho.mkstkad liardwick Township, Wurrfn County, Nt-w Jeney ± *<> X — I > a: V Tin: xi:wi'>AKi:r. family OF II.\lvM)\VIC'K, N. .1. I. Aiulrew Nt'wlnikt'r, pioneer and piij<>eniti>r of tbe Newluiker fiiniily of New Jersey, wns born in Gerniiiny or Holluiul in 17r>;». Tlie il.ite of his emi- ;,'ialion to America is not known, hut evidently was some time prior to about IT'.H). A l)rotlier by the name of John came with liiiu, aiul h)Cated some- where in Pennsylvania. A Ciennan or Dutch Bible was brought alon-,' fioiii the futlierland, and was in the posHession of the late Charles H. N<'\\ baker, which may have con- tained some old family records, but the liible has ^oiH' astray aiid cannot be found. Andrew Newbaker settled in Harilwick township, \\ uiren county, N. -I , about thret; miles west of tin- villai^H of Stillwater, on the farm later drvi><'d to hiM soil, Charles H Newliaker, and now owneil aiiil ^ of Holland Dutch descent, ami (1 THE NKWHAKER HISTORY was lioiii .Junucuy 1'5, 1771; died NtAcmlur 27, lh."J). Later in life they removed U> a t'jinu near Blairs- tdwii, now owned \)\ Williaui Hill, where they livetl until their dcatii. he dyinj^- August 11). IS-il They were members of the Iveformed churcli al Stillwater, of which the Rev. Jaeob Seun was jiasti'j-, the name of Andrew Ni-whaker l)einy[ in a li.-t of eluuch nienj- bers in I7'.l|. After the breakin*,^ up uf the Ueforiijcd church at Stillwater they evidently united with tiic Presbyterian church. Their tombstones at Stillwater bear the folh'winj^- insc-riptions: IN .MEMORY OF A N 1) 1{ J-: W N E W 13 A K E U WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AUGUST 1<), 1S41 Ag'ed S2 Years 'Blessed aie the dead which die in the Lord." IN me:\1()K\ of MAltY ANN. WIFE OF ANDREW MEWRAKER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE NOYEMBER •_'7, ISoU Afj^ed 7'.l years, io months, 14 days ■'1 have fou<.>-ht a good tight. 1 iiave finished my course, I have kept the faith." Letters of administration were granted Se]>teiu- l)er 7, 1S41, to ^lary Ann Newbaker and Charles H. NL' Fariiur m \\ anci. .•,>iii,ty. \. ,J. Pie.^hv. tfiiaii (', Fli/al»«-tii. NaiicN. .Saiali IV. Elizabeth T,-('l. i. .Iiiiy lU, IS.w;. ,1 April 4 l«8l). Ill (ieolgc (jr Depu.-. H.- was I. F.l.. -JS 1H2:) «l Dur. I. lH!((i. Fanner. Mis. D.pue, MetL(,(li.>l Epis- copal. U, Charles, Aiiiiie. Feter, Mai.v. Conlelia. V. Charles H Depue, I. .Jan 2F Isru;. m Su-lJa J. Luiuly F () Newton. N .1 . IJ F 1) X,, F Farnu MetllMillr,t Kpisc,,pal. No i^.^,ue V. Anni.. .1. |).p„., I, F.l, 7. ].S.-,s, „. K.lwar.l ili..iiip.-,..n. .1 lies 21 ;{ Mam St., Madisnn, N .1 V. iVter H. Oep le, l> Fel. I. FSCii, „, Ell/a. l.eth Op.likiv I' () Siimiiiu. N .) V. Mary E Depiie, I, March 2 ». ISIir, ,,1 .1 W Carter. IM) ('h.itlia:ii Center. N I V. C.Klelia Depiie, .1 IV._ Nijiiey Tee), |. ( ).-t.,l,er 21. Ih.'JS. ,1 0.-l..i.ei ' F^liT. in Daniel F l{iiselt..n, Jaiiiiarv 27. Fs.-.'.r He wa> I. October r>, l,s:{;». [{^.^ iirooklvn. ' N Y. FaniHt Freshyteriaii C Ammi, William " V, Anna Eli/alietli Hiiseit..n, li at JJelvi.lere N .) . Aiinl 22. IKCJ. ,„ (huu'Tv T. Frail. N..ve.nlu.r H'. ISSl. I' l),.|awaie. N .F Wli..|esji!e inerrhanl "f s.e.U. .^aiHJ. hay. etc Christian Scienee. C. \|. Mary M Frail. I, .laiiimiy '.1. IHJIO \. William S Hii.selfoii. I> at Centerville. War- ren county. N .) . .lannary 14 1S(;4. m LiUuin Smith Avers, .JiuM- 14. l.sss. !{,,., t:;j l{rtinl)n.lj,'e street. 8 THE IsEWRAKKR HISTORY Brooklvii, N. Y. Wholesale commission merchant. Presbyterian. C, VI. Agnes Bell Huseltoii, b March 25, 1889; Will Wesley Hnselton, b Feb. 2(), 181)1: Hiirold Milton Hnselton, !> May K), 18;)r). d May II, 18'.)7. iV. Sai'ah K. Teel, b May G. 1844, m Andrew N. Suover. ( See Andrew N. Snover family.) III. EHzabeth Teel, b about 18-_'(>, d 183i), m Jo- seph Gardner Angle- in 18S8. He was b July 21, 1S14, d Deceinl)er '_'!), 181)(;. Fanner. Tresbytenan. C, William. IV. WilUam Teel Angle, b March !(>, 18:V.I,^d September 1, I'.M);'), m Samantha Kern, May 21, IH^A). Farmer, Merchant and Life Insurance. Methoilist Episcopal. C, Elizabeth. Frances, Kachel, William Emma, Carrie, Joseph. V. Elizabeth Evaliiie Angle, b March ]:>, 18(;(), m Isaac Gibbs, d, V. Frances A.nnal)elle Angle, b March (i, 18U2, m By ram C. Edgerton, November 8, 1881, Res 1 Al- den'st.. West Orange, N. J. Employed in Edison Phog. Methodist Episcopal. C, Yerner. Paymoud, Madison. VI. Yerner Eli Edgcrtoii, b at Plairstown, N. •)., Scpteuiber 22, 1882, m Kitty Neary, June 27. i;iU4, Pes :U 4th St., Newark, N. 0. MUk dealer. C, VII. Verner Edgerton. d. VI. Paymond Angle Edgerton, b.luly •_', 18M). VI,* Madison Edgerton, b August 2."), l'.»n:{. V Ibuhel AdaUne Angle, b February 25), 18154, mJosei.li A. Keene, December 24, 1S'.I2. P O New- ton. N. J. Nurservnuui. Methodist Episcopal. C, VI. Infant son. d "March 12. PH>(». V William Kern Angle. 1) June 2G, 18<)(), m Mary Loui^.'i Ky.-i>oi,. December 2.-), ISS-.l. Hes CSS Pres- * .S.iii .ii Diivi.l l-Jml.', ului Wiis l>orn .Iiiir" :t. IT'.i:;. ami died DwcinlK'i- '.1. IsCC. (iiamlsuii of I'niil Kii.i^li-. who was l)orii in (ii-nniHiv ill .M>ril. IT-VJ. »'=iin.' to .\inorica when a yoiiiiH man, ami clicil .M:iy 2S, ISdS. .Manii-tl Catliaiiii." Milt-s. boni .Maivh Ji>. I75:i, (licil ,>-;fi"'t. 111. lW-J!t. Naini-' oiiaiifii'tl from Knylf to .\uii\v in ls:i(i. RKV. T. n. (tiNDIl n KS( ' K N I ) A N TS () 1 • K LS K Y A N N' N K W B A K I-: U •.• idcnt St . Br.M.klyii. N. Y. Priiit.-r. Mctli-uli.st KpiH. i-upjil. C, Dorothy Xewtoii, (inlopteil «lHn;,'ljtt'i), h Jniie 1J», IS'K). V. Kiuina Dfll Aii<,'U'. h DecoiiihtT ."), iHJiH, m Henrv E. Sto.ldart, Murcli ."», IS'.tO, Hes .")(» \Vel,. ster street, Newiirk, N.J. Pjiinter iiiitl woocj worker. Mfthoaist Episcopal. C, VI. Norinaii H. Stoddjirt. I> June l."», il Sfptc'inhtM- 7, IMC;; Miuv Ad.lu Sto.hlarf, 1) April 1(», IS'.t'.t. V. Carrie Leola A)ii,'lf, l> April C. LsT.'). m Mad. isoii M. Loiiff, Febnmrv liL>, \H\)1, Res H;2 Albany Aye.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Composit-.r. Methodist Episco- l)al. C. VI. Edwin M. Lon^r, i, Jjinnary •_».".. ISDS, d Fel)ruary IS, Isilb. V. Josei)h Walton An^'le. I. October ItJ, 1HT7 d .Inly *), l'.Mt;{. S. III. Sarah Ann Teel, 1> d ni Cljarle.s Kelsey, 1 c, d? No is.siie. DESCENDANTS OF KLSEY ANN NEWlJAKEll l)Ar(;HTi:K of ANDKKW M:\ViiAKEH. II. Elsey Ann Niwbaker, b Fel>nniry 'J(i, I TUo, d January U, iMo'J. in Thonnxs H. Hankinson.: Dec- ember ".», 18|;i. He was b February IC, IT'.U. , I Ar.- ^'ust "JT. ls<;s. Tlujuias H. Hankin.son was born in what is now Stillwater township, then Hardwu'k. After marriu^'e he liyed oa a far/u near Wintennute's foundry, aboye Mi, where he lived retired to the time of his death. They were members of the Presbyterian church, the wife. Else}' Ann, being one of the 13 original members of the Presbyterian church of Still- water when it was organized in IS:57. C, Andrew, Elizabeth, Sarah, Catharine, ^lary, Elijah, Lanah and Margaret. III. Andrew N. Hankinson, b November KI, IslJ:, d October i(), iSil, ni Huston. No issue. lij. Elizabeth Hankinson, b May 2G, 1817, d March 30, LS47, m Gideon L. Kinney, March i), 1837. He was b July 1. 1813, d February 2(;, ISUl. Farmer, C, Itachel. Charles, Elsie, John, Margaret, Mary, Thomas. IV. Kachel Kinney, b in Warren county, N. J., in ls37, d in Mom-oe county. Pa,, December, 1887, m John Primrose in 1S()1, He was b in Sussex coun- ty, N. J., in 1828, d in Monroe county, Pa., in 1S93. Farmer. Methodist E]uscopal. C, Charles, George, Gideon, Joseph, Abbie, Lydia. V. Charles K. Primrose, b in ilonioe county. Pa., in 1,S(>3, m Alice Moshier in 1887. PO East Strouds- burg. Pa, Farmer. Attend Methodist Episcopal church, C, VI. Earl Primrose, b 1888. V. George E. Primrose, b and d 18(15. V, Gideon L. Primrose, b 18(j8, m Margaret Smith. 1' () East Stroudsburg, Pa, V. Joseph H. Primrose, 1) and d 187(1; Alil>ie Primrose, b and d 1872; Lydia D. Primrose, b 1^74, d 1S8(). JV. Charles F. Kinney, b at Blairttown, N. J., December 18, 1838, m Catharine Schoont)ver of Bnsli- kill, Pa., July 4, l,s(i8. P O East Stroudsburg. Pa, Mil- ler. Baptist. C, Ira, Eugene, Samuel, William, Lizzie, V. Ira L. Kiiincv. !> Julv I'.i, bSCit, m Mary Raul. She d December 20, lOOtJ. P O Portland, Pa. School teacher. Baptist. C, VI, Florence Kinney, Harold ('. Kinney. DKSt'KNDANTS <>F KLSKV ANN NKWHAKKK 11 V. Kiij,'('iM? Kinnov. li .Inly 4, InTI. m Liiln An- ;,'lc, JiiiM' I'J, ISU."). V () Kiist Stn.inM.nr^'. I'li. Miller. Baptist. C, \i, \i iii;i Kinney. V. SiimiU'l (^ KiiiiK-y, i> Siptcinlici- L'T, l.sT."!. rii Milt tie Tnuij^Mf, X..voml.(r I'J, I'.xi-J. 1' () Ea.st Strf.u.ls. Imi;,'. I'll I'olislier iiinl pljitcr. Jiiiptist. C, VI. ('liiirlf.s C. Kinney, Lesley Kinney. V. William .V. Kinney, I) St-pteniljer I'J, 1S7.'), ui Maml C. Phu-e, April 'id. 1 •.•(»:?. l{,.s Scranton. Pa. Hoilci' maker. V. Lizzie May Kinney, b Deoeini)er I'J, ISS4. I' () Hast Stroiidshnr^', l^a Sfliool teacher. J5apfist. S. IV. Elsie A. Kinney, I) .Tannary 27. ls4(», m Elias Snovcr. Xoveniber 1*2. isOii. He djaniuiry IT, ll»(»:{. Farmer. Methodist EpiscDjial. C, Marshall. Mary, liosa. y. ^Lu>hall H. Snover. h December I'J. IMm. m May Bird P O 0','densi)iu-. X. J. y, Marv A. Snover. h AM<,'iist ]'.), l.sCi.'!, d Jnlv 2. 1871. y. Rosa B Snover, i> Feluiiary J.!, isdT; m My. ron Christian, De<-end>er 17, Iss") 1' () Vails, X. J. Farmer. Methodist Episc(.|)al. C. \|. Elias S. Cliris. tian. I) Xoveniher U, l^•^|■p: Floyd M. Christian, i> Aiuil ."{, IHUl; Clarence A. Cliristiaii. 1> D.cemWer 10. ls!t:>. iV. .lohii S. Kinney. 1> Alienist S, isM, d.liil\ I'.t. 1S4J, iV, Mar^'aret Kinney. I) in Warren county. N. .J.. May 4, l^l.'S, m .Vdam Transuf in 1S(>.">. PO ('u. liindiia. N. 1 I'tiin.f Lntlu'ran. ( '. Kinney nii.i, Charles. y. Kinney (1. Transiie. 1) Xovemher '•. lN\, IH'.fJ; .Vddn- Tr.insue. b .Intif 8, 1«'.»4; (jwendoline Transiie. b Mar'.'T. y. Olive 'J'ransue. b l.s7n. m .1. W .VIU n. 1' (» Delaware Water (inp Pa Painter and Di-co. rattir. Presbyterian. ('. \|, Mar;,MUMile E. Allen, b !•> THE KK\VBAKP:R HIST(JRY June 20, 189G; Thelma Aller., b June 14, 1S!)7. V. Charles T. Trausue, b May L>r), 18 So. 1' O Germau Valley, N. J. Teacher. S. IV. Mary E. Kiuuey, b in Warren county, N. J., July 10, 1845, m Chester L. McClellan. March 20, 18G(i. lies 204 4th St., Pittsburg, Pa. Cari)enter. United Presbyterian. C, Annie, George, James, Fan- nie, Mary, Chester. V. Annie R. McClellan. b August 2. 18(57, m George N. Smith. Kes Fourth street, 4oth ward, Pittsburg, Pa. Carj^enter. C, VI. Carrie Smith, Kinney L. Smith, George N. Smith, Jr., Henry C. Smith. V, George E.* McClellan, b November 24, 18GS, d March 27, 1874. V. James L. McClellan, I) Sej^tember IG, ls70, d :\Iarch 20, 1874. V. Fannie K. McClellan, b February 28, 1873, d November L8, I87i). V. Mary Elizabeth McClellan, b February 28, 187(). m Benjamin S. Hulme. P O Sheridanville, Pa. Trav- eling Salesnjan. United Presbyterian. V. Chei'.ter L McClellan, 'b September 2:}, 1870, m Bertha M. Gallaway. P O Sheridanville, Pa. Car- penter. United Presbyterian. C, VI. Mary Leota :McClellan. IV, TliniiKis H. Kinney, b in Hard wick township, Warren county, N. •!.. March 18, 1847, m Sarah A. Heater in 1870. She d February IC), lOOl. C, Ida, Lester. Thomas m I'd wife, Hattie Bruce, in 1002. P O East Stroudsl)urg, Pa. Laborer. Baptist. y. Ida Kinney, b July 14, 1872, m James S. Lynch, Fcbi-uary 0, 1887. P O East Stroudsbnrg, Pa. Carpentei-. Baptist C, Vi. Lester Bard Lynch, b .lanuary '_'(). 1888, d April 20, 1802; Irvin T. Lynch, b September 8, 1800, d March 22, 1801; Olive Hester Lynch, b March 4, 180.S; Alfi-ed James Lynch, b August li, 180"). y. Lester Kinnev, 1) June 2i{, 1884, m Laura F. Edinger, August 2!>,*10(i(;. FO Belleville, 111. Glass Bkiwei-. Mrs. Kinney, Methodist Episcopal. MKS. KLIZMtKlll IKKL D KS( ' i: M ) \ N rs ( ) I ' !•: i .s k y a \ n n k w ha k i: k i :: III. Siiiali Aim Haiikiiisoii, 1) luui- Middlcvilli', N. .)., Fcbnijirv i;{. L^'Jit. m Isniic It. Knuklc, Sep- tember IH. 1H4.S. He wiis rt Hdii (»f Joljii li. mill Marv (Heinl) Koiiklc. luid was l> i:i Hardwick town. sliip, Siissrx (•(iiiiity, (imw Want'ii eoiinty ), N. .]., June «i, IM'J, (in liis jr.aiulfiitlifi's farm, alxnit tlireo miles northwest of Marksboro, now owned in- Clark Hill. Ho lived all Ins life in Hardwick, within a few miles from where he was born. He coMinH-nced honsekeepin^' on his father's farm, whieh was a part of his jifrandfather's farm. He lived there about two years, when he moved to Konkle's Corner, on a i)rop- erty now owned by Alnaham K. Wintermute. where he lived for thirteen years, dnrin;,' which time he worked at his trade as a carijenter, having previously served an apprenticeship with Sdas Casterline. In 1 Au}.fust '!'>. 1^1 i, on a farm at that time owne«l liy his f>randfather, John IJ. Konkle, and within an ei},'hfli of u mile from where Isaac 1{. Konkle, the father of Andn \v, was born. The farm is now owned by Theodore Wilson, who married Florence Konkle, a sister of Aiulrew, this farm havin;.f been ni the Konkle family for one hundred anil forty yeai^s. Aiulrew attended the district school in liis nei;;h. borlu»od tuitil he was about fifteen years i»f ajje, when he enttued the IJlawstown academy, then mi- ller the principalship of J. Henry Johnson. He at- tended there diirinj^ tlie winter terms, and worketl at home on tiie farm in the siunmer, up to the H;^e of ei;^hteen, when he taui^ht school durinj,' the win- ter months and continued to work on the farm in 14 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY Kumitier. At the age of L'l be took up the pro- fession of surveyor, doing considerable \\ork in that line in his neighborhood until 1(S72, when he re- moved to Newton, N. J., where he has made Sur- veying and Civil Engineering his entire work up to the pretjeut time, doing work throughout the whole of Sussex county and adjoining territory, occasion- ally going beyond the state lines into Pennsylvania and New York. He has been twice married. His first wife was Achsah A., daughter of Aaron and Mary A. (Kerr) Luse, \.-hom he married March 22, 18G(J. She d March HI, IDOl. He married as his second wife Mary E., daughter of John S. and Mary (Stoll) DePue, June 2G, 1902. P O Newton, N. J. Chris- tian church. No issue. (V. Martha Konkle, b November 3U, l^siT, d same day. IV. Mary Konkle, b November 30, lS-l-7, (twin), m Samuel H. Loderick, January (5, ISTO. P O !Madi- son, N. J. Farmer. Christian church. C, Anna, John V. Anna M. Loderick, b October 25, 1874, m Frederick K. Fredericks, July, 189!». Kes 1.") I]a;st Mechanic street, Newark, N. J. C, VI. Floyd Ellsworth Fredericks; b November 23, li)()(). V. John Floyd Loderick, b June 10, 188-4. Em- ployed in Electric Power house, Madison, N. J. S. IV, Irene Konkle, b in Hardwick township, N. J., June 21, bs")"), 111 James M. Hill, July 4. Is77. He d September 4, 1905. Farmer. C, Sadie, Myrtie. Rosa, Orin. V. Sadie F. Hill, I) January 29, 1878. Kts 717 Wood street, Easton, Pa. S. V. Myrtie May Hill, b June 22, i879, m Eu- gene Shipps. P O Martins Creek, Pa. Farmer. C, VI. Irene Shipps, Rov Shipps. V. Rosa B. Plill, "b October 1 ('), 1881, m Fred Mattock. P O Hampton .1 unction, N. J. Cari)enter. V. Orin K. Hill, b December 23,1884. Res ('.21 E street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. Construct- ion woiker on electric machinerv. DE.srKXI)ANTS OK KI.SKV ANN NKWHAKKK 1., IV. Fliirt'iice Koiiklc, I. DccciulHT 7, lN«i;{, lu Tln-. (uloif Wilson, Janimry 2<;, Iss.'i. P () IJluirstown, N. .1. Frtnuer Methodist Episrujml. C, V. Nellie Miiv Wilson, b Scpt(Mnl)tr 14. ISH"). IM) Blrtirstown, N. .1. Methodist Episcopal. S. Myrtii' In-ii.- Wilson, h April 'Ji, \H\)~. Metlio.li.. t Episot)pal. III. Ciithiinni' Hankinson. !> .hiuc lo. l.s-J-J, d .Iiiiv 8, IHx;, ni Theodore Murthis, FeWnuiry !S, 1H4L'. He WHS 1. March 18, IS1>|. d Novciubor lO, iHSS. Mrs. Marthis. l^rosltytc'rian. C, Lewis. Geor^^'e. Edwanl. Thomas. Mary. Martha. Theodore. Emma. IV. Lewis A. Marthis, I. in Sussex countv. N. .)., .laimary Id. 1 .s4:{. m Emma Fra/.ier. Noveml)er 17, ISi;;.. 1' () I'ort .Jervis. N. Y.. U F D. Miller, later Farmer. Keformed church. No issue. IV. Georjre Marthis, \> .Inly -j:), 1,S45, m Mrs. Clara Decker, (nee Godfrey), Fel»rnarv IH. I.ss-J. Kes 12 Pine street. Newark". N. J. Iteal Estate and Insurance A^rent. C. Geraldine. Theodore. V. Geraldine Marthis. !• LSM'. Kes V2 Pine street, "Newark. N. J. Book-keeper. V. Theodore Conald Marthis. K lSS4. m .\<^'nes Carruth, of Kearny. N. .1 . .laniuiry l>, I'JOu. lies lii Pine street. Newaik. N I Fireman on Central M U uf N. .( IV. Edward M. Marthis, b at Stillwater. N. J., .July 25. 184"). (twin), m Kmma Holler, of (rouMs. boro. Pa . May 1".», 1872. lies '> Hi^di street. IJinj^'ham. ton. N. Y. Clerk in stt)re. Luthiran. C, C<»ra. Os- car. Harry. Edna V. Cora M. Marthis. 1. Fel)ni!iiy o, 1>71. rii Ora Hanleii, November _'_', l,s'.)8. P () Su>.sex, N. .J. Coal, Feed and Lumber business. M.-thodist Epis- copal. C, VI. Ida Harden, b Au-^'ust 2.'>. I'.hi-J V. O.M-ar 11. .Mart hi-. 1, S.-ptember v. Is;.",. i,, Edith liifenbeij,'. \. Harry H. Marthis. b A|)nl 21, 1SS4. d 1S8.">. V. Edna Marthl.•^. 1. June 1:{. bSSC Kes Kin;». hamton, N. Y. Cl'-rk. Lutheran. 16 THE NP: WEAKER HISTORY IV. Thoiuas H. Martbis, b in \\'an-eu cuuuty, N. J., December 16, 18-47, m Sarah F. Winfield, March 18, 1870. P O Coleville, N. J. Farmer. C, Mary. Josephine, Daisy. V. Mary L. Marthis, b September 28, 1S77, m Sylvester McNallv. Res 2o Norfolk street, Newark, N. J. V. Josephine Marthis, 1) November lO, lS7il, m Elias Cole, November 28, 19()1. Ees 11 Sussex St., Newton, N. J. Laster in Merriam Shoe Co. factory. Methodist Episcopal. V. Daisy :Marthis, b January 1, 1882. IV. Mary "\V. Marthis, b m Geor^je Frazier. He d November, 1873. No issue. Mary m second husband, William Crusen, February. 1875. P O Hoi)e, N. J. C, Robert. V. Robert S. Crnseu, P O Hope, N. J. IV. Martha S. Marthis, b May 10, 1853. d Sep- tember 23, 1886, HI David Van Blarcom in 1875. No issue. IV. Theodore C. Marthis, b in Warren county, N. J.. June 29, 1S58, m Lottie A. Cole, October 3, 188i). P O Coleville, X. J. Carpenter. Baptist. No issue. IV. Emma C. Marthis, b February 3. 18(i(). m James' J. Van Sickle in 1877. P () Coleville, N. J. Farmer. C, Lewis, Fred, Alton. V, Lewis Van Sickle, b Februarv 7, is7i5, lu Maud' Avers, Februarv 7, ll)(»l. P 6 Sussex, N. J. C, VI. Mariou Van Sickle, b September 18, 11)03. V. Fred Van Sickle. 1) February S, 1S82. Res 1S)8,S Polk street, Chicago, HI. Shipping Clerk for Sears, Roebuck & Co. S. y. Alton D. Van Sickle, b May 10, IS84. Res 1S75 Lexington avenue. New York. Flagman N»'\v York Central Ry. S. III. Mary Hankinson, b September 7, 1824, ni Ira K. Wilson, October 17. 1844. He was b Sej). tember 4, 1822, d April 3,1858. School teacher and Dentist. Christian church. C, C/aroliue, l^maretta, Dewitt, Austin, Theodore, Louisa. UK.tMA.S 11. il.\.NKl.N>,U.N DESUEM J A N TS ( ) K K LS K Y A N N X K W P. A K K H ] T IV. Caroline WilH..ii, I, .July 12, l.s4.'i, m OI,«d. mh Allfii HimmuT, Deceinher 2(1, 1H(;7. lies 98 Mer- cer Htreet, PliiIlip.sl.tirKr. N. J. II.irneHH mukt-r. Metlu odmt Episcopal X,, i.s.suo. IV. KiuiirLttft Wilson, 1, Si-ptomber 21, 1840 d Septrnibfr 2(f, l.s7;{, ux William Hall. Reh Wjuslu intfton, N. J. Engineer. Motliodi.st Epi.scopal. (J Anna. ' V Anna Hall. 1, June 29. I.s7:{, ,u Ezra Avers. Res \\aslini;,'ton, N. J. IV. DcWitt C. Wilson, I) March 5 ls4s ,1 March .s, I84,S. IV. Austin Clark Wil.son, h Auf'ust 18 1S4«» d S.pt.'iiiher 1(», IH54. IV. The.HU)re ¥. Wil.son, b March !> IS")! d November 23, 1851. IV. Louisa Wilson, b July 8, IS.^,:^, ,„ MUton Cxreent. Ill 1S78. R^-s Hope, N. J. Farmer and Fruit grower. Christian church. C, Maine, Nellie, Carrie, Jbannie, Azannah, Bessie V. Maine (Ireene. b Mav 20, lh7l(. m Frank Loller, January S. I'.Kii. 1» 6 Hope, X. J. Farmer. Mrs. Loller, Christian church. (", VI. Milton Loller, b June 4. I'.Mil; Walter Loller 1»_ .July ;}, 1<)();{; Harry Lolh-r, b February 2S, luooj Kenneth Loller, b October 27, lihiC V. Nellie Greene, b January 1"), 1,S82, m W. Raymond Richard.s, July .-{I, i'.)()2, P O Phillips^ l)iirj,', N. .1. I'loprietor Phillipsbur<,' Printin<> and Pui)lishnig Co. Methodist Episcopal. C. VI. Helen Richai ds. b February 12, 1 !•();{; Paul Richards, b Auf,nist lo. I'Mltl. V. Currif (heene, b March 2<5. lsK4. Y. Fannie (Jreene, b Manh .{, |S><.i V. Azannah Greene, rtwin,. b March 3 l.sHU d September, bs8«J. y. Bessie Greene, b April 2o. ISUl. III. Elijah Hankinson, b mar Losoy's schoolhouso, in Stillwater township, Sussex countv. N. J.. SepU ember IS, l,s27. m Mary C. Schooley. .hiu^^hter ..f Aaron C. Schooley, of Stillwater township, in Miiv. 18 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY 1856 She was b November 3, 1832. When Elijali was about two years of age the family removed to Hardwick township, Warren coun- ty on the farm afterward known as the "Home- stead," where his parents spent the rest of their lives. Here Elijah grew up, and here he lived for two years after his mamage. In the spring otl8o8 he removed to the farm "over the mountain, near Millbrook, in Pahaquarry township, which was the home for fifteen years, and where the four young- er children were born. In 1873 through business reverses, it was nec- essary to give up the farm, and the family removed to Stillwater. In his young manhood Elijan had taught in district schools for two or three winters, and now, after twenty years of life as a farmer he was able to qualify for teaching again, and spent the remaining nine >ears of his life m this worJc By so doing he kept up the home, and enabled the children to fit themselves lor the same profession In the summer of 1881 he became ill, and though he began his school work again in September it was necessary to give it up soon after, and he returned home. After a painful illness his death occurred on March 17, US82. He became a member of the Stillwater Pres- byterian church in youth, and remained m member- ship all his life, the Rev. T. B. Condit. who had received him into membership, preaching his funeral. His wife survived him for more than seven years, her death occurring September 20, 188i), at Blairs. town N J., to which place the family had lately remo'ved. She was buried beside her husband m the Stillwater cemetery. She was a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal church. C, George, Olive, Salhe, Frank, Fannie. IV George A. V. Hankinsou, b in Hardwick township, Warren county, N. J., February 11 8o-. When one year old the family removed to Millbrook, in the same county, and at sixteen years of age to Stillwater, Sussex county. He attended the pubhc V •J. y y •y. y. DKSCIJNDANTS OF i:i.SKY ANN N i; W I! A l< KK I'.i Hchool.s in tlioso two i)1(1('ch, and iifU'iwiird stiul ed under II priviito tutor. }{<• lic^'un tcncliiiig in Is?'), and tuu^ht in Sussex imd Wiirren counticH until ISSH, when he was elected principal of the public scIkjoI at Mountain View, Passaic county, and in 1 H[)',i be- came priiicii)al of the school at Little Falls. In lUOU he re.signed that jiosition and became e:boro, N. J. Farmer. Presbyterian. No issue IV, SiiUie Hunkinsoii, b Janmiiy 17, l.SC.M, ni ^^'alla<■e Shaw Ayres June 2o, Is.sb. Res I'l'.i North Laurel Street, Hazelton, Pa. Miniuf^f and Mechanical Engineer. Presi)yteriaii . No issue. IV. Frank Hankinson, b on the Hankinson farm, near Milll)rook, N J., March HI, lsG(i. When he was seven years of age the family removed to Still- water, and here his boyhood iwid early manhood \.'ere spent. At the age of 17 he began teaching in a country school near Branchville, and was after- wards in charge of several village schools, teaching two 3'ears at I'lcdoii. Johnsoiisbiu'g and Jilairstown. He then entered the State Normal School at West Ches- ter, Pa., graduating from both the Nornuil coui'se and the Scientific course, and was later graduated from New York University. In |S".).'{ he was electeil head of tlie ilepartm«jit of ^Lltht mati<'s in the Pc^s' Hijjh S< 1m «l ( f Head- ing, Pa., aiid was afterwards made Vice-Principal of the school. Here he remained for ten veam, and here. June L'S, J'.Xmi. he married Malnl Z , daugh- ter i>f K. S. Lichtenthaeler. While living in Heading be wan elected super- intendent of the First Presbvterian Sundav School, 20 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY and was ordained a ruling elder of the chnrch. In 1903 he resigned from the Reading jiosition and became teacher of Mathematics in the Manual Training High School of Brooklyn, N. Y., which po- sition he now holds. Congregationalist. C, V. Mary Hankinson, b January 2'.), 1902; Frances Haukinson, b March 29, 190G; George L. Hankinson, b March 19, 1908. IV. Fannie Hankinson, (twin) b March 81, 1S6G. Res Wellesley, Mass. Teacher. Presbyterian. III. Lanah Hankinson, b in Sussex county, N. J., August 27, 1830, m William W. France, July 4, 1853. He d May 23, 1907. P O Milford, Del William W. France was raised at Blairstown, N. J. At the age of 21 he began teaching ; taught three years, then took up Colportage ; was licensed a Local Preacher, and served in the ministry for six months at Cokesbury, N. J., and one year at Parsip- pany, N. J., when he resigned the ministry and engaged in the profession of Dentistry. Practiced for five years at Hope, New Jersey. Then in 18()4 came to Milford, Delaware, where he (continued to practice until October, 1904. C, Saron, Jessie. IV. Saron France, b August 21, 1854, d in Den- ver, Colorado, May 8, 1887, m Virginia Ribble in Reading, Pa., 1876. Printer. C, Frank, Earl. Y. Frank France, b August 13, 1877, m Alm- eda Anderson, Res Portland, Oregon. Comedian. C, VI. Everett France, V. Earl France, b November 29 1887, Res Cali- fornia, Electrical Engineer. S, ' IV. Jessie France, born November 29, 1803, m Ira E, Blazer April 3, 1884. Res 270 Morris Street, Phillipsburg, N. J, Agent Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. Presbyterian. C, Charles. V. Charles W. Blazer, b February 13, 1885, m Katharine Harkin, November 12, 1905. Res Allentowu, Pii. Structural Engineer. Mrs. B. Catholic. III. Elsey Margaret Hankinson, b August 9, 1834, d November 30, 1905. m George Hailman. No issue. KKANK II \NKi.N-tiN DESCENDANTS OF L V D I A N HWIJAKEI: DAU(iHTEK OF ANDKEW NEWBAKEli II. Lvdia Newhaker, !> in Warren conntv, N J Septoniher '2',i, ITilS, ,1 th.r.. April 20, IHV>U, m Ira C. Koy, November U. IMii. He wus h in ' Sussex county, N. J., June 8, 1797, d June 1(», I8r,l Tbey were farmers, and lived on the farm in Har.hvifk conveyed to Lydia Roy by her father, Andrew New! baker. The furiii is now owned and occupied by then- dau-hter, Mrs. Alonzo Huff. Thev were mem'- bers of the Presi)yterian church at Stillwater C Mary, Andrew, Charlet, Elizabeth, ELsev, Enos Eli! jah, Sarah. III. Mary E. Roy, b October li', LS 1 7, M .Mmch 31, 18W7, m William Snyder. He was b islo, d June 11), 18.-)-). Hotel keeper and Shoemaker. Meth odist Episcopal. C, Mary, Martha, Alice, Mar-aret Armiuda, Adalade. Lydia, Andrew, Donnda, Sarah'. IV. Mary Ann Snyder, b October 30, IHU, m John Gruver. P () Blairstown, N. J. No issue. IV. Martha E. Snvder, b Au^nist 21 Is'M d June <;, 1.S7S. S. IV. Alice Rebecca Snyder, b January 4. 1 s.J8 m Joseph Siiover. P O Blairstown, N. J. C, one son'. IV. Mai;,'aret Snyder, b in SlI^sex county N* J., July is. 1S4(>, m Sam.son 15. France Deceml)er 11>, IHCt;. PO Burlinpton, N. J. Retired Farmer. C, Minnie. V. Minnie Eveline France, b Decend>er <>, 1m;7 m Franklin C. BM/.urth. March lo, 1,s;m; p (j .Mt' Hnlly. N. J. R FD No. •_'. Faruicr. C, VI. Helen Frances Bozarth, !> Octol)er 21 1SU8- Mar<,'aret Snyder Bozarth, b May ."n. 1 iMKi; ' Khuer Neal Bozarth, b January 22, I'.io.'l. IV. Arminda Snyder, !> October it. Islj, „, Geornro O Dopue. d, (his second wife). P OBrai. nards. N .). No i.s.siuv l\. -Vdalade Snyder, b Feluniarv 17. Is J J d small. 22 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY IV. Lydia V. Snyder, b November 19, 1845, d small. IV. Andrew W. Snyder, b July 8, 1849, m Em- ma Pool. Res 242 Plane street, Newark, N. J. No issue. IV. Dorinda Eveline Snyder, b March 21, 1851, m Charles P. Johnson, December 31, 1872. P O Jobstown, N. J., RED No. 2. C, Mary, Alice. V. Mary Eveline Johnson, b October 23, 1875, m William H. Gratz, February 23, 1899. He d March 31, 1904. C, VI. Irving Hobart Gratz, b March 8, 1900; Alice Elizabeth Gratz, b July 21, 1902; William H. Gratz, b May 15, 1904. V. Alice Arminda Johnson, b February 12, 1879. IV. Sarah Frances Snyder, b February 7, 1854, d small. III. Andrew N. Roy, b December 14, 1819, d March 19, 1823. III. Charles N. Roy, b m Hardwick townshij), Warren county, N, J., August 23, 1822, d at New- ton, N. J„ June 13, 1893, m Mary Shuster, Dec. 23, 1852. She was b in Hardwick township, War- ren county, N. J., April 7, 1828, d at Newton, N. J., February 13, 1900. Farmer near Middleville, New Jersey. Presbyterian. C, Eliza, William, Condit. IV. Eliza Roy, b in Sussex county. New Jersey, Feb. 28, 1854. P O Newton, N. J. Presbyterian. S. IV. William Roy, b April 0, 1857, d December 27, 1861, IV. Condit Beers Roy, b May 14, 18G2. P O Newton, N. J. Presbyterian. S. III. Elizabeth Roy, b June 20, 1825, d March 19, 1887, ra Philip Schoonover, d. Farmer. Meth- od.'st Episcopal. C, Charles, Joseph. IV. Charles Schoonover IV. Joseph Schoonover, d m Kate Sauvegore. C, Olive, Addison. y. Olive Schoonover, m Albert Hooey. P O Stillwater, N. J, Farmer. Methodist Episcopal. C, JACOB NKWP.AKKR 38 VI. Helen noooy, Mildred Hooey, Edward Hoooy, Frances Hooey, Catharine Hooey. V. Addist)n Sclioonover, Kes New York. Elec- trician. S. II. El«ey ^Vun lioy, b March IG, lhl28, d Feb- ruary 15, 18.'} 1. H. Euos G. Roy, b September 15, 1830, d May 21, 1S8|, m Ann Bryant. She wa.s b in Canada in 1830, d 1S'.> . DentiHt in New York city. Meth- odist Episcopal. C, (leorjj'e, Frank, James, Annie, Carrie, Charles, Caroline. IV. George Edwin Roy, b d 1858. IV. Frank A. Roy, b October 21. 1857, m Fan- nie Louise Eugenie Holdridge. Dentist at .")'J7 Fifth avenue, New York. IV. James Bryant Roy, b December 24, 1859, m Elizabeth Aiken Wood. Res Chicago, 111. IV. Annie L. Roy, Res Denver, Col. IV. Carrie Estella Roy, m Fritz Schmitz, Res Texas. IV. Charles Edward Roy, d. IV. Caroline Wandell Roy, d. IB. Elijah H. Roy, 1) October 2, 1836, d in Brooklyn, New York, September, 1883, m Mary Theresa Levell. Ship Cai-jjenter in the Navv Yard. C, IV. Roy, d. III. Sarah Ann Roy, 1) in Sussex county, X. J., August 23, 1838, m Alonzo Huff, December 'J7, 1871. P O Hardwick, N. J. Farmer. Presbyterian. No issue. JACOB NEWBAKER, SON OF ANDREW NEWBAKER B. Jacob Newbaker was bom .\ugust l<;, isOl, and died July 14, 1823, aged 21 years, 11 mouths, 28 davs. 24 THE NE WEAKER HISTORY DESCENDANTS OF ANNA MARY NEWBAKER DAUGHTER OF ANDREW NEWBAKER II. Anna Mary Newbaker, h March 15, 1804, d January 30, ISTtt, ni John Vought, January 0, 1820. He was b June 28, 17«j3, d February^ 11, 181:7. He was a son of Andrew Vouglit, whu came from Germany, and was one of the early settlers of Frelinghuysen, Warren county. New Jersey. The tradition of the famil}- is that three brothers came from Germany. Two settled in Frelinghuysen town- ship, and the other brother located elsewhere and was lost sight of. Andrew Vought settled on a farm of 125 acres in Frehnghuysen township, then a com- plete wilderness tract, which he cleared and improved. The old homestead was conveyed to his son, John Vought, and is now owned and occupied by the latter's youngest son, Levi L. Vought. John Vought and wife were earnest and faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Stillwater, where they were buried. C, Jacob, Mary, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Sarali, Elsey, Andrew, Aaron, Whitfield, Levi. III. Jacob Newbaker Vought, b August 5, 1820, d April 15, 1871, m Marv Caroline Raub, Septem- ber 12, 1848. She was b October 5, 182i), d Feb- ruary 27, 1808. Farmer in Pennsylvania. Methodist Episcojial. C, Mary. IV. Mary Vought, b May 7, 1S51, lu Miner Stephens, d October 19, 18GH. Farmer. C, Benja- min. Mary m second husbaiul, Alfred Risley, Nov- ember, 1882. P O Meshoppan, Pa. Farmer. Meth- odist Episcopal. No issue. V. Benjamin Stephens, b December 20, 1872, m Hattie J. Dolaway, March 2(i, 185)4. P O Mont- Tone, Pa. Job Printer. C, VI. Nellie Mae Stephens, b August 20, 18<)(i; Paul Aaron Stephens, b January 3, 1808; May Eliza Stephens, b August 12, lOol, d September 12, 11)01; Fay Alden Stcpliciis, b November 11,1004, d Jan. MHS. ANNA MAKV VorfiHT DESt'KNDANTS OK ANNA MARY NKWHAKKR -V. nary 19, I'tOf); LeHlie Dulawny Stei)lH'iiH, h .Jiil\ |(i, T.MiV,, (1 .liih i;i, ilKKl III. Miiiy Vniif^'lit, h July I'd, lS'j;{, d OctolM^r 30, 1H.")4, lu John K. Teel. He whh 1) August, 1824, (1 October 28. 185)2. Farmer. PreHbyteriau. C, Lewis, Amui. IV. Lewis Marsliiill T»'fl, 1) July lit, l.stT. in Julia A. Keini)le, February Id, iMi'.t She vl March L'T, r.Mi.'). C. William, Kuberl, Harry, Holla, ni sec- ond wife, Eleanor Thompson, March I'.i, liinT. P^O Hackettstown, N. J. Traveling Salesman, later Far- mer, ^lethoilist Episcopal. V. William K. Teel, b July 17, 187(1. m Daisy Campbell. February 'J2, ISDO. V () Vienna. N. .f. Merchant. Methodist Episcopal. C, VI. Lillian Teel. V. Robert K. Teel, b May 20, 1S7.1, m Flor- ence C. Huntsman, Decemln-r 17, ls<)7. P O Hack- ettstown, N. J. Clerk iu Hardware store. Metho- dist Episcopal C, VI. M. Helen Teel. b March 2."), 18i)8; Arthur C. Teel, b March IH, IDOO. V. Hurry C. Teel, b October 12. ls77, m Alice Creveling. Kes 27 7th avenue, N. Y. Traveling Salesman. V. Holland M. Teel, 1) November 7, I8H(;. Stu- dent at Lafayette college, Easton, Pa. IV. Anna M. Teel, b in Warren county, N. J., Novendjer 17, 184i>, m Marshall Pittenger, April 2i), IMK'j. P O Vienmi, N. J. Mcrchatit. Methodist Kp. iHCo]>al No issue. III. Elizabeth E. Vought, b December 5, 182r>, d August \'2, 18SI, m John M. Kaub, October IC, 1847. He was b near Plairstown, N. J.. May '.», IS , d Fol)ruary IS, ISMJ, Farmer. Mrs. Uaiii), Methodist Episcopal. C, Anna, Minerva, Margaret. Rebecca, Mary, Michael, Isaac. IV. Anna Mary Haub, b November 2S, ls4s. d October S, I84it. |\. Minerva E. Ibiub. b March 'JO, 1 Sol, m Is- aac C. Hovell, Fel)ruarv. I h72, (Divorced ). Teacher. 2(5 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY C, John, Lizzie, Ollie, Eugene, Glenn, James, Miles, Arthur, Bessie, Agnes, Eva. Minerva m second husband, J. W. Eenfro, June, 1906, Ees Centralia, Wash. Timber Cruiser and Locater. V. John S. Howell, b December, 1872. Res Spokane, Wash. V. Lizzie Howell, b 1875, d 1S96. Methodist Episcopal. V. Ollie Howell, b 1875, m Willard Allen, 1895. Res Seattle, Wash. Clerk in Land Office. C, VI. Carmen Allen; Elithe Allen. V. Eugene Howell, b 1877. P O Monterano, Wash. Woodsman. V. Glenn Howell, b 1879, m Mae Sisson, Dec. ember 22, 1903. P O Newport, Wash. Cook. V. James G. Howell, b 1880, d 1880. V. Miles Howell, b 1882. P O Snohomish, Wash. Woodsman. y. Arthur Howell, b 1885. P O Centralia, Wash. Timber Cruiser and Locater. y. Bessie Howell, b 1887. P O Everett, Wash. Hosjiital Nurse. y. Agnes Howell, b 1890. y. Eva Howell, b 1890. IV. Margaret C. Eaub, b November 18, 1857, d November 20, 1882, m Clark Crisman. P O Stew- artsville, N. J. Farmer. Methodist Episcopal. C, Oscar. y. Oscar Crisman, b October 81, 187(5, m Ada A. Trimmer. October 25, 1905. P O Hope, N. J. Fanner. Methodist Episcopal. IV. Rebecca E. Ranb, b August 4, 1859, m Ehvood Leteer, April 23,1898. PO Monroe, Wash. Sawyer in shingle mill. Methodist Episcopal. No issue. JV. Mary Caroline Eaub, b November 10, 18G1, d Sei)tember 9, 18(52. IV. Michael J. Eaub, b June 22, 18(53, d Jan- uary 19, 18G4. IV. Isaac V. Eaub, b Februiirv 12, ]8(i5. JOs^KI'M WII.DRKK DESC1-:N IMAM'S (IF ANNA .M\K^ M:wI', A K i:i: -.'7 III. Kubecca Vou^^lit, 1. lY'bnmry •_'.{. iS-J.s, <1 Au-^'iist "Jl', iNST, III Aiiilivw H. S:iviic»>(il. He «lie«l Miirch :{|. 1S77, :i;,'t'(l .")(i yeiirs, |() iiiuiiths, !> ilays. FiinniT. Metlittdist Episi-ouiii. C, Aiiiicl. Kehecca 111 seooiul liushiiiul, Theodore Joliu.sdii. No issue. IV. Amiel D. Siivacool, 1> November -JJ, Isi't, il An^'ust ."), IS.")!. III. Sanib Ann Vou^^fbt, h Septeiubcr '.>, IHJK, ni AU'xaniler H. Freeman, March ;{, 1S.>:',. He was b in Sussex county, N. •)., Noveuiber is, iHJ.s, d Jiimimy Ki, I'.to.'J. Farmer. Methotbst Episcopal. C, Jobepliuie, Nettie, Alpheus, M:iry, A(Ube. IV. Josephine M. Freeman, b December '.», 1S53, a July -in, is.jC. IV. Nettie Eu<,'eiiia Freeman, b June 3, l.sSS, m Jauies H. EiI;,'erton. July 4, isTT. P O Paulina, N. J. Laborer; formerly tau;,'ht sin','ing^ school and tjave music lessons. Methodist Episcopal. C, Charles, John, Ethel, Frank. V. Charles Grant Ed^erton. W .Vu^nist is, ISTS, lu Uose A. Titman, December 24, lUiKi. lies IMJ Rose street, Phillipsburj^, N. J. Employee Lehigh i\. Hudson U. R Attend Methodist Episcopal church. V. John J. Edjjferton, b Ai)ril 1(). ISSl, d Feb- ruary S, ISS.'i \. Ktliil May Kd'.'ertoJi, b May •_'.!, 1H8;{, d No- vember 1, lss7. V. Frank Alexander Edgerton, b June '_'(», ISST. IV. Alpheus Janu-- I^ceman, b June •"». Isc-J. d January KI, lht;;{. |\, Mary Malvenia Freeman, l> November *J0, lSG:i, m John S. Decker, Decjt,il>er 24. issl. Hen 25.S Sprinj^ street, Newton, N. J. Piano Salesman. Presbyterian. C, \, Arthur Hoe Decker, 1' .September 14, lS'.»i>, .1 April I, Is'.tl: Hubert Hutchinson Decker, !• June 21, nUHi. IV. Addie E. Freeman. b October 1, l>«i)ri, m Bracklev S. Titman. Res 5 Fairmoiint avenue, West C)rant,'e. N f Carpenter. Raptist. C, 28 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY V. Sadie Erama Titman; Russell Edward Titman; Harold R. Titman; Mildred Hazel Titman; Ray- mond Titman, d; "Wilbur Titman, d, III. Elsey Hankinaon Vought, b March 8, 1832, d May 28, 1878, m James McCarrick Willson, Feb- ruary 26, 1852. He was b at Liberty ville, Sussex county. New Jersey, October \'.], 1828. Res G15 East Market street, Scranton, Pa, Carpenter. Meth- odist Episcopal. C, Samuel, Anna, Sarah, Elsey, Caroline, Minnie. IV. Samuel John Willson, b at Marksboro, "War- ren county. New Jersey, November IG, 1858, m Abi- gail Elizabeth Decker,' April 29, 1879. Res G15 E. Market street, Scranton, Pa. Mrs. "W^illson, Presby- terian. C, Sadie, Margaret, Gertrude. V. Sadie Forreston "Willson, b November 28, 1882. Presbyterian. S. V. Margaret Cora Willson, b January 22, 1885, m Eugene Herman Mayer, September, 1907. Res 1418 Olive street, Scranton, Pa. Piano Tuner. Mrs. Mayer, Presbyterian. V. Gertrude Ethel Willson, b January 12, 1901. IV. Anna Mary Willson, b March 27, 1855, d February 14, 1880, m Lewis Cass Case, January 9, 187G. He d April I, 1900. Grocery Clerk. Bap- tist. C, My r tie. V. My r tie May Case, b October 5, 1879, m Charles M. Barnes, March 1, 1900. Res G Clinton Place, Scranton, Pa. Electrician. Baptist. IV. Sarah Elizabeth WilLson, b March 21, 1858, ni Samuel S. Miller, November 15, 1873. He d Printer. Baptist. C, Alice, Maud, Lewis, Satnuel, Caroline, Flora. V. Alice Care.> Miller, b April 4, 1875, d Feb- ruary 28, 1878. V. Maud E. Miller, b Julv IS, 1878, d April 1, 1882. V. Lewis Cass Case Miller, b November 30, 1880, m Jennie M. Hendricks, August 5, 1898. She d December G, 1899. C, Mary. Lewis m second wife. MRS. .^ARAH I,F:NA RNOVER UESCKN DAM'S OF ANNA MAliV NKWHAKKU J'.t Berthii A Oliustoutl, April l."., I'.Mi'J. lUs .')(»(; IJiou*!- way, Scrjiiitoii, Pii. L5iirli(,r. Mrs. Miller, Metliodint Episcopal. C, Eiirl, Mui)i-1, Ji. iliiiul. VI. Mary Alice Miller. I) July C. l,s:»'.». Eiirl Jaiiu's Miller, b Jiimmrv 2, I'.Urh, d March '.». V.W.]. Miihel Merle Miller, 1. April 1»<;, llM).-). Koluiul Kermit Miller. I) October 24, I'.toT. V. Samuel S. Miller, h June 8, IHHli, ,1 Jan. uary U». LS.sG. "v. Caroline E. Miller, h November >, IMS."). lies Scrantun, Pii. 8. V. Flora M. Miller, b November 23, 1H.S7, m Wilmer B. StoulTer, October lU), llH)'). lies Atlums nvenne, Scrantun, Pti. Si;,'n Piiinter. C, VI. Wilmer B. StuutTer, i) Septemi)er 2.'). litoC. IV. Elsey Kebecca Savacool Willson, b July 21, 1851), d November 7, lsS2, m Edwiird WuriuJin, June 13, 1877. PO Sundford, Flu ? Macbini.st. Bap- tist. C, Judson, ^Villirtm. V. Judson J limes Warman. b m V O Athmtii, Ga. y. Williivm Enoch Wiiriniin, b P O Fit/Keriihl, Ga. IV. Caroline Emnni Willson, b Auj^ust IS, 18G3, d June '.>, 18l»S. m Williiim G. Jones. Heal Estate Af.jent. Biiptist. No issue. IV. Minnie Miiy Willson, b Au^Mist 23, 18G.S, m Maurice G. Hiiupt, September 12, 18S'J. Bus 521 .\dams iiveiiue, Scranton, Pa. Wholesale Lumlier Dealer. Mr. Haupt, Prehbyteriun; Mrs Hiiiipt, Bap- tist. No issue. III. Andrew N. Vou^dit, b in Warren county, New Jersey, February 23, 1.S31, m Ellen Hibler, De- ceml>er 1".», ISOl. P O Middleville, N. J Farmer. Methodist Episcopal. C, Emma. Sadie. |\. Iliuma E. V..u;,'ht, b December 17. 1 s«;2. d January 27, 1,SS3 Methnli^t Episcopal IV, Sadie E. Vou;,'ht, I) .luj^ust 15, iSt;.'), ni Charles Monroe, Feltruary :{, l.s.s7 lies Elizabet h, N. J. IJ. )ar, 1836, m Catha- rine Raub, July 1, 1858. P O Orwell, Pa. Retired Far- mer. Methodist Episcopal. C, Katie, Anna, Emma, Aaron. IV, Katie Vought, b in Warren county, N. J., July 2, 1859. m Milton Cahill. Res 253 West 15th street. New York. Merchant. No issue. IV. Anna Vought, b in Luzerne county. Pa., May 9, 18G3, m William J. Brown. Res 1013 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Machinist. German Reformed. No issue. IV. Emma E. Vought, b October 25, 1864, m S. Ward Rogers. Res 107 Public street, Athens, Pa. C, Winnefred, Alta. y. Winnefred Rogers, b V. Alta Belle Rogers, b Killed by the Black Diamond express, June, 1906. IV. Aaron W. Vought, b Res Nebraska. S. IH. Whitfield H. Vought, b July 31, 1838, m Phebe Albertson, 1865. She d C, Elwood. Whitfield m second wife, Mrs. Susan Lateer, (nee Decker). She d 1903. P O Middleville, N. J. Far- mer. Methodist Episcopal. IV. Elwood S. Vought, b October. 1877, m Mar- garet Long. Res 625 Arctic avenue, Atlantic City, N J. Machinist. IH. Levi L. Vought, b August 2, 1841, m Ruth Parr, December 30, 1869, She d October 24, 1884. C, Andrew, Myrtie. Levi m second wife, Mary Bonker, April 4, 1896. P O Newton, N. J., R F D No. 2. Farmer. Presbyterian. C, Arthur, Mabel. IV. Andrew Vought, b June 14,1871, d at Pu- eblo. Col., September 19, 1891. Clerk. S. IV. Myrtie M. Vought, b Febrnar> 2, 1879, Res 24 Green avenue, Brooklyn, New York. School Teach- er. Methodist Episcopal. IV. Arthur L. Vought, b July 25, 1897. IV. Mabel Vought, b February 13, 1902. 81 DESCENDANTS OF SAKAH IJINA NEWBAKEU DAUCiHTEU OF ANDKEW NEWHAKEK II. Siir:ili Leiui Newhaker, 1) August 2, isot), il lit Bliiirstowu, N. J., IHH'J, m JoHepb J. Snover in 1824. Ho was b 17'.>1), d 1870. Ho was a son of Jacob Suovor. The family was of Holland Dutch ancestry. Joseph J. Snover was a large man, six feet tall, and weighed al)i)ut 1*00 pounds. He was a farmer, and lived in lilairstown township, on a farm inherited by his wife, Sarah, from her father, Andrew Now baker. Tiie farm is still owned l)y their son, .\udrew N. Snover. Presbyterian. C, Esther, Mary, Andrew, Belinda III. Esther Jane Snover, b 1825, m John L. Smith, d. P O Columbia, N. J. Farmer. Methodist Episcopal. C, Planning, Mary, Sarah. Marshall. IV. Manning Smith, d single. IV. Mary Smith, d single. IV. Sarah Smith, d single. IV. Marshall Smith, d, m Sarah Bader. C. Clark, Kosco. V. Clark Smith, P O Orange, N. J. V. Rosco Smith, P O Columbia, N. J. III, Miiry Ann Snover, d 18'.>5, m Philip Hill in l.sGo. Methodist Episcopal. No issue. IB. Andrew N. Snover, b August 9, 1830, m Sarah K. Teel, 1868. Res Stroudsburg, Pa. Farm- er. Presbyterian. C, Mary. IV. Mary B. Snover, l» in IStl'.t, m (reorgeM. Weaver in IS'.Ki. PO Stroudsburg, Pa. Salesman. Christian Science. No issue. III. Belinda R. Snover, b May 2",, 1832. m J..h n C. Crisman, October 2, bs'io, by Kev. John .\. Ki- ley. P O Blairstown, N. J. Farmer. Presbyterian. C, Lucinda, Andrew, Arrisa. Mary, John. IV, Lucinda .\nn Crisman, b .Vju-il 'Jo, IS.')!, d Juno 22, \s')i. IV. Andrew S. Crisman, b October .'), ls')<"i, d March 12, I'.toT, m Augusta Bobbins, June 3, issG. 32 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY Kes 178 "Washington street, Phillipsburg, New Jer- sey. Presbj terian. C, V. Eliza Crisiuan, b January 1, 1890. IV. Arrisa Crisman, b March 20, 1859, ru Lewis Hess, December 22, 1891. P O Blairstown, N. J. Hardware Merchant. Presbyterian. No issue. IV. Mary S. Crisman, b June 16, 1861. IV. Johii Marshall Crisman, b July 17, 1864, m Alma Ingersoll, October 15, IS90. P O Blairs- town, N. J. Farmer. C, V. Wallace Crisman, b September 29, 1892, d De- cember 21, 1892; Fredia Crisman, b November 6, 1893; Virginia Crisman, b September 15, 1895. DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE NEWBAKER DAUGHTER OF ANDREW NEWBAKER II. Phebe Newbaker, b April 20, 1809, d 1856, m Joseph Wildrick. He was b 1799, d 1892. He was a son of Philip Wildrick. The Wildrick ances- tor came from Holland. Farmer at Paulina, N. J. Presbyterian. C, Philip, Mary, Andrew^, Elizabeth, Mellv, Aaron, Sarah, Malette. HI. Philip Wildrick, b May 31, 1S29, d 1873, m Matilda Lerch. Slate business. C, Sallie, Lizzie, Jose])hine, Rose, Miriam, Mabel, Kelsey, Mark. IV. Sallie Wildrick, m Bender. Res College Hill, Easton, Pa. Farmer. No issue. IV. Lizzie Wildrick, Res 830 Walnut street, Al- lentown, Pa. No further report. III. Mary Anna Wildriek, b 1831, d June 6, 1884. m Benjamin Chamberlain. No issue. III. Andrew N. Wildrick, b September 15, 1832, d 1905, m Jane Slate business. C, Annie, Lizzie, Maggie. IV. Annie Wildrick IV. Lizzie Wildrick IV. Maggie Wildrick. m Jones. P O Slat- iugtoii, Pa. No further report. « H.VULK> M. .NKWHAKKU DESCENDANTS (»F CHAKI.KS H NKWHAKKK :W III. Kliziiheth Wildii.-k, 1. I s;;;{. ,1 I'.tot. ;„ Wil. liiuii (rritVitli. No iHHtie III. M.lly Wil.liick. 1. IS.}.-,. 1' () Hl.iii-stown, N. .1. Drosiimkir. Mt-thoilist EpiHropiil. S. III. Aaron K. Wildrick. h April i:{, 1m:{7, m Aliufcclii Drake. April 4. 1H72. PO rauliim, N. .). Fanner. l'reslt\ terian. C, Jennie, Nellie. IV. Jennie Mae Wildrick, 1) April '2'*, ls74, ni Aha .J. Eilenherj,', June IH, IHiJ'). Hew Banj^jnr, Pa. Mannfactiirin^' Structural Slate. Presbyterian. No iB8ue. IV. Nellie C. Wil.lnck, 1. March 22, IKHO, m Aufjustu.s D. Hopping', Decenil)er KJ, V.HV.i. Rew 243 North atli street, Newark. N. J. Leather japaner. No i.ssue. IH. Sarah Wildrick. I) IH'M, d lUUU, nj Jaiuea Stephens. No issue. 111. Maletta Wildrick, m Owen Hughes. Kes 4.")1 Mercer street, Jei^sev Citv, N. J. No issue. •*♦*► CATHERINE NEWBAKEH, DAUdHTEll OF ANDREW NEWl'.AKEK II. Catherine Newbaker, 1> .January U. 1*^14, d DESCENDANTS OF CHAIJLKS H. NKWHAKKli SON OF ANDKl.W NFWl'.AKFK I. Charles Hardin;,' Newliaker, 1) in Hard wick township, Warren county, New Jersey, Oct«)l)er 7. 1817, d there April 10." 1H7H; m Mary Ann Hill. February 2<>. IHMH, by Rev. T B. Condit. She wa.s b in Walpack townsliip, Sussex cinnity. New Jersey. February 2:^, ISIW. d November 22. I'.IOU. He wa-s a fanner, and liveil on the old homestead of Ids fath. er in Hardwick townshii^. now owned and occupied 84 THE NEWBAiiER HIBTORY by Alonro Hill. He also for many years carried ob the cooper buHiueBs at Newbaker's Corner!^,manaifac- turing butter tubb, tirkius, etc. He and hin mother were the administrators of his father's estate. Meth- odist Episcopal. C, Sarah, Susanna, Mar>, Andrew, Lucinda, Jacob, Emma, Charles. Virginia, Ida. III. Sarah Elizabeth Newbaker, b May 4, 1839, m David H. Reeder, January 1, 18G7, by Rev. J. Tindall. P O Blairstown, N.'j. Blacksmith. Meth- udist Episcopal C, Lena. IV. Lena M Reeder, b December 12, 1807, m Eugene S. Goble, December 24, 1887. He d Au- gust 28, 1900. P O Great Meadows, N. J. Black, smith and Farmer. Presbyterian. C, V. Raymond David Goble] b October 21, 1888; Harrv Lester (4oble, b April 24, 1892; Lizzie Mav Goble, b April 25, 1895; Floyd Leigh Goble, b November 14, 1890. III."^ Susanna Catharine Newbaker, b March 1(5, 1841, m William H. Lambert, July 4, 18G3, by R©v. Walter Chamberlain. P O Stillwater, N. J. Farm- er. Methodist Episcopal. C, Edward, Alfred, Mary, Mav, Reuben, Alexander, Charles, William, Myrtie. " IV. Edward E. Lambert, b Aj^ril 17, 18G4, m Louisa R. Crouse, December 22, 1884. P O Huuts- ville, N. J. Farmer. C, V. Vincent J. Lambert, b May 15, 1888; Mary A. Lambert, h September 30, 1891; Susanna C. Lambert, b June 21, 1893. IV. Alfred J. Lambert, b August 31, 18HC, d October 7, 18<)(>. IV. Mary J. Lambert, b August 3, 18(57, d Ap- ril 7, 1892, m Joseph A. Staley, December 25, 1887. Farmer. Methodist Episcopal. C, V. Maggie A. Stalev; Emmet Staley, d 1889. IV. Mabel Lambert, b October 28, 1870, m John Maring. P O Hardwick, N. J. Farmer. Methodist Episcopal. C, V. Norman Maring. IV. Reuben \V. Lambert, b January 22. 1872, m Edith Hutf, Mav 15, 1901. Res 5 Ashford St., DESCENDANTS OF CIIAUI.KS H. NEWHAKKK 3.'. Newton, New JerHey. Car^>entfcr. Metbudist EpiHCopal. IV. Alexander Lambert, 1) April ;{(), 1IS7-4, m Emma A. Anderson, Au^nist i:{, IIMCJ. V O Still- water, N. J. Farmer. Methodist KpiscDpal. C, V. Mildred T. Lambert, b July 12, IIM)-,. IV. Charles L. Lambert, ») April 11, 1877. m Alice Huff, r.M>:{ P O Stillwater, N. .1. Lal)()rer. Methodist Epis<'opal. C, V. Cieor«,'e E. Lambert, b October 28, 11M)5. IV. William M. Lambert, b October '2i\, 1879. RcH 217 Mercer street, Cxloucester, N. J Train dispatcher. IV. Myrtie A. Lambert, b May 22, 1883, d February Hi. 1884. II. Mary Jane Newliaker, b February 19, 1843, m Samuel B. Youmans, January 21, 18G3, by Uev. I. N. Vaiisant. Res 38 Clinton street, Newton, New Jeraey. Methodist Episcopal. C, IV. J. Clark Youmans, b m Ues Kansas. Cora Youmans, i» lies New York City. S. Dora Youmans, b m Belle Youman.s. b P O Newton, N. J. S. Minnie Youmans, 1» d J. Craifij Youmans, b S. lU. Anilrew E. Newbaker, b on the old home, stead in Hardwick town»hip, Warren county, New Jei-sev, Aii'Mist 2'J, 1840, m Martha Fretz, Decem. t)er 2'), I8r»'.>. She was born in Bedminster township, Bucks county, Pa.. July 25. 18r)(>. U«s 807 East Ontario street, Philadelphia, Pa. CariH!nl«,-r. Mr.s. Newbaker. Methodist Episcopal. C, Mary. Florence. IV. Mary Bell Newbaker, b in Buckw county. Pa, April 20, 1871, m John W. Barandon, Novem- l)er 1«;, 1892. Res 807 East Ontario street. Phila- delphia, Pa. Mana<,'er of the Commonwealth Bene- ticial assobiatioii. 219 South Sixtii stre«;t, Philadel- phia, Pa. Mr. Barandon, Epi.scopal; Mrs. Barandon, ilethodist Episcopal. No itmue. IV. Florence Ellen Newbiiker, b in Bucks coun- tv. Pa., November 2(>. 187G, m Howaril L. Thoiup- Bon, February, 189<'>. lies 314 Miicon streft. Brook- 36 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY lyn, New York. Foreman in book bindery. Meth- odist Episcopal. C, Y. Elsie Thompson, b October 8, 1896. III. Lucinda Ellen Newbaker, b January 3, 1848, d December 4, 1870. Methodist Episcopal. C, Warren. IV. Warren J. Newbaker, b April 1(5, 18G9, d September 5, 1884. Killed in an accident in the Merriam Shoe factory at Newton, N, J. III, Jacob Nehemiah Newbaker, b in Hardwick township, AVarren county, New Jersey, March 24, 1850, m Isabelle Savercool, January 1, 1870. P O Columbia, N. J. Carpenter. C, Daisy, Charles. IV. Daisy Eileen Newbaker, b March 10, 1877, m N. * B. Litts, September 24, 1900. Res 224 Fourth Htreet, Union Hill, N. J. Trainman. IV. Charles James Newbaker, b May 17, 1879, m Frances L. VanSyckle. P O Columbia, New Jer- sey. Carpenter. C, y. Lloyd J. Newbaker, b January 12, 1903; Daisy Belle Newbaker. b February 10, 1900. III. Emma Map^daleua Newbaker, b January 26, 1853, "d June 18, 1890, m Lewis Rice, December 28, 1871. He was b January 1, 1851, P O Blairs- town, N. J. Farmer. C, Jesse, Sarah, O.scar, Or- man, Eugene, Georgianna, Malvena. IV. Jesse N. Rice, I) December 10, 1872, d No- vember 21, 190(), m May Maring, April 0, 1890. P O Blairstown, N. J. Carpenter. C, V. Ethel Gertrude Rice, b December 1, 1898, d Sep- tember 0, 1900; Edith Helen Rice, b September 0, 1903. IV. Sarah T. Rice, b May 30, 1874, m Frank Kithcart. P O Netcong, N. J. Proprietor of Hotel Imperial. IV. Oscar S. Rice, b May 30, 1874, (twin), m Mrs. Flossie Tygar, (nee Henderson). P O Land- ing, N. J. Agent. C, V. Gerald Rice. IV. Orman A. Rice, b January 10, 1877. IV.* L. Eugene Rico, b April "l8, 1881. IV. Georgianna Rice, b October 20, 1889. IV. Malvena E. Rice, b Jane 10, 1892. X y DESCKNDAJtTS OF ClIAHI.r.S H NK\M'.aK1.I» J; III. ClmrleH Eilwiinl N«'\vl.iikfr. I. .M.i.v 2_'. IN.').-), (1 l'\'l)iuinv IS, 1!MM;, III Kiiiiiiii Ji. 0;^il«'n, D, IHTll, iii Jessie Yooiniiiis Rice, SeptPiiib.r 21, i;»()4. V () liliiirstc.wn, N ,J. Fnr- iiitiirt' iiiul UiHU-rtjikiiij,' l'nNl)vtiriiiii C, V. .Joycelyn Elizabeth Newbaker, I) November '.U), 1 '.")()(). IV. Vincent .1. Nt^wbiikei-. b at lilairstown, N. J . Mardi U. 1SS4. P O Mi.bUf^viU.-, N. J. For- uierlv Dnis^'Mst in Paterson, N. .1., biter Farmer. Methodist Episcopal. S. III. Viifji-inia Aihibne Newltaker, I) in Harilwick tnwii.ship, Warren C'lmty, New Jersey, February 20, ISoS, 111 Isaac D Mitchell, July :}, i«8U, by Rev. T. B C-ndit PO Nazareth, Pa. Florist and Gar- tlener. Moravians. C, Chirence, Edward, P<'ail, Jen- nie. Harry, Mary, Conrad, Leshe IV. Clarence D Mitchell, b at Blairstown, New Jei*sey, November 27, ISSl, m Edith M Brooks, Au- ^nist 1. I'.MIl. Res MH Hid;,'e aveiiiie, Piiiladeiphia, i'li. Comluctor. M"ravians. No issue (P.H»7). IV. Edward C. Mitchell, b in Warreu county. New Jersey. June 2(i. 1S.S4 IV. Pearl M Mitchell. 1) in Hardwick township, Waneii c"Miity, New Jei-sey, Octnlier 4, 1SS<>, ni John .\. Vannatta, September 11, I'.t'iJ 1' () Naz- areth, Pa. Merchant Lutheran.s. C, V. Vir^'iiiia .\ Vannatta, 1) March 4, P.M):^. Hazel M Vannatta. b ()ctol>er 4. P.M)4; Morris 1) \'annatta, b February 7, r.Ml7, IV. Jtimie E. Mitchell, b .it H ijhj, New Jersey, Miiv 12. ISHS, d Mav 22, iss'.). \\, Harry C Mitchell, b November M), lH\h), d Fel)ruary 27, 1S'.»2 IV. Maiy V Mitehell, b at Blairstown. New Jer.sev, March 27. IS'.CJ. IV. Conrad M. Mitchell, b March ."). IHIM!, d Au{?ust 27, iK'.tS. 88 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY IV. Leslie T. Mitchell, b August 23, 1897, d August 24, 1897. III. Ida Caroline Capitolia Newbaker, b in Hard- wick township, Warren county, New Jersey, Aug- ust 24, 1861, m George B. Campbell, December 30, 1891. P O Stillwater, N. J. Laborer. Methodist Episcopal. No issue. VALEDICTION As ^,•e reach the close of tliis little voltune, and ere we lay down oar pen, we a»l(l a few parting worda About one hundred and twenty five vearM ago the pioneer ancestor of the Newhaker family emi- grated from Europe to America. The motive that led hiiu to cross the ocean to these shores is un- known. Perhaps he, in common with othere, came hither to better himself in tem|)oral affairs. Here he established his home, and by industry and frugality accumulated much property. He reared a large and niteresting family to bless his days. His home was a Christian home, and his family were taught to revere the religion of Jesus Christ, to honor God's house, and by his Godly ex- ample and instruction they were early led to secure an interest in saving grace, and to identify them- selves with the church of Jesus Christ. The naiue of the progenitor is found in a list of members of the German or Dutch Reformed cliurch at Stillwater in IT'.H. The old stone church in which he worshiped stood on the east side of the road, just within the enclosing wall of the oUl graveyard. After services were tliscontinued in this church he evidently worshiped with the Presbyterians the re- mainder of his life. The Newbaker family antl their descendants, as a whole, were, and are, a Christian people, and for the most part connected with the Presbyterian and the Methodist Episcopal churches. Many t>f th« fam- ilv wore members of anil worshiped at the Presliy. t 40 THE NEWBAKER HISTORY t terian church at Stillwater, of which the Kev. T. B. Condit, one of the most eminent divines of the Pres byterian church of New Jersey, was pastor for 43 years, and who, during his long and eventful pas- torate, received into mejuberehij) in the church, bap- tized, performed the rite of holy matrimony, and preached the funeral sermons of many meml)er8 of the family. Others were members of, and wor- shiped at, the Harmony Methodist Episcopal church near Stillwater, and in the graveyards of these two churches were laid to rest all that was mortal of many of the descendants to await the final resur- rection of the body. The pious ancestors have long since gone to their eternal rest. May we ever bless their memory for their unyielding faith in God and the world's Redeemer. They fought well the battles of life, and thus they have passed on to their eternal rewards. May their self-denying, Godly lives and examples rest with benediction power upc^n us while we bide our time and follow in their footsteps, preserving unsiillied the family name. Dear reader, are 3-ou a follower of Jesus? If not. let me remind you of the saintly, (4odly an- cestors whose forms have so long slept in their quiet graves, of their suffering for the faith, their victo- ry in death, their crowning in the Father's Hou.se, wiiere they await the home-coming of the faithful loved ones. Let me point you to the Savidui- tliey loved, and to the God they served. Let me entreat you to do likew'ise. A. J. FKETZ. Milton, N. J.. .April "iO, 1008. 7. y INDEX 1 Audrew Newbaker, in Mary Kisbpauf^h, 5 2 Anua Newbaker, m John Vou^'ht, 24 2 Charleb H. Newbaker, ni Mary Aun Hill, 33 2 Elizabeth Newbaker, m William Teel. 7 2 Elsey Ann Newbaker, in ThoinaH H. Hankiijson, i> 2 Lydia Newbaker, m Ira C lloy, 21 2 Pheb« Newbaker, m Jose])!! WiUirick, 32 2 Sarah Lena Newbnkei-, m Jusejih Snover. ;{1 THE NEWBAKER FAMILY HISTORY 1